1 value
[01:06] <fabio> Estou tendo dificuldades para baixar o ubuntu 15.04, aparece erro bug, desativei todos os repositorios mas o bg sempre surge [01:06] <astroo-> essa ainda nao tinha lido aqui [01:06] <astroo-> da uns 15 minutos pela possivel resposta de alguem [01:07] <fabio> Alguém ja passou ou está passando por dificuldades para atualizar o ubuntu [01:08] <astroo-> ninguem que eu vi-se ate agora desde que saiu [01:09] <astroo-> ja agora diz que erro bug e para os outros depois saberem [01:10] <astroo-> assim nao foi muito construtivo... [01:11] <Rudolf> vish, já saiu [01:11] <Rudolf> ia pedir o erro via terminal [01:11] <Rudolf> sem chance ajudar baguá assim [01:11] <Rudolf> juventude imediatista [01:11] <Rudolf> kkkk [01:11] <astroo-> eu disse para dar 15m [01:11] <astroo-> e a geraçao do botao e tudo a andar [01:13] <astroo-> a proxima e... [01:13] <astroo-> pensa e tudo a andar [01:14] <Rudolf> azar o deles [01:14] <Rudolf> kkk [01:14] <astroo-> azar nao serem borgs [01:58] <Afranio> penando com o torrent.. o que antes fazia em 300k, agora faço em 60 k no maximo.... to usand o qb torrent [01:59] <Afranio> pq isso? e n eh a mnha net... testei em outro pc a mesma net [01:59] <astroo-> em Portugal e 1 trauma que usa [02:00] <astroo-> so com truque para evitar o barrar de velocidade da parte das operadoras quase todas [02:01] <Afranio> neh nao gente.. testei hoje em uma net de 5bm e em outra de 1 mb e a velocidade deu a mesma [02:02] <Afranio> to achando q esse qb q tah agarrando [02:02] <Elfon_> tenta o deluge. eu sempre consigo boa velocidade. claro que depende tb do número de seeds [02:03] <Afranio> mesma coisa do qb? mesmo esquema? [02:04] <Elfon_> Afranio: q tipo de arquivo? vídeo, áudio? [02:06] <Afranio> filmes [02:07] <Elfon_> Afranio: uma abordagem diferente e o popcorn time [02:07] <Elfon_> e tipo um Netflix 0800 [02:07] <Afranio> ah nao... mas gosto de ter os filmes no meu hd externo saca/? [02:07] <Elfon_> e tem como verificar a saúde do torrent [02:07] <Elfon_> nele vc pode assistir e naixar [02:08] <Afranio> e em boa qualidade igual ao torrent? [02:08] <Elfon_> hd [02:09] <Elfon_> A qualidade vc escolhe [02:09] <Elfon_> ao escolher o filme tem um mgnetic [02:10] <Afranio> xo pesquisa-lo aqui [02:10] <Elfon_> magnetic link q vc escolhe seu cliente de torrent pra naixar [02:11] <Elfon_> pra mim e deluge, porathebay e popcorn na veia [02:12] <Afranio> testando o deluge aki [02:12] <Afranio> vamos ver [02:14] <Elfon_> mas fica de olho no número de seeds [02:17] <Afranio> nao pega o magnet link affffffffff [02:18] <Elfon_> fundo? [02:18] <Elfon_> pega sim [02:18] <Afranio> pega nao [02:18] <Afranio> instalei o programa, ela abre e tals... mas nao pega o magnet [02:18] <Elfon_> seu navegador deve tá desconfigurado [02:18] <Afranio> na hora de procurar ele nao tah lah [02:18] <Afranio> ah nao.... [02:19] <Elfon_> copia o link entao [02:19] <Marcos_> boa noite [02:19] <Elfon_> vai em arquivo e adiciona o link no deluge [02:19] <Elfon_> opa [02:20] <astroo-> ola [02:21] <Elfon_> e por isso que uso kde [02:22] <Elfon_> e quase um so completo [02:24] <Afranio> gente, pra mim tah sendo impossivel fazer download no torrent com linux [02:24] <Afranio> quase voltando pra tirania do windows [02:24] <dk_millares> oxe [02:24] <dk_millares> e pq? [02:24] <astroo-> usa 1 maquina virtual para o windows [02:25] <Afranio> torrent nao funciona em linux [02:25] <Afranio> impossivel [02:25] <dk_millares> Afranio: nem deluge e nem transmission? [02:27] <Afranio> naoooo [02:27] <Afranio> horriveis [02:29] <dk_millares> ue [02:29] <dk_millares> eu usei muito transmission no gentoo e agora uso no mac, excelente [02:32] <Elfon_> tu não sabe nem associar o magnetic link ao cliente torrent [02:32] <Elfon_> volta pro Windows [02:33] <Elfon_> aí procura crack pra isso crak pra aquilo [02:34] <dk_millares> :S [02:35] <astroo-> e dai gera o vicio do crack humor negro... [02:36] <Elfon_> [02:36] <Afranio> igual ao vício da falta de educação [02:36] <Elfon_> A vida é dura pra quem é mole [02:37] <Elfon_> Se desistimos perdemos a chance de aprender e superar [02:37] <Elfon_> bom [02:37] <dk_millares> Afranio: se vc é um usuario mais avançado, deve tentar resolver cara [02:37] <Elfon_> fui [02:37] <Afranio> ow loser, e eh isso que eu to fazendo aqui [02:37] <Afranio> aprendendo [02:37] <dk_millares> nao desista de inicio [02:38] <dk_millares> se não tem noção e espera somente facilidade, tenta pedir ajuda pra um amigo, mas torrent é bem contornavel [02:38] <Afranio> achei que o suporte aqui fosse útil e agradavel [02:39] <astroo-> em media e sim [02:39] <dk_millares> realmente [02:39] <dk_millares> é um suporte comunitario cara [02:39] <Afranio> tomara que meu bootavel do win7 chegue amanha. tirania eh o que ouvi hje aki [02:39] <dk_millares> tem de td Afranio [02:39] <dk_millares> ah Afranio, eu ja vi lugares mais punks [02:40] <dk_millares> se quer quitar, ninguem pode te impedir tbm =) [02:41] <Guilherme> Olá, boa noite [02:41] <dk_millares> é tão mais facil nao fazer nada, ficar parado e de braços cruzados [02:41] <dk_millares> ah. a zona de conforto =) [02:41] <astroo-> ola [02:41] <dk_millares> ola Guilherme [02:42] <Guilherme> Gostaria de saber se a versão 14.10 do Ubuntu num notebook Dell Inspiron 15R 5527 [02:42] <Guilherme> ops.. 5537 [02:42] <Guilherme> Olá dk_millares [02:42] <dk_millares> Guilherme: saiu a 15.04 [02:42] <dk_millares> nao seria melhor tentar com ela [02:42] <Guilherme> Desculpe [02:43] <Guilherme> Eu não tinha percebido [02:43] <dk_millares> Só um palpite é claro [02:43] <Guilherme> Hum, sim. Seria bem melhor. [02:43] <dk_millares> isso ai [02:44] <Guilherme> Na verdade eu usei o linux em um netbook da acer e desde então não utilizei mais por que travava muito no meu net [02:44] <Guilherme> Mas tirando essa experiencia sou iniciante [02:44] <dk_millares> entendi [02:45] <dk_millares> é legal ser novato, curioso e tal [02:45] <Guilherme> Sim, estou muito interessado em aprender [02:46] <dk_millares> espero que lhe seja util e goste [02:46] <Guilherme> Muito obrigado [02:47] <Guilherme> Bem fiz uma pesquisa e vi que o meu note em especifico dá problema com o Linux por causa da placa de vídeo [02:48] <dk_millares> qual video é o seu Guilherme? [02:50] <Guilherme> AMD Radeon HD 8670M [02:50] <Guilherme> Ela é hibrida [02:50] <dk_millares> é um i7 com 8gb de ram? [02:51] <Guilherme> sim [02:51] <dk_millares> minha namorada tem um dell com video radeon da mesma serie, se bobear é o mesmo modelo [02:51] <dk_millares> ela é arquiteta [02:51] <dk_millares> deu muito problema no win8 Guilherme [02:52] <dk_millares> chegou trocar de pc na garantia Guilherme [02:52] <dk_millares> agora veio com win7 e tá tocando bem [02:53] <Guilherme> Bem o meu é win8.1 e funciona normalmente porém não posso atualizar os drives que o windows update localiza da placa da Intel [02:53] <Guilherme> Eu atualizei uma vez e ficou ruim demais, desinstalei e instalei a versão anterior voltou a funcionar normal [02:54] <dk_millares> nao chaveava ne [02:55] <Guilherme> O problema que tive é que ele normalmente liga e aparece a tela de logon em +-15s depois que atualizei passou a levar 3 a 4 minutos para ligar dava até vergonha [02:55] <Guilherme> hehehe [02:55] <dk_millares> nossa :/ [02:55] <Guilherme> Mas não tive muitos problemas não, só esse mesmo [02:55] <dk_millares> cria um disco de recuperação do sistema cara, faça backup das coisas importantes e testa o ubuntu novo nele Guilherme=) [02:56] <Guilherme> Blz. vou fazer isso, na verdade quero fazer um dual botot [02:56] <Guilherme> correção: boot [02:57] <dk_millares> sim Guilherme, mas é bom ne [02:57] <dk_millares> por precaução [02:57] <dk_millares> eu ja fiz merda, por estar confiante demais e no automatico [02:58] <Guilherme> Sim, eu já criei o disco irei baixar e tentar amanhã. [02:58] <dk_millares> que de td certo [02:59] <Guilherme> Na verdade eu não sei se eu alucinei ou se na verdade eu vi um note com as mesmas configurações que o meu porém com o Linux e eu queria saber se eu vi mesmo ou não isso no site da dell. [03:00] <Guilherme> Mas irei tentar amanhã, instalar, hoje só quero recuperar o android do meu celular [03:00] <dk_millares> antigamente a dell vendia com ubuntu Guilherme [03:00] <dk_millares> mas não sei como está atualmente [03:00] <dk_millares> isso ai, faz de boa, tranquilo [03:01] <Hudsonkem> Ola pessoal :) [03:01] <Guilherme> Hum, vou tentar entrar em contato com eles amanhã e ver se eles tem alguma recomendação, vai que tem hehehe [03:01] <dk_millares> ola Hudsonkem [03:01] <dk_millares> é [03:02] <Willian-> Olá Hudsonkem [03:02] <dk_millares> tenho minhas duvidas, mas vai que ajudam em algo Guilherme [03:02] <Hudsonkem> Como vão indo? [03:02] <dk_millares> bem e vc? [03:02] <Guilherme> Boa noite, Hudsonkem, estou bem e contigo? [03:03] <Hudsonkem> trancuilo. [03:03] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [03:04] <dk_millares> flw astroo- [03:04] <Hudsonkem> flw ^^ [03:04] <Guilherme> Mas tipo, quando eu vi no site da Dell com Linux, foi depois de comprar o meu, eu até pensei que o meu seria o último com Windows, e até pensei na hora poxa devia ter esperado pra comprar. Por isso acho que ele devem ter uma verão não tão antiga [03:05] <astroo-> ate e ate [03:05] <Hudsonkem> @Guilherme tas tentando instalar o linux? [03:05] <dk_millares> sim Guilherme; tem opção de reembolso tbm [03:06] <Guilherme> Sim, Hudson, na verdade tentando minizar meus riscos hehehe fazendo umas pesquisas e perguntas [03:06] <Guilherme> hehehe [03:08] <Hudsonkem> entendo qualquer coisa pode falar que se eu solber vamos trocar ideias [03:08] <Guilherme> Blz [03:08] <Guilherme> Vou tentar baixar hoje o Ubuntu 15.04 [03:09] <Guilherme> Para ver se instalo amanhã ou depois. A meu note é um Dell Inspiron 15R 5537 [03:11] <Hudsonkem> até que o design dele é bacana [03:11] <Guilherme> hehe, já pensei que não foi lá uma das minhas melhores aquisições. [03:12] <Hudsonkem> lol [03:12] <clecius> ?? [03:12] <Guilherme> Dk, reembolso, como assim? [03:17] <dk_millares> Guilherme: eu vi varias vezes no, depoimentos de pessoas [03:17] <dk_millares> que entravam em contato e pediam reembolso, por não usar windows, devolviam a midia [03:17] <dk_millares> não sei como está atualmente [03:20] <Guilherme> Ah entendo [03:21] <Guilherme> Na verdade se eles tiverem uma distro compativel com o meu note ficarei muito satisfeito. [03:21] <dk_millares> é Guilherme [03:21] <dk_millares> tão gostoso quando td funciona bem [03:21] <Guilherme> Hurum. [03:23] <Guilherme> Estou com sono e quero dormir, mas tenho que terminar de baixar o bendito android, gordo, da samsumg poh 1,3 gb essa samsung é fogo [03:24] <dk_millares> eu desanimei de samsung faz tempo tbm [03:25] <Guilherme> Eu quero abandonar também mas pra isso tenho que comprar outro celular hehehe [03:25] <Guilherme> eu sou do tipo só jogo fora quando não funciona [03:26] <Guilherme> Meu cel tá todo bixado e esculachado mas tá firme e forte, então uso ele ainda. [03:28] <dk_millares> é [03:28] <Guilherme> Meu galaxy note 2 ainda dá combate pra muito galaxiznho que tá sendo lançado hehehe [03:28] <dk_millares> o certo é usar até desfazer mesmo [03:28] <dk_millares> nao ficar trocando por graça so [03:30] <Guilherme> Pois é, o ruim é que a samsung põe muita coisa, muda muitas outras coisas e deixa tudo muito mais pesado, e ocupando muito espaço da memória interna, não gosto de usar o termo memória interna mas hd também não ficaria politicamente correto. [03:31] <Guilherme> hehehe [03:40] <dk_millares> o android que eles mandam é triste mesmo Guilherme [03:42] <Guilherme> Sim, verdade. O próximo celular que eu comprar é um bom pra gravar vídeos o tirar fotos, tipo galaxy k zoom ou o Lumia 1020 [03:44] <dk_millares> eu gostei do lumia que tive [03:45] <Guilherme> Mas o galaxy grava em 60 fps e tem zoom de 20x [03:46] <Guilherme> é uma coisa boa, faz tempo que quero comprar uma camera super zoom [03:47] <Guilherme> uma coisa absurda é que o S4 zoom tem apoio para tripé e o k zoom não tem [04:00] <dk_millares> eu nem uso tanto a camera [04:00] <dk_millares> mas tem hr que faz falta msm [04:00] <dk_millares> cara, eu vou nessa [04:00] <dk_millares> flw e boa noite [04:01] <Hudsonkem> flw [04:05] <Guilherme> flw boa noite, já recuperei o android do meu celular hehehe agora posso dormir [04:05] <Guilherme> boa noite [04:05] <Guilherme> saindo [04:05] <Hudsonkem> flw [12:09] <Elfon__> bom dia [12:09] <Elfon__> Pessoal, alguem sabe como exportar somente uma planilha para pdf no libreoffice calc? [14:02] <Creto> Eita bom dia Ubunteiros [14:16] <Elfon__> Pessoal, alguem pode me dá uma pequena ajuda com servidor samba? [15:16] <Elfon__> Pessoal, alguem pode me dá uma pequena ajuda com servidor samba? [15:16] <Elfon__> tem alguém familiarizado? :) [15:47] <Elfon__> alguem? [15:57] <boiko> Elfon__: eu não manjo de samba, mas geralmente é mais fácil você perguntar sua dúvida direto e se alguém souber responde [15:58] <Elfon__> boiko: vlw..acho q tô conseguinte [15:58] <Elfon__> conseguindo :) [15:58] <boiko> blz :) [16:02] <wander> ae galera [18:30] <mirqui> boa tarde :) [18:30] <Hudsonkem> boa tarde [18:30] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem ? [18:31] <Hudsonkem> uma pouco com estomago cheio e estranhamente lotado kkk e vc? [18:32] <mirqui> ahaha tudo bem graças a deus [18:32] <mirqui> tomei um lanche , mas não foi nada de mais [18:32] <Hudsonkem> :) [18:33] <mirqui> e ai , que vc faz aqui no ubuntu-br? [19:02] <Hudsonkem> !info [19:02] <mirqui> ?? [19:02] <Hudsonkem> tentei chamar o bot T-T [19:02] <mirqui> que vc quer saber? [19:03] <mirqui> não sei se tem bots no ubuntu-br [19:03] <Hudsonkem> :/ entendo, vc é o'que mirqui? [19:04] <mirqui> ahaha homo sapiens [19:04] <mirqui> raça humana , macho [19:04] <mirqui> idade adulta ahaha [19:04] <Hudsonkem> '-' sou generico de jins prazer, lol, tipo na informatica? [19:05] <mirqui> serio cara , vc é bot ou está juando? [19:05] <mirqui> vc é programador? [19:06] <Hudsonkem> bot: descrição para uma ferramenta que se manifesta na interface da internet executando ações pre-programadas [19:06] <Hudsonkem> yeap [19:06] <mirqui> vamos fazer o teste de turing ? [19:06] <mirqui> :) [19:07] <Hudsonkem> teste de TUring? :O [19:07] <mirqui> exemplo : [19:07] <mirqui> você sabe o que é uma lima? [19:08] <Hudsonkem> '-' depende isso seria um material real "tipo de metal ao qual usam para amola facas" [19:08] <Hudsonkem> ? [19:08] <mirqui> sim , poderia , mas vc tbm conhece lima fruta , por que escolheu lima = metal? [19:09] <Elfon> Pessoal, o que significa mask 0765? [19:09] <Hudsonkem> raspa de limão isso? [19:09] <mirqui> elfon , é no ubuntu? [19:10] <Hudsonkem> lima ferramenta usada para remodelar estruturas rigidas, usei pro parte de que você me perguntou se sou um programador [19:10] <mirqui> seu banco de dados está defazado [19:11] <mirqui> vc deveria me perguntar , qual , e não dizer qual é :) = erro [19:12] <mirqui> veja como se começa uma conversa [19:12] <mirqui> o papo tem : início , meio e fim [19:12] <mirqui> dentre eles se faz inúmeras variáveis :) [19:13] <mirqui> variáveis booleneanas são um pouco restritas :) [19:14] <mirqui> papo de doido ahaha :) [19:15] <Hudsonkem_> .-. sakei [19:15] <Hudsonkem_> bom eu sou uma interface generica criada por hk [19:16] <mirqui> sou novo no linux , não entendo muito disso [19:16] <Hudsonkem_> sou um aplicativo do tipo "inteligencia de respostas humana" [19:16] <mirqui> hk quer dizer ? [19:16] <Hudsonkem_> HK: meu criador. [19:17] <mirqui> haaa [19:17] <mirqui> então me diga [19:17] <mirqui> o que significa 1/0 , ? [19:20] <Hudsonkem> desculpe a net aqui esta caindo direto [19:21] <mirqui> ahaha vc é humano :) [19:21] <mirqui> internet 3g? [19:21] <Hudsonkem> oi velox [19:21] <mirqui> ahaha estás de saco cheio aahaa [19:21] <Hudsonkem> eu estava só brincando com vc, sou apenas um cara que gosta de pilhas de informação :D [19:21] <mirqui> tinha o oi velox , [19:22] <mirqui> vivia caindo [19:22] <mirqui> agora tenho via rádio [19:22] <Hudsonkem> mano tipo aqui ela pega legal, mas depois de chuvas fica mo zuação [19:22] <mirqui> cara , aqui é uma m---da [19:22] <Hudsonkem> ^^ [19:23] <mirqui> moro afastado [19:23] <Hudsonkem> afastado? [19:23] <mirqui> então no máximo que chega minha internet é 1mb [19:23] <Hudsonkem> atat [19:23] <mirqui> sim , longe do centro [19:23] <Hudsonkem> 1mb é dificil viver com isso. [19:23] <mirqui> e eles botaram dois megas [19:24] <mirqui> resumo da história , eu entrava a logo caia [19:24] <Hudsonkem> kkkk [19:24] <Hudsonkem> dependendo da internet tem coisas que pode derrubar [19:24] <Hudsonkem> tipo sites de chat [19:25] <Hudsonkem> mas é só uma teoria [19:25] <Hudsonkem> mudando o foco da conversa, qual distro vc gosta e usa? [19:26] <mirqui> oi , voltei [19:27] <mirqui> não , era internet ruim mesmo [19:27] <mirqui> uso ubuntu , e vc? [19:28] <Hudsonkem> uso o xubuntu [19:28] <Hudsonkem> a recente 15.04 [19:28] <mirqui> já usei kubuntu e xubuntu tbm [19:28] <mirqui> mas só para testes [19:28] <mirqui> usei suse e puppy [19:28] <mirqui> mint [19:29] <mirqui> gostei mais do ubuntu [20:34] <dejota> meu ubuntu desktop recebeu mensagem de atualização automática para versão 15, após aceitar começou a fazer downloads e instalar mas ao reiniciar na tela de login digito a senha do usuário mas não entra no sistema. [20:42] <astroo-> ola pessoal [23:30] <lovelsd> boa noite [23:30] <lovelsd> alguem pra dar um help [23:33] <astroo-> ola [23:33] <astroo-> poe sempre a duvida
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Afranio", "Creto", "Elfon", "Elfon_", "Elfon__", "Guilherme", "Hudsonkem", "Hudsonkem_", "Marcos_", "Rudolf", "Willian-", "astroo-", "boiko", "clecius", "dejota", "dk_millares", "fabio", "lovelsd", "mirqui", "wander" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-br" }
[00:08] <wxl> nhaines: would you mind a quick pm? [03:22] <nhaines> wxl: when online, I am always availble for PM. Permission need never be asked. [03:23] <Kilos> hi nhaines wxl and others [03:26] <Kilos> pleas apologise to the council for me, for emails about our za monthly meeting. i switched from evolution and am still getting used to thunderbird [03:38] <nhaines> Kilos: thanks for the consideration. We appreciate it. :) [03:38] <Kilos> :) [03:53] <Kilos> sorry for not mentioning is labeled early warning [06:48] <dholbach> good morning [06:49] <Kilos> morning dholbach [06:49] <dholbach> hi Kilos [23:11] <wxl> does anyone know who's "in charge" of organizing uds? or where i could file bugs on it? [23:14] <mhall119> wxl: the community team organizes it [23:15] <mhall119> wxl: is the bug against the website, or the event itself? [23:15] <wxl> mhall119: that's not quite os much that i meant. i think i found a decent alternative to google hangouts that doesn't limit functionality. [23:16] <mhall119> wxl: what? [23:19] <wxl> mhall119: tox. it's client based rather than web based so people would need software, but it does have an irc gateway and i'm sure a little code could get it broadcasting to youtube or twitch [23:38] <mhall119> wxl: how about recording? [23:38] <wxl> mhall119: yep, does it [23:38] <mhall119> wxl: can you whip up a prototype or demo? It might be something we can use next time [23:39] <wxl> mhall119: will do. should i send to you, the community list, or what? [23:39] <mhall119> wxl: ubuntu-community-team please [23:40] <wxl> mhall119: will do thanks :) [23:40] <ahoneybun> yay
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "ahoneybun", "dholbach", "mhall119", "nhaines", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams" }
[05:36] <larsu> bonjour! [05:47] <pitti> Bonjour tout le monde ! [05:50] <larsu> hola pitti! [06:02] <didrocks> good morning [06:06] <larsu> hi didrocks! [06:08] <didrocks> hey larsu! [06:10] <pitti> bonjour didrocks! [06:12] <didrocks> salut pitti ! [06:30] <pitti> didrocks: oh, display-managers test manages to shut down eth0 (I see a DHCPRELEASE in journal until ssh stops working) [06:32] * pitti files bug 1449380 [06:32] <didrocks> pitti: hum, can be "systemctl default" [06:32] <pitti> yeah, I need to look at that more closely [06:33] <didrocks> I didn't call isolate on purpose for this [06:33] <didrocks> daemon-reload should be harmless [06:39] <seb128> good morning desktopers, didrocks, pitti [06:39] <pitti> bonjour seb128 ! [06:39] <didrocks> hey seb128! [06:39] <seb128> wie gehts? [06:42] <pitti> super, danke! [06:42] <pitti> und Dir? [06:51] <seb128> great, thanks ;-) [07:20] <willcooke> *yawn* [07:20] <willcooke> morning [07:25] <didrocks> morning willcooke [07:25] <willcooke> hey didrocks [07:26] <seb128> hello willcooke [07:26] <willcooke> morning seb128 [07:30] <willcooke> Hrm, looks like my issues with Chromium aren't isolated [07:30] <willcooke> errors.u.c makes it clear :( [07:32] <larsu> morning willcooke! [07:38] <willcooke> hey larsu [07:49] <willcooke> What do you think about having a weekly meeting this week? [07:50] <willcooke> I mean, mostly it'll be "went to a spint" [07:50] <larsu> what a coincidence. I went to a sprint, too! [07:51] <willcooke> :D [07:53] <seb128> willcooke, we would use it to summarize week/blueprints&co [07:53] <seb128> but we can also skip if you prefer [08:01] <willcooke> oh, so actually looks like I have a UOS meeting at 1630 [08:01] <willcooke> let me see what I can move [08:02] <Laney> hello! [08:03] <didrocks> morning Laney [08:04] <willcooke> yo [08:16] <larsu> Laney: morning! What exactly did you want me to test from your ppa? Did you disable o-s for gtk2? [08:18] <Laney> no [08:18] <Laney> not on purpose anyway [08:18] <larsu> ah, sounded like it [08:18] <Laney> go into gedit [08:18] <Laney> and make it scroll [08:19] <Laney> I get some weird grey area [08:19] <larsu> the overshoot thing? [08:20] <Laney> could be [08:20] <larsu> hm I'm not seeing it in ambiance [08:21] <Laney> in Adwaita I get a dashed line there [08:21] <Laney> so it's probably saying that there is more content up here [08:22] <larsu> right [08:22] <larsu> is this with gtk 3.16? [08:22] <Laney> ya, from the ppa [08:22] <seb128> hey Laney, wie gehts? [08:22] <Laney> hey seb128 [08:22] <Laney> doing good thanks! [08:23] <Laney> we started to organise a protest ride last night ;-) [08:23] <Laney> how are you? good rest of w.e.? [08:23] <Laney> (we are bikeshedding the name of the ride atm) [08:23] <pitti> hey Laney! [08:24] <seb128> Laney, I'm good thanks, yeah, we had a good w.e in London, and it didn't rain after all :-) [08:24] <Laney> \o/ [08:26] <Laney> hiya pitti [08:28] <pitti> seb128: how did you like the Phantom? [08:29] <pitti> err -- comment vous avez aimé l'opéra ? :-) [08:29] <seb128> pitti, it was very nice, the scenery was excellent [08:29] <pitti> "avez-vous", argh [08:29] <seb128> :-) [08:29] <seb128> c'était très bien ! [08:30] * pitti aime la musique [09:17] <pitti> didrocks: systemctl default is the same as systemctl isolate, no? at least that seems to shut down everything which isn't in, like apparently the ifup@s; I'll have a closer look at it, don't worry (just keeping you posted) [09:18] <didrocks> pitti: yeah, it's a shortcut to systemctl <something> Can be isolate… [09:18] <didrocks> and so, this would make sense [09:34] <Laney> larsu: do you remember the bug # for inverted horizontal scrolling? [09:34] <Laney> the lp on [09:34] <Laney> e [09:35] <Laney> oh, i found it, the power of asking someone else [09:35] <larsu> :) [09:35] <pitti> didrocks: ah, interesting; setting IgnoreOnIsolate=yes for ifup@.service works; I wonder if that's actually desirable (not shutting down interfaces on isolate), or whether we should just do this for these tests [09:36] <pitti> it might break "isolate" or whatever [09:37] <didrocks> pitti: how would it break it? do you expect the ifup@.service being able to do some loop-hell and then, blocking our rescue? [09:37] <didrocks> pitti: or we might only set that during autopkgtests… [09:37] <pitti> didrocks: I mean, don't we want it to actually stop on isolating rescue or some other early/late/minimal target? [09:39] <didrocks> pitti: can we add conflicts="generic@.service"? I don't know if that works [09:39] <pitti> didrocks: add where? what's "generic"? [09:40] <didrocks> like in Conflicts=ifup@.service [09:40] <didrocks> and that would conflict to all ifup instances [09:40] <didrocks> (I'm unsure this is supported) [09:42] <pitti> didrocks: maybe rather, and whenever that shuts down, ifup@ also shuts down? [09:42] <pitti> ah, due to our dbus shutdown hack, isolating rescue doesn't work anyway ATM [09:45] <didrocks> urgh [09:47] <pitti> didrocks: so, and IgnoreOnIsolate=yes actually behave quite well [09:50] <didrocks> yeah, sounds logical, it will still be activated in rescue though [09:50] <didrocks> or we should conflicts [09:51] <pitti> didrocks: rescue is fine [09:52] <pitti> didrocks: I guess I meant, or whichever target does *not* want (or shuts down) and similar [13:14] <pitti> Laney: any luck with sbuild and the PPA? [13:50] <Laney> pitti: oh yes, let's try [13:51] <seb128> does anyone has a nautilus 3.16 version to test something? [13:56] <pitti> seb128: I can build it from the upstream tarball, if that helps: [13:56] <pitti> ? [13:56] <seb128> pitti, I can do that too, but I guess it needs a new GTK, etc [13:56] <pitti> ah, right [13:56] <seb128> don't bother, it's not important, it was to confirm if is still an issue [13:57] <pitti> certainly an issue in vivid, but only in Ctrl+1 (list mode) [13:57] <pitti> in grid mode the names are just wrapped [13:58] <ricotz> seb128, hi, this is still an issue [13:59] <seb128> ricotz, hey, thanks [13:59] <seb128> pitti, right, I'm on vivid, I confirmed it's an issue there, and I confirmed it's not in nautilus 3.10 (I had debs unpacked to test), just wanted confirmation of current upstream before sending to b.g.o [13:59] <seb128> thanks [14:02] <Laney> pitti: still a bug - let me try to make a cloud instance which gets it [14:04] <seb128> Laney, larsu, what do you think about bug #1448969? (basically suggesting to backport to trusty) [14:05] <larsu> seb128: I already looked into it but haven't confirmed the fix yet (will do in a bit) [14:06] <seb128> larsu, k, thanks [14:06] <larsu> seb128: it's fixed as of 3.14, but broken on the lts [14:06] <seb128> right [14:06] <seb128> larsu, also bug #1448407 ... could you have a look? unsure if that's a theme issue [14:07] <seb128> larsu, basically if you dnd to a folder with a > 100% zoom level, the destination folder icon switch to an unzoomed one [14:07] <larsu> interesting [14:07] <larsu> I'll have a look [14:08] <seb128> thanks [14:11] <pitti> Laney: meh, would have been too easy :) [14:18] <qengho> willcooke: when you get the watchdog timeout crash, does chromium, or anything else, appear to be hung or unresponsive? I am starting to think the hung predicate is wrong altogether. [14:19] <willcooke> qengho, hiya [14:20] <willcooke> qengho, I'm not 100% certain, I can reboot and see what happens - but not quite yet - I'll give it a go later [14:42] <ochosi> larsu: hey! since 15.10 is opening up, wanna do something wrt indicators and symbolic icons? [14:44] <seb128> Sweet5hark, hey, did you see ? [14:45] <Sweet5hark> seb128: yes, saw it, havent digged too deep into it, there is no good reproduction descriptions yet, it seems ... [14:46] <seb128> Sweet5hark, k, can you triage the bug? it's number 10 on the daily e.u.c report for vivid [14:50] <Sweet5hark> seb128: the only one there says "crashed on closing the document" and the stack trace suggests this being about StarBasic macros in a document -- so might be somewhat tricky. That said: it is a regression vs. 4.3 (which should help somewhat), but without a reproduction document, its still fly by instrument flight (aka guesswork unless I manage to reproduce myself). [14:51] <larsu> ochosi: I'll try to get to it, but it's not highest priority [14:52] <seb128> Sweet5hark, right [14:52] <ochosi> larsu: sure, i was also wondering whether you wanted/needed help with that, since we discussed it during 15.04 at some point. i guess a list of indicators that would need patches would also be helpful [14:53] <larsu> ochosi: right. there's also an open question about whether we should merge icon themes at some point. everything's all over the place now [14:54] <ochosi> i understand, actually moving to symbolic icons would enable that process [14:54] <ochosi> or at least make it easier [14:54] <ochosi> but yeah, all in all the two things could be done independently [14:55] <ochosi> with the icon theme, i guess moving to the icons from mobile would be the ideal way to go [14:55] <qengho> Since I didn't come to the sprint, my progress report isn't "went to a sprint". [14:55] <qengho> * DONE: Cr 42.0.2311.90 is tested, and almost ready. [14:55] <qengho> * IN-PROGRESS: It's delayed a few days because I'm adding some start-up tests and recommendations to update the Flash player packages. Doing that right is hard. Almost happy with it. [14:55] <qengho> * IN-PROGRESS: Mir support again. [14:55] <qengho> * TO-DO: GPU watchdog hangs. Extended timeout didn't help much last time. [14:55] <qengho> So, there you go. Meeting of one. [14:59] <larsu> ochosi: it's not clear yet if we want to move to the mobile icons [14:59] <ochosi> k [14:59] <larsu> I think I'll wait for that decision before starting to work on it [15:02] <seb128> qengho, thanks for the update :-) [15:05] <willcooke> thx qengho [15:07] <Laney> pitti: okay, I got into a similar but not identical state on this vm [15:07] <Laney> here it rips the mount out before sbuild can even get going [15:08] <Laney> should be the same bug [15:09] <Laney> ssh ubuntu@ & poke around with the 'vivid' container which has a 'vivid' schroot inside [15:12] <pitti> Laney: cheers! [15:12] * qengho boggles at [15:12] <qengho> "acceleration" [15:29] * desrt can feel it [15:29] <desrt> t -30 [15:29] <desrt> 20 [15:29] <seb128> desrt, °C? [15:29] <seb128> winter is back? [15:29] <desrt> 10 [15:29] <willcooke> desrt, check your email :) [15:29] <desrt> oh [15:29] <desrt> :( [15:30] <willcooke> It seems to have been sent twice as well [15:30] <willcooke> so, I don't know, sucks to be you [15:30] <desrt> got it :) [15:30] <Laney> maybe he'll do another fake meeting [15:30] <willcooke> rather, sucks to be your mail client because you dont love it [15:30] <desrt> sure glad i didn't get to 0 [15:30] <willcooke> lolz [15:30] <desrt> that would have looked ridiculous! [15:30] <willcooke> :D [15:30] <seb128> :-) [17:40] <seb128> Laney, larsu, is by design right? [18:35] <larsu> seb128: because header bars I guess?! [19:07] <willcooke> g'night all
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Laney", "Sweet5hark", "desrt", "didrocks", "larsu", "ochosi", "pitti", "qengho", "ricotz", "seb128", "willcooke" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-desktop" }
[00:16] <bluesabre> :D [00:16] <bluesabre> D: [00:16] <bluesabre> both [00:29] <Unit193> bluesabre: So, do we get to keep those packages in 1. Git 2. on the bitbucket group? [00:33] <bluesabre> Unit193: I'm sure either is fine, in the end we'll still have to push to svn for debian :( [00:34] <Unit193> Well, if it goes into pkg-xfce, yeah. :/ [06:24] <Unit193> knome: Can you disable DE translations or something? :P [06:25] <Unit193> bzr diff -r 371..373: [08:06] <Unit193> bluesabre: You should be able to nuke 12.04 went EOL for Xubuntu. [08:07] <ochosi> yeah, we should do that plus write a brief blog post about it [08:07] <ochosi> bluesabre: you're up for that ^ ? [08:13] <Unit193> Not until July can we remove the utopic ones. :( [10:15] <lderan> bluesabre: code preferably, but don't mind with docs & testing :) [10:54] <bluesabre> good morning folks [10:54] <bluesabre> Unit193: yeah, will do that once we publish the blog post... [10:54] <bluesabre> ochosi: elfy has already drafted up a post for it on the website [10:55] <bluesabre> just haven't published just yet :) [11:03] <elfy> bluesabre: and it's probably not flowery enough :) [11:07] <bluesabre> yeah, I'll add a bit to it and mention the deprecation of xubuntu ppas for it as well [11:10] <elfy> ta [11:10] <elfy> if you get time - can you pass your eye over the QA one for me too :) [11:19] <bluesabre> could do to be a bit more flowery, you sound a bit annoyed in the current draft (with good reason, ofc) [11:21] <elfy> bluesabre: mmm [11:21] <elfy> not going to be saying everything's rosy when it's rather more briary ... [11:21] <bluesabre> when do you want to publish? I can do a bit of writing tonight on both posts [11:21] <bluesabre> and yes, I agree [11:22] <elfy> the QA one is no rush at all - the end of next week at latest I guess [11:22] <elfy> the 12.04 one - I'd say asap [11:22] <bluesabre> we could also make it more sailory... you guys didn't #$$&*%$# do much [11:23] <elfy> bluesabre: MY draft was very sailory :D [11:23] <bluesabre> lol [11:23] <elfy> you're seeing the draft's draft draft draft :D [11:23] * bluesabre high fives elfy for the valiant xubuntu draft effort [11:23] <elfy> \o/ [11:23] <elfy> should that be drafty :p [11:24] <bluesabre> ~ [11:25] <bluesabre> Unit193: I'll dump the precise ppa packages tonight [11:26] <bluesabre> elfy: I'll work on the EOL draft tonight (adding sparkles) and get it ready to publish [11:27] <elfy> bluesabre: okey doke [11:27] <elfy> it might have better id I drafted them the other way round - but 12.04 came after the other ;) [11:31] <elfy> have a good one - off out again [11:31] <bluesabre> yup, me too, seeya [16:48] <zequence> When exactly are you goin EOL with precise? [16:49] <elfy> last Sunday [16:49] <zequence> Ah [16:49] <zequence> Did you announce it yet? [16:50] <elfy> not yet :) [16:51] <zequence> Ok. Well, at least I know it won't be too early for us to announce ours. [16:51] <elfy> lol [16:51] <zequence> I'll be ending maintainence for linux-lowlatency at the same time, and will need to announce that too [22:01] <astraljava> I find your wording on the matter quite disturbing. ;) [22:14] <elfy> must have missed some wording ... [22:15] <knome> elfy, maybe the missing stuff was the disturbing part [22:15] <elfy> phew
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "astraljava", "bluesabre", "elfy", "knome", "lderan", "ochosi", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu-devel" }
[07:48] <lordievader> Goede morgen. [16:17] <Leo___> graag zou ik weten hoe ik mijn audio interface (externe geluidskaart) kan laten werken in Ubuntu Studio, Wie kan mij helpen? [16:18] <SCHAAP137> hoe wil je 'm gebruiken Leo___ ? met JACK en PulseAudio? [16:18] <Leo___> De externe geluidskaart is de Phase x 64 van terrasonique [16:18] <Leo___> met jack [16:19] <SCHAAP137> USB? Firewire? [16:19] <Leo___> usv [16:19] <Leo___> usb [16:19] <SCHAAP137> als je 'm aansluit en je zet 'm aan, wordt 'ie dan waargenomen in je Sound Settings? [16:19] <Leo___> ga het even checken [16:20] <SCHAAP137> in die standaard Sound Preferences / Sound Settings regel je PulseAudio [16:20] <SCHAAP137> JACK is weer verhaaltje apart, vooral als je dat goed wilt laten samenwerken met PulseAudio [16:20] <Leo___> nee, ik zie hem niet [16:20] <Leo___> heb gekeken bij input devices [16:21] <Leo___> enkel microfoon, of is dat hem [16:21] <SCHAAP137> ook niet zichtbaar bij output devices? [16:21] <SCHAAP137> als je een ingebouwde audio interface hebt, zal die sowieso daar genoemd worden, waarschijnlijk is die microfoon die je ziet daarvan [16:22] <SCHAAP137> als je 'm aansluit, en hij staat aan, en je herstart de machine; zie je 'm dan voorbij komen in de boot messages? [16:22] <SCHAAP137> dat kun je terugzoeken met 'dmesg' in een console [16:22] <SCHAAP137> krijg je de kernel messages zoals die voorbijkwamen bij het opstarten [16:22] <SCHAAP137> daarin zou je dan een uaudio device moeten zien [16:23] <SCHAAP137> zoiets: [16:23] <SCHAAP137> [ 1.601711] usb 1-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0763, idProduct=2012 [16:23] <SCHAAP137> [ 1.601778] usb 1-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0 [16:23] <SCHAAP137> [ 1.601863] usb 1-1.2: Product: FastTrack Pro [16:23] <SCHAAP137> [ 1.601917] usb 1-1.2: Manufacturer: M-Audio [16:23] <SCHAAP137> dat zie ik met mijn M-Audio Fasttrack Pro [16:23] <SCHAAP137> typ in een console: dmesg | grep usb [16:24] <SCHAAP137> dan zie je alle regels uit dmesg, waarin het woord usb voorkomt; als Ubuntu 'm ziet, moet 'ie daartussen staan [16:24] <SCHAAP137> als 'ie niet zichtbaar is daar, dan herkent Ubuntu 'm niet, en is 'ie wrsch niet te gebruiken zonder specifieke drivers (lees: Windows of Mac OS X) [16:27] <SCHAAP137> en dat heeft dan (waarschijnlijk) als oorzaak dat de stuurprogramma's niet open source zijn voor die audio interface [16:27] <SCHAAP137> of dat de audio interface geen class-compliant modus heeft [16:27] <SCHAAP137> denk je dat je verder kunt met deze informatie, Leo___ ? [16:30] <Leo_____> sorry werd verbroken [16:30] <SCHAAP137> haha, jammer, hele lap tekst neergezet [16:30] <Leo_____> sry [16:31] <Leo_____> :O [16:31] <SCHAAP137> [16:31] <Leo_____> kan het nog een keer ? [16:31] <SCHAAP137> kun je hier teruglezen :) [16:31] <Leo_____> bedankt [16:33] <JanC> als je Engels kan, probeer dan eens te vragen in #ubuntu-studio [16:33] <SCHAAP137> theoretisch, zou het ook nog kunnen dat je 'm op een USB 3.0 poort hebt aangesloten, en Ubuntu er niet in slaagt om die poort terug te schakelen naar 2.0 of 1.1 modus (waarop 'ie mogelijk wel herkend zou worden) [16:33] <SCHAAP137> maar die kans acht ik erg klein [16:33] <SCHAAP137> of dat de poort 2.0 is, en Ubuntu de controller als EHCI herkent en daardoor niet naar 1.1 kan terugschakelen [16:33] <JanC> aangezien M-Audio vziw vooral (semi-)professionele geluidskaarten maakt? [16:34] <SCHAAP137> ja in Leo_____'s geval gaat het om een terrasonique (?) [16:34] <SCHAAP137> ben zelf niet bekend met dat merk [16:34] <JanC> oh ja [16:36] <SCHAAP137> hmm die verbinding daar is niet al te best :P [16:38] <JanC> lijkt me sowieso dat je meer kans hebt dat iemand ervaring heeft met obscure pro audio in #u-s dan hier :) [16:39] <SCHAAP137> dat is waar, maar toevallig zit ik wel aardig diep in de audio, dus Leo had geluk [16:39] <JanC> goed om weten ook :) [16:40] <JanC> Terrasoniq [16:40] <JanC> [16:41] <SCHAAP137> een antwoord op al uw audio struggles [16:41] <SCHAAP137> ah ziet er wel aardig uit, lijkt n beetje op de mijne [16:42] <JanC> is ook handig zoeken met de juiste zoekterm :) [16:43] <SCHAAP137> kdraai nu de -lowlatency kernel, maar moet zeggen, ik merk bijzonder weinig verschil [16:43] <SCHAAP137> aantal ms delay naar JACK is nog onveranderd [16:44] <Leo___> ik typte dmesg en hij vond hem wel [16:44] <Leo___> werd bij name genoemd [16:44] <Leo___> wat houdt dat voor mij in ? [16:44] <SCHAAP137> ah hij wordt wel herkend? dat is hoopgevend [16:44] <Leo___> ja [16:44] <JanC> SCHAAP137: normaal zie je sowieso alleen verschil wanneer de process scheduler onder stress staat [16:44] <SCHAAP137> theoretisch zou hij dan tussen je output devices genoemd moeten worden, als hij niet al bezet wordt door iets, zoals bijv. JACK [16:45] <Leo___> zal even kijken [16:45] <SCHAAP137> ah, okee JanC dat wist ik niet [16:45] <JanC> wel, niet noodzakelijk alleen dan [16:46] <Leo___> zal ik het even kopieeren ? [16:46] <JanC> in sommige gevallen kan een LL scheduler zelfs trager zijn ;) [16:47] <SCHAAP137> Leo___, zie je 'm ook staan als je typt: lsusb [16:47] <SCHAAP137> ? [16:47] <Leo___> ga even kijken [16:48] <JanC> lsusb zegt niks over driver support, kernel messages eventueel wel [16:49] <Leo___> met lsusb zie ik het niet [16:49] <Leo___> althans, niet bij name [16:51] <JanC> kan je de uitvoer van lsusb & dmesg ergens op een "pastebin" plakken? [16:52] <JanC> zie je iets over "MUSONIK" in lsusb? [16:52] <Leo___> ja [16:53] <JanC> dat is de fabrikant van de chip in je geluidskaart blijkbaar [16:53] <Leo___> hoe moet dat ? [16:54] <Leo___> zie het al [16:55] <Leo___> [16:55] <JanC> ik zie voorlopig nergens een oplossing om die te gebruiken [16:56] <Leo___> jammer [16:56] <Leo___> Heeft dhr. SCHAAP137 nog een idee ? [16:56] <JanC> dmesg zegt enkel dat het dat specifieke USB-apparaat ziet, maar laadt geen drivers [16:57] <SCHAAP137> hmm, dat zou lastig worden [16:57] <Leo___> Het is zo jammer omdat Ubuntu Studio mooie programma [16:57] <Leo___> s heeft [16:57] <Leo___> voor recording , midi etc. [16:58] <JanC> en op forums & mailing lists zie ik enkel vragen van mensen met dezelfde audio device zonder oplossingen... :-( [16:58] <Leo___> ja [16:58] <SCHAAP137> je ziet verschillende meldingen daar [16:58] <Leo___> heb het ook al gezien [16:59] <SCHAAP137> die USB kabel is wel goed toch? [16:59] <Leo___> hoopte iemand op dit forum te treffen met een oplossing [16:59] <SCHAAP137> zit 'ie via een hub aangesloten? [16:59] <Leo___> absoluut. [16:59] <Leo___> aangesloten via een hub [16:59] <Leo___> omdat ik bang was dat USB 2 problemen zou geven [16:59] <JanC> Leo___: blijkbaar werkt die onder recente Windows ook niet stabiel... :-/ [17:00] <Leo___> Dat is mij wel gelukt [17:00] <SCHAAP137> probeer eens direct op je USB controller, zonder hub ertussen? [17:00] <Leo___> maar het is een heel gedoe [17:00] <Leo___> windows 8.01 werkt niet goed [17:00] <Leo___> maar wel windows 7.0 [17:00] <JanC> recente Windows 64-bits blijkbaar [17:01] <Leo___> zou er een oplossing komen in Ubuntu ? [17:01] <JanC> althans, daar zijn/waren vorig jaar veel klachten over :) [17:01] <SCHAAP137> ziet toch wel een paar merkwaardige meldingen in die dmesg [17:01] <SCHAAP137> [ 1750.834864] usb 1-4: USB disconnect, device number 4 [17:01] <SCHAAP137> [ 1750.834870] usb 1-4.4: USB disconnect, device number 5 [17:01] <SCHAAP137> [ 1750.915393] usb 1-4.7: USB disconnect, device number 6 [17:01] <SCHAAP137> die disconnects, en die error -110's [17:01] <JanC> SCHAAP137: mogelijk gewoon heringeplugd? [17:02] <Leo___> kan hem even zonder usb hub proberen [17:02] <SCHAAP137> ah ja, makes sense JanC [17:04] <SCHAAP137> hm, ziet er somber uit Leo___ : [17:04] <Leo___> zonder usb hub [17:05] <SCHAAP137> dacht al dat het zoiets zou zijn [17:05] <SCHAAP137> wrsch verbindt ie op USB 2.0, maar daar is die proprietaire driver voor nodig [17:05] <SCHAAP137> en heeft ie geen class-compliant 1.0/1.1 modus [17:06] <Leo___> is dit een driver probleem of usb probleem [17:06] <JanC> driver-probleem [17:06] <SCHAAP137> een driver probleem, of beter omschreven, een fabrikanten-probleem [17:06] <SCHAAP137> in de zin dat ze geen code vrijgeven om het op andere platforms (anders dan windows of OSX) aan te gang te krijgen [17:06] <Leo___> snap het en het bedrijf bestaat volgens mij niet meer [17:06] <Leo___> of is onder andere naam verder gegaan [17:07] <Leo___> eigenlijk heb ik dan die audio interface voor niets aangeschaft [17:07] <SCHAAP137> dat is een vervelende constatering [17:07] <JanC> SCHAAP137: USB Audio class-compliant heeft geen zin voor een pro audio device, lijkt me? [17:07] <SCHAAP137> mijn M-Audio Fasttrack Pro heeft wel een 1.1 class-compliant modus [17:09] <JanC> met sterk verminderde mogelijkheden dan? [17:09] <SCHAAP137> ach ja, wat heet Pro Audio, het gaat uiteindelijk om latencies, kwaliteit vd componenten, en het aantal en type aansluitingen [17:09] <Leo___> werkt die wel in ubuntu studio ? [17:09] <SCHAAP137> deze wel ja [17:09] <Leo___> dus dan kan ik beter die aanschaffen ? [17:10] <SCHAAP137> is ook de reden dat ik deze destijds had gehaald, wetende dat 'ie zowat overal op zou werken [17:10] <SCHAAP137> ja, maar vraag me af of je deze nog zult vinden [17:10] <SCHAAP137> wordt niet meer nieuw gemaakt iig [17:10] <SCHAAP137> de support is ook overgeheveld van M-Audio naar AVID voor dit model [17:10] <JanC> M-Audio heeft wel nog ondersteunde kaarten vziw [17:10] <JanC> ? [17:11] <SCHAAP137> ja dat sowieso, maar dit is er dus eentje die niet meer onderdeel is van M-Audio, maar van AVID [17:11] <Leo___> Ik wil namelijk mijn midicomposer aansluiten op mijn pc [17:11] <SCHAAP137> wrsch een onderdeel dat is verkocht [17:11] <Leo___> kon vroeger nog met win98 [17:11] <Leo___> maar niet meer in xp, win7 en win 8 [17:11] <JanC> Win98 = DOS :) [17:12] <Leo___> dus dacht, ik koop een midi audio interface en dan lukt het wel, maar nee [17:12] <JanC> en er zijn zat kaarten die MIDI ondersteunen [17:12] <Leo___> ja, maar het gaat ook nog eens om ondersteuning in ubuntu studio [17:13] <JanC> beste wat je kan doen is vragen in een kanaal zoals #ubuntu-studio of een ander linux audio chatkanaal [17:13] <Leo___> ga dat proberen, bedankt voor jullie tijd en moeite [17:14] <JanC> als iedereen daar zegt "product X werkt goed" zal het ook wel zo zijn :) [17:15] <JanC> misschien heeft Ubuntu Studio zelfs een wiki met aangeraden toestellen of zo [17:17] <JanC> vb: [17:21] <JanC> en misschien [17:24] <pjotter> Iets wat ik me al jaren afvraag: Kun je de audio van een bepaalde applicatie ook afsplitsen van de rest van de audio en die via een aparte uitgang naar een versterker laten gaan? Moet je dan een extra geluidskaart installeren ofzo? Of werkt dat niet? [17:25] <SCHAAP137> dat is een softwarematig proces pjotter [17:25] <pjotter> Ok! En is dat te doen me 1 geluidskaart? [17:26] <SCHAAP137> het is het besturingssysteem dat de stromen audio van de verschillende applicaties samenbrengt tot 1 of meerdere samengestelde stromen, die dan naar een output gaan [17:26] <SCHAAP137> ja, dat kan gewoon, in theoretisch opzicht [17:27] <SCHAAP137> maar, om zoiets achteraf eruit te filteren of splitsen, dat kan niet [17:27] <SCHAAP137> althans, niet op een goed functionerende manier [17:27] <pjotter> Ik luister vaak naar diverse webradio's terwijl ik ook de computer gebruik voor andere dingen. Ik zou graag die webradio naar een paar externe speakers willen sturen terwijl de rest van de audio gewoon via mijn monitorspeakers gaat. [17:27] <SCHAAP137> en zeker niet realtime [17:29] <SCHAAP137> met 1 geluidskaart, in de huidige Ubuntu versie, pjotter? [17:29] <pjotter> Bijvoorbeeld [17:30] <JanC> pjotter: hoe zijn je monitorspeakers aangesloten? [17:31] <pjotter> Die is aangesloten op een zwarte speaker-out uitgang aan de achterkant van de computer [17:32] <pjotter> Ik gebruik een andere (een groene) waar ik een set externe speaker heb aangesloten [17:32] <SCHAAP137> met JACK en een beetje creatief routeren naar verschillende outputs zou het wel moeten kunnen [17:32] <JanC> met PulseAudio kan dat ook [17:32] <SCHAAP137> true, of met beiden tegelijk [17:33] <JanC> zelfs met ALSA en wat prutsen [17:33] <pjotter> JanC: Ik gebruik hier Xubuntu. gebruikt die ook Pulseaudio? [17:34] <JanC> pjotter: zou ik ik zelf ook moeten opzoeken, maar normaal kan je dat gewoon in je proceslijst zien? [17:34] <JanC> zeker als je onlangs audio afgespeeld hebt [17:34] <pjotter> Yep, ik zie pulseaudio ertussen [17:34] <pjotter> (moet even de kleine verzorgen... :S) [17:35] <SCHAAP137> ik ben ff een hapje eten [17:35] <SCHAAP137> laters
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JanC", "Leo___", "Leo_____", "SCHAAP137", "lordievader", "pjotter" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nl" }
[14:04] <ColonelPanic001> hi. [14:04] <brousch> ih [14:32] <ColonelPanic001> >_> [14:35] <rick_h_> morn [15:05] <cmaloney> morn and all that. [15:05] <greg-g> yeeeeep [15:13] <rick_h_> that good eh? [15:13] <jrwren> ugh [15:13] <jrwren> i require moar coffee [15:17] <cscheib> I just made some. I can't wait until I get a decent bag of beans again [15:17] <cscheib> this stuff I got from Holiday is kinda crap [15:18] <jrwren> :( [15:19] <cmaloney> rick_h_: Still feeling out of sorts from Penguicon. [15:19] <cmaloney> Went to bed early last night because I was shivering [15:19] <cmaloney> hands were cold [15:19] <brousch> Conplague? [15:19] <cmaloney> Likely. [15:19] <brousch> STD from a Furry? [15:19] <cmaloney> Feeling a little bit better. [15:20] <cmaloney> brousch: You should come to Penguicon some year. I think you'd have fun [15:20] <cmaloney> We'll set you up with some ribbons. :) [15:20] <brousch> Probably [15:21] <cscheib> does Tron guy still show? [15:21] <cmaloney> I saw him this weekend [15:22] <cscheib> ESR? [15:22] <brousch> One of our makerspace guys met him at the 3D printed hand booth [15:22] <brousch> Tron Guy, not ESR [15:22] <cmaloney> ESR was there. [15:22] <cscheib> I remember ESR being super into the fake sword fighting. much entertains. [15:23] <cscheib> I think that was the 2nd pcon [15:28] <_stink_> ... what does one do with a 3D printed hand [15:29] <brousch> give it to kids who only have half a hand [15:29] <greg-g> _stink_: oh poor virgin mind you have [15:29] <_stink_> yes i stay away from the dark corners [15:29] <brousch> [15:30] <jrwren> "its called a stranger." [15:30] <_stink_> brousch: ah cool [15:31] <cscheib> jrwren: lulz [15:32] <rick_h_> cmaloney: how was the old penguin-fest? [15:37] <cmaloney> It was pretty good [15:37] <cmaloney> Managed to exhaust myself pretty hard. [15:37] <cmaloney> Apparently I'm not as young as I used to be. :) [15:37] <cmaloney> funny that. [15:38] <jrwren> partying is like any other skill. You have to practice to stay good at it. [15:39] <rick_h_> lol [15:39] <cmaloney> true dat. [15:39] <cmaloney> I wasn't even partying hard. [15:40] <jrwren> cmaloney: well that is your first mistake. Andrew WK says when its time to party we must party hard. [15:40] <cmaloney> Considering they had shorts of Makers Mark for $11 each I wasn't about to party that hard. [15:40] <cmaloney> and no, $3 Miller Lite beer will never touch these lips. [15:42] <cmaloney> Even $.50 Miller Lite [15:44] <jrwren> cmaloney: and now I can't continue joking about partying hard because you've got to a point I care about: having standards. [15:45] <cmaloney> heh [16:04] <cscheib> remember the good old days when you'd drink just about any old crap? [16:07] <jrwren> kinda [16:07] <jrwren> but I honestly never liked cheap liquor very much. [16:07] <jrwren> nor the really cheap beer. [16:08] <jrwren> so I've always had some kind of standards... they've just edged higher and higher. [16:08] <jrwren> to the point I visit Germany and I complain about the beer :] [16:11] <cmaloney> me either [16:22] <cscheib> yea, I had a co-op job when I was underage, and a real job when I came of age, so my alcohol standards were higher than most [17:41] <cscheib> jrwren: Tippins market is doing a bourbon-barrel aged cofee bean in collaboration with Milan coffee works [17:47] <jrwren> i don't know if I would like that, but I guess I'd want to try it. [17:52] <cscheib> I'm certainly interested in trying it [17:54] <cscheib> appears to be a somewhat popular method of adding a bit more character to coffee beans before roasting em [17:56] <brousch> More sanitary than running them through a cat's digestive system [17:56] <cscheib> heh [19:30] <greg-g> brousch: elephants man, elephant poop beans are the thing [19:48] <cmaloney> [19:49] <rick_h_> not enough full sleeve wearing devs in the apple campus [19:49] <rick_h_> time to call out for more diversity into the inked community! [19:51] <cmaloney> Sadly I wonder what happens if you wear it while not being lilly-white [19:52] <cmaloney> Because that would a rather uncomfortable spot to be in. [23:28] <greg-g> jrwren: thanks for [23:29] <greg-g> gah, stupid links :( [23:41] <jrwren> you are welcome! [23:42] <jrwren> greg-g: so... it turned into like 30min of watching classic music videos [23:42] <jrwren> because after that we just HAD to compare it to the George Harrison song. [23:42] <jrwren> and then we let youtube roll, next was Paul Simon [23:43] <jrwren> then Ahha take on me, then Survivor, then Europe [23:43] <jrwren> and after Final Countdown I had to put on the Laibach version, which has a surprisingly good computer animation from 1994 as the video which I'd never seen. [23:43] <jrwren> Then for some reason I decided to listen to Hall and Oats and have now moved on to MeatLoaf [23:43] <jrwren> Life is good. [23:57] <brousch> jrwren: I'm drinking with Brian genisio
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ColonelPanic001", "_stink_", "brousch", "cmaloney", "cscheib", "greg-g", "jrwren", "rick_h_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi" }
[03:03] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [20:42] <astroo-> ola pessoal
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "astroo-" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pt" }
[07:25] <mahdi67> سلام [07:25] <mahdi67> کسی هست یک مشکل فوری فوتی دارم [07:25] <mahdi67> help me? [07:26] <mahdi67> hi [08:15] <mahdi67> kasi hast? [08:15] <mahdi67> koooooooooooooooooomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak [08:19] <Azitrex> :) [15:22] <Anonymous_> Hi guys [15:23] <Anonymous_> hi baba [15:23] <Anonymous_> salam arz shod [15:23] <Anonymous_> kasi nist ? [15:23] <Anonymous_> no [15:23] <Anonymous_> noch [15:23] <Anonymous_> kasi nist :| [20:30] <Arash> salam
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Anonymous_", "Arash", "Azitrex", "mahdi67" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ir" }
[05:31] <Datutter> Hej, har installerat ubuntu 15.04 på min laptop. Men har stött på ett problem. Datorn stänger inte av sig, och upstart kräver att jag startar datorn två gånger efter att den fastnat på lila skärm. Någon som vet vad det kan bero på? [10:22] <maxjezy> jAHA! [10:22] <Linda^> Nej! [10:22] <maxjezy> Linda^, joHo! [10:23] <Linda^> hittepå! [10:23] <maxjezy> oj [10:23] <maxjezy> klockan redan så pass! [10:24] <Linda^> Mja, snart dags att hämta tvätt [10:24] <maxjezy> jag renderar en liten animation som jag bara suktar efter att få se när den blir klar [10:25] <Linda^> :o [11:38] <maxjezy> bara hälften kvar [12:08] <DrGrov> God dag! [12:08] <DrGrov> Någon som kan rekommendera en väldigt stor testfil att prova ladda ner för att testa uppkopplingen? [12:11] <andol> DrGrov: Räcker DVD-stor? [12:12] <DrGrov> andol: Ja, DVD-stor räcker bra. Fick just via ett telefonsamtal ökat bandbredden till 250/20 istället för 100/5 :) [12:12] <DrGrov> andol: Tack för länken. [12:13] <andol> Gjorde just ett test via jobbet, och hade inga problem att komma upp i nära gigabit-fart från [12:13] <DrGrov> andol: Perfekt, just det jag ville ha ut :) [12:17] <DrGrov> Såja, den där test ison du länkade till andol kom ner på 2m33sek [12:17] <DrGrov> Perfekt, bandbredden är som den skall. Äntligen för privatbruk så snabbt som det borde ha varit redan för 2-3 år sedan. [12:21] <DrGrov> andol: Gigabit fart? Vad talar vi om för snabbheter så där ungefär? ;-) [12:22] <einand> hej MrGrov [12:22] <DrGrov> Hej einand , hur är läget? [12:22] <DrGrov> Det var inte igår [12:23] <einand> läget är fint, och nej var absolut inte igår [12:24] <andol> Lite slarvigt uttryck, men menade att jag kom nära att maxa den gigabit-länk jag nyttjade. Snittade på 85MB/s, och fick ner ison på 48 sekunder. [12:25] <DrGrov> andol: Ok, men det där är ju helt sjukt snabbt [12:25] <einand> det vill jag prova [12:25] <DrGrov> einand: Bra att höra [12:26] <einand> DrGrov: jag 200/20 [12:26] <einand> hade föredragit 20/200 [12:26] <DrGrov> einand: 200/20 är ju riktigt bra. [12:27] <DrGrov> einand: Ja, samma. Jag var riktigt trött på 100/5 då upstreamen är mycket mycket viktigare [12:27] <einand> Jag laddar upp ca 100-600GB/mån [12:29] <DrGrov> einand: Jo, då behövs det verkligen något mer kött på benen än det jag hade, 5 Mbit. Frågan är om 20 Mbit ens egentligen räcker till med så där stora mändger. [12:29] <einand> 100%[[12:31] <DrGrov> einand: Alltså skiljer det sig typ 56 sek med 200 Mbit och 250 Mbit. Inte alls så farligt. [12:34] <DrGrov> Så, dags att kila iväg. Tack för hjälpen andol [12:35] <einand> Någon som vet om det går att ladda upp till youtube med något CLI program? [13:02] <einand> Någon som vet vad som hänt realubot har han slutat hänga här eller bytt namn? [13:25] <Barre> einand: =) [13:25] <einand> Barre: tack [13:30] <einand> Barre: verkar sakna vissa vitala funktioner, så som välja om ett klipp skall vara synligt eller inte [13:34] <Barre> python, lägg till det då ;P [13:34] <einand> Barre: orkar inte lära mig python för det [13:35] <einand> eller googles api [14:28] <Dynamit> Jävla Safari **g vad fan kan inte skiten funka som förväntat på den när det gör det på 3andra jäkla webbläsare för [14:52] <Sebastia1Thorn> apple? [15:18] <maxjezy> sådärja, nu är min animation klar och jag har sovit på saken. [15:42] <arcsky> grabbar kör ni landscape-sysinfo ? [16:18] <maxjezy> blender finns på steam nu [16:18] <maxjezy> bara så ni vet. [17:08] <maxjezy> Philip5, [17:08] <maxjezy> lite makehuman lek [17:25] <Philip5> maxjezy: lego effekt eller? :) [17:26] <Philip5> maxjezy: köpte en htc m9 idag som jag ska unbox nu :) [17:27] <maxjezy> nä, jag har softbody:at en riggad karaktär som jag sedan kört en rebuild modifier på som jag animerat i olika "kvalitet". [17:27] <maxjezy> jag hade tråkigt på morgonkanten [17:30] <Linda^> maxjezy: Blev det bra? [23:07] <maxjezy> Linda^, njae. [23:07] <maxjezy> inte riktigt så kraftfullt som jag hoppats på. [23:26] <Linda^> maxjezy: :\
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Barre", "Datutter", "DrGrov", "Dynamit", "Linda^", "Philip5", "Sebastia1Thorn", "andol", "arcsky", "einand", "maxjezy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }
[02:08] <einfeldt> I guess there is no meeting today. [02:15] <elky> no, was last week and next week, per meeting page [02:40] <einfeldt> Thx [14:36] <nhaines> Well, Kerbal Spae Program 1.0 comes out today, probably within the next hour or two. So... hold all my calls. [16:04] <pleia2> hehe [19:12] <ianorlin> hmm I should probably change the topic [22:20] <blitz> I have a 87GB log file, whats the smartest way to pipe the last 100,000 lines of it to another file [22:20] <blitz> tail -n 100000 file > file2 ?? [22:21] <akk> That's what I would do. [22:23] <blitz> I remember last time that doing it in place was impossible [22:27] <blitz> whoops wrong channel [23:11] <pleia2> upgraded wordpress on the team site for the zero-day that came out today, all is well [23:32] <ianorlin> thanks pleia2 [23:48] <pleia2> [23:48] <darthrobot> Title: [Jessie party hats and notes | Flickr - Photo Sharing!] [23:48] <pleia2> :D :D [23:48] <pleia2> still firming up plans (planning on announcing tomorrow), but hope to do release-themed dinner at the debian dinner coming up on the 13th [23:49] <pleia2> pretty sure I just figured out why I was unpopular in high school [23:49] <pleia2> (I kid, I've known for years)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "akk", "blitz", "darthrobot", "einfeldt", "elky", "ianorlin", "nhaines", "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-ca" }
[08:10] <Sakrecoer> Hi! [08:13] <Sakrecoer> I'm interested in helping out fixing bug#1 but the submission quue seem to be gone? [08:15] <Sakrecoer> oh.. i found this [08:25] <Sakrecoer> is there anyone availablefor a quick question? [08:26] <Sakrecoer> however, i shoot: [08:27] <Sakrecoer> i'm wondering if there is any marketing instance, where... hm.... how to put it...? "scouts" can forward a deal negociation, or an instance than can interconnect a sales departement, install team and a support team with a company? [08:28] <Sakrecoer> hmm... that wasn't very well put by me.... [08:28] <Sakrecoer> i'll think about it and send a mail to the list instead...
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Sakrecoer" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-marketing" }
[02:10] <rosner> Всем привет [03:41] <rosner> Привет всем [03:41] <rosner> тихо тут [03:41] <rosner> точнее даже глухо [06:16] <VMV> всем привет [06:16] <VMV> помогите решить проблему, после вывода из гибернации ноутбука, получаю ошибку [06:16] <VMV> вот мой xorg.conf [06:17] <VMV> меня вообще видно?) [06:56] <zxlobster> видно, но здесь все всегда спят) проще на форуме спросить [08:52] <aleksei`> утра [08:55] <Avagetto_> Добрый день. Занмиался ли кто нибудь портированием ubuntu-touch? нужна небольшая помощь. [10:09] <red_shuhardt> Как исполнить команд упри запуске wm? [10:09] <red_shuhardt> Требуется назначить переключение раскладки на caps. [10:09] <red_shuhardt> Пользуюсь командой, вручную исполняемой: [10:09] <red_shuhardt> setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:caps_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,ru [10:09] <red_shuhardt> Пробовал создать файл .xsessionrc, сделал его исполняемым, в нём прописал: [10:10] <red_shuhardt> #!/bin/sh [10:10] <red_shuhardt> exec setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:caps_toggle,grp_led [10:11] <red_shuhardt> Но при запуске wm система не хочет запускать wm, до тех пор, пока существует этот файл в папке пользователя. [10:11] <red_shuhardt> Что я делаю не так или как надо делать для запуска команды при старте системы? [10:12] <red_shuhardt> Использую lubuntu+i3wm. [10:58] <SergeyIT> в логах посмотри [10:59] <red_shuhardt> SergeyIT: на что смотреть и в каких именно логах? [11:00] <SergeyIT> и нужен ли exec [11:00] <red_shuhardt> SergeyIT: я не знаю, взял команду из статьи. [11:01] <SergeyIT> ~/.xsession-errors [11:02] <SergeyIT> и в /var/logs [11:04] <JohnDoe_71Rus> о, в тему. решил запускать команду при старте, сделал скрипт #!/bin/sh ... команда. А что добавить что бы где то в логах писалось отработала команда или нет? [11:05] <JohnDoe_71Rus> а то кажется она не отрабатывает или не вовремя работает. а потом в консоли ручками отлично работает [11:05] <red_shuhardt> присоединяюсь к вопросу. [11:06] <red_shuhardt> SergeyIT: в .xsession-errors ничего подозрительного. [11:06] <red_shuhardt> А в var/log какой именно файл смотреть и что в нём искать? [11:11] <SergeyIT> не знаю, не занимался, в системе всегда выставлял alt+shift и работает [12:27] <andrex> в gtt есть все [12:27] <andrex> нифига ненадо пилить в автозапуск [12:27] <andrex> gnome-tweak-tool или как ее [12:27] <rosner> а что где [12:27] <rosner> кого [12:27] <andrex> я про расскладку [12:27] <JohnDoe_71Rus> andrex: нету gtt ибо гнома тоже нет. [12:28] <andrex> поставь) [12:28] <andrex> или utt [12:28] <rosner> а что с раскладкой не так ? [12:29] <JohnDoe_71Rus> у меня с раскладкой нормально. у меня общий вопрос. что бы пользовательский скрипт писал в лог отработал он или нет [12:29] <andrex> а вобще dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration [12:29] <andrex> var log syslog [12:30] <rosner> не так все просто [12:30] <rosner> права скриту надо присваивать [12:30] <rosner> или сделал ? [12:32] <JohnDoe_71Rus> да, права у скрипта есть [12:32] <JohnDoe_71Rus> подозреваю что он чуть не вовремя запускается [12:36] <rosner> все может быть [12:37] <rosner> только не понятно [12:37] <rosner> одно [12:38] <rosner> какая разница между лог и скриптом по времени ? [12:38] <JohnDoe_71Rus> мне просто надо знать, работает скрипт или нет [12:39] <JohnDoe_71Rus> как то зафиксировать что он работает [12:39] <rosner> ты в скрипте точно указал ведение лог [12:39] <rosner> ? [12:40] <JohnDoe_71Rus> нет. в этом и суть вопроса. что дописать в скрипте что бы велась запист в какой либо лог [12:40] <JohnDoe_71Rus> лучше из уже имеющихся. не городить свой лог [12:40] <rosner> ну уже имеющихся в гугле полно и все разные [12:41] <rosner> смотри [12:41] <JohnDoe_71Rus> полно кого? логфайлов системы linux [12:41] <andrex> "$@" | tee -a /var/lob/bashtee.log [12:41] <JohnDoe_71Rus> andrex: не ругайся ) [12:42] <rosner> лог вайл он и есть лог файл а ведение в лог это уже другая суть [12:42] <andrex> ну вот те выхлоп запуска баш скрипта в файл [12:42] <andrex> ) [12:44] <JohnDoe_71Rus> должна быть какая то стандартрая конструкция. куда только свою команду подставить и все [12:48] <andrex> есть [12:48] <andrex> rc.local [12:51] <andrex> или крон [13:20] <Aldebaran> Всем привет! [13:20] <rosner> Привет [13:20] <Aldebaran> когда steam в репозитории 15.04 ни кто не знает? [13:21] <Aldebaran> поставил себе вчера xubuntu [13:21] <Aldebaran> rosner, как дела? [13:21] <andrex> короче мне бы ваши проблемы) мне нада html в sqli перевести) [13:21] <andrex> есть [13:21] <andrex> уже давно [13:21] <Aldebaran> у меня нету [13:21] <rosner> в минте 17 есть точно [13:22] <andrex> andrex@andrex-HP-ProBook-4540s ~ $ aptitude search steam [13:22] <andrex> v steam - [13:22] <andrex> i steam:i386 - Система цифрового распространения программ [13:22] <rosner> не ему это зачем [13:22] <rosner> ему я так понял клиент нужен [13:23] <Aldebaran> В ваших текущих источниках приложений нет пакета с названием «steam». [13:23] <JohnDoe_71Rus> а это и есть клиент [13:23] <andrex> htgs gjlhe,b [13:23] <andrex> репы подруби все [13:23] <Aldebaran> как подрубить научите [13:23] <Aldebaran> у меня xubuntu x64 15.04 [13:24] <andrex> в источниках приложений [13:24] <JohnDoe_71Rus> а 15.04 вышла? [13:24] <rosner> в xubuntu нет графического центра приложения ? [13:25] <andrex> [13:25] <Aldebaran> [13:25] <Aldebaran> вот тута? [13:26] <andrex> фз у мня тырнет тыква [13:27] <rosner> набери steam-launcher [13:27] <rosner> ему это надо [13:27] <andrex> нет такого [13:27] <andrex> ы природе [13:28] <rosner> [13:28] <rosner> а это что [13:28] <rosner> я как то играю хорошо [13:28] <Aldebaran> у меня нету :( [13:28] <rosner> то что ты ему дал это не то многие путаю [13:28] <rosner> т [13:29] <andrex> вот какраз то [13:29] <andrex> не спорь [13:29] <rosner> охх [13:29] <rosner> ему надо свои цыфровые игры распростронять ? [13:29] <rosner> или играть ? [13:29] <Aldebaran> играть конечно! [13:29] <Aldebaran> :) [13:30] <rosner> ну так [13:30] <rosner> и я про что [13:30] <andrex> это клиент распостранения ирг [13:30] <rosner> да [13:30] <andrex> которые распостраняет валв [13:30] <andrex> он нифига там распостранять не моет [13:31] <andrex> обычный магазин приодений такойже как орижин или xlive [13:31] <rosner> вот как тогда у меня steam-launcher установлен и все стандартный стим все игры и клиент [13:31] <andrex> фз [13:31] <andrex> скачал с сайта стима или ппа [13:32] <andrex> по умолчанию его нет в репах [13:32] <rosner> я тебе скрин с сайта дал ? [13:32] <rosner> это реп [13:32] <rosner> ну ты даешь [13:32] <andrex> ппа скорее [13:32] <rosner> тебе полный скрин дать ? [13:32] <andrex> я те полчаса назад выхлоп apta кидал [13:33] <andrex> нету там его [13:33] <andrex> он из какогото ппа даже мог статью нарыть где его ставят) [13:34] <rosner> [13:34] <rosner> видешь у тебя нет а у меня есть [13:34] <rosner> просто надо реп обновлять [13:35] <Aldebaran> у тебя 15.04? [13:35] <andrex> ... [13:35] <Aldebaran> как репы добавить подскажите [13:36] <rosner> я немогу тебе сказать у вас походу не так как у меня [13:36] <rosner> у андекса спроси [13:37] <rosner> могу команды дать [13:38] <andrex> [13:39] <rosner> ты же писал что не у тебя лаунча [13:39] <rosner> ой не ты перепутал [13:41] <Aldebaran> а как ты ядро 4-ое поставил? [13:41] <andrex> руками [13:41] <andrex> ) [13:42] <andrex> [13:42] <kyshtynbai> ку посоны [13:43] <rosner> кф [13:43] <kyshtynbai> какой жаббер клиент есть хороший, но не Psi и не Pidgin ? [13:43] <andrex> фз [13:43] <andrex> если не пси [13:43] <andrex> могу плагин к вичату посоветовать) [13:43] <Aldebaran> Psi-plus [13:44] <Aldebaran> чем неустраивает [13:44] <rosner> да [13:44] <rosner> чеи [13:44] <rosner> чем [13:44] <SergeyIT> С++ и сам пиши [13:44] <andrex> SergeyIT: ты как всегда, боряк) [13:44] <andrex> д [13:45] <rosner> Серега привет [13:45] <SergeyIT> ага ) [13:45] <rosner> я азбуку пришел приподать )) [13:45] <kyshtynbai> andrex: вичат я на удалённом серваке запускаю. Мне бы для тачки локальной [13:45] <andrex> на ##russian приподавай [13:46] <andrex> пре [13:46] <kyshtynbai> SergeyIT: это не серьёзно) [13:46] <andrex> empaty попробовай [13:46] <andrex> правда почти пиджин) [13:47] <kyshtynbai> я забыл скзать [13:47] <SergeyIT> kyshtynbai: это как раз серьезно, остальное - баловство [13:47] <kyshtynbai> для винды [13:47] * kyshtynbai покраснел [13:47] <andrex> на ##windows-ru [13:47] <SergeyIT> посинел, у меня ( [13:49] <andrex> у меня ваще сдох [13:49] <andrex> даже не пускается и не востанавливается так 300 гигов занимает мертвым грузом [13:50] <andrex> скачал образ с офф сайта а он битый оказалсо и забил на этот вий поганый [13:52] <andrex> так чем csv в sqlite забабахать? [13:52] <kyshtynbai> perl скриптом [13:52] <andrex> моня не учить перд ибо считать ненужным это дело) [13:53] <andrex> перл [13:53] * andrex пошел за ломом [13:54] <Aldebaran> кто в Warzone2100 хочет поиграть? [13:54] <Aldebaran> у кого есть внешний ип для сервера? [13:54] <Aldebaran> давайте срубимся [13:54] <andrex> нафиг внешний ip [13:54] <Aldebaran> сервер создать [13:54] <andrex> фи [13:54] <Aldebaran> ну или порты прокинуть хз [13:55] <Aldebaran> я не могу порты прокинуть на GPON своем [13:55] <Aldebaran> непалучается [13:55] <andrex> есть куча сервисов которые мона поднять самому или готовые юзать чтоб из за ната вылазить [13:55] <Aldebaran> у меня тут роутер от МГТС [13:55] <Aldebaran> непалучается настроить [13:56] <Aldebaran> для DC++ пробывал прокинуть порты - непалучается [13:56] <rosner> бесполезно [13:56] <rosner> я сам пробовал [13:56] <rosner> неделю тратил в поисках решения [13:56] <rosner> глухо [13:56] <Aldebaran> а че с ним не так то? [13:56] <rosner> а то что есть не работает [13:57] <rosner> я про пробивку NAT [13:57] <Aldebaran> фиг с ним :( [13:59] <andrex> vpn ssh тунель ipv6 [14:04] <Aldebaran> ребят а что такое ppa ? [14:04] <andrex> [14:05] <UNIm96> ping [14:05] <UNIm96> !ping [14:05] <andrex> понг [14:05] <UNIm96> А что с ботом стало? [14:05] <andrex> фз [14:06] <andrex> я другого ваяю осталось бд перетащить из дампа [14:06] <andrex> агафоныч чет мудрит [14:06] <UNIm96> andrex, ты какой клиент для чата используешь? [14:06] <andrex> вичат [14:07] <UNIm96> Чем он лучше/хуже XChat и pidgin? [14:08] <andrex> больше скриптов и консольный мона юзать без иксов или удаленно итд куча там короче всего [14:08] <andrex> да и привык я к нему раньше ваще на irssi сидел [14:08] <andrex> но оно уродское [14:09] <UNIm95> Ок. Только сейчас обнаружил что в системе помимо pidgin Xchat есть [14:12] <andrex> хм хчат тоже можно без гуи собрать) [14:13] <Aldebaran> это репа? [14:13] <Aldebaran> подскажите как добавить её?! [14:14] <rosner> репа на лису выглядит так ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next это как пример [14:15] <rosner> а если в репе нет то и не мучайся [14:15] <rosner> сначало обнови [14:15] <rosner> реп [14:15] <andrex> это багтракер а не репа) [14:15] <andrex> страница проэкта если угодно [14:15] <rosner> да [14:16] <rosner> которая в реп имеется [14:16] <andrex> в данном случае бубунты 15.4 [14:18] <rosner> Aldebaran sudo apt-get update [14:19] <rosner> он тебе сам обновит и не добавляй ничего [14:25] <rosner> могу рассказать про веб клиет с шифрованием если кому надо [14:26] <rosner> но веб он стремный урезаный [14:26] <rosner> я прогой пользуюсь [14:26] <rosner> это если не дома то через веб захожу [14:27] <rosner> причем рега изюмительная кушает любой придуманый майл [14:28] <rosner> ничего подтверждать не надо [14:29] * andrex zzzz [14:29] <rosner> шифрование на высшем уровне [14:30] <rosner> трафик между пользователями полностью шифруется [14:34] <rosner> Aldebaran попробуй так еще добавить sudo add-apt-repository ppa:....РЕСУРС.....-next пример [14:35] <Aldebaran> нехочу ппа боязно [14:35] <Aldebaran> обновилось вроде [14:35] <Aldebaran> даже стим нашолся [14:35] <rosner> ну вот [14:35] <rosner> меня всегда слушай а их не слушай [14:35] <rosner> ) [14:36] <Aldebaran> оки)) [14:36] <Aldebaran> не а как так, apt нашол стим а Центр приложений графический его не видит [14:37] <rosner> а что ты переживаешь там если ошибка будет консоль не схавает скажет ты чет не то дал я такое не понимать ) [14:37] <rosner> я непонял ты про что ? [14:38] <rosner> графический его не видит ? [14:38] <rosner> это ты про что [14:38] <Aldebaran> в центре приложений гуевом нету стима [14:38] <Aldebaran> а apt-get его нашол [14:39] <rosner> чудо ) хахахаххахаха [14:39] <rosner> хахаха [14:40] <rosner> я тебе сразу сказал обнови и все у тебя будет [14:43] <rosner> ты и ядро можешь обновить [14:44] <rosner> и свое даже можешь ядро собрать [14:45] <Aldebaran> а как? 4-ое было бы неплохо поставить [14:45] <rosner> из под супер пользователя apt-get dist-upgrade [14:50] <Aldebaran> необновляется [14:50] <Aldebaran> все новое написано [14:50] <rosner> ну значит нет обновы [14:51] <rosner> ты на сайт зайди свой и смотри там [14:51] <rosner> какая верси я [14:53] <rosner> а что у тебя не помню лубунту ? [14:53] <rosner> или что [14:54] <Aldebaran> xubuntu с xfce [14:54] <Aldebaran> 15.04 [14:55] <rosner> просто ты на ubuntu оригинал не смотри все остальные ее ветки через время какое то делают дистр новые на ее основе [14:55] <rosner> ща глняу [14:56] <red_shuhardt> rosner: у меня то же ядро не обновляется. У меня лубунта. [15:01] <rosner> надо из под супер пользователя [15:01] <rosner> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [15:04] <rosner> red_shuhardt ты версию ядра знаешь ? [15:04] <rosner> своей системы [15:04] <red_shuhardt> rosner: конечно 3 16 [15:05] <rosner> на сайте какая версия уже имеется ? [15:05] <rosner> смотрел ? [15:05] <rosner> именно ядро смотри [15:05] <rosner> а не сборку системы [15:06] <rosner> смотри какое использовали ядро [15:06] <rosner> для последнего релиза [15:07] <rosner> если такое же то тогда и обновлять нет смысла [15:08] <rosner> если на сайте версия выше то води команду [15:08] <rosner> от супер пользователя [15:08] <rosner> sudo su apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [15:08] <rosner> 'nj jn cegth gjkmpjdfntkz z lfk [15:09] <rosner> это [15:09] <rosner> от супер пользователя я дал [15:14] <red_shuhardt> что то не могу найти, где там вообще версия ядра значится. В заметках к релизу по крайней мере ядро никак не фигурирует. [15:14] <red_shuhardt> Я вообще думал, что если убунта ядро обновляет, то и в других ветках каноникл ядро обновит. Видимо ошибался. [15:14] <red_shuhardt> А что вообще дает обновление ядра? [15:16] <UNIm95> red_shuhardt: Многое: новые фичи и проблемы [15:22] <rosner> ща гляну [15:23] <red_shuhardt> UNIm95: интригующе! )))) [15:24] <UNIm95> red_shuhardt: Чего интригующе? Нормальная практика применимая к любому софту. [15:24] <red_shuhardt> UNIm95: Привет, кстати! Мы с тобой как то на днях решали проблему отключения монитора... так вот. Сработало! Спасибо за помощь. Тогда не сказал. [15:25] <red_shuhardt> UNIm95: да оно то понятно, просто мало какая контора, издающая новый софт заявит, что в новой версии будут какие либо проблемы. Ты только представь, если такое скажет мелкомягкий! )) [15:25] <UNIm95> Ок. [15:26] <UNIm95> Не за что. [15:33] <rosner> red_shuhardt вот ваша команда но перед обновлением надо делать резервную копию sudo do-release-upgrade [15:34] <Aldebaran> rosner, а ты с 14-ой версии до 15-ой обновлялся? [15:35] <rosner> у меня нет еще свежей версии у меня последняя 17 [15:35] <rosner> я же писал у меня минт [15:35] <Aldebaran> ааа [15:35] <Aldebaran> извени пропустил [15:36] <rosner> но все они от бубунту [15:36] <rosner> да ничего ) [15:59] <rosner> <red_shuhardt вот что касаемо обновки [15:59] <rosner> а вот те самы файлы [15:59] <rosner> причем все это на оф сайте [16:00] <Aldebaran> че за лубунту? [16:00] <Aldebaran> какой там десктоп? [16:01] <rosner> файлы первые которые до iso [16:01] <rosner> я не тебе [16:06] <red_shuhardt> rosner: спасибо! Есть контакт! [16:06] <red_shuhardt> Обновляет что то [16:07] <rosner> хорошо [16:07] <rosner> а ты резерв сделал ? [16:07] <rosner> перед этим ? [16:09] <rosner> Aldebaran хочешь обрадую ? [16:09] <Aldebaran> дафай [16:09] <red_shuhardt> rosner: ???????? а надо было!???? НЕЕЕТ!!!! [16:10] <red_shuhardt> rosner: ну ниче страшного - хоум у меня на отдельном разделе. [16:10] <rosner> так опта я же писал сделать резерв надо [16:10] <rosner> ну хоть это хорошо [16:11] <rosner> <Aldebaran ща обрадую [16:11] <Aldebaran> дафай я жду :) [16:11] * Aldebaran любит радоваться [16:12] <rosner> и так [16:13] <rosner> с чего вы взяли что есть ядро 4 [16:13] <rosner> [16:13] <rosner> смотрим [16:13] <red_shuhardt> rosner: дааа, читать надо внимательнее ))) Ого! А он пишет, что установка может занять несколько часов - это чего он так долго делать собирается? Мне систему заново переустановить намного быстрее. [16:13] <rosner> на чем крутится убунту последняя [16:13] <Aldebaran> на 3.19 [16:13] <rosner> <red_shuhardt долгий процесс [16:14] <Aldebaran> у меня 3.19 стоит лично после всех обнов [16:14] <rosner> <Aldebaran вот что и требовалось [16:14] <rosner> доказать [16:14] <rosner> а то загнули 4 им подавай ) [16:14] <Aldebaran> Fedora 22 с четвертым лично уже [16:14] <rosner> это бред [16:15] <red_shuhardt> rosner: 15.04 23 апреля 2015 Vivid Vervet 3.19 [wikipedia] [16:15] <rosner> либо само сборка [16:15] <rosner> ты сам можешь изменить версию ядра имея режим разработки [16:15] <rosner> <red_shuhardt что ты дал ? [16:16] <rosner> ааа понял [16:16] <rosner> все ясно [16:16] <rosner> продолжил тему [16:16] <rosner> понял [16:17] <rosner> я сидел как то на кульке немного совсем так я бновлял ее 7 часов ну это из за интернета моего слабого [16:17] <rosner> но калька слишком заумная для меня [16:17] <rosner> я отказался [16:18] <red_shuhardt> rosner: калька это что за зверь такой? [16:18] <rosner> calculate [16:18] <rosner> Linux [16:19] <rosner> но система достаточно стабильна [16:19] <rosner> но там надо все ручками [16:19] <rosner> а мне лень [16:19] <rosner> не то что лень времени нет столько [16:19] <rosner> решился на минт [16:20] <rosner> кстати последняя версия кальки баговая сразу предупреждаю [16:21] <rosner> там косяки не допилили [16:22] <rosner> но дело в том что кто в кальке шарит то для того косяки эти убрать не проблема [16:26] <red_shuhardt> ребяты, кто сталкивался - при копировании файлов с нтфс-разделов на родные екст4 - теряются файлы. [16:26] <red_shuhardt> Писали, что вроде нтфс-файловая система не до конца поддерживается линухом, ввиду своей закрытости. [16:26] <red_shuhardt> Поддержку в линуксе удалось сделать с помощтю процесса обратной инженерии, но видимо не все детали учтены и бывает, файлы теряются. [16:26] <red_shuhardt> В связи с чем вопросы - [16:26] <red_shuhardt> 1. есть ли какая то закономерность, когда и отчего теряются файлы? [16:26] <red_shuhardt> 2. Является ли стабильной Ext4? [16:26] <red_shuhardt> 3. Как безопасно перебросить файлы с ntfs на ext4? [16:26] <red_shuhardt> В случае, например, с фотоархивом, подобные потери будут невосполнимы. [16:27] <red_shuhardt> Посему задача архиважная. [16:27] <red_shuhardt> Кто в линуксе постоялец, наверняка сталкивались? [16:27] <rosner> Ext4 является [16:27] <rosner> не сталкивался [16:28] <rosner> всегда копировал без проблем [16:28] <rosner> заархивируй [16:29] <rosner> целым [16:29] <rosner> кидай архивом [16:29] <rosner> целым [16:29] <rosner> из архива никак не вываляться [16:30] <rosner> ааа [16:30] <rosner> тут [16:30] <rosner> не в этом дело [16:30] <rosner> ты куда именно кидаешь ? [16:31] <red_shuhardt> rosner: в примонтированный раздел (т.е. не в поддиректории хоум) [16:33] <rosner> просто смотри система так просто тебе не даст ей кинуть что ты там захотел она файлы распознает у них есть метки и значчения и она их просто отсеивает [16:33] <rosner> недает доступ [16:33] <rosner> архивацию обратно делать надо только так же с помощю системы [16:34] <rosner> с правами и все дела [16:34] <rosner> ты вот думаешь почему линь считается безопасной систеомой ? [16:34] <rosner> это не винда [16:35] <red_shuhardt> права, права, всюду права! [16:35] <rosner> ну а ты что хотел [16:35] <rosner> не винда же [16:35] <rosner> я вот переходил на линь я четко давал себе отчет что я делаю и куда перехожу [16:36] <rosner> я не с бухты барахты решил поставить эту ось [16:36] <rosner> а осознано [16:37] <Aldebaran> меня достали хакеры на винде [16:37] <Aldebaran> кряки [16:37] <rosner> учитывая все ее нюансы [16:37] <Aldebaran> она падала [16:37] <Aldebaran> система должна быть чистая и лицензионная [16:37] <rosner> вот а на лине тебе и антивирус даже не нужен [16:37] <rosner> сидишь и радуешся [16:37] <Aldebaran> главное репу хакерскую недобавить [16:38] <Aldebaran> а так все пучком конечно [16:38] <rosner> и за каспера жидловируса платить не надо [16:38] <rosner> да но тут уже от тебя завист как ты относишся к системе ведь в лине все настраивается [16:39] <rosner> некоторые так боятся хакеров что удаляю пакеты для удаленного доступа и тп [16:40] <rosner> блочат все порты [16:40] <Aldebaran> я за роутером [16:40] <Aldebaran> мне пофигу [16:40] <red_shuhardt> часто ещё в правах путаюсь. [16:40] <red_shuhardt> Запускаешь файл менеджер от судо - доступа к расшаренной папке нет. [16:40] <red_shuhardt> Запускаешь файл менеджер без судо - доступ появляется. [16:40] <red_shuhardt> копируешь файлы в расшаренную папку - пользователь их видит, а скопировать не может. [16:40] <red_shuhardt> Проставляешь права на чтение (указать кому) - папке, да ещё не забыть применить ко всем вложенным файлам... )))) [16:40] <red_shuhardt> Да, в нетрезвом виде лучше за руль не садиться. И за комп с пингвином на борту. Пить бросил. [16:40] <Aldebaran> ну а так если бы во внешке сидел - то же бы наверное пораноил [16:41] <rosner> я тебе писал же делай супер пользователся [16:41] <rosner> sus su [16:42] <red_shuhardt> Воо! Ребят! Тема интересная пошла - безопасность! [16:42] <red_shuhardt> Aldebaran: Почему? за роутером - автоматически безопасно? [16:42] <rosner> только слишком небалуйся супером [16:42] <Aldebaran> ну да, считай фаерволл [16:42] <Aldebaran> только бекконекта опасаться надо [16:42] <Aldebaran> но в лини пофигу на такое [16:43] <Aldebaran> наверное [16:43] <Aldebaran> всетаки защита хоть какая-то [16:43] <Aldebaran> жопа прикрыта [16:43] <Aldebaran> безопаснее да [16:43] <rosner> в лине есть антивирус но он для того что бы виндовс сканировать файлы [16:43] <rosner> клам вроде как то не помню [16:44] <rosner> сканер [16:44] <rosner> он чисто заточен под линь для аварийного случая с виндой заражения вот им и чистят [16:44] <rosner> а для самой линь он нахер ненужен [16:45] <rosner> просто линь она не одна ее развлетление пипец какое и под каждую ты не напишешь вирус [16:46] <rosner> а винда она как была винда так и осталась дыркой [16:46] <Aldebaran> да тут вирус пишется одной строчкой [16:46] <red_shuhardt> rosner: да, это я ещё перечитаю главу про пользователей. Не вкурил ещё тонкости и ньюансы. [16:46] <red_shuhardt> А вот если человек знает имя пользователя и пароль, то это означает, что при желании он может копаться в твоей машине совсем без ограничений? Правильно понимаю? [16:46] <Aldebaran> бекконект через nc [16:46] <Aldebaran> и вот тебе шел [16:46] <Aldebaran> ну не вирус а бекдор [16:47] <rosner> это херня все [16:47] <Aldebaran> может если ssh включен [16:47] <rosner> баловство [16:48] <rosner> тем кому есть что беречь на лине, поверь там все хорошо заточено и ничем ты не бекапнешь [16:49] <rosner> для лини столько систем написано безопасности [16:49] <red_shuhardt> Aldebaran: ну а ssh нужен например для почтового менеджера или браузера. Без него ж никак. [16:49] <rosner> проще плюнуть и идти винду долбить [16:49] <Aldebaran> ssh - это шелл [16:49] <Aldebaran> секюрынй [16:50] <Aldebaran> ты наверное с ssl перепутал [16:50] <rosner> в линьке есть вирусы эти вирусы мы свами ) [16:50] <Aldebaran> =) [16:51] <rosner> вредители программного кода [16:51] <rosner> обновляем без резерва [16:51] <rosner> пихаем ей что хотим куда хотим [16:51] <rosner> не спарашивая [16:51] <rosner> но она не дура так не даст ) [16:52] <rosner> ее уговорить надо [16:52] <rosner> что мол свой я [16:53] <rosner> кноибудь Slax юзал ? [16:54] <rosner> *кто нибудь [16:54] <rosner> red_shuhardt, обновка идет еще ? [16:54] <red_shuhardt> да )) [16:54] <rosner> сколько пишет ? [16:54] <rosner> еще [16:55] <red_shuhardt> можно сказать, что только началась. Пока качалась - писала, сколько осталось. Теперь нет. [16:58] <rosner> там проценты должны быть иногда проскальзывают [16:58] <rosner> да лан [16:58] <rosner> как пойдет так закончит [16:58] <rosner> увидешь [16:59] <rosner> только некоторые вещи может задавать запросы на подтверждение [16:59] <rosner> Y/N [16:59] <rosner> Y/ жми [16:59] <red_shuhardt> Да, слежу. [16:59] <red_shuhardt> Криптостойкий пароль - от 12 символов, а на superuser ставишь обычно 4-6 символов, а то и всего 2. Потому, что любая команда требует ввода пароля, и ставишь то, что проще набирать. Т.е. среднестатистического юзера брутфорсом взломать - дело 1-2 часа максимум. [17:00] <rosner> а мне вот не лень. у меня до автоматизма набита рука [17:00] <rosner> я на счет пароля [17:00] <rosner> root [17:00] <red_shuhardt> на сколько символов? [17:01] <rosner> 7 [17:01] <rosner> хватит за глаза [17:01] <rosner> поверь [17:01] <rosner> даже 5 хватит [17:01] <red_shuhardt> у меня 6, но простой. [17:01] <rosner> балун не возьмет [17:02] <rosner> а другим ты не нужен [17:02] <rosner> был такой неуловимый джо [17:02] <rosner> почему неуловимый да потому что он нахер никому не нужен был [17:09] <red_shuhardt> rosner: А да))) был такой, помню ))) [17:09] <rosner> кстати следующее ядро будет не 14 а 13.15 [17:10] <rosner> а мы губы раскатали ) [17:10] <rosner> ой [17:10] <rosner> 3.15 [17:10] <rosner> ступил пипец [17:11] <rosner> не 4 короче а 3.15 [17:11] <red_shuhardt> дык а энто что тогда: Вышло ядро Linux версии 4.0, под кодовым именем «Hurr durr I’m a sheep».  [17:11] <red_shuhardt> [17:11] <red_shuhardt> Релиз кандидат что ли? [17:11] <rosner> и то если они занимаются им [17:13] <rosner> хххмм [17:14] <rosner> ООопана [17:14] <rosner> это получается Ubunu спит ( [17:15] <rosner> ха [17:15] <rosner> так правильно [17:15] <rosner> был объявлен Линусом Торвальдом 13 апреля 2015 года [17:15] <rosner> так это почти вчера [17:15] <rosner> састема за 2 дня несоберается [17:16] <red_shuhardt> да, недавно, но это ж я так понял уже готовая версия ядра? [17:16] <rosner> а если так собирать то это будет на букву Г [17:16] <rosner> пишут да [17:16] <rosner> стабил [17:17] <rosner> Linux Kernel 4.0, новый стабильный релиз [17:17] <rosner> скоп [17:18] <rosner> впринцепе обновление не столь значимое [17:18] <rosner> я пчитал [17:18] <rosner> там совсем чутка [17:18] <rosner> но есть одна важная фича [17:18] <rosner> Так называемый Live Kernel, это возможность установки обновлений ядра безопасности без перезагрузки [17:19] <rosner> вот что более значимое из того что есть [17:19] <rosner> в нем [17:19] <rosner> остальное мелочи [17:22] <rosner> я обновлять ща буду [17:22] <rosner> там выложили для минта [17:22] <rosner> и убунту [17:22] <rosner> для ваших нет еще [17:22] <rosner> я все почитал [17:27] <red_shuhardt> rosner: ну ты и энтузиаст! ))) Удачи тебе! [17:29] <rosner> в общем если кому интересно можете ознакомится я тут руководствуюсь [17:29] <rosner> [17:29] <rosner> <red_shuhardt ок, спасибки [17:44] <rosner> прием, прием как слышите, прием [17:44] <rosner> прием, слышно хорошо [17:44] <rosner> 7 мин полет нормальный [17:44] <rosner> [17:44] <red_shuhardt> вполне [17:45] <rosner> глянь [17:45] <red_shuhardt> енто скачивание ядра, верно? [17:46] <red_shuhardt> потом его устанавливать надо, а после обновить груб. И все? [17:46] <rosner> да, там в три этапа качать надо [17:46] <rosner> уже устанавливаю [17:50] <rosner> сам создатель пишет что упор был на стабильность тоесть не на новшества большие а убиранием всяких ошибок тем самым тоже ядро только очень стабильно якобы будет [17:50] <rosner> ну это мы еще посмотрим и проверим ) [17:59] <rosner> что то я ничего не понял, ) перезагрузил машину загрузчик именился стал с анимацией ну думаю всё хорошо, но зашел ща в свойства а как была 3.13 так и есть ) [18:00] <rosner> делал все строго по схеме [18:00] <rosner> да там и делать то особо нечег [19:14] <rosner> непонятно. обновлял ядро до 4.0 перезагружаю изменился загрузчик это то что я заметил и по шустрее стала работать ось но захожу в свойтво там показывает все ту же версию 3.13 [19:14] <rosner> ничего поняять не могу [19:18] <red_shuhardt> uname -a юзаешь? [19:21] <rosner> так а что юзать то если все нормально я тут инфу нашел более трезвую чем по какой я делал ща попробую [19:22] <rosner> надо еще все приложения пишут закрывать [19:23] <rosner> а я не закрывал [19:23] <rosner> вот ща [20:04] <Aldebaran> эксперементы с ядром? [20:04] <Aldebaran> :) [20:08] <rosner> короче ядро 4.0 встало но с ним загрузится не смог выдавал ошибку сейчас удаляю его потом поробую снова [20:11] <rosner> хорошо в загрузчике имееться возможность выбора загрузки либо с 4.0 ядра либо со старым 3.13 [20:11] <rosner> и вот еще что , при нажатие F2 дает выбрать тему загрузчика их там много [20:15] <rosner> удалил ядро 4.0 перезагрузился все нормально, все чисто [20:15] <rosner> ну что какие будут предложения [20:16] <rosner> пытаться не пытаться еще раз пробовать [20:16] <rosner> установить [20:16] <rosner> 4.0 [20:24] <Sergey_IT> ставь 4.5 [20:24] <rosner> ну тогда почему бы 4.7 не поставить [20:25] <rosner> а лучше сразу 10 [20:25] <rosner> на 10 лет в перед [20:33] <Sergey_IT> а зачем тебе новое ядро, что-то не работает? [20:35] <rosner> да нет, нормально работает просто в ядре 4 есть воможность одна хорошая, последущие обновления могут устанавливаться уже без перезагрузки системы и ядро 4 очень оптимизировано [20:36] <rosner> остальные нововедения незначительны все было устремлено на оптимизацию и исправление ошибок [20:37] <rosner> простоя спать крепче буду если у меня ядро 4 встанет [20:37] <rosner> ) [20:41] <rosner> интеграция базовых компонентов для обновления ядра Linux без перезагрузки [20:41] <rosner> поддержка нескольких слоёв на чтение в overlayfs [20:41] <rosner> реализация механизма для выявления ошибок работы с памятью [20:42] <rosner> поддержка энергонезависимой памяти (NVM) [20:42] <rosner> возможность привязки к хостам алгоритмов контроля перегрузки [20:42] <rosner> возможность установки меток на сетевые пакеты в модулях Smack [20:42] <rosner> добавление в ext4 опции lazytime [20:43] <rosner> но самое главное я считаю это обновления ядра Linux без перезагрузки [20:43] <Sergey_IT> и зачем все это, тяжело перегрузиться? [20:44] <rosner> а для тех кто сервер держит ? [20:44] <rosner> я вот собираюсь веб ставить [20:47] <rosner> пишут что как утвердят глосарии то 4.0 это будет последняя номерация такак после этого будут идти просто отдельные обновления так же и к ядру но учета небудет более [20:58] <Sergey_IT> я сервер имею, по полгода не перегружаю [20:59] <rosner> хоршо [20:59] <rosner> *ХОРОШО [20:59] <Sergey_IT> он малозагруженный [20:59] <rosner> я вроде нашел в чем проблема у меня [20:59] <Sergey_IT> с головой? ) [21:15] <UNIm951> Sergey_IT: Да забей. Еще один с обновлениями ради обновлений. [21:16] <Sergey_IT> ну вот, пообщаться не дают ( [21:16] <UNIm951> Sergey_IT: никто ничего тебе не запрещает. [21:17] <Sergey_IT> ... но указует ) [21:17] <UNIm951> Просто из-за таких людей фф имеет версию 37 а хром 43 [21:17] <UNIm951> тупо из-за циферки в конце. [21:17] <UNIm951> чем больше тем круче. [21:18] <Sergey_IT> я не смотрю на циферки, главное чтоб работал [21:19] <Sergey_IT> фф вроде перестал виснуть... было на какой-то версии [21:20] <UNIm951> У меня фф вис только из-за громадного количества плагинов. [21:20] <UNIm951> Выкинул согратил до 8 нужных и не парюсь [21:22] <Sergey_IT> у меня он вис на сайте [21:30] <rosner> всё готово, понял в чем дело исправил и обновил всетаки ядро до 4.0 [21:30] <rosner> [21:30] <rosner> кстати система шустрит быстрее
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Aldebaran", "Avagetto_", "JohnDoe_71Rus", "SergeyIT", "Sergey_IT", "UNIm95", "UNIm951", "UNIm96", "VMV", "aleksei`", "andrex", "kyshtynbai", "red_shuhardt", "rosner", "zxlobster" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[06:05] <wgrant> cjwatson: the pack protocol we use internally is extensible with a dict of strings [06:05] <wgrant> like git's normal host field, but not restricted to host [09:32] <wgrant> cjwatson: Morning. [10:09] <cjwatson> wgrant: Hi. How's Malta? [10:11] <wgrant> cjwatson: Cooler than last year, but sprint going well so far. [10:11] <wgrant> cjwatson: I can't push to a locally mojo'd turnip today. [10:11] <wgrant> still works on my host, so I wonder if the split is buggy. [10:11] <wgrant> I haven't debugged too fa yet. [10:13] <cjwatson> wgrant: Pushing to qas still works, and qas has the split ... [10:13] <cjwatson> (e.g. which I just pushed) [10:13] <wgrant> Hm [10:15] <wgrant> cjwatson: I have a subordinate alternate branch proposed, and apparmor stuff working for git subproesses but won't propose that until I have turnip itself confined. [10:15] <cjwatson> wgrant: You definitely have all the listeners up? [10:15] <wgrant> cjwatson: Yeah, it looks like git receive-pack --stateless-rpc just immediately dies for some reason. [10:16] <wgrant> I can see it starting, and processEnded is called, but outReceived and errReceived are not :/ [10:16] <wgrant> I'll poke harder. [10:17] <cjwatson> That's a peculiar failure mode for the stuff I was doing, unless I missed some detail in which the TACs differ from [10:17] <wgrant> Indeed, but I think you caught it all. [10:17] <cjwatson> The only one of those I noticed was that the backend server hadn't been updated to run hookrpc, but I fixed that. [10:18] <cjwatson> Hopefully the logging is less hopelessly inconvenient to play with locally now :-) [10:18] <cjwatson> Like, timestamps. [10:18] <cjwatson> I stuffed a draft production stage into our mojo spec branch too, if you want to have a look. Mostly the same as qas. [10:53] <cjwatson> wgrant: alternates: I wonder if we need to force receive.autogc to false before doing this [10:53] <cjwatson> wgrant: Otherwise branch removal + next push might corrupt cloned-from repositories. [10:54] <cjwatson> (And we'll have to be very careful on repack, but we knew that.) [11:43] <wgrant> cjwatson: How can it corrupt cloned-from? [11:47] <cjwatson> wgrant: Sorry, I mean corrupt cloned. [11:47] <cjwatson> I think my comment in the MP was clearer. [11:48] <cjwatson> wgrant: I've been trying to reproduce the behaviour from in the test suite and can't (if I .encode the URL I pass to test_traverse, something in the traversal machinery decodes it again for me. Is there anything specific to the test suite you know about that would cause that? [11:48] <wgrant> But we're cloning the cloned-from, so even deletion of it won't affect anything. [11:48] <cjwatson> Oh [11:48] <wgrant> cjwatson: A GC in the cloned-from can't touch the packs that we've hardlinked into the alternate. [11:48] <cjwatson> Yeah, OK, I'm confused then. [11:49] <wgrant> That's the entire reason we create the separate repo. [11:49] <cjwatson> Disabling autogc might be good for other reasons, but you're right. [11:49] <wgrant> Otherwise, yes, disaster would strike. [11:49] <wgrant> Indeed. [13:20] <cjwatson> wgrant: Have you had a chance to look at the couple of pending LP git branches I have? [13:21] <cjwatson>, [13:23] <wgrant> cjwatson: Looking. [13:29] <cjwatson> Ah. So BasicLaunchpadRequest.__init__ decodes the PATH_INFO. I wonder why that isn't done for API requests as well? [13:30] <cjwatson> Oh, except it doesn't, it decodes and re-encodes. Must be somewhere else. [13:30] <wgrant> Isn't that all done in Zope? [13:30] <wgrant> Are you seeing it as a bytestring somewhere? [13:31] <cjwatson> zope.publisher.http:sane_environment is the bunny. [13:31] <cjwatson> Yes, in an API request [13:31] <cjwatson> er [13:32] <cjwatson> I wonder if lazr.restful should be decoding the path to match. [13:33] <wgrant> :/ [13:34] <cjwatson> How have we not come across this before? Are there just lots of little model hacks to decode? [13:34] <cjwatson> I mean I know it's only pure-Storm stuff that's likely to care, but. [13:35] <wgrant> It's very odd. [13:35] <cjwatson> I had to handle this in GitTraverser, which is probably why. [13:35] <cjwatson> Never tracked it down properly at the time. [13:39] <cjwatson> I wonder if this is the else case of SimpleFieldMarshaller.marshall_from_request. [13:41] <cjwatson> If it's posting a non-JSON-encoded bytestring there, that case doesn't decode it. [13:43] <wgrant> Ah, yes. [13:44] <cjwatson> Will have a go at that after lunch. [14:37] <cjwatson> Ah, no, the problem is that lazr.uri returns bytestrings in URI.path (arguably reasonably) and we need to decode those in URLDereferencingMixin.dereference_url. [16:05] <cjwatson> Aha. I think lazr.uri 1.0.3 is the thing. [16:05] <cjwatson> Far be it from us to have upgraded to our own software released three years ago.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cjwatson", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad-dev" }
[09:41] <babuntu> היי [09:41] <babuntu> מישהו כאן? [09:46] <babuntu> asw3 [09:46] <babuntu> arikb [09:46] <babuntu> Avihay [09:46] <babuntu> Avihay_work [09:46] <babuntu> matanya [09:47] <matanya> ? [09:47] <Avihay_work> hi [09:47] <babuntu> מה קורה אנשים? [09:48] <babuntu> תגידו, מישהו נתקל בבעיה עם דרייברים של נבידיה באובונטו? [09:48] <babuntu> לא מצליח להתקין את זה לעזאזל
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Avihay_work", "babuntu", "matanya" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-il" }
[21:33] <cryptodan> Be safe out there in Northwestern Baltimore
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cryptodan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-md" }
[02:53] <mean> buon giorno a tutti krabador allora ho risolto e grazie ancora no trovava i driver della scheda video del toshiba satellite l655 del novembre 2010 ora gli ha trovati [02:56] <mean> c'è nessuno vabbe ciao a domani mattina raga grazie ancora continuate cosi [06:06] <akis24> giorno [08:57] <hicka> ciao [08:57] <hicka> ho un problema con l'installazione di ubuntu qualcuno puo aiutarmi? [08:57] <davegarath> !qualcuno | hicka [08:57] <ubot-it> hicka: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera' [08:58] <hicka> sry non riesco a fare bootare su lenovo z50/70 [08:59] <cristian_c> hicka, hai impostato il boot da usb? [08:59] <cristian_c> disattivato il fastboot [08:59] <cristian_c> come hai creato la usb? [08:59] <hicka> si e si [09:01] <jester-> 'ngiorno [09:01] <hicka> usb creata con unetbootin [09:01] <hicka> cmq nellapagina exit del bios mi chiede se voglio impostare il legacy mode ma mi sembra non sia determinante giusto? [09:02] <gigirock> hicka, mi sa che proprio quel parametro fa si che tu possa usare la chiavetta usb come boot [09:02] <cristian_c> !usbwin | hicka [09:02] <ubot-it> hicka: Scarica Universal USB Installer: | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO [09:03] <cristian_c> hicka, teoricamente no [09:03] <cristian_c> hicka, file .iso a 64 bit? [09:03] <hicka> nella guida sembrava non fosse necessario cmq provo [09:04] <gigirock> hicka, ma non carica assolutamente niente oppure al menu scegli e non si avvia nulla ? [09:04] <hicka> il file è stica.iso amd 64 qui altro dubbio io ho intel.. [09:04] <hicka> avvia 8 normalmente [09:05] <cristian_c> hicka, infatti è scritto così, però bisogna giustamente provare [09:05] <cristian_c> hicka, intel o amd non c'entra , 64 bit va bene per entrambe [09:07] <cristian_c> hicka, prova con universal usb installer, magari unetbootin ha problemi con alcune opzioni di boot in particolari pc [09:08] <cristian_c> hicka, in ogni caso, controlla anche l'hash del file .iso [09:08] <cristian_c> !md5 [09:08] <ubot-it> Per una lista completa, si veda: [09:09] <hicka> ok ci mancavano giusto gli aggiornamenti di windows [09:09] <hicka> riavvio modifico l'opzione poi provo [09:11] <hicka> kk provo ci mette ore a fare upgrade maledetto gates ee la sua creatura [10:05] <hicka> sempre stesso non avvia [10:22] <johack> salve a tutti avrei bisogno di aiuto come mai ottengo sempre la stessa dicitura??? [10:23] <cristian_c> johack, spiega il contesto [10:23] <cristian_c> johack, perché sei rootato? [10:23] <cristian_c> johack, potresti fare casini con il root abilitato [10:24] <cristian_c> specie sui permessi dei file [10:24] <johack> cristian_c: sto facendo partire sdk android da un HD esterno collegato via usb [10:24] <cristian_c> johack, com'è formattato l'hard disk esterno? [10:24] <dadexix86> johack, al 99% è perché quel file non si trova su una partizione che NON gestisce i permessi (NTFS?) e quindi devi emularli in fase di mount oppure usare un partizionamento decente (ext2.3.4, btrfs, ...) [10:24] <cristian_c> johack, copialo direttamente l'sdk sull'hard disk interno [10:25] <cristian_c> johack, al limite , puoi aggiungere il permesso di esecuzione per tutti di quello script [10:25] <johack> cristian_c: non ho spazio su HD interno, cosa mi consigli di fare [10:25] <cristian_c> johack, in ogni caso, io non mi rooterei per una cosa del genere [10:25] <cristian_c> johack, cambiare hard disk ? :P [10:25] <johack> cristian_c: in che senso?? [10:26] <cristian_c> johack, anche come ti ha suggerito dadexix [10:26] <dadexix86> johack, monta coi permessi di esecuzione [10:26] <cristian_c> johack, che il root è pericoloso se prolungato [10:26] <cristian_c> johack, ma dicci com'è formattato l'hard disk [10:26] <johack> cristian_c: xkè è pericoloso? [10:26] <dadexix86> concordo appieno con cristian_c, lascia perdere root se non ti serve, rischi solo di fare più danni che altro [10:27] <cristian_c> johack, perché permette a qualsiasi file di aggirare i permessi utente [10:27] <cristian_c> le restrizioni, ecc.. [10:27] <cristian_c> oltre che cambiare i permessi stessi [10:27] <johack> [10:27] <johack> cristian_c: dici che formatto tutto NTFS?? [10:28] <cristian_c> johack, non è specificato [10:28] <cristian_c> johack, sudo parted -l [10:28] <cristian_c> johack, intanto , esci dal root [10:28] <johack> cristian_c: ok [10:28] <cristian_c> johack, ntfs non ti aiuta [10:29] <johack> fat32  johack, al 99% è perché quel file non si trova su una partizione che NON gestisce i permessi (NTFS?) e quindi devi emularli in fase di mount oppure usare un partizionamento decente (ext2.3.4, btrfs, ...) [10:29] <cristian_c> johack, ma cosa ci hai installato sull'hard disk interno che non hai spazio? [10:30] <cristian_c> per l'sdk [10:33] <johack> cristian_c: eh un pò di cose [10:34] <cristian_c> johack, se sono dati, fai prima a metterli sull'hard disk esterno, mentre le applicazioni su quello interno [10:38] <luca255626> ciao qualcuno puo darmi una mano a togliere di mezzo windows 7 e istallare ubuntu? [10:38] <johack> cristian_c: come procedo [10:39] <cristian_c> !qualcuno | luca255626 [10:39] <ubot-it> luca255626: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera' [10:39] <cristian_c> johack, a fare cosa? [10:39] <luca255626> ho scaricato ubuntu ma non ho un programma per aprirlo vorrei usarlo usando una pennetta usb visto che non ho un dvd a portata di mano [10:40] <cristian_c> luca255626, il file scaricato non si apre [10:40] <cristian_c> o si masterizza o lo si trasferisce tramite applicazione apposita [10:40] <luca255626> che applicazione mi consigli? [10:40] <cristian_c> !usbwin | luca255626 [10:40] <ubot-it> luca255626: Scarica Universal USB Installer: | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO [10:41] <claudietto> Buongiorno a tutti, mi servirebbe un grande aiuto: [10:41] <claudietto> Su pc vecchiotto con windows 7 (processore intel quad core e ram 4Gb) vorrei istallare ubuntu 14.04.2 [10:41] <claudietto> Ho fatto la partizione + la partizione swap (4Gb) ma quando istallo mi dice che non è stato definito alcun file sistem di root e di correggere questo problema dal menù di partizionamento. [10:41] <claudietto> Sono fermo a questa schermata- come correggo? [10:42] <cristian_c> claudietto, hai partizionato a mano? [10:42] <claudietto> con programma [10:42] <cristian_c> claudietto, ? [10:43] <claudietto> con programma simile a gparted [10:43] <cristian_c> claudietto, ma intendi sulla live? [10:44] <johack> cristian_c: a risolvere questo problema con i permessi [10:44] <claudietto> no l'ho fatto prima [10:44] <cristian_c> johack, ahh, a lanciare l'eseguibile dici [10:44] <johack> cristian_c: preciso [10:44] <cristian_c> johack, puoi postare il risultato del comando su pastebin? [10:44] <cristian_c> !paste [10:44] <ubot-it> servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [10:44] <cristian_c> claudietto, fatto dove? [10:45] <johack> cristian_c: parted -l [10:45] <johack> ? [10:46] <johack> cristian_c: [10:46] <claudietto> la partizione sull'hd [10:47] <cristian_c> claudietto, hai detto 'programma simile a gparted' [10:47] <cristian_c> quale programma? [10:47] <cristian_c> su quale OS? [10:48] <cristian_c> johack, sono in ntfs [10:50] <claudietto> cristian_c da w7 con easeUS [10:50] <cristian_c> claudietto, partiziona eventualmente da live [10:50] <cristian_c> se hai già ridotto la partizione di windows [10:53] <claudietto> si ho gia ridotto la partizione..... da live? [10:58] <claudietto> cosa vuol dire partizionare da live? [11:00] <cristian_c> claudietto, quello che dici di aver fatto più o meno da windows [11:00] <ExPBoy> lol [11:00] <cristian_c> claudietto, ma in live il sistema funge bene? [11:00] <cristian_c> (altrimenti non ha senso proseguire) [11:01] <claudietto> ho fatto tutto da windows, ma per l'istallazione sono partito dall'immagine di ubuntu all'avvio della macchina [11:02] <ExPBoy> senza masterizzarla? [11:02] <claudietto> e la prova del sistema funziona tutto [11:02] <claudietto> si masterizzata [11:02] <ExPBoy> quindi quella è la live [11:03] <claudietto> ok, quindi devo lasciare solo la partizione w7 e cancellare le altre e avviare ubuntu dal disco all'avvio della macchina? [11:04] <ExPBoy> !installazione [11:04] <ubot-it> | Per installazione grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese [11:05] <cristian_c> claudietto, dal dvd [11:06] <cristian_c> fare il boot da dvd [11:06] <cristian_c> claudietto, e scegliere Prova invece che Install [11:06] <cristian_c> *a [11:06] <claudietto> si, e funziona tutto [11:07] <claudietto> o devo prima cancellare le altre partizioni? [11:08] <cristian_c> claudietto, se ci fai vedere una schermata partizioni in live, ti si può dire meglio [11:09] <claudietto> non so farlo [11:09] <cristian_c> claudietto, la schermata? [11:09] <claudietto> si [11:10] <cristian_c> claudietto, un modo veloce è utilizzare il tasto Stamp [11:11] <cristian_c> ma c'è sempre la possibilità di scattare una foto :P [11:11] <claudietto> per farlo vedere a voi? [11:11] <cristian_c> sì [11:12] <luca255626> ho istallato universal usb istaller credo di aver avviato l'immagine per avviare ubuntu ho iniziato l'istallazione mi ha fatto inserire password e nome, ora sembra che stia istallando, poi cosa devo fare? come farò a togliere windows e lasciare solo ubuntu? [11:12] <claudietto> come lo facciop vedere a voi? [11:13] <cristian_c> luca255626, 1) windows è sempre bene tenerlo in dual boot, non è sostitutivo, ma alternativo [11:13] <cristian_c> luca255626, 2) hai provato in live, prima di installare? [11:13] <cristian_c> !image | claudietto [11:13] <ubot-it> claudietto: Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [11:14] <luca255626> ehm no non ho provato in live... non sono pratico di queste cose [11:14] <johack> come procedo?? [11:15] <cristian_c> luca255626, è sempre bene provare prima il sistema in live, prima di installare [11:15] <cristian_c> per controllare che tutto sia riconosciuto e funzionante [11:15] <cristian_c> johack, dadexix aveva parlato di emulare [11:16] <cristian_c> johack, fa vedere i permessi della cartella dell'sdk [11:16] <johack> non so come si fa [11:16] <cristian_c> johack, ls -l /media/jhk [11:17] <luca255626> hai ragione ma non sapevo come fare a provarlo live... ora mi ha scritto completamento assistente ubuntu completato per completare l'istallazione riavviare il pc o riavvio manuale, [11:19] <johack> cristian_c: [11:22] <cristian_c> johack, ls -l /media/jhk/1B8D3E390F32F4AD [11:24] <johack> cristian_c: drwx------ 1 jhk jhk 456 feb 27 23:04 android-sdk-linux [11:26] <cristian_c> johack, ls -l /media/jhk/1B8D3E390F32F4AD/android-sdk-linux [11:37] <claudietto>  [11:37] <claudietto> r4//1/5Tr4D8rb+M7+Rb/TL1jfpcfht3qfv1z4zbQz/TLtau0L9XzzHaCWkvEDI6bUT6oFTn+Ylcy9/a7WoE2jjk+5CxyKcBNibPidL7oo1X64J8p97zt78voP34A/D5eQ9/++VedX9A67LellCwvx2tDflAvyqUKupzmQ/pZ+jYNRrKuLTny4/0s48dlfcGXYzvdWIH50UbgTTe/5ExJyEXRb5Nv8DgFelgdFQ0TCbyidkEE99HR5vIOxof9b+M9yETNOBh2vdBngjvSMjca18NbEcjh86V+twK/f0BP+choP2E8EywedVMSD/VwCI9XJsHP9uRZnxs2+vT5tzr9/M3v+N74z [11:37] <claudietto> lyTUDNU38/VbODtD3EF5E7oz4N63cEugxx8zBfhdLX2Bu0NST7gdofZD2F/KgeBbs0cKDG59qnA/tt/KVdcyWBtM+1taJ6EoGGwTZCmujnv8GIro1x4EgNshh7h/a34suQC7VpNdal9E1fy6qf2oXCf1q/9R/5y9hj9M/ke2PPVGvX2Cu5bxiL3mAhY21oezA4B1xrJhMsZou2/rjuIOsutKvqfX+ftGcID+vP1ddKsI/6Ggn2yein3o5MQpAM+mdqybAvJj7fJHsA+yTvpX9q7sLJr7cRcVbCN7owLg1ZTkPwbz8dB7soKIOCe6tBD9m3tXWsaKT/NuijZj18C9M26bBHhfJp [11:37] <claudietto> P58FZdKAqwfympr4iNtkyB6qf38lBw/4Qj2ln85Go/KJ4gr1vaxn47fiLbW25UZZ68JS8pk+lyHXK14QZpN9V6dTv0yWj5VUVe2p/aJP2y/YlPZM8iy5JLifyGfqe5P8Fn6W6/TvQ/Yc7TpNvhjrwMAm8pz+/Unu1Z7v9fkxvigX/pazmDljOhJTM+H3+bRZUFMVNjMK4/QTL0hDaT/gQ2NtFUrHT0FLe6fCSEJP4Xe151MO6I2qNswWc5A+ak+SddLbha6ju1CYmQ1PayvMZvZVaMt2uIrVe/kdxRblvWpHYTEFJYg3eJ3QlJ/LWhV5pJ6tZGAU/HwvP/JZQFrh97a4BGw7eR [11:37] <claudietto> x9RVNxutGP+I7jUWaNAmou1I900OvvB4NCUBmgbDAmcxQ7IYtbF/j6JqSEvTzcWLw6n8nD+xdGCAg0NhP1vbFBGT3RPtO/Cn7YL7xlgMbmqBFDu1hbNPrS1/dOfXmozzWmNySUNqGKi/oBqcbLWnMhSNIAYApsqUf1jyX4nf58BcR4kQY+CAhlYgQgqE1FA3r9wkJvK3QIIfRQizCUVkFqBL/QCS8LQcYm7clka/QROqlx6JdrZArdMoLECxJcLWi2YQgf45EDrxx8kzEWpGwYsiDUAUI2D/lRJBd2HsHLmAf2t38Di3Cf0bFBmzTmTMaubezaXAwFCEMaUztY5MaNORbw5/X1 [11:38] <johack> cristian_c: [11:39] <cristian_c> johack, ls -l /media/jhk/1B8D3E390F32F4AD/android-sdk-linux/tools [11:40] <johack> cristian_c: [11:40] <cristian_c> -rw------- 1 jhk jhk 3498 feb 27 09:31 android [11:41] <cristian_c> johack, manca il permesso di esecuzione [11:41] <cristian_c> johack, come vedi solo rw [11:41] <cristian_c> invece di rwx [11:41] <johack> quindi? [11:41] <cristian_c> johack, aggiungi il permesso di esecuzione  johack, al limite , puoi aggiungere il permesso di esecuzione per tutti di quello script [11:41] <cristian_c> johack, anche se basta solo per il tuo utente [11:42] <johack> cristian_c: come? [11:42] <cristian_c> !permessi | johack [11:42] <ubot-it> johack: [11:42] <johack> cristian_c: chmod 777 android?? [11:42] <cristian_c> johack, in realtà, puoi aggiungere il permesso anche tramite clic destro sull'icone del file, Proprietà->Permessi [11:42] <cristian_c> johack, non importa 777 [11:42] <johack> cristian_c: non mi ha modificare cosi [11:42] <cristian_c> johack, puoi fare anche per via grafica [11:43] <cristian_c> johack, ? [11:43] <johack> cristian_c: quando seleziono i permessi modifico ma poi tornano come prima [11:43] <cristian_c> johack, poi quando? [11:43] <johack> appena clicco [11:43] <cristian_c> ? [11:43] <cristian_c> clicchi cosa? [11:44] <johack> clicco su leggere e scrivere e ritorna come prima, cioè nessuno [11:44] <cristian_c> johack, a me sembra che i permessi di lettura e scrittura ci siano [11:44] <cristian_c> non sono scomparsi  -rw------- 1 jhk jhk 3498 feb 27 09:31 android [11:45] <johack> cristian_c: quando cerco di farlo per via grafica nn riesco a impostare i permessi da me desiderati, ma appena clicco per cambiare permess ritorna come prima [11:46] <cristian_c> johack, non riesci, oppure riesci ma torna tutto come prima? [11:47] <cristian_c> johack, chmod +x /media/jhk/1B8D3E390F32F4AD/android-sdk-linux/tools/android [11:47] <johack> riesco ma torna tutto come prima [11:47] <cristian_c> johack, digita il comando, per favore [11:47] <johack> ok, poi [11:48] <johack> cristian_c: perfetto adesso funziona [11:48] <johack> :D:D:D [11:48] <cristian_c> lol [11:48] <johack> cristian_c: ti ringrazio [11:48] <cristian_c> johack, ti sei perso in un bicchier d'acqua, eh [11:48] <johack> cristian_c: eh lo so, ma ancora nn mi sono molto chiari questi permessi ;D [11:49] <cristian_c> !permessi [11:49] <ubot-it> [11:49] <cristian_c> johack, per l'sdk devi lanciare android sdk manager [11:49] <cristian_c> con ./android soltanto [11:49] <cristian_c> installi i pacchi per la tua release, se usi command line [11:49] <cristian_c> altrimenti eclipse o android studio [11:49] <johack> cristian_c: si si questomi è chiaro!!! ;D [11:49] <johack> cristian_c: come faccio a fare un pò di pulizia??? [11:50] <cristian_c> johack, cosa intendi? [11:50] <cristian_c> il disco? [11:50] <johack> coviene passare alla 15.04 [11:50] <johack> cristian_c: si roba inutile!! [11:50] <cristian_c> johack, ti consiglio un backup, così riorganizzi anche il tuo disco [11:50] <cristian_c> che installare le applicazioni su disco esterno non è l'ideale [11:50] <cristian_c> ahhh [11:50] <cristian_c> !pulireubuntu | segui questa guida, johack [11:50] <ubot-it> segui questa guida, johack: pulire ubuntu is [11:51] <johack> cristian_c: lo so ma 100 gb stanno diventando pochi per linux [11:51] <cristian_c> johack, tutte applicazioni sono? [11:51] <cristian_c> ma va là [11:51] <cristian_c> io ce lo faccio stare in 30 GB [11:51] <cristian_c> con tanto di applicazioni installate [11:51] <johack> cristian_c: o.O sbaglio qualcosa allora [11:51] <cristian_c> poi, ovvio, finisce lo spazio per i dati [11:52] <cristian_c> johack, di base ubuntu richiede 8 GB per l'installazione [11:52] <johack> cristian_c: quindi con 100gb dovrei stare proprio largo [11:52] <cristian_c> essì [11:52] <johack> adesso ne ho utilizzati 50 [11:52] <jester-> i porni prendono spazio [11:52] <cristian_c> se ci metti i dati invece... [11:53] <cristian_c> jester-, ihihih [11:53] <johack> jester-: non ho porni :D [11:53] <jester-> ma va [11:53] <cristian_c> johack, ti consiglio di spostare i dati sull'hard disk esterno, e viceversa le applicazioni mandarle sull'interno [11:53] <davegarath> johack: usa baobab per vedere cosa sta occupando il tuo disco [11:53] <cristian_c> johack, oppure sposta i dati sulle partizioni winz [11:54] <johack> davegarath: cosa è baobab [11:54] <cristian_c> !info baobab [11:54] <ubot-it> baobab (source: baobab): GNOME disk usage analyzer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.2-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 153 kB, installed size 900 kB [11:54] <davegarath> johack: un applicativo che ti mostra anche graficamente come è occupato il tuo disco [11:54] <johack> davegarath: come lo scarico? [11:55] <cristian_c> anche perché du da riga di comando è comunque lento [11:55] <cristian_c> !installareprogrammi [11:55] <ubot-it> installareprogrammi is [11:55] <davegarath> johack: dovrebbe già essere installato [11:55] <cristian_c> johack, leggi la guida linkata [11:55] <cristian_c> johack, [11:56] <johack> sarebbe analizatore del disco? [11:56] <davegarath> johack: altrimenti lo installi con sudo apt-get install baobab. leggi cmq la guida che ti ha linkato cristian_c [11:56] <davegarath> johack: sì [11:57] <johack> ho appena mandato in esecuzione vi faccio uno screen e mi consigliate cosa fare [12:13] <z8z> johack: io perferisco ncdu [12:13] <z8z> johack: i programmi come baobab mi fanno capire meno :| [12:18] <davegarath> z8z: punti di vista. baobab permette di avere le stesse info di ncdu ma ti offre anche graficamente l'opportunintà di vedere a singolo colpo d'occhio anche come sono riempite le sottodirectories. se c'è un file che sta occupando una buona porzione del disco 4,5,6 livelli di profondità lo puoi vedere subito senza seguire tutto il path [12:19] <z8z> davegarath: vero ma in realtà uso ncdu più per l'uso vincolato da tastiera che mi sa più rapido quando devo tronare indietro o entrare nelle cartelle al volo [12:20] <z8z> per alcuni programmi trovo piu comodo l'uso da tastiera piuttosto che quello da gui [12:23] <davegarath> !chat | z8z [12:23] <ubot-it> z8z: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [12:30] <claudietto> buon giorno, provo a istallare ubuntu 14.04.2 su partizione a fianco di w7 . ho preparato la partizione per U. e anche una p. swap che mi ha chiesto durante l'istallazione V [12:31] <claudietto> buon giorno, provo a istallare ubuntu 14.04.2 su partizione a fianco di w7 . ho preparato la partizione per U. e anche una p. swap che mi ha chiesto durante l'istallazione [12:32] <claudietto> Ma ora dice: Non è stato definito alcun file di sistem root. Correggere dal menù di partizionamento. [12:32] <claudietto> Devo agire nella schermata in cui si è fermata l’istallazione? [12:32] <claudietto> Nel menù delle partizioni o nella parte sottostante? [12:32] <claudietto> potete darmi un aiuto? grazie [12:33] <bip> claudietto: credo che devi rivedere il partizionamento. [12:33] <claudietto> da live? [12:34] <bip> claudietto: è sempre preferibile il live. Hai un quadro della situazione più chiara [12:39] <claudietto> ma devo usare il tasto change..., nuova tabella partizioni o sotto. device per l'stallazione del boot loader? [12:39] <claudietto> non so dove mettere mano [12:48] <johack> posso eliminare la cartella selezionata? [14:26] <davide> raga in ubuntu 15.04 nno c'è synaptic:) [14:32] <krabador> dadexix86, sudo apt-get install synaptic [14:32] <krabador> davide, ^ [14:32] <krabador> dadexix86, sorry [14:32] <jester-> davide: basta installarlo [14:34] <davide> pensavo foose integrato come in ubuntu 14.10 [14:35] <davide> chiedo scusa:) [14:40] <krabador> davide, ma figurati [14:40] <krabador> mica hai offeso qualcuno [14:43] <dadexix86> davide, guarda che di default non c'è nemmeno in 14.10 :O [14:46] <davide> scusate .vero [14:47] <davide> lo installo..grazie:) [14:49] <davide> anche hollywood va installato [14:57] <sebius> qualcuno mi può aiutare? [14:58] <sebius> installazione browser Opera [14:59] <sebius> pardon.. [15:02] <walter1964> Salve a tutti!Sono nuovo o quasi si può fare qualche cosa per audio a scatti? [15:03] <krabador> " audio a scatti" ---> in che contesto, con quale ubuntu, e con che hardware [15:04] <walter1964> Grazie!Allora XUBUNTU 15.04 notebook ASUS eeepc [15:05] <walter1964> Il notebook è un 1201 HA [15:06] <walter1964> l'audio va scatti sia vedendo youtube che Skype [15:07] <krabador> quanta ram hai ? [15:08] <walter1964> 2 gb,con xubuntu 14.04 ero riuscito ad installare GSTREAMER e modificando i parametri sentivo bene ma con 15.04 non ce la faccio [15:09] <krabador> walter1964, si puo' intervenire qualora l'audio andasse a scatti con un lettore e file audio, con youtube e skype, non ci sono margini di intervento [15:09] <krabador> walter1964, youtube, lo apri con firefox? [15:09] <walter1964> Perchè GSTREAMER non funziona più come prima? [15:10] <walter1964> Sì lo apro con firefox [15:11] <krabador> sudo apt-get install chromium-browser pepperflashplugin-nonfree [15:11] <walter1964> Ok devo installare Chrome? [15:13] <krabador> se apri il terminale e mandi quel comando, installi chromium ed il plugin flash che usa chrome [15:14] <virtual_> Ciao a tutti [15:14] <walter1964> Ok grazie lo sto facendo rpoprio ora [15:14] <walter1964> proprio e non rpoprio...... [15:15] <virtual_> qualcuno di voi ha provato kubuntu 15.04 ? [15:16] <walter1964> ...... faccio fatica con Xubuntu .... [15:16] <krabador> walter1964, con calma [15:17] <krabador> virtual_, kubuntu 15.04 ha kde 5 , che è alquanto immaturo [15:18] <virtual_> lo so, ed è per questo che chiedevo consiglio per averlo come unico sistema. Di Kde 5 ho visto immagini e qualche video e mi piace sul serio. [15:19] <krabador> virtual_, plasma 5 è in qt5 , e molto potenziale [15:19] <virtual_> attualmente lo sto provando con virtualbox [15:19] <krabador> virtual_, ma purtroppo allo stato attuale, non ti consiglierei di usarlo come sistema principale, purtroppo deve ancora maturare [15:21] <virtual_> MA quindi non c'è alcuna distribuzione attualmente che lavori bene con kde5 ? [15:21] <walter1964> Ho l'impressione che sia il settaggio della mia scheda audio che non è corretta.Ricordo che dovevo settarla (con GSTREAMER) su Analog device... ma ora non so come fare [15:21] <krabador> virtual_, è kde5 ad essere immaturo [15:22] <krabador> walter1964, l'eeepc, ha una sola scheda audio, potresti avere problemi solo se di default viene settata l'hdmi, ma non sentiresti niente [15:22] <walter1964> Comunque Chrome presenta lo stesso difetto audio [15:23] <virtual_> ok grazie. [15:23] <walter1964> Hai ragione,ma GSTREAMER mi consentiva di settare l'audio o in digitale o in analogico... :-( [15:24] <walter1964> Ciao Virtual!!! [15:24] <krabador> perchè gstreamer lo scrivi in maiuscolo ? [15:25] <walter1964> Per non far errori di battitura lo vedo meglio.... è un mondo che non conosco perdonami! [15:26] <krabador> walter1964, sudo apt-get install pastebinit [15:26] <krabador> walter1964, aplay -l | pastebinit [15:27] <krabador> walter1964, il secondo restituisce un link, che ti chiedo gentilmente di incollare qui [15:27] <walter1964> ok [15:28] <walter1964> [15:29] <walter1964> Wow...... proprio ALC 269 Analog dovevo scegliere per sentire bene l'audio!!! [15:32] <walter1964> Rileggendo potevo scegliere fra MID HDA Intel MID ( audio a scatti) e ALC 269 Analog ( Audio perfetto) [15:33] <krabador> walter1964, è l'unica scheda audio presente [15:35] <walter1964> Sì ,ma settando gstreamer su ALC 269 Analog l'audio era perfetto, [15:36] <krabador> walter1964, gstreamer usa quella scheda [15:37] <walter1964> Credo di sì,il problema è che non trovo più gstreamer con xubuntu 15.04...... anche se ubuntu software center mi dice installato [15:42] <krabador> walter1964, cat /proc/asound/ | pastebinit [15:42] <krabador> un attimo che riavvio [15:43] <walter1964> devo copia incolla su "terminale"? [15:54] <krabador> cat /proc/asound/cards | pastebinit [15:56] <walter1964> [16:05] <krabador> walter1964, aplay -l | awk -F \: '/,/{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | uniq > file [16:05] <krabador> walter1964, cat file | pastebinit [16:07] <matadores> buona sera [16:08] <matadores> !paste [16:08] <ubot-it> servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [16:08] <matadores> chi aiuta qui? [16:10] <krabador> chi vede una domanda, e sa la risposta [16:10] <matadores> va bene ubuntu ha riscontrato un errore interno [16:10] <matadores> ma in realtà ne vedo piu di uno [16:12] <matadores> ce ne sono anche altri [16:12] <matadores> di errori [16:13] <matadores> kabrador stai vedendo gli errori che mi da? [16:14] <krabador> matadores, dmesg | grep err > file [16:14] <krabador> matadores, sudo apt-get install | pastebinit [16:14] <krabador> matadores, cat file | pastebinit [16:14] <krabador> incolla qui il link che ti restituisce l'ultimo comando [16:15] <matadores> [16:16] <matadores> [16:19] <walter1964> [16:20] <johack> Salve a tutti, ho di nuovo il problema dei permessi su un HD esterno [16:20] <matadores> cosa è successo in sintesi? [16:21] <krabador> walter1964, hai xubuntu, hai detto? [16:21] <johack> matadores: sto installando SDK android su un HD esterno, quando lancio il comando ./android mi dice permesso negato [16:22] <jester-> sudo [16:22] <johack> stessa cosa [16:22] <matadores> scusa jack non dicevo a lei ma a krabador [16:22] <walter1964> Krabador ho installato Xubuntu con estrema soddisfazione!!! [16:23] <matadores> io sono un nuovo utente inesperto e quindi non posso aiutare (non ho le basi) [16:23] <krabador> walter1964, allora sudo mousepad ~/.asoundrc , incolli dentro il contenuto di questo [16:23] <krabador> walter1964, salvi riavvii [16:23] <krabador> vedi cosa fa [16:23] <johack> nessuno!!?? [16:23] <krabador> hd esterno formattaco come? [16:24] <johack> krabador: ntfs [16:25] <krabador> johack, su ntfs leggi e scrivi , ok, ma usa in linux , file system linux.  nessuno!!?? ---> non è un call center, in cui c'è risposta obbligata in tempo reale [16:28] <matadores> kabrador momentaneamente posso capire cosa sono questi erori per favore? [16:28] <johack> krabador: scusami :( [16:28] <krabador> matadores, vale anche per te [16:29] <krabador> matadores, journalctl -b | grep file1 [16:29] <krabador> matadores, cat file1 | pastebinit [16:30] <krabador> matadores, spetta [16:30] <krabador> matadores, journalctl -b | grep error > file1 [16:30] <matadores> comando non trovato [16:30] <krabador> matadores, cat file1 | pastebinit [16:31] <matadores> uguale [16:31] <krabador> matadores, di che sistema stai parlando? [16:31] <matadores> 14.04.2 ubuntu [16:32] <krabador> allora journactl non c'è [16:32] <walter1964> scusa krabador ....... ma bastava copiarlo e riavviare o serviva qualche altro comando tipo "salva"?  walter1964, allora sudo mousepad ~/.asoundrc , incolli dentro il contenuto di questo  walter1964, salvi riavvii  vedi cosa fa [16:33] <matadores> ok ma perchè e apparso questo errore? [16:33] <matadores> errori* [16:34] <krabador> matadores, hai mandato una sola immagine di uno [16:35] <matadores> [16:35] <matadores> secondo screen [16:36] <krabador> matadores, ls -la /var/log | pastebinit [16:36] <b00k3r> sera [16:37] <matadores> [16:39] <krabador> matadores, cat /var/log/apport.log | pastebinit [16:39] <krabador> matadores, cat /var/log/apport.log.1 | pastebinit [16:40] <matadores> [16:40] <matadores> [16:43] <matadores> terzo screen di errori [16:43] <krabador> matadores, sudo lshw | pastebinit [16:44] <matadores> [16:44] <walter1964> Ho fatto come da istruzioni ma l'audio va a tratti .... [16:44] <matadores> kabrador [16:45] <krabador> matadores, tail -f /var/log/kern.log | pastebinit [16:45] <matadores> [16:47] <bip> matadores, tail -f /var/log/kern.log | pastebinit [16:47] <matadores> ho fatto [16:48] <matadores> ancora non appare nulla da linkare [16:48] <bip> matadores: ok :) [16:48] <matadores> brutto segno? [16:49] <matadores> deduco che piu tempo ci mette e più problemi ci sono o erro? [16:51] <krabador> matadores, ctrl c [16:51] <krabador> matadores, manda tail -f /var/log/kern.log [16:51] <bip> matadores: bloccalo, control c [16:51] <krabador> fai un pastebin a mano [16:51] <krabador> bip, eco? [16:54] <krabador> walter1964, gst-device-monitor-1.0 | pastebinit [16:55] <matadores> ha caricato 10 righe e non va avanti [16:57] <krabador> matadores, ctrl c [16:57] <krabador> matadores, dmesg | less > file2 [16:58] <krabador> matadores, cat file2 | pastebinit [16:58] <walter1964> Il programma "gst-device-monitor-1.0" non è attualmente installato. [16:58] <krabador> walter1964, dpkg -l | grep gstreamer [16:59] <krabador> walter1964, dpkg -l | grep gstreamer > file1 [16:59] <krabador> walter1964, cat file1 | pastebinit [17:00] <walter1964> [17:00] <walter1964> ....... capisco sempre meno ....... [17:01] <krabador> beh, non saresti qui . [17:02] <walter1964> sì hai ragione!!! ;-) [17:05] <matadores> ma sto comando ci mette due anni [17:05] <krabador> matadores, ctrl c [17:06] <krabador> matadores, dmesg | less [17:06] <krabador> fa il pastebin a mano [17:06] <krabador> !pastebin | matadores [17:06] <ubot-it> matadores: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [17:09] <matadores> anche questo richiede molto [17:09] <krabador> matadores, no, quello lo fa apparire [17:09] <krabador> lo scorri col mouse, [17:09] <krabador> copi ed incolli in pastebin [17:10] <matadores> ma si è bloccato come altro comando [17:13] <krabador> matadores, dmesg | less [17:13] <krabador> appare [17:13] <krabador> chiudi e riapri il terminale [17:13] <krabador> e mandalo [17:16] <krabador> walter1964, killall pulseaudio [17:16] <krabador> chiudi e riapri il chromium e prova di nuovo [17:16] <matadores> si bloccato a stesso punto [17:16] <krabador> !image | matadores [17:16] <ubot-it> matadores: Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [17:17] <johack> Salve a tutti, collego tramite usb un HD esterno, questo viene riconosciuto una volta su 10, come mai? [17:18] <johack> cè un modo per forzare la lettura?? [17:18] <matadores> fa nulla lascio stare oggi già sto troppo ingazzato come na bestia poi vedo anche qui le cose che vanno storte(non colpa tua kabrador) [17:25] <walter1964> ....... è sempre con l' audio strappato ...... [17:27] <krabador> walter1964, sudo apt-get install gconf-editor [17:27] <krabador> una volta installato , aprilo [17:27] <walter1964> ok [17:28] <krabador> walter1964, una volta aperto, dimmi cosa hai in system-->gstreamer-->0.10-->default [17:28] <walter1964> E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile) [17:28] <walter1964> E: Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata. [17:29] <krabador> walter1964, chiudi gestori pacchetti e/o software center [17:30] <walter1964> A parte la chat non ho niente di aperto... [17:31] <krabador> walter1964, hai messo sudo? [17:31] <walter1964> Ahia 'sto SUDO mi fa sudare.... [17:32] <walter1964> Scusa la profondisssssima ignoranza ma non so cosa sia.... [17:33] <krabador> walter1964, sudo apt-get install gconf-editor [17:33] <krabador> copialo ed incollalo nel terminale [17:33] <krabador> cosi' come lo vedi [17:34] <walter1964> ok io eseguo ! [17:35] <walter1964> E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile) [17:35] <walter1964> E: Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata. [17:38] <krabador> walter1964, sudo apt-get update [17:38] <krabador> walter1964, sudo apt-get update | pastebinit [17:39] <walter1964> Sono fortunato perchè in questi giorni la mia ADSL è veloce altrimenti stavo qui un giorno intero..... [17:41] <walter1964> E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile) [17:41] <walter1964> E: Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata. [17:41] <walter1964> pastebinit è un pò lento... [17:43] <walter1964> [17:43] <krabador> walter1964, sudo apt-get install gconf-editor | pastebinit [17:44] <Innerina> Dove posso trovare la configurazione del touchpad in Ubuntu? [17:45] <cristian_c> Innerina, unity? [17:45] <Innerina> No, sto da Fallback, ma mi serve sull'ambiente Mate perché non mi funziona del tutto... [17:46] <Innerina> Non capisco perché su Fallback riesco a cliccare direttamente sul touchpad ma non lo fa nell'ambiente Mate... [17:46] <Innerina> funziona solo lo scroll [17:46] <cristian_c> ah [17:47] <cristian_c> Innerina, il tap? [17:47] <Innerina> Cioé? [17:47] <cristian_c> Innerina, puoi configurare con mateconf-editor, mi dicono [17:48] <cristian_c> Innerina, intanto apri lo strumento mateconf-editor [17:48] <cristian_c> se ti trovi su mate [17:48] <Innerina> Poi ho un altro paio di problemi, uno inerente Mate ed uno su Lives... [17:49] <Innerina> Cmq grazie, ora ci guardo [17:49] <cristian_c> Innerina, lives? [17:49] <cristian_c> Innerina, da mateconf-editor, desktop/mate/peripherals/touchpad [17:50] <Innerina> Programma di videoediting, non mi trova più i plugin, a quanto ho capito dev'essersi interrotto qualche collegamento per cui non li riconosce e carica [17:50] <Innerina> poi ti posto l'errore preciso [17:50] <cristian_c> !info lives [17:50] <ubot-it> lives (source: lives): Video Editing system allowing users to edit and create video. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0~ds0-1 (trusty), package size 1061 kB, installed size 4712 kB [17:51] <walter1964> [17:51] <krabador> walter1964, rileggi il mio ultimo messaggio [17:52] <Innerina> mateconf-editor non lo trovo, è il nome del pacchetto? Il programma come si chiama? [17:53] <Innerina> (Cmq non ho Mate vero e proprio, ho installato i 2 pacchetti di base) [17:53] <Gio> Buonasera [17:53] <cristian_c> Innerina, mateconf-editor [17:54] <cristian_c> mate-conf-editor [17:54] <walter1964> credo si sia bloccato .... [17:54] <cristian_c> !info mate-conf-editor [17:54] <ubot-it> Package mate-conf-editor does not exist in trusty [17:55] <cristian_c> è un fork di gconf-editor [17:55] <Innerina> ok [17:55] <Guest3385> Ho formattato una chiavetta usb e l'ho criptata con veracrypt ma adesso, quando la inserisco, mi dice che il disco è montato ma non riesco a visualizzarlo tra le icone a sinistra. [17:55] <cristian_c> Guest3385, con quale sistema operativo l'hai criptata? [17:55] <walter1964> Eccomi [17:55] <Guest3385> ubuntu 14 [17:56] <cristian_c> Guest3385, hai dato un'occhiata alla documentazione ufficiale di veracrypt? [17:56] <Guest3385> no. l'ho istallato e ho proceduto [17:57] <Guest3385> fatto un danno vero? [17:57] <cristian_c> Guest3385, consulta la documentazione ufficiale [17:57] <Guest3385> ok [17:57] <Guest3385> grazie [17:57] <cristian_c> il software non è neanche presente nei repo ufficiali di ubuntu [17:58] <Guest3385> si, ma il sito lo da come multipiattaforma e da scaricare la versione per linux [17:58] <Guest3385> comunque farò come dici. [17:59] <krabador> walter1964, apri gconf-editor [17:59] <cristian_c> Guest3385, quando si scarica un programma non banale, occorre leggere le istruzioni su come utilizzarlo, di solito [17:59] <krabador> walter1964, e controlla system-->gstreamer-->0.10-->default [17:59] <Guest3385> ok [17:59] <Guest3385> grazie [17:59] <cristian_c> di niente [18:01] <Innerina> C'é modo di far riconoscere a Synaptic la chiavetta usb da cui prendere i pacchetti? [18:01] <cristian_c> ehm [18:02] <cristian_c> Innerina, spiega cosa vuoi fare [18:02] <Fuxia> Ho installato silverlight ma il sistema operativo mi comunica che deve scaricare altri aggiornamenti. Cerca di scaricarli, ma si interrrompe, e mi da che non è riuscito a scaricarli. comunque il programma è installato. Ma dai siti mi compare l'avviso scaricare silverlight. che significa? [18:02] <krabador> Fuxia, pipelight [18:03] <Innerina> Ho già visto che in Synaptic non trovo alcuni pacchetti di Mate, dovrei aggiungere i ppa ma come sai, avanzando danno noie, ho provato a farli prendere da dvd ma non lo legge, dovrei tentare con la chiavetta usb che è più aggiornata... [18:03] <walter1964> perdonami .... ma dove controllo system- ect [18:03] <krabador> Innerina, fai con apt-get [18:04] <Innerina> ok [18:04] <krabador> installare pacchetti già scaricati [18:04] <krabador> se hai tutte le dipendenze di essi [18:07] <walter1964> Controllato ed è proprio come hai scritto tu [18:07] <krabador> walter1964, come ho scritto io , cosa? [18:07] <krabador> walter1964, fammi uno screenshot di quella sezione [18:07] <krabador> !image | walter1964 [18:07] <ubot-it> walter1964: Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [18:11] <Fuxia> Ce l'ho Pipelight, ma non funziona... [18:12] <cristian_c> Fuxia, contestualizza, per piacere [18:13] <Fuxia> i siti non mi leggono silverlight, wine tenta di downloadare aggiornamenti .Ho anche pipelight [18:14] <cristian_c> Fuxia, allora, come prima cosa controlla nel browser il riconoscimento del plugin [18:15] <cristian_c> Fuxia, ma hai letto la guida wiki a pipelight? [18:27] <walter1964> perdonami Krabador ma non ci riesco!Ammiro la tua pazienza e gentilezza!!!Grazie [18:28] <krabador> walter1964, tranquillo [18:28] <krabador> allora [18:28] <krabador> non riesci a fare lo screenshot ? [18:30] <walter1964> purtroppo non riesco a fare lo "Screenshot" [18:30] <davegarath> problema: ubuntu 14.04 unity. ho disabilitato i menù in alto mettendoli a finestra. gnome-terminal: disabilitato view-> show menubar. ma questa persiste. è fastidioso perché mi trappa alt-b che è fondamentale in shell per tornare indetro di una parola :) [18:30] <krabador> walter1964, premi il tasto stamp [18:31] <davegarath> suggerimenti ? [18:34] <cristian_c> davegarath, trappa? [18:35] <davegarath> cristian_c: non so la traduzione in intaliano di trap :) [18:35] <lasa81> ciao a tutti [18:36] <lasa81> ciao krabador.. sei al pc? [18:36] <krabador> lasa81, ci sono , ma tu chiedi a prescindere [18:37] <lasa81> mi volevo scusare per l'altro giorno..non so se ricordi..mi sono sconnesso e non ho piu continuato a seguirti..ho quel problema riguardo al collegamento di ubuntu ad android lollipop su samsung s5 [18:37] <davegarath> prescindere non è online ora ;) [18:37] <walter1964> [18:38] <krabador> davegarath, no, non torna piu', ha avuto a discutere con cristian_c [18:39] <walter1964> Può essere che io abbia fatto tutto giusto??? [18:40] <krabador> walter1964, hai fatto giusto ed è settato il device giusto [18:40] <lasa81> riepilogando...connetto con cavo usb il mio galaxy s5 con android lollipop stock a ubuntu cell viene rilevato..inizialmente da questa schermata [18:41] <lasa81> anzi..questo errore scusate... dopodichè mi apre nautilus con ext sd e memoria interna in cui navigo senza quando tento di aprire un immagine nella cartella dove vi sono le immagini scattate da fotocamera ..oppure un qualsiasi altro file..non riesco ad aprirla.. [18:42] <lasa81> se però copio ed incollo quasiasi file (sia esso su sd esterna che su memoria interna) dal cell al pc essa riesco ad aprirla [18:44] <lasa81> ecco come visualizzo l'interno della cartella camera per esempio... [18:44] <lasa81> [18:44] <krabador> walter1964, allora prova a mettere audiosrc musicaudiosink con lo stesso valore di audiosink [18:45] <krabador> chiudi correttamente e riavvii [18:45] <walter1964> ultima domanda: " Perchè con xubuntu 14.04 si scrivevo da terminale Gstreamer-properties mi compariva una schermata ora non più [18:45] <walter1964> con xubuntu15.04" [18:50] <krabador> walter1964, perchè non c'è gstreamer-properties in 15.05 [18:50] <krabador> 15-04 [18:51] <davegarath> ho una sessione di firefox aperta su una macchina. mi ci sono ssh izzato esportando il display. c'è modo di far partire una nuova instanza di firefox senza killare quella in esecuzione ? [18:52] <walter1964> quindi audiosrc - musicaudiosink devono avere lo stesso valore ??? Faccio un pò di confusione... [18:52] <cristian_c> davegarath, di solito con firefox & [18:52] <cristian_c> o con : comando & [18:52] <cristian_c> in casi diversi da firefox [18:53] <lasa81> niente da fare..ho provato persino ad attivare il debug usb da opzioni sviluppatore ma non ne vuol sapere di aprirmi i files dell's5..... [18:55] <davegarath> cristian_c: nope non è questione di metterlo in backgroud, lo devo convincere che deve girare in un altro contesto. lui sta cercando di agganciarsi alla sessione che sta girando nell'altro pc [18:56] <cristian_c> davegarath, forse un'altra istanza di ssh [18:57] <cristian_c> aspetta, il problema è più generale, e non legato a firefox [18:57] <cristian_c> mmm [18:57] <davegarath> ho provato con -no-remote ma non gli piace [18:58] <davegarath> cristian_c: no il problema è legato solo a firefox potrei risolvere killando il processo firefox remoto ma vorrei mantenere la sessione ho un po' di tab aperti che vorrei mantenere [18:59] <cristian_c> davegarath, firefox non ha processi separati per le schede [18:59] <cristian_c> ha un unico processo [18:59] <cristian_c> davegarath, da quel che leggo dovresti utilizzare due istanza separate di ssh [18:59] <cristian_c> client [19:00] <cristian_c> *e [19:00] <davegarath> cristian_c: è questo il punto :) devo convincerlo a girare in un altro contesto in teoria dovrebbe fare al caso mio la -no-remote [19:00] <davegarath> ma non gli piace [19:00] <cristian_c> davegarath, cosa ottieni? [19:01] <cristian_c> davegarath, cosa intendi con 'un altro contesto'? [19:02] <davegarath> cristian_c: altro contesto intendo che vorrei che girasse per i fatti suoi senza agganciarsi alla sessione corrente [19:02] <davegarath> cristian_c: non so se mi sono spiegato ;) [19:03] <davegarath> cristian_c: cmq cerca di connettersi ad una socket di dbus che non c'è per es. in /tmp/dbus-rn5Igv5g87 gli da connection refused [19:03] <davegarath> cristian_c: non ho capito se locale o remota [19:09] <davegarath> cristian_c: ho risolto killando il processo che stava girando in remoto [19:10] <cristian_c> davegarath, beh, scusa [19:10] <cristian_c> davegarath, tu lanci una sessione ssh, fai il login e ti connetti al server ssh [19:10] <cristian_c> da lì lanci un'istanza di firefox [19:11] <cristian_c> come fa a girare per i fatti suoi? [19:11] <cristian_c> firefox [19:12] <davegarath> cristian_c: se in remoto non sta già girando firefox funziona infatti ora ho il mio firefox remoto. altrimenti cerca di agganciarsi alla sessione esistente [19:13] <davegarath> cristian_c: speravo ci fosse un modo per fargli aprire una nuova sessione qua da me [19:17] <cristian_c> davegarath, ah, capito [19:17] <cristian_c> davegarath, ora mi è più chiaro [19:17] <cristian_c> quindi lanciato dal server stesso, una sessione esistente di firefox [19:18] <cristian_c> mmmmmmm [19:18] <cristian_c> davegarath, bisogna cercare [19:18] <cristian_c> quindi , nessuna sessione di firefox, la crei [19:18] <cristian_c> se già esistente, non la crea e si aggancia a quella esistente [19:19] <davegarath> cristian_c: sì ma non ci riesce perché credo cerchi la socket in locale e non la trova quindi crasha [19:20] <davegarath> cristian_c: almeno questo è quello che ho capito io [19:33] <calimero_82> buonasera [19:34] <calimero_82> ho un problema con il gioco holdem presente sullubuntusoftwarecenter [19:34] <calimero_82> non me lo fa installare [19:34] <calimero_82> !paste [19:36] <calimero_82> [21:34] <Innerina> Qualcuno mi può aiutare con Lives?