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2015-04-30-#ubuntu-us-ga | [16:37] <mhall119> Hello team, I sent an email to the ML but it got kicked back, is anyone here a moderator of that list? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.449304 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-ga"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-hr | [05:47] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro
[06:04] <vileni> jutro
[06:06] <SilverSpace> jutro
[06:08] <SilverSpace> jebote fakat je tava dolimano odlicna
[06:08] <SilverSpace> skoro mi jaje izletilo iz tave :)
[06:13] <vileni> hehe
[06:20] <SilverSpace> i zRam je super ima jelly pravo
[06:34] <vileni>
[06:34] <vileni> fast food u skotskoj
[06:39] <SilverSpace> aaa :)
[06:44] <Mmike> zam?
[06:44] <Mmike> SilverSpace, zram?
[06:52] <SilverSpace> Mmike:
[06:52] <Mmike> a
[06:52] <Mmike> to
[06:52] <Mmike> da
[06:53] <SilverSpace> fakat se aplikacije bze otvaraju
[06:54] <Mmike> kaj, metnuo si swap u zram? :)
[06:55] <SilverSpace> da
[07:13] <infy-> o/////77
[07:24] <BotaniCar> erm, trosis swap ? :)
[07:32] <SilverSpace> tko pita :)
[07:33] <weshmashian> vdsl \o/
[07:35] <vileni> weshmashian: koja brzina? :)
[07:36] <weshmashian> navodno 20/5
[07:36] <weshmashian> speedtest mi ne daje vise od 5/2.5 :)
[07:36] <vileni> pa grozno :)
[07:37] <weshmashian> indeed
[07:38] <weshmashian> Line Rate: 2.952 Mbps 6.096 Mbps
[07:38] <weshmashian> vidim kako sjedim na telefonu satima danas :)
[07:39] <SilverSpace> Mmike: napravio sam u virtual boxu na krivom mjestu virtal disk i sad ne mogu zamjeniti putanju
[07:39] <weshmashian> ili barem dok se baterija ne istrosi
[07:39] <SilverSpace> Mmike: jel znas kak to napraviti
[07:40] <weshmashian> ... uz garantiranu minimalnu brzinu od 14 Mbps
[07:40] <weshmashian> buahaha :)
[07:47] <jelly> weshmashian: tsk, ko ti to prodao
[07:53] <vileni> jelly: jel mogu ja kako saznati koliko cu brz internet imati na novoj adresi? trenutacno koriste iskon :)
[07:58] <jelly> vileni: to ovisi o parici a provider nemre znati koliko ide dok se ne spoji i provjeri
[07:59] <jelly> ako mislis da stari provider sharea podatke o kvaliteti parice... varas se
[07:59] <jelly> (a to bi bio koristan pokazatelj, kao i broj prijavljenih smetnji)
[08:00] <vileni> jelly: ali recimo da ostaje isti provider?
[08:00] <jelly> HAKOM na zalost pobire lovu a ne vidi se nista konkretno da rade na poboljsanju usluge. Forsiranje providera da dijele te podatke bi bio dobar pocetak
[08:00] <vileni> jer razmisljam izmedju iskon i bnet
[08:00] <vileni> a iskon je vec u tom stanu
[08:01] <jelly> vileni: ak imas telefonski broj... :-)
[08:02] <vileni> moram neki imenik naci
[08:02] <vileni> nisam trazio fiksni broj godinama :D
[08:02] <Mmike> SilverSpace: ne kuzim, kak mislis, zamijeniti putanju?
[08:03] <Mmike> SilverSpace: mozes 'otkvaciti' trenutni disk i dodati novi, a taj novi onda uzmes iz od kud di si prebacio
[08:03] <Mmike> ak na to mislis
[08:15] <SilverSpace> Mmike: ne da mi to
[08:15] <Mmike> SilverSpace: sam sec
[08:15] <SilverSpace> probao na sve nacinje
[08:15] <SilverSpace> Mmike: ne treba kreirao novi
[08:16] <SilverSpace> i rijesio problem
[08:16] <Mmike> SilverSpace: odes tam na storage, kliknes na .vdi file, removas ga
[08:16] <Mmike> muvnes ga na filesystemu drugamo
[08:16] <Mmike> kliknes nakon toga na controller: sata (ili kja vec imas), i dolje klikes na 'Add Hard Disk'
[08:16] <Mmike> nadjes ti ti je muvani .vdi i dodas ga
[08:16] <Mmike> i to je to
[08:16] <SilverSpace> ma probao i nesto se buni
[08:16] <Mmike> eh
[08:17] <Mmike> kad bi rekao sta se buni mozda bih ti mogao jos vise pomoci :)
[08:17] <SilverSpace> buni se za neki id da vec postoji i tak nest
[08:18] <SilverSpace> nema veze rijesio napravio novu virtualku
[08:21] <Mmike> ok :)
[08:21] <SilverSpace> :) senzori temperature mi uporno tvrde da mi je hdd ssd na 128° a hladan je ko led
[08:22] <Mmike> kolinda nece platit porez :)
[08:22] <Mmike> pa ja cu se popisat :)
[08:22] <Mmike> SilverSpace: trebas offest ili onaj neki drek namjestit
[08:22] <Mmike> ili ti senzor ne radi :)
[08:22] <Mmike> koji hdd?
[08:23] <SilverSpace> ne rade na ssd
[08:23] <SilverSpace> od prvoga dan
[08:24] <SilverSpace> takeMS SSD UTX-2200 60GB (/dev/sda) : 128°C
[08:27] <Mmike> onda vjerojatno nit nema senzor
[08:27] <Mmike> moj ocz neki
[08:27] <Mmike> ili koji vec
[08:27] <Mmike> stalo govori 30C :)
[08:38] <vrodic> weshmashian, jelly, vileni mozete i sami saznati kakva vam je parica
[08:38] <vrodic> pogledate u modemu downstream line attenuation
[08:38] <vrodic> snr i td
[08:39] <vrodic> ako ste na ADSL2 ili ADSL
[08:39] <vrodic>
[08:39] <vrodic> za VDSL je malo kompliciranije
[08:39] <vrodic> ali i sami mozete procjeniti koliko ste daleko od centrale
[08:39] <jelly> vrodic: da, samo to se oce promijeniti ako se promijeni dslam
[08:40] <vrodic> u principu znacajno se mijenja kada se preÄdje na VDSL, jer on mjeri line attenuation na njegovom vecem spektru, ovisno o profilu
[08:40] <vrodic> pa bude veci nego sto je ADSL
[08:40] <vrodic> ima zanimljiv thread na sistemci hrvatska na FB
[08:41] <vrodic>
[08:41] <vrodic> imamo i grupu hoÄcu bolji internet na fb, gdje se trudim ljude informirati osvemu
[08:42] <Mmike> o, vrodic !
[08:42] <Mmike> aktivirao si se :)
[08:46] <obruT> internet je precijenjen
[08:47] <vrodic> Mmike: ah sta ces, mijenjam posao vjerovatno nakon mjesec dana, pa imam vremena :)
[08:47] <infy-> [09:38] < weshmashian> vdsl \o/
[08:47] <infy-> welcome to the club :D
[08:47] <obruT> sta ce nam vece brzine, ionako je malo online HD pornjave
[08:47] <vrodic> tj dajem otkaz, nemam pojma kamo cu dalje
[08:47] <vrodic> jos nisam 100% odlucio, ali ima dosta devetki
[08:47] <infy-> I kakva vam je parica ljudi? :o
[08:47] <Mmike> vrodic: cek, otkud, kaud, sta?
[08:47] <obruT> vrodic: dajes otkaz a ne znas kam ces ? sto je tako gadno ?
[08:48] <vrodic> ma prekinuo sam i 7 godisnju vezu pa sam malo lud
[08:48] <vrodic> ok su oni ekipa (ta firma u koju sam dosao iz MojPosao raditi) , ali sam previse za njih :)
[08:48] <infy-> Line Attenuation (Up/Down) 7.8/4.9 dB
[08:48] <infy-> :)
[08:48] <vrodic> najs
[08:48] <infy-> attainable 90mbps na 8b :)
[08:48] <vrodic> ja na svojoj trenutno postizem 30/6
[08:49] <infy-> bar ZTE tako kaže lel
[08:49] <vrodic> ali imam interleaved mode pa mi je ping 20ms
[08:49] <infy-> isto
[08:49] <infy-> Šteta što ne žele stavit FAST
[08:49] <vrodic> papci
[08:49] <infy-> možda ako se pošalje mail tehničkoj službi
[08:49] <vrodic> obruT, Mmike mogli bi na kavu neku :)
[08:50] <vrodic> da, pitaj ih
[08:50] <obruT> vrodic: mogli bi... jesi bio sto u penjaoni u zadnje vrijeme ?
[08:50] <Mmike> vileni: mogli bi :) di si sad? :)
[08:51] <vrodic> Mmike: mislis na mene ? u dubravi
[08:51] <infy-> Sve se misli možda će me Telekom obradovat i reć ponudit ćemo vam brzine optike na postojećoj VDSL infrastrukturi (šta mogu postić očito) al ništa od tog... a zgrada do mene ima optiku ;'(
[08:51] <vrodic> Mmike: dodjem biciklom di treba zacas :)
[08:52] <vrodic> obruT: pa mogao bih se zaletiti recimu u utorak sljedeci
[08:52] <Mmike> vrodic: ja sam blizu kulusica
[08:52] <Mmike> moram se sa hniksicem nac kroz nekih sat-dva negdje tu naokolo
[08:52] <Mmike> brijem rucak
[08:53] <vrodic> cool
[08:53] <vrodic> ja mogu odma krenuti
[08:53] <vrodic> pa ti reci kak ti pase
[08:54] <Mmike> vrodic: aj mi daj pol sata da se izkoorniniram
[08:54] <vrodic> Mmike: moze
[08:54] <Mmike> imam hrpu stvari za napravit danas jer sutra ne radim pa sam da vidim kak i sta i di
[08:54] <vrodic> Mmike: no problemo
[09:00] <SilverSpace> obruT: kaj ce nam brzina?
[09:00] <SilverSpace> obruT: to je ko biciklo brze jos brze
[09:01] <SilverSpace> nikada dosta
[09:02] <SilverSpace> inace idiotska vlada uopce ne kuzi da je internet i njegova brzina jedan od temelja privlacenja investitora
[09:02] <Mmike> SilverSpace: sad ce kolinda to popravit
[09:02] <Mmike> ovu paru kaj je zamracila za porez
[09:02] <Mmike> to ce za internet dat :)
[09:02] <SilverSpace> Mmike: koji kurac je zamracila
[09:03] <SilverSpace> kaj to svi ne rade
[09:03] <SilverSpace> sve po zakonu
[09:03] <Mmike> lol :)
[09:03] <SilverSpace> kaj i ti ne gledas da po zakonu sto manje platis drzavi
[09:03] <Mmike> al' ona je predsjednica :)
[09:03] <SilverSpace> pa kaj
[09:03] <Mmike> ona bi trebala bit primjer
[09:03] <Mmike> kak pa kaj?
[09:04] <SilverSpace> daj ne trkeljajte
[09:04] <Mmike> je, po zakonu je
[09:04] <Mmike> al' je totalno nemoralno i ljigavo
[09:04] <SilverSpace> jebo vas sdp glupani
[09:04] <Mmike> 600k kuna nije dala u proracun nego je dala HDZu da HDZ to da svojim podobnicima
[09:04] <Mmike> ma pusti SDP
[09:04] <Mmike> o tim balavanderima opce ne treba rijeci trositi
[09:04] <SilverSpace> dala je sve nekome tko ce to iskoristiti
[09:05] <Mmike> njihovo vrijeme je proslo :)
[09:05] <Mmike> da mi je sam srest onog milanovica pa da ga pitam - brate, ma jel' te to netko placa da budes takav tukan? pa nemre bit covjek tak tukast.
[09:05] <Mmike> SilverSpace: da, HDZu koji ce to iskoristii 'za svoje potrebe' :)
[09:05] <Mmike> umjesto da je dala drzavi
[09:05] <SilverSpace> moze moze bit tukan
[09:05] <SilverSpace> Mmike: ti nikad nisi bio u jna
[09:06] <SilverSpace> sve dok nisam doso u jna nisam znao da ima takvih glupana
[09:07] <SilverSpace> svi mi se krecemo u svojim zatvorenim drustvima i jako malo izvan tok kruga znas nesto
[09:08] <SilverSpace> Mmike: nece hdz nista od tog dobiti sve ide na racun u dobrotvorne svrhe
[09:09] <SilverSpace> tek kad sam doso u jna vidio sam koliko budala hoda okolo i kaj je najgore bio sam u generaciji koji su svi dosli sa fakulteta
[09:10] <weshmashian> jelly: iskon mi prodo, eto tko! :)
[09:11] <vrodic> SilverSpace: ja sam premijera u ZIPu pitao o tome, mozda je tako i pocelo t s kolindom i angelom. u svakom slucaju meni je drago da se nesto pokrenulo
[09:11] <SilverSpace> jaj moram u skolu po netjak
[09:12] <SilverSpace> jebo ih bandic
[09:12] <SilverSpace> pokrenut cu protest u lovrakovoj ulici
[09:12] <SilverSpace> najprometnija ulica
[09:13] <SilverSpace> ne moze 1km ceste napraviti da djeca mogu normalno u skolu
[09:13] <SilverSpace> mater mu lopovsku
[09:14] <SilverSpace> danas nisam mogao dobiti ga na telefon bio je na yammat radiu
[09:14] <jelly> weshmashian: naivac :-D
[09:16] <weshmashian> jelly: :P
[09:17] <jelly> dobro je to, mora placa doci od nekud
[09:17] <weshmashian> i naravno da su svi agenti trenutno zauzeti :)
[09:18] <weshmashian> jelly: nemam ja nista protiv da dajem za tvoju placu, al' onda ocu onaj bare minimum koji su i obecali :)
[09:20] <jelly> dobro da su obecali isporuciti bar 70%
[09:21] <weshmashian> ali ni to nisam dobio! :)
[09:21] <jelly> zato sto obecaju svasta bez da znaju stvarno stanje na parici
[09:23] <weshmashian> i to je kao cudno :)
[09:23] <weshmashian> fali upitnik tamo gore :)
[09:23] <jelly> ne, to je bezobrazno ali u dosta slucajeva nemres znat dok ne probas
[09:24] <jelly> nb: provider vec zna da ti imas manju brzinu nego si platio, zasto ih sam moras zvati da poprave umjesto da oni zovu tebe i jave ti kakvo je stanje?
[09:25] <weshmashian> jer ih generalno zaboli za krajnjeg korisnika
[09:25] <weshmashian> Sales obavio svoje, done/done
[09:25] <jelly> pa tak ispadne, da
[09:26] <vrodic> Mmike: ping
[09:26] <weshmashian> a i to kaj mi polovicno radi je opet bolje nego ono kaj sam do sad imo :)
[09:29] <Mmike> vrodic: neznam jos nist :)
[09:40] <jelly> weshmashian: na sugavoj parici VDSL bolje koristi preostali bendvit nego ADSL2
[09:43] <vrodic> jelly ak nije problem pejstaj link gdje to pise
[09:45] <jelly> nemam pojma gdje to pise, al je ocito po tome sto gura vise megabita kroz istu paricu i sto reze frekventni pojas na puno malih dijelova
[09:46] <BotaniCar> Windows 10 ce moci vrtiti android / IOS aplikacije :)
[09:46] <vrodic> koristi veci freq pojas koji se ugusi na duzim paricama
[09:47] <jelly> vrodic: to vrijedi za svaki *DSL
[09:47] <jelly> vrodic: to zgodno vidis u FritzBoxu (od H1 npr.) gdje neka frekva ima smetnje i propusnost se zrusi na 2-4b, a one ispod i iznad imaju 8-10b
[09:50] <jelly>
[09:51] <vrodic> da imam to i H1
[09:51] <jelly> pardon, ovo je VDSL
[09:51] <BotaniCar>
[09:51] <datase> YouTube: Bolero - Krcmarska Moskva - 0:05:14 - 4,127 views - 37 likes / 0 dislikes
[09:51] <vrodic> nemrem sada pejstati jer nisam za kompom
[09:51] <vrodic> ali moguce da bi mi bilo bolje da mi puste profil 17 umjesto 12
[09:54] <jelly> ak znas bolje slagat profile od njih, trazi posao tamo :-)
[10:02] <vrodic> ma to sa 17 regulira s pravom hakom pa su tek nedavno pustili za kratke parice ali ja ne znam trenutno kaj im znaci to kratka
[10:02] <vrodic> ja sam mozda i ispod 1000 m
[10:04] * jelly nema pojma sto kojem provideru znaci "profil 17"
[10:06] <jelly> al cim guras vise snage na paricu mogucnost da ce smetati susjednima je veca, pa HAKOM s razlogom tu ide polako
[10:10] <vrodic> 17 je sluzbeni naziv za vdsl profil
[10:10] <vrodic> ima a i b varijanta
[10:11] <vrodic> vrijedi isto svugdje u svijetu
[10:11] <vrodic> google that shit
[10:17] <infy-> kratka parica
[10:17] <infy-> je ispod 800 metara na telekomu
[10:17] <infy-> annex a i b su profili na kojima rade DSLAM-ovi
[10:17] <infy-> ti brojevi su vrste VDSL profila (8b, 17a, 30 etc)
[10:18] <jelly> infy-: mda, al tek ispod 300m dobis pouzdane maksimalne brzine
[10:18] <jelly> tak sam cuo :-)
[10:19] <infy-> ae ka
[10:19] <infy-> ja san oko 300 i iman oko 100mbps propusnost
[10:20] <lizard_ago> pozdrav svima
[10:21] <weshmashian> cjebote, prijavim kvar i tek onda prestane sve delat :)
[10:24] <jelly> Mmike: ak se veselis kad vmware steka: 12:23:38 up 14 days, 18:56, 4 users, load average: 95.79, 59.56, 47.51
[10:24] <lizard_ago> zna li ko sto je s drajverima za radeon imam malih problema kad ih instaliram u kubuntu
[10:24] <lizard_ago> jasno to su vlasnicki drajveri
[10:28] <BotaniCar>
[10:30] <vrodic> ttttzzzffgg
[10:30] <vrodic> jebi te ircanje na mobitelu iz screena
[10:31] <jelly> Mmike: za konsolidaciju snapshota uzima udio za IO alociran za virtualku, i IO unutar virtualke totalno steka za to vrijeme (ako se ima spori storage)
[10:32] <Mmike> jelly: ja sam uturio svoja postgres sranja u lxc, ispod stavio lvm, sad mogu snapshote fino radit, i milina.
[10:32] <weshmashian> kaj nemaju svi solidfire za po doma? :)
[10:33] <jelly> Mmike: lvm isto ima grdi penalty na snapshote, ali nema kod brisanja istih
[10:34] <jelly> lvm radi COW u suprotnom smjeru od vmwareta. LVM: base image je konzistentan, a kad se radi write mora napraviti: read na base, write na snapshot, update metadata, write na base
[10:34] <weshmashian> ok, pocinjem imat probleme sa strojem ko mmike
[10:35] <jelly> vmware: base image ostaje isti dok god postoji snapshot, write ide u log; na kraju kad se snapshot brise, radi "konsolidaciju" i sve iz loga pise natrag na base disk
[10:36] <Mmike> jelly: da, al' to mi je jedina opcija. ne vjerujem btrfsu nit blizo da bi ga stavio ispod
[10:36] <Mmike> weshmashian: a? :)
[10:36] <jelly> Mmike: zfs?
[10:36] <weshmashian> bluetooth cucla bateriju, blacklistam modul, disableam servis ali nakon reboota powertop opet veli da mi zdere
[10:36] <Mmike> jelly: a da, znam :)
[10:36] <weshmashian> pa moram upalit modul i servis da ga mogu ugasit :)
[10:37] <weshmashian> vidi se da imam viska vremena na godisnjem...
[10:37] <jelly> Mmike: a gle, ak imas ssdove boli te djon. Ovo moje se trenutno vrti na sporim 10krpm sas diskovima
[11:14] <vileni> Mmike: a hrana nista, jel :P
[12:25] <VjetarSaSunca>
[12:26] <VjetarSaSunca>
[12:37] <Mmike> vileni: a bio s hniksicem
[12:38] <Mmike> kak sjedim
[12:38] <Mmike> guram stol trbuhom
[12:38] <Mmike> i dodjem skroz do ulaznih vrata do kraja dana :D
[12:41] <vileni> haha
[12:42] <vileni> Mmike: ma ionako te nebih htio danas, moram prezivjeti rostilj u delnicama navecer i sutra :)
[12:43] <Mmike> JADAN
[12:43] <Mmike> :)
[13:11] <obruT> ima li stogod (kvalitetnih) besplatnih navigacijskih (koje rade offline) aplikacija za android
[13:12] <obruT> ide li uopce besplatno i kvalitetno zajedno u ovom podrucju
[14:10] <CrazyLemon> obruT Here maps je bresplatna navigacija
[14:10] <CrazyLemon> i da.. kvalitetna je :)
[14:11] <obruT> upravo skino :)
[14:11] <obruT> ak se ne pojavim na ircu kroz sljedecih par dana, vjerojatno sam zaglavio negdje u rusiji (a ne idem tamo) :)
[14:12] <CrazyLemon> pusti breadcrumbs za soboom :)
[14:13] <SilverSpace> obruT: pa kaj ti treba za hr navigacija :)
[14:13] <SilverSpace> kaj to sve nisi vec proso
[14:15] <obruT> SilverSpace: idemo se zena i ja kroz nekih sat-dva provozat do Slovacke, a tam nismo nikad bili
[14:16] <obruT> pa ono, tak usput ak se izgubimo da se znamo vratit
[14:18] <obruT> nist, odo
[14:42] <SilverSpace> :)
[15:35] <dodobas> yutro
[17:26] <SilverSpace>
[17:54] <SilverSpace>
[18:18] <Vlado9A3CY> dobra vecer :)
[18:25] <Mmike> di vam se rizolva
[18:25] <Mmike> i na kojem ste ISPu?
[18:35] <infy-> Mmike: telekom,
[18:36] <Mmike> nda
[18:36] <Mmike> thnx
[18:37] <SilverSpace> spat
[18:37] <SilverSpace> ln
[19:25] <dodobas> zasto me idioti iz t-coma zovu u 3h ujutro... 385 800 91 92... i to svaki dan ... kako sam presao baru...
[19:25] <dodobas> pretpostavljam da je t-com...
[19:37] <Mmike> dodobas, to ti je vipnet
[19:37] <Mmike>
[19:38] <dodobas> pa koji K me zove vipnet... ako s vipnetom nemam veze ...
[19:38] <dodobas> i to od trenutka kad sam se spojio na GSM mrezu
[19:41] <Mmike> pa
[19:41] <Mmike> nazovi ih nazad :D
[19:42] <Mmike> dodobas, di ti se resolva
[19:42] <dodobas> Mmike: a sto cu drugo :)
[19:42] <dodobas> host
[19:42] <dodobas> has address
[19:43] <Mmike> thnx
[19:54] <markosejic> d vecer
[21:01] <dodobas> hmm, linux 4.0.1 :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.465795 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-hr"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-my | [15:34] * ejat pang mypapit
[15:34] <mypapit> wtf ejat !!!!
[15:34] <mypapit> WE LOVE U
[15:34] <ejat> uit
[15:34] <ejat> u ade
[15:35] <mypapit> ada2
[15:35] <ejat> jom g singapore next tuesday
[15:35] <ejat> jumpa mark
[15:35] <ejat> hehe
[15:35] <mypapit> wow
[15:35] <mypapit> best tu
[15:35] <ejat> OpenStack Roadshow
[15:35] <ejat> !google openstack asia roadshow
[15:36] <ejat> hmmm
[15:36] <ejat> u tgh buat per
[15:36] <mypapit> ejat, oo
[15:36] <mypapit> tgh free
[15:36] <mypapit> ejat, tadi i tgh ejas web resume i
[15:36] <mypapit> ejat, skrg dah free, sejam dah free
[15:36] <mypapit> saja standby depan pc
[15:36] <ejat> wow
[15:36] <ejat> web resume tu
[15:36] <ejat> dahsyat
[15:37] <mypapit> ejat, haha, update la from time 2 time
[15:37] <ejat> mantap
[15:37] <ejat> i jugak la x de apa nak update
[15:37] <ejat> update jual goreng pisang cheese la plak
[15:37] <ejat> harap2 lepas nie i boleh focus balik kat komuniti while doing business goreng pisang
[15:40] <mypapit> ejat, wow...
[15:40] <mypapit> ejat, anything to story?
[15:40] <mypapit> nnt pm
[15:40] <mypapit> huhu
[15:43] <ejat> insya allah
[15:44] <ejat> tp u kena support la
[15:44] <ejat> :)
[15:44] <mypapit> ejat, oraittt
[15:44] <mypapit> ejat, ai akan sapot
[15:44] <mypapit> ejat, ai pun tgh rancang startup
[15:44] <ejat> kasi masuk PnP
[15:45] <mypapit> ejat, maybe ada office kat damansara
[15:45] <mypapit> ejat, tp within 2 years
[15:45] <mypapit> plan jangkamasa panjang
[15:45] <ejat> pergh
[15:45] <ejat> damansara
[15:45] <ejat> tu ...
[15:45] <mypapit> ejat, hahaha... sux sux
[15:45] <ejat> damansara mana ..
[15:45] <mypapit> ejat, cyber pun boleh jgk
[15:45] <ejat> masyuk tu
[15:45] <ejat> sure forecasting baik punya
[15:46] <mypapit> damansara perdana
[15:46] <mypapit> ejat, ada la
[15:46] <mypapit> ejat, duk ejas2 jgk
[15:47] <mypapit> small office utk management
[15:47] <mypapit> and utk meetup
[15:47] <ejat> pergh
[15:47] <ejat> mantop all the way !!
[15:47] <mypapit> 2-3 org assistant
[15:47] <mypapit> rsnya ok
[15:47] <ejat> website tgh nak update content
[15:47] <mypapit> ic
[15:47] <ejat> skrang under maintenance
[15:48] <ejat> email kat rackspace
[15:48] <mypapit> wah
[15:48] <mypapit> ic
[15:48] <mypapit> still kat situ
[15:48] <ejat> senang ..
[15:48] <ejat> eh chop
[15:48] <mypapit> ya?
[15:48] <ejat> aritu ade x i try reply using domain yang u configure tu
[15:49] <mypapit> ejat, ada
[15:49] <mypapit> cuba lg tgk
[15:50] <ejat> okie2
[15:50] <ejat> lupa suday
[15:50] <ejat> kite kena idupkan balik nie
[15:50] <mypapit> ejat, ya ya ya
[15:50] <ejat> both community group
[15:50] <ejat> insya allah ..
[15:51] <mypapit> ramai duk tunggu dalam community tu
[15:51] <ejat> tu la pasal
[15:51] <ejat> kat fb ..
[15:51] <ejat> release party !! huhu
[15:52] <mypapit> +1
[15:55] <ejat> :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.471625 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-my"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-discuss | [00:53] * daftykins updates Windows 10 to build 10074
[07:42] <lordievader> Good morning.
[10:05] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.472606 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-discuss"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu | [00:00] <Guest21070> wafflejock Could that be a problem? Is it because it is a notebook and not a laptop?
[00:00] <daftykins> andy__: read the MACs
[00:00] <daftykins> yep MAC addresses are unique per NIC
[00:01] <Nikesh> I just upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 I usually use ALT+number key to change which channel I am viewing in my terminal with irssi (equivalent to /win <number>) but this isn't working.. what has changed? How do I address this?
[00:01] <RepThis1> time to make the switch to ubuntu again, hopefully 15.04 recognises my 2nd graphics card and monitor.
[00:01] <andy__> I did see the mac addresses under the network connections. They did not seem to be useful.
[00:02] <andy__> The ifconfig seemed more useful.
[00:02] <daftykins> RepThis1: doubt it, having two in at once is a bit niche
[00:02] <wafflejock> Guest21070, not really just a matter of different names for almost the same stuff regarding notebook/netbook/laptop/ultrabook ultimately all that matters is the chipsets/hardware under the hood, atom processors are meant to be low power so I wouldn't imagine that by itself would be great for graphics performance but typically you'll have an Intel chipset at least for doing basic GPU tasks
[00:02] <andy__> It shows eth0 has sent 0 bytes, and eth1 has sent plenty.
[00:03] <acz32> RepThis1: boot into a livecd environment first and check
[00:04] <RepThis1> i dont boot into your peoples fancy live cd enviroments, i am a man, i go in blindly and with force.
[00:04] <acz32> RepThis1: so you're stupid, ok.
[00:04] <acz32> good luck
[00:05] <RepThis1> no i just got pro terminal skills
[00:06] <RepThis1> and am not afraid to flail around for a bit
[00:06] <Guest21070> wafflejock Yeah, thats what I was thinking. I wanted to make sure my intel chipset was supported but I got lost in the terminology; specifically in what my terminal was saying and what the ubuntu website was saying. They didn't exactly match up.
[00:06] <wafflejock> Guest21070, my laptop is an i7 2.4 GHz with Intel HD 4000 graphics chipset (not great GPU but fine for HD video), so the CPU in here is faster but also more power hungry and creates a lot of heat whereas the machine you have will likely last longer on battery and be comfortable to use without producing a lot of heat, it may just be that the machine you're working on doesn't have the "horsepower" to deal with the kind of video yo
[00:06] <wafflejock> u're trying to watch in which case there's not a lot you can do...
[00:07] <Finetunrda_> hello folks, I'm having an issue with colors being reversed in a fresh vivid inastall. not all colors just a handful, like red is blue and blue is red and teal was yellow and yellow was teal. any thoughts?
[00:07] <Guest21070> say again
[00:07] <wafflejock> Guest21070, regarding support typically the intel drivers shipped with Ubuntu work out of the box without the need to activate or anything, with other GPUs you can install alternative drivers but intel it's pretty much built in
[00:09] <utu8o> will Ubuntu work well on a Microsoft Surface?
[00:09] <bazhang> utu8o, ask in #ubuntu-touch
[00:10] <daftykins> some report success, but there's a certain risk to buying a device with Microsoft as the brand and expecting Linux to work well on it
[00:10] <postmodern> how can you get `dpkg-reconfigure` to assume yes to all interactive questions?
[00:10] <daftykins> utu8o: ^ i would only buy stuff that's meant to work.
[00:10] <Guest21070> wafflejock This isn't a out of the box experience. Pardon the French, but some idiot tried to install Windows 7 onto a 1Gb system. I'm attempting to fix because Microsoft doesn't support XP any longer.
[00:10] <alazare619> anyone know of a virt-management application for lxc for windows
[00:11] <k1l> utu8o: depends on you beeing able to boot other OS on that device at all.
[00:11] <alazare619> my server is headless and rather then ssh it would be nice
[00:12] <wafflejock> Guest21070, yeah if you're using plain Ubuntu you may consider installing the Unity Tweak tool and disable some of the features of the interface that'll lag the graphics performance like the blurring of stuff behind the dash, or consider using Ubuntu Gnome edition or even something lighter like Xubuntu so there isn't as much overhead for the desktop environment itself, 1GB is pretty limited too wouldn't be surprised if it's hitt
[00:12] <wafflejock> ing the HDD/swap a lot since it probably eats through that RAM pretty fast
[00:13] <Guest21070> wafflejock I am using Xubuntu
[00:13] <wafflejock> ah k well that eliminates all of that
[00:15] <Guest21070> wafflejock What about the MBR?... The computer was being used by my gf's daughter without virus protection.
[00:17] <wafflejock> Guest21070, sorry not sure what you're asking there what about the MBR?
[00:17] <Guest21070> wafflejock Master boot record
[00:17] <Guest21070> wafflejock It had a browser hijacker
[00:18] <Guest21070> wafflejock It had a browser hijacker and I couldn't reinstall Win7
[00:20] <Guest21070> wafflejock I fought it with virus protection, but probably didn't fully remove the damage. I'm wondering if it could have possibly affected the Maste Boot Record
[00:20] <wafflejock> Guest21070, right, I'm aware of what you meant by the acronym but what's the question exactly? worried about possible corruption or something? if during the install you choose to wipe the disk I believe this includes wiping out and rewriting the MBR but I'm not sure on the details with that better to ask the room in general if you need help on that
[00:21] <Guest21070> OK LETS set that aside
[00:23] <Guest21070> wafflejock Yeah, I've looked for solutions, but I'm still stuck on verifying my driver and hardware are compatable.. Do you know how to do that??
[00:23] <wafflejock> Guest21070, yeah not sure about Xubuntu (have limited experience with it) but most Ubuntu installs you have "Additonional Drivers" (was called jockey at least at some point) but if you can pull that up can see if you have any options for other GPU drivers but aside from that only other thing I can think is to put a CPU control on there for performance vs on demand vs powersave mode which I assume the processor probably supports
[00:23] <wafflejock> (some kind of power stepping)
[00:24] <wafflejock> Guest21070, you can get a list of what hardware is using what kernel modules as is with, lspci -k
[00:25] <Guest21070> wafflejock. ok working on it
[00:35] <trql44> open source software is patriarchy, its software whose code is left bare and naked like an objectified woman being raped
[00:35] <Guest21070> wafflejock. no additional drives available working on hardware list.
[00:36] <Guest21070> wafflejock Got list. How to send 2 u?
[00:39] <urielsalis_> Hi, how can I install steam on Ubuntu Gnome 14.04.02 x64, tried before but I always have to reinstall when changing to propiertary drivers
[00:39] <EriC^^> urielsalis_: sudo apt-get install --reinstall steam
[00:39] <urielsalis_> Eric__, this is a fresh install, literally 10 mins ago
[00:40] <EriC^^> urielsalis_: ok, sudo apt-get install steam
[00:40] <EriC^^> !steam
[00:40] <EriC^^> !info steam
[00:40] <wafflejock> Guest21070, you can just post it to pastebin (or, ultimately though just googling for various device ids typically helps you find the most relevant info so long as you can identify what device(s) you're interested in (in this case any sort of GPU) if you can't find what you want in the list feel free to share it
[00:40] <EriC^^> urielsalis_: open settings > software & updates and enable multiverse first
[00:40] <urielsalis_> I read that, but it shows errors about 32 bit libs and before it was showing a segmentation fault and askubuntu said that I should use propiertary drivers (after installing with open source one)
[00:40] <wafflejock> Guest21070, device id is the chunk of numbers at the beginning of each line
[00:41] <EriC^^> urielsalis_: ok give it a shot and let me know
[00:42] <EriC^^> urielsalis_: did you install the proprietary drivers?
[00:42] <Guest21070> wafflejock Will try to google, first.
[00:42] <urielsalis_> Eric__, not yet
[00:42] <EriC^^> urielsalis_: do you know how?
[00:43] <urielsalis_> Eric__, usc, edit, software sources, additional drivers, fglrx-updates
[00:45] <urielsalis_> Eric__, tank, it works now. I was forgetting of enabling multiverse ID-10-T :P
[00:45] <EriC^^> urielsalis_: ok :)
[00:46] <EriC^^> urielsalis_: if you find that it runs hot, you could give fglrx a shot, they seemed to run better on mine
[00:46] <urielsalis_> ok, thanks :)
[00:46] <EriC^^> sure
[00:52] <neldogz> So i booted my Ubuntu 15.04 system today and i see the following message: Welcome to emergency mode!
[00:52] <neldogz> Can anyone help me with this?
[00:52] <EriC^^> does it say anything before that?
[00:52] * daftykins would restart
[00:52] <EriC^^> yeah that's worth a shot
[00:55] <neldogz> restarting brings me back to the same message
[00:55] <EriC^^> neldogz: are there any other messages?
[00:56] <neldogz> before the emergency mode message I saw a message that stated: A start job is running for dev-sdb1.device and theres a count down 1min 30s
[00:56] <EriC^^> ok, do you have a separate /boot?
[00:56] <daftykins> do i smell encryption?
[00:57] <neldogz> EriC^^: everything is installed under / but this system was installed on Raid 0.. no encryption, no LVM
[00:57] <daftykins> i'd probably fire up a live session and see if they've desynced
[00:57] <daftykins> er, if RAID 1
[00:57] <daftykins> or just check the disk health
[00:58] <neldogz> daftykins: it's raid 0 and they are SSD's
[00:58] * daftykins wonders why people do that
[00:58] <neldogz> daftykins: mostly just because its possible :)
[00:59] <BigJ> I'm having a problem with my laptop screen waking after suspend. I tried installing a new driver through the intel graphics installer but it says my distro is not suppourted. I downloaded the correct version for amd64 version of ubuntu
[00:59] <daftykins> yeah i would not recommend ever trying to use this pesky intel driver installer
[00:59] <daftykins> just keep your kernel up to date and all will be well
[00:59] <BigJ> daftykins, ya I am running the i915 driver right now
[01:00] <BigJ> I tried installing xorg-server-intel pacakge in apt-get but there are broken dependencies
[01:01] <Guest21070> wafflejock. Thanks. Googling that ufirst piece of hardware I eventually found a link through several links and threads to a possilble solution for this model computer. But, it is getting late to update you any further. Again, Thank You and Goodnight!
[01:01] <BigJ> daftykins, I am running a 3.16.0-34 kernel
[01:02] <neldogz> daftykins: fixed, the message was referencing dev-sdb1.. thats acually a diffrent drive
[01:02] <neldogz> daftykins: removed it from fstab.. booted fie
[01:02] <neldogz> *fine
[01:02] <BigJ> daftykins, and a pretty legacy machine
[01:02] <daftykins> weird, two SSDs should surely be sda and sdb
[01:03] <jnoob22> anyone have any weird issues after upgrading from 14.x to 15.x?
[01:03] <neldogz> my SSD's are /dev/sda /dev/sde
[01:03] <daftykins> O_O
[01:03] <daftykins> a fan of vowels eh, neldogz ? :)
[01:04] <neldogz> jnoob22: yes, acutally filed a bug report today due to an issue amd64-microcode
[01:04] <neldogz> daftykins: lol didnt even notice it till you pointed it out haha
[01:04] <wafflejock> Guest21070, no problem good luck, and good night as well
[01:17] <jnoob22> neldogz, is it a critical issue?
[01:17] <jnoob22> neldogz, i guess... is it critical enough to keep from upgrading until fixed?
[01:18] <neldogz> jnoob22: I have an AMD processor and chipset on my system and Ubuntu 15.04 now provides a proprietary driver for the microcode.. I installed it and then was experiencing intermittant boot issues. Removed it and was fine.
[01:19] <neldogz> intermitent*
[01:20] <neldogz> jnoob22: i still recommend upgrading. But if you have an AMD system prob best to stay away from that driver for now.
[01:21] <jnoob22> neldogz, thanks for the heads up. mine is amd64. I better hold off for a bit.
[01:21] <jnoob22> im still at 14.04.2
[01:21] <neldogz> jnoob22: 14.04.2 is rock solid :)
[01:22] <daftykins> as long as it's on 3.13
[01:22] <jnoob22> neldogz, yeah it's my work laptop.
[01:22] <jnoob22> works like a charm, have never had any issues as long as i kept it up to date -- which i have been doing this time around.
[01:28] <neldogz> jnoob22: this is the bug i reported today:
[01:29] <jnoob22> thanks neldogz
[01:33] <neldogz> jnoob22: anytime :)
[01:33] <kk0710> Hey guys, I was looking for a plex how to for 14.04 desktop but can't seem to find anything, any ideas? I want to test it out with my lapotp before I make a stand alone server
[01:35] <mjollnerd1> I'm trying to replace XKBOPTIONS="" with XKBOPTIONS="numpad:microsoft" in a file called /etc/default/keyboard. I'm doing sed 's/XKBOPTIONS=""/XKBOPTIONS="numpad:microsoft"/g' /etc/default/keyboard but it's not working. Am I doing something wrong?
[01:40] <pronto> trying to get ubuntu working under virtualbox with the screen-size options ; trying to run the ; getting Warning: unknown version of the X Window System installed. Not installing
[01:44] <tlt> pronto, you should 'sudo su -' and run the VBoxLinuxAdditions as such. Then type exit to get out from root, and reboot the machine.
[01:47] <pronto> tlt: i did that
[01:48] <Ben64> pronto: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms
[01:48] <tlt> is it a new additions cd pronto ?
[01:48] <tlt> ah you don't use the debs from site I get it
[01:49] <Ben64> don't need to run anything, everything you need is in the repository already
[01:50] <pronto> ben64 virtualbox-guest-dkms already at latest version
[01:51] <dylan_> holaa
[01:52] <Felishia> how do I send all my old linux computer into my new linux computer?
[01:53] <Felishia> my old one runs kubuntu... but not KDE but fluxbox because it's dying
[01:53] <Felishia> new one runs Linux Mint
[01:53] <Felishia> I need to export a lot of stuff :<
[01:53] <aeon-ltd> Felishia: back up the data and move that
[01:53] <TiK> Felishia: samba share.. copy the files you want
[01:54] <TiK> aeon-ltd: that is pretty vague
[01:54] <Felishia> how can I just samba share all my old computer content?
[01:54] <Felishia> not just one folder
[01:54] <TiK> Felishia: I would setup a samba network and copy them over.
[01:54] <Bashing-om> Felishia: <-easiest way to cp files 'tween two 'buntus that share the same router/house (Morbius1) .
[01:55] <TiK> thats how I moved my mp3s
[01:55] <Felishia> worst they're not even the same architecture XD
[01:56] <Felishia> will have to redownload everything I know
[01:58] <somsip> Felishia: just set up ssh and use scp or rsync would be better. Quicker and easier than samba
[01:58] <Felishia> how do I get my ip? :p
[01:58] <somsip> Felishia: ifconfig
[01:58] <daftykins> IO won't be quicker :)
[01:59] <somsip> daftykins: maybe not, but setup probably will be
[02:00] <urgent_need_help> hey, sorry for my nick. My computer booted on read-only mode due to disk errors and I managed to login now to make a last urgent backup before hdd totally dies. Problem is: I cant mount usb drive because my / is read-only. Do you know how to mount a usb drive without having a rw filesystem ?
[02:01] <daftykins> mount it to an existing empty folder, perhaps /mnt
[02:02] <urgent_need_help> but I would need rw on that folder right? my / is read only
[02:02] <daftykins> pass.
[02:02] <daftykins> are you in a live session right now?
[02:02] <urgent_need_help> yes
[02:02] <tlt> urgent_need_help, aren't you root?
[02:02] <urgent_need_help> yes, i am root
[02:02] <daftykins> urgent_need_help: unrelated but run "sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"
[02:03] <Felishia> Bashing-om, problem is that I can't copy directories :p
[02:03] <urgent_need_help> sudo: unable to open /var/lib/sudo/notebook/1: Read-only file system
[02:03] <urgent_need_help> W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock
[02:03] <urgent_need_help> E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/
[02:04] <urgent_need_help> hdd is mounted as read only
[02:04] <daftykins> urgent_need_help: yeah so that's *NOT* a live session
[02:04] <daftykins> :P
[02:04] <urgent_need_help> oh
[02:04] <daftykins> a live would be booting from a flash drive or DVD
[02:04] <urgent_need_help> you mean by usb?
[02:04] <gnomitsu> delete the lock file
[02:04] <urgent_need_help> how?
[02:05] <daftykins> gnomitsu: that is not an option
[02:05] <daftykins> urgent_need_help: pretty sure you're out of luck in this situation
[02:05] <urgent_need_help> I guess so
[02:05] <daftykins> you need to boot a live session so you can copy this data off
[02:06] <urgent_need_help> is there a way to create a memory disk just to mount usb drive?
[02:06] <daftykins> pass
[02:06] <urgent_need_help> IDK if this hdd will last another boot, it took hours to make it power on
[02:06] <daftykins> they usually have more chance when they've been given a break
[02:06] <daftykins> why not sign up to dropbox and upload the files instead, if small?
[02:06] <daftykins> or some similar service
[02:07] <urgent_need_help> awesome!!
[02:07] <urgent_need_help> thanks!!!
[02:07] <urgent_need_help> \o/
[02:07] <daftykins> ^_^ np
[02:07] <urgent_need_help> yes, the files are small enough
[02:07] <daftykins> anywho the above commands would let someone see if your disk is totally toast, which it sounds like it is
[02:08] <urgent_need_help> smartmontools
[02:08] <urgent_need_help> noted it here
[02:08] <daftykins> gotta sleep, laters \o
[02:08] <urgent_need_help> but gparted already warns that "DISK FAILURE IS IMMINENT"
[02:08] <urgent_need_help> see ya, thanks
[02:09] <urgent_need_help> 3712 sectors waiting to be remapped (from smart)
[02:09] <urgent_need_help> this is dead
[02:09] <TiK> no
[02:09] <TiK> but it might spread
[02:10] <Felishia> nooo I can't lose my furry collection!...
[02:10] <daftykins> yep that's gone.
[02:10] <vempyre> hi, since my last update (10hrs ago) tor browser doesn't work. I have tried a re-install, but this doesn't make it work either, i've searchd for solutions but none seem to work
[02:10] <Felishia> vempyre, did you purge it?
[02:10] <Felishia> sudo apt-get remove --purge package
[02:11] <James`> Hello
[02:11] <vempyre> nope, trying now
[02:12] <vempyre> Felishia this is what i get: Unable to locate package
[02:13] <Felishia> but is it installed? :o
[02:13] <Felishia> well clear you apt cache
[02:13] <Felishia> forgot how to do that o.o
[02:13] <Felishia> hey gauys?
[02:13] <vempyre> it was..
[02:15] <Felishia> how do I ssh my old computer electricity to my new computer since the second is not plugged and has 5 minutes remaining!!!
[02:16] <vempyre> i have tried killall etc. but alas, no luck. some process happened when I Purged just then, and was prompted to autoremove so i did... so i can only see?
[02:16] <XenophonF> what knob do i need to frob in order to get update-initramfs to include /sbin/cryptsetup in the initrd?
[02:16] <Felishia> vempyre, try autoremove
[02:16] <gzcwnk> anybody setup bind9 on ubuntu as a caching server and can help?
[02:16] <James`> Could anyone help me setup vsftpd?
[02:16] <gzcwnk> i cant get it to serve clients
[02:16] <Felishia> vempyre, sudo apt-get clean
[02:17] <vempyre> nothing happened in get clean
[02:17] <gzcwnk> i have followed this but it doesnt work,
[02:17] <gzcwnk> ping
[02:17] <XenophonF> booting using the initrd as is results in the following error: /scripts/local-top/cryptroot: line 1: /sbin/cryptsetup: not found
[02:18] <gzcwnk> doh
[02:18] <James`> can anyone help me configure vsftpd?
[02:19] <fawksmulder> Can somebody please help me? I'm installing Ubuntu Server and the "locales" list is limited to like, 10 stupid options
[02:19] <fawksmulder> why don't I get a full list of locales to choose from? This is idiotic
[02:20] <Felishia> :o cuz
[02:20] <Sharkq> can anyone help me configure vsftpd? It won't let me upload files to a folder
[02:20] <Felishia> GUYS HELP ME!!!
[02:20] <Felishia> can someone help me to help them?! T_T
[02:21] <XenophonF> hm, this might be the cause of my missing cryptsetup -
[02:21] <XenophonF> summary is that /etc/crypttab needs to exist before running update-initramfs
[02:22] <pavlos> Sharkq,
[02:22] <XenophonF> which i think i did, but now i'm not sure
[02:22] <fawksmulder> "There is no locale defined for the combination of language and country you have selected."
[02:23] <Sharkq> HELP ME
[02:23] <fawksmulder> so just because I don't want stupid-ass localized language (which most non-english countries don't) I can't select my locale?
[02:23] * Felishia hides
[02:24] <gzcwnk> hehehe
[02:24] <XenophonF> Sharkq: dude, post a gist with the vsftpd config and give us a directory listing while you're at it
[02:24] <XenophonF> if it's a permissions problem, have you checked the permissions?
[02:24] <tnkhanh> good morning
[02:26] <fawksmulder> So
[02:26] <fawksmulder> Ubuntu won't allow you to pick your locale unless you choose to have localized language
[02:27] <tlt> Sharkq, the logged in user has to be in the same group (guid) as the folder's write permissions
[02:27] <vempyre> Felishia, thanks
[02:27] <fawksmulder> and the website has no way of e-mailing the developers to let them know of this problem
[02:27] <fawksmulder> Ok, I'm done with this piece of shit OS then.
[02:27] <tlt> or uid alternately
[02:27] <Felishia> :o it worked
[02:28] <tlt> but I guess the group is vsftp or something and that should make all write access people write to it? Or does that user have limited access specifically?
[02:36] <gzcwnk> would anyone know how to make bind9 on ubuntu14 answer dns queries?
[02:36] <gzcwnk> the ubuntu docs seem to be wrong
[02:40] <SudoSteve> Derp?
[02:45] <linxxc_> hello
[02:49] <yankov> man, another update and ubuntu crashed again. Doesn’t let me in. Loging screen in loop. .xsession-errors are fine, .profile is fine, permissions on .Xauthority are fine. What a piece of crap :(
[02:49] <yankov> login screen*
[02:50] <yankov> i dont think there was a single update without an issue
[02:50] <Ben64> yankov: this channel isn't for complaints
[02:51] <yankov> Ben64: basically it’s a question about what else can that be? my frustration got mixed in, sorry
[02:51] <XenophonF> the vsftpd business is likely due to it chrooting into the ftp user's home directory
[02:51] <Ben64> yankov: give some details, what version of ubuntu, what updates, what video card, etc
[02:51] <XenophonF> i tried to convince the guy not to use ftp
[02:52] <gzcwnk> is there a good ubuntu users group maillist?
[02:52] <yankov> Ben64: 14.10, just ran all the latest updates when updates notifier told me to. EVGA GTX660
[02:53] <Bashing-om> yankov: Most often we see this as a result of an installed proprietary driver gets broke in an update . 3rd party software is not ubuntu .
[02:54] <nmatrix9> Anyone know where I can get a stable decent dock for kde?
[02:54] <yankov> Bashing-om: I had those too, but in that case my resolution would be screwed (i have a propriatary driver from nvidia). In the current case resolution and image on my screen are all good. It’s just that login screen is in loop
[02:56] <Bashing-om> yankov: Looping back to the login screen is one symptom of the kernel not able to load the GUI due to no driver available to drive the GUI . does ' sudo lshw -C display ' show a driver in the config line ?
[02:59] <backbox> boa noite
[02:59] <backbox> tem alguem na sala
[02:59] <Sharkq> Need some help configuring vsftpd
[03:00] <backbox> boa noite
[03:00] <backbox> meu ola
[03:00] <backbox> alguem fala portugues
[03:00] <xangua> backbox:
[03:00] <backbox> sou analista de redes
[03:01] <wafflejock> !br | backbox
[03:01] <backbox> gostaria
[03:01] <backbox> l
[03:01] <backbox> ok
[03:01] <backbox> obrigado
[03:02] <Savior> 3
[03:04] <wafflejock> Sharkq, have had troubles with that in the past myself, would wonder if you really should be using it or rather use scp instead? is there a reason you need to use SFTP
[03:05] <Seven_Six_Two> having some trouble with hp g60 laptop. downloading large files drops laptop (and all other wifi devices) off wifi. I then have to restart networking to reconnect. It does it reliably.
[03:06] <Seven_Six_Two> I was doing an upgrade, and noticed that it had stopped, so I did ctrl+c. Now I still have an ip. I can ping the router, but no farther.
[03:06] <backbox_> opa
[03:06] <Seven_Six_Two> I'm on my desktop now (same network), so my internet is ok.
[03:06] <backbox_> como faco pra entrar no ubuntu-br
[03:08] <Seven_Six_Two> I just tried to upgrade again, while watching th wifi client list on router status page, and my laptop and phone disconnect at exactly the same time.
[03:09] <aeon-ltd> !portuguese
[03:09] <MobileRoey> hi
[03:09] <Seven_Six_Two> When I restart network-manager, my laptop and phone reconnect to my router at the same time. So my laptop is somehow jamming wifi.
[03:09] <MobileRoey> so question...I'm on Kubuntu 15.04 and when I issue "startx", I get the error message "(EE) X server aborted because of unsafe environment". What is this about, and how can I resolve it?
[03:11] <xangua> MobileRoey: start lightdm
[03:11] <MobileRoey> xangua: hmm, it's on SDDM
[03:11] <MobileRoey> xangua: well... I mean I started it with runlevel 3
[03:12] <MobileRoey> xangua: If I start it with X, then I get this screen that lets me specify the environment (KDE, XFCE ,FVWM, etc.) but there's no username/password field
[03:12] <gzcwnk> anyone tried to get a bind9 caching server working on ubuntu14?
[03:19] <epx998> in grub at bootup, if i edit the start config by pressing 'e' - which line would i add 'single' to boot into single user mode?
[03:20] <matias> dd
[03:21] <Bashing-om> export: This line similar too: linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic root=UUID=217ed9a7-e11a-4e32-8c05-992e8c8932b6 ro quiet splash $vt_handoff .
[03:21] <EriC^^> epx998: the kernel line, linux /boot/vmlinuz...
[03:22] <EriC^^> i don't think that works anymore though
[03:22] <epx998> yup found it
[03:22] <epx998> it worked
[03:22] <EriC^^> are you using 15.04?
[03:30] <alazare619> how do i automount a software raid using mdadm
[03:31] <Seven_Six_Two> grr. it's getting annoying doing sudo service network-manager restart over and over and over and over.
[03:33] <gzcwnk> anyone setup bind9 caching server on ubuntu14?
[03:33] <XenophonF> ok so this is really annoying - i can't figure out why update-initramfs isn't copying /sbin/cryptsetup to the initrd
[03:38] <benh> hey
[03:38] <benh> weird stuff happened since I updated to vivid
[03:38] <benh> my local is always LANG=C
[03:38] <benh> regardless of what I have in /etc/default/locale
[03:39] <benh> or .pam_environment
[03:39] <benh> or anything else I could think of
[03:39] <benh> they all say en_AU.UTF-8
[03:39] <benh> but when I login, it reverts to C
[03:39] <benh> (which prevents gnome-terminal from working)
[03:39] <EriC^^> type locale -a
[03:39] <benh> and I can't figure out what the heck is going on
[03:40] <benh> EriC^^: they are all there including en_AU.utf8
[03:40] <benh>
[03:40] <EriC^^> ok, type locale
[03:40] <benh> I've tried rebuilding them with locale-gen --force etc...
[03:41] <benh> EriC^^:
[03:41] <benh> you see LANG=C
[03:41] <benh> I can't figure out what sets it
[03:41] <EriC^^> type locate locale.conf
[03:42] <benh> my /etc/default/locale is
[03:42] <benh> EriC^^: nope, no such file, I created one earlier to test, didn't help, then took it out
[03:42] <benh> I've grepped for LANG= in /etc/, didn't lead to anything either
[03:42] <benh> created a new user, so no crap in the .files
[03:43] <benh> same deal, new user gets LANG=C
[03:43] <EriC^^> i think /etc/default/locale sets it
[03:43] <EriC^^> did you try rebooting maybe?
[03:43] <benh> plenty of times :)
[03:43] <benh> is my /etc/default/locale
[03:44] <benh> actually, /etc/init.d/exim4 contains LANG=C
[03:44] <benh> I'll take that out and reboot ... brb
[03:45] <XenophonF> hm, maybe i ought to be calling mkinitramfs instead of update-initramfs...
[03:48] <benh> EriC^^: nope, nothing helped
[03:48] <EriC^^> ok
[03:48] <EriC^^> i'll brb
[03:48] <benh> I am out of ideas ...
[03:48] <nicholosophy> When I click on an icon in the launcher it only shows one window by default. is there a way to show all windows to choose from?
[03:52] <woodgrain> is there a CD <700MB Ubuntu installer .iso?
[03:52] <woodgrain> for a current 14.02.2 version?
[03:52] <xangua> !mini
[03:53] <woodgrain> xangua, thank you!
[03:54] <xangua> don't really see why you can not get a 2GB usb stick or a dvd
[03:54] <EriC^^> still there?
[03:55] <Mr_Sheesh> Some machines don't have any USB sockets, sadly
[03:55] <benh> EriC^^: yes
[03:55] <benh> EriC^^: i verified if I export LANG=en_AU.UTF-8
[03:55] <woodgrain> xangua, my mainboard won't boot off USB
[03:55] <benh> EriC^^: then do bash -l
[03:55] <benh> EriC^^: the new bash has LANG=C
[03:55] <woodgrain> and I don't have any blank DVD's right now.
[03:55] <benh> so something to do with the login scripts...
[03:55] <EriC^^> benh: check ~/.bashrc
[03:56] <woodgrain> xangua, do I want 14.02 or 14.10?
[03:56] <benh> EriC^^: nothing out of the ordinary there but it's pretty big
[03:56] <EriC^^> grep your home dir
[03:56] <benh> EriC^^: I created a new user "foo", same prolem
[03:56] <benh> EriC^^: grepped it's home dir (mine is too big :-), didn't find anything
[03:57] <benh> EriC^^: echo "LANG=" $LANG as first thing in .bashrc and it's C
[03:58] <EriC^^> .profile maybe?
[03:59] <EriC^^> something else is setting it i guess
[03:59] <benh> I checked all of these, I'm going to strace it I think :_)
[04:00] <EriC^^> ok
[04:01] <benh> it's already turned to "C" at the first line of .bashrc and .profile
[04:02] <EriC^^> update-locale LANG=<locale>
[04:05] <benh> EriC^^: did that many times ...
[04:05] <EriC^> ok
[04:07] <EriC^> benh: did you try the gui settings for language?
[04:07] <benh> yes
[04:08] <spill_76> Trying to install 14.04, currently running the live CD of a USB stick and all is well, yet when I try to install, it won't show my hard drive. any thoughts?
[04:08] <gzcwnk> spill76 what hardware?
[04:09] <spill_76> running a older Gateway machine, 2 Western Digital 1Gig SATA drives, they show fine in the live CD as well.
[04:09] <Shed-34046> Hi I was wondering would it hurt to swap my hdd out of my windows 8.0 laptop for another one and install ubuntu on that? this laptop has UEFI BIOS
[04:10] <gzcwnk> spill-76 try 12.02 see if that see sthe hd
[04:10] <gzcwnk> or a different linux
[04:10] <gzcwnk> or it maybe its ignoring ti as it cant see any free space?
[04:10] <EriC^> spill_76: type sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda
[04:10] <gzcwnk> gtg sorry
[04:10] <Shed-34046> My laptop has intel pentium b960, intel hd grapihcs, and 4GB DDR3
[04:11] <EriC^> Shed-34046: no it would be fine
[04:12] <spill_76> @Eric^ it outputted a good amount, what am I looking for exactly?
[04:12] <Shed-34046> EriC^ so swaping it out for another HDD to put ubuntu is fine? what about like one month use ubuntu, next the windows hdd, and so on?
[04:12] <EriC^> spill_76: first 4 lines or so
[04:12] <EriC^> is it msdos or gpt?
[04:12] <spill_76> Partition table scann MBR: MBR only BSD: not present APM: not present GPT: not present
[04:12] <Shed-34046> EriC^ you talking to me?
[04:12] <EriC^> Shed-34046: no
[04:13] <EriC^> Shed-34046: you could do that if you want
[04:13] <benh> ah
[04:13] <benh> it's good at the beginning of /etc/profile
[04:13] * benh hunts
[04:15] <spill_76> @Eric^ it also says Found invalid GPT and valid MBR; converting MBR to GPT format in memory.
[04:15] <spill_76> then it lists my drives below this as well as the partitions I created on the main drive.
[04:16] <benh> ahhh
[04:16] <EriC^> spill_76: ok, did it used to have windows8?
[04:16] <benh> EriC^: some crap in /etc/profile.d/...
[04:16] <EriC^>
[04:16] <spill_76> trying to dual book with Windows7, thats installed and running fine.
[04:16] <spill_76> dual boot that is. ;)
[04:16] <EriC^> spill_76: ok, was it originally windows 8?
[04:17] <spill_76> no, has always been win7
[04:17] <EriC^> oh ok, sometimes if gpt was converted to msdos, stray gpt can confuse the installer
[04:17] <EriC^> it's worth a try if you want, sudo fixparts /dev/sda
[04:18] <benh> EriC^: nah, some stupid stuff installed by an internal IBM package from hell
[04:18] <benh> bbl
[04:20] <spill_76> hmm, Warning: 0xEE partition doesn't start on sector 1. This can cause problems
[04:20] <spill_76> in some OSes.
[04:20] <spill_76> ?
[04:20] <EriC^> no problem
[04:25] <evan__> sup
[04:26] <evan3334> hey
[04:30] <ultragamecard> is the straw here?
[04:31] <evan3334> is ultragamecard here
[04:31] <ultragamecard> hell
[04:31] <ultragamecard> o
[04:31] <ultragamecard> sry
[04:31] <evan3334> hi
[04:31] <ultragamecard> hello
[04:31] <evan3334> are there commands?
[04:31] <evan3334> !help
[04:32] <evan3334> what?
[04:32] <ultragamecard> move to ubuntu-offtopic
[04:32] <evan3334> idk how
[04:32] <evan3334> i just installed this
[04:32] <evan3334> from ppa
[04:32] <ultragamecard> it's /join #ubuntu-offtopic
[04:42] <Guest69733> como istalo las librerias
[04:43] <Guest69733> ayuda
[04:43] <Guest69733> como instalo librerias
[04:44] <Guest69733> alguien k me diga
[04:45] <Guest69733> 111111111111111111
[04:45] <somsip> !es | Guest69733
[04:49] <melissa_> Hi everyone I am new to xubuntu any site good for learning xubuntu?
[04:50] <somsip> !manual | melissa_ (has a general overview that might be useful)
[04:51] <melissa_> thanks ubottu so far I like it a lot better than windows
[04:55] <melissa_> ubottu I got the manual TY
[04:56] <N3X15> Anyone know of a way to force-kill zombie processes beyond killing the parent? I've got an entire zombie process group sitting under init and they're not getting reaped. They're also locking up a fuse mountpoint.
[05:09] <N3X15> Picture of proof of zombies not being reaped by init.
[05:12] <RepThis1> Hey guys is there anything that can replace the unity launcher?
[05:13] <Bevo> Weirdest problem on 15.04 I cant get to certain google ip's (youtube for an example) i can ping but not which is strange because they resolve to the same ip address:
[05:13] <somsip> RepThis1: any WM you like
[05:14] <RepThis1> somsip: im new enough to not know any beyond x11, right?
[05:15] <al2o3-cr> RepThis1: try i3 if you like the tile effect ;p
[05:15] <somsip> RepThis1: I don't undertstand your question. This is a list of available WMs. Do some research, find one you like, and try it
[05:15] <RepThis1> although not to long ago i was watching a video and they were talking about some window manager that people uses that would like spit there windows across screen/s or something?
[05:15] <somsip> !flavors | RepThis1 (aternatively, try some of the supplied desktop-* packages)
[05:16] <RepThis1> well i actually saw something but was wondering if there was anything else. The software they were talking about was this.
[05:16] <somsip> RepThis1: you can install that on top of a number of WMs
[05:17] <RepThis1> somsip: ok, but is there anything else like this? im not talking about Desktop environments like kde, xfce, gnome.
[05:18] <somsip> RepThis1: there are a number of different docks available, yes.
[05:19] <RepThis1> somsip: what are the popular ones? is cario-dock one?
[05:19] <al2o3-cr> RepThis1: yep
[05:19] <al2o3-cr> RepThis1: also docky
[05:20] <somsip> RepThis1: plank is another I'm aware of.
[05:21] <RepThis1> somsip: al2o3-cr thanks for those projects.
[05:22] <al2o3-cr> RepThis1: yvw
[05:27] <N3X15> RepThis1, whatever you do, stay away from Kubuntu. It's unstable as hell at the moment.
[05:29] <RepThis1> N3X15: lol, i just came from openSUSE on KDE and i gotta say i was not a fan, it was unpleasant/dated to look at and there were so many features to go through it was daunting. So i doubt I will ever go near that again until some time.
[05:30] <sxnil> evenin'
[05:35] <N3X15> Yeah
[05:36] <N3X15> I'm considering switching to gnome again just so I get a usable WM.
[05:36] <RepThis1> well thats unfortunate, I didnt realize cario-dock was gnome exclusive
[05:37] <N3X15> Might still work, some WMs support GTK.
[05:37] <N3X15> KDE, in particular.
[05:38] <RepThis1> well i logged out, then i clicked that area where you go to switch desktop enviroments, and under cario-dock it said something about gnome. after i logged in with that it gave me the ubuntu background but nothing else.
[05:39] <lpx> ??
[05:39] <RepThis1> N3X15: then i rebooted and it hung. I was scared because if it hung i wasnt sure how to go about switching it back through a tty1 (alt-f1)
[05:41] <R13ose> How do I upgrade Python interface to libapt-pkg?
[05:43] <RepThis1> N3X15: oh wow thats odd, if i run it from commandline then its fine.
[05:43] <N3X15> Race condition?
[05:43] <RepThis1> now i just gotta figure out if im suppose to uninstall something to get rid of the unity bar, or just try to hide it
[05:55] <N3X15> well, gonna try rebooting the VM
[05:55] <N3X15> this is why I stay the hell away from C unless I know exactly what I'm doing.
[06:07] <andy__> Hi.
[06:10] <andy__> I ended up disabling the LAN on the motherboard from the bios.
[06:12] <andy__> I don't think that the driver for my LAN card works very well.
[06:12] <RepThis1> hey guys i was messing around with ccsm compizconfiguration session manager or something. is there a way to get back the default settings?
[06:14] <andy__> RepThis1,
[06:15] <N3X15> andy__, which LAN card?
[06:15] <andy__> I need to figure that out so that I can find a driver for it.
[06:16] <somsip> andy__: sudo lshw -C network
[06:16] <N3X15> lspci packa- or that
[06:16] <RepThis1> oh god, i clicked reset to defaults and now everything is missing on my desktop except for my inwodws
[06:17] <RepThis1> thanks andy__ jesus!
[06:17] <andy__> PCI (sysfs)
[06:17] <somsip> !paste | andy__
[06:17] <somsip> andy__: and wait for it to finish - it takes a few seconds to lshw
[06:18] <andy__> RepThis1, I just did a search for some keywords in your question.
[06:18] <andy__> product: RTL8169 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Controller
[06:18] <andy__> ubottu, Isn't that a multi-line paste?
[06:21] <andy__> somsip What does that mean?
[06:21] <andy__> somsip !paste | andy ?
[06:21] <somsip> andy__: it looked like you were about to paste the entire output of lshw -C network. You didn't. No loss.
[06:22] <andy__> I tried the lshw command earlier and that was all I saw.
[06:22] <somsip> andy__: which has given you the answer to your last question '13:15 < andy__> I need to figure that out so that I can find a driver for it.'
[06:23] <andy__> I know.
[06:24] <andy__> Before, I didn't think it would actually tell me anything more than just that I had a PCI card.
[06:24] <RepThis1> hey guys i had to reset to defaults with compiz configuration settings manager and i went to restart my computer but now all i have is my background and this pretty much it.
[06:25] <RepThis1> when i reset to defaults too everything disappeared, hence restarting the machine
[06:26] <andy__> Do you think that it was caused by the commands used to reset the computer?
[06:28] <RepThis1> i tried restarting unity but to no success, i also tried removing the .xauthority and .profile but to no success
[06:28] <RepThis1> should i just try to uninstall and reinstall unity?
[06:28] <andy__> That might not be very fun.
[06:29] <Guest82882> 123
[06:29] <cfhowlett> !test | Guest82882
[06:29] <Guest82882> ok
[06:29] <andy__> ubotto no bots.
[06:30] <N3X15> andy__, afaik ubottu is the official Ubuntu infobot
[06:31] <cfhowlett> N3X15, true
[06:31] <somsip> !bot | andy__
[06:31] <MortezaE> Hello what to do when freezing meanwhile dist upgrading?
[06:31] <MortezaE> should i restart system?
[06:31] <andy__> How did you trigger that bot response?
[06:32] <somsip> andy__: !{bot command}
[06:32] <somsip> !brain | andy__
[06:33] <RepThis1> looks like following most of these steps helped solve the problem
[06:33] <RepThis1> once again the terminal version of something seems to triumph over the gui option.
[06:33] <N3X15> RepThis1, yep, that's how Linux works.
[06:37] <neoxavier> hello, anybody experience with creating upstart job that can be run by specific user
[06:38] <andy__> neoxavier, Could you rephrase the question?
[06:38] <bojan> HEllo,Can anybody help me to install libreoffice 3.5.7 version on my ubuntu 12.04...Now its updated to 4.4.3 and i am not feel it is good to work
[06:38] <somsip> !libreoffice precise
[06:38] <somsip> !info libreoffice precise
[06:39] <somsip> bojan: that's the current version for 12.04. If you want something more up to date, you'd have to update to a newer version of ubuntu, or use a PPA to install a newer version of libreoffice
[06:41] <bojan> From where i can download that??
[06:41] <somsip> bojan: er...just reread your question. You've already installed 4.4.3 and it's not working right? Where did you get it from?
[06:41] <bojan> somsip:its not in the libreoffice official website
[06:41] <somsip> bojan: it's best to install packages from official ubuntu repos, not from other sources
[06:42] <bojan> somsip:sorry its libre
[06:42] <somsip> bojan: is that the one you have or the one you want?
[06:42] <bojan> somsip:is that the one i have now...
[06:42] <somsip> bojan: and you want which version?
[06:42] <bojan> somsip:i want to revert back to 3.5.7
[06:42] <RepThis11> wow i just got a fantastic idea, you know how you browse online , specifically stuff relating to terminal commands and when you highlight and area and click search google for "xyz". What if there was an option to run that in a terminal by a simple mouseclick.
[06:42] <RepThis11> waaaaaaaat
[06:43] <somsip> RepThis11: hightlight with mouse, move to terminal, middle-click
[06:43] <somsip> bojan: did you download and install a .deb file?
[06:44] <bojan> somsip:but where can i get the exact libre 3.5.7 deb file??Am searching but i cant able to get that
[06:44] <RepThis11> somsip: to much effort should be done with less effort, this is the american way. besides, what if i have 9 monitors? do you want me to get carpel tunel quicker you jerk?
[06:44] <somsip> bojan: you don't 'get' it. You fix the mess you made, then reinstall from the official repo
[06:45] <neoxavier> @andy__ I want to create a service that can be run by specific user who is not sudoers
[06:46] <andy__> It sounds like it should be done with access control.
[06:46] <N3X15> !acl | neoxavier
[06:46] <N3X15> Oh, that's a Debian command
[06:46] <N3X15> :<
[06:48] <somsip> N3X15: FWIW
[06:48] <N3X15> Ah.
[06:48] <bojan_> somsip:when i install the ubuntu by default it was libre 3.5.7
[06:48] <somsip> bojan_: that's the current version, so that would make sense
[06:49] <neoxavier> so far I have change the upstart policy and I've put the job in $home/.init per but it seems does not pickup the service
[06:50] <bojan_> somsip:i have followed this
[06:50] <bojan_> somsip:but it is updating to
[06:50] <bojan_> somsip:please give me a good repos for installing 3.5.7
[06:50] <somsip> !ppa-purge | bojan_ (if you have installed from PPA, use this to remove the installed package, then reinstall from the official repo)
[06:51] <somsip> bojan_: or maybe ppa-purge will install the default package looking at the above. I've never used it so try and see
[06:51] <andy__> #ban ubottu
[06:52] <cfhowlett> andy__, no. ubottu is the official #ubuntu bot.
[06:52] <stdin[]> on 15.04, how do I change qt font settings? system settings and qt config do not have anti aliasing or hint settings like 14.04 had
[06:53] <bojan_> somsip:no need to add any ppa for default installation??
[06:53] <somsip> bojan_: no
[06:53] <cfhowlett> bojan_, defaults, by definition, NEVER need the ppa!
[06:54] <bojan_> somsip:If i purge libreoffice completely and reinstall using apt-get install libreoffice will install my libre 3.5.7
[06:54] <bojan_> ??
[06:55] <somsip> bojan_: you keep asking the same questions. I've told you what to do. Report back when you'
[06:55] <aj_> hi need some network help with Ubunto 15.04 . Ubunto sees my network and connects fine but i cannot load any pages from Firefox, Chromium or other browsers. Weirdly, it works on some occasions . im puzzled here any help would be appreciated. Thx
[06:55] <somsip> ve done it
[06:56] <neoxavier> @andy__ so far I have change the upstart policy and I've put the job in $home/.init per but it seems does not pickup the service
[06:57] <andy__> I don't know about that.
[06:57] <andy__> I just use chmod.
[06:58] <andy__> Why doesn't chmod suit your needs?
[07:03] <andy__> neoxavier, I am sorry I could not help you with your issue.
[07:03] <andy__> neoxavier, It seems too advanced for me.
[07:04] <neoxavier> andy__ ok cool anybody want to know ?
[07:04] <andy__> neoxavier, Upstart seems to be a very interesting tool though.
[07:06] <andy__> neoxavier, Are you addressing the group now?
[07:11] <neoxavier> yeah, I am still struggling with it :D I am able to run it with sudo users
[07:12] <mate_> great
[07:13] <mate_> my sougou input was black
[07:15] <kokut> Hello, i'm trying to boot my ubuntu installation and it doesn't show video after the loading screen, i would normally boot into the live DVD and try something from there but i don't have it anymore, is there anything i can try?
[07:15] <cfhowlett> !nomodeset | kokut
[07:19] <neoxavier> anyone good with upstart or initctl ?
[07:21] <kokut> cfhowlett: that link doesnt show what do i have to add after the linux /boot it was lost when imageshack started charging
[07:22] <maciej> hello
[07:23] <cfhowlett> kokut, oops. right. didn't know the images were no longer available. sorry. ask in channel for someone to give details of nomodeset
[07:23] <maciej> op
[07:23] <kokut> cfhowlett: i remember i installed the latest nvidia drivers before shutting down the computer
[07:23] <kokut> last argument of the line is $vt_handoff
[07:23] <kokut> should i remove that?
[07:24] <cfhowlett> kokut, gotta ask someone else. I'm not familiar enough with nomodeset to know such details.
[07:28] <TomyWork> kubuntu 14.04: i kept thinking resume-from-hibernation failed entirely, but when logged in again, plasma-desktop instantly froze because it tried to access a network share that was still mounted but obviously lost connection during hibernation.
[07:29] <Neo9> if i want to install older apache version which is not their in the Ubuntu repositories, how can i proceed ? i need "apache 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.7"
[07:29] <depesz> hi. I downloaded 3 files from - *(.dsc, *.orig.tar.bz2 and *.debian.tar.xz
[07:29] <depesz> how do I make .deb out of it ?
[07:30] <somsip> Neo9: really, install it on a VM. It will be an easier solution than trying to use a PPA to downgrade and pin
[07:30] <somsip> !packaging | depesz
[07:30] <depesz> somsip: that's huge doc, with many links.
[07:31] <somsip> depesz: it's a huge subject, with many facets
[07:31] <depesz> isn't there a simple 1/2 command version?
[07:31] <barq> During startup I run a script. The script calls a second script, but fails to do so, and says permission denied. I noticed that I lack permissions on the cli as well when I do thinks such as mkdir or copy. How can I increase my permissino or resolve the error?
[07:31] <depesz> I don't want to build many packages - just libcgcrypt11, and that's all.
[07:31] <depesz> libgcrypt11
[07:31] <somsip> depesz: doesn't the launchpad package offer a PPA where it is pre-built?
[07:31] <Neo9> somsip: where i can exact version "apache 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.7".
[07:32] <Neo9> somsip: where i can get exact version "apache 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.7".
[07:33] <depesz> somsip: not sure how to find it.
[07:33] <somsip> !info apache2 precise
[07:33] <somsip> !ppa | depesz (search on here)
[07:33] <kokut> cfhowlett: i just added nomodeset before quiet/splash and now it works fine, thank you
[07:33] <somsip> Neo9: looks like you'll get it with a clean install of 12.04
[07:33] <cfhowlett> kokut, happy2help!
[07:33] <kokut> also, gonna try upgrading ubuntu to the latest version and see if that fixes the issue, do you think its a good idea, cfhowlett?
[07:33] <somsip> Neo9: no, that's 1.7 Is that ok?
[07:34] <cfhowlett> kokut, I only use LTS so 14.04 works fine me. YMMV
[07:34] <kokut> cfhowlett: i'm just wondering if upgrading to 15.04 might fix the issue
[07:39] <Neo9> somsip: yes
[07:40] <Neo9> somsip: i have to install same version apache in system. that is actual requirement. how can i get it.
[07:40] <somsip> Neo9: so that would be my suggestion. Run a VM with 12.04 installed on it. Use vagrant or something if you're so inclined
[07:41] <somsip> Neo9: what version of ubuntu are you running now?
[07:41] <Neo9> somsip: nope; i have to install on seperate system. VM suggestion won't help me any more.
[07:41] <somsip> Neo9: then install 12.04
[07:43] <Neo9> somsip: do you mean in 12.04 distro, we can have "apache 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.7" in repository. am i right?
[07:43] <somsip> Neo9: *version* 12.04 of ubuntu has apache 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.8 available in the official repo
[07:43] <Neo9> somsip: great.
[07:44] <lng> Hi! I have two monitors, but both show the same output and it's detected as one in Displays section. I use Gnome. Here is more details:
[07:49] <deekej> hello guys! I don't know if there was an update lately to the shutting down process, does anybody know? Because when I try to shutdown my Mint (it is virtualized), the shutdown/reboot commands get stucked, they start to allocate a lot of memory that I will eventually start swapping and after that the system just freezes... Does anybody have a hint/clue what might be causing this?
[07:50] <somsip> !mint | deekej
[07:50] <soulde> hello
[07:51] <comodo_dragon> hi
[07:51] <soulde> wow, someone is alive here!
[07:51] <soulde> please, tell u are not a bot ;)
[07:51] <comodo_dragon> im not :D
[07:51] <somsip> soulde: please just ask your support question
[07:51] <cfhowlett> soulde, please ask your ubuntu questions
[07:52] <soulde> public channel is only to make specific questions about ubuntu?
[07:52] <somsip> soulde: yes
[07:52] <cfhowlett> soulde, that would be the topic so ... yes
[07:52] <MagePsycho> has anyone used powerline tool in ubuntu
[07:52] <MortezaE> Hi, my sound has been muted, probably due to low memory. what to do or what services to start? i use ubuntu 14.04
[07:52] <soulde> ow, sorry.
[07:53] <lxgr> hello, is it possible that the grubx64.efi binary generated by grub-install contains a hardcoded path to EFI/ubuntu/, thus rendering the --bootloader-id option useless in ubuntu? i am trying to install two versions of ubuntu on the same EFI machine, and the later install always overwrites the boot entry of the earlier one, even if i manually select a different boot entry id
[07:53] <cfhowlett> soulde, #ubuntu-offtopic for more general chit-chat
[07:53] <Neo9> somsip: thanks.
[07:54] <soulde> thanks, cfhowlett :)
[07:57] <sw33tlull4by> Hey I have a question or two 1: how come my dmesg-output is always empty? I have a ubuntu-server 14 running
[07:59] <nyuszika7h> sw33tlull4by: did you try "sudo dmesg"?
[08:00] <MagePsycho> any terminal customizer tool for ubuntu?
[08:00] <sw33tlull4by> yes I am root
[08:01] <sw33tlull4by> nyuszika7h, /var/log/syslog also has content, so that is one thing I am not getting
[08:02] <lng> why can't I see gnome-device-manager in Ubuntu 14.04?
[08:02] <sw33tlull4by> lng, did you install it??
[08:03] <lng> sw33tlull4by: E: Unable to locate package gnome-device-manager
[08:06] <MagePsycho> which dotfiles you recommend
[08:06] <MagePsycho> ?
[08:06] <sw33tlull4by> lng, what version of ubuntu are you running?
[08:08] <zamba> ok.. this is a paradox.. why does ubuntu insist on creating a 100MB large /boot and then filling this in just a couple of months with old and unused kernels?
[08:08] <zamba> this happens on all my boxes
[08:08] <zamba> why?
[08:08] <zamba> why no automatic routine to clean up?
[08:08] <trijntje> ubuntu doesn't make a separate boot by default
[08:08] <zamba> trijntje: it does
[08:08] <lng> sw33tlull4by: >why can't I see gnome-device-manager in Ubuntu 14.04?
[08:08] <zamba> trijntje: if you set up lvm, it does
[08:09] <nyuszika7h> zamba: why do you care? do you have an extremely small disk? it's 2015
[08:09] <cfhowlett> zamba, because autodeleting kernels is a bad idea. sudo apt-get autoremove
[08:09] <nyuszika7h> afaik it *can* take up that much space because old kernels are kept around in case an upgrade breaks
[08:09] <sw33tlull4by> the package is only known to me from ubuntu 10
[08:09] <sw33tlull4by> lng , s.a.
[08:10] <nyuszika7h> !info gnome-device-manager
[08:11] <sw33tlull4by> I also see that /var/lib/initscripts/nologin is missing which is bad :( since a symlink /etc/nologin pointed to that...-.-' can s.o. confirm that there are similar problems with Ubuntu14-server and what to do about it, especially with dmesg would be much apreciated
[08:16] <sw33tlull4by> hmm this i consider bad-practice :(
[08:16] <sw33tlull4by> point DELAYLOGIN a symlink to a non-existing-file is by that wording deemed ok
[08:18] <sw33tlull4by> anyways gtg, see you guys later
[08:19] <sw33tlull4by> lng, use lspci, lsusb, etc to find your hardware ;)
[08:27] <BasY> Who knows,why repositories are not working? [
[08:27] <BasY> 404 Not Found [IP: 80]]
[08:27] <jasabella> hmmm
[08:28] <zamba> how do i extract a file from a deb package?
[08:32] <froyo> hi
[08:39] <k3asd`> hi there, is it possible knows the network interfaces installed on the system? I've a server with 2 giga interfaces but the system don't recognized them
[08:39] <k3asd`> how can do a troubleshooting?
[08:41] <jasabella> k3asd`... lspci
[08:42] <k3asd`> jasabella: thank you. the command cat /proc/net/dev is the same thing?
[08:43] <jasabella> oh i thought you wanted to know the manufacturer and stuff
[08:44] <jasabella> with the manfacturer and all that you can look for firmwares i thought
[08:47] <jasabella> that just lists the network interfaces but they only show up there if they are configured ro something
[08:48] <jasabella> hi svetlana :D
[08:48] <chotaz`w> good morning everyone! I'm having this weird issue and I can't find any relevant info on the google. Everytime I install a new package I get this error: "your 131072x1 screen size is bogus. expect trouble" and I have no clue when this started happening.
[08:48] <svetlana> hi jasabella
[08:49] <jasabella> hehe 2**17 x 1
[08:49] <svetlana> chotaz`w, this over vnc or directly
[08:49] <chotaz`w> svetlana, direcly
[08:49] <chotaz`w> +t
[08:50] <chotaz`w> I've been using ubuntu for almost a decade and while I'm no expert or anything like that, I'm pretty sure I haven't seen this issue before, so my first thought was "something is utterly broken" because you know, bogus is a pretty mean word.
[08:52] <svetlana> I think you may have to disable hardware acceleration, but I'm not sure how to do that
[09:01] <k3asd`> jasabella: I treid this network cable in my laptop and works fine
[09:02] <k3asd`> jasabella: the problem are the netowrk card of this server
[09:02] <pragomer> how can I prevent any kernel update in ubuntu? the background is: I install a notebook for a friend who shall use Virtualbox. After kernel update he would have to do /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup... I dont want him to have to do this.. .so.. I just want to stay with the kernel used when installing.. how do I do this for sure ?
[09:03] <svetlana> let him update the kernel and add that setup stuff to cron for every reboot
[09:03] <svetlana> if it's not interactive, that is
[09:03] <trijntje> pragomer: I use virtualbox and updates go fine, how did you install it?
[09:05] <pragomer> ahm.. it is xubuntu.. it is possible that in xubuntu this does not work ;-)
[09:05] <pragomer> I think you are right.. in main "ubuntu" this works out of the box..
[09:05] <svetlana> xubuntu and ubuntu share same repositories, so please give more detail
[09:06] <trijntje> not really, if you install virtualbox from the software center the desktop environment should have no effect
[09:06] <svetlana> what version of xubuntu, what version of virtualbox, how did you install virtualbox
[09:06] <svetlana> yeah
[09:07] <pragomer> ahm.. yes.. I think it was today. that a kernel update came.. and I had to recompile the vbox kernel module.. you are right.. I installed the vbox version from their website.. because the version I can install via repos is the ose edition and this one does not support usb , right?
[09:08] <svetlana> trijntje: .... your hypothesis was correct
[09:09] <pragomer> its xubuntu 14.04 and Virtualbox 4.3.26
[09:09] <trijntje> pragomer: I dont know actually, I never used usb with virtualbox. Is it not included in guest additions? Otherwise just write a litte script for your friend to run if vbox stops working ;)
[09:10] <AlexEagle8128> Hola!
[09:10] <svetlana> hi
[09:10] <pragomer> yes.. a script would be ok... I also wanted my knowledge to grow.. about how to prevent kernel updates ;-)
[09:10] <svetlana> instead of disabling kernel updates, shoot yourself in the foot with an ak-47
[09:10] <svetlana> about the same
[09:11] <AlexEagle8128> Startup disk creator isn't able to finish putting the bootloader on a USB.
[09:11] <AlexEagle8128> I'm running lubuntu 15.04.
[09:11] <svetlana> does it give you an error message
[09:11] <jost> Hi! What could be the reason that apt-get puts its *.deb files into the root fs?
[09:11] <AlexEagle8128> yep
[09:11] <AlexEagle8128> @svetlana yep
[09:12] <svetlana> jost, filling the space, and problem started only recently around last week? on 15.04?
[09:12] <AlexEagle8128> Sorry, what?
[09:12] <jost> svetlana: no idea when it started, just noticed it in the IDS-reports
[09:12] <AlexEagle8128> oh
[09:13] <barq> I have startup scripts that no longer run after updating, I get permission denied. How can I increase the permissions in order for the scripts to work again?
[09:13] <jost> svetlana: what do you mean by "filling the space"?
[09:14] <AlexEagle8128> it's weird. If it help, I'm trying to load a x86 image (for another computer) on a x64 laptop. I wouldn't have thought that would affect it...
[09:15] <AlexEagle8128> *helps
[09:15] <svetlana> what is it
[09:15] <svetlana> AlexEagle8128: I mean, what error message do you get?
[09:15] <AlexEagle8128> wait a moment, I'll try it again and post back exactly what I get
[09:15] <AlexEagle8128> :-)
[09:16] <svetlana> jost: could you please pastebin what you see in IDS reports? and how did you partition the thing - I have only rootfs and nothing else, so I'm not sure what you are expecting
[09:17] <jost> svetlana: yes, will do - takes a moment though, customer has an emergency
[09:21] <AlexEagle8128> "Failed to install the bootloader".
[09:23] <PHPLearner> hello
[09:23] <AlexEagle8128> hi php
[09:23] <AlexEagle8128> :-)
[09:23] <PHPLearner> i am currently on my terminal inside my desktop folder
[09:23] <svetlana> AlexEagle8128, ah thanks. what ubuntu version?
[09:23] <AlexEagle8128> wow
[09:23] <AlexEagle8128> :-))
[09:23] <PHPLearner> I type ls and I am seeing COMPLETED COURSES folder
[09:23] <AlexEagle8128> haha
[09:24] <PHPLearner> i am wondering when I type cd /COMPLETED COURSES/
[09:24] <AlexEagle8128> lubuntu 15.04 vivid vervet
[09:24] <PHPLearner> it says no directory or folder found
[09:24] <bstarek> cd COMPLETED COURSES/
[09:24] <PHPLearner> oh ok
[09:24] <bstarek> cd "COMPLETED COURSES"
[09:24] <svetlana> ahah.
[09:24] <svetlana> bstarek: good call.
[09:24] <bstarek> because there is a space s you need ""
[09:25] <PHPLearner> bstarek: THANKS
[09:25] <PHPLearner> you are great man
[09:25] <PHPLearner> so much thanks
[09:25] <bstarek> its nothing, google could give you the answear
[09:26] <k1l_> PHPLearner: use "\" to escape the space
[09:27] <PHPLearner> k1l_: ok noted
[09:27] <PHPLearner> will do it next time
[09:27] <PHPLearner> thanks
[09:27] <k1l_> PHPLearner: and stop using spaces in folders or filenames if you want to become a good coder :)
[09:27] <AlexEagle8128> hey i'm back
[09:27] <AlexEagle8128> lubuntu crashed
[09:27] <PHPLearner> oh ok
[09:27] <PHPLearner> k1l_: ok
[09:28] <AlexEagle8128> wow this is a CRAPtop
[09:28] <bstarek> k1l_, true, avoid spaces
[09:28] <AlexEagle8128> it really is
[09:28] <PHPLearner> k1l_: so what will i do then can you give me an example
[09:28] <PHPLearner> k1l_: by the way, what languages are you using to code
[09:28] <k1l_> file_name
[09:28] <AlexEagle8128> if it can manage to crash Lubuntu it must be a CRAPtop
[09:28] <PHPLearner> ok
[09:28] <PHPLearner> sure
[09:28] <PHPLearner> next time will do
[09:28] <PHPLearner> I will take note of your advice
[09:28] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: that sounds like you want to start a blog for the ranting :)
[09:29] <AlexEagle8128> :-) hahahahahha
[09:29] <svetlana> ok 15.04
[09:29] <svetlana> wait
[09:29] <AlexEagle8128> i do have a blog actualy
[09:29] <AlexEagle8128> *actually
[09:29] <AlexEagle8128> I love to rant about my craptop
[09:29] <z4sk4> hi all, i am on kubuntu 15.04 and i have problems with backports wifi drivers... (i need stop network-manager to monitoring..) but in my kubuntu 14.04 by default i have wifi drivers so... what is the packet that have default drivers?? if install ir will disapear the message of "[phy0]SIOCSIFFLAGS: Name not unique on network"?
[09:29] <PHPLearner> is it always advisable to keep on upgrading Ubuntu from one version to the next
[09:29] <AlexEagle8128> :-) hahaha
[09:29] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: we want to focus on actual support. for general chatter we have #ubuntu-offtopic
[09:30] <AlexEagle8128> My laptop (craptop) is 10 yrs old, near enough.
[09:30] <svetlana> AlexEagle8128: 3 suggestions. run it as root. format the usb and do it again. use unetbooting instead of startup disk creator.
[09:30] <k1l_> PHPLearner: we have LTS versions which get 5 years support (12.04, 14.04). if you ware on 14.10 or 15.04 you need to upgrade every 6 months anyway until you reach the next lts which is 16.04
[09:31] <k1l_> !rootirc | root
[09:31] <root> hi guys
[09:31] <svetlana> oo
[09:31] <Guest77231> hi guys
[09:31] <AlexEagle8128> i've tried number 2, i tried 3 before, didn't work and I'm not sure how to do the first one
[09:31] <PHPLearner> k1l_: ok I am on 14.10
[09:31] <z4sk4> hi all, i am on kubuntu 15.04 and i have problems with backports 4.1 wifi drivers, i installing but... i need stop network-manager to monitoring.. so in my kubuntu 14.04 by default i havent wifi drivers so... what is the packet name that have default WiFI drivers for ubuntu system?? if install ir will disapear the message of "[phy0]SIOCSIFFLAGS: Name not unique on network"?
[09:32] <PHPLearner> so I am curious is there a way to upgrade from 14.1 to 15.1
[09:32] <AlexEagle8128> just to clarify, root is different from administrator?
[09:32] <PHPLearner> or there is really not much of a difference between the two after all
[09:32] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: what is your issue? and dont run everything as root. that will break a lot of stuff
[09:32] <svetlana> AlexEagle8128: what administrator?
[09:32] <Guest77231> I am sure what I am doing, so guess it is OK
[09:32] <svetlana> k1l_: he gets 'failed to install the bootloader' when writing usb bootable image using startup disk creator.
[09:33] <svetlana> k1l_: 15.04
[09:33] <bstarek> there is only ONE true administrator ---> root
[09:33] <momken> Hello
[09:33] <AlexEagle8128> I mean, I take it that my user account is not root? I've dabbled with root use before but can't remember much at all.
[09:33] <bstarek> or you can create an admin user and give it sudo rights
[09:34] <svetlana> momken hi
[09:34] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: we dont use root. we use sudo on ubuntu. but we dont run everything with sudo, bevcause that is not needed
[09:34] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: so you cant install ubuntu?
[09:34] <jasabella> is there a way to install ubuntu without a bootdisk? :)
[09:34] <jasabella> (not in windows)
[09:34] <Rand0m`> jasabella, wubi maybe?
[09:34] <bstarek> jasabella, through the network
[09:35] <bstarek> pxe
[09:35] <AlexEagle8128> I'm trying to load a x86 lubuntu 15.04 iso from a x64 laptop.
[09:35] <jasabella> yeah i thought i'd clarify that
[09:35] <pragomer> not from a jedi :-) :-)
[09:35] <k1l_> jasabella: what do you mean "without a bootdisk"? you dont have a cd/dvd or usb pendrive?
[09:35] <momken> I have nvidia gtx 750 ti, I installed nvidia-346 from xorg-edger. Now I can see screen in 1080p, but I can't hear sound using my monitor's speakers. It is connecting only using HDMI
[09:35] <momken> I use xubuntu x64
[09:35] <jasabella> well i have a debian live pendrive right now, wondering if i could launch the installer and have it install to the hdd
[09:35] <AlexEagle8128> there's a bootloader error after startup disk creator tries to do it's thing
[09:35] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: you cant do that with a 32bit iso on a 64bit system install
[09:36] <z4sk4> Really nobody try to install backports wifi drivers to monitoring corrlectly on 15.04????????!!!!!!!!!!!
[09:36] <k1l_> jasabella: debootstrap is the solution. but that is an advanced topic.
[09:36] <svetlana> too vague; much of it depends on the hardware
[09:36] <jasabella> yea i was wondering if i could avoid that
[09:36] <k1l_> jasabella: for beginners its mor easy to get another usb pendrive :)
[09:37] <jasabella> partitioning isnt my forte :)
[09:37] <momken> In the sound settings, under "configuration" tab it can recognize my vga-card as HDA nvidia, but under "output devices" it doesn't bring HDA nvidia
[09:37] <AlexEagle8128> I'm just installing an iso to a usb, I wouldn't have thought the bit structure would matter. I'm not trying to install lubuntu x86 on my x64 laptop, I'm using the x64 laptop to put the x86 iso on a USB
[09:37] <manevant> @ momken
[09:37] <AlexEagle8128> the x86 iso is for another laptop
[09:37] <momken> manevant, Hello?
[09:37] <AlexEagle8128> i.e: a 32bit lptop
[09:38] <manevant> momken, oh, sorry, misstyping :)
[09:38] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: ah ok. then just use "dd" to "burn" the iso to the usb
[09:38] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, how did you burn the iso to usb?
[09:38] <AlexEagle8128> dd?
[09:38] <jasabella> yeah just dd it over :)
[09:38] <AlexEagle8128> say what?
[09:38] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, i suggest you use unetbooting
[09:38] <AlexEagle8128> i couldn't get it to work
[09:38] <AlexEagle8128> dunno why
[09:38] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, dont use dd
[09:39] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: yeah, that copies bit for bit the iso onto the usb. so there is no other program which can break things
[09:39] <jasabella> if he doesnt know what dd is, should he really be using it? Hmmm :D
[09:39] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, if you are just getting started use a GUI
[09:39] <AlexEagle8128> I wouldn't know how to use dd, i've no idea what dd is
[09:39] <hsy> hi guys
[09:39] <k1l_> bstarek: unetbooting breaks things
[09:39] <AlexEagle8128> I am using GUI
[09:39] <bstarek> k1l_, never had a prob with it.
[09:39] <hsy> what are you talking about
[09:39] <AlexEagle8128> im using startup disk creator
[09:39] <antoniopizza_> dario
[09:39] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: sudo dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=1M && sync
[09:40] <AlexEagle8128> sorry, but no.
[09:40] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: make sure of=/dev/sdx points to sdb and not sdb1 if your usb drive is sdb
[09:40] <jasabella> hehehehehe
[09:40] <AlexEagle8128> i suppose ill try it.
[09:40] <jasabella> fingers crossed he wont hose anything
[09:41] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, hit fdisk -l frist
[09:41] <AlexEagle8128> if you wreck my drive I'll come sledgehammer your pc's
[09:41] <bstarek> and make sure it is the right drive
[09:41] <AlexEagle8128> :-) lol just kidding
[09:41] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: you can see on "dmesg" what drive your usb gets linked to.
[09:42] <jasabella> cfdisk is more easy
[09:42] <k1l_> well he did try other gui programs before and that did not work. so lets see to try the dd way.
[09:43] <AlexEagle8128> sorry, guys, everybody seems to give different answers. I'm going to pick on @bstarek to explain all what I need to do. If you don't know, pass the baton to someone lese, like @k1l_
[09:43] <AlexEagle8128> *else
[09:43] <k1l_> AlexEagle8128: and i would make sure to check the md5sum of the iso.
[09:43] <AlexEagle8128> what the heck are you on about?
[09:43] <svetlana> you try to follow what k1l_ is saying
[09:44] <svetlana> since bstarek disappeared
[09:44] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, listen, just type "fdisk -l" will get a list of your drive...such as "/dev/sda, /dev/sdb...." make sure you pick the right one, check the size
[09:44] <AlexEagle8128> ok.
[09:44] <svetlana> oh he didnt
[09:44] <svetlana> sorry
[09:44] <bstarek> lol im here :)))
[09:44] <svetlana> this is getting really confusing now
[09:44] <AlexEagle8128> the target drive is sdb
[09:44] <AlexEagle8128> i know that already
[09:45] <pragomer> how can I change the default language that is selected in gfxboot screen of ubuntu? (default is english of course) what file to edit?
[09:45] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, ok after that, as my friend k1l_ said, you can do " sudo dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M && sync
[09:45] <AlexEagle8128> ok one mo. will run that
[09:45] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, that will burn your ISO to your pendrive
[09:46] <MrElendig> you don't burn isos to usb sticks
[09:46] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, more exactly "sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M && sync"
[09:46] <MrElendig> you *write*
[09:46] <bstarek> MrElendig, sorry =)
[09:47] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, then you wait until it is done.
