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2015-04-11-#ubuntu-br | [00:31] <Elfon_> xGrind: iae
[01:09] <dk_millares> boa noite
[01:13] <astroo-> ola
[01:37] <ule> alguem ai eh usuario de algum forum?
[01:44] <niquelnausea> forum ubuntu-br
[04:35] <astroo-> ciao pessoal
[06:35] <gabriel> boa noite, estou procurando um tutorial p instalar ubuntu no msm pc que usa w8.1
[09:13] <Dead_Thinker> Bom dia :)
[09:14] <Dead_Thinker> No 14.10, após fazer um teste com as contas do sistema, vinculei, depois desvinculei o Facebook, o ícone de email (Empathy) agora fica constante no tray, há alguma forma de desativá-lo sem remover o pacote?
[09:14] <Dead_Thinker> Tentei apagar alguns arquivos de config do empathy mas não funcionou :)
[10:44] <Guest4406> Olá. Será que alguém poderia me ajudar com umas perguntas de software!!!!
[10:45] <Guest4406> Tenho um Processador intel r Atom tm, 1,60GHz e um RAM 2,00 Gb. Num pequeno Acer 10 polegadas. Tenho no momento um Windows 7 que deixa esse pequeno PC pior queuma lesma
[10:46] <Guest4406> Se eu por Ubuntu, ele vai se tornar veloz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[12:28] <mirqui> bom dia :)
[12:36] <ule> mirqui: e ai blz
[12:53] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :)?
[14:59] <guest0001> ola boa tarde, estou querendo experimentar o ubuntu. tenho atualmente um notebook lenovo thinkpad processador core 2 duo 4 gb de ram 200gb de hd e uso windows 7. ja baixei o ubuntu versao 32 bits como faço para instalar em meu pc
[15:02] <Tiba765> Preciso de ajuda, atualizei o ubuntu para 0 14.04 e só consigo logar via Gnome, se tento logar no modo padrão da tela de login a tela fica preta, apenas com o ponteiro do mouse.
[15:31] <mirqui> boa tarde :)
[15:32] <game16> óla
[15:32] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :)?
[18:40] <dk_millares> boa tarde
[19:23] <Leandro_Dias> Boa tarde amigos, estou em extase, pois instalei ontem o Ubuntu! Preciso da ajuda de vocês, Estou compartilhando uma pasta do Windows e tentando acessar pelo samba, consegui enxergar o pc, porem ao tentar conectar me pede usuario e senha, e não estou conseguindo passar desse ponto.
[19:24] <dk_millares> Leandro_Dias boa tarde
[19:24] <dk_millares> seguiu algum tutorial?
[19:26] <Leandro_Dias> tentei vários, porem nenhum explica como conseguir o login do windows, explica apenas que tem que ser utilizado
[19:26] <Leandro_Dias> tentei criar um usuario com senha no windows, mas não deu.
[19:27] <dk_millares> na verdade, eu sempre usei o contrario
[19:27] <dk_millares> do windows acessando o linux
[19:28] <Leandro_Dias> infelizmente estou com o linux apenas no portatil por enquanto
[19:30] <dk_millares> entendi
[19:30] <dk_millares> vc quer simplesmente do seu ubuntu acessar um compartilhamento no windows
[19:31] <Leandro_Dias> isso
[19:31] <Leandro_Dias> a pasta já esta compartilhada, e acessada por outros pc-windows
[19:32] <dk_millares> Leandro_Dias:
[19:44] <Rnb> CD do ubuntu alguem ai tem como me enviar?
[22:02] <renato> olá
[22:02] <Rudolf> olá
[22:03] <Guest40584> tem como instalar impressora epson com tanque de tinta no ubuntu
[22:35] <astroo-> ola pessoal | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.612174 | 2015-04-11T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-br"
} |
2015-04-11-#ubuntu-locoteams | [08:28] <Kilos> hi nhaines and every one else
[08:28] <nhaines> Hiya, Kilos. :)
[08:29] <Kilos> :D
[09:18] <Kilos> hi toddy DalekSec
[09:18] <Kilos> :-)
[09:19] <toddy> hi Kilos :)
[10:27] <DalekSec> Kilos: Howdy.
[12:33] <MooDoo> howdy all
[12:33] <Kilos> hi MooDoo wickedpuppy
[22:40] <genii> BobJonkman: Just saw that email
[22:41] <BobJonkman> Hi genii! I'm spamming things all over the Interwebs today. Is this the one about Debian Jessie, or the announcement to Ubuntu Canada?
[22:42] <BobJonkman> (for those in IRC that aren't on the mailing list, or the forums, or Launchpad or in a local chapter:
[22:43] <genii> BobJonkman: Jessie. I don't have any problem if they want to have a co-event since Ubuntu and Debian are so closely related
[22:43] <BobJonkman> Good. That's what I'm doing on Saturday in KW as well.
[22:43] <genii> Although from Debians release schedule I see Jessie is due 25th and we'll be doing Vivid on day-of which is 23rd
[22:43] <BobJonkman> genii, any chance we'll see you out here for the KW party>
[22:44] <BobJonkman> s/>/?/
[22:44] <genii> BobJonkman: I have no travel money right now, so unlikely
[22:45] <BobJonkman> genii: OK, too bad. But I'll be in Toronto for your that URP. Need help setting up again?
[22:46] <genii> BobJonkman: Sure, can always use some extra hands :)
[22:47] <BobJonkman> genii: OK, I'll be there shortly after 7:00pm
[22:47] <genii> BobJonkman: Also invited Sergio btw, guess we'll see if he shows up
[22:47] <BobJonkman> Yay! He's been wanting to get involved in the greater free-software community | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.617187 | 2015-04-11T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams"
} |
2015-04-11-#xubuntu-devel | [01:17] <drc> clear
[01:24] <Unit193> We're losing him, we're losing him! Someone get the paddles!
[02:27] <bluesabre> :D
[07:45] <ochosi> morning everyone
[07:45] <elfy> morning ochosi
[12:01] <bluesabre> morning ochosi
[12:01] <bluesabre> morning elfy
[12:38] <elfy> hi bluesabre
[17:08] <ochosi> bluesabre: sorry, was out all day
[17:08] <ochosi> bluesabre: will be back a bit later though
[20:44] <Unit193> xfdashboard_0.4.0-0ubuntu1.dsc stable pushed, to PPA. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.618710 | 2015-04-11T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#xubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-11-#ubuntu-nl | [04:06] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks:
[04:06] <OerHeks> Jah, iedereen kan hem nu koopen :-D
[04:06] <lotuspsychje> lekkerrrr
[04:06] <OerHeks> ik lees wel veel issues nog, iets met batterij drain 40% ...
[04:06] <lotuspsychje> ahja wat wil je voor 169
[04:07] <lotuspsychje> is geen vlaggenschip he :p
[04:07] <lotuspsychje> ik zal em algauw kopen
[04:08] <OerHeks> ik wacht liever op die meizu, wel iets duurder ..
[04:09] <lotuspsychje> ja die lijkt me wel rocknroll :p
[04:09] <lotuspsychje> maar wanneer, en hoeveel zullen de verzendingskosten zijn vanuit china?
[04:10] <OerHeks> geen idee hoe ze verkocht worden dan. of dat er belwinkels/shops zijn die hem leveren, ik wil hem graag eerst zien.
[04:11] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: specs zullen wel beestig zijn
[04:12] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: ik ben van plan alle supporters uit te nodigen in #ubuntu-discuss om tussendoor wat tech-talk te doen
[04:13] <OerHeks> mja, wat moet je met een 4k camera als je dat niet kan laten zien op je scherm
[04:15] <OerHeks> screen 5.36-inch LCD display, 1920 x 1152/418ppi, Gorilla Glass, Mediatek 6595 Octa-core, 2GB RAM,and a 3100mAh battery, 32 Gb MicroSD card, dual 4G SIM, 802.11ac Wi-FI, camera 20.7MP 4K video
[04:15] <lotuspsychje> :p
[04:15] <lotuspsychje> lekker toch
[04:16] <OerHeks> 'gewoon' hd video met super stabilisatie zou ik eerder willen
[04:16] <lotuspsychje> ben je graphics fanaat?
[04:17] <OerHeks> Nee, maar dat formaat is een beetje over-done
[04:17] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: ik vind de bq toch al groot genoeg
[04:18] <OerHeks> voor die 169 is het een luxe phone ja
[04:18] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: als je sommige meisjes op straat ziet lopen met zo'n reus van een iphone 6 in hun broekzak ai ai
[04:18] <OerHeks> ja, daar zit ik ook mee, zo'n grote phone knakt snel
[04:19] <lotuspsychje> heb liever budget ubuntu phone dan een lekke android voor mezelf
[04:19] <lotuspsychje> heb men n7 ook speciaal voor touch gekocht
[04:23] <lotuspsychje> ook goed nieuws voor men ubuntu winkel, dat er phones uitkomen :p
[04:23] <lotuspsychje> dan kan ik aanbieden, laptops, desktops,phones en nexus tablets allemaal op ubuntu
[04:34] <OerHeks> zucht, wat een trollen in het weekend...
[04:36] <lotuspsychje> lolz
[08:53] <lordievader> Goede morgen.
[10:03] <SCHAAP137> mogguh
[10:03] <lordievader> o/
[10:04] <SCHAAP137> ook de AT5 livestream aan het kijken, ontruiming vh maagdenhuis?
[10:04] <SCHAAP137> zijn nu lezingen aan het houden op het Spui, met een berg ME en paarden deromheen
[10:11] <lordievader> Nee.
[10:11] <lordievader> Maar er zijn er vast een paar in #ubuntu-nl-offtopic die er wel naar kijken.
[10:14] <OerHeks> Lezing in het engels, rare boel
[17:19] <Goudfazant3991> hallo is daar nog iemand aanwezig?
[17:30] <Fermata> Ja ik kom net weer binnen.
[17:31] <Fermata> Maar goed, helaasch.
[17:41] <John> hello
[17:41] <John> iemand aanwezig?
[17:42] <Guest73346> hallo?
[17:42] <Guest73346> wie kan me helpen met het omkeren van een string? bvb "dit is een test " dat resulteer naar "test een is dit"?
[17:43] <Fermata> Hoe zou dat moeten?
[17:44] <Guest73346> in bash, moet ik voor school dit uitvoeren
[17:44] <Guest73346> ik doe een for lus (for i in $string) echo $i
[17:45] <Guest73346> maar dan toont hij de tekst gewoon terug, hoe kan ik dit omkeren?
[17:46] <lordievader> Guest73346: Heb je hier zelf al over na gedacht?
[17:47] <Guest73346> ja, maar vind het niet
[17:47] <Guest73346> had dan gedacht om de teller om te keren, maar dan toont hij enkel mijn waarde van teller, niet de $1,$2,$3 en $4 omgekeerd
[17:48] <lordievader> Je kunt op tellen van 0 -> len(string) -1, maar ook aftellen van len(string)-1 -> 0.
[17:49] <Guest73346> als ik een string invul met bvb : dit is een test, dan zal bash daar zoiets van maken $1 = dit, $2 = is, $3 = een, $4=test?
[17:49] <Guest73346> hoe kan ik die echo dan doen omgekeerd van $4 naar $1
[17:51] <lordievader> Die variablen in een array gooien en reversed erover iteraten?
[17:54] <Guest73346> mja maar hebben arrays nog niet gezien, dus denk niet dat het de bedoeling is dat ik dit gebruik
[17:54] <Guest73346> een normale for lus werkt, maar krijg het niet omgekeerd werkende
[17:55] <lordievader> Ik lees net het aantal argumenten wordt gegeven door $#.
[17:56] <Guest73346> klopt
[17:56] <Guest73346> dus dacht zoiets $#-$i, maar dit berekent hij niet, want krijg bvb altijd 3 als ik als string "dit is ok" invul
[18:06] <lordievader> Weer wat geleerd, gewoon pipen naar rev.
[18:07] <lordievader> Ondanks dat onze gast er niet meer is: echo $@|rev
[18:07] <Fermata> Onze gast mag z'n huiswerk zelf doen.
[19:09] <Baldwinus> Gegroet allen... ben nu toch al een hele poos bezig met linux en mijn voorkeur gaat uit naar XFCE, dan voornamelijk de Ubunt-flavors Xubuntu en Linux Mint... Ik vind Linux Mint 17 zeer mooi en lekker draaien, allee 1 groot probleem: Als ik Chrome of Chromium installeer en tussen vensters schakel dan valt de titelbalk, adresbalk,...etc....steeds weg! xfwm4 --replace
[19:09] <Baldwinus> xfwm4 --replace helpt niet....iemand?
[20:25] <lordievader> Baldwinus: Klinkt als een brakke window manager, hebben andere window managers hetzelfde probleem?
[20:31] <Baldwinus> Lordievader: andere windowsmanager prober dan?
[20:31] <Baldwinus> proberen
[20:32] <lordievader> Als je dat nog niet hebt gedaan, ja ;)
[20:33] <Baldwinus> ok...probeer ik....tnx ;)
[20:36] <Baldwinus> Lordievader: zou XFCE updaten hierbij baten denk je?
[20:36] <lordievader> Mogenlijk.
[20:37] <Baldwinus> In Xubuntu loopt alles prima....heb het enkel met Mint
[20:38] <lordievader> Ah, Mint wordt officieel hier niet ondersteund.
[20:38] <Baldwinus> oh ok...dacht van wel omdat het toch Ubuntu-based is...
[20:39] <lordievader> Volgens die redenatie zou Ubuntu door Debian moeten worden ondersteund en Debian door Ubuntu ;)
[20:40] <Baldwinus> Zo ondersteunt iedereen iedereen! ;) Ga dit toch uittesten: mijn xfce in Mint updaten en zien wat dat geeft ...alvast bedankt ;) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.635141 | 2015-04-11T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-nl"
} |
2015-04-11-#ubuntu-us-mi | [16:29] <cmaloney> I <3 that Amazon now has prime stations
[16:29] <cmaloney> because a) it's another indication that "heavy metal" isn't covered, and b) it doesn't work under Linux.
[16:29] <cmaloney> hurray outsider! | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.637776 | 2015-04-11T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi"
} |
2015-04-11-#ubuntu-pt | [02:34] <convidado> r
[02:34] <astroo-> ola
[02:34] <convidado> olá
[02:34] <astroo-> es novo aqui?
[02:34] <convidado> sim
[02:34] <convidado> és de onde?
[02:34] <astroo-> bem-vindo
[02:34] <astroo-> lisboa
[02:35] <convidado> obrigado!!!
[02:35] <convidado> idd?
[02:35] <astroo-> o canal que tem alguma conversa sobre o ubuntu e o #ubuntu-br
[02:35] <astroo-> 48
[02:35] <convidado> sou de Lx tmbem!
[02:35] <convidado> eu sou de 35
[02:35] <astroo-> ok
[02:36] <convidado> h ou m?
[02:36] <astroo-> h
[02:36] <convidado> tb
[02:36] <convidado> vives só?
[02:36] <astroo-> sobre mim pouco falo
[02:37] <convidado> ok!
[02:37] <convidado> que queres saber de mim?
[02:37] <astroo-> eu tenho 1 projeto gratis para os povos
[02:37] <astroo-> queres saber?
[02:38] <convidado> sim, conta!
[02:38] <astroo-> e tipo complemento da wikipedia com chat e informaçao do dia
[02:39] <convidado> ok. isso é bom!
[02:39] <astroo-> obrigado
[02:39] <astroo-> queres ver o site demo?
[02:40] <convidado> mostra!!!
[02:40] <astroo-> o server e gratis e meio marado mas re tenta sff
[02:44] <astroo-> es novo no freenode?
[04:35] <astroo-> ciao pessoal
[04:35] <astroo-> estou sempre aqui das 22h-4h +-
[22:35] <astroo-> ola pessoal | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.642079 | 2015-04-11T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-pt"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-ir | [17:43] <naeime> salam kasi has komakam kone??
[17:45] <MortezaE> naeime, salam
[17:46] <naeime> salam
[17:47] <naeime> khubin?
[17:48] <naeime> man tu servere ubento y moshkeli daram,mitunin komakam konin??
[17:49] <MortezaE> naeime, شاید. مشکل چیه؟
[17:49] <MortezaE> ممنونم سلامت باشید
[17:51] <naeime> vagti mikham fili ro baz konm errore permission denied ru mide!!
[17:54] <MortezaE> خب مجوز ندارین
[17:54] <MortezaE> از یوزر روت استفاده کنین
[17:54] <MortezaE> یا sudo کنین
[17:54] <MortezaE> naeime ^
[17:55] <naeime> root ro ham emtan kardam nashod
[17:57] <MortezaE> پس نمیدونم
[17:57] <naeime> bazam mamnun
[17:57] <MortezaE> خواهش. اگه خودم میدیدم شاید میتونستم اما این طوری نمیشه
[17:58] <MortezaE> اما خب شاید یوز روتت اختیاراتش محدود شده!
[18:01] <MortezaE> پیغام سامانه سنجش:
[18:01] <MortezaE> وضعیت پرداخت درحال پیگیری - لطفا 30 دقیقه دیگه مراجعه نمایید
[18:01] <MortezaE> دیگه خخخخخ
[18:02] <MortezaE> oh wrong channel!
[18:08] <naeime> erroresh ine
[18:09] <naeime> -bash : /etc/ntp.conf :permission denied
[18:11] <MortezaE> همین فایلو میخوای باز کنین؟
[18:11] <naeime> are
[18:11] <MortezaE> کلا چه فایلایی رو باز نمیکنه؟
[18:12] <MortezaE> # ls -l /etc/ntp.conf
[18:13] <naeime> ino baz nakard ya masalan mikham tagirati bdm tu fila save nemishan baz hamin error!
[18:15] <MortezaE> ask in #ubuntu
[18:17] <naeime> ok mersi
[18:17] <MortezaE> sharmande dige :)
[18:17] <naeime> khahesh :)
[18:19] <MortezaE> naeime, barat porsidam. peygir bash
[18:20] <naeime> kheili mamnun
[18:20] <MortezaE> sholughe seda be seda nemirese!
[18:24] <naeime> are :)
[18:24] <naeime> bikhial mersi morteza
[18:24] <MortezaE> :)
[18:25] <MortezaE> # ls -l /etc/ntp.conf
[18:25] <MortezaE> naeime, nagofti in chi mide!
[18:27] <MortezaE> naeime, less /etc/group
[18:27] <MortezaE> bebin useret tu grouhe "root" hast?
[18:28] <naeime> ino dad" -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1633 2015-02-06 20:22 /etc/ntp.conf "
[18:28] <naeime> beza
[18:29] <naeime> are hast
[18:30] <MortezaE> نمیدونم دیگه :)
[18:31] <naeime> mersi :)
[18:31] <naeime> mersi :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.653123 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ir"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-us-or | [06:14] <wxl> sgclark: pong :)
[06:16] <sgclark> wxl: hey, sorry was finally get my train tickets and needed to know which one you got, already got them though, hopefully same train
[06:18] <wxl> sgclark: let me look up my tix 1s
[06:18] <wxl> i just got a jorno bt keyboard for use with tablets and phones so i've been not using my normal workflow so kind of away from irc
[06:19] <wxl> should you need me you can always text or send a message á la google hangouts.
[06:19] <wxl> did i give you my phone?
[06:19] <sgclark> nope
[06:20] <wxl> now i have
[06:21] <wxl> 5516 eug→pdx departing 11:25
[06:21] <wxl> 516 pdx→bli departing 2:40
[06:21] <wxl> back is a little weird tho
[06:22] <wxl> they made some change in my itinerary for some reason or another
[06:22] <wxl> that's on friday btw :)
[06:22] <wxl> monday is:
[06:22] <sgclark> ok great same train
[06:23] <wxl> 513 bli→kkls departing 8:32
[06:23] <sgclark> I kinda figured you would not be arriving in pdx at 840 am lol so I had a good guess
[06:23] <sgclark> same there as well
[06:23] <wxl> 3513 kkls→pdx departing 1:45
[06:23] <sgclark> cool
[06:23] <wxl> 5513 pdx→eug departing 3:35pm
[06:23] <sgclark> I did good making guesses! lol
[06:23] <wxl> so we're stuck with one another XD
[06:23] <sgclark> :)
[06:24] <wxl> too bad i can't easily use git/bzr on cli or i'd just bring my phone and my bt keyboard
[06:25] <sgclark> I have to bring lappy.. so much work, I suspect I will be working in between booth helping lol
[06:25] <wxl> heh
[06:26] <wxl> yeah and i'll probably need it somehow or another
[06:26] <wxl> could use it to show off ubuntu flavors on vm
[06:26] <sgclark> yeah I will be showing off plasma5/kubuntu
[06:26] <wxl> i was also hoping to figure out a GOOD way to screencast ubuntu phone (well, not the OFFICIAL one, but you get the idea)
[06:27] <wxl> oh hm, maybe i'll defer to your booth for that XD
[06:30] <wxl> well i'm going to play with steam a bit and go to bed
[06:30] <wxl> talk soon
[06:37] <sgclark> night :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.659250 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-or"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-ca | [21:20] <genii> BobJonkman: FYI... yes, the 15.04 Release Party is a go, day of release at 8
[21:20] <BobJonkman> Hooray!
[21:20] <BobJonkman> I'll be inviting all my Libre and Mappy friends
[21:21] <BobJonkman> Usual place?
[21:21] <genii> BobJonkman: I still need to put up a page at the loco portal too
[21:22] <genii> Hm, release parties are not yet listed
[21:30] <genii> BobJonkman: Added it anyhow:
[21:31] <BobJonkman> genii: Yeah, I put the KW party in too. Can always add the Global Event later
[21:32] <BobJonkman> KW party:
[21:33] <BobJonkman> I did ask on #ubuntu-locoteams about a global event a couple of weeks ago, but no response
[21:36] <BobJonkman> OK, now to write up a little something for the ubuntu-ca list, the forums, the Launchpad team, and then for the foreigners who might want to attend: GTALUG mailing list, LibrePlanet mailing list, KWLUG mailing list, &c.
[21:36] <genii> I have to go look up my twitter password now so I can push it out there too :)
[22:10] <genii> BobJonkman: I think I just got you, Maggie, and Ralph too in a mass BCC email
[22:12] <BobJonkman> genii You should log back on at -- any posts there are transferred through the Twitterbridge (but one-way only, Twitter messages don't come back. Used to work, but now that part is broken)
[22:13] <BobJonkman> genii And yup, just got your e-mail
[22:13] <genii> :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.662296 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ca"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-se | [07:23] <screedo> God morgon
[07:32] <Spookan> screedo: God morgon!
[07:33] <screedo> Spookan: läget?
[07:36] <Spookan> screedo: Bara bra, kaffe och ska in i wow och jobba lite, du då?
[07:37] <screedo> slö surfar, kollar lite tradera och sådant skit :P
[07:37] <screedo> in i wow och jobba?
[07:38] <Spookan> Mm är GM på en server.
[07:38] <screedo> ok
[07:38] <screedo> roligt? Vilken server?
[07:39] <Spookan> Mjo då helt ok, kul att fixa och dona och hjälpa andra spelare, det är en privat server.
[07:39] <screedo> ok
[07:41] <screedo> sitter och funderar på om jag ska slänga ut ett par switchar på tradera. D-Link DGS3324 och en Netgear GS724T.
[07:41] <bamsefar> Haha, d-link :D
[07:42] <screedo> Det är layer 3 switchar :)
[07:42] <bamsefar> Hehe
[07:43] <bamsefar> Vad har du haft dem till?
[07:43] <screedo> Köpte en HP 2810.
[07:43] <bamsefar> Ok
[07:43] <screedo> kört dem hemma, lite vlan osv.
[07:43] <bamsefar> Det är en riktigt hemsk switch.
[07:43] <screedo> ja, i många aspekter. Därför jag köpte 2810.
[07:44] <bamsefar> Den är hemsk alltså.
[07:44] <screedo> men det var inga billiga switchar när de köptes. har för mig de låg i 20k klassen.
[07:44] <bamsefar> :)
[07:44] <screedo> kan inte säga mycket mer om netgear switchen heller, buggigt skit, men som sagt, man får väl vad man betalar för. :)
[07:45] <bamsefar> Yep
[07:45] <screedo> men riktigt nöjd med HP 2810.
[07:45] <bamsefar> Jag har ett par catalyst 2940:or hemma, det är perfekt. :)
[07:46] <bamsefar> Förutom att de bara har en gigport då.
[07:47] <screedo> jo, är väl det. jag har en HP 2510 också, layer 3. tänkte börja rota mer i nätverk osv.
[07:47] <bamsefar> Ok
[07:47] <screedo> eller jag har två 2510. :D
[07:47] <Spookan> screedo: Du har ingen erfarenhet om att installera Linux program i Mac OS?
[07:47] <screedo> Spookan: ingen erfarenhet alls.
[07:48] * screedo vill inte ta mer än nödvändigt i Apples produkter, stannar vid Ipad och Iphone.
[07:48] <screedo> jag tog en chansning och köpte min HP 2810 i usa via ebay. 1250:- inkl. allt.
[07:49] <bamsefar> Gött
[07:49] <screedo> har sett en på tradera och då skulle de ha 4995:-
[07:49] <screedo> ska de ha*
[07:49] <bamsefar> Jag vill ha en ASR9001 som hemmarouter.
[07:49] <screedo> plus frakt.
[07:50] <bamsefar> Lite dyrt tyvärr.
[07:50] <screedo> annons träffen på google gällande asr 9001 är iso 9001... :D
[07:50] <bamsefar> :P
[07:50] <screedo> jo, kan jag tänka mig, själv kör jag pfsense.
[07:51] <screedo> The Cisco ASR 9001 is a compact, high-capacity, provider-edge router that delivers 120 Gbps of nonblocking. Den klarar en del :P
[07:52] <screedo>
[07:52] <bamsefar> Mmm
[07:53] <bamsefar> Perfekt liten 2U-box.
[07:53] <screedo> jag ska se om jag kan få tag på en liten layer 2 switch med PoE.
[07:53] <screedo> om inte så får det bli PoE injector.
[08:27] <bamsefar> Jag kör tp-link poeinjector, funkar fint.
[08:32] <screedo> ok
[12:07] <lord4163> Vad är skillnaden mellan ordet "förfrågning" och "förfråga"?
[15:05] <Barre> lord4163: det ena är väl ett substantiv och det andra ett verb?
[15:12] <lord4163> Barre: okej
[20:29] <madbear_> Philip5: tjenare
[20:44] <Philip5> madbear_: howdy
[20:45] <madbear_> Philip5: blev en d5200
[20:45] <madbear_> nu vill jag ha fler objektiv
[20:46] <Philip5> ballt
[20:46] <Philip5> har du kittobjektiv till den nu eller?
[20:46] <madbear_> japp
[20:46] <Philip5> typ 18-55
[20:47] <madbear_> vill ha nåt för naturfoto, men det springer iväg, exakt
[20:47] <madbear_> kosta pengar!!!
[20:47] <Philip5> jo
[20:47] <Philip5> och man vill alltid ha mer och bättre
[20:48] <madbear_> ska börja såhär, riktigt kul att fota iaf
[20:48] <madbear_> brukade ju fota med min taskiga mobilkamera varje dag så
[20:48] <Philip5> jo det är ju klokt att testa sig fram och köpa vad man verkligen vill ha än bara allt som kan vara bra att ha
[20:54] <Philip5> madbear_: så nu ska du köpa ett Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR och hänge på din fina kamera ;)
[20:58] <madbear_> Philip5: måste väl :P
[20:58] <madbear_> vad går det på då?
[20:59] <madbear_> ja, bara 18k usd :D
[20:59] <madbear_> behöver det för älgfoto
[21:03] <Umeaboy> Hej!
[21:04] <Umeaboy> Var hittar man inställningar för musplattan vad gäller scroll-listen?
[21:04] <Umeaboy> Den där delen på styrplattan för att skrolla upp & ner som brukar finnas på höger sida.
[21:05] <Umeaboy> Jag hittar ingen sådan inställning i en HP Pavilion-laptop.
[21:06] <Umeaboy> Den har engelsk tangentbordslayout. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.675478 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-se"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-us-ca | [01:55] <nhaines> Meeting in 5 minutes.
[01:56] <DonkeyHotei> 4
[01:57] <DonkeyHotei> 3
[01:57] <elky> oh right, the meeting
[01:57] <nhaines> elky: yup, that thing we gotta do.
[01:57] <elky> i've been doing spring cleaning in the kitchen all afternoon
[01:57] <elky> forgot about everything else
[01:58] <nhaines> Yeah, I got a clothes dresser put together last night. Then I was up all night folding ALL the things.
[01:59] <elky> and now you get to chair a meeting. you have all the luck
[01:59] <nhaines> Yup.
[01:59] <nhaines> Why is the next meeting marked as the 12th?
[01:59] <elky> because i failed at dates?
[02:00] <nhaines> Haha, okay. Just making sure. Should be the 19th.
[02:00] <elky> will fix that
[02:00] <elky> you start the meeting, i'll fix the wiki
[02:00] <nhaines> Sounds like a plan to me.
[02:00] <nhaines> #startmeeting
[02:00] <darthrobot> Meeting started Mon Apr 6 02:00:50 2015 UTC. The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at
[02:00] <darthrobot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
[02:00] <nhaines> #chair nhaines elky ianorlin
[02:00] <darthrobot> Current chairs: elky ianorlin nhaines
[02:01] <nhaines> Welcome to the Ubuntu California meeting for April 5th, 2015.
[02:01] <nhaines> The agenda for today's meeting is available here:
[02:01] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15April5 - Ubuntu Wiki]
[02:01] <nhaines> However, it is empty.
[02:01] <nhaines> So that does it for existing business.
[02:02] <nhaines> #topic Other business.
[02:02] <nhaines> Does anyone have any other business or announcements they'd like to discuss?
[02:02] <DonkeyHotei> i thought meeting cancellation procedures were going on the agenda last time
[02:02] <elky> i guess mention the wiki change in case someone already penned in my mistake
[02:02] <nhaines> Good idea.
[02:02] <elky> i thought that was going to the mailing list and nobody got actioned
[02:03] <nhaines> Our next meeting is actually scheduled for April 19th, not the 12th.
[02:04] <elky> is the meeting page, fill it up
[02:04] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15April19 - Ubuntu Wiki]
[02:04] <nhaines> Okay, it's apparently some kind of holiday today so I'd like to keep the meeting brief. Does anyone have anything they wish to announce?
[02:05] <ianorlin> hi
[02:05] <DonkeyHotei> lo
[02:05] <nhaines> hi, ianorlin.
[02:06] <ianorlin> no nothing to announce other than vivid release is coming up
[02:06] <nhaines> Okay. In that case, I'll wrap things up.
[02:06] <nhaines> Let's start thinking about last minute plans for release parties.
[02:06] <nhaines> Ubuntu 15.04 is scheduled for release on April 23rd.
[02:06] <nhaines> I'm running it on my laptop right now and it's been super. So I highly recommend it.
[02:06] <DonkeyHotei> i'm assuming there's a list
[02:07] <elky> that'd be on the loco directory i imagine
[02:07] <elky> i hope phillip's has been listed, i haven't heard anything about it. i also haven't heard about anything in san francisco yet
[02:07] <DonkeyHotei> nor have i
[02:08] <nhaines> Might be a good mailing list topic.
[02:08] <ianorlin> nhaines: +!
[02:08] <ianorlin> +1
[02:08] <elky> there is an ubuntu hour this wednesday at the usual place. unfortunately we're already busy but that might be useful info for others
[02:08] <nhaines> Sounds useful to me!
[02:08] <ianorlin> might also reach some people not usually coming to meetings as well
[02:09] <elky> ianorlin: would you like to send a mail about that?
[02:09] <ianorlin> ok
[02:09] <elky> thanks :)
[02:09] <nhaines> #action ianorlin will remind the mailing list about release parties.
[02:09] <darthrobot> ACTION: ianorlin will remind the mailing list about release parties.
[02:09] <nhaines> #action nhaines will write an email asking for comments on meeting intervals.
[02:09] <darthrobot> ACTION: nhaines will write an email asking for comments on meeting intervals.
[02:10] <nhaines> #action elky will study addition.
[02:10] <darthrobot> ACTION: elky will study addition.
[02:10] <elky> i'll just plod along with my wiki curating then
[02:10] <nhaines> #undo
[02:10] <darthrobot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0xa8e25ec>
[02:10] <elky> heh
[02:10] <nhaines> Okay, thanks for coming, hope you had a great weekend. Next meeting's on the 19th!
[02:10] <nhaines> #endmeeting
[02:10] <darthrobot> Meeting ended Mon Apr 6 02:10:52 2015 UTC.
[02:10] <darthrobot> Minutes:
[02:11] <elky> yay short meeting
[02:11] <elky> thanks nhaines
[02:11] <nhaines> Yup. Still twice as long as I wanted, haha. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.681130 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-ca"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-eg | [00:36] <mohamed> Hi
[00:36] <mohamed> Anybody here? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.682702 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-eg"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-ru | [00:38] <mohamed> привет
[05:06] <svetlana> same problem here
[05:06] <svetlana> я имею ввиду та же самая проблема у меня
[05:37] <Inv1s1bl> o pacani ya s vami teper'
[05:39] <svetlana> utf8 / cyrillic ?
[05:40] <Inv1s1bl> da
[05:40] <svetlana> NO! "да"
[05:40] <svetlana> :)
[05:40] <Inv1s1bl> u menya nety bukv russkih na kayborde
[05:41] <svetlana> napishi
[05:41] <svetlana> karandashom
[05:42] <Inv1s1bl> da ny, zachem ?
[05:42] <svetlana> pravilo
[05:42] <svetlana> no translit
[05:44] <Inv1s1bl> контрл+ц \ контрл+в но не удобно
[05:45] <svetlana> настрой чтобы было удобно
[05:45] <svetlana> это вроде вменяемая ОС, в ней есть раскладки
[05:46] <Inv1s1bl> я не из россии, у меня на клавиатуре нету букв русских
[05:48] <JohnDoe_71Rus> есть наклейки. на ебее копейки стоят
[05:49] <svetlana> да чёрт
[05:49] <svetlana> я уже 7 лет пишу их карандашом
[05:50] <svetlana> белая клава, тёмные буквы на торце
[09:07] <red_shuhardt> Привет всем! Который раз сталкиваюсь с просьбой не использовать thunderbird для чата, но до сих пор внятно никто не дал ответ почему.
[09:07] <red_shuhardt> С кодировкой проблемы? Но у меня текст отображается нормально. Где можно проверить корректность работы программы с чатом?
[09:15] <red_shuhardt> ..и ещё. Будут ли какие либо проблемы при использовании в качестве клиента, например, pidgin? Имеется ввиду проблемы именно с нашим каналом ubuntu-ru?
[09:21] <red_shuhardt1> 1 1 1 проверка связи
[09:21] <red_shuhardt1> пинг
[09:21] <ubuntuhelp> red_shuhardt1, Понг.
[09:22] <red_shuhardt1> Меня нормально видно? Текст отображается корректно?
[09:22] <|rapidsp|> абалденно
[09:24] <red_shuhardt1> Есть ли преимущества у KVirc перед Pidgin? Кто нибудь копался?
[09:25] <|rapidsp|> есть
[09:26] <red_shuhardt1> |rapidsp|: а в чём именно они заключаются? Какие для тебя принципиальные ньюансы?
[09:34] <popadius> /msg ubuntuhelp !nick
[09:36] <popadius> доброго дня, подскажите, как станавливать программу только из стороннего репозитория (учитывая что более новая версия есть в офф. репах)
[09:38] <JohnDoe_71Rus> popadius: в синаптике, в менюшках есть "указать версию"
[09:38] <aleksei`> добрый день
[09:39] <popadius> JohnDoe_71Rus: а обновлять пакет он будет именно из этого репозитария или надо hold делать?
[09:39] <JohnDoe_71Rus> да потом закрепить
[09:40] <popadius> блин, неудобно=(
[09:47] <JohnDoe_71Rus> пользуйся крайней версией пакета
[09:48] <popadius> JohnDoe_71Rus: ghj я б с удовольствием, проблема в интеграции Firefox в KDE в репах версия 39 или около, в PPA 34
[09:48] <popadius> и паеет интеграции нифига не работает с последней
[09:49] <JohnDoe_71Rus> насчет интеграции самому интересно. я беру пакет у мозилы и распаковываю в /opt
[09:49] <JohnDoe_71Rus>
[09:51] <popadius> я не врубился тоесть офф. пакет интегрируется, а убунтовский нет?
[09:53] <JohnDoe_71Rus> не. просто распаковал в /opt пофиксил ярлык и инджой. а вот из kvirc по клику на ссылке не открывается
[09:54] <popadius> JohnDoe_71Rus: читал форумы, люди на сусю сваливают от отчаянья)
[09:55] <popadius> собственно в PPA сусевский пакет и собирают, но чето они запаздывают
[09:56] <JohnDoe_71Rus> зачем? ну да, немного неудобно сначала копировать ссылку потом открывать в браузере. но я не разбирался что к чему. кажется в консоли на firefox тоже ругается что нету такого
[09:56] <popadius> JohnDoe_71Rus: ну суть скорее в файловых ассоциациях и в гномовский диалогах файлов
[09:56] <JohnDoe_71Rus> у меня lxde
[09:57] <JohnDoe_71Rus> ну да, там чего то надо с alternatives крутить
[09:57] <popadius> JohnDoe_71Rus: у меня кеды, причем воз уже лет 5 поныне там, как только выпилили интеграция в 11ю04 чтоли или типо того
[10:05] <red_shuhardt> Задача: чат для локальной сети. Децентрализованный.
[10:05] <red_shuhardt> По описанию наиболее оптимальным показался вариант - pidgin/bonjour.
[10:05] <red_shuhardt> По причине простой настройки и наличии протокола «изкаропки».
[10:05] <red_shuhardt> Дано: два ПК с выходом в www через роутер. На обоих lubuntu.
[10:06] <red_shuhardt> В pidgin указал имя пользователя. И всё. В теории должно уже работать. Но. На ПК №1 соединенилось нормально. На ПК №2 пишет:
[10:06] <red_shuhardt> «Соединение разорвано. Не удаётся установить соединение с mDNS-сервером. Он работает?»
[10:06] <red_shuhardt> Два варианта (две кнопки):
[10:06] <red_shuhardt> 1 - изменить учетную запись.
[10:06] <red_shuhardt> 2 - переустановить соединение.
[10:06] <red_shuhardt> Что я делаю не так или что сделать надо? Или может посоветуете другой протокол для локальной сети?
[10:09] <red_shuhardt> В сети информации по настройке и по работе протокола никакой. Какие то обрывочные сведения не позволяющие получить хоть сколько нибудь полную картину. Надежда только на вас - дружелюбное сообщество убунтологов.
[10:09] <JohnDoe_71Rus> для локальной сети? почтовые тараканы :)
[10:10] <red_shuhardt> JohnDoe_71Rus: всмысле? Почему тараканы?
[10:10] <red_shuhardt> аааа. Ага. Понял.
[10:11] <JohnDoe_71Rus> пишешь сообщение на бумажке, клеишь на панцырь и отправляешь адресату )
[10:11] <JohnDoe_71Rus> локалка в пределах здания
[10:12] <red_shuhardt> не, тараканы только в голове. В квартире нет. Только коты. Но перемещаются они исключительно по собственной инициативе и не пригодны для задач инициированных пользователем ((
[10:28] <JohnDoe_71Rus> red_shuhardt: надо тренировать
[10:31] <aleksei`> добрые вы ))
[11:38] <red_shuhardt> А возможно ли реализовать чат в локальной сети средствами Emacs? Не с нуля всмысле писать, а существуют ли готовые решения?
[12:01] <red_shuhardt1> Ага. Вот, если кому интересно будет - что бы заработал чат в локальной сети псредством протокола bonjour надо поставить следующие пакеты:
[12:01] <red_shuhardt1> avahi-daemon, avahi-autoipd, libnss-mdns
[12:01] <red_shuhardt1> приемлемое описание: | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.698160 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ru"
} |
2015-04-06-#launchpad-dev | [08:07] <rabbitskynet> qweqwe
[08:07] <rabbitskynet> e | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.703467 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#launchpad-dev"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-il | [09:06] <Avihay_work> anyone has XP with regex and hebrew in python? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.704042 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-il"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-mozillateam | [21:53] <Tin_man> anyone know if you can set Thunderbird to not store large pictures in sent mail? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.705112 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-mozillateam"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-it | [07:22] <akis24> giorno
[08:29] <jester-> 'ngiorno
[09:48] <mattia> Ho un problema con la scheda di rete SiS191: se lancio l'ifconfig si genera un deadlock del pc che non risponde più a nessun comando. Qualcuno ha avuto un problema simile?
[09:48] <cristian_c> mattia, come mai digiti ifconfig?
[09:48] <cristian_c> su quale pc?
[09:50] <mattia> tempo fa avevo installato ubuntu ma ho dovuto disabilitare la scheda di rete dal bios
[09:51] <mattia> altrimenti si bloccava
[09:51] <cristian_c> mattia, per favore, puoi rispondere alle domande?
[09:51] <ExPBoy> no
[09:51] <mattia> ifconfig lo digito per provare a configurare la rete
[09:52] <cristian_c> mattia, manca la seconda risposta
[09:53] <mattia> il pc è un desktop fujitsu siemens
[09:53] <cristian_c> mattia, caratteristiche del pc?
[09:53] <cristian_c> e anche versione di ubuntu
[09:54] <mattia> scheda madre GA-8S649MF con ethernet integrata
[09:54] <mattia> RAM 1GB
[09:55] <ExPBoy> uhm
[09:56] <mattia> anciando ifconfig eth0 ip.... netmask... up
[09:56] <mattia> si blocca tutto
[09:56] <cristian_c> ok
[09:56] <mattia> ifconfig da solo ritorna il MAC della scheda di rete come un DE AD BE EF DE AD BE EF
[09:57] <f843d0> mattia: versione di Ubuntu? Il blocco e` del terminale o e` proprio un hang del sistema?
[09:57] <cristian_c> mattia, ma manca la risposta alla terza domanda
e anche versione di ubuntu
[09:58] <davide1> caio
[09:58] <ExPBoy> sempronio
[09:59] <mattia> l'ubuntu è in versione 9.10
[09:59] <mattia> hang del sistema
[09:59] <davide1> :-Dciao e buona ppasqua
[09:59] <cristian_c> mattia, ehm, 9.10 risale al 2009
[09:59] <davide1> è iminente uscita 15.04
[10:00] <jester-> 9.10 è morta e sepolta
[10:00] <mattia> se provo ad avviare prima windows xp, successivamente a riavviare il sistema passando in dual boot a linux, la scheda di rete viene riconosciuta perfettamente
[10:01] <ExPBoy> mattia, diciamo che quel pc ormai ti devi accontentare
[10:01] <mattia> è come se con windows venisse configurata la scheda di rete
[10:01] <mattia> non avete idea
[10:02] <mattia> proverò con l'ultima ubuntu
[10:02] <ExPBoy> mattia, con 1 giga di ram ....
[10:03] <mattia> si ma questo è un pc che vorrei tenere per uso domestico e navigazione in internet senza troppe pretese
[10:03] <mattia> cosa mi consigli?
[10:04] <cristian_c> mattia, scarica una lubuntu 14.10
[10:04] <mattia> ok
[10:05] <mattia> ma con la RAM da 1 GB come faccio
[10:05] <mattia> non sarà lento?
[10:06] <cristian_c> mattia, lubuntu, non ubuntu
[10:07] <cristian_c> !lubuntu | mattia
[10:07] <ubot-it> mattia:
[10:07] <jester-> mattia: farà quello che puo, se porti la nonna di 90 in discoteca sarà evidente che non balla come una 18enne
[10:07] <jester-> e sul cubbo meglio che non la metti
[10:08] <cristian_c> lol
[10:08] <mattia> si ma vorrei farle ballare quello che può, un valzer? :)
[10:09] <jester-> mattia: installi lubuntu e vedi come butta
[10:09] <biofa> ciao a tutti, non riesco a far partire google2ubuntu, qualcuno sa darmi una mano? grazie
[10:09] <cristian_c> mattia, anzi, prima prova in modalità live
[10:09] <jester-> biofa: spiega google2ubuntu,
[10:09] <cristian_c> !info google2ubuntu
[10:09] <ubot-it> Package google2ubuntu does not exist in trusty
[10:09] <mattia> proverò grazie
[10:11] <biofa> riesco ad installarlo, ma poi non parte, anche da terminale mi da comando non trovato. riesco a far partire solo il manager
[10:11] <jester-> biofa: che roba è
[10:11] <cristian_c> biofa, dove l'hai trovato questo google2ubuntu?
[10:11] <jester-> mai sentito di google2ubuntu
[10:12] <biofa> riconoscimento vocale per ubuntu
[10:12] <biofa> lo trovato qui sudo add-apt-repository ppa:benoitfra/google2ubuntu
[10:13] <cristian_c> biofa, qui non si da supporto a ppa , repository terzi e menate varie
[10:13] <cristian_c> tranne alcuni considerati sicuri
[10:13] <biofa> a ho capito, nn lo sapevo scusate
[10:13] <jester-> biofa: i ppa, salvo pochi, sono un cancro e se vui ti possiamo supportare sul come eliminarli
[10:14] <biofa> non sono sicuri?
[10:14] <jester-> dai un bel sudo ppa-purge ppa:benoitfra/google2ubuntu e vivi tranquillo
[10:15] <jester-> biofa: non solo è frequente che non funza la app ma ti sminchia pure il sistema
[10:16] <biofa> mi da command not found
[10:16] <cristian_c> biofa, le versioni dei pacchetti installati dai ppa non sono pensate per la versione di ubuntu installata nel sistema
[10:17] <cristian_c> !ppa-purge | biofa
[10:17] <ubot-it> biofa: Per disabilitare una PPA dai tuoi sorgenti e ripristinare i pacchetti di default di Ubuntu, installare ppa-purge e utilizzare il comando: sudo ppa-purge ppa: <repository-name> / <subdirectory> - Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere
[10:17] <jester-> biofa: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
[10:18] <jester-> biofa: sudo ppa-purge ppa:benoitfra/google2ubuntu
[10:18] <biofa> ok grazie mille lo sto facendo
[10:18] <biofa> come posso vedere i ppa nel mio sistema ed eventualmente rimuoverli?
[10:18] <cristian_c> biofa, da Software e aggiornamenti
[10:19] <cristian_c> poi seleziona la scheda Altro software
[10:20] <biofa> a ok
[10:20] <biofa> quindi in altro software ce tutto quel software non ufficale?
[10:23] <cristian_c> biofa, in parte sì, in parte no
[10:23] <cristian_c> !repository | biofa
[10:23] <ubot-it> biofa: Guida ai repository: e | Esempio di sources.list | Da Kubuntu:
[10:24] <biofa> ok grazie mille
[10:24] <biofa> ciao
[11:20] <Tommy29> ciao, sto riscontrando un problema installando xubuntu, inserisco il disco nel pc e mi compare una schermata nera con un omino bianco e una piccola scatoletta, che si fa ora?, e più o meno un ora ce è così
[11:23] <Tommy29> c'è nessuno?
[11:23] <cristian_c> Tommy29, hai letto la guida all'installazione di ubuntu?
[11:23] <cristian_c> !nessuno | Tommy29
[11:23] <ubot-it> Tommy29: se nessuno parla in canale non significa che non ci siano utenti attivi. Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno vorrà rispondervi lo farà
[11:23] <cristian_c> Tommy29, sul wiki
[11:24] <Tommy29> mi linkate la guida? grazie
[11:24] <cristian_c> !installazione | Tommy29
[11:24] <ubot-it> Tommy29: | Per installazione grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese
[11:24] <cristian_c> Tommy29, ma hai provato in modalità live, prima di installare?
[11:25] <cristian_c> Tommy29, intendi questa: ?
[11:26] <Tommy29> nessuna modalità live, ho fatto acceso al BIOS ed ho fatto il boot da cd ed mi è comparsa questa schermata
[11:26] <cristian_c> Tommy29, quella che ho linkato?
[11:26] <cristian_c> Tommy29, comunque scegli la modalità live
[11:27] <Tommy29> esatto
[11:27] <cristian_c> Tommy29, nella guida linkata prima è scritto tutto
[11:27] <cristian_c>
[11:27] <Tommy29> ma a me il pc non mi ha dato nessuna modalità da scegliere
[11:28] <cristian_c> Tommy29, leggi la guida
[11:28] <Tommy29> ok :) provo
[11:28] <cristian_c> così eviti di brancolare nel buio
[11:28] <cristian_c> è passo passo
[11:31] <Tommy29> hey l'ho letta ma quando clicco un pulsante a caso per accedere alla seconda schermata non succede nulla
[11:34] <cristian_c> uhm
[11:34] <Tommy29> infatti.. che faccio?
[11:34] <cristian_c> un attimo
[11:34] <Tommy29> okok
[11:38] <cristian_c> Tommy29, come hai creato il disco?
[11:38] <cristian_c> Tommy29, hai controllato se la .iso è corrotta?
[11:39] <Tommy29> ho scaricato xubuntu, l'ho controllato con WinMd5sum, ho masterizzato il file iso in un cd
[11:39] <cristian_c> Tommy29, hai premuto enter in quella schermata?
[11:41] <cristian_c> Tommy29, alura?
[11:42] <Tommy29> si premuto, nulla
[11:42] <cristian_c> Tommy29, fai una bella foto e postacela
[11:43] <jester-> Tommy29: rifai il dvd du supporto non riscrivibile
[11:43] <cristian_c> Tommy29, già, quale disco hai usato?
[11:43] <jester-> se non va avanti o il pc è un reperto o il dvd è venuto farlocco
[11:44] <jester-> e coi riscrivibili dopo un paio di masterizzazioni fa casino
[11:47] <Tommy29> beh, si il pc è vecchio, potrei provare a installare lubuntu?, DVD + R 4.7
[11:48] <cristian_c> Tommy29, come hai masterizzato il disco?
[11:48] <Tommy29> con il masterizzatore di windows 7
[11:48] <cristian_c> !iso | Tommy29
[11:48] <ubot-it> Tommy29:
[11:49] <cristian_c> Tommy29, leggi la guida linkata
[11:49] <cristian_c> Tommy29, il masterzzatore winz 7 va bene
[11:49] <cristian_c> ma prova ad abbassare velocità
[11:49] <cristian_c> Tommy29, altrimenti , puoi sempre tentare la strada usb
[11:49] <cristian_c> !usbwin
[11:50] <ubot-it> Scarica Universal USB Installer: | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO
[11:50] <Tommy29> per masterizzare ho usato quella guida
[11:52] <Tommy29> ok, provo questa nuova strada, vi ringrazio per i suggerimenti, se non dovessi riuscirci.. torno qui ;)
[11:53] <Angel2006> ciao a tutt
[11:53] <Angel2006> tutti
[11:53] <Angel2006> qualcuno ha un nexus 4 e ne sa qualcosa dell'installazione di ubuntu touch in multirom?
[11:54] <cristian_c> !nexus
[11:54] <ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'nexus'
[11:54] <cristian_c> Angel2006, prova a domandare qui: /join #ubuntu-touch
[11:54] <cristian_c> noi sacciamo poco di ubuntu su cellofoni
[11:55] <cristian_c> !tablet
[11:55] <ubot-it> -
[11:56] <jester-> Angel2006: Nexus7Multirom
[11:56] <jester->
[11:59] <jester-> Angel2006: ma senti in #ubuntu-touch cosa è meglio per il tuo tabblet
[14:47] <gino2> salve a tutti! Mi è sparita l'icona della connessione internet dalla barra di stato e non so piu come farla riapparire qulc mi guida?
[14:55] <allilc> ciao
[15:41] <oscarrafone> ciao ieri ho chiesto per migliorare velocità di firefox su pc con lubuntu che da un po' si è rallentato nella navigazione, mi hanno consigliato privacy badger, prenso krabador, ma non lo trovo, nè nelle estensioni di firefox nè nel lubuntu software center
[15:43] <akis24> sera
[15:48] <oscarrafone> mi potete dare una mano con lentezza di firefox? vale la pena disattivare accelerazione hardware di firefox?
[16:47] <oscarrafone> krabador ieri mi ha consigliato di installare privacy badger per accellerare firefox, ma non lo trovo, mi sapte consigliare?
[16:49] <jester->
[17:08] <oscarrafone> ma privacy badgers lavora sugli ads e su gli invisible trackers, c'entra veramente con la velocità di navigazione?
[17:12] <mimmowingchun> buona sera
[17:12] <mimmowingchun> a tutti
[17:13] <mimmowingchun> !chat
[17:13] <ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat
[17:23] <lukesky> .ho asus64b installato ubuntu14.04 devo montare la scheda wireless,ho ii driver.per ora non la legge
[17:23] <lukesky> Aiuto
[17:25] <cristian_c> lukesky, 'ho il driver?'
[17:25] <lukesky> sono in chat? ho una scheda MEDIATEC MT7630E e ho il driver
[17:25] <lukesky> grazie cristian,scusa se sarò imbranato nel seguirti
[17:26] <cristian_c> lukesky, il wifi funza in live?
[17:26] <lukesky> no
[17:27] <cristian_c> lukesky, perché hai installato allora?
[17:27] <cristian_c> se non andava neanche in lvie
[17:27] <cristian_c> *live
[17:27] <lukesky> prima di installare ubuntu andava.
[17:28] <lukesky> sono via cavo
lukesky, il wifi funza in live?
[17:29] <lukesky> ho trovato i driver della scheda
[17:30] <krabador> lukesky, se sei via cavo, apri terminale, sudo apt-get install pastebinit
[17:30] <krabador> lukesky, sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit
[17:31] <krabador> il secondo restituirà un link, incollalo qui
[17:33] <lukesky> ok,st leggendo
[17:38] <lukesky> p575WEur
[17:38] <lukesky> krabador nn sò se ho fatto bene col pastebin
[17:39] <krabador> tutto il link completo
[17:39] <lukesky> cmq.ho una mediatec e ho la cartella con i driver ma non riesco a installarli,neanche seguendo le pagine,che ora te lo pastebinno
[17:40] <cristian_c> lukesky, ma in live funzionava?
[17:40] <cristian_c> la scheda
[17:40] <krabador> lukesky, senza pastebin, non puo' continuare
[17:41] <krabador> lukesky, sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit
[17:41] <lukesky> CsVDS03V
[17:41] <krabador> lukesky, smettila di prendere in giro
[17:41] <krabador> ed incolla il link completo
[17:42] <krabador> il comando restituisce un link completo
[17:42] <lukesky> scusa lìho fatto dal sito di pastebin,ora lo faccio da terminale
[17:43] <lukesky>
[17:43] <lukesky> scusa ancora,ora l'ho istallato funziona,credo
[17:44] <krabador> lukesky, rfkill list | pastebinit
[17:45] <lukesky>
[17:45] <versilia> quando apro un pdf con firefox mi chiede se voglio aprirlo con gedit. Come faccio a mettere di default "visualizzuatore di documenti"? quando clicco su "altro" come faccio a trovare gli altri progbrgrammi che mi mi possono servire?
[17:45] <krabador> lukesky, software-properties-gtk , controlla nell'ultima tab a destra
[17:46] <lukesky> scusa krabador non ho capito
[17:46] <krabador> lukesky, software-properties-gtk , digita questo
[17:46] <lukesky> aggiornamenti
[17:46] <krabador> lukesky, invio
[17:46] <lukesky> ok
[17:47] <krabador> lukesky, hai varie tab in quella finestra
[17:47] <krabador> lukesky, controlla nell'ultima a destra
[17:47] <cristian_c> versilia, about:plugins
[17:48] <cristian_c> nella barra degli indirizzi
[17:48] <krabador> versilia, o preferenze --- applicazioni
[17:48] <lukesky> driver aggiuntivi non succede niente
[17:48] <krabador> lukesky, ha cercato/sta cercando?
[17:48] <lukesky> nessun driver proprietario in uso
[17:49] <lukesky> ho fatto tutti gli aggiornamenti dopo l'istallazione e niente la wi-fi nn la vede
[17:49] <cristian_c> lukesky, ma non hai risposto a una domanda che ti ho posto più volte
[17:50] <cristian_c> o hai risposto in modo contradittorio
[17:51] <krabador> lukesky,
[17:51] <versilia> cristian_c: krabador secondo me non avete capito
[17:51] <lukesky> la mia scheda è MT7630E e ho i driver in una cartella la wi-fi prima di istallare ubuntu funzionava poi non ha mai funzionato
[17:52] <krabador> lukesky, il link che ti ho appena passato , spiega cosa fare
[17:52] <krabador> versilia, secondo me dovresti porre domande piu' chiare
[17:53] <krabador> versilia, e firefox ---- preferenza --- applicazioni, ti darà prospettive, che non avresti mai immaginato
[17:53] <lukesky> si krabador provo a seguirlo
[17:57] <lukesky> krabador,scusa, non riesco a eseguire il comando cd ~/Downloads/MT7630E-master consigliato dal post
[17:58] <lukesky>
[17:58] <lukesky> che è il post a cui rimanda quello che mi avavei allegato tu
[17:58] <versilia> krabador: vorrei sapere quando mi si apre una finestra di dialogo dove trovo gli eseguibili dei programmi. Quelli che su winzoz sono i file exe
[17:59] <krabador> LucaLumetti, se hai scaricato in un altra cartella , il percorso deve essere relativo a tale cartella
[17:59] <krabador> versilia, /usr/bin
[17:59] <lukesky> esatto come faccio ad istallarlo sono nella cartella scaricati.che devo scrivere sul terminale?grazie
[17:59] <krabador> versilia, ma "Come faccio a mettere di default "visualizzuatore di documenti"? con preferenze --- applicazioni
[18:00] <krabador> lukesky, come faccio a sapere in che cartella l'hai messo?
[18:00] <lukesky> Home/scaricati
[18:00] <krabador> lukesky, verifica in che cartella l'hai messo , ed il quel comando metti il percorso completo
[18:01] <lukesky> ok,provo,grazie
[18:01] <krabador> "provo" , non c'è da provare, se il percorso è scritto correttamente , va
[18:01] <krabador> è l'unica motivazione per cui possa non funzionare
[18:04] <lukesky> mmmh
[18:04] <lukesky> non sono capace a dare il comando dal terminale
[18:05] <lukesky> la posizione è /home/luke/Scaricati
[18:05] <lukesky> da proprietà della cartella
[18:05] <versilia> come posto le schermate?
[18:06] <lukesky> che comando devo dare?
[18:07] <krabador> !image | versilia
[18:07] <ubot-it> versilia: Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.
[18:07] <lukesky> Yoda:provare?non c'è fare o non fare. ;-)
[18:07] <krabador> LucaLumetti, " extract the archive" ---> l'hai fatta quest'operazione?
[18:08] <lukesky> si
[18:09] <lukesky> c'è la cartella zippata e dezippata
[18:09] <versilia> krabador: non funziona, te l' ho detto viene sempre
[18:09] <cristian_c> versilia, anch'io ho un problema simile con i .bin
[18:09] <cristian_c> versilia, ma controlla le preferenze di firefox
[18:10] <cristian_c> posta una schermata
[18:10] <krabador> versilia, ma non puoi salvare ed aprire con il programma che vuoi? In quel modo la roba finisce in temp
[18:10] <krabador> /tmp
[18:10] <cristian_c> versilia, scegli Applicazioni una volta aperte le Preferenze
[18:11] <oscarrafone> ma krabador, l'estensione privacy badgers lavora sugli ads e su gli invisible tracker, c'entra veramente con la velocità di navigazione?
[18:11] <versilia> krabador: a parte che se salvo e ci clicco da firefox mi si apre sempre con gedit, devo salvarlo e aprirlo dalla cartella allora si che funziona.... e poi posso volere un computer che funziona a modino????
[18:12] <lukesky> come si monta una scheda wireless da terminale?avendo la cartella di file in Home/Scaricati?
[18:12] <krabador> versilia, ma magari, come dire, sei mai andato in preferenze --- applicazioni ?
[18:12] <krabador> dopo le 3 volte che ti è stato chiesto?
[18:12] <versilia> krabador: te l'ho postato
[18:13] <versilia> krabador: scusa aspetta ti posto quello giusto
[18:13] <krabador> versilia, non è preferenze ---- applicazioni
[18:13] <versilia> krabador: ti ho chiesto scusa
[18:14] <krabador> chiudi e riavvia firefox
[18:15] <versilia> krabador: gia fatto
[18:15] <cristian_c> versilia, no
[18:15] <cristian_c> versilia, allora
[18:15] <cristian_c> versilia, io ho: anteprima in firefox
[18:15] <cristian_c> non visualizzatore documenti
[18:15] <versilia> cristian_c: ce l'avevo anche io, l'ho cambiato ora
[18:15] <cristian_c> versilia, infatti lo tratterà sempre come file
[18:16] <versilia> cristian_c: non ho capito
[18:17] <lukesky> come si monta una scheda wireless da terminale?avendo la cartella di file in Home/Scaricati? Da terminale quale comando devo dare?grazie
[18:17] <versilia> cristian_c: krabador quando la finestra di dialogo mi chiede se aprirlo con gedit come faccio a dirgli di puntare a visualizza documenti
[18:18] <krabador> versilia, seleziona evince
[18:18] <krabador> da /usr/bin
[18:18] <cristian_c> versilia, about:config
[18:18] <cristian_c>
[18:20] <cristian_c> versilia, o anche come dice krabador per utilizzare il visualizzatore esterno
[18:20] <krabador> "visualizzatore di documenti" è il soprannome di evince
[18:21] <versilia> krabador: in bin non c'è un file che si chiama evince
[18:21] <versilia> asp
[18:22] <krabador> /usr/bin/evince
[18:23] <versilia> perfetto!
[18:26] <lukesky> help-cosa devo digitare sul terminale per installare i file della wireless,(che sono nella cartella Home/Scaricati)?
[18:26] <lukesky> chi mi aiuta_
[18:27] <krabador> lukesky, semplicemente quello che ti è stato indicato
[18:28] <krabador> cd /percorso/completo/corretto/della/cartella
[18:30] <oscarrafone> krabador, ieri mi hai consigliato di installare privacy badgers per aumentare velocità firefox, ma ho letto che lavora sugli ads e sui tracker, mi serve comunque per accellerare firefox?
[18:31] <krabador> oscarrafone, sudo apt-get install pastebinit
[18:31] <krabador> oscarrafone, sudo lshw | pastebinit
[18:31] <krabador> oscarrafone, incolla qui il link risultante dopo aver mandato il secondo comando
[18:42] <oscarrafone> mythes-en-au mythes-en-us mythes-it tcl8.5
[18:43] <lukesky> niente
[18:44] <cristian_c> lukesky, prima di chiedere nuovamente aiuto qui
[18:44] <cristian_c> lukesky, poniti una semplice domanda: 'dove ho scaricato il file o cartella?'
[18:46] <lukesky> [ strano /home/luke/Scaricati
[18:46] <lukesky> questo su propriet'
[18:46] <oscarrafone> quindi krabador mi sai dire qualcosa su quel link?
[18:47] <lukesky> della cartella ma in verit' io ci entro da file/scaricati
[18:48] <oscarrafone> PCI (sysfs) è il link finale*
[18:49] <cristian_c> lukesky, ls /home/luke/Scaricati | pastebinit
[18:52] <lukesky>
[18:52] <krabador> lukesky, bene allora cd ~/Scaricati/MT7630E-master
[18:53] <krabador> poi continua a seguire
[18:54] <lukesky> fatto
[18:54] <lukesky> luke@LT-X550:~/Scaricati/MT7630E-master$
[18:54] <lukesky> poi_
[18:55] <lukesky> sudo chmod +x
[18:55] <lukesky> ./
[18:55] <lukesky> provo questo
[18:55] <lukesky> mmmhh
[18:56] <lukesky> non va
[18:57] <lukesky> ora che sono nella cartella che faccio
[18:58] <lukesky> inoltre alcuni tasti della tastiera nn corrispondono*i punti e le parentesi( ma questoper ora nn importa
[18:58] <lukesky> la wireless si
[19:02] <lukesky> fatto e adesso
[19:02] <lukesky> siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[19:02] <lukesky> grazie ha funzionato vede la wireless graie
[19:02] <krabador> bene
[19:04] <lukesky> grazie krabador e grazie cristian c
[19:14] <oscarrafone> krabador è venuto PCI (sysfs) dopo i comandi che mi hai consigliato di fare , che faccio ora?
[19:40] <Polifilo> ciao a tutti
[19:43] <Polifilo> c'e' nessuno?
[19:47] <jester-> !qualcuno | Polifilo
[19:47] <ubot-it> Polifilo: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'
[19:49] <Polifilo> Purtroppo ho difficolta' a montare una scheda SD riconosciuta solamente tramite il comando dmesg
[19:51] <jester-> Polifilo: collegala
[19:51] <jester-> Polifilo: apri un terminale
[19:53] <Polifilo> fatto
[19:53] <Polifilo> posto l'output di dmesg?
[19:53] <jester-> Polifilo: sudo fdisk -l se non la vede è da buttare
[19:54] <jester-> dmesg la vede come hardware ma se la superficie è andata è da buttare
[19:55] <Polifilo> comando da te suggerito mi vede solo l'hd non la SD
[19:55] <jester-> fa vedere risultato del comando nel pastebin
[19:55] <jester-> !paste | Polifilo
[19:55] <ubot-it> Polifilo: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina
[19:57] <Polifilo>
[19:57] <Polifilo>
[19:58] <jester-> Polifilo: secondo me è da buttare, per scrupolo provala su winzoz
[19:59] <jester-> il sistema non vede manco la periferica
[19:59] <Polifilo> no infatti non riesce nemmeno a montarle ne niente
[20:00] <jester-> lè morta
[20:00] <jester-> provala su altro pc con winz nel caso fosse il lettore ad essere cicco
[20:01] <jester-> ciucco*
[20:03] <Polifilo> provero' a metterla su winzozz...anche se mi scoccia installarlo....
[20:03] <Polifilo> ti ringrazio jester.......speriamo che me la vede winzozz
[20:03] <jester-> amico amica con winz?
[20:04] <Polifilo> come?
[20:04] <jester-> mi pare eccessivo installare winz per una sd
[20:04] <jester-> non hai amici con pc winzoz?
[20:04] <jester-> o mac
[20:04] <Polifilo> eh...uso solo linux....
[20:04] <Polifilo> nono....solo linux....
[20:04] <jester-> amici nada?
[20:05] <Polifilo> no......tutti linux
[20:05] <Polifilo> su mio consiglio :)
[20:05] <jester-> ma che compagnia, lol
[20:06] <jester-> comunque secondo me perdi tempo
[20:06] <aleandro> salve a tutti
[20:07] <jester-> Polifilo: altra sd per testare il lettore?
[20:07] <jester-> salve aleandro
[20:07] <aleandro> una curiosità, elementary os, è un deriata di ubuntu?
[20:09] <Polifilo> eh....ho provato diversi lettori sd
[20:09] <Polifilo> ma sempre lo stesso discorso
[20:09] <Polifilo> il mio os e' lubuntu 14.04
[20:09] <jester-> aleandro: dovrebbe essere basta su ubuntu, ma non da noi supportata, anzi ne abbiamo piene la ba++le dei tarocchi
[20:10] <aleandro> non compriendo
[20:10] <aleandro> xd
[20:10] <jester-> Polifilo: allora è la sd andata, giusto per non lasciare niente di intentato prova la live ubuntu
[20:11] <jester-> aleandro: dovrebbe essere basta su ubuntu, ma non lo supportiamo,
[20:11] <jester-> ne abbiamo piene le balle dei vari tarocchi in circolazione
[20:11] <aleandro> su xubuntu che mi sapere dire?
[20:11] <aleandro> te*
[20:12] <Polifilo> ok....ti ringrazio per i consigli....
[20:12] <jester-> aleandro: i sistema è comune, cambia solo interfaccia grafica che è piu leggera e meno servizi caricati al boot
[20:13] <aleandro> io avendo: intel pentium m 725, 1Gb ram e la 82855 gme quale mi conviene come distro?
[20:13] <jester-> nell'ordine: ubutu/kubuntu, xubuntu media pesantezza, lubuntu la piu leggera
[20:13] <aleandro> su mint che mi sapete dire?
[20:14] <Polifilo> ti ringrazio jester...un saluto ciao
[20:15] <jester-> aleandro: direi ubuntu e facile che il resto del hw non sia completamente supportato visto che retrocompatibilità è stata ridotta
[20:16] <jester-> cioè direi lubuntu*
[20:16] <aleandro> se uso ubuntu con la sessione gnome?
[20:16] <aleandro> è leggera?
[20:16] <jester-> piu leggera di lubuntu c'è puppylinux che con ubuntu non ha niente a che vedere
[20:17] <jester-> aleandro: lubuntu
[20:17] <jester-> forse il procio non ha nemmeno supporto per il flash
[20:18] <aleandro> per la ram non ho problemi perché sono abituato a usare un software alla volta, ma per il processore che va a 100% facilmente e rompe le scatole
[20:18] <aleandro> con lubuntu o un uso di cpu inferiore?
[20:18] <jester-> single core 1.6 ghz 1 core
[20:19] <jester-> 32 bit
[20:19] <aleandro> sono stanco di sentire la ventola del dissipatore che va sotto sforzo per l'uso della cpu a 100% costantemente
[20:19] <jester-> cash quasi non esiste
[20:19] <aleandro> non ho capito
[20:19] <jester-> aleandro: normale
[20:20] <jester-> aleandro: l'hardware è bello vecchio su sistemi recenti fa fatica e scalda
[20:20] <aleandro> ho capito
[20:20] <jester-> e poi sarà anche ora di pulirlo
[20:20] <aleandro> quindi mi consiglio ugualmente lubuntu?
[20:20] <aleandro> l'ho pulito 3 giorni fa
[20:20] <jester-> la piu leggera è lubuntu
[20:20] <aleandro> rimuovendo tutta la polvere e cambiando la pasta termica
[20:22] <aleandro> io ti lascio e ti ringrazio, passo a lubuntu tra un pò :)
[20:23] <jester-> prova che non costa niente
[20:23] <aleandro> :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.718309 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-it"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-es | [07:35] * merrick saluda
[09:05] <successus> salud o/
[16:11] * merrick saluda.
[16:33] <josue_> hola, tengo un portatil con particiones de autorecuperacion y no se cuales eliminar para que el sistema arranque por defecto con linux
[16:35] <mimecar> ¿ya has clonado el disco duro?
[16:35] <josue_> clonarlo no,
[16:36] <mimecar> deberías hacerlo antes de modificar las particiones
[16:36] <josue_> es un hp, pavilion, viene con particion de recuperacion la cual no quiero perder, pero viene con otras que cuando arranca inicia por defecto la de recuperacion
[16:36] <josue_> y no carga el grub
[16:36] <mimecar> por defecto debería arrancar windows
[16:37] <atlas|> josue instala el grub
[16:37] <josue_> y lo hace, quiero quepor defecto me arranque linux porque windows ya no existe
[16:37] <josue_> instale el grub pero este queda en la particion de linux y la bios arranca por defecto con la de windows
[16:37] <josue_> y no deja cambiar el orden
[16:37] <josue_> sale algo como OS Boot Manager
[16:38] <mimecar> tendrías que haber dejado el cargador de windows y lanzar desde ahí linux
[16:38] <mimecar> y haberlo clonado antes de quitar windows
[16:39] <josue_> asi estan mis particiones
[16:39] <josue_>
[16:41] <mimecar> ¿has desactivado secure boot?
[16:41] <josue_> si
[16:42] <mimecar> ¿has creado una partición para EFI?
[16:42] <josue_> la sda2 no es efi?
[16:42] <mimecar> para Windows sí
[16:43] <josue_> mmm, necesitaria crear una efi para linux
[16:43] <josue_> para el el secure boot la identifique como arrancable?
[16:45] <mimecar> por partes
[16:45] <mimecar> ¿cómo has instalado Ubuntu? ¿Has creado de forma manual las particiones?
[16:47] <josue_> no, solamente use la particion de 470Gb para instalar linux
[16:47] <josue_> ahi era donde estaba originalmente instalado windows
[16:48] <josue_> borre la particion y cree la / y la home
[16:49] <mimecar> ¿has creado /boot y swap?
[16:51] <josue_> si
[16:51] <josue_> bueno en realidad solo la / y la home
[16:51] <josue_> y la swap
[16:52] <josue_> ya instalado el linux fue que cree la bios_grub
[16:58] <mimecar> ¿pusiste Grub en /?
[16:58] <josue_>
[16:58] <josue_> asi lo muestra gparted
[16:59] <josue_> nose en donde va el grub
[16:59] <mimecar> depende de si lo pones en el MBR / equivalente o en la partición /
[17:01] <mimecar> antes de seguir te aconsejo que clones el disco
[17:01] <josue_> el reparador de arranque dice que lo va a colocar en sda y hace todo el proceso, pero sigue arrancando por la de recovery, debo presionar f9 para que me deje seleccionar ubuntu en el menu
[17:01] <mimecar> hiciste una copia de la partición de recuperación en un disco externo verdad?
[17:01] <josue_> no
[17:01] <mimecar> eso es suicida, lo sabes?
[17:02] <mimecar> si le pasa algo a tu partición de recuperación te tocará pagar al fabricante para recuperarla
[17:02] <josue_> pues hasta ahora no he tocado las particiones de recuperacion, excepto una para coger espacio libre para la biod_grub
[17:03] <josue_> en teoria si dejo el proceso de recuperacion deberia recuperar al estado de fabrica
[17:03] <mimecar> si ese proceso tiene acceso a todas las particiones que necesita
[17:07] <mimecar> ¿tienes algún disco duro externo para clonar ahora el disco?
[17:08] <josue_> si
[17:08] <josue_> la idea es clonar la particion?
[17:08] <mimecar> el disco entero
[17:09] <mimecar> con suerte el software de recuperación aún funcionará en el equipo
[17:09] <mimecar> si la partición que has borrado no era necesaria
[17:13] <josue_> igual no puedo, el disco es de 300Gb y el del portatil es de 500GB
[17:13] <josue_> la particion de recuperacion es de 30Gb
[17:15] <mimecar> ya, entonces clona el disco antes de seguir
[17:15] <mimecar> el espacio vacío no se clona
[17:17] <josue_> y despues que, borro todo e instalo linux con todo el disco?
[17:19] <mimecar> después sigues con el tema de grub
[17:20] <mimecar> no estaría mal asegurarte que funciona bien la partición de recuperación después de clonar
[17:20] <mimecar> aunque estés más tiempo
[17:57] <successus__> salud o/
[19:48] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/
[23:04] <lgfdgfs> Hola.
[23:04] <lgfdgfs> Donde podria encontrar mas informacion, sobre como instalar un driver de video?
[23:06] <lgfdgfs> Encontre varias cosas, pero cuando le doy en descargar driver me salen mucho y no se cual es el correcto. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.734879 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-es"
} |
2015-04-06-#juju | [11:16] <thumper> stub: ping - you around today?
[14:11] <skay> ARG google marked some juju emails as spam
[14:11] <skay> lazyPower: it marked some of your posts as spam. GRAR
[14:12] <skay> I missed a nice post about Docker
[15:00] <drbidwell> If I have a local install of "juju-quickstart bundle:~landscape/landscape-dense-maas...", can I add my maas target to it so I can deploy on maas controlled hardware? If so, where do I find how?
[15:29] <rick_h_> drbidwell: so I think the trick is you have to use maas tags to target the deployment to those using contraints.
[15:29] <rick_h_> drbidwell: see would need to be updated in the bundle, so you'd have to edit the bundle file to add those constraints in
[19:15] <skay> what is the right way to replace a block-storage-broker (it is not a subordinate) in an environment?
[19:15] <skay> I don't want to tear everything down
[19:16] <skay> what is the common practice? I'm going to go read the postgresql carm to see what it does when the relation is removed
[19:17] <skay> before I go through and remove the unit and then add a new one and then relate it
[19:53] <BradyForM> In order to use juju/juju-gui on a local machine I need to set up lxc networking as a better bridge so it is not using 10.* and 192.* ???
[19:56] <rick_h_> BradyForM: you're deploying it to an lxc juju environment?
[19:57] <rick_h_> BradyForM: not following all the way what you're heading towards is what I'm getting at
[19:57] <BradyForM> rick_h_, I ran juju-quickstart
[19:57] <rick_h_> BradyForM: with a lxc juju environment?
[19:57] <BradyForM> and it says that everything is in a container for local
[19:58] <rick_h_> so if you do juju status you should see your gui deployed to an environment on a machine there with an IP address you can use to access it.
[19:58] <BradyForM> with a 10.X.X.X for the juju gui. when I run juju status
[19:58] <rick_h_> BradyForM: and quickstart should auto open the gui for you once it's up and running
[19:58] <BradyForM> But I can not acess it if it is out side my local ?
[19:59] <rick_h_> BradyForM: oh, outside of your machine elsewhere on the network?
[19:59] <BradyForM> example I am on 192.X.X.X and the lxc contianer is on 10.X.X.X
[19:59] <BradyForM> for the Gui ^^
[19:59] <rick_h_> BradyForM: no, you'll have to configure lxc to pull from your outside network for IP addresses
[19:59] <lazyPower> BradyForM: you can, but it takes some doing and i wouldn't say its "officially supported" -
[19:59] <rick_h_> BradyForM: or you'll have to proxy or ssh tunnel the gui out
[19:59] <BradyForM> ahh
[19:59] <rick_h_> well check that out, lazyPower with even written docs on it woot :)
[19:59] <lazyPower> BradyForM: the better solution would be to use sshuttle for a quick and dirty VPN
[19:59] <BradyForM> is there a example of running juju on a VM ?
[20:00] <BradyForM> on the local
[20:00] <BradyForM> VM is bridged to my local
[20:00] <lazyPower> you can, we have a vagrant image for it actually
[20:00] <rick_h_> lazyPower: do you know the latest on juju and that virutalbox tool folks were working on?
[20:00] <rick_h_> vagrant, that's it
[20:00] <lazyPower>
[20:00] <BradyForM> you know for testing purposes
[20:00] <BradyForM> Oo
[20:01] <lazyPower> BradyForM: if/when you graduate from local usage and still want to isolate you environment, we haev a docker container that has all the tools for you
[20:01] <BradyForM> thanks for all your help ! looking at that link and seeing what I can do that that.
[20:01] <BradyForM> lazyPower, that sounds great
[20:02] <lazyPower> BradyForM: - due to app armor profile restrictions this will *not* work with the local provider.
[20:02] <lazyPower> but its worth a bookmark and checking out later in your ventures when paired with a cloud provider like AWS or digital ocean.
[20:02] <BradyForM> lazyPower, we are thinking about using ec2 thoughts ?
[20:03] <lazyPower> Its a solid choice. I use EC2 quite a bit myself when testing
[20:03] <BradyForM> cool
[20:26] <BradyForM> lazyPower, rick_h_ that worked like a charm ;)
[20:26] <lazyPower> Happy its working for you BradyForM o/
[20:27] <BradyForM> \o
[20:27] <rick_h_> BradyForM: woot
[20:29] <jamessapara> I’m trying to find a guide on how to recover a juju cluster when one of the state servers ip’s have changed. AWS rebooted one of our three and juju refuses to connect to anything.
[20:29] <BradyForM> Is there a template to get started writing my own bundles or charms ?
[20:30] <lazyPower> BradyForM: if you have the 'charm tools' package installed there is a generator
[20:30] <lazyPower> charm create -h
[20:31] <BradyForM> lazyPower, do you know if there is ports for debian jessie ? for the charm tools that is
[20:32] <BradyForM> or should I add a ppa and just see if it works
[20:32] <BradyForM> host is debian jessie
[20:33] <lazyPower> I would think the ppa would work... but i haven't tested it tbh
[20:33] <BradyForM> lets give it a shot ! :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.751548 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#juju"
} |
2015-04-06-#xubuntu | [00:08] <elhana> yeah, as I said I don't use that plugin anyway, so I just removed it
[00:38] <TimeVirus> hello all
[00:39] <knome> hello.
[02:06] <xubuntu15w> Hello
[02:07] <holstein> o/
[02:07] <xubuntu15w> Taxprep
[02:07] <xubuntu15w> You know about
[02:09] <holstein> is that some software? a website? actually called "taxprep"? or are you asking about preparing your taxes in linux?
[02:12] <xubuntu39w> Looking for taxprep
[02:12] <xubuntu39w> Software
[02:13] <xubuntu39w> Taxprep software know something about this ?
[02:13] <holstein> is that some software? a website? actually called "taxprep"? or are you asking about preparing your taxes in linux?
[02:13] <holstein> xubuntu39w: ^
[02:14] <xubuntu39w> Its a software just woundering how can i get it installed in my computer
[02:14] <holstein> xubuntu39w: ask them for a linux version, and install it as they say. othwerise, i suggest just going with something that is "online", or states linux support natively
[02:16] <xubuntu39w> Who is them ?
[02:16] <holstein> xubuntu39w: the creators of the software you reference
[02:50] <xubuntu55w> hi
[02:51] <xubuntu55w> my xubuntu laptop wont hybernate when i close the lid
[02:51] <xubuntu55w> anyone know the solution
[02:51] <holstein> xubuntu55w: does it sleep? did you enable hibernate?
[02:51] <xubuntu55w> affirmative
[02:51] <xubuntu55w> i did enable hybernate on the power manager
[02:52] <holstein> i would start with something like this
[10:13] <Enkidu_ak> o/ cfhowlett
[10:14] <cfhowlett> Enkidu_ak, oy!
[13:10] <TimeVirus> there is a weather program one can attach to the Panel in Xfce but it lacks the Radar that the weather app in Mate - How would I get that program on Xfce?
[13:32] <TimeVirus> there is a weather program one can attach to the Panel in Xfce but it lacks the Radar that the weather app in Mate has - How would I get that program on Xfce?
[13:33] <TimeVirus> trying to zero in on my perfect DE kind of thing
[13:57] <Riotta> completely updated, it's actually daily build from 4.04 elfy
[13:57] <elfy> ok - so a recent daily
[13:57] <elfy> booting yesterday's
[13:57] <Riotta> elfy: if you will hover cursor to the upper panel (far most) your cursor dont dissapear?
[13:58] <elfy> Riotta: not confirming that at either end of the default panel
[13:58] <Riotta> maybe its something with the composer
[13:58] <Riotta> thx for checking
[13:59] <elfy> as I said - not heard anything like that, and I probably would have
[14:10] <Riotta> maybe I got this bug cause I got fresh install even with clean /home
[14:21] <elfy> Riotta: then it *should* show in the live session, installing a vb instance from today's image
[14:34] <elfy> Riotta: ok - so with a clean install with today's daily - no issue with the panel at all.
[14:37] <Riotta> ok
[14:38] <xubuntu85w> I've got a hard disk formatted in NTFS with a bunch of files on. No OS, just data. Is there a quick an easy way to turn this disk into ext4 without wiping the data, or do I have to move the data somewhere else first and then reformat it and then copy the data back?
[14:39] <elfy> move the data, reformat and copy back or resize it - assuming you've got backups
[14:39] <cfhowlett> xubuntu85w, I presume these files are precious. save them off device before you make another move
[14:39] <elfy> then install into the empty area
[14:40] <xubuntu85w> Alright, thanks
[15:05] <TimeVirus> I installed conky-all on Mint Mate and a config there for. I did the same for Xfce, thinking that I like it so much on Mate, I'd also want it for Xfce. But it seems there are ways to accomplish the same with Panel apps here in Xfce that dont seem to consume as much RAM as those in Mate. So now I'm thinking I should use these on the panel instead of Conky - Does this make sense? (Resource consumption wise)
[15:12] <elfy> TimeVirus: this isn't a Mint channel not an Xfce one
[15:13] <TimeVirus> if I'm not completely off base here Xubuntu runs the Xfce
[15:13] <TimeVirus> lol
[15:16] <TimeVirus> and thats what I'm running right now - Xubuntu
[15:27] <TimeVirus> tis the only thing on the internal hdd even - was hoping to find some way of making VBox VM(s) work on this machine with so little RAM while not completely doing away with a DE of some sort - yet
[15:28] <TimeVirus> LXDE is too minimal for my liking, though so far its the one thats gotten closest to getting a VM to work
[15:29] <TimeVirus> through Lubuntu
[15:32] <TimeVirus> maybe in the end I use Xen - who knows - <--too new at this still
[15:32] <TimeVirus> all of it really
[15:39] <TimeVirus> plain old Ubuntu runs as if its in quicksand - I've come to the conclusion thats because of Unity and it ( Ubuntu) didnt last long on this machine at all
[15:39] <TimeVirus> do LOVE Xubuntu though for sure
[15:44] <TimeVirus> even if in the end it doesnt do my VMing
[15:49] <dalebert> I'm looking for a way to _quicky_ copy about 50 GB of files from my old system to my new one on my home (internal) network. I have them connected via SSH but it's going to take about 5 hours. 1 GB an hour? Seems slow.
[15:56] <TimeVirus> 10 GB/hr is how my math looks
[15:56] <TimeVirus> :-|
[15:57] <TimeVirus> still slow though - one would think ethernet is commonly around 1 Gb/sec
[15:57] <TimeVirus> grrr more math
[15:58] <dalebert> I agree with the 10 GB per hour. Doesn't this seem quite slow?
[15:59] <TimeVirus> seems to me yes but then 10 GB/hr needs to be converted to Gb/sec too to get an idea of your throughput
[15:59] <TimeVirus> Bytes vs bits
[15:59] <TimeVirus> /time period
[16:00] <TimeVirus> 8bits sill = 1Byte
[16:01] <TimeVirus> my math intuition has REALLY gotten rusty on me - old age has its drawbacks
[16:03] <TimeVirus> how many subnets on your LAN?
[16:03] <TimeVirus> just the one?
[16:04] <TimeVirus> why SSH on a home network? You got strangers on the LAN?
[16:08] <dalebert> I'm kind of a newbie and ssh is what I googled and was able to get to work. I'm looking for quick alternatives. Can I mount //server/ @username or something?
[16:10] <Azelphur> dalebert:
[16:13] <dalebert> .
[16:17] <dalebert> The netcat instructions look like they would work for one file but I'm trying to copy my Home directory over which is a couple of thousand files
[16:31] <TimeVirus> dalebert, did you see this
[16:38] <TimeVirus> I googled 'use ftp to transfer directories' and filezilla has been around for years
[16:39] <TimeVirus> ftp = file transfer protocol btw
[16:41] <knob> scp?
[16:43] <dalebert> I'm familiar with ftp. I'll need to install an ftp server like Filezilla in order to do the transfer right? I can do that. I thought there was something but in. Especially when other were talking about being on a hom LAN
[16:43] <Azelphur> dalebert: don't use FTP, FTP is bad. You have a built in SFTP server that came with openssh
[16:44] <TimeVirus> simple file transfer protocol
[16:44] <Azelphur> TimeVirus:
[16:44] <TimeVirus> mk then whats it in the linux world?
[16:44] <Azelphur> dalebert: you're probably getting crummy performance because you're transferring lots of small files since you mentioned you're copying your home directory, I bet if you zipped up the whole home directory and then sent it, it'd go much faster
[16:44] <Azelphur> TimeVirus: same as it is everywhere, ssh file transfer protocol
[16:44] <TimeVirus> lol
[16:45] <TimeVirus> not what I ws taught in CCNA classes
[16:45] <TimeVirus> SSH = Secure Shell, yes?
[16:46] <TimeVirus> the more secure way to telnet
[16:46] <TimeVirus> yes?
[16:46] <Azelphur> TimeVirus: your CCNA was wrong.
[16:46] <TimeVirus> mk
[16:46] <Azelphur> TimeVirus: correct
[16:46] <xubuntu18w> hi! I can't load brightside on startup...xubuntu 12.04, copying /brightside.desktop /etc/init.d and in etc/xdg/autostart not work, adding in rc.local ... the simply way in startup/app neither works...sorry for my english
[16:46] <Azelphur> TimeVirus: according to wikipedia, simple file transfer protocol never made it beyond a proposed RFC
[16:47] <TimeVirus> k
[16:48] <TimeVirus> Secure File Transfer Protocol
[16:48] <TimeVirus> my bad
[16:50] <Azelphur> TimeVirus: nope, they are wrong too, SFTP is SSH File transfer protocol, not sure whether they are referring to SFTP or FTPS in that article
[16:52] <Azelphur> also the entire article is kinda bogus, SSL is not a communication channel, and monitoring the DNS queries in a network to gather that kind of data is just plain silly
[16:53] <TimeVirus> seems to me that SSH adds a lot of overhead for something that isnt needed in a home network. is that wrong thinking?
[16:53] <Azelphur> TimeVirus: yes, SSH has been around since the dawn of time and adds very little overhead, his performance issues are likely down to him transferring lots of small files
[16:54] <TimeVirus> i can c that
[16:54] <Azelphur> and from a security perspective, it's always good to err on the side of caution :)
[16:54] <TimeVirus> yes
[16:55] <dalebert> So is there an an easier way like mount //remote_server/root @username and cp the files over?
[16:56] <Azelphur> dalebert: you can use SSHFS to mount a remote filesystem, but that probably won't increase your performance, as I said you should either zip the home folder beforehand, or you could compress it on the fly that'd probably go fast too
[17:01] <dalebert> I installed the openssh-server and put ssh-sftp://dalebert@dalebert-640m/home/dalebert/ in Thunar and it's going ok.
[17:01] <TimeVirus> nice
[17:03] <dalebert> Another change that I think is helping a lot is I had one on a ethernet cable and the other on my wireless. I put them both hardwired and the copy should be done in an hour. I can deal with that. Thanks everyone.
[17:05] <TimeVirus> yeah wifi is SLOW and just one of the reasons I DO NOT like wifi!
[17:05] <TimeVirus> lol
[17:06] <TimeVirus> though ac looks promising(ish)
[17:06] <Azelphur> Yea, I'm tempted to buy a 802.11ac router
[17:13] <TimeVirus> heck I miss payphones even :(
[17:13] <TimeVirus> lol
[17:14] <TimeVirus> lack of full duplex bugs me
[17:18] <xubuntu18w> hi, anyone knows why adding 'brightside' in 'session and startup' (application autostart) won't work? I've tried other ways (editing rc.local...adding a launcher...still not work). How can I get running brightside on startup?
[17:26] <Kekai> hello all
[17:26] <Kekai> I run Xubuntu 14.04 LTS and I have a few questions about the OS.
[17:26] <Kekai> I am thinking of getting and android phone later this week and I want to know if I can put music on the phone with my OS Via cable.
[17:27] <xangua> Kekai: yes
[17:27] <Kekai> The phone itself says it has drag and drop capabilities with Windows, but I want to make sure I can with Xubuntu
[17:27] <TimeVirus> the way I do it is to take the sd card out, plug it into my reader and off I go
[17:27] <xangua> just connect the usb cable or use something as airdroid if you don't have one with you
[17:28] <Kekai> okay
[17:28] <Kekai> I just want to make sure I can hook it up to my PC before purchase.
[17:28] <Azelphur> Kekai: you might need to update to 14.10, MTP support is fairly new
[17:28] <Azelphur> but apart from that you'll be fine
[17:28] <Kekai> I just to put music on it because my old MP3 player is getting to be crap
[17:29] <Azelphur> if push comes to shove, you can always transfer the files wirelessly via airdroid
[17:29] <xangua> ubuntu supports it just fine by default since 13.10
[17:29] <Azelphur> xangua: ah, there we go then :)
[17:29] <Kekai> okay
[17:29] <Azelphur> I knew it was somewhat recent, just couldn't remember when
[17:29] <Azelphur> Kekai: Android devices work great with Linux though, MTP works, tethering works, etc
[17:29] <xangua> or 13.04 something like that, you need to use a third party repo in 12.04
[17:29] <Azelphur> tethering works even better than it does on Windows actually, plug n play
[17:30] <Kekai> okay
[17:30] <Kekai> Cool than I can just go ahead and purcahse the phone
[17:30] <TimeVirus> now I'm wondering if Ubuntu can see the files on my point & shoot without having to take the card out
[17:30] <Kekai> All I need it for is calls, texting, music and gaes
[17:31] <Kekai> *games/apps
[17:31] <Azelphur> Kekai: if you get something like Airdroid you can even transfer files without having to plug the phone in, so much more convenient
[17:32] <Kekai> well its tracphone, so Idk if I want to be using my minutes to transfer files
[17:32] <Kekai> also the wifi is crap here
[17:32] <Azelphur> TimeVirus: most likely, it's either going to be MTP, PTP or Mass storage
[17:32] <Azelphur> there isn't really much else it can be besides something bizarre and proprietary
[17:33] <TimeVirus> Kodak
[17:33] <Azelphur> Kekai: well the point is more if you're transferring music from your laptop/pc to your phone, they are probably going to both be on the same wifi anyway
[17:33] <Kekai> true
[17:36] <TimeVirus> lsusb doesnt seem to see my Kodak
[17:36] <TimeVirus> heh
[17:37] <TimeVirus> now it does - tried turning the camera on
[17:37] <TimeVirus> it sees the camera, now what?
[17:37] <TimeVirus> lol
[17:39] <TimeVirus> accessing
[17:40] <TimeVirus> thunar is a bit confused
[17:41] <Kekai> now my only worry is about the ringtones I bought....
[17:41] <Kekai> it says I can't transfer from flip phone to andriod
[17:50] <xubuntu18w> bye!
[19:46] <carrera> Greetings! :-)
[19:55] <knob> hey yah!
[20:22] <TimeVirus> pm-hibernate did its job and that is AND resume worked \o/
[20:23] <TimeVirus> now off to add the button
[23:47] <xubuntu454> problem apres l'installation de xubuntu.. ?
[23:48] <xubuntu454> please..
[23:50] <TimeVirus> what problem?
[23:50] <TimeVirus> oops too late
[23:50] <TimeVirus> on less that a minute he was
[23:50] <TimeVirus> quitter! | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.757590 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#xubuntu"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-uk | [00:00] <daftykins> ja
[01:15] <daftykins>
[01:15] <daftykins> o0
[01:15] <daftykins> *hic*
[04:30] <mapps> hey
[04:30] <mapps> ;D
[04:38] <mapps> none of the night owls up?:D
[09:29] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls.
[09:39] <zmoylan-pi> death from above...
[09:39] <zmoylan-pi> technically it's _a_ greeting :-)
[09:41] <zmoylan-pi> everytime i wear my dr and quich t-shirt 'eat plutonium death, you disgusting alien weirdos'... :-)
[11:17] * penguin42 giggles at Amazon uk offering an Azerty keyboard on discount starting at 9am tomorrow - like about a million bleary eyed people aren't going to notice the Azertyness
[14:45] <diddledan> arty noon
[14:46] <penguin42> hey
[14:46] <m0nkey_> PC parts arrive today
[14:46] * m0nkey_ is excited
[14:47] <diddledan> \o/
[14:47] <m0nkey_> And Windows 8.1 is costing me $107 :/
[14:47] <diddledan> fooey
[14:48] <m0nkey_> Getting $12 off the original $120 price
[14:48] <popey> pip pip
[14:49] <m0nkey_> wow. it's 99GBP in the UK.. that's $184 CAD
[14:49] <m0nkey_> I'm getting a bargain!
[14:49] <penguin42> yeh we're always screwed
[14:52] <zmoylan-pi> it's a bargin as it's shipped on floppies... :-)
[14:56] <m0nkey_> License purchased
[14:57] <popey> Heathen
[14:57] <popey> (says the guy playing GTA IV on Windows 7
[14:57] * zmoylan-pi casts ward evil on the channel :-P
[14:58] <m0nkey_> lol
[14:58] <m0nkey_> Gonna need it for my gaming. Sorry.
[15:01] <diddledan> zmoylan-pi: careful,that might clear the channel out completely
[15:04] <zmoylan-pi> nah the spell only effect chaotic evil so... ... bugger... :-)
[15:05] <diddledan> I think I probably come under the chaotic banner
[15:05] <m0nkey_> WHAT?! I need Windows to download Windows?! wtf
[15:05] <diddledan> eh?
[15:05] <zmoylan-pi> i'd have said neutral evil diddledan
[15:05] <diddledan> m0nkey_: doesn't it come on a disc?
[15:06] <m0nkey_> I opted for digital download
[15:06] <diddledan> aah
[15:06] <m0nkey_> So, I assume that it'll offer an ISO image
[15:06] <diddledan> prolly, yeah
[15:06] <zmoylan-pi> assume...
[15:06] <m0nkey_> No, it offers an executable
[15:06] <m0nkey_> To download/install Windows
[15:06] <diddledan> there should be an iso available
[15:06] <m0nkey_> Yeah, but no.
[15:07] <m0nkey_> You have to go looking for it
[15:07] <m0nkey_> Found a tool from microsoft to create a 8.1 iso image
[15:07] <m0nkey_> Of course, it's an executable.
[15:07] <zmoylan-pi> they like to advertise that installing windows is fun. the first fun is finding the bits you need...
[15:07] <m0nkey_> Heathens for not providing a proper ISO image
[15:07] <m0nkey_> But, I have one now. Just need to find a blank DVD
[15:08] <zmoylan-pi> ah, firefly alignment chart... :-D
[15:08] * m0nkey_ quits (Reason: spell cast by zmoylan-pi [WE SHALL NOT SPEAK OF WINDOWS])
[15:09] <m0nkey_> :)
[15:09] * zmoylan-pi puts up some garlic to flush the vampires out next...
[15:19] <m0nkey_> And i'm going to have to upgrade my Netflix account.
[15:19] <diddledan> o_O
[15:19] <m0nkey_> Turns out 2 screen is not enough
[15:19] <diddledan> I thought netflix only had one plan
[15:20] <diddledan> i.e. all you can eat or nothing
[15:20] <m0nkey_> Here, I got three options. 1 screen SD, 2 screens + HD and 4 screens + HD&UltraHD.
[15:20] <diddledan> o_O
[15:20] <diddledan> that's sucky
[15:20] <diddledan> we just have "netflix"
[15:21] <m0nkey_> You got Netflix, check out your account plan details.
[15:21] <m0nkey_> I'm guessing you have additional options
[15:21] <shauno> we only get one option. I can haz moneys or I can no haz moneys.
[15:23] <shauno> it does seem to vary though, eg the US still has dvd-by-mail plans, which never existed here
[15:23] <m0nkey_> We dont have the dvd mailing option
[15:24] <m0nkey_> Two streams isn't enough, as I found out yesterday. Both kids had something different on tablets. So we I went to watch, it told me "Too many sessions"
[15:24] <shauno> oh huh, I do get three options. I don't recall being offered options
[15:24] <m0nkey_> Kids these days, don't know how easy they got it.
[15:24] <zmoylan-pi> i think you disable the kids wifi and free yourself some bandwith :-)
[15:25] <m0nkey_> I remember having to wait a whole 10 mins to download a 10 second mpeg from a por^H^H^H video site.
[15:25] <zmoylan-pi> i remember having to wait 10 minutes to load a zx spectrum game thank you very much :-)
[15:25] <m0nkey_> Heh, I miss my ZX81
[15:25] <zmoylan-pi> but it was star glider so it was worth it
[15:25] <m0nkey_> Manic Miner!
[15:26] <zmoylan-pi> docking complete!
[15:27] <m0nkey_> Or my personal favourite, Rik Mayall's - How to be a complete b*****d game
[15:27] <m0nkey_> I miss that guy
[15:27] <m0nkey_> He was so funny
[15:27] <zmoylan-pi> i watched the young ones and blackadder since, total brilliance
[15:28] <m0nkey_> You should also re-watch Bottom
[15:28] <zmoylan-pi> and that too, slipped my mind
[15:28] <zmoylan-pi> have them on dvd
[15:29] <diddledan> bottom was mad
[15:29] <diddledan> off-the-wall doens't quite cover it methinks
[15:29] <m0nkey_> # Wait a minute Mr UPS guy. Wai-wai-wai-Mr UPS guy. Look in your truck for a package for me! #
[15:30] <zmoylan-pi> i keep meaning to keep an eye out for the new statesman
[15:45] <diddledan> my internet is really slow toady
[15:46] <zmoylan-pi> should be a bit faster now that turkey has no youtube or twitter...
[15:46] <diddledan> oh?
[15:46] <zmoylan-pi> that's a lot less cat packets been shuffled around :-)
[15:46] <diddledan> why turkey no do twitter?
[15:47] <penguin42> diddledan: Something about them publishing some pictures from a terrorist seige
[15:47] <zmoylan-pi> because they think it's the only way to protect the people from pics of terrorist acts from last week
[15:47] <diddledan> *le sigh*
[15:48] <zmoylan-pi> the guy who voiced gerry adams is hoping for more work... :-P
[15:48] <diddledan> o_O
[15:49] <penguin42> zmoylan-pi: Do you think he's versatile enough to do all potential terrorist voices?
[15:49] <diddledan> I don't get the reference
[15:49] <diddledan> "the guy who voiced gerry adams"?
[15:50] <penguin42> diddledan: It's from when there was a ban on broadcasting Gerry Adams voice on TV
[15:51] <penguin42> diddledan: So the news orgs just played someone else voicing what he'd said
[15:51] <diddledan> I didn't know there was such a thing
[15:52] <zmoylan-pi> we need mel blanc to voice *all* the terrorists
[15:52] <diddledan> terrorists are usually all just "durka durka jihad" tho, aren't they?
[15:52] <zmoylan-pi> every country has weird censorships that have come up over the years, the new method is to just block certain sites
[15:53] <diddledan> "what's he saying?" "it looks like kiss me"
[15:54] <diddledan> I wonder if netflix has that yet?
[15:56] <diddledan> looks like not in the uk
[16:26] <diddledan> a teeny bit risqué, but for adults in the room, john oliver talks to edward snowden:
[16:28] <Azelphur> So, I'm going to USA this week and I have no idea of what things to buy and bring back, suggestions?
[16:29] <diddledan> Azelphur: are you sure they'll let you leave?
[16:29] <directhex> gin!
[16:29] <Azelphur> diddledan: amusingly no, not really xD
[16:29] <penguin42> Azelphur: Well, now that you can get Oreo's in Europe there's really no point is there....
[16:30] <Azelphur> penguin42: dude, kispy kreme.
[16:30] <penguin42> Azelphur: We can get those in Manchester
[16:30] <penguin42> Azelphur: (at an exhaubitant price)
[16:30] <diddledan> don't forget to tak your false identity passport and the fake beard
[16:30] <Azelphur> penguin42: but do you actually have the proper krispy kreme shop that'll give you drive through made on the spot donuts?
[16:30] <penguin42> Azelphur: We do have one
[16:31] <diddledan> we get krispy kreme in tesco
[16:31] <Azelphur> penguin42: madness
[16:31] <Azelphur> diddledan: yea but that's just a shitty cabinet, it's not the same
[16:31] <penguin42> Azelphur: There are at least a couple of actual Krispy Kreme shops including one that has the bakery and I've had a fresh kk off the line still hot and dripping - it's wonderful
[16:31] <Azelphur> penguin42: exactly, it really is wonderful
[16:32] <Azelphur> British people usually have no idea just how good Krispy Kreme is xD
[16:32] <penguin42> Azelphur: I'm not sure if they do that all the time, it was just after they opened and they were giving away some of the fresh ones off the line as you waited to buy others
[16:32] <Azelphur> I see
[16:33] <Azelphur> Nah, in US they'll send you an SMS when they have a batch ready
[16:33] <Azelphur> and you just drive through and pick it up
[16:34] <directhex> there's a krispy kreme outlet at oxford castle complex
[16:34] <penguin42> Azelphur:
[16:34] <directhex> and another in the MK shopping centre
[16:34] <Azelphur> directhex: that's the stuff :P
[16:35] <Azelphur> but yea, last time I went out there it was black friday and I stocked up on HDDs, SSDs and some other misc bits :P
[16:35] <Azelphur> this time I'm gonna get a GTX 980 because my GTX 570 is about to break
[16:36] <directhex> i'm delaying my new pc again.
[16:36] <directhex> for money reasons, again
[16:36] <directhex> stupid crummy car
[16:36] <Azelphur> Kinda tempted to get a new board + CPU while I'm out there, but DDR4 is annoying me
[16:36] <directhex> but given current delays, the 980ti should be out by the time i'm buying
[18:05] <zmoylan-pi> maybe if they release a car that runs linux...
[18:10] <directhex> zmoylan-pi: plenty of IVI systems are linux-based
[18:24] <Azelphur> things I like about going to America: i7-4790K in USA: $279.99, in UK? £265.
[18:26] <zmoylan-pi> yeah the $->£ price conversion is slightly annoying
[22:10] <daftykins> Azelphur: heh gotta get a few to make it worth your while :D
[22:10] <Azelphur> hehe
[22:10] <daftykins> it's baseball season once more \o/
[22:11] <daftykins> now if only i can work out how to watch it without trashing my waking hours
[22:15] <Myrtti> wheee hat works
[22:15] <diddledan> \o/
[22:16] <Myrtti> needed a bit of help with the code because I had stared it for days but atleast it's ready for the London trip this week
[22:46] <m0nkey_> new PC is up and running
[22:46] <daftykins> \o/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.774388 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-uk"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-de | [07:03] <jokrebel> Guten Morgen. Wie find ich auf einfache Weise heraus welcher Displaymanager und welche Desktopumgebung auf einem entfernten Rechner läuft?
[07:04] <_moep_> ps,[h]top
[07:04] <_moep_> setzt natürlich vorraus, dass die gerade laufen
[07:08] <nagetier> env könnte auch interessant sein
[07:09] <nagetier> falls es das auf dem rechner gibt
[07:09] <nagetier> oder halt die variablen anders ausgeben lassen
[07:11] <_moep_> es gibt doch sicher ne variable die darauf links
[07:11] <nagetier> denke auch
[07:12] <nagetier> ein aktiver prozess dürfte allerdings verlässlicher sein
[07:23] <jokrebel> Danke schon mal
[07:24] <apollo13> jokrebel: ich würde schaun ob dir dbus das sagen kann
[07:25] <jokrebel> Den Displaymanager hab ich mit ps/grep schonmal rausgefunden. Aber welcher Desktop gerade läuft (es sind mehrere Installiert) scheint etwas schwieriger zu sein.
[07:30] <apollo13> jokrebel: was machst wenn mehrere desktops laufen :þ warum willst du das eigentlich wissen?
[07:51] <nagetier> apollo13, dann könnte man doch schauen welcher benutzer welchen desktop gestartet hat
[07:51] <apollo13> nagetier: maximal als root
[07:51] <nagetier> zugegeben
[07:53] <apollo13> die frage ist was er eigentlich will, ie den richtigen editor aufmachen um ne datei anzuzeigen?
[07:53] <apollo13> xdg-open etc…
[08:05] <jokrebel> ja, also Desktop ist jetzt nicht so wichtig rauszufinden, hätt mich nur interessiert.
[08:05] <apollo13> hehe
[08:12] <dreamon> Weiß zufällig jemand wie man die Titelleiste unter Lubuntu wieder einblenden kann? Dort gibts im Pulldown einen Punkt, neben maximieren usw. Titelleiste Ein/Aus. Aber ohne Titelleiste kann man diese nicht mehr einschalten. :(
[08:35] <Hispeed88> ich möchte ein Netzlaufwerk in fstab einhängen mittels nfs.