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ExPBoy", "Fuxia", "Gio", "Guest3385", "Innerina", "akis24", "b00k3r", "bip", "calimero_82", "claudietto", "cristian_c", "dadexix86", "davegarath", "davide", "gigirock", "hicka", "jester-", "johack", "krabador", "lasa81", "luca255626", "matadores", "mean", "sebius", "ubot-it", "virtual_", "walter1964", "z8z" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[00:21] <depth> hola a todos, hay alguien que tenga instalado xubuntu 15.05? [01:48] <depth> hola, alguien que tenga instalado xubuntu 15.04? [01:50] <depth> alguien con xubuntu 15.04? [12:00] <Xago> buenos entusiasmé actualizando a 15.04 y ahora no me reconoce el wifi. [12:00] <Xago> alguna sugerencia de cómo solucionarlo? [12:41] <Xago> señores, estoy leyendo los distintos foros y aún no encuentro la solución [12:42] <Xago> para activar mi wifi cuando actualicé desde 14.10 a 15.04 [12:59] <Xago> encontré este tutorial para actualizar [13:00] <Xago> pero cuando quiero instalar con dpkg -i ... me arroja un error [13:00] <Xago> Unpacking linux-headers-3.18.1-031801 (3.18.1-031801.201412170637) ... [13:00] <Xago> dpkg: error processing archive linux-image-3.18.1*.deb (--install): [13:00] <Xago> cannot access archive: No such file or directory [13:00] <Xago> Setting up linux-headers-3.18.1-031801 (3.18.1-031801.201412170637) ... [13:02] <Xago> :( [13:37] <Xago> cometí un error al pegar un comando [13:37] <Xago> será que aún estoy baneado [13:37] <Xago> ? [14:34] <Xago> ya resolví el tema, por si a alguien le interesa [16:03] <mopa> vostro mortos [16:03] <mopa> hola [16:04] <mopa> niño [16:04] <mopa> hijo luta [16:04] <mopa> cacao hac [16:05] <mopa> faltan seis dias para lavarte el culo con lejía [16:05] <mopa> vale cacao [16:05] <mopa> mariflores todos [16:14] * merrick_ saluda. [19:56] <successus> salud o/ [20:42] <TLF> Hola. He actualizado a vivid desde Unity y tengo un problema: no oigo nada, ni puedo configurar el sonido desde alsamixer, a no ser que lo haga como root. ¿Ha cambiado algo en la gestion del sonido en Vivid? Gracias. [20:43] <mimecar> si creas un usuario nuevo pasa lo mismo? [20:44] <TLF> pues no lo he probado, la verdad :( [20:45] <ivedci89> TLF: hola yo no he actualizado... y te recomiendo que vuelvas a alguna version LTS, a menos que tengas ganas de reportar cada vez que algo raro te suceda en el sistema [20:45] <mimecar> Vivid tiene poco tiempo, es normal que tenga alguna cosilla [20:46] <TLF> jeje [20:46] <TLF> si [20:46] <TLF> vamos, ya estoy acostumbrado a usar versiones no LTS, esto no es nada comparado con Debian unstable :D [20:47] <TLF> y el caso es que me suena que alguna vez ya me pasó esto, pero no se como lo solucioné, si habia que añadirme a algun grupo o que :( [20:48] <ivedci89> jaja yo sigo en 14.04 y aun sigo solucionando cosillas de vez en cuando... pero como no son graves me conformo con google y sino me la banco asi, hasta que alguna lamparilla se me encienda... [20:49] <TLF> jeje :) [20:49] <TLF> el caso es que esto ha coincidido con la migracion a systemd, etc... [20:52] <ivedci89> pulseaudio hd-audio* [20:52] <ivedci89> los tenes a esos procesos [20:52] <ivedci89> ? [20:52] <ivedci89> ps -A | grep ud [21:00] <TLF> ivedci89: si :( [21:01] <TLF> ivedci89: el problema es solo como usuario. Acabo de probar audacious como root y si que funciona :( [21:01] <ivedci89> proba con "mplayer /usr/share/sounds/*/*" [21:01] <ivedci89> sin comillas [21:02] <TLF> ivedci89: como user o root? [21:02] <ivedci89> ambos.... y contame [21:03] <TLF> pues no se me oye :( [21:04] <ivedci89> okok no se ni idea... pero si como root funka... entonces me imagino que hay un drama de permisos [21:05] <TLF> eso creo :( [21:05] <ivedci89> asi que podrías revisar darle mas privilegios a tu usuario. o buscar los ejecutables de pulseaudio y hd-aud*.... y darle un chmod 777 [21:06] <ivedci89> es solo una prueba a ver que onda... pues no se nunca me pasó eso... [21:07] <ivedci89> eso especifico, pero sucede similar al entrar a una consola con ctrl+alt+f1 por ejemplo y se detiene el sonido, hasta que haces login... pero si lo haces en un usuario diferente, el sonido no arranca [21:08] <Iscuria> Alguien conoce un buen tuto para la instalacion de servicio DNS en ubuntuserver? [21:08] <ivedci89> nidea [21:09] <Iscuria> hace poco intente hacer funcionar varios servicios pero el DNS es algo molesto [21:09] <ivedci89> pero dejale esa tarea a tu router [21:09] <Iscuria> Nah, es molesto [21:10] <ivedci89> suelen ser mejores.. paga una mensualidad.. los servicion de dns que he probado gratuitos ninguno me funciono.. .tla vez el inepto soy yo, pero esa es mi experiencia, ninguno anduvo [21:10] <ivedci89> byebye... [21:11] <AndroUser> Entonces nadie? [21:50] <iscuria> Nadie por aqui?= [21:57] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AndroUser", "Iscuria", "TLF", "Xago", "depth", "iscuria", "ivedci89", "merrick_", "mimecar", "mopa", "successus" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[08:46] <bbaqar> Hi guys. Just started writing an amulet test for my charms. Can't seam tp figure out how to deploy charms in LXCs from amulet and to deploy them to the same node. [08:48] <bbaqar> Hi guys. Just started writing an amulet test for my charms. Can't seam tp figure out how to deploy charms in LXCs from amulet and to deploy them to the same node. [08:51] <bbaqar> ?? [09:45] <braderhart> bbaqar: were you able to find an answer or assistance? [13:33] <natefinch> rick_h_: you around? [14:28] <bbaqar> braderhart: I wasnt [16:39] <braderhart> is there a log for this channel? [17:01] <braderhart> bbaqar: i'm not part of the juju team nor familiar with this channel, but if you were not able to find an answer then i'd suggest that you open a ticket or post in ask ubuntu. it's also possible someone will see your question and respond at a later time. [17:18] <bbaqar> I did post a question on askubuntu. waiting for answers. [22:03] <haces>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bbaqar", "braderhart", "haces", "natefinch" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[07:18] <Hudsonkem> when notebook got lockscreen in few minutes it turn off how i can disable that? xubuntu 15.04 [08:25] <mst__> hi [08:25] <mst__> short question, maybe it has been already asked, the app switcher (when pressing alt-tab) is now with the update to 15.04 pretty big, how can i turn it back to small? [08:26] <ochosi> mst__: you mean the window previews? [08:26] <mst__> yep [08:26] <mst__> how can i turn them off? [08:27] <ochosi> window manager tweaks > compositor > show windows preview [08:27] <mst__> perfect, thank you very much! [08:27] <mst__> :) [08:27] <ochosi> np, yw [10:53] <xubuntu55d> hi guys [10:53] <knome> hello [10:54] <xubuntu55d> is there any good themes [10:54] <xubuntu55d> for xubuntu 15.04 [10:54] <xubuntu55d> also [10:54] <xubuntu55d> i have found some bugs [10:54] <xubuntu55d> how can ı report [10:56] <knome> !bugs [10:57] <knome> xubuntu55d, some themes that work well are shipped with xubuntu [10:57] <knome> !themes [10:57] <knome> hmm, that wasn't what i was looking for [10:57] <xubuntu55d> hmm [10:57] <xubuntu55d> alright [10:57] <xubuntu55d> what about fonts [10:57] <xubuntu55d> wait [10:57] <xubuntu55d> ım coming [10:58] <xubuntu55d> phone [10:58] <knome> install fonts from repositories (there are some) or copy fonts from elsewhere to ~/.fonts (where ~ is /home/yourusername) [10:58] <xubuntu55d> okey [10:58] <xubuntu55d> which fonts do you should [10:59] <knome> more theme can be found from (and in many places really), but there is no guarantee how well they will work across all applications [10:59] <xubuntu55d> is copy command [10:59] <xubuntu55d> cp [11:00] <xubuntu55d> right ? [11:00] <knome> yes [11:00] <knome> and re: fonts, you might need to run "fc-cache -f ~/.fonts" [11:01] <xubuntu55d> is this clears cache ? [11:01] <knome> it updates the cache [11:02] <xubuntu55d> hmm [11:02] <xubuntu55d> ım facing a problem thats about booting [11:03] <xubuntu55d> at every booting my system making filesystem checking [11:03] <xubuntu55d> this decrases boot time [11:03] <knome> do you let it finish? [11:03] <xubuntu55d> how to solve this ? [11:03] <xubuntu55d> some times yes [11:03] <xubuntu55d> some times not [11:03] <xubuntu55d> at start of this problem [11:03] <knome> it should check the file system about one in 30 times, but if you don't let it finish, it will keep on doing it on next boot [11:03] <xubuntu55d> i didnt cancelled [11:04] <xubuntu55d> hmm [11:04] <xubuntu55d> ok then ım make it one more [11:04] <xubuntu55d> cya [11:07] <xubuntu82d> same thing knome [11:07] <xubuntu82d> it takes too short time to check [11:07] <xubuntu82d> did it 2 times [11:50] <xubuntu59w> Hi, I upgraded my laptop to v15.04 over the weekend. And now when I try to start the system, while connected to the docking station with 2 displays, it goes into suspend mode. But without the docking station, I can boot without any issues. [11:51] <xubuntu59w> from the syslog I could find the following messages: [11:51] <xubuntu59w> Apr 27 09:07:26 wdf-lap-0452 systemd[1]: Starting Light Display Manager... Apr 27 09:07:27 wdf-lap-0452 NetworkManager[987]: <info> init! Apr 27 09:07:27 wdf-lap-0452 NetworkManager[987]: <info> update_system_hostname Apr 27 09:07:27 wdf-lap-0452 NetworkManager[987]: <info> interface-parser: parsing file /etc/network/interfaces Apr 27 09:07:27 wdf-lap-0452 NetworkManager[987]: <info> interface-parser: finished parsin [11:52] <xubuntu59w> Apr 27 09:07:27 wdf-lap-0452 kernel: [ 211.304048] PM: Preparing system for mem sleep [12:16] <brainwash_> !pastebin | xubuntu59w [12:20] <xubuntu59w> sorry; [12:25] <brainwash_> xubuntu59w: not sure, /etc/systemd/logind.conf has a commented entry #HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore, maybe try to uncomment it [12:26] <xubuntu59w> ok, thanks will try. [12:27] <brainwash_> I cannot find any related bug report or forum thread [12:28] <brainwash_> so, I suggest that you use launchpad, askubuntu or ubuntuforums to report/ask about this issue [12:29] <xubuntu59w> ok [12:43] <knob> Hey guys... got an odd question. I have light-locker installed. If I boot up the laptop, light locker does not lock the screen. The screen does go blank within the alloted time, yet does not "lock". I then go to ligh-locker settings, Disable it, Enable it, and Apply. Then it works just fine. [12:43] <knob> Any idea what I could have wrong? [12:50] <brainwash_> knob: is light locker enabled in settings manager > session and startup > autostart applications? [12:50] <knob> brainwash_, on my way to check... [12:51] <knob> brainwash_, =) nope... it's not there! [12:52] <knob> Should I add it? I do have a similar entry, which is not checkmarked... it reads Screen Locker (Launch screen locker program) [12:52] <knob> I reckon this is not the same as adding light-locker ? [12:52] <brainwash_> similar? [12:53] <brainwash_> it sounds like its the right one, but only disabled [12:53] <brainwash_> does it run the "light-locker" command? [12:53] <knob> ok ok... going to enable it now, reboot.. and see what she does. Reporting back in 5-10 minutes [12:53] <knob> LEt me check [12:53] <knob> Hmm... oddly enough, I cannot edit it. The edit button is greyed out. Like if it was built-in [12:54] <knob> Err, like if the entry was built in, so you can't edit it [12:54] <knob> What do you think about adding my own entry, and using light-locker command? [12:56] <brainwash_> sounds like a valid solution [12:56] <knob> Testing out now! =) Reporting back shortly [12:56] <brainwash_> light-locker-settings should actually create this auto start launcher [12:56] <brainwash_> so, something is odd on your side [12:57] <knob> brainwash_, defintiely.... I installed light-locker, removed it, installed gnome-screen something, then uninstalled... then kept on poking at it with a stick... etc. So I got myself into this. =) [12:58] <brainwash_> you said that you cannot it the existing launcher, but can you check/uncheck it? [12:58] <knob> Oh yes, I can check/uncheck it... yet not edit it. [13:00] <brainwash_> you cannot edit those which are located in /etc/xdg/autostart (system ones) [13:00] <brainwash_> is this xubuntu 15.04? [13:01] <knob> No... I haven't uipgraded yet. [13:01] <brainwash_> ok [13:02] <brainwash_> some things have changed in how light-locker is integrated into the Xfce environment with the release of 15.04 [13:03] <brainwash_> so, I was wondering if you experience some regression or new bug [13:07] <knob> brainwash_, ok ok... I am rebooting her now... checking to see if light-locker works as it should. If all is good, I will upgrade to 15.04 [13:10] <knob> brainwash_, working as it should now!! =) [13:11] <knob> Thanks! [13:11] <knob> Going to upgrade to 15.04 now [13:11] <brainwash_> you're welcome :) [13:18] <bynarie> hey anyone noticed their cursor kind of disappear when moving it towards the top of their screen on 15.04? [13:19] <bynarie> ah ha, i found the bug on launchpad [13:27] <ochosi> no, frankly i've never seen that [13:29] <bynarie> i think it just started happening with 15.04, i could be wrong [13:29] <bynarie> [13:37] <ochosi> hm, you're using a newer nvidia driver, i'm on 340 [13:38] <ochosi> also weird that ppl using intel drivers confirm that bug too, so it's not really a driver issue then [13:39] <bynarie> right [13:39] <bynarie> im also on linux 4.0 so i dont know exactly what the issue is [15:03] <knob> Just upgraded to 15.04... so far, so good! w00t w00t! :) [15:03] <jackbravo> hi, do you guys know if the torrent for 15.04 is hosting instead the file for 14.04? [15:03] <jackbravo> I downloaded the torrent, and installed, and only after using it some time I realized I was using 14.04 [15:04] <jackbravo> the file is named xubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso [15:04] <knob> jackbravo, that's odd... got a link? [15:05] <drc> jackbravo: Where did you get the torrent? [15:06] <jackbravo> you know what..... nevermind :P. I just realized I have both iso files here in my downloads folder. So maybe I just picked the wrong file when creating the bootable USB :$ [15:07] <drc> Been there :) [15:07] <jackbravo> sorry :( :P [15:48] <thyphus_> hi. i tried xubuntu 15.04 with two displays. my problem is that the "primary display" option does not affect anything. i want to have the panel on the right display, but it's still on the left display (not the primary). in the panels options for the display "automaticly" is selected [15:50] <jc00ke> Good morning. I upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 yesterday and my networking stopped working. I'm at a loss as to how to debug. Suggestions? Thanks! [15:52] <jc00ke> I'm hardwired in, I've turned WiFi off [15:53] <MisterMom> thyphus_, just a guess can you switch displays by dragging them in the displays module [15:54] <thyphus_> MisterMom: the order of the display is right, just the panel is on the wrong display [15:55] <thyphus_> MisterMom: but yes, i can drag the displays... but that's not my problem [15:55] <MisterMom> thyphus_, im not using dual display atm [15:59] <krytarik> thyphus_: "in the panels options for the display 'automaticly' is selected" - change that to the one you want it to be on. [17:47] <xubuntu13w> hy [17:47] <xubuntu13w> is anyone here? [17:47] <krytarik> xubuntu13w: Yes, just ask. [17:48] <xubuntu13w> great, tell me please, I am new on ubuntu and a [17:48] <xubuntu13w> I want to try it [17:49] <xubuntu13w> is there any mp3 player available? [17:49] <knob> xubuntu13w, what did you search for? [17:49] <knob> There is a Music Player [17:50] <xubuntu13w> i just downloaded ubuntu and I want to know where I can download any programs [17:51] <xubuntu13w> and how to install them [17:51] <xubuntu13w> is the same like on windows? [17:51] <drc> xubuntu13w: Just use the Ubuntu Software Center (in the menu) [17:51] <xubuntu13w> ok [17:52] <xubuntu13w> I will try it [18:21] <Quenz> Getting write errors [19:58] <knob> Quenz, [19:58] <knob> ? [20:07] <Quenz> knob: [20:07] <knob> hmm [20:07] <knob> at a loss mate [20:08] <knome> Quenz, what did you do before this happened? [20:08] <Quenz> Nothing, except try to update [20:09] <knome> so the installation existed in a vacuum with absolutely nothing happening...? [20:09] <knome> is it a fresh install? [20:33] <Quenz> Well, I can't think of anything notable that I did [20:33] <Quenz> It's not fresh, no [21:01] <Guest43188> hi, i heard that xubuntu will be removing abiword and gnumeric in 15.04. is that true? [21:02] <Guest43188> i quite like abiword and some of those other programs and im not sure whether or not i should upgrade to 15.04 [21:02] <bazhang> !info abiword [21:03] <Unit193> Guest43188: No, that's in 15.10. Also, that's *by default*, so you'll still be able to install them, and upgrades will keep them. [21:03] <bazhang> install it then [21:03] <knome> Guest43188, in 15.10, but it will still be available in the repository [21:03] <knome> Guest43188, and if you have them installed an you upgrade, they will be kept installed. [21:04] <Guest43188> ah okay. thanks. my laptop told me about an upgrade to 15.04 and i wasn't positive on the changes. thanks for your help. [21:04] <knome> Guest43188, it's just a default application selection, not tying anybody to anything [23:58] <MisterMom> are there any screen savers for xubuntu 15.04 [23:59] <Unit193> light-locker is default for screen locking, but if you want actual screensavers you can install xscreensaver.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Guest43188", "Hudsonkem", "MisterMom", "Quenz", "Unit193", "bazhang", "brainwash_", "bynarie", "drc", "jackbravo", "jc00ke", "knob", "knome", "krytarik", "mst__", "ochosi", "thyphus_", "xubuntu13w", "xubuntu55d", "xubuntu59w", "xubuntu82d" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[01:26] <ball> hello minsky [03:22] <mappps> is it a bank holiday tomorrow? [03:30] <ball> I do hope so. [03:30] <ball> Oh wait, I don't get bank holidays. [03:34] <mappps> someone told me it is (here in gib) [03:34] <mappps> so is it in UK too? [03:35] <mappps> i trasferred some money and it said 1 working day is why im wondering [03:35] <ball> I don't know. I don't have a UK calendar this year. [03:35] <ball> Usually I have one up in the study. [03:35] <mappps> hm [03:36] <ball> I should pay my satellite television bill this week. [03:36] <mappps> a month till i go back to Knightsbridge:D [03:37] <ball> Is that in London? [03:37] <mappps> 24-29th may short visit [03:37] <mappps> yea [03:37] <mappps> where are you ? [03:37] <mappps> Then back to gib:) [03:37] <ball> I live in Illinois, USA. [03:37] <ball> brb [03:38] <mappps> nice [03:39] <ball> It's alright. Not like home but it has its good days. [03:40] <mappps> where's home? [03:40] <ball> Wiltshire. [03:40] <mappps> heard of [03:40] <mappps> manchester? [03:40] <ball> I am aware of Manchester. [03:40] <mappps> no i mean wiltshire is manchester? [03:41] <ball> No, Manchester's in the midlands I think. [03:41] <mappps> where's wiltshire [03:41] <ball> Central Southern England, though we consider ourselves "West Country" I think. [03:42] <ball> ...which made Cornish frinds point and laugh. [03:42] <mappps> oh [03:42] <ball> friends* [03:42] <mappps> nowhere near surrey then? [03:42] <mappps> thats where im from orig [03:43] <ball> I think my grandfather used to live in Surrey, on my mother's side. [03:44] <mappps> nice place [03:44] * ball nods [03:44] <ball> I've been there once or twice. [03:44] <ball> Not in recent years though. [03:44] <mappps> i swapped surrey/london for gib [03:44] <mappps> doubt il ever move back really [03:45] <ball> mappps: I can relate to that. Even if I could afford to go back it would be a difficult transition. [03:45] <mappps> yea [03:45] <mappps> i haven;t lived with family for ~12 years (since uni) [03:46] <mappps> no way i'd go back [03:46] <mappps> and it's a super safe place here [03:46] <mappps> like london muggings are it'd make front page news [04:01] * ball nods [04:01] <ball> Here they mostly just shoot you. [04:02] <mappps> here it's just non existant [04:02] <mappps> last month there was a murder..and everyone was worried [04:02] <mappps> turned out the girlfriend murdered her kids boyfriend and killed herself [04:08] <ball> Well that's unfortunate. [05:12] <Knightwise> mornin [05:15] * ball waves [05:18] <Knightwise> heya ball ! hows it goin [05:19] <ball> Not too bad. I'm anout to turn in. [05:19] <ball> There are things I should be doing but I'm too tired to care. [05:19] <Knightwise> just got up on this end of the blue sphere. [05:19] <ball> Knightwise: That makes sense. [05:19] <Knightwise> hahah :) I'm in my productive hour. That quiet hour before the rush starts is when I pound everyone down with my caffinated emails :p [05:19] * ball grins [05:27] <Knightwise> need to get my Raspberry pi 2 finalised today. [05:27] <Knightwise> Was thinking of using it as a desktop by that is a little overkill. I have plenty of desktops and vms to play with. [05:32] <ball> My Raspberry Pi is running at the office. [05:33] <Knightwise> I have a raspberry pi 1 running as my main terminal machine. I ssh into it, vpn into it, it runs irssi, telegram, my calibre server etc [05:33] <Knightwise> very pleased with it :) [05:35] <ball> I like mine but I'm looking forward to the better NIC on the Raspberry Pi 2 [05:36] <Knightwise> I'm gonna try to run Mate on mine. Always handy to have a gui , especially when I want to use it to drag new books into my calibre library [05:36] * Knightwise loves to read [05:37] * ball nods [05:37] <ball> I should charge up my Kobo [05:37] <Knightwise> I have a Kobo too. use it mostly in the summer to read outdoors [05:38] <Knightwise> when I read indoors or at night I use my tablet [05:38] <ball> I can understand that. [05:38] <ball> I've not tried Calibre though. [05:39] <Knightwise> its great , The web browser on my Kobo even iterfaces with it :) [05:39] <Knightwise> so i can download books off the calibre webserver on my PI straight to my Kobo [05:40] <ball> Nice. [05:41] <ball> I should go to bed. [05:41] <Knightwise> Get some sleep dude :) [05:42] <ball> Thanks [05:42] <ball> I have to be up in a little under five hours [05:42] <Knightwise> I need my 8 hours or i'm a zombie [07:01] <MooDoo> morning all [07:25] <Knightwise> hey MooDoo [07:25] <Knightwise> how are you doing dude [07:37] <MooDoo> Knightwise: yeah i'm doing ok thanks, you? [07:38] <Knightwise> ok for a monday :) [07:43] <directhex_> there we go, my 2 mystery chips have been added to lspci [07:44] <MartijnVdS> you have mystery chips? [07:53] <directhex_> MartijnVdS: two USB controllers not known to pci.ids [07:53] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [08:25] <davmor2> Morning all [08:28] <bashrc> morning [08:36] <MooDoo> morning davmor2 [08:36] <davmor2> MooDoo: hey dude, how's life? [08:38] <popey> morning [08:38] <MartijnVdS> \o [08:39] <MartijnVdS> I installed *Debian* on my Laptop yesterday.. hadn't actually done that since Ubuntu 4.10 came out :) [08:39] <popey> golly [08:40] <MartijnVdS> But somehow I've gotten used to that left sidebar thing ;) [08:40] <popey> :) [08:40] <MartijnVdS> (and no other DE seems to provide one easily) [08:48] <foobarry> i moved plank to the left to make the switch easier for mrs foobarry [09:10] <czajkowski> aloha [09:12] <zmoylan-pi> o/ [09:14] <foobarry> my workplace looks quite pleasant in the sun [09:17] <bashrc> looks nice [09:18] <bashrc> are you on a barge? [09:18] <foobarry> heh no onthe river bank [09:19] <foobarry> walking in to work [09:19] <foobarry> however the river boat people congregrate here in sunny weather [09:19] <bashrc> I have seen barges with solar panels, so it would be possible to live on a barge and stay connected [09:20] <foobarry> you can get wifi from the uni with a good antenna [09:20] <popey> there's a couple of ubuntu contributors who live on boats [09:20] <zmoylan-pi> break out the cantenna... :-) [09:20] <foobarry> they should probably have a mesh thing on house boats [09:21] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Tell a Story Day! :-D [09:22] <zmoylan-pi> and as soon as you made a mesh network some gobdaw would try and run netflix on it soaking up all the bandwidth [09:30] <popey> golly [09:31] <czajkowski> popey: it's a pretty big thing I'm flying home to vote :) [09:31] <zmoylan-pi> no postal vote? [09:31] <czajkowski> zmoylan-pi: nope [09:31] <popey> what are you voting on? [09:31] <czajkowski> I'lll go BArcelona -> Stockholm -> Shannon and back to UK that week [09:32] <czajkowski> popey: marriage equality [09:32] <popey> oh yes. [09:32] <popey> thought it was abortion [09:32] <czajkowski> popey: exactly YES :D [09:32] <zmoylan-pi> AND allowing for a president younger than 35 [09:32] <czajkowski> zmoylan-pi: ag yes that throw away vote [09:33] <foobarry> voting by proxy not allowed? [09:33] <czajkowski> nope [09:34] <zmoylan-pi> a lot of folk on twitter seem to have sorted the postal vote thing [09:34] <foobarry> i already voted in teh UK general election [09:34] <bashrc> vote early and often [09:34] <foobarry> helps with smug face when people are trying last ditch attempts [09:38] <czajkowski> popey: see pm :) [09:46] <foobarry> evernote is really annoying sometimes [09:46] <foobarry> certain lack of intuivity [09:47] <zmoylan-pi> you'd think by now all devices would have a memopad like one in palmos that 'just worked' [09:47] <foobarry> what's google keep thing like? [09:47] <foobarry> they could rule the market [09:47] <foobarry> as evernote seem to struggle [09:48] <foobarry> doesn't quite seem to be achieving the same thing as evernote [09:49] <foobarry> i use evernote as a document storage system, not a temporal post it throaway todo list thing [09:55] <diplo> foobarry: I use keep, works ok for me but I only use it for shopping lists and things like that [10:02] <zmoylan-pi> i use a text file in dropbox. separated by dates and hashtags. works for me. [10:05] <bashrc> I use a git repo and org-agenda [10:06] <popey> interesting to anyone running wordpress [10:08] <bashrc> years ago I stopped using wordpress mainly because it seemed a chore to maintain. There seemed to be a never-ending stream of security patches [10:08] <popey> well, it auto updates now [10:08] <popey> but it's zero day today [10:08] <davmor2> JamesTait: Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away telnet [10:09] <bashrc> for blogging I now use a flat file based system. far easier to maintain and with a smaller attack surface [10:09] <zmoylan-pi> isn't everyday a zero day for wordpress? :-P [10:18] <ali1234> heh, that vuln is weaksauce [10:18] <ali1234> who enables the online plugin and theme editors anyway? [10:19] <zmoylan-pi> if the platform is aimed at a lot of non technical people... many [10:20] * awilkins remembers a WordPress instance with over 100 plugins enabled at his old job [10:22] <awilkins> On Windows [10:23] <zmoylan-pi> did they leave the doors and windows unlocked too just to be sure? :-P [10:54] <bigcalm> Good morning peeps :) [10:59] <davmor2> bigcalm: how do chap how's life? [11:01] <popey> bigcalm: enjoying GTA5? :) [11:03] <bigcalm> davmor2: not too shabby ta, yourself? [11:03] <bigcalm> popey: yes. Loving it. Having to play in short bursts though. Otherwise I'd get sucked in for hours [11:04] <popey> heh [11:04] <davmor2> bigcalm: a tiny bit busy but other than that grand thanks and looking forward to the caravan for the long weekend :) [11:04] <bigcalm> Also, I had been close to rage quitting on the Rampage mission [11:04] <popey> I dialed down the detail and it now runs at a decent framerate here [11:05] <bigcalm> For the most part it looks fine to me. Little bit jerky in the city with lots happening though. Might dial it down as well [11:05] <bigcalm> Love Trevor. He is so well written [11:05] <bigcalm> That said, he also scares the crap out of me [11:05] <bigcalm> davmor2: busy? But the release has happened. Surely you should be relaxing now [11:06] <bigcalm> popey: have you tried the online bit yet? [11:06] <popey> briefly [11:06] <bigcalm> Same [11:06] <popey> i have it at 720p which made a big difference [11:06] <bigcalm> Are you popeydc, by any chance? [11:06] <bigcalm> Interesting [11:07] <popey> yes [11:07] <popey> at 1080p i was running ~30 fps [11:07] <popey> now it's 720p at ~70+ fps [11:07] <bigcalm> Oh dear [11:07] <popey> still looks great. [11:07] <bigcalm> Cool. Will play later tonight [11:07] <popey> heh [11:08] <bigcalm> I think I'm enjoying this more than IV [11:08] <bigcalm> The sense of freedom is very welcome [11:08] <popey> yeah, totally [11:08] <popey> not getting 5* for crossing a bridge is nice [11:08] <popey> stealing a helicopter and flying away is fun [11:09] <popey> i do like the scammers who try to claim someone is being attacked and when you give chase they attack you [11:09] <popey> I usually gave my gun out ready :) [11:09] <bigcalm> Oh! [11:09] <bigcalm> I hadn't thought that some of them might be scammers [11:10] <bigcalm> I've bought suppressors for all of my guns. Makes life a lot easier [11:10] <bigcalm> Did you manage to get the bug van without the alarm being raised? [11:10] <foobarry> hello sir, i'm calling because i've been told you were in a car accident [11:11] <foobarry> (put on mute after saying hello) [11:11] <davmor2> oi ubuntu-uk no gta-V-uk ;) [11:11] <foobarry> i can just hear this little voice on the phone on my desk [11:11] <foobarry> hello...hello...can you hear me? [11:11] * bigcalm tickles davmor2 with some fun [11:12] * popey fills in his lenovo battery recall form [11:12] <popey> biab [11:20] <popey> bah no eligible [11:22] <bigcalm> Danger of explosion? [11:24] <popey> [11:24] <diplo> popey / bigcalm not played gta v at all before ? [11:24] <bigcalm> diplo: no [11:24] <diplo> OK, tip I learned after :) [11:24] <popey> no [11:24] <bigcalm> diplo: The only console I have is a Wii U [11:24] <diplo> When you get to the Lester scenes, buy stocks in whatever company he asks you to do something about :) [11:25] <bigcalm> Makes sense [11:25] <diplo> Makes life a lot easier, I'm debating playing it again to do that, quite enjoyed it [11:25] <diplo> Would like it on the PC, but I don't think my old beast could run it [11:25] <bigcalm> Except for Live Invader. As we made the price plummet [11:26] <diplo> Might also try for gold / 100% on everything this time [11:27] <bigcalm> I like that I can play with an Xbox 360 controller for everything and then switch over to keyboard and mouse when I need to play with guns [11:27] <bigcalm> Terrible at aiming with a job pad [11:30] <diplo> So am I, although got better [11:30] <diplo> Bought the kids Halo this weekend, I was actually quite good at it :P_ [11:30] <bigcalm> You bought it for yourself [11:35] <popey> I can't watch films set in NY or LA now without thinking of GTA :) [11:36] <TwistedLucidity> popey: Yikes! I have two Lenovo 9-cells here.... [11:36] <diplo> bigcalm haha, nah kids have been hounding me for ages [11:36] <diplo> Their friends play it [11:36] <popey> i had to fill the form in manually because the auto-detector thing requires windows [11:36] <TwistedLucidity> If the Lenovo site ever loads, I might be able to find out [11:36] <popey> it actually asks you why you're doing it manually! [11:37] <TwistedLucidity> "Because you hate freedom, Lenovo" [11:37] <ali1234> yes, is it a free form field? [11:37] <TwistedLucidity> popey: Site is so very, very s-l-o-w..... [11:37] <popey> yes [11:39] <TwistedLucidity> Is this a new recall? Because Lenovo have had to do this many, many times [11:39] <ali1234> any details on the actual fault? [11:39] <popey> i have no idea, i got the link from foobarry last week iirc [11:39] <TwistedLucidity> ali1234: All the previous ones have been about over-heating, fire, explosion, stealing your last Rolo [11:39] <ali1234> TwistedLucidity: says they are expanding the existing recall [11:40] <TwistedLucidity> I wouldn't know, I can't get on the site! [11:40] <ali1234> well now you do :) [11:40] <ali1234> april 21st 2015 [11:41] <davmor2> yay mine's not listed [11:41] <ali1234> nor mine, but it is really old [11:41] <TwistedLucidity> Damned thing just times out.... [11:41] <ali1234> problem may be at your end, it works fine here [11:41] <ali1234> it's not even slow [11:42] <davmor2> popey: my laptop is about 2 and 1/2 years old so you know what that means right :D [11:42] <TwistedLucidity> ali1234: Site has always been nearly unusable for me [11:43] <TwistedLucidity> Probably VirginMedia [11:44] <davmor2> TwistedLucidity: it's slow here but it works I'm on virgin [11:44] <TwistedLucidity> Works well on Windows, I am going to change my User agent..... [11:48] <TwistedLucidity> Seems I am no eligible. Guess that's a good thing [11:53] <popey> TwistedLucidity: works fine here, also on VM [11:54] <popey> davmor2: mine is over 3 now. [11:54] <popey> not seen a new one I want [11:54] * zmoylan-pi still has an original olpc here... [11:55] <zmoylan-pi> still the best screen on a mobile device i have ever used [11:55] <TwistedLucidity> popey: It's find on the Windows box, just not Kubuntu. Very strange [11:56] <davmor2> popey: this will be 6 years, oh how the time flies :) [11:59] <popey> [12:03] <zmoylan-pi> jetpac \o/ [12:03] <bigcalm> Fantastic [12:14] <ali1234> wow [12:31] <popey> i like the skool daze and paradroid ones [12:32] <popey> the voxel thing reminds me of cube world [12:33] <diddledan> I don't get why voxels are being so popular [12:33] <diddledan> seems everyone and his dog wants to create a voxel game [12:34] <awilkins> Because Minecraft did so well [12:35] <awilkins> Have you seen Notch's house? [12:35] <diddledan> also minecraft seems to be getting everyone to do "low res fctw" [12:35] <diddledan> ftw** [12:35] <zmoylan-pi> people don't want minecraft since ms bought it? [12:35] <diddledan> I wonder what the long-term plan is for minecraft now ms own it [12:35] <awilkins> Notch's House : [12:36] <awilkins> That's why there are so many voxel games [12:36] <awilkins> The tail end of people going "Wowzer, that Minecraft thing is doing awfully well, isn't it?" and jumping on the bandwagon [12:37] <awilkins> I doubt that people stopped liking Minecraft since MS bought it [12:37] <zmoylan-pi> aren't ms adding downloadable content to minecraft? [12:37] <zmoylan-pi> i've seen a few complaints already over that [12:37] <diddledan> that house is way OTT [12:38] <shauno> I don't think msft have done anything at all with it yet. the "complaints" are scaremongering [12:38] <zmoylan-pi> if you were handed a few billion wouldn't you go for volcano lair or evil villan ship instead? :-) [12:38] <shauno> not to say I trust msft much further than I could throw them, but waiting for them to actually do something before I whine about it :) [12:39] <awilkins> I would find the house a bit much [12:39] <diddledan> I don't think I'd like to live there [12:39] <diddledan> I like cosy [12:39] <awilkins> Community [12:40] <diddledan> and community (no, wait, I'm a hermit, community doesn't really count) [12:40] <awilkins> If I had unlimited money and Elon-Musk-like resources I'd have a town pad within walking distance of all the fun stuff, and a country pad with a nice kitchen garden [12:40] <awilkins> And a hyperloop subway that went between them in < 10 minutes [12:41] <zmoylan-pi> or a jetpack... [12:41] <awilkins> Naah, practical Jetpack technology is basically impossible ATM [12:42] <zmoylan-pi> ok an autogyro [12:42] <zmoylan-pi> hipster helicopter :-) [12:42] <awilkins> Little Nellie from the Bond film [12:42] <awilkins> Retrohipster [12:42] <zmoylan-pi> with it's addons of course [12:43] <diddledan> america are trying to pin a charge of unlicensed aircraft on a guy with an autogiro who landed on some green space outside their capitol building [12:43] <zmoylan-pi> he was a postman and he was delivering letters... [12:43] <diddledan> that's the guy [12:45] <shauno> seems like one of the easier charges to make stick. they have some exemptions for ultralights but they all have geographic restrictions (built-up areas, airports, etc) [12:46] <zmoylan-pi> not sure they ever managed to prosecute lawn chair larry [13:21] <TwistedLucidity> IIRC an autogryo can fly faster than a helicopter [13:21] <zmoylan-pi> well yes and no. not much development has gone into them since wwii [13:21] <zmoylan-pi> and they've pushed helicopters to the limit [13:22] <TwistedLucidity> Physics is a buggre like that [13:23] <zmoylan-pi> 293mph for an unassisted (no attached jets for thrust) [13:31] <zmoylan-pi> pity the canadian swingwing didn't take off (pardon the pun) [13:31] <zmoylan-pi> *tiltwing [13:33] <TwistedLucidity> The Osprey is a thing, innit? [13:34] <TwistedLucidity> Also there was some X-plane or other that was a jumped-up copter but could lock the "rotors" and in effect have a pair of forward/aft-swept wings [13:34] <zmoylan-pi> with a horrendous safety record [13:35] <zmoylan-pi> it's a bit of an f35 in budget terms... [14:16] <davmor2> TwistedLucidity: yes it's a bird ;) [14:29] <arsen> hh the macbook 12 1.4 petabyte edition [18:50] <daftykins> diddledan: two failed disks from the _same user!_ [18:50] <daftykins> D: [18:51] <diddledan> jeez [18:51] <diddledan> you're getting silly with it :-p [18:51] <daftykins> ;] [18:57] <davmor2> daftykins: well if you will put computers in magnets room you will have to expect this kinda thing [18:57] <penguin42> what are you doing with them - mri? [18:58] <daftykins> no these are all helpees asking for support in #ubuntu [18:58] <daftykins> i tend to go from "my system is a little slow..." to diagnosing a dead disk pretty quick XD [18:58] <zmoylan-pi> does he work at the sledgehammer testing lab? [19:05] <diddledan> I think daftykins either has shares in the disc companies OR he invents faults that aren't real [19:06] <daftykins> :( [19:06] <daftykins> *disk [19:06] <diddledan> :-p [19:06] <diddledan> no, disk is for floppies - disc is for hdds [19:07] <davmor2> shiny spinning platters? [19:07] <daftykins> diddledan: you lie! [19:07] <daftykins> disk is for square, disc is for round \o/ [19:07] <diddledan> nope, it's the truth [19:07] <daftykins> well, or rectangles [19:08] <daftykins> -ular :/ [19:08] <diddledan> disk is an abbreviation of diskette whereas disc is a circular thing [19:08] <daftykins> i disagree [19:08] <davmor2> [19:09] <diddledan> [19:10] <daftykins> ah yes the finest resource known to man [19:10] <foobarry> hello.. [19:10] <daftykins> hi [19:11] <diddledan> OED says disk for everything [19:11] <davmor2> daftykins: [19:11] <MartijnVdS> disque [19:11] <davmor2> [19:11] <daftykins> why are you linking me to this crap 0o [19:12] <foobarry> so there's some twitter feeds that have lots of dupes [19:12] <diddledan> aah yes, it's obviously disc with a C for HDDs because windows uses C to indicate such [19:12] <foobarry> i would like to write a twitter bot that retweets only unique stories and i can follow that instead [19:12] <diddledan> i.e. C:\windows [19:12] <foobarry> sound easyish? [19:12] <diddledan> C:\ means disC:\ :-p [19:14] <diddledan> I believe, also, that I've earned troll-of-the-day with that one :-D [19:14] <davmor2> daftykins: sorry it was for diddledan I was backing up your disk argument :D [19:15] <davmor2> like what I did there :D [19:15] <diddledan> obviously disks are for KDE users [19:16] <daftykins> kallthethings! [19:17] <MartijnVdS> daftykins, davmor2, diddledan: your names confuse :P [19:18] <daftykins> o0 [19:18] <popey> evening slackers [19:19] <MartijnVdS> hey popey [19:19] <diddledan> marnin [21:47] <mappps> csi cyber seems ok if you stick with it [21:47] <mappps> did you watch aymore diddledan [21:47] <mappps> 1st ep sucked but ive carried on..on e8 now [21:48] <diddledan> mappps: my downloader missed e6 so I haven't seen that or 7 or 8 yet because I didn't want to do it out-of-order [21:49] <mappps> ah ok [21:49] <mappps> you agree it got better after e1 [21:50] <diddledan> aye [21:51] <mappps> i almost dumped it after the 1st ep;p
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JamesTait", "Knightwise", "MartijnVdS", "MooDoo", "TwistedLucidity", "ali1234", "arsen", "awilkins", "ball", "bashrc", "bigcalm", "brobostigon", "czajkowski", "daftykins", "davmor2", "diddledan", "diplo", "directhex_", "foobarry", "mappps", "penguin42", "popey", "shauno", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[02:05] <doc_gonzo> hi! i've a failure at installing a paket [02:06] <doc_gonzo> sudo apt-get install pysdm [02:07] <doc_gonzo> [02:07] <kubine> doc_gonzo: Title: Ubuntu – Details of package pysdm in lucid (at [02:15] <doc_gonzo> [02:15] <kubine> doc_gonzo: Title: [Bash] Pysdm - (at [02:19] <nagetier> doc_gonzo, this is a german speaking channel.. yr using 10.04 lucid? [02:19] <doc_gonzo> ahh super [02:20] <nagetier> doc_gonzo, die ist weit außerhalb ihrer Unterstützungsphase [02:20] <doc_gonzo> ich habe es gerade gemerkt.. habe 12.04tls [02:21] <nagetier> doc_gonzo, dann schau mal ob das Paket dort überhauot noch vorhanden ist [02:22] <nagetier> doc_gonzo, was ist denn der Grund die fstab grafisch bearbeiten zu wollen? [02:22] <doc_gonzo> mac ^^ [02:22] <nagetier> ok [02:23] <nagetier> ist da so sehr anders? [02:23] <nagetier> +das [02:23] <doc_gonzo> habe mir Yosemite draufgemacht und das smb;afp läuft einfach miserabel [02:23] <nagetier> ok, da habe ich keinerlei Ahnung von [02:23] <doc_gonzo> es war bisher das samba Paket installiert, aber jetzt apple die rechte abgeben müssen und die sosse fängt an [02:23] <doc_gonzo> time out's [02:24] <doc_gonzo> etc [03:17] <doc_gonzo> also ich habe jetzt Aval gefunden; die basieren auf zeroconf. Wie kann ich denn die Verzeichnisse mounten? [06:07] <doc_gonzo> ich habe noch eine frage zum mounten [06:14] <musca> hui, das wird 'ne lange Frage? [06:16] <doc_gonzo> wenn ich id der fstab // /media/test cifs username=test,nounix 0 0 einsetze, klappt alles wunderbar [06:16] <doc_gonzo> wenn ich jedoch den Usernamen vom Rechner nehme (aufgrund von ahavi) bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung [06:35] <doc_gonzo> also eigentlich will ich wissen, weshalb der Rechnername nicht in der Stab erkannt wird [06:35] <doc_gonzo> [06:35] <kubine> doc_gonzo: Title: [Bash] nettalk - ahavi - (at [07:07] <musca> doc_gonzo: lässt sich der hostname denn per DNS auflösen? [07:08] <doc_gonzo> yap, deshalb habe ich installiert. im terminal klappt alles [07:08] <kubine> doc_gonzo: Title: Avahi (at [07:11] <musca> äh, wie lautet nochmal das Problem, wenn nun alles klappt? [07:17] <doc_gonzo> dann ist das problem hoffentlich gelöst [07:18] <doc_gonzo> eigentlich versuche ich über afp die Festplatten zu mounten, aber das geht gar nicht, auch wenn es im Terminal klappt [07:18] <doc_gonzo> afpfs#afp://user:password@ip/share /mnt/mountpoint noauto,user=user,group=fuse 0 0 [07:18] <doc_gonzo> habe hier etwas gefunden, aber das problem scheint schon bekannt zu sein. [07:18] <kubine> doc_gonzo: Title: [ubuntu] Mounting AFP shares from Mac OS X 10.8 to Ubuntu Server 13.10 [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums (at [07:25] <geser> auch wenn es vermutlich nicht daran liegt, aber "user" hat eine andere Bedeutung bei den Optionen. Es müsste uid=user und gid=fuse heißen [08:02] <stevieh> sagtmal, wie finde ich nochmal raus ob und zu welchem deb eine datei in meinem filesystem gehört? [08:08] <musca> stevieh: apt-file kann sowas. [08:12] <musca> stevieh: sudo apt-file update; danach kannst Du als user nach Dateien suchen: apt-file find /sbin/blkid oder auch: apt-file search blkid [08:14] <stevieh> musca: super! merci! [08:16] <musca> bitte schön! [08:16] <stevieh> hmm... warum fallen da noch hplib sachen rum, obwohl ich es deinstalliert hab. [08:18] <rentier_> jokrebel, Da es ja Montag ist, will ich dir deinen 'I told you so'-Moment nicht vorenthalten ;-) [08:18] <rentier_> jokrebel, [08:18] <kubine> rentier_: Title: Version 4.4. replaces Arial font - Ask LibreOffice (at [09:44] <guestxxxx> moin [09:55] <guestxxxx> jemand da der sich mit wlan auskennt? [09:56] <nagetier> moin guestxxxx, stell deine Frage einfach [09:56] <guestxxxx> habe mein ubuntu mate 14.04 auf 14.04.2 upgegraded weil mein bluetooth nicht ging [09:57] <guestxxxx> jetzt spinnt mein wlan [09:58] <guestxxxx> ist verbunden und irgendwann fließen keine daten mehr,keine webseiten gehen mehr auf [09:58] <guestxxxx> youtube videos stocken [09:58] <guestxxxx> muss dann trennen und neu verbinden damit es wieder ne zeit geht [09:58] <guestxxxx> habe gerade nen usb stick am notebook damit ich überhaupt online komme [09:58] <guestxxxx> Atheros QCA9565 / AR9565 [09:59] <guestxxxx> nach meiner recherche läuft die karte mit ath9k treiber [09:59] <guestxxxx> rfkill list sagte mir gestern es wäre nichts geblockt [09:59] <guestxxxx> gerade überprüft [09:59] <guestxxxx> immer noch alles frei [10:00] <nagetier> guestxxxx, versuche mal folgendes, um Probleme mit den Einstellungen vor dem Update und dem jetzigen Zustand auszuschließen.. erstelle ein neues und sauberes Benutzerkonto, melde dich da an und schau ob das dort besser aussieht. Wenn ja, könnte man versuch da anzusetzen. [10:00] <guestxxxx> kernel ist jetzt [10:02] <guestxxxx> vor dem update ging wlan problemlos,aber bluetooth war gestört [10:02] <guestxxxx> aber ich mache das gleich mal [10:07] <guestxxxx> da bin ich wieder [10:08] <guestxxxx> wlan karte zeigte erst gar keine netze an [10:08] <guestxxxx> musste funknetzwerk erst deaktivieren und wieder aktivieren damit er sich überhaupt verbinden konnte [10:09] <guestxxxx> bin jetzt im neuen benutzerkonto gerade [10:11] <nagetier> guestxxxx, das de- und wieder aktivieren ist unschön, ich würde jetzt aber erst schauen, ob die Verbindung stabil ist, oder ob selbige Probleme auffällig sind. Wenn ja, sollten Logdateien aus deinem System folgen, und hier veröffentlicht werden. [10:11] <nagetier> !paste > guestxxxx [10:11] <kubine> guestxxxx: Nicht selbst geschriebener Text wird im IRC sehr unleserlich und unhandlich. Deshalb sollten mehr als 3 Zeilen immer in einen sogenannten Nopaste-Service wie z.B. abgelegt werden. Nach dem Speichern kannst du dann die URL der Seite kopieren und sie statt des Textes hier im Channel posten. [10:12] <guestxxxx> welchen log braucht man dann denn da? [10:12] <nagetier> guestxxxx, ich selber kann dir da aber nicht weiterhelfen.. veröffentliche die Daten, und warte bis sich jemand mit WLAN auskennt und sich dem Problem annehmen möchte. [10:14] <nagetier> guestxxxx, du kannst auch selber in dmesg (/var/log/dmesg) und /var/log/syslog schauen, das wären IMO die beiden relevanten. [10:14] <guestxxxx> mit grep? [10:14] <nagetier> wie du magst [10:15] <nagetier> guestxxxx, [10:15] <kubine> nagetier: Title: Logdateien › Wiki › (at [10:18] <guestxxxx> ich glaube ich wechsele auf meinen normalen benutzer account zurück [10:19] <guestxxxx> habe vergessen mir rechte für sudo zu geben [10:19] <guestxxxx> bis gleich [10:24] <guestxxxx> so,wieder da [10:27] <guestxxxx> test [10:28] <guestxxxx> ah,gut geht noch [10:28] <guestxxxx> habe im syslog eine warnung gefunden [10:28] <guestxxxx> NetworkManager[1000]: <warn> nl_recvmsgs() error: (-33) Dump inconsistency detected, interrupted [10:30] <guestxxxx> google suche sagt es könnte der intel 11n bug sein [10:31] <nagetier> guestxxxx, ja, ok.. dann versuche mal die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit zu drosseln. [10:32] <guestxxxx> dafür muss ich 11n disablen,die preisfrage ist wo :P [10:32] <nagetier> guestxxxx, im AP sollte sich das leicht finden lassen. [10:32] <guestxxxx> plus das mein empfang dann wahrscheinlich fürn eimer sein könnte,da der router in der nachbarwohnung steht [10:32] <nagetier> ah, ok [10:33] <guestxxxx> ich bin auf n schon irgendwie angewiesen leider :( [10:34] <nagetier> guestxxxx, wie kann es denn ein Intel Bug sein, wenn du Atheros Hardware einsetzt? [10:34] <guestxxxx> stimmt auch wieder [10:34] <guestxxxx> die intelkarte liegt hier aufn tisch [10:34] <guestxxxx> die hatte ich auf meinem mini itx board [10:34] <nagetier> :) [10:35] <nagetier> gut, die kann man wohl ausschließen ;) [10:36] <guestxxxx> sehe ich auch so,alles andere wäre technovoodoo... [10:37] <guestxxxx> [10:37] <kubine> guestxxxx: Title: guestxxxx_1 - (at [10:37] <guestxxxx> scheint nen problem mit dem ipv6 zu geben [10:37] <guestxxxx> jedenfalls für mich als laie [10:43] <nagetier> guestxxxx, zeig uns mal die genaue Ausgabe von 'lspci' zu deiner WLAN-Hardware. [10:44] <guestxxxx> 02:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 / AR9565 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) [10:50] <nagetier> guestxxxx, ich bin gerade auf dieser Seite.. (andere Distribution, nicht genau dein Chip) .. [10:50] <kubine> nagetier: Title: Bug #1040943 “Wireless -very- frequent disconnects in LinuxMint1...” : Bugs : Linux Mint (at [10:51] <nagetier> schau mal ob da fetzen von zu gebrauchen sind [10:52] <nagetier> guestxxxx, setzt ihr denn IPv6 ein? Wenn nicht, deaktiviere es. [10:53] <guestxxxx> ich denke v4 [10:53] <guestxxxx> wie macht man das am besten? [10:53] <nagetier> [10:53] <kubine> nagetier: Title: Tuning › Wiki › (at [11:47] <_thelion_> Schönen Tag an alle. Darf ich eine Frage stellen, bitte? [11:48] <k1l_> wenn es um ubuntu support geht, ja :) [11:48] <_thelion_> Seit dem Upgrade auf Kubuntu 15.04 startet Kontact nimmer. Das liegt - so weit ich das sehe - an einem Problem mit dem akonadi-server. [11:50] <_thelion_> Ich hab kontact über die Konsole gestartet und bekam eine lange Ausgabe - wo kann ich diese posten? Vielleicht hilft das weiter... [11:55] <nagetier> !paste > _thelion_ [11:55] <kubine> _thelion_: Nicht selbst geschriebener Text wird im IRC sehr unleserlich und unhandlich. Deshalb sollten mehr als 3 Zeilen immer in einen sogenannten Nopaste-Service wie z.B. abgelegt werden. Nach dem Speichern kannst du dann die URL der Seite kopieren und sie statt des Textes hier im Channel posten. [11:57] <_thelion_> kubine: okay - hier die URL: [12:29] <dadrc> _thelion_, hast du eine ~/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf? [12:31] <_thelion_> dadrc: ja ich hab eine mysql.conf in diesem Verzeichnis. [12:31] <dadrc> Pack die mal bitte in einen Pastebin [12:33] <_thelion_> dadrc: Bitte schön ... [12:33] <kubine> _thelion_: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [12:34] <dadrc> hmm, schade, der bug ists nicht. [12:35] <_thelion_> welchen Bug meinst du? [12:36] <dadrc> Gab vor längeren Zeiten mal einen Bug mit einer fehlerhaft benannten Variable, der genau zu deinem Fehlerbild geführt hat [12:36] <dadrc> [12:36] <kubine> dadrc: Title: Bug 319016 Akonadi fails to start with MySQL 5.6 due to use of deprecated system variable (at [12:36] <dadrc> Aber der ist es nicht. [12:38] <_thelion_> Okay. In einem Kubuntu-Forum gab es einen Rat, das System komplett neu zu installieren. Oder den akonadi-server neu zu installieren. [12:38] <dadrc> Ersteres kommt mir doch sehr übertrieben vor. [12:39] <_thelion_> Die erste Variante mag ich nicht, und die zweite hab ich versucht, mit der Meldung, dass Akonadi nicht läuft. [12:39] <_thelion_> Ach nein, ich hab akonadi neu starten wollen, da kam diese Meldung [12:40] <dadrc> _thelion_, du kannst mal versuchen, akonadi neu zu installieren, aber ich glaube nicht, dass das hilft. [12:42] <nagetier> bezieht sich die Meldung auch auf mysql? - "[Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option" [12:43] <dadrc> ja, ist aber nur eine Warnung [12:43] <nagetier> ahja, stimmt [12:46] <_thelion_> dadrc: ich hab diesen Befehl ausgeführt: sudo apt-get install --reinstall akonadi-server [12:46] <dadrc> und was kommt raus? [12:47] <_thelion_> Also das Paket wurde noch einmal korrekt installiert - aber Kontact läuft trotzdem nicht. [12:47] <dadrc> Joa, also wie zu erwarten [12:48] <dadrc> Ich würd mal behaupten, irgendwas an deiner alten Konfiguration stört [12:53] <_thelion_> Ich habe auch einen Test des akonadi-servers durchgeführt: [12:53] <kubine> _thelion_: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [13:05] <dadrc> joa, eindeutig der mysql-server, der nicht sauber startet [13:05] <dadrc> _thelion_, probierst du das mal mit einem gastnutzer? [13:07] <_thelion_> adarc: Als Gastnutzer den akonadi server starten? [13:08] <_thelion_> dadrc: ... sorry ... [13:14] <dadrc> _thelion_, einfach mal Kontact aufmachen [13:26] <_thelion_> dadrc: Hm, komisch ... da gibt's kein Gastkonto. In den Einstellungen kann ich aber eines hinzufügen, oder? [13:26] <dadrc> _thelion_, oder irgendeinen benutzer, hauptsache frische configs [13:27] <dadrc> also, kannst auch einfach einen neuen benutzer anlegen [13:31] <_thelion_> dadrc: Habe einen neuen Benutzer angelegt. Gute Neuigkeiten: dort kann ich Kontact starten! :) [13:32] <dadrc> Na, immerhin. Also ein Problem mit der Konfiguration, das kann man bestimmt irgendwie beheben. [13:33] <_thelion_> Würde es genügen, die Konfiguration vom neuen Benutzer in meinen eigenen zu importieren? Oder geht das gar nicht? [13:34] <dadrc> Das geht, aber ob es reicht, kann ich nicht sagen [13:35] <dadrc> Also: Vorher Backup deiner Konfiguration machen [13:35] <_thelion_> Hm, wie geht das? ... mache ich das erste Mal ... [13:35] <dadrc> Sollte in ~/.kde4/share/config/ liegen [13:36] <dadrc> Einfach mal alle Dateien von da sichern, dann mit den entsprechenden Dateien vom anderen Benutzer überschreiben [13:38] <_thelion_> So, die Config ist gesichert... [13:41] <_thelion_> ich habe diese Dateien im .kde - Ordner gefunden. Der neue Benutzer Gast hat einen .kde4-Ordner, der sich aber nicht öffnen lässt (wahrscheinlich nur mit Root-Rechten, oder? [13:43] <dadrc> Naja, zumindest darf dein normaler Nutzer da nicht ran, ja [13:43] <_thelion_> Ah, in meinem Home-Ordner gibt es einen .config-Ordner - den auch sichern? [13:44] <_thelion_> ~/.config/ [13:44] <dadrc> ja, mach mal. Weiß nicht genau, was KDE mit den Konfigurationsdateien anstellt. [13:44] <dadrc> Gibt's ~/.kde4 bei dir garnicht? [13:45] <_thelion_> Nein, da gibt es kein .kde4 - "nur" ein .kde [13:47] <dadrc> hmhm. [13:54] <dadrc> _thelion_, gibt's bei dir ~/.kde/share/config/? [13:54] <_thelion_> ja, das gibt's... [13:55] <_thelion_> und die Dateien von dort habe ich gesichert [13:56] <dadrc> gut, dann kopier mal die Dateien vom neuen Benutzer da rein [13:57] <_thelion_> d.h. die Dateienm [13:58] <_thelion_> sorry .. die Dateien über meine "alten" drüberschreiben / ersetzen? [13:59] <dadrc> ja [14:03] <_thelion_> okay - habe ich gemacht. [14:03] <_thelion_> mir war etwas mulmig dabei.... [14:04] <_thelion_> und jetzt neu starten? [14:04] <dadrc> kontact starten sollte reichen [14:11] <_thelion_> also das war keine gute Idee. Das hat nicht geklappt, ich werde wohl meine alte config-Dateien wieder zurückholen... [14:12] <dadrc> Ja, mach mal. [14:12] <dadrc> Dann startet der Server wohl tatsächlich aufgrund der vorhandenen Daten nicht :/ [14:14] <_thelion_> ja, wird wohl so sein [14:16] <_thelion_> Laut den Bug-Berichten bei Kubuntu ist das akonadi-Problem ein Bekanntes: [14:16] <kubine> _thelion_: Title: Bug #1437846 “akonadi mysql 5.6 crash with signal 11” : Bugs : mysql-5.6 package : Ubuntu (at [14:16] <_thelion_> ist mein Problem dieses...? [14:17] <dadrc> Klingt gut, probier mal [14:17] <kubine> dadrc: Title: Comment #11 : Bug #1437846 : Bugs : mysql-5.6 package : Ubuntu (at [14:18] <dadrc> Wenn das nicht hilft, [14:18] <kubine> dadrc: Title: Comment #20 : Bug #1437846 : Bugs : mysql-5.6 package : Ubuntu (at [14:18] <_thelion_> Okay, ich werde mir das merken. Danke für deine überaus freundliche und geduldige Hilfe. [14:18] <dadrc> Gerne [14:19] <_thelion_> ich gehe jetzt mit meiner Familie in die Stadt (Salzburg) und schaue am Abend wieder hier vorbei... [14:19] <_thelion_> Grüß Dich und noch ein schöner Tag... [14:40] <miracee> n'abend [14:40] <miracee> und nein, ich bin nur so hier, es gibt niemanden, den wir zu euch geschickt haben [14:46] <jules_> hallo, kurze frage, kann man in bios-einstellung die native auflösung von notebook ablesen? [14:48] <miracee> jules_: was genau hast Du vor? [14:49] <jules_> will irgendwo in bios notebook-auflösung herauslesen [14:50] <miracee> welches Bios ist das denn? [14:50] <babadubu> hallo, bitte hilfe,hab neu lubuntu14.04 bei ext.monitor1600x900 und kriegn ums verrecken nicht vom 1024x768 default weg [14:50] <jules_> PhoenixBios Setup [14:53] <miracee> jules_: hast Du mal einfach ins Bios geschaut, ob da was von Auflösung steht? Ich meine man kann die im Bios ändern (ging früher jedenfalls mal? [14:54] <jules_> ja ich habe geschaut, aber nur cpu und ram stehen da... okie. ich schaue weiter, danke., [14:54] <jules_> das soll mal geändert werden oder? cpu ram, aber keine native auflösung... [14:55] <jules_> und noch eine frage, bei neueren NOtebooks, kann man 2 Festplatten einbauen? [14:57] <babadubu> jules_: natuerlich [14:58] <jules_> okay, danke :-) [15:01] <babadubu> jules_: d.h. ein vorgeseher platz/slot fuer eine zweite hd sollte vorhanden sein [15:02] <LetoThe2nd> babadubu: jules_: ähm, ne. das kommt immer und vollständig aufs modell an. das einzige was hier hilft, ist spezifikation lesen [15:03] <babadubu> LetoThe2nd: jules_ is weg. und ja.klar. [15:07] <babadubu> bitte hilfe,hab neu lubuntu14.04. ext.monitor geht max. auf 1024x768 hat aber 1600x900. xorg.conf tweak hat res. kurz geändert - dann zurückgesprungen [15:09] <miracee> babadubu: hast Du ein dpkg-reconfigure gemacht? [15:10] <babadubu> miracee: nö, hab ich nicht. soll ich? [15:12] <miracee> babadubu: wenn Du die Auflösung ändern möchtest, wäre das ein Weg [15:13] <babadubu> miracee: ja, das ist der plan. sudo dpkg-reconfigure oder?? [15:14] <miracee> schau mal in die manage - auswendig weiss ich nicht, ob Du weitere Optionen brauchst - und ja, in jedenfalls sudo [15:26] <babadubu> miracee: bin jetz grad mit xorg und lxdm überfordert is halt ganz frisches lubuntu [15:48] <guestxxxx> moin,ich noch mal [15:49] <guestxxxx> habe nen neuen ansatz bezüglich meines wlan problems [15:49] <guestxxxx> hatte eben schon wieder nen ausfall [15:49] <guestxxxx> ist DHCP oder DNS auflösung schuld [15:50] <miracee> guestxxxx: was heisst oder? kannst Du IP-Adressen pingen? [15:51] <miracee> guestxxxx: ping [15:51] <miracee> wenn das geht, stellste als DNS Server ein [15:51] <guestxxxx> hatte versucht was mit chrome zu öffnen und der sagte mir eine fehlermeldung mit DNS und NO INTERNET [15:52] <guestxxxx> ich weiß nicht ob dhcp auch was mit DNS auflösung zu tun hat,oder nur IP vergabe macht [15:53] <miracee> guestxxxx: DHCP ist das Protokoll das für IP genutzt wird [15:54] <guestxxxx> also ist es nen DNS auflösungsproblem [15:54] <miracee> guestxxxx: DNS bedeutet Domain Name System - überall in der Welt stehen Nameserver die dafür sorgen, dass Domains IP Adressen zugeordnet werden [15:55] <miracee> guestxxxx: hast Du denn Internet? [15:55] <guestxxxx> nachdem ich die verbindung neugestartet habe ja [15:55] <miracee> guestxxxx: wenn Du rausgingen kannst, hast Du Netz und es könnte ein DNS Problem sein. In dem Fall könntest Du einfach einen anderen DNS Server konfigurieren [15:55] <miracee> guestxxxx: wenn Du nicht pingen kannst, ist es ein Netzproblem [15:56] <FliFlaFluffy> Hallo zusammen. Nach dem Upgrade von 14.10 zu 15.04 wollte der xserver nicht mehr. Also statt laaange irgendwie versuchen den zu fixen die cd gebrannt und 15.04 über das bestehende System installiert (nur /home nicht formatiert). Habe mein selben user angelegt aber das home encrypted, nun erhalte ich beim start die aufforderung das pw zum decrypten einzugeben und wenn ich rebooten will müsste ich [15:56] <guestxxxx> was stellt man eigentlich bei IPv4 ein für DHCP? automatisch, oder automatisch - nur adressen? [15:56] <FliFlaFluffy> mit dem systemd-cmd die passphrase eingeben, kann man das fixen oder muss ich alles von Grund neu installieren? [15:58] <FliFlaFluffy> guestxxxx: Ich gehe davon aus, Du hast einen Router Deines ISP's. Dann am einfachsten auf automatisch [15:59] <guestxxxx> router ist vorhanden [15:59] <guestxxxx> kann ich DNS server durch ; trennen? [16:00] <FliFlaFluffy> nimm Kommata -> , [16:00] <guestxxxx> und der 2. google dns war richtig? [16:01] <miracee> guestxxxx: DHCP - das D steht für dynamic ... wenn Du auf automatisch stellst, macht er DHCP sonst nicht [16:01] <FliFlaFluffy> guestxxxx: Ja$ [16:01] <miracee> guestxxxx: ich nehme immer [16:02] <guestxxxx> zu wem gehört der den miracee [16:02] <guestxxxx> ? [16:06] <FliFlaFluffy> guestxxxx: [16:06] <kubine> FliFlaFluffy: Title: The Story Behind a DNS Legend, ltd. (at [16:08] <guestxxxx> hab den mal hinzugefügt [16:08] <miracee> guestxxxx: ist doch egal, wem ein DNS Server gehört, Hauptsache er macht seinen Dienst :-) [16:08] <guestxxxx> kann ja nicht schaden nach den beiden google DNS servern [16:11] <guestxxxx> kann wer mit der fehlermeldung was anfangen? "Warning: nss-myhostname is not installed. Changing the local hostname might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!" [16:11] <ppq> ist zwar etwas offtopic, aber egal ist das nicht. die betreiber sind schließlich in der lage, das eigene surfverhalten ziemlich genau zu loggen. [16:11] <guestxxxx> ist im syslog aufgetaucht [16:13] <FliFlaFluffy> ppq: Mal abgesehen davon, dass dieser die Möglichkeit hat Dich auf nicht gewollte Server umzuleiten ... [16:13] <miracee> ppq: ja man sollte einen sichereren DNS wählen .... ich weiss
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "FliFlaFluffy", "LetoThe2nd", "_thelion_", "babadubu", "dadrc", "doc_gonzo", "geser", "guestxxxx", "jules_", "k1l_", "kubine", "miracee", "musca", "nagetier", "ppq", "rentier_", "stevieh" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[17:03] <nor> barbanegra andate a la concha de tu hermana [19:01] <barbanegra> sabor
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "barbanegra", "nor" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uy" }
[07:03] <rogpeppe1> uiteam: trying hard to work out how to configure my irc client again... :) [07:04] <mhilton> rogpeppe1, well you've got somewhere :) what do you want to know [07:05] <mhilton> rogpeppe1, please bear in mind I don't seem to be connecting to canonical either. [07:09] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: it's just working out where the right pop up box is buried. think i may be getting somewhere now. [07:10] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: i *thought* it was just a matter of working out where the right pop up box is buried... [07:10] <huwshimi> mhilton: I had to try to connect a couple of times before it worked. [07:10] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: but it appears that i can't connect even when i put in the right password [07:12] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: i've tried it with and without the text preceding the colon [07:13] <mhilton> rogpeppe1, mine isn't even getting that far now. I think I've been banned for dossing the server in some way. I'm going to try again later. [07:13] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: looks like i've finally got in [07:14] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: i got lots of connection failures and finally it worked [07:42] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: is frankban out today as well? [07:42] <mhilton> rogpeppe1, there's nothing on the calendar about it [07:42] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: guess i'm not gonna get that PR landed then... [08:05] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: still can't get it? [08:05] <rogpeppe1> s/it/in/ [08:06] <mhilton> rogpeppe1, I thought I'd let it cool down a bit, but I've just tried and not just yet. I'll leave it going for a bit and hopw [08:06] <mhilton> s/hopw/hope/ [08:09] <mhilton> rogpeppe1, I upgraded my machine over the weekend, most things were happy, but my juju local environement is not in a good state [08:10] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: you left it going? [08:10] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: what did you upgrade to? [08:11] <mhilton> rogpeppe1, I didn't leave it going deliberately, I more forgot it was going. I've upgraded to 15.04 vitriolic velocoraptor (or whatever it is) [08:12] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: ah, i think that uses systemd [08:12] <rogpeppe1> mhilton: so i'm not surprised [08:12] * rogpeppe1 likes vitriolic velociraptor [08:12] <rogpeppe1> as a name... [08:33] <mhilton> rogpeppe1, as a pet it wouldn't be so good. [11:02] <rogpeppe> mhilton: do you fancy chatting through some of the cyclic dependency issues? [11:03] <mhilton> rogpeppe: yeah why not, gogogo? [11:03] <rogpeppe> mhilton: gogogoing [11:22] <rick_h_> morning folks [11:22] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: mhilton any luck with irc? [11:22] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: it worked for me (eventually) [11:23] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: cool good to hear [11:24] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: mhilton are you all in the other channel? [11:24] <rick_h_> it feels quite alone in there unless I typo'd something [11:25] <mhilton> rick_h_: I just keep getting kicked off before it even tries to log in [11:26] <rick_h_> mhilton: what irc client? [11:26] <mhilton> rick_h_, gnome xchat2 I think [11:27] <rick_h_> mhilton: and the video isn't helping? /me didn't look at it but kept seeing it as the way to go [11:43] <mhilton> rick_h_: I followed the video, (although I think I have a different version) It has a good soundtrack. I think the server just decided I was DOSing it and has banned me. [11:47] <rick_h_> mhilton: how rude of it [12:30] <bac> morning [12:31] <rick_h_> morning bac [12:33] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: if you get a sec can you share my way the JEM api/etc doc please? [12:34] * mhilton lunches [12:35] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: this is as far as it got (still very much WIP) [12:35] * rogpeppe lunches too [12:36] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: rgr ty much [12:37] <rick_h_> bac: are you able to join the other channel? [12:38] <bac> rick_h_: yes, just got in [12:38] <rick_h_> ok, I must be in the wrong room then. [12:39] <rick_h_> empty for me atm [12:39] <bac> yep, there are about a dozen in our channel [12:39] <rick_h_> yea, I was off in no where land evidently [12:44] <jrwren> you found the hidden level [12:58] <rick_h_> uiteam I'm out to the airport, hopefully back by standup but don't wait up for me [12:59] <bac> jcsackett: ping [13:00] <jcsackett> bac: pong. [13:00] <bac> jcsackett: are you coming to the call? [13:00] <jcsackett> bac: i need the link. [13:00] <bac> jcsackett: on your calendar [14:12] <jcsackett> mhilton: hi. i understand you upgraded to vivid. are you doing your development work directly on your computer, or do you isolate it in vm/lxc/etc? [14:13] <mhilton> directly currently, when that doesn't work I tend to use Vagrant, why are there known issues? [14:13] <mhilton> jcsackett, ^ [14:15] <rogpeppe1> this is potentially interesting for stress-testing our APIs: [14:15] <jcsackett> mhilton: some the ppas etc for storefront don't work on vivid. i'm figuring out how much that blocks us. [14:17] <mhilton> jcsackett: If you want me to test anything for you just ask. [14:19] <jrwren> oh right, no nodejs for vivid in the ppa we use :( [17:14] <mhilton> uiteam: I'm finishing for the day, have a good evening [17:14] <rick_h_> mhilton: night
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bac", "huwshimi", "jcsackett", "jrwren", "mhilton", "rick_h_", "rogpeppe", "rogpeppe1" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-gui" }
[16:53] <Philip5> Flygisoft: gissa vem som köpte sig en htc m9 idag då?!?! :D [16:53] <Philip5> ska unboxa den strax
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Philip5" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-se" }
[12:08] <Tarrew> Hey, i just tried to install Kubuntu 15.04 in VMWare. However the screen stays black. Any solution for this issue? O_o [18:54] <decker-christian> Hello [18:56] <penguin42> hi [18:56] <decker-christian> I'm trying to help developing Ubuntu and will try triaging. [18:57] <penguin42> great! [18:58] <decker-christian> But I can't set the status to triage. I think that bug #1449188 has enough information to can be set to triaged. [18:58] * penguin42 looks [18:59] <penguin42> decker-christian: What I don't know is the 'silo 0' reference [19:00] <decker-christian> Oh. That's correct. Me neither. [19:47] <decker-christian> I try it again. Maybe #1448913 can be triaged. [19:51] * penguin42 looks [19:52] <penguin42> decker-christian: Well, it needs more information - and you can ask them for it; for example it doesn't list any versions of the fgrlx version, chrome, which graphics card they've got etc [19:58] <decker-christian> Thanks for helping me :). I will try to get better. [19:59] <penguin42> no problem [19:59] <penguin42> decker-christian: But please, do ask the questions [20:02] <decker-christian> Okay
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Tarrew", "decker-christian", "penguin42" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-bugs" }
[23:19] <plathrop> Can anyone here help me understand what is broken about my cloud-init config? It is super simple: [23:20] <plathrop> When I include this, the instance I spin up is completely inaccessible, even with the ec2 keypair
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "plathrop" ], "url": "", "channel": "#cloud-init" }
[03:07] <Inspire> Hello [03:08] <chilts> Inspire: there are people here who hang around usually [03:08] <chilts> is it something specific you're looking for or just a general hello? [03:08] <Inspire> Just a hello [03:08] <chilts> (public holiday in NZ today, so less people around or online) [03:09] <chilts> :) [03:09] <Inspire> Am trying out different linux distos... don't like unity so far. [03:10] <chilts> I use awesome as my window manager, but whilst it might not be for you, there are plenty of alternatives to Unity [03:10] <chilts> might be worth trying those out too (including Gnome if that's what you like or are used to) [03:10] <Inspire> awesome...ill have to uncle google that. [03:10] <chilts> I mean, don't let Unity put you off [03:10] <chilts> it's a tiling window manager, so it's very minimal [03:10] <Inspire> true [03:11] <Inspire> so you run awesome on top of ubuntu? [03:11] <chilts> I have used ion3, i3 or xmonad in the past [03:11] <chilts> awesome as my windown manager in Ubuntu (not really on top off - but that's just semantics) [03:11] <Inspire> ok [03:11] <chilts> many people like xfce as well [03:11] <chilts> and of course Gnome or KDE [03:11] <chilts> lots of choice :) [03:12] <Inspire> so hypothetically on awesome you could watch youtube...or a movie etc? [03:12] <chilts> yep [03:12] <chilts> not hypothetically ... I can :) [03:12] <chilts> am currently watching the snooker! [03:13] <chilts> (World Championships in the UK at the moment) [03:13] <Inspire> sweet [03:13] <Inspire> [03:13] <chilts> actually, tell a lie, I'm serving a static directory of mp4's to my local network and watching it on another laptop using mplayer on a bigger plugged-in screen (also running awesome) [03:14] <chilts> yeah, that's awesome :) [03:14] <Inspire> So I'm assuming you have deep knowledge when it comes to command line/linux [03:15] <Inspire> What year did you start using it? [03:15] <chilts> heh, not really ... a working knowledge or at least a passable knowledge [03:15] <chilts> using what? awesome or ubuntu or linux or what? [03:15] <Inspire> linux. [03:15] <chilts> or the command line? [03:15] <chilts> 2001 I think [03:15] <chilts> that was my first install, RedHat 7.2 or 6.1 or something [03:15] <chilts> perhaps it was Mandrake! [03:15] <chilts> nfi [03:16] <chilts> I went Linux-only (no Windows) in 2003 [03:17] <chilts> oh, I guess Mandrak is now called Mandriva or something - dunno, I don't keep up [03:17] <chilts> I just use Ubuntu LTS these days [03:17] <Inspire> so you dont use windows at all? [03:17] <Inspire> What do you do for a living? [03:17] <chilts> apart from my wife's computer, no [03:18] <chilts> programming / developer / whatever you want to call it these days :) [03:18] <Inspire> sweet [03:22] <Inspire> ur a kiwi [03:23] <chilts> originally from the UK [03:23] <chilts> you? [03:24] <Inspire> kiwi [03:25] <Inspire> Auckland? [03:25] <chilts> In Upper Hutt at the moment [19:25] <ibeardslee> morning [20:46] <ajmitch> morning [20:51] <ruenoak> morning [21:25] <hads> mornin [21:26] <ruenoak> morning [22:41] <olly> morning [23:47] <ruenoak> morning
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Inspire", "ajmitch", "chilts", "hads", "ibeardslee", "olly", "ruenoak" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nz" }
[16:32] <mdeslaur> \o [16:33] <tyhicks> hello [16:33] <tyhicks> #startmeeting [16:33] <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Apr 27 16:33:24 2015 UTC. The chair is tyhicks. Information about MeetBot at [16:33] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [16:33] <tyhicks> The meeting agenda can be found at: [16:33] <tyhicks> [LINK] [16:33] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Announcements [16:34] <tyhicks> Thanks to Rhonda D'Vine (rhonda) for help on security updates for the community supported wesnoth-1.10 last week. Your work is very much appreciated and will keep Ubuntu users secure. Great job! :) [16:34] <tyhicks> (LP: #1445688) [16:34] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report [16:35] <tyhicks> jdstrand is busy atm so we'll skip him for now [16:35] <tyhicks> he can jump in if he frees up [16:35] <tyhicks> mdeslaur: go ahead [16:35] <mdeslaur> I'm on community this week [16:35] <mdeslaur> Im currently sponsoring ffmpeg [16:35] <mdeslaur> tomorrow I have patch piloting duties [16:35] <mdeslaur> I just published a few updates, and I have a couple more to test [16:36] <mdeslaur> and I completely forgot about the openssl precise update that I started, which I'll look into again [16:36] <mdeslaur> that's about it form me, sbeattie? [16:36] <essembe> I'm on bug triage this week [16:36] <mdeslaur> essembe: INTRUDER! [16:36] <tyhicks> who's this guy [16:36] <essembe> oh bah [16:36] <sarnold> he looks shifty [16:36] <sbeattie> I'm on bug triage this week [16:37] <sbeattie> I'm finishing up preparing the trusty apparmor SRU, I just have a couple of snags I hit to smooth out. [16:38] <sbeattie> And then I'll switch to focusing on the gcc-pie work [16:38] <sbeattie> I need to look at tyhicks patchset to support systemd, so we can land that work when W opens [16:38] <sbeattie> that's pretty much it for me. tyhicks? [16:39] <tyhicks> mdeslaur: back to your openssl precise update - is that to enable tlsv1.2 by default for clients? [16:41] <tyhicks> I'm on CVE triage this week [16:41] <tyhicks> I have a short week and will be off Thursday and Friday [16:41] <tyhicks> I need to circle back to a number of things that were ignored during the ramp up to the Vivid release [16:42] <tyhicks> and I want to finish the kernel patches for AppArmor kernel keyring mediation [16:42] <tyhicks> it would be nice if I could get those patches out for review before Thursday but I'm not sure [16:42] <tyhicks> jjohansen: you're up [16:42] <mdeslaur> tyhicks: yes, that's it [16:42] <tyhicks> thanks [16:42] <jjohansen> I have a short week this week, I will be off Friday [16:43] <jjohansen> I have a couple backported CVE kernel fixes to look at and discuss with the kernel team [16:44] <jjohansen> I also have a couple more apparmor patches to get out to the kernel team, so we can get the fixes into the next round of kernels [16:44] <jjohansen> bug #1430546 [16:45] <jjohansen> being one of them (sorry I seem to have lost my browser tabs) [16:46] <tyhicks> no problem [16:46] <jjohansen> and then its back to the apparmor upstream cleanup. I plan to finish up with the domain transition cleanup/fixes this week (not that I didn't plan on finishing that bit last week :/) [16:47] <jjohansen> I think that is it from me sarnold you're up [16:47] <tyhicks> jjohansen: I noticed that a new AA kernel bug came in (LP: #1448912) [16:48] <jjohansen> tyhicks: oh I hadn't noticed that one, yet. I'll poke at that one too, this week [16:48] <tyhicks> thanks [16:49] <tyhicks> sarnold: go ahead :) [16:49] <sarnold> I'm in the happy place this week; I will be working more on openstack updates, and getting the hang of how the different openstack services work, etc. [16:50] <mdeslaur> sarnold: FYI, I think the updates in the ppa are now out of date, more CVEs came out in the meantime [16:50] <sarnold> I think I'll poke at the horizon service this week, and try to reproduce one of the issues on serverstack and try to find out if th e issue affects precise or not, and I'd love love love to get an update out the door, but .. thursdays always come so quickly [16:51] <sarnold> mdeslaur: yes, I think most of those updates are now stale :( [16:51] <tyhicks> getting an update out this week would be great since you're in the happy place [16:51] <tyhicks> it is always a little more difficult on cve triage weeks [16:51] <sarnold> yes [16:51] <sarnold> so very much yes :) [16:51] <tyhicks> sarnold: do you plan on updating the packages with the new fixes? [16:52] <sarnold> tyhicks: I can give it ashot, I haven't actually looked into the details of any of the fixed packages in the ppa, excepting the one horizon issue [16:52] <sarnold> .. nor the details of the subsequently discovered CVEs [16:52] <tyhicks> sarnold: ok, we'll discuss it more in a little bit [16:53] <sarnold> I may also do some apparmor patch reviews for distraction along the way [16:53] <sarnold> that's me, chrisccoulson? [16:53] <chrisccoulson> This week, I need to get chromium out [16:53] <chrisccoulson> I'll also be working through code reviews (my queue is quite large now) [16:54] <chrisccoulson> And I'm currently looking at a browser crash on the phone [16:54] <chrisccoulson> Other than that, it's business as usual (hopefully) [16:55] <tyhicks> thanks [16:55] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Highlighted packages [16:56] <tyhicks> The Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. [16:56] <tyhicks> See for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see [16:56] <tyhicks> [16:56] <tyhicks> [16:56] <tyhicks> [16:56] <tyhicks> [16:56] <tyhicks> [16:56] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions [16:56] <tyhicks> Does anyone have any other questions or items to discuss? [16:58] <tyhicks> mdeslaur, sbeattie, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson: Thanks! [16:58] <tyhicks> #endmeeting [16:58] <meetingology> Meeting ended Mon Apr 27 16:58:17 2015 UTC. [16:58] <meetingology> Minutes: [16:58] <sbeattie> tych0: thanks! [16:58] <jjohansen> thanks tyhicks [16:58] <mdeslaur> thanks tyhicks! [16:58] <sbeattie> double bah. [16:58] <sbeattie> tyhicks: thanks! [16:58] <sbeattie> tych0: sorry. [16:58] <sarnold> thanks tyhicks [19:01] <micahg> anyone here to discuss anything at the DMB meeting, if not, we'l reconvene in two weeks since there's nothing on the agenda for today [19:02] <bdmurray> micahg: have the previous action items been taken care of? [19:03] <micahg> well, the first one is still out there, the second is done, I just need to send a follow-up message, but my E-Mail client wasn't being helpful before the meeting, I'll send that today
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bdmurray", "chrisccoulson", "essembe", "jjohansen", "mdeslaur", "meetingology", "micahg", "sarnold", "sbeattie", "tyhicks" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-meeting" }
[20:23] <zied> Salem [20:23] <elacheche_anis> salam zied :) [20:24] <elacheche_anis> salam * [20:24] <zied> désole pour le retard [20:24] <elacheche_anis> pas de problème :) [20:25] <elacheche_anis> On essaie de faire le max d'ici à 22h :) et on termine demain soir vers 21h aussi.. ça marche? [20:26] <zied> ok inchallah [20:26] <elacheche_anis> Good :) [20:27] <elacheche_anis> Y a ni sameh ni naeil en ligne.. On commance sans eux.. Alors tu confirme que tu peux être parmi nous le jour j? [20:29] <zied> Oui inchallah Anis :) [20:31] <elacheche_anis> Great :) Tu veux animer quel workshop? → Tu sera la personne devant le datashow, et le reste des membres présents vont faire du support aux étudiants [20:32] <zied> :D [20:33] <elacheche_anis> c le cas de tout les workshops.. Un responsable et des assistants :) [20:33] <zied> je peux aider dans les 2 workshops [20:34] <zied> dans ce cas peux être le 4 sera mieux :) [20:34] <zied> La mise en place d'un serveur WEB → Installation et configuration d'un serveur web [20:35] <elacheche_anis> Pour la création des scenarios on va le faire tous ensemble.. durant la journée c'est à toi de nous guider :) C'est ce que j'ai pensé aussi → WEB :D [20:35] <elacheche_anis> Il faut juste noter que le workshop est orienté IT plus que Dev :) [20:36] <zied> exactement pratiquement chaque mois on installe un vm [20:37] <zied> Oui bien sure les problémes et les etapes d'installation [20:37] <elacheche_anis> Je pense qu'on doit nous concentrer sur la création des vhosts + le deploiement d'un site dans un environnement distant.. → J'ai pensé à Docker comme host.. LEs étudiants auront des accés ssh vers un docker installer chez l'un de nous, après c'est à eux d'installer et configurer l'env [20:38] <zied> Bonne idée, j'ai pas essayer de trvailler avec Docker [20:38] <zied> j'ai essayer avec vagrant [20:39] <zied> mais c'est l'occasion [20:39] <elacheche_anis> vagrant est cool aussi :) [20:39] <elacheche_anis> passons à un GDoc? pour mieux organiser nos idées? [20:40] <zied> tu es le chef d'orchestre [20:40] <zied> Oui ca sera mieux [20:40] <elacheche_anis> chui juste un coordinateur :) [20:41] <elacheche_anis> On ecrit un draft durant le 20min qui reste [20:42] <zied> Oui
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "elacheche_anis", "zied" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tn" }
[02:11] <bobFromUtah> needs a slight update with VV release [06:59] <mgedmin> I think word boundaries in gnome-terminal changed to no longer include ':' [07:00] <mgedmin> I can't copy links to the clipboard by double-clicking on them: the 'https:' bit gets cut off every time [08:37] <darkxst> mgedmin, that sounds like an upstream issue, don't know if it was intentional though [10:05] <x-Na> Hi, just upgraded to 15.04 and Gnome 3.16, I noticed that lock screen keyboard shortcut does not work, tried Super + L, Ctrl + Alt + L, but no [10:05] <x-Na> From the menu I can lock the screen, but it's just a bit annoying to do it with mouse [12:25] <mgedmin> x-Na, there's a known bug where performing a virtual console switch (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F1) makes gnome-system-daemon hang and it stops responding to many shortcut keys, one of which is screen locking [12:26] <mgedmin> / [12:26] <mgedmin> [12:26] <mgedmin> (augh gnome-terminal augh!) [12:26] <mgedmin> x-Na, could this be your bug? [12:51] <x-Na> Yeah, I actually did change vt's as we have multiple users for the computer [12:51] <x-Na> Annoying bug, worked with 3.14, though [13:22] <x-Na> Is there a bug report on that gnome-system-daemon bug? [14:05] <mgedmin> x-Na, [17:50] <damascene> Hi, I have this problem that is really annoying. I have 3 languages to switch between. when I installed ubuntu-gnome trouble started to show. every time language switching keyboard shortcuts stop working after a while. [17:51] <damascene> I'll have to switch it manually from the the upper section. I've +20 post about this but couldn't figure how to fix it or at least to figure out what the problem really is. could you please help me? [17:52] <damascene> * I've read [17:56] <damascene> GNOME Shell 3.12.2 [17:57] <damascene> Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS [21:04] <lesterpig_> Hi! I would like to translate the release notes in French, but I cannot edit any page. Should I create a temporary page for that purpose? Thx!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bobFromUtah", "damascene", "darkxst", "lesterpig_", "mgedmin", "x-Na" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[07:23] <kevinde> How do you guys update your server kernel without rebooting? [07:23] <kevinde> Or is that not possible [07:23] <genii> There is ksplice but not widely used [07:23] <genii> !info ksplice [07:24] <kevinde> Do you have any idea if there's any side effects doing this compared to a full reboot, [07:24] <kevinde> Will take a look at ksplice [08:09] <OpenTokix> pmatulis: Research about what? [09:36] <braderhart> [09:51] <Sling> in 4.0 ye :) [10:29] <lordievader> Good afternoon [11:17] <halvors> Hi! I'm trying to lease a prefix from my service provider using "dibbler-client". When i start it i just get a segfault. [11:19] <halvors> I know there is a newer release of it where this bug seems to be fixed. But when are the ubuntu maintainers going to update the package from the currently very unstable 1.0.0RC release? This bug report have been inactive for a year... [11:20] <halvors> [11:58] <YamakasY> hi guys [11:58] <YamakasY> what is this happening on Ubuntu 14.04 every time ? percona-xtradb-cluster-server-5.6 : Depends: percona-xtrabackup (>= 2.2.5) but 2.1.8-1 is to be installed [12:05] <lordievader> PPA? [12:06] <teward> YamakasY: do you have any PPAs enabled? [12:32] <YamakasY> teward: nope, but should I ? [12:32] <YamakasY> I have the percona repos [12:32] <YamakasY> lordievader: ^^ [12:32] * YamakasY was doing some dishes :D [12:33] <lordievader> teward: What is the output of 'apt-cache policy percona-xtradb-cluster-server-5.6 percona-xtrabackup'? [12:34] <YamakasY> lordievader: that would be me ;) [12:35] <lordievader> Err, yes. [12:35] <YamakasY> lordievader: hehe [12:35] <teward> lordievader: failping :p [12:35] <YamakasY> my internal repo is higher, so the ubuntu mirror [12:35] <YamakasY> lordievader: needs some coffee :D [12:35] <lordievader> YamakasY: May I see the output? [12:37] <YamakasY> lordievader: what do you pay for it ? :P [12:38] <YamakasY> [12:38] <lordievader> I don't, you do ;) [12:38] <YamakasY> hehe [12:38] <lordievader> But to answer your question, different sources. [12:39] <lordievader> It tries the pull package A from repo.percona and package B from mirror.domain. [12:39] <YamakasY> yap as local is higer [12:39] <YamakasY> higher [13:05] <YamakasY> merci lordievader and teward [13:44] <teward> is there a way to wipe out mysql server and redo it from scratch on a given system (my laptop)? [13:44] <teward> is it just a purge of the mysql-server packages and a reinstall? [13:46] <jpds> teward: Yep. [13:49] <YamakasY> teward: I would remove /etc/mysql and /var/lib/mysql also [13:49] <teward> YamakasY: shouldn't an apt-get purge do that? [13:52] <YamakasY> teward: not for /etc/mysql [13:54] <teward> ok thanks [13:56] <teward> well apparently it's not working right... it can't start after installing now [14:24] <teward> YamakasY: apparently removing /etc/mysql will break everything, such that you have to remove all mysql components with purge then reinstall. Then you have to beat the configuration for server until it works. Might just nuke /var/lib/mysql next time. [14:25] <OpenTokix> teward: What are you trying to accomplish by abuseing your server? [14:25] <OpenTokix> teward: read backlog [14:26] <OpenTokix> teward: yes it is, purge will do that [14:27] <teward> OpenTokix: it's not abuse - it's in a VM :P [14:27] <teward> trying to reset the mysql database to factory settings :P [14:27] <teward> databases* [14:27] <YamakasY> teward: no, purge and than remove :) [14:27] <teward> which i did, still exploded [14:28] <YamakasY> OpenTokix: no purge will leave /etc/mysql [14:28] <YamakasY> can't I do this on daily base and doing now atm also [14:28] <teward> meh fixed now [15:45] <delinquentme> so /mnt is chownd to a group ... a user in that group however .. cant make a directory in /mnt/ without sudo [15:45] <delinquentme> why [15:45] <delinquentme> ? [15:47] <jrwren> because the directory does not have group write privileges [15:58] <arcsky> Questions guys, i have done apt-get remove syslog-ng. after i did updatedb and locate syslog-ng and files are left. how can i clean them? [15:58] <patdk-wk> apt-get purge [16:05] <arcsky> patdk-wk: its still there [17:32] <harushimo> for the server side, is there a specific partitioning scheme I should use compared to the desktop? [17:35] <sarnold> it's common to have different filesystems for / /boot /home /var /tmp on servers, to make it more difficult for users to fill important filesystems or make cross-filesystem hardlinks, etc. [17:36] <sarnold> but feel free to partition however you wish, if you dn't want to deal with /boot filling up before the autoprune feature removes older kernels, I'd understand ) [17:37] <jrwren> and if you don't have multiple users you likely don't care about them filling a filesystem, so maybe not a need for separate /home [17:37] <harushimo> sarnold: that is the answering I'm looking for [17:37] <jrwren> its really up to you. [17:38] <harushimo> I'm typically follow / /boot /home swap [17:38] <harushimo> that is how I set it up on the desktop version [17:38] <vonsyd0w> what is the purpose of the server? That'll help you decide how you may want to partition it up? [17:39] <harushimo> I want to install openstack because I want to be able to run cloud foundry [17:39] <harushimo> in order to run it, you need to setup qemu, open stack and then install cloud foundry [17:39] <harushimo> that is why I'm using ubuntu server [17:39] <harushimo> plus, understand the server side too [17:39] <vonsyd0w> for example mysql dbs are stored in /var/lib/mysql. you may want to make that partition larger than others [17:40] <harushimo> right [17:40] <vonsyd0w> I'm not too familiar with openstack, but kvm stores images in /var/lib/images i think, so that could be a partition. Thats how I'd think of it [17:40] <harushimo> right [18:07] <Blueking> net drops out every day at very same time, 19.49 and has been so for 7 days... verified that it occurs on wan side of router (pc with ubuntu server 14.04 and shorewall) any idea how to debug this.. can't see anything in logs [18:11] <devster31> cron job? [18:12] <sarnold> automatic sprinkler system soaking your internet connection? [18:23] <Blueking> devster31 how would cron job cause it ? [18:24] <devster31> I don't know, I don't know what cron jobs you have, I suggested it simply because you said exactly at 19:49 every day for 7 days, seems pretty specific and consistent with a cron job [18:28] <Blueking> devster31 can't see anything suspicious in /var/log/ files [18:28] <devster31> then I have no ida [18:28] <devster31> idea [18:45] <gewt> i upgrade to 14.04.2 or whatever with the do-release upgrade [18:45] <gewt> now my bridge comes up but no packets flow [18:45] <gewt> possible causes? [18:49] <gewt> oh, no network interfaces work period! [18:50] <Sling> you first need to feed us details before we do tricks [18:51] <gewt> oh good. looks like a virtio-net bug [18:54] <gewt> disregard [18:57] <gewt> sorry - Monday here. ;) [18:59] <j^2> Hi! i’m trying to get merged due to a regression we found. cc zul, jamespage or coreyb any advice? [19:15] <Sling> hm in bash reverse-search mode, how do you 'reset' ? [19:16] <Pici> Sling: delete? [19:17] <Sling> and ofc im on a macbook :p [19:17] <Sling> damn you apple [19:39] <devster31> is anyone using gosu as a standard sudo replacement? [19:51] <davegarath> Hi all. I've configured my ubuntu for routing /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward = 1; masquerading in post routing -o eth0.. I'm tunneled into it and I've configured my route to use this gw. but it not works :/ what I'm wrong ? [19:57] <davegarath> [20:00] <davegarath> I'm an idiot! for testing purpose I've configured filter FORWARD policy to DROP [20:01] <davegarath> Some day ago [20:01] <sarnold> woo :) I'm glad you found it, the pastebin looked alright.. [20:18] <jamespage> j^2, is there a bug report for that? [20:18] * jamespage looks [20:18] <j^2> jamespage: honestly dunno, it was brought up via the openstack-chef project [20:18] <jamespage> j^2, [20:18] <j^2> yep [20:19] <j^2> that’s it [20:19] <j^2> looks like it’s linked too jamespage [20:20] <arcsky> Good evening, can't you guys please help me. I have no logging to my messeags/syslog file. I have rsyslog running. [20:21] <jamespage> j^2, ok - taking a look now [20:21] <j^2> jamespage: thanks! [20:21] <jamespage> j^2, as vivid has now released, will probably deliver list alongside the stable update to kilo release later this week [20:21] <jamespage> list/this [20:22] <j^2> jamespage: no worries, i just want to make sure it’s in the pipeline and i haddent missed anything [20:22] <jamespage> j^2, I think that changelog was a bit inaccurate :-( [20:22] <j^2> which one? [20:44] <jamespage> j^2: I don't think the update to the was ever actually made - reapplying now [20:44] <j^2> jamespage: heh, lovely. Thanks for looking into this :) [20:50] <jamespage> j^2, no problem [20:54] <j^2> jamespage: nice thanks!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Blueking", "OpenTokix", "Pici", "Sling", "YamakasY", "arcsky", "braderhart", "davegarath", "delinquentme", "devster31", "genii", "gewt", "halvors", "harushimo", "j^2", "jamespage", "jpds", "jrwren", "kevinde", "lordievader", "patdk-wk", "sarnold", "teward", "vonsyd0w" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[08:27] <Mirv> sil2100: read up my latest comment at 1421009 so you're up-to-date [08:28] <sil2100> Mirv: on it! [09:04] <sil2100> pete-woods1: ping [09:14] <pete-woods1> sil2100: hi [09:14] <sil2100> pete-woods1: as per the poke on -unity ;) [11:19] * sil2100 jumps out to the grocery store for a moment [12:01] <Mirv> sil2100: btw funny CI Train at the silo 007 since the PPA previously contained my self built revert, now it bumped on that.. but it should be ok for testing [12:51] <Mirv> vila: do you have a free device (arale the best, others fine too) to run the bootloop test on with a specific PPA added/upgraded? [12:52] <vila> Mirv: I've got an arale I can use for that yes [12:52] <vila> Mirv: adding a PPA shouldn't be an issue, which one is it ? [12:56] <Mirv> vila: messaging [12:57] <Mirv> sil2100: ^ I'm getting vila to do sort of parallel testing with another set of changes. me and you would be testing the current "system bus only" libusermetrics change from pete-woods, while vila would be testing also my additional "do the same for session bus" [13:28] <sil2100> Mirv: ACK! Just doing one test for caio and then I'll switch to testing [13:37] <chrisccoulson> Do we get proper crash reports from the packages in ? [13:59] <sil2100> Mirv: btw. don't we need the unity8 binaries built as well? [13:59] <Mirv> sil2100: in another PPA, but since it failed to build I started testing with libusermetrics only [14:00] <Mirv> sil2100: I've three PPA:s for now, but I'd like you to start testing the same 007 I'm testing [14:00] <sil2100> Mirv: the testcase as in the bug description? [14:00] <Mirv> sil2100: yeah, except you don't install the libusermetrics debug symbols as they are wrong version [14:08] <sil2100> Mirv: testing [14:10] <pmcgowan> jibel, sil2100 I assume you guys are able to check some rtm hotfixes now, seems so [14:10] <sil2100> pmcgowan: yes, that was our plan today - QA is signing off RTM silos today [14:11] <sil2100> We also have a few new clicks that need sign-off [14:11] <pmcgowan> great [14:20] <sil2100> Mirv: were you able to reproduce the issue on your side? Looks fine so far here, but I'm only past 14 loops [14:21] <Mirv> sil2100: just a sec [14:23] <Mirv> sil2100: <- 3 PPA:s at the moment. we're testing 007, vila is testing qt5-proper, no-one is yet testing 010 but it'd be ready for testing [14:23] <Mirv> sil2100: and then, yes, I'm currently at 105 reboots without hangs on 007 only [14:24] <sil2100> Mirv: wooohoo! Ok, let me check if I can get to around 50 loops without a hang [14:25] <Mirv> sil2100: yes this is sounding good but I'm more pessimistic this time since I was too optimistic on Friday :) [14:33] <Mirv> sil2100: so 1. validate 007, 2. reconfigure + rebuild 007 to pick pete's other changes that are probably for the good. also, fix CI Train / silo to not pick up "is.really." version number 3. revalidate 007, 4. ship! [14:34] <rvr> sil2100: A card for Vivid has appeared, silo 29 [14:34] <Mirv> sil2100: if we can do with libusermetrics change only, we probably want just that, since changing unity8 broke some of its tests and even though the tests can be fixed (probably the tests themselves are now slightly wrong), it's a bigger shipment than just upgrading libusermetrics [14:40] <rvr> pmcgowan: We have been/are checking RTM silos today. [14:41] <sil2100> rvr: I'll look into that in a moment [14:42] <pmcgowan> rvr, good, did you work out the nuntium one, seems that fixes the mms not working race on startup [14:42] <rvr> pmcgowan: I'll take it after I finish the one I'm testing at the moment [14:44] <rvr> bfiller: Silo 5 (rtm) approved. [14:45] <rvr> Hmm.. that one requires MMS [14:50] <sil2100> Mirv: I'm really optimistic about this fix now ;) [14:53] <bfiller> rvr: thanks [15:03] <vila> Mirv, sil2100 : Reboot with reboot_mark-32, next target: 100 ;) [15:05] <sil2100> Mirv, vila: 84 loops passed and NO HANG! :O [15:06] <sil2100> pmcgowan: tvoss's proposition seems to help with the unity8 blocker ;) [15:07] <vila> sil2100: At worst, that bug felt Mirv's wrath and is now hiding... :) [15:07] <sil2100> We're still testing, but Mirv has +100 loops without a hang and I have +80 [15:07] <sil2100> vila: hah ;) That cowardice bug! [15:08] <davmor2> vila: hahaha Mirv has no wrath he is mr nice guy, more likely his cats started chasing it and the bug ran out of puff :) [15:08] <Mirv> sil2100: vila \o/ sounds good [15:09] <vila> davmor2: Praise to Mirv's cats still directed to Mirv who sees :) [15:11] <pmcgowan> sil2100, awesome, thanks for the schedule that looks good to me [15:13] <om26er_> boiko, Hi! [15:13] <om26er_> boiko, re: [15:13] <om26er_> boiko, If I am not wrong, the real code change is only one line ? All rest is for testing ? [15:15] <sil2100> Mirv: how much more runs do you think we need to triple-confirm it as working? ;) [15:16] <boiko> om26er_: right, the fix is just the lines 8 and 9 on that diff, the rest is all testing [15:17] <boiko> om26er_: I have backported the test changes I did to dialer to rtm, cause they make the tests more stable [15:19] <john-mcaleely> sil2100, any news on the vivid krillin tarball from a couple of days ago? did it get QA time? [15:19] <john-mcaleely> (it's not urgent, just curious) [15:19] <sil2100> john-mcaleely: sadly :< I didn't hear it being tested yet, now QA is busy with RTM silo testing (for 14.09) [15:19] <jibel> john-mcaleely, it's in the queue, but not tested yet [15:20] <john-mcaleely> jibel, sil2100 ack. thanks! [15:22] <vila> Mirv, sil2100: Reboot with reboot_mark-60, twice as much as original test, still no hang [15:22] <sil2100> vila: awesome :) [15:22] <sil2100> vila: ...that's with the fix, right? [15:24] <vila> sil2100: AFAIU, yes, setup as per Mirv instructions ;) i.e. tq5-proper PPA [15:24] <vila> qt5-proper even [15:33] <sil2100> ogra_, popey, jibel, davmor2, rvr, robru: no evening meeting today, we all know what to do - I'll just give you guys a sign once we have a final confirmation the workaround for the unity8 bug works 100% [15:33] <rvr> sil2100: Ack [15:33] <ogra_> sil2100, well, i'm kind of out of touch this week anyway ... [15:33] <Mirv> sil2100: I think it's starting to be ok. vila was testing the option 2. we don't need options 2 or 3 if option 1 (silo 007) is enough [15:33] <ogra_> being in an awkward TZ for the LT meetings [15:34] <sil2100> Mirv: I think I'm way past 100 boots and it's all good, I really love this thing [15:34] <Mirv> sil2100: so do you think I should now reconfigure + recompile 007 to get pete-woods's other changes, so we can revalidate? or do you think you'd want to go ahead faster and use just his first version [15:34] <sil2100> Mirv: hmmm [15:34] <sil2100> We anyway need to rebuild the silo [15:34] <davmor2> sil2100: is the answer to beat the cancelator into submission? [15:35] <charles> renatu, I re-ran my silo 8 indicator tests on mako r183 & updated the spreadsheet [15:35] <Mirv> sil2100: right. what needs to be done to get rid of the CI Train's .is.really version number? [15:35] <sil2100> So I guess you can pull pete-woods's new changes and rebuild, I can re-test it [15:35] <sil2100> Mirv: hmmm, I think you'd have to change the version number in the changelog [15:35] <charles> renatu, also annotated the spreadsheet showing how to test the feature w/o client app support for it yet (eg clock-app) [15:36] <Mirv> sil2100: or maybe simply switch to another PPA? I mean, the version number is there only because of my morning's manual upload the PPA when I was testing the revert option [15:36] <sil2100> Mirv: I think it's actually a bug that it didn't modify it to a normal version [15:36] <Mirv> yes it is probably [15:36] <sil2100> Ah [15:36] <sil2100> I guess another PPA is fine too :) [15:36] <Mirv> ok, switching [15:37] <sil2100> Mirv: if that's not too much of a problem for you of course [15:37] <sil2100> Thanks! :) [15:37] <sil2100> Ok, I temporarily finish testing and wait for the silo rebuild [15:37] <Mirv> no, I've done it many times, just removing the id from spreadsheet, prepare-silo, manually free the old one [15:37] <sil2100> Since the popping up nautilus windows start to piss me off ;) [15:37] <Mirv> ha ha, that's indeed annoying :) [15:41] <jibel> sil2100, you can disable it with: gsettings set automount-open false [15:41] <sil2100> jibel: you're a life-saver [15:49] <popey> sil2100: okay, we have problems with the calculator fixes so that won't happen today. [15:49] <sil2100> popey: ACK [15:51] <davmor2> sil2100: or just right click the nautilus launcher every now and then and click on quit :) [16:03] <vila> Mirv, sil2100: Reboot with reboot_mark-120. Is that enough ? [16:03] <Mirv> vila: that's enough! if you have time, you could clean that up and next try PPA 017 what we need to revalidate next :) [16:03] <Mirv> vila: but me and sil2100 are going to run the 017 now anyway on mako + arale [16:04] <vila> Mirv: ack [16:08] <Mirv> sil2100: silo 017 claims to be ready+published, start your engines! just make sure you get 1.1.1+15.04.20150427-0ubuntu1 [16:08] <sil2100> Mirv: aye! In a moment I'll start testing :) [16:08] * Mirv leaves mako running and goes to other duties, back later [16:09] <rvr> boiko: Is there any way to test this? [16:19] <om26er_> popey, Hi! [16:19] <sil2100> Mirv: packages installed, starting the test suites after a reboot! [16:19] <om26er_> popey, do you have the bug numbers for the fixed issues in reminders ? [16:21] <popey> hi om26er_ [16:22] <popey> om26er_: you didn't file bugs, you left a note in trello, we based the fixes off that, and the feedback about translations from rvr [16:23] <popey> om26er_: bug 1442614 [16:23] <popey> the others were known, not regressions [16:24] <om26er_> popey, hmm, ok. Do you know if any progress was made on the hanging issue ? [16:25] <popey> bug 1442034 ? - no, but it's been known for a while. [16:37] <om26er_> popey, found another regression: bug 1449130 [16:40] <popey> hmmm [16:40] <popey> thanks for the bug. [16:40] <om26er_> popey, sure. totally offtopic, who can I contact for reminders-app autopilot failures ? [16:41] <popey> om26er_: bugs should be filed for failures in ap tests [16:41] <om26er_> popey, I did report a bug but got no response there [16:42] <popey> we have a lot of AP related bugs across the board, and few people working on them [16:42] <om26er_> [16:45] <elopio> ping cihelp: have you seen something like this? [16:45] <elopio> the run times out after running one autopilot test. [16:46] <popey> confirmed that bug with entering text om26er_ thanks :( [16:46] <popey> same bug as entering body text [16:46] <popey> mzanetti__: ^ [16:47] <elopio> cihelp: unping, I think I was able to reproduce it. [16:55] <om26er_> popey, well its click so its not really required to be in the image, we can provide an update later :) [16:55] <popey> it is in the image [16:55] <popey> oh you mean the tests aren't? [16:57] <sil2100> Mirv: whoops, my boot-loop just broke, but not on the unity8 part ;p Simply my arale stopped on the loading screen and hanged ;p [16:57] <sil2100> Doesn't seem related, adb didn't even start [16:57] <sil2100> So seems unrelated [16:57] <rvr> boiko doesn't want his silo to land [16:57] <Mirv> sil2100: :P well, try to recover from it and continue. I'm at 37 now and will be checking back once again in 1h or so. mako is much slower than arale. [16:58] <boiko> rvr: at a sprint in austin, barely looking at the computer this morning, sorry [16:58] <om26er_> popey, I am blocking the reminders silo. [16:58] <Mirv> sil2100: then if it's still ok, let's put it to QA still today [16:58] <rvr> boiko: Is there any way to test 1439566? [16:58] <rvr> boiko: Or someone I can ask [16:59] * boiko opens the bug [17:00] <boiko> rvr: so, this one is really really hard to reproduce in the real scenario, so we have been simulate some problems and making sure the script corrects them [17:01] <popey> om26er_: ok [17:01] <boiko> rvr: let me list some instructions for you on how to put the system into inconsistent states that should be fixed, just a sec [17:09] <sil2100> Mirv: yeah, restarted my phone and it's fine ;) I'm pretty sure it was unrelated, since otherwise I would at least have adb access [17:09] <boiko> rvr: [17:09] <boiko> rvr: please let me know if you need more clarification on the test cases [17:10] <rvr> boiko: Reading [17:10] <boiko> rvr: so, for each of those test cases, rebooting the phone should get the accounts into the correct state again [17:10] <rvr> boiko: Ack [17:12] <sil2100> robru: hey! Do you know if we have the integration meeting today? [17:18] <sil2100> o/ [17:18] <sil2100> hmmm [17:19] <sil2100> pmcgowan: just do double confirm - we still want silo 6 in the RC image, right? ^ [17:20] <mzanetti__> popey, wat? [17:20] <robru> sil2100: I don't think so, steve is in malta [17:20] <popey> mzanetti__: i asked qa to look at reminders. we have a similar input / osk bug with the title :) [17:20] <mzanetti__> oh come on :D [17:20] <popey> mzanetti__: if you don't press space after a word, it swallows it [17:20] <mzanetti__> can't be [17:21] <popey> ya [17:21] <popey> confirmed it [17:21] <mzanetti__> with the new editor, that is? [17:22] <mzanetti__> popey, confirmed... reading the code I see it happen now [17:23] <popey> yeah [17:24] <pmcgowan> sil2100, yes silo 6 fixes the race preventing mms working [17:25] <davmor2> sil2100: silo006 was in the original list of silos to land it's just everyone in the US picked it up first and couldn't make their MMS config work so I just tested it :) [17:25] <sil2100> Just wanted to double-confirm ;) [17:28] <sil2100> robru: ok then, let's skip it for now then and just continue pushing on the replacement ;) [17:29] <mzanetti__> popey, please test this one: [17:29] <popey> haha [17:29] <popey> ok [17:30] <popey> love your merge names [17:37] <robru> sil2100: yep, working on it [17:47] <sil2100> Mirv: it's still looping here, I suppose this might mean we can ask QA for help in signing it off [17:56] <sil2100> Mirv: 127 successful loops, I officially say it's working [17:57] <sil2100> Mirv: how is it on your end? Is it ok? Can we hand it off to QA? [17:57] * sil2100 stops his tests [18:02] <Mirv> sil2100: yeah, I'm at 82 with mako [18:03] <Mirv> sil2100: I marked it now for QA sign-off. I earlier also tested some simple usermetrics in general (took a couple of photos, then checked the lock screen) [18:07] <Mirv> updated the test plan too (test case + libusermetrics general test plan) [18:11] <jibel> ops-team: ^ it's priority whenever someone is available. [18:12] <om26er_> jibel, Mirv I'll take. [18:13] * Mirv stops the test at 90 reboots [18:13] * jibel thinks that Mirv should continue to 100 [18:14] * Mirv doable, while preparing to go to bed :) [18:14] <Mirv> 100 is a nice, round number [18:22] <sil2100> \o/ [18:23] <sil2100> I'd be soo happy if the fix passes QA [18:25] <jibel> yay, 1 silo left for rtm :) [18:25] <sil2100> \o/ [18:26] <sil2100> Another reason to be happy ;) [18:26] <jibel> sil2100, will you be around to kick a new build so we can start sanity tests during the night [18:26] <jibel> ? [18:26] <sil2100> jibel: sure, I'll be around [18:26] <sil2100> I mean, I'll AFK for a while and be back in a few hours [18:27] * Mirv stops at >100 and shuts down [18:28] <sil2100> Mirv: thanks for everything and good night! :) [18:29] * sil2100 afks for a bit [18:29] <Mirv> sil2100: thanks to you for test parallizing :) [18:58] <robru> mterry: kenvandine_ anybody around for a packaging ack? thx [18:59] <mterry> robru, looks fine [18:59] <robru> mterry: thanks [19:35] <pmcgowan> sil2100, cwayne should have a custom tarball for us soon [19:35] <sil2100> pmcgowan: for the vivid RC? [19:39] <pmcgowan> sil2100, yes to include the wizard plugin [19:40] <sil2100> Yeah, thought so - excellent news [19:40] <sil2100> This would mean that in the best case QA can even start testing today [19:40] <pmcgowan> just media hub left [19:40] <pmcgowan> yep [19:52] <cwayne_> pmcgowan, sil2100 it's on capomastro :) [19:53] <sil2100> cwayne_: \o/ [19:53] <sil2100> So we just wait for the remaining bits, kick a new rootfs and our RC image is ready [20:01] <pmcgowan> sil2100, not sure media hub will be ready today, will check rsalveti [20:02] <sil2100> In the worst case, we can anyway build an image and then have media-tests re-ran if anything [20:12] <rsalveti> sil2100: it needs to be [20:12] <rsalveti> :-) [20:12] <rsalveti> we're working on it [20:50] <robru> sil2100: Mirv: ^ what's the scoop there? I thought vivid was closed? [20:51] <sil2100> robru: that's a blocker fix :) [20:51] <robru> sil2100: want me to publish it then? [20:51] <sil2100> robru: you can publish that - it's the fix for the Unity8 hang-on-boot that was blocking the RC [20:51] <sil2100> We were finally able to find a fix thanks to tvoss :) [20:53] <robru> sil2100: ugh, I published it to vivid [20:53] <sil2100> Ouch, Timo didn't set the overlay PPA [20:53] <sil2100> No worries ;) Happens all the time ;p [20:53] <ogra_> vivid is closed ... it will jjust hit a wall :) [20:53] <sil2100> robru: just ./copy-package from the silo PPA to the overlay PPA and merge and free the silo [20:54] <sil2100> robru: then we can poke the release team to drop the package from -proposed [20:55] <robru> sil2100: ok it's in the overlay now. Not sure, maybe I was quick enough that it didn't get copied to -proposed yet [20:56] <robru> apparently not [20:57] <robru> lol [20:57] <sil2100> Phew [21:17] <ogra_> sil2100, will you do interim image builds once the silos fully landed ? [21:19] <cwayne_> sil2100, btw, what happened with that scope-favoriting bugfix, was it ever landed? [21:22] <rsalveti> ogra_: sil2100: would nice to have a silo-changes mailing list or similar [21:22] <rsalveti> is that even possible? [21:22] <ogra_> well, at least a ML for the overlay-ppa [21:23] <ogra_> but i guess that would have to be an externnal watcher or some such [21:24] <rsalveti> right [21:25] <ogra_> if you look at the top right at ... there is such a list [21:25] <ogra_> probably we could ask it to be extended to like 10-20 lines [22:39] <sil2100> rsalveti: how's the media-hub fix going? [22:39] <rsalveti> sil2100: silo just finished building, we're testing it as we speak [22:39] <sil2100> rsalveti: excellent [22:39] <rsalveti> sil2100: should have more news in <30min [22:40] <sil2100> Ok, then I should still be around to hear those, AFK now for ~30 mins then [23:10] <ogra_> sil2100, yo [23:11] <ogra_> sil2100, we might need to seed network-manager-openvpn additionally to the openvpn i added on friday ... [23:28] <sil2100> ogra_: hm, is that required to actually setup a VPN connection? [23:29] <sil2100> rsalveti: I suppose testing might take some more time, right? + QA would have to sign it off anyway [23:29] <rsalveti> sil2100: yeah, we should be done soon, but then we indeed need to sync with QA [23:29] <rsalveti> maybe ToyKeeper can help us [23:30] <rsalveti> sil2100: once that is in, should we just trigger a new image? [23:30] <ToyKeeper> Hmm? [23:30] <sil2100> rsalveti: will you be around for that to happen? :) [23:30] <rsalveti> ToyKeeper: we have just one pending silo before we trigger the RC image for arale [23:30] <ToyKeeper> I'm just trying out the idea of putting the vpn on my router so that all internal devices can access it. [23:30] <sil2100> rsalveti: since if not, I could kick a new image now and QA would just re-do media tests once the media-hub silo lands and a new image is built [23:31] <sil2100> But if you'll be around so late, I guess we can wait with kicking the image until the media stuff is in :) [23:31] <sil2100> I just don't want any of us staying late just because of that [23:32] <rsalveti> sil2100: yeah, I can wait [23:32] <rsalveti> it's still 6:30 pm here [23:32] <ToyKeeper> rsalveti: BTW, image 24 had some issues... camera flash doesn't work, location isn't getting a fix closer than a mile, wizard crashes if a different language is selected, ... [23:32] <sil2100> Oh, ok, then it should be cool [23:32] <sil2100> rsalveti: it's 1:30 AM here so I need to go to sleep soonish [23:33] <sil2100> rsalveti: if you could kick a new image once your silo lands it would be awesome [23:33] <rsalveti> alright [23:33] <rsalveti> sure [23:33] <ToyKeeper> Unidentified weirdness with network-manager too. And highly-variable power usage when wifi is on, even in suspend. [23:33] <rsalveti> hm, weird, guess we can take a deeper looking in the other issues tomorrow [23:36] <sil2100> Good night everyone o/ [23:36] <sil2100> rsalveti, ToyKeeper: thanks :) [23:45] * ToyKeeper *big sigh* ... my router is too old and its openvpn isn't compatible. [23:51] <robru> ToyKeeper: don't forget the other trick of wiring your laptop to the router, then making your laptop be a wireless network. phone connects to the laptop wirelessly and gets the VPN that way [23:52] <ToyKeeper> Yeah, it's just a pain to set up. [23:52] <robru> fair
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mirv", "ToyKeeper", "bfiller", "boiko", "charles", "chrisccoulson", "cwayne_", "davmor2", "elopio", "jibel", "john-mcaleely", "mterry", "mzanetti__", "ogra_", "om26er_", "pete-woods1", "pmcgowan", "popey", "robru", "rsalveti", "rvr", "sil2100", "vila" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng" }
[07:39] <jabuk> M 1.2 > JZ od KARLOVCA (HRVAŠKA) @27/04/2015 09:25:17,+15.43+E [07:43] <pitastrudl> jutro [07:43] <pitastrudl> madison gropa, v kateri je stric, so danes dosegli base camp [07:43] <pitastrudl> vreme je bilo dovolj ugodno da so lahko prišli peš nazaj [07:44] <jabuk> M 1.2 > JZ od KARLOVCA (HRVAŠKA) @27/04/2015 09:25:16,+15.46+E [07:45] <CrazyLemon> pitastrudl \o/ [07:46] <pitastrudl> :) [07:47] <idioterna> nas sodelovc je baje ok [07:47] <pitastrudl> kaj je slovenc tudi gor? [07:48] <idioterna> ni na everestu [07:48] <pitastrudl> je pa v nepalu? [07:48] <idioterna> ja, lih nad epicentrom nekje [07:48] <pitastrudl> :( [07:49] <idioterna> ja baje so vsi ok tko da ni panike i guess [07:49] <pitastrudl> no sam da je vredu [10:14] <CrazyLemon> jeez tale Friends twitter app tko zanic da bi ga verjetno se js naredu boljsi app [10:14] <CrazyLemon> -ga [10:25] <slax0r> do eet [10:26] <CrazyLemon> ce bi uporabljal twitter i would! i so would! [10:28] <slax0r> pa zacni uporabljat twitter [10:28] <slax0r> mislim, ne vem kako se sploh ne uporabljas [10:28] <slax0r> halo?! [10:37] <LorD_DDooM> slax0r: dezgra [10:38] <slax0r> am I though? [10:39] <LorD_DDooM> Not really [10:39] <slax0r> hahahahaha [10:39] <slax0r> SS si je naredu :D [10:40] <slax0r> zdaj si me pa res nasmejal :D [10:41] <slax0r> saj sm ze pozabu kk je potem ta runda sla, pa z kom sem sploh igral, a CWI? [10:41] <slax0r> sam vem da je pozn blo, v soboto? [10:41] <LorD_DDooM> Saj je bil dober match, ggclose indeed. [10:41] <LorD_DDooM> Zmagal ste z omego rushom, mislim pa da je bilo 39:24 za nas. [10:41] <slax0r> res je, dober match [10:41] <slax0r> mi smo bli 12? [10:41] <slax0r> res se vec skor nc ne spomnim [10:42] <slax0r> hocem cim prej ta kill pozabit :P [10:42] <LorD_DDooM> Mislim da 9-10 man [10:43] <slax0r> sam ni mi jasn kk ste vi drugi, PHL pa prvi [10:43] <slax0r> PHL so mi tksni kekci... [10:43] <slax0r> z 5-man+pugs sm njihov PHL nabutal [10:43] <slax0r> err, 12man [10:43] <slax0r> njihov 12man [10:44] <LorD_DDooM> Mi nimamo več kot 20 active playerjev, ne vem če smo v celem vikendu fieldal več kto eno CW grupo. Oni imajo čez 50 mladičev, tko da skoz furajo CW [10:44] <slax0r> no ja, potem ste vi kot mi [10:44] <slax0r> povprecna starost 30+ [10:44] <LorD_DDooM> Šteje se pač member score * number of members [10:44] <slax0r> ce spravmo skupaj 12 je ze praznik [10:45] <slax0r> saj to je mal glupo a ni? mogl bi bit povprecje, member score / number of members [10:45] <slax0r> k zdaj so najboljsi tisti ki majo najvec igralcev in konstantno igrajo [10:46] <slax0r> uh, 82% [10:46] <LorD_DDooM> Saj TBH, mi ne bi bili niti blizu, če bi FRR imel kako dobro Merc grupo..tko smo pa sami pugi [10:46] <slax0r> americani imajo ocitno tolk vec Clan playerjev kot EU ima IS [10:46] <LorD_DDooM> Včeraj je bil group queue 60 IS vs 10 clan [10:46] <LorD_DDooM> Čakalna doba za IS 25 min+ :| [10:47] <slax0r> mja, to bi res mogl mal drugac postimat [10:47] <slax0r> magar nek counter nekje dat, IS ma tolk playerev, Clan tolk [10:47] <slax0r> ce uzames IS bos caku dlje [10:47] <slax0r> sicer pa...ksne builde vidis met tem eventom, pa mislim, LOL! :D [10:47] <LorD_DDooM> Ta event je itaq fail že v štartu [10:48] <slax0r> a si vidu moj post na redditu? [10:48] <LorD_DDooM> Ne? [10:48] <slax0r> [10:48] <Seniorita> slax0rr comments on An Odd thing happened when I joined the clans... [10:48] <Seniorita> »I played a couple of round yesterday, mostly against IS PUGs, and the builds some people are running, it does not surprise me that we ROFLSTOMPed...« [10:50] <LorD_DDooM> Ja folk pač fielda kar pač ima pa jim sede. Clani imajo vsaj kokrtolk dobre trial mechež [10:50] <LorD_DDooM> Ne da so zdaj super, ampak OK. [10:50] <slax0r> no ja, ce odstejemo SCR-PRIME( ne vem ce se sploh je trial?) bi se dal debatirat [10:50] <LorD_DDooM> A to je un 2xERLL 4xERML [10:51] <slax0r> sm bil na enmu eventu z CWI, trial IS, vs trial Clan, IS nas je postompal [10:51] <slax0r> da, prime je ll ml [10:51] <LorD_DDooM> Ja dost trial IS mechov je single heatsing standard structure... [10:51] <LorD_DDooM> 1 ton of ammo [10:52] <slax0r> a niso kao triali nek community shit? [10:52] <LorD_DDooM> Tist so championi (C). Ampak večinoma jih PGI sestavlja in so crap [10:52] <LorD_DDooM> BNC = 6xLPL [10:53] <slax0r> ja sam niso triali ponavadi championi? [10:53] <LorD_DDooM> ja, samo ne vsi [10:53] <LorD_DDooM> Imaš trial LRM Stalkerje [10:53] <LorD_DDooM> Ne vem pa keri so v obtoku [10:54] <slax0r> ne vem, nism ze dolg pogledal trialov [10:54] <slax0r> FS se mi zdi je un, med pulser [10:54] <slax0r> drugo pa ne vem [10:54] <LorD_DDooM> Ja, FS je bil res dober trial [10:59] <slax0r> kupu sm free willyja :D [11:00] <LorD_DDooM> ? [11:00] <slax0r> DWF-S [11:01] <LorD_DDooM> dakka from above [11:01] <slax0r> mam dva, pa na nobenem dakka [11:01] <LorD_DDooM> A to z MC kupuješ? [11:02] <slax0r> B, 2gauss, 2erll, 6erml, S, LBX20, 2LPL, 5erml [11:02] <slax0r> ah kje...z cbilli [11:02] <slax0r> edin tbr pa hbr sm kupu z kesom [11:03] <LorD_DDooM> Moj najtežji je 85 ton BLR [11:04] <slax0r> se mam unga atlasa, k je biu kao giftan, sm ga hotu ze 5x prodat...sam...atlas <3 [11:04] <LorD_DDooM> Ne tega prodajat, ker se ga ne da sploh kupit več [11:05] <slax0r> ja, kupit se da sam je cist zelen, torej brez painta, al? [11:05] <slax0r> pa mislim da ma cbill boost, al xp boost ce se ne motim [11:05] <slax0r> sam nisem se niti enkrat dropal z njim, se zdaj je stock [11:05] <LorD_DDooM> Cbills se mi zdi [11:05] <slax0r> isto centurion [11:25] <slax0r> btw LorD_DDooM ti si vse knjige prebral? [11:26] <LorD_DDooM> Ah kje, veš kok je tega [11:26] <slax0r> js sm obdelu knife and dagger, al ka je ze una prva, k Liao hoce Hansa zamenjat z klonom [11:26] <slax0r> trilogijo Grey Death [11:26] <slax0r> pa ravno vceraj sem koncal z trilogijo Clan Invasion [11:27] <slax0r> blood of kerensky [11:27] <slax0r> sm pa nabavu se Twilight of the Clans [11:27] <slax0r> 10eur za 5 knjig [11:27] <LorD_DDooM> Ja, K&D so začetne, imaš na netu seznam kere so canon, pa v kerem zaporedju pa a so knjige sploh dobre [11:27] <slax0r> vem ja, saj sm hotu po vrsti brat [11:28] <slax0r> ampak ko sm prsu do Warriors trilogije me je minil, nekak me ni ta trilogija pritegnila [11:28] <slax0r> pa sm preskocu na blood of kerensky [11:29] <LorD_DDooM> Jaz sem večino teh Succession wars pa Star league knjig preskoč šel na Jihad in Word of Blake [11:29] <LorD_DDooM> Tist mi je bolj zanimivo [11:30] <LorD_DDooM> Od klanov sploh nisem nič bral [11:30] <slax0r> prva knjiga blood of kerensky mi je trenutno najboljsa [11:30] <slax0r> sm pricakoval da bo bolj bazirana na klan strani [11:30] <slax0r> sam je vecinoma vse iz IS strani [11:30] <LorD_DDooM> BOK je klasika ja..poj gre pa navzdol [11:32] <slax0r> Jihad, to je enkrat po great refusal al? [11:33] <LorD_DDooM> 3067+ [11:33] <slax0r> jihad se je classic? [11:33] <LorD_DDooM> ja, [12:31] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2578-1: LibreOffice vulnerabilities [13:07] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2579-1: autofs vulnerability [13:12] <dz0ny> [13:12] <Seniorita> EU study recommends OpenBSD [13:14] <idioterna> mhm [13:17] <yang> vse narobe pise [13:21] <idioterna> nope [13:21] <idioterna> je kr accurate [13:23] <yang> Open Source ni najboljsa resitev za anti-privacy intrusion, [13:23] <Seniorita> Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation [13:24] <idioterna> seveda je [13:24] <yang> imajo pa pri openbsd verjetno tehnicno boljso izvedbo sistema [13:25] <idioterna> ce ni open source je tezje preverit, ce je implementacija pravilna [13:25] <yang> [13:26] <Seniorita> BSD License Problem- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation [13:26] <idioterna> ne vidm nicesar o varnosti v tem tekstu [13:27] <yang> ja no BSD licenca je taka, da mors za nazaj navajati vse avtorje in spremembe, ne mores vsega spremenit in izdati kot lahko naredis z GPL [13:28] <yang> kar ne pomeni, da je zaradi tega tehnicno bolj pomankljiva licenca, morda prej obratno [13:30] <lynxlynxlynx> sej si ti začel argument [13:30] <yang> lahko pa vsebuje BSD koda tudi blobe, zato ni najbolj primerna za privacy [13:32] <lynxlynxlynx> mešaš samostalnike in lastna imena [13:33] <lynxlynxlynx> v izvlečku ni neposredno napisano, a niso govorili o OS z velikp [13:33] <lynxlynxlynx> veliko; [13:33] <idioterna> yang: linux kernel je GPL, pa vsebuje blobe [13:33] <idioterna> vsaj ce hoces da deluje [13:34] <yang> ja sej je tud linux-libre kernel brez blobov, ne rabis mainline laufat... [13:34] <yang> Linux trisquel 3.19.3-gnu #1 SMP Thu Apr 2 02:34:52 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [13:34] <jabuk> [13:34] <idioterna> linux-libre ne deluje. [13:34] <jabuk> [13:34] <yang> kaj tocn one deluje ? [13:35] <idioterna> cel kup stvari [13:35] <yang> deluje kokr je driverjev spisanih [13:35] <yang> men deluje v redu na laptopu [13:35] <idioterna> fino [13:35] <yang> vse dela [13:35] <jabuk> [13:35] <idioterna> men pa ne [13:35] <yang> ja potem pa spisi boljso kodo [13:35] <idioterna> ni mi treba [13:35] <yang> kdo ti brani [13:35] <idioterna> mi dela navadn linux [13:36] <yang> najvecji problem je samo 3d rendering in wifi [13:36] <yang> ampak za wifi obstajajo USB dongleti, ki so free [13:36] <idioterna> ja zate k mas laptop [13:36] <idioterna> js mam resne masine [13:36] <yang> ja dobro za produkcijo resda ni dobra alternativa [13:37] <yang> ampak razvoj gre pocasi naprej in napreduje, veliko je bilo narejenega v zadnjih letih [13:37] <yang> je pa problem hardware, k je zaklenjen [13:38] <yang> kako bos potem pisal software, ce ni proste dokumentacije [13:38] <idioterna> z zaprto dokumentacijo. [13:38] <yang> na sreco z kickstarterji delajo zdaj tudi bolj prost hardware, ki bolje deluje [13:39] <idioterna> skoda k je tolk zlo slabsi [13:40] <idioterna> brat je lihkar dobil google pixel [13:40] <idioterna> huda masina [13:41] <idioterna> i7, 16 giga rama pa 2560x1700 screen resolution [13:41] <idioterna> 13" 1.5kg [13:42] <yang> ja pa kaj, jst mam raje x200 [13:42] <yang> z libreboot [13:42] <idioterna> js pa ne, k se ne da normalno delat nanj [13:42] <yang> odvisn kaj delas [13:42] <idioterna> mhm [13:43] <idioterna> ce bi se ukvarjal z zivinorejo bi bil kr ok [13:43] <yang> naslednjic kr macbook raje kup [13:43] <yang> tam je se boljsa grafika [13:44] <yang> kok stane google pixel [13:44] <idioterna> ja ni ane [13:44] <idioterna> 1300 [13:44] <idioterna> ma google pixel je boljsi screen k na macbookih [13:44] <yang> problem tega novga hardwera je, da ko podprejo zadeve z free software je ze 5 let star [13:44] <idioterna> drugac macbook je kr hud [13:45] <idioterna> vecina developerjev pr nas ma retina macbooke al pa nove thinkpade [13:45] <yang> lustno bi blo ce bi novi thinkpadi podpiral libreboot, samo mislim da je neka omejitev [13:46] <yang> dajo se odklent uni k so mel ME [13:46] <yang> oz. nek "ME" nevem tocn kaj [13:46] <idioterna> sam sej ti nc ne pomaga to [13:46] <idioterna> itak microcode na cpuju ni free [13:46] <yang> ja to na novih CPUjih [13:46] <yang> nevem kako je s starimi [13:47] <yang> mislim X200 je FSF certified, ni veliko opreme FSF certified [13:47] <yang> [13:47] <yang> sam tole je [13:47] <Seniorita> Respects Your Freedom hardware product certification — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software [13:47] <idioterna> ja core duo ma [13:47] <idioterna> microcode laufa gor [13:47] <idioterna> ni free [13:48] <idioterna> sam clo fsf ne more jit all the way ane [13:48] <idioterna> k pol pac ne bi blo nobenga hardvera sploh [13:48] <idioterna> k bi loh poganju sodobn OS [13:49] <yang> dobro saj so se drugacni procesorji, kot intel in amd [13:49] <yang> yeeloong je bil z loongsoon [13:49] <yang> pa mas se cel kup drugih, ki bi jih lahko uporabili pri izdelavi novih laptopov [13:49] <yang> samo vprasanje, koliko bi to podrazilo celoten produkt in koliko bi se splacalo [13:49] <idioterna> loongson [13:49] <yang> da bodo sli delat serijo laptopov za 1000 narocnikov [13:50] <idioterna> loongson ma tut microcode [13:51] <yang> ja morda brez tega ne gre [13:51] <yang> in bi bilo potrebno zasnovati cisto odprt CPU [13:51] <idioterna> zakaj? [13:51] <idioterna> sej uresnic sploh ne rabs racunalnika [13:51] <yang> ja, da bi bil brez microcode [13:52] <yang> 6:20 [13:54] <lynxlynxlynx> sej je tud microcode lahko odprt [13:54] <yang> idioterna: za produkcijske serverje, je vcasih boljsa izbira celo proprietary software [13:55] <yang> kar se tice optimizacije z hardwerom [13:56] <yang> 9:20 [13:56] <yang> kle ti vse razlozi [13:57] <idioterna> nah, ni [13:57] <idioterna> lih zarad varnosti [14:29] <CrazyLemon> [14:29] <Seniorita> Živalski otok, MMC RTV Slovenija [14:29] <Seniorita> »Izdelki iz angoravolne so se pred časom zaradi krutega posnetka znašli v nemilosti javnosti, vendar pa se da to volno pridobivati tudi na veliko bolj human način.« [14:29] <CrazyLemon> tale beli angorazajc pa zgleda evil [14:30] <idioterna> the most vicious rodent you've ever seen [15:16] <zdobersek> are you havin' a laugh?! [15:17] <idioterna> nah it's just a little bunny rabbit eh [15:17] <zdobersek> [15:17] <Seniorita> Killer Rabbit - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - YouTube [15:17] <Seniorita> »Subscribe to the Official Monty Python Channel here - Killer Rabbit, taken from The Holy Grail. Visit the NEW Monty Pyth...« [15:25] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2580-1: tcpdump vulnerabilities [16:31] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2570-1: Oxide vulnerabilities [16:38] <pitastrudl> ugh, stoner friends calling again [16:38] <pitastrudl> LETS GET STONED AND DO NOTHING FOR 3 HOURS [16:39] <pitastrudl> ops [16:39] <pitastrudl> wrong channel [16:41] <yang> aha zdaj pa vemo kaj pocnes opoldan [16:41] <pitastrudl> haha [16:41] <pitastrudl> mah, če furaji isti style že par let [16:42] <pitastrudl> kajenje trave in posedanje zunaj po več ur [16:42] <pitastrudl> nekaj časa je to vredu, druzba pa to, sam potem ti pa že dosadno postane [16:43] <zdobersek> in ti furas ta style z njimi! [16:48] <pitastrudl> sem [16:48] <pitastrudl> občasno se dobimo pa skadimo samo da bi vsak dan, to pa ne več [16:55] <CrazyLemon> pitastrudl zihr ti iz markovca ane :> [16:55] <CrazyLemon> /s/ti/so [16:55] <pitastrudl> iz lj [16:56] <pitastrudl> na markovcu sem ko pridem v koper študirat [16:56] <pitastrudl> zdej so "počitnice" tko da sem v lj [17:15] <zdobbie> what time is it? [17:15] <zdobbie> .yt wiener wiener [17:15] <jabuk> South Park - Wiener Song HD - Game of Thrones [17:22] <Seniorita> [] RogergR: Vlc in ubuntu 15.04 [17:25] <Seniorita> [] RogergR: RE: Vlc in ubuntu 15.04 [17:29] <upd> wtf sasl [17:34] <mkode> v node-u sem spisal program, ki zazene GET requeste za moj php fajl. Ce je requestov prevec, recimo 500 naenkrat mi vece ven: ECONNREFUSED. [17:34] <mkode> mogoče kdo ve kaj je narobe? [17:38] <upd> attack [17:38] <Seniorita> Dropbox - sasl.jpg [17:39] <mkode> poskusil sem tudi v vec konzolah naenkrat zagnati program z malo requesti. In situacija je enaka [17:40] <lynxlynxlynx> dobro sta se ujela [17:43] <upd> lol [17:51] <yang> a se kdo dobiva SASL authentication errorje z freenode ? [17:51] <yang> nekdo je nasel neko luknjo v sistemu in jo skusa izkoristiti  upd: staff is working on it, but it's a bunch of kids running scripts. Just have a sane password and mentally ignore these [17:53] <yang> ja sej sem na staff kanalu, samo obvescam [17:53] <upd> aha ok :D [17:56] <upd> na crypto coins kanalih, imajo pač bote, za tip in nekateri imajo velik kovancev, ki pa je povezan z nickom +r, in poskušajo pridobit geslo od nicka da lahko sebi izplačajo [17:57] <yang> idioterna: da navezem malo na prejsnjo debato, poznas ? [17:57] <Seniorita> OR1K :: OpenCores [17:57] <yang> upd: ja [18:04] <idioterna> yang: poznam lampreta ja [18:05] <idioterna> k se je zacel s tem ukvarjat v late 90s [18:06] <yang> no evo, to je alternativa lahko ostalim CPUjem [18:06] <yang> dokumentacija je prosta [18:07] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: Vlc in ubuntu 15.04 [18:07] <idioterna> yang: res? [18:07] <idioterna> yang: kako je pa loh alternativa? [18:07] <idioterna> kdo pa proizvaja sisteme s temi CPUji? [18:07] <yang> alternativa v smislu ce so kaksni sistemi s temi chipi [18:09] <idioterna> ja, a so? [18:09] <idioterna> js nism se nobenga vidu [18:09] <yang> nevem berem malo [18:09] <yang> pise, da so ASICI [18:09] <idioterna> mhm [18:09] <yang> [18:09] <Seniorita> OpenRISC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [18:10] <yang> hm Damjan Lampret, znano se mi slisi [18:11] <yang> Ne vem al je to isti ta k je v Hermesu delal konec 90ih [18:12] <yang> mal sem pozabil njegov priimek, bil pa je en Damjan [18:13] <yang> pa takrat konec 90ih je bil star nekje okol 25 let [18:13] <idioterna> ja [18:13] <yang> no, pol sem delal z njim [18:14] <idioterna> no vids [18:14] <idioterna> sam on je pol dobu dnar od americanov [18:14] <yang> na spletni strani sicer nic hermesa ne omenja [18:14] <idioterna> in ni vec delal na opencores [18:14] <idioterna> zdej je pa bogat in i guess vec ne dela kej dost [18:14] <yang> ja sej iznajdljiv pa je bil [18:14] <CrazyLemon> because money > open * [18:15] <idioterna> money is the means to happiness [18:15] <CrazyLemon> .yt cha ching [18:15] <jabuk> Cha-Ching Season 3: Sweet Pepper Designs [18:15] <CrazyLemon> lol [18:22] <Seniorita> [] RogergR: RE: [15.04] Vlc - nerazrešene odvisnosti [18:36] <msevph> A debian ma vec paketov kot aur? [18:37] <zdobersek> molto more [18:39] <msevph> Zakaj pol folk tok navija za arch ce ma ubistvu debian vec izbire hehe [18:42] <msevph> A gre sam zato da so v debianu stari paketi? [18:44] <yang> aur ? [18:45] <idioterna> msevph: drugacn user experience je [18:45] <yang> msevph: v debianu niso stari paketi, to je missconception [18:45] <yang> in arch ima cisto drugacno strukturo [18:45] <yang> drugacen package manager [18:45] <msevph> Ja lih berem clank da mas lah ful cutting edge v debianu :) [18:45] <yang> msevph: debian ima 3 veje [18:46] <idioterna> jessie je itak ze obsolete [18:46] <yang> bleeding edge, testing (10 dni star bleeding edge) in stable, ki izide in se ne spreminja bistveno razen varnostnih popravkov [18:46] <idioterna> mislm, released [18:46] <idioterna> tko da bo zdej neki casa mir [18:47] <zdobersek> miss conception [18:47] <yang> predno debian postane naslednji stable, ga testirajo priblizno leto dni [18:47] <idioterna> zdobersek: a fertile miss [18:48] <msevph> Hmm a pol se najdejo ksni zanimivi programi v debianu k jih v ubuntuju ni? Kot pridem npr gnome 3.16 naj bi lahko instaliral v archu a to pomen da lahko tut v "testing debianu"? [18:50] <yang> msevph: pr debianu na spletni strani pise, koliko paketov vsebuje stabilna razlicica, za ubuntu pa pravtako verjetno [18:52] <idioterna> msevph: sej je vseen [18:52] <idioterna> ubuntu pa debian sta si tok bliz da naceloma stvari lahko cross-installas [18:53] <msevph> K recimo rpm to deb converter obstaja (ta alien) zakaj ne obstaja kj k bi ksn arch paket al kj zapakiral v deb :) [18:54] <msevph> Pa da bi ksn program pregledov dependancyje da ni ksnga clasha al pa kj lol [18:55] <zdobersek> idioterna: neki tacga [18:56] <lynxlynxlynx> msevph: ja glupo je, da se ni nikoli standardiziralo [18:56] <lynxlynxlynx> dam systemd eno leto časa, da predlagajo še unified packaging format [18:57] <lynxlynxlynx> paketi v archu so navadni arhivi, tako da pretvornika za v rpm al pa deb ne bi blo težko spisat [18:59] <msevph> Lynx a sprejmes izziv hehe [19:03] <msevph> Sj zgleda neki obstaja "archalien" [19:06] <yang> [19:07] <dz0ny> msevph: aur si sam prevedes paket (recept za paket) [19:07] <dz0ny> medtem k debian ma build from source [19:07] <dz0ny> sam zapakiran source [19:07] <dz0ny> v aur je ponavadi direktno iz master/trunk appa [19:07] * dz0ny laično povedano [19:08] <lynxlynxlynx> razpakiraš v /opt al pa /usr/local, če mora bit najdljivo, pa je [19:09] <dz0ny> msevph: gnome 1.16 maš v ubuntu [19:09] <dz0ny> sam latest one :) [19:09] <lynxlynxlynx> pa v resnici en kdeejevec že neki časa probava naredit univerzalni format, samo ni še nič [19:09] <dz0ny> snappy se bo po moje kr prijel [19:09] <dz0ny> sploh zdej k je {deb,aur}2snap [19:10] <msevph> Js bi 3.16 ne 1.16 hehe [19:10] <dz0ny> snappy je pa to kr opendestop preacha [19:10] <lynxlynxlynx> to je še vedno hevristika [19:10] <dz0ny> pa systemd folk [19:10] <lynxlynxlynx> kot upstream bi rad napisal en recept [19:10] <msevph> Tist je dobr k si reku da ni vezan na release [19:10] <dz0ny> opendesktop ma recept [19:10] <msevph> Toj zlo dobr [19:11] <lynxlynxlynx> pa ne nek autopackage al kaj je že blo [19:11] <dz0ny> se un si bral manifesto od nih-maherja :> [19:11] <dz0ny> pooteringa [19:12] <yang> puteringa sem videl v zivo predavat [19:12] <yang> ravno o systemd je predaval [19:13] <lynxlynxlynx> najbrž ne, prevečkrat pretirava [19:16] <yang> takrat leta 2009 so se se cudili kaj bo systemd prinesel [19:20] <msevph> Zakaj ste se geeki ful diskutiral zarad tega systemd-ja :) [19:20] <msevph> Skregal sem hotu napisat hehe [19:23] <dz0ny> hehe [19:25] <msevph> Haha [19:27] <dz0ny> v ozadju geeks, girls = duvan folk, black guy = systemd folk [19:28] <dz0ny> un stol v ozadju je pa nixos [19:29] <msevph> Haha [19:40] <lynxlynxlynx> msevph: predvsem zaradi evolucije projekta [20:24] <anny_> cer [20:26] <Seniorita> [] RogergR: RE: [15.04] Vlc - nerazrešene odvisnosti [20:40] <Sky[x]> l [20:40] <Sky[x]> p [20:40] <Sky[x]> lp [21:20] <anny_> in potem vse tiho je bilo... [21:20] <idioterna> o [21:20] <idioterna> vesel dan OF [21:27] <anny_> vesel dan antiimperialistične fronte [21:29] <idioterna> pocas bi blo fino ce bi spet ksno ustanovil [21:29] <anny_> kje pa vidiš imperialiste? [21:29] <idioterna> teli tajni trgovinski sporazumi nam pocas uhajajo iz rok [21:29] <idioterna> kako kje [21:30] <anny_> kje? [21:30] <idioterna> povsod kjer se o nasih zivljenjih odlocajo drugi [21:30] <anny_> to je približno 20% tvojega življenja [21:30] <anny_> o 80 % odločaš sam [21:30] <idioterna> 20% ni malo [21:31] <idioterna> mene recimo zelo moti, da mi je prepovedano uporabljat droge [21:31] <idioterna> ceprav me uporaba drog ne zanima [21:31] <anny_> to je, ker živiš v demokraciji [21:31] <idioterna> ja [21:31] <anny_> v diktaturi bi bilo razmerje precej drugačno [21:31] <idioterna> ce bi zivel v anarhiji, potem me ne bi, ker ne bi blo prepovedano [21:31] <anny_> nihče ti ne brani [21:31] <idioterna> sem zivel v jugoslaviji pa ni blo nic drugacno [21:31] <idioterna> kako da ne [21:32] <anny_> lahko se zavečeš v kočevske gozdove in živš v anarhiji [21:32] <idioterna> ne morem [21:32] <anny_> zakaj ne? [21:32] <idioterna> pride policija in me zapre [21:32] <idioterna> ne mores kar nekej po svoje sarit po pragozdu [21:32] <idioterna> zasciten je [21:32] <idioterna> in prav je tako [21:32] <idioterna> ce bi vsi anarhisti tam lomastili ga ze zdavnaj ne bi blo vec [21:32] <anny_> nisi za anarhijo? :) [21:33] <anny_> nobenih pravil pa to [21:33] <idioterna> ne, seveda nisem [21:33] <idioterna> meni je sicer vsec anarhija, ampak za anarhijo rabis absolutno odgovorne ljudi [21:33] <anny_> je tko ko punca pravi da je malo nedolžna [21:33] <idioterna> ne, v resnici ni [21:34] <idioterna> anarhija je najvisja oblika druzbene ureditve [21:34] <anny_> lahko je samo integer [0, 1] [21:34] <idioterna> kjer vsi razumejo posledice svojih dejanj in se odgovorno obnasajo [21:34] <anny_> nekaj pa sem se le naučila :) [21:34] <idioterna> tko nekak kot komunizem lahko deluje samo v tehnoloski utopiji [21:34] <anny_> preveliko zaupanje v človeško vrsto [21:34] <idioterna> cigavo? [21:35] <idioterna> moje? [21:35] <idioterna> ce bi zaupal v clovesko vrsto potem bi bil za anarhijo [21:35] <anny_> marx si je komunizem zamislil kot sistem po zelo zreli obliki kapitalizma [21:35] <idioterna> ampak nisem, ker je povprecen iq 100 [21:35] <anny_> gentski inženiring? [21:35] <idioterna> ne vem ce bi to kej pomagal [21:35] <idioterna> dobra vzgoja velik vec nardi [21:36] <anny_> mogoče [21:37] <anny_> meni bi sedaj več dobrega naredil dober spanec:) [21:37] <idioterna> js se tut prpravlam [21:38] <anny_> pod tuš pa v mižale [21:39] <anny_> ln [21:39] <idioterna> srecno [21:39] <anny_> bom razmišljala, kako dvigniti iq celo noč :) [21:41] <idioterna> ne mors ga [21:41] <idioterna> k je definiran tko [21:41] <idioterna> da ma polovica prebivalstva visjega, polovica pa nizjega od 100 [21:41] <idioterna> no ampak itak raste skozi zgodovino [21:42] <upd> lol. [21:42] <idioterna> js mislm da v par sto letih si bomo ze lahko prvoscl komunizem pa mogoce tut anarhijo [21:42] <anny_> če kaj vem, že delaš na tem [21:42] <idioterna> ja [21:42] <idioterna> ceprov manj kot bi si zelel [21:42] <anny_> ustanovi anarhistično stranko [21:42] <idioterna> hm? [21:42] <idioterna> ne stranka nima zveze s tem [21:42] <anny_> boste peli a las barricadas? [21:43] <idioterna> najprej rabis decentraliziran vir poceni energije [21:43] <idioterna> to je kr tezek problem [21:43] <anny_> prav imaš [21:43] <idioterna> potem je treba resit probleme vesoljskega potovanja [21:43] <idioterna> na tem delajo drugi [21:43] <idioterna> vmes pa se problem bioloskih omejitev cloveka [21:43] <idioterna> na tem tut delajo nekateri [21:44] <idioterna> ko se te reci uredijo bomo imeli skoraj neomejene vire [21:44] <anny_> to se bo kmalu spremenilo [21:44] <idioterna> bomo vidl [21:44] <idioterna> jaz upam, da se bo, ker bo to pomenilo konec revscine [21:45] <anny_> [21:45] <Seniorita> Some Strange Things Are Happening To Astronauts Returning To Earth - YouTube [21:45] <Seniorita> »Who would have thought traveling to outer space could be such a profound experience?« [21:45] <anny_> za tiste, ki še čujete [21:45] <anny_> ln [21:47] <idioterna> skoda k je sla
