[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 24822, 6, 8, 2146, 5331, 63, 9, 3, 12823, 47, 3, 21726, 12, 8, 2808, 1775, 6, 84, 47, 258, 3, 60, 4350, 26, 96, 329, 994, 5807, 896, 121, 41, 189, 302, 3, 60, 7003, 53, 8, 564, 6, 68, 59, 8, 21286, 27597, 137, 1029, 24822, 12, 7434, 6, 8, 5034, 3570, 9418, 26, 13369, 20, 5772, 9, 27642, 11, 4726, 896, 5, 86, 7434, 4726, 896, 47, 5679, 139, 662, 315, 20, 5772, 9, 27642, 10, 1839, 402, 107, 2229, 51, 32, 75, 6, 27257, 2018, 26, 138, 839, 6, 22301, 17, 20028, 11274, 4557, 9, 11, 2798, 23, 235, 3736, 2975, 2638, 6, 3094, 8, 381, 13, 20, 5772, 9, 27642, 12, 26653, 5, 1541, 258, 6, 16, 3, 9, 20, 685, 32, 3107, 6, 8, 829, 5034, 3570, 6, 3, 2544, 20, 5772, 9, 27642, 141, 57, 258, 966, 5147, 3, 9, 712, 4150, 616, 6, 1553, 12, 36, 1702, 3, 9, 29443, 13, 4726, 896, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 2817, 227, 8, 18917, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In 1941, the General Anaya borough was merged to the Central Department, which was then renamed "Mexico City" (thus reviving the name, but not the autonomous municipality). From 1941 to 1970, the Federal District comprised twelve delegaciones and Mexico City. In 1970 Mexico City was split into four different delegaciones: Cuauhtémoc, Miguel Hidalgo, Venustiano Carranza and Benito Juárez, increasing the number of delegaciones to sixteen. Since then, in a de facto manner, the whole Federal District, whose delegaciones had by then almost formed a single urban area, began to be considered a synonym of Mexico City.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What happened after the merger?
[ 3, 60, 7003, 53, 8, 564, 6, 68, 59, 8, 21286, 27597, 1 ]
reviving the name, but not the autonomous municipality
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 24822, 6, 8, 2146, 5331, 63, 9, 3, 12823, 47, 3, 21726, 12, 8, 2808, 1775, 6, 84, 47, 258, 3, 60, 4350, 26, 96, 329, 994, 5807, 896, 121, 41, 189, 302, 3, 60, 7003, 53, 8, 564, 6, 68, 59, 8, 21286, 27597, 137, 1029, 24822, 12, 7434, 6, 8, 5034, 3570, 9418, 26, 13369, 20, 5772, 9, 27642, 11, 4726, 896, 5, 86, 7434, 4726, 896, 47, 5679, 139, 662, 315, 20, 5772, 9, 27642, 10, 1839, 402, 107, 2229, 51, 32, 75, 6, 27257, 2018, 26, 138, 839, 6, 22301, 17, 20028, 11274, 4557, 9, 11, 2798, 23, 235, 3736, 2975, 2638, 6, 3094, 8, 381, 13, 20, 5772, 9, 27642, 12, 26653, 5, 1541, 258, 6, 16, 3, 9, 20, 685, 32, 3107, 6, 8, 829, 5034, 3570, 6, 3, 2544, 20, 5772, 9, 27642, 141, 57, 258, 966, 5147, 3, 9, 712, 4150, 616, 6, 1553, 12, 36, 1702, 3, 9, 29443, 13, 4726, 896, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 242, 8, 2214, 294, 13, 8, 2646, 6, 149, 186, 844, 130, 132, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In 1941, the General Anaya borough was merged to the Central Department, which was then renamed "Mexico City" (thus reviving the name, but not the autonomous municipality). From 1941 to 1970, the Federal District comprised twelve delegaciones and Mexico City. In 1970 Mexico City was split into four different delegaciones: Cuauhtémoc, Miguel Hidalgo, Venustiano Carranza and Benito Juárez, increasing the number of delegaciones to sixteen. Since then, in a de facto manner, the whole Federal District, whose delegaciones had by then almost formed a single urban area, began to be considered a synonym of Mexico City.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: For the middle part of the century, how many areas were there?
[ 13369, 20, 5772, 9, 27642, 11, 4726, 896, 1 ]
twelve delegaciones and Mexico City
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 12998, 15, 16, 508, 294, 12, 8, 399, 7, 76, 9, 1938, 13, 6978, 3, 17598, 232, 32, 28769, 20, 2133, 49, 6, 4726, 896, 47, 3934, 250, 34, 47, 8, 1530, 13, 8, 684, 31, 7, 2074, 11, 892, 6, 237, 713, 7227, 2339, 2046, 32, 47, 4645, 12, 8, 1530, 20187, 120, 5, 37, 1160, 47, 2314, 30, 1671, 14985, 507, 2266, 6, 11, 4442, 20, 747, 920, 3, 9, 1774, 616, 13, 192, 5533, 7, 2812, 13642, 6, 6192, 9704, 61, 3, 12809, 30, 8, 6226, 1489, 32, 5, 100, 616, 47, 258, 12494, 45, 8, 1015, 13, 4726, 6, 19060, 24, 538, 31, 7, 789, 12, 888, 45, 8, 12530, 13, 8, 86, 1169, 7, 4749, 41, 7651, 3312, 13, 11511, 6852, 61, 16, 8, 690, 12, 3, 13598, 509, 509, 5, 100, 616, 410, 59, 560, 8, 2074, 6881, 13, 8, 11228, 13, 638, 63, 32, 9, 75, 12916, 6, 3, 4, 32, 9737, 173, 509, 6, 1212, 226, 1950, 17, 8128, 32, 11, 332, 40, 138, 2837, 6, 66, 13, 84, 3, 7361, 38, 294, 13, 8, 1015, 13, 4726, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 19, 59, 3, 9, 336, 564, 6, 20, 2133, 49, 42, 6226, 1489, 32, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Due in large part to the persuasion of representative Servando Teresa de Mier, Mexico City was chosen because it was the center of the country's population and history, even though Querétaro was closer to the center geographically. The choice was official on November 18, 1824, and Congress delineated a surface area of two leagues square (8,800 acres) centered on the Zocalo. This area was then separated from the State of Mexico, forcing that state's government to move from the Palace of the Inquisition (now Museum of Mexican Medicine) in the city to Texcoco. This area did not include the population centers of the towns of Coyoacán, Xochimilco, Mexicaltzingo and Tlalpan, all of which remained as part of the State of Mexico.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which is not a last name, de Mier or Zocalo?
[ 6226, 1489, 32, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 12998, 15, 16, 508, 294, 12, 8, 399, 7, 76, 9, 1938, 13, 6978, 3, 17598, 232, 32, 28769, 20, 2133, 49, 6, 4726, 896, 47, 3934, 250, 34, 47, 8, 1530, 13, 8, 684, 31, 7, 2074, 11, 892, 6, 237, 713, 7227, 2339, 2046, 32, 47, 4645, 12, 8, 1530, 20187, 120, 5, 37, 1160, 47, 2314, 30, 1671, 14985, 507, 2266, 6, 11, 4442, 20, 747, 920, 3, 9, 1774, 616, 13, 192, 5533, 7, 2812, 13642, 6, 6192, 9704, 61, 3, 12809, 30, 8, 6226, 1489, 32, 5, 100, 616, 47, 258, 12494, 45, 8, 1015, 13, 4726, 6, 19060, 24, 538, 31, 7, 789, 12, 888, 45, 8, 12530, 13, 8, 86, 1169, 7, 4749, 41, 7651, 3312, 13, 11511, 6852, 61, 16, 8, 690, 12, 3, 13598, 509, 509, 5, 100, 616, 410, 59, 560, 8, 2074, 6881, 13, 8, 11228, 13, 638, 63, 32, 9, 75, 12916, 6, 3, 4, 32, 9737, 173, 509, 6, 1212, 226, 1950, 17, 8128, 32, 11, 332, 40, 138, 2837, 6, 66, 13, 84, 3, 7361, 38, 294, 13, 8, 1015, 13, 4726, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 2233, 13, 8, 166, 2799, 568, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Due in large part to the persuasion of representative Servando Teresa de Mier, Mexico City was chosen because it was the center of the country's population and history, even though Querétaro was closer to the center geographically. The choice was official on November 18, 1824, and Congress delineated a surface area of two leagues square (8,800 acres) centered on the Zocalo. This area was then separated from the State of Mexico, forcing that state's government to move from the Palace of the Inquisition (now Museum of Mexican Medicine) in the city to Texcoco. This area did not include the population centers of the towns of Coyoacán, Xochimilco, Mexicaltzingo and Tlalpan, all of which remained as part of the State of Mexico.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the title of the first mentioned person?
[ 3, 17598, 232, 32, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 12998, 15, 16, 508, 294, 12, 8, 399, 7, 76, 9, 1938, 13, 6978, 3, 17598, 232, 32, 28769, 20, 2133, 49, 6, 4726, 896, 47, 3934, 250, 34, 47, 8, 1530, 13, 8, 684, 31, 7, 2074, 11, 892, 6, 237, 713, 7227, 2339, 2046, 32, 47, 4645, 12, 8, 1530, 20187, 120, 5, 37, 1160, 47, 2314, 30, 1671, 14985, 507, 2266, 6, 11, 4442, 20, 747, 920, 3, 9, 1774, 616, 13, 192, 5533, 7, 2812, 13642, 6, 6192, 9704, 61, 3, 12809, 30, 8, 6226, 1489, 32, 5, 100, 616, 47, 258, 12494, 45, 8, 1015, 13, 4726, 6, 19060, 24, 538, 31, 7, 789, 12, 888, 45, 8, 12530, 13, 8, 86, 1169, 7, 4749, 41, 7651, 3312, 13, 11511, 6852, 61, 16, 8, 690, 12, 3, 13598, 509, 509, 5, 100, 616, 410, 59, 560, 8, 2074, 6881, 13, 8, 11228, 13, 638, 63, 32, 9, 75, 12916, 6, 3, 4, 32, 9737, 173, 509, 6, 1212, 226, 1950, 17, 8128, 32, 11, 332, 40, 138, 2837, 6, 66, 13, 84, 3, 7361, 38, 294, 13, 8, 1015, 13, 4726, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 103, 25, 1350, 841, 139, 1517, 25, 39, 194, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Due in large part to the persuasion of representative Servando Teresa de Mier, Mexico City was chosen because it was the center of the country's population and history, even though Querétaro was closer to the center geographically. The choice was official on November 18, 1824, and Congress delineated a surface area of two leagues square (8,800 acres) centered on the Zocalo. This area was then separated from the State of Mexico, forcing that state's government to move from the Palace of the Inquisition (now Museum of Mexican Medicine) in the city to Texcoco. This area did not include the population centers of the towns of Coyoacán, Xochimilco, Mexicaltzingo and Tlalpan, all of which remained as part of the State of Mexico.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How do you talk someone into giving you your way?
[ 399, 7, 76, 9, 1938, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 690, 92, 65, 633, 9678, 13, 3, 9623, 1038, 3661, 11, 16863, 5, 506, 560, 1919, 31, 1957, 11591, 26, 20, 638, 17128, 11, 20154, 4074, 10840, 102, 6, 14253, 15, 41, 969, 14253, 15, 205, 4067, 3670, 465, 3007, 6, 4574, 23, 11188, 117, 276, 2975, 51, 2837, 32, 6, 4157, 57, 11511, 18, 52, 9, 3375, 6329, 9503, 7337, 2975, 10812, 32, 10576, 53, 32, 5, 290, 33, 9678, 13, 8, 3839, 4318, 2062, 3068, 10972, 6, 7332, 31, 7, 10393, 26, 19850, 32, 6, 38, 168, 38, 368, 1060, 17718, 1840, 7, 19729, 106, 31, 7, 11, 37, 8005, 6, 11, 13789, 7291, 32, 31, 7, 10024, 89, 14851, 5, 5245, 13, 8, 167, 2581, 10908, 9, 18, 390, 7205, 15, 17665, 5907, 29, 3661, 6, 325, 1571, 6, 15696, 1106, 32, 4159, 693, 11, 282, 1788, 26, 3, 63, 13234, 15742, 43, 3248, 16, 4726, 896, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2840, 103, 128, 1791, 281, 21, 2634, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The city also has several branches of renowned international restaurants and chefs. These include Paris' Au Pied de Cochon and Brasserie Lipp, Philippe (by Philippe Chow); Nobu, Morimoto; Pámpano, owned by Mexican-raised opera legend Plácido Domingo. There are branches of the exclusive Japanese restaurant Suntory, Rome's famed Alfredo, as well as New York steakhouses Morton's and The Palm, and Monte Carlo's BeefBar. Three of the most famous Lima-based Haute Peruvian restaurants, La Mar, Segundo Muelle and Astrid y Gastón have locations in Mexico City.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where do some families go for dinner?
[ 3661, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 690, 92, 65, 633, 9678, 13, 3, 9623, 1038, 3661, 11, 16863, 5, 506, 560, 1919, 31, 1957, 11591, 26, 20, 638, 17128, 11, 20154, 4074, 10840, 102, 6, 14253, 15, 41, 969, 14253, 15, 205, 4067, 3670, 465, 3007, 6, 4574, 23, 11188, 117, 276, 2975, 51, 2837, 32, 6, 4157, 57, 11511, 18, 52, 9, 3375, 6329, 9503, 7337, 2975, 10812, 32, 10576, 53, 32, 5, 290, 33, 9678, 13, 8, 3839, 4318, 2062, 3068, 10972, 6, 7332, 31, 7, 10393, 26, 19850, 32, 6, 38, 168, 38, 368, 1060, 17718, 1840, 7, 19729, 106, 31, 7, 11, 37, 8005, 6, 11, 13789, 7291, 32, 31, 7, 10024, 89, 14851, 5, 5245, 13, 8, 167, 2581, 10908, 9, 18, 390, 7205, 15, 17665, 5907, 29, 3661, 6, 325, 1571, 6, 15696, 1106, 32, 4159, 693, 11, 282, 1788, 26, 3, 63, 13234, 15742, 43, 3248, 16, 4726, 896, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2840, 19, 8, 2963, 9, 11712, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The city also has several branches of renowned international restaurants and chefs. These include Paris' Au Pied de Cochon and Brasserie Lipp, Philippe (by Philippe Chow); Nobu, Morimoto; Pámpano, owned by Mexican-raised opera legend Plácido Domingo. There are branches of the exclusive Japanese restaurant Suntory, Rome's famed Alfredo, as well as New York steakhouses Morton's and The Palm, and Monte Carlo's BeefBar. Three of the most famous Lima-based Haute Peruvian restaurants, La Mar, Segundo Muelle and Astrid y Gastón have locations in Mexico City.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where is the Mona Lisa?
[ 1919, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 690, 92, 65, 633, 9678, 13, 3, 9623, 1038, 3661, 11, 16863, 5, 506, 560, 1919, 31, 1957, 11591, 26, 20, 638, 17128, 11, 20154, 4074, 10840, 102, 6, 14253, 15, 41, 969, 14253, 15, 205, 4067, 3670, 465, 3007, 6, 4574, 23, 11188, 117, 276, 2975, 51, 2837, 32, 6, 4157, 57, 11511, 18, 52, 9, 3375, 6329, 9503, 7337, 2975, 10812, 32, 10576, 53, 32, 5, 290, 33, 9678, 13, 8, 3839, 4318, 2062, 3068, 10972, 6, 7332, 31, 7, 10393, 26, 19850, 32, 6, 38, 168, 38, 368, 1060, 17718, 1840, 7, 19729, 106, 31, 7, 11, 37, 8005, 6, 11, 13789, 7291, 32, 31, 7, 10024, 89, 14851, 5, 5245, 13, 8, 167, 2581, 10908, 9, 18, 390, 7205, 15, 17665, 5907, 29, 3661, 6, 325, 1571, 6, 15696, 1106, 32, 4159, 693, 11, 282, 1788, 26, 3, 63, 13234, 15742, 43, 3248, 16, 4726, 896, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 511, 2799, 1012, 17665, 5907, 29, 2062, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The city also has several branches of renowned international restaurants and chefs. These include Paris' Au Pied de Cochon and Brasserie Lipp, Philippe (by Philippe Chow); Nobu, Morimoto; Pámpano, owned by Mexican-raised opera legend Plácido Domingo. There are branches of the exclusive Japanese restaurant Suntory, Rome's famed Alfredo, as well as New York steakhouses Morton's and The Palm, and Monte Carlo's BeefBar. Three of the most famous Lima-based Haute Peruvian restaurants, La Mar, Segundo Muelle and Astrid y Gastón have locations in Mexico City.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the second mentioned popular Peruvian restaurant?
[ 15696, 1106, 32, 4159, 693, 1 ]
Segundo Muelle
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 8656, 477, 227, 8, 20037, 6, 8, 7127, 4215, 14595, 24923, 18451, 2878, 7, 23, 6, 10510, 2318, 159, 4361, 76, 2, 32, 6, 11, 10510, 18, 15, 3437, 15345, 1191, 22357, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 10683, 1092, 9, 2832, 2450, 5487, 12, 8, 1661, 13, 8, 907, 1323, 20653, 4534, 3, 14198, 8, 772, 13, 8, 10601, 5, 18451, 2878, 7, 23, 3, 19492, 4534, 12, 1731, 6704, 16, 4971, 13, 8, 538, 4500, 13, 17233, 19280, 6, 16, 659, 13, 165, 1369, 16, 8, 20037, 5, 4361, 76, 2, 32, 3, 19492, 376, 12, 888, 8, 433, 1039, 5, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 10683, 1092, 9, 1380, 376, 12, 15092, 8, 772, 250, 13, 70, 3, 24621, 485, 5, 37, 1945, 1384, 3, 8389, 1341, 12, 8, 1671, 1673, 3, 4788, 11514, 8464, 47, 24, 8, 772, 130, 964, 6, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 241, 8, 962, 13, 2637, 13803, 6, 11, 3, 9, 2942, 3260, 538, 4500, 16, 8, 511, 822, 5, 18263, 1945, 1384, 2090, 13, 978, 2837, 447, 783, 4568, 6, 96, 17527, 34, 19, 97, 21, 4442, 12, 1810, 11, 8, 3602, 56, 161, 28, 135, 30, 24, 1941, 6, 78, 24, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 54, 2082, 70, 293, 647, 535, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 410, 8, 837, 473, 81, 8, 772, 13, 10601, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Several days after the referendum, the Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi, Governor Luis Fortuño, and Governor-elect Alejandro García Padilla wrote separate letters to the President of the United States Barack Obama addressing the results of the voting. Pierluisi urged Obama to begin legislation in favor of the statehood of Puerto Rico, in light of its win in the referendum. Fortuño urged him to move the process forward. García Padilla asked him to reject the results because of their ambiguity. The White House stance related to the November 2012 plebiscite was that the results were clear, the people of Puerto Rico want the issue of status resolved, and a majority chose statehood in the second question. Former White House director of Hispanic media stated, "Now it is time for Congress to act and the administration will work with them on that effort, so that the people of Puerto Rico can determine their own future."", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How did the US feel about the results of voting?
[ 8, 772, 130, 964, 1 ]
the results were clear
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 8656, 477, 227, 8, 20037, 6, 8, 7127, 4215, 14595, 24923, 18451, 2878, 7, 23, 6, 10510, 2318, 159, 4361, 76, 2, 32, 6, 11, 10510, 18, 15, 3437, 15345, 1191, 22357, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 10683, 1092, 9, 2832, 2450, 5487, 12, 8, 1661, 13, 8, 907, 1323, 20653, 4534, 3, 14198, 8, 772, 13, 8, 10601, 5, 18451, 2878, 7, 23, 3, 19492, 4534, 12, 1731, 6704, 16, 4971, 13, 8, 538, 4500, 13, 17233, 19280, 6, 16, 659, 13, 165, 1369, 16, 8, 20037, 5, 4361, 76, 2, 32, 3, 19492, 376, 12, 888, 8, 433, 1039, 5, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 10683, 1092, 9, 1380, 376, 12, 15092, 8, 772, 250, 13, 70, 3, 24621, 485, 5, 37, 1945, 1384, 3, 8389, 1341, 12, 8, 1671, 1673, 3, 4788, 11514, 8464, 47, 24, 8, 772, 130, 964, 6, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 241, 8, 962, 13, 2637, 13803, 6, 11, 3, 9, 2942, 3260, 538, 4500, 16, 8, 511, 822, 5, 18263, 1945, 1384, 2090, 13, 978, 2837, 447, 783, 4568, 6, 96, 17527, 34, 19, 97, 21, 4442, 12, 1810, 11, 8, 3602, 56, 161, 28, 135, 30, 24, 1941, 6, 78, 24, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 54, 2082, 70, 293, 647, 535, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 8, 779, 962, 24, 8, 17233, 18037, 29, 151, 141, 3, 11060, 30, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Several days after the referendum, the Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi, Governor Luis Fortuño, and Governor-elect Alejandro García Padilla wrote separate letters to the President of the United States Barack Obama addressing the results of the voting. Pierluisi urged Obama to begin legislation in favor of the statehood of Puerto Rico, in light of its win in the referendum. Fortuño urged him to move the process forward. García Padilla asked him to reject the results because of their ambiguity. The White House stance related to the November 2012 plebiscite was that the results were clear, the people of Puerto Rico want the issue of status resolved, and a majority chose statehood in the second question. Former White House director of Hispanic media stated, "Now it is time for Congress to act and the administration will work with them on that effort, so that the people of Puerto Rico can determine their own future."", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was the major issue that the Puerto Rican people had voted on?
[ 8, 538, 4500, 13, 17233, 19280, 1 ]
the statehood of Puerto Rico
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 8656, 477, 227, 8, 20037, 6, 8, 7127, 4215, 14595, 24923, 18451, 2878, 7, 23, 6, 10510, 2318, 159, 4361, 76, 2, 32, 6, 11, 10510, 18, 15, 3437, 15345, 1191, 22357, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 10683, 1092, 9, 2832, 2450, 5487, 12, 8, 1661, 13, 8, 907, 1323, 20653, 4534, 3, 14198, 8, 772, 13, 8, 10601, 5, 18451, 2878, 7, 23, 3, 19492, 4534, 12, 1731, 6704, 16, 4971, 13, 8, 538, 4500, 13, 17233, 19280, 6, 16, 659, 13, 165, 1369, 16, 8, 20037, 5, 4361, 76, 2, 32, 3, 19492, 376, 12, 888, 8, 433, 1039, 5, 3121, 75, 2, 9, 10683, 1092, 9, 1380, 376, 12, 15092, 8, 772, 250, 13, 70, 3, 24621, 485, 5, 37, 1945, 1384, 3, 8389, 1341, 12, 8, 1671, 1673, 3, 4788, 11514, 8464, 47, 24, 8, 772, 130, 964, 6, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 241, 8, 962, 13, 2637, 13803, 6, 11, 3, 9, 2942, 3260, 538, 4500, 16, 8, 511, 822, 5, 18263, 1945, 1384, 2090, 13, 978, 2837, 447, 783, 4568, 6, 96, 17527, 34, 19, 97, 21, 4442, 12, 1810, 11, 8, 3602, 56, 161, 28, 135, 30, 24, 1941, 6, 78, 24, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 54, 2082, 70, 293, 647, 535, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 751, 8, 20037, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Several days after the referendum, the Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi, Governor Luis Fortuño, and Governor-elect Alejandro García Padilla wrote separate letters to the President of the United States Barack Obama addressing the results of the voting. Pierluisi urged Obama to begin legislation in favor of the statehood of Puerto Rico, in light of its win in the referendum. Fortuño urged him to move the process forward. García Padilla asked him to reject the results because of their ambiguity. The White House stance related to the November 2012 plebiscite was that the results were clear, the people of Puerto Rico want the issue of status resolved, and a majority chose statehood in the second question. Former White House director of Hispanic media stated, "Now it is time for Congress to act and the administration will work with them on that effort, so that the people of Puerto Rico can determine their own future."", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who won the referendum?