[08:35] <Hispeed88> nur stimmt etwas mit den berechtigungen nicht. ich möchte nur leserechte.
[08:35] <Hispeed88> /home/odroid/Filme ro rsize=1024,wsize=1024,timeo=14,_netdev 0 0
[08:36] <Hispeed88> user auf client seite: odroid / User auf server (synology) streamer
[08:45] <Frickelpit> Hispeed88: ro rsize=1024 <- Tippfehler oder fehlendes Komma?
[08:48] <Hispeed88> habe ich aus dem wiki: ro und dann abstand oder eben nicht wenn du das sagst
[08:49] <Frickelpit> Hispeed88: optionen mit komma getrennt
[08:49] <Hispeed88> ah verstehe habs soeben gesehen
[08:50] <Hispeed88> funktioniert leider nicht. nun muss ich wieder S drücken beim booten.
[09:23] <oktay> was ist der unterschied bei den treibern 340 und 340-update?
[09:29] <dreamon> Angenommen ich hab Ubuntu(gnome-session-fallback) installiert und ich installiere Lubuntu nach. Dann ändert sich auch einiges am DE des ersten. Benachrichtigungen sind anderst und noch so ein paar Dinge. Kann man grundlegende Dinge zwie z.B. die Art der Benachrichtigungen irgendwo seperat festlegen?
[09:48] <dreamon> Was ist eigentlich der unterschied zwischen gconfig und dconfig Editor?
[09:49] <apollo13> alt vs ne?
[09:50] <apollo13> neu*
[09:51] <dreamon> Hm. Inwiefern neu/alt .. Die Bedienung ist minimal unterschiedlich. Aber die anzeigen sind es auf jedenfall z.B. org ist beim anderen drin. Dachte das "g" steht für gnome
[09:51] <dreamon> 7
[09:52] <apollo13> hier ist ein großer unterschied
[09:53] <apollo13> das meiste ist hier in gconf gar nimmer drin
[09:53] <Hispeed88> /home/odroid/Filme nfs ro 0 0 habe ich nun in fstab und es geht leider noch immer nicht :(
[09:53] <apollo13> gconf ist alt und gnome2, dconf ist gnome3 und verwendet kein xml mehr
[10:04] <dreamon> also dconf. Jetzt bräuchte man nur noch eine deutsche Anleitung wo man etwas die Zusammenhänge erklärt. Ich stelle fest das ich damit mehr erreiche, als stundenlang irgendwelche Tools zu suchen.
[10:05] <sash_> dreamon: Du könntest dich durch den dconf-editor durchklicken. Spannend ist das aber nicht.
[10:06] <dreamon> Das hab ich .. ich hätte nur gern die Zusammenhänge verstanden. Z.B. visible desktop icons.. das gibt hier bestimmt 3mal..
[10:07] <dreamon> Da der nautilus nun nicht mehr mit F3 den Bildschirm teilen läßt bin ich auf nemo umgestiegen. es hat eine Ewigkeit gebraucht zu verstehen, das dieser für die Darstellung des Desktops zuständig war.
[10:09] <sash_> Man kann mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit beide nutzen. Nemo ausscchließlich als Filemanager und Nautilus zum Zeichnen des Desktops
[10:11] <dreamon> sash_, Tatsache ist, das nemo nun den Background zeichnet. Ich frag mich wo das festgelegt wird, wer das Zeichnet. Wenn ich wieder auf nautilus umstellen könnte, würden die anderen Tool wieder funktionieren.
[10:13] <bekks> Hispeed88: Was "geht nicht"?
[10:16] <Hispeed88> Hi bekks, habe ein Odroid-C1 mit lubuntu und ein synology nas. ich versuche auf dem odroid ein Netzlaufwerk via fstab und nfs zu mounten: /home/odroid/Filme nfs ro 0 0
[10:16] <bekks> Und?
[10:17] <Hispeed88> geht leider nicht. momentan gibt er mir an auf dem client: only system administrators have the permission to do this. er mounted aber einen Ordner Filme
[10:17] <Hispeed88> wenn ich dort drauf klicke kommt die meldung
[10:18] <bekks> Definiere "geht nicht".
[10:18] <Hispeed88> und unter: /home/odroid/Filme ist einfach leer.
[10:18] <bekks> Und die Meldung ist sehr klar. Du darfst das als User nicht mounten.
[10:19] <Hispeed88> ja das verstehe ich schon aber mein problem ist wie funktioniert denn das mit den UID und der berechtigung genau wo muss ich das eingeben. Ziel wäre nur read-only rechte zu haben.
[10:21] <bekks> Wie mountest Du genau, wen Du es manuell versuchst?
[10:24] <Hispeed88> ich hatte bis jetzt erfolgreich: mount -o username:=nasmpassword=123456 // //home/odroid/Filme
[10:25] <bekks> Und wies benutzt Du diese Optionen dann nicht auch in der fstab?
[10:25] <Hispeed88> das hatte ich dann über die rc.local eingebunden funktionierte soweit auch. musste aber nun aufsetzen und nun wollte ich es sauber über fstab und nfs machen.
[10:31] <Hispeed88> bekks habe nun: mount -o username:=nas,password=123456 // //home/odroid/Filme nfs ro 0 0
[10:31] <bekks> Wo hast Du das?
[10:32] <Hispeed88> in die fstab geschrieben. bei //home nur mit einem /
[10:33] <bekks> Das ist weder ein ansatzweise gültiger fstab Eintrag, noch ein gültiges mount Kommando.
[10:33] <bekks> Wie sah der fstab vorher aus?
[10:34] <Hispeed88> /home/odroid/Filme nfs ro 0 0
[10:35] <bekks> Und welche Optionen verwendest du im Mount Befehl?
[10:36] <Hispeed88> keine
[10:36] <bekks> Doch.
[10:36] <bekks> Schau nochmal genau hin.
[10:36] <Hispeed88> das -o weiss ich nicht was es macht :(
[10:36] <bekks> minus o, o wie Option.
[10:36] <Hispeed88> username und passwort
[10:37] <bekks> Irgendwas passt da aber nicht. Einmal schreibst du username:= ... und einmal password=
[10:37] <bekks> Entweder hast du einen Doppelpunkt zuviel oder einen zuwenig.
[10:37] <Hispeed88> ich sehe es.... moment mal alles sauber durchgehen
[10:39] <Hispeed88> nun würde ich folgendes schreiben: mount -o username=nas,password=123456 // /home/odroid/Filme ro 0 0
[10:39] <Hispeed88> das volume1 wird auf der synology seite angeben als nfs share.
[10:40] <Hispeed88> ro für read only und 0 0 weiss ich nicht.
[10:40] <bekks> Was du da schreibst ist weder ein gültiger fstab Eintrag noch ein gültiges Kommando.
[10:40] <bekks> /home/odroid/Filme nfs ro 0 0
[10:40] <bekks> DAS ist ein gültiger Eintrag, allerdings fehlen noch die Optionen.
[10:41] <bekks> Welche Optionen benutzt Du im Mount Befehl?
[10:41] <Hispeed88> username und passwort. dann muss ich die irgendwo nun reinhängen
[10:42] <Hispeed88> ich denke mal nach nfs und vor ro
[10:42] <bekks> Schreib dochmal die Optionen komplett hier hin.
[10:42] <bekks> Ohne zu raten wo man sie in die fstab einbaut.
[10:43] <Hispeed88> für mich sind dass die optionen: username=nas,password=123456 ro 0 0
[10:43] <bekks> Falsch.
[10:43] <bekks> username=nas,password=123456
[10:43] <bekks> DAS sind die OPtionen aus dem mount Befehl.
[10:44] <bekks> Und in der fstab benutzt du als Optionen bisher nur ro.
[10:44] <bekks> Mehrere Optionen trennt man durch Kommata.
[10:45] <Hispeed88> dann müsste es so heissen: /home/odroid/Filme nfs username=nas,password=123456,ro 0 0
[10:45] <bekks> Genau :)
[10:48] <Ghun> moin
[10:48] <Ghun> kann mir jemand sagen ob man ubuntu aufn arm tegra4 zum laufen bekommt?
[10:48] <Hispeed88> jetzt kommt noch immer der fehler bezüglich den user rechten.
[10:49] <bekks> Wenn Du WAS tust?
[10:51] <Hispeed88> wenn ich auf Filme klicke das hat es mir nun wieder gemacht im "places" dann unter: /home/odroid/Filme kommt die meldung nicht aber der ordner bleibt leer
[10:51] <bekks> Vergiss deine Rumklickerei.
[10:51] <bekks> Mounte das Ding.
[10:52] <bekks> Natürlich bleibt der Ordner leer, weil dort nichts gemounted ist.
[10:52] <Hispeed88> das ist logisch soweit. Ich denke aber dass es was mit der freigabe auf dem nas zu tun hat.
[10:53] <bekks> Hat es nicht.
[10:53] <bekks> Du musst das Ding mounten. Und als User darfst Du nicht mounten.
[11:00] <Hispeed88> mir fehlt dazu was in meinem fstab eintrag. automount....oder so bin am lesen
[11:00] <bekks> "auto" vs. "noauto"
[11:01] <bekks> Da du auch keine "defaults" angegeben hast, ist "auto" auch nicht aktiv. Ergo wird nichts automatisch gemounted.
[11:09] <Hispeed88> folgendes: /home/odroid/Filme nfs username=nas,password=123456,users,auto,ro 0 0
[11:09] <bekks> users,auto macht nicht viel Sinn, weil beim Bootender Mount als root durchgeführt wird.
[11:13] <Hispeed88> dann nousers
[11:14] <bekks> Nein :)
[11:14] <apollo13> jokrebel: btw, wenn systemd rennt: XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=gnome
[11:14] <bekks> Entweder defaults,auto (um Dir klarzumachen, was da passiert), oder defaults,users,noauto
[11:15] <Hispeed88> bekks bin ja nur seit 4 stunden am laufwerke anhängen :D happy easter monday ^^
[11:15] <bekks> Einmal nachfragen hätte gereicht ;)
[11:17] <Hispeed88> bin aber noch nicht am ziel habe: defaults,users,noauto eingefügt.
[11:18] <bekks> Ja, das wird jetzt also nicht automatisch gemounted.
[11:18] <Hispeed88> nun kommt: mount: wrong fs type bad option bad superblock on
[11:18] <bekks> Wie sieht denn deine fstab Zeile jetzt aus?
[11:19] <Hispeed88> /home/odroid/Filme nfs username=nas,password=123456,defaults,users,noauto,ro 0 0
[11:19] <Hispeed88> aber ich will ja dass er automatisch einhängt.
[11:19] <bekks> Wieso hast du dann noauto gesetzt? :)
[11:19] <Hispeed88> mit defaults setzt aber doch auto dann muss ich no auto nicht setzen
[11:19] <bekks> Ein ganz kleines bisschen mitdenken ist von Vorteil :)
[11:19] <Hispeed88> sowie users auch nicht
[11:20] <bekks> Was könnte der Grund für "um Dir klarzumachen, was da passiert" gewesen sein? :)
[11:20] <Hispeed88> aber mit defaults macht er dann rw wird dass dann überschrieben mit ro?
[11:20] <Hispeed88> damit ich was lerne
[11:21] <bekks> ro überschreibt defaults, users auch. auto steht nur da, damit du dir merkst, dass defaults bereits auto beinhaltet.
[11:23] <Hispeed88> /home/odroid/Filme nfs username=nas,password=123456,defaults,ro 0 0
[11:23] <bekks> So macht der das automatisch, als root.
[11:24] <Hispeed88> habe ich nun aber es geht noch nicht. habe soeben neu gestartet. er zeigt mir noch immer an dass ich root rechte benötige also hat er es nicht gemounted?
[11:25] <bekks> Das erzähle ich dir DIE GANZE ZEIT.
[11:25] <bekks> auto mounted als root, weil beim Systemstart root alle Dateisysteme laut fstab einhängt.
[11:26] <bekks> Und als User bekommst Du IMMER die Meldung, dass Dir Rechte fehlen, wenn im fstab Eintrag kein "users" drinsteht. Ausser dieser Meldung passiert da nix.
[11:26] <bekks> Und die Meldung sagt auch nichts darüber, ob das schon gemounted ist oder nicht.
[11:26] <Hispeed88> aha ich glaube langsam kappiere ich es
[11:29] <oktay> doch nicht so problemfrei die nvidia binary treiber
[11:29] <bekks> Völlig problemfrei hier.
[11:29] <Hispeed88> /home/odroid/Filme nfs username=nas,password=123456,users,auto,ro 0 0
[11:30] <bekks> Das mounted als root, automatisch.
[11:30] <oktay> ups bekks meinte normalerweise in #ubuntu-de+1, weil ich 15.04 beta 2 installiert hatte
[11:35] <Hispeed88> das habe ich gemacht.
[11:35] <bekks> Was hast Du gemacht? :)
[11:36] <Hispeed88> mit users,auto in fstab geschrieben und neu gestartet.
[11:36] <bekks> Ja, mounted automatisch als root.
[11:37] <Hispeed88> das wäre ja gut aber ich bin ja nicht als root angemeldet im normalfall
[11:38] <bekks> Du musst nicht als root angemeldet sein.
[11:38] <bekks> Es wird als root gemounted.
[11:38] <oktay> kann dann ein normaler user nicht draufschreiben oder
[11:39] <bekks> Wieso sollte das ein User nicht können?
[11:39] <bekks> Ob ein User das kann, hängt NICHT davon ab, wer mounted, sondern welche BERECHTIGUNGEN dort gesetzt sind.
[11:39] <Hispeed88> ok. ja dann habe ich nun den folgenden fehler: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on, missing codepage or helper program or other error
[11:40] <bekks> Dann zeig uns mal die Ausgabe von "dmesg" in einem Pastebin.
[11:45] <Hispeed88>
[11:51] <bekks> Welchen genauen Befehl benutzt du?
[11:52] <Hispeed88> für das pastebin habe ich nun einfach: dmesg eingegeben. oder was meinst du mit welchen befehl?
[11:53] <bekks> Naja, irgendwas wird die Fehlermeldung "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad super block..." verursachen. Welcher genaue Befehl?
[11:54] <Hispeed88> das kommt wenn ich auf das gemountete "laufwerk" also filme klicke.
[11:54] <bekks> Wenn du WAS TUST?
[11:54] <bekks> Und vergiss dieses Rumklicken endlich.
[11:55] <bekks> Du hast das Ding bereits gemounted, laut fstab.
[11:55] <bekks> Wieso willst du es denn nochmal mounten?
[11:55] <Hispeed88> ich mounte es nicht noch einmal.
[11:55] <bekks> Du versuchst das die ganze Zeit. :)
[11:55] <bekks> Ansonsten würde da nicht mount aufgerufen werden.
[11:57] <Hispeed88> wenn ich den File Manager öffne habe ich links oben unter: Places, Home Folder, Desktop, Trash Can, Applications, Boot, Filme
[11:57] <Hispeed88> wenn ich dort auf Filme klicke kommt das, ja ich klicke gerne :D
[11:58] <bekks> MAchst Du mal einen Screenshot davon bitte? :)
[11:59] <p01nt3r> guten tag und frohe ostern. unter ubuntu mate 14.04 wird meine gtx960 nur erkannt als: "VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1401 (rev a1)". ich denke dass der monitor infolge dessen auch nicht erkannt wird. und somit habe ich auf meinem hanns.g hw191d monitor nur eine maximale auflösung von 1024x768. ich hätte aber gern 1440x900. wo fange ich da am besten an?
[11:59] <bekks> Mit der Installation der Nvidia-Treiber.
[12:00] <bekks> Als was sollte eine "NVIDIA Corporation Device 1401 (rev a1)" denn sonst erkannt werden?
[12:00] <p01nt3r> bekks: mit dem namen des models beispielsweise?
[12:01] <bekks> Das liegt an der Datenbank hinter lspci.
[12:01] <bekks> sudo update-pciids
[12:02] <Hispeed88>
[12:02] <kubine> Hispeed88: Title: IMG_1230.JPG - (at
[12:02] <p01nt3r> bekks: bzgl. der installation des nvidia-treibers: da fangen die probleme schon an: ich habe so erstmal gar keine text-konsolen, da fange ich an mit nomodeset rumzurühren, dann wird die auflösung noch schlechter etc. ...
[12:02] <bekks> Hispeed88: Du versuchst verzweifelt das Share nochmal zu mounten, weil du das irgendwann mal graphisch versucht hast.
[12:03] <bekks> p01nt3r: Benutze nomodeset, um in eine Textkonsole zu kommen, und dann installier einfach die nvidia-Treiber.
[12:03] <p01nt3r> bekks: lol jetzt steht sie als 960 im lspci ^^
[12:03] <bekks> Das ist nur Eyecandy.
[12:03] <p01nt3r> bekks: und danach den nomodeset wieder rausnehmen oder drin lassen?
[12:03] <bekks> Ich würde es drinlassen. Tut ja niemandem weh.
[12:03] <p01nt3r> ...hat also keinerlei auswirkungen?
[12:04] <Hispeed88> nehmen wir mal an die zeile im fstab funktioniert soweit. alles richtig, dann müsste ich doch aber irgendwo nun meine files sehen.
[12:04] <bekks> Doch. Verhindert das kernel mode setting, mit dem manche Nvidiakarte nicht zurecht kommt.
[12:04] <p01nt3r> bekks: ich meine aber, bei aktivierten "nomodeset" probleme mit vsync gehabt zu haben...
[12:04] <bekks> Hispeed88: Ja, dort wo du sie hast mounten lassen.
[12:04] <p01nt3r> dabei handelte es sich um vorherige installationen
[12:05] <bekks> Hispeed88: Schau Dir doch mal Ausgabe von "mount" an.
[12:06] <p01nt3r> bekks: wie sieht es denn eig. aus mit einem quell-eigenen treiber in ubuntu, der die gtx960 unterstützt? gibts da schon einen release termin?
[12:06] <bekks> Keine Ahnung. Ich habe nouveau noch nie genutzt.
[12:07] <p01nt3r> bekks: ich meine nicht nouveau sondern nvidia.
[12:08] <p01nt3r> oder anders formuliert: den (angepassten) nvidia-treiber, den ubuntu in seinen quellen anbietet. da gibt es nämlich noch keinen.
[12:08] <bekks> nvidia ist nicht quelloffen.
[12:08] <p01nt3r> s.o.
[12:08] <bekks> NAtürlich gibt es den. Seit Jahren.
[12:08] <p01nt3r> quell-eigen, nicht quell-offen ^^
[12:09] <bekks> NAtürlich gibt es den. Seit Jahren.
[12:09] <p01nt3r> für die 960? wo
[12:09] <bekks> nouveau = opensource, nvidia = closed source.
[12:09] <bekks> Abhängig von der genauen HW musst du ggf. eine PPA einbinden.
[12:09] <p01nt3r> ist mir schon klar. nvidia hat ja überhaupt erst 3 treiber für die 960 veröffentlicht.
[12:09] <bekks> Ändert aber nichts daran, dass sowohl nouveau als auch nvidia in den Repos sind.
[12:10] <bekks> Wenn Dir das klar, warum tust Du das dann nicht? :)
[12:10] <Hispeed88> bekks unter mount ist nichts zu sehen von meinem eintrag
[12:10] <bekks> Hispeed88: Dann rufe eine "sudo mount -a" auf und guck nach, was da passiert :)
[12:10] <bekks> So, ich geh mal ins Real Life. Viel Spass noch :)
[12:11] <Hispeed88> dieselbe fehlermeldung: wrong fs type
[12:11] <Hispeed88> er will aber mein laufwerk mounten also Filme
[12:11] <p01nt3r> bekks: mein monitor wird auch mit dem prop. nvidia-treiber nicht erkannt. versuche, die auflösung per randr umzustellen endeten in einer fehlermeldung.
[12:21] <Hispeed88> Meaning: apt-get install nfs-common, if /sbin/mount.nfs is not already there. – Mads Skjern Feb
[12:32] <Hispeed88> mount.nfs habe ich nicht in sbin :(
[12:35] <sdx23> Hispeed88: du hast nfs-common nicht installiert
[12:40] <Hispeed88> ja aber wie installiere ich das
[12:40] <Hispeed88> apt-get install nfs-common geht nicht
[12:41] <Frickelpit> Hispeed88: was heißt "geht nicht"?
[12:43] <Hispeed88> reading package lists... done. building dependency tree readint state information... Done. Package nfs-commong is not available but is reffered to by another package..... E: Package 'nfs-common' has no installation candiate.
[12:49] <Frickelpit> Hispeed88: was ist die Ausgabe von 'apt-cache policy nfs-common'?
[12:51] <Hispeed88> nfs-common: installed (none) candiate: (none) version table:
[12:55] <Frickelpit> Hispeed88: pack mal deine /etc/apt/sources.list in einen paste
[12:57] <Hispeed88>
[12:58] <Hispeed88> ich habe updates usw. deaktiviert kann das daran liegen?
[12:59] <Frickelpit> Nein, das liegt eher daran, dass deine sources.list crap ist. Welches Ubuntu nutzt du und auf welchem Gerät?
[12:59] <Hispeed88> Odroid-C1 Lubuntu
[12:59] <Hispeed88> image von hardkernel vorgefertigt
[13:07] <Frickelpit> Hispeed88: dann ist deine Frage in #odroid besser aufgehoben. Ich weiß nicht, was die an dem Image rumbasteln. Jedenfalls kann das so nicht funktionieren ohne nfs-common.
[14:49] <Hispeed88> Frickelpit der programmer sagt dass es nicht geht via fstab und nfs :(.
[14:50] <Hispeed88> was ist denn das, da könnte ich doch gleich durchdrehen. ich mache das wohl wieder so wie früher via rc.local
[14:55] <Frickelpit> Hispeed88: zumindest hast du jetzt eine Antwort, warum es bei dir nicht geht mit der fstab
[14:57] <Hispeed88> warum nur ist mein einstieg in Linux egal was ich tuhe immer so harzig... ist es denn zumindest nicht ganz falsch wenn ich das über rc.local mache?
[14:59] <Frickelpit> Hispeed88: wenn es so funktioniert ist es deine einzige möglichkeit
[15:07] <Ghun> kann mir jemand sagen ob man ubuntu aufn arm tegra4 zum laufen bekommt?
[15:23] <ring0> Ghun, sieht so aus: ist aber nichts offiziell unterstütztes
[15:23] <kubine> ring0: Title: Tegra Ubuntu Installation - (at
[15:25] <Ghun> ring0 hab halt gesehen das nvidia die kernel für das dev teil hat und spiele halt mit denn gedanken auf ne tegra 4 android console was anderes drauf zu machen...
[15:25] <Ghun> zumal der bootloader ja auch offen ist
[15:26] <ring0> ist doch bestimmt ein nettes projekt
[15:27] <Ghun> denk ich auch und wäre was anderes als immer nur android auf solchen teilen zu sehen :)
[15:40] <Pentium4> Guten Abend Zusammen, habe hier ein altes Notebook(Medimax MD40854) ist ein Pentium 4("Defigned for Windows XP), denke mal nicht dass er ratsam ist das neuste Ubuntu zu installieren. Jemand ne Idee was ich installieren sollte? Vlt Xubuntu/Lubuntu/Knoppix oder so??
[15:41] <ppq> Pentium4, wie viel ram hat das denn?
[15:41] <k1l> !lubuntu | Pentium4
[15:41] <k1l> !lubuntu > Pentium4
[15:41] <kubine> Pentium4: Informationen zu Lubuntu finden sich im Wiki unter
[15:41] <ppq> Pentium4, mit 1 GB kannst du schon xubuntu wagen, lubuntu ist aber sparsamer. darunter auf jeden fall lubuntu
[15:42] <_moep_> was da an strom drauf geht
[15:42] <Pentium4> habe lubuntu drauf, allerdings kann ich seit einer Stunde keinen Grafiktreiber finden..
[15:42] <k1l> _moep_: jo, rein aus stromverbrauchsgründne sollte man da neue hardware nutzen
[15:42] <Pentium4> 640x480 ist nicht so toll..
[15:42] <ppq> die P4 notebooks sind gar nicht so verschwenderisch _moep_. nehmen nicht mehr als ein haswell desktop ;)
[15:42] <zy3pD> nimm lubuntu 14.04 da kannst nichts falschmachen
[15:43] <Pentium4> zy3pD: kann da leider keinen Grafiktreiber für die angeblich verbaute Geforce finden. habe den offiziellen treiber und bumblebee versucht
[15:44] <ppq> Pentium4, die wird wohl so alt sein, dass sie vom nvidia treiber nicht mehr unterstützt wird. mit dem freien treiber (nouveau) sollte es aber auf jeden fall automatisch laufen
[15:45] <Pentium4> ppq: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau ist schon die neueste Version.
[15:45] <Pentium4> ..
[15:45] <ppq> und du hast kein bild?
[15:45] <Pentium4> doch schon aber nur 640x480
[15:45] <zy3pD> Pentium4, unter Lubuntu findest du den Menüpunkt 'Zusätzliche Treiber' ... wenn darüber kein Treiber aneboten wird dann bleibt dir nur der normale Treiber
[15:46] <Pentium4> ich schau mal grad
[15:48] <Pentium4> zy3pD: No additional drivers available.
[15:49] <Pentium4> mit der Knoppix Live CD waren sind höhere Auflösungen möglich.
[15:49] <Pentium4> sollte doch dann auch unter lubuntu klappen!?
[15:50] <zy3pD> hast du mal den kernelparamter nomodeset übergeben?
[15:52] <Pentium4> nein, weiß leider nicht was das ist..
[15:53] <zy3pD> Pentium4,
[15:53] <kubine> zy3pD: Title: Bootoptionen › Wiki › (at
[15:54] <Pentium4> in /etc/default/grub eintragen ja?
[15:57] <jokrebel> Pentium4: Würd das nicht gleich fest eintagen. Erst mal per Bootoption händisch austesten.
[15:57] <jokrebel> +r
[15:59] <jokrebel> Und das ist in dem Verlinkten Artikel bei sehr schön beschrieben
[15:59] <kubine> jokrebel: Title: Bootoptionen › Wiki › (at
[16:00] <Pentium4> ja das habe ich gefunden, hab nur eins speziell für lubuntu gesucht, ich weiß ja nicht ob der artikel auch für lubuntu gültig ist
[16:02] <Pentium4> jokrebel: ein grubauswahlmenü gibts bei mir ja garnicht. es startet sofort lubuntu. in dem artikel ist lediglich dualboot und live medium beschrieben oder sehe ich das falsch?
[16:03] <jokrebel> Wenn Du kein Dualboot hast ist das Grub-Menü verborgen. Kann man mit Shift oder ESC sichtbar machen
[16:05] <Pentium4> okay ich versuchs mal, danke!
[16:05] <jokrebel> Pentium4: Und ja, das siehst Du falsch. Und das ist natürlich auch für Lubuntu gültig weil da das eigentlche (grafische)OS noch gar nicht läuft.
[16:07] <Pentium4> jokrebel: okay, die information wie ich grub überhaupt aufrufe hätte mir an dieser stelle halt gefehlt. aber die wird wohl ausreichend in anderen artikeln erwähnt
[16:07] <jokrebel> jepp
[16:08] <jokrebel> Pentium4: Aber es steht Dir frei, auch dort noch entsprechend unter zu bringen ("it's a Wiki") <g>
[16:08] <Pentium4> jokrebel: vlt mach ich das später, wenn ich nicht mehr vor 640x480 sitze ;)
[16:17] <Pentium4> also, das mit dem nomodeset hat sehr gut funktioniert. sollte/kann ich es dann nun feste eintragen?
[16:20] <ring0> wenn du nur so die höheren auflösungen bekommst, ja
[16:22] <Pentium4> gut, danke euch!
[16:22] <zy3pD> sudo update-grub nicht vergessen
[16:46] <Pentium4> habe jetzt in der /etc/default/grub an die zeile GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" ein nomodeset angehangen (GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset") das ganze habe ich gespeichert und danach den grub loader geupdated. es zeigt allerdings keine wirkung..
[16:47] <zy3pD> Pentium4, also du hast danach sudo update-grub ausgeführt?
[16:47] <Pentium4> zy3pD: richtig
[16:47] <jokrebel> Pentium4: Wie hast Du denn "danach den grub loader
[16:48] <zy3pD> Pentium4, und du hast die datei auch mit su rechten bearbeitet, sodass die ännderungen auch gespeichert werden?
[16:48] <jokrebel> Pentium4: Wie hast Du die Datei editiert? Ist die jetzt tatsächlich so wie Du sie zu verändern versuchtest? Oder hat das speichern (wegen fehlenden Rechten) vielleicht nicht geklappt?
[16:50] <Pentium4_> "Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported." sonst verlief das update unproblematisch
[16:51] <jokrebel> Pentium4_: Dann zeig uns die Datei doch mal in einem NoPaste bitte.
[16:51] <Pentium4_> kann ichs auch in grub selbst speichern wenn ich es da eingetragen habe? so hat es ja geklappt..
[16:51] <jokrebel> !pasten > Pentium4_
[16:51] <kubine> Pentium4_: Nicht selbst geschriebener Text wird im IRC sehr unleserlich und unhandlich. Deshalb sollten mehr als 3 Zeilen immer in einen sogenannten Nopaste-Service wie z.B. abgelegt werden. Nach dem Speichern kannst du dann die URL der Seite kopieren und sie statt des Textes hier im Channel posten.
[16:53] <Pentium4_>
[16:53] <kubine> Pentium4_: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[17:07] <Pentium4_> jokrebel: müsste alles korrekt sein oder?
[17:15] <jokrebel> was sagt ein "ls -al" zu der Datei? Und dann auch gleich noch den kompletten Output (incl. Eingabezeile) des Grub-Updates
[17:20] <Pentium4_> jokrebel:
[17:20] <kubine> Pentium4_: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[17:23] <jokrebel> Pentium4_: Setz doch mal wegen "Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported" die Zeile 9 deines ersten Past auch auf 0
[17:24] <jokrebel> Pastes
[17:27] <Pentium4_> jokrebel: hab ich gemacht, die warnung ist natürlich jetzt verschwunden, sonst ist alles identisch
[17:34] <jokrebel> Und das in /etc/default/grub eingefügte "nomodeset" lässt sich fehlerfrei speichern und das anschließende grub-update läuft auch fehlerfrei durch. Aber nach reboot greift est trotzdem nicht? Wie sieht das Grub (welches Du händisch per "e" ja schon mal geöffnet hast) jetzt aus? Steht es da drin oder nicht?
[17:38] <Pentium4_> jokrebel: ich starte neu und schaue ob es in grub->"e" zu finden ist
[17:41] <Pentium4> jokrebel: es ist eingetragen, allerdings scheint das ganze konzept nicht mehr zu funktionieren. habe es mit strg+x gestartet aber habe wieder nur 640x480..
[18:11] <Pentium4_> jokrebel: also habe die änderungen an der /etc/default/grub mal rückgängig gemacht und geaupdatet und das ganze nochmal von hand eingetragen (grub->"e") habe allerdings immernoch lediglich 640x480, wie sieht es mit xubuntu aus? ist es nicht so sehr zu empfehlen? unter knoppix läuft es ja. vlt wäre eine andere distribution die lösung!?
[18:13] <jokrebel> Pentium4_: Was ist es denn überhaupt für Grafikkarte? Vielleich lässt sich ja da was im Forum oder so finden. lspci (oder ggf. lsusb) sollten da was drüber sagen. Kann hier aber grad nur eingeschränkt suchen für Dich.
[18:17] <Pentium4_> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter
[18:17] <bekks> OUCH.
[18:18] <bekks> Eine SIS 6xx/7xx Karte. Damit will ich nichts zu tun haben. :)
[18:19] <Pentium4_> bekks: das glaub ich dir gerne, ich tue das auch nicht freiwillig ;)
[18:19] <jokrebel> oO - ja, wenn ich mich recht erinnere kann man mit mit etwas gefrickel grad mal 1024 erreichen ;-)
[18:20] <jokrebel> allerdings auch unter *buntu
[19:02] <dreamon> Wo stellt man die Scrollrichtung vom Scrollrad ein? Ist genau falsch rum. Liegt nicht an der Maus, hab andere probiert. Genauso falsch rum.
[19:04] <dreamon> Hier steht eine Beschreibung → aber es wird ja kein xorg.conf mehr verwendet und das evdev versteh ich nicht wo ich das umstellen soll
[19:04] <kubine> dreamon: Title: evdev › Wiki › (at
[19:04] <jokrebel> dreamon: "Maus und Touchpad" -> "natürliches scrollen"?
[19:05] <dreamon> jokrebel, Hab ich schon versucht. Ob ich eventuell neustarten müßte, damit es wirksam wird?
[19:11] <bekks> Nein.
[19:11] <bekks> Das ist kein Windows. Du musst maximal deine Desktopumgebugn neustarten.
[19:13] <dreamon> Ok, ich teste es mal.
[19:16] <dreamon> Desktopumgebung neustarten.. == Abmelden und neu anmelden?
[19:16] <Rochvellon> ja
[19:18] <dreamon> Ok, dann hat "natürliches scrollen" nichts verändert.
[19:19] * Rochvellon sieht gerade unter "Maus und Touchpad" den Punkt "Mausrad Invertieren"
[19:20] <dreamon> Rochvellon, Den gibts bei mir dort nicht.
[19:20] <Rochvellon> auch das richtige gerät ausgewählt?
[19:21] <dreamon> Ist aber merkwürdig. In diesem Fenster "Maus und Touchpad" gibt es einen Punkt "Testen Sie Ihre Einstellungen" dort ist die Rollradrichtung richtig. Aber in jedem anderen Fenster falsch.
[19:22] <dreamon> Rochvellon, Wo kann man das Auswählen?
[19:22] <Rochvellon> bei mir steht bei Gerät: eine Auswahlliste (Xubuntu)
[19:23] <dreamon> Rochvellon, Richtig. Bei XFCE stand das bei mir auch dort.. aber unter Gnome3/Unity ist das da nicht so.
[19:27] <dreamon> jokrebel, Set this to TRUE to enable natural (reverse) scrolling for touchpads.
[19:32] <p01nt3r> nabend. ich habe ein problem mit meinem monitor. schließe ich ihn direkt dvi auf dvi an, bekommt ubuntu scheinbar keine EDID-daten geliefert und die auflösung ist unbrauchbar (800x600).wenn ich den monitor jedoch mit einem dvi-auf-vga adapter mit der grafikkarte verbinde, ist alles gut(1440x900). woran kann das liegen?
[19:33] <p01nt3r> kabel/pins/kontakte sehen gut aus, hab das kabel auch schon ausgetauscht - gleiches problem.
[19:33] <ppq> p01nt3r, dass der monitor keine oder für linux unlesbare EDID daten sendet, kommt ziemlich häufig vor. probier es mal mit einer modeline mit xrandr
[19:35] <p01nt3r> ppq: alles schon ausprobiert - endet mit einer fehlermeldung in xrandr beim versuch einen neuen mode per "addmode" dem anschluß zuzuordnen. habe danach dann auch mal gegoogelt, jedoch ohne erfolg.
[19:35] <p01nt3r> war irgendwas mit "BAD REQUEST"...
[19:35] <ppq> ach, stimmt, ich erinnere mich grau
[19:35] <p01nt3r> waren wir das? xD
[19:36] <ppq> ja, denke schon
[19:36] <p01nt3r> lol
[19:36] <ppq> hattest vor ein paar wochen schonmal gefragt, glaube ich
[19:36] <p01nt3r> genau
[19:36] <p01nt3r> ca. 2-3 wochen her
[19:36] <ppq> eher 3
[19:36] <p01nt3r> ja
[19:37] <p01nt3r> ppq, ich erkläre dir mal, was ich bisher gemacht habe:
[19:37] <ppq> dp/hdmi mal probiert? so trial&error mäßig :)
[19:37] <p01nt3r> gleiches problem.
[19:38] <p01nt3r> scheinbar liefert der monitor nicht nach dvi/hdmi
[19:38] <p01nt3r> die frage ist: liegt es an der (neuen) grafikkarte oder am monitor selbst? und wie finde ich das raus?
[19:39] <bekks> Hattest du vor drei Wochen auch schon die neue Karte?
[19:39] <p01nt3r> am alten lg-monitor hats immer geklappt. die gtx960 wird ja auch noch nicht so perfekt von ubuntu unterstützt, oder ist das irrelevant bez. der treiber?
[19:39] <jokrebel> Anderen Monitor oder andere Grafikkarte zur Gegenprobe nehmen?
[19:39] <p01nt3r> bekks: ja
[19:40] <bekks> Anderer Monitor funktioniert, liegt ergo am Monitor.
[19:40] <p01nt3r> jokrebel: also mit der alten grafikkarte und dem "problemmonitor" ging es auch.
[19:40] <p01nt3r> das ist ja das, was mich verwirrt xD
[19:41] <p01nt3r> bekks: hab jetzt den neuen beta-treiber drauf(ja ich kenne die risiken) und mit dem läuft es soweit, jedoch nur über einen dvi auf vga-adapter.
[19:42] <p01nt3r> sobald ich ohne adapter am hdmi oder dvi abgreife ist die auflösung im eimer.
[19:42] <bekks> Es läuft auch ohne Adapter, mit xrandr und einer Modeline durch xrandr
[19:42] <p01nt3r> bekks: wurde bereits erwähnt: das ging auch nicht - frag ppq.
[19:43] <p01nt3r> xrandr lieferte irgendwas von wegen "BAD REQUEST OR ...."
[19:43] <p01nt3r> die modeline liess sich mit addmode nicht dem anschluss zuweisen.
[19:47] <p01nt3r> ich will die alte graka nicht wieder einbauen(gtx550ti). passt iwie nicht mehr so richtig in den pci-e slot (hat sich mir noch nicht erschlossen, woran das liegt - denke aber das io-blech hat sich verzogen oder ist ungenau gefertigt).
[19:48] <p01nt3r> hatte bei 960/problemmonitor mit verschiedenen live-systemen probleme.
[19:48] <ppq> verschiedene treiber hast du sicher auch schon durchprobiert?
[19:49] <ppq> also, auch mal den aktuellsten unfreien "nvidia"
[19:49] <p01nt3r> die frage ist: wie bekomme ich heraus, wer das problem verursacht - monitor oder graka? (graka hat noch garantie und könnte evtl. umgetauscht werden, monitor nicht mehr)
[19:50] <p01nt3r> ja alle, nvidia hat nur 3 mit unterstützung für die 960 unter linux veröffentlicht bisher.
[19:51] <p01nt3r> ich MUSS direkt aus der .run installieren, weil ubuntu mir (noch) keine treiber anbietet für die karte.
[19:51] <p01nt3r> und dann ist da noch die sache mit dem nomodeset..
[19:51] <ppq> im xorg edgers ppa gibt es version 349
[19:52] <bekks> Gibts die Treiber nicht im xorg edgers PPA?
[19:52] <p01nt3r> hatte ich auch schon ausprobiert
[19:52] <ppq> bekks, :P
[19:52] <bekks> ppq: :)
[19:53] <p01nt3r> hab neuinstalliert, alle xserver-xorg-video-X treiber gepurged, die ich nicht brauche und danach den nvidia-treiber per *.run datei installiert.
[19:53] <Rochvellon> und das tauscht nicht das halbe system aus?
[19:54] <ppq> p01nt3r, sicher? 349 ist erst am 25.3. veröffentlicht worden und am 26. im xorg edgers ppa gelandet
[19:55] <p01nt3r> ppq: meine installierte version ist 349.12.
[19:55] <bekks> Die aus der .run
[19:55] <p01nt3r> genau.
[19:55] <bekks> Das war aber nicht die Frage :)
[19:56] <p01nt3r> was war denn die frage?
[19:56] <bekks> Welche Version du aus dem PPA getestet hast.
[19:57] <p01nt3r> den davor, 346.47.
[19:58] <p01nt3r> der 349.12 ist ja noch beta und war nur zum testen.
[19:58] <p01nt3r> aber bisher ja bei allen treibern exakt das gleiche bild.
[19:59] <p01nt3r> hdmi/dvi -> dvi <= 800x600, dvi -> vga <= 1440x900(alles gut).
[20:01] <p01nt3r> habe mal ein wenig recherchiert - i2c ist ja als chip im monitor verbaut und wird von der grafikkarte ausgelesen.
[20:02] <p01nt3r> dann müsste die digitale anbindung an den chip defekt sein oder eines der anschlusskabel des monitors müsste einen fehler haben.
[20:02] <p01nt3r> (kontaktprobleme, wako)
[20:05] <p01nt3r> displayport hab ich noch nicht ausprobiert weil ich keine lust habe, weitere ca. 10 euro für einen adapter zu verschwenden.
[20:09] <p01nt3r> eines steht aber fest: der monitor liefert die EDID-daten scheinbar nur über vga, nicht über hdmi/dvi.
[20:10] <p01nt3r> oder: die grafikkarte kann die daten per vga-anschluss auslesen, aber nicht via dvi/hdmi.
[20:12] <p01nt3r> kann ich irgendwie testen, ob EDID via HDMI/DVI überhaupt an der graka ankommt?
[20:13] <pausiert> hi
[20:14] <p01nt3r> hab eine idee, bis bald...
[20:14] <p01nt3r> und danke trotzdem!
[20:14] <pausiert> ich würde gerne ubuntu automatisiert über pxe installieren. ich finde nur anleitungen bei denen ich einmal die komplette repo spiegeln muss. gibt es eine möglichkeit nur die für die install relevanten packet herunterzuladen?
[20:14] <pausiert> ich würde kickstart verwenden
[20:16] <ppq> pausiert,
[20:16] <kubine> ppq: Title: Index of /ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot (at
[20:16] <mirkonils> hey Leute! Wie kann ich hinzugefügte PPA's wieder entfernen?
[20:16] <ppq> pausiert, das ist der netinstaller, der lädt nur die zu installierenden pakete bei der installation aus dem netz. dort gibts auch pxe zeug, aber frag mich nicht was man damit anstellt um es zu booten :)
[20:18] <ppq> mirkonils, mit ppa-purge
[20:18] <ppq> !ppa-purge > mirkonils
[20:18] <kubine> mirkonils: Um Pakete aus Fremdquellen zu entfernen benötigt man ppa-purge. Mehr Informationen:
[20:19] <mirkonils> mkay. Danke =)
[20:20] <mirkonils> ich probier das mal. Habe eine Paketquelle falsch eingegeben und nun versucht apt-get update die immer zu aktualisieren und failed dabei
[20:22] <pausiert> ppq: gute idee, vielen dank
[20:40] <mirkonils> Supi @ppq das hat funktioniert
[20:40] <ppq> schön :)
[20:56] <p01nt3r> es gibt neuigkeiten bez. meines monitors:
[20:56] <kubine> p01nt3r: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[20:57] <p01nt3r> das ist die Xorg.0.log über den digitalen ausgang, ab zeile 121 geht der "spass" los xD
[20:59] <p01nt3r> was mir aufgefallen ist: ab zeile 140 stehen keine daten mehr, also nur noch hex. 00, kann das dafür stehen, dass der monitor die edid-daten nur noch über einen seiner beiden anschlüsse rausgibt?
[21:00] <bekks> Durchaus, ja.
[21:00] <p01nt3r> klemm ich den monitor digital an den anderen pc, ergibt sich das gleiche problem (weshalb ich stark annehme, dass der monitor nen fehler hat).
[21:00] <bekks> Das muss kein Fehler sein, das kann durchaus einfach "bauartbedingt" sein.
[21:00] <p01nt3r> aah ok
[21:04] <p01nt3r> bekks: ich denke, ich werde es einfach so angeschlossen lassen, denn grafische einbußen hab ich so keine und umstecken und dann an der xorg.conf rumbasteln hat keinen zweck, solange nachher ja nichts besseres bei rum kommt.
[21:06] <p01nt3r> hätte halt nur gern bestätigt, dass der monitor das problem verursacht - meines erachtens liefert der via digitalem eingang ungültige werte an die grafikkarte, stimmts?
[21:09] <bekks> Dann verstehe ich diesen ganzen Aufriss hier nicht.
[21:09] <bekks> Du hast keine graphische Oberfläche und bastelst DREI WOCHEN am Nvidia-Treiber herum?
[21:23] <p01nt3r> bekks: wieso hab ich keine grafische oberfläche?
[21:24] <p01nt3r> bekks: der sinn des "aufrisses" war es, festzustellen, ob der monitor das problem verursacht oder die grafikkarte...?
[21:26] <p01nt3r> naja, gute nacht. :-) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.790145 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-de"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-uy | [18:08] <estudiante> hola
[18:14] <estudiante> #mar | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.793777 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-uy"
} |
2015-04-06-#juju-gui | [13:45] <rick_h_> mbruzek: lazyPower either of you tinker with the ceph charm much?
[13:46] <mbruzek> rick_h_: I am sorry I haven't used it in quite some time.
[13:46] <mbruzek> rick_h_: Why do you ask?
[13:46] <rick_h_> mbruzek: hitting an error on deploy and google-fu not finding much so I'm assuming it's a 'you're using it wrong' pebkac and not sure
[13:47] <rick_h_> ah, I did use it wrong nvm
[13:48] <mbruzek> rick_h_: The openstack guys would probably use that charm more often, jamespage or beisner
[13:48] <rick_h_> mbruzek: rgr, most of uk and such is out so you were my fallback :)
[13:49] <mbruzek> rick_h_: good luck. I am willing to help, if you want me to take a look at error message or something
[13:49] <rick_h_> mbruzek: all good, have something to try again with so we'll see
[13:49] <mbruzek> rick_h_: OK. just let me know
[13:51] * mbruzek loves being the fall back guy
[13:52] <mbruzek> that means someday I will be the primary guy
[13:52] <rick_h_> hah
[18:33] <lazyPower> rick_h_: sorry about the delay
[18:33] <lazyPower> looking @ the openstack move now
[18:36] <lazyPower> rick_h_: just for clarity - we need this - moved to openstack-base correct?
[19:14] <rick_h_> lazyPower: yes please
[19:18] <lazyPower> ack
[19:33] <lazyPower> beisner: ping
[19:33] <beisner> hi lazyPower, heading out to take the kiddos to the dentist now. biab
[19:33] <lazyPower> ack, cheers
[19:35] <lazyPower> rick_h_: moved to - renamed the toplevel bundle from 'openstack' to 'basic'
[19:35] <lazyPower> rick_h_: i'm assuming we want to eradicate the existing repository?
[19:36] <rick_h_> lazyPower: so I think this will create openstack-basic-basic
[19:36] <rick_h_> since the name doesn't match the repo
[19:36] <lazyPower> ok, so rename to openstack-basic?
[19:36] <rick_h_> lazyPower: yes please
[19:36] <lazyPower> ack, 1 sec
[19:38] <lazyPower> ok, corrected and pushed.
[19:38] <rick_h_> lazyPower: ty
[19:38] <rick_h_> lazyPower: will watch to make sure it's ingested/etc.
[19:38] <rick_h_> lazyPower: as for removing the old one, yes we should. Especially from the ~charmers space.
[19:38] <lazyPower> ok, do we want to wait for this bundle to ingest before we nuke?
[19:38] <lazyPower> or just go ahead and nuke it
[19:39] <rick_h_> lazyPower: naw, I think it's safe to take care of now while you ahve time
[19:39] <rick_h_> it won't nuke it from the charmstore so folks can still get at it
[19:39] <rick_h_> so nuking the bzr repo won't do a lot as that's 'moved' and accessible
[19:39] <lazyPower> ok. Thanks rick_h_ - i'll send an email to the list about this update as well just to cover all the bases
[19:39] <lazyPower> cheers :)
[19:40] <rick_h_> lazyPower: rgr, please note this is due to the upcomning openstack topics page and feel free to link to it on the QA site to get get people excited and take the sting off the move
[19:40] <rick_h_> lazyPower: let me know if you need a hand with the email, or my original one, etc. Happy to help this be a happy smooth thing vs a pita hopefully
[19:42] <lazyPower> rick_h_: i see a title that doesn't make much sense to me just below the landscape ss
[19:42] <lazyPower> What to make things even easier? <- should this be Want?
[19:43] <lazyPower> on the topic page -
[19:44] <rick_h_> lazyPower: +1 will file a bug
[19:44] <rick_h_> actually, kadams54 sorry man. Can you do the one word fix pre-release please?
[19:44] <rick_h_> ^
[19:45] <rick_h_> kadams54: I promise you can skip a few steps this time if you want since it's a trivial one word change :)
[19:46] <rick_h_> hah he ran away on us
[19:46] <lazyPower> Seems legit :D
[19:47] <rick_h_> well he was just creating the release tarball for things and will have to rebuild it and such
[19:47] <lazyPower>
[19:47] <lazyPower> if you want to proof the mail before i hit send
[19:48] <rick_h_> looking
[19:49] <rick_h_> "there is a url collision"
[19:49] <lazyPower> ah good call
[19:49] <rick_h_> lazyPower: but sounds good
[19:49] <kadams54> rick_h_: Back. Sure, I'll put that in.
[19:49] <rick_h_> ty for the update, and feel free to add a "if you have any questions please feel free to ping rick_h in irc or file a but at
[19:49] <rick_h_> kadams54: ty kind sir
[19:50] <rick_h_> and ty lazyPower for the keen eye making the release look that much we almost know what we're doing :)
[19:50] <lazyPower> Anytime gents :)
[19:51] <lazyPower> i sent the mail before i got the note about filing bugs - next time i'll get a poper footer in there however.
[19:52] <rick_h_> lazyPower: all good
[19:52] * lazyPower wanders back to the kubernetes corner to hax on an elastic container farm
[19:52] <rick_h_> wheee
[19:52] <rick_h_> lazyPower: you see the kubernetes news today around the coreos stuff?
[19:52] <lazyPower> i didn't - have a link handy?
[19:53] <rick_h_> is one example
[19:53] <rick_h_> has the $$ in it
[19:53] <lazyPower> hmm... interesting play
[19:54] <lazyPower> "but if you'd rather focus on doing your job, CoreOS's Tectonic looks to be the better way to invest your time. " -- welp, looks like we need to reach out to Steven about juju and what we're doing over here in our camp
[19:54] <rick_h_> :)
[19:55] <rick_h_> I was waiting for someone from around the company to send an email to folks around this one
[19:55] <rick_h_> has 'product managers required reading material' a bit all over the news
[19:55] <rick_h_> especially with 'commercial kubernetes' in there as well
[19:55] <lazyPower> What bothers me, is we're getting a good sized handfull of individual "orchestrators" - with ends of sidewalk
[19:55] <lazyPower> Ambari and Tectonic to name 2
[19:56] <lazyPower> why orchestrate silos when you can orchestrate the entire infra? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.798417 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#juju-gui"
} |
2015-04-06-#cloud-init | [16:07] <gamename> Hi. After updating to the lastest CentOS7 release (1503-01) I cannot get the Eth0 interface to come up on AWS. Anyone seen this?
[18:07] <alexpilotti> claudiupopa: can you join the #heat channel?
[18:07] <claudiupopa> alexpilotti: yes.
[21:09] <cn28h> I'm looking at datasources doc at the ... the top section where it describes the interface, is that meant to say that I can somehow add custom data sources to my cloud-init config?
[21:09] <cn28h> or would I have to hack cloud-init itself to do that?
[21:23] <harlowja> not likely in cloud-init config
[21:24] <harlowja> thats just an interface defintion
[21:25] <cn28h> hm, ok'
[21:25] <cn28h> so, basically my situation is that I want to inject user data into an instance under openstack
[21:25] <cn28h> however, the usual avenue for passing user-data in openstack (via the nova metadata service) is being used by another application and is not compatible in format with cloud-init
[21:26] <cn28h> so I'm trying to find some alternate way to inject user data
[21:29] <harlowja> hmmm, unsure, thats gonna be a tough one to get around
[21:37] <cn28h> will cloud-init try every datasource or will it stop at the first one that works?
[21:37] <cn28h> (in other words, is it even worth exploring my own datasource, even if I can figure out how to make that happen?)
[21:38] <gamename> How does cloud-init know to pick eth0 as the preferred network interface?
[21:41] <harlowja> cn28h yes it stops at the first one, so u could build your own if u really want
[21:42] <cn28h> hm ok, thanks
[23:09] <nk121> this had been working for me
[23:09] <nk121> apt_sources:
[23:09] <nk121> - source: "ppa:mc3man/trusty-media"
[23:10] <nk121> but now i'm getting errors
[23:10] <nk121> when i add it by hand it works | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.803534 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#cloud-init"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-nz | [20:17] <hads> morning | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.804096 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-nz"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-meeting | [16:44] <jdstrand> hi!
[16:44] <tyhicks> hello!
[16:45] <tyhicks> #startmeeting
[16:45] <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Apr 6 16:45:07 2015 UTC. The chair is tyhicks. Information about MeetBot at
[16:45] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
[16:45] * sbeattie o/
[16:45] <tyhicks> The meeting agenda can be found at:
[16:45] <tyhicks> [LINK]
[16:45] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Announcements
[16:46] <tyhicks> Thanks to Johan Van de Wauw (johanvdw) for security updates (14.04 through Vivid) for the community supported postgis (LP: #1438875) package last week. Your work is very much appreciated and will keep Ubuntu users secure. Great job! :)
[16:46] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report
[16:46] <tyhicks> jdstrand: you're up
[16:46] <jdstrand> like last week, this week is snappy focused
[16:47] <jdstrand> the security yaml bits landed last week for both apparmor and snappy and now I am writing review tools tests for that
[16:48] <jdstrand> the framework policy bits landed last week for apparmor and is in review now for snappy. I wrote the review tools tests for that last week
[16:48] <jdstrand> after I finish the security yaml review tools tests, I'm going to proceed to the hashes.yaml review tools tests
[16:49] <jdstrand> I started the seccomp policy bits last week and will pick that up this week
[16:49] <jdstrand> that's it from me
[16:49] * sbeattie is up
[16:49] <sbeattie> I'm on community this week.
[16:50] <sbeattie> I have some more apparmor patches to review as well as trying to tie things up so we can do a trusty SRU with the python tools based on a 2.9.2 release
[16:50] <sbeattie> And gcc-pie testing is still on my plate.
[16:50] <tyhicks> perfect
[16:51] <sbeattie> that's the priorities for my week. tyhicks, you're up.
[16:51] <tyhicks> we need to get that trusty SRU out the door very soon
[16:51] <sbeattie> yeah
[16:51] <tyhicks> it is good to hear that we're getting close :)
[16:52] <tyhicks> I'm on bug triage this week
[16:52] <tyhicks> Vivid systemd/sbuild/schroot/kernel bugs (LP: #1427264) (LP: #1438942) (LP: #1439849)
[16:52] <tyhicks> Restart work on AppArmor kernel keyring mediation for user data encryption
[16:52] <tyhicks> Finish up the patches to fix bug #1430532 and send them out for review
[16:53] <tyhicks> and either sarnold or myself need to get to the python-cryptography MIR (LP: #1430082)
[16:53] <tyhicks> that's it for me
[16:53] <tyhicks> sarnold: you're up
[16:53] <sarnold> I'm on cve triage this week
[16:54] <sarnold> I finally feel like I'm getting the hang of the serverstack environment for openstack testing, too, which is nice; some things can be done via yaml and some things probably just need to be done via juju ssh --all
[16:55] <sarnold> of course I still don't know why installing some new python glance libraries prevents new glance image uploads; the changes involved are about validating certificates, so perhaps it's supposed to fail now..
[16:56] <sarnold> and since test runs there take either ten minutes or an hour and ten minutes, there'll be some time for small tasks, perhaps a MIR or apparmor patch review
[16:56] <sarnold> that's it for me, tyhicks?
[16:56] <tyhicks> sarnold: how about bumping the version of the current in-archive glance, without making any other changes, and seeing if glance image uploads work then?
[16:58] <tyhicks> we can continue the conversation offline
[16:58] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Highlighted packages
[16:59] <tyhicks> The Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so.
[16:59] <tyhicks> See for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see
[16:59] <tyhicks>
[16:59] <tyhicks>
[16:59] <tyhicks>
[16:59] <tyhicks>
[16:59] <tyhicks>
[16:59] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions
[16:59] <tyhicks> Does anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?
[17:00] <tyhicks> jdstrand, sbeattie, sarnold: Thanks!
[17:00] <tyhicks> #endmeeting
[17:00] <meetingology> Meeting ended Mon Apr 6 17:00:35 2015 UTC.
[17:00] <meetingology> Minutes:
[17:00] <sbeattie> tyhicks: thanks!
[17:01] <sarnold> thanks tyhicks!
[17:02] <jdstrand> thanks tyhicks! :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.808848 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-meeting"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-gnome | [02:55] <Gnomed> Hey guys. I am suffering from a bug since previous 2-3 issues. Now I am planning to report it for next version through beta testing so that it might get fixed. I just wanna know that do develop hear to common users? I mean, I will be screwing my desktop or maybe putting it on risk for losing data just to report issue. So If it gets ignored by developers, It would be really painful for me. So I just wanna knwo is it worth reporting bugs?
[15:14] <bradscooli0> greetings
[15:15] <bradscooli0> I have a quick question about the nightly builds of 15.04.
[15:17] <bradscooli0> If I install it, will there be an update to the stable release? I've been trying out in vm's and on an old pc and it seems stable enough to me. Thanks!
[16:03] <bradscooli0> anyone here?
[19:39] <candfa> Hello i am currently in the installer. and i wanted to ask if the windows are supposed to look like windows 95 windows??
[19:39] <candfa> im getting really scared here
[19:41] <candfa> it happened when i looked through the settings in the top bar. i adjusted brightness even though i am not using a laptop, and then they went all gray and win95 style.. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.812147 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-gnome"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-server | [01:51] <ircfox> how do I change the default ssh port 22 to another?
[06:32] <verdeP> edit the config file in /etc
[06:33] <verdeP> i dont see the point though
[06:35] <verdeP> then restart the service of course
[08:34] <lordievader> Good morning.
[12:39] <strikov> rbasak: \o/
[16:54] <chanced> I'm setting up a home server for a file server and a dev box but I'm stumped with whether or not my DD-WRT should be the one to handle DNS / DHCP or if it should act as a pass-through to the server.
[17:04] <teward> chanced: dd-wrt is your router that controls data flow to the internet and such?
[17:04] <chanced> teward: yea
[17:04] <teward> chanced: and this isn't behind a NAT interface in a VM, it's on an actual server connected to said router?
[17:05] <chanced> baremetal to said router
[17:05] <teward> it should be handling the DHCP then, unless you set static IP. as for DNS, either the router can forward it out to the net or you can just let the data pass right outside, although if the server is going to be web facing i'd be careful letting it just pass right out to the net
[17:06] <teward> if it's staying behind NAT/port forwarding then whether it reaches out for DNS to servers its set for or if it goes via your router, not sure if it matters
[17:06] <chanced> it does, thanks
[17:07] <teward> it does what, web facing, or...?
[17:08] <chanced> matters
[17:08] <chanced> i hadn't considered the concerns there; i was tempted to expose a number of the services but I'm second guessing that
[17:08] <teward> mmm
[22:44] <beanbag> I have a bdr solution from datto that uses a ubuntu 10.04 image but uses a 3.0.0 kernel
[22:44] <beanbag> lsi has a sas driver for 3.0.0 kernel but it's for ubuntu 11
[22:44] <beanbag> any reason it wouldn't work
[22:46] <sarnold> beanbag: man, both ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 have been unsupported for ages; is there any reason why you can't run ubuntu 12.04 LTS or 14.04 LTS?
[22:46] <beanbag> yes
[22:46] <beanbag> because that's what datto is using for their backup device os installer
[22:47] <beanbag> im trying to get the lsi kernel module installed on the installer usb stick and when I try to insmod the .ko file I get invaLID MOdule
[22:47] <beanbag> I wasn't sure if you needed something more than kernel version to match
[22:48] <sarnold> modules need to be compiled for the exact kernel configuration / sources used; there's some slight amount of "fuzz" to it, but it's insanely picky. your best bets are either (a) compile the module yourself against the kernel you want to use (b) use the exact kernel that they used when they compiled the module..
[22:49] <sarnold> note that ubuntu 10.04 will no longer be supported in a few weeks; it EOLs very soon..
[22:50] <beanbag> I think once the system is installed they update with a newer image
[22:50] <beanbag> I know how old and outdated it is
[22:51] <beanbag> I guess you can't modprobe .ko files
[22:51] <sarnold> insmod
[22:51] <beanbag> so I can't test before I load the initrd
[22:51] <beanbag> insmod
[22:51] <beanbag> I mean
[22:51] <beanbag> I tried on the defgault one and still got invalid module format
[22:51] <beanbag> so that's not the issue
[22:54] <beanbag> nm it is the issue
[22:54] <beanbag> hmm
[22:54] <beanbag> looks like the installer has a full os on it that can compile
[23:09] <_1_Dre2> yow | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.817164 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-server"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-ci-eng | [02:10] <imgbot> [03:35] <imgbot> [03:35] <imgbot> [14:04] <om26er> popey, did you get my message before the netsplit ?
[14:04] <popey> om26er: no
[14:05] <om26er> popey, re: reminders, does that need testing on vivid ?
[14:06] <popey> om26er: rtm
[14:11] <pmcgowan> popey, do we still have apps to land for this ota?
[14:12] <popey> pmcgowan: no, I think we're too late?
[14:12] <popey> pmcgowan: they're clicks so we can upload into the store in sync with the ota but not _in_ the OTA if that's okay/
[14:12] <pmcgowan> popey, ok, we have today to land stuff
[14:13] <popey> yeah, we have music & reminders. if we _can_ get them in, great, if not, so be it
[14:13] <popey> they're not critical, just bug fix and feature enhancements
[14:18] <pmcgowan> ok
[14:18] <pmcgowan> popey, happy birthday last week?
[14:18] <popey> Saturday, yeah, thanks.
[14:19] <popey> nice long weekend :)
[14:19] <pmcgowan> 29?
[14:25] <popey> que?
[14:32] <ogra_> pmcgowan, 12! ... on popey only the outside ages ;)
[14:32] <popey> hah
[14:33] <pmcgowan> true enough
[14:38] <popey> I got a frisbee for my birthday, so yeah, I'd go along with that.
[15:23] <om26er> popey, one crash:
[15:23] <popey> om26er: any idea what you were doing at the time?
[15:24] <om26er> popey, just opened it after closing it
[15:24] <popey> om26er: ok
[15:24] <om26er> right now its in a weird state: app won't start, its been spinning for 1 minute already
[15:25] <popey> om26er: maybe it's still running in the background
[15:25] <popey> this state can happen when unity8 dies
[15:25] <om26er> popey, no, unity8 never crashed
[15:25] <popey> hmm
[15:26] <om26er> popey, url-dispatcher crashed :/
[15:26] <om26er> Appid: com.ubuntu.reminders_reminders_0.5.380
[15:27] <popey> om26er: uh, you're not testing 0.5.400?
[15:28] <popey> 0.5.380 is what's in the store already
[15:30] <om26er> popey, I have 400 installed, its just the store says I 380
[15:31] <popey> /opt/
[15:31] <popey> from your bug report
[15:31] <popey> you're not testing 380 IMO
[15:31] <popey> I mean you *are* testing 380
[15:32] <om26er> popey, hmm, I upgraded/downgraded multiple times so that might have an impact. Let me uninstall it from store first.
[15:52] <om26er> popey,
[15:53] <om26er> popey, I have found multiple issues, reported there.
[16:15] <popey> om26er: thanks.
[17:12] <slangasek> robru, Ursinha: cancelling the LT meeting today, sil2100 is off still for Easter
[17:26] <robru> slangasek: ah thanks
[18:02] <om26er_> popey, is music-app approved by mgmt ?
[20:30] <popey> om26er: I only need a +1 from QA to upload to the store.
[20:35] <om26er> popey, music-app is good to go
[20:36] <popey> om26er: great, thank you!
[20:36] <popey> pmcgowan: ^ okay to upload music app update? got the +1 from QA - top section of this page details what's new
[20:40] <pmcgowan> popey, sounds good
[20:40] <popey> thanks
[22:08] <robru> awe_: no silos available! Are you in a hurry?
[22:08] <awe_> no, not really
[22:09] <awe_> but would like to land this week if possible
[22:09] <awe_> as there's arale enablement bits in the changes
[22:09] <robru> awe_: k, I'm just eating. Will try to fr something up for you a bit later
[22:09] <awe_> np
[22:09] <awe_> if we get something by tomorrow morning, that'd be fine
[22:09] <awe_> ( if possible )
[23:34] <charles> whups | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.823559 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-si | [05:50] <zdobbie> jutro
[07:20] <osho000> Oj, mi lahko kdo priporoča en router do 30€. Mi rabi za 1 prenosnik in 2 telefona. Grem ga iskat dns.
[07:21] <idioterna> hm
[07:23] <idioterna> za tak dnar je verjetn dost vseen kerga kups
[07:23] <idioterna> basic n tplinki so vsi tok cheap recimo
[07:37] <osho000> aha hvala
[07:37] <osho000> ma kot firma? je isto
[07:38] <idioterna> jah nobene firme ne bi zares priporocil za tako ceno
[07:38] <osho000> netgear d-link tp-link asus
[07:38] <idioterna> v resnici se ti dalec najbolj splaca pogledat katere podpira tomato al pa ddwrt
[07:38] <idioterna> pa potem tisto gor dat pa skonfigurirat
[07:40] <osho000> aha ok thanks :)
[07:40] <idioterna> cak sej loh js pogledam
[07:40] <idioterna> da vidm ce mam dobre izkusnje s kaksnim
[07:41] <idioterna> a si ze delal z ddwrt al pa tomato al pa ksnim tem
[07:41] <idioterna> aha tomato je sam za broadcome
[07:41] <osho000> ne ne
[07:42] <osho000> ma za 90m2 stanovanje so vsi pri 20-'0€ ok?
[07:42] <osho000> 30*
[07:42] <idioterna> ja
[07:42] <idioterna> evo tale
[07:42] <idioterna>
[07:42] <Seniorita> TP-Link Brezžični router TP-Link TL-WR841N | mimovrste=)
[07:42] <Seniorita> »Usmerjevalnik TL-WR841N Wireless N Router je kombinirana žična/brezžična mrežna naprava oblikovana posebno za mala podjetja, pisarne in hiše oz. stanovanja. Usmerjevalnik je skladen z standardom IEEE 802.11n (Draft 2.0) za brezžičen prenos podatkov 300 Mbps.«
[07:43] <idioterna> za 20 ga bos dobil in ga lahko flashas z dd-wrt
[07:44] <idioterna> ce ti ni do tega je pa tut stock firmware verjetno ok, ce ga upgradas ko dobis router
[07:44] <idioterna> pa zamenjas default gesla
[07:44] <osho000> aha super
[07:44] <osho000> hvala ej
[07:45] <osho000> ma upgradat je lahko?
[07:45] <idioterna> ja z neta potegnes za tvoj router firmware file
[07:45] <idioterna> k je ponavad .img file v enem zipu
[07:45] <idioterna> pa ga skozi un web interface uploadas, ponavadi je "update firmware"
[07:45] <idioterna> in to je to
[07:45] <idioterna> to naredi preden konfigurira
[07:45] <idioterna> s
[07:46] <idioterna> ker vcasih pri updatu pozabijo vse nastavitve
[07:47] <osho000> aha thanks :)
[09:33] <CrazyLemon> .imdb good kill
[09:33] <jabuk> Good Kill (2014) 102 min Thriller
[09:33] <jabuk> Ocena: 6.2/10 (984 glasov) MT: 64/100
[09:33] <jabuk> A family man begins to question the ethics of his job as a drone pilot.
[09:33] <jabuk> Trailer:
[09:33] <jabuk> Povezava:
[09:33] <CrazyLemon> yay or nay?
[09:34] <zdobersek> 6.2
[09:34] <zdobersek> wtf u thinkin bout
[09:59] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek i'm thinking about lying on a couch and watching a movie
[10:00] <zdobersek> better than lying in court!
[10:01] <CrazyLemon> tennis court?
[10:02] <zdobbie> basketball actually
[10:05] <CrazyLemon> you dont want to lie there
[10:05] <zdobersek> the ref's gonna nail ya balls
[10:05] <dz0ny> Microsoft uses Python for high scale services
[10:05] <Seniorita> Microsoft/bond · GitHub
[10:05] <Seniorita> »bond - Bond is a cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language de/serialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services.«
[10:06] <Sky[x]> dz0ny: lol :
[10:06] <Sky[x]> :D
[10:07] <zdobersek> ragequit
[10:07] <dz0ny> winquit
[10:07] <jabuk>
[10:17] <zdobbie> winrar
[10:17] <jabuk>
[10:18] <zdobbie> windows
[10:18] <jabuk>
[10:18] <zdobbie> wi
[10:18] <zdobbie> WINNAR
[10:18] <jabuk>
[10:18] <zdobbie> exactly
[12:39] <CrazyLemon>
[12:39] <Seniorita> Found GoPro-camera - memory card intact. Last video: See when the camera fell from 3000 meters - YouTube
[12:39] <Seniorita> »Min pappa hittade en gammal GoPro-kamera i Gringelstad utanför Kristianstad. Den har legat på en äng, sannolikt i flera år. Nu är den upphittad - och vi är p...«
[12:40] <CrazyLemon> unstable
[12:41] <CrazyLemon> 420rpm
[12:50] <zdobersek> wroom wroom
[12:50] <miha> Lp
[12:51] <zdobersek> zakaj je on model bos?
[13:31] <CrazyLemon> because the sky is his living room?
[14:24] <CrazyLemon>
[14:24] <Seniorita> Snowden shows John Oliver how the NSA can see your dick pics
[14:24] <Seniorita> »In a surprise interview with Edward Snowden, John Oliver made NSA spying revelations more relatable to the American public through the topic of dick pics«
[15:24] <idioterna>
[15:24] <Seniorita> Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO) - YouTube
[15:24] <Seniorita> »There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are capable of doing. John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to disc...«
[15:24] <idioterna> guten morgen DPA
[16:18] <CrazyLemon> idioterna you are such a copy cat!
[16:19] <CrazyLemon> you should be a sheriff of DPA :p
[16:20] <CrazyLemon> /s/of/in/
[16:31] <zdobersek>
[16:31] <Seniorita> Why John Oliver Can't Find Americans Who Know Edward Snowden's Name (It's Not About Snowden) - The Intercept
[16:31] <zdobersek> feckers
[16:31] <Seniorita> »The extent of apathy and indifference on the part of the American public to even basic political matters receives far too little attention.«
[16:33] <idioterna> CrazyLemon: ja
[16:33] <idioterna> CrazyLemon: jsm dejansko mel access do vseh dick picsov k si jih folk posilja!
[16:34] <Sky[x]> idioterna: ste izvedl akcijo vceri in analiziral diplome?
[16:34] <idioterna> mene ni blo
[16:34] <idioterna> mene so hotl zravn potegnt ampak so mejckn prepozn rekl
[16:35] <idioterna> in sm pol js otroke dobu v narocje in pol ni blo vse skp nc
[16:35] <idioterna> o anny_
[16:35] <Sky[x]> aha
[16:35] <anny_> živ
[16:35] <Sky[x]> bos jutr povedal kaj so kej ugotovil ko bos v pisarni slisal kaj se je dogajal :)
[16:35] <anny_> opa
[16:35] <anny_> programerji iščejo plagiate! :)
[16:36] <CrazyLemon> the irony ane! toliko forkov je bilo narejenih zdaj pa oni iščejo plagiate
[16:36] <idioterna> ma sej so ful stvari ugotovil ze
[16:36] <anny_> mi smo open source
[16:36] <anny_> kopiranje zaželjeno! :=
[16:37] <CrazyLemon> mhm!
[16:38] <idioterna> na arhitekturi in BF je ful sablonskih nalog, ki ocitno niso plagiati, samo ves template imajo skopiran, ker jim dajejo 'isti' task potem pa samo neka druga molekula ali samo nek drug kraj... vso teorijo si pa delijo. mislim da tudi malo nekontrolirano med sabo, ampak je očitno da je bulk naloge avtorski
[16:38] <idioterna> to sm citiral, pa nism navedu citata
[16:38] <idioterna> ker slack sucks
[16:38] <idioterna> andraz> na arhitekturi in BF je ful sablonskih nalog, ki ocitno niso plagiati, samo ves template imajo skopiran, ker jim dajejo 'isti' task potem pa samo neka druga molekula ali samo nek drug kraj... vso teorijo si pa delijo. mislim da tudi malo nekontrolirano med sabo, ampak je očitno da je bulk naloge avtorski
[16:38] <idioterna> tkole bi mogu
[16:39] <CrazyLemon> tak si kot poslanci..tudi oni ne znajo navest citatov
[16:39] <CrazyLemon> pa pol morajo odstopit :(
[16:39] <anny_> če bi bili samo citati whisful thinking
[16:40] <CrazyLemon> sej so sam citati
[16:40] <CrazyLemon> sam ki jih ne navedejo pravilno!
[16:41] <anny_> hm
[16:41] <idioterna> jsm pa otroke ucil nasilja
[16:42] <idioterna>
[16:42] <anny_> lepo
[16:42] <anny_> branit se bo treba pred turki
[16:42] <idioterna> trenutno se se pred kartonsko tarco slabo branijo
[16:42] <idioterna> ampak napredujejo
[16:42] <idioterna> pa predvsem jima je vsec
[16:42] <anny_> svakog dana u svakom pogledu
[16:43] <anny_> sve više napredujem
[16:44] <CrazyLemon> a je to iz kakšnega filma?
[16:44] <CrazyLemon> nekam znano mi zveni
[16:44] <yang> sjecas li se doli bel
[16:45] <anny_> jp
[16:45] <anny_>
[16:45] <Seniorita> Kako se je v osmih letih spreminjalo življenje slovenskih najstnikov | Slovenija - Planet
[16:45] <jabuk> When a software wants to add toolbars and bookmarks during its installation
[16:45] <Seniorita> »Problem slovenske mladine. Medtem ko se številno najstnikov, ki so fizično aktivni vsaj eno uro na dan, zmanjšuje, se število tistih s prekomerno težo povečuje.«
[16:45] <jabuk> When I hear that we’ll have to release one week earlier
[16:45] <jabuk> Typical monday morning
[16:47] <yang> idioterna: na Aikido jih vpisi
[16:48] <anny_> yang, nimaš vedno palce pri sebi...
[16:48] <yang> sej pri aikidu ne rabis palce
[16:48] <CrazyLemon> anny_ meh.. nazadujemo
[16:49] <yang> anny_: pa tut nasprotnika ne poskudujes
[16:49] <anny_> teroretično se da
[16:49] <yang> zvadt je treba
[16:49] <anny_> praktično pa je s pripomočki lažje
[16:50] <lynxlynxlynx> še prelahko je poškodovat človeka
[16:50] <jabuk> After my boss proudly announces the launch date for next week
[16:50] <lynxlynxlynx> do
[16:50] <lynxlynxlynx> pre
[16:50] <lynxlynxlynx> pos
[16:50] <lynxlynxlynx> love
[16:51] <jabuk> When I block IE access to my personal website visitors
[16:51] <lynxlynxlynx> ok, to je bil trigger :D
[16:51] <yang> mas macko na tipkovnici al psa ?
[16:51] <lynxlynxlynx> gledal sem zakaj se jabuk tolk oglaša
[16:51] <lynxlynxlynx> love je v sloveniji in človeku
[16:51] <jabuk> Pair programming
[16:52] <anny_> luškano
[16:54] <CrazyLemon> so sweet
[16:54] <CrazyLemon> love is the trigger we all are waiting for! </deep_thought?>
[16:54] <jabuk> When the new guy asks where is our app’s documentation
[16:54] <CrazyLemon> and there it is!
[16:57] <anny_> in te zastonj stušira
[16:59] <anny_> ?eba!
[16:59] <anny_>
[16:59] <Seniorita> Blokirali Facebook, Twitter in Youtube zaradi ene fotografije - zurnal24
[16:59] <Seniorita> »Turčija je blokirala dostop do številnih spletnih strani, tudi Youtuba, Facebooka in Twitterja.«
[17:05] <zdobbie> lalalalalalala
[17:05] <idioterna> aikido je super za trenirat glavo
[17:06] <zdobbie> idioterna: kolk ljudi ste zacahnal?
[17:06] <idioterna> za boj je pa se najbols "peace through superior firepower"
[17:06] <idioterna> zdobbie: ombenga!
[17:07] <zdobbie> uncroyable
[17:08] <lynxlynxlynx> *in
[17:09] <zdobbie> umpossible
[17:20] <zdobbie>
[17:20] <Seniorita> RONDE by Gruber Images
[17:20] <Seniorita> »One of my favorite walks all year is from the Brugge train station to the Grote Markt. It’s a couple kilometers, it’s early, it’s quiet, and it’s beautiful. Then you get to the race course and the starting area, and it’s crazy, so those few quiet minutes winding through the still sleeping side streets is hugely appreciated.«
[17:24] <dz0ny> 2
[17:25] <idioterna> to sm js zanc naredu
[17:26] <idioterna> k mi je rekla "i'm a hugger, not a shaker"
[17:26] <idioterna> pa sm reku "well, i'm a shaker."
[17:26] <idioterna> pa sm ji dal roko
[17:27] <idioterna> na sreco so se vsi ostali objemal z njo tko da ni bojazni da bi mislna da smo vsi racunalnicarji taki
[17:28] <zdobersek> swiftly shook it off
[17:30] <idioterna> sej nism bil nesramn al pa kej
[17:58] <CrazyLemon> FUCK YEA
[17:58] <CrazyLemon> OTA IS FINALLY HERE!
[17:58] <CrazyLemon> fckin ota
[17:59] <anny__> kdo je ota
[17:59] <idioterna> CrazyLemon: gratuliram
[17:59] <idioterna> andrej ota
[18:00] <idioterna> pr guglu dela.
[18:00] <CrazyLemon> pa bl mal ga vidiš
[18:00] <anny__> ima kakšno predavanje?
[18:00] <idioterna> drugac verjetn CrazyLemon misl over-the-air update na android 5.1
[18:00] <idioterna> mislm da ma
[18:00] <idioterna> eni sosolki je blo ime ota
[18:00] <anny__> moji tudi
[18:00] <anny__> le da je bil priimek
[18:01] <idioterna> no, klical so jo tko
[18:01] <idioterna> mislm da je sovrazla svoje ime
[18:01] <idioterna> vsaj zdel se je tko, ker je grozila, ce ga je kdo omenu
[18:01] <anny__> eh, vsak je imel kakšen vzdevek
[18:02] <idioterna> ja, sam vecina je sovrazila vzdevek
[18:02] <idioterna> ne imena
[18:02] <zdobersek> dz0nad
[18:02] <anny__> dokler nisi urbana legenda
[18:02] <anny__> živa groza je vse v redu
[18:02] * CrazyLemon ga ni imel..ever
[18:02] <idioterna> ana konda je tut uredu
[18:02] * anny__ kar 7 skupaj
[18:03] <idioterna> js se sploh ne spomnem
[18:03] <idioterna> vecino osnovne sole sm bil "capi"
[18:03] <idioterna> nasmu psu je blo tko ime
[18:03] <idioterna> dost vseen mi je blo
[18:04] <anny__> ni ti bilo
[18:05] <anny__> ampak...bilo prošlo
[18:05] <anny__> idioterna, kam ti pošljem tvoje eseje?
[18:05] <CrazyLemon> ne vem zakaj bi sovražila svoje ime.. js komaj čakam da pride ota!
[18:05] <idioterna> pomoje
[18:05] <idioterna> joj
[18:05] <idioterna> brb
[18:05] <idioterna> kopalnica se podira
[18:06] <anny__> ?
[18:06] <CrazyLemon> zemljotres :)
[18:07] <CrazyLemon> .rt
[18:07] <jabuk> Trenutno se predvaja: Woods - Only the Lonely.
[18:08] <anny__> lepa skladba
[18:08] <CrazyLemon> mhm
[18:10] <anny__>
[18:10] <Seniorita> Zager and Evans - In The Year 2525 - YouTube
[18:10] <Seniorita> »This video released in October 2008, just before the election of Barack Obama. Back then, I was worried about the future of mankind and the issues we are fac...«
[18:12] <yang> idioterna: jst se spomnem fotografa "Seljak" se je pisal
[18:13] <yang> in sem ga poklical "o Seljak zivjo"
[18:13] <yang> pa je cisto ven padel je rekel "Jaz sem Robi" oz. kukr mu je pac ze bil oime
[18:13] <yang> mislim, kot da bi bil jaz kriv da se sramuje priimka
[18:14] <idioterna> ma
[18:14] <idioterna> otroc se kopajo
[18:14] <idioterna> pa mogoce mal pretiravajo
[18:15] <anny__> kmet je kar pogost priimer
[18:15] <anny__> priimek
[18:15] <yang> mislim nehvaleznih priimkov je mnogo
[18:15] <yang> pa se pote motroci norcujejo
[18:15] <yang> sam to pac podedujes, nims kaj
[18:16] <anny__> lahko sprožiš postopek za spremembo
[18:16] <yang> lahko si ga spremenis, ce je res motec
[18:16] <anny__> le helena blagne in jezus kristus ne moreš biti
[18:16] <yang> zakaj ne =?
[18:16] <CrazyLemon> ker je le ena helena blagne??
[18:16] <CrazyLemon> mislim..zakaj
[18:16] <anny__> ker sta zasedena:)
[18:16] <CrazyLemon> think man think
[18:16] <yang> sej je janez jansa tut samo eden + 3je umetniki
[18:16] <anny__> niso trije umetniki janez janša?
[18:16] <yang> kako da ne
[18:17] <yang> en vem da je
[18:17] <anny__> še ena goldies
[18:17] <anny__>
[18:17] <yang> ampak mislil da so se trije prepisal na janez jansa
[18:17] <Seniorita> Mary Hopkin - Those were the days (HQ) - YouTube
[18:17] <Seniorita> »This song by "Mary Hopkin" was released in 1968 and reached number 1 here in the uk charts.This song is originally a russian song,and the English lyrics were...«
[18:18] <CrazyLemon> samo en je umetnik drugi so kulturni delavci
[18:18] <anny__>
[18:18] <Seniorita> Izdaja odločbe o spremembi osebnega imena
[18:18] <Seniorita> »Izdaja odločbe o spremembi osebnega imena«
[18:19] <yang> ko smo ze glih pr imenih se en vic...
[18:19] <CrazyLemon> torej 60€ pa si čist druga oseba
[18:20] <yang> na plazi nemska druzina, oce klice sina iz vode - Ibi komm her, Ibiii komm heeeeeer !
[18:20] <anny__> za vse xy tukaj
[18:20] <yang> Ibrahime, jebote bog, dolazi ovamo !
[18:20] <anny__>
[18:20] <Seniorita> Women's Ideal Body Types Throughout History - YouTube
[18:20] <Seniorita> »A diverse cast of models shows how the standard of beauty for women has changed dramatically over time. Find out more about how our perception of women's bea...«
[18:20] <CrazyLemon> o anny__ ! ravno ko si o bodyju
[18:20] <CrazyLemon> zadnjič sm zasledil en forum in sem se spomnu nate
[18:21] <CrazyLemon> trenutek prosim!
[18:21] <CrazyLemon>
[18:21] <Seniorita> MaxximumForum • Poglej temo - Davorin Kejžar - $200,000 Transformation Challenge
[18:21] <CrazyLemon> evo.. v dveh mesecih kaj je naredu
[18:22] <CrazyLemon> hm. ok skoraj treh
[18:23] <idioterna> ok jsm ocitno se vedno hipi
[18:24] <anny__> impresivno
[18:25] <anny__> ampak ne maram tako hudih mišic...potem se tip ukvarja z njimi namesto z mano :)
[18:25] <yang> anny__: Marlinka je mela cisto v redu postavo
[18:26] <anny__> super je bila
[18:26] <anny__> moja postava je supermodel era
[18:26] <yang> zenske ste/so prevec obsedene z izgledom, 5 kil vec moskega ne moti
[18:26] <anny__> nisem
[18:26] <idioterna> ocitno se nobene nisi nosu prov dalec
[18:26] <anny__> če paziš na hrano in migaš, ti ni treba skrbet
[18:27] <yang> Audrey je nekako sinonim za danasnje postave
[18:27] <idioterna> nimam pojma kdo je audrey
[18:27] <anny__> kdo je audrey
[18:27] <yang> Audrey Hepburn
[18:27] <idioterna>
[18:28] <anny__> omg!
[18:28] <anny__> našla sem drugo audrey, a me bo dz0ny ubil, če prilepim
[18:28] <yang> audrey je samo ena
[18:28] <idioterna> anny__: skleni obilno zivljensko zavarovanje, potem pa prilepi
[18:29] <idioterna> js grem posodo pospravt
[18:29] <idioterna> bbl
[18:29] <anny__> ok
[18:29] <anny__> imam zavarovanje
[18:29] <dz0ny> i'am not a killing type
[18:29] <yang> tole se mi zdi v redu postava, zdej ne vem kaj bos ti rekla anny__ da je presuha, predebela ali ravno prav ?
[18:29] <Seniorita> Bojana by Jan Prunk / 500px
[18:30] <anny__>
[18:30] <Seniorita> audrey bitoni - Iskanje Google
[18:30] <CrazyLemon> looks like a pr0n star
[18:30] <yang> anny__: to so vse umetne, brezveze je to
[18:31] <anny__> sj je pron
[18:31] <CrazyLemon> očitno so ti zelo všeč pr0nstars :)
[18:31] <anny__> vtipkala sem audrey in mi je to vrglo ven
[18:31] <anny__> prvič slišim
[18:31] <zdobersek> google knows
[18:31] <CrazyLemon> ja.. ker google sledi tvoji zgodovini!
[18:32] <anny__> nope
[18:32] <anny__> ne gledam pr0ny
[18:32] <yang> jst sem za klasiko
[18:32] <CrazyLemon> mhm.. google knows that you love pr0n
[18:32] <jabuk> When the boss cancels a project ready for deployment
[18:33] <anny__>
[18:33] <anny__> prav imaš, kot vedno
[18:33] <anny__> zakaj mi noče prilepit gifa?
[18:33] <dz0ny>
[18:34] <anny__> dzizs gledam pr0ny
[18:34] <anny__>
[18:34] <dz0ny> anny__: someone else from your household then
[18:34] <anny__> tepla ga bom
[18:35] <yang> Škrlatna Joži mi je tut vsec
[18:36] <dz0ny> CrazyLemon:
[18:37] <idioterna> ne gledas porna?
[18:37] <idioterna> weird.
[18:37] <dz0ny> hm men od vseh teh top zensk, se njabolj zenstvena zgleda alison brie
[18:37] <idioterna> a si feministka al kaj.
[18:38] <idioterna> dz0ny: what is that even supposed to mean
[18:38] <anny__> zakaj bi ga morala?
[18:39] <idioterna> ker sicer nisi sexually liberated
[18:39] <idioterna> tko kot si terorist, ce poskusas kriptirat svoje komunikacije
[18:39] <anny__> pih
[18:39] <dz0ny> idioterna: kako zgleda
[18:39] <anny__> a ti sploh veš pomen sexually liberated?
[18:40] <idioterna> dz0ny: kdo?
[18:40] <yang> anny__: cuden browser mas men tole vrze
[18:40] <idioterna> dz0ny: aja
[18:40] <idioterna> dz0ny: sam kaj je "zenstveno" pri izgledu je popolnoma subjektivno
[18:40] <dz0ny> no sej :) zato sem napisal men
[18:40] <idioterna> aja
[18:40] <anny__> yang sem na zavihku slike...vizualc pač
[18:40] <idioterna> sm spregledal to
[18:40] <dz0ny> "meni"
[18:40] <idioterna> ja
[18:41] <idioterna> glede tega js nc ne morm rect
[18:41] <idioterna> men so suhice vsec
[18:41] <idioterna> dunno why
[18:41] <idioterna> mogoce k je bla mama taka bajsa :)
[18:41] <dz0ny> lol
[18:42] <idioterna> se kr pametn siri
[18:42] <anny__> lol
[18:42] <anny__> verjetno ja
[18:42] <anny__> pri nas so vsi bajsi
[18:43] <yang> anny__:
[18:43] <idioterna> sej pol je shujsala
[18:43] <idioterna> pa ratala cist uredu
[18:43] <idioterna> sam pol se je pa nazaj zredila
[18:43] <idioterna> to k js vsak let nardim
[18:43] <idioterna> nc, grem na brate strelat
[18:43] <idioterna> bbl
[18:44] <anny__> jp
[18:49] <yang>
[18:49] <Seniorita> Iz Save potegnili Urško Čepin :)
[18:49] <Seniorita> »Iz Save potegnili Urško Čepin :) - Bedarije 2«
[18:50] <CrazyLemon> !g alison brie
[18:50] <Seniorita> Slike za poizvedbo alison brie alison brie
[18:50] <CrazyLemon> jao ta miha :)
[18:53] <CrazyLemon> ahhh! annie!
[18:55] <anny__> jup
[19:02] <anny__>
[19:02] <Seniorita> - Recept: Kruhov narastek s šunko in sirom
[19:03] <Seniorita> »Odličen način, da porabite velikonočne ostanke!«
[19:03] <anny__> ful dober recept
[19:03] <CrazyLemon> !g torta tri čokolade
[19:03] <Seniorita> - Recept: Kremasta tortica iz treh vrst čokolade
[19:03] <CrazyLemon> anny__ ^
[19:04] <anny__> zanimivo...čeprav nisem fen čokolade
[19:04] <anny__> je pa hitro pripravljena
[19:07] <yang> daj me rajcat s hrano zdajle, nisem jedel od kosila
[19:07] <yang> v union pivnici sem bil
[19:07] <yang> nekdo mi je rekel, da je mahen plac a je v bistvu ogromen
[19:08] <yang> vecji od diskoteke nad namo
[19:13] <dz0ny> CrazyLemon:
[19:15] <dz0ny> v community igra
[19:15] <dz0ny> next to chen :)
[19:42] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny vem ja..sej pravim [20:53:27] <CrazyLemon>: ahhh! annie!
[20:00] <dz0ny> ahh
[20:19] <anny__> emmm...uživajte
[20:41] <idioterna> jsm se nauzival
[20:56] <idioterna> nc, lahko noc
[21:34] <anny__> ln
[22:11] <jabuk> M 1.1 > SZ od RADEČ @07/04/2015 00:03:55,+15.14+E | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.843490 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-si"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-africa | [09:31] <Kilos> hi elacheche
[09:31] <Kilos> hi Neo31
[09:35] <Neo31> hi Kilos
[09:35] <Neo31> :)
[09:35] <Neo31> ssup
[09:35] <Neo31> no response yet concerning the mailing list
[09:35] <Kilos> same old just different day
[09:36] <Neo31> lol Kilos
[09:36] <Neo31> old body young soul
[09:36] <Kilos> lol ya that too
[09:37] <Kilos> when they reply and if they agree you can give me the link and ill get it added to the new site
[09:38] <Kilos> we are then just going to find guys to provide support there
[09:38] <Kilos> ill bring some from za, but same as you everyone super busy nowadays
[09:39] <Kilos> but not many noobs are patient when waiting for help so ill man the fort as first contact
[09:41] <Kilos> for basic support and if serious help is needed ill ping all you brainy okes
[09:42] <Kilos> so there will be no more weeks offline hey
[09:47] <Kilos> i wonder how stickyboy is doing in the states
[10:23] <Neo31> lol Kilos hh
[10:23] <Neo31> ok
[10:23] <Neo31> stickyboy, went to U.S. ؟
[10:23] <Neo31> ?
[10:32] <Kilos> ya for 2 weeks i think he said
[11:29] <Neo31> good
[16:16] <Kilos> hi ongolaBoy you very quiet hey?
[16:18] <Kilos> elacheche you cant still be at work
[16:26] <elacheche> Kilos, yes I am x) why! Hi by to way x)
[16:26] <Kilos> lol
[16:26] <Kilos> i just wondered
[16:27] <elacheche> :D
[16:28] <Kilos> :D
[16:28] <elacheche> just 30 min more and I can go home.. So tired need to sleep x)
[16:28] <elacheche> BTW, my brother it an ubuntu member now :)
[16:28] <Kilos> eish how are you going to make midnight meetings
[16:29] <elacheche> Kilos, meetings will not be on monday x)
[16:29] <Kilos> great tell him i say congrats and why isnt he here
[16:29] <Kilos> have you heard from elizabeth?
[16:30] <elacheche> About the membership board?
[16:30] <Kilos> yeah
[16:30] <elacheche> nop, have no idea if there is news.. u?
[16:31] <Kilos> nothing but id rather they got another member in
[16:31] <Kilos> was just checking, ive only been a member since 2 feb
[16:31] <Kilos> much too new
[16:31] <elacheche> :)
[16:32] <elacheche> I think that we should read the news here if there is any
[16:32] <Kilos> does one have to join the fridge
[16:34] <elacheche> nope :)
[19:18] <Kilos> hi d4rk-5c0rp
[19:18] <Kilos> ah is that you bedis
[19:18] <d4rk-5c0rp> hi Kilos
[19:18] <d4rk-5c0rp> yup, it's me
[19:19] <Kilos> congratulations on getting your membership
[19:19] <d4rk-5c0rp> thanks dude
[19:20] <Kilos> how come there are only three peeps in tunisia
[19:21] <Kilos> where are all the other ubuntu users
[19:23] <d4rk-5c0rp> basically, the majority are end users here. and that's what we're fighting for as LoCo team
[19:23] <Kilos> get them to join here as well
[19:24] <d4rk-5c0rp> I will, ASAP
[19:24] <Kilos> best place for end users to learn is on working support channels
[19:24] <Kilos> when i was invites to ubuntu-za i didnt even know what sudo was
[19:25] <Kilos> invited
[19:31] <d4rk-5c0rp> sadly, most of people here, think that internet is just failbook.
[19:32] <Kilos> lol that a worldwide problem
[19:34] <d4rk-5c0rp> haha
[19:45] <Kilos> night guys
[19:46] <d4rk-5c0rp> night Kilos | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.863161 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-africa"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-vn | [13:11] <SleazySnail> dxta?
[13:14] <lewtds> DirectX Terminal Adapter
[13:14] <lewtds> ?
[13:15] <lewtds> Deluxe teaching assistant?
[13:15] * SleazySnail đang nghĩ đến đã xong tiếng anh
[13:16] <SleazySnail> đậu xanh tường an | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.866687 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-vn"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-us-fl | [13:25] <mhall119> ahoneybun: not yet, the community council should be getting the final list of nominees any time now | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.868394 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-fl"
} |
2015-04-06-#juju-dev | [06:26] <dimitern> morning all
[06:27] <dimitern> (just in case it's not just me today :)
[06:27] <natefinch> dimitern: morning. I'm here, but only just for a minute or two before bed
[06:28] <dimitern> natefinch, hey, btw do you need another review on that ensure availability API branch?
[06:28] <natefinch> dimitern: yes please. Just pushed a bunch of changes. There's a few comments from Andrew that I just can't get to before I fall over tonight, but mostly I think it's fine.
[06:29] <natefinch>
[06:29] <dimitern> natefinch, ok, np - looking
[06:29] <natefinch> way past bedtime for me. Good night
[06:30] <dimitern> good night natefinch !
[06:35] <dimitern> jam, I guess you're not here today
[06:42] <jam> dimitern: I'm going to be a bit late for our 1:1, I have to take my son to a friends house. I'll ping you when I get back.
[06:43] <dimitern> jam, sure, np
[09:18] * dimitern steps out for ~30m
[09:22] <perrito666> morning
[09:33] <jam> dimitern: sorry I forgot to ping you back. Do you have any pressing items to discuss? How are you feeling about prep for next week?
[09:54] * dimitern is back
[09:54] <dimitern> jam, hey
[09:55] <dimitern> jam, perhaps we can have a quick chat now if you're available?
[09:55] <dimitern> morning perrito666
[09:59] <dimitern> perrito666, aren't you off today?
[10:05] <perrito666> dimitern: nope, I have been on vacations for two weeks
[10:05] <perrito666> but everyone else seems to be off
[10:06] <dimitern> perrito666, yeah :)
[14:33] <natefinch> wwitzel3: standup?
[14:55] <natefinch> dimitern: about utils_RandomPassword ... I intentionally use an unusual format w/ the underscore, since it's replacing utils.RandomPassword... I find it makes it easy to tell what function is being replaced by this variable when you're just looking at the code. otherwise I could just call it randomPassword()... but I like having an easy way to tell what it's replacing without having to go to definition on it.
[14:56] <dimitern> natefinch, well what's wrong with utilsRandomPassword ?:)
[14:57] <natefinch> dimitern: it's still not as obvious that the first part is part of the package name... the underscore really separates it out, and it still looks a lot like the original namespaced form: var utils_RandomPassword = utils.RandomPassword
[14:58] <natefinch> dimitern: but if people really don't like it, it's not a huge deal.
[14:59] <dimitern> natefinch, I still rather not have underscores in code, but it that's the only thing remaining and others are ok with it, I'll accept that
[15:00] <dimitern> s/but it/but if/
[15:00] <natefinch> dimitern: heh... there's a ton of other stuff remaining :)
[15:23] <natefinch> dimitern: I'm not sure what you meant when you said there was inconsistent indenting with the txn.Ops. I just copied the other three functions that were formatted exactly like mine (as far as I can tell).
[15:31] <dimitern> natefinch, in a call, will get back to you
[15:43] <dimitern> natefinch, ah, so I though my comment there made it clear,
[15:44] <natefinch> dimitern: not to me, at least :)
[15:45] <dimitern> natefinch, I think you either use []txn.Op{{\nC:XYZ,\n,...,\n}, {\n,C:UVT,\n...,\n}} or []txn.Op{\n{\nC:XYZ,\n...,\n},\n{\nC:UVT,\n...,\n}\n,}\n
[15:46] <dimitern> natefinch, does it make more sense?
[15:47] <natefinch> dimitern: I think I'm doing that first one
[15:48] <natefinch> or are you asking me to un-indent the stuff inside?
[15:48] <dimitern> natefinch, sorry, let me have a look at the review again
[15:50] <dimitern> natefinch, ugh, I've seen it now - it's fine, so please ignore my comment and I'll drop the issue
[15:50] <natefinch> ok :) good, I thought I was going crazy or something, which is entirely possible running on 4 hours sleep :)
[15:50] <dimitern> :)
[15:52] * dimitern reached EOD
[15:59] <cherylj> ericsnow: you around?
[15:59] <ericsnow> cherylj: yep
[16:00] <cherylj> ericsnow: I'm working on bug 1439447 that we talked about last Friday and I need to get some advice... natefinch had an idea that we could specify a new config option to indicate whether or not to use the proxy when contacting the bootstrap node
[16:00] <mup> Bug #1439447: tools download in cloud-init should not go through http[s]_proxy <cloud-installer> <landscape> <juju-core:In Progress by cherylj> <juju-core 1.23:In Progress by cherylj> <>
[16:01] <cherylj> ericsnow: and I've been digging through things for a while and I'm wondering if this flag should be part of proxy.Settings since it does relate to how we use the proxy...
[16:02] <cherylj> proxy.Settings is part of juju/utils
[16:02] <cherylj> and it would break backwards compatibility, but we branched utils because of the license changes I made anyway...
[16:03] <ericsnow> cherylj: I thought about that too
[16:03] <ericsnow> cherylj: no_proxy already covers this sort of
[16:04] <ericsnow> cherylj: if it supported IP ranges it might be good enough
[16:04] <cherylj> ericsnow: yeah, and another thought I had was to just add the state server IPs to the no_proxy list when this new flag is set
[16:04] <ericsnow> cherylj: yep
[16:04] <cherylj> ericsnow: then if we add new state servers, or remove them, then we need to prune the list
[16:05] <cherylj> ericsnow: and if the flag is unset, do we remove them? What if the user had manually added them and we just don't know?
[16:05] <ericsnow> cherylj: proxy.Settings could also grow a new field like "ProxyPrivateAddresses"
[16:06] <cherylj> ericsnow: yeah, that was my thought
[16:06] <ericsnow> with that setting we wouldn't need to add addresses to no_proxy
[16:06] <cherylj> ericsnow: are there other places (other than this curl command) that we would need to change to check this? I'm not sure if there are other places communication is happening with the state servers through the proxy
[16:08] <ericsnow> cherylj: looks like several packages use proxy.Settings: utils/apt/apt.go and a few places in juju core
[16:11] <cherylj> ericsnow: okay, I'll take a look at those places
[16:12] <cherylj> ericsnow: so you think adding the new field to proxy.Settings sounds good? I think it will be the clearest way to add this config option.
[16:17] <ericsnow> cherylj: ideally the proxy.Settings methods would handle that new field properly by adding the appropriate IP address
[16:17] <ericsnow> cherylj: however, without IP range support that probably isn't doable
[16:18] <cherylj> cherylj: I had also thought that in environs/config/config.go where we return a new proxy.Settings, we could check there if this flag was set, and add the IP addresses to the no_proxy list before returning
[16:19] <ericsnow> cherylj: definitely
[16:19] <cherylj> I'm not sure if that list is used in any permanent way
[16:19] <cherylj> or if ProxySettings() is called every time we need the proxy info
[16:20] <ericsnow> cherylj: it would be nice, though, if we had an implicit solution; that way every use of proxy.Settings doesn't need to handle the new field
[16:21] <cherylj> yeah
[16:28] <ericsnow> cherylj: for now we could just add the IP address of each state server on a private IP address to Settings.NoProxy
[16:29] <ericsnow> cherylj: or prepend "HTTP_PROXY= HTTPS_PROXY= " to that one curl command if the IP in the curl command is private
[16:30] <ericsnow> cherylj: in the interest of solving the 1.23 bug
[16:30] <ericsnow> cherylj: then open a bug against 1.24 for the better solution
[16:31] <cherylj> ericsnow: yeah, I wasn't sure what the timeframe looked like for this bug.
[16:32] <ericsnow> cherylj: we could probably argue for deferring it to 1.23.1, but it would be nice to have a fix for 1.23.0. :)
[16:32] <cherylj> ericsnow: it's easy to determine if we're not the bootstrap node, and we could prepend the "HTTP_PROXY= ..." in that case. Do I need to check if the IP is also private?
[16:34] <ericsnow> cherylj: it depends on whether or not cloudinit for a new HA instance pulls from another state server
[16:36] <ericsnow> cherylj: I'm guessing we can simply key off of w.mcfg.Bootstrap
[16:36] <cherylj> ericsnow: that's what I was thinking
[16:36] <ericsnow> cherylj: we would need to check whether or not that is set for HA instances
[16:41] <ericsnow> natefinch: do you know if MachineConfig.Bootstrap (as used by cloudinit) is set for HA instances?
[16:42] <natefinch> ericsnow: I do not. I'd have to go look it up
[16:42] <ericsnow> natefinch: no worries
[16:44] <natefinch> gotta run for a bit, back in an hour-ish.
[16:50] <cherylj> ericsnow: I don't think that it is set. Just did a little test with ensure-availability and it wasn't...
[16:50] <cherylj> I gotta take a quick lunch break. brb
[16:50] <ericsnow> cherylj: k
[18:11] <perrito666> brb
[18:12] <natefinch> > > >> >>> On Apr 5, 2015, at 11:28 AM, Someone with an annoying plaintext email program replied....
[18:13] <wwitzel3> lol
[18:52] <cherylj> ericsnow: do you know how can I get the script output like what's included in that bug to see the actual commands being run?
[18:53] <ericsnow> cherylj: look for cloudinit.log on the new instance
[18:54] <ericsnow> cherylj: I don't recall exactly where the cloudinit script is written
[18:54] <cherylj> ok
[19:20] * perrito666 had to go replace his fron't door lock after he had to dismantle the door to get out of the house
[19:21] <perrito666> mondays...
[19:22] <mup> Bug #1433577 changed: Vivid unit tests need to pass <ci> <test-failure> <vivid> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <>
[19:22] <mup> Bug #1435860 changed: certSuite.TestNewDefaultServer failure <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <>
[19:22] <mup> Bug #1435974 changed: Copyright information is not available for some files <juju-core:Fix Released by cherylj> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Released by cherylj> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by cherylj> <>
[19:22] <mup> Bug #1437040 changed: unit test failure: TestNewDefaultServer.N40_github_com_juju_juju_cert_test.certSuite <ci> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently>
[19:22] <mup> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <>
[20:44] <natefinch> thumper: got a minute?
[20:44] <thumper> natefinch: otp with alexisb
[20:44] <natefinch> thumper: k
[21:40] <mup> Bug #1439880 changed: Container's interfaces are all on private networks instead of host's eth0 network <lxc> <maas-provider> <network> <oil> <juju-core:Triaged by dimitern> <>
[21:47] <thumper> natefinch: ok, here now
[21:47] <thumper> natefinch: do I need coffee?
[21:51] * thumper goe to get breakfast
[23:05] <axw_> katco: Internet just dropped out, I guess because of the weather. Just FYI, in case I don't turn up at the standup
[23:16] <katco> axw: k ty
[23:19] <katco> axw: since it's just us, we can probably just coordinate over irc. i have a few questions for you, but they can wait until later (after my dinner)
[23:22] <katco> axw: i'll just catch up with you over irc after dinner
[23:29] <axw> katco: :/ sorry
[23:30] <axw> katco: we can try again if you like. otherwise may be best to email me
[23:31] <thumper> axw, katco: seems like your team is as small as mine this week :)
[23:32] <axw> cosy
[23:37] <thumper> axw: makes for quick standup calls :)
[23:38] * thumper relocates for better design thinking space
[23:59] <katco> thumper: lol yep
[23:59] <katco> axw: i'll send you an email | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.873034 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#juju-dev"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-ch | [03:04] <baldninja> Hi | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.875124 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ch"
} |
2015-04-06-#edubuntu | [11:19] <baldninja> Hi | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.877384 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#edubuntu"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-website | [18:58] <PabloRubianes> daker: ping | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.877800 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-website"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-au | [00:36] <mohamed> Hi
[00:37] <mohamed> I want to know what kernel version should I be using?
[00:37] <mohamed> with my ubuntu installation
[00:37] <mohamed> I having trouble with virtualbox
[00:38] <mohamed> kernel module not installed | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.878526 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-au"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-touch | [00:08] <Knuckl3head> Hello?
[00:10] <Knuckl3head> Anybody?
[00:12] * Dragonkeeper is guarding this room, noone is home, except the dragons in the far corner, its time to turn back.
[00:13] <Knuckl3head> Dragonkeeper, do you know much about Ubuntu touch?
[00:14] * Dragonkeeper knows of ubuntu touch. He recalls it being mentioned here some time ago.
[00:15] * Dragonkeeper looks at the Knuckl3head
[00:15] <Knuckl3head> I've got a device I would like to try and get it working on, assuming that I had that I had the full root filesystem of android, where would I find it's hardware drivers?
[00:17] <Dragonkeeper> you mean proprietary drivers? Knuckl3head
[00:17] <Knuckl3head> Mostly, yeah.
[00:17] * Dragonkeeper points to /vendor dir within android
[00:23] <Knuckl3head> So the /vendor/lib, /vendor/modules, and /vendor/pittpatt could be somehow imported to ubuntu touch?