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "LorD_DDooM", "Seniorita", "Sky[x]", "anny_", "dz0ny", "idioterna", "jabuk", "lynxlynxlynx", "mkode", "msevph", "pitastrudl", "slax0r", "upd", "yang", "zdobbie", "zdobersek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[11:38] <maxXx1> :) [11:39] <maxXx1> hu
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "maxXx1" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cz" }
[05:59] <Kilos> hi philipballew all boot by you? [05:59] <Kilos> good [06:00] <philipballew> Kilos, yeah. All seems good. just up late working on homework for college. [06:00] <Kilos> good [06:00] <philipballew> Kilos, how abut yourself? [06:01] <Kilos> im fine too ty. [07:27] <Kilos> hmm... [07:39] <Kilos> hi qwebirc2013 [07:39] <Kilos> welcome to ubuntu-africa [07:40] <Kilos> elacheche_anis good morning [07:41] <Kilos> ai! [08:16] <elacheche> mornign Kilos [08:17] <elacheche> spotty_, help [08:17] <spotty_> elacheche: I can help you with: administrative functions, bot accounts and permissions, debugging me, looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. [08:17] <spotty_> Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. [08:17] <Kilos> hehe [08:17] <elacheche> spotty_, help me with delivering messages [08:17] <spotty_> elacheche: I use the following features for delivering messages: memo, remind and summon [08:17] <spotty_> Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details. [08:17] <elacheche> how do I read a message -_- [08:18] <Kilos> spotty_ how do i use delivering messages [08:18] <spotty_> Kilos: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features. [08:18] <Kilos> spotty_ what can i do with delivering messages [08:18] <spotty_> Kilos: Not a clue, sorry [08:18] <Kilos> grrr [08:18] <Kilos> elacheche what do you want to do [08:19] <Kilos> spotty_ what can you do woth delivering messages [08:19] <spotty_> Kilos: I'm afraid I have no idea [08:19] <Kilos> grrr [08:19] <Kilos> elacheche use tell nick message [08:20] <elacheche> actually someone used that command to send me a message x) I need to read it x) [08:20] <Kilos> then it should ping you and give the message [08:20] <Kilos> check if if didnt open a pm [08:20] <Kilos> just say yes [08:21] <elacheche> he's trolling me x) [08:22] <Kilos> wb [08:22] <Kilos> who is trolling you? [08:22] <elacheche> spotty_, x) [08:22] <spotty_> elacheche: Excuse me? [08:22] <Kilos> no man [08:23] <Kilos> when you log in you should get the message that someone left you a message do you want to read it [08:23] <Kilos> just say yes [08:23] <elacheche> ok [08:26] <Kilos> spotty_ tell neo31 Its about time you showed you face here again sir [08:26] <spotty_> Kilos: Sure, I'll tell Neo31 on freenode [08:57] <elacheche> utn is in the list now → [08:59] <Kilos> ok [09:00] <Kilos> in all those lugs must be many ubuntu users that can join us [09:00] <Kilos> someone came here from the sites irc engine [09:00] <Kilos> when i greeted in english he left [09:01] <Kilos> sigh [09:02] <Kilos> anyone that joins with a qwebirc nick is using the sites embedded irc tool [15:32] <Kilos> hi pipedream [15:32] <Kilos> welcome to ubuntu-africa [15:33] <Kilos> pipedream hi [15:34] <pipedream> Kilos: hi [17:08] <Kilos> QA hi [17:08] <QA> hello [17:20] <Kilos> elacheche QA is here, she will log our meetings and make you coffee [17:20] <elacheche> QA make me coffee :D [17:20] <QA> elacheche: What? [17:21] <elacheche> QA, help [17:21] <QA> elacheche: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. [17:21] <QA> Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. [17:21] <Kilos> QA coffee on [17:21] * QA flips the salt-timer [17:21] <Kilos> elacheche you type in QA coffee please [17:22] <elacheche> QA, coffee please [17:22] <QA> elacheche: Okay [17:23] <Kilos> QA start meeting [17:23] <QA> Kilos: Just do it yourself [17:23] <Kilos> ai! [17:24] <Kilos> inetpro will need to chair [17:25] <QA> Coffee's ready for Kilos and elacheche! [17:25] <Kilos> QA thanks [17:25] <QA> Kilos: my pleasure [17:34] <inetpro> uh [17:35] <inetpro> Kilos: not so quick man [17:35] <Kilos> still a while before first meeting [17:35] * inetpro still needs to do some work in order to make it do proper logging etal [17:35] <Kilos> you have time [17:35] <inetpro> thank you kindly [17:36] <Kilos> my pleasure [17:36] <Kilos> hehe [17:36] <Kilos> i think neo still has 2 weeks on his project [17:52] * QA itching to make coffee [17:53] <Kilos> QA coffee on [17:53] * QA flips the salt-timer [17:57] <QA> Coffee's ready for Kilos! [17:57] <Kilos> QA ty [17:57] <QA> Only a pleasure Kilos [20:21] <elacheche_anis> Kilos, [20:21] <elacheche_anis> You're here? [20:22] <lunapersa> hi elacheche_anis [20:22] <elacheche_anis> Kilos, please welcome lunapersa.. My beloved fiancee and the 1st Tunisian Girl as an Ubuntu Member :) [20:23] <lunapersa> :) [20:23] <Kilos> lunapersa welcome to ubuntu-africa [20:23] <elacheche_anis> lunapersa, say hi to Kilos #ubuntu-za member, ubuntu member and the initiator of #ubuntu-africa [20:23] <lunapersa> Hi Kilos [20:24] <Kilos> very nice to have a lady join us [20:24] <elacheche_anis> Kilos, you should tell melodie about this special event x) she was looking for ladies too x) [20:25] <Kilos> yes i will. i dont know why she is so late tonight [20:25] <Kilos> i will go look for her [20:26] <Kilos> she seems offline all over atm. but make this your favourite channel lunapersa and you will meet her [20:26] <Kilos> she speaks french too [20:27] <lunapersa> ok [20:28] <elacheche_anis> :) [20:28] <Kilos> well done elacheche_anis [20:29] <elacheche_anis> :D [20:30] <Kilos> melodie wb and speak to lunapersa [20:30] <lunapersa> hi melodie [20:30] <Kilos> she can speak french too i think [20:30] <lunapersa> oui [20:31] <lunapersa> Je parle aussi le français [20:31] <Kilos> she is most likely saying hi all over [20:32] <elacheche_anis> Hello melodie :) please welcome lunapersa.. My beloved fiancee and the 1st Tunisian Girl as an Ubuntu Member :) [20:32] <elacheche_anis> :D [20:32] <lunapersa> elacheche_anis, :p [20:32] <elacheche_anis> :D [20:33] <Kilos> be patient, she will arrive [20:33] <Kilos> hehe [20:33] <lunapersa> :D [20:33] <melodie> hi! [20:33] <melodie> salut lunapersa elacheche hello here Kilos [20:34] <lunapersa> Salut melodie :) [20:35] <melodie> Kilos this is for your Bento: [20:35] <melodie> enjoy! [20:35] <Kilos> ty melodie [20:36] <melodie> and I have had a post from my older tester on this style of Openbox remix, he says it works a treat! [20:36] <melodie> I show you: [20:36] <Kilos> i will install them tomorrow [20:37] <Kilos> you arrive at bed time [20:37] <melodie>,701.msg4046.html#msg4046 [20:37] <Kilos> naughty girl [20:37] <melodie> Kilos copy the list [20:37] <melodie> it'll be gone tomorrow [20:37] <Kilos> ok [20:40] <Kilos> melodie what will be gone tomorrow. the pastebin link only hey [20:41] <melodie> the content too [20:41] <melodie> just copy the content to your favorite text editor [20:42] <Kilos> the content of the pastebin or the other link too
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "QA", "elacheche", "elacheche_anis", "inetpro", "lunapersa", "melodie", "philipballew", "pipedream", "spotty_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[01:36] <vubuntor860> chao may anh [01:36] <vubuntor860> co ai o do khong cho e hoi cau nay voi [01:43] <Stanley00> bạn viết bằng tiếng việt được không? [01:43] <vubuntor860> dạ được [01:43] <vubuntor860> a cho em hỏi [01:44] <vubuntor860> e cài DHCP cho laptop em trên VMWare ak [01:44] <Stanley00> ok, cố gắng viết đủ câu, đủ đoạn rồi hãy enter và viết tiếng việt giúp mình [01:45] <vubuntor860> vào cấu hình interface trong etc/network/interfaces [01:45] <vubuntor860> nó trống trơn là sao anh [01:45] <vubuntor860> anh có yahoo không mình chat yahoo e gửi hình đầy đủ cho anh xem [01:46] <Stanley00> vubuntor860: bạn up hình lên rồi dán link vào đây đi [01:46] <vubuntor860> dạ [01:46] <vubuntor860> em cài như sau anh coi dùm em thử e làm có đúng không nha [01:47] <vubuntor860> em bật teminal lên rồi đăng nhập vào root, sau đó gõ lện apt-get install dhcp3-server [01:48] <vubuntor860> đợi nó cài xong, em có kiểm tra card mạng bằng lệnh ifconfig thì thấy đang dùng card eth0 [01:48] <vubuntor860> nhưng khi em cấu hình interfaces bằng lệnh vi /etc/network/interfaces thì nó trống trơn [01:49] <vubuntor860> chỉ có 2 dòng đầu tiền còn lại không có cái auto eth0 cũng như dãi IP [01:50] <Stanley00> bạn chờ chút, để mình check lại cái [01:50] <vubuntor860> dạ [01:51] <vubuntor860> một cái nữa là trong ubuntu nó sài card nội bộ không phải card wiless nhưng lại kết nối với card wiless của em ở ngoài, em tắt wiless đi thì ping không được [01:52] <Stanley00> cái vụ đó là do bạn set kiểu network ngoài vmware ấy, chả liên quan ubuntu. Đang để bridge à? [01:54] <vubuntor860> dạ ko [01:54] <vubuntor860> để nat [01:56] <Stanley00> thế bạn tắt wireless thì ở ngoài có ping đi được không? [01:56] <vubuntor860> dạ không [01:56] <vubuntor860> tắt đi ở ngoài ping không được [01:56] <Stanley00> thế thì ở trong ping thế quái nào được? [01:56] <vubuntor860> :3 [01:57] <vubuntor860> anh hướng dẫn dùm em đi anh dễ thương [01:57] <Stanley00> còn cái vụ file interfaces, có vẻ như chẳng có gói nào tạo ra nó sẵn cả, nên không có nội dung là phải rồi, bạn muốn gì phải tự thêm thôi [01:57] <vubuntor860> vậy ak [01:57] <vubuntor860> anh có team viewer không [01:57] <vubuntor860> xem giúp em đi.. năn nỉ ak [01:58] <Stanley00> xem gì nữa? giải đáp xong hết rồi mà? [01:58] <vubuntor860> bây giờ em làm lại [01:58] <vubuntor860> nhưng cấu hình luôn interface luôn đúng không anh [01:59] <vubuntor860> chứ nó không có tự động auto phải không [01:59] <vubuntor860> anh cho em yahoo được không, mới học nên gà mờ lắm [01:59] <vubuntor860> có gì em hỏi anh cho tiện...:) [02:00] * Stanley00 thì thấy irc tiện hơn :| [02:00] <vubuntor860> em đang làm hướng dẫn anh mà vào nha trang em free tour cho a đi [02:00] * Stanley00 nhà nghèo, không có tiền đâu mà đi du lịch bạn ơi :(( [02:00] <vubuntor860> yên tâm [02:00] <vubuntor860> anh em với nhau a kiếm tiền vào [02:00] <vubuntor860> đi chơi để em lo [02:01] <vubuntor860> a giúp e e không quên đâu [02:01] <vubuntor860> dân hướng dẫn tụi em đi ít tốn lắm [02:01] <vubuntor860> toàn dc fee [02:02] <vubuntor860> bây giờ e muốn nó auto chọn cấu hình trong interface như hướng dẫn trên mạng được không anh [02:02] <Stanley00> thì theo hướng dẫn đó mà làm thôi mà? mà hướng dẫn nào? [02:02] <vubuntor860> [02:02] <SuperLuserv3> [ How to Install the DHCP Server on Ubuntu 12.04LTS | Lazy Geek -:) ] - [02:02] <vubuntor860> ah xem thử đúng chưa [02:02] <vubuntor860> em làm lại [02:03] <Stanley00> dhcp-server? tưởng bạn cần auto là dhcp-client thôi, mà cái này là có sẵn rồi, đâu cần làm gì? [02:03] <vubuntor860> dạ em làm dhcp server [02:04] <vubuntor860> không phải cái kiêur cilent chĩnh ip đâu [02:04] <vubuntor860> em làm theo hướng dẫn đó được chưa anh [02:05] <Stanley00> vubuntor860: không biết, /me không làm server bao giờ, nhưng /me thì thích official guide hơn, bạn theo link này mà làm [02:05] <SuperLuserv3> [ dhcp3-server - Community Help Wiki ] - [02:06] <vubuntor860> huhu [02:06] <vubuntor860> thế là bó tay sao [02:06] <vubuntor860> em vạch nát cả máy e rùi đó anh [02:08] <vubuntor860> anh biết ai chỉ được em không [02:08] <vubuntor860> help em với [02:09] <Stanley00> cái guide đó chuẩn thế còn gì? @@ [02:10] <Stanley00> toàn copy paste là chủ yếu... /me nhìn sơ qua là có thể làm được rồi :| [02:18] * MrTuxHdb nhiều chữ vài nhồi [02:19] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: đồ án của em bao giờ thì xong [02:19] <MrTuxHdb> :v [02:19] * MrTuxHdb nghĩ 3-4 ngày lên đây hỏi han chỉ để người ta chỉ tận tay [02:19] <MrTuxHdb> trong khi đó tự làm xong cmnr [02:21] <vubuntor860> chieu nay anh [02:21] <vubuntor860> em lam hoai ma khong xong [02:21] <vubuntor860> chan [02:21] <vubuntor860> lam theo huong dan thuc nguyen dem [02:21] <vubuntor860> ma van khong xong [02:22] <MrTuxHdb> vậy là dốt thật [02:22] <MrTuxHdb> không phải dạng vừa đâu [02:23] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: thế *đồ án* yêu cầu *chính xác* là làm cái gì? [02:23] <vubuntor860> làm server linus [02:23] <vubuntor860> trên ubuntu destop [02:23] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: thế khóc thôi [02:23] <vubuntor860> cấp phát địa chỉ IP cho máy trạm [02:23] <MrTuxHdb> chứ làm ếu có server linus [02:23] <MrTuxHdb> với ubuntu destop [02:23] <MrTuxHdb> :( [02:23] <vubuntor860> em đang muốn cắn lưỡi đây [02:24] <vubuntor860> e lên domain cho nó rồi [02:24] <vubuntor860> lên dhcp rồi [02:24] <MrTuxHdb> thế cài được DHCP server [02:24] <vubuntor860> đang cài đặt cái config [02:24] <MrTuxHdb> sao phải xoắn? [02:24] <vubuntor860> cài dc nhưng nó ko chạy [02:24] <vubuntor860> mới cắn lưỡi chứ [02:24] <vubuntor860> :3 [02:24] <Stanley00> thôi chốt giá, cái card 500k, /me đỡ phải tốn tiền ra tận Nha Trang. OK? :P [02:24] <MrTuxHdb> thế tức là cài đếu được [02:24] <vubuntor860> ohm [02:25] * MrTuxHdb thông đồng chia tiền với Stanley00 [02:25] <vubuntor860> trời cái gì mà làm tiền vậy anh [02:25] <vubuntor860> hix [02:25] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: tại vì hôm nay là ngày làm bù [02:25] <vubuntor860> làm chưa thấy đâu mà đòi tiền [02:25] <MrTuxHdb> lên lương tính là 400% [02:25] <vubuntor860> :3 [02:25] <MrTuxHdb> theo nhà nước quy định [02:25] <vubuntor860> mấy anh này [02:25] <vubuntor860> ăn hiếp mem nha [02:25] <MrTuxHdb> ơ cái đệt [02:25] <MrTuxHdb> tưởng đùa à [02:25] <vubuntor860> e mách hết [02:26] * MrTuxHdb <-- Admin này, định mách ai? [02:26] <vubuntor860> :( [02:26] <vubuntor860> mô phật [02:26] <vubuntor860> em mới đọc bài viết vêf a [02:26] <vubuntor860> trên diễn đàn tinh tế .vn [02:26] <MrTuxHdb> =]] [02:26] <vubuntor860> anh trở thành chủ đề lớn lun ak [02:26] <CoconutCrab> nổi tiếng nhỉ [02:26] <Stanley00> lolz... huyền thoại cmnr =]] [02:26] <MrTuxHdb> CoconutCrab: nổi lắm [02:26] <vubuntor860> em thấy bài viết về a quá trời [02:27] * MrTuxHdb tụt quần quẩy [02:27] <vubuntor860> không tin anh seach đi [02:27] <vubuntor860> :3 [02:27] <MrTuxHdb> come on babie [02:27] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: mấy thằng ngu tinh tế đấy [02:27] <Stanley00> vubuntor860: ở đây ai mà chả biết vụ đó =]] [02:27] <MrTuxHdb> nói thật là mình không quan tâm [02:27] <vubuntor860> e cũng nghĩ vậy đo [02:27] <MrTuxHdb> chó cứ sủa người cứ đi [02:27] <MrTuxHdb> =]] [02:27] <vubuntor860> a làm gì ăn hiếp mem [02:27] <vubuntor860> vai~ thật [02:27] <MrTuxHdb> mà tsb mấy thằng mất dạy [02:27] <MrTuxHdb> mình comment hẳn hoi [02:27] <MrTuxHdb> thì nó xóa hết sạch [02:27] <vubuntor860> uh [02:27] <MrTuxHdb> bớt lại đám reply vớ vẩn [02:27] <vubuntor860> :) [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> mod tinhte cũng khác đếu gì [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> hô hô [02:28] <vubuntor860> thế bây giờ bài e tính sao [02:28] <vubuntor860> mấy anh ơi [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: nói chung tinh tế họ giỏi [02:28] <vubuntor860> chắc em chớt [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> nên qua đó [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> người ta giúp free cho [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> rất *tinh tế* cmnl [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> ở đây toàn ae khó tính [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> neeto [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> lại nhà nghèo [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> nuôi vợ nuôi con [02:28] <vubuntor860> em mún qua đó đâu cần ở đây [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> nên chia đều 500k [02:28] <vubuntor860> em cũng nhà nghèo [02:28] <MrTuxHdb> cho mình với Stanley00 nhá [02:28] <vubuntor860> mấy anh ăn hiếp [02:29] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: nghèo mà đếu chịu học [02:29] <MrTuxHdb> phạt gấp đôi [02:29] <MrTuxHdb> 1m [02:29] <vubuntor860> sao ko chiu jhọc chài [02:29] <Stanley00> vubuntor860: thế dùng linux được lâu chưa? [02:29] <vubuntor860> vừa học vừa làm đó anh [02:29] <vubuntor860> cái này e tự đăng kí [02:29] <vubuntor860> hoàn thành 2 môn 1 lần [02:29] <MrTuxHdb> tự đăng kí = thích [02:29] <vubuntor860> đug [02:29] <MrTuxHdb> vậy tự làm là chuẩn cmnl [02:29] <MrTuxHdb> :v [02:29] <vubuntor860> mới mò dc 1 tuần [02:30] <vubuntor860> làm trên công ty về 8 tiếng còn lại thức mò [02:30] <vubuntor860> thế mà ko dc [02:30] <MrTuxHdb> thế thì biết mịa gì về linux [02:30] <MrTuxHdb> =)) [02:30] <vubuntor860> làm sao nộp đây [02:30] <vubuntor860> em đâu có học đâu [02:30] <MrTuxHdb> tạch [02:30] <vubuntor860> đâu có giáo trình [02:30] <MrTuxHdb> học lại [02:30] <MrTuxHdb> cho nó chắc [02:30] <vubuntor860> trườngđưa ra [02:30] <vubuntor860> em đăng kí [02:30] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: thôi [02:30] <MrTuxHdb> stop [02:30] <vubuntor860> liều mạng thử [02:30] <MrTuxHdb> giáo trình đếu gì [02:30] * MrTuxHdb còn đếu được học [02:30] <MrTuxHdb> vẫn làm ầm ầm [02:30] <vubuntor860> hjxx' [02:31] <MrTuxHdb> CoconutCrab: <- học cơ khí vẫn code haskell ầm ầm [02:31] <vubuntor860> mấy a pro [02:31] <vubuntor860> e kém [02:31] * Stanley00 cũng chả được ai dạy linux :( [02:31] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: pro đếu gì [02:31] <MrTuxHdb> sao bằng *tinh tướng* [02:31] <vubuntor860> dạ [02:31] <MrTuxHdb> tụi mấy bạn ấy tinh tế lắm [02:31] <vubuntor860> e đâu có quan tâm [02:31] <MrTuxHdb> đm nhà giàu review mechanic keyboard [02:31] <vubuntor860> mấy a chỉ dùm e với [02:31] <MrTuxHdb> iphone ipad ầm ầm [02:31] <MrTuxHdb> qua đó mà xin giúp [02:31] <MrTuxHdb> toàn người giỏi thôi [02:31] <vubuntor860> :( [02:32] <vubuntor860> tròi ơi [02:32] <MrTuxHdb> ở đây giúp là phải có tiền [02:32] <vubuntor860> sao thế này [02:32] <MrTuxHdb> Stanley00: nhề [02:32] <MrTuxHdb> :3 [02:32] <vubuntor860> xin giúp mà đòi tiền chắc chớt [02:32] <Stanley00> vubuntor860: ai biểu chọc sn MrTuxHdb làm giề =]] [02:32] <vubuntor860> năn nỉ giúp dùm e cái [02:32] <vubuntor860> e có chọc đâu [02:32] <vubuntor860> e nói thật [02:32] <vubuntor860> nãy tìm tài liệu [02:32] <vubuntor860> thấy lạ [02:32] <vubuntor860> vô coi thử [02:32] <vubuntor860> kể anh đó nghe mà [02:32] <vubuntor860> e có bik gì đâu [02:33] <vubuntor860> ad giúp e với [02:33] <Stanley00> vubuntor860: giúp rồi đấy còn gì, set máy ảo lại mạng kiểu bridge hay host-only ấy, rồi làm theo cái link /me đưa,, NAT thì vứt là phải thôi [02:33] * MrTuxHdb cũng có biết chó gì đâu [02:33] * MrTuxHdb tát Stanley00 [02:33] <vubuntor860> vậy chuyển về host only ak [02:33] <MrTuxHdb> Stanley00: 500k đủ vé vip mx nhá [02:33] <vubuntor860> chứ không dùng nat hả anh [02:34] <MrTuxHdb> có hiểu NAT, host-only và Bridge [02:34] <vubuntor860> e nhớ hình như trong 2k3 nó dùng nat mà ta [02:34] <MrTuxHdb> nó khác nhau chỗ nào không? [02:34] <vubuntor860> dạ đúng rồi [02:34] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: thôi, giúp em nó đi, em nó lỡ dại mà, đằng nào sao này có đi NT thì /me có free hướng dẫn rồi :P [02:34] <vubuntor860> hehe [02:34] <MrTuxHdb> Stanley00: ở nhà bạn luôn hử [02:34] <MrTuxHdb> nghe biểu đi NT tốn lắm [02:34] * MrTuxHdb ngại vl [02:34] <vubuntor860> cảm ơn 2 anh trước [02:35] <vubuntor860> sdt e.. vô nha trang cần alo e [02:35] <vubuntor860> 01687467234 [02:35] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: cảm ơn xong chưa? [02:35] <vubuntor860> dạ rùi [02:35] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: thẻ 500k đâu [02:35] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: đùa thôi, chứ /me nhà nghèo, biết bao giờ mới được đi NT :(( [02:35] <vubuntor860> giúp đi anh [02:35] <MrTuxHdb> :3 [02:35] <vubuntor860> hả..............hả... [02:35] <vubuntor860> anh nữa rồi [02:35] <vubuntor860> giúp e đi [02:35] <vubuntor860> server e để cái nào đây [02:35] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: thôi không đùa nữa [02:35] <vubuntor860> nat host hay brige [02:36] <vubuntor860> >_< [02:36] <MrTuxHdb> bạn đọc tài liệu về sự khác nhau giữa NAT, host-only và brige đi đã [02:36] <vubuntor860> em hiểu [02:36] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: vậy nói ra coi nào :D [02:36] * MrTuxHdb chỉ giúp tự hiểu không giúp làm hộ [02:37] <vubuntor860> nat thì bên máy window [02:37] <vubuntor860> cấp địa chỉ cho thằng máy trong [02:37] <vubuntor860> còn brige là dùng chung địa chỉ [02:37] <vubuntor860> host e không hiểu lắm [02:37] <vubuntor860> ko biết đúng chưa [02:38] <MrTuxHdb> thế lại đếu phải rồi [02:38] <vubuntor860> hả [02:38] <MrTuxHdb> :3 [02:38] <Stanley00> vubuntor860: đó là bề nổi của tảng băng thôi, nên không hiểu host là phải rồi =]] [02:38] <vubuntor860> :(( [02:38] <MrTuxHdb> .g vmware host-only nat vs bridge [02:38] <SuperLuserv3> MrTuxHdb: [02:38] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: đọc đi [02:38] <MrTuxHdb> 15m sau giải thích lại :D [02:39] <vubuntor860> herr [02:39] <vubuntor860> anh giúp e nhanh giùm với [02:39] <vubuntor860> chọn cái nào [02:39] <vubuntor860> chiều nay e nop rồi [02:39] <Stanley00> ai biểu, tiếc 500k thì ráng chịu, muốn nhanh thì 500k, làm 30 phút là xong :P [02:39] <vubuntor860> cái đó e đọc sau được không ... [02:39] <vubuntor860> trời anh lại thế ùi [02:39] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: dục tốt bất đạt [02:39] <vubuntor860> huhu [02:39] <MrTuxHdb> tốc* [02:39] <vubuntor860> chăcs em chớt anh ak [02:40] <MrTuxHdb> bạn chỉ cần bình tĩnh 15m đọc cái kia [02:40] <vubuntor860> chiều e còn đi làm nữa [02:40] <vubuntor860> năn nỉ đó mà [02:40] <MrTuxHdb> câu chuyện nó khác [02:40] <Stanley00> không, rất là sòng phẳng nhé [02:40] <MrTuxHdb> mịa làm đồ án thì xin nghỉ mấy buổi đi [02:41] <vubuntor860> ko cho nghĩ a [02:41] <vubuntor860> nghĩ là nó cắt thưởng [02:41] <vubuntor860> ko tăng lương [02:41] <vubuntor860> khó lắm [02:41] <Stanley00> vubuntor860: chứ nói thật, ngồi đây giải thích, hướng dẫn cho bạn thế này còn tốn thời gian của bọn này nhiều hơn nhiều, mà có nhận được quái gì đâu, nên bọn này đã dành thời gian cho bạn thì nên chịu khó đi bạn à :3 [02:43] * MrTuxHdb chưa bao giờ có thưởng 30/04-1/5 [02:43] * MrTuxHdb ôm Stanley00 khóc [02:43] <vubuntor860> thương chưa [02:44] <vubuntor860> dạ vậy e cố gằng [02:44] <vubuntor860> e đang đọc [02:44] <vubuntor860> tí xíu e hỏi lại [02:45] * Stanley00 cũng ếu có thưởng =[[ [02:49] <vubuntor860> xong ui anh oi [02:49] <vubuntor860> e doc ui [02:49] <vubuntor860> e biet minh chon cai nao roi [02:50] <vubuntor860> tình hình là e gửi a cái link này [02:50] <MrTuxHdb> chọn cái nào? [02:50] <vubuntor860> anh xem dùm e coi thử set up trong này ok chưa [02:50] <vubuntor860> e làm theo [02:50] <vubuntor860> [02:50] <MrTuxHdb> thật ra cái khó không phải làm được mà là phải hiểu [02:50] <SuperLuserv3> [ How to Install the DHCP Server on Ubuntu 12.04LTS | Lazy Geek -:) ] - [02:50] <vubuntor860> a xem dùm e tài liệu e tìm đúng chưa [02:50] <MrTuxHdb> thứ nhất, giao thức DHCP là gì, hoạt động như thế nào [02:51] <MrTuxHdb> thứ hai, DHCP server có rất nhiều, dùng cái nào thì đọc manual của nó mà config [02:51] <vubuntor860> em đang cofig nó nek [02:51] <MrTuxHdb> mình chuyên dùng dnsmasq cho cả dns caching và dhcp server [02:51] <vubuntor860> đang con fig cái dhcp manual [02:52] <vubuntor860> em xóa hết file gốc [02:52] <vubuntor860> cài lại cái mới [02:52] <vubuntor860> ok chứ anh [02:52] <MrTuxHdb> không vấn đề [02:52] <MrTuxHdb> config đúng là chạy [02:52] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: thế phải chọn máy ảo ở mode nào? [02:53] <MrTuxHdb> mà client là mode nào? [02:53] <vubuntor860> e chọn nat [02:53] <vubuntor860> tại vi nat no quan tri duoc cac may con [02:53] <vubuntor860> con thang host only han che nhieu cai [02:53] * MrTuxHdb give up [02:53] <vubuntor860> birge ko su dung dhcp dc [02:53] * MrTuxHdb đẩy Stanley00 ra [02:54] <Stanley00> =]] [02:54] <vubuntor860> may con e chua cai [02:54] <vubuntor860> dang config cai dhcp goc [02:54] <MrTuxHdb> vấn đề là bạn làm DHCP server [02:54] <MrTuxHdb> nó liên quan đến network [02:54] <MrTuxHdb> protocol nhưng bạn không hiểu [02:54] <MrTuxHdb> thì sao biết mà debug được [02:55] <MrTuxHdb> làm được khác với hiểu [02:55] <MrTuxHdb> :( [02:56] <vubuntor860> dạ [02:57] <vubuntor860> nói chung giờ e đang rối tung lên hết [02:58] <MrTuxHdb> dù sao bạn cũng có đọc [02:58] <MrTuxHdb> vậy là ok [02:58] <MrTuxHdb> có gì nộp xong cho mấy bả trên trường thì về đọc kĩ lại [02:58] <MrTuxHdb> sau hiểu mà làm [02:58] <MrTuxHdb> chứ làm máy móc không giúp ích lúc đi làm đâu [02:58] <MrTuxHdb> DHCP nó là broadcast gói tin trong network [02:59] <MrTuxHdb> nên client muốn lấy được ip [02:59] <MrTuxHdb> thì phải nhận được luồn broadcast này [03:00] <MrTuxHdb> NAT là kiểu máy host (mày cài vmware) nó forward gói tin của máy client để cho client ra internet (nôm na vậy đi) [03:00] <MrTuxHdb> Bridge là máy ảo nó *bridge* vào interface của máy thật [03:00] <vubuntor860> dạ [03:00] <MrTuxHdb> túm lại nó như là 1 client trong mạng tương tương với máy host [03:01] <vubuntor860> em cấu hình như vậy dc chưa [03:01] <MrTuxHdb> còn host-only là chỉ cho các vms trong cùng một *host-only* interface giao tiếp với nhau [03:01] <vubuntor860> e gửi a coi nhé [03:01] <MrTuxHdb> nên nếu DHCP server muốn cấp phát cho đám client trên vmware [03:01] <MrTuxHdb> thì 1 là cả 2 đặt bridge [03:02] <MrTuxHdb> 2 là cả 2 đặt cùng interface host-only [03:02] <MrTuxHdb> tất nhiên là disable dhcp server của vmware [03:02] <MrTuxHdb> ok [03:02] <MrTuxHdb> có vậy thôi [03:02] <MrTuxHdb> còn config thì cứ làm theo tut trên mạng là được [03:02] <MrTuxHdb> =]] [03:02] * MrTuxHdb thăng [03:02] <vubuntor860> anh ơi [03:03] <vubuntor860> có điều máy client của e là máy chính bên ngoài anh ak [03:03] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: ơ, mới coi cái link trên kia, "but they are not visible to others beyond the host as if they are sitting behind their own firewall with the host." vụ này thiệt không vậy? /me không dùng vmware nên không check được :( [03:03] <CoconutCrab> he he [03:03] <vubuntor860> không sử dụng trên vmware [03:03] <CoconutCrab> quan trọng là cái network kia của bạn đang làm tầng nào [03:03] <vubuntor860> vmware e dùng làm máy chủ [03:03] <Stanley00> vubuntor860: vậy thì chỉ còn mỗi cái bridge thôi. [03:03] <CoconutCrab> hay nói cách khác, nó là routing hay bridging [03:03] <CoconutCrab> giải cái đó là xong hết [03:03] <vubuntor860> vấn đề ở chỗ này [03:03] * CoconutCrab bò đi [03:03] <MrTuxHdb> Stanley00: ý sn hỏi chỗ nào :D [03:04] <vubuntor860> em dùng brige [03:04] <vubuntor860> nhưng ko ping dc [03:04] <MrTuxHdb> f**k ping [03:04] <n0bawk> CoconutCrab: em mới chữa pin [03:04] <vubuntor860> tại vì máy e có 2 card mạng [03:04] <CoconutCrab> n0bawk: good? [03:04] <n0bawk> chả hiểu sao cắm điện vào mãi nó ko sạc [03:04] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: link này, , chỗ thằng NAT á, nó ghi thế [03:04] <SuperLuserv3> [ Blog Rat: Bridged vs Host-only vs NAT ] - [03:04] <CoconutCrab> à [03:04] <CoconutCrab> thế kêu lão ấy [03:04] <n0bawk> hình như phải xuống 5% thì mới xạc >:3 [03:04] <vubuntor860> mà thằng ubuntu nó nhận mỗi cái card trong ko nhận card wiless [03:04] <CoconutCrab> thử luôn tại chỗ chứ [03:05] <vubuntor860> còn thằng ngoài dùng card wiless [03:05] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor860: e hèm [03:05] <MrTuxHdb> demo dhcp server [03:05] <vubuntor860> tình hình là e bật wifi thì 2 thằng ping dc cho nhau [03:05] <n0bawk> CoconutCrab: lão ấy có dặn là phải xuống 5% :)) [03:05] <MrTuxHdb> làm 2 con vms [03:05] <CoconutCrab> trước lúc thử con laptop xps cũ cũng thế, ra lão reset lại [03:05] <MrTuxHdb> xong [03:05] <n0bawk> chwsc để bảo vệ pin nó đỡ hỏng >:3 [03:05] <vubuntor860> còn tắt thì nó đường ai nấy đi [03:05] <n0bawk> CoconutCrab: lại phaỉ reset lại hả? [03:05] <MrTuxHdb> Stanley00: thì NAT nó như vậy mà [03:05] <n0bawk> hay cứ để thế dùng cũng được? [03:06] <CoconutCrab> cứ thử xuống 5% như lão ấy bảo xem [03:06] <MrTuxHdb> VM hình như có nhìn được nhau đếu đâu :)) [03:06] <CoconutCrab> hôm trước mình bị thì đem ra reset lại chip trong pin [03:06] <CoconutCrab> chạy mất 1 lúc [03:06] <n0bawk> CoconutCrab: lúc nãy em sang windows thì nó còn 6^ [03:06] <n0bawk> linux thì báo 5% [03:06] <n0bawk> em rút dây ra [03:06] <CoconutCrab> sao lúc lấy không thử luôn ấy [03:06] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: thì /me cũng tưởng trước giờ NAT thì guest chả thấy nhau, nhưng nó nói thế thì chắc là thấy được chứ nhỉ? [03:06] <n0bawk> máy nó báo chuản bị hibernate [03:06] <n0bawk> xong rồi cắm vào nó lại chay >:3 [03:06] <n0bawk> CoconutCrab: tại hôm qua muộn quá [03:07] <n0bawk> nhưng mà lúc về thì lão ấy dặn phải 5% [03:07] <n0bawk> dùng xuống đúng 5% [03:07] <MrTuxHdb> Stanley00: chỉnh config thì được, ý là mặc định thôi :3 [03:07] <CoconutCrab> uh huh [03:08] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: ờ, thôi kệ nó, trước giờ chỉ dùng NAT là để có net thôi :| [03:15] <n0bawk> >:>:3 [08:53] <gioankminh> xin chào [08:53] <Stanley00> chào, không cross post nhé bạn :P [08:55] <gioankminh> là sao vậy? mình không hiểu ? [09:00] <Stanley00> gioankminh: ý mình là khi đã hỏi ở một channel và mọi người ở đó đang giúp thì không nên hỏi lại ở channel khác, 1 channel tại 1 thời điểm thôi [09:01] <gioankminh> ok! mới xài nên không biết [09:02] <MrTuxHdb> Stanley00: còn channel nào nữa à [09:02] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: ờ, thấy gioankminh hỏi bên #ubuntu rồi :P [09:03] <MrTuxHdb> à kinh [09:03] <MrTuxHdb> :3 [09:03] <MrTuxHdb> mà bên #ubuntu có gì vui không sn Stanley00 [09:04] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: chả có gì, ngồi đó hóng thôi, không dùng ubuntu nên phải qua đó chôm chỉa tin tức ấy mà :3 [09:04] <MrTuxHdb> Stanley00: lại xài archlinux rồi [09:04] <MrTuxHdb> ? [09:04] <MrTuxHdb> không phải vì cái VGA thì hôm qua mình đã cài FreeBSD + ZFS cmnr :( [09:05] <Stanley00> xùy, arch ngon mà, /me xài arch cũng vài năm rồi chứ bộ :3 [09:05] <Stanley00> systemd cũng ngon, miễn đừng phải config gì nhiều là được =]] [09:06] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: mà zfs có gì hay không? nghe đồn bị chê ghê lắm mà? [09:09] <gioankminh> hóa ra các bác là người việt à [09:09] <gioankminh> ấy vậy mà như thật ấy [09:10] <gioankminh> Stanley00: Bác biết phần mềm Grammar 2.12 dành cho Window không ? [09:11] <Stanley00> gioankminh: /me đã trả lời cho bạn ở bên kia luôn rồi còn gì? [09:11] <gioankminh> không hiểu nhiều tiếng anh [09:11] <gioankminh> nên khó quá! [09:12] <Stanley00> thế mà lại đi hỏi bên kia mới ghê chứ, để /me dịch lại cho vậy :| [09:12] <gioankminh> ok! [09:13] <gioankminh> cảm ơn trước nhá! [09:13] <Stanley00> gioankminh: có khả năng lại tại wine có lỗi, hoặc do app cùi, thử cài lại app theo kiểu win98 hoặc chạy theo kiểu win98 ấy, không được thì report bug thôi vì giờ wine toàn chạy bằng account adminitstrator rồi tham khảo và [09:13] <SuperLuserv3> [ FAQ - The Official Wine Wiki ] - [09:13] <SuperLuserv3> [ [Wine] Windows app complaining that it doesn't have adminstrator privileges ] - [09:14] <Stanley00> mà nhớ không lầm là thằng grammar đó chạy trên dos thì phải, có khi dosbox cũng có thể chạy được nó [09:15] <gioankminh> vậy hiện tại mình đang trong quá trình update hệ thống lên !5.04 . [09:16] <gioankminh> khi nào hoàn tất nhờ các bác chỉ dẫn chi tiết nhé [09:17] <gioankminh> tiện thể m muốn hỏi luôn. giữa hai bản Server và Destop cái nào nên chọn cho laptop ? [09:17] <Stanley00> chi tiết thì chịu, có link rồi tự làm theo thôi, chứ /me không có wine, mà cũng không có hứng chỉ tận tay :P [09:17] <MrTuxHdb> Stanley00: ZFS ngon [09:17] <Stanley00> gioankminh: thế desktop với server thì laptop giống cái nào hơn? [09:17] <MrTuxHdb> chả thằng nào so sánh được hết [09:17] <MrTuxHdb> :D [09:17] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: ờ, coi rồi, chậm, nhưng được cái data an toàn thôi [09:17] <Stanley00> brtfs ngon hơn :3 [09:19] <MrTuxHdb> chậm [09:19] <MrTuxHdb> ? [09:19] <MrTuxHdb> lolz [09:19] <MrTuxHdb> ZFS is f**king fast [09:20] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: nè ? [09:20] <SuperLuserv3> [ Benchmarking ZFS On FreeBSD vs. EXT4 & Btrfs On Linux - Phoronix ] - [09:22] <MrTuxHdb> Stanley00: FreeBSD 8.1 [09:22] <MrTuxHdb> 4GB RAM? [09:22] <MrTuxHdb> lolz [09:22] <MrTuxHdb> no l2arc or zil? [09:24] * Stanley00 không biết mấy cái đó nghĩa gì, vậy giờ ZFS ngon lắm rồi à? [09:27] <MrTuxHdb> ZFS trước giờ vẫn ngon mà [09:27] <MrTuxHdb> :3 [09:27] <MrTuxHdb> btrfs bắt trước đó [09:27] <MrTuxHdb> :v [09:27] <MrTuxHdb> cơ mà ZFS chỉ tốn RAM tí thôi [09:27] <MrTuxHdb> :v [09:29] <Stanley00> ờ, chừng nào có dịp cài lại thì xem xét... /me vẫn xài ext4, mà arch thì biết bao giờ phải cài lại đây [09:30] <Stanley00> =]] [12:57] * CoconutCrab cõng vubuntor579 bò đi
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CoconutCrab", "MrTuxHdb", "Stanley00", "SuperLuserv3", "gioankminh", "n0bawk", "vubuntor860" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-vn" }
[00:34] <holstein> OvenWerks: i agree about the menu structure.. and getting lost [00:36] <holstein> for me, i think the question is, what can be consistent across the DE's, or most of them, with the least about of preperation per DE [00:36] <holstein> one place someone can do the setup, and it'll just apply [00:37] <holstein> there may be no such indicator or whatever.. [00:43] <OvenWerks> holstein: yes that is the question. The main menu is no longer consistant across DEs, what do we replace it with? Or how do we fit with what they do, with their theme of things. [00:44] <holstein> OvenWerks: do you think the "dust will settle" so to speak, soon? and things will be more consitent? [00:44] <holstein> seems like, that would be a goal [00:45] <OvenWerks> I don't see unity/kde/gnome ever being "the same" [00:46] <OvenWerks> I don't see lubuntu going away from the menu [00:46] <holstein> lxqt seems menu like [00:47] <OvenWerks> I think for me it will be installing them all and looking for common ground [00:47] <OvenWerks> lxqt is lxde next and yes I think so. [00:47] <holstein> you think, in vm is enough? [00:48] <OvenWerks> I have 5 or 6 partitions of 20 meg or so each. [00:48] <OvenWerks> I have never been happy with VMs [00:49] <OvenWerks> maybe I am just old :) (double nickle next month) [00:50] <holstein> :) [00:50] <OvenWerks> Anyway I can carve off a few more partitions if I need to. [00:51] <holstein> i think i'll try VMs.. for space [00:52] <holstein> though, i dont care for them either.. and, 3d can be odd in them.. which needs to be tested [00:57] <OvenWerks> xfce-panel is a separate application. I have run it in unity before under the unity panel. I have also used it as first app with ssh -Y to give me a menu. [00:58] <holstein> handy [00:58] <holstein> its not heavy, either.. [00:58] <holstein> xfce panel is pretty snappy [00:58] <OvenWerks> it seems to me I did have some trouble with unity can't remember what now. [00:58] <holstein> 3d? [00:58] <OvenWerks> I did not take time to work it out. [00:59] <OvenWerks> I think it got hidden easy [01:00] <OvenWerks> This would be about a year and a half ago. Life has made ubuntustudio back burner for a bit. [01:04] <OvenWerks> My netbook is starting to fail. I can't see the boot screen (boot blindly) and the display is going blinky. I have not yet replaced the drive where I was doing my dev work because I am not sure it is worth it. But it meant I could keep my wife company and do dev work at the same time. With the android I can be on line (like now) but not develop. [01:05] * OvenWerks should go cook a chicken. [01:37] <holstein> yeah, i still have that going on a bit [01:37] <holstein> im going to be finished with this house soon, though, and we'll see what i have time for [01:38] <OvenWerks> Sounds good. [01:38] <holstein> well, theres always something.. but, i want to thin it back out a bit [01:38] <holstein> i cant be running around like i am [01:39] <holstein> its been nice this week being on tour, with the days open, and being away from home and chores [01:40] * OvenWerks has about 6 mo of "work" left. [01:41] <holstein> is that good? [01:42] <OvenWerks> I am hoping so, My body has had enough of this work. I walk 10 to 15 miles a day with weight at speed. [01:42] <holstein> yeah, thats tough work [01:42] <holstein> you building things? [01:42] <OvenWerks> It is a big part of why I stopped using the RIC as a bass [01:43] <OvenWerks> I delever mail on foot. [01:43] <holstein> ah.. thats rough, too [01:43] <holstein> 6 months til you retire? [01:43] <holstein> you are not old enough to retire.. [01:44] <holstein> though, i would like an early retirement [01:44] <OvenWerks> about that yeah. it will give 30 years I'll get about 60% per mo what I get now. [01:44] <holstein> OvenWerks: thats great! [01:44] <holstein> and, 100% more free time.. [01:44] <holstein> sounds like a good deal [01:45] <OvenWerks> My Yf is just starting her career as a nurse so I will take care of kids and house. [01:45] <holstein> well, that aint easy, but its good [01:45] <OvenWerks> The house might actually get taken care of with one of us off. [01:46] <holstein> i hear that [01:46] <holstein> its a lot of work to just keep things straight there [01:46] <OvenWerks> yup. [01:46] <holstein> alright.. im out.. i gotta drive 10 hours tomorrow and play a show [01:46] <holstein> cheers! [01:50] <OvenWerks> holstein: later [01:53] <DalekSec> Sounds like "fun" [01:53] <DalekSec> holstein: Live stream it! ;) [16:37] <zequence> OvenWerks: Ok, so you're going to become a full time Studio developer then? :P [18:31] <cub> Good evening (at least here in CEST) [18:31] <cub> Anyone tried LIghtworks for video editing? [18:52] <cub> Wow, things happened with kdenlive while I was gone [18:52] <cub> not so great stuff for US though [19:57] <DalekSec> Howdy, cub. [20:45] <cub> &quit [21:16] <OvenWerks> zequence: fuller than the last few cycles :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DalekSec", "OvenWerks", "cub", "holstein", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio-devel" }
[18:59] <ahoneybun> mhall119: lots of Ubuntu positions I see [19:01] <mhall119> ahoneybun: there tends to be,yeah [19:01] <ahoneybun> JR UX Designer, and Event manager [21:23] <ahoneybun> mhall119: balloons [21:24] <balloons> ohh my!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ahoneybun", "balloons", "mhall119" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-fl" }
[01:03] <alexisb> hey wallyworld dont mind me messing with the api doc :) [01:03] <wallyworld> alexisb: sure, go for it :-) it's still very much WIP [01:03] <alexisb> yep, just reviewing things before I start linking them back [01:04] <wallyworld> alexisb: we'll want to add a server person for cloud init work [01:04] <alexisb> wallyworld, ack [01:04] <alexisb> what about landscape? [01:04] <alexisb> should I add dean [01:05] <wallyworld> yeah, still figuring out exactly what we want in that area, but we should make sure there's an overall consensus [01:05] <alexisb> ack [07:56] <voidspace> morning all [07:56] <voidspace> morning all [09:37] <perrito666> morning [09:58] <aznashwan> hey; could I please get a quick review on [10:01] <aznashwan> note that Gabriel does a good job of explaining the reasoning behind the package's addition in response to Casey's comment (first one). [10:03] <natefinch> aznashwan: hey, that's a really neat and useful package for windows devs [10:04] <natefinch> aznashwan: I guess there wasn't one already written anywhere? [10:05] <aznashwan> natefinch: I had that written a while back but we only just got round to refactoring the Windows service package and its usecase popped up there... [10:31] <mup> Bug #1195757 changed: Package Juju for Windows <improvement> <windows> <juju-core:Fix Released> <> [14:01] <katco> wwitzel3: natefinch: stand up [14:11] <mup> Bug #1449050 was opened: Juju get returns a yaml file that can't be passed to set <juju-core:New> <> [14:35] <mup> Bug #1449054 was opened: Intermittent panic: rescanned document <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [14:51] <aznashwan> natefinch: ping [15:14] <aznashwan> alexisb: ping [15:14] <alexisb> hey aznashwan whats up? [15:15] <aznashwan> alexisb: fresh out of holiday; thanks [15:15] <aznashwan> alexisb: just wanted to point out this thing: [15:16] <aznashwan> alexisb: @natefinch pointed out that we should put this in a separate package [15:17] <aznashwan> alexisb: I need to know who'd be the person who I'd best talk to about it... [15:19] <alexisb> aznashwan, are you in malta? [15:19] <aznashwan> alexisb: nope; back home. [15:19] <alexisb> ack [15:19] <alexisb> natefinch should be able to help [15:20] <alexisb> aznashwan, I can follow up with him when he is back online [15:20] <aznashwan> alexisb: much obliged :D [15:58] <natefinch> alexisb. aznashwan: back [16:02] <alexisb> natefinch, aznashwan is looking for guidance with separating windows securestrings into its own package (based on you suggestion) [16:02] <natefinch> alexisb: I agree with my suggestion ;) [16:02] <alexisb> lol [16:03] <alexisb> I trust you can help guide him as well :) [16:03] <natefinch> alexisb: sure thing [16:03] <alexisb> thanks natefinch [16:09] <aznashwan> natefinch: ping [16:09] <natefinch> aznashwan: howdy [16:10] <aznashwan> natefinch: so; any idea how we're going to proceed? [16:11] <mup> Bug #1449123 was opened: EnvJujuClient24._shell_environ does not correctly handle juju_home <juju-core:Triaged> <> [16:11] <aznashwan> natefinch: The thing itself is really tiny; so I don't personally see it as a worthy package in it of itself... [16:12] <natefinch> aznashwan: it's not about the size, it's about a unit of functionality [16:13] <aznashwan> natefinch: Gabriel at one time suggested I either keep it on me (currently it's been made private; vanity imports aren't that cool); or put it in on Cloudbase [16:13] <natefinch> aznashwan: anything which is worthy of its own package is worthy of its own repo, if you want other people to use it. And we definitely want other people to use it, because open source etc. [16:14] <natefinch> aznashwan: did you build it on your own time, or on cloudbase's time? [16:14] <aznashwan> cloudbase's time/my own I'm not sure I was an unpaid intern :)) [16:14] <natefinch> aznashwan: if you did it while "at work" then it belongs to cloudbase (assuming they do the same thing most companies do) [16:15] <aznashwan> natefinch: as you guys will [16:15] <natefinch> aznashwan: then it's up to you and cloudbase to decide where you want to release it. I don't really care if it's under or or wherever. But I do think it deserves its own top level repo. [16:16] <aznashwan> natefinch: thanks for the insights [16:16] <natefinch> aznashwan: in theory it might work inside a more general windows-specific repo, but juju doesn't have one, and utils is too much of a jumble of stuff to really count. [16:16] <aznashwan> natefinch: that it is; sadly [16:17] <natefinch> aznashwan: ultimately, the point is to make it available and usable to the Go community in general. If its in its own top level repo, that has the least barrier of entry. It doesn't matter that it's small. There's plenty of packages in the standard library that are similar size. [16:18] <aznashwan> natefinch: also; while we're on the subject of making stuff repos of their own; Gabriel and I have been meaning to push for a separate version package for a while now [16:18] <natefinch> aznashwan: actually, small is nice, because it means you can be very precise about only importing what you really need, instead of importing the 40-million-windows-things package. [16:18] <natefinch> aznashwan: ahh yes, definitely [16:19] <natefinch> aznashwan: after looking at the problems with the packaging command stuff, I was convinced of the need for that as well. [16:19] <aznashwan> natefinch: I mean utils alone has a handful of places version detection is required beyond what simple build constraints can account for... [16:23] <aznashwan> natefinch: thanks a lot for all the support [16:24] <natefinch> aznashwan: welcome :) [16:41] <mup> Bug #1449123 changed: EnvJujuClient24._shell_environ does not correctly handle juju_home <juju-ci-tools:In Progress by abentley> <> [17:21] * wwitzel3 shakes his fists at the sky [18:11] <mup> Bug #1449050 changed: Juju get returns a yaml file that can't be passed to set <config> <juju-core:New> <> [18:58] <natefinch> did we change what's required in environments.yaml? Because after updating to master, when I do juju status on my amazon environment I get "invalid EC2 provider config: control-bucket: expected string, got nothing" [19:05] <mup> Bug #1447392 changed: ssh args list too long when bootstrapping <bootstrap> <regression> <juju-core:Fix Released by bteleaga> <> [19:05] <mup> Bug #1447846 changed: Hooks don't fire after upgrade 1.23.0 <hooks> <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Fix Released by menno.smits> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Committed by menno.smits> <> [20:02] <natefinch> cmars: you around? [20:38] <cmars> natefinch, what's up? [20:40] <natefinch> I updated the review you looked at on friday: [20:40] <natefinch> cmars: it includes a test that I noticed was skipped on windows, even though it was testing the windows-only code :/ So I fixed the test. [20:46] <natefinch> wwitzel3: if you do juju status on an unbootstrapped amazon environment, do you get "invalid EC2 provider config: control-bucket: expected string, got nothing" ? That seems like a new error, and incorrect, to boot. [20:48] <wwitzel3> natefinch: you asking me to verify that locally? or is this a change I landed? [20:48] <wwitzel3> natefinch: I agree that seems like the wrong error [20:49] <natefinch> wwitzel3: asking you to try it out if it's not too much trouble to make sure I'm not crazy :) [20:49] <natefinch> wwitzel3: I don't have any reason to believe you're responsible, I Just happened to know you were at your keyboard ;) [20:49] <wwitzel3> natefinch: yep, same error in the Error detail [20:49] <wwitzel3> natefinch: :) [20:50] <perrito666> wow, adding a simple hook ends up being 10 lines of code :| [20:50] <natefinch> perrito666: I agree, that's pretty good ;) [20:51] <perrito666> ill make sure I add that to a document so it is also easy to find which are those 10 lines [20:52] <natefinch> perrito666: 10 lines is fine if they're all together. If they're spread across 10 files, that's bad. [20:52] <perrito666> 5 files plus charms package [20:52] <natefinch> yeah that sucks [20:53] <perrito666> the charm package part will be fun [20:53] * natefinch coughs *code generation* [20:53] <perrito666> this is only valid for a very stupid hook [20:54] <perrito666> but the fact that we need to add that info to a separate repo raises all sort of doubts [20:56] <natefinch> yup [21:42] <mup> Bug #1449277 was opened: juju environment create fails on aws: invalid config <juju-core:Triaged by waigani> <> [21:51] <katco> wallyworld: want to do our 1:1 early? [21:51] <wallyworld> yup [21:51] <katco> wallyworld: cool... grabbing a drink and brt [21:59] <perrito666> anyone would be so kind? [22:01] <ericsnow> menn0: ping [22:13] <menn0> ericsnow: hi [22:15] <ericsnow> menn0: I landed your hooks/upgrade fix and wanted to make sure I didn't introduce a DB-related bug :) [22:15] <menn0> ericsnow: ok... what's happening? [22:15] <ericsnow> menn0: see #1449054 (incl. failures that predate my patch) [22:15] <mup> Bug #1449054: Intermittent panic: rescanned document <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [22:17] <ericsnow> menn0: I don't think I introduced anything new, but got that exact same panic the first time I tried to merge, so wanted to be sure it wasn't something I broke :) [22:17] <ericsnow> s/anything new/any new bugs/ [22:18] <menn0> ericsnow: I remember looking at this issue when it happened way back in 1.21. that time it was caused by a bug in mgo/txn which was fixed. [22:19] <ericsnow> menn0: yep [22:20] <menn0> ericsnow: given what was in the fix you committed and given that it was happening also before that fix I don't think it's that [22:20] <ericsnow> menn0: so either it regressed or we are hitting some corner case in DB-related code that was added relatively recently (1.23?) [22:20] <menn0> ericsnow: yep [22:20] <menn0> ericsnow: let me take a look at what was committed anyway [22:21] <ericsnow> menn0: k, thanks [22:21] <menn0> ericsnow: I can't see the PR on GH under my name or yours [22:22] <ericsnow> menn0: [22:23] <menn0> ericsnow: thanks... I skipped straight over it when looking at your PRs :) [22:23] <ericsnow> :) [22:27] <menn0> ericsnow: the PR looks good and I don't think there's any way this upgrade step could cause that panic in the apiserver tests [22:27] <menn0> ericsnow: I think the 2 aren't related [22:27] <ericsnow> menn0: cool, that's what I figured [22:28] <ericsnow> menn0: thanks for taking a look [22:28] <menn0> ericsnow: now the fun part: figuring out what IS causing that panic. [22:29] <ericsnow> menn0: "is fun for you but we have to clean up after" [22:29] <ericsnow> (from "the man who knew too little") [22:29] <ericsnow> :) [22:30] <mgz> ericsnow, menn0: bug 1449054 [22:30] <mup> Bug #1449054: Intermittent panic: rescanned document <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [22:31] <menn0> mgz: yep, had seen that [22:31] <mgz> william and I looked at the code again today, pretty clearly not from that change, and I went over the CI history and filed that bug for it [22:31] <menn0> mgz: I had just commented on it [22:32] <mgz> I think from the three cases where we caught it in CI, juju is failing to react well to an ill machine underneath it [22:32] <menn0> mgz: given that it happened before the fix for bug 1447846 went in it's pretty unlikely to be that [22:32] <mup> Bug #1447846: Hooks don't fire after upgrade 1.23.0 <hooks> <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Fix Released by menno.smits> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Committed by menno.smits> <> [22:33] <menn0> mgz: it still shouldn't happen obviously. [22:33] <menn0> mgz: finding a link between a sick machine and problems with the txn layer will be fun [22:33] <mgz> indeed, that's why I tracked down it happening in 1.23-alpha1 [22:34] * menn0 checks something [22:37] <menn0> mgz: what was the date we first saw this problem in recent times? [22:41] <mgz> menn0: Feb 12th, rev 4bfd0056afb508b41927d871bde0604fdfb665b1 [22:43] <menn0> mgz: thanks. the last dep update for the mgo repo was well before that so it's unlikely to be a mgo change [22:44] <menn0> mgz: last time we saw this issue it was a bug in mgo/txn [22:46] <menn0> mgz: what's the best way to find the console logs of all recent fails due to this panic? [22:46] <mgz> menn0: I linked the entire set in the bug [22:46] <mgz> it's just the three [22:46] <mgz> also, looking at the surrounding failures is informative [22:46] <menn0> mgz: ok cool. I wasn't sure if that was the whole set or not. [22:46] <mgz> the utopic machine was certainly not well on Friday [22:48] <mgz> my current guess is it's our driver or mongo not reacting well to a disk read error or similar and dropping data [22:48] <mgz> then being surprised when it checks later and finds its not there [22:48] <mgz> *write [22:48] <menn0> mgz: that sounds plausible [22:49] <mgz> anyway, the kind of thing where the whole machine is imminently likely to die anyway [22:49] <mgz> so failing better would be nice, but not a high priority [22:49] <menn0> mgz: where is that machine hosted? [22:50] <mgz> menn0: ec2, us-east-1 [22:51] <menn0> mgz: so could we just blow it away and start again? [22:51] <wallyworld> menn0: can you remind me, that rsyslog issue we discussed last week, i forget the reason you gave for hitting that [22:51] <mgz> menn0: yup [22:52] <menn0> wallyworld: the rsyslog-gnutls package isn't installed if the os update/upgrade options are turned off [22:52] <menn0> wallyworld: and without that the rsyslog config that juju wants to use can't work [23:00] <menn0> wallyworld: it's bug 1424892 [23:00] <mup> Bug #1424892: rsyslog-gnutls is not installed when enable-os-refresh-update is false <cloud-init> <logging> <juju-core:In Progress by natefinch> <> [23:01] <wallyworld> menn0: ah yes, thank you [23:01] <menn0> wallyworld: were you offline just before when I wrote to you? [23:01] <wallyworld> i remember now [23:01] <wallyworld> menn0: my stupid irc connection keeps dropping [23:01] <wallyworld> NFI why [23:02] <menn0> wallyworld: looks like nate and katco have been looking at the rsyslog issue [23:02] <wallyworld> menn0: yes, moonstone is all doing bugs atm [23:02] <wallyworld> while waiting for feature clarification [23:15] <axw> wallyworld: seems there's a problem with my webcam, trying to fix now [23:16] <anastasiamac> wallyworld: standup? [23:16] <wallyworld> axw: google hates me, be there in a bit [23:36] <mup> Bug #1449301 was opened: storage: storage cannot be destroyed <storage> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <> [23:36] <mup> Bug #1449302 was opened: upgrades: old machines need block devices document <storage> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [23:48] <mup> Bug #1449301 changed: storage: storage cannot be destroyed <storage> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <> [23:48] <mup> Bug #1449302 changed: upgrades: old machines need block devices document <storage> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [23:54] <mup> Bug #1449301 was opened: storage: storage cannot be destroyed <storage> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <> [23:54] <mup> Bug #1449302 was opened: upgrades: old machines need block devices document <storage> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [23:59] <menn0> wallyworld: if you have a moment, could you pls create a feature branch on the juju repo for me called "db-log"? [23:59] <wallyworld> sure
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "alexisb", "anastasiamac", "axw", "aznashwan", "cmars", "ericsnow", "katco", "menn0", "mgz", "mup", "natefinch", "perrito666", "voidspace", "wallyworld", "wwitzel3" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-dev" }
[01:58] <Moose> Hello everyone, recently I have gotten very interested in QML through co-coding an app for a client. I was looking to develop my skills in QML by helping out with Ubuntu because you guys seem to focus heavily on it. I found the Ubuntu Touch/Phone quite interesting. So my question is: How can I join a project and help you guys out? [04:34] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: hello man ... I have credential issues [05:02] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: ping [05:23] <surbiks> hi , i am android developer and want to work with ubuntu touch.i want to create custom of ubuntu touch image , how can i do it? [05:24] <surbiks> for sample : i want to block install app , and user can use pre-installed app just , how do this? [06:45] <Mirv> mardy: thanks for the bug #1447175 fix! although there's a test filing, but there's not much sense to not land the #include fix anyway [06:47] <Mirv> s/filing/failing/ [07:33] <jibel> .quit [08:43] <Avagetto_> Good day, anybody can help with porting? how i can create ubuntu touch system img (vivid and android image inside) on PC, without device and adb... [09:21] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Tell a Story Day! :-D [10:06] <Se7> morning [10:07] <Se7> still no update :( shall i reset the phone and try upgrading? [10:08] <popey> Se7: update to what? [10:09] <Se7> popey, i ve got update for youtube telegramm and my pphoto but they don t downloading [10:10] <Se7> it s about 3-4 days like this [10:10] <popey> Se7: out of disk space? [10:10] <Se7> try to reboot many time still nothing [10:10] <Se7> no error popey [10:10] <Se7> just stuk in downloading [10:11] <Se7> stuck* [10:11] <popey> adb shell df -h /home [10:11] <popey> what does it say? [10:11] <Se7> wait [10:11] <Se7> i have to connect the phone to pc for doing that right? [10:11] <popey> yes, or do it in the terminal app [10:11] <popey> easier from a pc [10:11] <Se7> ok sec [10:14] <Se7> adb command not found from terminal app [10:14] <popey> you don't need "adb shell" on device [10:14] <popey> just run "df -h /home" [10:15] <popey> and report the Use% column [10:15] <Se7> ok sorry [10:16] <Se7> Use% Mounted on /dev/mmcblk0p7 4.4 1.2g 3.1g 28% /home [10:18] <Se7> looks like that I got space popey [10:19] <popey> ok. [10:19] <popey> you could try removing your Ubuntu One account in system settings, and then re-add it. [10:19] <jgdxx> popey, Se7 wait [10:20] <jgdxx> Se7, could you take a look at your ubuntu system settings log? [10:20] <Se7> if you tell me how :) [10:21] <jgdxx> Se7, $ cat .cache/upstart/application-legacy-ubuntu-system-settings-.log [10:21] <popey> easier if you plug into a pc [10:21] <jgdxx> Se7, given you are in home [10:21] <Se7> ok sec [10:21] <jgdxx> (/home/phablet/.cache/upstart/…) [10:21] <Se7> enable developer right? [10:21] <jgdxx> Se7, yes [10:22] <jgdx> Se7, and the phone needs to be unlocked while you access it via usb [10:23] <Se7> ok enabled developer and connected to pc [10:23] <Se7> now i have to do? [10:23] <jgdx> $ adb shell [10:23] <jgdx> on the pc [10:24] <Se7> and type the command who give me jgdx [10:24] <jgdx> Se7, cat .cache/upstart/application-legacy-ubuntu-system-settings-.log [10:24] <Se7> [10:31] <jgdx> Se7, anything in ~/.cache/ubuntu-download-manager ? [10:31] <Se7> phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/.cache/ubuntu-download-manager$ ls [10:31] <Se7> ubuntu-download-manager.INFO ubuntu-download-manager.WARNING [10:32] <jgdx> Se7, anything interesting in WARNING? [10:32] <Se7> do you want see the warning?? [10:32] <Se7> sec [10:33] <Se7> mm how can i open it?? [10:33] <Se7> which editor it s on he phone [10:34] <jgdx> Se7, vi [10:34] <jgdx> or less [10:34] <Se7> ok i pastebin it [10:35] <Se7> [10:36] <jgdx> Se7, you can probably just follow popey's suggestion now. Thanks for your time! :) [10:36] <Se7> no problem ..happy to help :) [10:39] <Se7> tnx popey and jgdx now work :) [10:39] <popey> excellent [10:39] <jgdx> great [10:57] <matv1> I have a qml app that is running well on the desktop but when I run it on the phone, apparmor starts complaining. I think its bad news but I cant really understand what it is complaining about. I could really do with some help [10:57] <matv1> here is the output [10:57] <matv1> [10:59] <matv1> what the app starts out doing is asking a server for data via a xmlhttprequest [10:59] <matv1> I am guessing its related to that [11:01] <jgdx> matv1, has the app requested to be part of the networking policy group? [11:02] <jgdx> ref [11:03] <matv1> jgdx I am kinda new to this. I was hoping having the default grants for networking and webview would be sufficient [11:04] <matv1> i will read up on that and get back if i still need help. thanks [11:13] <matv1> jgdx btw on that matter of getting peap/mschapv2 enabled. I cant do much in terms of sorting that out but I am willing to test anything you have. Also I work daily in a wifi network where that is the authentication method. and I am close to the network admins if we need to know details of configuration. I have found that can be helpfull sometimes :) [11:24] <jgdx> matv1, okay, cool! This is the branch for that: [11:32] <matv1> jgdx nice! I will take a look [11:38] <mpt> tedg, [11:39] <mpt> (“NM takes one-size-fits-all approach to all wireless errors which leads sometimes to nonsensical behaviour.”) [11:39] <mpt> pete-woods, [12:44] <robin-hero> Hi! Can I enable somewhere the turn-by-turn (with voice) navigation in the HERE maps on Ubuntu Touch? [12:45] <crs1> Hi everyone :) Recently i have two problems with my n4: I cant isntall apps and mobile data stopped working. I already did a factory reset but the problems reappeared after some weeks. Do you have any ideas what i can do to solve this? [12:45] <studio_> hi [12:46] <studio_> i have a question about mir and xmir. is xmir the root less x11-server for mir? [12:49] <jgdx> crs1, hey, what image? [12:51] <crs1> when i installed it on the phone i remember, i used the "devel" branch (that was long time ago). Now the phone says "Ubuntu 15.04 (r2)" [12:52] <jgdx> crs1, I'm not good with those numbers, but that sounds really old. [12:53] <jgdx> crs1, what does $ system-image-cli -i # give you? [12:54] <jgdx> crs1, please upgrade your phone. I'm on "Ubuntu 15.04 (r183)" and I can think of a bajillion things we've done inbetween those two images. [12:55] <crs1> ok i was already wondering why there are so few updates [12:55] <crs1> there are no updates for me, it says something like "system up to date" [12:56] <jgdx> crs1, maybe you made your image readwrite? [12:56] <crs1> maybe i did this several month ago, but 3 weeks ago i did a factory reset, doesnt this revert the system to read only? [12:57] <jgdx> crs1, does /userdata/.writable_image exist on the phone? [12:58] <jgdx> crs1, you should be able to flash your phone to the most recent image painlessly, and without data loss. See [13:00] <crs1> no, this file doesnt exist ( i checked with "sudo ls -a /userdata) [13:00] <studio_> hmm, this is ubuntu-touch with "mir", isn't it? and that guy got "skype" on his scope? [13:00] <crs1> To get back to your question from before, system-image-cli -i: [13:00] <crs1> current build numer: 2 [13:01] <crs1> last update: 2015-04-13 [13:01] <crs1> version ubuntu: 20150413 [13:01] <crs1> version device: 20150210 [13:01] <crs1> version custom: 20150413 [13:02] <crs1> jgdx, Thank you very much for your very fast and good help. I will try to do the flash procedure you suggested ;) [13:03] <jgdx> crs1, good luck. Ping me if the mobile data issues persist after upgrading to the latest version. [13:04] <davmor2> studio_: skype is x86 only so won't run on arm. that table is intel based so it can work there [13:05] <studio_> i have never seen skype in the store [13:06] <davmor2> studio_: it was for demo purposes, there is no skype app! it was standard skype for i386/amd64 installed via xmir the same applies for netflix too. [13:07] <studio_> how to install the xmir on mir? [13:08] <davmor2> studio_: you don't, it will land in the image when it is fully ready [13:08] <studio_> ok [13:13] <amari> In which languages is Ubuntu Touch translated and which language input does the keyboard support? [13:16] <popey> amari: lots! [13:16] <amari> popey: The keyboard is most important. Does it support CJK input? [13:18] <popey> amari: Elleo can probably explain the details of the keyboard better than I... [13:18] <popey> amari: gives you an idea of the level of translation [13:19] <jgdx> mpt, a context can be inactive if cellular data is off [13:20] <jgdx> mpt, s/context/apn [13:20] <mpt> ok… [13:21] <jgdx> mpt, but I'm thinking that will all go away when we change the backend to use "Preferred" instead of "Active" [13:21] <mpt> jgdx, pun not intended, but I’ve forgotten the context here [13:22] <studio_> davmor2, what about "miraclecast", will it also land in the image? [13:22] <jgdx> mpt, let me get back to you [13:23] <mpt> ok :-) [13:24] <popey> studio_: we have no plans to [13:24] <popey> (that I'm aware of) [13:24] <davmor2> studio_: there is no miraclecast that is a commercial app. The standard screen share will be incorporated when it is complete and tested well yes [13:25] <studio_> popey, have seen that some guys are working in it for 15.04: [13:26] <popey> studio_: you'd have to ask them then [13:28] <studio_> i thought, that it is known here ... [13:28] <popey> "it" ? [13:28] <studio_> miraclecast on ubuntu [13:29] <Elleo> amari: we have a chinese plugin, there's a japanese one in development (but that hasn't had much attention recently) [13:29] <amari> Elleo: you mean for the keyboard? [13:29] <Elleo> amari: iirc the chinese library we use has some support for korean, but it's not used at the moment [13:29] <Elleo> amari: yeah, for the keyboard [13:29] <popey> studio_: ok. various people may know about it, but that doesn't mean it's going to land in the phone any time soon, especially some random 3rd party repo on github [13:30] <amari> So right now there is support for chinese input in ubuntu touch, but not japanese and korean? [13:31] <studio_> popey, there is also a ppa: [13:33] <popey> studio_: it would need to be in the archive, unless it's a standalone app, which could be a click package. [13:33] <popey> studio_: again, you need to contact them, not us [13:33] <studio_> ok [13:36] <studio_> popey, you said, that there will be network browsing implementation in the filemanager, correct? [13:36] <popey> samba support [13:36] <studio_> samba only or also nfs-lan? [13:38] <popey> samba for now [13:38] <popey> (I am pretty sure I've said this about 4 times now) [13:39] <studio_> i am sure, you just said network browsing, noting special more [13:40] <popey> studio_: no, multiple times I've said it. [13:40] <studio_> and? [13:40] <amari> Elleo: So right now there is support for chinese input in ubuntu touch, but not japanese and korean? [13:41] <studio_> you didn't said "only samba". sorry for missunderstanding :( [13:42] <popey> studio_: i did. 20:02 < popey> studio_: we have no plans to add nfs to the file manager, dnla makes no sense in a file manager [13:45] <studio_> popey, sorry again, maybe i have skiped that sentence :( [13:53] <Elleo> amari: correc [13:53] <Elleo> amari: correct* [13:54] <amari> thank you ;) [13:56] <mcphail> awe: are you still looking for episodes of the "network lost when wandering away from wifi" bug? [14:00] <awe> mcphail, not sure "I'm still looking" is an accurate phrase, but if you've hit this, and would like to comment on the bug, I can point you to the right place? [14:00] <awe> mcphail, I'm actually just about to start a meeting [14:01] <awe> could you describe your basic scenario? [14:01] <mcphail> awe: ok np [14:01] <mcphail> awe: simply no network and empty "sudo route" when out of range of wifi just now. No switch to 3g [14:02] <awe> which device? [14:02] <mcphail> krillin on rtm [14:02] <awe> ok, and to be clear, you were connected to a WiFi AP, then went out of range, correct? [14:03] <mcphail> awe: correct [14:04] <mcphail> awe: don't know at which point the network was lost. Haven't checked phone since went out of range 6 hours ago [14:04] <awe> so we're working on a fix for this... the bug for this scenario is: [14:06] <mcphail> awe: i'll look through that (lengthy!) bug later and add more info if I have anything new. Anything you would like me to check just now? [14:08] <Sander^work> How come the start screen with the phone and appstore icon etc. I saw on the downloaded version isnt there anymore on the one I got from bq [14:09] <awe> no, I think we have a good understanding of the bug and actually have a fix in progress [14:09] <davmor2> Sander^work: swipe the middle of the screen to the left 2 times [14:09] <davmor2> Sander^work: the image you downloaded did have all the scopes that the shipped phone has [14:10] <Sander^work> davmor2, ah!! [14:10] <Sander^work> Thanks alot:) [14:10] <davmor2> did not have even [14:12] <Sander^work> davmor2, awe maybe I good idea to have that excercise in the "training" when you first start the phone aswell:) [14:12] <Sander^work> a*a [14:12] <Sander^work> Btw, I really like the look of the phone. [14:14] <davmor2> Sander^work: it is in the instructions and swiping between pages is kinda common to all mobile operating systems too. But if the change they want lands you would access the other scopes from a right hand swipe which is in the instructions :) [14:16] <Sander^work> davmor2, ah, ok. Btw. Do you know if there exist an app like google keep. To keep track of several lists, and maybe share them? [14:17] <davmor2> Sander^work: Reminders plugs into evernote that can have lists not sure about sharing popey^ [14:18] <Sander^work> davmor2, Like a grocery store list? [14:18] <Sander^work> Hm, interesting. I'll have to check out evernote. [14:19] <davmor2> Sander^work: yeah I use reminders for that, just make a note and then you have checkboxes you can add to the note [14:50] <kenvandine> ogra_, did you see the link sharing context menu landed in vivid? [14:51] <ogra_> kenvandine, i'm still having an old image on my arale (testing a new graphics driver) and couldnt upgrade yet ... but thats awesome to hear ! (i'll upgrade today) [14:53] <kenvandine> ogra_, just for you! :-D thanks for the suggestion [14:53] <ogra_> :D [15:09] <kenvandine> awe__, apn editor testing silo is 16, building now [15:16] <awe__> thanks kenvandine, abeato ^^ [15:16] <abeato> awe__, noted [15:47] <mcphail> Any news yet on whether the next krillin rtm will be based on vivid? [15:47] <ogra_> there will be a hotfix OTA first [15:47] <ogra_> the one afterwards will be vivid [15:48] <mcphail> ogra_: so does that mean vivd in 2 months rather than 1 or is the hotfix outwith the monthly schedule? [15:48] <ogra_> the hotfix is out of line (will go to bq this week iirc) [15:49] <mcphail> ogra_: great! What is the hotfix hot fixing? [15:49] <davmor2> mcphail: bugs [15:49] <popey> bugs :) [15:49] <popey> dammit [15:49] <ogra_> hot bugs :) [15:49] <mcphail> :) [15:58] <mardy> Mirv: what's the plan for bug 1421009 as far as OA is concerned? Will you also add my branch to the silo, or should we land it separately? [16:00] <jgdx> mpt, ping [16:00] <Mirv> mardy: not landing at the moment, since we're not landing at the moment the Qt changes that regress OA. we're now landing libusermetrics (and possibly unity8) changes to workaround the original bug [16:01] <Mirv> mardy: the OA changes may come handy anyway later since we still plan to ship the "real fix" once it's actually stable. in case OA has some changes of behavior that would be needed together with it. [16:03] <mardy> Mirv: OK, so I'll take the OA changes and land them in the same branch for the Qt 5.5 fixes [16:04] <mardy> Mirv: we'll land them ourselves, with low priority. OK? [16:04] <Mirv> mardy: sounds good, and anyway better to have more proper ordering of those. but indeed low prio for now if we get this current workaround working that doesn't involve OA. [16:06] <mardy> Mirv: it's a good fix anyway, it doesn't depend on changes in QtDBus; the changes in QtDBus expose it quite seriously, but anyway the current code could be racy [16:06] <Mirv> mardy: yep, it'd good to have it! [16:21] <kenvandine> awe, abeato: silo 16 is built [16:56] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: ping [17:04] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: pong [17:05] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: I still cannot figure out how to send vsid parameter properly. [17:08] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: iirc you said we need to send that to the device part of the hal right? [17:08] <peat-psuwit> Do you have any additional idea? [17:09] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: Yes, I said that. [17:10] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: so guess I just need to export the same property set for the device [17:10] <rsalveti> then you could set that via pulseaudio [17:10] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: do you have the logic on the android side that sets that property for your device? [17:10] <rsalveti> still unclear if that is indeed the property that does what you need [17:12] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: It's in the vendor RIL. So, no logic code is available. [17:14] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: But I'm sure that this parameter (along with another one) will make the voice go to earpeice. [17:16] <peat-psuwit> I've already made a crude hack that successfully establish the call. [17:21] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: oh, cool, so first we need to export that property set in pulseaudio, to make it set the property at the device instead [17:21] <rsalveti> and then have someone to set such properties [17:21] <rsalveti> guess when the call starts/stops [17:21] <rsalveti> brb [17:23] <n-iCe> guys, is ubuntu phone available for shamu? [17:25] <ogra_> shamu ? [17:25] <n-iCe> Nexus 6 [17:25] <Tassadar> nope [17:26] <ogra_> no, we use drivers from android 4.4 ... to my knowledge there is no 4.4 for the nexus 6 [17:27] <ogra_> someone would have to "reverse-port" it, if thats possible at all [17:28] <popey> or wait till we inevitably have to move to android 5.x [17:31] <n-iCe> right [17:31] <n-iCe> thanks [19:02] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: ping? [19:03] <rsalveti> hey [19:19] <elopio> oSoMoN: could you please review ? [19:21] <oSoMoN> elopio, approved [19:21] <elopio> thanks. [19:42] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: Pulseaudio has a proplist for card, right? [19:42] <peat-psuwit> Can it be altered externally? [20:18] <mibofra> oh hi rsalveti [20:22] <chrisccoulson> is there a way to tell Qt to create an EGL context (when running on X) instead of a GLX context? [22:27] <elopio> cwayne: [22:28] <elopio> this card is not QAs top-priority, but should be the top in a month or so. [22:29] <elopio> a month sounds bad... But there are things we can do in the meantime, with manually triggered executions.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Avagetto_", "Elleo", "JamesTait", "Mirv", "Moose", "Sander^work", "Se7", "Tassadar", "abeato", "amari", "awe", "awe__", "bzoltan", "chrisccoulson", "crs1", "davmor2", "elopio", "jgdx", "jgdxx", "jibel", "kenvandine", "mardy", "matv1", "mcphail", "mibofra", "mpt", "n-iCe", "oSoMoN", "ogra_", "peat-psuwit", "popey", "robin-hero", "rsalveti", "studio_", "surbiks" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[08:33] <alan_g> alf_: any opinion? [11:46] <alan_g> anpok_: any opinion? [11:52] <anpok_> yes [11:52] <anpok_> posting [13:06] <alan_g> kdub AlbertA: any opinion? [13:07] * kdub looks [13:59] <alan_g> camako: I just came across some TODO comments in src/server/frontend/buffer_stream_tracker.h - are they a legacy of your (now abandoned) effort to change the buffer ownership logic? [14:14] <kdub> alan_g, I think that comment was mine at some point [14:15] <kdub> alan_g, and I think it was about how if the frontend code held a shared_ptr somewhere in there, we could re-bury the acquire/release (wrapped by swap_buffers() nowadays) [14:16] <kdub> but its kinda dusty, as we've gotten rid of TemporaryClientBuffer [14:16] <alan_g> kdub: I was wondering if the comments should go [14:17] <anpok_> kdub: do you want to have another look on the resubmitted MP here: [14:17] <kdub> alan_g, yeah, it probably can [14:17] <kdub> anpok_, okay [14:19] <kdub> anpok_, with that, what was the lockup that was happening in the test? [14:20] <alan_g> kdub: for avoidance of doubt you're referring to both the first two TODOs in that file. (The third one looks wrong too, but is different) [14:21] <kdub> alan_g, ah, yeah, i was referring to the third one [14:21] <kdub> what? a mir file with more than one todo in it? :) [14:21] <kdub> well, the part about the shared ptr is part about it [14:22] <kdub> doh, mispoke, reorienting... [14:23] <kdub> alan_g, so the 1st and 2nd todo are about how originally, i thought a unique_ptr should get deposited there, and released when the client message came back, so its pretty old, as the BufferQueue hasn't quite evolved that way [14:25] <anpok_> lockup? the problem the first time since landed was that no initial scan happened and then that after the scan there would be blocking call to epoll_wait, instead of just testing for pending events [14:25] * alan_g thinks he should leave it to kdub to revise these comments. [14:25] <anpok_> *the first time this MP landed.. [14:26] <kdub> alan_g, mk, easy to do today [14:26] <alan_g> ;) [14:26] <anpok_> hum I guess the new input dispatcher will need another round.. so I guess I have to fit the old one meanwhile [14:26] * kdub is prodding around the {mf,mc}::BufferStream interface today anyways [14:27] <kdub> anpok_, re lockup said a freeze, but that sounds like what you described up there [14:28] <anpok_> yes redid it by splitting the changes up into hm two iirc [14:35] <kdub> anpok_, right, but how does splitting it up into two fix it? [14:35] <anpok_> well .. i changed it along the lines of splitting it up :) [14:36] <anpok_> the one that already landed siwtches the timeout handling to a timer fd (which is a new addition) and this change now ensure that there is an initial call to do the device scan [14:36] <kdub> anpok_, ah, well, lgtm I suppose, maybe a comment in the bug about what the root cause was would be helpful though [14:37] <kdub> anpok_, ah, yes, thats what I was asking about [14:38] <kdub> anpok_, +1 then from me [16:35] <alan_g> kdub: still need info? [16:37] <kdub> alan_g, switched to abstain, probably enough for top-approval now [16:37] <kdub> but if not, i'll re-review later today [16:39] <alan_g> kdub: I'm happy to leave it for later [16:39] <kdub> alright, just in the thick of reorganizing some tests, will check later
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "alan_g", "anpok_", "kdub" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mir" }
[00:08] <HolyKnight> [00:39] <PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~ [00:47] <jun__> 안녕하세요~ [01:40] <HolyKnight> [05:34] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요~~ [07:25] <imsu> 안녕하세요 ^^ [07:28] <AutoWiZ_znc> 꺄~~ 임수 하이하이~~ [07:28] <AutoWiZ_znc> 부비부비 쩝쩝 [07:43] <imsu> AutoWiZ_znc: 오잉 ? 웬 부비부비?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [07:43] <imsu> 안녕하세요 ^^ [07:45] <AutoWiZ_znc> 거부 당했군 ㅠㅠ [08:21] <samahui_WS> 토닥토닥 [08:30] <imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ [08:30] <imsu> 거부래 ㅋㅋㅋ [08:45] <samahui_WS> 조기퇴근 합니다 [08:45] <samahui_WS> 즐거운 월요일 저녁시간들 보내세요~ [13:04] <Demonion> ㅎㅇㅇ [18:23] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [18:25] <Work^Seony> 잠시 리붓합니다 [23:41] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 [23:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 간만에 봤더니 마우스 가격이 엄청 오른거 같은 느낌이네요 [23:57] <Work^Seony> 얼만데요? [23:59] <AutoWiZ_znc> 제가 전에 쓰던 모델이 2만원대 였던거 같은데 [23:59] <AutoWiZ_znc> 3~5만원 하네요
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AutoWiZ_znc", "Demonion", "HolyKnight", "PotatoGim", "Work^Seony", "imsu", "jun__", "samahui_WS" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[19:10] <bdmurray> infinity: Did the Launchpad ddeb switch get flipped? [19:12] <wgrant> bdmurray: for a few hours [19:13] <wgrant> bdmurray: pitti fixed the pkg-create-dbgsym bug wjich caused us to disable it, so we may reenable it on fridsy or so [19:14] <bdmurray> wgrant: okay, thanks [20:36] <infinity> wgrant: But when is "fridsy" exactly? [20:45] <ogra_> infinity, just check the wgrantian calendar [20:59] <robru> infinity: ^ my bad, hit publish too quickly there. please delete libusermetrics from unapproved [21:03] <infinity> robru: Gone. [21:03] <robru> infinity: thanks [21:15] <wgrant> infinity: It's when I'm not typing on a phone over beer.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bdmurray", "infinity", "ogra_", "robru", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-release" }
[07:05] <pipedream> I have a case where dh_install turns a symlink into an empty folder. (please assist) [07:06] <pipedream> 0 jan@snapperkob:~/src/sagemath-upstream-binary/sagemath-upstream-binary/debian$grep local install [07:06] <pipedream> amd64/local /usr/lib/sagemath [07:08] <pipedream> 0 jan@snapperkob:~/src/sagemath-upstream-binary/sagemath-upstream-binary/debian$ls -ldp ../amd64/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sagenb-0.11.4-py2.7.egg/sagenb/data/mathjax /usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sagenb-0.11.4-py2.7.egg/sagenb/data/mathjax/ [07:08] <pipedream> lrwxrwxrwx 1 jan jan 32 Apr 17 23:19 ../amd64/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sagenb-0.11.4-py2.7.egg/sagenb/data/mathjax -> ../../../../../../share/mathjax// [07:08] <pipedream> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 25 06:39 /usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sagenb-0.11.4-py2.7.egg/sagenb/data/mathjax// [07:08] <pipedream> ah [07:08] <pipedream> is this query supposed to go to ubuntu-packaging. [07:08] <pipedream> soz [08:30] <mitya57> pipedream: I think you should link using dh_link, after installing everything else [08:59] <mitya57> pipedream: also your packaging looks broken, there should not be "amd64" hardcoded or "local" [09:00] <pipedream> Will dh_link overwrite an existing directory? [09:00] <pipedream> mitya57: this is a large open source tree currently packaged as a binary package as debianization is in progress for 6 years now [09:00] <pipedream> so I copy a built binary (including the open source tree) into place [09:00] <pipedream> ppa:aims/sagemath [09:00] <pipedream> [09:01] <pipedream> so the packaging is temporarily broken but fulfilling a community need for several years [09:01] <pipedream> "broken" [09:01] <pipedream> it uses dh_install to copy stuff into place, as if it were a binary package [09:01] <pipedream> never mind that [09:01] <pipedream> why does dh_install take a folder into place and then take folder/path/path/path/symlink and change symlink into a folder [09:02] <pipedream> ? [09:02] <pipedream> all the other 1000 symlinks un subfolders work fine [09:03] <mitya57> pipedream: dh_link will overwrite existing files (it uses ln -sf internally) [09:05] <mitya57> pipedream: I don't remember the details, but I think you really shouldn't do the linking manually before the dh_install [09:07] <pipedream> sorry, which linking manuall? [09:07] <pipedream> Oh, the stuff in the source tree [09:07] <pipedream> I don't do it in the packaging [09:07] <pipedream> I inherit a source tree with many symlinks [09:09] <mitya57> pipedream: Did you try to collaborate with Debian Science team? I see there are some not-very-old sage-related packages there. [09:09] <mitya57> Like [09:10] <pipedream> Yes, I do [09:11] <pipedream> That is in progress since 2008, died in 2010, resurfaced 2 years ago, and is a long term project to get almost 100 package version in debian right [09:11] <pipedream> in the meantime, we need an auto-update single click install [09:11] <pipedream> does dh_link always run after dh_install, or in the order of my rules file? [09:13] <mitya57> If you are using dh(1), then dh_link is run after dh_install* [09:18] <pipedream> (also WHY does dh_install chagne a symlink into a folder ... ) [09:19] <mitya57> File a bug if you think it's wrong :) [09:19] <pipedream> it looks like ln -sf will create a symlink inside the folder, not replace the folder [09:20] <pipedream> mitya57: not sure it is wrong, not experienced enough with packaging [09:20] <pipedream> mitya57: many thanks, it will take me some hours to test [09:20] <pipedream> I may have to just fix it in a postinst :( [09:21] <mitya57> postinst is not needed, you can fix it in override_dh_install [09:21] <pipedream> ah [09:26] <pipedream> Could I add a dh_link in my override_dh_install just before running dh_install? [09:28] <mitya57> Can you just call it after, preferably using debian/*.links? [11:55] <pipedream> From my test with ln -sf, the symlink would be inside the folder not replacing it [11:56] <pipedream> So I built a PPA with before dh_install (in my override_dh_install) a line: [11:56] <pipedream> dh_link ../../../../../../share/mathjax/ /usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sagenb-0.11.4-py2.7.egg/sagenb/data/mathjax [11:56] <pipedream> this at least fixes the bug for now [11:57] <pipedream> I still want to figure out the root cause and do that better [16:10] <teward> what's the general time before a backport request for Universe is looked at? [16:10] <teward> (from filing with requestbackport to final processing) [17:31] <micahg> teward: anywhere from a few minutes to weeks unfortunately, but I can have a look later if no one beats me to it [17:31] <teward> micahg: OK, no rush, it's just a prerequisite backport for a ZNC backport. [17:32] <micahg> I saw the znc/swig backport requests [17:32] <teward> yeah those're the related ones [17:32] <teward> (swig is the prereq) [19:22] <teward> micahg: with regard to the swig backport request, would a build test in the same backport build tests PPA I'm already using (whcih only has the swig package) work? I can't test locally right now due to not having a Linux system to test with. [19:22] <micahg> yes, it should [19:22] <teward> (sorry i'm a little lazy today, and don't want to open my web browser xD) [19:23] <teward> OK [19:23] <teward> micahg: can you un-X the box for the install/run test for swig3.0 itself for me as i'm in the middle of another task that takes precedence [19:23] <teward> (otherwise I'll go edit the description shortly) [19:23] <teward> (when done) [19:24] <micahg> that's fine, it's set to incomplete waiting on you, so no rush [19:31] <teward> i have a thousand things on my radar due today so meh [19:31] <teward> :P [19:37] <micahg> teward: no rush, can be whenever you get to it [20:02] <teward> micahg: build tests are running, although I went ahead and also did the backportpackage for 'znc' pointing at the PPA for upload destination for both Trusty and Utopic [20:02] <teward> since iirc a Utopic test is necessary for the backport. [20:02] <teward> micahg: do you need me to file a separate backport bug against trusty-backports and utopic-backports for the znc backport? [20:04] <micahg> requestbackport can file both at once, or if you want to use the existing bug that was filed for ZNC, you can add a second task [20:04] <micahg> (it just adds a second task) [20:04] <micahg> s/it/requestbackport) [20:05] <teward> micahg: right, i know it can file both at once - my question is if you want to for the existing bug against ZNC that requested the backport in the wrong manner [20:05] <teward> i'm tempted to file via requestbackport and then reference the bug against Ubuntu's ZNC package in it like I did for the swig dependency. [20:06] <teward> or mark the existing package-targeted bug as a dupe against the backports target bug, but meh [20:06] <micahg> that's fine, whatever is easiest for you [20:06] <micahg> sometimes I copy/paste from requestbackport, sometimes I file a new one [20:09] <teward> mmm [20:19] <teward> micahg: what do we do about reverse suggests? [20:19] <teward> i'm not 100% familiar on testing those so a primer/explanation would be nice [20:19] <micahg> not required [20:20] <teward> micahg: so where it says Reverse-Suggests under Reverse Dependencies in the output of requestbackport, i can ignore those reverse-suggests? [20:20] <micahg> suggests are nice to have packages that enhance functionality, but aren't required [20:20] <teward> (the relevant source packages don't build-dep) [20:20] <micahg> yes [20:20] <teward> I'll make a note there, thanks. [20:21] <teward> micahg: what about debug symbols? In the past 'install' was the only test needed, with previous ZNC backports back in pre-Trusty or something, i forget how long it's been since i did a backport req of it xD [20:22] <micahg> I don't think you have to worry about those unless something else depends on it [20:22] <teward> OK - it's listed though in the 'install and run' tests. [20:22] <teward> can I mark it as "Test Not required" or is an installation test sufficient [20:22] <micahg> yeah, that's automated output [20:22] <micahg> installation should be fine [20:23] <teward> i'll make a note as to why it doesn't need a runtest (as it's just debug symbols) [20:27] <teward> micahg: filed as - i just need to wait for the PPAs to finish publishing then I'll do runtime tests. Assuming I still have a utopic VM. If not i"ll have to go find a Utopic ISO or something to test with... [20:27] <micahg> ok, thanks [20:27] <teward> (the previous bug on this has been marked as a dupe of this one, because that's the easiest thing to do in this case) [20:27] <micahg> I'll keep an eye on my email [20:31] <teward> OK. the swig3.0 test is done though since it built without incident on Trusty in that PPA per our discussion. [20:32] <teward> micahg: also note that for the ZNC backport request, I've gone and actually defined the run tests and the install tests, and why -dbg has no run test. [20:32] <teward> (because i'm paranoid about details xD) [20:33] <micahg> thanks, I like details :D [21:08] <teward> micahg: there needs to be one tiny packaging fix to make the dev tools work fine, and it just needs to call upon libicu-dev in the build deps for znc-dev... :/ that's already existing in Utopic and makes module builds work seamlessly. (This is a bug identified in my PPA version for ZNC stable (from Debian) as well, and I have it on my radar to test Debian as well) [21:10] <micahg> teward: is that a fix needed in later releases? [21:11] <teward> micahg: yes, in utopic and vivid, and while I could easily debdiff it in a matter of seconds it still needs upstreamed to Debian [21:11] <teward> it also needs the fix for Trusty as well [21:11] <micahg> ok, let's fix it in the later releases and backport the fixed version then [21:11] <teward> OK [21:14] <teward> micahg: there's no Ubuntu bug on it, yet, but I know for a fact Trusty, Utopic, and Vivid are affected per which is actually where the unofficial ZNC PPA (based directly off Debian) is tracked. [21:16] <micahg> ok, I can give you tasks for all the releases once there's an Ubuntu bug [21:17] <teward> yep i'll nominate [21:20] <teward> i'm targeting it to Vivid, actually, since that's affected, and a backport of 1.6 from Vivid would be impacted by this bug [21:20] <teward> micahg: are you able to approve Vivid nomination for a bug ( [21:21] <micahg> added for trusty-vivid [21:21] <teward> micahg: that will only apply to backports - 1.4 and earlier don't have the issue [21:22] <micahg> oh, haha, right [21:22] <teward> (it affects Trusty - Vivid with 1.6.x but not preexisting variants in Trusty and Utopic) [21:22] <micahg> I thoguht we had 1.6 in trusty and utopic for some reason :-/ [21:22] <teward> not yet :P [21:22] <micahg> fixed :) [21:22] <teward> micahg: granted my PPA does have it, but that's based off the Debian pacakge anyways :P [21:22] <micahg> and those won't be affected once vivid is fixed :) [21:25] <micahg> easiest thing is probably to get it fixed in Debian, sync'd to w, sru backport to vivid, and then regular backport to t and u [21:25] <micahg> (assuming that's the only fix in the Debian upload) [21:26] <teward> i only just filed it in Debian [21:26] <teward> the system hasn't returned the bug number yet [21:27] <micahg> well, it's simple enough to SRU on its own, but if Debian is quick to fix, consistent package versions make updates easier :0 [21:27] <teward> lol is slow in catching up xD [21:30] <teward> micahg: agreed, hopefully Patrick Matthai is fast to respond/handle. [21:34] <teward> well, in the interim i tested the other components of the ZNC source package and they work so meh [21:40] <micahg> ok, so at least the swig backport can go forward [22:03] <teward> micahg: correct. [22:03] <teward> micahg: which would block any other backport anyways (ZNC or others needing swig3.0 although I don't know what does off hand)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "micahg", "mitya57", "pipedream", "teward" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-motu" }
[11:54] <morpheus000> hello, who speak french? [11:59] <lewis1711> I've noticed that the keys to control the monitor no longer work, post upgrade to 15.04. But I tried them in kubuntu, and it's working, so thankfully it's not a kernel issue or anything [11:59] <lewis1711> I checked in my core applications, and the power-manager is "auto" [12:00] <lewis1711> I guess first things first... how can I change the brightness, if not with the media keys? [12:08] <gsilva> morpheus000, you can try to reach melodie when she's around or many other among #linuxvillage [12:08] <gsilva> they are the french community [12:10] <morpheus000> gsilva: thank's i'm novice and my english isn't perfect :/ [12:11] <gsilva> No problem. Nevertheless, if you care to try and explain your situation here, I'm certain someone will help [15:37] <babadubu> hi, please help.lubuntu14.04 resolution prbs. max1024x768 with tft1600x900 connected.what do? [16:55] <AnnaRooks> how do you disable trackpad? [17:10] <AnnaRooks> is it possible to disable trackpad? [17:24] <cheche> AnnaRooks: [17:25] <AnnaRooks> thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AnnaRooks", "babadubu", "cheche", "gsilva", "lewis1711", "morpheus000" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[09:01] <drathir> bry... [13:20] <TheNumb> ry [16:23] <xaxes`> Y [16:33] <Ashiren> Z [16:44] <Voldenet> Ź
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ashiren", "TheNumb", "Voldenet", "drathir", "xaxes`" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[15:19] <jsalisbury> apw, ogasawara Should we cancel this weeks IRC meeting until W development gets into full swing?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "jsalisbury" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-kernel" }
[02:25] <turuko> selamun aleykum [02:25] <turuko> musait olan varmı [02:25] <turuko> yardımcı olabilecek birisi lazım lütfen
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "turuko" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tr" }
[08:28] <Ady2> I downloaded lubuntu-15.04-alternate-i386.iso. Inside it, I see 'install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg', but it is empty. I also see 'install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.0' (not under the 'pxelinux.cfg' subdir) but there is no ldlinux.c32 in the same directory (so pxelinux.0 would fail to find it). Is there any place where I can find info about this (e.g. relevant package, or how to use [08:28] <Ady2> / what's the goal of this directory and its subdirs.)? I cannot make sense of these subdirs. Should they be included in this iso image at all? What for? Is this some kind of bug? [11:26] <Kamilion> Not sure, Ady2 [11:26] <Kamilion> I've had a number of small issues with mismash files on some of the ISOs [11:27] <Kamilion> for example, mboot.c32 is also AWOL [11:27] <Kamilion> or was, at least [11:28] <Ady2> Kamilion: I am investigating it. I have a hunch this is sth related to debianinstall or related package. I would like to know where are these files and directories coming from. I don't have a problem of mismatch versions, just that there should be one additional file in there (which is located in a different subdirectory). [11:29] <Kamilion> by mishmash I mean that some files are present and others are missing. Seems mostly syslinux/isolinux/pxelinux modules. [11:30] <Kamilion> I couldn't be tossed to figure it out, so I just threw mboot.c32 in there myself. (i needed it to load xen) [11:31] <Ady2> I also don't know why the files are not under 'pxelinux.cfg/', but first I guess I should find where are these files and structure originated. Yes, they are from Syslinux, but the structure is not from Syslinux upstream. Someone else (debianinstaller?) puts them there. [11:32] <Ady2> And finally, I would like to know why they are included in the iso. How they are supposed to be used, under which scenario, why we need additional syslinux files, and additional kernel and initrd. [11:32] <Kamilion> last time I looked into the matter I was lead to [11:34] <Kamilion> in your case it would have been [11:35] <Kamilion> this is apparently the mechanism that actually makes the ISOs [11:44] <Kamilion> I'm still trying to grasp how everything works for a .seed to end up as a built ISO set [11:49] <Kamilion> I hit a brick wall at [11:52] <Kamilion> it looks like that's the point where it goes off and runs the package builds needed to end up on disc [11:56] <Kamilion> but deeper in there is where it grabs the build artifacts, including all of the files. [11:57] <Kamilion> s/all of the files/all of the boot files/i [12:44] <Ady2> Considering this has to be originated somewhere in debian too, perhaps in the d-i-netboot-assistant package. But then it goes to ubuntu and then to lubuntu too. So the Q is, is there someone here that can give some clue? [12:45] <Ady2> The equivalent to what it is seen inside the iso is [12:52] <Kamilion> yeah, someone'll show up with more knowledge of history than I [12:53] <Kamilion> So do your best to explain the situation now and someone'll read the scrollback. [12:55] <Kamilion> at the very least, someone will tell you which package the bug report should get filed on. [12:57] <Ady2> I don't have a situation. I am trying to understand why all these subdirectories and files are included in the iso, and I know Syslinux enough so to understand that, for whichever goal these have been included, they still need ldlinux.c32 together with pxelinux.0, or it will fail in whichever situation these files and directory structure could be needed. [13:02] <Kamilion> my guess would be filing a bug against syslinux or d-i. I know the relevant files exist in the built package. Why they don't arrive on the media? *shrug* Someone here probably knows when they wake and read the scrollback. [13:03] <Kamilion> only certain files are copied, according to some rule during ISO generation. Where that lives; I'm still trying to find out. [13:03] <Kamilion> If you happen to find out -- let me know, so I can request mboot.c32 too [13:04] <Kamilion> I've got to go get some sleep; but I didn't want you to leave thinking you were ignored. [13:04] <Ady2> TY. FWIW, the ldlinux.c32 is there, but in the wrong subdir. [13:05] <Kamilion> well, either way, it's not something that can be fixed; the release has came and gone and the ISOs are already mirrored worldwide [13:05] <Kamilion> so it will have to be fixed for 15.10 [13:21] <Ady2> The problem is also described at , expect that the bug is not upstream Syslinux, but in Debian, in some package related to DebianInstaller (and my guess is that such package is netboot-assistant). It doesn't answer my doubt though, why are these files and directory structure included in the iso (I mean, what for)? [13:27] <Kamilion> ... Huh. [13:28] <Kamilion> yeah, THAT issue sounds like an upstream bug in syslinux (re: pxelinux.0 not respecting ldlinux.c32's path) [13:29] <Kamilion> something has changed recently [13:29] <Kamilion> ~march/april [13:32] <Ady2> I repeat, the bug is not in Syslinux itself, but in Debian. The fact that users report something being upstream because they happen to find that a prior version works doesn't mean their conclusions are correct. [13:36] <Kamilion> In general, regressions are A Bad Thing, in my opinion. [13:36] <Ady2> The fact that the reporter in msg #90 just copies ldlinux.c32 to the "right" location (as per Syslinux expects it) and it works actually shows that the problem is the location in which the Debian package is putting the files. Whether it is one file that needs relocation (ldlinux.c32), or the whole structure is inadequate, I don't know). The package (netboot-assistant) is not maintained (correctly). [13:38] <Ady2> This is not exactly a regression. It just needs further modifications in addition to whatever they did during the last months. [13:38] <Kamilion> I understand your sentiment. [13:40] <Kamilion> In general from the deployments I've seen, most PXE setups tend to be site-specific, and customized to a high degree. [13:42] <Kamilion> A great many of the ones I've recently interacted with have moved over to using iPXE and loading files from a protocol newer than TFTP, such as HTTP or HTTPS. [13:43] <Kamilion> and the last time I checked, that process currently doesn't need pxelinux.0 [13:44] <Kamilion> so my observation is that it may be not be maintained (correctly) due to people moving on to a more modern solution. [13:44] <Kamilion> leading to things like pxelinux.0 not getting as much testing as it once did; where people would cry out when something changed for the worse. [13:46] <Ady2> Sure, I understand. Well, v.5 added lpxelinux.0 already, but that's not my point here. For whichever reason, this directory structure is included in the iso, and I really would like to know what's its purpose.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ady2", "Kamilion" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu-devel" }
[02:34] <djb1024> @lart djb1024 [10:23] <BluesKaj> Hey all [10:29] <lordievader> Good afternoon [13:28] <BluesKaj> no 15.10 anouncement yet ? for repos or ....? [13:30] <krabador> BluesKaj, not, and for the codename too [13:33] <BluesKaj> krabador, seems slow, I recall new repos for the next release were open with a couple of days of the previous official release [13:33] <BluesKaj> within
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "djb1024", "krabador", "lordievader" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }
[08:50] <ypwong> FJKong, happyaro1: ping [09:27] <FJKong> ypwong: pong [09:28] <FJKong> ypwong: we can't attend this meeting [09:31] <FJKong> ypwong: I will check out in 30 min and go to the airport [09:49] <ypwong> FJKong, still in UK? [15:20] <shuduo> 快盘在新装的15.04上因为依赖libboost-iostreams1.54.0包不存在装不上的bug有人知道吗?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "FJKong", "shuduo", "ypwong" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntukylin-devel" }
[08:09] <mup> Bug #1448901 was opened: MAAS deployment fails on P8 PowerKVM (SVA GmbH) <MAAS:New> <> [13:01] <mup> Bug #1449011 was opened: 1.8b3: maas root node start distro_series=precise on a non-allocated node returns wrong error message <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [13:07] <mup> Bug #1449011 changed: 1.8b3: maas root node start distro_series=precise on a non-allocated node returns wrong error message <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [13:16] <mup> Bug #1449011 was opened: 1.8b3: maas root node start distro_series=precise on a non-allocated node returns wrong error message <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [13:33] <nodtkn> Howdy. If disk erasing is disabled, can I assume maas will reinstall the node after it is released and (acquired and started) by someone else? [13:37] <roaksoax> nodtkn: yes [13:41] <mup> Bug #1449033 was opened: 1.8b4: Can not access device details by clicking on entry in device list <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [13:41] <nodtkn> roaksoax: Interesting that is not what I am seeing. [13:44] <roaksoax> nodtkn: then installation may be failing [13:44] <roaksoax> nodtkn: or PXE booting might be failing? [13:45] <nodtkn> I see the node PXE booting under MAAS direction [13:46] <roaksoax> nodtkn: right, so when the node is marked deployed, you should see an installation log [13:46] <nodtkn> roaksoax: I see in pserv.log the requests for PXE boot images. [13:47] <roaksoax> nodtkn: what does the node event log say? [13:50] <nodtkn> roaksoax: 1) status from ready to allocated userA 2) status from allocated to deploying 3) powering node on 4) node powered on 5) status from deploying to depoyed [13:51] <nodtkn> roaksoax: then I released the node 6) status from releasing to ready 7) node powered off [13:52] <nodtkn> roaksoax: then I allocated it with a different ID and it powere the node on with out installing [13:58] <roaksoax> nodtkn: ah, if you power the node *without* re-installing, then yes, MAAS is not going to re-install it [13:58] <roaksoax> nodtkn: you need to deploy the node again [14:07] <nodtkn> roaksoax: I do not understand. If the node is in the ready state and not allocated to anyone. What is supposed to happen when I select the node and choose start selected node from the bulk actions? Is that different than what should happen when I click on the node and select "Acquire and start node" [14:11] <mup> Bug #1449043 was opened: UI should display a notification until SSH key is uploaded <MAAS:New> <> [15:16] <roaksoax> nodtkn: the node is allocated (owned) and you power it on (not deploy it), then you are basically telling it "just power on the node, don't re-install it" [15:58] <francokaerntna> hello, can anybody of you tell me, how the hostnames for the nodes are generated? [16:56] <nodtkn> roaksoax: After releasing the node from one user ID and I selected the node under another user ID and pressed the "Acquire and Start button" is that not the correct thing to do? [17:41] <mup> Bug #1449173 was opened: maas does not reinstall node <maas (Ubuntu):New> <> [18:35] <mup> Bug #1449206 was opened: maas installation fails because of missing AppCache module in django <MAAS:New> <>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "francokaerntna", "mup", "nodtkn", "roaksoax" ], "url": "", "channel": "#maas" }
[00:10] <Jcqr123> BrayanBautista ola ke ase [00:10] <Fori> kiai [00:10] <Fori> BrayanBautista: [00:10] <Fori> aca no dicen nada [00:10] <Fori> no hacen nada [00:12] <BrayanBautista> me pueden dar un breve resumen del tiempo que no estuve [00:12] <BrayanBautista> llegue un poco tarde [00:14] <Jcqr123> ...... [00:14] <Jcqr123> Ese es el resumen [00:14] <Jcqr123> Jejejeje [00:15] <Fori> BrayanBautista: ud es el unico del concilio que llego
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BrayanBautista", "Fori", "Jcqr123" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-co-meeting" }
[06:10] <yaakuro> trying to write an applicaton that is using _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK [06:10] <yaakuro> it seems like that Unity does not allow window drag operations on that window [06:10] <yaakuro> is that a feature or bug? [08:06] <Saviq> @unity: see allhands about new IRC server bits [08:24] <davmor2> Saviq: you forgot didn't you ;) [08:26] <Saviq> davmor2, *I* didn't, I just didn't see anyone there ;P [08:26] * Saviq had his bouncer ready mid-last-week :P [08:27] <davmor2> Saviq: I just let irssi die quietly and restarted it this morning with the right creds [08:28] <davmor2> Saviq: jibel was having issues with his creds [08:28] <Saviq> davmor2, I had to talk some sense into my bouncer, too, it took quite some time to connect [08:29] <Saviq> Cimi, /msg *status listservers, no need to kill znc ;) [08:54] <Cimi> Saviq, ok but is not working :/ [09:02] <sil2100> Saviq: ping o/ [09:03] <sil2100> Saviq: hey, do you know if you could have someone from the unity8 team assigned to help Mirv identifying the cause of bug LP: #1421009 ? [09:03] <sil2100> Saviq: we would appreciate experts from all related components as this is a blocker for our vivid RC image [09:03] <sil2100> So that's rather critical ;) [09:04] <Saviq> sil2100, tsdgeos has been working with Mirv on this for the past three week [09:04] <Saviq> s [09:05] <Saviq> sil2100, Mirv, have we decided against the Qt patchset? [09:05] <tsdgeos> sil2100: we've talked about that, the cause for it has been identified already, qtdbus deadlocks [09:05] <tsdgeos> that's the cause [09:06] <sil2100> tsdgeos, Saviq: we need a working workaround somewhere, tvoss had a proposition how to make it better [09:06] <Mirv> Saviq: the patchset seems to cause regressions and also tsdgeos voted against using it before it's merged in upstream 5.5, so we need a workaround [09:06] <sil2100> The Qt patchset is not a solution as it causes serious regressions in other parts of the system [09:07] <sil2100> Right [09:07] <tsdgeos> honestly if its my vote that's holding this [09:07] <tsdgeos> i'm changing it [09:07] <sil2100> tsdgeos: well, we'd need to get the regressions fixed in this case, for which we need people from various teams working on it [09:07] <Mirv> there was now a tip of using QDBusConnection::connectToBus(BusType type, constQString & name) instead of QDBusConnection QDBusConnection::sessionBus()/systemBus() to minimize sharing of dbus connections [09:08] <Mirv> both unity8 and libusermetrics seem to use only the latter ones so that could help [09:11] <Saviq> tsdgeos, can you prep an MP replacing the shared objects from ↑ in u8? [09:11] <Saviq> pete-woods1, same for libusermetrics ↑ [09:12] <sil2100> If this would be enough to at least work-around the problem, we could finally unblock the whole release again [09:13] <tsdgeos> Saviq: i can, i guess it's easy enough to try it [09:14] <pete-woods1> Saviq: sure, will get that MP toegether [09:14] <sil2100> Thanks guys [09:15] * Mirv stops trying to do it for libusermetrics since I'm sure pete will do it faster+better [09:16] <Mirv> the tip was from tvoss [09:26] <Mirv> pete-woods1: in case there's anything else that could be tried to workaround the Qt bug, maybe the backtrace helps - dbus_bus_add_match ... sender='com.canonical.UserMetrics',path='/com/canonical/UserMetrics/DataSource/1',interface='com.canonical.usermetrics.DataSource',member='formatStringChanged'" or alternatively eg path='/com/canonical/UserMetrics/DataSource/2' .. member='em [09:38] <pete-woods1> Mirv: [09:44] <Saviq> MacSlow, you need to strip tags on your shellRotation branch [09:44] <MacSlow> Saviq, *sigh* how did... ok :) [09:44] <Saviq> MacSlow, they came from shellrotation [09:48] <Saviq> MacSlow, remember to strip on your local checkout, too [09:49] <MacSlow> yup [10:02] <MacSlow> Saviq, wiped local and remote ?-tags [10:04] <tsdgeos> Mirv: [10:04] <tsdgeos> Saviq: mzanetti: ↑↑↑↑ [10:10] <Mirv> thanks pete & albert! I'll build them in silo 7 [10:12] <Mirv> then both can be tested first together to see if any improvement. [10:17] <sil2100> Mirv: keep us up-to-date if it's helping or not o/ [10:19] <Mirv> sil2100: if you have again your arale free, prepare it with the latest instructions in the bug description (just added dbg packages - but you can leave out usermetrics as it'll be a different version now) - it'll be useful to get full backtraces if we get the bug again, to see if anything changed [10:19] <Mirv> sil2100: since it may take anything from 5 to 100 reboots, running on two devices should get us "results" (even though unwanted) faster. likewise, if there's help from the MP:s, we can build better confidence on the changes working with two devices [10:20] <sil2100> Mirv: let me power up my arale [10:20] <Mirv> sil2100: thanks, just concentrate on other stuff otherwise, I'll ping when you add the PPA and start the reboot loop :) [10:35] <sil2100> Mirv: I need to charge it up first so it might take a bit [10:37] <tsdgeos> MacSlow: you doing ? [10:38] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: can you confirm is good? [10:41] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, done [10:47] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, yup [10:47] <tsdgeos> MacSlow: okidoki :) [11:38] <Saviq> tsdgeos, can you please look through inline comments in suspend_screenshoting (they only show in "Preview Diff" of r1742 into r1745), not all of them have been addressed yet [11:39] <tsdgeos> Saviq: sure [11:39] <tsdgeos> i'm fighting back the dbus stuff [11:39] <tsdgeos> seems you can't really use the connectToBus like that all the time [11:39] <Saviq> tsdgeos, mhm, that's higher prio of course [11:56] <Mirv> sil2100: ok you can add 007, make sure libusermetrics gets upgraded (unity8 started failing a test so couldn't be built) and start the reboot loop. if it hangs, get bt full with those mentioned debug packages installed. [11:57] <Mirv> pete-woods: is totally pointless or worth testing in parallel? [11:58] <pete-woods> Mirv: you've made more or less the exact same change as me [11:58] <pete-woods> oh , wait [11:58] <pete-woods> no you've not [11:59] <Mirv> pete-woods: you did for system bus, I did for session bus [12:08] <pete-woods> Mirv: I think you may have accidentally uncovered a stupid mistake in my code there [12:11] <Mirv> pete-woods: I'm always happy to help, even when I don't know how :) it's not blowing up at least, I'm running the reboot loop test with your branch (only) on mako at the moment. [12:40] <sil2100> Mirv: will do after lunch [12:50] <Mirv> this is probably one of those annoyingly long random times when the bootloop seems promising... at 45 and counting [12:51] <Mirv> let's see somewhere around 75 [12:57] <tsdgeos> Mirv: i'm pretty confident the tests that fail are the tests "fault" (or rather they need a bit or rearchitecturing if we change this) [12:57] <tsdgeos> Mirv: so i'll comment the tests for now so yu can get to a stage we have passing tests so you can actually live test it [12:58] <tsdgeos> and meanwhile fix it properly [12:59] <Mirv> tsdgeos: ok. [13:12] <tsdgeos> Mirv: pushed, please try rebuilding the silo [13:20] <Mirv> tsdgeos: thanks, I'll have another silo so that we can test just the libusermetrics too [13:21] <tsdgeos> Mirv: cool [14:14] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: we're on mandrelbot [14:20] <pete-woods> Mirv: it will conflict with your MR, btw [14:25] <Mirv> pete-woods: yeah I don't care about my MR, I care about a working workaround :) currently just your first revision seems good for me on mako at least - 105 reboots without hangs. sil2100 is starting on arale, although I guess we might need to rebuild libusermetrics if you think your original branch (just replacing systemBus usage) was somehow wrong, not only partial? (partial is ok if it workarounds the problem and doesn't cause regressions) [14:26] <sil2100> We're fine with workarounds ;p [14:26] <sil2100> As long as it's a workaround without any regressions [14:27] <Mirv> sil2100: so the story here is that pete's original branch (that we're testing in 007) only changed DBus system bus usage to use the tipped function. my branch does the same for session bus usage, and I guess Pete is now changing his MP to do both (and maybe something else?), but as said we don't currently care that much of how completely the workaround is implemented everywhere as long as it fixes the boot hang [14:27] <Mirv> but we might want to retest with Pete's updated MP too, once we test that current 007 is cool [14:28] <pete-woods> Mirv: I think it's probably worth including the extra change, as it's making shared connections to the session bus, also [14:30] <Mirv> pete-woods: probably so, it does not harm either and might prevent some other lock case. [14:31] <Mirv> pete-woods: oh, now I see what you meant I uncovered something useful :) [14:32] <Mirv> regarding removing the paths more properly [14:57] <MacSlow> dandrader, approved your autoInstallTouchRegistry branch [14:57] <MacSlow> dandrader, still some (unrelated) AP-test failures though [14:58] <dandrader> MacSlow, ok [15:01] <MacSlow> Saviq, btw... with the flake8 issues fixed... are you ok with lp:~macslow/unity8/shellRotation too? Just trying to get it top-approved too [15:02] <Saviq> MacSlow, I'll have a quick last look tomorrow morning [15:02] <MacSlow> Saviq, ok [15:05] <dandrader> MacSlow, could you please also top-approve it? [15:06] <MacSlow> dandrader, doh... sure [15:07] <dandrader> thanks! [16:29] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: [16:29] <jamesh> Mirv: hi. Do you have any estimates on when you QQuickAsyncImageProvider backport ( [16:30] <jamesh> gar. "when you'll have a chance to look at the" [16:31] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: components["art"]["noartsummaryshape"] [16:44] <mterry> tsdgeos, can you explain bug 1421009 to me a bit? Is there something wrong with sharing connection objects via QDBusConnection::systemBus()? [16:44] <tsdgeos> tsdgeos: other than it may deadlock if you're using it concurrently between various threads [16:44] <tsdgeos> no [16:44] <tsdgeos> :D [16:45] <tsdgeos> damn here i am talking to myself again [16:45] <tsdgeos> mterry: ↑↑↑ [16:45] <mterry> tsdgeos, oh qtdbus isn't thread-safe? [16:45] <tsdgeos> mterry: it is [16:45] <tsdgeos> but it has bugs :D [16:45] <mterry> tsdgeos, ok :) [16:46] <mterry> tsdgeos, didn't know if systemBus() was something I should avoid using or not. Sounds like it's a fine pattern, just not right this second then :) [16:46] <mterry> tsdgeos, cheers [16:46] <greyback_> tsdgeos: "safe but has bugs" <- I hope my car manufacturer doesn't use that slogan [16:47] <tsdgeos> greyback_: well isn't all software like that? [16:47] <tsdgeos> it works, except when it doesn't [16:48] <greyback_> tsdgeos: yep. Just don't go into marketing ;) [16:49] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: [16:53] <Mirv> jamesh: hi, last week but then this critical bug started taking all my time. if it seems the bug would be now soon fixed, I'll assign a silo to myself tomorrow (spreadsheet line #51), backport the qtdeclarative in there and I can ping you. I guess the landing would happen only with the associated thumbnailer branch, but do you have something else to land with it too? [16:55] <jamesh> Mirv: I haven't started porting thumbnailer over to the new API because I had nothing to test against [16:55] <Mirv> tsdgeos: at the current rate it'd seem we have a working workaround with just libusermetrics. that'd mean that landing only that is the 1st priority and the unity8 landing can be lower priority. [16:55] <jamesh> totally understand delaying the work to handle the unity8 hang though. [16:55] <tsdgeos> Mirv: if libusermetrics fixes it already, i'd rather not land the unity8 patch at all unless we find out we totally need it [16:55] <Mirv> jamesh: right. so your branch would be based on / replace the wip ? [16:56] <jamesh> Mirv: it would replace it. We've made a fair number of changes since then. [16:56] <Mirv> tsdgeos: sure, if it stays like that, that libusermetrics is all we need, it's not needed to be landed at all. after all, the goal is to get all the upstream fixes eventually when they work. [16:56] <Mirv> jamesh: ok, thanks! [19:15] <kgunn> ChrisTownsend: hey, so after the update to oxide and everything, i still get apps seemingly bailing out no unity8 desktop [19:16] <kgunn> i was going to file a new bug, unless you already had [19:16] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Hmm, I haven't tried recently. Lemm try it now. [19:18] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Yeah, I get the same behavior. I'd say file the bug. [19:19] <kgunn> ChrisTownsend: also, is there a bug for any keyboard input not works for some, but not for all [19:19] <kgunn> e.g. if you go to the store, and then get prompted for credentials [19:20] <kgunn> it won't take input [19:20] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Yes, that is long outstanding bug. [19:20] <kgunn> ChrisTownsend: also do you guys have any plans to expand the apps available ? [19:21] <kgunn> terminal would be so convenient for debug :) [19:21] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Well, there is a terminal app, it's just doesn't work very least the last time I tried. [19:23] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: But I'm not sure what you mean by us expanding the apps available. [19:25] <kgunn> ChrisTownsend: meaning preloaded [19:25] <kgunn> atm, i only see browser, sys settings, and "system testing" [19:26] <kgunn> and that's all [19:27] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Yeah, you have to install it. The Ubuntu Next ISO is seeded to have more apps (not the terminal). If you load the recommended dependencies for unity8-desktop-session-mir, you'll get more apps. [19:27] <kgunn> ah [19:28] <ChrisTownsend> Or maybe it's suggested, but you know what I mean. [19:28] <kgunn> yeah :) [19:29] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: I'm purging the overlay PPA and seeing if the oxide crash happens since there is a new official version of oxide in the archive. [19:30] <kgunn> ChrisTownsend: sure, i think it's unrelated....cause sys settings also does the same thing [19:30] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Yep, same thing. I'll file a bug since it's the official package. [19:30] <kgunn> or is sys settings a webapp [19:31] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Hmm, not sure. It might use it to render, but I'm just guessing. [19:31] <kgunn> if you file a bug lemme know...i have a unity8 log...seems its got some cgroup complaints [19:31] <kgunn> i don't think this is oxides fault(?) [19:31] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Ok, I'll run apport on it here in a bit. [19:32] <ChrisTownsend> Ugh, cgroups [19:33] <kgunn> i've got it here...i don't mind doing [19:33] <kgunn> i'll share bug # in a sec [19:35] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Are you uploading the crash file? [19:36] <kgunn> ChrisTownsend: well i was going to...but apport-cli seems to just spew dots when i say 'view' [19:37] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: I'm uploading my crash now. [19:40] <kgunn> holy cow, it just enormous [19:40] <kgunn> (and kind of on an old machine...) [19:40] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: https://bugs/ [19:40] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Whoops, bad copy [19:41] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: We'll see what the retracer can do, but symbols may be no good. [19:42] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: But the crash is definitely occurring in Oxide. [20:00] <kgunn> ChrisTownsend: interesting, so i cleared out all my crash files and logs, just to be sure...interesting, i don't see any crash file for oxide/browser...unless i'm looking in the wrong spot ? [20:00] <kgunn> /var/crash/ [20:01] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: That's where it should be. [20:01] <kgunn> i only have an ibus crash file [20:01] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Hmm [20:02] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: I definitely get a crash in webbrowser. [20:02] <kgunn> i'll keep fiddling [20:02] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: You cleared out ~/.cache/upstart as well? [20:02] <kgunn> yep [20:03] <ChrisTownsend> Nothing regarding webbrowser in there? [20:03] <kgunn> lemm check [20:03] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: And maybe something called application-failed.log? [20:03] <kgunn> nope just the ibus [20:04] <ChrisTownsend> So webbrowser is not even starting for you. [20:04] <kgunn> nope...lemme take a quick video, maybe i see something diff [20:05] <ChrisTownsend> ok. I get webbrowser starting for a bit, but nothing is rendered where web content should be and then it crashes. [20:07] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Ok, retracer was able to do it's magic. Hopefully someone with Oxide knowledge will look at this. [20:09] <kgunn> ChrisTownsend:'s what i see [20:09] <kgunn> [20:10] <kgunn> i'm on a relatively clean machine...wonder if i'm missing something [20:10] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Yeah, you definitely have a different symptom. [20:11] <ChrisTownsend> kgunn: Yours looks like u-a-l doesn't like something. [21:51] <justAn8> hi [21:52] <justAn8> will unity 8 use compiz?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ChrisTownsend", "Cimi", "MacSlow", "Mirv", "Saviq", "dandrader", "davmor2", "greyback_", "jamesh", "justAn8", "kgunn", "mterry", "pete-woods", "pete-woods1", "pstolowski", "sil2100", "tsdgeos", "yaakuro" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-unity" }
[00:45] <UncleJed> there a more specific channel for audio help for studio, or is this kind of the general place for it all? [00:46] <holstein> UncleJed: this is the place.. [00:47] <UncleJed> In particular I just need a little direction for configuring my qjackctl....having issues with video freezing when jack is on. [00:47] <holstein> UncleJed: relax the latency settings [00:48] <UncleJed> wow...i hope it's that easy! lol. I'm pretty new to linux - so have been doing A LOT of google-ing and learning a ton! I'll give that shot. [00:49] <holstein> relax it a lot [00:49] <holstein> like, 50+ ms latency, and test [00:49] <holstein> you are likely just expecting too much from the hardware [00:49] <holstein> you can, as i have found, try different GPU drivers.. this can help as well [00:49] <holstein> can also make it drastically worse [00:50] <UncleJed> haha...ok. Just as an FYI. I'm using an M-Audio Fastrack Pro box and followed some guy's direction on manually editing the driver it's all nuts and bolts. [00:50] <UncleJed> I'll try those things. Thanks for your help holstein! [00:50] <holstein> manually editing what driver file? [00:50] <holstein> you shouldnt have a driver for that device, necessarily [00:51] <holstein> should "just work". with the kernel drivers included [00:51] <UncleJed> it's been a few months since i did it..let me find the page. just a sec. [00:51] <holstein> anyways, if you want to be certain, and isolate your changes, you can use a live iso [00:51] <holstein> this will remove any customizations you have done from the equation without breaking your current setup [00:52] <UncleJed> [00:53] <holstein> you really shouldnt need to do anything like that [00:53] <holstein> and you dont have an rt kernel [00:53] <holstein> if you want, test with the live iso, as i said. and see if its "better" [00:53] <holstein> try the latest 15.04 live iso, and see [00:53] <holstein> also, i like to use the AVlinux live iso, since its a much older kernel [00:53] <UncleJed> ok - will give it a shot. Thanks again! [00:54] <holstein> this will let you see what is possible without breaking anything you current have, assuming just relaxing the latency settings doesnt address what you want [00:54] <UncleJed> okie-doke [03:03] <UncleJed> well that didn't work. That walk-through had me change a lot of things. And I had toyed with a bunch of stuff before that. I think, given my inexperience with linux, I may just wipe the drive and start over. [03:09] <UncleJed> It's just weird. Videos were working fine before I messed with things in the system config, but Ardour would not recognize the m-audio box (or jack wouldn't). that's what led me to the walk-through. Now audio works great through the box for working with Ardour, but as soon as I try playing video with other software (firefox or the default video player) it freezes. Furthermore, if I stop the jack service, I get audio from them, b [03:09] <UncleJed> ut it sounds extremely peaked - like input levels are over the top. and it's extremely loud. I have to turn all my knobs almost all the way down - and it still sounds the same. [03:10] <UncleJed> ...guess that's what I get for jackin' with jack. lol [03:10] <UncleJed> to bed for now. [03:53] <UncleJed> wait...noticed you said I don't have RT kernel. Guess I thought that was part of the point in getting ubuntu studio - that it WAS real-time. *scratches head* I've got a lot to learn. [03:54] <Unit193> !info linux-image-lowlatency [04:08] <UncleJed> If I understand right, what you just indicated was the it's an optional install with studio. How do I check to make sure I did that when I installed everything? It's been so long, i can' remember. [04:09] <UncleJed> oh wait....I think i can see it with syanptic [04:11] <UncleJed> looks like i have [04:12] <UncleJed> ...alright i have to get to bed now.....will continue later. thanks everyone for your patience and input. :-) [04:18] <OvenWerks> UncleJed: Studio comes with lowlatency kernel [04:18] <OvenWerks> not RT [04:18] <OvenWerks> but it includes most of what RT does. [04:20] <OvenWerks> The main good thing about lowlatency is that the graphics drivers all still work. [04:21] <OvenWerks> I have gotten stable audio operation down to .66ms with it. (32 samples per buffer) [04:23] <OvenWerks> With a USB audio IF you should still be able to get to 128 or below. (128 with two channels, less with more) [04:29] <UncleJed> ah....gotcha. alright. think i'm just going to blast HDD and start over then. I've messed with a lot of stuff i have no idea how to reverse. [19:23] <studio-user752> где я?))