[09:48] <a25803> begi
[09:48] <AlexEagle8128> waity waity waity woodle snoodle poodle
[09:48] <PHPLearner> k1l_: any suggestion on an good and efficient vm for linux
[09:48] <a23155> hello
[09:48] <PHPLearner> I am using for SPA project
[09:48] <a25803> Hello
[09:48] <MrElendig> PHPLearner: kvm
[09:48] <a25803> I need html help
[09:48] <a23155> can i see some boobs plz?
[09:48] <PHPLearner> MrElendig: is that good
[09:48] <a25803> does anyone know HTML?
[09:48] <MrElendig> PHPLearner: with eg qemu as the frontend
[09:49] <PHPLearner> are you using it
[09:49] <a23155> yes its verry good
[09:49] <a25803> yes
[09:49] <MrElendig> PHPLearner: also you should learn a propper language instead of php :p
[09:49] <PHPLearner> a25803: what is your question
[09:49] <PHPLearner> MrElendig: like what language
[09:49] <PHPLearner> PHP is good for web development
[09:49] <k1l_> they dont have a question. they are just trolls. dont mind them
[09:50] <PHPLearner> oh ok
[09:50] <PHPLearner> lol
[09:50] <AlexEagle8128> done
[09:50] <MrElendig> PHPLearner: python/haskell/go/
[09:50] <PHPLearner> MrElendig: how come you do not like PHP
[09:50] <AlexEagle8128> k1l_: bravo, sir!
[09:50] <MrElendig> PHPLearner:
[09:50] <AlexEagle8128> I like your attitude
[09:50] <PHPLearner> between the three languages you gave me i'd rather choose python
[09:51] <AlexEagle8128> and you can just expect the trolls to make jokes about aTITude
[09:51] <AlexEagle8128> anyways
[09:51] <AlexEagle8128> the iso has burned now
[09:51] <neoxavier> how do you scp from a folder that has $ in its name ?
[09:51] <g0ts1ck> guys can you apt-get remove sudo ?
[09:51] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, once it is done, plus the usb drive to your computer...go to BIOS and select boot from usb...
[09:51] <k1l_> g0ts1ck: why would you want to do that?
[09:51] <jpds> g0ts1ck: Have fun with that.
[09:52] <g0ts1ck> can it be done ?
[09:52] <MrElendig> g0ts1ck: yes
[09:52] <PHPLearner> MrElendig: Man you break my heart
[09:52] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, you know how to boot from usb?
[09:52] <AlexEagle8128> kk. will see if it works now :-D
[09:52] <jpds> g0ts1ck: All of Ubuntu is engineered around sudo.
[09:52] <k1l_> g0ts1ck: could be. but that will break a lot on ubuntu
[09:52] <PHPLearner> I just completed my PHP course and I paid tons for it
[09:52] <g0ts1ck> i need to reinstall it
[09:52] <jpds> g0ts1ck: If it breaks, you can keep all the pieces.
[09:52] <k1l_> g0ts1ck: so what is the real issue? maybe there is a better solution
[09:53] <AlexEagle8128> yeah, i've burnt loads of iso's for myself and others, and this is the first time I've had any trouble with it.
[09:53] <AlexEagle8128> and yeah, changing BIOS is easy XD
[09:53] <AlexEagle8128> hahahaha
[09:53] <g0ts1ck> my friend did chmod 777 -R /
[09:53] <g0ts1ck> and he isnt owner of sudo no more
[09:53] <g0ts1ck> and cant be re owned
[09:53] <k1l_> g0ts1ck: well. i would say: reinstall
[09:53] <g0ts1ck> tough of uninstalling it
[09:53] <AlexEagle8128> see ya soon. will post back whether it works or not :-)
[09:53] <k1l_> g0ts1ck: that is not able to be repaired.
[09:53] <g0ts1ck> killerpty: yea reinstall
[09:54] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, allrighhtt
[09:54] <g0ts1ck> but tought of complete uninstall then installation again
[09:54] <k1l_> g0ts1ck: reinstall the whole OS, not only sudo
[09:54] <g0ts1ck> hmm
[09:54] <g0ts1ck> not really a solution
[09:54] <MrElendig> it can be repaired, but it will take about 50 times longer than just reinstalling
[09:54] <jpds> g0ts1ck: Only thing you can do really.
[09:54] <MrElendig> also be way more error prone
[09:54] <g0ts1ck> MrElendig: dude your everywhere :D
[09:54] <g0ts1ck> ahahah
[09:57] <PHPLearner> MrElendig: if I run npm start will it conflict with my apache webserver install on my local machine
[09:58] <MrElendig> PHPLearner: I don't do node crud
[09:58] <MrElendig> nor apache
[09:58] <MrElendig> but the typical thing to do would be to proxy from apache to node
[09:59] <PHPLearner> no just discover now
[09:59] <artisanIndia> can someone help me to add a failover ip ?
[09:59] <PHPLearner> if you run npm start it will start its own web server
[09:59] <artisanIndia> !paste
[09:59] <PHPLearner> you cannot use localhost/phpframework/etc etc
[10:00] <PHPLearner> it supplants the apache default settings
[10:01] <artisanIndia> this is my interface
[10:01] <AlexEagle8128> it's not worked
[10:02] <AlexEagle8128> the other laptop is too old to boot from usb
[10:02] <AlexEagle8128> and my current laptop doesn't recognise that it's plugged in
[10:02] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, what did it say?
[10:02] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, thats another prob friend
[10:02] <AlexEagle8128> there's no boot option for usb. I'll try a CD later...
[10:03] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, try different usb ports
[10:03] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, try different usb port
[10:03] <AlexEagle8128> but meanwhile, my USB is screwed
[10:03] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, you must have a very old biios
[10:03] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, why so?
[10:05] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:05] <AlexEagle8128> because it doesn't recognise that it's plugged in. I can't format it now.
[10:06] <z4sk4> hi all, i am on kubuntu 15.04 and i have problems with backports 4.1 wifi drivers, i installing but... i need stop network-manager to monitoring.. so in my kubuntu 14.04 by default i havent wifi drivers so... what is the packet name that have default WiFI drivers for ubuntu system?? if install ir will disapear the message of "[phy0]SIOCSIFFLAGS: Name not unique on network"?
[10:06] <bstarek> AlexEagle8128, hit fdisk -l and check
[10:06] <AlexEagle8128> i tried to format through terminal but it couldn't even find the mount point
[10:06] <utu8o> AlexEagle8128, you can probably get plop manager or something to tell the computer to boot from USB... and you should be installing Lubuntu not Ubuntu
[10:07] <AlexEagle8128> utu: that's what I am doing
[10:07] <AlexEagle8128> lubuntu 15.04
[10:07] <bstarek> maybe its there but not mounted
[10:07] <AlexEagle8128> gtg
[10:07] <AlexEagle8128> will come back later
[10:07] <bstarek> hit fdisk -l and give me pastebin
[10:09] <cromag> hi, Ubuntu 15.04: when using the "alt tab" feature to switch between apps, they are truncated. How can i change this behavior ?
[10:14] <loluser> yo any1 give me magnet link of 15.04 cant download the torrent cuz yea servers not deliverin
[10:14] <z4sk4> hi all, i am on kubuntu 15.04 and i have problems with backports 4.1 wifi drivers, i installing but... i need stop network-manager to monitoring.. so in my kubuntu 14.04 by default i havent wifi drivers so... what is the packet name that have default WiFI drivers for ubuntu system?? if install ir will disapear the message of "[phy0]SIOCSIFFLAGS: Name not unique on network"?
[10:15] <z4sk4> there is simepackage on 15.04 to wifi drivers??
[10:22] <AlexEagle8128> fdisk returned this: alex@DevMachine:~$ sudo fdisk -l
[10:22] <AlexEagle8128> [sudo] password for alex:
[10:22] <AlexEagle8128> Disk /dev/loop0: 696 MiB, 729808896 bytes, 1425408 sectors
[10:22] <AlexEagle8128> Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
[10:22] <AlexEagle8128> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
[10:26] <AlexEagle8128> @k1l_ ?
[10:28] <Zta> Is it okay to file a feature request in under the specific application?
[10:28] <AlexEagle8128> anyone?
[10:29] <tomkmem> Hi, is there any way to change the system default for dns resolving so that it uses tcp instead of udp ?
[10:29] <bojan> i am getting this problem while installing libreoffice from ubuntu software centre
[10:30] <bojan> I have purged the old and trying to install from software centre
[10:30] <_war10ck_> bojan: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?
[10:31] <AlexEagle8128> i burnt lubuntu 15.04 x86 to a usb using dd. but it didn't work, so I want to format the USB and try a different method. But my laptop doesn't recognise that it's plugged in.
[10:31] <Luyin> bojan:
[10:31] <bojan> _warl0ck:ubuntu 12.04
[10:31] <AlexEagle8128> i was told to run fdisk...
[10:32] <AlexEagle8128> surely at least one out of nearly 2000 people must be able to help me?!
[10:32] <_war10ck_> bojan: Try what Luyin has said, if it doesn't fix the problem, check for the library name using Synaptic
[10:32] <AlexEagle8128> anybody?
[10:32] <_war10ck_> AlexEagle8128: Did you try using Gparted -> Devices
[10:32] <bojan> Luyin:I have libre 3.5.7 version with the operating system installed..Yesterday i have updated the libre and its version is now 4.2.2..I want to revert back to my previous version
[10:33] <AlexEagle8128> nope. do you want me to post what fdisk returned?
[10:33] <bojan> Luyin:I have purged the updated version completely and trying to install from software centre...It is saying taht error
[10:33] <bojan> ??
[10:33] <_war10ck_> AlexEagle8128: Just check whether the device is listed in gParted
[10:33] <vlt> !ask | AlexEagle8128
[10:34] <AlexEagle8128> i forget, how do I run gparted?
[10:34] <_war10ck_> bojan: A library is installed which is not a broken package, same thing happened with me. Just check using Synaptic Package manager with the exact package name
[10:35] <_war10ck_> AlexEagle8128: You can get it from the dash - just type gparted
[10:35] <AlexEagle8128> i'm running lubunt
[10:35] <AlexEagle8128> +u
[10:35] <_war10ck_> It should be in system then(I am sorry, have never used lubuntu)
[10:35] <vlt> AlexEagle8128: To fiddle with partitions you need root permissions. So try `sudo gparted`.
[10:36] <Luyin> AlexEagle8128: sudo gparted from a terminal or gksudo gparted from alt+F2
[10:36] <AlexEagle8128> @vlt perfect! i thought you could do it in terminal
[10:36] <AlexEagle8128> command not found
[10:36] <_war10ck_> AlexEagle8128: Under System portion - once started it will ask for root privileges. Or try what vlt said
[10:37] <_war10ck_> AlexEagle8128: It seems gparted is not installed, get it installed using aptitude or apt-get
[10:38] * _war10ck_ goes for lunch, will be back in a second
[10:38] <AlexEagle8128> oh yeah, forgot it had to be installed
[10:38] <bojan> _warl0ck_:Even in synaptic manager also it is saying like that
[10:41] <AlexEagle8128> ok, what am i looking for? i found that it's been re-labelled sdc1 not sdb
[10:41] <_war10ck_> AlexEagle8128:
[10:41] <_war10ck_> AlexEagle8128: Just s second
[10:41] <_war10ck_> bojan:
[10:42] <_war10ck_> bojan: Check the version of the library installed
[10:42] <bojan> _warl0ck_:can u please help me??
[10:42] <AlexEagle8128> oh wait, one says it's the iso, which is sdc1, but the 14GB volume is unallocated
[10:42] <bojan> am very new to this scenario
[10:43] <_war10ck_> bojan: Even I was a few days back, hold on, I am checking my version in Synaptic - next I can give you more information
[10:43] <bojan> _warl0ck_:okay
[10:44] <_war10ck_> bojan: Okay, once you open up Synaptic, there is a Quick-filter search bar which is present, type libreoffice-core in there and check the version
[10:45] <bojan> _warl0ck_::3.5.7 is there
[10:46] <_war10ck_> bojan: Yes, as a result of this, when you will try to install any other version, this version is giving the issue. I think for a complete removal
[10:46] <bojan> _warl0ck_:i actually want this version
[10:46] <_war10ck_> bojan: You will have to uninstall these two libs before re-installing Libreoffice from the ubuntu software center
[10:47] <XATRIX> Hi guys, how can i start ubuntu upgrade from CLI ?
[10:47] <manevant> @ Zerant hello
[10:48] <_war10ck_> bojan: I think this might be the one which is giving you issues with the reversion, uninstall them and then try re-installing
[10:48] <manevant> Zerant: hello
[10:48] <_war10ck_> XATRIX: do-release-upgrade
[10:48] <_war10ck_> XATRIX: You need to be sudo to do this, check the Ubuntu guidelines before just running this command
[10:48] <bojan> _warl0ck_:libreoffice-core: Depends: libreoffice-common but it is not going to be installed Depends: libexttextcat0 but it is not going to be installed Depends: uno-libs3 but it is not going to be installed Depends: ure but it is not going to be installed
[10:48] <nbusrone> May I know what is the different at software nvidia driver update version ? legacy vs binary ?
[10:49] <bojan> _warl0ck_:Reinstalling gives this error from synaptic manager'
[10:50] <_war10ck_> bojan: Just mark for removal from Synaptic Manager, then quit synaptic and try installing from Ubuntu Software Center
[10:50] <_war10ck_> bojan: That's how my issue got fixed actually
[10:50] <_war10ck_> bojan: Mark for removal, apply, after completion - quit synaptic and then instal
[10:50] <bojan> _warl0ck_:Yes i removed but still its there in synaptci manager but this time not showing mark for removal
[10:51] <_war10ck_> bojan: There's an apply button
[10:51] <_war10ck_> Click on that
[10:51] <bojan> _warl0ck_:Yes i did that
[10:52] <_war10ck_> bojan: Now quit Synaptic and try installing from Ubuntu Software Center
[10:52] <Thowni> can someone help? i'm using VirtualBox with Ubuntu 14.04 and it's not showing nvidia on Additional Drivers. I followed some PPA instructions and it did a bunch of stuff but it's still not showing.
[10:52] <bojan> _warl0ck_:Yes am trying that but it is not installing
[10:53] <_war10ck_> bojan: Is it reporting the same problems?
[10:53] <bojan> _warl0ck_:Yes
[10:53] <bojan> _warl0ck_:Its saying dependency problem
[10:53] <R13ose> How do I upgrade Python interface to libapt-pkg?
[10:55] <_war10ck_> bojan:
[10:55] <_war10ck_> bojan: check the answer given by amc
[10:57] <GigaGrams> Hello, i installed the latest nvidia drivers and now i get a black screen when booting and cant get to the desktop, so I had to add nomodeset, is there a way to fix this? anything i can try?
[10:58] <utu8o> why is Ubuntu support only for 9 months? so after months you either use an unsupported version for 3 more months or install the latest version and only be supported for 6 months... should Ubuntu versions be supported for at least 1 full year?
[10:59] <nbusrone> May I know what is the different at software nvidia driver update version ? legacy vs binary ?
[10:59] <utu8o> it would probably be better for users and developers if ubuntu was supported for 1 full year and just released once a year on "Ubuntu Day" or something
[11:00] <geirha> utu8o: LTS releases are supported for 5 years
[11:00] <_war10ck_> utu8o: That's why, using LTS releases is encouraged
[11:00] <Luyin> geirha: not quite correct. only the main ubuntu releases are supported for 5 years, the others for 3.
[11:01] <utu8o> geirha, yeah, but you will be waiting 2 years for upgrades
[11:01] <geirha> ah well, still. Means you upgrade every two years instead of every 6 months
[11:06] <drwx> hi, i just updated precise and sed segfaults in libc, that's what strace shows
[11:07] <bojan> _war10ck_:Nothing is working
[11:07] <bojan> _war10ck_:For an urgent i am installing 4.4.2 .2 for my users
[11:08] <Thowni> Sorry for my stupid question erlier, i had no idea that Vbox doesn't recognize nvidia
[11:08] <drwx> does it mean fcntl causes the segfault?
[11:08] <drwx> or does the segfault happen elsewhere?
[11:10] <jost> Hmm, for some reason apt-get wants to put its cache *.deb packages into / on my server. Why?
[11:10] <ricky_> how to enable more than two workspace? in aspect i just found to flag it but no how many...
[11:15] <ricky_> i need 4 workspace to enable cubic rotation how to do it? now i've just 2
[11:16] <jost> This is the message I'm getting: - Why does it try to download the files to / ?
[11:16] <jost> ricky_: in my XUbuntu, I can just right click on the workspaces selector, and go into "Workspace settings".
[11:16] <jost> There's a field where I can enter the desired number of workspaces
[11:17] <ricky_> jost, this is what i've on my ubuntu 15.04
[11:17] <Changa> So I just installed a lamp stack using a tutorial and my www/html folder and contents are owned by root, although my user is within the sudo group I can not edit index.html file - what is the best way to go about this? I read changing var/www owner to anything other than root leaves security gaps
[11:17] <ricky_> jos it's just a flag to enable more than one workspace but i've not found how to select more than 2
[11:17] <ricky_> jost,
[11:18] <SuperTyp> please help a ubuntu noob I have a rpm file and converted it to deb with alien, now the package I need to install is a print client from novell, I need to run a command, but ubuntu can't find the command even after the successful installation, what can I do?
[11:18] <trijntje> ricky_: general settings in CCSM
[11:19] <capsicum> team, just install ubuntu and get strange blocky (unreadable characters when first boot page), then all ok
[11:20] <SuperTyp> I found the installation in opt/novell/iprint/bin the icon is the executable icon (
[11:21] <fps> hi, has ubuntu 15.04 disabled the ctrl-alt-Fn keys to get to the ttys?
[11:22] * Dro__ is back !
[11:25] <fps> for some reason ctrl-alt-Fn doesn't work for me here..
[11:25] <fps> hmm
[11:25] <fps> maybe it's xmonad?
[11:26] <Zta> I'm wondering how this will be received:
[11:27] <ZxoR`> When I lock my screen manually I see this lock screen: and its OK! But after the screen goes off and I want to unlock my screen, I see this lockscreen: and its not my lockscreen.. not my background and not my settings... how can I fix that?
[11:29] <GigaGrams> hello, anyone knows how to update the nvidia drivers or something so i dont have to add nomodeset when booting?
[11:29] <Dro__> hi, anyone have an idea about the plugin "plugin-sc" of vdr ?
[11:30] <Dro__> i can't find any documentation/tutorial about it.. anyone may help me please ?
[11:35] <phiona> why is it that when im using chrome and chromium my mouse freezes on Lubuntu 14.04? it does not freeze with firefox.
[11:43] <phiona> why is it that when im using chrome and chromium my mouse freezes on Lubuntu 14.04? it does not freeze with firefox.
[11:43] <comodo_dragon> maybe its too cold to move.
[11:47] <phiona> why is it that when im using chrome and chromium my mouse freezes on Lubuntu 14.04? it does not freeze with firefox.
[11:48] <ioria> phiona, on every kind of webpage ?
[11:51] <phiona> i really didnt try it on every webpage. but it freezes on chrome store.
[11:53] <ioria> phiona, are you updated ?
[11:54] <wurde> Help with gnome-terminal transparency. The transparency option slider in profile options is disabled. However I am able to set boolean true on system transparency. Any ideas why this is?
[11:56] <phiona> yes ioria in fact this is a brand new install of chrome
[11:57] <ioria> phiona, try typing in the url bar : ' about:flags' and enable 'reset to defaults'
[12:05] <ermajn> hello, I have broken aptitude, every install request ends up with "no package". I'v even tired to replace /etc/apt/sources.list
[12:05] <ermajn> apt-get update gives me a lots of 404s
[12:07] <ioria> ermajn, try this
[12:07] <cfhowlett> ermajn, what does lsb_release -a tell you
[12:07] <ermajn> cfhowlett, ubuntu 13.10 saucy
[12:08] <ermajn> ioria, I'v just on that site, but no 13.10 is listed as option
[12:08] <ioria> ermajn, ah, ok maybe you need updrade
[12:08] <cfhowlett> ermajn, and there's your problem. 13.10 is end of life for some time now. upgrade to a supported version.
[12:08] <ioria> *upgrade
[12:09] <ioria> ermajn, we are 14 -15 now
[12:09] <ermajn> cfhowlett, yes, how to easily upgrade without aptitude that is working
[12:09] <ermajn> ioria, that's nice, but... strange is that 12, 14 and 15 is listed
[12:09] <ermajn> no 13 :D
[12:09] <cfhowlett> !eolupgrade | ermajn
[12:10] <cfhowlett> ermajn, lts releases are supported for 5 years. NON lts are supported for 9 months. choose wisely.
[12:10] <ermajn> cfhowlett, thanks..
[12:10] <cfhowlett> ermajn, happy2help!
[12:11] <ioria> ermajn, you can try with a 14.04 list...
[12:13] <ioria> ermajn, don't forget to backup your data
[12:20] <GigaGrams> Hello, i removed the latest nvidia drivers and installed the kernel 4.0 and now all my windows have a huge black margin, lol :\ is there any drivers or something else i can try?
[12:21] <cfhowlett> GigaGrams, yes. re-install the standard kernels.
[12:22] <GigaGrams> cfhowlett: first, i dont even know how to do that
[12:22] <BluesKaj> dunno what the fuss is to rush ti install kernel 4.0 , all it does is break stuff for users
[12:22] <ioria> GigaGrams, are you 14.04 ?
[12:22] <GigaGrams> ioria: nope, 15.04
[12:23] <cfhowlett> GigaGrams, I suspect sudo apt-get update && sudo a[t-get dist-upgrade will to. also, quit mucking around with non-standard kernels. 4.0 will be brought to ubuntu when it's ready.
[12:23] <ioria> GigaGrams, so linux-image 3.19.0-15-generic
[12:23] <ioria> GigaGrams, and extra and headres maybe
[12:24] <ioria> *headers
[12:24] <GigaGrams> ioria: uname -a says its 4.0
[12:24] <_123design_> GigaGrams, you'd better reinstall the OS and start clean. Use some virtual system for experiments.
[12:24] <ioria> GigaGrams, yes, you told us that :-)
[12:24] <guchokipa> hello
[12:25] <ioria> GigaGrams, you have to up-get install the above (not garantee for success)
[12:25] <GigaGrams> yea im trying
[12:25] <ioria> GigaGrams, and then select it from grub - advanced
[12:25] <daniel31> hi all. I just installed kubuntu 15.04 into a second drive using encrypted lvm. now im booted back into my ubuntu 14.10 install but I cant mount the new drive. I get the error "The unlocked device does not have a recognisable file system on it". But I was just booted into it a few minutes ago. what gives?!
[12:26] <GigaGrams> ioria: what u mean select it from grub -advanced?
[12:27] <ioria> GigaGrams, you default kernel will remain 4.0 untill you remove it
[12:28] <ioria> GigaGrams, don't do any autoremove untill you are certain that the system is complete funcional
[12:28] <GigaGrams> so when booting i press shift then select another kernel or something?
[12:28] <Garheade> daniel31: you can't mount an LVM volume like you can standard partitions.
[12:28] <ioria> GigaGrams, yep
[12:28] <GigaGrams> k lemme try it
[12:29] <SuperTyp> hello I need to install a rpm package on ubuntu, I converted to dep using alien is that ok?
[12:30] <SuperTyp> deb*
[12:30] <emilsp> hello, how do I get broadwayd on 14.04 ?
[12:30] <cfhowlett> emilsp, broadway? take the uptown train ...
[12:31] <emilsp> cfhowlett, broadway, the web gtk backend
[12:31] <GigaGrams> lol the black bars are gone but now all the text is broken
[12:31] <cfhowlett> SuperTyp, "OK" yes, guaranteed to work, no.
[12:31] <GigaGrams> i can barely read
[12:31] <manuel_> 12121
[12:31] <cfhowlett> GigaGrams, pretty sure nvidia doesn't yet support kernel 4.0
[12:32] <emilsp> cfhowlett, should they ? The kernel didn't change that much to necessitate driver changes
[12:32] <PHPLearner> is Ubuntu 14.10 a Debian based ditro
[12:32] <cfhowlett> PHPLearner, ... yes
[12:33] <PHPLearner> cfhowlett: have you used NodeJS before
[12:33] <GigaGrams>
[12:33] <SuperTyp> ok, now the package (tested on windows) provides a command for printing files through the network, after installation of the deb file, terminal can't find the command iprntcmd, is that a hint, that it doesn't work or do I have to do something else so terminal knows the command?
[12:33] <GigaGrams> pls dont laugh...
[12:34] <cfhowlett> GigaGrams, you're running an earlier ubuntu? reinstall nivida for THAT kernel.
[12:34] <emilsp> GigaGrams, seems to be a gtk/qt/whatever framework issue
[12:34] <PHPLearner> has anyone here use Protractor before in Ubuntu 14.1
[12:34] <ioria> GigaGrams, i though worse
[12:34] <GigaGrams> u kidding
[12:35] <GigaGrams>
[12:35] <emilsp> cfhowlett this guide doesn't work as aptitude still can't get my beloved package
[12:36] <ioria> GigaGrams, it's readable, come on
[12:36] <GigaGrams> cfhowlett: how am i supposed to install the nvidia drivers for 15.04 and 4.0 kernel?
[12:36] <GigaGrams> no its not, i cant even read your username
[12:37] <cfhowlett> GigaGrams, again ... why do you expect nvidia to support a kernel that is STILL not in ubuntu's repos. remove 4.0. Use a supported kernel.
[12:37] <GigaGrams> cfhowlett: just tell me how to go back to 3.19
[12:37] <cfhowlett> emilsp, can't help. great chinese firewall doesn't like webupd8 site
[12:37] <ioria> el cico guapo, he ?
[12:37] <intotheunknown> Hi, is there any tool to analyse the runtime of a C program? "time" keyword is too vague, something very detailed? Ubuntu 12.04
[12:38] <GigaGrams> ioria: wanna be my gf
[12:39] <ioria> GigaGrams, ^*_*^
[12:39] <SuperTyp> cfhowlett: the package (tested on windows) provides a command for printing files through the network, after installation of the deb file, terminal can't find the command iprntcmd, is that a hint, that it doesn't work or do I have to do something else so terminal knows the command?
[12:39] <cfhowlett> GigaGrams, I woould never advise anyone to run an end of life distro. too many issues
[12:40] <cfhowlett> SuperTyp, try running from the terminal. if that fails, assume that the "alien" didn't work.
[12:41] <GigaGrams> ioria:
[12:42] <emilsp> intotheunknown, perf
[12:42] <emilsp> intotheunknown, there's also valgrind
[12:43] <SuperTyp1> cfhwolett how to run from command?
[12:43] <someHuman> Hi!
[12:44] <cfhowlett> SuperTyp1, dpkg -l PROGRAMNAME should find it
[12:44] <ioria> GigaGrams, are you sure you removed the old kernel ? ls /boot
[12:44] <SuperTyp1> cfhowlett: It did
[12:44] <oats> SuperTyp1: look for a package called "mailutils"
[12:45] <cfhowlett> SuperTyp1, great. run the PROGRAMNAME in terminal and note error messages
[12:45] <SuperTyp1> cfhowlett: running by simply typing the name?
[12:45] <SuperTyp1> sorry but ubuntu noob :)
[12:45] <ioria> GigaGrams, better dpkg -l | grep linux-image-
[12:45] <emilsp> cfhowlett, maybe you can open this link ? these instructions still don't work
[12:45] <cfhowlett> SuperTyp1, no apology needed. try it.
[12:46] <jome> Hello
[12:46] <SuperTyp1> cfhowlett: command not found
[12:46] <cfhowlett> emilsp, you're on 15.04?
[12:47] <emilsp> cfhowlett nope, I am on 14.04
[12:47] <oats> SuperTyp1: 1) what are you trying to do, and b) how are you trying to do it?
[12:47] <oats> wait
[12:47] <oats> 1
[12:47] <oats> and b don't go together
[12:47] <cfhowlett> emilsp, best bet: contact the PPA maintainer for support.
[12:47] <jome> I need help with Docky idk why it crashes everytime I boot and log in
[12:48] <TenLeftFingers> On my mums 12.04 machine we can't update because one of the packages is missing from the repo: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found Any suggestions?
[12:48] <emilsp> eblano blyad cyka, this god damn package is supported upstream without, you have to actively disable it from the mainline gtk libs, ubuntu why you do dis ?
[12:48] <jome> it is working for 2 minutes then it freeze
[12:48] <SuperTyp1> oats I try to install a print client from novell its acutally for suse and windows I try to run it on ubuntu
[12:48] <cfhowlett> TenLeftFingers, try using a different mirror
[12:49] <b4tm4n> how can i make an upstart script run on boot?
[12:49] <TenLeftFingers> cfhowlett: thank you, will do
[12:49] <oats> SuperTyp1: is english not your first language? I'm having a little trouble understanding you, and there might be a support channel for your native language
[12:49] <user__> Hi everyone. How do i zip a folder (an sub folders of that folder) to a diferent place?
[12:49] <knob> Hello guys. I am trying to add a keyboard shortcut for the "context menu" (ie: mouse's right click). Yet I can't find the "command" that invokes the right click. Any idea what it is?
[12:49] <emilsp> otas, that's just rude
[12:49] <oats> emilsp: are you kidding me?
[12:49] <user__> im trying zip -r foo /another/place/
[12:49] <oats> I'm trying to be helpful
[12:49] <knob> user__, right click... zip it... then move it?
[12:49] <knob> oh
[12:50] <user__> knob, terminal :D
[12:50] <knob> user__, is it giving you an error?
[12:50] <user__> yeah
[12:50] <oats> user__: knowing the error might be helpful to us ;)
[12:51] <user__> well basicly is not an error it finish but on target directory is nothing there
[12:51] <SuperTyp1> oats I am german, so no its not my first language but I think there is nothing unclear in my description? I have a print client for printing through the network, Novell (developer of this client) provides only package for suse (rpm format) I want to install it on ubuntu 14.04
[12:51] <TenLeftFingers> cfhowlett: that did the trick, many thanks!
[12:51] <SuperTyp1> oats: I really appericiate your help!
[12:51] <cfhowlett> TenLeftFingers, happy2help!
[12:51] <TenLeftFingers> :)
[12:52] <jome> hey guys I cannot either close a channel list windows poppin' now
[12:52] <XenophonF> SuperTyp1: you'll need a program called alien
[12:53] <XenophonF> SuperTyp1: it doesn't always work
[12:53] <oats> SuperTyp1: oh, I see
[12:53] <oats> SuperTyp1: repackaging software for a different distro can sometimes be a challenge
[12:54] <XenophonF> SuperTyp1: the biggest problem is that sometimes, there are library differences significant enough to cause the binary not to work
[12:54] <XenophonF> ABI vs API
[12:54] <b4tm4n> ok, another question, is it better to use init scripts or upstart?
[12:54] <XenophonF> SuperTyp1: what precisely are you trying to install?
[12:56] <PHPLearner> can anyone help how to point an app to use chromedriver.exe
[12:56] <PHPLearner> the thing is I have an app named Protractor that does testing
[12:56] <cfhowlett> PHPLearner, .exe is for windows, not linux
[12:57] <PHPLearner> cfhowlett: ok so how will I point the app to the
[12:57] <SuperTyp1> XenophonF: this client here:
[12:57] <aryklein> which pre build image is the appropriate for running in a Openstack cloud? trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img?
[12:57] <phpmiddleman> PLANTUML_BINARY=$(PWD)"/../buildtools/plantuml.8023.jar" this aint working because each makefile is in different folder. how can i solve this
[12:58] <cfhowlett> PHPLearner, see the README you downloaded with the app and/or check the publisher for linux support
[12:58] <SuperTyp1> I already used alien to convert it, but terminal says: can't find command...
[12:58] <aryklein> I don't understand why disk1?
[12:58] <SuperTyp1> so it seems like it didn't work :)
[12:58] <PHPLearner> cfhowlett: I got this error in my terminal
[12:58] <XenophonF> SuperTyp1: not to be a jerk, but did you google it? use search terms like "install novell iprint ubuntu" or "install novell iprint debian"
[12:58] <XenophonF> SuperTyp1:
[12:59] <XenophonF> first three search hits seem relevant
[12:59] <SuperTyp1> XenophonF: I didn't really google it because my prof said it doesn't exist on ubuntu and if I could get it to work it would be great so I first tried to convert from rpm to deb, I am so sorry for this
[13:00] <XenophonF> SuperTyp1: always google it
[13:00] <SuperTyp1> yes you are right
[13:00] <hateball> SuperTyp1: if you know the queue name you should be able to just add an ipp:// printer in cups as well
[13:00] <XenophonF> yeah, doesn't CUPS support IPP?
[13:01] <hateball> You have to pick the right driver etc manually tho, all that automagic stuff that iPrint does for you
[13:01] <SuperTyp1> okay I will take a look at that too
[13:02] <SuperTyp1> thank you all!
[13:02] <XenophonF> in fact, the comments section for has instructions for setting up CUPS
[13:02] <XenophonF> SuperTyp1: your best bet is to use cups to connect to the iprint server
[13:03] <SuperTyp1> alright
[13:03] <knob> I am trying to add a keyboard shortcut for the "context menu" (ie: mouse's right click). Yet I can't find the "command" that invokes the right click. Any idea what it is?
[13:03] <TenLeftFingers> My mother is telling me her wifi drops out a few times a week. Ive seen it happen just now on her 12.04 machine and it rejects the correct password. Rebooting solves it for a day or so. It's a broadcom wireless on a Dell laptop. does this sound familoiar to anyone? I'm tempted to upgrade her to 14.04 if it might help.
[13:04] <PHPLearner> how to do I know whether I install a particular app ubuntu
[13:04] <PHPLearner> what commands can I type on the terminal
[13:04] <cfhowlett> PHPLearner, dpkg -l | grep PACKAGENAME
[13:04] <EriC^^> PHPLearner: or apt-cache policy <package>
[13:05] <PHPLearner> thanks guys
[13:05] <pbx> TenLeftFingers, what is rejecting password? the laptop? the router?
[13:06] <XenophonF> TenLeftFingers: you might need to update the wap firmware, too
[13:06] <TenLeftFingers> pbx: I don't know. But I do know it was identical every time
[13:06] <PHPLearner> cfhowlett: nothing came out after I type your command
[13:06] <PHPLearner> does that mean that it was installed
[13:06] <TenLeftFingers> XenophonF: I'll look into that, thanks
[13:06] <cooljet> knob : Most keyboards have a right click button on them, mine is next to the Alt Gr button
[13:06] <cfhowlett> PHPLearner, how did you install the package?
[13:07] <PHPLearner> ok wait
[13:07] <knob> cooljet, I know man... yet this laptop does not have the context-menu key.
[13:07] <knob> Soo... looking for the command. With the command, I can do a keyboard shortcut.
[13:07] <knob> Yet I don't know the command
[13:09] <TenLeftFingers> pbx: XenophonF and anyone wanting to know, theres a process here for troubleshooting broadcom drivers :
[13:09] <XenophonF> TenLeftFingers: thanks
[13:10] <PHPLearner> cfhowlett: I install it using sudo npm install -g bower
[13:10] <PHPLearner> then bower install
[13:12] <cooljet> Knob: found this online
[13:12] <EriC^^> PHPLearner: check the docs of the package
[13:12] <EriC^^> PHPLearner: it won't show up in apt or dpkg as installed if you didn't use the package manager
[13:13] <knob> cooljet, thank you! I saw that in my searches... I think that is going to be the way I have to go. Just odd that... what the heck is the context- menu command.
[13:13] <knob> I will let you know what I do!
[13:15] <cooljet> Knob: Yeah, you would think there would a straight forward command like "right-click" but I can't find
[13:16] <knob> Yup. cooljet, the best I though... is that if we could "cat" the commands that cross the interface (xorg? I don't know). Then you watch that screen, and do a right click.
[13:16] <PHPLearner> sorry I got
[13:16] <PHPLearner> disconnected
[13:16] <knob> I am sure there is something more basic/simple. I will keep on searching.
[13:17] <PHPLearner> disconnected
[13:17] <PHPLearner> anyone can help me with my problem with Protractor
[13:17] <dougnet> Is there someway to convert .htm to .pdf?
[13:17] <jayjo__> I'm trying to write a shell script that delays a random interval of a few hours (anywhere between 1-180 minutes)
[13:17] <dougnet> I tried Libre, but no go there.
[13:17] <jayjo__> I have sleep $[ ( $RANDOM % 180 ) + 1 ]m
[13:18] <jayjo__> is that the correct syntax? I can't really test it for hours of waiting around
[13:18] <phpmiddleman> is there a package for plantuml
[13:20] <cooljet> dougnet: I'm guessing you mean HTML, have a look on Firefox Addons, I'm sure there a addon for that
[13:21] <dougnet> It's a .htm file. Which is HTML. A customer of mine uses a program that spits out the workorder in .htm
[13:22] <dougnet> cooljet: The browser isn't the issue though. Once I get it saved locally I would like to convert it, and get it signed electronically.
[13:24] <cooljet> dougnet: if you try opening it in Firefox, then click to print and save to file, you can save it as a pdf, it worth a try
[13:26] <jayjo__> Can someone help me with this? Do I just run sleep $[ ($RANDOM % 180)]m to run randomly in the 3 hour?
[13:27] <dougnet> cooljet: no dice on that. Gmail. Maybe on TBird, but ugh
[13:28] <trees> I have this problem: can anyone help? I'm not the author of the post but I have the same problem (Dual booting between windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.04.2"
[13:30] <PHPLearner> alright I think I got some clues
[13:30] <PHPLearner> I install something but maybe one folder did extract properly
[13:31] <PHPLearner> how can I download the files again so that I get a new copy of the zip file that come along when the app was first installed
[13:31] <White_Phoenix> hi
[13:33] <trees> can anyone help me with this problem: I'm trying t dual boot between windows 81 and ubuntu 14.04.2 but it is giving me an error message on startup "Windows failed to start..." and I installed ubuntu using wubi.exe
[13:33] <trees> 8.1*
[13:33] <k1l_> wubi :/
[13:34] <k1l_> trees: wubi is hard to support since it intsalled inside windows into a container. so in worst case you loose windows and ubuntu. better to install ubuntu into own partitions
[13:34] <jin9> hi. where can I find an android IRC client that can hide join/part/quit message?
[13:35] <k1l_> jin9: best is to ask the #android guys
[13:35] <trees> i dont have access to DVD right now :/
[13:35] <k1l_> trees: you can install ubuntu from a usb pendrive. just dont use wubi but boot that usb like you would boot a cd.
[13:36] <k1l_> trees: i recommend to boot a windows cd and repair the windows bootmanager
[13:36] <trees> yeah and I don't have a usb drive either right now, in a tight spot for now :(
[13:36] <cooljet> dougnet: from I can find HTM file should open in Firefox, then when you click to print you should see something like this sorry mate if that not any help can't think of a other way
[13:36] <trees> i can definitely get back into windows and get rid of the wubi install
[13:36] <trees> its not that which is the problem, im trying to get past the error screen that wont let me into ubuntu
[13:37] <trees> i just need to find away to dual boot
[13:37] <k1l_> trees: yes. dont use wubi.
[13:37] <k1l_> trees: install ubuntu into own partitions. that is the right solution.
[13:37] <pavlos> jayjo, try echo $((RANDOM%100+1))
[13:38] <trees> i dont have a dvd or usb drive on me right now.. i have tried unbootin as well and that didn't work either giving me a similar error message
[13:39] <k1l_> trees: well, i (and most user in here) cant help you with wubi then.
[13:39] <phiona> why is it that when im using chrome and chromium my mouse freezes on Lubuntu 14.04? it does not freeze with firefox.
[13:41] <dougnet> cooljet: File opens fine. I've tried manually changing file extension to .pdf but ubuntu recognises it's originally a .htm and won't open as a .pdf. When I open the file it opens a new tab. I should be able to manipulate the file from there, but that is why I think I need an installed program for that kind of file monkey'n
[13:41] <dougnet> nothing in the store that I can see either.
[13:44] <cooljet> dougnet: your best bet is a piece software call "Okular" it's a advance PDF software it might be able to handle it
[13:46] <phiona> why is it that when im using chrome and chromium my mouse freezes on Lubuntu 14.04? it does not freeze with firefox.
[13:50] <scarleo> Hi, after upgrading to Vivid, one of my openvpn tunnels won't connect anymore, the other two still works just fine, really strange, any ideas what could have changed?
[13:51] <scarleo> I can still connect to the problematic VPN server from other computers
[13:52] <scarleo> NetworkManager crash whenever I try to connect to that vpn
[13:54] <nofear> hey guys
[13:54] <nofear> anyone here familar with the bonding stuff in ubuntu 14.04?
[13:55] <nofear> I have a question in regards of that
[13:55] <nofear> maby some one could answer it
[13:55] <funkenstrahlen> Hey, my ubuntu says E: Package 'ffmpeg' has no installation candidate after sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
[13:55] <funkenstrahlen> I already did sudo apt-get update and upgrade
[13:55] <funkenstrahlen> any ideas?
[13:55] <nofear> I was woundering if its a possibility to bond an ethernet connection to a wireless card connection
[14:02] <dougnet> cooljet: Well, installing Okular didn't fix the issue, but it did help me figure something out. The .htm file is created locally. So, extensions, addons, programs will not support conversion. I'll just have to do it the stupid way. Print, scan, get customert to sign that digitally on my smartphone. In our modern age as a technician it looks odd to hand someone a piece of paper to sign WorkOrders.
[14:05] <funkenstrahlen> oh its avconv now
[14:07] <jacksonmills> is it possible to append a file to a command line? like lets say i had a thing that was "command { file } { file 2 }" , and i had "{ file 1 } { file 2 }" in a file called files.out
[14:07] <jacksonmills> how could i do command by reading files.out?
[14:08] <cn28h> so you want to get the list of files from a file?
[14:09] <cn28h> the most obvious way to me is: xargs cmd < file
[14:09] <jacksonmills> yeah
[14:09] <jacksonmills> i want to get the list of files from a file
[14:11] <somsip> jacksonmills:
[14:12] <jacksonmills> nice
[14:12] <jacksonmills> that worked
[14:12] <jacksonmills> cn28h: thank you
[14:12] <cn28h> np
[14:15] <dougnet> hmmm that reminds me of a photo filenaming issue I've been noodling for a year or so. How to sequence filenames for photos. Example: Dog at Party, 10 pictures. Is that a file editor or photo editor program?
[14:16] <somsip> dougnet:
[14:17] <somsip> dougnet: really depends on what they are named and what you want them to be named, but easy to adapt the above
[14:17] <chotaz`w> good afternoon folks, suddenly .deb files started opening on the terminal instead of the software center. Is this normal and if not what could have changed?
[14:19] <dougnet> somsip: I see that. It looks like they would have to have a common name first, and then sequence. Most cameras, and phone cameras generate random file names though. I could dump to a new folder, and sequence the folder though.
[14:21] <somsip> dougnet: no, it will rename any files that match any glob you like, and basename can be replace with a string
[14:21] <dougnet> cooljet: thanks for the help. Back to my drawing board, or smack the customer around and get them to export that stupid file as a pdf...
[14:22] <ActionParsnip> dougnet: right click the deb -> select open with. Select software centre then select to remember the paiting
[14:23] <ActionParsnip> *pairing
[14:26] <wsy> hello
[14:26] <ActionParsnip> hi wsy
[14:26] <wsy> how to use it
[14:26] <wsy> it's my first use ubuntu
[14:28] <amari> Hi I have a intel micro-code driver as an option to install in the "Additional Drivers" software, what is it and should I install it?
[14:28] <amari> Is it needed?
[14:28] <tonyt> if your machine working now , i would say it is not needed
[14:29] <amari> tonyt: Seems to be working fine :)
[14:30] <wpd> Does anybody know how avahi-autoipd gets started on a Ubuntu system? I would like to add the --force-bind option to it when it gets started.
[14:31] <amari> How do I check which drivers are loaded in my system?
[14:34] <ActionParsnip> amari: lsmod
[14:34] <amari> ActionParsnip: thank you :)
[14:35] <xabbix> I'm creating a deb package and want to control what is being removed when it uninstalls. I currently have no prerm or postrm and it just deletes a bunch of files and directories that I would like to preserve, how can I change this behavior?
[14:37] <pippin2> quit
[14:41] <MonkeyDust> xabbix try #bash or #ubuntu-app-devel
[14:41] <kazdax> ubuntu is great
[14:41] <Pici> the latter is more on-topic
[14:41] <kazdax> Installed it along side windows
[14:42] <kazdax> and am using it right now ..havnt had any problems so far
[14:42] <kazdax> One thing tho .. my wireless when doing speedtest is slower than on windows
[14:42] <jacksonmills> the only thing i don't like about ubuntu
[14:42] <jacksonmills> and to be fair, they are doin the best they can
[14:42] <jacksonmills> 1) 7260 wireless card support, that bastard is everywhere
[14:42] <jacksonmills> 2) gpu support can be shaky
[14:42] <jacksonmills> outside of that, i love it
[14:43] <kazdax> why need GPU ..i dont use linux for games
[14:43] <kazdax> I mean if you are going to play games..then just get a gaming machine
[14:43] <xangua> contact companies and tell them to release drivers
[14:43] <Rory> jacksonmills: What GPU problems are you having?
[14:44] <jacksonmills> im not having any now, i fixed them, i have an sli setup that i dual boot , i use it as a work computer when i wfh but use it for gaming at night
[14:44] <kazdax> xangua, will the comapinese listen
[14:44] <jacksonmills> had to get some edge update from nvidia, its fine now
[14:44] <ioria> ActionParsnip, i don't know if you remember the wifi usb dongle' guy of yesterday, but today i purchase the same (not Broad, but Realtek)and was configured and working in 10 seconds
[14:44] <jacksonmills> i usually run games in windows
[14:44] <kazdax> yea windows exist for only one thing
[14:45] <kazdax> and thats PC Games
[14:45] <jacksonmills> pretty much
[14:45] <kazdax> for everything else ubuntu can do it
[14:45] <jacksonmills> and, for the time being, unity 3d development
[14:45] <kazdax> i am using unity
[14:45] <kazdax> not 3D tho
[14:45] <chotaz`w> windows-only gaming is coming to an end tho, pc-wise.
[14:45] <jacksonmills> and using unreal engine
[14:45] <BluesKaj> I thought steam waqs supposed to cover most of the popular games
[14:45] <kazdax> why so chotaz`w ?
[14:45] <jacksonmills> yeah, dev side is still almost all pc tho
[14:45] <jacksonmills> unreal is almost released/prod ready for linux
[14:46] <chotaz`w> kazdax, lots of triple AAA+ being ported for Linux
[14:46] <jacksonmills> unity 3d will be god knows when
[14:46] <jacksonmills> i play ksp on linux, thats fun :D
[14:46] <jacksonmills> steam os is great for linux gaming for sure
[14:46] <kazdax> ksp ?
[14:46] <micha_> #q
[14:46] <jacksonmills> kerbal space program
[14:46] <kazdax> ahh
[14:46] <chotaz`w> guys, #ubuntu-offtopic
[14:46] <xangua> !ot
[14:46] <kazdax> never heard of it heheh
[14:46] <jacksonmills> sorry
[14:48] <ActionParsnip> ioria: usb wifi is insanely cheap. Glad you got the gold
[14:50] <ertyuio> hi there
[14:51] <ioria> ActionParsnip, you'right, don't think to use it on daily-basis
[14:54] <PHPLearner> can someone explain to me what his terminal command does
[14:54] <PHPLearner> ./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
[14:55] <Rory> PHPLearner: It will execute that file
[14:55] <PHPLearner> oh ok
[14:55] <PHPLearner> thanks
[14:55] <Rory> PHPLearner: If you run "./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager -h" does it tell you any more?
[14:55] <Rory> You should check the documentation for whatever you're running
[14:56] <PHPLearner> Rory: I got it from a forum
[14:56] <PHPLearner> it was one of the suggestions to solve a problem I am facing right now
[14:56] <PHPLearner> since I am not sure about how the command will work that is why I asked
[14:56] <PHPLearner> are you familiar with Protractor
[14:56] <Rory> I'd advise against downloading and running things from random web forums without understanding what they are. if it doesn't work and breaks your system even more, your lack of knowledge will leave you unable to fix it
[14:56] <PHPLearner> not the one used in Geometry class
[14:57] <thell> Hi all. Can the system cpu governor be restarted with a systemctl command? (Ubuntu 15.04) I've been monitoring proc/cpuinfo and notice speed gets stuck at higher speeds after resume from suspend.
[14:57] <Rory> I'm not, and I'm also not a web developer
[14:58] <PHPLearner> ok
[14:58] <PHPLearner> thanks Rory
[14:58] <PHPLearner> are you an adminstrator
[14:58] <R13ose> How do I upgrade Python interface to libapt-pkg?
[15:01] <Pici> R13ose: What are you trying to accoplish exactly? and why?
[15:02] <R13ose> Pici: in the update manager, I see the package Python interface to libapt-pkg and this is not upgrading for some reason.
[15:03] <Pici> R13ose: You mean you doing and apt-get upgrade and it is holding back packages?
[15:03] <R13ose> Pici: yes
[15:03] <Pici> R13ose: Use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[15:04] <Pici> That'll pull in the proper dependencies and get things going.
[15:04] <Pici> !dist-upgrade
[15:04] <R13ose> Pici: still not upgrading that package
[15:04] <Pici> R13ose: Can you pastebin what you are seeing?
[15:07] <R13ose> Pici:
[15:08] <OerHeks> R13ose, did you run 'sudo apt-get update´ first?
[15:10] <R13ose> OerHeks: just did that and still holding back that package
[15:10] <MarcGuay_> Hi folks. After I've connected and disconnected from a VPN my "Browse network" is still displaying the old information. Any way to refresh this?
[15:11] <jcastro> hit f5?
[15:11] <MarcGuay_> jcastro: Nothing
[15:11] <jcastro> :-/
[15:11] <MarcGuay_> Seems to be cached
[15:12] <MarcGuay_> Rebooting, no time fodis
[15:12] <ioria> R13ose, check in Synaptic Package Manager if it's locked
[15:15] <R13ose> ioria: I did that and is locked and when I try to mark this for upgrade, I get this error: "Depends: libapt-pkg4.12 (>=0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.22) but 0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.21 is to be installed"
[15:15] <melh>
[15:16] <melh> je comprend rien au ticket.
[15:16] <melh> il a reçu 3 disque et a eteint sa SJ
[15:16] <SchrodingersScat> !fr | melh
[15:17] <ioria> R13ose, sudo apt-mark unhold ?
[15:18] <R13ose> ioria: I get "python-apt was already not hold."
[15:19] <ioria> R13ose, when it was hold you missed something , i think
[15:20] <OerHeks> R13ose, i found this, for 12.04 >>
[15:21] <ioria> R13ose, are you 14.04 ?
[15:21] <R13ose> ioria: nope, I am using another version of ubuntu and seems I would need a fresh install to install which sucks.
[15:22] <ioria> R13ose, you are Pangoline, dont' you ?
[15:22] <OerHeks> R13ose, my guess is you enabled 'proposed' updates?
[15:22] <ioria> R13ose, 12.04
[15:24] <ioria> R13ose, lsb_release a , and try OerHeks suggestion
[15:24] * OerHeks was reading on
[15:24] <bishops> A question: My laptop (running ubuntu 14.04) is connected to a desktop screen (Dell). Every time it goes to sleep I can't start it again unless I use Caffeine to kill the screensaver. Is there a way not to need Caffeine and have the screen understand that I want awaken computer?
[15:25] <xangua> R13ose: you are using Elementary, you will need to do a fresh install
[15:26] <R13ose> xangua: why?
[15:26] <xangua> also elementary is not supported here
[15:26] <R13ose> xangua: I am in the other room.
[15:27] <OerHeks> Elementary has its own issues, i hope you can fix it with the urls i found.
[15:28] <R13ose> OerHeks: tried that still didn't work out.
[15:29] <OerHeks> R13ose, best solution: install ubuntu, forget elementary.
[15:37] <R13ose> OerHeks: oh\
[15:42] <matias____> hey guys
[15:43] <pauliunas> hello
[15:43] <pauliunas> i have a problem - the settings are not saving. i have tried various settings, they just go back to previous state as soon as i click them
[15:44] <R13ose> when is 15.04 coming out?
[15:44] <pauliunas> even such things as clicking the battery icon on the top bar and selecting "show percentage"
[15:44] <pauliunas> the setting just stays off no matter how many times i click it
[15:44] <OerHeks> R13ose, it is out for some days now
[15:45] <pauliunas> i also can't pin apps to launcher - they stay unpinned even if i keep pressing the damn pin button for an hour
[15:45] <R13ose> OerHeks: thanks
[15:45] <pauliunas> umm i thought 15.04 was out a couple of weeks ago
[15:46] <user__> Pessoal, alguém sabe como criar um hostspot no backbox
[15:46] <user__> ???
[15:46] <OerHeks> !es | user__
[15:47] <captainfantastic> after installing tlp, the system seems little bit laggy. is tlp cutting resources on my hardware?
[15:47] <xangua> !pt | user__
[15:48] <pauliunas> guys, my settings are not saving
[15:48] <xangua> always fail OerHeks ;) also user__ backbox is not suppprted in any ubuntu channel
[15:49] <OerHeks> xangua, sorry for not noticing the difference between Potugese/Spanish :-9
[15:49] <pauliunas> guys
[15:49] <pauliunas> do you hear me?
[15:49] <OerHeks> pauliunas we can read you, not hear .. i don't know why you cannot pin.
[15:50] <pauliunas> ok sorry then, my nick is gray in this client so i thought i had to be logged into nickserv or something
[15:50] <SuperTyp> I could install the iPrint client now on ubuntu but I can't add a printer:
[15:51] <ioria> !ping
[15:51] <SuperTyp> "The request contains invalid syntax"
[15:51] <pauliunas> that kind of stuff just doesn't happen in windows. i booted up, and out of a sudden all my settings are reset, including pinned apps. and they jump back immediately if i try to change them
[15:51] <Johnny_Linux> ohluh
[15:52] <cuddylier> Anyone know how to quickly wipe the metadata off a drive?
[15:52] <cuddylier> I could use shred but it takes far too long.
[15:52] <OerHeks> pauliunas, perhaps you are not logged in, but in guest-mode?
[15:52] <pauliunas> well, i did enter a password...
[15:53] <OerHeks> pauliunas, easy to see, do you see your account name top right corner?
[15:53] <pauliunas> and it shows a check mark near my username in the power menu
[15:53] <ActionParsnip> cuddylier: could use dd ...
[15:53] <pauliunas> well, as i said, it reset all the settings to default, so it doesn't show the name in that bar by default
[15:53] <cuddylier> Would it be e.g. 1/3 time of shred?
[15:53] <pauliunas> but it does show a check mark in the power menu
[15:53] <cuddylier> Since shred writes over the drive 3 times
[15:53] <cuddylier> Would dd only do it once?
[15:53] <ActionParsnip> cuddylier: do you need the drive urgently?
[15:54] <blib> - why isn't pip working?
[15:54] <OerHeks> pauliunas, another test, can you copy a file from one folder to an other? if not, your system is mounted readonly?
[15:54] <ActionParsnip> cuddylier: dd would do a single wipe, which is enough
[15:54] <cuddylier> ActionParsnip ASAP really, I have 3 x 4TB drives so shredding each one would take 24+ hours
[15:54] <pauliunas> hmm, which partition? /home or /?
[15:54] <OerHeks> pauliunas, in your home would do.
[15:54] <ActionParsnip> cuddylier: speed is largely dependant on the drive hardware
[15:55] <cuddylier> yeah, these are drives with 100+ MB/s I/O so standard HDDs
[15:55] <pauliunas> OerHeks, i have /home set as a separate partition
[15:55] <OerHeks> pauliunas, user settings are also stored there, so it is oke.
[15:55] <pauliunas> oerheks yeah i can copy/paste in my home partition
[15:55] <ActionParsnip> cuddylier: using 4 PCs weill speed it up, do them in parallel
[15:56] <cuddylier> ActionParsnip yeah it would, I usually do them 1 by 1 anyway
[15:56] <cuddylier> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 seek=124914352
[15:56] <cuddylier> That would be a good dd command?
[15:56] <pauliunas> OerHeks, however the paste option is grayed out in the main partition
[15:56] <Pazooza> Put them in a cat scanner which is a big magnet.
[15:56] <cuddylier> mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb
[15:56] <cuddylier> Or that
[15:56] <ActionParsnip> cuddylier: sounds fine, will need sudo. Check the "of" device is correct, or dd could stand for Data Destroyer ;)
[15:56] <OerHeks> pauliunas, in your main partition sounds fine, you need sudo for that.
[15:57] <pauliunas> oh, right..
[15:57] <cuddylier> ActionParsnip, yep will do, thankfully the box I'll be doing it on is unused currently so mistakes don't matter.
[15:57] <OerHeks> pauliunas, i have no clue, did you try to reboot to see if there is any change?
[15:58] <pauliunas> OerHeks, yup, same after reboot
[15:58] <thell> Earlier I asked:. Can the system cpu governor be restarted with a systemctl command? (Ubuntu 15.04) I've been monitoring proc/cpuinfo and notice speed gets stuck at higher speeds after resume from suspend.
[15:58] <thell> I haven't found a way to do it via a single systemctl command but I was able to reset the governors using: sudo sh -c "echo -n powersave | tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor"
[15:58] <thell> If anyone knows a systemctl method...
[15:58] <pauliunas> OerHeks, and i can copy files with sudo
[16:01] <pauliunas> is there a *stable* linux distro out there?
[16:02] <Rory> pauliunas: best to b8 in #ubuntu-offtopic not here
[16:02] <pauliunas> Rory, i came with a *problem*
[16:02] <pauliunas> i'm just emphasizing how buggy ubuntu is
[16:02] <Rory> cool
[16:03] <pauliunas> fuck this
[16:04] <rogo> hi. How can I change the terminal emulator back to my favorite gnome-terminal? sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator doesn't work.
[16:04] <thell> One other questiom regarding my pstate issue after resuming... should it be reported somewhere? If so where? It didn't happen with 14.10 running 4.0.x kernels.
[16:05] <SuperTyp> any students here that could successfully install an iprint printer on ubuntu?
[16:05] <ActionParsnip> rogo: let me search....
[16:05] <thell> rogo: 'doesn't work' meaning no update dialog or no effect after restarting desktop?
[16:06] <ioria> rogo, Settings Manager >> Preferred Applications >> Utilities ?
[16:06] <rogo> i mean: it shows the dialog where I can choose, but whatever I choose, it stays the same
[16:06] <SuperTyp> any idea guys?
[16:06] <rogo> i'll try settings manager
[16:07] <ActionParsnip> rogo: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue
[16:07] <rogo> it got worse: I have to search now a way to run a terminal
[16:08] <ActionParsnip> rogo: press CTRL + ALT + T
[16:08] <ActionParsnip> rogo: works?
[16:08] <thell> rogo: you restarted your desktop yes?
[16:08] <rogo> my terminal emulator is now X Terminal
[16:09] <ActionParsnip> rogo: fine, what does the comand output?
[16:09] <rogo> Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l
[16:09] <ActionParsnip> rogo: great, gimme a sec
[16:09] <rogo> ok
[16:10] <ActionParsnip> rogo: look in gconf-tool. or dconf-editor for /desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec maybe..
[16:11] <thell> rogo: did you restart the desktop? if gnome then [alt]+[f2] r [enter]
[16:11] <rogo> gconf-tool : command not found
[16:11] <rogo> i'll restart.
[16:12] <thell> not reboot, just the desktop
[16:12] <rogo> *restarted*
[16:14] <thell> and ?
[16:15] <rogo>
[16:16] <rogo> What should I do now?
[16:16] <rogo> I try to get gnome-terminal back as default client
[16:16] <rogo> i mean :as default terminal
[16:18] <thell> rogo, I'd verify it isn't installed by checking ls /usr/bin/gnome-ter*
[16:19] <rogo>
[16:19] <rogo> i can launch it now with : gnome-terminal-
[16:20] <ioria> rogo why the '-' at end ?
[16:20] <thell> looks like someone renamed it
[16:20] <ioria> rogo you changed it ?
[16:21] <rogo> yes, i changed that with some code I found on internet
[16:21] <ioria> rogo good
[16:22] <rogo> so, it would be perfect is that gnome-terminal is my favorite one again, as default
[16:22] <thell> sudo mv /usr/bin/gnome-terminal- /usr/bin/gnome-terminal then check update-alternative --query x-terminal-emulatr | head -n1
[16:23] <rogo> do you mean ... x-terminal-emulator .... at end?
[16:23] <tortal_> in 14.10 desktop i can fiddle with filtering by editing the files in /proc/sys/net/bridge ... how do i do this on server 15.04 ? that folder doesn't exist and i cannot find the files elsewhere
[16:23] <ioria> rogo do you create a symlink too ?
[16:23] <thell> yeah
[16:24] <PHPLearner> hello
[16:24] <PHPLearner> can anyone please help me undo this command
[16:24] <PHPLearner> sudo apt-get install xvfb
[16:24] <rogo> the command to launch is now back to : gnome-terminal
[16:24] <PHPLearner> and this command too
[16:24] <PHPLearner> sudo Xvfb :10 -ac
[16:24] <thell> rogo: [ctrl]+[al]+t should open it now
[16:25] <Cyford33> sudo apt-get remove xvfb
[16:25] <PHPLearner> Cyford33: what about this command: sudo Xvfb :10 -ac
[16:25] <rogo> YES! , thanks to update-alternatives --query x-terminal-emulator | head -n1 in combo with preferred app settings
[16:26] <rogo> :-)
[16:26] <rogo> SUPER!
[16:26] <ioria> rogo the suggestion is not to change executive file
[16:26] <ioria> rogo name
[16:27] <thell> rogo: yw, that query just showed that your earlier --config did work. I just didn't have a target since it had renamed
[16:27] <ioria> rogo expecially if they are system ones
[16:27] <thell> !!
[16:28] <rogo> Xubuntu is like magic. I was trying too hard to connect to Citrix and I removed some old stuff, which changed my default terminal.
[16:30] <slabity> Hey all, I'm having trouble getting ubuntu 15.04 installer to boot. It hangs a few seconds after the logo appears.
[16:30] <rogo> should I run apt-get autoremove ?
[16:34] <santi__> slabity: Have you tried the nomodeset option?
[16:34] <ActionParsnip> rogo: if you want, it will remove unecessary packages and save space
[16:34] <slabity> santi__: Yes, I have. It still hangs
[16:35] <rogo> I have so much old kernels. autoremove is then the easiest way.
[16:36] <Pazooza> Can you use high ascii characters in passwords?
[16:37] <slabity> I'm trying it with the debug parameter now to see if it gives any more info
[16:38] <ActionParsnip> rofltech: autoremove doesn't remove old kernels
[16:38] <ActionParsnip> bah
[16:39] <slabity> The installer hangs right after it says, "[ OK ] Created slice system-ifup.slice"
[16:39] <PenguinCSC> I'd like to build a DOSBox game box for my kids. Any pointers for the best way to do it (hardware, front end etc.)
[16:43] <MonkeyDust> PenguinCSC sure you're in the right channel?
[16:43] <tortal_> how do i disable ethernet filtering on server 15.04 ?
[16:43] <PenguinCSC> MonkeyDus: Well, I'd like to install it based on Ubuntu
[16:44] <MonkeyDust> PenguinCSC try #ubuntu-offtopic, to start
[16:44] <PenguinCSC> k, 10x!
[16:48] <luist> is it possible to sync a mirror only of 12.04 and 10.04 repositories?
[16:49] <ActionParsnip> luist: sure, you set the releases to sync. Isnt Lucid EOL like TODAY....
[16:49] <ActionParsnip> luist:
[16:49] <dasjoe> 10.04 EOLs today, yes
[16:49] <luist> ActionParsnip: lol how do i “set the releases to sync”
[16:50] <ActionParsnip> luist: depends what you are using to get the packages (i assume you are wanting a lan based update box)
[16:50] <ActionParsnip> dasjoe: thanks god
[16:50] <ActionParsnip> *thank
[16:50] <luist> ActionParsnip: yep something like that
[16:50] <luist> ActionParsnip: im looking for a command line thing
[16:51] * OerHeks moves the 10.04 cd to the history cabinet
[16:51] <SchrodingersScat> OerHeks: it belongs in a museum!
[16:52] <jxshxx> I replaced the dvd drive in a laptop. It plays cds and dvds, but will not run live cds. They work on other machines ... Any idea what's up?
[16:52] <xangua> I trow mine to the trash can :(
[16:53] <OerHeks> SchrodingersScat, i frame them, to show on a meeting. i have them all, almost.
[16:53] <slabity> My Ubuntu 15.04 installer hangs right after '[ OK ] Created slice system-ifup.slice'. Anyone know where I should start looking?
[16:53] <luist> ActionParsnip: is there a rsync repo to sync?
[16:53] <luist> ActionParsnip: i only see archives with all the distros, and they are way too big
[16:53] <Voyage> HI
[16:53] <Voyage> How to know which application is using my internet and how much?
[16:54] <ActionParsnip> Voyage: htop
[16:54] <SchrodingersScat> Voyage: i like iftop
[16:54] <ActionParsnip> luist:
[16:55] <SchrodingersScat> ActionParsnip: how do I get internet use on htop?
[16:56] <tortal> can someone please help me :) ? im feeling ignored here. im sure it's an easy question for many
[16:56] <SchrodingersScat> tortal: what is ethernet filtering?
[16:56] <ActionParsnip> SchrodingersScat: htop just watchs the traffic, the internet doesn't usehtop
[16:57] <ioria> tortal, you mean iptables ?
[16:57] <ActionParsnip> tortal: what are you wanting to filter?
[16:57] <SchrodingersScat> ActionParsnip: odd, i only see cpu/process stuff, how do I display traffic?
[16:57] <ActionParsnip> tortal: why would you run a server not on the LTS?
[16:58] <ActionParsnip> !info ntm | SchrodingersScat
[16:58] <ActionParsnip> hmmm
[16:58] <dasjoe> tortal: modprobe br_netfilter?
[16:58] <ActionParsnip> SchrodingersScat:
[16:59] <ActionParsnip> !info nethogs
[16:59] <ActionParsnip> boom
[16:59] <SchrodingersScat> ActionParsnip: ok, dropping it, you said htop does this...? in response to someone asking, "How to know which application is using my internet and how much?"
[17:00] <tortal> dasjoe: why is it so that the bridge-folder exist in dekstop version ?
[17:00] <ActionParsnip> SchrodingersScat:
[17:00] <Voyage> SchrodingersScat, iftop is not showing any data
[17:01] <tortal> thanks btw
[17:01] <SchrodingersScat> Voyage: if you don't use eth0, you need iftop -i followed by the interface you actually use
[17:02] <dasjoe> tortal: Kernel 3.18+ no longer automatically enable bridge-netfilter
[17:03] <Voyage> SchrodingersScat, works now. Thanks!
[17:03] <dasjoe> tortal: see the blinking (wtf?) text on
[17:04] <SchrodingersScat> Voyage: you should check the other options, can turn ports on/off, name resolution on/off, etc.
[17:09] <Voyage> SchrodingersScat, thanks
[17:15] <mguy> Anyone have a Lenovo T440? 15.04 reports my batteries as each having 0:50 or so left. Crazy!
[17:17] <ActionParsnip> mguy: do you have the latest BIOS?
[17:19] <ActionParsnip> mguy: if you dont have the 2.33 BIOS:
[17:20] <mguy> Good question I will reboot and check
[17:23] <Pod15> Just installed 14.04 and software-center won't open, any ideas?
[17:23] <ActionParsnip> mguy: why, dmidecode can tell you
[17:23] <sekalameta> how can I find where my tar command lies in?
[17:23] <ActionParsnip> Pod15: run: sudo apt-get update is it smooth?
[17:23] <ActionParsnip> sekalameta: run: which tar
[17:23] <Pod15> Done apt update and upgrades, didn't help
[17:23] <play> So can anybody tell me why I can't restart network-manager in 15.04?
[17:24] <ActionParsnip> mguy: sudo dmidecode -t 1
[17:24] <MonkeyDust> play start from the beginning, what have you tried so far
[17:25] <fullstack> Hello How do I update mono to 3.10 or above?
[17:26] <ActionParsnip> fullstack: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue
[17:26] <fullstack> 14.04.2
[17:26] <xangua> !latest | fullstack
[17:26] <play> sudo restart network-manager .Used to work just find in previous versions of ubuntu
[17:26] <ActionParsnip> !ppa | fullstack maybe there is a PPA
[17:27] <RepThis1> Hey guys has anyone had any trouble installing vmware on 15.04 ? it generates a log and says it has something to do with the vmnet. I tried several solutions but to no success and now its getting irritating.
[17:27] <ioria> play sudo service network-manager ?
[17:28] <ActionParsnip> RepThis1: is there no scope to use virtualbox?
[17:28] <RepThis1> The vmnet module does not want to compile. "make: *** [vmnet.ko] Error 2"
[17:28] <ActionParsnip> RepThis1: its a little easier
[17:28] <RepThis1> ActionParsnip: id rather use vmware workstation because i have to transfer vm's and work on them
[17:28] <play> nope just sudo restart "and then service" has been working for the last few versions at lest
[17:29] <play> Is there a new way I do not currently know about ioria?
[17:29] <ioria> play sudo service network-manager start (or restart), not working ?
[17:30] <fullstack> how do I remove a PPA that is 404 not found? ffmpeg
[17:30] <OerHeks> !ppapurge
[17:30] <play> Okay I've give that a try thanks
[17:30] <ActionParsnip> RepThis1:
[17:30] <fullstack>
[17:30] <ActionParsnip> !away > andrex|off
[17:31] <ioria> play check ifconfig and in case sudo ifup eth0
[17:31] <play> Is there a new way I do not currently know about ioria\
[17:31] <zerowaitstate> RepThis1: usually it is a problem with changes in the kernel headers that are incompatible with the source code of the vmware tools kernel module
[17:31] <fullstack> OerHeks, ppa-purge command not found
[17:31] <play> Opps please ignore that last meddage
[17:31] <play> message
[17:31] <ioria> play what you mean 'new' ?
[17:31] <OerHeks> fullstack, read again, install first.
[17:31] <fullstack> OerHeks, it needs to be installed
[17:32] <fullstack> OerHeks, yeah thank you.
[17:32] <zerowaitstate> RepThis1: my experience is that vmware has a hard time keeping up with kernel updates, and ubuntu uses a very recent kernel version
[17:32] <play> Thanks ioria thanks, simple but I first learnt it the other way, the way I first posted here. Thankyou for your help
[17:33] <RepThis1> andrex|off: thx i will check this out soon
[17:33] <ioria> play np
[17:33] <RepThis1> zerowaitstate: do you have any idea when vmware will release and update to use the 15.04 kernel? its been like what a week now?
[17:35] <fullstack> OerHeks, from the error message in the "not found" message how do I derive the PPA URL?
[17:35] <fullstack> for example these:
[17:36] <zerowaitstate> RepThis1: since the vmware tools installer decompresses a source tree for the ko module, you may have to apply a patch to the source are rerun the compile
[17:36] <fullstack> or is there a way to just say "ppa-purge, delete all not found ppa"
[17:36] <zerowaitstate> RepThis1: can you pastebin the error?
[17:36] <green-big-frog> hi
[17:36] <green-big-frog> I accidently deleted a virtual box VM including the .vdi
[17:36] <green-big-frog> I do backups every week with the included backup programm
[17:36] <green-big-frog> Who do I restore them?
[17:37] <Arthur_Skt8> Chat é BR?
[17:37] <zerowaitstate> !br
[17:38] <RepThis1> zerowaitstate: i tried applying a patch i found online but it was for 3.13 kernel and it gave me some sort of hunk error. yeah let me try to find the generated error log
[17:38] <OerHeks> fullstack, ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg and ppa:pmcenery/ppa
[17:38] <dgx> Hey all. Im trying to install Ubuntu, but It doesn't detect my wi-fi card, and i dont have a cable. What do I do ? :)
[17:38] <zerowaitstate> RepThis1: my advice to vmware folks is to contact vmware support.
[17:38] <fullstack> OerHeks, ok thanks
[17:38] <RepThis1> !ubottu: pastebin
[17:40] <RepThis1> zerowaitstate:
[17:41] <fullstack> OerHeks, Could not find package list for PPA: jon-severinsson ffmpeg :(
[17:42] <OerHeks> fullstack, that ppa is made private, maybe you can remove it from your sourceslist in softwarecenter>edit>sources... only if you haven't installed any package of it, else it may break your system in the future
[17:44] <gahan> Hi. I'm running 15.04 and have an issue with opensource drivers for radeon 4850 - here's Xorg.0.log EE lines - ABI major version (7) doesn't match the server's version (6), Failed to load module "glx" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
[17:44] <ioria> RepThis1, try
[17:45] <zerowaitstate> RepThis1: check this out:
[17:45] <green-big-frog> can nobody help me?
[17:45] <zerowaitstate> RepThis1: also here:
[17:48] <RepThis1> ioria: zerowaitstate: thx ill have to check it out after class.
[17:48] <ioria> RepThis1, good luck
[17:49] <zerowaitstate> ioria: that link is for the 3.13 kernel. the issue he's having is with 3.19
[17:50] <zerowaitstate> ioria: this stuff comes up every time ubuntu puts out a new release, because vmware support lags behind the distros a bit
[17:50] <ioria> zerowaitstate, he was 15.04 ? didn't work on 13 either then
[17:53] <zerowaitstate> ioria: the issue is related to the kernel version, not the distro version, but Ubuntu typically includes a very recent kernel version in their non-LTS releases. for running stuff under vmware in production it is advisable to stick to LTS releases
[17:54] <fullstack> if I run dist-upgrade will my box stay at 14.04?
[17:54] <Pici> fullstack: yes.
[17:54] <zerowaitstate> fullstack: dist-upgradee will not bump your distro version
[17:55] <zerowaitstate> fullstack: I admit the name is confusing
[17:55] <lapion> i'd hope it's at 14.04.2 fullstack
[17:55] <fullstack> ok because its saying the "old mono will be held back" but I want the new version of mono
[17:55] <zerowaitstate> fullstack: the one that bumps your distro verison is do-release-upgrade, I think
[17:55] <fullstack> and a google search saids to do 'dist-upgrade'
[17:55] <ioria> zerowaitstate, the fix is to patch vmnet , that's all ?
[17:56] <OerHeks> !distupgrade
[17:58] <fullstack> its a confusing name. Distribution upgrade
[17:59] <zerowaitstate> ioria: yeah. vmware started using mainline kernel modules for some of their other virtual drivers
[17:59] <fullstack> alright, running. lets hope I don't lose three days of productivity trying to fix things :(
[17:59] <ioria> zerowaitstate, got it
[17:59] <zerowaitstate> fullstack: maybe you should back stuff up
[17:59] <zerowaitstate> fullstack: just sayin'
[18:00] <k1l_> fullstack: yep its confusing. that is the reason on the new apt the named it that way: sudo apt full-upgrade
[18:01] <blib> Does anyone have a recommendation for a good development laptop for ubuntu ? (preferably i7 + light)
[18:01] <OerHeks> k1l_, can it be made a ubottu factoid?
[18:01] <frib> hi. the gnome sound applet shows my bluetooth headphones connected as telephony/duplex and when I try to switch to A2DP it still sounds garbled. my headphones definitely worked on A2DP before.. but sometimes this happens. can anyone help? thanks
[18:01] <k1l_> OerHeks: yeah. if you know a good one you can propose one in #ubuntu-irc
[18:07] <mathiasfx> hi
[18:07] <epx998> hi
[18:07] <mathiasfx> im new
[18:08] <petrvs> hi
[18:09] <petrvs> I'm old
[18:11] <irgendwer4711> hi, how to install a newer deb package (includes xz data) on an older system?
[18:12] <MonkeyDust> irgendwer4711 specify new/old
[18:12] <ducuchu> hi! I have some problems with a driver for Xerox WorkCentre 215
[18:12] <ioria> irgendwer4711, old like ubuntu 10 ?
[18:12] <irgendwer4711> yes
[18:12] <ducuchu> I don't know search a driver for that.
[18:12] <irgendwer4711> old 10 lt
[18:12] <irgendwer4711> *lts
[18:12] <ioria> irgendwer4711, maverick
[18:13] <GuidovanPossum> hi, I'm having problems after a security patch I installed today, I installed it then it asked for restart, so I did that and now the graphics seem like before I'd installed drivers for my gpu and at login the password works goes to a black screen then back to the login screen
[18:13] <irgendwer4711> ioria: lucid
[18:13] <GuidovanPossum> just seeing if anyone else is having similar problems after the upgrade or if there are any easy fixes
[18:13] <ioria> irgendwer4711, yep
[18:13] <MonkeyDust> irgendwer4711 you are aware that 10.04 is no longer supported as of today?
[18:14] <irgendwer4711> I am prepairing upgrade
[18:14] <irgendwer4711> I tried to download kernel 3.13 package
[18:14] <ioria> irgendwer4711, maybe if you elaborate the problem, there will be a better solution
[18:14] <irgendwer4711> lucid dont know the xz archive format :-(
[18:15] <vitimiti> Hello, I have installed a group of packages, and the update-initramfs is called, but when it is run, whether I do it manually or with the dpkg --configure -a function, it keeps giving me this error and I'm scared to reboot:
[18:15] <ioria> irgendwer4711,
[18:15] <irgendwer4711> ioria: already installed
[18:16] <ioria> irgendwer4711, and ?
[18:16] <irgendwer4711> ioria: "...deb' contains ununderstood data member data.tar.xz , giving up"
[18:18] <ioria> irgendwer4711, yep your dpkg is old
[18:18] <irgendwer4711> thats bad
[18:20] <ioria> irgendwer4711, what 's the package ?
[18:20] <irgendwer4711> linux-image
[18:21] <ioria> irgendwer4711, your system is old, and you wanna update it installing a new kernel ?
[18:21] <irgendwer4711> no, just to test hardware support of an old isdn card
[18:22] <ioria> irgendwer4711, that's awesome
[18:22] <irgendwer4711> ioria: why
[18:23] <genii> ISDN just refuses to die a graceful death
[18:23] <ioria> irgendwer4711, maybe you can compile a new one from scratch
[18:23] <irgendwer4711> I see, I have the old 12 lts linux kernel source on an other PC
[18:26] <ioria> irgendwer4711,, but you need a lot of stuff
[18:26] <irgendwer4711> no
[18:30] <ioria> irgendwer4711, then , you can try editing sources.list changing the name of the distro and update xz (it'll be a mess)
[18:31] <irgendwer4711> no need, I fetched this source from another pc
[18:37] <Nikesh> Upgrading Ubuntu seems to have broken GNOME Terminal. Previously I could open tabs, but now I see now option for it, and using ALT+number doesn't work anymore to switch windows in irssi
[18:37] <Nikesh> but now I see no* option for it
[18:37] <oddismal> Is this a good place to ask for some help? I'm having problems with sourcing .bashrc
[18:38] <SchrodingersScat> !ask | oddismal
[18:39] <arvid> @find ellery adams
[18:39] <GuidovanPossum> ok I kind of figured out what happened new generic and lowlatency kernels were installed, so I had to go back to the generic I was using previously
[18:39] <DJones> arvid: Probably the wrong channel to ask that in
[18:39] <vitimiti> Hello, I have installed a group of packages in Ubuntu 15.04, and the update-initramfs is called, but when it is run, whether I do it manually or with the dpkg --configure -a command, it keeps giving me this error and I'm scared to reboot:
[18:40] <DJones> arvid: There's no downloads here, apart from links to the Ubuntu operating system at
[18:40] <GuidovanPossum> every time a new kernel comes out do I have to reinstall gpu drivers for it, this is the first time I've had it happened since running this setup
[18:40] <daftykins> you probably install your driver a bad way
[18:41] <DJones> GuidovanPossum: Did you install your graphics drivers manually? Thats the normal reason for that, if you use the official releases, that'll auto-update them
[18:41] <oddismal> running Ubuntu 15.04 | I wanted to add a function that could create custom alias so I added the following to .bashrc | function addalias {echo "alias $1='$2'" >> ~/.bashrc} | I then ran source .bashrc. I tested the command with: addalias test testcom. I then ran source .bashrc I went back and added a cp ~/.bashrc ~/Temp/tmpstor/.bashrc.bk.$RANDOM line to the addalias command as well as removed the alias test='testcom' but now
[18:41] <oddismal> I am receiving this error when i try to source:-testcom: command not found Any suggestions?
[18:42] <GuidovanPossum> ok I did do manually, thanks for the help!
[18:43] <DJones> GuidovanPossum: Thats why you have problems, your instaled system doesn't know aboout manually installed graphics drivers which means you'll need to reinstall each time the kernal changes
[18:47] <Nvidiaonunity> hello
[18:47] <Nvidiaonunity> Is it normal for after my first install for the drivers for my gtx 960 and amd a8 7600 to install very very slow?
[18:48] <Nvidiaonunity> I feel like perhaps its not progressing
[18:49] <_blizzy_> time to install ubuntu on my old i3 laptop
[18:54] <oddismal> My problem has been fixed. Thanks
[18:55] <daftykins> Nvidiaonunity: via what method?
[18:56] <Nvidiaonunity> the gui
[18:56] <gahan> is compiz enabled by default in unity?
[18:56] <daftykins> Nvidiaonunity: 'additional drivers' ?
[18:56] <daftykins> yes it's always using compiz afaiui
[18:56] <Nvidiaonunity> yeah there is a tab in software updater
[18:56] <Nvidiaonunity> for my drivers
[18:56] <Nvidiaonunity> gtx 960
[18:56] <MonkeyDust> gahan unity is a compiz plugin for gnome3
[18:57] <gahan> aha
[18:57] <gahan> thanks
[18:57] <MonkeyDust> or layer, if you like
[18:57] <gahan> I read somewhere that from 14.04 unity doesn't like other window managers than its own?
[18:57] <daftykins> Nvidiaonunity: so it offered you the nvidia 340 or thereabouts to install, but it's not making any progress?
[18:57] <Nvidiaonunity> yeah
[18:57] <Nvidiaonunity> its crawling like a dog slow
[18:57] <daftykins> hmm, could be risky to interrupt it yeah
[18:58] <Nvidiaonunity> I installed it via uefi
[18:58] <Nvidiaonunity> Im gonna reinstall the normal way
[18:58] <Nvidiaonunity> I hate dual monitor
[18:58] <Nvidiaonunity> I have dual monitors
[18:58] <daftykins> what? you're topic hopping
[18:58] <daftykins> a UEFI install has no bearing on your graphics drivers
[18:59] <Nvidiaonunity> so its important
[18:59] <Nvidiaonunity> No its the same goal
[18:59] <Nvidiaonunity> are you sure because it says "booting in secure mode"
[18:59] <daftykins> dual boot with Windows 8?
[18:59] <Nvidiaonunity> and when I installed 14.04lts via normal install it did not
[19:00] <Nvidiaonunity> No on a separate drives
[19:00] <daftykins> 100% yes, whether legacy or UEFI the graphics drivers have no relevance
[19:00] <daftykins> check your EFI setup for whether secure boot is on or not
[19:01] <Guest14592> hi,I tried to suspend my machine and it would not wake up
[19:02] <ioria> Guest14592 like frozen, no reactions, or dead ?
[19:02] <Nvidiaonunity> so this new version uses systemd ?
[19:02] <Nvidiaonunity> not init?
[19:02] <Guest14592> it wakes up on a black screen with no respond to any thing
[19:02] <athairus> hi, I'm trying to get core dump files to appear for SIGSEGV crashing programs
[19:03] <athairus> I followed the advice on the wiki for Apport by commenting out a line in /etc/apport/crashdb.conf
[19:03] <ioria> Guest14592 you are 14.04 ?
[19:03] <athairus> but after running the crash again, there's nothing in /var/crash
[19:03] <Guest14592> 15.04
[19:03] <athairus> why is that? I'm on 14.04
[19:08] <vitimiti> I have a script for fresh Ubuntu installations I've been using for some time, but this time, in my fresh install of Ubuntu 15.04, I'm getting an update-initramfs error, saying there's no boot partition found. The script and all the information I could gather is here: ("Configurando" means "Configuring" and "Procesando disparadores para" means "Processing triggers for")
[19:09] <elstud> how do you eject optical reader with ubuntu
[19:09] <petrvs> vitimiti: so... is there a /boot partition?
[19:09] <petrvs> elstud: eject
[19:10] <vitimiti> petrvs, /boot is in /dev/sda1 with /, I used the automatic partitioning tool in the installer
[19:10] <petrvs> vitimiti: you'll have to paste the script itself
[19:10] <petrvs> apparently the error message does not reflect what it's actually checked
[19:10] <vitimiti> petrvs, it's in the paste.ubuntu link I posted
[19:11] <petrvs> vitimiti: don't see it
[19:11] <ioria> Guest14592 try to rename /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop and install xsreensaver
[19:11] <vitimiti> petrvs, it's in the beginning of the paste, the cat part
[19:11] <petrvs> vitimiti: oh it must be update-initramfs' error
[19:11] <ioria> Guest14592 xscreensaver
[19:11] <petrvs> you'll have to read update-initramfs' source, but it's probably right and there is no /boot partition
[19:12] <vitimiti> petrvs, it is, and I can't fix it and I'm afraid if I reboot it will go into initramfs console
[19:12] <elstud> ptrvs where do i find eject
[19:12] <vitimiti> petrvs, but I used the automatic partition tool, twice, this same day
[19:12] <petrvs> elstud: it's a package/command
[19:12] <Guest14592> sorry but i am new to to do that please?
[19:12] <petrvs> elstud: dpkg -l | grep -i eject && echo "you've got it"
[19:13] <ioria> Guest14592 mv /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop_old
[19:15] <Guest14592> i copy all that and past in the terminal?
[19:15] <danbower> how would i go about installing
[19:16] <joshlegs> so my sound does not work when my desktop is loaded and i'm in a user session. but when my computer boots up, it makes the bonk noise. what could be going wrong?
[19:16] <joshlegs> any help is appreciated
[19:16] <ivanvp> howdy
[19:16] <joshlegs> i would guess that it's something ubuntu related, rather than kernel related, since it works on bootup
[19:17] <danbower> do you mean the second you power up?
[19:17] <joshlegs> yeah
[19:17] <joshlegs> well, no.
[19:17] <joshlegs> when the login screen loads, it makes that 'bonk bonk bonk' noise
[19:17] <danbower> oh right
[19:17] <ivanvp> so since installing 14.10 I am experiencing strange behavior. I am asked for permissions for _anything_, to switch language, to shutdown...
[19:17] <ioria> Guest14592 before ls -al /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop
[19:17] <cn28h> dumb question, but your user doesn't have the sound muted or volume turned down all the way?
[19:17] <joshlegs> so i know the sound card works and all.
[19:17] <ivanvp> curiously though, this behavior shows up only on 2/5 boots
[19:18] <joshlegs> no it's turned up all the way lol
[19:18] <cn28h> ok, always worth checking ;p
[19:19] <joshlegs> yeah it is lol
[19:20] <danbower> any pointers for this download? previously i've either downloaded a file which opens up in the software centre GUI or asked to add a repository then install via apt-get
[19:20] <danbower> it's not terribly obvious to me
[19:20] <danbower> i've downloaded the actual files and doesn't seem to come with an installer
[19:22] <Guest14592>
[19:24] <ioria> Guest14592 ok rname the file in your home you can do a try : touch text and the mv text text_1, you'll see that the filename is changed
[19:26] <ioria> Guest14592 do the same for that file i pointed you
[19:26] <Guest14592> which file and can i rename using file manager?
[19:27] <Nvidiaonunity> hi, should I try to do it via command line instead updates?
[19:28] <ioria> Guest14592 you should use kgsu because is not your home. put 'sudo' in front of the command mv
[19:28] <Jordan_U> danbower: Why are you trying to install that file, rather than simply using the "Additional Drivers" tool to install the standard supported fglrx from Ubuntu's default repositories?
[19:28] <MonkeyDust> marius267 ke that gksu
[19:28] <MonkeyDust> make that gksu
[19:29] <Guest14592> ok,so what exactly the command be?
[19:29] <ioria> Guest14592 the file is: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop
[19:30] <danbower> Jordan_U, clicking "Apply Changes" seems to have absolutely no effect
[19:30] <ioria> Guest14592 the command is : sudo mv /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop_old
[19:31] <danbower> Jordan_U, i've been experiencing serious issues with ubuntu in relation to graphics for a few weeks now. the whole thing is rather desperate
[19:31] <ioria> MonkeyDust, you're right
[19:33] <Guest14592> i put it in the terminal and pressed enter then the prompt came on the screen
[19:33] <s_spiff> anyone here have experience with ubuntu on lenovo laptops?
[19:34] <cmyrland> Hello. I'm trying to use a Thing-o-matic with Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit) and ReplicatorG. Ubuntu finds the device and ReplicatorG connects to the device. But due to some RXTXComm bug, java gets a buffer overload and crashes as soon as RepG has connected to the printer. I've found what probably is the solution I'm looking for (last post in the issue), but it's not descriptive enough for me to complete what's needed.
[19:34] <cmyrland> icatorG/issues/274 - Can somebody help me sort out what I need to do?
[19:34] <OerHeks> s_spiff, lots of us, what is your Question?
[19:35] <Jordan_U> danbower: Are you trying to get good performance for gaming, or are you only interested in stability?
[19:35] <s_spiff> OerHeks: Just got a Lenovo Y40 - 80 and installed Xubuntu on it. Ethernet works great, wifi doesn't connect. It's not disabled (I searched on stackoverflow and ubuntu forums for Y40 Wifi issues. Everyone seems to have their wireless card disabled.. No such issues here).
[19:35] <s_spiff> Another quirky bit is that I have an apple magic mouse connected via bluetooth. Works well except for occasionally dropping the connection. I just figured that the battery of the mouse is showing up in the power management console, which is weird. And every time the mouse reconnects, I get a notification about how it's discharging.
[19:35] <cmyrland> woops, url got split in two:
[19:36] <danbower> Jordan_U, i'm trying to get it working correctly. everything was fine a few weeks ago then out of nowhere (no updates installed around the time it happened) i got some error and was placed into "low graphics" mode.
[19:37] <danbower> my ubuntu partition was getting a bit messy so i thought it'd be a good time to do a fresh install. ever since i've been unable to get into ubuntu when my monitor is plugged into the DisplayPort
[19:37] <Jordan_U> danbower: At that time were you using the open source drivers, or the proprietary ones?
[19:37] <genii> !info librxtx-java
[19:38] <danbower> Jordan_U, proprietary. however it used to work fine with the default drivers and now then those don't work
[19:38] <genii> !info librxtx-java trusty
[19:38] <danbower> err sorry. i meant the default used to work but no longer due since the error occurred
[19:38] <s_spiff> anyone here using a magic mouse with their ubuntu installation?
[19:38] <danbower> oddly enough the monitor is fine in windows, it's just ubuntu..
[19:39] <danbower> it fails to work with liveCD, some 12.04 CD i burned ages ago (although my old graphics card does work via DisplayPort with 12.04)
[19:39] <N3> E
[19:40] <danbower> it's all so odd and been going on for ages. feeling rather defeated by it all now
[19:40] <ioria> Guest14592: are you there ?
[19:40] <danbower> i can't even be confident a new graphics card will just makes my issues go away
[19:40] <Guest14592> yes
[19:40] <ioria> Guest14592: you have to split the command in two
[19:40] <genii> cmyrland: So the version of rxtx on your Ubuntu should already be current enough. You just need to do the symbolic link command there. I would actually put it in the /etc/rc.local file so you don't have to do it manually all the time
[19:41] <N3> what time it is
[19:41] <trees> hello
[19:41] <genii> N3: Depends where you are.
[19:41] <cmyrland> genii, I've tried that, but it doesn't work. Seems like RepG uses it's own java mix, so it doesn't pull in the rxtx2.2, but instead uses 2.1.7
[19:41] <Jordan_U> danbower: Does it work with a 15.04 LiveUSB?
[19:42] <danbower> Jordan_U, i haven't tried that.
[19:42] <cmyrland> genii, here's a pastebin of my crash report:
[19:42] <m3n3chm0> hello, my Xubuntu 15.04 is freezing... just the mouse freezes and i need to press control+alt +F1 for example and go back with control + alt + F7 ... but the issue is happening continuosluy .. any clue ¿???
[19:42] <genii> cmyrland: What does apt-cache policy librxtx-java say?
[19:43] <danbower> Jordan_U, everything had been fine on the exact same hardware and OS for months and months.
[19:43] <N3> genii:I was on Mars
[19:43] <Jordan_U> danbower: What version of Ubuntu is currently installed?
[19:43] <danbower> Jordan_U, 14.04
[19:43] <danbower> fresh install.
[19:43] <trees> Hey, here is my problem. I am trying to installl Ubuntu 14.04.2 without a CD or USB stick on a windows 8.1 machine, and I keep getting the error after install and restart: File:\Ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.nbr missing or contains error : 0xc000007b [duplicate], can anyone help?
[19:44] <trees> i used both wubi and
[19:44] <cmyrland> genii,
[19:44] <trees> unetbootin
[19:44] <Nikesh> Upgrading Ubuntu seems to have broken GNOME Terminal. Previously I could open tabs, but now I see no option for it, and using ALT+number doesn't work anymore to switch windows in irssi -- Any ideas?
[19:45] <Jordan_U> danbower: I'm wondering if an option changed in your boot firmware. Do you see any options related to graphics or power saving in your boot firmware menus?
[19:45] <darthanubis> Nikesh, nothings broken, ctrl-t for terminal tab. and to turn tabs on look in the preferences
[19:46] <genii> cmyrland: Bah. The two urls he links to of the mailinglist are 404
[19:46] <daftykins> Nikesh: test in another user account
[19:46] <danbower> Jordan_U, what exactly do you mean by "boot firmware issues"? BIOS menu?
[19:47] <Jordan_U> danbower: Yes (I say "boot firmware" rather than BIOS as it covers UEFI based and BIOS based boot firmware).
[19:47] <azizLIGHT> anyone use firefox nightly on unity?
[19:47] <Pod15> Have just installed Ubuntu 14, ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade but software-center won't open... Any ideas???
[19:48] <danbower> Jordan_U, ok thanks for the clarification. that's not something i've really looked into yet. i'd have to reboot (the monitor works fine with ubuntu if i use the DVI input) to take a look
[19:48] <Jordan_U> azizLIGHT: Why not ask your next question, and see if anyone here can answer it?
[19:48] <darthanubis> Pod15, running those cmds in terminal won't open software center
[19:48] <cmyrland> genii, I actually found the mailing list earlier when I googled around, hang on, I'll see if I can find them again
[19:48] <danbower> i'll be back shortly
[19:48] <darthanubis> and you have to put sudo in front of those cmds
[19:48] <daftykins> azizLIGHT: also FF's own channels might be handy
[19:49] <genii> cmyrland: The makerbot home page specifies that Oracle Java is required also.
[19:49] <azizLIGHT> anyone on firefox nightly running unity have instantly buffer when you spread window using hotcorners?
[19:49] <cmyrland> genii, yup, I have installed Oracle Java and it's default on my system now
[19:50] <Jordan_U> danbower: To be clear, the exact same Ubuntu 12.04 LiveCD that worked with the exact same hardware before (via displayport), no longer works? Because the same exact software (CDs being read only) behaving differently strongly suggests something else changing (hence maybe boot firmware options).
[19:50] <trees> Hey, here is my problem. I am trying to installl Ubuntu 14.04.2 without a CD or USB stick on a windows 8.1 machine, I've used both Wubi.exe and unetbtn.exe, and I keep getting the error (similar error with both) after install and restart: File:\Ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.nbr missing or contains error : 0xc000007b [duplicate], can anyone help?
[19:50] <daftykins> trees: bad idea, don't touch WUBI - it is hell
[19:50] <s_spiff> anyone here experience the timezone bug? i have set it for mountain time but keeps showing that it/s 7.30 pm right now!
[19:50] <daftykins> trees: either install via proper media or wait until you can obtain proper media
[19:51] <OerHeks> trees win8 is not supported by WUBI.
[19:51] <OerHeks> !wubi
[19:51] <Jordan_U> trees: I couldn't agree more, avoid Wubi like the plague. It was never well supported, and it's now officially not supported at all.
[19:52] <ioria> WUBI in my country it's an hotdog brand
[19:52] <petrvs> ioria: it's a hot dog brand as far as Ubuntu's concerned, too =)
[19:53] <ioria> °§°
[19:53] <cmyrland> genii,
[19:55] <danbower> Jordan_U, nothing really stood out. i certainly hadn't modified any settings around the time the issue occurred.
[19:56] <danbower> Jordan_U, i also tried my old graphics card (ATI 5000 something) which i purchased in 2011. would you expect hardware that old to work with a 14.04 liveCD?
[19:58] <cmyrland> genii, from what I gather, the mailing list is not more informative than the initial bug post
[19:58] <cmyrland> unless I'm missing something
[19:59] <Jordan_U> danbower: I expect that the open drivers still support it, but I'm not very knowledgable about graphics hardware. If it's not hard for for you to do, you might as well swap it out and try it.
[19:59] <genii> cmyrland: "We used to enumerate all possible ports but people complained about the
[19:59] <genii> time it took so the list is fairly short now by default. The original
[19:59] <genii> code is still in Info on the wiki shows how to use
[19:59] <genii> properties to override the behavior."
[19:59] <genii> Bah it copied the linefeeds
[20:00] <danbower> Jordan_U, well i actually done that. the old graphics card worked on the DisplayPort for a 12.04 liveCD i had lying around but failed to work with 14.04 liveCD
[20:00] <danbower> my current graphics card simply fails to work with both now
[20:00] <cmyrland> genii, yes, but that is still kinda greek to me
[20:01] <genii> cmyrland: I take it to mean find the on your system, and uncomment the original code
[20:01] <danbower> it's all so depressing :/ i have also started to experience a BSOD when playing a particular game on windows. a part of me thinks my graphics card is subtly dying but the behaviour with my old graphics card unsettles me
[20:02] <petrvs> BSOD is normal on Windows
[20:02] <cmyrland> genii, yeah, I've tried that, but I can't find the file anywhere. locate doesn't find it, and I've been looking around in various java folders on my system manually without any luck
[20:03] <Jordan_U> danbower: Maybe it's a problem with the motherboard, specifically affecting the PCI slot your graphics card is using.