[00:26] <Dragonkeeper> think there is a script in the repos in the ubuntu enviroment for porting that can pull the needed drivers from a device running android . they are used in the ''android'' part of system but its a minimal version in container that no really called android anymore .. then ubuntu goes on top
[00:26] <Dragonkeeper> Knuckl3head: ^
[00:26] <Knuckl3head> I didn't know that, but that would make this process a billion and a half times easier.
[00:27] <Dragonkeeper> following the port guide on ubuntu site?
[00:28] <Knuckl3head> I'll go there then. Thanks for the help, Dragonkeeper.
[00:28] <Dragonkeeper> o/
[03:05] <elisam98> Hey everyone! I'm excited to get started porting Touch to the LG Volt (LS740) from Boost Mobile. I have my device tree vendor lobs and kernel sources all in place, but I seem to be getting a compile error:
[03:06] <elisam98> "fatal error: linux/msm_mdp.h: No such file or directory"
[03:07] <elisam98> I have an "include" folder in my device tree and in my kernel sources. They both contain the linux folder which includes the msm_mdp.h file.
[03:07] <elisam98> ..But it's not getting included by the compiler. Any ideas where to start?
[03:50] <phix> hey
[03:50] <phix> How's the phone coming along??
[08:31] <XVampireX> If my device is not supported or supported under a very close port... say I have a Galaxy Tab 3 SM-T310 that samsung thinks I am the only one who's using it and there are no updates whatsoever.... and I want to get updates, what do I do?
[08:31] <XVampireX> I mean I wanna try ubuntu touch
[08:31] <XVampireX> XD
[09:15] <popey> phix: one released in europe, one soon in asia, announcement for us market soon
[10:29] <Angel2006> hi all
[10:29] <brunch875> hello!
[10:29] <Angel2006> anyone could help me installing ubuntu touch in dual boot on my nexus 4?
[10:30] * brunch875 has no idea on how to do that
[10:30] <Angel2006> and someone else?
[10:31] <Angel2006> ;D
[10:31] <Angel2006> :D
[10:33] <brunch875> you can follow this though
[10:33] <brunch875>
[10:33] <brunch875> It looks pretty complete
[10:34] <Se7> morning#
[10:34] <brunch875> g'morning!
[11:12] <Silex> I, there's this but I'd like to report but I'm not sure to find its correct category: On Aquaris 4.5 BQ phones, when I mute the sound in the PathWind game (or any game), then then no sound goes out anymore in the browser app in Youtube for example
[11:13] <Silex> there's this bug*
[11:13] <Silex> even if I move the volume up or down
[11:18] <Se7> Silex, here i think there is some bug
[11:19] <Silex> Se7: yes, but as I said no category really fits
[11:19] <brunch875> it's a known bug though
[11:19] <Silex> brunch875: okay, then no need to report. Thanks
[11:20] <Silex> is enabling writable image and using apt on the device "ok"?
[11:20] <brunch875> advice: don't apt-get upgrade
[11:20] <brunch875> it'll break everything
[11:20] <Silex> ah, good to know
[11:21] <Silex> I was thinking about giving a try
[11:21] <brunch875> also, I discourage you to enable writable
[11:21] <brunch875> it's preferred if you install stuff in home if you can
[11:22] <Silex> brunch875: thanks for the advices... how do you handle unmet dependencies?
[11:22] <brunch875> I have no idea :D
[11:22] <Silex> I see python is installed so yowsup should theorically work with a local install
[11:22] <brunch875> installing more stuff in home? hahaha
[11:23] <Silex> maybe I can tell dpkg to install stuffs locally, or just cross compile on the host and copy there
[11:23] <brunch875> you can use dpkg -x to extract stuff from the debs
[11:24] <brunch875> and apt-get download to get the debs
[11:24] <Silex> right
[11:24] <brunch875> you can also use a chroot jail to toy around with apt-get without needing to enable write
[11:24] <Silex> Maybe I could also write some little apps
[11:25] <Silex> so installs/updates go through the system installer
[11:25] <brunch875> if you're comfortable with flashing, go ahead and toy around
[11:25] <brunch875> you can always just re-flash ubuntu
[11:26] <Silex> I'm a c++/ruby dev, but I'm inexperienced with phone dev. The ubuntu SDK looked fairly straight forward tho
[11:26] <brunch875> ever played with android?
[11:26] <brunch875> flashing is done the same way
[11:26] <brunch875> with adb
[11:26] <Silex> okay
[11:26] <brunch875> and fastboot
[11:27] <Silex> theorically I won't need to flash around if I manage to wrap yowsup and provide whatsapp support that way
[11:27] <Silex> but I guess I'll try local installs first
[11:27] <Silex> and if it works wrap it into some tiny app
[11:27] <Silex> we'll see how it goes, thanks for the infos
[11:27] <brunch875> make sure to tell me if you're succesful
[11:27] <brunch875> I want to try it out
[11:28] * brunch875 's battery is about to die and there's no power nearby!
[11:28] <Silex> it's a shame apt-get install doesn't work out of the box
[11:28] <brunch875> it "does"
[11:28] <brunch875> enabling write is easy :)
[11:29] <brunch875> it's just for security reasons
[11:29] <Silex> yeah but I never heard anyone recommand it
[11:29] <brunch875> that's because of the click packages
[11:29] <brunch875> they solve the dependency nightmare inherited from debian
[11:30] <Silex> hum, you mean there's two packages manager in ubuntu touch?
[11:30] <brunch875> let's hope the ubuntu devs gradually migrate from apt-get
[11:30] <brunch875> yeah, and the desktop will use the click packages too
[11:30] <brunch875> I've heard something about snappy packages which seem to be about the same thing
[11:30] <brunch875> basically they're packaging all dependencies of the application with the application
[11:30] <embik> snappy packages are for Ubuntu Core, the cloud/server "version" of Ubuntu
[11:30] <brunch875> and sandboxing it
[11:31] <embik> it's not the same as click packages afaik (but I might be wrong)
[11:31] <brunch875> click packages are the future
[11:31] <Silex> creating two new package manager sounds a bit dangerous imho
[11:31] <brunch875> this doesn't mean they're going to get rid of apt-get though
[11:32] <Silex> so much legacy code depends on debian packages
[11:32] <embik> click packages are the future for me when I'm able to package up go applications with it
[11:56] <Angel2006> hi all ,, anyone know how could i boot ubuntu on my nexus 4?
[11:59] <Angel2006> i've tried to install it in dual boot with multirom (ubuntu touch 14.09) .. but once i restar the phone, the ubuntu logo appears but i leave it 30 mins and turn continously and so doesn't boot.. (after 30 min i've shut down my phone) .. any suggestion?
[12:14] <phix> popey: I guess I will buy it in Europe then
[12:51] <OscarBookworm> Installed Ubuntu Touch on Nexus 10, all is fine but no sound (music app), any ideas?
[12:52] <ahayzen> OscarBookworm, is there a sound-indicator in the notification bar?
[12:52] <OscarBookworm> of course it is
[12:53] <ahayzen> sometimes that doesn't start for me ;) ... is it just music or all apps?
[12:53] <OscarBookworm> youtube video is working fine with sound but music app sucks
[12:54] <ahayzen> :/ define 'sucks' as in no audio at all or stutters?
[12:54] <OscarBookworm> there is no progress if i press play
[12:55] <ahayzen> ugh ... do you know what format the file are?
[12:55] <OscarBookworm> I tried both ogg and mp3
[12:56] <ahayzen> ok they should work... would you be able to pastebin some logs for me? ... /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/media-hub.log and /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/application-click-com.ubuntu.music_music_2.0.846.log ?
[13:00] <OscarBookworm> How to show hidden files on device?
[13:02] <ahayzen> OscarBookworm, how are you trying to get to the files? file manager or terminal? ... i usually just adb pull them over to the desktop
[13:04] <OscarBookworm> I#ll try it with adb, just a moment please
[13:07] <Se7> it s possible to install android lollipop in dual boot on aquarius ubuntu editions?
[13:09] <brunch875> it should be
[13:09] <brunch875> technically it's the same es the android edition
[13:10] <brunch875>
[13:10] <Se7> tnx :)
[13:10] <ogra_> there is no officially supported way of dual booting ...
[13:11] <ogra_> the ubuntu edition is partitioned differently ... and the drivers use fimware from android 4.4 for the hardware, if anything in lollipop brings a newer one it might break HW functionality under ubuntu
[13:11] <brunch875> snap
[13:12] <Se7> understood
[13:12] <Se7> but why that link?
[13:12] <brunch875> it shows how to install dual boot
[13:12] <ogra_> (but if you are adventuorus you can indeed try :) the phone is open enough to do so if yo like the risk ;) )
[13:13] <brunch875> ogra_, is the access to fastboot/recovery in a read-only memory?
[13:14] <brunch875> is it possible to break the device beyond repair?
[13:14] <ogra_> the first stage bootloader is, afaik
[13:14] <ogra_> the second stage (fastboot) is alerady read from mmc
[13:15] <ogra_> (i think)
[13:16] <brunch875> is that accessible from / ?
[13:16] <ogra_> the partition containing the bootloader ?
[13:16] <brunch875> yeah
[13:16] <ogra_> i think so
[13:16] <brunch875> so rm -rf / would brick the device
[13:16] <brunch875> hardbrick I mean
[13:16] <ogra_> yes, but not the bootloader
[13:17] <brunch875> so it would still be possible to slap the usb into it and fix it?
[13:17] <ogra_> (well, rm -rf / would not brock it if you wuldnt make it writable)
[13:17] <ogra_> *brick
[13:17] <brunch875> yeah, assuming a successful rm
[13:17] <ogra_> well, that still would needteh partition mounted to do any harm to it
[13:18] <ogra_> there is no filesystem on it ... you can not mount it
[13:18] <brunch875> that's great news
[13:18] <brunch875> knowing that I'll fiddle more with my phone
[13:18] <ogra_> yo would have to use dd on the device node (or a tool using dd) to break it
[13:20] * Se7 asked a nice question :P
[13:35] <popey> ahayzen: i dont think the nexus 10 has had a lot of love, I wouldn't worry too much about audio issues on that device.
[13:36] <ahayzen> popey, ok :) i was just intrigued what the error would be
[13:37] <popey> me too :)
[13:43] <rsalveti> popey: hey, do you have a final krillin version with you around?
[13:43] <popey> rsalveti: ya
[13:43] <rsalveti> looking for someone that bought the device :-)
[13:43] <popey> <- did
[13:44] <rsalveti> popey: can you run the following?
[13:44] <rsalveti> cat /sys/devices/platform/mtk-tpd/chipinfo
[13:44] <rsalveti> and paste me the output
[13:44] <popey> ID:0x0 VER:0x15 IC:ft5336 VENDOR:ckt (dc)
[13:44] <rsalveti> yay, there you go
[13:45] <rsalveti> thanks
[13:45] <popey> ooh
[13:45] <rsalveti> looking at what might be missing for
[13:45] <popey> ID:0x0 VER:0x40 IC:ft5336 VENDOR:ckt (dc)
[13:45] <popey> thats my white android one
[13:45] <rsalveti> yeah, the script that updates it is broken
[13:45] <rsalveti> and it seems the final device got an older firmware by default
[13:45] * popey adds comment
[13:46] <popey> That's unfortunate
[13:46] <popey> wonder what else is between 0x15 and 0x40!
[13:47] <EdwardMorbius> hello, what logs do I need to report UI freeze on the phone?
[13:48] <popey> EdwardMorbius: I'd "adb shell" to the phone and "ubuntu-bug unity8"
[13:48] <popey> then click the link it gives you and file the bug that way
[13:48] <popey> it'll gather everything
[13:49] <EdwardMorbius> popey ok I will try that
[13:53] <EdwardMorbius> I am guessing unity8 and mir will get updated in 15.04 image right?
[13:56] <EdwardMorbius> unity8 is from 26.2 and mir from 15.1 according to what I grepped in the phone terminal
[14:08] <pmcgowan> ogra_, beat me to posting the battery graph :)
[14:28] <ogra_> :)
[14:35] <spazzymoto> Hey guys, can anyone config for me if lxc-checkconfig should look like this for the android container
[14:37] <spazzymoto> confirm*
[14:39] <ogra_> spazzymoto, you definitely want all namespaces enabled
[14:39] <spazzymoto> any idea where i set this?
[14:40] <spazzymoto> Do i need to do something like
[14:43] <ogra_> you need to enable all the options in your kernel config
[14:45] <ogra_> spazzymoto, you need to point the CONFIG variable to your kernel config, not the lxc setup file
[14:45] <ogra_> else it will default to just check the running kernel
[14:46] <Talustus> ^^
[14:50] <spazzymoto> Ah sorry :( haha looks much better
[14:50] <spazzymoto> do i need cgroup device in order for android to mount any partitions
[14:56] <ogra_> no
[15:00] <spazzymoto> ok cool yeah i see i can mount it manually in the container. Just need to figure out why they dont seem to be mounting on boot. Thanks
[15:04] <ogra_> why do you need it in the container ?
[15:05] <spazzymoto> Im getting [ 19.716211] pil-q6v5-mss fc880000.qcom,mss: mba: Failed to locate mba.mdt in my dmesg and i see that file is locate in /firmware/image
[15:06] <ogra_> ah, i thought you mean cgroups
[15:07] <spazzymoto> oh sorry, no i thought i may need it to allow mounting in the container. but as i can mount it manually in container it wouldnt seem so. cant seem to find any messages that tell me why they didnt mount :(
[16:07] <themeles> When I'm trying to sync owncloud with my ubuntu phone i get the following error when setting up syncevolution "[ERROR] sync password for target-config@wd-oc: cannot store password in GNOME keyring, not enough attributes (user=meles). Try setting syncURL or remoteDeviceID if this is a sync password.".
[16:07] <themeles> Can somebody help me?
[16:07] <studio_> hi
[16:09] <studio_> is there an experimental channel for the bq e4.5 an its kernel?
[16:19] <themeles> problem solved. The solution was "--keyring=no"
[16:24] <studio_> sorry, i do not know how to fix the problem with the cifs and the bq kernel by myself. i need help.
[16:27] <studio_> could "please" someone help?
[16:30] <studio_> john-mcaleely, i was reading, reading and reading, but i didn't figured out where the problem is. can you "please" help?
[16:35] <peat-psuwit> awe_: I've added some comments in my pull request. Could you have a look?
[16:36] <awe_> peat-psuwit, I'll try and take a look later on... I have some other tasks I have to finish first today
[16:38] <peat-psuwit> awe_: That's fine. Maybe I'll take a look again tomorrow, as it's almost midnight here.
[16:38] <awe_> ok
[16:41] <studio_> where is the different between git checkout aquaris-E4.5-ubuntu-rtm and git checkout aquaris-E4.5-ubuntu-master? there is still missing in both cifs and nfsd?
[16:44] <studio_> come on, how to enable cifs and nfsd in the kernel?
[16:57] <studio_> hmm, nobody here is using the bq Aquaris e4.5?
[16:59] <danrik> "More Ubuntu phones coming soon…" how soon is soon?
[17:00] <studio_> if yes, would be nice how to use "mount -t cifs" or "mount -t nfs" on the bq Aquaris e4.5 without kernel or modules!?
[17:01] <dobey> danrik: i'm assuming you're referring to the bq site. you will have to follow @bqreaders or @ubuntu on twitter to see when the next flash sale happens, or when they start selling them generally
[17:02] <studio_> dobey, you are still there?
[17:02] <danrik> dobey, no - i'm referring to ubuntu site:
[17:02] <dobey> studio_: that has nothing to do with the e4.5 afaik. it sounds like you want to request that those be enabled by default on ubuntu phones. file a bug that they aren't available, and make a reasonably good argument as to how they would be beneficial to users in general (don't demand that they need to be enabled)
[17:03] <dobey> danrik: oh, well soon is soon. when more phones are released, they will appear there i guess :)
[17:03] <danrik> dobey, im using my android phone with broken glass currently...
[17:04] <studio_> dobey, it is a problem from the kernel, the kernel is built without "love"
[17:04] <dobey> studio_: no it is not. and please don't say such things. it is rude
[17:06] <studio_> dobey, as i told you, i am not "rude", but the kernel is built, for exp., with nfc. but E4.5 do not support nfc ....
[17:06] <dobey> studio_: you are the only person in the past 2 years to complain about the ubuntu phone image not having cifs or nfs support.
[17:06] <dobey> studio_: "the kernel is built without 'love'" is rude
[17:07] <studio_> true
[17:07] <studio_> is nfc in the kernel rude?
[17:07] <dobey> cifs and nfs are not something one needs on a phone in general.
[17:07] <dobey> it is irrelevant
[17:08] <studio_> and nfc?
[17:08] <dobey> nfc is irrelevant
[17:08] <studio_> so,why it is in the kernel?
[17:08] <dobey> why are you talking about nfc?
[17:09] <dobey> nfc has nothing to do with cifs or nfs
[17:09] <studio_> it is compiled to the kernel!
[17:09] <dobey> the argument of "this one thing is enabled in the kernel, so these other things should be too" is a facile argument
[17:09] <danrik> dobey, - wait - so how do u watch something from Windows share without cifs compiled?
[17:10] <dobey> danrik: how do you do it on an android phone? or ios? or even on a windows phone?
[17:10] <studio_> dobey, please do not missunderstand me, i try to figure out, why nfc is compiled in the kernel and cifs or nfsd is not ...
[17:10] <danrik> dobey, i dunno. im on cyanogen - and I think I can browse cifs...
[17:11] <dobey> studio_: i don't misunderstand you at all. you are being arrogant and demanding something should be be enabled, simply because some other irrelevant option is enabled in the kernel.
[17:12] <studio_> arrogant?, come on, help me to fix the kernel!
[17:12] <dobey> it's not broken. if you want to build your own kernel with cifs enabled and nfc disabled, then do so
[17:12] <dobey> there's nothing more i can tell you to help you with that
[17:12] <studio_> do you help or not?
[17:13] <dobey> i can have you removed from the channel again for being demanding and rude, if that will help?
[17:14] <studio_> so you can't or will help for this issue?
[17:14] <dobey> i'm not going to continue answering things i've already answered, no
[17:14] <studio_> fixing the kernel is still not answered!
[17:15] <dobey> the kernel is not broken
[17:15] <studio_> "broken" is "depending" ...
[17:15] <dobey> no
[17:15] <dobey> broken means it needs a change to the source code
[17:16] <dobey> what you want to do has nothing to do with changing the source code
[17:16] <dobey> all you want to do is change compile time options
[17:16] <dobey> and the kernel source code comes with plenty of documentation on how to build a kernel
[17:16] <studio_> dobey, i am not the only one who is asking for cifs and nfsd ...
[17:16] <dobey> you can also read the ubuntu porting guide listed in the topic
[17:16] <dobey> studio_: yes. yes you are.
[17:17] <studio_> dobey, us google to search ...
[17:18] <dobey> studio_: google also has links to many sites explaining how to configure and build kernels. feel free to use it as well
[17:19] <studio_> dobey, use google for an answer, "because we do not know" is not the correct way!
[17:20] <dobey> studio_: again, you are being rude. please stop or i will ask to have you forcibly removed yet again.
[17:20] <studio_> rude is depending in your way
[17:21] <ogra_> kids, behave !
[17:21] <studio_> ok ... :(
[17:22] <ogra_> studio_, cifs and nfs are not interesting for us until we can offer app developers to do anything with them, read: once our framework supporst using network filesystems we will enable them ...
[17:22] <ogra_> if you want them right now for your personal fun, you will have to build your own kernel or modules to make it work
[17:23] <dobey> they're not interesting even then, as having them be in kernel space presents many problems. the best way to use them would be with an app, and having it be a provider to content-hub. and yes, if you really must have it now on the phone, the only way to do so, is to build your own kernel
[17:24] <dobey> and if you want that to stick, you'll also need to maintain your own system image builds, or simply avoid ever updating the image.
[17:24] <dobey> again, and again, and again, these same answers have been given.
[17:25] <studio_> dobey, no, how to enable cifs and nfsd in the kernel via ""?
[17:27] <dobey>
[17:27] <ogra_> by configuringit and then building it
[17:28] <dobey> it's a linux source tree, you configure it the same way as you would any other linux source tree
[17:40] <studio_> dobey, sorry, i do not unterstand that :( where in what folder do i have to make "make menuconfig"?
[17:40] <dobey> presumably under kernel/
[17:41] <studio_> but unter kernel it is not working :(
[17:41] <dobey> after doing whatever is necessry to get the existing config in place
[17:41] <dobey> read the porting guide. it's linked in the channel topic.
[17:42] <dobey> you're trying to build something that's already ported, but it will provide you with details on how to go about building the system
[17:45] <dobey> you should probably build it once as-is, so you understand how to build it, and then try to go about changing the config and rebuilding it
[17:45] <studio_> dobey, yes, it is still ported, i just want to modify ... and in the git i do not know how the "project" is set? project is the kernel config.
[17:46] <ogra_> just grab it from the device
[17:46] <studio_> ogra_, it is different from the git!
[17:47] <ogra_> the config ?
[17:47] <ogra_> indeed it is
[17:47] <studio_> yes
[17:47] <studio_> indeed, why?
[17:47] <ogra_> the tree is an unconfigured linux source tree
[17:49] <studio_> sorry, i do not understand this. i thought config.gz is the same as in the build tree?
[17:49] <ogra_> there is no config in the tree ...
[17:50] <studio_> no? so what is project?
[17:50] * ogra_ hasnt seen many official kernel tees that come configured
[17:51] <dobey> what "project" are you talking about?
[17:51] <studio_> ~/aquaris-E4.5/mediatek/config/krillin/autoconfig/kconfig/project
[17:52] * ogra_ has no idea
[17:52] <studio_> check it
[17:52] <ogra_> but why does it matter
[17:52] <studio_> it is the kernel config
[17:52] <dobey> why don't you build the kernel following the instructions, as-is first
[17:52] <ogra_> you copy the config from tehdevice into th right place, call mke menuconfig, reconfigure as needed ... build
[17:53] <dobey> and then change the config
[17:53] <dobey> instead of demanding in irc that other people help you do the obvious thing?
[17:54] <ogra_> th actual configuration is assembled at build time by android scripts ... i doubt you will find anything in the kernel tree ...
[17:54] <studio_> dobey, please do not make "tamtam". clone the git and tell me in what folder i have to make "make menuconfig" ...
[17:55] <ogra_> in the top level of your kernel tree indeed
[17:55] <ogra_> like with any other kernel
[17:55] <dobey> i am not cloning the git. and wtf is "tamtam" anyway?
[17:55] <dobey> and i already told you where to run make menuconfig
[17:55] <studio_> ogra_, have you ever tried?
[17:55] <ogra_> there is nothing special about this tree that makes it any different from any other kernel tree
[17:55] <dobey> have you?
[17:55] <dobey> (cd kernel && make menuconfig) et voila, ncurses
[17:57] <studio_> aquaris-E4.5/kernel/../mediatek/build/Makefile:13: *** TARGET_PRODUCT/PROJECT is not set. Schluss.
[17:57] <studio_> ?
[17:57] <studio_> that is, why ia ma allways asking. it is not working
[17:58] <studio_> :(
[17:58] <studio_> ups, that is why i am allways asking
[17:58] <dobey> you don't ask, you demand. there is a difference
[17:59] <dobey> have you read the porting guide? have you read the documentation in the tree? have you built it as it is configured by default yet?
[18:00] <studio_> dobey, no, i just cloned, as on every time. but the build system seems to be got problems.
[18:02] <dobey> yeah, it has a PEBKAC
[18:02] <studio_> what means PEBKAC?
[18:03] <dobey> Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
[18:04] <studio_> have you ever tried ././makeMtk ?
[18:04] <studio_> ./makeMtk
[18:04] <studio_> sorry
[18:05] <studio_> hmm, i can't see the chair ...
[18:09] <brunch875> sigh
[18:09] <dobey> indeed
[18:10] <studio_> +1
[18:10] <brunch875> just got home to see my favourite headphones' plug brutally bent inside my soundcard
[18:10] <brunch875> :(
[18:11] <brunch875> damn troglodytes!
[19:35] <roeei> Hi all, any working project to get whatsapp and exchange email working with bq 4.5?
[19:36] <nik90> Does anyone know which package to install to get Ubuntu.Connectivity?
[19:41] <roeei>
[19:47] <dadexix86> roeei, if you use whatsapp with an unofficial client they ban you. Probably the only thing to do is to wait for Mr. Facebook to give it to us (I tried to write them an email some time ago, without any reply from them).
[19:47] <dadexix86> roeei and for the other question, I'm not entirely sure about what an "exchange email" is...
[19:53] <dobey> roeei: whatsapp will have to provide an ubuntu app themselves if you want to get it
[19:54] <dobey> roeei: i don't think dekko supports exchange, so probably nothing really on that front either, unless you can maybe use a webapp for it
[19:54] <dobey> dadexix86: MS Exchange, the groupware server
[19:57] <Bogdan> i have almost 2 weeks with ubuntu touch and i think its a beautifull experience that need more attention to details bugs and core apps development
[20:00] <themeles> do I post bugs about the quick settings menu in ubuntu-phone in Ubuntu Phone commons?
[20:01] <dadexix86> dobey, thank you
[20:02] <dobey> Bogdan: we are constantly fixing bugs and improving things :)
[20:02] <Bogdan> Yes, i know...
[20:03] <dobey> themeles: a particular icon in the top bar, or just in general?
[20:05] <themeles> dobey: the inactive tabs are not good visible in bad light because the contrast between the grey icon and the black background is to low.
[20:05] <Bogdan> I fill some bugs and i have seen this in action... But there are so many things to get better... Hangouts, facebook chat integration, downloading any kind of files, options to make the phone a real smartphone, and so on...
[20:06] <dobey> themeles: is probably the best place to file that bug
[20:06] <pmcgowan> nik90, qml-module-ubuntu-connectivity
[20:07] <dobey> Bogdan: "a real smartphone" is really subjective. hangouts is limited by google, facebook is limited by facebook, etc… we can only work on things that are open and not legally encumbered, really. if you want hangouts, the best thing would be to get google to write an ubuntu hangouts app and distribute it in the store
[20:08] <themeles> dobey: thank you. and another thing too: is the keyboard that is used in ubuntu-phone the ubuntu-keyboard?
[20:08] <nik90> pmcgowan: ah yes thnx
[20:08] <nik90> roeei: thnx as well, just saw your reply
[20:09] <dobey> themeles: yes it is
[20:09] <themeles> dobey: ok than i reported the bug at the right place, thanks!
[20:10] <dobey> no problem :)
[20:10] <Bogdan> Why pidgin have google talk integration and ubuntu touch cant have?... If pidgin can be ported to ubuntu touch s big problem would be done.
[20:10] <Bogdan> ;)
[20:11] <dobey> there's a big difference between xmpp text chat, and "hangouts"
[20:12] <mcphail> Bogdan: Android took several iterations, a couple of years, thousands of devs and the might of Google to be usable. UT has been out int he wild for a bout 2 weeks. Give it a chance!
[20:12] <Bogdan> Ok, i need google talk chat.... Could someone do this?
[20:12] <Bogdan> Ok, i see
[20:12] <dobey> xmpp will likely come in the future, but proper integration requires changes in the messaging app UI, and such
[20:12] <Bogdan> Ok
[20:13] <dobey> but telepathy is on the phone, and yes, it's possible to have IM. it just requires a lot of work to make it right
[20:13] <Bogdan> I miss very much a basic google talk
[20:15] <dobey> i agree it would be nice to have
[20:15] <Bogdan> I miss gtalk, facebook messenger, feedly app and basicaly that is all i need more.
[20:15] <dobey> but getting IM right on the phone is a lot of work
[20:16] <dobey> is feedly just a web thing?
[20:16] <Bogdan> I like the phone, the OS, its beautifull. I tried my wife android phone snd tried to use right edge... But nothing...
[20:16] <Bogdan> ;)
[20:16] <mcphail> Bogdan: I'm sure the talk and messaging apps with open protocols will come along when the plumbing is in place. Ubuntu-touch seems much easier to develop for than Android or ios
[20:18] <mcphail> Bogdan: we've ported some in-house stuff to UT in a couple of days. It took us ages to get it working right on Android. Have faith :)
[20:18] <Bogdan> I will try feedly in browser
[20:18] <Bogdan> browser
[20:19] <brunch875> feedly doesn't work for me on the browser
[20:19] <brunch875> it chokes on its javascript machinery
[20:20] <brunch875> I've noticed the browser doesn't behave well with popups
[20:20] <Bogdan> Ok. I will wait... I was waiting for this phone for 2 years, and i will wait a year from now on... But i hope to see progress on this area.
[20:20] <dobey> yeah, popups on mobile is bad
[20:20] <dobey> well, popups are bad
[20:20] <dobey> but worse on mobile :)
[20:21] <brunch875> yeah, they're bad
[20:22] <brunch875> I was visiting euuh... "you'll know when you're older" stuff yesterday; which tends to spam with dodgy popups
[20:22] <brunch875> it broke the tabs on the browser
[20:22] <brunch875> opened tabs disappeared, but I could still hear the audio
[20:22] <brunch875> closing the browser and opening it again wouldn't fix this inconsistent state
[20:22] <brunch875> had to reboot the phone
[20:24] <matv1> has anyone experienced being unable to unlock the phone after testrunning an qml app on the phone(mako) from the sdk?
[20:25] <Bogdan> Is youtube working on your bq phones?
[20:25] <brunch875> it id
[20:25] <brunch875> it is* flawlessly
[20:25] <Bogdan> I hear just audio, not any video
[20:25] <Dragonkeeper> yeah, i hate the scope tho
[20:25] <dobey> Bogdan: works here
[20:26] <Bogdan> Oh... I am the only one?
[20:26] <Dragonkeeper> Bogdan: only if your connection sucks
[20:26] <brunch875> is your internet slow?
[20:26] <nik90> matv1: are you running vivid? or rtm?
[20:26] <nik90> matv1: I have noticed that issue on vivid
[20:26] <Bogdan> No, i have powerfull internet
[20:26] <matv1> nik90 vivid
[20:26] <brunch875> do you have a lot of stuff open when watching the videos?
[20:27] <brunch875> like facebook and a lot of opened tabs on the browser
[20:27] <Bogdan> I dont know, the phone is like i bought? is it rtm?
[20:27] <pmcgowan> Bogdan, do you have the v20 update?
[20:27] <matv1> nik90 ah so I am not alone. good to know :)
[20:27] <Bogdan> Yes, i have 20
[20:28] <nik90> matv1: well, the situation still sucks :P ... that's why I get back to rtm as fast I can when possible
[20:28] <Bogdan> Do you need a copy paste from youtube log. I have logwiewer
[20:28] <Bogdan> ?
[20:28] <nik90> matv1:
[20:28] <brunch875> Bogdan: did you try closing your browser tabs?
[20:29] <brunch875> maybe you're just out of memory
[20:29] <matv1> nik90 ah yes that sounds like what i am seeing
[20:32] <Bogdan> I hear sound, no video. I tried youtube scope, also youtube in browser. No video, just sound
[20:33] <matv1> nik90 thanks fr the info. i will stick with vivid though. cant do without seeing all the new stuff right asap :)
[20:33] <brunch875> after closing all tabs?
[20:33] <Bogdan> Yes
[20:33] <brunch875> that's weird, I can't seem to re-create the issue
[20:34] <Bogdan> Is there a log i can send you
[20:34] <brunch875> I can take a look at it :D but I'm not a youtube developer
[20:35] <brunch875> here:
[20:36] <Bogdan> I have Logviewer. What section i need to copy?
[20:37] <Bogdan> Mediahub?
[20:37] <brunch875> no idea :x
[20:38] <brunch875> oh, I misread you had a log on your hands
[20:38] <brunch875> my bad!
[20:40] <Bogdan> Http://
[20:41] <dobey> Bogdan: youtube doesn't go through mediahub
[20:42] <Bogdan> Where then?
[20:42] <dobey> it's just html5 video direct in the browser
[20:43] <dobey> so maybe the youtube app log if there is one, but i'm not sure it will have anything helpful in it
[20:43] <dobey> Bogdan: also, most all of EU was on holiday today, so you're more likely to get some help tomorrow :)
[20:44] <Bogdan> Ok. Thanks. I will come here tomorrow.
[20:44] <Bogdan> Good night
[20:44] <brunch875> Good night man
[20:44] <brunch875> good luck!
[20:46] <Bogdan>
[20:47] <Bogdan> target density dpi id the problem
[20:55] <brunch875> It's interesting. I've read someone complain about the same audio-only playback issue.
[20:56] <pmcgowan> hmm
[20:56] <brunch875> But I have a BQ device myself and I've never encountered it
[20:56] <pmcgowan> wonder if he hits a different server or something
[20:56] <brunch875> sometimes video gets to stutter when the phone is loaded but otherwise nothing :\
[20:58] <dobey> i have audio only for local videos, on my nexus5; but i think that might be a hardware support issue
[20:59] <pmcgowan> that seems to be an old tag thats been deprecated
[21:01] <dobey> pmcgowan: wrong channel? :P
[21:03] <pmcgowan> dobey, hmm? I should have said key The key "target-densitydpi" is not supported.
[21:03] <pmcgowan> seems this was reported before and mistakenly duped
[21:04] <dobey> pmcgowan: oh, the youtube issue?
[21:04] <pmcgowan> yep
[21:04] <dobey> ah ok
[21:05] <brunch875> ooo phone uses upstart
[21:05] <dobey> yes it does
[21:05] <dobey> at least, until we can make it not
[21:06] <brunch875> I've heard a lot of rambling about systemd
[21:06] <brunch875> but I have no idea how either works
[21:06] <dobey> so probably sometime during development of 15.10
[21:08] <dobey> ah well, time to go. later :)
[21:09] <brunch875> enjoy your sleep
[21:09] <brunch875> (or not) :D
[21:09] <dobey> beer and food, then maybe sleep in ~6 hours :P
[21:09] <brunch875> who needs sleep anyway ;)
[21:24] <cwayne> popey, heya, got time for a quick review? :)
[21:30] <nik90> popey: oh man I can remember the old days where you and dholbach used to manually review every app that was added to the store ;-P
[21:33] <cwayne> nik90, now its just every one of my apps :P
[21:34] <popey> heh
[21:34] <popey> done
[21:34] <natas> anyone with skillz in Linux deploy on android?
[21:35] <cwayne> popey, <3
[21:36] <popey> nik90: yeah, now I just watch this climbing...
[21:36] <popey> o/ bed
[21:36] <popey> nn
[21:37] <nik90> popey: oh wow its a nice steep climb since march 2015
[21:40] <ahoneybun> lots of webapps
[21:44] <nik90> ahoneybun: well there are some native apps as well in that climb :)
[21:44] <embrik> yo, I've purchased the ubuntu-phonme even though I am from Norway :-) When I play music from spotify it stops when the phone goes into sleep - how do I put spotify in the group for apps to still run swhen the phone is in sleep (hibernate?)
[21:44] <nik90> and scopes
[21:44] <nik90> embrik: let me guess cute spotify?
[21:44] <embrik> yes
[21:46] <nik90> embrik: It can't be done afaik :/ .. I think the issue was that spotify provides the data in chunks which is not supported by the platform service media-hub.
[21:46] <nik90> embrik: there are apps which stream music from the web and is support quite well, but that doesn't seem to work with spotify for some reason.
[21:47] <nik90> may be Elleo (cute spotify developer) can explain ^^
[21:47] <embrik> hmm - isn't it possible to tweak it? I mean, there is an option to chose apps to run when the phone is in sleep
[21:49] <Elleo> embrik: no option for that I'm afraid; only a hard coded list in unity8 (which currently only includes the music app)
[21:50] <embrik> Elleo, Grooveshark?
[21:50] <Elleo> embrik: what about it?
[21:50] <ahoneybun> nik90: that would include my app as well
[21:51] <nik90> ahoneybun: which app?
[21:51] <embrik> Is grooveshark the app in the phone which works when the phone is in sleep? (is it called hibernate in english?)
[21:51] <Elleo> embrik: the grooveshark app still gets suspended just like cutespotify does, the difference is that grooveshark provides audio files instead of raw audio streams, so these can be passed to the media-hub service (which carries on running when apps are suspended)
[21:51] <embrik> the question was meant for Elleo
[21:52] <Elleo> embrik: but that isn't an option for spotify due to the way libspotify works
[21:52] <Elleo> embrik: it only provides raw chunks of audio in real-time (presumably in some attempt to protect their DRM or something)
[21:53] <nik90> cwayne: well someone is got to keep popey busy ;)
[21:53] <embrik> Elleo, I see, but I don't understand :-) Are there any music apps I can use to play music in my car via bluetoooth without it stopping?
[21:53] <Elleo> embrik: the music app
[21:54] <Elleo> embrik: (you'll need to copy some music on to your phone)
[21:55] <embrik> Elleo, Ok - got the phone yesterday. Haven't had much time with it. There are no apps on it called music and I can't find it in the repository.
[21:56] <Elleo> embrik: the music app should be installed by default, it's name is probably translated into your native language though
[21:56] <embrik> Elleo, sorry - found it
[21:56] <Elleo> embrik: it'll have an icon of a musical note
[21:56] <Elleo> embrik: great :)
[21:57] <ahoneybun> nik90: gazeteer
[21:57] <embrik> I have to download like in the old days - great - I like this :-) I've been away from linux for some years becauese of the work - but this gives me a thrill
[21:57] <Elleo> :)
[22:00] <nik90> embrik: if you like podcasts, then podbird will help you there and can play stuff in the background :P
[22:01] <embrik> nik90, what about pidgin? I find it a bit old fashioned to communicate on it?
[22:01] <embrik> nik90, have to log into facebook to talk
[22:02] <nik90> embrik: I hear that the IM backend is in place if I vaguely remember, but the UI needs to be integrated into the default messaging app which is a bit complicated
[22:03] <nik90> well more a long process
[22:03] <embrik> nik90, ok - we'll just wait for it then
[22:04] <nik90> ahayzen: why does a scoreboard for a game need to run in the background?
[22:04] <ahayzen> ahoneybun, ^^
[22:04] <nik90> bah I meant that to ahoneybun ^^
[22:04] <nik90> sry :P
[22:04] <ahayzen> no worries lol ;)
[22:04] <embrik> nik90, Is ther a messaging app as well?
[22:04] <nik90> embrik: yeah there should be a default messaging app
[22:04] <ahoneybun> nik90: run in the background?
[22:05] <nik90> embrik: looks like you need to first the existing apps
[22:05] <embrik> nik90, I'll searc then - got it yesterday :-)
[22:05] <nik90> ahoneybun: yeah you meantioned "<ahoneybun> nik90: that would include my app as well"
[22:05] <nik90> ahoneybun: or was that for a manual review or something?
[22:05] <ahoneybun> oh no nik90 you said [17:51] <nik90> ahoneybun: which app?
[22:06] <ahoneybun> I was just late with the reply
[22:06] <nik90> ahoneybun: oh
[22:06] <ahoneybun> yea'
[22:09] <embrik> nik90, can't find any communication app. What is it called? Do you know?
[22:09] <nik90> embrik: its called "Messaging" in has sms/mms support
[22:10] <nik90> embrik: it is not a google talk/facebook chat client if that's what you were expecting
[22:10] <embrik> nik90, well, 've found that- yes I need a client to talk on facebook
[22:12] <natas> you guys know if there is a Linux deploy chat somewhere?
[22:12] <nik90> embrik: it will come in due course..after all this is the first version of ubuntu touch out there
[22:13] <embrik> nik90, is it possible to ssh to it?
[22:13] <nik90> embrik: yes, but I am not sure how to do it..
[22:14] <nik90> embrik: I usually adb shell, or phablet-shell into it
[22:14] <nik90> and run commands
[22:14] <embrik> nik90, thanks
[22:17] <embrik> nik90, sorry for asking - I'm kind of new to this. I've use ssh alot like this ssh username@ip-adresse on host - but how do I use adb shell or phablet shell?
[22:17] <nik90> embrik: for adb-shell and phablet-shell you need to connect the device via usb
[22:18] <embrik> nik90, ok
[22:18] <embrik> nik90, what do i write on the pc?
[22:18] <nik90> embrik: But first, go to Settings App -> About this phone -> Developer Mode -> Enable Developer Mode Switch
[22:19] <nik90> embrik: then connect the device via usb
[22:19] <nik90> embrik: and then run "phablet-shell" or "adb shell" in the pc terminal
[22:19] <embrik> nik90, I'll do that
[22:19] <nik90> you should then be in the phone's terminal command prompt
[22:20] <nik90> embrik: Oh also make sure to unlock the device when you type the command in the pc terminal (for security reasons adb, phablet-shell doesn't list your device if it is locked)
[22:24] <embrik> nik90, Think I have a too old distro: 12.04. Can't find phablet-shell in the repository
[22:25] <embrik> nik90, the phone doesn't even show up when I connect it to the pc
[22:25] <georg1982> can you tell me how to change the partition layout for ubuntu touch?
[22:27] <nik90> embrik: hmm well to get the phablet-tools package you would need to add the ubuntu sdk ppa, but I am not sure if it supports 12.04.
[22:27] <nik90> embrik: let me check
[22:29] <nik90> embrik: PPA will provide that package to you..BUT it hasn't been updated for 12.04 for almost a year. So I wouldn't add it.
[22:29] <nik90> embrik: it would be best to keep up with the latest LTS release..I am myself running 14.04
[22:35] <dadexix86> hi all. is there a way to start a secret chat on telegram?
[22:41] <Elleo> dadexix86: if you bring up someone's contact info there's a "Start secret chat" option
[22:41] <dadexix86> Elleo, there it is! thank you very much :)
[22:41] <Elleo> dadexix86: you can do that by either tapping their name in a chat, or starting a new chat with that person and tapping the person icon in the top right
[22:41] <Elleo> dadexix86: no worries :)
[23:07] <embrik> nik90, I have 14.04 installed on my parents laptop, but it runs slow on old hardware :-( My phone doesn't show on 12.04
[23:12] <embrik> anyone: I can't browse my phone on distro 12.04
[23:12] <embrik> It doesn't show
[23:20] <dadexix86> embrik, you have to update the mtp drivers, or switch to 14.04
[23:25] <embrik> I can't reach my phone on usb or bluetoooth
[23:25] <embrik> Using ubuntu 12.04 on pc
[23:32] <embrik> I am a bit disapointed. Have worked with linux some years ago. Bought myself ubunt phone, and really looked forward to smooth connetction with my ubuntu pc, but nothing works. Not usb, nor bluetooth | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.894411 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-touch"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-ko | [01:31] <ready^T420> 그에에에에
[02:38] <samahui_> 겔럭시S6 엣지를 구입할까 말까 심히 고민되네요
[02:38] <samahui_> 겔스4로 잘 살아왔는데 엣지는 좀 끌리는군요
[02:38] <ZNC_autowiz> S6 보다는 엣지가 더 땡기시는거지요?
[02:38] <samahui_> 네
[02:39] <ZNC_autowiz> 그럼 지르시는겁니다 ~ ㅋㅋ
[02:39] <samahui_> s6살꺼면 그냥 S4로 계속 가죠 ㅎㅎ
[02:39] <ZNC_autowiz> 여긴 지름 권장 방 ㅋㅋ
[02:39] <samahui_> ㅋㅋㅋ
[02:39] <samahui_> 지름은 진리죠
[02:40] <samahui_> 예판이라 지르기 좀 꺼리고 있어요... KT예판인데 전 게이티 싫어라해서요 ㅎㅎ
[02:40] <ZNC_autowiz> 정말 얼토 당토 아닌거 빼고는 지르고 보는게 상책이더라구요. 괜히 나중에 후회 하는경우는 세번중에 한번 정도 ?
[02:40] <samahui_> 지르고 후회하는게 아무것도 안해보고 후회하는 것보다 났다 라는 말이 있죠... 물론 제말입니다 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:40] <ZNC_autowiz> 아 저도 kt 는 좀 별로. 안정화 되야 할지도 모르니 일단좀 기다려 보시는것도 방법일거 같구요
[02:41] <samahui_> 에휴 단통법땜시 가격은 85만냥에서 90만냥대군요.
[02:41] <samahui_> 역시 좀 기다려보다가 정 지르고 싶으면 외국에서 사오는 방법도 보일지도 모르겠네요. 자국 제품을 외국에서 역수입해야와할 상황이라 ㅎㅎ;; 한심하네요
[02:41] <ZNC_autowiz> 에고 누굴 위한 법인지 , 시민들만 더 힘들어져 버린거 같네요
[02:43] <samahui_> 제조사도 아니고 통신사를 위한 법이죠. 근데 이거 제조사가 좀 바로 잡아야 하지 않나 싶어요. 30만원에 만들어서 80만원 가격표 붙이고 그걸 통신사 약정 묵어 팔면서 통신사에 지원금식으로다가 차액을 푸는거죠 ㅡㅡ 결국 통신사 좋은 일만 시키는 거죠
[02:43] <samahui_> 여기서 저 지원금을 단통법으로 막으니... 결국 웃돈주고 사서 고객만 호객되는거죠
[02:43] <samahui_> 단통법은 통신사를 위한 법입니다
[02:43] <ZNC_autowiz> 지금도 차액을 통신사로 보내고 있을까요? 통신사는 단말기 할인 주고 싶어도 줄 수 가 없으니 , 완전 돈 벌고 있을려나요?
[02:44] <samahui_> 글쎄요... 그것까지는 모르겠지만 아마 그러지 않을까 싶어요
[02:44] <samahui_> 저 남는 차액덕에 판매상들이 돈을 많이 벌어서 그렇게 많은 판매점들이 생겨날 수 있었던건데 지금은 모르겠네요
[02:44] <ZNC_autowiz> 오히려 제조사가 돈을 쳐묵쳐묵 하고 있을려나요 ㅋㅋ
[02:44] <samahui_> ㅎㅎ
[02:45] <samahui_> 헬쥐가 팍팍 단통법 밀었던걸 생각하니 그럴지도 모른다는 생각이 드네요
[02:45] <ZNC_autowiz> 이게 통신사도 그렇고 , 제조사도 그렇고 메이져 몇개 밖에 없으니까
[02:45] <samahui_> 아니면... 차액을 원래는 통신사에게 줬었지만 단통법을 내세워 그 돈을 남기고 대신 해외에서 사게 팔아 점유율 높이는데 발생한 손해를 때우고 있을지도 모르죠... 자동차처럼요
[02:45] <ZNC_autowiz> 시장경제 원리가 무시되는 듯한 느낌이 드네요
[02:46] <samahui_> 저희 나라는 통신비 아껴줄려면 망 풀어버리고 외국 통신사들에게 개방해버려야해요
[02:46] <samahui_> 그래야 시장경제대로 돌아가죠
[02:47] <samahui_> 자동차도 외제차 들어올수록 점점 가격이 내려가던 아니면 품질이라도 수출용처럼 점점 좋아지죠
[02:47] <samahui_> 우리나라는 정말 개방이 답인거 같아요
[02:47] <samahui_> 정 아니면... 미국의 51번째 주로 편입을 ㅎㅎ
[02:48] <samahui_> 농담이지만 이따위로 운영되는 나라꼴보면 정말 혹하게 되죠
[02:48] <samahui_> 점심시간 다되어 가는군요. 점심 먹고 오겠습니다. 즐거운 점심시간들 보내세요~
[02:48] <ZNC_autowiz> 독립운동 하시던분들이 들으면 , 미친놈들이라고 욕먹을지 몰라도. 지금 처럼 사회문제가 많은 나라도 독림운동 하시던분들이 바라던 나라는 아닐거라는 생각이 들어요
[02:48] <ZNC_autowiz> 맛점 하세요~~
[02:48] <samahui_> 네~
[04:18] <HolyKnight>
[04:23] <ZNC_autowiz> 아 좋은 자료 감사합니다.
[04:36] <jun__> 안녕하세요~ 깔쌈한 월요일 오후입니다~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[04:36] <jun__> 전 매번 인사만 하고 사라지는것 같은 느낌이네요;;;;
[04:40] <ZNC_autowiz> 뭐 그러셔도 되구요
[04:44] <jun__> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 이제 여기저기 꽃들이 많이 피네요
[04:45] <jun__> 꽃놀이 가야하는데....
[04:45] <ZNC_autowiz> 꽃놀이 저랑 같이 가요~~ 아헿헿
[04:46] <ZNC_autowiz> 아 개발환경에서 compiz 가 종종 죽어서 opengl 을 통째로 꺼버릴려고 하다가
[04:46] <ZNC_autowiz> 윈도우 메니저가 통째로 꺼진거 같네요 . X 는 뜨는데 메니저가 안떠서 손으로 gnome-terminal 켜서 복구 할 수 있는지 보고 있습니다.. 아아 힘드네요
[04:57] <PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~
[05:13] <jun__> ZNC_autowiz님 뭔가 이야기만 들어도 어려운 작업을....ㄷㄷㄷ
[05:13] <jun__> PotatoGim 님 안녕하십니까~
[05:13] <jun__> 가끔 여기서 채팅하다보면 전 날로 돈 버나 싶기도 하네요.... 하는것없이 돈 버나..?
[05:15] <ready^T420> =_= 아..
[05:15] <ready^T420> 라떼만들어먹으려면 우유가 있어야는데...
[05:16] <ready^T420> 우유사러가기 귀찮...
[05:30] <jun__> 오늘같은날 여의도 가면 사람 많겠죠..???
[05:48] <Seony> 안녕하세요
[05:49] <Seony> 오늘무슨 날인데요?
[06:02] <PotatoGim> 네 안녕하세요~~
[06:18] <jun__> 오늘은.... 그냥 월요병이 유행하고 있는 월요일이죠 ㅎㅎㅎ
[06:18] <Seony> 아~ ㅎㅎ
[06:22] <jun__> 봄날도 되고... 일끝나고서 야간에 꽃구경이나 갈까 하고 예상만 하고 있습니다...ㅎㅎㅎ
[06:22] <jun__> autowiz님이 저에게 꽃놀이 같이가자고 데이트 신청이 왔는데.. 이걸 받아야 할지 말아야할지....
[06:23] <Seony> 오 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[06:23] <jun__> 혹시 저를 여자로 알고 계신건 아니신지.......
[06:23] <Seony> 여기 채널에 오시는 여자분은 제가 다 압니다 ㅋ
[06:23] <Seony> 그래봐야 한 분 뿐이지만...
[06:24] <Seony> 며칠 전에 블러드본이라는 게임을 샀는데, 어렵고 어둡고 호러틱한 게임은 이제 저랑 안맞네요.
[06:24] <jun__> 오~
[06:24] <jun__> 바로 검색해봐야겠네요
[06:24] <Seony> 다크소울로 유명한 제작사에서 만든 게임이라 난이도는 어려운 편인데요,
[06:25] <Seony> 일단 분위기가 한대 칠 때마다 피가 분수처럼 솟구치는 그런 류의 게임이거든요 ㅋㅋ
[06:25] <Seony> 도끼로 내리찍고, 내장을 꺼내고 ㅋㅋ
[06:25] <jun__> 크~ 약간 고어물같은건가요?
[06:25] <Seony> 그렇게 볼 수도 있는데요, 게임하는 사람들 사이에서 그 정도는 고어 축에 못껴요
[06:26] <Seony> 근데 일단은 게임 자체가 어려워서, 몇 번 죽다보니 시간 아까워서 못하겠어요 ㅎㅎ
[06:26] <Seony> 5월에 나오는 위쳐3나 기대해야겠습니다...
[06:27] <Seony> 몬스터헌터 시리즈를 무척 좋아해서 나름 컨트롤 위주의 게임을 잘한다고 생각했는데, 블러드본 해보니까 아니더라구요 ㅋ
[06:29] <jun__> 전 일단 비디오게임을 잘 안하는 편이라... 그냥 요새는 게임을 잘 안하는 거 같아요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[06:30] <jun__> 어느순간부터 게임보다는 TV리모콘을 더 많이 사랑하게 된거 같은 느낌아닌 느낌같은 거 있잖아요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[06:30] <Seony> 아... 그렇군요.... 저는 온라인 게임 많이 했다가, 노가다에 질려서 온라인겜은 안하기로 했어요...
[06:30] <Seony> 음... 저는 티비는 일부러 안보고 있죠 ㅎㅎ
[06:31] <jun__> 게임은 혼자 즐기지만... TV는 같이 볼수가 있어서요..
[06:31] <Seony> 그건 그래요
[06:31] <Seony> 그래서 저는 와이프를 같이 겜하자고 꼬시고 있죠 ㅋ
[06:32] <jun__> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[06:32] <jun__> 전 가끔... 여자친구랑 윷놀이나 같이 즐기는 정도..??
[06:33] <Seony> ㅋㅋ
[06:34] <Seony> 금요일날 임플란트를 했는데, 역시나 드릴로 뼈에 구멍 뚫어서 금속을 박는 행위라 첫날엔 좀 힘들었었거든요
[06:34] <Seony> 근데 그날 자고 일어나니까 정말 거짓말 같이 하나도 안아프더라구요 ㅎㅎ
[06:34] <jun__> 오호~~~
[06:34] <jun__> 아직 무섭기도 하구...
[06:35] <jun__> 임플란트까진 할 정도는 아니라서...
[06:36] <Seony> 제가 20대 때에 치아 관리를 제대로 못해서, 어금니 2개가 없거든요
[06:36] <jun__> 큭~
[06:36] <jun__> 전 사랑니가 아직도 자라다가 말다가 해서요...
[06:36] <jun__> 사랑니 부분에 잇몸이 좀 많이 부어 있는거 같긴 한데..
[06:36] <Seony> 오른쪽 아래 어금니 2개를 전부 뽑아버렸는데, 그러다보니 음식을 씹는데에 문제가 좀 있어요. 그리고 아래 이빨이 없으면, 윗니가 중력 때문에 점점 내려오거든요...
[06:36] <jun__> 딱히 아프거나 그러지 않아서요
[06:37] <jun__> 아... 윗니가 내려오는구나.. 처음 알았어요
[06:37] <Seony> 네. 뭐 의사들 말로는, 이빨이 내려오는거 말고도, 평소에 입을 다물고 있으면 이빨이 서로 맞물리는 행위로 인해서 이빨들이 가지런히 유지되는 효과도 있다고 하거든요...
[06:38] <Seony> 근데 그게 안되니까 이빨이 한쪽으로 쏠리게 되는거죠..
[06:39] <Seony> 집 사야하는데 돈 들어갈데가 많아서.... 큰일이군요..
[06:39] <jun__> 집 살 돈 모아야 하는데..저도 나갈곳이 많아서 큰일이예요ㅜㅜ
[06:42] <Seony> 자리잡고 싶어하시는 동네가 어디에요?
[06:45] <jun__> 일단 서울 근교..???
[06:46] <jun__> 아님 고향으로 돌아가고 싶은 생각도 있는데요.. 고향이 천안인데... 제가 할 만한 일이 있을까도 걱정이네요
[06:46] <Seony> 서울 근처면 살인적인 집값이 문제겠군요..
[06:47] <jun__> 살인적인 수준이 아니죠... 이미 살인난 수준이죠;;;;
[06:47] <Seony> 저는 집이 인천인데, 이상하게 인천은 집값이 안올라요 ㅎㅎ
[06:49] <jun__> 서울만 무지막지하게 오르지... 딴곳은 생각보다 주춤한가봐요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[06:49] <jun__> 서울 근교도 많이 오른곳은 장난 아니긴 하던데..
[06:49] <Seony> 네 울나라 부동산 시세의 중심은 서울이죠 ㅎㅎ
[06:55] <jun__> 서울근교에 살기편하면서 서울로 출퇴근 편한곳이 어디있을까요..??
[06:57] <Seony> 뭐 아무래도 경기도나 인천이 되겠죠 ㅎㅎ
[06:58] <jun__> 구로쪽도 나름 집값 싸던데... 무서운 동네라 그렇죠;;;
[06:58] <jun__> 서울에서 집값이 상대적으로 싼편인... 구로와 중랑구쪽..
[06:59] <Seony> 강서구 한 번 알아보세요. 생각보다 집값이 많이 안비쌀 수도 있어요
[07:00] <Seony> 발산동이나 화곡동 쪽으로...
[07:00] <jun__> 그쪽이 원래 비싼 동네 아니었나요..??? 생각지도 못한 동네네요...
[07:02] <Seony> 비싼데, 상대적으로 빈부격차가 큰 동네거든요
[07:02] <Seony> 전에 오유에서 다 본건데, 다시 정리해서 보여주네요. 아 이거 진짜 너무 웃겨요
[07:05] <jun__> 인생의발여자.....ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[07:06] <jun__> 쇠뇌교육 대박...ㅎㅎ
[07:15] <Seony> 마마잃은 중천공은 요즘 뜨는 맞춤법이라네요 ㅋㅋ
[07:16] <Seony> 수간신청은 좀 이해가 되는게, ㅇ 하고 ㄴ 은 키보드가 서로 붙어있기 때문에 오타일 소지가 높아보여요
[07:18] <jun__> 갈수록 미모가 일치얼짱
[07:18] <jun__> 이건 그냥 신조어로 만들었다고 해도 믿을 거 같아요 ㅎㅎ
[07:19] <Seony> 제가 생각하는 신조어 수준은 딱 두 개 있어요. 마마잃은 중천공이랑 골이따분 ㅎㅎ
[07:19] <Seony> 사실 일취월장이라는 말은 외모 말고 다른데서도 많이 쓰니까 범용성이 떨어지잖아요 ㅎㅎ
[07:20] <jun__> ㅎㅎㅎ 마마잃은 중천공.... 대단한거 같아요 ㅎㅎ
[07:20] <ready^T420> 헐
[07:44] <ZNC_autowiz> 이외수 선생님의 말씀이 참 와닿네요 .
[07:45] <ZNC_autowiz> 거의 신경 안쓰고 살았는데
[07:45] <ZNC_autowiz> 정말 책을 잘 안읽어서 그런지 , 영자만 봐서 그런지
[07:46] <ZNC_autowiz> 맞춤법 이 헛갈리는게 상당히 많더라구요 . 그때 그때 네이버 찾아보고 있습니다.
[07:46] <Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ 그렇군요
[07:49] <ready^T420> "힘들면 시험시험 하라고"
[07:50] <Seony> ㅋㅋㅋ
[07:52] <ZNC_autowiz> 오라를 받아라 에서 빵 터졌어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[08:41] <PotatoGim> 아이고... 간만에 커널 삽질하려니 빡시네요...ㅜ
[08:46] <ZNC_autowiz> 저도 조만간에 커널 수준까지 만져야 할지 몰라서 ㄷㄷㄷ
[10:59] <PotatoGim> 아으.. CentOS에서는 도저히 UML을 못 쓰겠네요...
[11:09] <PotatoGim> autowiz님은 일전에 netfilter 써야하신다고 하셨었죠?
[11:14] <ZNC_autowiz> 네~
[11:45] <razgon_MBP> 안녕하세요?
[12:15] <ZNC_autowiz> 안녕하세요
[12:34] <razgon_MBP> ZNC_autowiz, 아. 아름다운 밤입니다.
[12:55] <samahui_WS> 아름다운 밤입니다. 벗꽃이 한창이군요
[13:04] <razgon_MBP> 광주는 지난주말에 비온뒤에 벚꽃은 졌습니다.
[13:04] <razgon_MBP> 파이선 동영상광좌 추천 하실만한게 있으신지요?
[13:08] <razgon_MBP> 강좌
[13:08] <razgon_MBP> 엠에스의 버츄얼아카데미 괜찮은지요? 20여년만에 언어배우는 거라. 적응이..ㅋ
[13:49] <samahui_WS> 파이썬 공부하시는가 보군요
[13:50] <samahui_WS> 전 배운지 오래되서 요즘은 어떤 강좌가 좋은지 잘 모르겠네요 ㅎㅎ;;
[13:51] <samahui_WS> 광주는 벌써 비오고 벚꽃이 떨어졌군요.... 군항제 한참일텐데 벌써 남쪽은 저간다니 좀 아쉽네요... 하긴 서울이 한창이니 질만하죠
[13:51] <samahui_WS> 그러고보니 파이썬 비록 2.7버젼 강좌지만 열혈강의파이썬은 가지고 있는게 있군요
[13:52] <samahui_WS> 강좌랑 교재랑 다 있네요
[14:36] <razGon_MINILA> 저도 파이선 교제는 있습니다. 최근 것으로 돈주고 점프2더 파이선 샀습니다. 3.0짜리로요
[14:45] <razGon_MINILA> 동영상 강의로 보고 하려구요.
[14:46] <razGon_MINILA> 핸폰에다가 설치해서 자판치면서 하면 괜찮을거 같아요.
[14:46] <razGon_MINILA> 아이패드로 보면서
[15:02] <samahui_WS> 확실히 책보는것 보다는 동영상보면서 익히는게 더 빠르겠네요
[15:04] <samahui_WS> 파이썬 동영상 돈내고 보는거 말고 토렌트 찾아보면 한두개 있을겁니다만... 저도 좀 오래되서 시드가 아직 존재할지 모르겠네요
[15:54] <samahui_WS> 슬슬 자러 가야겠네요
[15:54] <samahui_WS> 다들 즐거운 밤 되세요~
[15:54] <samahui_WS> 전 이만 가볼께요 ~
[15:54] <ZNC_autowiz> 안녕히 주무세요
[16:50] <ZNC_autowiz> 아아아 저저저 씨씨씨 소리 들었어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[18:19] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요
[18:20] <ZNC_autowiz> 안녕하세요
[18:20] <ZNC_autowiz> 건강히 잘 지내시지요? ^^
[18:20] <Work^Seony> 아직도 안주무시는군요 ㅎㅎ
[18:20] <Work^Seony> 네 다행히요 ㅎㅎ
[18:20] <ZNC_autowiz> 네 그렇네요 ㅋㅋ . 졸리긴 한데 opengl 설정하다가 문제생겨서
[18:21] <ZNC_autowiz> 복구가 안되네요
[18:21] <Work^Seony> opengl이면... 데탑이에요?
[18:21] <ZNC_autowiz> 네 윈됴 관리자가 좀 무거워서 가볍게 쓸려고 하다가 엉망이 되버렸네요
[18:22] <Work^Seony> 흐... 그렇군요... 어떤 윈도우 매니저 쓰세요?
[18:23] <ZNC_autowiz> 그냥 기본 쓰고 있었어요
[18:24] <Work^Seony> 극단적으로 가벼운 키보드 기반의 윈도우 매니저를 선호하신다면, i3를 추천해드립니다.
[18:24] <ZNC_autowiz> unity 일거 같네요
[18:24] <ZNC_autowiz> 마우스를 아예못쓰는건가요?
[18:24] <Work^Seony> 아뇨 쓸 수 있죠 ㅎㅎ
[18:24] <ZNC_autowiz> 아 키보드 단축키가 잘되있다는 의미이겠군요
[18:24] <ZNC_autowiz> 와 스샸 몇개봤는데
[18:24] <Work^Seony> 타일형 wm이라고도 부르는데요, 무지 가볍지만 단축키로 왠만하면 다 컨트롤 되요
[18:24] <ZNC_autowiz> 당장 갈아타야 겠습니다.
[18:25] <Work^Seony>
[18:26] <Work^Seony>
[18:28] <Work^Seony> MS가 소스코드를 공개할지도 모른다는 기사가 떴네요
[18:37] <ZNC_autowiz> 제 입장에서야 바라기도 하고 , 반길 일이지만 , IE 점유율 떨어지는거 보니까 2012년 부터 완전 곤두박질 치고 있네요
[18:39] <Work^Seony> 제가 가끔 상상하는 건데요, 만약 윈도우즈가 현재의 플랫폼을 버리고 유닉스로 갈아탄다면 리눅스에 엄청난 위협이 될지도 모른다고 생각해요 ㅎㅎ
[18:40] <ZNC_autowiz> 그렇지요 ㅎㅎ MS 가 안하는건지 못하는건지는 몰라도
[18:41] <ZNC_autowiz> 생각해보면 엄청난 파장을 일으킬 수 도 있을거 같습니다.
[18:41] <Work^Seony> 프비 같은 건, 플랫폼이 소스를 오픈 안해도 되잖아요
[18:42] <Work^Seony> 다렉이랑 win32 등등 핵심 api 재작성해서 유닉스로 갈아타면....
[18:42] <Work^Seony> 아마 저부터도 바로 윈도우 쓸 거 같아요
[18:42] <ZNC_autowiz> 그러면 그 api 를 리눅에서도 활용하고
[18:43] <Work^Seony> 게다가 OS 자체의 유지보수는 프비재단이 알아서 하니까 마소가 신경쓸 필요도 없을테고...
[18:43] <ZNC_autowiz> 게임 회사들도 MS 따라 가게될테니 일반 리눅에서도
[18:43] <Work^Seony> 아니죠 api를 오픈 안해도 되는거죠 ㅎㅎ
[18:43] <ZNC_autowiz> 게임이 잘 돌아가게 될지도 모르겠네요
[18:43] <Work^Seony> 그러니까, 마소 입장에서는 상용 OS로서의 가치를 그대로 보존할 수 있다는 장점이 있잖아요
[18:43] <Work^Seony> 그래서 무섭다는 거에요
[18:44] <Work^Seony> 다시 말하자면, 윈도우가 프비로 플랫폼 갈아타고 핵심 api 소스 공개 안하면, 리눅스 쓰는 수많은 유저들이 굳이 리눅스를 쓸 필요가 없어질지도 모른다는거죠 ㅎㅎ
[18:44] <ZNC_autowiz> 거의 공포영화 만큼이나 무섭네요 , 상상만해도 ㅎㅎ
[18:45] <Work^Seony> 물론 리눅스 그 자체로도 이런저런 장점이 있지만, 마소가 프비로 플랫폼 갈아타서 엄청나게 발전시켜주면....
[18:46] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ 제가 가끔 상상하는 겁니다. 왜 마소는 이렇게 안할까...
[18:46] <ZNC_autowiz> 하긴 MAC 도 하고 있으니까 MS 도 마음만 먹으면 할 수 있겠네요
[18:46] <Work^Seony> 뭐 하긴, 자기네 핵심 소프트웨어이자 사업의 근간이 되는건데 그걸 포기하고 갈아타는게 쉽지는 않겠쬬...
[18:47] <Work^Seony> 네 제 생각에도, 애플이 유닉스를 선택하면서 개발자들이 많이 선택한 거 같아요
[18:49] <Work^Seony> 젠투 프로젝트 중에서 Prefix라고, 비-리눅스 운영체제에서 젠투의 emerge를 쓸 수 있게해주는 프로젝트가 잇거든요
[18:49] <Work^Seony> 그게 맥에서도 잘 돌아가요... 제가 여러번 빌드했거든요
[18:50] <Work^Seony> 중요한 건, 운영체제의 플랫폼이 유닉스 계열이기만 하면 젠투의 프리픽스를 이용해서 부족한 툴을 충족시킬 수 있다는 거에요
[18:52] <ZNC_autowiz> 역시 이런저런 여러가지 경험을 해봐야 합니다.
[18:53] <Work^Seony> 제가 알고있기로는, 스티브 잡스가 넥스트스텝 시절 프비를 선택하고 마하 커널을 작성하면서 운영체제를 뜯어고치면서
[18:53] <Work^Seony> 여러 성능개선을 이루어냈는데, 그것들을 다 프비재단에 레포트를 올려줬대요.
[18:53] <Work^Seony> 그래서 프비진영이랑 애플이 무지 사이가 좋다고... ㅎㅎ
[18:54] <ZNC_autowiz> 그럴법도 하지요 ㅎㅎ
[18:55] <Work^Seony> 그래서, 걍 제 개인적인 의견이지만, 마소는 장기적인 목적으로 봤을 때, 플랫폼을 프비로 갈아타야합니다 ㅎㅎ
[23:52] <razGon_MINILA> 굳모닝.
[23:52] <razGon_MINILA> 안녕하세요?
[23:52] <ZNC_autowiz> 굿모닝 입니다 라즈곤님 꾸벅꾸벅
[23:53] <ZNC_autowiz> 막 과하게 친한척 ㅋㅋ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.917152 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ko"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-release | [19:09] <infinity> stgraber: Your tests pass!
[19:09] <infinity> stgraber: It's a miracle!
[19:09] <stgraber> :)
[19:09] * infinity lets lxc in.
[19:16] <infinity> And swift tests passing again. Yay.
[20:20] <infinity> cyphermox: Planning to upload that gub2 fix to Debian as well (or get Colin to do so)?
[20:20] <infinity> s/gub/grub/
[20:21] <cyphermox> yes, I've already pinged colin with a git branch for debian
[20:21] <infinity> cyphermox: Kay, well if the plan is to get it in Debian, not much point in the Ubuntu upload, we can just sync.
[20:21] <cyphermox> infinity: it would be nice to get it earlier, rather than later
[20:23] <infinity> Mmkay. Just remember to syncpackage -f after it's in Debian too.
[20:23] <cyphermox> yes, I know :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.924707 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-release"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-motu | [23:03] <elky> (unauthorised logging bot) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.925567 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-motu"
} |
2015-04-06-#lubuntu | [07:40] <dreamon> Hello. it possible to hide titlebar. rightclick on titelbar and choose hide/off. but how can I make it visible again.?
[13:17] <aleza84> Hey, I just ticked the option to enable HDMI, and the bottom bar with the programs dissapeared
[13:17] <aleza84> I cant turn it off, any idea how can I fix this (disable hdmi) from console? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.926771 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#lubuntu"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-pl | [08:31] <scet> Podpowie ktoś jak najlepiej zrobić kopię VPS-a? Chodzi o to że mam go już w jakiś sposób skonfigurowany (www, mysql, poczta...)
[08:31] <scet> i wszystko fajnie działa. Ale chciałem trochę poeksperymentować :)
[08:31] <scet> Plan jest taki żeby w razie awarii szybko zresetować system na VPS a potem dograć wszystko z kopii aby mieć takie ustawienia/pliki jak obecnie.
[08:31] <scet> Próbowałem zrobić obraz dysku w taki sposób: dd if=/dev/plo of=/mnt/backup/dysk.img
[08:31] <scet> Jednak dostaje komunikat: dd: otwieranie `/dev/plo': Operacja niedozwolona
[08:31] <scet> Sytem: Debian 7
[08:40] <BlessJah> scet: etckeeper, ale poczytaj tez o puppetcie/ansiblu/salt-cie/rex-ie/chef-ie czy jakimkolwiek toolu do orchestration
[08:41] <scet> dzięki za info
[09:37] <scet> BlessJah, a da się zmusić etckeeper-a aby do śledził zmiany w innych katalogach poza etc?
[10:21] <jacekowski> scet: sudo
[10:26] <scet> jacekowski, jestem zalogowany jako root
[10:30] <BlessJah> scet: da sie, ale ja nie wiem jak
[10:30] <BlessJah> scet: calosc jest wymyslona wlasnie po to zeby sledzic /etc
[10:30] <scet> ok może gdzieś jeszcze znajdę w googlach info
[10:31] <scet> narazie jeszcze walczę z kopią partycji :/
[10:33] <BlessJah> z VPS tak łatwo nie zrobisz kopii partycji
[10:33] <scet> widze właśnie
[10:33] <scet> na stacjonarnym linuxsie nie ma problemu
[10:33] <scet> a tam jakieś kombinacje alpejskie
[10:34] <BlessJah> bo VPS
[14:22] <scet> jakich narzędzi używacie do monitorowania serwera? Chciałem wykonać testy wydajnościowe mojej stronki i poszukuje czegoś sprawdzonego :)
[14:52] <BlessJah> scet:
[14:55] <scet> heh
[15:07] <ftpd> Na jedną maszynkę do munin.
[15:07] <scet> właśnie go testuje
[15:07] <scet> :)
[15:09] <scet> to do mierzenia wydajności już jest, a coś do tworzenia ruchu na stronie?
[15:23] <ftpd>
[15:23] <ftpd> z tych najprostszych
[15:23] <ftpd> I był jeszcze taki tool...
[15:24] <ftpd> Kurde, nazwa mi wypadla
[15:27] <scet> mam nginx-a :)
[15:33] <ftpd> To nic.
[15:33] <ftpd> A, poszedł.
[16:46] <BlessJah> ftpd: ansible > puppet, duzo prosciej pisze sie bardziej skomplikowane rzeczy
[19:38] <lisu> oho, na wrzucili odliczanie, pewnie wypuszczą nowego elementarka
[19:43] <ftpd> To ta podróba interfejsu osx?
[19:48] <ftpd> Musze kiedys sprobowac. Wyglada super, ale jak z uzywalnoscia?
[20:00] <m477_> ftpd bardzo podobne do ubuntu
[20:01] <m477_> w sumie poza srodowiskiem graficznym to nic ciekawego nie ma
[20:09] <BlessJah> ovh ma jakis panel do zglaszania feature requestow?
[20:37] <tomodachi> ftp czemu nie uzwac sftp?
[20:37] <tomodachi> ftp to do dupy protokoll
[20:37] <tomodachi> proftpd supportuje sftp jak sie chce miec troche wiecej awancowanych funcji jak home folders, quotas, permissions ACL itd
[20:53] <TheNumb> ftpd: używalność chujowa.
[20:53] <TheNumb> to tylko wygląda i nic więcej
[20:53] <TheNumb> z używalnością gorzej niż w gnome 3
[20:53] <TheNumb> ...
[20:53] <ftpd> Instaluję w virtualce.
[21:00] <jacekowski> tomodachi: a gowno prawda
[21:00] <jacekowski> tomodachi: ftp to bardzo dobry protokol
[21:00] <jacekowski> tomodachi: bardzo prosty, prawie 0 narzutu
[21:00] <TheNumb> tak
[21:00] <jacekowski> tomodachi: wspiera szyfrowanie
[21:01] <TheNumb> na seedboxa idealny
[21:01] <TheNumb> `w`
[21:02] <jacekowski> sftp ma caly narzut i komplikacje zwiazane z ssh
[21:03] <jacekowski> i jednoczesnie milion ograniczen z tym zwiazanych
[21:04] <jacekowski> albo np. bardzo przydane FXP po ftp
[21:04] <jacekowski> albo to ze mozna sobie zaszyfrowac polaczenie kontrolne a dane zostawic nieszyfrowane (chociaz teraz to jest nieprzydatne bo procesory sa na tyle szybkie ze daja rade z szyfrowaniem wszystkiego)
[22:08] <m477_> orientuje sie ktos czym moge zapisac film poklatkowo?
[22:11] <jacekowski> mplayer -vo png
[22:11] <jacekowski> jakies -vo takie bylo
[22:16] <m477_> jacekowski: dzieki
[22:17] <m477_> dziwne ze dzwiek leci podczas tego
[22:23] <m477_> nie sadzilem ze to taki kombajn
[22:59] <jacekowski> -ao null
[23:07] <m477_> audio output | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.940024 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-pl"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu+1 | [02:05] <Bluefoxicy> lol
[02:06] <Bluefoxicy> I googled "Ubuntu 15.04 release date"
[02:06] <Bluefoxicy> What are the first words that appear on the page?
[02:06] <Bluefoxicy> "As the 23 April release date approaches, it's beginning to look as though Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) on the desktop will be a disappointing release. "
[02:08] <Bluefoxicy> "While the option to switch to Locally Integrated Menus (LIMs) was introduced in 14.04, this is now the default in Ubuntu 15.04, with the menus appearing in the top bar of every window."
[02:09] <Bluefoxicy> When Ubuntu switched to MacOS-style menus, I went babbling on about the number of clicks required to access a menu for a non-focus window, and about the spatial locality of the application workspace and how it differs from the spatial locality of the screen workspace
[02:09] <Bluefoxicy> The next time someone tries to switch to MacOS-style menus, I'll just say "Ubuntu"
[02:11] <agronholm> I found the LIMs a much better solution than the stupid global manu bar
[02:11] <agronholm> *menu
[02:11] <Bluefoxicy> agronholm: I argued with people and gave technical explanations on why the global menu bar is not good UI design, at all.
[02:12] <Bluefoxicy> Occasionally, this misguided belief that users are spatially aware of their desktop and NOT of the application window surfaces
[02:12] <Bluefoxicy> So people were arguing that the application window can move around the screen, and so the user will get confused and have to go hunting for the window to find the menu, instead of reaching for the top of the screen--the top of the screen is always in the same place
[02:13] <Bluefoxicy> The problem with this is people aren't spatially aware of the screen
[02:13] <Bluefoxicy> their minds context to the application they want; they locate it; and then they interact with it spatially.
[02:13] <agronholm> confused? err, that's how all GUIs work except for Mac OS
[02:13] <Bluefoxicy> It's like a coffee mug
[02:13] <Bluefoxicy> you know where the handle is on the coffee mug.
[02:13] <agronholm> yeh
[02:13] <Bluefoxicy> If you put the coffee mug elsewhere on your desk, you locate the mug, and grab the handle.
[02:14] <Bluefoxicy> if the handle was in a fixed location on your desk, you'd have to locate the mug, then identify its spatial relationship with your desk, then use that to derive the location of the handle
[02:14] <Bluefoxicy> or... locate the handle separately
[02:14] <Bluefoxicy> Anyway
[02:14] <Bluefoxicy> I've learned recently that it's pointless to argue with people
[02:14] <Bluefoxicy> They never listen.
[02:14] <Bluefoxicy> I should have handled that some other way, because facts and figures don't fucking work.
[02:15] <Bluefoxicy> But they figured it out on their own.
[02:15] <agronholm> and canonical likes to do things their way
[02:16] <agronholm> fsck the users
[02:16] <agronholm> see mir for reference
[02:16] <Bluefoxicy> oh my god
[02:16] <Bluefoxicy> ZDNet's writers are such shit
[02:17] <Bluefoxicy> agronholm: they're trying to make an Ubuntu phone (android, ios, winphone, yeah....) and their own desktop.
[02:17] <Bluefoxicy> I'm still using Gnome 3 because it's a huge step above Gnome 2
[02:18] <Bluefoxicy> People hate Gnome 3 because they want to hunt through menus, and Gnome 3's menu hunting feature is ... shit.
[02:18] <agronholm> I expect the same amount of success as Nokia saw with their Lumia phones
[02:18] <Bluefoxicy> But people also hate on Unity for the same reason
[02:18] <Bluefoxicy> while Canonical crams Unity down your throat lol...
[02:19] <agronholm> at least there are alternative editions
[02:19] <Bluefoxicy> yeah. Like I said, I use Gnome 3
[02:19] <Bluefoxicy> gnome-ubuntu or whatevr
[02:19] <Bluefoxicy> it's just... last I used unity, it handled the desktops by showing you 4 and only 4 virtual desktops, with the applications piled onto each.
[02:20] <Bluefoxicy> Gnome shows you a zoomed-out view of all applications on exactly one desktop, which you switch through, create more of, or drag applications between.
[02:20] <Bluefoxicy> Plus I like how in Gnome you can tap the Winkey or the Activities button and start typing, and then just hit arrows or hit enter and open the application you want.
[02:21] <Bluefoxicy> There's not a lot to say about the desktop; it's just out of my way.
[02:21] <Bluefoxicy> Microsoft and Canonical are doing this thing where they want to bring the desktop environment more into the user's face to show off how it's so bling
[02:22] <Bluefoxicy> and I just want it to hand me what I want IMMEDIATELY and then go away
[03:45] <xinobrax> Bluefoxicy: some here...Unity still sucks....and usually I replace Nautilus with Nemo....Nautilus became really horrible...
[03:45] <xinobrax> *same
[08:34] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:48] <solsTiCe> hi. Whu does not ubuntu able todetect that the RTC clock is in UTC during install ? it leads to some afterwards. IT is just a matter of comparing RTC clock and some value from a ntp server (if there is internet obviously)
[09:50] <lordievader> solsTiCe: That is because other OS'es can expect the clock to be in a different format.
[11:05] <solsTiCe> lordievader: "format" ? it can only be UTC or localtime. yes windows set it to lcoaltime unless you tinker the register. I din't say ubuntu should change RTC clock. I said ubuntu should detect the value of RTC clokc and UTC value in /etc/default/rcS
[11:06] <lordievader> If you run ntpd it will correct the clock automatically.
[11:17] <MoonUnit`> looks like ntpdate is installed, seems to be a dependancy with ubuntu-minimal
[11:17] <MoonUnit`> journalctl |grep ntpdate shows it's being used, must be a systemd thing
[11:18] <lordievader> MoonUnit`: ntpdate existed way before systemd ;)
[11:18] <MoonUnit`> no i mean having it installed
[11:19] <lordievader> Thought it was ~allways included.
[11:20] <lordievader> Anyhow ntpd != ntpdate.
[11:21] <MoonUnit`> don't they both update in the system clock via ntp servers?
[11:22] <lordievader> Yes, but one is a daemon, the other isn't.
[11:25] <MoonUnit`> ntpdate seems to be called a lot, too much imo 11:10:47 11:19:24 11:28:2 11:36:42 11:44:53
[11:26] <MoonUnit`> 10 times in the last hour
[11:29] <lordievader> Ntps is also a lot nicer in correcting time difference.
[11:30] <MoonUnit`> wonder why they chose ntpdate over ntpd
[11:30] <lordievader> In most cases ntpd isn't necesarry.
[12:00] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[12:16] * Bluefoxicy puts MoonUnit` in a kangaroo pouch for no apparent reason
[12:17] <Bluefoxicy> ntpdate will set your clock if it's off by more than a few seconds; ntpd won't.
[12:17] <Bluefoxicy> You need your clock topped up properly if you use kerberos tokens
[12:18] <Bluefoxicy> Sometimes, these systems drift more than 1 minute per hour
[12:18] <Bluefoxicy> Ubuntu 13.10 drifted more than 1 minute per hour for me. I don't know why. 12.10 didn't, neither did 14.04
[12:18] <lordievader> Bluefoxicy: ntpd will slowly get your clock back in sync, it avoids huge jumps.
[12:18] <Bluefoxicy> no idea if 15.04 is going to be broken or if it'll have a working clock
[12:19] <lordievader> Heh
[12:19] <Bluefoxicy> lordievader: maybe that's why it never did anything for me when my clock was running wildly out of sync
[12:19] <lordievader> Hmm, it should get it in sync. That is, after all, it's job.
[12:20] <Bluefoxicy> I was drifting by more than an hour per week o.o
[12:20] <BluesKaj> the clock works just fine on 15.04 here
[12:21] <Bluefoxicy> I wonder what causes some versions of Ubuntu to have clock drift
[12:25] <BluesKaj> internal clock drifts when the pc is shut down perhaps?
[12:26] <lordievader> It shouldn't, that is what the RTC and bios battery are for.
[12:26] <penguin42> Bluefoxicy: How much does it drift?
[12:29] <penguin42> oh you said
[12:29] <penguin42> hmm, an hour a week is a lot
[12:29] <penguin42> that's > 0.5%
[12:36] <GeoMint> hello
[12:37] <lordievader> o/
[12:37] <GeoMint> for some reason my laptop does not show any tty from tty1 to tty6
[12:37] <GeoMint> i have xubuntu 15.04
[12:37] <GeoMint> its just shows a black screen
[12:38] <Bluefoxicy> penguin42: yeah. Current version doesn't do it. It's done it on and off for years. I had it happen to me sometimes when I ran Gentoo, too, always for stretches of months at least; it's never been a one-off thing where it misbehaved for a week or something.
[12:39] <BluesKaj> when did this happen GeoMint ?
[12:39] <GeoMint> i think some days now it has it
[12:39] <Bluefoxicy> lordievader: I thought Linux calculated time internally, using real-time CPU statistics (clock ticks)
[12:39] <Bluefoxicy> could be a CPU driver issue from time to time, but I have no idea.
[12:40] <BluesKaj> GeoMint, after an upgrade , dist-upgrade or an new install?
[12:40] <lordievader> Bluefoxicy: Clould be, but I think that would result in a very unstable clock.
[12:40] <penguin42> BluesKaj: Do you ever suspend?
[12:41] <BluesKaj> yes penguin42, I do on my laptop
[12:41] <GeoMint> i dont know. i am not sure. i think it did some dist upgrades. I didn't open tty's in my laptop in the last month so i can not be sure to answer you.
[12:43] <GeoMint> i am upgrading with the new updates now via apt-get
[12:45] <penguin42> BluesKaj: Sorry, that was actually a question for Bluefoxicy
[12:46] <BluesKaj> penguin42, that's fine
[12:46] <GeoMint> any ideas BluesKaj
[12:48] <BluesKaj> GeoMint, gpu driver wasn't updated maybe?
[12:49] <GeoMint> idk, my tty7 (Xorg) works great
[12:50] <BluesKaj> oh ok , you're the 2nd user who's encountered that problem in the last 2 days
[12:51] <GeoMint> hmmm thanks for letting me know that BluesKaj
[12:51] <BluesKaj> the VT isn't enabled somehow
[12:51] <GeoMint> the VT? what is this?
[12:53] <GeoMint> ohh you mean the ttys
[12:53] <GeoMint> ok
[12:54] <BluesKaj> penguin42, you mentioned there was a method to switch the VT off, wonder if the same method can be used to turn the VTs on
[12:54] <GeoMint> i upgraded with the lastest update. so i will restart my computer after that
[12:54] <GeoMint> i am talking you from this computer so i will logout and come back again
[12:54] <penguin42> BluesKaj: I remember it being an X config thing, and I think there was also an option under input settings somewhere - all about whether ctrl-alt-fn was allowed
[12:56] <BluesKaj> penguin42, ok , some users don't even have an Xconfig file
[12:56] <penguin42> BluesKaj: On kubuntu under settings, input/keyboard, advanced
[12:56] <BluesKaj> most actually
[12:56] <penguin42> BluesKaj: Possibly then the Miscellaneous compat options, special keys handled in a server?
[12:56] <penguin42> BluesKaj: Still seems to be enabled here - but hang on, are these affected users running Mir perhaps/
[12:57] <BluesKaj> penguin42, yeah , good point
[12:57] <BluesKaj> GeoMint, unity desktop ?
[12:58] <GeoMint> Xubuntu
[12:58] <GeoMint> i can upload my /etc/init/tty1.conf if you want
[12:58] <BluesKaj> oh yeah , forgot
[12:59] <GeoMint> this is my conf
[12:59] <penguin42> GeoMint: If you have a working shell on your machine or ssh you can try manaually switching with the command chvt 2 (for example) - and then can switch back with chvt 7 (probabyl!)
[12:59] <BluesKaj> VT1 wasn't workinghere for a while, but the rest did
[13:00] <GeoMint> i said that my tty1,2,3,4,5,6 are a black screen
[13:00] <GeoMint> so i am not sure if that works
[13:00] <GeoMint> no idea how to do what you told me
[13:00] <penguin42> ah, so oyu can switch but they're black - hmm
[13:00] <GeoMint> yes
[13:01] <penguin42> GeoMint: If you do systemctl | grep tty do you see 'getty@tty2.service'
[13:02] <GeoMint> yes
[13:02] <penguin42> and does it shows it as loaded/active/running ?
[13:02] <GeoMint> all 1-6 running
[13:02] <penguin42> oh, if that's running then hmm
[13:02] * penguin42 blinks - why does my machine have /dev/ttyS0..31
[13:02] <penguin42> it doesn't have any serial ports
[13:03] <GeoMint> wait a minute to restart my computer with the last updates and i come back
[13:06] <GeoMint> i am back BluesKaj
[13:06] <GeoMint> not any change from updates
[13:08] <GeoMint> penguin42
[13:12] <GeoMint> anyway. thanks for the informations BluesKaj penguin42 :) have a nice day
[13:22] * BluesKaj wonders what's missing that leaves the VTs disabled
[13:26] <penguin42> yeh it's odd, if systemd thinks it's running a getty
[13:33] <BluesKaj> I haven't checked ...wonder if it's disabled here too
[13:34] <penguin42> no, he said he saw it in the list
[13:34] <BluesKaj> works here, just tried VT1
[13:35] <penguin42> yeh, works here
[13:35] <BluesKaj> but another Kubuntu 15.04 user had the VT problem yesterday
[13:36] <penguin42> I'm an upgrade here rather than clean install
[13:37] <BluesKaj> this is a daily from 2 days ago
[13:38] <penguin42> go back a step, why are they switching vt - is it only after something has already failed?
[15:12] <mrpizzaface> Hello im running ubuntu 15.04 BETA2 and i was wondering how do i remove a setting on a harddrive that i have that wont let me write to it even though i have used Gparted to formatt the drive to EXT4
[15:38] <BluesKaj> mrpizzaface, are you trying to install from live-media/usb/cd ? if so you may need to unmount it
[18:57] <mrpizzaface> Hello im running ubuntu 15.04 BETA2 and i was wondering how do i remove a setting on a harddrive that i have that wont let me write to it even though i have used Gparted to formatt the drive to EXT4
[18:57] <mrpizzaface> (also i might have been here before but for some reason my laptop died)
[19:32] <agronholm> mrpizzaface: setting on a hard drive?
[19:32] <agronholm> and you have the file system mounted read-write?
[19:34] <mrpizzaface> agronholm, sorry didnt get my pings but nope i fixed it told google to go *** its self up a river and used bing
[19:39] <mokush> anybody else having problems with booting up vivid with the 3.19.0-12 kernel? I'm using kubuntu, and get stuck either at a blank screen, either at the blank screen with the 219 systemd version. can't switch to a different tty or anything. If I boot with 3.19.0-11 everything works ok.
[19:40] <agronholm> I have 3.19.0-12
[19:40] <agronholm> no problems whatsoever
[20:16] <lordievader> mokush: As a matter of fact, I did. Didn't look into what it acually was. Booted the previous kernel and no problems.
[20:17] <lordievader> Hmm, same version indeed.
[20:31] <mokush> lordievader: do you have an intel gpu?
[20:32] <lordievader> I do.
[20:32] <mokush> lordievader: if I enter recovery mode, then resume normal boot from there, I can boot the new kernel. but the resolution is all messed-up, so I guess it doesn't have the right video drivers?
[20:33] <lordievader> Recoverymode messes up drivers to ensure a proper boot. I.e. it uses the most basic of basic.
[20:44] <mokush> lordievader: so it must be something with 3.19.0-12 and intel drivers
[20:44] <lordievader> Looks like it.
[21:36] <furkan> anybody here using the radeonsi open source driver on vivid?
[21:37] <furkan> i'm just wondering if anybody else can reproduce these bugs:
[21:37] <furkan>
[21:37] <furkan> | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.947868 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu+1"
} |
2015-04-06-#maas | [15:12] <mup> Bug #1440763 was opened: 1.8b1 regiond.log Tracebacks when trying to deploy 42 nodes at a time <isolation> <MAAS:Triaged> <>
[15:12] <mup> Bug #1440765 was opened: 1.8b1 oauth.oauth.OAuthError: <isolation> <MAAS:Triaged> <>
[18:06] <mup> Bug #1440823 was opened: Using both MAC address fields in AMT config causes AMT Power to fail <MAAS:New> <>
[18:22] <saltlake> Hi,
[18:23] <saltlake> I am working with maas and HO servers for the first time and I was able to see a "node" recognized on the maas server but wanted to know what the "power" settings for the node need to be ? The error I have right now is that "The node does not have apowere type"
[18:25] <roaksoax> saltlake: do your nodes have an IPMI bmc?
[18:25] <saltlake> roaksoax : Yes
[18:25] <roaksoax> saltlake: and how was the node recognized by MAAS?
[18:25] <roaksoax> saltlake: if you commission the node (even if you power it on manually), it should automatically configure the power parameters
[18:25] <saltlake> roaksoax : But I have not setup or done anything with them ..I setup Network boot option for the node and rebooted it. I see the MAC addresses look different than what they were in linux
[18:26] <roaksoax> that doesn't make any sense
[18:27] <roaksoax> how would the mac address be different?
[18:27] <roaksoax> saltlake: so if the node pxe booted from maas and registered itself into MAAS, automatically
[18:27] <saltlake> Not sure maybe I mistaken.. but looks like it ..
[18:27] <roaksoax> MAAS should have configured IPMI and updated the parameters automatically
[18:28] <saltlake> roaksoax : the sttus on the maas page says "commissioning" for the node but there is a red error on top of the page that says "Doens not have a power type etc.. " I could manually reboot the node again to see if it makes a difference
[18:29] <roaksoax> saltlake: yeah, reboot the node, make sure it PXE boots
[18:29] <roaksoax> saltlake: and let it do the commissioning
[18:29] <roaksoax> it should fix the power parameters
[18:30] <saltlake> roaksoax : I aborted the commissioning and restarted commission... is there a way to see what is going on on that node ?
[18:30] <roaksoax> saltlake: you'd have to setup console logging
[18:30] <roaksoax> saltlake: and look at it directly
[18:31] <saltlake> ok.. I have not tried that .. do you know how long it might take for a server to get commissioned ?
[18:31] <roaksoax> saltlake: depends, no more than 10 mins
[18:31] <roaksoax> i'd think
[18:31] <saltlake> Right now the node log syas this "INFO 1 minute ago Node changed status — From 'New' to 'Commissioning' "
[18:31] <roaksoax> depends on how fast is the server, how long it takes to do POST, etc
[18:32] <saltlake> Ok.. I'd give it 20 min and then reboot it physically
[18:32] <saltlake> I mean hard reset it
[18:32] <roaksoax> saltlake: Right. If the Node was in New state, and there were *no* power parameters configured, that means that when maas changed the status to 'Commissioning', it was unable to power on the node
[18:32] <roaksoax> saltlake: because it cannot control is power
[18:32] <roaksoax> saltlake: so, you need to force a reboot, physically
[18:32] <saltlake> ok..
[18:33] <roaksoax> or via IPMI if you have that
[18:33] <saltlake> ok .. do I delete this node from maas before poering it on ?
[18:33] <roaksoax> saltlake: no
[18:33] <saltlake> ok
[18:33] <roaksoax> saltlake: just reboot it, and make sure it PXE boots from MAAS
[18:34] <roaksoax> saltlake: that should make it run the commissioning environment
[18:34] <roaksoax> that *should* allow BMC discovery
[19:18] <saltlake> roaksoax : "INFO 0 minutes ago PXE Request — commissioning " This is a good sign right ?
[19:23] <roaksoax> saltlake: yes
[19:26] <saltlake> roaksoax : Unfortunately it failed comissioning thanks to this error on "failed [3/7] (00-maas-03-install-lldpd, 99-maas-01-wait-for-lldpd, 99-maas-02-capture-lldp)" How would I go about this now ?
[19:29] <roaksoax> saltlake: check the logs and see what failed?
[20:01] <saltlake> roaksoax : Finally the node went from commissioning to Ready.. I think that is a good sign!!
[20:02] <roaksoax> saltlake: did the power paramters get added automatically?
[20:07] <saltlake> roaksoax : Though the message continues to appear if I ignore the powere parameters.. it eventually commissions!!
[20:07] <saltlake> roaksoax : BY message I mean the intimidating red message complaining about power parameters on the maas page
[20:08] <saltlake> roaksoax : the power type in the node is still "--" though the status is ready.. should I be worried about that ?
[20:22] <saltlake> roaksoax : Ok I have concluded that the power type -- is NOT a good thing since maas cannot control the node.
[20:22] <saltlake> am now researching how to setup ipmi on these dl360 serers
[20:36] <saltlake> ok has anyone used a DL360 server and know how to set the power type parametrs for the respective node ?
[20:47] <saltlake> I think givev the boot screen for the node says it supports ILO 2 I think the power parameter should "Moonshot HP ILO chassis manager". Does nayone know how to get this setup ?
[21:19] <mup> Bug #1440894 was opened: get_effective_power_parameters() - exceptions.AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'copy' <MAAS:New> <>
[21:40] <mup> Bug #1434257 was opened: MAAS should set dnssec-validation to no in /etc/bind/named.conf.options <MAAS:Triaged> <maas (Ubuntu):New> <> | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.965697 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#maas"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-fi | [05:36] <hahlo> huomenta, mulla on täällä semmonen 14.04 jonka oletusavainnippu ja passwd ei matchaa, kun vaihdettu normaalisti kerran passwd, nyt selain ja sposti siitä herjaavat, pystyykö korjaamaan? että current passwd kelpais sille oletusavainnipulle?
[06:31] <motalb> hahlo: ei ole kokemusta 14.04 avainnipusta, mutta aikaisemmissa versioissa asetuksista löytyi "Salasanat ja salausavaimet"
[06:32] <motalb> sitä kautta avainnipun salasanaa pitäisi voida muuttaa
[06:33] <motalb> jos ko valintaa ei valikossa ole, niin asenna paketti seahorse
[06:34] <hahlo> ahaa ok
[13:58] <pesasa>
[13:58] <pesasa>
[13:59] <pesasa>
[15:57] <puhuri> Meneekö viikon valo aakkosjärjestyksessä?
[16:12] <pesasa> Ei yleensä. :-) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.970456 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-fi"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntustudio | [13:11] <_Tailung_> Rubblepile is it a bug when zombies spawn right in front of you in a well lit place?
[13:17] <_Tailung_> nevermind
[18:44] <henk_> 1 | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.973344 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntustudio"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-us-pa | [09:22] <rmg51> Morning
[12:05] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples and whatever else is around
[17:15] <ChinnoDog> afternoon
[17:43] <teddy-dbear> o/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.975532 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-news | [03:25] <benonsoftware> pleia2: Heh, you're not the one who had doubts about that article. :P
[09:35] * PaulW2U wonders which anonymous person partly deleted pleia2's name from the prep doc ?
[09:37] * PaulW2U and still four summaries to write :(
[09:48] <pleia2> ugh, killed by travel and just boarded flight
[09:49] <pleia2> if this plane has wifi, I'll finish summaries and prep
[09:50] <pleia2> woo, it does have wifi, once we're flying I'll get to work :)
[09:50] <PaulW2U> super!
[12:27] <pleia2> Unit193: link check?
[12:29] <pleia2> I'm about to fall into a sleep coma, going to see about some rest in this flying machine
[14:46] <PaulW2U> editorial review done
[16:42] <Unit193> Looks good.
[19:53] <bapoumba_> Hello !
[19:53] <bapoumba_> ping anyone having access to the Fridge calendar please :)
[19:56] <Unit193> bapoumba_: I'm not it, but whatcha need?
[19:57] <bapoumba_> hello Unit193, I need to change some ubuntuforums meetings
[19:57] <bapoumba_> looks like I cannot
[19:58] <bapoumba_> Actually I need to remove some meetings
[19:58] <bapoumba_> we decided to go to one every other month rather than one every month
[20:01] <Unit193> jose, pleia2?
[20:03] <bapoumba_> Yeah, pleia2 helped me last time we needed to adjust the meeting times :)
[20:28] <bapoumba_> Sorry, time to sleep here. I'll come back later, thanks Unit193 :)
[20:28] <Unit193> Sure, sorry I didn't help.
[20:28] <bapoumba_> No problem
[20:28] <bapoumba_> I'll try again this week
[20:28] <Unit193> (This way hopefully they'll still know what you'd like changed.)
[20:28] <bapoumba_> Bye :)
[20:29] <bapoumba_> Yeah, pleia2 set up the calendar events and I cannot change them :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.978727 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-news"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-gr | [07:52] <Tassos> Καλημέρα :)
[08:51] <George0k00> Καλημέρα στο ubuntu-gr
[09:48] <salih-emin> καλημέρες
[10:25] <kerato> geissspaidjia
[10:26] <salih-emin> γειά σου kerato
[13:59] <harispc> Hi guys
[18:20] <pc_magas> Καλησπέρα.
[18:26] * pc_magas Καθεται και ακούει τον αντίλλαλο στο άδειο δωμάτιο.
[22:48] <Tassos> quit Καλή σας νύχτα μάγκες! :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.982506 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-gr"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-hr | [06:24] <Mmike> nicols, ps -ef ti da je sve procese, sortirane po pidu
[07:02] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro
[07:36] <SilverSpace> jutro
[08:33] <SilverSpace>
[09:07] <SilverSpace> spama ko u prici
[10:18] <markosejic> d dan
[10:22] <Vlado9A3CY> bok markosejic
[10:23] <markosejic> Vlado9A3CY: pozz
[10:28] <Vlado9A3CY> ahoj :)
[10:29] <markosejic> cekam jos malo pa idem na bus nazad u Zg
[10:29] <Vlado9A3CY> sretan put markosejic
[10:29] <Vlado9A3CY> ;)
[10:30] <markosejic> malo bio preko uskrsa doma
[10:30] <Vlado9A3CY> to je okay :)
[10:31] <markosejic> svi navalili da me vide dok sam sve obisao
[10:32] <Vlado9A3CY> moj bi susjed rekao... a kaj moreš :D
[10:32] <Mmike> markosejic, de si doma?
[10:43] <markosejic> u slavoniji
[10:43] <markosejic> morao sam malo biti udaljen od laptop spasavati neke stvari od bacanja
[10:44] <markosejic> u smece
[12:44] <SilverSpace> uh
[13:26] <Mmike>
[13:26] <Mmike> bitan zagrebacki kvart :)
[14:40] <SilverSpace> watch -n1 sensors
[14:40] <SilverSpace> nis znao za to
[14:53] <weshmashian> o/
[14:54] <SilverSpace> 128°C ?? disk pipam hladan je
[14:55] <SilverSpace> ssd
[15:09] <infy-> sad uskrs i to gotovo
[15:09] <infy-> kolokviji za 2 tjedna
[15:09] <infy-> ajme depresije
[15:10] <infy-> ajme
[15:10] <infy-> :| a baš san se zabavlja s arch installom na htpcu
[15:22] <ivoks> is
[15:22] <ivoks> nis necu jest sljedeca dva tjedna
[15:22] <ivoks> onda na maltu
[15:23] <ivoks> pa kad se vratim s malte, sjest cu ovdje:
[15:23] <ivoks>
[15:23] <ivoks> i ko ovaj deda, pit pivo i gledat brodove
[15:23] <ivoks> pa smotat jednu
[15:23] <ivoks> pa pit pivo
[15:23] <ivoks> pa smotat jos jednu
[15:23] <ivoks> pa mozda ribicu koju
[15:29] <SilverSpace> watch -n 1 -d sensors
[15:30] <SilverSpace> ivoks: :)
[15:47] <jelly> huh, bio je pilot za Man in the High Castle, seriju, u 2. mjesecu
[16:14] <SilverSpace> ne bu dobro zderem samo kolace
[16:15] <SilverSpace> vivid sasvim solidno radi
[17:41] <jelly> kak da sa stranice dodjem do bugova u tom paketu?
[17:47] <CrazyLemon> ?
[17:51] <jelly> kak doklikam do tamo?
[17:52] <jelly> aha, ima link skroz na dnu
[17:52] <CrazyLemon> stisni End i klik na 'Source package'
[17:52] <jelly> /o\
[17:53] <CrazyLemon> \o/
[17:54] <jelly> hm, nije valjda da nisu ni 41.0.2272.101 ni 41.0.2272.118 izdali
[17:57] <SilverSpace> 41.0.2272.118
[17:58] <SilverSpace> vivid
[17:59] <Mmike> jelly,
[17:59] <jelly> SilverSpace: zasto ga nema na ^^ linku
[17:59] <Mmike> google-chrome-stable:
[17:59] <Mmike> Installed: 39.0.2171.95-1
[17:59] <Mmike> Candidate: 39.0.2171.95-1
[17:59] <Mmike> zato kaj nije stable jos?
[18:00] <jelly> google-chrome-stable:
[18:00] <jelly> Installed: 41.0.2272.118-1
[18:00] <jelly> Candidate: 41.0.2272.118-1
[18:00] <Mmike> oklen ti to cupas?
[18:00] <jelly> chromium:
[18:00] <jelly> Installed: 41.0.2272.118-1
[18:00] <jelly> Candidate: 41.0.2272.118-1
[18:00] <jelly> Debian
[18:00] <Mmike> google-chrome-stable
[18:00] <Mmike> kaj?
[18:00] <jelly> 500 stable/main i386 Packages
[18:00] <Mmike> nekaj mi je potgalo repose
[18:00] <jelly> googlov repo za debian
[18:01] <Mmike> root@BUNTOR /etc/apt/sources.list.d> cat google-chrome.list
[18:01] <Mmike> # deb stable main
[18:01] <Mmike> waaat!
[18:01] <jelly> .pal Mmike
[18:01] * datase points at Mmike and laughs uproariously.
[18:03] <CrazyLemon> lol
[18:27] <Mmike> neki kufer mi to svako toliko zakomentira
[18:27] <Mmike> (ili sam mozda ja jer googlo svako malo ima potrgane repoe :D )
[18:32] <SilverSpace> sin :)
[18:36] <Mmike> google-chrome-stable:
[18:36] <Mmike> Installed: 39.0.2171.95-1
[18:36] <Mmike> Candidate: 41.0.2272.118-1
[18:36] <Mmike> beh
[18:37] <jelly> googlo nema potrgane repoe za mene
[18:55] <Mmike>
[18:55] <datase> YouTube: Normalnofobija 03 - Revoltirani - 0:04:11 - 13,497 views - 60 likes / 1 dislikes
[19:39] <Mmike> hekbejad unan==d lepevoim
[19:39] <Mmike> ups :)
[19:39] <Mmike> jelly, nekad imam bed s keyevima
[19:39] <Mmike> onda im treba pol dana / dan, da poprave
[19:39] <jelly> mozda ti updateas cesce neg ja
[19:40] * jelly to nikad nije vidio, ima update i -dy full-upgrade u cronu
[20:05] <Mmike> jelly, budem vikao next time, pa da komperamo
[20:34] <Mmike> p, jebote
[20:34] <Mmike> pa ja sam zivio u zabludio
[20:34] <Mmike> bludu :D
[20:34] <Mmike> bio uvjeren da je vbox fino sporiji od bare-metal (cpu), a da je kvm jos sporiji
[20:35] <Mmike> al' ispada da su i jedan i drugi podjednaki, i da su mizerno sporiji od bare metala
[20:35] <Mmike> povray, forsanje samo jednog threada, bare metal: 9m36s, vbox 9m40s, kvm 9m41s
[20:36] <Mmike> povray, forsanje 4 threada (vbox i kvm virtualke su imale po 4 CPU corea), bare metal: 2m54s, vbox 2m55s, kvm 2m55s
[20:41] <Mmike> (za usporedbu, stari Athlon64 X2 5000+, forsanje jednog threada, izrenda sliku za 34 minute :D ) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:02.998675 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-hr"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu | [00:00] <Kaby> helo guys any way i can use to put my apps on my desktop in ubuntu 14.10
[00:00] <daftykins> yes something about creating .desktop files in /usr/share/applications so i heard last night
[00:00] <Kaby> aha let me try
[00:01] <MonkeyDust> Kaby open /usr/share/applications, right click the app of choice and copy to desktop... you're right when you say it should be easier
[00:02] <Kaby> MonkeyDust, thanks alot bro
[00:06] <natas> so....if anyone can help me with this..
[00:06] <natas> $ sudo apt-get install beer
[00:06] <natas> [sudo] password for natas:
[00:06] <natas> Reading package lists... Done
[00:06] <natas> Building dependency tree
[00:06] <natas> Reading state information... Done
[00:06] <natas> E: Couldn't find package beer
[00:07] <somsip> !info beer | natas
[00:07] <somsip> natas: so, it doesn't exist. What package are you expecting to find?
[00:08] <Kaby> GUys i used to hide my ip while goin to chat websites in windows , anyone can help me with a software in ubuntu to hide my ip or change the country of it ?