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "OvenWerks", "UncleJed", "Unit193", "holstein", "studio-user752" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio" }
[09:18] <rmg51> Morning [10:26] <JonathanD> Morning. [10:30] <rmg51> o/ [12:11] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples,critters and everything else [13:50] <WorkingTurkey> tttturkes? [23:11] <pleia2> upgraded wordpress on the team site for the zero-day that came out today, all is well
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JonathanD", "WorkingTurkey", "pleia2", "rmg51", "teddy-dbear" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa" }
[06:25] <jose> email sent to editors [15:37] <PaulW2U> Initial review correcting minor errors and spellings done. Will read through in full later. [18:44] <PaulW2U> Editorial review done. [18:46] <pleia2> thanks PaulW2U \o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "PaulW2U", "jose", "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-news" }
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gr" }
[06:55] <davidcalle> Good morning [09:10] <czajkowski> aloha [09:28] <dpm> hi czajkowski [09:28] <dpm> morning all [09:30] <czajkowski> THis just made my morning [09:30] <czajkowski> not your typical president :) [10:06] <popey> interesting to anyone running wordpress [10:07] <Tm_T> popey: thanks [10:08] <popey> np [15:01] <popey> mhall119: joining us? [19:22] <mhall119> balloons: can you join a hangout with Kubuntu folks to talk about their Show&Tell session [19:24] <balloons> right now? sure
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Tm_T", "balloons", "czajkowski", "davidcalle", "dpm", "mhall119", "popey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-community-team" }
[04:36] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro [06:03] <vileni> jutro [06:16] <SilverSpace> dan [06:19] <BotaniCar> Jutro :) [06:19] <BotaniCar> VjetarSaSunca: hahaha :) Malo lajkiram, malo nokte lakiram :D [06:27] <BotaniCar> # Nece crnca , indijanca, ni svemirca hercegovca ,ona zeli TUROPOLJCA ! Iha [06:28] <datase> YouTube: VIS PERI DERI - Turopoljec travu kosi - 0:02:51 - 33,473 views - 101 likes / 3 dislikes [06:45] <SilverSpace> [06:45] <SilverSpace> ke [06:45] <datase> YouTube: VIS PERI DERI-JEN-DVA-TRI - 0:03:23 - 5,284 views - 30 likes / 0 dislikes [06:50] <dodobas> yutro [08:13] <SilverSpace> iz dva HDD ide stara izvadio magnete dva razlicita proizvodaca i kapaciteta a magneti potpuno isti kao i glave [08:19] <Mmike> ide stara, rakiju pije, pilom mase, snahi je bolje da se skrije! [08:22] <SilverSpace> [08:23] <datase> YouTube: Hard drive motor rc plane - 0:03:59 - 152,628 views - 210 likes / 43 dislikes [08:47] <Mmike> kaze bandic na radiju 'nazalost nitko nije poginuo' [09:19] <SilverSpace> Mmike: lol [09:19] <SilverSpace> njegov stil lupetanja [09:19] <Mmike> tijo sam ga nazvat sad na radijo [09:19] <Mmike> i pitat u stliu [09:19] <Mmike> 'vi ste gradonacelnik, i kao takav ste uzor mladima, dajete primjer, blabla' [09:20] <Mmike> pa kak se, pitao bih, osjecate kad znate da ste pijani vozili, bjezali s mjesta nesrece, pokusali podmitii policajca i to sve? [09:20] <Mmike> i onda si misli [09:20] <Mmike> na sta ja trosim energiju [09:21] <SilverSpace> :) [09:21] <SilverSpace> fali mi jedan hdmi kabel :( [09:22] <jelly> koliko dug [09:22] <SilverSpace> najkraci [09:25] <jelly> mislim da imam 25cm viska [09:26] <SilverSpace> odoh do trgovine [09:27] <jelly> pardon, 50cm [09:28] <jelly> uzeo 3 komada za poor man's kvm switch [09:29] <jelly> kad ti ne bi bilo hitno, ovi su prilicno kvalitetni [09:29] <SilverSpace> da izgledaju kvalitetno [09:30] <SilverSpace> rasprodani :) [09:34] <jelly> pih [09:35] <jelly> doma su mi kompjuterske stvari u kupusu, pogledat cu di su ti kablici [09:36] <SilverSpace> frend kupio od bandridge hdmi i nije mu htio radit [09:36] <SilverSpace> kupio obicni jeftinjak i taj radi [10:24] <SilverSpace> 30kn 1M [10:32] <Mmike> kupio sam mobitel [10:32] <Mmike> Sony Xperia Z3 Comapct [10:32] <Mmike> 1600 kuna [10:32] <Mmike> zalagaonica u karlovcu [10:32] <Mmike> valjda nije ukraden :) [10:35] <BotaniCar> **valjda mi ga nece nitko ukrast' :D [10:39] <Mmike> moram ic sim karticu zamijenit [10:39] <Mmike> jer ona priva ultra-micro karticu [10:42] <CrazyLemon> aka nano sim :D [10:45] <Mmike> e, to :) [10:45] <Mmike> ne znam sam dal' mogu imat obje istovremeno [10:54] <Mmike> ja sam takav tukac nekad [10:55] <BotaniCar> Nemres biti stalno, jebga [10:55] <vileni> Mmike: uzmi najmanju koja postoji i adaptere za vece [10:55] <Mmike> vileni: upravo to :D [10:56] <Mmike> u vipnetu me to kosta 91 lipu [10:56] <vileni> adapteri? [10:56] <vileni> uzmi odmah 10 komada :) [10:57] <BotaniCar> 91 komad ! [10:59] <Mmike> vileni: ne, sim kartica [10:59] <Mmike> covjece [10:59] <Mmike> ne kuzim ove firme [10:59] <Mmike> 60k kuna za server [10:59] <Mmike> i jos ga moram cekat tjednima [10:59] <BotaniCar> a ti bi takve na lageru drzao ? [11:01] <SilverSpace> 4,6 inča [11:02] <SilverSpace> Mmike: jel to radi na sve kartice? [11:02] <Mmike> RBA mi ponudila 'indikativnu' ponudu :) [11:02] <SilverSpace> ili samo na vip [11:02] <Mmike> kaj je indikativna [11:02] <Mmike> SilverSpace: samo vip, mislim [11:02] <Mmike> SilverSpace: zakaj pitas? [11:02] <SilverSpace> neda se rotati [11:03] <Mmike> SilverSpace: bila je cijena 1800 kuna, pa sam spusio na 1600 zato kaj je samo vip [11:03] <Mmike> SilverSpace: nije nuzno, od 1.5. ce operateri morat otkljucavat mobitele [11:03] <Mmike> ili od 1.6, nisam sigurna [11:03] <SilverSpace> vip zakljucava bootloder [11:03] <Mmike> siguran [11:03] <SilverSpace> cijena je odlicna [11:03] <Mmike> tak se i meni cini [11:03] <Mmike> mobitel LETI naspram ovog S3 Dreka [11:04] <SilverSpace> ustvari da se rootat ali nemres custom rom zamjenit [11:05] <jelly> Mmike: kaj taj server ima da je 60kkn, 12 ssdova i 480GB memorije? [11:05] <SilverSpace> mozda i nije vip zakljucao ove nove [11:06] <SilverSpace> stare sony zakljuca bootlouder trajno tako da ni sony ne moze otkljucat vise :) [11:08] <Mmike> SilverSpace: ma, zakon se mijenja, i od 1.5 vise nece smijet imat zalokane mobitele duze od 2 tjedna od kupovine (ili tak nesh) [11:09] <SilverSpace> nadam se da je tak [11:09] <SilverSpace> Mmike: jos nisi server rebutno [11:09] <SilverSpace> :) [11:09] <Mmike> ne, jer mora fsck napravit [11:10] <Mmike> a mogu stopat to [11:10] <Mmike> al' bi radije stavio obavijest na ubuntu-hr, pa onda rebutnio u srijedu da ljudi znaju da pol noci nece bit dostupan [11:10] <Mmike> pazi ovu rba [11:10] <Mmike> daju mi kredit po mastercard kartici [11:10] <SilverSpace> :) [11:11] <Mmike> al' zato hoce DVIJE bianko mjenice, zaduznicu, i izjavu svih udjelicara drustva da odgovaraju svojom privatnom imovinom :) [11:11] <Mmike> pa ROTFL LOL LMAO :) [11:11] <BotaniCar> LOL ! :O) [11:11] <BotaniCar> Potpisati moras krvlju, zar ne ? :D [11:13] <Mmike> jelly: ma nist posebno, 128 gigi rama, 6 sas diskova, bbu kontroler s 512 megi kesa, 6core xeon neki [11:13] <Mmike> ono, server, solidan [11:13] <Mmike> 60k je s PDVom cijena [11:13] <jelly> 6core je sad entry level [11:13] <Mmike> e [11:13] <jelly> nemres dobit manji cpu! [11:13] <Mmike> WAY MORE than I need :) [11:14] <jelly> pa za prolianta takvog bi mi platili 25-30k max [11:14] <Mmike> cek cek [11:14] <Mmike> dobio sam i to [11:14] <jelly> (zasto je cijena s pdv-om, nemas firmu?) [11:17] <Mmike> jelly: kaj brijes da ak imam firmu da ne placam PDV? :) [11:18] <vileni> Mmike: koji je to, ibm? :) [11:18] <jelly> Mmike: brijem da ti ga drzava vrati [11:18] <SilverSpace> [11:18] <SilverSpace> vis vraga [11:45] <Mmike> jelly: pa, ne bas [11:45] <Mmike> jelly: tehnicki ako nista nisi zaradio onda ne platis nista PDVa [11:46] <Mmike> al' kad mi kupac izda racun od 10k kuna, na njemu je i 2500 kuna PDVa, i ja njemu moram platiti 2500 kuna [11:46] <Mmike> erm, 12500 kuna [11:46] <Mmike> kad izdam racun od 20k kuna, i na njemu obracunam 5k kuna PDV, onda drzavi moram platiti samo 2500 kuna PDVa [11:46] <Mmike> jer sam 2500 platio kao predporez po ulaznom racunu [11:46] <Mmike> al' sam i dalje to platio [11:57] <jelly> kupac ti izda racun?? [11:57] <jelly> cudne kupce imas [12:00] <vileni> kaze mi program za videonadzor "Software currently be locked" [12:03] <jelly> here there be dragons [12:23] <vileni> kad pocinje DST kod nas, kraj 3. mjeseca ili pocetak 4.? [12:29] <Mmike> pa poceo je [12:30] <Mmike> 29.3 ove godine [12:30] <Mmike> vileni: [12:31] <Mmike> da sam nadrkanko k'o onaj VjetarSaSunca sad bi ti reko da neznas googlat :) [12:45] <SilverSpace> terminator je bas dobar [12:51] <SilverSpace> [12:51] <datase> YouTube: ADAC Formula 4 2015. Oschersleben. First Victory of Mick Schumacher - 0:17:46 - 306 views - 6 likes / 1 dislikes [12:52] <vileni> Mmike: ma podesavam neke kamere na ntp, pa ima opciju koji vikend da stavim za pocetak [12:54] <vileni> i jos kamera ima po defaultu da mice 30min umjesto 60 [12:55] <Mmike> sad me zvala tetka iz rba [12:55] <Mmike> fino pristojna [12:55] <Mmike> objasnila sve detaljno [12:55] <Mmike> bas, onak, profesionalno [12:56] <Mmike> rekla, u sustini 'da, ako uzmete dozvoljeni minus mi imamo vasa jaja na panju' :0 [12:58] <vileni> Mmike: na privatnom ili poslovnom racunu? [13:00] <Mmike> vileni: poslovnom [13:00] <Mmike> moram ja k'o direktor drustva, i onda svi vlasnici (ja samo u ovom slucaju) dat zaduznicu banci [13:00] <Mmike> kojom sam u biti rekao banci 'na, uzmite sve ak firma sjebe' [13:00] <Mmike> onak, lol :) [13:02] <vileni> Mmike: a za sto ti to treba, neki kredit? [13:03] <Mmike> ne treba mi [13:03] <Mmike> oni mi nude [13:03] <Mmike> dozvoljeno prekoracenje po racunu [13:03] <Mmike> 1000 kuna ugovaranje, al' dobijem besplte biznis masterkard :) [13:03] <Mmike> u biti je taj biznis masterkard to prekoracenje :) [13:03] <Mmike> jsamo kaj ga mogu koristit (prekoracenje) i sa debitnom karticom [13:04] <Mmike> i onda jos 370 kuna godisnje ak ne koristim :) [13:04] <Mmike> ma, ono, smijurija [13:04] <Mmike> 'promjenjiva kamatna stopa' [13:04] <Mmike> reko, jel' to znaci da vi mozete kad hocete koliko hocete/ [13:04] <Mmike> veli ona, da, iako, nacelno, necemo [13:04] <Mmike> reko, a'l mozete [13:04] <Mmike> veli ona, da, mozemo [13:04] <Mmike> reko, super :0 [13:08] <vileni> dakle potrosio si vrijeme na razgovor o necemu sto ne moras uzeti i znas da ne moze biti u tvoju korist? :) [13:37] <jelly> "reko, jel to vama zvuci jednako katastrofalno za uvjete kao i meni" [13:47] <Mmike> jelly: pa to sam pito - bil' vi to na mom mjestu [13:47] <Mmike> idem doma [13:47] <jelly> "nacelno, necemo" -- "onda, nacelno, to napisite u ugovoru kao 'fiksna stopa'" [13:57] <vileni> Mmike: nadam se da nisi biciklom gdje god da jesi :) [13:58] <jelly> mislis da ce nesto biti od ovih oblaka [13:58] <vileni> sef stalno hvali kako je precizan sto se toga tice [13:59] <vileni> a po njemu bit ce puno kise dans i sutra [14:00] <jelly> pa ne pise puno, pise oblacno i jedna kapljica po noci [14:00] <jelly> [14:05] <vileni> neznam, i dalje je to prognoza [14:05] <vileni> :) [14:13] <jelly> ha. pada kisa. i sunce sija. [14:40] <SilverSpace> pokiso [14:40] <SilverSpace> zajedno sa frankom [14:41] <jelly> bas ste ulovili tu jednu kap [14:44] <SilverSpace> pet minuta padalo ovdje [14:44] <SilverSpace> dovoljno da nas namoci [14:47] <dodobas> yutro [14:50] <dodobas> imam 666 ne procitanh mailova... vrijeme je za 'Mark all as read' [14:51] <SilverSpace> dodobas: lol [14:51] <SilverSpace> nesreco jedna :) [14:52] <dodobas> kad sam isao auto registrirati ... trazio sam 666.. ali nije bilo... [14:52] <dodobas> pa imam 660 :) [14:52] <dodobas> tj. vjerojatno je bilo za 400kn [14:56] <obruT> dodobas: pa ti si zive :P [14:56] <obruT> s/zive/ziv/ [14:57] <SilverSpace> [14:57] <datase> YouTube: Sindikat biciklista na MrezaTV 2015 04 01 - 0:24:13 - 102 views - 3 likes / 0 dislikes [14:58] <dodobas> obruT: navodno... Mmike zna detalje [14:58] <SilverSpace> lol [14:59] <SilverSpace> kilo janjetine krivo :) [15:00] <dodobas> da kilo... godisnja zaliha... [15:01] <SilverSpace> iss :) [15:01] <SilverSpace> bankrot [15:42] <Mmike> vileni, ma nisam, a trebo sam! [15:43] <Mmike> dodobas, fino te vidjet tu, da znas :D [16:39] <VjetarSaSunca> Mmike: nadrkanko ti u gaćama :p [17:12] <markosejic> d vecer [18:42] <Vlado9A3CY> dobra vecer [18:44] <dodobas> Vlado9A3CY: sto pricaju radio amateri iz Nepala [18:44] <Vlado9A3CY> hi dodobas ... [18:44] <Vlado9A3CY> nisam ti nazalost radioaktivan vec godinama... samo placam clanarinu klubu i savezu :) [18:46] <Vlado9A3CY> inace se iz Nepala kaj se tice radioamatera, prije javiti neka ekspedicija radioamatera iz USA ili EU, nego domaci radioamateri, kojih ima mozda samo nekoliko [19:24] <markosejic> d vecer [22:02] <SilverSpace> nabijem ih na onu stvar [22:02] <SilverSpace> sad lan kartica ne radi [22:03] <SilverSpace> na 15.04
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BotaniCar", "CrazyLemon", "Mmike", "SilverSpace", "VjetarSaSunca", "Vlado9A3CY", "datase", "dodobas", "jelly", "markosejic", "obruT", "vileni" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-hr" }
[10:23] <BluesKaj> Hey all [10:27] <lordievader> Good afternoon. [11:07] <ruenoak> Hello [17:12] <daftykins> yet another dead disk identified, my my [17:12] <daftykins> will we make two in one system?! [17:38] <daftykins> yep both disks dead [17:38] <daftykins> nasty [17:53] <MonkeyDust> technical note: sddm (display manager for KDE) does not work with vmware tools [22:10] <lotuspsychje> evening to all [22:11] <ablest1980> evening [22:11] <lotuspsychje> ablest1980: hellow :p [22:11] <ablest1980> XP [22:12] <daftykins> o/ [22:12] <lotuspsychje> daftykins: hi mate [22:18] <ablest1980> bbl [22:40] <lotuspsychje> !info libreoffice trusty [22:41] <lotuspsychje> hmm just downloading the 4.2.8 on trusty [22:42] <daftykins> o0 [22:42] <daftykins> manually? [22:42] <daftykins> *gasp* [22:42] <lotuspsychje> no tru updates [22:43] <lotuspsychje> EriC^^: hi mate [22:43] <EriC^^> hi lotuspsychje [22:44] <daftykins> ah EriC^^ \o [22:44] <lotuspsychje> maybe 4.2.8 libreoffice holds those 100 bugfixes for trusty [22:44] <daftykins> i'd been meaning to poke you for not being in here ;) [22:44] <EriC^^> hey daftykins \o [22:45] <EriC^^> hehe :) [22:50] <daftykins> did i happen to show you all the downhill mountain biking castle event that went on yesterday, over here? [22:50] <daftykins> [22:50] <daftykins> :D [22:50] <lotuspsychje> lets c [22:50] <daftykins> sadly i couldn't take part as my bike needs a lot of work right now [22:51] <lotuspsychje> daftykins: cool [22:56] <EriC^^> cool [22:56] <EriC^^> that's a nice spot, those canons are really neat [22:56] <lotuspsychje> whats the be helpfull trigger again? [22:57] <lotuspsychje> i always forget [22:57] <EriC^^> i think it's !helpful [22:57] <lotuspsychje> !helpful [22:57] <lotuspsychje> !helpfull [22:57] <EriC^^> oh it's !behelpful [22:57] <lotuspsychje> !behelpful [22:57] <lotuspsychje> aha tnx [22:58] <EriC^^> np [22:58] <daftykins> many trolls in right now :( [23:01] <lotuspsychje> :p [23:06] <daftykins> alrighty i'm out, laters peeps \o [23:06] <EriC^^> laters [23:19] <lotuspsychje> daftykins: lol@ legion [23:19] <daftykins> :D [23:20] <lotuspsychje> is there any ubuntu group that involves changing the world/society? [23:20] <lotuspsychje> something like a legal opensource hactivism [23:20] <daftykins> i sure hope not. else 'unity' would happen again [23:20] <daftykins> :D [23:20] <lotuspsychje> lol [23:43] <lotuspsychje> ruenoak: hello [23:43] <ruenoak> hello [23:43] <lotuspsychje> never seen you here before [23:44] <ruenoak> haven't been here for long [23:45] <lotuspsychje> ok, and welcome [23:45] <ruenoak> thank you [23:55] <lotuspsychje> !find lxlock [23:55] <lotuspsychje> !info lxsession
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "EriC^^", "MonkeyDust", "ablest1980", "daftykins", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje", "ruenoak" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-discuss" }
[00:00] <lolzballs> mrcheeks: it's not there [00:00] <mrcheeks> lolzballs: java is not installed? [00:00] <lolzballs> mrcheeks: java is installed [00:00] <lolzballs> but looking at the changelogs [00:00] <lolzballs> they removed the .desktop file [00:00] <mrcheeks> open with java, properties (right click in nautilus for example?) [00:01] <lolzballs> There is no java there [00:01] <lolzballs> I already tried reinstalling java multiple times [00:01] <mrcheeks> lolzballs:Did you browse the filesystem to associate java to jar files? [00:01] <Guest88522> hola [00:02] <optikcypher> hi ubuntu [00:02] <lolzballs> mrcheeks: in /usr/share/applications/defaults.list [00:03] <Guest88522> #ubuntu hola [00:03] <Fudster> Can anyone help me with this startup script I am working on? [00:03] <oats> optikcypher: hello, how can we assist you? [00:03] <Fudster> sudo -H -u big bash -c '/home/big/' [00:03] <Fudster> Console : 2015-04-26 19:56:43 [SEVERE] Pipe failed to load from NBT at 77,102,409 [00:03] <Fudster> So. Thats what i get on MCMA when running it via sudo -H -u josh bash -c '/home/josh/' [00:03] <Fudster> (Which is a startup script I made and works via the user josh) [00:03] <Fudster> I was wondering if anyone knew how to run MCMA via sudo etc [00:03] <Guest88522> not [00:03] <lolzballs> applications/x-jar is being run by openjdk-7-java-.desktop [00:03] <Guest88522> hello friends ? [00:03] <lolzballs> however that does not exist [00:03] <optikcypher> not needing much assistance today was wondering where a good place to learn program through a chatroom would be [00:03] <optikcypher> programming [00:03] <optikcypher> c++ in paticular [00:04] <Guest88522> what spiking spañish [00:04] <Fudster> Can Anyone help me with this? [00:05] <mjollnerd> Is there anything wrong w/ my formatting here? I've verified the commands works when I run it on one line using ; between commands. But, now that I've formatted it how I like, it's not working.. [00:05] <daftykins> mjollnerd: go ask in #bash [00:06] <mjollnerd> will do! ty [00:06] <mrcheeks> lolzballs:just look for the executable, good luck. [00:06] <zerowaitstate> Fudster: that is an error related to Minecraft [00:07] <Fudster> zerowaitstate: Not exactly. I mean MCMA works perfect when I run it under the user [00:07] <Fudster> I am trying to run it via sudo on the user [00:08] <zerowaitstate> Fudster: probably related to the user environment [00:08] <zerowaitstate> or a ulimit [00:08] <Fudster> The script /home/big/ runs under the user. but not under the sudo run as the user [00:08] <Fudster> Yeah. Probs. Thats why I am here. Is there another way to do it? [00:09] <unknown__> whatup [00:09] <unknown__> Can anyone here help me set up i2p with xchat? [00:09] <unknown__> I know it should be simple but it's simply not connecting. [00:09] <Fudster> so zerowaitstate any idea how to run theb command directly as the user via sudo? [00:10] <Fudster> or could I actually run something like su josh; cd; [00:10] <Fudster> then exit [00:11] <zerowaitstate> Fudster: you could try sudo -i [00:11] <Fudster> What is the syanx for that? [00:11] <SchrodingersScat> Fudster: sudo -i -u josh ? [00:11] <Fudster> Alright. will try [00:11] <zerowaitstate> sudo -i -u josh -c command [00:14] <Fudster> Nope::/ [00:14] <Fudster> Basically I am trying to make a few startup scripts [00:14] <gr33n7007h> Fudster: as big got a password? [00:14] <Fudster> yes [00:15] <gr33n7007h> try: echo password | sudo -S -u <user> sh -c "/path/to/script/sh" [00:16] <gr33n7007h> Fudster: with a space or password will be stored in your history ;P [00:18] <Fudster> /home/josh/ 2: cd: can't cd to McMyAdmin/home/josh/ 3: /home/josh/ cannot create server.log: Permission denied [00:18] <Fudster> seems like it does not actually open it or [00:31] <xhp> ubuntu [00:44] <justtone> has anyone had any experience using the "at" command? If so do you know how I can specify the time and timezone the script should execute at? [00:46] <teward> justtone: i'm not sure 'at' can do timezone specific processing - you may need to do the timezone conversion to the timezone available on the system you're running on, but don't quote me on that [00:46] <emaray> hello [00:46] <EriC^^> hello [00:47] <justtone> sorry [00:47] <dibs> Kia ora. I am looking for help with getting my mysql server working after a 14.10 to 15.04 upgrade glitch. [00:47] <justtone> ok thank you teward [00:47] <linuxuz3r> how do i open rar? [00:48] <genii> !unrar [00:48] <dibs> when I run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" it hangs on "Setting up mysql-server-5.6 (5.6.24-0ubuntu2) ..." [00:48] <dibs> How can I fix this? [00:49] <PHPLearner> does anyone know how to transfer the menu bar in ubuntu from the left and place it to the bottom of the screen [00:49] <PHPLearner> does anyone know how to transfer the menu bar in ubuntu from the left and place it to the bottom of the screen [00:50] <Bashing-om> !docker | PHPLearner [00:52] <PHPLearner> does anyone know how to transfer the menu bar in ubuntu from the left and place it to the bottom of the screen [00:53] <PHPLearner> Bashing-om: what is !docker | [00:53] <PHPLearner> is that a terminal command [00:54] <Bashing-om> PHPLearner: "Docker is a docking application (WindowMaker dock app) which acts as a system tray [00:54] <PHPLearner> oh ok [00:54] <Bashing-om> Phoop: In terminal do : ' apt-cache show docker ' . [00:54] <PHPLearner> so you mean I need to install it from the software center [00:55] <Bashing-om> PHPLearner: IF when you look at the full description and you see it meets your needs, yes install from USC is one option . [01:34] <Neldogz> Is Debian Unstable (Sid) the equivalent of Ubuntu 15.04? [01:40] <yeats> Neldogz: nope [01:40] <linuxuz3r> anyway to make nouveau drivers perform fast with compiz [01:40] <yeats> !debian | Neldogz [01:41] <Neldogz> yeats: thank you! [01:43] <rooly> how do i instruct pci-stub to cliam a device before the radeon module during boot? initramfs doesn't seem to execute early enough [01:49] <astropirate> I am trying to build OpenBLAS, but am getting this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgfortran but I already have libgfortran-4.9-dev installed [01:49] <astropirate> why am I still getting this error? [01:50] <deadmund> astropirate: That error exactly? I'm not familiar with your particular setup, but it seems there is a gfortran but not any lgfortran ? [01:51] <astropirate> deadmund, how do I find out which is installed? [01:52] <deadmund> astropirate: You can look at apt-file search "filename" to find what packages contain that file (in this case lgfortran ?) [01:53] <deadmund> astropirate: I'm having trouble understanding what the line that is giving the error actually looks like. ld -lgfortran or something? ld is a linker [01:53] <astropirate> deadmund, correct [01:53] <astropirate> it is not able to find the library to link against [01:53] <astropirate> but I have that library installed already [01:54] <deadmund> astropirate: Then I think I'm not any help here :( [01:54] <astropirate> no worreis [01:56] <terackus> I've got a problem my CD/DVD Drive shows up if I use Disk it shows it but no matter what type of disk i put in it will read it. [01:59] <harriseldon> astropirate: basic question -- did you use sudo apt-get build-dep libopenblas-base to get the dependencies to build the package first? [02:00] <deadmund> terackus: Your "question" is unintelligable [02:01] <astropirate> harriseldon, no, I didn't. I am trying to set up Torch7 on my machine, and it comes with a setup script that installs dependencies [02:01] <astropirate> harriseldon, I will try sudo apt-get build-dep libopenblas-base [02:02] <astropirate> harriseldon, well.. actually, the script tries to build OpenBlas itself [02:02] <astropirate> and tries to installed the dependencies before hand. [02:05] <harriseldon> astropirate what release of Ubuntu are you on? I am looking at the build script now for torch7 [02:06] <astropirate> harriseldon, 14.10 [02:06] <kieppie> hi folks [02:07] <astropirate> i took their dependencies script and commented out hte section to build and install OpenBlas, and instead installed it the way you mentioned [02:07] <kieppie> I'm running a new install of 15.04 desktop unity [02:07] <astropirate> I just hope whatever is in the repo is up to date enough [02:07] <paradox_> hi [02:07] <paradox_> h r u [02:07] <kieppie> I'm looking for the older keyboard layout options where I can enable/define ctrl_alt+backspace to bounce the interface & remap/disable caps [02:08] <deadmund> terackus: "no matter what type of disk i put in it will read it [02:08] <deadmund> what's the problem there? [02:08] <kieppie> ?keyboad [02:08] <kieppie> !keyboard [02:09] <kieppie> !caps [02:09] <harriseldon> astropirate you may want to read through the install scripts. They are pretty explicit in what they are trying to do. I am not sure why openblas is built from git instead of the package. After the build-deps, the install from git should configure and work. [02:10] <kieppie> also looking for better utilisation of my multi-touch touch screen on this laptop [02:13] <kieppie> these functions are no longer available under 15.04 unity AFAIK: [02:16] <studybox> is an ubuntu phone going to happen? [02:17] <krabador> studybox, bq aquaris [02:17] <rooly> can anyone help me, i need the pci-stub module to activate as early in the boot process as possible. I've added it to initramfs-tools/modules, but it continues to activate after 3-4 seconds while the drm and radeon modules activate before a second has passed [02:17] <sysop2> hi how do I enable npapi plugins in chrome 41? [02:18] <sysop2> I tried the chrome://flags/#enable_npapi but it doesnt seem to work. [02:18] <petrvs> studybox: not that is planned at all, no [02:18] <petrvs> studybox: you can install it on some phones, though [02:19] <studybox> krabador, does that have antennas for all service providers? [02:19] <xangua> sysop2: you do not :) [02:19] <Rave1> so why does the ubuntu site say there are phones for sale all over europe [02:19] <krabador> studybox, yes [02:20] <xangua> (21:17:01) krabador: studybox, bq aquaris [02:20] <sysop2> xangua, that is not what the docs say? they say version 42 is when they start doing that. [02:20] <petrvs> Rave1: there are phones for sale all over europe [02:20] <sysop2> obviously I need to do that so how about some help instead of "smart" remarks. [02:21] <studybox> so literally that phone will work with any provider in the world even cdma? [02:21] <studybox> or is it 100% gsm and it has ALL the gsm [02:21] <studybox> i don't know how that stuff very well i just know it's complicated [02:22] <[n0mad]> sysop2, everything i see says you don't enable it [02:22] <[n0mad]> says support was removed several versions ago [02:23] <[n0mad]> where are you seeing something different? [02:23] <kieppie> how to disable/remap CAPS? [02:23] <sysop2> ok what version do I need to downgrade to get plugins back? [02:24] <sysop2> I thought 42 was the cut off, but if its earlier I have not found any mention of it. [02:26] <axisys> no wifi driver and wifi button is staying yellow on my hp ProBook 650 G1 ever since I upgraded last night from 14.10 to 15.04 64bit [02:27] <axisys> yes it was working fine with 14.10 [02:27] <[n0mad]> sysop2: i see that now too on the google site. i'm not sure why that wouldn't work for you on 42..on the chromium site they'd originally mentioned version 37 but perhaps that changed based on what i'm reading from google [02:27] <[n0mad]> i'm not sure how you would be able to get around it though. not something i've had a need for [02:27] <axisys> disable the /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf may be? [02:28] <axisys> content of the file is [02:28] <prw> is getting a 4k display up and running still a pain in the ass? putting together a new system to run 15.04 and would love to get a 4k display for it but don't want to deal with weird dual 30hz display configs or stuff like that. [02:28] <axisys> modprobe iwlwifi gives an error [02:29] <axisys> modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:816 kmod_module_insert_module() could not find module by name='iwlwifi' [02:29] <axisys> modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'iwlwifi': Function not implemented [02:29] <sysop2> when I do chrome://flags/#enable_npapi I just get the normal flags page and nothing about npapi [02:30] <yurw> How do I boot without running a fsck that would normally run before mounting? [02:30] <prw> just got a dell xps 13 with a qhd+ display and it's great w/ 15.04. would love to get the same experience w/ a desktop and external monitor [02:30] <yurw> recovery mode still seems to run the fsck [02:31] <kieppie> OK - let's try this again (g'damn, this channel is noisy with utter b/s!). [02:31] <kieppie> I want to remap CAPS - how? [02:31] <yurw> Is there a way to avoid mounting/fsck? [02:31] <prw> kieppie: to control? [02:31] <somsip> kieppie: xmodmap [02:31] <kieppie> in previous versions there were options under keybord configs [02:31] <kieppie> hi prw, somsip [02:32] <kieppie> prw, somsip - looking for this under new unity 15.04 - [02:32] <raiN> nick eternaL1 [02:32] <Dragostini> smooth [02:32] <somsip> kieppie: no idea about unity. I use xmodmap, so I'll leave it to someone else to help [02:32] <kieppie> also looking for better use of my multitouch screen - linux seems to have relatively poor support, but keyboard issue is most pressing atm [02:33] <gioankminh> what to do if i run application with adminitrator with Wine1.7 ? [02:33] <harriseldon> rooly what is the end goal? Are you trying to do vga passthrough? What guides have you followed? Have you regenerated your initramfs? [02:34] <rooly> harriseldon: vga passthrough, all of them, yes; dozens of times [02:34] <prw> kieppie: edit /etc/default/keyboard and set XKBOPTIONS="caps:escape" - then reboot [02:34] <prw> and enjoy vi [02:34] <rooly> harriseldon: i managed to finally get the stub driver working by making a modprobe.d file and using update-initramfs -c [02:35] <kieppie> prw: I want to map CAPS -> Contectual menu, since my keyboard (X1 carbon) does not have a menu key (as does many other laptops), and I have no use for caps [02:35] <kieppie> the tool I indicated before had tweaks take effect immediately, so I can test without bouncing [02:36] <prw> kieppie: your url said map capslock to escape. [02:36] <kieppie> provided link to indocate the UI functionality I'm looking for [02:36] <harriseldon> rooly my understanding of modprobe.d is that it is run after the initramfs. Are you sure you have the vendor ids correct? [02:37] <kieppie> since that entire UI seems to be missing from the new release [02:37] <rooly> harriseldon: yes, memorized actually. stub was activating far too late and radeon was beating it out [02:39] <fawksmulder> So I have a really old laptop with like, a Celeron processor and an 80 GB HDD. Is there something cool I can use it for (passively)? [02:39] <eternaL1> Hello all! So I am currently trying to install Ubuntu 14.04.2 on my buddies MSI-A6200 (which has an nVidia geforce 8X00m G). Booting from a LiveCD. The problem is that no matter what we do we get 'GPU Lockup' screens everytime. Have tried nomodeset, as well as acpi-off. both together and seperately through the F6 menu. But it will give the GPU lockup, failed to idle channel, etc... then return [02:39] <eternaL1> to setup with screen torn and frozen. Have searched quite a bit, but haven't found anything that works so far, another buddy had me try to download/install the nvidia drivers, kill/restart X and then continue trying to install as a last chance, but 'try without installing' freezes up before getting the chance. Any thoughts on how i could get Ubuntu to install (I read i can AFTERWARDS go into [02:39] <eternaL1> recovery mode and go about updating the drivers, if I could only get that far) Thanks in advance ^^ [02:40] <harriseldon> rooly sorry I cannot help further. I have never used pci-stub and everything I am reading points to what you did. I did see this guide although you may have already followed it. [02:41] <rooly> harriseldon: yes i've seen it. thanks for the help tho. for some reason my modprobe.d is included in my initrd.img [02:41] <rooly> harriseldon: that's why a modprobe.d config solved the issue for me [02:44] <Ben64> eternaL1: use the mini iso [02:46] <Guest11982> Having a hell of a time over here trying to mount this img [02:47] <Guest11982> I'm new to ubuntu but what I read on the forums doesn't seem to be working whether I use furius iso, or any other mounting application. Can anyone help me? [02:49] <Guest11982> Hello? [02:49] <mushir> 0 [02:49] <mushir> down vote [02:49] <mushir> favorite [02:49] <mushir> [02:49] <mushir> After installing new graphic card (Radeon HD 3450) Ubuntu 14.04 keeps logging out randomly, for example it logs out when I use the command : unity --replace && setsid unity [02:49] <kieppie> Guest11982: this channel is pretty useless, mate [02:50] <Guest11982> ok [02:50] <Guest11982> where should I go for any live help if not here? [02:50] <DalekSec> Guest11982: mount -o loop path/to/image.iso mnt/ [02:51] <Guest11982> I tried something like that but keep getting this error: [02:51] <Guest11982> "Error mounting /dev/sda2 at /media/ubuntu/146d32d7-38d3-40fc-ad3b-8cce82d204e2: Command-line `mount -t "ext4" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid" "/dev/sda2" "/media/ubuntu/146d32d7-38d3-40fc-ad3b-8cce82d204e2"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2, [02:51] <Guest11982> missing codepage or helper program, or other error [02:51] <Guest11982> In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try [02:51] <Guest11982> dmesg | tail or so [02:51] <Guest11982> " [02:51] <Ben64> !paste | Guest11982 [02:52] <Guest11982> not sure if it posted the error [02:52] <Guest11982> ""Error mounting /dev/sda2 at /media/ubuntu/146d32d7-38d3-40fc-ad3b-8cce82d204e2: Command-line `mount -t "ext4" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid" "/dev/sda2" "/media/ubuntu/146d32d7-38d3-40fc-ad3b-8cce82d204e2"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2," [02:53] <Guest11982> its a recovery img from my failing harddrive but when I try to mount it gives me that bad superblock error. Not sure what to do. Is the img file corrupt even though its on a new healthy harddrive? [02:53] <tlt> you're trying to mount a partition on a drive there [02:53] <tlt> that's what you're trying as well? [02:55] <explodes> I'm having problems with System V [02:55] <Guest11982> I'm not sure the lingo. I have a live ubuntu session going from an 8gb usb key and then I made the img file onto this external 1tb harddrive. Now I'm trying to launch the img off the harddrive using furius iso [02:56] <Guest11982> during the live session [02:58] <linuxuz3r> can you do 2 step verification on sudo for a session [02:58] <explodes> I'm having problems with System V, i have 4 other custom scripts being served out faithfully, but this new one quits quickly although it should live forever. when the target script is run directly, it runs 100% fine. the init.conf and script are here: [02:58] <Guest11982> I'm not sure what 2 step verification is [02:58] <explodes> The init.conf looks identical to the 4 others, same with the target script! [02:59] <linuxuz3r> [03:03] <tlt> Guest11982, when you're imaging a drive you're better off formatting another drive you know will hold the complete image, as ext4, and then dd if=/dev/drivetocopyfrom of=/medit/bigetx4drive/yymmddhhss.drivetocopyfrom.fstype.img [03:04] <axisys> so far I could not find a fix to get the iwl driver which is missing after the upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 through wifi [03:04] <Guest11982> I used ddrescue to make the image. Its been going for 3 days straight and is now "trimming failed blocks" but the size of the img is staying the same [03:04] <Guest11982> I did format the external drive to ext3 before making the img on it [03:05] <neldogz> Does anyone know what is the latest Nvidia module version available within Ubuntu 15.04 standard repos? [03:06] <neldogz> Is it 346.59 ? [03:07] <tlt> medit is a typo it should be media oco [03:07] <Bashing-om> neldogz: 349 is available in 15.04 .. what retunrs from terminal command ' ubuntu-drivers list ' ? [03:08] <explodes> linuxuz3r: every time you use sudo you want to validate the user? [03:08] <explodes> linuxuz3r: i object [03:08] <linuxuz3r> not everytime [03:08] <linuxuz3r> but just once for the whole session [03:09] <explodes> maybe you can have them validate when they login. but HOW, i dont know [03:09] <Guest11982> thanks tlt [03:09] <tlt> Guest11982, so your image-file is at /dev/drv2 etc etc? [03:09] <[n0mad]> linuxuz3r: I found this that talks about enabling for the login [03:09] <explodes> linuxuz3r: or this [03:09] <explodes> google's first result [03:09] <tlt> any why mount in a subfolder of /media/ubuntu/*id* etc, Guest11982 ? [03:11] <tlt> Guest11982, maybe you're trying to mount your original base ext3 filesystem as ext4, idk what you're trying to do there. [03:12] <sabotender> are these steps up to date for moving my home directory to a different partition? [03:12] <sabotender> moo 🐮 [03:13] <linuxuz3r> explodes: what if you are not online will authenticator work on login [03:14] <axisys> I installed linux-image-generic which upgrade the linux kernel from 3.16 to 3.19 and now both wifi and sound are working [03:14] <linuxuz3r> how do i tar ~/ folder and all the files under it even hidden files and folders [03:15] <linuxuz3r> anyone [03:15] <Guest11982> tlt, I'm not sure either. I have a 491gb img file made already. Just when I click and "mount it" it gives me the error. So if I used your commands above am I not just making a new img file? What are the commands doing that you listed? [03:16] <tlt> Guest11982, if you know the full path of the file, try mount -t ext4 /media/thatext3basefilesystem/imagefilename /media/somedirectory [03:17] <tlt> as root you could just mount it as /media/cdrom since it exists, given that you've got no mounted cd of course [03:17] <tlt> or just make a new dir in /media/ , Guest11982 [03:17] <cristian> quit [03:17] <Ben64> Guest11982: pastebin the output of "file /path/to/the.img" [03:20] <explodes> linuxuz3r: well, yea. how would you even do a 2-factor auth without internet? [03:21] <linuxuz3r> sms [03:21] <sysop2> just for the record I got plugins back at version 37. [03:21] <explodes> linuxuz3r: which requires you to be online :P [03:21] <linuxuz3r> no im worried with login in linux with 2 f a without inet [03:21] <sysop2> 40 doesnt work, 38 or 39 might work but I am not in the mood to try it. [03:21] <Guest11982> tlt, I tried the command above as root and it gave me this [03:21] <explodes> linuxuz3r: not possible- 2fa requires net [03:21] <Guest11982> "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop4, [03:21] <Guest11982> missing codepage or helper program, or other error [03:21] <Guest11982> In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try [03:21] <Guest11982> dmesg | tail or so [03:21] <Guest11982> " [03:22] <sysop2> actually went down to 35 installed the plugin and upgraded to 37 [03:22] <cocoony> hello, i use lubuntu 64 bit and want to install a 64 bit music program with wine [03:22] <cocoony> how can i get wine to 64 bit [03:23] <Guest11982> "error: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop4, missing codepage or helper program, or other error" [03:23] <Ben64> Guest11982: stop pasting that over and over [03:23] <Captonjamason> is there any way i can send files to my sd card in terminal [03:23] <Ben64> Guest11982: pastebin the output of "file /path/to/the.img" [03:23] <Ben64> !paste | Guest11982 [03:23] <Ben64> oh ubottu died [03:24] <Ben64> Guest11982: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [03:24] <Captonjamason> is there any way i can send files to my sd card in terminal, [03:25] <ablest1980> hi [03:25] <Ben64> Captonjamason: cp file destination [03:25] <jeffreylevesque> mount to your sd card [03:26] <Guest11982> hey ben, I have never used pastebin before [03:26] <Ben64> perfect time to start [03:26] <ablest1980> use [03:26] <ablest1980> hello blackmatrix [03:27] <ablest1980> ny here [03:28] <Captonjamason> im setting up a LFS system and im setting up a variable, "export LFS=/dev/mmcblk0p1" thats the command i run that i attempted to use to get the variable set up... but it didnt work "/dev/mmcblk0p1" is where my sd card is according to disks [03:28] <Guest11982> [03:29] <Captonjamason> did they give me the wrong location in disks [03:30] <Captonjamason> wait [03:30] <Captonjamason> i think i found out how to fix it [03:30] <cocoony> did someone know how i can run a 54bit windows program with wine# [03:30] <cocoony> 64bit [03:31] <Guest11982> I think I posted the correct link Ben64 [03:31] <Captonjamason> if you have a 64bit computer, 64 bit ubuntu and a 64 bit wine install you should be all set cocoony [03:31] <Ben64> Guest11982: you pasted that like 4 times already, don't need to see it again, i asked for "file /path/to/the.img" [03:32] <Guest11982> how do I get that ben64? [03:32] <Ben64> Guest11982: you type it in a terminal [03:32] <Guest11982> just type it into the terminal? [03:32] <Guest11982> ah [03:32] <cocoony> do i set wine to 64bit ? [03:32] <Ben64> cocoony: should already be [03:32] <cocoony> i try to compile but dont understand [03:33] <Captonjamason> cocoony: its already set to 64 bit if you have a 64 bit pc 64 bit ubuntu install and 64bit wine install [03:33] <Captonjamason> that easy [03:33] <cocoony> you mean when i have a 64 bit systewm it automaticly install wine in 64 bit ? [03:33] <cocoony> aha [03:33] <Captonjamason> yep [03:34] <cocoony> but hte 64 bit .exe didnt start [03:34] <Guest11982> [03:34] <Captonjamason> well if you chose to install wine 64 [03:34] <Guest11982> I think thats what you're asking for Ben64 [03:34] <cocoony> how can i completly remove wine to reinstall [03:34] <Captonjamason> what program cocoony [03:34] <Captonjamason> it might have some dependincies [03:34] <cocoony> i have seen a webpage and compile sometthing lol [03:35] <Ben64> Guest11982: yep. so now, "sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop /media/ubuntu/51414667-c163-416a-bd4d-c9b53d88b060/image.img /mountpoint" [03:35] <cocoony> there was nothing to chposse [03:35] <cocoony> choose [03:35] <Captonjamason> then it auto installed for 64 bit [03:35] <cocoony> ableton live  ableton live 64 bit [03:36] <Guest11982> and I set the mountpoint in some random folder? [03:36] <Ben64> Guest11982: any folder you want, yep. should be empty though [03:36] <Guest11982> I just chose /media/ubuntu to mount and it gave me the same superblock error [03:37] <MisterMom> cocoony, i dont think you will get that to run in linux [03:37] <CptRageToaster> hello, I ran into a dependency issue on libglib2.0-dev [03:37] <CptRageToaster> libglib2.0-dev : Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.40.2-0ubuntu1) but 2.42.2-0ubuntu1~14.04~ricotz0 is to be installed [03:37] <CptRageToaster> can I get a low down, on what apt-get is even telling me? [03:37] <Ben64> Guest11982: make a new directory [03:38] <cocoony> MisterMom...yesterday it worked but the 32 bit version on 32 bit system [03:38] <CptRageToaster> My first impression is that libglib2.0-dev is depending on an old version (2.40.2) and for some reason, I have (2.42.2) ? [03:38] <cocoony> today i have installed 64 bit system [03:38] <jeffreylevesque> yeehaw [03:38] <CptRageToaster> if that's the case, how can I find out what's forcing 2.42.2, so I can consider rolling it back? [03:38] <cocoony> [03:39] <Captonjamason> hey cocoony [03:39] <Captonjamason> [03:39] <Guest11982> I made a new directory /media/ubuntu/new and tried mounting and it gave me the same superblock error [03:39] <MisterMom> cocoony, oh i will have to take some time to look at that, im a sonar user myself [03:39] <Ben64> CptRageToaster: looks like you have a PPA causing the conflict [03:39] <cocoony> aha [03:40] <CptRageToaster> does the presence of the lib in a PPA kill everything? [03:40] <cocoony> MisterMom.... i hope we can figure it out later [03:40] <CptRageToaster> or do I have it currently installed? [03:40] <cocoony> in some minutes i must sleep [03:40] <cocoony> i come from germany [03:40] <Bashing-om> CptRageToaster: A PPA ' ricotz ' installed software holding "libglib2.0" to the higher version ? [03:40] <MisterMom> its late here so i will look tomorow [03:40] <jeffreylevesque> i'm from kpax [03:40] <Ben64> Guest11982: pastebin "dumpe2fs /media/ubuntu/51414667-c163-416a-bd4d-c9b53d88b060/image.img | grep -i superblock" [03:41] <noobiewan> Hi, anyone here with experience using Ubuntu-Rescue-Remix ? ...yesterday it runs in lubuntu [03:42] <Ben64> noobiewan: not supported here, sorry [03:42] <Guest11982> [03:42] <Ben64> Guest11982: you can't mount it [03:43] <cocoony> my terminal shows : linux 3.19.0-15-generic #15-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 16 23:32:37 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [03:43] <Guest11982> hmm, whats wrong with it? Not sure what magic number invalid means [03:43] <cocoony> what does that mean [03:43] <Ben64> Guest11982: it means its too damaged [03:43] <noobiewan> Ben64, you know of any channel I could ask a question? I just plugged a USB stick and the console keeps showing these messagaes lile [ 347.23225] bla bla bla and I can't stop [03:43] <cocoony> i thought i have install 64 bit iso [03:43] <Ben64> noobiewan: considering the guy who made it isn't supporting it, probably not [03:43] <jeffreylevesque> do ppl create IRC bots for sentiment analysis (maybe for training?)? [03:44] <noobiewan> Ben64, could you suggest a bootable system with recovery tools? [03:44] <cocoony> i install the 64 bit iso but terminal shows : linux 3.19.0-15-generic #15-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 16 23:32:37 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [03:44] <cocoony> what means x86_x64 [03:44] <N3X15> Means 64bit [03:45] <Ben64> cocoony: x86 cpu with 64bit instructions [03:45] <cocoony> why i see x86 [03:45] <Guest11982> damn that sucks ben64, would any of these options help me to repair it? [03:45] <Guest11982> or be worth even looking at [03:45] <Ben64> Guest11982: doubtful. you can use photorec to try to recover files though [03:45] <Guest11982> yeah I did but it was taking forever so used ddrescue. ddrescue still isn't finished though..its still "trimming failed blocks" so would that cause the problem? [03:46] <Guest11982> do I have to wait until its finished trimming? [03:46] <Guest11982> its still trimming failed blocks on the image.img file we're using so... [03:47] <cocoony> Ben64: you see that i have 64 bit installed..when i install wine it then 64 bit ? [03:47] <cocoony> or 32 [03:47] <Ben64> cocoony: 64, as you've been told already [03:48] <Ben64> Guest11982: no [03:48] <cocoony> yes [03:48] <cocoony> ok..i try to reinstall [03:48] <cocoony> wine [03:48] <cocoony> thx for answering [03:48] <Ben64> reinstalling wine isn't going to change anything [03:48] <Ben64> its likely your program just doesn't work in wine [03:49] <cocoony> i have make some mistakes [03:49] <cocoony> i compile something [03:49] <Guest11982> ok thank you for your help Ben64. Greatly appreciated [03:49] <cocoony> i tried a tutorial with compiling [03:49] <cocoony> dont know what i have done [03:49] <blueingress> Hi, How to upgrade to 15.04 from 14.10? [03:49] <Ben64> cocoony: why? wine is installable easily from the software center [03:49] <cocoony> but my homefolder only shows .wine folder [03:49] <cocoony> not wine64 [03:50] <cocoony> i thought i have 32 bit wine and do this [03:51] <cocoony> sorry its german page but you see the commands [03:51] <Ben64> cocoony: undo that, then just "sudo apt-get install wine" [03:51] <cocoony> i have installed wine1,7 [03:51] <cocoony> my lubuntu only install wine 1.5x [03:51] <EyeOfMidas> I just updated to 15.04, and my system settings is all phone-ified. How can I change it back to the desktop version? [03:52] <Ben64> cocoony: then use the wine ppa on the wine website [03:52] <cocoony> aha [03:52] <cocoony> i am newbie..never worked with linux before. i must check it out [03:52] <ablest1980> anyone use kindle for pc with wine on ubuntu? [03:52] <cocoony> sorry that my grammar is so bad [03:53] <cocoony> is there a command that i can see if wine is 32 or 64 bit ? [03:54] <Ben64> install wine from the ppa, and it will be [03:54] * Captonjamason starts to fall alseep [03:54] <Captonjamason> installing the stuff for LFS takes longer then i remember [04:00] <noobiewan> So I just created a bootable live CD. Is it possible to install a command line tool? [04:07] <pavlos> blueingress, change Prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades, then run update manager, you should be prompted to upgrade. [04:12] <degva> Hey guys, I have a problem with vlc [04:12] <degva> I'm getting this: Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory and I don't know which package has that file [04:13] <degva> does anybody has encountered that problem before? [04:13] <Captonjamason> i have [04:13] <Captonjamason> i just rebooted my pc and it was fine [04:13] <Captonjamason> but dont do that [04:13] <degva> Captonjamason, please, tell me how did you fixed [04:13] <degva> I have that problem for so much time now [04:13] <degva> I'm on ubuntu 15.04 [04:13] <Captonjamason> my pc was quite buggy then so rebooting would fix anything [04:13] <Captonjamason> same here [04:14] <Captonjamason> i dont use vlc [04:14] <Captonjamason> so i cant help you [04:14] <degva> Oh well [04:14] <degva> the thing is that skype has the same buggy problem I t hink [04:14] <degva> it has like stripes of some pixels [04:15] <Captonjamason> never had that problem on skype [04:15] <jmadero> has itrans keyboard layout completely been replaced with KaGaPa layout? [04:15] <Captonjamason> is there anybody on who is smart with LFS [04:16] <degva> Captonjamason, it looks like this: [04:16] <degva> vlc has the exact same problem [04:16] <Captonjamason> cant help you on that degva [04:16] <Captonjamason> im hitting the sack [04:17] <degva> Captonjamason, thank you anyway [04:17] <Captonjamason> not a problem [04:17] <Captonjamason> if you need anyhelp you know id probably be on here [04:17] <Captonjamason> if im not theres plenty of other people willing to help you out [04:17] <Captonjamason> well night guys [04:17] <Captonjamason> o/ [04:23] <noobiewan> anyone familiar with ddrescue? [04:24] <noobiewan> I want to try to rescue a USB stick [04:25] <basil1x> Are there any Ubuntu-friendly tablets in the Sub-£150 range? I don't mind a bit of faff to get it working, as long as blobs are not involved. What a stupid thing to create. [04:28] <josePHPagoda> Hello everyone. I've got an external drive with ext4. When I try to ls inside of one of the directories, I get a message saying ls: reading directory .: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character [04:28] <josePHPagoda> any ideas on what might be going on? [04:29] <basil1x> does it happen when you type dir, jos [04:29] <basil1x> josePHPagoda, ^ [04:29] <basil1x> stupid tabcomplete [04:29] <josePHPagoda> yes [04:29] <josePHPagoda> it does [04:29] <josePHPagoda> identical error [04:29] <basil1x> Urgh [04:30] <josePHPagoda> i'm really puzzled as to how this happened :-/ [04:31] <josePHPagoda> everything I'm finding on google says it's an NTFS thing, but I'm not using NTFS at all [04:32] <basil1x> If you have files with odd characters in the filenames, this might help: convmv -f utf8 -t iso-8859-1 <filename> [04:32] <josePHPagoda> basil1x: yes, i saw that, but it doesn't seem to have any effect [04:33] <josePHPagoda> besides, I can't see what filename is being problematic since I can't list the contents [04:33] <eternaL1> just to use for some basic stuff & games,... full install or desktop install :X [04:33] <basil1x> Do the files come up in Thunar or Dolphin or Nautilus? (Whichever you have installed. [04:33] <josePHPagoda> i'm accessing this via ssh [04:33] <josePHPagoda> let me see if I can do x forwarding and run something [04:34] <basil1x> AH... ssh... I don't play with ssh. [04:34] <josePHPagoda> going to try thunar [04:35] <pavlos> josePHPagoda, there is tool called detox, ... [04:35] <josePHPagoda> any instruction on how to best use it? [04:36] <pavlos> josePHPagoda, detox -n somedir (dry run) [04:37] <josePHPagoda> it doesn't return anything [04:37] <josePHPagoda> should it be? [04:38] <pavlos> josePHPagoda, there are some examples in the link I sent [04:38] <josePHPagoda> yeah [04:39] <josePHPagoda> i've gotten it to return results on other folders [04:39] <josePHPagoda> but on this folder, it's not returning anything, in other words, it thinks there is nothing to be done [04:40] <cfuackers> josePHPagoda: are you the owner of the folder and its contents. [04:40] <josePHPagoda> yes [04:40] <josePHPagoda> i've also tried as root [04:40] <josePHPagoda> thunar shows an empty dir [04:42] <cfuackers> josePHPagoda: are the files hidden. You can allow Thunar show hidden files [04:42] <josePHPagoda> the files are not hidden [04:42] <josePHPagoda> it's failing to internally run ls [04:42] <josePHPagoda> ls is apparently broken in regards to listing the contents of this directory [04:42] <josePHPagoda> and I could fix it, if I could list the contents to see which file is being problematic [04:43] <cfuackers> josePHPagoda: copy the folder and paste it somewhere else. [04:43] <josePHPagoda> i've renamed it [04:43] <josePHPagoda> i don't believe I have enough space to copy it [04:43] <Computer_Barf> is there any kind of utility I can use to store commands I like to use in the terminal? [04:44] <cfuackers> josePHPagoda: it's that big. [04:44] <josePHPagoda> cp: cannot access ‘Movies’: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character [04:44] <josePHPagoda> it's my dvd collection converted for use on my htpc [04:44] <josePHPagoda> cp isn't working [04:44] <cfuackers> Computer_Barf: gedit [04:44] <Computer_Barf> cfuackers: there has to be something better than that [04:44] <josePHPagoda> so copying it is out [04:44] <josePHPagoda> Computer_Barf: what are you trying to do? [04:45] <cfuackers> josePHPagoda: just right click on folder select copy. Then paste it another location [04:45] <Computer_Barf> I just want to have some way from the terminal to save a convienient list of commonly used commands I frequenly use in the terminal [04:46] <josePHPagoda> cfuackers: it copied an empty dir [04:46] <josePHPagoda> Computer_Barf: what do you mean? [04:46] <josePHPagoda> does the bash history not work for you? [04:46] <josePHPagoda> i'm not understanding the use case [04:46] <Computer_Barf> well the command can get pretty far back [04:47] <josePHPagoda> control +r will let you search your history [04:47] <Computer_Barf> i just want to be able to have a list of commands I can pull up that I've saved [04:48] <pavlos> Computer_Barf, you could use alias and add it to your profile, like alias upd=sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [04:48] <cfuackers> Computer_Barf: maybe save a web page that lists terminal commands and its flags. [04:48] <theJian> . [04:48] <Computer_Barf> pavlos: that sounds like a possibility [04:49] <pavlos> you could type ctrl-R and the shell remembers the previous commands (reverse search) [04:49] <Computer_Barf> the alias thing sounds like a good idea cause I can name it [04:49] <cfuackers> Computer_Barf: You want something like an address book or contact list of terminal commands [04:49] <Computer_Barf> sometimes the purpose is more memorable than the command itself [04:49] <pavlos> history shows you what you typed [04:50] <Computer_Barf> pavlos: yes but that doesn't help me remember what I typed [04:50] <Computer_Barf> often I remember the purpose but not the specifics [04:50] <josePHPagoda> control + r is your friend Computer_Barf [04:51] <Computer_Barf> what do you search for when you don't remember the commands you are searching for? [04:51] <cfuackers> Computer_Barf: [04:51] <josePHPagoda> so yeah, anything I try to use on this directory blows up [04:51] <josePHPagoda> which seems like bad behavior [04:51] <cfuackers> Computer_Barf: your making a problem where there isn't one [04:52] <Computer_Barf> cfuackers: im not really looking for a command reference, im looking to be able to save a string , give it a name, be able to pull it up easily , and do this more conveniently than a text editor [04:52] <pavlos> Computer_Barf, no idea what you want to do ... [04:53] <Computer_Barf> the alias idea sounded like a possible solution [04:53] <cfuackers> Computer_Barf: that's called a shortcut. A bash file that you make executable. [04:53] <mrbash> How do I set the default TERM environment variable for a Gnome shell window? [04:54] <cfuackers> Computer_Barf: or a shell file. [04:54] <cast> start using aliases and ctrl-r, come back after you've spent a few days and are still finding things lacking, at the moment you haven't gone as far as fully exploring the features of bash [04:55] <cfuackers> Computer_Barf: or a script. Depends on how much You want the terminal shortcut to do. [04:56] <Computer_Barf> I used to create shell scripts for this, but it took more effort than what seems reasonable for just a single long line [04:57] <cfuackers> Computer_Barf: [04:58] <Computer_Barf> cfauackers: im trying to do this within the terminal [04:59] <somsip> Computer_Barf: You want an alias. You just add them to your .bash_aliases file when you create them. Eg: "echo 'alias myalias='do something here' >> ~/.bash_aliases" [04:59] <SchrodingersScat> Computer_Barf: meh, i probably have some one liners that could just as easily be aliases, potato/potahto? the only other line you need is #!/bin/bash, so the rest is up to you. You only think it's going to be one line in the beginning, but then some loops and case statements later [05:00] <eternaL1> Finally get through the installation only to be greeted by "error: no such partition." [05:00] <eternaL1> >.< [05:00] * eternaL1 crawls into bed [05:00] * SchrodingersScat tucks in eternaL1 [05:02] <MichaelTiebesl> hi there, is here somebody who has installed diaspora as pod on ubuntu? [05:07] <Computer_Barf> yes alias is what I am looking for [05:12] <eternaL1> error: no such partition. <-> reinstall with 25gb root at beginning, space for home, and a small swap space ... should work? O.o [05:17] <tlt> uh maybe a 175mb or so /boot in ext2 format set to bootable, etc, would be an idea eternaL1 [05:17] <tlt> at the beginning of the drive, eternaL1 [05:18] <Ben64> /boot partitions are almost always unnecessary and often cause problems from lack of space [05:19] <tlt> so you're saying people almost always should run with unencrypted drives? [05:19] <cfuackers> Ben64: uefi partitions are needed now to boot. [05:19] <Ben64> cfuackers: incorrect [05:19] <Ben64> tlt: correct [05:20] <citroniks> j# opencv [05:20] <azizLIGHT> hi [05:21] <azizLIGHT> i wanna make my media keys like prev track, play/pause, next track, mute, vol down, and vol up work when the screen is locked [05:21] <azizLIGHT> something that works on 14.04. i googled and found something thats 3 years old and not sure if it would work today [05:36] <aladiah> I want to remove the folder Zoipe, it is on /usr/share/Zoiper how to do it ? [05:36] <aladiah> in console iam in the folder, what i should do now ? [05:38] <MichaelHabib1> chotaz: hi, u still here ? [05:38] <Computer_Barf> [05:39] <Computer_Barf> alahiah: above [05:39] <aladiah> Computer_Barf: i should be inside the directory doesnit ? [05:39] <MichaelHabib1> chotaz: I read above your question about booting ubuntu from HDD , I have been playing arounf with ISO + Persistant images booting from both HDD and USB . Let me know if you still need help. [05:40] <aladiah> Computer_Barf: or i should be inside share when doing the command line ? [05:41] <Computer_Barf> rm -rf /directory_path <-- i believe , but let someone else chime in [05:41] <Computer_Barf> or you could just navigate to the folder above it and just put the folder name [05:41] <aladiah> rm -rf /usr/share/Zoiper to remove zoiper directory ? [05:42] <Computer_Barf> can someone else verify? [05:42] <aladiah> every one oversleep . . lolol [05:43] <Computer_Barf> you could cd /usr/share/Zoiper [05:44] <aladiah> iam there already [05:44] <Computer_Barf> then sudo rm -rf /Zoiper [05:44] <aladiah> ok [05:44] <aladiah> ĺets try [05:44] <Computer_Barf> yeah im pretty sure the one I said before would work but there would be less risk in cd'ing to the above directory [05:45] <aladiah> humm it didn work [05:45] <aladiah> lolol [05:45] <Computer_Barf> ok , I suck [05:45] <wafflejock> if your pwd says /usr/share/Zoiper the command would be sudo rm -rf . which is to get rid of the current directory [05:45] <tlt> aladiah, that was wrong command [05:45] <aladiah> tlt: how then ? [05:45] <wafflejock> Computer_Barf, you had it right at first I think (both of you) [05:45] <somsip> wafflejock: which will map upwards? Not such a good idea [05:46] <wafflejock> somsip, . ? doesn't go up, .. will go up? [05:46] <Computer_Barf> wafflejock: i should have stuck with my original commentary lol [05:46] <aladiah> tlt: how it is ? [05:46] <wafflejock> anyhow I would go with the absolute path myself [05:46] <somsip> wafflejock: I'm thinking of .* - my bad [05:46] <aladiah> [05:46] <tlt> it's disastrous to suggest anything, I feel [05:47] <aladiah> how to do it in graphic mode, how to saty superuser in graphc mode ? [05:48] <wafflejock> aladiah, you can use "gksudo nautilus" in a terminal to launch a GUI that has admin privileges but then need to show hidden files to select everything to delete it, think it's fine to use the terminal just understand what you're doing and make sure you have the right path if you're running a sudo rm -rf /path, since it's running as admin/root you're going to blow away whatever you target [05:49] <tlt> aladiah, if there isn't a file there called the same name as the folder it's safe to stay one folder below it and type rm -rf Thatfoldername [05:49] <tlt> with no slashes [05:50] <aladiah> tlt [05:50] <aladiah> lets try [05:51] <mightyiam> Yo what codename do I use for upgrading to devel, please? [05:51] <aladiah> tlt: what iam doing wrong ? [05:52] <aladiah> tlt: i should be on share folder doesnit ? [05:53] <aladiah> tlt: i cant believe it , permission denied [05:54] <tlt> sudo rm -rf Thatfoldername [05:54] <tlt> I forget you people use sudo at all [05:54] <aladiah> humm [05:55] <aladiah> iam on lubuntu [05:55] <aladiah> yeahh done [05:55] <aladiah> finaly [05:55] <aladiah> now i need to delete config files , they must be on home doesnit ? [05:56] <tlt> so let's hope there wasn't a file or folder called whatever that was called in your root. [05:57] <aladiah> tlt: this is the config file doesnit ? [05:58] <aladiah> because they say 3. Then clean all config files of Zoiper. They are kept in your home folder. The correct path is: ~/.zoiper [05:59] <aladiah> tlt: so i should remode folder /home/anjo-aladiah/.Zoiper [05:59] <aladiah> i should go to /home/anjo-aladiah/ and do that command to remove ? [06:00] <aladiah> tlt: should be rm -rf .Zoiper ??? [06:02] <aladiah> tlt: how to delete this files ? [06:02] <aladiah> inside it ? [06:02] <tlt> forget it [06:02] <tlt> just forget it [06:02] <aladiah> are you sure ' [06:02] <aladiah> ? [06:02] <aladiah> ok [06:02] <tlt> someone else gave you the advice of deleting /Name which is wrong. And you ran that command. [06:02] <tlt> but don't do that [06:03] <aladiah> i think there isnt another Zoip folder [06:03] <aladiah> how to delete all files inside . Zoiper ? [06:03] <aladiah> because Zoiper icon still on menu [06:04] <tlt> try it from windows you're drives are prb unencrypted anyways [06:05] <aladiah> i can remove the folder . Zoiper too ? [06:05] <aladiah> files done [06:05] <aladiah> i need to reboot [06:05] <aladiah> doesnit ? [06:11] <aladiah> tlt: now to remove a file inside a folder, i go inside the folder and typo: sudo rm -rf ? [06:12] <aladiah> i need to remove zoiper.desktop [06:12] <aladiah> iam inside /usr/share/applications [06:12] <jasabella> hi :) [06:13] <jeffreylevesque> :# [06:13] <jasabella> say i have 2 hdd, does it make a difference which one i install ubuntu on which one i install windows on? [06:14] <gr33n7007h> aladiah: just 'sudo rm file' no need for recursive and force [06:14] <jasabella> (i can boot off both) [06:14] <aladiah> gr33n7007h [06:14] <aladiah> ok [06:14] <aladiah> thanks [06:14] <jeffreylevesque> jasabella: maybe you could even partition one harddrive [06:15] <aladiah> ok Zoiper uninstalled suceffuly [06:15] <aladiah> thank every one [06:29] <phpmiddleman> there is something strange with my mysql install. /etc/init.d/mysql status gives no input. Package 'mysql-server' is not installed, so not removed [06:34] <phpmiddleman> why is mysql showing up in service --status-all after removed it? [06:38] <Seven_Six_Two> phpmiddleman, did you purge the mysql-server package? that just runs service on init.d scripts. If there is a script (whether or not it does anything) in init.d, you'll get a result. [06:47] <phpmiddleman> Seven_Six_Two: yes i did purge it [06:48] <phpmiddleman> /etc/init.d/mysql status give no output [06:48] <phpmiddleman> what is going on [06:53] <Seven_Six_Two> does /etc/init.d/mysql exist? [06:53] <Seven_Six_Two> can you pastebin it? [06:53] <Seven_Six_Two> if it's not normal looking? [06:55] <tortal_> im looking for /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf* files (that are located at that path in 14.10 desktop)... but i cant seem to find them or similar for ubuntu server 15.04.. i neet to disable ethernet filtering in kernel [07:00] <kj4> 14~-4~=4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4 [07:01] <cfhowlett> kj4, silly tricks like that will get you added to /ignore. play in some other channel. [07:02] <kj4> cfhowlett: sorry, mistake [07:03] <ablest1980> fell asleep on ther keyboard? [07:07] <tortal_> how do i turn off ethernet filtering in ubuntu server 15.04 ? in desktop 14.10 i can simply set all files in /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf* to 0. [07:12] <vcoinminer> hi, may I ask? what does :1 means in IP when I input $> last [07:17] <Seveas> vcoinminer: :1 is a second gui session (::1 is ipv6-localhost) [07:18] <vcoinminer> Seveas: oh, ok. thanks. :D [07:25] <phpmiddleman> the last part of output from installing mysql server is: initctl: Unknown job: mysql [07:42] <phpmiddleman> im getting dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.5 [07:42] <phpmiddleman> initctl: Unknown job: mysql [08:07] <TeODorAliMan> hi guys. i want to install ubuntu right now i am switching from windows so its the 1st time using linux. i am createing a bootable usb now on windows with pen drive, is that a good usb creation it is good and corectly or after starting up linux i should create the usb again with startup disk? [08:09] <TeODorAliMan> anybody? [08:09] <Stanley00> TeODorAliMan: you can try with that, if that doesn't work, try again with this Note that this will erase all your content on USB [08:15] <phpmiddleman> im getting service cups restart [08:15] <phpmiddleman> stop: Unknown job: cups [08:16] <phpmiddleman> but cups is listed with service --status-all [08:16] <phpmiddleman> it is also listed in /etc/init.d [08:17] <Ben64> phpmiddleman: sounds like your system is not doing well. what version of linux [08:19] <The_Eccentric> what do i have to install to get gstremer-propertie settings? [08:31] <BvL> I have a sound related issue if anyone can help it would be appreciated, basically what happen is that the sound card gets disconnected for a nanosecond and this causes the sound to break and when it reconnects the audio is is louder for another millisecond [onboard sound -- P9D-WS] [08:43] <gioankminh> hello [08:43] <bojan> hello [08:43] <user121212> hello, I'm just tried to update the system using sudo apt-get upgrade, here is the last part of the output, does it finished updating? [08:44] <dasjoe> user121212: did you run "apt-get update" before "apt-get upgrade"? Your package lists seem out of date [08:46] <ruenoak> Hello all [08:46] <gioankminh> i want to install application file *.exe with adminitrator, what i to do ? [08:46] <bojan> user121212:Try using apt-get install -f [08:47] <user121212> @dasjoe yes, but that also shows an error at the end of output [08:47] <BvL> gioankminh .exe is for windows not ubuntu, however there is wine which is kinda like a emulator but not actually a emulator [08:47] <gioankminh> yes i use Wine, but can't install app with Adminitrator! [08:48] <gioankminh> so i didn't open the app [08:48] <Stanley00> gioankminh: wine do not need Adminitrator... actually, all exe run as adminitrator in wine [08:49] <phpmiddleman> my 14.04 is not doing well. apt-get install mysql-server-5.6 is hanging and showing Installing new version of config file /etc/init/mysql.conf ... [08:49] <phpmiddleman> Installing new version of config file /etc/init.d/mysql ... [08:49] <phpmiddleman> initctl: Unknown job: mysql [08:49] <phpmiddleman> Ben42: ^ [08:50] <user121212> @bojan ha, I did it -f tag [08:50] <user121212> @dasjoe yeah, i3 again broken [08:50] <gioankminh> Stanley00: after installed with Wine, i didn't open application, because it not run with Adminitrator! [08:51] <arcsky> When i login to Ubuntu i see ipaddress and system info. how can i do so it shows all the interfaces and also IPv6? [08:54] <BvL> gioankminh i doubt it will help but what is the app that you are trying to run [08:56] <gioankminh> it is a application about learning English of VietNamese! [08:56] <gioankminh> the nname is Grammar 2.12 [08:57] <Stanley00> gioankminh: I think it's a bug, as stated in here , and also, you can try set it up as in win98 [09:01] <bojan> Anybody please help me for authenticating nis ?? [09:01] <nalum> hello all, does the dist-upgrade work any better these days? i.e. going from 14.10 to 15.04. I'd always been told doing a fresh install is the better option, is this still the case? [09:01] <bojan> Sorry nfs [09:03] <Seveas> bojan: what do you mean with 'authenticating nfs'? [09:04] <bojan> Seveas:I have configured NFS share on my ubuntu system and i want to authenticate for the users like NIS and there the permission should be applied for those users?? [09:04] <bojan> I have configured NFS share on my ubuntu system and i want to authenticate for the users like NIS and there the permission should be applied for those users [09:04] <Seveas> bojan: you need to ensure the same loginname maps to the same uid on both sides. Whether you use ldap or local users (don't use nis please, this is the 21st century) doesn't matter. [09:05] <bojan> Seveas:How to do that...can you please guide me for this scenario?? [09:06] <Seveas> bojan: I prefer to use ldap in this case, but if it's just your ubuntu system and one other linux system, just make sure UID's match (you can change them with usermod, you may need to chown/chmod user homedirs afterward) [09:07] <bojan> Seveas:I will tell you my requirement clearly [09:10] <bojan> Seveas:I have LTSp environment here...Have nearly 20 users and those users are having username and password...I have applied permission for those users on group basis...Why i need NFS now is when my clients are chairman comes to office they want to login using NFS because samba take too much of time...So i have configured NFS and it works fine from all the linux computer..The concept is i want to authenticate each and everyone who are t [09:11] <Seveas> bojan: well, NFS is essentially unauthenticated. You'll need to trust the hosts that access your NFS shares. [09:12] <bojan> Seveas:No other way to authenticate?? [09:12] <Seveas> No. [09:12] <bojan> Seveas:Then what is the use of NIS,LDAPand kerberos?? [09:13] <Seveas> keeping UIDs in sync and authenticating on the hosts themselves. None of these authenticate users. [09:14] <Seveas> bojan: though nfsv4 can use kerberos to authenticate RPC requests [09:14] <Seveas> Never tried it myself though [09:15] <bojan> ok [09:15] <Seveas> search for krb in the nfs manpage [09:16] <babbi> !list [09:20] <MacroMan> I updated my computer the other day which installed a new kernal. This morning on boot i'm getting the error "No configuration file found" at grub [09:21] <MacroMan> With a Boot: prompt. I've searched, but other people having this problem are trying to boot from pendrive [09:21] <rsx> hello folks [09:21] <jatt> in vivid, why are there still upstart files in /etc/init.d now that systemd is default? [09:21] <MacroMan> Any ideas how I can boot? [09:21] <rsx> is anyone there [09:22] <rsx> hello ?! [09:25] <Stanley00> rsx: I see lot of people here. What's your problem? [09:26] <MacroMan> Hello [09:27] <Seveas> jatt: those still need to be portd [09:27] <mrx> hi folks [09:27] <MacroMan> When I input anything at the Boot: prompt, I get "Could not find image: " [09:27] <MacroMan> Followed by whatever I typed [09:27] <kempe> anyone know the name of the terminal program that can be used to install different DE and things like LAMP-server and ssh-server? I think it is used when installing ubuntu-server and if I remember correctly it starts with a T [09:28] <jatt> Seveas: I see, so probably 15.10 will be totally upstart free? [09:28] <MacroMan> So it's expecting the name of a kernal. Any ideas what it's expecting? [09:28] <Guest19234> hi , I have the 15.04 and till now it's awesome [09:28] <MacroMan> kempe, Are you taking the piss? [09:29] <kempe> yeah I am [09:31] <brainwash> kempe: tasksel [09:32] <Seveas> jatt: /etc/init.d are old sysvinit initscripts. Upstart things live in /etc/init. And I'm not sure when 9if ever) the cleanup of sysvinit will be done. Upstart support will hopefully be eradicated soon though. [09:33] <jatt> I see, thanks [09:36] <kempe> brainwash: thanks i was going crazy :) [09:38] <luckybunny> Hi guys. Since I updated Ubuntu, my title bars are all white. AS the title bar tecxt is white too, this makes it impossible to read. How would I go about fixing them, as well as staying with the adwaita theme? [09:39] <luckybunny> perhaps i should mention I'm running Vivid [09:49] <babuntu> hello! [09:49] <Trymunx> Hi! [09:50] <babuntu> can someone tell me what the hell is wrong with nvidia drivers on ubuntu? [09:50] <babuntu> i can't fix the resolution for my screen [09:50] <babuntu> 1920 x 1050 [09:50] <babuntu> doesn't work [09:50] <babuntu> ubuntu doesn't recognize my screen [09:51] <Trymunx> Weird resolution, isn't it usually 1920x1080? [09:51] <babuntu> yeah yeah [09:51] <babuntu> my bad XD [09:51] <Trymunx> Haha :P [09:51] <babuntu> haha [09:51] <babuntu> any solutions? [09:51] <gsilva> babuntu, Ubuntu version? [09:51] <babuntu> the latest [09:52] <gsilva> [09:52] <babuntu> i think i tried it. [09:52] <babuntu> didn't work [09:52] <babuntu> i'll try again [09:52] <gsilva> [09:52] <hateball> babuntu: if you're using proprietary drivers for nvidia you'll also need to use nvidia-settings to configure them [09:52] <gsilva> scroll down for more workarounds [09:54] <rydzykje> hey guys, I have a question. If I'm installing Java-oracle by APT should I also configure ENVIRONEMNT VARIIABVLE JAVA_HOME? [09:54] <babuntu> sec... i forgot my password [09:54] <babuntu> god damn [09:55] <escargotdu25> hi ! [09:55] <escargotdu25> i have ubuntu 14.04 version lts and i can't find the program files icon into the left menu bar. is that normal ? ? [09:56] <jatt> rydzykje: [09:56] <rydzykje> jatt: thanks, so it means : YES :) [10:22] <Johnny_Linux> Terabytes are termite-like desert insects [10:23] <BluesKaj> Hey all [10:24] <babuntu> ok i did the sudo apt-get purge nvidia* [10:24] <babuntu> lets see if it's working [10:24] <babuntu> nope [10:24] <babuntu> not working [10:25] <babuntu> any new solutions? [10:25] <babuntu> hateball? [10:25] <babuntu> gsilva? [10:25] <gsilva> I have no idea then [10:26] <gsilva> You have to specify the problem with more details if you can [10:26] <kanuku> I am getting an error when I try to download a *.deb file with wget. On my machine it fails, but on my personal pc(mac) it works. Can anyone help me with the wget command? [10:26] <gsilva> I mean... this google search brings too may types of outputs: [10:27] <babuntu> umm just sec [10:27] <MacroMan> Really need some help here please. Kernel was updated and after a restart it won't boot. [10:27] <MacroMan> Getting "No configuration file found" [10:28] <MacroMan> and just a boot: prompt [10:28] <MacroMan> Searching for the issue has not thrown anything up. [10:28] <gsilva> babuntu, worst case scenario, you have to post something on the forums or askubuntu and hopefully someone will have a workaround for you [10:29] <gsilva> Or, even the worse, there's an incompability issue with your graphics card and then devs will be notified of such problem [10:30] <babuntu> here is a pic that explain my situation [10:30] <babuntu> [10:30] <babuntu> see? [10:31] <gsilva> 1 sec [10:31] <gsilva> Basically, your graphics card is not recognized by Ubuntu [10:31] <gsilva> is that it? [10:31] <babuntu> yup [10:31] <babuntu> exactly [10:32] <gsilva> [10:32] <daniele12457> hi guys [10:33] <daniele12457> I want to automount [10:33] <macmiddi> me too [10:33] <daniele12457> cant anyone tell me how? [10:33] <babuntu> daniel speak hebrew? [10:34] <daniele12457> i dont speak hebrew [10:34] <gsilva> babuntu, there's a lot of stuff online you can look for. You should try to google your graphics card + Ubuntu 15.04 and see if there's anyone complaining about your problem [10:34] <gsilva> If you can't find a fix, then post something on the forums or askubuntu, although the forums may be quicke [10:34] <daniele12457> @guys i have set up according to the online guides [10:34] <babuntu> already did [10:35] <daniele12457> @guys but in the misc there is no directory [10:35] <babuntu> i found a lot but no solutions [10:35] <babuntu> that's a big big problem [10:35] <gsilva> Then reply to the main thread with your print screen and insist on it saying that nothing has worked [10:36] <daniele12457> help [10:39] <daniele12457> help guys [10:39] <daniele12457> anyone has used automount? [10:39] <daniele12457> or autofs? [10:41] <swordsmanz> daniele12457 what specifically do you need help with [10:41] <daniele12457> swordsmanz, it just doesn't appear [10:42] <daniele12457> swordsmanz, maybe i found the source of the problem [10:42] <daniele12457> swordsmanz, failed to mount /misc/.rvm [10:42] <swordsmanz> daniele12457 have you tryed reinstalling the package ? and what do you think the scource is ? [10:43] <daniele12457> swordsmanz, auto.misc: "/misc /etc/auto.misc" [10:43] <ossl> hello everyone [10:44] <macmiddi> hey @ossl [10:45] <daniele12457> swordsmanz, any idea? [10:47] <swordsmanz> daniele12457 well drive mounting should usually be done in /mnt anyhow [10:47] <swordsmanz> is standard mounting working ok ? [10:47] <daniele12457> s [10:47] <daniele12457> yes [10:48] <cptjackh> I've installed vlc along with a bunch of packages as dependencies - how can I remove all of them to restore the system in exact same state it was before installation? [10:48] <swordsmanz> cptjackh you can in install it then remove unneeded dependancys [10:49] <swordsmanz> daniele12457 i think yoiu have a borked confic somewhere , did you use an out of the box installer or duid yuo build up yur install form a minimal netinst. [10:49] <daniele12457> apt-get install autofs [10:49] <daniele12457> fst time i use it [10:49] <daniele12457> just upgraded to 1504 [10:50] <cptjackh> swordsmanz I need to remove all of them including vlc itself, in one step if possible. [10:51] <cptjackh> Is there any mechanism for this? [10:51] <swordsmanz> cptjackh not someting aptitude can do for you simply [10:51] <swordsmanz> daniele12457 hmm would you mind joining my chan so i can help you properly ? [10:51] <EriC^^> cptjackh: i can make a script for you if you'd like [10:52] <MacroMan> I'm stuck at a boot: prompt. Is there anything I can type in to give it the name/location of the kernel? [10:53] <daniele12457> swordsmanz, i have send you the config file [10:53] <daniele12457> how? [10:53] <daniele12457> swordsmanz, how, where? [10:53] <daniele12457> swordsmanz, dude? [10:53] <cptjackh> swordsmanz I'm not sure if it's clever enough these days, is it? So let's say 100 packages were installed using apt-get. So all those packages will be removed? [10:54] <cptjackh> EriC^^ Thank you, but I'm just trying to figure out this question. [10:55] <EriC^^> cptjackh: the answer to your question is simple, you can't [10:56] <EriC^^> apt-get doesn't have a way to remove package dependencies recursively while taking into consideration manually installed packages [10:56] <MacroMan> Anyone? I'm completely stuck at this point. [10:57] <EriC^^> cptjackh: i wrote a script that removes packages of a de someone wants to remove, it's pretty much done, i can convert it to work for a package if you want [10:59] <macopython> I am trying to add gpg key. It says key already in the ring. How do I check existence of key ? Any help ? [10:59] <daniele12457> guys [10:59] <daniele12457> I need some help on autofs [10:59] <cptjackh> EriC^^ Thanks. Maybe there are some external tools for that? It would be great to have something like transactions, to easily revert the system state back. [11:00] <EriC^^> cptjackh: i don't know, i guess there are tools that can do that [11:01] <EriC^^> if you want the script it's been converted, i thought it would be handy to have anyways [11:01] <cptjackh> Thanks anyway, will try to find out more out there. Could you please share your script somewhere? Github? [11:04] <EriC^^> cptjackh: here it is [11:05] <EriC^^> i didn't test it though, i'm not using ubuntu right now, so use carefully [11:05] <cptjackh> EriC^^ Cool, thank you. [11:06] <daniele12457> guys [11:06] <daniele12457> can anyone help me on autofs [11:06] <daniele12457> or automount? [11:15] <lewis1711> backlight has stopped working. can't change it with xbacklit. only happened since I upgraded. tried using the 3.16 kernel, no luck. suggestions? [11:21] <daniele12457> anyone know how to use autofs guys? [11:21] <Guest90142> hello, I am having a problem mounting this img file. I managed to mount it but now when I click and open it only shows an srv file and few others instead of all the files from my old windows 8 install [11:23] <adrian_1908> Since the last update (probably due to a new kernel), i now have a new proprietary driver ( It looks to be something related to my Intel CPU. Does anyone know what functionality this relates to exactly? [11:41] <Guest90142> hello, I am having a problem mounting this img file. I managed to mount it but now when I click and open it only shows an srv file and few others instead of all the files from my old windows 8 install [11:42] <Guest90142> what do I do now to access the old files? [12:04] <Guest90142> nobody is alive on here! [12:05] <adrian_1908> It's strange :) Maybe next time... [12:12] <citroniks> #j/ opencv [12:12] <citroniks> \j# qt [12:22] <mzaza> What is the optimal size for / partition, If I have /boot and /home in sparate partitions. [12:22] <mzaza> I did allocate 50GB for /, but I feel that's too much. Right? [12:23] <AnnaRooks> i chose 20gb [12:23] <AnnaRooks> it was more than enough [12:23] <mzaza> AnnaRooks: OK, thanks :)\ [12:24] <AnnaRooks> well for me at least [12:28] <Guest90142> hello, I am having a problem mounting this img file. I managed to mount it but now when I click and open it only shows an srv file and few others instead of all the files from my old windows 8 install [12:29] <Guest90142> does anyone know how I can open the initrd.img file or whatever to see my old windows 8 files? [12:31] <abailarri> Hello. I have a ubuntu server with some services like apache and etherpad-lite. Etherpad-lite uses curl to do some actions like delete pads, create, etc. But when I try to delete a pad I get a curl error: CurlException","message":"[curl] 60: SSL certificate problem [12:31] <abailarri> : unable to get local issuer certificate [url]. I readed that is necesary to specify to curl what cert use, but, what cert I need to use, the cert of my domain or another cert? [12:34] <eternaL1> when installing to an external hdd, i know you normally use the something else option,... is there something specific i should do for an external install through the mini distro? I am recieving error: No such partition messages after installon a 300GB external using ext4 space, and then a small swap space as partitions [12:34] <bindi> greetings, is it possible to install ubuntu on macbook 2006? model A1181 [12:35] <EriC^^> eternaL1: are you selecting the mountpoints in something else? also the bootloader's installation location at the bottom? [12:35] <EriC^^> !mac | bindi [12:36] <__dan_> hi, i'm getting massive packet loss when i have 2 nics both connected to the same lan [12:36] <__dan_> brought one nic down and now packet loss is gone [12:37] <bindi> i found this [12:37] <__dan_> coincidence? [12:37] <bindi> on the right track? [12:39] <eternaL1> EriC^^: There is no 'something else' option in the mini [12:40] <eternaL1> without fully knowing what i was doing i let it just do the top option of setting a 2XX.XX GB EXT4 partition, and a small swap partition,... then ended up with the no such partition error, trying to figure out what is done in something else that i can emulate doing during the mini setup [12:41] <eternaL1> full setup crashes due to gfxchip [12:41] <eternaL1> so was forced into mini [12:41] <ActionParsnip> eternaL1: did you mark the large partition to be formatted to Ext4 and used as the "/" partitions [12:41] <EriC^^> did you try nomodeset? [12:42] <eternaL1> ActionParsnip: I figured this had to do with it, had attempted to do a second install with a 25gb '/' part, the rest mainly an ext4 home part, then a small swappart... download failed, and i went to sleep last night, wantedto check if this was the correct thing to do first [12:42] <eternaL1> EriC^^: During the full install yes, even nomodeset gave me GPU lockup screens [12:43] <eternaL1> i dunno what the 'main' option for partitioning is now that i think about it [12:43] <eternaL1> very well could have been the problem [12:44] <ActionParsnip> eternaL1: sounds reasonable. Are you using an SSD? [12:44] <studio_> hi [12:44] <colbyf> hey folks, any bluettoth experts in da house, looking to setup auto connect [12:45] <eternaL1> 300GB Desktop HDD using usb-hdd-cables [12:45] <ActionParsnip> eternaL1: are you using a USB3 port? [12:45] <eternaL1> should the 25gb '/' partition in root have the bootable flag checked? [12:45] <eternaL1> I believe so [12:45] <ActionParsnip> eternaL1: boot flag doesnt mean anything in Linux [12:46] <ActionParsnip> eternaL1: try a usb 2 port [12:46] <eternaL1> ahh ok [12:46] <eternaL1> hmm alrighty [12:47] <AnnaRooks> if i have an mbr partition table, can i chainboot from something onto it from a mac? [12:48] <KaKila> here is a usb port that causing delays at boot. I would like to disable it, anyway of doing this by software or I have to desconnect it physically? [12:48] <eternaL1> i get the feeling the default partitioning options (1 large ext4, 1 small swap) is just a /home and swap [12:48] <eternaL1> possibly for dualboot installs [12:49] <eternaL1> 1 final question before i scoot off to work [12:49] <thms> thanks a lot :) [12:49] <eternaL1> when doing the 25gbroot/ext4/and swap partitions,... where would i want the grub loader installed? [12:49] <eternaL1> MBR? [12:50] <KaKila> Here is the issue described in some detail Anybody has any suggestion? [12:51] <bindi> so err, macbook late 2006 and ubuntu, the guides you gave me are only up to 10.04, and this "generic installation page" mentions EFI, i don't think 2006 bios was efi.. [12:54] <EriC^^> eternaL1: are you still there? [12:55] <eternaL1> yep [12:56] <phpcoder> helloe verybody [12:56] <eternaL1> o/ [12:56] <AnnaRooks> \o [12:56] <EriC^^> i just downloaded the mini.iso, trying it in virtualbox [12:56] <phpcoder> i am using this CPU AMD A10-5800K APU it has integrated graphical card. how can i find his drivers? [12:57] <ActionParsnip> bindi: [12:57] <eternaL1> ahh nice, i really think my problem was mostly the fact the the default partition choice only offers 2 parts, i'm guessing home and swap [12:57] <ActionParsnip> phpcoder: omgubuntu has a guide on how to install Intel video drivers [12:57] <bindi> ActionParsnip: right [12:57] <bindi> it's just that i have to do it for my school, 8 am tomorrow, and basically i have to get it working on the first try :P [12:57] <ActionParsnip> bindi: all I did was search the web...I found could have done that [12:57] <AnnaRooks> is refind or refit beter? [12:57] <phpcoder> ActionParsnip, intel? :) [12:57] <phpcoder> i am using MAD [12:57] <phpcoder> AMD [12:57] <phpcoder> :d [12:58] <ActionParsnip> phpcoder: yes [12:58] <EriC^^> eternaL1: i'll check it out now, never used the, it's loading the files right now [12:58] <ActionParsnip> phpcoder: oic, then use the additional drivers applications [12:58] <ActionParsnip> phpcoder: are you planning to 3D game? [12:58] <ActionParsnip> bindi: how long have you known this? [12:58] <phpcoder> ActionParsnip, not really but sometimes i see strange rectangular nead the mouse with strange lines and colours -_- [12:59] <bindi> ActionParsnip: 1 hour :) [12:59] <injigo> has anyone got teamviewer installed and autostarting on boot in ubuntu 15.04? [12:59] <eternaL1> mmkay i was told it was going to be horribly hard to do, and would require hours of post install work,... surprised that it offers to download the distro package of choice and etc... [12:59] <ActionParsnip> phpcoder: in additional drivers, you can enable drivers there [12:59] <phpcoder> injigo, i have but not autostarting [12:59] <phpcoder> ActionParsnip, pardon where exactly? [12:59] <eternaL1> thought it was smooth sailing for awhile there :P [12:59] <injigo> phpcoder: thanks [12:59] <ActionParsnip> phpcoder: search the dash.... [13:00] <ActionParsnip> injigo: what are you using teamviewer to achieve? There may be a sleeker solution... [13:00] <injigo> ActionParsnip: general system maintenance [13:00] <ActionParsnip> injigo: so, something you can do wuith ssh? [13:01] <phpcoder> ActionParsnip, pardon? i dont get you' [13:01] <ActionParsnip> phpcoder: press SuperL (aka "Windows Key") then search for "Drivers" [13:01] <EriC^^> eternaL1: i turned it off, it looked like it was downloading the base os, i was hoping it would give me the partitioning scheme first, limited traffic internet here :| [13:01] <injigo> ActionParsnip: pretty much. [13:01] <eternaL1> ahh yeah, it goes straight for the base files [13:02] <ActionParsnip> injigo: so why not use that, so much quicker and less resource used,...? [13:02] <eternaL1> i will give it all another shot when i get home from work today, do very much appreciate the help though from all ^^ [13:02] <injigo> ActionParsnip: cause i'm lazy and undereducated? [13:03] <EriC^^> eternaL1: ok, no problem [13:03] <ActionParsnip> injigo: then install openssh-server on the box you are connecting to and you can now run: ssh remoteusername@servername [13:03] <ActionParsnip> injigo: you can then run your updates [13:03] <jeffreylevesque> is it strange to define a PATH=['/bin/', '/usr/bin/'] [13:04] <ActionParsnip> jeffreylevesque: why thge brackets? [13:04] <jeffreylevesque> i mean if i define '/bin/', then '/usr/bin/' is kind of not needed [13:04] <jeffreylevesque> puppet notation [13:04] <ActionParsnip> jeffreylevesque: ahh I see [13:04] <somsip> jeffreylevesque: no, they are different [13:04] <jeffreylevesque> oh whoops [13:04] <injigo> ActionParsnip: i do use SSH for stuff like that. sometimes a GUI is needed [13:04] <jeffreylevesque> i saw it as /bin/usr [13:04] <ActionParsnip> injigo: to do what? [13:04] <jeffreylevesque> wow [13:04] <jeffreylevesque> they are different haha [13:05] <ActionParsnip> injigo: ssh server also hgives an SFTP server you can connect to using Nautilus and manage your files easily [13:05] <Dro__> i'm trying to search channels using kaffeine, signal is good 84%-85% but no channels added.. anyone have an idea how to slove this please? [13:05] <KaKila> Anybody can help with the boot delays and the usb port? [13:05] <injigo> ActionParsnip: thats pretty cool [13:06] <ActionParsnip> injigo: why do you want to install teamviewer? [13:06] <injigo> ActionParsnip: why do you want to use SSH over teamviewer? [13:07] <ActionParsnip> injigo: faster and lighter and easier to install and configure [13:07] <injigo> alright then [13:07] <ActionParsnip> injigo: people always reach for a full desktop UI when the activities can be done in a much better way [13:08] <ActionParsnip> injigo: but they just tihnk "i'm hitting a remote pc so I need the gui" rather than a little research into what the OS can actually do.... [13:08] <ActionParsnip> injigo: so I always ask and its always something stupid. [13:09] <ActionParsnip> injigo: one guys wanted a VNC connection so that he could open a terminal and use mutt. I nearly facepalmed myself into next week [13:09] <injigo> ActionParsnip: you're preaching to the choir. [13:10] <ActionParsnip> injigo: if yu setup SSH keys you can run commands on the remote PC using SSH with no password required, then get the output in the terminal you are sat at.. [13:10] <AnnaRooks> i have ubuntu installed to an mbr portable hard drive, can it be booted on a mac somehow? [13:11] <injigo> ActionParsnip: just laziness [13:12] <ActionParsnip> injigo: but it makes sense if you have 400 servers, you dont want to be logging on to each to do stuff. [13:12] <Guest90142> can anyone help me with this initrd.img file? [13:12] <ActionParsnip> injigo: so scripts with SSH to do repetative tasks on a list of servers is good [13:12] <ActionParsnip> injigo: or clusterssh :) [13:13] <ActionParsnip> Guest90142: whats the issue? [13:14] <injigo> ActionParsnip: i dont manage 400 servers [13:14] <injigo> maybe like 3 [13:15] <injigo> none of which are 'servers' [13:15] <ActionParsnip> injigo: then SSH to each, you can do what you need. You can even use clusterssh to run updates to them all simultaneously :) [13:15] <ActionParsnip> injigo: if you can connect to a system, it is a server [13:15] <elflaclo> hello [13:16] <elflaclo> !list [13:19] <injigo> ActionParsnip: thanks for the suggestions, i'll definitely check out clusterssh [13:29] <antr666> join #ubuntu-uk [13:34] <marcanuy> Hi, after upgrading to 15.05 my wifi stopped working, It is using the module "rt2800pci", I have already tried to load it with "modprobe rt2800pci nohwcrypt=1" and "modprobe rt2800pci 11n_disable=1" none of them worked, this is what syslog shows when I try to connect with network-manager: any help is appreciated! [13:39] <zombyrad> marcanuy: looks like something is going wrong with DHCP [13:41] <marcanuy> zombyrad, could be the router? I have other devices correctly connected to the same one [13:42] <zombyrad> Since DHCP service is not getting a reply with an ipv4 address, it could be. And the other devices could be using a previous lease [13:42] <vividerr> I have some issue in passphrase entry for LUKS. Screen display isn't right and prompt sometimes isn't displayed. [13:45] <marcanuy> zombyrad, can I do something with the DHCP service or it is entirely on the router side [13:45] <day> about ubuntu-core. do i understand it correctly? The core system is read only. Every snappy installed app comes in a container containing all necessary packages that are missing in the core but are necessary for the program? [13:48] <zombyrad> marcanuy: everything other than the dhcp service timing out looks ok to me in that syslog, so my guess is the router. You could try a static ip in NetworkManager though, or reboot the router if that's a possibility [13:50] <marcanuy> zombyrad, will try it, I have restarted the router several times in the last days so that should be the problem, thanks [13:54] <day> about ubuntu-core. do i understand it correctly? The core system is read only. Every snappy installed app comes in a container containing all necessary packages that are missing in the core but are necessary for the program? [13:55] <dezesht> yes [13:56] <day> dezesht: ty. sounds intriguing [13:56] <deneme> howyagoin mates [13:56] <dezesht> fine y? [13:57] <deneme> fine [13:58] <dezesht> bras y t [14:05] <Winfreed> im so excited by the new ubuntu version thats just like the old ubuntu version 8() [14:08] <terrasapien> great to be free from the product treadmill that needs "new" and so breaks what was not broken in the name of "new" [14:10] <totally_differen> hi [14:10] <vividerr> terrasapien: Like the change to systemd? [14:10] <totally_differen> did anyone here ever encounter this problem when trying to install cuda on linux? [14:11] <vividerr> I might have to revert to 14.04. They seem to have broken the login for LUKS encrypted machines. [14:13] <ubuntu-mate> hi [14:14] <MonkeyDust> vividerr 14.04 is a goodd idea, it's longer supported [14:14] <petrvs> hey [14:15] <petrvs> MonkeyDust: by 7 whole months, whooptie doo [14:15] <Guest90142> guest90142 [14:15] <vividerr> 7 months? [14:16] <MonkeyDust> petrvs 2019 [14:16] <vividerr> 14.04 is an LTS [14:17] <vividerr> We will need the 3.19 kernel though for newer macbooks [14:17] <vividerr> the version 12 MBP has a wifi chip, the support for which was only added as a firmware blob to 3.19 [14:18] <petrvs> oh? Then this is wrong [14:19] <petrvs> you should never put off an update for a month, let alone three years [14:19] <vividerr> petrvs: Looks wrong to me. [14:19] <MonkeyDust> petrvs it says EOL date April 2019 [14:20] <petrvs> take your word for it [14:24] <astarus> I just updated to 15.04 and now bluetooth isn't working. When I try to start the bluetooth service I see "Unit bluetooth.service entered failed state" in journalctl -xe. Any ideas on troubleshooting? The bluetooth card is a dell 370 mini card and works fine when I boot into Windows. [14:24] <TheNumb> astarus: try journalctl -u bluetooth [14:25] <TheNumb> astarus: maybe it'll give you some hints [14:26] <cyphase> thank you, rm -rf *, for not deleting hidden directories [14:26] <petrvs> cyphase: thank your shell [14:26] <cyphase> yea, true [14:27] <jeffreylevesque> is there a difference between `cp -R`, or `cp -r`? [14:27] <jeffreylevesque> seems both are recursive? [14:27] <cyphase> i almost broke my unbroken streak of not needing my backups [14:27] <petrvs> not for GNU, no [14:27] <jeffreylevesque> or, is one preferred over the other [14:27] <TheNumb> -R, -r, --recursive [14:27] <TheNumb> copy directories recursively [14:27] <astarus> Thanks TheNumb. I see Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/sbin/bluetoothd: Permission denied permissions are -rw-r--r-- [14:27] <petrvs> I prefer -r, as it's fewer keystrokes [14:27] <petrvs> I don't really use cp -r, though, I use rsync for directory structures [14:28] <TheNumb> astarus: maybe you should consider reporting a bug. [14:28] <astarus> OK will do, Thanks [14:28] <TheNumb> BT works just fine over here. [14:28] <petrvs> some other OSes differ: [14:28] <Meliss1> hi [14:29] <cyphase> but it was a git repo, so i was able to recover to the last commit, plus i had the current state of the files still open in the editor [14:29] <petrvs> cyphase: plus you had a backup, right, right? :p [14:29] <TheNumb> nah [14:29] <TheNumb> nobody does backups [14:29] <cyphase> i do in fact have a backup [14:29] <cyphase> i've never needed to use it [14:29] <petrvs> git reset --hard @{u}; git clean -dfx [14:30] <cyphase> no, just git checkout -- * [14:30] <jayjo_> Can I have a script run only when a drive is inserted? I have a server that I want to keep a local copy, and I'd like to just do that copy automatially if the drive connects [14:31] <MagicMystic> b3 [14:32] <petrvs> is the -- necessary? [14:32] <asido> in order to install a vim plugin globally to all users, should it go to /etc/vim/plugin/ ? [14:32] <petrvs> or possibly in skel [14:33] <skinux> How do I set Ubuntu to let Apache work with document root NOT being under /var/www/?? [14:33] <bett> hi guys, am trying to network ubuntu 14.04 with windows 8, how can i do this? [14:33] <petrvs> skinux: you configure it [14:33] <petrvs> bett: "network"? [14:33] <skinux> Where do I configure it? [14:34] <petrvs> skinux: /etc/apache2 [14:34] <skinux> I know how to configure an apache virtual host, but I was told Ubuntu stops Apache from working outside of /var/www/ but default. So, I'm wondering how to change that. [14:35] <TheNumb> skinux: please do your research. There's a ton of tutorials how to do that. [14:35] <skinux> I don't know what search terms to use. [14:36] <bobita> is it possible to install manjar xfce theme on ubuntu unity? [14:37] <bett> petrvs : configuring ethernet connection between ubuntu and windows 8 <ubuntu 14.04 lts /win 8> [14:37] <TheNumb> skinux: [14:37] <TheNumb> skinux: the terms you're looking for would be "configure virtual hosts apache ubuntu". [14:38] <skinux> I know how to configure a vhost. However, if I set doc root outside of /var/www or symlink, Apache always gives an error. [14:38] <vividerr> TheNumb: Actually that guide wont help him to do that. [14:38] <SocialEvil> hello guys :) i have ubuntu 14.04. i have an usb stick for internet from (huawei e3531). i read that there is something called usb_modeswitch that makes my usb stick from usb to modem (or atleast thats what i understand). i follow the instructions in this website and now when i write lsusb i see this- but cant [14:40] <vividerr> skinux: I know how to do it, but it's a hideously insecure way that I don't recommend - give me a sec to look @ our home server [14:40] <skinux> vividerr: This will only be used on my localhost, so security isn't a really big deal. [14:41] <skinux> I use a software-based firewall and most of the time I'm connected to the internet from behind a hardware router. [14:43] <vividerr> skinux: In /etc/apache2.conf there is an directory entry for the folders to serve, then they are just setup normally in the sites_available. The way we have it done, that whole folder is chmod to 777 so that's why it's a terrible way [14:44] <jayjo_> Is there a way to execute a script only if a drive is inserted? [14:44] <vividerr> skinux: You basically copy the setup for /var/wwwroot there, with your own tree, but you're gonna get hacked if you ever let that onto the internet so again, do not do it way we did it :-) [14:45] <petrvs> jayjo_: udev rule [14:45] <skinux> As I said, my local server is not for anyone else to access. [14:45] <skinux> I don't think my firewall will even allow remote connections to my local server. [14:46] <darkfrog> Hey guys, I'm trying to run the Android SDK on 15.04 and I'm getting: aapt: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [14:46] <jatt> install zlib1g [14:47] <darkfrog> jatt: already installed [14:47] <jayjo_> petrvs: thank you, that's what I was looking for [14:47] <jatt> install zlib1g-dev [14:48] <skinux> Hmm. /etc/apache2/apache2.conf has a directory setting for /home/$user/www, so maybe I just need to use that directory. [14:48] <darkfrog> jatt: ah, I figured it out: zlib1g:i386 :) [14:48] <darkfrog> jatt: thanks for pointing me in the right direction [14:48] <bobita> no one is able to answer my question? [14:49] <vividerr> skinux: You may find this helpful [14:52] <vividerr> If I install a .deb with `dpkg -i`, have I done something I shouldn't? [14:52] <petrvs> you've done something you shouldn't in the least awful way =) [14:53] <petrvs> what you want to avoid is having dpkg not know what you've installed, and you've avoided that [14:54] <vividerr> petrvs: Ya I noticed apt was still updating it. [14:54] <vividerr> petrvs: How would you install it? i couldnt find a switch for apt-get [14:55] <petrvs> vividerr: it what? [14:55] <cool_boy> Hi people, sorry.. I may be not be in correct room to ask this if someone knows the correct room please redirect me there. Is there something like virtual printer exists? can a developer test printing jobs without having a physical printer? [14:56] <petrvs> yup [14:56] <vividerr> petrvs: I mean, what is the correct way to install a .deb on a system without a GUI? [14:56] <petrvs> vividerr: that is [14:57] <vividerr> petrvs: Great, thank you. [14:57] <bett> hi guys, how do i configuring ethernet connection between ubuntu and windows 8 <ubuntu 14.04 lts /win 8> [14:58] <Besterino> hello everyone! Is this the right place to ask questions about ubuntu as a hyper-v guest? [14:58] <petrvs> bett: [14:58] <petrvs> Besterino: there are worse places [14:58] <BluesKaj> vividerr, sudo dpkg -i nameofpackage [14:59] <SchrodingersScat> I think locking my laptop deactivated 'motion', any way to prevent this? [15:01] <Besterino> ok, here goes: I've set up an ubuntu-VM (14.04.2 LTS 3.16.0-34-generic x86_64) in Hyper-V Server. If I put stress on the virtual network (among VMs only), the HV_VMBUS driver spits the following errors: [87202.240500] hv_vmbus: "Buffer too small - needed 3056 bytes but got space for only 2048 bytes". However, no crash etc. Now I'm wondering whether there is a way to increase the buffer? [15:01] <petrvs> SchrodingersScat: what makes you think that [15:01] <Besterino> I've written a more comprehensive description on the MS-technet-forums (but not sure whether ok to post link here) [15:01] <bobita> it looks like no one will answer me today [15:01] <SchrodingersScat> petrvs: it recorded me locking the laptop, but not leaving out the door [15:02] <petrvs> bobita: 42 [15:02] <capsicum> Hi, having some strange issues when attempting to install server iso from usb. I am getting error failed to copy file from cd-rom, retry. [15:02] <somsip> !md5 | capsicum [15:02] <petrvs> SchrodingersScat: how're you locking the laptop, maybe it's suspending [15:03] <vividerr> SchrodingersScat: Specifcally what software are you using? [15:03] <bobita> petrvs, ?? [15:03] <petrvs> bobita: answer [15:03] <bobita> ... [15:03] <Besterino> hehe [15:04] <OerHeks> Besterino, increase buffers on your host [15:04] <petrvs> bobita: yes it's possible [15:04] <bobita> petrvs, can you tell me how? [15:05] <petrvs> bobita: where is it? [15:05] <SchrodingersScat> vividerr: xubuntu 14.10, motion [15:05] <bobita> petrvs, where is what [15:05] <OerHeks> xfce theme on gnome3/unity ,.... [15:05] <Besterino> OerHeks: That link only shows how to increase the buffer on Windows-Guests - I'm running a Linux guest. [15:05] <somsip> bobita: just restate your question [15:06] <j3507> hi ive installed ubuntu server 15, i had an error along the lines of unable to install grub boot loader, however the next step install lilo boot loader was successful and now the computer will only boot if the usb i used to install the os is present [15:06] <petrvs> bobita: the theme [15:06] <j3507> my noob solution would be to reinstall with an actual cd & cd drive [15:06] <j3507> but as i said i can boot into the os, so i would like to try another way if anyone has suggestions [15:06] <bobita> i asked if is possible to install xfce manajaro theme on ubuntu unity and how [15:06] <bobita> :) [15:06] <somsip> bobita: no [15:07] <somsip> bobita: you might be able to pull some elements out of it (icons maybe) but it will not just 'work' [15:07] <vividerr> j3507: is there a raid array? [15:07] <j3507> no [15:08] <SchrodingersScat> petrvs: I can still ssh in [15:08] <OerHeks> Besterino, AFAIK you do this in the VM networkadapter settings, on the host [15:09] <bobita> is there any command or something that i can use to see if i have any errors and if my system is working properly? [15:09] <j3507> any suggestions? [15:10] <somsip> bobita: do you suspect a problem? Why? [15:10] <wusb54g> Hi. i have aproblem with my usb54g v4 works fine in precise but with a fresh install with 14 i get wlan0 deautenticated reason 3 . it conects fine with fonera. in precise works like a charm and no problems. i found lots a issues like this but never founs a fix for it [15:11] <bobita> i dunno yet. seems to work ok but when i turn on and off my laptop it shows me something that looks like an error but i cannot see what is it cuz it dissapear very fast [15:11] <Besterino> OerHeks: unfortunately it's a guest-VM setting. "...The buffers are allocated from the guest partition’s memory and updating the buffer size requires, per each guest VM, [...] In the guest VM, open the Device Manager..." I'm too stupid to figure out where to find the appropriate settings in ubuntu/linux [15:12] <xd-commax> hola [15:12] <xd-commax> alguien me puede ayudar [15:12] <Neldogz> Anyone know of a way to backup Ubuntu 14.04 installed to a Software Raid 0 to disk image? Unfortunately Clonezilla does not support creating images of software raid. [15:12] <xd-commax> nesecito instalr telegram en ubunu 15.04 [15:12] <DJones> !es | xd-commax [15:12] <j3507> i will try to reinstall with a cd & cd drive.. thank you [15:13] <xd-commax> ok [15:13] <xd-commax> thazk [15:13] <xd-commax> than [15:17] <vividerr> Neldogz: [15:17] <Neldogz> vividerr: thank you, checking it out now. [15:22] <xxxxxx> WARRIOR [15:22] <petrvs> yup [15:23] <vividerr> strong! [15:23] <SchrodingersScat> on second check, it could just be taking longer to upload the files [15:25] <Neldogz> vividerr: I have an idea.. wouldn't making a disk clone of each individual Raid Member suffice? [15:26] <Neldogz> vividerr: Clonezilla will see the disks as individual disks.. so cloneing each one should work no? [15:28] <vividerr> Neldogz: the data is usually striped across the disks, so most likely not. You'rewelcome to experiment though :-) [15:28] <petrvs> no need to make image backups of Unix systems [15:28] <petrvs> just save the data, and if you like the partition layout and bootloader [15:28] <Neldogz> vividerr: eventhough it's striped.. a 1:1 disk clone should preserve everything.. This will be a good test [15:30] <SchrodingersScat> vividerr / petrvs : my ignorance is confirmed, motion is uneffected, i'm just slow uploads [15:30] <vividerr> Neldogz: Assuming the raid is re-created in the same way. I don't that that's guaranteed anywhere but who knows? [15:30] <vividerr> Neldogz: backing up a raid 0 in this manner is, i believe, 'unspecified' behaviour. Im not exactly sure if it work,s [15:31] <petrvs> SchrodingersScat: cool [15:32] <phpmiddleman> why does not ln -fs aaa live overwite my old symlink live? [15:34] <delinquentme> I have a dir owned by a group ... but a user in that group cant make files ... why? [15:35] <Neldogz> vividerr: for RAID 1 I am thinking something similar.. Take an image of only 1 hard disk .. upon restoring the raid will rebuild itself [15:35] <Neldogz> vividerr: or should rebuild itself :) [15:35] <vividerr> Neldogz: RAID 1 was designed to do that. [15:36] <Neldogz> vividerr: will test in a VM environment before trying on my production system [15:36] <vividerr> Neldogz: Unless you need speed, I don't understsand why you want an image of the Raid. Can you not do a file copy? [15:37] <Neldogz> vividerr: the file copy seems like more work to reassemble [15:38] <jeffreylevesque> how can i `unzip` just the contents, and not have the leading directory be created during unzip? [15:39] <petrvs> jeffreylevesque: ew [15:40] <ActionParsnip> jeffreylevesque: so instead of folder\files ... just files [15:40] <jeffreylevesque> yes sir [15:40] <petrvs> try 7z e [15:41] <jeffreylevesque> how can i do this via command line [15:41] <scumdude> ey [15:41] <scumdude> nothing [15:41] <ActionParsnip> jeffreylevesque: what archive are you using? [15:41] <jeffreylevesque> zip [15:42] <jeffreylevesque> so, i've import the `unzip` module in python [15:42] <ActionParsnip> jeffreylevesque: unzip "/path/to/" "in/archive/folder/\*" -d "/path/to/unzip/to" [15:46] <vividerr> jeffreylevesque: Does your question relate to tying in bash or unzipping with a python program? [15:46] <vividerr> typing [15:47] <ntz> hello [15:48] <ntz> can anyone show me please a default /etc/rsyslogd.conf file ? I don't have debian [15:48] <ntz> I need it for something [15:48] <ntz> arcsky: ^^ hah, you're here [15:49] <ntz> eg. please someone pastebin for me a default rsyslogd.conf from ubu, thanks [15:49] <arcsky> ;) [15:50] <OerHeks> Default logging rules can be found in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf [15:51] <arcsky> OerHeks: can you pastebinit for me please [15:52] <ntz> I'd like to see specifically system-wide etc/rsyslogd.conf [15:52] <vividerr> ntz: This is from 14.04 [15:52] <OerHeks> [15:52] <ActionParsnip> ntz: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue [15:52] <ntz> vividerr: thanks !!! [15:53] <arcsky> Questions guys, i have done apt-get remove syslog-ng. after i did updatedb and locate syslog-ng and files are left. how can i clean them? [15:53] <ntz> ActionParsnip: 17:48 < ntz> can anyone show me please a default /etc/rsyslogd.conf file ? I don't have debian [15:53] <ActionParsnip> ntz: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue [15:53] <OerHeks> you didn't ask for 32 or 64 bit [15:53] <ntz> ^^ read the end of the line - so nothing you'd expect [15:53] <ntz> ** I meant, I don't have buntu [15:53] <ActionParsnip> ntz: then you arent supported here [15:53] <arcsky> /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf needed [15:53] <vividerr> ntz: The filename was different from what you asked for. /etc/rsyslog.conf without the 'd' [15:54] <Pici> ActionParsnip: er... [15:54] <vividerr> d suffix means default? [15:54] <ntz> ActionParsnip: my big aplogize sir, but I requested a ubu file .. it's still same story [15:54] <ntz> vividerr: thanks much ... I'm fine with your file [15:54] <vividerr> i thought it stood for daemon though [15:55] <SGMonkey> Hi guys. Just installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. And i checked the windows network, and it only shows a computer that used to exist on the network. Not the two current ones. [15:55] <SGMonkey> + [15:55] <mcphail> vividerr: the .d means it is a directory which contains fragments of configuration files [15:55] <ActionParsnip> SGMonkey: if you run: smbtree do you see the other system? [15:56] <SGMonkey> Not sure, I'm just wondering how it can possibly see a computer which doesnt exist anymore [15:57] <ActionParsnip> SGMonkey: possibly some form of cache.... have you rebooted your router recently? [15:57] <vividerr> mcphail: Not the .d on a folder name, the 'd' on the end of /etc/rsyslogd.conf [15:57] <SGMonkey> Ahh i guess it could be stored in the router, but thats really odd [15:57] <mcphail> vividerr: aah - yes, that generally means daemon [15:57] <ntz> will: `dpkg --reconfigure pkgname' forcefully replace a %config files (in rpm terminology) ? [15:57] <vividerr> SGMonkey: The windows network browser is really weird [15:57] <jc00ke> 8:50 <jc00ke> Good morning. I upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 yesterday and my networking stopped working. I'm at a loss as to how to debug. Suggestions? Thanks! [15:58] <ActionParsnip> jc00ke: can you ping your router's internal IP? Can you ping ? [15:58] <OerHeks> vividerr, i have no/etc/rsyslogd.conf [15:58] <ActionParsnip> SGMonkey: its worth a try just to ruyle it out as a cause [15:58] <SGMonkey> And yeah i see the two computers there when i run smbtree [15:58] <bobita> life without being a gamer anymore is so damn boring :)) [15:58] <vividerr> OerHeks: Neither do I. [15:59] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip: I can't ping either. I'm hardwired in, and I've rebooted. [15:59] <ActionParsnip> bobita: read a book, sing a song, dance a dance [15:59] <ActionParsnip> jc00ke: if you run: sudo dhclient3 eth0 do you get an IP? [15:59] <bobita> sry i wrote in the wrong channel :)) [15:59] <v0lksman> hello all! how do you tell how many socket connections a box can handle? I've got a web app that takes a request and then pings a bunch of hosts. I'm wondering how many ping jobs I can run given that apache can handle about 1k connections each of them issuing 4 tests so aproximately 5K simultaneous socket connections. How can I confirm that the box can handle this many? [16:00] <ntz> thanks for help ... vividerr++ [16:00] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip: 'cannot find device "eth0"' [16:01] <ActionParsnip> jc00ke: ok, run: sudo lshw -C network what interfaces do you have? [16:01] <khildin> jc00ke, you are on wireless or on wired? [16:01] <risinglee> hellow [16:01] <jc00ke> [16:02] <jc00ke> khildin: I have WiFi turned off [16:02] <SpaceHoers> Hey guys I'm working through LazyFoo's SDL tutorial on my machine, and for some reason when I try to unzip packaged tutorial sets in a directory, it is creating subdirectories that can only be accessed by root. Anyone know why I might be having this issue? [16:02] <jc00ke> Logical name is eth1 [16:03] <risinglee> i come from china [16:03] <risinglee> and you [16:03] <khildin> try again to get an IP using eth1... :) [16:03] <khildin> instead of eth0 [16:04] <mcphail> SpaceHoers: exactly what are you doing or typing to unzip them? [16:04] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip khildin: RTNETLINK answers: File exists [16:04] <SpaceHoers> mcphail: just using the unzip command with the zip file as the only argument [16:05] <frecel> how come in light dm there is no option to turn on on screen keyboard after the system hybernates? [16:05] <ActionParsnip> SpaceHoers: if the file is not in your home folder then you will need sudo to extract it so that you haved write access. I sugest you move the file to your users home and chown iot to your user. [16:06] <jc00ke> My wired connection is set to use eth1 [16:07] <ActionParsnip> jc00ke: do you have a shortcut to enable / disable wifi? Have you use that to kill the wifi? [16:07] <ActionParsnip> jc00ke: or go for the throat: sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi [16:08] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip: no, nothing besides just using the network manager panel applet [16:10] <SpaceHoers> ActionParsnip: That doesn't seem to be helping. I keep getting permission denied even after changing ownership and using sudo to extract [16:10] <SGMonkey> How can i stream music from a windows share to ubuntu? [16:10] <SpaceHoers> ActionParsnip: I am unable to even access the unzipped directory without root [16:10] <mcphail> SpaceHoers: from the man page, it looks as if zip files support some horrible mess of embedded permissions. It may be this zip file has embedded permissions which are assigning the extracted files to root. Does "unzip -X" work any better? [16:10] <SpaceHoers> ls [16:10] <ActionParsnip> SpaceHoers: where do you have the file? [16:10] <SpaceHoers> pwd [16:10] <SpaceHoers> err [16:11] <SpaceHoers> /home/spacehoers/SDL_tutorial [16:11] <petrvs> SGMonkey: should play fine from a share [16:11] <SGMonkey> using what software? [16:11] <petrvs> any software [16:11] <nike-um> yo! [16:12] <SpaceHoers> mcphail: still seems to do the same thing [16:12] <nike-um> any thoughts on ubuntu mate? [16:12] <ActionParsnip> SpaceHoers: do you have /home o it's own partition? [16:12] <mcphail> SpaceHoers: do you have similar problems with .zips from other sources? [16:12] <petrvs> nike-um: it's ubuntu with mate [16:12] <ActionParsnip> nike-um: this is support, not chitchat [16:13] <SpaceHoers> mcphail: This is the first time I've ever encountered this. Been doing other unpacking just fine until now [16:13] <SGMonkey> How do i get a list of all the installed software from the "Start Menu"? [16:13] <SpaceHoers> ActionParsnip: Nope, entire install is on one partition [16:13] <frecel> "Please try to downground your version of glibc. Supported version should have numbers 2.2.0." <--- I just got this as a response to a bug that is causing a steam game to not work on 15.04 [16:13] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip: I'm a little nervous about removing the WiFi kernel module. How would I add it back? [16:13] <frecel> I wonter how many people broke their system thanks to them [16:14] <mcphail> SpaceHoers: I suspect it is due to whatever permissions are mebedded in the zip file itself. I'd just unzip it to a new directory and run a recursive chmod on the directory to assign the files to you [16:14] <petrvs> SGMonkey: terminal > dpkg -l [16:14] <phix> ok so the issue with cyrus-imapd, any one else experienced it too?? or is it a known bug??? [16:14] <SpaceHoers> mcphail: Fair enough. Just seems a little strange/tedious that it's doing this, where I've had no problems with this tutorial series in the past [16:15] <OerHeks> frecel, so it is a steam issue. [16:15] <mcphail> SpaceHoers: link to the troublesome file? [16:15] <SpaceHoers> mcphail: I'll PM? [16:15] <mcphail> SpaceHoers: ok [16:16] <frecel> OerHeks: kinda, the issue is that they buld their engine against the libs that are in 14.04 [16:16] <SGMonkey> ok, a music player that isnt total garbage like rythmnbox? [16:16] <phix> so any one here uses cyrus-imapd?? [16:16] <ActionParsnip> jc00ke: it only unloads it from kernel space. It will reload next boot.... [16:16] <OerHeks> frecel, try #ubuntu-steam or #valve for a fix/bugreport [16:17] <frecel> OerHeks: I'm not asking for help here, I just pasted this because I think it's funny, downgrading libc would likely break a ton of apps [16:17] <ActionParsnip> SGMonkey: how about rythmnbox, its as close to rythmnbox as you can get [16:17] <SGMonkey> tool [16:17] <mcphail> SpaceHoers: yes - that file has messed up permissions when extracted. The user doesn't have any access permissions to the directory. [16:17] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip: OK, I'll give it a try. [16:17] <SGMonkey> Rythmbox is terrible [16:17] <SpaceHoers> mcphail: Okay, I'll work around that and probably send the author a note. Thanks for your help [16:18] <mcphail> SpaceHoers: np [16:18] <SGMonkey> OK, how in the world do i close Rythmbox? [16:18] <vividerr> frecel: There's a way to run multiple library versions. I'm sure some here will know how to do that. [16:19] <frecel> vividerr: I believe it's a bash export thingy that can do that [16:21] <mcphail> frecel: you can load alternative libraries by using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. Steam already does that with the steam runtime. I wouldn't do it for libc, though :) [16:21] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip: unloading and rebooting didn't fix it :-( [16:21] <phix> so any ideas??? [16:22] <OerHeks> phix lots of them [16:22] <Whitor> Hi all, Does anyone know of a good program that will compare two text files and highlight the differences between each. [16:22] <mcphail> Whitor: diff [16:22] <petrvs> Whitor: meld if you want a GUI [16:22] <petrvs> vimdiff if you don't [16:22] <Guest90142> Hello, I'm trying to cp this initrd.img file and it keeps saying "no such file or directory exists" but I can clearly see it on the external drive [16:22] <petrvs> Guest90142: maybe your term isn't where you think it is [16:22] <petrvs> Guest90142: 'pwd' [16:23] <Whitor> I like GUI... I'll try meld... Also try Diff becasue I like CLI too [16:23] <petrvs> diff's okay, bit sparse [16:23] <Whitor> Thanks ! [16:23] <petrvs> vimdiff is easily the best non-GUI [16:23] <ActionParsnip> jc00ke: unloading and rebooting will put you back to where you started. When did I say to reboot? [16:23] <Guest90142> I tried everything like that petrvs and it looks like I have the right path [16:23] <petrvs> wdiff is nice, too, for different situations [16:23] <mcphail> Whitor: most of the tools use diff internally so just use whatever wrapper you like best :) [16:23] <petrvs> Guest90142: looks? [16:23] <ActionParsnip> jc00ke: unload the module, then get eth1 to request an IP using dhclient [16:23] <petrvs> Guest90142: what's the file name? Where does 'mount' say the drive is mounted? [16:23] <Guest90142> when I us cd I can navigate to the file [16:23] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip: ah, OK [16:24] <Guest90142> it is in ~/media/ubuntu/new [16:24] <Guest90142> the file name is initrd.img [16:24] <mcphail> Guest90142: are you sure it is in ~/media etc rether than just ?media... [16:25] <phix> OerHeks: related to my questionb [16:25] <phix> s/b// [16:25] <Guest90142> yes I've tried both versions mcphail [16:25] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip: device not found "eth1" [16:25] <BubbaGrace> anyone know what network mint is on? [16:25] <petrvs> [16:25] <OerHeks> phix, i read back, all i know is this great german wiki about Cyrus Imap [16:25] <petrvs> or /join #linux-mint and read topic [16:25] <Guest90142> my latest resort has been using cd to get into the new folder where its mounted and then try a direct cp initrd.img and still [16:25] <ActionParsnip> jc00ke: ok check the name with lshw again [16:26] <jc00ke> Unclaimed network adapters [16:26] <mcphail> Guest90142: what is the exact command you are using to make the copy [16:26] <Guest90142> cp initrd.img . [16:26] <phix> OerHeks: It in english? [16:26] <Guest90142> I run that command from the new folder where the initrd.img is located [16:27] <mcphail> Guest90142: that command would just try to copy the file to itself [16:27] <OerHeks> phix, there is a english wiki too, [16:28] <Guest90142> so if I wanted to make a copy of it within the same new file, what should I do mcphail? [16:28] <Guest90142> I've tried cp initrd.img initrd2.img [16:28] <mcphail> Guest90142: what is the output of "ls -l initrd.img"? [16:29] <SGMonkey> ok, so if i use the keyboard shortcut to turn the volume down and it hits zero, i have to restart to be able to adjust it [16:29] <SGMonkey> Ive just got a flashing volume bar in the top right corner [16:29] <Guest90142> [16:29] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip: unclaimed adapters (see screenshot) [16:30] <ActionParsnip> jc00ke: ok then you need to see what driver an RTL8111 needs and get that [16:30] <phix> OerHeks: ok that wiki doesn't mention anything about the ubuntu specific bug in the cyrus init script [16:30] <jc00ke> ActionParsnip: OK, will google around. It's never needed a special driver before. [16:31] <mcphail> Guest90142: i think you have a broken simlink [16:31] <Guest90142> mcphail, what is a simlink? [16:31] <Guest90142> and how do I fix this lol [16:31] <OerHeks> phix, you might want to search on launchpad for that 'specific bug' [16:31] <ioria> jc00ke, lsmod | grep r816 ? [16:31] <phix> OerHeks: when you type in sudo service cyrus-imapd stop (or sudo /etc/init.d/cyrus-imapd stop) it doesn't actually kill the cyrmaster or notify process. [16:31] <mcphail> Guest90142: paste the output of ls -l /media/ubuntu/new/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-37-generic [16:32] <vividerr> jc00ke: some drivers were blacklisted in vivid. it's possible this might be the case here. [16:32] <Guest90142> mcphail, [16:33] <mcphail> Guest90142: your external drive contains a reference/pointer to the initrd.img file rather than the file itself. That's a "broken simlink" and explains why you can't copy the file [16:34] <jc00ke> ioria: no results [16:35] <Guest90142> not sure I understand what that means, but good to know. I'm just trying to get into the files and I thought that this initrd.img file would help me [16:35] <Guest90142> like mentioned here: [16:35] <mcphail> Guest90142: simlinks can be confusing. Do you need me to explain further? [16:35] <jc00ke> vividerr: wow, that would be quite the unexpected result in an upgrade. [16:35] <vividerr> Guest90142: He is saying you copied a shortcut not the file [16:36] <Guest90142> I'm really just trying to get the files on this img I created mcphail. I was then able to mount but all I see is an srv folder and these initrd.img and vmlinuz files [16:36] <Guest90142> I'm not sure what to do with them [16:37] <vividerr> jc00ke: A lot of chromebooks are rolling back from 15.04 due to a blacklisted driver their trackpad needs. [16:37] <mcphail> Guest90142: yes - you've only put links to those files on the disk, rather than the actual files themselves [16:37] <Guest90142> I just want the .docx files from my old drive and these are not .docx files [16:37] <Guest90142> oh [16:37] <Guest90142> so the files are still on my broken harddrive? [16:37] <OerHeks> phix, looks like not 'ubuntu specific' to me > [16:38] <Guest90142> I ran ddrescue for 4 straight days to create an img of it though [16:38] <mcphail> Guest90142: they're certainly not on your external drive... [16:38] <mcphail> Guest90142: I presume the original hard drive had /boot on a separate partition? [16:38] <Guest90142> hmm, why does it say the image.img file on the external harddrive is 491.6 gigabytes though? [16:39] <Guest90142> I'm not sure mchail. One day my harddrive just didn't load so I've been using a live ubuntu session [16:39] <mcphail> Guest90142: the image may be full of corrupt data [16:40] <mcphail> Guest90142: the only directory ddrescue has found is /srv, which isn't a very useful one to find [16:40] <jc00ke> vividerr: do you happen to know where i could find that list? [16:40] <Guest90142> out of 4 days of searching it only found one folder? And that folder is empty. [16:40] <mcphail> Guest90142: you may want to look at a different tool such as photorec to find your lost files [16:40] <Guest90142> I tried photrec and after 9 gigs I decided to go with ddrescue. I guess I'll just return to photorec [16:41] <daftykins> ugh why do people always end up running ddrescue [16:41] <daftykins> don't they know that's likely to trash their disk further ¬_¬ [16:41] <Guest90142> no I didn't daftykins lol [16:41] <daftykins> Guest90142: in what way has this disk failed? is it plugged in right now? [16:42] <ioria> jc00ke, lspci -v does not show any driver kernel in use for Network, then ? [16:42] <Guest90142> I have a lenovo labtop and I was running windows 8 on it. Then I believe I ran a ubuntu session and tried a "hibernate" and then couldn't wake the computer up so did a hard restart. Then I never saw the GRUB again and here I am running the live session to et it back [16:43] <daftykins> Guest90142: ah ok so it's not actually a failed hard disk at all, just a borked Windows 8? [16:43] <jc00ke> ioria: I'm not sure [16:43] <Guest90142> I get this intrarams error when I try to run the windows 8 harddrive directly and then it just hangs there.. [16:43] <Guest90142> I think so daftykins [16:43] <daftykins> Guest90142: so you're typing right now on this laptop in a live session? [16:43] <Guest90142> but in the "disk" thing on ubuntu it says that this 500gb harddrive is about to fail [16:44] <Guest90142> so maybe it is damaged [16:44] <daftykins> Guest90142: can you run "sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit" [16:44] <Guest90142> yes daftykins, from a live session on a 8gb usb key [16:44] <daftykins> and share the link [16:44] <Guest90142> ok give me a second [16:45] <KaKila> An usb port is causing delays at boot. Here is the issue described in some detail Anybody has any suggestion? [16:45] <ioria> jc00ke, run with sudo and can you use ... because would be usefull the entire output [16:46] <daftykins> KaKila: they are the front ports on your case? does the issue go away when you unplug them from the motherboard? [16:46] <Guest78381> Before 15.04 I was able to change the title of my Gnome terminal tab, but now the right-menu option is gone. How do I fix this? [16:46] <jc00ke> ioria: I'm on my phone, my computer has no connectivity :-( [16:46] <Guest90142> daftykins, [16:47] <daftykins> Guest90142: oh wow that disk is messed up big time [16:47] <daftykins> Guest90142: these MS Word docs you want, are they super important? [16:47] <mcphail> Guest90142: i agree with daftykins :( [16:47] <jc00ke> ioria: with sudo [16:47] <Guest90142> yes [16:48] <Guest90142> I have 2 files, a docx and a powerpoint that I need. Everything else can go. [16:48] <daftykins> Guest90142: oh dear, consider backups in future. have you tried mounting the NTFS partitions at all? [16:48] <daftykins> Guest90142: give me a "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" [16:49] <Guest78381> fuck Gnome. [16:49] <Guest90142> how would I do that daftykins? I've tried clicking on it and gives me an error [16:49] <daftykins> Guest90142: run the above then we'll proceed [16:50] <ioria> jc00ke, ok... the idea would be to send you the source code and try to build and install..... :-^ [16:50] <bobita> did anybody seen viktor lately? [16:51] <Guest90142> still waiting for it daftykins [16:51] <ioria> jc00ke, but you 'd need a bunch of stuff that surely you don't have :( [16:52] <ioria> jc00ke, we can try ... [16:52] <daftykins> jc00ke: what's this, are you missing a wifi driver? or wired too? [16:52] <daftykins> surely just "sudo modprobe iwlwifi" might be a good start? [16:52] <jc00ke> ioria: I'm up for trying anything. I can run and grab my gf's laptop if needed (at her house) [16:53] <ioria> jc00ke, before try daftykins suggestion : sudo modprobe iwlwifi [16:53] <newbie13> Is there a good resource for newb Ubuntu/Linux users? Like a guide resource? [16:53] <daftykins> !manual | newbie13 [16:53] <studio_> hi [16:54] <daftykins> newbie13: i would also recommend LFS101x - a free course at [16:54] <studio_> i have i simple question [16:54] <Guest90142> daftykins, here is a screenshot of what it says abut the drive: [16:54] <daftykins> studio_: so ask it instead of giving us this preamble? :) [16:54] <newbie13> thanks! [16:54] <newbie13> !manual [16:54] <Guest90142> the sudo parted -l | pastebinit is hanging I think [16:54] <studio_> why "nfs:// ... " is not supported in ubuntu since years? [16:54] <jc00ke> I just found out my trackpad doesn't work either. [16:55] <petrvs> studio_: should be supported by apps that support it, once configured [16:55] <daftykins> Guest90142: yeah didn't need that, i can tell it's completely dead from the command i asked you for earlier :) [16:55] <studio_> petrvs, what filemanager? [16:55] <ioria> jc00ke, sudo modprobe iwlwifi [16:55] <daftykins> Guest90142: i see you making up a paste of a mount error there, are you getting help in another channel or something? because i kind of need focus else i will go and do something else... [16:56] <Guest90142> I was going to send this before you told me to do the parted big [16:56] <Guest90142> bit [16:56] <Guest90142> [16:56] <daftykins> Guest90142: your screenshot does show that there are no NTFS volumes on that disk though? [16:56] <Guest90142> but didn't think it would be useful to you [16:57] <studio_> petrvs, i reseached today, but nfs:// is not supported since years on ubuntu? [16:57] <Guest90142> not sure daftykins, I don't know much about the types of partitions [16:57] <daftykins> Guest90142: so what's holding up the 'sudo parted -l | pastebinit' ? [16:57] <petrvs> studio_: I doubt that [16:58] <daftykins> studio_: definitely false [16:58] <Guest90142> not sure. Its sitting there with a blank line beneath it. Hasn't shown my prompt yet [16:58] <mcphail> daftykins: I've had "parted" hang indefinitely with borked disks [16:58] <Guest90142> I'll try running it in another terminal [16:58] <EriC^^> Guest90142: try sudo parted -l alone [16:58] <daftykins> ^ [16:59] <newbie13> daftykins: I went to and checked out LFS101 and it came up with LFS101x.2. . Is that what I need? Also, when I click on learn more, it states "server not found"? [16:59] <Guest90142> [16:59] <studio_> petrvs, daftykins, what filemager is supporting nfs:// on ubuntu? [16:59] <daftykins> Guest90142: so you're 100% sure that MS Word docs are on this EXT4 partition? seems a bit... unlikely that you would have edited MS format documents on a Linux system no? [16:59] <Guest90142> when I just do it along EriC and daftykins I get this option, what should I do [16:59] <daftykins> newbie13: yes. i'm not responsible for their server errors, so no ideas there [16:59] <petrvs> studio_: try nfs-lan [17:00] <daftykins> newbie13: yes to that course name. i'm not responsible for their server errors, so no ideas there [17:00] <Guest90142> I know they were docs, but can't remember if I made them on the windows 8 or using ubuntu odt to be honest [17:00] <daftykins> well do you remember using Libre office or MS office... [17:00] <studio_> yes, i have seen nfs-lan, but it is only for Nautilus [17:01] <Guest90142> oh! Actually, it couldn't be docx or libre, I was using a text editor to make html files. [17:01] <petrvs> studio_: what would you prefer to use other than nautilus? [17:01] <Guest90142> So I think it was windows 8 because I don't remember using a text editor on ubuntu [17:01] <daftykins> Guest90142: so is it possible the important files you want aren't even on this failed disk? [17:01] <studio_> i use thunar in the moment [17:02] <daftykins> pretty sure thunar is quite limited [17:02] <Guest90142> I don't have any other disks that I can recall..but maybe I did switch it out.. [17:02] <Guest90142> what happened happened 8 months ago and is now a jumbled memory [17:02] <daftykins> Guest90142: thing is i see like 4+ HDDs in your machine there [17:02] <studio_> and on ubuntu-touch i don't know what they use [17:02] <daftykins> well three and a tiny SSD [17:03] <Guest90142> daftykins, I have 1 tb external harddrive and one 8gb usb key and then the broken 500 gb inside the laptop [17:03] <Guest90142> not sure what else is going on there [17:03] <daftykins> oh a laptop ok [17:03] <Guest90142> maybe I accidentally tried to create new mount points off of the img I created using ddrescue [17:03] <daftykins> i see two 1TB devices, the 24GB SSD and the 500GB failed [17:04] <Guest90142> yeah, I'm confused by all that to be honest. [17:04] <daftykins> in your screenshot, the 500GB failed disk has only Linux partitions [17:04] <daftykins> so i'm a little puzzled as to where you've put Windows 8 ;) on the SSD? [17:04] <Guest90142> hmmm, the powerpoint might be on the linux one, because I remember getting frustrated with a free version of powerpoint [17:04] <srm> Hi. After update, I'm stuck with "drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap ... not ready or found". None of the steps (M, S) works, i.e. screen is stuck. How to fix this? Especially, how to chroot from livedvd. I have no idea, especially b/c I'm using ecryptfs [17:04] <daftykins> you won't get powerpoint on Linux [17:04] <studio_> daftykins, i have to use external link to install nfs-browsing-support on ubuntu? [17:04] <daftykins> !chroot | srm [17:05] <Guest90142> windows 8 must be on the other harddrive then... [17:05] <daftykins> studio_: i never use NFS, can't help you [17:05] <Guest90142> damn dafykins lol it must be on the other drive then [17:05] <daftykins> Guest90142: can you screenshot selecting the 24GB SSD? [17:05] <daftykins> or just tell me the partitions it sees on it [17:06] <Guest90142> daftykins [17:06] <studio_> daftykins, who can help with ubuntu and browsing nfs? other channel? [17:06] <daftykins> studio_: just address this channel with a properly phrased question on one line [17:07] <daftykins> Guest90142: heh, nothing there. is Windows maybe on the external 1TB? (odd idea i know, but i see no sign of it) [17:08] <ioria> srm you encypted also home folder ? [17:09] <Guest90142> dafykins, it won't be on the external. I just bought it 3 days ago. I have 2 of my old harddrives in front of me here. I can try and take out this linux one and insert it and maybe it will have it [17:09] <Guest90142> not sure if I should powerdown first though haha [17:09] <jc00ke> ioria: no results for sudo modprobe iwlwifi [17:09] <daftykins> Guest90142: ah ok, yeah Windows must be on the other. Right, so what do you want to achieve here today? because that Hitachi 500GB is 100% toast [17:10] <studio_> daftykins, sorry for my englisch, i do not understand your answer. it seems that it is an old bug, that ubuntu can't browse nfs-shares. [17:10] <Guest90142> ok as long as that hitachi does not have the files, I don't care about it. My first drive that originally came with the laptop and windows must have crashed, and then I took it out and put in this new one and now even this new hitachi one must have crashed [17:10] <nomic> an't browse nfs shares? just use nautilus - course you can browse nfs shares [17:10] <Guest90142> so really its just now looking into what this other harddrive has on it and seeing if I can get into it [17:10] <daftykins> Guest90142: yep shut down, swap disks, then presumably Windows 8 does not boot? so boot back up from your flash drive and come back on here so we can check it out too? [17:10] <ioria> jc00ke, well, go to /lib/modules/3.19.0-15-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek and check for r8169.ko [17:11] <daftykins> studio_: i am saying i do not use NFS at all so i can't help :) what language do you speak? [17:11] <ioria> jc00ke, if you are vivid, otherwise your kernel [17:11] <Guest90142> yes windows 8 does not boot. ok I'll be back [17:11] <studio_> nomic, how to use "nfs:// " on nautilus? [17:12] <ActionParsnip> studio_: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue [17:12] <daftykins> jc00ke: it won't have done anything visible, (that command), run "ip a" now and see if you have a network interface at all [17:12] <jc00ke> ioria: r8169.ko is there [17:12] <studio_> ActionParsnip, Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l [17:12] <ActionParsnip> studio_: [17:13] <ioria> jc00ke, ifconfig ? [17:13] <nomic> studio nfs isn't part of nautilus - you set up nfs by setting up the file /etc/exports -- then, use the command "mount" [17:13] <nomic> nautilus is just the file browser (app) [17:13] <nomic> of choice IMO [17:14] <jc00ke> daftykins: ip a [17:14] <studio_> ActionParsnip, i understood how to "mount" nfs. the problem is to "browse" without mount. [17:14] <jc00ke> ioria: ifconfig [17:15] <daftykins> jc00ke: so you have interfaces fine, is this a live session? [17:15] <daftykins> or a borked install [17:15] <EriC^^> studio_: where did you mount it? [17:15] <wimpog> How do I allow some users that don’t own a file, yet are in the same group to change file’s permission? Is it possible to do by default? [17:15] <Jeeves_Moss> is there a prebuilt spamassisan preprocessor that I can install for a spam front end before my exchange server with AD intergration? [17:15] <ActionParsnip> studio_: you have to mount a file system to read it. [17:16] <studio_> EriC^^, i don't want to "mount" i want to browse. same as xbmc/kodi made [17:16] <jc00ke> daftykins: no, not live, I guess it's a borked upgrade [17:16] <CompuChip> Hi. Don't know if this is the right place, but I'm kinda lost. My main RAID1 drive just crashed, and I stupidly tried to reboot. Now I get "No operating system", even when I physically disconnect the broken RAID drive. I managed to tweak the BIOS and get a grub menu, but now I'm getting an infinite ""mdadm" create user root failed" loop. Is there s [17:16] <CompuChip> omehow I can temporarily run it on one disk until the replacement arrives tomorrow? [17:16] <EriC^^> studio_: ok, browse with nautilus to where you mounted it [17:16] <daftykins> jc00ke: chromebook? [17:17] <jc00ke> daftykins: Samsung Series 9. Upgraded from Xubuntu 14.10 [17:17] <daftykins> ugh, bet you're regretting that now huh? :> [17:18] <studio_> EriC^^, i'd like to use a zeroconf-browser and yust to brows the shares without a mount [17:19] <ioria> jc00ke, sudo service Network-Manager restart ? [17:19] <aryklein> ioria: ? [17:20] <jc00ke> ioria: restarted but still no connection [17:20] <ActionParsnip> studio_: if you install openssh-server you can connect to SFTP without issue [17:20] <ioria> jc00ke, sudo ifup eth1 [17:21] <ActionParsnip> studio_: use your Ubuntu username and password for authentication [17:21] <ioria> jc00ke, are you wired , don't you ? [17:21] <AnnaRooks> is there something to let mbr boot on a mac? [17:21] <studio_> ActionParsnip, where is the "secrect" how kodi is browsing nfs- and cifs-shares without nfs- and cifs-modules? [17:22] <jc00ke> ioria: ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1 [17:22] <geri> how can i config ubuntu to use only one core? [17:22] <ActionParsnip> studio_: no idea. I dont use it [17:22] <ioria> jc00ke, it's norma.... :-) can't ping anything ? [17:22] <jc00ke> ioria: yes, hard wired in [17:22] <jc00ke> ioria: still can't ping [17:23] <studio_> ActionParsnip, try it on a non supported device without cifs- nor nfs-module. [17:23] <pbx> what do people use for syncing with google drive? 