[20:03] <genii> cmyrland: I'm downloading the ReplicatorG stuff now to look at it
[20:03] <cmyrland> cool, thanks
[20:03] <danbower> i've been gaming on this rig for nearly two years ans BSOD were very infrequent beforehand. now if i play a couple games of dota, it will eventually happen in quite an odd way. the file mentioned in the BSOD produces a plethora of different results on google
[20:03] <s_spiff> can anyone help me get my wifi working?
[20:04] <danbower> Jordan_U, yeah possibly. it would be odd a fault with a PCI slot could affect ubuntu but not windows though
[20:04] <EriC^^> s_spiff: what's the issue?
[20:05] <s_spiff> EriC^^: for some reason, just wont connect to my wifi
[20:05] <s_spiff> all my other electronics are connected with the same network and password
[20:05] <EriC^^> did you try restarting the router?
[20:05] <s_spiff> let me try
[20:05] <s_spiff> brb
[20:06] <danbower> Jordan_U, it is something i can try though. my board has a second PCI-e slot for crossfire. hopefully i can just use that, at reduced speed, to narrow down the issue
[20:06] <Jordan_U> danbower: Are you reffering now to the older card not affecting Windows? Was the BSOD in Windows only with the newer card?
[20:07] <danbower> Jordan_U, sorry for the lack of clarity. i'm referring to my current graphics card. i only quickly tested my old one (i.e. if i could boot into windows and ubuntu using the display port)
[20:09] <danbower> everything is seemingly fine in windows, putting aside this BSOD with dota
[20:09] <Jordan_U> danbower: "i have also started to experience a BSOD when playing a particular game on windows" "it would be odd a fault with a PCI slot could affect ubuntu but not windows though" These two comments seem contradictory to me. Could you please explain how they're not?
[20:10] <danbower> Jordan_U, fair point. i guess i meant the problem would manifest in quite different ways
[20:10] <s_spiff1> EriC^^: okay, tried the reebooting routine.. didn't work. I have an intel 3160 wireless controller
[20:10] <danbower> i can boot into windows fine when using the DisplayPort but ubuntu fails (goes into power saving mode)
[20:11] <genii> cmyrland: After I untarred it, the file was in replicatorg-0040/lib/RXTXcomm.jar
[20:11] <danbower> to complicate matters, i had installed the beta drivers on windows when GTA5 got released so the BSOD could be related to that
[20:12] <danbower> i have tried reverting back but still experienced the BSOD. i haven't yet tried a totally clean install of the drivers (i believe the catalyst uninstaller still leaves remnants)
[20:12] <danbower> urgh, i'm boring myself explaining all this. i can't believe you're still entertaining it
[20:13] <naftilos76> Hi, what should i do in order to ugrade from openssl 1.0.1f currently in 14.04 ? Install 1.0.1g from source?
[20:13] <cmyrland> genii, okay, so do I just unpack the jar file and edit the file?
[20:13] <genii> cmyrland: I'm trying to find out
[20:14] <naftilos76> OpenSSL 1.0.1f in ubuntu 14.04 is vulnerable, right?
[20:14] <cmyrland> genii, ah, thanks. I was wondering if there was some way to edit the RXTXCommDriver.class without extracting the jar
[20:15] <genii> cmyrland: It's just zipped up with jar extension, you can use unzip and then zip after edits
[20:15] <cmyrland> okay. But when I try to open the RXTXCommDriver.class I'm told I don't have any programs to open the file
[20:15] <genii> cmyrland: Lot of files in there though, not sure the exact one required. Trying to find some remnants of the wiki they speak of
[20:16] <sjanssen> so I'm trying to upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04, update-manager spat out "Checking for a new Ubuntu release" then some info about my OpenJDK install, then it seems to hang. What's up?
[20:17] <genii> cmyrland: copy the file somewhere to work on it, and you can just do in terminal on it: unzip RXTXcomm.jar
[20:17] <cmyrland> yes, unzipping is smooth sailing, it's editing the class file I'm unable to do
[20:17] <genii> cmyrland: It makes dir structure of gnu/io/ then all the files in there
[20:18] <danbower> Jordan_U, sorry to have bored you with all this. i am curious if you were in my shoes, what would you do?
[20:18] <cmyrland> and I'm a bit confused since they refer to the file RXTXCommDriver.JAVA, but the file withing the .jar is RXTXCommDriver.CLASS
[20:19] <cmyrland> s/withing/within
[20:19] <genii> cmyrland: Yep. Can't seem to find any archives of the instructions either :(
[20:20] <sjanssen> is do-release-upgrade safe to use manually on a desktop system?
[20:20] <naftilos76> Is openssl version 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.11 patched? I got this out of a dpkg -l | grep openssl command. Can anybody confirm?
[20:20] <cmyrland> genii, I've emailed the guy who made the bug report and another guy who wrote on the qbang wiki regarding a similar issue, but I still haven't heard back from them
[20:21] <OerHeks> !heartbleed
[20:21] <OerHeks> naftilos76, if you updated, i guess it is.
[20:22] <naftilos76> yes i have, thanks
[20:23] <cmyrland> genii, I found this:
[20:23] <cmyrland> You can follow these steps to modify your java class:
[20:23] <cmyrland> Decompile the .class file as you have done and save it as .java
[20:23] <cmyrland> Create a project in Eclipse with that java file, the original JAR as library, and all its dependencies
[20:23] <cmyrland> Change the .java and compile
[20:23] <cmyrland> Get the modified .class file and put it again inside the original JAR.
[20:24] <genii> cmyrland: Perhaps to use a pastebin :)
[20:24] <cmyrland> heh, yeah. I tend to forget..
[20:25] <cmyrland> IRC should be replaced with something like as the official ubuntu chat channel
[20:26] <cmyrland> it supports pasting code and multiple lines of text in-app, no need to use external tools
[20:27] <genii> cmyrland: This looks interesting:
[20:28] <genii> cmyrland: Especially as it gives instructions for a 64bit build
[20:28] <Bashing-om> sjanssen: Yep is safe IF ... Check /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades that it is "Prompt=normal" ; 3rd party sources are disapbled including graphics driver reverted to default, and screen saver disabled .
[20:28] <cmyrland> yes, I see that Eclipse can be key here. I can also use Eclipse to decompile the class file, edit, recompile and insert back into the jar with no fuzz
[20:29] <cmyrland> genii, I think I'll try the decompile solution first, and if that doesn't work I'll try to build RepG in Eclipse
[20:30] <genii> cmyrland: Let me know how it goes, I'm interested now :)
[20:30] <sjanssen> Bashing-om: how bad will things go if graphics driver wasn't reverted to default?
[20:30] <cmyrland> genii, will do :)
[20:31] <cmyrland> sigh. Big file, low transfer rate... This is gonna take a while..
[20:32] <user> hi everyone. i want to change the version of my ubuntu (reset) its possible to do it by terminal?
[20:32] <user> im using the 14.04 lts
[20:33] <Bashing-om> sjanssen: Well .. hard to say ... a lot depends on the card .. and how well the installer handles the situation IF the driver is supported in the repo . Proprietary drivers will get broke in the upgrade process.
[20:33] <darthanubis> user, change the version. Specifically what do you mean? Upgrade to 15.04?
[20:33] <darthanubis> !upgrade |user
[20:37] <user> darthanubis, yeah but at same time erase everything
[20:39] <Pod15> Installed Ubuntu 14 and have updated it etc but trying to open software Center doesn't do anything, software-center doesn't actually open...
[20:40] <xangua> if you install 15.04 over 14.04, it will be erased yes
[20:44] <Pod15> Anyone know why software-centre refuses to open on Ubuntu 14? Have just done a fresh install and updates via apt...
[20:47] <qu4nt1n> !latest
[20:48] <ryan_46> Pod15: run software-center in terminal. It should give errorsif any.
[20:48] <Josh0605> hello
[20:49] <Josh0605> hi
[20:49] <asnel> hi
[20:49] <comodo_dragon> hi
[20:49] <Josh0605> ___________ _________ __ .__ .__ \__ ___/__.__.______ ____ / _____/ ____ _____ _____/ |_| |__ |__| ____ ____ | | < | |\____ \_/ __ \ \_____ \ / _ \ / \_/ __ \ __\ | \| |/ \ / ___\ | | \___ || |_> > ___/ / ( <_> ) Y Y \ ___/| | | Y \ | | \/ /_/ > |____| / ____|| __/ \___ > /_______ /
[20:49] <comodo_dragon> lol
[20:50] <Pod15> Ryan_46 error:root:febrile application import
[20:50] <Pod15> Debfile
[20:50] <Josh0605> supposed to be ascii art
[20:50] <comodo_dragon> a failed one
[20:50] <Josh0605> lol
[20:50] <nhartwig> hello
[20:50] <comodo_dragon> hi
[20:52] <ryan_46> Pod15: Sorry don't know that. Keep asking. Did it start in terminal?
[20:53] <Jordan_U> Josh0605: This is a support channel. Please stick to Ubuntu related support discussion and don't do that again.
[20:54] <Pod15> Nope,
[20:55] <Josh0605> ehh ill come back when i need support
[20:55] <BubbaGrace> what is the channel/network for Mint?
[20:55] <Jordan_U> !mint | BubbaGrace
[20:55] <BubbaGrace> thanks
[20:55] <Jordan_U> BubbaGrace: You're welcome.
[21:00] <ryan_46> Pod15: Be sure to keep asking. And give the error. Someone will likely know.
[21:01] <Pod15> OK thanks Ryan_46
[21:02] <swizgard> hi. what can i do to get rid of dnsmasq. i would like network-manager to just put the dns server it gets from dhcp into /etc/resolv.conf
[21:02] <swizgard> like in the (g)olden days
[21:03] <Pod15> Anyone know why software centre not opening on Ubuntu 14, I've just fresh installed, updated and it software Center gives error of debfileimort, and mentions import xapian...
[21:03] <jophish> Hi, I have a touchscreen. It worked yesterday, but not today :/ I've looked in syslog and it is being picked up on boot, but I can't see it in lsusb
[21:03] <jophish> what further can I do to debug this?
[21:03] <Chaser_> On 15.04 how do I disable a service (so that it doesn't start even on bootup). I tried systemctl mask sendmail and I get time out. "Error getting authority: Error initializing authority: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 timed out (g-dbus-error-quark, 20)
[21:03] <Chaser_> Failed to execute operation: Connection timed out
[21:03] <genii> cmyrland: It occurs to me that you could copy the system's /usr/share/java/RXTXcomm.jar to the replicatorg directory
[21:03] <swizgard> jophish: what did you do sicne yesterday?
[21:04] <jophish> swizgard: The only thing I can think of is that my laptop became quite hot in my bag because it didn't sleep when the lid was closed
[21:04] <cmyrland> genii, I've tried that. It created a mismatch-warning when running the program, and then it crashed as before.
[21:04] <swizgard> jophish: so it might be hardware.... maybe try from live-usb?
[21:04] <genii> cmyrland: Bah :(
[21:05] <swizgard> Pod15: sudo apt-get -f install in case anything went wrong during upgrade?
[21:05] <jophish> swizgard: yeah, I've tried that, It's the same. I'm pretty sure it's hardware
[21:05] <swizgard> jophish: :-(
[21:05] <jophish> given that it still appears in the syslog on boot, is there anything that can be done?
[21:06] <Pod15> Swizgard, tried but it made no changes 😢
[21:06] <Pod15> Thanks
[21:06] <jophish> ah, lsusb does show some usb device by Synaptics, but it could be the trackpad
[21:06] <swizgard> jophish: maybe try more hardware related channels or your local hackspace
[21:07] <Josh0605> testing can u hear me
[21:07] <swizgard> Josh0605: sure
[21:07] <daftykins> !test | Josh0605
[21:08] <swizgard> (is this even the right channel for asking about things like dnsmasq?)
[21:09] <Josh0605> yeah i guess, if its on ubuntu
[21:11] <Pod15> Anyone know why software centre not opening on Ubuntu 14, I've just fresh installed, updated and it software Center gives error of debfileimort, and mentions import xapian...
[21:13] <jerry> boa noite
[21:13] <Josh0605> i have no clue
[21:13] <Josh0605> hey does anyone know of a terminal irc client
[21:14] <Ben64> Josh0605: irssi, weechat
[21:14] <sgtMithra> irssi
[21:15] <Josh0605> irssi ????????????
[21:15] <Josh0605> in english
[21:15] <Ben64> you asked for an irc client, that is one
[21:15] <ejuan> sudo apt-get install irssi
[21:15] <Josh0605> oh lolololololol
[21:15] <Josh0605> derp
[21:16] <jmadero> hi all - is it generally possible to run 2 external monitors and the internal laptop monitor (1 VGA + 1 HDMI) without issues? or does it take special video card?
[21:17] <Josh0605> it should work if u have the ports
[21:17] <Pod15> Anyone know why software centre not opening on Ubuntu 14, I've just fresh installed, updated and it software Center gives error of debfileimort, and mentions import xapian...
[21:17] <rking> Can anyone give me a REAL alternative to Skype that is cross-platform? Being as the Skype client sucks at video quality on Linux I'm looking for practically an identical service. But one that works better on *nix.
[21:18] <Josh0605> use either google hangouts or irc with video
[21:18] <Josh0605> ./dcc sendvideostream nick
[21:19] <sgtMithras> exit
[21:19] <rking> @pod15 try updating && upgrading through terminal first.
[21:20] <Pod15> Rking, cheers but have already tried
[21:20] <jophish> swizgard: I fixed it :D
[21:20] <daftykins> Pod15: dist-upgrade
[21:20] <jophish> I flashed a new bios
[21:21] <rking> @pod15 @daftykins that was my next ^
[21:21] <daftykins> don't use @ this isn't social networking
[21:21] <Josh0605> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[21:21] <swizgard> jophish: srsly?
[21:21] <Josh0605> @@@@@@@@
[21:21] <swizgard> lucky you
[21:21] <Josh0605> ok done
[21:22] <Josh0605> lol
[21:22] <rking> @daftykins, I used "@" before there was social network in IRC clients.
[21:22] <jophish> swizgard: yeah, I don't know why that worked. my guess is that it reset some odd state caused by the faulty shutdown
[21:22] <rking> Social networking stole it from us
[21:22] <daftykins> good for yo
[21:22] <daftykins> u
[21:22] <daftykins> @ means op which i am not :P
[21:22] <rking> tousche
[21:22] <Josh0605> @jophish
[21:22] <rking> :P
[21:23] <Josh0605> @Drone`
[21:23] <Pod15> Rking, dist-upgrade made no changes to the system, software Center still not working...
[21:23] <rking> Back when IRC's were crazy busy all the time, the only way to sort shit was using @ helping people
[21:23] <Pod15> Thanks for idea though
[21:23] <Josh0605> Pod
[21:23] <jmadero> Josh0605: apparently having the port is not enough lol
[21:23] <jmadero> xrandr: cannot find crtc for output LVDS1
[21:23] <jmadero> looks like I can only have a max of two on at a time
[21:24] <Jordan_U> Josh0605: I've warned you about offtopic comments once, and you've been removed from the channel as a second warning. Next will be a ban. If you'd like to discuss this please join #ubuntu-ops, otherwise please simply stay on topic and don't clutter the channel.
[21:25] <Bashing-om> Pod15: If you remove the .cache and reboot ' rm -r ~/.cache/software-center ' is there a change ?
[21:27] <Pod15> Bashing-om tried, no change...
[21:28] <Ben64> Pod15: did you reboot? didn't see you leave the channel
[21:28] <Pod15> Yep, different device ;)
[21:30] <Bashing-om> Pod15: All then I can suggest is to start software-center in terminal and provide that complete output to pastebin .. Maybe one of us can spot the source of the problem.
[21:33] <Pod15> Bashing-om:
[21:33] <Pod15> Cheers
[21:33] <BubbaGrace> what is the correct way to make a desktop file for an executable .jar that runs with openJDK?
[21:34] <bekks> create a starter for "java -jar your.jar"
[21:34] <darthanubis> Pod15,
[21:35] <BubbaGrace> bekks, what do you mean a starter?
[21:35] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, exec=java -jar path/to/your/jarfile.jar
[21:36] <bekks> ^
[21:36] <Pod15> Cheers darthanubis but I've no t changed a thing, unsure what to change??
[21:36] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, furthermore, start the app, then in the terminal give: xdrop WM_CLASS and click on its window
[21:36] <darthanubis> Pod15,
[21:37] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, get that value for WM_CLASS and set it in the desktop file as StartupWMClass=wmclass-ofyourapp
[21:38] <k1l> Pod15: did you change something about python? do you have PPAs enabled?
[21:39] <Pod15> K1l: tried reinstalling python as potential fix (2.7), not messed with ppas...
[21:39] <darthanubis> that's the problem
[21:39] <darthanubis> Pod15,
[21:40] <darthanubis> Pod15, sudo chmod -r 755 /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/
[21:40] <darthanubis> reboot
[21:40] <k1l> a lot of software uses python. so if you fiddle with that things get broken
[21:40] <Smokie> hey guys, is there a way to make ubuntu favour ipv4 dns server instead of ipv6?
[21:41] <Smokie> i dont want to disable ipv6, i just want it to use ipv4 dns as a priority
[21:41] <gzcwnk> yes
[21:41] <bekks> Smokie: configure an IPv4 DNS server for your connection.
[21:41] <dopeadmi3> yo
[21:41] <darthanubis> yo
[21:41] <ejuan> yo
[21:41] <gzcwnk> i am having issues with ubuntu bind9, im jgoign to try and diable ipv6 to see if it helps
[21:41] <Smokie> bekks, i have Google DNS server on my ubuntu server
[21:42] <Smokie> ipv4 dns servers
[21:42] <bekks> Smokie: So they are used then.
[21:42] <dopeadmi3> hack my server ?
[21:42] <dopeadmi3> anyone
[21:43] <k1l> dopeadmi3: please focus on ubuntu support in here. thanks
[21:43] <antagomir> where does cabal install pandoc
[21:43] <antagomir> i can't locate the pandoc on my ubuntu 14.10
[21:43] <gzcwnk> anyone runnign bind9 on ubuntu14?
[21:43] <Smokie> bekks, when i do apt-get, it shows an ipv6 address
[21:43] <Smokie> it hangs there for a long while before it starts
[21:44] <ducl1296> hi
[21:44] <bekks> Smokie: and whats the issue at that point?
[21:44] <Pod15> Darthanubis: chmod made no change, same error still
[21:44] <ducl1296> exit
[21:45] <Smokie> bekks, the issue, from what i can tell, is it tries to use IPv6 before IPv4
[21:45] <madcat`> I've got a laptop with both an nVidia and Intel GPU. I can't get 15.04 to even boot the LiveCD far enough to let me choose to install or run. Is there a liveCD image that'll let me load different drives than startx manually?
[21:45] <Jordan_U> gzcwnk: Please simply ask your actual support question, and specify if you are using Ubuntu 14.04 or Ubuntu 14.10.
[21:45] <bekks> Smokie: how do you verify that?
[21:46] <petrvs> madcat`: ask ubottu about nomodeset, or use the minimal install image
[21:47] <ejuan> madcat`, if its purely a video card issue you can download thee net install image (mini.iso) and install in command line mode then install the video card drivers / desktop environment with apt-get
[21:47] <Smokie> bekks, like i said, when i do apt-get, it shows an IPv6 address and just hangs there for a minute or more before it starts to download
[21:47] <madcat`> ejuan: ok, I'll give that a shot thanks
[21:47] <bekks> Smokie: and?
[21:48] <bekks> Smokie: show your /etc/resolv.conf in a pastebin please.
[21:49] <darthanubis> Pod15, you've done something to your system
[21:49] <darthanubis> Pod15,
[21:50] <Pod15> Darthanubis: error now mentions import httplib2 instead, seems like python issue???
[21:50] <darthanubis> Pod15, what did you do after the last time it worked properly?
[21:50] <Smokie> bekks, one sec
[21:51] <Pod15> Darthanubis: its never worked, I only installed Ubuntu on this lap top a few hrs ago
[21:51] <rypervenche> What is the correct way to update the and PAM modules in Ubuntu? I want to edit the line that is already there, not add additional lines to the bottom of the file. It tells me to use pam-auth-update, but that does not look like what I need.
[21:51] <darthanubis> Pod15, thought you just said you did something to python?
[21:51] <bekks> rypervenche: both files mentioned are binary libraries.
[21:52] <bekks> rypervenche: So what exactly are you doing there?
[21:52] <rypervenche> bekks: Sorry, I meant in my /etc/pam.d/common-password file, the two lines for those modules.
[21:52] <Smokie> bekks,
[21:52] <Smokie> i found out i do have an IPv6 dns server address there
[21:53] <bekks> Smokie: so what does dig reveal, using the IPv4 nameserver?
[21:53] <Pod15> Darthanubis: Soz reinstalled python via apt-get but software Center didn't work before that either
[21:54] <Smokie> bekks, when i 'dig' i just see the IPv4 address
[21:54] <Achylles> How do I get back my applications on application menu? I was editing it to add a new item to it and then all items moved to the right side and now they do not show there :(
[21:54] <darthanubis> Pod15, well if it is a fresh install, take twenty minutes and install it fresh again
[21:55] <Achylles> How do I restore it...
[21:55] <Pod15> Yep fair point, thanks for trying... Much appreciated
[21:56] <bekks> Smokie: so your IPv4 DNS resolves just fine.
[21:57] <Smokie> bekks, thanks. is there a way to make IPv4 DNS server to be the prefered server by ubuntu?
[21:58] <BubbaGrace> kostkon, xdrop does not exist on my system
[21:58] <kostkon> !find xdrop
[21:59] <kostkon> hmm
[21:59] <gzcwnk> anyone know how to set up a bin9 cahcing server on ubuntu14?
[21:59] <gzcwnk> bind9
[22:00] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, sorry, excuse the typo, it's xprop
[22:01] <bekks> Smokie: your IPv4 IS the preferred one.
[22:05] <Smokie> bekks, strange, then why when i try to download anything using wget or apt-get it checks the IPv6 server first?
[22:05] <bekks> How do you verify that?
[22:07] <Smokie> bekks,
[22:07] <Smokie> this i think shows it ^^
[22:14] <Danny_D> hello, i have a btrfs raid 1 of 2 disks which isnt getting mounted on this new ubuntu install. whats the recommended way of doing this, just edit fstab manually or something else?
[22:19] <ec52> is virtualbox in the official repo maintained or am I better off downloading off oracles site?
[22:21] <bekks> ec52: It is maintained by the Ubuntu devs, but not supported by the vbox devs.
[22:21] <stacks88> ec52 apt-cache search virtualbox and yea it should be
[22:21] <gzcwnk> ec52 did you look at kvm?
[22:21] <petrvs> ec52: you don't want to download from oracle
[22:21] <kostkon> ec52, oracle provide their own repo for all supported versions of ubuntu, you can use that
[22:21] <bekks> petrvs: You always do.
[22:22] <bekks> petrvs: Or you want to stick with outdated versions.
[22:22] <stacks88> i like virtualbox command line, its great. im guessing kvm might be better or something but havent messed with it
[22:22] <ec52> havent really looked into kvm, virtbox has been my goto software
[22:23] <petrvs> bekks: outdated?
[22:23] <gzcwnk> fair enough...i prefer ESXi but Im warming to kvm
[22:23] <bekks> petrvs: Outdated.
[22:23] <petrvs> the latest virtualbox on and in the repos are the same version
[22:23] <stacks88> yeh started out using vbox on gui at home, then moved onto vbox command line, but now am probably gonna learn more about kvm
[22:23] <petrvs> so no, not outdated
[22:24] <bekks> petrvs: Ubtunu supports 4.3.26 in its repos? I doubt that.
[22:24] <petrvs> ec52: kvm has some gui work to do yet, but it'll win out wholly, eventually
[22:24] <petrvs> doubt is for people who haven't just looked in the repos
[22:24] <kostkon> !virtualbox utopic
[22:24] <kostkon> !info virtualbox utopic
[22:25] <petrvs> ...
[22:25] <gzcwnk> I find networking trivial on ESXi but the features of kvm ie having a "real" os to work with like distributed raid 1 or software raid make it compelling
[22:25] <petrvs> what do you even use them for?
[22:25] <bekks> petrvs: 4.3.18 isnt 4.3.26
[22:25] <kostkon> !info virtualbox vivid
[22:25] <petrvs> bekks: if you're using utopic, you prefer out of date
[22:25] <kostkon> only on 15.04
[22:25] <bekks> petrvs: I am using 14.04
[22:26] <petrvs> then you definitely prefer out of date
[22:26] <ec52> 4.3.10 is the current virtbox in trusty, bit outdated
[22:26] <bazhang> is this really necessary here
[22:26] <bekks> petrvs: No. I am preferring LTS AND using the oracle repo.
[22:26] <petrvs> lts is out of date
[22:26] <petrvs> ec52: so is trusty
[22:26] <bekks> petrvs: you are misinformed.
[22:26] <petrvs> bazhang: lord I hope not
[22:27] <bazhang> so lets continue back to support please
[22:27] <stacks88> what sucks about vbox (but im sure this is for many things) is when i run apt-get update and theres a new update, i essentially have to power down every single vm, then update, then power back on.. or mark the package on hold until i can power them all down
[22:27] <petrvs> stacks88: why do you have so many vms?
[22:27] <stacks88> why does anyone have vms period?
[22:27] <petrvs> and why're they all running
[22:27] <petrvs> stacks88: well I think most people have them because they don't know about jails/containers
[22:27] <gzcwnk> bazhang sometime strategy is support
[22:28] <stacks88> a jail/container is not good enough isolation
[22:28] <bazhang> gzcwnk, but endless debate about outdated is not
[22:28] <petrvs> isolation of what?
[22:28] <stacks88> or i didnt think it was*
[22:28] <gzcwnk> k
[22:28] <stacks88> keeping things seperate from the host machine
[22:28] <gzcwnk> :)
[22:28] <petrvs> stacks88: what things...
[22:28] <acz32> how are you supposed to run another OS in a jail?
[22:29] <ec52> huh I dont see a trusty version in oracles apt source list
[22:29] <bekks> petrvs: isolation of resources.
[22:29] <bekks> ec52: I do.
[22:29] <Danny_D> is there a way i can mount via uuid (btrfs raid 1) only when i actually want it so the disks can sleep? i dont want to put it to fstab since i want my hard disks to be able to rest and having two disks i use for backup running the whole time with the automount on boot is kinda waste.
[22:29] <ec52> are we looking at the same link? :p
[22:30] * petrvs headdesks
[22:30] <sspy> I use tar -cf - -C /dir . | mbuffer -s 1K -m 128M | ssh "tar pxf - -C /dir" to transfer dir to other host. Is it possible to add mbuffer on the receiver side ?
[22:30] <petrvs> stacks88: I take it you don't have an answer, one should avoid doing things based on a lack of answers =)
[22:30] <bekks> ec52: We are: "Ubuntu 13.04 ("Raring") / 13.10 ("Saucy") / 14.04 ("Trusty") / 14.10 ("Utopic") i386 | AMD64"
[22:30] <gzcwnk> petrvs that explains why management is so bad XD
[22:30] <bekks> ec52: First line.
[22:30] <petrvs> sspy: pretty sure you can ssh to stdout
[22:30] <petrvs> gzcwnk: heh
[22:30] <ec52> bekks: thats deb file not apt source tho
[22:31] <ec52> aka unless it adds it automatically no auto update
[22:31] <tjvc> reload!
[22:31] <gzcwnk> danny_D ive never heard of that, I assume teh bios will spin it down if there is no access?
[22:31] <bekks> ec52: The oracle repo doesnt offer source packages at all.
[22:33] <petrvs> sspy: ssh "cat - |…
[22:33] <petrvs> I s'pose
[22:33] <BubbaGrace> kostkon, it doesnt appear to work. Here is the my .desktop file
[22:34] <sspy> petrvs: thx
[22:34] <Danny_D> gzcwnk, how can i test/configure whether they really spin down then?
[22:34] <gzcwnk> Danny_d good Q I have a 200tb green disk here that I want to do the same thing with
[22:35] <gzcwnk> 2tb
[22:35] <gzcwnk> use bacula or something
[22:35] <Danny_D> gzcwnk, coz it feels like they always spinning, it seems on my old distro they were always spinning i never had any delay when accessing the raid
[22:35] <gzcwnk> its my next job
[22:35] <gzcwnk> you never want raid to spin down, never ever
[22:36] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, change exec to Exec=java -jar /home/derrick/games/TechnicLauncher.jar and startupwmclass to StartupWMClass=net-technicpack-launcher-LauncherMain
[22:37] <Danny_D> gzcwnk, i use the disks for manual backups so i really want them to spin up just before i mount.
[22:37] <Danny_D> and spin down after unmount
[22:37] <gzcwnk> DannnyD I dont know right now but if you find how Id like to know
[22:37] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, also don't forget to make the .desktop file executable
[22:38] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, right click on it then properties then permissions
[22:38] <BubbaGrace> yes its set as executable
[22:39] <AllanDaemon> Are the Ubuntu package servers broken???
[22:39] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, is it working now?
[22:39] <OerHeks> AllanDaemon, no, what version are you on, 10.04?
[22:39] <AllanDaemon> 12.04, 14.04
[22:39] <bekks> AllanDaemon: Why are you asking?
[22:39] <gzcwnk> dannyD what about this?
[22:40] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, to appear in the dash so that you can add it to your launcher, place the file in ~/.local/share/applications whereas ~/. means your home folder i.e. /home/derrick in this case
[22:40] <k1l> AllanDaemon: works here. maybe your mirror or your internet is broken?
[22:40] <kostkon> ~/ that is
[22:40] <OerHeks> AllanDaemon, what error do you get? did you try changing mirrors?
[22:40] <AllanDaemon> I having problem with apg-get install due `hash sum mismatch`.
[22:40] <k1l> AllanDaemon: change mirrors
[22:41] <AllanDaemon> In all ubuntus I'm trying. I changed the mirrors
[22:41] <BubbaGrace> it is inside of /usr/share/applications
[22:41] <BubbaGrace> but it still does nothing when ran
[22:41] <bekks> AllanDaemon: did you run sudo apt-get update after changing mirrors?
[22:41] <AllanDaemon> I reinstalled the Ubuntu, even broght a new HD thinking my OS was broken.
[22:41] <AllanDaemon> yes
[22:42] <k1l> !paste | AllanDaemon
[22:42] <k1l> AllanDaemon: put a "sudo apt update &&sudo apt full-upgrade" into there please
[22:42] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, has the exec path home/derrick/games/TechnicLauncher.jar been set correctly is it TechnicLauncher.jar or technicLauncher.jar linux is case sensitive
[22:43] <AllanDaemon> if I download a recent iso right now and boot it in a pendrive, they also fails. I tried apt-get update, apt-get dist upgrade, additional options to bypass broken proxies, different networks, different pcs.
[22:43] <k1l> AllanDaemon: so you use a proxy?
[22:44] <BubbaGrace> the name is correct, including case
[22:44] <OerHeks> AllanDaemon, reset router, sometimes helps with these strange connection issues
[22:44] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, does it start when doing java -jar home/derrick/games/TechnicLauncher.jar ?
[22:44] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, in the terminal
[22:44] <k1l> AllanDaemon: well, without specific output with errors we cant help you besides: it works, change mirrors, dont run faulty proxies,...
[22:44] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, java -jar /home/derrick/games/TechnicLauncher.jar sorry
[22:45] <AllanDaemon> no, I don't use proxy. But its something I tried because it seems something thats can help.
[22:45] <BubbaGrace> it's running now
[22:45] <BubbaGrace> i dont know why, i didnt change anyting
[22:45] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, :)
[22:46] <AllanDaemon> I also tried to use in differnet networks, with different ISPs...
[22:47] <BubbaGrace> the icon doesn't work but thats nothing too major
[22:47] <AllanDaemon> right now I can't even install ubuntu in my new hdd as I need to download a tool to set up my partitions properly but even in live cd it is given this errors.
[22:47] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, probably the path is wrong
[22:47] <Bashing-om> AllanDaemon: Maybe remove your 'list' file . See: .
[22:48] <k1l> AllanDaemon: so please give details instead of repeating: my car is broken
[22:48] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, is it minecraft.png or minecraft.svg?
[22:48] <OerHeks> AllanDaemon, is the start of your issue: i cannot install correctly? UEFI bios?
[22:48] <OerHeks> or GPT disk?
[22:49] <ivanvp> so since installing 14.10 I am experiencing strange behavior. I am asked for permissions for _anything_, to switch language, to shutdown...
[22:49] <BubbaGrace> ok that my bad. I had .png when it indeed was an .svg
[22:49] <ivanvp> curiously though, this behavior shows up only in 2/5 boots
[22:49] <ivanvp> any idea?
[22:49] <BubbaGrace> Thanks for the help with this
[22:49] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, np
[22:49] <AllanDaemon> ok. I'll write a better description.
[22:50] <BubbaGrace> now to figure out how to add it to my games section of the menu
[22:50] <BubbaGrace> Im not running unity
[22:51] <Danny_D> gzcwnk, probably doing a script involving hdparm and mount would be the best solution in my case.
[22:51] <kostkon> BubbaGrace, change your categories to just Categories=Game
[22:51] <OerHeks> Categories=Game;ActionGame;AdventureGame;RolePlaying;
[22:52] <BubbaGrace> Game with out the "s" did it
[22:52] <BubbaGrace> even though gedit is giving it a giant red background like i did something wrong
[22:52] <BubbaGrace> lol
[22:55] <BubbaGrace> thanks guys. You have saved me hundreds of milliseconds every day from just opening it from /home/me/games/blahblah.jar
[22:55] <BubbaGrace> lmao
[22:56] <OerHeks> BubbaGrace, have fun
[22:56] <BubbaGrace> If I do the same thing for a .sh file for TS3, will I need to run xprop as well?
[22:58] <[Saint]> Does Ubuntu server present the opportunity to connect to a wireless AP during initial setup, or does it require ethernet?
[22:58] <petrvs> good question
[22:59] <k1l> [Saint]: i would not bet on wifi support.
[22:59] <[Saint]> I am trying to figure out if it is supposed to, and can't detect my wireless hardware at that point, or if it isn't supposed to and is working as intended.
[23:00] <[Saint]> being able to use wireless initially would remove a huge pain in my ass.
[23:00] <k1l> [Saint]: add a ethernet cable
[23:01] <[Saint]> easier said than done, it's in a fairly remote location.
[23:01] <[Saint]> I mean, I can certainly do so, it would just be very nice to not have to.
[23:01] <k1l> and got only wifi connection? and you want to install over what?
[23:02] <[Saint]> Oh, no, I could provide a wired connection - I'll just need to craft a 30~40m eth cable.
[23:03] <[Saint]> The longest I have around me presently is 25m, which doesn't cut it.
[23:03] <[Saint]> But I do have a huge spool of CAT 6 cable and the gear to terminate.
[23:03] <[Saint]> It's just annoying.
[23:07] <joshuan> hello everyone, does anyone know why the links in synaptic will not open mozilla?
[23:09] <karan> Hello i just installed Ubuntu
[23:09] <karan> but when i do speedtest ..ubuntu i slower over wifi
[23:09] <karan> someone said try downloading a file on ubuntu and then on windows
[23:09] <karan> and see if there is any real change because the speedtest could lie
[23:09] <karan> so thats what i am working at
[23:10] <joshuan> where did you do the speedtest?
[23:10] <gzcwnk> dunno if its still the same but windows tends to optimise a connection tot he point of instability and problems while linux is more conservative
[23:11] <gzcwnk> the Q is is what you have fast enough
[23:11] <[Saint]> Bluetooth wireless mouse and keyboard nano-dongles are apparently a lot more powerful than I gave them credit for.
[23:11] <gzcwnk> otherwise you can tweak the kernel
[23:12] <[Saint]> I placed the receiver dongle in one of the interior USB ports /inside/ me server case, but it doesn't appear to have any issues detecting the mouse or keyboard, nor any issues with range.
[23:12] <[Saint]> I expected the range to be impacted dramatically.
[23:12] <karan> i did the speed test on comcast website
[23:12] <gzcwnk> bluetooth is pretty good actually
[23:13] <joshuan> you might want to try you can see what location it pics for download and upload
[23:13] <gzcwnk> i am impressed with it
[23:13] <[Saint]> gzcwnk: I expected the server (a large full-sized double door rolling cabinet) to act somewhat like a Faraday cage.
[23:13] <[Saint]> But that wasn't the case at all, much to my delight.
[23:14] <gzcwnk> or maybe its acting like an ariel?
[23:14] <[Saint]> Now I have "integrated" Bluetooth mouse and keyboard for my server.
[23:14] <tax_> hello
[23:14] <[Saint]> And, yes, that's possible.
[23:16] <[Saint]> bah - I hate the split between my down/up speeds. I shouldn't have taken that speedtest just now, lol.
[23:16] <joshuan> has anyone had any issue with synaptic package manager when you open, and see a link inside that is supposed to open a browser and it doesnt?
[23:16] <tax_> I'm new to learning linux/ubuntu, was wondering if anyone knows some good sites with tutorials.
[23:17] <[Saint]> 97.42Mb/s down (yay!), 35.22Mb/s up (not yay! >:-/)
[23:17] <rypervenche> tax_: What sorts of things are you looking to learn?
[23:18] <joshuan> alot of documentation
[23:18] <tax_> mostly want to do script programming
[23:19] <bazhang> [Saint], please take the chat to the offtopic channel
[23:19] <bazhang> !rute | tax_
[23:19] <bazhang> !manual | tax_ and this
[23:20] <rypervenche> tax_: Check out (click on Download it here for the PDF)
[23:20] <Nikesh> Before I upgraded to 15.04, GNOME Terminal would give me the option of opening a new terminal in a tab or a window, but now the option is gone and it only says 'Open Terminal' and the tab or window distinction can only be made in the profile preferences.. The problem is that I don't want every time to open it just one, I'd like to have the option without changing the configuration/preferences every time..
[23:20] <bazhang> tax_, you should look into bash scripting then, there is #bash on this network
[23:20] <bazhang> !abs | tax_
[23:22] <tax_> excellent, those all look good. gonna have them bookmarked. enjoy ya'lls day
[23:22] <petrvs> tax_: #bash's /topic
[23:36] <Guest83203> hello. i know this is ubuntu, but i am not sure about whether or not there is a lubuntu channel. so, anyway. i am trying to install lubuntu on a virtual machine and it keeps saying that i need a distro or w/e for my i686 cpu. any ideas?
[23:36] <Guest83203> thanks
[23:36] <bekks> Guest83203: Whats the exact message?
[23:37] <petrvs> what .iso file?
[23:37] <Guest83203> bekks, i am sorry. i don't remember and i deleted the file :(
[23:37] <gzcwnk> guest what CPU is teh host?
[23:37] <bekks> Guest83203: So I cant help you :/
[23:37] <Guest83203> i tried puppy linux (the latest version - april) and the latest lubuntu edition
[23:38] <greenghost> Hi, I'm new to ubuntu. I just switched from windows xp. I am trying to setup openvpn and ddwrt. Can anyone help me?
[23:38] <bekks> !openvpn | greenghost
[23:38] <petrvs> Guest83203: my guess'd be you were trying to use the amd64 image, but wanted to use the i686/386 one
[23:39] <bekks> Guest83203: which is caused by the fact the VM is a 32bit one, not 64bit.
[23:39] <greenghost> I installed it, but when I follow the scripts and get file doesn't exist . And im on the 32bit
[23:39] <daftykins> ddwrt is a router OS...
[23:39] <greenghost> i386
[23:39] <Guest83203> i tried both amd64 and the other one
[23:39] <Guest83203> cpu is intel celeron n2840
[23:40] <bekks> Guest83203: provide the exact error message.
[23:40] <greenghost> I know, I want to set up vpn with ddwrt
[23:40] <penos> Guest83203, lololol celeron....
[23:40] <bekks> Guest83203: So seek th eddwrt support.
[23:40] <penos> my cpu is i3
[23:40] <greenghost> I'm lost on who I am talking to is it possible to talk to one person
[23:40] <gzcwnk> tahts why a cerelon isint 64bit
[23:40] <daftykins> greenghost: use nicknames to be able to tell.
[23:41] <Guest83203> penos, cool. i don't need an i3 to do my stuff
[23:41] <bekks> gzcwnk: thats nonsense. recent celerons are 64bit.
[23:41] <petrvs> celeron is just a branding
[23:41] <daftykins> gzcwnk: you are wrong
[23:41] <greenghost> is there a private chat?
[23:41] <gzcwnk> ive had teh same symptom on a celeron
[23:41] <Guest83203> bekks, i think the message said something about pea on lubuntu and i686 on puppy
[23:41] <greenghost> new to irc
[23:41] <petrvs> Guest83203: pae
[23:41] <daftykins> greenghost: no.
[23:42] <petrvs> Guest83203: anyway, someone can help you if you want to try it again
[23:42] <bekks> Guest83203: What was the EXACT message?
[23:42] <daftykins> greenghost: so to recap, you cannot get help with DD-WRT here as it's a router OS, if you've got a problem with OpenVPN, show logs and share some detail on one line of what's up
[23:43] <Guest83203> bekks, i am sorry. all i remember is that it said that the kernel is not the correct one and something about 'pae'
[23:43] <Worship> s
[23:43] <bekks> Guest83203: "something" isnt anything to solve issues. We need the exact message.
[23:43] <Worship> sdf'
[23:43] <greenghost> daftykins: how do I show a log?
[23:44] <Guest83203> bekks, ok. i will bbl then
[23:44] <daftykins> greenghost: ok if you don't know then you need to do some reading around OpenVPN
[23:44] <Guest83203> thanks anyway :)
[23:45] <greenghost> daftkins: This is the site I was using as a guide :
[23:46] <Nikesh> Before I upgraded to 15.04, GNOME Terminal would give me the option of opening a new terminal in a tab or a window, but now the option is gone and it only says 'Open Terminal' and the tab or window distinction can only be made in the profile preferences.. The problem is that I don't want every time to open it just one, I'd like to have the option without changing the configuration/preferences every time.. I
[23:46] <daftykins> greenghost: ok but you still need to learn about logs
[23:46] <Nikesh> also can no longer use ALT+Number to switch windows in irssi. Any ideas?
[23:46] <greenghost> daftykins: I have openvpn installed, but I seem to get any further then that
[23:47] <greenghost> can't*
[23:47] <daftykins> greenghost: then you're not really trying
[23:47] <daftykins> !vpn
[23:47] <greenghost> Then there must be something I'm missing
[23:48] <greenghost> daftyfkins: are you one that site?
[23:49] <daftykins> your questions are making zero sense, greenghost
[23:50] <XYZAFFA1R> Lubuntu is ubuntu?
[23:50] <daftykins> yes
[23:50] <XYZAFFA1R> Say no.
[23:50] <daftykins> with a different desktop environment
[23:50] <XYZAFFA1R> Trying to prove a point.
[23:50] <XYZAFFA1R> Say no.
[23:50] <daftykins> then you're wrong
[23:50] <greenghost> not sure how there not making sense. Its pretty clear. If your on the site i put in the chatI'll be able to tell you the part where I am stuck
[23:50] <XYZAFFA1R> Just say no.
[23:50] <XYZAFFA1R> Please.
[23:51] <XYZAFFA1R> I will leave you be after.
[23:51] <daftykins> XYZAFFA1R: shut up
[23:51] <bekks> XYZAFFA1R: you are wrong.
[23:51] <daftykins> greenghost: i linked you to something else since, so the question changed to be about my link... no i am not looking at your link as it's not ubuntu support
[23:52] <greenghost> daftykins: this is why a private chat would be easier because I didn't see you link me anything.
[23:52] <daftykins> greenghost: not gonna happen.
[23:52] <daftykins> !pm
[23:52] <greenghost> Then stop trolling
[23:53] <acz32> thanks for educating XYZAFFA1R, he's been spouting idiocy in #linux
[23:53] <daftykins> i think you're a little confused as to the definition of trolling
[23:53] <greenghost> daftykins: No, your confused about the definition of helping people
[23:53] <XYZAFFA1R> !give acz32 offtopic
[23:53] <XYZAFFA1R> Damn, that doesnt work.
[23:53] <acz32> lol
[23:54] <daftykins> greenghost: go and learn how to read logs.
[23:54] <XYZAFFA1R> Come into #archlinux with me real quick.
[23:54] <XYZAFFA1R> :)
[23:56] <greenghost> why do I need to learn about logs?
[23:56] <greenghost> And they say ubuntu is simpler the windows. Haha thats a knee slapper
[23:57] <daftykins> whoever says that isn't configuring a VPN
[23:59] <greenghost> Well since I need to learn about logs. Where do I go to learn about said logs | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.490560 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-quality | [04:17] <elopio> veebers: still around? anything I can do tomorrow to help with the remaining autopilot tasks?
[04:30] <veebers> elopio: hey yeah I'm still around for about an hour or so
[04:30] <veebers> elopio: I'm just pushing up some updated code and finishing a review and would like your thoughts on somethings
[04:42] <veebers> elopio: if you have a moment can you read the comments and reviews from this MP:
[04:42] <veebers> specifically I'm interested in your thoughts on what I wrote in the comment box
[04:46] <elopio> veebers: on it.
[04:47] <elopio> veebers: I agree on the warning.
[04:48] <elopio> we are still using multiple inheritance in the sanity suite.
[04:48] <elopio> when we remove that, we can raise the exception.
[04:48] <elopio> oh well, but the multiple inheritance in the sanity won't affect this because it's not on the base class. Anyway, I agree with you.
[04:52] <veebers> elopio: coolio :-)
[04:55] <veebers> elopio: hmm, I thought that we had discussed updating the narrative/docs for the cpo/selection thing as a separate card, or am I miss-remembering things?
[04:59] <elopio> isn't there a separate card? The one called "Add documentation for the narrative docs" ?
[05:01] <veebers> elopio: I see one in play now called "Add documentation for the narrative docs (i.e. FAQ and section on creating CPOs)" (on the board)
[05:02] <elopio> veebers: yes, so I don't get what you mean.
[05:06] <veebers> elopio: oh, I meant I thought that we weren't doing that card this sprint as we needed the other cards to land/be finished first'
[05:07] <elopio> veebers: ahh. Then I'm not sure.
[05:07] <elopio> veebers: but now that the branch is almost ready, we can prepare the doc updates, right:?
[05:12] <veebers> elopio: yeah I guess thats a good point, I was thinking with my EOD-ing soon hat on :-) I will be back online after dinner though
[05:15] <elopio> veebers: should I throw a gatekeeper now, or wait for the branch to be merged?
[05:17] <veebers> elopio: for a gatekeeper run we need it to be built into a ppa, are you suggesting setting up a silo for it?
[05:25] <elopio> veebers: no, not really. I thought we could run a gatekeeper from a branch.
[05:25] <elopio> if it requires a silo, I think we better wait for the branches to land. Things look good, the unit tests look good. I doubt we will cause a regression, and if so, it should be solved by the fix_base_class branches landing.
[05:26] <veebers> elopio: as far as I'm aware the gatekeeper (the same as the smoke dash job) runs from a ppa
[05:26] <elopio> veebers: yes, I remember now the ppa parameter. It was just a stupid question :)
[05:27] <veebers> elopio: Not stupid, I good idea. I know vila has mentioned that he has ideas on improving how we test and release autopilot incl. ppas etc.
[05:27] <elopio> ah, right, what he said now makes sense.
[08:23] <pitti> jibel: given the history of http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-firefox/ how can we edit the history files on snakefruit to stop considering this a regression?
[08:25] <pitti> jibel: do we need to edit all PASSes in proposed-migration/autopkgtest/data/adt/trusty-proposed/amd64/archive/*/*/*/trusty_amd64_firefox_*.result ?
[08:26] <jibel> pitti, if you remove this line it should be considered as 'always failed' firefox 24.0+build1-0ubuntu1 PASS fonts-liberation 1.07.3-3
[08:27] <jibel> in the history file
[08:27] <pitti> jibel: ah, good; thanks!
[08:28] <pitti> jibel: I'm going through the trusty failures, and fixed a few bugs in autopkgtest; others like firefox need some fumbling
[08:29] <jibel> pitti, firefox used to pass but it looks like no one maintains the testsuite in ubuntu any more
[08:30] <jibel> this is sad because it found real regressions
[08:30] <pitti> yeah, same in vivid
[15:14] <elopio> vila: btw, now your autopilot ppa makes a lot of sense to me for running the gatekeeper before having a silo.
[15:19] <vila> elopio: sorry, I should have been clearer about that
[15:20] <vila> elopio, fgimenez: But w really need something faster, >4h for one iteration kills velocity (understatement)
[15:20] <elopio> vila: parallelization?
[15:21] <vila> elopio, fgimenez: we'll need to at least split the tests to run on 2 phones
[15:21] <vila> elopio: yup, coarse grained one at the highest level to start with
[15:22] <elopio> vila: and we also want the things they are doing on for the run to continue even if one suite killed a phone.
[15:22] <elopio> but how do we put this in CI's backlog? so many things in there.
[15:22] <vila> elopio: well, in that case we may as well run each suite on its own but...
[15:23] <vila> elopio: that's why I'm saying we focus on getting access to run autopkgtest on phones/qemu
[15:24] <vila> elopio: from there we can add the missing dep8 tests to wrap autopilot in all packages and aggregate the subunit streams ourselves
[15:24] <elopio> vila: that sounds good.
[15:24] <elopio> jfunk_: ^
[15:25] <elopio> if ci gives us this command that provissions a phone every time we want it, we can take care of all the other details.
[15:25] <elopio> then maybe we can go faster.
[15:40] <vila> elopio: exactly, including prototyping gates
[16:00] <rhuddie> elopio, thanks for your comment on mp. Is this the change that you meant?
[16:01] <elopio> rhuddie: yes, I think so. Does it make sense to you?
[16:01] <rhuddie> elopio, yes, that makes sense. I just wanted to check I understood correctly before pushing
[16:02] <elopio> ok, thanks.
[17:05] <elopio> om26er: I wouldn't extract os.path.exists(directory) into a method.
[17:06] <elopio> is clear enough, and only one statement.
[17:07] <om26er> elopio, its subjective, I prefer to have methods as explanatory as possible and would prefer to follow DRY
[17:08] <elopio> om26er: you are only using it once, so there will be no duplication.
[17:08] <om26er> elopio, in two places in the same method.
[17:08] <elopio> om26er: ah, that's right.
[17:09] <elopio> but you are not adding clarity and you are not saving lines of code.
[17:09] <elopio> you are adding three lines instead.
[17:09] <om26er> elopio, that's why I ask if we could use a better name for the method
[17:09] <elopio> om26er: os.path.exists is a name good enough.
[17:10] <elopio> the name of your method is alright. It just should end with an s. directory_existS.
[17:11] <elopio> but you shouldn't write a method if there's no value on it. You are just making an alias for os.path.exists.
[17:11] <om26er> elopio, hmm, ok. I have seen people in well written project not calling the public api twice in their codes, they rather encapsulate the call in a method
[17:11] <om26er> elopio, hmm, sure I can change that back.
[17:13] <elopio> om26er: we don't need to shield ourselfs from the python standard libraries. We don't need to replace them with fakes for testing either.
[17:13] <elopio> encapsulating external projects is good, sometimes. Here I see no reason to do it.
[17:18] <om26er> elopio, ok, I pushed the change. There are older flake8 warnings in the file, want me to do that in this MR or is that better for separate MR ?
[17:19] <elopio> om26er: separate MP, according to a discussion I lost against thomi and veebers.
[17:19] <elopio> om26er: but:
[17:19] <elopio> if you use the flake8 as a prerequisite of your branch it would be easier, I think.
[19:54] <elopio_> veebers: so, about the presentation for ODS, the idea is to quickly show how easy it is to write a high level integration test with the helpers in the toolkit and unity8.
[19:54] <elopio_> balloons wanted to show the helpers docs published, so the first step was to get the unity8 namespace right.
[19:54] <elopio_>
[19:54] <elopio_> next step is to generate sphinx out of that branch.
[20:07] * veebers looks at branch
[20:11] <veebers> elopio_: there is more changes in that MP than just deprecating the emulators ;-)
[20:11] <veebers> oh wait, that probably comes from the branches you mention in the message | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.513846 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-quality"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-cn | [00:00] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 15.04 • 【求助】如何用U盘安装(ubuntukylin-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso)到移动硬盘? RT: 笔记本+移动硬盘+U盘 笔记本(Windows7)+移动硬盘(ubuntukylin15.04)+U盘(启动盘) 1、做U盘启动盘 2、计算机启动的时候由于同时连接了移动硬盘和U盘会
[00:00] <^k^> ─> 不会识别不出哪个启动 3、ubuntu14.04是否可以通过升级直接升级到15.04? 附带问一下,ubu …
[01:15] <^k^> 新 虚拟机和虚拟化 • ubuntu 下虚拟机安装 windows xp 时失败,请达人给予帮助 安装虚拟机时失败,环境:ubuntu 14.0.4 LTS + VirtualBox 4.3.10 建立 winxp 虚拟机,本机内存 4G,虚拟机内存 1G,下载了 windows xp 的 iso 文件,试图载入时报错如下: 不能为虚拟电
[01:15] <^k^> ─> 脑 wxp_raw 打开一个新任务. VT-x is disabled in the BIOS. (VERR_VMX_MSR_VMXON_DISABLED). 返回 代码: NS_ERR …
[01:38] <iIlL10Oo> [root@localhost ~]# service sshd restart
[01:38] <iIlL10Oo> Stopping sshd: [ OK ]
[01:38] <iIlL10Oo> Starting sshd: [ OK ]
[01:38] <iIlL10Oo> 服务名为啥是 sshd ?
[01:41] <LRCCHINA> yourenma
[01:42] <bla2> iIlL10Oo: ssh daemon ?
[01:44] <hoxily> Secure Shell Daemon
[01:44] <hoxily> Secure SHell Daemon
[01:45] <bla2> 2b的网络,百度谷歌都上不去了,擦擦
[01:50] <iIlL10Oo> bla2: 不应该是 ssh 吗?
[01:50] <iIlL10Oo> service ssh restart
[01:54] <sennn> hi
[01:54] <^k^> sennn:点点点. 09:54
[01:56] <bla2> iIlL10Oo: ssh指的貌似是ssh client吧
[01:56] <bla2> iIlL10Oo: sshd应该是 ssh server
[01:56] <bla2> 我瞎猜的
[01:56] <bla2> hoxily: 今天好热
[01:58] <hoxily> bla2: 你是谁?
[01:58] <hoxily> /whois 看不出来
[01:59] <bla2> hoxily: 不要说出我的名字
[02:00] <bla2> hoxily: 我是和你玩五子棋连赢你n盘的
[02:01] <hoxily> 取名叫 blah的也只有你了.
[02:01] <hoxily> 常常对别人说 blah也是你了
[02:02] <bla2> 。。。
[02:04] <hoxily> 我知道你是谁了
[02:07] <roylez> bla2: 黑毛渣?
[02:07] <bla2> roylez: 不是,金三胖
[02:35] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.10 • 升级到了15.04,问题严重 开机黑屏进不去,直接重启。(重复2次) 之后试了下进tty,正常。 shutdown直接报错,直接硬关。 再次开机,终于看到了熟悉的桌面。进来后就提示我输入法崩溃,叫我重启。我没管这货 我一度怀疑是我电脑
[02:35] <^k^> ─> 问题,在网上查了下。看来不是,我放心了 zz: cqheshuang — 2015-04-30 10:35
[02:42] <LRXCHINA`> names
[02:46] <E022> O0XX_: .
[02:46] <E022> O0XX|Qio_: .
[02:46] <O0XX_> E022:
[02:47] <^k^> ⇪ ti: AUR (en) - winkawaks
[02:50] <LRXCHINA> ???
[02:56] <bla2> cherrot: make时出现+ make DESTDIR=/home/bla2/openal-soft-1.16.0-2.1.sw_64 install make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. 是怎么回事?
[02:59] <onlylove>
[02:59] <^k^> ⇪ ti: 微软疯了:iOS/安卓应用一键移植Windows 10! - 开源中国社区
[03:00] <cherrot> bla2, 你makefile 没写 install 的入口吧
[03:01] <bla2> cherrot: make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
[03:02] <cherrot> bla2, 你的MAKEFILE怎么写的
[03:02] <bla2> cherrot: 不是我写的。。。
[03:03] <bla2> cherrot: 是个src.rpm包,然后用spec搞的
[03:04] <cherrot> bla2, 不懂哦
[03:04] <cherrot> bla2, 这种包不是应该用 rpm对应的打包命令打包么
[03:05] <cherrot> bla2, 你得看说明来 人家不给你 install 很正常
[03:05] <bla2> cherrot: 嗯
[03:07] <E022> bla2: rpmbuild --rebuild xxx.src.rpm
[03:07] <E022> bla2: 都有src.rpm了, 还需要看啥makefile
[03:17] * E022 还tm不发奖金, 要穷死了!
[03:28] <bla2> E022: rpmbuild -bb时出错乐
[03:29] <E022> bla2: 那就分情况了. 有可能源码就错了, 有可能spec错了.
[03:30] <bla2> E022: rh系列都用什么解码器放电影?
[03:30] <bla2> E022: 还是rh系都不看电影的
[03:30] <E022> bla2: 跟rh系没关系, 你想用啥就用啥. 我用mplayer.
[03:30] <E022> bla2: 你用的具体是哪个distro?
[03:30] <bla2> E022: centos
[03:30] <E022> bla2: fedora还是rhel?
[03:30] <E022> bla2: centos == 服务器用 == 不看电影
[03:31] <bla2> E022: 官方源不给ffmpeg libav
[03:31] <E022> bla2: 你家用电脑装centos就有问题.
[03:31] <bla2> E022: 手动编,费死个劲,一个包依赖一个包的
[03:31] <bla2> E022: 一个出错,后边都编不了
[03:32] <bla2> E022: 我家用当然arch debian
[03:32] <E022> bla2: 那你还要在centos上看电影?
[03:33] <bla2> E022: 工作需求。。。
[03:33] <E022> bla2: 啥工作需要你在centos上看电影...
[03:33] <E022> 顺便问, 这些包有这么难编译?
[03:34] <bla2> E022: 你编下就知道了
[03:35] <E022> bla2: 多年前就编过, mencoder自己打vaapi的补丁
[03:36] <E022> bla2: 而且, centos安装的时候选workstation默认就有播放器啊
[03:36] <bla2> E022: 装了个600MB的live cd,里面就木有
[03:37] <bla2> E022: 官方源都不给解码器,它的播放器用什么放电影?
[03:37] <E022> bla2: 真没有gstreamer?
[03:38] <E022> bla2:
[03:38] <^k^> ⇪ ti: How To Install VLC On CentOS 7 | Unixmen
[03:39] <E022> bla2: 就算上面的方法没用, offical repo里面没有, 你还是可以用RPMforge啊
[03:41] <bla2> E022: vlc gstreamer不用ffmpeg libav?
[03:42] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 买买买
[03:44] <E022> bla2: 有不依赖ffmpeg libva, 只需要gstreamer的播放器. 我不知道vlc是不是.
[03:44] <bla2> E022: 我试试
[03:44] <E022> bla2: 至少, 对于totem来说, gst-libva 是可选的, 不用也没事.
[03:45] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: RDMA和 infiniband啥关系?
[03:45] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 不知道RDMA啊
[03:54] <bla2> E022: 这种文件是傻
[03:54] <bla2> 啥
[03:56] <E022> bla2: 动态链接文件.................
[03:56] <E022> bla2: 动态链接库.... 类似dll...
[03:57] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: WinKawaks
[03:57] <O0XX|Qiong> E022:
[03:57] <^k^> O0XX|Qiong: ⇪ cn_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_618763.iso_免费高速下载|百度云 网盘-分享无限制
[04:06] <bla2> E022: 跨平台不,非x86的能用x86的不
[04:07] <E022> bla2: 如何定义x86. x86_64属于你口中的x86吗?
[04:07] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 不停当 : 有开当者,本钱甚少。初开之月,招牌写一"当"'人未几,本钱发尽,赎者不来,乃于"当"字之匕写一"停"字,言停当也。及后赎者再来,本钱复至,又于"停"字之上,加一"不"字。人见之曰:"我看你这典铺中,实实有些不停当了。"
[04:07] <bla2> E022: 属于
[04:08] <bla2> E022: x86 ia32 amd64
[04:08] <E022> bla2: x64能用, 别的不行.
[04:19] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 乃的好机油们怎么都不在呢
[04:20] <taozhijiang> 。。。
[04:20] <taozhijiang> 不看电影
[04:49] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 啥?
[04:53] <bla2> E022: 已安装xvid解码器 怎么让totem 使用xvid解码?
[05:00] <E022> xvid解码器是个什么鬼?
[05:01] <archl> E022, ... H264解码器是什么鬼?
[05:01] <E022> archl: 不知道啊
[05:02] <archl> E022, 哦。鼠标是什么鬼。只用键盘就行了。
[05:12] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 听说墙又升级了
[05:12] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 不确定.
[05:12] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 不知道是封了killwall还是封了shadowsocks
[05:12] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 如果是后者, 那是升级了.
[05:13] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 没法嗅探, 是根据行为判断的好像, killwall的流量太可疑了估计
[05:13] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 行为判断也不容易.
[05:14] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 计算量太大. 之前方校长有论文, 根据流量的行为聚类. 就用k-means
[05:14] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 这可咋办啊以后
[05:14] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 你可以肉身翻墙啊
[05:15] <QiongMangHuo> E022: how?
[05:16] <E022> QiongMangHuo: Greece
[05:16] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 你们都要去发达国家当然难
[05:16] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 去比中国更发达的国家绝对困难哈。
[05:17] <^k^> 新 虚拟机和虚拟化 • 打开virt-manager连接出错 打开即弹出提示 轮询连接 'qemu:///system' 出错:internal error: could not get interface XML description: File operation failed - Failed to read (null) zz: 那一朵浮云 — 2015-04-30 13:16
[05:20] * O0XX|Qiong 真 地图炮之奥义
[05:28] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 京东理财太会玩了,每天的收益和损失都是和上一天挂钩的。结果我投3500,昨天 -63 今天 +94。那绝对吓死小白啊。
[05:30] <archl> onlylove, 买买买
[05:30] <archl> onlylove, 买了紫菜,卷寿司
[05:31] <E022> 有没有运维? 问一下, ssh登录远程主机的用户x和直接去那台主机登录用户x, 权限啥的是不一样的吗?
[05:33] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 热热热
[05:33] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: beijing hot
[05:33] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 去东京
[05:34] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: tokyo hotter
[05:35] <archl> O0XX|Qiong E022 你们那里多么热啊?前天15度,今天30度这样子?
[05:36] <archl> nyfair, 大家都不理我了
[05:36] <archl> nyfair, 我是不是太过分了
[05:37] <nyfair> archl: 你是谁?
[05:37] <archl> ...
[05:37] * archl 拖着 nyfair 跑地球
[05:37] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: archl是谁?你认识?
[05:37] <lainme> nyfair: 罗姐
[05:37] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 罗姐
[05:38] <nyfair> archl: 妹子,约么
[05:38] <archl> nyfair, ... 我大腿有上臂五倍粗哦。。。
[05:38] <nyfair> archl: 再见
[05:39] <archl> nyfair, 见到过大腿和我差不多粗的漂亮妹子。
[05:39] <archl> nyfair, 竟然和我的大腿差不多白 -
[05:39] <nyfair> archl: 说了这么多废话,我认识你么?
[05:40] <archl> nyfair, 不
[05:40] <bla2> nyfair: 妹子,约么
[05:40] <archl> nyfair, 我在找陌生人
[05:40] <archl> nyfair, 怎么约陌生人啊
[05:40] <nyfair> archl: 装个陌陌,然后搜到个人就约。一个不行马上换
[05:41] <archl> nyfair, 。。。
[05:42] <archl> nyfair, 看陌陌上,基本没有我想搭话的人。。。
[05:42] <nyfair> archl: 怪我咯,你算哪根葱还要别人主动勾搭你不成?
[05:44] <^k^> 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • 请问如何升级libreoffic至4.4.2 目前ubuntu14.04,libreoffic4.2.7.2。光盘安装,随时更新ubuntu 。 请问如何升级libreoffic至4.4.2 zz: jnwysh — 2015-04-30 13:43
[05:44] <archl> nyfair, 我只是想找陌生人而已。
[05:44] <nyfair> archl: 你这是问道于盲,谁不知道泡irc的都是死宅啊
[05:45] <archl> nyfair, 我是么。。。
[05:45] <iIlL10Oo> 不敢约,万一约到个伪娘
[05:46] <archl> nyfair, 你终于让我意识到我是死宅
[05:46] <nyfair> iIlL10Oo: 武汉爱丽丝伪娘团?
[05:46] <archl> iIlL10Oo, 不会的,irc上碰到的家伙都是可以信赖的。
[05:46] * archl 抱抱 onlylove
[05:46] * archl 抱抱 lainme
[05:46] * archl 抱抱 ee
[05:47] * archl 抱抱 cherrot
[05:47] <nyfair> iIlL10Oo: 你喜欢这种?
[05:47] * archl 抱抱 O0XX|Qiong
[05:47] * archl 抱抱 QiongMangHuo
[05:47] <iIlL10Oo> archl: 默默上面不敢
[05:47] <iIlL10Oo> nyfair: 嗯嗯嗯
[05:47] <archl> iIlL10Oo, 我是男的。
[05:48] <iIlL10Oo> archl: 知道
[05:48] <archl> iIlL10Oo, 默默上面是什么?
[05:48] <archl> 不敢?
[05:48] <iIlL10Oo> archl: 陌陌
[05:49] <archl> QiongMangHuo, qiong都感染了 O0XX 你成功了。 O0XX|manghuo
[05:49] <archl> iIlL10Oo, 什么意思?
[05:49] <archl> iIlL10Oo, 陌陌上面不敢?
[05:50] <iIlL10Oo> archl: 是啊,万一是伪娘
[05:50] <archl> iIlL10Oo, 我不在意男女。。。
[05:50] <iIlL10Oo> archl: 你重口味啊
[05:51] <archl> iIlL10Oo, 反正就是说话。。。男女不一样么
[05:51] <iIlL10Oo> archl: 有道理。。。
[05:52] <nyfair> archl: 一样啊一样啊,我好兴奋啊
[05:52] <archl> nyfair, 和我说话啊
[05:52] <archl> nyfair, 给个联系方式
[05:52] <archl> iIlL10Oo, 语音的。来啊。
[05:53] <iIlL10Oo> archl: 我还是找女的吧
[05:53] <nyfair> archl: 1分钟几刀
[05:53] <archl> nyfair, 0.1,3分钟给你 ¥3怎么样
[05:54] <nyfair>
[05:54] <^k^> nyfair: ⇪ 小伙约同性网友2个月被偷4次 仍坚持找真爱 - AcFun弹幕视频网 - 中国宅文化基地
[05:54] <nyfair> archl: 滚
[05:54] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 15.04 • 打开virt-manager连接出错 打开即弹出提示 轮询连接 'qemu:///system' 出错:internal error: could not get interface XML description: File operation failed - Failed to read (null) virt-manager卸载重装n次了 管理员启动也不行 zz: 那一朵浮云 — 2015-04-30 13:52
[05:55] <archl> nyfair, 那升级套餐,翻5倍工资怎么样
[05:55] <archl> nyfair, 升级到5毛党好不?
[05:55] <archl> 50美分
[05:55] <nyfair> archl: 你这人真是烦
[05:56] <archl> nyfair, 叫做archl的时候就是为了玩的
[05:57] <nyfair> ArChl
[05:57] <nyfair> 懂么
[05:57] <archl> 冬瓜入水
[05:59] <nyfair> 龙傲天 燕南天 南霸天 楚中天 章泽天
[06:00] <archl> nyfair, 这是啥啊
[06:00] <archl> nyfair, 干嘛都叫天?
[06:00] <archl> nyfair, 好像有个叫做 易中天的
[06:00] <bla2> nyfair: 威震天
[06:01] <bla2> nyfair: 牛牛,xvid能解码mpeg-4吗?
[06:02] <palomino|working> 林蛋大
[06:02] <bla2> palomino|working: 能吗
[06:02] <nyfair> bla2: 能解码mpeg-1 part3,mpeg-4 part1/2/4,不能解码mpeg-4 part 7/10
[06:04] <bla2> nyfair: totem现在用gstreamer,打开mp4文件说缺插件mpeg-4和h264, 现在装了个xvid解码器,怎么让它们工作起来
[06:04] <nyfair> 尼玛,qtcore和qtgui加起来才6m,为毛qt有400m
[06:08] <nyfair> bla2: linux常见问题解决方案:1,视频问题-卸载gstreamer 2,启动问题-卸载systemd 3,音乐问题-卸载pulseaudio 4,网络问题-卸载那个蠢货开发的那个啥啥啥
[06:09] <nyfair> onlylove_: 牛牛,最后那个啥啥啥怎么填空?
[06:09] <bla2> nyfair: wpa_supplicant pppd pppoe
[06:10] <nyfair> 哦,avahi
[06:10] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: .....
[06:11] <bla2> QiongMangHuo: 牛牛帮帮我
[06:12] <QiongMangHuo> bla2: 你谁啊
[06:12] <bla2> QiongMangHuo: no one
[06:12] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 老司机带带我
[06:12] <nyfair> bla2: 开发gstreamer的都是傻逼,用gstreamer开发多媒体软件的事傻逼中的傻逼
[06:13] <bla2> nyfair: 说的太好了
[06:14] <nyfair> bla2: gstreamer的源码我他妈看得吐了。wav文件你他妈都不会写解码器还要去调用libsndfile
[06:15] <nyfair> wav的解码器我他妈10行就搞定了
[06:15] <nyfair> 谁用这群傻逼写的东西谁就是傻逼中的傻逼
[06:16] <nyfair> 你瞧隔壁ffmpeg
[06:16] <nyfair> flac有现成的解码器,不用,咱们自己写一个
[06:16] <nyfair> 写玩了,编码器也写一个
[06:17] <nyfair> g婊的vp8 vp9有现成的解码器,还是不用,咱们再写一个
[06:17] <nyfair> 写完了再发篇文章说g婊官方的性能怎么怎么渣,这格式怎么怎么烂
[06:18] <nyfair> 深得nyfair大神喷g婊的精髓
[06:18] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: =,=
[06:19] <nyfair> 至今还记得dark shikari当年怎么喷vp8的
[06:19] <lainme> nyfair: 大神对vlc怎么看
[06:20] <nyfair> lainme: 姐姐,我没用过vlc啊,太臃肿了,linux我推荐国产的qtav
[06:21] <nyfair> dark shikari的原话是我这傻逼跑去google summer of code当教练教一群傻逼vp8吹怎么优化x264一定是脑子抽了
[06:22] <sennn> hi all
[06:22] <^k^> sennn:点点点. 14:22
[06:22] <nyfair> 如今5年过去了,时间证明vp9还是一堆狗屎
[06:23] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 牛牛, 包养我!
[06:28] <bla2> nyfair: 牛牛太厉害乐
[06:31] <bla2> nyfair: 我现在要在alpha cpu上的centos里搞个视频播放器出来,编ffmpeg各种依赖包,编包还各种错误
[06:31] <bla2> nyfair: 然后发现上面自带的totem用的是gstreamer
[06:32] <bla2> nyfair: 现在去xvid网站上用src.rpm编了个libxvid和xvid xvid-devel包,怎么让totem去解码mpeg-4时使用xvid
[06:32] <bla2> 而不是ffmpeg
[06:32] <nyfair> bla2: 为什么要用xvid呢,ffmpeg不是很通用了吗
[06:33] <bla2> nyfair: centos没ffmpeg包
[06:33] <nyfair> bla2: 自己编译吧,很简单的,没有依赖
[06:33] <bla2> nyfair: 去找了第三方仓库的ffmpeg源码包,又各种依赖
[06:33] <bla2> nyfair: 一堆依赖呀,怎么能没依赖
[06:34] <nyfair> bla2: 单纯解码没有依赖的
[06:34] <QiongMangHuo> bla2: libav
[06:34] <nyfair> bla2: 搞编码才会有依赖
[06:34] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: 不要塞贵社员工的私货
[06:35] <bla2> QiongMangHuo: libav的src.rpm包发个链接吧,大牛
[06:35] <nyfair> bla2: 你看下深度播放器那个编译ffmpeg的脚本就懂了,那种编译出来的ffmpeg很小的,只包含解码功能
[06:35] <QiongMangHuo> bla2: centos不带libav?
[06:35] <bla2> QiongMangHuo: 不带
[06:35] <bla2> nyfair: 在哪里那个脚本
[06:35] <nyfair> bla2: libav只有debian/ubuntu用
[06:36] <nyfair> qtav的github上
[06:36] <bla2> nyfair: 单纯解码都需要哪几个包? libfaad什么的?
[06:36] <bla2> libfaac?
[06:36] <nyfair> bla2: 一个都不要
[06:37] <bla2> nyfair: 快教教我、
[06:37] <nyfair> bla2: 唯一的依赖是libc
[06:37] <bla2> nyfair: 牛牛,快教教我
[06:38] <nyfair> bla2: ./configure --disable-all --enable-decoder
[06:39] <bla2> nyfair: 包在哪?
[06:39] <bla2> QiongMangHuo: 把自己编译出来的包打包成rpm费劲不?
[06:39] <nyfair> 我本来有个opensuse仓库帮我自动压片的,里面有ffmpeg,后来被他们删了
[06:40] <QiongMangHuo> bla2: 母鸡啊
[06:40] <nyfair> bla2: 不懂redhat
[06:40] <bla2> QiongMangHuo: 你着ex红帽子员工没打包过rpm?
[06:40] <nyfair> 问帽子员工吧
[06:40] <QiongMangHuo> bla2: 你是谁啊.....
[06:42] <bla2> nyfair: 牛牛,帮我找下那个包吧
[06:45] <bla2> 网络安全日不是昨天吗?怎么昨天不屏蔽百度,今天到屏蔽了,现在访问不了百度了
[06:45] * QiongMangHuo 我的ss掉了...
[06:47] <nyfair> bla2: 好搜欢迎你
[06:48] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: 老司机求ss账号
[06:48] * QiongMangHuo 又好了
[06:48] <bla2> nyfair: 牛牛把包发我吧
[06:48] <nyfair> bla2: 装个visual studio 2015,自己编译啊
[06:50] <nyfair> bla2: 多大事,手写个给你
[06:50] <nyfair> wget
[06:50] <^k^> ⇪ ti: security-policy=default-src 'none' ; type=application/zip ; disposition=attachment; filena
[06:50] <nyfair> unzip
[06:50] <nyfair> cd *mpeg*
[06:51] <nyfair> ./configre --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --disable-debug --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --disable-doc --disable-device --disable--ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffserver --disable-encoder
[06:51] <nyfair> make -j8 install
[06:52] <nyfair> 没有依赖,绿色安全
[06:52] <bla2> nyfair: 太棒了,牛牛,我试试
[06:52] <bla2> nyfair: 我这是alpha的cpu,也可以用吧
[06:52] <nyfair> 没关系啊
[06:52] <bla2> 好
[06:53] <nyfair> 又不是交叉编译
[06:53] <nyfair> 那个要制定什么target-os
[06:53] <palomino|working> ...
[06:54] <palomino|working> 怎么记住这堆参数的...
[06:54] <bla2> nyfair: 装完这个totem能自动播放mp4时回自动调这个解码吗? 或者装个别的什么播放器能调用这个也行
[06:54] <nyfair> bla2: 不能
[06:54] <bla2> nyfair: 那怎么用它解码播放?
[06:54] <nyfair> bla2: 永远不要用跟gstreamer打交道的播放器
[06:55] <bla2> nyfair: 那别的的什么播放器?
[06:55] <nyfair> --disable--ffplay 这个去掉,用ffplay播放
[06:55] <bla2> nyfair: 好
[06:55] <nyfair> ffplay依赖sdl
[06:56] <nyfair> mplayer依然跟它3年前一样好,反正我不推荐用,就用深度播放器呗
[06:56] <nyfair> ffplay功能毕竟太弱了
[06:58] <bla2> nyfair: unknown option --enable-gp1
[06:59] <nyfair> gpl
[06:59] <palomino|working> L不是1
[07:00] <nyfair> --enable-nonfree 顺便这个参数非常重要,某些linux发行版的ffmpeg不带这个还美其名曰自由,这个时候我们只要呵呵就好了
[07:00] <iIlL10Oo> 竟然是手打的
[07:02] <bla2> Unknown option "--disable-device".
[07:02] <bla2>
[07:03] <nyfair> --disable-devices
[07:03] <bla2> Unknown option "--disable-encoder".
[07:03] <nyfair> --disable-encoders
[07:03] <nyfair> 诸君,我讨厌复数
[07:04] <bla2> nyfair: 牛牛实在是太棒了
[07:04] <nyfair> 还是中文好,没有单复数困扰
[07:04] <nyfair> 没有依赖吧
[07:04] <bla2> nyfair: 嗯
[07:05] <bla2> nyfair: 我也讨厌复数还有冠数词,每次说话还得说清楚是几个
[07:05] <bla2> a an the 什么的然后加s es 各种
[07:05] <bla2> 记不住
[07:06] <bla2> 我就经常不加 a an
[07:08] <iotouch> 有关deepin两个小问题,能否帮忙看下
[07:09] <iotouch>
[07:09] <^k^> iotouch: ⇪ deepin 如何盈利? - deepin - 知乎
[07:09] <iotouch>
[07:09] <^k^> ⇪ ti: 如何定制 Linux 系统? - 操作系统 - 知乎
[07:13] * bili
[07:13] * bili 抱抱
[07:15] <bili> bili:s
[07:17] <sennn> 10000年后人们会说,金钱是原始人的玩具......
[07:18] <bbbb> who is
[07:24] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 信鸽和马 : 老师:"你们说信鸽和马哪个快?" 天天:"如果是奔跑的话,马快! "
[07:43] <nyfair> 话说,手机版的chrome,怎么让它不加载图片
[07:44] <bla2> nyfair: 设置选项里有吧
[07:46] <nyfair> bla2: 桌面版设置有,移动版可没有,连cookies和书签管理界面都没有
[07:46] <bla2> nyfair: firefox吧
[07:47] <bla2> nyfair: 牛牛这个make -j8 完了
[07:54] * QiongMangHuo 准备注册Uber 但是没有优惠码了....
[07:57] <bla2> QiongMangHuo: 你要当司机?
[07:57] <QiongMangHuo> bla2: 不是
[07:58] <bla2> QiongMangHuo: 把2进制包打包成rpm包,麻烦不
[07:58] <QiongMangHuo> bla2: 母鸡啊...
[07:59] <bla2> QiongMangHuo: 你这ex红帽子员工怎么对rpm不懂
[07:59] <QiongMangHuo> bla2: 真不懂, 当时都是靠脚本和编译系统
[08:02] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 昨天那个音箱值得买吗? 他配套的功放给推荐一个撒
[08:05] <bla2> QiongMangHuo: 能上的了twitter却上不了谷歌 百度 雅虎,但又能上bing,怎么会有这种情况
[08:05] <bla2> 真神奇
[08:06] <QiongMangHuo> bla2: 母鸡 我都能上
[08:06] <QiongMangHuo> roylez: 为啥有正事儿ping你都没反应
[08:11] <bla2> firefox经常断网,擦擦
[08:12] <bla2> 这是在让我用chrome吗
[08:12] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 难道 iMadper 放假回家了?
[08:13] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 有可能.
[08:13] <iMadper> bla2: fx比chrome稳定多了
[08:13] <nyfair> git,某个branch只有一次commit,能不能把这个branch转换成一个tag?
[08:14] <nyfair> iMadper: 试下win10自带的那个吧
[08:14] <iMadper> nyfair: 没win10...
[08:14] <bla2> iMadper: 经常打不开网页呀,firefox
[08:15] <bla2> nyfair: 可以吧,tag不是随便打吗
[08:16] <roylez> QiongMangHuo: 阿裆
[08:16] <bla2> onlylove 你这不停的掉呀
[08:20] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 昨天那个音箱值得买吗? 他配套的功放给推荐一个撒
[08:20] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 值.
[08:20] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 我看了, 值
[08:20] <hoxily> bla2: 我的电脑的过热断电保护行为发生了.
[08:21] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 套装呢?
[08:21] <^k^> HowIsItGoing: ⇪ 【JBLCINEMA510CN音响+AVR-X500功放】JBL CINEMA510CN音响+天龙 AVR-X500功放 5.1家庭影院套装 黑色【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 3999.00
[08:21] <hoxily> bla2: 需要拆机清理灰尘?
[08:25] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 可以, 入门的x500, 不过推这套卫星箱子够了
[08:25] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 重点是这种不好布线.
[08:25] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 为毛?
[08:26] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 你五个卫星箱要分散摆放...
[08:26] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 我已经留好后置的挂墙孔了
[08:26] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 你如果还没装修, 刻意弄
[08:26] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 哦, 那可以...
[08:26] <iMadper> 这毛毛输入法....
[08:26] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 准备前置也挂墙
[08:26] <bla2> hoxily 不知道
[08:26] <bla2> hoxily: 我还没遇到过
[08:27] <hoxily> 哦
[08:27] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 壕
[08:27] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 给跪了
[08:27] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: ……
[08:28] <bla2> iMadper: 这个怎么样
[08:28] <^k^> bla2: ⇪ 【艾利和AK240 Gold 256GBHiFi便携音乐播放器】艾利和(Iriver) AK240 Gold 256GBHiFi便携音乐播放器 终极音质 支持DSD128 形象化投影设计 黄金版【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 17888.00
[08:29] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 音箱线长度不一致其实没问题吧?
[08:29] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 没问题....
[08:29] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 现在唯一的麻烦就是走线走不成一样长的线
[08:29] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 还有无线的卫星箱, 距离不同, 也没问题...
[08:32] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 波士顿声学也有一套跟x500的套装.
[08:33] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 屋子不大, 用那个也行.
[08:33] * HowIsItGoing 二逼京东,套餐3999,分开买3079
[08:33] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 20平,用哪个?
[08:34] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 哪个都行, 波士顿声学(的名字)听起来更装逼一些. JBL声音更饱满.
[08:34] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 这种东西难道不应该去实体店一锅端么?
[08:35] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 对啊, 去把实体店买下来
[08:35] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 实体店还要跑跑跑,盛京又不像帝都店面那么多货那么全
[08:35] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: ……
[08:35] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 那就这个了,下单去
[08:36] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 音频线线有推荐么?
[08:36] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 没, 我不信线材这个玄学.
[08:36] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 那就挑便宜买了
[08:36] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 只有电源线需要考虑, 音频线非平衡的都不好.
[08:36] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 平衡线需要有平衡口, 贵
[08:37] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 其实只需要考虑抗干扰, 别的都是胡扯, 不知道为啥卖这么贵...
[08:37] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper:
[08:37] <^k^> O0XX|Qiong: ⇪ 【声缪斯A400-MINI03006音频线】声缪斯(SONMUSE) A400-MINI03006 迷你型3.5mm转2RCA左右声道音频分频线 1.83米【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 178.20
[08:37] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing:
[08:37] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 算了,听不懂,随便买了,只要能出声就行
[08:38] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 随便买吧
[08:38] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 有钱也不用烧在线材上...
[08:38] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper: 有钱就是要烧在任何的地方
[08:38] <iMadper> O0XX|Qiong: 赞赞哒
[08:38] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 没钱,我都打算入2.1的电脑音箱来着
[08:40] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 哦, 买个平衡线吧
[08:40] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 美国超时空(Tara labs) Pr.The Zero GOLD平衡发烧级音频信号线-淘宝网 pp: 144000.00 - 1444000.00
[08:43] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: happyaron iMadper O0XX|Qiong 四个装修壕....
[08:44] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 我是推荐壕
[08:44] <O0XX|Qiong> happyaron: 你也买房啦?
[08:44] <gebjgd> happyaron, 这么快都落户帝都了
[08:44] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: ……
[08:44] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: ……
[08:44] <HowIsItGoing> happyaron: 这么快都落户帝都了
[08:44] * QiongMangHuo 苦恼
[08:44] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 你何去何从
[08:44] * O0XX|Qiong 给壕跪了
[08:45] <QiongMangHuo> gebjgd: 白胖萌渡我!
[08:45] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 技术移民啊
[08:45] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 投suse
[08:45] <QiongMangHuo> 蓉蓉装修的不是自己的窝好像
[08:54] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu:
[08:54] <^k^> QiongMangHuo: ⇪ 你信不信?必应又来预测英超联赛的最终排名了!_Microsoft Bing 必应_cnBeta.COM
[08:55] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 不科學
[09:06] * QiongMangHuo btrfs的子卷, 快照和压缩还是很爽的 cc roylez
[09:06] <nyfair> 诸君,这种c++写法怎么转成古典的c89写法
[09:06] <nyfair> XXOO xxoo = {.xx=xxoo_xx, .oo=xxoo_oo};
[09:06] <nyfair> 麻蛋,c++早忘光了
[09:06] <roylez> QiongMangHuo: 有毛用?
[09:06] <QiongMangHuo> roylez: 逼格高
[09:07] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: 老司机教教我
[09:07] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: c++的c89?
[09:07] <nyfair> 嗯
[09:07] <nyfair> 上面那种写法老的编译器不支持
[09:08] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: struct complex_struct z1 = { .y = 4.0 };
[09:08] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 应该没啥错啊
[09:09] * QiongMangHuo 当年我严格按C89要求自己, 写了两年, 快成仙了都
[09:09] <palomino|working> .....
[09:10] <nyfair> 这之前有typedef struct {int *xx(), int *oo*()} XXOO
[09:10] <palomino|working> ....
[09:10] <nyfair> 我也不知道是啥,反正vc2015能过,gcc4.9也能过,但是vc2012过不了
[09:11] <nyfair> 反正8成是c++标准的锅
[09:11] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: c++不会啊
[09:11] * QiongMangHuo 我很笨, typedef用的很糟糕
[09:12] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 可能是不让你用typedef那么写吧
[09:14] <QiongMangHuo> "日前,雪豹突击队在京展开了一场以解救人质、打击恐怖分子为主要内容的紧急演练,成员们携武器装备紧急出动,不料遇京开高速严重堵车,所有人员改乘地铁4号线到达演练地点…"
[09:16] <archl> QiongMangHuo, ... 光通信就好了。延时 0.01s的无人飞行器
[09:33] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: O0XX|Qiong iMadper` 发饷了么?
[09:33] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 发了
[09:33] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 但是我奖金没发 快哭了
[09:34] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 艹,忘存理财了,少了三天收益
[09:34] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 大户!
[09:34] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 15.04 • 求助:ubuntu自带的firefox无法在退出时保存标签 刚装的15.04 64bit版,自带firefox,用了几天,安装过翻墙插件,同步过firefox帐户。 不知何时出现firefox启动后无法读取上次退出时标签的问题,但windows上的同步帐户firefox仍然正常
[09:34] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 据说昨天就发了
[09:38] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 你改了ss的密码?
[09:38] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 先前挂了一下啊
[09:38] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 你那个ss
[09:39] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 没改密码
[09:39] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 你重启
[09:39] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: .
[09:40] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 蚊子肉也是肉
[09:40] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 大户!
[09:40] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 蚊子肉也是肉
[09:40] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 大户!
[09:41] * QiongMangHuo 准备下班, 买个红包去
[09:42] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 下班了, 域名是
[09:43] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 趣多多原来是清真食品。
[09:43] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 必须的
[09:43] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 好高端
[09:43] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 高端的才能是清真视频
[09:43] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 食品
[09:44] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 清真食品都是高端的
[09:55] <HowIsItGoing> happyaron: 壕乃布线的时候找到千兆交换机了嘛?
[09:55] <^k^> 新 启动和引导 • 开机显示的grub>怎么去掉?? RT, 前一阵子因为给c盘分区的原因导致了这个现象.....从网上各种扒搂发帖各种尝试都不管用, 到最后作业都没弄出来... 终于放弃了, 从windows里把原ubuntu的未分配空间分了个盘就当删除ubuntu了. 那么我现
[10:27] <^k^> 新 游戏和游戏模拟器 • dota2延迟不稳定啊 ping值经常在20到1000之间跳,而且频率比较快,没办法玩啊。我用的是校园网,在win下面虽然也有延迟,但是不明显。ubuntu15.04下面完全不能用啊,除了中文显示不能的问题,其他也就没什么了,但为什么延
[10:27] <^k^> ─> 迟这么跳啊。国服。 zz: 慕荒城 — 2015-04-30 18:26
[10:40] <AGfeather> c能干什么,举个栗子,我三年JAVA开发了,想转行
[10:41] <cleamoon> 至少java能做的c基本都能
[11:02] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 15.04 • 【求助】ubuntu14.04升级到ubuntu14.10不能进系统 用软件更新选择14.10版本后更启动时停留在启动页面并有乱码 zz: MrScarecrow — 2015-04-30 19:01
[11:55] <^k^> 新 服务器维护和硬件相关 • initctl 拒绝连接,求教如何解决 问题描述:在创建自启动服务时出现以下提示 initctl: 无法连接到 Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: 拒绝连接 我按照网上说的做了以下操作 dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl
[13:01] <jiero> 有人在青岛么?
[13:01] <jiero> 明天去青岛玩
[13:35] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 哪个歹徒这么没品
[14:00] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 15.10 • 配置过pppoeconf无法使用图形界面adsl连接 1.配置过pppoeconf后图形界面找不到adsl连接,百度一篇教程: 因为找不到NetworkManager.conf和nm-applet.conf这两个文件,所以没有修复完成。现在
[14:00] <^k^> ─> 重启后能找到adsl连接,但是用的还是pppoeconf的连接。请教如何彻底清除pppoeconf的配置。 …
[14:44] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 15.04 • ubuntu升级后留下的内核可以删吗? UBUNTU升级后在/boot下面留下了好多initrd.img-3.13.0-xx-generic的文件,请问可以删掉码? 如果可以,怎么删才是正确的删法呢? zz: — 2015-04-30 22:43
[15:15] <BuMangHuo> 这么晚还这么多人在啊
[15:16] <gebjgd> BuMangHuo, 等你呢
[15:16] <BuMangHuo> ...
[15:16] <BuMangHuo> gebjgd: 好久不见
[15:16] <eexpss> yun
[15:17] <gebjgd> BuMangHuo, 我天天在呢
[21:47] <Niac> morning
[21:51] <ptpt> 早 | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.533412 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-cn"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-app-devel | [07:03] <davidcalle> Good morning o/
[07:06] <dholbach> good morning
[07:21] <markoo> Do you have someone who approves applications on Ubuntu Software Center? thx
[07:23] <markoo> @davmor2 are you there?
[08:24] <trickvi_> good morning
[08:34] <dholbach> bzoltan, any word on the sdk tools discussion?
[08:34] <dholbach> bzoltan, can we maybe group the topics into two session slots and take it from there, ie schedule more sessions if necessary?
[08:34] <dholbach> I'd really like to announce the snappy related sessions today
[08:35] <dholbach> and I know that the folks in Malta haven't been to accessible :-)
[08:36] <dholbach> zbenjamin, ^ do you know?
[08:36] <bzoltan> dholbach: not really :) they are pretty isolated :)
[08:36] <dholbach> snappy development tools
[08:37] <dholbach> so you need 4 sessions?
[08:37] <bzoltan> dholbach: the SDK tools discussion will go around moving away from the distro releasing to the QtSDK modell. that is the main topic for this cycle. Also the snappy support comes to the picture
[08:38] <dholbach> ok... sorry - I was mostly interested in the snappy tools discussion for now
[08:38] <bzoltan> dholbach: 4? OMG ... no, maybe 2... max 2
[08:38] <dholbach> I'm happy to file blueprints if necessary
[08:38] <bzoltan> dholbach: for the snappy tools we need asac/mvo/etc
[08:38] <dholbach> ok
[08:38] <rickspencer3> bzoltan, I can run an emulator fine from QtCreator, but I can't figure out how to configure things so that I can run apps inside it
[08:39] <dholbach> sorry, I had 4 subjects in mind, but it was 3 you mentioned:
[08:39] <rickspencer3> is there some documentation or anything to help me out?
[08:39] <dholbach> "1) framework definition 2) framework packaging 3) schroot as single point of failure and alternatives"
[08:39] <bzoltan> rickspencer3: the emulators are default good for app deployment
[08:39] <dholbach> if you want, I just call it "Snappy development tools - next steps" or something?
[08:39] <dholbach> ... and we just schedule another session if necessary?
[08:40] <rickspencer3> bzoltan, well mine did not come with a kit, and I get an error when I try to autocreate one
[08:40] <bzoltan> rickspencer3: you need i386 Kit and that Kit need to be assigned to the project. That is all ittakes
[08:40] <rickspencer3> """The supported framework of the device is not known, please make sure to redetect the device features."""
[08:40] <bzoltan> rickspencer3: also, you need to make sure that the fw you use is supported by the device ... what channel you made the emulator?
[08:41] <rickspencer3> bzoltan, the emulator was just there after I upgrade, I think
[08:41] <bzoltan> rickspencer3: I would go with 14.09-proposed and that needs 14.10 fw
[08:41] <rickspencer3> should I delete it and create a new one?
[08:41] <bzoltan> rickspencer3: ohh... you might have some archeologic piece :)
[08:42] <rickspencer3> ok, I'll try to create a new one on 14.09 proposed
[08:42] <bzoltan> rickspencer3: yes, I would create a new one ... either devel-proposed or 14.09-proposed. With devel-proposed you get the 15.04 goodies, but I have heard that latest emulator might act up
[08:43] <dholbach> bzoltan,
[08:43] <bzoltan> rickspencer3: so 14.09 is the safe choice .. only thing it misses is teh qmake support
[08:43] <bzoltan> dholbach: thank you
[08:43] <dholbach> bzoltan, ^ I'll just schedule this one and schedule a followup session if necessary
[08:43] <dholbach> anytime
[08:43] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: you need to make sure the emulator was started at least once.
[08:43] <markoo2> Can you please someone grant my palikaciu for Ubuntu Software Center? Thx
[08:44] <markoo2> Can we ask someone to approve my application for Ubuntu Software Center. Thx
[08:44] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: you maybe remember that the autocreate sometimes created a wrong Kit for a device, e.g. 15.04 vs 14.10
[08:44] * rickspencer3 shrugs
[08:45] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: that was because we did not detect the framework. With the release of the 15.04 fw we needed to make sure that does not happen.
[08:45] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: but framework detection is only possible when the device is on/ emulator is booted
[08:46] <rickspencer3> ok, after I create this emulator I will run it and set it to developer mode and then try to build the framework
[08:46] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: yes
[08:46] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: is it not set to developermode by default?
[08:46] <rickspencer3> I dunno
[08:46] <rickspencer3> I'll see after it is built and I run it
[08:46] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: ok, if you hit some problems let me know
[08:47] <rickspencer3> thanks zbenjamin
[08:47] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: np
[08:47] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: rickspencer3: the emulators are development enabled by default
[08:48] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: i wonder if we can improve that situation and figure out the framework when creating the emulator. But all we have at that point is the channel
[08:48] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: atm the only way to do find out is loop mounting the image
[08:48] * zbenjamin hides
[08:49] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: we discussed that earlier ... we can guess and that can lead to problems. Before the device is up we can not say much about it
[08:49] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: loop mounting? LOL
[08:49] <zbenjamin> :D
[08:49] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: what an ugly solution... but it could work.
[08:49] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: that was a joke !
[08:49] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: you need sudo for that though
[08:50] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: of course
[08:55] <rickspencer3> dang
[08:55] <rickspencer3> I sat through all that, and the emulator did not show up in the list :/
[09:03] <rickspencer3> zbenjamin, any idea what this means?
[09:03] <rickspencer3> click chroot: error: schroot not installed and configured; install click-dev and schroot
[09:04] <rickspencer3> the emulator seems to be there and is launching, thoguh
[09:08] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: did you press refresh? Weird that it did not show up
[09:09] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: apt-get install click-dev schroot
[09:09] <rickspencer3> zbenjamin, I ran it again and it was built quickly and showed in the list
[09:09] <rickspencer3> then when I ran it, ir started, but is blank
[09:09] <rickspencer3> then I ran it again, and it seems to be working
[09:11] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: and no errors while creating it?
[09:12] <rickspencer3> zbenjamin, it says that it created a kit when the emulator was created
[09:12] <rickspencer3> does that sound right?
[09:12] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: probably the Kit was already there
[09:13] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: as soon as you have a chroot on your system, QtC will create a Kit for that.
[09:14] <zbenjamin> *click chroot
[09:14] <rickspencer3> apt-get install click-dev schroot
[09:14] <rickspencer3> ?
[09:15] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: click chroot: error: schroot not installed and configured; install click-dev and schroot <<< to solve that
[09:16] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: seems there is a missing dependency for click-dev
[09:16] <rickspencer3> zbenjamin, ok, done, now what?
[09:16] <rickspencer3> how do I make QtCreator use the emulator to run the apps?
[09:17] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: after that command please restart QtC, then go to the devices page. Do you see the emulator there and does it have a kit or does it show the autocreate button?
[09:18] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: if you see the autocreate button press it, you should get a build chroot created
[09:18] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: now it depends if the project you are going to use is a new or a already configured one
[09:19] <rickspencer3> zbenjamin, it's already configured
[09:19] <rickspencer3> zbenjamin, ok, I need to create a kit first, it looks like
[09:20] <rickspencer3> guess I need to run the emulator first
[09:20] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: ok then you need to press the Project button on the left, then click "Add Kit" and select the Kit you want to add to your project
[09:20] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: if it never ran before yes
[09:20] <rickspencer3> I got an error trying to autocreate
[09:20] <rickspencer3> so, I am running it
[09:23] <rickspencer3> zbenjamin, so I clicked autocreate, and the kit instantly appeared
[09:23] <rickspencer3> I assume it was left on disk from before I updated to 15.04
[09:23] <rickspencer3> ?
[09:23] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: yes most likely
[09:23] <rickspencer3> is it ok, or do I need to delete it and recreate it or something?
[09:24] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: you only need to have one chroot for a fw/arch combination
[09:24] <rickspencer3> ok, trying to run it in the emulator
[09:24] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: normally not, QtC should notify you when there are updates for the chroot though
[09:26] <rickspencer3> zbenjamin, ok, I got it working again
[09:26] <rickspencer3> \o/
[09:27] <zbenjamin> rickspencer3: \o/ awesome
[11:11] <im_> hi
[19:37] <athairus> I got a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 and I want to get core dumps to be generated whenever a program SIGSEGVs
[19:38] <athairus> I followed the wiki and commented out a line in /etc/apport/crashdb.conf
[19:38] <athairus> but there's nothing being put in /var/crash like the wiki claims
[19:38] <athairus> am I missing anything? This is a terminal app
[21:49] <trickvi_> is it possible to call UserMetrics somehow from an html5 app to update the welcome screen with some stats? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.543609 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-devel | [05:38] <pitti> Good morning
[06:07] * pitti checks planet again...