[ 17233, 19280, 1 ]
Puerto Rico
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 77, 565, 507, 3916, 6, 17233, 19280, 65, 141, 1643, 6497, 16, 8, 4442, 16, 8, 607, 13, 3, 9, 7127, 4215, 14595, 6, 3, 9, 529, 1621, 1222, 20, 8791, 5, 37, 11190, 189, 4442, 3666, 8, 14595, 31, 7, 579, 12, 2902, 16, 8, 3201, 13, 8, 19378, 6, 68, 59, 30, 4573, 213, 8, 2902, 133, 4221, 3, 9, 24134, 15, 5178, 5, 17233, 19280, 65, 9768, 30, 8, 907, 1323, 13074, 2329, 42, 212, 76, 1071, 7, 13, 8, 10021, 3450, 11, 8, 8994, 3450, 12, 1738, 3, 22878, 12, 8, 6477, 2251, 31, 1157, 8346, 7, 2199, 13074, 11924, 127, 7, 33, 59, 7020, 30, 8, 3, 21543, 8563, 1888, 5, 282, 797, 5169, 6, 17233, 18037, 29, 7, 54, 2902, 16, 412, 5, 134, 5, 13074, 9768, 6, 937, 79, 14989, 16, 80, 13, 8, 943, 2315, 42, 8, 3570, 13, 8183, 11, 59, 16, 17233, 19280, 1402, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 151, 103, 59, 43, 8, 423, 10601, 2166, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Since 1898, Puerto Rico has had limited representation in the Congress in the form of a Resident Commissioner, a nonvoting delegate. The 110th Congress returned the Commissioner's power to vote in the Committee of the Whole, but not on matters where the vote would represent a decisive participation. Puerto Rico has elections on the United States presidential primary or caucus of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to select delegates to the respective parties' national conventions although presidential electors are not granted on the Electoral College. As American citizens, Puerto Ricans can vote in U.S. presidential elections, provided they reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and not in Puerto Rico itself.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What people do not have the full voting rights?
[ 17233, 18037, 29, 7, 1 ]
Puerto Ricans
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 77, 565, 507, 3916, 6, 17233, 19280, 65, 141, 1643, 6497, 16, 8, 4442, 16, 8, 607, 13, 3, 9, 7127, 4215, 14595, 6, 3, 9, 529, 1621, 1222, 20, 8791, 5, 37, 11190, 189, 4442, 3666, 8, 14595, 31, 7, 579, 12, 2902, 16, 8, 3201, 13, 8, 19378, 6, 68, 59, 30, 4573, 213, 8, 2902, 133, 4221, 3, 9, 24134, 15, 5178, 5, 17233, 19280, 65, 9768, 30, 8, 907, 1323, 13074, 2329, 42, 212, 76, 1071, 7, 13, 8, 10021, 3450, 11, 8, 8994, 3450, 12, 1738, 3, 22878, 12, 8, 6477, 2251, 31, 1157, 8346, 7, 2199, 13074, 11924, 127, 7, 33, 59, 7020, 30, 8, 3, 21543, 8563, 1888, 5, 282, 797, 5169, 6, 17233, 18037, 29, 7, 54, 2902, 16, 412, 5, 134, 5, 13074, 9768, 6, 937, 79, 14989, 16, 80, 13, 8, 943, 2315, 42, 8, 3570, 13, 8183, 11, 59, 16, 17233, 19280, 1402, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 17233, 19280, 7020, 16, 507, 3916, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Since 1898, Puerto Rico has had limited representation in the Congress in the form of a Resident Commissioner, a nonvoting delegate. The 110th Congress returned the Commissioner's power to vote in the Committee of the Whole, but not on matters where the vote would represent a decisive participation. Puerto Rico has elections on the United States presidential primary or caucus of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to select delegates to the respective parties' national conventions although presidential electors are not granted on the Electoral College. As American citizens, Puerto Ricans can vote in U.S. presidential elections, provided they reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and not in Puerto Rico itself.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was Puerto Rico granted in 1898?
[ 7127, 4215, 14595, 1 ]
Resident Commissioner
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 77, 565, 507, 3916, 6, 17233, 19280, 65, 141, 1643, 6497, 16, 8, 4442, 16, 8, 607, 13, 3, 9, 7127, 4215, 14595, 6, 3, 9, 529, 1621, 1222, 20, 8791, 5, 37, 11190, 189, 4442, 3666, 8, 14595, 31, 7, 579, 12, 2902, 16, 8, 3201, 13, 8, 19378, 6, 68, 59, 30, 4573, 213, 8, 2902, 133, 4221, 3, 9, 24134, 15, 5178, 5, 17233, 19280, 65, 9768, 30, 8, 907, 1323, 13074, 2329, 42, 212, 76, 1071, 7, 13, 8, 10021, 3450, 11, 8, 8994, 3450, 12, 1738, 3, 22878, 12, 8, 6477, 2251, 31, 1157, 8346, 7, 2199, 13074, 11924, 127, 7, 33, 59, 7020, 30, 8, 3, 21543, 8563, 1888, 5, 282, 797, 5169, 6, 17233, 18037, 29, 7, 54, 2902, 16, 412, 5, 134, 5, 13074, 9768, 6, 937, 79, 14989, 16, 80, 13, 8, 943, 2315, 42, 8, 3570, 13, 8183, 11, 59, 16, 17233, 19280, 1402, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 366, 228, 17233, 18037, 29, 7, 2902, 16, 412, 5, 134, 5, 9768, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Since 1898, Puerto Rico has had limited representation in the Congress in the form of a Resident Commissioner, a nonvoting delegate. The 110th Congress returned the Commissioner's power to vote in the Committee of the Whole, but not on matters where the vote would represent a decisive participation. Puerto Rico has elections on the United States presidential primary or caucus of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to select delegates to the respective parties' national conventions although presidential electors are not granted on the Electoral College. As American citizens, Puerto Ricans can vote in U.S. presidential elections, provided they reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and not in Puerto Rico itself.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: When could Puerto Ricans vote in U.S. elections?
[ 507, 3916, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 77, 565, 507, 3916, 6, 17233, 19280, 65, 141, 1643, 6497, 16, 8, 4442, 16, 8, 607, 13, 3, 9, 7127, 4215, 14595, 6, 3, 9, 529, 1621, 1222, 20, 8791, 5, 37, 11190, 189, 4442, 3666, 8, 14595, 31, 7, 579, 12, 2902, 16, 8, 3201, 13, 8, 19378, 6, 68, 59, 30, 4573, 213, 8, 2902, 133, 4221, 3, 9, 24134, 15, 5178, 5, 17233, 19280, 65, 9768, 30, 8, 907, 1323, 13074, 2329, 42, 212, 76, 1071, 7, 13, 8, 10021, 3450, 11, 8, 8994, 3450, 12, 1738, 3, 22878, 12, 8, 6477, 2251, 31, 1157, 8346, 7, 2199, 13074, 11924, 127, 7, 33, 59, 7020, 30, 8, 3, 21543, 8563, 1888, 5, 282, 797, 5169, 6, 17233, 18037, 29, 7, 54, 2902, 16, 412, 5, 134, 5, 13074, 9768, 6, 937, 79, 14989, 16, 80, 13, 8, 943, 2315, 42, 8, 3570, 13, 8183, 11, 59, 16, 17233, 19280, 1402, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 54, 17233, 19280, 3152, 17, 15, 30, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Since 1898, Puerto Rico has had limited representation in the Congress in the form of a Resident Commissioner, a nonvoting delegate. The 110th Congress returned the Commissioner's power to vote in the Committee of the Whole, but not on matters where the vote would represent a decisive participation. Puerto Rico has elections on the United States presidential primary or caucus of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to select delegates to the respective parties' national conventions although presidential electors are not granted on the Electoral College. As American citizens, Puerto Ricans can vote in U.S. presidential elections, provided they reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and not in Puerto Rico itself.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What can Puerto Rico Vote on?
[ 13074, 2329, 42, 212, 76, 1071, 7, 13, 8, 10021, 3450, 11, 8, 8994, 3450, 1 ]
presidential primary or caucus of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 77, 565, 507, 3916, 6, 17233, 19280, 65, 141, 1643, 6497, 16, 8, 4442, 16, 8, 607, 13, 3, 9, 7127, 4215, 14595, 6, 3, 9, 529, 1621, 1222, 20, 8791, 5, 37, 11190, 189, 4442, 3666, 8, 14595, 31, 7, 579, 12, 2902, 16, 8, 3201, 13, 8, 19378, 6, 68, 59, 30, 4573, 213, 8, 2902, 133, 4221, 3, 9, 24134, 15, 5178, 5, 17233, 19280, 65, 9768, 30, 8, 907, 1323, 13074, 2329, 42, 212, 76, 1071, 7, 13, 8, 10021, 3450, 11, 8, 8994, 3450, 12, 1738, 3, 22878, 12, 8, 6477, 2251, 31, 1157, 8346, 7, 2199, 13074, 11924, 127, 7, 33, 59, 7020, 30, 8, 3, 21543, 8563, 1888, 5, 282, 797, 5169, 6, 17233, 18037, 29, 7, 54, 2902, 16, 412, 5, 134, 5, 13074, 9768, 6, 937, 79, 14989, 16, 80, 13, 8, 943, 2315, 42, 8, 3570, 13, 8183, 11, 59, 16, 17233, 19280, 1402, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 1730, 13, 17233, 19280, 31, 7, 11839, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Since 1898, Puerto Rico has had limited representation in the Congress in the form of a Resident Commissioner, a nonvoting delegate. The 110th Congress returned the Commissioner's power to vote in the Committee of the Whole, but not on matters where the vote would represent a decisive participation. Puerto Rico has elections on the United States presidential primary or caucus of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to select delegates to the respective parties' national conventions although presidential electors are not granted on the Electoral College. As American citizens, Puerto Ricans can vote in U.S. presidential elections, provided they reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and not in Puerto Rico itself.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the purpose of Puerto Rico's votes?
[ 1738, 3, 22878, 12, 8, 6477, 2251, 31, 1157, 8346, 7, 1 ]
select delegates to the respective parties' national conventions
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 345, 7014, 235, 19280, 19, 9943, 16, 165, 17668, 38, 8, 96, 10205, 106, 1123, 138, 189, 13, 17233, 19280, 1280, 37, 11378, 13, 17233, 19280, 84, 1632, 1231, 16, 23744, 7546, 8, 564, 13, 7545, 9, 26, 32, 1414, 1999, 71, 5444, 9, 26, 32, 41, 9842, 1427, 15459, 38, 96, 16393, 3, 26138, 1015, 8512, 6, 8441, 15459, 139, 1566, 38, 21260, 6, 21, 165, 643, 3, 3003, 1225, 5, 37, 3368, 19, 365, 8, 10185, 13, 8, 17495, 17, 11929, 22021, 15, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 11378, 6, 84, 65, 2237, 12, 3228, 7, 81, 8, 804, 485, 13, 8, 21260, 2637, 21, 17233, 19280, 5, 86, 811, 6, 66, 151, 2170, 16, 17233, 19280, 582, 5169, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 44, 3879, 41, 7248, 9848, 13, 8, 6193, 104, 10499, 9, 6155, 189, 1983, 16, 25439, 201, 68, 5169, 3, 19801, 16, 17233, 19280, 1178, 2902, 21, 2753, 3701, 21, 423, 724, 13, 893, 629, 13, 4442, 5, 1015, 4500, 133, 5334, 3368, 2797, 423, 10601, 2166, 44, 8, 5034, 593, 5, 37, 17233, 19280, 28754, 1983, 41, 566, 5, 448, 5, 997, 3264, 61, 47, 3754, 30, 1186, 14405, 8693, 57, 8, 907, 1323, 1384, 13, 13517, 7, 204, 2773, 104, 27096, 6, 68, 47, 59, 3754, 57, 8, 7819, 274, 8, 414, 13, 8, 3, 15866, 189, 4442, 5, 94, 133, 43, 937, 21, 3, 9, 2822, 120, 26419, 15, 26, 1044, 18, 16372, 257, 433, 21, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 5, 100, 1810, 133, 370, 21, 20037, 7, 12, 36, 1213, 16, 17233, 19280, 12, 2082, 8, 3368, 31, 7, 5737, 1827, 2637, 5, 94, 141, 92, 118, 3665, 16, 12598, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 410, 8, 564, 13, 8, 9964, 483, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Puerto Rico is designated in its constitution as the "Commonwealth of Puerto Rico". The Constitution of Puerto Rico which became effective in 1952 adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"), officially translated into English as Commonwealth, for its body politic. The island is under the jurisdiction of the Territorial Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which has led to doubts about the finality of the Commonwealth status for Puerto Rico. In addition, all people born in Puerto Rico become citizens of the U.S. at birth (under provisions of the Jones–Shafroth Act in 1917), but citizens residing in Puerto Rico cannot vote for president nor for full members of either house of Congress. Statehood would grant island residents full voting rights at the Federal level. The Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499) was approved on April 29, 2010, by the United States House of Representatives 223–169, but was not approved by the Senate before the end of the 111th Congress. It would have provided for a federally sanctioned self-determination process for the people of Puerto Rico. This act would provide for referendums to be held in Puerto Rico to determine the island's ultimate political status. It had also been introduced in 2007.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How did the name of the territory change?
[ 16, 23744, 7546, 8, 564, 13, 7545, 9, 26, 32, 1414, 1999, 71, 5444, 9, 26, 32, 41, 9842, 1427, 15459, 38, 96, 16393, 3, 26138, 1015, 121, 1 ]
in 1952 adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 345, 7014, 235, 19280, 19, 9943, 16, 165, 17668, 38, 8, 96, 10205, 106, 1123, 138, 189, 13, 17233, 19280, 1280, 37, 11378, 13, 17233, 19280, 84, 1632, 1231, 16, 23744, 7546, 8, 564, 13, 7545, 9, 26, 32, 1414, 1999, 71, 5444, 9, 26, 32, 41, 9842, 1427, 15459, 38, 96, 16393, 3, 26138, 1015, 8512, 6, 8441, 15459, 139, 1566, 38, 21260, 6, 21, 165, 643, 3, 3003, 1225, 5, 37, 3368, 19, 365, 8, 10185, 13, 8, 17495, 17, 11929, 22021, 15, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 11378, 6, 84, 65, 2237, 12, 3228, 7, 81, 8, 804, 485, 13, 8, 21260, 2637, 21, 17233, 19280, 5, 86, 811, 6, 66, 151, 2170, 16, 17233, 19280, 582, 5169, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 44, 3879, 41, 7248, 9848, 13, 8, 6193, 104, 10499, 9, 6155, 189, 1983, 16, 25439, 201, 68, 5169, 3, 19801, 16, 17233, 19280, 1178, 2902, 21, 2753, 3701, 21, 423, 724, 13, 893, 629, 13, 4442, 5, 1015, 4500, 133, 5334, 3368, 2797, 423, 10601, 2166, 44, 8, 5034, 593, 5, 37, 17233, 19280, 28754, 1983, 41, 566, 5, 448, 5, 997, 3264, 61, 47, 3754, 30, 1186, 14405, 8693, 57, 8, 907, 1323, 1384, 13, 13517, 7, 204, 2773, 104, 27096, 6, 68, 47, 59, 3754, 57, 8, 7819, 274, 8, 414, 13, 8, 3, 15866, 189, 4442, 5, 94, 133, 43, 937, 21, 3, 9, 2822, 120, 26419, 15, 26, 1044, 18, 16372, 257, 433, 21, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 5, 100, 1810, 133, 370, 21, 20037, 7, 12, 36, 1213, 16, 17233, 19280, 12, 2082, 8, 3368, 31, 7, 5737, 1827, 2637, 5, 94, 141, 92, 118, 3665, 16, 12598, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 1157, 485, 103, 175, 151, 43, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Puerto Rico is designated in its constitution as the "Commonwealth of Puerto Rico". The Constitution of Puerto Rico which became effective in 1952 adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"), officially translated into English as Commonwealth, for its body politic. The island is under the jurisdiction of the Territorial Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which has led to doubts about the finality of the Commonwealth status for Puerto Rico. In addition, all people born in Puerto Rico become citizens of the U.S. at birth (under provisions of the Jones–Shafroth Act in 1917), but citizens residing in Puerto Rico cannot vote for president nor for full members of either house of Congress. Statehood would grant island residents full voting rights at the Federal level. The Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499) was approved on April 29, 2010, by the United States House of Representatives 223–169, but was not approved by the Senate before the end of the 111th Congress. It would have provided for a federally sanctioned self-determination process for the people of Puerto Rico. This act would provide for referendums to be held in Puerto Rico to determine the island's ultimate political status. It had also been introduced in 2007.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What nationality do these people have?
[ 5169, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 44, 3879, 1 ]
citizens of the U.S. at birth
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 345, 7014, 235, 19280, 19, 9943, 16, 165, 17668, 38, 8, 96, 10205, 106, 1123, 138, 189, 13, 17233, 19280, 1280, 37, 11378, 13, 17233, 19280, 84, 1632, 1231, 16, 23744, 7546, 8, 564, 13, 7545, 9, 26, 32, 1414, 1999, 71, 5444, 9, 26, 32, 41, 9842, 1427, 15459, 38, 96, 16393, 3, 26138, 1015, 8512, 6, 8441, 15459, 139, 1566, 38, 21260, 6, 21, 165, 643, 3, 3003, 1225, 5, 37, 3368, 19, 365, 8, 10185, 13, 8, 17495, 17, 11929, 22021, 15, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 11378, 6, 84, 65, 2237, 12, 3228, 7, 81, 8, 804, 485, 13, 8, 21260, 2637, 21, 17233, 19280, 5, 86, 811, 6, 66, 151, 2170, 16, 17233, 19280, 582, 5169, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 44, 3879, 41, 7248, 9848, 13, 8, 6193, 104, 10499, 9, 6155, 189, 1983, 16, 25439, 201, 68, 5169, 3, 19801, 16, 17233, 19280, 1178, 2902, 21, 2753, 3701, 21, 423, 724, 13, 893, 629, 13, 4442, 5, 1015, 4500, 133, 5334, 3368, 2797, 423, 10601, 2166, 44, 8, 5034, 593, 5, 37, 17233, 19280, 28754, 1983, 41, 566, 5, 448, 5, 997, 3264, 61, 47, 3754, 30, 1186, 14405, 8693, 57, 8, 907, 1323, 1384, 13, 13517, 7, 204, 2773, 104, 27096, 6, 68, 47, 59, 3754, 57, 8, 7819, 274, 8, 414, 13, 8, 3, 15866, 189, 4442, 5, 94, 133, 43, 937, 21, 3, 9, 2822, 120, 26419, 15, 26, 1044, 18, 16372, 257, 433, 21, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 5, 100, 1810, 133, 370, 21, 20037, 7, 12, 36, 1213, 16, 17233, 19280, 12, 2082, 8, 3368, 31, 7, 5737, 1827, 2637, 5, 94, 141, 92, 118, 3665, 16, 12598, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 2817, 12, 3786, 12, 2204, 8, 9964, 31, 7, 15126, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Puerto Rico is designated in its constitution as the "Commonwealth of Puerto Rico". The Constitution of Puerto Rico which became effective in 1952 adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"), officially translated into English as Commonwealth, for its body politic. The island is under the jurisdiction of the Territorial Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which has led to doubts about the finality of the Commonwealth status for Puerto Rico. In addition, all people born in Puerto Rico become citizens of the U.S. at birth (under provisions of the Jones–Shafroth Act in 1917), but citizens residing in Puerto Rico cannot vote for president nor for full members of either house of Congress. Statehood would grant island residents full voting rights at the Federal level. The Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499) was approved on April 29, 2010, by the United States House of Representatives 223–169, but was not approved by the Senate before the end of the 111th Congress. It would have provided for a federally sanctioned self-determination process for the people of Puerto Rico. This act would provide for referendums to be held in Puerto Rico to determine the island's ultimate political status. It had also been introduced in 2007.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What happened to laws to decide the territory's fate?
[ 37, 17233, 19280, 28754, 1983, 41, 566, 5, 448, 5, 997, 3264, 61, 47, 3754, 30, 1186, 14405, 8693, 57, 8, 907, 1323, 1384, 13, 13517, 7, 204, 2773, 104, 27096, 6, 68, 47, 59, 3754, 57, 8, 7819, 274, 8, 414, 13, 8, 3, 15866, 189, 4442, 1 ]
The Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499) was approved on April 29, 2010, by the United States House of Representatives 223–169, but was not approved by the Senate before the end of the 111th Congress
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 345, 7014, 235, 19280, 19, 9943, 16, 165, 17668, 38, 8, 96, 10205, 106, 1123, 138, 189, 13, 17233, 19280, 1280, 37, 11378, 13, 17233, 19280, 84, 1632, 1231, 16, 23744, 7546, 8, 564, 13, 7545, 9, 26, 32, 1414, 1999, 71, 5444, 9, 26, 32, 41, 9842, 1427, 15459, 38, 96, 16393, 3, 26138, 1015, 8512, 6, 8441, 15459, 139, 1566, 38, 21260, 6, 21, 165, 643, 3, 3003, 1225, 5, 37, 3368, 19, 365, 8, 10185, 13, 8, 17495, 17, 11929, 22021, 15, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 11378, 6, 84, 65, 2237, 12, 3228, 7, 81, 8, 804, 485, 13, 8, 21260, 2637, 21, 17233, 19280, 5, 86, 811, 6, 66, 151, 2170, 16, 17233, 19280, 582, 5169, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 44, 3879, 41, 7248, 9848, 13, 8, 6193, 104, 10499, 9, 6155, 189, 1983, 16, 25439, 201, 68, 5169, 3, 19801, 16, 17233, 19280, 1178, 2902, 21, 2753, 3701, 21, 423, 724, 13, 893, 629, 13, 4442, 5, 1015, 4500, 133, 5334, 3368, 2797, 423, 10601, 2166, 44, 8, 5034, 593, 5, 37, 17233, 19280, 28754, 1983, 41, 566, 5, 448, 5, 997, 3264, 61, 47, 3754, 30, 1186, 14405, 8693, 57, 8, 907, 1323, 1384, 13, 13517, 7, 204, 2773, 104, 27096, 6, 68, 47, 59, 3754, 57, 8, 7819, 274, 8, 414, 13, 8, 3, 15866, 189, 4442, 5, 94, 133, 43, 937, 21, 3, 9, 2822, 120, 26419, 15, 26, 1044, 18, 16372, 257, 433, 21, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 5, 100, 1810, 133, 370, 21, 20037, 7, 12, 36, 1213, 16, 17233, 19280, 12, 2082, 8, 3368, 31, 7, 5737, 1827, 2637, 5, 94, 141, 92, 118, 3665, 16, 12598, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 133, 8, 9964, 31, 7, 15126, 118, 1500, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Puerto Rico is designated in its constitution as the "Commonwealth of Puerto Rico". The Constitution of Puerto Rico which became effective in 1952 adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"), officially translated into English as Commonwealth, for its body politic. The island is under the jurisdiction of the Territorial Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which has led to doubts about the finality of the Commonwealth status for Puerto Rico. In addition, all people born in Puerto Rico become citizens of the U.S. at birth (under provisions of the Jones–Shafroth Act in 1917), but citizens residing in Puerto Rico cannot vote for president nor for full members of either house of Congress. Statehood would grant island residents full voting rights at the Federal level. The Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499) was approved on April 29, 2010, by the United States House of Representatives 223–169, but was not approved by the Senate before the end of the 111th Congress. It would have provided for a federally sanctioned self-determination process for the people of Puerto Rico. This act would provide for referendums to be held in Puerto Rico to determine the island's ultimate political status. It had also been introduced in 2007.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How would the territory's fate been decided?
[ 20037, 7, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 345, 7014, 235, 19280, 19, 9943, 16, 165, 17668, 38, 8, 96, 10205, 106, 1123, 138, 189, 13, 17233, 19280, 1280, 37, 11378, 13, 17233, 19280, 84, 1632, 1231, 16, 23744, 7546, 8, 564, 13, 7545, 9, 26, 32, 1414, 1999, 71, 5444, 9, 26, 32, 41, 9842, 1427, 15459, 38, 96, 16393, 3, 26138, 1015, 8512, 6, 8441, 15459, 139, 1566, 38, 21260, 6, 21, 165, 643, 3, 3003, 1225, 5, 37, 3368, 19, 365, 8, 10185, 13, 8, 17495, 17, 11929, 22021, 15, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 11378, 6, 84, 65, 2237, 12, 3228, 7, 81, 8, 804, 485, 13, 8, 21260, 2637, 21, 17233, 19280, 5, 86, 811, 6, 66, 151, 2170, 16, 17233, 19280, 582, 5169, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 44, 3879, 41, 7248, 9848, 13, 8, 6193, 104, 10499, 9, 6155, 189, 1983, 16, 25439, 201, 68, 5169, 3, 19801, 16, 17233, 19280, 1178, 2902, 21, 2753, 3701, 21, 423, 724, 13, 893, 629, 13, 4442, 5, 1015, 4500, 133, 5334, 3368, 2797, 423, 10601, 2166, 44, 8, 5034, 593, 5, 37, 17233, 19280, 28754, 1983, 41, 566, 5, 448, 5, 997, 3264, 61, 47, 3754, 30, 1186, 14405, 8693, 57, 8, 907, 1323, 1384, 13, 13517, 7, 204, 2773, 104, 27096, 6, 68, 47, 59, 3754, 57, 8, 7819, 274, 8, 414, 13, 8, 3, 15866, 189, 4442, 5, 94, 133, 43, 937, 21, 3, 9, 2822, 120, 26419, 15, 26, 1044, 18, 16372, 257, 433, 21, 8, 151, 13, 17233, 19280, 5, 100, 1810, 133, 370, 21, 20037, 7, 12, 36, 1213, 16, 17233, 19280, 12, 2082, 8, 3368, 31, 7, 5737, 1827, 2637, 5, 94, 141, 92, 118, 3665, 16, 12598, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 405, 8, 9964, 174, 12, 2860, 3786, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Puerto Rico is designated in its constitution as the "Commonwealth of Puerto Rico". The Constitution of Puerto Rico which became effective in 1952 adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"), officially translated into English as Commonwealth, for its body politic. The island is under the jurisdiction of the Territorial Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which has led to doubts about the finality of the Commonwealth status for Puerto Rico. In addition, all people born in Puerto Rico become citizens of the U.S. at birth (under provisions of the Jones–Shafroth Act in 1917), but citizens residing in Puerto Rico cannot vote for president nor for full members of either house of Congress. Statehood would grant island residents full voting rights at the Federal level. The Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499) was approved on April 29, 2010, by the United States House of Representatives 223–169, but was not approved by the Senate before the end of the 111th Congress. It would have provided for a federally sanctioned self-determination process for the people of Puerto Rico. This act would provide for referendums to be held in Puerto Rico to determine the island's ultimate political status. It had also been introduced in 2007.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What does the territory need to influence laws?