[00:08] <somsip> !tor | Kaby
[00:08] <natas> idk.. atlest 6 packages.. ^
[00:08] <somsip> natas: which ones?
[00:08] <somsip> !find beer | natas
[00:09] <natas> ^-^
[00:09] <Kaby> thanks ubottu
[00:09] <natas> ubottu OP
[00:09] <jmaradin> ...
[00:10] <nahtnam> Hey! In a crontab, how can I make it run a command? I have something like this: ` * * * * * dokku run app rake newsletter:daily --silent`
[00:10] <phunyguy> Yes, hello
[00:10] <nahtnam> but it wont work
[00:10] <IdleOne> natas: Why did you ping the channel ops?
[00:10] <JeDa> !tor-sasl
[00:11] <Kaby> ubottu, its a bit complicated but i will try
[00:11] <Alias> Could someone help steer me towards how to solve a black screen after the splash screen and the only way i can get around it is by pressing keys during the splash screen
[00:11] <somsip> nahtnam: looks like you need to be a working directory to run that command
[00:11] <somsip> !nomodeset | Alias (maybe try this first)
[00:12] <Alias> i tried it didnt seem to help
[00:12] <nahtnam> somsip: It doesnt matter what directory it is executed from
[00:13] <johnja> I've given up on recovering a failed upgrade from 14.04 -> 14.10 and am ready to buy a new HDD to reinstall 14.04 on. What do I need to do to transfer my stuff to what will essentially be a new computer?
[00:14] <bekks> nahtnam: You need to put the full path for dokku into your crontab
[00:14] <nahtnam> bekks: I have no idea which directory its installed in (Digital ocean just setup a server for me)
[00:14] <nahtnam> How can I find out?
[00:15] <bekks> nahtnam: "which dokku"
[00:15] <Alias> somsip i will try it again and report back if it doesnt work
[00:17] <nahtnam> bekks: So I would do something like this: ` * * * * * /usr/local/bin/dokku run app rake newsletter:daily --silent`?
[00:17] <jmaradin> johnja: a good place to start would be everything in /home/$WHATEVERYOURHOME directory is.
[00:18] <bekks> nahtnam: Yes.
[00:18] <nahtnam> bekks: Ty
[00:18] <bekks> johnja: You can just reinstall on your HDD, you dont need to buy a new one.
[00:21] <somsip> nahtnam: old issue referenced here suggests sudo -u dokku
[00:21] <johnja> bekks: I don't have enough storage to bak up my home folde. it is #$%$# excessively large. I'll need to buy a new HDD anyway, so I might as wel get something faster to use as / and go from there.
[00:21] <somsip> nahtnam: and use of quotes suggested here
[00:22] <kryptonic56> anyone have any experience with conky??
[00:22] <johnja> Please forgive my spelling. Disposable chickle keyboard is cra.
[00:26] <bekks> johnja: you might want to delete unnecessary stuff :)
[00:27] <deSouza> how to add a folder to the ubuntu left side bar?
[00:28] <johnja> bekks: yes, there's that. If this thing will stay running long enough to do so. I don't know if I have the patience. I'm seriously considering taking the whole bleeping tower out to the beach and use it for cutting practice.
[00:28] <kryptonic56> desouza drag and drop?
[00:29] <kryptonic56> deSouza drag and drop?
[00:29] <deSouza> its not working
[00:29] <kryptonic56> hmm
[00:29] <Alias> somsip no luck with nomodeset
[00:30] <kryptonic56> just one of those linux issues I guess lol...I seem to have a new issue every other day but thats one of the things I love about linux is the hacking never stops lol
[00:30] <MK-Live> Hey, my Ubuntu has frozen up; I cannot switch terminals with ctrl-alt-f1. What's the best thing to do in this situation? Wait for whatever was freezing it to finish up (I suspect it might be something that may end)? or something else?
[00:30] <deSouza> its not working for my mate either
[00:30] <kryptonic56> Im having an issue with moving a file into my home directory :/
[00:33] <fragment137> Anyone able to help me with not being able to mount a RAID5 volume?
[00:33] <MK-Live> Anyone? Kind of a pressing issue here.
[00:33] <Alias> This black screen after the splash screen is annoying
[00:33] <fragment137> lol
[00:34] <Bashing-om> MK-Live: Magic SysRq key method: hold down the Alt+SysRq keys and slowly run through the sequence R,E,I,S,U,B - after the B, your system will reboot .
[00:34] <halfburnttoast> MK-Live, if your caps lock key isn't responding, the kernel likely crashed
[00:34] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, what's wrong with the array?
[00:35] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, I don't know that there's anything actually wrong with the array. it was made in the RAID bios (Intel 82801), and then formatted to NTFS using windows
[00:35] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, also, is this a mdadm array or hardware?
[00:35] <fragment137> mounts and is viewable completely fine in windows and on a livecd
[00:35] <halfburnttoast> ah
[00:35] <fragment137> Ubuntu livecd I should specify... but now I'm not able to mount it
[00:35] <fragment137> when I try I get "no such file or directory"
[00:35] <halfburnttoast> but, it shows up in lsblk?
[00:36] <fragment137> I can show you the output if you'd liek
[00:36] <fragment137> like*
[00:36] <MK-Live> Bashing-om: I ran through REISUB and nothing happened :S
[00:36] <fragment137> and yes lsblk does see all three drives, and that they're part of a RAID
[00:36] <fragment137> dmraid -ay results in "RAID set "isw_cciiabdhdg_RAID Storage" was activated | ERROR: opening "/dev/mapper/isw_cciiabdhdg_RAID Storage"
[00:36] <halfburnttoast> MK-Live, if alt+sysreq+b didn't instantly reboot your system, nothing will. Hold the power down until it shuts down
[00:37] <MK-Live> I see, thanks.
[00:37] <halfburnttoast> hmmm
[00:37] <MK-Live> Which log file should I look at for an issue that would have caused such a crash?
[00:37] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, do you have luks or lvm or anything running on top of the array?
[00:38] <Alias> anyone able to help?
[00:38] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, could you tell me how to determine that?
[00:38] <daftykins> Alias: what hardware?
[00:38] <daftykins> sure you turned on nomodeset properly?
[00:38] <Alias> yes im positive
[00:39] <Alias> im on a emachine E528
[00:39] <daftykins> that doesn't really narrow down the hardware specification for me sadly
[00:39] <daftykins> and what version are you trying to boot?
[00:39] <Alias> ubuntu 14.04 and what hardware info would you like
[00:40] <daftykins> CPU, RAM, graphics
[00:40] <TimeVirus> that reminds me I need to install inxi
[00:40] <halfburnttoast> hmm
[00:40] <Alias> CPU: Omtel Celeron 900 RAM: 8gb ddr3 Graphics: Intel GMA 4500M
[00:40] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, I just read that you set it up in windows, you wouldn't have either of them running then most likely
[00:41] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, Yes I was just going to say that. Google'd whether windows used LVM or not, lol
[00:41] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, what happens if you try and mount the array manually?
[00:41] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, you mean with dmraid or just with mount?
[00:41] <daftykins> Alias: and what's the exact ISO you downloaded? did you put it on a flash drive or DVD?
[00:41] <AKI2> j
[00:41] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, well, if the array is showing up in lsblk, you should just be able to mount the block device manually with mount
[00:42] <fragment137> I get this: fragment@SENTINELINUX:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/mapper/isw_cciiabdhdg_RAID\\x20Storage2 /media/fragment/ | fuse: mount failed: No such file or directory
[00:42] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, it should show up as a single block device
[00:42] <Alias> flash drive it was the 64 bit ubuntu 14.04 LTS iso and it was working fine and then out of the clear blue this started
[00:42] <tim_> hy all... i am running ubuntu 14lts.. and.. i ran on some update problems
[00:42] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, does the block device actually have backslashes in the name?
[00:42] <fragment137> it's a space actually
[00:42] <daftykins> Alias: you've tried waiting longer i take it?
[00:43] <fragment137> escape character I'm assuming
[00:43] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, ah
[00:43] <fragment137> sec.
[00:43] <Alias> yes and to no luck i usually have to reboot about 5 times and occasionally press keys and hope that it will bring up the login screen
[00:43] <fragment137> I suppose it wasn't very considerate of me to name the array with a space, lol.
[00:43] <daftykins> Alias: so this is an installed copy, not the live session?
[00:43] <Alias> Correct
[00:43] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, eh, probably not the best idea for a *nix system, but I don't see why it wouldn't work
[00:44] <fragment137> what I'm finding interesting, is even if I manually create a mount point
[00:44] <tim_> hy all... i am running ubuntu 14lts.. and.. i ran on some update problems.. now bagging for someone to help me out :-S
[00:44] <fragment137> it then tries to make a new folder with an appended 1
[00:44] <fragment137> and then subsequently fails.
[00:44] <daftykins> tim_: address the channel with a paste of what is going wrong -
[00:44] <halfburnttoast> what do you mean? make a folder where?
[00:44] <Bashing-om> !details | tim_
[00:44] <fragment137> in /media/fragment
[00:45] <fragment137> for example, I make "/media/fragment/RAID Storage" and then try to mount the array using Nautilus (gui)
[00:45] <fragment137> it responds with something about unable to mount to RAID Storage1
[00:45] <fragment137> minute
[00:45] <fragment137> I'll show you an example
[00:45] <tim_> ok, ok.. will do
[00:45] <daftykins> fragment137: pro tip, don't use a space in paths
[00:46] <fragment137> daftykins, Indeed I didn't think about that when I was making the array.
[00:46] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, and you're remembering to escape the spaces in the name when you're passing the commands, right?
[00:46] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, yes I am.
[00:46] <fragment137>
[00:46] <halfburnttoast> ok
[00:47] <fragment137> This is the result without making the directory. Only thing that changes is "RAID Storage" turns into "RAID Storage1" in the error message.
[00:47] <Alias> daftykins may i pm you?
[00:47] <fragment137> also the results using 'mount' are the same with either the /dev/mapper location or /dev/dm-2
[00:47] <daftykins> Alias: nah keep it in channel
[00:47] <Alias> ok no problem
[00:48] <tim_>
[00:49] <Alias> tim_ it tells you what to try to correct
[00:49] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, that is odd... anything come up in dmesg?
[00:49] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, what should I look for specifically?
[00:50] <Alias> tim_ try sudo apt-get -f install
[00:50] <halfburnttoast> anything to do with a mount failure or something along those lines
[00:50] <tim_> did not work
[00:50] <halfburnttoast> well
[00:50] <Alias> hmm
[00:50] <daftykins> tim_: you have to pastebin the output of that too
[00:50] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, not that I can see. I see diagnostics of the RAID, and that it's recognizing the physical drives, and their position in the raid
[00:50] <tim_> will do now
[00:51] <fragment137> it's also recognizing the proper type of array as well (RAID5)
[00:51] <Alias> daftykins any clue as to what could be the problem causing the black screen?
[00:51] <halfburnttoast> i feel like, since it's saying 'no such file or directory' it's gotta be an issue with the name or something
[00:51] <daftykins> Alias: hmm not really, but can you throw 14.04.1 on the flash drive and see how that boots as a live session?
[00:52] <fragment137> Which sucks, because I don't want to have to rebuild the RAID just to rename it, lol
[00:52] <Alias> i will see if i have a spare flash drive
[00:52] <fragment137> also I'd have to move data around and I've already done that once this week to re-create the RAID, lol...
[00:52] <halfburnttoast> what if you do something like 'mkdir /mnt/test' and then manually try to mount the array to that?
[00:52] <fragment137> Still fails
[00:52] <fragment137> which is just eff'd u
[00:52] <fragment137> up
[00:52] <daftykins> fragment137: but essentially why are you messing about with a RAID that's NTFS formatted under Linux 0o
[00:52] <fragment137> Dual boot
[00:52] <fragment137> Linux/Windows
[00:52] <halfburnttoast> windows
[00:52] <halfburnttoast> yeah
[00:53] <daftykins> messy.
[00:53] <Bashing-om> tim_: the version should be "2.0.2+dfsg1-3ubuntu1.1: amd64 i386" // What you have is newer. PPA ? perhaps remove the package ?
[00:53] <fragment137> if it was just linux it would be ext4.. or at the very least exFat
[00:53] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, mind pastebining the output of this command
[00:53] <daftykins> you couldn't install to exFAT ;)
[00:53] <fragment137> daftykins, Actually have both OS' on two separate SSD's :P the RAID is pure storage
[00:53] <Alias> daftykins just found this as the graphics Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.5, 128 bits)
[00:54] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, 'strace mount -t ntfs /dev/dm-2 /media/RAID\ Storage'
[00:54] <daftykins> Alias: from the about page, or where?
[00:54] <Alias> the about computer
[00:54] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, sure one sec
[00:54] <daftykins> mmm doesn't help too much that
[00:54] <tim_> Alias,
[00:55] <daftykins> tim_: yeah your errors are being explained in that paste, you have the same file in two packages - remove one package :)
[00:55] <tim_> please for detalied - how to.. :-S
[00:55] <Alias> daftykins could doing a distro upgrade help?
[00:55] <daftykins> seriously
[00:56] <tim_> sorry.. newb :-(
[00:56] <daftykins> Alias: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" probably not but shouldn't hurt
[00:56] <daftykins> tim_: why are you installing SDL anyway?
[00:56] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, alternatively, you could run that command and append ' | pastebinit' and it'll do it for you. I keep forgetting that command is a thing
[00:56] <fragment137> lol alright that's what I'll do
[00:56] <daftykins> it is if it's installed :D
[00:56] <fragment137> I couldn't get the full output
[00:56] <tim_> i think it was requsted by my phone.. :-S
[00:56] <fragment137> i'll install it ;P
[00:57] <halfburnttoast> it's not a default? dang
[00:57] <halfburnttoast> must have installed it ages ago
[00:57] <daftykins> tim_: can you pastebin "dpkg -l | grep dsl" ?
[00:57] <daftykins> damn typo
[00:57] <daftykins> tim_: can you pastebin "dpkg -l | grep sdl" ?
[00:58] <tim_> the one u gived me before.. dist. update.. no go
[00:58] <Zimmedon> Anyone by chance know if Canonical is keeping /dev/mem (CONFIG_DEVMEM) off in the kernel from here on out. I noticed it's been turned off in 4.0-rc6
[00:58] <daftykins> Zimmedon: no planned release is yet intended to use newer than 3.19 so i doubt that's relevant here
[00:58] <tim_>
[00:58] <daftykins> tim_: no that was for Alias
[00:59] <tim_> i fuc** up?
[00:59] <daftykins> tim_: sudo dpkg -r libsdl2-dev:i386 libsdl2-image-dev:i386
[01:00] <fragment137> halfburnttoast,
[01:00] <fragment137> ahhh crap
[01:00] <fragment137> one sec.
[01:00] <fragment137> that one is wrong
[01:00] <tim_> done
[01:00] <daftykins> that's a horrible paste XD
[01:00] <Zimmedon> daftykins: Fair enough, I'm not expecting support for a bleeding edge kernel, but rather I am interested in if Canonical is intending to kill off /dev/mem support?
[01:00] <fragment137> I know, lol
[01:00] <daftykins> tim_: did it remove both fine?
[01:00] <fragment137> daftykins, pastebinit is telling me i'm trying to paste an empty document, lol
[01:00] <halfburnttoast> well, strace will always look horrible, though :/
[01:00] <daftykins> Zimmedon: this is a volunteer run channel for support of current releases, unlikely to get an answer
[01:01] <Zimmedon> daftykins: I appreciate the response anyway. Thanks.
[01:01] <daftykins> np
[01:01] <tim_> oving libsdl2-dev:i386 (2.0.3+z4~20140315-8621-1ppa1trusty1) ...
[01:01] <tim_> Removing libsdl2-image-dev:i386 (2.0.0+z1~20131109-434-1ppa1trusty2) ... Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
[01:01] <tim_> is that yes?
[01:01] <daftykins> tim_: now try a "sudo apt-get -f install" and see if it runs cleanly
[01:01] <tim_> ok.. thank u
[01:01] <fragment137> halfburnttoast,
[01:02] <fragment137> That's the correct one... i noticed a typo in my original paste.
[01:02] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, thanks! I'll take a look, maybe that'll help narrow down what it's not finding
[01:02] <fragment137> I see a lot of "No such file or directory" lol
[01:02] <fragment137> which is weird, because on live CD it doesn't have an issue...
[01:02] <fragment137> hmm
[01:03] <tim_> em.. some packages were auto. installed.. some not needed no more.. request for autoremove
[01:03] <daftykins> tim_: after that
[01:03] <daftykins> tim_: or just pastebin it again
[01:04] <hkrrsx> morning
[01:04] <daftykins> ah welcome back hkrrsx
[01:05] <hkrrsx> daftykins, gracias :)
[01:05] <tim_>
[01:05] <daftykins> tim_: yeah that's fine now, run "sudo apt-get autoremove" as it says to clean up, then it wouldn't hurt to do a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"
[01:06] <tim_> ok
[01:06] <tim_> thank u
[01:06] <daftykins> np
[01:08] <fragment137> thate pastebin I posted looks like chinese to me :|
[01:09] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, well, it's not the name of the mountpoint
[01:09] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, I'm pretty sure about that from what I'm seeing
[01:09] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, well that's some good news at least
[01:09] <halfburnttoast> that is so odd
[01:09] <fragment137> Maybe it's my install? it's fresh but maybe something went funky
[01:10] <halfburnttoast> was it working before, or did it just die?
[01:10] <fragment137> Nah this has never worked on install
[01:10] <fragment137> worked on livecd though
[01:10] <tim_> smooth chriminal.. ow.. i meant working.. Daftykins, thank u.. and others as well :-)
[01:10] <fragment137> any sense in me booting to a livecd and seeing what's different?
[01:11] <fragment137> if I boot into windows it works a treat
[01:11] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, it may, makes me wonder if there's some driver bug, but you said it's a fresh install...
[01:11] <halfburnttoast> hmmmmm
[01:11] <fragment137> Indeed
[01:12] <fragment137> Give me a few minutes.. downloading something and then i'll boot to livecd
[01:12] <daftykins> fresh install of a lovely LTS?
[01:12] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, before you do, mind running one more command?
[01:13] <fragment137> Sure thing
[01:14] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, 'ltrace -o output mount -t ntfs /dev/dm-2 /media/RAID\ Storage'
[01:14] <halfburnttoast> that should create a log file 'output', if you could pastebin that too that'd be sweet
[01:14] <fragment137> where should the output file be
[01:14] <fragment137> pwd?
[01:14] <fragment137> oop never mind
[01:14] <fragment137> answered my own question
[01:15] <halfburnttoast> lol
[01:15] <fragment137>
[01:15] <halfburnttoast> thanks
[01:16] <fragment137> required me to sudo
[01:16] <fragment137> hope that's alright
[01:17] <halfburnttoast> this is weird
[01:17] <fragment137> eh?
[01:18] <halfburnttoast> can you run the command 'mount', that mount point isn't already mounted is it?
[01:19] <fragment137> no it's not already used from what I can see
[01:19] <fragment137> To add even more variables in, I have a separate 4TB hard drive (also formatted with NTFS) that mounts without issue
[01:20] <daftykins> i don't see how that is related
[01:20] <fragment137> To make the point that i'm not having issues mounting everything
[01:20] <halfburnttoast> why is mount exiting 21
[01:20] <fragment137> And also to (possibly) eliminate how windows formatted the partition.
[01:20] <fragment137> I'm assuming that's to return No such file?
[01:21] <mchelen> anyone know an alternative to the unity application launcher than can be started with a keyboard shortcut?
[01:21] <ekool> mchelen: Launchy maybe?
[01:22] <mchelen> ekool: hmm let me try that
[01:25] <Kwaku> So I have this really simple bash script to restart my network manager and cups when i get dropped off the network: :::: I'm trying to make it executable and easily found via Unity in Ubuntu 14.04. It isn't working...
[01:26] <daftykins> you don't even have a shebang in there
[01:27] <Ben64> Kwaku: you shouldn't need to restart things like that
[01:27] <hkrrsx> mchelen, there's also Synapse --
[01:27] <halfburnttoast> oh
[01:27] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, what was the mapper name of the block device again?
[01:27] <hkrrsx> You start it with Ctrl + Space and it's pretty good stuff
[01:28] <halfburnttoast> the full name
[01:28] <fragment137> brw-rw---- 1 root disk 252, 2 Apr 5 20:35 isw_cciiabdhdg_RAID\x20Storage2
[01:28] <fragment137> that's from /dev/mapper
[01:28] <halfburnttoast> i think that's the problem
[01:28] <fragment137> oh?
[01:28] <halfburnttoast> the escape character is messing up one of the calls
[01:28] <fragment137> ooooo
[01:28] <fragment137> little bugger.
[01:28] <halfburnttoast> line 526 of your strace output
[01:29] <halfburnttoast> well... maybe
[01:29] <halfburnttoast> why would it work on the liveCD then?
[01:29] <fragment137> Silly as this sounds, could you link me again?
[01:29] <fragment137> browser is being funky
[01:30] <mchelen> ekool: i might need to adjust the "catalog" in launcy, its picking up all this extra stuff
[01:30] <halfburnttoast>
[01:30] <fragment137> Yea that doesn't look right
[01:30] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, do you remember what the liveCD used as the mapper name? was it the same one?
[01:31] <mchelen> hkrrsx: looks like synapse package is deprecated in 14.04
[01:32] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, not sure, but I can boot to it to check
[01:32] <fragment137> give me a minute. need to grab muh flash dive :P
[01:32] <fragment137> drive even
[01:32] <halfburnttoast> k
[01:32] <hkrrsx> mchelen, so you're right, it seems ...
[01:32] <Kwaku> Ben64, this was to be a quick and dirty solution for a minor problem...
[01:32] <fragment137> right, brb. gonna boot to it
[01:33] <hkrrsx> mchelen, if you're comfortable with adding a PPA to your system in order to get Synapse, see this:
[01:33] <hkrrsx> If not, then I digress
[01:33] <ekool> mchelen: I've never used it... just know it might have done what you needed.
[01:35] <fragment137> right
[01:35] <fragment137> so it doesn't see the raid volume atm, ha
[01:35] <fragment137> actually one sec...
[01:35] <halfburnttoast> heh
[01:36] <fragment137> no that's just messed. It was reading it before :|
[01:36] <fragment137> I used a livecd to transfer data between the RAID and other media, lol...
[01:36] <fragment137> faaaak
[01:36] <halfburnttoast> but it still works under windows?
[01:36] <fragment137> fuuuck me
[01:36] <fragment137> it is the array name
[01:37] <halfburnttoast> :/
[01:37] <fragment137> exact same error on the livecd now
[01:37] <fragment137> and I'm an idiot, cause I was remembering the old RAID, that was just called "Storage"
[01:37] <halfburnttoast> yeah, I think the escape character isn't being handled correctly by one of the calls
[01:37] <fragment137> and that worked on the livecd
[01:37] <mchelen> hkrrsx: ah i guess the question is whether the app itself is still maintained
[01:37] <fragment137> well damnit, lol
[01:37] <halfburnttoast> don't think these systems are expecting spaces in the block device names
[01:37] <halfburnttoast> :s
[01:37] <fragment137> is there any way for me to rename the array without having to recreate it?
[01:37] <mchelen> ekool: it looks close, idk how much tweaking it needs tho
[01:37] <halfburnttoast> uhhhhhmmmmm, lemme see
[01:38] <fragment137> If I absolutely half to I'll move the data back over and recreate it, but it would save me SO much time if I could just rename it -.-
[01:39] <fragment137> have to.. wow. I english good.
[01:39] <fragment137> I'll be back in a few minutes. gonna take a look in the RAID bios.
[01:40] <mchelen> ekool hkrrsx i found the cairo-dock launcher is pretty nice, i just need to set a better kb shortcut
[01:41] <hkrrsx> mchelen, best of luck ... I believe there's an option at the Ubuntu log in screen to choose Cairo Dock as a desktop environment, which it completely replaces Unity
[01:42] <hkrrsx> At least, that's what happened when I last used Cairo Dock on Ubuntu
[01:42] <mchelen> hkrrsx: yah i haven't tried that, but i am using gnome-flashback + cairo
[01:42] <mchelen> and its working well so far
[01:42] <kryptonic56> I tried moving a couple files into my home directory and a folder containing a couple files and they dont show up...i try to add them again and it says replace files but again still doesnt show up am i missing something here?
[01:43] <somsip> kryptonic56: what command did you use>?
[01:44] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, do those files now have a period in front of them?
[01:45] <fragment137> so I'm pretty sure I won't be able to rename it
[01:45] <Kwaku> Ben64, so any suggestions?
[01:46] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, I'm trying to find out if there's a way to force a block device name by UUID
[01:46] <fragment137> hey if there's another method of mounting this without using that /dev/mapper name
[01:46] <fragment137> then I'm all for it, lol
[01:46] <fragment137> but I don't know what the UUID of the volume would be o.O
[01:46] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, what's in your /etc/fstab, by the way?
[01:47] <fragment137> just my root and my swap
[01:47] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, run 'blkid', it should give you the UUID for the device
[01:47] <Ben64> Kwaku: seems like you're not fixing anything by doing that, work on the actual problem instead
[01:47] <fragment137> yea I got the UUID
[01:47] <fragment137> I can try adding it to fstab with that, yea?
[01:47] <fragment137> might be a workaround
[01:48] <halfburnttoast> well, fstab won't make a block device
[01:48] <fragment137> :|
[01:48] <fragment137> /dev/mapper/isw_cciiabdhdg_RAID\x20Storage2: LABEL="RAID5Storage" UUID="0C76C6C276C6AC30" TYPE="ntfs"
[01:48] <fragment137> tried changing the label
[01:48] <fragment137> in windows...
[01:48] <fragment137> that's all it did, lol
[01:48] <halfburnttoast> :s
[01:49] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx yes they do
[01:49] <halfburnttoast> there's a udev way to do it, but I don't remember how
[01:49] <kryptonic56> im trying to get conky to work
[01:49] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, the dot in front of files/folders turns them into hidden files/folders
[01:49] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, if you remove that beginning dot, they'll show up again
[01:50] <kryptonic56> ok so then it should still work even with the dot?
[01:50] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, alternatively, you can press Ctrl + H in the file manager to Show Hidden Files/Folders and they'll appear ..... along w/ a bunch of other files/folders in your home directory
[01:50] <hkrrsx> :)
[01:50] <Kwaku> Ben64, right, so my problem is that the network drops and then I can't find the router again. Restarting the network manager works. If the nm does find my router again, it is usually a very spotty connection. I figure it is because there are many wifi signals and there is probably a channel conflict or something...
[01:50] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, yes, they'll work, they're just hidden
[01:50] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, you mean mounting a raid volume with udev?
[01:50] <kryptonic56> khrrsx thanks im going to try this again and see if i cant get it to work
[01:51] <halfburnttoast> halfburnttoast, well I mean when it's assigned the block name
[01:51] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, you're welcome
[01:53] <Ben64> Kwaku: ok, so focus on the network dropping problem
[01:54] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, I'm gunna test something real quick
[01:54] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, sure thing. Really appreciate the help :)
[01:56] <fragment137> i'll be right back. testing something as well
[01:56] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, sure! Ok, try this 'sudo dmsetup rename /dev/mapper/isw_cciiabdhdg_RAID\x20Storage2 raidtest'
[01:57] <halfburnttoast> that should rename the mapper device file, but it'll still point to the same block device
[01:57] <halfburnttoast> temporarily
[02:00] <halfburnttoast> ;/
[02:01] <root> hi!!!
[02:01] <Guest76780> help mw
[02:01] <daftykins> hi, you shouldn't be on IRC as root.
[02:02] <SchrodingersScat> !ask | Guest76780
[02:02] <halfburnttoast> you're not running irc as root are you?
[02:02] <Guest76780> xubuntu??
[02:02] <halfburnttoast> :|
[02:02] <SchrodingersScat> this is already going great
[02:02] <daftykins> come back as a normal user
[02:03] <Guest76780> xubuntu command for crear new user root
[02:03] <Guest76780> ??
[02:03] <Kwaku> Ben64, if you find someone else having this problem, this may be a possible solution. Only time will tell for me....
[02:03] <Guest76780> thank you !!!
[02:03] <fragment137> Alrighty, so that didn't work, lol
[02:03] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, I have a command for you to try
[02:03] <fragment137> I thought I'd try to get it to mount using the UUID
[02:03] <Guest76780> hi! good night
[02:03] <fragment137> but that just locked up the OS on boot, lol
[02:03] <halfburnttoast> it'll only work temporarily, but it will change the mapper name
[02:03] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, what's that?
[02:04] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, try this 'sudo dmsetup rename /dev/mapper/isw_cciiabdhdg_RAID\x20Storage2 raidtest'
[02:04] <Guest76780> not locked boot
[02:04] <halfburnttoast> it'll rename the mapper name. try mounting it after that
[02:05] <fragment137> gotcha
[02:05] <Guest76780> unlocked boot, i'm new developer
[02:05] <jesse> hi, i'm getting
[02:05] <fragment137> get the flip out of town
[02:05] <fragment137> it freaking worked
[02:05] <fragment137> sweet jesus
[02:05] <halfburnttoast> w00p!
[02:05] <fragment137> LOL
[02:05] <fragment137> wow
[02:05] <jesse> tried clean/autoclean/autoremove/update in that order, but it still doesn't work
[02:06] <halfburnttoast> yeah, that strace was using the totally wrong block name cause of that escape character
[02:06] <fragment137> Ok so, as a (temporary) fix, how do I get it to do that every time it boots? lol
[02:06] <Guest76780> i problem apt-get update & install
[02:06] <halfburnttoast> that is a good qusetion
[02:06] <halfburnttoast> lol
[02:06] <fragment137> hah
[02:06] <fragment137> No big deal in any case
[02:06] <fragment137> Ah thank GOD
[02:06] <Guest76780> my sistem b00x xubuntu
[02:06] <halfburnttoast> i'm thinking you'll have to make a udev rule to override the automatic mapper naming
[02:07] <fragment137> never played around with that
[02:07] <fragment137> me thinks I'll do that some other time.
[02:07] <fragment137> right now I'm ready for bed, lol
[02:07] <halfburnttoast> alright, seeya later!
[02:07] <fragment137> but thanks so much for the help.
[02:07] <halfburnttoast> no prob man, glad we could figure it out heh
[02:07] <Guest76780> PM??
[02:07] <fragment137> peace!
[02:07] <kryptonic56> I made it work!! lol i get a great sense of accomplishment when i figure an issue out on linux!
[02:07] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, congratulations! what did you do?
[02:09] <Guest76780> User new crear???
[02:09] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx well nothing special to any experienced linux user but i got conky installed and now getting back into using linux after like ten years of not messing with it so im pretty much having to relearn everything lol
[02:10] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, first off welcome back
[02:10] <hkrrsx> 2nd, even experienced users can be impressed by "simple" things :)
[02:10] <drocsid> I have an ubuntu server and I see that the host aliases in /etc/hosts is set to . Since the host is in the datacenter, can I set this to the ip address of the ethernet interface instead?
[02:11] <Ben64> you shouldn't
[02:11] <Sramelyor3301> does anybody know the channle for tor?
[02:11] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx, ahh thanks man!! i used to use opensuse back when I was like 14 but havent fooled with it much since then
[02:11] <Ben64> !alis | Sramelyor3301
[02:11] <Guest76780> ping
[02:11] <Guest76780> ???
[02:11] <Sramelyor3301> tnx :)
[02:11] <halfburnttoast> drocsid, just curious, is there a reason to change it from the loopback address?
[02:11] <drocsid> Ben64: are you telling me that I shouldn't ? I think that some java applications depend on this to be set to the interface ip.
[02:12] <Ben64> drocsid: nothing needs that set to an external ip
[02:12] <drocsid> halfburnttoast: have you ever run an oozie server, if you set the hostname alias to then it breaks oozie
[02:13] <kryptonic56> khrrsx lol this is the first time ive used IRC since then also...I forgot all about this place and all amount of knowledge some of the users on here have as well as the good convos
[02:13] <halfburnttoast> drocsid, no I haven't, but if loopback goes down, you'll have a lot more that breaks
[02:15] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, ditto .... however, let's keep this support channel on topic :)
[02:15] <hkrrsx> #ubuntu-offtopic
[02:16] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx the issues people come here to solve are exactly the kind of intelligent convos im talking about! hah
[02:16] <loadedanvils> I encrypted my home partition and reinstalled ubuntu with ecryptfs, how do I recover it?
[02:17] <halfburnttoast> loadedanvils, did you back up the key?
[02:17] <loadedanvils> yeah
[02:17] <loadedanvils> the problem is just replacing current home and mounting that partition
[02:17] <loadedanvils> I've been having trouble with it
[02:17] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, enjoy your stay :)
[02:17] <drocsid> from what I understand putting the loopback to the hostname works for servers not connected to the internet, but is sub-standard for machines connected to the net.
[02:18] <Guest76780> hello all I ask for help in private on b00x xubuntu to make installing plank??
[02:18] <Ben64> drocsid: seems like you already decided what you're going to do, good luck
[02:19] <daftykins> !it | Guest76780
[02:20] <drocsid> this example shows duplicate entries :
[02:20] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx ive noticed that a lot of commands I type in terminal say leaking memory somewhere in the output....whats that about?
[02:20] <drocsid> I think they added some strange local dns cache or something...
[02:21] <Tooncenator> any recommendations on the best channel for Ubuntu troubleshooting advice?
[02:21] <halfburnttoast> loadedanvils, I haven't done the recovery myself, but you might try reading this if you haven't
[02:21] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, um ... can you re-produce that and pastebin the output ?
[02:21] <drocsid> when you break a production server due to setting to your fqdn, you will feel the pain. is set to localhost
[02:22] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, have you updated the system lately ?
[02:22] <drocsid> not sure what this set to the fqdn is about, some strange ubuntu / debian stuff.
[02:22] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx i ran updates last night
[02:22] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, ok, then let's have the terminal output please
[02:23] <loadedanvils> I can recover my files and mount the directory to /tmp/somethingorother
[02:23] <loadedanvils> but I don't know how to remount it at /home
[02:24] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx this is from trying to update my comps name without restarting$ sudo hostname /study
[02:24] <kryptonic56> [sudo] password for sale:
[02:24] <kryptonic56> no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory
[02:24] <kryptonic56> hostname: the specified hostname is invalid
[02:24] <kryptonic56> sale@study:~$
[02:24] <Tooncenator> Anybody else experiencing an error with reading package header?..problem with MergeList /var/lib/...
[02:24] <lacan> hy everybody.. glad to meet u all :)
[02:24] <ANJ7> why I couldn't run this command?
[02:24] <ANJ7> cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/src/botbot
[02:25] <ANJ7> was following this
[02:25] <Ben64> ANJ7: you'll need to give us more info
[02:25] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, ok, #1 you're trying to set your computer's hostname to a folder
[02:25] <hkrrsx> Hence the /study part
[02:26] <ANJ7> Ben64: I was trying to make a bot
[02:26] <Ben64> ANJ7: ask the developer
[02:26] <hkrrsx> #2, that loadparm.c:4864, what program is that coming from ?
[02:26] <MaMax> I want light font for ubuntu
[02:26] <ANJ7> ;j ##botbot
[02:26] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx what i was trying to do was rename the comp study instead of sale....i was following a guide of google but now that i think about it I might have forgot to save when i edit it on gedit
[02:27] <Tooncenator> alright...seems I'm the only one for now. i'll keep asking google for a while :P
[02:27] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx
[02:27] <MaMax> ANJ7: A bot for wat?
[02:27] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx I just know ive seen the leaking memory output a few other times so i was curious as to what it meant
[02:27] <ANJ7> MaMax: for irc channel
[02:28] <lacan> anyone knows how to make Ubuntu 14.10 to detect my usb modem when usb3 mode enabled on BIOS?!
[02:29] <daftykins> can't use a USB 2 port huh?
[02:29] <MaMax> PLEASE I want the channel list
[02:29] <daftykins> MaMax: the what?
[02:30] <hkrrsx> kryptonic56, while not trying to insult your intelligence, here's the wiki article on memory leaks:
[02:30] <MaMax> all channel for this server
[02:30] <lacan> i need to use usb3 port somehow for better speed file transfer !!!
[02:31] <daftykins> MaMax: that has nothing to do with an ubuntu support channel. go and ask #freenode please.
[02:31] <kryptonic56> hkrrsx lol no insult taken....i sometimes forget google lol
[02:31] <MaMax> I find that. Thank
[02:32] <lacan> there's no issues when i disabled usb3 support on bios.. but it's better to turn it on for better filetransfer since ubuntu was the first OS that supprt usb3..!
[02:33] <daftykins> lacan: USB 3 is not going to improve a 'modem'
[02:33] <daftykins> :P
[02:35] <Bonjour> What's up Ubuntu?
[02:35] <ianorlin> !ot |Bonjour
[02:36] <Alias> hey daftykins
[02:36] <lacan> yeah.. i knw tht but when i disconnect my modem then it's good to use my usb3 flashdisk for faster tansfer data.
[02:37] <jayotaku> But will it run crysis
[02:37] <Bonjour> lacan, obviously less ram and cpu consumption will take place. which makes your data fasting more
[02:38] <Bonjour> s/fasting/transferring
[02:38] <OerHeks> jaykilleen, check the wine database
[02:38] <Bonjour> Since the Process scheduling will get extra time and less job :p
[02:39] <OerHeks> oh
[02:39] <AndChat327600> What is the username and password for admins for ubuntu live cd?
[02:39] <OerHeks> name ubuntu, password empty AFAIK
[02:40] <Bonjour> Do Ubuntu comes up with user name and password?
[02:40] <lacan> no, i mean i want to use the benefit of my usb3 port on ubuntu which faster than usb3 cause usb3 write and read speed is faster about 30mb/s and 100mb/s.
[02:41] <Bonjour> usb3 is faster then usb3??
[02:42] <AndChat327600> I like to edit partition table but it was locked and the account which is automatically booted from live cd isnot a admin account to edit partion table?
[02:42] <lacan> usb3 is faster thn usb2, cause my notebook support it and i have one usb3 then it's better to it for saving my data.
[02:42] <Alias> what are you using to edit them?
[02:42] <Bonjour> AndChat327600, You need a sudo user or root
[02:43] <Bonjour> You need to be a sudo user.
[02:43] <Alias> ^
[02:43] <OerHeks> AndChat327600, so username ubuntu and password empty does not work?
[02:44] <Bonjour> Alias, What does it mean ^?
[02:44] <AndChat327600> OerHeks: no.
[02:44] <MaMax> I'm not understand this error: #blabla :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
[02:45] <Alias> Bonjour, i was basically pointing to your answer lol
[02:45] <Bonjour> MaMax, Do your Your nick is register on freenode?
[02:45] <somsip> !register | MaMax
[02:45] <AndChat327600> I logged off but cannot login.
[02:45] <JeDa> MaMax: You should be identified with NickServ
[02:45] <daftykins> MaMax: please cease asking freenode questions in here.
[02:46] <Bonjour> MaMax, Better ask here #freenode
[02:46] <Alias> daftykins i removed some programs rebooted and once i finally got logged in noticed that under about this computer my graphics card changed
[02:47] <daftykins> Alias: sounds good
[02:47] <Alias> hopefully it will continue to work would hate to have to give up ubuntu for something so silly
[02:47] <Bonjour> MaMax, you need this badly.
[02:47] <MaMax> Thank
[02:49] <AndChat327600> Bonjour, how to enter to gnome partition editor with admin priviledges
[02:49] <AndChat327600> ?
[02:50] <Alias> sudo gparted
[02:50] <AndChat327600> Sudo is for terminal
[02:50] <Alias> it will start the program with admin properties
[02:50] <AndChat327600> Ok
[02:50] <AndChat327600> Thanks
[02:50] <Alias> no problem
[02:51] <jmadero1> hi all - my external hard drive just all of the sudden added a directory that "mirrors" another directory - I have "MOVIES" and "Movies" - both have same content but it's not duplicated (i.e. not taking up twice the size). Want to remove "Movies" but afraid it's going to delete content in MOVIES...suggestion?
[02:52] <Alias> move data delete Movies and put the data back?
[02:52] <jmadero1> Alias: it's literally all the same content - but again it's not really duplicating
[02:52] <jmadero1> because it's not taking up 2x the space
[02:52] <jmadero1> it's as if Movies is pointing to MOVIES
[02:52] <jmadero1> but it's not a symlink....
[02:53] <coalie_koo_koo> hi all. i have an SSD (for OSes) and an HDD (for storage, or non-performance critical stuff) on my computer. i have windows already installed (on the SSD). i am installing ubuntu now, and making space for it manually
[02:53] <raschy> So I've got an interesting problem. Using the proprietary nvidia drivers makes my touchpad not work. It's still able to click but cannot move the cursor.
[02:53] <coalie_koo_koo> what should i select for mount point?
[02:53] <Alias> thats why im saying move the data off the device and delete the data then add the data back
[02:53] <jmadero1> coalie_koo_koo: the root mount point is always /
[02:53] <jmadero1> Alias: I don't have that kind of space available anywhere else :-/
[02:54] <jmadero1> Alias: more fun news is that with terminal "Movies" does not show the same content
[02:54] <Alias> if its not taking up any extra space then why worry about it?
[02:54] <coalie_koo_koo> jmadero1: awesome, okay. should i just choose that for installation, and later swap certain folders over to the HDD?
[02:54] <OerHeks> jmadero1, remove that symlink fist? sounds simple
[02:54] <jmadero1> it's not a symlink
[02:54] <jmadero1> it's really crazy - this folder just appeared
[02:54] <daftykins> jmadero1: auto mount? remove it and mount manually
[02:54] <jmadero1> coalie_koo_koo: I have a different way of doing things...
[02:54] <coalie_koo_koo> jmadero1: oh
[02:55] <jmadero1> coalie_koo_koo: if you're doing it "right" you should separate home from root
[02:55] <Alias> jmadero1: have you tried removing the device and reconnecting it to see if the file disappears
[02:55] <jmadero1> daftykins: tried
[02:55] <jmadero1> Alias: yeah :-/
[02:55] <Hun9ryH1ppo> Hello
[02:55] <Hun9ryH1ppo> Does anyone know how to disable services that are messing with monitor mode?
[02:56] <Hun9ryH1ppo> Or just kill those processes
[02:56] <Hun9ryH1ppo> for a certain amount of time
[02:56] <Alias> jmadero1: I actually stumped as to what could be causing that
[02:56] <jmadero1> coalie_koo_koo: my suggestion (and others might disagree), is to create three partitions, 1 for root (20 gigs or so unless you're doing crazy stuff like building that requires a ton of libraries), 1 for home (25 gigs unless it's being used as main storage) and 1 for swap
[02:56] <jmadero1> Alias: same, been using Linux for 10+ years, this is making me laugh
[02:57] <jmadero1> Alias: the weirdest thing is the terminal output - through nemo I see a mirror "copy" of the other directory, terminal shows just one file in the "Movies" folder
[02:57] <Alias> im on and off on linux so im having to constantly remember stuff
[02:57] <Alias> jmader01: Could it be possible that nemo may be messed up?
[02:58] <jmadero1> coalie_koo_koo:
[02:58] <loadedanvils> I'm having a bit of trouble decrypting my ecryptfs home partition and mounting it
[02:58] <jmadero1> coalie_koo_koo: look at "manual partition" but I'd add another partition for home folder that is separate from root
[02:58] <hkrrsx> Hun9ryH1ppo, which services are messing with monitor mode ?
[02:58] <jmadero1> ...and what does "messing with" mean?
[02:58] <jmadero1> Hun9ryH1ppo: the better the info you provide, the better advise you will receive
[02:59] <loadedanvils> currently I have an encrypted home partition with ecryptfs (with the recorded passphrase)
[02:59] <loadedanvils> but I don't know how to put it in plac
[03:00] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: well if you're booted into Linux ... then you have to have a home folder "in place" already...
[03:00] <Alias> jmadero1: have you tried the device on a different computer?
[03:00] <jmadero1> Alias: it's a networked hard drive, the RPi shows the same as the mounts on other systems
[03:00] <jmadero1> mounted via NFS and Samba (on different machines)
[03:00] <jmadero1> consistent across all of them
[03:00] <Hun9ryH1ppo> hkrrsx: The following services are tampering with monitor mode on my USB Wireless adapter:
[03:00] <Hun9ryH1ppo> 720 NetworkManager
[03:00] <Hun9ryH1ppo> 750 avahi-daemon
[03:00] <Hun9ryH1ppo> 751 avahi-daemon
[03:00] <Hun9ryH1ppo> 796 wpa_supplicant
[03:00] <Hun9ryH1ppo> 5223 dhclient
[03:00] <Hun9ryH1ppo> 5314 dhclient
[03:01] <Alias> makes me wonder then if nemo isnt malfunctioned
[03:01] <loadedanvils> jmadero1, I mean my old home partition
[03:01] <SchrodingersScat> !pastbin | Hun9ryH1ppo
[03:01] <jmadero1> ah now that makes sense
[03:01] <loadedanvils> I mean, my old home directory
[03:01] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: so you just want to mount it
[03:01] <loadedanvils> yeah, but it's encrypted
[03:01] <jmadero1> sure one minute
[03:01] <loadedanvils> I can run the command to mount it to /tmp/suchandsuch
[03:02] <loadedanvils> but I can't put it on home
[03:02] <loadedanvils> don't know how
[03:02] <jmadero1> oh - you want to replace your current home with this encrypted home?
[03:02] <hkrrsx> Hun9ryH1ppo, dhclient is your DHCP client, how your machine gets an IP address
[03:02] <Hun9ryH1ppo> I'm sorry! I didn't mean to paste that much. Woops.
[03:02] <hkrrsx> Are you sure you want to disable such a service?
[03:02] <hkrrsx> Or even temporarily pause it
[03:02] <SchrodingersScat> !pastebin | Hun9ryH1ppo, and you could be looking for kill, if the process is a service you can try sudo service servicename stop
[03:03] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: probably easier to just mount the home folder somewhere and then copy/paste what you want to your current one
[03:03] <Hun9ryH1ppo> Gotcha. Sorry about that.
[03:03] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: vs. completely replacing your current home with this encrypted one
[03:03] <loadedanvils> it's on a different partition
[03:03] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: you can copy/paste across partitions....
[03:03] <loadedanvils> the encrypted home is like 200 GB
[03:04] <loadedanvils> and the root mounted partition where ubuntu is installed is 40 GB
[03:04] <Hun9ryH1ppo> hkrrsx: I'm going to PM you
[03:04] <hkrrsx> Ok
[03:04] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: okay so you have a 200+ gig encrypted partition....and then you have a 40 gig new home folder, and you want to basically replace the 40 gig with the 200 gig?
[03:04] <loadedanvils> yeah
[03:05] <khawar> hi new here
[03:05] <loadedanvils> well, the new one is on the same as root
[03:05] <loadedanvils> so, OS was installed on the 40 gb partition and I mounted /home separately
[03:05] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: okay someone else will have to help with the encryption stuff but you're going to have to add an entry in fstab to point your home partition to the 200 gig partition
[03:05] <Alias> Hello khawar
[03:06] <khawar> hi Alias
[03:06] <loadedanvils> jmadero1, I can decrypt it but it puts it in /tmp
[03:06] <loadedanvils> mounts it in /tmp
[03:06] <khawar> how are you, i am using IRC fist time so if i am doning somthing wrong plz don't mind
[03:07] <SchrodingersScat> !encrypted | loadedanvils read through this yet?
[03:07] <jmadero1> SchrodingersScat: his issue is that he already has home mounted but wants to replace it
[03:07] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: the entire partition is encrypted or just a folder on the partition?
[03:08] <sere> how can i change the sync location from internal to extern SD on a lg g3
[03:08] <sere> music
[03:08] <OerHeks> sere, how is this related to ubuntu ?
[03:08] <jmadero1> I had the same question
[03:08] <jmadero1> ;)
[03:08] <jmadero1> and what kind of request was that...literally no info
[03:10] <loadedanvils> jmadero1, the entire partition
[03:10] <sere> OerHeks: well considering ubuntu or banshee or rhythmbox doesnt have options to switch to sd it relates alot
[03:10] <loadedanvils> I think. /home was mounted there
[03:10] <loadedanvils> and only /home, so I just want to decrypt, mount, and re-encrypt
[03:11] <loadedanvils> I don't want to move the data out of that partition
[03:11] <OerHeks> sere, so your lg g3 phone is running ubuntu?
[03:12] * OerHeks misses something here
[03:14] <daftykins> i think it's more about ubuntu media players throwing music on the phone in the given paths
[03:14] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: from a cursory inspection you're going to have to decrypt the drive, move the data to an uncrypted location, then reencrypt once you set it as mount point /home
[03:14] <jmadero1> but I don't know if that's correct - just quickly looking through how tos
[03:14] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: can you automount the partition to a location now upon boot?
[03:15] <phix> hey, what's the command to make unity work correctly?
[03:16] <phix> I am trying to click on a window however it is not switching the keyboard focus so when I type it ends up in a different window
[03:16] <jmadero1> loadedanvils: maybe you can modify that to make it mount to /home ?
[03:18] <botamochi> Hello
[03:21] <jmadero1> botamochi: hi - you can just ask your question
[03:21] <phix> hi botamochi
[03:21] <phix> botamochi: although even if you ask a question you will probably be igonred, like myself for example
[03:22] <jmadero1> phix: that's entirely not useful - go somewhere else if that's your approach to the open source community
[03:22] <Alias> phix: what was your question i will try to help
[03:22] <phix> Although if you go out of topic scope they will jump on you straight away
[03:22] <jmadero1> Alias: you're nicer than I am, I'd let him just whine himself out of the community
[03:22] <phix> jmadero1: That's not the way to operate buddy
[03:23] <Alias> i like to help but i dont want to see people be rude this is a fairly busy channel
[03:23] <jmadero1> sure phix if you're new to the community - in IRC, ask your question...then wait awhile, then ask again
[03:23] <phix> Alias: true
[03:23] <jmadero1> different people know different things and monitor the chat at different times
[03:23] <somsip> phix: define your problem better. Why is unity not working 'properly'?
[03:24] <phix> ok I will repaste by question if you like
[03:24] <phix> somsip: I don't know, I didn't write unity
[03:24] <jmadero1> phix: and describe it properly - not just say "things aren't working"
[03:24] <jmadero1> phix: please state the question again
[03:24] <phix> jmadero1: read the line after my first line
[03:24] <somsip> phix: last chance before I ignore you - what problem are you having with it?
[03:24] <sere_> anyone know how to sync an lg g3 to an external sd in ubuntu..banshee or rhythmbox only syncs to internal and cant switch it
[03:24] <phix> = 13:16:28 < phix> I am trying to click on a window however it is not switching the keyboard focus so when I type it ends up in a different window
[03:25] <jmadero1> phix: does alt+tab work
[03:25] <somsip> phix: what window? Has the app crashed?
[03:25] <phix> jmadero1: it does now
[03:25] <phix> somsip: wine
[03:25] <jmadero1> and only wine is affected?
[03:25] <jmadero1> (these are the kinds of details that are needed for you to get help)
[03:26] <phix> jmadero1: I had a similar issue with Android Studio, on a different computer though, but running same version of ubuntu
[03:27] <phix> jmadero1: on this computer only wine is affected, clicking on it doesn't change keyboard focus however ALT+TAB does
[03:27] <jmadero1> phix: okay and any software in wine - or only particular software?
[03:27] <OerHeks> phix, so focus issue in wine?
[03:28] <phix> jmadero1: I have only experienced it with one app atm
[03:28] <phix> OerHeks: and Android Studio
[03:28] <jmadero1> phix: would be nice to test another app
[03:28] <jmadero1> to narrow the issue down
[03:28] <phix> ok, I will bring up another app and see if I am replicate it
[03:29] <jmadero1> phix: sound familiar
[03:30] <phix> jmadero1: it does it in Android Studio too, I double click on a file in the project explorer and it open the file in the right hand side editor. I then try to click on the editor but it doesn't move the keyboard focus accross
[03:31] <jmadero1> phix: very well could be a bug....
[03:31] <phix> jmadero1: How does one troubleshoot this or even report it>? as I am using android studio on another computer and it works correctly
[03:31] <jmadero1> phix: using wine?
[03:31] <phix> jmadero1: the issue is also intermittent, but once it starts I need to restart android studio
[03:32] <OerHeks> maybe clicking 2 times for foxus on the window, then for pressing the editor?
[03:32] <phix> jmadero1: no, android studuio
[03:32] <jmadero1> phix: well to report the issue, maybe you'd report against wine
[03:32] <jmadero1> phix: to be perfectly honest if it's only affecting one piece of software....I doubt much time would be invested into fixing it
[03:32] <jmadero1> that's just my guess though
[03:32] <phix> OerHeks: I have tried multiple clicks :) highlighting works but as soon as I type the focus goes into the project explorer windows instead of the editor window
[03:33] <phix> jmadero1: I have an entry for android studio in my .local something or other (where ever the launchers are kept). Would it have anything to do with that? or duplicate launchers with the same name or id or whatnot?
[03:34] <jmadero1> phix: sounds unlikely to me but I don't know as I don't use android studio
[03:34] <Hun9ryH1ppo> So, the new Ubuntu mobile phone doesn't act as a desktop/ hook up to a monitor as the early plans once said?
[03:34] <jmadero1> phix: another thing you can try (possibly) is to test with another DE - just to narrow it down
[03:34] <phix> the Ubuntu phone is 2 years behind schedule, last time I looked
[03:34] <jmadero1> phix: it's been released I believe
[03:35] <phix> jmadero1: 2 years later :)
[03:35] <jmadero1> lol sure
[03:35] <phix> I might pick one up in the UK.
[03:35] <phix> They don't ship to AU yet right?
[03:36] <jmadero1> dunno, I live in the uS
[03:36] <phix> hmmm, I could get it in the US too I suppose, any new versions planned on being released this year?
[03:37] * jmadero1 has no clue, is happy with Android no plans on changing
[03:37] * phix also <3's android but is very dedicated to ubuntu
[03:40] <phix> Is there another channel for ubuntu phone? or do I ask stuff about it in here??
[03:41] <cfhowlett> !phone | phix
[03:49] <phix> thnx
[03:50] <robynata> :-D
[03:56] <balaji_> hello
[03:56] <balaji_> i need a real help about my laptop ...... can any one help me ???? please!!!
[03:56] <daftykins> hi
[03:56] <daftykins> not until you ask a question with details
[03:57] <hkrrsx> !details | balaji_
[03:58] <balaji_> respected.... i have installed ubuntu 9.10 on my pre loaded windows 8 ... but now i am not be able to access windows 8... please help me
[03:59] <wiak> boot into bios, change default boot entry to windows?
[03:59] <wiak> eer efi*
[03:59] <Ben64> balaji_: why 9.10? thats way too old
[03:59] <daftykins> balaji_: can't support that.
[04:00] <balaji_> there are no any options in uefi to change
[04:00] <daftykins> sounds like you wiped windows
[04:00] <balaji_> any other way??
[04:00] <daftykins> do you seriously mean version nine point ten?
[04:00] <Ben64> balaji_: join ##windows and ask them about fixing windows
[04:00] <balaji_> no ... not wiped ...!!! it still displaying the files of windows on directory
[04:00] <Ben64> we can't help you fix windows here, and we can't help you with 9.10 at all
[04:01] <wiak> you can try macrium reflect and its fix boot tool
[04:01] <balaji_> you mean ..!! there is no any other way to regain it
[04:01] <wiak>
[04:01] <daftykins> we do not help EOL releases, wiak.
[04:01] <daftykins> bad juju.
[04:01] <hkrrsx> !eol | balaji_
[04:02] <wiak> daftykins this issue is regardless of version FYI
[04:02] <daftykins> wiak: you're missing the point.
[04:03] <wiak> points are meant to be broken :P
[04:03] <balaji_> ohhh!!!
[04:03] <daftykins> you're being an idiot
[04:03] <daftykins> that phrase also refers to 'rules'
[04:03] <balaji_> so there is no any other way to make it solved in offline
[04:04] <daftykins> balaji_: your issue relates to Windows so please take it to ##windows
[04:04] <daftykins> or boot/install a supported ubuntu release.
[04:04] <daftykins> one from 6 years ago is most definitely not a good start
[04:05] <balaji_> okkk!!!!! :( thank you for the help.....
[04:24] <balaji_> hi isaac ..... are you ther
[04:24] <balaji_> e
[04:25] <daftykins> i think you might be a tad confused :)
[04:41] <ablest1980> anyone know why my webpages go dim and lock up in firefox?
[04:43] <khyree_> Yeah, my HDD is slow when I load them LLOONNGG webpages or I load a high resolution picture.
[04:44] <ablest1980> the screen dims
[04:44] <ablest1980> just the browser screen
[04:44] <ianorlin> not the launcher?
[04:45] <ablest1980> no
[04:45] <ablest1980> its a java website
[04:45] <ianorlin> ah I don't do much with java so I don't really know how to help you
[04:46] <ablest1980> ok np ty anyway
[04:46] <khyree_> Oh.... wow.
[04:48] <balaji_> i need help guys....??
[04:48] <balaji_> respected.... i have installed ubuntu 9.10 on my pre loaded windows 8 ... but now i am not be able to access windows 8... please help me
[04:49] <mbuf> how do I stop and disable the accountsservice? it is causing 100% CPU time
[04:50] <hkrrsx> mbuf, please see this:
[04:51] <xangua> balaji_: doubt you installed ubuntu 9.10 on a computer with UEFI, I presume, also ubuntu 9.10 unsupported since 2011
[04:53] <mbuf> hkrrsx, I don't have any online accounts at all
[04:54] <SuperRoach> Hello, I have a device (a lightpack, tv led lights) that I would like to use without needing root (usb write permissions). What should I look at to help fix it?
[04:54] <hkrrsx> mbuf, how do you know that accounts services is spiking your CPU?
[04:54] <hkrrsx> Especially if you have no configured accounts
[04:55] <mbuf> hkrrsx, top tells me thah
[04:55] <mbuf> *that
[04:56] <hkrrsx> mbuf, can you kill that PID from top ?
[04:56] <markolo25> hello
[04:56] <markolo25> i have a hard drive formatted exfat @ sdb
[04:56] <markolo25> not in sdb1
[04:56] <markolo25> i can't access it in windows
[04:56] <markolo25> but i can access it fine on linux
[04:56] <somsip> !enter | markolo25
[04:56] <mbuf> hkrrsx, will do
[04:57] <markolo25> !enter
[04:57] <markolo25> anyone here?
[04:58] <somsip> markolo25: you asking about windows not working, but you're in the ubuntu support channel. What are you needing?
[04:58] <markolo25> it was a drive formatted in ubuntu
[04:58] <somsip> markolo25: and it works in ubuntu?
[04:58] <markolo25> yea
[04:58] <markolo25> exfat
[04:59] <markolo25> i wanted the drive as a way to share files between
[04:59] <somsip> markolo25: seems like a windows issue
[04:59] <markolo25> oh ok
[04:59] <markolo25> i thought it might have something to do with the filesystem being in sdb
[04:59] <markolo25> is there a way to bring it from sdb into sdb1
[05:00] <somsip> markolo25: if it works in ubuntu, you've probably partitioned it correctly
[05:01] <markolo25> it's actually a non partitioned device
[05:01] <markolo25> the file system is spanning the entire hard drive without a partition table
[05:09] <svetlana> i click 'browse network' and get a 'address not supported' error
[05:10] <hkrrsx> !elaborate | svetlana
[05:11] <svetlana> i mean in file manager
[05:12] <avis> does anyone know how do i get nicotine plus to work with upnp ?
[05:13] <avis> is upnp broken across the board for linux ?
[05:23] <mehdi> hey guys, i use ubuntu 14.04 and there is no preferences in Gedit what should i do?
[05:24] <doke> I am having a problem with Xorg and would really love some help, here is all I know
[05:24] <hkrrsx> mehdi, in my Gedit, to the left of the minimize button is another button that looks like 3 lines and then a Save button
[05:24] <xangua> Hold ALt and you will see the menu mehdi
[05:24] <hkrrsx> Do you also have that?
[05:26] <mehdi> hkrrsx, i use alt and then type preferences
[05:26] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all
[05:27] <hkrrsx> mehdi, ok
[05:27] <mehdi> i was really wondered what that alt is for
[05:37] <bagginsDK> Hello! My Battery on laptop is not charged even though it seems to be empty. If i remove the AC adapter it lasts for 10 minutes and without any warning it shutdown unexpectedly. Ia any work around this?
[05:37] <Fidelio> test
[05:38] <somsip> !test | Fidelio
[05:41] <lotuspsychje> bagginsDK: that would be more a question for ##hardware
[05:42] <hkrrsx> Bedtime
[05:44] <bagginsDK> lotuspsychje, i thought it might be more software problem than hardware, because in Xubuntu with 3.13 Kernel everything were working fine. Now with Ubuntu 3.16 it is behaving like this.
[05:45] <lotuspsychje> bagginsDK: oh, wich ubuntu version are you,?
[05:50] <TrFaSu> has anyone tried installing zmap using apt-get install?? plzz tell
[05:50] <TrFaSu> ?
[05:50] <TrFaSu> ?
[05:51] <OerHeks> TrFaSu, what is your real question then?
[05:51] <lotuspsychje> !info zmap | TrFaSu
[05:51] <bagginsDK> lotuspsychje, ubuntu 14.04
[05:51] <OerHeks> nmap is more conveniant
[05:52] <TrFaSu> OerHeks: i 've to use it for my project
[05:52] <TrFaSu> OerHeks: and i m using a debian based distro.
[05:53] <OerHeks> TrFaSu, so?
[05:54] <TrFaSu> OerHeks: so i m getting problems in installing it from source code. i mean after proper installing JSON-C . can u help ?
[05:58] <OerHeks> TrFaSu, funny, first yhou ask about installing with apt-get, now you want to build it, and our repos have the same 1.2.1 version
[05:59] <TrFaSu> when i try apt-get install zmap , it says not found but i try apt-cache search , it shows masscan
[06:01] <OerHeks> TrFaSu, are you sure you are running ubuntu? not some other debian based something?
[06:01] <TrFaSu> I am running Kali Linux
[06:02] <OerHeks> TrFaSu, ah, kali is not supported here,
[06:02] <OerHeks> !kali
[06:02] <OerHeks> no wonder you cannot find zmap.
[06:02] <Kloz> Haha
[06:03] <Kloz> I was gonna suggest adding repos but your right Ubuntu only
[06:03] <TrFaSu> so i decided to build it
[06:03] <Kloz> Trfasu you need Ubuntu fresh install
[06:04] <TrFaSu> KLOZ: now i have to install a fresh ubuntu! errrr! :-(
[06:05] <Kloz> Sorry trfasu but it is the Ubuntu channel
[06:05] <TrFaSu> KLOZ: ya! :-(
[06:05] <Kloz> There is a kali channel tho they could help
[06:06] <TrFaSu> nobody is there...
[06:06] <Kloz> Try the Linux Channel
[06:07] <OerHeks> i read you need plex for that zmap thing to build, lolz, that is not even in our repositories.
[06:08] <Kloz> Maybe ppa for plex but idk of kali does ppa
[06:09] <TrFaSu> OerHeks: there is .deb package of zmap but is only for sid
[06:09] <OerHeks> TrFaSu, i am not going to help.
[06:10] <Kloz> Sorry yeah trfasu
[06:10] <TrFaSu> OerHeks: no prob :-) atleast thanks Kloz: thanx for giving your precious time .
[06:11] <Kloz> Try general Linux channel trfasu
[06:11] <TrFaSu> Kloz: i m trying , it says can't send to ##linux
[06:13] <Ben64> TrFaSu: you may need to register on freenode
[06:13] <Kloz> Just joined it I don't see the problem trfasu
[06:15] <Kloz> Try the debian channel too trfasu
[06:16] <TrFaSu> Kloz: yeah! thanxx going there ;_P
[06:16] <djonvejn> msgctl:
[06:17] <Kloz> Oerheks what Ubuntu version are you on
[06:18] <OerHeks> 14.04 and 14.10
[06:19] <djonvejn> trying to run anoise app on kubuntu 14.10
[06:19] <djonvejn> in terminal i get Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/anoise/", line 20, in <module> from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject, Gst ImportError: cannot import name Gst
[06:19] <nay-k_> anybody know how to adjust ubuntu unity control size
[06:19] <djonvejn>
[06:20] <nay-k_> i found mac have samller size than ubuntu,that let me have larger workspace
[06:21] <OerHeks> nay-k_, systemsettings > appearance, first page: launcher icon size (bottom)
[06:22] <OerHeks> nay-k_, else take a look at unity-tweak-tool, lots of settings to explore
[06:23] <nay-k_> yeah,i tried that,dosen't work
[06:23] <xangua> nay-k_: if you are refering to retina display, using latest ubuntu might help
[06:24] <Kloz> Djonvejn how did you install it? Like it says on the website?
[06:24] <nay-k_> no,both 1920*1080 resolution diaplay
[06:25] <nay-k_> i take screenshot,and diff in gimp
[06:25] <djonvejn> yes Kloz , and after it didnt work, then i installed gui, as indicated
[06:25] <djonvejn> and when i start it from launcher, it just loads for some time in taskbar, then stops, and if i start it from terminal, it gives taht error
[06:26] <Kloz> What version kubuntu are you on djonvejn
[06:26] <djonvejn> 14.10
[06:27] <djonvejn> im not expert, but i know a bit how to move aorund ubuntu and similar, im looking at muon package manager, it has gst packages installed, i think
[06:28] <djonvejn> googling
[06:28] <Kloz> Did you apply oxygen-gtk djonvejn
[06:30] <djonvejn> Kloz: is that kubuntu desktop theme?
[06:30] <Kloz> Gtk isn't playing nice with plasma
[06:30] <Kloz> You have newer KDE so plasma is used, old one was oxygen
[06:31] <sireebob> without whitelisting open ports, does anyone know how to prevent a computer from sending "port closed" packets (whatever they are) to a remote computer? maybe something in the iptables output chain to block those messages?
[06:32] <Kloz> Try installing oxygen theme djonvejn
[06:32] <djonvejn> Kloz: i really like plasma and kubuntu, unity made me quit linux some years ago, and now im back, and kubuntu is ncie
[06:33] <djonvejn> gonna try, was changing themes
[06:33] <djonvejn> tnx Kloz
[06:34] <djonvejn> do i need to restart to make it go in full effect
[06:34] <Kloz> Did you install plasma?
[06:35] <Kloz> Here's the command
[06:35] <Kloz> sudo apt-get install plasma-theme-oxygen oxygen-molecule \ gtk2-engines-oxygen gtk3-engines-oxygen
[06:36] <djonvejn> i had oxygen in my theme list, but in package manager i just noticed i dont have molecule part
[06:37] <bojan> I have a LVm partition mounted on /mnt and have 8 to 10 directories in that.That directories are having N number of files.I have applied ACL permission for all the folders and files.BUt i dont know how to restrict users not to create any directories and also not deleting any directories
[06:38] <Kloz> When you restart go to system settings under appearance then application style get the gtk make sure it's set djonvejn
[06:38] <bojan> How to restrict users not to create any directories without my permission and also not removing any directories without my permission
[06:39] <Kloz> You might need to fiddle with settings, oxygen and gtk2 and gtk3 djonvejn
[06:39] <Ben64> bojan: don't even need acl for that, just make yourself the owner and set the permissions to something like 755
[06:40] <djonvejn> Kloz: i will go rambo style, console destkop only :p
[06:40] <djonvejn> moment
[06:40] <bojan> Ben64:No,i have applied acl for the directories and files inside that depends on the user previliges
[06:41] <bojan> Ben64:All the main directories in /mnt are having root ownership
[06:43] <SuperRoach> i've added a usb device to udev rules, but still get a permission access error when trying to access it - how could i troubleshoot it further? product and vendor string matchs up in lsusb.
[06:43] <Sramelyor3301> hey does anybody know if there is a way to install whatsapp on ubuntu?
[06:43] <bojan> Ben64:All main directories are having 770 permission
[06:43] <OerHeks> Sramelyor3301, not possible, you need a phonenumber for that.
[06:44] <Kloz> Superroach try pmount from the repos
[06:44] <Artemis3> bojan, that looks so simple to do, just don't grant others write permission i wouldn't even bother with acl :3
[06:44] <Ben64> bojan: then have fun reading this...
[06:44] <Sramelyor3301> 0ehHeks : I have a phone number
[06:45] <OerHeks> Sramelyor3301, if you find way, let us know!
[06:45] <Sramelyor3301> okay forget about whatsapp. What about bluestacks?
[06:45] <Sramelyor3301> sure :)
[06:45] <Ben64> Sramelyor3301: you can't install android apps on ubuntu
[06:46] <Kloz> Superroach pmount or usbmount from synaptic or try installing from terminal
[06:46] <bojan> BEn64:I have studied this document but there is no option for protecting directories like what i asked
[06:46] <xangua>
[06:46] <Sramelyor3301> Have u hrd of blustacks? Well I thought there would be an alternative for ubuntu
[06:46] <Ben64> bojan: there is
[06:46] <Kloz> Superroach sudo apt-get install pmount
[06:47] <Ben64> Sramelyor3301: i googled it and it came up with android
[06:47] <bojan> Artemis3:Can u say me clearly
[06:48] <Artemis3> bojan, also 770 is wrong, they won't be able to read
[06:49] <bojan> Artemis3:But i dont want users to read all the files..I only want to allow some files and directories for some users
[06:49] <Sramelyor3301> lol
[06:49] <bojan> Artemis3:But the major thing is i dont want anyone to delete any directory without my permission
[06:49] <lotuspsychje> there is telegram as whatsapp alternative
[06:49] <Artemis3> bojan, change permission for each file?
[06:49] <ianorlin> bojan: sticky bit?
[06:50] <Artemis3> bojan, directory 775 they can't delete it if its not theirs
[06:50] <somsip> bojan: add them to a new group. Make the dir owner=you (or root) and group=newgroup
[06:51] <Artemis3> bojan, the ownership matters. if owner is root and group root, the users can do nothing but read the directory
[06:52] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301:
[06:53] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: ask your friends to switch also
[06:53] <Artemis3> bojan, that needs 775. 770 the users can not read or enter the directory
[06:53] <bojan> somsip:yes by giving permission to main directories as 770 i can restrict them not to delete any folder
[06:53] <bojan> Artemis3:They can
[06:54] <Ben64> 770 = owner and group can read,write,execute. others can't do anything
[06:54] <somsip> bojan: then g+s for the directory so anything created in there can be read/write by them. You will have to create unchangeable dirs a
[06:54] <Artemis3> unless your users belong to the group, they can't do nothing
[06:55] <Artemis3> you could just make a group and have permission 750 or 755
[06:55] <bojan> Artemis3:So far the permission for main directory is 770 and the users can read and write the files and directories on the acl permission i applied for the files inside the directories
[06:55] <TrFaSu> Kloz: :-) done thanxxx for the support... exploration is super kool thing
[06:56] <damic> anyone know why the rt2800usb modual stops working after a X set of time
[06:56] <Artemis3> bojan, who is the owner of the directory?
[06:56] <Kloz> No probz trfasu
[06:56] <bojan> Artemis3:Root
[06:56] <Artemis3> bojan, and the group?
[06:56] <bojan> Artemis3:root
[06:57] <Artemis3> so they should not be able to even see the content or cd into it if they are not root:root
[06:57] <Artemis3> or user:root
[06:57] <Artemis3> i think the problem could be elsewhere
[06:58] <Artemis3> what filesystem is this bojan ?
[06:58] <bojan> Artemis3:Wat file system means??
[06:59] <bojan> Artemis3:I will tell u clearly.I have a bunch of main directories which all permissions are 770
[07:00] <Artemis3> these numbers mean: User Group Other
[07:01] <Artemis3> You giving full rights to the User (root) and Group (root) but zero to Others
[07:03] <Kloz> 1
[07:05] <Artemis3> 1 means eXecute (or browse directory) 2 means write, and 4 means read, you sum and get the number.
[07:05] <Kloz> Artemis3 that was random
[07:06] <Artemis3> oh nvm :3
[07:06] <Kloz> Currently installing your fav distro in a chroot environment
[07:07] <arun_> guys, hello, why do I get ssh terminated while I try to ssh into any ip address
[07:07] <somsip> arun_: ssh -vvv to get debug output
[07:07] <Kloz> How are you running it? What command arun
[07:08] <Kloz> Hey Artemis3 what distros do you use? Ubuntu and?
[07:10] <Artemis3> Kloz, debian
[07:10] <Kloz> Very nice! I miss #! :( artemis3
[07:13] <arun_> somsip: this is what I get after load_hostkeys
[07:13] <arun_> debug3: load_hostkeys: loaded 0 keys
[07:13] <arun_> debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
[07:13] <arun_> Terminated
[07:14] <Ben64> arun_: pastebin the whole output
[07:14] <Ben64> note - pastebin. don't paste in here
[07:16] <arun_> here it is
[07:16] <drept> Hello
[07:17] <Ben64> arun_: you're missing a couple v's
[07:17] <Sramelyor3301> guys I installed spotify on ubuntu 14.10. I removed th PPA. Forgot to purge it. Now. how do I go about and uninstall spotify?
[07:18] <somsip> arun_: info here. I dont have time to read and digest it so over to you
[07:18] <Sramelyor3301> sudo apt-get remove spotify? Will that be all. I don't want it appearing on the sound menu too
[07:18] <Ben64> arun_: what version of ubuntu are you on?
[07:18] <arun_>
[07:18] <somsip> arun_: additional
[07:19] <arun_> Ben64: saucy
[07:19] <Ben64> upgrade now
[07:19] <Ben64> you're vulnerable to heartbleed, among other things
[07:19] <drept> Sudo apt-get purge remove sramelyor
[07:20] <arun_> Ben64: ohh ok
[07:20] <Sramelyor3301> huh? no seriously man. Idk any terminal comands.
[07:21] <OerHeks> Sramelyor3301, add that ppa again, and use ppa-purge
[07:21] <OerHeks> !ppapurge
[07:22] <Sramelyor3301> okay cool :)
[07:22] <Sramelyor3301> tnx
[07:22] <drept> Sorry sramelyor I wasn't clear and read that wrong
[07:35] <arun_> Ben64: i got something... I can access a server but not mine server and my localhost
[07:36] <Ben64> arun_: i'd worry a lot more about your system having 9 months without a security update
[07:37] <arun_> Ben64: this system was inactive for many months..
[07:37] <Ben64> i don't see how that makes it ok
[07:40] <arun_> Ben64: is the package linux-firmware Open Source?
[07:40] <Ben64> i'm gonna go ahead and say "no" ... pretty sure its just a collection of firmware
[07:41] <arun_> Ben64: ohh ok
[07:49] <Sramelyor3301> hey guys I had installed spotufy from here ->
[07:49] <Sramelyor3301> ^ I don't know what the ppa is
[07:49] <Sramelyor3301> hoe do I perform ppa-purge now
[07:49] <Sramelyor3301> ?
[07:49] <Sramelyor3301> for spotify i mean
[08:05] <Sramelyor3301> hey guys I had installed spotufy from here ->
[08:05] <Sramelyor3301> ^ I don't know what the ppa is
[08:05] <Sramelyor3301> how do I perform ppa-purge now?
[08:05] <Sramelyor3301> for spotify i mean
[08:08] <nabdev> hello, my hard disk are change it to read only mode by windows system, i want to correct this by change mode to read/write mode by ubuntu live , how can i ?
[08:13] <eax1> hello, guys
[08:14] <nabdev> fdisk -l > no result, but i can see the windows partition from ubuntu live
[08:15] <eax1> how to hide ubuntu installation progress? I have it successfully automated with "d-i proseed file" and need now to hide installation progress
[08:15] <chotaz`work> whats the difference between IceTead and Oracle Java on ubuntu?
[08:18] <eax1> chotaz`work:
[08:19] <chotaz`work> eax1, was just reading through that exact same thread :P was hoping for a more dumbed down explanation, but then again, if I had the need, I'd know the difference by now.
[08:19] <eax1> :)
[08:21] <eax1> how to hide ubuntu installation progress? I have it successfully automated with "d-i proseed file" and need now to hide installation progress
[08:22] <XVampireX> Is there any support for ubuntu phone?
[08:22] <XVampireX> and hello there Z_God ;)
[08:23] <XVampireX> Don't tell me there was a netsplit
[08:24] <XVampireX> regarding ubuntu phone, is it possible to install on any phone/tablet?
[08:24] <somsip> !touch | XVampireX
[08:25] <XVampireX> дякую
[08:25] <eax1> хохолик :)
[08:25] <XVampireX> (That's thanks in ukarinian)
[08:25] <XVampireX> Yeah, khoholik
[08:26] <eax1> how to hide ubuntu installation progress? I have it successfully automated with "d-i proseed file" and need now to hide installation progress
[08:27] <grex6> i wanna extend my laptop battery life, is TLP the best option out there?
[08:31] <OerHeks> eax1, that makes no sense, hiding an automated install with preseed file?
[08:32] <eax1> OerHeks I need hide installation progress(ubuntu server), no care about method that will help to do it
[08:32] <OerHeks> eax1, turn monitor off?
[08:33] <eax1> yeah, like that, but programatically
[08:33] <eax1> from bash or from other things
[08:33] <eax1> better to show something image till reboot
[08:34] <somsip> eax1: why would there be a display if you are installing ubuntu server?
[08:35] <jesse> hi, i'm getting when i try to install a package through apt. tried clean/autoclean/autoremove/update in that order, but it still doesn't work
[08:35] <eax1> my user's nervous when they see something strange for them
[08:35] <eax1> Ubuntu Desktop can't be repacked, so I repack ubuntu server
[08:35] <somsip> eax1: you're installing server edition on a user's machine?
[08:35] <somsip> eax1: ah, ok
[08:35] <eax1> yes
[08:35] <eax1> custom distro
[08:36] <OerHeks> eax1, xset dpms force off # this would turn monitor off, and your user will notice :-D
[08:36] <OerHeks> still the most funny request today
[08:37] <eax1> and does it will turn on after reboot?
[08:37] <eax1> stop
[08:37] <eax1> xset can't work for console, isn't it?
[08:37] <eax1> ubuntu server installation it is terminal application, X does not work
[08:38] <OerHeks> set at the end of your preseed file: xset dpms force on
[08:39] <Sramelyor3301> guys I want to purge my spotify ppa
[08:39] <eax1> xset - it is utility for X Windows
[08:39] <Sramelyor3301> pls help
[08:39] <eax1> it will not work in installation case
[08:39] <Sramelyor3301> Sramelyor3301> hey guys I had installed spotufy from here ->
^ I don't know what the ppa is
how do I perform ppa-purge now?
for spotify i mean
[08:40] <OerHeks> Sramelyor3301, see the part: how to install > deb stable non-free
[08:41] <eax1> OerHeks: is any way to switch console when installation go on, so that can't switch back?
[08:43] <Sramelyor3301> 0erHeks done but the stpotify option is still not going from my sound detting
[08:43] <OerHeks> eax1, no idea if or how
[08:43] <Sramelyor3301> sorry sound menu
[08:44] <OerHeks> Sramelyor3301, maybe logout/login to let the changes take effect?
[08:44] <EriC^^> eax1, there's change chvt to switch a tty..
[08:44] <Sramelyor3301> sure. jam
[08:44] <eax1> EriC^^: i tryed that, but installer switch tty back )
[09:02] <Sramelyor3301> thnx now spotify has gone :)
[09:06] <m14ed> Nick: comodo_dragon
[09:06] <m14ed> Username: ~comodo@unaffiliated/ethicalhacker
[09:06] <m14ed> Real n
[09:06] <m14ed> (09:03:44 AM) comodo_dragon: fookin shite motherfuckers
[09:06] <Tin_man> yes
[09:06] <m14ed> maybe there is an admin on here that will give him a bounce
[09:07] <comodo_dragon> i havcent said that in ubuntu, gtfo
[09:07] <m14ed> Drone
[09:07] <OerHeks> m14ed, please join #ubuntu-ops to sort it out
[09:07] <m14ed> i just echo what you're posting in there
[09:07] <m14ed> ty
[09:33] <qwerty> hello
[09:34] <Guest3744> g
[09:34] <mauro__> hello! I have a microSD Card plugged with a microSD-USB converter. It had 16GB of capacity and i have used it with many partitions. Suddenly, when i insert it into the host again, no partitions are recognized.
[09:34] <mauro__> Gparted shows me only 8MiB of unallocated space, and everything else is "hidden"
[09:35] <mauro__> how can i format again all the sd card?
[09:36] <ArcherGodson> mauro__: in gparted unchech hidden on each partition
[09:36] <ArcherGodson> uncheck
[09:36] <cluelessperson> Hey guys, I'm having issues with ubuntu resolving DNS
[09:37] <cluelessperson> google's dns seems to be iffy
[09:37] <cluelessperson> and static ips apparenly make my defaults not work
[09:40] <mauro__> ArcherGodson: Gparted doesn't show me any of the partitions i had on the SD/card, just one of 8Mib as Unallocated.
[09:45] <cluelessperson> how many dns nameservers can you list in ubuntu network interfaces?
[09:51] <OerHeks> cluelessperson many, ubuntu takes the following dns if the 1st dns is unavailable. 2 dns servers are normal, i never needed more.
[09:52] <landau> hello i have a problem with hover click on ubuntu 12.04.. I need it because tendinitis on my arms, and until yesterday it worked very good. Bot I don't know from yesterday it stopped working and if I try to switch it off from the Accessibility panel, ubuntu log out automatically...can you help me?
[09:52] <jpds> cluelessperson: The max is 3 anyway, it's a hardcoded limit in glibc.
[09:53] <researcher1> how can chrome be updated?
[09:54] <OerHeks> researcher1, via regular updates
[09:54] <researcher1> OerHeks: ok
[09:54] <cluelessperson> researcher1, sudo apt-get update chrome ?
[09:55] <researcher1> but how can java be enabled in chrome browser?
[09:55] <jpds> cluelessperson: upgrade*
[09:56] <researcher1> when I ran sudo apt-get update chrome I got this message " the update command takes no argument"
[09:57] <helmeppo> Why does my UEFI look like BIOS? You know, blue and white colors, simple menu. I thought UEFI is always graphical UI with mouse and bling-bling.
[09:57] <jpds> researcher1: Yeah, it's upgrade.
[09:57] <jpds> researcher1: And 'chrome' probably isn't the package name.
[09:57] <jpds> researcher1: I have 'google-chrome-stable'.
[09:57] <bazhang> !info chromium-browser
[09:58] <landau> hello i have a problem with hover click on ubuntu 12.04.. I need it because tendinitis on my arms, and until yesterday it worked very good. Bot I don't know from yesterday it stopped working and if I try to switch it off from the Accessibility panel, ubuntu log out automatically...can you help me?
[09:59] <Voyage> my internet just stops working occasionally. sometimes 1 hour after reboot. sometimes after 8 or so. what can be wrong? how to fix it? 2 - does ubuntu gives paid support on fixing such things where I dont have to do anything my self?
[09:59] <cfhowlett> landau, hi. I don't have the answer, but I do see your question.
[09:59] <jpds> Voyage: Surely you should be talking to your ISP instead?
[09:59] <cyberbrai> I have window 8 and currently i install the ubuntu 14.04 lts but while restart i am unable to open th elinux because it's directly start the win 8
[10:00] <landau> hello, my autoclick doesn't work anymore
[10:00] <cyberbrai> plz someone have idea how can i solve this problem
[10:00] <researcher1> jpds: how to get chrome-stable?
[10:01] <jpds> researcher1: How did you install chrome?
[10:01] <researcher1> jpds: sudo apt-get install chrome
[10:01] <ConsoleFx> researcher1,
[10:02] <Voyage> jpds, NO, every connection stops working. its about ubuntu. no isp. when I reboot, all goes well again.
[10:02] <jpds> Voyage: Right, but you probably have something misconfigured somewhere.
[10:02] <Voyage> jpds, ok. how to reconfigur all again
[10:03] <jpds> Voyage: Do some basic debugging.
[10:03] <Voyage> like?
[10:04] <jpds> Voyage: Can you ping the gateway when the network goes down?
[10:04] <jpds> Voyage: Can you ping your DNS servers?
[10:04] <Voyage> yes. ping done work
[10:04] <researcher1> is there a latest java plugin in .deb form?
[10:04] <jpds> !java | researcher1
[10:04] <researcher1> jpds: thanks
[10:05] <jpds> Voyage: Can you using 'mtr' to see where the path breaks?
[10:05] <jpds> you use*
[10:08] <digitsm> Hello
[10:08] <digitsm> I want to install ubuntu on btrfs partitions
[10:09] <Voyage> jpds, mtr?
[10:09] <cfhowlett> !btrfs | digitsm
[10:09] <digitsm> I like both my / and /home be on btrfs
[10:09] <digitsm> cfhowlett, Really?
[10:09] <digitsm> But I used btrfs on 2 of my computers in ubuntu, no problem at all
[10:09] <jpds> Voyage: It's a command.
[10:10] <jpds> Voyage: mtr -n
[10:10] <digitsm> cfhowlett, It also has snapshot feature which I use to make sure my system never fails
[10:11] <cfhowlett> digitsm, I didn't ask why, so no need to explain to me. Your system, your choice. as btrfs is "experimental", you break it, you fix it.
[10:12] <digitsm> cfhowlett, If it was ext4 and I accidentally break /, I should fix it myself too :)
[10:12] <Voyage> jpds, thanks
[10:12] <Ullarah> What about ZFS?
[10:13] <digitsm> cfhowlett, I only have 1 question: Is it possible to install / and /home on different partitions? or they should be on different subvolumes of a single BTRFS partition?
[10:13] <digitsm> Thanks
[10:13] <bekks> Ullarah: ?
[10:14] <cfhowlett> digitsm, never used it, but I can't see why you wouldn't be able to do so. Perhaps consult the wiki?
[10:14] <Ullarah> !zfs
[10:15] <Ullarah> Is ZFS use okay?
[10:15] <bekks> Ullarah: Using it for what?
[10:15] <arxady> join/ yanimoteam
[10:16] <Dumle29> Hmm, is it know that Intel HD graphics GMA 5700, is so bad that i cannot propperly scroll on webpages?
[10:16] <Ullarah> Using ZFS instead of BTRFS or EXT3/4.
[10:16] <Ullarah> Considering BTRFS is 'experimental'
[10:16] <bekks> Ullarah: Consider ZFS on Linux not being supported in here at all.
[10:16] <Dumle29> It's an i3-380M CPU with GMA 5700 built in graphics, but it ran 'ok' under windows.
[10:17] <Ullarah> bekks, no where does it say that ZFS cannot be used, or is not supported.
[10:17] <bekks> Ullarah: ZFS is not in the Ubuntu repos, so it isnt supported in here.
[10:20] <bazhang> !info zfs-fuse
[10:20] <bazhang> Ullarah
[10:22] <bekks> zfs-fuse is a big file of no-no-no. :)
[10:23] <bazhang> it is in the repos, though
[10:23] <bazhang> as for using zfs with ubuntu, thats wubi territory
[10:24] <gie> a
[10:24] <gie> sorry wrong chat
[10:24] <Angel2006> hi all
[10:25] <Angel2006> the support is also for ubuntu touch? i'm in truble with my nexus 4..
[10:25] <gie> hi
[10:27] <bazhang> !touch| Angel2006
[10:27] <bazhang> Angel2006, as for that nexus, try an android channel
[10:27] <Angel2006> okok thank you :)
[10:27] <bazhang> !alis | Angel2006 search for the android
[10:28] <Angel2006> i have to join #ubuntu-touch and ask there right?
[10:29] <Angel2006> @bazhang
[10:31] <cyberbrai> Need help
[10:32] <bekks> !ask | cyberbrai
[10:32] <cyberbrai> currently i install the ubuntu 14.04 lts along with window 8.1
[10:33] <cyberbrai> but when i start the my laptop it's not give me the option for start ubuntu why
[10:33] <cyberbrai> that's my question
[10:33] <kubast2> Hey ,is there some sort of keyboard shortcut ctrl_l+alt_l during installation of ubuntu server?
[10:33] <kubast2> I've suspected that instaltion stops when I do that
[10:34] <kubast2> [virt-manager /vm]
[10:34] <cyberbrai> dual boot with ubuntu 14.04 lts and window 8.1
[10:34] <natas> cyberbrai: what kind of laptop?
[10:34] <cyberbrai> Hp
[10:34] <bekks> cyberbrai: You installed Windows after Ubuntu, did you?
[10:35] <grex6> fixing boot menu is a bitch in win 8.1
[10:35] <cyberbrai> window is pre install then i install the ubuntu 14.04lts
[10:35] <gie> cyberai : maybe you need stop fast boot
[10:36] <kubast2> hm
[10:36] <kubast2> what about easybcd
[10:36] <natas> cyberbrai: stop fast boot, secure boot... u installed the right 32/64 bits?
[10:36] <cyberbrai> natas 64 bits
[10:36] <Guest13402> test
[10:37] <cyberbrai> natas i disabled the secure boot
[10:37] <Guest13402> test
[10:37] <LtRipley> hi
[10:38] <cyberbrai> natas any help!
[10:38] <natas> cyberbrai: u know how to config ur bios?
[10:38] <cyberbrai> natas yes
[10:39] <cyberbrai> natas now what to do
[10:39] <natas> did u install ubuntu on same partition or seperate?
[10:39] <natas> as win..
[10:39] <cyberbrai> natas same partition
[10:39] <cyberbrai> natas alongside with win
[10:40] <natas> Cyberbrai: is fastboot disabled?
[10:40] <cyberbrai> natas in my bios there is no fast boot option
[10:41] <kubast2>
[10:42] <ramsRambo> Hi! Need help with the shutdown (14.04 desktop) problem
[10:42] <bekks> "the" shutdown problem?
[10:43] <ramsRambo> bekks, when I press shutdown from the menu option I cannot cancel
[10:43] <LtRipley> before my upgrade I used to have three input languges (german, english and chinese), now it switches spontanously between english and chinese and I cannot find the settings where I add or remove a language or the keys for switch a language (because the upgrade also removed mate)
[10:43] <ramsRambo> bekks, even if I press the cancel button it continues to shutdown
[10:43] <ramsRambo> bekks, same problem with the restart
[10:44] <ramsRambo> bekks, I hv gnome instead of the std interface
[10:44] <bekks> hv std?
[10:44] <kubast2> have
[10:44] <LtRipley> any help appriciated. how to remove the chinese langguagge setting
[10:44] <kubast2> standard interface
[10:44] <LtRipley> sorry
[10:44] <ramsRambo> bekks, I think it is the unity interface instead of gnome
[10:44] <bekks> r y mssng sm kys n yr kybrd? :)
[10:45] <bekks> Why cant you cancel shutdown - isnt there a button, is it disabled, etc.?
[10:45] <ramsRambo> bekks, nope they are all intact
[10:45] <landau> hello when I try to disable the hover click in ubuntu 12.04 the session end automatically! can you help me fix this problem?
[10:46] <ramsRambo> bekks, the btn is visible and when I press cancel it continues to shutdown
[10:47] <landau> hello when I try to disable the hover click in ubuntu 12.04 the session end automatically! can you help me fix this problem?
[10:48] <LtRipley> bekks: they are all there
[10:48] <ramsRambo> bekks, is it infected or something with virus
[10:48] <bekks> ramsRambo: No.
[10:49] <bekks> ramsRambo: Which Ubuntu do you use exactly?
[10:51] <ramsRambo> bekks, Trusty
[10:52] <ramsRambo> bekks, bug with gnome or something
[10:52] <bekks> ramsRambo: Sounds like that, yes.
[10:52] <landau> hello when I try to disable the hover click in ubuntu 12.04 the session end automatically! can you help me fix this problem?
[10:53] <ramsRambo> bekks, what am I suppose to do then?
[10:53] <bekks> ramsRambo: Create a bug report of it doesnt exist already, on
[10:54] <ramsRambo> bekks, ok! that is only thing I am left with
[10:54] <ramsRambo> bekks, thnks anyway
[10:59] <djonvejn> to whoever remembers my questions about anoise ambient noise player
[11:00] <djonvejn> originally didnt work with plasma on kubuntu 14.10
[11:00] <djonvejn> i installed, mate, then gnome, didnt like them, switched back to kde plasma and now it works
[11:07] <rori> how do i mount the filesystem of a USB modem? i have one this before so it autopopped up as a browsable device but i cannot anymore
[11:07] <rori> i want to find out what is not working with it anymor (i cant connect to internet anymore)
[11:08] <Silex> hello, is there a channel for ubuntu touch phones? I have a BQ aquaris phone and dev documentation is rather limited
[11:08] <bekks> !touch | Silex
[11:08] <Silex> thanks
[11:19] <backbox> hi
[11:20] <Kaby> hi backbox
[11:20] <backbox> where are you from?
[11:21] <backbox> kaby???
[11:25] <pirata_> hi men!
[11:28] <momken> hello
[11:28] <Kaby> LEbanon
[11:30] <momken> I have a PC with Geforce GTX 750 Ti
[11:30] <momken> But ubuntu doesn't recognize my graphic card properly
[11:31] <momken> my current resolution is 1024*768
[11:31] <momken> with red dots
[11:31] <momken> Could someone please help me
[11:31] <momken> ?
[11:31] <TimeVirus> help with the red dots?
[11:31] <momken> p.s. Using "additional drivers" app didn't work
[11:31] <TimeVirus> stop drinking
[11:31] <ioria> momken, try this :
[11:33] <OerHeks> !behelpful | TimeVirus
[11:34] <momken> ioria: Thanks you very very much. Just a question: I have Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS installed. Does nvidia driver 334.21 available for 14.04?
[11:34] <cluelessperson> Hey, I'm trying to setup SSH keys, and the server just responds with "server refused out key"
[11:34] <cluelessperson> any ideas?
[11:35] <ioria> momken, try this : i think are those : \
[11:35] <bekks> cluelessperson: You did configure the server to accept that client key.
[11:35] <cluelessperson> bekks, yes.
[11:36] <bekks> cluelessperson: Something went wrong when doing it.
[11:36] <Marv_> Hey. I have a problem that two of my keyboard keys don't repeat in xev (but they do in evtest). It seems xev "captures the event". How can i configure that?
[11:36] <cluelessperson> bekks, AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/%u
[11:36] <bekks> cluelessperson: And did you add your public client key to that file?
[11:36] <cluelessperson> then I have /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/zachary/
[11:37] <cluelessperson> bekks, I tried /etc/ssh_authorized_keys/zachary before, but didn't work
[11:37] <bekks> cluelessperson: You copied to /etc/ssh_authorized_keys/zachary (the file)?
[11:38] <cluelessperson> bekks, I originally made /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/zachary
[11:38] <cluelessperson> bekks, that didn't work, so I moved to /zachary/
[11:39] <bekks> cluelessperson: /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/zachary/ will not work, since thats not configured the sshd config.
[11:39] <melvin> I have a Nvidia Geforce GTX 770 and use 2 BENQ 1080p monitors. I would like to mirror my other screen (Television 1080p) with one of my BENQ screens.
[11:39] <melvin> I have read something about saving the config file and put some code into it. First I would like to know something about the config saving and if it's safe for my GPU.
[11:39] <melvin> Also, how do I save the config because I have already got the mirroring done but it doesn't save. I had read in the Terms that it's normal but possible??? Please could someone explain that to me?
[11:42] <melvin> I have a Nvidia Geforce GTX 770 and use 2 BENQ 1080p monitors. I would like to mirror my other screen (Television 1080p) with one of my BENQ screens.
[11:42] <melvin> I have read something about saving the config file and put some code into it. First I would like to know something about the config saving and if it's safe for my GPU.
[11:42] <melvin> Also, how do I save the config because I have already got the mirroring done but it doesn't save. I had read in the Terms that it's normal but possible??? Please could someone explain that to me?
[11:43] <mehdi_> hey guys anyone can help me install this system monitoring applet on this picture
[11:43] <mehdi_> ?
[11:43] <melvin> Do you know what program it is?
[11:43] <mehdi_> melvin, if i knew i would installed it already
[11:44] <melvin> ^^ haha i have no clue
[11:44] <melvin>
[11:44] <melvin> it has ended the development
[11:44] <Ben64> thats a distro
[11:45] <melvin> But you're still able to download it
[11:45] <Ben64> not what the question is about at all
[11:45] <mehdi_> melvin, i use ubuntu 14.04 wanted to show u that system info on the desktop, i want to know how can i enable it
[11:45] <mehdi_> in my pc
[11:45] <cluelessperson> bekks, I've set it back to /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/zachary with rsa inside, no dice
[11:52] <rori> i want to test my usb mobile boaRDBAND BECAuse i cannot cnnect anymore.
[11:52] <agent_white> cluelessperson: Why are you trying to put a key in /etc/ ?
[11:53] <cluelessperson> agent_white, so they're all in one place, and users without home dirs
[11:54] <TimeVirus> conky in action imho a better sysinfo display method
[11:54] <agent_white> cluelessperson: Ah. Can you provide a pastie/gist with `-vvv` tacked onto your ssh command?
[11:57] <fragment137> Morning all
[11:58] <cluelessperson> agent_white, I'm not familiar with what you mean, can you tell me the exact command?
[11:58] <cluelessperson> fragment137, hi
[11:58] <agent_white> cluelessperson: `ssh -vvv user@remote`
[11:59] <cluelessperson> agent_white, I'm using putty
[12:00] <agent_white> cluelessperson: Oh! Are you on a windows machine then? I'm not familiar with putty.
[12:00] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[12:00] <cluelessperson> agent_white, yes.
[12:00] <cluelessperson> agent_white, putty to a ubuntu server
[12:00] <cluelessperson> BluesKaj, sup
[12:01] <BluesKaj> cluelessperson, not much , you?
[12:01] <agent_white> cluelessperson:
[12:01] <fragment137> anyone familiar with udev rules?
[12:02] <bekks> fragment137: What if?
[12:02] <agent_white> !ask | fragment137
[12:02] <cluelessperson> agent_white, Yes, I understand it well neough
[12:03] <agent_white> cluelessperson: Well then... tag the verbose flag on and see what's going on! :)
[12:03] <rori> ok, im clueless and need help
[12:03] <rori> how can i check if my usb works?
[12:03] <fragment137> The scenario is: I was having issues mounting a RAID volume with dmraid yesterday, and it turned out there is a space in the array name that is messing with some functions when it tries to read the escape character in the name. halfburnttoast helped me yesterday and we renamed the /dev/mapper reference
[12:03] <rori> it is in the list of lsusb but how can i mount it?
[12:03] <fragment137> dmsetup rename /dev/mapper/devicename newdevicename, etc.
[12:04] <fragment137> I'm looking to create a udev rule to make that fix permanent if I could
[12:04] <aliman> hi every1
[12:04] <Kaby> hi aliman
[12:04] <aliman> does anyone know who i can make the dock with app icons to be on the bottom like on mac and not on the left side?
[12:04] <aliman> how*
[12:06] <Kaby> aliman, sorry no idea i just put my apps on my desktop
[12:06] <aliman> and another question: why do i see a system volume information folder on my usb stick i did formated it
[12:06] <aliman> Kaby: how can i put my apps on desktop and make the dock completly disappear?
[12:07] <cluelessperson> agent_white, C:\Users\1405T054\Desktop>putty.exe -ssh -v -l zachary -i "Y:\Dropbox\PROGR
[12:07] <cluelessperson> AMMING\KEYS\HOME\zachary.ppk"
[12:08] <cluelessperson> agent_white, doesn't seem to give me any verbose information
[12:08] <agent_white> cluelessperson: What does it give you?
[12:08] <Kaby> aliman, usr/share/applications/ right click on the software you want to show on desktop and click on COpy TO ...
[12:09] <federik> hello
[12:09] <agent_white> cluelessperson: Tack on more v flags... like "-vvvvv"
[12:10] <cluelessperson> agent_white, no dice
[12:10] <agent_white> Does nothing happen?
[12:10] <fragment137> I need to create a udev rule to rename the /dev/mapper reference to /dev/dm-2 so it can be mounted automatically, could anyone help me with that?
[12:11] <rori> how can i "ping" a usb device?
[12:11] <cluelessperson> agent_white, putty opens, says server refused key
[12:11] <rori> i want to see if it works
[12:11] <rori> i can lsusb it
[12:11] <rori> what can i do more
[12:12] <cluelessperson> rori, mount it and move files back and forth
[12:12] <rori> cluelessperson, how do i mount it?
[12:15] <Kaby> aliman, it worked ?
[12:15] <aliman> Kaby: sry couldn't find it
[12:16] <MonkeyDust> aliman i guess you want cairo-dock
[12:18] <aliman> MonkeyDust: i hoped it can be done without any app
[12:20] <MonkeyDust> aliman
[12:20] <aliman> MonkeyDust: i know about cairo
[12:21] <Kaby> aliman, when you open your system files , you can find a folder named (usr) open it then (SHare) then find a folder named (applications)
[12:22] <rori> how do i mount usb?
[12:22] <rori> can i please get some help?
[12:22] <rori> i need to error check my usb mobile broadband
[12:22] <Kaby> aliman, when you click on applications you find a list right click on a software then click on COpy to.. you will find it on the desktop
[12:22] <aliman> aha
[12:23] <Kaby> it is very easy only 3 folders to click on them
[12:26] <natas> anyone with aircrack knowledge? pls hit me up in Priv. dialog
[12:27] <rori> how do i get the name of a connection that i can use for nmcli?
[12:28] <Kaby> natas, what do you need to know about aircrack ?
[12:28] <natas> Kaby : Chipset unknown...
[12:29] <Kaby> you use it on kali ?
[12:29] <natas> nope
[12:29] <Kaby> where ?
[12:29] <natas> Ubuntu 14.04
[12:30] <Kaby> let me search my files about this error if i can find it
[12:30] <natas> Kaby : ty :)
[12:30] <qu4nt1n> !s furious 7
[12:32] <OerHeks> natas, most likely your wifi adapter is not suitable for aircrack.
[12:33] <natas> OerHeks: no way around it if thats so?
[12:33] <Kaby> but on ubuntu it should be fine
[12:33] <Kaby> we face this problem when you install it on a virtual machine
[12:34] <Kaby> but on ubuntu it should work fine
[12:34] <Kaby> only if you dont config your wifi
[12:34] <natas> yeah.. my thoughts aswell...
[12:34] <natas> i havnt touched my wifi.. was up running perfectly since day 1
[12:34] <Kaby> i have kali linux on virtual box Wlan0 don't work at all
[12:34] <rori> can noone help me?
[12:34] <OerHeks> natas no, not if the driver isn't opensource.
[12:35] <natas> OerHeks okay... well that blows :P
[12:36] <Kaby> why don't you install kali linux as a dual boot and have all the features ?:P
[12:36] <nightwalkerkg> When i login to Ubuntu Gnome 14.10 i get a black screen with system problem message. And after few seconds the gnome-shell starts. There are two problems, one of them is adwaita-icon-theme-full is not installed. Also all my extensions are turned off.
[12:36] <natas> Kaby,hehe... well i might do that :) thanks anyway
[12:37] <Kaby> natas, 1 more thing to tell you
[12:37] <natas> Kaby, shoot buddy
[12:37] <Kaby> natas, while installing kali linux if it don't show your ntfs or ubuntu partition do not install it , because it can delete all your operating systems
[12:38] <natas> Kaby, i will indeed remeber that.. TY :
[12:38] <Kaby> natas, welcome dude
[12:50] <maziar> is there any irc chanel for php
[12:52] <Pici> maziar: ##php
[12:52] <maziar> Cannot join #php (Channel is invite only)
[12:53] <Pici> maziar: its ##php and you need to be registered and identified to freenode to join.
[12:53] <Pici> !register
[13:06] <pc_> Hi, I use ubuntu studio and software center does not work anymore .... how do I fix?
[13:11] <TimeVirus> there is a weather program one can attach to the Panel in Xfce but it lacks the Radar that the weather app in Mate - How would I get that program on Xfce?
[13:11] <cfhowlett> !details | pc_, "does not work" means ... ?
[13:19] <pc_> So the question I have is this: within software-center, I write what I want to download and install I disappear when I click on the screen of the software center ... what should I do?
[13:22] <cfhowlett> pc_, use the terminal: sudo apt-get update
[13:23] <pc_> I typed it now what?
[13:24] <cfhowlett> pc_, press <enter> and tell us what happens
[13:24] <Kaby> pc_, some softwares should be installed from the terminal
[13:27] <pc_> He tells me that it's all done
[13:28] <cfhowlett> pc_, now we know that your repositories work. you *can* use the command line until we figure out how to fix your software center. for instance: sudo apt-get upgrade will upgrade your presently installed packages.
[13:29] <cfhowlett> pc_, also: what package from software center were you trying to install??
[13:32] <Giwrgaras> anyone has a vm with windows inside ubuntu?
[13:32] <Giwrgaras> is the performance ok?
[13:32] <pc_> yes
[13:32] <Giwrgaras> i want to install a vm to run ms office inside win 8 or 7
[13:32] <cfhowlett> Giwrgaras windows 7. performance is "OK"
[13:33] <Giwrgaras> and which vm do you suggest?
[13:34] <cfhowlett> Giwrgaras, I've installed office 2010 but not used it as I have libreoffice. I did note that the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary doesn't quite match the performance of a native run.
[13:34] <pc_> ok installed, I do now?
[13:34] <cfhowlett> Giwrgaras, My experience is wit virtualbox. others might have a different idea.
[13:34] <snizzle> best app for logo design?
[13:34] <cfhowlett> pc_, what package were you trying to install??
[13:35] <pc_> yes
[13:35] <Giwrgaras> i will try win 7 8 might be too heavy
[13:35] <Giwrgaras> i hope its ok
[13:35] <cfhowlett> pc_, ??? "what package ..." cannot be answered with "yes".
[13:39] <Giwrgaras> is the performance ok to play a game inside the virtual machine or thats too far fetched? i have 8gig ram
[13:39] <ditto> hi can anyone tell me how to reset transmission or the location were the session file(s) are located?
[13:41] <momken> Hello
[13:41] <momken> I want to install a dll by winetricks
[13:41] <cfhowlett> !wine | momken
[13:41] <momken> But I can't, seemingly not downloading any .exe file
[13:43] <rishikl_> Hi
[13:44] <ditto> hi can anyone tell me how to reset transmission or the location were the session file(s) are located?
[13:44] <rishikl_> lpic-3 online resources ?
[13:52] <OerHeks> rishikl_, you might better ask in #linux, this is ubuntu support only.
[13:53] <OerHeks> !netsplit
[13:53] <aliman> hey guys what do you think about linux gentoo?
[13:53] <OerHeks> aliman, not related to ubuntu, ask in #gentoo please
[13:54] <OerHeks> aliman, do not poll, thanks.
[13:55] <natas> anyone know a MediaServer to connect Ubuntu 14.04 to Smart TV ?
[13:57] <Vespero> Hey, anyone know how to invert a trackball mouse?
[13:57] <mcphail> !info mediatomb | natas
[13:57] <natas> mcphail, ty :)
[13:57] <mcphail> natas: my pleasure
[13:58] <baxx> test
[13:59] <Guest36793> What just happened?