[06:07] <pitti> a name, a name, half a king's ransom for a name!
[06:08] <didrocks> nothing in sight, dear sir
[06:10] <pitti> I like infinity's proposal of "wartier warthog"
[06:12] <infinity> pitti: I prefer wascally wabbit.
[06:12] <infinity> Or wascawy.
[07:06] <dholbach> good morning
[07:06] <diwic> hi! Don't we have a name and archive for w yet?
[07:08] <elfy> diwic: no - not yet
[07:11] <diwic> elfy, ok...I wonder what's taking so long.
[07:15] <elfy> no idea - I'm not Mark ;)
[07:48] <LocutusOfBorg1> bdmurray, ping :)
[07:48] <LocutusOfBorg1> I received a mail regarding a phased-update
[07:48] <LocutusOfBorg1> but I can't login to see it
[07:53] <pitti> wgrant: ah, v-done \o/
[07:53] <LocutusOfBorg1> if anybody can pastebin to me this link
[07:53] <pitti> wgrant: as we do all builds in -proposed, the new mangler is already effective; so we mostly just need to get it into -security now so that we can flip on ddebs in LP?
[07:53] <LocutusOfBorg1> I'll be grateful
[07:53] <LocutusOfBorg1> also and
[07:55] <wgrant> pitti: Indeed, we should published to updates and security and then break lucid^W^Wenable ddebs.
[07:55] <pitti> RIP lucid, it's your last day of duty
[07:55] <wgrant> :'(
[07:55] <pitti> no new gccs for lucid any more :)
[07:55] <wgrant> Hard to believe we're killing off the third LTS already.
[07:56] <wgrant> artigas is still going, though.
[07:56] <wgrant> I don't think its final breath will make it.
[07:56] <wgrant> I'm going to leave it going out of respect, though.
[08:02] <LocutusOfBorg1> lucid ship with kernel 2.6.32, how old I feel
[08:10] <jasabella> hi there :)
[08:12] <jasabella> is the ubuntu kernel tweaked in any way which improves laptop battery life?
[08:30] <LocutusOfBorg1> so nobody with access to
[08:32] <seb128> LocutusOfBorg1, define access? the site works fine for me
[08:33] <Laney> I think you need to be in some team to get at the errors themselves
[08:34] <Laney> LocutusOfBorg1: I think is what you want to do
[09:06] * hyperair wonders if it's possible to restart the system dbus daemon without bringing down the rest of the machine
[09:25] <larsu> hyperair: most things assume that dbus is always available, so probably not
[09:26] <lathiat> dbus api supports gracefully reconnecting but probably this code path is poorly if ever tested in most software :P
[09:31] <hyperair> hmm damnit
[09:31] <hyperair> my dbus daemon is consuming 300MB of memory and i want to reclaim that RAM
[09:40] <Odd_Bloke> slangasek:
[09:52] <LocutusOfBorg1> seb128, Laney the problem is "Sorry, you are not a member of a group that is allowed to see the data from error reports. Please fill out this form to request access."
[09:52] <LocutusOfBorg1> I got two mails from bdmurray bot regarding "Possible regression"
[09:52] <Laney> Suggest you fill out the form
[09:52] <LocutusOfBorg1> I did it :)
[09:53] <Laney> then you'll be able to access these things yourself
[09:53] <Laney> nice
[09:53] <Laney> I don't know who receives those, hopefully shouldn't be long
[09:53] <LocutusOfBorg1> ok, I was wondering about which kind of regression introduced the latest virtualbox update
[09:53] <LocutusOfBorg1> I don't want to have a bad update in the archive
[09:54] <LocutusOfBorg1> I hope somebody will enable me soon
[09:59] <pragomer> how can I set the default language of the ubuntu live cd at gfxboot? it has english as default. where can I change it?
[10:41] <pitti> wgrant, slangasek: do you know whether we need to copy p-c-d to *-security as well? i. e. do the security buildd chroots have -updates enabled?
[10:42] <cjwatson> pitti: We do need to copy it to -security, yes.
[10:48] <shadeslayer> doko_: python 3.4 broken now :'(
[10:51] <LocutusOfBorg1> shadeslayer, in debian is broken too
[10:52] <LocutusOfBorg1>
[10:52] <LocutusOfBorg1> still getting build failures
[10:53] <cjwatson> pitti: Are we otherwise good to go?
[10:54] <pitti> cjwatson: thumbs up from my POV
[10:55] <cjwatson> pitti: Are you able to do the copy? Otherwise I believe I still can
[10:55] <pitti> cjwatson: yes, can do
[10:57] <pragomer> how to set the default language of the ubuntu live cd at gfxboot menu?
[10:57] <cjwatson> put the language code in question in /isolinux/lang
[10:58] <pitti> cjwatson: sent the copy-package command for vivid, waiting for before I copy the others
[10:59] <pitti> cjwatson: ah, it's in, approving
[10:59] <pitti> ok, pending in vivid-security now, doing the others
[10:59] <cjwatson> pitti: you can use --auto-approve on the copy
[11:00] <pitti> nice
[11:00] <pitti> done:
[11:01] <pitti> now only the wobbly walrus task is open
[11:01] <pitti> *nnnng* name!
[11:02] <cjwatson> and we can make sure to copy that before anything else once we open
[11:02] <pitti> don't we want to copy everything from vivid-updates anyway?
[11:02] <cjwatson> indeed, we just don't necessarily do that first
[11:11] <cjwatson> wgrant: We have the fixed pkg-create-dbgsym everywhere except *-RELEASE and lucid now. Can you switch ddebs back on?
[11:12] <wgrant> yep, will do when i'm back from lunch
[11:12] <wgrant> hopefully with a certain word
[11:12] <shadeslayer> LocutusOfBorg1: yeah, that's what I meant
[11:28] <pragomer> In this tutorial they say that language-selection could not be preseeded and has to added to kernel options.
[11:28] <pragomer>
[11:28] <pragomer> in what file do I add that?
[11:48] <slangasek> pitti: the answer is yes, and I've copied them to the security pocket per wgrant
[11:49] <slangasek> pitti: or possibly you did it before I got to it ;)
[12:28] <pitti> slangasek: right, see my conversation with cjwatson 1.5 hours ago; should be all good now
[12:52] <apw> pitti, yo ... could this failure be you ?
[12:53] <pitti> apw: ah, it is
[12:54] <pitti> apw: we introduced a new dh_gencontrol wrapper for dbgsyms for bug 1448247, and it seems that interferes with the manual dbgsym creation in the kernel, argh
[12:55] <apw> pitti, yeah we don't have version skew as far as i know, but ... indeed ... blamo
[12:55] <pitti> apw: is that some PPA?
[12:56] <apw> pitti, yep, the canonical-kernel-team/ubuntu/ppa
[12:57] <wgrant> Oh, hm.
[12:57] <wgrant> Maybe this will break anything that uses dh_strip -p but a non-specific dh_gencontrol?
[12:58] <pitti> apw: filed as bug 1450464
[12:58] <pitti> wgrant: no, pretty special to the kernel package
[12:59] <pitti> as that creates -dbgsyms entirely by itself; so it seems at that point the -dbgsym package dir exists, but not its DEBIAN/control
[12:59] <wgrant> h, right.
[12:59] <pitti> which is a bit odd *after* you call dh_gencontrol
[12:59] <pitti> but I figure the -dbgsym isn't in debian/control
[13:00] <wgrant> IIRC they are, but they are built as debs then renamed to ddebs later.
[13:00] <wgrant> But the rename only happens when the ddeb flag is enabled in LP, IIRC.
[13:03] * pitti goes to fix
[13:04] <pitti> I think I'll let dh_strip place a marker into DEBIAN/, and dh_gencontrol will only process the package if that marker exists
[13:04] <pitti> that seems safest
[13:04] <pitti> that way, if someone else creates a -dbgsym/ our dh_gencontrol won't touch it
[13:04] <wgrant> Yeah, that sounds reasonable.
[13:07] <henrix> pitti: so, if i understood correctly, once that fix is done, i can simply hit the 'retry' button and the kernel should build ok
[13:07] <pitti> henrix: right; I'll test it in before
[13:08] <henrix> pitti: awesome, thanks! do you have an ETA for having that fixed?
[13:08] <pitti> henrix: probably best to subscribe to that bug, then you'll know exactly when what happens?
[13:08] <henrix> pitti: ack, will do
[13:08] <pitti> henrix: shouldn't take more than an hour or two for creating a test and the fix, then rebuilding the kernel
[13:09] <henrix> pitti: ok, cool
[13:09] <pitti> henrix: but landing it everywhere might take until Monday, I'm afraid
[13:09] <pitti> henrix: until then, you can of course copy the fixed mangler into the kernel PPA
[13:09] <cjwatson> pitti: why so long?
[13:09] <cjwatson> this seems like it can be a pretty quick test job
[13:09] <pitti> the kernel takes a while to build, doesn't it?
[13:10] <cjwatson> yeah, but would be ready by tomorrow
[13:10] <cjwatson> and I really want new ddebs switched on for W opening
[13:10] <pitti> yeah
[13:10] <pitti> well, let me do that fix first
[13:10] <cjwatson> and TBH an x86 kernel isn't going to take *that* long
[13:10] <pitti> I'll try to get online tomorrow for some time, but we have some things planned
[13:12] <cjwatson> pitti: can William and I sort it out if it looks plausible?
[13:12] <pitti> of course
[13:12] <pitti> it's mostly the SRU/verification mechanics at that point
[13:14] <pitti> cjwatson: anyway, this doesn't block the ddeb flag in LP, does it?
[13:15] <pitti> cjwatson: seems the kernel build will break either way
[13:15] <cjwatson> pitti: I guess that's true, so wgrant could turn that on any time
[13:15] <pitti> *nod*
[13:16] <doko> jamespage, are the openstack packages for 14.04 already compatible with python 2.7.9?
[13:24] <pitti> ok, reproduced with a simple test case
[13:26] <wgrant> Right, given this dseems under control and irrelevant, I might flip it all back on and watch for fireworks.
[13:35] <wgrant> cjwatson: (not enabling it on the silos until the next LP ndt, since the API to make it less arduous is in the rev after what's on prod now)
[13:56] <pitti> wgrant: btw, I cleared about an hour ago, but it still says "1.9 GiB (95.91%) of 2.0 GiB"
[13:57] <pitti> wgrant: can I still build a kernel there, or will that fail with ENOSPC or so?
[13:58] <cjwatson> wgrant: yup
[13:59] <cjwatson> pitti: probably waiting for garbage collection; I've doubled its quota
[13:59] <pitti> thanks
[13:59] <pitti> hm, where did my dput to the PPA go..
[13:59] <pitti> henrix, cjwatson, wgrant: test case and fix are in bzr, uploaded to PPA; once it appears and is published I'll copy the kernel there for a test-build
[14:00] <henrix> pitti: great, thanks
[14:02] <pitti> wgrant: hm, might I have broken something by deleting all the packages and uploading ../pkg-create-dbgsym_0.66pitti1_source.changes ? it's a newer version than what I had before, but so far I neither got an accept nor reject
[14:02] <pitti> and it's been 7 minutes now, it usually appears in one minute or so
[14:03] <pitti> ah, and of course there it is, sorry for the noise
[14:28] <pitti> cjwatson, wgrant, henrix: trusty/utopic/vivid SRUs uploaded, vivid kernel building in PPA; the precise backport still causes some trouble, I'll look after that later; I need to run out for a bit for some errands
[14:32] <bdmurray> LocutusOfBorg1: I get the form emails as of recently and will sort out your accesss
[14:34] <bdmurray> LocutusOfBorg1: you should be able to access one of the crashes now, two of them OOPS and I'll look into that today
[14:34] <bdmurray>
[14:43] <LocutusOfBorg1> <3
[15:04] <LocutusOfBorg1> bdmurray, Linux 3.19.0-031900-generic x86_64
[15:04] <LocutusOfBorg1> the users have a too new kernel that is preventing dkms from compiling
[15:05] <LocutusOfBorg1> so at least is invalid
[15:25] <fginther> pitti, do you know why 'build-essential' is explicitly added to the trusty adt testbeds?
[15:26] <fginther> pitti, it is not added to utopic or vivid
[15:27] <fginther> jibel, perhaps you know? ^
[15:39] <infinity> fginther: Because it was there (unintentionally) during trusty development, so there are tests that depend on it, and making the testbed consistent with when the tests were written is easier/saner than auditing all the tests.
[15:40] <pitti> fginther: right, what infinity said; mostly for avoiding breaking trusty tests
[15:40] <fginther> infinity, thanks, that was what I needed to know
[15:41] <pitti> now a lot of them are broken for different reasons :/ but it did help for some at least
[15:41] <infinity> pitti: Where are we at with pkg-create-dbgsym blocking the kernel? Should I just copy your -proposed uploads to the kernel PPA, so they can be unblocked while we validate?
[15:42] <pitti> infinity: I'm doing test builds in
[15:42] <pitti> infinity: sure, we can copy it there, too
[15:42] <pitti> infinity: I haven't tested it with a full kernel yet, just with the small test case (but the error there was exactly the same)
[15:43] <infinity> pitti: Is there a worse potential failure mode than an FTBFS? Cause I'm okay with burning CPU on a potential FTBFS, less keen on a broken build result.
[15:45] <pitti> infinity: can hardly get worse indeed
[15:51] <infinity> pitti: Okay, all accepted to -proposed. As soon as the binaries publish, I'll copy to the ckt PPA and retry their failed builds.
[15:51] <pitti> infinity: precise is in the queue as well now (although I wouldn't mind waiting for the test build first -- you can copy p-c-d from my PPA to the kernel PPA rather?)
[15:51] <infinity> pitti: Too late. :P
[15:51] <pitti> ok :)
[18:27] <barry> doko, bdmurray check your email. i think i have the solution
[18:45] <bdmurray> barry: in that conversation, about python-pip, I'd asked about gathering better information with apport. Do you think getting the ~/.pip/pip.log would help? I just happened to run across a report with pip install httpie so got lucky there
[18:46] <barry> bdmurray: i don't think it necessarily helps. i understand what's going on now.
[18:47] <bdmurray> barry: I don't mean with this specific situation, but generally for future python-pip issues.
[18:47] <barry> bdmurray: ah, in that case, i think it certainly couldn't hurt
[18:51] <bdmurray> barry: okay, and then are you good with overriding the regression since the same issue exists with the release version of python-pip?
[18:53] <barry> bdmurray: i think i don't understand what "override the regression" means. does it just mean that the two errors will land in the same bucket?
[18:59] <bdmurray> barry: it means that the update of python-pip has stopped phasing and only reached 10% of users - If we override the errors then it will start rephasing at 20%.
[19:00] <bdmurray> and might stop again if new errors are found
[19:00] <barry> bdmurray: then i'm tempted not to override yet. i want to see what doko thinks about my proposed solution (make python-pip depend on python-pip-whl). until that happens i think we'll just keep getting errors, albeit perhaps infrequently
[19:01] <bdmurray> barry: got it | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.549288 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-installer | [08:45] <nebuchadnezzar> Hello
[08:45] <nebuchadnezzar> In fact, I do not manage to preseed keyboard :-/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.551040 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-installer"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-ops | AlexEagle8128: 3 suggestions. run it as root. format the usb and do it again. use unetbooting instead of startup disk creator.
[09:33] <k1l_> that is 180° against what i would suggest.
[10:56] <hfdhfhfhurururhf> Yop
[10:56] <hfdhfhfhurururhf> Yo
10.04 EOLs today, yes
[16:52] <k1l_> the info i find says 29th april. so its EOD already
[21:24] <genii> Jordan_U: Hah.. I was formulating pretty much the same thing to say to them
[21:25] <Jordan_U> genii: Great minds think alike (and sometimes people like us do also :)
[21:27] <genii> Well, now I know there's some other eyes in there I can go do my banking :)
[23:54] <daftykins> be nice if someone would +q XYZAFFA1R right about now | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.555623 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ops"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-dz | [13:33] <elacheche> ping guys! can you please join us on #ubuntu-africa & #ubuntu-arabic → And please make sure to add those channels to you favorite ones! | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.559263 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-dz"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-qc | [01:07] <Jake1> !bonjour
[01:07] <Jake1> j ai beau choisir le bon fuseau horraire, mon lubuntu n affiche pas la bonne heure
[01:43] <YvesLevier> Jake1: Ubuntu 14.04?
[02:14] <Ankman> fuseau horaire? list of time zones?
[02:23] <YvesLevier> Ankman: Ank
[02:23] <YvesLevier> som1 need help - too for me
[02:23] <YvesLevier> have some time for him?
[02:24] <YvesLevier> he has 1600Mhz with 2Go
[02:24] <YvesLevier> he absolutely wants to use Lubuntu
[02:24] <YvesLevier> and he is reinstalling all the time
[02:26] <Jake1> 1080p on dvi screen
[02:27] <Jake1> 1080p streaming on DVI screen
[02:27] <YvesLevier> if Ank is free... Lemme see for som1 else in case he is buzy
[02:30] <YvesLevier> Je trouve personne. Il est peut-être un peu tard.
[02:30] <YvesLevier> Mais c'est très-très anormal que tu aies à réinstaller tout le temps. J'ai roulé six ans avec Lucid sans réinstaller
[02:31] <YvesLevier> Jake1: Je n'utilise pas smplayer. Il te faudra qq'un de plus calé que moi.
[02:32] <Jake1> YvesLevier, merci quand meme
[02:34] <YvesLevier> Ank is good enough. Tu peux aussi chercher Calinou ou ElectronLibre
[02:34] <YvesLevier> Ils parlent français et sont très bons.
[02:35] <YvesLevier> Ils sont probablement au lit à cette heure-ci
[02:35] <YvesLevier> Désolé. Ton problème dépasse mes connaissances. Bonne nuit :)
[02:35] <Ankman> got to go now. let's try this tomorrow if you cannot find a solution
[02:36] <Ankman> bonne nuit
[02:36] <YvesLevier> T'as entendu Jake?
[02:36] <YvesLevier> Ank est ton homme
[02:36] <Ankman> streaming media? vlc, mplayer...
[02:36] <YvesLevier> Gnite
[02:36] <Ankman> gnite
[02:36] <YvesLevier> Jake1: ^
[02:37] <Jake1> Gnite
[02:37] <Jake1> ok
[02:38] <Jake1> i ll be there
[18:50] <Ankman> bjour
[18:58] <MagicFab> Ankman, o/
[19:04] <Ankman> salut
[19:38] <cyphermox> salut!
[19:44] <Ankman> cyphermox: salut
[19:47] <cyphermox> Ankman: ca va?
[19:48] <Ankman> oui, toi?
[20:49] * Ankman loves linux error messages...
[20:49] <Ankman> Ouch! Got SIGSEGV, dying.. ▒Segmentation fault
[20:50] <Ankman> lol
[21:10] <cyphermox> moo?
[21:11] <cyphermox> Ankman: btw, apt-get moo moo moo
[21:39] <Ankman> cyphermox: haha
[21:39] <Ankman> nice one, never seen this | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.566930 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-qc"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-no | [08:23] <Malinux> winb: testet i en vm, får den Failed to retrive list of servers selv
[08:23] <Malinux> Debian 7.8
[08:34] <RoyK> Malinux: hm...?
[09:10] <RoyK> Samling på bitraf 1700, da...
[09:50] <Malinux> RoyK: jepp. _It is :) I'll be there + Mathias og RoyK kommer også en tur, har jeg hørt :) Om vi blir flere *buntufolk der, det vet jeg jo ikke
[10:33] <Malinux> winb: kan se ut som feilen både du og jeg fikk, var forbigående, for det virker igjen nå, i alle fall hos meg.
[10:35] <RoyK> Malinux: dr0 kommer visst
[10:36] <Malinux> kult :D
[11:18] <Mathias>
[11:18] <Mathias> RoyK: ↑
[11:19] <Mathias> (grep på ata / pci / PCI, så ser du feilmeldingene)
[11:52] <RoyK> [ 82.481392] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)
[11:52] <RoyK> ?
[13:12] <Mathias> aner ikke hva jeg gjorde, men nå funker ssden igjen
[13:47] <RoyK> heh | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.574677 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-no"
} |
2015-04-30-#launchpad | [16:23] <dpm> hi cjwatson, is there any known issue with translation imports from bzr? In my experience they tend to take 20 mins to 1h to get imported, but we're looking at this import queue and it's been a couple of hours of them in the Approved but not Imported status:
[16:28] <cjwatson> dpm: It appears to be trying to import ...
[16:28] <cjwatson> Has been for a few hours
[16:28] <dpm> oh?
[16:28] <cjwatson> 24.5 MB
[16:29] <dpm> why is it trying to import another branch?
[16:29] <cjwatson> I mean that's what the importer is busy doing
[16:29] <dpm> oh, I see
[16:29] <dpm> so just blocking on that one and I should just wait until that job is finished
[16:31] <dpm> wow, that's a whooping big .pot template with 18.6 MB...
[16:32] <cjwatson> right, I confess I haven't actually checked to see if it's definitely still running, but I could well believe that poimport is plodding along inserting one at a time.
[16:32] <wgrant> poimport is ridiculously slow
[16:32] <wgrant> It mostly depends on number of entries rather than size.
[19:28] <cjwatson> poimport unwedged a while back, it seems. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.578097 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#launchpad"
} |
2015-04-30-#kubuntu | [00:24] <pandark> hi
[00:25] <pandark> somone can explein me why plasma5 is full of bugs ?
[00:38] <juan__> hi
[00:38] <VTREIS> hi
[00:44] <sithlord48> DANtheBEASTman: any reason to not upgrade to 15.04?
[00:49] <yzm> hello
[00:50] <yzm> 11
[00:51] <juan__> anyone knows how to recover "open console here" option in dolphin?
[00:51] <juan__> i'm using Kubuntu 15.04
[00:51] <sithlord48> juan__: press F4?
[00:52] <juan__> :O!!!!
[00:52] <juan__> thanks :D
[00:53] <sithlord48> most filebrowsers on linux have a similar option usually F4
[00:54] <pandark> it's possible to use different desktop for eather multidesktop ?
[00:54] <pandark> in plasma5
[00:54] <pandark> kubuntu 15.04
[00:54] <sithlord48> pandark: that i don't know i just span my desktop to both my monitors
[00:56] <pandark> this option is in kde5
[00:56] <sithlord48> and juan__ to answer your question that was most likley a service menu . you can get more services menus from within dolphin settings->configure dolphin -> services -> download new services
[00:56] <pandark> not in kde5
[00:56] <yzm> 请问升级15.04之后会不会出现现有的有线网卡无法驱动的问题?
[00:56] <sithlord48> sorry yzm i don't speak that language
[00:57] <pandark> go google translate
[00:57] <sithlord48> pandark: its posible taht it has not been added in kde5
[00:57] <pandark> ok sithlord48
[00:57] <sithlord48> where was that option in kde4?
[00:57] <juan__> thank you sithlord48 :D
[00:57] <sithlord48> juan__: you are welcome
[00:57] <cyclick> I upgraded to 15.04 and my shorcuts in the bottom panel along with my keyboard languages disappeared.... is that a bug?
[00:57] <pandark> i dont remember
[00:57] <pandark> in desktop behevior probaly
[00:58] <sithlord48> cyclick: no kde5 has a different config files then kde4
[00:59] <sithlord48> cyclick: you will most likley have to reconfigure your plasma and some other kde releated parts.
[01:00] <cyclick> ok thanks sithlord48, do you happen to know how I can re-add my keyboard languages next to the systray? I can't find it
[01:01] <sithlord48> cyclick: system settings _> input Devices -> keyboard -> Layouts?
[01:02] <sithlord48> cyclick: you might also have to add a widget maybe not ported to plasma5 yet . or it could just show up in systray area
[01:03] <cyclick> got it, thanks sithlord48
[01:03] <sithlord48> pandark: i think this setting was in the Workspaces part of Desktop Behavior? you maybe want to ask in #kde-dev if that is supported in plasma5
[01:03] <sithlord48> cyclick: you welcome
[01:05] <pandark> ok thank you sithlord48
[01:05] <yzm> 15.04 Ethernet card driver can not compatible with Qualcomm Atheros AR8132 Fast Ethernet?
[01:06] <cyclick> I wonder why the konsole icon in the taskbar is now gray instead of black, that does not make much sense
[01:06] <sithlord48> cyclick: new icon theme you can change that back to oxygen iirc
[01:08] <cyclick> sithlord48: great, I didn't remember that a theme changed app icons too, thanks
[01:09] <sithlord48> yzm: that should work you need the driver alx (quick searching online)
[01:34] <gunndawg> Are there any 3rd party VOIP programs that can utilize your skype login and contacts? I cant seem to figure out how to adjust the font size on the Kubuntu version of Skype
[01:35] <Etriaph> gunndawg: Skype is Skype, you should contact them about how to get it done.
[01:35] <gunndawg> Etriaph: I doubt they're going to take time for that. Figured it was a good enough question for here
[01:36] <gunndawg> Facebook is Facebook, MSN is MSN, ICQ is ICQ but Pidgin still did a 3rd party program to allow you to access all your contacts within those programs. I figured maybe there was a 3rd party Skype that does the same thing
[01:39] <Dragnslcr> gunndawg: Kopete has an option to add a Skype account, but I've never used it for Skype, so I can't say how well it works.
[01:39] <Etriaph> When I said Skype was Skype, you need to understand that Kubuntu has no way to affect the quality, configurability or distribution of that software. Skype can help you if you email them about it I'm sure. They release a version for Linux, I'm assuming they're supporting it too.
[01:39] <gunndawg> Dragnslcr: I'll take a look. Thanks!
[01:40] <gunndawg> Etriaph: Understood. Thank you.
[01:41] <Etriaph> sithlord48: What was the question you had?
[01:42] <sithlord48> Etriaph: where can i put my splash screen for plasma5? used to be ~/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/themes or something like that
[01:43] <Etriaph> Oh, well, is it built for plasma 5?
[01:43] <sithlord48> Etriaph: its QML splash
[01:43] <Etriaph> sithlord48: Let me do some digging.
[01:43] <Etriaph> sithlord48: Please hold.
[01:43] <sithlord48> Etriaph: cool thanks
[01:50] <blubberbop> pandark: I know the feeling, at kubuntu 10.xx I could install alphas and it would work reasonably stable, ever since 14.04, if I install the final release version, I'm already happy when my machine boots up
[01:50] <blubberbop> pandark: I think the best option is to not install the latest version until like at least one month after the release when all the major bugs are fixed
[01:50] <blubberbop> pandark: and don't do upgrade
[01:51] <blubberbop> Anybody who knows how I can restart the plasma desktop? It crashed, I see no plasma objects, just the desktop background and the windows... In kde4 I could run plasma-desktop and it would restart, but how in kde5?
[01:51] <Etriaph> sithlord48: Look in /usr/share/ksplash/Themes/
[01:52] <Etriaph> sithlord48: My 15.04 setup has three themes in there, QML themes.
[01:53] <sithlord48> Etriaph: those are kde4
[01:53] <sithlord48> i don't see any of them in my system settings nor do i see the breeze one in that directory..
[01:54] <Etriaph> Hmm.
[01:54] <sithlord48> Etriaph: i think i have answered my own question
[01:54] <Etriaph> Oh?
[01:54] <sithlord48> /usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/
[01:55] <sithlord48> seams i need to make a desktop theme.
[01:56] <Etriaph> Oh, it's tied to the plasma theme?
[01:56] <Etriaph> That makes sense, though, wrt continuity.
[01:57] <sithlord48> i guess its an over all one system settings -> workspace theme -> look and feel
[01:57] <Etriaph> You could probably default the workspace theme to another.
[01:57] <Etriaph> With a symbolic link or something.
[01:58] <sithlord48> that is ok i can just copy it and see if i can get it working correctly
[01:58] <Etriaph> Or make a brand new desktop theme and put it on kde-look :D
[01:58] <sithlord48> i would but the one i plan to make has images of a non free nature
[02:00] <valorie> pandark: I upgraded to the beta, and have had a great experience
[02:01] <valorie> of course there are bugs; that's why "beta"
[02:01] <valorie> and I reported them, and most are fixed now
[02:01] <valorie> "blubberbop" was talking nonsense
[02:02] <sithlord48> what beta software can have bugs.. ????!!
[02:02] <valorie> heh
[02:03] <sithlord48> i guess if you don't know about how software is developed maybe?
[02:03] <valorie> I'm not asserting that the release was bug-free
[02:03] <sithlord48> what release is?
[02:03] <valorie> only that I've had a good experience
[02:03] <valorie> 14.04 was so good it was boring
[02:03] <gunndawg> valorie: I went back to 14.04
[02:04] <sithlord48> seams every time i release i find something new lol
[02:04] <gunndawg> valorie: I was having Plasma crash at least twice an hour, randomly not even booting at all (just a black screen), etc, etc. Got tired of it, went back to 14.04
[02:04] <valorie> for those who prefer Plasma 4, or need a lot of stability, that's why we have LTS
[02:04] <valorie> and it's supported for 5 years
[02:05] <valorie> gunndawg: are you using nvidia?
[02:05] <gunndawg> valorie: Yes
[02:05] <Etriaph> I've had nothing but a good experience so far. The one bug that's been in dolphin for a while is still getting me down, but other than that.
[02:05] <sithlord48> yeah ms.sith made me put 14.04 back on her laptop.. it was laggy
[02:05] <valorie> seems like most of the problems reported come down to nvidia
[02:05] <gunndawg> valorie: Then I suppose I fell under that same umbrella then. I'll give it time and try it again. For now 14.04 runs like a dream
[02:06] <sithlord48> i have had good results on my other machines. they are all amd. hers in intel gpu
[02:06] <valorie> it is a pity dolphin isn't ported yet, I agree
[02:06] <Etriaph> I have an Nvidia 750 GTX, no issues.
[02:06] <sithlord48> yeah dolphin is gonna be very nice when it makes it to KF5
[02:06] <Etriaph> valorie: Still can't save a place! :(
[02:06] <valorie> the next applications release will probably fix that
[02:06] * Etriaph eagerly awaits it.
[02:06] <valorie> I do miss that feature, yes
[02:06] <gunndawg> Etriaph: I'm running an Nvidia 760GTX and like I said sometimes I would boot and only a black screen and cursor, nothing else. Othertimes plasma would just crash, flash the screen and get the bug splat prompt. Once in a while would be fine, but this was happening hourly
[02:07] <valorie> I've not checked the bug reports about that though
[02:07] <valorie> have you, Etriaph?
[02:07] <Etriaph> valorie: It's a low-priority but in launchpad.
[02:07] <valorie> gunndawg: that sounds grim
[02:07] <Etriaph> s/but/bug
[02:07] <Etriaph> And it's confirmed and outstanding
[02:07] <Etriaph> But Dolphin in this release is still KDE4
[02:07] <valorie> well, I would check bko - it isn't a Kubuntu problem
[02:07] <valorie> it is a KDE problem
[02:07] <Etriaph> I'm assuming it's affecting those running Plasma 4 still
[02:07] <gunndawg> valorie: No big deal. I'm happy on 14.04 for the moment and will give 15.04 time to mature and try it again :)
[02:08] <valorie> right
[02:08] <valorie> we have lots of time before the next LTS to polish, polish, polish
[02:08] <gunndawg> indeed
[02:08] <valorie> help is always welcome
[02:08] <sithlord48> i have a strange problem with gwenview right now.. when i open an image it opens but the title bar for gwen view spans the entire screen
[02:09] <gunndawg> valorie: infact if this clues you into anything. One thing that would crash plama is simply dragging a program icon to the panel menu to create a shortcut. 100% of the time, bug splat
[02:09] <Etriaph> valorie: Let me see if bko has a bug for this.
[02:09] <valorie> sithlord48: unfortunately I do not see a gwenview chan, so you might check in #kde-devel
[02:10] <valorie> when the europeans are awake
[02:10] <valorie> gunndawg: that isn't supported in Plasma 5
[02:11] <gunndawg> valorie: define "supported" because the icons would show up in the panel, only after plasma5 crashed first
[02:11] <valorie> it's sort of hard to figure out, but you right-click on the icon/tab in the panel, and say "use launcher" or some such
[02:11] <gunndawg> so drag icon to panel, let Plasma5 crash, once its back up, icon is there as intended
[02:11] <valorie> lol
[02:11] <valorie> bizarre
[02:12] <valorie> it never crashes with the right-click method
[02:12] <valorie> but it took me awhile to figure it out
[02:12] <gunndawg> valorie: I was never aware of a right-click method. I'll try it once I am brave enough to try 15.04 again
[02:12] <valorie> gunndawg: I think it's new
[02:12] <valorie> I've not seen it before either
[02:12] <gunndawg> valorie: fair enough
[02:14] <Etriaph> Oh, I guess that's never been logged on bko.
[02:14] <Etriaph> Doing that now.
[02:14] <pandark> ok thanks valorie blubber
[02:14] <valorie> Etriaph: be sure to link your report to the launchpad one
[02:15] <valorie> bizarre that it's not on bko
[02:16] <valorie> pandark: when you do run across bugs, *please* report them
[02:16] <valorie> we rely on our faithful users to contribute that way
[02:17] <gunndawg> valorie: as I brought up before. I'd be happy to report bugs but too often its not a bug but my own misunderstanding, heh
[02:17] <valorie> well, that's why it's good to chew them over in here
[02:17] <gunndawg> as I do :)
[02:18] <valorie> or even in #kubuntu-devel, if they are tricky
[02:18] <valorie> sometimes hard to know what packagename to file them against
[02:22] <sithlord48> cool it worked :D
[02:23] <Etriaph>
[02:23] <Etriaph> Seem simple enough as a bug description?
[02:28] <Etriaph> bbiab
[02:29] <valorie> Etriaph: I will test, and confirm there
[02:29] <valorie> thank you
[02:40] <Etriaph> np
[02:41] <MobileRoey> hi!!
[03:15] <MobileRoey> Hi
[03:15] <MobileRoey> with SDDM ,
[03:16] <MobileRoey> I get this screen that lets me specify the environment (KDE, XFCE ,FVWM, etc.) but there's no username/password field
[03:16] <MobileRoey> How do I resolve this?
[03:17] <Etriaph> The user list is visual
[03:17] <Etriaph> You should be able to click the user you want to login as.
[03:17] <Etriaph> Oh, not online.
[06:21] <thelionroars> Wallet problems after upgrade to 15.04 :( I can open the wallet so I know I am using the correct password, but I keep getting an error 'possible incorrect password' when trying to use the wizard to transfer to the new plasma version. I had no problems at all using the wizard on updating my other device. If anyone can suggest a solution please feel free to highlight me. Cheers
[06:24] <stdin[]> Hallo, does anyone know of a way to toggle font anti aliasing without opening systemsettings again and again
[06:26] <stdin[]> where's that config stored? could make a little script to toggle the value
[06:33] <N3X15> thelionroars, there are lots of issues with 15.04. You're best off just filing a bug report.
[06:34] <thelionroars> ok. In the meantime I'll see if I can recover the passwords from the wallet manually using the interface
[06:35] <N3X15> Make a backup, just in case.
[06:38] <thelionroars> good thinking 99
[07:20] <alvin> So, the systray issues. Will they be resolved, or do we report each appliation separately? (In this case I start several applications automatically at login. KeepassX, owncloud-client and quasselclient. All aplications are set to start minimized. None do since the update to plasma5. Bug in plasma5 or in every separate application?)
[07:20] <N3X15> alvin, likely the former. File a bug report.
[07:21] <N3X15> I know KeePass, for one, uses GTK, and it's probably the GTK support in KDE screwing up
[07:23] <alvin> N3X15: No, it's KeePassX. Doesn't it use Qt?
[07:24] <alvin> yes, depends libqtcore4
[07:24] <N3X15> Ah, I use KeePass2.
[07:25] <alvin> I'm waiting patiently for KeePassX 2.0 :-)
[07:41] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:44] <hyper_ch> lordievader: looks like it... sun is coming out
[07:46] <keithzg> Well damn, that's annoying. Upgraded one of my desktops to 15.04, now I no longer have VTs. But systemctl --failed claims nothing's gone wrong, so I'm at a bit of a loss.
[07:48] <hyper_ch> VTs?
[07:49] <lordievader> Virtual Terminal, TTY ;)
[07:50] <hyper_ch> you mean like ctrl-shift-F2?
[07:50] <keithzg> more like ctrl-alt-F#, but yeah
[07:51] <hyper_ch> works fine
[07:51] <hyper_ch> well, F7 will take you to teh normal gui
[07:51] <keithzg> Well I wasn't expecting it was *universal*, hell they still work on my laptop also running 15.04.
[07:51] <keithzg> But ctl+alt+F1 through F6 all just gets to a blank screen for me now on my desktop.
[07:52] * hyper_ch thinks you're doing it wrong
[07:52] <keithzg> heh
[07:52] <hyper_ch> tried rebooting after upgrading?
[07:53] <hyper_ch> also, my annoying bug list for 15.04 has grown to 15 meanwhile
[07:53] <keithzg> I've rebooted more than once at this point, in part because of this, in part because I installed fglrx-update because the standard fglrx was now getting *really* bad performance in The Talos Principle compared to 14.10.
[07:53] <hyper_ch> I don't even know what gflrx is good for
[07:53] <keithzg> fglrx is the AMD proprietary drivers.
[07:54] <keithzg> So, good for gaming if you have a modern AMD graphics card, is what it's good for.
[07:54] <hyper_ch> ah.... haven't used AMD for a long time
[07:56] <keithzg> I strongly suspect the problem is, or is at least involved with, systemd
[07:56] <alvin> blank screen on TTY's? Wouldn't that be missing KMS support?
[07:56] <keithzg> since VTs are now spawned on-demand when running under systemd
[07:57] <keithzg> alvin: Yeah, maybe. Weird though, since again, it worked fine under 14.10. It's not like my card is new enough to be that unsuported (it's 3 years or so old now)
[07:58] <alvin> Lol, yes. Having an 'older' card usually works better. I took my nVidia card out of my desktop, because I needed to boot twice every time (grub -> blank screen, reboot -> grub, normal boot)
[07:59] <alvin> Have you tried the open source driver? They are usually better at this sort of thing.
[07:59] <keithzg> alvin: Not a valid option, it doesn't perform nearly well enough yet with my card to play modern games.
[07:59] <keithzg> And, again, all this worked fine in 14.10 :(
[08:00] <alvin> Fair enough. That's usually the case.
[08:01] <alvin> I don't use AMD because of their bad BSD support, but isn't the situation in Linux getting better? For the open source driver I mean.
[08:02] <keithzg> Oh, indeed, the open source driver is actually very solid these days.
[08:02] <keithzg> The only place it lags behind is performance.
[08:02] <keithzg> And with truly older cards that's no longer even the case AFAIK.
[08:03] <keithzg> It's one of the reasons I went with AMD for this build; I figure by the time AMD's official support starts to flag, or maybe well before then, the open source driver will have caught up.
[08:03] <keithzg> And it's always WAY less hassle to go with the non-binary-blob drivers.
[08:07] <keithzg> So what's the officially recommended way these days of disabling the fancy boot animations and just getting the actual text?
[08:08] <lordievader> keithzg: Removing "splash quiet" doesn't work?
[08:11] <keithzg> lordievader: Oh, don't get me wrong, that's exactly what I was going to go for. Just wasn't sure if removing those from /etc/default/grub was still the main recommended way, it's been so long since I last did so
[08:12] <keithzg> Nice to know some things haven't changed :)
[08:12] <yossarianuk> well - reinstalled system - 15.04 + 5.3 PPA (with nvidia) this time absolutely fine.
[08:13] <keithzg> Uhhh . . . hmm. Now if I click on "restart" or "shut down" all I get is visual glitches, no actual buttons to choose from to confirm :(
[08:14] <keithzg> At least the 30s timeout eventually kicks in. But that's . . . not convenient!
[08:14] <keithzg> (to be specific: the screen blurs out and dims, except for the central area where the dialog is supposed to be, but no dialog appears)
[08:14] <alvin> yes, removing 'splash' is still valid
[08:15] <alvin> keithzg: Maybe you can find something in the new logs. journalctl
[08:15] <soee> good morning
[08:16] <cup`ocoffee> Good morning :)
[08:16] <cup`ocoffee> I just had a problem on I was not able to identify myself at with my openid from launchpad/ubuntu. Is that a known issue?
[08:17] <keithzg> alvin: Yeah, the systemd journal was my next stop, first was confirming to myself that the opensource drivers work. And indeed, switching to them my VTs come back. So now, back to the proprietary drivers and to see what the logs say...
[08:18] <alvin> Good old open source :-)
[08:18] <yossarianuk> keithzg: did you get this after installing 5.3 on nvidia h/w?
[08:19] <yossarianuk> the problem with using the opensource nvidia drivers is it cuts openGL framerates by about 80%...
[08:20] <yossarianuk> seems silly to spend good money on a card then unclock it by 80%..
[08:20] <keithzg> yossarianuk: Got no nvidia HW left these days, got a bit pissed off with their strategy. I'm all Intel and AMD for graphics now.
[08:20] <yossarianuk> also all free drivers lack opengl4.x support - meaning you simply cannot play the latest steam games.
[08:21] <keithzg> AMD seems to get glitchy for me every second dist upgrade; NVIDIA would outright break for me (as in, no X11 at all) in some new way every single time :P
[08:21] <yossarianuk> keithzg: ok - just sounded exactly the same as I had the day before which is why I asked.
[08:21] <keithzg> yossarianuk: Yeah, that's unfortunately why I'm stuck with fglrx, been playing The Talos Principle and Dying Light, which are both very demanding games.
[08:22] <yossarianuk> if you want good FPS in games for a not insane price you still need nvidia at the min unfortuntely
[08:22] <yossarianuk> and their annoying driver.
[08:22] <keithzg> Well, I got these cards (actually have them in two PCs) back about 3 years ago or so, and at the time in the mid-range it was solidly in AMD's favour.
[08:22] <keithzg> They do seem to trade off every generation or two.
[08:23] <keithzg> And considering how impossible NVIDIA has been making things for nouveau lately, I'm inclined to pay the premium to know I can reliably fall back on the FOSS drivers. But that is admittedly a bit just ideological.
[08:25] * keithzg is the kind of guy whose favourite podcast is Free As In Freedom, heh
[08:25] <lordievader> The Radeon opensource driver is rather nice. If you don't play games.
[08:26] * keithzg laments how much slower systemd is to boot than upstart
[08:27] <lordievader> It does?
[08:27] <lordievader> Here it is the same or faster for as far as I know.
[08:28] <keithzg> Well, in every system I've upgraded to 15.04 it does, yeah. My laptop for example (Chromebook Pixel, first gen) 15.04 starts up nearly instantaneously if I choose upstart, but takes an appreciable amount of time if I leave it at the default of using systemd.
[08:29] <keithzg> And this desktop it's definitely *far* slower than it was before (and it's an i7 3770K, so it's not like it's slow hardware; it previously booted near instantaneously too, now is more like 20 seconds)
[08:29] <lordievader> keithzg: systemd-analyze and 'systemd-analyze blame' ;)
[08:30] <keithzg> lordievader: But I thought it was all supposed to Just Work :P
[08:30] <keithzg> (thanks, I'll check that out. But seriously, systemd really doesn't feel as mature as upstart yet.)
[08:30] <lordievader> It works, doesn't it?
[08:31] <lordievader> Isn't systemd allmost as old as upstart?
[08:31] <lordievader> Upstart is quite young itself ;)
[08:31] <keithzg> Whoa, it took a total of 50 seconds? Yikes.
[08:31] <keithzg> There is no way an i7 3770K should take that long . . . yeesh.
[08:32] <keithzg> lordievader: Oh, they are indeed about the same age. But systemd aims to do FAR more, so is taking longer to mature.
[08:32] <keithzg> There's a reason Google went for, and is sticking with, upstart for ChromeOS.
[08:32] <lordievader> Fair enough.
[08:33] <thelionroars> my desktop is also a 3770k, haven't experienced any slowness starting but I've definitely had occasional freezes where nothing much happens
[08:34] <lordievader> keithzg: Do you run some kind of luks/lvm setup?
[08:34] <thelionroars> the huge text/icons/windows with proprietary Nvidia driver are also annoying as hell
[08:35] <keithzg> lordievader: Nopes, just a very bog standard single ext4 partition.
[08:35] <lordievader> Hmm...
[08:35] <lordievader> What is the output of 'systemd-analyze blame' anyhows?
[08:36] <keithzg> lordievader: Top is "13.150s gpu-manager.service".
[08:36] <lordievader> Now that is a service I never heared of...
[08:37] <keithzg> How do I see the log for a specific service with systemd?
[08:37] <lordievader> keithzg: journalctl -u <service>
[08:38] <keithzg> lordievader: Thanks. Alas, not very helpful log output, just "systemd[1]: Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes..." then "gpu-manager[964]: /etc/modprobe.d is not a file" four times and finishing with "systemd[1]: Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes." which is very poor grammer :P
[08:40] <lordievader> Sounds a bit like a service that would be disabled on a box of mine.
[08:41] <keithzg> General journalctl -b seems to be filled with a long section of ureadahead saying it's ignoring a relative path (pages and pages of this).
[08:41] <keithzg> Still no clue why VTs aren't working. Arghhh!
[08:41] <keithzg> (Well, other than that it involves the fglrx drivers)
[08:42] <yossarianuk> keithzg: I had exactly the same thing (but with nvidia) - I 'solved' by re-installing.
[08:42] <lordievader> It could very well be the kms alvin pointed out, those closed source drivers allways have a problem with kms.
[08:43] <yossarianuk> i.e it took about a minute to boot the system (oddly after installing 5.3 - but that was not the cause) during boot I could just see black screen
[08:43] <keithzg> lordievader: Weird though that it wasn't a problem with 14.10, though, wouldn't have expected such a regression. But I suppose it's quite possible.
[08:43] <yossarianuk> and I could not access the tty's (i.e ctrl+alt+f2)
[08:44] <yossarianuk> after reinstalling it was fine - also still fine after plasma 5.3 (which makes no sense)
[08:45] <keithzg> yossarianuk: Reinstalled the drivers, or the distro itself? Hmm. Maybe time for me to run a purge+reinstall on the fglrx drivers.
[08:52] <nikola_> how does device notifier learn about new hardware
[08:52] <nikola_> it doesn't recognize my camera and I'd like to debug this
[08:52] <nikola_> is there supposed to be a udev rule for this
[08:54] <lordievader> nikola_: Likely through udev.
[08:56] <yossarianuk> keithzg: reinstalled the distro.
[08:56] <yossarianuk> keithzg: I actually blanked the driver - installed debian first then 15.04 kubuntu
[08:56] <yossarianuk> do you have UEFI also ?
[08:57] <keithzg> yossarianuk: Actually, on this install I'm *not* using UEFI . . . err, I think. I could be wrong, honestly, it's been a long time since I installed it.
[08:58] <keithzg> IIRC I originally used UEFI, but then didn't when I reinstalled it shortly after setting it up, since the SSD I originally bought died in the first month.
[09:08] <keithzg> Well, damn, a purge and reinstall fixed nothing.
[09:09] <keithzg> it's 3AM where I live, though, so I think I'm going to give up for now, and lament my foolish desire to upgrade.
[09:09] <keithzg> Although . . . hmm.
[09:12] <keithzg> And yeah, upstart takes less than half the time to boot that systemd does.
[09:13] <keithzg> Still no VTs, though, so it must be KMS issues with the AMD proprietary drivers. I'm throwing this problem into Tomorrow Keith's bucket, though, and going to sleep. G'night, y'all (and thanks for the help, lordievader, yossarianuk and alvin)
[09:14] <alvin> Goodnight
[09:16] <z4sk4> hi all, i am on kubuntu 15.04 and i have problems with backports wifi drivers... (i need stop network-manager to monitoring..) but in my kubuntu 14.04 by default i have wifi drivers so... what is the packet that have default drivers?? if install ir will disapear the message of "[phy0]SIOCSIFFLAGS: Name not unique on network"?
[09:17] <alvin> Is there a method to let owncloudclient stop complaining about the system tray?
[09:17] <lordievader> keithzg: Sleep well.
[09:18] <alvin> z4sk4: You backported wifi drivers for 15.04?
[09:19] <z4sk4> alvin: i install backports 4.1 yeah, follow this: (only work for me make defconf-wifi, i i sleect all, nothing works)
[09:20] <z4sk4> but the problem its that on kubuntu 14.04 i dont need to stop daemon of network-manager and on 15.04 yes...
[09:22] <z4sk4> what its the common packet on ubuntu to wifi drivers? because by default on 14.04 i can see RTL chipset and on 15.04 no
[09:22] <alvin> I'm having trouble understanding your sentences. You backported wifi drivers from kernel 4.1 to 3.19 and succeeded? Then you want to stop network-manager, but that doesn't work?
[09:23] <z4sk4> alvin: NO, backports 4.1 is not for kernel 4.1 only is the version
[09:23] <z4sk4> alvin: i install drivers of backports 4.1 on kernel 3.9
[09:24] <z4sk4> alvin: i need to monitorin, so when i start the monitor on mon0 i have this: rtl8187 - [phy0]SIOCSIFFLAGS: Name not unique on network
[09:25] <z4sk4> so i must stop network-manager to make ir work correctly
[09:25] <z4sk4> and on kubunu 14.04 i havent got this problem, but in 14.04 i had default drivers wirelles + backports drivers
[09:25] <alvin> Well, stopping network-manager is sudo systemctl stop network-manager.service
[09:26] <z4sk4> BUT on 15.04 HAVENT got this default drivers, so i ask alvin what its the name of the packet for Normal wifi drivers
[09:26] <alvin> It might not work though. I'm new to systemd, but I suspect that the service will only stop if no other daemons depend on it.
[09:27] <z4sk4> and alvin the problem to stop network-manager its maybe i am wired and need to scan wifi and i must diconect the wired, and this is SO BAD
[09:27] <alvin> You're not making sense to me. packet?
[09:27] <z4sk4> i need to know the name of .deb on the repository of wifi drivers
[09:41] <alvin> Ah, the package. That'll be linux-image-generic.
[09:54] <davevanloo> greetings all, im trying to make a file executible.. but using the terminal nor the dolphin it just simply does not work.. even when sudo (ing) it in the terminal aka: chmod +x any idea as to why?
[09:55] <hateball> davevanloo: define "does not work"
[09:55] <lordievader> davevanloo: Does it have the shebang?
[09:55] <hateball> as in, how have you come to the conclusion it is not executable
[09:55] <davevanloo> when i execute it, it gives me acces denied.., when checking the file.. it did not make any changes to it
[09:56] <hateball> Is the file located on a mountpoint that allows executable bit to be sit?
[09:56] <hateball> s/sit/set/
[09:56] <davevanloo> its mounted to /media/<user>/-->mounted
[09:57] <hateball> and you're trying to launch it how? by typing full path?
[09:57] <s_20> what file system type is that?
[09:57] <davevanloo> NTFS :(
[09:57] <s_20> there you go.
[09:58] <davevanloo> mhmm, any way i would be able to execute a SH script in there then? i used to be able to quite a while ago.
[09:58] <alvin> davevanloo: Is 'noexec' set on that mount? (check the output of 'mount')
[09:58] <hateball> iirc isnt everything on ntfs marked as executable when mounted?
[09:58] <hateball> by default, that is
[09:58] <s_20> davevanloo: if it's just about a shellscript you might as well just do "sh /media/foo/bar"
[09:58] <alvin> You might try running it with '/bin/sh'
[09:59] <davevanloo> i have several drives, give me a moment to check the correct one so i can look it up in the output of mount
[10:00] <alvin> 'several drives' is an understatement since the switch to systemd :-)
[10:00] <davevanloo> rofl
[10:00] <davevanloo> /dev/sda1 on /media/dave/Data type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096) i do not think it has noexec
[10:00] <bennypr0fane> Hello, I got a new wlan dongle, of which there are several revisions, and I'd like to find out which one I got. lshw and lsusb are telling me different things, none of which include the version number.
[10:02] <bennypr0fane> Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:8178 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8192CU 802.11n WLAN Adapter
[10:03] <s_20> davevanloo: just guessing here, i might be very wrong, but i think you'd need to explcitly set a mount flag for *all* files to be executable, POSIX flags like +x probably don't work as expected
[10:03] <bennypr0fane> It's a T-Link TL-WN822N
[10:03] <alvin> I'm reading about that 'default_permissions' option in 'man fuse'. The ntfs-3g manual says that files are executable by default
[10:03] <bennypr0fane> no, TP-Link, sorry
[10:03] <davevanloo> s_20: how would i go and do that then? :#
[10:04] <s_20> davevanloo: i'm at work, but i reckon there's a specific flag you can pass to mount
[10:05] <davevanloo> roger, im reading the forums a bit.. and i might be able to sudo sh /path/to/file trying it now
[10:05] <alvin> bennypr0fane: It's possible that the hardware does not know its version number, but you do know what chip is used. Find the differences between the versions, and find out that way what adapter you have.
[10:05] <s_20> davevanloo: also, do you really need root priviliges to run that shellscript?
[10:05] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:05] <davevanloo> not really lol
[10:05] <davevanloo> its the moodbar script for amarock :P
[10:06] <bennypr0fane> alvin: how do I find out which chip is used in the versions I don't have?
[10:06] <alvin> The internet I suppose. TP-Link's documentation if you're lucky.
[10:07] <alvin> davevanloo: Try getfacl on that file to see the NTFS permissions
[10:07] <davevanloo> permissions are: user: RW owner dave aswel as group rest is blanq
[10:08] <edwin__> BluesKaj, howdy
[10:09] <alvin> Hmmm, that might be it. ntfs-3g says "By default, files and directories are owned by the effective user and group of the mounting process, and everybody has full read, write, execution and..." but maybe ACL's are important too.
[10:11] <BluesKaj> hi ejay
[10:11] <davevanloo> mhmm..
[10:12] <lordievader> davevanloo: No execute right?
[10:12] <lordievader> rights*
[10:12] <davevanloo> indeed, getting acces denied
[10:13] <bennypr0fane> found it:
[10:13] <davevanloo> lordievader: on NTFS file system, trying to run amarock moodbar script
[10:13] <bennypr0fane> it actually was on the back of the device, stupid (or rather blind,because I had checked that) me
[10:14] <lordievader> davevanloo: I was talking about the getfacl output ;)
[10:15] <jittu> any one is there
[10:15] <lordievader> jittu: See /names
[10:15] <davevanloo> lordievader: noexec was not in the output
[10:16] <lordievader> davevanloo: Could you pastebin the output?
[10:16] <davevanloo> it seems now to.. dont know what i did.. the script runs.., i am just needing to properly install gstreamer plugins..
[10:16] <jittu> hay i want some help about kubuntu
[10:16] <lordievader> !ask | jittu
[10:17] <davevanloo> lordievader: pastebin:
[10:17] <jittu> i just want to know how to login as root
[10:17] <lordievader> jittu: Why?
[10:17] <lordievader> The base of Ubuntu is build around not logging in as root.
[10:17] <jittu> i installed kubuntu in my laptop
[10:18] <lordievader> davevanloo: No execute permissions ;)
[10:18] <davevanloo> hehe :P
[10:18] <davevanloo> lordievader: would you know how to fix it?
[10:19] <lordievader> davevanloo: Change permissions, forgot if NTFS supports this...
[10:19] <davevanloo> chmod does not work..
[10:19] <jittu> can any one tell me php my admin and my sql are install in kubuntu
[10:20] <lordievader> !info phpmyadmin
[10:20] <jittu> yes but how to install
[10:21] <lordievader> !info mysql-server
[10:21] <lordievader> jittu: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin mysql-server
[10:21] <davevanloo> however i did manager to execute sh to properly run it.. atleast my problem is fixed that way sort off..
[10:21] <jittu> E: Unable to locate package phpmyadmin E: Unable to locate package mysql-server
[10:22] <lordievader> !info mysql-server vivid
[10:22] <lordievader> jittu: Wut? What version of Kubuntu are you running?
[10:23] <jittu> i dont know
[10:23] <lordievader> jittu: lsb_release -a
[10:24] <jittu> whts this
[10:24] <jittu> Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 11.10 Release: 11.10 Codename: oneiric
[10:26] <lordievader> Don't think Oneiric is supported anymore.
[10:26] <lordievader> !eol
[10:26] <alvin> Aha, a challenge :-)
[10:26] <jittu> what i do
[10:27] <alvin> Either upgrade or erase and install another version. Upgrading might take a long time. You'd have to run several upgrades after another depending on what version you want to end with.
[10:27] <jittu> is possible or not
[10:28] <alvin> davevanloo: You should be able to set the permissions with setfacl I believe. But it's not as easy as chmod.
[10:28] <davevanloo> alvin: thank you.. i will def look into that
[10:28] <BluesKaj> bennypr0fane: which tp-link device are you using ? I have a wdr3600 router and the 8816 modem. and did you solvw your problem ?
[10:29] <jittu> just tell me bro
[10:31] <BluesKaj> jittu: install a newer versin , 11.10 stands for the year and the month it's released , the latest kubuntu is 15.04 released a week ago
[10:32] <BluesKaj> versin=version
[10:36] <Zerkalerka> new kubuntu is nice
[10:36] <Zerkalerka> :D
[10:38] <jittu> ok thanku so much bro
[10:40] <BluesKaj> jittu: it's ok you don't have to call me " bro "
[10:41] <jittu> why
[10:42] <disa> just installed kubuntu 15.04, and cannot figure out how to set up a VPN connection
[10:42] <jittu> i din't get you .....
[10:42] * bip Back!
[10:45] <BluesKaj> disa: which vpn protocol ?
[10:47] <BluesKaj> openvpn or....?
[10:47] <disa> BluesKaj: pptp
[10:48] <disa> BluesKaj: i am told to use network-manager but i dont even know how to use that
[10:49] <disa> BluesKaj: do I need to install a gui frontend to Network Manager?
[10:49] <disa> BluesKaj: I see that packages network-manager and network-manager-pptp are installed
[10:50] <disa> I tried to install network-manager-kde but that failed (no candidate)
[10:51] <BluesKaj> disa: network-manager-pptp should be installed by default, but check your software center/package manager
[10:52] <BluesKaj> disa: network manager for kubuntu is installed by default already
[10:52] <disa> BluesKaj: how do I start the user interface to set up the connection?
[10:55] <BluesKaj> disa: you will need the vpn server info from the remote server, most likely a username and password
[10:56] <disa> BluesKaj: sure, but what do I do on this end? where do I enter this info?
[10:57] <BluesKaj> usually a shell script with an sh file extension provided by the server
[10:57] <alvin> disa: click in the system tray on the 'Networks' item, and then the configure button
[10:58] <alvin> Somewhat related, what happened to the nm-tool application?
[10:59] <BluesKaj> alvin: do you mean configure network applications?
[10:59] <alvin> (also related: pptp is not safe, but still popular. If that's your server, I'd try to switch to something more secure)
[11:00] <alvin> BluesKaj: More or less. With nm-tool you could see some settings in the command line
[11:00] <alvin> For example, what DNS server you are using and what network you're connected to.
[11:01] <disa> alvin: when you say system tray, do you mean "System Settings" in the aplication manager?
[11:01] <alvin> Since your DNS server is always it's difficult to find out the real one.
[11:01] <alvin> disa: No, I meant the system tray. Usually to be found in the right corner below, unless you moved it.
[11:02] <alvin> Actually, putting this in System Settings wouldn't be a bad idea.
[11:02] <disa> alvin: that seems to be my problem: no system tray
[11:03] <alvin> disa: That's another problem, yes :-) Let's restore it then. It's just a widget. Add it somewhere.
[11:05] <disa> ok oops plasma crashed
[11:06] <BluesKaj> disa: most vpns provide a script to run the vpn connection on your vpn client and network-manager , does your server have a support tutorial ?
[11:08] <disa> BluesKaj: server has a page on how to connect using Network Manager, but I could not fing how to open the gui to input server info
[11:09] <BluesKaj> disa: run sudo service network-manager-pptp start in the konsole
[11:11] <BluesKaj> but you probly need to download or create a script
[11:12] <disa> thanks all. I think I have managed to open the correct interface
[11:12] <disa> the problem was that there was no Networks icon in the system panel
[11:13] <BluesKaj> ??
[11:13] <BluesKaj> should be there by defauilt
[11:13] <disa> no idea how it happened
[11:14] <BluesKaj> ok
[11:14] <disa> I think I should reboot now. I will come back if I have further problems :-)
[11:46] <tron71> Hi
[11:46] <tron71> I'm facing this very annoying bug
[11:47] <tron71> I see that it is fixed in kde applications 15.04
[11:47] <tron71> are there any plans to provide a version of kde applications 15.04 for Kubuntu?
[11:47] <tron71> because that bug makes Kate almost impossible to use...
[11:47] <tron71> it's usable only with a single file ;)
[11:56] <BluesKaj> tron71: are you running 15.04?
[12:02] <tron71> BluesKaj: yes, I do run 15.04, but it does not seem to provide kde applications 15.04
[12:02] <tron71> if I understand correctly
[12:06] <tron71> the two versions are unrelated, aren't they?
[12:07] <BluesKaj> tron71: one kate app at a time seems to be the bug I see
[12:08] <daum> hey guys - i'm on 14.04 and noticed that the 15.04 ones are out...but my muon updater isn't showing it as an option any idea why?
[12:08] <BluesKaj> plasma 4 is supposedly supposed to integrate with plasma 5 , but there are problems tron71
[12:09] <BluesKaj> daum: probly because the updater is set to notify LTS releases only
[12:10] <daum> BluesKaj, isn't 14.04 a LTS?
[12:10] <daum> ohhh
[12:10] <daum> i see what you mean
[12:10] <daum> 15 isn't
[12:11] <BluesKaj> exactly
[12:11] <tron71> BluesKaj: can you reproduce the bug? The bug is also present in the live version of kubuntu 15.04
[12:12] <BluesKaj> tron71: yes, many times :/
[12:13] <BluesKaj> I just complained about in the devel chat
[12:14] <tron71> #kubuntu-devel?
[12:14] <BluesKaj> yup
[12:14] <tron71> I've just joined the channel
[12:16] <tron71> has anyone answered yet? (I don't know how to retrieve previous messages after joining a channel)
[12:18] <BluesKaj> tron71: go ahead and mention the bug ...i complain there a lot so I think they don't pay much attention anymore (to my compaints)
[12:52] <alvin> ssh server -> no problem (public key authentication), but stp://server in Dolphin? -> The host key for this server was not found, but another type of key exists. An attacker might change the default server key to confuse your client into thinking the key does not exists. Please contact your system administrator."
[12:52] <alvin> This goes for every SSH connection. No trouble at all using the shell, but Dolphin gives this message for every server I've tried.
[12:56] <BluesKaj> alvin: yup I can ssh without a problem from the konsole, but not with the network folder option in dolphin
[12:56] <BluesKaj> I get the same notice
[12:57] <alvin> Found it bug 1450085
[12:58] <alvin> I'm starting to question the wisdom of fixed release dates again.
[13:00] <BluesKaj> alvin: if it's any compensation, fish works
[13:01] <alvin> I don't like to use fish if I can help it, but ok. It's a workaround. Although I don't intend to change my > 100 SFTP links in remote:/
[13:03] <lordievader> alvin: scp? rsync?
[13:04] <Roey> good morning all! o/
[13:04] <lordievader> Hey Roey
[13:05] <Roey> So good news! I got my system booting by (1) running btrfs-zero-log on /dev/sda (my booting/root/home BTRFS volume)
[13:06] <Roey> (2) booting Kubuntu in runlevel 3 (because SDDM seems to be having issues)
[13:06] <alvin> lordievader: rsync over ssh and scp, and sftp and ssh are all working perfectly in a shell. It's Dolphin that doesn't want it.
[13:06] <Roey> (3) right now, at this point, I have everything working except X
[13:06] <Roey> (background: I had upgraded from 14.10 -> 15.04)
[13:06] <lordievader> Roey: With systemd runlevels no longer exist ;)
[13:07] <Roey> right
[13:07] <Roey> lordievader: I did linux 3
[13:07] <Roey> at GRUB
[13:07] <Roey> and it worked.
[13:07] <Roey> linux text 3 --
[13:07] <Roey> How do I make this permanent?
[13:07] <Roey> as in, I want it to start up without X
[13:07] <Roey> also, is it not correct to start an X session with startx anymore?
[13:07] <Roey> it has to be sddm or lightdm?
[13:08] <Roey> lordievader: ^
[13:08] <lordievader> The 3 is likely ignored. 'text' puts (Ubuntu) in text mode.
[13:08] <lordievader> Roey: Edit /etc/default/grub
[13:16] <Roey> lordievader: I've tried "text" by itself and while it showed me all the text of bootup, it still tried to start X.
[13:16] <Roey> lordievader: ok, I'll edit /etc/default/grub.
[13:16] <lordievader> Disable sddm in systemd?
[13:18] <Roey> how ?
[13:18] <Roey> systemctl disable sddm??
[13:19] <Roey> and how do I start X from a console?
[13:19] <alvin> I'm not sure if systemctl disable actually helps if there's another .service that depends on it
[13:22] <lordievader> Roey: sudo systemctl disable sddm, yes.
[13:23] <lordievader> Are there any systemd optimization guides out there?
[13:34] <hyper_ch> is there a way to have icons not turn grey in the taskbar when they're inactive? using task-icon only taskbar and having it all greyed out makes it hard to see the application you want to reactivate
[13:37] <Roey> lordievader: <ohsix> there's the systemd-analyze man page :p
no big knobs, really; you find out what sucks and fix it
[13:38] <Roey> from #systemd
[13:40] <lordievader> Roey: Yeah, I was talking a bit deeper ;)
[13:40] <Roey> lordievader: yeah figured as much :)
[13:40] <Roey> btw where in /etc/default/grub does it let you specify booting without X?
[13:41] <Roey> is it just GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="text"?>
[13:41] <Roey> er
[13:41] <Roey> ="Text"?
[13:41] <Roey> and GRUB_TERMINAL=console ?
[13:41] <Roey> (that's not X I don't think)
[13:41] <lordievader> CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
[13:41] <lordievader> Or something...
[13:42] * lordievader rarely uses /etc/default/grub
[13:42] <Roey> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="text" is what I have
[13:42] <Roey> and it seems to get ignored
[13:42] <Roey> on the other hand, I have a /etc/default/grub from anothe rsystem which DOES seem to work
[13:42] <Roey> and the differences between the two files aren't that apparent
[13:43] <lordievader> Can you pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg after you ran update-grub2?
[13:43] <Roey> it's 544 lines long though!
[13:44] <Roey> lordievader: before I post the file, I do want to stress that I am more interested in getting SDDM to run correctly
[13:44] <Roey> on bootup, if I boot up to X,
[13:44] <lordievader> Fix X ;)
[13:45] <Roey> then SDDM shows, I see a button for rebooting/power, and a combo box for picking the session type, but no fields for username/password
[13:48] <lordievader> That sounds like a problem with SDDM, not X.
[15:27] <Roey> hey there
[15:27] <Roey> when I start Kubuntu 15.04, I get to SDDM, and I see a combobox letting me choose among environments (fvwm, xfce, Plasma, etc.) -- but nothing else. No fields for username/password. What gives?
[15:30] <BluesKaj> maybe it will give the fields once you choose a DE, Roey
[15:31] <Roey> I did
[15:31] <Roey> nothing happens.
[15:31] <Roey> I don't see /anything/ there besides the combobox on the left, and the power off/reset buttons on the right.
[15:32] <BluesKaj> Roey, then drop to a tty/vt and instll lightdm , it might work for you
[15:32] <Finetundra> hello folks, how would I swap alsa for pulse audio?
[15:33] <Roey> BluesKaj: lightdm gives me an error when I try to start it, and it only runs as sudo for some reason.
[15:33] <Roey> BluesKaj: I don't get it though; I tried booting with Linux Mint 17 and it's fine.
[15:33] <Roey> And I think it also uses SDDM.
[15:33] <Roey> Linux MINT 17 KDE
[15:33] <BluesKaj> you don't pulse rides on top of alsa as a sound server Finetundra ,but can purge pulse if you want leaving alsa as your default
[15:34] <Roey> Finetundra: they're different layers of the sound stack, they complement each other, not replace.
[15:34] <Finetundra> is pulse installed by default?
[15:35] <BluesKaj> Finetundra, yes
[15:35] <Finetundra> would it count as a mixer?
[15:36] <BluesKaj> it has a mixer option as does alsa
[15:36] <Finetundra> ok, thats what I needed to know. thanks
[15:37] <BluesKaj> but pulse allows simultaneous sound sources to be played/streames
[16:16] <Guest91910> Hallo
[16:20] <BluesKaj> Hi Guest91910
[16:36] <wldcordeiro> For OpenGL 3.1 which renderer is better? GLX?
[16:39] <sithlord48> i honestly have not noticed a difference between EGL or GLX (provided EGL is supported by your hardware)
[16:43] <wldcordeiro> sithlord48: I keep getting weird compositor crashes right now where my windows stay but they lose their decorations and animations stop working using 3.1 and GLX so I was wondering if there was a difference.
[16:45] <sithlord48> try egl see if its better for your hardware.. maybe those animations dont work correctly on open gl 3.1
[16:48] <wldcordeiro> sithlord48: I wasn't having issues when I was on kde 5.2 but the 5.3 update has been causing the plasma crashes.
[16:49] <sithlord48> do you have a properity video driver ? that is usually the cause of such problems . i have also heard nvidia cards may have issues.
[16:50] <wldcordeiro> No I'm using the recommended one.
[16:50] <wldcordeiro> X driver for amd
[16:51] <wldcordeiro> would fglrx be better?
[16:52] <sithlord48> i doubt it
[16:53] <sithlord48> i have not had any issues wiht effects on plasma 5.3 here and amd open driver
[16:53] <sithlord48> maybe its the effect or decoration your using ?
[16:59] <Zerkalerka> can I upgrade from 5.2 to 5.3?
[16:59] <Zerkalerka> shouldn't say can I.. should ask where can I get the deb files for 5.3
[17:00] <Zerkalerka> or must I build from srC?
[17:00] <sithlord48> sure you can just add the kubuntu backports ppa
[17:00] <sithlord48> Zerkalerka:
[17:01] <Zerkalerka> nice, I shall install now
[17:01] <sithlord48> just need to add that repo sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports then update your package list and you will have updates
[17:03] <Zerkalerka> yeah then apt-get upgrade
[17:03] <Zerkalerka> and should install right
[17:05] <sithlord48> yup
[17:06] <sithlord48> iirc after adding the ppa i had 82 updates
[17:07] <Zerkalerka> 72
[17:07] <Zerkalerka> for moi
[17:07] <Zerkalerka> you ever get that error popping up about ttf-msconf fonts? or something like that.. even after I purge it pops up once a day lol
[17:08] <Zerkalerka> on 15.04
[17:08] <sithlord48> nope
[17:08] <Zerkalerka> ah strange
[17:08] <Zerkalerka> alright I installed
[17:08] <Zerkalerka> gonna do a quick reboot
[17:08] <Zerkalerka> brb
[17:30] <Zerkalerka> sithlord48: well that wasn't fun lol
[17:30] <sithlord48> ?
[17:30] <Zerkalerka> kwin desktop was always crashing and as soon as plasma would load it would just be frozen and couldn't do anything lol
[17:31] <sithlord48> odd.
[17:31] <Zerkalerka> i purged the ppa, reloaded it then did apt-get update && apt-get install kubuntu-desktop && apt-get dist upgrade
[17:31] <Zerkalerka> and now I am back on fine
[17:32] <sithlord48> intresting... what kind of video card are you using?
[17:32] <Zerkalerka> nvidia 840m
[17:32] <genii> I would guess hybrid Intel/NVidia
[17:32] <Zerkalerka> i have the latest kernel installed.. and I always get an error booting up
[17:32] <Zerkalerka> yeah
[17:32] <sithlord48> ahh i heard nvidia was having issues with plasma 5 some times
[17:32] <Zerkalerka> hybrids suck
[17:32] <Zerkalerka> ah that error popped up
[17:32] <Zerkalerka> ttf-mscorefonts-installer
[17:33] <sithlord48> oh you need to prolly re run that . it fetches stuff from teh web.
[17:34] <genii> I would try: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer
[17:34] <Zerkalerka> yeah just did that
[17:34] <Zerkalerka> its going now
[17:34] <Zerkalerka> They changed a bunch of icons in the menu I noticed.
[17:35] <sithlord48> its your icon theme
[17:35] <Zerkalerka> ah makes sense
[17:39] <Zerkalerka> any good place to look for new plasma themes?
[17:45] <MoonUnit`> settings/workspace theme/desktop theme then click get new themes.
[17:46] <MoonUnit`> basicly a kde frontend for
[17:48] <MoonUnit`> many of the settings in kde settings will have a button to browse for new downloadable bits.
[17:52] <Roey> hey is Kubuntu 15.10 going to use Snappy instead of .debs ?
[17:53] <Zerkalerka> sithlord4:
[17:55] <sithlord4> Zerkalerka: its a failure of that installer .. maybe you should remove those fonts.
[17:56] <Zerkalerka> yeah I had them removed the entire time and always had that, then just installed them again and still pops up :(
[18:23] <Zerkalerka> Anyone know how to disable the splash screen on startup so I can watch systemd going at it instead
[18:28] <MoonUnit`> remove quiet splash from /etc/default/grub then run sudo update-grub
[18:29] <Zerkalerka> ty
[18:36] <Euvius> Is there any way to see my tray icons again, besides these new general ones
[18:37] <Euvius> most of my app tray icons are now missing since switching to Plasma 5
[18:37] <soee> Euvius: you might want to install sqni-qt:i386
[18:38] <Euvius> im on 64 bit
[18:38] <soee> so skype and owncloud will work, but others might missing anyway
[18:38] <Euvius> should i get 686
[18:38] <soee> Euvius: doesnt matter you need i386
[18:38] <Euvius> ok
[18:39] <soee> Euvius: you might want to read
[18:39] <Euvius> ok thanks
[19:16] <Fleck> << seems like many KDE apps have problems with kio... gwenview also in the list, can't use browse after upgrade to KDE Plasma...
[19:16] <Fleck> ideas?
[20:59] <rattking> hey all, does anyone here have kontact talking to office365? I use to have this working with davmail and now it does not and I dont know what changed.. probably something server side..
[22:04] <arunce> Hi, I can't restart the plasmashell with composite effects. (compositor is enabled and working with windows and other stuff.). The only solution is to logout and login. Any ideas besides logout/login?
[22:07] <soee_> arunce: restart how ? through cli ?
[22:12] <arunce> soee_: yes
[22:13] <arunce> soee_: and not only, after shift+ctrl+f12 composite won't work for plasma
[22:16] <soee_> on propriety drivers or noveau ?
[22:16] <arunce> nvidia drivers
[22:16] <arunce> but it's working for everything else, like windows, desktop effects
[22:18] <arunce> also, going for plasma 5.3 of kubuntu/backports didn't solve anything
[22:20] <arunce> the samething happens with radeon
[22:22] <soee_> with opengl 3.1 ?
[22:32] <arunce> soee: with both opengl
[22:35] <arunce> soee: Maybe I need to restart after choosing opengl 3.1. I didn't try that yet.
[22:41] <trew> ok i try now Kubuntu 15.04 on virtual box and this so awesome!
[22:41] <soee> ":)
[22:42] <trew> thank you devlopers
[22:43] <arunce> brb
[22:43] <trew> i have PPA with KDE 4 on real machine but it's crash all the time
[22:44] <soee> trew: and waht system with KDE4 ?
[22:44] <trew> kubuntu
[22:45] <soee> KDE4 should be stable
[22:47] <trew> soee: it's very very very not
[22:48] <trew> the desktop crash on start and what i get it's only background black
[22:49] <trew> the desktop crash on start and what i get it's only background black
[22:49] <trew> I did not understand why it released the next version if it is so unstable
[22:55] <arunce> soee: it's the same.
[22:56] <lyonsb> Hi, I installed Kubuntu 15.04 on an X200 Tablet laptop, and the Wacom Penabled tablet screen isn't responding to pen input. Also dmesg | grep input isn't showing the Wacom tablet, and xsetwacom --list devices isn't showing anything.
[22:57] <lyonsb> I tried moving the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file out of that directory (to see if it was blocking a necessary module) to no effect.
[22:57] <lyonsb> I had Debian Jessie on it previously, and have also tested with a Live CD in which the pen worked perfectly.
[23:10] <lyonsb> Internet searches have not helped yet.
[23:12] <morgan_> id just like to say - the latest updates tonight have completely fixed issues I was having with Nvidia + 15.04 + Plasma5.3 PPA
[23:13] <morgan_> desktop running very smoothly now.
[23:21] <[Relic]> will I have to redo all my settings and layout if I upgrade 14.10 to 15.04?
[23:22] <jkirby> 15.04 is not really ready for prime-time. My 14.10 worked great. 15.04 has all sorts of issues. For example, half the time it will not restart. Sometimes when I am able to restart, wallpapers and desktop setting do not stick.
[23:22] <jkirby> But I have hope :
[23:23] <jkirby> [relic] YES
[23:26] <jkirby> I probably should have waited a couple of months before upgrading, but I am on 15.04, so not much I can do about that now.
[23:27] <jkirby> Also upgraded to kernel 4; which seem quite solid for the most part.
[23:28] <Chaser_> Was just upgrading my kubuntu 15.04 and the upgrade fails because systemd complaining about error initializing authority. .
[23:28] <jkirby> Just be careful and make sure you are willing to handle the quirks for a while. Otherwise, I suggest sticking with 14.10 for a bit longer.
[23:29] <jkirby> [Chaser_] Which kernel version?
[23:30] <Chaser_> 15.04's default - 3.19.0-15-generic.
[23:30] <jkirby> Maybe try kernel 4.0 and make sure it is the upstart kernel. I think upstart is required for systemd
[23:31] <jkirby> Mine upgraded just fine. Only some minor quirks so far. It looks great.
[23:31] <Chaser_> Are you on 15.04 ?
[23:31] <jkirby> Yes
[23:31] <jkirby> 15.04 with kernel 4
[23:31] <Chaser_> ahh - too bleeding edge for me :)
[23:32] <jkirby> Been running kernel 4 since its release; ran great with 14.10 and seems to be fine with 15.04
[23:32] <jkirby> But there are issues with 15.40, so you may wish to wait just a skosh longer.
[23:32] <jkirby> 15.04
[23:33] <jkirby> Many widgets have not been ported yet. That was a bit of a downer
[23:34] <Chaser_> couldn't resist plasma. I should have waited.
[23:35] <jkirby> I suspect things will solidify quickly. Kubuntu FTW :)
[23:36] <jkirby> I spent two years in Arch, so Kubuntu is like a dream.
[23:37] <gunndawg> jkirby: didnt like Arch?
[23:38] <jkirby> Yes, I loved it, but it required too much work. It was great in teaching me how Linux works.
[23:38] <jkirby> I ended up messing myself up too much. Audio was always problematic. Kubuntu just works
[23:39] <jkirby> Everything in Arch is manual.
[23:40] <acz32> that's how i feel going from openbox to KDE
[23:41] <jkirby> Right. I was a big XFCE4 fan under Arch. Loved the light weightness of XFCE, but I have plenty of RAM and plenty of cores, so KDE runs fine.
[23:43] <jkirby> I ran Arch ARM on my Samsung Chromebook. With XFCE, it was quite impressive. KDE bogged it down so that is was barely usable.
[23:47] <jkirby> Anyway, keep up the good work guys. Kubuntu is my OS of choice right now. All new releases have some bugs and I am sure they will get worked out.
[23:49] <gunndawg> jkirby: agreed. I'm happy with 14.04 at the moment :)
[23:49] <gunndawg> I"m currently trying to configure VIM for web development
[23:50] <[Relic]> think I will wait a few more weeks then to upgrade
[23:53] <Martin7738> Hi, I just installed kubuntu. Right after booting, I get the message "Please enter passphrase for disk TOSHIBA_MQ01ABD075 (cryptswap1) on none!" . Why is that necessary/asked, and what does it correspond to please ?
[23:55] <Martin7738> (seems to be linked to the fact that the home directory is encrypted, but...) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.594912 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-us-sc | [16:37] <mhall119> Hello team, I sent an email to the ML but it got kicked back, is anyone here a moderator of that list? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.600115 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-sc"
} |
2015-04-30-#upstart | [12:51] <b4tm4n> how can i make an upstart script run on boot?
[12:57] <b4tm4n> and, is it better to use init scripts or upstart? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.601141 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#upstart"
} |
2015-04-30-#snappy | [07:06] <dholbach> good morning
[07:11] <tbr> good moaning
[07:13] <tbr> if anyone by chance knows how to build a snappy image from scratch, I'd be interested to hear. It looks like I'll need to dig into that to get it working for most of my use cases.
[08:45] <dholbach> sergiusens, lool: if you're close to mvo, can you please nudge him to get back to me? thanks
[09:05] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Poem in Your Pocket Day! :-D
[09:28] <sergiusens> apw:
[11:35] <lool> dholbach: sorry, should have kept the .img file too; should I readd it along the .gz?
[11:41] <dholbach> lool, I updated the docs to link to the img.gz - not sure about keeping the .img file?
[11:44] <lool> dholbach: ok
[12:37] <mwenning> asac | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.602968 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#snappy"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-za | [05:35] <barrydk> More almal
[06:33] <Kilos> hi barrydk inetpro pieter2627 and other za peeps
[06:33] <pieter2627> hi Kilos
[06:36] <ThatGraemeGuy> mornings
[06:36] <Kilos> hi ThatGraemeGuy
[07:08] <inetpro> good mornings
[07:08] <Kilos> morning inetpro
[07:08] <Kilos> haha its not done until its done!
[07:15] <Kilos> i had a terrible dream last night, got an email in weird form, like a scanned page with complaints kinda added in blotches all over the page, saying please change the name of ubuntu-africa as it belonged to them, but search as i might i could not see who it came from
[07:16] <Kilos> woke up very angry
[07:17] <ThatGraemeGuy> o_O
[07:17] <ThatGraemeGuy> you need a holiday
[07:17] <Kilos> yeah
[07:37] <Kilos> why would synaptic give this message but still do installs , updates etc perfectly
[07:38] <Kilos> synaptic:19491): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_child_watch_add_full: assertion 'pid > 0' failed
[07:42] <ThatGraemeGuy>
[07:42] <ThatGraemeGuy> first hit on google for "GLib-CRITICAL **: g_child_watch_add_full: assertion 'pid > 0' failed"
[07:42] <Kilos> ty ThatGraemeGuy i just get wow google cant find anything
[07:43] <ThatGraemeGuy> google actually says that?
[07:43] <Kilos> yeah
[07:44] <ThatGraemeGuy> are you sure you're using google
[07:44] <ThatGraemeGuy> paste the url that says that
[07:44] <Kilos> usinmg ibid to google
[07:44] <Kilos> using
[07:44] <Kilos> maybe its the bot
[07:44] <ThatGraemeGuy> ugh
google what is synaptic:19491): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_child_watch_add_full: assertion 'pid > 0' failed
[07:44] <Kilos> [30/04/2015 09:41] <QA> Wow! Google couldn't find anything
[07:44] <Kilos> hehe
[07:45] <ThatGraemeGuy> use google like a normal person
[07:45] <Kilos> whew then i have to search 500 or more pages not the first 4
[07:45] <ThatGraemeGuy> ok never mind
[07:46] <ThatGraemeGuy> I'm a terrible sucker, I never learn to just stfu
[07:46] <Kilos> no man its your community spirit that drives you to help idiots
[07:47] <Kilos> thats at least a good sign
[07:47] <Kilos> hi psydroid
[07:47] <psydroid> hi Kilos
[07:47] <psydroid> I'm in Poland now
[07:48] <Kilos> holiday?
[07:48] <psydroid> yes, for a week
[07:48] <Kilos> nice, enjoy it
[07:48] <psydroid> yesterday I went to visit my colleagues at my old company
[07:48] <psydroid> thanks
[07:49] <psydroid> and one of them told me my current manager used to be his team lead
[07:49] <Kilos> ah
[07:50] <psydroid> I will be going to Berlin later today or tomorrow morning
[07:56] <Kilos> oh ThatGraemeGuy are you guys doing ipv6 already? i tested here
[07:56] <Kilos> now i need to rev telkom
[07:56] <ThatGraemeGuy> not as far as i know
[07:57] <Kilos> hehe
[08:05] <Squirm> Morning
[08:05] <Kilos> hi Squirm
[08:51] <stickyboy> I just finished Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything.
[08:51] <stickyboy> So amazing!
[08:51] <stickyboy> psydroid: Berlin <3
[08:51] <Kilos> good morning stickyboy CuttingEdge
[08:52] <CuttingEdge> greetings
[10:35] <ThatGraemeGuy> lo CuttingEdge
[10:36] <ThatGraemeGuy> to what do we owe the privilege? ;-p
[10:37] <CuttingEdge> ThatGraemeGuy: its thursday ;)
[10:37] <CuttingEdge> (i'm also trying to be a little more active within the community)
[10:38] <ThatGraemeGuy> actually its friday for those of us on the normal mon-fri grind
[10:38] <ThatGraemeGuy> public holidays ftw
[10:38] <CuttingEdge> yeah .. i thought tuesday was monday
[10:38] <CuttingEdge> and monday felt like sunday :/
[10:39] <Kilos> lol
[10:41] <Kilos> restart needed wbb
[12:22] <magespawn> good afternoon
[12:23] <Kilos> hi magespawn
[12:23] <magespawn> how are things?
[12:23] <Kilos> ok ty and you?
[12:23] <magespawn> peachy
[12:23] <Kilos> lol
[12:23] <magespawn> learning new things, so that is good
[12:24] <Kilos> always
[12:24] <magespawn> just learn't how to mac-telnet into a mikrotik router and enable the ethernet port
[12:25] <Kilos> sjoe
[12:31] <magespawn> not so difficult, just followed the instructions, but very useful
[12:31] <Kilos> yeah but nowq you know how
[12:31] <Kilos> routers are terrible things to me
[12:32] <magespawn> hopefully i can remember it too
[12:32] <magespawn> you can download the mikrotik router-os and install it on a pc to practice
[12:32] <Kilos> nice
[12:32] <magespawn> mikrotik are also not like other routers
[12:33] <magespawn> if you want to have a gander
[12:34] <Kilos> nono im happy now with a switch the between pcs here
[12:34] <Kilos> and sharing 3g connection is so easy
[12:35] <Kilos> router drove me nuts
[12:38] <Kilos> nice to use things that jusr word
[12:38] <Kilos> just
[12:39] <magespawn> i am fairly used to 'normal' routers, but the mikrotik and cisco are some next level stuff
[12:39] <Kilos> yeah well keep learning, you need it ahead
[12:41] <magespawn> basically you connect to the device through its mac address rather than ip address
[12:42] <Kilos> i read a bit about that in the i-net+ study guide im working through
[13:19] <Kilos> if 2 pcs ahre a connection does the second pc alos fall under the main pcs firewall or must it have its own firewall
[13:19] <Kilos> wow
[13:19] <Kilos> if 2 pcs are sharing
[13:20] <Kilos> my keyboard has been drinking again
[13:23] <pieter2627> Kilos: is your kb old enough to drink :p How are they connected/sharing?
[13:26] <Kilos> ya sharing this ones 3g
[13:27] <Kilos> im sure the kb sneaks a dop when im away
[13:28] <Kilos> eth connection through a switch
[13:39] <magespawn> the first fire wall might only be checking the traffic that come to it from the net, generally local settings are more relaxed than internet setting
[13:39] <magespawn> having said that, on linux i am not actually sure
[13:40] <magespawn> anyway, pack up time for me, chat later
[13:40] <Kilos> all i want to firewall is from the net anyway. i totally trust me
[13:49] <Kilos> ohi superfly
[15:40:45] all i want to firewall is from the net anyway. i totally trust me
[13:55] <ThatGraemeGuy> in my experience you probably shouldn't
[13:55] <ThatGraemeGuy> :-p
[13:57] <Kilos> hahaha
[14:50] <Kilos> oi irc dropped me
[14:50] <Kilos> grrr
[15:03] <captine> hi all
[15:04] <Kilos> hi captine
[15:04] <Kilos> hows you?
[15:04] <captine> doing ok. thanks for asking. and you?
[15:05] <Kilos> good ty
[15:05] <captine> u see the interesting things with Microsoft. They have their coding tool working on Mac and Ubuntu to be able to develope and integrate with azure... even has built in GIT support
[15:06] <captine> Docker containers even working for them now... so one can possibly run a microsoft platform application (pastel or something) in a container on a docker server.... i think..
[15:06] <captine> gotto run. daughter not sleeping. brb
[15:06] <Kilos> lol
[15:12] <Kilos> w0000t canonical is happy with our site
[15:13] <Kilos> our africa site that is
[15:32] <Kilos> wb pieter2627
[15:33] * Kilos waits for comments from pro
[16:09] <captine> Kilos, where did you see Canonical being happy? they mail you?
[16:09] <Kilos> yeah
[16:10] <Kilos> we can use the ubuntu trademark freely
[16:10] <Kilos> and here is the comment about the site
[16:10] <Kilos> We think your website is fantastic,
[16:11] * Kilos bows to the site building team
[16:28] <captine> awesome. well done all
[17:56] <Kilos> oi the splits have got us
[18:18] <inetpro> good evening
[18:18] <inetpro> Kilos: what's up?
[18:18] <Kilos> hi inetpro
[18:20] <inetpro> Kilos: well done!! Again
[18:20] <Kilos> not me man, you guys
[18:20] <inetpro> no you
[18:20] <Kilos> no
[18:21] <inetpro> Kilos: yes
[18:21] <inetpro> but to be honest, I agree with ThatGraemeGuy, if I was you I would not trust you :-)
[18:21] <Kilos> oh when you update a wiki page do you make a ps: at the bottom
[18:21] <Kilos> lol
[18:22] <Kilos> hahaha you okes sound like tara, she says im a random cannon
[18:22] <inetpro> ps: at the bottom?
[18:22] <inetpro> where do you get that?
[18:23] <Kilos> ps as when you add something at the end of a letter
[18:23] <inetpro> why?
[18:23] <Kilos> why what
[18:23] <inetpro> why would you want a ps: at the bottom?
[18:24] <Kilos> well times and events change the staus
[18:24] <Kilos> status
[18:24] <inetpro> uh
[18:24] * inetpro is lost
[18:24] <Kilos> you get notifications
[18:25] <Kilos> fly was right you are getting old and get confused and lost easy
[18:26] <inetpro> Kilos: please go back and draft the full picture before asking funny questions out of context
[18:26] <Kilos> lol
[18:26] <Kilos> i updated my wiki page man
[18:26] <Kilos> with ps at the bottom
[18:27] <inetpro> you see, there's one missing piece of info already... next?
[18:27] <Kilos> uh
[18:28] <Kilos> my wiki page says it notifies you
[18:28] <captine> Kilos, better a random cannon than a loose cannon :)
[18:28] <inetpro> Kilos: next?
[18:28] <Kilos> oh ya she said loose
[18:29] <captine> lol
[18:29] <captine> so u bashing around in the ship.. :)
[18:29] <Kilos> next she said go blow something up
[18:30] <Kilos> inetpro did you read your mail?
[18:30] <Kilos> i know you dont read mails often
[18:30] <inetpro> Kilos: yes, next?
[18:30] <Kilos> oh my must there be more
[18:30] <Kilos> ?
[18:30] * inetpro still doesn't get the context of the question
[18:31] <inetpro> maybe someone else does, but I don't
[18:31] <Kilos> eish
[18:31] <Kilos> nm that now
[18:31] <inetpro> nm?
[18:31] <Kilos> wont you write the team reports in simple
[18:32] <Kilos> nm=never mind
[18:32] <Kilos> the how to for team reports
[18:33] <inetpro> oh I will do the team reports before midnight... but please explain your question so I can understand
[18:33] <inetpro> no need to explain the team reports, anyone can just do it
[18:33] <Kilos> nono
[18:33] <Kilos> that top thing is too much for me
[18:34] <Kilos> i looked again today, i wanted to do it for you
[18:34] <Kilos> write the how to in simple and i can maybe help you out sometimes
[18:35] <Kilos> what question are you talking about sir pro
[18:35] <inetpro> 04/30 20:21:37 <Kilos> oh when you update a wiki page do you make a ps: at the bottom
[18:35] <Kilos> ai!
[18:35] <inetpro> please rephrase
[18:35] <Kilos> hmm...
[18:36] <Kilos> ok lets say you do a wiki page for membership right
[18:36] <Kilos> are you with me
[18:36] <Kilos> ?
[18:37] <Kilos> then months later things have changed right?
[18:37] <inetpro> yes?
[18:38] <Kilos> to update your wiki page do you ps at the bottom or just add in as i did
[18:39] <inetpro> Kilos: it depends
[18:39] <Kilos> or do you change the whole thing to suit present circumstances
[18:40] <Kilos> on?
[18:47] <Kilos> hi kulelu88
[18:47] <kulelu88> o/
[18:49] <inetpro> wb kulelu88
[18:49] <inetpro> Kilos: 1. in the context of your question PS = postscript
[18:49] <inetpro> which is either,
[18:49] <inetpro> a) an additional remark at the end of a letter, after the signature and introduced by ‘PS’, or
[18:49] <inetpro> b) an extra piece of information about an event that is added after it has happened
[18:50] <inetpro> am I right?
[18:50] <Kilos> yessir
[18:50] <inetpro> 2. a wiki page is just another web page
[18:50] <kulelu88> thank you Sir
[18:50] <inetpro> Kilos: 3. if you want the reader to see all historic information, then you probably want to add new information in such a way that it becomes clear that it is new information... how you do that is up to you and yourself, if it's your own page
[18:51] <inetpro> Kilos: 4. if it is not your own page, then you probably want to follow the same style as the original authors
[18:51] <inetpro> Kilos: 5. having said all the above, we are talking about a wiki here... all info is version controlled
[18:51] <Kilos> nono i do nothing without first checking with the bosses
[18:52] <Kilos> just read my wiki and see if its ok please
[18:52] <Kilos> sigh
[18:53] <inetpro> Kilos: put yourself in the shoes of a new reader
[18:53] <Kilos> i cant, they are all clever
[18:53] <inetpro> ai!
[18:53] <Kilos> and know how to rtfs
[18:55] <inetpro> Kilos: did you double-check your email address?
[18:57] <Kilos> see, there is method in my madness
[18:57] <inetpro> uh!?
[18:58] <Kilos> i should have just asked you to proof read for me hey?
[18:59] <Kilos> if i knew how i would have added the new parts in a different colour
[18:59] <Kilos> but i dont want to know now
[19:01] <Kilos> hi Guest61971
[19:01] <guest653> hi Kilos
[19:01] <Kilos> and guest653
[19:01] <Kilos> that you rusty?
[19:01] * guest653 is AndrewLSD via mobile
[19:02] <Kilos> ohi there cant mobile do the nick thing
[19:04] <Kilos> well done and wb
[19:04] <captine> hi andrewlsd
[19:05] <andrewlsd> ty
[19:05] <andrewlsd> hi captine
[19:05] <Kilos> andrewlsd why you on mobile
[19:05] <captine> the #ubuntu channel can be frustrating. half my chat client just has the details of those leaving and joining... very annoying
[19:06] <Kilos> lol
[19:06] <andrewlsd> my IRC client ignores those
[19:06] <Kilos> i dont even go there anymore
[19:06] <Kilos> oh ya captine you can turn that off
[19:07] <andrewlsd> ohi superfly
[19:07] <superfly> sup andrewlsd
[19:08] <captine> thanks Kilos. am looking into it. using hexchat
[19:09] <andrewlsd> I've just been in an hour long hangout, so am all social-networked out. see you another time (for longer)
[19:09] <Kilos> sleep tight
[19:09] <Kilos> ai!
[19:13] <superfly> Anyone seen Microsoft VisualStudio Code for Linux?
[19:13] <superfly>
[19:14] <inetpro> superfly: yes
[19:15] <inetpro> I mean I've seen it but have not installed it
[19:16] <inetpro> oh btw Kilos, it's done now
[19:16] <Kilos> good man ty
[19:17] <Kilos> just got the trello notifications
[19:17] <Kilos> did you write a simple how to
[19:19] <Kilos> did you see the loco teams today
[19:19] <Kilos> they using our idea to get other groups in one plce
[19:20] <Kilos> well cheche anyway
[19:20] <inetpro> Kilos: the howto is simple
[19:20] <Kilos> our as in you and fly
[19:21] <Kilos> not as it was i get lost when it says look if there is a similar page
[19:21] <Kilos> i need a do this do that howto
[19:21] <Kilos> like mazal did the coc thing
[19:24] <inetpro> Kilos: we can look into adding more details in the monthly report tomorrow
[19:25] <Kilos> nono man
[19:25] <Kilos> i just thought i would try help you out
[19:26] <Kilos> i actually need the correct link to the meetings logs
[19:26] <Kilos> i get lost following
[19:26] <inetpro> Kilos: the monthly report for this month is at
[19:26] <Kilos> i want to get all fly used to command maaz
[19:27] <Kilos> so i can hand them to someone else to chair
[19:27] <Kilos> africa that is
[19:27] <Kilos> ty
[19:28] <inetpro> Maaz: help meeting
[19:28] <Maaz> inetpro: Take minutes of an IRC Meeting. You can use it like this:
[19:28] <Maaz> (start | end) meeting [about <title>]
[19:28] <Maaz> I am <True Name>
[19:28] <Maaz> topic <topic>
[19:28] <Maaz> (agreed | idea | accepted | rejected) <statement>
[19:28] <Maaz> minutes so far
[19:28] <Maaz> meeting title is <title>
[19:28] <inetpro> Kilos: ^^
[19:28] <inetpro> what more do you need?
[19:28] <Kilos> sjoe was that all
[19:28] <inetpro> yes
[19:29] <Kilos> oh yay ill just tell them to QA help meeting
[19:29] <Kilos> hehe
[19:29] <inetpro> Kilos: remember
[19:29] <Kilos> ill try
[19:30] <inetpro> I have not set up proper logging and,
[19:30] <Kilos> oh my
[19:30] <inetpro> I have not set up a web page for accessing the logs yet
[19:30] <Kilos> oh my
[19:31] <inetpro> you really want me to do it now?