[ 1015, 4500, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 521, 10717, 65, 360, 1373, 5992, 3, 2172, 12, 8, 880, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 37, 538, 31, 7, 1373, 358, 3792, 3, 9, 4352, 422, 616, 13, 8, 538, 6, 17988, 8, 2069, 2074, 6881, 11, 8, 12821, 11428, 6, 8, 3218, 2981, 91, 13, 8, 538, 190, 1894, 5, 37, 538, 1784, 6, 1515, 402, 6, 19, 59, 3551, 57, 1373, 6, 163, 3, 9, 443, 20395, 6, 84, 65, 18421, 1271, 633, 5054, 7, 147, 8, 4160, 81, 1735, 8, 1784, 12, 3, 9, 690, 30, 8, 1373, 358, 6, 42, 740, 3, 9, 1373, 2135, 45, 1626, 4477, 5, 37, 8282, 294, 13, 12821, 65, 150, 1373, 358, 8920, 8, 2597, 28, 8, 880, 13, 12821, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 795, 251, 81, 213, 12821, 31, 7, 2074, 19, 1069, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alaska has few road connections compared to the rest of the U.S. The state's road system covers a relatively small area of the state, linking the central population centers and the Alaska Highway, the principal route out of the state through Canada. The state capital, Juneau, is not accessible by road, only a car ferry, which has spurred several debates over the decades about moving the capital to a city on the road system, or building a road connection from Haines. The western part of Alaska has no road system connecting the communities with the rest of Alaska.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What provides information about where Alaska's population is located?
[ 4352, 422, 616, 13, 8, 538, 1 ]
relatively small area of the state
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 521, 10717, 65, 360, 1373, 5992, 3, 2172, 12, 8, 880, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 37, 538, 31, 7, 1373, 358, 3792, 3, 9, 4352, 422, 616, 13, 8, 538, 6, 17988, 8, 2069, 2074, 6881, 11, 8, 12821, 11428, 6, 8, 3218, 2981, 91, 13, 8, 538, 190, 1894, 5, 37, 538, 1784, 6, 1515, 402, 6, 19, 59, 3551, 57, 1373, 6, 163, 3, 9, 443, 20395, 6, 84, 65, 18421, 1271, 633, 5054, 7, 147, 8, 4160, 81, 1735, 8, 1784, 12, 3, 9, 690, 30, 8, 1373, 358, 6, 42, 740, 3, 9, 1373, 2135, 45, 1626, 4477, 5, 37, 8282, 294, 13, 12821, 65, 150, 1373, 358, 8920, 8, 2597, 28, 8, 880, 13, 12821, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 429, 3130, 8, 812, 13, 8, 2074, 6881, 16, 12821, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alaska has few road connections compared to the rest of the U.S. The state's road system covers a relatively small area of the state, linking the central population centers and the Alaska Highway, the principal route out of the state through Canada. The state capital, Juneau, is not accessible by road, only a car ferry, which has spurred several debates over the decades about moving the capital to a city on the road system, or building a road connection from Haines. The western part of Alaska has no road system connecting the communities with the rest of Alaska.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What might suggest the size of the population centers in Alaska?
[ 4352, 422, 1 ]
relatively small
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 521, 10717, 65, 360, 1373, 5992, 3, 2172, 12, 8, 880, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 37, 538, 31, 7, 1373, 358, 3792, 3, 9, 4352, 422, 616, 13, 8, 538, 6, 17988, 8, 2069, 2074, 6881, 11, 8, 12821, 11428, 6, 8, 3218, 2981, 91, 13, 8, 538, 190, 1894, 5, 37, 538, 1784, 6, 1515, 402, 6, 19, 59, 3551, 57, 1373, 6, 163, 3, 9, 443, 20395, 6, 84, 65, 18421, 1271, 633, 5054, 7, 147, 8, 4160, 81, 1735, 8, 1784, 12, 3, 9, 690, 30, 8, 1373, 358, 6, 42, 740, 3, 9, 1373, 2135, 45, 1626, 4477, 5, 37, 8282, 294, 13, 12821, 65, 150, 1373, 358, 8920, 8, 2597, 28, 8, 880, 13, 12821, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 429, 8, 8282, 294, 11, 1515, 402, 43, 16, 1017, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alaska has few road connections compared to the rest of the U.S. The state's road system covers a relatively small area of the state, linking the central population centers and the Alaska Highway, the principal route out of the state through Canada. The state capital, Juneau, is not accessible by road, only a car ferry, which has spurred several debates over the decades about moving the capital to a city on the road system, or building a road connection from Haines. The western part of Alaska has no road system connecting the communities with the rest of Alaska.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What might the western part and Juneau have in common?
[ 59, 3551, 57, 1373, 1 ]
not accessible by road
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 521, 10717, 65, 360, 1373, 5992, 3, 2172, 12, 8, 880, 13, 8, 412, 5, 134, 5, 37, 538, 31, 7, 1373, 358, 3792, 3, 9, 4352, 422, 616, 13, 8, 538, 6, 17988, 8, 2069, 2074, 6881, 11, 8, 12821, 11428, 6, 8, 3218, 2981, 91, 13, 8, 538, 190, 1894, 5, 37, 538, 1784, 6, 1515, 402, 6, 19, 59, 3551, 57, 1373, 6, 163, 3, 9, 443, 20395, 6, 84, 65, 18421, 1271, 633, 5054, 7, 147, 8, 4160, 81, 1735, 8, 1784, 12, 3, 9, 690, 30, 8, 1373, 358, 6, 42, 740, 3, 9, 1373, 2135, 45, 1626, 4477, 5, 37, 8282, 294, 13, 12821, 65, 150, 1373, 358, 8920, 8, 2597, 28, 8, 880, 13, 12821, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 6490, 151, 619, 406, 7540, 16, 12821, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alaska has few road connections compared to the rest of the U.S. The state's road system covers a relatively small area of the state, linking the central population centers and the Alaska Highway, the principal route out of the state through Canada. The state capital, Juneau, is not accessible by road, only a car ferry, which has spurred several debates over the decades about moving the capital to a city on the road system, or building a road connection from Haines. The western part of Alaska has no road system connecting the communities with the rest of Alaska.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What suggests people live without roads in Alaska?
[ 150, 1373, 358, 8920, 8, 2597, 1 ]
no road system connecting the communities
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 19055, 4768, 857, 24, 8, 166, 4263, 7025, 16, 12821, 47, 2127, 16, 8, 1003, 189, 2646, 5, 2150, 12, 48, 22455, 6, 16, 898, 3707, 633, 3, 18758, 15, 7, 13, 679, 2258, 106, 374, 172, 107, 29, 63, 32, 208, 31, 7, 21807, 764, 3, 9, 13303, 16, 12821, 57, 5536, 11, 5710, 48, 7025, 5, 100, 22455, 19, 3, 390, 30, 8, 16956, 13, 16636, 157, 1436, 873, 19891, 28584, 23, 878, 450, 2917, 6, 113, 141, 5251, 12821, 16, 1003, 4389, 104, 2517, 4122, 11, 113, 141, 2196, 30, 3, 9, 3309, 30, 8, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 2473, 6, 3, 23606, 57, 96, 346, 986, 15, 26, 1076, 121, 113, 96, 102, 2866, 12, 8, 17469, 1280, 886, 941, 4768, 7573, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 28, 1793, 63, 1598, 2473, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 410, 8, 20877, 1076, 320, 114, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Some researchers believe that the first Russian settlement in Alaska was established in the 17th century. According to this hypothesis, in 1648 several koches of Semyon Dezhnyov's expedition came ashore in Alaska by storm and founded this settlement. This hypothesis is based on the testimony of Chukchi geographer Nikolai Daurkin, who had visited Alaska in 1764–1765 and who had reported on a village on the Kheuveren River, populated by "bearded men" who "pray to the icons". Some modern researchers associate Kheuveren with Koyuk River.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What did the praying men look like?
[ 4595, 221, 26, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 19055, 4768, 857, 24, 8, 166, 4263, 7025, 16, 12821, 47, 2127, 16, 8, 1003, 189, 2646, 5, 2150, 12, 48, 22455, 6, 16, 898, 3707, 633, 3, 18758, 15, 7, 13, 679, 2258, 106, 374, 172, 107, 29, 63, 32, 208, 31, 7, 21807, 764, 3, 9, 13303, 16, 12821, 57, 5536, 11, 5710, 48, 7025, 5, 100, 22455, 19, 3, 390, 30, 8, 16956, 13, 16636, 157, 1436, 873, 19891, 28584, 23, 878, 450, 2917, 6, 113, 141, 5251, 12821, 16, 1003, 4389, 104, 2517, 4122, 11, 113, 141, 2196, 30, 3, 9, 3309, 30, 8, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 2473, 6, 3, 23606, 57, 96, 346, 986, 15, 26, 1076, 121, 113, 96, 102, 2866, 12, 8, 17469, 1280, 886, 941, 4768, 7573, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 28, 1793, 63, 1598, 2473, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 410, 8, 166, 4263, 7, 3658, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Some researchers believe that the first Russian settlement in Alaska was established in the 17th century. According to this hypothesis, in 1648 several koches of Semyon Dezhnyov's expedition came ashore in Alaska by storm and founded this settlement. This hypothesis is based on the testimony of Chukchi geographer Nikolai Daurkin, who had visited Alaska in 1764–1765 and who had reported on a village on the Kheuveren River, populated by "bearded men" who "pray to the icons". Some modern researchers associate Kheuveren with Koyuk River.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How did the first Russians arrive?
[ 764, 3, 9, 13303, 1 ]
came ashore
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 19055, 4768, 857, 24, 8, 166, 4263, 7025, 16, 12821, 47, 2127, 16, 8, 1003, 189, 2646, 5, 2150, 12, 48, 22455, 6, 16, 898, 3707, 633, 3, 18758, 15, 7, 13, 679, 2258, 106, 374, 172, 107, 29, 63, 32, 208, 31, 7, 21807, 764, 3, 9, 13303, 16, 12821, 57, 5536, 11, 5710, 48, 7025, 5, 100, 22455, 19, 3, 390, 30, 8, 16956, 13, 16636, 157, 1436, 873, 19891, 28584, 23, 878, 450, 2917, 6, 113, 141, 5251, 12821, 16, 1003, 4389, 104, 2517, 4122, 11, 113, 141, 2196, 30, 3, 9, 3309, 30, 8, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 2473, 6, 3, 23606, 57, 96, 346, 986, 15, 26, 1076, 121, 113, 96, 102, 2866, 12, 8, 17469, 1280, 886, 941, 4768, 7573, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 28, 1793, 63, 1598, 2473, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 410, 878, 450, 2917, 199, 8, 941, 4768, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Some researchers believe that the first Russian settlement in Alaska was established in the 17th century. According to this hypothesis, in 1648 several koches of Semyon Dezhnyov's expedition came ashore in Alaska by storm and founded this settlement. This hypothesis is based on the testimony of Chukchi geographer Nikolai Daurkin, who had visited Alaska in 1764–1765 and who had reported on a village on the Kheuveren River, populated by "bearded men" who "pray to the icons". Some modern researchers associate Kheuveren with Koyuk River.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How did Daurkin help the modern researchers?
[ 2196, 30, 3, 9, 3309, 30, 8, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 2473, 1 ]
reported on a village on the Kheuveren River
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 19055, 4768, 857, 24, 8, 166, 4263, 7025, 16, 12821, 47, 2127, 16, 8, 1003, 189, 2646, 5, 2150, 12, 48, 22455, 6, 16, 898, 3707, 633, 3, 18758, 15, 7, 13, 679, 2258, 106, 374, 172, 107, 29, 63, 32, 208, 31, 7, 21807, 764, 3, 9, 13303, 16, 12821, 57, 5536, 11, 5710, 48, 7025, 5, 100, 22455, 19, 3, 390, 30, 8, 16956, 13, 16636, 157, 1436, 873, 19891, 28584, 23, 878, 450, 2917, 6, 113, 141, 5251, 12821, 16, 1003, 4389, 104, 2517, 4122, 11, 113, 141, 2196, 30, 3, 9, 3309, 30, 8, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 2473, 6, 3, 23606, 57, 96, 346, 986, 15, 26, 1076, 121, 113, 96, 102, 2866, 12, 8, 17469, 1280, 886, 941, 4768, 7573, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 28, 1793, 63, 1598, 2473, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 103, 941, 4768, 214, 81, 8, 3, 29547, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Some researchers believe that the first Russian settlement in Alaska was established in the 17th century. According to this hypothesis, in 1648 several koches of Semyon Dezhnyov's expedition came ashore in Alaska by storm and founded this settlement. This hypothesis is based on the testimony of Chukchi geographer Nikolai Daurkin, who had visited Alaska in 1764–1765 and who had reported on a village on the Kheuveren River, populated by "bearded men" who "pray to the icons". Some modern researchers associate Kheuveren with Koyuk River.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What do modern researchers know about the settlers?
[ 3, 23606, 57, 96, 346, 986, 15, 26, 1076, 121, 113, 96, 102, 2866, 12, 8, 17469, 121, 1 ]
populated by "bearded men" who "pray to the icons"
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 19055, 4768, 857, 24, 8, 166, 4263, 7025, 16, 12821, 47, 2127, 16, 8, 1003, 189, 2646, 5, 2150, 12, 48, 22455, 6, 16, 898, 3707, 633, 3, 18758, 15, 7, 13, 679, 2258, 106, 374, 172, 107, 29, 63, 32, 208, 31, 7, 21807, 764, 3, 9, 13303, 16, 12821, 57, 5536, 11, 5710, 48, 7025, 5, 100, 22455, 19, 3, 390, 30, 8, 16956, 13, 16636, 157, 1436, 873, 19891, 28584, 23, 878, 450, 2917, 6, 113, 141, 5251, 12821, 16, 1003, 4389, 104, 2517, 4122, 11, 113, 141, 2196, 30, 3, 9, 3309, 30, 8, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 2473, 6, 3, 23606, 57, 96, 346, 986, 15, 26, 1076, 121, 113, 96, 102, 2866, 12, 8, 17469, 1280, 886, 941, 4768, 7573, 480, 88, 76, 624, 35, 28, 1793, 63, 1598, 2473, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 103, 941, 4768, 214, 81, 8, 7174, 7, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Some researchers believe that the first Russian settlement in Alaska was established in the 17th century. According to this hypothesis, in 1648 several koches of Semyon Dezhnyov's expedition came ashore in Alaska by storm and founded this settlement. This hypothesis is based on the testimony of Chukchi geographer Nikolai Daurkin, who had visited Alaska in 1764–1765 and who had reported on a village on the Kheuveren River, populated by "bearded men" who "pray to the icons". Some modern researchers associate Kheuveren with Koyuk River.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What do modern researchers know about the founders?
[ 16, 898, 3707, 633, 3, 18758, 15, 7, 13, 679, 2258, 106, 374, 172, 107, 29, 63, 32, 208, 31, 7, 21807, 764, 3, 9, 13303, 16, 12821, 57, 5536, 11, 5710, 48, 7025, 1 ]
in 1648 several koches of Semyon Dezhnyov's expedition came ashore in Alaska by storm and founded this settlement
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 7296, 63, 2597, 43, 422, 799, 9256, 364, 5, 506, 2673, 23809, 45, 8, 2173, 21, 8444, 1855, 12, 4322, 844, 5, 5632, 8, 167, 285, 29, 17, 8317, 12821, 29, 6112, 19, 8, 17907, 2805, 3767, 15, 5, 37, 296, 31, 7, 2601, 23, 222, 2805, 3767, 15, 1247, 19, 2154, 19804, 6, 1069, 416, 12, 19332, 9316, 7, 25874, 545, 1331, 5735, 6, 213, 7534, 8120, 21, 4322, 12293, 406, 46, 799, 7, 14192, 2331, 9234, 6, 15470, 6, 11, 186, 1173, 45, 3253, 11, 11625, 8122, 5, 86, 3581, 12821, 141, 8, 2030, 381, 13, 4487, 7, 399, 23219, 13, 136, 412, 5, 134, 5, 538, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 19, 59, 3, 9, 336, 564, 6, 9316, 7, 42, 5287, 23, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Many communities have small air taxi services. These operations originated from the demand for customized transport to remote areas. Perhaps the most quintessentially Alaskan plane is the bush seaplane. The world's busiest seaplane base is Lake Hood, located next to Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, where flights bound for remote villages without an airstrip carry passengers, cargo, and many items from stores and warehouse clubs. In 2006 Alaska had the highest number of pilots per capita of any U.S. state.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which is not a last name, Stevens or Taxi?
[ 9256, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 7296, 63, 2597, 43, 422, 799, 9256, 364, 5, 506, 2673, 23809, 45, 8, 2173, 21, 8444, 1855, 12, 4322, 844, 5, 5632, 8, 167, 285, 29, 17, 8317, 12821, 29, 6112, 19, 8, 17907, 2805, 3767, 15, 5, 37, 296, 31, 7, 2601, 23, 222, 2805, 3767, 15, 1247, 19, 2154, 19804, 6, 1069, 416, 12, 19332, 9316, 7, 25874, 545, 1331, 5735, 6, 213, 7534, 8120, 21, 4322, 12293, 406, 46, 799, 7, 14192, 2331, 9234, 6, 15470, 6, 11, 186, 1173, 45, 3253, 11, 11625, 8122, 5, 86, 3581, 12821, 141, 8, 2030, 381, 13, 4487, 7, 399, 23219, 13, 136, 412, 5, 134, 5, 538, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 19, 59, 3, 9, 336, 564, 6, 9316, 7, 42, 1184, 839, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Many communities have small air taxi services. These operations originated from the demand for customized transport to remote areas. Perhaps the most quintessentially Alaskan plane is the bush seaplane. The world's busiest seaplane base is Lake Hood, located next to Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, where flights bound for remote villages without an airstrip carry passengers, cargo, and many items from stores and warehouse clubs. In 2006 Alaska had the highest number of pilots per capita of any U.S. state.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which is not a last name, Stevens or Cargo?
[ 15470, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 7296, 63, 2597, 43, 422, 799, 9256, 364, 5, 506, 2673, 23809, 45, 8, 2173, 21, 8444, 1855, 12, 4322, 844, 5, 5632, 8, 167, 285, 29, 17, 8317, 12821, 29, 6112, 19, 8, 17907, 2805, 3767, 15, 5, 37, 296, 31, 7, 2601, 23, 222, 2805, 3767, 15, 1247, 19, 2154, 19804, 6, 1069, 416, 12, 19332, 9316, 7, 25874, 545, 1331, 5735, 6, 213, 7534, 8120, 21, 4322, 12293, 406, 46, 799, 7, 14192, 2331, 9234, 6, 15470, 6, 11, 186, 1173, 45, 3253, 11, 11625, 8122, 5, 86, 3581, 12821, 141, 8, 2030, 381, 13, 4487, 7, 399, 23219, 13, 136, 412, 5, 134, 5, 538, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 3, 15313, 362, 19, 59, 3, 9, 336, 564, 6, 9316, 7, 42, 11274, 63, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Many communities have small air taxi services. These operations originated from the demand for customized transport to remote areas. Perhaps the most quintessentially Alaskan plane is the bush seaplane. The world's busiest seaplane base is Lake Hood, located next to Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, where flights bound for remote villages without an airstrip carry passengers, cargo, and many items from stores and warehouse clubs. In 2006 Alaska had the highest number of pilots per capita of any U.S. state.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: WHich is not a last name, Stevens or Carry?
[ 2331, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 521, 10717, 19, 8, 8390, 5463, 11, 8282, 5463, 538, 16, 8, 907, 1323, 11, 65, 8, 167, 5727, 49, 120, 307, 20341, 16, 8, 907, 1323, 250, 8, 15345, 76, 12572, 11654, 4285, 139, 8, 13350, 3, 6015, 23, 9475, 5, 12821, 19, 8, 163, 529, 18, 1018, 2880, 13281, 412, 5, 134, 5, 538, 30, 23639, 1117, 1371, 117, 81, 2899, 2286, 41, 6192, 2280, 61, 13, 2390, 8183, 41, 28811, 61, 2450, 7, 12821, 45, 2386, 5, 94, 19, 18155, 294, 13, 8, 23639, 412, 5, 134, 5, 6, 68, 19, 1664, 59, 1285, 16, 8029, 32, 1169, 138, 169, 117, 12821, 19, 59, 294, 13, 8, 975, 2880, 13281, 412, 5, 134, 5, 6, 557, 718, 96, 532, 15877, 4678, 1280, 37, 1784, 690, 6, 1515, 402, 6, 19, 8382, 30, 8, 25531, 13, 8, 1117, 797, 10829, 68, 19, 59, 2895, 57, 1373, 12, 8, 880, 13, 8, 1117, 797, 10367, 358, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 12821, 59, 1285, 16, 116, 3, 31573, 8, 837, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alaska is the northernmost and westernmost state in the United States and has the most easterly longitude in the United States because the Aleutian Islands extend into the eastern hemisphere. Alaska is the only non-contiguous U.S. state on continental North America; about 500 miles (800 km) of British Columbia (Canada) separates Alaska from Washington. It is technically part of the continental U.S., but is sometimes not included in colloquial use; Alaska is not part of the contiguous U.S., often called "the Lower 48". The capital city, Juneau, is situated on the mainland of the North American continent but is not connected by road to the rest of the North American highway system.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is Alaska not included in when referencing the US?
[ 8, 15877, 4678, 1 ]
the Lower 48
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 521, 10717, 19, 8, 8390, 5463, 11, 8282, 5463, 538, 16, 8, 907, 1323, 11, 65, 8, 167, 5727, 49, 120, 307, 20341, 16, 8, 907, 1323, 250, 8, 15345, 76, 12572, 11654, 4285, 139, 8, 13350, 3, 6015, 23, 9475, 5, 12821, 19, 8, 163, 529, 18, 1018, 2880, 13281, 412, 5, 134, 5, 538, 30, 23639, 1117, 1371, 117, 81, 2899, 2286, 41, 6192, 2280, 61, 13, 2390, 8183, 41, 28811, 61, 2450, 7, 12821, 45, 2386, 5, 94, 19, 18155, 294, 13, 8, 23639, 412, 5, 134, 5, 6, 68, 19, 1664, 59, 1285, 16, 8029, 32, 1169, 138, 169, 117, 12821, 19, 59, 294, 13, 8, 975, 2880, 13281, 412, 5, 134, 5, 6, 557, 718, 96, 532, 15877, 4678, 1280, 37, 1784, 690, 6, 1515, 402, 6, 19, 8382, 30, 8, 25531, 13, 8, 1117, 797, 10829, 68, 19, 59, 2895, 57, 1373, 12, 8, 880, 13, 8, 1117, 797, 10367, 358, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 398, 36, 2767, 190, 12, 129, 12, 12821, 45, 165, 12257, 538, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alaska is the northernmost and westernmost state in the United States and has the most easterly longitude in the United States because the Aleutian Islands extend into the eastern hemisphere. Alaska is the only non-contiguous U.S. state on continental North America; about 500 miles (800 km) of British Columbia (Canada) separates Alaska from Washington. It is technically part of the continental U.S., but is sometimes not included in colloquial use; Alaska is not part of the contiguous U.S., often called "the Lower 48". The capital city, Juneau, is situated on the mainland of the North American continent but is not connected by road to the rest of the North American highway system.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What must be gone through to get to Alaska from its closest state?