[13:59] <baxx> Guest36793: what do you mean?
[14:00] <reas0n> Freenode had an issue
[14:00] <baxx> is irc being weird for you? I can't seem to write anything to #vim
[14:00] <cfhowlett> it happens. move on
[14:00] <baxx> reas0n: ah, fair dos :)
[14:00] <Guest36793> Something is happened?
[14:00] <Pici> !netsplit
[14:00] <EriC^^> it's armageddon..
[14:00] <baxx> EriC^^: when do we start looting?
[14:01] <EriC^^> haha
[14:04] <Guest36793> this is crazy
[14:04] <Vespero> I think Freenode is having problems
[14:04] <ditto> hi can anyone tell me how to reset transmission or the location were the session file(s) are located?
[14:04] <cfhowlett> ditto, file > properties > set download location
[14:05] <Vespero> Anyone know how to invert mouse axes? Everything I'm finding only applies to scrolling
[14:05] <baxx> ok VIM is down, maybe someone here knows - what would be the best way to make an inline math command, such as $<something>$
[14:06] <ditto> cfhowlett: thanks iit is hard keeping track when using the web irc, however, im using a headless server and running transmission with the web ui and it doesn't give me those option also the settings.json also doesn't have those options
[14:07] <cfhowlett> ditto, ah, yes. that is quite different
[14:07] <TimeVirus> it wonders me why hibernation isnt enabled by default - I've seen an article on how to make it so....
[14:07] <cfhowlett> ditto, sadly, completely over my head. sorry.
[14:07] <ditto> cfhowlett: first time that I've seen a torrent client that doesn't give the settings for the session folder as well as the torrent files folder, looking on google but not having any luck
[14:08] <ditto> cfhowlett: don't worry, hopefully someone will know
[14:08] <cfhowlett> ditto, it can be done, but IDK how without the gui. possibly man transmission will explain
[14:08] <BluesKaj> ditto, try rtorrent , it's a cli torrent client
[14:09] <MonkeyDust> ditto i guess Deluge has a web ui too
[14:11] <ditto> cfhowlett: transmission has no manual files :'(, will see it it at least has any docs in usr
[14:11] <cfhowlett> ditto, yeah, I just saw that. I am disappointed! first time I'
[14:11] <cfhowlett> I've seen a program without a man.
[14:12] <jayjo> How do I search a directory for all files contents for a line of text? I think it's a grep pipe command but I can't figure it out
[14:13] <cfhowlett> jayjo, actually, I think "sed" is the command you want
[14:13] <somsip> jayjo: grep -r 'text' /path
[14:13] <ditto> cfhowlett: for some reason some dont, I think since the programs are meant to be straight forward there is no point... hmmm...
[14:14] <somsip> jayjo: you probably want the text to be a regex, so -e '^startofstringtoend$' to match the full line
[14:14] <tito__> hello
[14:15] <Guest36793> btw anyone knows the command to check out the number of users in a particular channel?
[14:16] <jayjo> somsip: Thanks, that works well for me
[14:16] <somsip> jayjo: np
[14:17] <ditto> Hi running transmission on a headless server with the web UI, I have changed the settings.json, however, I can't find the settings for the session folder or even the torrent files folder. Can someone direct me to a link or tell me the settings?
[14:17] <zaggynl> Guest36793: /names ?
[14:19] <Paradisee> what's the suggested size for a root partioning?
[14:20] <cfhowlett> Paradisee, efi partition is about 500mb mbr is around 100 but ... ubuntu install should do this automagically.
[14:20] <Paradisee> im using gparted actually cus i have to install something else
[14:20] <OerHeks> ditto, this guide should have it all
[14:21] <BluesKaj> Paradisee, setting up a separate / partition? , if so 15-16G should be plenty
[14:21] <Guest36793> nope /names
[14:21] <Guest36793> doesn't help
[14:21] <Guest36793> much
[14:22] <cfhowlett> Paradisee, doh! ignore my earlier! I'm multitasking --- thought your question was /boot not /root.
[14:22] <magesing> Hi everyone... I'm having an issue where my mouse cursor is no longer visable... if I happen to mouse-over something (like a hyperlink) the mouse-over effects still happen, and I can click on things, I just can't see the cursor... any ideas on how to debug this?
[14:35] <Staberinde> Hey folks, have a problem with apt in Ubuntu 14.04. It's having trouble parsing the package lists/status. heres the error that I get Read error - read (5: Input/output error)
[14:35] <Staberinde> The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
[14:35] <Staberinde> Can't call method "policy" on an undefined value at /usr/bin/apt-show-versions line 56.
[14:35] <Staberinde> E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success 'test -x /usr/bin/apt-show-versions || exit 0 ; apt-show-versions -i'
[14:35] <Staberinde> E: Sub-process returned an error code
[14:35] <Staberinde> tobe@tobe-Inspiron-lubuntu:~$ sudo rm -r /v
[14:37] <Staberinde> so far ive tried deleting the translation lists and rerrunning with the following in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99translations: Package: *
[14:37] <Staberinde> Acquire::Languages "none";
[14:38] <nightr00t> a
[14:39] <psyrus> hey guys I was on here a few days ago and I'm having serious problems getting ubuntu reinstalled onto my flash drive.
[14:40] <psyrus> i repartitioned the hd, and made a EXT 4 for ubuntu , and I gave it a 4 gig swap file
[14:40] <psyrus> and I did the installation after
[14:40] <psyrus> and it I KEEP GETTING this error saying :
[14:40] <psyrus> no /boot/grub.i386-pc/normal.mod not found
[14:40] <psyrus> WHY???
[14:40] <psyrus> what IS that ?
[14:41] <psyrus> i don't have a 32 bit computer, it's a 64 bit
[14:41] <nightr00t> hello everyone
[14:41] <psyrus> ive been struggling with this for 3 days now almost , i can only run live cds on my computer that hard drive I have is a $400drive
[14:42] <psyrus> it's a flash drive i can't afford to replace it
[14:42] <psyrus> can someone help me please
[14:42] <Staberinde> sorry psyrus what was the error again?
[14:42] <psyrus> (by the way I originally had windows 10 technical preview)
[14:43] <psyrus> okay it keeps saying it cant find " /boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod "
[14:43] <psyrus> Staberinde: what IS that ?
[14:43] <psyrus> Staberinde: is this have something to do with the fact that I had windows 10 technical preview on here before ?
[14:44] <psyrus> Staberinde: do you think i need to install windows 10 back on here and THEN install linux perhaps? I'm trying to avoid putting windows baack on my computer though
[14:44] <Staberinde> Not sure, i've never used anything win10 based
[14:44] <Staberinde> have you tried reinstalling GRUB?
[14:44] <psyrus> Staberinde: what is this "normal.mod" that it cant find and why isn't it getting put on my machine when I install
[14:44] <psyrus> Staberinde: no how do i do that again?
[14:45] <somsip> psyrus:
[14:45] <psyrus> Staberinde: I did try the grub rescue thing and did the typical problems
[14:45] <ParSalian> anyone experienced where keyboard wont type in only one application
[14:45] <psyrus> somsip: okay I'm gunna give this a shot, thankyou
[14:45] <somsip> psyrus: just random possibly helpful links I found. Good luck
[14:46] <jonascj> Please don't tell me to upgrade or the like, if you don't like the question then simply do not answer it: I am on Ubuntu 12.10 and I need G++ 4.8. Installin git was pretty easy via a PPA, but it wrecked havoc on my system. Basic utilities like Evince, VIM and NetworkManager were uninstalled etc. I restored my system from backup, but now I want to find out if that is inevitable.
[14:46] <cfhowlett> jonascj, won't tell you to reinstall. will tell 12.10 is no longer supported here or anywhere else.
[14:46] <Staberinde> @Parsalin: Yes, i've had this problem with chrome recently
[14:46] <OerHeks> ParSalian, what application on what ubuntu?
[14:46] <ParSalian> same
[14:47] <ParSalian> google-chrome-stable
[14:47] <psyrus> somsip: OMFG I just remembered something I flashed my bios again cuz I thoNG IN MY BIOS TO LET IT RUN OFF MY FLASH DRIVE INSTEAD OFA SASTA DRIVE!!
[14:47] <psyrus> Staberinde: Hey thanks you guys for all your help
[14:47] <ParSalian> looks lke theyve broken something
[14:47] <psyrus> somsip: thankyou!!!
[14:47] <Staberinde> Parsalin, I don't suppose you get any problem with chrome fucking up your graphics driver on some random youtube pages?
[14:47] <somsip> psyrus: so the EFI thing helped?
[14:47] <MonkeyDust> jonascj you can use what's already installed, but not install/upgrade anything
[14:47] <Staberinde> ppsyrus no worries
[14:47] <somsip> psyrus: cool - go for it
[14:47] <ParSalian> not yet
[14:47] <OerHeks> ParSalian, file a bug within google-chrome itself
[14:48] <jonascj> cfhowlett: I believe that falls under the category of "the like" :P Someone who does not see him/her self as a supporter, but just a fellow ubuntu user might know (and be kind enough to tell me) that upgrading the build tools also upgrades or whatever, and that it is bound to give problems :)
[14:48] <ParSalian> yep on it, just cheching if it was other prob;em
[14:49] <pbx> jonascj, regardless if you want help you need to provide a lot more detail
[14:49] <pbx> jonascj, like what PPA and package it was
[14:50] <pbx> jonascj, like details of the havoc as specifically as you can determine
[14:50] <pbx> jonascj, like how you determined things were uninstalled (versus just broken) and what they were
[14:51] <pbx> jonascj, and whether you have investigated or tried other ways to get that version of g++ on your system
[14:52] <ioria> jonascj, i think you should build it from source
[14:52] <OerHeks> pbx, jonascj as 12.10 is unsupported, install 14.04 with gcc 4,8,2
[14:52] <jonascj> pbx: I have to admit before restoring from backup I only found that "vim" in the terminal would no longer open VIM. It might not have been uninstalled, but just misconfigured in some way (a symlink gone etc.)
[14:53] <jonascj> ioria: that is certainly an option, then I'll have to learn about all those standard libraries I would need alongside the compiler.
[14:54] <jonascj> I might just run a new Ubuntu version in a VM and be done with it. I will be doing a system upgrade soon anyway, but not fast enough to solve my g++ 4.9 need right now :)
[14:56] <jonascj> Thank you for listening to this unsupported question and giving some feedback!
[14:57] <ioria> -^_^ -
[14:57] <nightr00t> leave #ubuntu
[14:57] <cfhowlett> jonascj, at the risk of being presumptuous, 12.04 and 14.04 are LTS and supported
[14:58] <jonascj> cfhowlett: but 12.10 is not :)
[14:58] <jonascj> which I was stupid enough to opt for back in the day
[14:58] <pavan> hi
[14:58] <jonascj> of course a lot applies to 12.10 which applies to 12.04
[14:58] <pavan> am new to backbox
[14:58] <cfhowlett> jonascj, well, I would never call you stupid ...
[14:58] <cfhowlett> pavan, backbox is not supported here. ubuntu only
[14:59] <pavan> can anyone help me to install gphoto
[14:59] <cfhowlett> !backbox | pavan
[14:59] <pavan> ok thank you guys
[15:02] <hkrrsx> morning
[15:02] <Staberinde> hey folks, kinda have a biggish problem with apt-get in that its not parsing something correctly
[15:04] <ioria> Staberinde, apt-get update ?
[15:05] <Staberinde> yup, it gives me the error when i run apt-get update
[15:07] <achun> hello, this is a test
[15:07] <OerHeks> Staberinde, run apt-get update again and show us the output please
[15:07] <newby_mcnewb> completely new to linux -- i'm trying to understand the concept of distros and desktop environments. "ubuntu" has many distros, xubuntu, lubuntu, edubuntu etc. they have different desktop environments unity, lxde etc. some distros don't even have a desktop environment... like ubuntu server. am i correct so far?
[15:07] <OerHeks> !test | achun
[15:07] <cfhowlett> !flavors | newby_mcnewb
[15:08] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, technically, there is one ubuntu "distro" just different flavors
[15:08] <ioria> Staberinde, you status file in /var/lib/dpks g could be damaged but i don'tget why
[15:08] <newby_mcnewb> cfhowlett: okay so fine, flavors. the different flavors have completely different applications installed by default? we're getting to my question in a second.
[15:09] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, true, different default apps for different flavors
[15:09] <OerHeks> ioria, we cannot make that up without full upgrade log
[15:09] <ioria> right
[15:10] <newby_mcnewb> cfhowlett: okay fine. so my question is what is the most stripped down version of the ubuntu distro? the different flavors just seem to be various desktop environments and apps... but can one just get "ubuntu" in command line?
[15:10] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, server is the most stripped down and command line only.
[15:10] <OerHeks> newby_mcnewb, that would be ubuntu-server.
[15:10] <newby_mcnewb> so server, though, would come with something like a LAMP stack by default? or no.
[15:10] <OerHeks> or as a basis the minimal iso
[15:11] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, not by default.
[15:11] <newby_mcnewb> ahhh interesting.
[15:11] <genii> Staberinde: If the lists are corrupt, this might do: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* ..and then do again sudo apt-get update
[15:11] <cowbacon> newby_mcnewb: iirc you get to choose at the end of the installation what you want to include in the server version, where lamp is one of the choices
[15:12] <newby_mcnewb> okay now here's the real question i'm getting at. i understand that one can use a "package manager" to basically do all things. i saw some guide that was like, essentially, do "apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" ... so is my "ubuntu" becoming "lubuntu" at that point? is it just the desktop environment? is it all the apps?
[15:12] <newby_mcnewb> its confusing to me.
[15:12] <newby_mcnewb> to wrap my head around
[15:12] <tgm4883> newby_mcnewb: yes, that would make it lubuntu
[15:12] <cowbacon> newby_mcnewb: lubuntu-desktop should include all apps thats included in the lubuntu install
[15:13] <OerHeks> ... that would make it lubuntu, when you choose lubuntu at login as desktopenvironment
[15:13] <cowbacon> probably not branding though, ie it says lubuntu at startup
[15:13] <tgm4883> newby_mcnewb: if that was your end goal, you should just install from lubuntu ISO though
[15:13] <tgm4883> cowbacon: it would get that too
[15:13] <newby_mcnewb> so can someone JUST get ubuntu server, and then tack on the Xubuntu desktop enfironment?
[15:13] <cowbacon> tgm4883: ah kk
[15:13] <newby_mcnewb> without apps
[15:13] <cowbacon> newby_mcnewb: yes, you can do that even with lubntu, ubuntu etc etc
[15:13] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, yes. sudo apt-get install xfce4 would add ONLY the DE --- NOT the apps
[15:14] <tgm4883> newby_mcnewb: you mean XFCE
[15:14] <mrpizzaface> hey can anyone help with me being unable to write to a flashdrive that i have used gparted to formatt to EXT4
[15:14] <tgm4883> newby_mcnewb: it's important to note that would only install XFCE though, not any of the theming or default settings either
[15:14] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, if that's your end goal, you might find it more useful to start with xubuntu and add the server packages, e.. lamp
[15:14] <newby_mcnewb> tgm4883: can you elavorate a bit more on that
[15:15] <tgm4883> newby_mcnewb: on what?
[15:15] <newby_mcnewb> cfhowlett: i don't have much of an "end goal" beyond just trying to understand it all.
[15:15] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, no "eye candy"
[15:15] <ditto> newby_mcnewb: yes and no your ubuntu would become lubuntu but at the same time it will not, don't quote me on this but I think you should look at it as the lubuntu window manager in ubuntu unless you change the package system as well
[15:15] <newby_mcnewb> tgm4883: so installing xfce doesn't put make your desktop look like xubuntu, but installing xubuntu-desktop does? but then it comes with all the apps.
[15:16] <tgm4883> ditto: that's completely false. Assuming you are responding to him asking about lubuntu-desktop
[15:16] <cowbacon> newby_mcnewb: lets see it like this: in linux your GUI is just another app running ontop of linux, its not built in like in windows. so changing your GUI, or DE as its called, is as easy as typing a command and changing at the login screen
[15:16] <tgm4883> newby_mcnewb: correct. It would look like default XFCE
[15:17] <newby_mcnewb> okay i guess i'm not exactly understanding then what makes "lubuntu" lubuntu.
[15:17] <Pici> newby_mcnewb: lubuntu comes with lxde by default.
[15:18] <Pici> !flavors
[15:18] <cowbacon> newby_mcnewb: what makes lubuntu lubuntu is branding, configs, default apps. all configured for you
[15:18] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, can we make this > practical and < theoretical? install server. add a DE. observe the changes
[15:18] <newby_mcnewb> its strange to me to think that i could download the regular full ubuntu desktop, apt-get and all of a sudden it's not ubuntu desktop anymore, it's lubuntu. but also if i, instead, install the LXDE(?) environment on my ubuntu, that .... am i now in lubuntu?
[15:18] <ditto> tgm4883: yes, I was trying to answer it but like I wrote I hope they don't quote me word for word but that is what I think,. However, I could/can be wrong considering I haven't used a desktop manager in years.
[15:18] <tgm4883> newby_mcnewb: lubuntu is made up of a set of applications picked by the lubuntu team, settings created by the lubuntu team, and likely a theme created by the lubuntu team
[15:18] <OerHeks> newby_mcnewb, no problem to have 2 or 3 desktops on 1 system, you choose one @ login
[15:18] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, not quite. lxde is ONLY the DE. lubuntu-desktop is the full meal deal.
[15:19] <newby_mcnewb> okay
[15:19] <tgm4883> ditto: no offense, but you shouldn't just guess at things
[15:19] <genii> newby_mcnewb: lubuntu-desktop differs from lxde in that lxde is just the desktop without any apps. lubuntu-desktop ( and all *buntu-desktop packages) install a selection of applications which the team for that distribution have chosen to be the defaults for that flavour
[15:19] <newby_mcnewb> i think i understand it, i have a better idea now what defines "lubuntu" and not just say.... "edubuntu with lxde"
[15:19] <ditto> tgm4883: you're right and no offense taken, I shouldn't have answered it unless I was certain
[15:20] <ioria> ! apt-show-versions
[15:20] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, if you want to experiment without risk, install virtualbox, add ubuntu to virtualbox then add/subtract as you choose from the virtual ubuntu
[15:21] <newby_mcnewb> cfhowlett: that's exactly what i've done but what i did was install lubuntu and xubuntu and thought to myself once i saw that article... can i just turn one into another? why do i even bother installing two VMs
[15:21] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, you're on the right track.
[15:21] <PCatinean> Hey guys, is there a way in which I can capture the ftp upload event and trigger something on the system?
[15:21] <cowbacon> newby_mcnewb: yes you can turn them into the other. thats the great thing about linux. you can have all DEs installed at the same time if you want. and then just choose the one you want when you login
[15:22] <PCatinean> As in somebody uploads something to ftp and that action triggers a python script or bash script? or some sort of command?
[15:22] <newby_mcnewb> i picked xubuntu and lubuntu because they were "lighter weight" but i wasn't even sure what that meant. they had lower system requirements... but are those requirements because of some core features or the DE. it sounds like the DE.
[15:22] <cowbacon> its the DE, ubuntu server is quite low req when it comes to resources
[15:22] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, lxde and xfce4 are practically identical in terms of load requirements.
[15:23] <OerHeks> !info iwatch
[15:23] <newby_mcnewb> right so i'm considering, now, getting ubuntu server and then really learning by building it up and playing around with it. i couldnt care less if libre office is installed by default. i'm just playing with it, not wordprocessing on it.
[15:23] <Staberinde> OerHeks, genii unfortunatly that didnt work output is here:
[15:24] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, sounds like a plan
[15:24] <cowbacon> newby_mcnewb: sounds like a fun project. you're going to be missing a lot of configs etc that you need to set yourself though so be prepared to google a lot
[15:25] <newby_mcnewb> cfhowlett: i think i prefer xfce but, again, i wasn't really sure why i preferred it. or whether i was even looking at "xfce" itself... it sounds like i was looking at a customized xfce with defaults picked by the "xubuntu team"
[15:25] <cowbacon> newby_mcnewb: i'd recommend reading the arch linux beginner guide if you wanna go from cli into gui by yourself. as that guide is made for exactly that (including the "recommended reading" etc after the beginner guide)
[15:25] <newby_mcnewb> ill look for it now, thanks cowbacon
[15:26] <newby_mcnewb> and everyone else too. thanks for replying and helping me understand it better.
[15:26] <newby_mcnewb> i appreciate it sincerely.
[15:26] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, could be. but here's the cool thing: command line fu! sudo apt-get install xfce4 (de only) sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop (full meal deal) sudo apt-get purge && sudo apt-get autoremove will remove the DE and any no longer needed packages. enjoy.
[15:26] <mrpizzaface> hey can anyone help with me being unable to write to a flash drive that i have used Gparted to format it to EXT4?
[15:26] <OerHeks> cowbacon, arch beginners guide ? that will give him issues, as ubuntu handle things differently.
[15:27] <cowbacon> mrpizzaface: you need to provide more information. what error messages, *Why* doesnt it work? etc
[15:27] <cfhowlett> newby_mcnewb, sudo apt-get purge PACKAGENAMEHERE
[15:27] <k1l> newby_mcnewb: cowbacon ubuntu uses very different setup (packages, no root account,...) than arch.
[15:27] <newby_mcnewb> i think i clearly need to look more into the concept of package managers
[15:28] <mrpizzaface> cowbacon, i get no error messages when i open Caja and navigate to the drive i am unable to create a folder and if i try to move anything into the flashdrive i get a message that says "______ cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination."
[15:29] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, hello again! :)
[15:29] <cowbacon> k1l: sure, but it provides plenty of information on how you get a functional system by configuring it yourself. with codecs, sound, video drivers, small things as changing console locale etc etc
[15:29] <cowbacon> mrpizzaface: tried as root?
[15:29] <cowbacon> or sudo
[15:29] <k1l> mrpizzaface: what ubuntu are you on exactly?
[15:30] <mrpizzaface> cowbacon, havent im pretty sure it will work under root but i would like to konw why gparted has fucked up a brand new flashdrive
[15:30] <OerHeks> cowbacon, suggest pages like not arch please
[15:30] <deadmund> Is kubuntu it's own project separate (a fork) from regular ubuntu? I noticed the domain name is different (even the tld) and the themeing and branding is completely different.
[15:31] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, hey!
[15:31] <cfhowlett> deadmund, it is an official canoncial distro
[15:31] <k1l> deadmund: its an official flavour. it shares lots of packages and they are hosted on the official servers
[15:31] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, I wasn't able to figure out that udev rule, lol..
[15:31] <OerHeks> deadmund, no, kubuntu if afull flavor of ubuntu, but KDE looks beautifull indeed
[15:31] <cfhowlett> deadmund, although no longer financed by canonical ... go figure.
[15:31] <fragment137> but I at least have a method for mounting that volume now.
[15:31] <mrpizzaface> k1l, ubuntu 14.04 with basicly a mate conversion laid overtop
[15:31] <k1l> deadmund: the project domain is different because it started as another project.
[15:32] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, ah, yeah I was looking into it last night. udev uses a name matching system that gets pretty complicated
[15:32] <k1l> mrpizzaface: so a mate ppa or mint directly?
[15:32] <deadmund> So it has separate repos. What is the benefit of using kubuntu vs. installing ubuntu and then installing kubuntu-desktop from the repos?
[15:32] <newby_mcnewb> sorry.... one last question everyone. even though i might be on lubuntu or xubuntu or whatever-buntu with whatever DE.... as a beginner googling stuff, i should basically be looking for "how to XYZ in ubuntu"? more or less? like i should really have to specify lubuntu, anything ubuntu will probably work unless it's DE or app specific?
[15:32] <k1l> deadmund: it has _not_ different repos
[15:32] <mrpizzaface> k1l a mate ppa to install the mate DE
[15:32] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, I mean, it's not a -huge- hassle for me to rename it... and I suppose I could just make a small bash script to run
[15:32] <k1l> mrpizzaface: ok, so make sure the caja mounts the drive correctly with gvfs
[15:32] <newby_mcnewb> shouldnt*
[15:33] <k1l> mrpizzaface: seems it doesnt mount it with proper user rights
[15:33] <deadmund> k1l: You said "it shares a lot of packages" implying there are some packages it does not share, implying the repos are different ? I'm confused.
[15:33] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, oh yeah. heck, it might even work if you put that command in the root crontab and ran it as @reboot
[15:33] <fragment137> Perhaps.
[15:33] <k1l> deadmund: yes, like the gnome packages that are the basis for unity :)
[15:33] <halfburnttoast> udev has to run pretty early in the boot process, so it might work out
[15:33] <deadmund> newby_mcnewb: You're correct 95% of the time. The DE does not matter at all.
[15:33] <fragment137> I have to run a dmraid discovery first, then rename and mount.
[15:33] <deadmund> newby_mcnewb: I've found that even debian or arch wiki to be very helpful for ubuntu things. But you sometimes have to translate slightly what they're talking about.
[15:34] <goeranh> wich exact command do i have to use to amrk an jar file as executeable?
[15:34] <k1l> deadmund: ubuntu repos host 100% packages. kubuntu doesnt use all of them because a lot are gnome packages. got it?
[15:34] <tgm4883> cfhowlett: to be fair, none of the other flavors are financed by canonical either (well, ubuntu server likely is, but that is a bit special)
[15:34] <goeranh> *mark
[15:34] <deadmund> k1l: I mean, it sounds like there are two different repos with a lot of overlap?
[15:34] <k1l> deadmund: no
[15:34] <k1l> deadmund: its all just one repo.
[15:34] <deadmund> k1l: kubuntu has different things installed?
[15:34] <k1l> deadmund: no
[15:35] <k1l> deadmund: stop right here.
[15:35] <OerHeks> goeranh, chmod +x /path/to/.jar
[15:35] <goeranh> ty
[15:35] <tgm4883> !enter
[15:35] * deadmund cries
[15:35] <mrpizzaface> k1l, whenever i remount the drive the same thing happens so dose that mean that it isnt mounting correctly ? (im not too technically savvy in ubuntu)
[15:35] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, you don't happen to know much about fglrx drivers do you? :P
[15:35] <k1l> its just that kubuntu installes different packages thatn the plain ubuntu sinct the plain ubuntu doesnt install kde packages. what makes sense since its not using kde. although they are all in the official repo
[15:36] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, not really, that's AMD right?
[15:36] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, yup
[15:36] <k1l> mrpizzaface: see the mounts options used when typing "mount" into the terminal
[15:36] <deadmund> k1l: OH, I see. Thank you :)
[15:36] <halfburnttoast> ah, I'm on intel integrated myself, never messed around with proprietary drivers
[15:36] <halfburnttoast> just used the builtins
[15:37] <fragment137> Yea I'm just experimenting with getting Ubuntu up to par with what I used Windows for (For the most part anyway... I realize I'll still need windows for certain things)
[15:37] <k1l> deadmund: but you can convert a ubuntu into kubuntu easily when installing "kubuntu-desktop" package
[15:37] <k1l> deadmund: its just the setup on the install cd. the packages are all from one repo
[15:37] <deadmund> k1l: yes, thank you :)
[15:38] <fragment137> Just sucks cause now I won't have opengl -.-
[15:38] <genii> Staberinde: So in this case we know now the lists are OK. The next thing is the status file, but that one is tricky, you can't just delete it or so on. What says the result of: ls /var/lib/dpkg/statu* (please use pastebin)
[15:38] <mrpizzaface> k1l, this is all the options i get concering /dev/sdd1 "the drive in question" /dev/sdd1 on /media/gaming/e6c56bec-4e8b-4533-a3cb-28a4e21880ad type ext4 (rw,nodev,nosuid,uhelper=udisks2)
[15:38] <deadmund> You used to choose an image. And the different images were basically just different DE's I guess now I have to go to (or .net or whatever) and grab that image.
[15:38] <cfhowlett> deadmund, do you have ubuntu installed at present?
[15:39] <newby_mcnewb> okay thanks again everyone. have a good day.
[15:39] <k1l> !kubuntu | deadmund
[15:39] <deadmund> k1l: Cause I know that installing one (e.g. unity) and then trying to switch to KDE is a pain because we have to figure out all of what unity encompassed and should be removed.
[15:39] <deadmund> cfhowlett: No. I am getting a new machine (in the mail). I don't even have it yet.
[15:39] <k1l> deadmund: nope
[15:39] <halfburnttoast> fragment137, well, as for the udev thing, I think it will require editing one of the files in /lib/udev/rules.d/
[15:39] <k1l> deadmund: that is not an issue
[15:39] <deadmund> cfhowlett: But on some other machines I'm running mint
[15:39] <deadmund> k1l: How do you mean?
[15:39] <k1l> its not an issue
[15:39] <mrpizzaface> fragment137, i know a little bit on fglrx whats up ?
[15:40] <halfburnttoast> /lib/udev/rules.d/55-dm.rules manages the mapper naming
[15:40] <Staberinde> genii, I find a status and a status-old:
[15:40] <deadmund> k1l: care to elaborate on that a bit?
[15:40] <tgm4883> deadmund: its' pretty easy to switch the DE
[15:40] <BluesKaj> deadmund, just install Kubuntu instead, don't muck about with ubuntu if you want kde
[15:40] <halfburnttoast> I'm curious now, heh. I'll keep looking into it
[15:40] <tgm4883> deadmund: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[15:40] <k1l> what you think is an issue is not an issue. switching dekstops works.
[15:40] <fragment137> halfburnttoast, Thanks man I'll look into that
[15:40] <tgm4883> deadmund: but yes, if you want to end up with Kubuntu, why not install kubuntu first?
[15:41] <fragment137> mrpizzaface, Welp, I tried installing fglrx, and I rebooted to a blank purple screen.
[15:41] <k1l> deadmund: of course it doesnt work if you use mint, because mint fiddles with the repos to get their stuff installed. but for official ubuntu it works
[15:41] <deadmund> BluesKaj: There is literally no difference besides what is installed by default?
[15:41] <deadmund> tgm4883: Yes I will just install kubuntu :)
[15:41] <fragment137> mrpizzaface, Tried to reinstall xorg, but it failed miserably, so I just reinstalled ubuntu from a livecd, lol
[15:41] <mrpizzaface> fragment137, from the Additional Drivers Screen or by building the packages from AMD's website ?
[15:41] <deadmund> k1l: Hey now! Don't you speak ill of my precious mint :P
[15:41] <fragment137> mrpizzaface, to be honest, I believe I tried from the website
[15:42] <k1l> deadmund: dont scale from mint to ubuntu.
[15:42] <BluesKaj> deadmund, did you order a system 76 computer with ubuntu preinstalled ?
[15:42] <genii> Staberinde: So in this case, move the current status to status-backup with: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status-backup ..then we try to use the status-old instead: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status .... then: sudo sync ...then try again the sudo apt-get update
[15:42] <deadmund> BluesKaj: No. I bought a refurbished Thinkpad T420s. I think it has win7 pre-installed but I don't care. I'm going to install Ubuntu immediately.
[15:43] <deadmund> BluesKaj: Well, I might wait for 15.04 to land. Then I'll install.
[15:43] <mrpizzaface> fragment137, personally i have alot better luck by searching in the dash "Additional Drivers" and installing fglrx-updates but it might not appear for you
[15:43] <fragment137> no I don't see it
[15:43] <BluesKaj> deadmund, install Kubuntu if you want KDE , not ubuntu..thgere is a difference and Kubuntu will install faster
[15:43] <pzykotic> Does anyone know the difference between ATI drivers in fglrx-updates and fglrx. I assume one is newer but can't ascertain which one.
[15:43] <fragment137> oh, wait
[15:43] <deadmund> BluesKaj: I'm going to use a separate /home and /root so that when new versions come out I can "fresh install" them
[15:44] <deadmund> BluesKaj: I agree. I am curious though. Besides the default installed packages, what is the difference (if any) between ubuntu and kubuntu ?
[15:44] <zykotick9> pzykotic: nice nick ;)
[15:44] <cfhowlett> deadmund, eyecandy = look and feel
[15:44] <fragment137_> mrpizzaface, it's searching for additional drivers now. Taking a long time though
[15:45] <BluesKaj> deadmund, yeah well that's a given if you switch OSs alot , but 15.04 is up and working , but it's only meant for the adventurous and not the workplace
[15:45] <deadmund> cfhowlett: mmmm I disagree. eyecandy is like a subset of look and feel
[15:45] <fragment137_> mrpizzaface, So you would recommend fglrx-updates?
[15:45] <deadmund> BluesKaj: It's in beta, so if I install it now, when it lands as a full release there will be an upgrade path for me?
[15:46] <deadmund> BluesKaj: oh, actually, I said that I'd have a separate /root, so I can just install 15.04 release when it comes out
[15:46] <zykotick9> !final | deadmund
[15:46] <BluesKaj> deadmund, yes of course
[15:46] <mrpizzaface> fragment137_, fglrx-updates is basicly amd's 13.04 AMDCCLE control center and driver so i'd reccommend it BUT if you want the lastest version i have a guide to install them
[15:46] <pzykotic> lol, I didn't notice someone else asked the exact same question
[15:47] <mrpizzaface> pzykotic, from what i have seen fglrx-updates are AMD's propitary drivers and FGLRX is well... just FGLRX it is just the diffrence in having the AMD Catalyst control center to me
[15:49] <pzykotic> mrpizzaface: Yeah I've never used ATI/AMD drivers before. I'm an NVidia guy but XOrg keeps spazzing out with Nouveaou so I popped my ATI card in till I can spend time figuring out why it's not working
[15:49] <Staberinde> genii: so it seems to have the same problem even when i swap out status for status-old. Is status a binary file or a text file. if it's a binary how wouldI go about debugging it?
[15:51] <dalebert_> I'm looking for a way to _quicky_ copy about 50 GB of files from my old system to my new one on my home (internal) network. I have them connected via SSH but it's going to take about 5 hours. 1 GB an hour? Seems slow.
[15:51] <ioria> ! info apt-show-versions
[15:52] <deadmund> dalebert_: Do you mean you're using scp ?
[15:52] <mrpizzaface> pzykotic, meh dont even bother with fglrx drivers if you plan on running a game in the next centuary the default ubuntu driver is personally one of the best
[15:52] <ioria> !info apt-show-versions
[15:53] <pzykotic> mrpizzaface: Yeah I'm aware how crappy they are - I wish I had time to figure out why nouveaou keeps causing Ubuntu to lock up
[15:53] <ioria> Staberinde, did you install apt-show-versions ?
[15:53] <genii> Staberinde: It's a text file which contains stanzas or sections describing the packages which have been installed or uninstalled, descriptions of them and their current statuses. Unfortunately it cannot easily be re-created and it's quite large to manually go through and examine.
[15:53] <Voyage> how to reconfigure all apps. I guess there are alot of issues happeneing in my pc. display goes of or flickers. internet goes of some times.
[15:54] <Voyage> I have to reboot.
[15:54] <fragment137> mrpizzaface, I was unable to apply fglrx. However what I'm trying to find out is why vmware is telling me there's no 3d acceleration support?
[15:54] <Voyage> 2-. how to just restart x / kde while not rebooting? I need some keys?
[15:54] <deadmund> Voyage: sudo pkill Xorg
[15:54] <deadmund> Voyage: And it should bring itself back up
[15:54] <fragment137> Meh. I'll just leave it for now
[15:54] <Voyage> deadmund, I need some keys
[15:54] <fragment137> I'm sure it'll function properly, lol
[15:55] <deadmund> Voyage: keys? alt + sysrq + k I think?
[15:55] <Voyage> ok
[15:55] <Voyage> whats sysrq
[15:55] <genii> Voyage: On most systems sysreq key is also the print screen key
[15:56] <Staberinde> ioria: apt-show-versions gives me the same error when I run it
[15:56] <dalebert_> I'm just looking to get it done quiker than 5 hours. It doesn't have to be secure
[15:56] <ioria> Staberinde, can you unistall it?
[15:56] <pzykotic> Voyage: it's the kernel 'magic button'
[15:56] <Voyage> genii, so alt + sysrq + k will restart kde?
[15:56] <mrpizzaface> fragment137, id reccommend telling vmware its high and going about your day the default driver has its quirks but if you know what amd card your running you can use to install the correct amd driver if you REALLY want it
[15:56] <deadmund> Voyage:
[15:56] <deadmund> Voyage: Also, try alt + sysrq + r
[15:56] <dhrosa> hiya, how can I run a shell script upon unity login?
[15:56] <Voyage> thx
[15:57] <Voyage> how to reconfigure all apps. I guess there are alot of issues happeneing in my pc. display goes of or flickers. internet goes of some times.
[15:57] <dhrosa> wait, nevermind
[15:57] <deadmund> dhrosa: There is a GUI called "startup applications"
[15:57] <Staberinde> ioria: nope, fails when reading the package lists
[15:58] <Staberinde> genii: I dont suppose there's a tool to validate the status file is there?
[15:58] <deadmund> Voyage: Well, I don't think that a specific app is causing a problem like that. But, one thing you can try is to remove all the . folders in your home folder (and reboot) to reset all your apps)
[15:59] <fragment137> mrpizzaface, lol, good advice. Thanks :)
[15:59] <ioria> Staberinde, have you tried with synaptic ?
[16:01] <petrvs> could anyone using evilvte perhaps confirm for me that -f works?
[16:01] <Staberinde> ioria: synaptic dies with the follow message when I launch it
[16:02] <mrpizzaface> fragment137, no problemo prepare to spend like 3000000 hours waiting for that to build though
[16:02] <Voyage> deadmund, hm
[16:02] <Voyage> deadmund, it will not reset all apps.
[16:03] <ioria> Staberinde, can you free -m or free ?
[16:03] <fragment137> mrpizzaface, I'll just stick with xorg for now :P
[16:03] <deadmund> Voyage: What do you mean??
[16:03] <NoImNotNineVolt> does 14.10 install with sshd enabled by default?
[16:03] <OerHeks> petrvs you can check yourself: man evilvte
[16:03] <OerHeks> NoImNotNineVolt, no
[16:03] <Staberinde> ioria:
[16:03] <NoImNotNineVolt> :(
[16:03] <NoImNotNineVolt> thank you
[16:03] <fragment137> sigh... i wish my cpu supported vt-d :|
[16:03] <fcn> guys what font is it that has a large dot for an asterix? it shows up with password fields in ubuntu. I'm looking for that font.
[16:03] <fragment137> that'd be so fun to play around with, lol
[16:04] <petrvs> OerHeks: man pages aren't executables =)
[16:04] <petrvs> but I've figured it out anyway, huzzah
[16:04] <petrvs> all the options are commented out in the header
[16:04] <ioria> Staberinde, you are quite out of memory...
[16:04] <mrpizzaface> fragment137, good choice
[16:05] <Staberinde> ioria: this is true, do you think its related to my current predicament?
[16:06] <ioria> Staberinde, maybe... do you have /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20apt-show-versions ?
[16:07] <Staberinde> ioria: I do indeed have a file called /etc/apt/apt.conf/d/20apt-show-versions
[16:08] <ioria> Staberinde, you can rename it or mv... i think you are using Webmin ?
[16:10] <Staberinde> ioria, no problem, im just using good old bash on my local :)
[16:10] <ioria> Staberinde, soyou don't need apt-show-versions
[16:11] <ioria> Staberinde, and sudo apt-get purge apt-show-versions does't work ?
[16:12] <Staberinde> ioria: nope, it fails on reading package lists when I try to purge
[16:13] <Voyage> deadmund, apache , php, network manager will not be reconfigured
[16:13] <ioria> Staberinde, try to mv the file
[16:13] <ichsterbdich> u can also copy it on to an usb stic
[16:14] <deadmund> Voyage: That's true, those are harder cause they're configs are scattered around /etc. You have to purge those packages to remove the configs
[16:14] <ichsterbdich> hmm
[16:14] <ichsterbdich> yes
[16:14] <deadmund> Voyage: Again, I don't think that a particular application is causing your screen flickering problems
[16:15] <Voyage> it was something like dpkg -i reconfigure all
[16:17] <Staberinde> ioria: tried mv'ing the file to my home directory, then tried running the purge and I get the same error
[16:18] <ioria> Staberinde, ok, did you already change the status file ?
[16:19] <PaulePanter> Hi. In what package are the debug symbols for unity-control-center?
[16:19] <PaulePanter> does not list them.
[16:19] <Staberinde> ioria; yup I swapped it out for status-old, want me to revert that?
[16:19] <Staberinde> ioria; yup I swapped it out for status-old, want me to revert that?
[16:19] <ioria> Staberinde, /var/lib/dpkg/status i mean ?
[16:19] <genii> ioria: Just to get caught up.... you have them manually setting apt-show-versions as uninstalled in the status file and removing it's files as listed at ...?
[16:19] <ioria> Staberinde, no
[16:21] <Staberinde> ioria yeah I changed /var/lib/dpkg/status for /var/lib/dpkg/status-old
[16:22] <ioria> Staberinde, can you cat /var/lib/dpkg/status and see if it's empty ?
[16:26] <Staberinde> ioria: it's not empty, but somethings screwed it royally, this is the final few lines of that command
[16:26] <ioria> Staberinde, i think you need anew one ... in /var/backups
[16:27] <ifonly> howdy folks
[16:27] <petrvs> howdy
[16:27] <Staberinde> ioria: aha! didnt know that was there, I take it I want dpkg.status.0?
[16:27] <genii> Staberinde: I/O error seems to indicate possibly part of the file was written over a bad part of the hard drive, or the hard drive is having some issue. Is there a bunch of I/O errors in the output of dmesg?
[16:28] <ioria> Staberinde, no, you have to gunzip an old one like dpkg.status.1.gz
[16:28] <Staberinde> genii: that's quite possible this is an old hard disk
[16:29] <Staberinde> ioria: i'll try that now :)
[16:29] <ifonly> Is Ubuntu Full Disk Encrytion more reliable than OSX?
[16:29] <ifonly> :p
[16:29] <ifonly> just wondering
[16:30] <zykotick9> ifonly: i have no idea what OSX's FDE is like, i've never used it. but i've never had issues with LUKS... ymmv. good luck.
[16:30] <ifonly> ok
[16:31] <zykotick9> ifonly: i would recommend FDE (LUKS) over the "encrypted home" option! again ymmv.
[16:31] <ifonly> ok encrypted home is not so secure then? Should we do both? would that help?
[16:32] <petrvs> it's secure, it's just not _as_ secure
[16:32] <zykotick9> ifonly: BOTH isn't a great idea, cause there is a performance it for "encrypted home", and using both would be redundant.
[16:32] <petrvs> and Mac OS is kind of the laughing stock of the security universe
[16:32] <zykotick9> s/it/hit/
[16:33] <ifonly> zykotick9, I have read online that FDE is better performance than just encrypted home
[16:33] <SchrodingersScat> ifonly: does it even let you do both? not as I recall, encrypted disk also encrypts home
[16:34] <ifonly> SchrodingersScat, we can sure do both
[16:34] <ifonly> petrvs, OSX is a laughing stock for security? Really?
[16:34] <petrvs> ifonly: yup
[16:35] <ifonly> ok
[16:35] <Ziber> Can I use multiple wildcards in a grep search?
[16:35] <petrvs> I would imagine its full disk encryption is sound, but that's not saying much
[16:35] <zykotick9> ifonly: FDE DOES perform better then "encrypted home"...
[16:35] <petrvs> Ziber: egrep 'foo|bar|baz'
[16:36] <petrvs> zykotick9: well, with ecryptfs it would
[16:36] <petrvs> so in quotes, yeah
[16:36] <petrvs> but you can encrypt a /home partition the same way as full disk, if you wanted
[16:37] <WACOMalt_> hey, in the installer when it initially gives yout he easy options of "use the whole drive" ect ect, is there any way to tell it to do that, but for a different drive than the one it chose by default?
[16:37] <Lord-Kamina> Hello.
[16:37] <WACOMalt_> or do I have to use the confusing partitions screen?
[16:37] <Ziber> petrvs: Hm, okay, that works, thanks.
[16:37] <petrvs> Ziber: you can use more complex regex, too
[16:37] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: 'lo
[16:37] <Lord-Kamina> Does anybody know possible reasons for a isolinux wrong checksum error (trying to boot from DVD on a macbook pro); if the ISO and burned disc checksum are okay?
[16:37] <cfhowlett> WACOMalt_, yes. "do something else" option
[16:38] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: how fast did you burn it?
[16:38] <Lord-Kamina> 4x
[16:38] <n0x> moinsen!
[16:38] <Lord-Kamina> Also, tried to do an MD5 checksum of the disc after burning and it matched the wiki.
[16:38] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: what're you burning with, some apps will verify the burn
[16:38] <WACOMalt_> in the partitions window of the installer, do I just choose the empty drive and set that drive for bootloader and hit next?
[16:38] <Lord-Kamina> The optical unit is exactly the same, because it's an external USB drive.
[16:38] <baxx> I'm trying to make a screenshot alias but this doesn't work : alias gshot='gnome-screenshot -a -f'
[16:38] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: and can you not just use a USB stick?
[16:39] <WACOMalt_> or do I need to click "New Partition Table" ?
[16:39] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: oh it is USB?
[16:39] <Lord-Kamina> External USB DVDRW
[16:39] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: ah
[16:39] <Lord-Kamina> I'm trying the USB now but it's been hit-and-miss because apparently there's a thing with video drivers and EFI booting
[16:39] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: can you not use a usb stick?
[16:39] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: hrmmm
[16:39] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: nomodeset, perhaps?
[16:39] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: or use the minimal cd image
[16:40] <baxx> edit that screenshot is now working :/ whoops
[16:40] <WACOMalt_> dangit. if I do the manual drive selection I have to manually tell it which partitions to make and at what sizes. This is beyond me. What does the "Use whole drive" option set up by default on a blank drive?
[16:40] <kohane> hello
[16:41] <kohane> hello
[16:41] <kohane> 有没有懂中文的?
[16:41] <cfhowlett> !ask | kohane,
[16:41] <cfhowlett> kohane, in English
[16:41] <kohane> ok
[16:41] <Lord-Kamina> I haven't been able to even get to the boot logo so far.
[16:42] <Lord-Kamina> Currently dd'ing the usb drive, no idea how much longer i'll take.
[16:42] <Lord-Kamina> Where can I get that minimal cd from?
[16:42] <cfhowlett> !mini | Lord-Kamina
[16:42] <Ziber> See, egrep 'foo|bar' is regex for 'OR', isn't it? I have prefix-something-suffix. I want to match a prefix AND part of the suffix.
[16:42] <n0x> lol
[16:42] <Ziber> prefix-*-suff*
[16:42] <Lord-Kamina> But I need to live-boot, the minimal image won't let me do that, will it?
[16:43] <n0x> no
[16:43] <cfhowlett> Lord-Kamina, please read the mini wiki
[16:43] <Mion> Ziber: are you trying to parse html/xml?
[16:43] <Ziber> Mion: It's a list of server names, actually.
[16:43] <Ziber> Just a file.
[16:44] <Voyage> how to reconfigure all apps. I guess there are alot of issues happeneing in my pc. display goes of or flickers. internet goes of some times.
[16:44] <Mion> post example of the actual string
[16:44] <Ziber> Mion: abc-def-ghi. I want to match abc-*-g*
[16:45] <Mion> look forward then
[16:45] <Mion> possibly
[16:45] <digitsm> Today I wanted to install xubuntu and all necessary software on a PC. It took ~7 hours, after which I was not able to install all necessary software
[16:45] <WACOMalt_> please can anyone at least tell me what are the default partitions/mountpoints in ubuntu when you choose "use the whole drive" ?
[16:45] <digitsm> My main problem is slow internet connection
[16:46] <Ziber> Seriously? We have to get that complicated... If I want to do this on the fly, usually I just pipe one grep into a nother
[16:46] <MonkeyDust> digitsm 7 hours is huge, installaing ubuntu shoud take about 20 minutes
[16:46] <Ziber> *another
[16:46] <kohane> then
[16:46] <digitsm> MonkeyDust, Installing yes, but what would you do if your graphic card is not supported out of the box?
[16:46] <MonkeyDust> typo's*
[16:47] <digitsm> I took 3-4 hours to only test different ways of installing nvidia 334.21
[16:47] <MonkeyDust> oh nvidia
[16:47] <digitsm> MonkeyDust, Yeah :(
[16:48] <digitsm> MonkeyDust, It was a shame for me, specially that the target PC was for my company. If I become slow in installations so much, I will be forced to switch back to windows for my developments :(
[16:49] <cfhowlett> digitsm, how did you download the .iso? torrents are often faster - and more reliable - than direct download
[16:49] <chanced> are server related questions relevant to this chan?
[16:49] <cfhowlett> !server | chanced
[16:49] <kohane> It's no fun.
[16:49] <maraneta> I plugged in an external usb drive into my ubuntu 14.04 server. It did not auto mount in my /media directory. How can I find out where it is located?
[16:50] <chanced> cfhowlett: awesome, thanks
[16:50] <petrvs> maraneta: sudo lsblk -f
[16:50] <rofltech> chanced: yeah
[16:50] <petrvs> maraneta: or it's possible your file manager can mount it explicitly
[16:50] <Lord-Kamina> Currently trying to boot the USB stick
[16:51] <Lord-Kamina> So far, appears stuck in i8042 controller error but I have no way to know whether it is actually hung up.
[16:52] <rofltech> Lord-Kamina: it shouldn't stick on loading modules for more than a split second on any reasonable hardware
[16:53] <maraneta> petrvs: Thank you! it doesn't say anything under the mountpoint column though... it has name: sdc1, fstype: ntfs, label: backups
[16:53] <maraneta> petrvs: Does this mean its not mounted?
[16:53] <Lord-Kamina> rofltech, then it's this stupid macbook acting up.
[16:53] <rofltech> maraneta: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 <location to mount to>
[16:54] <rofltech> maraneta: er /dev/sdc or whatever sorry
[16:54] <maraneta> rofltech: i'll try that now, thanks
[16:56] <maraneta> rofltech: will that work even though /dev/sdc is not a directory?
[16:57] <petrvs> maraneta: 'mount' will tell you what's mounted at any given time
[16:57] <petrvs> maraneta: it's likely sdc1 you want to mount
[16:57] <petrvs> maraneta: and you need to mount it to a directory
[16:57] <rofltech> maraneta: /dev/sdc1 is your partition so use that sorry i'm in auto answer mode atm
[16:58] <petrvs> maraneta: check if your file manager is aware of it first, left side
[16:58] <digitsm> One of the main problems in installing xubuntu and necessary packages for me, was slow internet connection
[16:58] <petrvs> if you want it mounted all the time, though, you'd want to add it to /etc/fstab
[16:58] <maraneta> petrvs: aware of sdc1?
[16:58] <petrvs> maraneta: yes, it might list it on the left
[16:58] <digitsm> I could not download with higher speed than 200KB/s
[16:58] <maraneta> petrvs: I'm using a server so I don't have a gui
[16:58] <petrvs> maraneta: oh okay
[16:58] <petrvs> maraneta: a server doesn't usually auto mount things, either, that follows
[16:59] <digitsm> I have a question: Is there any way to install packages from my laptop which has required packages installed?
[16:59] <maraneta> petrvs: so how can I find where sdc1 is located?
[16:59] <maraneta> it's not under /dev
[16:59] <digitsm> instead of downloading them from internet
[16:59] <rofltech> digitsm: dpkg -i
[16:59] <rofltech> digitsm: oh nvm
[17:00] <digitsm> rofltech, dpkg -i installs all packages
[17:00] <rofltech> digitsm: grab them from the temp dir maybe
[17:00] <digitsm> I don't want to install every thing. not all of the packages on my laptop are necessary
[17:00] <digitsm> rofltech, how? you mean copying them to apt cache?
[17:01] <Pinkamena_D> my desktop is stuck in the 'choosing between two windows to maximize' stage. I have programs open there that I do not want to kill
[17:02] <Pinkamena_D> If I click on the window to choose one nothing happens. If I close the windows the screen remains dimmed and I still can not do anything
[17:02] <Pinkamena_D> how can I regain some control here?
[17:02] <Lord-Kamina> Since in the USB, I can at least get to GRUB... can anybody suggest alternate booting commands I might try to get it to boot?
[17:02] <petrvs> maraneta: uh, what does sudo fdisk -l say?
[17:03] <maraneta> petrvs: oh, it says /dev/sdc1
[17:03] <Pinkamena_D> is there a command to restart unity without killing everything for example not lightdm restart?
[17:03] <maraneta> petrvs: I guess I don't understand the concept that well but I guess it doesn't have to be a directory
[17:04] <maraneta> mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 <location to mount to>
[17:04] <maraneta> petrvs: should I use that command
[17:07] <digitsm> Isn't there really a way to download packages from my laptop instead of internet?
[17:08] <digitsm> By copying caches for example?
[17:08] <EriC^^> how many
[17:08] <genii> !offline
[17:10] <digitsm> genii, by selecting the packages, does it automatically select its dependencies?
[17:10] <Lord-Kamina> Ok. nomodeset booted.
[17:11] <Lord-Kamina> It was indeed an issue with the radeon drivers.
[17:11] <petrvs> maraneta: sudo mkdir /mnt/backup; sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /mnt/backup; ls /mnt/backup/
[17:11] <baxx> I have a script that runs a screen shot as follows : gnome-screenshot -a -f ~/Pictures/$1.png does anyone know how I'd trigger this in i3? Preferably so that a window or something popped up for me to name it, cheers
[17:12] <petrvs> gnome-screenshot sounds heavy for using i3
[17:12] <petrvs> are you using i3 with GNOME?
[17:13] <hkrrsx> baxx: check out i3lock for i3-wm
[17:13] <hkrrsx> baxx: the command would be " i3lock -i /path/to/image "
[17:14] <jost_> I'm on a machine with XUbuntu 14.10 as the single OS. But GRUB still shows me a 10 second timeout on boot - how can I switch that off? I'd still like to see the grub prompt when an error occurs
[17:14] <hkrrsx> baxx: You can even bind it to a key, say like Pause/Break
[17:14] <baxx> petrvs: well I've got gnome installed because that script works, so I guess that's a yes, but I'm using i3 as the WM
[17:14] <jost_> I've done some googeling, but nothing seems to work
[17:14] <baxx> hkrrsx: thanks, I'll have a look for that now
[17:14] <hkrrsx> baxx: Good job
[17:14] <petrvs> jost_: /etc/default/grub
[17:15] <maraneta> petrvs: i get 'ntfs-3g: command not found'
[17:15] <jost_> petrvs: yeah, updated that, and also ran `update-grub2` afterwards
[17:16] <Lord-Kamina> Does it make any sense to zero-out an sad?
[17:16] <petrvs> maraneta: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g then try again
[17:16] <petrvs> Lord-Kamina: an ssd? Only if you're giving it away to a friend
[17:17] <digitsm> Excuse me, I have another question too: When I installed the new Xubuntu on my company's PC, it said "do you want to update"? I said yes and after that my kernel updated to 3.16!
[17:17] <digitsm> Is kernel 3.16 available for 14.04?
[17:17] <baxx> hkrrsx: this seems to be a screenlocker rather than a screenSHOT thing ;) Still reading, maybe I've midded something
[17:17] <Lord-Kamina> If I had previously, somehow, royally fucked up the partition map beyond any recognition?
[17:17] <maraneta> petrvs: is there any way to do it without using ntfs-3g? the server in question has no internet access and it would be very difficult to get it
[17:17] <petrvs> digitsm: yes
[17:17] <maraneta> petrvs: what about the mount -t command
[17:17] <petrvs> maraneta: just a longer equivalent
[17:17] <hkrrsx> baxx: pardon me, i must have mis-interpreted your statement
[17:18] <petrvs> maraneta: you can try mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/backup, too, or if that doesn't work mount -t ntfs
[17:18] <digitsm> petrvs, really? is the new kernel name "linux-generic-lts-utopic"?
[17:18] <petrvs> maraneta: but ntfs-3g is superior
[17:18] <baxx> hkrrsx: no worries :) I'm trying to trigger a screenshot script that I have using i3 basically
[17:18] <petrvs> digitsm: not sure, it's got 3.16 in its name, though =)
[17:18] <maraneta> petrvs: what would I be missing out on if I jus tused mount -t ntfs
[17:18] <baxx> gnome-screenshot -a -f ~/Pictures/$1.png hkrrsx that is the script, would be nice to have a pop up window or something to name it I guess, not a biggie though
[17:19] <petrvs> maraneta: I'm not really sure, I don't follow it, ntfs-3g was always ahead
[17:19] <petrvs> there was a time when the kernel's ntfs support was read only
[17:19] <digitsm> petrvs, Didn't I accidentally upgraded from 14.04 to 14.10?
[17:19] <petrvs> digitsm: dunno, did you?
[17:19] <digitsm> petrvs, I only wanted to update 14.04.2 to latest version of LTS
[17:20] <digitsm> not to 14.10
[17:20] <digitsm> petrvs, And I am not sure whether nvidia 334.21 is compatible with kernel 3.13 or 3.16?
[17:20] <xangua> (12:17:13) digitsm: Is kernel 3.16 available for 14.04? - yes, it is of the Hardware Enablement Stack
[17:21] <xangua> so LTS releases can keep up with latest hardware
[17:21] <digitsm> xangua, Is it recommended to upgrade to 3.13?
[17:21] <digitsm> *3.16
[17:21] <xangua> or latest hardware supported for the kernel at least
[17:22] <bekks> xangua:
[17:23] <hkrrsx> baxx: the only other screenshot tool I've heard of being used in a terminal is " scrot " but I'm not sure that it'll give you a dialog box to name the file before taking it
[17:23] <digitsm> xangua, these multiple kernels make me confused
[17:23] <hkrrsx> baxx: Here's the man page for it though ....
[17:26] <clouddig> When I call "curl -I" I get "curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate", but when I call it like this "curl --cacert /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt -I" it succeeds.
[17:27] <clouddig> "curl-config --ca" shows "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", so I think it should be using that file anyway.
[17:27] <tos-1> baxx: There's also import from ImageMagick.
[17:27] <quackgyver> Can somebody help me? I need to install Windows 8.1 on a UEFI device which has previously had Ubuntu on it (I have to change OS because apparently if you go into sleep mode from within Ubuntu on an Intel NUC, it will get bricked (sigh)), but during the Windows 8 installer it complains that it needs the target drive to be a valid NTFS one, and beyond that it
[17:27] <quackgyver> won't let me format it for some reason I can't comprehend (the "format" button is grayed out). Can somebody please help me figure out what's wrong and how I can get Windows on this device?
[17:27] <clouddig> Any ideas?
[17:27] <digitsm> xangua, Ahhh! I got it. the 14.04.2 will ship with Hardware Enablemwnt Stack. So if I don't want to be updated to latest kernel / x windows I should remain with 14.04.1
[17:27] <hkrrsx> clouddig: Try "curl -ILk"
[17:27] <digitsm> If I knew it before, it could save my time a lot
[17:27] <petrvs> quackgyver: you might want to sgdisk -Z the device, if you want it empty and ready
[17:28] <quackgyver> petrvs: Could you explain what that means?
[17:28] <clouddig> hkrrsx: That works...
[17:28] <quackgyver> I'm still an Ubuntu newb
[17:28] <petrvs> quackgyver: it just resets the partition table for a generici gpt setu
[17:28] <petrvs> quackgyver: don't use it on a disk with things you want to keep on it
[17:28] <petrvs> do use it on a disk you want things looking for generic gpt setups to find
[17:29] <baxx> tos-1: not sure if anyone said anything before you i've just got abck - thanks for that though I'll have a look
[17:29] <aliman> hi guys
[17:30] <VanDerGroot> Hi guise
[17:30] <VanDerGroot> I've got a problem with samba. One of my users can't access a file share another user can.
[17:30] <petrvs> VanDerGroot: put them in a shared group
[17:30] <tos-1> baxx: hkrrsx recommended scrot, which is also reasonable.
[17:31] <VanDerGroot> petrvs: They are
[17:31] <quackgyver> petrvs: yeah i just want to clear the whole disk
[17:31] <quackgyver> do i do that from within ubuntus terminal?
[17:31] <VanDerGroot> petrvs: They are both members of sambashare and are both added to the "users = " part of smb.conf
[17:32] <clouddig> hkrrsx: but I don't want -k (insecure).
[17:32] <petrvs> quackgyver: you can, yes, just get the device right
[17:32] <clouddig> hkrrsx: The point is that the certificate is in ca-certificates file. I'm confused that it's not using that.
[17:32] <MonkeyDust> VanDerGroot look for a difference in the config files, permissions, groups etc, so you know what causes it
[17:32] <petrvs> VanDerGroot: you'll also need to chmod/chown properly the directory/contents
[17:32] <baxx> tos-1: cool cool - thanks :)
[17:33] <VanDerGroot> MonkeyDust: What do you mean, are there different config files for each user?
[17:33] <VanDerGroot> petrvs: They are both members of a group that has permissions.
[17:33] <aliman> how can i make the left side dock disappear? i would like to install cairo-dock but i'll have both there thou
[17:33] <MonkeyDust> VanDerGroot look for any difference
[17:33] <petrvs> VanDerGroot: right, but the data itself also has to be owned by that group
[17:33] <VanDerGroot> MonkeyDust: In what?
[17:34] <Authentic> do we have a channel for hackers on freenode?
[17:34] <digitsm> Just one question: How can I know whether my laptop is running 14.04, 14.04.1 or 14.04.2?
[17:34] <MonkeyDust> VanDerGroot ok, so that's your actual question: where to start looking
[17:34] <SchrodingersScat> !alis | Authentic
[17:34] <VanDerGroot> MonkeyDust: I guess so. :)
[17:35] <hkrrsx> clouddig: What's the actual domain in question?
[17:35] <baxx> tos-1: just tried scrot, still not sure how to trigger it from i3 so that I get the option for entering file name and optional location though.... perhaps this just needs to be run from a terminal each time? I'm willing to accept that now ;)
[17:35] <ioria> VanDerGroot, /var/log/samba or /etc/samba/smb.conf
[17:35] <MonkeyDust> VanDerGroot if you do'nt get an answer here, go and ask in #samba
[17:36] <clouddig> hkrrsx: it's not publicly available, but it's running an internally issued certificate.
[17:36] <maraneta> so assuming my server has no internet access, is there any way to get it to recognize the ntfs filesystem? even just doing mount -t ntfs, it says 'unknown filesystem type ntfs', petrvs
[17:37] <petrvs> maraneta: you can probably enable ntfs support in your kernel, yes
[17:37] <petrvs> maraneta: 'dpkg -l | grep -i ntfs' says what?
[17:37] <hkrrsx> clouddig: Have a read through this article and see if it leads you to a resolution:
[17:38] <gcr> hello
[17:38] <quackgyver> petrvs: So if I understand you correctly, I unplug my Windows 8 installation USB stick, reboot the computer into Ubuntu, go into terminal, type sgdisk -Z
[17:38] <maraneta> petrvs: no output =T
[17:38] <quackgyver> And then reboot into the Windows installer again, and it'll be able to write to the disk?
[17:41] <VanDerGroot> ioria: Thank you. That log file held some new things to search on. :)
[17:41] <petrvs> quackgyver: usb stick?
[17:41] <rblst> hi, i have a wired connection in NetworkManager that is disabled (grey) in 12.04, how to enable it?
[17:41] <petrvs> quackgyver: are you trying to image a windows install image to a usb stick?
[17:41] <quackgyver> petrvs: the windows installer is on a usb stick
[17:41] <syeekick> i forgot which mode i used to install the ubuntu server 14.04 image uefi or legacy. dmesg | grep "EFI v" will this command let me know if its legacy or uefi?
[17:41] <ioria> VanDerGroot, good
[17:41] <petrvs> maraneta: okay, you can potentially add it to your kernel without being online
[17:42] <petrvs> quackgyver: that doesn't answer my question
[17:42] <petrvs> quackgyver: is that a no?
[17:42] <quackgyver> petrvs: I have my Windows 8 installer on a USB stick, but it won't let me install to my SSD (where Ubuntu is currently installed) because it's complaining that the disk isn't NTFS.
[17:42] <ioria> VanDerGroot, but usually the issue is in smb.conf
[17:42] <quackgyver> So I'm asking, if I run your command from within Ubuntu, will the Windows installer be able to install onto it?
[17:42] <petrvs> quackgyver: ah
[17:42] <quackgyver> :)
[17:42] <VanDerGroot> ioria: Yea. Just can't figure out what is different for the users.
[17:43] <petrvs> quackgyver: I'm not sure, you can try running it from Ubuntu
[17:43] <unknownsquad> bobo
[17:43] <petrvs> quackgyver: it'd make your Ubuntu system almost immediately unusable, though
[17:43] <ioria> VanDerGroot, diff :-)
[17:43] <petrvs> quackgyver: if it worked
[17:43] <unknownsquad> lol
[17:43] <quackgyver> petrvs: I'm fine with that. ;)
[17:43] <petrvs> quackgyver: you might want to have a Linux live OS on a CD/DVD/other USB handy beforehand
[17:43] <quackgyver> I can't use Ubuntu on this baby anyway.
[17:43] <petrvs> or access to some OS
[17:43] <petrvs> quackgyver: oh, why not?
[17:43] <quackgyver> Ah yes.
[17:44] <VanDerGroot> ioria: Can I somehow use diff to see what is different between users, like group belongings and the like?
[17:44] <quackgyver> petrvs: As I said a bit earlier, this is an Intel NUC computer, and I learned the hard way that if you install Ubuntu onto it and go into hibernate/sleep, it'll completely brick the device. :P
[17:44] <ioria> VanDerGroot, i use it only for files
[17:44] <unknownsquad> u guys r part of my irc botnet
[17:44] <quackgyver> Took a lot of haggling with Intel to get a new one.
[17:44] <ioria> VanDerGroot, i think not
[17:44] <VanDerGroot> ioria: Ah. That's what I thought as well. But this is linux. It holds maaaaany new things for me. ^^
[17:44] <quackgyver> Of course it's their fault but.. nothing I can do about it besides installing Windows 8 on it.
[17:45] <ioria> VanDerGroot, they are there just to be discovered
[17:46] <VanDerGroot> ioria: I'm not really super into discovery of this kind. I try to learn this stuff because it's useful. :P
[17:46] <ioria> VanDerGroot, sure
[17:47] <Giwrgaras> anyone knows how to change the resolution in virtual box? i look for 1920 x 1080 and its not there
[17:47] <petrvs> quackgyver: brick means broken
[17:47] <hkrrsx> Giwrgaras: Have you installed virtualbox guest additions ?
[17:47] <petrvs> quackgyver: like unfixable, that's what brick means
[17:48] <petrvs> quackgyver: that's undoubtedly a simple configuration issue, hibernation is complex regardless of OS
[17:48] <petrvs> quackgyver: but why would you want to hibernate a low power computer anyway
[17:48] <Aamit> Giwrgaras, virtualbox guest additional tools iso....
[17:48] <clouddig> hkrrsx: If I 'export CURL_CA_BUNDLE="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"' then it works as expected. I'm confused that it curl-config shows that it should use that ca file, but it doesn't unless I set the environment variable
[17:48] <maraneta> petrvs: would adding ntfs to the kernel be difficult
[17:48] <petrvs> maraneta: no, but I don't use Ubuntu much, so I'm not familiar with the ideal Ubuntu process
[17:49] <petrvs> maraneta: zgrep -i ntfs /proc/config.gz
[17:49] <quackgyver> petrvs: no i literally mean brick
[17:49] <quackgyver> i.e. it won't even power on
[17:49] <petrvs> quackgyver: really
[17:49] <quackgyver> yes!
[17:49] <quackgyver> no joke
[17:49] <petrvs> quackgyver: you unplugged it?
[17:49] <quackgyver> of course
[17:49] <petrvs> quackgyver: does it have a hardware power button?
[17:49] <quackgyver> yep
[17:49] <quackgyver> trust me, i did all i could
[17:49] <petrvs> quackgyver: you held it down whilst unplugged?
[17:50] <quackgyver> yes, i did all of the troubleshooting steps
[17:50] <Giwrgaras> Aamit: what do you mean?
[17:50] <quackgyver> it was completely bricked
[17:50] <petrvs> quackgyver: reset the bios/etc.?
[17:50] <Giwrgaras> hkrrsx: no i havent
[17:50] <Giwrgaras> what is that?
[17:50] <quackgyver> yes
[17:50] <petrvs> quackgyver: that's cool
[17:50] <quackgyver> i googled around, and apparently the only way to fix it is to remove and reattach the motherboard battery, but on this model its inaccessible
[17:50] <petrvs> quackgyver: well, it's probably annoying to get to
[17:50] <quackgyver> so i had to ask intel for a new one :p
[17:50] <petrvs> that's the case with every computer, even large ones =P
[17:50] <petrvs> quackgyver: so you rma'd it?
[17:50] <petrvs> ah okay
[17:50] <quackgyver> yeah i rma'd it
[17:50] <hkrrsx> Giwrgaras: See this video:
[17:50] <petrvs> nice of them to give you another
[17:51] <petrvs> they'll just fix it and sell it as refurbished
[17:51] <quackgyver> yeah
[17:51] <quackgyver> also yeah, i actually dont need to hibernate as you said, but all it would take is one faulty click while shutting down or rebooting and it'd be done for again ;)
[17:51] <petrvs> so, I lost track of our goal
[17:51] <hkrrsx> clouddig: got me
[17:51] <petrvs> well you can hard disable hibernation, too
[17:51] <quackgyver> i just wanna avoid that so imma make this a windows 8 device, and try to find a better ubuntu device
[17:51] <petrvs> but I'd just fix it
[17:51] <quackgyver> (though which one i dont know)
[17:51] <quackgyver> aye
[17:51] <petrvs> windows on a low power device, ew
[17:51] <Giwrgaras> thanks hkrrsx
[17:52] <petrvs> windows on anything, ew
[17:52] <Giwrgaras> only on question if i got this right: i install the guest additions in the guest windows environment?
[17:53] <quackgyver> petrvs: im mostly just gonna use this as a router for my unlimited mobile internet ;p
[17:53] <fragment137> I can't mount a linux share
[17:53] <petrvs> Giwrgaras: you install them on the guest os, yes
[17:53] <hkrrsx> Giwrgaras: You install the guest additions into the host
[17:53] <fragment137> Is there another way for me to be doing this? lol... sshfs or something?
[17:53] <petrvs> Giwrgaras: the guest
[17:53] <hkrrsx> Er, as petrvs said
[17:53] <petrvs> Giwrgaras: your guest is Windows?
[17:53] <Giwrgaras> yes and the host is ubuntu
[17:53] <petrvs> hkrrsx: I can tell you're a human!
[17:53] <petrvs> Giwrgaras: yup, it's fairly simple
[17:54] <hkrrsx> petrvs: I'm going for a record number of oops'es today :)
[17:54] <petrvs> hkrrsx: yeah I lost track of mine
[17:54] <petrvs> fragment137: sure, sshfs
[17:54] <MouseTheLuckyDog> Let's see if I can ask this without garbling .... When I create a directory using apt-get source, I get three files and a subdir. How can I recreate the subdir from the files that are downloaded.
[17:54] <petrvs> do what?
[17:55] <Fudster> Can anyone tell me how to fix this? trying to install mysql-server
[17:56] <petrvs> Fudster: dunno, but I'd install mariadb-server instead
[17:56] <fragment137> petrvs, any way to get cifs working? I'd much rather do it that way
[17:56] <petrvs> it's a drop-in replacement by the same author, and it will actually survive this decade
[17:56] <petrvs> fragment137: yup
[17:56] <Fudster> petrvs: why? :p I;nt it completely diffferent?
[17:56] <petrvs> I have lunch things to do, though, someone else will get you
[17:56] <petrvs> Fudster: nope, it's incredibly similar (drop-in)
[17:56] <petrvs> all the mysql devs that care about anything moved to mariadb
[17:57] <petrvs> mysql is not long for this world
[17:57] <petrvs> oracle promised they wouldn't kill it before 2014
[17:57] * petrvs looks at calendar
[17:57] * petrvs goes to do realitystuffs
[17:58] <baracude> hi
[17:58] <hkrrsx> Fudster: See this --
[17:59] <Quantos> I need an opinion, should I run 14.04.2 LTS or is 14.10 the upgrade?
[17:59] <MonkeyDust> Quantos 14.04.2 is LTS, longer support
[18:00] <MonkeyDust> Quantos support for 14.10 will soon end
[18:00] <Quantos> Yes, I understand the support is longer, but someone - could be a goofball told me that *.10 is the upgrade
[18:00] <s1991> Is there any idm like tool in ubuntu?
[18:00] <xangua> Quantos: 14.10 is the latest ubuntu release, yes
[18:01] <xangua> latest stable
[18:01] <Quantos> But that requires updating more frequently correct?
[18:01] <MonkeyDust> s1991 what's idm?
[18:02] <in_deep_thought> does anyone know how I can add the redis-tools package to my apt-get?
[18:02] <in_deep_thought> I try apt-get install redis-tools and it can never find it
[18:02] <rofltech> Quantos: you need to update for security no matter what verision you pick but lts requires less upgrades to new major versions
[18:02] <MonkeyDust> Quantos
[18:03] <s1991> MonkeyDust: ohh, internet download manager (for windows)
[18:03] <xangua> s1991: uget
[18:03] <Quantos> Sorry, I used the wrong word there, I mean using *.10 needs upgrading more frequently
[18:03] <xangua>
[18:03] <Quantos> Thanks for the tips guys, reading that link now
[18:04] <digitsm> Hello again. Only now I found out that 14.04.2 iso ships with kernel 3.16!!! I didn't know that. because when I do "lsb_release -a" in my laptop (installed from 14.04), it says I have 14.04.2 too!
[18:04] <MonkeyDust> s1991 steadyflow and fatrat are download managers
[18:05] <digitsm> So if I want to stick with kernel 3.13, I have to use 14.04.1 iso image to install
[18:05] <MonkeyDust> digitsm 14.04.2 has 3.13 too
[18:06] <digitsm> MonkeyDust, I tested it just right now
[18:06] <digitsm> MonkeyDust, It has 3.16 by default
[18:06] <xangua> just install 3.13 from the repository
[18:08] <digitsm> xangua, I want the good old stable release, not HSE or other unstable kernels
[18:08] <bekks> HSE?
[18:08] <xangua> "unstable kernel" ?
[18:08] <digitsm> by unstable I mean a kernel not supported by my GPU driver
[18:08] <MonkeyDust> digitsm well, i'm using 14.04 and it has 3.13
[18:08] <bekks> The HWE for Trusty ships 3.16
[18:09] <digitsm> MonkeyDust, I have 14.04 on my laptop too, but installed to latest version
[18:10] <digitsm> bekks, I didn't know that 14.04.2 is HWE, I thought it's just the latest updates to 14.04.1, like what 14.04.1 was for 14.04
[18:10] <digitsm> It was confusing :(
[18:10] <bekks> digitsm: 14.04.2 isnt HWE.
[18:11] <digitsm> bekks, I don't get it
[18:11] <bekks>
[18:11] <TurtleDan> I am havin issues playin a DVD in Ubuntu Mate. I checked for libdvdcss and it wasn't installed but mentioned extras and I installed it, but that removed alot of programs and when I try to re-install it breaks. Can anyone help with this?
[18:11] <Artemis3> TurtleDan, get vlc and forget :3
[18:12] <TurtleDan> I had VLC installed but it wouldn't play.
[18:12] <Artemis3> using open disc?
[18:12] <TurtleDan> Yeah.
[18:12] <Giwrgaras> hi i installed the virtual box additions but my display again is not 1920 x 1080. do you know what do i have to do ?
[18:12] <digitsm> bekks, Just look at
[18:12] <bekks> digitsm: And?
[18:12] <digitsm> It says that the kernel of 14.04.2 is 3.16
[18:12] <digitsm> meaning that 14.04.2 is HWE
[18:13] <Artemis3> TurtleDan, picked the right device? ie. /dev/cdrom ?
[18:13] <TurtleDan> I cannot re-install VLC again because it says I have broken packages whenI try to install any of the stuff I had in before.
[18:13] <Artemis3> ah
[18:13] <TurtleDan> Yes. I insert the DVD, open with VLC and it does nothin.
[18:13] <Artemis3> i would open vlc first then use the "open disc" from menu
[18:14] <xangua> !paste | TurtleDan: the actuall error would be helpful
[18:14] <Artemis3> TurtleDan, so you can see the device
[18:14] <TurtleDan> Already tried that as well as copy the video folder to VLC all with the same nothiness.
[18:14] <xangua> Artemis3: you need libdvdcss no matter if you install VLC or any player
[18:15] <Artemis3> TurtleDan, don't copy the golder :P
[18:15] <Artemis3> folder
[18:15] <TurtleDan> There is no error. It just doesn't do anythin
[18:15] <Artemis3> xangua, its bundled last i checked in vlc
[18:15] <littlebit> hi people, I have a problem reaching my ubuntu server via ssh. when trying to reach my server i get this message ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
[18:15] <imdsm_> Hi guys, I've enabled UFW on my digital ocean droplet, and only allowed port 22 through. I've enabled the firewall, but connections are still getting through
[18:15] <imdsm_> is there anything I can do to check why this might be happening?
[18:16] <Artemis3> TurtleDan, well install the package anyway
[18:16] <Artemis3> it can't hurt
[18:16] <Artemis3> libdvdcss
[18:16] <imdsm_> I've even denied traffic for port 8000 but it gets through
[18:16] <digitsm> Just go to, the only LTS iso available is 14.04.2
[18:16] <digitsm> It is misleading
[18:17] <digitsm> I think both 14.04.1 and 14.04.2 (HWE) should be available to customer
[18:17] <xangua> digitsm: 14.04.2 is latest point release
[18:17] <Pici> /70/70
[18:17] <Artemis3> digitsm, even if you had the earlier iso, a simple update would put you in the same version
[18:17] <xangua> so a person with slow connection had to install all updates instead of just installing last point release and a couple updates¡ digitsm
[18:17] <hkrrsx> imdsm_: Check this out --
[18:17] <ioria> littlebit, can you ping it ?
[18:18] <littlebit> ioria: yes I can ping my server
[18:18] <jonascj> Hi all. I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 in Virtualbox 4.3, but the guest os additions will not install once the OS itself is installed.
[18:18] <hkrrsx> imdsm_: Also, run " sudo ufw status " to verify the rule shows up afterwards
[18:18] <digitsm> xangua, wtih the exception that 14.04.2 has newer kernel and x window, which may cause unstablities
[18:18] <MortezaE> How is it possible that i get "permission denied" error when opening some file with root?
[18:18] <MortezaE> whats wrong?
[18:19] <jonascj> It says "The headers for the current running kernel was not found"
[18:19] <ioria> littlebit, do you connect with fqn or ip numbers ?
[18:19] <digitsm> xangua, Artemis3, I think user should be able to keep old 3.13 kernel if he wants
[18:19] <digitsm> I have 14.04 installed on my laptop, updated to latest versions, but not updated to 3.16 kernel
[18:19] <littlebit> ioria: i can only ping it
[18:20] <Artemis3> digitsm, you want the old iso?
[18:20] <imdsm_> thanks hkrrsx, looking at ufw show raw it shows Chain DOCKER (1 references) which I'm guessing is some sort of exception list
[18:20] <digitsm> Artemis3, I have it
[18:20] <xangua> digitsm: so go install it from repositories
[18:20] <ioria> littlebit, i mean, what's the full command you use ?
[18:20] <Artemis3> digitsm, updataing that won't change the kernel version unless you want to
[18:20] <Artemis3> at least not the major version
[18:21] <Artemis3> just security updates etc
[18:21] <littlebit> iora: it is ssh
[18:21] <digitsm> Artemis3, So if I have 14.04.2 installed, can I have kernel 3.13?
[18:21] <digitsm> What about older x org?
[18:21] <bekks> digitsm: Yes.
[18:22] <hkrrsx> imdsm_: not sure about that particular chain
[18:22] <digitsm> bekks, I feel it's hard. I have to find all HWE changes and roll them back!
[18:22] <ioria> littlebit, try with the ip after user@ and not with the name
[18:22] <MonkeyDust> kernel panic with 3.16, switched back to 3.13
[18:22] <hkrrsx> imdsm_: I don't have that chain in my UFW ruleset
[18:22] <TurtleDan> Okay VLC in Linux can't play the DVD, but VLC in wine is fine. (chuckle)
[18:22] <littlebit> ioria: i did that too
[18:23] <digitsm> MonkeyDust, You have problem with 3.16 too? :))
[18:23] <MonkeyDust> digitsm yes, so not using it
[18:23] <ioria> littlebit, ok, did you change you ip or are you and the server in the same range ?
[18:24] <Artemis3> TurtleDan, did you install libdvdcss?
[18:24] <TurtleDan> It cannot be found.
[18:24] <TurtleDan> One moment and I will post the message.
[18:24] <ioria> littlebit, usually, that error means that the sshd server hasn't start
[18:24] <ioria> ed
[18:25] <littlebit> ioria: ok
[18:25] <Artemis3> TurtleDan, try libdvdread4
[18:25] <littlebit> ioria: i'll look into it
[18:26] <TurtleDan>
[18:27] <TurtleDan> That is already installed Artemis3
[18:27] <Artemis3> TurtleDan, in a terminal do: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/
[18:28] <MonkeyDust> digitsm do you see this error during installation: "Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.16.0-031600-generic (x86_64)"
[18:28] <TurtleDan> Done.
[18:29] <Artemis3> well try now
[18:29] <digitsm> MonkeyDust, No! I could successfully install 3.16, but my VGA is Geforce GTX 750 Ti which needs nvidia driver 334.21 :
[18:30] <TurtleDan> Got it. Thanks Artemis3
[18:30] <Artemis3> good
[18:31] <digitsm> MonkeyDust, Installing nvidia driver 334.21 is a pain in the ass itself :(
[18:34] <threecatstwodogs> wait4(-1, 0x7fff6e8aa914, WNOHANG|WSTOPPED, NULL) = 0 <- anyone know what this is
[18:34] <bekks> digitsm: Isnt it in the xorg edgers PPA?
[18:35] <bekks> threecatstwodogs: Hard to guess, without any context.
[18:35] <digitsm> bekks, I have not tested it yet
[18:35] <digitsm> But my colleague was able to manually install nvidia 334.21 on linux mint 17.1 (based on 14.04.1 I think)
[18:36] <bekks> digitsm: Well, this isnt Mint, and only their support knows what they changed compared to Ubuntu.
[18:36] <digitsm> bekks, Really, But except from desktop environment, most other packages are the same
[18:37] <digitsm> *really?
[18:37] <Kaby> HEllo all
[18:37] <ca1ek> hello
[18:37] <Moushira> I upgraded via do-release-upgrade from 12.04LTS to 14.04, on reboot, I had grub rescue message, then t through live usb installed and ran boot-repair, then on reboot,it said insert system disk but it wasn't responsive to liveusb I changed BIOS to CMOS, now I am live usb,but need pointersto where to start troubleshooting. Any hints :)
[18:38] <digitsm> Moushira, Hard for me :/ maybe better experts can help you :)
[18:38] <ca1ek> i need halp with radeon x1950, what do i need to install to run opengl gaems on it like tf2, cs:s?
[18:39] <digitsm> calek, games like what?
[18:39] <digitsm> counter strike?
[18:39] <ca1ek> digitsm ye, CS 1.6 runs fine but CS source does not
[18:40] <digitsm> calek, I don't think you can simply run CS on linux. At least I don't know about it
[18:40] <digitsm> calek, If you did it before, you did a big thing :)
[18:40] <ca1ek> it's possible, it got ported
[18:40] <ca1ek> it runs on my laptop fine
[18:40] <ca1ek> but on desktop it says that i got no opengl acceleration or stuff like that
[18:42] <digitsm> Oooh! Technology has advanced fast! :)) When I was young, the only game available on linux was extreme tux racer :))
[18:42] <ca1ek> and, on windows cs 1.6 runs in opengl at >140 fps while on ubutnu it runs at 30-40fps and software rendering
[18:42] <ca1ek> digitsm you've been living under a rock?
[18:43] <digitsm> calek: somehow :)
[18:43] <ca1ek> digitsm look
[18:43] <MonkeyDust> digitsm when I was young, there was no such thing as pc's
[18:44] <digitsm> MonkeyDust, :))
[18:44] <ca1ek> these 1965 linux games that i can play like 30 of them max bcoz fukin drivers
[18:45] <littlebit> ioria: you there?
[18:45] <ioria> littlebit, yep
[18:46] <littlebit> i ran tcpdump while trying to connec to my server:
[18:47] <ca1ek> :(, amd drivers for xorg 7.4 max
[18:48] <ioria> littlebit, but ssh server has started ?
[18:48] <littlebit> ioria: i checked that with service ssh status and reported me that it is running
[18:48] <littlebit> ioria: did also a restart
[18:50] <ioria> littlebit, firewall is ok
[18:50] <ioria> ?
[18:50] <littlebit> ioria: that is fine
[18:53] <ioria> littlebit, are usually able to connect ?
[18:53] <littlebit> the funny thing is that i can ssh from my server to my laptop
[18:53] <littlebit> but not the other way around
[18:54] <ioria> littlebit, shut the server on your laptop
[18:54] <littlebit> the sshd?
[18:54] <n00buser> how does one intergrate his keyboard with ubuntu?
[18:54] <ioria> littlebit, yes, just one server instance
[18:54] <n00buser> and after that, where the fuck is solitare?
[18:55] <rypervenche> language please
[18:55] <n00buser> excuse me?
[18:55] <littlebit> ioria: did that
[18:55] <yaclm> hi
[18:55] <n00buser> but i really need a root account to install my keyboard!
[18:56] <n00buser> i plugged in my keyboard and ubuntu won't install on it?
[18:57] <n00buser> anyone? how do i get this OS to install on my keyboard?
[18:57] <ioria> littlebit, try to telnet port 22
[18:58] <Bashing-om> n00buser: Check in bios that "plug and play " is enabled .
[18:58] <KenRifkin> I've just put my photoshop disk in, any ideas why it won't install?
[18:58] <n00buser> i don't have a screen
[18:59] <n00buser> ubuntu won't run on my keyboard..
[18:59] <KenRifkin> Do i need root to install photoshop?
[19:00] <n00buser> i tried to install adobe
[19:00] <n00buser> double click it doesn't work
[19:00] <KenRifkin> n00buser, someone told me you need a root account to install it
[19:00] <Bashing-om> n00buser: IF you have no screen at the firware boot up - not an operating system problem . That is the 1st step in booting, long before the OS is booted .
[19:01] <n00buser> i rooted my keyboard with enllightenment
[19:01] <n00buser> got root
[19:01] <n00buser> tried to install adobe..
[19:01] <n00buser> no dice
[19:01] <bazhang> install ubuntu ON your keyboard?
[19:01] <KenRifkin> Bashing-om, how do I get root?
[19:02] <bazhang> KenRifkin, you dont
[19:02] <n00buser> bazhang: yes
[19:02] <n00buser> on my keyboard.
[19:02] <bazhang> n00buser, take this somewhere else
[19:02] <n00buser> my dad bought me it for easter
[19:02] <KenRifkin> bazhang, why not? I need root to install photoshop
[19:02] <n00buser> said that ubuntu runs on it
[19:02] <KenRifkin> someone in #linux told me so
[19:02] <MonkeyDust> n00buser a keyboard with ubuntu installed on it?
[19:02] <bazhang> KenRifkin, you need wine
[19:02] <KenRifkin> I dont drink
[19:02] <KenRifkin> but seriously
[19:02] <KenRifkin> how do i root
[19:03] <bazhang> thats enough n00buser
[19:03] <bazhang> take the nonsense some other place
[19:04] <n00buser> bazhang: then why don't u help me get this working
[19:04] <n00buser> and i'll leave you alone
[19:04] <n00buser> isn't this a help channel
[19:05] <n00buser> so is anyone gonna help me
[19:06] <n00buser> my dad said 'linux will run on a toaster'
[19:06] <Stary2001_> bsd does
[19:14] <Ntemis> anyone with webmin knowledge?
[19:14] <littlebit> \?
[19:14] <Ntemis> i f.. up the theme and i cant load it
[19:14] <Ntemis> is there any name for the default one?
[19:15] <k1l> Ntemis: webmin was kicked out of debian and ubuntu repos.
[19:15] <Ntemis> i can edity the config file
[19:15] <Ntemis> yeah i know but still is the best web server managment for free
[19:16] <k1l> "best" :/ i personally dont consider it best if it spoils the config files and other issues. but i think you best see if the webmin guys offer support. since they will know about that
[19:17] <littlebit> exit
[19:19] <Ntemis> i have yet to widness any config spoiling in my 4 years of usage
[19:20] <darkelfjuggalo> Does anyone understand why Ethernet connection is removed in 14.04? my laptop refuses to manage ethernet... I just converted a Desktop from Windows Vista to Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 then 14.04... in 10 and 12 Ethernet worked fine... on 14 it says disconnected and there is no wireless card built into the desktop
[19:21] <Ntemis> is all about the money imo
[19:22] <Kaby> darkelfjuggalo, well installing any linux on virtual machine won't work 100 %
[19:23] <darkelfjuggalo> Kaby This isnt a VM in either case... Ubuntu 14.04 is the ONLY operating system on the computer
[19:23] <k1l> darkelfjuggalo: depends on the exect used make and model of the network devices. some manufacturers made trouble and got removed from the kernel, so no automatic detection etc
[19:23] <ioria> darkelfjuggalo, lspci | grep Ethernet ?
[19:26] <darkelfjuggalo> Desktop: Gateway gt5465e: 04:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation PRO/100 VE Network Connection (rev 01)
[19:27] <ioria> darkelfjuggalo, i got the same
[19:28] <darkelfjuggalo> ioria how did you get it to respond and connect to the internet?
[19:29] <ioria> darkelfjuggalo, lspci -k | grep Ethernet -A 3 ?
[19:31] <akkad> I moved to using mirrors:// to avoid this crap. 404 Not Found [Mirror:]. Why are there SOOO many broken mirrors in the mirror.txt?
[19:33] <JethroTux> Hello
[19:39] <JethroTux> I get some errors when switching from upstart to systemd, the system doesn't boot correctly and gives me "emergency mode". can anybody help pls?
[19:41] <Ben64> JethroTux: systemd isnt supported until 15.04
[19:41] <k1l> !systemd
[19:41] <k1l> JethroTux: see this ^
[19:41] <JethroTux> k1l, I did!
[19:43] <sud0_h4x0r> Salutations.
[19:48] <unknownsquad> y dont non of u guys have vpn
[19:48] <pbx> unknownsquad, what is your question?
[19:52] <_Kai_> unknownsquad, don't need one
[19:52] <_Kai_> I don't live under a totalitarian government. God bless European Human Rights.
[19:52] <yaclm> unknownsquad, i have? what is your question?
[19:53] <_Kai_>
[19:54] <deadmund> I know that one can configure the dmesg timestamp to be human readable. What is the default? Are they not seconds ?
[19:54] <_Kai_> HH:MM:SS
[19:54] <pavlos_> deadmund, try dmesg -T
[19:58] <AkshaY> hello , is there anyone who can help me
[19:59] <pbx> AkshaY, jump in and ask your question, with as much context as possible.
[20:00] <deadmund> _Kai_: pavlos_ thanks
[20:00] <pbx> AkshaY, what did you do, what did you expect, what happened instead? share pastebin links to error messages or shell sessions as appropriate
[20:00] <yaclm> !ask | AkshaY
[20:00] <AkshaY> I am new to the vps and stuff. I have installed lighttpd and its working but the webpages arent showing up
[20:01] <lonelybyte> check the http port is listen?
[20:01] <pbx> AkshaY, doesn't sound like a question for this channel. try #lighttpd
[20:02] <AkshaY> yes it is lonelybyte
[20:02] <AkshaY> ok thanks
[20:03] <italo> ciao
[20:03] <italo> !list
[20:05] <italo> !list
[20:07] <ekool> wow, the upgrade progress meter in apt is neat.
[20:07] <ekool> command line apt, I'm talking about.
[20:14] <maraneta> So I recently mounted a ntfs external hard drive to my ubuntu server. Is there any chance this would affect (delete) any files in some /media/ folders?
[20:14] <maraneta> I used the ntfs-3g mount command
[20:14] <pavlos_> maraneta, mounted RO or RW
[20:14] <maraneta> pavlos_: I'm not sure what RO / RW are
[20:15] <pbx> read-only, read-write
[20:15] <maraneta> RW
[20:16] <maraneta> pavlos_: RW
[20:17] <pavlos_> maraneta, do you need RW access? if not, mount it as RO
[20:19] <pavlos_> maraneta, there is a -o ro option, look at man ntfs-3g
[20:20] <maraneta> pavlos_: okay, I might in fact need RW access, but either way would this have caused files to be deleted in /media folders?
[20:22] <pavlos_> maraneta, if you need RW access, then sure files could be deleted. That's what RW is, read and/or write.
[20:24] <cstk421> im getting an error "Line has invalid autocommand "umask 077; test -d ~/.ssh || mkdir ~/.ssh ; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" when copying ssh id over to the server from the host. can anyone tell me what im doing wrong been trying to get this going for 2 hours
[20:24] <cstk421> just need to get ssh keys copied to enable passwordless logon from host to server
[20:25] <littlebit> hi people I have a problem with connecting to my server via ssh. I can ping my server but when trying to do a ssh user@server nothing happens. A look at the servers dmesg gets me this:
[20:25] <littlebit>
[20:26] <littlebit>
[20:26] <littlebit> sry
[20:26] <littlebit> can someone help??
[20:26] <pbx> cstk421, from a quick google that sounds cisco related
[20:26] <cstk421> pbx: its not i saw the same thing
[20:26] <swordsmanz> littlebit did you open 22
[20:26] <digdug__> hello! i'm looking for a way to set a global shortcut to perform an action with the shutter program (the action is "select a window to capture")...
[20:26] <gr33n7007h> cstk421: use ssh-copy-id
[20:26] <littlebit> swordsmanz: ssh uses the default config so I would say yes
[20:27] <hkrrsx> littlebit: UFW is blocking your SSH connection
[20:27] <cstk421> gr33n7007h: i did that but im getting the error i posted earlier
[20:27] <hkrrsx> littlebit: sudo ufw status will tell you if port 22 is open or not
[20:27] <hkrrsx> I suspect it is not
[20:27] <pbx> cstk421, i'm not following your logic
[20:27] <swordsmanz> ^
[20:27] <pbx> digdug__, keyboard settings
[20:27] <cstk421> pbx: my logic is it has nothing to do with a cisco device or cisco related. I said i googled the issue myself before coming here and saw the same thing
[20:28] <cstk421> pbx: for some reason googling that string doesnt show my issue
[20:28] <swordsmanz> this is an umbuntu support channel there is no logi chere o-o
[20:29] <pbx> cstk421, ok, gotcha. i didn't see you say anything about having done any searching prior. good luck. FWIW if you can try those commands one at a time you might narrow down the problem
[20:29] <cstk421> pbx: will do thx
[20:30] <nightwalkerkg> Is there a channel for Ubuntu Gnome or this is for all versions of Ubuntu ?
[20:30] <lonelybyte> who use fvwm2?
[20:31] <digdug__> pbx: thanks
[20:38] <Bashing-om> NightMonkey: Yjis channel for all distributions of 'ubuntu' .
[20:38] <Bashing-om> This*
[20:41] <pausiert> anyone know a howto on automated ubuntu install with pxe?
[20:41] <littlebit> swordsmanz: ssh uses the default config
[20:43] <MonkeyDust> pausiert
[20:49] <pjschmit1> hi everyone, so I found that protobuf-2.6 is not in ubuntu 14.04
[20:50] <pjschmit1> is there a way to backport, I found the 15.04 package but I'd have to import all its dependancies
[20:50] <pjschmit1> is that normal
[20:50] <pjschmit1> and is there a way I can see why certain dependancies exist?
[20:51] <pjschmit1> is there an unstable repo
[20:51] <pjschmit1> sorry I'm not super used to ubuntu since I usually use gentoo
[20:51] <tgm4883> pjschmit1: don't use the enter key for punctuation
[20:53] <mcphail> pjschmit1: for most things, backporting isn't supported, I'm afraid. It doesn't fit with the current Ubuntu model
[20:53] <bazhang> pjschmit1, the equivalent would be PPA
[20:53] <bazhang> and or backports
[20:53] <bazhang> !ppa | pjschmit1
[20:53] <tgm4883> pjschmit1: I would suggest building it on your own PPA
[21:08] <Hun9ryH1ppo> For some reason, xdotool command doesn't seem to pick up the 'FN' key when I'm creating a custom shortcut. I've created a keyboard shortcut to turn up/down brightness, but I wanted to use 'FN' + 'F5' for example
[21:09] <Hun9ryH1ppo> For now, I have 'F5' and 'F6' as a keyboard shortcut for brighness
[21:13] <Hun9ryH1ppo> For some reason, xdotool command doesn't seem to pick up the 'FN' key when I'm creating a custom shortcut. I've created a keyboard shortcut to turn up/down brightness, but I wanted to use 'FN' + 'F5' for example. For now I have F5 and F6 to control brightness, but it'd be great to use 'FN' key with it.
[21:17] <ynot_> hi
[21:17] <Hun9ryH1ppo> Does anyone know why 'FN' key only works with some of the function keys on my keyboard, and not all of them? For example,
[21:18] <_Kai_> because some of them require special software
[21:18] <_Kai_> from your original equipment manufacturer
[21:18] <Hun9ryH1ppo> 'FN' + 'F11'/ 'F12' keys control volume.
[21:18] <k1l> Hun9ryH1ppo: because many manyufacturers dont stick to the acpi standard and using their own stuff. that needs some drivers then which are not always made for linux, too.
[21:19] <k1l> Hun9ryH1ppo: best is to see if someone made it working already with your make and model
[21:19] <kopasetik> how would i pipe over a query for a file and then run it in node.js? "find *.js | node "?
[21:21] <Hun9ryH1ppo> _Kai_: I have made a custom keyboard shortcut, prior to installing xdotools, which controls my monitor brightness. The only thing is, it won't let me add 'FN' key with my function keys. It only allows one key, that being any one of the function keys.
[21:22] <_Kai_> don't know sorry
[21:23] <Hun9ryH1ppo> k1l: Well thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I love Ubuntu, its a beautiful distro. It's so smooth and compact. If only I can get some freaking function keys to work, that'd be great haha
[21:24] <Hun9ryH1ppo> k1l: I'll do some searching online fore the drivers :p
[21:27] <Umeaboy> In Utopic, where can I find the settings for the touchpad so that the scroller works?
[21:27] <Umeaboy> x86_64
[21:28] <Umeaboy> In an HP Pavilion laptop.
[21:28] <Umeaboy> 6000-series.
[21:29] <pzykotic> I don't use Ubuntu on a laptop but all the touchpad settings should be in System Settings > Mouse & Touchpad
[21:31] <felice_> help
[21:31] <felice_> download film?
[21:32] <embrik> do you know the name for the ubuntu phone channel?
[21:32] <bekks> !touch | embrik
[21:32] <pzykotic> embrik: #ubuntu-touch
[21:34] <pausiert> does kickstart has an option to encrypt user home dirs?
[21:35] <bekks> pausiert: "Yes."
[21:36] <pausiert> bekks: can you give me a hint?
[21:36] <bekks> pausiert:
[21:40] <pausiert> bekks: I'd rather only encrypt the private home folder as the computer is quite slow
[21:40] <aliman_> hey guys. can anyone tell me which chat is the best and which should i use? i use webchat right now
[21:40] <MonkeyDust> aliman_ the one you like most, that is the best
[21:40] <pausiert> aliman_: what protocols? and cli or gui?
[21:40] <tgm4883> MonkeyDust: +1, that is the best client
[21:40] <bekks> pausiert: I'd rather not encrypt enything, since the computer is slow :)
[21:41] <aliman_> i use ubuntu unity
[21:41] <pausiert> bekks: yea thanks always learning. any idea on the encryption thing?
[21:41] <embrik> bekks, thanks
[21:42] <k1l> !info hexchat | aliman_
[21:42] <embrik> pzykotic, thanks you too
[21:44] <natas> no answer in #ubuntu-touch..... so ill ask here.... any of you have some skills in linux deploy on a android phone?
[21:45] <k1l> natas: better ask that in a android channel. there are some apps which provide a chroot.
[21:45] <aliman__> is there any way to make the left side bar disappear and put my icons on desktop?
[21:45] <rgb-one> aliman__: Indeed
[21:46] <natas> k1l : okay.. ty :)
[21:47] <aliman__> rgb-one, well? you will tell me?:)
[21:48] <archheretic> Im trying to connect to my router throught the terminal, but I cant get it to work :(
[21:48] <archheretic> archheretic@archheretic-P17SM:~$ iwconfig wlan0 essid Get-40ede0 key MYPASSWORD
[21:48] <archheretic> I got sudo infront of it btw
[21:49] <rgb-one> aliman__: all the desktop files for each application is stored in the /usr/share/applications folder
[21:49] <archheretic> If im already connected I get this message "Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :
[21:49] <archheretic> SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation already in progress.
[21:49] <archheretic> "
[21:49] <archheretic> if Im not connected, I dont get a message at all
[21:50] <rgb-one> aliman__: what you can do is copy those files to the Desktop directory located in the Home directory
[21:50] <rgb-one> aliman__: copy the relevant ones that is
[21:50] <aliman__> rgb-one, ok thank you :)
[21:50] <pausiert> bekks: looks like kickstart only offers disc and not user encryption. I'll try to create an post installation script
[21:52] <k3asd`> nick k3asd`
[21:53] <rgb-one> aliman__: as for hiding the launcher, go to System Settings->Appearance->Behavior Tab->Turn on Auto-hide the Launcher. There may be another way to not show the launcher at all but that will need to be researched and I haven't the time mi amigo.
[21:53] <archheretic> got it to work with another command
[22:10] <gie> hi morning all
[22:11] <usuario> usuario
[22:17] <MichaelTiebesl> gie: hi there
[22:17] <gie> MichaelTiebesl : morning
[22:18] <MichaelTiebesl> gie: where are you based that it is morning there?
[22:18] <natas> morning? woa.. u must be down under or somthang
[22:19] <MichaelTiebesl> for me its just after 6am also
[22:19] <gie> MichaelTiebesl : yeah i'm in indonesia
[22:19] <MichaelTiebesl> gie: im in makati at this moment
[22:19] <archheretic> My update is suddenly going really slow, been like this for the last 5 min
[22:19] <natas> <------ Norway
[22:19] <archheretic> 100% [Connecting to (2001:67c:1562::13)]
[22:19] <gie> waw
[22:19] <archheretic> but nothing really happens
[22:20] <archheretic> is it safe to cancel it with ctrl + c
[22:20] <archheretic> ?
[22:22] <stanmcm> Should be. I'm not an expert though. I've canceled updates like that before.
[22:23] <gie> archheretic : it's still connecting?
[22:23] <MichaelTiebesl> archheretic: if only downloading the packages then no problem
[22:23] <archheretic> I canceled it and tried again, I get some of them it seems, but it stops at:
[22:23] <archheretic> 100% [Connecting to (2001:67c:29f4::51)] [Connecting to s
[22:23] <MichaelTiebesl> archheretic: only installing not
[22:29] <azizLIGHT> do future ubuntu versions will ever include changelog in "software updates" dialog box for third party ppa stuff?
[22:29] <bhudipta> hello !
[22:32] <aliman> what it is going to happen if i do sudo apt-get upgrade? what exactly is going to upgrade?
[22:32] <hkrrsx> !apt-get | aliman
[22:33] <hkrrsx> aliman: Here's a YouTube video better explaining apt-get update/upgrade:
[22:33] <hkrrsx>
[22:33] <archheretic> now im no the one i was stuck at:
[22:33] <archheretic> 100% [Connecting to (2001:67c:1562::17)]
[22:34] <hkrrsx> archheretic: Can you get past it by pressing Ctrl + d ?
[22:34] <hkrrsx> archheretic: Alternatively, you're connecting to by its IPv6 address ... maybe their having problems with that interface
[22:34] <archheretic> will that skip the package?
[22:35] <hkrrsx> archheretic: Yes, it should skip updating from that repository on this occasion
[22:36] <archheretic> ctrl + d doesnt seem to do anything
[22:36] <jeffreylevesque> could someone tell me what `sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties` does?
[22:36] <archheretic> oh
[22:37] <daftykins> jeffreylevesque: installs that package without prompting for confirmation (i.e. yes/no?)
[22:37] <jeffreylevesque> which package?
[22:37] <daftykins> !info python-software-properties
[22:37] <daftykins> that one
[22:37] <archheretic> now something happend, not sure if it got skipped or not
[22:38] <hkrrsx> archheretic: $5 says the problem was server-side
[22:38] <jeffreylevesque> daftykins: so, it manages packages?
[22:38] <k1l> jeffreylevesque: apt-get install packagename installs the package named packagename. -y is for accepting every question if there come one.
[22:39] <jeffreylevesque> what is the `python-software-properties` package?
[22:39] <daftykins> jeffreylevesque: yes, i think it provides programs like add-apt-repository
[22:39] <k1l> jeffreylevesque: see the description form the bot
[22:40] <jeffreylevesque> why would you need it?
[22:40] <jeffreylevesque> i don't understand the description :(
[22:40] <k1l> jeffreylevesque: "This software provides an abstraction of the used apt repositories. It allows you to easily manage your distribution and independent software vendor software sources."
[22:40] <daftykins> jeffreylevesque: look it up
[22:40] <k1l> jeffreylevesque: it handles the package and repo stuff in the background.
[22:41] <jeffreylevesque> does it allow ppa installation?
[22:41] <daftykins> pretty sure i just said that it does (:
[22:41] <jeffreylevesque> thank you sir
[22:49] <SaintMoriarty> hello
[22:49] <BBLLCC> r01, r02, r03, i have 50 rXX files I need to bind to make a video file
[22:49] <BBLLCC> how do I do it?
[22:50] <nibbler> BBLLCC: use unrar
[22:50] <SaintMoriarty> can anyone help look at my cron to see if I'm getting this wrong? 52 1 23 4 * 2015 <--- this should tell cron to execute on 4/23/2015 1:53 pm correct ?
[22:50] <BBLLCC> nibbler, uncompressing the files will bind em?
[22:51] <k1l> BBLLCC: that files are not video files. that is a split rar archive.
[22:51] <nibbler> BBLLCC: its a multipart archive, possible with only one or a few files in it - split over multiple smallerfiels
[22:51] <k1l> BBLLCC: so use unrar to let it make the file again it was in the beginning.
[22:51] <BBLLCC> o
[22:52] <BBLLCC> ok
[22:52] <BBLLCC> will try
[22:52] <BBLLCC> thanks
[22:52] <bekks> SaintMoriarty: Yes. Looks like you are tryong to fetch some 15.04 iso :)
[22:52] <hkrrsx> SaintMoriarty: Please see the section titled "Crontab Sections":
[22:52] <bekks> *trying
[22:53] <SaintMoriarty> bekks, huh?
[22:53] <bekks> SaintMoriarty: It was just a wild guess, no offense meant.
[22:54] <SaintMoriarty> hkrrsx, thats where I got my info when I put that together
[22:54] <SaintMoriarty> is that incorrect?
[22:54] <bekks> SaintMoriarty: the 2015 is wrong.