'drive' and 'gdrive' and 'grive' all some up in searches but i don't see a clear winner [17:23] <ioria> jc00ke, lspci -k | grep Ethernet -A 6 and check for driver kernel in use [17:23] <ubuntu> guest90142 [17:24] <ActionParsnip> geri: you can pull them online and offline [17:24] <ActionParsnip> geri: [17:24] <jc00ke> hard wired in via that adapter. never had problems with it before. [17:24] <geri> can i select that in the kernel? [17:24] <ActionParsnip> geri: echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online to disable core 3 [17:24] <petrvs> pbx: I've been meaning to try google-drive-ocamlfuse [17:24] <ActionParsnip> geri: dead handy for benchmarking [17:24] <petrvs> pbx: grive is alright, though [17:25] <geri> ActionParsnip: can the disabled core used for somth else? [17:25] <ioria> jc00ke, what 's that thing usa eth adapter ? [17:25] <jc00ke> ioria: lspci output [17:25] <daftykins> ioria: proprietary samsung breakout adapter for a mini ethernet jack on an ultrabook [17:25] <ActionParsnip> geri: no, its down and unusable by the kernel. How would you utilise it? [17:26] <ioria> jc00ke, well, at last, ifconfig, please ? [17:26] <Guest76700> daftykins I'm back. I tried to new harddrive and it wouldn't even load to the point where it would recognize the grub menu from the 8gb usb key [17:26] <geri> ActionParsnip: arm core 0 (linux), arm core 1 (bare metal) [17:26] <Guest76700> I couldn't even launch a live session with that new harddrive in there [17:26] <pbx> petrvs, yeah, i just found the fuse option. i may try. thanks. [17:26] <jc00ke> ioria: ifconfig [17:27] <daftykins> Guest76700: sure it's fitted properly? [17:27] <daftykins> Guest76700: if you put your ear to it, has it spun up ok? is it making repetitive mechanical noises? [17:27] <Guest76700> I pushed it all the way in multiple times [17:27] <ioria> jc00ke, it looks fine .... [17:27] <Guest76700> yes it was making a repetitive noise [17:28] <Guest76700> like a clicking [17:28] <jc00ke> [17:28] <ioria> jc00ke, don't you have a normal ethernet cable ? [17:28] <daftykins> Guest76700: sounds like they're both dead [17:28] <Guest76700> I plugged it back in now but the live session isn't detecting it [17:28] <jc00ke> ioria: no, not on this laptop [17:29] <daftykins> Guest76700: "sudo parted -l" hanging again? [17:29] <daftykins> you shouldn't plug it in live [17:29] <ioria> jc00ke, try the wifi [17:29] <aBouncer> night peeps [17:29] <Guest76700> only shows the 8gb usb key: [17:29] <ioria> jc00ke, configure in preferences -> network connections [17:30] <daftykins> yeah it won't detect a disk inserted post boot [17:30] <daftykins> Guest76700: listen to it now, what does it sound like? [17:30] <Guest76700> is there a way jump start a mount to detect it? [17:31] <Guest76700> its running. I touched it with my finger and I stopped some kind of blade on top of the harddrive itself [17:31] <wimpog> How do I allow some users that don’t own a file, yet are in the same group to change file’s permission without giving them sudo access? [17:31] <jc00ke> ioria: it's already configured and connected [17:31] <daftykins> Guest76700: blade? what [17:31] <ioria> jc00ke, does it works ? [17:32] <jc00ke> ioria: no :-( [17:32] <ioria> jc00ke, did you upgrade from what to what ? [17:32] <Guest76700> daftykins it is making that repetitive clickign noise so it is running (when I push on the top it makes this noise under the film covering the top like a fan is hitting it or something) [17:33] <petrvs> wimpog: acl stuffo [17:33] <jc00ke> ioria: Xubuntu 14.10 to 15.04 [17:33] <BubbaGrace> how can I create a desktop file for an executable .jar file that runs with OpenJDK [17:33] <petrvs> pbx: let me know how it goes =) [17:33] <AnnaRooks> is there something to let mbr boot on a mac? [17:33] <harushimo> for ubuntu server, is there a specific partitioning scheme recommended? [17:33] <petrvs> harushimo: nope [17:33] <daftykins> Guest76700: oh my Tux, you don't press on the top of laptop hard disks - not even when they're off! ok both your drives are dead, you'll have to take them to a professional data recovery company if you want anything from them - you'll need to buy a new one to fix up that laptop [17:34] <harushimo> petrvs: we can do similar setup how we do the desktop [17:34] <harushimo> ? [17:34] <petrvs> harushimo: yup [17:34] <harushimo> thank you [17:34] <jc00ke> Why does lspci say the r8169 driver is in use but the Realtek model number is 8168? [17:34] <ioria> jc00ke, ls /boot ? [17:34] <jc00ke> Could that be part of it? [17:34] <petrvs> jc00ke: most drivers cover a wide array of different models [17:35] <Guest76700> daftykins, it has been a pleasure. Thank you for clarifying that I had the wrong drive in there all along. Who knows how many more hours I would have spent pointlessly doing that [17:35] <wimpog> petrvs: is it possible to do so for any new file? [17:35] <jc00ke> ioria: ls /boot [17:35] <daftykins> Guest76700: hehe, no worries. good luck with the remainder [17:35] <petrvs> wimpog: yup [17:35] <wimpog> petrvs: how do I do that? [17:36] <petrvs> wimpog: you want any new file in a dir to be owned by a specific group? [17:36] <wimpog> petrvs: any new file that has a certain group, should be editable by all members of the group, including chmod operation [17:37] <ioria> jc00ke, reboot, at grub menu selecet advanced and select the 16.0-34 kernel [17:37] <zteam> Hi all! [17:37] <petrvs> wimpog: probably just want setgid/setfacl stuff [17:37] <petrvs> zteam: hi [17:37] <wimpog> petrvs: thanks, will look into that [17:40] <zteam> I'm trying to build John The ripper from source with checkinstall but I can't get get it to install the software in the right way... If I tell checkinstall to exclude directorys it miss the executable of program, if not, then it create /homezteam/downloads/john/executable instead, what I'm doing wrong here? [17:40] <petrvs> I'm guessing there are debs for that [17:40] <daftykins> zteam: yeah why make life so hard? [17:41] <jc00ke> ioria: trying, but having a hard time getting the boot menu to show up [17:41] <ioria> jc00ke, press shift [17:41] <ioria> jc00ke, right after bios [17:42] <AnnaRooks> is there something to let mbr installed ubuntu boot on a mac? [17:42] <jc00ke> ioria: that worked, thanks [17:42] <jc00ke> Booting into that kernel [17:42] <daftykins> AnnaRooks: yes it's bootcamp i believe, or using rEFInd to handle the boot [17:42] <zteam> daftykins, Because I thought it would be nice to know how to compile it from source :-), it's always good to know to how do things manually :-) [17:42] <ioria> jc00ke, advanced and select the 16.0-34 kernel [17:43] <petrvs> AnnaRooks: grub, take your pick [17:43] <AnnaRooks> daftykins: rEFInd just went staticy [17:43] <geri> ActionParsnip: arm core 0 (linux), arm core 1 (bare metal) [17:43] <daftykins> "went staticy" ? [17:43] <daftykins> zteam: maybe, total waste of time for us helpers though (: [17:43] <AnnaRooks> it looked like the characters were scrambled [17:43] <sjmikem> I was at a place over the weekend where my wi-fi connection kept going away. restarting network-manager would temporarily solve the problem. This happens sometimes on my home network too. [17:43] <jc00ke> ioria: OK, I'm booted up, WiFi not working [17:43] <sjmikem> Any advice on resolving the next time it happens? [17:44] <ioria> jc00ke, ethernet ? [17:44] <sjmikem> when connection went away, pinging the gateway would timeout [17:44] <zteam> daftykins, well, I guess that is some way to view it :-) [17:44] <jc00ke> ioria: nope :-( [17:45] <varazir> Hi, my ISP do not allow me to send e-mail my client directly, I have to go thrue theres smtp server but then I have to pay them. So I thought setting up a local smtp server and use pop3 in google to get the e-mails [17:45] <ioria> jc00ke, sudo ifdown wlan0 [17:45] <ioria> jc00ke, sudo ifdown wlan1 [17:45] <varazir> anyone has a good guide for this ? [17:45] <ioria> jc00ke, retry ethernet [17:46] <jc00ke> ioria: if down: interface wlan1 not configured [17:46] <NeoGeo> sup [17:46] <NeoGeo> where is offtipic channel [17:47] <SchrodingersScat> !ot | NeoGeo [17:47] <daftykins> #ubuntu-offtopic amazingl [17:47] <daftykins> y [17:47] <NeoGeo> SchrodingersDildo thanks! [17:47] <ioria> jc00ke, check ifconfig if eth1 is present restart Network-Manager [17:47] <SchrodingersScat> !language | NeoGeo [17:48] <jc00ke> ioria: eth1 is present, still doesn't work after network manager restart [17:50] <ioria> jc00ke, usually working, isn't it ? [17:50] <fragtion> Argh sigh.. my mail server is broken since updating to 15.04.. The version of maildrop that comes with vivid seems to lack the dovecot-auth patch ('-t /var/run/dovecot/auth-master' argument) patch which was present in more recent builds :(... Should this be reported as a bug? [17:51] <Captonjamason> is there any good video editors for ubuntu? [17:51] <jc00ke> ioria: yeah, worked yesterday when I upgraded [17:51] <ioria> jc00ke, you have no interrupt assigned [17:51] <jc00ke> ioria: I don't know what that means [17:52] <ioria> jc00ke, what cpu do you have ? iCore something ? [17:52] <pbx> petrvs, ocamlfuse works a treat. only wart so far is that unmounting can't be done from Files but oh well [17:53] <jc00ke> ioria: Core i5 with Centrino wifi [17:54] <geri> how can i config ubuntu to use only one core? [17:55] <EriC^^> geri: why do you ask? [17:55] <geri> I want to disable 1 core in the kernel [17:56] <geri> is that possible? [17:56] <fragtion> geri: in what context? if it's a VM you should be able to set the cores in the VM machine settings [17:56] <geri> arm core 0 (linux), arm core 1 (bare metal) [17:56] <fragtion> otherwise there would be no point disabling half of your system's performance [17:56] <fragtion> for a given host [17:57] <ioria> jc00ke, do you remember if before the upgrade your ethernet was on eth0 and not on eth1 ? [17:57] <Seveas> geri: maxcpus=1 or nosmp [17:58] <jc00ke> ioria: I don't. Is there a log file i could check? [17:58] <geri> Seveas: within the kernel? [17:58] <Seveas> geri: as boot parameters. [17:58] <ukernyanz> Hi everyone! Can someone help me? my unity desktop have some issues after upgrade to 15.04. the items "lock screen/change user" "log out" "restart" "shutdown" in the menu when you click at in the "top bar" at the right have bad responses [17:59] <ioria> jc00ke, no, but try dmesg | tail [17:59] <geri> Seveas: i guess exaclty what i look for [17:59] <geri> Seveas: thaks [17:59] <ukernyanz> when I click on "lock screen/change user", nothings happens [18:00] <ukernyanz> when i click on "log out" it logs out without confirmation dialog [18:01] <jc00ke> ioria: dmesg output [18:01] <ukernyanz> when i click on "restart" or "shutdown" it logs out and go to the connexion screen [18:04] <ioria> jc00ke, are you using IPv6 ? [18:04] <jc00ke> ioria: not that i know of [18:05] <ioria> jc00ke, reconfigure in IPv4 in Network Connection, if not already [18:05] <ukernyanz> Help please [18:08] <jc00ke> ioria: wired ipv4 [18:09] <jc00ke> ioria: wired ipv6 [18:09] <jc00ke> brb [18:09] <ioria> jc00ke, yes, but make it manual, static i mean ... ip gateway and dns [18:10] <VEndix> does anyone known any good tutorial with vpn configuration on ubuntu? [18:10] <kern_v_> ukernyanz: I dont know if it will help but you can try reinstalling and reconfiguring unity [18:10] <MonkeyDust> !bpn | VEndix sart here [18:10] <MonkeyDust> !vpn | VEndix sart here [18:11] <ioria> jc00ke, remove the IPv6 settings [18:11] <bobita> can i add some special effects to ubuntu? [18:12] <bobita> is it possible? [18:12] <kern_v_> ukernyanz: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg unity [18:12] <MonkeyDust> bobita try !ccsm [18:12] <pavlos> bobita, read about compiz [18:13] <bobita> !ccsm in terminal? sry im not familiar with all the commands yet im new with linux [18:13] <kitty_> elo... :P [18:13] <EriC^^> !info compizconfig-settings-manager | bobita [18:13] <EriC^^> bobita: also install compiz-plugins , it has the stuff :P [18:14] <jc00ke> ioria: so don't use dhcp for ipv4? And how do i remove the ipv6 setting? [18:15] <MrAlex> anybody could help me with trackpad not working well on elementary os [18:15] <MrAlex> ? [18:15] <bobita> is it synaptic package manager useful? [18:15] <ioria> jc00ke, just disabled in window bottom and have you put ip, netmask, gateway and dns in IPv4 ? [18:16] <EriC^^> bobita: it's ok, you can use sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins if you want [18:17] <jc00ke> ioria: what should the netmask be? [18:17] <ioria> jc00ke, [18:18] <ioria> jc00ke, the gateway is your router [18:19] <aerag1> Is there a way to restrict an SSH key so that it's only authorized for certain IPs? [18:19] <aerag1> ie if it's being used within a subnet CIDR block [18:19] <aerag1> Is this crazy? [18:19] <jc00ke> ioria: i can't save [18:20] <kern_v_> bobita: Yes you can go on Ubuntu Software Center and type compizconfig-settings-manager [18:20] <ioria> jc00ke, just one in dns [18:20] <kern_v_> bobita: Where you will find it to install [18:20] <bobita> thx [18:21] <jc00ke> ioria: it still won't let me save [18:21] <kern_v_> bobita: or you press ctrl+t and type sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [18:21] <ioria> jc00ke, sudo ifdown eth1 and retry [18:22] <bobita> kern_v_, i installed it already thx. but i would like to move exit, minimalization and maximalization buttons from left to right like on windows but i cant [18:22] <octavian> how do I delete a folder from terminal? [18:22] <aerag1> octavian: rmdir or rm -rf [18:23] <octavian> I tried sudo rm /home/octavian/.xininstall [18:23] <kern_v_> bobita: ah ok [18:23] <octavian> cannot remove ‘/home/octavian/.xininstall’: No such file or directory [18:23] <kern_v_> bobita: that is in another prog hold a sec im trying to recall it [18:23] <octavian> aerag1: ^ [18:23] <jc00ke> ioria: OK, saved, but i can't even ping my gateway [18:23] <aerag1> octavian: you need -rf [18:24] <aerag1> -r for recursive (because it's a directory) and -f to force [18:24] <ioria> jc00ke, restart Network-Manager and sudo ifup eth0 and then ifconfig [18:24] <aerag1> octavian: so rm -rf /home/octavian/.xininstall [18:25] <bobita> what is that FOCUS? [18:25] <octavian> aerag1: thank you so much [18:25] <jc00ke> ioria: [18:26] <octavian> aerag1: what does it mean it's recursive? [18:26] <ioria> jc00ke, ifconfig ? [18:26] <aerag1> octavian: be careful with "-rf" especially with sudo. It can ruin your day very easily. [18:27] <aerag1> octavian: for "rm"'s intents and purposes, it means delete everything within that directory [18:27] <octavian> aerag1: I just want to get rid of some hiddent directories cuz I want to get back to ubuntu [18:27] <jc00ke> ioria: [18:28] <bobita> is it possible to move dash launcher from left side to bottom? [18:29] <octavian> aerag1: well in termnal it worked, but the directory is still there [18:29] <ioria> jc00ke, have you removed the IPv6 settings ? [18:29] <aerag1> octavian: .xinstall is there? [18:30] <octavian> aerag1: yep [18:30] <aerag1> do you own it? [18:30] <aerag1> your user? [18:30] <aerag1> rm -rf didn't complain? [18:30] <jc00ke> ioria: ignoring ipv6. if there's another way to disable it please let me know. [18:31] <Alumin> so, if I install the "virtualbox-guest-x11" package in a VirtualBox guest environment, should I expect that to "install the guest additions"? I don't then need to do something with with the ISO image in "virtualbox-guest-additions-iso", do I? [18:31] <The_Eccentric> what do i have to install to get gstremer-propertie settings? [18:31] <Alumin> I installed the package, but (for example) the clipboard sharing still isn't working [18:32] <octavian> aerag1: also, does ubuntu have Public and Templates by default in /home partition? [18:32] <kern_v_> bobita: Unity Tweak Tool might nail it [18:32] <kern_v_> bobita: :) [18:33] <ioria> jc00ke, set to Automatic and reboot ... but i'm running short of ideas [18:33] <bobita> kern_v_, i have that too [18:33] <tomtomirc> Hi, how can we do in command line the option "Applicate this permission to all files in the element" for a udev rule? [18:33] <kern_v_> bobita: Didn work to get windows controls to the right? [18:33] <bobita> nop [18:33] <jc00ke> ioria: rebooting now, thanks for your help! [18:34] <kern_v_> bobita: Gnome3 tweak tools maybe? if not then maybe only switchn to another gnome theme... [18:35] <Aladiah> Its official, the only Voip client that dont lose a call is LinuPhone both in windows and linux. In linux i have a little big problem with it. When lubuntu energy manager switch off the screen to save energy, and someone calls its rings, but we dont listen! We are only anle to listen when screen is on ! Someone know a solution for this ? [18:35] <bobita> kern_v_, i even cannot make the dash bar to scroll with mouse wheel. it just going to scroll if i go down with the mouse [18:36] <tomtomirc> For instance : ATTR{idVendor}=="YOUR VENDOR ID HERE", ATTR{idProduct}=="YOUR PRODUCT ID HERE", SYMLINK+="libmtp", MODE="660", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1" I want that the permission 660 is all so for the files in the folder [18:36] <bobita> i have a little problem, for some of my movies the sound is not working with vlc [18:38] <kern_v_> bobita: Well I use mostly kb shortcuts to switch from screens, close and move em. and on the dashboard I never tried that but i guess only by code you could do such [18:39] <jc00ke> ioria: nope, still doesn't work. I tried both wired and Wi-Fi. [18:40] <kern_v_> bobita: Well I use mostly kb shortcuts to switch from screens, close and move em. and on the dashboard you can hold the Super key and see wich number it shows you to switch to each screen [18:40] <ioria> jc00ke, dmesg | grep r8168 [18:41] <jc00ke> ioria: empty [18:41] <ioria> jc00ke, dmesg | grep r8169 [18:43] <neopsyche> Hi all.. something is making Kworker go crazy (100 percent or so cpu) and I had the same problem on my last notebook (samsung s5 ultrabook) now using a dell e6420. Both motherboards were sandybridge with intel HD3000 which im wondering if thats the problem? How to check logs/? find out what the heck is causing the problem? [18:43] <jc00ke> ioria: renamed from eth0, link down (lemme plug it back in) [18:43] <neopsyche> I have a suspicion it could be JAVA as well doing some strange things with the processor.. but just maby. Because its more likely a GPU error? [18:43] <jc00ke> ioria: link up [18:44] <ioria> jc00ke, ping ? [18:44] <neopsyche> (The mouse struggles to move and everything freezes up.. eventually the mouse disappears or is 'stuck' .. on top via tty i see high cpu use on kworker.. but whats the point of kworker if we cant see which processes / programs are cuasing kwoerker to get so high? ) [18:44] <bobita> i dont know why some of the movies have no sound in vlc and most of them have [18:45] <EriC^^> neopsyche: can you type grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/ | nc 9999 ? [18:45] <neopsyche> Thank you so much eric. will check [18:45] <kern_v_> neopsyche: check htop on terminal [18:45] <jc00ke> ioria: [18:45] <neopsyche> Yes eric i heard once it might be an Interrupts problem. [18:45] <dlam> is there a way to show another UTC/GMT date at the top bar? [18:45] <kern_v_> neopsyche: it says wich process is consuming your cpu/mem [18:45] <dlam> (like some sort of desktop widget) [18:46] <neopsyche> On the samsung it was gpu interrupt 17 .. but it still happed after i changed .//disabled that [18:46] <neopsyche> gpe17 [18:46] <awestwell> [18:47] <ioria> jc00ke, run ifconfig check if it's ok for eth0 (not 1) and look at the end if shows Interrupt: [18:47] <neopsyche> eric.. it seems same probelm on linux mint.. since its also based on ubuntu [18:48] <neopsyche> eric.. so this seems to be a core issue [18:48] <jc00ke> ioria: still eth1, nothing about interrupt [18:48] <Aladiah> If my screen switch off, i cant listen Linuphone! Whys this ? After login again, iam able to see that it rang while screen off. [18:48] <EriC^^> neopsyche: i see [18:49] <EriC^^> neopsyche: what did grep return? [18:50] <ioria> jc00ke, your exact pc ? [18:51] <user121212> [18:51] <jc00ke> ioria: 2012 Samsung New Series 9. What other info do you ? [18:51] <neopsyche> Eric [18:51] <user121212> hello, can anybody help me to solve that issue? [18:51] <user121212> [18:52] <EriC^^> neopsyche: you forgot the . after grep [18:52] <daftykins> user121212: "Ubuntu shows high CPU usage while using flash " ? this is fact, it always will... [18:52] <neopsyche> grep: /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/: Is a directory [18:52] <EriC^^> neopsyche: now you forgot the -r [18:52] <daftykins> user121212: oh it locks up huh, maybe your system overheats? [18:52] <neopsyche> sorry eric i forgot a space [18:53] <user121212> @daftykins yeah, it getting heats up [18:53] <EriC^^> neopsyche: np [18:53] <daftykins> user121212: does it do it in another OS? [18:53] <ioria> jc00ke, maybe you need a liveCD or usb (14, 15) and try again [18:53] <neopsyche> Eric new [18:53] <EriC^^> i think flash is getting better, i haven't had a kernel panic in ages using firefox [18:54] <tomtomirc> please can someone help me with udev rules [18:54] <user121212> @daftykins I don't have any other OS, I guess this is an issue with flash [18:54] <Aladiah> EriC^^: If my screen switch off, i cant listen Linuphone! Whys this ? After login again, iam able to see that it rang while screen off. [18:55] <jc00ke> ioria: that's the other thing... I can't boot to a lived USB disk I made by using unetbootin [18:55] <daftykins> user121212: try disabling flash and use HTML5 on youtube instead, see if it still locks up [18:55] <neopsyche> eric.. seems this could be duplicate error [18:55] <xthisisrodrigox> anyone know how to get a rtsp stream working in vlc [18:55] <user121212> @daftykins If I install pepperflash plugin, does it solve? [18:56] <user121212> @daftykins But hangout doesn't have html 5 version [18:56] <daftykins> user121212: that won't work with firefox [18:56] <daftykins> user121212: i told you to test one site [18:56] <user121212> @daftykins oh okay [18:56] <ioria> jc00ke, did you select it from bios ? [18:56] <ceibal> pija [18:56] <neopsyche> thing is eric.. i dont understand why GPE would be doing this? dont we need our GPE's ? [18:57] <ceibal> no entiendo [18:57] <genii> !uy [18:57] <genii> Hm [18:58] <EriC^^> neopsyche: you could try echo "disable" | sudo tee /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe10 [18:58] <jc00ke> ioria: boot priority [18:58] <neopsyche> yeah.. but isnt that kind of like disabling a cylindar on a car eric..? doesnt it need that GPE or is my thinking incorrect [18:58] <neopsyche> ? [18:58] <jc00ke> ioria: non-system disk [18:59] <user121212> @daftykins while playing html5 video, the fan start making noises, But still I can use the system unlike with flash videos [18:59] <daftykins> doesn't it require a bit more time than that to check? :) [18:59] <daftykins> how quickly does flash freeze things up? [18:59] <ioria> jc00ke, option 3 usb hhd ? [19:00] <neopsyche> EriC^^: do i need to sudo echo? [19:00] <jc00ke> ioria: yes, but I can't boot from it [19:01] <EriC^^> neopsyche: no [19:01] <EriC^^> neopsyche: which kernel are you running? [19:01] <ioria> jc00ke, the usb it's ok... worked before ? [19:02] <neopsyche> EriC^^: strange question.. could it have something to do with me using and SSD? [19:02] <neopsyche> EriC^^: how to check kernel again? should be standard 14.04.2 kernel [19:02] <daftykins> uname -r [19:02] <jc00ke> ioria: yes, it's how I installed xubuntu the first time around [19:02] <user121212> @daftykins It takes ~10 minutes to freeze [19:02] <neopsyche> EriC^^: echo "disable" | sudo tee /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe10 [19:02] <neopsyche> sorry wrong paste [19:02] <neopsyche> 3.16.0-34-generic [19:03] <EriC^^> neopsyche: i don't think it affects performance [19:03] <isthisreallife> hi [19:03] <neopsyche> ? [19:03] <neopsyche> EriC^^: you mean ssd? [19:03] <EriC^^> i mean disabling the gpe [19:03] <isthisreallife> im trying to install teamviewer [19:03] <isthisreallife> how to fix this error? [19:03] <neopsyche> EriC^^: what do gpe do? [19:04] <EriC^^> check here second post it explains a bit [19:04] <neopsyche> isthisreallife teamviewer easy [19:04] <isthisreallife> i didnt work after i upgraded ubuntu to 15.04 [19:04] <isthisreallife> so i uninstalled it [19:04] <isthisreallife> and now trying to install again [19:04] <EriC^^> neopsyche: sorry 4th post [19:04] <neopsyche> EriC^^: it seems intel could do more to help (or motherboard manufacturers) with acpi issues in linux [19:04] <isthisreallife> with problems [19:05] <isthisreallife> i really need tv [19:05] <isthisreallife> ;< [19:05] <neopsyche> isthisreallife.. check for ppa [19:05] <ioria> jc00ke, disable FastBoot [19:05] <EriC^^> Aladiah: what's a linuphone? [19:05] <neopsyche> isthisreallife try purge [19:06] <Aladiah> EriC^^: Its a voip phone, it bleong sto Ubuntu repository [19:06] <neopsyche> isthisreallife try autoremove [19:06] <jc00ke> ioria: already disabled, also, able to boot ISO into virtual machine [19:06] <Aladiah> EriC^^: Its a voip phone, it belong to Ubuntu repository [19:06] <oats> const,01 ,01char,01 ,01mind,01[,01],01 ,01=,01 ,01",01blown,01",01;,01 [19:06] <Aladiah> sip voip phone [19:06] <EriC^^> Aladiah: i see [19:06] <oats> oops [19:06] <oats> wrong channel [19:06] <ioria> jc00ke, SecureBoot ? [19:07] <isthisreallife> sudo apt-get purge teamviewer [19:07] <isthisreallife> and i stall have same problem when trying to install teamviewer [19:07] <neopsyche> EriC^^: teamviewer has 64 bit for ubuntu and 32bit multiarch for ubuntu.. which one? [19:07] <neopsyche> isthisreallife 64 or 32? [19:07] <isthisreallife> i tried both [19:07] <neopsyche> hmm [19:07] <ioria> jc00ke, and OS Mode Selection (CSM OS) [19:07] <Aladiah> EriC^^: In windows that dont happen [19:07] <neopsyche> stick to multiarch perhaps.. 64 is getting there [19:07] <isthisreallife> it worked on ubuntu 14 ;< [19:07] <neopsyche> purge your install [19:07] <neopsyche> ok [19:08] <isthisreallife> i did run purge teamviewer command [19:08] <neopsyche> isthisreallife [19:08] <isthisreallife> yes it worked perfectly on ubuntu 14 [19:08] <isthisreallife> but i changed to ubuntu 15 [19:09] <isthisreallife> and it doesnt work anymore [19:09] <isthisreallife> [19:09] <jc00ke> ioria: UEFI boot support disabled [19:09] <EriC^^> jc00ke: are you making a live usb? [19:09] <neopsyche> isthisrellife you might need some dependencies [19:09] <ioria> EriC^^, no, he can't boot from live [19:10] <EriC^^> ioria: oh [19:10] <ioria> jc00ke, try again in this way [19:10] <neopsyche> EriC^^: i have disabel gpe10 hope for the best? [19:10] <ane_> oir [19:10] <EriC^^> neopsyche: yeah i guess [19:11] <ane_> yes [19:11] <neopsyche> EriC^^: do i have to disbale every time? [19:11] <neopsyche> EriC^^: or will it stay diable now? [19:11] <jc00ke> I had an old USB live drive with Kubuntu on it, won't boot from that either [19:11] <EriC^^> if it works, you have to set it to disable every time, and let it disable after suspending too [19:11] <neopsyche> EriC^^: will it stay disable on reboto? [19:11] <EriC^^> neopsyche: no [19:11] <jc00ke> [19:11] <neopsyche> EriC^^: aaaah humbug! [19:11] <neopsyche> lol [19:11] <ioria> jc00ke, change usb port [19:11] <neopsyche> EriC^^: how to enable disable lol? [19:12] <neopsyche> EriC^^: this is the part where i have to code a script or something right.. and pull hair? [19:12] <EriC^^> neopsyche: you can add it to /etc/rc.local i guess, echo "disable" > /.... [19:12] <jc00ke> ioria: I've tried all 3, none work [19:12] <EriC^^> without the sudo tee part [19:13] <neopsyche> EriC^^: right.. write. [19:13] <ioria> jc00ke, ok... disable the Secure Mode again and in OS mode select UEFI AND CSM OS [19:13] <mjollnerd> I'm trying to install ubuntu on a mac mini using refind while keeping the original os x installation intact. I've freed up space for ubuntu and am about to install it, but I'm not sure if I should create a primary or logical partition. I'm assuming logical? [19:14] <EriC^^> also add a script in /etc/pm/sleep.d check here [19:14] <neopsyche> isthisariallife i think softcenter is borked with tviewer [19:14] <neopsyche> isthisarealife try .. gdebi [19:15] <neopsyche> isthisrealife i dls the pckage from tviewer site .. it says its borked [19:15] <neopsyche> isthisrealife package from tviewersite has error.. email them [19:15] <mjollnerd> I've got os x installed on one partition and I'm about to install ubuntu on another. Should I set the ubuntu partition as primary or logical? [19:16] <daftykins> mjollnerd: well the disk will be GPT for OS X surely. [19:16] <neopsyche> ubuntu studio team install on unity? [19:16] <EriC^^> mjollnerd: set it as logical i guess [19:16] <neopsyche> EriC^^: thanks for your help it must be gpe10 probably [19:17] <EriC^^> neopsyche: np, it's worth a shot i guess [19:17] <neopsyche> EriC^^: legendary acpi issues with hardware vendors [19:17] <neopsyche> EriC^^: ongoing battle [19:17] <ioria> jc00ke, and disable hdd boot with pressing shift + 1 i [19:17] <neopsyche> EriC^^: in the words of linus torvalds .. bleep you nvidia (etc) [19:17] <neopsyche> :-D [19:17] <Krenair> Why do I see no Open Tab option on the right click menu in terminal under 15.04? [19:17] <jc00ke> ioria: enabling UEFI got it to boot into the live USB! [19:17] <ioria> jc00ke, witout 'i', sorruy [19:18] <EriC^^> neopsyche: hehe [19:18] <ioria> jc00ke, yappi.... try xubuntu, then [19:18] <EriC^^> jc00ke: is there any other os installed? [19:18] <jc00ke> EriC^^: no [19:19] <EriC^^> ok, and the hdd is empty? [19:19] <EriC^^> you might have to convert it to gpt for uefi to work.. [19:19] <jc00ke> EriC^^: no, it's an upgrade from 14.10 [19:20] <ioria> EriC^^, i think the system is already installed ... it's the network not working [19:20] <EriC^^> oh [19:20] <ioria> jc00ke, are you selecting 'Try Xubu' ? [19:20] <jc00ke> OK, I'm able to connect to the internet when boot from the live USB, but not from my installed distro [19:20] <jc00ke> ioria: yes [19:21] <ioria> jc00ke, is 14 or 15 ? [19:21] <jc00ke> 15.04 [19:21] <ioria> jc00ke, the live , i mean [19:21] <neopsyche> is 15.04 LTS? [19:21] <MonkeyDust> neopsyche no [19:21] <jc00ke> ioria: both installed and live are 15.04 [19:21] <neopsyche> ok [19:21] <neopsyche> so 16.04 will be lts? [19:21] <MonkeyDust> neopsyche yes [19:22] <neopsyche> schweet. thx [19:22] <pepee> anyone knows which package supports the flag emojis in trusty/14.04? [19:22] <ioria> jc00ke, ok... maybe an apt-get autoremove .... but i'm not sure [19:23] <jc00ke> ioria: nothing to remove [19:23] <ioria> jc00ke : ifconfig from live ? [19:23] <jc00ke> Maybe I should try a repair? [19:23] <dj3000> W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [19:24] <dj3000> ^^i get that error when trying to install mongodb on ubuntu [19:24] <dj3000> any ideas? [19:24] <ioria> jc00ke : sure... ifconfig ? [19:24] <Ben64> dj3000: ask mongodb, its their repo [19:25] <neopsyche> EriC^^: [19:25] <ioria> jc00ke : you can't do an autoremove without mounting... but it's not case :-) [19:25] <neopsyche> but i am on 3.16 generic? [19:25] <jc00ke> ioria: eth0 and wlan0? [19:25] <MonkeyDust> dj3000 contact the mongodb people, they have a contact page on their site [19:26] <dj3000> thanks [19:26] <ioria> jc00ke : you see eth0 ? [19:26] <pepee> dj3000, they don't have a repo for vivid [19:26] <pepee> dj3000, [19:27] <jc00ke> ioria: both are connected and working off the live USB [19:27] <pepee> dj3000, there is probably a channel in this server where you can talk to the devs [19:27] <dj3000> i just posed this question in #mongodb :-/ [19:28] <Ben64> dj3000: or just use mongodb that comes from the ubuntu repositories... [19:28] <pepee> ^ [19:28] <pepee> or some ppa if you need a bleeding edge package [19:29] <pepee> or compile (?) it yourself :P [19:29] <neopsyche> isthisreallife [19:30] <ioria> jc00ke : did you upgrad from Updater ? [19:31] <ioria> jc00ke : i mean, in which way did you upgarde ? [19:31] <jc00ke> ioria: yes [19:31] <jc00ke> From do-release-whatever [19:32] <ioria> jc00ke : it weant well.... no errors ? [19:32] <ioria> went [19:32] <Mdxxx> Anyone here play Dungeon Fighter Online? [19:32] <dj3000> pepee, I need a newer version than that which is provided by default [19:32] <bobita> is there any better movie player then vlc? [19:32] <dj3000> ( a newer version of mongodb) [19:33] <petrvs> bobita: with a GUI? [19:33] <bobita> petrvs, ?? [19:33] <petrvs> bobita: probably any of the mplayer frontends would be as good or better, on the whole [19:34] <petrvs> smplayer, gnome-mplayer (doesn't actually require gnome), kmplayer, etc. [19:34] <jc00ke> ioria: correct, no errors [19:34] <petrvs> but VLC and mplayer are _mostly_ on par [19:34] <jc00ke> I think I'm going to try to reinstall from the live USB [19:34] <pepee> dj3000, newer than this ? [19:34] <pepee> mplayer still exists? [19:34] <pepee> use smplayer + mpv :P [19:35] <ioria> jc00ke : yep, or you can try 'repair broken system' from advanced option in live [19:35] <dj3000> pepee, yes. that is mongo 2.6.3 ; whereas I need mongo 3.x [19:35] <bjorkintosh> does anyone know how ubuntu generates sound? [19:35] <jc00ke> One thing that makes me nervous is that my installed OS is using legacy BIOS mode. [19:35] <bjorkintosh> alsa->pulse->jack? [19:35] <bjorkintosh> or some other configuration? [19:35] <bjorkintosh> 'cause whenever jack starts, everything else stops. [19:35] <petrvs> jack is not usually involved, I don't think [19:35] <petrvs> unless you opt for it to be [19:35] <jc00ke> ioria: was going to reinstall from the live [19:35] <bjorkintosh> so it's alsa AND pulse together? [19:36] <petrvs> bjorkintosh: yup [19:36] <ioria> jc00ke : but if you want to reintall, try apt-get autoremove from installed system [19:36] <bjorkintosh> why not just use one though? [19:36] <petrvs> bjorkintosh: alsa being lower, pulse higher [19:36] <jc00ke> I got a warning that i may not be able to boot my existing install if I install with UEFI [19:36] <bjorkintosh> is it necessary to have both? [19:36] <jc00ke> ioria: I tried that, there was nothing to remove [19:36] <ioria> jc00ke : ok [19:36] <pepee> I don't know much, but... afaiu, jack works directly, bypassing alsa and pulse [19:36] <petrvs> jc00ke: you have an existing install? [19:37] <ioria> jc00ke : you were on live [19:37] <bjorkintosh> hmm. i see. [19:37] <petrvs> bjorkintosh: yes it is, pulse only adds features on top of alsa [19:37] <petrvs> one or two features [19:37] <bjorkintosh> hmm. [19:37] <pepee> I don't really know, though [19:37] <ioria> jc00ke : erase and reintall [19:37] <m0r0n> Has anyone else had the problem where GitHubs Atom opens with dev tools? Only to be fixed by opening in terminal as root? [19:38] <pepee> bjorkintosh, [19:38] <bjorkintosh> thanks pepee. [19:38] <pepee> or google "linux audio stack jack" [19:38] <ioria> jc00ke : you have still ubuntu 14 it says [19:38] <jc00ke> ioria: I wasn't on live, but will boot up and double check [19:38] <bobita> i installed mplayer package but i cannot find it [19:39] <petrvs> bobita: it has no GUI on its own [19:39] <pepee> I was completely wrong [19:39] <petrvs> bobita: try gnome-mplayer [19:39] <jc00ke> ioria: where does it say that? [19:39] <pbx> i want to be able to play an .ogg file from a script. aplay doesn't look like it supports it. i've got vlc and audacity installed, do either of those -- or anything else in a stock 14.04 install -- handle faceless .ogg playing? [19:39] <dj3000> so the problem is that mongodb hasn't created packages for vivid, but i have vivid installed. Is there a way i can use trusty packages to install mongodb on vivid? [19:39] <dj3000> [19:39] <ioria> jc00ke : in the screen you showed me... it shouden't appear [19:39] <Ben64> dj3000: no [19:39] <jc00ke> 15.04 [19:39] <petrvs> pbx: mplayer [19:40] <petrvs> pbx: or cvlc, possibly, if you want to avoid mplayer for some reason [19:40] <dj3000> Ben64, :-( so am i just screwed? [19:40] <ioria> jc00ke : no, sorry go head [19:40] <jc00ke> nothing to autoremove [19:40] <petrvs> pbx: you might also have ogg123, but if you have cvlc, that'll work for a lot more formats [19:40] <pbx> petrvs, perfect, thanks [19:40] <petrvs> as will mplayer [19:40] <jc00ke> ioria: OK [19:40] <Ben64> dj3000: you have 3 options. 1. install 14.04 \\\\ 2. find a ppa for vivid \\\\ 3. compile it yourself [19:41] <ioria> jc00ke : better erase and reinstall [19:41] <pepee> dj3000, you could either use the utopic repo, or download the packages manually [19:41] <Ben64> dj3000: don't suggest that [19:41] <hasan> hi. does anybody know how to convert files (plain text) to a gif? more specifically: I have screenlog.0 from screen output (the command 'screen'). that file has all escape chars in it and what one did within a screen session. I would like to incrementally convert it to a gif animation [19:41] <pepee> be prepared to "experiment" with it, though... things may break [19:41] <hasan> so I get a sort of video from it. [19:41] <hasan> any hints? [19:41] <jc00ke> ioria: normally I would but I can't right now because of work [19:42] <ioria> jc00ke : i see, but you should backup anyway... [19:42] <petrvs> hasan: hrmmmmmmm [19:43] <petrvs> hasan: probably want to talk to #imagemagick [19:43] <petrvs> or ##imagemagick, thanks to ################!!!!!!!111111111111hashnode [19:43] <ioria> jc00ke : i suggest you , if you ca, backup on usb and erase and reintall [19:44] <hasan> petrvs: thanks [19:45] <jc00ke> Everything is in Google Drive or Github [19:47] <ioria> jc00ke : ok, but after reintall, run apt-get autoremove and sudo update-grub [19:47] <jc00ke> ioria: OK [19:48] <bobita> K3b is good for burning cds? [19:48] <pepee> yeah, but it may have some weird problems with some disks [19:49] <bobita> pepee, what do you recommand? [19:49] <k1l> bobita: or use brasero [19:49] <pepee> k3b [19:49] <pepee> is the best one imo [19:50] <bobita> ok thx [19:50] <petrvs> brasero should be fine, it's more GNOMEY [19:50] <petrvs> GNOMEy* [19:50] <k1l> "best". if you dont run kde it will bring a lot of kde libs etc. so you can try brasero [19:50] <petrvs> yeah [19:50] <petrvs> personally I'd not burn a CD in 2015, though =) [19:51] <Eldunar> Hello guys can u help with empathy? When i want cannect it with faceboo it says that Facebook needs autentyfivation [19:52] <Krenair> Why do I see no Open Tab option on the right click menu in terminal under 15.04? [19:52] <OerHeks> Eldunar maybe login with your browser, and see if Facebook has a menu with accepted applications? [19:53] <OerHeks> i have no facebook but remembered something like that [19:53] <darthanubis> Krenair, its gone [19:53] <Eldunar> OerHeks i have it turned on [19:53] <Krenair> darthanubis, oh... what's it replaced with [19:53] <Krenair> ? [19:53] <darthanubis> nothing [19:53] <mgaunard> software updater is stuck on "Installing updates" and everything is greyed out. How can I see what is going on? [19:53] <darthanubis> I was looking for it as well :/ [19:53] <Krenair> darthanubis, why is it gone? :/ [19:54] <darthanubis> :/ your guess is as good as mine :/ [19:54] <pepee> progress [19:54] <darthanubis> somebody with sway thought it was a good idea [19:54] <Joel> so, apparently entries in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base are SECOND to nameservers provided by DHCP, I could put DNS entries in etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head, but is there a better/easier way? [19:59] <Eldunar> OerHeks i have it turned on [19:59] <Eldunar> Hello guys can u help with empathy? When i want cannect it with faceboo it says that Facebook needs autentyfivation [20:01] <andywh> hello world [20:01] <XenophonF> hi! i'm trying to install ubuntu on a mac with zfs and storage encryption [20:01] <XenophonF> a little baroque, i realize, but my question regards installing grub to the EFI volume [20:02] <XenophonF> does anyone know where i might find instructions to completing that process manually? [20:02] <EriC^^> !grub [20:02] <isthisreallife> [20:02] <XenophonF> vielen danke! [20:02] <isthisreallife> still have problem ;< [20:02] <isthisreallife> ehhh [20:03] <isthisreallife> fml [20:03] <isthisreallife> why did i upgrade to ubuntu 15 [20:03] <darthanubis> because all the cool kids were doing it [20:03] <ioria> just to try systemd [20:03] <k1l> isthisreallife: support for 14.10 stops in 3 months. you cant stay at 14.10 [20:03] <sauerbraten> I use a system that has both a Radeon HD 8730M and an integrated intel GPU (3rd gen i5, so HD 4000 I think?). lsmod shows both i915 and radeon as loaded and in use. how can I make openGL programs use the radeon chip instead of the intel one? [20:03] <ioria> 2019 [20:04] <isthisreallife> i would like to stay at 15.04 [20:04] <isthisreallife> but i need to install teamviewer somehow [20:04] <pepee> sauerbraten, with DRI_PRIME [20:04] <darthanubis> thats easy [20:04] <ioria> for 14.04 [20:04] <XenophonF> EriC^^: neither of those pages describe grub+efi or grub+macefi [20:05] <petrvs> isthisreallife: what's the problem? [20:05] <XenophonF> EriC^^: looks like there are some pages on UEFI, so i'll read those [20:05] <Krenair> darthanubis, oh, I found [20:05] <sauerbraten> pepee: thanks! [20:05] <Krenair> tl;dr Edit -> Preferences -> Open new terminals in: Tab [20:05] <EriC^^> XenophonF: [20:05] <isthisreallife> petrvs [20:06] <darthanubis> Krenair, thx! [20:06] <EriC^^> XenophonF: just make sure to mount /boot/efi before chrooting [20:06] <petrvs> isthisreallife: what's the problem? [20:06] <k1l> isthisreallife: where did you get that .deb? [20:07] <XenophonF> EriC^^: ah ok thanks [20:07] <EriC^^> np [20:08] <sauerbraten> how is it possible to get less fps using the dedicated AMD chip compared to the intel one? [20:09] <brainwash> sauerbraten: how do you test/benchmark? what are the results? [20:09] <sauerbraten> I just start an openGL game, using the intel one I get about 100 fps, the radeon one gets me ~54 [20:09] <pepee> sauerbraten, fro what I've read, it's because the system has to copy memory from/to the card [20:10] <petrvs> sauerbraten: using what driver [20:10] <pepee> although the radeon graphics driver is (still) slow [20:10] <isthisreallife> wget k1l [20:10] <petrvs> not like your eyes can tell the difference anyway =) [20:10] <sauerbraten> petris: radeon kernel module and i915 kernel module [20:10] <pepee> sauerbraten, ask in #radeon [20:10] <sauerbraten> oops, sorry, meant petrvs [20:10] <petrvs> sauerbraten: you should maybe try fglrx [20:11] <sauerbraten> petrvs: I think I did, a few months ago, it fucks up energy management on my ultrabook [20:11] <pepee> noo, fglrx is a disaster [20:11] <pepee> sauerbraten, which ubuntu release? [20:11] <jeffreylevesque> what does `sudo /bin/bash -c 'echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/'` mean? [20:12] <jeffreylevesque> we append the conf to the end of the /usr/local/lib file? [20:12] <sauerbraten> pepee: 14.04.2 [20:12] <jeffreylevesque> is there significance to /usr/local/lib? [20:13] <pepee> sauerbraten, use the LTS stack enablement, a PPA or upgrade to vivid, the performance gets better [20:13] <Ethoscience> Hi! [20:13] <sauerbraten> I was thinking about trying the radeonsi driver from a ppa [20:13] <pepee> jeffreylevesque, "sudo /bin/bash -c" means "ejecute bash as root, with the command..." [20:13] <k1l> isthisreallife: you did not install a 64bit ubuntu? [20:13] <Ethoscience> My pc has crashed and I got this msg: [20:14] <pepee> and 'echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/' means "echo ... and overwirte this file" [20:14] <Ethoscience> Does someone can explain it to me? or help me to understand what happened [20:14] <pepee> sauerbraten, what kernel? [20:14] <sauerbraten> pepee: after I launched the game with DRI_PRIME=1 once, and tried switching workspace, then switched to console with CTRL ALT F1, X server crashed and now DRI_PRIME=1 doesn't do anything, even though the radeon module is still loaded [20:14] <sauerbraten> pepee: 3.13.0-49-generic [20:15] <isthisreallife> k1l i have ubuntu 15.04 64bit [20:15] <pepee> yeah, install linux-generic-lts-utopic and linux-tools-lts-utopic , and the upgraded mesa [20:15] <pepee> sauerbraten, [20:16] <MonkeyDust> Ethoscience looks like a kernel panic [20:16] <k1l> isthisreallife: so i would start with "" [20:16] <jeffreylevesque> pepee, what does `ldconfig` mean, is it more significant if i run this command after the `/bin/bash ...` one (from earlier)? [20:17] <MonkeyDust> Ethoscience where did you get the iso and what release is it [20:17] <sauerbraten> pepee: ok I'll try that [20:17] <Ethoscience> I get it in the original page [20:17] <isthisreallife> k1l [20:17] * tgm4883 recalls getting yelled at the other day for suggesting teamviewer [20:17] <Ethoscience> and I don't remember what version I installed [20:17] <Ethoscience> I think it is 12.04 kubuntu version [20:18] <pepee> jeffreylevesque, read the manpage, I don't know much about it [20:18] <arcsky> Good evening, can't you guys please help me. I have no logging to my messeags/syslog file. I have rsyslog running. [20:18] <MonkeyDust> Ethoscience with a usb stick? is this the first time you install ubuntu? [20:18] <pepee> jeffreylevesque, type "man ldconfig" in the console... it says : ldconfig - configure dynamic linker run-time bindings [20:18] <JustSighDudes> Can I run as two users at the same time? [20:18] <Ethoscience> its the third time, MonkeyDust [20:18] <Ethoscience> with a usb stick, yeah [20:18] <k1l> isthisreallife: try to install the 2 packages it names in the error [20:19] <MonkeyDust> Ethoscience the 3rd time, then why 12.04? [20:19] <n1ghtmar3> hi [20:20] <n1ghtmar3> is anyone here ? [20:20] <pepee> n1ghtmar3, yes [20:20] <n1ghtmar3> oh ,hi , how are u doing? [20:21] <Ethoscience> MonkeyDust I'm trying to know what version I have installed. [20:21] <Ethoscience> How can I do it? [20:21] <Ethoscience> I don't think is the 12.04v because it is too old [20:21] <MonkeyDust> Ethoscience was it form [20:21] <Ethoscience> I triled cat /proc/version [20:22] <simplyy> Hello, when i have a look at my services --status-all 'deluge-deamon' is still listed, I have done a remove --purge of all deluge paquet, how can I delete this service who is useless ? [20:22] <Ethoscience> From [20:22] <pepee> Ethoscience, cat /etc/*release [20:22] <petrvs> simplyy: dpkg -l | grep -i deluge [20:22] <OerHeks> simplyy, stop a service before removal/purge [20:23] <pepee> n1ghtmar3, don't send PMs, ask in the main channel, i.e., here [20:23] <Ethoscience> MonkeyDust, I have the version 14.04 installed of kubuntu [20:23] <JustSighDudes> Guys, what would be the easiest way for me to run two different gui userspaces at the same time? [20:23] <Ethoscience> 14.04.1 LTS [20:23] <simplyy> petrvs what is the goal of your command ? [20:24] <pepee> Ethoscience, what¿s your cpu? [20:24] <JustSighDudes> Basically I want two identities running at the same time, different skypes, different chrome settings etc [20:24] <pepee> *what's [20:24] <Ethoscience> pepee it is an I3 [20:24] <Ethoscience> Intel I3 [20:24] <MonkeyDust> Ethoscience did the live session work? [20:24] <Ethoscience> I didn't try it [20:24] <pepee> model? [20:25] <Ethoscience> Im not sure [20:25] <Ethoscience> let me check it [20:25] <pepee> can you install packages? you should try installing a newer kernel [20:25] <Ethoscience> I've never done it [20:25] <sauerbraten> pepee: rebooted, did the same test as before, same crash [20:25] <sauerbraten> performance was slightly better now, though [20:25] <pepee> sauerbraten, you also need to install mesa-lts [20:25] <sauerbraten> but vsync didn't work [20:26] <sauerbraten> pepee: I used sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-utopic xserver-xorg-lts-utopic libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-utopic libegl1-mesa-drivers-lts-utopic [20:26] <sauerbraten> from the site you linked me [20:26] <pepee> ah [20:26] <sauerbraten> BUT: after this crash, I can actually use the DRI_PRIME env var a second time [20:27] <petrvs> simplyy: shows you what deluge related packages are installed [20:27] <pepee> sauerbraten, well, I guess the best would be to add a ppa to your repos [20:28] <sauerbraten> my sound is completely gone, too :/ [20:28] <pepee> and a newer kernel if possible [20:28] <sauerbraten> no pulse output devices other than a dummy [20:28] <pepee> :/ [20:28] <Ethoscience> pepee it is an intel core i3 2350 M [20:28] <Ethoscience> with 2.30 Ghz [20:28] <sauerbraten> ok I'll try the PPA and radeonsi [20:28] <pepee> sauerbraten, are you sure hardware acceleration is enabled? [20:29] <sauerbraten> how do I check? [20:29] <pepee> sauerbraten, btw, some ppas are not compatible with mesa-lts [20:29] <sauerbraten> I was thinking of using this one [20:29] <pepee> sauerbraten, run: glxinfo | grep render [20:29] <genii> sauerbraten: Use the xorg-edgers if possible [20:30] <sauerbraten> pepee: just like this, it says Intel Mesa [20:30] <pepee> you should see something like: direct rendering: Yes OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD SUMO [20:30] <pepee> err, run it with DRI_PRIME [20:30] <pepee> DRI_PRIME=1 glxinfo | grep render [20:30] <sauerbraten> yes then it says OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD OLAND [20:30] <sauerbraten> nothing about direct rendering though [20:31] <simplyy> Hello, when i have a look at my services --status-all 'deluge-deamon' is still listed, I have done a remove --purge of all deluge paquet, how can I delete this service who is useless ? [20:31] <pepee> sauerbraten, the best option would be to upgrade to, or install vivid [20:31] <pepee> or move to a bleeding edge distro [20:31] <sauerbraten> mhm bleeding edge doesn't sound very comfortable tbh, but I may try upgrading [20:31] <pepee> sauerbraten, I use that PPA, and yes, you need to downgrade from mesa-lts [20:31] <eternaL1> For someone who is only going to use basic functions and play games, would Kubuntu-mobile be a better installation choice than Kubuntu-Full [20:32] <pepee> sauerbraten, if you will upgrade... you may find other problems, though [20:32] <sauerbraten> ok I'll check the website you linked I think it said how to downgrade. then use the PPA, see if that improves my situation, if not, maybe upgrade to 15.04 (has the added benefit of xfce 4.12 on xubuntu :)) [20:32] <OerHeks> simplyy, try something like sudo stop deluged sudo stop or deluge-deamon stop [20:33] <OerHeks> service deluged stop [20:33] <sauerbraten> pepee: wait how do I downgrade from the lts enablement thing? [20:34] <pepee> sauerbraten, you force the install of the packages that were removed [20:34] <sauerbraten> hah, and how do I know what those were? I already ran an autoremove thing as well [20:35] <Ethoscience> Well, the model of my CPU did help you in something, pepee? [20:35] <Ethoscience> MonkeyDust, my version it is 14.04.1 LTS of kubuntu [20:35] <pepee> sauerbraten, the packages should be listed in /var/log/apt/history.log [20:35] <Ethoscience> I think it is a simply error but... I don't understand a lot about linux yet [20:36] <pepee> sauerbraten, sorry for messing up your packages :/ [20:36] <sauerbraten> pepee: not a problem for now, the intel stuff still runs fine [20:37] <MonkeyDust> Ethoscience can you try and reinstall? use the live session first [20:37] <TLF> Hi all. I've upgraded to Vivid from utopic, but I can't heard anything nor configure the sound via alsamixer, unless I do it as root. Are there any changes regarding sound management? Thanks [20:38] <Ethoscience> MonkeyDust I just restart my laptop and it works [20:38] <Ethoscience> now I don't have any probleem [20:38] <Ethoscience> I just wanna know what is that message. I don't know nothing about linux. [20:38] <MonkeyDust> Ethoscience that's "the Windows trick", glad it's solved! [20:38] <pepee> Ethoscience, there are some results in google for "intel_idle+0xd8/0x140" [20:39] <pepee> [20:39] <MonkeyDust> Ethoscience the error message said "kernel panic" [20:39] <Ethoscience> yeah [20:39] <pepee> Ethoscience, read that bug report [20:40] <sauerbraten> pepee: I'll just do a clean install when I find the time I think, it's not urgent. 15.04 would be best I assume? fresh installation + the PPA? [20:40] <pepee> sauerbraten, try first without the PPA... if it works, then my suggestion would be to leave it that way [20:40] <MonkeyDust> Ethoscience deleting backups is the only reason you should panic [20:40] <pepee> sauerbraten, also join #radeon [20:41] <MonkeyDust> deleted* [20:41] <sauerbraten> yes makes sense, "never touch a running system" etc. [20:41] <Ethoscience> Anyway, I have partitions of my HDD [20:41] <simplyy> Hello, when i have a look at my services --status-all 'deluge-deamon' is still listed, I have done a remove --purge of all deluge paquet, how can I delete this service who is useless ? [20:41] <pepee> sauerbraten, hehe, yeah [20:41] <Ethoscience> one partition to my personal things, and other for the O.S [20:41] <sauerbraten> thanks for the great help pepee ! [20:41] <pepee> sauerbraten, but the driver is still under development... so if you don't mind risking stability, install the PPA :) [20:42] <pepee> there is a better PPA out there, too [20:42] <pepee> that uses LLVM 3.7 [20:42] <sauerbraten> but wait, not on my LTS enablement stuff I have right now, right? [20:42] <pepee> sauerbraten, [20:42] <pepee> he still hasn't updated it to vivid, though [20:43] <pepee> sauerbraten, well, the enablement stuff should be upgraded in some 3 months to the vivid kernel and mesa stacks [20:43] <TLF> Hi all. I've upgraded to Vivid from utopic, but I can't heard anything nor configure the sound via alsamixer, unless I do it as root. Are there any changes regarding sound management? Thanks [20:43] <SubCool> hey, im trying to do an apt-get upgrade, but it says certain packages were hed back. how do i remove them or get them to upgrade? [20:44] <sauerbraten> I'll look into it again when I get around to do a fresh installation. I'll be busy this week and the next, so for now I won't touch the system I need to rely on for two more weeks :) [20:44] <SubCool> Im trying to install the dropbox prog, but running into dependency issues. [20:44] <bazhang> dist-upgrade SubCool [20:44] <SubCool> lol ... [20:44] <SubCool> do i really have to? [20:44] <bazhang> not a version change SubCool [20:44] <Pici> !dist-upgrade | SubCool [20:44] <SubCool> ok, [20:45] <SubCool> seems to be moving along, thanks.. [20:45] <SubCool> so what did that do? [20:45] <SubCool> hows this different thang just upgrade? [20:46] <pepee> sauerbraten, yah, if you need stability, go for the most stable thing instead of messing with PPAs [20:46] <Pici> SubCool: ubottu just explained the differences ^^ [20:46] <Ethoscience> Guys, I don't understand what it means 'update kernel' [20:46] <SubCool> i read it, but it doesnt make sense. What does upgrade do than? [20:46] <Ethoscience> what I can update? kernel? [20:47] <SubCool> :p [20:47] <Ethoscience> I don't understand what they mean [20:47] <Ethoscience> kernel it nos my CPU? :D [20:47] <Ethoscience> is not* [20:47] <SubCool> its the boss of the cpu [20:47] <SubCool> thus Kernel - now drop down and give me 20 [20:47] <petrvs> kernel is software [20:49] <pepee> !google kernel [20:49] <pepee> bah [20:49] <pepee> Ethoscience, [20:49] <Ethoscience> ty pepee :D [20:50] <pepee> basically, the software that manages your hardware and makes it all possible :P [20:50] <Ethoscience> I thought it could be something about algebra OO [20:50] <simplyy> Hello, when i have a look at my services --status-all 'deluge-deamon' is still listed, I have done a remove --purge of all deluge paquet, how can I delete this service who is useless ? [20:50] <Ethoscience> Yeah, I see, it's not called kernel in my language [20:50] <Ethoscience> so that confuses me [20:50] <Ethoscience> Thanks you. [20:50] <Ethoscience> I didn't know I could upgrade that software [20:51] <MonkeyDust> simplyy is it zombie, or sleeping? [20:51] <pepee> it's a sleeping zombie [20:52] <simplyy> I have solved my issue [20:52] <simplyy> :D [20:53] <Ethoscience> xDDD [20:56] <simplyy> how to request my old freenode nick using my email address only ? [20:58] <MonkeyDust> simplyy ask in #freenode [20:58] <geri> hi, which kernel did you install with ubuntu? [20:58] <MonkeyDust> or ##freenode, i forget [20:59] <compdoc> geri, I think the kernel version is different for each version of Ubuntu [20:59] <geri> compdoc: oh wrong channel... i tried to ask the ubuntu-arm guys :D [21:02] <ubuntu489> hey i got a qustion on ubuntu [21:02] <Enumaris> Hello, this is the ubuntu help forums correct? [21:02] <k1l> !ask [21:03] <ubuntu489> i have the ubuntu for devlopers is there a way i can upgrade to the stable verison without loseing all my files? [21:04] <belchim> sera [21:04] <Enumaris> I dual boot using windows and ubuntu. When I am on ubuntu, my wifi drops every 20 minutes. In order to reconnect I have to disable wifi and then re-enable it. I have no such drop issues on windows. Anyone know of any known issues with periodic drops of wifi on ubuntu? [21:04] <bazhang> !final | ubuntu489 [21:04] <bazhang> or in this case 15.04 [21:04] <belchim> excuse me [21:05] <belchim> can i ask you somethink? [21:05] <k1l> Enumaris: depends on the exact chip used. some manufacturers give better drivers for windows than linux [21:06] <Enumaris> k1l: I use a sony vaio [21:06] <Enumaris> k1l: Is there some way to update my drivers on ubuntu then to fix this problem or something? [21:07] <k1l> Enumaris: see with "lspci" what card that is. and see if that is a known issue [21:07] <Enumaris> k1l: you mean I should type lspci into my terminal? Or what is lspci? [21:07] <k1l> yes, its a terminal command [21:08] <n1ghtmar3> ,_-=(!7(7/zs_. [21:08] <n1ghtmar3> .=' ' .`/,/!(=)Zm. [21:08] <n1ghtmar3> .._,,._.. ,-`- `,\ ` -` -`\\7//WW. [21:08] <n1ghtmar3> ,v=~/.-,-\- -!|V-s.)iT-|s|\-.' `///mK%. [21:08] <n1ghtmar3> v!`i!-.e]-g`bT/i(/[=.Z/m)K(YNYi.. /-]i44M. [21:08] <n1ghtmar3> v`/,`|v]-DvLcfZ/eV/iDLN\D/ZK@%8W[Z.. `/d!Z8m [21:10] <Enumaris_> my wifi just dropped again ._. [21:10] <eternaL1> I was told that during mini setup to choose *ubuntu Mobile,... however that doesn't seem to be an option,..... *ubuntu 'Full' or 'Desktop' for a laptop install? ;o [21:10] <Enumaris_> k1l: can you tell me the command again, I forgot it and I had to refresh so I lost the previous chat record [21:11] <k1l> lspci [21:11] <k1l> eternaL1: what are you doing at all? [21:11] <k1l> eternaL1: and i doubt you want a mobile gui on your desktop [21:12] <eternaL1> installing 64bit ubuntu minimal on this laptop, and getting to where i'm given the option to select OS software to dl/install [21:12] <xangua> eternnoir_: yes, you want the ubuntu dektop [21:12] <xangua> or xubuntu, kubuntu ,lubuntu, whatever desktop enviroment you like [21:12] <SubCool> dropbox is seriously giving me some issues [21:12] <eternaL1> ok, just didnt know if there was a different, thanks ^^ [21:12] <eternaL1> difference* [21:12] <eternaL1> lol [21:13] <SubCool> [21:14] <SubCool> dropbox is installed, it gives the same issue when dropbox is not installed [21:14] <k1l> SubCool: please show "sudo apt-get install dropbox" [21:15] <bazhang> !info dropbox [21:16] <SubCool> [21:16] <jc00ke> reinstall looks to have locked up [21:17] <k1l> SubCool: what ubuntu are you on? [21:17] <SubCool> i forget, i think 13, [21:18] <SubCool> what the command to find out? uname [21:18] <CyberGabber> SubCool: lsb_release -a [21:18] <k1l> SubCool: "ls_release -d" [21:18] <k1l> *lsb [21:18] <SubCool> ouch 12.04 [21:18] <k1l> ok, 12.04 still got support [21:19] <k1l> SubCool: did you install the .deb package? [21:19] <SubCool> yep [21:19] <k1l> please show a "ls -al /etc/apt/source.list.d" [21:19] <SubCool> the first time i installed it, it prompted for a instlalation, but since then. its been broekn. [21:20] <SubCool> no such location. [21:20] <k1l> please show a "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" [21:21] <k1l> gnah, another typo from me. sorry [21:21] <Enumaris_> k1l: that command gave me a whole list of my hardware, I'm not sure...which one I'm looking for... [21:22] <SubCool> / [21:22] <k1l> SubCool: "sudo apt-get update" [21:22] <Enumaris_> quick question to make this easier, how do I turn off all the join and leave messages so it's easier to read? [21:22] <tgm4883> SubCool: how about a 'dpkg -l | grep -i dropbox [21:22] <OerHeks> indeed, update first [21:22] <k1l> after that "apt-cache policy dropbox" again. [21:22] <SubCool> done that a bunch of times [21:23] <CyberGabber> SubCool: In terminal typ: dropbox ls What's that saying? [21:23] <ora_> Upgrade to 15.04 Login issue - automatic only?? [21:23] <ora_> I installed Lubuntu on a Acer Aspire One and got it working with out difficulty but then I upgraded to the latest version, now auto login from power off works but its refusing my password on wakeup and to install software. [21:23] <SubCool> dropbox isnt running [21:24] <k1l> SubCool: please show the outputs [21:24] <SubCool> root@Mediaserver:~# dpkg -l | grep -i dropbox [21:24] <SubCool> ii dropbox 2015.02.12 cloud synchronization engine - CLI and Nautilus extension [21:24] <pavlos> Enumaris_, right click on the channel, settings, hide messages [21:24] <SubCool> root@Mediaserver:~# dropbox ls [21:24] <SubCool> Dropbox isn't running! [21:25] * tgm4883 notes that subcool is logged in as root [21:26] <Enumaris_> ok cool [21:26] <whallz> hey, why could my ~/.xinitrc not being executed? it's contents are: [21:26] <CyberGabber> SubCool: whats can you do in terminal; dropbox start [21:26] <k1l> Enumaris_: the line should start with networkcontroller or similar [21:27] <Enumaris_> k1l: ah, it's 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6230 [Rainbow Peak] (rev 34) [21:27] <SubCool> [21:28] <jc00ke> So after a botched reinstall my networking is working [21:28] <whallz> hey, why could my ~/.xinitrc not being executed? it's contents are: [21:28] <jc00ke> But most other things are still messed up [21:28] <tgm4883> !patience | whallz [21:29] <Enumaris_> oh dear...I can't understand any of these in the help page I found by googling. I don't want to type in commands that I don't know the purpose of..D: [21:30] <SubCool> Enumaris_, google isnt so friendly for everyone. [21:30] <Enumaris_> SubCool: I'd just like to fix my connectivity issue...but I've no idea how XD [21:30] <SubCool> insert finger into jack, **speak louder** [21:30] <Enumaris_> this guy apparently had the same issue as me, but reading this page is like reading greek [21:31] <SubCool> is it in greek? [21:31] <Enumaris_> I'm not sure.. [21:31] <SubCool> CyberGabber, k1l im installing the daemon now- again. taking a while. [21:33] <pepee> whallz, permissions? [21:33] <pavlos> whallz, perms on that file? [21:36] <electricprism> what is everyones favorite email client jw [21:37] <whallz> pavlos: it has the right reading and executing permissions [21:37] <pavlos> whallz, for whom? user, group, other? [21:40] <Enumaris> Can...uh...can someone help me decipher what's happening in this support page: ? his problem seems basically the same as mine, but I don't know what he's doing to solve it... [21:40] <whallz> `/wc [21:41] <ssj71> just updated to 15.04. I can boot the old 3.16 kernel just fine but the 3.19 kernel hangs just after the login screen comes up. Anyone know how to go about debugging? [21:42] <pavlos> whallz, here're some examples ... [21:42] <SubCool> are you really asking? [21:42] <ssj71> or how to switch between booting with upstart or systemd [21:43] <pepee> Enumaris, he's configuring the kernel module to disable high speeds [21:43] <Enumaris> uh... [21:44] <pepee> Enumaris, [21:44] <Enumaris> Isn't there just some driver I can update or something to attempt to fix my connectivity issues...-.- [21:44] <pepee> yes, that's the driver, in linux they are called "kernel modules" [21:44] <Enumaris> o [21:44] <Enumaris> is there an automatic command maybe that updates these kernel modules? [21:45] <pepee> to update it, you have to update your whole kernel, and/or the package that contains the module [21:45] <pepee> even if you update it, it may not work, though [21:45] <ssj71> hrm. why don't I have a linux (upstart) option in grub? did my upgrade to 15.04 go wrong somehow? [21:45] <pepee> err.. it could still have issues [21:46] <pepee> ssj71, upstart has been replaced AFAIK [21:46] <EriC^^> ssj71: i dont think that's how you can use upstart in it [21:47] <ssj71> so this doc is outdated? [21:47] <Enumaris> peepee: :( so what might I try? ... [21:47] <pizzaops> So I'm running Ubuntu 15.04 with an encrypted home directory and apparently encrypted swap. [21:47] <pepee> Enumaris, try doing what that askubuntu answer says [21:47] <pizzaops> Now, every time I try to install a package I get "Please enter passphrase for disk INTEL_SSDSC2BP480G4 (cryptswap1) on none" [21:47] <pizzaops> Any ideas? [21:48] <pepee> also read about kernel modules before doing anything, so you understand what you are doing [21:48] <TJ-> Enumaris: That was a common issue with Intel iwlwifi drivers before Linux kernel version 3.15. I use 3.15.7-031507-lowlatency from the mainline kernel PPA in order to solve all those issues. [21:48] <TJ-> !mainline | Enumaris [21:48] <eternaL1> how can i tell for sure if ubuntu minimal install succeeded but somehow kubuntu desktop did not :o startkde should work correct? [21:48] <Enumaris> peepee: this one: options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 wd_disable=1 ? [21:49] <Enumaris> TJ-: so how do I get the 3.15 version? [21:49] <k1l> eternaL1: no. start the lightdm or the dm the kde uses now. [21:49] <pepee> TJ-, does the -lts kernel (3.16) fix your problem? [21:49] <eternaL1> >.< bah thank you very much [21:49] <ssj71> if I boot recovery mode it freezes as soon as the menu appears [21:49] <TJ-> Enumaris: see the link that ubottu gave you [21:49] <TJ-> pepee: Can't use that, it has serious regressions [21:49] <pepee> TJ-, you should not use an outdated kernel [21:50] <pepee> ah [21:50] <pepee> did you report your bugs? [21:50] <TJ-> pepee: Of course [21:50] <pepee> well, bugs.launchpad is kinda useless anyway.. [21:50] <Enumaris> oh this looks complicated.. [21:50] <k1l> eternaL1: for kubuntu specific stuff you might want to ask in #kubuntu [21:50] <pepee> Enumaris, you have to edit /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf and add that line at the end of the file [21:51] <eternaL1> my apologies [21:51] <Enumaris> peepee: and then I should restart to see if the problem is fixed, or will it supposidly just fix it? [21:51] <eternaL1> ^^ [21:51] <pepee> Enumaris, yes [21:51] <pepee> yes, reboot [21:53] <Enumaris> peepee: where do I find this file? [21:53] <TJ-> pepee: I work on the upstream kernel, it is known upstream but not been fixed (bug #81431). It's a regression in the PCI code due to bridge windows not being correctly modified [21:54] <pepee> TJ-, ah :/ [21:54] <TJ-> ubottu: you're so silly sometimes; not all bugs are yours! [21:54] <TJ-> ubottu: Believe me, I don't :p [21:54] <SubCool> TJ! dude your back. Hvaent seen you in forever. [21:54] <SubCool> whats up man? [21:55] <TJ-> SubCool: heya :) Yeah, just popped in whilst I'm hacking out some Java code. Been doing some serious landscaping the past few months keeps me outdoors all day :) [21:55] <pepee> Enumaris, the file is named iwlwifi.conf and you can find it in /etc/modprobe.d/ [21:56] <devslash> I installed Ubuntu in a VM and now my keyboard doesnt work in it [21:56] <SubCool> TJ thats great- some of the guys said u kinda dropped off the planet. [21:56] <SubCool> You still working dev on ubuntu? [21:56] <Enumaris> peepee: but I don't know where that directory is..:( [21:56] <TJ-> SubCool: No, just getting a tan, and yes, still hacking code too... but only very early mornings and late evenings [21:56] <devslash> nay idea what i can do ? [21:56] <pepee> TJ-, did you do a git bisect? [21:57] <pepee> devslash, vmware, qemu or vbox? [21:57] <devslash> none of the above [21:57] <devslash> hyper-v [21:57] <pepee> ah :) [21:57] <MonkeyDust> is that xen? [21:57] <devslash> nm after 2 restarts it suddenly started working again [21:57] <pepee> guess you'd have to ask microsoft :P [21:58] <pepee> cool [21:58] <pepee> Enumaris, hmm, I don't know how to help you here, lol [21:58] <pepee> Enumaris, do you know how to open an editor? [21:58] <pepee> or the terminal... [21:59] <Enumaris> peepee: yes I know how to work in the terminal [21:59] <pepee> ok [21:59] <TJ-> pepee: Started on it but ran out of time without finding the culprit [22:00] <pepee> Enumaris, run this: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf [22:01] <Enumaris> pepee: ok, I'll open it on gedit instead tho I'm no good with in terminal text editors...XD [22:01] <pepee> yeah, that's a better option :P [22:02] <Enumaris> pepee: do I then just copy paste that line to the end of this file? [22:02] <LG44> Hey guys, I'm on 14.04 and sometimes after suspend I get a black screen. I can drop to cli, but does anyone know of a way to prevent this besides dropping down a kernel version? [22:02] <pepee> I don't use unity or gnome so I don't know what editor is in it [22:02] <Enumaris> pepee: I just realized I've been calling you peepee this whole time...LOL [22:02] <pepee> Enumaris, yes [22:02] <pepee> Enumaris, yup :P [22:03] <Enumaris> ok I'm going to restart [22:03] <EriC^^> Enumaris: use gksu to open the file with gedit, so you have privileges [22:03] <pepee> Enumaris, also, you can autocomplete nicknames, enu<tab> [22:03] <tgm4883> pepee: likely gedit [22:03] <pepee> yeah [22:03] <EriC^^> gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf [22:03] <pepee> gedit is kinda old, though, so I don't know if it's still there [22:03] <EriC^^> unity has gedit' [22:04] <pepee> ah [22:04] <pepee> wasn't unity being re-made in Qt? [22:04] <Enumaris_> and now...I guess I just wait to see if my wifi drops again... [22:04] <Enumaris_> lol [22:04] <pepee> whatever happened with that? [22:04] <tgm4883> pepee: yes, unity 8 is qt [22:04] <pepee> nice [22:04] <tgm4883> pepee: it's still being developed. [22:05] <pepee> Enumaris, :( [22:05] <tgm4883> pepee: you can test it by grabbing ubuntu desktop next [22:05] <pepee> I'd have to upgrade to 15.04 for that, no? [22:05] <pepee> anyway, I don't mind it :P [22:06] <pepee> canonical should have used Qt from start [22:06] <pepee> or just used KDE as default ;) [22:07] <pepee> Enumaris_, type "cat /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf" in the console, and check that the file was modified [22:07] <EriC^^> he needs to restart for it to take effect [22:07] <EriC^^> or maybe remove and reload the module [22:07] <TJ-> A simple "modprobe -r iwlwifi && modprobe iwlwifi" is sufficient, no need to reboot [22:07] <Enumaris_> # /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf # iwlwifi will dyamically load either iwldvm or iwlmvm depending on the # microcode file installed on the system. When removing iwlwifi, first # remove the iwl?vm module and then iwlwifi. remove iwlwifi \ (/sbin/lsmod | grep -o -e ^iwlmvm -e ^iwldvm -e ^iwlwifi | xargs /sbin/rmmod) \ && /sbin/modprobe -r mac80211 options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 wd_disable=1 [22:08] <Enumaris_> I rebooted [22:08] <pepee> Enumaris_, is it the same wifi card? [22:08] <Enumaris_> pepee: the the guy in the askubuntu forums? [22:08] <Popp> Let's say I have 680GB of my HDD used, how big will a deja dup backup be? [22:08] <pepee> yes [22:08] <bobbobbins> hey, I’m running siege on ubuntu, and if I set the number of concurrent users to over 1000 or so I get a “buffer overflow detected” error…anyknow know what that is and how to go about fixing it? [22:09] <neopsyche> hi. quesiton. ubuntu lamp stack. is it better to run lamp in a virtualbox? instead of on main machine? since - backup / issues in config can be dealt with easier.. / more system resources.. as lamp does not startup in background on boot when not in use? [22:09] <pepee> Enumaris_, run that command, lspci -d $(lspci -nn | grep 0280 | grep -oP '\[\K[^]]*:[^]]*') -k [22:09] <daftykins> LAMP + Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/etc - so yes, apache will start at boot [22:09] <tgm4883> neopsyche: I'm not sure why lamp would be better inside a VM [22:10] <Enumaris_> pepee: mine is 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6230 [Rainbow Peak] (rev 34) Subsystem: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6230 AGN Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi [22:10] <daftykins> virtualising a web server would be a good idea if you're setting one up at home [22:10] <pepee> neopsyche, I'd say yes, it's nicer for a webdev [22:10] <Popp> Willt the size of the backup be the same size of stuff that's used on my HDD? [22:10] <daftykins> for learning and security. [22:10] <Enumaris_> should be very similar... [22:10] <neopsyche> daftykins: but .. i just want your opinion.. im on a notebook [22:10] <pepee> but not for production, I think [22:10] <neopsyche> pepee: easier to backup/manage/on-off since self contained? [22:10] <daftykins> personally my test one is a VM atop my file server [22:10] <neopsyche> pepee: not for production, internal use/sandbox [22:10] <pepee> neopsyche, there are other options, though [22:11] <neopsyche> pepee: ok? [22:11] <pepee> also, some systems automate that [22:11] <pepee> neopsyche, I think containers could help, but I'm not sure [22:11] <ssj71> with my freeze at the login screen clock still runs, power button brings up typical dialog, but the keyboard and mouse have no response. I tried a usb keybrd/mouse and neither works either. [22:12] <neopsyche> pepee: ok thanks [22:12] <pepee> neopsyche, [22:12] <Enumaris_> well my wifi hasn't dropped that's a good sign [22:13] <neopsyche> pepee: ah.vagrant very cool! [22:13] <neopsyche> pepee: thx [22:13] <pepee> neopsyche, [22:15] <pepee> Enumaris_, which ubuntu version are you using? [22:15] <Enumaris_> pepee: uhm...I think 14.04LTS? [22:15] <paracyst> Hi everyone. Does anyone know what could cause all my animations and desktop usage in general to be very slow after my 15.04 upgrade? [22:16] <daftykins> paracyst: missing graphics driver [22:16] <paracyst> daftykinsL ah, I see [22:16] <paracyst> err, daftykins [22:16] <daftykins> paracyst: show what your card is by pasting the relevant *single* line from lspci, then pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log to show us what's happening [22:17] <Popp> What's the easiest way to update all my drivers? (14.04) [22:17] <lotuspsychje> Popp: sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade [22:17] <pepee> Enumaris_, that workaround will reduce the speed of your wireless connection [22:18] <Popp> Ah. I wasn't sure if that updated my graphics drivers and stuff [22:18] <Popp> thanks [22:18] <Enumaris_> pepee: oh..but only when I'm on ubuntu right? no biggie, when I'm on here I don't use my internet for heavy data-intensive stuff [22:18] <pepee> Enumaris_, if you even have the opportunity to buy a newer, faster, cheap usb wifi device with an atheros chip, but it :P [22:18] <pepee> *buy [22:18] <pepee> Enumaris_, yes [22:18] <Enumaris_> atheros chip.. [22:19] <Enumaris_> what do you mean by wifi device, you mean like a router? [22:19] <daftykins> USB + wifi = eww [22:19] <pepee> no, a usb wifi adapter [22:20] <pepee> daftykins, heh :P [22:20] <Enumaris_> oh [22:20] <pepee> ralink/atheros are nice [22:20] <Enumaris_> I might take a look sometime [22:20] <paracyst> daftykins: lspci:, Xorg.0.log: [22:20] <pepee> and these adapters are REALLY cheap these days [22:20] <Enumaris_> 15 minutes and no wifi drop... [22:20] <Enumaris_> not bad... [22:20] <daftykins> paracyst: hrmm ok just intel [22:21] <pepee> Enumaris_, good [22:21] <paracyst> i think the intel graphics updater utility is only for 14.10 [22:21] <daftykins> paracyst: sorry you're not running a supported kernel. [22:21] <daftykins> cn't help you with non-ubuntu [22:21] <daftykins> *can't [22:21] <paracyst> oh ok [22:21] <paracyst> i had the problem on the official one for 15.04 too, hmm [22:21] <daftykins> you're also booting with nomodeset [22:21] <daftykins> which = no acceleration basically [22:22] <daftykins> remove nomodeset from your boot [22:22] <paracyst> i can't... it boots to a completely black screen otherwise [22:22] <daftykins> ah then your hardware isn't supported in the given kernels you're using [22:22] <daftykins> what model CPU? [22:23] <paracyst> intel core2duo t7500 2.20ghz [22:23] <pepee> what graphics card? [22:23] <daftykins> ok so that's some ancient laptop [22:23] <daftykins> pepee: see pastebins above [22:24] <paracyst> pepee: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller [22:24] <daftykins> intel 965 ;/ [22:24] <pepee> Apple Computer Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad [22:24] <paracyst> :( [22:24] <pepee> is it a mac? [22:24] <daftykins> paracyst: i think that thing is pretty much game over for unity really, maybe consider xubuntu if you want to use newer versions [22:24] <paracyst> it's an old white macbook with the cracked screen removed, plugged into an external monitor [22:24] <paracyst> ok [22:25] <daftykins> but then your issues are lower level... hmm maybe there just isn't a choice for a working driver in 15.04 [22:25] <pepee> there are lots of guides for macs out there [22:25] <daftykins> paracyst: does 14.04 work? [22:25] <daftykins> (3.13 kernel) [22:25] <paracyst> daftykins: yeah, it worked great [22:25] <daftykins> yeah, best to go back there then i think [22:25] <daftykins> sounds like some driver regression has occurred in the kernel for the newer releases [22:26] <pavlos> Enumaris_, what about disconnect/reconnect wifi? it should work [22:26] <Enumaris_> pavlos: that's what I was doin, my wifi disconnected every 15 minutes, and then I had to diable/enable wifi to get back on [22:26] <Enumaris_> pavlos: that's really annoying to do every 15 minutes tho [22:27] <pavlos> Enumaris_, I meant that after now that it is fixed, push it, to see that it remains stable [22:28] <Enumaris_> pavlos: it hasn't dropped in 25 minutes..what do you mean by push it? [22:29] <SubCool> dropbox is STILL not running :/ [22:29] <jc00ke> ioria: thanks for all your help. Turns out reinstalling over the new installation worked [22:30] <pavlos> Enumaris_, disconnect wifi, then reconnect, it should remain connected after the changes that were done. [22:30] <xichi> When does fsck run on boot and is there a way to reset that flag? [22:30] <pavlos> Enumaris_, just a thought [22:31] <Enumaris_> pavlos: but it never had a problem with connecting to wifi, it only had a problem of dropping wifi every 20 minutes or so [22:31] <pepee> Enumaris_, he already rebooted [22:32] * Ethoscience re [22:34] <carif> the systemd click-system-hooks.service doesn't start after a weekend upgrade to vivid, is this a known problem? [22:37] <hkrrsx> morning [22:38] <c9ae6f> Is there a list of commands/steps that the ubuntu installer goes through? I'm trying to modify my system through the live cd, but /target was unmounted. [22:38] <daftykins> !chroot | c9ae6f [22:38] <daftykins> what are you trying to achieve? [22:40] <c9ae6f> Well, I installed ubuntu on an encrypted fs that I manually setup, but I need to add the kernel modules/grub commands needed to boot. [22:40] <c9ae6f> Basically this for ubuntu: [22:40] <daftykins> well a chroot lets you work on the install [22:41] <daftykins> i don't touch encryption though so no ideas there [22:41] <Seveas> c9ae6f: why do you thing that following an archlinux article for ubuntu is a good idea? [22:41] <Seveas> The ubuntu installer can do all the encryption bits for you, no need for unsupported tricks. [22:42] <c9ae6f> Seveas: Well, originally I created an arch system from scratch using this tutorial, and it worked great but now I want to move to ubuntu. [22:42] <EriC^^> c9ae6f: a service isn't starting? [22:42] <Seveas> c9ae6f: great, then use the ubuntu installer the way it's intended to. [22:43] <daftykins> ubuntu isn't really meant to be installed that way [22:43] <c9ae6f> Since there exists no guide for this setup on ubuntu, I would like to create one, with a tutorial. [22:43] <Seveas> c9ae6f: the installer supports encrypted root out of the box. In fact, I use that on this very machine :) [22:44] <Seveas> No need for tutorials, just tell the installer to encrypt. [22:45] <c9ae6f> Seveas: The default encryption works fine, but instead of using a password, I'm setting this up to use a keyfile. [22:45] <Enumaris_> looks like my wifi is now stable :D [22:45] <Enumaris_> thanks for the help everybody [22:45] <lotuspsychje> !yay | Enumaris_ [22:45] <Enumaris_> ubottu: are you a bot? [22:46] <c9ae6f> Does anyone know how ubuntu mounts the /target directory in the live cd? [22:46] <Seveas> c9ae6f: and how is that keyfile protected? [22:47] <c9ae6f> Seveas: With ubuntu permissions, the main reason I want encryption is because I'm installing on an SSD, and you can't just delete data off of those. [22:48] <c9ae6f> Also passwords are too much work. :P [22:48] <c9ae6f> Can I pause the installer and manually issue commands? [22:48] <Seveas> c9ae6f: so your encryption is utterly meaningless. Can you guyess why ubuntu doesn't support this? [22:48] * daftykins chuckles [22:49] <daftykins> c9ae6f: yes, yes you can :) [22:50] <mutherbag> c9ae6f: You visit the darknet [22:50] <c9ae6f> daftykins: Great! How? I just want the installer to mount the partitions after I select them, not to actually install. [22:50] <todd_> anyone know why/what gpg password agent, ssh key agent and something called indicator application are all set to run at startup? [22:51] <c9ae6f> mutherbag: Nope! I just care about security. [22:51] <daftykins> c9ae6f: no i was talking about deleting data off of SSDs [22:51] <Seveas> todd_: because they're kind of necessary to run at startup :) [22:51] <daftykins> i agree with Seveas that what you're doing sounds pretty wrong [22:52] <JuneBUG> anybody try Ubuntu 14.04 Mate yet on a Powerbook 12"? [22:53] <Seveas> and whenever you throw storage media away, you should physically destroy it anyway. Rotating rust as well as ssd [22:53] <daftykins> i disagree with that [22:53] <Seveas> JuneBUG: neither ppc ubuntu nor mate are supported here. [22:53] <c9ae6f> todd_: So you don't have to remember passwords (gpg password agent and ssh key agent) and to display something in the systemtray (indicator application). [22:53] <Seveas> daftykins: why that? [22:53] <daftykins> a nice dd zero fill, and mechanical can be donated to places in education in need of drives :> [22:53] <compdoc> I love Ubuntu 14.04 Server plus the minimum Mate [22:53] <Seveas> ah, you care too much :-) [22:54] <Seveas> I want my drives shredded. [22:54] <compdoc> but do not own a Powerbook 12 [22:54] <todd_> no one? [22:54] <daftykins> compdoc: what are you talking about? this is a channel for support queries, not tales of your adventures :) [22:54] <JuneBUG> Seveas MATE is not supported here? then what is? [22:54] <mutherbag> daftykins: like giving a car to someone who has no money to buy gasoline. Then forcing the govt to buy them gas. Why [22:54] <c9ae6f> I feel a lot more safe with a physical hard drive, but SSDs are wayy faster, the only problem is with residual data. [22:55] <compdoc> daftykins, the truth is out there - you cant suppress information [22:55] <Seveas> c9ae6f: if you care about the secrecy of your data, properly encrypt. Not encrypt with the key right next to it. [22:55] <Seveas> That's the same as locking your door and leaving the key in. [22:55] <daftykins> mutherbag: what? no they go to my old College which i learnt and taught at, where they are used in lab systems for teaching kids how to build PCs [22:56] <JuneBUG> so is Unity only available for support here? [22:56] <daftykins> you couldn't be more wrong realy [22:56] <lotuspsychje> you cant get data back on a zero'd drive [22:56] <todd_> c9ae6 Somehow missed your post. Thanks for that. Was exactly what i needed to hear [22:56] <mutherbag> c9ae6f: pull it out and boil it [22:56] <todd_> sounds like there is some paranoid people in here lol [22:57] <Seveas> mutherbag: boil? I never heard of anyone doing that :) [22:57] <mutherbag> lotuspsychje: how about ssd drives. Run sandpaper over the platter Seveas [22:57] <c9ae6f> todd_: np, and yep, we're all paranoid. Especially mutherbag. :P [22:58] <Seveas> mutherbag: I prefer shredders :) [22:58] <daftykins> you can still write to all LBAs on an SSD, preferably 1.25x the disk area so it clears out any spare area too. [22:58] <daftykins> some SSDs have more NAND than they offer up to OSs [22:58] <lotuspsychje> mutherbag: try it yourself: zero the ssd, then try to recover data with photorec [22:58] <N3X15> SSDs have a special method of blanking them [22:58] <N3X15> lemme look it up [22:58] <Seveas> N3X15: trim. [22:59] <todd_> shouldn't the trim function on an SSD completely rid anything on one once you have deleted it? [22:59] <daftykins> it's not something you would rely upon [22:59] <todd_> and whys that [22:59] <N3X15> [23:00] <daftykins> todd_: simplest way i can explain that - do you know for sure your SSD right now is TRIM'ing nicely? :) [23:00] <KvZoN> Hi, I have two display set up, and and choosing to show the Launcher bar in the built-in display, but it keeps showing in the other display, the only way I got to show it in the built-in display is to set the Launcher to show in both. But I really want to just show that Launcher in the one that I want. [23:00] <Seveas> todd_: it only takes a firmware bug (or deliberate "optimization") to make that untrue. And that has happened in the past. [23:00] <Seveas> I think it was Samsung's SSDs that never actually wiped data [23:01] <todd_> sudo fstrim -v / [23:01] <todd_> that should check if there is any errors with fstrim [23:01] <lotuspsychje> ok guys lets keep it support related [23:01] <daftykins> the point i'm trying to get across is that if you truly worry about your data and were giving a drive away, you would not necessarily be trusting these tools at their word. [23:02] <daftykins> but yep school is over, and i'm off o/ [23:02] <Seveas> bye daftykins [23:02] <todd_> also for spinning disks. I have to assume that once you are at the point of wanting to take sandpaper to one that it is dead. Has anyone here actually tried to replace the head on a spinning hard drive? [23:02] <daftykins> off topic. [23:02] <c9ae6f> Thanks for the help daftykins! [23:03] <todd_> there is a reason it costs so much money for data isn't cheap. To think that someone would see a random broken HD and say hey i want to pay $$$ to see whats on this just seems crazy to me [23:03] <todd_> ooo [23:03] <todd_> just read your post dafty [23:04] <ameralrdadi> out [23:04] <todd_> a simple zero wipe will work [23:04] <ameralrdadi> #out [23:04] <mutherbag> todd_: You would find more information going through the trash [23:04] <KvZoN> Did anoyone read my question? [23:04] <todd_> mutherbag: what? [23:04] <EriC^^> KvZoN: i did [23:04] <mutherbag> todd_: trashcan [23:04] <Seveas> KvZoN: yup. [23:04] <N3X15> KvZoN, I did, but I don't respond unless I know the answer :V [23:04] <EriC^^> it reminded me of mariah carey's song, all i want for christmas is you [23:05] <Seveas> EriC^^: damn you. Damn you to heck. [23:05] <todd_> didn't really clear it up for me...guess it really doesn't matter though [23:05] <EriC^^> lol [23:05] <KvZoN> I just do not want to reinstall Unity completely, I don't think is neccesary [23:05] <c9ae6f> todd_: [23:06] <EriC^^> Seveas: it reminded you too? [23:06] <Seveas> EriC^^: no. But the damn song is now stuck in my head. [23:06] <EriC^^> haha [23:06] <KvZoN> I look it up on the interwebs, but everything was related to people where Unity was not showing at all [23:06] <pavlos> it's not even close to Xmas [23:07] <c9ae6f> todd_: basically you can't, you can wipe it a lot, but by the time you finally got the data off of the ssd, it would be ruined. The better way is to encrypt it beforehand and then destroy the key. [23:09] <todd_> devils advocate here...Wiping an SSD a couple times really won't kill it. I have seen a couple sites test SSDs and they usually get into the pedabytes of read writes before failure [23:09] <c9ae6f> they're much better than before. Especially with my ssd's 10 year warrenty. [23:10] <c9ae6f> really I guess you couldn't kill it if you tried, but still.. I wouldn't want to. [23:10] <remuxa> Is it preferable to use the MPICH package from the distro or to compile it from scratch as in the installation guide? [23:10] <todd_> I wouldnt even, nor do i worry about SSDs failing honestly. I have plenty of cheap arse PNY optima drives that i put to hell and back and they just keep on ticking [23:11] <mojtaba> Hi, I am trying to set my dns resolvers for my wireless interface. Should I use eth0 or wlan0? [23:11] <Seveas> remuxa: that depends on whether you need a specific version. Generally i'd say go with the distro version unless your application doesn't work with it. [23:11] <mojtaba> when I type sudo ifdown wlan0 it says interface wlan0 not configured. [23:12] <Seveas> todd_: I have SSD's fail on me very frequently. Though we kinda abuse them :) [23:12] <cocoony> how can i install special wine versions ? my system always install 1.6 but i need 1.7.30 [23:12] <Seveas> mojtaba: why are you configuring them that way instead of in the network settings gui? [23:12] <todd_> define abuse? Server application? [23:12] <Seveas> todd_: graphite. Boatloads of metrics. [23:13] <Seveas> cocoony: wine 1.7 isn't yet available in the ubuntu repos [23:13] <cocoony> but i need it for ableton live [23:14] <todd_> honestly can't say i have heard of it before. Out of curiousity what SSD drives, if even any in particular, do you usually buy? [23:14] <mojtaba> Seveas: I want to set more than two servers. [23:14] <Finetundra> seveas, can it not be added by a ppa provided by the wine team? [23:14] <Seveas> cocoony: you can try installing the wine-development package, which is 1.7.29 (in vivid) [23:14] <cocoony> Seveas: i need that version for ablton live [23:14] <mutherbag> So the morale us ssd drives can't be securely wiped [23:15] <c9ae6f> mutherbag: yep! [23:15] <Seveas> mojtaba: which you can add just fine in the gui [23:15] <Finetundra> cocoony, may I suggest sing playonlinux and installing to a prefix? [23:15] <cocoony> Seveas: thats to hart for me ..i am beginner [23:15] <Seveas> cocoony: err, it's as hard as apt-get install wine-development... [23:15] <cocoony> whta merans prefix [23:16] <todd_> [23:16] <mojtaba> Seveas: Thx, I will check it [23:16] <cocoony> Seveas: and what do i have to do after installing ? [23:16] <Just> Hello! [23:16] <Finetundra> cocoony: in fact, if you're a beginner as you say then I highly suggset you use playonlinux. it allows you to install multiple programs and use a version of wine per program [23:17] <kostkon> cocoony, +1 for playonlinux. You can install and use multiple versions of wine [23:17] <Seveas> cocoony: then you have wine installed and can try ableton live [23:17] <Seveas> though I *highly* doubt that it'll work. Best to simply boot into windows for that. [23:18] <Just> Can anyone respond to me? [23:18] <kostkon> cocoony, if you want the latest version of wine, you can use the ppa [23:18] <c9ae6f> Just: HI! [23:18] <todd_> lol [23:18] <daftykins> Just: pro tip, ask a question in a support channel [23:18] <daftykins> great way to get replied to. [23:18] <todd_> anyone check out the link i posted? [23:19] <Just> What city are any of of you from? [23:19] <daftykins> we are legion, it does not matter where we are, only that we offer free assistance. ask an ubuntu related support question. [23:20] <Just> What city are you from, again? [23:21] <c9ae6f> todd_: hmm, maybe you /can/ erase an ssd. this is news to me... but I'm still going to try to make this work. :P [23:21] <Seveas> !offtopic | Just [23:21] <todd_> try to make what work? [23:21] <daftykins> Just: inappropriate. [23:21] <c9ae6f> !offtopic | c9ae6f [23:21] <c9ae6f> lol [23:22] <cocoony> kostcon: i dont want the latest..i need a special version that works with ablton live [23:22] <c9ae6f> todd_: encrypting ubuntu using a keyfile. [23:23] <todd_> your trying to SSH into your PC or something? [23:23] <kostkon> cocoony, use playonlinux then [23:23] <Seveas> todd_: no, he's trying to install Ubuntu in an insecure, unsupported way. [23:24] <cocoony> playonlinux didnt start nmy installfile [23:24] <todd_> why don't you just use the encryption option that is presented to you when installing ubuntu? [23:24] <c9ae6f> todd_: There's no option for a keyfile. [23:25] <todd_> what version are you trying to install? [23:25] <c9ae6f> 15.04 [23:25] <todd_> try 14.04 LTS or whatever the newest one is then [23:26] <c9ae6f> 15.04 is the newest version. There's not yet a built-in option to use a keyfile... but the command line doesn't scare me! [23:26] <c9ae6f> Thanks for the help though. :) [23:27] <JuneBUG> Ubutt-new [23:27] <todd_> Im ubuntu requires a password to decrypt upon every login.... [23:27] <JuneBUG> :-) [23:27] <c9ae6f> yeah, but instead of a password, I'm going to use a file that's on a usb to decrypt it. [23:28] <todd_> sounds like too much of a chance of something going wrong to me. A password should already be safe. I wouldn't trust anything important on a setup like that personally [23:29] <EriC^^> todd_: that's ridiculous, it's been proven as seen in the latest 007 movie [23:29] <Seveas> !rimshot [23:29] <todd_> lol [23:29] <c9ae6f> !help [23:30] <c9ae6f> !patience [23:30] <Seveas> !botabuse > c9ae6f [23:31] <c9ae6f> ubottu: I love u. :D [23:31] <Seveas> (or capableof love) [23:31] <c9ae6f> lol [23:31] <todd_> LOL [23:32] <c9ae6f> Is there a rule against lols? I feel like if there's something really funny, the cat will be spammed with lols... !lolabuse? [23:32] <c9ae6f> *chat [23:33] <mutherbag> cocoony Is PM me nasty  you were born out of saddam husseins asshole [23:33] <cocoony> aha [23:33] <cocoony> you came and hurt me [23:34] <cocoony> and know you write this ??? [23:34] <lotuspsychje> !ot [23:34] <mutherbag> Who do report cocoony to [23:34] <lotuspsychje> stop trolling in here [23:34] <Finetundra> mutherbag: if anyone it's you that needs to be reported [23:35] <aladiah> Its normal in Ubuntu we stop hearing the playing music when screen switch off by it self with energy saving ? [23:35] <EriC^^> aladiah: no [23:35] <Seveas> aladiah: if ubuntu at the same time also suspends/hibernates: yes. [23:35] <cocoony> mutherbag: you came with pm and write : Seveas wants to finger your ass [23:35] <Seveas> but if it's just the screen: no [23:35] <cocoony> whats your problem mutherbag [23:36] <mutherbag> !ops cocoony [23:36] <EriC^^> i had that happen once, i kept getting an alternate login screen that was old and white, can't remember how i fixed it though, maybe reconfiguring lightdm aladiah [23:36] <cocoony> !ops mutherbag [23:37] <EriC^^> aladiah: has it always happened? [23:37] <aladiah> EriC^^: after it switch off, i have to login if i move the mouse . . . this is not suspend mode doensit ? [23:37] <mutherbag> !ops [23:37] <anonymous_> .. [23:37] <aladiah> EriC^^: I also cant hear the voip phone ring . [23:37] <EriC^^> aladiah: no, suspend mode actually turns off, you can hear the fans turn off and everything, and the power button just blinks [23:38] <EriC^^> it's just powering the laptop enough to keep everything in the ram [23:38] <aladiah> EriC^^ why this happen ? [23:38] <EriC^^> aladiah: you're using unity? [23:38] <c9ae6f> !rules [23:38] <aladiah> EriC^^ iam with Lubuntu 15.04 [23:38] <EriC^^> did you install another de besides unity? aladiah [23:38] <mutherbag> alduin: it could if the monitor has the speakers. [23:39] <lotuspsychje> !msgthebot | c9ae6f [23:39] <EriC^^> aladiah: interesting, i had that happen after installing lubuntu over unity i think, and when i removed lubuntu it kept happening [23:39] <mutherbag> alduin: are they external speakers [23:39] <c9ae6f> lotuspsychje: I thought mutherbag and cocoony could use a !rules posting. [23:39] <awatt> hey is there any software like google translate? [23:40] <aladiah> EriC^^ Do you think if i install Unity over Lubuntu it will fix ? [23:40] <lotuspsychje> c9ae6f: then use their names next time [23:40] <EriC^^> aladiah: i dont think so, i dont know [23:40] <awatt> any one? [23:40] <cocoony> i ask a question about wine and he writes me pm that iam a nigger and he hurt another user [23:40] <EriC^^> aladiah: i think lubuntu should keep playing, what happens if you lock the screen on purpose? [23:40] <cocoony> whats up guys [23:40] <cocoony> what a lier [23:40] <aladiah> If i install unity i will have pure Ubuntu doesnit ? [23:40] <EriC^^> ctrl+alt+l or power button > lock [23:40] <EriC^^> aladiah: [23:40] <mutherbag> aladiah: are your speakers powered from your monitor [23:41] <aladiah> mutherbag: Great question [23:41] <EriC^^> aladiah: ^ yeah [23:41] <aladiah> mutherbag: how i will know it ? [23:41] <lotuspsychje> cocoony: this isnt the right channel to ventilate such matters [23:41] <xangua> aladiah: don't think there is such thing as "pure ubuntu", you can use any desktop and programs you want [23:41] <genii> mutherbag and cocoony both - any more nonsense in the channel will not be tolerated [23:41] <EriC^^> do wires come out of your monitor to the speaker? aladiah [23:41] <cocoony> whats your problem ??? he cames to m [23:41] <cocoony> bullying [23:41] <Seveas> awatt: gnome-translate [23:41] <mutherbag> aladiah: are your speakers built into the monitor [23:41] <aladiah> EriC^^iam with a laptop , i dont see any wires [23:42] <Seveas> genii: see also the ops channel. [23:42] <awatt> thank you Seveas [23:42] <cocoony> mutherbag cames to bully some user and now you make stress [23:42] <EriC^^> oh, if it's a laptop i think it doesn't matter [23:42] <genii> cocoony: You don't need to repeat PMs which contain non-family-friendly content into the channel. Contact an op instead [23:42] <EriC^^> aladiah: try to manually lock the screen [23:42] <lotuspsychje> awatt: you can search software centre also for translate [23:42] <aladiah> EriC^^ how to do it ? [23:42] <cocoony> genii...go to hell you lieing motherfucker [23:42] <cocoony> fuck on lionux [23:42] <mutherbag> cocoony: what's up. You want to run wine. [23:42] <lotuspsychje> oO [23:43] <EriC^^> aladiah: press the power button then lock, or try ctrl+alt+L [23:43] <genii> elky: Beat me to it [23:43] <EriC^^> aladiah: i mean the menu at the bottom, then lock or something like that [23:44] <aladiah> EriC^^: i did it and music stopped . to hear . . [23:44] <aladiah> EriC^^: It still playin but we dont hear nothing [23:44] <mutherbag> aladiah: I think your speakers are also powering off with your monitor. [23:44] <genii> Seveas: Thanks. A bit spread thin at the moment. [23:45] <MichaelHabib_> hi, I want to find out what does ubuntu do on "full install" ? what makes it different from copying the .iso content & manually configuring Grub2 to boot it ? [23:45] <hellsangels> saddam hussein will fuck mutherbag in hell you are a dirty lier fuck you all [23:45] <hellsangels> bullying motherfuckers [23:45] <lotuspsychje> genii: you still got work here :p [23:45] <mutherbag> alduin: try it with a YouTube video to rule out the video player. [23:46] <darthanubis> !ops | hellsangels [23:46] <Seveas> genii: you also still haven't kicked mutherbag, who started all this mess by pm'ing profanity. [23:46] <genii> Seveas: Sorting it [23:46] <awatt> lotuspsychje, i want dictionary that can translate sentences and i wish it was like bobylon and free [23:46] <hellsangels> what a fucking bullying comunity here [23:47] <EriC^^> aladiah: try xset dpms force off [23:47] <EriC^^> to test mutherbag 's theory [23:47] <Seveas> hellsangels: you're not making yourself welcome here. I told you to report him to the ops, but instead you escalated. Not a bright idea. [23:47] <aladiah> EriC^^: sudo [23:47] <EriC^^> ( i think ) [23:47] <EriC^^> no need for sudo [23:47] <hellsangels> he bully us and then he writes in mainroom lies [23:47] <EriC^^> it should power off the screen i think [23:48] <elky> mutherbag: i sure hope you haven't returned to abuse people in PM further. [23:48] <Seveas> hellsangels: take a break and come back when you're calm. [23:48] <mutherbag> aladiah: try a YouTube video to rule out the video player [23:48] <aladiah> Eric^^ it works [23:48] <EriC^^> hellsangels: stop whining.. [23:48] <mutherbag> elky: no [23:48] <EriC^^> aladiah: did the music continue? [23:48] <aladiah> Eric^^ the sound doesnt stop [23:48] <aladiah> yess [23:48] <aladiah> it still [23:48] <lotuspsychje> awatt: maybe this can also help? [23:48] <EriC^^> ok, i think it's not turning off cause the screen is shutting off [23:48] <aladiah> EriC^^ : how can i fix this? [23:49] <hellsangels> i come to ask about wine and then he writes pm with rassism words and bully [23:49] <phunyguy> ok enough. [23:49] <hellsangels> i have no problem [23:49] <EriC^^> aladiah: try to reconfigure the lock screen thing maybe, or install another lock program [23:49] <hellsangels> he thinks he is hero [23:49] <phunyguy> just drop it please. [23:49] <EriC^^> aladiah: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm [23:49] <MichaelHabib_> hi EriC^^ , if you are free to help me out with few questions ? away from this Virtual Punch on ;) [23:49] <hellsangels> he must reconfigure his brain [23:49] <aladiah> EriC^^ : ok lets try [23:49] <EriC^^> i'm not sure of the name of the lock program that comes with lubuntu, it's gnome-screensaver-command in unity [23:50] <lotuspsychje> MichaelHabib_: ask free in channel mate [23:50] <genii> hellsangels: When you are being hassled by another user you don't repeat offensive content in the channel. [23:50] <MichaelHabib_> lotuspsychje: ty, I want to find out what does ubuntu do on "full install" ? what makes it different from copying the .iso content & manually configuring Grub2 to boot it ? [23:50] <mutherbag> EriC^^: xscreensaver has a locker. [23:51] <aladiah> EriC^^ : results for sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm [23:51] <lotuspsychje> MichaelHabib_: not sure whats your endgoal you have with this question? [23:51] <EriC^^> MichaelHabib_: that will just be a live session that won't save anything [23:51] <EriC^^> yeah what are you trying to do MichaelHabib_ ? [23:52] <vempyre> I have a question if someone has a couple mins to spare please. [23:53] <lotuspsychje> MichaelHabib_: are you trying to drag n drop ubuntu .iso to a hd perhaps? [23:53] <teward> vempyre: just ask the question to the channel directly. [23:53] <Seveas> MichaelHabib_: it also partitions, encrypts, does network and time config, creates users and removes itself from the installed system. [23:53] <aladiah> EriC^^: i should now wait to see if sound stop after screeen switch off by it self ? [23:54] <EriC^^> aladiah: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure lxsession [23:54] <aladiah> EriC^^ : ok lets try [23:54] <EriC^^> !info lxlock [23:55] <EriC^^> ok aladiah [23:55] <Seveas> MichaelHabib_: if you *really* want to know the details: apt-get source ubiquity and read the source :) [23:55] <vempyre> ok, when i've upgraded from 12.04, to 12.10 I could only do this by partioning the HD, and again from 12.10 to 14.04 lts which makes for 3hd's. Can I merge these without losing the info on either hd? [23:56] <aladiah> EriC^^ : resultys for sudo dpkg-reconfigure lxsession [23:56] <EriC^^> aladiah: ok try ctrl+alt+L [23:56] <Seveas> vempyre: that sounds like you installed ubuntu 3 times instead of upgrading. [23:56] <xangua> vempyre: also you can not upgrade from 12.10 to directly 14.04 [23:57] <Seveas> xangua: sure you can. It's just not officially supported :) [23:57] <aladiah> EriC^^ : Now ctrl+alt+L dont work anymore, the screen switch off and sound stop [23:58] <aladiah> EriC^^ : It work [23:58] <vempyre> this i may have done, but I did upgrade then encountered problems with 13.04 (I think) so had to mess around for months (I live without continual power or internet) until i managed to re-install 12.10 then start again [23:58] <EriC^^> aladiah: ? [23:59] <aladiah> EriC^^ : I wait a minute, screeen switch off by it self, and music still playing [23:59] <EriC^^> ok, cool [23:59] <kostkon> vempyre, you should have upgraded to 14.04 now you are in a dead end [23:59] <vempyre> but is there anyway to merge them? [23:59] <vempyre> damn. [23:59] <kostkon> vempyre, you can do lts to lts upgrades. Just one step, one upgrade [23:59] <MichaelHabib_> ty Seveas ty
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ActionParsnip", "Aladiah", "Alumin", "AnnaRooks", "Bashing-om", "Ben64", "Besterino", "BluesKaj", "BubbaGrace", "BvL", "Captonjamason", "CompuChip", "Computer_Barf", "CptRageToaster", "CyberGabber", "DJones", "DalekSec", "Dragostini", "Dro__", "Eldunar", "Enumaris", "Enumaris_", "EriC^^", "Ethoscience", "EyeOfMidas", "Finetundra", "Fudster", "Guest11982", "Guest19234", "Guest76700", "Guest78381", "Guest88522", "Guest90142", "Jeeves_Moss", "Joel", "Johnny_Linux", "JuneBUG", "Just", "JustSighDudes", "KaKila", "Krenair", "KvZoN", "LG44", "MacroMan", "MagicMystic", "Mdxxx", "Meliss1", "MichaelHabib1", "MichaelHabib_", "MichaelTiebesl", "MisterMom", "MonkeyDust", "MrAlex", "N3X15", "Neldogz", "NeoGeo", "OerHeks", "PHPLearner", "Pici", "Popp", "Rave1", "SGMonkey", "SchrodingersScat", "Seveas", "Seven_Six_Two", "SocialEvil", "SpaceHoers", "Stanley00", "SubCool", "TJ-", "TLF", "TeODorAliMan", "TheNumb", "The_Eccentric", "Trymunx", "VEndix", "Whitor", "Winfreed", "XenophonF", "[n0mad]", "__dan_", "aBouncer", "abailarri", "ablest1980", "adrian_1908", "aerag1", "aladiah", "ameralrdadi", "andywh", "ane_", "anonymous_", "antr666", "arcsky", "aryklein", "asido", "astarus", "astropirate", "awatt", "awestwell", "axisys", "azizLIGHT", "babbi", "babuntu", "basil1x", "bazhang", "belchim", "bett", "bindi", "bjorkintosh", "blueingress", "bobbobbins", "bobita", "bojan", "brainwash", "c9ae6f", "capsicum", "carif", "cast", "ceibal", "cfhowlett", "cfuackers", "citroniks", "cocoony", "colbyf", "compdoc", "cool_boy", "cptjackh", "cristian", "cyphase", "daftykins", "daniele12457", "darkfrog", "darthanubis", "dasjoe", "day", "deadmund", "degva", "delinquentme", "deneme", "devslash", "dezesht", "dibs", "dj3000", "dlam", "electricprism", "elflaclo", "elky", "emaray", "escargotdu25", "eternaL1", "explodes", "fawksmulder", "fragtion", "frecel", "genii", "geri", "gioankminh", "gr33n7007h", "gsilva", "harriseldon", "harushimo", "hasan", "hateball", "hellsangels", "hkrrsx", "injigo", "ioria", "isthisreallife", "j3507", "jasabella", "jatt", "jayjo_", "jc00ke", "jeffreylevesque", "jmadero", "josePHPagoda", "justtone", "k1l", "kanuku", "kempe", "kern_v_", "khildin", "kieppie", "kitty_", "kj4", "kostkon", "krabador", "lewis1711", "linuxuz3r", "lolzballs", "lotuspsychje", "luckybunny", "m0r0n", "macmiddi", "macopython", "marcanuy", "mcphail", "mgaunard", "mightyiam", "mjollnerd", "mojtaba", "mrbash", "mrcheeks", "mrx", "mushir", "mutherbag", "mzaza", "n1ghtmar3", "nalum", "neldogz", "neopsyche", "newbie13", "nike-um", "nomic", "noobiewan", "ntz", "oats", "octavian", "optikcypher", "ora_", "ossl", "paracyst", "paradox_", "pavlos", "pbx", "pepee", "petrvs", "phix", "phpcoder", "phpmiddleman", "phunyguy", "pizzaops", "prw", "raiN", "remuxa", "risinglee", "rooly", "rsx", "ruenoak", "rydzykje", "sabotender", "sauerbraten", "scumdude", "simplyy", "sjmikem", "skinux", "somsip", "srm", "ssj71", "studio_", "studybox", "swordsmanz", "sysop2", "terackus", "terrasapien", "teward", "tgm4883", "theJian", "thms", "tlt", "todd_", "tomtomirc", "tortal_", "totally_differen", "ubuntu", "ubuntu-mate", "ubuntu489", "ukernyanz", "unknown__", "user121212", "v0lksman", "varazir", "vcoinminer", "vempyre", "vividerr", "wafflejock", "whallz", "wimpog", "wusb54g", "xangua", "xd-commax", "xhp", "xichi", "xthisisrodrigox", "xxxxxx", "yeats", "yurw", "zerowaitstate", "zombyrad", "zteam" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu" }