[ 2390, 8183, 41, 28811, 61, 1 ]
British Columbia (Canada)
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 521, 10717, 19, 8, 8390, 5463, 11, 8282, 5463, 538, 16, 8, 907, 1323, 11, 65, 8, 167, 5727, 49, 120, 307, 20341, 16, 8, 907, 1323, 250, 8, 15345, 76, 12572, 11654, 4285, 139, 8, 13350, 3, 6015, 23, 9475, 5, 12821, 19, 8, 163, 529, 18, 1018, 2880, 13281, 412, 5, 134, 5, 538, 30, 23639, 1117, 1371, 117, 81, 2899, 2286, 41, 6192, 2280, 61, 13, 2390, 8183, 41, 28811, 61, 2450, 7, 12821, 45, 2386, 5, 94, 19, 18155, 294, 13, 8, 23639, 412, 5, 134, 5, 6, 68, 19, 1664, 59, 1285, 16, 8029, 32, 1169, 138, 169, 117, 12821, 19, 59, 294, 13, 8, 975, 2880, 13281, 412, 5, 134, 5, 6, 557, 718, 96, 532, 15877, 4678, 1280, 37, 1784, 690, 6, 1515, 402, 6, 19, 8382, 30, 8, 25531, 13, 8, 1117, 797, 10829, 68, 19, 59, 2895, 57, 1373, 12, 8, 880, 13, 8, 1117, 797, 10367, 358, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 366, 3, 31573, 7943, 6, 125, 54, 59, 36, 243, 81, 12821, 10, 8282, 5463, 42, 1117, 797, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alaska is the northernmost and westernmost state in the United States and has the most easterly longitude in the United States because the Aleutian Islands extend into the eastern hemisphere. Alaska is the only non-contiguous U.S. state on continental North America; about 500 miles (800 km) of British Columbia (Canada) separates Alaska from Washington. It is technically part of the continental U.S., but is sometimes not included in colloquial use; Alaska is not part of the contiguous U.S., often called "the Lower 48". The capital city, Juneau, is situated on the mainland of the North American continent but is not connected by road to the rest of the North American highway system.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: When referencing directions, what can not be said about Alaska: westernmost or North American?
[ 1117, 797, 1 ]
North American
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 521, 10717, 19, 8, 8390, 5463, 11, 8282, 5463, 538, 16, 8, 907, 1323, 11, 65, 8, 167, 5727, 49, 120, 307, 20341, 16, 8, 907, 1323, 250, 8, 15345, 76, 12572, 11654, 4285, 139, 8, 13350, 3, 6015, 23, 9475, 5, 12821, 19, 8, 163, 529, 18, 1018, 2880, 13281, 412, 5, 134, 5, 538, 30, 23639, 1117, 1371, 117, 81, 2899, 2286, 41, 6192, 2280, 61, 13, 2390, 8183, 41, 28811, 61, 2450, 7, 12821, 45, 2386, 5, 94, 19, 18155, 294, 13, 8, 23639, 412, 5, 134, 5, 6, 68, 19, 1664, 59, 1285, 16, 8029, 32, 1169, 138, 169, 117, 12821, 19, 59, 294, 13, 8, 975, 2880, 13281, 412, 5, 134, 5, 6, 557, 718, 96, 532, 15877, 4678, 1280, 37, 1784, 690, 6, 1515, 402, 6, 19, 8382, 30, 8, 25531, 13, 8, 1117, 797, 10829, 68, 19, 59, 2895, 57, 1373, 12, 8, 880, 13, 8, 1117, 797, 10367, 358, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 366, 3, 31573, 7943, 6, 125, 54, 36, 243, 81, 12821, 10, 8282, 5463, 42, 1364, 4678, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Alaska is the northernmost and westernmost state in the United States and has the most easterly longitude in the United States because the Aleutian Islands extend into the eastern hemisphere. Alaska is the only non-contiguous U.S. state on continental North America; about 500 miles (800 km) of British Columbia (Canada) separates Alaska from Washington. It is technically part of the continental U.S., but is sometimes not included in colloquial use; Alaska is not part of the contiguous U.S., often called "the Lower 48". The capital city, Juneau, is situated on the mainland of the North American continent but is not connected by road to the rest of the North American highway system.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: When referencing directions, what can be said about Alaska: westernmost or lower 48?
[ 8282, 5463, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 265, 7, 157, 10694, 16332, 9, 6850, 19, 46, 5102, 464, 21, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 26327, 5, 37, 96, 6838, 18, 22126, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 3397, 121, 41, 27296, 4407, 61, 4532, 5761, 4233, 7, 5, 37, 9957, 2557, 23087, 2196, 9526, 6, 940, 3420, 6720, 295, 7215, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 1036, 9015, 92, 1451, 30, 8, 7809, 13, 167, 3, 18375, 6878, 53, 11441, 5, 37, 5199, 450, 3309, 16, 2069, 4556, 29, 144, 5667, 3213, 12, 43, 4262, 7215, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 859, 165, 2074, 5, 86, 29884, 7, 13, 66, 4061, 15, 7, 669, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 1684, 16, 7352, 11, 20379, 15, 16, 8, 1612, 5, 1441, 8, 415, 16932, 20379, 15, 16, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 3, 31806, 6, 8, 3309, 47, 787, 57, 3, 1765, 25983, 9776, 9, 2866, 9, 13, 8, 1813, 1191, 21247, 1478, 9, 12187, 12, 3901, 4370, 15120, 11, 70, 1791, 6, 298, 151, 16, 112, 14740, 5468, 4540, 18089, 11, 2255, 8076, 76, 5, 2351, 1941, 11345, 7, 30, 3, 22140, 11, 5792, 590, 8, 8759, 4387, 13, 8, 3901, 7664, 6, 2442, 5, 31763, 162, 26, 9, 115, 14888, 7436, 5, 77, 19, 80, 224, 5102, 3, 390, 91, 13, 26660, 24, 65, 118, 3, 9206, 4890, 8, 3901, 7664, 57, 5592, 3, 60, 13903, 7, 13, 3901, 4370, 276, 232, 7085, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 86, 125, 684, 33, 132, 4262, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 7215, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Samskrita Bharati is an organisation working for Sanskrit revival. The "All-India Sanskrit Festival" (since 2002) holds composition contests. The 1991 Indian census reported 49,736 fluent speakers of Sanskrit. Sanskrit learning programmes also feature on the lists of most AIR broadcasting centres. The Mattur village in central Karnataka claims to have native speakers of Sanskrit among its population. Inhabitants of all castes learn Sanskrit starting in childhood and converse in the language. Even the local Muslims converse in Sanskrit. Historically, the village was given by king Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara Empire to Vedic scholars and their families, while people in his kingdom spoke Kannada and Telugu. Another effort concentrates on preserving and passing along the oral tradition of the Vedas, is one such organisation based out of Hyderabad that has been digitising the Vedas by recording recitations of Vedic Pandits.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: In what country are there native Sanskrit speakers?
[ 1547, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 265, 7, 157, 10694, 16332, 9, 6850, 19, 46, 5102, 464, 21, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 26327, 5, 37, 96, 6838, 18, 22126, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 3397, 121, 41, 27296, 4407, 61, 4532, 5761, 4233, 7, 5, 37, 9957, 2557, 23087, 2196, 9526, 6, 940, 3420, 6720, 295, 7215, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 1036, 9015, 92, 1451, 30, 8, 7809, 13, 167, 3, 18375, 6878, 53, 11441, 5, 37, 5199, 450, 3309, 16, 2069, 4556, 29, 144, 5667, 3213, 12, 43, 4262, 7215, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 859, 165, 2074, 5, 86, 29884, 7, 13, 66, 4061, 15, 7, 669, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 1684, 16, 7352, 11, 20379, 15, 16, 8, 1612, 5, 1441, 8, 415, 16932, 20379, 15, 16, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 3, 31806, 6, 8, 3309, 47, 787, 57, 3, 1765, 25983, 9776, 9, 2866, 9, 13, 8, 1813, 1191, 21247, 1478, 9, 12187, 12, 3901, 4370, 15120, 11, 70, 1791, 6, 298, 151, 16, 112, 14740, 5468, 4540, 18089, 11, 2255, 8076, 76, 5, 2351, 1941, 11345, 7, 30, 3, 22140, 11, 5792, 590, 8, 8759, 4387, 13, 8, 3901, 7664, 6, 2442, 5, 31763, 162, 26, 9, 115, 14888, 7436, 5, 77, 19, 80, 224, 5102, 3, 390, 91, 13, 26660, 24, 65, 118, 3, 9206, 4890, 8, 3901, 7664, 57, 5592, 3, 60, 13903, 7, 13, 3901, 4370, 276, 232, 7085, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 80, 194, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 19, 271, 18570, 57, 46, 1470, 16, 26660, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Samskrita Bharati is an organisation working for Sanskrit revival. The "All-India Sanskrit Festival" (since 2002) holds composition contests. The 1991 Indian census reported 49,736 fluent speakers of Sanskrit. Sanskrit learning programmes also feature on the lists of most AIR broadcasting centres. The Mattur village in central Karnataka claims to have native speakers of Sanskrit among its population. Inhabitants of all castes learn Sanskrit starting in childhood and converse in the language. Even the local Muslims converse in Sanskrit. Historically, the village was given by king Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara Empire to Vedic scholars and their families, while people in his kingdom spoke Kannada and Telugu. Another effort concentrates on preserving and passing along the oral tradition of the Vedas, is one such organisation based out of Hyderabad that has been digitising the Vedas by recording recitations of Vedic Pandits.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is one way Sanskrit is being preserved by an organization in Hyderabad?
[ 3, 22140, 11, 5792, 590, 8, 8759, 4387, 13, 8, 3901, 7664, 1 ]
preserving and passing along the oral tradition of the Vedas
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 265, 7, 157, 10694, 16332, 9, 6850, 19, 46, 5102, 464, 21, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 26327, 5, 37, 96, 6838, 18, 22126, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 3397, 121, 41, 27296, 4407, 61, 4532, 5761, 4233, 7, 5, 37, 9957, 2557, 23087, 2196, 9526, 6, 940, 3420, 6720, 295, 7215, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 1036, 9015, 92, 1451, 30, 8, 7809, 13, 167, 3, 18375, 6878, 53, 11441, 5, 37, 5199, 450, 3309, 16, 2069, 4556, 29, 144, 5667, 3213, 12, 43, 4262, 7215, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 859, 165, 2074, 5, 86, 29884, 7, 13, 66, 4061, 15, 7, 669, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 1684, 16, 7352, 11, 20379, 15, 16, 8, 1612, 5, 1441, 8, 415, 16932, 20379, 15, 16, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 3, 31806, 6, 8, 3309, 47, 787, 57, 3, 1765, 25983, 9776, 9, 2866, 9, 13, 8, 1813, 1191, 21247, 1478, 9, 12187, 12, 3901, 4370, 15120, 11, 70, 1791, 6, 298, 151, 16, 112, 14740, 5468, 4540, 18089, 11, 2255, 8076, 76, 5, 2351, 1941, 11345, 7, 30, 3, 22140, 11, 5792, 590, 8, 8759, 4387, 13, 8, 3901, 7664, 6, 2442, 5, 31763, 162, 26, 9, 115, 14888, 7436, 5, 77, 19, 80, 224, 5102, 3, 390, 91, 13, 26660, 24, 65, 118, 3, 9206, 4890, 8, 3901, 7664, 57, 5592, 3, 60, 13903, 7, 13, 3901, 4370, 276, 232, 7085, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 80, 563, 24, 669, 7, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 16, 4556, 29, 144, 5667, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Samskrita Bharati is an organisation working for Sanskrit revival. The "All-India Sanskrit Festival" (since 2002) holds composition contests. The 1991 Indian census reported 49,736 fluent speakers of Sanskrit. Sanskrit learning programmes also feature on the lists of most AIR broadcasting centres. The Mattur village in central Karnataka claims to have native speakers of Sanskrit among its population. Inhabitants of all castes learn Sanskrit starting in childhood and converse in the language. Even the local Muslims converse in Sanskrit. Historically, the village was given by king Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara Empire to Vedic scholars and their families, while people in his kingdom spoke Kannada and Telugu. Another effort concentrates on preserving and passing along the oral tradition of the Vedas, is one such organisation based out of Hyderabad that has been digitising the Vedas by recording recitations of Vedic Pandits.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is one group that learns Sanskrit in Karnataka?
[ 415, 16932, 1 ]
local Muslims
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 265, 7, 157, 10694, 16332, 9, 6850, 19, 46, 5102, 464, 21, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 26327, 5, 37, 96, 6838, 18, 22126, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 3397, 121, 41, 27296, 4407, 61, 4532, 5761, 4233, 7, 5, 37, 9957, 2557, 23087, 2196, 9526, 6, 940, 3420, 6720, 295, 7215, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 1036, 9015, 92, 1451, 30, 8, 7809, 13, 167, 3, 18375, 6878, 53, 11441, 5, 37, 5199, 450, 3309, 16, 2069, 4556, 29, 144, 5667, 3213, 12, 43, 4262, 7215, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 859, 165, 2074, 5, 86, 29884, 7, 13, 66, 4061, 15, 7, 669, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 1684, 16, 7352, 11, 20379, 15, 16, 8, 1612, 5, 1441, 8, 415, 16932, 20379, 15, 16, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 3, 31806, 6, 8, 3309, 47, 787, 57, 3, 1765, 25983, 9776, 9, 2866, 9, 13, 8, 1813, 1191, 21247, 1478, 9, 12187, 12, 3901, 4370, 15120, 11, 70, 1791, 6, 298, 151, 16, 112, 14740, 5468, 4540, 18089, 11, 2255, 8076, 76, 5, 2351, 1941, 11345, 7, 30, 3, 22140, 11, 5792, 590, 8, 8759, 4387, 13, 8, 3901, 7664, 6, 2442, 5, 31763, 162, 26, 9, 115, 14888, 7436, 5, 77, 19, 80, 224, 5102, 3, 390, 91, 13, 26660, 24, 65, 118, 3, 9206, 4890, 8, 3901, 7664, 57, 5592, 3, 60, 13903, 7, 13, 3901, 4370, 276, 232, 7085, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2840, 54, 3, 9206, 1601, 5204, 13, 3901, 7664, 36, 435, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Samskrita Bharati is an organisation working for Sanskrit revival. The "All-India Sanskrit Festival" (since 2002) holds composition contests. The 1991 Indian census reported 49,736 fluent speakers of Sanskrit. Sanskrit learning programmes also feature on the lists of most AIR broadcasting centres. The Mattur village in central Karnataka claims to have native speakers of Sanskrit among its population. Inhabitants of all castes learn Sanskrit starting in childhood and converse in the language. Even the local Muslims converse in Sanskrit. Historically, the village was given by king Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara Empire to Vedic scholars and their families, while people in his kingdom spoke Kannada and Telugu. Another effort concentrates on preserving and passing along the oral tradition of the Vedas, is one such organisation based out of Hyderabad that has been digitising the Vedas by recording recitations of Vedic Pandits.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where can digitized versions of Vedas be found?
[ 2442, 5, 31763, 162, 26, 9, 115, 14888, 7436, 5, 77, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 455, 12, 3209, 8, 1017, 753, 2471, 57, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 119, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 8024, 6, 186, 15120, 43, 4382, 8, 26822, 18, 188, 651, 152, 11661, 4516, 6, 15376, 53, 24, 8, 926, 7215, 13, 125, 1632, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 4363, 16, 125, 19, 230, 1547, 11, 6697, 45, 8, 3457, 18, 12425, 128, 97, 383, 8, 778, 511, 3293, 35, 29, 2552, 272, 4770, 5, 24122, 21, 224, 3, 9, 4516, 963, 8, 885, 1675, 344, 8, 26822, 18, 196, 52, 9, 15710, 13559, 7, 11, 8, 29623, 11, 180, 521, 7287, 8024, 6, 19067, 2509, 28, 8, 529, 18, 1570, 26, 32, 18, 11351, 152, 4575, 9, 2176, 8024, 6, 11, 8, 1405, 13, 8, 44, 23775, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 1234, 21, 3, 89, 322, 9, 11, 29908, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 13, 8, 826, 19, 59, 80, 13, 8, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 1234, 24, 380, 3, 9, 885, 1675, 344, 8, 26822, 18, 196, 52, 9, 15710, 11, 29623, 11, 180, 521, 7287, 8024, 10, 3, 89, 322, 9, 6, 29908, 6, 42, 778, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In order to explain the common features shared by Sanskrit and other Indo-European languages, many scholars have proposed the Indo-Aryan migration theory, asserting that the original speakers of what became Sanskrit arrived in what is now India and Pakistan from the north-west some time during the early second millennium BCE. Evidence for such a theory includes the close relationship between the Indo-Iranian tongues and the Baltic and Slavic languages, vocabulary exchange with the non-Indo-European Uralic languages, and the nature of the attested Indo-European words for flora and fauna.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which of the following is not one of the Indo-European words that support a close relationship between the Indo-Iranian and Baltic and Slavic languages: flora, fauna, or early?
[ 778, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 455, 12, 3209, 8, 1017, 753, 2471, 57, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 119, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 8024, 6, 186, 15120, 43, 4382, 8, 26822, 18, 188, 651, 152, 11661, 4516, 6, 15376, 53, 24, 8, 926, 7215, 13, 125, 1632, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 4363, 16, 125, 19, 230, 1547, 11, 6697, 45, 8, 3457, 18, 12425, 128, 97, 383, 8, 778, 511, 3293, 35, 29, 2552, 272, 4770, 5, 24122, 21, 224, 3, 9, 4516, 963, 8, 885, 1675, 344, 8, 26822, 18, 196, 52, 9, 15710, 13559, 7, 11, 8, 29623, 11, 180, 521, 7287, 8024, 6, 19067, 2509, 28, 8, 529, 18, 1570, 26, 32, 18, 11351, 152, 4575, 9, 2176, 8024, 6, 11, 8, 1405, 13, 8, 44, 23775, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 1234, 21, 3, 89, 322, 9, 11, 29908, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 4073, 8024, 2509, 26, 19067, 28, 529, 18, 1570, 26, 32, 18, 11351, 152, 4575, 9, 2176, 8024, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In order to explain the common features shared by Sanskrit and other Indo-European languages, many scholars have proposed the Indo-Aryan migration theory, asserting that the original speakers of what became Sanskrit arrived in what is now India and Pakistan from the north-west some time during the early second millennium BCE. Evidence for such a theory includes the close relationship between the Indo-Iranian tongues and the Baltic and Slavic languages, vocabulary exchange with the non-Indo-European Uralic languages, and the nature of the attested Indo-European words for flora and fauna.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Which languages exchanged vocabulary with non-Indo-European Uralic languages?
[ 26822, 18, 196, 52, 9, 15710, 13559, 7, 1 ]
Indo-Iranian tongues
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 455, 12, 3209, 8, 1017, 753, 2471, 57, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 119, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 8024, 6, 186, 15120, 43, 4382, 8, 26822, 18, 188, 651, 152, 11661, 4516, 6, 15376, 53, 24, 8, 926, 7215, 13, 125, 1632, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 4363, 16, 125, 19, 230, 1547, 11, 6697, 45, 8, 3457, 18, 12425, 128, 97, 383, 8, 778, 511, 3293, 35, 29, 2552, 272, 4770, 5, 24122, 21, 224, 3, 9, 4516, 963, 8, 885, 1675, 344, 8, 26822, 18, 196, 52, 9, 15710, 13559, 7, 11, 8, 29623, 11, 180, 521, 7287, 8024, 6, 19067, 2509, 28, 8, 529, 18, 1570, 26, 32, 18, 11351, 152, 4575, 9, 2176, 8024, 6, 11, 8, 1405, 13, 8, 44, 23775, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 1234, 21, 3, 89, 322, 9, 11, 29908, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 3963, 175, 984, 240, 286, 383, 8, 272, 4770, 42, 9265, 3, 1498, 7, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In order to explain the common features shared by Sanskrit and other Indo-European languages, many scholars have proposed the Indo-Aryan migration theory, asserting that the original speakers of what became Sanskrit arrived in what is now India and Pakistan from the north-west some time during the early second millennium BCE. Evidence for such a theory includes the close relationship between the Indo-Iranian tongues and the Baltic and Slavic languages, vocabulary exchange with the non-Indo-European Uralic languages, and the nature of the attested Indo-European words for flora and fauna.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Did these events take place during the BCE or CE eras?
[ 272, 4770, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 3247, 10648, 17, 41, 87, 2, 7, 2, 29, 7, 157, 52, 2, 17, 87, 117, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 10, 3, 7, 9, 2, 7, 157, 2, 17, 265, 784, 7, 2, 51, 7, 157, 52, 2, 17, 2, 51, 908, 42, 3, 7, 9, 2, 7, 157, 2, 17, 9, 6, 5330, 3, 7, 9, 2, 7, 157, 2, 17, 2, 3, 208, 2, 157, 6, 96, 60, 13536, 26, 5023, 8512, 19, 8, 2329, 16051, 1612, 13, 18528, 159, 51, 6, 3, 9, 22466, 1612, 16, 28788, 6, 18528, 159, 51, 6, 925, 29392, 7, 51, 11, 2215, 23, 14378, 6, 11, 3, 9, 14551, 1612, 24, 47, 16, 169, 38, 3, 9, 3, 697, 76, 9, 3, 6296, 658, 16, 15993, 1547, 5, 94, 19, 3, 9, 1068, 3375, 28461, 13, 3525, 26822, 18, 188, 651, 152, 6, 3, 31433, 38, 3901, 4370, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 3, 6471, 53, 165, 3, 24703, 3, 663, 7, 8224, 223, 12, 749, 235, 18, 1570, 26, 32, 18, 196, 52, 9, 15710, 11, 749, 235, 18, 1570, 26, 32, 18, 11351, 152, 5, 1960, 34, 19, 2616, 38, 80, 13, 8, 1630, 5018, 8024, 13, 1547, 11, 19, 46, 2314, 1612, 13, 8, 538, 13, 31251, 1639, 2894, 5, 282, 80, 13, 8, 10043, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 8024, 21, 84, 7354, 1545, 7192, 8085, 6, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 4532, 3, 9, 8304, 1102, 16, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 2116, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 511, 2799, 5562, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Sanskrit (/ˈsænskrɪt/; Sanskrit: saṃskṛtam [səmskr̩t̪əm] or saṃskṛta, originally saṃskṛtā vāk, "refined speech") is the primary sacred language of Hinduism, a philosophical language in Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism, and a literary language that was in use as a lingua franca in Greater India. It is a standardised dialect of Old Indo-Aryan, originating as Vedic Sanskrit and tracing its linguistic ancestry back to Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European. Today it is listed as one of the 22 scheduled languages of India and is an official language of the state of Uttarakhand. As one of the oldest Indo-European languages for which substantial written documentation exists, Sanskrit holds a prominent position in Indo-European studies.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is second mentioned religion?
[ 28788, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 3247, 10648, 17, 41, 87, 2, 7, 2, 29, 7, 157, 52, 2, 17, 87, 117, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 10, 3, 7, 9, 2, 7, 157, 2, 17, 265, 784, 7, 2, 51, 7, 157, 52, 2, 17, 2, 51, 908, 42, 3, 7, 9, 2, 7, 157, 2, 17, 9, 6, 5330, 3, 7, 9, 2, 7, 157, 2, 17, 2, 3, 208, 2, 157, 6, 96, 60, 13536, 26, 5023, 8512, 19, 8, 2329, 16051, 1612, 13, 18528, 159, 51, 6, 3, 9, 22466, 1612, 16, 28788, 6, 18528, 159, 51, 6, 925, 29392, 7, 51, 11, 2215, 23, 14378, 6, 11, 3, 9, 14551, 1612, 24, 47, 16, 169, 38, 3, 9, 3, 697, 76, 9, 3, 6296, 658, 16, 15993, 1547, 5, 94, 19, 3, 9, 1068, 3375, 28461, 13, 3525, 26822, 18, 188, 651, 152, 6, 3, 31433, 38, 3901, 4370, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 3, 6471, 53, 165, 3, 24703, 3, 663, 7, 8224, 223, 12, 749, 235, 18, 1570, 26, 32, 18, 196, 52, 9, 15710, 11, 749, 235, 18, 1570, 26, 32, 18, 11351, 152, 5, 1960, 34, 19, 2616, 38, 80, 13, 8, 1630, 5018, 8024, 13, 1547, 11, 19, 46, 2314, 1612, 13, 8, 538, 13, 31251, 1639, 2894, 5, 282, 80, 13, 8, 10043, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 8024, 21, 84, 7354, 1545, 7192, 8085, 6, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 4532, 3, 9, 8304, 1102, 16, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 2116, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 3, 15313, 144, 19, 4509, 2799, 5562, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Sanskrit (/ˈsænskrɪt/; Sanskrit: saṃskṛtam [səmskr̩t̪əm] or saṃskṛta, originally saṃskṛtā vāk, "refined speech") is the primary sacred language of Hinduism, a philosophical language in Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism, and a literary language that was in use as a lingua franca in Greater India. It is a standardised dialect of Old Indo-Aryan, originating as Vedic Sanskrit and tracing its linguistic ancestry back to Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European. Today it is listed as one of the 22 scheduled languages of India and is an official language of the state of Uttarakhand. As one of the oldest Indo-European languages for which substantial written documentation exists, Sanskrit holds a prominent position in Indo-European studies.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: WHat is fourth mentioned religion?