[22:54] <bekks> SaintMoriarty: "53 1 23 4 * ...."
[22:55] <SaintMoriarty> bekks, so other then that its correct?
[22:55] <SaintMoriarty> for some reason its firing every so many hours
[22:55] <bekks> SaintMoriarty: At least it looks correct for the 5 time fields. What about the missing command field?
[22:55] <hkrrsx> bekks: SaintMoriarty: I believe the 2nd section should be a "13" instead of a "1"
[22:55] <bekks> SaintMoriarty: Can you please show us the full line?
[22:56] <SaintMoriarty> hkrrsx, I just caught that as well thanks.
[22:56] <hkrrsx> :)
[22:56] <SaintMoriarty> bekks, I am using this in a node app to execute a function
[22:56] <bekks> SaintMoriarty: Can you please show us the full line?
[22:56] <SaintMoriarty> var date = '52 13 23 4 *';
[22:57] <bekks> SaintMoriarty: That actually makes no sense.
[22:57] <bekks> SaintMoriarty: Third and last time: can you please show us the full crontab line?
[22:58] <SaintMoriarty> I just did I'm using later.js
[22:58] <bekks> SaintMoriarty: Ok, so you dont want to show us the full crontab line.
[22:58] <bekks> Maybe someone else (besides me) is still willing to help you.
[22:58] <bekks> Good luck.
[22:59] <SaintMoriarty> bekks, I appreciate your help and I'm sorry we are not understanding each other.
[23:13] <the-dark-master> hello
[23:13] <daftykins> hi
[23:14] <the-dark-master> i have a minor issue, can you help?
[23:14] <daftykins> not until you describe it (:
[23:15] <the-dark-master> i have 2 sound cards, and i havent a clue how to switch them
[23:16] <daftykins> standard ubuntu desktop?
[23:16] <the-dark-master> lubuntu acually
[23:17] <hkrrsx> the-dark-master: run "alsamixer" in a terminal and press F6 to "Select Sound Card"
[23:17] <the-dark-master> i tried that, it will only play through default for some reason
[23:19] <the-dark-master> wait, how do i run as terminal
[23:19] <daftykins> log out and back in after?
[23:19] <hkrrsx> the-dark-master: Would you check to ensure that the other device isn't muted?
[23:19] <the-dark-master> i used right click on sound settings
[23:19] <the-dark-master> both volumes are cranked
[23:20] <daftykins> the-dark-master: ctrl+alt+T to open a terminal, then 'alsamixer'
[23:21] <embrik> yo. Sorry forg the channel name for ubuntu phone, anyone?
[23:21] <k1l> embrik: #ubuntu-touch
[23:22] <embrik> k1l, thanks :-)
[23:22] <the-dark-master> sorry, been a windows user for years
[23:23] <hkrrsx> the-dark-master: Please see this YouTube video about alsamixer:
[23:43] <joao> hello
[23:46] <sumn00b> exit
[23:48] <Scintillo> Any ideas where I could find source code for this driver? Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0810:0001 Personal Communication Systems, Inc. Dual PSX Adaptor
[23:49] <daftykins> tried just installing playstation controller drivers? i have a vague feeling there are packages
[23:49] <Scintillo> daftykins: The drivers are working
[23:49] <daftykins> oh ok
[23:49] <Scintillo> The problem is Windows drivers aren't :D
[23:49] <Scintillo> So it would be nice to have something to start with to write Windows drivers
[23:49] <daftykins> funny, i have an old USB PSX adapter that's supported just fine
[23:50] <daftykins> 7 or 8?
[23:50] <Scintillo> It's Win7, everything but rumble works
[23:50] <daftykins> oic
[23:50] <daftykins> downloading the source version of the driver package not give it?
[23:50] <Scintillo> I'm not quite sure which package it is in
[23:51] <Scintillo> It came preinstalled
[23:52] <daftykins> quick query of lsmod to see what it's using? perhaps backed up with some kind of lshw output to show what module the pad is using?
[23:52] <daftykins> total guesses though i'm afraid
[23:55] <Scintillo> Here's dmesg of me plugging the device
[23:56] <daftykins> are you using XBMC/Kodi per chance?
[23:57] <Scintillo> daftykins: Elementary OS
[23:57] <Hailwood> Hey guys, does anyone have any idea how to add a "Mount read only" content menu option to nautilus. I'm often getting issues due to dual booting windows 8 and Ubuntu 14.10 due to windows8's hybernation - but normally when I want to access windows I only want to read from it so it would be great if I could just right click "Mount Read Only"
[23:58] <daftykins> Scintillo: ah. the dev of that driver is a freenode user
[23:58] <daftykins> Hailwood: or write a script that mounts it read only ;)
[23:59] <daftykins> Hailwood: or shutdown windows properly \o/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.017607 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-quality | [06:15] <wxl> elfy: sorry, no.
[14:03] <elfy> cyphermox: I see your good morning in -devel and raise you a 'do you remember the bug for the pwconv /etc/passwd 0600 issue we were seeing recently?'
[14:03] <elfy> and have a good day if you're not working :)
[14:05] <cyphermox> well, no I don't remember that bug
[14:05] <cyphermox> I can try to look it up
[14:07] <elfy> I tried too - not having much luck, was hoping flexiondotorg remembered it - he saw it first
[14:10] <cyphermox> not finding it either
[14:11] <elfy> I find reference to it in -release, but then it went to -devel and I obviously don't have logs for some reason
[14:12] <cyphermox> ok, what date then?
[14:17] <elfy> you made me think more ... last time the same thing apparently caused by "infinity But, indeed, it looks like xserver-xorg-video-all has fallen out of all the desktop seed because of the whacky xserver-xorg-core alternate dep that shouldn't be there."
[14:18] <elfy>
[14:18] <elfy> anyway - obviously there being a reason, saw the same thing in Lubuntu yesterday - no new build yet to see
[18:27] <elopio> woohoo.
[18:27] <elopio> Now I can connect to freenode again.
[18:41] <dobey> so you say
[18:56] <test> ping elopio
[18:57] <Guest16276> ping elopio
[18:59] <Guest16276> ping elopio
[18:59] <Guest16276> ping elopio
[19:00] <Guest16276> ping elopio
[19:00] <wxl> Guest16276: that might be perceived as annoying
[19:00] <Guest16276> wxl: sorry, I'm testing some stuff. Will change to another chat.
[19:01] <elfy> wxl: evening :)
[19:01] <Guest16276> I'm elopio btw, just bothering myself :)
[19:01] <wxl> hi elfy | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.040660 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-quality"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-cn | [00:17] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • 办公室电脑休眠了就不能被ssh连接 办公室的ubuntu电脑,在开机有人操作的情况下,可以从另外的笔记本上ssh连接 可是一旦ubuntu长时间不动,就是多少分钟后,自动休眠(黑屏)之后,我的笔记本就连不上了 当然,这时候再登陆ubuntu,笔记本就
[00:17] <^k^> ─> 又能ssh连上了 请问这个问题怎么解决? 我估计是不是我之前把哪里的默认设置给改了? …
[00:57] <arinya> 原来在pidgin中可以用telegram……
[00:58] <arinya> 避免了其现有客户端无法输入中文的问题
[01:32] <jusss> test
[01:32] <^k^> jusss:点点点. 09:32
[01:34] <jusss> 火车上,联通果然能上网
[01:34] <^k^> 新 新立得和软件源 • 更新失败 W:Failed to fetch ... 4/Packages Hash Sum mismatch , W:Failed to fetch ... 6/Packages Hash Sum mismatch , W:Failed to fetch ... 4/Packages HttpError4
[02:44] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 1404版本支持4k分辨率吗? 手里有一个4k本子,不知道ubuntu能否支持啊?担心字体超级小,或者有毛刺。。。提前问一下,谢谢 zz: lcdxiangzi — 2015-04-06 10:42
[02:50] <arinya> 感觉linux用户买本子就是麻烦
[02:51] <arinya> 有些预装linux的其实支持也很一般
[02:55] <sensen> hi
[02:55] <^k^> sensen:点点点. 10:56
[02:56] <sensen> 哈好
[03:06] <woju> 哈罗
[03:11] <woju> happyaron: 龙哥,在吗?
[03:40] <woju> 有人吗?
[03:40] <^k^> woju:点点点. 11:40
[03:40] <woju> 嘿!
[03:40] <woju> 我是太监!
[03:41] <woju> 再没人说话,我要脱裤子了
[03:42] <SouppuoS> woju: 替你捧个场
[03:42] <woju> SouppuoS: 谢谢!
[03:46] <^k^> 新 服务器基础应用 • 搭建Lamp环境后打不开php文档 错误一直是 Not Found The request URL /phptest.php(我的测试文档) was not found on this server. 请教大神搭救。已经俩个礼拜了服务器还没搭建好。下周老师就要要了。 zz: pingLee — 2015-04-06 11:37
[04:04] <GODDOG> anyone?
[04:32] <^k^> 新 Kubuntu • 升级到15.04后不能注销,有没有解决方法 点击注销后卡在黑屏界面,无法回到登录界面,不知道卡在什么进程上。 zz: fuhuizn — 2015-04-06 12:31
[04:34] <majormen11989> debian有没有什么好的在线视频软件?
[04:34] <majormen11989> sopcast不能用了貌似。。。。xbmc完全无奈。。
[05:29] <jusss> test
[05:29] <^k^> jusss:点点点. 13:29
[05:31] <jusss> ho
[05:31] <jusss> hoxily: hi
[05:34] <hoxily> jusss: ?
[05:37] <jusss> hoxily: 最近做啥
[05:38] <hoxily> jusss: 学这个
[05:38] <hoxily> jusss:
[05:38] <^k^> hoxily: ⇪ 英宝通公司开设游戏蛮牛unity专业门户网站,每天免费unity教程下载,unity3d教程指导,unity3d视频教程
[05:45] <sennn> 这里也没人......
[05:56] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 如此买烟 : 偶朋友:小姐中华多少钱? 导购小姐:62 偶朋友:那软中华好抽还是硬中华好抽? 导购小姐:我不抽烟不知道。 偶朋友:那凭啥软盒比硬盒贵啊? 导购小姐:…… 偶朋友:你们烟是烟草的不? 导购小姐:是埃不是烟草的谁敢卖埃 偶朋友:那给我来盒红河(5块) 导购小姐
[05:56] <^k^> ─> :……
[06:56] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 设置静态后与network manager 冲突 新电脑新装的系统ubuntu14.04.2 然后想给电脑设置静态ip, 配置如下 Code: $ sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces Code: # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8) auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static #s
[06:56] <^k^> ─> tatic IP address network netmask #your gateway IP gateway #your …
[08:01] <GODDOG> 问个问题
[08:03] <GODDOG>
[08:04] <GODDOG> 如图所示 为什么我用GDB打印一个变量 结果打印出一个函数的模板?
[08:21] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 坑爹的降落伞哟,这下死定了!
[08:45] <tryit> iMadper, 。
[08:46] <tryit> iMadper, 遇到一个奇怪的问题
[08:47] <iMadper> tryit: 啥?
[08:48] <tryit> iMadper, 我的fcitx输入法,默认的是w英文,但是符号却是全角的
[08:48] <tryit> iMadper, 符号是中文格式的
[08:48] <jiero> tryit: 你用的是什么输入法?
[08:48] <jiero> tryit: fcitx不是输入法啊
[08:49] <tryit> jiero, fcitx自带的拼音
[08:49] <jiero> tryit: 没用过那个 - 自己看看设置吧。有快捷键
[08:50] <iMadper> tryit: ...
[08:50] <iMadper> tryit: shift + space
[08:50] <tryit> iMadper, jiero 系统启动之后需要切换成中文拼音输入法,然后再切换回去就正常了
[08:50] <tryit> iMadper, 我说默认的是中文符号
[08:50] <hzform> tryit: 你看看fcitx输入法有没有“首选项”之类的设置,设置一下啊
[08:50] <iMadper> tryit: Ctrl + . <-- 中英文符号
[08:51] <iMadper> tryit: shift + space <-- 全角半角切换
[08:51] <iMadper> tryit: 问你, 宽带的上传速度重要不?
[08:51] <tryit> iMadper, 每次得自己切换一下
[08:51] <iMadper> tryit: 昂? 不会啊, 能保存啊
[08:51] <gebjgd> tryit, 你切换语言就是了
[08:51] <tryit> iMadper, 重要,有更好的上传为啥不要呢
[08:51] <tryit> iMadper, :D
[08:51] <gebjgd> tryit, 打中文用googlepinyin
[08:52] <gebjgd> tryit, 打符号用键盘的默认语言
[08:52] <iMadper> tryit: 20Mb下行 + 10Mb上行, 对比100Mb下行 + 4Mb上行 选哪个?
[08:52] <jiero> gebjgd: 有时候懒,就加了一个输入法。用切换的。
[08:52] <tryit> gebjgd, 好吧,试试
[08:52] <hzform> ibus-googlepinyin的确好用
[08:52] <tryit> iMadper, 肯定是后者
[08:53] <iMadper> tryit: 赞.
[08:53] <tryit> iMadper, ...
[08:53] <iMadper> tryit: 上传4Mb/s够?
[08:53] <iMadper> tryit: 那我就买买买了要
[08:53] <tryit> iMadper, 你给妹子传电影呢?
[08:53] <iMadper> tryit: 用不到....
[08:53] <tryit> iMadper, 那就是了嘛
[08:53] <iMadper> tryit: 昂.
[08:54] <iMadper> tryit: 那我果断买买买
[08:54] <tryit> iMadper, 就是任性
[08:54] <iMadper> tryit: 是啊.
[08:54] <iMadper> tryit: 100Mb是必须的啊.
[08:55] <tryit> iMadper, 有钱淫
[08:55] <iMadper> tryit: ... ... 说的就跟你用不起似的...
[08:55] <iMadper> tryit: 我要是有钱我就买对称的了
[08:55] <tryit> iMadper, 有这套餐?
[08:55] <iMadper> tryit: 企业级啊
[08:55] <iMadper> tryit: 肯定有啊
[08:56] <tryit> iMadper, 那是提供服务的吧
[08:58] <iMadper> tryit: 啥意思?
[08:58] <tryit> iMadper, web之类的
[08:58] <cherrot> iMadper, 乐乐的yuncli 下载好慢 :D
[09:00] <iMadper> tryit: 不是, 就是企业级的宽带服务...
[09:00] <iMadper> tryit: 不是web
[09:00] <iMadper> cherrot: lol~ ruby嘛, 肯定慢
[09:01] <iMadper> cherrot: 现在觉得, 一切的虚拟机都不行, 只有jvm和beam才是稳定可靠的.
[09:01] <cherrot> iMadper, 要是能多线程就好了
[09:01] <tryit> iMadper, 恩,
[09:01] * cherrot 说曹操曹操到
[09:01] <iMadper> cherrot: 重点是网速把?
[09:01] <cherrot> iMadper, 嗯那 重点是网速 lol
[09:02] <cherrot> iMadper, 为毛木有基于beam的大数据处理工具?
[09:02] <iMadper> cherrot: 你要是2G的对称光纤, 还在乎这个?
[09:02] <iMadper> cherrot: 哦, 我不懂大数据... 我只会小数据...
[09:02] <cherrot> iMadper, 这种看电影卡到一半的赶脚
[09:02] <cherrot> iMadper, 就和大电影小电影的区别一样
[09:03] <iMadper> cherrot: 我是 土计算 小数据 虚假化 专家
[09:03] * cherrot 一起愉快的看小电影吧
[09:03] <iMadper> cherrot: 买了个盒子, 看电影真方便.
[09:03] <iMadper> cherrot: 我老妈喜欢的手撕鬼子电视剧终于可以看20遍了
[09:03] <tryit> iMadper, 盒子有小电影??
[09:03] <iMadper> tryit: 也可以有. 盒子支持
[09:04] <iMadper> tryit: 然后, 你懂的.
[09:04] <tryit> iMadper, 不都成了8秒片了吗
[09:04] <iMadper> tryit: 不都是, 新出的都不是.
[09:04] <iMadper> tryit: 他们人肉审核很慢的.
[09:04] <iMadper> tryit: 只要你追新, 随便看.
[09:04] <iMadper> tryit: :-)
[09:05] <tryit> iMadper, ……想起星爷喜剧之王中的一句话来"看见了没有,这就叫专业"
[09:05] <tryit> iMadper, 形容你再合适不过了在这儿
[09:05] <iMadper> tryit: ... ... ...
[09:05] <iMadper> tryit: 卧槽, 我是跟 hamo学的啊
[09:05] <iMadper> tryit: 这是hamo告诉我的啊
[09:05] <cherrot> iMadper, lol
[09:06] <tryit> iMadper, 一山还比一山高……
[09:06] <iMadper> cherrot: beam太慢.
[09:06] <iMadper> cherrot: 不搞分布式的话, beam没优势, 还特别慢.
[09:06] <cherrot> iMadper, 慢好惨。。。都是字节码 差距有多大?
[09:07] <iMadper> cherrot: 你用过clojure写helloworld吗?
[09:07] <iMadper> cherrot: 从你敲下回车到helloworld打印出来, 在我5代i7 + 256gssd的本子上需要五秒.
[09:07] <cherrot> iMadper, 这些语言我也就只写过hello world了
[09:07] <jiero> helloworld
[09:07] <cherrot> iMadper, clojure 是jvm啊
[09:07] <iMadper> cherrot: 你说, 都是字节码, 差距能有多大?
[09:07] <jiero> 我用英语写过
[09:08] <cherrot> iMadper, 哦。。
[09:08] <iMadper> cherrot: jvm比beam快不少.
[09:08] <jiero> iMadper: 终于换本子了?
[09:08] <iMadper> jiero: 公司的
[09:08] <jiero> iMadper: 。。。你已经可以去吐血了
[09:08] <iMadper> cherrot: 艹... 不止五秒...
[09:09] <jiero> iMadper: 带显卡不?
[09:09] <iMadper> jiero: 不带
[09:10] <jiero> iMadper: 好黑暗的,不能玩太好的游戏。
[09:11] <hzform> iMadper: 超级本?
[09:11] <jiero> iMadper: 有没有那样超频的 - i7 四核每个核分别超频。动态哪个热度上升过快了就换另一个。
[09:11] <jiero> iMadper: 因为还是有只支持单核的程序呀
[09:12] <jiero> iMadper: 超基本?
[09:12] <cherrot> iMadper, 那步照样有基于clojure 的map-reduce
[09:12] <cherrot> iMadper, 叫啥名来着? 忘记了。。。 知名度没spark高
[09:12] <jiero> happyaron: 蓉蓉的相机真心碉堡
[09:13] <cherrot> jiero, 首壕的称号可不是盖的
[09:15] <jiero> cherrot: 你的也差不多吧。
[09:15] <jiero> cherrot: 壕。你们有着我10多倍的工资
[09:15] <jiero> cherrot: 错了,是收入
[09:22] <jiero> cherrot: 话说,如果你们的相机也用强化主体对焦集合会出现什么样的效果。 就是机身改变焦点合成图。
[09:23] <cherrot> jiero, 那就不是传统相机了
[09:23] <cherrot> jiero, 还是我没看懂你的意思
[09:23] <jiero> cherrot: 你是传统男人啊。
[09:24] <jiero> cherrot: :) 我的相机的功能
[09:24] <^k^> jiero: ⇪ FUJIFILM XQ1:特点4 实用特性1 | Fujifilm 中国
[09:25] <jiero> 多帧取景构图的图像处理功能:该对焦包围曝光模式可模拟数码单反相机的柔和失焦的背景效果。只需按下快门,然后对主要拍摄对象进行对焦曝光,随之在不同的焦点进行额外曝光*。这将产生一张最终图像,其在柔软失焦的背景下凸显拍摄对象的锐化对焦效果**。
[09:27] <iMadper> cherrot: 不知道啊, 你说的这些是大数据相关的, 我只了解小数据
[09:27] <iMadper> hzform: 是啊.
[09:27] <iMadper> jiero: 不玩游戏.
[09:27] <jiero> iMadper: 在远方的我逐渐把你们混淆了
[09:28] <iMadper> cherrot: clojure用起来爽快很多. erlang是函数式语言了, 用起来不顺手
[09:29] <hzform> iMadper: 超级本还是不要玩游戏了。。。这个便携性很好,电量也持久,但是游戏性能。。不说了
[09:29] <iMadper> hzform: 本来就不玩.
[09:29] <cherrot> iMadper, 为啥你会有这种感觉。。。 那clojuere不也是函数式
[09:30] <iMadper> cherrot: 你的误区...
[09:30] <jiero> hzform: 关键是你说的是啥游戏 --- 一说游戏就是所有游戏么
[09:30] <iMadper> cherrot: 常见误区.
[09:30] <cherrot> iMadper, 来 详解下
[09:30] <iMadper> cherrot: lisp不是函数式语言
[09:30] <jiero> hzform: 世界上90%的游戏超级本都能玩。
[09:30] <iMadper> cherrot: lisp是多范式语言
[09:30] <jiero> hzform: 你信不~
[09:30] <iMadper> cherrot: 就跟c++奕扬
[09:30] <iMadper> 一样
[09:30] <cherrot> iMadper, =。= 就是啥都能干的语言是么
[09:31] <cherrot> iMadper, 可表现出的不就是函数式的写法么
[09:31] <iMadper> cherrot: 对. 你可以写c那样的过程式.
[09:31] <hzform> jiero: 我说的是那种大型游戏
[09:31] <jiero> hzform: 大型游戏的90%
[09:31] <iMadper> cherrot: 也可以写成面向对象的
[09:31] <cherrot> iMadper, soga 只写过helloworld的人就没办法理解了
[09:31] <iMadper> cherrot: 表现出来的? 表现出来得就是你写函数式就是函数式, 写过程式就是过程式
[09:31] <jiero> hzform: 只要不是2010年后出的,不是用高画质
[09:32] <iMadper> cherrot: 跟c++一样, c++也经常被写成过程式嘛~
[09:32] <hzform> jiero: 就我所知的几款超级本就不怎么适合玩(大型)游戏
[09:32] <cherrot> iMadper, 嗯哪
[09:33] <iMadper> cherrot: lisp从头到尾关注的只是, 列表处理... 大家愿意用它写函数式而已.
[09:33] <iMadper> cherrot: 不过无所谓...
[09:35] <cherrot> iMadper, 语言不过就是for循环。。。循环不过就是列表处理 lol
[09:36] <^k^> 新 常用硬件支持 • Ubuntu14.04 nVidia 显卡 GTX860M 的驱动到底怎么装, 疯了都 妹的, 破驱动整得真它妹变态. 参考的 这篇文章 , 从nvidia官网下载的支持gtx860m的驱动文件 你妹啊手贱, 安装完重启后, 就一直黑屏停在即将出现登录界面
[09:37] <iMadper> cherrot: 不一样, 基本上lisp每句话都是个列表.
[09:37] <iMadper> cherrot: (item1 item2) <-- (format "xxx") 函数调用也是这个形式嘛~ s-expr
[09:38] <iMadper> cherrot: 但是其他语言没有这么高的一致性
[09:38] <iMadper> cherrot: 列表对于其他语言来说只是个数据结构
[09:38] * iMadper 做饭去
[10:09] <hzform> ^k^: ubuntu装不了显卡驱动吧?之前我从nvidia官网上下载了专门的linux驱动并按照网上的安装教程进行安装,重启之后就看不到桌面和侧边栏了,怎么搞都不行,最后重做系统了事。
[10:11] <^k^> hzform,
[10:22] <yunfan> iMadper: 其他语言叫 collections/iterable而已
[10:44] <jusss> onlylove: fcitx又更新了,而且更难用了
[10:48] <jusss> onlylove: scim和rime怎么样? 要不我就换他们2个了, ibus惟一的问题就是打开默认就是中文,每次都得按shift去切,烦
[10:48] <onlylove> jusss: 吊打 csslayer和 happyaron
[10:50] <jusss> onlylove: 把fcitx &写进了.xinitrc,现在每次打开窗口,默认是能输入英文,可是尼玛符号全是中文的
[10:51] <jusss> onlylove: 以前是默认打开输入英文,符号也是英文,按shift切换中文,现在默认输入中文,符号是中文
[10:51] <onlylove> jusss: 不知道你怎么搞的,我平时用中文才打开输入法
[10:51] <onlylove> jusss: 和你说了,吊打 csslayer去
[10:52] <jusss> onlylove: 我把fcitx &写进了.xinitrc这样每次启动X后就会自动启动fcitx, fcitx里面安装了2个语言,第一个是英语,第二个是拼音,这样第一次启动fcitx后使用的就是英语,按shift切换第二个拼音,这样不用使用C-Space切换了
[10:53] <gebjgd> jusss, 谁说的
[10:54] <jusss> onlylove: 而ibus不爽的是拼音只能是第一个语言,英语在后面,这样只要把ibus写.xinitrc后,你只要一打开窗口使用的语言就是拼音,而不是英语
[10:54] <gebjgd> jusss, 我这里fcitx 相当的好用
[10:54] <jusss> gebjgd: 我说的,我arch
[10:54] <gebjgd> jusss, 野鸡发行版有点问题必须的
[10:54] <gebjgd> jusss, 不然它就不叫野鸡发行版了
[10:54] <jusss> gebjgd: 我现在fcitx跟随X启动后,默认输入英语,符号却是拼音的那种
[10:55] <jusss> gebjgd: 那总比你非主流好
[10:55] <gebjgd> jusss, 我什么时候非主流了
[10:55] <gebjgd> jusss, *ubuntu表示很稳定
[10:56] <^k^> 新 常用硬件支持 • ubuntu14.04声音问题 安装ubuntu14.04只能在root下出声音,普通用户竟然没声音,而且alsamixer在普通用户下打不开,提示cant open mixer,但是在root下却正常,什么问题? zz: majormeng — 2015-04-06 18:54
[10:56] <jusss> gebjgd: 野鸡发行版起码人人上,你这非主流的,都没人上
[11:05] <onlylove> 求解释野鸡和非主流
[11:11] <tryit> onlylove, 请教个问题
[11:12] <onlylove> tryit: 啥……
[11:12] <onlylove> tryit: 你别吓我
[11:12] <tryit> onlylove, 直通电缆、交叉电缆和反转电缆
[11:13] <tryit> onlylove, 接头都是RJ45的吗?
[11:13] <onlylove> tryit: 是
[11:13] <onlylove> tryit: 直通是两头都是B,交叉是一头A一头B,翻转就是一头1-8另一头8-1
[11:13] <tryit> onlylove, 仅仅是引脚的连接方式不同吧?外观上看不出来对不对?
[11:14] <gebjgd> jusss, 谁说没人上
[11:14] <gebjgd> jusss, 上的人多了
[11:15] <onlylove> tryit: 是的
[11:15] <tryit> onlylove, 多谢~
[11:16] <jusss> onlylove: 我用li-node下小电影,收到li-node的警告信了。。。说我侵犯了DMCA
[11:16] <jusss> what a pity!
[11:17] <onlylove> jusss: 吃饱了撑的你
[11:18] <jusss> onlylove: 百度云下不下来。。。
[11:18] <jusss> 我才这样搞得
[11:18] <gebjgd> jusss,
[11:18] <alvin_rxg> Title: Watch movies online for free movie download at (@
[11:18] <tryit> onlylove, 思科路由器或者交换机有没有完整的文档,比如MSDN对于windows,或者man,info对于linux这种
[11:18] <gebjgd> jusss, 上面电影多的是
[11:19] * gebjgd 睡午觉去
[11:19] <jusss> gebjgd: 我从海盗湾下的,
[11:19] <onlylove> tryit: 好像有?忘了,好像叫思科网络技术学院,反正上下两册?不知道算不算
[11:19] <tryit> onlylove, 不是那种的
[11:20] <tryit> onlylove, 比如所有命令的完整的参考手册
[11:20] <jusss> tryit: 华为的有
[11:20] <onlylove> tryit: 哦,那应该算
[11:22] <tryit> onlylove, gns3可以通过写脚本的方式进行配置路由或者交换机吗?
[11:23] <tryit> onlylove, 把所有的命令写在本地的一个脚本文件中
[11:23] <onlylove> tryit: gns3是啥
[11:23] <tryit> onlylove, ios模拟器
[11:23] <onlylove> tryit: 不知道,没玩过
[11:23] <tryit> onlylove, 好吧,你玩的都是真家伙
[11:23] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: .
[11:23] <onlylove> tryit: 真家伙也没怎么玩其实
[11:23] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 在?
[11:24] <onlylove> tryit: 因为配好了就要丢那了
[11:25] <tryit> onlylove, 开始得一个一个在 ios 的 console 下敲命令了7
[11:26] <onlylove> tryit: 我对那东西摸的不多,批量这事你问下CCIE蛙
[11:27] <onlylove> tryit: 至于juniper的话,问 糊涂xu
[11:27] <tryit> gfrog, 呼叫g蛙。。。
[11:27] <tryit> onlylove, 现在暂时不折腾juniper
[11:27] <iMadper> BuMangHuo:
[11:27] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ DSDOLL 蝶 等身实体娃娃 145cm 14800元_DSDOLL官网优惠_什么值得买
[11:33] <onlylove> iMadper: 人千人斩斩的都是真货,你弄个这个几个意思
[11:33] <iMadper> onlylove: 我想让他送我一个
[11:33] <iMadper> onlylove: 怎么了?
[11:34] <onlylove> iMadper: 那你不应该给adam看么,
[11:34] <onlylove> iMadper: 他才有那财力啊
[11:34] <iMadper> onlylove: 为啥?
[11:34] <iMadper> onlylove: 你不认识 BuMangHuo 吧?
[11:34] <iMadper> onlylove: 新来的?
[11:35] <onlylove> iMadper: 一万五啊,对千人斩来说不算小数目啊
[11:35] <iMadper> onlylove: 不知道 BuMangHuo 的财力?
[11:35] <iMadper> onlylove: 呵呵.
[11:35] <onlylove> iMadper: 求科普 BuMangHuo 的财力
[11:35] <iMadper> onlylove: 手里的妹子多, 还会愁钱?!?!?!
[11:36] <iMadper> onlylove: 每周五接 BuMangHuo 下班的富婆, 开保时捷911的都是最破的.
[11:36] <onlylove> iMadper: 我就知道,adam一秒20W,aron比他还有钱
[11:36] <iMadper> onlylove: 知道的真多...
[11:36] * iMadper 充电去
[11:36] * tryit 彻底拜倒了……
[11:38] <tryit> onlylove, 找到了
[11:39] <tryit> onlylove,
[11:39] <^k^> tryit: ⇪ Cisco IOS 15.1M&T - Configuration Guides - Cisco
[11:39] <tryit> onlylove,
[11:39] <^k^> tryit: ⇪ Cisco IOS 15.1M&T - Command References - Cisco
[11:39] <jusss> iMadper: linode是不是自带域名的?比如 ?
[11:40] <iMadper> jusss: 没用过, 不知道
[11:44] * onlylove 坐等 BuMangHuo 给 iMadper 买娃娃
[11:47] <jusss> onlylove: bash makefile什么的真的是给人看的?
[11:48] <onlylove> jusss: 你被忽略了而已
[11:48] <onlylove> jusss: 不然就不会有啥automake和cmake什么的了
[11:55] <yunfan> onlylove: 想去买个zenfone2
[11:58] <onlylove> yunfan: 看起来不错,买买买
[11:58] * onlylove 吃饭去
[12:00] <yunfan> onlylove: 不敢买 intel的 怕电池傻逼
[12:00] <onlylove> yunfan: 我以为arm的,结果x86……
[12:00] <iMadper> 等着买surface3
[12:01] <yunfan> onlylove: 嗯哼
[12:02] <onlylove> 吃饭吃饭,明天上班,好忧伤
[12:21] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 神兽出没,闲人避让
[12:32] <Freebuilder> 吼吼
[12:35] <onlylove> Freebuilder: 结婚的人了,吼毛线
[12:35] <Freebuilder> onlylove, 我吼我高兴
[12:39] <Freebuilder> Win8 的分区怎么搞那么复杂
[12:47] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 求助,添加kali软件源后更新出问题了 如题,在添加kali软件源后,更新后,无法添加其他软件源,在设置打开软件和更新出错, 123@456:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fcitx-team/nightly Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repositor
[12:47] <^k^> ─> y", line 91, in <module> sp = SoftwareProperties(options=options) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwarepro …
[12:49] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 求助,添加kali软件源后更新出问题了 如题,在添加kali软件源后,更新后,无法添加其他软件源,在设置打开软件和更新出错, 123@456:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fcitx-team/nightly Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repositor
[12:49] <^k^> ─> y", line 91, in <module> sp = SoftwareProperties(options=options) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwarepro …
[12:56] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 求助,添加kali软件源后更新出问题了 如题,在添加kali软件源后,更新后,无法添加其他软件源,在设置打开软件和更新出错, 123@456:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fcitx-team/nightly Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repositor
[12:56] <^k^> ─> y", line 91, in <module> sp = SoftwareProperties(options=options) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwarepro …
[13:00] <jusss> Freebuilder: bash 怎么搞那么复杂?
[13:01] <Freebuilder> 囧
[13:02] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 预装Win8系统,要换ubuntu14.04,问怎么分区?(不是双系统) 我现在是 Win8 , 捕获.PNG 捕获1.PNG ( Y盘和Z盘是我的移动硬盘 )Y盘Fat32格式,用来安装Ubuntu的,Z盘是备份的数据,不能删,电脑本地磁盘C盘是WIn8系统盘,A盘是数据
[13:02] <^k^> ─> (备份在Z盘了),还有EFI分区 OEM分区和前后两个恢复分区, 现在不要windows了,只留U …
[13:06] <onlylove> jusss: good job!
[13:10] <jusss> onlylove: 好想有个女友
[13:11] <^k^> 新 服务器基础应用 • FTP服务为什么总是关不掉 执行命令'$ netstat -lt',结果显示如下: tcp 0 0 *:ftp *:* LISTEN 执行命令'$ sudo service vsftpd stop'后,再次执行‘$ netstat lt’,不见ftp服务了,但是等一会,再次执行‘$ netstat -lt’查看时,发现又有ftp那个服务了
[13:11] <^k^> ─> ,这是怎么回事呢? 为什么总是关不掉那个服务? zz: ryt — 2015-04-06 21:09
[13:11] <onlylove> jusss: 那就找个啊
[13:11] <jusss> onlylove: 你又不是不知道我张啥样。。。
[13:12] <onlylove> jusss: 你这就担心了?
[13:12] <jusss> onlylove: 嗯
[13:12] <onlylove> jusss: 马云都能找到,你怕毛线
[13:12] <onlylove> jusss: 马云结婚可是在他变富之前
[13:12] <jusss> onlylove: 正因为自己所没有所以才去追求没有的,我想找漂亮的
[13:13] <jusss> onlylove: 就像美国电影美剧里50多岁的老女人最喜欢20多岁的小青年
[13:13] <onlylove> jusss: ……
[13:14] <onlylove> jusss: 80多岁的老头子最喜欢十几岁的小姑娘?
[13:14] <jusss> onlylove: 当然,看睡美人就知道了
[13:14] <jusss> onlylove:
[13:14] <^k^> jusss: ⇪ 睡美人 (豆瓣)
[13:15] <onlylove> jusss: 居然有钱看电影
[13:15] <jusss> onlylove: rarbg yify呀,还有海盗湾
[13:16] <jusss> onlylove: 我在家10Mb电信光纤没流量限制
[13:16] <onlylove> jusss: 我以为你去影院
[13:17] <jusss> onlylove: 这种电影你认为大天朝让播吗?
[13:17] <onlylove> jusss: 哦,也对
[13:22] <jusss> roylez_: 陈真,你来啦
[14:19] <super_mrwu> freenode已爆炸,他們需要systemd
[14:24] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 有人了解ubuntu下的触摸板能实现多少功能吗?比如说和win8.1相比呢。 win8下的触摸板的功能还是蛮给力的。 求指导,如何可以实现。 需要单独安装相应的驱动还是有类似的配置脚本可以参考? zz: lcdxiangzi — 2015-04-06 22:24
[14:27] <hzform> 有看《tcp/ip协议详解》的吗?这书怎么样呀?
[15:43] * ^k^ 3.18.7-gentoo #1 SMP Sun Mar 29 16:15:47 CST 2015 ruby 2.3.0dev (2015-03-29 trunk 50111) [i686-linux] 读古人的书,一方面要知道古人聪明到怎样,一方面也要知道古人傻到怎样。--胡适 | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.060711 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-cn"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-app-devel | [09:16] <mihir> popey: ping
[09:16] <popey> mihir: pong
[09:16] <mihir> wow that was fast
[09:16] <popey> :)
[09:16] <popey> I literally _just_ woke my laptop up and saw your ping
[09:17] <mihir> anyway it is not that urgent , but whenever you get time for this MP
[09:17] <mihir> we might need design input for the Recurrence Page change.
[09:18] <popey> ok.
[09:18] <mihir> if you can poke gventuri and we can then catch it up , as of now i have increased expanded height so that user can see all the options.
[09:18] <popey> added a task for ubuntu-ux
[09:18] <popey> ok, great.
[09:18] <popey> that'll do for now.
[09:23] <mihir> okay we have few pending Merges i'll do more testing tonight most porably and then we should be good to go
[09:23] <popey> excellent.
[09:23] <popey> thanks mihir
[11:21] <cmyrland> hello world.. I'm goofing around trying to build a scope to handle the norwegian public weather service (, api over at I've created a Unity Scope and done everything according to the jamendo tutorial (except syncing with bzr and cloning the jamendo files), but I've taken the essence of it and applied it to my little project. It seems everything falls into place when I insert std::string apiroot
[11:23] <cmyrland> but when I try to run my project on the emulator, I get errors due to "debugmode" in apparmor and .ini file... But when I look at the code of those files, I cannot find anything related to debugging
[11:32] <cmyrland> hmm, my bad.. trying to run arm software on i386 emulator is not a good idea, I guess.
[12:46] <nerochiaro> mzanetti: hi. quick question: if i have an app that has graphical unit tests, is there any way to run them while building the debian package ?
[12:46] <nerochiaro> mzanetti: or if you know anyone that can help me with this that would also help
[14:03] <mhall119> nerochiaro: balloons might be able to help
[14:04] <mhall119> but he's still on holiday...
[14:05] <renatu> charles, ping
[14:06] <charles> renatu, pong
[14:06] <renatu> charles, I sent you a private msg ;)
[14:07] <charles> k
[18:19] <lentzi> I'm trying to upload my first (web) app and keep getting messages like: "The package name com.ubuntu.developer.<appname>.lentzi is not valid. It can only contain dashes, numbers and lowercase ascii letters."
[18:23] <lentzi> nvm I got it to work now with just "appname.lentzi". The packagecreator complains about "too short email" tho...
[22:52] <newsages> hi
[22:53] <newsages> im using PageWithBottomEdge and have trouble whit page "title"
[22:55] <newsages> on main page, objects place ok,, on childpage, object place on top, overlay Title
[22:56] <nik90> newsages: where did you get the PageWithBottomEdge?
[22:57] <nik90> newsages: try setting "flickable: null" in the child page
[22:58] <newsages> go now try one sec
[23:01] <newsages> have same result
[23:01] <newsages> when animation stop ok, but, when finish animation, object jump to top
[23:02] <nik90> newsages: try uploading your code to github or launchpad, as that might make it easier to check what's going wrong
[23:02] <nik90> newsages: otherwise it is looking looking for something in the dark
[23:03] <newsages> ok, i have only 7 lines to test component | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.069236 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-devel | [09:07] <hjd> I stumbled across something strange here the other day: shows that version 2:0.15.1-1 is packaged in Vivid.
[09:07] <hjd> Looking at the code page (, I can see that the branch for Vivid was last updated 2014-10-26. Which shortly after the version was packaged, makes sense so far.
[09:07] <hjd> However, the actual commits in the branch doesn't seem to have updated since 2009 ( The latest commits are Ubuntu-specific, so it might not been updated when the package was synced from Debian. Anyone seen something similar, or know what's happened here?
[09:09] <maxb> The automatic archive upload -> bazaar branch import tool never really reached the level of code maturity where it wouldn't break in a number of situations
[09:09] <maxb> I imagine that's what's happened here
[09:11] <maxb>
[09:11] <maxb> yeah
[09:14] <maxb> Unfortunately there's no-one really working on the project right now, and given the uncertainty about the future of Bazaar, there probably never will be (IMO)
[09:21] <hjd> maxb: Ah, ok. Thanks for digging up the underlying issue. :)
[13:08] <cyphermox> good morning!
[19:20] <infinity> xnox: What's your carefactor WRT upstart and its test suite?
[22:15] <georg1982> hi, I am currently trying to use a nexus 5 as embedded device and installed ubuntu phone to ut
[22:16] <georg1982> unfortunately root partition is too small (2GB)
[22:16] <georg1982> how can I increase it? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.073967 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-ops | [09:08] <m14ed> any op in here for one of the puppy channels ?
[09:08] <m14ed> ikonia
[09:09] <m14ed> or kloeri
[09:10] <bazhang> m14ed, check the puppy channel access list
[09:10] <bazhang> that has nothing to do with ubuntu
[09:10] <Tin_man> weve had a real disruptive user on, he's also on #ubuntu
[09:10] <bazhang> /msg chanserv access ##channel list
[09:10] <Tin_man> but behaving himself/herself there
[09:13] <m14ed> bazhang ? i see the text , but do not understand it
[09:13] <m14ed> i know the command /msg ,
[09:13] <m14ed> would you explain the rest please
[09:14] <Tin_man> looks greek to me also..
[09:14] <Tin_man> do you insert his nick somewhere, or what
[09:14] <bazhang> nope
[09:14] <m14ed> easy tinz, don't laugh at the picture
[09:15] <m14ed> what i am asking ,,, the ##channel list ..... ?\
[09:15] <bazhang> lets all head to #freenode for this, departing here at the same time
[09:15] <Tin_man> i'm going to save the log, so when we do figure it out well have it..
[09:15] <m14ed> ok freenode
[09:15] <bazhang> Tin_man, m14ed #freenode
[09:16] <m14ed> gone to freenode
[09:16] <bazhang> please exit here and join there Tin_man m14ed
[09:18] <bazhang> m14ed, you can ask in #freenode, exit this channel
[09:22] <bazhang> m14ed, I can see you active there, so please exit here
[09:23] <m14ed> thank you sir, sorry for the extra head count , !!
google's dns seems to be iffy
[09:39] <bazhang> rly
u guys r part of my irc botnet
[18:03] <Pici> not that it actually means anything, but #python is getting close to overtaking #ubuntu in user count.
[18:04] <bazhang> I thought arch channel already was
[18:04] <Pici> probably
[18:28] <k1l> so python is the new troll target then?
[18:29] <k1l> #python, that is
[18:29] <Pici> not really
[18:29] <Pici> its +r too
[18:29] <k1l> :(
[18:48] <elky> they have enough former php devs showing up there, the trolls just need to sit and wait and watch the free show
[18:48] <k1l> hihi
ubuntu won't run on my keyboard..
[18:59] <bazhang> the new "trying to install buntu on my bmw via the tape player"
[19:02] <genii> Probably a bluetooth keyboard or something
[19:03] <Pici> sigh
[19:04] <bazhang> no
[19:04] <bazhang> he rooted it with enlightenment
[19:04] <genii> Hm
[19:04] <bazhang> thanks k1l
[19:05] <bazhang> he and kenrifkin were tag teaming
[19:05] <k1l> the "how to install on my keyboard" sounds too familiar
and after that, where the fuck is solitare?
[19:05] <k1l> that got me on the backlog anyway
[19:05] <bazhang> * n00buser ( has joined
[19:05] <bazhang> round 3
[19:09] <k1l> KenRifkin was emery
[19:09] <k1l> that is a known issue troll, which was the one with the "how do i get root on ubuntu" and install ubuntu into a keyboard troll
[19:10] <bazhang> yeah
[19:10] <bazhang> I put in my photoshop disc etc etc
[19:10] <k1l> 64202 is the ban still set on his cloak | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.078572 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ops"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-qc | [00:37] <toi> Est-ce que Kalarm vaut-elle la peine de l'expérimenter sur un portable ? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.082285 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-qc"
} |
2015-04-06-#bzr | [18:38] <qsuscs> how can i check whether i am in a bazaar repo/checkout (whatever the appropriate term may be) in a script?
[18:40] <beuno> qsuscs, sure, using bzrlib
[18:42] <qsuscs> beuno: how? i’m looking for something easy, such as: bzr status || die "not in a repo"
[18:43] <beuno> qsuscs, is this from a python script?
[18:43] <qsuscs> beuno: no, makefile
[18:44] <beuno> qsuscs, then yes, call bzr status
[20:06] <fullermd> May wanna use 'bzr root' or the like instead, since status would have to scan the whole tree. Not that it'd matter on smaller projects, but...
[21:50] <nopf> hi. can i define additional location aliases to more easily push/pull to/from a secondary/backup location? like somehow define :backup ? why not? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.086522 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#bzr"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-no | [14:28] <Aeyoun> shazzr: sikkert TV-lisensen som har skylda
[14:28] <Aeyoun> shazzr: Stygt å si det, men virker det i Windows?
[14:33] <Faylite> Hva var spørsmålet?
[15:26] <shazzr> Aeyoun: Har mista cd'en som fulgte med. Trenger visst den til å installere drivere og software ellers. Men har ikke Windows-maskiner heller så....
[15:28] <shazzr> Hadde et lite gjennombrudd i går forsåvidt. Fikk VLC til å scanne etter kanaler. Men ingen kunne finnes.
[15:33] <Aeyoun> shazzr: du må nok finne noen enda snevrere nisjekanaler om du skal få hjelp med den der. :)
[17:15] <Mathias> shazzr: hva er det du sliter med?
[17:27] <shazzr> Mathias: Prøver å bruke en Hauppauge NOVA-T USB stick på en Ubuntu 14.04-box. Den blir funnet når jeg kobler den til, men stegene derfra og til å få inn noe som helst har vært litt hodebry kan man si.
[17:35] <Mathias> shazzr: har du prøvd å bruke kaffeine?
[17:37] <shazzr> Mathias: Ja. Og MeTV. Og VLC. TVheadend med Kodi. Ingenting som funker. Til og med TvTime, men det var mest optimisten i meg som ikke hadde flere løsninger igjen å prøve.
[17:37] <shazzr> Mathias: Trodde at når enheten ble funnet, burde det være ganske grei skuring derfra...
[17:38] <Mathias> husket å aktivere alle kernel modulene da?
[17:40] <shazzr> Mathias: Har aldri gjort noe sånn nei.
[17:41] <shazzr> Mathias: Men VLC finner i alle fall USB-dingsen, og den scanner etter kanaler. Kan det rett og slett være for dårlig antenne?
[17:52] <Mathias> shazzr: hmm, det kan hende, den er jo digital
[18:01] <Mathias>
[18:10] <shazzr> Mathias: Ja. Derfor funker det jo dårlig med TVTime, så er for analoge mottakere. Trengs det spesielle antenner til digitalt bakkenett?
[18:12] <Mathias> du kan jo prøve å lage en egen antenne :P
[18:12] <Mathias>
[18:45] <shazzr> Mathias: Hadde tak i to slike hjemme i påskeferien. Forbanna at jeg dro fra dem begge to! | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.094962 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-no"
} |
2015-04-06-#launchpad | [08:21] <rabbitskynet> Hi
[16:14] <KaZeR> hi there
[16:14] <KaZeR> can someone please help me with scripted translation uploads? i'm getting an error 500
[16:23] <dobey> KaZeR: you'll probably have to wait until tomorrow. pretty much all of EU/UK is on holiday today
[16:24] <KaZeR> oh right easter monday
[16:24] <KaZeR> thanks dobey
[16:26] <dobey> sure
[19:45] <KaZeR> dobey: are you aware of an api that would allow downloading po files without having to request them via the UI and wait for an email ?
[19:46] <dobey> no
[19:46] <KaZeR> ok thanks
[19:47] <dobey> oh, maybe that is possible
[19:49] <dobey> if you get the project_series for the project, you can do getTranslationTemplates() on it, which will return a set of templates, and then for each translation_template, you can get the translation_files_collection, which is a set of translation_file, which has a web link that /might/ be where you can download the .po from
[19:50] <dobey> hmm, or maybe not
[19:50] <dobey> i guess it's probably the link to the language page for that template
[19:59] <KaZeR> ha ok thanks | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.097708 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#launchpad"
} |
2015-04-06-#kubuntu | [00:46] <gunndawg> Where is the best place to get Kubuntu 14.04 themes? Looking for something darker than the default
[01:04] <mparillo> gunndawg: You can try
[01:10] <palmero> this is a test
[02:21] <gunndawg> Where is the best place to get Kubuntu 14.04 themes? Looking for something darker than the default
[02:28] <lethu> gunndawg,
[02:31] <gunndawg> lethu, thank you
[02:31] <lethu> gunndawg, yw
[05:54] <djonvejn> hello
[05:54] <djonvejn> two questions
[05:54] <djonvejn> is there official kubuntu page
[05:55] <djonvejn> i installed ambient noise player and when i click to start it from aplications/multimedia, it shows on taskbar but doesnt start
[05:55] <djonvejn>
[05:57] <djonvejn> anyone
[05:57] <djonvejn> do i need to start slapping people
[05:57] * djonvejn slaps someone random
[05:58] * djonvejn slaps Drone`
[06:00] <djonvejn> omg they are all dead
[06:00] <djonvejn> jez,, run, its channel of zombies
[06:20] <djonvejn> in terminal i get Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/anoise/", line 20, in <module> from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject, Gst ImportError: cannot import name Gst
[06:38] <valorie> djonvejn: of course,
[06:38] <valorie> it's like a four-day holiday in much of Europe
[06:39] <valorie> many people out of town
[06:39] <djonvejn> valorie i think i meant official irc chat, but guess this one is
[06:40] <gordon_> when 15.04 is going to be out ?
[06:40] <valorie> djonvejn: did you see this comment in your link? "It does work, I have it running here. You will also have to install anoise-gui. If it still doesn't work, install gir1.2-gstreamer-0.10 which I had to do on a laptop with Kubuntu 14.10."
[06:41] <valorie> I've never heard of the application, but it sounds like it works on kubuntu
[06:41] <djonvejn> valorie: i did that, i think it about new plasma for kubuntu
[06:41] <valorie> djonvejn: page is a webpage, I assumed?
[06:42] <valorie> I doubt plasma has any effect on a sound application
[06:42] <djonvejn> yes, valorie i wrote it wrong, i meant chat, not page
[06:42] <valorie> ok
[06:42] <djonvejn> valorie: but it does on its gui
[06:42] <valorie> yes, this is the official channel
[06:42] * djonvejn hugs valorie
[06:43] <djonvejn> \o/
[06:43] <valorie> sure, but you should be able to install and use any application in the archive
[06:43] <valorie> we're all ubuntu
[06:43] <valorie> we're just not all Unity
[06:43] <djonvejn> death to unity!
[06:43] <valorie> different tastes and needs are fine
[06:43] <valorie> we're all in the same family
[06:45] <valorie> djonvejn: that said, it doesn't seem to be in the repos, just in a PPA
[06:46] <valorie> !info ambient-noise
[06:46] <djonvejn> yes, needed to add ppa
[06:46] <djonvejn> i thought about just getting sounds from folder and play it in other media player
[06:47] <djonvejn> its not crucial app for me
[06:47] <djonvejn> everything else mostly works
[06:47] <valorie> this part of your error message: cannot import name Gst probably does refer to gstreamer
[06:47] <valorie> commonly called gst
[06:47] <djonvejn> its installed in muon package manager
[06:48] <valorie> so be sure gstreamer and all its plugins or whatever are installed
[06:48] <djonvejn> its installed by default
[06:48] <valorie> ugly, etc.
[06:48] <valorie> right
[06:48] <valorie> but sometimes people remove things
[06:48] <valorie> also, there is a .01 version, and 1.0
[06:49] <valorie> !info gstreamer
[06:49] <valorie> pfff
[06:50] <djonvejn> hehe
[06:50] <valorie> so, if your app needs 0.10, but you have 1.0
[06:50] <valorie> you'll have to install the other one, *and* that one's proper plugins
[06:51] <valorie> do an `apt-cache search gstreamer` and you'll see what I mean
[06:51] <valorie> rather a mess
[06:51] <djonvejn> i didnt use linux or ubuntu for a long time, except for gparted and some like that
[06:51] <djonvejn> so i am a bit lost around it all
[06:52] <valorie> that's why we have irc!
[06:52] <djonvejn> i hope for neuron type of interface where i will just upload data to my brain
[06:52] <djonvejn> but for now, irc will do :p
[06:53] <valorie> indeed, I need that neural-net as well
[06:54] <valorie> until then, google + irc will have to do
[06:54] <djonvejn> anyway, this ambient noise app seems like too much effort for little effect
[06:55] <djonvejn> but will try restart, maybe i come back
[06:55] <djonvejn> gl hf :)
[06:55] <valorie> !info anoise
[06:56] <valorie> see ya
[08:34] <lordievader> Good morning.
[08:35] <MoonUnit`> morning
[08:35] <lordievader> Hey MoonUnit`, how are you?
[08:35] <MoonUnit`> fine thanks
[08:41] <MoonUnit`> disappointing no 4.0 rc7 kernel to install today.
[08:42] <lordievader> There are ways....
[08:44] <MoonUnit`> could always install from the daily i suppose
[08:45] <lordievader> Was more thinking in the lines of compiling ;)
[10:53] * djonvejn waves to valorie
[10:53] <djonvejn> tried to play with gtk app settings, failed
[10:53] <djonvejn> installed mate, ddint work
[10:53] <djonvejn> actually worked with mate, didnt like the desktop
[10:53] <djonvejn> installed gnome, didint like it too
[10:54] <djonvejn> switched back to kubuntu plasma, now anoise works
[12:00] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[12:00] <MoonUnit`> hi
[13:13] <cristianita> hello,
[13:13] <cristianita> The summary says installation will format the partition exchange , but do not select to format this partition, when selecting partitions box .
[13:13] <cristianita> Normally the installer from other distros recognize the swap partition and associate it to the new install .
[13:13] <cristianita> will happen in this case?
[13:13] <BluesKaj> cristianita, yes
[13:16] <BluesKaj> one swap will work for more than one linux distro on your machine as well
[13:16] <BluesKaj> cristianita,
[13:19] <cristianita> I know, but what happens if formatted . The other distros will follow recognizing that same swap partition , but the installer format it?
[13:20] <cristianita> perhaps all installers give default format to the swap partition ?
[13:20] <cristianita> that does not keep still recognized by the other distros installed ?
[13:21] <cristianita> I 'm confused with this :)
[13:21] <lordievader> cristianita: Probably just to initialize it, however it doesn't matter.
[13:21] <lordievader> If other OS'es recognize it as swap, and their configured to use it, they'll use it.
[13:24] <cristianita> mmm, My surprise is that the installer says it will format if you do not chose?
[13:24] <lordievader> cristianita: Format what exactly?
[13:25] <BluesKaj> cristianita, not to worry , that's standard procedure in kubuntu/ubiquity installer , it will be formatted but remain a swap partition
[13:25] <cristianita> i'm sorry about my english, jajaja
[13:25] <cristianita> lordievader: swap partition
[13:26] <lordievader> cristianita: That is per default, don't worry about it.
[13:27] <cristianita> then, all other distros will recognize as always the swap partition?
[13:28] <lordievader> Yes, and if they are configured to use it they will.
[13:30] <cristianita> of course. Spent months working!
[13:32] <cristianita> but read somewhere that if you gave format the swap partition, changing its identifier and then not would recognize , having to edit fstab
[13:37] <cristianita> Thanks to everyone!
[13:37] <lordievader> cristianita: That is true.
[13:38] <lordievader> The UUID will change. But it is still a swap partition.
[15:58] <Voyage> how to reconfigure all apps. I guess there are alot of issues happeneing in my pc. display goes of or flickers. internet goes of some times.
[15:59] <BluesKaj> Voyage, update, upgrade and dist-upgrade first
[16:02] <Voyage> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[16:04] <BluesKaj> Voyage, which kubuntu?
[16:08] <deadmund> I'm wanting KDE on ubuntu. If I install the kubuntu image. Will there be any downsides? I'm nervous there will be less polish in this version. Is that true?
[16:12] <BluesKaj> deadmund, Kubuntu 14.10 is solid stable and fast, and easier to use than unity or gnome ,IME
[16:12] <Voyage> BluesKaj, latest
[16:12] <Voyage> BluesKaj, 14
[16:12] <BluesKaj> 14.04 or 14.10 , Voyage
[16:12] <BluesKaj> ?
[16:13] <Voyage> 10
[16:13] <Voyage> 14.10
[16:14] <BluesKaj> how did you install 14.10, Voyage ? upgrade from 14.04 ?
[16:15] <Voyage> yes
[16:15] <Voyage> upgrade
[16:16] <BluesKaj> that's what i thought, make sure you upgraded your gpu driver as well
[16:17] <BluesKaj> Voyage, system-settings>driver manager/recommended drivers
[16:20] <deadmund> BluesKaj: K, thanks :)
[16:20] <BluesKaj> deadmund, you won't regret it :)
[16:26] <Voyage> BluesKaj, opening
[16:27] <Voyage> BluesKaj, theres nothing to be shown
[16:27] <BluesKaj> Voyage, which gpu?
[16:30] <BluesKaj> sorry Voyage, I have to leave ...hope somone else can help you
[16:33] <tempestadept> Hello. I seem to have rather badly broken my system after upgrading to utopic and trying to fix problems with a couple of pakages. Right now APT has removed A LOT of important stuff and I can't reinstall it, getting complaints about broken held packages (though apt-mark showhold shows nothing)
[16:34] <soee> try: apt-get -f install
[16:34] <tempestadept> I've generated a fresh sources.list with , that didn't help
[16:34] <soee> and: apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop
[16:34] <tempestadept> no effect
[16:36] <tempestadept> trying to reinstall gives complains about unsatisfied deps
[16:37] <tempestadept> like it depends on lots of packages that won't be installed (btw, can I force APT to use english locale so its messages would be worth pasting?)
[16:38] <soee> for example: LANGUAGE=C apt-get update
[16:39] <tempestadept> Oh.. after LC_ALL failed I didn't even bother to try LANGUAGE. Thanks )
[16:40] <tempestadept> apt-get output
[16:44] <Voyage> how to reconfigure all apps. I guess there are alot of issues happeneing in my pc. display goes of or flickers. internet goes of some times.
[16:45] <drw> Voyage: you might want to try renaming your .kde dir and restarting kde, that's where all your app configs are, so things will revert to defaults
[16:51] <tempestadept> So.. What else could I try to fix the system?
[16:54] <soee> tempestadept: try the command with option: -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true
[16:55] <Voyage> drw, isnt there a dpgk -i reconfigure all kind of thing?
[16:57] <drw> that will reinstall the default options conf files, if your local settings override them, it won't make any difference
[16:58] <drw> doing the rename/restart is a quick way to see if your settings are causing the problems (vs. package issues)
[16:58] <tempestadept> oh, I've apparently made progress with aptitude. It displayed some dep problems with some too new installed packages (from a removed PPA). I've removed the packages and apt-get install seems to work now
[16:58] <soee> :)
[16:59] <drw> tempestadept: cool
[18:16] <wardred> Hi all. I'm using Kubuntu 15.04. Randomly it seems like I lose the ability to click with the mouse. I can move the mouse, hover over icons and get the tips, I can type and alt-tab, but I can't click. Has anybody run into this before?
[18:27] <darokthar> wardred i had something like this on my laptop. But it was not because of the software. I got to close to the touchpad while clicking. Therefore the mouse was moved slightly and the click didn't work.
[18:30] <wardred> Thank you darokthar. That shouldn't be the case with my system. It's a surface pro 3 and I havne't jumped through the configuration files to get the touchpad working. I'm using either the pen, an external bluetooth mouse, or the screen, and on all three the click stops working at the same time.
[23:09] <sir_iw> the first day you install a kubunu final beta, and bugs bugs everywhere
[23:10] <sir_iw> :(
[23:50] <ericokl> kubuntu 15.04... when? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.102825 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-za | [05:36] <Kilos> morning all
[05:38] <Kilos> ty inetpro seems the vcard thing is built in, very easy to do, you choose something to open something that finds something and fetches something. all built in to the bird thing
[05:46] <Kilos> actually , address book, tools, import vcard
[06:00] <Kilos> google definitely wasnt so friendly this time
[06:01] <Kilos> you TB followers need to tell them to update all their help pages
[06:48] <Kilos> i even slummed a bit on FB today
[06:50] <Kilos> gremble did you forget to go to bed even
[07:05] <Kilos> wb Symmetria what did you break
[07:06] <Symmetria> heh power problem at home that took out my bouncer box ;p
[07:06] <Kilos> ah
[07:06] <Kilos> yesterday already
[07:06] <Symmetria> <[07:07] <Symmetria> but thats the guy that lead the kill squad in garissa that killed 147 people
[07:07] <Symmetria> fucking asshole
[07:07] <Kilos> you cant judge a book by its cover
[07:08] <Symmetria> yeah I know, its just scary that the guy who goes out and does something like that looks like a normal guy, sounds like a normal guy, acts entirely normal
[07:08] <Symmetria> until out of nowhere, that happens
[07:08] <Symmetria> I mean the guy was an intelligent law student
[07:08] <Symmetria> he was well liked and well known
[07:54] <Kilos> hi pieter2627
[07:55] <pieter2627> morning (oom) Kilos :P
[07:55] <Kilos> lol ai! jy ook nou
[07:56] <Kilos> :D
[07:56] <Kilos> thats my smiley for the day
[07:59] <pieter2627> morning to all the others too
[08:07] <pieter2627> "smiley for the day"... i think we'll try our best to get a few more for the day
[08:08] <Kilos> hahaha no man from me . its hard working thinking and looking what to type to make them
[08:08] <Kilos> i used to make 2 or 3 for the week
[08:09] <pieter2627> yea, i actually only know 2
[08:12] <Kilos> lol
[08:15] <Kilos> what irc client do you use?
[08:16] <Kilos> hex or xchat i think
[08:16] <Kilos> i never found a way to see smileys with them but konversation shows them so i see you okes stick tongue out at me
[08:19] <pieter2627> hexChat which is suppose to convert them, but doesn't
[08:19] <Kilos> lol
[08:20] <Kilos> i got spoiled using pidgin, you see all kinds there
[08:29] <inetpro> good mornings
[08:30] <inetpro> oh and hi oom Kilos
[08:30] <Kilos> morning inetpro
[08:31] * inetpro hoping the fly is top notch again
[08:31] <Kilos> patience
[08:32] <inetpro> ai!
[08:32] <Kilos> see! you dont like your own advise
[08:32] <Kilos> hehehe
[08:33] <Kilos> actually what did you say was broken
[08:34] <Kilos> i got so many trello messages all over im lost now
[08:34] <inetpro> broken?
[08:34] <Kilos> oh didnt one of the merges break something
[08:36] <Kilos> you guys should have made a testtrunk from the trunk and played in there then you wouldnt have worsened the migraine
[08:37] <Kilos> then you could have merged everything done so far
[08:43] <Kilos> ai! arme apie sukkel
[08:50] <Kilos> i go sort sheep
[09:20] <Kilos> inetpro i just ran trunk and it works here
[09:22] <inetpro> Kilos: I never said it was broken
[09:27] <Kilos> oh i thought you said something needs fixing
[09:27] <Kilos> you merged into trunk hey
[09:28] <Kilos> but only moppies stuff so far
[09:28] <Kilos> or some of it
[09:29] <Kilos> inetpro did you read what i said about the bird?
[09:29] <Kilos> i spose you did because you kinda nosy
[09:51] <Kilos> ohi Padroni wb
[09:51] <Padroni> hello
[09:51] <Padroni> how are you?
[09:51] <Kilos> good ty and you?
[09:51] <Padroni> good thanx
[09:51] <Padroni> tell me
[09:51] <Padroni> do you know of any good Python IDE / Editor for Windoze?
[09:52] <Kilos> eeeek
[09:52] <Padroni> Or should I rather just keep to the one on linux I am currently using
[09:52] <Kilos> use linux where you can
[09:52] <Kilos> what do you want to do
[09:53] <Padroni> busy learning python
[09:53] <Kilos> cool beans
[09:53] <Padroni> because I found another 7 minutes of free time somehow and want to spend it wisely
[09:53] <Kilos> have you looked at byteofpython
[09:54] <Kilos> hahaha you wanna learn python in 7 minute stints
[09:54] <Kilos> whew
[09:54] <Kilos>
[09:55] <Kilos>
[09:55] <Kilos> mind you you guys are fast so you can accomplish stacks in 7 mins
[09:57] <Kilos> or is that 7 mins just an addon to the other 5 hours of free time
[10:00] <Padroni> Thanx Kilo
[10:00] <Kilos> yw
[10:00] <Padroni> will keep those two links
[10:00] <Kilos> i started with the bottom one bgut didnt enjoy vim
[10:01] <Kilos> got as far as hello world
[10:32] <Kilos> wb pieter2627
[10:37] <pieter2627> ty Kilos, any new news
[10:40] <Kilos> nope pieter2627 nothing yet except application has been made for an official mailing list
[10:40] <pieter2627> ??
[10:40] <Kilos> one of the tunisia guys applied
[10:41] <Kilos> dont you belong to our mailing list?
[10:42] <Kilos> moc.utnubu.stsil@az-utnubu
[10:42] <pieter2627> yes, but how can an app exist for it
[10:42] <Kilos> oh my thats corrupt
[10:42] <Kilos> nono its just to get it offiaclly recongnised by the ubuntu bosses
[10:43] <Kilos> wow i copy pasted that from our site and it shows funny stuffs
[10:44] <Kilos> should read
[10:44] <Kilos> officially
[10:44] <inetpro> haha, I like that
[10:45] <inetpro> nice way to fool the bots
[10:45] <Kilos> my copy paste was more corrupt than my typos
[10:45] <Kilos> ah thats most likely what it is ya
[10:46] <inetpro> Kilos: but now you messed it all up
[10:46] <Kilos> what now inetpro ?
[10:46] <inetpro> the bots can now pick up the address in our logs
[10:46] <Kilos> ioh in these logs
[10:46] <Kilos> ooops sorry
[10:47] <Kilos> i think bots are bang to get links here
[10:47] <inetpro> rather send people to
[10:47] <Kilos> we got sugarplum
[10:48] <Kilos> i will never member that man
[10:48] <superfly> I should add some js to reverse the email address on copy
[10:48] <Kilos> you supposed to see our peeps are connected all over
[10:48] <Kilos> ohi superfly
[10:48] <Kilos> hows the head
[10:50] <inetpro> superfly: sphinx is nice!
[10:50] <Kilos> and if we get spammed we gotr padroni to kill them and get them locked up
[10:52] <Kilos> inetpro first enquire about the mans health before trying to add more work
[10:52] <inetpro> ai!
[10:52] <Kilos> lol
[10:52] <Kilos> some peeps get them grain things for 2 days and more even
[10:53] <inetpro> I know
[10:55] <inetpro> often drains all the life out of me
[10:55] <Kilos> if you put the mailing list link in topic with your at and dots added i wont make mistooks
[10:56] <inetpro> Kilos: I'm hoping that superfly will agree with the latest ubuntu-za merge request asap as well
[10:56] <Kilos> you know im actually quite excited, we have done more already this year than in the last 2 years
[10:57] <Kilos> i go get gate for sis
[10:57] <Kilos> me too inetpro
[10:57] <inetpro> in that mopkop as shortened the link from getting-involved.html to get-involved.html
[10:57] * inetpro goes to have lunch
[10:59] <superfly> I had mine since yesterday morning. It's finally starting to settle down after I took two of the heaviest painkillers available.
[11:00] <Kilos> eish superfly that sucks
[11:46] <inetpro> wb pieter2627
[11:46] <Kilos> wb inetpro
[11:46] <Kilos> hehe
[11:47] <inetpro> pieter2627: you may want to get yourself cloaked as well
[11:47] <inetpro> Kilos: you forget your job?
[11:47] <Kilos> sorry
[11:47] <pieter2627> inetpro: cloaked??
[11:47] <Kilos> pieter2627 got to #freenode and ask staff for a cloak please
[11:48] <Kilos> then your ip doesnt show here
[11:48] <Kilos> /j #freenode
[11:49] <pieter2627> oh, luckely that the wisp's IP, but will check
[11:49] <inetpro> pieter2627:
[11:50] <Kilos> methinks it cloaks your nick so on any pc you ip wont show
[11:52] <inetpro> pieter2627: you with Neotel?
[11:52] <pieter2627> Kilos: also true
[11:53] <pieter2627> inetpro: no, my WISP (WAN4U) is at Neotel
[11:53] <inetpro> ah, that sounds interesting
[11:53] <Kilos> then of course when you get ubuntu membership you get another cloak on that cloak
[11:54] <Kilos> so you well hidden unless youre a blabbermouth like me
[11:55] <Kilos> then everyone says oh him
[11:55] <pieter2627> inetpro: they are actually the only way in my location to get decent internet access
[11:55] <inetpro> what kind of a deal is it and how much are you paiing?
[11:55] <inetpro> paying*
[11:55] <pieter2627> Kilos: 'oh him' can be good and bad :P
[11:56] <Kilos> ya its very bad when peeps like pro want to dish out work
[11:57] <pieter2627> Uncapped base at 512Kb for R570 - i usually get around 1Mbps and limits are lifted at night
[11:58] <Kilos> ouch
[11:58] <inetpro> hmm... slow but uncapped
[11:59] <pieter2627> It's the only option I have - no 3G or ADSL
[11:59] <Kilos> eina
[11:59] <inetpro> if you get a steady 1Mbps it should be quite nice
[12:02] <Kilos> oi that channel drives me nuts
[12:13] <Kilos> oh pieter2627 you need to have your nick registered with freenode too hey
[12:13] <Kilos> inetpro help him with registering please
[12:13] <inetpro> ai!
[12:13] <pieter2627> already done... if I'm correct
[12:13] <Kilos> /msg nickserv register nick i think
[12:13] <Kilos> good then cloaking will be easy
[12:14] <inetpro> Kilos: Registered : Mar 17 14:30:04 2015 (2w 5d 21h ago)
[12:14] <Kilos> good
[12:15] <Kilos> just ask- can staff please give me a cloak
[12:15] <pieter2627> inetpro: how did you check that?
[12:15] <Kilos> he is clever
[12:15] <inetpro> pieter2627: /nickserv info pieter2627
[12:19] <Kilos> ai! they slow today
[12:22] <Kilos> ai! inetpro dont ai! me all the time man. you the one with 32g ram
[12:24] * pieter2627 thinks Kilos may not be referring to computer ram there
[12:24] <pieter2627> inetpro, thanks
[12:24] <Kilos> ya
[12:25] <inetpro> Kilos: use trello
[12:25] <Kilos> ai!
[12:25] <Kilos> for what now?
[12:25] <inetpro> make yourself a card for remembering small things like these
[12:25] <Kilos> nono man
[12:26] <Kilos> i have you
[12:26] <Kilos> you not getting out of everything
[12:32] <Kilos> eish pieter2627 you picked a bad time for this, other peeps get it done in 10 minutes
[12:32] <Kilos> maybe all staff busy
[13:33] <inetpro> Kilos: it's a holiday after all
[13:57] <Kilos> wb georgl
[13:57] <Kilos> Maaz wb
[13:57] <Kilos> ai!
[13:58] <Maaz> Thank you so much Kilos my good good friend
[13:58] <Kilos> that took a while hey
[14:01] <inetpro> wb cocooncrash
[14:02] <Kilos> inetpro find a host for QA man
[14:02] <inetpro> no
[14:02] <Kilos> sigh
[14:03] <Kilos> what have you fixed and what have you broken today?
[14:06] <gremble> What is QA?
[14:06] <Kilos> my bot
[14:06] <gremble> You made a bot?
[14:06] <Kilos> nono its a later version of maaz
[14:06] <gremble> Oh
[14:07] <Kilos> only thing i can make is marakas
[14:08] <Kilos> and curry
[14:08] <gremble> You mean the musical instrument?
[14:08] <Kilos> no man marakas=trouble=nonsense
[14:09] <gremble>
[14:09] <Kilos> lol
[14:09] <Kilos> we say things the internet and google dont know
[14:10] <gremble> Actually, your use of the term "marakas" actually comes from the idea of making an incoherent noise, much like those instruments
[14:11] <gremble> And that has then come to mean making trouble
[14:11] <Kilos> lol
[14:12] <Kilos> wb pieter2627
[15:01] <inetpro> Kilos: I've pushed my branch
[15:02] <inetpro> see:
[15:02] <Kilos> lemme see
[15:09] <Kilos> ai!
[15:09] <Kilos> i did the get this branch now dunno how to see it
[15:10] <Kilos> its not in Projects is it
[15:12] <inetpro> Kilos: which folder were you in?
[15:12] <Kilos> no folder
[15:12] <Kilos> from prompt
[15:12] <inetpro> ai!
[15:13] <Kilos> must i get it when in ubuntu-africa
[15:13] <Kilos> or trunk
[15:13] <inetpro> in that case it is probably in your home folder
[15:13] <Kilos> ai!
[15:14] <Kilos> just now im gonna start spending my data money on booze
[15:14] <inetpro> you really don't like to RTFS?
[15:14] <Kilos> well duh!
[15:14] <Kilos> which script now
[15:15] <inetpro> google
[15:15] <Kilos> just tell me where i must be before i bzr update
[15:16] <inetpro> you don't
[15:16] <Kilos> ai!
[15:16] <inetpro> did you find it?
[15:16] <Kilos> looking
[15:16] * inetpro can not read your mind
[15:17] <Kilos> ya got it in home
[15:17] <inetpro> now move it to ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa
[15:17] <Kilos> but ill get it again if you tell me from what folder to do it
[15:17] <inetpro> ok, remove it
[15:18] <Kilos> why
[15:18] <inetpro> then go to ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa
[15:18] <Kilos> i am there
[15:18] <gremble> Lol
[15:18] <inetpro> no get it as instructed on the screen
[15:18] <Kilos> on that link you gave?
[15:19] <inetpro> yes, "Get this branch:"
[15:19] <inetpro> s/no/now/
[15:20] <Kilos> ok now i cd to build-instructions?
[15:20] <inetpro> yebo yes
[15:20] <Kilos> ty
[15:20] <inetpro> and then?
[15:21] <Kilos> nikola build && nikola serve
[15:21] <Kilos> hi captine
[15:21] <inetpro> jy't mooi geleer
[15:22] <inetpro> Kilos: en dan?
[15:22] <Kilos> dan sien ek afrika
[15:23] <Kilos> local host thing
[15:23] <inetpro> now go to http://localhost:8000/build-instructions.html
[15:23] <Kilos> whats different
[15:24] <Kilos> OOOO
[15:24] <inetpro> what!?
[15:25] <Kilos> dis mooi man domdonner
[15:25] <inetpro> ai!
[15:25] <Kilos> dis n groot oooo
[15:25] <Kilos> do van der merwes know oooo
[15:25] <Kilos> like ooowweeee
[15:26] <inetpro> now the fly has even more work on his hands
[15:27] <Kilos> jou jumbotron ding wys net helfde
[15:27] <Kilos> prent is te hoog
[15:27] <inetpro> niks van my jumbotron ding nie
[15:28] * inetpro didn't touch the jumbotron
[15:28] <Kilos> i saw cape coast in the first view
[15:28] <Kilos> now refresh dont go back to it
[15:30] <Kilos> the Creating an SSH Key Pair is from where
[15:30] <Kilos> or links to where
[15:31] <Kilos> wait a bit
[15:31] <Kilos> are you suggesting that anyone can work there
[15:31] <Kilos> on the site that is
[15:32] <Kilos> inetpro ^^
[15:32] <Kilos> i thought it wiser to leave the building to za peeps
[15:33] <Kilos> Neo31 are you looking
[15:33] <Kilos> hi Tonberry
[15:33] <Tonberry> hi
[15:34] <Kilos> Tonberry you been here for years
[15:35] <Kilos> dont you want to add yourself to
[15:38] <Kilos> inetpro i love sudo aptitude install bzr qbzr python-virtualenv python-webassets python-dev
[15:39] <Kilos> 90% will get the message aptitude is not installed hehe
[15:39] <Kilos> you can get it by running sudo apt-get install aptitude
[15:42] <Kilos> well done inetpro
[15:42] <Kilos> you are enjoying this venture hey
[15:42] <Tonberry> does not seem to like me
[15:42] <Kilos> oh my
[15:43] <Tonberry> Keeps loading forever after authenticating
[15:43] <Kilos> maybe its busy Tonberry sometimes its very slow
[15:43] <Kilos> let me close mine
[15:48] <Kilos> should be better now
[15:53] <Kilos> actually inetpro i think its cool to branch that only devs can merge new stuff right?
[15:54] <Kilos> did moppie push all his stuff yet?
[15:59] <Kilos> ty Tonberry
[15:59] <Tonberry> pleasure
[16:01] <Kilos> Tonberry have you seen our new site yet
[16:01] <Kilos> fly rebuilt it while you were away i think
[16:01] <Tonberry> cool
[16:39] <inetpro> Kilos: fixed
[16:40] <Kilos> fixed what inetpro ?
[16:40] <Kilos> ive chatted so much since you went for supper
[16:40] <inetpro> go to my branch and do a bzr update
[16:42] <Kilos> ya thats cool now
[16:42] <Kilos> when did you add the cape wave
[16:43] * inetpro didn't touch it
[16:43] <Kilos> oh my where and when did that come in
[16:43] <inetpro> Kilos: look at 'bzr log -p -l 1'
[16:43] <Kilos> sneaky fly
[16:44] <inetpro> that shows you exactly what I changed now
[16:47] <Kilos> sjoe
[16:47] <Kilos> all in greek
[16:48] <Kilos> you said you did nothing
[16:48] <Kilos> you are actually getting good at this
[16:48] <inetpro> Kilos: or do 'bzr qlog'
[16:50] <Kilos> qlog shows min
[16:50] <inetpro> uh
[16:51] <inetpro> try doubleclick on any revision
[16:51] <Kilos> ahaaaa
[16:52] <Kilos> this actually a great tool hey
[16:52] <inetpro> obviously
[16:52] <Kilos> rofl
[16:54] <Kilos> oh my fly back in bed
[16:55] <Kilos> hope he is better by tomorrow for work
[17:06] <Kilos> hi kulelu88
[17:07] <kulelu88> hi Kilos
[17:09] <Kilos> wb superfly hows the head
[17:10] <superfly> Doing better thanks.
[17:10] <Kilos> whew
[17:11] <superfly> I'm no longer cringing in pain when some one talks loudly, or when a light is switched on.
[17:11] <Kilos> ouch
[17:12] <kulelu88> superfly: possibly too much eyes on the screen
[17:16] <superfly> kulelu88, the only screen I've been on in the last two days is my phone, and that only sporadically.
[17:17] <kulelu88> has your head gotten better because of it? superfly
[17:17] <Kilos> methinks something you ate day before yesterday different peeps get affected by different foods
[17:18] <kulelu88> sometimes the pain is from the eyes
[17:20] <Kilos> bad news them migraines, had an ex that became just about like a corpse
[17:20] <superfly> My only clue is stress.
[17:20] <Kilos> could do nothing but sleep
[17:20] <superfly> Kilos, same here
[17:20] <Kilos> too much on the plate ya superfly
[17:21] <Kilos> after debconf take a long break
[17:33] <superfly> That's in July, next year.
[17:34] <Kilos> oh my ya
[17:34] <Kilos> what can you drop soon
[17:36] <Kilos> inlcluding the africa site if thats helping
[17:37] <Kilos> id rather have you around than a site with an unsure use
[17:38] <Kilos> unsure value
[17:39] <Kilos> i cant find the word
[17:55] <inetpro> Kilos: did you see my latest change?
[17:55] <Kilos> latest since just now?
[17:56] <inetpro> yep
[17:56] <Kilos> lemme see
[17:56] <inetpro> a very small change but I'm very hapy about this
[17:56] * inetpro starting to love reStructuredText!!!
[17:57] <Kilos> whydoes it tell me
[17:57] <Kilos> Tree is up to date at revision 4 of branch /home/miles/Projects/ubuntu-africa/build-instructions
[17:58] <Kilos> isnt it supposed to fetch something
[17:58] <inetpro> should be rev 6
[17:59] <Kilos> uh oh what am i doing wrong
[17:59] <Kilos> bzr update
[17:59] <inetpro> maybe do a pull
[17:59] <Kilos> from miles@P64:~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/build-instructions$
[17:59] <inetpro> bzr pull
[17:59] <Kilos> i dunno pull
[18:02] <inetpro> Kilos: have you tried it?
[18:02] <Kilos> ya i got rev 6
[18:02] <inetpro> cool
[18:02] <Kilos> must i look at the html page
[18:03] <Kilos> or the site page
[18:03] <inetpro> look at nikola build && nikola serve
[18:03] <inetpro> and then the browser
[18:03] <Kilos> i did that
[18:03] <Kilos> did you make the scenery bigger?
[18:04] <inetpro> no
[18:04] <Kilos> what did you do man
[18:04] <Kilos> where must i look'
[18:05] <Kilos> grrrr
[18:07] <Kilos> im gonna hit you
[18:07] <Kilos> it looks good to me but i dont remember what it looked like just now so cant compare
[18:09] <inetpro> ai!
[18:09] <inetpro> don't you look at the logs?
[18:10] <Kilos> im busy doing that now on another konsole
[18:11] <Kilos> haha with the apt-get
[18:12] <Kilos> but why
[18:12] <Kilos> teach peeps to use aptitude man
[18:12] <Kilos> or have you also changed
[18:12] <inetpro> it's not relevant in this instance
[18:13] <inetpro> I just changed it to be consistent
[18:13] <inetpro> peeps who know patitude will use it
[18:13] <Kilos> with what or who
[18:13] <inetpro> aptittude as well
[18:14] <inetpro> ai!... maybe should have been attitude
[18:14] <inetpro> Kilos: sorry, I was on jthe phone a few minutes ago
[18:14] <Kilos> think as if you writing stuff for me
[18:14] <Kilos> np
[18:15] <Kilos> i use aptitude wherever possible
[18:15] <Kilos> apt-get is useful for installing aptitude
[18:15] * inetpro chops off his misbehaving finger
[18:15] <Kilos> lol
[18:17] <inetpro> Kilos: with reStructuredText we can write books now
[18:18] <Kilos> you not we
[18:18] <Kilos> is there a simple guide i can read not a rtfs that pops my head
[18:19] <inetpro> if it wasn't for superfly talking about sphinx I would never have learnt this
[18:19] <Kilos> thank him
[18:19] <Kilos> he worries me
[18:19] <inetpro> oh he's still hiding from us
[18:19] <Kilos> no he is here
[18:19] <inetpro> superfly: thanks!!!
[18:20] <Kilos> lemme mail moppie
[18:21] <inetpro> Kilos: no
[18:21] <inetpro> only when the fly is ready
[18:21] <Kilos> oh
[18:21] <Kilos> he hasnt pushed all his stuff up yet
[18:22] <Kilos> wasnt he supposed to?
[18:22] <inetpro> no
[18:22] <Kilos> oh ok
[18:27] <Kilos> inetpro did pieter do anything with the last page?
[18:28] <inetpro> last page?
[18:28] <Kilos> the join us button
[18:28] <inetpro> Kilos: check his branch like you did mine
[18:28] <Kilos> we can just put the irc info there and add list later
[18:29] <Kilos> nono you check
[18:30] <inetpro> Kilos:
[18:31] <Kilos> sigh
[18:31] <inetpro> go to ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa and bzr branch lp:~pieter2627/ubuntu-africa/jumbrotron-edits
[18:31] <Kilos> and when you bath wash your ears well
[18:32] <inetpro> cd ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa && nikola build
[18:32] <Kilos> eish i was there this morning
[18:32] <inetpro> oops
[18:32] <Kilos> one more cd
[18:32] <inetpro> cd ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/jumbrotron-edits && nikola build
[18:33] <inetpro> or simply:
[18:33] <inetpro> cd jumbrotron-edits && nikola build
[18:36] <Kilos> eish now where is the log command again
[18:37] <inetpro> bzr qlog
[18:37] <Kilos> na man the text one is easier
[18:37] <inetpro> ai!
[18:37] <Kilos> lol
[18:38] <inetpro> bzr log
[18:38] <Kilos> you had other stuffs added
[18:38] <inetpro> or bzr help log
[18:40] <Kilos> at least its a branch off trunk
[18:40] <inetpro> no it's not
[18:40] <Kilos> i just see jumbo edits
[18:41] <inetpro> at least not directly
[18:41] <Kilos> oh a branch off ubuntu-africa'
[18:41] <Kilos> /Projects/ubuntu-africa/jumbrotron-edits$
[18:41] <Kilos> or is that just by me
[18:42] <inetpro> Kilos: that says nothing
[18:42] <Kilos>
[18:42] <Kilos> i see now
[18:43] <Kilos> after a pull
[18:43] <inetpro> you trying to confuse yourself on purpose, what are you even trying to achieve?
[18:44] <inetpro> you forgot what you asked me?
[18:44] <Kilos> i want to see the logs of what he did
[18:44] <Kilos> most likely ya
[18:44] <inetpro> ai!
[18:46] <inetpro> 04/06 20:27:50 <Kilos> inetpro did pieter do anything with the last page?
[18:46] <Kilos> Added pages chat-with-us (with content) and join-us, also fixed `Get Ubuntu` link
[18:46] <Kilos> i can kinda understand these logs
[18:49] <Kilos> that involves the last page , not so?
[18:50] <inetpro> Kilos: answer yourself
[18:51] <inetpro> Kilos: btw, can you please do some cleaning up again?
[18:51] <Kilos> yes it does
[18:51] <inetpro> go to
[18:51] <Kilos> where now ive put nothing up there
[18:51] <inetpro> please delete your three branches there
[18:52] <Kilos> i didnt put them there
[18:52] <inetpro> oh yes you did
[18:53] <Kilos> ok?
[18:53] <Kilos> when was that
[18:54] <Kilos> i didnt look for a date
[18:54] <inetpro> mooi!
[18:54] <Kilos> where is moppies work
[18:55] <inetpro> it's merged in already
[18:55] <Kilos> oh does it then disappear there
[18:55] <inetpro> I did it last night, remember!?
[18:55] <Kilos> obviously
[18:55] <inetpro> yes
[18:55] <Kilos> lol
[18:58] <Kilos> well we are getting there
[19:09] <Kilos> wb captine
[19:12] <superfly> Nag mense
[19:17] <Kilos> night superfly sleep tight
[19:19] <captine> hi there
[19:19] <captine> night all. no chatting for me... way tired.
[19:45] <Kilos> night all . sleep tight | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.109438 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-za"
} |
2015-04-06-#kubuntu-devel | [01:04] <ahoneybun> I don't see how you set that color ovidiu-florin
[05:48] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: what color?
[08:34] <lordievader> Good morning.
[08:37] <ari-tczew> morning
[08:38] <lordievader> Hey ari-tczew
[09:52] * Riddell away today and tomorrow, easter trip to see granny
[09:52] <lordievader> Have fun, Riddell ;)
[12:00] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[14:42] <frecel> just had plasma and dolphin crash
[14:42] <frecel> where would something like that be logged?
[14:43] <Riddell> frecel: it should bring up a drkonqi crash dialog
[14:43] <frecel> Riddell: it didn't
[14:44] <frecel> I'm on Kubuntu 15.04
[14:46] <Riddell> frecel: it might be in /var/crash in which case you can use ubuntu-bug to send the reports to launchpad (but they need to go to to be useful)
[14:48] <frecel> odd, the only crash report in /var/crash for plasma is from March 31
[15:07] <snele> Riddell: is KDE Applications 14.12.3 bugfix release going to be available for 14.04? at least in backports ppa?
[15:08] <snele> is there any plans about that? :)
[15:10] <snele> this bug pisses me off:
[15:12] <snele> whenever i start dolphin is spams these mesages and because of that even on ssd dolphin startup is slow
[16:00] <ovidiu-florin> how stable is beta 2?
[16:05] <BluesKaj> ovidiu-florin, have a few crashes with konversation and system-settings
[16:06] <BluesKaj> just the gui , the irc connection stays open
[16:08] <ovidiu-florin> I'll be getting a new computer at work in the next few days
[16:08] <ovidiu-florin> and I want a Kubuntu with plasma 5
[16:08] <ovidiu-florin> I want to ditch Arch
[16:10] <soee> ovidiu-florin: im using Vivid on my work PC liek 2 months already
[16:10] <soee> on my laptope even longer
[16:15] <soee> Someone can test for me one thing in Plasma 5 ?
[16:22] <BluesKaj> soee, what is it ?
[16:24] <BluesKaj> soee, you have 5 mins to respond, then I have to go
[16:40] <ovidiu-florin> What's this?
[16:44] <ovidiu-florin__> this is another:
[16:45] <ovidiu-florin__> on a live session
[16:45] <ovidiu-florin__> ^^
[16:45] <shadeslayer> what's what
[16:45] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin__: it's the driver manager
[16:45] <shadeslayer> do you have 2 cards?
[16:46] <shadeslayer> and dat microcode :/
[16:46] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: the screenshot is from my brother's vivid (installed)
[16:46] <soee> shadeslayer: no this happend for me on or two times after list refresh
[16:46] <ovidiu-florin__> laptop, only one video card
[16:46] <shadeslayer> bah
[16:47] <shadeslayer> someone broke something
[16:47] <ovidiu-florin__> he sees that menu 2 or even 3 times, some times
[16:47] <ovidiu-florin__> setting anything, does nothing
[16:47] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: ^
[16:47] <shadeslayer> :'(
[16:47] <shadeslayer> it's all sitter's fault
[16:47] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin__: plz file bugs
[16:47] <ovidiu-florin__> the pastebin is what just happened to me on a live session (vivid)
[16:48] <shadeslayer> so that I can feed them to the easter bunny
[16:48] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: I can't right now, I'm o a live session
[16:48] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: can you help me start a dolphin as root?
[16:49] <ScottK> ovidiu-florin__: If your live session has networking, you certainly can file bugs.
[16:49] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin__: how are you starting it
[16:49] <shadeslayer> and what ScottK said
[16:49] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: $ kdesudo dolphin
[16:49] <shadeslayer> mm fun
[16:49] <shadeslayer> it doesn't want to use the session dbus vars
[16:49] <shadeslayer> not sure
[16:50] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin__: mind filing bugs for both?
[16:50] <shadeslayer> and plz tag them with 'kubuntu'
[16:50] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: ok, on which project?
[16:50] <shadeslayer> for the first, kubuntu-driver-manager I think
[16:50] <shadeslayer> for the second, I'd recommend kdesudo
[16:51] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: on launchpad, right?
[16:51] <shadeslayer> yes
[16:51] <shadeslayer> both on launchpad
[16:52] <ovidiu-florin__>
[16:53] <soee> shadeslayer: do you remember the command that add problemresolver option ?
[16:53] <shadeslayer> just google for it?
[16:53] <soee> cant find it :)
[16:53] <shadeslayer> it's -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true
[16:53] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: won't let me report bugs on it
[16:53] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin__: wrong place
[16:54] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin__: I'd recommend running ubuntu-bug kubuntu-driver-manager
[16:54] <shadeslayer> would attach useful info for me
[16:54] <ovidiu-florin__>
[16:55] <shadeslayer> cool
[17:01] <genii> Hm
[17:10] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer
[17:10] <shadeslayer> cool, thx
[17:11] <soee> confirmed it
[17:11] <shadeslayer> FWIW someone should add a user visible string to /usr/share/ubuntu-drivers-common/detect/
[17:11] <shadeslayer> < no meta info about what it is
[17:11] <shadeslayer> so hurray
[17:12] <shadeslayer> I could potentially fallback to package description
[17:12] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: any solution to open dolphin on live as root right now?
[17:12] <shadeslayer> nope
[17:12] <shadeslayer> not a clue
[17:21] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: how do I check via command line the active video driver?
[17:21] <ovidiu-florin__> if it's nvidia or nouveau?
[17:21] <yofel> you'll see that in /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[17:21] <frecel> did I ever metion here that my screen goes black when copositing is turned on?
[17:21] <yofel> just cat the file in konsole
[17:22] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin__: it should be listed in the driver manager
[17:22] <ovidiu-florin__> yofel: can I grep it?
[17:22] <shadeslayer> the checkbox should be enabled
[17:22] <yofel> sure, just not sure for what...
[17:22] <ovidiu-florin__> the driver manager (I assume) it's broken
[17:22] <yofel> ovidiu-florin__: actually, nvidia should print lots of lines with NVIDIA in them
[17:23] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin__: eh?
[17:23] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin__: why do you think that?
[17:23] <yofel> ovidiu-florin__: but if you're on live, you should be using nouveau
[17:23] <shadeslayer> isn't it just the refresh bits that are broken
[17:24] <ovidiu-florin__> shadeslayer: I'm not sure
[17:28] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin__: FWIW from your previous screenshots it looks as if it's only the refreshing is broken
[17:28] <shadeslayer> assuming you're on the live ISO
[17:29] <shadeslayer> since it checks the correct radio box
[17:34] <ovidiu-florin> shadeslayer: it's installed
[17:34] <shadeslayer> whats installed?
[17:34] <ovidiu-florin> Not live
[17:35] <ovidiu-florin> Vivid
[17:35] <shadeslayer> and then you installed the nvidia driver?
[17:36] <shadeslayer> or have you changed anything on the system post install wrt drivers?
[17:56] <ovidiu-florin> shadeslayer: let me start again
[17:56] <ovidiu-florin> my brother installed Vivid beta1
[17:57] <ovidiu-florin> it kept crashing so I recommended him to install the Nvidia driver
[17:57] <ovidiu-florin> He tried to, and hot that list duplicated
[17:57] <ovidiu-florin> sometimes even triple
[17:58] <shadeslayer> :(
[17:58] <ovidiu-florin> now
[17:58] <ovidiu-florin> I recommended hom to install it via command line
[17:59] <ovidiu-florin> so he did: sudo apt-get install nvidia-346
[17:59] <ovidiu-florin> now X freezes when the login prompt is hsown
[18:00] <shadeslayer> :(
[18:00] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin: try nvidia-current
[18:00] <yofel> that's ancient (304)
[18:00] <ovidiu-florin> he had to go....
[18:01] <yofel> 340 would be worth a try maybe, that's the current legacy one
[18:03] <shadeslayer> why is it called current then @_@
[18:03] <shadeslayer> lies
[18:04] <shadeslayer> gtg, dinner
[18:04] <ovidiu-florin> why not the latest?
[18:04] <yofel> I think it's named after the plan ^^
[18:04] <yofel> then someone noticed that there's something like unsupported cards for new drivers, so the plan was changed to a ... thing
[18:05] <lordievader> shadeslayer: Because naming it lagacy would make too much sense :P
[18:06] <ovidiu-florin> soee: ping
[18:08] <shadeslayer> a thing!
[18:08] <shadeslayer> a thing always solves the worlds problems
[18:09] <yofel> doesn't it? XD
[18:09] <soee> ovidiu-florin: pong
[18:09] <ovidiu-florin> my tasks are piling up
[18:09] <ovidiu-florin> so I want to finish the site
[18:09] <ovidiu-florin> ang get it up
[18:10] <yofel> hm, using thunderbird again after a while is strangely relaxing...
[18:10] <soee> ovidiu-florin: have you seen my suggestions @ feature ture page icons ?
[18:10] <ovidiu-florin> yes, I wrote them down
[18:11] <shadeslayer> ciao
[19:05] <ovidiu-florin> kdialog is not available anymore in vivid?
[19:07] <yofel> ovidiu-florin: it's in kde-baseapps-bin
[19:08] <ovidiu-florin> package?
[19:08] <yofel> that is the package
[19:08] <ovidiu-florin> why is it not installed by default?
[19:09] <yofel> dunno... what needs it?
[19:10] <yofel> ovidiu-florin: got dropped from kubuntu-desktop as part of the plasma5 switch
[19:10] <ovidiu-florin> then we offer no alternative to kdialog?
[19:11] <yofel> does upstream have one?
[19:11] <ovidiu-florin> Debian?
[19:11] <ovidiu-florin> or Ubuntu?
[19:11] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: cool, but doesn't work on Wordpress, because of Batman
[19:11] <yofel> kde. Although best ask Riddell why he dropped it
[19:11] <yofel> maybe just because it's qt4, which isn't much of a reason
[20:41] <ovidiu-florin> yofel: where's sitter?
[20:41] <yofel> usually only online during europe working hours lately
[20:42] <yofel> just write him a mail
[20:42] <ovidiu-florin> the gwenview plugin thingy he made is absent in vivid
[20:42] <BluesKaj> I'm not particularly visually oriented, buit that 15.04 plsama 5 splashscreen sure is boring . Hope there's some optional splshaes available soon
[20:43] <BluesKaj> \err splashes
[20:46] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Make one, start the movement ;)
[20:59] <ahoneybun> the color sections on the feature tour
[21:00] <ahoneybun> I added a new screenshot ovidiu-florin
[21:30] <frecel> ahoneybun: do you know where all the files that khelpcenter displays are stored?
[21:34] <ahoneybun> yea let me see frecel
[21:35] <ahoneybun> frecel: are you talking docs wise?
[21:35] <frecel> ahoneybun: I started working on that spelcheck script it's already up and running, I just have to write exceptions for XML tags
[21:35] <frecel> yea
[21:35] <soee_> :)
[21:36] <ahoneybun> in Plasma 5 it is /usr/share/doc/HTML/$lang
[21:37] <frecel> I'm going to make a dictionary that is basically an english dictionary that ignores different spelling of words like colour etc.
[21:37] <soee_> ahoneybun: can you add LO screen in feature tour with breeze icons and maybe use some text without specllhecking ?
[21:38] <ahoneybun> yea I just need to understand how to use those sections that ovidiu-florin put in
[21:38] <ahoneybun> soee_: worried that I will break it even more lol
[21:39] <soee_> :
[21:39] <soee_> that i dont know :)
[21:40] <ahoneybun> XD
[21:42] <ahoneybun> soee_: do you have a white icon in writer?
[21:42] <soee_> ahoneybun: yes, i also added a comment about it somewhere wen testin it
[21:44] <ahoneybun> well I clicked the button so it is not to white
[21:47] * ahoneybun fixed it \o/
[21:47] <ahoneybun> soee_:
[21:51] <soee_> ahoneybun: nice, now if ovidiu-florin fix the icons, this page will be ready i think. We can only verify texts here than | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.117406 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-br | [00:26] <Elfon_> alo
[00:35] <astroo-> Elfon_ ola
[00:47] <Silvano> instalei o Ubuntu 14.10 em um antigo note HP2133 (processador Via C7-M de 1.6 - 2 GB RAM - Video Integrada VIA Chrome 9), sõ que ao iniciar o sistema, nao existe nada na tela, sõ a imagem do papel de parede e a seta do mause. nao existe barra de tarefas. o que faço. ja tentrei ctrl+alt+T so que nao aceita comando algum.
[00:48] <astroo-> da uns 15 minutos pela possivel resposta de alguem
[00:48] <Silvano> ok
[00:48] <astroo-> mas se quiseres usa o livecd sem instalar da versao beta 15
[00:55] <Rudolf> astroo-: com esse hardware dele é melhor ele aprender usar um linux de verdade
[00:56] <Silvano> Alguém mais já teve mesmo este problema?
[00:56] <astroo-> era so para ver se e 1 questao de driver
[00:56] <Rudolf> astroo-: certeza que é driver
[00:57] <Rudolf> astroo-: hardware "alternativo" e antigo destes
[00:57] <astroo-> ok
[00:57] <Rudolf> Silvano: minha dica? estudar linux
[00:57] <Rudolf> Silvano: você deverá estudar em relação aos drivers de input (já que o teclado não funciona)
[00:57] <Rudolf> Silvano: só para começar
[00:57] <Silvano> já instalei versão 10.04 e rodou bem!
[00:58] <Rudolf> Silvano: continue na 10.04 então
[00:58] <astroo-> tenta o lubuntu
[00:58] <Rudolf> Silvano: é muito provável que algum módulo tenha mudado radicalmente ou simplesmente o suporte ao hardware antigo tenha sido removido
[00:59] <Rudolf> Silvano: o desenvolvimento não é estático
[01:01] <Silvano> Sou novo no Linux. sou do tempo do MS-DOS kkkk. Comandos muito diferentes. meu primeiro contato com o Ubuntu foi há duas semanas.
[01:02] <astroo-> o lubuntu e derivado do ubuntu e mais leve
[01:02] <Rudolf> Silvano: o que vc fazia quando não entendia o ms-dos?
[01:04] <Silvano> Tempos antigos Rudolf. Estudava apostilas, formatava os 286/386/486 e reinstalava tudo! kkk
[01:05] <Rudolf> Silvano: a mesma coisa agora
[01:05] <Rudolf> Silvano: estudar apostilas, livros, video-aulas
[01:05] <Rudolf> Silvano: formatar e reinstalar também não deixaram de ser opções
[01:06] <Silvano> Já o fiz tres vezes
[01:06] <Silvano> mas o ideal é conhecer melhor o sistema.
[01:06] <Silvano> suas linhas de comando e interface.
[01:07] <Rudolf> Silvano: então, só lhe resta estudá-lo
[01:08] <Silvano> onde posso encontrar fontes boas sobre o sistema?
[01:09] <Silvano> Digo, algum canal (site)
[01:10] <Rudolf> Silvano:
[01:11] <Rudolf> Silvano:
[01:11] <Rudolf> Silvano:
[01:11] <Rudolf> Silvano:
[01:11] <Rudolf> Silvano:
[01:11] <Silvano> neste caso específico, a versão 14.10 reconhece o teclado, até responde a algumas entradas, mas não acessa o terminal e a linha de comando.
[01:12] <Rudolf> Silvano: o mouse também não funciona?
[01:12] <Rudolf> Silvano: verificou nos logs algo relevante? (/var/log)
[01:12] <Silvano> obrigado
[01:13] <Silvano> nada
[01:19] <Silvano> Baixei apostila no FOCA. Já comecei estudá-la. muito obrigado.
[01:21] <Rudolf> Silvano: boa sorte
[01:25] <Guest84749> oi
[01:26] <Rudolf> oi
[01:26] <astroo-> ola
[01:27] <AlanRJ> nossa quanto tempo nao conversava pelo irc
[01:27] <AlanRJ> vim baixar uma iso do ubuntu só
[01:30] <Rudolf> AlanRJ: bem vindo de volta
[01:31] <AlanRJ> :)
[01:48] <Oliveira> Boa noite pessoal, se vcs puderem me ajudar eu gostaria de tirar uma duvida. Eu to tentando mover uma pasta no pelo terminal no ubuntu, eu procurei nos comandos básicos e tem la mv "nome do arquivo"~/Destino. Eu tentei e tentei de outras formas e não estou conseguindo.
[01:49] <Oliveira> é umas pasta de arquivos do programa eclipse que eu baixei e para instalar eu preciso mudar ela de lugar
[01:50] <astroo-> ola
[01:53] <Oliveira> ls
[01:54] <Oliveira> desculpe escrevi no lugar errado
[01:56] <Elfon_> Acho mais fácil recortar e colar
[01:58] <Oliveira> obrigado Elfon vou fazer isso. Eu só novo por aqui e só queria apreder como fzr pelo terminal
[01:58] <Oliveira> mais do mesmo jeito eu agradeço a atenção
[02:07] <Elfon_> só verificar. ..Se for fora da home do usuário vá precisar de permissão
[02:08] <lieber> Oliveira, é o mv mesmo.
[02:09] <Oliveira> valeu Lieber
[02:50] <astroo-> ciao pessoal
[11:45] <cyberworld> Boa tarde galera
[11:46] <cyberworld> Gostaria e saber se alguem pode me ajudar, tentei emular a recente versão do Unbutu no VMWare só que não está carregando
[13:03] <tulio> alguém usa gnuplot?
[13:04] <Guest49210> alguém usa gnuplot?
[13:06] <Elfon> Pessoal, alguém aí já usou o opensc?
[13:10] <CyberWorld> gnuplot é pra interface grafica ?
[13:20] <mirqui> bom dia :)
[13:21] <CyberWorld> bom dia
[13:21] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :)?
[13:22] <CyberWorld> tudo tranquilo e por ai ?
[13:22] <mirqui> aqui tbm vamos todos bem graças a deus :)
[13:22] <mirqui> quais são as novas?
[13:23] <Guest49210> CyberWorld:gnuplot é pra plotar graficos
[13:24] <CyberWorld> Por aqui ta pior que agua do mar
[13:24] <mirqui> ??? baa velho , fala ai?
[13:28] <CyberWorld> Galera alguem sabe me dizer quanto custa do LPI 102?
[13:28] <CyberWorld> o site aqui não ta abrindo na minha maquina
[13:29] <mirqui> humm , e o que seria uma lpi?
[13:30] <CyberWorld> Certificado linux
[13:31] <CyberWorld> Linux Profissional institute
[13:31] <CyberWorld> éum certificado q demostra que vc tem conhecimento na area de linux, ai isso ajuda pra vc arranja emprego na area
[13:32] <mirqui> olha isto
[13:32] <mirqui>
[13:32] <mirqui> não fala em preços
[13:33] <mirqui> 4Linux – afiliada do Linux Professional Institute no Brasil ( – anunciou hoje mudanças no preço das provas em papel (Paper Based Tests – PBT) que passam a vigorar a partir de 1 de outubro de 2006. O preço referência de cada prova passa de US$100,00 para US$120,00 e a alteração é fruto das resoluções do LPI Mundial. O preço das provas no Brasil serão de R$260,00 até dezembro de 2006.
[13:33] <mirqui> haa ví agora
[13:33] <mirqui> O Brasil é um dos únicos países do mundo onde o exame em papel tem preço reduzido em relação às provas eletrônicas (Computer Based Tests – CBT), que custam US$150,00. A diferença de preço entre as provas, que estava em US$50,00, passa para US$30,00. No Japão, por exemplo, as provas em papel e eletrônicas têm o mesmo preço: US$150,00
[13:34] <mirqui> As inscrições para as provas do calendário do LPI no Brasil que forem realizadas a partir de 1 de outubro já serão pagas pelo novo valor, mesmo que a inscrição seja feita ainda no mês de setembro. As provas já agendadas para setembro se mantém com o valor atual (US$100,00).
[13:34] <mirqui> são esses 3 ítens
[13:34] <mirqui> quer o link?
[13:35] <CyberWorld> não não deu pra ter uma base
[13:35] <CyberWorld> vou ver se nesse mes eu tiro
[13:35] <mirqui> então boa sorte :)
[13:35] <Bueno> bom dia! Alguém do Brasil?
[13:36] <Bueno> estou com uma dúvida sobre ubuntu no pendrive. Alguém pode me ajudar?
[13:36] <mirqui> aqui é ubuntu-br :)
[13:36] <lieber> bom dia
[13:36] <AsFelix> br = Brasil
[13:36] <mirqui> sim
[13:36] <CyberWorld> BR Br BR
[13:36] <Bueno> É assim, consigui instalar o Ubuntu no pendrive. Porém, toda vez que reinicio perco as configurações.