[19:31] <Kilos> no
[19:31] <inetpro> thank you
[19:31] <Kilos> will still be some weeks i think
[19:32] <Kilos> i also like just chatting to you at times too you know
[19:32] <inetpro> ai!
[19:32] <Kilos> without being told to rtfs
[19:32] <inetpro> :-)
[19:33] <Kilos> hehe
[19:33] <Kilos> aw he left
[19:34] <inetpro> hmm.. who do we have here?
[19:34] <inetpro> wb theblazehen
[19:35] <Kilos> wb theblazehen
[19:35] <Kilos> too busy to chat to his friends looks like
[19:36] <inetpro> btw Kilos, no more time left to celebrate the release of Vivid
[19:37] <Kilos> ya i see its by done
[19:37] <Kilos> we have time for 16.04 release
[19:37] <Kilos> then there will be dvds to hand around
[19:38] <Kilos> temp between 7 and 9°c tommorrow morning inetpro
[19:39] <Kilos> dress warm on the boney
[19:39] <inetpro> at #ubuntu-za we are not very good at celebrating a release... something we need to work on
[19:39] <inetpro> luckily it's holiday tomorrow
[19:39] <Kilos> maybe cuttingedge will like that
[19:40] <Kilos> we need to entice maia back into the fold
[19:41] <Kilos> what can we promise her other than permanent chair
[19:41] <Kilos> dont talk now gotta take bp
[19:44] <inetpro> bp?
[19:46] <Kilos> blood pressure
[19:46] <Kilos> felt bit week last 2 days
[19:46] <Kilos> sis checked bp this morning 149/99
[19:47] <inetpro> ai!
[19:47] <Kilos> now we fixing it with magic
[19:47] <Kilos> 131/92 now
[19:48] <inetpro> how do you bring it down so quick?
[19:49] <inetpro> btw, it's weak, not week
[19:49] <Kilos> 1 clove garlic morning and night and right hand on south pole of magnet for 15 mins
[19:49] <Kilos> that too ya
[19:50] <Kilos> should be normal by tomorrow night
[19:50] <inetpro> hmm... ok
[19:50] <Kilos> you think im just a pretty face
[19:51] <inetpro> don't take me so serious man
[19:51] <Kilos> lol
[19:51] <inetpro> no need to stress like that
[19:52] <Kilos> why?
[19:52] <inetpro> look at you, you almost pass out with the bp of yours
[19:52] <inetpro> all my fault
[19:53] <Kilos> i still took sheep to and from grazing
[19:53] <Kilos> no man not you
[19:53] <Kilos> tomorrow im better and you will still be you
[19:53] <inetpro> ai!
[19:54] * inetpro gotta go sleep early for a change
[19:54] <inetpro> good night
[19:54] <Kilos> ya but no 2 am wake up
[19:54] <Kilos> sleep tight my friend ty for everything
[19:55] <Kilos> wow gonna rain
[19:55] <Kilos> one whole night and no rtfs
[20:22] <Kilos> hmm...
[20:23] <Kilos> i wonder who this graham is
[20:27] <Kilos> night all. sleep tight
[21:26] <smile> Slaapwel :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.618090 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-za"
} |
2015-04-30-#kubuntu-devel | [01:29] <sithlord48> can anyone tell me where kde splash screens go in 15.04 . i made one with QML that i used for kde4 i would like to use it for 15.04
[01:36] <valorie> "where" as in how do you add it?
[01:37] <valorie> of course one way to distribute it is to upload to
[01:38] <valorie> if just "how to add":
[01:38] <valorie> however, this is the devel chan, not the help chan - in future please use #kubuntu for such questions
[01:38] <valorie> I didn't notice
[01:40] <sithlord48> valorie: i did but noone in #kubuntu knew what i was talking about
[01:41] <valorie> people do sleep, go afk to eat, etc.
[02:58] <Etriaph> If I'm logging a bug against Kate for the 'Projects' plugin, would that be a python plugin? Trying to be specific.
[06:27] <mitya57> sitter: Recommends by binary package should be enough
[06:28] <mitya57> (that's an answer to the question of ~20 hours ago :))
[07:41] <lordievader> Good morning.
[08:03] <sitter> Riddell: baloo still doesn't like us
[08:03] <sitter> 06:49:28 baloo : Depends: baloo-kf5 (= 5.9.0+git20150429.1036+15.04) but 5.9.0+git20150429.1036+15.04-0ubuntu0 is to be installed
[08:03] <sitter> I am not entirely sure why -0ubuntu0 doesn't qualify though
[08:03] <sitter> seems a bit odd
[08:06] <sitter> uh uh, apparently source:Version includes the -0ubuntu0 bit for other builds Oo
[08:07] <sitter> ah
[08:08] <sitter> Riddell: your fix should have used source:Version I guess :P
[08:10] <sitter> that's apparently also the difference between the two substvars. source:Version is epoch+upstream+revision, Upstream-Version is epoch+upstream. former would be able to meet =version wheras latter would only work with >=version
[08:10] <sitter> it all makes perfect sense now
[08:12] <Riddell> perfect sense :)
[08:13] <sitter> Riddell: pushed, can you upload to backports ppa plz
[08:14] <Riddell> sitter: yeah, thanks
[08:14] <vip> hello
[08:15] <Riddell> hola vip
[08:15] <soee> good morning
[08:20] <lordievader> o/
[08:31] <soee> Riddell: can i grab somewhere this frameworkintegration package mentioned here in last comment and just install it to get teh bug fixed?
[08:32] <sitter> 08:31:57 KCI-E :: E: baloo-kf5 source: not-binnmuable-any-depends-any baloo -> baloo-kf5
[08:32] <sitter> :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[08:42] <Riddell> soee: apt install frameworkintegration
[08:45] <Riddell> sitter: you changed it back to binary:Version but that's what we started off with
[08:45] <sitter> Riddell: and that was wrong?
[08:46] <sitter> OHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[08:46] <soee> Riddell: yes yes, but the git version mentioned there as it is not in the current frameworks version we have
[08:46] <sitter> Riddell: right this is simply impossible
[08:46] <soee> *whre to grab it
[08:46] <sitter> how about we simply use >= with source:Version?
[08:46] <Riddell> sitter: right,that's the version that gets changed with the rules magic
[08:46] <Riddell> sitter: good enough :)
[08:46] <sitter> or simply hardcode >= 5.9
[08:47] <sitter> actually
[08:47] <sitter> Riddell: >= source:Upstream-Version
[08:49] <sitter> Riddell: backports doesn't need an upload though
[08:50] <sitter> for the purposes of backports the =source:Version relationship I had pushed originally should be good enough (as in:will be installable)
[09:47] <snele> not having working system tray icons for many applications in plasma 5 is just terible
[09:49] <snele> i hope kde devs will reimplement old xembed system tray in time for next kubuntu lts
[09:51] <snele> not having system tray icons for dropbox, viber, steam etc is - disaster
[09:52] <lordievader> snele:
[09:52] <snele> lordievader: yes i have read that blog post
[09:52] <alvin> I've seen that link before too :-)
[09:53] <snele> lordievader: most apps will NOT be ported to new systray specification
[09:53] <snele> and we are left with unusable apps without systray icons
[09:53] <lordievader> True, it is unfortunate.
[09:54] <snele> why kde have to be first and break USER experiance?
[10:05] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:05] <soee> sitter: steam icon is in systray
[10:06] <soee> im not sue about dropbox because im using my own owncloud server
[10:07] <soee> and owncloud icon works with systray
[10:08] <BluesKaj> dropbox icon doesn't work with systemd, the service starts ok , but the icon does not
[10:10] <alvin> soee: are you able to start the ownCloud client minimized?
[10:10] <soee> alvin: no
[10:11] <alvin> Does that have something to do with the systray too? All minimized autostarted programs are in front of me every time I log on.
[10:18] <soee> i think its some mising optionfor a window
[10:21] <sitter> soee: pardon?
[10:21] <soee> sitter: someone mentioned that there is some option like --minimized or something not supported atm. or smth.
[10:22] <sitter> complain to steam? xD
[10:22] <soee> its not about steam, also owncloud and probably some other
[10:23] <sitter> not sure I understand
[10:25] <shadeslayer> sni-qt:i386 ...
[10:25] <sitter> shadeslayer: steam aint qtware methinks
[10:26] <shadeslayer> ohm
[10:26] <sitter> besides sniqt doesn't inject command line options, so that wouldn't be related anyway
[10:26] <shadeslayer> indeed
[10:29] <soee> its hiher level for me atm. so i can't say more about it :)
[10:29] <sitter> without more context I can't say anything about it either :P
[10:29] <alvin> quasselcore --hidewindow is ignored. Well, the --hidewindow part is.
[10:30] <sitter> that'd be a quassel thing though
[10:30] <sitter> Sput: ^
[10:30] <alvin> I meant quasselclient
[10:31] <soee> sitter: if you want to test try to install owncloud clinent
[10:31] <alvin> sitter: You sure? It worked in KDE4. Same goes for KeePassX. There's an option 'start minimized', and it is ignored too.
[10:31] <soee> you will have icon in systray and its window opened
[10:31] * alvin can confirm that too
[10:31] <alvin> and a complaint about not having a systray
[10:32] <vip> oh, mine owncloud client does not minimize on start too (since ~month)
[10:32] <soee> but there are some infos like here: check line with: X-KDE-autostart-phase=2
[10:32] <sitter> soee: well it has a window open because I haven't configured nothing ^^
[10:32] <soee> but this tpic is pretty old
[10:33] <soee> sitter: configured what exactly ? :)
[10:33] <sitter> a server
[10:33] <sitter> form the forum thread I get the idea that its owncloud's default behavior though
[10:33] <soee> sitter: but if you onfigure it and reboot window will me rendred anyway
[10:34] <sitter> only it oculd be worked around by forcing it to get ksystemtray'd via kstart
[10:34] <alvin> No, it starts minimized on 14.10 (with KDE4)
[10:34] <sitter> but since ksystemtray was not ported or something that wouldn't work anymore
[10:34] <soee> yup. in KDE4 was minimized
[10:34] <sitter> I don't see how
[10:34] <sitter> or rather
[10:34] <sitter> it may well be, I don't think its particularly related to plasma that it stopped doing so though
[10:35] <sitter> pull-lp-source: Warning: Distribution data outdated. Please check for an update for distro-info-data. See /usr/share/doc/distro-info-data/README.Debian for details.
[10:35] <sitter> Or specify a distribution.
[10:35] <sitter> Riddell, shadeslayer, ScottK: ^ what does an educated person do about that?
[10:38] <sitter> soee: can you give me a screenshot of the window it would show on start?
[10:38] <shadeslayer> sitter: about distro-info-data ?
[10:38] <shadeslayer> erm
[10:38] <shadeslayer> *update
[10:38] <ScottK> One drives over to Mark's house and insists he pick a name.
[10:39] <shadeslayer> ^
[10:39] <sitter> ah lovely
[10:39] <shadeslayer> Wobbly Windows
[10:39] <shadeslayer> that's what it should be caled
[10:39] <Riddell> ScottK: hard to drive to an island
[10:39] <Riddell> but I have a canoe if you want
[10:39] <sitter> Wanking Wanker
[10:41] <shadeslayer> Canoeing across the atlantic might be hard
[10:41] <ahoneybun> sitter: that should be the name of the W release lol
[10:47] <sitter> alvin, soee: owncloud client version has changed between 14.10 and 15.04 and this really seems more like a bug in the client than plasma
[10:52] <ahoneybun> sitter: do you know where that tabing windows feature is?
[10:52] <ahoneybun> you used to be able to right click windows titles and have a way to "tab" them together in one window
[10:53] <sitter> might have been dropped
[10:53] <sitter> I seeem to recall having had a conversation about kwin features that were written but aren't maintained and needed to be dropped because of that
[10:53] <ahoneybun> oh thats sad
[10:53] <ahoneybun> but understandable
[10:54] <sitter> ahoneybun: right click window decoration -> settings -> advanced -> automatically group similar windows?
[10:54] <ahoneybun> I saw that not sure if it did anything on my machine though
[10:55] <sitter> well no clue. perhaps ask on kde forums
[10:56] <ahoneybun> thanks sitter
[11:11] <tnbp> hi, is anyone here using bumblebee AND kde frameworks 5?
[11:12] <alvin> I was also looking for that tabbing feature. Couldn't find it anymore. And that plasma netbook modus? Also gone?
[11:12] <tnbp> hi, is anyone here using bumblebee AND kde frameworks 5?
[11:20] <soee> tnbp: nvidia-prime
[11:21] <tnbp> soee: i think it would have to be bumblebee
[11:22] <tnbp> soee: but thank you
[11:24] <BluesKaj> tnbp: like I said earlier in #kde, perhaps you should ask in #opensuse-devel
[11:24] <tnbp> BluesKaj: hello again :D
[11:25] <BluesKaj> tnbp: aka #opensuse-factory
[11:26] <tnbp> BluesKaj: i couldn't find the devel channel at first, gonna ask there now
[11:26] <BluesKaj> ok tnbp, good
[11:29] <sitter> kubotu_: order fishnchips
[11:29] * kubotu_ slides fishnchips down the bar to sitter
[11:29] <sitter> mh
[11:29] <sitter> kubotu_: nick kubotu
[11:41] <soee_> Riddell: reds in apps gone, but this packages are marked to be removed: calligra-libs karbon libktpotrprivate8 libmarblewidget20
[11:49] <Riddell> soee_: thanks for keeping an eye on it :)
[11:49] <Riddell> soee_: I just uploaded callige calligra_2.9.2-0ubuntu3~ubuntu14.10~ppa1_source.changes so that'll use the new libmarblewidget and fix that, but I guess it'll take some hours to compile
[11:49] <Riddell> soee_: oh can you install digikam ok now?
[11:50] <soee_> Riddell: i have it installed and dont see update for it
[11:58] <soee> Riddell: what about this 2 kdepim pckages that are red ?
[12:04] <Riddell> soee: well spotted, updating
[12:05] <BluesKaj> also can't run more than one instance of kate at a time, hope this bug is fixed soon
[12:18] <tron71> Hi
[12:18] <tron71> I'm facing this very annoying bug
[12:19] <tron71> I see that it is fixed in kde applications 15.04
[12:19] <tron71> are there any plans to provide a version of kde applications 15.04 for Kubuntu?
[12:19] <tron71> because that bug makes Kate almost impossible to use...
[12:19] <tron71> it's usable only with a single file ;)
[12:19] <BluesKaj> it's not fixed on my install though
[12:19] <tron71> The bug is also present in the live version of kubuntu 15.04
[12:20] <tron71> and in my current Kubuntu 15.04, the KDE applications are still old if I understand correctly:
[12:20] <tron71> kde-baseapps-bin 4:14.12.3-0ubuntu3
[12:22] <Riddell> tron71: apps 15.04 is in testing now
[12:22] <soee> tron71: devs are working on 15.04 apps, should be ready sson i thinl
[12:22] <soee> Riddell: still reds
[12:22] <Riddell> soee: that's only because you pointed out the problems :)
[12:23] <Riddell> maybe if nobody tested it we wouldn't have any reds :)
[12:23] <soee> ~.~
[12:23] <Riddell> is a build failure really a build failure if nobody tests it?
[12:25] <sgclark> oh kdepim...
[12:25] <mparillo> tron71: > it's usable only with a single file ;) I know you are asking for two INSTANCES of kate, but I have had multiple files open in multiple tabs in a single instance of kate.
[12:26] <tron71> mparillo: I'm asking something different: I'd like to have multiple files open in multiple tabs, in a single instance, but this bugs prevents it
[12:27] <tron71> as soon as you have such two tabs, the Dolphin instance you used for opening them freezes, until you close Kate (or at least, you close the second Kate tab)
[12:28] <mparillo> But if you open the files from Kate instead of Dolphin, then is Dolphin frozen?
[12:29] <mparillo> Not saying it isn't a bug, of course.
[12:30] <tron71> No: it freezes only if you open two files from Dolphin... that's what I usually do every day ;)
[12:31] <tron71> And it's not only Dolphin: the same happens if you open two files from KRunner
[12:31] <tron71> after they're open in Kate, KRunner does not show up anymore, until you close Kate
[12:31] <KDDA> anyone having intermitant problems shutting down in 15.04?
[12:32] <tron71> that's why I'm saying that's a rather blocking bug :)
[12:37] <mparillo> When I use the File Open dialog from kate (which looks a whole lot like dolphin), I can select several files, and open them all at once, and it seems usable. I understand it is not your workflow. ( but at least that one is already fixed upstream.
[12:37] <BluesKaj> mparillo: ok rthanks for the tip abnout the tabs in kate, bu tin my setupthere aren't any real tabs like a browser, just titles
[12:40] <tron71> mparillo: I don't think it's only my workflow: as I said, suppose you have opened a file in Kate (e.g., with File Open dialog), then you search for a file in KRunner (or click on a file in Dolphin), it will open in Kate, and this will freeze the original application...
[12:41] <tron71> it looks like the original application has a bug...
[12:41] <tron71> it's not about workflow ;)
[12:41] <tron71> it's about preventing real usability of the DE
[12:44] <BluesKaj> tron71: haveupgraded to plasma 5.3, because the krunner works fine here with both kate and dolphin open
[12:44] <tron71> have you just upgraded?
[12:44] <BluesKaj> have you upgraded that is
[12:44] <tron71> I've upgraded yesterday evening (on another computer which I don't have right one) and the bug was still there
[12:45] <BluesKaj> upgraded 2 days ago to plasma 5.3
[12:45] <tron71> on the computer you're writing from?
[12:45] <BluesKaj> yes
[12:45] <tron71> and if you open two files from Dolphin, then Dolphin won't freeze?
[12:46] <tron71> (and the two files are open in the very same Kate instance)
[12:47] <BluesKaj> ok , i see your bug now ...I have the same one, dolphin freezes trying to open 2 text files
[12:49] <BluesKaj> as mparillo suggested try opening them in kate instead , I managed to open 4 without any trouble
[12:50] <tron71> yes, me too, but as I said above, this decreases the workbench usability, as soon as you use KRunner, or click on a text file from the file manager...
[12:50] <tron71> I don't think this is only *my* workflow :)
[12:51] <tron71> what I love of KRunner (and in particular of the current Baloo) is that I can quickly (really quickly) open files...
[12:52] <BluesKaj> well I'm not on the job, so being a home user several open text files isn't needed very uften
[12:52] <tron71> but this bug makes such usability go away...
[12:52] <tron71> I'm a developer, and this is a huge usability drawback :)
[13:02] <tron71> Riddell: as you said, devs are working on KDE applications 15.04; when they are ready, will they be available only with a backport ppa?
[13:03] <tron71> in any case, will this be announced on the kubuntu website, or is there another feed to look at to get updates about that?
[13:04] <Riddell> tron71: yes and yes
[13:04] <tron71> OK, then I'll keep my eyes on the kubuntu website :)
[13:05] <tron71> any estimation of time?
[13:16] <alvin> Guys, would you provide a backport of libssh too if that fixes bug #1450085 ?
[13:17] <alvin> kio_sftp is broken in 15.04 and I'm not sure if using rsa as a workaround can be considered secure.
[13:20] <shadeslayer> alvin: possibly, but would go into backports and not in the regular repo
[13:20] <shadeslayer> since it seems like it introduces new features
[13:21] <BluesKaj> it will also be nice once the plasma 4 dependent apps like like dolphin are switched over to plasma 5 and when these apps' colour and font settings appear set properly with root permissions and not the defaults, which atm can't be changed
[13:23] <alvin> I've looked for the changelog There are indeed 3 new features including ECDSA support which Dolphin needs here.
[13:23] <shadeslayer> right
[13:24] <shadeslayer> alvin: so it'll have to go into the backports repo
[13:24] <shadeslayer> which people have to enable manually and what not
[13:24] <ScottK> I don't think ECDSA is something anyone needs.
[13:25] <alvin> Fine by me. I don't know the rules here. The CVE doesn't get it accepted to ubuntu-security?
[13:25] <ScottK> In fact, there are some curves that are known to be intentionally cryptographically weak.
[13:25] <ScottK> We'll fix the CVE.
[13:25] <alvin> ScottK: The trouble is that it's ssh's default. When you make a normal ssh connection, you can't use kio_sftp anymore afterwards.
[13:26] <ScottK> Only if you have an ECDSA key.
[13:26] <alvin> Yes, but who doesn't? It's the default.
[13:29] <ScottK> BTW, the CVE is fixed in all supported Ubuntu releases:
[13:32] <alvin> I see. It is indeed already fixed. Ok, backports it should be then.
[13:33] <shadeslayer> actually
[13:33] <shadeslayer> I'm not sure how backporting would proceed here
[13:33] <shadeslayer> we don't have W yet
[13:34] <shadeslayer> can you still file requests for backports when the next series hasn't updated the package?
[13:34] <ScottK> shadeslayer: Yes.
[13:34] <shadeslayer> okay
[13:34] <shadeslayer> alvin: request-backport libssh < plz run that
[13:35] <shadeslayer> ah, no -
[13:36] <alvin> no?
[13:37] <ScottK> alvin: Looking at man ssh_config under HostKeyAlgorithms, it seems to me that the only time it might be a problem is if a server only had ECDSA keys and I think that would be a mistake on their part.
[13:37] <ScottK> I have an ECDSA key, but it's actually rarely used.
[13:38] <alvin> Strange, I have several: grep ecdsa .ssh/known_hosts | wc -l gives me 94
[13:38] <alvin> and 92 rsa entries, but those might be older
[13:39] <alvin> I'm sure that ECDSA is the default for Ubuntu too.
[13:39] <shadeslayer> I have 79
[13:39] <ScottK> Mine says 30 for ECDSA and 113 for RSA.
[13:41] <ScottK> alvin: If by default, you mean first in the list of HostKeyAlgorithms, that's true, but it's just first. Other algorithms will be tried. The man page reference I gave a little bit ago mentions it.
[13:43] <alvin> Yes, that's what I meant by default. I don't know the background for that decision. I only see that I can't use Dolphin unless I erase those entries from my .ssh/known_hosts file and reconnect using Dolphin first.
[13:44] <ScottK> That sounds like kio_ssh not handling finding the right algorithm correctly.
[13:51] <alvin> Indeed
[14:06] <alvin> shadeslayer: Is this supposed to happen?
[14:06] <shadeslayer> heh
[14:06] <shadeslayer> nope
[14:07] <ScottK> Probably because there's no devel release right now.
[14:07] <shadeslayer> probably
[14:07] <ScottK> alvin: In order to backport libssh, you'd have to test all the users of the lib.reverse-depends -b libssh-dev for a list.
[14:12] <alvin> ok. Waiting for Wondering Weasel
[14:14] <BluesKaj> or wacky wombat :)
[14:14] <Riddell> soee: you have problem with gtk apps in systray?
[14:14] <Riddell> or alvin?
[14:15] <alvin> Not me. My problem is with Qt apps (keepassx, owncloud-client and quasselclient in my case) Those do not start minimized.
[14:15] <alvin> (Even if configured to start minimized I should add.)
[14:15] <Riddell> alvin: using what way to start them minimised?
[14:16] <alvin> In KeePassX: Settings -> Start minimized, and quasselclient --hidewindow. owncloud-client should start minimized by default.
[14:17] <alvin> Starting them all from System Settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Desktop file
[14:17] <Riddell> alvin: and do they show in the systray at all?
[14:17] <alvin> Yes, they do
[14:18] <alvin> I should add that this problem is only at login. When you start 'quasselclient --hidewindow' from the command line, it actually starts minimized.
[14:19] <alvin> Checking... Yes. owncloud starts minimized too. But not at log on.
[14:20] <alvin> and same goes for KeePassX when configured to do so. This is only when configuring Autostart
[14:21] <alvin> (might nog be related. If you're in 'kchmshell5 autostart', add a Script file and set that script file to 'startup' (not pre-KDE startup), then that setting will be gone. Check it by adding a script, closing the window and opening kcmshell5 autostart again)
[14:32] <soee> Riddell: hard to say, i do not use a lot GTK apps
[14:37] <Riddell> 15:25 < Riddell> sgclark: why is e.g. this yellow?
[14:37] <Riddell> 15:24 < Riddell> sgclark: for plasma releases I usually check everything is built before I make tars, is this the new url for me to use?
[14:37] <Riddell> sgclark: my questions ↑ :)
[14:37] <sgclark> Riddell: ok, yeah it seems there are some probelms with tests, I am sorting that now
[14:38] <sgclark> Riddell: yeah that is the right view
[14:40] <sgclark> Riddell: that particular one is yellow because it failed a test:,compiler=gcc/3/testReport/
[14:57] <Riddell> sgclark: you can ignore Tazmain, he's just a user who doesn't realised he's wandered into a meeting
[14:57] <sgclark> oh ok lol
[15:34] <soee> calligra and kdepim failed to build
[15:52] <Riddell> soee: meh
[15:53] <soee> ;)
[16:20] * Riddell blogs
[16:25] <genii> oh, kicked not ticked
[17:04] <mparillo> I hope i am not the only Plasma 5.4 tester who primarily uses VMware.
[17:05] <tsdgeos> there's no Plasma 5.4 yet, is there?
[17:15] <mparillo> It sounded as if they were planning in #plasma.
[17:24] <Darkwing> There a 5.3 ppa?
[17:32] <sebas> Yes
[18:10] <mparillo> Darkwing:
[18:33] <_Groo_> hi guys
[18:33] <_Groo_> i upgraded from 5.3.0 backports to kubuntu-ci
[18:33] <_Groo_> installed bluez-qt
[18:34] <_Groo_>
[18:34] <_Groo_> but yet, i still dont have any bluetooth support in either kcm or panel
[18:34] <_Groo_> am i missing something?
[18:36] <_Groo_> i do have the bluetooth support for kcm4, but not in 5 :(
[19:51] <_Groo_> Riddell: ping | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.635613 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-br | [02:57] <astroo-> ciao pessoal
[03:00] <AlexandreMBM> astroo-, o que é "ciao"?
[03:00] <astroo-> italiano de tchau xau etc
[04:09] <Hudsonkem> ola :)
[04:09] <AlexandreMBM> Oi
[04:09] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem,
[04:10] <Hudsonkem> tudo bem?
[04:11] <barack_obama> Hudsonkem: ola
[04:11] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, alguma questão sobre o Ubuntu?
[04:13] <Hudsonkem> #AlexandreMBM não tem me reparado por aqui?, sou um vonluntario tambem :)
[04:13] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, desculpe-me, eu que não sou assíduo; entro esporadicamente
[04:14] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, coicindiu que durante essa semana eu venho entrando mais vezes seguidas
[04:14] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, não sou afeito a chat, por demandar muito tempo
[04:14] <Hudsonkem> ^^ entendo.
[04:14] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, mas de vez em quando eu sinto que devo passar por aqui
[04:15] <Hudsonkem> lol, bom acho que vc esta sentindo vontade de ajudar alguem de alguma forma.
[04:17] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, aqui eu sempre fui mais ajudado
[04:18] <Hudsonkem> kkk, nuss
[04:19] <Hudsonkem> bom, mas é sempre bom esta nesse chat, aprender novas coisas entre varias, etc.
[04:22] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, tenho ressalva com chat
[04:23] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, marco presença porque não tem como pegar outra via para algo que é próprio daqui
[04:24] <Hudsonkem> #AlexandreMBM poderia me dizer o'que quis dizer com "Marco presença" :)?
[04:24] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, venho, uso, apareço
[04:25] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, em outras palavras, "gostar" de chat eu não gosto
[04:25] <Hudsonkem> ^^ sakei
[04:25] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, num sentido racional
[04:25] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, eu posso até me distrair...
[04:25] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, mas depois me arrependo faço de ter feito algum investimento (em tempo)
[04:26] <AlexandreMBM> * arrependo fácil
[04:26] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, é que nem comer demais
[04:26] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, racionalmente ninguém gosta
[04:26] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, mas por impulso todos gostam
[04:26] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, "gostam"
[04:27] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, por outro lado, precisamos comer algo
[04:27] <Hudsonkem> depende, tipo quando se para para sentir o sabor de algo passa-se a gostar disso, mas entendo seu raciocinio
[04:27] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, e no caso do chat, às vezes é o único meio que temos
[04:27] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, pessoas me perguntam se gostam de tal e outra coisa
[04:28] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, eu quero responder com o que faz mais sentido pra mim
[04:28] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, mas nem sempre faz sentido para elas
[04:28] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, sentido pra mim: eu não gosto de comer de mais
[04:28] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, mas elas pensam que eu gosto de comer demais quando veem que eu me empanturrei
[04:29] <Hudsonkem> ^^
[04:29] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, falta de controle, seja de impulso ou de circunstâncias
[04:29] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, de impulso: gula
[04:30] <Hudsonkem> as pessoas não aprendem como olhar o mundo de um jeito mais certero, e sim vive suas vidas modestas a ponte de ingnorancia para com o conhecimento.
[04:30] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, de circunstâncias: o chat é a única maneira de falar com você agora
[04:30] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, OFF-TOPIC
[04:31] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, e eu preciso voltar a fazer umas coisa aqui
[04:31] <Hudsonkem> ^^
[04:32] <Hudsonkem> vc pensa de uma forma bem direta, acho que ser mas flexiveu com o teu proprio jeito pode torna as coisas mais interessantes.
[04:34] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, isso seria se conformar com "não aprender como olhar o mundo de um jeito mais certero". Seria muito pior! Invés de tender a acerto, tenderia a erro.
[04:34] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, o acerto está em comer só o suficiente
[04:34] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, o acerto está em não deixar a tecnologia dominar sua vida
[04:34] <Hudsonkem> bom, em ideia sim, mas não sera todos que tentaram compreender os outros.
[04:35] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, não entendi a frase.
[04:35] <Hudsonkem> vejamos..
[04:36] <Hudsonkem> você tem conceito e perspectivas, vc tbm compreende que é necessario montar possibilidades para melhor compreenção, tirar um jeito só seu, algo bem mais profundo.
[04:37] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, não sei se estou captando o significado das suas palavras, o significado que você quer colocar nelas.
[04:37] <Hudsonkem> se vc tem esses tipos de pensamentos, lamento mas és um dos poucos, e como consequencia, a falta de compreenção por parte dos demais sera evidente.
[04:38] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, isso eu entendi.
[04:38] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, só não entendi ainda o "...tirar um jeito só seu, algo bem mais profundo"
[04:38] <Hudsonkem> digamos que eu consiga te reconhecer como ser pensante, mas a distancias das informações que temos pode gerar o mau entendido da msm forma que pessoas comuns ^^.
[04:39] <Hudsonkem> por isso me referir "ser flexiveu"
[04:39] <Hudsonkem> e como jogar um jogo antigo.
[04:39] <Hudsonkem> vc tem que fazer as coisas basenado no sistema da mesma.
[04:40] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, bom, eu esperamos que sejamos pessoas comuns. rsrsrs
[04:40] <AlexandreMBM> * eu espero
[04:40] <Hudsonkem> kkk, já eu não curto pessoas, dependendo do'que seja.
[04:41] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, eu encaro o universo de pessoas comuns como algum inimaginavelmente amplo.
[04:41] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, quase como se a categoria "pessoas comuns" até perdesse o significado.
[04:41] <AlexandreMBM> * como algo
[04:41] <AlexandreMBM> ... mas não vamos complicar.
[04:42] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, como assim não curte pessoas?
[04:42] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, você é uma pessoa.
[04:42] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, se você crer em Deus, Ele é pelo menos uma pessoa.
[04:42] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, sua mulher ou seu par, é uma pessoa.
[04:42] <Hudsonkem> sou do tipo "não sou humano" e com que base vc tem certeza se sou humano ou uma pessoa? ^^
[04:42] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, seus pais, familiares.
[04:43] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, base nenhuma. Só a "fé" de que estou fazendo um teste de Turing adequado.
[04:44] <Hudsonkem> .-. e si a mente do proprio criador tiver previsto frases como esta como vc conseguiria fazer algo a mais?
[04:45] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, por isso que eu disse "fé". Se eu puder e quiser, eu acredito em extra-terrestres já vivendo entre nós.
[04:45] <Hudsonkem> a base e filosofia humana os colocam como o centro de algo que não existe fora da mente dos mesmos.
[04:45] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, bom, eu não acredito que exista intelegiência artificial tão trabalha quanto a sua, e aqui na Freenode.
[04:46] <AlexandreMBM> * tão trabalhada
[04:46] <Hudsonkem> bom vc é a segunda pessoa que me faz um teste de turing pq?
[04:46] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, por que por certo você se fez de doido ou se expressou muito mal em algum momento.
[04:47] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, mas eu não lhe teste de Turing.
[04:48] <Hudsonkem> não é isso #AlexandreMBM e sim o'que eu já ressaltei, a forma como eu lido com informações não são como vc pensa, tento ser o mais claro possivel dependendo do presente.
[04:48] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, eu apenas analisei o histórico quando você me provocou a respeito.
[04:48] <Hudsonkem> ^^
[04:49] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, não entendi. Mas sua expressão é complexa o suficiente para não desmoronar meu conceito a seu respeito.
[04:49] <AlexandreMBM> * eu não lhe fiz teste
[04:49] <Hudsonkem> bom, mas para deixar claro, sou de carne e osso. e não estou de zoeira, é assim que eu penso. a base de meus pensamentos tem como foco ¨¨¨
[04:50] <Hudsonkem> não posso fazer sobre que tipos de conhecimento ou ideias me baseo.
[04:50] <Hudsonkem> fazer = falar*
[04:51] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, por gentileza, reescreva.
[04:51] <Hudsonkem> a ultima frase?
[04:51] <AlexandreMBM> Sim
[04:51] <AlexandreMBM> a base ...
[04:52] <Hudsonkem> Não posso falar sobre que tipo de conhecimento ou ideia me baseio.
[04:53] <Hudsonkem> na frase "A base de meus pensamentos tem como foco ***[implicando eu não falar] linha seguinte"
[04:53] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, deixa eu ver se peguei o fim da meada: talvez escrever volumes e mais volumes para tentar rastrear as ideias ajudasse em algo, mas eu sei que não resolveria; é muita coisa na recursão.
[04:53] <Hudsonkem> [implicando em não falar]*
[04:55] <Hudsonkem> poderia reformular sua frase deixando evidente sobre os pontos X da qual se refere?
[04:55] <Hudsonkem> só uma momento de 5 min...aguarde :D
[04:56] <AlexandreMBM> Eu interpretei o que você escreveu por aqui: "a base de meus pensamentos não pode ser rastreada, eu não consigo saber quais pensamentos ou ideias originaram quais outros e todos"
[05:03] <Hudsonkem> baseando-se em um ideia geral, todas as pessoas leem livros e aprende com o mesmo, a uma certa ideia que o livro ilustra, minhas consepções são baseada em algo não natural. ou seja algo que não teria como base em livros. algo que é preciso combinar equações para entender,
[05:04] <Hudsonkem> lamento meu português, utimamente não consigo pensar rapidamente sobre as gramaticas. e tempos verbais.
[05:05] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, nossas concepções baseiam-se numa infinidade coisas
[05:05] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, são castelos
[05:06] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, construídos com muitos tijolos
[05:06] <Hudsonkem> #AlexandreMBM seu cerebro ver combinações de informações e significados textuais ao qual não se espandem para muito longe, ou seja pensamentos revolucionarios mas em escala pequena. algo restrito para vc viver e morrer como humano.
[05:07] <Hudsonkem> mas eu compreendo su relutancia. tecnicamente estamos conversando para obter um entendimento mutuo então continuemos :D
[05:07] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, sim, finita a nossa visão; algumas veem mais longe por algum ângulo
[05:08] <AlexandreMBM> * alguns veem
[05:09] <Hudsonkem> bom para deixar o pensamento mais claro aqui vamos ter como base o corpo
[05:09] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, porém, o que não vemos (e isso é fé minha) é infinito: a Verdade existe e é infinita, não totalmente palpáveis, composta de multiplas verdades mais ou menos palpáveis
[05:10] <AlexandreMBM> * não totalmente palpável
[05:11] <Hudsonkem> mas como um ser que tem como base analogias visuais e pensamentos cognitivos dizer que algo que não exerga ou não transcende o conhecimento de forma prudente dizer ou mencionar "fé" como uma verdade pessoal?
[05:12] <AlexandreMBM> Não estou mencionando "fé" como uma verdade pessoal, mas como uma aposta. Eu acredito que todos nós apostamos.
[05:12] <AlexandreMBM> Eu não reduzo minha cognição ao que posso experimentar com o corpo.
[05:12] <Hudsonkem> entendo.
[05:13] <AlexandreMBM> Minha cognição, tal como acredito ser a sua e a de qualquer outro, enraiza-se em "fé", crença.
[05:13] <Hudsonkem> poderia salientar como realmente vc ver o mundo de forma simples por gentileza?
[05:13] <AlexandreMBM> Nas ciências, isso tem pelo menos um nome: axioma.
[05:14] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, não tem como mas também não tenho essa pretensão. Talvez se você fizer perguntas específicas eu possa ir mostrando algo do que você quer saber sobre mim.
[05:14] <Hudsonkem> não confio em algo que eu não tenho certeza, ciências humanas tem muitas coisas falhas tal qual suas filosofias, mas isso fica como um forma objetiva de pensamento.
[05:15] <Hudsonkem> entendo.
[05:15] <Hudsonkem> que tal, como vc indentificaria a se msm?
[05:16] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, nossas certezas são solidificações em crença, mais ou menos auxiliadas por métodos tais como o método científico. Estou falando o que acredito. Claro que vocẽ pode ter outras apostas.
[05:16] <Hudsonkem> não discordo de vc #AlexandreMBM só resaltei que eu "confio em que eu possa testa e usar"
[05:17] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, então você discordo de mim.
[05:17] <AlexandreMBM> *discorda
[05:17] <AlexandreMBM> Eu também confio muito mais nisso, mas não somente nisso.
[05:18] <Hudsonkem> ^^
[05:19] <AlexandreMBM> É mais fácil confiar na teoria que nos explica a lei da gravidade. É óbvio que é a que eu aceito. Existe auxílios muitos eficientes para eu acreditar nela.
[05:19] <Hudsonkem> para entender oq falei digamos, eu posso fazer sua ideia minha no momento que vc fala, assim tento compreendela entende?
[05:19] <AlexandreMBM> Mas naquelas assuntos que o método científico não alcança, estou aberto a acreditar em coisas que não podem ser testadas.
[05:20] <AlexandreMBM> E também a negar outras.
[05:20] <AlexandreMBM> *naqueles assuntos
[05:22] <Hudsonkem> entendo.
[05:22] <Hudsonkem> não é como se não existice o outro lado do aquario
[05:22] <AlexandreMBM> Não entendi.
[05:22] <Hudsonkem> sempre se deve manter a mente aberta a informações
[05:22] <Hudsonkem> me refiro a outro plano como chamam de "mundo espiritual"
[05:24] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, isso não bate com a postura que você declarou, de acreditar apenas nos sentidos.
[05:24] <Hudsonkem> séra msm?
[05:24] <Hudsonkem> não resaltei em que base eu me baseio
[05:25] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, não é logicamente acreditar APENAS nos sentidos e acreditar em ALGO fora dos sentidos.
[05:25] <AlexandreMBM> *logicamente possível
[05:25] <Hudsonkem> e si eu tiver a capacidade disso?
[05:26] <Hudsonkem> "sou do tipo não humano"
[05:27] <AlexandreMBM> Hudsonkem, então vamos encerrar o assunto, porque é perda de tempo. Desde o início eu me assumi como alguém que "acredita racionalmente". Você quer apenas ser racional sem acreditar, mas agora recorre a uma irracionalidade arregaçada.
[05:28] <Hudsonkem> #AlexanderMBM "minha logica tem como ponto o paradoxo"
[05:28] <AlexandreMBM> Tchauzinho...
[05:28] <AlexandreMBM> Isso não é paradoxo, é sofisma.
[05:28] <Hudsonkem> #AlexandreMBM queria conversar mais com vc, mas ok tenha um bom dia
[05:28] <AlexandreMBM> Até.
[12:32] <Guest60467> Bom dia
[12:35] <Guest60467> Estou com um note Acer modelo Aspire V5-472-6 Br826, com UEFI na Bios, ja desativei , tentei muitas configurações na Bios, mais não consigo instalar o Ubuntu em dual boot com o Windows nativo 8.1, help !!
[12:35] <Guest60467> o grub nem instala
[12:36] <barna> Guest60467, vc ja conseguiu fazer dar boot pelo livepen ou livecd?
[12:36] <Guest60467> sim, livepen
[12:37] <barna> massa, ai o q acontece quanda vc da boot?
[12:39] <barna> Guest60467, volto em 1 min.....
[12:40] <Guest60467> ai tranquilo, inicializa, criei uma partição ext4 para o Ubuntu e a Swap, aponto o sda para o grub, a intalação segue normalmente, mais o grup não consegue ler os sistemas, para usar o Ubuntu ou o Windows, preciso reconfigurar a Bios a cada boot
[12:45] <barna> Guest60467, voltei... e ai o q acontece quando vc boota?
[12:50] <Guest60467> insttala tudo, mais ao reiniciar apos a instalação o grub não consegue carregar, inicia diretamente o Ubuntu desprezando o 2º S.O.
[12:51] <barna> quando vc instalou, vc colocou o grub em qual partição?
[12:51] <barna> Guest60467,
[12:52] <Guest60467> Grub no no disco sda
[12:52] <barna> ok, cha eu pesquisar aki, 1 seg
[12:53] <barna> Guest60467, qual versão do ubuntu vc ta instalando?
[12:53] <Guest60467> 15.04
[12:53] <Guest60467> a 14.10 apresenta erro, não consegue instalar o Grub
[12:54] <Guest60467> a 15.04 instala o grub mais não inicializa
[12:54] <Guest60467> acredito ser problema com o UEFI
[12:56] <barna> Guest60467, os kras ficam criando sistemas pra dificultar a vida que não quer usar o sistema operacional fechado deles!
[12:56] <barna> esse uefi é bem por ai, bota um monte de dificuldades!
[12:57] <barna> Guest60467, vc consegue ler em ingles?
[13:00] <Guest60467> tenta
[13:01] <barna> Guest60467, lembrei de algo, lendo aki, vc ta dando boot na bios em modo legacy ou uefi?
[13:01] <Guest60467> legacy
[13:01] <barna> uai......
[13:01] <barna> ja tive esse problema, mas o legacy resolveu.... voltando a pesquisar
[13:03] <Guest60467> vou tentar nova configuração
[13:04] <barna> Guest60467, aki deve ter muita coisa,
[13:09] <barna> Guest60467, esse ta em ingles, mas o kra fez um bando de informação, só achar qual o seu problema e seguir o link.
[13:09] <barna>
[13:09] <Guest60467> obrigado, vou ler
[13:31] <Guest60467> barra, sucesso !
[13:31] <Guest60467> barna, sucesso !
[13:32] <Guest60467> usar como Legacy, UEFI on , security boot off, e criar uma partição de 2mb para inicialização do grub
[14:09] <barna> Guest60467, :D
[14:09] <barna> Guest60467, q era? me conta pra mim poder ajudar outros com o mesmo problema
[14:40] <Guest60467> barna,kra o sistema UEFI realmente é muito bom, mais se não souber configurar é um saco
[14:40] <Guest60467> barna, usar como Legacy, UEFI on , security boot off, e criar uma partição de 2mb para inicialização do grub
[14:58] <Nickrj> Bom dia
[14:59] <Nickrj> Gostaria de saber se já saiu a versão do ubuntu-15-04, pois não acho no site do ubuntu br
[15:01] <Dead_Thinker> Nickrj: saiu sim, o site as vezes demora pra atualizar, mas já tá lá, 1 min
[15:02] <Nickrj> Ok, desde já agradeço, tenha um bom feriado...
[15:02] <Dead_Thinker> Nickrj: olha embaixo
[15:02] <Dead_Thinker> Nickrj: obrigado, pra ti tb
[15:12] <marcelomauro> Pessoal, desculpe a pergunta sobre este assunto num canal de linux. Mas alguém já teve problemas com um programinha que é instalado sem a sua permissão no windows Warsaw da Gas Tecnologies? Esse danado está me limitando a internet.
[15:16] <Dead_Thinker> marcelomauro: se não me engano esse programa é usado por aqueles softwwares de segurança de banco
[15:16] <Dead_Thinker> Bando do Brasil, itau, um deles
[15:17] <marcelomauro> entao... estou lendo aqui na internet que é para isso
[15:17] <marcelomauro> acontece que eu só consigo navegar na rede se deleto este programa
[15:18] <marcelomauro> isso tem acontecido de um tempo pra cá
[15:18] <marcelomauro> eu preciso desistalar ele toda vez que reinicio o computador, senão nem o antivirus conseque atualizar seu banco de dados
[15:19] <marcelomauro> é como um virus essa joça
[15:27] <Dead_Thinker> marcelomauro: foda :( n tive problemas com ele quando usava Windows
[15:28] <marcelomauro> Dead_Thinker, ele só iniciou de uns dois meses pra cá. Eu uso mais linux, mas preciso do outro funcionando tb
[15:29] <Dead_Thinker> marcelomauro: ok
[15:48] <user__> Pessoal, alguém sabe como criar um hostspot no backbox
[15:48] <user__> ?
[15:51] <user__> NO ruindows eu usava o connecty fy
[15:52] <user__> ???
[16:08] <yangm> qemu não roda no wayland?
[16:13] <mirqui> boa tarde :)
[16:13] <Celso> boa
[16:14] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :)?
[16:14] <Celso> joinha
[16:14] <mirqui> isso que serve :)
[17:39] <Arthur_Skt8> alguem pode me passar apostilas ou recomendar um site top, para eu ficar fera no Ubuntu?
[17:42] <Cyberworld> tenho apostilas de linux
[17:42] <Cyberworld> em geral, agora especificamente só em ubuntu eu n tenho e nem faço ideia de site
[17:45] <Hudsonkem> sim
[17:45] <Hudsonkem> guia foca
[17:45] <Hudsonkem>
[18:30] <marcus1_> como acessar partições ntfs no ubuntu, sou iniciante e fiz um dual boot com o Windows 8.1 + ubuntu 15.04, mais do linux não consigo acessar meus dados na partição do windows, o que preciso instalar ?,obrigado !
[18:34] <marcus1_> erro ->
[18:35] <Hudsonkem> vc já montou a partição ntfs?
[18:38] <marcus1_> não, quando usava o ubuntu 9 não precisava montar, apenas click na unidade pelo gerenciador de arquivos, lembro tambem que precisava instalar uns pacotes.
[18:38] <marcus1_> não lembro quais os pacotes
[20:53] <astroo-> ola pessoal
[21:43] <Hudsonkem> ola galera
[21:44] <astroo-> ola
[21:46] <Hudsonkem> astro sabe me dizer uma coisa
[21:46] <Hudsonkem> to com uma pequena duvida
[21:47] <Hudsonkem> no xubuntu que to usando 15.04, quando abro alguma pasta por um programa, tipo google chrome, ele abre o nautilus e não o thunar, sendo que n instalei o nautilus
[22:23] <Marujo02> Olá, Boa noite a todos.
[22:24] <astroo-> ola
[22:24] <Marujo02> Alguém por favor por favor poderia me ajudar em um problema no meu sistema ubuntu?
[22:26] <astroo-> poe sempre a duvida que tens
[22:30] <Marujo02> é com meu bando de dados Mysql, quando vou acessa-lo via terminal, surge este erro: " ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) "
[22:30] <Marujo02> Não sei como proceder.
[22:34] <astroo-> da uns 15 minutos pela possivel resposta de alguem
[22:35] <Rudolf> Marujo02: consulte a documentação do mysql menino
[22:35] <Rudolf> Marujo02: isso é bem documentado
[22:37] <Marujo02> Sou leigo no meio ubuntu. O que eu seguir na documentação não solucionou.
[22:37] <Rudolf> Marujo02: continue tentando
[22:39] <Marujo02> Ok. Obrigado de qualquer forma.
[22:42] <Dead_Thinker> Marujo02: acho que teu MySQL tá desligado cara.
[22:45] <Marujo02> Como posso proceder diante disso?
[22:47] <Marujo02> não consigo mais remover o bd mysql, e também não consigo o atualizar. Dá sempre erro em todas as situações que tendo utilizar-lo de alguma forma.
[22:58] <Dead_Thinker> Marujo02: tenta rodar sudo service mysql start
[22:58] <Dead_Thinker> Marujo02: preciso sair, mas já fico online e tento ver contigo
[22:59] <Marujo02> OK | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.651656 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-br"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-locoteams | [07:06] <dholbach> good morning
[07:06] <Kilos> morning dholbach dpm and others
[07:09] <dholbach> hi Kilos
[07:09] <dpm> hey Kilos
[07:11] <MooDoo> morning all :D
[07:11] <Kilos> MooDoo hi
[07:34] <MooDoo> how is everyone this morning?
[07:34] <Kilos> well ty and you?
[07:34] <MooDoo> yeah i'm good :D
[10:17] <patrick__> hallo
[10:17] <Kilos> hi patrick__
[10:17] <elacheche> hallo patrick__ :)
[10:18] <elacheche> wie gehts patrick__ :D
[10:18] <patrick__> mijn webcam gaat niet op skyp
[10:19] <patrick__> goed
[10:19] <elacheche> patrick__, sorry I don't speak Dutch.. Can you ask in English?
[10:21] <elacheche> or connect to #ubuntu-nl-mwanzo #ubuntu-nl-offtopic
[10:24] <ahoneybun> morning all
[10:24] <Kilos> hi ahoneybun
[10:24] <elacheche> morning ahoneybun
[10:24] <ahoneybun> hey Kilos and elacheche
[10:24] <ahoneybun> I saw that we got a friendly reminder for the meeting :)
[10:25] <Kilos> yeah cool
[10:25] * ahoneybun has a reminder to remind Kilos on his desktop
[10:25] <ahoneybun> lol
[10:25] <Kilos> lol
[10:26] <ahoneybun> UOS is going on before our meeting lol
[10:27] <elacheche> ahoneybun, yeah, today I remind you, next time you'll remind me :D :p
[10:28] <ahoneybun> XD of course elacheche
[10:29] <elacheche> :)
[10:30] <ahoneybun> I like Linkened
[10:30] <ahoneybun> I think I have you on there elacheche
[10:31] <elacheche> Yep :)
[10:31] <ahoneybun> sweet
[10:31] <elacheche> That's me x)
[10:32] * ahoneybun needs a damn windows 8 iso
[10:32] <ahoneybun> I hate working with that
[10:34] <ahoneybun> I switched my whole house to Ubuntu :)
[10:36] <elacheche> Same here :D I'm trying to migrate all my coworkers too.. Still have two devs on WinBugs.. And some others on OS X (those can't migrate them x( )
[10:36] <ahoneybun> so nice to ssh into their pcs and run updates
[10:38] <ahoneybun> elacheche: I've been trying to reboot the loco in my state (in the US) but I don't have exp with really leading and putting meetings together
[10:40] <elacheche> Just ask them on the ML.. There should be some leaders, try to contact the loco contact guy, maybe he can help
[10:43] <ahoneybun> I'll check it out elacheche thanks, I'm talking with one guy who does all these IT meetings for a Ubuntu focused one/Ubuntu Party
[10:46] <elacheche> Am trying to reboot my loco too..
[12:57] <belkinsa> elacheche, you can do ! and whatever the code is for dutch
[12:57] <belkinsa> !ne
[12:57] <belkinsa> !ru
[12:57] <belkinsa> Like this.
[13:08] <elacheche> !nl
[13:08] <elacheche> Awesome belkinsa :) thx :)
[13:09] <belkinsa> Not a problem.
[13:09] <belkinsa> There is also one for UK
[13:09] <belkinsa> !uk
[13:09] <belkinsa> ;D
[13:26] <elacheche> awesome :)
[13:26] <elacheche> !n
[13:26] <elacheche> !tn
[13:26] <elacheche> !ar
[13:26] <elacheche> !arabic
[13:26] <elacheche> Emmm.. Actually this is wrong!
[13:29] <elacheche> belkinsa, who should I contact to change that! that channel is dead.. No one there,excepting myself when I'm home.. As there is many Arabic LoCo Teams we can change that message so the person go to he's LoCo Team..
[13:29] <belkinsa> I don't know.
[13:29] <belkinsa> !lococouncil
[13:29] <elacheche> Or maybe I should do what I planned to do 2 years ago and make people go to that channel again.. Like what Kilos did for africa
[13:29] <belkinsa> Do you guys know?
[13:30] <belkinsa> elacheche, you can.
[13:30] <elacheche> What do you recommend? → I'm too lazy to take a decision between the 2 options x( x)
[13:31] <belkinsa> I think do what Kilos did so there is a home for these folks.
[13:31] * Kilos agrees
[13:32] <elacheche> Emmm.. Let's do it :) :D
[13:32] <Kilos> :D
[13:32] <elacheche> Kilos, knows that am too lazy :D x)
[13:32] <Kilos> always look for the most efficient and simplest method
[13:34] <elacheche> :)
[13:50] <Kilos> hi TaeheeJang hows your loco doing?
[13:52] <TaeheeJang> Kilos: hi Kilos we're working many things. Nowadays we are repairing forum because forum server is broken, and I want to have dns key, but I'm still finding how can I have it.
[13:52] <Kilos> good luck
[13:53] <Kilos>
[13:54] <TaeheeJang> Kilos: yes, thank you man. And we also have good news kind of interview of Korean magazine.
[13:54] <Kilos> maybe that can help
[13:55] <TaeheeJang> yes I'm reading it. but my problem is to get dns key from canonical, I should send send an e-mail to, there are many people and I don't know who should I request about this problem.
[13:56] <TaeheeJang> Anyway, I'm gonna try it!
[13:56] <Kilos> keep up the good work and remember other get inspired by an active leader
[13:58] <TaeheeJang> Kilos: yeap that's right. I have two goals of this year. The first is being a best community in Korea, and the other one is being registerd as a Ubuntu Member.
[13:59] <Kilos> thats good news to hear
[13:59] <TaeheeJang> Kilos: To reach the goal, I should always do active!
[13:59] <Kilos> yes
[14:00] <TaeheeJang> Kilos: And I read your biography in Ubuntu wiki, I was so impressed and motivated from you.
[14:02] <Kilos> thank you very much
[14:03] <Kilos> i like to see people happy in what they are doing
[14:04] <TaeheeJang> yes, me too!
[14:06] <Kilos> hi genii
[14:07] <genii> Kilos: Hello :)
[14:07] * genii makes more coffee
[14:07] <Kilos> yay
[14:08] * Kilos washes the mugs
[14:34] <MooDoo> yay coffee
[14:34] * genii slides everyone a topped-up mug of fresh coffee
[14:35] <Kilos> ty genii :D
[14:35] <genii> :D
[14:35] <MooDoo> ta :d | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.668303 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-us-nc | [16:37] <mhall119> Hello team, I sent an email to the ML but it got kicked back, is anyone here a moderator of that list?
[16:37] <holstein> mhall119: maybe.. let me see if i can track something down
[16:38] <mhall119> thanks holstein
[16:42] <holstein> mhall119: hmm.. you think its on your end?
[16:42] <holstein>
[16:43] <holstein> i was able to get that to go through..
[16:43] <mhall119> holstein: it's because I wasn't a subscriber and the list is moderated | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.670112 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-nc"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-desktop | [05:38] <pitti> Good morning
[05:53] <didrocks> good morning
[06:06] <pitti> bonjour didrocks !
[06:08] <didrocks> hey pitti, how are the ice creams nowdays?
[06:08] <pitti> didrocks: wonderful! although I didn't have any yesterday
[06:08] <pitti> my wife is away for two days, and eating ice cream alone just isn't the same
[06:09] <pitti> but I feel my left arm and legs from Basketball yesterday (after 3 weeks)
[06:09] <didrocks> I understand you :) but a day without an icecream is it still really a day ?
[06:09] <didrocks> ahah :)
[06:09] <pitti> didrocks: it is, but for sure not a good one!
[06:17] <larsu> good morning!
[06:22] <seb128> hey larsu & desktopers
[06:26] <hikiko-lpt> hello :)
[06:27] <didrocks> hey larsu, seb128!
[06:27] <seb128> lut didrocks
[06:27] <seb128> hey hikiko-lpt
[06:27] <didrocks> morning hikiko-lpt
[06:27] <hikiko-lpt> hi seb128 didrocks :)
[06:30] <didrocks> todays is visual studio in ubuntu make day!
[06:30] <didrocks> if someday someone would have preditected that some version of visual studio will be available on linux…
[06:32] <larsu> didrocks: ya. craziness
[06:32] <seb128> didrocks, yeah, I didn't know that was a thing!
[06:34] <seb128> in fact seems it's "visual studio code" and a new IDE not visual studio proper?
[06:34] <seb128>
[06:34] <seb128> nice ubuntu/unity screenshot ;-)
[06:34] <didrocks> seb128: yeah, it's a version of visual studio for the web
[06:34] <seb128> oh, web?
[06:34] <seb128> I though it was for mono
[06:34] <didrocks> supports node and javascript as well
[06:35] <seb128> the news focus on .NET
[06:35] <didrocks> well, .NET is mainly for the web as well
[06:35] <didrocks>
[06:35] <didrocks> "Build and debug modern web and cloud applications."
[06:35] <seb128> that url doesn't work here
[06:36] <didrocks> interesting, you are blacklisted!
[06:36] <seb128> seems so
[06:36] <seb128> "Firefox ne peut trouver le serveur à l'adresse"
[06:36] <didrocks> definitively works here
[06:36] <didrocks> even on some browser like firefox :p
[06:37] <seb128> "To prove that Microsoft still loves Linux, the company demonstrated a Mono application being edited in Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu today."
[06:37] <seb128> :-)
[06:37] <didrocks> I guess they mean by mono application
[06:37] <seb128> Ubuntu demoed by Microsoft at their conf, kind of cool ;-)
[06:37] <didrocks> but yeah, really cool!
[06:38] <didrocks> it's running well, time to build support into Make!
[06:38] <seb128> great
[06:40] <didrocks> ok, the "direct" eurostar is taking more than changing in Lille
[06:40] <didrocks> (and it's arriving at 22:12)
[06:54] <pitti> didrocks, seb128: I think was from around 1991; took a while, but I think we can safely say it's true now :)
[06:56] <didrocks> pitti: ahah, indeed :)
[07:02] <didrocks> seb128: still didn't get a link? I wonder if it's just because you have an x68 machine (they don't seem to have a download available for you)
[07:23] <willcooke> morning
[07:27] <didrocks> hey willcooke
[07:31] <didrocks> seb128: the website is down for me as well now FYI
[07:31] <larsu> same here (worked earlier)
[07:32] <didrocks> larsu: I was blaming my code first :p
[07:32] <didrocks> (support ready, then wanted to have a run before implementing mock tests)
[07:32] <larsu> wow you're fast ;)
[07:33] <didrocks> I wonder who did this framework to add new support so flexible while being nicely tested… OH WAIT! :)
[07:33] <larsu> hehe
[07:34] <lng> Hi! I have two monitors, but both show the same output and it's detected as one in Displays section. I use Gnome. Here is more details:
[07:34] <didrocks> let me add the large tests in between (even if I can't really test it for now)
[07:38] <didrocks> and large test implemented ;)
[07:40] <seb128> didrocks, sorry was afaik for a bit, glad to see it's not only me ;-)
[07:41] <didrocks> seb128: not glad for me, it's blocking me now :p
[07:41] <seb128> hehe
[07:41] <didrocks> seb128: we could had it with full tests in a couple of hours! Now, we won't :p
[07:42] <seb128> you should have downloaded the site while it was up to be able to mock it/work offline :p
[07:42] * didrocks creates some mock ssl certificates on for medium tests meanwhile
[07:47] <didrocks> some people are reporting it's crashing on trusty though
[07:59] <willcooke> lng, this is a developer channel rather than a support channel - you would be best to ask in #ubuntu where people who know about this sort of thing will be
[08:04] <Laney> hullo
[08:04] <willcooke> what ho Laney
[08:05] <willcooke> damn it window focus
[08:05] <larsu> willcooke: welcome to the wonderful world of compiz
[08:05] <willcooke> time to explore "focus follows mouse again"
[08:05] <willcooke> or can't I do that in Compiz?
[08:05] <Laney> thanks mitya57!
[08:06] <larsu> willcooke: probably there's a plugin for that :P
[08:06] <didrocks> hey Laney
[08:07] <Laney> hey didrocks et willcooke
[08:07] <Laney> what up?
[08:07] <didrocks> willcooke: yeah, think about enabling locally integrated menu though (if you care about reaching your menus)
[08:07] <Laney> hud!
[08:07] <larsu> hi Laney!
[08:07] <larsu> didrocks: oh shit good point :)
[08:08] <larsu> didrocks: I guess you could still get at them with Alt-Something
[08:08] <didrocks> larsu: I know some QA guy who had to stop using ffm when Unity came around because of that precise reason :p
[08:08] <didrocks> or rather "a QA guy"…
[08:09] <Laney> hey larsu!
[08:09] <larsu> didrocks: you mean *the* qa guy ;)
[08:10] <didrocks> right, *the* one ;)
[08:11] <larsu> seb128: I don't know about bug #1445540
[08:11] <seb128> hey willcooke & Laney
[08:12] <larsu> seb128: we won't have default gtk apps on unity8, right? I suggest just going with upstream headerbars
[08:12] <seb128> larsu, I think it's an unresolved question, until unity8 displays decoration (if it does) we should keep the csd
[08:12] <seb128> larsu, how does that work with unity8 if they display decoration? same issues than we currently have in u7?
[08:14] <larsu> seb128: johnlea said unity8 will allow csd and ubuntu apps will use csd
[08:14] <larsu> seb128: this might be a development/design not in sync issue actually
[08:15] <seb128> larsu, k, so close it as invalid?
[08:15] <seb128> or just let it triaged and ignore it
[08:15] <larsu> seb128: I'll comment and leave it to wishlist
[08:15] <seb128> larsu, thanks
[08:39] <willcooke> qengho, running Version 42.0.2311.135 Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit)
[08:39] <willcooke> qengho, still get the crash at startup
[08:45] <willcooke> seb128, I've got a "The application Chromium Web Browser has closed unexpectedly." window up. There's a load of debugging info in there
[08:45] <willcooke> is there a text file equivilent somewhere?
[08:45] <willcooke> oh
[08:45] <willcooke> /var/crash
[08:46] <didrocks> yeah, just open it and read if you want to ensure we didn't see how which tabs you were :p
[08:48] <willcooke> lol
[08:48] <willcooke> I'll upload it somewhere and send a private link to qengho
[08:49] <seb128> willcooke, right
[08:49] <seb128> willcooke, you can also apport-retrace it locally to provide a backtrace
[08:50] <willcooke> oki - can I do that later on, or do I have to do it now?
[08:50] <willcooke> like
[08:50] <willcooke> if qengho wants me to do it in a few hours, will the data still be there?
[08:51] <didrocks> as long as you keep the .crash and you don't upgrade libraries, you will be able to retrace
[08:52] <willcooke> cool, thx
[08:55] <didrocks> yw
[09:04] <didrocks> nice, I receive different kind of error page on visual studio website everytime I try a download from it
[09:04] <didrocks> they are clearly working on it:
[09:05] <didrocks> (a mono stacktrace, asp verbose mode enabled)
[09:07] <willcooke> ha
[09:12] <flexiondotorg> I'm the lead for Ubuntu MATE. If I wanted to make LIM an option what libraries/settings do I need to incorporate?
[09:13] <didrocks> I guess it's a question for Trevinho ^
[10:21] <didrocks> ok, the site is back up, the remaining crash was due to user agent (which put the server in error)
[10:21] <didrocks> so using chromium user agent for now in make
[10:49] <willcooke> didrocks, o_O
[10:49] <willcooke> didrocks, so Ubuntu support isn't quite what it should be?
[10:49] <didrocks> willcooke: well, it's more their server-side doesn't handle no user agent, so not a biggie
[10:49] <willcooke> ah, I see
[10:49] <didrocks> willcooke: I would be interested in someone trying on trusty though
[10:50] <didrocks> I read on the net that it's crashing
[10:50] <willcooke> sure, what do I do?
[10:50] <didrocks> ok, large and medium tests work \o/
[10:50] <willcooke> woo
[10:50] <didrocks> let me wrap that in nice commit messages and pushing it
[10:51] <didrocks> then, you can have a try
[10:51] <willcooke> :D
[10:55] <didrocks> willcooke: ok, so:
[10:55] <didrocks> 1. git clone
[10:55] <didrocks> 2. cd ubuntu-make
[10:55] <didrocks> 3. bin/umake web visual-studio-code
[10:55] <didrocks> path, accept licence, and so on…
[10:56] <willcooke> ImportError: No module named 'bs4'
[10:56] <willcooke> installing bs4...
[10:57] <willcooke> Now installing the Python 3 version...
[10:57] <willcooke> ;)
[10:57] <willcooke> fixed
[10:57] <didrocks> willcooke: oh, I thought you had ubuntu-make installed (and so all deps :p)
[10:57] <willcooke> I guess it's on my vm
[10:57] <didrocks> makes sense
[10:58] <willcooke> WORKS!!!!
[10:58] <willcooke> well
[10:58] <willcooke> LOADS!!!
[10:59] <didrocks> hehe :)
[10:59] <didrocks> let's see once installed
[11:00] <willcooke> I quite like it
[11:01] <didrocks> willcooke: so, it's basically atom under the wood
[11:01] <didrocks> (yeah you have another installation of chromium)
[11:01] <willcooke> :)
[11:02] <didrocks> ok, so let's release it and write a blog post I guess
[11:04] <willcooke> \o/
[11:04] <willcooke> Now *thats* snappy
[11:04] <jcastro__> didrocks, man awesome, I'm in malta and came in and wanted to see if someone wanted to do the new ide
[11:04] <jcastro__> you rock
[11:04] <willcooke> damn straight
[11:04] <didrocks> heh, thanks guys!
[11:10] <didrocks> uploaded to the ppa (vivid, utopic, trusty), waiting for publication before getting the blog post out
[11:16] <willcooke> \m/
[11:16] <Laney> \m/ >_< \m/
[11:16] <willcooke> excellent
[11:42] <didrocks> published in the ppa, blog post and g+ post done :)
[11:42] <didrocks> davidcalle: waow!
[11:43] <didrocks> I guess it's a new record, sharing in <5s :p
[11:43] <willcooke> didrocks, congrats
[11:43] * davidcalle is actually a bot
[11:44] <didrocks> :)
[12:29] <willcooke> qengho, anecdotal information about new Cr from the ppa: there seems to be a lot more screen tearing
[12:29] <willcooke> when scrolling up and down pages esp.
[12:30] <qengho> willcooke: huh. How many "GPU crashes" did you see per day, previously?
[12:31] <willcooke> crashes, only at start up
[12:31] <willcooke> once it was running, it was solid
[12:54] <flexiondotorg> Has someone some pointer on how I might be LIM working in Ubuntu MATE? I've installed all the *appmenu* packages. But nothing. Guessing I might need to export some environment variables?
[12:56] <didrocks> flexiondotorg: as told earlier this morning, let's wait for Trevinho to be around, I don't know if the code is in unity or if the decorator with LIM support is in compiz itself, he would know
[12:56] <Trevinho> didrocks: oh, I'm around... I just didn't see any ping :o
[12:56] <didrocks> Trevinho: there were at least one :p
[12:56] * Trevinho now does
[12:56] <flexiondotorg> Trevinho, See above :)
[12:57] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: I've seen it...
[12:57] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: so... for ubuntu mate you need to implement it by scratch mostly
[12:58] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: the only thing you can get from unity-panel-service is the full list of menus around
[12:58] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: but then you've to make gtk-window-decorator to support them, and it's not easy, considering how it's done (that's why I wrote a new decorator from scratch for unity)
[12:59] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: the unity decorator is not a separate plugin from unity..
[13:00] <flexiondotorg> Trevinho, All understood. So, I don't need of of the appmenu stuff?
[13:00] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: but....... in theory you might create a new compiz plugin from scratch using most of of its code (as it doesn't depend much on unity code).. But you could use Libunitycore
[13:00] <flexiondotorg> Trevinho, I need unity-panel-service running and gtk-window-decorator adapted to display the menus?
[13:00] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: indicator-appmenu is used, but via unity-panel-service
[13:01] <flexiondotorg> Trevinho, Is indicator-appmenu required if I am only interested in lIM?
[13:01] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: well... not sure you're already using unity-panel-service for indicators... In case you do, you can just re uset it.
[13:01] <flexiondotorg> *LIM?
[13:01] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: otherwise no, you can use directly indicator-appemnu
[13:01] <Trevinho> appmenu*
[13:01] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: yes...
[13:02] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: it exposes you the menus of the focused app or, of every app (depending on the environment variables you set)
[13:02] <flexiondotorg> Trevinho, OK, so this menu introspection is used elsewhere in Unity too?
[13:04] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: mhmh, no... In unity we have unity-panel-service which loads libappmenu (with the others) and talks to LibUnityCore wich abstracts the indicators...
[13:04] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: this was needed at the time we also had unity2d/unity3d... to allow code reusage
[13:05] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: then, we use these things in two sides: PanelMenuView which handles the menus when an app is maximized, and in DecoratedWindow wich is the new decorator code
[13:05] <Trevinho> for (restored windows)
[13:07] <flexiondotorg> Trevinho, Thanks for such a detailed replay. Very useful. Thanks you.
[13:07] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: let me know if you need further explainations...
[13:08] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: in case you'd like to create a new decorator, and share the code with the unity one we might create a library maybe...
[13:08] <flexiondotorg> Trevinho, I will do. I've filed those notes and will do some research to better understand how this all integrates.
[13:18] <Trevinho> flexiondotorg: the way we do things is not the "most optimized" so far because of this service around, but it still helps to solve some issues (such has handling the lockscreen better), but in general code should be quite self-explainatory
[13:29] * Laney mews
[14:36] <xclaesse> seb128, was thinking about the inconsistent GtkHeaderBar in unity when the window is maximized. Here is what I currently get:
[14:36] <xclaesse> seb128, on the left it is nautilus maximized (no GtkHeaderBar afaik), on the right it is devhelp maximized
[14:36] <seb128> xclaesse, right, I know
[14:37] <xclaesse> seb128, the theme could just hide close/max/min buttons
[14:37] <seb128> we could remove the decoration from the headerbar in those cases I think
[14:37] <xclaesse> seb128, and theme it as a toolbar
[14:37] <seb128> that would display a standard toolbar
[14:37] <xclaesse> and that would solve the problem, no?
[14:37] <seb128> yeah, I guess so
[14:37] <seb128> larsu, Laney, ^ would that be easily doable?
[14:38] <xclaesse> there are little size/padding differences as well, even in the windowed state, but that's cosmetical, probably just a few values to tweak in the css
[14:39] <Laney> we already want to remove the buttons
[14:39] <Laney> don't know about re theming
[14:39] <seb128> xclaesse, I think it's not that easy, larsu looked at it and gtk doesn't let you use lower padding
[14:41] <xclaesse> probably because they are in the same GtkHBox than other widgets in the headerbar which force it to have bigger height
[14:42] <xclaesse> or something like that... anyway that's cosmetical, if we can already hide decoration buttons when maximised that would improve it a lot already :)
[14:43] <seb128> right
[14:43] <xclaesse> atm only devhelp seems to have that issue, in the apps I'm using, but more will come in upcoming GNOME releases
[14:47] <seb128> gnome-system-log in vivid has the issue
[15:01] <Sweet5hark> seb128: I had a look at that libreoffice 4.4 crash on close ...
[15:02] <seb128> Sweet5hark, did that result in anything useful?
[15:04] <Sweet5hark> seb128: in a cruel twist of fate, it was caused by the fix for another crash on close. Will look into this with the author of the commit.
[15:04] <seb128> Sweet5hark, how did you manage to nail it down to that commit without being able to reproduce?
[15:05] <Sweet5hark> seb128: looked at the stacktrace and the git log.
[15:05] <seb128> good :-)
[15:06] <Sweet5hark> seb128: Often that is not helpful, but in this case it was. ;)
[15:20] <jcastro> didrocks, hey so the wiki and github descriptions of umake need to be updated
[15:21] <jcastro> it doesn't list like the categories you can use, etc. makes it seem like it's only for android sdk
[15:21] <larsu> xclaesse: we can't hide those buttons
[15:22] <larsu> xclaesse: and even if we could, moving the rest of the headerbar content around is a bit weird imo
[15:22] <xclaesse> larsu, cannot be worse than current state ;-)
[15:22] <larsu> xclaesse: which current state?
[15:22] <larsu> ?
[15:22] <Laney> less weird than showing the buttons twice
[15:22] <Laney> buuuuuuuuuut </headerbars>
[15:23] <larsu> yeah...
[15:23] <xclaesse> larsu, currently buttons are duplicated
[15:23] <xclaesse> larsu, maybe GtkHeaderBar should have a "toolbar" mode where it only show custom widgets
[15:24] <xclaesse> because that's really what it is, once you remove all info that unity panel already display, GtkHeaderBar becomes a toolbar
[15:24] <larsu> xclaesse: I don't know. Lots of applications use the center of the header bar as a title
[15:24] <larsu> and having 2 titles looks weird
[15:24] <didrocks> jcastro: I don't think we should update the category, but rather point to --help (and tab completion) which does all the thing), but good point, I'll reword to not make it sounds like it's for android sdk only
[15:25] <xclaesse> larsu, title can/should be removed from the headerbar is well
[15:25] <larsu> xclaesse: then it looks empty (see current evince)
[15:25] <xclaesse> larsu, should have a way to tell GtkHeaderBar "my WM already show title and close button, please hide them"
[15:25] <larsu> xclaesse: how about epiphany then?
[15:26] <larsu> where title and locationbar are the same?
[15:26] <didrocks> larsu: evince> not empty, there is this awesome "open file" icon
[15:26] <xclaesse> larsu, it's custom widget => keep it
[15:26] <larsu> xclaesse: how do you know if it's a custom widget?
[15:26] <larsu> didrocks: :P
[15:26] <xclaesse> larsu, GtkHeaderBar API knows it
[15:26] <larsu> xclaesse: not saying this can't be done, but it's hacky
[15:27] <xclaesse> widget you add with gtk_header_bar_set_custom_title() or gtk_header_bar_pack_start() must be kept in the hypotetical "toolbar" mode, the rest hidden
[15:28] <larsu> ugh, magic
[15:28] <larsu> but then, gtkheaderbar is already a mess
[15:28] <larsu> anyway, not sure we want this in unity at all
[15:28] <larsu> still have the argb window problem, for example
[15:29] <xclaesse> unless ubuntu wants to rewrite all GNOME apps, you'll have to deal with it, no?
[15:29] <larsu> we are
[15:29] <Laney> we change default apps to not use them
[15:30] <xclaesse> doesn't macosx has the same issue ?
[15:30] <larsu> xclaesse: I've been advocating to add proper support for csd windows in compiz for years
[15:30] <larsu> xclaesse: nothing happened yet
[15:30] <xclaesse> I think gtk upstream should have some support for the unity case
[15:30] <Laney> personally would vote for trying the hiding buttons thing (see if it really is weird) and leave the other stuff
[15:30] <larsu> it does
[15:30] <larsu> and my patch adds it to gedit as well
[15:30] <larsu> not sure why it's still not applied
[15:30] * Laney goes out, bbl
[15:30] <larsu> I guess because there's a toolbar missing
[15:31] <larsu> but that's what it looks like on osx today
[15:32] <xclaesse> IMO patching every single app isn't a brillant idea, should try to get GtkHeaderBar widget handle the unity/maxos case
[15:32] <larsu> I agree
[15:33] <xclaesse> IMO a "toolbar-mode" property where all non-custom widgets are hidden makes sense
[15:33] <larsu> no
[15:33] <larsu> that's just stupid
[15:33] <xclaesse> then unity could set that property when maximized, and theme it as a toolbar
[15:34] <larsu> it should be automatic
[15:34] <xclaesse> yeah, or have it know what the WM wants
[15:34] <larsu> right
[15:34] <larsu> so another xsetting?
[15:35] <xclaesse> something that tells "I already dispaly close/max/min buttons and the title if it's not custom widget, please hide them"
[15:36] <larsu> "but only when maximized"
[15:36] <larsu> this is weird
[15:36] <larsu> I'd rather just keep the traditional title bar for now
[15:37] <xclaesse> I guess the theme css can know if it's a GtkHeaderBar inside a maximized window, then make the background like toolbar's
[15:37] <larsu> until we see how (and *if*) unity design deals with csd in the future
[15:38] <larsu> xclaesse: you can't properly hide widgets from css (only make them invisible, which means you'll still be able to click)
[15:38] <larsu> also, the theme doesn't know which desktop it runs on
[15:38] <larsu> unless we finally give in and tie desktop env and theme together
[15:39] <xclaesse> larsu, yep that's why hiding widget must be done by GtkHeaderBar widget itself (via a property, or a xprop, or whatever). The ubuntu theme should just deal with the background of the headerbar that looks weird when maximized and make it lool like toolbar
[15:40] <larsu> xclaesse: ah, right
[15:40] <larsu> I've been planning on doing that anyway
[15:40] <xnox> I'm done with O_CLOEXEC -> i aggree
[15:40] <larsu> not sure if people will like that, since it will change the look of many apps
[15:40] <larsu> for example, nautilus
[15:41] <xnox> desrt: ^
[15:41] <xclaesse> larsu, nautilus' toolbar maximized looks correct to me, it continues nicely the unity panel, no?
[15:42] <larsu> xclaesse: it's a technically a header bar, so it would get restyled if we implement your proposal
[15:43] <larsu> xclaesse: see how this is a shitty problem? We've been talking about this for a while now. Don't even get me started on supporting LIM on windows with csds
[15:43] <larsu> which is more or less impossible
[15:43] <larsu> but people like it, so there goes
[15:44] <didrocks> xnox: hum, what happened with O_CLOEXEC?
[15:44] * didrocks does use it
[15:45] <xnox> didrocks: i've hit a race with it ->
[15:46] <xclaesse> larsu, it's already a GtkHeaderBar in nautilus? the background looks different to devhelp's:
[15:47] <larsu> xclaesse: ambiance styles it differently if it's not a titlebar
[15:49] <didrocks> xnox: interesting… we should definitively forbide multithreading and be back to one processor as well :)
[15:50] <xclaesse> xnox, IIRC glib itself is done with CLOEXEC
[15:50] <xclaesse> wasn't desrt taking about it recently?
[15:50] <didrocks> xclaesse: I guess that's the link he posted above
[15:51] <xnox> xclaesse: see thread i linked. yes it's about glib, and that desrt will stop doing it =)
[15:52] <xclaesse> ok :)
[15:59] <xclaesse> larsu, checking GtkHeaderBar API, there is already "show-close-button" property. So one step is to make that vie a style property, right?
[16:01] * xclaesse is not familiar with GTK's CSS, dunno what it can do, like having a different class for when widget's window is maximized
[16:01] <larsu> xclaesse: please don't add this API yet. Unity is *not* ready for this yet
[16:03] <xclaesse> larsu, unity's UI is going to change that much ?
[16:04] <larsu> xclaesse: wtf?
[16:04] <larsu> xclaesse: it won't
[16:04] <larsu> it's not ready for the reasons I stated above: LIM and argb windows not getting shadows
[16:04] <xclaesse> so why shouldn't we care yet about making GtkHeaderBar look good ?
[16:05] <xclaesse> not getting background is another orthogonal issue, no?
[16:05] <larsu> not getting a shadow is a no go
[16:05] <larsu> we will always patch in a title bar if that is the case
[16:05] <larsu> srsly. Don't add API in gtk for unity if unity doesn't use the features yet
[16:05] <larsu> step one should be to fix unity
[16:07] <xclaesse> if you say so... just though they are 2 unrelated things that can be fixed in parallel
[16:08] <larsu> nah, sadly not
[16:08] <larsu> gotta run now, sry
[16:08] <xclaesse> larsu, ok :-)
[17:41] <desrt> xnox: fight the system!
[18:58] <CardinalFang> So quiet in here today. I guess we fixed all the bugs. :(
[18:58] <ogra_> snappy ate them | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.686184 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-desktop"
} |
2015-04-30-#xubuntu-devel | [06:42] <elfy> morning
[06:53] <Hudsonkem> morning :)
[10:17] <bluesabre> Dropped the Xfce 4.10 PPA, updated the description on
[10:23] <brainwash_> bluesabre: hi, you surely have some 14.04 installation to test stuff, right?
[10:24] <bluesabre> I use 14.04 at work, and test things in VMs before pushing them... what's up?
[10:24] <ali1234> i use 14.04 too
[10:24] <lderan> i have 14.04 on a laptop somewhere as well :P
[10:25] <brainwash_> package stuck in -proposed for too long
[10:25] <brainwash_> bug 1292290
[10:26] <brainwash_> once there was a fixed package available, everybody stopped caring about this bug o.o
[10:26] <brainwash_> or did it magically disappear? :)
[10:27] <ali1234> most likely explanation: nobody uses keybindings
[10:27] <brainwash_> anymore?
[10:27] <ali1234> ever
[10:27] <ali1234> since the invention of the computer mouse :)
[10:28] <bluesabre> I generally don't add a verification comment to the fixes that I upload, it feels wrong to me
[10:28] <brainwash_> how do I zoom the desktop with mouse only?
[10:29] <bluesabre> I test and verify, then upload, so one of the original reporters can take a crack at it
[10:29] <ali1234> remap one of your mouse buttons to send super
[10:29] <ali1234> or whatever key it is
[10:29] <brainwash_> bluesabre: but what to do? letting it rot in -proposed is bad
[10:30] <ali1234> find someone who is willing to say it works for them
[10:30] <bluesabre> well, I'd imagine that nearly anybody else in -team or the community could also check out the bug
[10:30] <ali1234> anyone at all can post a verification comment
[10:31] <brainwash_> well, I'll bump the report at least
[10:31] <bluesabre> yeah, can't stop you from just marking it as verified yourself if you know the fix is good
[10:32] <ali1234> wait...
[10:33] <ali1234> nvm
[10:34] <ali1234> o yeah all you need to do is find one person who is affected to say that this packages fixes it
[10:38] <ali1234> i'm going to have to decline to be that person, i don't use shortcuts and i don't understand how they work or how to use them anyway
[10:54] <brainwash_> SRUs are always troublesome
[10:54] <brainwash_> bluesabre: any idea re bug 1421443 ?
[10:55] <brainwash_> light-locker should be disabled in the live session
[10:55] <bluesabre> yeah, it is
[10:55] <bluesabre> so thats odd
[10:56] <brainwash_> in 14.10 too, right?
[10:57] <brainwash_> I'm not sure if asking the reporter to test 15.04 will help
[10:57] <brainwash_> unless something was changed recently
[10:57] <bluesabre> might be related to the suspend
[10:57] <bluesabre> xubuntu-default-settings (14.10.5) utopic; urgency=medium
[10:57] <bluesabre> * debian/light-locker.desktop
[10:57] <bluesabre> * debian/xubuntu-live-settings.install
[10:57] <bluesabre> - Drop light-locker.desktop, default config no longer auto-locks
[10:58] <bluesabre> should take a look at that later
[10:58] <brainwash_> thanks
[11:01] <brainwash_> there are some new display related bugs filed against xfce4-settings
[11:01] <brainwash_> want to take a look?
[11:03] <bluesabre> I can review them tonight, or you can link them here and I'll follow up
[11:04] <brainwash_> bug 1426939
[11:04] <brainwash_> bug 1441991
[11:04] <brainwash_> bug 1444060
[11:09] <ochosi> hmright, the first is a known issue, or feature request
[11:09] <ochosi> guess we'd have to listen to the respective signal and then update the view, doesnt sound too hard to do
[11:10] <ochosi> the second one is a collection of reports or feature requests, messy...
[11:10] <bluesabre> oh boy, we lured ochosi out :)
[11:10] <ochosi> oh boy oh boy oh boy
[11:13] <ochosi> lucky for you i need to head out again..
[11:13] <bluesabre> heh
[11:13] <bluesabre> have fun ochosi
[11:14] <ochosi> thanks, you too
[13:49] <elfy> hi krytarik
[13:49] <krytarik> Hi elfy.
[15:41] <elfy> drc: :)
[15:42] <drc> I'm not here...oh, yes, I am <here>.
[20:05] <Unit193> And yet another day without the codename I presume.
[20:05] <elfy> yep
[20:06] <elfy> and if it's not tomorrow - another week without I'd guess
[20:09] <Unit193> Meh. I've been waiting for some time to start pushing things. ;(
[20:09] <elfy> yep
[21:46] <Hudsonkem> hello, im using xubuntu 15.04 and sometimes when i open folder with external software like google chrome it open nautilus? why I dont installed that, and I found this packages nautilus-data, libnautilus-extension1a, may I remove that?
[21:48] <Unit193> You can remove it if you want to, I'd check to see what's removed. Also, if nautilus is opened, then it's clearly been installed. file-roller (archive manager) depends on nautilus-data, so that'd get removed as well.
[21:49] <Hudsonkem> :/ but what i can do without file-roller to open archives?
[21:49] <Unit193> I can't quite parse that.
[21:50] <Hudsonkem> ok, thx for ur help, I will relax and think what I will decide right now
[21:51] <Unit193> Check if nautilus is installed, and if so remove that.
[21:52] <Hudsonkem> yes checked, and nautilus is not installed, it so strange how it open '-'
[21:53] <drc> Hudsonkem: You are saying that nautilus is NOT installed but yet is being opened?
[21:54] <Unit193> `which nautilus`
[21:54] <Hudsonkem> yes, I'm so surprised
[21:55] <Hudsonkem> but maybe I'm wrong and, thunar come with layout and settings with same of nautilus?
[21:56] <drc> Hudsonkem: Do whatever you do to "open nautilus" and then check "Help>About" to see what tha app really is.
[21:57] <Hudsonkem> okay, now I will try reproduce that.
[21:58] <drc> Hudsonkem: This should probably be moved to #xubuntu It's the support channel.
[21:58] <Hudsonkem> oh! okay ^^ thx for all
[21:59] <Unit193> Right you are, drc.
[22:00] <drc> Unit193: Sometimes I/we forget which channel we're actually in :)
[22:00] <Hudsonkem> Xubuntu Development | Support at #xubuntu i didnt see that >.<
[22:01] * drc will get his ruler..." Hudsonkem. stick out you hand" :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.693126 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#xubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-nl | [07:42] <lordievader> Goede morgen.
[07:46] <Sling> mogge
[07:48] <lordievader> o/
[09:55] <Aw4k3ning> -ssl 6697
[12:22] <mandje> he lekker! nieuwe kernel.
[12:24] <mandje>
[12:43] <lordievader> Pff, 3.2 :P
[12:57] <Sling> 4.0 is where it's at :p
[12:58] <lordievader> Ik heb hem ;)
[12:58] <lordievader> Kan zelfs upgraden naar 4.0.1 als ik daar zin in heb.
[13:13] <mandje> zal komen omdat ik op 12.04 zit?
[13:14] <lordievader> Ja.
[13:46] <Sling> 14.04 zit ook nog op 3.13.0-49 hoor ;)
[13:46] <Sling> maargoed, je kan altijd een custom kernel van oid pakken als je wil
[13:46] <Sling> of github tegenwoordig
[13:47] <lordievader> Alleen wordt dat door Ubuntu niet ondersteund. De kernel ppa wordt al enigzins moeilijk over gedaan.
[13:48] <Sling> nee magoed, als je eigen kernels gaat compilen dan is dat ook wel redelijk logisch
[13:48] <Sling> dan heb je vaak ook niet zoveel support nodig
[19:40] <mandje> windows in virtualbox draait zomaar 103% cpu en dan is er maar beetje activiteit in windows. doet kvm/qemu dat veel beter?
[19:43] <CyberGabber> mandje: Is windows misschien bezig met updates ophalen oid? of heb je daarop toevallig ook een viruscanner draaien oid. Is het een vers geinstalleerde windows, kan er allemaal mee te maken hebben
[19:47] <mandje> nee de vraag gaat over de vergelijking tussen virtualbox en kvm/qemu in de hoeveelheid overhead die het virtualiseren nodig heeft.
[19:50] <OerHeks> KVM is sneller, minder geheugen, etc
[19:50] <OerHeks> niet alleen voor windows.
[19:51] <mandje> tnx OerHeks
[20:01] <mandje> interessant artikel. geloof dat ik het al es eerder onder ogen heb gehad. maar echt duidelijk wordt het me niet. d.w.z. of je met beduidend minder dan 100% cpu (volgens mij betekent dat 1 volledig blazende cpu kern. ik kom ook wel 400% cpu tegen nl.), windows onder ubuntu kan virtualiseren op een i5 mobile.
[20:02] <OerHeks> goeie vraag, ligt dat aan de specs van je cpu / memory?
[20:03] <mandje> dus dat zal installeren worden om het wiel zelf opnieuw uit te vinden. en ik heb vooraf virtualbox kvm/qemu geprobeerd en het lukte me toen niet. vandaar VB gepakt omdat dat ook dummies altijd lukt.
[20:04] <mandje> 16GB memory. ik heb de windows VM 4 GB gegeven.
[20:05] <OerHeks> teveel man
[20:05] <OerHeks> :-D
[20:05] <OerHeks> doe eens 2 gb?
[20:06] <mandje> intel i5 2410m 2.30 Ghz
[20:07] <mandje> zou de hoeveelheid geheugen dan in de cpu belasting schelen?
[20:09] <OerHeks> het lijkt me een goeie test. als 4 gb teveel is, hilarisch
[20:20] <mandje> met 2GB gaat ie naar 120/140% cpu. dus nee.
[20:21] <OerHeks> ow oke
[20:21] <OerHeks> jammer, zou wel grappig zijn.
[20:21] <Sling> mandje: heb je in de bios je virtualisatie extensions wel aanstaan van de cpu?
[20:22] <Sling> vt-d vt-x etc
[20:22] <mandje> volgens mij wel. kan je dat nazien terwijl ubuntu draait?
[20:22] <OerHeks> virtualbox zou zeuren, als je het had maar niet ingeschakeld hebt.
[20:23] <Sling> grep flags /proc/cpuinfo
[20:23] <Sling> daar zou vmx of svm tussen moeten staan
[20:25] <mandje> ja staat er tussen. en VB runtime attributes geeft ook ook vt-x enabled aan.
[20:28] <mandje> tja. het is maar de vraag of het met kvm/qemu beter zou zijn. maar ik wil het wel proberen. ook omdat kvm/qemu eigenlijk mn voorkeur had. alleen het lukte me niet om een VM te bouwen. zijn daar handleidingen voor?
[20:29] <mandje> ik dacht dat ik met de virtio drivers reeds strande. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.698107 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-nl"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-us-mi | [00:19] <cmaloney> Is anyone at CHC?
[00:20] <cmaloney> Staying home on account of trying not to infect everyone should I have something nasty.
[00:34] <rick_h_> home here
[00:35] <cmaloney> same
[01:00] <cscheib> CHC?
[01:00] <cmaloney> Coffee House Coders
[01:00] <cscheib> ahhh
[01:01] <cmaloney> Usually meet on Wed. from 8-10 (7-10 last Wed of the month)
[01:03] <cscheib> I do like coffee, but I dislike coding | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.699993 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-pt | [02:57] <astroo-> ciao pessoal
[03:02] <backbox> bOA NOITE
[03:02] <astroo-> ola e ate
[03:02] <backbox> OPA
[03:02] <astroo-> es novo aqui?
[03:03] <backbox> SO,
[03:03] <backbox> SIM
[03:03] <astroo-> bem-vindo
[03:03] <backbox> QUAL A FINAI
[03:03] <astroo-> o mais animado e o #ubuntu-br
[20:52] <astroo-> ola pessoal | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.701353 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-pt"
} |
2015-04-30-#ubuntu-us-tn | [16:37] <mhall119> Hello team, I sent an email to the ML but it's held in moderation, is anyone here a moderator for that list?
[19:31] <Unit193> mhall119: cyberanger and likely wrst.
[19:31] <wrst> hey mhall119, pretty sure cyberanger is who you want to see
[19:32] <Unit193> wrst: He is, listed at the bottom of
[19:32] <mhall119> I've subscribed to the ML and re-sent, so it should go through now
[19:33] <wrst> mhall119: got it!
[19:33] <mhall119> \o/
[19:33] <Unit193> Yep, it did. You sure you can handle the traffic though? ;)
[19:33] <mhall119> I'll do my best :)
[19:34] <wrst> ha ha | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.702722 | 2015-04-30T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-tn"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-ir | [09:42] <Renox> salam
[09:42] <Renox> kasi hast?
[09:43] <Renox> room linuxi farsi to irc ke shologh bashe adam kar balad unja bashe kojas?
[09:43] <Renox> ghablan technotux bod
[09:43] <Renox> alan mn 3-4 sali hast ke irc nmiyam
[09:44] <Renox> alan mesl in ke technotux nist
[09:45] <Azitrex> salam
[09:45] <Azitrex> chera nis?
[09:45] <Renox> salam Azitrex #technotux kasi dakhelesh nist
[09:45] <Azitrex> Renox, varedesh shudi hich kas nabud ?
[09:46] <Azitrex> * Renox (2ee1357b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined
[09:46] <Azitrex> * Renox (2ee1357b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has left
[09:46] <Azitrex> didam umadi
[09:46] <Azitrex> in hameh adam ro nadidi ?
[09:46] <Renox> ooo in neshon nemide
[09:47] <Renox> ok mamnon az khode webcilent freenode estefade mikon behtare
[09:47] <Azitrex> alanam ke ba hamoon kiwi umadi
[09:47] <Azitrex> inja ro ham kasio nemibini ?
[09:47] <Renox> are inja moshkeli nadare wale technotux neshon midad
[09:48] <Renox> behar hal mamnon
[09:49] <Azitrex> khahesh | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.705706 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ir"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-se | [06:50] <HeMan> Morrn!
[07:27] <Amoz> morrn!
[07:28] * Amoz sörplar i sig kaffet
[16:35] <peyam> Hej
[16:35] <peyam> Lyssna allihopa
[16:35] <peyam> Jag tänkte köra debian xfce
[16:35] <peyam> men jag vet inte vilken jag ska ladda ner
[16:35] <peyam> debian stable eller unstable eller vad?
[16:36] <peyam> Eftersom jag har SSD så borde jag köra med en som har linux 3.9 minst
[16:45] <andol> peyam: Du vill ha Jessie
[16:45] <peyam> andol, hittar inte länken till o ladda ner
[16:45] <andol> Är strikt sett fortfarande testing, men kommer att släppas som Stable nästa lördag
[16:45] <andol>
[16:45] <peyam> varfan hamnar på SNT och bara klickar framo tillbala
[16:46] <peyam> andol, men då är det o bara uppgradera i commandotolken va?
[16:46] <andol> Jupp
[16:47] <peyam> andol, hittar den min wirelessa direkt ?
[16:47] <peyam> om jag kör med netinst?
[16:47] <andol> Vet ej
[16:47] <peyam>
[16:47] <peyam> vad ska jag trycka på igentiligen?
[16:48] <andol> Gissar att du hellre vill dra hem en iso
[16:48] <andol>
[16:48] <peyam> ja den e netinst
[16:48] <andol> alt
[16:48] <peyam> så jag vet inte om den läser av mina trålösa enhet
[16:48] <andol>
[16:49] <andol> Som sagt, har ingen aning ifall de fixar din trådlösa enhet eller ej.
[19:21] <maxjezy> Hallojs!
[19:26] <Philip5> maxjezy: jasså du smyger in
[19:26] <Philip5> och iväg
[19:26] <Philip5> och tillbaka
[19:26] <maxjezy> Philip5 yepp
[19:27] <maxjezy> jag tycker webchatten är så dålig så skaffade en klient för det
[19:27] <maxjezy> måste scrolla ner manuellt i webchatten, Möööh.
[19:28] <maxjezy> sitter och renderar snusk i blender
[19:28] <maxjezy> vad gör Philip5 ?
[19:28] <Philip5> ja webbchatt är väl ingen hit
[19:28] <maxjezy> köpt något skoj på senaste tiden?
[19:28] <Philip5> har kollat på hockey och nu kollar på på objektiv för storformatskamera
[19:29] <maxjezy> Najjs!
[19:30] <Philip5> jo
[19:30] <maxjezy> Jag är lite sugen på en Digital Bolex D16
[19:30] <Philip5> har köpt mig en gammal storformatare från 50-talet
[19:31] <maxjezy> hear du fotat något?
[19:31] <maxjezy> kanske nå tjejor i kläder eller utan?
[19:32] <Philip5> inte med den. har inte alla grejer än för att processa film för den
[19:33] <maxjezy> jag är lite missnöjd med min sensor när jag filmar
[19:33] <maxjezy> det flimrar lite oroväckande mycket numera
[19:33] <Philip5> ajdå
[19:34] <maxjezy> men jag hear punktering på cykeln så jag hear annat att tänka på med
[19:34] <maxjezy> så det löser sig
[19:35] <maxjezy> hear
[19:35] <maxjezy> jag kan inte skriva H A R, den ändrar till hear
[19:36] <maxjezy> Philip5 , hear du gjort nå 3d grejer då?
[19:36] <maxjezy> eller hear du lagt det på hyllan?
[19:36] <Philip5> nä jag har inte pysslat på 3d på länge
[19:36] <maxjezy> ingen större efterfrågan på blender numera?
[19:37] <Philip5> jag har inte ens blender installerat själv så då orkar jag inte bygga det heller
[19:37] <maxjezy> jag säger det ofta, men inte för ofta
[19:37] <maxjezy> blender hear blivit riktigt bra
[19:38] <Philip5> hear?
[19:38] <maxjezy> min mirc client som fular sig
[19:38] <maxjezy> TrashIRC
[19:38] <maxjezy> borde väckt varningssignaler redan vid namnet
[19:39] <maxjezy> men det är "gratis"
[19:39] <Philip5> vad skulle det stå istället för hear?