[ 2215, 23, 14378, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 3247, 10648, 17, 41, 87, 2, 7, 2, 29, 7, 157, 52, 2, 17, 87, 117, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 10, 3, 7, 9, 2, 7, 157, 2, 17, 265, 784, 7, 2, 51, 7, 157, 52, 2, 17, 2, 51, 908, 42, 3, 7, 9, 2, 7, 157, 2, 17, 9, 6, 5330, 3, 7, 9, 2, 7, 157, 2, 17, 2, 3, 208, 2, 157, 6, 96, 60, 13536, 26, 5023, 8512, 19, 8, 2329, 16051, 1612, 13, 18528, 159, 51, 6, 3, 9, 22466, 1612, 16, 28788, 6, 18528, 159, 51, 6, 925, 29392, 7, 51, 11, 2215, 23, 14378, 6, 11, 3, 9, 14551, 1612, 24, 47, 16, 169, 38, 3, 9, 3, 697, 76, 9, 3, 6296, 658, 16, 15993, 1547, 5, 94, 19, 3, 9, 1068, 3375, 28461, 13, 3525, 26822, 18, 188, 651, 152, 6, 3, 31433, 38, 3901, 4370, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 3, 6471, 53, 165, 3, 24703, 3, 663, 7, 8224, 223, 12, 749, 235, 18, 1570, 26, 32, 18, 196, 52, 9, 15710, 11, 749, 235, 18, 1570, 26, 32, 18, 11351, 152, 5, 1960, 34, 19, 2616, 38, 80, 13, 8, 1630, 5018, 8024, 13, 1547, 11, 19, 46, 2314, 1612, 13, 8, 538, 13, 31251, 1639, 2894, 5, 282, 80, 13, 8, 10043, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 8024, 21, 84, 7354, 1545, 7192, 8085, 6, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 4532, 3, 9, 8304, 1102, 16, 26822, 18, 11351, 152, 2116, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 8, 166, 2799, 1128, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Sanskrit (/ˈsænskrɪt/; Sanskrit: saṃskṛtam [səmskr̩t̪əm] or saṃskṛta, originally saṃskṛtā vāk, "refined speech") is the primary sacred language of Hinduism, a philosophical language in Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism, and a literary language that was in use as a lingua franca in Greater India. It is a standardised dialect of Old Indo-Aryan, originating as Vedic Sanskrit and tracing its linguistic ancestry back to Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European. Today it is listed as one of the 22 scheduled languages of India and is an official language of the state of Uttarakhand. As one of the oldest Indo-European languages for which substantial written documentation exists, Sanskrit holds a prominent position in Indo-European studies.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was the first mentioned location?
[ 1547, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 16495, 9, 3350, 15120, 13, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 114, 8627, 4599, 6193, 7027, 3, 9, 6772, 13, 14241, 21, 2557, 1543, 11, 21, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 2150, 12, 3576, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 6, 227, 48, 1059, 13, 96, 1570, 5012, 11219, 1686, 3, 9, 824, 2290, 14277, 12, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 12, 2557, 1543, 16, 879, 1553, 12, 15376, 1402, 16, 778, 957, 189, 2646, 7190, 6, 6571, 15, 26, 57, 3, 9, 18339, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 16, 2390, 28506, 5, 100, 47, 8, 1849, 13, 3, 9, 879, 3292, 16, 4971, 13, 8, 800, 24, 1547, 225, 36, 2779, 120, 6, 4761, 120, 11, 3, 24703, 1427, 3, 6500, 26759, 1054, 12, 7190, 38, 623, 38, 487, 5, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 1099, 7, 192, 2450, 11, 3, 6207, 120, 6401, 2836, 21, 8, 1710, 2290, 14277, 10, 80, 47, 96, 279, 13224, 7, 107, 26822, 27426, 1686, 84, 3, 88, 3088, 3, 8317, 3, 9, 20697, 343, 6, 2188, 11687, 7, 17, 6, 10215, 6, 11, 529, 18, 52, 9, 4703, 18, 8185, 10646, 343, 12240, 13, 18528, 3095, 2121, 38, 46, 3052, 21, 8, 4179, 13, 1547, 590, 1611, 2356, 117, 8, 119, 47, 4290, 21681, 6, 3, 9, 4516, 13, 8, 1566, 96, 287, 2157, 18, 7, 5167, 903, 121, 24, 2557, 7, 3, 31958, 3, 9, 96, 7, 15, 1893, 342, 6, 23447, 11, 73, 16260, 208, 179, 1964, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 1615, 47, 132, 78, 231, 17291, 485, 1587, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Orientalist scholars of the 18th century like Sir William Jones marked a wave of enthusiasm for Indian culture and for Sanskrit. According to Thomas Trautmann, after this period of "Indomania", a certain hostility to Sanskrit and to Indian culture in general began to assert itself in early 19th century Britain, manifested by a neglect of Sanskrit in British academia. This was the beginning of a general push in favor of the idea that India should be culturally, religiously and linguistically assimilated to Britain as far as possible. Trautmann considers two separate and logically opposite sources for the growing hostility: one was "British Indophobia", which he calls essentially a developmentalist, progressivist, liberal, and non-racial-essentialist critique of Hindu civilisation as an aid for the improvement of India along European lines; the other was scientific racism, a theory of the English "common-sense view" that Indians constituted a "separate, inferior and unimprovable race".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Why was there so much negativity towards Sanskrit?
[ 96, 279, 13224, 7, 107, 26822, 27426, 1686, 84, 3, 88, 3088, 3, 8317, 3, 9, 20697, 343, 6, 2188, 11687, 7, 17, 6, 10215, 6, 11, 529, 18, 52, 9, 4703, 18, 8185, 10646, 343, 12240, 13, 18528, 3095, 2121, 38, 46, 3052, 21, 8, 4179, 13, 1547, 590, 1611, 2356, 117, 8, 119, 47, 4290, 21681, 1 ]
"British Indophobia", which he calls essentially a developmentalist, progressivist, liberal, and non-racial-essentialist critique of Hindu civilisation as an aid for the improvement of India along European lines; the other was scientific racism
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 16495, 9, 3350, 15120, 13, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 114, 8627, 4599, 6193, 7027, 3, 9, 6772, 13, 14241, 21, 2557, 1543, 11, 21, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 2150, 12, 3576, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 6, 227, 48, 1059, 13, 96, 1570, 5012, 11219, 1686, 3, 9, 824, 2290, 14277, 12, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 12, 2557, 1543, 16, 879, 1553, 12, 15376, 1402, 16, 778, 957, 189, 2646, 7190, 6, 6571, 15, 26, 57, 3, 9, 18339, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 16, 2390, 28506, 5, 100, 47, 8, 1849, 13, 3, 9, 879, 3292, 16, 4971, 13, 8, 800, 24, 1547, 225, 36, 2779, 120, 6, 4761, 120, 11, 3, 24703, 1427, 3, 6500, 26759, 1054, 12, 7190, 38, 623, 38, 487, 5, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 1099, 7, 192, 2450, 11, 3, 6207, 120, 6401, 2836, 21, 8, 1710, 2290, 14277, 10, 80, 47, 96, 279, 13224, 7, 107, 26822, 27426, 1686, 84, 3, 88, 3088, 3, 8317, 3, 9, 20697, 343, 6, 2188, 11687, 7, 17, 6, 10215, 6, 11, 529, 18, 52, 9, 4703, 18, 8185, 10646, 343, 12240, 13, 18528, 3095, 2121, 38, 46, 3052, 21, 8, 4179, 13, 1547, 590, 1611, 2356, 117, 8, 119, 47, 4290, 21681, 6, 3, 9, 4516, 13, 8, 1566, 96, 287, 2157, 18, 7, 5167, 903, 121, 24, 2557, 7, 3, 31958, 3, 9, 96, 7, 15, 1893, 342, 6, 23447, 11, 73, 16260, 208, 179, 1964, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 1615, 47, 7190, 24550, 1587, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Orientalist scholars of the 18th century like Sir William Jones marked a wave of enthusiasm for Indian culture and for Sanskrit. According to Thomas Trautmann, after this period of "Indomania", a certain hostility to Sanskrit and to Indian culture in general began to assert itself in early 19th century Britain, manifested by a neglect of Sanskrit in British academia. This was the beginning of a general push in favor of the idea that India should be culturally, religiously and linguistically assimilated to Britain as far as possible. Trautmann considers two separate and logically opposite sources for the growing hostility: one was "British Indophobia", which he calls essentially a developmentalist, progressivist, liberal, and non-racial-essentialist critique of Hindu civilisation as an aid for the improvement of India along European lines; the other was scientific racism, a theory of the English "common-sense view" that Indians constituted a "separate, inferior and unimprovable race".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Why was Britain hostile towards Sanskrit?
[ 96, 279, 13224, 7, 107, 26822, 27426, 1686, 84, 3, 88, 3088, 3, 8317, 3, 9, 20697, 343, 6, 2188, 11687, 7, 17, 6, 10215, 6, 11, 529, 18, 52, 9, 4703, 18, 8185, 10646, 343, 12240, 13, 18528, 3095, 2121, 38, 46, 3052, 21, 8, 4179, 13, 1547, 590, 1611, 2356, 117, 8, 119, 47, 4290, 21681, 1 ]
"British Indophobia", which he calls essentially a developmentalist, progressivist, liberal, and non-racial-essentialist critique of Hindu civilisation as an aid for the improvement of India along European lines; the other was scientific racism
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 16495, 9, 3350, 15120, 13, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 114, 8627, 4599, 6193, 7027, 3, 9, 6772, 13, 14241, 21, 2557, 1543, 11, 21, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 2150, 12, 3576, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 6, 227, 48, 1059, 13, 96, 1570, 5012, 11219, 1686, 3, 9, 824, 2290, 14277, 12, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 12, 2557, 1543, 16, 879, 1553, 12, 15376, 1402, 16, 778, 957, 189, 2646, 7190, 6, 6571, 15, 26, 57, 3, 9, 18339, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 16, 2390, 28506, 5, 100, 47, 8, 1849, 13, 3, 9, 879, 3292, 16, 4971, 13, 8, 800, 24, 1547, 225, 36, 2779, 120, 6, 4761, 120, 11, 3, 24703, 1427, 3, 6500, 26759, 1054, 12, 7190, 38, 623, 38, 487, 5, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 1099, 7, 192, 2450, 11, 3, 6207, 120, 6401, 2836, 21, 8, 1710, 2290, 14277, 10, 80, 47, 96, 279, 13224, 7, 107, 26822, 27426, 1686, 84, 3, 88, 3088, 3, 8317, 3, 9, 20697, 343, 6, 2188, 11687, 7, 17, 6, 10215, 6, 11, 529, 18, 52, 9, 4703, 18, 8185, 10646, 343, 12240, 13, 18528, 3095, 2121, 38, 46, 3052, 21, 8, 4179, 13, 1547, 590, 1611, 2356, 117, 8, 119, 47, 4290, 21681, 6, 3, 9, 4516, 13, 8, 1566, 96, 287, 2157, 18, 7, 5167, 903, 121, 24, 2557, 7, 3, 31958, 3, 9, 96, 7, 15, 1893, 342, 6, 23447, 11, 73, 16260, 208, 179, 1964, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 410, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 8, 127, 1737, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Orientalist scholars of the 18th century like Sir William Jones marked a wave of enthusiasm for Indian culture and for Sanskrit. According to Thomas Trautmann, after this period of "Indomania", a certain hostility to Sanskrit and to Indian culture in general began to assert itself in early 19th century Britain, manifested by a neglect of Sanskrit in British academia. This was the beginning of a general push in favor of the idea that India should be culturally, religiously and linguistically assimilated to Britain as far as possible. Trautmann considers two separate and logically opposite sources for the growing hostility: one was "British Indophobia", which he calls essentially a developmentalist, progressivist, liberal, and non-racial-essentialist critique of Hindu civilisation as an aid for the improvement of India along European lines; the other was scientific racism, a theory of the English "common-sense view" that Indians constituted a "separate, inferior and unimprovable race".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What did Trautmann theorize?
[ 192, 2450, 11, 3, 6207, 120, 6401, 2836, 21, 8, 1710, 2290, 14277, 1 ]
two separate and logically opposite sources for the growing hostility
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 16495, 9, 3350, 15120, 13, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 114, 8627, 4599, 6193, 7027, 3, 9, 6772, 13, 14241, 21, 2557, 1543, 11, 21, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 2150, 12, 3576, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 6, 227, 48, 1059, 13, 96, 1570, 5012, 11219, 1686, 3, 9, 824, 2290, 14277, 12, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 12, 2557, 1543, 16, 879, 1553, 12, 15376, 1402, 16, 778, 957, 189, 2646, 7190, 6, 6571, 15, 26, 57, 3, 9, 18339, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 16, 2390, 28506, 5, 100, 47, 8, 1849, 13, 3, 9, 879, 3292, 16, 4971, 13, 8, 800, 24, 1547, 225, 36, 2779, 120, 6, 4761, 120, 11, 3, 24703, 1427, 3, 6500, 26759, 1054, 12, 7190, 38, 623, 38, 487, 5, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 1099, 7, 192, 2450, 11, 3, 6207, 120, 6401, 2836, 21, 8, 1710, 2290, 14277, 10, 80, 47, 96, 279, 13224, 7, 107, 26822, 27426, 1686, 84, 3, 88, 3088, 3, 8317, 3, 9, 20697, 343, 6, 2188, 11687, 7, 17, 6, 10215, 6, 11, 529, 18, 52, 9, 4703, 18, 8185, 10646, 343, 12240, 13, 18528, 3095, 2121, 38, 46, 3052, 21, 8, 4179, 13, 1547, 590, 1611, 2356, 117, 8, 119, 47, 4290, 21681, 6, 3, 9, 4516, 13, 8, 1566, 96, 287, 2157, 18, 7, 5167, 903, 121, 24, 2557, 7, 3, 31958, 3, 9, 96, 7, 15, 1893, 342, 6, 23447, 11, 73, 16260, 208, 179, 1964, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 130, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 192, 16348, 13, 572, 7190, 47, 24550, 12, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Orientalist scholars of the 18th century like Sir William Jones marked a wave of enthusiasm for Indian culture and for Sanskrit. According to Thomas Trautmann, after this period of "Indomania", a certain hostility to Sanskrit and to Indian culture in general began to assert itself in early 19th century Britain, manifested by a neglect of Sanskrit in British academia. This was the beginning of a general push in favor of the idea that India should be culturally, religiously and linguistically assimilated to Britain as far as possible. Trautmann considers two separate and logically opposite sources for the growing hostility: one was "British Indophobia", which he calls essentially a developmentalist, progressivist, liberal, and non-racial-essentialist critique of Hindu civilisation as an aid for the improvement of India along European lines; the other was scientific racism, a theory of the English "common-sense view" that Indians constituted a "separate, inferior and unimprovable race".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What were Trautmann two theories of why Britain was hostile to Sanskrit?
[ 80, 47, 96, 279, 13224, 7, 107, 26822, 27426, 1686, 84, 3, 88, 3088, 3, 8317, 3, 9, 20697, 343, 6, 2188, 11687, 7, 17, 6, 10215, 6, 11, 529, 18, 52, 9, 4703, 18, 8185, 10646, 343, 12240, 13, 18528, 3095, 2121, 38, 46, 3052, 21, 8, 4179, 13, 1547, 590, 1611, 2356, 117, 8, 119, 47, 4290, 21681, 1 ]
one was "British Indophobia", which he calls essentially a developmentalist, progressivist, liberal, and non-racial-essentialist critique of Hindu civilisation as an aid for the improvement of India along European lines; the other was scientific racism
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 16495, 9, 3350, 15120, 13, 8, 507, 189, 2646, 114, 8627, 4599, 6193, 7027, 3, 9, 6772, 13, 14241, 21, 2557, 1543, 11, 21, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 2150, 12, 3576, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 6, 227, 48, 1059, 13, 96, 1570, 5012, 11219, 1686, 3, 9, 824, 2290, 14277, 12, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 11, 12, 2557, 1543, 16, 879, 1553, 12, 15376, 1402, 16, 778, 957, 189, 2646, 7190, 6, 6571, 15, 26, 57, 3, 9, 18339, 13, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 16, 2390, 28506, 5, 100, 47, 8, 1849, 13, 3, 9, 879, 3292, 16, 4971, 13, 8, 800, 24, 1547, 225, 36, 2779, 120, 6, 4761, 120, 11, 3, 24703, 1427, 3, 6500, 26759, 1054, 12, 7190, 38, 623, 38, 487, 5, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 1099, 7, 192, 2450, 11, 3, 6207, 120, 6401, 2836, 21, 8, 1710, 2290, 14277, 10, 80, 47, 96, 279, 13224, 7, 107, 26822, 27426, 1686, 84, 3, 88, 3088, 3, 8317, 3, 9, 20697, 343, 6, 2188, 11687, 7, 17, 6, 10215, 6, 11, 529, 18, 52, 9, 4703, 18, 8185, 10646, 343, 12240, 13, 18528, 3095, 2121, 38, 46, 3052, 21, 8, 4179, 13, 1547, 590, 1611, 2356, 117, 8, 119, 47, 4290, 21681, 6, 3, 9, 4516, 13, 8, 1566, 96, 287, 2157, 18, 7, 5167, 903, 121, 24, 2557, 7, 3, 31958, 3, 9, 96, 7, 15, 1893, 342, 6, 23447, 11, 73, 16260, 208, 179, 1964, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 3083, 76, 17, 2434, 1702, 4290, 21681, 11, 125, 1307, 2081, 21, 872, 7190, 47, 24550, 1587, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Orientalist scholars of the 18th century like Sir William Jones marked a wave of enthusiasm for Indian culture and for Sanskrit. According to Thomas Trautmann, after this period of "Indomania", a certain hostility to Sanskrit and to Indian culture in general began to assert itself in early 19th century Britain, manifested by a neglect of Sanskrit in British academia. This was the beginning of a general push in favor of the idea that India should be culturally, religiously and linguistically assimilated to Britain as far as possible. Trautmann considers two separate and logically opposite sources for the growing hostility: one was "British Indophobia", which he calls essentially a developmentalist, progressivist, liberal, and non-racial-essentialist critique of Hindu civilisation as an aid for the improvement of India along European lines; the other was scientific racism, a theory of the English "common-sense view" that Indians constituted a "separate, inferior and unimprovable race".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Trautmann considered scientific racism and what else reasons for white Britain was hostile towards Sanskrit?
[ 2390, 26822, 27426, 1 ]
British Indophobia
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 3247, 10648, 17, 65, 92, 3, 12913, 26387, 18, 382, 23, 346, 17, 152, 8024, 190, 8, 3060, 13, 20687, 14877, 16, 7314, 5, 28788, 47, 3060, 12, 1473, 57, 16256, 21247, 2253, 5414, 1622, 57, 7153, 1825, 9, 6, 3323, 190, 7314, 7, 13, 20687, 5555, 2160, 26, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1404, 1353, 130, 3017, 9842, 920, 1461, 11, 974, 12, 8, 2830, 19067, 5, 2830, 1234, 114, 3, 2, 3, 524, 85, 29, 85, 41, 2962, 2132, 9, 1478, 23, 10, 3, 2, 3, 157, 2, 9, 2, 9, 3, 31, 26166, 152, 15, 1162, 1059, 31, 61, 130, 26688, 45, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1404, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 14877, 7905, 163, 16, 26488, 8274, 13, 1670, 5414, 12, 8, 20687, 2119, 7, 6, 8, 4738, 122, 63, 450, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 4738, 122, 63, 450, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Sanskrit has also influenced Sino-Tibetan languages through the spread of Buddhist texts in translation. Buddhism was spread to China by Mahayana missionaries sent by Ashoka, mostly through translations of Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit. Many terms were transliterated directly and added to the Chinese vocabulary. Chinese words like 剎那 chànà (Devanagari: क्षण kṣaṇa 'instantaneous period') were borrowed from Sanskrit. Many Sanskrit texts survive only in Tibetan collections of commentaries to the Buddhist teachings, the Tengyur.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the Tengyur?
[ 1670, 5414, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 3247, 10648, 17, 65, 92, 3, 12913, 26387, 18, 382, 23, 346, 17, 152, 8024, 190, 8, 3060, 13, 20687, 14877, 16, 7314, 5, 28788, 47, 3060, 12, 1473, 57, 16256, 21247, 2253, 5414, 1622, 57, 7153, 1825, 9, 6, 3323, 190, 7314, 7, 13, 20687, 5555, 2160, 26, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1404, 1353, 130, 3017, 9842, 920, 1461, 11, 974, 12, 8, 2830, 19067, 5, 2830, 1234, 114, 3, 2, 3, 524, 85, 29, 85, 41, 2962, 2132, 9, 1478, 23, 10, 3, 2, 3, 157, 2, 9, 2, 9, 3, 31, 26166, 152, 15, 1162, 1059, 31, 61, 130, 26688, 45, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1404, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 14877, 7905, 163, 16, 26488, 8274, 13, 1670, 5414, 12, 8, 20687, 2119, 7, 6, 8, 4738, 122, 63, 450, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 1129, 26387, 18, 382, 15, 346, 17, 152, 11, 28788, 6, 84, 19, 59, 3, 9, 1612, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Sanskrit has also influenced Sino-Tibetan languages through the spread of Buddhist texts in translation. Buddhism was spread to China by Mahayana missionaries sent by Ashoka, mostly through translations of Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit. Many terms were transliterated directly and added to the Chinese vocabulary. Chinese words like 剎那 chànà (Devanagari: क्षण kṣaṇa 'instantaneous period') were borrowed from Sanskrit. Many Sanskrit texts survive only in Tibetan collections of commentaries to the Buddhist teachings, the Tengyur.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Of Sino-Tebetan and Buddhism, which is not a language?
[ 28788, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 3247, 10648, 17, 65, 92, 3, 12913, 26387, 18, 382, 23, 346, 17, 152, 8024, 190, 8, 3060, 13, 20687, 14877, 16, 7314, 5, 28788, 47, 3060, 12, 1473, 57, 16256, 21247, 2253, 5414, 1622, 57, 7153, 1825, 9, 6, 3323, 190, 7314, 7, 13, 20687, 5555, 2160, 26, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1404, 1353, 130, 3017, 9842, 920, 1461, 11, 974, 12, 8, 2830, 19067, 5, 2830, 1234, 114, 3, 2, 3, 524, 85, 29, 85, 41, 2962, 2132, 9, 1478, 23, 10, 3, 2, 3, 157, 2, 9, 2, 9, 3, 31, 26166, 152, 15, 1162, 1059, 31, 61, 130, 26688, 45, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1404, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 14877, 7905, 163, 16, 26488, 8274, 13, 1670, 5414, 12, 8, 20687, 2119, 7, 6, 8, 4738, 122, 63, 450, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 1129, 2830, 11, 28788, 6, 84, 19, 3, 9, 1612, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Sanskrit has also influenced Sino-Tibetan languages through the spread of Buddhist texts in translation. Buddhism was spread to China by Mahayana missionaries sent by Ashoka, mostly through translations of Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit. Many terms were transliterated directly and added to the Chinese vocabulary. Chinese words like 剎那 chànà (Devanagari: क्षण kṣaṇa 'instantaneous period') were borrowed from Sanskrit. Many Sanskrit texts survive only in Tibetan collections of commentaries to the Buddhist teachings, the Tengyur.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Of Chinese and Buddhism, which is a language?
[ 2830, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 3247, 10648, 17, 65, 92, 3, 12913, 26387, 18, 382, 23, 346, 17, 152, 8024, 190, 8, 3060, 13, 20687, 14877, 16, 7314, 5, 28788, 47, 3060, 12, 1473, 57, 16256, 21247, 2253, 5414, 1622, 57, 7153, 1825, 9, 6, 3323, 190, 7314, 7, 13, 20687, 5555, 2160, 26, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1404, 1353, 130, 3017, 9842, 920, 1461, 11, 974, 12, 8, 2830, 19067, 5, 2830, 1234, 114, 3, 2, 3, 524, 85, 29, 85, 41, 2962, 2132, 9, 1478, 23, 10, 3, 2, 3, 157, 2, 9, 2, 9, 3, 31, 26166, 152, 15, 1162, 1059, 31, 61, 130, 26688, 45, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1404, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 14877, 7905, 163, 16, 26488, 8274, 13, 1670, 5414, 12, 8, 20687, 2119, 7, 6, 8, 4738, 122, 63, 450, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 1129, 7153, 1825, 9, 11, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 6, 84, 80, 1622, 2253, 5414, 12, 1473, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Sanskrit has also influenced Sino-Tibetan languages through the spread of Buddhist texts in translation. Buddhism was spread to China by Mahayana missionaries sent by Ashoka, mostly through translations of Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit. Many terms were transliterated directly and added to the Chinese vocabulary. Chinese words like 剎那 chànà (Devanagari: क्षण kṣaṇa 'instantaneous period') were borrowed from Sanskrit. Many Sanskrit texts survive only in Tibetan collections of commentaries to the Buddhist teachings, the Tengyur.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Of Ashoka and Sanskrit, which one sent missionaries to China?