[13:37] <mirqui> claro , vc não instalou no disco
[13:37] <Bueno> Será que há como instalar alguns programas para poder utilizar com a versão no pendrive?
[13:37] <CyberWorld> vc instalou usando emulador ou ultilizando o boot original
[13:37] <Bueno> emulador
[13:38] <Bueno> criei um bootável com imagem do ubuntu.
[13:38] <CyberWorld> com o emulador ele n salva as configurações
[13:42] <Bueno> como faço para salvar?
[13:42] <CyberWorld> tenta instalar com o boot da imagem mesmo
[13:42] <CyberWorld> como se fosse instalar no hd
[13:42] <Bueno> Mas instala no pendrive?
[13:42] <CyberWorld> ai no caso vc selecionaria só o pen drive
[13:42] <CyberWorld> sim
[14:22] <Elfon> Alguem ja usou certificado digital da certisign no linux?
[14:29] <brenorage> Estou com um probleminha com o ubuntu 14, qualquer programa de edição vetorial que instalo como xara extreme ou inkscape trava
[14:29] <manoel> olá, sou novato em linux e ubuntu. Qual a melhor e mais amigável ferramenta para análise e recuperação de disco rigido?
[15:54] <Dyonatas> preciso de um auxilio para localizar uma impressora que esta conectada a um roteador via porta usb
[16:04] <Elfon> Dyonatas: vc tem q ter certeza que o roteador oferece este tipo de suporte
[16:04] <Dyonatas> sim oferece
[16:05] <Dyonatas> no windows é possivel utilizar usando um aplicativo
[16:07] <Dyonatas> USB_Print_Controller
[16:08] <Elfon> Pessoal, como faz a budega da usb funcionar na maquina virtual?
[16:18] <Luciano_> no ubuntu dar pra baixar videos pelo youtube?
[16:19] <Luciano_> e que sou usuario a muito tempo do windwos e queria mudar um pouco e fazer parte do ubuntu
[16:34] <Pangare> boa tarde
[16:35] <Pangare> faz tempo que não instalo ubuntu alguem poderia me tirar umas duvidas bem basicas?
[16:35] <rafael> Pangare: deixe a dúvida e espere a resposta
[16:36] <Pangare> bem simples... pra usar .iso no pendrive algum conselho? programa a usar?
[16:36] <Pangare> outra duvida ta facil na instalacao colocar dual boot?
[16:36] <Pangare> so isso...
[16:36] <rafael> Pangare: UEFI?
[16:38] <Pangare> bios acredito ne, uefi nunca mexi
[16:38] <rafael> Pois é, tudo depende se é BIOS ou UEFI
[16:38] <Pangare> bios...
[16:38] <rafael> se for bios, utilize o Unetbootin
[16:38] <rafael> Bem prático e rápido
[16:38] <rafael> Sem muita frescura
[16:39] <Pangare> show
[16:39] <Pangare> quanto ao dual boot vem opcao na instalacao?
[16:39] <Pangare> ja faz a parte de particionar etc?
[16:39] <Pangare> so vou deixar ruimdows um tempo na migracao...
[16:40] <rafael> Pangare: se vc deixar uma particao separada
[16:40] <rafael> vai ser dual boot
[16:40] <Pangare> e permite na nova instalacao? faz uns 3 anos que nao uso
[16:44] <Elfon> Pangare: uma opção que eu considero segura é testar numa maquina virtual
[16:44] <Elfon> aí quando tiver à vontade vc instala no hd
[16:44] <Elfon> mas se mesmo assim quiser instalar no hd....sempre é recomendábel o back up :)
[17:30] <Cyberworld> alguem consegue me dizer pq eu n consigo emular o ubunto no vmware
[17:31] <Cyberworld> o unbutu é a versao mais recente
[17:31] <Joab> Ola
[17:31] <Joab> Boa Tarde
[17:31] <Joab> Tudo bem
[17:31] <Joab> Galera
[17:32] <Joab> Gostaria de saber qual a versão que eu baixo do ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn ou 14.04.1 Trusty Tahr LTS
[17:32] <lieber> Joab, baixa a LTS
[17:40] <Joab> Lieber ela e a melhor
[17:40] <Joab> ?
[17:42] <lieber> Joab, mais estável
[17:42] <Joab> Valeu cara
[17:42] <Joab> Sou iniciante de tudo
[17:42] <Joab> quero poder aprender a mexer neste poderoso software
[18:16] <manoel> olá, sou novato em linux e ubuntu. Qual a melhor e mais amigável ferramenta para análise e recuperação de disco rigido?
[18:19] <Cyberworld> dentro do linux ou dentro do windows
[18:19] <Cyberworld> ?
[18:24] <Cyberworld> mds cara para de ficar viçando com essa troca de nome kkkk
[18:31] <Joab> Curso Free para iniciante Linux rrsrsrs Existe sei que tem o Google
[18:31] <Cyberworld> vai no blog viva ao linux
[18:32] <Cyberworld> q la tem umas apostila de iniciante ate intermediario
[18:46] <paul___> meu ubuntu não abre. a tela fica preta
[18:47] <paul___> estou tentando instalar novamente. mas não consigo
[19:03] <paul___> alguém poderia me ajudar a recuperar meu ubuntu?
[19:07] <Cyberworld> ele tenta carregar o sistema só apos o log de bios ele ja aparece na tela preta?
[19:11] <paul___> aparece uma tela roxa GNU GRUB version 2.02~beta2-9
[19:11] <paul___> vc da um enter e fica preta
[19:19] <Joab> Galera Alguém que ja conhece pode me indicar aulas Free para iniciantes e depois um nivel mais avançado, por Favor nao entendo nada de linux e gostaria de poder experimentar e quem sabe nao entrar neste novo conceito
[19:20] <Cyberworld> Joab: me manda seu email q eu te encaminho 3 apostilas de linux
[19:20] <Cyberworld> paul__: tentou acessar pelo medo recovery do linux ?
[19:22] <Joab>
[19:22] <Joab> Por Favor vai ser de grande Ajuda Amigo
[19:23] <paul___> não tentei. como faço?
[19:25] <Cyberworld> quando vc inicia o sistema linux
[19:25] <Cyberworld> na tela roxa tem
[19:25] <Cyberworld> 3 ou 4 opçoes
[19:25] <Cyberworld> 1 delas é a opção de recovery
[19:27] <Cyberworld> Joab: verifica se chegou o email ai
[19:29] <Joab> Cyberworld Chegou sim mano Deus te Abençoe
[19:29] <Joab> Com este curso posso me dar bem para iniciante ne rsrsrsr ?
[19:29] <Cyberworld> que nada fera precisando tamo aew
[19:30] <Cyberworld> mermao linux é q nem andar de bicicleta só aprende com a pratica depois q aprende
[19:30] <Cyberworld> vc faz ate mortal kkkkk
[19:30] <Cyberworld> no inicio vc pode achar complicado porque ele usa linha de comando e talz
[19:31] <Cyberworld> mais depois vc consegue ate hackia a conta do face da muier
[19:36] <Joab> caraca o bicho e perigoso em Cyberworld rsrsrsrs
[19:36] <Joab> estou querendo para uso pessoal mesmo nada de jogos etc.... estou cansando do Winruins
[19:39] <paul___> Cyberworld tentei iniciar em um recovery. ele listou vários comandos e pediu pra dar um enter, mas a tela ficou preta novamente e nada
[19:41] <KleberCode> join django
[19:41] <KleberCode> ops sry
[19:44] <Cyberworld> paul__: recomendo vc zera seu hd e reinstalar o sistema, porque é muito dificil saber o erro que esta ocorrendo sem ver se tem algum motivo
[19:44] <Cyberworld> o que pode ter ocorrido foi
[19:44] <paul___> pois é, vou ter que fazer isso
[19:45] <Cyberworld> o sistema pode ter excluido algum arquivo necessario pra inicialização, ou o sistema se corrompeu e com o erro ele não inicializa, é como se desse tela azul do Windows
[19:45] <paul___> não queria perder os arq. que eu tinha
[19:45] <Cyberworld> mais existe uma forma de n perder os arquivos
[19:46] <Joab> Cyberworld estou vendo as apostilas cara e muita coisa em da pra aprender um bucado
[19:46] <Cyberworld> vc pode usar outra maquina ou um emulador de sistemas e tentar acessar as pastas que estao no HD e copia-las para um pen drive ou HD externo
[19:46] <paul___> opa como faço isso? pode me ajudar?
[19:50] <Cyberworld> tipo ou vc coloca o hd em uma maquina que ja tenha o S.O instalado
[19:51] <Cyberworld> ou vc pega um notbook sei la
[19:51] <paul___> vou tentar isso
[19:52] <paul___> muito obrigado pela ajudar
[19:52] <Cyberworld> e tenta acessar o HD em forma de pen drive usando um cabo SATA-USB
[19:52] <Cyberworld> nada
[20:32] <dk_millares> boa tarde
[20:34] <Rudolf> tarde
[20:58] <astroo-> ola pessoal
[23:04] <TonnyCage> Boa noite!!
[23:04] <dk_millares> boa
[23:05] <astroo-> ola
[23:05] <TonnyCage> como faço para instalar os plug in de vidio
[23:06] <dk_millares> que tipo?
[23:06] <dk_millares> explique melhor seu problema
[23:06] <TonnyCage> para o youtube
[23:06] <TonnyCage> pede para atualizar mas eu faço isso e mesmo assim todo o vidio aparece
[23:07] <TonnyCage> sou novo no ubuntu
[23:09] <dk_millares> certyo
[23:10] <dk_millares> qual navegador TonnyCage
[23:10] <TonnyCage> mozila
[23:10] <dk_millares> eu evito usar o flash sabe, se for só um problema no youtube. Ja tentou ativar video em html5?
[23:10] <dk_millares> TonnyCage:
[23:11] <dk_millares> ele verificará
[23:11] <TonnyCage> ainda nao, ok eu agradeço pelo ajuda
[23:12] <dk_millares> blz TonnyCage
[23:12] <dk_millares> tenta, se nao der certo nos fala
[23:13] <TonnyCage> ok, boa noite a todos
[23:14] <astroo-> ate
[23:18] <TonnyCage> amigos agradeço pela ajuda consegui instalar | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.134971 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-br"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-rs | [13:20] <Githzerai> jelvo forum jope zahebava?
[13:37] <nikolam> Githzerai, pitati Eunet?
[13:41] <Githzerai> jbg, nisam više admin, čisto pitam vako
[14:06] <Githzerai> proradeo | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.139548 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-rs"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-locoteams | [07:13] <Kilos> morning PaulW2U ejat
[07:13] <Kilos> and everyone else
[07:13] <PaulW2U> Good morning Kilos
[21:24] <genii> Hey, I wanted to add our Vivid Release Party in Toronto to but there's no global event listed for 15.04 Release Parties yet
[21:34] <BobJonkman> Hi !lococouncil -- me too.
[21:34] <BobJonkman> !lococouncil | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.140914 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-desktop | [14:11] <desrt> is everyone still on holiday today?
[14:22] <larsu> desrt: still? For most people, today is the only easter-related holiday
[14:23] <desrt> no good friday?
[14:23] <larsu> not for the French iirc
[14:23] <desrt> how about seb? :)
[14:23] <larsu> same as pitti and me. He lives in Germany, remember
[14:34] <desrt> ofc.
[14:38] * happyaron is on holiday today
[14:45] <desrt> canada has a weird approach to this holiday. half of people are on holiday, others not.
[14:46] <larsu> depending on province?
[14:46] <desrt> even in ontario it's half and half
[14:46] <larsu> ?
[14:46] <desrt> depends on the industry, more or less
[14:46] <larsu> craziness
[14:46] <desrt> i think anything that is covered by some form of federal regulation is on holiday
[14:46] <desrt> plus all government offices of any kind
[14:47] <desrt> and all schools
[14:47] <desrt> regulated stuff = banks, etc.
[14:47] <desrt> it's all pretty random
[14:49] <larsu> do you have the day off?
[14:49] <desrt> i don't think so :)
[14:49] <larsu> :( | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.143319 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-desktop"
} |
2015-04-06-#xubuntu-devel | [17:47] <Unit193>
[18:16] <slickymaster> Unit193, did you forget to add the next meeting to
[18:16] <slickymaster> ?
[18:51] <Unit193> slickymaster: Of course I did. :D
[18:53] <Unit193> I'll never let me login, will it?
[19:00] <elfy> Unit193: the world is against you
[19:03] * genii aligns himself with Unit193 against the world
[19:04] <elfy> genii should login to the wiki for Unit193 if he really cares :p
[19:16] <Unit193> I got it I got it. :P
[21:46] <nerdistmonk> Well i tested how robust xubuntu was yesterday....LOL
[21:46] <nerdistmonk> made a massive whoopsie yesterday on another machine
[21:46] <nerdistmonk> Long story short, i can say with confidence that xubuntu's update/upgrade system is rock solid....
[21:47] <Unit193> nerdistmonk: I think you've mistaken this for -offtopic?
[21:47] <Unit193> bluesabre: Oh, and yes fixed that. Sorry.
[21:50] <nerdistmonk> erm, sorry i forgot robots hate socialization? ill be gone then. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.145511 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#xubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-nl | [08:34] <lordievader> Goede morgen.
[08:41] <OerHeks> goedenmorgen lordievader
[08:41] <lordievader> Hey OerHeks, hoe is het ermee?
[08:43] <OerHeks> Prima, lekker paaseitjes eten, en met jou ?
[08:44] <lordievader> Gaat het ook lekker ;)
[22:08] <oldsk00l> nog iemand wakker :P | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.146677 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-nl"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-co | [16:31] <josue> hola
[16:32] <josue> tengo un portatil con particiones de autorecuperacion y no se cuales eliminar para que el sistema arranque por defecto con linux | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.147336 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-co"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-us-mi | [00:33] <jrwren> good evening
[00:34] <gamerchick02> howdy jrwren
[00:34] <jrwren> good weekend!!!
[00:35] <gamerchick02> yes!
[00:35] <gamerchick02> relaxing.
[00:35] <jrwren> Polt won Sc2 Season1 2015 and umich came in 2nd at regionals, which I attended \m/
[00:35] <gamerchick02> coolQ
[00:35] <gamerchick02> ! not Q
[00:35] <gamerchick02> hah
[00:35] <jrwren> and I was at least 24hrs without my laptop and I didn't twitch from withdrawl :p
[00:35] <gamerchick02> have you tried out a pebble?
[00:35] <jrwren> nope
[00:36] <gamerchick02> lol, i'll be a week away from my computer in June and i'll be fine
[00:36] <jrwren> other folks here love theirs. My wrist is anchor free.
[00:36] <gamerchick02> well, i'm thinking about a Pebble Time. new and in color!
[00:36] <gamerchick02> i have a watch. but it's a Timex. :-P
[00:37] <gamerchick02> and the cool thing about a Pebble Time is that it's supposed to last 7 days on one charge
[00:37] <jrwren> timex is sweet.
[00:37] <gamerchick02> it was $20.
[00:37] <gamerchick02> just a basic one with the date and a indiglo light
[00:37] <jrwren> my daughter wears a timex that was my bday present when I turned 5. that was 33yrs ago
[00:37] <gamerchick02> nice
[00:38] <jrwren> oh, I forgot I wore an indiglo for a few years I really like that watch.
[00:39] <cmaloney> I <3 my Pebble
[00:39] <gamerchick02> howdy cmaloney. i was wondering if you had a pebble or a google wear
[00:39] <cmaloney> picked up the Pebble Time when JoDee asked if we were getting htem.
[00:39] <cmaloney> Pebble
[00:39] <gamerchick02> i want a pebble time i think
[00:39] <cmaloney> But I tend to be a little behind the curve
[00:40] <gamerchick02> that's ok
[00:40] * cmaloney has been playing with a lot of emulators lately
[00:40] <gamerchick02> you're talking to someone who has a Samsung Galaxy S3
[00:40] <cmaloney> <3 the Spectrum machine
[00:40] <gamerchick02> :)
[00:41] <cmaloney> Samsung S2 Epic 4G touch. :)
[00:41] <gamerchick02> OMG this lady is having twins; the first was stillborn
[00:41] <jrwren> isn't a galaxy s3 from about 4yrs ago?
[00:41] <gamerchick02> yes, i am watching Call the Midwife
[00:41] <gamerchick02> 3 years ago i think
[00:41] <gamerchick02> it runs kitkat!
[00:41] <cmaloney> It's newer than my phone. :)
[00:41] <jrwren> that makes me want more downton abbey
[00:42] <gamerchick02> there is only one more series of Downton
[00:42] <jrwren> i know. so sad and yet so good.
[00:42] <cmaloney> Thank Christ.
[00:42] <gamerchick02> you don't like Downton, cmaloney?
[00:43] <cmaloney> No, I'm saying they'll start losing the plot if it keeps going
[00:43] <gamerchick02> YAY a live baby!
[00:43] <gamerchick02> true
[00:43] <jrwren> yup
[00:43] <jrwren> i'm always happy when shows end before rather than after their time.
[00:44] <gamerchick02> yes!
[00:44] <cmaloney> See: Big Bang Theory
[00:45] <gamerchick02> oi
[00:45] <cmaloney> should have ended a while ago but that horse just keeps on whipping
[00:45] <gamerchick02> should have died awhile ago? i'm not a huge fan of that show
[00:45] <gamerchick02> i've watch bits and bobs
[00:45] <gamerchick02> for geek culture, The IT Crowd is much better
[00:46] <jrwren> big bang theory should have died aftr first episode.
[00:46] <cmaloney> jrwren: *cough*
[00:46] <jrwren> bbt laughs AT nerds, not WITH nerds.
[00:46] <cmaloney> JoDee watches it. I think it's a bingo-machine of nerd tropes.
[00:47] <gamerchick02> so true
[00:47] <gamerchick02> so so true
[00:47] <gamerchick02> again, The IT Crowd is very funny, if very British.
[00:47] <gamerchick02> if you like that, then it's awesome.
[00:59] <cmaloney> Yeah, I <3 IT Crowd
[00:59] <gamerchick02> :)
[01:02] <gamerchick02> now it's Selfridge. bleh
[01:02] <gamerchick02> i wish Wolf Hall was on at 9
[01:03] <cmaloney> Yeah, no kidding
[01:03] <cmaloney> Anywho, we can start the meeting
[01:03] <cmaloney> which I'm sure everyone was waiting to start.
[01:04] <gamerchick02> i guess. :-P i was watching Call the Midwife. was a good episode
[01:04] <cmaloney>
[01:04] <cmaloney> That's the agenda for this meeting
[01:04] <cmaloney> which will be quite brief. :)
[01:04] <gamerchick02> i have something that's come up so i can't come. i'm super bummed that i can't come. :(
[01:04] <cmaloney> We have our release party on Friday at Penguicon
[01:04] <cmaloney> bmmer indeed.
[01:05] <cmaloney> Believe it's at 8pm
[01:05] <gamerchick02> nice
[01:05] <cmaloney> We'll be in the bar again par usual
[01:05] <gamerchick02> nice.
[01:05] <cmaloney> I doubt we'll have CDs and what-not to give away
[01:05] <cmaloney> Will have to check to see
[01:06] <gamerchick02> no swag? though most people just... download it.
[01:06] <gamerchick02> hah
[01:06] <cmaloney> Yeah, that's pretty much why folks show up
[01:06] <cmaloney> swag and booze
[01:07] <cmaloney> Oh, and to hang out with folks
[01:07] <gamerchick02> :)
[01:07] <cmaloney> But yeah, that's the plan for this time around
[01:08] <cmaloney> if someone wants to schedule another release party outside of the Penguicon one please feel free.
[01:09] <gamerchick02> any ideas for a more northerly one?
[01:09] <cmaloney> I think it's a great idea.
[01:09] <cmaloney> If that's what you're looking for. :)
[01:10] <gamerchick02> well, i'm not sure. suddenly a lot of crap has popped up for this month for me.
[01:13] <cmaloney> Right, but if someone wants to organize a more northerly Michigan event I'm all for that.
[01:13] <gamerchick02> yes!
[01:14] <gamerchick02> i'm surprised there's not a community around more universities
[01:15] <cmaloney> Yeah, not sure why that is
[01:16] <gamerchick02> Kettering didn't have a linux club.
[01:17] <cmaloney> I know we get at least someone from time to time looking for something not in the Detroit area
[01:18] <waldo323> Sorry I'm late :-/ didn't realize it was 9 already
[01:18] <gamerchick02> well there's a bunch of people in the Grand Rapids area, i do believe. but not many in Mid-MI or Flint or even northern MI.
[01:18] <gamerchick02> hi waldo323
[01:19] <waldo323> Hi gamerchick02
[01:20] <cmaloney> waldo323: No worries. :)
[01:20] <cmaloney> Not a whole lot going on that you weren't aware of
[01:23] <cmaloney> Anywho, that's all that I have at the moment
[01:28] <gamerchick02> nice
[01:28] <cmaloney> Thank you everyone for coming out!
[01:29] <gamerchick02> you're welcome!
[01:29] <gamerchick02> i have a question: what is your favorite thing about your Pebble?
[01:29] <waldo323> Thank you for hosting
[01:29] <cmaloney> gamerchick02: Battery life, and doesn't over-promise.
[01:30] <gamerchick02> nice
[01:30] <gamerchick02> what do you think of the new Pebble Time? color screen and stuff?
[01:30] <cmaloney> Haven't received it yet.
[01:30] <cmaloney> Kickstarter just finished
[01:31] <gamerchick02> you ordered one? sa-wheet
[01:31] <cmaloney> Yep
[01:31] <gamerchick02> please send some impressions to g+ or your blog after you have it for awhile
[01:32] <gamerchick02> i'm seriously thinking of getting one when it hits stores/the web.
[01:32] <gamerchick02> i missed the kickstarter. :( but i've been looking at a smartwatch and i think the Time will hit all the things i need.
[01:33] <cmaloney> Will do
[01:33] <gamerchick02> thanks
[01:34] <gamerchick02> are you getting the Steel or the regular Time?
[01:34] <cmaloney> Regular
[01:35] <gamerchick02> ok cool
[01:45] <gamerchick02> i think i'll get one when it comes out to stores. i'd like to see how large it would be on my wrist
[01:45] <cmaloney> Well, I have the Steel and the original Pebble. They're not small. :)
[01:47] <gamerchick02> ok
[01:47] <gamerchick02> smaller than the Wear ones, maybe?
[01:47] <gamerchick02> that's why i want to see it in the store. when it comes to best buy or something i'll see if fits my wrist
[12:07] <cmaloney> morning
[12:18] <rick_h_> party
[13:16] <cmaloney> Apparently I'm the only person in the office that doesn't own anything Tigers related
[13:16] <cmaloney> Or at least didn't wear anything Tigers related.
[13:16] <rick_h_> well if I was there I'd have joined you
[13:17] <cmaloney> (I still have a rather faded button from 1984 World Series)
[13:17] <cmaloney> Yeah, not into supporting pro sportball. :)
[13:18] <cmaloney> Now, if it were "dress like your favorite video game character" I'd be all over that.
[13:25] <jrwren> oh right, opening day. go tigers.
[13:26] <rick_h_> seems odd for opening day when I saw snow falling yesterday
[13:27] <cmaloney> Yeah, well... Welcome to Michigan.
[19:13] <derekv> yay my bouncer
[19:19] <cmaloney>
[19:19] <cmaloney> Welcome to the future
[19:19] <derekv> served and witnessed
[19:20] <cmaloney> the fun bits are in the details.
[19:20] <derekv> one more reason to kill your facebook
[19:21] <cmaloney> I'd love to know how one divorces someone who disappears | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.153601 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-pt | [20:58] <astroo-> ola pessoal | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.154797 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-pt"
} |
2015-04-06-#ubuntu-us-tn | [15:51] <bwmaker> Morning, folks!
[15:53] <wrst> morning
[16:15] <|Ubik|> moanin
[20:18] <wrst> and.... afternoon
[20:18] <bwmaker> Yup.
[20:19] <Unit193> This is after noon.
[20:19] <wrst> indeed
[20:26] <bwmaker> How is everyone this afternoon?
[20:26] <wrst> doing well bwmaker, how are you doing?
[20:26] <bwmaker> I'm awake, so I've got that going for me. :)
[20:31] <wrst> mondays have that effect it seems :)
[20:33] <bwmaker> Yeah, especially after a holiday. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.156998 | 2015-04-06T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-tn"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-ir | [19:28] <Hamed> salam | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.162359 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ir"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-us-or | [16:33] <bdmurray> wxl: could you test bug 1442898 for me?
[16:57] <wxl> bdmurray: doing about 5 million things at once but will get to it or delegate and update the bug. btw if there was a bug in a seed, what package would i file against?
[16:59] <bdmurray> wxl: the relevenat metapackage is probably a good spot
[16:59] <wxl> bdmurray: oh i could probably use lubuntu-meta come to think of it
[17:00] <bdmurray> right | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.164337 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-or"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-se | [10:09] <simon_> Hej, jag råkade ändra "Format" till United Kingdom på "Plats och språk" men Svenska finns inte att välja tillbaka till, kan man byta format via terminalen?
[10:24] <Bandol> någon som har koll åp drivers till nvidiakort?
[10:25] <Bandol> spel etc har slutat fungera sen jag bytte till open source drivers... :'(
[11:43] <Amoz> Bandol, aptitude install nvidia-current borde funka
[12:28] <Bandol> Amoz: alltså att köpa på nvidias istället för open source?
[12:35] <Amoz> Bandol, precis
[12:35] <Bandol> Amoz: okk
[12:38] <Bandol> tack
[16:45] <Barre> hmm.. installerade Ubuntu 14.04.2 på en maskin som tidigare hade Win7, UEFI boot. Installationen gick bra, men datorn hittar kan inte boota ordentligt, måste in i EFI menyn och leta upp grub.efi för att kunna starta GRUB2.. vad göra?
[17:05] <Hund> Barre: Skippa EUFI.
[17:07] <Barre> Hund: ett icke svar
[17:08] <Hund> Varför envisas med det? :)
[17:33] <Barre> Hund: för att 1) UEFI var redan aktiverat och att inte köra på det innebär en ominstallation. 2) GOTO 1
[17:38] <Barre> MEH! Det verkar som HP har hårdkodat path:en i UEFI boot managern, kan det vara så korkat?
[17:46] <einand> Barre: garanterat
[17:48] <Barre> einand: så var det.. det spelade ingen roll vad som skrevs i NVRAM, Boot Managern gick mot hårdkodad path.
[17:49] <Barre> men, det fanns en "custom EFI path" i BIOS :), petade jag in EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi där så bootade den som jag förväntade mig att den skulle göra efter install
[17:50] <Barre> \o/
[17:52] <einand> Barre: okej, det var ändå lungt då
[17:53] <Barre> jo, men vad är vitsen med det? Varför inte tillåta installationen att peta in rätt parametrar i nvram så att man slipper strula?
[17:54] <Barre> förmodligen var detta en "windows only" dator tills de ändrade sig och la till "custom EFI path" i BIOS.. min gissning
[20:07] <Olanzapin> Hallå! Jag sitter på Ubuntu 14.04 och har lekt lite med compiz. Allt är frid och fröjd men jag kan inte få igång water effect. Nån som har en lsning på detta ?
[20:36] <diffen> Halloj, ere någon här som kör openstack? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.172830 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-se"
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2015-04-14-#ubuntu-ru | [03:24] <andrex> ух
[09:09] <Kinder-Pingvi> а здесь все мертвая тишина.. :)
[09:21] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: Просто фу, где ты смерть увидел?
[09:22] <Kinder-Pingvi> froover: я? нет.. рано еще мне на смерть смотреть:)
[09:22] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: тем не менее, ты смотришь на это
[09:22] <Kinder-Pingvi> к жизни надо относиться с юмором.. все равно в конце все умрут :)
[09:22] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: Да и вообще никогда не рано на неё смотреть, ибо прийти может в любой момент, в любом возрасте
[09:23] <Kinder-Pingvi> а почему ты вдруг о ней заговорил? :)
[09:23] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: Не я, это ты сделал
[09:23] <Kinder-Pingvi> ну.. я же только немного вовсе :)
[09:25] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: А ты вкурсе, что ты нарушаешь правила конференции?
[09:25] <Kinder-Pingvi> пожалуй, мы вместе их нарушаем :)
[09:25] <froover> froover: Похоже ты действительно не знаешь
[09:25] <froover> хе
[09:25] <Kinder-Pingvi> но нас объединяет как минимум то, что в рамках конференции.. мы, допустим, тестируем поведение ирц-софта при ведении обсуждения :D
[09:26] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: Наивный, ты думаешь общение не по теме, это нарушение конференции. Это не так, это разрешено официально. А вот твой ник, нарушает правила ) так как является рекламой продукта
[09:27] <froover> froover: Теперь я тоже нарушитель, так как такие вещи надо обсуждать вне чата :-D
[09:27] <Kinder-Pingvi> ну вот засядем с тобой в одной камере #jail и будем до самой смерти вести чудные дискуссии ))
[10:19] <froover> Раз молчите, обмолвитесь, кто каким клиентом пользуется для irc, я вот не заморачивался, и просто поставил плагин, для поддержки irc в стандартный empathy который использую для других протоколов, на сколько хорошее решение не знаю, работает вроде бы.
[10:19] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: Тебя это тоже касается.
[10:34] <Kinder-Pingvi> вот ХЧат мне всем нравится... но не нравится тем, что при выводе листинга всех каналов на сервере их нельзя отсортировать по количеству юзеров, сидящих на каналах ))
[10:34] <Kinder-Pingvi> либо я просто не чита документацию, потому в силу этого стоит квирк) хотя сами понимаете как он ужасно выглядит на ГТКшной среде)))
[10:38] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: А ещё есть какой то xchat-gnome - как я понял менее популярен чем обычный xchat
[10:38] <Kinder-Pingvi> хм, счас посмотрим
[10:39] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: что то вроде переделанного xchata по gnome, как то так
[10:45] <Kinder-Pingvi> хм.. интересный этот гном хчат
[10:45] <Kinder-Pingvi> правда выдавал мне он приколы... но в прочем да, поприятнее)
[10:47] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: вы тут на листинге каналов какие то жалуетесь, а у меня по моему такого функционала в empathy впринципе нет. Прописал вручную комнату, выбрал сервер, нажал ентре и всё
[10:49] <Kinder-Pingvi> ну вот такой я максималист) хочется чтобы в одном софте были такие маленькие приятности:)
[10:52] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: А мне хочется, что IM месенджер был один, а не десяток, и он был для личных бесед и для конференций
[10:57] <JohnDoe_71Rus> для себя решил что программ должно быть 2. для чатов и для бесед.
[11:00] <SergeyIT> pidgin (7 лет использую)
[11:02] <froover> JohnDoe_71Rus: Одна из этих двух выполняет задачи видео звонков? )
[11:04] <froover> для sip и jabber звонков можно использовать всё тот же empathy, но всё же я установил SFLPhone - у него потрясающая интеграция в gnome (есть kde версия) использует книгу контактов от evolution, красив просто и удобен в использовании. Конечно не без багов, но вполне оправдывае
[11:04] <JohnDoe_71Rus> видеозвонками не пользуюсь.
[11:05] <froover> т смысл отдельной софтины.
[11:05] <froover> JohnDoe_71Rus: ну не обязательно видео, аудио например.
[11:06] <JohnDoe_71Rus> тоже не пользую
[11:06] <froover> JohnDoe_71Rus: и телефоном не пользуетесь железным? Столман перелогиньтесь
[11:07] <JohnDoe_71Rus> проги обычно на авто логин настроены. бывает надо решить проблему в чате, и что бы в личных беседах не приставали
[11:11] <froover> JohnDoe_71Rus: Наоборот по идее должно быть чаще, но в целом, я тебя понимаю.
[11:34] <froover> тестирую в вирт машине XFCE (xubuntu) c cairo Dock. Данный док предлагает отдельную кнопку переключения рабочих мест которая или всега поверх, или за окнами, а я бы хотел переключалку, кооторая будет непосредственно на самом доке, а не вне его. Как реализовать совет
[11:34] <froover> ы есть?
[11:35] <JohnDoe_71Rus> она на доке и есть
[11:35] <froover> она вне самой панели (дока)
[11:35] <froover> как бы рядом, и независимо её перемещать можно
[11:36] <JohnDoe_71Rus> froover: квадрат с номером 4
[11:36] <froover> если я делаю эту переключалку позади окон, то при наведении курсора в сторону где док, док появится, а переключалки, что естественно не будет. Возможно это можно как то перенастроить, но по умолчанию именно так
[11:37] <froover> JohnDoe_71Rus: Во, мне так и надо, такое положение в cairo dock в xubuntu 14.04 точно не дефолтное
[11:38] <JohnDoe_71Rus> не помню, у меня настройки дока кочуют еще с 10.04 убунты
[11:38] <JohnDoe_71Rus> давно настраивал
[11:38] <JohnDoe_71Rus> фото не мое, из сети. но у меня похоже
[11:38] <froover> понятно, я вот планирую документировать всё это дело, поэтому в вирт машине и проверяю заранее
[11:39] <froover> нравится оригинальная unity, но на старом пк она ну ни как, вот хочу сделать подобие, на xfce
[11:39] <froover> именно для старого железа
[11:42] <JohnDoe_71Rus> froover: вот нашел скрин свой
[11:46] <Kinder-Pingvi> а мне вот нравится как все сделали в елементариОС)
[11:46] <Kinder-Pingvi> правда эта панелька по ходу их "фирменная" )
[11:51] <froover> разобрался как добавить, но похоже cairo dock живёт своей жизнью, или создан вредителями. Нет ну добавил чо, только теперь пропала иконка из четырёх квадратор, а вместо неё отображена циферка, которая равно номеру рабочего стола, капец какой то
[11:52] <froover> типа для базовых действий, сделайте не базовые действия. ну ладно будет думать тыкать мудрить
[11:53] <JohnDoe_71Rus> froover: правой кнопой по иконке и там совйства
[11:53] <Kinder-Pingvi> мне вот еще кстати очень важно чтобы была горячая клавиша перетаскивать текущее выделенное окно между рабочими столами )
[11:53] <froover> елементари не плохо сделали в целом, много чего перерисовали, только самое главное не сделали, и фактически этим убили свою ос. Я про полное отсутсвие глобального меню ,а верхняя панель, просто тупо занимает место, не выполня ничего полезного
[11:53] <Kinder-Pingvi> в каком смысле отсутствие глобального меню?
[11:53] <froover> В прямом!!!
[11:55] <Kinder-Pingvi> но у меня есть глобальное меню..
[11:55] <Kinder-Pingvi> во всех приложениях, кроме тех, что из коробки в елементари )
[11:56] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: Такое впечатление, что ты сговорился с бобоком и врёшь на пару с ним, скриншот покажи
[11:57] <Kinder-Pingvi> ну.. мне например удобнее когда меню не глобально в верхней части экрана на панеле, а локально в каждом окне..
[11:57] <Kinder-Pingvi> а на верхней панельке у меня часы :3
[11:57] <Kinder-Pingvi> и натыкаю еще с десяток мониторов...
[11:57] <Kinder-Pingvi> хотя.. я все равно все необходимое вынес уже себе в конки
[11:57] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: То есть наврал?
[11:57] <Kinder-Pingvi> протупил точнее, прошу прощения)
[11:58] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: воот, а я эту тупость слышу уже во второй раз
[11:58] <Kinder-Pingvi> а тебе удобно глобальное меню как в юнити? )
[11:58] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: зомби аппокалипсис наступает что ли
[11:58] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: Да, очень удобно )
[11:58] <Kinder-Pingvi> я вот сколько раз.. с каждым новым полугодичным выпуском пытался себя приучить к юнити..
[11:58] <Kinder-Pingvi> сползал к монахам с него через пару дней..
[11:58] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: Я прям оргазмирую, от того, что оно у меня есть
[11:59] <froover> кто есть такие монахи?
[11:59] <Kinder-Pingvi> те, кому все равно на то, чем люди сейчас пользуются в мире :)
[11:59] <froover> монахи страшные люди
[12:00] <froover> если в прямом смысле о них говорить
[12:00] <Kinder-Pingvi> мне в елементари пока не нравится лишь пару вещей.. это трэй вайна выносится в отдельное маленькое окошко.. и отсутствие кнопки свернуть
[12:00] <froover> так что, страшные ты говоришь
[12:00] <Kinder-Pingvi> вот для меня пока самый идеал это хубунту
[12:00] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: там очень интересно сделано максимизация и минимизация окна, а свернуть можно с помощью, дока, даром что ли он такого размера?
[12:01] <froover> froover: в unity между прочим, свернуть окно по умолчанию можно только кнопкой на окне, док такой возможности не дают, хотя уже можно такую фичу включить, если поставить компиз конфиг и там активировать
[12:02] <froover> я не стал это активировать, привык так, окно часто не сворачиваю
[12:12] <SergeyIT> компиз не нужен
[12:18] <Kinder-Pingvi> док уже дает такую фичу. ну по крайней мере с убунты 14.04.2 точно )
[12:19] <Kinder-Pingvi> мне не нравится еще в убунте то, что иногда когда сворачиваешь окно и разворачиваешь, в момент начала анимации внутри окна пропадает изображение, получается сворачивается и разворачивается черное окно в коричневых убунтовских рамочка
[12:19] <Kinder-Pingvi> х :)
[12:19] <Kinder-Pingvi> думал проблема с проприетарщиной нвидиа, но не там то собака зарыта, на открытых драйверах то же самое..
[12:20] <Kinder-Pingvi> кстати о красивых дистрибутивах, еще совсем ништяк deepin linux, поставил его как-то, то я конечно в восторге, действительно красиво и продумано. Но слишком ресурсоемко
[12:26] <SergeyIT> от нвидиа тоже избавился
[12:26] <Kinder-Pingvi> почему же? )
[12:27] <SergeyIT> зависал комп
[12:27] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: "док уже дает такую фичу. ну по крайней мере с убунты 14.04.2 точно )"
[12:27] <froover> Я же писал вам тоже самое. Да такую фичу добавили, но сделали потому что народ просил, уведомили, что не считаю это правильной стратегией, сказали, что не желают её особо в будущем поддерживать, и поэтому настройку активировать можно только через расшире
[12:27] <froover> нный софт по управлению компизом, а в дефолте такой настройки нет
[12:28] <froover> "мне не нравится еще в убунте то, что иногда когда сворачиваешь окно и разворачиваешь,"
[12:28] <froover> Нет такого, и никогда не было. Видео графика интегрированная intel
[12:28] <froover> до этого была графика на AMD карте - закрытый и открытый драйвер
[12:34] <froover> SergeyIT: На ящике хорошо, меняй что хочешь, а вот с ноутбуками так не прокатит, у меня дискретка нвидия. Я вообще хотел сэкономить, и взять ноут без дискретки с интелом. Но увы, те модели, которые меня интересовали, они все с интелом и нвидия на борту. Видимо сч
[12:34] <froover> итают, раз тратишь не мало денег, то ты впринципе не можешь не хотеть именно nvidia
[12:35] <froover> стандартный видимо подход виндузятников геймеров
[12:35] <froover> теперь вот в игры играть приходится лол
[12:44] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: удалось сделать то что хотел, кнопку на панели - переключалка рабочих столов. Не получалось,потому что док глючил.
[12:45] <Kinder-Pingvi> слава Богу:) а я вот наоборот от радеонов везде избавляюсь.. уже второй системник, которым владею - только интел + нвидиа, другого даже думать не могу)
[12:45] <Kinder-Pingvi> мне вот радеоны не нравятся.. мало того, что их каталист контрол центр мне в страшном сне снился...
[12:46] <andrex> на вкус и цвет....
[12:46] <Kinder-Pingvi> все-таки CUDA часто помогает при конвертации фильмов (правда, сейчас я это делаю гораздо реже) и кажись аппаратное сглаживание FMAA или как там оно называлось...
[12:46] <Kinder-Pingvi> в играх конечно дает особый привкус не в ущерб производительности, если включать то же обычное сглажиавние хотя бы на х8
[12:47] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: Радеон хороши, если использовать открытый драйвер, но не каждый редон будет хорошо работать на открытом. В будущем в плане поддержки свободного драйвера радеон уйдут вперёд я думаю, по сравнению с нвидиа. С другой стороны если у вас nvidia будет но
[12:47] <andrex> у амд тож свои плюшки есть, но нвидиа их всеравно обскакала
[12:47] <froover> рмально работать на проприетарном драйвере, вам же пофиг, работает и отлично. Только вот понимаете, осадочек то остался, например с тем, что сообществу самому приходиться релизовывать переключение графики optimus
[12:48] <andrex> а у мну на буке ток дискретка)
[12:48] <froover> andrex: у меня тоже была только, пока не сгорела. ПОльзовался аккуратно, хотя и без охлаждающей подставки. Может другая причина поломки, но похоже видео...
[12:49] <Kinder-Pingvi> у меня на буке тоже только дискретка, радеон 4650 мобилити
[12:49] <andrex> gtx880
[12:49] <Kinder-Pingvi> так уважаемый, ныне уже, АМД положил большой и толстый на всю линейку ХэДэ 2000-4000
[12:49] <Kinder-Pingvi> и сказали что мол наши проприетарные драйверы будут работать только с ядром не выше версии 3.4 и хОргом 1.12 кажись
[12:49] <Kinder-Pingvi> то бишь все новые дистрибутивы плакали в сторонке
[12:49] <froover> к тому же я вам скажу, какое это счастье, когда ноутбук часто даже при серфинге в сети, выключает вентилятор полносью, такого бы я не смог бы получить на дискретке, тем более от амд
[12:49] <SergeyIT> у меня радеоны 9200, 9600, х1300
[12:50] <Kinder-Pingvi> благо с ядра 3.12 (вроде) и новых месовских драйверов появилась поддержка моей карточки
[12:50] <Kinder-Pingvi> но проблема остается в том, что при использовании открытых драйверов у меня видеопроц автматически выставляет себе максимальную частоту, жарит ноутбук и садит батарею и с этим ничего не поделать
[12:50] <SergeyIT> на буке интел gma 3150
[12:50] <andrex> SergeyIT: ну я ток в этом году поменял) так 560 ti стояли и в буке и в стацинаре
[12:50] <Kinder-Pingvi> и до селе я на ноутбуке сидел на старой бубунте со старым ядром и проприетарными старыми как мир драйверами, у которых были глюки что-то вроде... аномалий и артефактов иногда при включении комптона на тенях )
[12:51] <andrex> на рабочем тоже интел
[12:51] <Kinder-Pingvi> это мой ей Богу последний опыт использования радеонов, на этом им крест большой
[12:51] <SergeyIT> без компиза все летает
[12:51] <Kinder-Pingvi> мне вот кстати тоже симпатизируют новенькие интеловские интегрированные карточки
[12:51] <Kinder-Pingvi> мало жрут, хорошо работают..
[12:51] <Kinder-Pingvi> особенно жду когда появятся побольше ноутбуков на новом интел кор М
[12:51] <Kinder-Pingvi> который без охлаждения
[12:51] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: Да инте карты офигетельные
[12:51] <froover> интел
[12:53] <froover> Кстати, как считаете, если дискреткой не пользоваться, в игры не играть (есть похлаждающая подставка на случай, если поиграть захочу) на много я продлю срок службы устройства? )
[12:53] <Kinder-Pingvi> я думаю да)
[12:53] <Kinder-Pingvi> в принципе какая еще проблема может быть у современного железа? от излишнего перегрева БГА пайка отслаиваться... благо если она отслаиваться начнет между материнкой и платформой для кристала..
[12:54] <Kinder-Pingvi> а вот если между платформой и кристалом.. то можно сказать.. апстену...
[12:54] <froover> ниже 70 градусов дискретку опустить во время работы ни как не получается )
[12:54] <Kinder-Pingvi> пора термопасту перемазюкать
[12:55] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: имеется ввиду только во время 3д игр, которые требуют не хило так, в простое конечно 40-50 градусов, если запитана, если отключить ан неё питания, я её температуру не смогу замерить
[12:55] <Kinder-Pingvi> ааа.. тааааа... )
[12:56] <Kinder-Pingvi> я думал ты имеешь ввиду "во время работы", мол просто.. сидишь там, документ набираешь или листаешь страничку в браузере)))
[12:56] <Kinder-Pingvi> у меня в принципе на ноутбуке примерно так же. в районе 50 в такой.. "офисной" нагрузке..
[12:56] <froover> во время работы у меня на столько холодный ноут, что часто вентилятор выключается вовсе
[12:56] <Kinder-Pingvi> та жить он будет долго и счастливо, я полагаю ))
[12:56] <froover> и это при том, что он в тонком корпусе
[12:56] <Kinder-Pingvi> это наверное асус? )
[12:56] <froover> если бы не HDD, он вообще безшумный был бы
[12:57] <froover> это DELL inspiron 7537
[12:57] <froover> с IPS
[12:59] <Kinder-Pingvi> огого вкусный зверек)
[12:59] <Kinder-Pingvi> это тот что с модификацией с и7 на борту? )
[13:00] <froover> Да
[13:01] <Kinder-Pingvi> ну вот ССД в него еще засунешь.. и вообще будет песня
[13:03] <froover> Kinder-Pingvi: думал конечно об этом, но смущает много но
[13:03] <froover> 1. надо потратиться
[13:03] <froover> 2. в итоге получишь производительность в ущерб обьёму, а большого обьёма ssd дорого силно
[13:03] <froover> 3. ссд только завоёвывают популярность, бывает брак, и внезапная кончина их.
[13:03] <froover> 4. есть кулибины которые вставляют или впаивают мсата в корпус этого дела, что бы и ссд и hdd был, но не хочу заморачиваться
[13:03] <froover> поэтому я пока на HDD
[13:03] <froover> но что такое производительность SSD я конечно же понимаю
[13:04] <froover> он ещё и электричества меньше кушать будет...
[13:04] <Kinder-Pingvi> у меня вот как появился ССД на стационаре.. Кингстон ГиперХ на 256гб. Я конечно совсем по-другому ощутил полет системы
[13:05] <Kinder-Pingvi> я вот на ноутбук бы себе с удовольствием тыкнул бы ССД на 256гб. Мне этого объема было бы с головой.. ну это конечно индивидуально на мои потребности..
[13:05] <froover> хех, у меня ноут до этого был с HDD обьёмом 320 гб, жил как то.
[13:05] <SergeyIT> я в нетбук ссд вставил (жаль у него sata2)
[13:05] <Kinder-Pingvi> ну да.. вот у меня на ноутбуке столько и есть на моем старичке)
[13:05] <froover> А теперь променять терабайт на 256 мб, и ещё платить не хило за это.... )
[13:06] <Kinder-Pingvi> да ну сата2 то такое.. главное в ссд - это же ведь скорость отклика..
[13:06] <Kinder-Pingvi> а то что там.. вместо 500мб/сек будет 300мб/сек.. я редко копирую огромныео бъемы данных )
[13:07] <froover> у большинства сейчас сата три, но на заводе всё равно HDD ставят сата2 )
[13:07] <SergeyIT> обновление дистра - очень заметно
[13:08] <Kinder-Pingvi> мне кажется на нетбуке (впервые О_О) процессор будет больше отставать, чем ссд плошать )))))
[13:09] <SergeyIT> может и такое быть, от задачи зависит
[13:23] <UNIm95> !ping
[13:23] <andrex> pong
[13:26] <Kinder-Pingvi> шютники :3
[13:28] <andrex> чу щу? бращюра паращют щюра)
[13:30] <andrex> SergeyIT: куда ота сьел?
[13:30] <andrex> б
[13:32] <andrex> UNIm951: что с тобой? :D
[13:56] <SergeyIT> andrex, весна, у бота тоже крышу снесло, видать
[13:57] <andrex> а там у всего седня крышу сносилу
[13:57] <andrex> о
[13:57] <andrex> и форум и сайт
[13:58] <andrex> пойду соберу другого чтоль
[14:25] <SergeyIT> andrex, из ребра старого?
[14:25] <andrex> ага)
[15:02] <andrex> эх ле
[15:03] <andrex> такая лень, собрать собрал а конфигурить не хоцса
[15:48] <tagezi> andrex: скай сервак положил?
[15:49] <andrex> нет
[15:50] <tagezi> а где бот тогда? он же вроде у ская на сервере был
[15:50] <andrex> не у ская а у угафоныча на хостинге месте с сайтом и прочей приблудой
[15:50] <andrex> появицо наверно коданить
[15:51] <andrex> бывает
[15:51] <andrex> агафоныч правами делицо не хотит
[15:51] <andrex> странный он ваще)
[15:52] <tagezi> да нормальный.. чем меньше свободы, тем всё надёжнее )
[15:52] <tagezi> кому там доверять то.. школота одна )
[15:53] <andrex> да не в свободе дело а внем
[15:53] <andrex> сам он странный
[15:54] <tagezi> сайт и форум работает.. странно
[15:54] <andrex> ну днем еле шевелились
[15:54] <tagezi> бот сам перезапускается, поидее
[15:55] <andrex> да он тут летал ваще
[15:55] <andrex> )
[15:56] <tagezi> ну, ты админ тебе виднее, но помоему он просто сдох ))
[15:57] <andrex> было такое уже не раз
[15:57] <andrex> неделями пропадал)
[15:57] <andrex> блин забыл как юзверя по хосту в ирц найти(
[15:57] <tagezi> нужно пнуть агафоныча тогда, пусть перезапускает в ручную при Remote host closed the connection действитеьно он в какой-то момент начинает глючить
[15:58] <andrex> попробуй
[15:58] <andrex> мне уже страшно его пинать)
[15:58] <tagezi> у меня пинаока короткая )
[15:58] <tagezi> л*
[15:58] <andrex> последний раз он загадочно промолчал)
[15:58] <tagezi> =))
[15:59] <andrex> ну всегото я попросил фаундеру шелл и мне админа бота даже не владельца а админа)
[16:00] <andrex> маленькая такая просьба
[16:01] <tagezi> а он что не может выдать права только на управление ботом?
[16:01] <andrex> потому что и бота пилить нада и прочее тоде
[16:01] <tagezi> типа, только одну кнопку
[16:01] <andrex> грю странный он
[16:02] <tagezi> ну, может он баица.. может у него детская травма.. у него был любимый калькулятор, он его дал знакомомы, а тот его в унитаз уронил.. и теперь ему это по ночам снится
[16:03] <tagezi> а грин чо не может словечко замолвить?
[16:05] <andrex> наверно нет) незнаю
[16:06] <andrex> может просто делов много
[16:06] <andrex> у них там вечно запарки
[16:06] <tagezi> нефиг в баню ходить )
[16:07] <andrex> впринципе дамп базы есть мона создать нового) жалко ток юзверей с правами иконфигами ну и плагинами некоторыми фиг достанеш уже
[16:08] <andrex> плагины с гита убради
[16:10] <tagezi> да, я знаю.. у меня такойже ведь был
[16:11] <tagezi> странно что плагины убрали с гита
[16:11] <andrex> а завтра подниму посмотрю че там как в форке бота
[16:13] <tagezi> хотя.. я тоде писал плагины для текстпатерна, и тоже всё потёр, чтобы не мешались
[17:37] <LoraShapira> !help
[21:40] <Kinder-Pingvi> Господа, вечер добрый
[21:40] <Kinder-Pingvi> кто как боролся с глюками вертикальной синхронизации в xubunt'e ? ) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.187140 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ru"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-on-air | [15:12] <dholbach> popey, now it shows up on for me
[15:12] <popey> blame caching
[15:13] <dholbach> weird :)
[15:30] <dholbach> popey, how much in advance do you usually spam the internets about an upcoming Q&A?
[15:30] <popey> asap
[15:30] <popey> now is good
[15:30] <dholbach> ok cool
[15:30] <popey> gives people time to get tea/coffee/crack
[15:30] <dholbach> I'll do twitter and fb
[15:30] * popey will respam
[15:30] <popey> make sure you mention the snappy specifics
[15:31] <dholbach> sure
[15:40] <awilkins> Stand by for action : anything can happen in the next 20:00 :
[15:50] <dholbach> starting in 10 mins
[15:54] <HamSaladRUS> Is this, like happening today ?
[15:57] <popey> yes
[15:57] <HamSaladRUS>
[16:01] <HamSaladRUS> So finally live.
[16:04] <HamSaladRUS> QUESTION: Will snappy be available for my Barska Starwatcher Telescope ? I wanna see the next galaxy !
[16:06] <GlueGlueGlue> QUESTION: Can Ubuntu Phone run vim or apache web server?
[16:08] <HamSaladRUS> QUESTION: How many bugs are there for 'Snappy' at the moment, would you say, on Launchpad ?
[16:13] <TheFutureOfTuna> QUESTION. Even though I really like the idea of seperated click/snappy apps in Unity8 on the phone and desktop, I've seen an unofficial app store that, before installation, gives the user a prompt saying it could break your phone. Is it possible to have a sandboxed area that can hold such unoffical apps together that, if something goes wrong, doesn't effect the entire system and require a reinstallation?
[16:14] * popey is keeping an eye on the questions, will get to them in a bit
[16:37] <TheFutureOfTuna> QUESTION. Are there plans to have all unity8 apps submitted by developers to be fat packages by default or will there always be some apps that can only be used on the phone (or any ARM device) even though they could very well be on the desktop (or any x86/AMD64 device) too?
[16:41] <Chipaca> 23
[16:48] <ted> No, they're still sandboxed no matter where you get them from.
[16:48] <HamSaladRUS> QUESTION: If the 'Snappy' Team intend for snappy to overtake apt-get on the desktop ... Does the team see the 'Snappy' process integeral to the UbuntuTV-milestones ? Have they heard anything to any degree or to this end t ?
[16:48] <ted> There is just an option to run "unconfined"
[16:48] <HamSaladRUS> sans t
[16:49] <ted> But, I'd imagine that there are other restrictions people are looking to avoid.
[16:49] <ted> Not just going to full "unconfined"
[16:51] <Chipaca> HamSaladRUS: what are “ubuntu-tv milestones”?
[16:52] <Knightmare> QUESTION: Softpedia has posted that Unity 8 will not look that different from they way Unity 7 looks now. Are there plans to update the Unity UI even if these are slow increments?
[16:52] <glome> QUESTION: How do Snappy and Click relate to Gnome sandboxed applications (xdg-app).
[16:52] <HamSaladRUS> I guess they are milestones that appear in launchpad that delay or promote a release of e.g. Ubuntu TV.
[16:55] <dholbach> thanks a lot everyone!
[16:55] <popey> Thanks for the questions everyone!
[16:55] <dholbach> that was awesome :)
[16:55] <HamSaladRUS> cheers.
[20:08] <Typewriter> I've been trying to migrate away from Windows for over a decade, but Linux just isn't as simple yet. The Ubuntu interface (and Fedora) has come a long way but there's still a heavy reliance on terminal - is this a consideration for the direction of future releases?
[20:53] <ibrahim> hi
[21:30] * Bl4ckD34Th Hi | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.234840 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-on-air"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-mozillateam | [22:33] <Greg__> Hello
[22:34] <Greg__> Is there someone that can tell me why, on Ubuntu 12.04 FIrefox-Beta aren't maintain and seems to be blocked on v.37 ?
[22:38] <micahg> I thought there was a bug for building with an older gcc version, but I can't seem to find it
[22:41] <Greg__> RIght, that explain why for a couple beta versions build seems to fail. I just want that Firefox abandonned me right now, before I install a now LTS. So thanks, hope it'll be fix later.
[22:42] <Greg__> have a nice end of day. :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.236232 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-mozillateam"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-it | [06:27] <akis24> giorno
[09:48] <huck> ragazzi non riesco ad utilizzare radiotray... quando cerco di accedere alle varie stazioni radio il programma si blocca e non mi fa procedere
[09:50] <gigirock> huck, che versione di ubuntu usi su che macchina ?
[10:01] <huck> gigirock: ubuntu 14.04.2 desktop mate
[10:03] <huck> gigirock: le icone della systray sembrerebbero funzionare come se fossero in unity... non so se mi spiego bene...
[10:14] <gigirock> huck, per prima cosa guarda nella tua /home se hai una directory tipo .radiotray o simili... zappala e riavvia....
[10:21] <huck> ok gigirock scusami ma mi ero allontanato un pochino....
[10:21] <huck> gigirock: comunque questa cartella nella mia home non è presente
[10:22] <huck> controllo all'interno della cartella .config
[10:22] <huck> ????
[11:18] <glpiana> ola
[12:17] <Pink2312> Ciao
[12:18] <Pink2312> c'è qualcuno?
[12:18] <gigirock> !domanda | Pink2312
[12:18] <ubot-it> Pink2312: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)
[12:19] <Pink2312> ok
[12:19] <gigirock> !qualcuno
[12:19] <ubot-it> la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'
[12:20] <Pink2312> qualcuno può aiutarmi? non riesco ad aggiornare la mia VM con Ubuntu Server
[12:30] <Carlin0> Pink2312, non riesci a aggiornare ubuntu o la vm in quanto app ?
[12:31] <Pink2312> ubuntu, penso dipenda dalla release
[12:31] <Carlin0> che release è?
[12:32] <Pink2312> 14.01
[12:32] <Carlin0> o 14.04 o 14.10
[12:33] <Carlin0> 14.01 non esiste
[12:33] <Carlin0> Pink2312, lsb_release -a
[13:45] <akis24> sera
[13:56] <debora77> quale sistema operativo delle varie versioni ubuntu mi consigliate per avvicinarsi a linux per una neofita come me?
[13:57] <akis24> debora77: dipende dal tipo di pc che hai cpu ? ram ?
[13:57] <debora77> un i7 4g
[13:58] <akis24> debora77: allora puoi installare qualsiasi versione ti aggradi " prima prova da live " ubuntu .. kubuntu .. lubuntu
[13:59] <debora77> non ci sono grosse differenze?
[18:46] <boh> ciao
[18:46] <krabador> !ciao | boh
[18:46] <ubot-it> boh: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it
[18:49] <boh> ultimamente sono indeciso su quale distribuzione scegliere,ne vorrei una facile ma anche personalizabile e con reposity sempre completi, ne ho provate tante, qualche consiglio?
[18:49] <krabador> "tante" quali ?
[18:51] <boh> be.. quasi tutte della top10 di distrowach, per ora sono orientato su linux mint, ma mi piace molto gnome shell, qual'e la distro piu ottimizzata per questo ambiente?
[18:51] <cristian_c> boh, gnome shell non è una distro
[18:51] <krabador> boh, questo canale è adibito al supporto tecnico ubuntu
[18:51] <cristian_c> ah, scusami
[18:51] <cristian_c> essì
[18:51] <krabador> !chat | boh
[18:51] <ubot-it> boh: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat
[18:51] <cristian_c> !chat
[18:51] <boh> va bene grazie, ciao
[18:52] <krabador> nell'altro canale puoi parlare di quello che ti pare
[18:52] <boh> ho capito, poi ci passero, grazie per le risposte
[19:09] <bobol> salvé
[19:10] <krabador> !ciao | bobol
[19:10] <ubot-it> bobol: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it
[19:11] <bobol> :)
[19:23] <bobol> Sto cercando di imparare l'italiano, GOOGLE TRANS mi ha aiutato lol ... Voglio simulare veicolo con sensori GPS, ACCELERO GYRO, e per ora, ho trovato che "morse".. è questa che ci sono simulatori migliori
[19:24] <krabador> bene bobol , in questo canale non si trattano argomenti del genere, prova a cercare meglio
[19:26] <bobol> ok :) multo grazie
[20:20] <Luciph3r> krabador: belli .... ma non incontrano i miei favori ! ;-)
[20:21] <Luciph3r> krabador: questi dico ...
[20:21] <krabador> beh, ma te lo fanno
[20:47] <ilsaggio> ragazzi ho un problema! Linux non mi legge più alcuni dati su HD e me li ha "cancellati"
[20:48] <Carlin0> da solo ?
[20:48] <krabador> ilsaggio, locate file
[20:49] <krabador> che dice di bello ?
[20:49] <ilsaggio> cioè mi mancano 20GB di dati e baobab mi dice che la cartella in cui erano è vuota ma i 20GB effettivamente ci sono
[20:49] <krabador> hai pacioccato con il cestino?
[20:50] <ilsaggio> no perchè i file effettivamente ci sono
[20:50] <krabador> hai pacioccato con il cestino?
[20:50] <ilsaggio> ma linux non me li vede quei file
[20:50] <krabador> ilsaggio, che disco/partizione è?
[20:50] <ilsaggio> HD esterno
[20:50] <krabador> ilsaggio, ntfs ?
[20:50] <krabador> fat32?
[20:50] <krabador> susui
[20:50] <krabador> informazioni
[20:51] <ilsaggio> si ntfs
[20:52] <krabador> ilsaggio, allora fa chkdsk da win
[20:52] <ilsaggio> come?
[20:52] <krabador> non è argomento di questo canale.
[20:53] <krabador> ntfs è roba win, ed è win a vedersela al meglio , in caso di problemi
[20:53] <ilsaggio>
[20:54] <ilsaggio> a sinistra 64GB occupati le proprietà al centro dicono 15 Gb circa
[20:54] <ilsaggio> no -.- giochi della wii...
[20:54] <ilsaggio> in formato wbfs
[20:55] <krabador> ilsaggio, com'è formattato questo disco?
[20:55] <ilsaggio> NTFS
[20:55] <krabador> e allora te lo gestisci da win
[20:56] <ilsaggio> per i giochi si ma lo uso quasi solo da linux
[20:56] <ilsaggio> e fino a stamattina i giochi c'erano
[20:56] <Carlin0> è un disco esterno ilsaggio ?
[20:56] <ilsaggio> si è un HD esterno da 120 GB formattato in NTFS
[20:57] <krabador> ilsaggio, allora, hd esterni, con i montaggi e gli smontaggi , sono soggetti a corruzioni del file system
[20:57] <Carlin0> magari l'hai scollegato da usb senza prima smotarlo e a linux non è piciuto
[20:57] <krabador> che vanno a causare questo tipo di problemi
[20:57] <ilsaggio> ma perchè a lato di thunar mi dice che ci sono 64Gb occupati?
[20:57] <krabador> ilsaggio, senti
[20:58] <krabador> ilsaggio, fa
[20:58] <krabador> ilsaggio, chkdsk
[20:58] <krabador> ilsaggio, a
[20:58] <krabador> ilsaggio, questo disco
[20:58] <krabador> ilsaggio, e dopo, inizia a farti domande.
[20:58] <ilsaggio> si ma come?
[20:58] <krabador> linux, non gestisce ntfs, se non per la lettura e scrittura
[21:27] <sabrina20155> qui?
[21:27] <krabador> si
[21:27] <krabador> sudo apt-get -f install
[21:27] <krabador> vedi cosa fa
[21:27] <krabador> e , per favore, va in questo sito
[21:27] <krabador> !pastebin | sabrina20155
[21:27] <ubot-it> sabrina20155: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina
[21:27] <krabador> incolla il risultato del comando che hai dato
[21:28] <krabador> ed incolla qui il link risultante, che sarebbe l'indirizzo web, dopo aver premuto paste
[21:28] <sabrina20155> mi ha installato crhomiu?
[21:29] <sabrina20155> crhomiun
[21:29] <krabador> sabrina20155, allora, se vuoi ricevere assistenza, per favore allineati con quanto indicato
[21:30] <krabador> ovvero, il link del pastebin, del risultato del comando
[21:32] <sabrina20155>
[21:34] <sabrina20155> krabador?
[21:35] <krabador> sabrina20155, hai il disco pieno come un uovo
[21:35] <sabrina20155> uffs!
[21:35] <krabador> che ti sta impedento il corretto funzionamento del gestore di pacchetti / aggiornamenti
[21:35] <Carlin0> No space left on device
[21:35] <sabrina20155> e cosa devo fare?
[21:35] <krabador> sabrina20155, sudo apt-get clean
[21:37] <sabrina20155> no fa niente
[21:37] <sabrina20155> mi ha chiesto la pass x continuare
[21:37] <sabrina20155> e dopo
[21:37] <sabrina20155> no va avanti
[21:37] <krabador> sabrina20155, fa il pastebin di quello che fa
[21:38] <Carlin0> magari anche un → df -h
[21:38] <sabrina20155> perdonami.. cosè il pastebin?
[21:39] <Carlin0> !paste | sabrina20155
[21:39] <ubot-it> sabrina20155: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina
[21:40] <sabrina20155> non c'è il past
[21:40] <krabador> sabrina20155, allora, per favore
[21:40] <krabador> l'hai appena usato
[21:40] <sabrina20155> si ho capito adesso
[21:40] <krabador> se hai voglia di perdere tempo , è abbastanza tardi
[21:41] <sabrina20155> ma non mi da nessun risultato sul comando
[21:41] <krabador> alle 17 cristian_c ha piu' pazienza
mi ha chiesto la pass x continuare
e dopo
no va avanti
[21:41] <krabador> che cosa significava?
[21:41] <cristian_c> .-.
[21:44] <sabrina20155>
[21:44] <sabrina20155> date un'occhiata
[21:44] <sabrina20155> non va avanti col comando
[21:45] <Carlin0> sabrina20155, metti in paste → df -h
[21:45] <sabrina20155> solo qst?
[21:45] <Carlin0> si
[21:45] <sabrina20155> ok
[21:45] <Carlin0> il risultato di quel comando
[21:47] <sabrina20155> ninha-lubuntu@ninhalubuntu-PC-8001:~$ → df -h
[21:47] <sabrina20155> →: command not found
[21:47] <sabrina20155> ninha-lubuntu@ninhalubuntu-PC-8001:~$
[21:47] <sabrina20155>
[21:48] <Carlin0> ma senza la freccia
[21:48] <Carlin0> df -h
[21:49] <krabador> sabrina20155, per favore , lascia perdere adesso df -h
[21:49] <krabador> sabrina20155, rimanda il comando di prima sudo apt-get -f install
[21:49] <krabador> ovviamente mandando sempre pastebin
[21:50] <sabrina20155>
[21:50] <Carlin0> ha una partizione di 2,5 gb
[21:50] <sabrina20155> adesso è andato il comando che mi diceva Carlin0
[21:51] <Carlin0> ma che devi farci
[21:52] <sabrina20155> chiedi a me CArlin0
[21:52] <sabrina20155> ?
[21:52] <Carlin0> è troppo piccola quella partizione sabrina20155
[21:53] <sabrina20155> ma non devo fare grandi cose con qst pc
[21:53] <sabrina20155> solo andare a vedere dei video in streaming
[21:53] <sabrina20155> non basta CArli0?
[21:53] <krabador> sabrina20155, non devi fare grandi cose, non significa che non devi dare spazio al sistema
[21:53] <sabrina20155> Carlin0
[21:54] <krabador> sabrina20155, allora, con apt-get clean hai cancellato la cache dei pacchetti, vedi di mandare di nuovo il comando di prima
[21:54] <krabador> magari entro domani
[21:54] <sabrina20155> sta caricando il comando che mi gai dato krabador..
[21:54] <sabrina20155> mi hai*
[21:56] <sabrina20155>
[21:56] <sabrina20155> krabador
[21:56] <sabrina20155> eccolo
[21:57] <sabrina20155> Carlin0 guarda anche tuy
[21:57] <sabrina20155> tu
[21:58] <krabador> sabrina20155, sudo apt-get remove --purge chromium-browser
[21:58] <krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit
[21:58] <krabador> sudo apt-get update | pastebinit
[21:59] <Carlin0> sabrina20155, io già metto in piccoli spazi ma al sistema operativo almeno 10/15 gb devi darglieli eh
[21:59] <sabrina20155>
[22:00] <sabrina20155> quale comando devo mandare adesso?
[22:00] <sabrina20155> solo l'ultimo?
[22:01] <sabrina20155> keabador?
[22:01] <Carlin0> tutti e 3 quelli che ha scritto krabador
[22:01] <sabrina20155> krabador?
[22:01] <sabrina20155> tutti insieme ?
[22:01] <Carlin0> in quel ordine
[22:01] <sabrina20155> ok
[22:01] <sabrina20155> gzie
[22:02] <krabador> sabrina20155, l'ultimo restituisce direttamente il link
[22:02] <krabador> che puoi incollare qui
[22:06] <sabrina20155>
[22:07] <sabrina20155> krabador?
[22:08] <sabrina20155> Carlin0?
[22:09] <Carlin0> sabrina20155, prova questo
[22:09] <Carlin0> sudo apt-get purge chromium-browser-l10n
[22:11] <sabrina20155>
[22:12] <Carlin0> sabrina20155, sudo apt-get autoremove
[22:12] <sabrina20155> Krabador è sarito??
[22:12] <sabrina20155> sparittoo
[22:13] <sabrina20155> e tu Carlin0? dici che c'é soluzione per il mio caso?
[22:13] <sabrina20155> centra tutto qeusto col fatto che non vada l'audio?
[22:13] <Carlin0> sabrina20155, la soluzione sarebbe reinstallare in una partizione + grande
[22:13] <sabrina20155> ma hasi visto che c'é quest apartizione?
[22:14] <Carlin0> ho visto che la partizione è solo 2,5 gb
[22:14] <Carlin0> è troppo piccola fidati
[22:14] <sabrina20155> ti spiego..
[22:14] <Carlin0> ce poco da spiegare
[22:14] <sabrina20155> praticamente su qusto pc c'é windonws e lubuntu
[22:15] <sabrina20155> se togliessi wd dici che avrei piu spazio per questo che dici?
[22:15] <sabrina20155> o sono installati in posti separati?
[22:15] <Carlin0> quanto è grande il disco sabrina20155 e di che windows parli ?
[22:16] <sabrina20155> se nn ricordo male il disco era di 500
[22:16] <Carlin0> 500 gb ?
[22:16] <sabrina20155> si, il pc ha anche windons
[22:16] <Carlin0> che win ?
[22:16] <sabrina20155> si..credo di si
[22:17] <sabrina20155> win xp
[22:17] <Carlin0> ci stanno comodi tutti e 2
[22:18] <Carlin0> se il disco è 500 gb
[22:18] <sabrina20155> allora lo tengo
[22:18] <sabrina20155> se nn crea dano
[22:18] <sabrina20155> pero tt qst nn centra col fatto che non vada l'audio giusto?
[22:19] <Carlin0> probabile
[22:20] <Carlin0> sabrina20155,
[22:20] <sabrina20155> dimmi
[22:20] <Carlin0> sudo apt-get autoremove
[22:24] <sabrina20155>
[22:26] <sabrina20155> grazie mille per l'aiuto!
[22:26] <sabrina20155> devo andare!
[22:26] <sabrina20155> buonanotte! | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.249992 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-it"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-meeting-2 | [16:00] <pitti> hello
[16:00] <mdeslaur> \o
[16:03] <mdeslaur> hrm
[16:04] * slangasek waves
[16:05] <infinity> \o/
[16:06] <slangasek> says kees is chair?
[16:06] <slangasek> else mdeslaur
[16:07] * stgraber waves
[16:08] <slangasek> kees: are you chairing? :)
[16:08] * mdeslaur waits a minute for kees
[16:09] <mdeslaur> ok, looks like kees is a no-show again
[16:09] <mdeslaur> #startmeeting
[16:09] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Apr 14 16:09:24 2015 UTC. The chair is mdeslaur. Information about MeetBot at
[16:09] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
[16:09] <mdeslaur> [topic] Apologies
[16:09] <mdeslaur> nobody
[16:09] <mdeslaur> [topic] Action review
[16:09] <mdeslaur> nothing
[16:10] <mdeslaur> [topic] Mailing list archive
[16:10] <mdeslaur> so it looks like we've responded on-list to MAAS
[16:10] <mdeslaur> whoops
[16:10] <mdeslaur> to docker
[16:10] <mdeslaur> does anyone have anything else they'd like to say about the new docker proposal?
[16:10] <pitti> +1 on that, LGTM now
[16:11] <pitti> the previous per-series packaging was scary, but that's gone now
[16:11] <mdeslaur> yeah, +1 from me as well.
[16:12] <pitti> caribou: *prod*
[16:12] <caribou> yes, just want to have TB's opinion on an MRE for sosreport
[16:13] <caribou> it is a fast moving project with many new inclusions
[16:13] <caribou> and not possible to adhere to SRU rules when adding new plugins
[16:13] <infinity> caribou: That description is exactly the opposite of what MREs are (usuaully) for.
[16:13] <pitti> what does that do, roughly?
[16:13] <caribou> so I think that it would be beneficial to have the current upstream version on Ubuntu for all stable rel
[16:14] <caribou> collect configuration & logs on running systems for offline analtysis
[16:14] <pitti> i. e. a program which shows and manually sends data, or automatic in the background, etc?
[16:14] <mdeslaur> it seems to be pretty self-contained and nothing seems to depend on it, so at least there's that
[16:15] <caribou> for instance, a new plugin was added for cloud-init which will not be available to any of the stable release
[16:15] <caribou> since it is not part of any stable release and will only make it to "W"
[16:15] <pitti> it sends it to a location you configure, or to canoincal?
[16:15] <caribou> so the possibility to have the same 'recent' version on stable release would be a bonus
[16:15] <slangasek> manual
[16:15] <pitti> i. e. with SRUs is there a chance that we'd suddenly leak private data which it didn't before on that release?
[16:15] <caribou> infinity: I was told that MRE would be a solution for that
[16:15] <slangasek> it's not really an MRE
[16:15] <caribou> pitti: manual
[16:15] <slangasek> but that's a nomenclature question
[16:16] <pitti> TBH I think I need some more details of what that does, how new versions impact stable releases, etc.
[16:16] <slangasek> conceptually, as a tool that's used by support to gather information from a customer's system, I think it makes sense to allow it to be updated
[16:17] <slangasek> because the extent of the interface from the user is "run this command, get results back from the Canonical support team"
[16:17] <caribou> pitti: there is confidential data scrubbing built in, but there is always a chance of bugs around this
[16:17] <pitti> caribou: if that's manual configurations, how do me make sure that newer upstream releases work with older configs, and don't suddenly drop config options/information that's sent, or change their format?
[16:17] <slangasek> so it seems analogous to me to other exceptions we've made for software where the server interface has changed
[16:17] <slangasek> just that in this case the "server interface" is the support team
[16:18] <caribou> pitti: but this would affect the dev release in the same way
[16:18] <pitti> ah, so it does send data to Caonical, not to the admin's servers
[16:18] <caribou> pitti: the tool doesn't send anything
[16:19] <caribou> pitti: it produces a tarball to be uploaded "somewhere" by the user
[16:19] <pitti> ah, ok
[16:19] <caribou> pitti: the only output is a tarball in /tmlp
[16:19] <caribou> s/tmlp/tmp
[16:19] <infinity> I'm not against it conceptually.
[16:19] <pitti> so it's intended for e. g. the Canoincal support team, so it's ok if the format/content changes?
[16:19] <infinity> As Martin says, though, are there config files, is migration guaranteed to be sane, etc?
[16:20] <pitti> yeah, I'm mostly interested in what this does structurally, and what's the worst thing that can happen
[16:20] <pitti> .. if a new upstream version changes format or drops files, etc.
[16:20] <caribou> pitti: worst thing is that some collection would be missing (which is the case in the current situation)
[16:20] <mdeslaur> perhaps we could better decide if you sent an email to the list with a description of what the tool does, who uses it, what config is uses, what it produces, and the types of changes that have happened in the past?
[16:20] <caribou> pitti: this is the current situation with SRU
[16:21] <caribou> mdeslaur: that was my intent, but I wanted a first feeling for it
[16:21] <caribou> mdeslaur: no point in formally proposing it if the first reaction is totally negative
[16:21] <pitti> I'm generally not opposed to SRU exceptions as long as they are done in a safe and sane way
[16:22] <mdeslaur> I'm open to the idea, I think this type of tool is something that is definitely worth considering for an exception
[16:22] <caribou> pitti: I think that regression issues would be restricted to the output content
[16:22] <pitti> ^ agreed; I woudl just like to understand what exactly it is and what the impact is :)
[16:22] <pitti> caribou: right, understood
[16:22] <caribou> mdeslaur: pitti: Fine, I will send an email with all the details requested
[16:23] <pitti> caribou: so I'm trying to find out whether that would break automatic evaluation of the content
[16:23] <mdeslaur> caribou: ok, I think we're all open to the idea, and we'll await your post
[16:23] <caribou> thanks to the TB, this will help in writing the email
[16:23] <caribou> this is all I had
[16:23] <pitti> caribou: thanks
[16:23] <mdeslaur> thanks caribou
[16:24] <mdeslaur> doesn't look like there was anything else to discuss on the list
[16:24] <mdeslaur> [topic] Community bugs
[16:24] <mdeslaur> None
[16:24] <mdeslaur> [topic] Next chair
[16:25] <mdeslaur> looks like it's pitti?
[16:25] <infinity> or kees. :P
[16:25] <pitti> ack
[16:25] <slangasek> ;)
[16:25] <mdeslaur> ok, so kees if he's still alive, then pitti
[16:25] <infinity> Yes, that.
[16:25] <mdeslaur> Does anyone have anything else they would like to discuss?
[16:26] <pitti> nothing from me
[16:26] <slangasek> not I
[16:26] <mdeslaur> ok, that's it for today folks
[16:26] <mdeslaur> #endmeeting
[16:26] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Apr 14 16:26:43 2015 UTC.
[16:26] <meetingology> Minutes:
[16:26] <stgraber> thanks!
[16:26] <mdeslaur> thanks!
[16:26] <caribou> thanks!
[16:27] <pitti> cheers
[16:27] <slangasek> thanks! | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.255652 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-meeting-2"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-es | [02:34] <rcatorres> hola, alguien sabe de configuracion dns?
[04:27] <Patero-ng> buenas
[09:08] * merrick Saluda.
[09:39] <kal_cividFajdida> Como ver en vlc u otra aplicacion la emision via streaming , alguien sabe d alguna ayuda web para configurarlo o ha logrado configuralo?.
[10:36] * Hanom1960 is away: I'm busy
[14:53] * Hanom1960 is back (gone 04:16:55)
[17:31] <successus> salud o/
[20:04] <successus_> salud, hasta otro rato o/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.258143 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-es"
} |
2015-04-14-#juju | [06:26] <marcoceppi_> stub:
[06:33] <nevermam> Hello..
[06:33] <nevermam> I have a question regarding amulet test
[06:34] <nevermam> I am trying to automate my test, which involves deploying 2 charms to same machine
[06:34] <nevermam> I used below command:
[06:34] <nevermam> d.add('odm' , constraints=OrderedDict([ ("to", mac) ]))
[06:34] <nevermam> I got error like this:
[06:34] <nevermam> Error deploying service 'odm' 2015-04-13 23:27:42 Command (juju deploy -e local --config /tmp/tmp9gvxMa --constraints to=58 --repository=. local:trusty/odm odm) Output: error: invalid value "to=58" for flag --constraints: unknown constraint "to"
[06:35] <nevermam> How can I make my code , deploy to an existing machine..
[06:35] <nevermam> any help will be greatly appreciated
[06:36] <blahdeblah> nevermam: try just "--to=58"
[06:37] <blahdeblah> (i.e. take out "constraints ")
[06:46] <nevermam> 2blahdeblah Do u mean something like this-- d.add('odm' , ("to", mac))
[06:58] <nevermam> I tried d.add('odm' ,to= mac) TypeError: add() got an unexpected keyword argument 'to'
[06:59] <nevermam> and
[06:59] <nevermam> d.add('odm' ,--to= mac) SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression
[11:44] <nevermam> Is it possible to deploy a charm to machine 0 ?
[11:44] <nevermam> IN local setup it is not possible..In openstack or somewhere else is it possible ?
[14:09] <aisrael> charmers, this needs some merge love:
[14:49] <lovea> I've just commented on as I have a current problem addressed by this fix (I hope).
[14:49] <mup> Bug #1434437: juju restore failed with "error: cannot update machines: machine update failed: ssh command failed: " <backup-restore> <maas-provider> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <>
[14:50] <lovea> It's a pressing issue, could anyone elighten me as to how I upgrade an existing juju state server?
[15:00] <lovea> At the moment I cannot get the state server service to listen on port 17070 due to the TLS handshake error loop.
[15:07] <cmars> waigani,
[15:12] <dpb_other> Tribaal, can you ping me here?
[15:23] <bdx> Are you all aware of the issue??
[15:24] <bdx> Go to and use the search field in the upper right to search for solutions
[15:24] <bdx> I receive an error this intended?
[15:27] <aisrael> bdx: Sorry about that! We're looking into it now.
[15:28] <aisrael> rick_h_: ^^
[15:28] <bdx> aisrael: Great, thanks. Also....the entire site starts strobe flashing if I login
[15:28] <bdx> lol
[15:29] <aisrael> That would be the experimental 'disco ball' charm. :D
[15:29] <bdx> It looks like the ultimate party
[16:06] <AskUbuntu> Juju - Proxy issue |
[16:49] <catbus1> Hi, visiting gives this error: Charm API error of type: load
[16:49] <lazyPower_> catbus1: o/
[16:49] <lazyPower_> catbus1: There's some backend issues going on there that our webops team is aware of and working to fix. Thank you for reporting the issue thought
[16:50] <lazyPower_> *though
[16:50] <catbus1> ok, thanks
[16:54] <rick_h_> catbus1: yes, sorry data center issue at the moment. Very sorry for the trouble
[16:54] <rick_h_> the team is on it
[17:19] <redelmann> Hi, is charmstore down? or im having some internal problems?
[17:19] <redelmann> ahh
[17:19] <redelmann> ok
[17:20] <redelmann> didn't read las message!
[17:20] <redelmann> last
[18:10] <catbus1> just checked. it's working for me now.
[18:27] <rick_h_> redelmann: catbus1 yes, we had an outage in the DC today
[20:19] <ctlaugh> I've got a problem with my mysql instance that is part of a larger openstack deployment. I had to power off and move all of the servers and, when powered back on, juju status is reporting an error for mysql/0. When I look at the juju log, it shows: I have tried 'juju resolved mysql/0', but no luck. Is there something I can do to recover.
[21:12] <catbus1> ctlaugh: it says No such file or directory: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.passwd'. If mysql is deployed successfully, the file should be created.
[21:13] <ctlaugh> catbus1: It _was_ deployed and functioning correctly... for months. I started getting this error after I had to shut down and restart the host system.
[21:15] <ctlaugh> catbus1: I'm hoping there is a way to have this file be recreated, or to recover in some way. I really don't want to have to start from scratch.
[21:18] <catbus1> ctlaugh:, how about creating the file manually sudo touch /var/lib/mysql/mysql.passwd and set the password in the file?
[21:19] <catbus1> Once deployed, you can retrieve the MySQL root user password by logging in to the machine via juju ssh and readin the /var/lib/mysql/mysql.passwd file. To log in as root MySQL User at the MySQL console you can issue the following: juju ssh mysql/0 mysql -u root -p`sudo cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql.passwd` Seems like the password is plain text in /var/lib/mysql/mysql.passwd
[21:20] <catbus1> after creating that file, run juju resolved --retry mysql/0
[21:21] <ctlaugh> catbus1: Don't I need the right password to put back into that file? That file is not there to look at.
[22:31] <lazyPower_> ctlaugh: you can also reset the administrative password manually, and place it in that file
[22:32] <lazyPower_>
[22:32] <lazyPower_> > B. Resetting the Root Password: Unix Systems should get you moving
[22:59] <vijayt> while doing juju sync tools , I am hitting error | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.274537 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#juju"
} |
2015-04-14-#xubuntu | [11:18] <xubuntu802> heloo
[12:52] <golfwang> hello
[12:53] <golfwang> can anyone tell me how i can replace ubuntu 14.10 with xubuntu 14.04 without losing my data?
[13:18] <baizon> golfwang:
[13:21] <nomic> 'plug in the disk'?
[13:21] <nomic> ah - downgrade?
[13:22] * nomic would install it next to 14.10
[13:22] <nomic> minimise 14.04 partition
[13:22] <nomic> then the 14.10 partition is visible from 14.04, as a volume
[13:22] <knome> they asked replace, not dualboot
[13:22] <nomic> will be visible, without manually mounting it
[13:22] <golfwang> ok
[13:22] <nomic> well you have to back up your data then
[13:23] <knome> golfwang, if you haven't got /home on a separate partition, then you definitely need backups
[13:23] <nomic> because you can't 'downgrade'
[13:23] <nomic> you can upgrade
[13:23] <nomic> and your data sits where it is , os gets upgraded
[14:44] <longbonglungfish> hey xubuntu brothers. i have a simple question: i recently upgrading to xfce 4.12 on xubuntu 14.04, via the xubuntu dev team xfce 4.12 ppa. i forgot to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade after adding the ppa and doing sudo apt-get update. instead, after update, i simply opened synaptic and marked then upgraded the relevant packages through there. is this ok? should i revert and repeat the process with dist-upgrade instead? i ask bec
[14:44] <longbonglungfish> ause i now have two versions of libxfce4util, and i'm not sure if this is normal. thanks in advance for help!
[16:02] <SonikkuAmerica> Xubuntu doesn't seem to have a minimum requirement for processors. I'm looking around for a *buntu for a friend with a Intel Pentium II... would that work?
[16:13] <mrkramps> SonikkuAmerica, nope
[16:14] <SonikkuAmerica> Thanks. :)
[16:45] <Eniot> Bonjour les gens :-) Juste une question svp ?
[16:46] <elfy> !fr | Eniot
[16:46] <Eniot> ok thanks bye ^^
[18:38] <beachbuddah> morning all - I am dl xubuntu 14.04.2 as we type to an ubuntu live usb environment
[18:38] <beachbuddah> I want to install xubuntu to an external hdd
[18:38] <beachbuddah> can do? If so, how? I mean what tools or magic needs to be performed?
[18:39] <bazhang> point the installer to the hdd
[18:39] <beachbuddah> ok..
[18:39] <beachbuddah> that's it?
[18:39] <bazhang> what fs is on it now
[18:40] <beachbuddah> ext4
[18:40] <bazhang> will this drive be shared with other os
[18:41] <beachbuddah> no I am screwed on my main hdd - ubuntu tahr is there but when I try to boot it i get the nasty ol' OS Not Found message
[18:42] <bazhang> but the liveusb boots fine
[18:42] <beachbuddah> but I would rather not reinstall on that partition, all my good junk is there (in an encrypted home folder - oops) and I would prefer to rescue it after I have a working full os again
[18:42] <beachbuddah> thought I would try out xubuntu when 15.04 came out, but now is as good a time as any
[18:43] <amari> beachbuddah: It should be already stable enough right now ;),in case you don't want to wait
[18:43] <beachbuddah> the live usb boots fine, but I ahve installed (once on the external hdd and once on another partition on the main hdd) and neither is read - I think whatever is used as an image must be corrupted?
[18:43] <bazhang> release of vivid is quite soon, so if you do all the updates etc it will regular vivd once its fully released
[18:44] <beachbuddah> I'm fairly easy - it won't give me headaches, trying to rescue my eoolishly encrypted data?
[18:44] <beachbuddah> that should be foolishly
[18:44] <bazhang> no way to know that in advance
[18:45] <beachbuddah> lol, of course
[18:45] <bazhang> always a good plan to have backups before trying that
[18:46] <beachbuddah> yes - backups existed but sadly, things went pearshaped quite recently and they are gone baby gone
[18:46] <beachbuddah> now this installer of which you speak
[18:46] <knome> amari, a beta or even an RC is never recommended on a production machine.
[18:47] <beachbuddah> before I point it anywhere, where do I acquire this magickal item?
[18:47] <amari> knome: But there is only one week and 2 days remaining until final. And xfce is usually very stable...
[18:47] <knome> amari, there is no "but"s
[18:48] <beachbuddah> stable buts, yes, but the installer...?
[18:50] <amari> knome: So you suggest he installs 14.10 now and updates to 15.04 next week? Do you think this is more stable than using the beta/RC? I don't think so...
[18:50] <amari> *upgrades
[18:51] <knome> amari, whether he is willing to take the risk or not with 15.04 is his own business, but if it's a production environment or any environment that requires stability, he shouldn't.
[18:52] <Unit193> It's not released yet, so could go boom tomorrow.
[18:52] <beachbuddah> amari - under my current circumstances - with the home folder encrypted and living either on a disk or in an OS that is corrupted, I think it is preferable to use a known stable release - I am actually dl 14.04
[18:52] <amari> 14.04 is a great option, since it is LTS ;)
[18:53] <beachbuddah> otherwise, had I just been curious about xubuntu, I would have considered the rc that is out now
[18:53] <beachbuddah> just what I was thinking
[18:54] <beachbuddah> and (since I am a pissy fool) I am a little cranky with ubuntu since it didn't install x2 for me in this crisis of mine - I'll show 'em, xubuntu here I come...
[18:55] <beachbuddah> now, earlier bazhang mentioned pointing the installer -
[18:55] <beachbuddah> just what is the installer and where do I get mine?
[18:56] <knome> if you are downloading a 14.04 ISO, you are getting the installer
[18:56] <beachbuddah> aww - aren't they I double click or extract here or...
[18:56] <beachbuddah> I may seem stupid, but thats only cause I am
[18:57] <beachbuddah> I have always installed off a live CD or usb before, so this installer is outside my realm of experience
[18:57] <knome> beachbuddah, just do the same as ever
[18:57] <Unit193> That is it, ubiquity is the installer used in the live session.
[19:00] <beachbuddah> well - my issue is that I now have linited resources, right? the usb stick ( the one and only) is in the slot runing the live session - it (surpisingly)eats the cd/dvd controller resource so I cannot create a rescue cd else I would have so I will have the iso once the dl is complete - and that was the original Q - can I install to an external drive from a (I should have said pre-existing) liuveusb session
[19:01] <beachbuddah> as in right now - dl is complete, iso resting comfortably in the downloads folder after that exhausting ordeal, wondering what is in store for it next...
[19:06] <bazhang> thats quite different from your original question
[19:07] <beachbuddah> is it? Then I apologize - I am flummoxed after two days of messing around and discovering how much I do not know
[19:09] <beachbuddah> Though, here I sit - in a live usb session, having downloaded xubuntu, wondering how to install said os to an external hdd
[19:32] <beachbuddah> Well, bazhang, knome, amari, unit193 all of you for your time and assistance. Problem not solved, but you tried - in #ubuntu, I didn't even get a response to the question
[19:32] <beachbuddah> have a great day all | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.292947 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#xubuntu"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-uk | [05:28] <mapps> hi guys
[05:30] <Azelphur> Hmm, playing with pulseaudio over the network. I've got it running but it stutters like hell. My first thought was network throughput issues but the server is on ethernet, and the client is around a meter away from the router, I can shove 7MB/sec through the connection and pulse seems to only want ~300KB/sec, any ideas?
[05:30] <Azelphur> Feels like it needs a buffer or something
[05:34] <mapps> pulseaudio? you streaming audio?
[05:48] <Azelphur> mapps, yup, I got it working reasonably well now, still a tiny bit of stuttering but it only seems to be firefox that stutters
[05:48] <Azelphur> I'm calling it a win. :)
[05:49] <Azelphur> mapps, out on holiday so I got my two laptops, one of which runs my IM stuff while I am working on my main, pulse streaming from the IM laptop to the main one and synergy too, \o/
[05:50] <mapps> what are you streaming/what do you use to stream and what you use to listen
[05:51] <mapps> i thought pulseaudio was just to do with normal sound not streaming..sure id heard of it before
[05:51] <Azelphur> pulseaudio is the answer to all those questions
[05:51] <mapps> hm
[05:51] <mapps> so you can stream say mp3 using it?
[05:51] <Azelphur> mapps, any app that makes sound on my little laptop comes out of my big laptop
[05:52] <Azelphur> open VLC and play a MP3, the audio will come out of the other laptop
[05:52] <mapps> ahh ok
[05:52] <mapps> i get it
[05:52] <Azelphur> I'll video demo actually because it's cool, one sec
[05:52] <mapps> why doi you want it like this really?
[05:52] <Azelphur> so I can hear when I get messages on my little laptop?
[05:52] <mapps> so its not just for streaming i right that pulseaudio is to di with audio on local machine too
[05:52] <mapps> ok:)
[05:53] <mapps> IM being like Jabber/ICQ/ whatever people use now i guess.:P
[05:56] <Azelphur> IRC is IM :)
[05:56] <mapps> ahh
[05:58] <Azelphur> gah, slow US internet connection, feel like I'm in a third world country :P
[05:59] <Azelphur> gonna take 10 minutes to upload a 20 second video
[06:06] <mapps> hah
[06:06] <mapps> where are you?
[06:06] <Azelphur> Just south of LA
[06:07] <mapps> long far
[06:07] <Azelphur> until may
[06:09] <mapps> nice
[06:09] <mapps> with work?
[06:09] <Azelphur> yea, here for work
[06:10] <mapps> nice
[06:10] <mapps> couldnt you have done the work remotely in theory? or just not possible at all
[06:12] <Azelphur> mapps, there we go
[06:12] <Azelphur> mapps, it is, but I come out every now and again just to hang and this time we have a bit of a deal to seal
[06:14] <mapps> cool:)
[06:14] <mapps> going to any cool places whilst there
[06:20] <knightwise> morning peeps
[06:37] <Azelphur> mapps, maybe universal or something, nothing planned
[07:18] <MooDoo> morning all
[07:19] <DJones> Can anybody recommend a HP colour printer/scanner/fax etc that prints up to A3
[07:21] * knightwise hates printers
[07:38] <directhex_> DJones: that's not a big selection
[07:40] <directhex_> DJones: HP multi-function printers that can do A3 and are sold in the UK: OfficeJet 7500, .
[07:43] <DJones> Yeah, that was about the only one I could find
[07:44] <DJones> I think problem solved anyway, just getting a cheap a4 printer to last 3 months until we can change computer systems to one that will actually allow us to select which paper tray we want to print from on the main printer
[08:12] <bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)
[08:15] <DJones> Moin
[08:21] <davmor2> Morning all
[08:21] <MooDoo> howdy howdy howdy
[08:34] <bigcalm> popey: how's GTA V?
[08:38] <MooDoo> bigcalm: my mate is chomping at the bit, he gets his copy delivered today and he's at work.
[08:39] <bigcalm> MooDoo: given a good internet connection, eager beavers like us downloaded via Steam on the 7th
[08:43] <MooDoo> bigcalm: yeah bit big isn't it?
[08:44] <bigcalm>
[08:46] <bigcalm> Happy GTA V day, JamesTait
[08:46] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Equal Pay Day! :-D
[08:46] <bigcalm> :P
[08:47] <foobarry> :|
[08:47] <JamesTait> bigcalm, o/
[09:10] <davmor2> JamesTait: no really not happening unless we all get the same money as the boss ;)
[09:12] <foobarry> and animals too?
[09:12] <foobarry> do they get fair pay?
[09:13] <zmoylan-pi> or is it because women usually are paid less equal pay day?
[09:15] <directhex_> the latter
[09:16] <JamesTait> zmoylan-pi, yes, to do with the gender gap, and promoting equal pay for equal work.
[09:19] <MooDoo> bigcalm: don't forget the 5gb day 1 patch for gta V wow
[09:22] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls.
[09:23] <directhex_> MooDoo: only 5gb? small by modern standards
[09:23] <directhex_> MooDoo: also, gta5 doesn't work if your windows username is not strictly alphanumeric, e.g. has accents in it or punctuation :p
[09:27] <awilkins> <<?!"?
[09:28] <directhex_> awilkins: modern gaming
[09:30] <bigcalm> Eugh
[09:30] <MooDoo> will get xbox one version i think lol
[09:31] <awilkins> If you use that feature, it should post a screenshot on your twitter feed with a comment that says "Look at me! I'm a TOTAL LAMER!"
[09:43] <zmoylan-pi> a complete leroy jenkins
[09:48] <foobarry> awilkins: isn't that just the same as the rich kids at school buying a complete pack of all the stickers in teh sticker album?
[09:49] <foobarry> i but yeah DLC sucks, and EA are the epitomy of it
[09:50] <awilkins> In that it's infuriating and it spoils the achievements of those with skill? Yes....
[09:58] <Myrtti> kek, BBC Cambridgeshire retweeted my tweet and then undid it X-D
[10:07] <popey> bigcalm: good fun :)
[10:08] <popey> bigcalm: didn't get to play it until ~40 mins past midnight as it had to decrypt/unpack 60GB on spinning rust
[10:08] <bigcalm> popey: that's what I'll have to wait for when I get home about 8pm tonight as well then
[10:09] <bigcalm> popey: Did you get to choose your name in the game?
[10:14] <popey> uh
[10:14] <popey> dunno
[10:17] <bigcalm> Ah, doh
[10:17] <bigcalm> Names aren't needed until playing online
[10:18] <bigcalm> I'm just used to Hat Films / YogsCast playing online
[10:19] <zmoylan-pi> go for a name that is the epitome of british driving... noddy :-D
[10:19] <bigcalm> I wanna go home!
[10:25] <popey> bigcalm: my GPU is unable to run it at a decent res or framerate
[10:26] <popey> So I anticipate buying another one rather soon
[10:26] <foobarry> i bet a console is cheaper than a gpu
[10:27] <awilkins> Hmm, you can get the next-tier-down GPU for £100-200
[10:27] <awilkins> Usually
[10:27] <awilkins> And that will make everything go faster.
[10:27] <zmoylan-pi> wow, i intend replacing my main system for around €200 :-)
[10:27] <awilkins> New console only makes new console games faster. And they cost a bomb.
[10:27] <popey> I bet a console can't do what my pc does
[10:28] <foobarry> console avoids the GPU race
[10:28] * awilkins shrugs
[10:28] <popey> GPU race allows for trickle down economics
[10:28] <awilkins> Haven't changed my GPU in years
[10:28] <popey> My son can have my old GPU
[10:28] <popey> me either
[10:28] <awilkins> Forgotten which model I have actually
[10:28] <popey> 14/08/2011 was when I bought this GTX 460 from overclockers according to my email.
[10:28] <awilkins> It runs Elite : Dangerous between 30 and 60 frames at 1920x1080 ergo it is good enough
[10:29] <popey> maybe not.
[10:29] <popey> Mine runs GTA V at 1366x768 at 30fps :S
[10:29] <bigcalm> My home system has a "nVidia GeForce GTX 660" no idea how it'll fair
[10:29] <awilkins> GTX 560 Ti on the 12th Feb 2011
[10:29] <popey> not a lot better than mine I think
[10:30] <bigcalm> Poop
[10:30] <foobarry> i don't have a home system anymore
[10:30] <foobarry> just a laptop and a microserver
[10:30] <bigcalm> "GeForce GTX 750 Ti" in my work workstation
[10:30] <bigcalm> Maybe I should add a 2nd drive and install GameOS on it
[10:30] <awilkins> My next GPU will probably be part of my Next Big Upgrade
[10:30] <popey> heh
[10:31] <awilkins> I'll need something that can do 60Hz in 3D stereo in most games at whatever res the Oculus Rift CV1 comes out at
[10:31] <awilkins> foobarry, Running a Pi2 as a microserver
[10:31] <foobarry> RAIDed disk?
[10:32] <awilkins> foobarry, No
[10:32] <awilkins> But it's not critical
[10:32] <awilkins> If I start needing heavy storage I'll defer that to my NAS box
[10:32] <popey> hah, all the broadcasts in steam are gta 5 today
[10:32] <awilkins> That has MySQL and a bunch of other apps available for it's default OS as "apps"
[10:33] <awilkins> NAS has a RAID 0 array of 2x 4TB WD reds
[10:33] <awilkins> Oh, sorry
[10:33] <awilkins> RAID 1
[10:34] <awilkins> RAID 0 wouldn't be much use
[10:35] <davmor2> popey: it wouldn't be an excuse to buy the latest dell that you are looking for would it?
[10:36] <TwistedLucidity> Question: Is there an easy way to automagically keep (say) the last 3 kernel versions, rather than have them all hang around and cause problems when running updates?
[10:37] <davmor2> TwistedLucidity: sudo apt-get autoremove
[10:37] <TwistedLucidity> run that prior to every update?
[10:38] <davmor2> TwistedLucidity: should leave you with Current kernel/new kernel and original kernel iirc
[10:38] <TwistedLucidity> davmor2: OK, seems simple enough. Just have to remember to do it!
[10:39] <TwistedLucidity> It's easy enough to fix, but seeing "Kernel updates failed. Panic, human. PANIC NOW!" is never fun. :-)
[10:39] * bigcalm comforts himself by watching the GTA V videos on Steam
[10:39] <davmor2> TwistedLucidity: just alias apt-get-dist to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove done ;)
[10:39] <popey> wow, steam update which hits you in the face with a GTA 5 support note
[10:39] <popey> windows user names have to be A-Z, a-z and 0-9 only, anything else and GTA 5 won't install
[10:39] <TwistedLucidity> davmor2: Heh....I knew this was the place to ask
[10:39] <popey> davmor2: no. :)
[10:40] * TwistedLucidity really should look into Landscape or something
[10:40] <popey> \o/ landscape
[10:40] <popey> free for 10 machines
[10:40] <popey> (and 10 VMs)
[10:40] <foobarry> wonder if a bug or anti le^e€½²€3t speak
[10:40] <TwistedLucidity> Aye, which is why I should look into it. Or something anyway. "sudo apt...." is not a big deal, but manually having to hit a number of machines becomes, well, a drag
[10:41] <davmor2> TwistedLucidity: landscape makes it much easier and really don't run that it may break your system :) but if you run sudo apt-get autoremove on 14.04 + it will remove old kernel images
[10:41] <ali1234> how many GTA games have they made now and they still can't even parse a string correctly?
[10:41] <popey> heh
[10:41] <TwistedLucidity> 3 physical boxes, 1 always-on VM (maybe more soon).
[10:42] <popey> i added my mums machine to my landscape
[10:42] <davmor2> TwistedLucidity: I do it now as it saves me manually culling them to make /boot have enough free space for the new kernels :)
[10:42] <popey> makes life easier so I can remotely do stuff to her machine even now she's changed ISP and I have no SSH access
[10:43] <TwistedLucidity> That reminds me, I really need to have the router poll the WAN IP and update the DNS records is needs be.
[10:43] <TwistedLucidity> Or if Landscape can do it, that'll be fine too.
[10:43] <awilkins> popey, There's an idea
[10:44] <awilkins> Does 14.04 support it?
[10:44] <TwistedLucidity> A project to look into over the next few months once everything else is out of the way. Yeesh. Roll-on retirement!
[10:44] <TwistedLucidity> In ~35 years.
[10:44] <awilkins> Although TBH I think I have mum on the dynamic DNS + SSH port forward
[10:44] * TwistedLucidity starts sobbing
[10:45] <awilkins> TwistedLucidity, Is your router running something you can put a cron job on?
[10:45] <awilkins> TwistedLucidity, I'm using duckdns and all you have to do is fetch a particular URL periodically
[10:45] <TwistedLucidity> DD-WRT, even has some pre-configured muck for some companies. But MythicBeasts isn't one - so yeah, need to slap in a wee script.
[10:45] <awilkins> I have my CNAME records point at the duckdns names and I'm all good
[10:46] <TwistedLucidity> Never heard of DuckDNS before. DDG folks?
[10:47] <awilkins> Don't think so
[10:48] <awilkins> It's just some guys who did it for learning purposes
[10:48] <popey> awilkins: yes
[10:49] <awilkins> No association with DDG :
[10:49] <awilkins> (quote : some guy on the internet claiming to be the DuckDNS guy)
[10:50] <popey> bigcalm: someone was live streaming their gta 5 setup last night on launch, and left their key on screen, someone stole it immediately.
[10:50] <awilkins> Ouch
[10:50] <czajkowski> so who's coming for drinks next week !
[10:52] <awilkins> Boo, we need drinkies in Manchester
[10:53] <popey> do it
[10:53] <Myrtti> I'd consider if I hadn't just been to London to vote and apply for a new passport
[10:55] <bigcalm> :(
[10:55] <bigcalm> popey: :(
[10:56] <awilkins> Have DMed @madlabuk to see if there's any possibility of Ubuntu Drinkies next Thursday
[10:56] <awilkins> They already seem to have a Java meetup and a meeting of their Space Programme
[10:57] <awilkins> So I'll probably be heading there that night anyway!
[11:13] <directhex_> new car buying is exciting, but delays are frustrating
[11:16] <foobarry> what u buying directhex_
[11:16] <directhex_> A CAR :O
[11:17] <directhex_>
[11:17] <bigcalm> A Volt!
[11:18] <foobarry> are they electric/hybrid?
[11:18] <bigcalm> Fully elec
[11:18] <foobarry> i keep nearly getting run over by electrics
[11:18] <foobarry> living in surburbia you often cross quiet streets using your ears
[11:19] <foobarry> especially cul de sacs
[11:19] <zmoylan-pi> a habit you'll unlearn or darwin will sort it out
[11:19] <foobarry> hoping they would get a noise added to them
[11:19] <foobarry> also,
[11:20] <foobarry> stepping out from the kerb and a guy decided to pull away from kerb without indicating
[11:20] <popey> directhex_: that looks quite nice
[11:20] <foobarry> i didn't know his intention or able to second guess because the engine was not making noise
[11:20] <directhex_> foobarry: "it's complicated"
[11:20] <directhex_> foobarry: at low speeds, it's all electric
[11:20] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: Always look. Both ways. Push-cyclists are quiet and they can kill peds as well.
[11:21] <foobarry> sure, but in the case of driver in car deciding to drive away from kerbn suddenly, i had no way of knowing
[11:21] <foobarry> if i had heard engine i would have beeen aware of driver in car etc
[11:21] <directhex_> foobarry: at high speeds, it's PE hybrid like a prius. at low speeds if you forgot to charge it (or ran it flat), it's all electric w/ petrol generator
[11:21] <awilkins> Have discovered that my car allowance gets paid regardless of whether I spend it on car
[11:21] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: In that scenario, true. Which is why you throw yourself on to the bonnet and then sue them.
[11:22] <awilkins> This is almost disappointing because now I have no incentive to drive anything nicer
[11:22] <foobarry> or they would drive away
[11:22] <zmoylan-pi> rocket powered roller skates awilkins :-)
[11:22] <foobarry> lawn mower
[11:22] <awilkins> I thought about leasing a Tesla but it's a MITE over my budget
[11:22] <directhex_> foobarry:
[11:23] <zmoylan-pi> do reliant robin have a leccy version yet? :-)
[11:26] <foobarry> can anyone recommend a garden fork that won't break easily?
[11:27] <zmoylan-pi> how many forks have you broken?
[11:27] <foobarry> 1
[11:28] <zmoylan-pi> then it might have been the fork or it might have been you using it wrong. get another and wait
[11:28] <foobarry> but reading the reviews it seems lot of other people do too
[11:28] <zmoylan-pi> because people use them wrong
[11:28] <popey> or people leave them outside and they rot
[11:28] <foobarry> not sure whether to get teh £15 one or splash out on the wilkinson sword stainless steel one
[11:28] <zmoylan-pi> they stick them in compacted soil and try to break the soil by applying pressure to the fork
[11:29] <foobarry>
[11:30] <foobarry> or maybe a cheaper carbon steel one :S
[11:32] <foobarry> you never know what reviewers on the net are doing
[11:32] <foobarry> or how crazy/stupid they are
[11:33] <davmor2> directhex_: don't buy that one you know pronouncing xul is too close to saying zool ;)
[11:33] <zmoylan-pi> at least it's not the beetlejuice model
[11:33] <directhex_> davmor2:
[11:34] <davmor2> directhex_: there is no chevy only xul
[11:35] <directhex_> sigh @ focus in unity
[11:46] <popey> GRAPHS!