[19:39] <maxjezy> h a r
[19:39] <Philip5> aha
[19:39] <maxjezy> blender är riktigt bra nu iaf
[19:39] <Philip5> tänkte om det skulle varit hair :)
[19:40] <maxjezy> jo, blender hår är också bra nu
[19:40] <Philip5> nästan som maya ;)
[19:41] <maxjezy> fast bättre säkert
[19:41] <Philip5> tsss
[19:51] <Philip5> maxjezy: kanske skulle bygga senaste blender bara på kul och se vad som hänt :)
[20:19] <maxjezy> Philip5 jag gjorde mizzen att inte köra senaste och renderingen var seeg som tusan
[20:19] <maxjezy> men nu är det supersmidigt igen
[20:19] <DrGrov> Något bra verktyg att försöka testa datorns maximala kapacitet i olika räkneprocesser?
[20:19] <maxjezy> men jag behöver bättre gpu
[20:19] <maxjezy> cpu renderar lika snabbt som gpu på min dator nu
[20:20] <DrGrov> Någon som faktiskt testat 4K videon och märkt att CPU:n i sig nästan räcker till med ett "dåligt" GPU?
[20:23] <Philip5> maxjezy: vad tror du om den här då ur 3d-perspektiv? mycket gjort med blender i den tror du?!?! :P
[21:33] <maxjezy> Philip5 hade varit koolt om hela filmen var gjord i 3d
[21:34] <Philip5> då hade den varit animerad och det finns ju andra sådana filmer... typ
[21:34] <maxjezy> jo fast det syns ju att de är animerade då
[21:35] <maxjezy> jag hear hållt på mycket med programmet makehuman senaste tiden
[21:36] <Philip5> du gör väl ändå bara kinkygrejer i det programmet ;)
[21:37] <maxjezy> tankeläsare där!
[21:37] <Philip5> vet ju hur du är ;)
[21:37] <maxjezy> skulle jag ens länka mina konstverk i den här kanalen blir jag nog bannad
[21:37] <Philip5> antagligen
[21:38] <maxjezy> det är en find gräns mellan konst och porr
[21:38] <maxjezy> find
[21:38] <maxjezy> f i n
[21:39] <maxjezy> har fin
[21:40] <maxjezy> sådärja, nu funkar det att skriva normalt.
[21:51] <einand> maxjezy: allt stimulerar en känsla hos dig, så vet inte riktigt varför det skall finnas någon skillnad förutom att vi har konstuerad moral
[21:51] <maxjezy> einand jag definerar porr som dålig konst
[21:52] <maxjezy> och konst som bra porr.
[21:57] <Philip5> maxjezy: gissa vem som har en sådan här :D
[22:02] <madbear_> det här makehuman verkar intressant
[22:02] <madbear_> ;D
[22:04] <Philip5> madbear_: iaf om man ska iscensätta perverterade fantasier som maxjezy har ;P
[22:07] <madbear_> fick varning om nakenhet när jag startade det
[22:08] <madbear_> det brukar inte hända så ofta inom FOSS, jag använder inte emacs
[22:10] <maxjezy> madbear_ makehuman är asnice
[22:13] <maxjezy> Philip5 WOW!
[22:13] <maxjezy> coolaste kameran ever
[22:15] <Philip5> :D
[22:17] <maxjezy> underbara ljud den ger
[22:17] <Philip5> maxjezy: här är det några pressfotografer som står redo med sådana när det begav sig
[22:18] <maxjezy> Haha
[22:19] <maxjezy> killen i mitten ser nästan photoshoppad ut
[22:20] <maxjezy> helt annan kontrast och skärpa där i ansiktet
[22:21] <Philip5> nog mest så det ser ut
[22:31] <maxjezy> Philip5 vad betalade du för din kamera?
[22:36] <Philip5> 2500
[22:36] <maxjezy> jag ska nog köpa mig en analog
[22:36] <Philip5> det är foto på riktigt :)
[22:37] <maxjezy> jo, det är billigt och man tar kontroll över situationen på riktigt. slipper labb och skit.
[22:37] <maxjezy> fotoprinters är för dyra och sen ger de alla ett resultat som inte går att kontrollera
[22:37] <Philip5> ja
[22:38] <maxjezy> köpte en brother laser printer för ett par veckor sedan
[22:39] <maxjezy> jag vill dock ha något mer kompakt
[22:40] <maxjezy>
[22:40] <Philip5> den där kameran är en klassiger
[22:40] <Philip5> klassiker
[22:40] <Philip5> är ju en fältmätare och ingen slr
[22:41] <Philip5> är ju lite annorlunda om man inte är van
[22:41] <maxjezy> är sugen på något liknande iaf
[22:41] <maxjezy> storleksmässigt och fast objektiv
[22:41] <maxjezy> så man inte blir galen och börjar köpa fler objektiv.
[22:42] <Philip5> det som är så kul
[22:42] <Philip5> jag gillar ju lite större negativ. fotar inte så smått analogt
[22:42] <maxjezy> jag vill fota mer med mindre sensor
[22:42] <maxjezy> storleken har inte alltid fördelen att vara portabel
[22:43] <maxjezy> funderar nästan på att byta min nikon mot en go pro
[22:44] <maxjezy> ganska bökigt att filma med dslr
[22:44] <maxjezy> ska man filma så ska man ha med sig flera objektiv
[22:45] <maxjezy> så då blir det resväskan typ med packning
[22:45] <maxjezy> en go pro, en slider, en drönare och lite annat skit och man är redo
[22:46] <Philip5> det blir en del kitt
[22:46] <Umeaboy> Jag har märkt en sak. Ett ganska stort problem med Ubuntu 14.10 for 64-bitars arkitektur att om jag i efterhand när jag är inloggad i Cinnamon & ansluter en extern hårddisk i USB 3.0-uttaget så kajkar Ubuntu ihop vid monteringen av den..
[22:47] <Umeaboy> Den fryser helt fast.
[22:47] <Umeaboy> Går inte att trycka Ctrl Alt F1 eller Ctrl Alt Delete.
[22:48] <Umeaboy> Går inte att dumpa fel-informationen till en fil då jag bara kan starta om den manuellt via Av/På-knappen.
[22:48] <Umeaboy> Någon som känner igen det här beteendet?
[22:48] <Umeaboy> 3.16.0-34-generic som kärna.
[22:49] <Umeaboy> Toshiba Satellite L755-1DR heter modellen.
[22:49] <Umeaboy> Det här problemet har jag inte i någon annan dist.
[22:49] <maxjezy> Umeaboy sker detta alltid?
[22:49] <Umeaboy> Så att uttaget skulle vara trasigt är o-tänkbart.
[22:49] <maxjezy> testa felsöka med usb live skiva på samma version av linux
[22:49] <Umeaboy> Varenda gång som jag ansluter den EFTER uppstart.
[22:50] <maxjezy> testa i en live session
[22:50] <maxjezy> det är mitt råd.
[22:50] <Umeaboy> OK.
[22:50] <Umeaboy> Och vad kan jag göra när felet eventuellt uppstår då?
[22:50] <Umeaboy> Kolla dmesg och messages?
[22:51] <maxjezy> om felet uppstår så tycker jag du ska ge upp
[22:51] <maxjezy> annars är det bara testa med ny kärna osv
[22:51] <maxjezy> så brukar jag göra.
[22:52] <Umeaboy> Men hårddisken fungerar ju i de andra uttagen oavsett om man kopplar in den före eller efter uppstart.
[22:52] <maxjezy> usb 2 uttagen?
[22:52] <Umeaboy> Ja.
[22:52] <maxjezy> ja men så är det för mig med
[22:52] <maxjezy> men i de fallen kör jag usb 2
[22:53] <Umeaboy> USB 3.0 för o-prövad teknik ännu?
[22:53] <maxjezy> jepp
[22:53] <maxjezy> finns helt klart många enheter som buggar med usb 3
[22:53] <Umeaboy> maxjezy: Jo.
[22:54] <Umeaboy> Vad är det som monterar i Ubuntu?
[22:54] <Umeaboy> Är för o-kunnig.
[22:54] <maxjezy> jag är faktiskt nöjd med usb 2 de gånger inte usb 3 funkar
[22:54] <Umeaboy> I Mageia vet jag....
[22:54] <maxjezy> bara man inte går till usb 1
[22:54] <Umeaboy> OK.
[22:54] <maxjezy> jag vet inte riktigt, kör inte ubuntu längre pga sån här usb problematik
[22:56] <maxjezy> USB är faktiskt ganska dåligt
[22:56] <maxjezy> speciellt mini modellerna
[22:57] <maxjezy> och mini hdmi kontakter
[22:57] <maxjezy> herregud vad korkat det är
[22:59] <Umeaboy> OK.
[23:00] <Umeaboy> Nu vet jag att det här är en off-topic fråga när det gäller Ubuntu, men jag håller på att försöka dumpa EEPROM:en via min TV's CPU-resistorer, men jag funderar på om det finns något verktyg som kan hjälpa mig att göra det.
[23:01] <Umeaboy> Köpte en J-link från Kina som använder en band-kabel att ansluta med.
[23:01] <Umeaboy> Har dock börjat med att skala en TP-kabel fast jag skulle föredra att använda ett professionellt verktyg istället.
[23:01] <Umeaboy> Om det finns något.
[23:03] <Umeaboy> Har skrivit & frågat på ##re & ##Exploiteers, men inget svar ännu. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.719390 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-se"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-ru | [10:24] <UNIm95> И тут я вновь проснулся.
[10:24] <UNIm95> Что я пропустил?
[10:48] <SergeyIT> !help
[10:48] <SergeyIT> бота не встречал?
[11:07] <UNIm95> По умственному развитию или происхождению?
[11:27] <SergeyIT> по месту жительства здесь
[11:44] <UNIm95> Вчера был.
[12:47] <sidiys> !nick sidiys | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.726714 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ru"
} |
2015-04-16-#launchpad-dev | [14:06] <blr> cjwatson: +bug/1445017 if you'd like to link your recent branches
[14:06] <mup> Bug #1445017: Support for Launchpad Git merge proposals <branches> <git> <lp-code> <Launchpad itself:New> <>
[14:11] <cjwatson> blr: I have bug 1444591 for subscriptions, but will probably use yours once I get out of things I can describe as part of that
[14:11] <mup> Bug #1444591: Allow Git repository subscriptions <Launchpad itself:In Progress by cjwatson> <>
[16:14] <cjwatson> blr: if you're watching dbupgrade.log, 2209-53-9 is going to take ages to apply, but that's OK because it was done live with CONCURRENTLY
[16:23] <blr> cjwatson: ah, was wondering why it was a bit slow
[16:24] <cjwatson> partly also that it did a staging code update first
[16:24] <cjwatson> 2015-04-16 16:21:27,217 INFO 2209-61-3 applied just now in 0.3 seconds
[16:24] <cjwatson> so anyway that's fine
[16:25] <blr> cjwatson: something would be very wrong if that patch didn't apply quickly! :)
[16:25] <cjwatson> should be on the deployment report shortly, and then you can mark that qa-ok
[16:26] <cjwatson>
[16:26] <blr> cjwatson: excellent, thanks | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.729458 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#launchpad-dev"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-it | [07:28] <akis24> giorno
[09:54] <Mazapegol> Buon giorno ..c'è nessuno che mi può dare una mano a settare una stampante di rete con Lubuntu 14?
[10:15] <Peppesr> salve ragazzi
[10:16] <Peppesr> come stoppo LAMPP? milionesimo crash di firefox dopo l ennesimo aggiornametno
[10:16] <Peppesr> e mi è crashato anche LAMPP
[12:48] <argobiker> buongiorno, vorrei installare ubuntu touch su un cellulare Kraun Ksmart5004dx2 è possibile?
[12:49] <krabador> argobiker,
[12:49] <krabador> controlla tu stesso
[12:51] <argobiker> grazie!!
[12:54] <superstep> salve!
[13:55] <itkkk> Buongiorno, ho installato eclipse dal software center (mi ha installato la versione 3.8). Per l'università mi servirebbe la 4.4 ma ne tento di aggiornare mi da questi errori : come potrei fare per risolvere? grazie
[13:57] <gigirock> itkkk, togli la versione 3.8 completamente e poi riprova con la cvs 4.4
[13:58] <itkkk> faccio sudo apt-get purge eclipse-platform?
[14:00] <gigirock> itkkk, si esatto
[14:01] <itkkk> gigrock fatto.. adesso come procedo per installare la cvs 4.4
[14:03] <gigirock> aspe
[14:05] <gigirock> itkkk
[14:08] <itkkk> ok grazie provo subito
[14:45] <itkkk> gigirock ti ringrazio ci sono riuscito :)
[14:54] <gigirock> itkkk, God bless you
[15:09] <akis24> sera
[15:21] <widecurio64> salve a tutti
[15:23] <widecurio64> ho un problema, avevo installato openshot su kubuntu 14.10 e funzionava, ma oggi lo ho riaperto e non partiva più... lo ho disinstallato e reinstallato, ma non funziona comunque...
[15:23] <gigirock> !info openshot
[15:23] <ubot-it> openshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1.1 (trusty), package size 21223 kB, installed size 55704 kB
[15:24] <gigirock> widecurio64, se lo lanci da riga comando da qualche errore particolare ?
[15:27] <gigirock> widecurio64, nella tua /home ci sara' una dir tipo .openshot oppure sotto .config , se esiste cancellala e prova a riavviare il programma
[15:28] <widecurio64> sto provando
[15:31] <widecurio64>
[15:31] <widecurio64> questo è l'errore
[15:32] <gigirock> widecurio64, devo andare.... ma questo programma non va bene per il tuo scopo ?
[15:32] <gigirock> !info kdenlive
[15:32] <ubot-it> kdenlive (source: kdenlive): non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.6-5ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 1318 kB, installed size 4678 kB
[15:35] <widecurio64> qualcuno può aiutarmi?
[15:36] <cristian_c> !qualcuno
[15:36] <ubot-it> la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'
[15:37] <cristian_c> widecurio64, apri un terminale e digita: sudo apt-get update
[15:37] <cristian_c> widecurio64, posta il risultato su pastebin
[15:45] <widecurio64>
[15:48] <cristian_c> widecurio64, beh, quanti ppa hai aggiunto?
[15:48] <widecurio64> se non sbaglio 3
[15:48] <cristian_c> widecurio64, cat /etc/apt/sources.list
[15:48] <widecurio64> perché?
[15:49] <cristian_c> widecurio64, ppa inficiano le funzionalità del sistema, spesso
[15:49] <cristian_c> e qui non sono supportati
[15:49] <cristian_c> a parte alcuni ppa considerati sicuri
[15:50] <cristian_c> qui si da supporto a software presenti nei repository ufficiali
[15:50] <widecurio64>
[15:50] <widecurio64> ma io lo ho scaricato dal reposity ufficiale
[15:50] <widecurio64> gli altri li ho aggiunti dopo
[15:51] <cristian_c> cos'è sta roba:
[15:51] <cristian_c> deb $ (lsb_release -sc) partner
[15:51] <cristian_c> deb-src $ (lsb_release -sc) partner
[15:51] <cristian_c> ?
[15:51] <cristian_c> widecurio64, e poi perché in fondo al file hai raddoppiato pure i partner?
[15:51] <cristian_c> !repository | widecurio64
[15:51] <ubot-it> widecurio64: Guida ai repository: e | Esempio di sources.list | Da Kubuntu:
[15:54] <widecurio64> quindi ora che faccio?
[15:55] <cristian_c> widecurio64, prima di tutto, digita: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[15:56] <widecurio64> ora
[15:56] <cristian_c> widecurio64, cancella dal file le due righe:
[15:56] <cristian_c> deb $ (lsb_release -sc) partner
[15:56] <cristian_c> deb-src $ (lsb_release -sc) partner
[15:56] <cristian_c> che non hanno senso
[15:57] <cristian_c> widecurio64, cancella anche le righe 51 e 52 visto che appaiono già alle righe 42 e 43
[15:58] <cristian_c> e che sono pure sbagliate
[15:58] <widecurio64> ok ora?
[15:59] <cristian_c> widecurio64, salva il file
[15:59] <cristian_c> widecurio64, e digita: cat /etc/apt/sources.list
[16:00] <widecurio64> ora
[16:01] <cristian_c> widecurio64, su pastebin
[16:01] <widecurio64>
[16:03] <cristian_c> ne hai cancellata una di troppo
[16:04] <widecurio64> quale?
[16:04] <cristian_c> deb-src utopic main
[16:04] <cristian_c> comunque
[16:04] <cristian_c> widecurio64, sudo apt-get update
[16:07] <widecurio64>
[16:08] <cristian_c> widecurio64, beh, ora il comando non restituisce più errori
[16:08] <widecurio64> bene
[16:08] <widecurio64> quindi ritornando a openshot?
[16:08] <cristian_c> widecurio64, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
[16:09] <widecurio64> megasync.list
[16:09] <widecurio64> xorg-edgers-ubuntu-ppa-utopic.list
[16:09] <widecurio64> ubuntu-wine-ubuntu-ppa-utopic.list
[16:10] <cristian_c> widecurio64, fai una cosa
[16:10] <cristian_c> widecurio64, apri synaptic
[16:11] <widecurio64> mi dice che non è installato lo installo
[16:11] <cristian_c> widecurio64, installalo
[16:12] <widecurio64> ok ora
[16:13] <widecurio64> che faccio?
[16:15] <cristian_c> widecurio64, aprilo
[16:15] <widecurio64> fatto
[16:15] <cristian_c> widecurio64, e fai clic su Origine
[16:16] <widecurio64> ok
[16:16] <cristian_c> widecurio64, colonna sinistra, c'è una lista
[16:17] <widecurio64> si
[16:17] <widecurio64> beh?
[16:17] <cristian_c> widecurio64, seleziona dalla lista uno dei ppa che hai elencato prima
[16:17] <cristian_c> widecurio64, cosa esce sulla destra?
[16:18] <widecurio64> molti pacchetti da spuntare
[16:18] <cristian_c> widecurio64, no
[16:18] <cristian_c> widecurio64, quale hai selezionato?
[16:18] <cristian_c> di ppa
[16:19] <widecurio64> utopic/universe (
[16:20] <cristian_c> lol
widecurio64, seleziona dalla lista uno dei ppa che hai elencato prima
[16:20] <cristian_c> widecurio64, per favore, segui il suggerimento dato
[16:22] <widecurio64> scusa, ma intendi quelli che ho trovato facendo: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?
[16:22] <cristian_c> sì
[16:23] <widecurio64> ma non ci sono nella colonna di sinistra
[16:29] <widecurio64> allora?
[16:31] <cristian_c> widecurio64, sì che ci sono
[16:31] <cristian_c> widecurio64, a meno che tu non li abbia già disattivati
[16:33] <widecurio64> io ho cancellato tuuti quelli che avevo aggiunto in più
[16:33] <widecurio64> tutti
[16:33] <cristian_c> widecurio64, cancellarli non basta
[16:33] <widecurio64> ???
[16:33] <cristian_c> se hai aggiornato anche dei pacchetti in comune con i repository ufficiali
[16:34] <widecurio64> sono .....
[16:34] <cristian_c> widecurio64, che poi non li hai veramente cancellati
[16:34] <cristian_c> visto che compaiono nella lista
[16:34] <cristian_c> li avrai solo disattivati
[16:34] <widecurio64> ah
[16:35] <widecurio64> da sorgenti software li ho rimossi
[16:35] <widecurio64> e disattivati
[16:35] <cristian_c> ci sono
[16:35] <widecurio64> dove?
[16:36] <cristian_c> widecurio64, apri Sorgenti software e posta una schermata
[16:36] <cristian_c> !image
[16:36] <ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.
[16:38] <widecurio64> devo registrarmi!
[16:38] <cristian_c> no
[16:39] <cristian_c> widecurio64, esempio su imgur puoi caricare immagini senza registrarti
[16:39] <widecurio64>
[16:41] <widecurio64>
[16:42] <cristian_c> widecurio64, mmm, hai ragione
[16:42] <cristian_c> widecurio64, è kubuntu?
[16:42] <widecurio64> si
[16:43] <cristian_c> mmmm
[16:44] <cristian_c> widecurio64, se li hai cancellato così, è difficile
[16:44] <widecurio64> cosa è difficile?
[16:44] <cristian_c> widecurio64, in pratica se ora digita: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ non esce niente?
[16:44] <cristian_c> *digiti
[16:45] <widecurio64> megasync.list
[16:45] <widecurio64> xorg-edgers-ubuntu-ppa-utopic.list
[16:45] <widecurio64> ubuntu-wine-ubuntu-ppa-utopic.list
[16:46] <widecurio64> ma non li posso cancellare con il tasto canc da file manager?
[16:48] <cristian_c> widecurio64, non risolvi nulla
[16:49] <cristian_c> mi sembra strano che non compaiano in sorgenti software
[16:49] <widecurio64> e se li lasci cosa succede?
[16:49] <widecurio64> lascio
[16:49] <cristian_c> widecurio64, il problema ad openshot pare dipenda da quei ppa
[16:50] <cristian_c> wine o xorg
[16:50] <widecurio64> ma fino ad ora è partito
[16:50] <cristian_c> widecurio64, ma se ci sono stati aggiornamenti...
[16:50] <cristian_c> sono ppa, eh
[16:51] <widecurio64> bene quindi sono f*****o?
[16:52] <cristian_c> !ripristino | widecurio64
[16:52] <ubot-it> widecurio64: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato:
[16:52] <cristian_c> widecurio64, oppure ppa-purge
[16:52] <cristian_c> !ppa-purge
[16:52] <ubot-it> Per disabilitare una PPA dai tuoi sorgenti e ripristinare i pacchetti di default di Ubuntu, installare ppa-purge e utilizzare il comando: sudo ppa-purge ppa: <repository-name> / <subdirectory> - Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere
[16:52] <widecurio64> eh... subdirectory?
[16:54] <cristian_c> widecurio64, c'è un link
[17:09] <NEWENTRY> Ciao, sto per installare Ubuntu Studio, tutti mi dicono che sarà difficile, eventualmente posso rivolgermi a voi in caso di problemi?
[17:13] <krabador> NEWENTRY, non è difficile ne' l'installazione , ne' utilizzarlo
[17:14] <NEWENTRY> Grazie per l'incoraggiamento, al momento è in download non vedo l'ora di provarlo
[17:14] <krabador> a meno non ci siano problematiche con l'hardware causate da un mancato supporto o un supporto parziale
[17:17] <NEWENTRY> come hardware ho un portatile Pakard bell con un Penium dual-core 2.20 GHZ 4 Gb Ram può andare bene?
[17:18] <krabador> NEWENTRY, se hai intenzione di utilizzare l'aspetto di musica professionale, la scheda audio è importante, e diverse integrate, oltre che non essere nate per quello scopo , possono causare problemi
[17:21] <NEWENTRY> Vero, l'idea sarebbe di utilizzarlo in sala prove per catturare qualche idea, avrei una schedina maudio solo firewire a disposizione, chissà se andrà bene, oppure potrtesti consigliarmi tu una scheda per l'utilizzo di cui sopra?
[17:23] <krabador> firewire su linux devi guardare qui siano problematiche con l'hardware causate da un mancato supporto o un supporto parziale
[17:23] <krabador> * Deindre1 è uscito (Remote host closed the connection)
come hardware ho un portatile Pakard bell con un Penium dual-core 2.20 GHZ 4 Gb Ram può andare bene?
NEWENTRY, se hai intenzione di utilizzare l'aspetto di musica professionale, la scheda audio è importante, e diverse integrate, oltre che non essere nate per quello scopo , possono causare problemi
Vero, l'idea sarebbe di utilizzarlo in sala prove per catturare qualche idea, avrei una schedina maudio solo firewire a disposizione, chissà se andrà bene, oppure potrtesti consigliarmi tu una scheda per l'utilizzo di cui sopra?
[17:24] <krabador> NEWENTRY, per le firewire su linux devi guardare qui
[17:25] <NEWENTRY> vado subito grazie mille krabador!
[17:26] <krabador> NEWENTRY, per forza di cose il supporto alle schede firewire è un po' limitato
[17:27] <NEWENTRY> quale scheda suggeriresti per avere meno problemi possibile?
[17:32] <krabador> NEWENTRY, le usb sono in assoluto le piu' indicate
[17:32] <krabador> specie in ambito professionale
[17:32] <krabador> nella fascia media/economica delle professionali
[17:37] <NEWENTRY> LEXICON Lambda Studio questa potrebbe andare bene?
[17:42] <krabador> NEWENTRY,
[17:42] <krabador> NEWENTRY,
[17:43] <NEWENTRY> Grazie mille
[19:14] <akis24> sera
[20:39] <SyncroITA> CViao raga
[20:58] <krabador> salve SyncroITA | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.744481 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-it"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-es | [00:06] <claudio___> hola
[00:07] <claudio___> alguien ?
[00:09] <claudio___> alguien que pueda ayudarme?
[00:11] <claudio___> holaaaa
[00:12] <krytarik> !pregunta | claudio___
[00:12] <loginl> o/
[00:14] <claudio___> estoy haciendo una tarea de seguridad informatica, y en una pregunte me piden hacer lo siguiente: Respalde bajo el contexto de Disponibilidad en una carpeta denominada Configuraciones ubicada en /tmp los archivos con extensión *.conf (utilice tar)
[04:36] <Genelyk> buenas, una consulta
[04:37] <Genelyk> alguien sabe que comando puedo utilizar para quemar unos datos en dos dvds en simultaneo
[07:20] * merrick saluda.
[12:04] <Fernandooo> hola
[12:05] <Fernandooo> consulta instalè ubuntu 14.04 pero no lee mis particiones windows alguna app que funcione ?
[17:20] * merrick saluda
[17:24] <Guest11742> hellow
[17:25] <Guest11742> alguien en del salvador
[18:17] <Guest27526> hola a todos. no puedo actualizar a 15.04
[18:17] <Guest27526> File "/usr/share/appgrid/", line 207, in <module>
[18:17] <Guest27526> rebuild_db()
[18:17] <Guest27526> File "/usr/share/appgrid/", line 174, in rebuild_db
[18:17] <Guest27526> website text);''')
[18:17] <Guest27526> sqlite3.OperationalError: disk I/O error
[18:18] <mimecar> !paste Guest27526
[18:18] <mimecar> dentro de 1 minuto podrás hablar
[18:20] <Guest27526>
[18:20] <Guest27526> son las ultiaslineas
[18:20] <Guest27526> son las ultimas lineas
[18:20] <mimecar> da un error en el disco, como si tuviera errores
[18:21] <Guest27526> como arreglo eso?
[18:21] <mimecar> con fsck
[18:21] <Guest27526> el disco es nuevo es un ssd de 120 gb
[18:21] <mimecar> ¿sabes que la 15.04 está en desarrollo y puede tener errores?
[18:21] <Guest27526> si lo se
[18:21] <MrTulias> ¿No hay que esperar a que salga para actualizar?
[18:22] <mimecar> si quieres estabilidad, sí
[18:22] <Guest27526> puedes actualizar bajo tu propio riesgo esta en pruebas
[18:22] <mimecar> si el disco es nuevo y sabes que no tiene errores, puede ser un problema dle instalador
[18:23] <Guest27526> como solucionar esto? llevo mucho tiempo buscando por internet
[18:23] <mimecar> si es un error del instalador poco puedes hacer
[18:23] <Guest27526> el disco nuevo del año pasado
[18:23] <mimecar> entonces no es nuevo :p
[18:24] <Guest27526> y si es del disco?
[18:24] <mimecar> comprueba los errores con fsck
[18:24] <Guest27526> ok gracias
[18:26] <Guest27526> por que crees que es del disco?
[18:26] <mimecar> I/O error
[18:38] <Guest11742> oigan tengo un ligerito problemita con la instalacion de ubuntu en HDD WD Blue, con las particiones, he creado la particion /boot, la /home y la swap/ al iniciar la ainstalacionme arroja un error diciemdome que no se ha podiddo crear recuerdo sera problema del HDD SATA
[18:38] <Guest11742> ME FALTO AGAREGAR QUE ES LA VERSION 14.
[19:49] <successus_> salud, hasta otro rato o/
[23:49] <AcE-beta> hola | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.761521 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-es"
} |
2015-04-16-#juju | [04:19] <ctlaugh_> If I follow instructions and do NOT specify an admin password for the keystone charm when I deploy it, how do I figure out what it is so that I can use it for authentication later?
[04:21] <ctlaugh_> beisner: I'm still looking at this Openstack deployment trying to figure out what in the world is going on. Is there a chance that something (in the charm(s), etc) that could have changed affecting how it gets deployed? I have a simple set of scripts (I can share if necessary) that deploys the charms, creates relations between them, and that's about it. I used them repeatedly earlier this year with no
[04:22] <ctlaugh_> trouble at all. Now, I can't get a Juju-deployed Openstack to work.
[08:24] <cory_fu> bloodearnest:
[08:28] <bloodearnest> cory_fu, awesome, thanks
[09:29] <lazyPower> blahdeblah: just got confirmation. You're invited to tomorrow's lesson if you're still up for it
[09:46] <mgz> cory_fu: got it, runSSHKeyImport in apiserver/keymanager/keymanager.go cn generate more error results than import keys
[09:57] <lazyPower> mgz: so we know whats causing the panic now?
[09:57] <cory_fu> mgz: It can generate more results, error or not, because there are more than one key per user. But to make the functionality work, it has to return more results, since the keyInfo is what's used to write the valid keys as well
[09:58] <cory_fu> So I definitely should have reved the api as well. :/
[09:59] <cory_fu> lazyPower: Yeah, it's my change like I thought at first
[09:59] <lazyPower> doh
[09:59] <lazyPower> allright, at least we know whats going on. Appreciate the attention on that bug :)
[10:00] <cory_fu> mgz: Even worse (or better, depending on your point of view), the mismatch in result count could cause it to report an incorrect key as the source of the error without panicing
[10:01] <cory_fu> The only time it will panic is if the one in error is near the end of the result list and there was at least one ID that had multiple keys
[12:22] <francokaerntna> Hello, I am using the CLI to upload a bundle, but I only get the error, that the command 'juju bundle' is not known. I have the latest version of juju (1.22.1-0) and juju-quickstart (2.0.1) installed. Can anybody tell me how to deploy a bundle through the CLI?
[12:22] <lazyPower> francokaerntna: surely juju-quickstart bundlename.yaml should get you running if the bundle is valid
[12:23] <lazyPower> francokaerntna: its a positionial argument to juju-quickstart, and you can get detailed help from juju-quickstart -h
[12:25] <francokaerntna> lazyPower: ok, I will try that. But the docu clearly states 'juju bundle proof ..'
[12:26] <lazyPower> francokaerntna: thats a completely different utility coming from the charm-tools package :)
[12:26] <lazyPower> juju-quickstart is it's own project as well, and has different nomenclature
[12:26] <lazyPower> so if you're missing juju bundle, and would like to proof it - apt-get install charm-tools
[12:29] <francokaerntna> lazyPower: thank you! Now it's working
[12:44] <lazyPower> Glad to hear it :)
[13:04] <francokaerntna> I'm trying to deploy the openstack charm on 3 maas hosts. Is it enough to edit the bundle.yaml (add 'to: "lxc:X"' where X is a number from 0 to 3) file and then run juju-quickstart?
[13:42] <lazyPower> francokaerntna: it can be you need a bare-minimum of 2 machines to deploy openstack
[13:42] <lazyPower> 1 to warehouse all the ancilliary services, and 1 to dedicate to your VM host
[13:43] <lazyPower> see as a jumping off point.
[14:11] <francokaerntna> lazyPower: ok. But that one is without quantum. And I tried adding it afterwards but it didn't work. Can you give me some assistance?
[15:39] <francokaerntna> anybody experience with deploying neutron into openstack with juju?
[15:41] <lazyPower> francokaerntna: i know you have a limitation on the number of machines
[15:41] <lazyPower> but we do have a bundle for this in the store:
[15:42] <lazyPower> you should be able to derive what needs to be done from either the README or the bundle.
[15:42] <lazyPower> blahdeblah: ping
[15:44] <francokaerntna> lazyPower: I tried to deploy the openstack-base one, but it will always try to acquire 17 machines. Do you mean I should download the configuration, change the base.yaml file (so that every service contains a 'to: lxc:X' field) and then deploy with juju-quickstart?
[15:45] <lazyPower> Thats an option
[15:48] <francokaerntna> lazyPower: sorry, I read your answer to quick. I will try to humanly parse the configs and reproduce what's written in them.
[15:49] <lazyPower> well, you can also use thebundle
[15:49] <lazyPower> adding to: lxc:# shoudl work
[15:49] <lazyPower> its no different using the bundle than deploying by hand, and arguably less error prone :)
[18:24] <jshieh> Hey, has anyone had a chance to look at the Power PPA bugs listed under:
[18:24] <jshieh>
[19:28] <jcastro> jose, hey do you think you can host the hangout today? I am having some display/xorg issues today and my laptop isn't very reliable
[19:40] <jcastro>
[19:40] <jcastro> can everyone see that event?
[19:48] <marcoceppi_> yes
[20:04] <jcastro> marcoceppi_, paste the URL in here
[20:06] <marcoceppi_>
[20:07] <marcoceppi_> If you want to watch,
[20:09] <marcoceppi_> jcastro:
[20:14] <lazyPower> To anyone following along the hangout on air and wants the release notes:
[20:40] <jcastro>
[20:40] <beisner> o/ popping in and out whilst testing a ton o stuff.
[20:40] <beisner> ++tabular lazyPower !
[20:41] <lazyPower> aww yeah
[20:41] <lazyPower> tabular = godmode for watching your deployments
[20:41] <lazyPower> cheats++ :D
[20:41] <lazyPower> make sure you hi5 katco for landing that bit of awesomeness
[20:51] <lazyPower> - if anyone wanted to review the charm context switching on insights
[21:15] <jw4> lazyPower: great article... thanks
[23:01] <blahdeblah> lazyPower: pong - Saw your comment on; I haven't got back to it this week. Is there a way I can force a run through the testing regime to see results without you guys having to review & approve?
[23:01] <mup> Bug #999439: Need charm for quassel-core <new-charm> <Juju Charms Collection:In Progress by paulgear> <> | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.766933 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#juju"
} |
2015-04-16-#xubuntu | [05:21] <xubuntu243> hey guys i am using Xubuntu as the m,ain operating system on a business computer and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a point of sales program that is xubuntu compatable for keeping books and financial information?
[05:23] <cfhowlett> xubuntu243, any *ubuntu* capable program should do. there are some proprietary POS programs out there
[05:24] <cfhowlett> look in the software center for "finance"
[08:02] <scoobs___> q
[09:04] <xubuntu65w> hello there...someonce can help me? I just installed xubuntu 14.04 and I have problems with wifi connection, I use a usb wifi pen drive. It connects to my router and it works fine for a few minutes, then I can't navigate anymore even if the wifi icon tells me that it's connected...suggestions?
[09:29] <jarnos> Why my xfce4-terminal opens web links in Firefox in (14.04)? I have set preferred applications.
[09:36] <jarnos> I mean I have set preferred web browser other than Firefox.
[11:13] <jarnos> Oh, I have answered a solution in comment 3:
[11:41] <jtjh> hello i have my laptop plugged into my television through a HDMI cable but pulseaudio is picking it up but says it is (unplugged)
[14:16] <JeZxLee> Yes! Release Candidate! - oh sorry, I got excited
[15:12] <amari> Hi, is there some way to have vsync in VLC with xubuntu?
[15:12] <amari> I'm using intel graphics
[15:12] <amari> It works in Unity, but not Xfce :S
[16:11] <Upstand> HELP
[16:11] <Upstand> JUST RM'D MY HOLE HARD DRIVE
[16:11] <Upstand> ALL MY GAY PORN IS GONE
[16:13] <sohail-ahmed> n python I can direct the installation files to a certain directory with use of --prefix, do we have any like this with apt or aptitude in linux???
[16:15] <brainwash> sohail-ahmed: dpkg has --instdir=
[16:23] <sohail-ahmed> brainwash: does dpkg can handle non-distribution packages?
[16:24] <brainwash_> sohail-ahmed: it handles .deb packages
[16:24] <brainwash_> all valid ones
[16:25] <sohail-ahmed> brainwash: So this is not a solution if I have .tar file, correct??
[16:25] <brainwash_> no
[16:28] <sohail-ahmed> brainwash_: but you just said it handles only .deb files?
[16:29] <brainwash_> I meant it's not a general solution
[16:29] <brainwash_> I don't know what you are trying to achieve exactly, maybe you want to ask in ##linux
[16:30] <brainwash_> or #ubuntu
[16:31] <sohail-ahmed> brainwash: In #ubuntu no body responded. Please just confirm that dpkg could not install .tar files
[16:32] <brainwash_> how do you install a .tar file? it's not a package, and dpkg is a package manager
[16:33] <Pici> sohail-ahmed: dpkg can only install .deb files.
[16:33] <brainwash_> you initial question mentioned apt/aptidude, so I assumed that you are talking about debian packages
[16:33] <brainwash_> your
[16:33] <sohail-ahmed> brainwash_: Corect. But usually .tar file have bash/make file and I just trying to figure it out how to force them to install at certain location
[16:34] <brainwash_> I see
[16:34] <JeZxLee> where is release candidate?
[16:35] <brainwash_> so, you could even ask in #bash
[16:35] <Pici> sohail-ahmed: typically those options are set during the configure
[16:35] <sohail-ahmed> for example I can install texlive with sudo apt-get texlive.. but as I am trying to understand that with this way can I control their installation directories or not
[16:35] <Pici> sohail-ahmed: apt-get does not allow you to change the directories that things are installed into. All of that in configured during the packaging stage.
[16:35] <brainwash_> the first step would be to read the manual page
[16:36] <sohail-ahmed> Pici: but with .tar file in hand how can I control packaging?
[16:36] <Pici> sohail-ahmed: You don't. You need to read the README or INSTALL or similar documentation that is inside the tar to figure out how to configure the install locaiton,.
[16:39] <Pici> Anyway, this is the same thing that you're being told in #python too
[16:44] <sohail-ahmed> Pici, brainwash_: thanks for your help. Their bash file can accept the installation directory option. thanks for your time
[18:20] <xubuntu891> HAi
[18:20] <xubuntu891> Im ERic
[18:20] <xubuntu891> and im using xubuntu
[18:20] <xubuntu891> But there is one thing i want to say.
[19:15] <melodie> hello
[19:15] <mrkramps> hi =)
[19:15] <melodie> I have noticed something annoying with Bleachbit on the latest Xubuntu editions: the exec line in the desktop file uses some pkexec king of command for the root version of bleachbit
[19:16] <melodie> from there, when you configure bleachbit, the configuration file is the same for user and for root, which is very wrong
[19:16] <mrkramps> melodie, yes … several applications use policykit
[19:16] <melodie> I have started bleanchbit with gksu and with gksu it works the right way
[19:17] <melodie> if you guys could check my finding, and bring the information upstream to the packager that would be nice
[19:17] <melodie> I have installed Xubuntu for someone about 10 days ago, and I didn't find time to take care of that (I'm an Archlinux user but I install *buntu editions for the users)
[19:18] <melodie> for the user I modified the desktop file to make it use gksu (and placed it in his .local/share/applications directory)
[19:22] <melodie> mrkramps policykit=pkexec ?
[19:22] <mrkramps> yes
[19:22] <melodie> or rather reverse pkexec is a policykit tool?
[19:22] <mrkramps> actually this command makes other applications use policykit to gain the proper rights
[19:23] <mrkramps> gparted or synaptic use it as well
[19:24] <melodie> Bleachbit does not support what is in it's desktop file
[19:24] <melodie> gksu is needed to make it create a proper configuration file meant only for the root-bleachbit side
[19:25] <melodie> other methods fail to make it have a different configuration file, which is a bummer when I make simple users use bleachbit, they have to have their configuration all done for them
[19:25] <brainwash_> please file a bug report on
[19:26] <melodie> against bleachbit?
[19:26] <brainwash_> well, yes
[19:26] <brainwash_> you want to inform the package maintainer
[19:26] <melodie> should I check each bleachbit version to be sure it's the same everywhere?
[19:26] <melodie> yes I want to inform him
[19:27] <brainwash_> feel free to do some testing
[19:27] <melodie> I bet I might need to check the packages at Debian too
[19:27] <brainwash_> probably, most packages are synced from debian
[19:27] <melodie> brainwash_ I don't need testing, just unpack debs and check their desktop files
[19:28] <melodie> yes right
[19:28] <melodie> testing I have done already
[19:28] <melodie> in my user's machine :D
[19:28] <melodie> oh gosh that was my first dual-boot with a windows 8 and uefi + gpt!
[19:48] <Fructo> hiya
[19:49] <Fructo> guys anybody know the name of desktop environment used by solaris?
[19:50] <Fructo> and how to install it on ubuntu?
[19:50] <Fructo> what exactly is going on in here?
[19:52] <koegs> Fructo: Solaris 11 uses Gnome 2.30
[19:53] <mrkramps> Fructo, MATE is the successor of gnome 2
[19:53] <xangua> the fork
[19:53] <Fructo> yes, i know it's gnome, but what variety of it?
[19:54] <xangua> a fork of gnome 2
[19:54] <brainwash_> how is that even related to xubuntu?
[19:54] <Fructo> I just like how solaris gnome looks
[19:54] <Fructo> I want to install it to Xubuntu
[19:55] <brainwash_> good luck then
[19:57] <Fructo> and i also want fully suared windows in xubuntu
[19:58] <Fructo> anybody knows what settings to edit to make windows to have square corners?
[19:58] <mrkramps> Fructo, settings → window manager (use a different theme)
[20:01] <Fructo> i want to ask yet several questions but don't want to be annoying
[20:02] <mrkramps> just ask
[21:38] <pettern> i keep losing some settings, like the powersaving settings. any idea why that could be happening?
[21:39] <pettern> they seem right in the settingsmanager so i have to change them to the wrong setting and then back again to fix it
[23:49] <Luyin> hi, got xfce 4.12 in xubuntu 14.04 now from the ppa. very nice, but somehow, volume up/down-keys don't work anymore. any suggestions on how to fix this? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.783484 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#xubuntu"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-uk | [05:31] <knightwise> morning peeps
[05:35] <mappps> morning Knightmare
[05:35] <mappps> knightwise :)
[05:35] <mappps> zmoylan-pi diddledan daftykins lurking?;)
[05:46] <knightwise> hey mappps , how are you doing todya
[05:48] <mappps> not bad..just finished work *7am local time ..gonna watch the americans
[05:48] <mappps> you watch it? brilliant show imo:)
[07:04] <MooDoo> morning all
[07:13] <knightwise> hey MooDoo
[07:18] <MooDoo> how are you knightwise?
[07:22] <knightwise> doin ok :) Crapload of work for the client but .. whats new
[07:28] <MooDoo> yeah i here ya buddy
[07:28] <knightwise> mostly useless paperwork stuff
[08:17] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls.
[08:17] <bashrc_> morning
[08:18] <MooDoo> mornig
[08:20] <brobostigon> morning
[08:30] <davmor2> Morning all
[08:31] <MooDoo> morning davmor2
[08:36] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy High Five Day! :-D
[08:36] <bigcalm> JamesTait: ^
[08:36] <bigcalm> Sorry, that was a high 6
[08:37] * davmor2 holds his hand in the air and waits for JamesTait to get the step ladder out to slap it
[08:38] <JamesTait> Oi! I'm not that short!
[08:38] <davmor2> JamesTait: okay box
[08:39] <JamesTait> Anyway, davmor2, you want to be careful lifting your arms that high, what with your bad back. ;)
[08:40] <davmor2> JamesTait: no it's safe I tried it out first :D
[08:43] <JamesTait> bigcalm, (o・_・)ノヽ(・_・o)
[08:43] <bigcalm> :D
[08:45] <JamesTait> I wonder why my gnome-terminal with irssi is showing up as Files in the switcher. :-/
[08:47] <davmor2> JamesTait: cause you broke it
[08:48] <JamesTait> davmor2, you mean I'm doing your job for you now? :-P
[08:48] <diplo> rah! Got Nagios sending alerts via telegram... win!
[08:49] <davmor2> JamesTait: welcome to my wonderful world of what breaks next
[09:01] <foobarry> diplo: is there a documented process?
[09:08] <diplo> Nope, but I can write one :)
[09:08] <diplo> It's only taken me a few weeks :D
[09:09] <diplo> Do you use Telegram foobarry ?
[09:10] <foobarry> no, but i would bookmark the documentation for consideration of using it :D
[09:12] <diplo> heh, well I'll refine for now then as it's not perfect yet... but is working :)
[09:13] <foobarry> telegram is like whatsapp,yep?
[09:13] <diplo> yeah but opensource
[09:14] <diplo> Much prefer it! Most of my mates have moved to it now
[09:14] <popey> \o/ Telegram
[09:14] <diplo> + desktop app! and telegram-cli !!!
[09:15] <foobarry> i've never had any success with fringe apps
[09:16] <foobarry> because mates don't use them
[09:16] <knightwise> i have it on the phone ...
[09:16] <foobarry> but i could use this for work chat
[09:17] <foobarry> and also nagios integration would be good
[09:17] <diplo> It's not fringe anymore, taking away a lot of Whatsapp users
[09:17] <foobarry> is the API easy?
[09:17] <diplo> They've had millions of people signing up
[09:17] <popey> I'm in a telegram group with 114 people in it
[09:17] <diplo> Umm easy, no...
[09:17] <foobarry> i have a bot that i'd like to talk telegram
[09:17] <diplo> yeah we have some large groups
[09:17] <diplo> foobarry: Code out there for that already, check on github
[09:17] <diplo> Just started playing with telepy
[09:18] <diplo> Not fully implemented yet though
[09:18] <TwistedLucidity> Morning.
[09:18] <TwistedLucidity> I appear to have spinning rust from the furture! dd is telling me the transfer speed is 2.1GB/s :-S
[09:18] <TwistedLucidity> I don't think I am testing what I think I am testing.....
[09:20] <davmor2> \o/ telegram \o/
[09:21] <knightwise> ok , just need to get it working on the raspberry pi
[09:23] <diplo> I run on my laptop, cli works suprisingly well on the server too
[09:23] <knightwise> i seem to have in installed
[09:23] <knightwise> ive started the telegram-daemon
[09:23] <knightwise> but .. now what ?
[09:23] <davmor2> diplo: the app on the phone is actually nicer than the one on android :)
[09:24] <TwistedLucidity> Quick Pi question - is a 2MB/s WiFi transfer speed typical?
[09:25] <foobarry> 16Mbit/s?
[09:25] <diplo> knightwise: ./telegram-cli is what I run
[09:25] <diplo> msg <username> message here
[09:25] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: Aye
[09:25] <diplo> Or msg user#idhere
[09:25] <knightwise> diplo: hmm.. no such file
[09:25] <diplo> On UT ? davmor2
[09:26] <davmor2> diplo: yeap
[09:26] <diplo> CLI on the PI knightwise ?
[09:26] <diplo>
[09:26] <diplo> yeah, going to try UT soon
[09:27] <diplo> <-- What I use knightwise , configure and make once you have deps installed
[09:27] <knightwise> do i do the git clone in the /etc directory ?
[09:27] <TwistedLucidity> Using a 150Mbit/s dongle, lappy has a 270Mbit/s wireless; so neither of those are an issue. Both on N. Bit puzzled as to why it is so s-l-o-w...
[09:27] <diplo> I didn't no, I ran it from the user that was running it for me
[09:28] <knightwise> ok , but that user doesnt have sudo rights on my system
[09:28] <diplo> I actually grabbed the zip at the time as I couldn't install git on the machine I was running it on
[09:28] <knightwise> is that a problem ?
[09:28] <diplo> Wasn't for me as long as deps were previously installed
[09:29] <TwistedLucidity> diplo: Telegram looks like all shades of awesome
[09:30] <TwistedLucidity> The image for "Open". Much lol
[09:30] <diplo> And they put improvements in all the time
[09:31] * TwistedLucidity doubts the URL would be suitable for a 'family friend'y channel
[09:32] <knightwise> diplo: running it now
[09:32] <knightwise> doing the ./configure command
[09:34] <knightwise> and running the make command
[09:35] <knightwise> takes a while on the pi :)
[09:38] <diplo> Took a fair while on my server :)
[09:40] <knightwise> so who wants to add me ?
[09:42] <popey> I'm popeydc on telegram, feel free to add me
[09:42] <diplo> andy_p for me :)
[09:42] <diplo> That's an underscore if it doesn't show :)
[09:43] <foobarry> seen this?
[09:43] <knightwise> diplo ? you @diplo ?
[09:44] <diplo> andy_p is mine
[09:45] <diplo> foobarry: Mate is using it currently
[09:46] <knightwise> ok, now i just need to get the wife to use it :)
[09:46] <knightwise> so we can get away from googletalk
[09:47] <diplo> Got my whole family to move to it, mum doesnt have a smart phone but you can still do it. Installed on her N7 with her mobile number as the contact
[09:48] <diplo> Have a family group etc
[09:48] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: The Palm Pilot is risen!
[09:48] <popey> yeah, we have a family group too
[09:48] <popey> \o/ Palm!
[09:48] * popey still has a Palm T|X which I boot up now and then
[09:48] <popey> then remember it can't do WPA, so it is useless
[09:48] <TwistedLucidity> diplo: Telegram is on public servers; yeah?
[09:49] * zmoylan-pi has a palm tungsten e somewhere about
[09:49] <TwistedLucidity> popey: Is some ways the Palm (and a few others) were ahead of the network infrastructure curve.
[09:49] <knightwise> zmoylan-pi: the good old days
[09:49] <diplo> Yeah, well run by telegram yeah
[09:50] <TwistedLucidity> diplo: Thought so. Wonder is if a private instance could be hosted...I could do curious things with that...
[09:50] <diplo> not afaik
[09:50] <knightwise> TwistedLucidity: start your own secret empire ?
[09:52] <TwistedLucidity> knightwise: No. ECMS integration. I did one on StatusNet ages ago. Plan was to, in the end, allow users message the ECMS system to get it to respond.
[09:52] <TwistedLucidity> Kinda lost steam though
[09:53] <knightwise> ecms ?
[09:53] <TwistedLucidity> Enterprise Content Management System. Ma-hooisve object stores of every version, of every document that a business uses.
[09:54] <TwistedLucidity> Version control for suits.
[10:00] <TwistedLucidity> Ouch.
[10:12] <foobarry> i need to root my device to use a ps2 controller with android? :(
[10:12] <foobarry>
[10:31] <directhex_> collecting new car tomorrow afternoon
[10:31] <knightwise> ok , i have telegram setup but .. how do i configure it ?
[10:32] <knightwise> i have don the telegram-cli -k public key thing but ...then what ,
[10:34] <knightwise> ah
[10:37] <diplo> :D
[10:37] <diplo> Get prompted for your number ?
[10:37] <diplo> Should send an alert to your phone with a code
[10:37] <knightwise> diplo , i just sent you a msg
[10:37] <knightwise> got the alert :)
[10:38] <diplo> not had it yet
[10:38] <knightwise> can you send me one ? @knightwise
[10:38] <diplo> Sent
[10:38] <knightwise> got it
[10:38] <knightwise> i must have the synthax wrong
[10:39] <knightwise> isnt it msg @andy_p test ?
[10:43] <diplo> Nope, no @
[10:43] <diplo> afaik, but I've not tried with usernames before
[10:43] <diplo> All the people I contact are in my contacts
[10:44] <diplo> Could try contact_list andy_p
[10:44] <diplo> It'll give you a ID, so you can msg user#numberhere message here
[10:45] <knightwise> ok , so i sent you a couple of messages but it doesnt look like they are getting through. i am seeing notifications that you are going online / offline all the time
[10:46] <diplo> Have you tried the above ?
[11:42] <zmoylan-pi> sounds like marketing speak...
[11:42] <diplo> foobarry: Stuck the files in my git repo ( very new to git! so hope it's ok! )
[11:43] <diplo> Let me know if you want the link, it's the first iteration of the files, defo needs some work
[11:43] <foobarry> yes pls, u can PM it if you like
[11:43] <foobarry> we bought github enterprise for inhouse github server
[11:44] <foobarry> its github but onsite
[11:46] <diplo> Done if you haven't seen, oh nice.. my place won't spend money, I've done this because I had trouble getting it work properly... it's by no means perfect though! Going to improve on it over the weeks
[12:47] <foobarry> its actually a bit annoying to deploy
[12:47] <foobarry> quite non standard
[12:59] <diplo> The cli thing?
[13:53] <knightwise> aha
[13:53] <knightwise> i seem to have telegram running
[13:53] <popey> \o/
[13:54] <zmoylan-pi> send a postcard or something... :-P
[13:54] <knightwise> popey: but how do i add you to my contact list ?
[13:54] <popey> add my phone number or @popeydc on telegram
[13:55] <knightwise> hmm.. i can open a new chat with you on the phone app
[13:55] <knightwise> but that doesnt put you in my contact list apparently
[13:56] <diplo> Only way is to add number to get in contact list afaik, you can just message people via the username
[13:57] <knightwise> aha , so i need popeys number instead of their username ?
[13:57] <popey> my phone number is quite widely known :)
[13:57] <diplo> I believe so yeah, can still message.. just can't save afaik
[13:59] <zmoylan-pi> ask the nsa, gchq, kgb... :-)
[14:01] <knightwise> and my raspberry pi has another command line app to overload its busy cpu :)
[14:02] <zmoylan-pi> this pi will never take it....
[14:02] <popey> I tried Ubuntu MATE on the Pi 2 yesterday
[14:02] <popey> I was surprised how well it runs.
[14:03] <zmoylan-pi> the pi2 is a seriously beefy little cpu.
[14:03] <knightwise> indeed
[14:03] <knightwise> it makes for a great thin client too
[14:03] <knightwise> or a chromebook suppository
[14:03] <zmoylan-pi> soon the smart hat will be a reality :-)
[14:05] <Myrtti> Google Drive \o/
[14:05] <knightwise> For collaboration .. it is a sweet sweet thing
[14:05] * popey finally paid for irssinotifier
[14:12] <awilkins> Multicore makes a big difference on modern desktop s
[14:12] <davmor2> popey: is that the android thing?
[14:12] * knightwise has quadcore I7 mbp
[14:12] <knightwise> it fliez
[14:12] * awilkins is running Ruby on Rails on a Pi2... with acceptable performance!!!!
[14:13] <awilkins> My work-issue laptop is buggering fast
[14:13] * brobostigon is also an irssinotifier user.
[14:13] * awilkins pardon me
[14:13] <knightwise> did you guys get a box with your p2 or do you just use a lego case ?
[14:13] <popey> davmor2: yes
[14:13] <awilkins> knightwise, I got the FLIRC case
[14:13] <popey> i have no case. i should make a lego one
[14:13] <popey> actually I could draw one, I have a 3d pen
[14:13] <awilkins> It looks like a proper little Mac Mini or something
[14:14] <knightwise> popey: that would be an elegant case indeed
[14:14] <popey> nah
[14:14] <popey> it would look a mess
[14:14] <awilkins> yeah, "popey, for cases that look like you put a USB port in a mass of wadded up chewing gum"
[14:14] <popey> yes
[14:15] <davmor2> awilkins: are you trying to say all of your cases don't look like that?
[14:16] <knightwise> 49
[14:16] <knightwise> oops
[14:16] <knightwise> wrong window
[14:17] <zmoylan-pi> when we all know the true answer is 42...
[14:17] <davmor2> knightwise: isn't that the sweet and sour? I'm assuming you were ordering a Chinese ;)
[14:18] <knightwise> mpsyt :)
[14:18] <knightwise> youtube music player
[14:18] <knightwise> track 49
[14:18] <zmoylan-pi> or 99 if you have access to ice cream and a flake...
[14:18] <awilkins> < dead nice
[14:19] <popey> hah, makes it look like a NUC
[14:19] <zmoylan-pi> but a smidge smaller
[14:20] <popey> video review of it
[14:21] <popey> ooh, that is nice
[14:23] * knightwise is pooped
[14:23] <knightwise> been in front of the pc non stop for allmost 10 hours
[14:24] <awilkins> The only reason I'd get another case is if I wanted to fit HAT boards or the camera module
[14:24] <knightwise> gonna chill afk a bit. ttyl
[14:24] <awilkins> I may get a camera module for my Pi B 1.0
[14:25] <awilkins> I have an app in mind for it
[14:31] <zmoylan-pi> who's been stealing biccies from the kitchen!! :-)
[14:34] <intrbiz> awilkins: I've got a copy of my monitoring system running on my Odroid U3, PostgreSQL 9.4, RabbitMQ, Nginx, and all my java based services, runs pretty well all things considered
[14:44] <Myrtti> kek
[15:04] <TwistedLucidity> "a color that heightens awareness and creates clarity...the color of hope, joy and optimism"
[15:04] <TwistedLucidity> Please excuse me whilst I hurl
[15:06] <zmoylan-pi> that'll add some colour
[15:06] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: and carrots mysteriously
[15:06] <zmoylan-pi> with hints of jackson pollock
[16:03] <diddledan> shauno: ask and you shall receive: better footage of the barge landing:
[16:04] <TwistedLucidity> Wouldn't some decent parachutes be easier & lighter?
[16:04] * TwistedLucidity is not a rocket engineer outside of Kerbal
[16:04] <diddledan> lol
[16:07] <shauno> diddledan: old.
[16:07] <diddledan> oh?
[16:10] <shauno> I was thinking about parachutes .. but I wonder if that'd leave them floating around on the breeze too much to be able to hit a small target
[16:10] <shauno> perhaps just drogues to help it stay upright
[16:11] <zmoylan-pi> i reckon some sort of ground net raised at last moment to catch and balance
[16:13] <NET||abuse> hi folks, having a btrfs issue here,
[16:14] <diddledan> I say they should put wings on it and a jet turbine :-p
[16:15] <NET||abuse> got a volume on /mnt (i know bad location) and it's on a disk /dev/xvdb of 456G but only seems to be using 45G, 36G is used,, btrfs filesystem resize max /mnt isn't working :(
[16:15] <NET||abuse> not sure why, says file too big
[16:28] <TwistedLucidity> The Kerbal version (as seen on CBS)
[16:29] <TwistedLucidity> And longer more complete version (different creator) showing more explosions
[16:29] <TwistedLucidity>
[16:30] <TwistedLucidity> diddledan, shauno: ^
[16:30] <TwistedLucidity> And with that, g'night!
[16:33] <shauno> lol, how did I know it was gonna be scott manley
[16:34] <diddledan> shauno: because "fly safe!"
[16:34] <diddledan> he is pretty awesome tho
[17:06] <vetman3309> hi
[17:16] <davmor2> vetman3309: hi
[17:16] <vetman3309> how is going?
[17:34] <DJones> Sheesh, what a dodgy day, new server delivered, support staff in place to set it up, main software supplier says sorry no, it won't work on server, it only works on peer to peer networks, what century are we living in
[17:34] <DJones> It'll only work on a win xp/7 machine or windows server 2003
[17:40] <popey> lulz
[17:52] * DJones kicks popey for laughing at obsolete systems
[17:58] <DJones> I'm just grateful we're killing the system
[17:58] <DJones> in 3 months
[18:28] <shauno> don't you love buying new hardware for systems where the EOL is so close you can taste it
[18:29] <diddledan> craycray!
[18:29] <diddledan> :-p
[18:31] <diddledan> so at my cousin's wedding the other week, as a special request the "you may kiss the bride" bit was inserted to the order of service and just as he goes in for the snog my niece (2) calls out "naughty naughty"
[18:31] <diddledan> best timing evar!
[18:31] <diddledan> if only someone had it on film
[19:06] <Laney> deeeeeeebate time
[19:07] <Myrtti> yeah, watching
[19:07] <shauno> not watching \o/
[19:08] <Laney> is it the same format as the other one?
[19:08] <Laney> seems so
[19:08] <Myrtti> Finnish debate was at 20 their time and I didn't bother to watch since I had already voted
[19:15] <DJones> shauno: No, this is down to a software developer not being prepared to accept that the internet exists and their refusal to accept that windows 3.0 is no longer supported
[19:28] <directhex_> similar. but dave and nick are in hiding
[19:28] <directhex_> i once had to deal with software whose dev supported amd64 solaris, but not amd64 linux
[19:28] <directhex_> they were "keeping an eye" on that platform's viability
[19:29] <directhex_> this was an HPC app. in 2008.
[19:29] <diddledan> which was "that" platform that they were keeping an eye on?
[19:29] <diddledan> they're analysing the viability of linux?
[19:30] <shauno> amd64 seems like a flash in the pan. they should play it safe and stick with ia64 *nods*
[19:30] <diddledan> mmhmm
[19:30] <diddledan> ia64 ftw
[19:30] <diddledan> I want one just for the giggles
[19:31] <directhex_> diddledan: amd64 linux. they did i386 linux,]
[19:31] <directhex_> i used to admin an itanium system
[19:31] <diddledan> we'd not have efi without ia64 remember :-p
[19:31] <directhex_> 256 cores, 1T RAM
[19:31] <diddledan> ouch
[19:31] <diddledan> that's a big system
[19:31] <directhex_> badly behaved SLES desktop!
[19:31] <directhex_> 1 rack big
[19:32] <foobarry> my colleague bought one off ebay
[19:32] <directhex_> or was it 2?
[19:32] <foobarry> recently
[19:32] <directhex_> anyway, best parallel system i've ever used
[19:32] <directhex_> *so* fast. yay sgi.
[19:32] <diddledan> aah
[19:32] <diddledan> sgi were good
[19:32] <foobarry> we also recently threw away a whole rack of altix sgi
[19:32] <diddledan> the jurrassic park machines were sgi's
[19:32] <foobarry> so much RAMs
[19:32] <foobarry> nobody was using it
[19:33] <diddledan> foobarry: not altair? :-p
[19:33] <foobarry>
[19:37] <diddledan> looks like the only linux supported on itanium according to wiki is gentoo
[19:41] <diddledan> it just goes to show (itanium) that being first and better doesn't mean you win :-p
[19:49] <directhex_> diddledan: we ran SLES 10, which is what SGI supported on that hardware
[19:49] <directhex_> that or RHEL 5
[20:32] <diddledan> nerdgasm:
[20:32] <diddledan> IRC really needs to allow huge letters for such times as you need to convey a huge SQUEEE
[21:31] <dogmatic69_> any idea why my virtual machine is saying no space left on device, but df -h says 4GB free
[21:31] <intrbiz> HTTP parsing, in kernel mode, smart move Windows -
[21:32] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: has the host run out of storage space, if it's a thin provisioned disk?
[21:32] <dogmatic69_> intrbiz: doubt that... /dev/md127p1 2.7T 889G 1.7T 35% /raid
[21:33] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: what hypervisor?
[21:33] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: what disk format?
[21:33] <diddledan> windows y u do dis?
[21:33] <diddledan> unrelated to the http.sys issue above
[21:34] <dogmatic69_> intrbiz: hypervisor? like virtualbox?
[21:34] <diddledan> dogmatic69_: what filesystem?
[21:34] <dogmatic69_> the drive is 'Normal (VDI)'
[21:34] <dogmatic69_> what ever was the default install
[21:35] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: have you looked at dmesg in the VM ?
[21:35] <diddledan> inode count?
[21:35] <dogmatic69_> going to now, just rebooting again
[21:35] <dogmatic69_> great, now df -h cannot read table of mounted file systems
[21:36] <diddledan> o_O
[21:36] <dogmatic69_> its, working now but still not /root. only the links to host
[21:36] <diddledan> o_O
[21:37] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: what does /proc/mounts show?
[21:37] <dogmatic69_> here is dmesg
[21:37] <dogmatic69_>
[21:38] <dogmatic69_> proc/mounts has loads, want a paste?
[21:39] <intrbiz> may as well
[21:40] <dogmatic69_>
[21:42] <dogmatic69_> idk why df -h has no / but I can ls / and see folders
[21:43] <dogmatic69_> I also just removed a file with no issues :/
[21:44] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: is /etc/mtab empty?
[21:45] <dogmatic69_> nope
[21:45] <dogmatic69_> that as the last 3 entries in mounts
[21:45] <dogmatic69_> the /media/... ones
[21:45] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: is / listed?
[21:45] <dogmatic69_> no
[21:46] <dogmatic69_> 3 entries like 'pictures /media/sf_pictures vboxsf gid=999,rw 0 0'
[21:46] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: that'll be why df is broken
[21:46] <dogmatic69_> but 3 different ones
[21:46] <diddledan> root is mounted fine
[21:46] <diddledan> what does df actually say?
[21:46] <dogmatic69_> It has those same 3 entries
[21:46] <dogmatic69_> but no /
[21:47] <diddledan> paste?
[21:47] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: you can update mtab with: grep -v rootfs /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab
[21:47] <dogmatic69_>
[21:48] <dogmatic69_> ok, that made df -h have more, but looks wonky.. paste comming
[21:48] <dogmatic69_>
[21:48] <dogmatic69_> all the none
[21:49] <dogmatic69_> well, I can now write files...
[21:49] <dogmatic69_> thanks diddledan / intrbiz
[21:49] <dogmatic69_> but, why and how to avoid this again...
[21:49] <diddledan> permissions on /etc/mtab wonky?
[21:50] <diddledan> should be root:root 644
[21:50] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: an incorrect mtab is likely to be the result of not being able to write to / due to the original error
[21:51] <shauno> don't most just symlink mtab to /proc now?
[21:51] <diddledan> you'd think, shauno ,but seems 14.04 doesn't
[21:51] <dogmatic69_> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1156 Apr 16 22:47 /etc/mtab
[21:51] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: can you also paste df -i
[21:52] <intrbiz> shauno: openSUSE certainly does
[21:52] <dogmatic69_>
[21:52] <diddledan> bingoi
[21:52] <diddledan> inodes
[21:52] <dogmatic69_> ok, it I use tab / autocomplete it complains about the same space issue
[21:52] <diddledan> you're out
[21:52] <shauno> debian does too. and for long enough that I actually know this, so probably for 5+ years
[21:52] <dogmatic69_> oh :S
[21:52] <dogmatic69_> where do I buy more inodes :D
[21:52] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: being out of inodes will the the cause
[21:55] * diddledan points to his first comment way up at the top
[21:55] <intrbiz> diddledan: indeed
[21:55] <diddledan> ]specifically: 22:35 <diddledan> inode count? :-p
[21:56] <diddledan> now someone pat me on the back!
[21:56] <diddledan> :-D
[21:59] * dogmatic69_ pats diddledan on the back
[21:59] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: do you have lots of small files on this disk?
[22:00] <dogmatic69_> intrbiz: the only thing on the disk is install stuff from apt-get
[22:00] <dogmatic69_> all the real data is shared from host
[22:03] <intrbiz> IIRC you can't increase the inode ratio on ext4
[22:08] <dogmatic69_> found it, there is like 10 kernals with 5k inodes in each
[22:08] <diddledan> o_O
[22:08] <dogmatic69_> apt-get autoremove that crap
[22:08] <diddledan> surely a kernel is just one file?
[22:09] <diddledan> + an initrd
[22:09] <dogmatic69_>
[22:09] <diddledan> and should be stored in /boot
[22:09] <dogmatic69_> well maybe not kernal, but related..
[22:09] <diddledan> oh, /lib/modules
[22:09] <diddledan> yeah
[22:09] <diddledan> autoremove that
[22:10] <diddledan> though that's only about 5% of your total allocation
[22:10] <diddledan> 25k(ish) out of1 meelion
[22:11] <dogmatic69_> I think its counting the stuff on mounted drives...
[22:11] <dogmatic69_> is that right?
[22:11] <diddledan> each filesystem has a separate inode count
[22:11] <dogmatic69_> ok
[22:14] <dogmatic69_> /sys/kernel has 12k
[22:15] <intrbiz> dogmatic69_: /sys is a virtual filesystem
[22:15] <dogmatic69_> oh ok
[22:18] <dogmatic69_> usr/src has 250k
[22:18] <dogmatic69_> and all linux-headers-3.xx.xx again
[22:18] <dogmatic69_> I have autoclean / autoremoved and rebooted
[22:32] <dogmatic69_> down to 71% used now :)
[22:32] <dogmatic69_> thanks again
[22:32] <dogmatic69_> had to apt-get purge linux-headers ... to clear that stuff out, autoremove does not do it
[22:34] <diddledan> you want the headers for at least the version of the kernel you're booting into normallyu
[22:35] <dogmatic69_> ye, it removed all so I reinstalled the current ones
[22:35] <diddledan> fair enuff
[22:35] <dogmatic69_> it seems like doing purge linux-...41 will remove 4* eg, 41, 42, 43.. 49
[22:36] <dogmatic69_> idk if its just me but seems wrong
[22:37] <dogmatic69_> idk how 'linux-headers-3.13.0-35*' matches the list to be removed there.
[22:38] <diddledan> it's treated as a regex
[22:38] <dogmatic69_> 45* matches 49?
[22:38] <dogmatic69_> I thought 45<anything>
[22:38] <diddledan> so you're asking for 3<Anything>13<anything>0-3<5 any number of times including none>
[22:39] <dogmatic69_> gah. I get ya
[22:40] <diddledan> you probably want to use the command: apt-get purge 'linux-headers-3\.13\.0-35.*'
[22:40] <dogmatic69_> right
[22:40] <diddledan> where \. is a literal dot, and .* is anything
[22:41] <diddledan> you need to put it in single-quotes so that the \. doesn't get expanded by bash before handing to apt
[22:41] <diddledan> bash shell expansion can be a pain
[22:41] <dogmatic69_> ye
[22:41] <dogmatic69_> cheers. well I have some inodes again \o/
[22:42] <diddledan> \o/
[22:42] <diddledan> inodes ftw?
[22:42] <dogmatic69_> /var has .5M
[22:42] <diddledan> glad you managed to sort it
[22:42] <dogmatic69_> /var/tmp, can be cleaned out?
[22:43] <dogmatic69_> actually, its ntop...
[22:43] <diddledan> worst case to fix inode outage is to create a new filesystem elsewhere and copy the files across
[22:43] <diddledan> then delete the old filesystem
[22:44] <diddledan> /var/tmp should be ok to clear though sometimes running programs may be using files currently
[22:44] <diddledan> the best option for /var/tmp and /tmp is to clear them on initial boot
[23:42] <ball> If I have a text file with a list of filenames, how can I find the checksum of each file?
[23:42] <ball> I would like to deduplicate some photos.
[23:44] <ball> Oh! I may have just thought of a way...
[23:46] <ball> No. That won't work.
[23:48] <diddledan> ball: for file in "$(cat listoffiles.txt)"; do md5sum "$file" >> md5sums.txt; done
[23:48] <diddledan> try that
[23:48] <ball> diddledan: Thanks, I'll try it.
[23:51] <ball> ./foo2: 3: ./foo2: md5sum: Argument list too long
[23:51] <ball> ^- does it not work if there are spaces in the filename?
[23:52] <ball> perhaps I need to escape out the quote somehow.
[23:52] <ball> (double-quotes)
[23:53] <diddledan> should work with spaces
[23:54] <diddledan> actually, no it won;'t
[23:54] <diddledan> hmm | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.799818 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-uk"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-de | [14:34] <uniX67> ich habe ubuntu 14.04.2 unter verwendung LVM installiert. warum die differenz zwischen fdisk -l /dev/sda=250,1GB und PVdisplay/VGdisplay=232,38GB betraegt FAST 20GB. wo sind diese geblieben? vor der Neuinstallation dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 NICHT ausgefuehrt.
[14:34] <uniX67>
[14:36] <koegs> uniX67: bitte lies dich ein was der Unterschied zwischen GB und GiB ist :)
[14:37] <uniX67> ups
[14:37] <uniX67> danke
[14:49] <uniX67> koegs, gelesen. danke für den hinweis :-)
[17:14] <KlaWa> habe ein DruckerProblem. LaserJet-CP1025 läuft am USB tadellos; als Netzerkdrucker an der Fritzbox kein Ausdruck. Näheres:
[17:33] <jokrebel> KlaWa: Welche Fritzbox mit welchem FritzOS Stand?
[17:43] <KlaWa> Fritz 7330 - OS 06.20 alles andere bei:
[17:46] <KlaWa> jokrebel, Fritz 7330 - OS 06.20 weiteres bei:
[17:50] <jokrebel> KlaWa: Hab zwar keien 7330, aber habe vor kurzem ein Update auf FRITZ!OS 06.23 installieren können. Schau doch mal als erstes ob Deine Fritz!Box vielleicht auch schon "updatebar" ist.
[18:13] <jokrebel> KlaWa: Zumindest 6.21 sollte für Dein Modell installierbar sein inzwischen.
[18:24] <KlaWa> ok
[18:36] <dreamon> Fuchs, Bist du da?
[18:44] <Fuchs> dreamon: eher nein
[18:45] <dreamon> Sorry. Soll ich es ein andermal versuchen? Würde gerne Nvidia problem ansprechen wollen. Muß aber nicht jetzt sein. Das Problem hab ich noch länger. :)
[19:01] <Fuchs> definitiv ein andermal, sorry
[19:02] <gebjgd> dreamon, was für ein problem?
[19:02] <gebjgd> dreamon, es gibt kein Problem bei Nvidia Karte, oder
[19:05] <dreamon> gebjgd, Ist ein Notebook mit diesem Hybrid kram. Wenn ich den Nvidia Treiber drauf habe, dann komm ich nicht mehr aus dem Standby. Bild ist schwarz, Hintergrund beleuchtung leuchtet, aber zeigt keinen Inhalt.
[19:06] <gebjgd> dreamon, dann nimmst du nicht mehr standby
[19:07] <gebjgd> dreamon, Ubuntu ist schon schnell genug
[19:08] <dreamon> Wie bitte ? Standby bei einem Notebook ist zwingend erforderlich.
[19:08] <DerRaiden> hallou
[19:09] <gebjgd> dreamon, ja, dann nimmst einfach opensource Treiber
[19:10] <jokrebel> dreamon: Quatsch - ich gab das Forschen bezüglich Standby (wenn problematisch) schon vor Jahren auf. Entweder es geht OOTB oder man sollte keine weitere Energie in den (bei mir in keinem Fall erfolgreichen) Versuch dies doch noch zum laufen zu bringen investieren IMHO
[19:11] <mrkramps> jokrebel, +1
[19:11] <jokrebel> Suspend geht halt oder eben nicht
[19:11] <bekks> jokrebel: +1
[19:12] <jokrebel> ...und mit "Energie" mein ich durchaus auch externe (unsere) Energiereserven ;-)
[19:12] <dreamon> jokrebel, Ich hab da auch schon Zeit investiert. Ohne nvidia Treiber geht es problemlos, außer ich hatte Virtualbox noch am laufen, dann geht es auch nicht.
[19:13] <bekks> Geht hier auch mit Nvidia und Virtualbox.
[19:13] <bekks> Das letzte Mal dass ich das benutzt habe, jedenfalls :)
[19:13] <mrkramps> bekks, jetzt stichel nicht auch noch
[19:13] <mrkramps> ^^
[19:14] <mrkramps> dreamon, also ist jetzt die frage, was machen mit nvidia, oder was machen mit nouveau und vbox?
[19:14] <bekks> Kein Suspend machen, mit nvidia und virtualbox. :)
[19:15] <dreamon> Nunja. nvidia macht hier beim 14.04 noch mehr mist. Auf einer anderen Kiste hab ich nvidia treiber drauf, den hab ich manuell installiert. Der läuft dort traumhaft.
[19:16] <dreamon> Der in den Paketquellen befindliche Treiber funktionierte dort auch nicht sauber.
[19:16] <mrkramps> dreamon, das jetzt auch keine neuigkeit, oder?
[19:16] <bekks> Dann ist der Lösungsweg recht einfach: Nvidiatreiber manuell installieren und selbst Probleme bei jedem Kernelupdate lösen UND Suspend benutzen können, oder halt einfach dieses Suspendgeraffel seinlassen.
[19:17] <dreamon> Wie ist das, wenn einer neuer Kern kommt, hab ich dann probleme mit dem manuell installierten Treiber?
[19:17] <bekks> Richtig. Jedes Mal.
[19:17] <dreamon> bekks, Ah genau das war meine Frage .. Kernelupdate = Probleme?
[19:17] <jokrebel> is schon immer so
[19:18] <jokrebel> ja
[19:18] <bekks> Du darfst dann jedes Mal den Treiber neu installieren. JEDES. MAL.
[19:18] <jokrebel> ...und manchmal dauerts auch ein paar Tage bis es wieder geht mit dem neuen Kernel
[19:18] <dreamon> Das war doch bei Virtualbox auch immer so.. aber seit ca. 1Jahr braucht man das nicht mehr machen ..
[19:19] <bekks> Das war bei Virtualbox noch nie so seit es DKMS gibt.
[19:19] <bekks> Und DKMS benutzen die seit... irgendwann in Version 2.x
[19:19] <dreamon> Dann war es was anderes.. da kam doch immer so eine Meldung.. man müsse das in der Konsole ausführen und dann ging es wieder.
[19:20] <bekks> Die Kernelmodule manuell bauen, wenn man Virtualbox manuell installiert hat? Ja.
[19:20] <dreamon> Ja, das dauerte 30Sekunden und alles lief wieder. Das muß man aber schon länger nicht mehr machen..
[19:21] <bekks> Seit DKMS ...
[19:21] <dreamon> Bei Nvidia scheint das nicht so einfach?
[19:21] <bekks> Richtig...
[19:22] <dreamon> Mich hat auch gewundert, als ich von 14.04 auf 14.10 umgestiegen bin, das der Treiber der gleiche blieb. ist das immer so?
[19:22] <bekks> Weder ist das immer so, noch ist der Treiber gleich geblieben.
[19:23] <dreamon> Doch .. die VersionsNr. ist die gleiche
[19:23] <bekks> Von welchem Paket genau?
[19:23] <dreamon> Ich rede von Nvidia versteht sich.
[19:23] <bekks> Nvidia baut keine separaten Treiber für spezifische Releases.
[19:24] <bekks> Das haben die noch nie getan.
[19:24] <dreamon> Davon ging ich auch aus, sondern ich dachte das Ubuntu die neueren Treiber in die Versionen vom Hersteller übernimmt? Bei den Programmen ist es ja auch so..
[19:25] <bekks> Watt?
[19:25] <bekks> Da "die Version gleichgeblieben" ist, kannst Du an der Stelle nur von Ubuntupaketen reden.
[19:26] <bekks> Also von welchem Ubuntupaket redest Du?
[19:27] <dreamon> Nein ich rede von Ubuntu 14.04 (verwendet Nvidia 331.113) und Ubuntu 14.10 (verwender auch Nvidia 331.113).
[19:27] <bekks> Wie heisst das Paket?
[19:28] <dreamon> Andere Prorammpaket.. z.B. blender macht ja auch nach einem Upgrade von Ubuntu einen Versionssprung von 2.69 auf 2.71
[19:28] <bekks> Wie heisst das Nvidiapaket von dem du sprichst?
[19:30] <dreamon> nvidia-331 ..
[19:31] <bekks> Du wunderst Dich jetzt allen Ernstes darüber, warum nvidia-331 überall die Version 331.irgendwas installiert...?
[19:31] <bekks> Wofür genau könnte "331" im Paketnamen stehen...?
[19:32] <dreamon> Ich wundere mich warum 14.10 nicht "346"enthält.
[19:32] <bekks> Wieso sollte es? Selbst Vivid liefert nur 340.
[19:32] <bekks> Dir ist schon klar, dass Ubuntunicht wegen Treiberupdate von Nvidia ein neues Paket baut, oder?
[19:33] <bekks> *wegen jedem
[19:34] <dreamon> Sei so lieb und erklär es mir. Ich verstehe es nicht. Daher ja meine "blöde Frage". Früher konnte man auch zwischen mehreren verschiedenen Wählen.
[19:34] <bekks> Kann man auch heute noch.
[19:34] <bekks> Nur wenn du gezielt nvidia-331 wählst, solltest du dich halt nicht wundern, dass du einen 331 bekommst.
[19:35] <dreamon> Bei einem steht "nvidia-update" glaub noch bei
[19:35] <bekks> Das ist kein nvidia-331
[19:36] <bekks> Du meinst sicher nvidia-current-updates, der aber den 304 liefert.
[19:38] <dreamon> Um genau zu sein. Nividia binary driver - version 331.113 von nvidia (-updates) .... das einzige was die Zeilen sich unterscheiden, ist das wort updates. Sonst sind sie identisch.
[19:38] <bekks> Wo liest du das denn? :)
[19:39] <dreamon> bekks,
[19:40] <bekks> Nochmal: Was erwartest du, wenn Du ein Paketmit 331 im Namen installierst?
[19:41] <vorarlberger> hallo an alle und einen schönen abend!
[19:42] <dreamon> Ich verstehe die Frage nicht.. das wollte ich doch gar nicht wissen.. vielmehr warum ubuntu keine neuere Version verwendet bei einem neuen Release.
[19:42] <vorarlberger> darf ich jemanden von euch um hilfe beim einrichten einer internetverbindugsfreigabe bitten? ich bekomme das leider nicht hin :(
[19:43] <bekks> dreamon: Dann bemühe bitte mal um Dir anzusehen welches Release welche Version liefert.
[19:44] <bekks> vorarlberger: "internetverbindugsfreigabe" hört sich so nach Windows an?
[19:44] <mrkramps> !frag > vorarlberger
[19:44] <mrkramps> -.-
[19:44] <vorarlberger> naja, weiss nicht, wie ich es besser umschreiben soll :D soll unter kubuntu 14.10 stattfinden :)
[19:44] <bekks> vorarlberger: Was hast Du denn vor? :)
[19:44] <mrkramps> vorarlberger, was genau möchtest du denn tun
[19:45] <vorarlberger> folgendes szenario: kleiner medienserver geht per wlan ins internet und ist per lan mit dem blueray player verbunden
[19:45] <vorarlberger> habe eth0 im netzwerkmanager auf "für andere rechner freigeben" unter ip4 gestellt
[19:46] <vorarlberger> verbindung mit patch- und normalem cat5 kabel versucht, aber der blueray bekommt keine adresse....
[19:46] <bekks> Und de facto möchtest du auch mit dem blueraydings ins Internet?
[19:46] <vorarlberger> und ich möchte den blueray ja auch ins internet lassen, um updates zu holen, radio zu hören, ...
[19:46] <vorarlberger> genau
[19:46] <bekks> Patchkabel sind heutzutage übrigens CAT5. Nur so am Rande.
[19:47] <vorarlberger> :)
[19:47] <bekks> Diesen Artikel kennst du schon?:
[19:48] <vorarlberger> ja, nach diesem artikel habe ich gearbeitet. drum auch der versuch miot normalem und patch-kabel
[19:48] <dreamon> bekks, Ups. Vivid bietet viel mehr Treiber an. 311, 313, 319, 340, 346 -> das ist ja merkwürdig.
[19:49] <bekks> vorarlberger: WAs soll der Unterschied zwischen "normalem" und "Patchkabel" sein?
[19:49] <vorarlberger> und ich vermute mal, dass das "Gemeinsam mit anderen Rechnern" in dem artikel besagtes "für andere Rechner freigeben" in der Version 14.10 ist.....
[19:49] <bekks> dreamon: Was auch immer du daran merkwürdig findest.
[19:49] <dreamon> bekks, Danke das du mir gezeigt hast wo ich nachschauen konnte.
[19:49] <vorarlberger> Crosskabel, Verzeihung :)
[19:50] <bekks> vorarlberger: Das macht heutzutage keinen Unterschied mehr, da mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit einer der beiden Verbinungspartner MDI/MDI-X beherrscht.
[19:50] <dreamon> bekks, Wie ich schon 2mal sagte, das zwischen 14.04 und 14.10 keine Änderung war, währen 15.04 plötzlich so viele anbietet.
[19:51] <vorarlberger> da ethtool kein mdi-xanzeigt, sondern nur mdii habe ich es eben auch mit einem crossover versucht.....
[19:51] <vorarlberger> sorry, meinte MII
[19:51] <vorarlberger> und da ich es beim blueray nicht weiss eben der versuch mit beiden kabelarten
[19:53] <bekks> vorarlberger: Sinnvoller wäre es wahrscheinlich einen Router aufzusetzen, statt mit dieser Internetverbindungsdingsda herumzuturnen.
[19:54] <ppq> naja, die frage warum es nicht geht ist schon berechtigt
[19:54] <ppq> vorarlberger, hast du es mal mit anderen geräten statt dem blu ray player getestet?
[19:54] <ppq> nur mal so um ursachen auszuschließen
[19:55] <vorarlberger> bekks: inwiefern router aufsetzen?
[19:56] <vorarlberger> ppq: habe sonst gerade kein gerät zum richtig testen da, versuche gerade mal, einfach eine Verbindung aufzubauen, indem ich fixe ip's vergebe
[19:56] <bekks> vorarlberger: Deinem Ubunturechner mitteilen, dass er ein Router ist.
[19:57] <vorarlberger> geht das denn so einfach, rsp. sollte nicht diese freigabe genau das selbe machen?
[19:58] <bekks> Nein, leider nicht.
[20:00] <vorarlberger> müsste dazu das ganze system neu aufgesetz werden oder geht das auch nachträglich?
[20:00] <bekks> DAs geht auch nachträglich. Das ist ja kein Windows :)
[20:00] <bekks>
[20:01] <vorarlberger> was etwas komisch ist: habe der lan-karte mal die ip zugewiesen, trotzdem sagt mir ifconfig immer noch, dass der multicast aktiv sei und zeigt keine ip4 an....
[20:02] <bekks> Wieso sollte multicast bei einer statischen Adressen nicht aktiv sein?
[20:04] <vorarlberger> eth0 Link encap:Ethernet Hardware Adresse 00:24:21:16:c0:ef inet6-Adresse: fe80::224:21ff:fe16:c0ef/64 Gültigkeitsbereich:Verbindung
[20:05] <vorarlberger> okay, warein falscher denkansatz von mir:) trotzdem komisch, dass ich keine inet-adresse, also ip4 sehe....
[20:05] <bekks> Wie hast du sie denn gesetzt?
[20:06] <vorarlberger> im Verbindungs-Editor, Registerkarte IP4, unteres Feld "Adresse hinzufügen"
[20:07] <vorarlberger>, Subnetz, Gateway mal leer gelassen
[20:07] <vorarlberger> dann das ganze mit Okay bestätigt.....
[20:07] <koegs> ohne gateway und ohne dns kein "internet"
[20:08] <vorarlberger> das ist klar, aber unter ifconfig müsste ich doch 1. die ip4 sehen können und 2. zumindest einen ping auf den blueray machen können.
[20:09] <bekks> Welche IP hat denn dein Rechner?
[20:09] <vorarlberger> nur um sicher zu gehen, dass überhaupt eine verbindung zwischen den beiden geräten besteht...
[20:09] <vorarlberger> bekks: am lan-anschluss die
[20:09] <vorarlberger> am wlan (manuell vergeben)
[20:10] <bekks> Wenn du nun die dem Bluerayding gibst, kann das nicht funktionieren.
[20:10] <vorarlberger> der blueray hat auch die, als gateway die eingetragen....
[20:11] <bekks> Zeig uns mal ein ifconfig -a von deinem Rechner, zusammen mit einem lsb_release -a und einem uname -a bitte :)
[20:12] <vorarlberger> eth0 Link encap:Ethernet Hardware Adresse 00:24:21:16:c0:ef inet6-Adresse: fe80::224:21ff:fe16:c0ef/64 Gültigkeitsbereich:Verbindung UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metrik:1 RX-Pakete:15791 Fehler:0 Verloren:17 Überläufe:0 Fenster:0 TX-Pakete:9444 Fehler:0 Verloren:0 Überläufe:0 Träger:0 Kollisionen:0 Sendewarteschlangenlänge:1000 RX-Bytes:72
[20:12] <bekks> Pastebin.
[20:12] <bekks> Nicht hier in den Channel spammen.
[20:12] <vorarlberger> pastebin?
[20:12] <bekks> !pastebin
[20:12] <bekks> ?pastebin
[20:13] <bekks> MOAAARRRR. Dieser Drecksbot.
[20:13] <mrkramps> !nopaste > vorarlberger
[20:13] <mrkramps> aber der bot ist trotzdem gerade im feierabend :\
[20:13] <vorarlberger> !pastebin
[20:13] <mrkramps> vorarlberger,
[20:14] <mrkramps> abschicken und anschließend die URL hier posten
Nein, leider nicht. <-- doch, eigentlich schon. NAT und DHCP eingeschlossen. nur portweiterleitungen sind nicht ohne weiteres damit machbar. aber ansonsten ist die "internetverbindungsfreigabe", der der network-manager kann, schon recht mächtig - war sie schon vor fünf jahren
[20:16] <bekks> ppq: Ich bezog mich eher aufs persistente Routing.
[20:17] <vorarlberger> okay, hier sind die befehle drin:
[20:18] <vorarlberger> sorry mrkramps fürs blinde posten vorhin
[20:18] <mrkramps> vorarlberger, kein problem … wir wissen, dass nicht alle anwender mit dieser methode vertraut sind
[20:18] <vorarlberger> danke :)
[20:24] <vorarlberger> noch jemand da? bei mir tut sich im channel nichts mehr......
[20:25] <mrkramps> schweigen im walde … ein bisschen geduld
[20:26] <vorarlberger> geduld hab ich mehr als genug, wollte nur einen neuen einstieg in den chan vermeiden :D
[20:57] <vorarlberger> re, sorry!
[20:59] <vorarlberger> kurzes update: kabelgebundenes netzwerk gelöscht, neu angelegt. fixe ip:, gateway (die wlan karte). Verbindung zwischen blueray und lan-karte hat funktioniert, weiterleitung ins internet nicht. dafür hat mich linux aus allen aktiven verbindungen rausgeschmissen und ich hatte keine internetverbindung mehr.....
[20:59] <vorarlberger> kabelgebunden wieder gelöscht, und internet funktioniert wieder..... :(
[21:22] <vorarlberger> nach einem letzten verzweifelten Versuch habe ich es komischerweise hinbekommen!!!!
[21:23] <vorarlberger> im wiki steht: "Das Kontrollkästchen "Automatisch verbinden" muss bei allen vorhandenen Profilen unter "Kabelgebunden" entfernt werden"
[21:24] <vorarlberger> habe es einfach mal zum trotz rein gemacht, das ganzte übernommen und SOFORT nach der bestätigung mit Okay hat sich mein blueray doch tatsächlich eine IP geholt und die Verbindung ins internet gefunden....
[21:24] <vorarlberger> also habe ich eigentlich genau das gegenteil von dem gemacht, was im wiki steht.... (unter "Internetverbindungsfreigabe")
[21:41] <vorarlberger> vielen dank für eure unterstützung! :-) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.816525 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-de"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-uy | [02:08] <magu42> . | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.818371 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-uy"
} |
2015-04-16-#juju-gui | [07:12] <Makyo> jcsackett,
[07:14] <jcsackett> Makyo: yeah, that was our household for years. Axel is a little too old to jump quite that high now, but still. :p
[15:13] <lazyPower> jrwren: o/
[16:36] <jrwren> lazyPower: what is up?
[16:37] <lazyPower> ey there, was a ping re: your kibana MP
[16:37] <lazyPower> i've since commented and moved on | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.820442 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#juju-gui"
} |
2015-04-16-#cloud-init | [01:02] <smoser> vila (who is gone) i've never seen that . that is odd.
[01:29] <smoser> JayF, around ?
[01:34] <smoser> see email
[14:38] <larsks> smoser: my feeling is that the ubuntu ssh packaging is fundamentally broken: there's nothing that will generate new host keys if they are missing when attempting to start sshd. As far as I can tell, key generation happens only in the package postinst script. I.e., I don't think this is a cloud-init problem.
[14:40] <Odd_Bloke> larsks: I haven't been able to reproduce that issue, so I would tend to agree that it's not cloud-init's problem.
[14:40] <smoser> larsks, you're right, that is the case.
[14:41] <smoser> but it *is* cloud-init's problem here.
[14:41] <Odd_Bloke> Would be good to check with vila precisely what he was doing, in case there's something going on that we don't know about.
[14:41] <smoser> cloud-init needs to generate host keys (even if they exist) on first instance boot.
[14:42] <larsks> smoser: See, I disagree. I think that maybe cloud-init should have an option to *remove* the keys, but I think that whatever starts sshd should be generating the keys.
[14:42] <smoser> so it is perfectly valid to rm /etc/ssh/ssh_* in an image and then boot it.
[14:42] <larsks> smoser: Well, right. That's very common, and that's why I think the ubuntu ssh packaging is so broken.
[14:42] <smoser> wll, that is definitely a path.
[14:42] <larsks> Because that's a very common situation (removing host keys as part of image prep)
[14:42] <smoser> cjwatson had been averse to that.
[14:43] <smoser> as that would mean the keys (if not present) are created with very little entropy.
[14:43] <smoser> dropbear (often used with busybox) actually generates them on first connect
[14:43] <smoser> which is guaranteed later than daemon start, and thus "better" from a perspective of available entropy.
[14:43] <larsks> That seems like a fine solution, and substantially better than "not generating them at all and being broken"
[14:44] <smoser> mostly, i've not fought with cjwatson. he's the openssh package maintainer, and very capable :)
[14:44] <larsks> I note that many cloud environments have a mechanism for feeding the entropy pool on virtual instances to help solve the low entropy issue...
[14:48] <smoser> larsks, cloud-init tries to use said entropy also (ie, if it knows of it, it will seed /dev/random with it).
[14:49] <larsks> Okay. So then in many environments low entropy shoulnd't necessarily be a problem.
[14:58] <smoser> larsks, well, except that we have to set cloud-init to correctly run before sshd starts then.
[14:59] <smoser> and also, you can't jsut say "its not a problem in some cloud environments" as any do not have said entropy utils
[15:02] <larsks> cloud-init is going to be generating ssh keys at boot one way or the other, either because the ssh startup script does it or because cloud-init does it natively. So this is a situation we already have...
[15:05] <larsks> I guess a short-term bug -- that doesn't directly address this issue -- is that the cloud-init systemd unit has a dependency on sshd-keygen.service, which doesn't exist.
[15:05] <Odd_Bloke> cloud-init actually specifies that it should run before sshd-keygen.service.
[15:06] <larsks> Right.
[15:06] <larsks> sshd-keygen.service does not exist (on vivid, at least)
[15:07] <Odd_Bloke> Yeah.
[15:07] <Odd_Bloke> It's pretty much just noise though, so I don't know that it's worth pushing for vivid.
[15:08] <larsks> It is not operationally significant, it's true.
[21:27] <vila> smoser: \o/
[21:28] <vila> Thanks for the fix, I was trying to write a test and found the right file, now I have the right example ;-D
[21:28] <vila> ( | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.826453 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#cloud-init"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-meeting | [16:00] <dholbach> hey hey
[16:00] <dholbach> #startmeeting CC meeting
[16:00] <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Apr 16 16:00:51 2015 UTC. The chair is dholbach. Information about MeetBot at
[16:00] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
[16:01] <dholbach> #chair elfy mhall119 cprofitt
[16:01] <meetingology> Current chairs: cprofitt dholbach elfy mhall119
[16:01] <cprofitt> hello dholbach mhall119 elfy
[16:01] <elfy> o/
[16:01] <dholbach> who else do we have here? :)
[16:02] <mhall119> isn't this supposed to be at 1700 UTC, not 1600?
[16:02] <dholbach> hum...
[16:02] <cprofitt> mhall119: I think the DST has kicked in
[16:02] <dholbach> it could be that my calendar played a trick on m
[16:02] <dholbach> e
[16:02] <dholbach> but you're right
[16:02] <dholbach> it should be in an hour
[16:02] <elfy> and yea ...
[16:02] <cprofitt> so DST has not kicked in
[16:02] <dholbach> shall we have the meeting now or reconvene?
[16:02] <elfy> I did wonder
[16:03] <elfy> cprofitt: it is 16:00 UTC here
[16:03] <mhall119> I'm fine with either now or in an hour
[16:03] <dholbach> it'd probably be only fair to do it in an hour - mhall119, elfy, cprofitt: will you all have time?
[16:03] <mhall119> yes
[16:03] <elfy> I'll still be about yes
[16:03] <cprofitt> I should, but can not make a promise since I am at work
[16:04] <dholbach> ok, cool
[16:04] <cprofitt> could get called away
[16:04] <dholbach> let's try again in 55mins then :)
[16:04] <dholbach> #endmeeting
[16:04] <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Apr 16 16:04:10 2015 UTC.
[16:04] <meetingology> Minutes:
[16:04] <elfy> then if there is anyone out there with a question for us - the time is still good for calendar
[17:00] <dholbach> shall we try again? :-)
[17:00] <mhall119> sure
[17:00] <elfy> \o/
[17:00] <dholbach> mhall119, elfy, cprofitt: anyone else here for the CC meeting? :)
[17:00] <dholbach> #startmeeting
[17:00] <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Apr 16 17:00:24 2015 UTC. The chair is dholbach. Information about MeetBot at
[17:00] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
[17:00] <dholbach> #chair elfy mhall119
[17:00] <meetingology> Current chairs: dholbach elfy mhall119
[17:00] <dholbach> Do you have any agenda items you'd like to propose?
[17:00] <elfy> yep
[17:01] <dholbach> I'd like us to set up a schedule for the catch ups, which should be quick I assume
[17:01] <elfy> that would be the same one :D
[17:01] <elfy> and ...ish
[17:01] <elfy> new teams about
[17:01] <dholbach> and maybe do a quick review of which boards/councils have members expiring soon
[17:02] <dholbach> any other items?
[17:02] <elfy> sort out the next catch ups perhaps
[17:02] <dholbach> that sounds fair to me :)
[17:02] <dholbach> #topic Scheduling the next CC catch ups
[17:02] <dholbach> shall we note it all down on
[17:02] <elfy> works for me
[17:03] <dholbach> brilliant
[17:04] <elfy> mate/edubuntu swap *shrug*
[17:04] <elfy> though once LTS gets close - we'll want to add them back perhaps
[17:04] <mhall119> instead of combining Core Apps and Phone, how about having separate check-ins with those teams working on core, desktop and phone?
[17:05] <elfy> mhall119: make the change :) makes sense
[17:06] <mhall119> do you think we can do all three in one hour's meeting?
[17:06] <elfy> mhall119: well
[17:06] <cprofitt> hello
[17:06] <dholbach> #chair cprofitt
[17:06] <meetingology> Current chairs: cprofitt dholbach elfy mhall119
[17:06] <dholbach> cprofitt, we're scheduling catch ups for the new cycle:
[17:07] <dholbach> mhall119, I just added a new date at the bottom - feel free to spread teams out if necessary
[17:07] <elfy> if they are *that* different - split them to different weeks - also gives people who can only drop by irregularly half a chance
[17:08] <elfy> mhall119: ^^
[17:08] <dholbach> I'm happy either way - I don't have a strong preference when to have Core Apps vs Phone people there
[17:08] <mhall119> elfy: they are different teams in Canonical, but they'll probably all have the same issues if any
[17:08] <elfy> I'd much prefer to give a team the whole half a session each
[17:08] <elfy> mhall119: that may be so, but
[17:09] <elfy> the community might have different points - and people are free to ask things here I guessed
[17:09] <cprofitt> I would prefer to give a half session to each as well.