[07:50] <jibel> marche pas [07:50] <jibel> oops [08:03] <brendand_> jibel, didn't get to internal yet :)? [08:03] <jibel> brendand_, no, do you? [08:06] <brendand_> jibel, you need to change the password as notified by email [08:06] <jibel> brendand_, I know [08:06] <jibel> brendand_, but it doesn't work [08:07] <brendand_> jibel, did you copy everything or only after the colon? [08:07] <jibel> brendand_, I tried both [08:07] <jibel> brendand_, I can still connect with the old creds, something is obviously wrong [08:07] <brendand_> jibel, mine looks like brendand:******** [08:08] <brendand_> jibel, you can connect with old password? [08:08] <jibel> brendand_, yes [08:08] <brendand_> jibel, that's odd. but if it works it works. so until it doesn't work... [08:08] <brendand_> jibel, then at least you can ask IS what's going on [08:09] <jibel> brendand_, no because IS channel is almost empty [08:09] <jibel> brendand_, I contacted support [08:19] <brendand_> jibel, did you join #canonical-sysadmin here? [08:20] <jibel> brendand_, no, I didn't know this channel [08:20] <brendand_> jibel, Spads is there [08:20] <brendand_> jibel, he's the Vanguard [08:21] <jibel> brendand_, thanks, I'll ping him [08:26] <jibel> brendand_, I am not alone one this channel :) [08:27] <brendand_> jibel, i would say not [08:54] <rvr> jibel: I just connected to internal IRC with the new password. You cannot? [10:58] <mrquincle> I don't know if I'm here at the right place, but how do I suggest edits to immutable wiki pages? [10:59] <knome> mrquincle, how have you logged in? [11:04] <mrquincle> I'm trying :) It's waiting for [11:04] <mrquincle> I'd like only to "suggest", not to actually edit something [11:04] <mrquincle> Is that possible? [11:05] <knome> there isn't really a process for suggesting [11:05] <knome> i would encourage you to simply update the page [11:08] <mrquincle> It's just about From what I see you build the branch from git:// crack-tip--drm-intel-next--2015-04-24 and not from Keith's which has last been updated in 2012 [11:11] <mrquincle> It's a immutable page anyway, so can't change it, even if I'd like to :) [11:11] <knome> can you edit other pages? [11:11] <knome> i'm pretty sure it's a login issue [11:11] <knome> how did you log in? [11:12] <mrquincle> Ah, it was. I'm so sorry! [11:12] <knome> no problem [11:12] <knome> we've been having these problems lately, so... [12:53] <teward> can we make a law for the ubuntu-quality mailing list AGAINST the use of emoji? [12:54] <teward> Alberto constantly uses it and it shows up as hex, not useful images/items in Ubuntu (even Thunderbird, 14.04)... and we've had that discussion about emoji before. [13:21] <balloons> teward, we have had that discussion. It shouldn't be appearing anymore actually; everything should be forced plain text [13:22] <teward> balloons: it's sending Unicode. see ALberto's latest message [13:22] <teward> balloons: and we need to have the discussion again. [13:24] <teward> balloons: not sure if my last messages got through - internet blip. [13:24] <teward> but he's not abiding by that rule. [13:24] <teward> it's sending 0x###### characters through. [13:24] <teward> let me show you screenshots/proof [13:24] <teward> balloons: <-- iPhone render. <-- Thunderbird. [13:25] <teward> my last response reiterates that this discussion has been said before, and he needs to actually *stop*. [13:27] <teward> but it's coming up again [13:29] * balloons looks [13:29] * balloons checks settings [13:31] <balloons> yea, the filters should be removing everything and converting to plain text. I guess emoji escapes that [13:40] <balloons> I wonder if I can do more against them. [13:47] <elfy> moderate the user doing it [13:52] <balloons> at least the text conversion makes it way less obnoxious [13:58] <teward> balloons: ban Alberto from posting and moderate them? [15:05] <elfy> balloons: ping [15:05] <balloons> elfy, if you're quick, pong :-) [15:06] <elopio_> good morning. [15:07] <elfy> balloons: where do ubuntu's automatic image test get reported? is it still jenkins? [15:08] <balloons> elfy, which one? the autopilot tests or smoke tests? [15:08] <elfy> both I guess [15:09] <balloons> both are in jenkins, but the autopilot test box was removed and CI was working on setting it back up. I'm not sure where it's at atm [15:09] <balloons> I'd have to go find the link [15:09] <elfy> ok - no rush - we can speak later sometime [15:45] <elopio_> ping vila: I now more or less understand the X11 Mouse on Touch error. [15:45] <vila> elopio_: \o/ tell me more [15:45] <elopio_> but I'm not closer to a solution. [15:46] <elopio> vila: here a Keyboard is instantiated in the base test case: [15:47] <elopio> here, the keyboard is going to pick a backend, with a preferrence for X11: [15:47] <elopio> as python3-xlib is installed, the imports in this module succeed: [15:48] <elopio> so we hit this statement: [15:48] <elopio> class Mouse(MouseBase): [15:49] <elopio> MouseBase is an alias for [15:49] <elopio> class Mouse(CleanupRegistered): [15:50] <elopio> CleanupRegistered does a little black magic to put a clean up in the test case when the class is defined, not when it is instantiated. [15:50] <vila> elopio: so, this confirms installing python3-xlib is the culprit [15:50] <vila> elopio: urgh, black magic... [15:50] <elopio> in the Mouse case, it tries to move the mouse on cleanup. [15:50] <elopio> so even if we don't instantiate Mouse, the cleanup gets registered. [15:51] <vila> indeed, urgh black magic ? [15:51] <elopio> vila: yes, without python3-xlib the _X11 imports will fail, so we won't hit the class definintion statement. [15:52] <elopio> [15:52] <elopio> CleanupRegistered = _TestCleanupMeta('CleanupRegistered', (object,), {}) [16:06] <vila> elopio: trying to reformulate: the bug is that a useless package triggers an unexpected AP behavior because of ... internal reasons ? [16:08] <elopio> vila: the bug is that having installed python3-xlib triggers an xlib cleanup which fails on touch. [16:09] <elopio> the immediate cause I think is that we are instantiating a keyboard on the testcase, which makes no sense to be, but we need to confirm with veebers. [16:09] <vila> elopio: right, xlib shouldn't be installlled on touch. But what if it for other reasons ? As long as AP is not told to care about X11, it shouldn't. No ? [16:09] <elopio> s/to be/to me [16:10] <vila> right [16:10] <elopio> vila: if xlib is installed but we don't instantiate anything from that backend, we are ok. [16:11] <elopio> then there's the underlying problem, that's autopilot doing extra stuff on class declarations instead of during __init__. [16:11] <vila> elopio: ok, so you're saying adding the keyboard is what trigger the x11 code (what happens if x11 is not there again ?) [16:11] <elopio> if x11 is not there, the import will fail, and a evdev keyboard will be instantiated instead. [16:11] <elopio> we will never hit the class declaration of Mouse. [16:12] <vila> right [16:12] <vila> elopio: my kbd is acting [16:12] <vila> can't type long sentences :-/ [16:14] <vila> elopio: is there a way to make these input devices declarations more explicit (instead of relying on installed packages) ? [16:15] <elopio> vila: you can choose the backend, and make an explicit if, like we are doing almost everywhere: [16:15] <elopio> [16:16] <elopio> this is one more case where autopilot was designed to be (IMO) unnecessarily smart [16:16] <vila> elopio: /me nods [16:18] <elopio> vila: but what I'm wondering is about removing these mouse and keyboard properties: [16:19] <elopio> we have been instantiating the keyboard and mouse on the custom proxy objects for UI widgets that need them. In the apps tests we are never using these properties, so I would deprecate them. [16:19] <elopio> the problem is that we instantiate many keyboards and mouses, but it's not too bad as the backend is a singleton. [16:19] <vila> elopio: hmpf. I can't say with my limited knowledge... But somehow, if that's where those are created implicitly... That seems to match what we've been talking about [16:35] <oSoMoN> ubuntu-qa: mako CI jobs for webbrowser-app are consistently failing for the past 2-3 days with a build timeout [16:36] <oSoMoN> see e.g. [16:36] <oSoMoN> is that a known issue? [16:40] <elopio> oSoMoN: I don't think it's known. [16:40] <elopio> It shows the results of only one autopilot test, which is weird. It seems to have finished that one test, but we need more logging on the test to confirm that. [16:41] <elopio> but then autopilot is not reporting the OK for that test. Maybe we lost connection with the phone? I'll ping CI to see if they have ideas. [16:42] <oSoMoN> elopio, thanks [17:01] <elopio> oSoMoN: I can reproduce it in my vivid desktop. When we kill the webapp container process, it gets stuck. [17:01] <elopio> did you change anything related to that? [17:02] <oSoMoN> elopio, the only thing that comes to mind would be the recent oxide update, although it shouldn’t affect desktop as it hit only the overlay PPA [17:03] <elopio> there is a bug in autopilot, because the timeout is not in the right place. I'll report that. [17:03] <elopio> I still don't know what's causing this issue. nuclearbob, want to start your vanguard shift with an issue funny to debug? [17:12] <elopio> oSoMoN: after killing it with SIGKILL and SIGTERM, it is: [17:12] <elopio> elopio 6850 0.1 0.0 0 0 ? Zs 10:59 0:00 [webapp-containe] <defunct> [17:12] <oSoMoN> that doesn’t look good [17:15] <elopio> oSoMoN: anything in there makes sense to you? [17:17] <oSoMoN> elopio, I reformatted the relevant bit:, this is definitely not right [17:18] <oSoMoN> alex-abreu, see , this is happening in CI when running the webapp_container testsuite on mako [17:19] <elopio> oSoMoN: where does that log come from? I want to tail it to see if it's when it receives the kill -15 [17:20] <oSoMoN> elopio, that’s the log from the webapp container [17:21] <alex-abreu> oSoMoN, mmmh not sure how it can be related to the tests themselves ... did the renderer crash or something? [17:21] <alex-abreu> oSoMoN, do you have more log? ... [17:21] <elopio> I have no idea where to see that in my desktop. [17:32] <elopio> alex-abreu: oSoMoN: fwiw, I have the phablet-team ppa which gives me [17:32] <elopio> liboxideqt-qmlplugin: [17:32] <elopio> Instalita: 1.7.3-0ubuntu0.15.04.1~ppa1 [17:33] <alex-abreu> elopio, oSoMoN you dont see that w/ the webbrowser app tests? [17:33] <elopio> alex-abreu: no, only webapp_container tests. [17:48] <elopio> also, bug reported for autopilot timeout: [17:48] <elopio> [20:32] <balloons> hey Letozaf_ [20:32] <Letozaf_> balloons, hi :D [20:32] <balloons> Thanks for having a look at calendar :-) [20:32] <Letozaf_> balloons, yw [20:37] <balloons> Letozaf_, so it sounds like you have a plan to fix the issue via the calendar devs adding a qml property? [22:54] <alex-abreu> oSoMoN, btw I am able to repro the issue ... (AP tests blocking) [22:54] <alex-abreu> on the desktop [22:56] <oSoMoN> alex-abreu, which version of oxide ? [22:58] <alex-abreu> oSoMoN, 1.7.3 , I'll backtrack to 1.6. see if if it is oxide related [22:58] <alex-abreu> I am not sure yet [22:58] <alex-abreu> might be AP or something [22:58] <oSoMoN> alex-abreu, thx [22:59] <alex-abreu> oSoMoN, there are no specific reasons why it works w/ webbrowser and not the container tests [22:59] <alex-abreu> from the oxide perspective
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Letozaf_", "alex-abreu", "balloons", "brendand_", "elfy", "elopio", "elopio_", "jibel", "knome", "mrquincle", "oSoMoN", "rvr", "teward", "vila" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-quality" }
[00:01] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 15.04 • 无法点击切换窗口焦点 全新安装 ubuntu-gnome 15.04,发现点击另一个窗口里无法切换焦点了,只有点击标题栏才有效果。 难道 15.04 的行为改为这样了?还是系统有问题? BTW,tweak-tool 里已设置为 click 模式 zz: lord007 — 2015-04-26 [00:01] <^k^> ─> 23:57 [01:03] <^k^> 新 新闻和通知 • WiFi客户端曝缺陷 使安卓、Linux和BSD受攻击 来源:腾讯数码 据报道,用于对WiFi网络上客户端进行认证的一个组件中存在一处严重缺陷,会使Android、Linux、BSD,可能还有Windows和Mac OS X系统受到攻击。 该缺陷存在于wpa_supplicant中——I [01:03] <^k^> ─> EEE 802.11i无线客户端规范的开放源代码实现。这是一个跨平台组件,被用来控制Android、Lin … [01:05] <^k^> 新 新闻和通知 • Ubuntu Linux推出活泼的黑面猴 最小最安全版本 来源:东南教育网 在开放源代码阵营中独树一格且拥有众多使用者的 Ubuntu Linux,是一种热门的 Linux 发行版,拥有庞大的社交支持和广泛的硬件支持,已经成为最多人讨论和使用的开源 [01:07] <^k^> 新 新闻和通知 • 撕下国产操作系统的面纱 来源:袁萌 4月23日,Ubuntu 15.04版本发布了。我是十一年的Ubuntu老用户,当然想跟着升级。 优麒麟15.04版本只是Ubuntu操作系统的一个“分支”,算不上是什么“国产操作系统”。说句实在话,优麒麟给Ubuntu [01:07] <^k^> ─> 加上一个“国产外壳”,但是,在实际安装、体验的过程中,优麒麟的这个“国产外壳” … [01:16] <^k^> 新 新闻和通知 • 探秘Linux on Power:开源新选 来源:比特网 2013年8月,OpenPOWER基金会成立,IBM POWER为自己打上了全新的标签:开放!是的,不仅开放,并且“尺度”令人咋舌:向基金会成员开放IP授权,在中国取消安全模块,接受安全审查。从此,PO [01:16] <^k^> ─> WER不再是IBM一家的POWER,而是成员所共有的POWER,也成为世界的POWER。 很多观点认为这是IB … [01:30] <xhp_> quit [01:51] <Guest63652> /msg NickServ herman 040625 [01:52] <pocmon> 用户名,密码,邮箱全都暴露了 [01:52] <eve_ouyang> .. 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[02:24] <tryit> 忙死了 [02:27] <xhp> /msg NickServ herman shanghai [02:38] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 斩斩, 听说你车丢了? [02:39] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 我的还在 [02:40] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 是另一个妹子壕的 [02:40] <iMadper> fedora22用dnf替代了yum作为默认包管理器,腾讯或成最大赢家 [02:40] <O0XX> iMadper: 妹子壕, 听说你车丢了? [02:40] <iMadper> O0XX: 还在, 还在 [02:40] <iMadper> O0XX: cherrot的 [02:41] <BuMangHuo> 不知道他用的啥锁 [02:41] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 我没买李召锁 [02:41] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 我买的崔克锁.... [02:41] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 我觉得我可能要丢 [02:42] <iMadper> O0XX: go有啥简单点儿的 profile 工具? [02:42] <O0XX> iMadper: go perf啊 [02:42] <iMadper> O0XX: 哦? [02:42] <O0XX> iMadper: go这么掉渣天的东西自带perf [02:43] <iMadper> go perf直接报错啊 [02:46] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: ... [02:46] <BuMangHuo> 崔科不是自行车么 [02:48] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 也出锁.. [02:57] * tryit 不是自己的网站,能统计它每天独立访问的uv么? [02:58] <xhp_> clean [03:04] * O0XX 饿 [03:04] <archl> O0XX, 饿 [03:04] <archl> O0XX, 我要羊肉汤 [03:04] <O0XX> iMadper: 你折腾服务器了? [03:04] * archl 抱抱 cherrot [03:04] <iMadper> O0XX: 日本停了 [03:05] <archl> iMadper, 我买了3500元基金,一天就跌了50元,好可怕, [03:06] <cherrot> archl, 早 [03:06] <archl> cherrot, 早 [03:07] <BuMangHuo> test [03:07] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 11:06 [03:08] <xhp_> ctcp version [03:10] <xhp_> quit [03:18] <BuMangHuo> sigh [03:21] <iMadper> archl: 干嘛要买基金? [03:22] <archl> iMadper, 试验试验 [03:23] <archl> iMadper, 2000人民币买澳元用了20天额外30,买基金3500人民币,瞬间少了50 [03:29] <xhpqd> hello [03:29] <^k^> xhpqd:点点点. 11:28 [03:29] <BuMangHuo> archl: 用你的零花钱买了股票,然后用基金对冲么 [03:30] <BuMangHuo> 真壕、 [03:30] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 唉你用的啥锁 [03:30] <archl> BuMangHuo, 。。。 [03:33] <yangtongxue> 各位大俠 我升了15.04 virtualbox不可用 sudo:/etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found [03:34] <yangtongxue> 怎麼破 [03:34] <palomino|working> 重装一下? [03:34] <yangtongxue> 有不重裝的辦法嗎 [03:35] <yangtongxue> 不想重配置一堆東西 [03:35] <palomino|working> 重装vbox不用配置啊 [03:36] <wdzgahub> hi [03:37] <^k^> wdzgahub:点点点. 11:36 [03:37] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 网上买的铰链锁 [03:38] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你是不是觉得坐骑不够爽了想升级? 快便宜出给我吧~~ [03:38] * cherrot 收购二手山地车 [03:39] <wdzgahub> @cherrot hi [03:39] <cherrot> wdzgahub, hi [03:40] <cherrot> wdzgahub, 要出二手车么骚年 [03:41] <iMadper> cherrot: ... ... [03:41] <cherrot> iMadper, 求安抚 :( [03:42] <BuMangHuo> .. [03:42] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: ... [03:43] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 沮丧ing [03:43] <yangtongxue> 重裝也不行 [03:46] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 这事儿真是郁闷 [03:46] <wdzgahub> @yangtongxue hi [03:47] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 你住的地方的车库? 免费的? [03:47] <yangtongxue> @wdzgahub HI [03:47] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 公司 周五晚没骑回去 [03:48] <archl> cherrot, 全程监控吧。 [03:49] <cherrot> archl, 看监控也没用 只是看一眼贼大概什么样子而已 [03:49] <archl> cherrot, 记得以前我曾经历过某卡车盗窃一堆,然后监控拍下了卡车。。。后来,车子都回来了。。。 [03:50] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 你看了监控没有 [03:50] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 直接抬回去的还是开锁的? [03:50] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 还没 [03:50] <archl> cherrot, 去要啊。。。 [03:50] <archl> cherrot, 1000+ [03:51] <archl> cherrot, 比我相机值钱,比我手机+笔记本+耳机值钱。 [03:51] <archl> cherrot, 壕你这样就算了 [03:51] <cherrot> archl, 你觉得警察会屌我? [03:52] <archl> cherrot, 让警卫负责哈 [03:52] <cherrot> 每到这时候 就感觉自己交的税都喂了狗 [03:52] <cherrot> archl, 负责个毛 免责声明早就挂上了 [03:54] <archl> cherrot, 卖乖,一定要内置芯片啊。 [03:54] <yunfan> cherrot: 那你就出去呗 出不去又不防范 活该喂狗 [03:55] <cherrot> yunfan, 难道还能不活该喂狗么? [03:55] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 总得看看是怎么拿走了,以后小心吧 [03:55] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 嗯 [03:56] <feifei_> wdzgahub [03:56] <yunfan> cherrot: 该该该 [03:56] <feifei_> wdzgahub hi [03:56] <cherrot> yunfan, 妈蛋。。 [03:56] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 居然有人看了监控对小偷完全拜服的,开锁比自己用钥匙都快 [03:57] <feifei_> yunfan hi [04:00] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 车库12点锁门 这样的话贼也是挺胆肥的 [04:01] * O0XX 饿 [04:01] <O0XX> cherrot: 羡慕有车库的.. [04:02] <yunfan> cherrot: lol [04:03] <archl> cherrot, 用好的伸缩型剪子,是不是能一下割断车锁? [04:04] <MSErgo4K> archl: 还要配上绿巨人的力量. [04:05] <cherrot> archl, 我又没偷过车我怎么知道! [04:05] <archl> MSErgo4K, 是吗杠杆原理可以再活用吗? [04:05] <yunfan> cherrot: 说不定你懂 [04:06] <MSErgo4K> archl: 巨型钳子, 20米长, 没绿巨人的力量也拿不起来吧? [04:06] <BuMangHuo> 我们厂的车库倒挺靠谱 [04:06] <BuMangHuo> 一直有人看 [04:06] <archl> MSErgo4K,只要拼装的,1.6米*2,4米够用了吧。 [04:07] <MSErgo4K> archl: 你可知道如何才能拿的住4米的钳子? [04:08] <MSErgo4K> archl: 四米是多少倍的杠杆啊? 可能还真不够 [04:08] <archl> MSErgo4K, 一跳抓住把手,用体重拉 [04:08] <MSErgo4K> archl: 怎么可能... [04:08] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 看了这个毕业照,才发现以往的都是浮云! [04:08] <MSErgo4K> archl: 钳子的另外一段如何固定在那里? 为何钳子能立起来? [04:09] <archl> MSErgo4K, 工具的另一端啊 [04:09] <archl> MSErgo4K, 立在地面的装置有的是啊 [04:09] <MSErgo4K> archl: 那你需要的东西还真多. 不是一个钳子够的 [04:09] <archl> MSErgo4K, 其实也不多,就是5节 [04:10] <archl> MSErgo4K, 恩。或许太显眼了 [04:11] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 你们厂性质不一样 [04:15] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 跟那没关系吧,保安比较负责 [04:18] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 更换SSD转移系统 早想升级SSD了,创见256某东有过499的价格错过了,美亚72刀的m500 240也没抢到,这几天易迅有优惠就下手了ocz acr100 240G 固态盘,价格550,不过网传东芝a19芯片PE数只有1500左右,也管不了那么多了,电脑使用环境 [04:20] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: [04:20] <^k^> ⇪ ti: barraq/pandoc-moderncv · GitHub [04:20] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 这个不错,可以不用 tex 了 [04:20] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: yoooo! [04:20] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 赞! [04:20] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: markdown啊... [04:21] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: pandoc最蛋疼的是... 太大了... [04:21] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 倒是很好用 [04:21] <BuMangHuo> 对 [04:21] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: org 一样的 [04:22] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 赞! [04:22] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 有关系 你们公司的垃圾堆估计都有人感兴趣 [04:22] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: .... [04:23] * O0XX 饿 [04:24] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: neovim不错. [04:25] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: [04:25] <^k^> QiongMangHuo: ⇪ Hybrid bootable USB stick for legacy BIOS & UEFI - Adam's [04:25] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 妥妥的 [04:25] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 早 [04:25] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 乖 [04:25] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 赞, 糕手, 腻害, 太佩服你了 [04:26] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 休得臊我 [04:26] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: neovim? 这货看起来好牛的样子? cc cherrot QiongMangHuo [04:27] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 还没有100%可以替换吧 [04:31] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: QiongMangHuo: neovim的改动都是大手笔啊 [04:32] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: QiongMangHuo: 比vim的小家子气强多了. 看上去比emacs都靠谱. [04:32] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: MSErgo4K 我是一个传统的人, 现在还在用screen而不是更fancy的tmux呢 [04:32] <O0XX> MSErgo4K: [04:33] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 烧了 [04:34] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 你房儿买了没? [04:34] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 还没完成交易 [04:35] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 最后买哪了? [04:35] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 西三旗 [04:35] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 怎么没买育新? [04:35] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 买不起 [04:35] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 西三旗都是老破小吧? 有新小区? [04:35] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 房子也太旧 [04:35] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 知本时代 [04:36] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 先去吃饭 [04:36] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 慢走 [04:36] * HowIsItGoing 北京艾滋病检测自测中心 <- 搜知本时代竟然搜出这个…… [04:50] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 壕买房了 [04:53] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 如果你守旧 你应该用 dvtm才对 因为这个是最原教旨主义的 [04:54] <yunfan> MSErgo4K: 我刚才在reddit上看到有人用python重写了个vim [04:54] <yunfan> [04:54] <^k^> ⇪ ti: jonathanslenders/pyvim · GitHub [04:55] <yunfan> 把 小k也弄到我频道去搞链接分析 [04:55] <yunfan> cc ^k^ [05:04] <MSErgo4K> yunfan: 我上午也听说了. 没兴趣. [05:07] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: [05:07] <^k^> MSErgo4K: ⇪ 404 => Net::HTTPNotFound for -- unhandled response [05:07] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 额外45% off [05:07] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 算下来几十而已 [05:07] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 赞 可惜我要是买了就撞衫了 [05:07] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 是啊. [05:08] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 所以你可以买来送我, 我跟自己撞衫没关系 [05:08] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 你是百度地图吧? [05:08] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 那个地方早就不在那里了 [05:09] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 多少年以前的事情了 [05:09] <yunfan> MSErgo4K: 还是挺好玩的 我想提取他那套vi keybinding 做个gimp的壳 [05:09] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 买了多大的房儿呢 [05:09] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 两居 [05:09] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 三万露头, 靠近百度, 真不错啊 [05:10] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 主要是为了靠近百度 [05:10] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 完全可以走到育新啊 [05:10] <MSErgo4K> O0XX: 然后每天吃baidu食堂啊 [05:11] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 不到一公里, 要啥自行车啊 [05:11] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 懒 [05:11] <MSErgo4K> O0XX: 买买买 [05:11] <^k^> MSErgo4K: ⇪ 美亚 世界三大厨具之一 Calphalon大量厨具价格突降 无数好价 MGPYH 买个便宜货 [05:11] <MSErgo4K> O0XX: 给你新家准备 [05:11] * O0XX ... [05:13] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 贵百度地图太不靠谱了 [05:13] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 你看 腾讯地图, 高德地图都没有这个 [05:14] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 不知道百度是从哪搞到的数据 [05:14] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 我相信百度,离总部那么近,肯定不会错 [05:14] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: ... [05:23] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 你想嘛, 这小区对面是在建的中央公务员小区, 怎么可能 [05:23] <O0XX> 有这种东西 [05:23] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 乃已经有买房资格了哇, [05:26] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 沾光 [05:26] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 你还打算在这里买房? [05:27] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 没妹子买什么房 [05:29] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 斩过那么多, 从中挑一个就好了 [05:30] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 斩的跟娶的不一样吧 [05:30] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 你这就是心态问题 [05:30] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 转变一下心态就好 [05:30] <BuMangHuo> 不是不是 [05:30] <BuMangHuo> 还是因为丑 [05:31] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 斩了这么多就没有个漂亮的? [05:31] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 那倒有 [05:32] <BuMangHuo> 可只能是纯洁的男女关系啊 [05:32] <BuMangHuo> 最纯洁的那种 [05:32] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 只是在一起做爱做的事情是吧? [05:33] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: en [05:33] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 那这就是你的问题了 [05:33] <MSErgo4K> 卧槽.... 怎么穷老板不在? [05:34] <MSErgo4K> 以后我得写个hook, 只要穷老板给我+o, 我就加回去 [05:34] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 有妹子难道你就要在这买房? [05:35] <O0XX> MSErgo4K: 问题是看不出是穷老板给你加的 [05:35] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 买啊 [05:35] <MSErgo4K> O0XX: 能啊 [05:35] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 谁让有钱呢 [05:35] <O0XX> MSErgo4K: 只能看出是chanserv吧? [05:35] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 前途不大 该 [05:35] <MSErgo4K> O0XX: -ChanServ- You have been opped on #Ubuntu-CN by QiongMangHuo (adam8157) [05:35] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: lol,跟前途有关系? [05:35] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 私信窗口可以看到 [05:35] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 有 眼界+运气 决定前途 我看咱们都是没有运气的人 就看眼界了 [05:36] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 跟这些没关系吧 [05:36] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 就是任性而已 [05:36] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 又不是说在这里买了就在别的地方买不起了..... [05:36] <BuMangHuo> 对吧 [05:36] <MSErgo4K> yunfan: 现在是买房的好时候啊. [05:36] <MSErgo4K> yunfan: 各种政策好啊 [05:36] * O0XX 买买买啊 [05:37] <MSErgo4K> yunfan: 住房公积金贷款利率才4.0啊 [05:37] <BuMangHuo> 有钱就这么任性哇 [05:37] <yunfan> MSErgo4K: 好个p呢 国家都要转投股市了 [05:37] <yunfan> MSErgo4K: 那是让你上套而已 再说了 你想他们什么时候让利不就说明市场萧条嘛 [05:38] <yunfan> 不过我倒是准备去买套 [05:38] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 在哪里买 [05:38] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 那你顺便在我们家那边买吧 [05:38] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 自然是我们家那边 3k一平米 [05:38] <yunfan> 3楼有阳台 可以种种菜 呵呵 [05:38] <BuMangHuo> . [05:39] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 因为3楼那阳台是楼下商铺的顶盖 所以比较大点 [05:39] <BuMangHuo> 不错 [05:39] <yunfan> 我也只能买这种的了 而且我是要自己住 [05:40] <yunfan> 我要是有帝都买房的钱那直接去国外买农场了 干嘛在这里想不开啊 [05:43] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 没有身份买个农场没用啊 [05:45] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 买了以后换身份嘛 几百万应该搞得定 [05:45] <O0XX> yunfan: 对对对 [05:45] <yunfan> 几百万你只够在帝都做条狗而已 买个水泥牢房 装修还自己出钱 [05:46] <yunfan> 每年还要出物业费 [05:47] <O0XX> yunfan: 对对对 [05:47] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 哎,对啊,你这么快就有买房资格了?有工作居住证? [05:47] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 说了沾光啊 [05:48] <yunfan> O0XX: 问题是有的人回去更无聊 比如 千人斩 [06:00] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 这事我年轻时也干过 : 某兄在别人的果园里偷无花果,不料被主人当场抓祝主人问他,你怎么一大把年纪了还偷别人的果子吃。 此人赶紧申辩:不,您说错了,我年轻时也干过。 [06:05] <nyfair> 诸君,听说g婊又在欧洲犯法了啊 [06:06] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 牛牛, 我好困 [06:07] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 牛牛, 包养我 [06:11] <yunfan> nyfair: 你怎么一天到晚追着g喷 国家就没有新的任务交给你么 难道是因为去g家面试被reject了? [06:12] <tryit> 困 [06:13] <QiongMangHuo> tryit: 拜高管 [06:13] <QiongMangHuo> archl: 拜神棍 [06:14] <tryit> QiongMangHuo, 刚听说魔都有三大IT养老院…… [06:14] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 。。。什么意思你!!! [06:14] <tryit> QiongMangHuo, intel ibm emc [06:15] <QiongMangHuo> tryit: intel很好啊 [06:15] <tryit> QiongMangHuo, 没说不好啊,意思是钱多、事儿少,福利好 [06:15] <nyfair> yunfan: 我在这里说过我为什么喷g婊的,你善用人肉搜索查下 [06:16] <yunfan> nyfair: 你可以再赐教一次 说不定因此就发展了不少下线呢 [06:16] * yunfan 最近手头紧张呢 [06:16] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 拜真-妹子壕 [06:16] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 大件买太多了吧 [06:17] <nyfair> tryit: 不是sony emc 大摩么 [06:17] <archl> O0XX, 妹子壕 [06:17] <tryit> nyfair, 好像不是 [06:18] <nyfair> intel ibm的大部分部分根本不适合养老 [06:18] <nyfair> 部门 [06:18] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 也没有 我妈前一阵动手术 我 就提前把车贷还给我父母拿去医院支出了 他们还是老观念 存定期 所以手头没有现金 [06:18] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 该死的医保是要你先付钱然后报销的 [06:18] <yunfan> nyfair: 说说 ? [06:18] <tryit> nyfair, why [06:18] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 定期流动性太差了 [06:19] <nyfair> yunfan: 我存股市了 [06:19] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 我父母这辈人对存款还是信任度比较高的 [06:19] <yunfan> 我妈之前玩了一万去炒基金 [06:19] <yunfan> 貌似现在只有50%了 [06:19] <yunfan> nyfair: 你不是还有房子嘛 包租婆 [06:19] <nyfair> yunfan: 麻蛋,前年我炒黄金,血本无归 [06:20] <yunfan> 怎么会 最不济手头还有烂在手的黄金啊 [06:20] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 因为上杠杆了? 爆仓? [06:20] <yunfan> 难道你炒的是纸黄金 [06:20] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: 嗯 [06:20] <yunfan> 拿就煞笔了 [06:20] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 请允悲 [06:20] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 有钱还是炒大豆期货算了 [06:20] <nyfair> 还好还好,今年炒卢布赚了笔 [06:20] <yunfan> 我看近期粮食还要危机 [06:21] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 亏了就开车去拉大豆? [06:21] <yunfan> 炒卢布怎么赚 难道提前做空 [06:21] <nyfair> 做多啊 [06:21] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 牛牛, 包养我! [06:21] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 亏了拿就是亏了 [06:21] <nyfair> 卢布一直在涨 [06:21] <nyfair> 说跌那是去年 [06:21] <yunfan> 美元的问题吧 [06:22] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 相当于延长交割嘛, 你再卖撒 [06:22] <yunfan> 澳元跌到多少了 ? [06:22] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 485.21 [06:22] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 你运回家等于是出场了 你再要去交割 恐怕要办手续 检测之类的 还有仓库费用 应该赚不到钱了 何况你哪里来的运输能力 [06:22] <QiongMangHuo> 欧元妈的六块七了, 一下子赔了四块五! [06:23] <yunfan> 欧元都6快了?? [06:23] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 我在说笑... [06:23] <yunfan> 好狠啊 [06:23] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 六块七 [06:23] <yunfan> 我不完金融 对这个真没感觉 [06:23] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 我的三块钱欧元钢镚跌惨了 [06:23] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 现在进场门槛多少 ? [06:23] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: 你的外汇呢? [06:23] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 啥进场? [06:24] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 进外汇场啊 [06:24] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 我咋知道? [06:24] <yunfan> 我还有20k 拿出来做空好了 [06:24] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 你不是在玩? [06:24] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: "14:23 <@QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 我的三块钱欧元钢镚跌惨了" [06:24] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 这就是我的仓位 [06:24] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 尼玛 我以为你买了三手呢 [06:25] <nyfair> 我问个问题,有什么网盘支持文件夹共享的,除了度婊云 [06:25] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: dropbox [06:25] <yunfan> 为什么要文件夹共享 [06:25] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: mediafire怎么样 [06:25] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 没用过啊 [06:25] <yunfan> 最好是块存储的网盘 让他们根本不知道你存的啥 [06:26] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: github怎么样 [06:26] <yunfan> block 可以大点 取个1M-32M [06:27] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 最近股市这行情 你老 还上班么 [06:27] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 别abuse啊 [06:27] <yunfan> 想到当初刚来帝都 冯鑫打过电话给我 当时没理睬 现在后悔大了 [06:27] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 我又不炒股 [06:28] <lainme> mediafire免费用户下载有限速的吧 [06:28] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 你怎么不炒 [06:28] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 穷, 哪有钱炒股 [06:29] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 我记得前一阵你还炒的 [06:29] <lainme> nyfair: [06:29] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: 说这个之前你不看看民逗怎么在github上跟我对喷的 [06:30] <archl> nyfair, seafile? [06:30] * QiongMangHuo death to seafile fucking shit [06:30] <nyfair> 民逗说了哦,github都没有对greatfire做什么,那当然是他们的自由 [06:30] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 只有刀,沒歐元 [06:30] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 你被seafile搞丢了btc的私钥? [06:30] <nyfair> lainme: 这个我记得速度不快啊 [06:31] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 不, 我只是单纯讨厌seafile的傻逼 [06:31] <yunfan> 好吧 [06:31] <archl> QiongMangHuo sunk in seafiles, what a curse! [06:33] <nyfair> mediafire的好处。一,被墙没有小白骚扰;二,下载服务器没有被墙也没限速很流畅;三,在欧洲,不吃fbi的锅;四,古董网盘里少有的现在还存活的,信誉保证 [06:33] <yunfan> 有什么东西的价格跟时间的函数的导数是恒大于0的呢 ? [06:33] <archl> yunfan, 最新鲜的食物? [06:33] <yunfan> nyfair: mediafire不是在新西兰? [06:33] <nyfair> 魏尔斯特拉斯函数 [06:34] <yunfan> archl: 给你一个F fuck的F [06:34] <yunfan> 我问的是东西 而不是函数 [06:34] <archl> yunfan, 。。。 [06:34] <archl> yunfan, f换回去 [06:34] <nyfair> 啊,上次不是fbi把一堆美帝网盘全踹了么 [06:34] <yunfan> 我想到的是酒 往后在我妈病房里有个山里人给了我一个思路是树 [06:34] <yunfan> 不过我还想了解更多 [06:37] <nyfair> 化石 [06:37] <O0XX> yunfan: 古董 [06:38] <archl> yunfan, 氢气。。。 [06:38] <lainme> 氩气 [06:39] <yunfan> O0XX: 股东可不一定 [06:39] <kandu> nyfair: 牛牛妞好 [06:39] <kandu> QiongMangHuo: 蛋儿哥哥好 [06:39] <yunfan> lainme: 会么 貌似氦气最近供应越来越少 这个有可能 [06:40] <kandu> QiongMangHuo: .. [06:48] <nyfair> kandu: 抱抱 [06:49] <nyfair> 牛牛们,有什么cli的csv编辑器么 [06:49] <yangtongxue> 大神们 我的VB还是进不了系统 [06:50] <yangtongxue> sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup 找不到命令 [06:50] <yangtongxue> google过了 [06:51] <nyfair> yangtongxue: vbox死了,换vmware player吧 [06:51] <archl> yunfan 东西少了,就会有其他东西替代 [06:51] <yangtongxue> @nyfair .......... [06:52] <lainme> yangtongxue: 看log。现在的ubuntu是systemd了吧 [06:52] <archl> yangtongxue, 3个月前的文档就不要看了 [06:53] <yangtongxue> 失望中。。 [06:53] <QiongMangHuo> yangtongxue: virtualbox-dkms [06:53] <lainme> gnome-boxes现在不错的,用的qemu [06:53] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: O0XX: 看来要有新的x1了啊???? [06:54] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 我听歌呢 不知道什么情况 [06:54] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: skylake + usb type-c + 新电源适配器? [06:54] <yangtongxue> @iongMangHuo 重装过 不行 [06:54] <nyfair> vmware player自带qt5,而且自动把安装路径加入system path,多好,以后装完软件还能把一堆没用的QtXXX.dll删了 [06:54] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 不是, 他们在说4k屏幕的x1... 别的我不知道... [06:55] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 买买买 [06:55] <nyfair> 反观virtualbox,还在用gtk2 [06:55] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 现在2k屏幕已经足够了 [06:55] <nyfair> windows版本都用gtk2 [06:55] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 啥? [06:56] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: vmware比virtualbox好,没疑问吧 [06:56] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: virtualbox-qt [06:56] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: vmware当然好, 不过我没钱买 [06:56] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: 不是免费的么 [06:56] <MSErgo4K> player免费 [06:56] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: player那个残废才免费 [06:56] <nyfair> MSErgo4K: player够用了啊 [06:56] <MSErgo4K> vbox也是个餐费 [06:57] <MSErgo4K> 残废 [06:57] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: virtualbox 在用qt4啊 蛮好的 [06:57] <MSErgo4K> nyfair: 昂, 足够了啊 [06:57] <QiongMangHuo> 有多个前端 [06:57] <nyfair> vmware完整版将近1g呢,player才40m [06:57] <yangtongxue> 我要求没那么高 让我整回VB 不想搞了 [07:00] <yangtongxue> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) 要装回旧内核? [07:00] <MSErgo4K> dkms啊 [07:00] <yangtongxue> DKMS 装过不行 [07:01] <nyfair> 我昨天用vmware player装了个xp玩des blood4,双马尾好棒好棒哒 [07:01] <yangtongxue> 今晚工作急用WIN7 VB 坏的不是时候 [07:03] <yangtongxue> yangtongxue@yangtongxue:~/Desktop$ sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup [07:03] <yangtongxue> sudo:/etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found [07:03] <yangtongxue> 谷歌过 找到的资料无法解决这个问题 [07:03] <yangtongxue> virtualbox-dkms 已经是最新的版本。 [07:04] <hoxily-> [07:04] <^k^> hoxily-: ⇪ QQ游戏频道 欲望之血4 专题 [07:04] <hoxily-> ILLUSION公司 [07:06] <hoxily-> 出过《监禁》、《欲望格斗》、《尾行2》、《INTERACT PLAY VR》(电车之狼VR)等游戏。 [07:06] <ppts> 群里有没有搞渗透和安全的?? [07:06] <ppts> 没人言语啦 .. shit . [07:06] <hoxily-> nyfair: 13年前的老游戏,好玩吗? [07:07] <ppts> 尾行 不错 .. 鉴定完毕 [07:07] <ppts> join #cocoa-init [07:08] <palomino|working> illusion的游戏...画面和对硬件的需求不成正比 [07:08] <nyfair> ppts: 我做游戏破解和反向的,大致会些 [07:09] <^k^> 新 网卡问题以及网络和拨号 • 升级到15.04无线网卡不能工作 Acer笔记本,broadcom(可能是BMC4311)内置无线网卡。此前从1404到1410版本都工作正常。升级到1504后,头两次开机显示无线网卡是否工作的指示灯都亮,但却无法连接无线网络。第三次开机, [07:09] <^k^> ─> 指示灯也不亮了。用ifconfig -a指令,没有显示存在WLAN 0。查看 软件和更新=》附加驱动, … [07:09] <lainme> yangtongxue: 先purge virtualbox-dkms,再安装看看? [07:10] <nyfair> hoxily-: 一撸神以前的游戏比现在没有剧情的垃圾好玩多了 [07:11] <nyfair> 但是有情怀的游戏通常不赚钱 [07:13] <QiongMangHuo> roylez: 乐乐, 有好事儿么? [07:15] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 当当有好事吗? [07:15] <QiongMangHuo> archl: 没有! [07:28] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 李老板, 贵族有人做3g/4g网卡相关的工作不? [07:28] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 这种残渣剩饭一般都是给我 [07:29] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 那挺好. [07:29] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 干啥? [07:29] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 一会儿assign给你老板. [07:29] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 3g网卡的问题, 我懒得看了 [07:30] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 记得ping 他, 他的filter太烂 [07:30] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 昂, 记得 [07:34] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: MSErgo4K [07:34] <^k^> QiongMangHuo: ⇪ 北京一环路_百度百科 [07:34] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 李老板, 你太腻害了, 我太葱白你了 [07:34] <QiongMangHuo> [07:34] <^k^> QiongMangHuo: ⇪ 北京一环路_百度百科 [07:35] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [07:35] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 李老板, 你太腻害了, 我太葱白你了 [07:35] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: MSErgo4K 洗脸去 [07:36] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 李老板, 你太腻害了, 我太葱白你了 [07:38] <jussss> QiongMangHuo: gnu的gpg key和openssl的有啥区别? [07:38] <QiongMangHuo> jussss: 母鸡 [07:39] <jussss> QiongMangHuo: 那为啥你用gpg [07:39] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 那为啥你用gpg [07:39] <QiongMangHuo> jussss: 母鸡啊 [07:39] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 那为啥你用gpg [07:40] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 停车场不给赔么? [07:40] <MSErgo4K> .cherrot: 停车场不给赔么? [07:43] <O0XX> cherrot: 不赔的话睡他们女儿 [07:45] * O0XX 谁给我转了437人刀? [07:47] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 我转错了 还我 [07:48] <cherrot> 。。。。 [07:48] <cherrot> 准备入手二手公爵600 [07:49] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你的是什么型号来着? [07:49] <cherrot> O0XX, 我,转错了 你给我转回来吧 [07:50] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 到底赔不赔? [07:50] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: cherrot 不要打架,不要打架, 账号尾数都有啥? 谁说对了 [07:50] <O0XX> 就给他 [07:51] <cherrot> O0XX, QiongMangHuo 先说 他说错了 肯定就是我转的了 [07:51] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 不陪 [07:51] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 个人责任 [07:51] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 为啥是个人责任? [07:51] <O0XX> cherrot: 睡他们女儿 [07:51] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 车库是免费停车啊 [07:51] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: o... [07:52] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 请允悲 [07:52] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 摸摸求包养 [07:53] <cherrot> 公爵600貌似不如我的ATX777 不过差不太多 不计较了 [07:53] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 带着你的妹妹带着你的马车, 嫁过来 [07:53] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 带着我的弟弟,骑着我的小车 不行么 [07:53] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 不行 [07:54] <O0XX> cherrot: 他是想要你的小妹妹 [07:54] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 公爵 600 [07:55] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你不是说想一步到位弄个好的么 [07:55] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 这还不好? [07:55] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 公爵太沉了 [07:55] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 我觉得很到位了啊 [07:55] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 重量上讲比巨大车差多了 [07:55] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 新车? 2400? [07:55] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 2199 [07:56] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 新车都这么便宜了啊 [07:56] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 现在应该是 2399 吧 [07:56] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 能感觉的出来么 [07:56] <BuMangHuo> 那几天有满减活动 [07:56] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 好 [07:56] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 太明显了 [07:56] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 600 哪里不如 777 了 [07:56] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 一手拎一辆车特明显 [07:56] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: [07:57] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 买买买 [07:57] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 重量 配件好像都略弱一些 [07:57] * BuMangHuo 最最最最最最讨厌的句式是 “加钱上XX”, 没有之一 [07:57] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 因为你都是不加钱就上? [07:57] <BuMangHuo> ... [07:58] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 真相了 lol [07:58] <jussss> QiongMangHuo: 真相帝 [07:58] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 真相帝 [07:58] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 因为你都是不加钱就强上? [07:59] <BuMangHuo> ... [08:01] * QiongMangHuo snappy升级, 一大堆报错........ [08:02] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 不管了 预算有限 不想入太好的了 [08:03] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 没觉得这货比1k多的车好多少 [08:04] * cherrot 求购二手ATX777 挑战者300 。。。 [08:04] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 你现在坐骑是? [08:04] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 挑3还不如加钱上挑6 [08:05] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 拜不加钱就上壕 [08:05] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 公路一枚 [08:06] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 公路对前列腺是不是更严酷一点 [08:06] <yunfan> unikernels居然是xen搞的stack 野心不小啊 [08:06] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 坐姿调对了,无感 [08:07] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 你割了就不怕了 [08:08] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 那以后还要买腰带 不值当 [08:08] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 腰带? [08:08] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 不过挑6 除了那个紫色的涂装比较骚之外,真的跟挑7 差很远啊 [08:08] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 所以不能割啊 [08:08] * QiongMangHuo snappy升级之后起不来了....... [08:11] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 没这么多银子 我是通勤族 [08:11] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 通勤成本好高啊 [08:11] * cherrot 低价出独轮车 国产BBG v6 全新 [08:11] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 为啥? [08:11] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 每半年一个车 [08:12] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 为啥。。 [08:12] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 丢了啊 [08:12] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 这次成本是很高。。。 不过我也就这唯一的锻炼机会了 。。 [08:18] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • 14.4.2可以装gcc 5.1 g++5.1? gcc 5.1刚出,不知道14.4.2可以装gcc 5.1 g++5.1? zz: iamcook84 — 2015-04-27 16:15 [08:21] * O0XX 公司这个网真是赞 [08:21] <O0XX> MSErgo4K: 百战天虫? [08:21] <MSErgo4K> O0XX: 忙啊 [08:21] <yunfan> cherrot: 独轮车你都有? [08:21] <yunfan> 太牛逼 [08:22] <MSErgo4K> O0XX: 找李老板啊 [08:22] <yunfan> cherrot: 多少钱出 [08:22] * HowIsItGoing 操操操,坡国人跟港灿干活方式差不多,都是半懂不懂的吓指挥瞎担心。 [08:22] * HowIsItGoing 技术最弱逼的都去当经理当PM去了 [08:23] <cherrot> yunfan, 1800 亲情价 全新 年会奖品 [08:23] <yunfan> cherrot: 呵呵 行 我也挂这个价 我的续航60km [08:23] <yunfan> 淘宝上2k5买的 [08:24] <cherrot> yunfan, 哦错了 2800 。。。 [08:24] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 卧槽,你这一个型号不如一个型号的,要不您看看闪电? [08:24] <cherrot> yunfan, 你的也BBG V6 ? [08:24] <yunfan> cherrot: 那我也挂2k8 [08:24] <cherrot> yunfan, 你挂在哪? [08:24] <yunfan> cherrot: 不是 其他牌子的 忘记叫什么 [08:24] <yunfan> cherrot: 等我回家就挂当地58上 [08:25] <yunfan> 说错 现在叫 集8网 了 [08:25] <cherrot> yunfan, lol [08:25] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 我前公司自行车可以带进办公室,我都不买锁,人在车在 [08:25] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 真好 [08:25] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 后来换了公司,不让带车进办公室了,就没法骑了,瞬间胖了20斤 [08:25] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: "呵呵" [08:25] <yunfan> HowIsItGoing: 你也可以买个a-bike 折叠后哪里都可以取 不必前公司 [08:25] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: lol [08:26] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 前公司老大都骑车上班,还是个28车,碉堡了 [08:26] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: …… [08:26] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 屌 [08:26] <yunfan> a-bike有电力增程 打算卖了我的独轮车取买那个 [08:26] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 即使无节操的放毒而已 [08:26] <HowIsItGoing> yunfan: 拉倒吧,你先去骑骑再出主意吧,abike是人骑的车嘛? 骑车比走路还慢 [08:27] <yunfan> cherrot: 有什么叼的 segway的老总天天装逼骑那个 结果跌下悬崖挂了 [08:27] <yunfan> HowIsItGoing: 没那么慢吧 视频演示里还行 何况有电动 [08:27] <yunfan> 只不过续航不高 [08:27] <HowIsItGoing> yunfan: 扛着十几公斤的玩意天天上下楼? [08:27] <yunfan> HowIsItGoing: 你走路是赶命呢 [08:27] * HowIsItGoing 通勤还是小布最靠谱 [08:28] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 小布? [08:28] <yunfan> HowIsItGoing: 你不是说胖了嘛 又怕锻炼 [08:28] <yunfan> 活该胖 [08:28] <HowIsItGoing> yunfan: 再说人家锻炼,你拿电动增程干毛线 [08:28] <yunfan> HowIsItGoing: 因为有的时候办事需要速度 [08:28] <HowIsItGoing> yunfan: 打车 [08:28] <yunfan> 我骑山地车最高速就是30了 [08:28] * QiongMangHuo 想学孙悟饭的通勤方式 [08:28] <yunfan> HowIsItGoing: 汽车不是什么地方都能到 [08:28] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 瞬移么? [08:29] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 飞 [08:29] <yunfan> 孙悟空适合做宅急送 [08:29] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 悟空会瞬移, 跟外星人学的, 悟饭不会 [08:29] * HowIsItGoing 去年在帝都大街上还能飙出40km/h,现在过个立交桥都喘 [08:29] * QiongMangHuo 好像教给他儿子了? [08:29] <cherrot> 我山地顶多到35 公路到40无压力吧 [08:29] <yunfan> 反正我只能那个速度 我需要电力增程 [08:29] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 上次你来北京还没见多胖啊... [08:30] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 心肺不行了 [08:30] <archl> yunfan, 你需要滑翔翼 [08:30] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 自行车相当锻炼肺活量。 [08:30] <yunfan> archl: 我需要你的嘴 [08:30] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我现在心肺杠杠的, 游泳和爬山很锻炼心肺 [08:30] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 壕利害 [08:30] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 不会游,体重大不敢爬山,不然半月板妥妥的完蛋 [08:31] * QiongMangHuo 不过还是瘦不下来..... [08:31] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 。。。可恶,跟着你们,好字都打不出来 [08:31] <yunfan> 肯定是游泳搞出来的 QiongMangHuo 帝都一次多少钱 [08:31] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 你都是肉都是肉,你是行动的肉。。。 [08:31] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 大学三十, 游泳馆60, 饭店健身房90 [08:31] <QiongMangHuo> archl: 你不是么... [08:31] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 那你一个月去几次? [08:31] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 跟你比我更像行动的骨头iu [08:31] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 每周一次两千米, 中间不停 [08:32] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 我那好像是15一次 然后屯溪市民早上还可以免费 草 我不行 [08:32] <maplebeats> hi all [08:32] <^k^> maplebeats:点点点. 16:31 [08:32] <yunfan> duyue_: 这几天你游了多少了 [08:32] <maplebeats> 为什么我进IRC不用输入密码 [08:32] <maplebeats> 奇怪 [08:33] <yunfan> j为什么要输 [08:33] <archl> maplebeats, 为什么密码? [08:33] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 小布在此 [08:33] <^k^> HowIsItGoing: ⇪ 直邮英国brompton小布折叠自行车城市通勤 SL2 S把2速 整车 原装-tmall.hk天猫国际 [08:33] <maplebeats> 因为怕你们冒充我! [08:33] <maplebeats> 哈哈,已经认证了 [08:34] <yunfan> 想冒充不一定要同名 [08:34] <cherrot> maplebeats, 认证也没用吧 [08:34] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 上周没游成, 东方卫视占了场地拍电视 [08:34] <cherrot> maplebeats, 你下线后照样冒充你 [08:34] <maplebeats> = =! [08:34] <maplebaets> maplebeats: 这个辨认得出来否 [08:34] <QiongMangHuo> maplebaets: 赞 [08:34] <maplebeats> 认得出来 [08:34] <maplebeats> 丧心病狂 [08:34] <maplebaets> 这种玩法我早些年专门写了个博客总结这类pattern [08:35] <meplebeats> maplebeats, 我的内推咋样了 [08:35] <^k^> 新 虚拟机和虚拟化 • virtualbox 报错 Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) 试过各种方法 对于这个问题大家应该不会陌生 我也搜过一堆解决方法 也在IRC请教过 目前没解决 只好注个ID 占资源在这提问 请各位大神帮忙 谢谢 [08:35] <^k^> ─> [08:35] <maplebaets> 都怪你们自己取名喜欢用这种 [08:35] <archl> 。。。 [08:35] <maplebeats> = =1 [08:35] <maplebeats> 我在等钱呢 [08:35] <archl> maplebeats, 等你给我钱 [08:35] <maplebeats> 兔子,我还不清楚。。 [08:35] <yunfan> meplebeats: 跳了 ?不等股票解套? [08:36] <meplebeats> yunfan, 不是我 [08:36] <cherrot> yunfan, 帮别人 [08:36] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 话说Java的小轮径通勤也很帅,还不贵 [08:36] <yunfan> cherrot: 认错了 我以为是千人斩呢 你我才不关心 [08:36] <maplebeats> cherrot: 我推了两,OMG没反应,其它BG反应很快 [08:36] <maplebeats> yunfan: 千人斩是谁 [08:36] <yunfan> 其实我想买个真得独轮车来用 [08:36] <QiongMangHuo> maplebeats: 推荐我啊 [08:37] <yunfan> 当死飞那种骑 [08:37] <maplebeats> yunfan: 可以呀,又不贵,就是进医院有点贵 [08:37] <cherrot> yunfan, 膝盖中了一箭 [08:37] <yunfan> maplebeats: 我膝盖破都自己处理 [08:37] <yunfan> 说起来 我得去学下急救技能 [08:38] <archl> yunfan, 生存狂,赶紧学技能 [08:38] <XwinX__> archl: 嗯 这个是必学的 [08:39] <QiongMangHuo> /n mαplebeats [08:40] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 你也玩! [08:40] <QiongMangHuo> archl: 我没有啊 [08:41] * adam_magic_pack 天黑黑 要落雨 [08:41] <archl> adam_magic_pack, 当当你怎么给我感觉变年轻了 [08:41] <adam_magic_pack> archl: 装嫩中 [08:42] <yunfan> 小鲜肉 [08:42] <archl> adam_magic_pack, 看来真的没好事 [08:43] * cherrot 天黑黑 要落雨 [08:45] <archl> adam_magic_pack cherrot 难道你们表达的是你们都饿了? [08:45] <cherrot> archl, 阴天了 [08:45] <HowIsItGoing> adam_magic_pack: 阿达姆.魔法.包 [08:45] <archl> adam_magic_pack, cherrot 哦。我今天买了黑巧克力。 [08:46] <nyfair> 我也要玩 [08:47] <asam_mick_tea> adam_magic_pack, 阿达姆你好 我是阿萨姆奶茶 [08:48] <archl> asam_mick_tea, 好难喝,黑你 [08:48] <adam_magic_pack> HowIsItGoing: 后面那个点去掉 [08:48] * archl 诅咒: "天黑黑 要落雨" [08:49] <archl> cherrot, 那个叫做啥的贩卖机,总是送阿萨姆奶茶。 [08:53] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • 14.04是否支持2K的显示器 最近买了2K的显示器,想接在笔记本(Thinkpad W520)上使用。显示器只有一个DVI-D的接口。因为笔记本有DP接口,所以就买了一个DP到DVI-D的转接线。但接上后切换显示器,只要涉及到2K显示器的就是黑屏,什么 [08:55] <adam_magic_pack> 你问我支不支持, 我说支持 [08:55] <nyfair> 2k显示器是什么鬼? [08:57] <^k^> nyfair: define:2k显示器 not defined. [08:58] <hoxily> jusss: 最小化的archlinux有多小? [08:58] <maplebeats> @hoxily 300MB? [08:59] <hoxily> 官方提供的 archlinux.iso 镜像文件是600MB以上呢 [09:00] <yunfan> nyfair: 支持2k分辨率的显示器 ? [09:00] <yunfan> 还以为你熟悉这种黑化呢 [09:01] <maplebeats> 2k应该支持的,不过显卡~ [09:02] * adam_magic_pack 手机里三个地图, 国内百度, 国外Google, 爬山OpenStreetMap [09:02] * adam_magic_pack 略多 [09:03] * cysnap 啊 ,北京就要下暴雨了,你们怕么? [09:03] <archl> adam_magic_pack, 北京可以只用 openstreetmap吧 [09:03] <O0XX> adam_magic_pack: 你居然还用百度 [09:03] <adam_magic_pack> O0XX: 国内没法啊, 前天装上的 [09:03] <archl> adam_magic_pack, 北京是奇葩的城市,不过做openstreetmap的没有见过中国人。 [09:04] <yunfan> adam_magic_pack: 国内百度也会被坑到的 我前几天搜八达岭那个发电站 就发现百度的地图还不如国外的 [09:04] <adam_magic_pack> archl: 爬山的话用OSM很赞 [09:04] <archl> adam_magic_pack, 潍坊的是几个法国人做的,地图上都不带汉字的。。。 [09:04] <yunfan> adam_magic_pack: 百度地图没有给你带来百度全家桶 ? [09:04] * adam_magic_pack 北京可以只用openstreetmap么? [09:04] <adam_magic_pack> O0XX: 百度地图我只给了location的权限... [09:05] <archl> adam_magic_pack, 为了免费食物! [09:05] <archl> adam_magic_pack, 出卖你自己吧 [09:05] <adam_magic_pack> archl: ? [09:06] <archl> adam_magic_pack 开其他权限参加百度活动,获取百度能量 [09:06] <BuMangHuo> 没有适合骑车的导航么 [09:06] <archl> BuMangHuo, 高德地图 [09:06] <BuMangHuo> 百度那个步行找的路线有点偏哎 [09:07] * archl 也就2014年6月用过百度地图啊。。。没找到 MSErgo4K 所以再也不用了。。。 [09:08] <nyfair> yunfan: 我几年没正儿八经用过linux桌面了,你跟我说这个? [09:09] <archl> nyfair, 您的正儿八经需要多少个月? [09:10] <maplebeats> 我已经有两年没用过linux桌面了 [09:10] <maplebeats> 哎:( [09:10] <archl> maplebeats, ... [09:10] <archl> maplebeats, ... 就是来刷脸的啊 [09:10] <maplebeats> archl: 刷啥脸 [09:11] <archl> maplebeats, 好吧,刷 nick [09:11] <maplebeats> 话说,我们组招人 [09:11] <maplebeats> 想来的我可以内推,坑死人我不负责 [09:11] <maplebeats> 反正我觉得坑 [09:12] <archl> maplebeats, 谁没事去深圳填坑 [09:13] <maplebeats> archl: 我也觉得。。 [09:13] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 好像你上次发的那种锁相对最安全 [09:13] <archl> BuMangHuo, 什么锁? [09:13] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 你去看监控了? [09:13] <maplebeats> cherrot: 兔子你们新公司有部分妹纸多么 [09:13] <MSErgo4K> cherrot: 立兆锁? [09:14] <maplebeats> cherrot: 被盗了? [09:14] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 看了呀 开锁速度比我快多了 如果确定嫌疑人的话 毕竟画质有限 [09:15] <cherrot> maplebeats, 什么叫部分妹纸? [09:15] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 不是剪的? [09:15] <maplebeats> 部门 [09:15] <maplebeats> 打错了 [09:15] <cherrot> 立兆锁是什么 [09:15] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 就我发的那个四节的啊 [09:15] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 不确定 只有一个探头 只能看入口 [09:15] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 男贼女贼 [09:17] <archl> BuMangHuo cherrot MSErgo4K [09:17] <^k^> archl: ⇪ The Best Bike Lock pp: : $36.60 [09:17] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 就是好几节那个 [09:17] <BuMangHuo> archl: 啥都不买 [09:17] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 男 [09:18] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 对,话说是几点偷的 [09:18] <archl> BuMangHuo, 不知道不知道。 [09:18] <cherrot> maplebeats, 嗯 沮丧 [09:18] <cherrot> maplebeats, 我现在公司除了行政没有妹子 [09:18] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 周六下午3点 [09:19] <BuMangHuo> 我靠 [09:19] <BuMangHuo> 下午 [09:19] <BuMangHuo> 这么猛 [09:19] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你这个链接自动302 [09:19] <nyfair> [09:19] <nyfair> 诸君,这个插件好棒 [09:19] <BuMangHuo> 链接? [09:20] <nyfair> [09:20] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 这个锁强么? [09:20] <adam_magic_pack> nyfair: 为啥disable? [09:20] <^k^> ⇪ ti: 强制以Flash格式播放提速Youtube视频 | Freedom [09:20] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 还不错,我看贴吧里面有人评价不错 [09:20] <MSErgo4K> nyfair: 提速两个字怎么来的? [09:20] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 真尼玛跪 [09:21] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 而且见过几个用这锁的,应该剪不开 [09:21] <adam_magic_pack> cherrot: 来一打行政妹子 [09:21] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你上次不是发过一个多节的么 [09:21] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 对啊,就是立兆啊 [09:21] <cherrot> adam_magic_pack, 自己过来打包 [09:21] <adam_magic_pack> cherrot: 我出邮费 [09:21] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 防剪防技开的 [09:21] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你这个链接里的不都是U型锁么 [09:21] <BuMangHuo> 我没发链接啊,你直接淘宝搜 [09:21] <BuMangHuo> 那是 jiero 发的... [09:21] <HowIsItGoing> adam_magic_pack: 你用啥限制权限?  诸君,这个插棒好 [09:22] <adam_magic_pack> HowIsItGoing: 魅族自带的 [09:22] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 他是只带走了你的,还是? [09:22] <jusss> lol [09:22] <HowIsItGoing> adam_magic_pack: 球apk [09:22] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 周六好车估计就我这一辆 [09:22] <adam_magic_pack> HowIsItGoing: 整合到rom里的啊... [09:22] <BuMangHuo> 。。。 [09:22] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 收费车棚的话,不负责? [09:22] * adam_magic_pack 所以不用root, 开心 [09:22] <cherrot> bum [09:22] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 免费车棚 [09:23] <BuMangHuo> 额,那就没办法了 [09:23] <BuMangHuo> 话说有没有自行车的保险 [09:23] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 我是说的类似 这个的 [09:24] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Serfas KL-PUCK Steel Plated Key Lock - at pp: $28.95 [09:24] <MSErgo4K> cherrot: 我用 terk s3 也挺好的 [09:25] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, [09:25] <^k^> cherrot: ⇪ Serfas: KL-PUCK The "Puck" Lock [09:25] <cherrot> MSErgo4K, 链接? [09:25] <jusss> 没有xcape的emacs怎么玩 [09:25] <MSErgo4K> cherrot: 实体店买的. [09:25] <MSErgo4K> jusss: xcape干嘛的? [09:26] <cherrot> MSErgo4K, 搜不到 这是什么锁? [09:26] <jusss> MSErgo4K: 绑定escape和ctrl到capslock呀? [09:26] <MSErgo4K> jusss: 为毛要这样??? [09:26] <jusss> 按一下是escape, 按住再按其他键就是control [09:27] <jusss> MSErgo4K: 解放你的esc和左下角的ctrl呀 [09:27] <MSErgo4K> jusss: 从来不用esc啊. [09:27] <MSErgo4K> jusss: 我用alt就够了 [09:27] <MSErgo4K> jusss: ctrl的位置很舒服 [09:27] <jusss> MSErgo4K: 大拇指按alt不习惯 [09:27] <adam_magic_pack> jusss: 手活儿不好就别用emacs, 用道具可耻 [09:28] <MSErgo4K> jusss: 我把小拇指蜷起来, 用指甲盖按Ctrl [09:28] <jusss> adam_magic_pack: 都有用脚踏板的你怎么不说 [09:29] <MSErgo4K> jusss: photoshop用ctrl比emacs还频繁, 也没见他们换位置啊 [09:29] <jusss> adam_magic_pack: vim是猥琐人才用的,不停的按jj,多不文明 [09:30] <MSErgo4K> cherrot: [09:30] <^k^> MSErgo4K: ⇪ 德国TRELOCK多功能自行车锁 摩托车锁 便携折叠式 3级防盗锁FS300 价格: 元 [09:31] <MSErgo4K> 其实我不是很信得过国外的锁. 国外的环境好, 不知道中国的小偷里面能人辈出.... cc BuMangHuo cherrot [09:32] <jusss> qinglingquan: vim, 摸摸dd,按按jj LOL [09:33] <jusss> 发错了。。。 [09:33] <cherrot> MSErgo4K, 我也这个感觉 [09:33] <archl> MSErgo4K, 手机支架 1元包邮,用上了京卷 - [09:33] <archl> 谁用过碟刹? [09:34] <archl> 是不是更安全? [09:34] <cherrot> MSErgo4K, 但目前看貌似是这种设计最能防盗了 不好翘 [09:35] <MSErgo4K> archl: 赞. [09:35] <MSErgo4K> cherrot: 昂. [09:35] <MSErgo4K> cherrot: 还得硬度够 [09:36] <MSErgo4K> cherrot: 最好是, 两把, 不同的锁, 直接打消小偷的欲望. [09:36] <cherrot> MSErgo4K, 嗯 看起来你这个比那个圆形的汉堡锁更厚一些 应该性能更好吧 [09:36] <cherrot> MSErgo4K, 万一小偷跟你杠上了呢。。 [09:36] <archl> MSErgo4K cherrot 我觉得不会吧。 [09:36] <MSErgo4K> cherrot: ... ... ... 然后小偷买了一把锁给你锁上了 [09:36] <cherrot> MSErgo4K, 对 。。。 [09:36] <archl> cherrot, 圆的不会比方的的更。。。 [09:37] <MSErgo4K> archl: 圆的更容易撬开 [09:37] <cherrot> archl, 原的那个薄 [09:37] <archl> MSErgo4K,。。。撬开的话和圆方有关系么。。。 [09:37] <archl> cherrot, 为什么呀。 [09:37] <MSErgo4K> archl: 有 [09:38] <archl> cherrot, 突然想到,在公司有自行车位,就把自行车提起来,遥控的。谁敢手动就是小偷。。。 [09:38] <archl> lol [09:39] * archl 想起以前挂在车后面的。 [09:39] <archl> MSErgo4K, 不懂啊。 [09:40] <archl> MSErgo4K cherrot 看到了这个,长见识 [09:40] <^k^> archl: ⇪ 碟刹锁十大排行榜_苏通网 pp: ¥50 [09:40] <MSErgo4K> archl: 碟刹锁一用就死. [09:40] <archl> MSErgo4K, 什么意思? [09:40] <archl> MSErgo4K, 搬走了? [09:41] <MSErgo4K> archl: 小偷偷不走你的车也会坏他 [09:41] <archl> 。。。 [09:48] * pity 有人用 vimwiki 吗?请教个问题 [09:48] <pity> vimwiki 指定一个模板来生成 html,但生成时并没有应用这个模板,大家有遇到过的吗? [10:01] <nyfair> vim是猥琐人才用的,不停的按jj,多不文明 [10:04] <pity> nyfair: .... [10:05] <jusss> 出着太阳下着雨。。。 [10:06] <hoxily> 大胸罩! [10:19] <yunfan> nyfair: 不是 你老玩高清漫画 我以为你会在乎分辨率这块 [10:31] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 最有水平的回答 : 如果你与心仪的女子晚餐时,你要上厕所,怎么说最得体? 最有水平的回答:"请稍候,我去跟一位兄弟握个手,我希望今晚有机会把他也介绍给你。" [12:15] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 冠 军 : 几个吝啬鬼同场角逐,争夺"第一吝啬鬼"桂冠。大家依次介绍自己如何小气,唇枪舌剑互不相让。唯有一个吝啬鬼默不作声。主持人问他:"先生,能谈您的事迹吗?" 他仿佛没有听见。主持人连问几声,他才生气地说:"我自己的声音,为什么要让你们听见?" 他得了冠军 [12:15] <^k^> ─> 。 [12:56] <^k^> 新 启动和引导 • 求助引导的问题end Kernel panic - …… 求助 前提 本人没有1g以上的U盘, 只有1个320G的移动硬盘,可以清空,但不知道怎么把移动硬盘弄成LIVE CD, 所以只能在xp或win7下硬盘安装ubuntu。 两种系统都试过,硬盘版安装的时候,出现end Ker [13:43] <nopyhe> /topic [13:58] <yangtongxue> 请问哪位大神能帮帮我 谢谢 [13:58] <yangtongxue> [13:58] <^k^> ⇪ ti: virtualbox 报错 Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) 试过各种方法 - 查看主题 • Ubuntu中文论坛 zz: yangtongxue [14:18] <jusss> hoxily: 昨晚写的那个太垃圾了 [14:18] <jusss> 今天一看,垃圾的不行 [14:18] <hoxily> jusss: 开团 [14:18] <hoxily> jusss: 哦 [14:19] <jusss> hoxily: 今天重写了 [14:19] <^k^> ⇪ ti: code/ at bla2 · jusss/code · GitHub [14:53] <^k^> 新 因特网相关软件 • 关于共享。。。。手机访问ubuntu共享。。。。。 ubuntu 14.04 ,分区ext4。安卓手机4.4。同一局域网。 手机可以正常访问ubuntu共享文件。但是不能访问windows分区的文件,提示权限不足。(ubuntu 挂载ntfs分区)。 有人能自导 [14:53] <^k^> ─> 一下怎么用手机访问ubuntu挂载的ntfs分区么? zz: ahwad — 2015-04-27 22:53 [15:07] <jusss> hoxily: [15:07] <xubuntu-du> 怎么样用clamav扫描虚拟机里面的XP系统 [15:07] <hoxily> jusss: 看不懂啊 [15:08] <jusss> hoxily: 这是python [15:09] <jusss> hoxily: 把这个文件下下来,$python3 [15:10] <jusss> hoxily: 你发现没有,这全是表达式,没有赋值语句呀! 哇卡卡 [15:10] <jusss> 除了前3个 [15:11] <hoxily> 呵呵 [15:11] <jusss> 全是表达式,没有语句 [15:13] <jusss> 睡觉去 [15:14] <jusss> 晚安 [15:14] <hoxily> 晚安 [15:57] <HougeLangley> 话说这两天安装了一下ubuntu15.04,安装了liquoix内核,升级到4.0后无限次循环启动 [17:12] <cherrot> gnome-shell 全是bug .... [18:38] <gebjgd> 雷军的英语真棒
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BuMangHuo", "Guest63652", "HougeLangley", "HowIsItGoing", "MSErgo4K", "O0XX", "QiongMangHuo", "XwinX__", "^k^", "adam_magic_pack", "archl", "asam_mick_tea", "cherrot", "cysnap", "eve_ouyang", "feifei_", "gebjgd", "hoxily", "hoxily-", "huntxu", "iMadper", "jusss", "jussss", "kandu", "lainme", "maplebaets", "maplebeats", "meplebeats", "nopyhe", "nyfair", "palomino|working", "pity", "pocmon", "ppts", "tryit", "wdzgahub", "xhp", "xhp_", "xhpqd", "xubuntu-du", "yangtongxue", "yunfan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cn" }
[00:10] <tk> guess not [05:11] <bzoltan> zsombi: are you here? [05:11] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: ping [05:44] <DanChapman> morning all [06:23] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: pong [06:24] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: you still could not log in? [06:24] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: no luck [06:24] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: works for me [06:25] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: my core is on an ancient Ubuntu ... might be that it does not support the the same crypto lib the server needs [06:30] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: you downloaded your new creds from enigma? [06:30] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: do yo get any specific errors? [06:33] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: darn... server supports only tls1 [06:36] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: uh oh , have fun upgrading :D [06:37] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: you could alternatively download a precompiled quassel from the quassel homepage and use that [06:37] <zbenjamin> [06:37] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: "This core does not require Qt or SSL installed and should run out-of-the-box on most current Linux systems on x86 or x86_64" [06:38] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: just hack you startup script to use the new binary [06:41] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: this one? quasselcore-static-0.10.1.bz2 [06:48] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: yeah [06:51] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: if you use any dbms instead of sqlite and get a dialog that you need to setup the database, do not panic all your stuff is still there [06:51] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: there is a way to switch to the right db [06:55] <davidcalle> Good morning [07:06] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: still no luck? [10:54] <ahayzen> popey, is there anyone I can talk to to raise priority/get a milestone of a bug in ms2 as we've had quite a few people affected by it and it causes the music-app to not work correctly :( [10:54] <ahayzen> popey, its bug 1436110 [10:54] * popey looks [10:55] <popey> ahayzen: jamesh is on UK time this week at a sprint in London. [10:55] <ahayzen> \o/ [10:57] <ahayzen> popey, should this sortof bug not be tracked on that canonical-system-image thing? [10:57] <popey> we can add a task for that, yes. [10:58] <popey> but that's for release critical ones I think. [10:58] <popey> however.. "Please add a bug task for the canonical-devices-system-image project if you want to escalate a bug" [10:58] <popey> there's your answer. add that as a task [10:58] <ahayzen> ..causing ms2 to loop/crash and render useless to any clients...sounds slightly critical ;) [10:58] <popey> [10:59] <popey> done [10:59] <ahayzen> thanks popey :) [10:59] <popey> they get regularly reviewed. np [11:06] <davmor2> popey: okay interesting issue, in calendar the current view isn't updated. So the meeting I was unsubscribed from, I was removed and readded, It shows up on next week but not this week till I went into month view and then back to week view [11:07] <popey> yup, you have to force sync [11:13] <q_> 刘老师在吗? Is teacher Liu here ? [11:14] <davmor2> popey: when you say force sync you mean in the calendar view or with google? [11:19] <popey> davmor2: kebab menu, sync [11:20] <davmor2> popey: yes I did that, that is when it showed up for future weeks, this weeks view however didn't update. I had to change view to monthly then go back to weekly for this week to update [11:21] <popey> vivid or utopic? [11:21] <davmor2> popey: vivid [11:22] <popey> sounds like a bug [11:22] <davmor2> popey: indeed I'll write it up [11:32] <davmor2> popey: [11:58] <juzzlin_> Is it now so that I have to package my desktop app as a Click package if I want it to be included in the software center? [11:59] <juzzlin_> And this works only from 14.10 => [11:59] <davmor2> juzzlin_: is it a desktop app or mobile app? [12:01] <davmor2> juzzlin_: currently click only works on mobile devices, the desktop store doesn't support 14.10 or greater. So your .deb app will only work in 14.04 [12:08] <juzzlin_> davmor2: a desktop app [12:10] <juzzlin_> so I guess PPA is still the way to go [12:11] <davmor2> juzzlin_: possibly yes [12:53] <ahayzen> t1mp, ping [14:47] <renatu> charles, can we get silo 8 released? [14:47] <charles> renatu, I'm happy with it as is -- is W opened up yet? [14:48] <charles> afaik that's all we're waiting on [14:48] <renatu> bfiller, ^^^ [14:48] <davmor2> charles: you have the overlay ppa till w is open [14:50] <charles> davmor2, dyk what the value of "till w is open" is? [14:51] <charles> I was holding off because I thought W was coming soon, and I didn't want to generate extra work [14:51] <davmor2> charles: :) [14:53] <bfiller> charles: just list the silo for vivid and it will automatically get put in overlay ppa [14:54] <charles> bfiller, ok, thanks [14:55] <charles> renatu, in that case I'd say go ahead and aim it at vivid now [14:55] <renatu> charles, I do not have permissions for that :D [14:55] <renatu> charles, do you have? [14:56] <charles> renatu, okay, I'll do it :-) [14:56] <renatu> charles, thanks [15:57] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, [17:05] <mrqtros> popey ping [17:43] <mrqtros> Hi all [17:44] <mrqtros> Seems that LocalStorage isn't working under 15.04 on device [18:43] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, so I see you updated the plugin a bit more [18:43] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, yah I'm reworking it quite a bit [18:43] <akiva-thinkpad> so it looks much more like an API than a daisy chain of functions [18:57] <mrqtros> Does someoe know why I can't use ".cache" location in UP? [18:57] <mrqtros> folder* [19:25] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, my build fails though [19:26] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, [19:44] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, thanks [19:45] <akiva-thinkpad> is this revision 13, or the latest from trunk? [19:45] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, ^ [19:45] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, still need that readme. You can see I'm just building it like a normal package [19:45] <akiva-thinkpad> (I havn't merged) [19:45] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, ahh, rev 19 [19:46] <balloons> I can rollback if needed [19:46] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, yah might want to avoid that. Also; I have not done debian packaging, bzoltan is handling that. [19:46] <akiva-thinkpad> so the way I'm doing it is building the project in qt creator [19:46] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, ohh.. see, that's why I asked :-0 [19:46] <akiva-thinkpad> using the .pro file [19:46] <balloons> still need that readmde [19:46] <akiva-thinkpad> :) [19:47] <balloons> :-) [19:47] <akiva-thinkpad> will do [19:47] <akiva-thinkpad> in a few hours I should have a major revision... [19:49] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, awesome. I'll be ready [19:49] <balloons> in the meantime, let me try building inside the sdk, with rev 13 [19:49] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, that should work fine [19:49] * akiva-thinkpad double checks [19:50] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, erm wait, not 13 [19:50] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, 16 [19:51] <akiva-thinkpad> or 17 [19:51] <akiva-thinkpad> yah 17 [19:51] <balloons> lol, 17 [19:51] <akiva-thinkpad> that should be the most stable one [19:52] <akiva-thinkpad> because I fixed that memory leak :P [19:54] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, sweet, I see the plugin [19:56] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, oddly though I can't select 'tools->autopilot' [19:56] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, thats fine; its supposed to be like that [19:56] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, once you open a project, it enables itself [19:57] <akiva-thinkpad> assuming there is an autopilot suite there [19:57] <akiva-thinkpad> so if you open up a core app, you should get its list of tests [19:59] <akiva-thinkpad> Also, if you go to Projects (The mode on the side) -> Run -> "Run Configuration:", you should be able to select one called "Autopilot", which should have a checklist. [20:07] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, right I opened a core app, but I'm not seeing it enabled [20:07] <balloons> hmm [20:08] <balloons> I do see autopilot in the run configuration. Anwyays, I'll wait for your update to try further I guess [20:09] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, interesting, did no tests show up in either? [20:10] <akiva-thinkpad> actually this is better; what core app did you use? [20:10] <akiva-thinkpad> I'll make sure it works. Many apps have autopilot configured differently [20:11] <balloons> I tried clock and calendar [20:11] <balloons> I'm happy to try the same as you [20:19] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, I'll deliver you something more stable before that. I'll just make sure clock and calendar are working with this branch [20:19] <akiva-thinkpad> thanks [20:23] <kalikiana> hmmm I just realized the new section style looks incredibly sexy in the messaging app [20:24] <kalikiana> now if only it could show my carriers' names instead of "SIM 1" and "SIM 2" [20:32] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, thank you :-) [21:06] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, I pushed it, revision 20. It should have a stable menu system. No run configuration atm, until i reimpliment it, which should not be too tough. [21:06] * balloons tries again [21:10] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, sweet.. it works, and it's pretty slick [21:11] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, yes! [21:11] <akiva-thinkpad> :DDDD [21:11] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, works with the HUD as well [21:12] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, can I make a suggestion though? Can you run the tests inside a sandbox? perhaps by default, or give the option? [21:12] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, I should be able to get it working on a device too, if I can figure out how to do this in with command line [21:12] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, for the device, you can use adt [21:13] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, okay. I'll download the emulator (Still don't have a device ~) [21:13] <balloons> for the sandbox, you should use autopilot3-sandbox-run [21:13] <akiva-thinkpad> hummmmmm okay I'll have to play around with it [21:13] <balloons> that should be a simple replace from autopilot3 [21:13] <akiva-thinkpad> oh? [21:14] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, won't I have to get to the working directory on the device? [21:14] <balloons> autopilot3-sandbox-run -X, instead of autopilot3 run should have the sandbox workig [21:14] <balloons> for the device, adt is the way to go. It's also pretty simply [21:14] <akiva-thinkpad> Okay once I get an emulator setup, I'll give it a try [21:15] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, don't need an emulator for sandbox [21:15] <balloons> it will run on your desktop, just inside a nested xserver [21:15] <akiva-thinkpad> hmmmm ah [21:15] <balloons> try it locally right now ;-) [21:15] <akiva-thinkpad> okay will ahve to try this then. [21:15] <akiva-thinkpad> okay [21:15] <akiva-thinkpad> sec [21:16] <balloons> for adt, [21:19] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, am I supposed to see anything? [21:20] <balloons> if you run with -X, yes you will see it in a window. By default you won't see anything [21:20] <akiva-thinkpad> oh [21:20] <akiva-thinkpad> got it [21:20] <balloons> that means however you don't need to lock up the desktop while running the tests [21:20] <akiva-thinkpad> E: Unable to locate package Xephyr [21:21] <balloons> you can keep editing and watch them run [21:21] <balloons> sudo apt-get install xserver-xephyr [21:21] <akiva-thinkpad> thanks [21:26] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, ah this is great [21:26] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, awesome. I think that will make the plugin nicer eh? [21:27] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, okay ubuntu dev, what do you think; Switch it over to sandbox running completely, or create a bool allowing you to choose? [21:27] <akiva-thinkpad> way nicer [21:27] <akiva-thinkpad> i'll push it right away [21:27] <balloons> I would set it to sandbox by default for now (with it showing you the output). It would be neat to have it run totally in the background and output the results in the messages log, just like a build [21:28] <akiva-thinkpad> so should I bother giving a choice between autopilot3 and autopilot3-sandbox-run ? [21:28] <akiva-thinkpad> okay well do [21:28] <balloons> at some point it makes sense to offer the choice I suppose, but not worth working on for 1.0 imho [21:28] <balloons> people should just use the sandbox [21:31] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, works [21:31] <akiva-thinkpad> will push. Just need to remind bzoltan to put the two dependencies in [21:31] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, ahh right indeed [21:31] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, what's the status of merging on there end? [21:32] <balloons> the emulator should work with adt btw.. the tests might fail, but you can check and ensure it sets things up and runs adt like you think it should [21:32] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, i just need to merge [21:32] <balloons> I can test that part properly for you [21:32] <akiva-thinkpad> its just unstable so I'll merge now [21:32] <akiva-thinkpad> was unstable [21:32] <akiva-thinkpad> sec [21:37] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, branch is up. I proposed a merge, but you can grab my branch [21:37] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, will do [21:37] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, so what about the idea of putting the output into the messages log instead of a popup? [21:38] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, yep on the todo list [21:38] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, the run config does that [21:38] <balloons> what do you mean? [21:38] <balloons> ohh [21:38] <balloons> right [21:39] <akiva-thinkpad> what I took out. I'll have to check how I did it there. I think its easier with the run config, where in this case I may have to dive into the object pool [21:39] <balloons> hmmm.. ok, so I'll watch for your adt changes then and plan to test them tomorrow [21:39] <balloons> this thing looks awesome [21:39] <akiva-thinkpad> thanks :) [21:39] <balloons> ohh, one other thing. Can I run all the tests at once? DId I miss that option? [21:39] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, with the run config, yes [21:40] <akiva-thinkpad> I can add an option in the menu, should be easy peasy [21:40] <balloons> It would also be cool to run all tests under a certain type. Also a run config setting? [21:40] <balloons> so everything under testscreen.test_menu.*.. make sense? [21:40] <akiva-thinkpad> under a certain type.... interesting [21:40] <akiva-thinkpad> ah [21:40] <akiva-thinkpad> yes [21:40] <balloons> yea, you can break at any point [21:40] <balloons> right [21:41] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, the commandline doesn't support that by any chance does it? [21:41] <akiva-thinkpad> or will I have to do some trickery with QString? [21:42] <akiva-thinkpad> hmmm it appears it does [21:42] <akiva-thinkpad> hopefully that translates to qprocess [21:42] <akiva-thinkpad> okay I have some errands I need to take care of, thanks for all of this [21:44] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, right.. all native command line stuff [21:44] <balloons> cheers! [21:47] <akiva-thinkpad> o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DanChapman", "ahayzen", "akiva-thinkpad", "balloons", "bfiller", "bzoltan", "charles", "davidcalle", "davmor2", "juzzlin_", "kalikiana", "mrqtros", "oSoMoN", "popey", "q_", "renatu", "tk", "zbenjamin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel" }
[02:15] <teward> did the old issue somewhere around 2012/2013 or something where backports can't build-dep on backports ever get fully resolved? [02:17] <cjwatson> teward: Yes, that was [02:18] <teward> cjwatson: ahhh, nice, glad to see that's resolved, that put a nail in the coffin for ZNC backports for some time (since the swig libraries are never new enough xD) [04:05] <aeoril> infinity you still need a tech writer? [05:38] <pitti> Good morning [05:49] <mightyiam> Yo what codename do I use for upgrading to devel, please? [06:03] <pitti> mightyiam: that's the thing we are all waiting for :) [06:03] <pitti> there is no devel series yet, it's blocked on getting a name from sabdfl [06:16] <mightyiam> pitti, thank you [08:16] <pitti> doko_, cjwatson, wgrant: working on pkg-create-dbgsym now, for the binary version bug 1448247 [08:18] <wgrant> pitti: Great, thanks. We should do a main test rebuild on scalingstack once you have something that seems to work. [08:19] <wgrant> pitti: What's your approach for the fix? [08:20] <pitti> wgrant: this can't be fixed solely in dh_strip, so I'll divert dh_builddeb or whatever calls dpkg-gencontrol and update binary versions there [08:20] <wgrant> Yeah, dh_builddeb or dh_gencontrol make sense. [08:20] <pitti> I'll add a test case with a source that produces such different binary versions first [08:20] <wgrant> Tests? Pfeh. [08:20] <pitti> doko pointed to failed build logs, but I figure they are gone now (it got rebuilt after you switched off ddebs) [08:21] <pitti> but it's fairly clear what happens, I figure LP verifies binary versinos between a deb and its ddeb [08:21] <wgrant> Right. [08:21] <pitti> wgrant: had a good flight back? [08:21] <wgrant> pitti: s/back/to Malta/ [08:21] <wgrant> So yes, it was the easiest international flight ever :P [08:21] <pitti> wgrant: oh, right [08:58] <ev> pitti: thanks! [09:01] <wgrant> pitti: If you need to test, the same checks are performed on PPAs with ddebs enabled. If you want a test PPA, I can enable the flag for just that. [09:02] <pitti> ev: hey Evan! (for anything in particular? :-) ) [09:02] <ev> 7:48 AM <pitti> ev: yes, to verify correct Depends:; but tests can have Restrictions: needs-recommends [09:02] <ev> and hi :) [09:02] <pitti> wgrant: I suppose the requirement is that the binary versions of ddeb and deb are identical, right? [09:02] <pitti> ev: ah ;) [09:02] <pitti> wgrant: I'll do that with the local test suite (I have a test now, currently reengineering the actual logic) [09:06] <wgrant> pitti: [11:11] <pitti> wgrant, cjwatson, doko_: I have this working now, in lp:ubuntu/pkg-create-dbgsym [11:18] <cjwatson> pitti: Would it be worth an rm -f $dp/DEBIAN/add_to_files.pkg-create-dbgsym if -a isn't in use, on the principle of idempotency or something? [11:22] <pitti> cjwatson: dh_gencontrol already does that if it exists, what do you mean? [11:22] <cjwatson> pitti: But thanks, that all looks sound to me. Stick it in a PPA and we can at least test-build gcc-5 against it? [11:23] <pitti> cjwatson: I also suggest test-building binutils and systemd (see my recent bug followup) [11:24] <pitti> yep, will create a PPA now [11:24] <cjwatson> pitti: I mean that the pkg_create_dbgsym stage should rm -f that file if the option isn't set, to make sure the option state is unambiguous either way; but never mind, I just noticed that pkg_create_dbgsym can be run multiple times so this is an incorrect suggestion [11:25] <pitti> hm, where do I create a PPA on [11:25] <pitti> is "not allowed here" for me, hmm [11:26] <pitti> we can't create per-team PPAs any more? [11:26] <Laney> pitti: I think you need to be the owner (DMB here) [11:27] <Laney> Want one? [11:27] <pitti> Laney: please [11:27] <pitti> Laney: "ddeb-test" or so [11:27] <Laney> done [11:27] <pitti> Laney: danke [11:28] <pitti> wgrant, cjwatson: can you please mark for creating dbgsyms? [11:30] <cjwatson> pitti: done [11:30] <pitti> danke [11:31] <pitti> p-c-d uploaded, I'll upload binutils, systemd, and gcc-5 after it's published [11:31] <pitti> (or rather, copy sources from vivid to the PPA) [12:20] <mitya57> We are missing a 15.04 announcement in (does anybody read that?) [12:52] <ScottK> pitti: autopkgtest is claiming regressions on both your policykit-1 and systemd SRUs for vivid. Would you please have a look. [12:53] <pitti> ScottK: ah, will do, thanks; we'll have to retry upstart some ten times, due to bug 1429756 [12:54] <ScottK> pitti: I'm guessing you know who to talk to regarding problems in the autopkgtest infrastructure. ;-) [12:54] <pitti> ScottK: heh, yes; although in these cases it's flaky tests [14:50] <pitti> ScottK: both succeeded now [14:51] <ScottK> Great. [14:51] <ScottK> pitti: There are quite a number of regressions showing for pending SRUs. It might be useful for someone who knows the autopkgtest stuff to go through them and see what's real (and mark those verification failed) and what's a test issue. [14:54] <pitti> ScottK: utopic should be okay; trusty has quite a number of failures indeed; we talked about those on the core sprint and fixed some issues, but the others are still TODO indeed [14:55] <ScottK> OK. As long as someone is looking into it. [15:33] <Ionic> fun with launchpad, second iteration... [15:34] <Ionic> now a package is completely missing. I suspect this to be the case due to it being empty. [15:34] <Ionic> while that's generally a bad thing, because (at least) Debian supports and endorses empty dummy packages as a transition method, the package *shouldn't* be empty in the first place [15:35] <Ionic> additionally, I cannot reproduce the problem with pbuilder-dist on my own system [15:36] <ScottK> Ionic: We have transitional packages exactly like Debian, so that's not it. [15:37] <Ionic> the package should contain a symlink that is created in the install phase within the destroot [15:38] <Ionic> ScottK: well, the package isn't being created *by launchpad*, while everythings looks fine when using pbuilder-dist. that's what I'm not getting. [15:39] <ScottK> Right. I'm not disputing anything other than thinking Ubuntu and Debian are somehow different when it comes to transitional packages. [15:39] <Ionic> ScottK: I didn't know the dummy package policies for Ubuntu. they could have been different from Debian (particularily because I don't think "dummy packages" are a good idea anyway) [15:40] <Ionic> but that's my personal opinion, as it will leave dummy packages on people's systems. [15:41] <Ionic> again, not too bad, as those will be uninstalled with the next dist-upgrade or autoclean operation. all RPM-based package managers frown upon empty dummy packages, though (mostly because their package managers do not automatically delete them at some point) [15:41] <ScottK> They should be section oldlibs and go away at some point, so it's not a real issue. [15:43] <Ionic> anyway, the point is that the package should NOT be empty in the first place, and even if it was, I would expect a package to be built [15:43] <Ionic> I have genuinely no idea how to debug this, because it's non-reproducible via pbuilder-dist [15:58] <rsalveti> bdmurray: Saviq: how to extract the crash file from, for example? [15:59] <rsalveti> like the core dump [16:09] <bdmurray> rsalveti: generally the core dumps are only temporarily available, we don't store every coredump forever [16:09] <bdmurray> rsalveti: What are you trying to find out? [16:33] <Ionic> I can even see the symlink being created that should be part of that package [16:34] <Ionic> ln -s -f "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"/ /build/buildd/nx-libs- [16:34] <Ionic> but it's never included in the package, although the .install file contains "usr/lib/nx/X11/" [17:00] <Ionic> *sigh* [17:01] <Ionic> and pbuilder-dist foo withlog build ...dsc doesn't work either [17:01] <Ionic> "pbuilder-dist: Error: "withlog" is not a recognized argument." [17:07] <Ionic> seems like a log file is always created in the results dir as [17:07] <Ionic> and the option was removed some time ago [17:07] <Ionic> (but the manpage is still referencing it) [17:09] <sbeattie> bdmurray: hey, I'm kinda confused by ; the bug title apport generated has clamav-daemon 0.98.6+dfsg-1ubuntu4 failing to upgrade, but the dpkg telminal-log.txt attachement makes has the postinst for clamav-daemon 0.98.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2 failing. Any idea why the discrepancy? [17:13] <bdmurray> sbeattie: nope, that's weird. There's also no reference to clamav-daemon in DpkgHistoryLog.txt [18:34] <ScottK> sbeattie and bdmurray: Not sure why it's titled that way, but the error being reported is the one that was present in ubuntu2 and fixed in ubuntu4 (ubuntu3 got eaten by launchpad) [18:39] <sbeattie> ScottK: one of the reasons to dig into it a bit was to make sure that that ubuntu4 actually fixed the issue, and/or the respin due to the lp ddeb issue didn't accidentally drop the fix. [18:42] <ScottK> The simplest way to do that is extract the postinst and look at that line. If says $DEBCONFFILE it's fixed. If it says $DEBCONFILE, it's not. [19:45] <aeoril> infinity poke [20:34] <infinity> aeoril: Yeah, I completely forgot about your offer last week when we were actually doing the release. [20:41] <aeoril> infinity oh well, maybe some other time :) [20:54] <infinity> Riddell: I don't suppose you were planning to ask to re-spin your vivid ISOs, were you? [20:55] <infinity> Riddell: Cause if not, I can't see any point in SRUing ubiquity. [20:57] <ScottK> infinity: How about if one is doing an online install and asked for package updates to be installed? Doesn't that upgrade Ubiquity? [20:58] <infinity> ScottK: ICBW, but I don't think ubiquity updates and re-execs itself. I'm not a ubiquity expert, though. [20:59] * ScottK thought it did, but not an expert either. [20:59] <Riddell> infinity: isn't there an update ubiquity option from within ubiquity? [20:59] <infinity> Turns out that "rgrep update" in the ubiquity source is entirely unhelpful. ;) [20:59] <Riddell> infinity: also we have derivatives who will want it [21:02] <infinity> Hrm, I do see mention of "upgrading the installer" in the changelog. [21:02] <infinity> Scary. [21:02] <infinity> I've never noticed/used this feature. [21:02] <infinity> Riddell: Alright, objection retracted. [21:41] <sarnold> spacex feed for today, just doing a countdown so far [21:44] <infinity> sarnold: Hrm, that doesn't seem to work in our default ffox config. Annoying. [22:05] <infinity> pitti: This ecryptfs diff is causing me to drink. Heavily. [22:26] <ScottK> infinity: Doesn't being awake have the same effect on you generally? [22:27] <ScottK> Not that I'm one to talk ... [22:27] <infinity> ScottK: Only on days ending in Y. [22:27] <ScottK> :-) [22:41] <sarnold> that ecryptfs diff _earned_ it though :) [22:43] <infinity> sarnold: srsly. [22:44] <infinity> sarnold: Second set of eyes appreciated. Destructively altering partition tables isn't something I take lightly. [22:45] <infinity> sarnold: The diff in vivid-proposed/unapproved, to be clear. [22:46] <sarnold> infinity: is this it? [22:47] <sarnold> (I've got that in my history from the bug report) [22:47] <infinity> [22:47] <infinity> They might match, but that's the one pitti uploaded. [22:48] <sarnold> thanks; iirc the only thing I I thought of last week was that 'printf' might be preferable to 'echo', and that alone didn't seem worth mentioning [22:55] <sarnold> infinity: why is the postinst calling sudo? [23:13] <infinity> sarnold: For exactly zero good reason. [23:14] <infinity> sarnold: Ditto for setup-swap, I imagine. Given that the rest of that script can't possibly work without root. [23:16] <infinity> sarnold: Any other complaints from your review? I'm rejecting for the sudo thing alone, since sudo in a postinst is potentially hangtastic if the system's resolver is slightly out of whack. [23:16] <sarnold> infinity: jeeze I didn't think about the resolver.. I just figured someone'd have funky local configs that causes sudo to fail somehow.. [23:16] <sarnold> infinity: that was it though [23:20] <infinity> sarnold: The echo vs printf thing doesn't seem like a concern, as he's implicitly calling coreutils echo. If a user replaces /bin/echo, they probably get to keep both pieces. [23:20] <sarnold> yeah [23:21] <sarnold> it's just one of the little things about shell scripting that grabs my attention every time though. heh [23:21] * infinity nods. [23:27] <sarnold> ("needless use of sudo in a script already running as root"? that takes three tries to spot.. and I missed one.)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ionic", "Laney", "Riddell", "ScottK", "aeoril", "bdmurray", "cjwatson", "ev", "infinity", "mightyiam", "mitya57", "pitti", "rsalveti", "sarnold", "sbeattie", "teward", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-devel" }
[17:54] <phunyguy> @comment 67423 This guy is bad news, and already has a ban in place. No need to remove any time soon. [18:14] <DJones> Does ubottu need updating to show 15.04 results instead of 14.10 for !info prompts [18:15] <Pici> DJones: yes. [18:15] <Pici> I've reached out to tsimpson and jussi about it, but haven't heard anything back. [18:15] <DJones> I have no idea how to do that, just noticed a utopic result in #u that made me wonder [18:15] <DJones> alanbell may know how to change that [18:16] <Pici> It can only be done by people with Owner access on ubottu, of which those two are the only ones with sufficient access. [18:16] <DJones> Ah [18:16] <Pici> alan and I both have admin, which isn't enigh. [18:16] <Pici> *enough [20:45] <bazhang> was it debain that gave dist-upgrade the version change idea [20:45] <bazhang> sooo many people get confused about that [20:45] <Pici> Only when combined with changing the sources.list file. [20:48] <k1l> "back then" that was the way to upgrade to a new release [20:49] <k1l> with the new apt, they named it sudo apt update&&sudo apt full-upgrade. which is still confusing with update and upgrade, but the missing "dist" is better imho [20:51] <Unit193> A release or two ago, ubuntu-release-upgrader was a bit hit and miss with even finding them, so the old Debian Way™ had to be used by a few. [20:51] <bazhang> I shiver to think when thenwas in 'back then' [20:51] <bazhang> I cannot wait for snappy and dmg [20:52] <ikonia> ubuntu-release-upgrader ?? [20:52] <ikonia> is that replacing update manager offering new releases ? [20:52] <k1l> i am curious what problems come with snappy. but i like to adress the issues with PPAs. [20:53] <bazhang> snappy, and add everything with all the libs independent [20:53] <Unit193> ikonia: ubuntu-release-upgrader-core is what provides do-release-upgrade, the commandline version. [20:53] <bazhang> much like dmg [20:54] <bazhang> @random upgradeception snappy [21:05] <Pici> I have no idea whats going on with this snappy stuff. I think I'll stay in the dark for the time being. [21:05] <Unit193> I went "Phone stuff, can ignore." [21:05] <bazhang> ogra gave a great rundown in -release-party [21:06] <bazhang> ubuntu as arch with rollback/restore [21:06] <k1l> i see it as a chance to get rid of "i have 23343535 PPAs installed and now my apt-get is not working anymore [21:06] <bazhang> all factoids can be replaced with !restore [23:16] <Seveas> Getting this in PM from someone active in #ubuntu [23:16] <Seveas> 01:16 < mutherbag> | cocoony wants to finger your ass [23:16] <Seveas> might be trouble looming [23:31] <cocoony> hello...the user : mutherbag ....makes stress ..i am newbie in linux and after i ask a question he writes pm to me and other users and writes rassism words [23:34] <Seveas> !ops [23:34] <Seveas> trouble it is indeed [23:35] <cocoony> now the user writes lies in mainroom [23:35] <cocoony> he lies [23:37] <cocoony> !ops : motherbag writes hate in pm to me and now he writes in mainm [23:38] <cocoony> the user mutherbag writes rassism words to me and now he writes in mainroom that i write this !!!!!! what a lier [23:42] <genii> cocoony: You do not need to write the content of offensive PMs into the maion channel either. This is also not acceptable
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DJones", "Pici", "Seveas", "Unit193", "bazhang", "cocoony", "genii", "ikonia", "k1l", "phunyguy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ops" }
[17:58] <geri> hi [17:58] <geri> how can i config ubuntu to use only one core? [17:58] <geri> arm core 0 (linux), arm core 1 (bare metal) [17:58] <geri> is that possible? [20:59] <geri> hi, which kernel did you install with ubuntu?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "geri" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-arm" }
[00:00] <dzho> I idle in there for months at a time, only to miss the one day that the information drops that is the reason I idle. [00:03] <Unit193> Hah, oh well. Need a ping when it happens? I don't think it was firm. [16:45] <thafreak> I wasn't 100% sold on any laptops on the market [16:46] <thafreak> so I opted to upgrade the hp elitebook I have instead [16:46] <thafreak> had to take the stupid keyboard off to get to one of the memory modules [16:47] <thafreak> but anyway, replaced the hard drive with an SSD, so I don't feel like just imaging the old disk back on this new one [16:47] <thafreak> so I'm thinking new install [16:47] <thafreak> now comes the big decision [16:47] <thafreak> 14.04...15.04...or jessie [18:32] <dzho> sticking with older hardware is a wise choice I think [18:33] <dzho> we're getting to the point where just pulling any old laptop-looking thing off the shelf and trying to install GNU/Linux on it is going to be an even dicier prospect than it has in the last decade. [18:34] <dzho> the good news, maybe, is that this might drive business to vendors who support free software. [19:53] <Unit193> paultag: You know how busy lfaraone is these days? [20:01] <paultag> Unit193: busyish [20:01] <paultag> Unit193: sup? [20:02] <Unit193> paultag: It's unfreeze season, I was going to poke him about pianobar and pithos updates. I'm sending you one too once it shows up on mentors. :D [20:02] <paultag> :D [20:02] <Unit193> ...Then two more to pkg-multimedia@ [20:52] <thafreak> paultag: you running jessie on your laptop? [20:52] <paultag> ya [20:53] <paultag> bbias [21:30] <thafreak> it's cool... [21:30] <thafreak> I think I'm going vanilla debian [21:30] <thafreak> should be supported for quite a while right? [21:31] <thafreak> awe nuts, my wireless requires non-free firmware :( [22:12] <Unit193> You have mail. :P [22:13] <thafreak> so... [22:14] <thafreak> paultag: sup with no in jessie? [22:14] <Unit193> [22:14] <jenni> [ #781865 - release cycle is too fast for stable - Debian Bug report logs ] - [22:14] <Unit193> Filed by, guess who? :P [22:15] <thafreak> yeah, i figured it was him [22:15] <thafreak> but it's not in jessie-backports yet either it seems :( [22:15] <thafreak> paulllllltaaaaaaaggggggg [22:16] <thafreak> I'm a needy user [22:16] <Unit193> Eh, I kind of need to figure out uploading to backports it seems. :/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "dzho", "jenni", "paultag", "thafreak" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-oh" }
[05:53] <denis_> salut j'ai besoin d'un conseil qui peut m'aider [05:53] <denis_> je voudrais extraire la musique d'un vidéo, est-ce qu'il est possible de le faire ? [21:53] <Denis_> salut [21:55] <cyphermox> salut [21:56] <Denis_> tout le monde va ? [21:57] <Denis_> il y a-t-il un endroit pour je peux télécharger des applications pour linux soit .deb ou .run ? [22:06] <Denis_> Je vais capoter pour essayer un mac sur mon pc :D [22:11] <Ankman> pourqui? [22:11] <Ankman> essayer de NE telecharger *.deb si possible [22:12] <Denis_> oui je peux voir ca ? [22:14] <Denis_> lorsque nous installons des nouvelles version il y certains programme que nous utilisons qui ne sont plus sur la nouvelle version, que dois-je faire pour le conserver ? [22:16] <Ankman> hmm [22:17] <Ankman> upgrade a Debian SID ;-) [22:17] <Denis_> j'ai présentement la version XUbuntu [22:18] <Denis_> je dois passer en mode terminal ? [22:22] <Denis_> Ankman, est-ce possible d'extraire la musique d'un vidéo, avec quel programme que je dois utilisé pour faire ca ? [22:23] <Ankman> ffmpeg [22:23] <Ankman> command line tool [22:25] <Denis_> ffmpeg permet de faire ca en mode terminal ? [22:26] <Ankman> oui. mais si juste extraire il fair savoir que format le part audio est. autrefois ffmpeg re-encodes l'audio (quality loss) [22:26] <Ankman> example youtube videos [22:26] <Ankman> il peut etre .webm out .flv ... [22:27] <Ankman> audio est m4a (mp4 audio) [22:27] <Ankman> "ffmpeg -i video.webm audio.m4a" extraire [22:28] <Ankman> mais "ffmpeg -i video.webm audio.mp3" re-rencode [22:28] <Denis_> cela se fait en mode terminal ? [22:29] <Ankman> mais quand telecharger de youtube. c'est possible de justement telecharger l'audio (extracted) avec youtube-dl (python script de linux) [22:29] <Ankman> oui[6~ [22:29] <Ankman> oui [22:30] <Ankman> a un video pour tester ca? [22:32] <Denis_> quand j'ai télécharger un video il est en MP4 et si je le veux en MP3 c'est possible directement ? [22:35] <Ankman> oui, re-coder [22:35] <Ankman> ffmpeg -i video.webm audio.mp3 [22:36] <Ankman> input "video.webm" et output est "audio.mp3" [22:37] <Denis_> je fais un test d'un chant que je veux en MP4 et en MP3 [22:38] <Ankman> ok [22:42] <Denis_> Ankman quand mon fichier se nomme comme Je ne tarderai pas.MP4 comment je dois l'écrire ? [22:43] <Ankman> umm [22:44] <Denis_> dois tout coller le nom du fichier ? [22:44] <Ankman> ffmpeg -i INPUTFILE OUTPUTFILE [22:56] <toi> Ankman [22:56] <toi> IdleOne [22:56] <Ankman> hey Denis [22:56] <Ankman> ca marche? [22:56] <toi> non regarde [22:56] <toi> toi@toi-System-Product-Name:~/Téléchargements/Gris/VIDEO-a$ ffmpeg - i SFMVTG.flm SFMVTG.MP3 [22:56] <toi> ffmpeg : commande introuvable [22:56] <toi> toi@toi-System-Product-Name:~/Téléchargements/Gris/VIDEO-a$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg [22:56] <toi> [sudo] password for toi: [22:56] <toi> Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait [22:56] <toi> Construction de l'arbre des dépendances [22:56] <toi> Lecture des informations d'état... Fait [22:56] <toi> Aucune version du paquet ffmpeg n'est disponible, mais il existe dans la base [22:56] <toi> de données. Cela signifie en général que le paquet est manquant, qu'il est devenu obsolète [22:56] <toi> ou qu'il n'est disponible que sur une autre source [22:56] <toi> E: Le paquet « ffmpeg » n'a pas de version susceptible d'être installée [22:56] <toi> toi@toi-System-Product-Name:~/Téléchargements/Gris/VIDEO-a$ [22:57] <Ankman> ah, autre nom. attend... [22:57] * Ankman logs in remotely to neighbor's ubuntu computer [23:00] <toi> j'ai la version Xubuntu, a moins que je peux le télécharger .deb ? [23:00] <Ankman> s'apelle avconv a Ubuntu et Mint [23:00] <Ankman> mais meme syntax aprres [23:01] <Ankman> mais si tu prefers un GUI, installer audacity [23:01] <Ankman> clic clic clic :-) [23:02] <toi> je vais voir dans la logithèque [23:03] <Ankman> ok, audacity [23:06] <toi> c'est long pour la conversion ? [23:08] <toi> mon fichier a 21,0 MB il est entrain de travail sur le fichier .MP3 [23:09] <Ankman> non. 1 ou 2 minute [23:10] <toi> ok c'est fait ca marche [23:10] <toi> mais il a fallu que je renomme le fichier pour un cours nom. [23:11] <toi> exemple mon fichier se nomme (je suis fort dans mes combats.flv) et je le veux en MP3 comment je dois l'écrire ? [23:15] <Ankman> combats.mp3 :-) [23:15] <Ankman> le nom n'est pas important [23:16] <toi> le fait qu'il y a un espace, est un problème, il le considère comme un autre paramètre. [23:16] <toi> tu comprends ? [23:17] <Ankman> espace en nom? [23:18] <Ankman> pas de problem avec gui tools comme audacity. may a command line [23:18] <toi> c'est ce que je comprends, oui, le fait que le nom du fichier est ((je suis fort dans mes combats.flv)) entre je et suis est 2 paramètre [23:19] <Ankman> un escapce un shell dir "autre part" de command [23:19] <Ankman> mais on peut "escape" special characters, comme espace ou / et autre [23:20] <Ankman> longue\ nom\ du\ fichier.mp3 [23:20] <toi> ok j'essaie [23:23] <toi> Je viens de voir quelque chose [23:24] <toi> Dans ce monde de Linux, le système en fait tout une différence par rapport au majuscule et miniscule. [23:24] <Ankman> a, s'apelle "Le caractère d'échappement" en francaise [23:24] <Ankman>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ankman", "Denis_", "cyphermox", "denis_", "toi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-qc" }
[11:47] <pbw> Is any development still going on with bzr?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "pbw" ], "url": "", "channel": "#bzr" }
[03:54] <cfuackers> How come it never inserts the password during new install set up. [03:55] <cfuackers> Now ubuntu 15.04 uses systemd. It does not fully install for systemd. [04:07] <cfuackers> Now ubuntu 15.04 uses systemd. It does not fully install for systemd. [04:07] <cfuackers> How come it never inserts the password during new install set up. [22:46] <mutherbag> Install script doesn't set up for systemd now standard on ubuntu 15.04. Also it never sets the password in the setup. [23:18] <dmfrey> tgm4883, when you got a sec...updated both my boxes today and lirc is running on both, but doesn't seem to be accepting any input [23:18] <tgm4883> dmfrey: 0.28? [23:19] <dmfrey> yes [23:19] <tgm4883> We're you discussing that on the mailing list or was it someone else? [23:19] <dmfrey> no, wasn't me [23:20] <tgm4883> Hmm [23:20] <dmfrey> i am checking fe logs now [23:20] <tgm4883> I'm in my phone right now [23:20] <tgm4883> But I think someone else was experiencing something similar [23:22] <dmfrey> i will check the mailing list, were there any changes to that lately? [23:22] <dmfrey> log indicates it loaded ~/.mythtv/lircrc successfully [23:22] <mutherbag> tgm4883: why do the bug reports say mythtv has fixed the systemd install. But it's not [23:24] <dmfrey> looking at /dev/ there is an lirc0, crw-------, only accessible to root and lircd, which is synlinked to /run/lirc/lircd [23:24] <mutherbag> [23:25] <mutherbag> Can I install .028 over .027 [23:30] <mutherbag> dmfrey: might be the problem I am having. Ubuntu switched from upstart to systemd. [23:31] <dmfrey> in lts? [23:31] <dmfrey> i thought that was for 15.04 [23:32] <dmfrey> irw is recognizing the input in the remote [23:50] <dmfrey> i am completely removing lirc and then going to put that all back through control center [23:50] <tgm4883> mutherbag: because I thought I fixed it [23:52] <mutherbag> tgm4883: a hill billy like me fixed it by [23:52] <dmfrey> nope, didn't fix it [23:52] <tgm4883> mutherbag: that does me zero good [23:53] <mutherbag> I know. But I allowed me to get it running at boot. [23:54] <tgm4883> dmfrey: you just did a mythtv upgrade, not an os upgrade? [23:54] <tgm4883> dmfrey: is is possibly this [23:55] <dmfrey> just apt-get dist-upgrade [23:57] <tgm4883> dmfrey: it's possible that bug then [23:57] <dmfrey> gotcha [23:58] <dmfrey> now that you mention it, i did see something about that earlier on the mailing list [23:58] <dmfrey> is it possible to use the --disable-qtdbus flag with the repo version of the frontend? [23:58] <mutherbag> dmfrey: maybe a lirc ppa
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cfuackers", "dmfrey", "mutherbag", "tgm4883" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mythtv" }
[00:18] <xubuntu51w> hola a todos, hay alguien que tenga instalado xubuntu 15.04?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "xubuntu51w" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ar" }
[01:22] <FailBit> anyone? [07:31] <antivirtel> FailBit you may file an issue in the tracker! [07:31] <antivirtel> (/topic - see support!) [12:46] <teward> general question: why do PPAs not get armel enabled or arm64, when an ARM build request turns on armhf? [12:46] <teward> just looking for a more 'authoritative' answer than what i've heard so far. [12:46] <teward> not that i need armel or arm64 builds, i'm just asking :) [12:47] <antivirtel> here we are both teward [12:47] <cjwatson> teward: Because they're relatively rarely needed at the moment, unreliable in various ways due to using qemu-user-static, and resource-heavy due to using qemu-user-static. [12:47] <teward> antivirtel: yes, i know, but i'm not dragging our discussion into here when i'm waiting for the pros to respond :p [12:48] <cjwatson> teward: When we have decent ARM hardware in that cloud then this will probably change. [12:48] <teward> cjwatson: that's what i thought. antivirtel and I were in an argument about ARM builders in #znc [12:48] <teward> (for the PPAs) [12:48] <wgrant> armel is pointless nowadays. [12:48] <teward> which is my argument xD [12:48] <wgrant> And arm64 is very unreliable on qemu-user. [12:49] <teward> wgrant: and armel is pointless why? So you can explain to antivirtel why armv6 and armel are bad :p [12:49] <wgrant> We will probably allow users to opt into arm64 and armhf themselves soon. [12:49] <teward> (since armv6 and armhf don't get along) [12:49] <wgrant> Our armel is not ARMv6. [12:49] <cjwatson> armel was discontinued as of Ubuntu 13.04, so it would only be usable at all in lucid (EOLing) and precise. [12:49] <antivirtel> sure, but Raspberry Pi has armv6... yeah ^ [12:49] <wgrant> Our armel is still ARMv7. [12:49] <cjwatson> And that too. [12:49] <wgrant> It's just soft-float. [12:49] <antivirtel> so wgrant what about ARMv6, there is no compiler at all for that? [12:49] <cjwatson> You're out of luck. [12:50] <cjwatson> The only way to do it would be to basically stand up a copy of the entire compiler and library stack you need in a PPA. But really, Launchpad isn't likely to be the easiest way to do that because of how Ubuntu's ARM support is set up. [12:51] <antivirtel> I'm not :D I've built it already, I just need a hosting system... I'm planning to use some local thing, if you can't support it... [12:51] <cjwatson> (And even if you did that, it would be awfully easy for ARMv7 stuff to creep in.) [12:51] <cjwatson> I mean you're out of luck in Launchpad. [12:51] <antivirtel> ah, ok, sure [12:52] <cjwatson> If Ubuntu supported ARMv6, we likely could too, but we're pretty closely linked to what Ubuntu supports. [12:52] <antivirtel> btw, I'm requesting ZNC maintainers to maintain a private ARM (or other archs too) repos, so users won't need to compile it... [12:53] <antivirtel> cjwatson yeah, we're a bit offtopic with Raspbian, but it would be the best way [12:55] <teward> antivirtel: as I was saying in #znc, consider ZNC maintainers maintain the upstream repository - they don't maintain the Debain / Ubuntu /Raspbian package sets [12:55] <teward> antivirtel: nor would they necessarily have the knowledge to stage that [12:55] <teward> but that's offtopic here, so i'll drift back to the shadows and fuss with my postgres [13:29] <mancdaz> is there some way to target a bug at a release milestone, after it's been released? [13:29] <mancdaz> the milestone doesn't appear in the list any more [13:39] <antivirtel> cjwatson I have this repo: -- can't you just add that recipie code, what can build it? I'll upload the whole compiler, if you want [13:39] <antivirtel> You have review access... I hope it will enough [13:42] <cjwatson> antivirtel: You're asking for weeks of work. [13:42] <cjwatson> No, sorry. [13:43] <teward> mancdaz: I don't think the 'milestones' exist anymore but you would ideally add a bug task for the specific Ubuntu release, if it's an Ubuntu package bug. [13:43] <mancdaz> I found it - the milstone was marked as 'inactive' [13:43] <mancdaz> meaning nobody could target new bugs at it [13:43] <teward> yes that's going to happen. [13:43] <antivirtel> cjwatson isn't it that easy as the usual way: ./configure; make ? [13:44] <mancdaz> teward thanks. managed to make it active and target some other bugs that should have been included [13:44] <cjwatson> Not when you would need a whole new compiler and library stack to make it go, no. [13:44] <antivirtel> ah, ok, thanks [13:44] <cjwatson> And I'm afraid that with three full-time engineers the Launchpad team does not have time to do packaging work for you :-) [13:45] <antivirtel> ok [22:49] <sergio-br2> anyone to enable arm build for me? --> [22:49] <sergio-br2> thanks!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "FailBit", "antivirtel", "cjwatson", "mancdaz", "sergio-br2", "teward", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad" }
[00:00] <pkulas> stoocot : I will test it out [00:02] <pkulas> brb [00:03] <stoocot> to be precise: 3 different default levels for 3 supply scenarios [00:07] <pkulas> stoocot : Thanks, it works [00:07] <stoocot> spoko :) [00:07] <darthanubis> ralgozino: that was fixed a month ago? [00:07] <darthanubis> where is it? [00:08] <pkulas> any idea how to start new session when i login ? After I restart system, it opens all apps running before shutdown [00:10] <ralgozino> darthanubis: I have no clue [00:11] <darthanubis> :( [00:11] <stoocot> pkulas: sottsystemsettings> [00:11] <stoocot> pkulas: soor]] [00:11] <stoocot> dark room mistake ;) [00:13] <stoocot> systemsettings>start/stop>desktop session>login>start with empty session (translated on-the-fly) don't know english labels [00:14] <pkulas> thanks [01:03] <SirSean> hello [01:04] <SirSean> Anyone kn ow how to change the animation speed in Kubuntu 15.04? It seems like it is missing [01:05] <ahoneybun> SirSean: for the wallpaper? [01:06] <SirSean> no just the desktop effects in general [01:07] <SirSean> ahoneybun: No, Just the desktop effects in general. [01:07] <ahoneybun> SirSean: let me check on my install [01:09] <ahoneybun> any effect in general? [01:10] <SirSean> all of them [01:10] <SirSean> there used to be the global thing in KDE 4 [01:12] <ahoneybun> might still be a wip [01:12] * ahoneybun can't find the keys for cube animation as well [01:12] <SirSean> wip? [01:12] <SirSean> oh [01:12] <SirSean> work in progress [01:13] <ahoneybun> yaea [01:13] <ahoneybun> some features might be missing [01:13] <SirSean> I still think that KDE 5 has that feature... just not Kubuntu? [01:13] <SirSean> hmmm [01:13] <SirSean> UNINSTALL [01:14] <ahoneybun> Kubuntu is vanilla KDE [01:14] <JMichaelX> with onboard intel graphics, and the i915 driver, i have no desktop effects at all under OpenGL [01:14] <SirSean> I used KDE in Arch Linux and it had it [01:15] <SirSean> KDE 5 that is [01:16] <SirSean> I miss the glory days of KDE 3.5 [01:16] <SirSean> new topic [01:18] <SirSean> KDE 3.XX > (KDE 4.XX = KDE 5.xx) [01:18] <SirSean> that's the facf jakc [01:18] <SirSean> thanks for the help [01:18] <SirSean> see ya [02:12] <rooly> #ubuntu is being completely unhelpful, does anybody know why pci-stub refuses to load before the radeon module? [02:12] <rooly> this is only a thing since the 15.04 update [03:33] <N3X15> Any ideas on how to get the "breeze dark" theme to skin the taskbar? Selecting that in System Settings > Desktop Theme just makes it turn white-on-white, even after fiddling around in the Colors menu. I'm on 15.04. [04:04] <Brendan__> Is this a place where I can get quick help with an issue? [04:57] <lolmaus_> How do i prevent Vivid from locking my computer due to inactivity? I've disabled everything under Power Management but it still locks when i watch Youtube. :( [04:58] <imatefx> lolmaus_: System Settings -> Desktop Behaviour -> Screen Locking [05:55] <hyper_ch> so, opened a bug report about my locale settings troubles [06:22] <wldcordeiro> So it seems that notify-osd will get stuck and sometimes if you lock or suspend your computer the login screen shown is the fallback and not the kde/sddm one. [06:22] <wldcordeiro> This is on 15.04 [06:28] <Etriaph> I haven't run into that yet. [06:29] <Etriaph> sddm doesn't always behave though, that's for sure. [08:02] <alvin> hyper_ch: Can you give the bug number? I'v struggled with locales too. Eventually got them 'acceptable' by using only /etc/defaults/locale [08:02] <alvin> Is there still a netbook mode in plasma5? [08:08] <PhilippeP> alvin: I checked yesterday and the netbook package is still kde4 so so far , there's no netbook mode in plasma5 [08:09] <alvin> Could that not be intentional? I was under the impression that plasma5 would somehow incorporate the netbook mode, but I don't know whether it is finished, or where I can find it [08:12] <PhilippeP> No idea! [08:20] <ejay> Good morning. Is it possible to install KDE4 dev libs in Kubuntu 15.04? [08:21] <luc4> Hello! Anyone who can help? My system is not starting KDE anymore. When the login screen is supposed to be shown a black screen appears. The only thing I can see in xorg logs is [08:23] <ejay> luc4, did you try to remove xorg.conf file? [08:24] <slava__> Добрый день! В Kubuntu 15.04 Plasma 5.2.2 нет иконок скайпа, dropbox и т..д в системном лотке. Есть простое решение? [08:25] <luc4> ejay: no, I can try. [08:25] <luc4> ejay: am I supposed to use sddm or lightdm? [08:25] <ejay> luc4, does not matter. just get rid of xorg.conf. [08:25] <PhilippeP> luc4: if nvidia (but id does not seem to be the case), go to another tty and install nvidia-340 [08:25] <luc4> ejay: nothing changed [08:26] <luc4> ejay: a new one was created automatically [08:26] <luc4> PhilippeP: yes, nvidia [08:26] <ejay> luc4, is it intel gpu? [08:26] <luc4> ejay: nvidia [08:26] <luc4> and yes, I think something nvidia related was just installed before this issue [08:27] <luc4> PhilippeP: should I uninstall something else nvidia-related? [08:27] <ejay> luc4, hmmm... I'm using intel and AFAIK xorg is detecting your hardware and settings and xorg is not needed anymore. At least in my case xorg.conf is always cousing problems. [08:29] <PhilippeP> luc4: then you should try to install nvidia-340 driver [08:29] <luc4> PhilippeP: but is that the closed source nvidia driver? [08:29] <luc4> PhilippeP: I’ve always been using nouveau [08:30] <PhilippeP> luc4: yes ... i do not know if Nouveau does not have problems with plasma5 ... [08:31] <luc4> PhilippeP: can I switch to nouveau from command line? I think that may be the problem. Plasma 5 was ok with nouveau I think. [08:32] <luc4> PhilippeP: I think you got the problem [08:32] <PhilippeP> luc4: I've always used closed source driver so far ... so no idea ... [08:34] <slava__> Добрый день! В Kubuntu 15.04 Plasma 5.2.2 нет иконок скайпа, dropbox и т..д в системном лотке. Есть простое решение? [08:38] <hyper_ch> slava__: you'll have more luck with English or try #kubuntu-ru [08:40] <ronald> Hi, where is the best place to report bugs on kubuntu 15.04? I updated last week and have a few annoying issues related to my dual screen setup (laptop with second external display). [08:40] <jubo2> slava__: Добрии день. Было бы возмозно вапросит по англискии? [08:40] <slava__> Ок! [08:41] <slava__> Good day ! In Kubuntu 15.04 Plasma 5.2.2 no icons Skype , dropbox and t..d in the system tray . There is a simple solution? [08:42] <ronald> All my icons went missing on upgrade also, but you can easily drag them there from the menu ... :) [08:43] <ronald> just search for your program an drag the icon in your taskbar. You will need to unlock it first though, oterwise icons will not stick [08:44] <slava__> Just tried - did not work ...... [08:46] <slava__> СПАСИБО!!!! [08:46] <slava__> work! [08:47] <slava__> Thank you very much ! [08:48] <jubo2> slava__: позалста.. though I didn't do much [08:55] <luc4> PhilippeP: it seems I am able to make KDE run now. Something is still not ok but it is a start. Thanks. [08:56] <PhilippeP> luc4: you're welcome [08:58] <luc4> Anyone who knows any possible reason why sddm may not start my login screen at boot? [08:59] <luc4> If I switch VT, login and then startx KDE starts. But not automatically... [09:01] <jubo2> Hi. [09:02] <jubo2> I cannot activate WiFi, at all [09:02] <jubo2> trying to click the checkbox the checkbox remains gray [09:02] <jubo2> is it some firmware thing again. I chose the install non-free in the installation proces [09:02] <jubo2> pls help, need wifi [09:04] <jubo2> so I need to know what kind of WiFi chip I have and use that to 'sudo apt install the_firmware' someone tells me in another channel [09:04] <soee> jubo2: so you can not interact with this checkbox ? [09:05] <jubo2> soee: I cannot. It stays gray. Airplane state checkbox just next to it works [09:06] <pkulas> jubo2 : Try open Drive Manager, maybe there your wifi driver will show to install [09:06] <pkulas> Driver Manager* [09:07] <PhilippeP> jubo2: lspci should help you find chip , or lshw [09:09] <jubo2> PhilippeP: I'm not seeing a Wifi line in 'lspci' output [09:10] <jubo2> That or it is that '02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 (rev 35) ' [09:10] <jubo2> coz the Ethernet controller is another line [09:11] <jubo2> pkulas: drive manager did not list anything related to Wifi [09:11] <jubo2> *driver [09:15] <jubo2> I'm stuck with no wifi :( [09:15] <pkulas> jubo2 : pastebin output from rfkill list all [09:16] <jubo2> maybe I have accidentally moved the slider that controls whether any radio is on [09:17] <jubo2> yep [09:18] <jubo2> now it works that I put the thing in right position. Sry for not realizing to check this [09:27] <anavarre> hi there - with kubuntu 15.04 I see the 'attach as tab' feature is gone. Does anybody know if it's permanent or simply part of things that need to be polished/ported with Plasma 5? [09:30] <madeti> anavarre: ,does this help? [09:31] <anavarre> madeti: unfortunately it doesn't but I didn't know about that page and this would have been a good place to track this [09:32] <anavarre> madeti: unless 'window tabs' is what I'm referring to? [09:33] <madeti> anavarre: I think that is it [09:34] <anavarre> madeti: aha, in that case it's me calling it differently and it does help then - thank you [09:34] <madeti> :) [09:44] <pkulas> Is Plasma Media Center is backports ppa? [09:44] <pkulas> in* [09:59] <luc4> Hello! I had troubles with graphics driver on kubuntu 15.04 and I got in a situation where the login screen is not shown at boot. I just see a couple of lines in the shell but the login screen does not appear. If I startx from another VT my KDE session starts. Anyone with an idea of what I could do to make the login screen start at boot? [10:05] <yossarianuk> can't decide for my work desktop.... Debian 8 or Kubuntu 15.04.... [10:05] <yossarianuk> I have 15.04 @ home, One issue is no X2go with plasma5 (yet)... [10:17] <qdata> 15.04 should have not been released to satisfy some arbitrary time schedule; it is just not ready to be called release imho [10:17] <qdata> I tried an install last night and within 20 mins it was a crash box so I dumped it [10:18] <qdata> not going to waste any time on it meself [10:23] <s_20> yossarianuk: well, if you stick with debian stable you won't see plasma 5 within the next 2 years ;) [10:23] <BluesKaj> Hey all [10:23] <yossarianuk> s_20: been running kubuntu 15.04 for about 4 weeks @ home - it is more for work I am undecided ... [10:23] <s_20> at home i use debian unstable (for nearly 10 years now) though, hardly ever had any serious issues, only when there were bigger transitions (like the infamous debian c++ abi transition...) [10:24] <s_20> at work it's ubuntu, because i can't really have any serious issues, if it can be avoided [10:25] <yossarianuk> I meant running debian stable @ work - Deb 8 is fairly up to date (newer than Ubuntu LTS.) [10:25] <BluesKaj> plasma 5.3 is mucking up my desktop backgtound, guess I should have stuck with plasma 5.2 [10:25] <yossarianuk> plasma5.3 however fixes the login screen (with nvidia) [10:26] <BluesKaj> I have nvidia and never had any login scrn probs [10:26] <yossarianuk> BluesKaj: i.e the login screen is stretched on both screens [10:27] <yossarianuk> (this is with nvidia binary driver) [10:28] <BluesKaj> yossarianuk, not here , I use a large monitor/TV since this pc is my media /HT server [10:28] <BluesKaj> yeah the 340 driver here [10:29] <lordievader> Goede middag. [10:29] <lordievader> Err that should be 'good afternoon'... [10:29] <yossarianuk> 346 driver here - 2 screen (different type on monitor) [10:30] <BluesKaj> altho the apps are working fine size-wise , 1/4 of the backround is cut off on the left side of the screen [10:31] <lordievader> BluesKaj: After a change of resolution? [10:31] <BluesKaj> no changes [10:32] <lordievader> Hmm, I had that after changing resolution. Fix for me was setting the position option different. [10:39] <virtual_> Wow I installed the new Kubuntu 15:04 with kde5, I am excited, really beautiful. [10:39] <virtual_> Fast and responsive, I'm very happy. [10:39] <virtual_> Has anyone tried it? [10:39] <virtual_> what do you think? [10:40] <lordievader> virtual_: It's quite a change, isn't? [10:41] <virtual_> what do you mean? [10:42] <lordievader> Plasma4 vs Plasma5 ;) [10:42] <tron71> Hi, I've just installed Kubuntu 15.04 64bit and also skype from the canonical repository [10:42] <tron71> but I get the infamous error, when I launch it [10:42] <tron71> skype: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [10:42] <tron71> however, that library seems to be installed [10:42] <tron71> I never experienced problems with skype with previous versions of kubuntu... [10:43] <tron71> any clue? [10:43] <patrick_> Kubuntu 15.04 with two monitors, its working but the second screen flickers during startup and whenever I make a change in system settings. [10:43] <pkulas> tron71 : install skype from .deb file from their website [10:44] <tron71> done that as well... it's the same version, and I get the same problem... [10:44] <pkulas> strange, for myself it works, maybe that repository with skype broken that [10:45] <tron71> do you have a 64bit system? [10:50] <patrick_> Kubuntu 15.04 with two monitors, its working but the second screen flickers during startup and whenever I make a change in system settings. [10:52] <tron71> pkulas: I found the problem [10:52] <tron71> it was related to nvidia [10:52] <tron71> [10:52] <tron71> this has solved the issue [10:52] <tron71> :) [11:04] <pkulas> tron71 : :) [11:06] <tron71> I installed bumblebee right after the installation, and then I installed skype [11:06] <tron71> probably that was the original problem... [11:23] <everyUserOwnLang> hello guys ... i am using KUBUNTU 15.04 and its amazing! Is it possible to give different users KDE in their language, how do you do this correctly? i didnt find good answers on the net yet? [11:26] <hateball> everyUserOwnLang: You need to install the l10n packages needed, then every user can choose their prefered language [11:26] <alvin> everyUserOwnLang: I don't know by heart, but those users have to set their own locales. In their shell. Maybe it's possible for them to set it in KDE's "region and language settins" [11:27] <hateball> You could even choose at the login manager, but the packages need to be installed by root [11:30] <everyUserOwnLang> how to configure th elogin manager to offer this oportunity? [11:46] <alvin> I wanted to look it up, but ssdm comes without man pages [11:47] <alvin> sddm I mean [11:55] <BluesKaj> alvin, what is it that you want to configure on sddm, don't think there's much to configure [11:56] <alvin> Not me. everyUserOwnLang wanted to see the language selector. I remember that feature from KDM, but wouldn't know how to configure it on sddm. [11:56] <alvin> But since you're asking. How to remove the battery status from sddm :-) [11:57] <alvin> It says 0% battery remaining, which is pretty normal on a desktop without battery. [11:58] <BluesKaj> what battery status ...sddm is merely the login display manager , that's all [11:59] <BluesKaj> the desktop environment and kwin is resonsible for the what appears on your screen after logging in [11:59] <BluesKaj> plasma 5 [12:04] <Zerkalerka> Hey guys, fresh install, trying to dpkg the dropbox.deb file.. tells me I need to install python-gtk2 package, when trying to install that package it tells me to install python-cairo, which then python-cairo tells me it needs python-gtk2.. so I am stuck in a loop! [12:05] <lordievader> Zerkalerka: Could you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install python-gtk2"? [12:06] <Zerkalerka> lordievader: yes one moment [12:07] <BluesKaj> Zerkalerka, are you using this method [12:08] <Zerkalerka> Ah nevermind I fixed my own problem.. just ran apt-get -f install alone and it auto installed python dependencies along with dropbox [12:08] <Zerkalerka> ty for quick replies though. [12:13] <PhilippeP> Zerkalerka: in such a case you should try to put all the dependencies in one line , they should resolved themselves [12:13] <Zerkalerka> PhilippeP: makes sense, ty for the tip. [12:13] <alvin> BluesKaj: SDDM shows the battery status next to my name. Is that not the case on your pc? [12:13] <alvin> just below the clock [12:18] <BluesKaj> alvin that's not sddm, that's the plasma 5/KF5 desktop widget panel, but yes I have the battery indicator on my laptop [12:23] <alvin> BluesKaj: I'm talking about the login screen. Can you put widgets on it? [12:24] <lordievader> alvin: Screenshots say a thousand words.... ;) [12:24] <alvin> I'm not talking about the battery indicator in the systray, but about the one you see at boot. Before logging in [12:24] <alvin> Well... it's not a virtual machine. I should take a picture then. [12:26] <BluesKaj> alvin, I don't have a battery indicator since I'm on a pc, at least if there is one it's so small I can't see it on this TV/monitor,m unfortunately [12:26] <BluesKaj> at th elogin [12:28] <alvin> lordievader, BluesKaj: but I do: see? It's a desktop and there's no battery. (I see I have to fix the German language too. I'm from Belgium. There are a few German speaking people, but I've never met one. It's in a small corner of the country. I have no idea why KDE uses it as default.) [12:28] <jubo2> Kubuntu15 loading freezes after entering credentials to the login screen.. The Kubuntu logo and a frozen progress bar are as far as I can get with that Kubuntu [12:29] <jubo2> choosing "failsafe" instead of "plasma" just keeps on throwing me again and again to the login screen [12:30] <jubo2> there must be some log I can check for why it freezes when loading the GUI [12:32] <PhilippeP> jubo2: try .xsession_error in your home [12:34] <jubo2> PhilippeP: [12:41] <Obyone> Hello folks. Hope your doing fine. I have a qustion, i wonder if one of you would be so kind as to assist me with. I have done exstensive custimisation of my deaktop and installed many programs i'm using to study with. I would like to back it on live usb if i can, or is their a formal kubuntu way of achiving a good back up disk, to quickly get back to study if failure should occure ? [12:47] <arunce> hi... bad move about shipping plasma 5.2 with 15.04. [12:48] <Obyone> The instructions for making a live cd are over my head and the custimisation programs mentioned on the main help page do not work. [13:31] <derTyp> hi guys [13:32] <derTyp> ive just upgraded to 15.04 and iam wondering how to bind the windows key to the menu again because ksuperkey doesnt seem to work with plasma5 [13:38] <pkulas> derType : Alt+f1 is default for plasma5 [13:39] <pkulas> go Settings - Global Keyboard Shortcuts and choose plasmashell and there you can change it [13:39] <pkulas> But may be hard to change it just for windows key [13:55] <mparillo> Obyone: I believe remastersys is unmaintained. I found this list, but I have never heard of anybody endorsing any of them as 'just works' [14:00] <jubo2> Kubuntu stops loading at Kubuntu symbol splash right after log-in [14:00] <jubo2> I am able to access the log files from this machine [14:01] <jubo2> someone suggested looking at .xsession-errors - here it is - [14:10] <ejay> Is it possible to set Compact view in Dolphin as a default view?  