[ 7153, 1825, 9, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 3247, 10648, 17, 65, 92, 3, 12913, 26387, 18, 382, 23, 346, 17, 152, 8024, 190, 8, 3060, 13, 20687, 14877, 16, 7314, 5, 28788, 47, 3060, 12, 1473, 57, 16256, 21247, 2253, 5414, 1622, 57, 7153, 1825, 9, 6, 3323, 190, 7314, 7, 13, 20687, 5555, 2160, 26, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1404, 1353, 130, 3017, 9842, 920, 1461, 11, 974, 12, 8, 2830, 19067, 5, 2830, 1234, 114, 3, 2, 3, 524, 85, 29, 85, 41, 2962, 2132, 9, 1478, 23, 10, 3, 2, 3, 157, 2, 9, 2, 9, 3, 31, 26166, 152, 15, 1162, 1059, 31, 61, 130, 26688, 45, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 5, 1404, 1051, 7, 10648, 17, 14877, 7905, 163, 16, 26488, 8274, 13, 1670, 5414, 12, 8, 20687, 2119, 7, 6, 8, 4738, 122, 63, 450, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 643, 13, 2830, 1234, 718, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Sanskrit has also influenced Sino-Tibetan languages through the spread of Buddhist texts in translation. Buddhism was spread to China by Mahayana missionaries sent by Ashoka, mostly through translations of Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit. Many terms were transliterated directly and added to the Chinese vocabulary. Chinese words like 剎那 chànà (Devanagari: क्षण kṣaṇa 'instantaneous period') were borrowed from Sanskrit. Many Sanskrit texts survive only in Tibetan collections of commentaries to the Buddhist teachings, the Tengyur.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the body of Chinese words called?
[ 19067, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 21224, 2958, 17916, 7, 33, 17091, 6, 11, 79, 56, 1457, 10933, 2231, 640, 1440, 6, 10829, 7, 6, 5238, 11, 15015, 3, 18, 68, 79, 33, 30238, 5, 4417, 371, 3965, 19, 464, 28, 10524, 6, 3222, 11, 119, 4417, 4299, 12, 1461, 8000, 186, 13, 175, 1766, 3, 18, 16, 1090, 17916, 220, 30, 533, 6, 17916, 314, 30, 1073, 11, 17916, 305, 30, 7285, 18963, 3, 18, 11, 4139, 7, 16, 3, 9, 1196, 13, 1155, 12, 3, 9582, 186, 13, 8, 880, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 19, 8, 511, 1448, 16, 8, 166, 8986, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The Sustainable Development Goals are ambitious, and they will require enormous efforts across countries, continents, industries and disciplines - but they are achievable. UNFPA is working with governments, partners and other UN agencies to directly tackle many of these goals - in particular Goal 3 on health, Goal 4 on education and Goal 5 on gender equality - and contributes in a variety of ways to achieving many of the rest.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what is the second word in the first paragraph?
[ 21224, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 21224, 2958, 17916, 7, 33, 17091, 6, 11, 79, 56, 1457, 10933, 2231, 640, 1440, 6, 10829, 7, 6, 5238, 11, 15015, 3, 18, 68, 79, 33, 30238, 5, 4417, 371, 3965, 19, 464, 28, 10524, 6, 3222, 11, 119, 4417, 4299, 12, 1461, 8000, 186, 13, 175, 1766, 3, 18, 16, 1090, 17916, 220, 30, 533, 6, 17916, 314, 30, 1073, 11, 17916, 305, 30, 7285, 18963, 3, 18, 11, 4139, 7, 16, 3, 9, 1196, 13, 1155, 12, 3, 9582, 186, 13, 8, 880, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 19, 8, 166, 1448, 16, 8, 511, 8986, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The Sustainable Development Goals are ambitious, and they will require enormous efforts across countries, continents, industries and disciplines - but they are achievable. UNFPA is working with governments, partners and other UN agencies to directly tackle many of these goals - in particular Goal 3 on health, Goal 4 on education and Goal 5 on gender equality - and contributes in a variety of ways to achieving many of the rest.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what is the first word in the second paragraph?
[ 4417, 371, 3965, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 21224, 2958, 17916, 7, 33, 17091, 6, 11, 79, 56, 1457, 10933, 2231, 640, 1440, 6, 10829, 7, 6, 5238, 11, 15015, 3, 18, 68, 79, 33, 30238, 5, 4417, 371, 3965, 19, 464, 28, 10524, 6, 3222, 11, 119, 4417, 4299, 12, 1461, 8000, 186, 13, 175, 1766, 3, 18, 16, 1090, 17916, 220, 30, 533, 6, 17916, 314, 30, 1073, 11, 17916, 305, 30, 7285, 18963, 3, 18, 11, 4139, 7, 16, 3, 9, 1196, 13, 1155, 12, 3, 9582, 186, 13, 8, 880, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 125, 19, 118, 6812, 81, 16, 8, 5454, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The Sustainable Development Goals are ambitious, and they will require enormous efforts across countries, continents, industries and disciplines - but they are achievable. UNFPA is working with governments, partners and other UN agencies to directly tackle many of these goals - in particular Goal 3 on health, Goal 4 on education and Goal 5 on gender equality - and contributes in a variety of ways to achieving many of the rest.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: what is been talked about in the passage?
[ 21224, 2958, 17916, 7, 1 ]
Sustainable Development Goals
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 21224, 2958, 17916, 7, 33, 17091, 6, 11, 79, 56, 1457, 10933, 2231, 640, 1440, 6, 10829, 7, 6, 5238, 11, 15015, 3, 18, 68, 79, 33, 30238, 5, 4417, 371, 3965, 19, 464, 28, 10524, 6, 3222, 11, 119, 4417, 4299, 12, 1461, 8000, 186, 13, 175, 1766, 3, 18, 16, 1090, 17916, 220, 30, 533, 6, 17916, 314, 30, 1073, 11, 17916, 305, 30, 7285, 18963, 3, 18, 11, 4139, 7, 16, 3, 9, 1196, 13, 1155, 12, 3, 9582, 186, 13, 8, 880, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 3, 99, 1288, 305, 19, 59, 30, 533, 125, 258, 19, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The Sustainable Development Goals are ambitious, and they will require enormous efforts across countries, continents, industries and disciplines - but they are achievable. UNFPA is working with governments, partners and other UN agencies to directly tackle many of these goals - in particular Goal 3 on health, Goal 4 on education and Goal 5 on gender equality - and contributes in a variety of ways to achieving many of the rest.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: if goal 5 is not on health what then is?
[ 17916, 220, 1 ]
Goal 3
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 907, 9638, 29659, 3563, 41, 7443, 371, 3965, 201, 3, 14034, 8, 907, 9638, 3563, 21, 29659, 23919, 6, 19, 3, 9, 4417, 1470, 5, 37, 4417, 371, 3965, 845, 34, 96, 159, 8, 991, 4417, 3193, 21, 3, 6930, 3, 9, 296, 213, 334, 8999, 19, 1114, 6, 334, 861, 20663, 19, 1346, 11, 334, 1021, 568, 31, 7, 1055, 19, 20795, 535, 2940, 161, 5806, 8, 4179, 13, 27820, 533, 117, 379, 3409, 13, 1157, 3266, 11, 18870, 6, 11, 1260, 4471, 11, 364, 5, 37, 1470, 65, 1310, 118, 801, 21, 165, 4388, 2066, 581, 3, 28626, 15, 3929, 361, 7, 2520, 9, 11, 3955, 3, 729, 9538, 3, 51, 13780, 257, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 405, 8, 412, 16, 96, 7443, 371, 3965, 121, 1518, 21, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), formerly the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, is a UN organization. The UNFPA says it "is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled." Their work involves the improvement of reproductive health; including creation of national strategies and protocols, and providing supplies and services. The organization has recently been known for its worldwide campaign against obstetric fistula and female genital mutilation.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What does the U in "UNFPA" stand for?
[ 907, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 907, 9638, 29659, 3563, 41, 7443, 371, 3965, 201, 3, 14034, 8, 907, 9638, 3563, 21, 29659, 23919, 6, 19, 3, 9, 4417, 1470, 5, 37, 4417, 371, 3965, 845, 34, 96, 159, 8, 991, 4417, 3193, 21, 3, 6930, 3, 9, 296, 213, 334, 8999, 19, 1114, 6, 334, 861, 20663, 19, 1346, 11, 334, 1021, 568, 31, 7, 1055, 19, 20795, 535, 2940, 161, 5806, 8, 4179, 13, 27820, 533, 117, 379, 3409, 13, 1157, 3266, 11, 18870, 6, 11, 1260, 4471, 11, 364, 5, 37, 1470, 65, 1310, 118, 801, 21, 165, 4388, 2066, 581, 3, 28626, 15, 3929, 361, 7, 2520, 9, 11, 3955, 3, 729, 9538, 3, 51, 13780, 257, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 405, 8, 445, 16, 96, 7443, 371, 3965, 121, 1518, 21, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), formerly the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, is a UN organization. The UNFPA says it "is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled." Their work involves the improvement of reproductive health; including creation of national strategies and protocols, and providing supplies and services. The organization has recently been known for its worldwide campaign against obstetric fistula and female genital mutilation.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What does the N in "UNFPA" stand for?
[ 9638, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 907, 9638, 29659, 3563, 41, 7443, 371, 3965, 201, 3, 14034, 8, 907, 9638, 3563, 21, 29659, 23919, 6, 19, 3, 9, 4417, 1470, 5, 37, 4417, 371, 3965, 845, 34, 96, 159, 8, 991, 4417, 3193, 21, 3, 6930, 3, 9, 296, 213, 334, 8999, 19, 1114, 6, 334, 861, 20663, 19, 1346, 11, 334, 1021, 568, 31, 7, 1055, 19, 20795, 535, 2940, 161, 5806, 8, 4179, 13, 27820, 533, 117, 379, 3409, 13, 1157, 3266, 11, 18870, 6, 11, 1260, 4471, 11, 364, 5, 37, 1470, 65, 1310, 118, 801, 21, 165, 4388, 2066, 581, 3, 28626, 15, 3929, 361, 7, 2520, 9, 11, 3955, 3, 729, 9538, 3, 51, 13780, 257, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 405, 8, 276, 16, 96, 7443, 371, 3965, 121, 1518, 21, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), formerly the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, is a UN organization. The UNFPA says it "is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled." Their work involves the improvement of reproductive health; including creation of national strategies and protocols, and providing supplies and services. The organization has recently been known for its worldwide campaign against obstetric fistula and female genital mutilation.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What does the P in "UNFPA" stand for?
[ 29659, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 7443, 371, 3965, 937, 3052, 12, 17665, 31, 7, 27820, 533, 478, 16, 8, 2076, 18, 235, 18, 5867, 3, 31, 2394, 7, 5, 366, 34, 47, 3883, 3, 9, 17665, 5907, 29, 478, 141, 118, 5908, 16, 6771, 91, 576, 49, 75, 757, 29675, 1628, 6, 4417, 371, 3965, 718, 21, 5139, 7, 11, 18870, 12, 1822, 8, 2166, 13, 887, 3945, 2927, 5, 4417, 371, 3965, 47, 59, 1381, 16, 8, 14605, 6, 68, 2925, 161, 28, 8, 684, 227, 8, 5384, 7, 141, 582, 452, 12, 199, 414, 8, 5384, 7, 11, 5139, 3786, 11, 2869, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 6401, 13, 1731, 58 ]
Given the following passage "UNFPA provided aid to Peru's reproductive health program in the mid-to-late '90s. When it was discovered a Peruvian program had been engaged in carrying out coercive sterilizations, UNFPA called for reforms and protocols to protect the rights of women seeking assistance. UNFPA was not involved in the scandal, but continued work with the country after the abuses had become public to help end the abuses and reform laws and practices.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is opposite of begin?
[ 414, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 7443, 371, 3965, 937, 3052, 12, 17665, 31, 7, 27820, 533, 478, 16, 8, 2076, 18, 235, 18, 5867, 3, 31, 2394, 7, 5, 366, 34, 47, 3883, 3, 9, 17665, 5907, 29, 478, 141, 118, 5908, 16, 6771, 91, 576, 49, 75, 757, 29675, 1628, 6, 4417, 371, 3965, 718, 21, 5139, 7, 11, 18870, 12, 1822, 8, 2166, 13, 887, 3945, 2927, 5, 4417, 371, 3965, 47, 59, 1381, 16, 8, 14605, 6, 68, 2925, 161, 28, 8, 684, 227, 8, 5384, 7, 141, 582, 452, 12, 199, 414, 8, 5384, 7, 11, 5139, 3786, 11, 2869, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 430, 1448, 12, 5530, 1517, 3052, 58 ]
Given the following passage "UNFPA provided aid to Peru's reproductive health program in the mid-to-late '90s. When it was discovered a Peruvian program had been engaged in carrying out coercive sterilizations, UNFPA called for reforms and protocols to protect the rights of women seeking assistance. UNFPA was not involved in the scandal, but continued work with the country after the abuses had become public to help end the abuses and reform laws and practices.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is another word to describe giving aid?
[ 199, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 7443, 371, 3965, 937, 3052, 12, 17665, 31, 7, 27820, 533, 478, 16, 8, 2076, 18, 235, 18, 5867, 3, 31, 2394, 7, 5, 366, 34, 47, 3883, 3, 9, 17665, 5907, 29, 478, 141, 118, 5908, 16, 6771, 91, 576, 49, 75, 757, 29675, 1628, 6, 4417, 371, 3965, 718, 21, 5139, 7, 11, 18870, 12, 1822, 8, 2166, 13, 887, 3945, 2927, 5, 4417, 371, 3965, 47, 59, 1381, 16, 8, 14605, 6, 68, 2925, 161, 28, 8, 684, 227, 8, 5384, 7, 141, 582, 452, 12, 199, 414, 8, 5384, 7, 11, 5139, 3786, 11, 2869, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 33, 204, 151, 1459, 3, 9, 1683, 58 ]
Given the following passage "UNFPA provided aid to Peru's reproductive health program in the mid-to-late '90s. When it was discovered a Peruvian program had been engaged in carrying out coercive sterilizations, UNFPA called for reforms and protocols to protect the rights of women seeking assistance. UNFPA was not involved in the scandal, but continued work with the country after the abuses had become public to help end the abuses and reform laws and practices.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What are 2 people planning a wedding?
[ 5908, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 779, 7025, 7, 16, 8, 27541, 138, 5435, 33, 18054, 30, 8, 377, 63, 40, 221, 4939, 41, 532, 1589, 13194, 10127, 5690, 201, 11, 3, 9, 6782, 13, 11228, 1180, 4653, 18, 11535, 590, 8, 283, 4122, 10, 28876, 6, 1589, 7223, 6, 3, 19543, 52, 6029, 6, 10846, 1306, 6, 14448, 11, 3043, 29, 15, 5, 1013, 13, 28876, 33, 8, 11228, 13, 312, 28900, 11, 17531, 1306, 117, 8, 386, 5147, 294, 13, 8, 2808, 9144, 658, 5718, 368, 4463, 9943, 16, 7434, 5, 37, 3457, 13, 8, 5435, 19, 24448, 5372, 11, 14144, 7, 15, 120, 3, 23606, 6, 3578, 21, 8, 11228, 13, 27830, 11, 1537, 6527, 346, 84, 607, 3, 9, 508, 975, 450, 115, 257, 13, 966, 18829, 151, 5, 9144, 658, 5718, 19, 234, 12, 3, 9, 1516, 6578, 2074, 6, 381, 53, 147, 3, 28891, 11, 3, 6370, 13, 8, 5435, 31, 7, 2074, 6, 11, 18054, 3, 6974, 16, 8, 1798, 7282, 3293, 11228, 16, 8, 3414, 5727, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2840, 33, 8, 779, 7025, 7, 3, 4894, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The major settlements in the ceremonial county are concentrated on the Fylde coast (the Blackpool Urban Area), and a belt of towns running west-east along the M65: Preston, Blackburn, Accrington, Burnley, Nelson and Colne. South of Preston are the towns of Leyland and Chorley; the three formed part of the Central Lancashire New Town designated in 1970. The north of the county is predominantly rural and sparsely populated, except for the towns of Lancaster and Morecambe which form a large conurbation of almost 100,000 people. Lancashire is home to a significant Asian population, numbering over 70,000 and 6% of the county's population, and concentrated largely in the former cotton mill towns in the south east.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where are the major settlements mainly?
[ 30, 8, 377, 63, 40, 221, 4939, 41, 532, 1589, 13194, 10127, 5690, 201, 11, 3, 9, 6782, 13, 11228, 1180, 4653, 18, 11535, 590, 8, 283, 4122, 1 ]
on the Fylde coast (the Blackpool Urban Area), and a belt of towns running west-east along the M65
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 779, 7025, 7, 16, 8, 27541, 138, 5435, 33, 18054, 30, 8, 377, 63, 40, 221, 4939, 41, 532, 1589, 13194, 10127, 5690, 201, 11, 3, 9, 6782, 13, 11228, 1180, 4653, 18, 11535, 590, 8, 283, 4122, 10, 28876, 6, 1589, 7223, 6, 3, 19543, 52, 6029, 6, 10846, 1306, 6, 14448, 11, 3043, 29, 15, 5, 1013, 13, 28876, 33, 8, 11228, 13, 312, 28900, 11, 17531, 1306, 117, 8, 386, 5147, 294, 13, 8, 2808, 9144, 658, 5718, 368, 4463, 9943, 16, 7434, 5, 37, 3457, 13, 8, 5435, 19, 24448, 5372, 11, 14144, 7, 15, 120, 3, 23606, 6, 3578, 21, 8, 11228, 13, 27830, 11, 1537, 6527, 346, 84, 607, 3, 9, 508, 975, 450, 115, 257, 13, 966, 18829, 151, 5, 9144, 658, 5718, 19, 234, 12, 3, 9, 1516, 6578, 2074, 6, 381, 53, 147, 3, 28891, 11, 3, 6370, 13, 8, 5435, 31, 7, 2074, 6, 11, 18054, 3, 6974, 16, 8, 1798, 7282, 3293, 11228, 16, 8, 3414, 5727, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 33, 435, 44, 10846, 1306, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The major settlements in the ceremonial county are concentrated on the Fylde coast (the Blackpool Urban Area), and a belt of towns running west-east along the M65: Preston, Blackburn, Accrington, Burnley, Nelson and Colne. South of Preston are the towns of Leyland and Chorley; the three formed part of the Central Lancashire New Town designated in 1970. The north of the county is predominantly rural and sparsely populated, except for the towns of Lancaster and Morecambe which form a large conurbation of almost 100,000 people. Lancashire is home to a significant Asian population, numbering over 70,000 and 6% of the county's population, and concentrated largely in the former cotton mill towns in the south east.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What are found at Burnley?
[ 779, 7025, 7, 16, 8, 27541, 138, 5435, 1 ]
major settlements in the ceremonial county
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 779, 7025, 7, 16, 8, 27541, 138, 5435, 33, 18054, 30, 8, 377, 63, 40, 221, 4939, 41, 532, 1589, 13194, 10127, 5690, 201, 11, 3, 9, 6782, 13, 11228, 1180, 4653, 18, 11535, 590, 8, 283, 4122, 10, 28876, 6, 1589, 7223, 6, 3, 19543, 52, 6029, 6, 10846, 1306, 6, 14448, 11, 3043, 29, 15, 5, 1013, 13, 28876, 33, 8, 11228, 13, 312, 28900, 11, 17531, 1306, 117, 8, 386, 5147, 294, 13, 8, 2808, 9144, 658, 5718, 368, 4463, 9943, 16, 7434, 5, 37, 3457, 13, 8, 5435, 19, 24448, 5372, 11, 14144, 7, 15, 120, 3, 23606, 6, 3578, 21, 8, 11228, 13, 27830, 11, 1537, 6527, 346, 84, 607, 3, 9, 508, 975, 450, 115, 257, 13, 966, 18829, 151, 5, 9144, 658, 5718, 19, 234, 12, 3, 9, 1516, 6578, 2074, 6, 381, 53, 147, 3, 28891, 11, 3, 6370, 13, 8, 5435, 31, 7, 2074, 6, 11, 18054, 3, 6974, 16, 8, 1798, 7282, 3293, 11228, 16, 8, 3414, 5727, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 33, 435, 44, 8, 1511, 13, 3, 19543, 52, 6029, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The major settlements in the ceremonial county are concentrated on the Fylde coast (the Blackpool Urban Area), and a belt of towns running west-east along the M65: Preston, Blackburn, Accrington, Burnley, Nelson and Colne. South of Preston are the towns of Leyland and Chorley; the three formed part of the Central Lancashire New Town designated in 1970. The north of the county is predominantly rural and sparsely populated, except for the towns of Lancaster and Morecambe which form a large conurbation of almost 100,000 people. Lancashire is home to a significant Asian population, numbering over 70,000 and 6% of the county's population, and concentrated largely in the former cotton mill towns in the south east.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What are found at the town of Accrington?
[ 779, 7025, 7, 16, 8, 27541, 138, 5435, 1 ]
major settlements in the ceremonial county
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 779, 7025, 7, 16, 8, 27541, 138, 5435, 33, 18054, 30, 8, 377, 63, 40, 221, 4939, 41, 532, 1589, 13194, 10127, 5690, 201, 11, 3, 9, 6782, 13, 11228, 1180, 4653, 18, 11535, 590, 8, 283, 4122, 10, 28876, 6, 1589, 7223, 6, 3, 19543, 52, 6029, 6, 10846, 1306, 6, 14448, 11, 3043, 29, 15, 5, 1013, 13, 28876, 33, 8, 11228, 13, 312, 28900, 11, 17531, 1306, 117, 8, 386, 5147, 294, 13, 8, 2808, 9144, 658, 5718, 368, 4463, 9943, 16, 7434, 5, 37, 3457, 13, 8, 5435, 19, 24448, 5372, 11, 14144, 7, 15, 120, 3, 23606, 6, 3578, 21, 8, 11228, 13, 27830, 11, 1537, 6527, 346, 84, 607, 3, 9, 508, 975, 450, 115, 257, 13, 966, 18829, 151, 5, 9144, 658, 5718, 19, 234, 12, 3, 9, 1516, 6578, 2074, 6, 381, 53, 147, 3, 28891, 11, 3, 6370, 13, 8, 5435, 31, 7, 2074, 6, 11, 18054, 3, 6974, 16, 8, 1798, 7282, 3293, 11228, 16, 8, 3414, 5727, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 133, 36, 435, 44, 1589, 7223, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The major settlements in the ceremonial county are concentrated on the Fylde coast (the Blackpool Urban Area), and a belt of towns running west-east along the M65: Preston, Blackburn, Accrington, Burnley, Nelson and Colne. South of Preston are the towns of Leyland and Chorley; the three formed part of the Central Lancashire New Town designated in 1970. The north of the county is predominantly rural and sparsely populated, except for the towns of Lancaster and Morecambe which form a large conurbation of almost 100,000 people. Lancashire is home to a significant Asian population, numbering over 70,000 and 6% of the county's population, and concentrated largely in the former cotton mill towns in the south east.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What would be found at Blackburn?
[ 779, 7025, 7, 16, 8, 27541, 138, 5435, 1 ]
major settlements in the ceremonial county
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 634, 779, 7025, 7, 16, 8, 27541, 138, 5435, 33, 18054, 30, 8, 377, 63, 40, 221, 4939, 41, 532, 1589, 13194, 10127, 5690, 201, 11, 3, 9, 6782, 13, 11228, 1180, 4653, 18, 11535, 590, 8, 283, 4122, 10, 28876, 6, 1589, 7223, 6, 3, 19543, 52, 6029, 6, 10846, 1306, 6, 14448, 11, 3043, 29, 15, 5, 1013, 13, 28876, 33, 8, 11228, 13, 312, 28900, 11, 17531, 1306, 117, 8, 386, 5147, 294, 13, 8, 2808, 9144, 658, 5718, 368, 4463, 9943, 16, 7434, 5, 37, 3457, 13, 8, 5435, 19, 24448, 5372, 11, 14144, 7, 15, 120, 3, 23606, 6, 3578, 21, 8, 11228, 13, 27830, 11, 1537, 6527, 346, 84, 607, 3, 9, 508, 975, 450, 115, 257, 13, 966, 18829, 151, 5, 9144, 658, 5718, 19, 234, 12, 3, 9, 1516, 6578, 2074, 6, 381, 53, 147, 3, 28891, 11, 3, 6370, 13, 8, 5435, 31, 7, 2074, 6, 11, 18054, 3, 6974, 16, 8, 1798, 7282, 3293, 11228, 16, 8, 3414, 5727, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 16509, 18054, 16, 14448, 11, 3043, 29, 15, 58 ]
Given the following passage "The major settlements in the ceremonial county are concentrated on the Fylde coast (the Blackpool Urban Area), and a belt of towns running west-east along the M65: Preston, Blackburn, Accrington, Burnley, Nelson and Colne. South of Preston are the towns of Leyland and Chorley; the three formed part of the Central Lancashire New Town designated in 1970. The north of the county is predominantly rural and sparsely populated, except for the towns of Lancaster and Morecambe which form a large conurbation of almost 100,000 people. Lancashire is home to a significant Asian population, numbering over 70,000 and 6% of the county's population, and concentrated largely in the former cotton mill towns in the south east.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is partly concentrated in Nelson and Colne?