[17:10] <elfy> makes sense
[17:10] <elfy> at the least
[17:10] <dholbach> I just added more dates
[17:10] <dholbach> we can spread out if we want
[17:10] <cprofitt> having too much time is better than not having enough for a team IMHO
[17:10] <elfy> yep
[17:10] <dholbach> and we can always wrap early if all is well and there's nothing to talk about :)
[17:11] <elfy> we can always rethink the cycle after - which IS the pre-LTS one
[17:11] <elky> Hi. i noticed yesterday that dholbach mailed the irc council about a catchup a while back but i don't think it was confirmed or anything. I'm guessing by that pad that it's not still on?
[17:11] <mhall119> elfy: my guess is that the community would be more uniform across those three than Canonical employees
[17:11] <mhall119> but that's just my guess
[17:11] <dholbach> elky, it was scheduled, but in the end I can't remember if anyone showed up
[17:11] <elfy> mhall119: that is fine - but I see no real reason to not try it
[17:11] <dholbach> elky, or one person showed up belated ... or something
[17:12] <elky> dholbach: well... you tried to schedule one for today and now
[17:12] <elky> so i showed up now :P
[17:12] <dholbach> schedule for today?
[17:12] <dholbach> IRC Council 5th March
[17:12] <elky> it was an email you sent
[17:12] <dholbach> oooooooooh!
[17:12] <elfy> elky: I guess something was lost there, however - we've got time if you want to talk to us
[17:12] <elky> trying to schedule for now
[17:13] <dholbach> sorry about that
[17:13] <dholbach> now I get it
[17:13] * elfy always has time for some tabfail sessions :D
[17:13] <dholbach> we said: "nobody showed up, let's reschedule" and I picked a date
[17:13] <elfy> but
[17:13] <dholbach> but failed to update the agenda page
[17:13] <dholbach> ... and maybe nobody confirmed the date
[17:13] <elfy> if you want to talk to us now elky - we will :)
[17:13] <elky> elfy: dholbach: well, basically we're still regrouping. we're currently trying to find a new meeting time that will actually work.
[17:14] <dholbach> ok... shall we wrap up the scheduling discussion?
[17:14] <dholbach> then move on to IRC business? :)
[17:14] <elfy> dholbach: just put it on back burner
[17:14] <dholbach> elfy, cprofitt, mhall119: any more points on the catch up schedule? or shall I just mail it to the CC later on, so everyone can have a look at it and make final changes before we announce it?
[17:15] <elfy> elfy: I guess it's been a bit of a *time* over there, I get hints here and there
[17:15] <elfy> dholbach: how about moving back to it if we've time?
[17:15] <elky> dholbach: i understand the motivation, i just didn't want you guys to be stood up again if the topic did happen :)
[17:16] <elky> but i'm here now, so make of that what you will
[17:16] <elfy> elky: I was not talking to myself but you ^^
[17:16] <dholbach> elfy, ok... I just felt that we were close to resolving it as far as we can now and could move on if we agreed, but yeah, sure
[17:16] <elky> elfy: hehe sorry still waking up
[17:16] <elfy> really should really re-nick as hobgoblin for a while :D
[17:16] <elky> hehehe
[17:17] <dholbach> ok....
[17:17] <dholbach> #topic Catching up with the IRC Council
[17:17] <dholbach> hey elky - thanks a lot for showing up :)
[17:17] <elky> not a problem
[17:17] <dholbach> how are you doing? how's life in the IRC world? :)
[17:18] <elky> so as i said before, we're still regrouping and working out our schedule to fit in with the current members
[17:18] <dholbach> how far are the members spread out?
[17:19] <elky> one in finland, the rest of us across the US
[17:19] <elky> (i'm in the US now)
[17:19] <elfy> so again the Euro/US bias
[17:19] <dholbach> oh wow, I had no idea :)
[17:19] <elky> we have people who can't irc from work though, which complicates things a lot
[17:20] <elfy> really hard to deal with that I guess
[17:20] <elky> that's our biggest issue
[17:20] <elfy> and that for sure
[17:20] <elfy> which - the work or bias?
[17:20] <elky> we're considering moving to a weekend meeting, but we're yet to confirm a time
[17:20] <dholbach> how often are you planning to meet as the IRC Council?
[17:20] <dholbach> or how often did you meet in the past?
[17:20] <elky> elfy: the irc restriction at workplaces
[17:20] <elfy> right
[17:21] <elky> dholbach: the meeting schedule is monthly, which is why it's taking a while to get something sorted i guess
[17:21] <elfy> elky: but if the location bias could be looked at later - less of an issue?
[17:22] <elfy> elky: any reason to have monthly meets?
[17:22] <elky> elfy: i don't think location bias is one that can be fixed easily.
[17:22] <elky> elfy: as opposed to?
[17:22] <dholbach> I'm not sure if it helps, but can "day to day tasks on the IRC Council", "IRC Council meeting times" and "helping out as an IRC member/op/helper" be separated somehow?
[17:22] <dholbach> a bunch of things could maybe be discussed via mail as well
[17:23] <elfy> elky: we (FC) set up monthlies, ended up as pointless
[17:23] <elky> elfy: in that you have no meetings now?
[17:23] <elfy> we dealt with the immediate issues as and when
[17:23] <elky> that would be nice, but that wasn't the expectation put on the council in the past
[17:23] <elfy> then have now moved to quarterly
[17:23] <dholbach> elfy, I guess it depends on how approachable you as a council or board are... or how well people in your community understand they can contact you
[17:24] <dholbach> a meeting as "another opportunity" can help, but yeah, it can be pointless too :)
[17:24] <elfy> elky: well - rules are great in a workplace, but as volunteers the expectation should be that things just woirk
[17:24] <elfy> dholbach: yea for sure
[17:24] <elky> elfy: i'm glad to see this shift in attitude :)
[17:25] <elfy> elky: first shift on CC, years at forum ;)_
[17:25] <elfy> I am ALWAYS happy to talk to anyone at all
[17:25] <mhall119> sorry everyone, home-life interruption, I'm back again
[17:26] <elky> dholbach: in terms of the issues we generally deal with, generally a meeting would be awkward and unfair on someone -- like a public humiliation
[17:26] <elfy> though if it is one of those 'trolly' things, move it to official
[17:26] <elfy> elky: the same - we just would not do that (FC)
[17:27] <elfy> elky: how about the IRCC and FC actaully do that mad thing
[17:27] <elfy> talk to each other :D
[17:27] <elky> that'd be awesome indeed
[17:27] <dholbach> I guess it depends what you need to talk about
[17:27] <elfy> I am sure we could help each other in how we deal with things
[17:27] <dholbach> if you want to bring up a process improvement
[17:27] <elfy> dholbach: things like
[17:27] <dholbach> or applying as a member
[17:27] <elfy> do we NEED to meet monthyl
[17:27] <dholbach> that might be suitable for an IRC Council
[17:27] <dholbach> meeting
[17:28] <elfy> well - membership process - I bet we could learn from each other
[17:28] <dholbach> it could also help to review work items or stuff
[17:28] <elfy> but the minutae - less so
[17:28] <elky> dholbach: the stuff we're responsible for, is way too time sensitive to wait a month.,
[17:28] <elky> or even a week reallt
[17:29] <dholbach> elky, I wasn't trying to say that you should wait until the next meeting
[17:29] <elfy> more a sort of 'well how do you as a group work? thing
[17:29] <elfy> elky: exactly - we are lucky
[17:29] <elfy> we get a day(ish)
[17:29] <dholbach> sometimes it helps to make an appointment, come together as a group and take time to discuss something
[17:29] <dholbach> (outside the day to day business)
[17:30] <elfy> dholbach: it really does not work like that - sorry ;)
[17:30] <dholbach> but I'm not trying to impose
[17:30] <mhall119> especially if you spend the previous week/month jotting down topics in an agenda
[17:30] <elky> dholbach: we haven't needed to do that in the past few months, but yes that has happened in the past.
[17:30] <dholbach> right
[17:30] <elfy> elky: I'll mail you with the FC hat
[17:30] <elky> elfy: cool
[17:31] <dholbach> and apart from meeting times... how are things going there? :)
[17:31] <elfy> heh
[17:31] <elky> relatively drama free so far this year
[17:32] <elfy> \o/
[17:32] <elky> which is a nice change of pace. last year burned a councillor or two out, so yes.
[17:32] <dholbach> do you have enough helpers in the channels?
[17:33] <Pici> Sorry I'm late, work stuff. (reads scrollback quickly)
[17:33] <elfy> hi Pici
[17:33] <elky> we seem to be ok at the moment, but i believe we have some applications to look at anyway
[17:33] <elfy> that's great
[17:36] <dholbach> cool
[17:36] <dholbach> how about people who applied as Ubuntu members through IRC contributions?
[17:36] <mhall119> elfy: is there any particular change that you think contributed to this being a drama-free year?
[17:36] <mhall119> something we can maybe roll out to other parts of the community
[17:36] <dholbach> I'm asking because we noticed in other teams that there's a lot of people who could apply, but didn't :)
[17:37] <elfy> \o/ I think that ^^ was for elky :D
[17:37] <elky> mhall119: no, last year was quite exceptional. i don't recommend having that drama so that the next year is an improvement
[17:37] <elfy> dholbach: we see the same thing
[17:37] <mhall119> elky: yes, this elfy/elky thing is killing my brain
[17:37] <elky> :D
[17:38] <elfy> :D
[17:38] <elfy> who said that !!!
[17:38] <dholbach> ouch :)
[17:38] <elky> we break brains in #xubuntu* all the timne
[17:38] <elfy> annnnnnnnd ....
[17:38] <elfy> you owe me a clean screen ...
[17:38] <elky> haha
[17:39] <cprofitt> mhall119: you can't tell the difference bewtween and elf and an alk?
[17:39] <cprofitt> elk?
[17:39] <elky> dholbach: i can't remember the last time someone applied through the ircc for membership, but it's a small team in comparison to even some loco teams
[17:40] <dholbach> right
[17:40] <mhall119> cprofitt: I don't think I've every seen either, to be honest
[17:40] <cprofitt> lol
[17:40] <Pici> We have a lot of people seeking help pass through, but a smaller community of helpers.
[17:40] <dholbach> I think we should all try to encourage folks who haven't applied yet :)
[17:40] <elfy> hah
[17:40] <cprofitt> the forums had to work at having people apply via the forums for Ubuntu membership
[17:40] <dholbach> I should add a post-it note to my laptop screen about that
[17:40] <cprofitt> do IRC folks know that it is a potential route?
[17:41] <elfy> dholbach: seriously - for sure - supporters deserve membership
[17:41] <elky> yes
[17:41] <dholbach> cprofitt, there's a process and it's documented on the wiki, but that probably doesn't answer your question :)
[17:41] <elky> they do know. most of the irc team are members as far as i know
[17:41] <mhall119> elky: how are they told about it?
[17:41] <dholbach> elky, that's good to hear :)
[17:41] <elfy> elky: we kind of did a bit more over forum side
[17:42] <elfy> I'l try and summarise the whole 'how we do it'
[17:42] <elky> elfy: at one point, the irc team required membership to be op, so i think there was a difference in the population there
[17:42] <elfy> yea
[17:42] <Pici> Usually it comes up because someone notices that they aren't a member, and then the suggestion to become one goes on and then we can initiate the process.
[17:42] <cprofitt> dholbach: the process being documented is a good start, but I know the forums had to really encourage people to get the process started.
[17:43] <dholbach> yeah
[17:43] <elfy> I think, and this might be up for debate
[17:43] <elfy> that criteria needs to at least 'look' or 'read' easier
[17:44] <elfy> many people have said to me they would 'fail'
[17:44] <elfy> their words
[17:44] <Pici> :/
[17:44] <elky> guys, i need to go of and do something else now, can we wrap this topic? or pici can take over?
[17:44] <elfy> elky: go do life stuff - thanks
[17:45] <elky> thanks guys, one less thing on the todo list :)
[17:45] <elfy> I will be in contact withe the IRCC
[17:45] <dholbach> cool
[17:45] <elfy> as FC
[17:45] <Pici> Okay :)
[17:45] <dholbach> is there anything the IRC Council could generally need help with? or anything the CC could do?
[17:45] <elfy> but yea Pici :/
[17:45] <elfy> people should not feel that way
[17:46] <Pici> dholbach: I'm not sure we need anything as of yet. Like elky said, the drama has been very low recently.
[17:46] <dholbach> excellent - thanks a lot for all your hard work!
[17:46] <dholbach> mhall119 is going to be in touch with you quite soon again I guess :)
[17:47] <dholbach> or did you guys talk about UOS channels already? :)
[17:47] <mhall119> dholbach: I haven't, I don't know which of us was tasked with getting UOS channels setup
[17:47] <Pici> Sounds like it was you ;)
[17:47] <dholbach> I can't remember either - I guess we're going to figure it out
[17:48] <Pici> Just poke us whenever you're ready and we'll do what needs to be done
[17:48] <dholbach> <3
[17:48] <dholbach> cprofitt, elfy, mhall119: do you have any more questions for Pici and the IRC folks? :)
[17:48] <mhall119> nope, it sounds like things are going well which is an improvement from before
[17:48] <elfy> none yet
[17:48] <mhall119> so I'm quite happy
[17:48] <Pici> yay
[17:49] <elfy> I will do as I said and mail you as FC hat - with what we do and how
[17:49] <dholbach> brilliant
[17:49] <dholbach> thanks a lot Pici and elky! :)
[17:49] <Pici> np :)
[17:49] <elfy> I would love for the IRCC to say some "try this one ..."
[17:50] <dholbach> elfy, regarding the catch-up schedule... did you have anything else you wanted to talk about or shall I send it out for a sanity check of the rest of the gang as a next step?
[17:50] <elfy> anyway - thanks elky Pici
[17:51] <elfy> dholbach: send it to list, but was mostly about making sure no-shows had reason
[17:51] <elfy> and people like Mate - new - were added in
[17:52] <elfy> good to go here
[17:52] <dholbach> elfy, erm... do you mean by "no-shows had reason" checking if the teams excused themselves from the meetings?
[17:52] <mhall119> thanks elky and Pici for coming
[17:52] <dholbach> my brain is a bit slow at processing English today it seems
[17:53] <dholbach> if all's well, I'll just mail out the schedule in a bit :)
[17:53] <mhall119> dholbach: Texas accents have that affect
[17:53] <dholbach> jetlag too! :)
[17:53] <dholbach> I'd be happy to look over the expiry dates of all councils/boards again as well to help with the planning
[17:53] <dholbach> #topic Any other business
[17:54] <elfy> dholbach: yea I did :)
[17:54] <dholbach> go ahead
[17:54] <elfy> or rather - they might be LTS only
[17:55] <elfy> dholbach: I've got time tomorrow to at least try and contact edubuntu etc
[17:55] <dholbach> cool
[17:55] <elfy> unless you mean mail schedule to CC to double check
[17:56] <elfy> in which case - go ahead
[17:56] <dholbach> oh... I just sent it over for review
[17:56] <dholbach> :)
[17:57] <elfy> yep, just got it :D
[17:57] <elfy> #endmeeting
[17:57] <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Apr 16 17:57:49 2015 UTC.
[17:57] <meetingology> Minutes:
[17:57] <elfy> then :)
[17:58] <dholbach> excellent!
[17:58] <dholbach> thanks a lot everyone!
[17:58] <mhall119> thanks dholbach | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.831960 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-meeting"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-tn | [20:53] <manels> hi
[20:54] <elacheche_anis> Hi manels! You're early x)
[20:54] <d4rk-5c0rp> hi manels
[20:55] <elacheche_anis> Bonsoir les gars :)
[20:55] <elacheche_anis> manels, can we wait until 10pm? maybe someone else will show up :)
[20:56] <manels> ok
[20:57] <elacheche_anis> Bonsoir basma.. basma de isetkr ou je me trompe?
[20:57] <elacheche_anis> ok manels
[20:57] <basma> yes anis
[20:57] <elacheche_anis> Hey there :) :D
[20:57] <elacheche_anis> Happy to see you around :)
[20:58] <basma> oui j'ai voulu avoir une idée sur la formation au isetG car déjà je suis entrain de préparer une formation par loin de celle proposé par manel
[20:58] <basma> merci anis
[20:59] <elacheche_anis> Magnifique.. je suis ici pour discuter plus ce que manels veut faire.. et expliquer les points flous..
[21:00] <basma> oui et c pour cette raison j'en suis aussi pour comprendre :)
[21:00] <elacheche_anis> manels, je viens de créer la page wiki de l'event, la page contient un template du planning, avec les sujets que t'as prpopsé sur la ML, voilà le lien →
[21:01] <manels> super
[21:01] * elacheche_anis didn't speak French for a while so please forgive him if there is any mistakes :)
[21:01] <manels> je vais le lire
[21:02] <elacheche_anis> Take your time :)
[21:03] <manels> so now we wait to know who is coming ??
[21:05] <elacheche_anis> Nope :) Ce qui est dans la page wiki ce n'est qu'une proposition de ma part baser sur mes expérince précédentes.. J'aimerai bien savoir ce que vous penser faire.. Aussi des réponses à mes questions du email :)
[21:06] <elacheche_anis> De même, si t'as des questions je suis ici pour répondre :)
[21:07] <elacheche_anis> Juste il faut noter que pour les présentaiton on reserver 45 min max et pour les ateliers 60 min minimum.. Generalement on fait 1 seul atelier → l'install party.. Le planing peut être changer sans problème..
[21:07] <manels> je veux que les étudiant commence à utiliser le ubuntu surtout que au niveau de l'administration rèseaux c'est presque le système d'exploitation le plus utilisé
[21:08] <manels> pour le transport et l’hébergement je doit savoir combien de personnes vont venir pour planifier administrativement
[21:09] <manels> sinon pour la date malheureusement ya plusieurs journées donc ya peu être pas trop de date libre
[21:10] <manels> à l'isetg
[21:10] <elacheche_anis> manels, pour mieux organiser la dscution on termine les paragraphe par EOF :) → LE public cible sont des étudiants, je peux savoir les spécialité?
[21:10] <elacheche_anis> EOF
[21:11] <manels> le public sont les étudiants du département STIC science technologie d'information et de communication EOF
[21:13] <manels> mais ca sera accessible pour les autre université aussi s'ils veulent venir EOF
[21:15] <elacheche_anis> OK, On va viser des dibutants alors.. Concernant les dates, ce qui me concerne je suis capable d'être present que durant un samedi, dans les meilleurs cas un vendredi + un samedi, mais pas plus (d'ailleur pour celà il me faut un congé x) :D ).. Concernant les sujets, je suis capable d'assurer tout les sujets prposer (dès qu'on vise des débutant).. biensur je vais essayer d'avoir d'autre personnes avec moi.. ça c'est à reg
[21:15] <elacheche_anis> ler sur la ML..
[21:15] <elacheche_anis> EOF
[21:17] <d4rk-5c0rp> !
[21:18] <elacheche_anis> go ahead d4rk-5c0rp
[21:18] <d4rk-5c0rp> je suis aussi capable d'etre present le samedi
[21:20] <d4rk-5c0rp> je peux assurer une formation sur ubuntu touch soit une petite presentation sur la migration vers les logiciels libres à partir de ma petite experience personnelle peut etre
[21:20] <d4rk-5c0rp> EOF
[21:21] <elacheche_anis> manels, encore là? EOF
[21:21] <manels> ouii
[21:22] <manels> pour les conferences et les ateliers qui va presenté quoi ??
[21:22] <manels> EOF
[21:24] <elacheche_anis> manels, nous avons 8 propositions, d4rk-5c0rp propose 2 de plus :) on doit fixer la durée de la journée et les dates, pour que les membres peuvent décider s'il peuvent présenter quelques chose ou pas..
[21:26] <elacheche_anis> manels, les conférenciers travaillent ou ont des examins.. Alors il est important de fixer la date avant.. Et il est hyper important d'avoir plusieurs propositions de la date pour pouvoir avoir le plus des membres dispo.. Sinon on va termine à faire l'event seul avec d4rk-5c0rp :D
[21:27] <elacheche_anis> eof
[21:28] <manels> les samdi libre c'est le 24 avril le 30 mai ( arrêt de cour )
[21:28] <manels> EOF
[21:29] <elacheche_anis> ouch :D tu pense que Y aura du public pour le 30? EOF
[21:30] <manels> je ne sais pas trop mais y'a des étudiants intéressés
[21:30] <manels> EOF
[21:32] <elacheche_anis> OK, on va essayer de trouver du mondre pour le 24.. Je pense que d4rk-5c0rp est dispo pour le 24 aussi..
[21:33] <d4rk-5c0rp> yup
[21:33] <manels> ki a participé à enig 11.11 ??? EOF
[21:34] <elacheche_anis> Dès que notre public cible sont des débutants alors ça sera mieux de bien choisir les sujets..
[21:35] <elacheche_anis> J'ai participé à ENIG11.11 :) c'était magnifique :).. BTW je suis un administrateur système et réseaux.. Tu me permet de proposer un programme adapter au novices?
[21:35] <elacheche_anis> EOF
[21:36] <manels> d'accord , M brahim Gaabeb est à gabès il pourrai participé aussi EOF
[21:38] <elacheche_anis> Tu pense faire des présentations académique? Je pense qu'on doit avoir plusieurs workshops à la place d'un seul.. Mais ça nous aurons besoin d'internet
[21:38] <elacheche_anis> eof
[21:39] <volkovmqx> Bonsoir tous le monde
[21:40] <elacheche_anis> à ENIG on a eu que des problèmes avec internet, on a pas pu faire les ateliers comme il faut.. si y a pas de problème d'internet à iset je peux penser à plusieurs ateliers :) Bonsoir volkovmqx EOF
[21:40] <manels> d'accord pour l'internet je vais m'assurer de la connexion avant votre arrivé . Bonsoir volkovmqx EOF
[21:41] <manels> Pour l'internet c'est bon mais la qualité de service en Tunisie c'est toujours un soucis franchement, de toute façon je vais m'assurer de la connexion
[21:41] <manels> EOF
[21:43] <elacheche_anis> OK.. On cherche la stabilité :) pas plus :) 4Mbits/s peuvent faire l'affaire, si c'est stable :)
[21:43] <volkovmqx> Bon, quoi de neuf? quelle est la date selectionné ? est ce que vous avez trouvez des formateurs cms ?
[21:44] <elacheche_anis> volkovmqx, un instant stp
[21:46] <elacheche_anis> manels, pour les sujets, tu veux qu'on cherche le monde pour les sujets proposer ou je prépare un planning oritenté administration système? → ça sera generalement des ateliers d'initiation à l'utilisation de la cli et la gestion d'un serveur..
[21:46] <elacheche_anis> on discute encore volkovmqx, pour la date on va essayer que ça doit le 2EOF
[21:46] <elacheche_anis> 24
[21:47] <manels> un planing orientè administration systéme ca sera mieux ils sont des futur technicien donc ca sera plus pratique pour eux
[21:47] <elacheche_anis> eof
[21:47] <manels> EOF
[21:48] <elacheche_anis> Juste pour avoir une information plus claire.. C'est possible d'avoir un event durant 1 seul journée? je veux pas qu'on se trouve dans une situation qu'on doit avoir d'hebergement
[21:49] <elacheche_anis> EOF
[21:49] <the_illusionist> !
[21:50] <elacheche_anis> the_illusionist, welcome, introduce yourself, I don't recognize the nickname :)
[21:50] <the_illusionist> hello this is semah :)
[21:51] <the_illusionist> sorry to be late
[21:51] <elacheche_anis> Oups x) forgive me :)
[21:52] <the_illusionist> nap
[21:52] <the_illusionist> how could i help ?
[21:52] <elacheche_anis> Let me brief you..
[21:52] <manels> on pourra faire notre max dans une journée :) EOF
[21:54] <elacheche_anis> We have 1 date → 24 next weekend, manels targets are future SysAdmins :) So will try to create a planning based on IT workshops.. I think that you're in :D
[21:54] <elacheche_anis> manels, the_illusionist is a former ENIG student and a good IT guy :)
[21:54] <elacheche_anis> EOF
[21:54] <the_illusionist> yes i m in
[21:55] <elacheche_anis> Just a question for the_illusionist do you think that I'll find a way to go to gabes the morning and go home at the end of the day?
[21:55] <elacheche_anis> eof
[21:55] <manels> i am ex ENIG student GCR too EOF
[21:56] <the_illusionist> i think i will find a good path
[21:56] <manels> it depends from where you are coming actually :) EOF
[21:57] <elacheche_anis> OK.. volkovmqx as you can see we're planing to change the plan for an IT oriented event.. Do you have any questions?
[21:57] <elacheche_anis> eof
[21:58] <volkovmqx> bon, how can i help :D
[22:00] <elacheche_anis> Emm.. I'll tell you.. What I'll do now is to figure out a new planning then I'll share it on the ML with a summary of this meeting.. Then everyone can tell us (on the ML) which workshop he can help with :)
[22:01] <volkovmqx> cool ! looking forward
[22:01] <elacheche_anis> manels, I need to know our deadline to confirm the members list
[22:01] <elacheche_anis> pour qu'on peut confirmer la prise en charge du transport au min :)
[22:01] <elacheche_anis> EOF
[22:02] <manels> lundi je doit avoir la liste finale EOF
[22:04] <elacheche_anis> You're kidding ? :D x) So OK, I'll have 4 days to create and confirm the planning and the members..
[22:04] <elacheche_anis> OK then.. I'll share all those information on the ML asap..
[22:05] <elacheche_anis> Are we done yet?
[22:06] <elacheche_anis> Any questions? Ideas? remarks? before ending this meeting?
[22:09] <manels> not for me :)
[22:09] <manels> EOF
[22:10] <elacheche_anis> Don't think so :) So as I said I'll try to create the planning and share a summary of this meeting on the ML asap.. After that if there is any questions we can discuss that on the ML.. And/OR planning an other IRC meeting.. Anyway I'm almost 24/7 on irc so you can come here anytime and ask anything.. Thanks for being here tonight..
[22:10] <elacheche_anis> EOF | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.848171 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-tn"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-gnome | [03:03] <penguin1263> my greasy pizza fingers are preventing my trackpad from knowing that im scrolling...
[05:07] <keltim> is there any way to manage mutter's compositing effects? is the cube gone forever?
[05:18] <mgedmin> mutter never had a cube...
[06:53] <darkxst> mgedmin, not to mention the cube (presumably compiz) was the most useless POS ever
[07:13] <mgedmin> eh, I liked the cube | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.850928 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-gnome"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-server | [01:33] <vhaylor> hi, i'm working on a kickstart script for ubuntu-server-mini 14.04, anyone have much experience with kickstart?
[01:34] <_1_jb> m/f
[06:29] <jeffreylevesque> i have a bash script called `bash_loader`. I'd like this script to run at each ubuntu (14.04) bootup. Do i simply create `/etc/init/my.conf` (does it have to be a conf file?), with
[06:31] <linocisco> I have nokia E5 and using intenet on laptop via USB cable. I want to share internet to ubuntu server from Nokia E5 via USB cable, what do i do? what to install first?
[06:37] <lordievader> Good morning.
[06:37] <linocisco> lordievader, thanks for icebreaking
[06:38] <lordievader> linocisco: ?
[06:39] <linocisco> lordievader, yes
[06:40] <lordievader> Icebreaking? I'm just saying goodmorning ;)
[06:41] <linocisco> lordievader, this server channel is still silent
[06:41] <lordievader> It's early. Stick around, be patient.
[06:43] <linocisco> lordievader, i m not from GMT-. I am from GMT+. so if this channel is only for western countries users, sorry
[06:44] <linocisco> lordievader, i have silent patience
[06:45] <lordievader> It isn't, but it is usually quiet in the morning ;)
[06:46] <linocisco> please love me or I'be gone!
[06:47] <lordievader> Going away doesn't help....
[10:18] <mv> hello im running ubuntu server, my package system is broken and the help of other people broke my kernel i think. i was upgrading from ubuntu server 14.04 to 14.10. also grub is broken, now i start from livecd and mount the systeem and chroot to it. can this still be repaired? (#ubuntu told me to ask more info here), i would prefer to fix it somehow instead of full reinstall
[10:25] <lordievader> mv: Do you still have broken packages?
[10:26] <mv> im not sure, apt-get -f reports error, install gives error that it needs other packages
[10:27] <lordievader> mv: Could you pastebin that output?
[10:28] <mv> il try, which one do you want? from -f install?
[10:28] <lordievader> To start with, yes.
[10:31] <mv>
[10:32] <lordievader> update-initramfs: not found.... Wut?
[10:32] <lordievader> Did you remove initramfs-tools?
[10:33] <mv> some people tried to help me, and they did remove it.
[10:33] <lordievader> Why?
[10:33] <mv> because it came up in the list of errors from apt-get
[10:33] <mv> they removed a couple of packages
[10:38] <mv> lordievader would you want to look at the system yourself? i installed ssh-server on the livecd to acces it.
[10:38] <jpds_> mv: We talked about this yesterday.
[10:40] <mv> jpds_ yes, but after trying all night i was able to get into the system again using the livecd
[10:42] <mv> i tried to use boot-repair to fix grub, but it comes up with the same error that apt-get -f install isnt working succesfully
[10:50] <RusAlex> q: getting this error uvt-kvm: error: timed out waiting for dnsmasq lease for. after command `uvt-kvm wait <machine> --insecure`
[10:50] <RusAlex> virbr0 networking interface has IP address
[10:50] <RusAlex> no ip address only on vnet0
[10:55] <lordievader> mv: No, remoting in is not something I do.
[10:55] <lordievader> mv: Install initramfs-tools then reinstall the kernel.
[10:56] <mv> lordievader thanks, im now trying to instal initramfs-tools, downloading from ubuntu archive and then dkpg -i initramfs-tools*.deb
[10:58] <mv> installing initramfs-tools gives dependecy problems,
[10:59] <rbasak> RusAlex: has the VM itself got an IP address?
[10:59] <rbasak> RusAlex: you can use --log-console-output when creating the VM and then examine /var/log/libvirt/qemu/ (IIRC)
[10:59] <lordievader> !info initramfs-tools utopic
[11:00] <rbasak> RusAlex: or look in /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/ and try to match up against the VM's MAC address (virsh dumpxml <name>)
[11:00] <lordievader> !info initramfs-tools trusty
[11:00] <lordievader> mv: From where did you get the package?
[11:01] <mv>
[11:02] <mv> uhm after changing the url im thinking i should use this one?
[11:02] <lordievader> Precise?
[11:03] <lordievader> No wonder you get dependency issues.
[11:03] <lordievader> mv: What does /etc/issue say?
[11:03] <RusAlex> rbasak: there is cloud-init-nonet[16.90]: waiting 120 seconds for network devic
[11:03] <RusAlex> and then gave up waiting for a network device
[11:04] <mv> it says Ubuntu 14.10
[11:04] <mv> trudy initramfs-tools also gives error
[11:05] <RusAlex> Booting system without full network configuration...
[11:05] <lordievader> mv: Then get the utopic one.
[11:05] <lordievader> mv: And try to use apt.
[11:06] <mv> lordievader: both gave dependencie problems
[11:07] <lordievader> mv: Hence the notion to use apt.
[11:08] <mv> apt-get install initramfs-tools right? i used that one and put the log in the same text here
[11:09] <rbasak> RusAlex: sounds like DHCP isn't working on your virbr0.
[11:09] <RusAlex> yes
[11:10] <rbasak> Are you running Vivid?
[11:10] <RusAlex> reading libvirtd help
[11:10] <lordievader> mv: What is the output of "apt-cache policy initramfs-tools initramfs-tools-bin"?
[11:11] <RusAlex> rbasak: i have 14.02 ?
[11:11] <mv>
[11:11] <lordievader> mv: apt-get install initramfs-tools-bin
[11:12] <lordievader> !info util-linux utopic
[11:14] <mv>
[11:15] <lordievader> mv: Do as it says.
[11:17] <RusAlex> rbasak: thanks . finally enabled
[11:17] <RusAlex> sorted
[11:17] <mv> apt-get -f install
[11:18] <lordievader> mv: Select those pacakges it want to remove for install.
[11:18] <lordievader> Then try again.
[11:19] <mv> like this "apt-get remove linux-image-3.16.0-031600-lowlatency linux-image-extra-3.13.0-49-generic"?
[11:19] <lordievader> No, select them for install.
[11:19] <mv> okY
[11:20] <mv>
[11:21] <lordievader> Well that is a pickle.
[11:22] <lordievader> Perhaps 'apt-get install -f initramfs-tools-bin' works?
[11:23] <mv>
[11:23] <mv> i trusted to wrong people on facebook to help me, they made it allot worse, before them grub and initramfs was still working.
[11:24] <lordievader> apt-get install util-linux
[11:24] <lordievader> apt-get install util-linux udev
[11:24] <lordievader> apt-get install util-linux udev initramfs-tools-bin
[11:25] <mv>
[11:26] * ogra_ wonders how you actually got into that situation ...
[11:26] <lordievader> mv: Dependency hell :P
[11:26] <lordievader> You could manually go through everything...
[11:26] <ogra_> do-release-upgrade should efinitely have cared for this properly
[11:27] <mv> i tried upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10 (in the past running older version, i thought 12)
[11:27] <lordievader> Or find someway of removing those kernels/preventing apt-get install -f to remove them before fixing things.
[11:27] <lordievader> ogra_: I think it is rather what he did trying to fix things that got him in this mess.
[11:28] <mv> im afraid lordievader is right
[11:28] <ogra_> lordievader, point is that there shouldnt be anything to fix :)
[11:28] <lordievader> mv: Do you have a backlog of what you did exactly?
[11:28] <ogra_> do-release-upgrade gets tested in 100 variations and corner cases nowadays ... and should cover you from such mess
[11:29] <ogra_> (unless you pull the power plug in the middle of an upgrae or some such ... )
[11:29] * lordievader whispers ppa's
[11:29] <mv> here you can see a backlog, and the people who tried to help me.
[11:29] <ogra_> lordievader, it disables them all :)
[11:30] <lordievader> Was more talking about the dependency hell thing than the upgrade.
[11:31] <lordievader> You installed a kernel outside of the Ubuntu repo?
[11:31] * lordievader sigh
[11:31] <mv> they send me 3 links to kernel files to install
[11:32] <lordievader> So much for FB support....
[11:32] <lordievader> mv: Use dpkg to purge those kernels.
[11:32] <ogra_> lol
[11:32] <mv> i will never ever ask on an FB group for help anymore
[11:33] <lordievader> mv: The trouble is they didn't ask questions on what the problem was. They assumed you were running Debian and started shouting things...
[11:33] <mv> lordievader: dpkg --purge "linux-image.."?
[11:33] * ogra_ would actually start with: sudo apt-get -f install ...
[11:34] <ogra_> to get back to a half way consistent state
[11:34] <ogra_> and then move forward from there
[11:34] <lordievader> ogra_: That is broken because it tries to remove the kernels but it need initramfs-tools for it, which is broken too.
[11:35] <lordievader> mv: Not all of them, just those installed outside of the Ubuntu repos.
[11:35] <ogra_> lordievader, it doesnt remove everything cleanly ?
[11:35] <lordievader> ogra_: The postrm script fails on calling initramfs (since its broken) and then apt gives up.
[11:36] <ogra_> so create a link to from /usr/sbin/update-initramfs to /bin/true
[11:36] <ogra_> to overcome that ...
[11:37] <ogra_> one you are back in a semi consistent state, make sure the sources.list is proper, then install "linux" ... that should pull in all kernel related bits
[11:37] <ogra_> (might need some manual grub love later though)
[11:37] <mv> i tried purging the kernel,
[11:38] <ogra_> (and make sure to *never reboot until you are sure it is all fixed)
[11:38] <lordievader> mv: Follow ogra_'s advice.
[11:38] <lordievader> ogra_: He is in a live-cd chrooted ;)
[11:38] <mv> yeah they made me remove grub, and an other friend made me reboot to livecd
[11:39] <lordievader> mv: You know, even now, you should use common sense.
[11:39] <lordievader> Is a good idea to remove grub? Hmm, perhaps not...
[11:39] <mv> lordievader your so right, i made the mistake to trust them blindly
[11:40] <mv> they sayt like yeah remove grub and etc. and after apt-get -f inistall reinstall grub
[11:40] <lordievader> Sure it is possible, but why?
[11:41] <lordievader> Without a good reason I wouldn't do it.
[11:42] <RusAlex> q: im trying to restore my custom iptables rules
[11:42] <RusAlex> tried 2 ways already
[11:42] <lordievader> RusAlex: iptables-restore < iptables-file?
[11:43] <RusAlex> yes. but tried to run this command in /etc/network/if-up.d/iptablesload as per Network Howto
[11:43] <lordievader> Meh, you could put it in there. I don't like things dissapearing based on interfaces.
[11:44] <lordievader> Personal preference I guess.
[11:45] <RusAlex> but where do you place it?
[11:45] <RusAlex> I also tried to use /etc/network/interfaces file with pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules
[11:45] <RusAlex> but no success. after reboot it does not restore
[11:47] * ogra_ always uses ufw ...
[11:48] * lordievader dislikes ufw
[11:48] <lordievader> :P
[11:48] <mv> "dpkg --purge linux-image-extra-3.13.0-49-generic" is failing "FATAL: could not load /boot/ no such file"
[11:49] <lordievader> Copy some other system map? (Ugly hacks save the day????)
[11:49] <mv> oh, also. my friend yesterday made me copy /boot from ubuntu 14.04 server cd to my system, so now i get the cd grub when booting without livecd
[11:51] <lordievader> Before you copied stuff did you happen to remove the contents of /boot?
[11:51] <mv> i didnt remove. i just used cp -R /cdrom/boot /mnt. i mounted my system on there
[11:52] <mv> contents of /boot now are "grub memtest86+.bin memtest86+.elf memtest86+_multiboot.bin"
[11:53] <lordievader> Just that?
[11:53] <mv> yes
[11:54] <lordievader> Did you nuke /boot or did you forget to mount it?
[11:54] <mv> uhm, im not sure
[11:55] <lordievader> mv: Go figure it out ;)
[11:56] <mv> boot isnt in the mount list. so that would mean its not mounted
[11:57] <lordievader> If it is a seperate partition, yes.
[11:57] <mv> im not sure if it is a seperate partition. i used the default settings from the ubuntu cd when installing it in the past
[11:57] <lordievader> mv: parted -l
[11:58] <mv> parted isnt installed :c
[11:58] <lordievader> fdisk -l
[11:59] <mv> fdisk is from util-linux, which they also nuked...
[12:00] <lordievader> Pfff.
[12:00] <lordievader> Use the one of the live-cd.
[12:01] <mv> should i do it outside of chroot? or on the desktop from the livecd?
[12:01] <lordievader> Outside of the chroot, yes.
[12:03] <mv> outside of chroot both commands return nothing
[12:03] * lordievader is back in a bit
[12:03] <mv> ok
[12:03] <lordievader> Use sudo ;)
[12:04] <mv> ahh thanks, im feeling stupid for that mistake >_<
[12:05] <mv> the 30GB is my SSD running the system, /dev/sdi
[12:19] <RusAlex> hwo can I get root access to a kvm machine ?
[12:20] <RusAlex> it allows me to login only with ubuntu@host
[12:21] <ogra_> use sudo ... thats ubuntu ...
[12:22] <RusAlex> will try
[12:35] <mv> lordievader: tell me when your back?
[12:36] <arcsky> CRITICALUbuntu 10.04 LTS / 12.04 LTS / 14.04 / 14.10 : libtasn1-3, libtasn1-6 vulnerability (USN-2559-1)
[12:36] <arcsky> still got that after apt-get update
[12:37] <jpds_> arcsky: Tried upgrade ?
[12:40] <arcsky> do I have to do reboot after upgrade?
[12:40] <arcsky> maybe thats why it doesnt work
[12:40] <jpds_> arcsky: No, it's more the fact that update doesn't update the package.
[12:54] <lordievader> mv: Does the live-cd come with parted? Else install it...
[12:54] <lordievader> fdisk doesn't do gpt.
[12:56] <mv> parted -l says
[12:58] <mv> lordievader: should i use ok?
[12:59] <lordievader> Auch.
[12:59] <lordievader> No cancel that.
[13:00] <lordievader> mv: Make it 'sudo parted /dev/sdc print'
[13:00] <mv> "error: end of file while reading succes, retry/ignore/cancel?"
[13:00] <mv> ok
[13:01] <mv> "error end of file while reading invalid argument"
[13:01] <mv> retry/ignore/cancel?
[13:03] <lordievader> This if from the live-cd right?
[13:03] <mv> yup
[13:03] <lordievader> gdisk?
[13:03] <mv> should i use gdisk?
[13:04] <lordievader> You can give it a shot. Installing it doesn't really matter as it is a live-cd anyways.
[13:04] <mv> hmm, anyway i think you would wanted to see this?
[13:05] <lordievader> Hmm, yeah. Did I get sidetracked?
[13:05] <mv> dev-sdc is one of the drives from my RAID
[13:06] <mv> dev-sdi is my system
[13:06] <lordievader> Right, no seperate /boot.
[13:06] <lordievader> Is the /boot on sdi1 really that empty?
[13:07] <mv>
[13:07] <lordievader> That is the chroot?
[13:08] <lordievader> Could you give the 'mount' output?
[13:08] <mv> yes its the chroot
[13:08] <mv> ok
[13:08] <mv>
[13:10] <lordievader> /boot doesn't happen to be on the raid device?
[13:10] <mv> i dont think so. when i installed it it didnt have raid yet
[13:11] <lordievader> So you nuked /boot :P
[13:11] <mv> yup :c
[13:11] <lordievader> mv: Time to get drastic. Under normal circumstances you shouldn't do this: force dpkg to do all it needs to remove those two kernel packages.
[13:12] <mv> "dpkg --fore-yes --purge"?
[13:14] <lordievader> dpkg -P --force-all <packages>.deb
[13:16] <mv>
[13:17] <mv> it seems it is removed
[13:17] <mv> now try apt-get -f install?
[13:19] <lordievader> The lowlatency kernel is removed too?
[13:20] <mv> ignoring request to remove linux-image.... which isnt installed
[13:20] <mv> dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove linux-image-3.16.0-031600-lowlatency which isn't installed
[13:20] <lordievader> Hmm, odd. Try the apt fix, I guess.
[13:22] <mv>
[13:24] <mv> it keeps complaining about linux-image-extra-3.13.0-49-generic while dpkg says it isnt installed
[13:29] <lordievader> mv: dpkg -P --force-all
[13:29] <lordievader> Err...
[13:29] <lordievader> mv: dpkg -P --force-all
[13:30] <lordievader> mv: dpkg -P --force-all linux-image-extra-3.13.0-49-generic
[13:30] <lordievader> Copy pasting in Windows is hard.
[13:30] <mv> haha okay :P
[13:30] <lordievader> Especially when it is swapping.
[13:31] <mv>
[13:31] <mv> windows makes everything slow~
[13:33] <lordievader> Windows can be allright... Usually it performs quite okay. Guess I'm torturing it with a A0@300dpi PS file.
[13:33] <mv> ahh thats why xD
[13:34] <mv> next week i wil start troturing it with a 4K screen, but specially for PS i got 32GB DDR3
[13:35] <mv> did you see the error message?
[13:35] <lordievader> Even more ugly hack fixing: edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package>.postrm
[13:37] <mv>
[13:39] <lordievader> mv: Comment lines 9 through 15.
[13:41] <mv> done, now dpkg command again?
[13:41] <lordievader> Yes.
[13:42] <mv> done, now going to do apt-get -f install again
[13:42] <rberg> It looks like that error is comming from /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs.. line 11 very odd
[13:43] <lordievader> rberg: That's the one wich we are trying to fix. But apt want to remove the kernels before fixing initramfstools.
[13:43] <lordievader> In short, it's a mess.
[13:44] <rberg> ahh.. thats super weird to not have gnuopt
[13:44] <mv>
[13:46] <lordievader> Whoo, there is an initramfstools :D
[13:46] <mv> its back? :D
[13:46] <lordievader> Maybe it is not configured...
[13:47] <lordievader> Anyhow, is ts3server/sickbeard required?
[13:47] <mv> they are my personal programs
[13:48] <mv> and i have 2 different sickbeard installations, one under the name animebeard
[13:48] <lordievader> Their initscripts are a mess.
[13:48] <mv> i see the error on the animebeard script. i think thats because i tried to make it work as service :c
[13:49] <lordievader> Read lines 34 till 40.
[13:49] <mv> can i just remove theire scripts somehow?
[13:51] <lordievader> You can.
[13:51] <lordievader> They are in /etc/init or /etc/init.d
[13:52] <mv> seems like apt-get -f install worked :D
[13:52] <mv> il post results
[13:52] <mv>
[13:55] <mv> before i go do crazy things. tell me what do now first :3
[13:58] <lordievader> mv: Reinstall linux-image-generic, for starters.
[13:58] <mv> installing now :)
[13:58] <mv> so happy now it seems everything acts normal again :D
[14:08] <ogra_> install the "linux" metapackage ... not just the -image-generic one
[14:09] <mv> okay, il start that when its finnished with the image-generic
[14:14] <davegarath> Hi, I've installed proftpd on a server. Logrotate is configured for rotate weekly and run postrotate : invoke-rc.d proftpd restart
[14:14] <davegarath> but proftpd will stop and not start
[14:15] <davegarath> executing by hand invoke-rc.d proftpd restart proftpd remain stopped
[14:18] <davegarath> ok I found a bug I've inserted sleep statement in init.d script file
[14:18] <mv> still got an error when it tried to configure
[14:19] <mv> i tried the apt-get install linux, but linux package isnt found~
[14:25] <mv> now it gives errors on the linux-image-generic, etc. uhh what to do now?
[14:38] <mv> are you busy?
[14:40] <lordievader> Actually I have no idea how to fix that one properly. I've read of dirty ways (disableing the hook), but I do not know what it does, nor what the consequences of such an action are.
[14:41] <mv> ok, i tried removing the packages that where in the error list and now try installing linux-image-generic again. when removing it asks to make an boot menu file but if i say yes it gives an error.
[14:42] <mv> if it doesnt work il try your dirty way. i have nothing to loose right? now its not working so it cant get worse :P
[14:45] <lordievader> Heh, that is what you say now.
[14:46] <mv> i dont understand what you mean
[14:48] <lordievader> Now you say you got nothing to loose. Until, say, you loose all your data...
[14:50] <mv> lordievader: 2 years ago i already lost 6TB of data. im used to the hurt now xD also my most important data is on the mdadm raid
[14:51] <mv> also the really most important data, my photography, i have already on backup
[14:55] <mv> still got the same error
[14:55] <mv> you knew a dirty way to fix it? lets try that i guess
[14:56] <lordievader> Hunt out the fixtrc script and take away its execute rights.
[14:59] <mv> you mean searching it like this (find / "*fixtrc*")? but it doesnt find anything
[14:59] <lordievader> No, your output tells you where it is.
[15:01] <mv> oh fixrtc i see
[15:01] * lordievader is off to make dinner
[15:03] <mv> it workd! :D
[15:04] <mv> succesfully setup linux-image-generic
[15:04] <stiv2k> hi
[15:04] <mv> what should be the next step to take?
[15:04] <stiv2k> so i've had this bug on my server since day 1 of installing ubuntu 14.04...
[15:05] <stiv2k> and associated launchpad bug:
[15:05] <stiv2k> i read the comments in the samba bugzilla and it says they fixed it in samba 4.1
[15:05] <stiv2k> but i checked my samba...
[15:05] <stiv2k> samba -V
[15:05] <stiv2k> Version 4.1.6-Ubuntu
[15:05] <mv> stiv2k i also had the talloc error but it seemed it just worked without problems
[15:06] <stiv2k> yes i never noticed any problems either
[15:06] <stiv2k> other than shell users complaining that the message is annoying
[15:06] <mv> lordievader: can i try apt-get upgrade now? (apt-get -f install now returns without errors)
[15:07] <rbasak> stiv2k: if somebody can provide a backported fix that works and doesn't introduce any regressions, I'd be happy to upload it.
[15:07] <OpenTokix> rbasak: yes
[15:07] <rbasak> I haven't spent much time myself as I understand that it's mainly just an annoyance.
[15:07] <stiv2k> well i just wanted to know if the fix is issued in our samba packages yet
[15:07] <stiv2k> i was under the impression that they fixed it upstream in 4.1
[15:08] <stiv2k> and im running 4.1.6 so it should already be fixed....?
[15:08] <stiv2k> or am i missing something?
[15:13] <mv> lordievader: can i just try to use apt-get upgrade now? or should i do something else first?
[15:14] <rbasak> stiv2k: I think upstream backported it to their 4.1 stable branch, but if they've released it it's after 4.1.6.
[15:19] <stiv2k> rbasak: so no worries? just wait longer?
[15:21] <rbasak> stiv2k: we don't automatically update to samba's latest stable release, so it is waiting on somebody to backport and test. I don't know if it'll get to the top of our list or not any time soon.
[15:21] <rbasak> Volunteers welcome.
[15:22] <stiv2k> rbasak: let me graduate college first
[15:22] <stiv2k> ;)
[16:19] <faust> How can I get the command executed by an user via ssh in /etc/ssh/sshrc? I'm looking for something like "SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"
[16:32] <pmatulis> faust: not sure what you mean. you want a command issued automatically when a user connects via ssh?
[16:33] <faust> pmatulis: e.g. an user run "ssh root@server uname -a" I want my /etc/ssh/sshrc to know that the user run "uname -a"
[16:34] <pmatulis> faust: you want that b/c sshrc will act on it in some way?
[16:35] <faust> I'm looking for something like the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND enviroment variable defined for the script run by ForceCommand
[16:35] <faust> pmatulis: yes
[16:39] <pmatulis> faust: i don't think it's possible b/c sshrc is run before the remote command is run
[16:42] <faust> pmatulis: when you use ForceCommand that script is run before the remote command, but you have access to its command line via SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND, but probably you are rigth it is not possible...
[16:53] <lordievader> mv: You have a kernel installed?
[16:54] <mv> lordievader: yes, no i was trying apt-get upgrade but its just finished with some errors
[16:54] <ogra_> lordievader, well, if the fixrtc hok failed there is something seriously essential missing (did you check what it copies)
[16:54] <lordievader> ogra_: No, as I mentioned before I have no idea what it does.
[16:55] <ogra_> that looks more like something like core-utils and e2fsprogs are missing
[16:55] <mv> but the kernel installed succesfully.
[16:55] <ogra_> it copies three files around
[16:55] <ogra_> these three are: /bin/date /sbin/hwclock /sbin/dumpe2fs
[16:56] <ogra_> if it cant find them i assume there was more essential stuff remnoved than just the kernel or grub
[16:59] <mv> e2fsprogs seems not installed. should i try install it?
[17:00] <ogra_> is ubuntu-minimal installed ?
[17:00] <ogra_> that pulls the most essential bit in
[17:00] <mv> no i dont think so. il try to let it install.
[17:01] <pmatulis> faust: yes, but SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND is within the user's shell/environment. sshrc is not run within that environment so i don't know how it could ever discover it
[17:03] <mv> it looks like its downloading fonts and installing them~
[17:03] <mv> now adobe-flash-plugin
[17:03] <ogra_> when you install the ubuntu-minimal task ?
[17:04] <mv> yup
[17:04] <mv> its done now, no errors
[17:04] <ogra_> this sounds surely mseed up
[17:04] <ogra_> *messed
[17:04] <pmatulis> faust: however, ~/.ssh/rc (user level) is run within the user's env so you could grab it in that way
[17:04] <mv> maybe its because of previous updates
[17:05] <ogra_> what else did it install ?
[17:05] <mv> yes, all upgrades have been done now, only 120 updates are held back
[17:05] <ogra_> err
[17:05] <ogra_> you should not have any held back updates
[17:05] <ogra_> (never)
[17:05] <mv> it says so now
[17:06] <faust> pmatulis: mm I cannot use ~/.ssh/rc, but thanks anyway
[17:06] <mv> if i try apt-get upgrade
[17:06] <ogra_> dont use upgrade ...
[17:06] <ogra_> use dist-upgrade
[17:06] <lordievader> Ah, what happens when you do apt-get dist-upgrade
[17:06] <mv> doing so now
[17:06] <mv> its installing allot more updates
[17:06] <mv> 120 and 97 newly installed
[17:07] <ogra_> anyway, missing ubuntu-minimal is quite serious and actually the point where i would start to suggest a reinstall ...
[17:07] <ogra_> but finish that dist-upgrade first and see where that leaves you
[17:07] <mv> but its reinstalled now right? and its updating. ok il wait for it to finish
[17:08] <mv> it will take a while now it says 31~20 mins
[17:09] <mv> i never knew i should use dist-upgrade. i always been told to use upgrade from my teacher... (our teacher just got a linux mint workshop of a couple hours and a linux mint book, so he also didnt know much)
[17:10] <ogra_> upgrdae will only update installed packages ... if it needs to remove something due to a changed dependency it will hold back the package and all its dependencies
[17:10] <ogra_> dist-upgrade will always also remove and replace other packages to fulfill everything
[17:10] <mv> ohh good to know :) i learn so much more from the community then from teachers at school
[17:10] <ogra_> also ... mint != ubuntu
[17:11] <ogra_> they hack up things like the upgrade mechanism heavily
[17:11] <ogra_> nothing we have any experience with in here
[17:11] <mv> so ubuntu is much better then mint? :)
[17:11] <ogra_> not saying that
[17:11] <pmatulis> i wonder why mint would hack such a thing?
[17:11] <lordievader> Better is a matter of opinion.
[17:11] <mv> okay, better in your opinion?
[17:12] <ogra_> pmatulis, to suppress kernel upgrades, xorg and grub upgrades etc
[17:12] <lordievader> Have never used Mint, can't say.
[17:12] <pmatulis> ogra_: wow interesting ok
[17:12] <ogra_> pmatulis, they also replace some essentiual libs with their own patched versions (sometimes without bumping the ABI ...)
[17:13] <ogra_> and i doubt do-release-upgrade even works on mint ...
[17:13] <ogra_> ... while on ubuntu this is the only official way to go from one release to another
[17:14] * ogra_ wont say anything more about mint ... the last time i did i ended up with a 3 week long shitstorm and and presonal threads from mint people ...
[17:14] <mv> im curious if grub would be working again now? if i could later restart and wont use livecd anymore~
[17:15] <mv> ogra_ omg thats really crazy. people shouldnt be so hatefull
[17:15] <ogra_> well, they thought it was a canonical conspiracy ... :)
[17:15] <mv> but still they shouldnt be so hatefull
[17:15] <ogra_>
[17:16] <ogra_> well, there was a lot clickbait stuff going on ... i made a comment on a developer mailing list and the press pulled it out of context and added sensationalist headlines
[17:17] <mv> im reading it now~ but the press nuked it all? thats to bad
[17:17] <ogra_> just google "wouldn't do homebanking with mint"
[17:17] <ogra_> you will find a lot more articles
[17:17] <mv> il take a look
[17:18] <mv> i just notice your from germany, greetings from your neighbour from the netherlands :D
[17:20] * ogra_ waves west
[17:20] <ogra_> :)
[17:20] <mv> :)
[17:21] <lordievader> Oehh, more dutchies :)
[17:21] <mv> lordvader: im curious where your from?
[17:21] <mv> im a dutchie yes :P
[17:21] <Seveas> too many dutchies
[17:21] <mv> really? why? :c
[17:22] <lordievader> mv: Make an educated guess ;)
[17:22] <mv> lordievader: my guess would by a dutchie too? :#
[17:23] <lordievader> Wow, first guess.. and it's right....
[17:23] <Seveas> lordievader: Tatooine
[17:23] <ogra_> lol
[17:23] <mv> haha you wish
[17:25] <mv> just a curiouse question. for a home server would you recomend not updating at all? (if it works dont mess with it~)
[17:25] <Seveas> for a home server I'd enable automatic dist-upgrades and even reboots.
[17:26] <ogra_> i would keep the reboots manual ... but thats just me :)
[17:26] <ogra_> but yeah, enable unattended-upgrades
[17:26] <mv> i wouldnt know howto do that~ now i just use webmin and sometimes when neccesery ssh/cli
[17:26] <Seveas> webmin is more of a security risk than mint
[17:26] <lordievader> !webmin
[17:26] <mv> but its totally safe to enaable unattended upgrades?
[17:26] <ogra_> LOL
[17:27] <mv> looool
[17:27] <ogra_>
[17:27] <mv> so webmin is a really no go? xD
[17:27] <lordievader> Not on Ubuntu/Debian.
[17:27] <ogra_> if the machine is visible on the internet it definitely is a no-go
[17:28] <Seveas> it's always a no-go
[17:28] <Seveas> just like cpanel
[17:28] <mv> hmm its at my home, but i enabled it so i can access webmin from school~
[17:28] <Seveas> and most other web based admin frontends
[17:28] <ogra_> well, if you have a safe firewall and only use it for a home network i guess thats not that bad
[17:28] <ogra_> as soon as it can be seen by others it definitely is a security hole
[17:29] <mv> so i should better block webmin from being vissible from the internet? il do that then
[17:29] <mv> what about ssh? is it safe to keep that vissible to the internet?
[17:30] <lordievader> mv: You have ssh for remote management.
[17:30] <mv> i already dissabled ftp anonymous login because a couple months ago i saw google indexing my files
[17:30] <mv> yup i use ssh. even now on ssh
[17:30] <Seveas> *backing away slowly from this trainwreck*
[17:31] <mv> haha is it that bad?
[17:33] <lordievader> mv: You might also want to disable the remote management on your router, or at least disable the gues login.
[17:33] <mv> my router doesnt have remote management, i never enabled it~
[17:34] <mv> whoooo the install just ended succesfully :D
[17:34] <lordievader> mv: Is your network
[17:34] <mv> yup, how you know?
[17:34] <lordievader> Like I said, remote management on your router is on and accesible for guests.
[17:34] <mv> WHAT?!
[17:34] <faust> o.o
[17:38] <mv> somehow my routers remote management was enabled~
[17:38] <mv> :O
[17:39] <ogra_> call the NSA, tell them they forgot to disable it ... so it doesnt happen again
[17:39] <mv> i think so xD
[17:40] <mv> anyway the dist-upgrade finished succesfully. what should i do now?
[17:41] <lordievader> Make sure grub is installed?
[17:41] <mv> it is installed. i hope it also is working
[17:41] <ogra_> it is installed in the boot record of the disk ?
[17:41] <ogra_> or just the package ...
[17:41] <lordievader> ^ that.
[17:42] <ogra_> thats the tricky part :)
[17:42] <mv> how do i know? i checked the apt-get install grub and it says installed. and i saw something in the log making image in boot
[17:42] <mv> ls /boot
[17:42] <mv> abi-3.16.0-34-generic memtest86+.elf
[17:42] <mv> config-3.16.0-34-generic memtest86+_multiboot.bin
[17:42] <mv> grub
[17:42] <mv> initrd.img-3.16.0-34-generic vmlinuz-3.16.0-34-generic
[17:42] <mv> memtest86+.bin
[17:42] <lordievader> By installing it again ;)
[17:42] <mv> so reinstall it?
[17:42] <lordievader> grub-install /dev/<some-disk>
[17:43] <ogra_>
[17:43] <ogra_> for reference :)
[17:43] <mv> okay thanks :) im really worried about trying things found on google now after all this trouble. i listen to you guys only~
[17:43] <lordievader> ...
[17:43] <lordievader> With a bit of common sense applied I hope?
[17:44] <lordievader> Else you haven't learned a thing.
[17:44] <mv> yes, i wont do anything without thinking anymore
[17:45] <lordievader> Good :)
[17:45] <mv> after grub install i get some log and then "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.
[17:45] <mv> "
[17:45] <lordievader> Right, everything needs to error... -.-
[17:46] <mv> i see a site telling me to try from grub cli
[17:48] <lordievader> From what I read... How large is the inode size of your drive?
[17:48] <ogra_> you used sudo for that command i hope ?
[17:49] <ogra_> sudo grub-install /dev/sdX # Example: sudo grub-install /dev/sda
[17:49] <ogra_> from the wikipage above
[17:49] <mv> i used sudo
[17:50] <mv> umm, trying to find inode size. but my system drive is just 30GB
[17:51] <ogra_> then follow the next paragraph on the page "Fixing a Broken System"
[17:51] <ogra_> and since you are on the livecd ... pick "via the LiveCD terminal"
[17:52] * ogra_ wanders afk ...
[17:52] <lordievader> mv: dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdi|grep Inode size
[17:52] <lordievader> mv: dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdi|grep "Inode size"
[17:53] <mv> "bad magic number in super-block while tring to open /dev/sdi"
[17:54] <lordievader> Err, sorry that needs to be /dev/sdi1
[17:54] <mv> 256
[17:55] <lordievader> If the internet is right... Grub only works with inode size 128.
[17:56] <lordievader> Hmm, that might be about grub-legacy...
[17:57] <mv> i just thought, i need to install grub2 instead of grub right?
[17:57] <mv> thats the problem~
[17:58] <lordievader> mv: What is the output of 'apt-cache policy grub-pc'?
[18:00] <mv> just installed grub2 and it gave me a complete installing setting screens. and it seems now grub is working
[18:01] <mv> update-grub gives good results. everything is found and then done
[18:01] <mv> so my guess grub is working now
[18:02] <mv> shall i try to reboot?
[18:02] <lordievader> mv: Did you install grub?
[18:03] <mv> apt-get install grub2. got all the setup screens and to my it feels it installed corectly
[18:03] <mv> it let me select which drive to put it on
[18:04] <lordievader> Hmm, okay.
[18:04] <mv> i feel safe to reboot now. going to try, wish me luck? :D
[18:04] <lordievader> Good luck ;)
[18:11] <mv> it rebooted but my network card isnt visible. not network connection. and on ifconfig it doesnt show my network card
[18:14] <mv> lshw says network dissabled
[18:21] <mv> it looks like dbus doesnt start when booting
[18:23] <mv> when trying "sudo ifconfig p2p1 up"(this is my primary network card), it says "p2p1: ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device"
[18:30] <mv> can the dbus fail cause the network card not to work
[18:34] <mv> oh it isnt dbus, my fault. high resolution. its jsut bleutooth~
[18:38] <mv> is my network card driver maybe nuked?
[18:50] <mv> network-manager isnt installed. any tips on installing it without network access?
[18:52] <mv> there we go to the livecd again, hopefully last time now xD
[18:52] <sarnold> ... are you sure you want network manager installed on a server? most people prefer their servers to have predictable networking..
[18:52] <rberg> its not bad if you are pluged into ethernet.. try 'dhcient eth0'
[18:52] <mv> what else should i use? now network isnt working at all
[18:53] <sarnold> mv: /etc/network/interfaces
[18:54] <mv> yes, it still had my p2p1 connection. but it wont come up.
[18:59] <mv> dhclient gave me my internet acces back. should i install network-manager now?
[19:00] <rberg> sure if thats what you want.. another on a server you may be better served by a static config in /etc/network/interfaces
[19:01] <rberg> /another/although/
[19:01] <mv> i have yes, i see online i should use networking package
[19:04] <mv> it seems like networking is already installed. but at boot my internet p2p1 wont come up
[19:06] <mv> how can i fix networking?
[19:27] <mv> only problem left is network that wont work. but with dhclient eth0 i get internet access again. dont know how to fix it now but at least the other part are working again :D
[19:27] <sarnold> mv: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces, and maybe whatever error messages you had on the terminal and in the logs when you ran 'ifup eth0'
[19:51] <mv> i want to thank everyone on here for all the help (all of the day) thaaanks!! :D
[20:19] <ebonics> im trying to follow this guide: - i get to the point where i "verify permissions" by doing "ls -ld /var/mail" ,, but the output for "vmail" in the guide is just "mail" for me. i don't really understand what the vmail/mail string is referring to?
[20:45] <st1v2k> why does ubuntu server get stuck at grub menu? it happens particularly if there is a power failure
[20:46] <st1v2k> ffs, it's a SERVER, no minotor no keyboard
[20:46] <st1v2k> just boot!
[20:49] <st1v2k> any idea why its programmed to do this? how to stop it?
[20:50] <rberg> I think the whole grub recordfail stuff is to prevent boot loops.
[20:50] <st1v2k> ick
[20:53] <st1v2k> its never happened before
[20:53] <st1v2k> now all of a sudden, dont know if it is due to an update or something
[20:53] <st1v2k> but whenever there is power failure, it no longer boots up until i hook up a keyboard and press ENTER
[20:53] <st1v2k> to get past GRUB screen
[20:54] <st1v2k> please advise, thanks
[20:55] <st1v2k> no i dont live in a third world country if that's what you're wondering
[20:55] <st1v2k> but in the land of flo-ri-da we get monsoon rains every day
[20:56] <bekks> "monsoons every day" in flo-ri-da?
[20:56] <st1v2k> yes bekks
[20:56] <bekks> That climate change is catastrophic, isnt it?
[20:56] <st1v2k> yes, the climate changes over time
[20:56] <rberg> now I have never done this but it looks like you can disable this in /etc/grub.d/00_header line 236
[20:57] <st1v2k> rain super hard -> tree branch or something hit the line -> voltage brownout -> server dies
[20:58] <st1v2k> rberg: sounds like something not meant to be edited? its not in the regular grub config?
[20:59] <rberg> looks like you can also add that var to /etc/default/grub
[20:59] <st1v2k> ok
[21:00] <st1v2k> i will check it out
[21:00] <st1v2k> brb
[21:00] <st1v2k> i will be back to give you proper thanks if it worked
[21:00] <rberg> "set timeout=${GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT:--1}" means use the variable GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT or if its not set use -1
[21:01] <rberg> so put GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT= some time in /etc/default/grub
[21:37] <stiv2k> hey
[21:37] <stiv2k> who was i talking to ?
[21:37] <stiv2k> rberg: hi
[21:43] <sarnold> stiv2k: the bit you missed, < rberg> "set timeout=${GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT:--1}" means use the variable GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT or if its not set use -1 < rberg> so put GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT= some time in /etc/default/grub
[21:43] <stiv2k> ok
[21:43] <stiv2k> thanks!
[21:54] <rberg> (also consider a UPS :) )
[21:55] <andre_pl> I have 3 of the 4 disks that used to comprise a raid 5 array, and I've booted an ubuntu server live disk in the machine, how can I go about reconstructing the array so that I can transfer the data to a new machine?
[22:00] <rberg> andre_pl: Hi if this is mdadm software raid you can start here
[22:02] <rberg> gtg good luck
[22:03] <andre_pl> darn, thanks. that looks far more complicated than what I'm dealing with.. i'll try to make some sense of it
[22:08] <andre_pl> it doesn't touch on lvm at all, which I do have sitting on top of my raid array, not sure how relevant that is. I also don't have any disk handy to do the overlay stuff they're doing there... so I'm really not sure I can glean anything useful from it :\
[22:09] <patdk-lap> heh? not sure how it can be more complicated
[22:09] <patdk-lap> if you have a broken raid, you fix the raid
[22:09] <patdk-lap> if you have a broken lvm, you fix lvm
[22:09] <patdk-lap> you don't fix lvm, and ignore your broken raid
[22:10] <andre_pl> I'm not really trying to fix the raid, more like trying to migrate a degraded array into a new machine
[22:10] <patdk-lap> you don't build the second story of your house, without first making sure the first floor will hold it up
[22:10] <sarnold> the third paragraph of that page is "In the following it is assumed that you have a software RAID where a disk more than the redundancy has failed. " -- are you sure that page is relevant to you?
[22:10] <patdk-lap> if it's degraded, it is *fine*
[22:11] <patdk-lap> lvm will function ok, you won't notice anything is wrong
[22:11] <patdk-lap> if you have a raid issue, you are no longer degraded, but broken
[22:11] <andre_pl> patdk-lap: in that case, all I'm looking for is how to reassemble it so I can read the data from a live cd.
[22:11] <patdk-lap> mdadm auto reassymbles
[22:11] <patdk-lap> assuming enough of it to be atleast degraded is functional
[22:12] <patdk-lap> blkid post maybe?
[22:12] <andre_pl> thing is, the OS is gone, all configuration is gone, its just the 3 disks in a new machine. so I don't know how to get mdadm to reassemble / mount it
[22:13] <patdk-lap> what does the os and config have to do with anything?
[22:13] <andre_pl> well if I put these disks in the old machine where the OS is, mdadm will (as you said) auto-reassemble it, and all is well... when I boot a live cd, no such thing happens
[22:13] <andre_pl> and I don't know the manual steps to make it happen
[22:13] <patdk-lap> mdadm --assemble
[22:14] <patdk-lap> that is all you have to do, it's pretty simple :)
[22:14] <patdk-lap> does your *live cd* have mdadm installed on it? and lvm?
[22:15] <andre_pl> afaik yes, its the 14.04 ubuntu server live cd (usb)
[22:15] <andre_pl> something like: mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc ?
[22:16] <sarnold> "Assemble the components of a previously created array into an active array. Components can be explicitly given or can be searched for."
[22:16] <sarnold> may not even be necessary to specify them
[22:17] <andre_pl> it didn't like that way, I'll try specifying
[22:17] <patdk-lap> shouldn't have to
[22:17] <andre_pl> if I just do mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 it says: /dev/md0 not identified in config file
[22:18] <andre_pl> hmm, and when I specify all the disks it tells me they're all busy
[22:18] <andre_pl> that's odd
[22:19] <andre_pl> they're not mounted or anything
[22:19] <patdk-lap> define mounted?
[22:19] <patdk-lap> not sure exactly how you mount a raid
[22:20] <andre_pl> i just mean `mount` doesn't show anything interesting, no physical disks or partitions aside from the boot disk
[22:20] <patdk-lap> why should it?
[22:20] <patdk-lap> did you run blkid yet?
[22:20] <andre_pl> it shouldn't, but mdadm is telling me my 3 disks are 'busy' whatever that means
[22:20] <andre_pl> my only idea of what 'busy' involves would require them to be mounted
[22:20] <patdk-lap> mounted has nothing to do with busy
[22:21] <patdk-lap> busy means they are in use
[22:21] <patdk-lap> mount is only ONE way it could be in use
[22:21] <patdk-lap> mdadm is another, lvm another
[22:21] <andre_pl> ok, I'm not sure what they're in use by then. i've done nothing but boot the live diskc
[22:21] <patdk-lap> did you run blkid yet?
[22:22] <andre_pl> just now, it printed some uuids for the raid partitions
[22:24] <andre_pl> is there a way to find out why mdadm thinks they're busy and what I can do about it?
[22:24] <andre_pl> i'm worried its writing to them and they're all that's left of my data :)
[22:44] <andre_pl> ok it looks like the os tried to reassemble the array on its own, which is why they're busy, but its given me an 'inactive' array on md127 which i'm not sure how to activate. `mdadm -A /dev/md127` tells me md127 is not in the config file.
[22:44] <patdk-lap> mdadm --detail /dev/md127
[22:45] <andre_pl> mdadm: md device /dev/md127 does not appear to be active
[22:45] <patdk-lap> we are guessing, cause you don't appear to be posting any pastebins
[22:45] <andre_pl> the machine has no network atm, I'm re-typing things :\
[22:46] <andre_pl> I can type out the results of cat /proc/mdstat which is how I determined its got some kind of inactive array
[22:47] <andre_pl> if that will help
[22:47] <patdk-lap> ok
[22:49] <andre_pl>
[22:50] <patdk-lap> try a mdadm --stop /dev/md127
[22:50] <patdk-lap> mdadm -A --scan -v
[22:52] <andre_pl> ok, lots of output, the stop worked. the scan found the 3 relevant partitions, 2 of them were (possibly out of date) which resulted in "/dev/md/0_0 assembled from 1 drive - not enough to start the array"
[22:53] <patdk-lap> now the question is, are you really sure you should force it to assemble
[22:54] <patdk-lap> change -v to --force if you feel good
[22:55] <andre_pl> that is a good question, the 3 disks likely ARE out of sync, I had been attempting to replace each disk in the array with new disks, resyncing after swapping out each one, and a small amount of data was written during that time. :|
[22:55] <andre_pl> i'm assuming a force would be catastrophic in that case?
[22:56] <andre_pl> i dont mind losing the small amount of data that was written
[22:56] <andre_pl> but i'd like to avoid losing all of it
[22:56] <patdk-lap> not really
[22:56] <patdk-lap> it is possible, not not hightly likely
[22:58] <andre_pl> I'm not sure what you mean by that :) its highly unlikely to cause catastrophic data loss? or highly unlikely not to?
[22:59] <patdk-lap> it is not likely to destroy your data
[22:59] <patdk-lap> but it is always possible
[22:59] <patdk-lap> it feels like the old system was not shutdown cleanly
[22:59] <patdk-lap> so the raid is complaining and won't assymble cleanly
[22:59] <patdk-lap> soa force would be needed
[23:00] <patdk-lap> but this is based on the amount of info I have
[23:00] <andre_pl> not exactly. its kind of a long story how it got in this condition, but they are definitely not in sync. I'll try to explain what I did, please bear with me
[23:01] <andre_pl> I had a 4x2TB raid array at one point, and a disk failed. so I bought 4 new, bigger disks and was going to grow the array...
[23:01] <andre_pl> I replaced the faulty drive with a new bigger one and let it resync. then repeated the process 3 more times with the remaining larger drives.
[23:01] <andre_pl> during that time, I was using the array, writing data.
[23:01] <andre_pl> not a lot, but some.
[23:02] <andre_pl> now the new array didn't work out... i screwed up the partition tables, couldn't reassemble it. so i was hoping to rebuild the original array on a separate machine out of the remaining 2TB drives, build a brand new array out of the new 3TB drives, and copy data over.
[23:03] <patdk-lap> oh, that won't work
[23:03] <andre_pl> but then realized, the 2TB's are not in sync due to the writes that happened while i was swapping in the 3tbs
[23:03] <patdk-lap> yep
[23:04] <sarnold> patdk-lap: out of curiosity, how well would zfs handle that?
[23:04] <andre_pl> in theory, the 3tbs have all the data, but the array may be in worse condition due to the crazy things i did to screw it up :P
[23:04] <patdk-lap> sarnold, not well
[23:04] <patdk-lap> but after a lot of pain, you could roll back the transaction to a common point
[23:04] <patdk-lap> but it is not fun
[23:04] <sarnold> patdk-lap: thanks :)
[23:05] <patdk-lap> andre_pl, well, I think force is your only option
[23:05] <patdk-lap> but your filesystem will be strange
[23:05] <patdk-lap> and you need to repair it
[23:05] <patdk-lap> but you should be able to recover anything not being changed during that time
[23:05] <andre_pl> patdk-lap: I think restoring the 3tb array may also be an option, but I'm not sure exactly how badly I've hosed it
[23:05] <andre_pl> i can try to explain what I did there :P
[23:08] <andre_pl> basically. once the array was completely rebuilt out of 3tb's, I attempted to grow it, but I only got 500GB extra because I had neglected to use GPT partition tables. I was told I might be able to write the correct partition tables without losing data, I was going to do this from a live disk again, but i missed the boot menu and it attempted to boot the original OS again, which hung trying to reassemble the array with a message a
[23:27] <andre_pl> patdk-lap: I've booted up the other machine with the "new" array, on a live disk. mdstat shows the array as active, so I'm thinking it has all my data safe. how can I proceed to mount the lvm volume that should exist on that array?
[23:27] <patdk-lap> it should have automounted
[23:27] <patdk-lap> vgs
[23:27] <patdk-lap> lvs
[23:30] <andre_pl> its not mounted, but vgs and lvs appear to be showing me the correct bits :) the VG is 'lvm-raid' and the LV is called 'media'
[23:30] <patdk-lap> what exactly does lvs show?
[23:30] <patdk-lap> you probably need, lvchange -a y ......
[23:31] <andre_pl> LV: media VG: lvm-raid Attr: -wi-a---- LSize: 5.46t
[23:31] <patdk-lap> ok, so you just need to mount it then
[23:31] <patdk-lap> mount /dev/lvm-raid/media
[23:33] <andre_pl> sweet. I see all my data, and it looks good :) so I think my safest option at this point (since I need to rebuild this array with correct partition tables) is to copy all of this data to the degraded 2TB array on the other machine, then rebuild this one, then copy it back
[23:33] <andre_pl> sound sane-ish?
[23:33] <patdk-lap> no
[23:33] <andre_pl> oh.. :\
[23:33] <andre_pl> that's the best I've got :)
[23:33] <patdk-lap> you could do that as is
[23:34] <patdk-lap> just remove a disk, reformat it, and add it back in
[23:34] <patdk-lap> but is mdadm using anything >2tb yet?
[23:34] <patdk-lap> if no, just add a 2tb disk into it
[23:34] <patdk-lap> then just remove and readd them one by one
[23:34] <patdk-lap> then finally remove that 2tb
[23:34] <patdk-lap> make sure you add the 2tb as a replacement, not a new disk
[23:35] <andre_pl> afaik it can't use >2tb becuase of my bad partitioning
[23:35] <patdk-lap> so the 2tb disks are fine to use
[23:35] <patdk-lap> just do what you did when you upgraded from 2tb to 3t
[23:35] <patdk-lap> 3tb
[23:35] <patdk-lap> but just take one of them back down to 2tb
[23:35] <patdk-lap> and rotate through them
[23:36] <patdk-lap> replace 3tb with 2tb, repartition that 3tb, add it back in, replacing a 3tb, redo that one, ...
[23:36] <patdk-lap> and finally change the last 3tb to replace that 2tb again, done
[23:38] <andre_pl> ok, basically what I did before but with one extra re-sync...
[23:39] <andre_pl> that's gonna be about 4 days :)
[23:39] <patdk-lap> coping it is going take awhile too
[23:39] <patdk-lap> and you can't really use it while it's being copied
[23:39] <patdk-lap> at risk of missing stuff
[23:39] <andre_pl> true, but if I use it I risk ending up in this same situation with out of sync disks if I screw it up again :)
[23:40] <andre_pl> only thing that scares me is that I did manage to resize the array on these new disks for an extra 500GB or so, so i'm not sure the 2TB will suffice...
[23:41] <andre_pl> even the 2TB it could allocate on these drives was more than was actually available on the 2tb drives
[23:41] <andre_pl> i didn't fill it up, but the partitions are bigger
[23:45] <patdk-lap> no, you don't
[23:45] <patdk-lap> you only risk out of sync if you attempt to use OLD disks
[23:45] <patdk-lap> not the ones currently in use
[23:45] <patdk-lap> don't use parititons
[23:45] <patdk-lap> just use the whole disk
[23:46] <andre_pl> i've never done that before. does that mean i don't have to worry about the GPT tables or anything? just fail / remove one, and re-add the disk itself instead of the partition?
[23:47] <patdk-lap> yep
[23:48] <andre_pl> and hypothetically speaking, if I was an idiot.. (or if it won't let me use a 2tb drive in this array) I could just let it go degraded between swaps?
[23:48] <patdk-lap> you could
[23:48] <patdk-lap> at the disk of no protection if something happens
[23:49] <andre_pl> do I lose the autodetect stuff if I don't use partitions?
[23:49] <patdk-lap> no
[23:49] <andre_pl> I've never seen that suggested, but it seems like the obviously superior method, so I'm wondering why...
[23:49] <patdk-lap> the only thing you loose, is if you want to attempt to control the size to something smaller
[23:50] <patdk-lap> you aren't able to load grub or anything onto the disks then
[23:50] <patdk-lap> so if you don't use it as a boot disk
[23:50] <patdk-lap> if you do, you need space for grub
[23:51] <andre_pl> yeah no need for any of that junk. its just a pure storage array
[23:51] <andre_pl> I'm going to attempt to swap in a 2TB now then... but I'm expecting some kind of complaint about the size mismatch
[23:52] <andre_pl> I think I'll have to format it first since it thinks its part of the same array, things could get confusy
[23:53] <patdk-lap> just wipe the first meg or so
[23:53] <patdk-lap> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/.... bs=1M count=1
[23:54] <andre_pl> awesome will do... need to shuffle some hardware around again first.. 1 spare monitor is not enough! :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.856964 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-server"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-ci-eng | [02:10] <imgbot> [03:45] <imgbot> [03:45] <imgbot> [10:16] <Mirv> mandel: 009
[10:16] <mandel> Mirv, loving it!
[10:16] <mandel> Mirv, thx!
[10:17] <Mirv> :)
[10:19] <mandel> Mirv, anyone from QA I can bully to check silo 16? it is just a fix for unit tests, so it has no affect on anything
[10:20] <mandel> Mirv, and all projects that depend on that are failing to build :O
[10:23] <Mirv> mandel: I added a comment on trello, but rv_r davmo_r2 are the ones around right now. the diff does seem to be under "core" directory however?
[10:23] <Mirv> so I believe they will want to at least quickly smoke test it
[10:24] <mandel> Mirv, yes, it is a core feature.. is just that is blocking huge improvements in location-service.. and I think we all want that fixed hehe
[10:25] <Mirv> sure. they have their hands full of all kinds of testing, but I'm sure they'll note the trello comment when considering what to work on next from the train side.
[11:18] <davmor2> Mirv: you're easily irritated that's good to know :D
[11:21] <Mirv> davmor2: rage is my other name
[11:21] * davmor2 preps a Mirv ping bot
[11:22] <Mirv> I was searching for a word like disrupted but ended up with irritation
[11:22] <davmor2> Mirv: distracted ?
[11:22] <Mirv> or that, yes ! :)
[11:22] <Mirv> so many d-words
[11:23] <Mirv> well actually I'm quite good in focusing and not hearing the background random noises, but constant (coil) whining might be distracting
[11:23] <Mirv> I've always built PCs with silence on mind as well
[11:24] <davmor2> Mirv: you just need to make the music louder ;)
[11:25] <Mirv> I will be extremely irritated though if I don't get my XPS 13 in May
[12:37] <Mirv> and with that we're out of silos
[12:38] <Mirv> 7 in QA queue though
[13:00] <rvr> boiko: ping
[13:01] <boiko> rvr: pong
[13:01] <rvr> boiko: Silo 24
[13:01] <boiko> rvr: yep
[13:01] <rvr> boiko: The test as described passed *but*
[13:01] <rvr> boiko: the problem is that there is no way to return to the waiting call
[13:02] <boiko> rvr: ?
[13:02] <rvr> boiko:
[13:02] <rvr> Expected result:
[13:02] <rvr> - Call with Phone X ended
[13:02] <rvr> - Call with Phone Y maintained
[13:02] <boiko> rvr: once you hang up the active call, you get automatically to the waiting call, it is just held
[13:03] <boiko> rvr: you have to manually set it as active again
[13:03] <rvr> boiko: I cannot tap anywhere to re-activate the waiting call
[13:03] <rvr> boiko: Well, I can go back and try to tap in the top green menu, but it doesn't do anything
[13:04] <rvr> So the call remains waiting
[13:04] <boiko> rvr: the top green menu shouldn't appear, so the test case is:
[13:05] <boiko> rvr: you get one incoming call, and accept it
[13:06] <boiko> rvr: you get a second call and "hold+answer" it
[13:06] <boiko> rvr: swap the calls
[13:06] <boiko> rvr: press hangup
[13:06] <boiko> rvr: dialer should continue to be on focus and showing only the remaining call
[13:07] <boiko> rvr: if you are getting something different than that we might have a different problem
[13:08] <rvr> boiko: Yes, the problem is that the active call is dropped, and the other call remains in waiting status
[13:08] <boiko> rvr: but that's expected
[13:08] <boiko> rvr: you have to press the "play" button to re-activate it
[13:08] <rvr> But then, there is no way to switch the waiting call to active
[13:08] <rvr> There is no play button when I drop the other call
[13:09] <rvr> The active call screen is shown
[13:09] <rvr> but the status is "waiting"
[13:09] <boiko> rvr: yep, that's ok, all phones do that
[13:09] <boiko> rvr: you have to press "play" to re-activate the call
[13:09] <rvr> I can go back, and then the top screen goes green
[13:10] <rvr> But tapping there doesn't do anything, besides presenting the active call screen
[13:10] <rvr> boiko: What is the play button?
[13:10] <boiko> rvr: let me get a screenshot for you, just a sec
[13:15] <rvr> boiko: Ok, I discovered which button was the play one
[13:15] <boiko> rvr:
[13:15] <boiko> rvr: :)
[13:15] <rvr> boiko: And it works... but it is confusing
[13:15] <boiko> rvr: well, there is some reasoning for not enabling the background call automatically, I can explain to you later
[13:16] <boiko> rvr: but basically all other phones do it like that
[13:16] <boiko> rvr: so for regular users of the feature, it is common sense
[13:17] <rvr> I see.
[13:17] <rvr> Well, it works as expected then.
[13:18] <rvr> boiko: Approving the silo.
[13:18] <boiko> rvr: great! thanks!
[13:23] <rvr> mandel: ping
[13:38] <pmcgowan> om26er, silo 6 should be unblocked yes?
[13:38] <pmcgowan> sil2100, promotion?
[13:39] <ogra_> pmcgowan, did we hear back yet ?
[13:39] <pmcgowan> we did
[13:39] <pmcgowan> +1
[13:39] <ogra_> nice
[13:40] * ogra_ digs for the pompoms and waits for sil2100
[13:43] <Mirv> \o/ fresh update for my soon finally arriving Bq
[13:44] <popey> \o/
[13:45] <om26er> pmcgowan, last I checked jgdx was working on adding tests for that
[13:45] <pmcgowan> om26er, he did yesterday
[13:47] <om26er> pmcgowan, oh ok, I am getting right onto it
[13:53] <popey> it's a shame that we posted before the update has actually gone out
[13:55] <sil2100> pmcgowan: hey, as mentioned on the private channel, I read the e-mail but we need to check something first
[13:55] <mandel> rvr, yes!
[13:55] <sil2100> Waiting for slangasek to appear close by to consult it with him
[14:08] <rvr> mandel: Silo 16
[14:08] <mandel> rvr, yes?
[14:14] <rvr> mandel: Already approved!
[14:15] <mandel> rvr, brilliant, thx!
[14:17] <cyphermox> abeato: rsalveti: ^^ landing-029 is the silo I was talking about, that needs testing. it would be nice if we managed to land this today, given final freeze.
[14:17] <abeato> ok
[14:25] <sil2100> jibel_: do you remember the number of the last promoted image? ;)
[14:25] <sil2100> For krillin
[14:26] <jibel_> sil2100, 270
[14:26] <jibel_> sil2100, previous was 256
[14:26] <sil2100> Excellent
[14:26] * sil2100 uses jibel_ as a look-up table
[14:26] <sil2100> Sorry about that
[14:28] <kenvandine> vivid silos sure have been busy lately :)
[14:34] <robru> kenvandine: yesterday we had 11 free! it was heavenly, if only for a moment
[14:34] <kenvandine> robru, there is one free, mind if i snag it?
[14:34] <kenvandine> or is there a queue right now :)
[14:34] * kenvandine doesn't want to cut in line
[14:35] <robru> kenvandine: yeah I don't see anything ahead of you. just don't hog it forever please (no SRUs!)
[14:35] * ogra_ tries to free up 19 before EOW
[14:36] <robru> ogra_: thanks!
[14:37] <kenvandine> what?
[14:38] <kenvandine> jgdx, oh... seb128's branch was still in that silo?
[14:38] <robru> jgdx: wtf dude... is rejected but the silo went through QA.
[14:38] <abeato> cyphermox, what should I look at especially when testing?
[14:39] <abeato> cyphermox, and with which devices have you tested this already?
[14:39] <kenvandine> robru, it had been approved before, but later rejected because they wanted tests
[14:39] <jgdx> robru, no
[14:39] <robru> kenvandine: if it was rejected why was it submitted for qa?
[14:39] <jgdx> robru, I changed it in the spreadsheet and reconfigured
[14:39] <jgdx> kenvandine, no:)
[14:40] <kenvandine> jgdx, it's still on the spreadsheet
[14:40] <robru> jgdx: well, om26er reviewed your silo... I recommend publishing it and then adding tests later, because if you reject it now you've wasted om26er's time
[14:40] <jgdx> kenvandine, that's not what I am seeing
[14:41] <kenvandine> i see it
[14:41] <jgdx> kenvandine, line 29?
[14:41] <kenvandine> yes
[14:41] <kenvandine>
[14:42] <kenvandine> oh
[14:42] <jgdx> yes
[14:42] <kenvandine> that's your branch...
[14:42] <kenvandine> i just saw the same name ;)
[14:42] <jgdx> robru, I changed the MP cell and reconfigured. I did not mean to waste anyone's time.
[14:42] <kenvandine> maybe the reconfigure failed?
[14:42] <jgdx> And according to the landing process doc, I can reconfigure on my own if the MP cell changes
[14:42] <jgdx> I got no error message
[14:43] <robru> jgdx: not sure what you did, but the reconfigure didn't take effect. silo still has seb's mp
[14:43] <kenvandine> :/
[14:43] <robru> jgdx: is authoritative
[14:43] <jgdx> robru, I don't know what that means
[14:43] <slangasek> sil2100, cyphermox: fyi I just verified that 'dpkg -c /path/to/the.deb' shows hardlinks with a 'foo link to bar'
[14:43] <kenvandine> jgdx, and the package in the ppa hasn't been rebuilt since the 13th
[14:44] <cyphermox> slangasek: thanks
[14:44] <cyphermox> turns out I already have a script that does most of the job to pick the packages
[14:45] <robru> jgdx: does not show any signs of having been run. I suspect you opened the jenkins job page but then did not actually run the job.
[14:45] <jgdx> robru, I usually press build until it builds
[14:46] <jgdx> kenvandine, so this is why you append and not replace mps
[14:46] <robru> jgdx: a common problem is that you're not logged in so the first time you click build it redirects through the sso login without actually triggering the build. my guess is you clicked build once and then didn't click it a second time to make it actually go.
[14:46] <jgdx> robru, that I am aware of
[14:47] <robru> jgdx: anyway, the reconfigure job hasn't been run since March 16, and the dashboard shows the old mp, so I'm not sure what happened but the reconfigure definitely did not happen.
[14:47] <jgdx> robru, agh
[14:47] <jgdx> robru, I did not follow up properly on the reconfigure and build, obiously.
[14:48] <jgdx> robru, landing the tests later is fine by me.
[14:48] <jgdx> whatever we need to not waste om26er's time.
[14:49] <robru> jgdx: ok, sorry for the terribleness of this system, I am working on a replacement that will fix some of these issues but it won't be ready for a while yet
[14:49] <kenvandine> jgdx, so are you approving that MP?
[14:49] <jgdx> robru, this is my bad from the start
[14:49] <robru> jgdx: yeah if your branch *only* adds tests and doesn't actually change any behaviors, then you don't even really need a silo for that, can just push to trunk after the silo lands
[14:49] <om26er> jgdx, ;)
[14:50] <jgdx> robru, ack
[14:51] <jgdx> kenvandine, done
[14:51] <kenvandine> thx
[14:51] <kenvandine> robru, i guess you can push the button again :)
[14:51] <robru> jgdx: ok, I see your approval, will publish. thanks
[14:55] <om26er> Mirv, HI!
[15:02] <Mirv> om26er: hi
[15:02] <om26er> Mirv, re: silo4 does it really require us to run all manual tests of all apps ?
[15:03] <Mirv> om26er: I don't think so in this case, since it's a one line change. tsdgeos can possibly comment on the risk of that one line, but it was accepted in upstream stable branch.
[15:03] <Mirv> om26er: I already ran all AP:s + some of the manual tests myself
[15:03] <tsdgeos> are we talking about the regexp change?
[15:03] <Mirv> tsdgeos: yes
[15:04] <tsdgeos> it's very low risk
[15:04] <tsdgeos> veeeeeeeeeeeeery low
[15:05] <om26er> tsdgeos, It seems to be crashing still
[15:05] <tsdgeos> om26er: what is crashing still?
[15:06] <om26er> tsdgeos, I am running the test code in the bug report and it give:
[15:06] <om26er> with and without the silo.
[15:07] <tsdgeos> well
[15:07] <tsdgeos> that is not crashing
[15:07] <tsdgeos> that's aborting
[15:07] <tsdgeos> the example is for running on the desktop
[15:07] <tsdgeos> not on the phone
[15:07] <tsdgeos> if you want to run it on the phone
[15:08] <om26er> oh
[15:08] <tsdgeos> you pass the -desktop_file_hint stuff as usual
[15:08] <tsdgeos> to make it understand it's "an approved app"
[15:08] <om26er> tsdgeos, right.
[15:17] <abeato> cyphermox, rsalveti I've seen an issue with NM silo, if I set then unset flight mode cellular connection is not always restored
[15:17] <abeato> probably was happening before, but...
[15:25] <rsalveti> abeato: not restored you mean not connecting to the network anymore?
[15:25] <rsalveti> or you mean the data connection?
[15:25] <rsalveti> surely not related with the silo, as it's a one line fix for wifi aps
[15:25] <abeato> rsalveti, the data connection is not activated by NM again
[15:25] <abeato> sure, I have the syslog so I will create a new bug to track this
[15:26] <abeato> I can easily reproduce
[15:26] <rsalveti> alright, interesting
[15:33] <rsalveti> abeato: let me know about the bug number once you create it
[15:34] <abeato> rsalveti, yep, just about to finish the writing :)
[15:34] <rsalveti> updating my desktop now so I can also test it there
[15:34] <rsalveti> brb
[15:37] <abeato> cyphermox, rsalveti bug #1445080
[15:40] <cyphermox> sil2100: slangasek: so far so good; but not done downloading packages.
[15:40] <sil2100> cyphermox: excellent, good to hear that ;)
[15:40] <cyphermox> slangasek: what was your control?
[15:41] <cyphermox> sil2100: ok; confirmed there were none in the list for armhf + all packages.
[15:41] <cyphermox> I'd just like to use the same package as slangasek used to check dpkg-deb -c output, to confirm I see the same thing
[15:41] <rsalveti> abeato: it seems I'm getting that with the current nm version as well
[15:41] <rsalveti> tested with mako and arale, and it didn't get the connection back after coming back from flight mode
[15:42] <abeato> rsalveti, ok good to know it is reproducible
[15:42] <abeato> ...and that is not the change in the silo
[15:42] <cyphermox> abeato: rsalveti: this isn't something new in my silo though
[15:43] <rsalveti> yeah, it's not
[15:43] <sil2100> cyphermox: slangasek is now doing a presentation so it might take a while
[15:43] <rsalveti> sil2100: hey, what's up with the overlay ppa?
[15:43] <rsalveti> sil2100: do we have it around already?
[15:43] <sil2100> rsalveti: yes, we created it on Monday, but not using it yet as the archive wasn't frozen
[15:43] <sil2100>
[15:44] <rsalveti> sil2100: right, but did we try a landing already?
[15:44] <rsalveti> sil2100: changed spreadsheet and etc
[15:44] <rsalveti> because once the freeze is in place this has to work :-)
[15:44] <rsalveti> brb, rebooting
[15:44] <sil2100> rsalveti: we did experimental landings through the spreadsheet to another PPA already ;)
[15:45] <cyphermox> sil2100: ok. checking against my cache.
[15:45] <sil2100> rsalveti: and since this is a PPA as any other, it's all cool - there's a new column for that (yay..) and all works nicely
[15:49] <rvr> dbarth: Approving silo 17
[15:50] <rsalveti> sil2100: alright then :-)
[15:50] <rsalveti> guess we just need to announce that later today
[15:50] <sil2100> Yeah, not much change to the workflow thankfully, just one column more to set and if not LT will set that for landers at the beginning period
[15:52] <cyphermox> sil2100: confirmed, we're good.
[15:52] <sil2100> cyphermox: excellent, thanks!
[15:52] <sil2100> slangasek: ^
[15:53] <sil2100> Preparing the release then, just might take a few moments as I'm in an important meeting
[16:01] <sil2100> robru: ^ handling that
[16:01] <robru> sil2100: cool
[16:21] <cyphermox> rsalveti: abeato: think we're good to go? looks fine on my end on dekstop
[16:21] <rsalveti> cyphermox: still testing, should know more soon
[16:22] <abeato> cyphermox, besides the bug not directly related to this landing it looks fine in arale
[16:22] <cyphermox> great.
[16:22] <cyphermox> it's going to be hard to land later than today
[16:32] <rsalveti> cyphermox: tried with one access point, and it went away after 5 minutes only on arale
[16:32] <rsalveti> still available on desktop and mako after 15 minutes
[16:34] <cyphermox> were there scans since then?
[16:35] <rsalveti> cyphermox: didn't force a scan, no
[16:35] <cyphermox> I don't see how you guys have so much trouble with this, I can easily test and reproduce the correct behavior with androidAP, it goes out after about 5-6 minutes as it's expected
[16:35] <rsalveti> but I'd expect to have at least one scan during that period
[16:35] <cyphermox> rsalveti: not necessarily
[16:35] <rsalveti> as I said, it only worked fine with arale
[16:35] <cyphermox> the driver can ignore scan requests too :/
[16:35] <rsalveti> not working with mako
[16:35] <rsalveti> and also not on my desktop
[16:36] <cyphermox> abeato: did you get the same issues?
[16:36] <cyphermox> rsalveti: are you sure you upgraded and restart NM properly?
[16:36] <rsalveti> cyphermox: yup
[16:36] <rsalveti> even rebooted my desktop
[16:36] <abeato> I've jus tried arale
[16:37] <cyphermox> rsalveti: so, how are you testing this exactly?
[16:37] <rsalveti> cyphermox: I have another physical router that I just plug and unplug from power
[16:37] <rsalveti> and watch nm to see if it disappears
[16:38] <cyphermox> so, nmcli g logging level debug domains wifi_scan and try again
[16:38] <cyphermox> then after about 10 minutes, if it still hasn't disappeared, send me your syslog
[16:41] <rsalveti> sure, trying again
[16:44] <rsalveti> takes a while to even show up after powering up my ap
[16:45] <rsalveti> 3 minutes and still nothing
[17:05] <rsalveti> cyphermox: on arale I see a new scan request at every 2 minutes
[17:07] <rsalveti> and the aps took around 6/7 minutes to be removed from the list
[17:08] <rsalveti> cyphermox: now on both my mako and desktop, I don't see a single scan request
[17:08] <rsalveti> explaining why it's never expiring the aps
[17:09] <rsalveti> as soon as I force a scan with 'iwlist wlan0 scan' the ap goes away
[17:09] <rsalveti> cyphermox: so 2 questions, why only scanning at every 2 minutes (arale), and any idea why I'm not getting any scans on mako and on my desktop?