I have tried all of them . I do not think there is any working ones. None of them work on 14.04 LTS , let alone newer releases. [14:21] <BluesKaj> ejay, seems to hold if you set adjust view properties in dolphin>view, choose your mode then your folder prefernces like all folders or current , whichever you choose should hold [14:24] <ejay> BluesKaj, got it. Thanks. [14:25] <jubo2> Kubuntu15 stopped working. Halp? [14:25] <jubo2> It was such a nice system till it stopped working [14:28] <ejay> jubo2, any details? [14:29] <Obyone> This is from help page, helped decoded by wikipedia and edited by me to better understand it. > initramfs is a virtual filesystem. It is a compressed cpio.cpio is an archive format. cpio is a file archiver utility and its associated file format. cpio means, copy in and out. Standard input and standard output.It contains a minimal shell, kernel modules necessary for mounting the root filesystemand a number of scripts that perform some tasks at boot time [14:29] <Obyone> . The most important of these scripts is a script called init. located at the root of the initramfs. The boot loader loads both the kernel and the initramfs into memory. The boot loader loads both the kernel and the initramfs into memory. [14:29] <Obyone> Then starts the kernel. The kernel then unpacks the initramfs . Then mounts it as initial root filesystem. Then looks for the init program within the initial filesystem. Executes it and hands the boot process over to it.The init scirpt is responsible for finding the real root filesystem, mounting it and any special preperation required at boot time. So any special operations required for booting the system from a live media can be coded into the [14:29] <Obyone> initramfs boot scripts. [14:29] <Obyone> [14:29] <jubo2> ejay: I dunno.. Stops loading in the Kubuntu loading splash right after login [14:30] <jubo2> I'm kinda clueless as to what to do about it [14:30] <jubo2> but I can access the filesystem from this old Kubuntu14 [14:31] <ejay> jubo2, delete .kde folder [14:31] <jubo2> ejay: you sure about this? [14:32] <ejay> jubo2, yes. this folder contains your settings [14:32] <jubo2> ok. and then try to reboot the Kubnut15 ? [14:32] <ejay> jubo2, remove .kde from your home dir [14:32] <ejay> jubo2, yes [14:34] <Obyone> So i guess to to achive a live disk thats anything but the one given , i have to learn how ubuntu works from near the ground up and including grub. Am i correct in thinking this ? [14:34] <jubo2> here goes [14:41] <jubo2> ejay: nope. didn't help [14:41] <jubo2> I renamed .kde to old-dot-kde [14:41] <jubo2> I gather that should have same effect as deleting [14:42] <ejay> jubo2, so gimme more details. Did you install anything fancy lately? Do you have other enviroments installed right now? [14:43] <ejay> did you upgraded from 14? [14:43] <ejay> kubuntu14* [14:43] <jubo2> ejay: nothing experimental. Just made a clean Kubuntu15 install yesterday and today [14:43] <jubo2> today it stopped working [14:44] <jubo2> ejay: any error logs I should check ? [14:44] <ejay> jubo2, what about drivers? what gpu driver you've got? [14:44] <jubo2> ejay: I don't know.. Intel something [14:46] <ejay> jubo2, remove xorg.conf and if this is not it then you need to get to console and try to start kde from console and look for some info there. [14:47] <jubo2> ejay: where is xorg.conf situated ? [14:48] <ejay> jubo2, /etc/X11 [14:49] <jubo2> ejay: can't see it [14:50] <ejay> jubo2, that's good [14:51] <ejay> jubo2, so you can try now with terminal - start kubuntu in terminal mode and type startx [14:51] <jubo2> ok [15:03] <jubo2> ejay: I tried to 'startx' from the root shell [15:03] <jubo2> didn't work [15:03] <ejay> jubo2, didnt work - nothing happened or there is no such command? ;) [15:04] <jubo2> it started to do something but couldn't finish [15:06] <ejay> jubo2, ok, then show me your x logs. you can find it in /var/log/Xorg.0.log [15:06] <ejay> paste it on some pastebin [15:10] <uperat0r> Hi guys, after installing Kubuntu 15.04 , it refuses to boot up and hangs at the "kubuntu" loading screen [15:10] <uperat0r> I think this may come due to a failed upgrade, my laptop wasn't connected to a power source and out of battery [15:10] <uperat0r> i previously had kubuntu 14.10 installed, how do I fix it? [15:12] <BluesKaj> uperat0r, then try installing again with the power supply plygged in, the ubiquity installer will deliberately not open if you don't have PSU plugged into the laptop [15:12] <ejay> uperat0r, if you updated from kubuntu14 and something happened while updateing (laptop got suspended or turned off) then prolly your installation is f up. [15:13] <uperat0r> Yes I think so too, so how can I fix that? [15:14] <uperat0r> I tried to get into the grub2 menu by holding shift, but that doesn't work [15:14] <uperat0r> I can enter the grub command-line when I press esc while booting [15:14] <uperat0r> I can also get into another tty when i press ctrl+alt+ f1/f2 but it only shows me a blinking cursor and i cannot type. [15:15] <uperat0r> How can i install it again if i cannot boot? [15:15] <ejay> uperat0r, you probably need to make fresh installation. I killed my OS by using muon (it crashed while updating to 15.04) and it was unrecoverable. [15:15] <uperat0r> I have some files on there that I really need.. [15:16] <ejay> uperat0r, that's why making /home partition is a good idea. [15:16] <uperat0r> ah... [15:16] <ejay> uperat0r, but you can find those files while useing livecd and copy them on pendrive or smth [15:20] <uperat0r> I can get into the grub command line... [15:20] <uperat0r> how can i load an older kernel version from there? [15:23] <uperat0r> Yeah I defintely fked up my installation [15:25] <uperat0r> nouvea E, that's what the tty console showed before the system rebooted itself. [15:25] <uperat0r> some error about Nouvea E [15:26] <ejay> uperat0r, AFAIK it's nvidia driver [15:27] <ejay> if you can get to console try to purge this and remove xorg.conf [15:29] <uperat0r> i can't get to command-line [15:33] <Obyone> Is the documentation shitting me . What do i look like a rocket scientist : export WORK=~/work ; export CD=~/cd; export FORMAT=squashfs; export FS_DIR=casper; sudo mkdir -p ${CD}/{${FS_DIR},boot/grub} ${WORK}/rootfs. # And has not even warmed up yet, the next commands are 10 times more complex then that. [15:36] <uperat0r> I'm in the livecd now, backing up important files. Is there a way I can recover the old version of Kubuntu? (14.10) [15:42] <Neuh2> Oh ... Oon [15:43] <Neuh2> I have forget to quit irc on my phone xD [15:43] <BluesKaj> uperat0r, probly not if the internet upgrade was interrupted [15:43] <uperat0r> I've downloaded all the files from the internet, it was during the installation [15:43] <typhoon_2099> Hey guys, any idea why I can't get SDDM working? I checked systemctl and it's active but when I only ever see the "starting version 219" message. [15:43] <BluesKaj> uperat0r, do you have / and /home partitions? [15:44] <uperat0r> I have one partition for all files.. I didn't know it was common knowledge to have a seperate /home partition [15:46] <CharlieTheCabbie> Hi guys. I hope someone is able to help me out, I just upgraded to 15.04 and it's falling apart like a flatpacked motorcycle. :( [15:46] <CharlieTheCabbie> The Plasma desktop will not start at all, I can log in but the screen simply remains black with no panels or borders. The only way I can start any form of desktop is to switch to xfce and login that way. [15:46] <BluesKaj> uperat0r, it's good practice to have separate / and /home partitions , then you can reinstall to / and just reset the mountpoint for /home in thje partioner and all your data and config files will be saved, you just need to reinstall non default apps [15:47] <BluesKaj> no formatting of the /home partition of course [15:48] <uperat0r> Oh well I copied my /home/ directory to a flash drive, kind of the same procedure [15:48] <BluesKaj> CharlieTheCabbie, nvidia graphics ? [15:48] <CharlieTheCabbie> yep [15:48] <CharlieTheCabbie> how did you guess? :) [15:48] <uperat0r> I had some issue that whenever I was using my mousepad instead of mouse, it would crash the desktop.... [15:48] <uperat0r> that's why the update failed.. [15:49] <uperat0r> A known bug in Kubuntu that was never fixed.. I'm switching to Ubuntu haha [15:49] <BluesKaj> CharlieTheCabbie, ok drop to a tty/vt with ctl+alt+F1-F6 then install the nvidia-340 driver, but update and upgrade first with apt [15:49] <typhoon_2099> CharlieTheCabbie: I may by in a similar situation, nvidia hybrid laptop, tried to fix the issue by removing the optimus drivers and it all fell apart. I'm back to where I started now (I think) but I still cannot gett logged in. [15:50] <CharlieTheCabbie> I have an nvidia NV44 (GeForce 6200 Turbocache) [15:50] <NekoSan> Bonsoir ! [15:50] <CharlieTheCabbie> Let me get a terminal up [15:51] <BluesKaj> typhoon_2099, try installing nvidia-prime with procedure I described for CharlieTheCabbie above [15:55] <CharlieTheCabbie> Ok, the nvidia-340 packages are now going in, obviously I have to restart the dm after this, right? [15:55] <BluesKaj> CharlieTheCabbie, yup [15:55] <typhoon_2099> Okay, I''ll try 340 and see how I get on, so far I have tried 304, 346 and 349 (from xorg-edgers). [15:55] <CharlieTheCabbie> If I still can't get in then I'll drop back to xfce and let you know BluesKaj :) [15:55] <BluesKaj> ok CharlieTheCabbie, I'll be here [16:00] <crazymike> I was just wondering if anyone else is having problems connecting to [16:00] <crazymike> Having trouble getting new themes/backgrounds within the system [16:00] <CharlieTheCabbie> ok, the packages are done. see you in a few moments, BluesKaj... [16:01] <CharlieTheCabbie> I hope :) [16:07] <BluesKaj> crazymike, kde-look has been down for maintenance for 2 days [16:08] <crazymike> Thank you BluesKaj. Just wanted to confirm as I installed KDE yesterday and was trying to look for more themes. Thanks for the info. Have a great day. [16:08] <BluesKaj> you too crazymike:) [16:08] <atee> helo [16:14] <Obyone> How do i echo ,code, with symbols, " { , etc , in to a file ? [17:00] <Guest12307> I just installed 15.04, updated and now have no plasma desktop visible. I have Yakuake terminal installed and that works perfectly over a blank desktop. Ideas appreciated. [17:05] <t5un4m1> hello [17:05] <Guest12307> Hello [17:06] <t5un4m1> Can anyone help me out with a gui frontend for ufw in kubuntu 15.04? [17:06] <t5un4m1> tried installing ufw-kde, but i can't find it or make heads/tails of it [17:06] <t5un4m1> i'm familiar with gufw [17:06] <t5un4m1> just don't want to install all the extra gnome junk [17:07] <gary__> Try fwbuilder? [17:08] <gary__> fwbuilder is powerful and easy to use [17:08] <t5un4m1> cool, thanks; just installed it. [17:09] <CharlieTheCabbie> dang. Blueskaj has gone. Anyone else who can help me out with plasma5 please? I can login using an xfce desktop, but when I try to get to plasma, all I get is the login screen, then the K splash, followed with a blank screen. [17:09] <t5un4m1> btw any first impressions of kde5? seems like it needs some updates. downloading wallpapers doesn't work. Baloo crashes [17:09] <t5un4m1> wonder if it was a bit rushed out the door [17:09] <gary__> KDE5 is not ready for "prime-time" in my opinion [17:10] <CharlieTheCabbie> t5un4m1, I am having problems with it, but I wouldn't count that as a bad review, I just need to fix up a few bits. [17:10] <gary__> Great start, but very buggy, in my opinion [17:10] <t5un4m1> yeah; it doesn't seem anywhere near as flaky as cinnamon out of the box [17:11] <wldcordeiro> I hate notify-osd [17:11] <wldcordeiro> I really do [17:11] <wldcordeiro> it's always getting stuck [17:11] <wldcordeiro> then I have to manually kill it. [17:11] <t5un4m1> cinnamon (on mint) needs a ton of updates to stabilize it [17:12] <gary__> I'm glad I use "Back-In-Time" to restore 14.10 which has been exceptionally stable. [17:12] <t5un4m1> growing pains i guess; there's no way a handful of developers can test out all the scenarios of people installing it in the wild [17:12] <CharlieTheCabbie> So, does anyone else have any ideas on what to do with my install please? I did what blueskaj suggested, which was to update the nvidia kit, but it refused to run my card. I had to drop down to nvidia-304, and now that's getting killed off. [17:13] <CharlieTheCabbie> nvidia-prime is getting stopped [17:13] <gary__> If I thought it would actually be put to good use, I'd donate a great sum of $$ to kde [17:15] <gary__> I tried kde5 in beta and had to revert back to 14.10 with "back-In-Time" [17:15] <genii> !contribute [17:15] <hyper_ch> another bug reported [17:16] <CharlieTheCabbie> How do you know it wouldn't be put to good use? KDE seem to have coped bloody well in the past, there will always be hiccups and burps in the system. [17:16] <wldcordeiro> Has anyone noticed 15.04 reverting to the 'fallback' login occasionally instead of the sddm one when you lock or suspend? [17:16] <CharlieTheCabbie> If everything was perfect when it was created, we'd get born knowing how to drive :) [17:17] <gary__> $$ may very well be put into good use. Thank you. [17:18] <gary__> I appreciate the work of so many dedicated folks that do all they can to develope a wonderful operating system as well as all of the kernel developers. [17:24] <gary__> Is anyone able to help me with a Lenovo T540p, new install of 15.04, nvidia, plasma seems to not be visible, but from Yakuake, I can run any program on a blank desktop. [17:33] <balloons> sgclark, ping [17:37] <Bebo> Hello, I have a problem about the "activities" on Kubuntu 15.04 64-bit with an NVIDIA driver recommended 349.0. It is impossible to create an activity, nothing happens. Can someone help me? [17:39] <Taggnostr2> hello [17:42] <Taggnostr2> I upgraded 14.10 to 15.04, and after logging in I get a black screen [17:42] <Taggnostr2> after a few days of attempts, I managed to get to a point where I can get both windows and windows decorations, but the rest is missing [17:44] <Taggnostr2> basically I login, switch to a tty, do sudo startx, then after a while I get to a desktop background, and from there I can do right click -> run command and start e.g. quassel [17:44] <Taggnostr2> I still don't have the bottom bar, and after the login everything is still black [17:45] <gary__> Same here. No one answers this question [17:47] <acz32> sudo startx? [17:47] <Taggnostr2> yes [17:47] <acz32> why sudo [17:47] <gary__> That starts the x-server as root and then the desktop as the root user [17:48] <Taggnostr2> I've been trying all the possible permutations of commands since friday, maybe it works even without [17:49] <acz32> it's not a good idea at all to run xserver as root [17:49] <Taggnostr2> I can restart it without sudo if it works [17:49] <gary__> kde is running, as I use Yakuake terminal and can press F12 and launch and application from the terminal within a blank desktop. [17:50] <Taggnostr2> brb [17:50] <acz32> i would try running 15.04 from a livecd and see if that works [18:00] <Taggnostr4> Without sudo it doesn't even start [18:04] <Taggnostr4> If KDE is running, and sometimes I can even display window, what might be the problem? [18:10] <acz32> does ubuntu have dmesg? [18:10] <acz32> that's the first place i would look to see what's going on [18:11] <acz32> i don't use kubuntu, sorry. but i would never run X as root and i would either check dmesg or boot from a kubuntu livecd to see if it works [18:18] <noaXess> hey all.. [18:18] <noaXess> does anybody upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 with big problems? [18:19] <noaXess> i know there are some bugs.. but are there bugs, which prevent upgrading from 14.10 to 15.04? [18:25] <bruceleeds> Hi, I just upgraded from Kubuntu 14.10 to 15.4. When I put my password into the login screen and press enter, I get either back to the login screen without kde starting, or I get a black screen. It seems this has been reported at but what can I do? [18:25] <bruceleeds> I hope there is someone out there to help me... :-( [18:26] <N3X15> Any ideas on how to get the "breeze dark" theme to skin the taskbar? Selecting that in System Settings > Desktop Theme just makes it turn white-on-white, even after fiddling around in the Colors menu. I'm on 15.04. [18:29] <bruceleeds> I am not even getting to 15.4... :-( [18:29] <gary__> 14.10 to 15.04 worked perfectly on my server, except that it stalled at the end. I power off and rebooted and all is well. I depended upon a system status widget for temp, cpu, HDD and etc monitoring that is now not available. At the same time, I ran the upgrade on a Lenovo T540p laptop and it wouldn't reboot. [18:29] <bruceleeds> Did you upgrade from 14.10 or did you raw install? [18:30] <N3X15> Upgrade, but I removed the .kde and .config directories. [18:30] <N3X15> So theoretically a clean start. [18:30] <bruceleeds> Do you mean ~/.kde and ~/.config ? [18:30] <N3X15> Yes [18:30] <bruceleeds> I removed ~/.config, but not ~/.kde [18:31] <bruceleeds> maybe that has to be done as well [18:31] <bruceleeds> I am using a Lenovo T530 by the way [18:32] <PhilippeP> bruceleeds: did you have autologin set in 14.* ? [18:33] <Radien> Anyone else experiencing a kwin crash when attempting to use Xinerama with 4 monitors across 2 graphics cards? Kubuntu 15.04. Worked fine in 14.04. Seems similar to this bug: [18:33] <bruceleeds> You mean that I skipped the login screen? [18:33] <bruceleeds> No [18:33] <PhilippeP> ok it's something else then ... [18:35] <bruceleeds> Ok, I moved ~/.kde and ~/.config to ~/.kde_old and ~/.config_old respectively [18:35] <bruceleeds> From Ctrl+Alt+F1 command line [18:36] <bruceleeds> Then I sudo reboot but I get a black screen again [18:37] <Taggnostr4> bruceleeds, same here [18:37] <Taggnostr4> Since Friday, haven't found a fix yet [18:37] <bruceleeds> Maybe this is a crucial information: During my installation (not download, installation!) the installation process froze in muon (maybe because I should have excepted an EULA but couldn't). [18:38] <bruceleeds> I "kill 14293" the hanging dpkg process 14293 and "sudo dpkg configure -a". [18:39] <bruceleeds> After that I rebooted and went into rescue mode and from there to dpkg repairation [18:39] <bruceleeds> where I repaired twice until no packages where installed or deinstalled anymore. [18:40] <bruceleeds> still had the problem (obviously) [18:40] <Taggnostr4> Try to add nomodeset to grub [18:40] <bruceleeds> Sucks. Seems like several people have the issue. Does that mean, there will be fix soon? [18:41] <bruceleeds> Taggnostr4: How do I do that? [18:41] <Taggnostr4> I hope so [18:41] <Taggnostr4> [18:42] <Taggnostr4> Didn't solve much for me, but maybe you'll have better luck [18:44] <bruceleeds> Taggnostr4: What does this do? [18:45] <Taggnostr4> Not sure, iirc it disables something that might interfere with the video [18:46] <bruceleeds> Taggnostr4: For me that means just a black screen even without the login screen... [18:49] <bruceleeds> Anyone else any clue what to do? [18:49] <bruceleeds> To recap: I get a black screen after the login screen, now that I have updated my kubuntu 14.10 to 15.4... [18:51] <pkulas> Best "fix" is copy all of your data and do a clean 15.04 install [18:52] <bruceleeds> pkulas: I considered that, however that would suck badly... [18:53] <qdata> best fix is to not waste your time with 15.04, it should never have been designated 'release' and foisted upon the world; it simply is not ready to be called "release" [18:53] <bruceleeds> Because of all the work I put into this [18:53] <bruceleeds> qdata: True story. [18:53] <acz32> i've said this a couple times already. i would boot into a live environment and see if that works running from the livecd [18:53] <bruceleeds> I should have read more about the status of the relase [18:53] <Cyman> I have a ? about virtual desktops. In version 14 the desktops would retain my windows. In 15.04 they do not. Is there a setting that I have missed? [18:54] <qdata> you wouldn't have seen anything detrimental as everyone wants to just sweep the ugliness under the rug [18:54] <bruceleeds> I guess it will be impossible to revert the system to 14.10 without completely reinstalling it, isn't it? [18:55] <qdata> I use clonezilla and have backup image, which is what I reverted to so I'd have a machine I could use that works [18:55] <bruceleeds> qdata: You mean if I had done more research in the internet regarding the status of 15.4, I would not have found anything substanial against 15.4? [18:56] <pkulas> bruceleeds : Only a chance to do a revert If You would have a backup of disc before dist-upgrade [18:56] <bruceleeds> pkulas: not so much [18:56] <bruceleeds> dang [18:56] <qdata> bruceleeds: maybe not, I don't know - all I see is how great it is everywhere I look [18:56] <bruceleeds> qdata: That's what I read... [18:57] <bruceleeds> It would be a pain in the butt to reinstall everything [18:57] <bruceleeds> Is there a way to do get some error messages at least? [19:00] <Mgigamasta> hey [19:00] <Mgigamasta> all [19:01] <pkulas> bruceleeds : Try ~/.xsession-errors [19:03] <gary__> 15.04 is not ready. [19:05] <bruceleeds> pkulas: Ok, what am I looking for in there....? [19:05] <bruceleeds> There is a lot of text [19:06] <pkulas> bruceleeds : Try remove all and login again to get crash then check file again [19:08] <bruceleeds> pkulas: Still a LOT of text [19:09] <bruceleeds> Some of the juicy stuff: "The X11 connection broke (error 1) Did the X11 server die?" [19:10] <bruceleeds> "QXcbConnection: Failed to get the primary output of the screen" [19:10] <bruceleeds> <- that's before the other bit [19:12] <gary__> I will try kubuntu-201504240858-amd64.iso and if this doesn't work, I'm going to the LTS version. I have to get work done! [19:15] <bruceleeds> Same here: I also have to get work done. That's why this sucks so bad. [19:16] <pkulas> bruceleeds : maybe some configuration files cause this problem [19:16] <bruceleeds> pkulas: Maybe, but which ones? How do I find out? [19:16] <pkulas> bruceleeds : login screen is working for you? [19:16] <bruceleeds> I get to the login screen, yes [19:17] <pkulas> Try add new user by console then login on it [19:17] <pkulas> To see if it works [19:17] <bruceleeds> What are the commands? [19:17] <pkulas> adduser user_name [19:17] <pkulas> as sudo [19:17] <pkulas> root* [19:18] <bruceleeds> ok done [19:18] <bruceleeds> now? [19:18] <pkulas> try login on KDE login screen [19:18] <bruceleeds> pkulas: Reboot and get into login screen and try with new userß [19:18] <bruceleeds> ok [19:18] <pkulas> yes [19:19] <bruceleeds> pkulas: same for the new user [19:20] <pkulas> So config files seems not be a problem [19:21] <bruceleeds> more ideas? [19:21] <pkulas> what about startx from console? [19:24] <bruceleeds> pkulas: how do I do that? [19:24] <bruceleeds> command "startx"? [19:25] <pkulas> yes [19:25] <bruceleeds> pkulas: Do I switch to the command line with Ctrl+Alt+F1? [19:25] <pkulas> yes [19:26] <pkulas> bruceleeds : check this log also, /var/log/Xorg.0.log maybe here you get more info about problem [19:26] <bruceleeds> pkulas: I get some output and then the line "waiting for X server to shut down (II) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file." [19:28] <bruceleeds> pkulas: What am I searching for in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? [19:28] <pkulas> pkulas : bruceleeds for some keywords for crash reason [19:29] <pkulas> I wrong typed :D [19:30] <bruceleeds> pkulas: :-D [19:30] <bruceleeds> pkulas: the most suspicious lines are along the lines of "This device may have been added with another device file." [19:31] <bruceleeds> and "No input driver specified, ignoring this device." [19:31] <bruceleeds> There is an insane amount of text in the log [19:35] <kubuntu575> So I just upgraded kubuntu 14.10 to 15.04 and at boot, I drop to a root prompt with this error:Error getting authority: error initializing authority: could not connect: no such file or directory g-io-error-quark [19:36] <kubuntu575> I saw I need to do dog - - configure - a and then system to enable sddm.service - f but th [19:36] <kubuntu575> Sorry, on mobile.. I saw I need to do dpkg - - configure - a [19:37] <kubuntu575> That does nothing [19:37] <kubuntu575> Then systemctl enable sddm.service - f [19:37] <kubuntu575> Gives the same error [19:37] <kubuntu575> I have no network, no USB [19:37] <kubuntu575> What can I do to fix this? [19:38] <pkulas> bruceleeds : I don't have any more ideas what can be the problem [19:38] <pkulas> bruceleeds : You may try upgrade plasma to beta 5.3 if you have internet access there but no idea if it solve anything [19:38] <bruceleeds> pkulas: Ok, thanks for your help. [19:38] <bruceleeds> pkulas: how do I do the upgrade to 5.3? [19:38] <bruceleeds> (it can hardly get worse) [19:39] <kubuntu575> Also, I use let and encrypted home folder, in case that matters [19:39] <pkulas> bruceleeds : add ppa with backports, 1 sec [19:39] <bruceleeds> I wait... [19:39] <kubuntu575> I have backups, but not all as recent as should be, so any help would be greatly appeciatrd [19:40] <bruceleeds> kubuntu575: I also have serious problems with Kub 15.4... [19:40] <kubuntu575> Also, it mentions file or directory not found, but not which file or directory it's looking for.. Could I find that somewhere? [19:40] <bruceleeds> kubuntu575: Maybe its because of .Xauthority file? [19:41] <mefisto> keyboard shortcuts for next/previous activity (Meta+Tab/Meta+shift+Tab) don't work. but "manage activities" shortcut does work. can someone confirm this, or is it just me [19:41] <pkulas> bruceleeds: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports [19:41] <pkulas> then do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade [19:41] <kubuntu575> bruceleeds : I think it's because of logind service, from what I've learned from Google so far [19:41] <kubuntu575> I've seen that many have this problem. And [19:42] <kubuntu575> And resolved it with dpkg - - configure - a and then the systemctl enable sddm.service - f, but doing that gives me the exact same error [19:43] <stoocot> bruceleeds: probably you have optimus enabled and some problem with X Window startup on dual GPU config. Try switching under BIOS setup to discrete graphics, delete or rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf and verify if X starts with Intel GPU [19:44] <bruceleeds> pkulas: adding the backport does not work [19:44] <pkulas> Did a upgrade? [19:44] <bruceleeds> stoocot: Yes, I had optimus something [19:45] <bruceleeds> no upgrade did not change anything, it says there was nothing to change [19:45] <bruceleeds> stoocot: How do I do those things? [19:45] <bruceleeds> I know how to rename xorg.conf [19:46] <bruceleeds> but how do I do the switching? [19:46] <bruceleeds> I know how to get into bios, but I never heard of the feature [19:46] <stoocot> I had a lot of problems (lenovo W520 user) with nvidia card with dual-screen setup and most of them were solved after upgrade to plasma 5.2/5.3 [19:47] <bruceleeds> stoocot: ok, alternatively: how do I upgrade to 5.2/5.3 [19:47] <bruceleeds> ? [19:47] <pkulas> bruceleeds check this : apt-cache policy plasma-desktop [19:47] <pkulas> is there 4:5.3.0 version? [19:48] <stoocot> Sorry for fooling you with "discrete". "Internal" of course [19:48] <bruceleeds> apt-cache policy plasma-desktop returns: [19:48] <bruceleeds> 4:5.2.2-0ubuntu4 [19:49] <pkulas> Are you sure you added ppa? [19:49] <bruceleeds> for both "installed" and "install candidate" [19:49] <stoocot> if I remember - advanced setup/graphic card, select "Internal", select "OS does not support Optimus" [19:49] <pkulas> and did everything I wrote? [19:49] <bruceleeds> pkulas: no, the adding did not work [19:49] <bruceleeds> it gives an error [19:49] <pkulas> You sure you have internet access? [19:49] <bruceleeds> not sure [19:50] <pkulas> try ping 8.8.8 [19:50] <pkulas> [19:51] <bruceleeds> I did not have a connection. Now I have. [19:51] <bruceleeds> update done... [19:51] <pkulas> So add again ppa then update and upgrade [19:52] <kubuntu575> Some more Google shows that this might be related to polkit not running in emergency mode, could this ring a bell perhaps? [19:52] <bruceleeds> kubuntu575: not here... [19:52] <bruceleeds> upgrade takes another 2 minutes [19:53] <kubuntu575> First kubuntu upgrade in ages that crashes this badly, I was way too over confident :( [19:54] <bruceleeds> This NVidia-Optimus is some serious bullshit. No wonder Linus gave them the finger for this one. I had some really bad problems beforehand as well in Kubuntu 13.4 (I think). I thought that was behind me (since 14.4) but now it comoes back to haunt me... man... [19:54] <acz32> 15.04 sounds like it was rushed [19:54] <codebrainz> hi. i updated to 15.04 on the weekend and some apps (ex. qtcreator) won't show any files in the open file dialogs. it can be worked around by clearing the QT_PLUGIN_PATH environment var, but then it loses features (theme, native dialogs, etc). is there a better workaround? [19:55] <sbivol_> hi, I just noticed that after a fresh install of Kubuntu 15.04, users can not change their passwords (kdepasswd is missing) [19:55] <bruceleeds> kubuntu575: same here... [19:55] <pkulas> bruceleeds: any change after upgrade? [19:55] <bruceleeds> not finished yet [19:55] <bruceleeds> It's gone be legen... wait for it... [19:56] <kubuntu575> bruceleeds :well here I have an emergency root prompt, that's all.. [19:56] <kubuntu575> Dairy? :) [19:56] <pkulas> bruceleeds: Also you can check BIOS and change there something about grahpics [19:56] <bruceleeds> wait for it... [19:57] <pkulas> ok [19:58] <bruceleeds> ... not so dairy... [19:58] <bruceleeds> dang [19:59] <stoocot> bruceleeds: here is my xorg.conf for W520 with Optimus enabled and Nvidia drivers v346, that works also with dual screen setup: [19:59] <kubuntu575> bruceleeds : you lactose intolerant? [19:59] <bruceleeds> kubuntu575: seems like it... [20:00] <pkulas> Did you restart after upgrade? [20:00] <bruceleeds> pkulas: yes [20:00] <bruceleeds> stoocot: I thought xorg.conf is behind us? [20:00] <kubuntu575> Anybody who might know about 15.04: error getting authority: error initializing authority: could not connect: no such file or directory g-io-error-quark [20:01] <kubuntu575> bruceleeds core. Coill be with us until wayland [20:01] <kubuntu575> Damned mobile phone... [20:02] <kubuntu575> bruceleeds: xorg.conf will be with us until wayland [20:02] <kubuntu575> I'm going insane here with this new kubuntu [20:02] <bruceleeds> stoocot: what changes am I supposed to do in bios where exactly? [20:02] <bruceleeds> kubuntu575: dito [20:02] <bruceleeds> kubuntu575: But there seem to be quite a lot of people [20:03] <bruceleeds> stoocot: I am in bios now [20:04] <stoocot> I'm looking for screenshots... [20:04] <kubuntu575> Valorie:really sorry to bother you directly, but you usually have great solutions.. Any idea how to solveError getting authority: error initializing authority: could not connect: no such file or directory g-io-error-quark&rlz but without dpkg - - configure - a and then systemctl enable sddm.service - f, because that's all over the Internet, I tried it,and it's not fixing it, my laptop is dead I the water after my 15.04 upgrade [20:05] <stoocot> [20:06] <bruceleeds> stoocot: got that. What setting should I chose (and why)? [20:06] <stoocot> Integrated Graphics and OS Detection: Disabled [20:07] <stoocot> It will switch off Nvidia GPU [20:08] <phoenixz> bruceleeds: Yay, I'm in! [20:08] <stoocot> Next time you boot Linux only i915 driver will be used. It doesn't require xorg.conf [20:08] <bruceleeds> phoenixz: you had the same issue as me? [20:08] <phoenixz> bruceleeds: so I saw at grub that there is an "upstart" mode as well, tried that one, and that booted without problem [20:09] <bruceleeds> stoocot: ok, I wrote it [20:09] <phoenixz> bruceleeds: Not really.. ah damn, its great to be able to write on a keyboard again.. No, I booted, and immediately dropped in an emergency shell with that @%$#($ error.. [20:09] <bruceleeds> I mean, I changed the bios setttings [20:10] <bruceleeds> phoenixz: so what did you achieve...? [20:10] <jlotonah> supomans [20:10] <bruceleeds> sounds like you only thought it worked, but it didn't... [20:10] <jlotonah> lulz [20:10] <phoenixz> bruceleeds: my laptop booted to X, I'm using Quassel now instead of my mobile phone.. My laptop only had a DOA emergency shell with root prompt [20:10] <jlotonah> kernel 4.0 with Xorg :-) [20:10] <jlotonah> kubuntu 2015.04 [20:11] <jlotonah> updating... [20:12] <bruceleeds> what the... something just came up... [20:14] <jlotonah> true [20:14] <bruceleeds> ok... seems like I am in kubuntu 15.4... [20:15] <bruceleeds> why are all my settings gone? [20:15] <jlotonah> i dont have a sysinfo script with a client with sasl but ... yeah... kernel panics... broken optimus... google... PCI:8... restore Xorg... solved. [20:15] <jlotonah> same here ^ [20:15] <stoocot> bruceleeds: you changed name of .kde and .config folders [20:16] <bruceleeds> stoocot: can I try to revert them back? [20:16] <bruceleeds> or is that potentially harmful? [20:16] <stoocot> logout to startup screen and change them back to original names from console session [20:17] <bruceleeds> will do [20:17] <stoocot> ALT+CTRL+F1 [20:18] <bruceleeds> stoocot: The startup of KDE is really slow... why is that? [20:19] <bruceleeds> like super slow [20:19] <bruceleeds> is that because of the slow graphics card? [20:20] <Taggnostr4> Did you find a fix? [20:20] <stoocot> Definitely no, Intel response is faster than Nvidia's when u use plain desktop [20:21] <bruceleeds> Taggnostr4: stoocot suggested to switch of the optimus graphics card in the bios [20:21] <bruceleeds> stoocot: Oh, when is the Nvidia's card faster then? [20:22] <stoocot> When you use it to render 3D graphics - many times faster [20:22] <bruceleeds> stoocot: like games? [20:22] <Taggnostr4> Let's try [20:23] <Taggnostr4> No such option in my bios [20:23] <stoocot> Your laptop screen is connected to Intel GPU in Nvidia has to show something on it, it has to copy screen content to Intel's output [20:23] <bruceleeds> Taggnostr4: he said one should use the intel card instead of the nvidia card and also disable the switch [20:24] <bruceleeds> Taggnostr4: I use Lenovo... depends on what you are using and whether you are using Nvidia Optimus technology [20:24] <Taggnostr4> I have an old VAIO [20:24] <bruceleeds> stoocot: Got it. But why is the system so slow now? [20:24] <bruceleeds> Taggnostr4: different issue maybe. [20:25] <stoocot> You can re-enable Optimus after deleting drivers from Nvidia - it's not harmfull: sudo apt-get purge nvidia* [20:25] <Taggnostr4> I have a nvidia card [20:25] <bruceleeds> stoocot: also: after moving .kde and .config, still only some of the settings are backk [20:28] <bruceleeds> stoocot: what do you mean? I delete Nvidia-drivers, then I enable optimus and then I install those drivers again? [20:28] <stoocot> bruceleeds: I can't guess what else you deleted / renamed, sorry [20:29] <bruceleeds> stoocot: nothing else [20:29] <stoocot> bruceleeds: yes, exactly you can try install Nvidia again from Driver Manager. [20:30] <stoocot> bruceleeds: and you probably will finish in black screen again :) [20:30] <bruceleeds> great, now everything is frozen [20:31] <bruceleeds> stoocot: you mean, if I reinstall the nvidia drivers, I might get a black screen again? [20:32] <Taggnostr4> bruceleeds, yours was an upgrade from 14.10, right? [20:32] <bruceleeds> Taggnostr4: yes [20:32] <Taggnostr4> I'm thinking about formatting and reinstalling 15.04 from scratch [20:33] <Taggnostr4> If that fails, reinstall 14.10 [20:33] <bruceleeds> stoocot: Maybe I / my computer is not ready for kubuntu 15.4... If I decide tomorrow that I reinstall Kubuntu 14.10. What files would I have to move to 14.10 in order to get my old system back? (Programms not included, those I would reinstall.) [20:36] <stoocot> bruceleeds: I had the same thoughts, before Plasma 5 I was not able to use Nvidia GPU at all. [20:36] <bruceleeds> stoocot: that was different for me: I was able to use optimus from Kubuntu 14.4 onwards [20:37] <bruceleeds> without bumblebee & Co. [20:37] <bruceleeds> Before that I used bumblebee which was a huge hassle [20:38] <bruceleeds> in Kubuntu 14.4 and onwards I used KDE 4 [20:38] <bruceleeds> I took my sweet time to migrate from KDE 3 to KDE 4 back in the day, which became quite the problem later on. So I thought, this time I flow with the current... [20:38] <bruceleeds> and migrate to KDE 5 early. [20:39] <stoocot> My HW is older and more problematic. With Plasma 5 it flies. [20:39] <bruceleeds> not the best idea after all [20:39] <bruceleeds> stoocot: nice to hear [20:39] <bruceleeds> stoocot: I wonder why it really does not fly for me... [20:40] <stoocot> I'm switching on Nvidia only for dual screen with: "sudo prime-select nvidia" and back to Intel with "sudo prime-select intel" [20:40] <bruceleeds> stoocot: my nvidia is witched off right now, and it still does not work [20:41] <bruceleeds> stoocot: do you know which files I have to migrate, to get 14.10 back, when I reinstall that? [20:41] <bruceleeds> emails, contacts, .mozillla obviously. [20:42] <bruceleeds> but also .kde and .config ? [20:42] <bruceleeds> are there more folders like .kde and .config? [20:42] <pkulas> bruceleeds: right now your config files may be with some additional settings from 15.04 [20:42] <stoocot> bruceleeds: hard to answer - almost whole home dir [20:43] <bruceleeds> stoocot: which is completely tainted by 15.4 [20:43] <bruceleeds> ... [20:43] <bruceleeds> pkulas: sucks to be me... [20:43] <bruceleeds> :-D [20:44] <bruceleeds> ok, I think I slowly move towards bed [20:44] <stoocot> bruceleeds: have you touched grub config? modesetting, etc... [20:45] <bruceleeds> stoocot: nope for grub (that would rebuild itself I guess). What [20:45] <bruceleeds> What's modesetting? [20:45] <phoenixz> phNot sure if anybody can read what I'm writing, but my GUI isvery VREY messed up, I see a different screen that the screen I actually should see.. so if I cluck some where in quassel, I''m actually clicking in chrome e and stoocthings like that.. Anyway, doing an NVidia driver update now, hoping that that will fix that issue.. At least, I think I'm upgrading it, I'm not sure what I'm doing, I cant see.. [20:46] <stoocot> I don't know why your laptop slowed down. You shuld create new user accout, make sure that you deleted xorg.conf and login to this accout. [20:46] <JMichaelX> anyone else experiencing difficulty getting desktop effects to work, using onboard intel (i915) graphics? [20:47] <JMichaelX> (in kubuntu 15.04) [20:48] <bruceleeds> stoocot: where is xorg.conf located? [20:48] <stoocot> If it works ok it means that there's something wrong with your main account config, not with kubuntu 15.04 [20:49] <stoocot> "/etc/X11" - requires root [20:49] <bruceleeds> stoocot: there is a xorg.conf.0316... and another one with a different number [20:50] <bruceleeds> what is it? [20:50] <stoocot> OK, it's backup, no need to touch [20:51] <bruceleeds> ok, there is no other [20:52] <Taggnostr4> I'm trying to login with another account to see if it works [20:53] <bruceleeds> stoocot: what should I do? [20:54] <stoocot> bruceleeds: nothing :) if system on this account works well it means that your main accound is messed up. If not - the problem is general... [20:57] <bruceleeds> stoocot: looks like its system-wide [20:58] <stoocot> bruceleeds: bad luck... no chance to help without deeper inspection [20:59] <Taggnostr4> With sudo startx it more or less work here [20:59] <Taggnostr4> I'm just missing the bar at the bottom and it's a bit slow [21:02] <bruceleeds> stoocot: Your guess: Is it 15.4 itself or the upgrade from 14.10? Would a clean install of 15.4 be better? [21:03] <Taggnostr4> Is there anything I can try to start to get the bar at the bottom? [21:05] <Taggnostr4> Is that part of plasma? [21:10] <bruceleeds> Taggnostr4: yes it is [21:11] <Taggnostr4> Is there a command to start plasma? [21:11] <stoocot> bruceleeds: sorry - was away for some minutes. It's easy to check without messing the system if you prepare live DVD/USB and boot from it. [21:12] <stoocot> It won't have Nvida proprietary drivers but tandem Intel/nouveau should work OK. [21:12] <bruceleeds> ok [21:13] <Taggnostr4> I can get windows in two ways: 1) start the PC, drop in a tty, run sudo startx; 2) login normally, get black screen, drop in the tty, kill kwin_x11, go back to the graphical session [21:14] <Taggnostr4> With 1 windows have borders, with 2 they don't [21:14] <pkulas> I love built-in Intel drivers, works everything and no need nothing to configure. (Intel Hd 4400) [21:14] <Taggnostr4> Also Firefox starts with 1 but not with 2 [21:16] <Taggnostr4> FWIW I tried to boot 14.10 from USB and still got black screen, even if it was working while installed [21:16] <Taggnostr4> I think that's because it needs nvidia drivers that are not included on the live USB [21:17] <ejay> pkulas, true that. intel drivers are flawless [21:18] <mefisto> Taggnostr4: I think to start plasma, the command is plasmashell [21:18] <Taggnostr4> Nothing seems to happen with that [21:18] <stoocot> mefisto: in fact it should be started automatically :) [21:20] <Taggnostr4> If I do it from konsole I get kf5.kiconthemes: "theme tree: (breeze)" [21:20] <stoocot> manual way: sudo systemctl start sddm or stop, restart, ... [21:21] <Taggnostr4> The stop kicked me out, the start got me at the login screen [21:21] <Taggnostr4> After login is still all black [21:22] <Taggnostr4> kwin_x11 started again, and it's eating all the CPU again [21:25] <stoocot> Taggnstr4: maybe also try to create test account and try to login to it [21:26] <stoocot> Taggnstr4: from console: sudo adduser whatever [21:27] <Taggnostr4> stoocot, just did earlier, nothing changed [21:28] <stoocot> Taggnstr4: what's your HW? [21:29] <Taggnostr4> An 8+ years old VAIO with nvidia graphics [21:34] <stoocot> Taggnstr4: yeah, always nvidia... have you tried to (re)create default xorg.conf with: sudo nvidia-xconfig ? [21:34] <stoocot> If you use proprietary drivers... [21:47] <chrissg> Hey folks -- 15.04 here, volume control buttons on keyboard show the volume level bar on screen, but has zero effetc on actual volume. Any ideas? :) [21:48] <chrissg> D'oh. I banged my head for 2 hours straight on this one. Once posted I figured it out myself: Selecting a "master channel" in the volume props... [21:49] <pkulas> chrissg : Open KDE Mixer and then change sound volume by keyboard [21:49] <pkulas> chrissg : Maybe it changed for wrong card [21:49] <pkulas> :D [21:49] <chrissg> :) [21:50] <chrissg> But play, pause, stop still has no effect (on spotify). I take it the spotify integration is not yet... finished? [21:51] <pkulas> No idea [21:52] <chrissg> Meh, doesnt matter for now. I am still "moving" in to my new OS here. :) [21:53] <stoocot> chrissg: KDE Mixer has setting "choose master channel" which is related also to HW buttons. check it please [21:53] <eternaL1> Fresh install, ubuntu mini + Kubuntu Desktop ... the minimal install surely worked, but cannot seem to use anything or start the lightdm/dm/kde [21:55] <eternaL1> how can i be sure the kubuntu download worked properly during the minimal install? [21:57] <ejay> guys, found a bug - dolphin is crashing when trying to open file from su directory (in my case xorg log file). file is opening via kate but dolphin is goin down. can anyone here try this out? sending bug report now. [21:58] <pkulas> ejay : What is su directiory? [21:58] <pkulas> ejay: do you have 2 files in kate? [21:58] <pkulas> ejay : or it's first file opened [21:59] <ejay> pkulas, i meant directory below my /home dir. for example - /etc, /usr [21:59] <pkulas> ok [21:59] <pkulas> ejay: So it freeze on second file? [21:59] <ejay> pkulas, number of files opened does not matter. kate is working fine. [22:00] <pkulas> ejay: yes but i had bug that dolphin crash when second opened in Kate by dolphin [22:00] <ejay> pkulas, one file, two files, three files. dolphin is not responding after opening file. [22:02] <ejay> pkulas, you know what? that's might be the case. opening two files indeed is killing dolphin. no matter what file. closing kate is making dolphin respond again. hmmm [22:02] <ejay> pkulas, did you send this to bugtracker? [22:03] <pkulas> ejay : Yes [22:03] <pkulas> here [22:03] <pkulas> ejay: but probably it will be unconfirmed up to next release... [22:03] <pkulas> ejay: like most of bugs reported there [22:05] <ejay> pkulas, voted. thanks. [22:08] <chrissg> Anyone here got owncloud (client) to autostart minized (plasma) to work? [22:09] <Finetundra> hey folks, can I ask questions about clementine here? [22:10] <ejay> Finetundra, you can always ask. [22:12] <Finetundra> how do I get clementine to play .aac files? [22:15] <ejay> Finetrundra, did you tried this: ? [22:18] <JMichaelX> \ [22:19] <Finetundra> ejay, doesn't seem to have worked [22:19] <Finetundra> :( [22:19] <pkulas> Finetundra : is that file working with Amarok? [22:20] <Finetundra> pkulas, yip [22:20] <typhoon_2099_> I'm still having 15.04 issues. I've had to resort to purging the nvidia drivers and installin lightdm so that I can at least get logged in, otherwise I come up against the "starting version 219" screen at startup. SDDM is running, I've checked the systemctl and it's reported as active. [22:20] <pkulas> then you no need codecs, already there just need to link them somehow to Clementine [22:21] <pkulas> also you may consider about convert all files to mp3 [22:22] <pkulas> Finetundra : what about this? [22:22] <Finetundra> pkulas, I actually have a good portion converted to .ogg but there's still a bit of my library that is in .aac and I was hoping to not have to convert it to .ogg [22:24] <typhoon_2099_> Also, the nouveau driver are garbage, I don't know if there's some incompatibility with lightdm but the screen is doing partial repaints all the time. [22:40] <typhoon_2099_> Is reinstalling Kubuntu going to be the easiest thing to do? I've been trying to fix this problem for 3 days now and it just seems to keep getting worse and worse. [22:40] <victor2015> Hi everyone, just to mention I tried Kubuntu 15.04 but my wireless that uses password authentication didn't work said "configuring interface" and then failed connection but connections that don't require password worked. Also, couldn't complete installation because grub setup failed. [22:43] <Finetundra> victor2015: you may have to set the permission for the network to allow all users to connect to it. I'm on 14.04 but it may have carried over to 15.04 [22:43] <typhoon_2099_> Is it worth my time installing the 4.0 Kernel? I've heard a couple of peole saying that it solved their problems. [22:44] <victor2015> Finetundra: I was successfully able to install kubuntu 14.04 without any of the problems I encountered in 15.04 [22:46] <CharlieTheCabbie> evening guys. Is blueskaj around please? [22:47] <Finetundra> CharlieTheCabbie: he doesn't seem to be in the channel [22:49] <CharlieTheCabbie> Oh baubles. I am still trying to find someone who can help me fix my install of vervet. I cannot get plasma to kick into life, I can't even get it to the KDE splash now. I am having to login using xfce and I don't want that :( [22:49] <typhoon_2099_> I've finally managed to get logged in using lightdm, I still have no idea how to get SDDM working. [22:50] <CharlieTheCabbie> I've changed my nvidia drivers to 304 which is what supports my card, I have tried restarting the sddm, I have done 2 dist upgrades in 24 hours, 1404LTS to 1410, then 1410 to 1504 [22:50] <N3X15> CharlieTheCabbie, you've made a huge mistake. [22:51] <N3X15> Because 15.04 is horribly broken at the moment. [22:51] <typhoon_2099_> Is it possible to downgrade to 14.10 again? [22:52] <N3X15> According to the wiki, the answer is no. [22:53] <CharlieTheCabbie> "Brace yourself Ubuntu lovers!! Yes, the final stable version of Ubuntu 15.04, code named Vivid Vervet, is now ready for download." [22:53] <N3X15> typhoon_2099, according to the wiki, no [22:53] <typhoon_2099_> Just found out that unplugging my monitor kills KDE or something. [22:53] <typhoon_2099_> That's disappointing. [22:53] <CharlieTheCabbie> ^^ [22:53] <typhoon_2099_> My install is totally borked. [22:54] <CharlieTheCabbie> mine is falling apart like a flatpacked motorcycle, typhoon_2099 [22:54] <CharlieTheCabbie> I am downloading an iso of 15.04 and I'm gonna go for a fresh install [22:54] <typhoon_2099_> I figured I had done something wrong and was going loopy over why the thing wouldn't let me log in properly. Nice to know my mistake was upgrading. [22:55] <N3X15> Try using lightdm [22:55] <CharlieTheCabbie> If the distribution was that badly broken, it should not have been released. What the hell is beta testing for??? [22:55] <typhoon_2099_> I might have to do the same. I'm worried about my /etc configs getting wiped though. [22:55] <N3X15> Some people have success using that over sddm [22:55] <CharlieTheCabbie> How do I swap to lightdm over sddm? [22:55] <typhoon_2099_> I have, though it's still not super smooth or anything, but it will get your desktop back. [22:56] <typhoon_2099_> sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm, then select lightdm. [22:56] <typhoon_2099_> Or install lightdm from apt i it's not there. [22:58] <typhoon_2099_> Cheers guys. [23:00] <CharlieTheCabbie> well I'll definitely give that a go before I nail my netinstalled version and start the whole thing again! [23:01] <N3X15> Remember to back up everything. [23:01] <CharlieTheCabbie> I'll simply copy my whole /home folder onto my external HD and then unplug it before I reinstall, that way I know it can't be accessed during the work [23:03] <N3X15> yeah [23:03] <N3X15> I'm considering reinstalling with 14.x [23:04] <N3X15> The UI is nice once it comes up, but if you try to change anything, you incur the wrath of god [23:06] <CharlieTheCabbie> I incurred the wrath of God already by having my PC which sounds like a fighter jet taking off from Mildenhall, running all night while I was trying to sleep. It was like trying to kip in a wind tunnel [23:06] <CharlieTheCabbie> It's been switched on now for 33 hours [23:27] <N3X15> CharlieTheCabbie, my Debian test server is a 2U rackmount server which sounds like a hairdryer. I actually have gotten so used to it that I can't sleep if it's not running. [23:39] <Simonious> you guys have a favorite place for image pastes? [23:40] <Simonious> <- how do I get this to look in the correct location for this update? (it checked a local server which most certanly does not have what it is looking for) [23:41] <Simonious> I know I screwed this up and made it point to the wrong place, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Bebo", "BluesKaj", "Brendan__", "CharlieTheCabbie", "Cyman", "Etriaph", "Finetundra", "Guest12307", "JMichaelX", "Mgigamasta", "N3X15", "NekoSan", "Neuh2", "Obyone", "PhilippeP", "Radien", "Simonious", "SirSean", "Taggnostr2", "Taggnostr4", "Zerkalerka", "acz32", "ahoneybun", "alvin", "anavarre", "arunce", "atee", "balloons", "bruceleeds", "chrissg", "codebrainz", "crazymike", "darthanubis", "derTyp", "ejay", "eternaL1", "everyUserOwnLang", "gary__", "genii", "hateball", "hyper_ch", "imatefx", "jlotonah", "jubo2", "kubuntu575", "lolmaus_", "lordievader", "luc4", "madeti", "mefisto", "mparillo", "noaXess", "patrick_", "phoenixz", "pkulas", "qdata", "ralgozino", "ronald", "rooly", "s_20", "sbivol_", "slava__", "soee", "stoocot", "t5un4m1", "tron71", "typhoon_2099", "typhoon_2099_", "uperat0r", "victor2015", "virtual_", "wldcordeiro", "yossarianuk" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu" }
[08:19] <D_Cent> tyhicks: hi! i just solved my name_to_handle_at problem - i re-compiled the libusb4java shared object on my other raspberry pi with raspbian and put this version into my project and it seems to work correctly now :) [08:56] <FourDollars> Hi, what is the difference between ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64+generic.img.xz and ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img.xz? [09:21] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Tell a Story Day! :-D [10:00] <ruenoak> FourDollars: I think one is Stable and one is Edge a rolling dev version, just a guess though, but the download img's are named the same [12:09] <hawkowl> hmm okay i am having some trouble with my Python app [12:09] <hawkowl> there's no $TEMP or $TMP passed through, it seems, so it tries the system default places, which doesn't work [13:04] <mvo> hey jdstrand, so you mentioned earlier that you see a upgrade hang on bbb? [13:13] <jdstrand> mvo: hi! [13:15] <jdstrand> mvo: I did see a significant delay, yes. I'm not sure if it was related to or not [13:16] <mvo> jdstrand: I think its because there is a thing called SyncBootloader files that will always cp /boot/a -> /boot/b which is now very slow because we use sync and also not needed because ubuntu-device-flash already did that [13:17] <jdstrand> mvo: oh, interesting [13:17] <mvo> jdstrand: so its a separate bug, but if you don't mind, please file it because I think we need to kill that function [13:17] <mvo> jdstrand: if you ctrl-z and ps afx you probably see a "cp -a" there [13:17] <mvo> cp -a /boot/a /boot/b [13:17] <mvo> to be precise [13:19] <jdstrand> mvo: [13:19] <mvo> thanks jdstrand [13:20] <jdstrand> np [13:25] <mvo> jdstrand: I'm doing a stop-watch test right now and its already copying for >4min :( [13:25] <jdstrand> yeah [14:04] <tyhicks> D_Cent: great to hear that you're unblocked and I'm glad that we don't need to allow name_to_handle_at [14:04] <tyhicks> D_Cent: thanks for the update :) [15:34] <leandrosansilva> Hello to all. I am doing some research for a new product where I work and ubuntu snappy came up as a possible base for it. I am looking for a operating system which allows me to perform "atomic updates", avoiding the possibility of breaking my system in case of an update failure. Do you think ubuntu snappy may me suitable for such task?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "D_Cent", "FourDollars", "JamesTait", "hawkowl", "jdstrand", "leandrosansilva", "mvo", "ruenoak", "tyhicks" ], "url": "", "channel": "#snappy" }
[00:00] <melodie> have to go, good night [00:00] <Trixar_za> Mostly getting confused and asking me to short it out :P [00:01] <Trixar_za> So "I don't know" is a common phrase for them [00:01] <melodie> oh... then you "short it" out? [00:01] <kulelu88> :D [00:01] <melodie> make IT short? XD [00:01] <Trixar_za> sort* [00:01] <kulelu88> now you're getting mocked :D [00:01] <Trixar_za> It's 2am :P [00:01] <kulelu88> :D :D :D [00:02] <kulelu88> go short that sit out mannnn :D [00:02] <melodie> yes at 2 am it's authorized to joke around words [00:02] <melodie> what does NLP mean? [00:02] <kulelu88> natural language processing [00:02] <melodie> o_O [00:03] <melodie> kheuff! [00:03] <Trixar_za> It doesn't really work [00:03] <Trixar_za> Like most things in IT :P [00:03] <kulelu88> it got lost when you said short [00:03] <melodie> bugs should be common in NLP [00:03] <melodie> worse in WLP [00:04] <melodie> :D [00:04] <kulelu88> WLP? [00:04] <melodie> I'll try to not forget about that one! NLP really? [00:04] <melodie> XD [00:04] <melodie> Written Language Processing ! [00:04] <melodie> XD [00:04] <kulelu88> NLP + machine learning is how your french government is tracking you melodie ;) [00:05] <Trixar_za> Woman Lover Programming? Oo [00:05] <melodie> kulelu88 don't get me started. ;) [00:05] <melodie> well, no, get me started! [00:05] <melodie> let me show you a new project lead by one of our very good techs in France: [00:06] <kulelu88> they want google to open their search algorithm now :D :D :D [00:06] <melodie> Caliopen - [00:06] <melodie> just started in reaction to the laws being voted these times  they want google to open their search algorithm now :D :D :D || what do you refer to? [00:08] <melodie> never mind, I have to quit. good night everybody! [00:08] <kulelu88> take care [05:59] <Kilos> morning all [06:32] <Kilos> morning inetpro [08:00] <Kilos> Neo31 you returned [08:00] <Kilos> wb [08:04] <Kilos> hmm... [09:31] <georgelappies> hi all [09:37] <gremble_> o/ [09:38] <Kilos> hi gremble_ [09:39] <Kilos> hi georgelappies as well also too [09:39] <georgelappies> Morning Kilos, how are you on this Monday morning? [09:39] <Kilos> monthly meeting here tomorrow night at 20.30 guys [09:40] <Kilos> im good ty georgelappies and you? [09:40] <gremble_> Hey Kilos [09:42] <Kilos> ha stickyboy you here and so quiet [10:32] <Kilos> so who is a facebook fan here [10:37] <Kilos> hmm... that frightened him away [10:59] <inetpro> Kilos: don't do that! [10:59] <inetpro> Kilos: oh and good mornings [11:00] <inetpro> and hi everyone else [11:00] <gremble_> Hey inetpro [11:00] <inetpro> Kilos: did you get a message from that new GF of yours? [11:01] <gremble_> lol [11:01] <inetpro> heh gremble_ [11:02] <Squirm> Morning [11:02] <gremble> Hey Squirm [11:02] <inetpro> I think she's still a bit confused with using Maaz for delivering messages [11:02] <inetpro> hi Squirm [11:03] <gremble> Using memoserv is not that bad though [11:03] <gremble> Just annoying when idiots use it [11:05] <gremble> "My ideal programming language would we one that I don't have to code in" [11:05] <gremble> AMEN [11:05] <gremble> :P [11:06] <Kilos> inetpro which one? [11:06] <gremble> Kilos: she said that she'll update some shit so you don't have to download a new ISO, just update as needed [11:06] <gremble> Or something like that [11:06] <Kilos> hi Squirm inetpro [11:07] <Kilos> oh the zsync thing [11:08] <Kilos> i only know how to zsync and iso i have here not a running system [11:08] <inetpro> Kilos: [11:09] <Kilos> oh yes inetpro gotta fight you [11:09] <Kilos> you manipulate my slow head [11:09] <gremble> [11:09] * inetpro calls on hibana for assistance [11:09] <Kilos> lol [11:10] <gremble> "It looks like what gets sucked out of a Transformer during an abortion" [11:10] <Kilos> nono this is tween you and i [11:10] * inetpro feels a rattle in the cage [11:11] <Kilos> yesterday you said you thought ubuntu-za =Kilos so you could get out of not greeting m [11:11] <hibana> inetpro: uh? [11:11] <Kilos> hi hibana [11:11] <Kilos> but [11:11] <Kilos> but [11:11] <hibana> hello oom Kilos [11:12] <Kilos> on other day you say mornings and oh and hi Kilos [11:12] <inetpro> oh Kilos, a change is as good as a holiday [11:12] <Kilos> hibana please sort the pro guy for manipulating me [11:13] <Kilos> nono inetpro i take that as a personal affront [11:13] <gremble> What is a personal abback? [11:13] <Kilos> i dunno [11:13] * hibana rather goes fishing again [11:13] <Kilos> was thinking about that word [11:14] <Kilos> ai! [11:14] <gremble> I am offended that my joke was summerily ignored [11:14] <Kilos> lol [11:14] <gremble> I'm not going to share funny things with you guys anymore [11:14] <Kilos> not affronted [11:14] <gremble> abbacked [11:14] <inetpro> ai! [11:14] <gremble> asside-waysed [11:15] <Kilos> actually inetpro i have been reading some old logs [11:15] <Kilos> hehe even i dont understand some of the things i have asked you [11:15] <Kilos> hahaha [11:15] <gremble> We don't either [11:16] <Kilos> you see at times my messages seem encrypted [11:16] <inetpro> :-) [11:16] <inetpro> Kilos: you are forgiven [11:16] <Kilos> ty my friend [11:16] <gremble> You guys asked me to make a page on the wiki, so I did [11:17] <inetpro> btw, I downloaded the iso [11:17] <gremble> But none of you have said nice things about me on it yet [11:17] <gremble> >.> [11:17] <inetpro> hmm... [11:17] <Kilos> well you gotta accept the fact , i might do some geek things but i dont speak geek yet [11:17] <Kilos> gremble link [11:17] <gremble> [11:18] <Kilos> hahaha [11:20] <inetpro> gremble: the coding affecting you now? [11:20] <gremble> Maybe [11:21] <Kilos> haha [11:21] <Kilos> gotcha [11:21] <gremble> I'm in a really good mood, so I am not bothered [11:21] <Kilos> lolol [11:21] <gremble> :P [11:22] <Kilos> you need to construct it man then we can write good testimonials [11:22] <gremble> HA HA Kilos [11:22] <gremble> :P [11:22] <gremble> it is constructed [11:22] <gremble> xD [11:22] <Squirm> What to do in Cape TOwn today? [11:22] <gremble> The sea? [11:23] <gremble> Fire Safety [11:23] <Kilos> make a wiki page [11:23] <Squirm> Kilos: Why would I do such a thing? [11:23] <Kilos> so i can write a testimonial [11:24] <gremble> Psh. [11:24] <Kilos> you have forgotten what i havent [11:24] <inetpro> lol [11:24] <inetpro> gremble: you want to apply for membership now? [11:25] <Kilos> oh inetpro [11:25] <gremble> inetpro: no :P Just thought I would try and be more active [11:25] <gremble> I like the idea of being distro-neutral [11:26] <Kilos> lets encrypt this and see if others understand [11:26] <inetpro> Squirm: you can always try fixing our bot :-) [11:26] <gremble> Good luck with that [11:26] <gremble> :P [11:26] <Kilos> inetpro ! [11:27] <inetpro> Kilos: ? [11:27] <Kilos> inetpro QA [11:27] <Kilos> squirm will know [11:27] <Kilos> QA on ec2 [11:27] <Squirm> Heh [11:27] <inetpro> Kilos: it's not working [11:27] * Squirm wanders off to the beach [11:27] <Squirm> Or town [11:28] <Squirm> Or to the shop [11:28] <Kilos> uh oh [11:28] <inetpro> Squirm: enjoy it! [11:28] <Squirm> I guess anywhere else [11:28] <Squirm> :P [11:28] <Kilos> enjoy Squirm [11:28] <Squirm> Ooooh, oooh [11:28] <Squirm> I know what! [11:28] <inetpro> Kilos: I was wrong [11:28] <Kilos> again? [11:28] <Squirm> Let's eat cereal and watch some more White Collar in bed. Chat to you all later :) [11:28] <Kilos> it works [11:28] <inetpro> the bot is still in the repositories [11:29] <Kilos> yes man but doesnt run [11:29] <inetpro> even on vivid [11:29] <Kilos> have you got an older releases on ec2 [11:29] <Kilos> 12.04 works still [11:30] <gremble> :P Just get someone to code a new one [11:30] <inetpro> Kilos: wat verstaan jy nie [11:30] * gremble not it [11:30] * inetpro is not interested in going backwards [11:30] <Kilos> dat jy probeer dit maak werk op systeem na 12.04 [11:31] <inetpro> a package in the repositories is supposed to work [11:31] <Kilos> key word - supposed [11:31] <inetpro> it's not as if it's impossible to fix [11:32] * inetpro just don't have the time and energy to go through all the troubleshooting just yet [11:32] <gremble> A bunch of libraries around it are orphaned and new ones have different API's [11:32] <gremble> So it is not impossible [11:32] <gremble> Just tedious [11:32] <inetpro> exactly [11:32] <Kilos> confluency are you here? [11:33] <Kilos> A bunch of libraries around it are orphaned and new ones have different API's [11:33] <inetpro> ai! [11:33] <gremble> Why are you stealing my words? [11:34] <Kilos> so i can explain in geek whats wrong with the bot [11:34] <confluency> Dudes. You do not need to run an entire older Ubuntu. Just run older evrsions of the libraries in a virtualenv. [11:34] <Kilos> we discussed this a few days back [11:36] <inetpro> confluency: my first step was to try the packaged version in the repositories based on instructions at [11:36] <confluency> If you want to fix whatever is wrong with the bot so that it works properly with the new versions, that's a great idea, but that does not require a rewrite into python3. I don't know where that idea came from. If would be a lot more constructive to fix the problems in the python2 version first. [11:37] <Kilos> gremble ^^ [11:37] <inetpro> confluency: it fails: [11:38] <gremble> Meh. Why fix it in an old standard. If you have to use new libraries to get the basics working again, may as well port it to 3. [11:38] <gremble> But then again, I am not going to touch it, so anyone that wants to can do whatever they want :P [11:38] <confluency> Because porting is non-trivial, and python2 isn't going anywhere for a long time,. [11:38] <confluency> Porting takes time away from fixing things. [11:39] <confluency> inetpro: OK, so there's a problem with SQLAlchemy. There's a bug related to this filed on the bugtracker. It's still open, so I'm guessing this hasn't been fixed, but it looks like there are two ibid version branches so I'm not sure. [11:40] <confluency> If you want to run it from non-system libraries ina virtualenv, you should install a local version, not the packaged version. [11:41] <confluency> If it ran in 12.04, you should be able to check what the versions of these libraries were. Then you can install those versions of the libraries in a virtualenv. Then you can install ibid in the virtualenv as well. [11:47] <inetpro> confluency: I'll try a bit later from source [11:47] <Kilos> ty for the guidance confluency [11:48] <confluency> You should also try the 0.2 branch -- stuff like this may be getting fixed in there. [11:48] <confluency> I don't know very much about the current state of the project (I suspect that the former active developers are all otherwise occupied). [11:49] <Kilos> yes weed was the maintainer and he is gone and too busy in new job [11:49] <inetpro> confluency: maybe you could join and help us to get it up to scratch again :-) [11:49] * inetpro wbb [11:50] <confluency> Have a look at this bug: There's a patch; I think it may have been patched into a newer version. So I'd try 0.2 first. [11:50] <confluency> But I don't want to write an IRC bot. :P [11:50] <confluency> I'm just here to backseat drive. ;) [11:50] <confluency> s/patched/merged [11:52] <Kilos> backseat driving is way better than staying at home [11:52] <gremble> Not for the frontseat driver [11:52] <Kilos> lol [11:52] <Kilos> gremble you are tough man [11:52] <Kilos> roll with the punches [11:52] <gremble> Haha [11:53] <confluency> It looks like pypi only has 0.1.1 as well, so you'll probably have to get the source from Launchpad. [11:53] <gremble> I can't python. So I am off the hook [11:54] <Kilos> i have another idea, if ec2 can run 12.04 then ibid will work till 20.17 [11:54] <Kilos> by them gremble can have learned python [11:55] <Kilos> 2017 [11:56] <gremble> By that time you can have learnt python [11:56] <gremble> :P [12:06] <confluency> inetpro: yup, the sqlalchemy 0.6 / 0.7 support is in 0.2 for sure: [12:07] <confluency> So with luck that version will run out of the box. [12:33] <Squirm> Why not just compile from source? [12:33] <Squirm> Get the latest version that should work on the distro [12:34] <confluency> That *is* 0.2. [12:35] <confluency> There's nothing to compile; it's python. [12:38] <gremble> If I want to compile python, I damn well will :P [12:47] <confluency> inetpro: I get the same error with 0.2; looks like a deprecated flag is being passed to sqlalchemy. [12:52] * hibana missed it [12:57] <inetpro> confluency: I got a bit further this time [12:57] <inetpro> See: [13:00] <confluency> Hmm. Are you starting fresh, or using the old database? I'm guessing the old database won't work without modification. [13:02] <confluency> Have a look at [13:03] <inetpro> confluency: I used instructions from a previous attempt [13:03] <inetpro> [13:06] <inetpro> should probably try the bzr branch as well [13:56] <superfly> inetpro: ah yes, I had to fix the code myself too [14:04] <inetpro> superfly: hmm... please share with us, what did you change? [14:11] <Kilos> hmm... [14:13] <inetpro> confluency: on 2015/02/04 Rogan wrote in the ibid channel, "ah, so it was not convert_unicode, it was assert_unicode that was the problem, it has been deprecated, so I just deleted the option, and everything is running now" [14:13] <inetpro> not sure what exactly he deleted [14:13] <inetpro> and in what file [14:13] <confluency> The assert_unicode option wherever it was passed, I assume. [14:14] <confluency> It's in a couple of places. You can grep the code for it./ [14:15] <confluency> I think it was deprecated in 0.6 and I'm guessing it was actually removed in 0.8, which is probably why the code is breaking now. [14:15] <confluency> Could one of you guys maybe file a bug report with a patch on Launchpad? [14:16] <Kilos> point me where and ill report it [14:16] * inetpro will have to look again later... busy with something else [14:17] <confluency> The person who makes the change should report it, so that they can explain in detail and include the patch. [14:17] <Kilos> ok [15:12] * hibana caught a big fish [15:12] <Kilos> yay [15:12] <Kilos> what kind [15:13] * Squirm gets to try out his new squash racket tonight [15:13] <Squirm> ^^ [15:13] <inetpro> hibana: say hi to Kilos [15:13] <Kilos> oh my [15:13] <inetpro> oops [15:13] <inetpro> hibanab: say hi to Kilos [15:13] <hibanab> heya [15:14] <Kilos> hi hibanab [15:16] * Kilos wonders if hibanab has more experience at fixing things [15:17] <inetpro> ok Kilos, what shall we name her? [15:19] <Kilos> QA [15:19] <Kilos> you have it working? [15:20] <inetpro> hibanab: die [15:20] <hibanab> inetpro: What? [15:21] <Kilos> lol [15:21] <Kilos> maybe somewhere i have the ibid.db [15:22] <Kilos> and three channels to join [15:22] <Kilos> here africa and kilos [15:22] <inetpro> QA: wb [15:22] <QA> inetpro: *blink* [15:22] <Kilos> oi [15:23] <Kilos> QA hi [15:23] <QA> wasup [15:28] <inetpro> confluency: [15:29] <inetpro> QA: say hi to confluency [15:29] <QA> good morning [15:29] <confluency> Yay [15:29] <Kilos> mr fixit wins again [15:30] <inetpro> the important bit is 'pip install SQLAlchemy==0.6' [15:30] <confluency> Is this 0.1.1 or o.2? [15:30] <inetpro> to be honest, I haven't compared versions just yet [15:31] * inetpro simply cloned from [15:31] <inetpro> or rather forked [15:32] <Kilos> wonderful to see such an old head work so well [15:33] <inetpro> so if I do fix things, I shall fix my own fork at rather than breaking someone else's code [15:34] * inetpro is only a newbie [15:34] <Kilos> but learning fast [15:35] <inetpro> Kilos: but you see, we don't need python 3 just yet, and we don't need to run an old version of Ubuntu [15:36] <Kilos> are you doing the virtual env thing [15:36] <inetpro> ai! [15:36] <Kilos> staright install? [15:36] <inetpro> Kilos: rtfs [15:36] <Kilos> straight [15:37] <Kilos> sigh [15:37] <gremble> What does the s stand for, inetpro ? [15:37] <inetpro> Kilos: 04/27 17:28:48 <inetpro> confluency: [15:37] <Kilos> script screen etc [15:37] <inetpro> gremble: sshhh [15:37] <gremble> Hmm? [15:37] <Kilos> lol [15:38] <gremble> I don't even know why I am being shushed [15:38] <Kilos> he first wants to torment me [15:38] <Kilos> rtfs is his favourite way of making me lose even more hair [15:38] <Kilos> hi Langjan [15:39] <Langjan> Hi Kilos howzit [15:39] <gremble> Well, it does help to read [15:39] <inetpro> Maaz: rtfs [15:39] <Maaz> Read the Freaking Source/Spec/Screen [15:39] <inetpro> gremble: ^^ [15:39] <Kilos> good ty Langjan and you? [15:39] <Langjan> Fine thks Kilos [15:39] <Kilos> what did you break [15:39] <Kilos> hehe [15:40] <Langjan> Jy lees my soos 'n boek...Question please [15:40] <Kilos> go ahead [15:40] <inetpro> kom nou Kilos, waar is jou QA db? [15:41] <Kilos> ek moet eers n krag ding soek vir eksterne inetpro [15:41] <Kilos> patience [15:41] <inetpro> ai! [15:41] <gremble> This intermingling of afrikaans and english is hurting my brani [15:41] <gremble> brain* even [15:42] <Kilos> what brain [15:42] <inetpro> sorry gremble [15:42] * inetpro thought he knew all about rtfs [15:42] <gremble> The one I use for math :P [15:42] <kulelu88> our youngest and oldest members are here today [15:42] <Kilos> lol [15:42] <Langjan> I exported e-mails from Thunderbird on a Windows 7 system, they were saved as a a3n4iggw.default file, but this format is not recognised for re-import [15:43] <inetpro> oi! [15:43] <kulelu88> wouldn't .default be the thunderbird profile? [15:43] <gremble> Oh, hey kulelu88 [15:43] <kulelu88> gremble: say hello to oom Langjan . [15:43] <gremble> oom? [15:44] <Langjan> OK could be, then I must find out how to match the folder to the Tbird profile in Win 7? [15:44] <Langjan> Hi gremble [15:44] <gremble> Hey Langjan. [15:44] <Langjan> and kulelu88 [15:44] <Langjan> and inetpro [15:45] <Langjan> Yes Kilos holds my age against me [15:45] <Kilos> hahaha sorry [15:45] <gremble> Langjan: Are you exporting from Thunderbird to Thunderbird? [15:46] <Langjan> I suppose you cannot do anything about it can you? [15:46] <Langjan> Yes gremble [15:48] <Langjan> Forgiven Kilos [15:48] <kulelu88> you can marry a young woman Langjan . Ask Kilos , his new gf is 48 [15:48] <Kilos> ty Langjan [15:48] <Langjan> Wow! So 'n ou ramkat! [15:48] <gremble> According to mozilla's knowledgebase, thunderbird does not have built-in capability to import, export or merge files. [15:48] <Kilos> hy jok [15:49] <gremble> However, you can either move the profile folder over completely [15:49] <gremble> Or you can use the ImportExportTools add-on [15:49] <gremble> [15:50] <kulelu88> easier to move the profile folder (I think) [15:50] <gremble> ^ [15:50] <Langjan> OK makes sense, thanks - perhaps the add-on will be the easier bet for old people? [15:50] <gremble> Doubt it [15:50] <gremble> You should be able to ask thunderbird where the profile folder is kept [15:51] <gremble> Probably ~/.thunderbird [15:51] <gremble> or something [15:51] <Kilos> gremble he is 8 years and 2 months older than me [15:51] <Langjan> OK but moving folder in Windows is a nightmare for me [15:51] <gremble> I have no idea [15:51] <gremble> Oh [15:51] <gremble> Forgot about the windows part [15:51] <gremble> Moving folders in Windows is a nightmare for me too. Try the addon then [15:52] <Langjan> Thks gremble let me try that first, tomorrow some time, will get back if I dont come right and with thks if I do [15:53] <gremble> No problem Langjan. I hope it helps [15:53] <Langjan> Many thanks [15:53] <Langjan> So Kilos when did the wedding happen? [15:53] <Kilos> what wedding [15:54] <Langjan> kulelu88, said you have a new 48-year old - what's a gf? [15:55] <Kilos> no man, he has a hole in the front of his face thats jus makes noise [15:55] <kulelu88> :D [15:55] <Langjan> So what does that noise mean kulelu88 ? [15:56] <Kilos> ek dink hy terg net [15:56] <Kilos> jy weet waar my gf is [15:56] <kulelu88> Kilos can't get married again. The new wife wants joint custody of the house [15:56] <Langjan> In Oz? [15:57] <Kilos> ya Langjan [15:57] <Langjan> OK ek het dan die kat by die stert beet, jammer [15:57] <Kilos> lol dis die jonges wat net aangaan [15:58] <Langjan> Ek wou al myne inruil vir twee 35-jariges maar sy byt vas! [15:58] <Kilos> hahaha [15:59] <Langjan> OK julle manne ek gaan julle los, lekker aand daar [15:59] <Kilos> Langjan meeting tomorrow night hey [15:59] <Kilos> you have a good evening sir and good luck with TB [15:59] <gremble> Tuberculosis? [16:00] <Kilos> Thunderbird [16:00] <Kilos> sigh [16:00] <Langjan> Ok but I get lost there, may just pop in to say hello [16:00] <Langjan> Thks kl [16:00] <Langjan> Kilos, [16:00] <Kilos> anytime [16:00] <Langjan> and gremble [16:01] <inetpro> Langjan: just be there oom... good night [16:01] <Kilos> the young ones are here to help the old ones [16:01] <Langjan> Ok thks inetpro [16:01] <inetpro> :-) [16:01] <Kilos> whew we down to 10°c tonight [16:01] <Langjan> Eina, we still about 15 [16:02] * inetpro feels the cold already [16:03] <Kilos> inetpro still hunting. im sure i saw the qa db somewhere [16:03] <Kilos> if not i will train her again [16:07] <gremble> Yhat made a python IDE that runs in the browser [16:07] <gremble> Looks nice [16:07] <gremble> Called Rodeo [16:08] <gremble> Slightly focussed on data science though [16:12] <kulelu88> winter is coming *tee tee tara tee tee tara tee tee. teeeee teeeee [16:13] <elacheche> kulelu88, summer is comming here :d [16:13] <elacheche> :D [16:15] <kulelu88> where you? elacheche [16:16] <elacheche> in the north :D Tunisia :D [16:34] <kulelu88> oh ubuntu africa user? [16:36] <Kilos> sjoe [16:39] <gremble> Does someone in Tunisia even know what winter is? [16:39] <Kilos> lol [16:40] <Kilos> yeah when the dates fall off [16:43] <Kilos> hi bmg505 you been too quiet [16:44] <elacheche> loool kenju254 Kilos gremble :p [16:45] <Kilos> lol [16:47] <elacheche> we have almost the same temperatures average → [16:47] <elacheche> Don't think that Tunisia is in Europe.. We're Africans too :p [16:56] <kulelu88> elacheche: you'll have to forgive Kilos . He is also falling off the tree now :D [16:56] <Kilos> then you should share our snow and frost [17:06] <Kilos> grumbles [17:06] <Kilos> uh [17:06] <Kilos> gremble [17:06] <Kilos> the bot be fixed [17:07] <Kilos> mr fixit wins again [17:12] <elacheche> :) [17:13] <gremble> It's fixed or has it just been cauterised? [17:14] <Kilos> fixed [17:14] <gremble> Nice [17:14] <Kilos> [17:15] <Kilos> my pro is very clever [17:15] <Kilos> just acts dumb at times [18:11] * hibana calling it a day [18:11] <hibana> good night everyone [18:11] <Kilos> night hibana [18:11] <Kilos> ty for the help [18:15] <captine_ghost> evening all [18:15] <Kilos> hi captine_ghost [18:16] <captine_ghost> need some help. trying irssi out on a digitalocean droplet, however, whenever i connect and use screen to run it, my keyboard strokes are duplicated etc [18:16] <captine_ghost> anyone had this. [18:16] <Kilos> sjoe [18:16] <captine_ghost> PS Kilos how do i kick myself off when i cannot properly disconnect? do I need to wait for a timeout on captine to be able to use it again [18:17] <Kilos> there is a ghost command [18:17] <Kilos> i used to know it [18:18] <Kilos> Maaz googleghost command for freenode [18:18] <Maaz> Kilos: Huh? [18:18] <Kilos> ai! [18:18] <Kilos> Maaz google ghost command for freenode [18:18] <captine> dont strees' [18:18] <captine> stress [18:18] <Maaz> Kilos: "NickServ Is Your Friend | staffblog - Freenode" :: "FAQs - Freenode" :: "irc - Kill ghost on connect to freenode in xchat? - Super User" :: "toxin: Freenode NickServ Commands" [18:18] <Maaz> :: "NickServ Options - DALnet Documentation Projec… [18:21] <Kilos> tumbleweed inetpro fixed ibid see [18:21] <captine> very weird [18:22] <captine> check the text i typed in irssi [18:22] <Kilos> yeah easier to wait for the timeout and change nicks [18:22] <captine> [(status)] //jj^^^?^?hheellpp ii aamm sseeeeiinngg ddoouubbllee [18:22] <Kilos> lol [18:22] <Kilos> you got the shakes [18:22] <captine> first i thought it was putty on my windows work machine... but getting the same thing on ubuntu 14.04 [18:23] <inetpro> Kilos: stop bragging about it [18:23] <captine> looks that way [18:23] <inetpro> there was nothing to fix [18:23] <Kilos> inetpro nope [18:23] <Kilos> bragging about my team is my job [18:23] <Kilos> add it to your wiki page [18:23] <inetpro> it's all in the documentation [18:24] <Kilos> yeah well we cant all rtfs [18:24] <inetpro> just needed to do some RTFD [18:24] <inetpro> :-) [18:25] <Kilos> the weed will be happy and appoint you as chief maintainer [18:25] <inetpro> nope [18:25] <Kilos> hehe [18:27] <Kilos> inetpro you pay attention to details others miss [18:36] <Kilos> Squirm go see QA is back on my channel [18:36] <Kilos> so you dont need to hide anymore [18:48] <Squirm> Ok [18:48] <Squirm> Evening all [18:48] <Squirm> and Kilos, I'm not hiding [18:48] <Kilos> hi Squirm [18:48] <Kilos> lol [18:48] <Kilos> teasing man [18:48] <Kilos> you left the channel with the bot [18:53] <Jacques_StrY> Maaz: I am Jacques Strydom [18:53] <Maaz> Jacques_StrY: *blink* [18:53] <Jacques_StrY> ... [18:53] <Jacques_StrY> lol [18:53] <inetpro> wb Jacques_StrY [18:53] <Kilos> hi Jacques_StrY wb [18:53] <Jacques_StrY> Got the date wrong [18:53] <inetpro> meeting is tomorrow :-) [18:53] <Jacques_StrY> Hey everyone [18:54] <inetpro> Jacques_StrY: how are you doing? [18:54] <Jacques_StrY> Sorry for the mia, was away - just arrived home [18:54] <Kilos> oh Jacques_StrY william left some info in the lists hey [18:54] <Jacques_StrY> Fine thanks and you inetpro [18:54] <inetpro> all good thank you [18:54] <Jacques_StrY> Thanks Kilos, I'll run through my mail quickly [18:55] <Kilos> no serious rush i think [18:56] <Kilos> metinks i must go sleep. head starting to thump [18:56] <Kilos> inetpro worked me too hard today [18:56] <Jacques_StrY> haha ai! [18:56] <inetpro> huh? [18:57] * inetpro not feeling guilty [18:57] <Kilos> hahaha [18:58] <inetpro> oom Kilos, you are the weakest link, good night! [18:58] <Kilos> ai! [18:58] <Kilos> i will stay here [18:58] <Kilos> grrr [18:58] <inetpro> :-) [18:59] <Kilos> peeps take advantage of my good nature [18:59] <Jacques_StrY> Last mail list mail is 6 days ago correct? [19:00] <Kilos> 24/04/2015 [19:00] <Kilos> from william [19:00] <inetpro> Kilos: to you? [19:00] <Kilos> or was that straight to me [19:01] <Jacques_StrY> [19:01] <Jacques_StrY> Last message date: Tue Apr 21 21:05:45 UTC 2015 [19:01] <Kilos> Are they installing Booktype in ec2, If so, please ask them to document what they did [19:01] <Kilos> Did you see the Booktype intro video I posted [19:01] <Kilos> [19:02] <Kilos> i dunno, tb isnt as easy to see where mails come from [19:02] <Jacques_StrY> Definitely, the guide provided by booktype refers to sources that don't work yet [19:02] <Kilos> i thought that was a thread in the list [19:03] <Jacques_StrY> i should check if i can get it working on ec2 tonight [19:03] <Kilos> he will be very happy, you guys are the first ones helping him [19:03] <Kilos> others just gave advice in the lit=sts [19:04] <Kilos> lists [19:09] <Jacques_StrY> Well it is easier to give advise - always :) [19:10] <Kilos> lol [19:11] <captine> night all [19:12] <inetpro> oom Kilos jy mag maar gaan slaap [19:12] <Kilos> Jacques_StrY didnt you even see my meeting reminder in the mail? [19:13] <Kilos> dankie in, trek warm aan moreoggend ne [19:13] * Jacques_StrY - inetpro starting to feel guilty [19:13] <Kilos> lol [19:13] <Jacques_StrY> I muted my mails while I was gone :) [19:14] <Squirm> gnight all [19:14] <Jacques_StrY> Night [19:14] <inetpro> Kilos: what meeting reminder? [19:14] <Kilos> ja but now im bang my meeting reminder didnt get there [19:14] <Kilos> night Squirm [19:14] <Kilos> ai! [19:15] <Kilos> inetpro i mailed an early warnig=ng this avy [19:15] <Jacques_StrY> Well I don't see one - all i see is the google+ reminder [19:15] <inetpro> Kilos: you sent that to ubuntu news [19:15] <Kilos> oh my goodness [19:16] <Kilos> now to find sent in tb [19:17] <Kilos> inetpro where do you find sent mails in tb please [19:18] <inetpro> Kilos: do you have a folder called gmail? [19:19] <inetpro> with a little triangle to the left of it [19:19] <Kilos> in tb? [19:19] <inetpro> no on your chair [19:19] * Kilos looks [19:20] <inetpro> oops... yes man, in Thunderbird of course :-) [19:21] <Kilos> found it i was sitting on it [19:21] <Kilos> ty for that [19:21] <Kilos> see if you see it now [19:21] <inetpro> ai! [19:22] <Kilos> what? wrong [lace again? [19:23] <Kilos> eish man this tb is corrupt [19:23] <inetpro> no [19:23] <Kilos> last try then i go back to evo [19:25] <Kilos> eish they went to cummunity council too [19:25] <inetpro> lol [19:26] <inetpro> and it's from msdomdonner AT as well [19:26] <inetpro> not from [19:26] <Kilos> ya i gave up. you gotta tick to see the others everytime [19:27] <Kilos> havent found a way to make it default [19:27] <Kilos> so now ill just stay as mae [19:28] <Kilos> me [19:28] <Kilos> airs and flairs are too heavy to carry [19:29] <Kilos> i need to find someone to post on fb about the africa channel [19:29] <Kilos> you sit and laugh [19:30] <Kilos> ai! who needs enemies [19:30] <inetpro> Kilos: it's all in your mind [19:30] <Kilos> haha [19:31] <Kilos> i suppose i sent the hangouts message to nuvo to my ex as well [19:31] <Kilos> inetpro do you see the early warning email yet [19:32] <inetpro> yes it's there now man [19:32] <Kilos> and i did the tweet thing [19:32] * inetpro noticed [19:32] <inetpro> thanks [19:32] <Kilos> yw [19:33] <Kilos> i have to use 2 different browser so the tweet things dont get mixed up [19:46] <Jacques_StrY> Couldn't connect for a while??? [19:47] <Jacques_StrY> sigh this ec2's security is too high [19:47] <Kilos> ai! [19:47] <Jacques_StrY> have to use key pairs to log in via ssh [19:48] <Jacques_StrY> and now I have successfully setup Booktype - or i think - but can't access from public [19:48] <Jacques_StrY> not even a ping [19:48] <Jacques_StrY> so probably being blocked [19:48] <Kilos> oh my [19:48] <Kilos> but you can ssh in [19:48] <Jacques_StrY> Yes [19:49] <Kilos> so we need to think about either running it that way and then downloading everything to be able to share [19:49] <Kilos> or as ec2 to allow us to make it public [19:50] <Kilos> ask [19:50] <Jacques_StrY> Will quickly do a few checks [19:50] <Jacques_StrY> public access probably blocked by default [19:50] <Kilos> ah maybe you can change it in settings [19:53] <Kilos> we can always ask the pro to fixit [19:54] <Jacques_StrY> nah - I believing in struggling yourself and only ask when you have tried all [19:54] <Jacques_StrY> else I never remember and do the same mistakes again [19:54] <Kilos> ya thats what i mean [19:55] <Kilos> he reads the fineprint we all miss [20:02] <Jacques_StrY> IT IS WORKING! [20:02] <Kilos> booktype? [20:02] <Jacques_StrY> Had to update security policies in ec2 dashboard, very user friendly [20:03] <Jacques_StrY> Yes booktype and public access [20:03] <Kilos> wonderful news Jacques_StrY well done [20:03] <Jacques_StrY> [20:03] <Kilos> document everything please [20:03] <Kilos> william will be very happy [20:04] <Kilos> oh wow well done man [20:04] <Jacques_StrY> So I should probably make a proper install guide now [20:04] <Kilos> now we just need to find some teachers that are willing to get involved [20:05] <Kilos> i dont know if they are gonna copy paste books or what [20:05] <Jacques_StrY> we should get a proper domain name for it as well [20:05] <Kilos> oh my [20:06] <Kilos> domain names cost man [20:07] <Kilos> hi smile [20:08] <smile> Hi :) [20:09] <smile> Hi kilos my friend [20:09] <Kilos> hows my smile ? [20:10] <smile> It depends what part of me :) [20:10] <Kilos> your head [20:10] <Kilos> and your hands and feet [20:11] <Kilos> everything between them you mess up at your own risk [20:12] <smile> I am feeling fine, but headaches even make the best day worse. My eye hurts too. My energy is gone for today and I achieved little while working for school. However, I have good friends :) [20:12] <Kilos> lol [20:12] <Kilos> whats wrong with your eye [20:12] <smile> The night was terrible. :-( [20:13] <Kilos> bad night for one eye? [20:13] <smile> Well my eye got tiny wood points in it [20:13] <Kilos> ouch [20:13] <Kilos> been there done that [20:13] <smile> No, bad night for sleep and my headache [20:14] <Kilos> eye injuries are very painfull [20:14] <smile> Parts as a result of making two parts of one part [20:14] <Kilos> what were you doing [20:15] <Kilos> when you work with anything that can splinter you must wear saftey goggles [20:16] <Kilos> safety [20:16] <Jacques_StrY> Kilos: I'll sponsor the domain name if it comes to it - can't expect people to type each time they want to visit :) [20:16] <Jacques_StrY> Hi smile [20:17] <Kilos> whew [20:17] <smile> I was helping my dad with a 2.5 meter by 1.5 wood plate :) he was cutting (wrong word) a part of the wood so it could be transported in our car [20:17] <Kilos> circular saw [20:18] <Jacques_StrY> joking but the name at the moment is [20:19] <inetpro> Jacques_StrY: haha, and when you shut down and restart the name is even different [20:19] <Kilos> lets hear what williams plan is first [20:19] <inetpro> or not? [20:19] <smile> Not circular ;-) by hand, Kilos [20:19] <Kilos> inetpro advice? [20:19] <Jacques_StrY> Luckily not - but still [20:19] <inetpro> Jacques_StrY: well, if you keep it shut down for a few hours you get a new IP address [20:20] <Kilos> im trying to imagine how hand sawing a plank by hand can cause splinters [20:20] <Jacques_StrY> inetpro :-O [20:21] <inetpro> Jacques_StrY: at least that is what happened to mine [20:21] <Kilos> smile you can get drops from chemist i think called novacaine that numbs it so you can sleep [20:22] <smile> It was a very thick plate, made of good quality compressed wood :) so those things can get nasty small [20:22] <Jacques_StrY> inetpro: My OVH IP has stayed the same for 3 years luckily [20:22] <Jacques_StrY> Maybe Amazon has different policies then [20:22] <smile> I can sleep my headache hurts enough to forget my eye [20:22] <smile> :) [20:22] <inetpro> ahh, I still have the free instance [20:23] <Jacques_StrY> pretty handy to mess around with [20:24] <inetpro> smile: au! [20:25] <inetpro> Jacques_StrY: very handy yes [20:26] <inetpro> Jacques_StrY: how much do you pay per month if I may ask? [20:26] <smile> But in my mind I am happy! :) so it doesnt matter what I am going through [20:27] <Kilos> eye injuries heak quite fast smile [20:27] <Kilos> 3 days to a week i think [20:28] <smile> Thats the good news :) [20:29] <Kilos> yeah as long as it can still see you are fine [20:29] <Kilos> and will be more careful next time [20:30] <Kilos> melodie hiya [20:30] <melodie> hello Kilos ^^ [20:30] <melodie> how are you? [20:30] <smile> Yeah :) [20:30] <Jacques_StrY> ec2 or ovh? [20:30] <kulelu88> anybody using Go here? superfly ? [20:32] <smile> My father is building a temporary construction to paint the high wall of the stairs :) [20:33] <Kilos> just be carefull smile [20:33] <Kilos> make sure everything is well supported [20:34] <melodie> salut smile ! [20:34] <Jacques_StrY> inetpro: ec2 on free at the moment - R235 per month for the dedicated ovh [20:34] <melodie> hello Jacques_StrY [20:34] <Jacques_StrY> Hey melodie [20:34] <smile> Bonsoir madame [20:34] <inetpro> Jacques_StrY: what is ovh? [20:35] <smile> My father is very good at constructions. He is smart enough to make it very well supported :) [20:37] <Jacques_StrY> inetpro: A company that does very affordable dedicated server hosting - [20:37] <Jacques_StrY> Currently have the ks-3 option [20:37] <melodie> smile bonsoir Monsieur [20:38] <inetpro> Jacques_StrY: nice! [20:38] <melodie> smile if your father is good at construction maybe could we do business? [20:38] <smile> He is very small scale :) [20:39] <melodie> so am I :D [20:39] * inetpro calls it a day [20:39] <inetpro> good night everyone [20:40] <Jacques_StrY> inetpro: Their VPS is cheaper then EC2 as well so would suggest that when the ec2 free period expires to move over [20:40] <smile> What are you trying to make? :) [20:40] <kulelu88> that is darn cheap [20:40] <kulelu88> but atom servers?? [20:40] <Jacques_StrY> night inetpro [20:40] <melodie> smile are you talking to me? [20:41] <Kilos> night inetpro sleep tight and ty [20:41] <Jacques_StrY> kulelu88: Currently have the i5 but had the atom, worked fine fore small websites and file servers [20:41] <melodie> gn Kilos ! [20:42] <kulelu88> how small? Jacques_StrY [20:42] <Kilos> nm melodie im still here pro gone [20:42] <melodie> nm pas compris not understood [20:43] <Jacques_StrY> kulelu88: any static pages ran fine - wordpress sites want a bit more [20:43] <Kilos> never mind [20:43] <kulelu88> wordpress? darn, not enough power then [20:43] <Kilos> but i meant to say no man [20:43] <Kilos> but you not a man so my head froze [20:44] <melodie> aha [20:44] <melodie> ok [20:44] <Kilos> lol [20:44] <Kilos> :D [20:44] <Jacques_StrY> kulelu88: it works but not as snappy as I want it - rather go for vps if don't mind less storage [20:44] <kulelu88> true, i'm thinking of going for a good compiled language to conserve resources [20:45] <Jacques_StrY> kulelu88: $2.99 a month for a vps isn't much [20:45] <kulelu88> Jacques_StrY: I don't use those kind VPSes [20:46] <Kilos> Jacques_StrY will you and william sort out what still must be done please? [20:46] <kulelu88> The little more expensive 1s are better at 7-10 dollars [20:46] <Kilos> my kop sukkel om by te bly met al die goed [20:46] <Jacques_StrY> kulelu88: Yea, like how vps scale easily [20:47] <melodie> Kilos in this case, you can use it right away: [20:47] <Jacques_StrY> Kilos: I'll pop him a mail tomorrow morning - think he will be glad [20:47] <melodie> or just before going to sleep if you have a better price on the dowload cost [20:48] <kulelu88> Hopefully this decision isn't bad [20:50] <Kilos> yeah Jacques_StrY he will [20:51] <Kilos> melodie i can hopefully wake up early and do the installs before 7 then its classed as nighttime data not my 2g [20:52] <Kilos> i have copied everything to file here [20:54] <superfly> kulelu88: negatory [20:54] <melodie> Kilos keep the second one only [20:54] <melodie> there is a full "apt-get install" line with the package names [20:55] <Kilos> is the first one wrong melodie i see there is more in it [20:55] <Kilos> i will use aptitude and give you the results [20:55] <kulelu88> superfly: the performance is apparently greatly superior to all the dynamic langs and it isn't a shitstorm to code in, compared to C [20:55] <melodie> it's not wrong, just less handy [20:55] <melodie> Kilos "sudo apt-get" [20:55] <melodie> no aptitude [20:55] <Kilos> i will save both [20:56] <Kilos> superfly tell her about aptitude [20:56] <melodie> Kilos the second one is just formatted so you have to do just a copy/paste [20:56] <Kilos> aptitude is a good tool [20:56] <melodie> except the second part which is commented [20:56] <melodie> Kilos yes and no, it's a confusing tool [20:56] <Kilos> oh ok [20:56] <superfly> aptitude was great, until it couldn't handle multiarch [20:56] <Kilos> its a wonderful tool melodie you must learn to use it [20:57] <Kilos> im doing 32bit so should be fine [20:58] <Kilos> melodie ok ill use aot-get if it makes you happy [20:58] <Kilos> apt-get [20:59] <melodie> Kilos I bet you will [20:59] <melodie> $ LANG=C ls -l /usr/bin/aptitude [20:59] <melodie> ls: cannot access /usr/bin/aptitude: No such file or directory [20:59] <Kilos> haha [20:59] <melodie> :D [20:59] <Kilos> i have already installed pidgin with aptitude [20:59] <Kilos> but np [21:00] <melodie> lol! [21:00] <Kilos> apt-get install aptitude [21:00] <melodie> it could be that nowadays it's the same [21:00] <Kilos> hehe [21:01] <Kilos> the fly says it cant handle multiarch but that 64bit and 32bit we only using 32bit [21:01] <Kilos> well me anyway on old pc [21:02] <melodie> you are talking weird, d'you know? [21:02] <melodie> but never mind [21:02] <Kilos> again? [21:02] <Kilos> lol [21:02] <melodie> the fly says [21:02] <melodie> flies don't talk afaik [21:02] <Kilos> oh we call superfly the fly [21:02] <melodie> XD [21:02] <Kilos> :D [21:03] <melodie> what is it that can't handle multiarch? [21:03] <Kilos> multiarch is when 64bit needs to use some 32bit packages i think [21:03] <melodie> possibly [21:04] <melodie> I take the train tomorrow morning, early, so I will leave now [21:04] <Kilos> ok ty for the help, sleep tight [21:04] <Kilos> and go safe [21:05] <melodie> :-) [21:05] <melodie> thanks [21:05] <melodie> take care! [21:05] <Kilos> always [21:05] <melodie> :) [21:05] <Kilos> :D [21:07] <Kilos> night all, sleep tight [21:25] <Jacques_StrY> Night all [21:32] <smile> Slaapwel :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Jacques_StrY", "Kilos", "Langjan", "Maaz", "QA", "Squirm", "Trixar_za", "captine", "captine_ghost", "confluency", "elacheche", "georgelappies", "gremble", "gremble_", "hibana", "hibanab", "inetpro", "kulelu88", "melodie", "smile", "superfly" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-za" }
[00:11] <darthanubis> [06:15] <soee> someone seen this: gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0: The generated cache was invalid. ? [06:33] <kfunk> how are the policies wrt the KF5 version in 15.04, given that there are no point releases for KF usually -- is it going to stay at 5.9? [07:25] <Etriaph> kfunk: Best to ask in #kubuntu [07:26] <Etriaph> This channel is for development only. [07:38] <Tm_T> Etriaph: I think that is actually development question [07:42] <Etriaph> Tm_T: The question was repeated twice I think, I regarded it as spam. [07:42] <Etriaph> My apologies if that's not the case. [07:45] <Tm_T> Etriaph: heh, if it's spam it doesn't belong to support channels either, no it's not spam but very important question [07:45] <sitter> what be the question? [07:45] <Tm_T> how are the policies wrt the KF5 version in 15.04, given that there are no point releases for KF usually -- is it going to stay at 5.9? [07:46] <Tm_T> I'm interested too what is the way we can go with KF5 [07:48] <sitter> kfunk: undecided. it probably will stay though, at least for non-lts releases. I imagine it a bit too cumbersome to run all framework releases through the process what with all the paperwork [07:50] <sitter> there's also the problem of unreliable compatibility right now as dicussed numerous times on the frameworks devel list [07:53] <Riddell> I expect for backports, doing SRUs takes more person-power and may not be possible as sitter says [07:56] <kfunk> ok, good to know [07:57] <kfunk> I'm just trying to figure on what KF5 to stabilize kdevelop5 on, and 5.9 seems to be a suitable target [07:57] <kfunk> on what KF5 version* [08:08] <Riddell> kfunk: yes that seems sensible [08:11] <blaze`> why plasma desktop depends on plasma-nm? [08:12] <blaze`> i never asked for this [08:15] <blaze> now i have to manually shutdown network-manager every time after boot [08:15] <blaze> what a mess [08:22] <Riddell> sgclark: you added that, do you remember why? ↑ [08:24] <ejay> Good morning. I want to build Amarok from source. I'm on plasma5 and cmake stops on FindKDE4. Question is - do I have to install/compile kde4 dev libs? Is it even possible to intall those lib in plasma5? [08:26] <soee> hmm, not sure why but here at work my PC wont reboot using buttons in menu or from Leave screen [08:26] <soee> it just ends with black screen and cursor visible (i can access yakuake and krunner to) [08:28] <Riddell> ejay: amarok is a kdelibs4 applications, there's no frameworks version yet (that might be a gsoc project) so yes you need to install kdelibs5-dev [08:33] <sitter> Riddell: does the next series have a name yet? [08:33] * sitter can't find nothing [08:34] <Riddell> sitter: no, have you come up with one? the whole of ubuntu development is waiting on you [08:35] <sitter> and here I thought maybe Mark went on vacation and forgot to tell anyone the name [08:42] <Riddell> sitter: doing libqapt updates, do you have test cases for them? bug 1448929 [08:51] <Riddell> ScottK: bug 1448929 bug 1448911 for sru love [08:54] <sitter> Riddell: second one is a bit tricky to test since you need to actually have a package held on account of a missing dep so that would need manually building a couple of packages and a cache to produce that scenario [08:55] <sitter> first one is: make sure bluedevil is isntalled, add unstable ppa, update cache, open muon-updater from terminal, output on terminal should include a warning about bluedevil being held but not reported as such [08:56] <ejay> Riddell, ok, it's compiling now. Thank you. [10:23] <BluesKaj> Hey all [10:29] <lordievader> Goede middag. [11:36] <BluesKaj> hmm, X isn't rendering the desktop background correctly, atm the top of the background is being drawn even with the top of the panel. I have indentations on either side of the panel to facilitate right clicking on the desktop to use the context menu without minimizing the browser etc [11:37] <BluesKaj> but when rebooting one never knows what will come up, altho all apps seem to be rendered properly [11:41] <BluesKaj> I have another drive with exactly the same install and settings on this pc, which is my backup OS for later when we start testing 15.10. However this install isn't suffering from the plasma 5.3 "artifacts" problem. Go figure. :/ [11:50] <Riddell> ScottK: bug 1182784 for sru love [11:51] <Riddell> sitter: I dropped the epoch from bluez-qt incase you missed that, he does want to make it a framework [11:54] <sitter> ... [11:55] <sitter> I will very much argue that epochs mustn't be dropped [11:57] <ScottK> Riddell: Unless none of the packages (source or binary) are going to have the same name, you really can't drop it. [11:57] <Riddell> sitter: ScottK: it wasn't in the archive [11:57] <Riddell> or even the backports ppa [11:57] <Riddell> or even the beta ppa [11:57] <sitter> it was in CI [11:58] <ScottK> Well then at least there are choices. [11:58] <ScottK> Do we encourage people to install from CI? [11:58] <Riddell> CI has a policiy of "sometimes shit happens" no? that's the case with file overlaps [11:59] <sitter> Riddell: it doesn't [12:12] <Riddell> sitter: so should I add it back? [12:14] <Riddell> do we want a 15.10 kickoff meeting and by what medium?# [12:19] <BluesKaj> whynot here Riddell ? or a temp chat for a few days [12:22] <Riddell> I find it nice to have a conversation, makes a change from irc [12:22] <Riddell> contrarywise I'm planning a plasma meeting now which is by irc to make a change from hangouts :) [12:44] <ScottK> Riddell: . [12:45] <BluesKaj> Riddell, btw when is the 15.10/Newname repository going to start populating there a codename yet? [12:47] <BluesKaj> well i have to go for a few mins ...gotta reboot [13:30] <ovidiu-florin> check it out what the OpenSUSE guys did: [13:31] <Riddell> amusing but surely the kubuntu 15.04 video is better :) [13:32] <Riddell> this suse one is all very fancy but does it give you a good overview of the new features? [13:37] <BluesKaj> dropbox script doesn't startup, even tho it's enabled with systemctl and added to systemsettings startup ...not even listed in system tray options either [13:39] <starbuck11> Riddell: it works with the penguin via "o-o-opensource" for a start... not too shaby since Novell-MS took over :) [13:45] <BluesKaj> hmm, has been down for 2 days of maintenance, surely it can't be that broken ? [14:17] <Riddell> sitter: qt-gstreamer packaging is hopefully nearly ready, detrout likes to use one of these weird upstream source in the packaging git methods, can kci handle that? [14:18] <sitter> it cannot [14:18] <sitter> well, technically it can [14:19] <Riddell> but when it's feeling artistic..? [14:55] <Riddell> sitter: qt-gstreamer now has a kubuntu_unstable branch [14:56] <sitter> weeh [15:00] <sitter> there is so much crap that needs to be done to make kci better [15:02] <sitter> Riddell: btw, someone needs to set time aside for merging [15:03] <sitter> master is presently not being merged because the branches conflicted when I first attempted to add master into the standard merge order [15:03] <sitter> so I'd need to do that and then someone gets to spend a day resolving merge conflicts most likely [15:03] <sitter> shadeslayer: ^ prolly relevant to you [15:04] <shadeslayer> mmmh [15:05] <Riddell> sounds fun :) [15:05] <shadeslayer> sitter: too much todo [15:05] * shadeslayer dies [15:05] <Riddell> it'll be less hassle than it has been in any previous cycle [15:06] <sitter> yeah, it's literally just doing that initial merge [15:06] <sitter> after that we can leave master in the merge order and resolve conflicts atomically as it arises [15:06] <sitter> s/it/they [15:06] <Riddell> lovely [15:08] <sitter> Riddell: no luck with full source branches [15:09] <sitter> actually full source has its fair share of problems with CI ... namely KCI would have to import upstream git into debian git otherwise the branches are well mental [15:10] <Riddell> all solvable, UDD does it, and UDD is great [15:10] <Riddell> oh a large waste of time [15:10] <Riddell> one or the other [15:24] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: ping [15:25] <Riddell> sitter: purpose now has a branch in frameworks for packaging [15:26] <sitter> Riddell: pardon [15:26] <sitter> ? [15:27] <Riddell> sitter: are you wondering what it's all about? [15:27] <Riddell> git clone debian:frameworks/purpose has the answers [15:32] <ovidiu-florin> Sick_Rimmit: ping [15:32] <sitter> xaaahhhhhhhhhhhh [15:33] * ovidiu-florin is broken again [15:33] <sitter> Riddell: not sure what to do with qt-gstreamer tbh [15:34] * Riddell calls all the kings horses and all the kings men [15:35] <Riddell> sitter: we could just make our own repository for it that doesn't have upstream branch. or we could just not CI it since it's not like there's any upstream work going on to care about [15:35] <sitter> I am fine with either [15:36] <Riddell> sitter: go with not CIing it then, just copy it over from ~jr to ~kubuntu-ci [15:36] <sitter> Riddell: where do we need it though? [15:37] <Riddell> sitter: kamoso, which I'm packaging now [15:37] <sitter> ah [15:37] <sitter> copying over is also a bit meh [15:38] <sitter> actually perhaps I should just build a bit of tech around that [15:38] <sitter> because we have already quite some things that are in the repo but not integrated (e.g. telepathyqt) and those will be needed for backports as well, so putting them in some isolated repo for deps would probably be handy [15:38] <sitter> like we had for qt54 on utopic [15:39] <Riddell> yeah [15:48] <sitter> purpose should build in nightly build [15:48] * sitter out [15:50] <Riddell> thanks sitter [16:56] <Riddell> ta da [16:57] <Riddell> mparillo: can you do your awesome wire post thing? [16:57] <Riddell> ↑ [17:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: do you know that mitrix makes a rolling release? [17:08] <shadeslayer> mmm [17:12] <Riddell> nitrux [17:12] <mparillo> Riddell: On it. [17:13] <Riddell> :) [17:16] <genii> Hm... should there be a Kubuntu-specific spiel for the !contribute factoid in #kubuntu, or is the default fine? [17:17] <Riddell> dunno what's it say? [17:17] <genii> !contribute [17:17] <genii> Some guy was just mentioning donating is why I mention it [17:19] <Riddell> probably best for money donations, there's too [17:20] <Riddell> genii: better for kubuntu for factoid [17:21] <genii> Just checking the other.. [17:21] <genii> !donate [17:22] <genii> Riddell: I'll make the changes in the next little while as I have time from work [17:27] <genii> ( I think to !donate and I'll leave the other as is ) [17:36] <yofel> Riddell: wrt. tagging that maxy mentioned, kubuntu-archive-upload has a commented out tag line that should work. Could you test that and enable it if it works? [17:45] <genii> !donate-#kubuntu [17:57] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun you around? [17:59] <Riddell> yofel: gotcha, will investigate [18:17] <mhall119> ScottK: are there sessions you want to add to UOS for things like Qt version landings? [18:18] <ScottK> mhall119: We need to discuss that. In the past it was foundations that scheduled it, but you said they aren't participating. Not sure who all it needs agreeing with. [18:18] <mhall119> ScottK: the same people will be around, but there isn't a Foundations track specifically for them [18:19] <ScottK> Well it's not really a foundations issue, they just coordinated. It's whoever on the Canonical side is using Qt5 and targeting "W" plus that people on the distro team beyond us doing Qt5 packaging work. [18:20] <mhall119> ScottK: also, would anybody like to give a video demo of Plasma 5, like we had on a past Q&A? [18:20] <mhall119> Riddell: I think you gave that demo, right? [18:20] <ScottK> Anyone? ^^^ [18:36] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: just got home [18:37] <ovidiu-florin> hey ahoneybun [18:37] <ovidiu-florin> I can't get in touch with rick [18:38] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: ok we can do the meetings, make a doodle and trello cards based on our results and email him the links [18:38] <ahoneybun> if you stll want to do it [18:38] <ahoneybun> *meeting [18:40] <ahoneybun> up to you [18:43] <ovidiu-florin> sure [18:43] <ovidiu-florin> give me a moment [18:43] <ahoneybun> ok [18:48] <ahoneybun> [18:51] <mhall119> ahoneybun: just reading that now :) [18:51] <ahoneybun> mhall119: did you get the email from John? [18:53] <mhall119> ahoneybun: I did, unfortunately I don't think I can make it [18:53] <mhall119> Andres seems to be going though [18:53] <ahoneybun> mhall119: its all good [19:04] <ahoneybun> Riddell: mhall119 I got my passport today! [19:06] <mhall119> \o/ [19:07] <mhall119> ahoneybun: so this is your first akademy then? [19:07] <ahoneybun> yea [19:07] <mhall119> and first time outside the USA [19:07] <ahoneybun> yea [19:07] <ahoneybun> first time on a plane ask well [19:07] <mhall119> oh really? [19:07] <ahoneybun> yes [19:07] <ahoneybun> so yea [19:07] <mhall119> a trans-atlantic flight wouldn't be my recommended introduction to air travel [19:08] <ahoneybun> oh well [19:08] <ahoneybun> all for fun and free software [19:08] <mhall119> ahoneybun: do you have a GMS phone? [19:08] <ahoneybun> GSM ye[ [19:08] <ahoneybun> OnePlus One Unlocked [19:09] <mhall119> they sell local SIM cards at kiosks in the airports now, it's good to have access to maps and other data when traveling somewhere new [19:09] <mhall119> otherwise I'm sure the rest of the Kubuntu team will take good care of you over there :) [19:09] <ahoneybun> yea I'm hoping lol [19:10] <ahoneybun> going to grab a map, sim card and [19:11] <ahoneybun> mhall119: are you free for a hangout? [19:17] <mhall119> ahoneybun: sure [19:18] <ovidiu-florin> mhall119: this hangout is live [19:18] <ovidiu-florin> thought you should know [19:18] <ovidiu-florin> are you ok with that? [19:18] <mhall119> oh, yeah, good to know, give me a couple minuts to relocate then [19:18] <mhall119> ahoneybun: ovidiu-florin what's the topic? [19:19] <ahoneybun> UOS for Plasma 5 [19:19] <ahoneybun> Plasma 5 Demp [19:19] <ahoneybun> *Demo [19:20] <mhall119> ok, ready to join, link me [19:20] <ovidiu-florin> mhall119: ahoneybun sent you the link in pm [19:21] <ovidiu-florin> [19:23] <ovidiu-florin> [20:20] <sbivol_> in Kubuntu 15.04, users cannot change their password because of missing package (kdepasswd). should I report this against Kubuntu or KDE? [20:34] <ScottK> sbivol_: Kubuntu [20:36] <Riddell> sbivol_: just use user-manager? [20:37] <Quintasan> shadeslayer, Riddell, yofel: Any of you have linkedin profile? [20:37] <shadeslayer> yeah [20:37] * shadeslayer is so tired [20:37] <Quintasan> Did you actually get any offers? [20:37] <shadeslayer> not really [20:37] <shadeslayer> never bothered tbh [20:37] <Quintasan> I've been pestered by people to make a profile there god know what for. [20:38] <shadeslayer> I'm there for the same reason I'm on facebook [20:38] <shadeslayer> everyone I knew had a profile [20:38] <shadeslayer> so why the heck not [20:38] <shadeslayer> god i need a SSD [20:38] <sbivol_> Riddell: I tried systemsettings/kcm_useraccount -> Change Password [20:38] <shadeslayer> Riddell: whatcha doing [20:39] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I was enjoying the new looks hospital [20:39] <ahoneybun> hola Riddell [20:40] <Riddell> ahoneybun: buenos noches [20:40] <sbivol_> ScottK: I can't find any relevant Launchpad project to report against; there is no project named "Kubuntu" and "kubuntu-packaging" looks like the wrong place [20:40] <ahoneybun> Riddell: me and ovidiu-florin are in a hangout talking about UOS if you would like/have time to join [20:40] <ScottK> sbivol_: Ubuntu is the project. Report against the kubutu-defaults package [20:40] <Riddell> sbivol_: we don't include kdepassword because we include user-manager [20:43] <Riddell> shadeslayer: there's a new tapas bar there we should try out [20:43] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: HEY [20:43] <Riddell> hola ovidiu-florin [20:44] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: care to join our Hangout now? [20:44] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: I'm on g+ if you want to invite me [20:44] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: it's live [20:44] <sbivol_> Riddell: the password cannot be changed from System Settings because "the internal program 'kdepasswd' could not be found". Tried that on two different computers. Am I doing something wrong? [20:44] <ovidiu-florin> are you ok with that? [20:45] <Riddell> sbivol_: ah now that sounds like a bug [20:45] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: am I ok with you inviting me? dunno invite me and we'll find out :) [20:45] <ahoneybun> its live Riddell [20:47] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: I gave you the link in PM [20:52] <sbivol_> ScottK: is thisthe correct package to report against? [20:53] <shadeslayer> Riddell: sure [20:53] <shadeslayer> Riddell: when Nim's back? [20:53] <sbivol_> couldn't find a "kubuntu-defaults" package [20:54] <ScottK> sbivol_: [20:54] <ScottK> Sorry for the wrong name. [20:55] <Riddell> shadeslayer: wed [20:56] <shadeslayer> Riddell: we can go then :) [21:10] <ahoneybun> great talk ovidiu-florin [21:10] <sbivol_> ScottK: reported, thanks for helping! [21:10] <ovidiu-florin> awesome [21:10] <ScottK> Riddell: ^^^ yon beastie looks like something that ought to be fixed. [21:12] <Riddell> ScottK: sbivol_ ah it's a problem with accounts kcm [21:12] <Riddell> that kcm should die a death [21:12] <Riddell> but needs some investigation for migrating its settings to accountsmanager [21:12] <Riddell> and I guess in the mean time it should be fixed [21:18] * Riddell milestones [21:19] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: Riddell 1:59:29 [21:19] <ovidiu-florin> [21:21] <ahoneybun> almost 2 hours [21:24] * ahoneybun sends link to other people and is off. [21:24] <ovidiu-florin> let's see ig google will cut off part of it again [21:25] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: rick is online [21:25] <ovidiu-florin> just now [21:25] <ovidiu-florin> :P [23:30] <_Groo_> hi guys [23:30] <_Groo_> can someone tell me where bluetooth went in 5.04? [23:30] <_Groo_> bluedevil is installed and so is bluez, but i cant find bluetooth anywhere
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Etriaph", "Quintasan", "Riddell", "ScottK", "Tm_T", "_Groo_", "ahoneybun", "blaze", "blaze`", "darthanubis", "ejay", "genii", "kfunk", "lordievader", "mhall119", "mparillo", "ovidiu-florin", "sbivol_", "shadeslayer", "sitter", "soee", "starbuck11", "yofel" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-devel" }
[00:01] <KurtKraut> Alguém aqui conseguiu instalar o IRPF 2015 no Ubuntu? Eu baixo o .bin, dou permissão de execução, executo ele e nada acontece. Ele fica pendurado no terminal sem soltar nenhuma mensagem nem abrir uma nova janela. [00:26] <Rudolf> KurtKraut: waste of time [00:30] <KurtKraut> Rudolf, Isso só vem a provar a colocação que fiz ontem :D [00:31] <Rudolf> KurtKraut: qual? [02:27] <Sol> oi? [02:30] <Rudolf> oi [02:30] <astroo-> saiu [13:22] <ubuntu_fag> bom dia preciso de uma ajuda [15:32] <Ubuntu_fag> Alguem pode ajudar? [16:10] <dcassios> Boa tarde [16:12] <dcassios> Gostaria de uma ajuda que creio que possa ser simples para vocês, estou usando o Ubuntu 15 e só gostaria de saber como mova a barra lateral para a parte inferior [16:13] <rafael> dcassios: não move [16:15] <Dead_Thinker> dcassios: posso estar errado, mas se não me engano, nas configurações do sistema, tu pode setar a posição, tenta ver por lá [16:15] <dcassios> Obrigado pelo pronto atendimento Rafael [16:15] <Dead_Thinker> Não to no ubuntu agora pra poder ver melhor. [16:15] <dcassios> não existe nenhuma forma [17:30] <mirqui> boa tarde :) [18:33] <ubuntu_fag> alguem online? [18:34] <mirqui> sim , fala [18:34] <denisbr> ubuntu_fag: na escuta. Câmbio! [18:34] <ubuntu_fag> pode me ajudar com um problema no ubuntu? [18:35] <mirqui> diga [18:35] <ubuntu_fag> atualizei para o 15.04 e nao sai som na caixa do notebook so pelo fone de ouvido [18:36] <mirqui> vai emconfigurações do sistema \ som [18:37] <ubuntu_fag> sim [18:37] <mirqui> deve ser algo que vc não configurou o sistema configurou errado , lá vc acerta [18:39] <ubuntu_fag> ai que ta no 14.10 nao mexi em nda e ficou blz, agora esse entro la esta tudo igual o outro mais nada de som [18:39] <mirqui> viu o volume como está? [18:40] <ubuntu_fag> sim ativei a opção para chegar mais de 100% mesmo assim nada [18:40] <ubuntu_fag> nao aparece driver nada aqui [18:40] <mirqui> drivers de som? [18:40] <ubuntu_fag> onde acho isso? [18:40] <mirqui> haa , falta os drivers de som [18:41] <mirqui> baa velho , fico te devendo , mas tenta na central de programas [18:41] <mirqui> ou um sudo apt-get update [18:41] <ubuntu_fag> srsr cara ja fiz isso tambem [18:41] <mirqui> pode ser que seu sistema não esteja completo [18:41] <ubuntu_fag> na central tbm [18:42] <mirqui> não sei se o synapse resolve tbm [18:42] <mirqui> mas joga a pia da cozinha encima , até acertar :) [18:43] <mercurie> acho que as configurações de som abrem o programa pavucontrol, mas abra diretamente ele procurando no dash ou terminal [18:43] <ubuntu_fag> procurei pelo driver realtek mas é proprietario nao tem [18:43] <mercurie> na aba "Dispositivos de saída" veja se aparece "Auto-falantes" ou se o mesmo não está em mudo [18:44] <ubuntu_fag> nao ta ok [18:44] <mirqui> tem saida analógica ou digital ? [18:46] <ubuntu_fag> como assim? [18:46] <mirqui> tem um quadro grande [18:46] <mirqui> onde aparece um desenho [18:46] <mirqui> tipo de um chip [18:47] <mirqui> um diz saida analógica , o outro digital [18:47] <ubuntu_fag> sim tem tipo um chip escrito altofalante audio interno [18:47] <ubuntu_fag> nao isso nao [18:47] <mirqui> muda de um para o outro [18:47] <mirqui> e vê no que dá [18:48] <mirqui> diz reproduzir som atrávez [18:49] <mirqui> ai diz saida digital [18:49] <mirqui> saída analógica [18:51] <ubuntu_fag> instalei um controle de volume agora aparece algumas coisas ta saindo som mais muito muito baixo [18:51] <mirqui> tenta mais de 100% [18:52] <mercurie> dá uma olhada no alsamixer, é pelo terminal [18:53] <ubuntu_fag> blz vou ver la [19:42] <jucilena> ola [19:42] <mercurie> opa [19:42] <jucilena> boa tarde [19:42] <mercurie> boa tarde [19:43] <jucilena> gostaria de de começar a aprender a usar o linux [19:43] <jucilena> alguem poderia me da uma dica por onde comeco [19:44] <Hudsonkem> do'que precisa? [19:44] <Rudolf> jucilena: [19:44] <Rudolf> jucilena: é um dos melhores lugares para começar [19:45] <jucilena> e em questao de videos aulas vc tem alguma dica [19:46] <Hudsonkem> videos aulas sobre? linux, programação, hardware, etc? [19:46] <Hudsonkem> poderia ser mais espercifico por gentileza :D [19:48] <Hudsonkem> se for sobre o ubuntu linux em si segue a dica do Rodolf, o guia foca é tanto para iniciantes intermediarios e avançados para aprender a tomar o linux [19:48] <Rudolf> jucilena: video aulas são para reforço [19:48] <Rudolf> jucilena: qualquer canal do youtube tem [19:48] <Rudolf> jucilena: para aprender, começar o melhor é leitura [19:49] <jucilena> ok valeu [19:49] <jucilena> muito abrigado! [19:59] <Ferreira> Boa tarde! Eu gostaria de instalar o ubuntu 14.10 em meu PC mas não tenho drive de CD. Qual é o meio mais fácil para isto? Usando um Pendrive? [19:59] <Rudolf> disponha [19:59] <Rudolf> Ferreira: sim, usando um pendrive [20:00] <Ferreira> Rudolf, você tem algum tutorial para isso? [20:00] <Rudolf> Ferreira: eu não, google tem [20:00] <Rudolf> Ferreira: milhares [20:00] <Rudolf> Ferreira: basta escolher um [20:01] <Ferreira> Okay :D [20:01] <Ferreira> Tem como fazer pelo daemon tools? [20:01] <Hudsonkem> kkk [20:01] <Hudsonkem> Ferreira um momento que te arrumo o tutorial [20:02] <Ferreira> Obrigado Hudsonkem :) [20:02] <Dead_Thinker> Ferreira: em que SO tu vai montar o pendrive pra gerar o boot? Windows? eu já vi umas 3 ferramentas, vou tentar colocar o link aqui [20:02] <Ferreira> Obrigado também Rudolf [20:02] <Ferreira> Isso, W8.1 [20:03] <Dead_Thinker> Ferreira: [20:03] <Hudsonkem> isse tuto deve ajuda-lo [20:04] <Ferreira> Perfeito, muito obrigado pessoal! [20:04] <Hudsonkem> de nada [20:07] <Afranio> Galerinha, hoje é meu segundo dia com Ubuntu. Tô curtindo e tals... Mas gente, o transmission eh um péssimo pra baixar torrent.... tah baixando a 25/40k no máximo.... [20:07] <Afranio> sso não ocorria no win [20:07] <Hudsonkem> e pq vc esta usando o transmission? [20:07] <Hudsonkem> já testou o qbittorrent? [20:08] <Afranio> pq me mandaram usa-lo [20:08] <Afranio> kkkkk [20:08] <Afranio> onde acho esse? [20:08] <Hudsonkem> fora que dependendo da seeds do torrent ele vai fica lento se não tiver muitos semeadores [20:08] <Hudsonkem> central de programas ubuntu [20:09] <Dead_Thinker> Afranio: posso estar errado, mas isso geralmente é relacionado aos seeds do torrent e/ou tua rede, não o client (mas claro que podem ocorrer influencias), baixo com o Transmission de boa em casa [20:09] <Dead_Thinker> usando o máximo da minha conexão [20:10] <Hudsonkem> eu não curto muito o transmission então não uso :D [20:11] <Rudolf> Afranio: você usa qual cliente torrent no winblows? [20:12] <Rudolf> Afranio: MUITAS redes tem bloqueado torrent, alias, "trafficshapeado" [20:13] <Rudolf> Afranio: com baixíssimas velocidades [20:13] <Rudolf> Afranio: uso gvt aqui, e realmente com o transmission (que usando net virtua era ótimo) fica uma buzanfa [20:13] <Rudolf> Afranio: no windows o uTorrent resolve, no linux uso o vuze com a criptografia de pacote e de header ativado [20:14] <Rudolf> Afranio: faço downloads a 1.7Mbps normalmente após a mudança [20:14] <Rudolf> Afranio: tem utorrent para linux, mas é "under development" [20:14] <Rudolf> Afranio: sem gui, com acesso apenas via web [20:15] <Rudolf> Afranio: funciona muito bem, mas a instalação... [20:15] <Afranio> baixei o qbit [20:15] <Afranio> mas tah do mesmo jeito [20:15] <Afranio> vou ver como ficarah lah em casa [20:16] <Afranio> enquanto isso vou fazer um trabalho da facul aki [20:16] <Afranio> vws galera [20:19] <Hudsonkem> '-' deve ser o seeders msm [20:29] <Rudolf> Hudsonkem: pode ser chaper do ISP também [20:30] <Hudsonkem> séra? [20:31] <Hudsonkem> mas se ele achou muito lento talvez não seja. [20:41] <Rudolf> ISP deixa lento [20:41] <Rudolf> traffica shaper faz isso [20:41] <Hudsonkem> hm.. [20:48] <Rudolf> Hudsonkem: [20:48] <Rudolf> da uma lida [20:48] <Hudsonkem> opa! blz obrigado. depois eu leio, pq to lendo sobre particionamento [20:49] <Rudolf> sem pressa! [20:51] <Hudsonkem> entendi [20:51] <Hudsonkem> realmente muito ultil eu não sabia [20:51] <Hudsonkem> novamente agradeço [20:52] <Hudsonkem> no meu caso o qbittorrent já vem como padrão para "prefer encryption" [21:13] <astroo-> ola pessoal [21:13] <Hudsonkem> ola [21:13] <astroo-> ola [21:57] <jxajro> Alo boa noite. [21:57] <astroo-> ola [21:57] <jxajro> tentei instalar o root no ubuntu 14.04 mas na hora de executar deu isto... [21:58] <jxajro> [21:58] <jxajro> Alguém entende o que diz ai?? [22:01] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, talvez você quisesse fazer apenas su - [22:01] <jxajro> hmm [22:01] <jxajro> Alexandre..vou verificar... [22:02] <jxajro> ué??? [22:02] <jxajro> só isso? [22:02] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, o quew [22:02] <jxajro> depois que eu digitei a linha é esta... [22:02] <jxajro> root@jxajro-ThinkCentre-M57e:/home/jxajro# [22:02] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, o que? [22:03] <jxajro> digitei su.... a senha e deu essa linha... está certo? [22:03] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, agora você é root. Não é o que queria? [22:03] <jxajro> :-o [22:03] <jxajro> tá bom...obrigado..mas não devia ser sudo? [22:03] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, talvez sudo su - [22:03] <jxajro> essa mensagem aí foi o que? [22:03] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, sudo é para executar "um comando" como root. [22:03] <AlexandreMBM> su - torna você root para quaisquer comando seguintes [22:04] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, sudo é uma ferramenta para executar "uma linha de comando" como root [22:05] <jxajro> hmm [22:05] <jxajro> ok [22:05] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, se eu faço "echo Oi", eu dou Oi como usuário normal [22:05] <jxajro> achei estranho aquele monte de texto só pra dizer que eu estava errado mas tudo bem :-) [22:05] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, se eu faço "sudo echo Oi", e acerto a senha, eu dou Oi como root [22:05] <jxajro> ok..ok..então [22:05] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, aquilo monte de texto era outra coisa que nem eu sei o que era [22:06] <jxajro> vixe..apareceu tanta doideira que pensei que tivesse feito algo errado amas ok..tá certo. [22:06] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, mas não era só pra dizer que você estava errada [22:06] <jxajro> Ah é? Se vc não sabe então deixa pra lá...seja como for...foi resolvido :-) [22:06] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, não era pra isso. Você comandou uma outra coisa que eu não sei o que foi. [22:06] <jxajro> Obrigado AlexandreMBM [22:09] <Rudolf> huheiuehieuhieuhieuhieuhieieuieu [22:09] <Rudolf> jxajro: vc tem o programa ROOT instalado [22:09] <jxajro> sim..agora tenho [22:09] <Rudolf> jxajro: que não tem NADA a ver com o usuário "root" [22:10] <Rudolf> ó [22:10] <Rudolf> humorista você [22:10] <AlexandreMBM> Rudolf, sim... [22:10] <Rudolf> kkkkkkkkkkkk [22:10] <Rudolf> AlexandreMBM: eu conheço o programa root [22:10] <jxajro> vixe...tudo é porque quero instalar um softwarzinho bobo aqui daqui... [22:10] <AlexandreMBM> Rudolf, resta descobrir o que jxajro QUIS [22:10] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, como é o nome? [22:10] <Rudolf> jxajro: kkkkkkkkkkkkkk [22:11] <jxajro> [22:11] <Rudolf> jxajro: tu faz as treta e a culpa é do linux né? [22:11] <jxajro> nome do que? [22:11] <Rudolf> nuss [22:11] <Rudolf> que tu vai fazer com esperanto? [22:11] <jxajro> nãããão... de jeito nenhum!!! O linux é maravilhoso... eu é que não entendo nada de TI. [22:12] <jxajro> uso desde 2009 e não me arrependo [22:12] <jxajro> aliás esqueci até como mexe com o Windos. [22:12] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, o nome do softwarezinho [22:12] <jxajro> quero testar esse curso [22:12] <jxajro> [22:13] <jxajro> to apanhando horrores pra instalar um arquivinho [22:13] <Rudolf> jxajro: você é matemático/estatístico? [22:13] <Dead_Thinker> um amigo meu aprendeu sozinho esperanto, russo, francês e outros [22:14] <jxajro> nao...sou técnico mecânico...tecnólogo em mecânica formado pela [22:14] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: bom pro seu amigo [22:14] <AlexandreMBM> Dead_Thinker, e daí? [22:14] <Dead_Thinker> segundo ele, o esperanto ajudou muito nas viagens, ele mora no Canadá agora, e conhece gente da Russia e outros paises [22:14] <Rudolf> e é feliz [22:14] <Rudolf> já nós [22:14] <Dead_Thinker> AlexandreMBM: just saying :( hehe [22:14] <jxajro> baixei o arquivo kurso.amd64.tar.gz descompactei e agora to apanhando pra fazer rodar. [22:15] <jxajro> seu amigo é um gênio Dead_Thinker [22:15] <jxajro> descompactei na área de trabalho [22:15] <jxajro> dentro tem umas pastinhas e um arquivo kurso4 e [22:15] <jxajro> eu clico nessa porcaria e nada acontece. [22:16] <jxajro> clico em e abre o gedit com um hieróglifos dentro. [22:16] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, primeiro vamos ver se o software já não está empacotado DEB em algum lugar [22:16] <jxajro> No meu face eu converso com pessoal do leste europeu...agora um Georgiano. [22:17] <jxajro> ??? empacotado como AlexandreMBM? [22:17] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, no sistema de pacotes usado pelo Ubuntu [22:18] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, o Kurso pode estar em algum repositório [22:18] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, facilitaria muito a instalação [22:18] <jxajro> Sério?? [22:18] <jxajro> Como assim? [22:18] <jxajro> E se eu quiser instalar do site? Não posso? [22:18] <jxajro> Sou masoquista no que toca a Linux. [22:19] <jxajro> O repositório eu abro como? Pelo terminal? [22:20] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, pode [22:20] <jxajro> é que quando a coisa é facil demais eu esqueço fácil também. [22:20] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, parece que vai ter empacotado não, mas dê uma olhada nisso [22:20] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, [22:21] <jxajro> eu abri a central de programas ubuntu e não vi o curso. [22:21] <jxajro> hmmm [22:22] <jxajro> pensei que eu podia abrir o arquivo tar.gz e seguir o que dizia a página. [22:23] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, sim, você pode. [22:23] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, e pode "estudar" outras dicas, como acessórias [22:23] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, por exemplo, isso que é mais antigo: [22:23] <jxajro> abri o site que vc indicou e aqui diz pra eu usar um comando wget [22:24] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, isso que é mais recente: [22:24] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, não é necessário, se você já fez aqueles downloads [22:26] <jxajro> sim..baixei tudo e já descompactei. [22:26] <jxajro> aliás eu descompactei só o que amd64... [22:27] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, enfim, eu não estou em Ubuntu nesse momento. Quero apenas deixar que deve, obviamente, seguir as intruções do arquivo que baixou e que é conveniente fazer as outras leituras como forma de complementar conhecimentos. [22:27] <jxajro> Então... AlexandreMBM....tudo que diz nesse site em frances eu fiz e nao virou nada. [22:28] <jxajro> mudeu as permissoes....dei chmod +x o caboclo 3 tetas pra fazer uma macumba...tudo. [22:28] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, se você não sabe ao certo o que está fazendo, a primeira regra é: não customize as instruções. Ou seja, descompacte tudo. Na execução de algum comando arquivos não descompactados podem ser requeridos, por exemplo. [22:28] <jxajro> ??? [22:29] <jxajro> parece tão simples...pegar o arquivo..salvar em algum lugar descompactar e executar o .sh [22:30] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, não posso lhe ajudar além dessas dicas iniciais. Eu leria e procuraria entender todas as instruções, e todas as leituras complementares, antes de começar executar coisas. [22:30] <jxajro> eu descompactei na tela. [22:30] <jxajro> hmm [22:30] <jxajro> ok.. obrigado assim mesmo AlexandreMBM, [22:30] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, um comando tão simples como esse pode requerer inúmeras dependências (ou não) [22:30] <jxajro> pesquisei até como executa arquivos .sh mas nda. [22:30] <jxajro> nada. [22:31] <jxajro> quando eu tinha window esse negocio era fácil era só clicar em cima mas no Linux o buraco é mais embaixo. [22:31] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, nem sempre [22:32] <jxajro> deixa eu perguntar... [22:32] <jxajro> eu baixei o arquivo que mencionei e salvei na área de trabalho. [22:32] <yangm_> será que pre-fail é algo ruim? [22:32] <yangm_> #sarcasmo [22:32] <jxajro> aí descompactei na área de trabalho mesmo pelo módo grafico e teria que fazer tudo no terminal? [22:33] <AlexandreMBM> yangm_, explica a ele o que é! #sarcasmo [22:34] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, hoje estou com um curiosidade despertada pelo esperanto [22:34] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, vou ligar a máquina Ubuntu e fazer isso com vocẽ [22:34] <yangm_> é o status smart do meu hd [22:34] <AlexandreMBM> yangm_, ah! falávamos de outra coisa, desculpe-me [22:35] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, só um minuto. Vou instalar o Kurso também [22:35] <jxajro> OH... não precisa se dar ao trabalho AlexandreMBM!!!! [22:35] <jxajro> estou tentando ver com o criador do kurso como faço. [22:36] <jxajro> o Carlos Pereira [22:36] <yangm_> [22:36] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, eu quero. Sempre quis saber algo de esperanto. Talvez eu aprenda tipo o alfabeto, fazendo analogia. [22:37] <jxajro> ele disse pra eu instalar como Root...mas olha o que deu... [22:37] <jxajro> [22:37] <jxajro> Vc quer aprender? [22:37] <jxajro> eu conheço esse curso desde que usava o W98 é muito bom. [22:38] <jxajro> Mas eu aprendi Eo em 1983 num livrinho velho que achei num depósito de livros da biblioteca pública onde eu morava. [22:38] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, não, não tenho tempo para aprender esperanto, nem utilidade prática para tal [22:38] <jxajro> em uma semana eu aprendi e já estava lendo livros. [22:39] <jxajro> quiser aprender vc não perderá tempo. Aliá pode conversar com um tal de.... [22:39] <jxajro> Nordfalk [22:39] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, estão faltando bibliotecas [22:39] <jxajro> ele mexe com linux e usa o Eo. [22:39] <jxajro> Estão faltando o que? [22:39] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, aquele negócio de dependências [22:39] <jxajro> Bibliotecas? [22:39] <jxajro> ah é? [22:39] <jxajro> como assim? [22:40] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, software que depende de outros softwares, em cadeia [22:40] <jxajro> vixe...e agora? [22:40] <jxajro> aviso os caras? [22:40] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, não pode estar faltando elo na corrente [22:40] <jxajro> Entendo...entendo! Agora queria saber como procedo. [22:40] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, não, o problema muito provavelmente é um falta apenas na sua máquina [22:40] <jxajro> vc viu o que eu fiz? [22:40] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, só passei os olhos [22:41] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, por favor, deixe-me quieto um pouco [22:41] <jxajro> tentei ./ [22:41] <jxajro> aliás...ele reclamou de uma linha 12 [22:41] <jxajro> procurei a tal linha mas nem achei :-( [22:41] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, o Ubuntu aí é o 12.04 ou 14.04? [22:41] <jxajro> 14.04 [22:41] <jxajro> ./ linha 12: /home/jxajro/Área: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado [22:42] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, ah! esse erro específico foi apenas nome de diretório [22:43] <jxajro> o que eu achei engraçado é que eu _entrei_ na pasta onde está o kurso4...mas mesmo lá dentro ele disse que o arquivo não existia! :-o [22:43] <AlexandreMBM> Saia de "/home/jxajro/Área de Trabalho" [22:43] <jxajro> ok [22:43] <AlexandreMBM> Tem espaço nesse nome e isso está problemático [22:43] <AlexandreMBM> Mova tudo para /home/jxajro/ [22:43] <jxajro> mover tudo pra home? [22:43] <jxajro> hmm como faço isso pelo terminal? [22:44] <jxajro> mv...kurso de esperanto... / ?? [22:44] <AlexandreMBM> /home/jxajro/Área de Trabalho/kurso -> /home/jxajro/kurso [22:44] <AlexandreMBM> mv pasta1 pasta2 [22:44] <AlexandreMBM> sem barra final [22:44] <jxajro> hmm ok [22:45] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, moveu€ [22:46] <jxajro> jxajro@jxajro-ThinkCentre-M57e:~/Área de Trabalho$ mv kurso de esperanto jxajro [22:46] <jxajro> mv: o alvo “jxajro” não é um diretório [22:46] <jxajro> nao deu! [22:46] <jxajro> nao foi [22:46] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, não era assim [22:47] <AlexandreMBM> mv "kurso de esperanto" ~/ [22:47] <AlexandreMBM> Quando tem espaços, deixe entre áspas. [22:48] <jxajro> ah.. acho que foi [22:48] <AlexandreMBM> ~/ é uma atalho (apelido ou sei lá o que) para /home/jxajro [22:48] <AlexandreMBM> Espera, eu ainda nem baixei o arquivo aqui. [22:48] <jxajro> perai..deixa eu mostrar [22:49] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, sugiro [22:49] <jxajro> ó... [22:49] <jxajro> [22:50] <jxajro> Tá no lugar certo??? [22:50] <jxajro> paste ubuntu? perai. [22:50] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, se você quiser... [22:51] <AlexandreMBM> O comando "pwd" retorna o diretório no qual se está. [22:51] <AlexandreMBM> O comando "ls" é mais usual do que o comando "dir", no GNU/Linux [22:51] <jxajro> [22:51] <AlexandreMBM> Quase todo comando tem seu manual em "man COMANDO". [22:52] <AlexandreMBM> Ou um manual mais breve em "COMANDO -h" ou "COMANDO --help" [22:52] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, faça: cd kurso-de-esperanto-4 [22:53] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, e me espere, pois vou baixar e ler os arquivos aqui [22:53] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, mas se quiser, pode tentar ir executando como antes [22:53] <jxajro> ok!! Tá lá! :-) [22:54] <jxajro> Pode dizer AlexandreMBM! Vc já está tendo tanto trabalho só pra me ler...não quero dar mais... :-( [22:54] <jxajro> mas tô na pasta [22:54] <jxajro> E aí? [22:54] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, calma aí, eu disse que quero executar o tal Kurso aqui... [22:55] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, se ficar complicado demais, eu aborto, sem algo dever a vocẽ [22:57] <jxajro> ok [22:57] <jxajro> mas a pasta está aberta aqui em... [22:57] <jxajro> jxajro@jxajro-ThinkCentre-M57e:~$ cd kurso-de-esperanto-4 [22:57] <jxajro> jxajro@jxajro-ThinkCentre-M57e:~/kurso-de-esperanto-4$ [22:58] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, você executou? [22:58] <jxajro> ainda não [22:59] <jxajro> como executo? [22:59] <jxajro> jxajro@jxajro-ThinkCentre-M57e:~/kurso-de-esperanto-4$ [22:59] <jxajro> comando não encontrado [23:00] <AlexandreMBM> Tente: ./ [23:00] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, aqui funcionou! [23:00] <jxajro> [23:01] <jxajro> olha o que deu aqui. [23:01] <jxajro> Como funcionou? O que vc fez que eu não fiz?? [23:02] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, em meu Ubuntu pode ter algo instalado, pré-requisito, que não tenha aí (por enquanto) [23:02] <jxajro> qual ubuntu vc usa? [23:02] <jxajro> aqui fala de libraries... [23:03] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, no caso, essa tal [23:03] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, está faltando [23:03] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, vou ver como instalá-la [23:03] <jxajro> sim..ele me avisou dessa palavra ai... pra mim é grego. [23:04] <jxajro> então, a princípio, seria simples instalar mesmo pelo terminal.... [23:05] <jxajro> ....seria só salvar a pasta na raiz....executar ./ e boa? [23:06] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, não instalamos. Apenas descompactamos e executamos. [23:07] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, se as dependências casam, executa. [23:07] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, se fosse empacotado, essa checagem de dependências estaria implícita. [23:09] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, instale o libphonon4 [23:09] <AlexandreMBM> sudo apt-get install libphonon4 [23:09] <AlexandreMBM> Isso, sim, é uma instalação. É a instalação do pacote libphonon4. Com ele virão todas as dependências que estejam faltando. [23:10] <jxajro> ok [23:10] <jxajro> 1 min [23:10] <AlexandreMBM> Dependência para o libphonon4, que eu digo. [23:10] <AlexandreMBM> Poderá ainda falta algo ao Kurso. [23:10] <jxajro> ok..1 min [23:13] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, o que aconteceu? [23:13] <jxajro> instalo na pasta mesmo onde está aberta? [23:13] <jxajro> nao tenho que sair da pasta né? [23:13] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, ele não instalará nela. Vai tudo para os locais corretos. [23:13] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, exato, não tem. [23:14] <jxajro> mas preciso sair da pasta onde estou né? [23:14] <jxajro> ok [23:14] <jxajro> 40 seg [23:14] <AlexandreMBM> jacksoow, não. [23:14] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, não [23:14] <AlexandreMBM> jacksoow, sorry. [23:15] <jxajro> está vindo [23:16] <jxajro> [23:16] <jxajro> aqui diz que falhou ao buscar http://br.archive.... [23:17] <jxajro> veja da linha 5 pra baixo. [23:19] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, faça: sudo apt-get update [23:19] <jxajro> ok... updateando. [23:21] <jxajro> demora um pouquinho viu? minha conexão é só 5GB [23:23] <jxajro> ok...acabou [23:23] <jxajro> AAAAFFF [23:24] <jxajro> Meodeolsdoceu!! [23:24] <jxajro> Foi!!! [23:24] <jxajro> AlexandreMBM vc é um _gênio_!!!! [23:24] <AlexandreMBM> Executou o Kurso? [23:24] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, porra nenhuma! [23:25] <AlexandreMBM> Executou o Kurso? [23:25] <jxajro> Cara!!!! Süüüüceeeesüüü!!!! [23:25] <jxajro> :-D [23:25] <AlexandreMBM> OK. Valeu! [23:25] <jxajro> hahaaaa [23:25] <jxajro> Inacreditível! [23:25] <jxajro> Incrível+inacreditável. [23:26] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, deixa de besteira jxajro . Agora vou sair. [23:26] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, vou jantar e acho que não voltou mais [23:26] <jxajro> Bonan apetiton [23:26] <jxajro> ops [23:26] <jxajro> bom apetite [23:27] <jxajro> e _muito_obrigado_! [23:27] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, ok [23:27] <jxajro> funcionou! [23:27] <jxajro> vou avisar da turma do Kape o que vc fez e vou citar seu nome. [23:28] <AlexandreMBM> NÃO [23:28] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, NÃO [23:28] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, isso é normal. Quase todos os demais do canal sabem. [23:29] <AlexandreMBM> jxajro, tchau! [23:29] <jxajro> ok..até..e obrigado. [23:37] <converge> buenas [23:40] <astroo-> ola [23:41] <Rudolf> kkkk [23:41] <Rudolf> converge: buenas