[11:50] <Laney> barely anybody is bothering to campaign around here
[11:50] <Laney> safe seat, safe ward
[11:50] <Laney> zzzz
[11:54] <popey> same here
[11:54] <popey> had a letter through the door from a councillor saying sorry he'd missed us (we were in)
[11:56] <zmoylan-pi> some sort of pi activated spotlight pointing at the doorstep with fanfare music... :-)
[11:57] <ali1234> dueling banjos?
[11:58] <Laney> i tweeted some of them asking if there's a hustings
[11:58] <Laney> no reply
[12:00] <Laney> might do a chrisccoulson
[12:01] <chrisccoulson> What have I done? *hides*
[12:01] <popey> what has he done?
[12:03] <Laney> oh
[12:04] <chrisccoulson> Laney, oh, are you referring to how I voted in May?
[12:05] <Laney> sure am
[12:05] <chrisccoulson> aha :)
[12:05] <Laney> it's incredibly tedious to page down your tweets back to then
[12:05] <chrisccoulson> I'll probably be voting the same way again
[12:05] <Laney> twitter seems to have given up giving me new ones
[12:06] <popey> chrisccoulson: how did you vote?
[12:06] <chrisccoulson> Laney, is this what you're looking for?
[12:07] <popey> haha
[12:07] <Laney> :D
[12:07] <ali1234> wait, why do the parties get to write a tagline?
[12:08] <chrisccoulson> ali1234, it makes the ballot paper larger, which means it's easier to draw a cock on it using a black marker pen
[12:10] <chrisccoulson> Laney, what constituency are you in?
[12:10] <czajkowski> popey: dont suppose you know if the bluetooth on the Ubuntu phone will work with a selfie stick ?
[12:10] <popey> haha
[12:10] <Laney> chrisccoulson: Nottingham East
[12:10] <popey> Not sure I want to know
[12:11] <popey> czajkowski: almost certainly not
[12:11] <popey> czajkowski: file a bug :)
[12:11] <ali1234> chrisccoulson: there's zero chance of labour not winning nottingham east
[12:11] <MooDoo> Laney: chrisccoulson gedling borough here
[12:13] <chrisccoulson> Laney, aha, I feel a bit sorry for you. Chris Leslie is quite an unremarkable MP
[12:13] <czajkowski> popey: well I'll get one and test it then I can at least file the bug knowing I've tried before I file it
[12:13] <popey> czajkowski: i think we have bluetooth configured to only allow headphones / speakers right now
[12:13] <popey> that can change
[12:14] <popey> but the camera app doesn't have the facility, so yeah, test and file a bug
[12:14] <czajkowski> will do
[12:15] <czajkowski> wanted to use the phone at mobile week NYC
[12:15] <czajkowski> would have been a great way to demo it working
[12:15] <czajkowski> popey: next co working day we may have folks from Xamarin joining us :)
[12:16] <czajkowski> can be all about the mobile
[12:16] <czajkowski> the story of my life right now
[12:19] <czajkowski> I swear my laptop has a mind of its own today. keeps going up in volume and I'm not touching it
[12:21] * popey looks at directhex_
[12:21] <directhex_> wot?
[12:21] <popey> be nice to have xamarin available on linux..
[12:22] <popey> (and ubuntu phone)
[12:22] <directhex_> yes, it would.
[12:22] <popey> we can dream...
[12:22] <czajkowski> There is a Xamarin and COuchbase workshop next month free to all if anyone is interested
[12:23] <directhex_> popey: i think it'll be an easier sell for me once steam machines launch
[12:23] <directhex_> i can push the indie gamedev angle, via monogame
[12:26] <popey> Right
[12:26] <popey> That's later in the year?
[12:26] <popey> I see controllers go on sale in November.
[12:30] <directhex_> everything is november
[12:36] <zmoylan-pi> crimbo is coming...
[12:38] <zmoylan-pi> only a few 100 shopping days left
[12:40] <popey>
[12:40] <popey> 254
[12:41] <foobarry> new features in 15.04?
[12:41] <zmoylan-pi> see, nearly into the christmas rush!! :-)
[12:43] * popey updates his amazon wishlist for christmas
[12:43] <zmoylan-pi> only summer, back to school and halloween sales to go
[12:44] <foobarry> plasma5 looks like kde4 without the cashew
[12:44] <davmor2> popey: are you on vivid?
[12:45] <davmor2> popey: desktop
[12:46] <foobarry> 5. Locally Integrated Menus are now default.
[12:46] <foobarry> ^^ global menu is gone?
[12:47] <ali1234> foobarry: does that mean i have to stop trolling KDE users by calling it "the peanut"?
[12:48] <foobarry> if you can find any ,it seems so
[12:50] <foobarry> 15.04 looks like the lowest key release in ages
[12:52] <popey> davmor2: yup
[12:53] <davmor2> popey: did you update today yet?
[12:53] <popey> yes
[12:53] <popey> a few minutes ago
[12:54] <davmor2> popey: can you press AltGr and see if it displays the menus for you please
[12:54] <popey> it doesnt
[12:54] <popey> oh, 22 more updates to go
[12:54] <popey> a thousand kde packages
[12:55] <popey> davmor2: i haven't logged out or rebooted for ages, so I may not be a good gauge of anything
[12:55] <popey> 13:55:17 up 5 days, 17:34, 4 users, load average: 0.81, 0.65, 0.70
[12:55] <foobarry> elementary freya got released \o/
[12:55] <popey> don't forget to pay for your iso!
[12:56] <foobarry> i was going to contribute actually :D
[12:56] <foobarry> or maybe sponsor a bug
[12:58] <foobarry>
[12:58] <popey> haha
[12:58] <popey> no answers for 2 days.
[12:59] <popey> I stick a "free internet points" bounty on it, and get instant answers! :D
[12:59] <foobarry> yay for free internet points
[12:59] <ali1234> because questions without bounties get buried in seconds
[13:05] <TwistedLucidity> popey: Ah, but are any of them correct?
[13:06] <popey> dunno, need to figure that out
[13:06] <ali1234> permissions in dev are determined by udev btw
[13:06] <TwistedLucidity> Still, a wrong answer is probably still better than the OP replying with "It's OK, I fixed it." and then never saying how...
[13:06] <popey> well yes, because it's triggered discussion on a couple of answers
[13:07] <TwistedLucidity> There should be a special place in hell for people like that
[13:07] <ali1234> the answer by serg is the correct one
[13:07] <TwistedLucidity> popey: Why not just read the manual?
[13:07] * TwistedLucidity starts running
[13:07] <ali1234> read the manual for udev? hahahahahahhhaha
[13:08] <popey> thought so
[13:08] <ali1234> implying it even exists
[13:08] <TwistedLucidity> ali1234: A code without documentation is poor code.
[13:08] <ali1234> i agree
[13:09] <ali1234> the really funny part is that even lennart himself couldn't write a correct udev rule for pulseaudio
[13:10] <ali1234> but his attempted worked correctly for years due to undefined behaviour
[13:10] <ali1234> then one day it broke
[13:11] <ali1234> but apparently all of systemd is documented and has stability guarantees /s
[13:11] <TwistedLucidity> I hope the documentation has been tested....
[13:12] <ali1234> the documentation for udev is basically equivalent to bad autogenerated doxygen stuff - it tells you absolutely nothing
[13:13] <ali1234> essentially it gives you a list of valid keywords and identifiers and tells you nothing about what they do
[13:13] <TwistedLucidity> "getFoo(): This method gets a foo and returns foo." with no explanation on what a "foo" is, why you want one or where to use it.
[13:13] <TwistedLucidity> I hate things like that
[13:14] <TwistedLucidity> Idea: have a second coder write the unit tests based solely off the comments....
[13:14] * TwistedLucidity cackles evily
[13:16] <ali1234> popey: btw the person asking why you think permissions are wrong has a good point
[13:16] <ali1234> /dev/input/event* should only be readable by root
[13:17] <ali1234> mumble had better have a damn good reason for doing so, because it looks awfully like malware
[13:18] <ali1234> i would hope it's for something like "push to talk" when a game has grabbed all keyboard input from X
[13:21] <ali1234> the good news is that with udev you can control permissions down to individual devices. so for push-to-talk you could get one of those usb buttons (ie a 1 key keyboard) and only allow mumble to access that
[13:21] <ali1234> so yeah udev isn't all bad
[13:22] <shauno> reminds me, I was looking for a way for python to grab keyboard input in a background process
[13:23] <zmoylan-pi> no security implications there...
[13:23] <shauno> :)
[13:23] <awilkins> TwistedLucidity, I hate doxygen
[13:24] <awilkins> TwistedLucidity, set a policy of having documented methods on one of my last projects
[13:24] <shauno> (it's not really an environment with any security implications for input. the 'keyboard' is a lirc dongle - IR receiver that presents itself as a keyboard to the OS)
[13:24] <awilkins> Some smartarse deployed Doxygen and ka-pow! Documentation.
[13:24] <popey> ali1234: yeah.
[13:24] <awilkins> Or it's Java equivalent
[13:25] <popey> ali1234: it is for push to talk, yes. mumble couldn't see my keypresses until I fiddled with that.
[13:25] <ali1234> nothing wrong with doxygen and similar when used correctly
[13:25] <awilkins> Problem was the classes and methods had some of the most obtuse and confusing names possible
[13:25] <ali1234> problem is nobody ever does
[13:26] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: Or comments that make perfect sense at the time, but don't 3 years later.
[13:27] <TwistedLucidity> And if you do fully elaborate methods in the docs (or link to the full elaboration), when the code changes people don't update the docs
[13:27] <TwistedLucidity> Or they move the docs
[13:27] <awilkins> TwistedLucidity, My rule of thumb for any comment is - can you make the code clear enough not to need it
[13:28] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: That does help, but it often not enough
[13:28] <TwistedLucidity> I work on a system where you can export documents. The can have multiple 'pages', linked content, reditions and so on.
[13:29] <TwistedLucidity> An export is a non-trivial operation for various reasons.
[13:29] <TwistedLucidity> So the method "doc.export" has a bunch of flags for which version, rendition etc
[13:29] <TwistedLucidity> The code is perfectly clear.
[13:30] <TwistedLucidity> The interations between those switches and the edge cases? No so much
[13:30] <awilkins> Class diagram from one of the projects I despaired of :
[13:30] <TwistedLucidity> Or why the defaults are the way they are.
[13:30] <awilkins> That one is LESS complicated than the diagram for the single class at the top
[13:31] <awilkins> Which has around 200 methods accumulated from about 12 interfaces it implements
[13:31] <awilkins> The methods are hidden because they are redonkulous
[13:32] <TwistedLucidity> It doesn't matter how bad it is, so long as you follow the process to create badness. ISO9001 approval!
[13:33] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: I fear for your unit tests......
[13:33] <awilkins> Aha, found the class at the top :
[13:33] <bashrc> :)
[13:34] <awilkins> The worst thing is, it's generic ( type params R, C)
[13:35] <awilkins> And param C is "C extends ConceptComponent<R, C> "
[13:35] <awilkins> Yes, this class is it's own grandpa
[13:36] <awilkins> And it's abstract. So any instance of it also it's own grandpa while also being a child of it's own grandpa
[13:37] <awilkins> Grandpa being 2,860 lines of what seems to be mostly type casting...
[13:38] <awilkins> And it implements eleven (11!!) interfaces
[13:42] <TwistedLucidity> Classception
[13:42] <awilkins> Yeah, pretty much
[13:42] <awilkins> I've written generics code that makes co-workers wince
[13:42] <awilkins> This makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry for mummy until the bad code goes away
[13:42] <TwistedLucidity> Java is becoming a lumbering beast. Time it was torn down and reborn
[13:43] <awilkins> Happilyu I
[13:43] <TwistedLucidity> Well, I guess it has. dotNet.
[13:43] <zmoylan-pi> java 2: this time you'll cry
[13:43] <awilkins> am no longer responsible for any aspect of this project!
[13:43] <awilkins> I like C# as a language
[13:43] <awilkins> But I think Java has nicked most of the good bits from it
[13:43] <intrbiz> TwistedLucidity: java could do with sheding some of the legacy cruft
[13:43] <intrbiz> .net is just as bloated now
[13:44] <TwistedLucidity> Speaking of Java...I have to fingure out why the runtime method signatures seem to bear no relation to the source. I suspect I have goosed Maven.....
[13:44] * zmoylan-pi is writing a small script in perl at the mo...
[13:44] * TwistedLucidity longs to return to COBOL
[13:44] <zmoylan-pi> i find perl is very like basic of 8 bit days...
[13:44] <intrbiz> zmoylan-pi: really?
[13:45] <directhex_> god i hate java dev
[13:46] <awilkins> TwistedLucidity, if the method sigs are wrong, then you have the wrong combination of src and runtime
[13:46] <zmoylan-pi> yeah, most of my scripts look very like basic code i would write
[13:46] <TwistedLucidity> Java is OK server-side (could be better, but it's kinda OK). Front-end Java makes me want to cry
[13:46] <awilkins> TwistedLucidity, Like, totally different versions
[13:46] <awilkins> Yeah, the best thing about .NET is the WIndows.Forms library
[13:46] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: Yeah, I know. But all the timestamps match. This is what I get for having to work on 3 versions at onces and compile a patch.....
[13:47] <awilkins> And the designers - even the FOSS one (SharpDevelop) is a joy to use next to ANYTHING I've used for Java
[13:47] <awilkins> Proper round-tripping of code to form!
[13:47] <awilkins> GUI code in a separate file so you can concentrate on logic!
[13:48] <TwistedLucidity> Oh FFS....*there's* the problem!
[13:49] <directhex_> professionally, aaaaaAAAAAaaaaAAAaaaaAAAAAaaaAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAa java dev hurts
[13:49] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: Err....GUI separation is just best practice, innit?
[13:49] <TwistedLucidity> directhex_: Pays the bills
[13:49] <directhex_> TwistedLucidity: it's nice when the IDE makes it easy without being restrictive
[13:50] <directhex_> TwistedLucidity: e.g. in monodevelop, i like being able to design complex widgets in code, and drag-and-drop them in the designer
[13:50] <TwistedLucidity> Having used IntelliJ and Eclipse for a while and whilst Eclipse is dreadful and IntelliJ has very nice features (like a functioning Maven integration)....Eclipse is still better.
[13:50] <intrbiz> one avoids GUI work at all cost
[13:50] <ali1234> that sounds awesome
[13:50] <directhex_> eclipse is why i quit java dev in 2004.
[13:51] <awilkins> Eclipse is much better now
[13:51] <directhex_> "use eclipse, it is the best!" *tries* "OH GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR BRAIN RUN AWAAAAAAAAAAAAY"
[13:51] <awilkins> Eclipse + Maven is quite tolerable
[13:51] <intrbiz> TwistedLucidity: m2e works fine
[13:51] <TwistedLucidity> intrbiz: m2e is terrible.
[13:51] <TwistedLucidity> Barely functional
[13:51] <awilkins> *developing* for eclipse.... well, hopefully e4 is easier
[13:51] <awilkins> m2e is OK in Luna
[13:52] <awilkins> The "no lifecycle plugin" thing gets old
[13:52] <ali1234> i've never been patient enough to wait for eclipse to load
[13:52] <TwistedLucidity> Have to manually add every plug-in to the correct lifecycle state in the super-pom or m2e barfs.
[13:52] <directhex_> i hate all these things
[13:52] <directhex_> i'd rather be writing c#
[13:52] <TwistedLucidity> Freedom hater :-P
[13:52] <awilkins> They should probably have a paper-cuts hackfest that fixes all the common ones
[13:53] <intrbiz> TBF nothing complicated in my POMs
[13:53] <TwistedLucidity> Oh, I am getting a kicking for the Maven stuff being way to slow
[13:53] <TwistedLucidity> We might revert to Ant at this rate
[13:54] <intrbiz> Ant is awful
[13:54] <TwistedLucidity> But it works
[13:54] <TwistedLucidity> For example - you can copy files!
[13:54] <foobarry> Dec is worse
[13:54] <TwistedLucidity> We want Maven for the dependency management, some of the plug-ins etc as they make life much, much easier.
[13:55] <TwistedLucidity> But we need to generate ~10 WARs from a single call, and it doesn't look like Maven can cope
[13:55] <TwistedLucidity> So that's multiple calls
[13:55] <TwistedLucidity> Hence too slow
[13:55] <intrbiz> TwistedLucidity: what is the difference in these WARs?
[13:56] <TwistedLucidity> Various deployment factors (backing systems - so different versions of the 'core' code, target web application etc).
[13:58] <TwistedLucidity> So at the moment, Maven compiles the WARs with the variations with the backing systems (all based on dependencies, Maven is awesome at that)
[13:58] <TwistedLucidity> Then Ant copies in the various configuration overlays that are needed for each web app server
[13:58] <TwistedLucidity> Then WARs it as required
[13:59] <TwistedLucidity> For my investigation, Maven simply cannot cope with the concept of copying a file from location A->B
[13:59] <TwistedLucidity> I also doubt it's possible to have it generator multiple WARs in a single hit; not looked at that yet
[13:59] <intrbiz> TwistedLucidity: it would be trivial to write a MOJO to do that
[14:00] <intrbiz> and yes I would like to kill whoever though calling them that was a good idea
[14:00] <intrbiz> TwistedLucidity: are you using modules to make up for 10 variants?
[14:00] <awilkins> Is doing this in the build system the best idea? - yeah
[14:01] <awilkins> That's just what I was going to say - sounds more like a job for Guice / Modules
[14:01] <TwistedLucidity> intrbiz: As far as possible, yes
[14:01] <TwistedLucidity> But there a few odds 'n sods which are just easier to yank from source control and spaff into the target folders.
[14:02] <awilkins> 'tis possible to do this
[14:02] <TwistedLucidity> The class, web templates, dependencies etc are all in Maven
[14:03] <intrbiz> TwistedLucidity: worst case, writing a custom packaging plugin is pretty easy
[14:03] <TwistedLucidity> intrbiz: Might come to that. I think part of the problem is the Ant/Maven interface
[14:04] * awilkins pukes in his mouth a bit at mixing Ant and Maven
[14:04] <awilkins> Yeah, it's horrible
[14:04] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: No choice
[14:04] <TwistedLucidity> We have *got* to use Ant
[14:04] <awilkins> The most seamless ways are to copy properties from Maven to Ant but it's a fiddle
[14:04] <awilkins> That could use some love, TBH
[14:05] <awilkins> Things that you would expect to "Just Work(tm)" don't
[14:05] <TwistedLucidity> If I call "ant precompile package deploy" that ends up being at least three separate calls into Maven. Each time Maven check the sourc etc etc
[14:05] <awilkins> Whoa, you're calling Maven from Ant??!
[14:05] <TwistedLucidity> I'd rather just do "mvn war:exploded -Dfoo=bar" or whatever and let it run
[14:06] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: Yes
[14:06] <awilkins> And I thought calling Ant from Maven was icky...
[14:06] <TwistedLucidity> If I can convince people to ditch Ant at least for the Java stuff (we have dotNet and other stuff in the mix as well) then I'd be a happy man
[14:07] <TwistedLucidity> If I can get Maven to generate multiple results....which should be doable via profiles. Maybe.
[14:09] <awilkins> Should be able to do multiple executions
[14:10] <awilkins> Don't know if you can execute multiple profiles in parallel or even series (without just ... starting the job again)
[14:10] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: Yeah, that's what we do now; multiples
[14:11] <TwistedLucidity> I was thinking of trying to multithread it. Once the assets are in Maven, it's really just a case of assembly. There is no need to re-check source etc.
[14:11] <awilkins> Break it up into multiple poms, one that installs the assets, one that assembles them?
[14:12] <TwistedLucidity> That could work, couldn't it?
[14:12] <awilkins> Give them a daddy POM for properties and version management, etc.
[14:12] <TwistedLucidity> The Ant (yes, yuck) could got "Thread 1: mvn war:exploded -Dfoo=1", "Thread 2: mvn war:exploded -Dfoo=2" and so forth
[14:13] <awilkins> Apparently you can also run multiple profiles
[14:13] <awilkins> But I don't know if it does them in parallel
[14:13] <intrbiz> TwistedLucidity: have you looked at the asembly plugin?
[14:14] <TwistedLucidity> intrbiz: Tried to. Couldn't understand it
[14:14] <TwistedLucidity> So gave up because I could get Ant to do what was needed in 5 minutes.
[14:14] <TwistedLucidity> Time is also a serious factor
[14:14] <TwistedLucidity> Says he, chatting on IRC.....
[14:14] * TwistedLucidity is testing. Honest.
[14:14] * awilkins has done assemblies before
[14:17] <intrbiz> TwistedLucidity: with the asemlby plugin you can easily copy in files etc to an archive
[14:17] <TwistedLucidity> Being able to parallelise stuff would be awesome
[14:17] <TwistedLucidity> intrbiz: That's what I thought, but it didn't seem to be easy. Not a simple case of "source -> destination"
[14:19] <intrbiz> TwistedLucidity: you specify via ant filesets what to include
[14:25] <foobarry> the builders took off and threw away my hozelock fitting on my garden tap
[14:25] <TwistedLucidity> I seem to recall it making zero sense when I read the Maven docs. <- See? someone who reads docs!
[14:25] <foobarry> what do i need to buy please?
[14:25] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: New builders
[14:26] <foobarry> they are albanian, maybe hozelock isn't a thing over there
[14:26] <foobarry> they also used my wifes facvourite dish to mix plaster
[14:26] <TwistedLucidity> Why did they not have their own plastic mixer-tub wotsit?
[14:27] <foobarry> all questions are null and void due to language barrier
[14:27] <TwistedLucidity> Although plaster can be removed - you might get lucky
[14:27] <foobarry> nope, long time ago
[14:27] <foobarry> and then they left it inthe garden
[14:28] <TwistedLucidity> Without wishing to rile you up...why did you hire builders you couldn't communicate with?
[14:29] <TwistedLucidity> I may be misunderstanding...
[14:29] <TwistedLucidity> I do that a lot.
[14:29] <TwistedLucidity> See: Maven assemblies
[14:29] <foobarry> i hired an essex man
[14:29] <foobarry> but his grunt workers are albanian
[14:29] <TwistedLucidity> Well, there's yer problem! :-)
[14:29] <foobarry> the modern hierarchy
[14:29] <TwistedLucidity> Yeah, guess it's the way it goes.
[14:30] <TwistedLucidity> If you got the builder via "Trust-a-trader" or soemthing; complain
[14:30] <foobarry> they also didn't use our toilet
[14:30] <foobarry> for the entire 2-3 onths
[14:30] <TwistedLucidity> The used the dog's food bowl?
[14:30] <foobarry> nope
[14:30] <zmoylan-pi> his roses came up great that year :-)
[14:30] <foobarry> a pile of leaves at the end of the garden
[14:31] <TwistedLucidity> Deffo report the builder
[14:31] <foobarry> what for?
[14:31] <foobarry> they did a good job (except for the leaky roof)
[14:31] <TwistedLucidity> Substandard work, and endangering public health.
[14:32] <foobarry> with their poo?
[14:32] <TwistedLucidity> Yes, their poop
[14:32] <foobarry> i should have taken their crowbar as payment but i gave it back to them today
[14:33] <TwistedLucidity> Embedded in a skull?
[14:33] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins, intrbiz: I will go away and look and more discrete POMs/assemblies
[14:56] <knightwise> ok
[14:56] <knightwise> logged in over ssh via the terminal app om the ubuntu phone
[14:57] <knightwise> too bad i dont have any function keys
[15:05] <knightwise> ah i DO have function keys
[15:13] <popey> :)
[15:28] <TwistedLucidity> knightwise: SSH into something and bring up some curses tools. Tell hipsters it's the prototype next-gen iOS. :-P
[15:28] <awilkins> Then run cmatrix on it.
[15:29] <zmoylan-pi> green text on black background for maximum hipsterness
[15:31] <popey> hah, what's the best nerd thing to run in a terminal
[15:31] <popey> moon buggy?
[15:31] <popey> "We have the latest games!"
[15:31] <popey> s/latest/best/
[15:31] <popey> s/best/oldest/
[15:32] <popey> s/the\ oldest/some"
[15:32] <popey> etc
[15:32] <zmoylan-pi> nethack...
[15:33] <zmoylan-pi> i have tmux with split screens. one for irc using irssi and newsbeuter an rss reader as well. sometimes i split one panel to give a command prompt to get other things done...
[15:34] <diddledan> TwistedLucidity:
[15:35] <diddledan> there's very little info about it on that page but it runs several cli tools in a tmux session to recreate every hollywood computer visual ever
[15:36] <diddledan> ok, maybe not recreate, but simulate
[15:36] <popey> Did any of you play snipes on netware?
[15:36] <popey> I loved that, one of the first realtime networked games I ever played
[15:36] <popey> in ~1993 or so, maybe before.
[15:37] <popey>
[15:37] <popey> was awesome
[15:37] <diplo> popey: dkirklands hollywood thing :) ref terminal app :)
[15:38] <zmoylan-pi> dr-dos used to have a great vector based space networked shootem up... spacewars?
[15:42] <MartijnVdS> Wheee!
[15:55] <diddledan> re: dkirkland's hollywood thing - launchpad shows a package in distributions for vivid - does that mean vivid has it in the main repo?
[15:56] <diddledan> ref:
[15:57] <daftykins> ah another dead disk owner discovered at bed time last night -
[15:57] <daftykins> i really ought to keep a tally ;)
[15:57] <diddledan> well done, daftykins
[15:57] <shauno> disks really don't like you, do they?
[15:57] <daftykins> :P
[15:57] <diddledan> daftykins: I'm working on something that'll let you find out. but time. I don't have enough
[15:58] <daftykins> the user in #ubuntu was complaining of the software center repeatedly failing, and even command line updates claiming the package lists were corrupted
[15:59] <diddledan> aah the raw read error rate is huge
[15:59] <daftykins> it's the discover and pending state of bad sectors that's the true kicker :D
[15:59] <daftykins> *discovery
[16:00] <daftykins> that disk wouldn't function normally until a good dd zero fill to find and remap everything in one go
[16:12] <bigcalm> Anybody good with bash know how to help me with this? syntax error near unexpected token `FILENAME="${f/$PRE_DEPLOY//}"'
[17:08] <popey>
[17:08] <popey> ho ho
[17:09] <popey> bigcalm: you have two different types of quotes
[17:09] <popey> ` at the start
[17:09] <popey> ' at the end
[17:09] <popey> they mismatch
[17:09] <daftykins> heh yeah i read about that one. some were a little bit too keen!
[17:12] <popey> yeah
[17:44] <ali1234> i don't understand that gta key thing
[17:44] <ali1234> twitch has like a 15 second lag
[17:44] <ali1234> so if he typed in his key and then hit enter, he'd already have registered it before anyone on twitch saw it
[17:45] <ali1234> did he like type it in to the box and then go and make a cup of tea?
[17:45] <daftykins> you know how with Steam it pops up to tell you your key? in the corner of the window
[17:45] <daftykins> he had that displayed for ages
[17:46] <ali1234> yes, but i have never needed to type that key in to play the game
[17:46] <ali1234> i don't understand why that thing even shows up
[17:46] <daftykins> yeah i've seen it on far more games than actually require it to be entered
[17:47] <daftykins> but there are some like GTA which require an online account be created with it i think
[17:47] <ali1234> so on GTA V, you buy the game on a DRM platform which tells you the key, and then you need to type that key back in so that the DRM platform will let you play the game?
[17:47] <ali1234> doesn't that seem a bit...redundant?
[17:48] <ali1234> i honestly don't understand why people put up with that stuff
[17:48] <diddledan> ali1234: double DRM
[17:48] <diddledan> :-p
[17:48] <diddledan> ali1234: because if we DRM all the things twice then WIN
[17:49] <diddledan> I loathe DRM anyway
[17:49] <ali1234> i don't mind DRM as long as it isn't completely incompetent
[17:49] <diddledan> most DRM _IS_ compltely incompetent tho
[17:50] <shauno> I have a healthy distrust for it because I still play things that are 20 years old, and don't expect any of the current schemes to function in 20 years
[17:50] <daftykins> because they want to play on PC ;)
[17:50] <diddledan> I don't mind DRM on streaming provided that I can actually stream on my device of choice
[17:51] <diddledan> shauno: yes, I don't like that a lot of DRM these days requires persistent connections
[17:51] <shauno> not just persistent connections, but for their service to still be functioning
[17:51] <diddledan> and of course there's the "OMG ONLINE"-only games that get their servers shut down because num-players < X
[17:52] <diddledan> EA have done that a while back with a whole slew of games IIRC
[17:54] <diddledan> randomness alert: Apple ought to release a proprietary version of IRC and call it iIRC
[17:56] <diddledan> shauno: shush! I enjoy thinking!
[17:57] <daftykins> years ago i got given a Mac - first task was a clean install of the OS - second was to find an IRC client
[17:57] <daftykins> i was shocked to find pretty much all were pay-for, madness!
[17:58] <shauno> it's not as bad as it sounds
[17:58] <shauno> the 'wave' before that were all pretty much terrible
[17:59] <daftykins> gotta run, pub quiz in 1hr the other side of the island - that's a whole 20 min ride away :D
[17:59] <shauno> snak & ircle and such
[17:59] <daftykins> ah yeah snak rings a bell
[17:59] <daftykins> ta-ra \o
[18:00] <diddledan> now we've got textual which is actually not bad, although a memory hog due to using webkit
[18:00] <shauno> (although the most popular paid-for client currently is also floss. you can buy it from the appstore, or build it from github)
[18:00] <shauno> have fun
[18:00] <diddledan> shauno: I paid for it even though it's OSS
[18:01] <diddledan> shauno: I'm perfectly happy to support folk if they retain the OSS model
[18:01] <shauno> heh, ditto. because I'm lazy. but it's nice to know it's all on github too
[18:01] <diddledan> I don't mind proprietary either. but taking an OSS codebase and closing it is something I hate
[18:02] <diddledan> yeah, paying for convenience is a good model
[18:03] <ChunkzZ> pot, kettle, black - daftykins.
[18:03] <diddledan> ChunkzZ: ?
[18:08] <popey> 18:47 < ali1234> so on GTA V, you buy the game on a DRM platform which tells you the key, and then you need to type that key back in so that the DRM platform will let you play the game?
[18:09] <popey> no
[18:09] <popey> you don't need to type the key in, but it puts it on screen for you to copy and save somewhere
[18:09] <popey> (I certainly didn't type it in)
[18:10] <ali1234> why would you need to save it if you don't need to type it in?
[18:10] <ali1234> and why can anyone steal your game by just copying that number?
[18:13] <ali1234> it's like "here's a number which is completely useless for any other purpose other than stealing your game, keep it safe"
[18:18] <shauno> I'm still impressed that someone actually stole it though
[18:18] <shauno> even if they did have some minutes to do so, they'd have to have a non-steam copy all ready to go, but not yet past the activation stage?
[18:19] <ali1234> yeah
[18:20] <ali1234> bought it physical, installed it on two computers, waited for someone dumb to show their key on twitch
[18:20] <popey> surely you can just click the button and say "add game to steam" and punch in the number, without having downloaded it
[18:21] <popey> then download after
[18:22] <shauno> hm, I didn't think of that. I've only ever used that for redeeming humble codes
[18:23] <ali1234> popey: doesn't that mean that if you buy it on steam it is infinitely transferable?
[18:24] <ali1234> if you click "add to steam" and then type in your own CD key, does it make the steam server explode?
[18:26] * popey shrugs
[18:27] <diddledan> is that like googling for google?
[18:27] <diddledan> (my brother aparently did that a while back and accidentally followed an advert to a bad site)
[18:28] <diddledan> he was looking for chrome I believe
[18:34] <diddledan>
[18:34] <diddledan> lol
[19:51] <diddledan> shauno: flaming sticks of fire:
[19:51] <diddledan> 20 minutes
[19:52] <shauno> oooh kerbalnauts *clicks*
[19:54] <diddledan> that's expensive. thrust worth 1.3meelion pounds
[19:54] <shauno> I'm not sure .... nm
[19:54] <diddledan> d'oh the stream died on me
[19:55] * diddledan reloads the page
[19:58] <diddledan> I don't like that they have a terminator count
[20:00] <shauno> they really should get nasatv on the appletv
[20:01] <shauno> it's a shame we can't have a launchpad. we have lots of big empty bits with nothing in it
[20:01] <diddledan> the auto sequence for the terminators has started!
[20:02] <diddledan> I guess it's judgement day
[20:02] <shauno> I hope not. if they outsource the rapture to commercial interests, that'd be messy
[20:03] <diddledan> lol
[20:04] <Scorpians> o/
[20:04] <diddledan> ello Scorpians
[20:04] <Scorpians> o/ shauno
[20:04] <Scorpians> <-- bomberman
[20:05] <diddledan> shauno: Scorpians is from "the other place"
[20:05] <shauno> hah. ello
[20:07] <diddledan> Scorpians: you'll have to watch your language in here, we're family-friendly :-p
[20:07] <Scorpians> is english ok? well bad english?
[20:07] <Scorpians> is binary accepted
[20:07] <diddledan> yeah, just no swearing or mentioning of n0rty body parts
[20:09] <diddledan> how old is this rocket? just wondering if it's allowed to smoke
[20:09] <Scorpians> lol
[20:09] <Scorpians> how exactly does it stay up? lower level clamps or is it sitting on its engine exhausts
[20:10] <diddledan> KSP would have you believe it's sitting on theengine cones
[20:10] <Scorpians> t- 20
[20:10] <Scorpians> t10 GO GO GO GO
[20:10] <diddledan> I think I'm slightly behind you
[20:10] <shauno> I'm still at -15!
[20:11] <shauno> no spoilers please :)
[20:11] <Scorpians> ohh IT WILL SHOW us the stargate shots. if ya see one that looks like a stargate its in tank fuel camera.
[20:12] <Scorpians> or is that ula?
[20:12] <shauno> I hope they don't break this one. it's carrying a very important espresso machine
[20:12] <Scorpians> i wonder if it will actully land this time.
[20:14] <diddledan> grr, the stream died on me
[20:14] <Scorpians> check other channel i linked 3 the youtube and yourstream are ok
[20:14] <Scorpians>
[20:15] <Scorpians> no its the right side camra looked froze the left side was still moving
[20:30] <Scorpians> Elon Musk
[20:30] <Scorpians> @elonmusk
[20:30] <Scorpians> Ascent successful. Dragon enroute to Space Station. Rocket landed on droneship, but too hard for survival.
[20:31] <diddledan> darnit
[20:31] <diddledan> how hard is it to not crash considering they did it on the moon back in the 60s
[20:31] <shauno> "landed too hard for survival" sounds a lot like "missiled the droneship"
[20:31] <diddledan> lol
[20:31] <diddledan> indeed :-p
[20:32] <diddledan> I guess they need yet another new barge
[20:33] <Scorpians> problem is they cant save to much fuel or its wasted. they have to cary that reserve fuel up. and coming down its controled by fins, last time it crashed as a fin failed. if you watched the tests it full powers about 5m off the ground. if its not timed perfect or a wave hits the boat and pushes it up could be difference of crash and land.
[20:33] <Scorpians> they should stick to there 2nd idea of landing on land.
[20:33] <diddledan> why do they call them missiles when these days they rarely miss?
[20:34] <shauno> I just imagine one guy at the back of the office jumping up and shouting "yeah,BULLSEYE". and everyone else slowly turning to stare at him
[20:34] <diddledan> hahaha
[20:34] <Scorpians> lol
[20:35] <diddledan> lol, that gave me a jolly good laugh
[20:35] <diddledan> don't you love when you laugh out loud and feel an idiot because you're on your own with nobody nearby to hear you
[20:36] <shauno> no. I live on the internet. I feel awkward when there *are* other people to hear me doing a goofy impression
[20:37] <diddledan> grr, git is seriously weeing me off right now. I can't get it to push to company's git repo
[20:38] <diddledan> it helpfully says: Write failed: Broken pipe
[20:38] <shauno> isn't that ssh?
[20:38] <diddledan> aye, I think it's the ssh side that's the issue, yes
[20:39] <shauno> I mean, there's no reason it'd be unique to ssh; but I know ssh creates that exact message, and suspect it's mayhaps not a coincidence
[20:39] <diddledan> yup, it's defo ssh
[20:39] <diddledan> but as to how to fix it. pas d'idée
[20:40] <shauno> that's generally where the docs give you "contact your system administrator" :)
[20:40] <shauno> can you ssh to the same box ordinarily? (eg, should you be able to?)
[20:40] <diddledan> yeah, I hate that when I'm the admin
[20:41] <diddledan> I should be able to, but I can't - same error
[20:41] <shauno> perfect. add -vvvv when you try to ssh without git, and you should get more feedback than you could ever want
[20:42] <diddledan> debug1: Requesting
[20:42] <diddledan> o_O
[20:43] <Scorpians> whens 04-15 out
[20:44] <diddledan> it seems to authenticate, then get down to spawning the shell which ends with: debug2: channel 0: open confirm rwindow 0 rmax 32768
[20:44] <diddledan> then after a delay it prints the broken pipemessage
[20:46] <diddledan> does ssh use more than a single connection?
[20:46] <diddledan> e.g. like ftp
[20:46] <shauno> good lord no
[20:47] <diddledan> so all comms go over the initial connection attempt?
[20:47] <shauno> I believe so
[20:48] <diddledan> is just I got two internet addresses which are round-robin for outgoing connections to load balance between two ISPs
[20:48] <diddledan> a single connection shouldn't hop tho
[20:49] <diddledan> and I also set destination port of 22 to always go out a single route as an attempt to fix this
[20:54] <intrbiz> diddledan: SSH channels are multiplexed down one SSH connection, channels in SSH are part of the procol, EG: shell channel, command channel, etc
[20:55] <diddledan> intrbiz: that's what I thought
[20:55] <diddledan> intrbiz: which suggests that my load-balancing shouldn't affect it
[20:55] <diddledan> I can ssh other hosts fine
[20:56] <intrbiz> diddledan: can you ssh, eg: ssh git@host to the server you are pushing too? (things like gitlab will give a MOTD etc)
[20:57] <diddledan> no
[20:58] <intrbiz> diddledan: what error do you get when you try that?
[20:58] <diddledan> same
[20:58] <intrbiz> do you have access to the server logs?
[20:59] <diddledan> not without ssh
[20:59] <intrbiz> can you ssh via another host?
[20:59] <diddledan> err.. why yes
[21:00] <intrbiz> diddledan: ssh via the other host and look at the server logs, might have some pointers
[21:05] <diddledan> it seems syslog is dead but auth.log shows:
[21:05] <shauno> dead?
[21:06] <diddledan> dead syslog:
[21:07] <intrbiz> diddledan: has your disk gone read only?
[21:07] <diddledan> nope
[21:08] <intrbiz> diddledan: what is in dmesg?
[21:09] <diddledan> hmm, there's some OOMs
[21:09] <shauno> df & df -i ?
[21:10] <shauno> (syslog not having a fd is just kinda creepy)
[21:10] <intrbiz> diddledan: probably worth rebooting the box then, OOM tends to equal lots of instability
[21:10] <diddledan> I don't have the access to fix it if it doesn't come back tho
[21:10] <intrbiz> I've seen syslog get killed by OOM killer all to often before
[21:11] <diddledan> I'll email the system owner
[21:11] <intrbiz> diddledan: what git mangement stuff are you running?
[21:11] <diddledan> right now I can kill-off several seemingly excess ssh: git processes
[21:11] <diddledan> we're running gitolite
[21:25] <diddledan> the issue with syslog seems to be that /dev is full
[21:25] <diddledan> this is an ancient gentoo
[21:25] <diddledan> it can't be upgraded either
[21:27] <intrbiz> diddledan: sounds like its time for some TLC
[21:28] <intrbiz> diddledan: move to gitlab?
[21:28] <diddledan> not my machine
[21:28] <diddledan> there's a plan to move to gitlab but it never seemed to happen
[21:29] <diddledan> gitlab was installed and populated and then.. nada.
[21:29] <intrbiz> diddledan: ah
[21:30] <shauno> dev is full?
[21:30] <shauno> I assume something's writing to a device that never existed, so they're actually just filling a file?
[21:30] <diddledan> shauno: no idea
[21:31] <shauno> well, look for huge files in /dev lol
[21:31] <diddledan> aye. tty12
[21:31] <mappps> ;]
[21:32] <shauno> that's actually the kinda thing I'd do. have syslog logging to a tty, etc
[21:32] <shauno> but you kinda need a device that exists. especially now with tmpfs, devfs, etc .. you're filling a ramdisk
[21:33] <diddledan> yup, it seems syslog-ng is set to log to /dev/tty12
[21:34] <shauno> I know it's not your box .. but I'd move that somewhere else (the existing file, so you can slap someone with it). and see how much sanity is restored just like magic
[21:34] <diddledan> fixed
[21:35] <shauno> I mean, not logging there, or creating the device would be nice. but if you're treading on someopne else's toes, at least letting it live until morning is nice
[21:36] <diddledan> I just deleted the file and stopped the syslog from trying to recreate it :-D
[21:36] <diddledan> I wonder if that will fix the ssh problem, too
[21:36] <shauno> heh, that works. I don't know what liberties you're allowed to take with the machine :)
[21:36] <shauno> only one way to find out?
[21:36] <diddledan> :-)
[21:36] <shauno> (but it's probably related, if dev is full you can't create a new /dev/pts/foo
[21:37] <diddledan> seems not to have fixed the ssh :-(
[21:38] <shauno> oh well. point the logging somewhere sane and you can start troubleshooting that without guesswork
[21:44] <diddledan> absolutely zero helpful messages :-(
[21:46] <intrbiz> diddledan: are the gitolite processes taking ages to run? is the SSH connection dieing because gitolite has not responded quick enough?
[21:47] <diddledan> intrbiz: it seemsthe ssh connections are hanging around after the timeout on the client
[21:47] <diddledan> e.g.
[21:48] <intrbiz> diddledan: you could try adding ServerAliveInterval 60 option in your git config for the host
[22:04] <diddledan> ok, I think there's a problem with virgin media
[22:04] <diddledan> switching my ssh to go via sky instead works fine
[22:05] <shauno> really?
[22:06] <diddledan> it's either that or my config for routing ssh to virgin was messed
[22:06] <diddledan> I can flip it back and see
[22:11] <diddledan> ok, flipping it back also worked so I'm guessing my loadbalancing must be a mess
[22:12] <diddledan> I've added some more rules which should help with connection-stickiness
[22:12] <diddledan> it seems that my previous rules weren't keeping a connection stuck to the wan it started on
[22:13] <shauno> so, you broked it, and the fact the server was all kinds of purple was just incidental?
[22:13] <diddledan> yup
[22:14] <diddledan> at least the server is less broke than it was after my forey
[22:17] <shauno> well, I guess this is normal if you use gentoo on servers
[22:17] <shauno> they're probably all messed up, you just never look :)
[22:17] <diddledan> too scared to look morelike
[22:18] <diddledan> you know they're misconfigured up the wotsit but if you don't look you won't be tempted to try to fix it | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.310098 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-uk"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-de | [09:23] <yogg> Hi
[09:26] <yogg> Ich habe einen Ubuntu 14.04 Server und habe mit der Netzwerkverwaltung Probleme. Ein "/etc/init.d/networking restart" bewirkt rein gar nichts wenn ich "/etc/network/interfaces" umschreibe. Auch ein "dhclient eth0" funktioniert nicht mehr. Auf Ubuntu 12.04 habe ich die Probleme nicht.
[09:27] <yogg> Muss ich da eventuell nur andere Scripte verwenden?
[10:14] <dreamon_> Weiß jemand wie man bei cinnamon Ubuntu 14.10 das lästige tippen=klicken losbekommt?
[10:22] <leszek> dreamon_: wenns nix zum konfigurieren direkt in cinnamon gibt dann hilft natürlich immer gpointing-device-settings
[10:26] <dreamon_> leszek, Hallo leszek, Cool damit gings nun!!!! Danke
[10:52] <dreamon> leszek, lästig.. nach reboot ist es wieder beim alten :(
[11:08] <geser> yogg: das Init-Skript tut nichts, wenn upstart genutzt wird (was bei Ubuntu der Fall ist): nimm stattdessen "service networking restart" (service funktioniert mit klassischen Init-Skripts, Upstart-Jobs und Systemd-Units)
[13:40] <ShiroNeko> hallo, kann ich das root-fs remounten ohne reboot?
[13:41] <ShiroNeko> mount -o remount / zeigt irgendwie keine wirkung
[13:41] <ShiroNeko> on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,quota,usrquota,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered) mir geht es um die beiden quotaeinträge
[13:44] <apollo13> ShiroNeko: umd was geht es eigentlich?
[13:45] <ShiroNeko> möchte die quotas, die ich mal vergeben hatte, löschen
[13:45] <apollo13> dann schalt sie einfach aus
[13:45] <apollo13> quotaoff ist dein freund
[13:46] <apollo13> quota* ist für mount eh ein noo
[13:46] <apollo13> noop*
[13:47] <apollo13> also außer vlt auf xfs, aber wir reden hier von ext4…
[13:48] <apollo13> vlt geht nen remount mit noquota durch, aber ich würde auf quotaoff tippen
[13:50] <ShiroNeko> mount -o remount,noquota hat geholfen.
[13:50] <ShiroNeko> nach deinstallation von quota müsste ich die aquota.user wohl auch gefahrlos löschen können
[13:50] <ShiroNeko> ?
[13:50] <apollo13> wie gesagt, mount ignoriert quota* optionen komplett
[13:51] <apollo13> ich würde zuerst quotas abschalten
[13:51] <apollo13> man quotaoff
[13:51] <ShiroNeko> hatte erst quotaoff gesetzt, dann mount -o remount,noquota, apt-get remove quota
[13:51] <ShiroNeko> alles was jetzt noch übrig ist, ist die aquota.users
[13:52] <apollo13> fstab anpassen…
[13:52] <apollo13> und ich hätte noch quotaoff -p getestet damit du dir sicher sein kannst dass sie aus sind, aber ja…
[13:53] <ShiroNeko> fstab ist angepasst
[13:53] <apollo13> naja, dann würde ich die aquota wegmoven, rebooten und wenn dann alles geht kannste löschen
[13:53] <apollo13> wobei es eigentlich egal sein sollte
[16:40] <kcalB> hallo Leutz, Wie füge ich ein Programm (ubuntu) in die Systemeinstellungen ein. Verwende Ubuntu Gnome
[17:17] <ria_> Hallo zusammen
[17:20] <k1l> hi
[17:21] <ria_> Wer kann mir helfen ubuntu 14.04 64bit , meine Problem ist ,ich habe meine home ordner auf ein zweite Platte plaziert, beim ein zweite instalation bootet Gnomen nicht
[17:22] <leszek> ria_: du meinst du nutzt ein home für zwei verschiedene installationen oder kannst du nochmal schritt für schritt erklären was du gemacht hast ?
[17:29] <kcalB> Danke :) by
[17:29] <ria_> ich habe ubuntu auf eine ssd, home auf SAta platte, ubuntu hatte ein update ausgefürt, dann ist das Problem Augetaucht , ich melde mich an dann, bleibt Gnomen kurz hängen, dann komm wider das anmelde fenster
[17:35] <ppq> ria_, schau mal in deine ~/.xsession-errors oder, falls gnome selbst noch loggt, da rein
[17:38] <ria_> Bein einhängen von Typ =ext 4 ist ein Fehler augetreten
[17:38] <ppq> was sagt dmesg dazu? die relevanten zeilen in einem pastebin wären nett
[17:38] <ria_> ich bin ein anfänger
[17:38] <ppq> !paste > ria_
[17:38] <kubine> ria_: Nicht selbst geschriebener Text wird im IRC sehr unleserlich und unhandlich. Deshalb sollten mehr als 3 Zeilen immer in einen sogenannten Nopaste-Service wie z.B. abgelegt werden. Nach dem Speichern kannst du dann die URL der Seite kopieren und sie statt des Textes hier im Channel posten.
[17:40] <ria_> ppq:ich bin mit ein tablet imchat
[17:42] <ppq> ria_, mit strg+alt+f2 kommst du aus dem login-fenster in ein terminal, wo du dich auch nochmal einloggen musst. dann einfach mal "dmesg" eingeben und in den letzten zeilen mal gucken, ob dort interessante dinge zu dem mount-fehler stehen (irgendwas mit sda1/sdb1/sdc2 oder was auch immer und ext4)
[17:45] <ria_> ppq:das sind mehrere Seiten wie kann ich einzeln blättern
[17:46] <ppq> ria_, dmesg | less
[17:46] <ppq> ria_, dann kannst du mit den pfeiltasten (oder besser: bild-auf, bild-ab) blättern
[17:46] <ppq> der strich da ist eine pipe, die machst du mit alt-gr und <
[17:52] <k1l> ria_: kannst du dich in einer tty (also strg+alt+f1) in deinen user einloggen?
[17:53] <ria_> ppq:werden die ergo rot makiert?
[17:53] <k1l> ria_: wenn ja dann mach dort bitte mal ein "ls -al" und guck ob die .Xauthority root:root oder deinem user:user gehört
[17:53] <k1l> ria_: zurück kommst du zur GUI wieder mit strg+alt+f7
[17:53] <ria_> k1l: ja
[17:54] <k1l> root oder user?
[17:54] <ria_> User Al rot auch
[17:55] <k1l> nein, es geht um die datei ".Xauthority". melde dich bitte in deinen user an auf der tty und mach den befehl "ls -al" dann siehst du am ende die zeile mit .Xauthority, was steht da vor der zeile?
[17:55] <ria_> nach den anmelden bleibt der Bildschirm schwartz
[17:57] <k1l> einloggen wo?
[17:58] <ria_> user
[17:58] <ria_> gnome
[17:58] <k1l> ich rede nicht von gnome.
[17:58] <k1l> ich rede vom tty1, also wenn du strg+alt+f1 drückst
[17:58] <ria_> jetzt habe ich Einkommen ofen
[17:59] <k1l> ich versuche gerade zu erfahren ob es ein einfach zu behebender fehler ist. wenn alleine diese 1zu1 anleitung schon zu schwer ist weiß ich nicht wie wir andere probleme lösen könnten
[17:59] <ria_> noch directory, loggen in Witz HOME
[18:00] <k1l> ria_: das hat so keinen sinn :/
[18:00] <ria_> ins gesamt 108
[18:01] <dreamon> Weiß jemand wie man bei Ubuntu 14.10 cinnamon das Touchpad vom Tippen=Klicken befreit? Ich habs im System deaktiviert auch mit gpointing device hab ichs deaktviert. Dan geht es .. aber nach reboot wieder aktiviert. jemand eine IDEE?
ria_: wenn ja dann mach dort bitte mal ein "ls -al" und guck ob die .Xauthority root:root oder deinem user:user gehört
[18:01] <k1l> ria_: einfachste arbeitsanweisung! wenn du das nicht hinbekommst dann frag mal besser jemanden in deiner umgebung ob er dir direkt helfen kann.
[18:04] <ria_> keine Zeile mit Xauthority
[18:06] <ria_> rot root
[18:06] <ria_> root root meine ich
[18:07] <k1l> was gibt dir "whoami"?
[18:08] <ria_> ri
[18:08] <ria_> user
[18:08] <k1l> also ist dein usernamen "ri"?
[18:08] <ria_> ja
[18:09] <k1l> dann bitte folgendes eintippen: "sudo chown ri:ri .Xauthority" exact diesen befehl, gorß-kleinschreibung ist auch wichtig
[18:12] <ria_> .Xauthority nicht möglich Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
[18:14] <k1l> boote mal ein live-usb/cd ubuntu und komm wieder hier her. wir brauchen die logfiles um zu wissen was da abgeht
[18:16] <ria_> gebootet
[18:17] <k1l> mounte die platte im nautilus und paste die logs: dmesg und syslog. aus dem verzeichnis /var/log aus der platte in einen pastebin
[18:17] <k1l> !paste
[18:17] <kubine> k1l: Nicht selbst geschriebener Text wird im IRC sehr unleserlich und unhandlich. Deshalb sollten mehr als 3 Zeilen immer in einen sogenannten Nopaste-Service wie z.B. abgelegt werden. Nach dem Speichern kannst du dann die URL der Seite kopieren und sie statt des Textes hier im Channel posten.
[18:24] <ubuntu-gnome> k1l:
[18:24] <kubine> ubuntu-gnome: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[18:25] <ubuntu-gnome> k1l: ubuntu-gnome=ri
[18:27] <ubuntu-gnome> k1l:
[18:28] <kubine> ubuntu-gnome: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[18:29] <k1l> ist das von /var/log von der hdd oder vom /var/log des live systems?
[18:29] <ubuntu-gnome> ich habe live system
[18:31] <k1l> zeig mal bitte ein "sudo fdisk -l" in einem pastebin (hinten ein kleines L). und dann noch ein "mount" dazupacken
[18:33] <ubuntu-gnome> k1l:
[18:33] <kubine> ubuntu-gnome: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[18:35] <ubuntu-gnome> k1l:
[18:35] <kubine> ubuntu-gnome: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[18:41] <k1l> ok, sind gpt platten. nutze bitte mal "sudo parted -l"
[18:43] <ubuntu-gnome> k1l:
[18:43] <kubine> ubuntu-gnome: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[18:44] <k1l> ok. also vorneweg: ubuntu ist auf sdb1 und sdb2 installiert
[18:45] <ubuntu-gnome> ubutnu ist auf sda instaliert
[18:45] <k1l> nein
[18:45] <k1l> oh warte, da ist noch eine ext4 partition
[18:45] <ubuntu-gnome> das home soll auf sdb1
[18:46] <k1l> dann geh mal bitte in /media/ubuntu-gnome/0a86e6be-49d1-44e1-8fbb-dc2f53cc786d/var/log/ und pastbin das dmesg von dort
[18:49] <ubuntu-gnome> k1l:
[18:49] <kubine> ubuntu-gnome: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[18:51] <k1l> nee, nicht "dmesg" eingeben, das liest immer nur das dmesg vom live system aus. gib mal "cat dmesg" ein
[18:54] <ubuntu-gnome> k1l:
[18:54] <kubine> ubuntu-gnome: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[18:57] <k1l> ok, jetzt bitte ein "cat /media/ubuntu-gnome/0a86e6be-49d1-44e1-8fbb-dc2f53cc786d/etc/fstab"
[18:59] <ubuntu-gnome> k1l:
[18:59] <kubine> ubuntu-gnome: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
[19:00] <k1l> erm, steht das da genau so? gerade die letzte zeile endet bei "ext4"?
[19:01] <ubuntu-gnome> ja
[19:02] <k1l> lass mal bitte den befehl laufen "sudo lsblk -f | nc 9999" und paste den link hier
[19:03] <k1l> hast du versucht die home partition manuell anzulegen? oder etwas händisch an der fstab geändert?
[19:04] <ubuntu-gnome> ja
[19:04] <ubuntu-gnome> ubuntu wiki
[19:04] <k1l> ah ok, das erklärt die kaputte letzte zeile. die funktioniert so nämlich nicht
[19:04] <ubuntu-gnome> k1l:
[19:07] <k1l> ok. dann öffne bitte mal die fstab mit "sudo nano /media/ubuntu-gnome/0a86e6be-49d1-44e1-8fbb-dc2f53cc786d/etc/fstab" und lösche die letzte zeile und gib dort folgendes ein "UUID=b7ad5dfc-cfc0-4515-a122-17108b9d4994 /home ext4 noatime,defaults 0 2"
[19:07] <k1l> dann strg+o zum speichern und strg+x zum beenden.
[19:11] <ubuntu-gnome> mit" oder ohne
[19:11] <k1l> ohne die " einfügen.
[19:11] <k1l> die mache ich nur um zu zeigen was alles ins terminal muss
[19:11] <ubuntu-gnome> ok erledigt
[19:12] <ubuntu-gnome> neu booten
[19:12] <k1l> warte
[19:12] <k1l> was ist auf sdb1?
[19:12] <ubuntu-gnome> home
[19:13] <k1l> von einem alten install?
[19:13] <ubuntu-gnome> ja
[19:13] <k1l> ok. dann versuchs mal
[19:14] <ubuntu-gnome> ok danke für deine hilfe
[19:38] <ri> k1l:bist noch da?
[19:55] <k1l> ri: zwischendurch, ja
[19:55] <ri> nein
[19:57] <ri> habe jetzt ein neue Jinstalation leider kein ervolk
[20:02] <ri> k1l:im ich habe eine Zeile mit ext error=remount-ro 0 1 im fatal ist das ok?
[20:03] <ri> ich meine im fstab
[20:04] <k1l> wie heisst die zeile genau?
[20:04] <k1l> das hatten wir doch eben erledigt.
[20:05] <ri> dass eine andere fest platte nummer
[20:06] <k1l> du sprichst in rätseln
[20:06] <ri> ich habe eine neue instalation
[20:07] <ri> im fstab ist die home platte richtig declariert
[20:07] <ri> so wie wir es gemacht haben
[20:08] <ri> die error betrifft eine andere
[20:09] <k1l> welcher error genau?
[20:10] <k1l> ich weiß ja nicht, was du da die ganze zeit rumfummelst und wie und was etc. deswegen musst du das hier schon genau erklären
[20:11] <ri> ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
[20:13] <ri> Das betrift die instalation platte
[20:13] <k1l> das legt der installer doch an
[20:13] <k1l> ich versteh dein problem nichtmal
[20:16] <ri> ich habe eine neue instalatio, und ich will das alte home der sich auf eine zweite Platte befindet verwendenden
[20:17] <k1l> ok
[20:17] <k1l> und wo ist das problem? das mit dem home hatten wir doch eben geregetl
[20:17] <ri> Das Problem ich komme nicht in das grafische gnome
[20:17] <k1l> bist du jetzt in dem ubuntu?
[20:18] <ri> anmelden warten dann will er wieder anmelden
[20:18] <ri> nein
[20:18] <k1l> in strg+alt+f1 einloggen und dann "ls -al"
[20:19] <k1l> da sollte ziemlich alles ri:ri gehören (bis auf .gvfs z.b.) aber vor allem .Xauthority sollte nicht root:root gehören
[20:20] <ri> ich sehe keine Zeile mit Xautority
[20:21] <k1l> "ls -al | nc 9999"
[20:22] <ri> habe ich
[20:23] <k1l> hat es nen link ausgespuckt? dann bitte den hier zeigen
[20:24] <ri>
[20:24] <k1l> ja super. du hast ein verschlüsseltes home
[20:25] <k1l> da bin ich raus.
[20:25] <ri> wiso
[20:25] <ri> Wie so
[20:26] <k1l> weil das nicht meine baustelle ist. vielleicht können dir hier andere helfen. oder frag mal im forum auf
[20:27] <ri> Oktober ich Danke dir viel mal
[20:27] <ri> Ok ich Danke dir viel mal | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.329597 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-de"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-uy | [00:49] <ubuntero> hola
[00:49] <ubuntero> soy luis
[00:49] <ubuntero> necesito una mano
[00:50] <ubuntero> alguien que sepa instalar elastix en ubuntu el cual lo tengo en un vps
[00:52] <luis_> hola
[00:52] <luis_> alguien encara con elastix
[00:53] <luis_> ??????????????????????????????????
[00:55] <ubuntero> hola
[00:55] <ubuntero> ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[00:57] <ubuntero> como es esto
[00:57] <ubuntero> hola
[00:57] <ubuntero> nadie ??????????????????????????????
[01:00] <ubuntero> hola
[01:01] <ubuntero> nadie
[01:02] <ubuntero> hola
[01:02] <ubuntero>
[01:02] <ubuntero>
[01:02] <ubuntero> hola gente
[01:02] <ubuntero> necesito una mano
[01:03] <ubuntero> con elastix
[01:03] <ubuntero> alguien encara el tema
[01:03] <ubuntero> o sea lo quiero instalar sobre ubuntu
[01:06] <ubuntero> elastix
[02:17] <ubuntero> hola
[02:17] <ubuntero> alguien por ahi
[02:19] <magu42> hola
[02:20] <ubuntero> hola magu
[02:20] <ubuntero> manejas elastix ???
[02:20] <magu42> nop
[02:20] <ubuntero> bien gracias
[02:20] <ubuntero> alguien que sepa de elastix
[02:21] <ubuntero> o sea como corro elastix sobre ubuntu, es mi consulta
[02:21] <magu42> el numero uno en uruguay es heliux ferreira , pero hace mucho que no entra acá
[02:21] <ubuntero> se encuentra por otro medio ?
[02:21] <magu42> hace mucho que no lo veo , no sé donde anda ahora
[02:21] <ubuntero> ok
[03:19] <ubuntero> elastix le suena a alfuien
[03:19] <ubuntero> alguien
[23:28] <ubuntero> hola
[23:29] <ubuntero> alguien online ??? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.335855 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-uy"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-autopilot | [21:38] <Zolotkey{iPad}> When I try to install the ppa repo I get the error to check to make sure I am using the correct name or format. however I am copy/pasting from the FAQs
[21:40] <Zolotkey{iPad}> anyone have any suggestions?
[21:42] <veebers> Zolotkey{iPad}: which ppa string are you using?
[21:42] <Zolotkey{iPad}> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:autopilot/ppa && sudo apt-get update
[21:43] <balloons> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:autopilot/1.5 && sudo apt-get update
[21:43] <balloons>
[21:43] <veebers> Zolotkey{iPad}: it appears that the faq is out of date
[21:43] * veebers files a bug
[21:44] <Zolotkey{iPad}> Thank you, I knew IRC would be the best place to do this
[21:46] <balloons> sorry for the troubles Zolotkey{iPad} !
[21:46] <Zolotkey{iPad}> no problem :)
[22:29] <Zolotkey{iPad}> one more quick question, does Autopilot work on 12.04?
[22:44] <balloons> you are limited to an older version.. so, not really
[22:45] <Zolotkey{iPad}> What version do you know?
[22:45] <Zolotkey{iPad}> Would it be better to install it from source on a 12.04 system?
[22:47] <balloons> it requires some newer stuff.. you would get 1.2 perhaps? it's in the repos
[22:48] <Zolotkey{iPad}> okay
[22:53] <balloons> Zolotkey{iPad}, I lie, heh.. It's not in 12.04 at all:
[22:54] <Zolotkey{iPad}> if I added the ppa would it work?
[22:54] <balloons> there's no packages built for it
[22:55] <balloons> you might be able to find an old 1.2 version.. but you are probably right on grabbing the source and installing it
[22:55] <Zolotkey{iPad}> okay
[22:56] <balloons> would be interesting to see what happens. I suspect 1.5 won't work, but maybe 1.4 will?
[22:59] <Zolotkey{iPad}> Okay well I will give that a try
[23:26] <veebers> Zolotkey{iPad}, balloons: I doubt that it will work (needs some much newer things) but I'm very interested to see if it does :-) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.341274 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-autopilot"
} |
2015-04-14-#kubuntu-se | [21:13] <Flygisoft> Hej på dig Philip5
[22:24] <Philip5> Flygisoft: nattsuddar du? :D | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.342747 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu-se"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-bugs | [15:40] <codeic_> hi, can I get some info on tracker-extract errors?
[15:40] <codeic_> what's with that bug? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.343494 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-bugs"
} |
2015-04-14-#cloud-init | [11:15] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: We've been asked to stop updating the hostname on reboot on Azure, but still set it at first boot (and when we bounce the connection).
[11:15] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: We can do this using update_hostname; is there any way that cloud.cfg.d can stop update_hostname from running?
[11:20] <Odd_Bloke> s/using/by disabling/
[12:39] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, sure. you can remove it from the list of modules.
[12:39] <smoser> but i thought it should only do it if you had not changed it.
[13:24] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: This is the issue where Azure only want hostname set on first boot.
[13:24] <Odd_Bloke> s/set/set to the value they provide/
[13:25] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: So update_hostname does explicitly the opposite of what Azure want. :p
[13:28] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: So can I pop something off the cloud_init_modules list in cloud.cfg.d (or the data source?), or would I have to redefine the entire list?
[13:28] <Odd_Bloke> (Or just modify cloud.cfg)
[14:16] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, you have to redefine the entire list.
[14:16] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, but above, only set to the value they provide on first boot.
[14:17] <smoser> i *think* htats the behavior you get.
[14:17] <smoser> ie, boot, changes from ubuntu to some azure-provided name
[14:17] <smoser> if the user modifies /etc/hostname subsequently, it shouldnt do this agian
[14:17] <smoser> as it checks to see if the previous version is different than the current
[14:17] <smoser> and if it is, then doesn't do it.
[14:17] <Odd_Bloke> Hmm, I don't _think_ that's what I've been seeing.
[14:18] <Odd_Bloke> But I might have been bitten by that race condition.
[14:18] <Odd_Bloke> So I'll check again before I do anything else.
[14:18] <smoser> hm.. i dont see it either.. wher eis that.. i know i did that somewher.e
[14:19] <smoser> ah. update_hostname does that. but set_hostname does not.
[14:20] <smoser> update_hostname is PER_ALWAYS
[14:20] <smoser> set_hostname is PER_INSTANCE
[14:37] <devicenull>
[14:37] <devicenull> is there anything I can do to actually get this patch applied?
[14:42] <Odd_Bloke> devicenull: Lennert says that he worked around this problem by installing a different version of cloud-init; does that mean that this patch has been applied downstream in Fedora/EPEL?
[14:43] <devicenull> I don't see any relevant patches in the epel rpm for this
[14:47] <devicenull> hah
[14:47] <devicenull> the epel rpm "works" because it doesn't know about centos 7 using systemd
[14:47] <devicenull> so it falls back to the old working method
[14:51] <Odd_Bloke> <3
[14:52] <Odd_Bloke> devicenull: Your best bet is probably to open up a merge proposal in to lp:cloud-init with your change as a commit.
[14:53] <devicenull> ok
[15:35] <smoser> devicenull, yeah, open a MP. i can pull it fairly quickly as it looks sane. i'd *like* a non-name-based approach to "does this use systemd"
[15:37] <devicenull> will do
[19:48] <harlowja> arg, smoser stackforge cloud-init is behind like by 100+ patches :(
[19:48] <harlowja> suck
[19:48] <harlowja> *behind bzr
[19:48] <harlowja> on the 0.7.x branch...
[19:50] <harlowja>
[19:50] <harlowja> poopy
[19:50] * harlowja wonder how we can get all those in without 155 openstack reviews, lol
[19:51] <harlowja> oddly not all 155 just cleanily apploy
[19:51] <harlowja> *apply
[19:51] <harlowja> which is weird
[19:51] <harlowja> smoser how did u make initially?
[19:52] * harlowja doesn't make sense that those patches wouldn't apply (since they came from git<->bzr layer)
[19:52] <harlowja> 0047-Remove-a-comment-turd.patch
[19:52] <harlowja> lol
[19:52] <harlowja> 0051-Remove-debugging-turd.patch
[19:52] <harlowja> lol
[19:53] <smoser> i used bzr fast export / git fast import probably
[19:53] <harlowja> hmmm, intersting
[19:54] <harlowja> maybe i should try that vs (or simiar)
[19:55] <harlowja> hmmm
[20:02] <harlowja> weird, ya, still doesn't cleanly apply, oddness
[20:03] <harlowja> seemingly weird that that happens at all...
[20:05] <smoser> yeah, that is odd
[20:05] <harlowja> def
[21:52] <devicenull> actually, I'm looking at this again and I can't figure out how update_hostname is supposed to work
[21:52] <devicenull> based on "LOG.debug("%s differs from %s, assuming user maintained hostname.","
[21:53] <devicenull> I assume it's not supposed to update the hostname if it's different from what it expects (cloud-init set the hostname once, then the user changed it)
[21:53] <devicenull> but that doesn't seem to be what the code does
[21:53] <devicenull> is my assumption that it's not supposed to be overwriting user changes correct?
[22:09] <harlowja> user changes being something out of band updating the hostname?
[22:09] <harlowja> i forget what the code is doing, but maybe is what u sy
[22:09] <harlowja> *say
[23:04] <devicenull> yea
[23:05] <devicenull> it looks like a bug tbh, I'll be looking into it more tomorrow
[23:27] <harlowja> k
[23:49] <harlowja> smoser arg, got closer
[23:49] <harlowja>
[23:49] <harlowja> did we turn on the ccla check in that repo :-/
[23:49] <harlowja> or need other way to make it ignore the committer...
[23:50] <harlowja> but nearly got it to work, ha | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.348179 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#cloud-init"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-nz | [08:16] <mwhudson> morning
[19:42] <olly> morning | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.349316 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-nz"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-meeting | [16:01] <gaughen> it's me this week running the server mtg!
[16:01] <smoser> o/
[16:01] <gaughen> just need a couple more minutes to context switch
[16:01] <gaughen> (and pull up the irc commands)
[16:02] <gaughen> the internet is not being kind to me today... super slow
[16:02] <matsubara> o/
[16:02] <gaughen> and I know you all are SUPER anxious to get started and talk about all the fabulous server topics
[16:02] <coreycb> o/
[16:04] <gaughen> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team
[16:04] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Apr 14 16:04:04 2015 UTC. The chair is gaughen. Information about MeetBot at
[16:04] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
[16:04] <gaughen> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[16:04] <gaughen> okay y'all, let's get going. 1st up is to review action points.
[16:04] <gaughen> jamespage, the only followup was for you - to provide feedback on bugs 1425288 and 1425128
[16:05] <gaughen> jamespage, I don't see comments on either bugs from you, so I would say that action point is still needed and this is your reminder to provide feedback on those bugs.
[16:05] <gaughen> okay, moving on to vivid development
[16:05] <gaughen> #topic Vivid Development
[16:05] <gaughen> #link
[16:06] <jamespage> o/
[16:06] <gaughen> final freeze is Thursday
[16:06] <gaughen> and the release is next week
[16:06] <gaughen> smoser, rbasak, strikov, hallyn_ anything hot that we should discuss leading up to the release?
[16:07] <hallyn_> there's some lxc issues, but discussion isn' twhat's needed
[16:07] <gaughen> hallyn_, just fixing?
[16:07] <hallyn_> yes
[16:07] <smoser> nice.
[16:07] <gaughen> okay, then I'll move on
[16:07] <rbasak> I've also been busy fixing things but nothing to raise.
[16:07] <gaughen> thanks guys
[16:07] <strikov> juju-1.23 (most likely) won't be ready until the release; so i'm packaging 1.22.1 for both vivid and trusty
[16:08] <smoser> utlemming / Odd_bloke moight have a bug in azure cloud-init
[16:08] <smoser> i'll follow up there.
[16:08] <gaughen> strikov, I was thinking about that and will send email, but we should talk about what we want to document about juju-1.22 and the local provider
[16:08] <gaughen> #subtopic Release Bugs
[16:08] <gaughen> #link
[16:08] <gaughen> let's look at that link....
[16:09] <gaughen> rbasak, you're looking at this one right -
[16:09] <gaughen> if I recall correctly this is the one that hallyn_ pulled you, rbasak, into
[16:09] <rbasak> I don't feel I have any action to take on that bug.
[16:10] <rbasak> I need a patch that is confirmed to work and not break things on other architectures.
[16:10] <gaughen> ah I see comment #4 where you said that, rbasak :-)
[16:10] <rbasak> Usually this means upstream acceptance for something this complicated.
[16:11] <hallyn_> looks like dannf proposed a patch,
[16:11] <gaughen> rbasak, is it worth touching base with dannf to see if he's pushing this along?
[16:12] <strikov> gaughen: patch is related to reworking locking primitives which means that the fact that it fixes exact issue doesn't mean that it won't break anything else (unexpectedly).
[16:12] <hallyn_> right
[16:12] <gaughen> strikov, good point.
[16:12] <strikov> gaughen: it means that we either need to have good enough test suite or (better) wait for upstreaming the change
[16:13] <gaughen> strikov, rbasak I'm wondering if I should reach out to Norvald or Ahkil on this
[16:13] <gaughen> anyhow, let's keep this mtg moving
[16:14] <rbasak> Thanks strikov - you summarised my concerns well.
[16:14] <gaughen> smoser, looks like you've got one on the list -
[16:14] <gaughen> just reminding you
[16:14] <rbasak> We can speak to Norvald/Akhil though I'm not sure what their goals are around ppc64.
[16:14] <gaughen> #subtopic Blueprints
[16:14] <gaughen> #link
[16:14] <gaughen> #link
[16:15] <gaughen> not much to say here now. If a task isn't done, it's really too late for the release. We should make sure things are cleaned up and I'll work to create new w blueprints so we can start populating for next release
[16:15] <smoser> gaughen, i'll fix bug. hopefully that will be fixed in 15.10.
[16:16] <gaughen> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)
[16:16] <gaughen> doesn't seem like caribou is online today
[16:16] <gaughen> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (matsubara)
[16:16] <matsubara> I have identified the root cause for most of the smoke test failures and filed bug reports for each one of them. They are bug 1443987, bug 1443988, bug 1443990, bug 1443997 and bug 1443999
[16:16] <gaughen> excellent.
[16:16] <matsubara> that's all from me.
[16:17] <gaughen> thanks matsubara
[16:17] <gaughen> matsubara, any of them particular urgent?
[16:17] <gaughen> particularly
[16:17] <rbasak> doesn't look good
[16:17] * gaughen hopes the caffeine kicks in soon so I can spell
[16:18] <rbasak> Need to check if that's valid.
[16:18] <matsubara> I'll be fixing the first 4 ones and proposing the changes to the test cases. The lvm one still needs proper analysis
[16:18] <smoser> the other 3 are arguably test case failures.
[16:18] <smoser> their failures suck in that we aren't able to actually verify what they want.
[16:18] <smoser> but they're not bugs themeselves in anything but the test cases.
[16:19] <gaughen> good point smoser
[16:19] <gaughen> okay keeping things moving. great discussion gusy.
[16:19] <gaughen> guys
[16:19] <rbasak> smoser: I agree except for maybe 988.
[16:19] <gaughen> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)
[16:20] <gaughen> not sure the kernel folks are on today as they are sprinting and I hear the wifi isn't so fabulous
[16:20] <gaughen> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events
[16:20] <gaughen> smoser, you're presenting at a lug this week, aren't you?
[16:21] <smoser> indeed
[16:21] <smoser>
[16:21] <gaughen> oh tonight!
[16:21] <gaughen> smoser, will it be recorded? I thought a previous one was recorded.
[16:21] <smoser> yeah, book your flight.
[16:21] <gaughen> :-)
[16:21] <smoser> it probalby will be recorde
[16:22] <gaughen> any other events?
[16:22] <gaughen> nope. moving on ....
[16:22] <gaughen> #topic Open Discussion
[16:22] <gaughen> anything else to talk about today?
[16:22] <gaughen> #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair
[16:22] <gaughen> smoser, you are the chair next week!
[16:23] <gaughen> same bat time, same bat channel (same time, same day, same irc channel but next week)
[16:23] <gaughen> thanks all!
[16:23] <smoser> awesome.
[16:23] <gaughen> #endmeeting
[16:23] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Apr 14 16:23:32 2015 UTC.
[16:23] <meetingology> Minutes:
[16:23] <gaughen> and you know smoser first thing I do is make sure to update the names ;-) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.354368 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-meeting"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-gnome | [05:08] <mem11> darkxst, I've verified the AutoLogin issue from yesterday. Your comments about custom.conf being commented out by default is valid, sometimes. When user chooses "Login automatically" on install, those comments are removed, thus enabling AutoLogin and TimedLogin. And when you turn off the auto login, TimedLogin stays on...
[06:41] <darkxst> mem11, file a bug
[06:48] <mem11> darkxst, where?
[06:53] <mem11> This address is nowhere to be found on the webpage and wiki
[06:58] <darkxst> mem11, use ubuntu-bug command
[06:59] <darkxst> probably those settings are handled by gnome-settings-daemon
[06:59] <mgedmin> not gdm?
[07:00] <darkxst> mgedmin, I think he is talking about changes that are occuring via g-c-c?
[07:00] <mgedmin> oh right, gdm reads these; something else writes them
[07:00] <mgedmin> not gnome-control-center itself?
[07:01] <mem11> darkxst, ubuntu-bug <package-name> : what should I file against?
[07:01] <darkxst> mgedmin, could be either really, didnt actually check
[07:02] <darkxst> mem11, I just told you!
[07:03] <mem11> all right. i'll do it later, as i'm on a different machine
[07:04] <mem11> isn't there a web-based tracker somewhere?
[07:05] <mgedmin>, but ubuntu-bug attaches various bits of relevant system information such as package versions and config settings
[07:05] <mgedmin> so it's better to use the tool
[07:06] <mgedmin> (in theory you can file a bug now and then use apport-collect to collect and upload the extra info later)
[07:06] <darkxst> accountsservices edits the config file
[07:07] <darkxst> however I can't find any code that would enable TimedLogin
[07:08] <darkxst> unless its a regex in ubiquity
[07:10] <mem11> I think it's only during installation. When you don't select "Login Auto..." during install and then modify AutoLogin=False, the commented sections are all there and my change is appended in the file. Hope I'm being clear.
[07:11] <mem11> Nevermind, I'll make a proper bug report later on. Thanks people.
[07:13] <darkxst> yes its ubiquity
[07:13] <darkxst> AutologinParameters="AutomaticLoginEnable=true\n\
[07:13] <darkxst> AutomaticLogin=$USER\n\
[07:13] <darkxst> TimedLoginEnable=true\n\
[07:13] <darkxst> TimedLogin=$USER\n\
[07:13] <darkxst> TimedLoginDelay=10"
[07:14] <darkxst> mem11, if you disable autologin in gnome-control-center is it still broken?
[07:15] <darkxst> my guess is that wont touch the "TimedLogin" keys either though
[07:15] <mem11> Yes, that's it.
[07:16] <mem11> TimedLogin isn't changed back.
[07:16] <darkxst> mem11, ok, file bug against ubiquity, TimedLogin probably doesnt need to be ever set
[07:17] <darkxst> its probably old code from GNOME2 days
[07:17] <mem11> Ok, ubiquity. Thanks.
[07:20] <mem11> Looks like it's been reported couple of months ago actually:
[07:22] <mem11> Someone responded that "it's not a security bug" :-/ He probably knows better huh?
[07:24] <darkxst> mem11, physical access to a machine does not count as a security bug
[07:24] <darkxst> (its ridiculously easy to get root access on any linux machine)
[07:25] <darkxst> unless its an encrypted system
[07:25] <mem11> When /home is encrypted, you need password anyway...
[07:26] <darkxst> you can still get at the root filesystem then
[07:30] <darkxst> hmm I don't know where that code comes from, seems to be imported into ubiquity at build time
[07:37] <darkxst> seens to be user-setup
[07:40] <darkxst> this is crap, ubuntu patch the upstream code directly in that package
[07:40] <darkxst> it has completely diverged from the debian source
[07:45] <mem11> how do you track all those sources?
[07:59] <darkxst> mem11, track what? is useful
[07:59] <darkxst> normally ubuntu patches are applied over debian code with quilt | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.360771 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-gnome"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-x | [07:38] <furkan> is there any reason why i shouldn't be able to build Mesa from git on Ubuntu 14.04? i narrowed down my bug to between Mesa 10.1.3 and 10.3.2
[07:39] <furkan> and i'm using the instructions from here to build Mesa from git:
[07:39] <furkan> it builds fine and i'm able to install it to /opt/xorg and point my LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH environment variable to it
[07:40] <furkan> but then when i try to log in, unity fails to launch and i just get kicked back to the lightdm greeter
[07:40] <furkan> i couldn't really find anything useful in the logs that i looked at
[07:41] <furkan> i thought maybe i need to apply the ubuntu patches, but i'm not sure how to go about doing that
[11:24] <tjaalton> shouldn't need anything special
[16:22] <furkan> based on that guide, i did "./ --prefix=/opt/xorg --with-dri-drivers="radeon" --with-gallium-drivers="radeonsi,swrast" --with-dri-driverdir=/opt/xorg/lib/dri/"
[16:23] <furkan> and then make, followed by make install
[16:23] <furkan> and when i try "ldconfig -p | grep" the libraries from /opt/xorg show up first
[16:24] <furkan> but when i try glxinfo i get "glxinfo: symbol lookup error: /opt/xorg/lib/ undefined symbol: __glX_tls_Context"
[16:24] <furkan> i also tried adding --enable-glx-tls to the autogen script, but no difference
[16:26] <furkan> googling the error gives me 2 results from #dri-devel IRC logs lol
[16:53] <tjaalton> ldd /opt/xorg/lib/
[16:55] <tjaalton> xorg log too
[17:05] <furkan> tjaalton: here's the first
[17:06] <furkan> and the second:
[17:06] <furkan> i get the same __glX_tls_Context error in the xorg log
[17:24] <tjaalton> --enable-glx-tls for mesa
[17:27] <tjaalton> since the xserver is built with it
[17:33] <furkan> tjaalton: yeah, i included that, you mean with right?
[17:33] <furkan> (mentioned above)
[17:34] <tjaalton> yes
[17:35] <tjaalton> oh, I see
[17:39] <tjaalton> forgot to run make install perhaps
[17:39] <furkan> can't be, i ran that too, and i can verify that it copies everything into /opt/xorg
[17:42] <furkan> yeah i just tried it again to make sure it was putting everything in the right place, it's all going straight in /opt/xorg
[17:42] <furkan> is it possible that ubuntu just ignores those?
[17:43] <tjaalton> no
[17:44] <furkan> and the configuration in that guide is still up to date?
[17:44] <furkan> i created the file /etc/
[17:44] <furkan> put "/opt/xorg/lib" in it, and ran ldconfig
[17:45] <furkan> and setting the LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/opt/xorg/lib/dri/ environment variable
[17:46] <furkan> but if i'm understanding right, that part may be unnecessary if using the --enable-glx-tls flag
[17:46] <furkan> "Problem with this configuration is that AIGLX doesn't respect it. This means that compiz doesn't get advantage of new driver.
[17:46] <furkan> It is possible to get the new libGL and dri drivers used without setting LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH:"
[17:52] <tjaalton> dunno
[17:59] <tjaalton> you probably need to remove /etc/
[17:59] <tjaalton> or at least try with that elsewhere
[18:05] <furkan> tjaalton: i'll give that a shot
[18:05] <furkan> i've got it narrowed down to between 10.2 and 10.3.2 now
[18:06] <furkan> since i just noticed Maarten had a 10.2 build in trusty-proposed
[18:22] <furkan> tjaalton: i think that fixed it dude...
[18:22] <furkan> glxinfo doesn't throw the error anymore
[18:22] * furkan tries restarting X
[18:26] <furkan> this is so weird
[18:27] <furkan> when i put that file in, X starts in low graphics mode
[18:27] <furkan> i removed it, but left the LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH environment variable intact
[18:27] <furkan> now it runs fine
[18:27] <furkan> and:
[18:28] <furkan> furkan@furkan-trusty:~$ LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep so$
[18:28] <furkan> libGL: OpenDriver: trying /opt/xorg/lib/dri//tls/
[18:28] <furkan> libGL: OpenDriver: trying /opt/xorg/lib/dri//
[18:28] <furkan> that double-slash looks weird
[18:28] <furkan> but i also get "OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 10.2.1 (git-1b69ea1)"
[18:28] <furkan> which is what i just built
[18:47] <tjaalton> nice
[20:42] <furkan> tjaalton: i think i found the bad commit
[20:42] <furkan> "4a5519f1e019dbf1103e4f3abe0a695637a87518 is the first bad commit"
[20:42] <furkan> r600g,radeonsi: set correct initial domain for shared resources
[20:44] <furkan> i've got a but report filed @ freedesktop and was asked to do the bisect, so we'll see if it gets fixed | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.365629 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-x"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-server | [00:01] <sarnold> superboot: ?
[01:09] <storrgie> In 14.04 is it advisable to install mariadb from the base repositories or use their repository?
[01:10] <sarnold> storrgie: base repo is probably fine, one of our users (otto) does a good job keeping up on security fixes
[01:10] <sarnold> storrgie: though feel free to use their repository if you'd feel better about that
[01:16] <storrgie> sarnold, hypothetical, if someone was able to gain underprivileged user access, say through wordpress (if I have a php or wordpress user to run their garbage code), would that user be able to see the crontab, or is that a root only thing?
[01:16] <storrgie> I ask because I typically do this on my mariadb installs: @weekly mysqlcheck -o --user=root --password=<your password here> -A
[01:20] <sarnold> storrgie: that should be safe
[01:20] <storrgie> sarnold, along those same lines, whats the convention for installing something like wordpress? I always just make a wordpress user and chown the wp install directory(s) with that user account
[01:20] <sarnold> storrgie: the crontabs are stored in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/, which has restrictive permissions, and the individual files have restrictive permissions, too;
[01:21] <sarnold> storrgie: that's a good approach; especially if you make sure the user running the webserver / wordpress executables doesn't have write access to its own files
[01:23] <storrgie> sarnold, isn't there a way to pass an arg when you make the user account that makes it a 'system' account effectively iwth no home directory?
[01:24] <storrgie> sarnold, is there a guide on hardening nginx that you'd recommend?
[01:24] <storrgie> sorry with all the questions, I still have more
[01:25] <storrgie> is fail2ban considered useful or is there alternatives that are better?
[01:26] <sarnold> storrgie: hmm, adduser seems to create homedirs even with --system ... that's probably n ot terrible though, only things that use getent(3) would care. You could set the permissions on its directory to forbid it from writing in the directory, if you wish
[01:26] <sarnold> storrgie: nginx hardening is best asked to teward ^^
[01:27] <storrgie> teward, sir are you present?
[01:27] <sarnold> storrgie: and some people do like fail2ban, I think it's better to just turn off password authentication once your keys are on the system, and avoid bruteforce password searches entirely that way, but blocking those hosts via iptables isn't a bad idea
[01:27] <sarnold> storrgie: ufw can also do rate limiting, which may help avoid need for fail2ban too
[01:28] <sarnold> storrgie: .. I'm just reluctant to run scripts as root on data supplied by attackers, even if the log files "should" be safe ...
[01:36] <storrgie> sarnold, thats a good point
[01:37] <storrgie> I've already installed it, is it easy to remove (will it leave system cruft)? I'm already using key based auth and a diff port
[01:37] <sarnold> storrgie: apt-get purge will clean up config files too
[01:40] <storrgie> I like the ufw limit a lot more
[01:47] <storrgie> sarnold, just installed php5 and php5-fpm, do you know where the php.ini file is located now days?
[01:48] <storrgie> on fedora/centos its /etc/php.ini
[01:49] <storrgie> sarnold, nvm, found it at: sudo vim /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
[04:19] <lxus_> Evening folks, having a few issues with ubuntu server. for some reason when i try to boot normally the boot fails and the process restarts. the message i keep getting is / boot terminated with error 1
[04:19] <lxus_> any clues?
[04:19] <lxus_> However when i boot into recovery and continue normal boot i lets me into console :|
[05:25] <fattywumpus> apologies to those that just saw this on #ubuntu, how are most folks managing user accounts/ids/groups on 20+ systems. ldap?
[05:25] <fattywumpus> or just synchronizing passwd/shadow/etc
[05:27] <jpds_> fattywumpus: Probably using LDAP at that point.
[05:30] <jpds_> fattywumpus: Another method would be to use something like puppet to roll out user accounts.
[05:31] <fattywumpus> jpds_: that's what i was wondering, if folks are digging into that route these days. it's been a few years and i've done ldap a few times
[05:31] <fattywumpus> haven't tried any of the cool new tools for managing users
[05:31] <jpds_> I hear freeipa is good.
[05:33] <fattywumpus> whoa, never heard of it, looks interesting..thanks!
[06:09] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:19] <megapixel> Hello
[07:20] <megapixel> Please give me command line for format root sda
[07:20] <megapixel> debian
[07:26] <Sling> megapixel: you want to remove the current partitions on your /dev/sda disk and create a new one, or?
[07:26] <megapixel> yes
[07:27] <Sling> you could use 'fdisk' or 'sfdisk' for that
[07:27] <Sling> sfdisk is probably easiest
[07:28] <Sling> although it doesn't understand GPT
[07:28] <Sling> there is also 'parted'
[08:23] <linuxmint> Hello?
[08:23] <linuxmint> Is there a grep command to search for a line of code, as I can't find the file containing the code?
[08:37] <Walex> linuxmint: yes
[08:48] <halvors> I'm trying to setup dovecot with sieve and a default script in the path: /var/lib/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve. But when an email arrives i get the following error: Error: sieve: main script: failed to stat sieve script: stat(/var/lib/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve) failed: Permission denied (euid=1011( egid=1004( missing +x perm: /var/lib/dovecot, we're not in group 0(root), dir owned by 0:0 mode=0750)
[08:48] <halvors> I understand that this is a permission problem somehow, but what user is supposed to own it?
[08:54] <Walex> halvors: also "missing +x perm"
[09:01] <halvors> i did chmod +x default.sieve
[09:01] <halvors> Walex: But what user should be the owner of the default.sieve file?
[09:07] <Walex> that depends on which user is running the dovecot and/or sieve processes.
[09:08] <Walex> halvors: also note that the 'sieve' process needs to traverse the '/var/lib/dovecot' directory, and as the message says its mode is "=0750".
[09:40] <halvors> Walex: How can i find out what user is running the sieve process?
[09:47] <Tazmain> hi all, it seems that some packages in my update list on my server can't be authenticated? does that mean I waited too long to update or something ?
[10:16] <Sling> hm, if i put '/var/log/folder/file*' in a custom logrotate.d/file , is it smart enough to not match the .gz files created by logrotate in the past?
[10:21] <Walex> halvors: with 'ps' with the 'u' option.
[10:21] <Walex> halvors: if you are asking basic questions like this perhaps you need a system administrator to help you...
[10:22] <Walex> Sling: the psychic version of 'logrotate' will be released soon :-)
[10:24] <Sling> Walex: well I would expect it to only rotate textfiles, for example :)
[10:24] <Sling> oh well I've fixed it now by just specifying the files in full
[11:24] <halvors> Walex: Seems like root is running dovecot.
[11:24] <halvors> I don't see why this wouldn't work then.
[11:24] <halvors> 1055 root 20 0 17768 1528 1236 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 dovecot
[11:24] <halvors> 1164 dovecot 20 0 9276 956 812 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 anvil
[11:54] <jpds_> halvors: Have you checked the dovecot apparmor rules?
[13:20] <superboot> sarnold: Thanks for the manifest link. Just got it now.
[15:14] <strikov> rbasak: is it correct in case of juju-core: dpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but there is no XSBC-Original-Maintainer field
[15:14] <strikov> rbasak: i though that i lost it while baking 1.22.0 but it looks like it was not available even before it
[15:18] <rbasak> strikov: that's fine to ignore, since we maintain it primarily in Ubuntu and it is not derived from Debian.
[15:43] <strikov> rbasak: ok, thanks
[15:45] <strikov> rbasak:
[15:45] <strikov> rbasak: could you review this please
[15:45] <strikov> rbasak: looks ~okay to me (don't know how to make it better)
[16:02] <rbasak> strikov: looks great to me.
[16:57] <strikov> rbasak: allocate some time tomorrow afternoon please to review/upload juju-1.22.1 to vivid; i modified tests to install upstart and finished d/copyright; need to wait for a single upstream fix and we're done
[17:10] <rbasak> strikov: OK
[20:02] <arcsky> what do you guys recommend ansible or puppet or chef?
[20:14] <roaksoax_> arcsky: juju and maas | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.370818 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-server"
} |
2015-04-14-#ubuntu-ci-eng | [02:10] <imgbot> [03:55] <imgbot> [03:55] <imgbot> [04:36] <rsalveti> nice, many great fixes
[04:36] <rsalveti> we should promote 171 as well
[08:48] <pete-woods> trainguards: I fixed my not approved silo (#27), if someone could push the publish button again :)
[08:52] <Mirv> pete-woods: ok!
[09:07] <pete-woods> Mirv: thanks!
[09:09] <Mirv> np
[10:52] <Laney> cihelp - hi, looks like syncing of autopkgtest results to the public jenkins instance is broken - e.g. okteta has up to job #94 internal but only shows #85 on
[13:06] <rvr> rsalveti: ping
[13:08] <rvr> rsalveti: I'm about to approve silo 9 (network-manager, reconnect). In the spreadsheet it says "Additionally it also needs to be validated with Modem Manager (Ubuntu Desktop, using an external modem dongle)."
[13:09] <rvr> rsalveti: We are not doing any desktop related testing right now.
[13:09] <rvr> rsalveti: Is that already validated by your team?
[13:09] <rsalveti> nops, and unfortunately we don't have a usb dongle in hands to test
[13:09] <rsalveti> we need to test the desktop side in order to land this though
[13:32] <rsalveti> rvr: davmor2: do you guys know if someone from QA has an external modem dongle to validate that silo?
[13:32] <rsalveti> this is host side validation for modem manager
[13:34] <davmor2> rsalveti: how do you mean an external modem dongle? I have 2-3 usb dongles
[13:35] <davmor2> rsalveti: are we talking just wifi for desktop though?
[13:36] <rsalveti> davmor2: desktop, yeah, a usb modem dongle
[13:36] <rvr> davmor2: I think it is for 3G dongles
[13:36] <rsalveti> yup, 3g dongles
[13:36] <rsalveti> need to find someone that has one at least
[13:37] <rsalveti> one that is known to work with modem manager
[13:38] <rvr> rsalveti: I have a USB 3G dongle that in the past has worked with Ubuntu
[13:39] <rvr> rsalveti: But I'm not happy having to test desktop silos, we are not doing that.
[13:39] <rvr> rsalveti: So, I can do it *exceptionally*
[13:39] <rsalveti> rvr: well, it's the only way to land this
[13:39] <rsalveti> rvr: in order to avoid regressions on the desktop
[13:39] <rsalveti> we don't have only ubuntu touch here
[13:40] <rsalveti> and some components might affect the desktop
[13:40] <rsalveti> so doing some sanity testing with the desktop, sometimes, are expected
[13:40] <rvr> That's exactly the signal I don't want to emit
[13:42] <rvr> QA team are not the testing guys with lots of free time to check everything, we are gating phone silos to prevent regressions in the devices because that's the priority. Don't expect otherwise.
[13:43] <rsalveti> sure, but the goal is having a better phone product, right?
[13:43] <rsalveti> and we can't necessarily land without validating the desktop, in this case
[13:43] <rsalveti> we'd do the validation ourself, if we had the hardware in hands
[13:44] <rvr> That's why, exceptionally, I'll help you validating that it works in the desktop
[13:45] <rsalveti> rvr: great, this is not a rule for sure, it's just that we don't have the hardware
[13:45] <rsalveti> rvr: thanks
[13:46] * rvr downloads the latest Vivid image
[13:52] <davmor2> rvr: rsalveti I have a 3g dongle that works I just have no credit on it and I'm on vivid
[13:52] <rsalveti> davmor2: can't you use the same sim card you use on arale/krillin?
[13:52] <rvr> davmor2: The silo is for Vivid
[13:54] <davmor2> rsalveti: I don't think they are on the same network let me check
[14:01] <rvr> Ok, mine is recognized in Utopic
[14:05] <robru> lool: got you silo 5
[14:07] <robru> ted: silo 14 for your vivid+1 refund work
[14:08] <ted> robru, Oh, sweet, thanks!
[14:08] <robru> ted: you're welcome!
[14:08] <davmor2> rsalveti: hang on do I need to go to a specific site I have a feeling this will let me connect to 3 for top up let me test that
[14:11] <davmor2> rsalveti: meh no
[14:12] <rsalveti> davmor2: doesn't work or just not compatible with your sim?
[14:12] <davmor2> rsalveti: only works with 3 so doesn't work with the giffgaff sims I have and maybe too old too :(
[14:13] <rsalveti> davmor2: got it, no worries
[14:13] <davmor2> rsalveti: I have a mifi too but that takes care of the modem part so that is no use I guess
[14:20] <om26er_> salem_, Hi!
[14:20] <salem_> om26er_, hello
[14:21] <om26er_> salem_, silo 29 failed. It does not fix the bug :/
[14:21] <om26er_> see my comment here:
[14:23] <psivaa> Laney: The jenkins publishing queue is quite long, public one being very slow, okteta #96 is on the way
[14:23] <Laney> psivaa: is it going to catch up and stay caught up?
[14:23] <psivaa> Laney: that's the intention
[14:24] <salem_> om26er_, ok, I will have a look. thanks
[14:25] <boiko> om26er_: so, you send messages from one SIM to another, right?
[14:32] <om26er_> boiko, I send the message to myself
[14:32] <om26er_> from the same sim to the same thing, but that should not be different.
[14:34] <boiko> om26er_: ok, just curious, because I tried this multiple times and it works on every try :/
[14:40] <boiko> om26er_: nevermind, just reproduced the case you mentioned
[14:51] <sil2100> jibel: I suppose let's join the RTM meeting each of us on his own PC, no need to share a screen
[14:51] <jibel> sil2100, agreed, it's even more difficult to share a headset :)
[14:52] <sil2100> I'm a bit worried about the internet quality here
[14:53] <rvr> sil2100: Are you also in Austin?
[14:53] <jibel> sil2100, I just had another HO and it's ... painful
[14:53] <sil2100> rvr: yes
[14:53] <rvr> Nice
[14:53] <rvr> rsalveti: Ok, USB with Vivid booted on my laptop, now I'll install the citrain tools and the silo
[14:54] <rsalveti> rvr: great, thanks
[14:59] <lool> dpkg-source: error: syntax error in /var/lib/jenkins/silos/ubuntu/landing-005/ubuntu-location-provider-here_0.1+15.04.20150127~rtm-0ubuntu1.dsc at line 1: line with unknown format (not field-colon-value)
[14:59] <lool> interesting
[15:00] <lool> it works for me here
[15:00] <lool> robru: I think I'm going to require some help fixing this ^
[15:00] <lool> is it because it's running an older dpkg-source maybe?
[15:01] <rvr> davmor2: Is there a way to log into unity 7 in Vivid ISO?
[15:01] <rvr> davmor2: Unity Next is presented instead
[15:02] <davmor2> rvr: did you get the daily iso or the ubuntu-next iso
[15:02] <rvr> vivid-desktop-amd64.iso
[15:03] <davmor2> rvr: yeah but from where
[15:03] <rvr> davmor2:
[15:04] <davmor2>
[15:07] <jibel> rvr, download from pending instead of current
[15:08] <rvr> Ok
[15:27] <om26er_> seb128, Hi!
[15:27] <seb128> om26er_, hey
[15:28] <om26er_> seb128, re: silo 06, it looks like the fix for bug 1438049 could have some autopilot tests
[15:29] <om26er_> and the battery fix needs to be added to the TestPlan.
[15:29] <seb128> om26er_, I guess it could, I've no slot for that this week and I'm travelling/to a sprint next
[15:30] <seb128> om26er_, so either we delay by that and forget about those fixes for vivid or you ack it like that
[15:31] <om26er_> seb128, Theses fixes don't look very critical so I guess we can delay this landing.
[15:32] <seb128> om26er_, shrug
[15:33] <seb128> om26er_, there is a segfault fix, one usability issue coming from our user testing and a quite visible bug (discharge graph being wrong when waking up the device)
[15:34] <seb128> om26er_, but oh well, if you want to throw the work again please do
[15:34] <om26er_> seb128, yes, we are asked to not land silos without test so I'd prefer not go around that. Unless someone from mgmt approves that.
[15:35] <om26er_> it might make sense to re-upload the silo with the focus fix removed.
[15:35] <seb128> pmcgowan, kenvandine, jgdx, ^ fyi, the fixes in silo 006 (trivial ones) are blocked by qa, I've no slot for writting test in the next week, should we just discard the work and let segfaults & co in vivid?
[15:36] <robru> lool: checking
[15:36] <jgdx> seb128, I don't know what segfaults & co is
[15:36] <seb128> jgdx, segfault is the null check in the bluetooth panel
[15:37] <seb128> I hit that segfault a few time on my bq
[15:37] <seb128> the co are the focus fix, and the one to refresh the discharge graph on wakeup/focus
[15:37] <robru> lool: indeed that's a funny looking DSC, I never saw one in xml before ;-)
[15:38] <cyphermox> robru: and I thought you were pinging me :)
[15:38] <robru> cyphermox: do you want me to rename the job so we stop pinging you? ;-)
[15:39] <cyphermox> as you wish, it's just funny :)
[15:39] <robru> lool: indeed it is just a transient network issue, restarted the build and it looks ok now
[15:39] <jgdx> seb128, okay dokay
[15:53] <pmcgowan> jgdx, so is creating tests for those something you can do
[16:02] <rvr> jibel: davmor2: I downloaded the correct image, and only suggests to try Ubuntu Next
[16:03] <rvr> Hmm
[16:03] <rvr> Let me check whether I overwrote the wrong image
[16:04] <rvr> md5sum -c MD5SUMS vivid-desktop-amd64.iso: OK
[16:06] <lool> robru: thanks
[16:06] <robru> lool: you're welcome
[16:22] <davmor2> rvr: is it a saying what next try ubuntu install ubuntu
[16:23] <davmor2> and has been mis-translated?
[16:23] <rvr> davmor2: I'm only offered to try Unity 8 or to install it, not to launch Unity 7
[16:23] <davmor2> rvr: that image is only unity 7
[16:24] <davmor2> rvr: let me grab it
[16:24] <rvr> davmor2: Well...
[16:24] <rvr> davmor2: md5sum tells me it is the right image in
[16:24] <rvr> davmor2: I downloaded
[16:31] <rpadovani> sil2100, does this fix the AP issue with calculator? In the first moment I created the project with app/tests because thatś what the QML App with Simlpe UI (cmake) does in the sdk
[16:31] <rpadovani>
[16:38] <seb128> sil2100, hey, is there a known issue with vivid update giving a non working calculator?
[16:38] <seb128> the icon is missing in the dash and it doesn't start, aa-exec complains about the missing apparmor profile
[16:40] <sil2100> seb128: hm, I didn't know anything, it worked fine for ubuntu-rtm - we had a reboot landed recently, maybe vivid doesn't have the right apparmor profiles for it yet
[16:40] <sil2100> cwayne: ^ did you have to update something in the custom tarball for 14.09 when the new calculator app landed?
[16:40] <cwayne> sil2100, noep
[16:42] <sil2100> rpadovani: hey! Let me take a look :)
[16:43] <rpadovani> sil2100, sorry, had to fix CMake, now shoulb de ok :-)
[16:43] <sil2100> rpadovani: hah, yeah, just commented on that ;)
[16:44] <sil2100> rpadovani: will the unit tests still work now?
[16:44] <sil2100> I suppose there are no paths that need to be changes in the AP tests themselves, right?
[16:45] <rpadovani> sil2100, afaik unit tests are the ones created by the sdk template
[16:45] <rpadovani> sil2100, no idea, autopilot and I aren't good friends :P
[16:46] <sil2100> bzoltan: hey, I was wondering, since it seems the SDK template creates the test directory in app/tests - is that a standard now?
[16:46] <sil2100> bzoltan: is that also the directory for AP tests?
[16:46] <sil2100> Since if that's the new standard, we'll have to modify phablet-click-test-setup
[16:52] <bzoltan> sil2100: rpadovani: there is no such standard writen anywhere. It is more like a best practice
[16:53] <sil2100> bzoltan: is that also the best practice directory for AP tests?
[16:53] <sil2100> Since if more people use this directory this way, the AP-test tools need to be accomodated
[16:53] <sil2100> As now they only look for tests in tests/
[16:55] <bzoltan> sil2100: tests can be anywhere as far as I know.
[16:55] <sil2100> bzoltan: not for phablet-click-test-setup
[16:59] <jibel> sil2100, that's a bug in phablet-click-test-setup, it shouldn't explode if it doesn't find the tests where it expects them to be
[17:00] <jibel> tests can be anywhere, the tool should be smarter in its discovery
[17:03] <bzoltan> sil2100: well.. that is the problem of the phablet-click-test-setup :) it should be smarter
[17:08] <om26er_> cihelp Hi! whats happening with smoke testing results, seem last appears on 10th April:
[17:11] <sil2100> bzoltan, jibel: yeah, in theory, but making it smarter would mean it would have to scan the whole directory tree for tests which in theory can have various forms and format
[17:11] <sil2100> *formats
[17:11] <sil2100> Making it smart would mean writing a lot of guessing code
[17:12] <sil2100> Sure, could be smarter, but best following certain pre-defined standards for that to avoid problems
[17:12] <jibel> sil2100, use adt in CI instead, problem solved
[17:13] <jibel> sil2100, and again if p-c-t-s doesnt' find tests it shouldn't explode
[17:13] <jibel> just ignore it
[17:14] <jibel> cihelp; ^ is anyone on this, there is no result on the dashboard for the last 5 days
[17:15] <psivaa> jibel: om26er_: looking into it, the network being slow does not help
[17:20] <boiko> om26er_: salem_: so, the fix is correct, it is just not working because of a regression I introduced on a previous change, I will add an MR to the silo to get it fully working
[17:21] <boiko> om26er_: salem_: luckily it is just a one-line change
[17:22] <om26er_> boiko, one line fixes are the best ones :)
[17:26] <boiko> om26er_: that's a pitty they are so rare
[17:27] <boiko> om26er_: so, I will add the extra MR to the silo, and re-test it
[17:29] <boiko> trainguards: can I get vivid silo 29 reconfigured? I added a new component there (telephony-service)
[17:30] <sil2100> boiko: on it
[17:31] <rpadovani> sil2100, Jenkins is now happy with
[17:31] <rpadovani> afaics, it's all we need
[17:31] <sil2100> rpadovani:
[17:31] <sil2100> rpadovani: \o/
[17:31] <sil2100> rpadovani: I'll check that after lunch and approve if anything
[17:31] <sil2100> rpadovani: thanks :)
[17:32] <sil2100> boiko: reconfigured
[17:32] * sil2100 lunch, suspending
[17:32] <boiko> sil2100: great! thanks! enjoy your lunch :)
[17:33] <rpadovani> sil2100, thanks, enjoy :-)
[17:34] <bzoltan> sil2100: you are right. It is a double edged sword you know... I could come up with a strict app structure back 2 years ago to serve these types of automatization, discoverability and many other things... believe me there are other areas where a strict app structure policy would be beneficial. For example API control is easier. But community folks and app developers together with hyperfree hipsters woluld have stond me if I tell them that they need to
[17:34] <bzoltan> follow a policy :D
[17:42] <rpadovani> bzoltan, I think 90% of developers follow sdk templates :-)
[17:43] <bzoltan> rpadovani: I hope so :)
[17:54] <jgdx> pmcgowan, I think so, if all there is to it is: making a AP test for the highlight in security/privacy, and a section in the testplan for the battery fix.
[17:54] <jgdx> bfiller, ping
[18:21] <boiko> om26er_: silo 29 updated, no more changes required on messaging-app itself, just the extra MR on telephony-service itself
[19:08] <bfiller> jgdx: pong
[22:00] <robru> lol, no
[22:01] <sil2100> huh?
[22:10] <robru> sil2100: silo 15 is mine, i don't want to publish it. clicked that by mistake
[23:01] <sil2100> o/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:03.388970 | 2015-04-14T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng"
} |