[ 779, 7025, 7, 16, 8, 27541, 138, 5435, 1 ]
major settlements in the ceremonial county
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 8656, 769, 2244, 7, 13, 5645, 4978, 33, 3, 23579, 10, 2803, 1758, 437, 1758, 3, 7359, 3, 15021, 4951, 549, 13011, 4278, 28, 431, 5373, 2850, 6, 84, 19, 1702, 12, 380, 66, 4092, 1611, 8024, 338, 8, 6271, 6, 6781, 6, 42, 6400, 52, 173, 2176, 4943, 5, 2502, 3, 23579, 769, 2244, 7, 13, 5645, 4978, 560, 8, 4908, 25207, 1611, 3325, 2244, 7, 10, 3, 22759, 2292, 41, 3612, 17, 77, 4943, 7, 163, 6, 220, 2469, 2850, 201, 3, 22759, 4949, 41, 3612, 17, 77, 6, 6781, 11, 6400, 52, 173, 2176, 335, 4056, 2850, 61, 11, 3, 22759, 3486, 188, 3, 184, 3, 22759, 3486, 279, 41, 8264, 2186, 769, 2244, 7, 6, 59, 2008, 270, 137, 2507, 24, 3, 22759, 4949, 963, 334, 1848, 16, 3, 22759, 2292, 11, 549, 13011, 4278, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 33, 549, 13011, 4278, 6, 3, 22759, 2292, 6, 11, 3, 22759, 3486, 279, 66, 4062, 13, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Several subsets of Unicode are standardized: Microsoft Windows since Windows NT 4.0 supports WGL-4 with 652 characters, which is considered to support all contemporary European languages using the Latin, Greek, or Cyrillic script. Other standardized subsets of Unicode include the Multilingual European Subsets: MES-1 (Latin scripts only, 335 characters), MES-2 (Latin, Greek and Cyrillic 1062 characters) and MES-3A & MES-3B (two larger subsets, not shown here). Note that MES-2 includes every character in MES-1 and WGL-4.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What are WGL-4, MES-1, and MES-3B all examples of?
[ 5645, 4978, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 8656, 769, 2244, 7, 13, 5645, 4978, 33, 3, 23579, 10, 2803, 1758, 437, 1758, 3, 7359, 3, 15021, 4951, 549, 13011, 4278, 28, 431, 5373, 2850, 6, 84, 19, 1702, 12, 380, 66, 4092, 1611, 8024, 338, 8, 6271, 6, 6781, 6, 42, 6400, 52, 173, 2176, 4943, 5, 2502, 3, 23579, 769, 2244, 7, 13, 5645, 4978, 560, 8, 4908, 25207, 1611, 3325, 2244, 7, 10, 3, 22759, 2292, 41, 3612, 17, 77, 4943, 7, 163, 6, 220, 2469, 2850, 201, 3, 22759, 4949, 41, 3612, 17, 77, 6, 6781, 11, 6400, 52, 173, 2176, 335, 4056, 2850, 61, 11, 3, 22759, 3486, 188, 3, 184, 3, 22759, 3486, 279, 41, 8264, 2186, 769, 2244, 7, 6, 59, 2008, 270, 137, 2507, 24, 3, 22759, 4949, 963, 334, 1848, 16, 3, 22759, 2292, 11, 549, 13011, 4278, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 37, 511, 4908, 25207, 1611, 769, 2244, 963, 762, 45, 84, 119, 5645, 4978, 769, 2244, 7, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Several subsets of Unicode are standardized: Microsoft Windows since Windows NT 4.0 supports WGL-4 with 652 characters, which is considered to support all contemporary European languages using the Latin, Greek, or Cyrillic script. Other standardized subsets of Unicode include the Multilingual European Subsets: MES-1 (Latin scripts only, 335 characters), MES-2 (Latin, Greek and Cyrillic 1062 characters) and MES-3A & MES-3B (two larger subsets, not shown here). Note that MES-2 includes every character in MES-1 and WGL-4.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: The second Multilingual European subset includes everything from which other Unicode subsets?
[ 3, 22759, 2292, 11, 549, 13011, 4278, 1 ]
MES-1 and WGL-4
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 8656, 769, 2244, 7, 13, 5645, 4978, 33, 3, 23579, 10, 2803, 1758, 437, 1758, 3, 7359, 3, 15021, 4951, 549, 13011, 4278, 28, 431, 5373, 2850, 6, 84, 19, 1702, 12, 380, 66, 4092, 1611, 8024, 338, 8, 6271, 6, 6781, 6, 42, 6400, 52, 173, 2176, 4943, 5, 2502, 3, 23579, 769, 2244, 7, 13, 5645, 4978, 560, 8, 4908, 25207, 1611, 3325, 2244, 7, 10, 3, 22759, 2292, 41, 3612, 17, 77, 4943, 7, 163, 6, 220, 2469, 2850, 201, 3, 22759, 4949, 41, 3612, 17, 77, 6, 6781, 11, 6400, 52, 173, 2176, 335, 4056, 2850, 61, 11, 3, 22759, 3486, 188, 3, 184, 3, 22759, 3486, 279, 41, 8264, 2186, 769, 2244, 7, 6, 59, 2008, 270, 137, 2507, 24, 3, 22759, 4949, 963, 334, 1848, 16, 3, 22759, 2292, 11, 549, 13011, 4278, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 186, 2850, 133, 25, 253, 16, 8, 4908, 25207, 1611, 3325, 2244, 24, 963, 762, 45, 3, 22759, 2292, 11, 549, 13011, 4278, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Several subsets of Unicode are standardized: Microsoft Windows since Windows NT 4.0 supports WGL-4 with 652 characters, which is considered to support all contemporary European languages using the Latin, Greek, or Cyrillic script. Other standardized subsets of Unicode include the Multilingual European Subsets: MES-1 (Latin scripts only, 335 characters), MES-2 (Latin, Greek and Cyrillic 1062 characters) and MES-3A & MES-3B (two larger subsets, not shown here). Note that MES-2 includes every character in MES-1 and WGL-4.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How many characters would you find in the Multilingual European Subset that includes everything from MES-1 and WGL-4?
[ 335, 4056, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 8656, 769, 2244, 7, 13, 5645, 4978, 33, 3, 23579, 10, 2803, 1758, 437, 1758, 3, 7359, 3, 15021, 4951, 549, 13011, 4278, 28, 431, 5373, 2850, 6, 84, 19, 1702, 12, 380, 66, 4092, 1611, 8024, 338, 8, 6271, 6, 6781, 6, 42, 6400, 52, 173, 2176, 4943, 5, 2502, 3, 23579, 769, 2244, 7, 13, 5645, 4978, 560, 8, 4908, 25207, 1611, 3325, 2244, 7, 10, 3, 22759, 2292, 41, 3612, 17, 77, 4943, 7, 163, 6, 220, 2469, 2850, 201, 3, 22759, 4949, 41, 3612, 17, 77, 6, 6781, 11, 6400, 52, 173, 2176, 335, 4056, 2850, 61, 11, 3, 22759, 3486, 188, 3, 184, 3, 22759, 3486, 279, 41, 8264, 2186, 769, 2244, 7, 6, 59, 2008, 270, 137, 2507, 24, 3, 22759, 4949, 963, 334, 1848, 16, 3, 22759, 2292, 11, 549, 13011, 4278, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 186, 2850, 33, 16, 8, 5645, 4978, 769, 2244, 3510, 57, 1758, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Several subsets of Unicode are standardized: Microsoft Windows since Windows NT 4.0 supports WGL-4 with 652 characters, which is considered to support all contemporary European languages using the Latin, Greek, or Cyrillic script. Other standardized subsets of Unicode include the Multilingual European Subsets: MES-1 (Latin scripts only, 335 characters), MES-2 (Latin, Greek and Cyrillic 1062 characters) and MES-3A & MES-3B (two larger subsets, not shown here). Note that MES-2 includes every character in MES-1 and WGL-4.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How many characters are in the Unicode subset supported by Windows?
[ 431, 5373, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 11, 412, 4778, 4278, 6, 80, 3538, 18, 2360, 1081, 701, 4657, 38, 3, 9, 5163, 1223, 6497, 13, 136, 1848, 31, 7, 1081, 500, 41, 18252, 8, 3, 35, 8603, 655, 6, 84, 3, 15550, 640, 315, 5357, 6, 2603, 7, 149, 8, 1081, 701, 6571, 7, 38, 46, 3, 32, 75, 17, 15, 17, 5932, 137, 86, 8, 119, 3, 35, 9886, 7, 6, 284, 1081, 500, 164, 36, 7283, 57, 3, 9, 7660, 381, 13, 1081, 2620, 5, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 19, 5456, 261, 38, 46, 3224, 6497, 13, 1499, 16, 1356, 41, 9, 7, 8560, 12, 5816, 42, 19751, 1499, 201, 437, 334, 5645, 226, 2699, 358, 24, 2284, 8, 3, 122, 75, 75, 29801, 7, 12, 3806, 889, 2284, 34, 38, 8, 1068, 96, 6728, 1848, 121, 3, 35, 9886, 5, 886, 6020, 8024, 6, 224, 38, 17700, 940, 6, 169, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 38, 3224, 6497, 21, 18705, 11, 2850, 5, 17716, 5204, 13, 8, 20737, 6020, 1612, 41, 27006, 53, 28, 3, 15300, 61, 164, 92, 36, 15786, 12, 169, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 38, 8, 6497, 21, 5645, 4978, 18705, 6, 3762, 1028, 7, 15, 1109, 1014, 224, 3, 35, 9886, 16, 306, 18, 4563, 1081, 26, 889, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 65, 284, 1081, 500, 7283, 57, 424, 119, 145, 3, 9, 7660, 381, 13, 1081, 2620, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In UTF-32 and UCS-4, one 32-bit code value serves as a fairly direct representation of any character's code point (although the endianness, which varies across different platforms, affects how the code value manifests as an octet sequence). In the other encodings, each code point may be represented by a variable number of code values. UTF-32 is widely used as an internal representation of text in programs (as opposed to stored or transmitted text), since every Unix operating system that uses the gcc compilers to generate software uses it as the standard "wide character" encoding. Some programming languages, such as Seed7, use UTF-32 as internal representation for strings and characters. Recent versions of the Python programming language (beginning with 2.2) may also be configured to use UTF-32 as the representation for Unicode strings, effectively disseminating such encoding in high-level coded software.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What has each code point represented by something other than a variable number of code values?
[ 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 11, 412, 4778, 4278, 1 ]
UTF-32 and UCS-4
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 11, 412, 4778, 4278, 6, 80, 3538, 18, 2360, 1081, 701, 4657, 38, 3, 9, 5163, 1223, 6497, 13, 136, 1848, 31, 7, 1081, 500, 41, 18252, 8, 3, 35, 8603, 655, 6, 84, 3, 15550, 640, 315, 5357, 6, 2603, 7, 149, 8, 1081, 701, 6571, 7, 38, 46, 3, 32, 75, 17, 15, 17, 5932, 137, 86, 8, 119, 3, 35, 9886, 7, 6, 284, 1081, 500, 164, 36, 7283, 57, 3, 9, 7660, 381, 13, 1081, 2620, 5, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 19, 5456, 261, 38, 46, 3224, 6497, 13, 1499, 16, 1356, 41, 9, 7, 8560, 12, 5816, 42, 19751, 1499, 201, 437, 334, 5645, 226, 2699, 358, 24, 2284, 8, 3, 122, 75, 75, 29801, 7, 12, 3806, 889, 2284, 34, 38, 8, 1068, 96, 6728, 1848, 121, 3, 35, 9886, 5, 886, 6020, 8024, 6, 224, 38, 17700, 940, 6, 169, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 38, 3224, 6497, 21, 18705, 11, 2850, 5, 17716, 5204, 13, 8, 20737, 6020, 1612, 41, 27006, 53, 28, 3, 15300, 61, 164, 92, 36, 15786, 12, 169, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 38, 8, 6497, 21, 5645, 4978, 18705, 6, 3762, 1028, 7, 15, 1109, 1014, 224, 3, 35, 9886, 16, 306, 18, 4563, 1081, 26, 889, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 33, 25, 3, 179, 12, 103, 338, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 16, 20737, 826, 8, 3, 15300, 2270, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In UTF-32 and UCS-4, one 32-bit code value serves as a fairly direct representation of any character's code point (although the endianness, which varies across different platforms, affects how the code value manifests as an octet sequence). In the other encodings, each code point may be represented by a variable number of code values. UTF-32 is widely used as an internal representation of text in programs (as opposed to stored or transmitted text), since every Unix operating system that uses the gcc compilers to generate software uses it as the standard "wide character" encoding. Some programming languages, such as Seed7, use UTF-32 as internal representation for strings and characters. Recent versions of the Python programming language (beginning with 2.2) may also be configured to use UTF-32 as the representation for Unicode strings, effectively disseminating such encoding in high-level coded software.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What are you able to do using UTF-32 in Python following the 2.2 update?
[ 169, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 38, 8, 6497, 21, 5645, 4978, 18705, 1 ]
use UTF-32 as the representation for Unicode strings
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 11, 412, 4778, 4278, 6, 80, 3538, 18, 2360, 1081, 701, 4657, 38, 3, 9, 5163, 1223, 6497, 13, 136, 1848, 31, 7, 1081, 500, 41, 18252, 8, 3, 35, 8603, 655, 6, 84, 3, 15550, 640, 315, 5357, 6, 2603, 7, 149, 8, 1081, 701, 6571, 7, 38, 46, 3, 32, 75, 17, 15, 17, 5932, 137, 86, 8, 119, 3, 35, 9886, 7, 6, 284, 1081, 500, 164, 36, 7283, 57, 3, 9, 7660, 381, 13, 1081, 2620, 5, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 19, 5456, 261, 38, 46, 3224, 6497, 13, 1499, 16, 1356, 41, 9, 7, 8560, 12, 5816, 42, 19751, 1499, 201, 437, 334, 5645, 226, 2699, 358, 24, 2284, 8, 3, 122, 75, 75, 29801, 7, 12, 3806, 889, 2284, 34, 38, 8, 1068, 96, 6728, 1848, 121, 3, 35, 9886, 5, 886, 6020, 8024, 6, 224, 38, 17700, 940, 6, 169, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 38, 3224, 6497, 21, 18705, 11, 2850, 5, 17716, 5204, 13, 8, 20737, 6020, 1612, 41, 27006, 53, 28, 3, 15300, 61, 164, 92, 36, 15786, 12, 169, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 38, 8, 6497, 21, 5645, 4978, 18705, 6, 3762, 1028, 7, 15, 1109, 1014, 224, 3, 35, 9886, 16, 306, 18, 4563, 1081, 26, 889, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 1730, 13, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 16, 5645, 226, 6328, 31, 7, 24, 3806, 889, 338, 3, 122, 75, 75, 29801, 7, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In UTF-32 and UCS-4, one 32-bit code value serves as a fairly direct representation of any character's code point (although the endianness, which varies across different platforms, affects how the code value manifests as an octet sequence). In the other encodings, each code point may be represented by a variable number of code values. UTF-32 is widely used as an internal representation of text in programs (as opposed to stored or transmitted text), since every Unix operating system that uses the gcc compilers to generate software uses it as the standard "wide character" encoding. Some programming languages, such as Seed7, use UTF-32 as internal representation for strings and characters. Recent versions of the Python programming language (beginning with 2.2) may also be configured to use UTF-32 as the representation for Unicode strings, effectively disseminating such encoding in high-level coded software.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the purpose of UTF-32 in Unix OS's that generate software using gcc compilers?
[ 46, 3224, 6497, 13, 1499, 16, 1356, 1 ]
an internal representation of text in programs
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 11, 412, 4778, 4278, 6, 80, 3538, 18, 2360, 1081, 701, 4657, 38, 3, 9, 5163, 1223, 6497, 13, 136, 1848, 31, 7, 1081, 500, 41, 18252, 8, 3, 35, 8603, 655, 6, 84, 3, 15550, 640, 315, 5357, 6, 2603, 7, 149, 8, 1081, 701, 6571, 7, 38, 46, 3, 32, 75, 17, 15, 17, 5932, 137, 86, 8, 119, 3, 35, 9886, 7, 6, 284, 1081, 500, 164, 36, 7283, 57, 3, 9, 7660, 381, 13, 1081, 2620, 5, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 19, 5456, 261, 38, 46, 3224, 6497, 13, 1499, 16, 1356, 41, 9, 7, 8560, 12, 5816, 42, 19751, 1499, 201, 437, 334, 5645, 226, 2699, 358, 24, 2284, 8, 3, 122, 75, 75, 29801, 7, 12, 3806, 889, 2284, 34, 38, 8, 1068, 96, 6728, 1848, 121, 3, 35, 9886, 5, 886, 6020, 8024, 6, 224, 38, 17700, 940, 6, 169, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 38, 3224, 6497, 21, 18705, 11, 2850, 5, 17716, 5204, 13, 8, 20737, 6020, 1612, 41, 27006, 53, 28, 3, 15300, 61, 164, 92, 36, 15786, 12, 169, 412, 9164, 18, 2668, 38, 8, 6497, 21, 5645, 4978, 18705, 6, 3762, 1028, 7, 15, 1109, 1014, 224, 3, 35, 9886, 16, 306, 18, 4563, 1081, 26, 889, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 17700, 940, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In UTF-32 and UCS-4, one 32-bit code value serves as a fairly direct representation of any character's code point (although the endianness, which varies across different platforms, affects how the code value manifests as an octet sequence). In the other encodings, each code point may be represented by a variable number of code values. UTF-32 is widely used as an internal representation of text in programs (as opposed to stored or transmitted text), since every Unix operating system that uses the gcc compilers to generate software uses it as the standard "wide character" encoding. Some programming languages, such as Seed7, use UTF-32 as internal representation for strings and characters. Recent versions of the Python programming language (beginning with 2.2) may also be configured to use UTF-32 as the representation for Unicode strings, effectively disseminating such encoding in high-level coded software.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is Seed7?
[ 6020, 8024, 1 ]
programming languages
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 3693, 14526, 19, 3, 9, 1001, 14526, 24, 19, 3353, 28, 9495, 799, 5, 282, 16285, 9567, 7, 30, 8, 14526, 6, 8, 799, 1096, 19, 12448, 11, 4405, 7, 3, 5885, 46, 14452, 28936, 6833, 2054, 6, 231, 114, 46, 7353, 120, 12448, 1312, 799, 14526, 5, 886, 3693, 14526, 7, 33, 508, 631, 21, 936, 3777, 6, 68, 4742, 19, 2389, 1643, 12, 8, 12, 63, 512, 38, 8, 1774, 18, 498, 12, 726, 7134, 18, 9378, 5688, 19, 4352, 306, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 711, 500, 13, 8, 5454, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A solar balloon is a black balloon that is filled with ordinary air. As sunlight shines on the balloon, the air inside is heated and expands causing an upward buoyancy force, much like an artificially heated hot air balloon. Some solar balloons are large enough for human flight, but usage is generally limited to the toy market as the surface-area to payload-weight ratio is relatively high.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the main point of the passage?
[ 886, 3693, 14526, 7, 33, 508, 631, 21, 936, 3777, 6, 68, 4742, 19, 2389, 1643, 1 ]
Some solar balloons are large enough for human flight, but usage is generally limited
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 3693, 14526, 19, 3, 9, 1001, 14526, 24, 19, 3353, 28, 9495, 799, 5, 282, 16285, 9567, 7, 30, 8, 14526, 6, 8, 799, 1096, 19, 12448, 11, 4405, 7, 3, 5885, 46, 14452, 28936, 6833, 2054, 6, 231, 114, 46, 7353, 120, 12448, 1312, 799, 14526, 5, 886, 3693, 14526, 7, 33, 508, 631, 21, 936, 3777, 6, 68, 4742, 19, 2389, 1643, 12, 8, 12, 63, 512, 38, 8, 1774, 18, 498, 12, 726, 7134, 18, 9378, 5688, 19, 4352, 306, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 46, 359, 2663, 13, 3, 9, 3693, 14526, 12, 1681, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A solar balloon is a black balloon that is filled with ordinary air. As sunlight shines on the balloon, the air inside is heated and expands causing an upward buoyancy force, much like an artificially heated hot air balloon. Some solar balloons are large enough for human flight, but usage is generally limited to the toy market as the surface-area to payload-weight ratio is relatively high.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is an important aspect of a solar balloon to function?
[ 3353, 28, 9495, 799, 1 ]
filled with ordinary air
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 188, 3693, 14526, 19, 3, 9, 1001, 14526, 24, 19, 3353, 28, 9495, 799, 5, 282, 16285, 9567, 7, 30, 8, 14526, 6, 8, 799, 1096, 19, 12448, 11, 4405, 7, 3, 5885, 46, 14452, 28936, 6833, 2054, 6, 231, 114, 46, 7353, 120, 12448, 1312, 799, 14526, 5, 886, 3693, 14526, 7, 33, 508, 631, 21, 936, 3777, 6, 68, 4742, 19, 2389, 1643, 12, 8, 12, 63, 512, 38, 8, 1774, 18, 498, 12, 726, 7134, 18, 9378, 5688, 19, 4352, 306, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 359, 18913, 2077, 656, 3, 9, 3693, 14526, 59, 487, 21, 1389, 3777, 58 ]
Given the following passage "A solar balloon is a black balloon that is filled with ordinary air. As sunlight shines on the balloon, the air inside is heated and expands causing an upward buoyancy force, much like an artificially heated hot air balloon. Some solar balloons are large enough for human flight, but usage is generally limited to the toy market as the surface-area to payload-weight ratio is relatively high.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What important mathematical concept makes a solar balloon not possible for normal flight?
[ 1774, 18, 498, 12, 726, 7134, 18, 9378, 5688, 19, 4352, 306, 1 ]
surface-area to payload-weight ratio is relatively high
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 345, 10293, 15, 483, 1397, 224, 38, 260, 18581, 11935, 11, 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 33, 430, 11499, 1606, 783, 5, 506, 1397, 33, 13938, 6, 11961, 347, 6, 11, 54, 2156, 4422, 1427, 1934, 7902, 41, 12497, 226, 23, 5058, 120, 6687, 3, 1956, 254, 42, 3, 24719, 3, 1956, 371, 137, 37, 96, 308, 1890, 1384, 121, 41, 77, 531, 624, 6, 9777, 61, 47, 8, 166, 12, 169, 3, 9, 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 5866, 358, 6, 16, 21474, 5, 9334, 827, 54, 92, 36, 5816, 44, 306, 7902, 338, 3, 4641, 324, 3136, 7, 5, 11888, 7, 33, 46, 1231, 1606, 2768, 250, 79, 33, 731, 18, 11290, 6, 43, 3, 9, 306, 806, 1678, 2614, 11, 54, 2156, 1678, 44, 7902, 7441, 28, 7450, 579, 1002, 5, 37, 9334, 2759, 261, 48, 1573, 13, 827, 1606, 6, 3, 3232, 34, 12, 1078, 1300, 3628, 3, 449, 9, 8921, 965, 41, 31471, 3, 26873, 61, 16, 165, 3, 3651, 19536, 14604, 1606, 5040, 28, 46, 2041, 1606, 3949, 13, 81, 3, 21962, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 261, 469, 12, 1520, 13822, 7, 24, 261, 12, 36, 261, 21, 1678, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Phase change materials such as paraffin wax and Glauber's salt are another thermal storage media. These materials are inexpensive, readily available, and can deliver domestically useful temperatures (approximately 64 °C or 147 °F). The "Dover House" (in Dover, Massachusetts) was the first to use a Glauber's salt heating system, in 1948. Solar energy can also be stored at high temperatures using molten salts. Salts are an effective storage medium because they are low-cost, have a high specific heat capacity and can deliver heat at temperatures compatible with conventional power systems. The Solar Two used this method of energy storage, allowing it to store 1.44 terajoules (400,000 kWh) in its 68 cubic metres storage tank with an annual storage efficiency of about 99%.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is used today to hold scents that used to be used for heat?