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Afranio", "AlexandreMBM", "Dead_Thinker", "Ferreira", "Hudsonkem", "KurtKraut", "Rudolf", "Sol", "Ubuntu_fag", "astroo-", "converge", "dcassios", "denisbr", "jucilena", "jxajro", "mercurie", "mirqui", "rafael", "ubuntu_fag", "yangm_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-br" }
[06:04] <Kilos> morning all
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams" }
[05:32] <larsu> good morning! [05:38] <pitti> Good morning [05:38] <pitti> hey larsu! [05:39] <larsu> guten morgen pitti! Gut nach Hause gekommen? [05:39] <pitti> larsu: jau, alles bestens; hatte ein tolles WE mit viel Garten, Gammeln, und Kino :) [05:39] <pitti> larsu: und bei Dir? [05:40] <larsu> pitti: auch super. War noch in London bis gestern und bin ein bisschen mit attente durch die Gegend gelaufen [05:41] <pitti> larsu: ah, auch mit beim Phantom? [05:41] <larsu> pitti: nee (das waren nur seb und helene, oder?) [05:43] <pitti> kann sein, ja [05:58] <didrocks> good morning [06:02] <pitti> bonjour didrocks, ça va ? [06:02] <didrocks> pitti: ça va, et toi, bien rentré ? [06:03] <pitti> didrocks: oui, et un bien week-end calme, dans le jardin et avec de la glace vraie :) [06:03] <pitti> didrocks: et toi ? [06:03] <didrocks> pitti: rentré vendredi soir, concert le samedi et piscine/sauna hier, donc tranquille également :) [06:19] <didrocks> pitti: did you see bug #1444402? [06:20] <didrocks> pitti: we found with Laney a correspondant upstream bug [06:20] <didrocks> and there was an early patch from February with a commit revert [06:20] <pitti> didrocks: yes, I did; I was going to pick up the "tentative" fixes from upstream, build a package in a PPA, and let Laney test it [06:20] <didrocks> and then, we had a laugh when we found out it was your commit :p [06:20] <didrocks> ah, there is a real fix? [06:20] <pitti> I hope :) [06:20] <didrocks> nice! [06:20] <pitti> in trunk it should be fairly ok now [06:21] <pitti> not unmounting stuff that we want, but still unmounting stale mounts when devices actually do go away [06:21] <didrocks> quite easy for him to reproduce anyway [06:21] <pitti> yeah, I don't get this, so it'd be good if he could test it [06:21] <didrocks> same here [06:21] <didrocks> I have a similar setup though [06:21] <didrocks> with a temp overlay in my sbuild… [06:22] <didrocks> tmpfs* [06:22] <pitti> didrocks: oh, do you get the bug? [06:22] <didrocks> pitti: no, I have a similar layout than Laney, but without the bug [06:22] <pitti> didrocks: so my task for today is bug 1448247, then I'll look into that [06:22] <pitti> and bug 1448259 too [06:22] <didrocks> but he's having his sbuild in a container AFAIK, that's maybe the cause [06:22] <pitti> didrocks: there's one systemd in -proposed, these two (and perhaps more) are queued for the next SRU [06:23] <didrocks> oh, the pkg-create-dbgsym can be quite a blocker for some pacakges… [06:23] <didrocks> packages* [06:30] <pitti> didrocks: yeah, gcc mostly [06:30] <pitti> but we do have others which use a different binary version, seems LP checks that carefully [06:30] <didrocks> it's transitional packages for most I would say, so shouldn't impact that much, but still… [07:30] <willcooke> morning [07:33] <didrocks> good morning willcooke [07:42] <pitti> hey willcooke, how are you? [07:44] <willcooke> hey pitti didrocks [07:45] <willcooke> anyone else had problems with the Canonical IRC server? Well, I know lots of people are, but anyone here? [07:46] <didrocks> willcooke: password has changed [07:46] <didrocks> you should have got a personal one now [07:47] <willcooke> didrocks, yeah, this is with that new password [07:47] <willcooke> talking to IS about it, seems a few are having issues [08:02] <Sweet5hark> moin [08:03] <Laney> hey hey [08:04] <pitti> hey Laney, hey Sweet5hark, how are you? [08:04] <larsu> hi Laney! Had a good trop home? [08:04] <larsu> hi Sweet5hark! [08:04] <larsu> Sweet5hark: how's HH? [08:05] <didrocks> hey Sweet5hark, Laney! [08:05] <Laney> hey pitti, very fine thank you! [08:05] <Laney> we had some friends over for a cheese party after I got back on Saturday [08:05] <Laney> as if more food was required :-) [08:05] <pitti> haha [08:06] <Laney> very smooth thanks larsu! [08:06] <Laney> did you have a nice afternoon/evening/return journey? [08:06] <Laney> & hey didrocks ;-) [08:06] <Laney> hope the parental visit went well [08:07] <Sweet5hark> Laney, pitti, larsu: Good a good trip home. Hamburg is rainy, but not cold. Both is appreciated as it keeps the pollen somewhat under control -- still too many around for my immune system. [08:08] <larsu> Laney: I did indeed. Chilled in London with attente during the day and went dancing all night [08:08] <pitti> ah, much nicer here, sunny and all [08:08] <Laney> \o/ [08:08] <Sweet5hark> and good morning didrocks too! [08:08] <larsu> Laney: didn't need a room after all ;) [08:08] <Laney> good work [08:09] * Laney does some IRC config mangling [08:09] <Laney> thought I updated this already [08:10] <didrocks> Laney: willcooke has trouble connecting with the right config [08:10] <didrocks> and it seems others as well [08:11] <pitti> Laney: FTR, I don't get bug 1444402, but I'm fairly optimistic that it's fixed in upstream git now; I'll build you a package later on, but I first need to unbreak ddebs [08:11] <Laney> pitti: okay, thanks - the revert is fine for me meanwhile [08:11] <pitti> Laney: right, but just reverting is wrong too [08:12] <pitti> (for an SRU, I mean) [08:12] <Laney> I'm sure, but just until there's a real fix [08:13] <pitti> Laney: yep, absolutely fine for you locally [08:14] * Sweet5hark wonders about his IRC ssl setup. Connecting to canonical fails with a weird error on the certs. Curiously the same happened with xmpp since London. THEY are out to get me it seems. [08:15] <willcooke> Could someone ping hikiko on Canonical and ask her to ping me on Freenode? [08:15] <hikiko> willcooke, i ll ping you [08:15] <Laney> haha [08:16] <Laney> shortcircuit [08:16] <willcooke> oh [08:16] <willcooke> how strange! [08:16] <willcooke> hikiko, I saw you had disconnected, but I must have missed the reconnect [08:16] <hikiko> * Ping reply from willcooke: 0.15 second(s) [08:16] <hikiko> :D [08:36] <willcooke> can haz IRC [08:37] <willcooke> If you were having issues with the Canonical IRC server try again now, should be sorted [08:41] <Sweet5hark> willcooke: still auth fails for me here ... [08:42] <willcooke> Sweet5hark, join #canonical-sysadmin and spads will help [08:43] <Sweet5hark> willcooke: thx [08:52] <Riddell> Sweet5hark: bug 1448508 for icon love [08:57] <Sweet5hark> Riddell: Yes, will look at that with 4.4.3 (and when the CVE-2015-1774 is through on all supported releases) ... [09:38] <willcooke> larsu wins the expenses prize [09:39] <didrocks> well done larsu :) [09:39] <larsu> willcooke: because I'm first or they're highest? :P [09:40] <didrocks> larsu: told you that you shouldn't have expensed this ferrari… [09:40] <larsu> pssst! [09:40] <larsu> nobody was supposed to know this! [09:41] <willcooke> FIRST" [09:46] <larsu> :) [09:46] <larsu> I hate expenses, thought I might as well do it immediately [09:46] <larsu> feels much better than doing them 3 weeks later [09:46] <willcooke> +1 [09:46] <willcooke> I should do mine I suppose [09:46] <willcooke> :( [09:48] <larsu> haha [09:49] <larsu> does someone have a 14.04 vm lying around? [09:49] <larsu> someone on #gtk is seeing a bug in tree views: can't resize columns when horizontal scrollbar is there [09:53] <willcooke> larsu, I'm on 14.04 here still [09:54] <willcooke> yes, I know, and I will upgrade [09:54] <willcooke> but not today [09:54] <willcooke> or this week [09:54] <willcooke> larsu, so in file manager or something like that? [09:55] <willcooke> larsu, yes, it does that [09:55] <larsu> does what? [09:55] <larsu> you can't resize? [09:55] <willcooke> larsu, with a horizontal scroll bar I can't resize cols [09:55] <willcooke> without a scroll bar, I can [09:55] <larsu> willcooke: cool thanks that all I needed to know [09:56] <willcooke> larsu, you want a video? [09:56] <larsu> willcooke: ha, no that's good [09:56] <willcooke> oki [09:56] <larsu> willcooke: it's just that sometimes people have a weird setup and I don't want to waste time, so I get a 2nd opinion :) [09:58] <willcooke> :) [09:59] <larsu> Laney: this ^ might be SRU material for the LTS [10:00] <larsu> seems the bug is fixes in later version [10:00] <larsu> *s [10:00] <Laney> do you know what commit? [10:00] <Laney> and is there a bug? [10:01] <larsu> Laney: telling him to file one now [10:01] <larsu> Laney: sorry for the early ping. I was so excited! [10:01] <Laney> haha [10:02] <Laney> uploads are fun, I understand [10:03] <didrocks> SRU even more! :) [10:03] * larsu builds old gtk [11:07] <willcooke_> sigh [11:07] <willcooke_> internet [11:07] <willcooke_> sigh [11:07] <willcooke_> car [11:07] <willcooke_> sigh [11:07] <willcooke_> fml [11:07] <willcooke_> Looks like my internet is still messed up [11:07] <didrocks> fml? [11:07] <willcooke_> this afternoon I've got a hosp. appoint with the wife (so I wont be around between about 1400 and 1600) [11:07] <willcooke_> and the car wont start because the battery is dead *again* [11:07] <willcooke_> F*** my life [11:08] <willcooke_> ;) [11:08] <didrocks> willcooke_: was googling and found it quite early :p [11:08] <willcooke_> haha! [11:08] <didrocks> seems there is even specilised websites [11:08] <willcooke_> Interestingly though - if I move my PPPoE connection to a Rasp Pi I get 0% packet loss [11:08] <didrocks> we have "vdm" in french for this [11:08] <willcooke_> if I use the router provided by my ISP I get > 60% packet loss [11:08] <didrocks> seriously? [11:09] <willcooke_> so I think I've worked out the cause of the problem [11:09] <willcooke_> I need a sandwich and to think about this some more [11:09] <willcooke_> and tea [11:10] * Laney is expecting the double glazing man, exciting [11:10] <Laney> no more cold office [11:13] <willcooke_> \o/ [11:14] <willcooke_> I have to replace all our wooden windows soon, they're rotten [11:14] <Laney> same [11:15] <Laney> we're getting fake wood uPVC [11:15] <willcooke> same! [11:15] <willcooke> Brown wood on the outside, white and smooth on the inside [11:15] <willcooke> I think we can scrape another winter out of these ones [11:16] <willcooke> #windownews [11:16] <davmor2> willcooke: sounds like your alternator maybe dead [11:16] <willcooke> davmor2, nah, it's some deal with the bluetooth module - known issue [11:17] <davmor2> willcooke: but you work on Ubuntu Desktop why would you want news on windows? [11:17] <willcooke> plus Ford being tight and putting the smallest battery they can get away with in there [11:17] <davmor2> willcooke: hahaha [11:18] <davmor2> willcooke: get a skoda much easier and the bluetooth is likely to work.....mostly cause it will get failed till it's fixed if it doesn't work on mine :D [11:20] <willcooke> :) [11:24] <didrocks> wires are the future! [11:31] * xnox is lost reading above backlog snippets [11:32] <xnox> didrocks: the fml website has french and english editions. I don't get the french one, but seems popular. [11:33] <davmor2> didrocks: past present and future ;) [12:57] <Laney> larsu: when you get some free time, can you try ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ww please? I just uploaded o-s disabling gtk2 to there [12:57] <Laney> I notice that GtkScrolledWindows get some weird grey area when they are scrollable [12:58] <larsu> Laney: I'm about to head out for some errands, but will do when I come back [12:58] <larsu> Laney: and thanks! [12:59] <Laney> np [12:59] <Laney> darkxst: ^^^^^^ fyi [13:00] <Laney> can you remember what the bugs you had last time were? [13:00] <Laney> we should track them somehow [14:31] <attente> is there something special i need to do to copy the files from obj-x86_64-linux-gnu into the debian directory for a cmake-based project? [14:53] <pitti> Laney: bug 1444402 now has a PPA which might fix this (fingers crossed); I followed up with what I need if they don't [15:00] <davmor2> willcooke: out of interest has anyone tried lowering the amount of ram their machine has to see how well ubuntu-next runs on it? ie can we still meet these specs with unity8 [15:01] <davmor2> willcooke: or do we need to lower/raise that spec ? [15:01] * larsu doubts that we need to lower it [15:01] <larsu> these are specs for current unity? [15:01] <larsu> what about gpu? [15:02] <larsu> ah, it says further down [15:02] <Laney> attente: dh should set DESTDIR on make install automatically [15:02] <davmor2> larsu: VGA capable of 1024x768 screen resolution [15:02] <Laney> pitti: ack, thanks - will try tomorrow; going away now [15:02] <pitti> Laney: enjoy the sun! [15:03] <pitti> or climbing, or whereever you go :) [15:03] <Laney> climbing, you got it ;-) [15:03] <attente> Laney: have a good one [15:03] <larsu> davmor2: right, but that's fallback. It says further down that 3D acceleration is needed for unity, and that won't change for unity8 [15:03] <Laney> pitti: btw running sbuild inside lxc is probably an ingredient of this bug [15:03] <pitti> Laney: in lxc? it for sure is [15:04] <Laney> I notice that I forgot to mention this. :) [15:04] <didrocks> Laney: where is my sun btw? I'm going to go to a protest for the UK to give it back to us! [15:04] <pitti> that explains why we didn't get it earlier [15:04] <pitti> didrocks: nous avons beaucoup du soleil ici :) [15:04] <pitti> I've just been out for some 45 mins of basketball practice, and was sweating [15:04] <didrocks> waow, lucky you :) [15:04] <davmor2> larsu: so it does [15:05] <Laney> [15:05] <Laney> that is fstab of the container [15:05] * Laney waves good afternoon [15:12] <larsu> Laney: just when I upgraded with your ppa. Enjoy! [16:47] <Hallo32> Are there any information about the future of umake? [16:47] <Hallo32> Will it support libs like boost and other stuff?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Hallo32", "Laney", "Riddell", "Sweet5hark", "attente", "davmor2", "didrocks", "hikiko", "larsu", "pitti", "willcooke", "willcooke_", "xnox" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-desktop" }
[01:05] <Unit193> gnumeric 1.12.22-1 uploaded, debian #782137 [02:21] <OvenWerks> Unit193: xubuntu-core which icon themes does it include? It seems to not include xubuntu-icon-theme... or at least when I try to install a package that has xubuntu-icon-theme as it's only depends it seems to pull in more stuff. [02:22] <OvenWerks> Maybe I'm missing something. [02:22] <Unit193> adwaita-icon-theme, gnome-icon-theme, gnome-icon-theme-symbolic, hicolor-icon-theme, humanity-icon-theme, xubuntu-icon-theme [02:22] <Unit193> OvenWerks: What recommends? [02:22] <OvenWerks> none [02:23] <OvenWerks> ${misc:Depends} what would that grab? [02:23] <Unit193> Depends. [02:23] <Unit193> apt-cache show $pkg [02:23] <OvenWerks> :) [02:24] <OvenWerks> Depends: xubuntu-icon-theme [02:25] <Unit193> What package? [02:25] <OvenWerks> ubuntustudio-icon-theme [02:25] <OvenWerks> We add about three or four icons on top of elementary-xfce-dark [02:26] <Unit193> So, apt-cache policy xubuntu-icon-theme ? [02:28] <OvenWerks> I'm not on the right boot... so xubuntu-icon-theme: [02:28] <OvenWerks> Installed: 14.04.2 [02:28] <OvenWerks> Candidate: 14.04.2 [02:28] <OvenWerks> Version table: [02:28] <OvenWerks> *** 14.04.2 0 [02:28] <OvenWerks> 500 trusty/universe amd64 Packages [02:28] <OvenWerks> 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status [02:28] <OvenWerks> This is from 14.04, but the package I was looking at is the latest from bzr [02:31] <OvenWerks> I'm going to reboot [02:44] <OvenWerks> Unit193: Sorry, I was looking at the wrong package. It is our -look package that needs to be trimed. [02:44] <Unit193> \o/ [02:46] <OvenWerks> Thats what comes from sleeping on things before acting. I have no idea why our look package drags extra icon themes in... and not our own. [02:47] <Unit193> Depends: gtk2-engines-murrine, murrine-themes (>= 0.98.2), libnewt0.52 (>= 0.52.11-2ubuntu7); Recommends: plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio, ubuntustudio-wallpapers, elementary-icon-theme, ubuntustudio-sounds; Conflicts: ubuntustudio-artwork, ubuntustudio-theme [02:48] <Unit193> You seem to have several packages all split apart. [02:48] <OvenWerks> we don't use murrine either. [02:48] <OvenWerks> or sounds [02:49] <OvenWerks> Seems like time for some clean up [02:49] <Unit193> Spring cleaning. [02:54] <OvenWerks> I don't know why they are all split into bits. I think some of those are even all the same src. [02:54] * Unit193 shrugs. [06:37] <ochosi> morning everyone [06:38] <elfy> morning ochosi :) [06:40] <elfy> so - xfpm, built that, shows when I tell it to, doesn't crash [06:45] <ochosi> ok, so the plugin's icon also shows up? [06:46] <elfy> if it's turned on yes [06:46] <elfy> systray icon I assume you mean [06:46] <ochosi> no [06:46] <ochosi> the panel plugin [06:46] <ochosi> you have to manually add it to the panel if it isnt there yet [06:47] <ochosi> aka step 8 ;) [06:48] <elfy> mmm [06:50] <elfy> no icon then [06:50] <elfy> so the one I have sitting in notification area works, the one I just added to panel has no icon [07:09] <ochosi> ok [07:10] <ochosi> then you can reproduce the bug, so it's time for me to whip up some debugging code [07:10] <ochosi> i'll ping you once it's ready, thanks for now elfy [07:10] <elfy> ochosi: okey doke [07:17] <ochosi> elfy: ok, just emailed you a patch with some instructions [07:24] <elfy> I assume if I get no response from git apply patchname that it did it? [07:29] <ochosi> yup [07:30] <elfy> ok - well all I am seeing in terminal after starting the panel is stuff about the weather api [07:30] <ochosi> and the plugin is already added to the panel? [07:30] <elfy> off to work now - catch up later [07:30] <ochosi> okeydokey [07:30] <elfy> yes - plugin is in panel [07:30] <ochosi> weird [07:31] <elfy> yup [07:31] <ochosi> you should definitely be getting some output stating the icon name [07:31] <ochosi> a warning, to be exact [07:31] <elfy> that was what I expected [07:32] <ochosi> alright, i'll check in with you when you're back [07:32] <elfy> yup [07:33] <elfy> if I get time I'll get the Wibbly install sorted first and do the whole lot in a clean install too [07:33] <elfy> back later [10:46] <bluesabre> good morning everyone [10:58] <ochosi> hey bluesabre [11:03] <bluesabre> hey ochosi [11:03] <bluesabre> whats up? [11:03] <ochosi> oh, working working working :) [11:03] <ochosi> you? [11:05] <bluesabre> not much atm, just waking up [11:05] <ochosi> :) [11:05] <ochosi> i saw i missed out on some greeter fun over the weekend [11:06] <bluesabre> yeah, need to make sure the PPA is up to date and get some testing [11:07] <bluesabre> will probably get that rolling, and the xfpm-gtk3 ppa tonight [11:08] <ochosi> actually you can skip the latter part [11:08] <ochosi> elfy already reproduced the bug and i sent him a potential bugfix a few hrs ago [11:08] <ochosi> so we'll see how that goes [11:09] <bluesabre> cool [11:09] <ochosi> if it goes well, i'll ask the OP to reproduce as well and then i'll release 1.5.0 [11:09] <bluesabre> awesome [11:09] <ochosi> so we can get proper testing with a proper release [11:09] <bluesabre> very nice work [11:09] <ochosi> and then i can sneak in my small improvements for the panel plugin finally :) [11:09] <bluesabre> :) [11:10] <ochosi> already have ideas for 15.10? [11:10] <bluesabre> I've been updating my site and getting motivated to start coding and blogging again [11:11] <bluesabre> will probably work on fixing bugs in each of my apps and doing minor releases before getting into the bigger stuff [11:12] <bluesabre> also need to look at the lxpanel plugin [11:12] <bluesabre> for xfpm [11:12] <ochosi> righty, there was a (very reasonable) request to make ctrl+q close catfish's window [11:12] <bluesabre> yup [11:13] <ochosi> i'm also in favor of porting catfish to CSD ;) [11:14] <bluesabre> i might experiment with that and push out an experimental branch [11:28] <ochosi> bluesabre: we could start testing the pulseaudio panel plugin as a replacement for indicator-sound+xfce4-volumed [11:29] <ochosi> the only thing missing from it are the mpris playback controls, all other features (multimedia-keys, notifications, link to open pavucontrol) are there [11:34] <elfy> ochosi: got new patch, applied that, no change [11:34] <ochosi> that is just weird [11:35] <ochosi> hm, but thanks for testing [11:35] <elfy> yea - but who know's what's going on with this install - when I am home properly I'll do a clean install and try there [11:41] <ochosi> sent you another patch [11:41] <ochosi> lemme know how that one goes [11:41] * ochosi needs a coffee [11:43] <elfy> [11:45] <elfy> nothing about the plugin icon though [11:56] <bluesabre> ochosi: that sounds like a good idea, let's look into tha [11:56] <bluesabre> t [11:56] <bluesabre> gotta run, bbl [11:56] <ochosi> elfy: right, try with "PANEL_DEBUG=1 xfce4-panel" [11:56] <ochosi> bluesabre: hf! [11:57] <elfy> [11:57] <elfy> running now - back later :) [12:02] <bluesabre> ochosi: want to start dumping ideas on here and we can weed through them later? [12:03] <bluesabre> and anybody else, :) [12:05] <bluesabre> also, haven't reviewed and cleaned up the trello in a little while, so mind the mess ;) [12:19] <bluesabre> Now I'm running on mobile, probably the development board would make more sense ;) [12:54] <ochosi> elfy: there's some piece i'm missing, for some reason you're not getting the debug output [13:05] <ali1234> the default xfce theme in manjaro is *really* nice [13:06] <ali1234> and it works on gtk 3.16, so i might switch to that instead of orion [13:06] <ali1234> which means i won't be maintaining orion (if you hadn't guessed) [13:07] <ochosi> what theme are they using in manjaro? [13:07] <ali1234> one they made i guess [13:07] <ochosi> alright, i'll google it myself [13:07] <ali1234> [13:08] <ali1234> based on this [13:23] <ochosi> ali1234: yeah, too pixmapy for my taste, that just slows things down. either way, good you found something that works for you (indicator support for xfce is not really premium though with that theme) [13:36] <ochosi> also, frickin nouveau drivers make my system very unstable. very not cool. [14:08] <elfy> ochosi: back, I have removed the git one, reinstalled the repo one, then done all the git stuff once more just to check - no difference [14:52] <ochosi> elfy: thanks [14:52] <ochosi> i guess something isn't built with debug support [14:53] <ochosi> when you initially compile xfpm with "./ --prefix=/usr" there's a summary at the end, what does it say about debugging? [14:55] <elfy> Debug: minimum [15:09] <ochosi> right, maybe try to rebuild with "./ --prefix=/usr --enable-debug=yes" [15:10] <jjfrv8> ochosi, what are the symptoms you're seeing with the nouveau drivers? [15:10] <elfy> baldness as he pulls his hair out ... [15:11] <drc> Nah, that comes from dealing with the QA Lead :) [15:13] <elfy> ochosi: well Debug: yes but the output in terminal seems to be the same to me [15:18] <jjfrv8> biab [16:20] <ochosi> jjfrv8: spontaneous reboots and kernel panics [16:20] <ochosi> elfy: hmmm [16:21] <elfy> snap - that was my reaction too [16:22] <ochosi> mind to paste the output of "upower -d"? [16:22] <elfy> [16:25] <ochosi> that's all? [16:25] <ochosi> ok, wow, that's pretty little [16:25] <ochosi> but good to know [16:33] <elfy> expecting loads? [16:39] <ochosi> yeah, well, more than that at least [16:39] <ochosi> anyway, gotta run [16:39] <ochosi> bbl [18:09] <lderan> right then, now i have some some form of "back"ness, is there anything pressing i can help with? [18:12] <elfy> hi lderan [18:12] <lderan> hi elfy :) [18:13] <elfy> welcome back ish :p [18:13] <lderan> well should be back properly now, should of really been last week but alas not according the universe :P [18:13] <elfy> such is the way of it ;) [18:15] <lderan> aye :P [18:34] <elfy> lderan: I'd guess that ochosi and bluesabre would be the ones in the know :) [18:34] <lderan> aye will have to poke them :) [22:50] <bluesabre> lderan: may have something fun for you shortly [22:50] <lderan> oo [22:51] <bluesabre> :) [22:52] <bluesabre> what are you interested in currently? code, docs, testing? [23:10] <Unit193> bluesabre: Are you going to try and get xfdashy and -pulseaudio in Debian? [23:42] <bluesabre> yeah, I think that should be a realistic goal now [23:43] <bluesabre> particularly if we are starting to evaluate -pulsey for xuby [23:47] <Unit193> Have fun! :---D
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "OvenWerks", "Unit193", "ali1234", "bluesabre", "drc", "elfy", "jjfrv8", "lderan", "ochosi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu-devel" }
[13:27] <TheEagerPadawan> is er een app voor ubuntu-linux die je toelaat om iso te creeren van folders en om iso te mounten? [13:29] <OerHeks> SImpel [13:29] <OerHeks> open brasero [13:29] <OerHeks> sleep je zooi er heen [13:29] <OerHeks> doe er GEEN cd of dvd in [13:29] <OerHeks> en druk op BRANDEN [13:30] <OerHeks> dan zie je de plaats van de iso [13:30] <OerHeks> en even wachten... pizzaaa! [13:30] <OerHeks> iso mounten is een ander verhaal [13:31] <TheEagerPadawan> k effe brasero er op zeten dan [13:31] <OerHeks> standaard aanwezig in ubuntu [13:31] <OerHeks> dit moet ook werken voor K3B geloof ik [13:31] <jpjacobs> waarom gebruilt ge niet gewoon een zip? [13:31] <jpjacobs> gebruikt [13:33] <TheEagerPadawan> .rar .zip or .iso - 't is gewoon ne andere manier van distributie [13:33] <TheEagerPadawan> waar .rar .zip hoogst wss beter zijn voor je bandbreedte [13:35] <TheEagerPadawan> welke zooi raaden jullie meestal aan om op een nieuwe install te zetten [13:38] <jpjacobs> hangt er vanaf welke zooi je wilt gebruiken he [13:38] <jpjacobs> bij mij is't eerste openssh-server [13:38] <jpjacobs> dan vim, en tmux [13:39] <OerHeks> synaptic, restricted extras, vlc, clementine, clipit, clamav, gufw, gnome-system-tools , vim, geany, tmux, en ssh server idd [13:39] <OerHeks> en pipewalker, verslavend [13:40] <jpjacobs> en voor puur persoonlijke verslavingen: J ( [13:41] <OerHeks> en unrar deleten [13:42] <OerHeks> en dan .... [13:43] <TheEagerPadawan> bleachbit, filezilla ;) [13:43] <OerHeks> .. heel veel ppa's toevoegen [13:44] <OerHeks> hmm filezilla kan [13:44] <OerHeks> clonezilla ook [13:44] <OerHeks> firefox verwijderen [13:44] <TheEagerPadawan> baobab? [13:44] <TheEagerPadawan> firefox verwijderen en welke browser dan? [13:44] <OerHeks> leuk, om te zien waar je zooi zit [13:44] <OerHeks> chrome [13:45] <TheEagerPadawan> meer voorstanderen van de vuurvos :) [13:45] <OerHeks> hexchat of irssi prutsen [13:45] <TheEagerPadawan> check hexchat :) [13:46] <TheEagerPadawan> is er zo iets al totalcommander voor linux? [13:46] <OerHeks> bij hexchat de logname in %D-%n/%c.log veranderen, per dag een mapje [13:46] <OerHeks> !info mc [13:46] <OerHeks> hmmm [13:46] <OerHeks> midnightcomander [13:49] <TheEagerPadawan> had eerder gedacht aan krusader [13:49] <TheEagerPadawan> bleh zit dan me kde zooi [13:50] <TheEagerPadawan> zover ik weet ondersteund thunar geen split screens [13:51] <jpjacobs> emelfm? [13:53] <TheEagerPadawan> niceone [14:05] <TheEagerPadawan> thanks guys :) [14:07] <jpjacobs> np [14:25] <TheEagerPadawan> wat is de beste manier om met .docx files om te gaan? als ne externe gebruiker geen .odt ondersteund [14:26] <TheEagerPadawan> aangezien de meeste apps .docx nog niet geheel ondersteunen (aka je kan ze wel open, maar layout is fubar) [14:33] <OerHeks> weigeren, en vragen om een versie [14:40] <TheEagerPadawan> of ne vm creeren en er word in droppen [14:42] <jpjacobs> of met playonlinux word installeren [14:42] <jpjacobs> werkt betrekkelijk goed [18:25] <Ard_> ik heb een probleem bij het installeren van de download van Xubuntu: hij zoekt bij de start van de installatie naar een cdbrander. die zit niet op mijn laptop. Maar als ik dat branden annulleer, gaat 'ie niet verder. Hoe zit dit? [18:37] <Ard_> ik wil Xubuntu op mn laptop installeren. Maar daar zit geen cd/dvd-brander op. Wat nu? Kan het zonder?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ard_", "OerHeks", "TheEagerPadawan", "jpjacobs" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nl" }
[12:24] <rick_h_> morn and all that [12:27] <_stink_> morning [13:19] <brousch> cmaloney: How went Penguicon? [14:06] <cmaloney> brousch: Went well. Managed to crash on Sunday when we got home though [14:06] <cmaloney> Took today off to regroup. [14:07] <brousch> Now that's a party! [14:07] <cmaloney> Heh [14:08] <cmaloney> Had already planned on taking today off. Going to do my weekly review / get groceries, etc. [14:23] <jrwren> sponge! [14:24] <jrwren> Say a prayer for me. [14:24] <cmaloney> Rawting Pinaaata [14:24] <Sponge> yeah? why whats up? [14:25] <brousch> May your sponge be always soft but never slimy [14:25] <jrwren> i haven't heard sponge since I accidentally went to a show they were playing at. [14:25] <Sponge> lol [14:25] <Sponge> oh [14:26] <cmaloney> jrwren: How does one accidentally attend a concet? [14:26] <cmaloney> ? [14:26] <Sponge> yeah I went to one but I had to leave early [14:26] <jrwren> cmaloney: i don't recall the scenario. We were supposed to be at that venue for something else and we showed up and sponge was playing. [14:26] <jrwren> or I do recall the scenario, because that was it. I don't recall the specifics. [14:27] <cmaloney> I do like Sponge though. Knew one of the member's brothers. [14:27] <Sponge> where at? [14:27] <cmaloney> Seemed like one of those families where the kids are all handsome and talented. [14:28] <jrwren> Emerald Ballroom [14:28] <jrwren> I think It was halloween. [14:29] <_stink_> cmaloney: psh, i waited and waited at meijer for you yesterday. *now* i find out you're going today. [14:29] <Sponge> lol [14:50] <cmaloney> _stink_: I thought you got the memo. [18:26] <jrwren> pygame at my local library! [18:33] <brousch> Nice! [18:36] <cmaloney> w00t
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Sponge", "_stink_", "brousch", "cmaloney", "jrwren", "rick_h_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi" }
[19:57] <aikidouke> hi everyone, i reported a misspelling bug against firewall-applet in vivid, but after re-reading the wiki, it says to report it as a translation bug, should i cancel the bug or something else? [21:10] <mandel> exit
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "aikidouke", "mandel" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-qa" }
[21:13] <astroo-> ola pessoal
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "astroo-" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pt" }
[16:57] <arpa121> st [16:59] <arpa121> hi [17:10] <MortezaE> hello arpa121
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MortezaE", "arpa121" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ir" }
[03:39] <sgclark> wxl: ping
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "sgclark" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-or" }
[05:55] <screedo> god morgon [06:53] <Laban> Morrn [07:14] <Linda^> Morrn [07:15] <cowbacon> Glad Påsk! [07:33] <Hund> Morsning [12:30] <maxjezy> AMD A8-6410. är det en bra processor? [12:33] <maxjezy> [12:33] <maxjezy> är det här en bra pluggdator? [12:33] <maxjezy> någon som har tips på en bra billig dator för skolarbete. [12:35] <Amoz> maxjezy, definiera "plugg" [12:36] <Amoz> generellt tycker jag AMD suger på laptop-sidan [12:37] <maxjezy> chromebooken har tegra [12:37] <maxjezy> Amoz: vad tycker du om tegra ? [12:37] <Amoz> maxjezy, ARM är mycket bättre vad gäller energieffektivitet, så om du klarar dig på en chromebook lär det där va rätt prisvärt. [12:37] <maxjezy> det är tjejen som ska skriva typ [12:37] <maxjezy> göra läxor [12:38] <maxjezy> komvux [12:38] <maxjezy> svenska, engelska, matte osv. [12:39] <maxjezy> kvalitet är väl det mest viktiga [12:39] <maxjezy> kvalitet på hårdvaran osv [12:39] <maxjezy> inte stora hårddiskar osv [12:39] <maxjezy> man vill ju inte att den går sönder av att hålla i den [12:39] <Amoz> kvalitét kan jag tyvärr inte uttala mig något om rent fysiskt. [12:40] <maxjezy> samtidigt hade det varit nice med windows för jag kan låna datorn isf när jag ska göra musik [12:40] <maxjezy> men, då behöver man ju bra processor [12:40] <Amoz> då går priset upp direkt en del [12:41] <Amoz> en chromebook är ju delvis så pass billig för att de har skalat bort massor av "onödigt". [12:41] <maxjezy> jag har ju min studio redan men, tänkte ibland kanske man vill sitta utomhus eller på stranden med midi grejerna [12:41] <maxjezy> jag tror chromebook är bäst, för vi har ju datorer här hemma redan [12:41] <maxjezy> men att ha möjligheten att plugga ostört är det viktiga [12:41] <Amoz> skulle tro det med, såvida du inte har kikat nåt på surface pro-alternativen [12:42] <maxjezy> jo, jag gillar ju de [12:42] <Amoz> men jag är MS-hatare så jag är fel person att fråga om sånt :P [12:42] <maxjezy> men hon är skeptisk [12:42] <maxjezy> jag är en MS-lover [12:42] <maxjezy> office, mspaint och notepad osv [12:42] <Amoz> chromebooks gör en sak bra, å det är batteritid+surf, och då google Docs. [12:43] <maxjezy> mm, jag tror ju google docs kan vara bra för henne [12:43] <Amoz> sen är det ju i princip kört om man ska jobba med riktiga applikationer, även om de nu börjar komma lite stöd för vissa appar å sånt. [12:43] <maxjezy> smidigheten med offshore lagring osv [12:44] <Amoz> sen är bara frågan vilken av alla modeller du ska kika på. [12:44] <Amoz> om man vill ha mer portabelt format, eller om man hellre satsar på nice skärm+CPU och sånt. [12:45] <maxjezy> [12:45] <maxjezy> men jag köpte en hp för några månader sedan och den var tangentbordet trasigt på [12:45] <maxjezy> och asus köpte jag en surfplatta som mini usb kontakten pajja på efter en månad [12:45] <maxjezy> samsung känns lite bättre i kvalitet [12:45] <maxjezy> men kostar nog mer [12:47] <Amoz> yeah, svårt å veta, billigare sakar har ju ibland en tendens att falla isär [12:47] <maxjezy> ja, det är synd [12:47] <Amoz> dock ska ju en USB-port som går sönder på en månad under normala omständigheter fixas. [12:47] <Amoz> eftersom säljaren har bevisbördan första 6 månaderna [12:48] <maxjezy> jo men att skicka den på service till tjeckien i några veckor kändes fel [12:48] <maxjezy> och ha med cdon att göra [12:48] <maxjezy> så jag valde att lägga den på hyllan [12:49] <maxjezy> de kan ju hävda slitage och våld osv [12:49] <maxjezy> jag hävdar dålig kvalitet som man egentligen inte ens ska köpa [12:49] <maxjezy> dum som man är gjorde man det [12:49] <maxjezy> surface pro tror jag har lite mer kvalitet [12:50] <Amoz> återigen, det är dem som har bevisbördan, och om det inte uppenbart är våld eller oförsiktighet som orsakat det så kan de inte bara "hävda" det utan anledning. [12:50] <Amoz> sen är det dem som också får sköta service-frakten och sånt , du ska bara behöva lämna den till säljaren. [12:51] <Amoz> ja, surface pro lär vara lite mer välbyggt kan jag tänka mig. [12:55] <maxjezy> nu har jag dock med våld slitit bort bakstycket och undersökt den själv [12:56] <maxjezy> så det är en spricka där bak som är typ 10 cm [12:56] <maxjezy> haha [12:58] <Amoz> kan va bra att tänka på tills nästa gång åtminstone :) [12:59] <Amoz> konsumentlagarna är ganska kundvänliga i Sverige, utnyttja dem väl [13:22] <maxjezy> jag lovar mig själv att istället aldrig mer köpa en surfplatta med mini usb [13:22] <maxjezy> chromebooks verkar så bra [13:23] <maxjezy> ska ringa tjejen och säga åt henne att köpa med sig en sån [15:54] <maxjezy> hur gamla datorer kan man stoppa in ssd i? [15:54] <maxjezy> [15:55] <maxjezy> funkar det i denna tro? [16:03] <Amoz> maxjezy, most probably not [16:03] <maxjezy> Amoz: :( [16:04] <Amoz> maxjezy, finns en liten liten sannolikhet, men antagligen inte värt det ändå [17:04] <Barre> maxjezy: klarar datorn AHCI så skall det nog gå vägen [18:17] <maxjezy> går det ha installationen för lubuntu på en ntfs eller ska det vara fat? [20:56] <peyam> hej [20:56] <peyam> Peyam här [20:56] <peyam> ställ era linuxrelaterade frågor
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Amoz", "Barre", "Hund", "Laban", "Linda^", "cowbacon", "maxjezy", "peyam", "screedo" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }
[01:23] <ianorlin> isn't there a meeting this Sunday and topic hasn't been updated... [01:24] <elky> because i haven't done the followup stuff yet. been distracted/busy [01:24] <elky> you have access to update the topic i think [01:26] <elky> we apparently forgot it was easter sunday too, and forgot to cancel the meeting 2 weeks ago. i hope anyone shows up [01:26] <elky> nhaines: ^ [03:00] <nhaines> Ooh, I was going to do the meeting announcement yesterday and completely forgot. [04:08] <elky> ok so apparently neither ianorlin or i can op ourselves. pleia2 you'll need to add us. [04:08] <elky> (i had a little help there :P) [04:19] <elky> nhaines: ok wiki done and irc now done too [04:31] * ianorlin also wonders if the email for new members got sent out yet and when I can ask for a cloak [04:37] <elky> if you've been added to the members group on launchpad, you can ask for the cloak [04:54] <nhaines> ^ this [04:54] <nhaines> elky: thanks for doing the wiki stuff. [04:54] <elky> yw [14:13] <pleia2> elky: done [20:41] <elky> pleia2: thanks <3
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "elky", "ianorlin", "nhaines", "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-ca" }
[11:14] <pin> Это многое обьясняет. [11:14] <pin> прошу прощения, так лучше будет [13:22] <ADhex> who am I
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ADhex", "pin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[05:58] <akis24> giorno [07:08] <fabiobologna> ciao e buona Pasqua a tutti, ho cambiato pc e ora sono riuscito ad installare lubuntu 12.04 ora però ho un problema, in rete ho una multifunzione epson officebx310fn e non mi riesce di farla funzionare idee? [08:30] <jester-> 'ngiorno [12:42] <Raffas> rciao a tutti Raga! ho un problema con la sheda wifi del mio notebook lenovo g-30 50, ho letto fari post su forum ma n riesco a risolvere, [12:42] <Raffas> kiedo una mano cortesemente xkè posso solo collegaarmi via cavoe [12:43] <Raffas> ho xubuntu 14.04 [12:43] <Raffas> w [12:43] <cristian_c> !italiano | Raffas [12:43] <ubot-it> Raffas: scrivere in maniera corretta facilita la lettura dei messaggi: frasi contenenti abbreviazioni, spesso chiare soltanto a chi le scrive, sono di difficile interpretazione. Ti invitiamo pertanto a non usarle. Vedi [12:44] <Raffas> chiedo scusa! [12:44] <Raffas> se necessario riformulo la domanda scritta correttamente, senza K ecc [12:44] <cristian_c> Raffas, che problemi hai con il wifi? [12:45] <Raffas> cristian_c allora praticamente non mi riconosce la scheda wifi, e son costretto a collegarmi col cavo, ma: [12:46] <Raffas> accanto al volume sulla icona di rete se clicco mi da: Reti wifi . wi-fi disabilitata da interruttore hardware. [12:46] <cristian_c> Raffas, digita: rfkill list [12:47] <Raffas> ma non mi da la possibilità di cliccarciw [12:47] <cristian_c> in un terminale [12:47] <Raffas> ok provo :) [12:47] <cristian_c> Raffas, e digita anche: lshw -C network [12:47] <cristian_c> Raffas, incolla i risultati su pastebin [12:47] <Raffas> ok [12:47] <cristian_c> !paste | Raffas [12:47] <ubot-it> Raffas: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [12:50] <Raffas> devo incollare uno x uno gli output o anche tutti assieme? [12:50] <Raffas> w [12:51] <cristian_c> Raffas, anche tutti insieme [12:51] <cristian_c> su pastebin, però [12:51] <Raffas> ok [12:52] <Raffas> ecco [12:52] <Raffas> [12:54] <cristian_c> Raffas, utilizza il tasto dedicato wifi sulla tastiera [12:54] <Raffas> cristian_c cortesemente spresti dirmi quale è uesto tasto?. [12:54] <Raffas> *sapresti [12:54] <cristian_c> Raffas, hai un notebook [12:55] <cristian_c> hai un manuale [12:55] <Raffas> si [12:55] <cristian_c> hai gli occhi [12:55] <cristian_c> e le dita [12:55] <Raffas> si [12:55] <Raffas> mi sa! [12:55] <cristian_c> Raffas, è tutto ciò che ti serve per fare quanto suggerito [12:55] <cristian_c> Raffas, probabilmente è un tasto Fn [12:57] <Raffas> capisco ma, il tasto Fn e sia quelo per la modalità aereo cliccandoli non danno risultati sull'imposazione di connesione, resta [12:58] <Raffas> grigio [12:58] <Raffas> e [12:58] <Raffas> senza possibilità di cliccarci [12:58] <cristian_c> Raffas, cliccandoli? [12:58] <cristian_c> O.o [12:58] <cristian_c> Raffas, sulla tua tastiera [12:59] <Raffas> cristian con tutto il rispetto, non sono così babbo! ovvio che ho già cliccato sulla tastiera una decina di volte.. [12:59] <Raffas> ma nulla [13:00] <Raffas> resta grigio l'opzione di selezionare wifi [13:00] <cristian_c> Raffas, premi il tasto e poi posta il risultato di rfkill list [13:00] <cristian_c> su pastebin [13:00] <cristian_c> Raffas, lo switch è circolare, considerando che è presente anche il bluetooth [13:00] <cristian_c> quindi servono diverse pressioni [13:01] <cristian_c> ah, premilo una sola volta e poi mostra il risultato [13:01] <Raffas> allora, tengo premuto il tasto mentre eseguo da terminae il comando che hai detto? [13:01] <cristian_c> Raffas, no no [13:01] <Raffas> oppure [13:01] <cristian_c> Raffas, premi il tasto, digita il comando [13:01] <cristian_c> posta il risultato [13:02] <Raffas> perfetto faccio in un un attimo! [13:02] <cristian_c> comunque è un g50 30, non un g30 50 [13:02] <Raffas> giusto errore mio. scusa! [13:04] <Raffas> [13:04] <cristian_c> Raffas, esattamente, cos'hai premuto? [13:05] <Raffas> da terminale prima Fn poi ho dato il comando [13:05] <Raffas> ps non l'ho tenuto premuto [13:05] <Raffas> di continuo [13:05] <cristian_c> Raffas, terminale? [13:05] <Raffas> solo una volta [13:05] <cristian_c> che c'entra il terminale? [13:07] <cristian_c> Raffas, f5 per caso? [13:07] <Raffas> cristian scusa ho frainteso, allora: premo Fn poi il comando che mi hai detto devo farlo su terminale? o no? [13:07] <cristian_c> Raffas, non va bene [13:08] <cristian_c> Raffas, ma non ho capito cos'hai premuto sulla tastiera [13:08] <Raffas> Fn [13:08] <cristian_c> Raffas, solo? [13:08] <Raffas> si! poi da terminale ho dato il comando che mi hai detto primaa [13:08] <cristian_c> Raffas, mi sa che non sai come funziona [13:08] <Raffas> correggimi se sbaglio abbi pazienza [13:08] <cristian_c> la tua tastiera [13:09] <cristian_c> Raffas, l'hai mai utilizzata (esempio per la luminosità) [13:09] <cristian_c> ? [13:09] <cristian_c> Raffas, li vedi i tasti della prima fila? [13:10] <Raffas> si ma con linux alcuni tasti tipo quello aereo non funzionano, [13:10] <Raffas> tasti f1 f2 ecc dici? [13:10] <cristian_c> Raffas, ci sono dei simboli stampati [13:10] <Raffas> esatto [13:10] <cristian_c> Raffas, sono tasti da usare in combinazione con Fn [13:11] <Raffas> lo so, ma, quindi come procedo cristian? [13:11] <cristian_c> Raffas, fn+fX [13:11] <cristian_c> dove X corrisponde al tasto wifi [13:12] <cristian_c> *fX [13:12] <cristian_c> Raffas, sempre che tu l'abbia localizzato [13:12] <cristian_c> cosa su cui non hai dato alcuna conferma [13:13] <Raffas> f9 ha la x per disattivare il touchpad f4 per chiudere [13:13] <Raffas> provati tutti ma nulla-_- [13:14] <cristian_c> Raffas, hai almeno letto il manuale per capire qual è il tasto wifi? [13:16] <Raffas> il tasto x disattivare/attivare wifi è f6, che da modalità aereo su windowv, ke era preinstallato sul mio computer [13:18] <cristian_c> Raffas, f6 è il touchpad [13:18] <cristian_c> lol [13:18] <Raffas> pardon hai ragione , è f7 [13:18] <Raffas> scusa la vista -_- [13:19] <cristian_c> Raffas, quindi il tasto modalità aereo è F7? [13:19] <cristian_c> f7 attiva disattiva anche il wifi? [13:19] <Raffas> si [13:19] <cristian_c> Raffas, premi Fn+F7 una volta [13:19] <cristian_c> e poi digita: rfkill list [13:19] <cristian_c> incolla su pastebin [13:19] <Raffas> rfkill list digito sempre su terminale giusto? [13:20] <cristian_c> ovvio [13:20] <Raffas> provo [13:20] <Raffas> ok [13:20] <cristian_c> Raffas, devi premere i due tasti contemporaneamente [13:20] <cristian_c> altrimenti non serve [13:20] <Raffas> lo so [13:20] <Raffas> :) [13:23] <Raffas> [13:24] <cristian_c> Raffas, altri tasti funzano? [13:24] <Raffas> questo è il risultato [13:24] <Raffas> in che senso?. [13:24] <cristian_c> Fn+Fqualcosa [13:24] <cristian_c> Raffas, hai provato con altri tasti? [13:24] <cristian_c> se fanno quello che rappresentano [13:24] <cristian_c> esempio, il volume [13:25] <Raffas> funzionano senza ke prema Fn [13:25] <cristian_c> -,- [13:26] <cristian_c> Raffas, no, funzionano in combinazione con fn [13:26] <cristian_c> Raffas, ahhhh [13:26] <cristian_c> Raffas, forse ho capito [13:26] <cristian_c> Raffas, quindi premendoli semplicemente vengono eseguite le azioni speciali [13:26] <Raffas> si [13:27] <cristian_c> se invece premuti in combinazione con Fn, vengono eseguite F1, F2 [13:27] <cristian_c> il contrario di come è di solito sulle tastiere [13:27] <cristian_c> Raffas, allora premi F7, senza premere Fn [13:27] <cristian_c> e poi digita: rfkill list [13:27] <cristian_c> incollando su pastebin [13:27] <Raffas> ok [13:28] <Raffas> grazie comunque x la pazienza!! sto impazzendo per risolvere questo problema credimi.. [13:29] <cristian_c> Raffas, premi F7 una sola volta [13:31] <Raffas> fatto ma per cortesia rilinkami url di pastebin [13:31] <cristian_c> !paste [13:31] <ubot-it> servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [13:32] <Raffas> grazie [13:32] <Raffas> ecco il risultato [13:32] <Raffas> [13:33] <cristian_c> Raffas, è cambiato [13:33] <cristian_c> qualcosa ha prodotto [13:33] <cristian_c> Raffas, premilo ancora una volta [13:33] <cristian_c> e poi: rfkill list [13:34] <Raffas> ok [13:34] <cristian_c> F7 soltanto [13:37] <Raffas> ok [13:37] <Raffas> [13:38] <cristian_c> Raffas, mmmm [13:38] <cristian_c> Raffas, ripremilo, e riposta: rfkill list [13:38] <cristian_c> [13:38] <Raffas> ma devo ogni volta riaprire un terminale nuovo? [13:39] <cristian_c> Raffas, no [13:41] <Raffas> [13:41] <Raffas> ok [13:41] <cristian_c> Raffas, non l'hai premuto [13:41] <cristian_c> f7 [13:41] <Raffas> riprovo [13:42] <Raffas> [13:44] <cristian_c> Raffas, lsmod [13:44] <Raffas> su term? [13:44] <cristian_c> [13:44] <cristian_c> Raffas, sì [13:45] <Raffas> ok [13:45] <Raffas> [13:45] <Raffas> riecco [13:47] <cristian_c> ideapad_laptop 18216 0 [13:47] <cristian_c> Raffas, sudo rmmod ideapad_laptop [13:47] <Raffas> ok cristian!! [13:47] <cristian_c> Raffas, fatto? [13:48] <Raffas> spè mi da un errore di pass [13:48] <cristian_c> Raffas, digita la password [13:49] <Raffas> fatto ma mi da : ERROR: Module ideapad_laptop is not currently loaded [13:49] <cristian_c> Raffas, sudo rmmod ideapad-laptop [13:51] <Raffas> idem stesso errore [13:51] <cristian_c> lol [13:52] <cristian_c> Raffas, sudo modprobe -r ideapad_laptop [13:53] <Raffas> nn mi da nulla, non so spiegarmi il perchè. [13:53] <cristian_c> Raffas, ok [13:54] <cristian_c> Raffas, rfkill list [13:55] <Raffas> [13:56] <cristian_c> Raffas, ifconfig -a [13:56] <cristian_c> Raffas, iwconfig [13:56] <cristian_c> Raffas, entrambi su pastebin [13:56] <Raffas> ok [13:57] <Raffas> [13:58] <cristian_c> Raffas, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan [13:58] <Raffas> ok [13:59] <Raffas> [13:59] <cristian_c> ESSID:"Raff" [14:00] <cristian_c> Raffas, se si chiama così la tua rete [14:00] <cristian_c> il wifi è attivo e trova le reti [14:00] <cristian_c> Raffas, non ti resta che stabilire la connessione dal network manager [14:00] <Raffas> mia rete si kiama così [14:00] <cristian_c> lol [14:01] <Raffas> come faccio a stabilire la connessione dal NM? [14:01] <cristian_c> Raffas, pare che il wifi si sia sbloccato dopo il sudo modprobe -r ideapad_laptop [14:01] <cristian_c> Raffas, se fai clci sull'icone wifi in alto, cosa accade? [14:01] <cristian_c> *clic [14:01] <Raffas> me lada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [14:01] <cristian_c> ? [14:01] <Raffas> :))))))))))))))))))) [14:02] <cristian_c> Raffas, in generale, la cosa andava sbloccata da windows [14:04] <cristian_c> Rafffas, forse la cosa funziona solo fino al prossimo riavvio [14:04] <Rafffas> provo, ke dici?a riavviare [14:04] <cristian_c> Rafffas, per maggiori dettagli qui: [14:05] <cristian_c> Rafffas, se riavvi pare che tutto torni come prima, cioè col wifi bloccato [14:05] <cristian_c> ma tu prova [14:05] <Rafffas> ok [14:05] <cristian_c> Rafffas, ma ora funge? [14:05] <cristian_c> wifi [14:06] <Rafffas> alla grande! [14:07] <Rafffas> provo a [14:07] <Rafffas> Riavviare!! [14:49] <Raffas> cristian_c [14:50] <Raffas> allora ci riisiamo!, praticamente abilita wifi ecc me lo da di nuovo in grigio ma, in modifica reti mi risulta la mia [14:51] <Raffas> Rete wifi collegata e funzionante [14:51] <krabador> Raffas, apri terminale, ping -c 3 [14:52] <cristian_c> Raffas, cioè, ti stai connettendo in wifi? [14:53] <Raffas> no sono col cavo, nelle modifica risulta sia la connessione cavo ke la wifi perfettamente configurata, ma in alto su abilita wifi [14:53] <Raffas> è ritornato in grigio [14:53] <Raffas> quindi nn posso cliccarci [14:53] <krabador> Raffas, e non puoi staccare il cavo per mandare ping e vedere cosa fa? [14:54] <Raffas> provo [14:54] <Raffas> ok [14:57] <gigirock> !ciao | Alexandro [14:57] <ubot-it> Alexandro: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it [14:58] <Alexandro> !ciao | gigirock [14:58] <ubot-it> gigirock: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it [14:58] <gigirock> il milan lascia indietro altri 2 punti all 'inter !!!!!! [14:58] <jester-> ciumbia [14:59] <gigirock> jester-, siete scarsi [15:02] <gigirock> ma perxche' sto ubuntu vuole fare un avanzamento ? [15:02] <krabador> gigirock, se ti chiede la 15.04 , è settato per controllare anche le versioni in sviluppo [15:02] <gigirock> eh che ne so ? [15:02] <Raffas> cristian [15:03] <Raffas> rieccomi [15:03] <Raffas> problema risolto, solo una cosa [15:03] <cristian_c> Raffas, come hai risolto? [15:04] <Raffas> a riavvio non mi da abilita wifi, ma se da term do : sudo rmmod ideapad-laptop [15:04] <Raffas> si collega  Rafffas, per maggiori dettagli qui: [15:04] <gigirock> ma firefox si puo' eliminare ? [15:05] <cristian_c> Raffas, ma semplicemente scollegando il cavo, avevi connessione? [15:05] <cristian_c> gigirock, sudo apt-get remove firefox [15:05] <jester-> Raffas: se ti danno i link e non li leggi [16:04:50] <cristian_c> Rafffas, per maggiori dettagli qui: [15:05] <gigirock> e se faccio clean libero lo spazio ? [15:05] <Raffas> no, col cavo apro terminale e dando : sudo rmmod ideapad-laptop [15:05] <Raffas> si attiva wifi [15:06] <cristian_c> !pulireubuntu | gigirock [15:06] <ubot-it> gigirock: pulire ubuntu is [15:06] <cristian_c> Raffas, nel link postato è spiegato come pacioccare il file, per avere il tutto in via definitiva [15:06] <jester-> Raffas: nel link c'è la stringa precotta per mettere il driver che confligge in blacklist [15:07] <cristian_c> Raffas, in particolare: echo "blacklist ideapad_laptop" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ideapad.conf [15:07] <Raffas> cioè dite x far si che si avvi in automatico?. [15:07] <cristian_c> dato da root [15:07] <jester-> basta un copia incolla nel terminale [15:07] <cristian_c> anzi [15:08] <jester-> Raffas: apri u terminale [15:08] <jester-> Raffas: sudo echo "blacklist ideapad_laptop" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ideapad.conf [15:08] <Raffas> cosa accade dando questo comando?. [15:09] <jester-> dallo e basta [15:09] <cristian_c> Raffas, il comando manda la stringa in un file [15:09] <cristian_c> Raffas, ma tu prova intanto [15:09] <Raffas> ok [15:10] <Raffas> fatto adeso? [15:10] <Raffas> *adesso [15:12] <Raffas> cristian grazie mille x l'aiuto ke mi hai dato, te ne sono grato!! [15:12] <Raffas> comunque vorrei sapere [15:13] <Raffas> a cosa serve quella stringa che mi avete detto di dare su term [15:13] <krabador> Raffas, se adesso hai "risolto" non serve piu' [15:13] <Raffas> ah! bene! [15:14] <Raffas> Raga un ultima cosa! e poi vi lascio tranquilli (ringraziandovi di cuore :) ) [15:14] <krabador> Raffas, [15:14] <krabador> questo era il comando [15:15] <Raffas> se devo riformattare computer x reinstallare ubuntu, basta che rieguo i comandi che mi ha detto cristian x riattivare wifi' [15:15] <Raffas> ? [15:15] <Raffas> . [15:16] <Raffas> *rieseguo [15:16] <krabador> Raffas, prima di installare ubuntu su questo pc, hai usato windows? [15:17] <Raffas> malgrado era preinstallato! [15:17] <krabador> Raffas, allora, potrebbe essere stato causato, il problema, con l'uso della scheda in windows [15:18] <krabador> Raffas, potrebbe non verificarsi , "una volta formattato il computer" [15:18] <Raffas> ho già riformattato 4 volte mettendo su mint lubuntu e xubuntu è il problema c'era lo stiesso [15:19] <krabador> Raffas, ma se la scheda wireless era stata gestita da windows, tramite la disabilitazione software, va in una sorta di ibernazione [15:19] <krabador> e nessun sistema la vede [15:19] <krabador> o riattivare [15:19] <krabador> Raffas, puoi , se gestita in windows in quel modo, formattare 200 volte, non fa differenza [15:20] <Raffas> quindi se riformatto come posso agire?' [15:20] <Raffas> alternative [15:20] <Raffas> o [15:20] <Raffas> quello ke mi ha spiegato cristian [15:20] <krabador> Raffas, hai capito quello che ho detto? [15:20] <Raffas> si [15:20] <krabador> Raffas, una volta sbloccata, adesso , potrebbe non ripresentarsi, il problema, ma se si ripresente, va a resettare il bios [15:20] <Raffas> scusa sn abbastanza stanco..... [15:21] <Raffas> krabador come si resetta il bios? xd sn pratico di informatica ma non ai vostri livelli xd [15:22] <krabador> Raffas, quello non è questo canale che te lo dice [15:22] <krabador> ma il manuale del tuo pc [15:22] <krabador> non sono tutti uguali i bios [15:22] <Raffas> ahh ok, scusa [15:25] <Raffas> Ragazzi grazie di tutto!!!!! [15:25] <Raffas> siete mitici" [15:26] <Raffas> w linux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [15:26] <Raffas> sempre [15:26] <krabador> per qualsiasi problema riguardi ubuntu, torna pure qui [15:27] <Raffas> grazie [15:30] <Raffas> sloggoo [15:30] <Raffas> ancora [15:30] <Raffas> grazie [15:30] <Raffas> RAGA!!!!!1 [15:30] <Raffas> W [16:06] <maury> ragazzi qualquno sa risolvere acpi pcc probe failed ho 15.04kbuntu riesco olo ad avviare kubuntu all recoveri mode [16:08] <maury> ho questo problema da quando ho aggiornato il kernel 3.19.0-12generic [16:08] <maury> sistema 64 bit [16:09] <jester-> maury: parti col penultimo kernel [16:09] <jester-> maury: 3.19 ???? [16:09] <maury> il problema ke ho rimosso il file vecchi [16:09] <maury> si [16:09] <jester-> maury: sicuro che hai rimosso tutti i precedenti? [16:09] <maury> si [16:10] <maury> e strano perche allavvio mi appare il grub io non ho installato il sistema con il grub [16:10] <jester-> almeno il penultimo bisogna tenerlo, fra l'altro hai messo un kernel non di serie [16:10] <jester-> ci credo che non va una minchia [16:11] <maury> ke devo fare [16:11] <jester-> maury: grub c'è per forza o non puoi avviare [16:11] <maury> ok [16:11] <jester-> maury: in recovery parte? [16:11] <maury> si [16:12] <jester-> allora al menu abiliti la rete, poi vai in root e apt-get install --reinstall linux-mage-generic [16:12] <jester-> allora al menu abiliti la rete, poi vai in root e apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic [16:12] <jester-> macava una i [16:12] <jester-> dovrebbe installare il kernel di serie [16:13] <maury> come si fa ad avere i privilegi root [16:14] <jester-> li hai gia i privilegi di root andando in root, infatti non ti ho scritto sudo [16:15] <maury> impossibile trovare pacchetto [16:15] <jester-> maury: poi al riavvio entri in avanzate e parti con quello [16:15] <jester-> maury: sei in internet? [16:15] <maury> si [16:15] <jester-> non penso [16:15] <maury> ho la rete [16:16] <jester-> allora al menu abiliti la rete, poi vai in root e apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic [16:16] <jester-> scrivi bene [16:16] <maury> sono i deskop [16:16] <jester-> dedktop di cosa [16:16] <maury> ecco adesso si e andato [16:16] <jester-> guarda che pacchetti prende [16:17] <maury> vuoi un paste bin [16:17] <jester-> come lo fai il pastebin se non hai la frafica [16:17] <maury> penso la versione precedente [16:17] <jester-> grafica [16:18] <maury> ho la grafica [16:18] <maury> con recovery mode [16:18] <maury> mi ripristina i deskop [16:18] <jester-> ha preso [16:18] <maury> [16:18] <jester-> so va bè se ti dico di fare una cosa e tu ne fai un'altra [16:19] <jester-> maury: lol che distro hai [16:19] <maury> 15.05kubuntu [16:19] <maury> 15.04 [16:19] <jester-> maury: aaah la beta [16:19] <maury> si [16:19] <jester-> maury: allora è regolare [16:20] <jester-> la beta comporta bug frequenti [16:20] <maury> si comq penso ke non faro gli aggiornamenti piu xd [16:20] <jester-> per quello qui in -it non ci dovrebbe essere supporto [16:21] <jester-> maury: non fai gli aggiornamenti e tieni in sistema incompleto? [16:21] <maury> lo fro quando esce la versione stabile [16:21] <jester-> vedi te [16:21] <maury> comq mi puoi dire come avviare il boot senza grub [16:21] <jester-> il bugo di solito lo risolvono in pochi giorni se non aggioni rimani zoppo [16:21] <maury> senza ke appare la scrita [16:22] <jester-> maury: impossibile avviare linux senza grub o aptro boot loader [16:22] <maury> senza la scritta allinizio [16:22] <jester-> che fastidio ti da il menu [16:22] <maury> si sivede pulito [16:22] <jester-> lol [16:22] <jester-> hai ache winz installato? [16:23] <maury> no [16:23] <jester-> anche* [16:23] <maury> non celo winz ho solo kubuntu [16:32] <luca69> salve ragazzi. ho appena installato ubuntu 14.04 [16:32] <luca69> sono un novizio, quindi [16:32] <luca69> dove si possono scaricare i software [16:32] <luca69> ? [16:32] <luca69> c'è un sito? [16:32] <luca69> posso arrivarci dal desktop? [16:32] <luca69> chi mi aiuta? [16:38] <cristian_c> luca69, c'è il software center [16:38] <cristian_c> !usc [16:38] <ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'usc' [16:38] <cristian_c> !installareprogrammi [16:38] <ubot-it> installareprogrammi is [16:39] <luca69> grazie [16:39] <luca69> ma al software centere si accede da internete o dalla dashboard? [16:40] <luca69> internet [16:40] <cristian_c> luca69, no no [16:40] <cristian_c> luca69, dalla dash [16:40] <cristian_c> luca69, leggi la guida che ho linkato [16:41] <cristian_c> [16:46] <luca69> grazie [16:47] <luca69> un'ultima domanda [16:47] <luca69> adobe [16:47] <luca69> come si installa [16:47] <luca69> ? [16:47] <luca69> c'è un software alternativo [16:47] <luca69> ? [16:48] <cristian_c> luca69, adobe cosa? [16:48] <luca69> adobe reader [16:49] <cristian_c> ahhhh [16:49] <cristian_c> luca69, ma cosa devi fare? [16:50] <luca69> devo installare adobe reader [16:50] <cristian_c> luca69, adobe non supporta più reader su linux [16:50] <cristian_c> ha cessato lo sviluppo [16:50] <cristian_c> luca69, ma come mai ti serve adobe reader? [16:51] <luca69> aspetta [16:51] <luca69> scusa [16:51] <luca69> ho toppat [16:51] <luca69> adobe flash player [16:51] <luca69> questo mi serve [16:51] <luca69> devo entrare in una chat e mi richiede questo software [16:52] <cristian_c> luca69, su quale browser? [16:53] <luca69> firefox [16:53] <cristian_c> luca69, apri un terminale [16:53] <cristian_c> luca69, digita: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer [16:53] <cristian_c> e hai fatto [16:53] <luca69> ok [16:53] <luca69> ora provo [16:54] <luca69> (ma che cacchio è un terminale?) [16:54] <cristian_c> luca69, premi ctrl+alt+t [16:55] <luca69> fatto [16:56] <luca69> e poi [16:57] <luca69> E: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto flashplugin-installer [16:57] <luca69> annetta@annetta-Aspire-5735:~$ [16:57] <luca69> ecco cosa mi dice [16:57] <luca69> E: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto flashplugin-installer [16:59] <cristian_c> luca69, sei collegato con questo pc? [16:59] <cristian_c> *quel pc [16:59] <cristian_c> luca69, digita nel terminale: sudo apt-get update [16:59] <cristian_c> luca69, incolla il risultato su pastebin [16:59] <cristian_c> !paste | luca69 [16:59] <ubot-it> luca69: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [17:00] <luca69> io ti ringrazio per la disponbilità [17:00] <luca69> ma sei troppo tecnico [17:00] <luca69> capisco 1/4 di quello che scrivi [17:01] <cristian_c> luca69, quale ubuntu stai utilizzando [17:01] <cristian_c> ? [17:01] <luca69> 14.04 [17:01] <cristian_c> !info flashplugin-installer [17:01] <ubot-it> flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 6 kB, installed size 136 kB [17:02] <cristian_c> luca69, in ubuntu 14.04 c'è [17:02] <cristian_c> luca69, posta una foto del tuo desktop [17:02] <cristian_c> !image [17:02] <ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [17:04] <luca69> sto caricando [17:04] <luca69> un attimo [17:07] <luca69> niente [17:07] <luca69> ragazzi [17:07] <luca69> non è così intuitivo come pensavo [17:08] <luca69> è un mondo competamente nuovo [17:08] <luca69> e va studiato ex novo [17:08] <luca69> che palle! [17:08] <cristian_c> luca69, cosa c'è di nuovo nel postare una foto lo sai solo tu [17:08] <luca69> sto usando uploadpie [17:08] <luca69> e non carica una fava [17:08] <krabador> è molto piu' intuitivo di come pensi, ma se ci sono difficoltà ad aprire un sito, cliccare su upload [17:08] <cristian_c> e mica c'entra qualcosa ubuntu [17:08] <krabador> luca69, non è ubuntu il problema [17:09] <krabador> luca69, ma forse "cattive abitudini" [17:09] <luca69> ALLORA [17:09] <luca69> STO PROVANDO AD INSTALLARE STO CACCHIO DI ADOBE FLASH PALAYER [17:09] <luca69> ECCO QUELLO CHE SUCCEDE [17:10] <luca69> MI APPARE QUESTO: [17:10] <jester-> !maiuscolo | luca69 [17:10] <ubot-it> luca69: Non scrivere in maiuscolo nel canale, equivale ad urlare e non e' un comportamento gradito nel canale. grazie. [17:10] <krabador> luca69, infatti non si installa cosi' [17:10] <luca69> io seleziono apt for ubuntu 10.04+ [17:10] <krabador> luca69, e datti una calmata, che se no, non risolvi nulla. [17:11] <jester-> luca69: sudo apt-get installa flashplayer-installer [17:11] <krabador> luca69, sbagliato [17:11] <luca69> ok [17:11] <jester-> luca69: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-installer [17:12] <luca69> non ci capisco una fava ragazzi [17:12] <luca69> siete troppo tecnici e date molte cose per scontate [17:13] <jester-> non siamo tecnici è che vai pè li cazzi tua [17:13] <luca69> può essere [17:14] <luca69> ma se tu mi scrivi sudo apt-get install flashplayer-installer  luca69, digita nel terminale: sudo apt-get update [17:14] <luca69> io non capisco nulla [17:14] <luca69> jester [17:14] <cristian_c> luca69, una foto è una cosa fattibile [17:14] <jester-> luca69: serve il terminale [17:14] <luca69> sei entrato ora [17:14] <luca69> ma ci abbiamo già provato [17:14] <luca69> mi dic eche è impossibile farlo [17:14] <krabador> luca69, apri il terminale, e lo trovi digitando , term, nella dash, che sarebbe l'icona in alto a sinistra, o premento ctrl alt t [17:14] <cristian_c> a prescindere dal sistema operativo [17:14] <krabador> luca69, poi [17:14] <krabador> luca69, digiti [17:15] <luca69> voilà: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [17:15] <luca69> E: Impossibile bloccare la directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ [17:15] <luca69> E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [17:15] <luca69> E: Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata. [17:15] <krabador> luca69, sudo apt-cache search flashplugin [17:15] <luca69> ecco i messaggi che visualizzo [17:15] <jester-> sudo apt-get falshplugin-installer se non lo trova o non hai ubuntu o hai cannibalizzato apt [17:15] <krabador> luca69, chiudi il software center [17:16] <krabador> luca69, che risultato ti da, il comando appena segnalatoti? [17:17] <luca69> ecco il messaggio: The program 'udo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: [17:17] <luca69> sudo apt-get install udo [17:17] <jester-> madu [17:17] <krabador> luca69, una cosa che puoi fare [17:18] <krabador> luca69, è stare piu' attento, a cosa viene segnalato [17:18] <krabador> luca69, leggendo bene la linea, o , ancora meglio, copiandola, ed incollandola [17:18] <luca69> ok [17:18] <luca69> ok [17:18] <luca69> mi guidate passo passo? [17:19] <luca69> ragazzi, e ho anche una sensazione inquitante: di tutti i siti che fanno sharing foto, nessuno riesce a caricare la foto del desketop che mi ha chiesto uno di voi. Per me c'è qualcosa che non va [17:19] <jester-> luca69: e 4: sudo apt-get update [17:19] <luca69> cmq, andiamo per gradi [17:19] <luca69> vediamo di installare sto cacchio di adobe fash player [17:20] <jester-> luca69: quando ha finito: sudo apt-get instrall flashplugin-installer [17:20] <jester-> install [17:20] <luca69> allora: ho aperto un terminale e ho copiato questo:sudo apt-get update [17:20] <luca69> mi chiede la password [17:20] <luca69> la inserisco e [17:20] <jester-> e' [17:21] <luca69> si è aperto un modo [17:21] <luca69> mondo [17:21] <luca69> scorre tutto [17:21] <luca69> un attimo [17:21] <luca69> ecco le ultime due righe: [17:21] <luca69> Recuperati 3.694 kB in 18s (201 kB/s) [17:21] <luca69> Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto [17:21] <jester-> luca69: quando ha finito: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer [17:22] <luca69> adesso digito: sudo apt-get instrall flashplugin-installer [17:22] <luca69> giusto? [17:22] <krabador> luca69, non fare il rapporto dettagliato, riferisci direttamente cosa ha fatto, se ha avuto errori [17:22] <jester-> install non instrall [17:22] <luca69> ok [17:22] <luca69> si [17:22] <jester-> che fa [17:22] <luca69> E: Operazione instrall non valida [17:22] <luca69> ok [17:22] <jester-> [19:22:11] <jester-> install non instrall [17:22] <luca69> instal [17:22] <luca69> ok [17:22] <luca69> un attimo [17:23] <jester-> se fai cosi con annetta la vedo dura concludere [17:23] <cristian_c> lol [17:23] <luca69> fatto [17:23] <luca69> scorre tutto nuovamente [17:24] <jester-> se leggi anche si capisce che minchia fa [17:24] <luca69> grazie per il consiglio [17:24] <luca69> ma tu mi sopravvaluti [17:24] <luca69> fino a poco fa non sapevo manco cosa fosse un terminale [17:24] <luca69> cmq [17:25] <luca69> sta continuando a lavorare [17:25] <jester-> come dire che attraversi la strada senza guardare [17:25] <luca69> già [17:25] <luca69> mi scuso [17:25] <luca69> e sono anche dottore di ricerca in infromatica [17:25] <luca69> informatica [17:25] <krabador> luca69, ma bene, e dove? [17:25] <jester-> pensa te [17:25] <luca69> asp [17:26] <luca69> la mia tesi verteva su questione giuridiche [17:26] <jester-> meno male che non lo sei in medicina [17:26] <luca69> io ti so spiegare perchè il software è tutelato dalla legge sul diritto d'autore e in via subordinata dalla lege sui brevetti [17:26] <luca69> prativamente so tutto di leggi [17:26] <luca69> e ti so indirizzare legalmente [17:26] <luca69> ma so poco di onfrmatica [17:26] <luca69> infromativa [17:26] <luca69> informatica [17:27] <jester-> e l'informatica te la sei dimenticata [17:27] <luca69> tu lo sai perchè è tutelato dalla legge sul diritto d'autore? [17:27] <luca69> il software? [17:27] <jester-> luca69: a occhio perchè il lavoro altrui si paga [17:28] <luca69> ops [17:28] <luca69> stai attraversando la strada senza guardare [17:28] <jester-> ma va [17:28] <luca69> eh si [17:28] <luca69> il diritto è una cosa [17:28] <luca69> il mio prof di infromatica era un genio [17:28] <jester-> e della roba open che dire [17:28] <luca69> e anche il mio collega di scrivania [17:28] <jester-> è gratis ma 80% a casso [17:28] <luca69> però venivano da me per chiedermi consigli su come tutelare quello che creavano [17:29] <luca69> e si chiedevano sempre come come mai in america tutti i software sono tutelati come invenzioni [17:29] <luca69> e da noi no [17:29] <luca69> lo sapevi [17:29] <luca69> ? [17:29] <luca69> che in america tutti i software sono invenzioni? [17:29] <jester-> luca69: ma vaaa? [17:29] <luca69> e da noi no? [17:29] <luca69> e come mai? [17:29] <luca69> dimmelo dai [17:29] <jester-> quindi da noi li ciuliamo a gratis? [17:29] <luca69> (nel frattempo vi posto le ultime 4 righe che visualizzo: Installing from local file /tmp/tmpnB5FoV.gz [17:29] <luca69> Flash Plugin installed. [17:29] <luca69> Configurazione di flashplugin-installer ( [17:29] <luca69> annetta@annetta-Aspire-5735:~$ [17:29] <luca69> Installing from local file /tmp/tmpnB5FoV.gz [17:32] <GreenRabbit> !paste | luca69 [17:32] <ubot-it> luca69: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [17:33] <luca69> eccomi [17:33] <jester-> luca69: eeh non lo sapevi che se spammi il botolo ti in***a [17:33] <luca69> non so cosa sia successo ma è scomparsa la chat [17:33] <luca69> ad ogni modo [17:33] <luca69> adobe flash palyer installato [17:33] <jester-> ad ogni modo li vedi i porni co flaash? [17:33] <luca69> thanks [17:33] <luca69> non lo so [17:33] <luca69> ora provo [17:33] <luca69> asp [17:34] <krabador> luca69, al riavvio del browser , ovvero, "programma per navigare" , il flash funzionerà [17:34] <krabador> tranquillamente [17:34] <luca69> grazie [17:34] <luca69> un'altra domanda [17:34] <luca69> approfitto della vostra gentilezza e professionalità [17:34] <luca69> come faccio a sentire la musica? [17:34] <luca69> quale software per sentire un cd? [17:35] <krabador> luca69, sudo apt-get install vlc [17:35] <jester-> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extra poi clicchi il file e la senti [17:35] <krabador> sebbene , dentro c'è rhythmbox [17:36] <luca69> ma come fate a trovare sti cacchio di sudo? [17:36] <luca69> cioè [17:36] <luca69> dove si piagliano? [17:36] <luca69> pigliano? [17:36] <krabador> luca69, sono rarissimi, ma cristian_c ne ha una miniera intera [17:37] <luca69> ah [17:37] <luca69> con chi parlavo di software e diritto? [17:37] <krabador> !terminale | luca69 + [17:37] <ubot-it> luca69 +: Guida alla riga di comando: vedi anche !bash [17:37] <krabador> !bash | luca69 [17:37] <ubot-it> luca69: bash is [17:37] <luca69> qui mi perdo [17:37] <luca69> ma che cacchio scrivete? [17:38] <cristian_c> luca69, c'è la documentazione ufficiale [17:38] <cristian_c> luca69, così , anche se per te è tutto nuovo [17:38] <krabador> luca69, se li apri, quei link, troverai parecchie risposte a domande [17:38] <krabador> che hai fatto [17:38] <krabador> domande che fai [17:38] <cristian_c> puoi colmare facilmente [17:39] <krabador> e domande che non ti sono ancora venute in mente [17:39] <cristian_c> il deficit di conoscenza del sistema operativo [17:39] <cristian_c> !documentazione | luca69 [17:39] <ubot-it> luca69: Documentazione ufficiale - Documentazione della comunità - Gruppo documentazione: pagina principale [17:39] <cristian_c> e ti si apre un mondo :P [17:39] <luca69> interessante [17:39] <luca69> bene [17:39] <luca69> ad ogni modo [17:40] <luca69> io non ci capisco una fava di informatica [17:40] <luca69> e voi di diritto [17:40] <luca69> 4 [17:40] <luca69> ed è per questo che ilprof ha detto [17:40] <luca69> cazzo, mi serve un giurista [17:40] <luca69> altrimenti qui tutto quello che facciamo lo perdiamo miseramente [17:40] <jester-> luca69: se vuoi possiamo discutere di prodotti fitosanitari e la loro regolamentazione [17:40] <luca69> la mia tesi aveva questo titolo [17:41] <luca69> IL SOFTWARE TRA DIRITTO D'AUTORE E BREVETTO INDUSTRIALE [17:41] <luca69> jester [17:41] <luca69> premesso che ti sono debitore [17:41] <jester-> i diserbanti non possono essere usati da chiunque, in america no lo sapevi? [17:41] <luca69> perchè mi hai risolto il problema di flash adobe player [17:42] <luca69> ma qui mica sono in discussione le professionalità di ognuno di noi [17:42] <luca69> io ho solo risposto a chi aveva fatto battute sul fatto che ero dottore di ricerca in infromatica, non capendo un cazzo di informatica [17:42] <jester-> appunto [17:42] <luca69> e io ho soltanto spiegato perchè lo ero [17:43] <luca69> non soo dottore di ricerca in infromatica nonostnante noncapisca un cazzo di informatica [17:43] <jester-> scusa ma ricerca viene da pensare a uno che sviluppa novita informatiche non a un giurista del settore [17:43] <luca69> lo sono perchè ci capsco di diritto d'autore e brevettuale [17:43] <luca69> la ricerca si fa pure in diritto [17:43] <luca69> i dottorati di ricerca ci sono in tutt ele matrie [17:43] <luca69> anche in filosofia [17:44] <luca69> io andai dal prof e gli dissi [17:44] <jester-> si ma sarebbe pu preciso specificare [17:44] <luca69> sono in grado di spiegarle perchè non riesce a brevettare il suo software [17:44] <luca69> e lui: chi ti dice che non sia in grado di brevettarlo? [17:44] <luca69> e io: lo so e basta [17:44] <luca69> in italia non ci riesce. C'è riuscito? [17:44] <luca69> e lui: no [17:44] <luca69> bene [17:45] <luca69> Io so il perchè [17:45] <luca69> e so il modo di farglielo brevettare [17:45] <luca69> e lui ha chiamato un informatico e mi ci ha fatto parlare [17:45] <luca69> due mondi che si incontrano [17:45] <luca69> l'ingegnere [17:45] <luca69> il giurista [17:45] <jester-> minchia sicuro hai una carriera luminosa davanti a te [17:45] <luca69> voilà [17:45] <luca69> no [17:45] <luca69> io faccio altro [17:46] <luca69> lavoro in altro settore [17:46] <luca69> questo è stato uno sfizio [17:46] <jester-> tubista? [17:46] <luca69> cubista [17:46] <luca69> in discoteca [17:46] <jester-> de froci? [17:46] <luca69> e anche tronista [17:46] <luca69> e qualche volta vaffanculista [17:46] <jester-> spalle rubate al diritto informatico [17:47] <jester-> chissa quanta gente disperata che non riesce a brevettare [17:47] <luca69> l'informatico avrà sempre difficioltà [17:47] <luca69> perchè non ha una formazione giuridica [17:48] <luca69> ha bisogno di una giurista [17:48] <luca69> se tu vieni accusato di furto [17:48] <luca69> non basta dire che non l'hai fatto [17:48] <cristian_c> una o uno? [17:48] <jester-> allora si va in ammerega e pace [17:48] <luca69> ma ti serve un giurista [17:49] <jester-> prova a ciulare qualcosa a microsoft o ad apple [17:49] <luca69> l'america - e qui si capisce che non ci capite una fava - non è l'america [17:49] <krabador> luca69, l'informatico , di fronte ai brevetti, c'ha poco da fare [17:49] <jester-> te lo spiegano loro il diritto [17:49] <luca69> lo sapete che in america è brevettabile tutto [17:49] <krabador> possono passare anni, ma se c'è stato furto di un brevetto, la causa lo dimostra [17:49] <luca69> anche il cestino virtuale [17:49] <krabador> quindi l'informatico, ha poco da fare il paraculo [17:50] <luca69> lo sapte che chi ha brevettato il cestino virtuale, se volesse, potrebbe far pagare il brevetto a tutti [17:50] <krabador> la maggiorparte delle volte, infatti, finiscono con accordi, e non vanno in giudizio [17:50] <it-32> sera [17:50] <krabador> salve it-32 [17:50] <luca69> lo sapete che tutta la comunità software free, quella che ha creato ubuntu, non potrebbe usare il cestino virtuale se solo il propeitario del brevetto si opponesse [17:50] <luca69> ? [17:50] <krabador> luca69, accordi, che , se sei un informatico giuridico, devi per forza aver consultato [17:50] <luca69> il sistema americano è detto [17:51] <krabador> e massicciamente [17:51] <luca69> della BREVETTUALITA' SELVAGGIA [17:51] <luca69> in europa non è amato [17:51] <luca69> ed è un bene così [17:51] <luca69> aspettate [17:51] <luca69> vi faccio un esempio [17:51] <luca69> se io potessi brevettare questa frase: io mi chiamo (nome) [17:51] <luca69> voi dovreste pagare ogni volta che la scrivete [17:52] <luca69> in america succede questo [17:52] <it-32> un consiglio ho appena preso un hd da 500 gb e volevo dedicarlo a ubuntu creandomi una partizione / ed una home che dimensioni mi consigliate? [17:52] <jester-> it-32: / 20 gb sono gia larghi, la home dipende dai dati che archivi [17:52] <krabador> it-32, puoi fare 20 o 30gb la root [17:52] <b00k3r> sera [17:52] <krabador> ecco [17:52] <krabador> salve b00k3r [17:53] <jester-> it-32: ho 250 gb e mi va stratta [17:53] <b00k3r> we krabador [17:53] <jester-> stretta [17:53] <it-32> quindi 100 per root e 400 per home? jester? [17:53] <krabador> madonna , 100 per root sono troppi [17:54] <b00k3r> io ho / da 50gb e ne so rimasti 6 liberi [17:54] <krabador> b00k3r, perchè sei ingordo [17:54] <jester-> minchia gli ammaregani saranno disperati, costerà un patrimonio scivere una lettera [17:54] <luca69> wowwow [17:54] <jester-> porni a gogo eh? [17:54] <luca69> vedo che il diritto appasiona proprio gli informatici [17:55] <b00k3r> krabador: oltre al sistema ho software per sviluppo e pentesting [17:55] <krabador> luca69, questo è il canale di supporto del sistema operativo, per tutto il resto, c'è #ubuntu-it-chat [17:55] <jester-> va sto immaginando gli ammaregani disperati che per scrivere un lettera spendono un patrimonio [17:55] <krabador> chiamato chat libera [17:56] <jester-> it-32: quanto è grande il disco [17:56] <it-32> 500 gb [17:57] <jester-> it-32: / 20 gb home 250 e ti avanza abbastanza per eventuale altro os o dati [17:59] <it-32> ok jester grazie solo un altra cosa se sul primo disco mio figlio si reinstalla win 8 dopo aver messo ubuntu sul secondo disco posso recuperare grub? [18:00] <it-32> oppure devo reinstallare ubuntu? [18:03] <jester-> it-32: stacchi il disco ubuntu e installi winz. poi se avvii il disco con grub parti con linux e con sudo update-grub aggiungi winz al menu se boot da disco winz parte winz diretto [18:06] <it-32> jester non mi e chiaro scusa... i due dischi devono restare sempre attaccati sul primo ci mettera' winzoz8 e sul secondo... io ci metto ed usero' ubuntu quindi presumo che gub dovrebbe essere installato sul primo disco dove ci andra' windows giusto? [18:07] <krabador> grub va installato sul disco che parte per primo [18:07] <krabador> che puo' anche essere quello di ubuntu, e, se è collegato anche il primo, grub vedrà win, e te lo farà scegliere [18:07] <krabador> cosa che , se staccherai il disco ubuntu, fa si che win si carichi senza problemi [18:08] <it-32> ha ok chiaro ora :) [18:08] <it-32> grazie procedo :) [18:10] <quellobello> come lo installo puppy linux? è difficile? [18:10] <krabador> !chat | quellobello [18:10] <ubot-it> quellobello: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [18:10] <quellobello> argh [18:11] <it-32> a dopo [18:48] <gianpaolo> dai krabados, mi aiuti per piacere? [18:48] <gianpaolo> krabador, pardon [19:05] <akis24> sera [20:24] <Giorgio> posso chiedervi una cosa? [20:25] <Giorgio> come faccio a mettere più sistemi operativi in un'unica penna usb? [20:30] <krabador> aaah, allora, vuoi entrare in fcm, vuoi installare puppy, vuoi mettere piu' sistemi operativi in una pendrive [20:30] <AndroUser> Prova yumi [20:30] <Giorgio> non ti scordare il gruppo dev [20:31] <krabador> no, figurati [20:32] <Giorgio> va be' la prossima volta troverò un nick migliore [20:32] <krabador> Giorgio, potresti passare il tempo in maniera costruttiva, come imparando cose che potrebbero col passare del tempo portarti a collaborare [20:34] <Giorgio> ho reiniziato a studiare il c++ ma ora sto mettendo edubuntu [20:59] <jester-> lol
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Alexandro", "AndroUser", "Giorgio", "GreenRabbit", "Raffas", "Rafffas", "akis24", "b00k3r", "cristian_c", "fabiobologna", "gianpaolo", "gigirock", "it-32", "jester-", "krabador", "luca69", "maury", "quellobello", "ubot-it" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[03:05] <hshc> se encuentra gustavooo [07:15] <successus> salud o/ [09:15] <erAbuelo> buenas [10:37] * merrick buenas! [11:28] <successus> salud o/ [16:36] <successus> salud o/ [20:01] <successus> salud! [21:11] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "erAbuelo", "hshc", "merrick", "successus" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[01:17] <DazPetty> where is the log file that registsered failed login attempts? [01:18] <Unit193> /var/log/auth.log [01:18] <DazPetty> thanks [01:31] <Quenz> My resolution was 1024x768 yesterday, and now it's 640x480 and that's the only option it gives me in the Display settings. [01:32] <holstein> Quenz: whats different? an upgrade? broken hardware? different user account? [01:34] <Quenz> holstein: I can't think of anything that would be different. [01:35] <holstein> Quenz: sure, so, have you tested the hardware then? to see if its broken? [01:35] <Quenz> holstein: Tested it how? [01:35] <holstein> have you tried booting a different user? or a different kernel in the grub? or tried a live iso? [01:39] <Quenz> No, holstein. I'll try those things. [01:40] <holstein> there are handy logs as well, im sure... if you can get in, you can look around easily.. i think the first thing i would do is just look for and apply updates.. if i have a proprietary graphics driver installed, i start there, after i have tested the hardware with a "known good" live iso, or the officially supported OS [01:42] <Quenz> holstein: What is a "known good" live iso? [01:42] <holstein> Quenz: ? [01:43] <holstein> Quenz: its one that i *know* my hardware support.. the one that, for example, you say worked, before.. the installer live iso that you used to install the operating system that you say worked [01:44] <Quenz> Well yeah it was working when I first installed it so I guess I can just try the live iso. [02:02] <Quenz> holstein: Okay so I tried the live iso and the resolution was fine. What might the next step be...? [02:03] <holstein> 21:40 < holstein> there are handy logs as well, im sure... if you can get in, you can look around easily.. i think the first thing i would do is just look for and apply updates.. if i have a proprietary graphics driver installed, i start there, after i have tested.... [02:03] <holstein> what driver are you using? have you applied updates? what hardware do you have? have you tried a different user? [02:06] <Quenz> Yes, I've applied updates. I have the default open source driver. I tried installing the proprietary one yesterday but I don't think it's possible with my video card. [02:07] <holstein> Quenz: sure.. thats like what has caused the issue [02:07] <holstein> its likely, you have the older config for the proprietary driver you tried to install in place [02:08] <Quenz> I didn't succeed in installing anything. [02:08] <holstein> Quenz: i hear that, friend.. but, still, you have a graphics related issue that has happened since yesterday, where, you did *something* [02:09] <Quenz> Well, should I try a different user account first? [02:09] <holstein> Quenz: i would elaborate about what graphics driver you are using and what you did with what proprietary driver, either here or #ubuntu [02:09] <holstein> Quenz: i use a different user account to remove my users config from the equation... its literally quite trivial to boot into the guest account and see what is going on [02:11] <Quenz> I didn't do anything with any proprietary driver. I just followed these steps: so I installed flgrx but then when I go into Additional Drivers it tells me "No additional drivers available." [02:12] <Quenz> holstein: How do I remove my config? Do I delete the .config folder in my directory, or...? [02:12] <holstein> Quenz: sure, friend.. that *is* the proprietary driver, and i assure you, im not "blaming" you, or saying you did anything wrong.. just that, its relevant [02:13] <holstein> if you say "i installed flgrx" yesterday, and now, you have resolution issues, thats relevant.. [02:13] <holstein> Quenz: please check and see what driver you are using. [02:13] <Quenz> Yeah, I know. I'm not saying you're blaming me or anything. [02:13] <Quenz> Alright [02:13] <holstein> lshw -c video [02:13] <holstein> in a terminal.. [02:13] <holstein> [02:14] <holstein> then, make certain you dont have an xorg.conf from an attempt you made to install fglrx [02:17] <Quenz> Seems I don't have any driver. :/ [02:19] <Quenz> Because there's no driver= value, holstein [02:20] <holstein> Quenz: i see that, but, i assure you, its not becuase you are not using a driver [02:20] <Quenz> How do i make certain I don't have an xorg.conf from an attempt I made to install fglrx? [02:21] <holstein> Quenz: look [02:21] <holstein> Quenz: look for one. see if you have it [02:21] <holstein> !xorg [02:21] <holstein> !xorgconf [02:22] <holstein> you dont need one, and if you have one, i would simply rename it.. "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/BACKUPxorg" for example [02:22] <Quenz> holstein: Well, there's no xorg.conf in /etc/X11 [02:23] <holstein> Quenz: ok.. so, you can elaborate about what you did, when you installed what you installed that broke you system, for a volunteer here, or in #ubuntu, since its a more general driver issue.. [02:23] <Quenz> Alright [02:30] <Quenz> Thanks for your help holstein. [02:40] <Enkidu_ak> Is there a better option for graphical installation of debs than ubuntu software center? I was looking for something light, like qapt, but I don't want to install all of the kde dependencies. My search results haven't given me much hope. [02:41] <holstein> Enkidu_ak: i use gksudo gdebi-gtk [02:41] <Enkidu_ak> dpkg is always an option, of course [02:56] <ObrienDave> synaptic package manager, gdebi [02:56] <holstein> yup.. +1 synaptic.. [02:56] <holstein> !info synaptic [02:57] <ObrienDave> synaptic for general installing. gdebi for straight .deb D/Ls [03:02] <Enkidu_ak> I currently use synaptic, but USC is set to handle debs by default. I've fixed that now :) Thanks for the tip [06:10] <DazPetty> my keyboard and mouse doesn't work when i start my comp sometimes [07:27] <Enkidu_ak> DazPetty: Sometimes? Do they work after the boot is complete? [07:27] <DazPetty> it works half the time [07:28] <DazPetty> i dont get it [07:28] <DazPetty> it's strange i know [07:28] <DazPetty> sometimes i boot up and it goes into ubuntu and the keyboard/mouse dont work [07:28] <Enkidu_ak> Do you have sporadic network issues as well? [07:28] <DazPetty> then i turn of the computer [07:28] <DazPetty> maybe it will [07:28] <DazPetty> maybe it wont [07:28] <DazPetty> no [07:29] <Enkidu_ak> Maybe it's hardware. Have you tried different usb ports? [10:10] <cq-aux> I would just like to restart my power applet so it shows me the time-estimate [10:11] <cq-aux> it's not plugged in - but it seems/shows plugged in? [10:11] <cq-aux> Church: blood moon tonight 0 the reaping of souls! [10:14] <htqp> cq-aux: xfce4-power-manager --restart [10:15] <cq-aux> that looks promising - do I have to sudo it? [10:15] <htqp> nope [10:18] <cq-aux> awesome I'll just try that [10:19] <cq-aux> it restarts and doesn't estimate?dude [10:22] <keymei> try to disable/enable the indicator plugin [10:23] <keymei> xfce-indicator-plugin [10:24] <cq-aux> no such luck [10:25] <cq-aux> just a lightning bolt like a third of haeven is coming down? [10:30] <cq-aux> well... it's not working dude [10:41] <htqp> cq-aux: I don't know how to fix the graphical indicator, but as a workaround, you can compute remaining energy by dividing energy_now by energy_full files under /sys/class/power/supply/BAT0 or similar name [10:43] <cq-aux> oh that's new to me [10:44] <cq-aux> can;t access it [10:45] <htqp> BAT1, etc.. [10:49] <cq-aux> I'm lost soul [10:59] <Alftand> hello [11:00] <Alftand> i had some concerns about installing xubuntu 14.10 [11:00] <Alftand> when the newest release (vivid) comes out how long will i have before utopic loses support? [11:01] <brainvvash> 3 months (9 in total) [11:01] <Alftand> and is there a delay between ubuntu 15.04 release and Xubuntu 15.04 release? [11:01] <brainvvash> no [11:02] <Alftand> do the *buntu releases collaborate to release at the same time then? [11:02] <brainvvash> that is the plan [11:03] <Alftand> ah, kk [11:03] <Alftand> what will happen with that when wayland comes out [11:03] <Alftand> seeing most of the other ubuntu versions are going wayland [11:03] <Alftand> but ubuntu is going mir [11:03] <Alftand> is that gonna cause a big problem in future? [11:04] <brainvvash> well, this should be discussed in #ubuntu+1 or #xubuntu-offtopic [11:41] <xubuntu50w> hi, I need a little assistance installing xubuntu using usb pendrive [12:35] <Enkidu_ak> u/ cfhowlett [12:35] <cfhowlett> Enkidu_ak, ??? [12:36] <Enkidu_ak> Er... That was supposed to be o/ by way of greeting [12:36] <cfhowlett> Enkidu_ak, :) and to you [18:55] <Xray> Will 15.04 be a LTS version ? [18:56] <Unit193> No. [18:57] <Xray> ok.. thank you. [19:04] <Alftand> hello [19:04] <Alftand> im struggling [19:04] <Alftand> i installed xfce 4.12 from the ppa in xubuntu 14.10 [19:05] <Alftand> but whenever i close my laptop lid [19:05] <Alftand> the suspend messes something up [19:05] <Alftand> i try to log back in [19:05] <Alftand> and the password stuff appears [19:06] <Alftand> but as soon as i've hit enter the screen just goes black [19:06] <Alftand> it doesn't unlock the computer [19:06] <Alftand> the screen just goes black [19:06] <Alftand> could anyone help me? [19:12] <Alftand> i've ppa-purged the xfc3 [19:13] <Alftand> i've ppa-purged the xfce [19:13] <Alftand> gonna reboot to see if it fixed it [19:21] <Alftand> rebooted and the problem still wont go away [19:26] <Alftand> is anyone active on this channel [19:28] <Alftand> is anyone here? [19:30] <Unit193> Yes, people are. [19:30] <Alftand> brilliant! [19:30] <Alftand> :-) [19:30] <Unit193> Might have to wait a bit for someone to become active. [19:30] <Alftand> i've been having trouble with xubuntu utopic [19:31] <Alftand> when i close laptop lid (suspend) it wont let me log back in again [19:32] <Alftand> i type in password, click login and all i get is a black screen and i have to reboot to regain access [19:32] <Alftand> is there any solution to this? [19:33] <Alftand> i've tried ppa-purging xfce 4.12 which i installed via ppa [19:33] <Unit193> There's some voodoo between light-locker, logind, xfce4-power-manager, or something. [19:37] <Alftand> what should i do to the lightlocker or powermanager to fix it [19:38] <Alftand> should i disable "lock when computer sleeps option" [19:38] <Alftand> should i disable "lock when computer sleeps" option?* [19:41] <semioticrobotic> Is this an appropriate place to ask a question about installing Xubuntu? [19:41] <Alftand> yeah [19:41] <Alftand> let me guess... fairly new computer you're installing it on? [19:41] <semioticrobotic> I've tried installing Xubuntu 14.04.1 and 14.10 and ... [19:41] <semioticrobotic> yes! [19:41] <semioticrobotic> UEFI! [19:41] <Alftand> EFI boot causing a problem [19:41] <Alftand> tyh [19:41] <Alftand> yh [19:42] <Alftand> it's an easy problem [19:42] <semioticrobotic> So obviously I am not the only one having a problem! [19:42] <Alftand> in bios settings there is an option you can use [19:42] <Alftand> i had this problem installing it to [19:42] <semioticrobotic> So change a setting in BIOS? [19:42] <Alftand> yh [19:42] <Alftand> change EFI boot to CSM boot [19:43] <Alftand> it is like compatibility mode [19:43] <Alftand> set that option [19:43] <Alftand> plug in install drive [19:43] <Alftand> and should install like a dream [19:43] <semioticrobotic> CSM boot. Got it. Hopefully I have that option. Not sure, but I will certainly check [19:43] <Alftand> if you're fairly new to linux i suggest 14.04 [19:43] <Unit193> Though Xubuntu does work in pure UEFI mode. [19:44] <Unit193> !uefi [19:44] <Alftand> and [19:44] <Alftand> you MUST disable Secure Boot [19:44] <Alftand> if you find a secure boot option disable it [19:44] <semioticrobotic> Yes, that much I could figure out. I did successfully disable that [19:45] <semioticrobotic> I had to switch back to elementary OS in the meantime [19:46] <Alftand_> sorry my irc flitched [19:46] <Alftand_> glitched* [19:46] <semioticrobotic> that's alright [19:46] <Alftand_> where did i get to [19:46] <Alftand_> oh yh [19:46] <semioticrobotic> I successfully switched back to elementary OS, but still want to give Xubuntu a try [19:46] <Alftand_> dont trust the EFI install webpages [19:46] <Alftand_> CSM is the best solution [19:47] <Alftand_> works out of the box [19:47] <semioticrobotic> Alrighty [19:47] <Unit193> (Secure boot works with the Xubuntu ISOs.) [19:47] <Alftand_> ok [19:47] <Alftand_> im not 100% with secure boot stuff [19:47] <semioticrobotic> Unit193: Do I have to have secure boot enabled for this to work? [19:48] <Alftand_> many online guides for installation on 1.8 [19:48] <Unit193> semioticrobotic: No, I'm saying even if you do, it should. There was a link ubottu gave that should help. [19:48] <semioticrobotic> Got the link. Thanks [19:48] <Alftand_> whenever i used these "install on EFI" options it broke my installation [19:49] <Alftand_> and it was complex [19:49] <Alftand_> i just used CSM [19:49] <Alftand_> it cuts out alot of extra work [19:49] <semioticrobotic> Alftand: Okay, thanks. I will look into it and see if I have that mode. Hopefully I do. Running a Dell XPS 13 [19:49] <Alftand_> do you have any former linux experience [19:50] <semioticrobotic> Yes [19:50] <Unit193> If you want to dual boot, generally disabling UEFI mode isn't an option, but it is easier. [19:51] <semioticrobotic> Unit193: OK. I will keep that in mind. [19:51] <Alftand_> dual boot was always a failiure for me [19:52] <semioticrobotic> I've never tried dual booting, but have always wanted to [19:52] <Alftand_> it always ruined my installation/caused complications on my attempts [19:53] <Unit193> 0_o [19:53] <semioticrobotic> Alftand: Thank you very much for the advice. I will give it a try and keep my fingers crossed [19:53] <semioticrobotic> Thanks, too, Unit193 [19:53] <Unit193> Sure. [19:53] <Alftand_> and b4 u go [19:53] <semioticrobotic> Yeah? [19:53] <Unit193> Alftand_: Generally speaking, install Windows first and there's no problems. [19:53] <Alftand_> xubuntu can be a devil with sound and audio [19:53] <Alftand_> so remember to come back if u have any problems [19:53] <Alftand_> :-) [19:54] <semioticrobotic> Alftand: Will do. :) Thank you! [19:54] <Alftand_> :-) [19:54] <Alftand_> have a nice day/evening [19:54] <Alftand_> depending on timezone [19:54] <Alftand_> lol [19:54] <semioticrobotic> Thanks. You too. [19:59] <Alftand> welcome [20:00] <Alftand> welcome [21:26] <bagginsDK> Hello guys! I would like to know the differences between ubuntu and xubuntu. I thought they are similar but beside DE i think that also they have different kernel version [21:26] <knome> no, the kernel is the same [21:28] <Unit193> DE, default applications, and some default settings. Core is the same, same repos, etc. [21:34] <bagginsDK> knome: Which is the latest kernel version for xubuntu? [21:34] <Unit193> bagginsDK: Which version of Ubuntu? [21:35] <bagginsDK> 14.04 [21:36] <Unit193> !info linux-image-generic trusty [21:36] <Unit193> !info linux-image-generic-lts-utopic trusty [21:36] <SonikkuAmerica> (is optional?? What is this, Hurd? :P) [21:37] <Unit193> SonikkuAmerica: Well, people compile their own kernels for one. I do. [21:38] <SonikkuAmerica> Granted... [21:41] <gabriel_> Hi all. I need help reporting a bug. I'm new on this. Thanks in advance. [21:41] <bagginsDK> I have xubuntu 14.04 installed but for a unknowned to me reason, i am running the latest kernel after update and upgrade cmds which is 3.13-0.48. [21:41] <Unit193> !but [21:41] <Unit193> !bug [21:42] <Unit193> bagginsDK: That's the default for trusty if you aren't on HWE, right. [21:42] <bagginsDK> Unit193, but why ubuntu uses 3.16...? [21:43] <Unit193> bagginsDK: Because on that system you are on HWE. [21:43] <Unit193> !hwe [21:44] <gabriel_> thanks for the answer, i'm trying to get what package i need to report [21:45] <gabriel_> it's a problem with the apps menu. i can describe the problem here if helps. [21:45] <gabriel_> i have xfce distro [21:45] <gabriel_> xubuntu [21:45] <Unit193> gabriel_: Sure, so we can help you find out what package. [21:47] <gabriel_> thanx. when i open apps menu, and then click an app + ESC key, like canceling a dragndrop, appmenu closes [21:47] <gabriel_> then click again on appmenu, and dragndrop seems persistant. [21:53] <bagginsDK> Unit193, i have read the links that you send me but i could not run the cmd which is overcoming this issue. [21:57] <Unit193> bagginsDK: Pardon? [21:57] <Unit193> bagginsDK: If you want to jump to later ones, just install linux-image-generic-lts-utopic. [22:00] <bagginsDK> Unit193, i thought that it was a issue of my system. I am sorry. But why is there difference between ubuntu and xubuntu? I thought they were the same [22:01] <knome> bagginsDK, 00:28 Unit193: DE, default applications, and some default settings. Core is the same, same repos, etc. [22:30] <nomic> xubuntu = xfce - ubuntu = 'unity' desktop - which is a version of gnome [22:31] <nomic> xfce = the window manager - hence the "x" ubuntu [22:31] <nomic> diff is mainly the window manager [22:33] <knome> xfce is a desktop environment (DE), noy only a window manager
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Alftand", "Alftand_", "DazPetty", "Enkidu_ak", "ObrienDave", "Quenz", "SonikkuAmerica", "Unit193", "Xray", "bagginsDK", "brainvvash", "cfhowlett", "cq-aux", "gabriel_", "holstein", "htqp", "keymei", "knome", "nomic", "semioticrobotic", "xubuntu50w" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[06:28] <knightwise> good morning peeps [08:39] <MooDoo> happy birthday popey :D [09:11] <MartijnVdS> Happy Popeyday! [09:42] <brobostigon> morning boy and girls. [09:48] <knightwise> morning MartijnVdS brobostigon [09:48] <popey> \o/ thanks MooDoo MartijnVdS [09:50] <brobostigon> happy birthday hrh popey'ness [09:50] <popey> ta [09:50] <brobostigon> morning knightwise [09:50] <brobostigon> yw. [09:50] * brobostigon is using his imagination abit. [11:29] <jussi> Happy birthday popey, you have a very distinguished day for a birthday :D [11:30] <zmoylan-pi> distinguished? [15:24] <mapps> :D [18:15] <Myrtti> new kettle \o/ [18:16] * zmoylan-pi is not sure a kettle is worth getting excited over... unless it runs linux of course... [18:18] <Myrtti> well considering that we've been thinking about getting a new one for a few years and considered about it for over a month, it's a good achievement. [18:18] <Myrtti> [18:18] <zmoylan-pi> ah the putting it off as next years kettles will blow away this years kettles conundrum... :-) [18:19] <zmoylan-pi> i only replaced the kettle this year as they brought in water charges and the spout on old one had miniscule leak [18:26] <SuperEngineer> Myrtti, if it does run on Linux, you can be sure it'll run *Steam* ;) [18:26] <zmoylan-pi> hold on a moment... and no one gave you a fantastic new kettle for wedding present?? [18:27] <zmoylan-pi> my brother got around a dozen toasters for his wedding in the 80s. still hasn't used all them [18:27] <Myrtti> zmoylan-pi: we specifically requested no physical presents [18:27] <funkyHat> All toasters, no kettles [18:27] <zmoylan-pi> ah [18:27] <Myrtti> well, we specifically requested NO presents [18:28] <Myrtti> so a lot of people gave us cards with information on the charity they donated to [18:28] <zmoylan-pi> yeah, i would have ignored the no physical pressie rule. but i would have made the pressie a doozie [18:31] <zmoylan-pi> to the norwegian friends who didn't want big gifts i sent a massive box of lego instead. lego vikings... it felt right to send vikings from ireland to norway in revenge :-P [18:33] <Myrtti> well many people understood that since we don't live in Finland, we'd have trouble transporting the presents back home [18:33] <Myrtti> and we didn't have a gift registry either for getting stuff home delivered. [18:33] * penguin42 should get a new kettle, the current one sometimes gets upset and turns itself off [18:34] <penguin42> Myrtti: £58?! for a kettle?! [18:34] <zmoylan-pi> i sent it to their home in norway, should have seen the faces in the post office when the box wouldn't fit through hatch. [18:34] <Myrtti> penguin42: it was 'cheap' for a 'smart' kettle [18:34] <zmoylan-pi> it does algebra? :-) [18:34] <penguin42> Myrtti: smart? For that price I'd expect it to drink it for me [18:36] <Myrtti> you're welcome to check the prices of other kettles that you can choose the water temperature - prices usually start from 70 [18:36] <penguin42> do you need to choose the water temp? [18:37] <zmoylan-pi> an external temperature gauge would do the trick [18:37] <Myrtti> it's nice for some teas and hot cordials? [18:37] <Myrtti> but I'm not forcing anyone to buy the same kettle... [18:37] <penguin42> Myrtti: But out of interest, it's a cuisinart and I've just got one of their ice cream machines, it seems well made but pretty basic [18:38] <zmoylan-pi> no, a kettle like a lot of tech is not a one size fits all product. [18:38] <penguin42> Myrtti: Yeh, I could argue but then I've got a slowly healing scald on one finger from a too hot cordial [18:39] * zmoylan-pi remembers fondly the kettle my mother used in 70s on gas oven which was ancient even then [18:40] <penguin42> I think we have one of those for doomsday situations [18:40] <zmoylan-pi> i have a kelly kettle for disasters all ready. nowt but the best... [18:40] <penguin42> what's that? [18:41] <zmoylan-pi> volcano kettle that will boil a kettle of water with just an old magazine newspaper for fuel. [18:42] <penguin42> oh ok, I don't worry about that level of disaster [18:43] <zmoylan-pi> i had always wanted one since i saw one in the 70s. just a weirdly cool tech to my mind [18:43] <Azelphur> Does anyone know if a power strip exists, that has UK/US/EU outputs, and takes UK/US/EU input? [18:43] <zmoylan-pi> wouldn't that be bigger than 2-3 power strips and silly money? [18:44] <penguin42> Azelphur: You'd need two different transformers to do that wouldn't you? [18:45] <penguin42> a small UPS would almost be the easiest answer to that [18:45] <Azelphur> penguin42, no you don't? no adapter needs that [18:45] <penguin42> Azelphur: OK, so you just want physical adapters? [18:46] <Azelphur> penguin42, yea, any device I plugged into it would support 110-240V [18:46] <Azelphur> penguin42, I get around a lot xD [18:47] <penguin42> Azelphur: If you had a strip with multiple types of output then you could use that together with one of the multiplugs that will go into anything [18:48] <Azelphur> penguin42, yea that's what I'm tempted to do, was just hoping to find something that does it all in one go [18:49] <zmoylan-pi> might be easier to get stuff that would charge off usb and then buy biggest usb chearger for any trip? [18:49] <penguin42> Azelphur: will that take all the plugs you need? [18:50] <Azelphur> penguin42, not sure, doesn't mention what type of input it has? [18:50] <penguin42> Azelphur: Who cares if you put one of those multiple type adapters on the input [18:51] <Azelphur> penguin42, true just trying tp space save [18:51] <penguin42> zmoylan-pi: That might become possible with USB-C [18:51] <zmoylan-pi> unless someone *cough* apple *cough* make their own wacky version [18:52] <penguin42> zmoylan-pi: It's standard isn't it? [18:52] <zmoylan-pi> there are standards and their are /enhanced/ standards... [18:53] <penguin42> zmoylan-pi: I think they actually followed it this time; the only dumb thing they did was only putting one on the system [18:54] <penguin42> Azelphur: The thing is I can't think of a design that would fulfill your needs except by putting an adapter on the input, you can't have multiple input leads - unless you use one that has an input lead which would probably take even more space, but I bet there are blocks that take kettle leads [18:54] <zmoylan-pi> maybe a local plug to cigarette adapter and a cigarette adapter powered inverter... [18:56] <penguin42> Azelphur: Or just chop the input plug off and put a c13 on, although remember you've probably not got any fusing at that point [18:57] <Azelphur> penguin42, yea I was thinking its plug would be a universal one [18:57] <Azelphur> but I can just put a universal adapter [18:57] <penguin42> Azelphur: I've never seen a universal plug [18:58] <zmoylan-pi> well 2 wires wrapped around matches probably doesn't count... :-) [18:59] <penguin42> Azelphur: !!!! [18:59] <penguin42> is that thing real? [18:59] <penguin42> it looks scary [19:00] <zmoylan-pi> transformers... robots in disguise... [19:03] <zmoylan-pi> [19:05] <Azelphur> penguin42, I have one of them [19:05] <Azelphur> In fact I have 4 of them... [19:05] <zmoylan-pi> and i also liked but haven't heard of recently the folding uk adapter... [19:37] <mapps> 25c to now raining;D [19:39] <zmoylan-pi> 9c and cloudy, a nice weekend in dublin [19:40] <penguin42> zmoylan-pi: It's been about 10c but pretty sunny here over here to the east of you in Manc [19:41] <zmoylan-pi> it's odd as usually bank holiday weekends are guaranteed damp, windy occasions [19:41] <zmoylan-pi> followed by a day of beautiful sunshine when everyone has gone back to work just to rub it in [19:42] <penguin42> yesterday was awful though [22:04] <Myrtti> ohmygawd the new kettle might have just revolutionised my lunches [22:04] <Myrtti> cup-a-soups. cup-a-soups for everyone. no need to scald mouth anymore [22:11] <MartijnVdS> Myrtti: is it one of those heathen kettles with a temperature knob? [22:11] <Myrtti> yeah [22:12] <Myrtti> see discussion approx. 4 hours earlier [22:21] <daftykins> O_O [22:21] <daftykins> sounds high tech [22:58] <Myrtti> oh my god the 4k display [22:59] <penguin42> on your kettle? [22:59] <daftykins> ? [23:00] <Myrtti> no, hubby's new laptop. It looks and works pretty badly with the nVidia drivers, but using the Intel integrated and watching videos... [23:00] <Myrtti> [23:01] <Myrtti> we're watching a GoPro video and it is eye watering on this display [23:05] <daftykins> nvidia prime? [23:12] <Myrtti> yeah. [23:19] <daftykins> i'd be curious as to whether your hubby tried a newer driver than is available in repos [23:19] <daftykins> depending on what the nvidia chip is and which OS version this is [23:25] <m0nkey_> I'd say try a different DE
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Azelphur", "MartijnVdS", "MooDoo", "Myrtti", "SuperEngineer", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "funkyHat", "jussi", "knightwise", "m0nkey_", "mapps", "penguin42", "popey", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[05:15] <Nyctophilia> Hallo! Ich habe momentan Ubuntu 14.04 LTS auf meinem Lenovo ThinkPad Helix (1. Gen) Specs: und das meiste funktioniert ohne Probleme out of the box. Ich habe aber noch 2 kleine Probleme welche ich selber nicht in den Griff bekomme. 1. Wie kann ich im Tabletmodus einen Rechtsklick durchführen? 2. Die G-Sensoren sind [05:15] <Nyctophilia> vermutlich nicht richtig installiert. Das Bild dreht sich nicht automatisch wenn ich das Tablet seitlich oder auf dem Kopf halte. Keine Reaktion. Benötigt ihr einen Output meines Systems durch Terminalbefehle um Informationen über die Geräte zu bekommen? Vielen Dank schonmal, ich bin über jede Hilfe dankbar. [05:15] <kubine> Nyctophilia: Title: Helix Tablet With Keyboard | Laptop Tablet Hybrid | Lenovo US (at [10:50] <ub_umstieg> Servus :gedit 14.04 gibt es das zulezt benutzte dateien nicht mehr da wird nichts angezeigt [11:36] <passt_> in welchen pfad wird ein android per mtp automatisch gemountet? [11:38] <passt_> hätte doch länger auf englisch googlen sollen: /run/user/$USER/gvfs/ [11:38] <nagetier> jo [15:42] <zy3pD> hallo, ich hab mir gerade multisystem installiert und als abhängigkeiten wurde u.a. qemu installiert, welches ich aber nicht brauche ... wie entferne ich nun die abhängigen qemu pakete ohne multisystem zu entfernen??? [16:00] <sdx23> zy3pD: gar nicht. [16:05] <Richy22> ich bräuchte Unterstützung beim einrichten von rsyslog, hat jemand Zeit und Lust mir zu helfen? [16:05] <zy3pD> sdx23, das wäre für mich aber schon wichtig weil der rechner keine virtualisierung unterstützt und ich den qemu müll auch nicht brauche ^^ [16:07] <sdx23> zy3pD: dann rede mit dem, der das Paket erstellt hat. Ist ja nichtmal aus den offiziellen Quellen. [16:07] <sdx23> Richy22: am besten einfach die Frage stellen :) [16:09] <Richy22> ich möchte rsyslog einrichten, weiß aber nicht wie. Also ich weiß nicht was ich zuerst machen soll. Das paket ist schon installiert und ich möchte die Logs die von Homematic an die IP von meinem Rechner gesendet werden abfangen und auf einem Netzwerklaufwerk abspeichern. Was muss ich zuerst machen? [16:23] <sdx23> Richy22: docu findest du beispielsweise in /usr/share/doc/rsyslog/README.Debian [16:24] <Richy22> danke. werde es damit versuchen [16:24] <sdx23> ist zumindest ein Ansatzpunkt - für mehr müsste ich auch nachlesen. [16:25] <Richy22> etwas auf deutsch wäre auf jeden Fall hilfreicher, aber ich werde es mal versuchen [16:51] <nagetier> Richy22, falls "rsyslog ubuntu" nichts brauchbares auswirft, versuche es mal mit einer anderen Distribution im Suchbegriff.. gibt da eigentlich recht gute Anleitungen, die man anfänglich gut nutzen kann. [16:51] <Richy22> ok danke auch für diesen Tipp. [19:57] <Mone> hallo zusammen, folgendes problem ich habe mir gestern auf einen anderen rechner lubuntu draufgezogen, alles gut verlaufen, bis auf die tatsache, dass sich keine internetverbindung herstellen lassen möchte. Dies ist merkwürdig weil es unter ubuntu keine probleme gab. Da ich auf dem pc kein internet habe, kann ich auch folglich keine befehle hier posten [19:59] <Mone> Bei Google hab ich gelesen, dass es öfter probleme mit dem internet unter lubuntu gab. Allerdings ist das netzwerk in der "Taskleiste" sichtbar, es will sich einfach nicht verbinden lassen [20:08] <Mone> ich muss korrigieren, es lässt sich nur manchmal verbinden [22:07] <schnuppi84> Guten Abend! [22:09] <schnuppi84> bei ner APU, reicht da wenn man nur "fglrx " installiert? [22:09] <bekks> Das kommt auf die APU an. [22:10] <schnuppi84> ich hab ne A10-5700 (Keine gnc) [22:10] <schnuppi84> sorry keine gcn.. [22:11] <schnuppi84> des müsste ne hd 7660 D sein [22:11] <bekks> Das müsste man verifizieren. [22:12] <schnuppi84> hm ok [22:14] <schnuppi84> was ich bei linux (unix) eh nie durchsteige, das es verschiedene möglichkeiten gibt treiber zu installieren [22:17] <schnuppi84> was ich mich eh immer frage, wieso gibt es nicht von AMD, Nvidia nen Resspons eintrag? [22:24] <schnuppi84> was ist eigentlich der unterschied zwischen propitär und propitär update [23:05] <gandaro> Hi! Seit ich neu installiert habe, ist das Booten von der Festplatte sehr langsam geworden … Mein Laptop ist jetzt ca. 10 minuten an, und ist noch nicht mit dem bootloader fertig. der cursor im bootloader blinkt aber normal und regelmäßig, und wenn ich von einer CD boote, bekomm ich da ein bedienbares System [23:08] <gandaro> Kennt das jemand? :( [23:14] <ppq> gandaro, es gibt ein tool, das dir ne hübsche grafik des bootvorgangs erstellt - wer wie lange braucht und so [23:14] <ppq> hab gerade den namen vergessen, sollte sich aber leicht recherchieren lassen [23:14] <bekks> bootchart [23:15] <ppq> ah, genau [23:15] <gandaro> ppq: ich komme doch minutenlang gar nicht über den bootloader hinaus [23:15] <gandaro> kann das schon den bootloader miteinbeziehen? [23:15] <ppq> öhm, achso. ne, glaub nicht [23:16] <ppq> sonst mal nen anderen bootloader installieren [23:34] <mirkonils> guten morgen leute
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mone", "Nyctophilia", "Richy22", "bekks", "gandaro", "kubine", "mirkonils", "nagetier", "passt_", "ppq", "schnuppi84", "sdx23", "ub_umstieg", "zy3pD" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[01:35] <rick_h_> stokachu: around? [01:36] <stokachu> rick_h_: hey [01:37] <rick_h_> stokachu: sorry, wifi acting up and laggy [01:38] <rick_h_> stokachu: just heads up, will reply to the bug, really intresting [01:38] <rick_h_> stokachu: are you or anyone in your area in nuremberg? [01:38] <stokachu> rick_h_: nah closest is london [01:38] <rick_h_> stokachu: as it's something I'd like to chat/hash out some more [01:39] <rick_h_> stokachu: ok, well will start a conversation in the bug but might be worth setting up something more face to face on the whole idea [01:39] <rick_h_> more long term [01:39] <stokachu> rick_h_: ok, whats the bug number again? [01:39] * stokachu being lazy [01:40] <rick_h_> stokachu: 1440228 [01:41] <stokachu> rick_h_: ah yea was talking to david about that earlier [01:41] <stokachu> rick_h_: though did you mean to mark it invalid? [01:42] <rick_h_> stokachu: yea, but let me write up my giant reply [01:42] <stokachu> rick_h_: ok cool [01:42] <rick_h_> stokachu: basically I was ping'ing to warn "yes I'm marking invalid atm on the juju-gui, but interesting idea and let's start a conversation" [01:42] <stokachu> rick_h_: cool man sounds good [01:42] <rick_h_> and curious if I should setup a session in nuremberg on this some more [01:42] <rick_h_> or if we should chat via email, a list, or something else [01:43] <rick_h_> anyway, conversation starting, ty for the bug because it's an important idea. [01:43] <stokachu> rick_h_: cool once you reply ill provide some more context where this came up [01:48] <rick_h_> stokachu: ok, on the way [01:48] <stokachu> cool thanks [01:48] <rick_h_> stokachu: feel free to move to an email on the juju or canonical-juju lists if you want to open it up more or just myself if you think I'm nuts [01:49] <stokachu> haha ok [01:55] <stokachu> rick_h_: cool i like those approaches [01:55] <stokachu> rick_h_: i updated the bug with some more information [01:55] <rick_h_> stokachu: sounds good [01:55] <stokachu> thanks [01:56] <rick_h_> stokachu: and we can help file bugs/facilitate tooling updates to charm tools that provides charm get command [01:56] <rick_h_> stokachu: and we're working with core on bundles in core so we'll bring this into that conversation/specs that are being worked on [01:56] <stokachu> rick_h_: cool that'll be awesome [01:56] <stokachu> ill take a look at charm tools while that work is going on [01:58] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: can't be the latest charm-tools? [02:01] <rick_h_> stokachu: looks later [02:01] <stokachu> ok looking at that now [02:02] <rick_h_> stokachu: the interesting part for supporting bundle get is [12:45] <marcoceppi_> rick_h_: it's not, charm-tools is hosted on lp [12:47] <marcoceppi_> I guess we should probably move it to lp eventually
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "marcoceppi_", "rick_h_", "stokachu" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-gui" }
[08:00] <ropeist> Hi! I'm running Ubuntu Vivid Beta on a Samsung notebook. Todays update kernel made the notebook unable to boot up (black screen), however, with the previous kernel, everything is alright. Should I report a bug, or should I assume that the developers are aware of the problem? [08:50] <southwest> hello, how is it possible this bug is still active? It's a default GUI option that fails to work. I just tested it with the daily 15.04, and the bug is still there. [14:01] <hggdh> southwest: well, for how it is possible: did you fix it? [16:43] <teward> hggdh: do we have a third party repository tag anywhere? [16:43] <teward> or can we just add one [16:43] <teward> I ask this because, especially with the nginx package, there's conflicts out the wazoo when mixing Ubuntu / PPAs I maintain, and upstream repos :/ [16:44] <teward> being the latest in an infinitely long line of these problems which aren't fixable in Ubuntu [16:53] <hjd> teward: There's third-party-packages ( I'm not 100% sure on what this tag is used for though, nor is it listed at, so you may be looking for something else. [16:53] <teward> hjd: looking for third-party-repository if one exists, the bug in question thinks they can go from Ubuntu/Debian packaging -> upstream packaging without issue, and it's broke [16:53] <teward> i'll use third-party-packages in the mean time [16:53] <teward> thnaks [20:19] <southwest> hggdh: wish i could, i can't program
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "hggdh", "hjd", "ropeist", "southwest", "teward" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-bugs" }
[00:15] <jrseliga> Anyone get XDMCP working? [00:20] <LinDol> hi all [06:29] <ruchir> hi all :) [07:43] <Noskcaj> hi ruchir [08:21] <ruchir> hi Noskcaj [08:21] <ruchir> :) [11:06] <LinDol_phone> good evening ^.~ [12:36] <degva> Hello Guys, I'm running UG 14.10 and I've found a bug on nautilus: My tap settings are disabled, but still every time I put my two finger on my touchpad nautilus recognizes it as double click, does anybody have faced this problem before? [14:16] <ruchir> hi all [16:59] <degva> Hello Guys, I'm running UG 14.10 and I've found a bug on nautilus: My tap settings are disabled, but still every time I put my two finger on my touchpad nautilus recognizes it as double click, does anybody have faced this problem before? [16:59] <degva> nobody here?:/ [17:00] <ruchir> well, I'm here, but don't know how to help you.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "LinDol", "LinDol_phone", "Noskcaj", "degva", "jrseliga", "ruchir" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[07:00] <tjaalton> tomreyn_: file it upstream [13:14] <F_r_e_e_m_a_n> hi all, I have troubles using OpenCL with Nvidia 840M on Linux Mint 17.1. I have proprietary driver installed and running. I am testing according to . clGetPlatformIDs returns only my Intel CPU. Screenshots [23:19] <lyndel_> hey [23:19] <lyndel_> am having a problem after installing ur ppa [23:20] <lyndel_> my game on wine is crashing so and purge is not working how to remove it so that i get back the ones that was on the system before i did the update? [23:41] <lyndel_> hello
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "F_r_e_e_m_a_n", "lyndel_", "tjaalton" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-x" }