[ 260, 18581, 11935, 1 ]
paraffin wax
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 345, 10293, 15, 483, 1397, 224, 38, 260, 18581, 11935, 11, 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 33, 430, 11499, 1606, 783, 5, 506, 1397, 33, 13938, 6, 11961, 347, 6, 11, 54, 2156, 4422, 1427, 1934, 7902, 41, 12497, 226, 23, 5058, 120, 6687, 3, 1956, 254, 42, 3, 24719, 3, 1956, 371, 137, 37, 96, 308, 1890, 1384, 121, 41, 77, 531, 624, 6, 9777, 61, 47, 8, 166, 12, 169, 3, 9, 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 5866, 358, 6, 16, 21474, 5, 9334, 827, 54, 92, 36, 5816, 44, 306, 7902, 338, 3, 4641, 324, 3136, 7, 5, 11888, 7, 33, 46, 1231, 1606, 2768, 250, 79, 33, 731, 18, 11290, 6, 43, 3, 9, 306, 806, 1678, 2614, 11, 54, 2156, 1678, 44, 7902, 7441, 28, 7450, 579, 1002, 5, 37, 9334, 2759, 261, 48, 1573, 13, 827, 1606, 6, 3, 3232, 34, 12, 1078, 1300, 3628, 3, 449, 9, 8921, 965, 41, 31471, 3, 26873, 61, 16, 165, 3, 3651, 19536, 14604, 1606, 5040, 28, 46, 2041, 1606, 3949, 13, 81, 3, 21962, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 133, 80, 317, 13, 38, 774, 53, 6, 59, 46, 1391, 13, 1678, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Phase change materials such as paraffin wax and Glauber's salt are another thermal storage media. These materials are inexpensive, readily available, and can deliver domestically useful temperatures (approximately 64 °C or 147 °F). The "Dover House" (in Dover, Massachusetts) was the first to use a Glauber's salt heating system, in 1948. Solar energy can also be stored at high temperatures using molten salts. Salts are an effective storage medium because they are low-cost, have a high specific heat capacity and can deliver heat at temperatures compatible with conventional power systems. The Solar Two used this method of energy storage, allowing it to store 1.44 terajoules (400,000 kWh) in its 68 cubic metres storage tank with an annual storage efficiency of about 99%.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What would one think of as seasoning, not an source of heat?
[ 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 1 ]
Glauber's salt
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 345, 10293, 15, 483, 1397, 224, 38, 260, 18581, 11935, 11, 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 33, 430, 11499, 1606, 783, 5, 506, 1397, 33, 13938, 6, 11961, 347, 6, 11, 54, 2156, 4422, 1427, 1934, 7902, 41, 12497, 226, 23, 5058, 120, 6687, 3, 1956, 254, 42, 3, 24719, 3, 1956, 371, 137, 37, 96, 308, 1890, 1384, 121, 41, 77, 531, 624, 6, 9777, 61, 47, 8, 166, 12, 169, 3, 9, 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 5866, 358, 6, 16, 21474, 5, 9334, 827, 54, 92, 36, 5816, 44, 306, 7902, 338, 3, 4641, 324, 3136, 7, 5, 11888, 7, 33, 46, 1231, 1606, 2768, 250, 79, 33, 731, 18, 11290, 6, 43, 3, 9, 306, 806, 1678, 2614, 11, 54, 2156, 1678, 44, 7902, 7441, 28, 7450, 579, 1002, 5, 37, 9334, 2759, 261, 48, 1573, 13, 827, 1606, 6, 3, 3232, 34, 12, 1078, 1300, 3628, 3, 449, 9, 8921, 965, 41, 31471, 3, 26873, 61, 16, 165, 3, 3651, 19536, 14604, 1606, 5040, 28, 46, 2041, 1606, 3949, 13, 81, 3, 21962, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 133, 36, 207, 12, 1078, 437, 34, 744, 31, 17, 2615, 68, 3, 9, 5103, 720, 13, 827, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Phase change materials such as paraffin wax and Glauber's salt are another thermal storage media. These materials are inexpensive, readily available, and can deliver domestically useful temperatures (approximately 64 °C or 147 °F). The "Dover House" (in Dover, Massachusetts) was the first to use a Glauber's salt heating system, in 1948. Solar energy can also be stored at high temperatures using molten salts. Salts are an effective storage medium because they are low-cost, have a high specific heat capacity and can deliver heat at temperatures compatible with conventional power systems. The Solar Two used this method of energy storage, allowing it to store 1.44 terajoules (400,000 kWh) in its 68 cubic metres storage tank with an annual storage efficiency of about 99%.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What would be good to store since it doesn't lose but a tiny bit of energy?
[ 11888, 7, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 345, 10293, 15, 483, 1397, 224, 38, 260, 18581, 11935, 11, 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 33, 430, 11499, 1606, 783, 5, 506, 1397, 33, 13938, 6, 11961, 347, 6, 11, 54, 2156, 4422, 1427, 1934, 7902, 41, 12497, 226, 23, 5058, 120, 6687, 3, 1956, 254, 42, 3, 24719, 3, 1956, 371, 137, 37, 96, 308, 1890, 1384, 121, 41, 77, 531, 624, 6, 9777, 61, 47, 8, 166, 12, 169, 3, 9, 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 5866, 358, 6, 16, 21474, 5, 9334, 827, 54, 92, 36, 5816, 44, 306, 7902, 338, 3, 4641, 324, 3136, 7, 5, 11888, 7, 33, 46, 1231, 1606, 2768, 250, 79, 33, 731, 18, 11290, 6, 43, 3, 9, 306, 806, 1678, 2614, 11, 54, 2156, 1678, 44, 7902, 7441, 28, 7450, 579, 1002, 5, 37, 9334, 2759, 261, 48, 1573, 13, 827, 1606, 6, 3, 3232, 34, 12, 1078, 1300, 3628, 3, 449, 9, 8921, 965, 41, 31471, 3, 26873, 61, 16, 165, 3, 3651, 19536, 14604, 1606, 5040, 28, 46, 2041, 1606, 3949, 13, 81, 3, 21962, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 1129, 8, 192, 6, 125, 19, 952, 3, 9, 394, 1182, 1879, 3, 99, 25, 228, 129, 39, 1780, 30, 34, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Phase change materials such as paraffin wax and Glauber's salt are another thermal storage media. These materials are inexpensive, readily available, and can deliver domestically useful temperatures (approximately 64 °C or 147 °F). The "Dover House" (in Dover, Massachusetts) was the first to use a Glauber's salt heating system, in 1948. Solar energy can also be stored at high temperatures using molten salts. Salts are an effective storage medium because they are low-cost, have a high specific heat capacity and can deliver heat at temperatures compatible with conventional power systems. The Solar Two used this method of energy storage, allowing it to store 1.44 terajoules (400,000 kWh) in its 68 cubic metres storage tank with an annual storage efficiency of about 99%.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Of the two, what is likely a better option overall if you could get your hands on it?
[ 11888, 7, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 345, 10293, 15, 483, 1397, 224, 38, 260, 18581, 11935, 11, 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 33, 430, 11499, 1606, 783, 5, 506, 1397, 33, 13938, 6, 11961, 347, 6, 11, 54, 2156, 4422, 1427, 1934, 7902, 41, 12497, 226, 23, 5058, 120, 6687, 3, 1956, 254, 42, 3, 24719, 3, 1956, 371, 137, 37, 96, 308, 1890, 1384, 121, 41, 77, 531, 624, 6, 9777, 61, 47, 8, 166, 12, 169, 3, 9, 10941, 14659, 31, 7, 3136, 5866, 358, 6, 16, 21474, 5, 9334, 827, 54, 92, 36, 5816, 44, 306, 7902, 338, 3, 4641, 324, 3136, 7, 5, 11888, 7, 33, 46, 1231, 1606, 2768, 250, 79, 33, 731, 18, 11290, 6, 43, 3, 9, 306, 806, 1678, 2614, 11, 54, 2156, 1678, 44, 7902, 7441, 28, 7450, 579, 1002, 5, 37, 9334, 2759, 261, 48, 1573, 13, 827, 1606, 6, 3, 3232, 34, 12, 1078, 1300, 3628, 3, 449, 9, 8921, 965, 41, 31471, 3, 26873, 61, 16, 165, 3, 3651, 19536, 14604, 1606, 5040, 28, 46, 2041, 1606, 3949, 13, 81, 3, 21962, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 242, 167, 151, 6, 125, 133, 36, 46, 1842, 2118, 12, 169, 406, 19348, 81, 3, 19864, 2936, 11349, 15, 7, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Phase change materials such as paraffin wax and Glauber's salt are another thermal storage media. These materials are inexpensive, readily available, and can deliver domestically useful temperatures (approximately 64 °C or 147 °F). The "Dover House" (in Dover, Massachusetts) was the first to use a Glauber's salt heating system, in 1948. Solar energy can also be stored at high temperatures using molten salts. Salts are an effective storage medium because they are low-cost, have a high specific heat capacity and can deliver heat at temperatures compatible with conventional power systems. The Solar Two used this method of energy storage, allowing it to store 1.44 terajoules (400,000 kWh) in its 68 cubic metres storage tank with an annual storage efficiency of about 99%.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: For most people, what would be an easier item to use without worrying about noxious fumes?
[ 260, 18581, 11935, 1 ]
paraffin wax
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 17401, 2896, 33, 23971, 3, 16730, 38, 893, 14410, 42, 1676, 3345, 30, 8, 194, 79, 4105, 6, 5755, 11, 10973, 16285, 11, 2956, 3693, 827, 12, 36, 14469, 15, 26, 44, 315, 1425, 300, 8, 296, 6, 3323, 3345, 30, 2357, 45, 8, 3, 15, 2436, 1016, 5, 1875, 3693, 827, 2401, 7, 3, 5325, 12, 8, 169, 13, 3693, 11423, 21, 3236, 5542, 6, 66, 12475, 7804, 7, 6, 119, 145, 873, 9269, 1982, 11, 3, 17, 23, 26, 138, 6, 74, 757, 70, 827, 45, 8, 3068, 16, 3, 9, 1223, 42, 16335, 194, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 827, 686, 19, 3693, 827, 1702, 12, 36, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive or active depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute sunlight and enable solar energy to be harnessed at different levels around the world, mostly depending on distance from the equator. Although solar energy refers primarily to the use of solar radiation for practical ends, all renewable energies, other than geothermal and tidal, derive their energy from the Sun in a direct or indirect way.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What energy type is solar energy considered to be?
[ 12475, 7804, 7, 1 ]
renewable energies
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 17401, 2896, 33, 23971, 3, 16730, 38, 893, 14410, 42, 1676, 3345, 30, 8, 194, 79, 4105, 6, 5755, 11, 10973, 16285, 11, 2956, 3693, 827, 12, 36, 14469, 15, 26, 44, 315, 1425, 300, 8, 296, 6, 3323, 3345, 30, 2357, 45, 8, 3, 15, 2436, 1016, 5, 1875, 3693, 827, 2401, 7, 3, 5325, 12, 8, 169, 13, 3693, 11423, 21, 3236, 5542, 6, 66, 12475, 7804, 7, 6, 119, 145, 873, 9269, 1982, 11, 3, 17, 23, 26, 138, 6, 74, 757, 70, 827, 45, 8, 3068, 16, 3, 9, 1223, 42, 16335, 194, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 405, 8, 1997, 428, 326, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive or active depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute sunlight and enable solar energy to be harnessed at different levels around the world, mostly depending on distance from the equator. Although solar energy refers primarily to the use of solar radiation for practical ends, all renewable energies, other than geothermal and tidal, derive their energy from the Sun in a direct or indirect way.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What does the sun give off?
[ 3693, 11423, 1 ]
solar radiation
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 17401, 2896, 33, 23971, 3, 16730, 38, 893, 14410, 42, 1676, 3345, 30, 8, 194, 79, 4105, 6, 5755, 11, 10973, 16285, 11, 2956, 3693, 827, 12, 36, 14469, 15, 26, 44, 315, 1425, 300, 8, 296, 6, 3323, 3345, 30, 2357, 45, 8, 3, 15, 2436, 1016, 5, 1875, 3693, 827, 2401, 7, 3, 5325, 12, 8, 169, 13, 3693, 11423, 21, 3236, 5542, 6, 66, 12475, 7804, 7, 6, 119, 145, 873, 9269, 1982, 11, 3, 17, 23, 26, 138, 6, 74, 757, 70, 827, 45, 8, 3068, 16, 3, 9, 1223, 42, 16335, 194, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 1951, 149, 231, 579, 25, 129, 45, 3693, 827, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive or active depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute sunlight and enable solar energy to be harnessed at different levels around the world, mostly depending on distance from the equator. Although solar energy refers primarily to the use of solar radiation for practical ends, all renewable energies, other than geothermal and tidal, derive their energy from the Sun in a direct or indirect way.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What effects how much power you get from solar energy?
[ 2357, 45, 8, 3, 15, 2436, 1016, 1 ]
distance from the equator
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 17401, 2896, 33, 23971, 3, 16730, 38, 893, 14410, 42, 1676, 3345, 30, 8, 194, 79, 4105, 6, 5755, 11, 10973, 16285, 11, 2956, 3693, 827, 12, 36, 14469, 15, 26, 44, 315, 1425, 300, 8, 296, 6, 3323, 3345, 30, 2357, 45, 8, 3, 15, 2436, 1016, 5, 1875, 3693, 827, 2401, 7, 3, 5325, 12, 8, 169, 13, 3693, 11423, 21, 3236, 5542, 6, 66, 12475, 7804, 7, 6, 119, 145, 873, 9269, 1982, 11, 3, 17, 23, 26, 138, 6, 74, 757, 70, 827, 45, 8, 3068, 16, 3, 9, 1223, 42, 16335, 194, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 3, 17, 23, 26, 138, 827, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive or active depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute sunlight and enable solar energy to be harnessed at different levels around the world, mostly depending on distance from the equator. Although solar energy refers primarily to the use of solar radiation for practical ends, all renewable energies, other than geothermal and tidal, derive their energy from the Sun in a direct or indirect way.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is tidal energy?
[ 12475, 7804, 7, 1 ]
renewable energies
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 17401, 2896, 33, 23971, 3, 16730, 38, 893, 14410, 42, 1676, 3345, 30, 8, 194, 79, 4105, 6, 5755, 11, 10973, 16285, 11, 2956, 3693, 827, 12, 36, 14469, 15, 26, 44, 315, 1425, 300, 8, 296, 6, 3323, 3345, 30, 2357, 45, 8, 3, 15, 2436, 1016, 5, 1875, 3693, 827, 2401, 7, 3, 5325, 12, 8, 169, 13, 3693, 11423, 21, 3236, 5542, 6, 66, 12475, 7804, 7, 6, 119, 145, 873, 9269, 1982, 11, 3, 17, 23, 26, 138, 6, 74, 757, 70, 827, 45, 8, 3068, 16, 3, 9, 1223, 42, 16335, 194, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 873, 9269, 1982, 827, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive or active depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute sunlight and enable solar energy to be harnessed at different levels around the world, mostly depending on distance from the equator. Although solar energy refers primarily to the use of solar radiation for practical ends, all renewable energies, other than geothermal and tidal, derive their energy from the Sun in a direct or indirect way.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is geothermal energy?
[ 12475, 7804, 7, 1 ]
renewable energies
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 17401, 387, 30929, 23, 106, 41, 6582, 15438, 61, 5806, 3, 27729, 387, 18, 13827, 2343, 4251, 28184, 3, 449, 15, 28197, 342, 41, 5668, 382, 61, 10787, 12, 16285, 21, 633, 716, 5, 13471, 4334, 648, 5215, 3345, 30, 1969, 11, 3298, 45, 3, 9, 2559, 13, 1296, 716, 12, 192, 477, 383, 1540, 147, 5254, 1124, 5, 94, 19, 3024, 57, 8, 1150, 1685, 9139, 38, 3, 9, 15109, 1573, 21, 5699, 387, 1058, 11, 1346, 1606, 5, 2035, 192, 770, 151, 16, 2421, 1440, 169, 48, 1573, 21, 70, 1444, 6663, 387, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 19, 8, 500, 13, 5055, 15438, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Solar water disinfection (SODIS) involves exposing water-filled plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles to sunlight for several hours. Exposure times vary depending on weather and climate from a minimum of six hours to two days during fully overcast conditions. It is recommended by the World Health Organization as a viable method for household water treatment and safe storage. Over two million people in developing countries use this method for their daily drinking water.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is the point of SODIS?
[ 30929, 23, 106, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 17401, 387, 30929, 23, 106, 41, 6582, 15438, 61, 5806, 3, 27729, 387, 18, 13827, 2343, 4251, 28184, 3, 449, 15, 28197, 342, 41, 5668, 382, 61, 10787, 12, 16285, 21, 633, 716, 5, 13471, 4334, 648, 5215, 3345, 30, 1969, 11, 3298, 45, 3, 9, 2559, 13, 1296, 716, 12, 192, 477, 383, 1540, 147, 5254, 1124, 5, 94, 19, 3024, 57, 8, 1150, 1685, 9139, 38, 3, 9, 15109, 1573, 21, 5699, 387, 1058, 11, 1346, 1606, 5, 2035, 192, 770, 151, 16, 2421, 1440, 169, 48, 1573, 21, 70, 1444, 6663, 387, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 571, 557, 19, 387, 24, 1550, 190, 5055, 15438, 261, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Solar water disinfection (SODIS) involves exposing water-filled plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles to sunlight for several hours. Exposure times vary depending on weather and climate from a minimum of six hours to two days during fully overcast conditions. It is recommended by the World Health Organization as a viable method for household water treatment and safe storage. Over two million people in developing countries use this method for their daily drinking water.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: How often is water that goes through SODIS used?
[ 1444, 1 ]
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 17401, 387, 30929, 23, 106, 41, 6582, 15438, 61, 5806, 3, 27729, 387, 18, 13827, 2343, 4251, 28184, 3, 449, 15, 28197, 342, 41, 5668, 382, 61, 10787, 12, 16285, 21, 633, 716, 5, 13471, 4334, 648, 5215, 3345, 30, 1969, 11, 3298, 45, 3, 9, 2559, 13, 1296, 716, 12, 192, 477, 383, 1540, 147, 5254, 1124, 5, 94, 19, 3024, 57, 8, 1150, 1685, 9139, 38, 3, 9, 15109, 1573, 21, 5699, 387, 1058, 11, 1346, 1606, 5, 2035, 192, 770, 151, 16, 2421, 1440, 169, 48, 1573, 21, 70, 1444, 6663, 387, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 2869, 5055, 15438, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Solar water disinfection (SODIS) involves exposing water-filled plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles to sunlight for several hours. Exposure times vary depending on weather and climate from a minimum of six hours to two days during fully overcast conditions. It is recommended by the World Health Organization as a viable method for household water treatment and safe storage. Over two million people in developing countries use this method for their daily drinking water.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who practices SODIS?
[ 2035, 192, 770, 151, 1 ]
Over two million people
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 134, 17401, 387, 30929, 23, 106, 41, 6582, 15438, 61, 5806, 3, 27729, 387, 18, 13827, 2343, 4251, 28184, 3, 449, 15, 28197, 342, 41, 5668, 382, 61, 10787, 12, 16285, 21, 633, 716, 5, 13471, 4334, 648, 5215, 3345, 30, 1969, 11, 3298, 45, 3, 9, 2559, 13, 1296, 716, 12, 192, 477, 383, 1540, 147, 5254, 1124, 5, 94, 19, 3024, 57, 8, 1150, 1685, 9139, 38, 3, 9, 15109, 1573, 21, 5699, 387, 1058, 11, 1346, 1606, 5, 2035, 192, 770, 151, 16, 2421, 1440, 169, 48, 1573, 21, 70, 1444, 6663, 387, 535, 6, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 1504, 103, 15328, 43, 30, 5055, 15438, 58 ]
Given the following passage "Solar water disinfection (SODIS) involves exposing water-filled plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles to sunlight for several hours. Exposure times vary depending on weather and climate from a minimum of six hours to two days during fully overcast conditions. It is recommended by the World Health Organization as a viable method for household water treatment and safe storage. Over two million people in developing countries use this method for their daily drinking water.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What effect do clouds have on SODIS?
[ 13471, 4334, 648, 1 ]
Exposure times
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 1671, 1412, 6, 8357, 16571, 12694, 47, 7774, 57, 24041, 113, 1883, 1030, 13, 11602, 3, 15, 18, 1963, 7, 344, 8357, 13510, 1918, 633, 306, 18, 18816, 814, 1195, 5, 15746, 26, 441, 175, 130, 633, 22986, 7, 3, 8321, 12, 8, 999, 13, 3, 7727, 929, 6, 3, 14655, 24, 8, 814, 47, 147, 1487, 6, 20185, 778, 6488, 7, 13, 8, 4943, 1545, 57, 1079, 22227, 6, 11, 3, 21008, 8357, 31, 7, 13693, 28, 8, 516, 5, 262, 106, 11114, 7, 865, 4683, 3, 9, 2493, 3, 27338, 8, 7653, 13, 125, 79, 718, 96, 152, 778, 988, 13, 8, 1641, 4895, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 410, 8, 24041, 129, 3, 9, 1520, 13, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In November 2014, Sony Pictures Entertainment was targeted by hackers who released details of confidential e-mails between Sony executives regarding several high-profile film projects. Included within these were several memos relating to the production of Spectre, claiming that the film was over budget, detailing early drafts of the script written by John Logan, and expressing Sony's frustration with the project. Eon Productions later issued a statement confirming the leak of what they called "an early version of the screenplay".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What did the hackers get a hold of?
[ 11602, 3, 15, 18, 1963, 7, 1 ]
confidential e-mails
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 1671, 1412, 6, 8357, 16571, 12694, 47, 7774, 57, 24041, 113, 1883, 1030, 13, 11602, 3, 15, 18, 1963, 7, 344, 8357, 13510, 1918, 633, 306, 18, 18816, 814, 1195, 5, 15746, 26, 441, 175, 130, 633, 22986, 7, 3, 8321, 12, 8, 999, 13, 3, 7727, 929, 6, 3, 14655, 24, 8, 814, 47, 147, 1487, 6, 20185, 778, 6488, 7, 13, 8, 4943, 1545, 57, 1079, 22227, 6, 11, 3, 21008, 8357, 31, 7, 13693, 28, 8, 516, 5, 262, 106, 11114, 7, 865, 4683, 3, 9, 2493, 3, 27338, 8, 7653, 13, 125, 79, 718, 96, 152, 778, 988, 13, 8, 1641, 4895, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 2645, 410, 8, 24041, 281, 227, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In November 2014, Sony Pictures Entertainment was targeted by hackers who released details of confidential e-mails between Sony executives regarding several high-profile film projects. Included within these were several memos relating to the production of Spectre, claiming that the film was over budget, detailing early drafts of the script written by John Logan, and expressing Sony's frustration with the project. Eon Productions later issued a statement confirming the leak of what they called "an early version of the screenplay".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who did the hackers go after?
[ 8357, 13510, 1 ]
Sony executives
[ 9246, 8, 826, 5454, 96, 1570, 1671, 1412, 6, 8357, 16571, 12694, 47, 7774, 57, 24041, 113, 1883, 1030, 13, 11602, 3, 15, 18, 1963, 7, 344, 8357, 13510, 1918, 633, 306, 18, 18816, 814, 1195, 5, 15746, 26, 441, 175, 130, 633, 22986, 7, 3, 8321, 12, 8, 999, 13, 3, 7727, 929, 6, 3, 14655, 24, 8, 814, 47, 147, 1487, 6, 20185, 778, 6488, 7, 13, 8, 4943, 1545, 57, 1079, 22227, 6, 11, 3, 21008, 8357, 31, 7, 13693, 28, 8, 516, 5, 262, 106, 11114, 7, 865, 4683, 3, 9, 2493, 3, 27338, 8, 7653, 13, 125, 79, 718, 96, 152, 778, 988, 13, 8, 1641, 4895, 1280, 1686, 1525, 8, 826, 822, 5, 2507, 24, 8, 1525, 19, 915, 441, 8, 1499, 5, 11860, 10, 363, 47, 1883, 57, 8, 24041, 1315, 12, 8357, 58 ]
Given the following passage "In November 2014, Sony Pictures Entertainment was targeted by hackers who released details of confidential e-mails between Sony executives regarding several high-profile film projects. Included within these were several memos relating to the production of Spectre, claiming that the film was over budget, detailing early drafts of the script written by John Logan, and expressing Sony's frustration with the project. Eon Productions later issued a statement confirming the leak of what they called "an early version of the screenplay".", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What was released by the hackers according to Sony?
[ 46, 778, 988, 13, 8, 1641, 4895, 1 ]
an early version of the screenplay