[17:11] <cyphermox> don't know
[17:11] <cyphermox> but the scanning every 2 minutes is what NM is supposed to do when connected
[17:11] <cyphermox> background scanning too often would break some drivers
[17:11] <rsalveti> hm, right
[17:11] <cyphermox> (at least, in the past it did)
[17:12] <cyphermox> so, force a scan
[17:12] <cyphermox> not starting a scan is a different bug that would already be there
[17:13] <cyphermox> (and we'll fix it too, but yeah...)
[17:13] <rsalveti> the aps goes away after forcing scan
[17:13] <rsalveti> so that fix seems fine
[17:13] <cyphermox> I would imagine :D
[17:13] <cyphermox> so, ok to hand to QA?
[17:13] <rsalveti> cyphermox: mako seems it's only scanning when not connected
[17:13] <cyphermox> rsalveti: must be driver magic then :(
[17:13] <rsalveti> guess it would be the same on desktop
[17:13] <cyphermox> no
[17:13] <cyphermox> well
[17:13] <rsalveti> let me open a bug anyway
[17:14] <rsalveti> cyphermox: sure, hand it over
[17:14] <cyphermox> it depends on your driver really
[17:14] <rsalveti> abeato: all good from your side?
[17:14] <cyphermox> here it does scan while connected
[17:14] <abeato> rsalveti, yes
[17:14] <rsalveti> let me disconnect and see :-)
[17:15] <cyphermox> rsalveti: abeato: either of you can get me an image number you tested on?
[17:15] <abeato> cyphermox, arale vivid #12
[17:15] <cyphermox> thanks
[17:15] <rsalveti> cyphermox: 173
[17:15] <rsalveti> mako
[17:15] <rsalveti> vivid-proposed
[17:15] <cyphermox> ah
[17:19] <rsalveti> on my desktop it never scans unless I ask it to do so
[17:19] <rsalveti> connected/disconnected, doesn't matter
[17:19] <rsalveti> and mako is scanning just fine now after I disconnected and connected again
[17:19] <rsalveti> let me reboot to see if it's an issue when booting the device
[17:27] <rsalveti> cyphermox:
[18:06] <kenvandine> sil2100, adt tests has settings held up in proposed, boottest failure
[18:07] <kenvandine> sil2100, who should i bug about that?
[18:07] <sil2100> Ouch, kenvandine did you poke the CI team?
[18:07] <sil2100> Try cihelp ^
[18:07] <kenvandine> cihelp for blocked in proposed?
[18:07] <kenvandine> cihelp: please help, system-settings is blocked in proposed, boot test regression bug 1421009
[18:08] <kenvandine> but i doubt that had anything to do with unity8 hanging
[18:08] <sil2100> Yeah, well, they know best how these tools work, since boottests is their infrastructure
[18:08] <kenvandine> sil2100, ok, thx
[18:08] <kenvandine> i'll wait for cihelp :)
[18:09] <sil2100> Most CI is eating lunch now ;)
[18:09] <kenvandine> i should do that too :)
[18:09] <kenvandine> just anxious to be able to start a build for silo 24
[18:10] <Laney> kenvandine: I pressed the retry button ;-)
[18:10] <Laney> watch out for smoke on the horizon
[18:11] <kenvandine> Laney, thanks!
[18:12] <plars> kenvandine: which job was it? The referenced unity8 bug still causes boottest to be unreliable
[18:12] <plars> kenvandine: so until it's fixed, the only thing to do is retry afaik
[18:12] <kenvandine> plars, that's what i figured
[18:12] <kenvandine> just didn't want to let it sit long before getting it run again
[18:13] <kenvandine> oh, i might have permission to retry the test :)
[18:13] <Laney> you should do
[18:13] <kenvandine> i thought it was a archive admin thing :)
[18:14] <kenvandine> but just rebuilding the jenkins job i guess fixes it :)
[18:14] <Laney> ya
[18:14] <kenvandine> good to know!
[18:33] <pedronis> trainguards: you can free silo 16, it's failing to build (because of a test) but anyway we discovered the fix is not needed because vivid doesn't have the problem to start with
[18:40] <sil2100_> pedronis: on it
[18:42] <pedronis> sil2100: thx
[18:42] <sil2100> pedronis: thanks for the info :)
[18:47] <rvr> cyphermox: Is silo 29 desktop only?
[18:47] <cyphermox> rvr: no, both
[18:48] <rvr> cyphermox: Be aware that we only check on phones.
[18:48] <cyphermox> that's fine
[18:48] <cyphermox> I've already checked on desktop
[18:49] <rvr> cyphermox: Ok. So, what can be checked in the phone, the wireless APs ranges?
[18:49] <Mirv> rvr: do you need anything for 002? just wondering if it'll make it before final freeze or to the ppa
[18:50] <rvr> Mirv: I'm trying to flash my Arale, didn't have the VPN setup.
[18:50] <cyphermox> rvr: no, you need to check whether an access-point discovered gets removed after about 5-6 minutes after no longer being in range
[18:50] <rvr> cyphermox: Yeah
[18:50] <cyphermox> rvr: easiest way to do that is to enable, say, a wifi hotspot in android, wait for it to be discovered, and then take it down
[18:51] <cyphermox> logs aren't extremely helpful for this; so you might want to enable debug logging: nmcli g logging level debug domains wifi_scan
[18:52] <cyphermox> (with sudo in front)
[18:52] <rvr> cyphermox: Ack. I'll leave that info iin the card, for the tester.
[18:52] <Mirv> rvr: ok.
[18:56] <robru> jgdx: ok, so now u-s-s landed, just take your MP with the tests and try to get that included in kenvandine 's silo ;-)
[19:47] <slangasek> cyphermox: dpkg-deb -c control was python3.4-minimal fwiw
[20:06] <kenvandine> bfiller, can you add the milestone for the bugs i asked about this morning? bug 1438633 and bug 1437026
[20:06] <kenvandine> bfiller, i just set the silo as tested, so qa will be verifying :)
[20:08] <cyphermox> slangasek: found that out afterwards, find /usr -type -f -printf "%n %p\n" | grep -v 1
[20:15] <slangasek> cyphermox: yah ;)
[23:03] <sil2100> o/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.867904 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-translators | [10:22] <mandel> hello! I have build an ubuntu touch app (free as in beer and opensource) and I'm trying to get translators for it, I have the project hosted in github ( and did setup poedit (
[10:23] <mandel> I know lp is ideal.. but it is a little complicated to get github and lp work nicely. I would appreciate any help, both with translations in the missing langs (specially italian and german) or with the lp setup... | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.872171 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-translators"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-si | [05:05] <napsy> jutro
[07:21] <sasa84> juhuuu
[07:21] <zdobersek> heayaaaa
[07:30] <Matthai> jutro
[07:42] <slax0r> jutro
[07:46] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: dubu dres?
[07:48] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek ne :/
[09:24] <CrazyLemon> .vreme koper
[09:25] <jabuk> ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 16°C @16.04.2015 9:00 UTC.
[09:25] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 56% severozahodnik 2.7 m/s
[09:25] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:19:42, Kulminacija: 11:06:03, Sončni zahod: 17:52:24
[09:25] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 32min 42s, Luna je v ščipu
[09:25] <CrazyLemon> hawt!
[09:27] <slax0r> bikini weather
[09:44] <zdobbie> .vreme Celje
[09:44] <jabuk> ARSO: Celje (244m): 21°C @16.04.2015 9:00 UTC.
[09:44] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 48% zahodnik 2.7 m/s
[09:44] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:12:28, Kulminacija: 10:59:54, Sončni zahod: 17:47:20
[09:44] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 34min 52s, Luna je v ščipu
[09:44] <zdobbie> fhah
[09:45] <zdobersek> zdobersek: so hawt
[09:46] <zdobbie> mah
[09:46] <zdobbie> sasa84: !!
[09:58] <yang> CrazyLemon: evo sem poslusal oddajo o čili Pip
[09:59] <yang> kako kej tvoj pridelek letos ?
[09:59] <yang> Btw. Tabasco in Sri-racha mata 2-3/10 na Scovvile lestvici
[10:00] <yang> Moja Carolina Reaper je nekje okol pol metra velka
[10:03] <CrazyLemon> yang zaenkrat nimam še nič
[10:03] <CrazyLemon> bom pa verjetno habanero mel letos
[10:06] <yang> Ce rabs kaj semen ti poslejm
[10:06] <yang> posljem
[10:07] <yang> bbl
[10:11] <CrazyLemon> prišparaj semena za 'tapravo' :D
[10:22] <CrazyLemon>
[10:22] <CrazyLemon> so deep
[10:24] <zdobersek> .gif it's a trap
[10:24] <jabuk>
[10:28] <CrazyLemon>
[10:28] <Seniorita> Cinven Telekomu napoveduje "šampionski položaj" :: Prvi interaktivni multimedijski portal, MMC RTV Slovenija
[10:28] <jabuk> When the sales guy wants to know if the release went well
[10:28] <Seniorita> »Britanski investicijski sklad Cinven je potrdil, da je oddal zavezujočo ponudbo za nakup večinskega deleža Telekoma in predstavil strategijo, po kateri naj bi Telekom postal "slovenski šampion", ki ...«
[10:29] <jabuk> Intern taking notes
[10:40] <sasa84_> a kdo kle špila bas kitaro?
[10:46] <yang> idioterna se neki matra
[11:14] <zdobersek> EBOOOLLLLAAAAAAAAAA
[11:14] <slax0r> sounds yummy
[11:14] <anny_> dan
[11:15] <anny_> here we go
[11:15] <slax0r> a ze gres?
[11:16] <anny_> ne še ;)
[11:18] <anny_> iščem torent za ta film
[11:19] <anny_>
[11:19] <Seniorita> Nicije dete (2014) - IMDb
[11:19] <Seniorita> »Directed by Vuk Rsumovic. With Denis Muric, Pavle Cemerikic, Isidora Jankovic, Milos Timotijevic. At late eighties, a boy has been found in mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nobody found out how he came in wild, nor if animals fed and raised him.«
[11:19] <slax0r> fartis?
[11:22] <anny_> ni
[11:22] <slax0r> blink al ka hudica ze je?
[11:25] <anny_> ne vem, kaj misliš
[11:27] <Sky[x]> kva so potrdila da je v slo ebola?
[11:29] <anny_> da..lazenje po vseh zakotjih sveta vrača udarec
[11:31] <zdobersek> Sky[x]: ne boj! je v stabilnem stanju!
[11:32] <Sky[x]> aha
[11:34] <anny_> slaba tolažba, zdobbie
[11:39] <dz0ny> why?
[11:40] <dz0ny> ker je zgodaj odkrita se da pozravit
[11:48] <anny_> bomo videli
[11:51] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny ampak ebola preživi v modah 6 mesecev po tem ko jo 'pozdraviš'
[11:51] <CrazyLemon> !
[11:51] <CrazyLemon> .rt
[11:51] <jabuk> Trenutno se predvaja: MS MR - Painted.
[11:52] <dz0ny> she is a girl
[11:52] <zdobersek> lucky her
[11:53] <dz0ny> .yt yoga jannela
[11:53] <jabuk> Janelle Monáe, Jidenna - Yoga (4 minute) ♥9,324 ▶892,022
[13:32] <sasa84> CrazyLemon: komad zate sem najdla
[13:32] <sasa84>
[13:32] <Seniorita> Unbelievable - I so stunned like vegetable (Spouse For House 2 MV) - YouTube
[13:32] <Seniorita> »Watch the full episode here: Un un un un unbelievable... Look out for the bonus MV in Ep 2 of Spouse For House.«
[13:34] <dz0ny> ,
[13:34] <dz0ny> .yt sigma higher
[13:34] <jabuk> Sigma ft. Labrinth - Higher (Official Video) (3 minute) ♥12,437 ▶1,728,757
[13:35] <slax0r>
[13:35] <Seniorita> THE AGONIST - Panophobia (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube
[13:35] <slax0r> ce ze delimo
[13:35] <Seniorita> »THE AGONIST - Panophobia (OFFICIAL VIDEO). Taken from the album "Prisoners". Century Media 2012. Get it now!«
[13:38] <slax0r> LorD_DDooM: freebirth
[13:38] <LorD_DDooM> slax0r: All you're base are belong to us!
[13:39] <slax0r> pa res, haha
[13:39] <slax0r> nisem pogledal IS mapa ze dolg casa ne
[13:39] <slax0r> kudos ;)
[13:43] <slax0r> LorD_DDooM: sploh se kater unit igra od CW, al sam pugs?
[13:44] <slax0r> sm nabavu zdaj Twilight of the Clans knjige, spljoh nimam casa za igrat :)
[13:45] <LorD_DDooM> Vsi, razen highest competitive (SJR, Lords, itd).
[13:46] <slax0r> SJR pa Lords so CSJ, al?
[13:46] <slax0r> err, CJF mislim
[13:47] <LorD_DDooM> Lordsi so se splital, eni so competitive only, eni so pa zdaj Steiner.
[13:47] <LorD_DDooM> Bili pa so CJF ja
[13:47] <dz0ny>
[13:47] <Seniorita> twenty one pilots: Tear In My Heart [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube
[13:47] <Seniorita> »twenty one pilots' music video for 'Tear In My Heart' from the upcoming album, Blurryface - available May 19th on Fueled By Ramen. Blurryface Pre Order Bundl...«
[13:48] <slax0r> LorD_DDooM: ja no, od volkcev mislim ce se ker unit igra :) MS verjetno, v NA prime time
[13:48] <slax0r> kolk sm tut zadnje case opazu, CWI, pa CWDG niso nic vec kaj igral
[13:48] <slax0r> mi pa tut skor nic
[13:48] <LorD_DDooM> MS že dolgo ni več CF, ampak so bili zdaj FRR, Steiner, zdaj pa grejo naprej v Kurito mislim
[13:49] <LorD_DDooM> CW*
[13:49] <zdobersek> a spet
[13:50] <LorD_DDooM> -MS- gonna -MS-
[13:56] <slax0r> ce pa vidim v pugu tu pa tam ksnega -MS- v CW
[13:58] <LorD_DDooM> zno,ne spremljam lih -MS-, ker mi doll visi zanje
[13:58] <LorD_DDooM> Možno*
[14:01] <slax0r> men na splosno za vse te "competitive" bullshit unite :)
[14:28] <CrazyLemon>
[14:28] <Seniorita> Microsoft apps will be bundled on Cyanogen Android devices
[14:28] <Seniorita> »Cyanogen has revealed that it will pre-install Microsoft apps on its modded Android OS later this year, including Bing, Skype, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook«
[17:26] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2569-2: Apport vulnerability
[17:46] <Seniorita> [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: Tomahawk 0.8.4 Released, Plugin for Tidal On The Way
[20:05] <zdobbie> I GOT THE POWER
[20:05] <Seniorita> Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2 - YouTube
[20:05] <Seniorita> »Get your first look at the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser #2! Lucasfilm and visionary director J.J. Abrams join forces to take you back again to a g...«
[20:30] <CrazyLemon> meh
[21:35] <upd> lol
[21:35] <Seniorita> Unfriended Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Horror Movie HD - YouTube
[21:35] <Seniorita> »Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Subscribe to INDIE TRAILERS: Like us on FACEBO...« | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.888919 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-si"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-africa | [05:01] <Kilos> morning africa
[10:38] <Tribaal> aaaand hi everyone
[10:38] <Tribaal> oh hi EvilDMP
[10:38] <Tribaal> :)
[10:38] <Tribaal> the IRC world is small :)
[10:39] <Kilos> hi Tribaal welcome to ubuntu-safrica
[10:39] <Tribaal> hehe
[10:41] <Kilos> ubuntu-africa i mean
[10:41] <Kilos> typos are the order of the day it seems
[11:21] <EvilDMP> hello Tribaal | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.892616 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-africa"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntustudio-devel | [07:24] <astraljava> zequence, all: Good work on keeping the gears rolling! Due to recent changes in personal life, I'm looking into getting more active in FLOSS, so might actually take part in the upcoming devel cycle again, if help is needed of course.
[07:29] <zequence> astraljava: You are most welcome for sure :)
[07:29] <astraljava> Cheers! :)
[07:49] <DalekSec> zequence: Nice, cub and astraljava, mica hg is back too!
[07:57] <astraljava> Sweet, let's get cracking, then. :)
[13:30] <zequence> I always forget there's no particular RC that is released
[13:31] <zequence> Damn, I made a simple mistake in the meta
[13:34] <zequence> The packages are there, but ubuntustudio-audio is not depending on ubuntustudio-audio-core
[13:35] <zequence> I need to do another upload
[15:18] <zequence> DalekSec: Sorry for being really slow, but you are usually helping out with Xubuntu, right? Are you also interested in being more involed in Ubuntu Studio development?
[18:57] <zequence> astraljava: OvenWerks: holstein: and anyone else who is interested. There seems to have been some confusion on how long we were to maintain Precise. Since Xubuntu is going EOL now, I'm thinking we might as well too
[18:58] <zequence> And, if we do that, I'm probably not going to keep maintaining linux-lowlatency for Precise either
[18:58] <zequence> I suspect very few will be needing those updates
[19:31] <DalekSec> zequence: Right, and sure depends on where you need it. I've still got it slated to update dvdstyler once wombot opens (seems the vivid one isn't really functional.) I just don't usually do much Studio stuff, just some audacity stuff here, and streaming there.
[20:01] <holstein> zequence: agreed.. let 12.04 go with upstream
[20:01] <holstein> xfce and xubuntu both are on that cylce AFAIK
[20:01] <holstein> if someone wants, they can switch their 12.04 to another DE and generic kernel and still use it with the support of the main ubuntu community
[20:15] <OvenWerks> zequence: The audio SW community is moving quite fast, at least in some areas, Ardour 4 is on it's way out the door already for example.
[20:15] <zequence> DalekSec: If there is anything that you would like to work, you might actually be the only one, so it's not like someones going to stop you :).
[20:15] <zequence> OvenWerks: Ah, yeah
[20:15] <OvenWerks> guitarix has lots of new stuff, qstuff has moved a lot too
[20:16] <zequence> One thing about studio machines though is that you don't want to change the system too often. Old mixes might not work anymore with an updated system
[20:16] <zequence> But, 2 years aught to be enought time to get work done before upgrading :)
[20:16] <OvenWerks> I know, but they don't need to be "connected" either so security should be less of an issue.
[20:16] <zequence> Yeah
[20:17] <OvenWerks> A4 should generate file that A3 can still use and vs
[20:17] <OvenWerks> *files
[20:17] <zequence> Cool
[20:17] <OvenWerks> I have been testing the betas
[20:20] <zequence> Ok, seems like the meta might have been uploaded. I'll ask for the ISOs to be rebuilt later
[21:31] <zequence> Ok, requested rebuild, so hopefully that's it. We get a functional ISO this cycle too
[21:59] <astraljava> zequence: Previously we were to follow Xubuntu's decisions pretty closely. There may have been an exception, or two, but since most of the packages are in line with them, it would create a massive extra workload in order to keep supporting by ourselves. So I'm good if you are.
[22:08] <OvenWerks> astraljava: There are very few things different from xubuntu DE wise. We still use the main menu instead of wisker is the biggest difference (besides artwork)
[22:08] <OvenWerks> The difference more than anything is we have not really kept up as we should have.
[22:10] <OvenWerks> astraljava: wisker is limited in menu depth. we use sub-sub menus because we have so many applications of the same type it helps organize things a lot.
[22:16] <elfy> while I don't often sayt things, would be good to see people check at least the installer | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.898562 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntustudio-devel"
} |
2015-04-16-#juju-dev | [05:48] <axw> jam: alexis says she's looking for someone to open the room, so will (may?) be late
[05:48] <jam> axw: thanks, I was looking around for someone to find out what was up
[05:48] <jam> late from now, so clearly will be late :)
[05:53] <axw> jam: I'm done drafting the resources spec (apart from addressing comments and so on). Will be meeting with Mark later today. If you have any time this morning, would be great to get your feedback
[05:53] <axw> no worries if you're busy
[05:53] <jam> axw: is that Draft or Draft deprecated or… which one ?
[05:55] <axw> jam: this one:
[06:30] <jw4> tasdomas: I must have had some weird env issue yesterday... the upgrade worked fine for me today...
[06:31] <tasdomas> jw4, that's good to hear
[06:50] <wallyworld> jam: ping
[06:51] <jam> wallyworld: pong
[06:51] <Makyo> thumper, Here's some dumps from juju-bundlelib in a few different formats. LMK if they're what you're looking for, but now that I've found out how to dump in any format, it's easy to get whatever eg
[06:51] <thumper> Makyo: thanks
[06:52] <wallyworld> jam: hey, i've added a thought bubble to the api errors doc as to how this work might be surfaced to the user, could you take a look? i've had little time to do it and have to rush off to a 1.23 meeting but can check back a little later
[06:53] <jam> k
[06:53] <wallyworld> ty
[06:53] <wallyworld> will check back when i can
[07:55] <perrito666> Hey I saw a couple of sticker pads around yesterday, anyone has a spare one for the meta button? I would like to make it more accurate since I dont windows :p
[08:01] <DaveJ__> Hi Guys, I was wondering if there was any update on CentOS support for JuJu ?
[08:01] <dimitern> jam, me and voidspace are here in the room
[08:01] <jam> dimitern: k
[08:01] <lazyPower> o/ core, has anyone tried dhx on 1.23-beta4?
[08:02] <lazyPower> i'm getting a weird coredump issue coming from subprocess
[08:02] <perrito666> DaveJ__: there is a proposed patch right now, actually
[08:02] <dimitern> jam, so i've updated the slide for 1.25 to mention accepting positive and negative spaces, as well as subnet tags in constraints
[08:02] <lazyPower> This appears to be introduced only in beta4, i can confirm this works on beta3, and 1.22 as expected.
[08:03] <DaveJ__> perrito666: Thanks - how close to being ready is it ?
[08:03] <DaveJ__> perrito666: Is it something I could take an try out ?
[08:04] <perrito666> DaveJ__: can you repeat the question to aznashwan
[08:04] <perrito666> ?
[08:06] <DaveJ__> perrito666: Sure
[08:06] <DaveJ__> aznashwan: Hi aznashwan, do you have details of the patch to support CentOS based charms on JuJu ?
[08:06] <lazyPower>
[08:06] <mup> Bug #1444861: Juju 1.23-beta4 introduces ssh key bug when used w/ DHX <dhx> <juju-core:New> <>
[08:07] <aznashwan> DaveJ__: currently, we are finalizing the review process and (I sincerely hope), we will get it merged into the current tip of master
[08:08] <DaveJ__> aznashwan: Thanks. I'd be keen to try it out as soon as I can get my hands on it
[08:08] <aznashwan> DaveJ__: we've done the support for bootstrapping and charm deployment on CentOS (we don't actually have a CentOS charm yet, we just use trusty's mysql one for testing)
[08:09] <aznashwan> DaveJ__: the hooks run, so once an actual CentOS charm is written I see no reason why it should not work
[08:16] <DaveJ__> aznashwan: That sounds promising. Will it be possible to deploy the patch to an existing environment? I'm just wondering if I can go ahead and start some prep, so I can try this out as soon as it;'s ready
[08:25] <Makyo> thumper,
[08:26] <thumper> Makyo: thanks again
[08:28] <mgz> gsamfira: I also deleted a whole bunch of tmpfiles and did this: <>
[08:30] <mup> Bug #1444861 was opened: Juju 1.23-beta4 introduces ssh key bug when used w/ DHX <dhx> <juju-core:New> <>
[08:57] <perrito666> gsamfira: Is it possible that, besides fixing charm to close the charm before deleting it you forgot to update dependencies.tsv_
[08:57] <perrito666> ?
[09:25] <gsamfira> perrito666: I will be proposing a new branch that fixes tests again and updates dependencies.tsv in one go
[09:27] <mattyw> cherylj, ping?
[09:28] <cherylj> mattyw: what up?
[10:06] <mup> Bug #1444912 was opened: /var/lib/juju gone after 1.18->1.20 upgrade and manual edit of agent.conf <juju-core:New> <>
[10:09] <mup> Bug #1444912 changed: /var/lib/juju gone after 1.18->1.20 upgrade and manual edit of agent.conf <juju-core:New> <>
[10:18] <mup> Bug #1444912 was opened: /var/lib/juju gone after 1.18->1.20 upgrade and manual edit of agent.conf <juju-core:New> <>
[10:36] <mup> Bug #1333682 was opened: upgrading 1.18 to 1.19 breaks agent.conf <panic> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Confirmed for wallyworld> <>
[12:45] <mup> Bug #1333682 changed: upgrading 1.18 to 1.19 breaks agent.conf <panic> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <>
[14:52] <mup> Bug #1445053 was opened: Failed to bootstrap local provider after interrupting <local-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <>
[15:22] <mup> Bug #1445063 was opened: addressable containers cannot resolve non-FQDN in maas <addressability> <kvm> <lxc> <maas-provider> <network> <oil> <openstack> <uosci> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.23:In Progress by dimitern> <>
[15:22] <mup> Bug #1445066 was opened: 'juju action do' should have a --wait option <juju-core:New> <>
[15:25] <jw4> thumper: leave me alone!
[15:32] <thumper> jw4: simple, stop getting alerts on action
[15:32] <thumper> any action line?
[15:33] <thumper> how's this action?
[15:34] <jw4> thumper: :-p
[15:36] <thumper> jw4: another action bug coming for you...
[15:36] * thumper waits action
[15:36] <jw4> thumper: yay
[15:36] <jw4> thumper: I love bugs
[15:36] <jw4> thumper: thanks for caring
[15:36] <jw4> thumper: please keep them coming
[15:36] <thumper> jw4: in that case, I have about 900 open juju bugs for you
[15:37] <jw4> thumper: you need to look harder
[15:39] <dimitern> a quick review for bug 1445063 anyone?
[15:39] <mup> Bug #1445063: addressable containers cannot resolve non-FQDN in maas <addressability> <kvm> <lxc> <maas-provider> <network> <oil> <openstack> <uosci> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.23:In Progress by dimitern> <>
[15:39] <dimitern> that is - fix for that bug
[15:41] <dimitern> voidspace, ^^
[15:42] <thumper> dimitern: done
[15:42] <thumper> dimitern: rb didn't pick it up
[15:42] <thumper> dimitern: so did it on github
[15:43] <dimitern> thumper, sweet thanks!
[15:46] <mup> Bug #1445078 was opened: 'juju action fetch' should allow output of a single result <juju-core:New> <>
[16:16] <mup> Bug #1445093 was opened: local provider breaks when scaling up units <juju-core:New> <>
[18:04] <mup> Bug #1445146 was opened: juju run fails after upgrade to 1.23-beta4.1 <juju-core:New> <>
[18:10] <mup> Bug #1445146 changed: juju run fails after upgrade to 1.23-beta4.1 <juju-core:New> <>
[18:16] <mup> Bug #1445146 was opened: juju run fails after upgrade to 1.23-beta4.1 <juju-core:New> <>
[19:34] <mup> Bug #1445174 was opened: bootstrap suprious log: WARNING no architecture was specified, acquiring an arbitrary node <landscape> <juju-core:New> <>
[19:58] <mup> Bug #1445186 was opened: 1.23, search domain missing from lxc resolv.conf <cloud-installer> <landscape> <juju-core:New> <>
[21:38] <mup> Bug #1445186 changed: 1.23, search domain missing from lxc resolv.conf <cloud-installer> <landscape> <juju-core:New> <> | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.916456 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#juju-dev"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-touch | [00:36] <AskUbuntu> BQ E 4.5 ubuntu edition doesn't show any images from the scopes nor the app icons |
[04:19] <veryrandomnick> is there any reason not to update a phone? for example if I want to run a custom rom on it
[06:14] <AskUbuntu> Download or install failed |
[06:44] <zbenjamin> lool-: sure
[06:45] <robin-hero> Hi all! Is somebody can tell me where is ubuntu touch store the Messaging app's SMS messages? And if I am copying this db file to an other Ubuntu Touch device (or emulator) will it work?
[06:50] <liuxg> does anyone use PositionSource QML API? I find that it does not give me the position info on Nexus 4.
[06:52] <PhilippeP> Yeah another sunny day !
[07:07] <zbenjamin> lool-: beuno:
[07:13] <robin-hero> I found the SMS db, is it at .local/share/history-service/history.sql. :) Now the only question, If I am copying this file to an other device will it work? I can't test it now, maybe later
[08:30] <mandel> ogra_, did you take a look at the debs I sent, I'd like to get some feedback. It does work better, but needs improvement.. :-/
[08:31] <ogra_> mandel, just saw the mail, checking now
[08:31] <ogra_> (well, or soon, my device is currently flashing)
[08:33] <mandel> ogra_, awesome, I'm going to be on and off the entire day testing it outside, in case anyone is looking for me
[08:36] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy High Five Day! :-D
[08:43] * brunch875 high fives JamesTait!
[08:44] <JamesTait> brunch875, (o・_・)ノヽ(・_・o)
[08:45] <brunch875> ( ‘-’)人(゚_゚ )
[08:46] <sheer> pls
[08:46] <sheer> keep it G
[08:47] <robin-hero> Any info about the OTA? If it will not relase today I'll be a sad panda :(
[08:48] <brunch875> It's up to BQ now. Let's hope they don't delay...
[08:48] <brunch875> Makes me want to hop on the devel channek
[08:50] <robin-hero> brunch875: Yeah, me too
[09:06] <Se7> morning
[09:10] <robin-hero> morning
[09:10] <brunch875> morning!
[09:10] <Se7> :))
[09:10] <Se7> no update yet brunch875
[09:11] <Se7> :P
[09:11] <brunch875> I should contact support: "Is update ready yet?" They'll think "How do they know!?"
[09:11] <brunch875> haha
[09:12] <Se7> lol
[09:14] <ogra_> popey, i guess we will now monthly need the #ubuntu-release-party bot in here ...
[09:14] <popey> hah
[09:14] <popey> !isitoutyet
[09:14] <popey> hah :)
[09:14] <ogra_> lol
[09:14] <brunch875> hahaha
[09:14] <ogra_> liar !
[09:15] <robin-hero> :D
[09:22] <davmor2> no it's not lying 14.10 has been out for a while :P
[09:44] <jgdx> abeato, do you have telephony issues on arale?
[09:46] <abeato> jgdx, voice calls work fine for me
[09:47] <jgdx> abeato, me too, but at some point I'm not receiving sms, calls, nor can I place calls or send sms.
[09:47] <jgdx> and there's nothing user facing to indicate that anything has gone wrong
[09:48] <abeato> jgdx, hmm... I've not seen that... are you registered to the network when that happens?
[09:48] <jgdx> abeato, yes and 4G is indicated
[09:48] <jgdx> data works in that state
[09:49] <abeato> jgdx, ok, can you reproduce easily?
[09:49] <abeato> it that is the case first thing would be to try the same with ofono scripts
[09:49] <abeato> to start narrowing the problem
[09:50] <abeato> dial-number for calls
[09:50] <jgdx> abeato, right
[09:50] <abeato> send-sms for SMS
[09:50] <jgdx> okay, anything else? Maybe dump list modems?
[09:50] <abeato> the use monitor-ofono to see incoming SMS/calls
[09:50] <abeato> yes, that would be great
[09:51] <abeato> jgdx, btw, rmescandon has hit this bug in vivid:
[09:51] <abeato> 1444870
[09:51] <abeato> bug #1444870
[09:51] <jgdx> abeato, just saw
[09:52] <abeato> there is a weird string appended to MessageProxy
[09:53] <jgdx> that's the editor allright
[09:54] <abeato> yes, that's what it looks like
[10:31] <ogra_> mandel, looks good !
[10:31] <ogra_> it is a little jumpy, after initially only showing a small dot on the point it now switched to a bigger circle about 1km north of me
[10:32] <ogra_> (the initial dot was exactly on my house)
[10:36] <mandel> ogra_, yes, I noticed that too, I'm looking into the client lib and the maps too see which positions we are getting and why it jumps like that
[10:36] <mandel> ogra_, the here process sometimes fails too.. dealing with that
[10:36] <ogra_> mandel, oh, note that i'm on arale currently :)
[10:36] <mandel> ogra_, yes, I've tested all the devices I know off
[10:37] <mandel> ogra_, back to go for a spin again to test it
[10:37] <ogra_> my battery is at 7% ... once it charged a bit i'll go to the garden :)
[10:38] <mandel> ogra_, sweet, I should have a silo soon with a few changes in
[10:39] <mandel> ogra_, waiting on QA
[11:08] <brunch875> Still no update from BQ. WHY YOOOOUUUU!!!
[11:11] <mcphail> bq are masters of suspense
[11:14] <ogra_> brunch875, better safe than sorry :) they simply do intensive testing :)
[11:17] <mariogrip> seems like the git web is down :(
[11:22] <ogra_> mariogrip, did you ping #ubuntu-kernel about that yet ?
[11:22] * popey just pinged in #is
[11:22] <ogra_> god
[11:22] <ogra_> err
[11:22] <ogra_> good
[11:23] <brunch875> god errs good?
[11:23] <ogra_> lol
[11:23] * mcphail already realised popey was omnipresent but that is a step too far
[11:23] <davmor2> ogra_: make your mind up either God erred or he's good you can't have it both ways ;)
[11:25] <mariogrip> :D
[11:34] <ogra_> popey, ouch ... did you hear you shouldnt upgrade N7 to lollipop ?
[11:35] <brunch875> ¿Because it breaks the N7 or because it breaks ubuntu touch?
[11:35] <ogra_> it breaks the N7
[11:35] <brunch875> yikes!
[11:35] * ogra_ read some articles about it
[11:35] <ogra_> 5.0 that is ...
[11:35] <brunch875> soft brick I suspect though
[11:35] <ogra_> not sure
[11:35] <brunch875> so if you're a hacker it doesn't matter :D
[11:35] <davmor2> ogra_: how it's fine on wifies n7
[11:36] <juzzlin_> my 2012 N7 is working fine with 5.0.1
[11:36] <juzzlin_> it's slow and crap, but still
[11:36] <mariogrip> i got a sms from ups saying that i will get a package today, i wonder what that can be :D #bq-ubuntu-phone
[11:36] <davmor2> ogra_: onlt thing I have to do was go into recovery and wipe the cache then it worked fine
[11:37] <davmor2> mariogrip: a box
[11:37] <mariogrip> davmor2: xP
[11:38] <davmor2> mariogrip: sometimes a box and a plastic bag
[11:39] <ogra_>
[11:39] <ogra_>
[11:39] <ogra_> etc etc ...
[11:39] <ogra_> doesnt seem to happen to all of them
[11:40] <mcphail> people run _android_ on nexus devices? sheesh - don't they know UT exists?
[11:42] <popey> ogra_: nice. might roll back then
[11:42] <popey> mine isn't bricked
[11:42] <popey> its been on 5 for months
[11:42] <popey> it just wont OTA
[11:50] <davmor2> ogra_: wifies had issues on n5 and n7. The battery drain was chronic apps weren't opening etc looked it up and said to wipe the cache from recovery. I that and they've had no issues since, so happy wifie :)
[11:51] <ogra_> :)
[11:51] <cwayne> davmor2, same thing here for n5
[11:51] <cwayne> had to roll back fiancee to kitkat
[11:51] <cwayne> that's a funny sentence
[11:51] <ogra_> that is what you get for not using Ubuntu :)
[11:54] <cwayne> ogra_, i got her whole family's desktops on it, so there's progress :)
[11:55] <ogra_> well, phones next then :)
[11:56] <popey> back to 4.4.4 I go
[11:56] <davmor2> ogra_: for wifie you would have to have all the stupid games she plays available :)
[11:56] <ogra_> no, you would have to write clones :)
[12:02] <davmor2> ogra_: trust me you don't want me writing code ;)
[12:41] <mariogrip> look what i got!
[12:45] <PhilippeP> a cat and a box .... hmmm
[12:47] <cwayne> mariogrip, nice!
[12:47] <davmor2> PhilippeP: now you know why they call mariogrip Schroedinger
[12:48] <davmor2> mariogrip: congrats
[12:49] <mariogrip> :D
[12:51] <popey> wow, what a fabulous looking cat!
[12:52] * ogra_ wonders why he gets "server not found" ...
[12:52] <mariogrip> popey: :)
[13:00] <robin-hero> No OTA update still... Why bq testing the device this long? :)
[13:00] <mcphail> My "updates" spinny just keeps spinning
[13:01] <davmor2> popey: apparently you should have one too, did you not see one in your bq box, I'd want a refund if I was you ;)
[13:01] <popey> heh
[13:04] <davmor2> robin-hero: our QA team have a 60 hour regression plan, it only covers the bare minimum of test that is a week and half of one persons work life. We are adding tests to it daily, Their suite is probably much bigger than that as they have been testing phones longer
[13:05] <davmor2> robin-hero: also their final concern is that their customers have a great experience with their products so want to be sure it works well. You should be happy it's taking so long to ensure you get a good image :)
[13:08] <mariogrip> popey: FYI, is has a 503 error :(
[13:08] <mariogrip> still has*
[13:08] <robin-hero> davmor2: Yes, I know, But I'm waiting it for weeks :)
[13:09] <popey> mariogrip: yeah, I asked IS.
[13:10] <mariogrip> popey: okay
[13:10] <popey> mariogrip: they're aware of it.
[13:10] <popey> np
[13:44] <Se7>
[14:14] <john-mcaleely> popey, is my understanding of this bug
[14:14] <john-mcaleely>
[14:14] <john-mcaleely> correct?
[14:15] <john-mcaleely> (comment 8)
[14:15] <popey> john-mcaleely: interesting, I haven't seen that bug for a while
[14:16] <john-mcaleely> hmm
[14:16] <popey> it was in progress until we realised it was a bug in eds
[14:16] <popey> which renatu fixed
[14:16] <popey> (note: there may be other bugs in eds) :)
[14:18] <elopio> ping renatu: here is a little improvement to the autopilot inheritance:
[14:18] <elopio>
[14:18] <elopio> can you please give it a review?
[14:19] <renatu> elopio, sure
[14:26] <john-mcaleely> popey, so, i'd bet something has been fixed. but if I tapped in the past, it still crashed :-)
[14:27] <john-mcaleely> (well, sometimes it hung. but almost the same thing)
[14:28] <popey> I can't get that to fail here on my krillin
[14:28] <popey> what are you _doing_!? :)
[14:28] <john-mcaleely> choosing a 'any' date earlier than today in the year view
[14:29] <john-mcaleely> I have OTA3 installed
[14:29] <john-mcaleely> ie, I'm on the rc channel
[14:29] <john-mcaleely> my phone is also freshly wiped, and has no accounts installed to sync
[14:30] <john-mcaleely> so the calendar's basically empty
[14:30] <popey> ah, interesting
[14:30] <john-mcaleely> hmm. that might matter
[14:30] <popey> i have accounts
[14:30] <popey> and am also on OTA3
[14:30] <popey> sounds like we need a new bug report with those details
[14:30] <john-mcaleely> so, our oem qa team claim the bug is not fixed. haven't actually got their repro from them yet
[14:31] <john-mcaleely> ok, I'll get that
[14:31] <popey> ta
[14:31] <popey> public
[14:31] <john-mcaleely> yup
[14:31] <Sander^work> Is there some alternative browsers I can use?
[14:31] <john-mcaleely> popey, can you clarify the bug status wrt the calendar app?
[14:31] <john-mcaleely> on the bug
[14:32] <john-mcaleely> ie 'not an app bug'
[14:32] <popey> ya
[14:32] <ogra_> Sander^work, search the store, i think there is one alternative one ...
[14:32] <brunch875> still no updates from BQ...
[14:32] <ogra_> brunch875, soon :)
[14:32] <ogra_> will happen today ...
[14:32] <brunch875> :[[[[[[[[
[14:33] <brunch875> are you sure? I'm not that sure
[14:33] <brunch875> we need a bot to place bets :P
[14:33] <ogra_> brunch875, yeah, promised :)
[14:33] <kenvandine> ogra_ has spoken!
[14:33] <ogra_> if sil2100 dosnt accidentially hit the wrong button or some such (because i just distract him with a ping) ...
[14:33] <kenvandine> you can take that to the bank :)
[14:34] <ogra_> lol
[14:36] <davmor2> kenvandine: isn't that the line that pee'd of Steven Segal in Hard to kill?
[14:37] <davmor2> ogra_: keep an eye out for an angry looking pony tail from america he'll mostly be in black :D
[14:38] <ogra_> davmor2, i'll just hire dholbach with his bud spencer t-shirt ... that should easily cope with a steven segal :)
[14:39] <davmor2> ogra_: hahahaha
[14:39] <dholbach> ogra_, most people outside Central Europe don't know Bud Spencer :)
[14:40] <ogra_> geez ! what an educational lack !
[14:46] <davmor2> ogra_, dholbach: I know him I think, did he not work with Clint in a western early 70's something Tyranny or Tyranny something
[14:47] <matv1> hmm statcounter says linux desktop use has almost doubled over the last 4 months in the north american region. That is weird
[14:47] <davmor2> looks a bit like indiana jones, Egyptian side kick in lost arc?
[14:47] <ogra_> davmor2, he did tons of "beat'em up" movies with terence hill in the 70s ...
[14:47] <matv1> as long as its off-topic day anyway :)
[14:48] <ogra_> davmor2, he weights about 200kg ... all muscules indeed :)
[14:48] <davmor2> ogra_: big beard too right
[14:48] <ogra_> davmor2, it is the typical movies that boys watch between 7-10 years of age :)
[14:48] <ogra_> yeah
[14:51] <davmor2> ogra_: yeah see I knew him :)
[14:51] <davmor2> ogra_: names I forget films I don't :)
[14:51] <ogra_> heh
[14:55] <sil2100> ogra_, brunch875: so BQ has finished testing and there's a general +1, we just need to check one thing to make sure we're not effected by bug LP: #1444347
[14:55] <brunch875> whoo!
[15:07] * mcphail waits to see if brunch875's phone explodes before downloading
[15:08] <brunch875> hah! That won't happen. I hid it safely in the oven.
[15:32] <faenil> how are the modularScale values computed?
[15:32] <faenil>
[15:33] <faenil> where is 0.677 coming from?
[15:35] <ogra_> faenil, probably more a question for #ubuntu-app-devel
[15:35] <faenil> okay
[15:36] <ogra_> (since it is toolkit stuff)
[15:36] <faenil> sure, sorry
[15:39] <mcphail> I'd be obliged if someon could remind me of the invocation to install a click package which has been wgetted on to the phone
[15:40] <ogra_> pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted /path/to/.click
[15:40] <mcphail> ogra_: ty
[15:51] <brunch875> uh oh, my computer has something lose
[15:51] <brunch875> loose*
[15:51] <brunch875> whole desk is vibrating
[15:52] <k1l> what? do you use a v8 in it? :)
[15:52] <brunch875> oh well
[15:52] <brunch875> the vibrations are somewhat soothing
[15:52] <brunch875> I can get used to this
[16:01] <ment0s> Hi
[16:01] <brunch875> Hello!
[16:02] <ment0s> oculd some one tell me on what stage is galaxy s3 with ubuntu touch ? Last updated on official site says 2013 with a lot of issues but I don't seem to find any new releases or fixes. Any info on this ?
[16:02] <mcphail> ment0s: as far as I can see, it has been abandoned :(
[16:02] <brunch875> my vote goes to that as well
[16:03] <mcphail> ment0s: even AOSP was dodgy on the S3
[16:03] <mcphail> no drivers/acceleration
[16:04] <ment0s> mcphail: right.
[16:04] <ment0s> mcphail: cheers
[16:04] <ment0s> Gonna try on nexus
[16:05] * mcphail hopes someone will revive the S3 effort
[16:05] <ogra_> if you have the device, dont hold back !
[16:06] <mcphail> ogra_: just now, the device is my only internet access during the week. If I lose that I'm back in the 1980s :)
[16:06] <ogra_> order a bq then ... that will free up the S3 :)
[16:06] <mcphail> ogra_: I have, but I can't use adb on the bq and rndis at the same time...
[16:07] <ogra_> huh ?
[16:07] <ogra_> you surely can
[16:07] <mcphail> nope
[16:07] <ogra_> rndis and mtp are mutually exclusive ...
[16:07] <ogra_> rndis and adb work fine
[16:07] <mcphail> don't here
[16:08] <ogra_> does here
[16:08] <mcphail> odd
[16:08] <ogra_> (and there is no technical reason why it wouldnt work ... )
[16:08] <ogra_> oh
[16:08] <ogra_> perhaps there is one
[16:09] <ogra_> try: adb kill server; sudo adb devices
[16:09] <ogra_> and see if that changes something
[16:09] <ogra_> might be that the udev rule for this combo isnt added
[16:09] <ogra_> so adb would have no permissions for the normal user on the PC
[16:14] <mcphail> ogra_: I don't have access to my PC just now as I'm out in the wilderness but, in the past, adb access has been lost when rndis is active and I've had to switch back via the terminal app
[16:14] <mcphail> ogra_: i think it is a udev issue as the usb id changes
[16:15] <mcphail> (iirc)
[16:15] <ogra_> adb needs to re-initialize when the kernel changes the USB config ... so it will kick you out ...
[16:15] <ogra_> but you should be able to get back in with the above ... even if the udev rule is wrong
[16:15] <mcphail> ok - i'll try when I'm back in civilisation :)
[16:16] <ogra_> cool, let me know how it goes ... if its just the udev rules we can easily fix it
[16:16] <mcphail> yes - would be good if it works
[16:38] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, o/ On my pc the tst_QmlTests does core dump on each branch, also on trunk. I've that output: other tests work. Any idea?
[16:44] <oSoMoN> rpadovani, looks like xvfb doesn’t like your graphics setup, try running the tests with the test command but without xvfb, i.e. in your case that would be /home/rpadovani/Documents/ubuntu/touch/system-apps/webbrowser-app/settings-page/tests/unittests/qml/tst_QmlTests -input /home/rpadovani/Documents/ubuntu/touch/system-apps/webbrowser-app/settings-page/tests/unittests/qml -import /home/rpadovani/Documents/ubuntu/touch/system-apps/
[16:44] <oSoMoN> webbrowser-app/settings-page/src
[16:46] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, I'll try, thanks
[17:04] <BOHverkill> awesome everything necessary for me is working on my bq :D
[17:04] <cwayne> BOHverkill, awesome!
[17:16] <brunch875> YESSSSS
[17:17] <brunch875> oh damn, it's not instant :(
[17:17] <brunch875> I'm going to burn the 'check for updates' button
[17:17] <brunch875> until I get my candy
[17:17] <sil2100> brunch875: sorry about that, no worries - it'll take only a little while ;)
[17:17] <brunch875> hahaha
[17:18] <sil2100> ogra_: actually, I can't change the topic
[17:18] <ogra_> oh ?
[17:18] <ogra_> sil2100, are you registered with nickserv ?
[17:19] <ogra_> perhaps you need to
[17:19] <ogra_> woah
[17:19] <ogra_> popey, since when do i need to be OP in an ubuntu channel to change the topic
[17:19] <k1l> its set +t since some trolls used to change the topic in here
[17:19] <popey> you shouldn't
[17:19] <sil2100> I logged in now but still nothing
[17:19] <popey> if its set right
[17:19] <ogra_> can we revert that again ?
[17:19] <ogra_> cool
[17:20] <ogra_> sil2100, go ahead :)
[17:20] <ogra_> \o/
[17:20] <sil2100> hm, it's a loong topic
[17:20] <ogra_> !ITISOUT !
[17:20] <sil2100> ogra_, k1l, popey: thanks!
[17:20] <popey> 21 iS ota-3?
[17:20] <k1l> and no one will read topics anyway ;p
[17:20] <brunch875> !isitoutyet
[17:20] <popey> I thought it was 22
[17:20] <sil2100> Remember, phased updates ongoing! Not all devices will see it yet
[17:20] <popey> mine did :)
[17:21] <sil2100> popey: it was #22 in rc, it's known as #21 on the stable one ;)
[17:21] <sil2100> popey: lucky!
[17:21] <brunch875> may the random() be with you
[17:22] * popey installs
[17:22] <brunch875> oh, stdlib... why hart thou forsaken me?
[17:22] <brunch875> popey has rigged it! I'm sure of it!
[17:23] <popey> haha
[17:24] <BOHverkill> the update is a lie ;)
[17:27] <popey>
[17:27] <popey> not a lie :)
[17:27] <brunch875> photoshop master, head of conspiracy!
[17:27] <popey> hah
[17:27] <BOHverkill> brunch875: yes ;)
[17:27] <popey> ITYM GIMP
[17:27] <popey> i like that I would have faked that, the timestamps and everything
[17:28] <brunch875> "what do you mean, it's not possible? Aren't you good with computers?"
[17:29] <BOHverkill> ;)
[17:30] <davmor2> brunch875: no he is good with computers Art on the other hand popey completely sucks at
[17:30] <popey> [FACT]
[17:30] <BOHverkill> "Software is up to date" grrrrrrrrrr
[17:53] <brunch875> Is anyone working on a telepathy-based chat for utouch?
[17:53] <brunch875> that would be pretty sweet...
[17:54] <dobey> brunch875: messaging-app is a telepathy-based chat
[17:54] <dobey> it just only supports sms at the moment really
[17:56] <brunch875> Nice!
[17:56] <brunch875> Good design base
[18:57] <brunch875> BOHverkill: I WIN! HAhahahah
[18:57] <brunch875> I got the update
[18:59] <BOHverkill> brunch875: ò_ó
[18:59] <brunch875> damn, we've got to start races!
[19:00] <brunch875> this is amusing
[19:06] <brunch875> telegram notification sounds!
[19:06] <robin-hero> brunch875: Ah, I have no updates... It's not fair :D
[19:07] <brunch875>
[19:46] <sil2100> Phasing updates continue ;)
[19:51] <robin-hero> sil2100: Yeah! Can we read somewhere how this phased update work?
[19:52] <robin-hero> by the way still no update for me :(
[19:52] <aquarius> How do I use the media hub from an app? Specifically, if I just create an Audio {} element and .play() it, is that using the media hub (and so the sound will continue to play even if my app is backgrounded or suspended or the screen is turned off)?
[19:53] <EdwardMorbius> robin-hero I didnt get it either, everyone should get it within 24 hours.
[19:53] <aquarius> this may be a jhodapp question, or possibly one for the SDK team
[19:53] <sil2100> robin-hero: hey, sadly there's no full section on just phased updates anywhere, but the priciple is that updates are made available to people in iterations, with each iteration making the update available to a larger random audience
[19:53] <sil2100> The steps are rather big and normally the phased transition time is much bigger, but we didn't want to make people wait too much
[19:54] <sil2100> Besides, we have pretty much confidence in the image not breaking anyone badly
[19:56] <robin-hero> sil2100: Thanks, It's okay, I would like to know the details. How many people involve in a phase, how many hours delayed between two phases and things like that :) Does a site or documentation exist about this?
[19:56] <sil2100> robin-hero: it's percentage based, currently we're doing 6%-per-step with a step duration of 1 hour
[19:57] <robin-hero> thanks :)
[19:57] <sil2100> Right now we're at 18% so still some percentages to go ;)
[19:58] <robin-hero> when did it start? :)
[19:58] <EdwardMorbius> sil2100 when can 15.04 image be expected? few weeks, a month? I guess depending on how many bugs need squashing
[20:00] <sil2100> robin-hero: hm, over 3 hours ago I suppose, the next step should be soon
[20:00] <jhodapp> aquarius, yes, it's using media-hub by default
[20:00] <sil2100> EdwardMorbius: our QA team will be re-doing the quality assessment soon, around tomorrow/Monday, so next week we should know more
[20:00] <sil2100> It all really depends on how many things from the list are remaining
[20:00] <aquarius> jhodapp, OK. Next question: can I use the media hub from an HTML5 app?
[20:01] <sil2100> We'll only know it proper after we have test results, but I think it won't be as long as a month
[20:01] <jhodapp> aquarius, not yet, that's coming
[20:01] <EdwardMorbius> sil2100 thanks. I look forward to those sound notifications in telegram :)
[20:01] <sil2100> We plan on doing monthly OTA's and so far the OTA-4 is planned to be 15.04 based ;)
[20:01] <aquarius> jhodapp, ah, OK. I've tried giving Audio{} a data URI, and that didn't work; is it supposed to work? It'd be really nice if it were :)
[20:01] <jhodapp> aquarius, experimental support is in Oxide already...there is a flag that you can turn on to utilize it for audio, but you'll want to talk to the Oxide guys for how to use it
[20:02] <jhodapp> aquarius, a data URI?
[20:02] <EdwardMorbius> sil2100 thats one of the big advantages over other mobile OSes for me, regular updates, not waiting for months for the manufacturer to release new version of firmware (if at all)
[20:03] <aquarius> jhodapp, yeah. Instead of a normal URL which is an address of something (http://server/somefile.mp3 or file:///home/phablet/Music/somesong.mp3), a data URI is the data itself: it looks like data:audio/mp3;base64,gbBUGIUGyBIgIugIugIUgIGi(on and on for the length of the file)NUIBhoiOIOIhONHoiH
[20:03] <aquarius> jhodapp, so it's basically the file serialised as one big long string
[20:03] <aquarius> jhodapp, this is very useful for dynamically generated stuff, because I can't save data to a file from QML *or* HTML5
[20:04] <jhodapp> aquarius, I've not experimented with that at all...if GStreamer supports it then we will as well because media-hub uses GStreamer
[20:04] <jhodapp> aquarius, we may also be missing a plugin
[20:05] <jhodapp> aquarius, it might also be that the data URI is getting scrubbed by QtMultimedia (including our own plugin) in between your app and media-hub
[20:05] <sil2100> EdwardMorbius: glad to hear you like that, we're working for that purpose all the time trying our best to make it for our deadlines
[20:07] <jhodapp> aquarius, I have to run for now, but hit me up some more later or drop me a message on Google+
[20:07] <aquarius> jhodapp, yeah, hence me asking :) What I was considering was an app which can read an ebook with speech synthesis. I could shell out to festival (ugh!) or there's a pure JS implementation of espeak, which works fine in Oxide (although not in QML's annoyingly noddy JS environment). But what that gives me is a data stream, which I can't then pass to Audio{}.
[20:07] <aquarius> jhodapp, no worries. Sounds like the platform isn't ready for me to do this yet anyway :)
[20:08] <BOHverkill> still no update :(
[20:08] <aquarius> BOHverkill, it's coming out over the next day, apparently
[20:08] <aquarius> it will arrive at some point :)
[20:09] <BOHverkill> day?!? O.o
[20:09] <aquarius> sil2100, you may know this: how often does a new "group" of people get admitted to the update? If, say, once an hour a cron job runs which opens up the update to the next group, then there's no point in me checking for updates more than once an hour :)
[20:10] <aquarius> sil2100, oh! sorry, I've just seen that you answered that question a moment ago to robin-hero
[20:10] <BOHverkill> i want it now!!! ;)
[20:10] <EdwardMorbius> aquarius probably not if its hourly based, I still check more often than that :D
[20:10] <sil2100> aquarius: once an hour makes sense since the tick time is one hour ;)
[20:10] <aquarius> BOHverkill, <sil2100> robin-hero: it's percentage based, currently we're doing 6%-per-step with a step duration of 1 hour
[20:10] <aquarius> so every hour another six per cent of people get admitted to the update. So I shall check hourly.
[20:11] <BOHverkill> random devices?
[20:11] <aquarius> and invest in some cream cakes for the release team so I end up in the first group ;-) Although I assume it's completely random or based on something I have no control over :)
[20:11] <BOHverkill> k thx
[20:12] <sil2100> hah, yeah, we don't have control over it ;) But cream cakes are always welcome!
[20:15] <BOHverkill> what does "once an hour" mean? on every full hour?
[20:16] <dobey> for a cron job, i'd expect so, yes
[20:17] <dobey> aquarius: maybe if you spend 30 years at a temple on a mountain in china, you'll learn how to control it :P
[20:28] <kenvandine> mandel, don't forget to rebase those branches
[20:34] <Robin_> hi there can anybody tell me where I can find the change log od Rev 21 that was just relaesed?
[20:34] <Robin_> changelog of rev21
[20:35] <robin-hero> Robin_: Commit log: and list of fixed bugs:
[20:43] <nik90> zyga: Hey, the component-store docs have been updated with the community channel that aquarius mentioned before. So anybody can upload components to it. Give it a try when you find time and let us know if it works with the pyotherside stuff.
[20:50] <sil2100> Robin_: next release should have a better changelog, we had some slight issues with the infrastructure but it's now good - best if you check the milestone list from LP, it shows which bugs were closed with this release
[20:51] <Robin_> a changelog right inside of the Update screen in Ubuntu Phone would be awesome.
[20:52] <Robin_> click the update and get the information of the changelog
[20:55] <Darek> Darek
[20:56] <Guest64966> Hello. Nouveau sur ce channel et sur ubuntu phone
[20:57] <brunch875> Bienvenue, guest. Nous parlons l'anglais :o
[20:58] <Guest64966> Desolé my english is basic
[20:58] <brunch875> Don't worry! We speak simple :)
[21:00] <Guest64966> I don,t acceded a free wifi avec my ubuntu phone! Have you one solution?
[21:01] <brunch875> Yes! Is it a normal wifi?
[21:03] <Guest64966> Yes it's a normal wifi to my FAI. It's free per anyone
[21:03] <brunch875> What is your phone?
[21:03] <brunch875> BQ? Nexus?
[21:04] <Guest64966> I capte it but thereis not run
[21:05] <Guest64966> My phone is a Aquaris 4.5 Ubuntu Èdition
[21:05] <brunch875> Oh... it should work with no problem
[21:05] <brunch875> do you have a laptop?
[21:06] <brunch875> can you check the type of wifi connection on your laptop?
[21:06] <Guest64966> I capte my wifi private et it'i running but not free wufi which is free for anyone
[21:06] <brunch875> WPA? WEP? TTLS?
[21:07] <Guest64966> Free wifi is free
[21:07] <brunch875> Did you try to open the internet browser when connecting?
[21:07] <dobey> there is a bug where it may take a long time to switch between 3g and wifi. you may be experiencing this. i think the latest update may make it a little bit better
[21:08] <Guest64966> No wpa, wep etc...
[21:08] <dobey> there is a system update released today which you should be able to see in updates soon if you haven't already (though i don't know if wifi is required for it)
[21:08] <brunch875> dobey: He's having issues connecting to one of those open connections. I suspect it's one of those which redirect you to accept terms. I haven't tested such a connection yet.
[21:10] <dobey> brunch875: maybe. but i have problems connecting to my own wifi that is 2 feet from my phone, sometimes. it connects, but then will have no internet access for 5 minutes or so.
[21:10] <dobey> i don't have the bq phone though
[21:10] <brunch875> I've had absolutely no issues with wifi other than TTLS being unsupported
[21:10] <dobey> eep, no wonder my phone is hot and the battery is draining so quickly
[21:11] <brunch875> Guest64966: Try connect to wifi -> open internet browser ->
[21:11] <brunch875> maybe something shows up
[21:11] <dobey> my dialer-app is taking up 100% cpu for hours
[21:12] <Guest64966> When i go for open one file on internet, i give my id for free wifi and it's connected.
[21:12] <dobey> so sounds like it is working then :)
[21:13] * brunch875 cheers
[21:16] <zyga> nik90: hey
[21:17] <zyga> nik90: thanks a lot, I'll do that as soon as I can :)
[21:17] <zyga> nik90: woot! :)
[21:23] <brunch875> I'm going to condecorate myself with ubuntu support har har
[21:30] <Robin_> German News for your Ubuntu Phone and Ubuntu Desktop -
[21:31] <brunch875> nice
[21:31] <brunch875> I've always wanted to learn german
[21:31] <brunch875> I can read german just barely good enough to understand most of it
[21:31] <Robin_> eine Zusammenfassung der Ubuntu Phone Änderungen in Rev. 21 auf
[21:32] <OerHeks> I love the german ubuntu wiki :-)
[21:33] <BOHverkill> OerHeks: me too ;)
[22:05] <elopio> artmello:
[22:07] <artmello> elopio: great, thx
[22:08] <artmello> elopio: I will keep this line for the other AP tests and we can review later
[22:09] <elopio> artmello: sure. Please keep me in the loop about how the qml tests are going so we can remove the big autopilot tests.
[22:12] <artmello> elopio: will do
[23:03] <sil2100> o/
[23:58] <cwayne> mariogrip, yo, im also getting that /cache/recovery too small error when trying to flash from your s-i server | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.934914 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-touch"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-mir | [08:19] <anpok> alf__: i could also just avoid the rethrow as a workaround
[08:19] <anpok> and just test that the exception handler gets called with !=nullptr exception
[08:20] <alf__> anpok: sounds good
[08:21] <anpok> hm there is a fixed version of rethrow attached to the bug report
[14:38] <anpok> alf__: are errors like "terminated without an active excpetion" other symptoms of this error?
[14:39] <alf__> anpok: ENOCONTEXT
[14:40] <alf__> anpok: which is "this error"?
[14:42] <anpok> the wrong active exception counter
[14:42] <anpok> caused by rethrow_exception..
[16:24] <duflu> mterry:
[17:00] <duflu> attente_: Noticed you're keeping GTK up to date with lp:mir. Thanks for that. Is much improvement happening or just fixes?
[17:02] <attente_> duflu: just fixes. is there any new api available we can use in gtk?
[17:03] <duflu> attente_: Yes. You can now set the window title, and resize yourself. Possibly more
[17:04] <attente_> duflu: nice, i'll take a look into using that
[17:06] <duflu> attente_: Also while you want (if you want) to do your own title bar, try setting surface type freestyle and we'll update the demo shells to not add titlebars to them
[19:38] <duflu> mterry ...
[19:38] <duflu> /usr/include/features.h:364:25: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory
[19:38] <duflu> # include <sys/cdefs.h>
[19:38] <duflu> ^
[19:39] <mterry> duflu, libc6-dev
[19:47] <duflu> mterry: lib32gcc-4.9-dev
[20:29] <mterry> duflu,
[20:29] <mterry> duflu, nano /etc/xrdp/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.941449 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-mir"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-ko | [00:02] <razGon_MINILA> 마스터 키튼 감동적인 작품이ㅣ죠.
[00:02] <jun__> 안녕하세요~~~
[00:02] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요
[00:02] <jun__> 국가의 부름을 받고서 돌아왔습니다~ ㅎㅎㅎ
[00:02] <jun__> 나한테 해준거 하나없는 국가가;;;;; ㄷㄷㄷ
[00:03] <Work^Seony> 어떤 부름인데요?
[00:03] <Work^Seony> 예비군?
[00:03] <jun__> 예비군이요 ㅎㅎ
[00:03] <Work^Seony> ㅋㅋ
[00:03] <Work^Seony> 동원은 끝나셨죠?
[00:04] <jun__> 예 올해가 예비군 마지막이요
[00:04] <jun__> 아~ 이브 온라인 초대장 받고 가입하는게 시간 제한 있나요???
[00:04] <Work^Seony> 오오 그렇군요...
[00:04] <jun__> 생각하고 보니 아직 안했네요
[00:04] <Work^Seony> 아뇨 없을 거에요
[00:04] <Work^Seony> 지금 일하면서 이브 돌리고 있어요 ㅋ
[00:05] <jun__> 음~~~ 사향에만 맞춰서 윈도우 가상화 하나 더 올려야겠네요 ㅎㅎ
[00:05] <Work^Seony> 이브의 최대 장점이... 게임이 마치 바탕화면 같아서 사람들이 잘 모른다는거죠 ㅋ
[00:05] <jun__> 아하! ㅎㅎ
[00:06] <Work^Seony> 걍 우주에 별 있고 은하수 있고 그렇거든요
[00:06] <Work^Seony> 그러다보니 그냥 우주 사진 배경화면인가보다 해요 ㅎㅎ
[00:07] <Work^Seony> samahui_, 안녕하세요
[00:07] <jun__> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[00:07] <samahui_> 안녕하세요~
[00:22] <razGon_MINILA> samahui_WS, 안녕하세요?
[00:23] <razGon_MINILA> 5살짜리 제 딸이 오래된 넷북에 관심을 가지기 시작하더라구요. 저가형 노트북 사주는거 괜찮을지ㅣ요? 생일선물로.
[00:24] <razGon_MINILA> 하필이런 날에 축하라니..쩝. 민망함.
[00:24] <razGon_MINILA> 지송.
[00:24] <razGon_MINILA> 복붙 잘못.^^;
[00:24] <razGon_MINILA>
[00:24] <razGon_MINILA> 이런거나.
[00:24] <razGon_MINILA>
[00:25] <razGon_MINILA> 이런거요
[00:25] <razGon_MINILA>
[00:25] <razGon_MINILA> 아니 이런거요.
[00:26] <samahui_WS> 제 생각인데 사주실꺼면 괜찮은거 사주시는게 어떨지요?
[00:26] <razGon_MINILA> 애라서 음료나 그런거 흘려 버릴까봐요.
[00:26] <razGon_MINILA> 5살이라서요.
[00:27] <razGon_MINILA> 5살이라서요. ?
[00:27] <samahui_WS> ㅎㅎ
[00:27] <razGon_MINILA> 첫쨰는 3-4년 뒤면 제 맥프로 증여 받을 겁니다. 정부 몰래.ㅋ
[00:27] <samahui_WS> 저것도 망가트리면 그만큼 또 돈들어가자나요. 차라리 물부어도 고장안나는 HP엘리트북이나 TP 라인으로...
[00:27] <samahui_WS> ㅎㅎ
[00:28] <samahui_WS> 정부몰래 증여하시면 세금을 피하시겠다는... ㅎㅎ 아이의 눈을 생각해서 인치 좀 큰걸로 가는게 어떠신지요
[00:28] <samahui_WS> HP스트림 13인치인가 있떤걸로 압니다
[00:28] <Work^Seony> 놋북용 키스킨 있지않나요?
[00:29] <razGon_MINILA> 예 있죠. 그래서 아수스것이 가벼워서 거기에 키스킨 올려주려구요. 핑크
[00:30] <samahui_WS> 하긴 애들이 물쏟는것만 있는건 아니죠
[00:30] <samahui_WS> 액정과 키보드 사이에 팬등을 넣고 접어버린다거나..
[00:30] <samahui_WS> 들고 일어나다 넘어져서 떨어트린다거나
[00:30] <samahui_WS> 기타 등등
[00:31] <samahui_WS> 망가지는걸 방지하고 싶으시면... 데탑을 사주시는것도 방법입니다
[00:31] <samahui_WS> 키보드 마우스만 넉넉하게 준비하면 안전하게 본체는 보호할수있죠
[00:32] <samahui_WS> 당장 필요한 사양으로 낮게 사주고 차후 하나하나 업그레이드해주는 방식으로 오랜시간 사용할수도 있고 여러모로 좋죠
[00:33] <Work^Seony> 일단 너무 비싼 것만 안사주시면 될 거 같아요.
[00:33] <Work^Seony> 아무래도 망가뜨릴 가능성이 높으니...
[00:33] <samahui_WS> 제 경험상... 노트북은 십중팔구 망가트립니다 ㅎㅎ
[00:34] <samahui_WS> 나이차 큰 막둥이를 통한 경험입니다
[00:34] <samahui_WS> 데탑을 사주시는게 가장 덜 고장냅니다 ... 물론 그마져도 망가트리는 불가사이한 능력자가 있기도 하지만요 ㅎㅎ;;
[00:34] <Work^Seony> ㅋㅋ
[00:34] <razGon_MINILA> ㅋㅋㅋ
[00:34] <razGon_MINILA> 마이너스의 손.ㅋ
[00:35] <samahui_> 무엇을 쥐어줘도 꼭 망가트리는 마이너스의 손이 있죠... 버뮤다 삼각지대에 맞먹는 무시무시한 환상의 손.... 걸리면 남아나는게 없습니다
[00:37] <razGon_MINILA> 제가 그래요.
[00:37] <razGon_MINILA> 제가 예전에 법학대학교에 간적있었는데. 거기 건물이 정전이 낫죠.
[00:37] <samahui_WS> 헉!
[00:38] <razGon_MINILA> 제가 EMP나온다고 하더군요.ㅎ
[00:38] <samahui_WS> 저...저리 가세요... 체팅창이 ... 체팅창이 흔들렸어요
[00:38] <Work^Seony> ㅋㅋ
[00:38] <razGon_MINILA> ㅎㅎㅎ
[00:39] <samahui_WS> 아이들이 크면서 점점 애들과 어울리고 또 학원이나 유치원 학교에서 보고듣고 올텐데 너무 싼 컴을 사주면 필요한 프로그램등이 설치가 안되거나 버벅여서 속상할지도 ㅎㅎ
[00:39] <samahui_WS> 그냥 괜찮고 저렴한 데탑 사주고 필요때마다 업글해주는 방식을 취하시는게 어떨지요
[00:40] <razGon_MINILA> 애들이 흥미를 가져야 하는데. 데탑은 좀..
[00:40] <razGon_MINILA> 솔직히 데탑은 지금 쌓여 있는 컴을 재활용해도 됩니다. ㅋ
[00:40] <samahui_WS> 헬로키티 키스킨으로 키보드에 흥미를 유도하는겁니다
[00:40] <razGon_MINILA> 옙
[00:40] <razGon_MINILA> ㅋㅋㅋ
[00:41] <samahui_WS> 모니터 주변에는 뽀로로나 폴리 스티커로 도배를...
[00:42] <razGon_MINILA> 애들이 아이패드를 해봐서 포터블 디바이스를 원합니다.
[00:42] <samahui_WS> ㅎㅎ;;
[00:44] <samahui_WS> 아이들 세대에는 맥이 주가 될지도 모르니 프로북으로 ... ㅎㅎ;;
[00:45] <samahui_WS> 농담이고 이거로 가세요
[00:45] <samahui_WS>
[00:46] <samahui_WS> 아이들 눈과 자세를 생각해서 그래도 표준 크기에 가깝게 가는게 어떨까 싶어요
[00:47] <samahui_WS> 근데 제가 정말 추천을 해드린다면... 무게생각마시고 i3이상 들어간 놈으로다가 14~15.6인치로 가시면 차후에도 활용도가 더 좋을거 같아요
[00:47] <razGon_MINILA> 맥프로는 2-3년뒤에 제 첫쨰에게 주려구요.
[00:47] <samahui_WS> 무엇보다 선택하신 라인들이 아톰을어간 가벼운 놈들이라 업글자체가 힘들죠
[00:47] <samahui_WS> 하드 용량도 작고요
[00:47] <razGon_MINILA> 애들이 아직 들고 다니기 그럴거 같아서 저가에 작은 거 사용하려구요.ㅋ
[00:48] <razGon_MINILA> 근데 문제는 그후에 활요이긴 하죠.
[00:48] <samahui_WS> 들고댕긴다는게 애들이 들고 유아원등을 갈일은 없으니 집에서 이동이죠?
[00:48] <samahui_WS> 스스로 이동하게 하면... 망가질 확율이 확~ 오르죠;;
[00:49] <samahui_WS> 요즘 i3~i5들어가고 저해상도면 14~15.6인치대의 제품들도 가격은 저렴하거든요 40~50만원대 일겁니다... 다만 문제는 이게 무겁죠
[00:49] <Work^Seony> 대리석과 방탄유리로 컴퓨터 하나 만들어달라고 하세요 ㅋㅋ
[00:50] <samahui_WS> 그래도 하드베이등 활용도나 애들 애니볼때 화면크기등도 더 쓸만하긴해요
[00:50] <razGon_MINILA> 그렇죠..ㅋㅋ
[00:50] <samahui_WS> 터프북 있죠
[00:50] <samahui_WS> 애들이 물을 쏟건 집어 던지건 까딱 안하는 터프북
[00:50] <razGon_MINILA> 보조 모니터랑 나름 독을 만들까 생각해봅니다.
[00:50] <samahui_WS> 가격만 감수하면 확실히 애들에게 최상의 제품 ㅎㅎ
[00:51] <razGon_MINILA> 나중에 코딩 전용. 노트북으로.ㅋㅋ
[00:51] <samahui_WS> 키보드땜시 활용도가 윈도우패드보다는 났지만... 윈도우패드나 저 위 노트북이나 쌤쌤입니다
[00:53] <samahui_WS> 10인치이상의 윈도우패드에 키보드 달아주는것과 비슷하죠
[00:54] <samahui_WS> 말하고보니 한성에 10인치 타블릿에 키보드독 달린놈이 있죠
[00:54] <samahui_WS> 가격은 20마원대인가 그럴겁니다 흐흐
[00:54] <razGon_MINILA> 그녀석은 디스플레이에 문제 있다고 해서요
[00:55] <samahui_WS> 앗! 그런가요?
[00:55] <razGon_MINILA> 실은 후보군중에 한녀석이였습니다.
[00:55] <samahui_WS>
[00:55] <samahui_WS> 요녀석 말씀이죠?
[00:55] <razGon_MINILA> 한성거가 나름 쓰기 괜찮아서 생각했죠.
[00:55] <razGon_MINILA> 예
[00:56] <razGon_MINILA> 키보드는 꼭있어야 되는게...
[00:56] <razGon_MINILA> 자판떄문에요.
[00:56] <razGon_MINILA> 애들이 손글씨만 알지 자판글씨를 피아노 배우듯이 배워야합니다.
[00:57] <razGon_MINILA> 뭔가 글씨에 대한 창의성은 떨어지지만, 자판을 쓰면 표현속도가 늘거라 생각되서요.
[00:57] <razGon_MINILA> 애들 글자 가 라는 글자 쓰는게 10초이상 걸리는데. 빨라도 3초.
[00:58] <razGon_MINILA> 자판은 1-2초이내면 충분하죠. 물론 자판을 어느정도 익혔을ㄷ재요.
[00:58] <samahui_WS> 어릴적 학원다닐때 거기 있던 원장 아들이 생각나네요... 5살때 500타 넘엇었죠
[00:59] <razGon_MINILA> ㅎㄷㄷㄷ
[00:59] <samahui_WS> 아무래도 어릴적부터 학원돌아댕기며 놀더니 컴퓨터를 아주 잘 다뤘던 기억이나네요
[00:59] <samahui_WS> 제 막둥이 동생도 제가 어릴적부터 가르쳐서 초딩때 워드는 다 땄죠
[00:59] <samahui_WS> 산업기사까지 땄던걸로 기억합니다
[00:59] <samahui_WS> 전공이 아니라 기사는 도전 안했지만서도...
[01:00] <razGon_MINILA> 저도 그런정도는 아니여도. 코딩을 할떄 자판이 문제가 되지 않았으면 해서요.
[01:00] <samahui_WS> 대학들어가서 산업기사까지 따는거보고 역시 조기교육이 좋아 라고 생각했었죠 ㅎㅎ
[01:00] <razGon_MINILA> 제가 그러거든요. 제가 손재주가 없어서 자판이 느려요.
[01:00] <razGon_MINILA> 영타가 마니요.ㅋ
[01:00] <samahui_WS> 그럼 더더욱 미니 노트북은 아닐거 같은데요
[01:00] <samahui_WS> 자판 배열이 다르거나 자간이 좁아서 일반적 키보드와 차이 큰게 많거든요
[01:01] <samahui_WS> 키보드 배치도 좀 보셔야 겠군요
[01:01] <razGon_MINILA> 아 그렇군요.
[01:02] <razGon_MINILA> 첫쨰는 솔직히 이아이는 맥을 써야 겟더군요.
[01:02] <razGon_MINILA> 재능이 그림그리기와 디자인. 색깔고르기 잘해요.
[01:03] <razGon_MINILA> 제가 놀랄 정도의 감각이 있더군요. 아빠는 그냥 곤색바지에 파랑색 점퍼 이런데.
[01:03] <razGon_MINILA> 검은 옷을 입었는데. 빨간 장난감 가방을 골랐는데. 컬러 매치에 깜놀햇어요.
[01:03] <razGon_MINILA> 그게 6살떄.
[01:03] <razGon_MINILA> 옷도 아이가 맛춘거임.
[01:04] <razGon_MINILA> 둘쨰가 컴퓨터에 관심.
[01:06] <samahui_WS> 관심보일때 사주는건 좋은데 저처럼 너무 빠져들게 하진 마세요
[01:06] <samahui_WS> 장래에 대한 선택의 폭이 좁아져요 ㅎㅎ
[01:07] <razGon_MINILA> ㅋㅋㅋ
[01:07] <razGon_MINILA> 그러긴하죠.
[01:08] <samahui_WS> 아무튼 너무 작은것보다는 표준에 맞는걸 사주시는게 났다고 봅니다
[01:09] <samahui_WS> 근데... 이 대화를 최근 어딘가에서 했던 기억이...
[01:09] <samahui_WS> 그때도 저렴한거 보다는 쓸만한 놈으로 사주고 잘 관리하는 법을 가르치라고 했었는데... 그때 아니는 초딩이였죠 ㅎㅎ;;
[01:13] <samahui_> 아이
[01:15] <samahui_> 물건 망가질거 걱정하면서 아끼게 하는 것보다 잘 쓰는걸 가르치라며 아끼면 똥된다고 그리고 덤으로 제 노트북 남는거 팔아먹은 기억이 나는군요
[01:15] <samahui_> 흐흐흐
[01:16] <samahui_> 잠시 일 좀 하다 올게요~
[01:18] <razGon_MINILA> ㅋㅋㅋ
[01:18] <razGon_MINILA> 좋은 말씀 감사합니다.
[01:19] <razGon_MINILA> 그게 두대 사줘야 될거 같아서요./
[01:19] <razGon_MINILA> 둘쨰 사주고. 첫째도...ㅠ.ㅠ
[01:22] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요~
[01:22] <AutoWiZ_znc> 모두들 건강한 하루 되세요~~~~
[01:23] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요
[01:23] <razGon_MINILA> 옙
[01:23] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저는 초등 4학년때 인가 컴 처음 써봤는데 , 저희 어머니가 공부하라고 학습 프로그램 이랑 딸린걸 사다주셨는데
[01:24] <AutoWiZ_znc> 학습 프로그램은 금방 뒷전이 되고 헥사에디트, 게임위저드 이런거를 더 하게됐지요 ㅎㅎ
[01:25] <AutoWiZ_znc> 막상 리눅스를 설치해본건 대학교 고3 이나 대학교 1학년때가 처음이었던거 같기도 하네요.
[01:25] <AutoWiZ_znc> OS/2 멀린 이 음성인식이 된다는 말을 전해듣고 신기해 하기도 했었고.
[01:25] <razGon_MINILA> 저는 초2떄 아이큐1000을 처음 만졋죠.
[01:26] <razGon_MINILA> 그떄 msx-basic.
[01:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> 우와 저는 IQ 150 도 못넘어 봤는데 ㅠㅠ
[01:26] <razGon_MINILA> 그게 msx1기기 이름이에요. 대우전자에서 나온 컴.
[01:27] <AutoWiZ_znc> 초등학교에 있었습니다 . IQ-1000 . 그때 사실 제임 관심은
[01:27] <razGon_MINILA> 학원다니면서 배웠는데, 제가 의업을 하고 있어도 제 정신적인 기반은 코딩에서 나옵니다.
[01:27] <AutoWiZ_znc> jdos 에서 돌아가는 게임 플레이 안하고
[01:27] <razGon_MINILA> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[01:27] <AutoWiZ_znc> 사진 강제로 뽑아보는거였죠 ㅋ
[01:27] <razGon_MINILA> 그건 ibm...ㅋㅋㅋ
[01:28] <Work^Seony> jdos 오랫만에 듣네요 ㅎㅎ
[01:28] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아니면 플레이 완결로 세이브 파일 조작하는거랑
[01:28] <razGon_MINILA> 오마쥬....ㅋㅋ
[01:28] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그러면서 파일 포멧 , 내부 구조 공부도 하게 되고
[01:28] <AutoWiZ_znc> 프로그램 , OS 등등도 공부하게 되고
[01:29] <AutoWiZ_znc> 리눅스 만나고 나서는 뭐 그냥 자유가 좋아서 , 재미있어서.
[01:29] <AutoWiZ_znc> 근데 울 회사는 자꾸만 이런 나를 이용해 먹는거 같은 느낌이 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 아 ㅠㅠ 슬픈 인생
[01:29] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저녁에 저랑 소주 한잔 하실 분 ~~
[01:30] <Work^Seony> 책 안보시고 걍 깨우치신 거에요?
[01:30] <razGon_MINILA> ㅎㅎㅎ
[01:30] <razGon_MINILA> 집념이 꺠우친거죠.
[01:30] <razGon_MINILA> 우리가 게임하면서 메모리관리... 일겜하면서 지겹도록 공부한거.ㅋ
[01:30] <AutoWiZ_znc> 책보다는 블로그 같은거 겁나게 봤죠
[01:31] <razGon_MINILA> conventional memory에 맞춰야..ㅋ
[01:31] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ
[01:31] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그러면서 대학교 1학년 마치고 휴학하고
[01:31] <Work^Seony> 잉? 당시에 블로그가 있었나요?
[01:31] <AutoWiZ_znc> 보안 컨설팅 잠깐 하게 됐지요
[01:31] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그때 젤 유행하던 BOF
[01:31] <AutoWiZ_znc> 블로그 라기보다 HOW TO 라고 할까요 .
[01:31] <Work^Seony> 아...
[01:31] <AutoWiZ_znc> 짧게 3~10페이지정도 되게 적어놓은글들
[01:33] <samahui_> 사설 BBS에서 모뎀으로 다운받던 기억이...
[01:34] <samahui_> 당시에는 글올리고 다운받고(사진?!) 이러면서 전화비를 탕진했죠
[01:34] <AutoWiZ_znc> 제 첫 이력서에는 나우누리 LUG 그룹 활동 이라고도 적었었다는 ... 지금 생각해보면 많이 민망하네요 ㅋㅋㅋ
[01:34] <Work^Seony> 전 그래서 피씨통신용 정액제 썼어요
[01:34] <razGon_MINILA> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[01:34] <razGon_MINILA> 저는 그렇게 안해서 전화요금 18만원 나왔다고 난리 낫었음.
[01:35] <razGon_MINILA> 어머님에게.ㅋ
[01:35] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저도 10만원 넘긴적 3번 있었습니다 ㅋㅋ
[01:35] <razGon_MINILA> 전화 정액제 였어야 됬는데.ㅋ
[01:35] <samahui_> 전 가끔쓰는 거라 정액은 안썼죠... 집에 전화 회선이 두개였어서 하나 잡고 맘대로 쓰다가 아버님 일땜시 와야할 연락 못받아서 혼나고 그랬던 기억이 나네요 ㅎㅎ
[01:35] <samahui_> 대학가기 전까지는 그랬고 대학가서는 학생회 전화선 끌어다 썼었죠
[01:35] <samahui_> 그러다 랜 들어와서 랜으로 인터넷으로.. 점점 넘어간 기억이 나네요
[01:36] <razGon_MINILA> 저는 랜인터넷은 2000년에.
[01:36] <razGon_MINILA> 그전은 겜방이엿죠.
[01:37] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저는 99년도 대학 입학하고 기숙사에서 ㅋ
[01:37] <samahui_> 겜방들 한창 영업 시작할때 아는 사람 게임방 개업하기전 테스트가 필요하다고해서 과 친구들 끌고 게임방에서 스타를 달렸던 기억이 나는군요
[01:37] <AutoWiZ_znc> 대학교 사설 BBS 도 있었어가지고 자료 정말 빠르게 받았었는데
[01:37] <AutoWiZ_znc> 스타로 저녁이나 야식 내기 하고 아... 그립네요
[01:38] <samahui_> 근데 전 그때 스타보다 디아블로1이 더 재미있었어요
[01:38] <Work^Seony> 저도 디아블로 1 무지 재밌게 했었어요
[01:38] <samahui_> 전산실 작업을 핑게로 남아서 후배들과 달렸었죠
[01:38] <samahui_> 홍콩친구들 사귀고 하면서 열심히 1원으로 장비복사하고 다녔죠 흐흐
[01:38] <AutoWiZ_znc> ㅎㅎ
[01:39] <samahui_> 돈으로 장비복사 하는거 기억나시죠? 장비 내려놓고 인벤토리에 1원놓고 장비 집는 순간 클릭하면 복사... ㅎㅎ
[01:39] <AutoWiZ_znc> 디아블로도 온라인 오프라인 많은 인기를 누렸던 게임이지요.
[01:39] <AutoWiZ_znc> 들었던거 같아요
[01:39] <samahui_> 디아블로와 스타가 국내에서 인기를 끌면서 블리자드가 돈 많이 벌었죠
[01:40] <AutoWiZ_znc> 스타 크래프트 판매량 상당수가 한국이라는 말이 나올정도였다고 들었어요
[01:40] <samahui_> 뭐 복사도 그만큼 많아서 결국 스타2 판매방식 바꾸는 개기가 되기도 했죠
[01:40] <AutoWiZ_znc> ㅋㅋㅋ
[01:41] <samahui_> 개발에 한국 프로게이머 데려다 베타테스트하는 이유가 되기도 했고요
[01:41] <samahui_> 하지만 요즘 블리자드는 점점 ... 뭔가 잃어가는 느낌이 강하네요
[01:41] <AutoWiZ_znc> 뭐 변화에 적응못하면 뒤쳐지는겁니다.
[01:42] <samahui_> ipx가 안되면서 친구끼리 모여서 놀던 분위기 내기 힘들어 졌어요
[01:42] <samahui_> 전 그게 가장 아쉬워요
[01:42] <samahui_> 복사를 못쓰게 만든거라 나쁜건 아닌데 왠지모르게 그냥 기분이 좀 그래요 ㅎㅎ;;
[01:43] <samahui_> 온라인 서버관리 못해서 초반 접속 불량으로 많이들 떨어져 나갔죠 스타2도 디아블로3도 ...
[01:43] <Work^Seony> 예전에 디아1도 그랬지만 2 때도 시폭 재밌었죠 ㅋㅋ
[01:43] <Work^Seony> 피케이질 하고댕기고 ㅋ
[01:43] <AutoWiZ_znc> 스마트폰 게임이 활성화 되고 있어서 일지도 모르겠어요
[01:43] <samahui_> 2때는 카우방이죠
[01:43] <AutoWiZ_znc> 카우방 아 ... 어제도
[01:44] <samahui_> 장비 맞춰서 노는 재미도 있었네요 ㅎㅎ
[01:44] <samahui_> 저도 가끔 돌립니다. 아직 시디키를 안잊어 버렸더라고요
[01:44] <AutoWiZ_znc> cowing 하는데 저게 카우 (소) 인지 Copy-On-Write 인지 ㅋㅋ
[01:45] <Work^Seony> 저는 몇년 전에, 디아2 생각나서 걍 기분탓에 디아2 씨디키를 샀는데,
[01:45] <Work^Seony> 막상 설치해서 보니까 그래픽이 너무 구린거에요...
[01:45] <Work^Seony> 두어번 하고 지워버렸어요 ㅋ
[01:45] <samahui_> 창모드로 800x600에 놓고 돌리는수밖에 없어요
[01:45] <samahui_> ㅎㅎ
[01:45] <samahui_> 배경은 이쁜데 지금보면 좀 구리죠
[01:46] <samahui_> 정말 마우스 많이 바꾸도록 해준 게임이죠
[01:46] <AutoWiZ_znc> CRT 모니터를 쓰면 좀 덜 구려 보이지 않을까요? ㅎㅎ
[01:46] <samahui_> 확실히 가능하겠군요 ㅎㅎ
[01:46] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저 아직 집에 CRT 있어요 한 몇일 안쓴거 ㅠㅠ
[01:47] <samahui_> 저도 한대 있는데 이게 작동할지는 미지수네요
[01:47] <samahui_> LCD나왔을때도 가장 비싼 편에 속하는 모델인데 이걸 제가 이사할때 한번 모질게 팽게쳤거든요
[01:47] <samahui_> 너무 무거웠어요 ㅜㅜ
[01:49] <Work^Seony> 저희집에는 제가 한국 떠날 때 당시 쓰던 17인치 4:3 LCD 모니터가 아직도 있죠 ㅎㅎ
[01:50] <samahui_> 전 19인치 CRT 평면과 LCD둘다 있죠
[01:50] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저도 19인치 평면
[01:50] <AutoWiZ_znc> crt z
[01:50] <AutoWiZ_znc> ㅋㅋ
[01:51] <samahui_> 19인치 평면 정말 거대하죠 ㅎㅎ;;
[01:51] <samahui_> 재미있는게 LCD19 인치는 지금보면 너무 작아요
[01:52] <Work^Seony> 많이 작죠 ㅋ
[01:52] <Work^Seony> 요즘은 42인치 티비도 크단 생각이 안드는 세상인데요 ㅋㅋ
[01:54] <razGon_MINILA> ㅋㅋㅋ
[01:56] <bluedusk> AutoWiZ_znc, kinx 괜찮을까요?
[01:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 음 멋지군요
[02:00] <jun__> Seony님 전 왜 eve온라인 가입이 안될까요..? ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:00] <Work^Seony> 뭐라고 나오는데요?
[02:01] <jun__> Start Playing 버튼 누르면
[02:01] <jun__> 그냥 멈춰있다가 페이지를 호출할수 없다고 떠요;;;;
[02:01] <jun__> 현재 1시간째 무한 반복중이네요;;;;;;
[02:01] <AutoWiZ_znc> 방화벽? 포트?
[02:01] <jun__> while문에 갖힌 느낌..;;
[02:01] <AutoWiZ_znc> 사무실 이신가요?
[02:01] <jun__> 예~ 사무실입니다
[02:01] <Work^Seony> 클라이언트는 일단 제대로 설치된거죠?
[02:02] <AutoWiZ_znc> netstat -ano | find /i "SYN"
[02:02] <AutoWiZ_znc> 해서 접속시도하는데 접속 못하고 있는 프로그램 있는지 찾아보시는건 어떠실까요?
[02:02] <AutoWiZ_znc> 작업 관리자에서 해당 PID 로 어떤 프로그램인지도 찾아보시고
[02:03] <Work^Seony> jun__, 근데 제 초대내역을 보니까, 보내드린 초대장을 안받으셨다고 뜨네요 ㅎㅎ
[02:05] <jun__> 아직 가입하는단계라서;;;; 클라이언트 설치도 안했는데요;;
[02:05] <AutoWiZ_znc> 다운로드 버튼이 있을거 같습니다.
[02:05] <Work^Seony> 잉? 근데 Start playing이 어디에 나와요? ㅎㅎ
[02:06] <Work^Seony> 제가 보내드린 초대장에 있는 링크를 클릭하시면 계정을 가입하는 부분이 나올 거에요
[02:07] <Work^Seony> 거기서 계정을 생성하고나면 클라이언트를 설치하라는 링크가 나올 거에요
[02:08] <jun__> 메일온 링크 따라가면
[02:08] <jun__> 이렇게 뜨거든요..;;
[02:08] <jun__> create your account 클릭하면 회원가입이 아니라 로그인처럼 나오던데요;;;
[02:09] <Work^Seony> 음.. 제가 한 번 해볼께요
[02:09] <jun__> 딱히 링크 클릭되는것도 없는데;;;;
[02:09] <AutoWiZ_znc> 회원 가입 페이지
[02:09] <AutoWiZ_znc> 에서 진행이 안되시는건가요?
[02:11] <AutoWiZ_znc> bluedusk : IX 라는 개념을 제가 처음봐서 ㅎㅎ , 전에 CD Networks 랑 비슷한 일을 할거 같긴 합니다.
[02:11] <AutoWiZ_znc> 서버 보다는 네트워크쪽 작업이 많을 것도 같지만 뭐 돈만받고 재미있게 살 수 만 있으면 되지요
[02:12] <bluedusk> 클라우드 쪽으로
[02:12] <bluedusk> 근데 불렀던 연봉보다 좀 까여서
[02:12] <Work^Seony> jun__, 메시지 보내드렸어요
[02:13] <AutoWiZ_znc> 대부분 불렀던거 보다는 깍입니다.
[02:13] <AutoWiZ_znc> 적개 불러도 안깍는데는 본적이 없습니다.
[02:16] <bluedusk> 그렇군요
[02:16] <bluedusk> 일단 까고 보는군요
[02:17] <AutoWiZ_znc> 뭐 업체마다 다르겠습니다만. 5~6천 불렀더니
[02:17] <AutoWiZ_znc> 4.5 천에 쇼부 들어오더군요
[02:33] <bluedusk> 전 45불렀더니 42로 까더라구요
[02:51] <razGon_MINILA> 노트북자판을 보니 펑션키만 그렇구 나머지는 기본자판이네요.
[02:51] <razGon_MINILA> 속도가 어떤지는 SSD보다는 늦겟죠?
[02:51] <razGon_MINILA> 그래도 웹서핑에 동영상 감상정도와 워드 정도면 될거 같아서요
[03:15] <HolyKnight>
[03:32] <bluedusk> 오타가 영어로 뭘까요?
[03:37] <samahui_WS> typographic error
[03:37] <samahui_WS> 줄여서 typo
[03:38] <samahui_WS> 자판 펑션 구성만 틀리고 기본 자판이면 나중에 적응 어려울일은 없겠네요
[03:38] <samahui_WS> 점심 맛나게들 드세요~ 저도 밥먹고 오겠습니다
[03:52] <PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~~
[03:53] <razGon_MINILA> 맛점하세요
[03:53] <razGon_MINILA> 안녕하세요?
[04:11] <HolyKnight>
[05:19] <Seony> 요즘 이런저런 뉴스가 많아서 인터넷이 시끄럽네요...
[05:23] <razGon_MINILA> 그러게요
[05:32] <Seony> 오빤 진짜 말도 잘들어주고 고민상담도 잘해주고 말도 잘하고 눈치도 빠른데 왜 맨날 나랑 놀아요? 여친없어요?
[05:32] <Seony> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[05:32] <bluedusk> 우와
[05:33] <bluedusk> 명대사네요
[05:36] <jun__> 많이 듣던 말이네요;;;
[06:46] <Dracokr> 아이고 머리야
[06:47] <bluedusk> 저도 머리가 ..ㅠㅠ
[06:48] <jun__> 저도 아직 숙취가 안가셔서 머리가;;;ㄷㄷㄷ
[06:48] <Dracokr> 날씨때문인지...1년전 슬픈일 때문인지, 목 근육 뭉쳐서 그런지
[06:48] <Dracokr> 머리가 아파요
[06:57] <jun__> 슬픈날이라 그런가 비도 잘 오네요;;;
[07:07] <PotatoGim> 음..
[07:07] <PotatoGim> How this then ends up is ~~
[07:08] <PotatoGim> 이 부분을 결과가 이러이러하게 끝난다로 봐도 될까요?
[07:09] <PotatoGim> 어째 요새는 맨날 영어 질문만 던지는...
[07:51] <Seony> 옛날에 열전 달리는 일요일이라는 티비 기억 나시는 분 계신가요? ㅎㅎ
[07:58] <ujuc_> 뭐지...
[07:59] <ujuc_> 모르겠습니다..
[07:59] <Seony> KBS 2TV에서 약 1986년도쯤에 했던 방송이에요..
[07:59] <Seony> 한때 엄청나게 유명했던 방송이었거든요... ㅎㅎ
[08:00] <ujuc_> dk.....
[08:00] <jun__> .....
[08:00] <ujuc_> 아....
[08:00] <jun__> 전 봤어도 기억을 못하겠는데요;;;
[08:00] <ujuc_> 저도 봤을리가 없어서..
[08:00] <Seony> 당시 시청율이 어마어마했었떤 방송이에요. 아나운서 손범수가 그걸로 떴다고 볼 정도죠 ㅎㅎ
[08:01] <jun__> 손범수가 퀴즈탐험 신비의세계로 뜬게 아니었나보네요;;;
[08:01] <Seony> 네. 퀴즈탐험은 그 이후에..
[08:02] <jun__> 아..86년도쯤이면 태어나기 전이구나 -_-;;;
[08:04] <ujuc_> ...
[08:36] <Dracokr>!_%EB%8B%AC%EB%A6%AC%EB%8A%94_%EC%9D%BC%EC%9A%94%EC%9D%BC
[08:37] <Dracokr> 3대 : 손범수 : 31회부터 112회까지 진행, 열전 달리는 일요일의 돌격대장 중에 최장기 출연하여 열전 달리는 일요일의 아이콘이 되었다.
[08:37] <Dracokr> 본 기억은 나는데, 저런 몸쓰며 노는 프로를 잘 안봐서 ㅋㅋㅋ
[08:37] <Dracokr> 퀴즈탐험 신비의 세계는 꼭 봤지만요
[08:57] <ujuc_> 하..
[08:57] <ujuc_> 에디슨에 안드로이드 올려봐야겠네요...
[09:36] <ready^T420> 하앍..
[13:29] <PotatoGim> 후...
[13:29] <PotatoGim> 무슨 놈에 메일 하나 해석하는 것도 이틀 씩이나 걸리네요..ㅜ
[13:46] <Cantide> 안녕하세요!
[13:47] <DarkCircle> Cantide / ?ㅅ?/
[13:47] <DarkCircle> long time no see
[13:47] <Cantide> ㅇㅅㅇ;;;
[13:47] <Cantide> yeah
[13:47] <Cantide> 바빠요 ㅜㅜ
[13:47] <Cantide> recently someone got in touch with me from here
[13:48] <Cantide> so i decided to visit :)
[13:48] <DarkCircle> so ... what are you doing for work today?
[13:49] <Cantide> i finished work at 파고다 at 9 pm
[13:49] <Cantide> now i'm eating dinner at home
[13:49] <Cantide> after this i have some other work to do online '-';;;
[13:49] <Cantide> how about you?
[13:52] <PotatoGim> 오..
[13:52] <PotatoGim> 바쁘시다고 하셨지만... 실례를 무릅쓰고 도움을 하나 요청드려도 될까요?
[13:54] <DarkCircle> 9 pm? ough OTTL ...
[13:54] <DarkCircle> humm ... I'm working at home freely, cuz i'm a freelancer :-P
[13:56] <DarkCircle> I have a freedom to select working time. so I can work daylight, night, or at dawn.
[13:56] <DarkCircle> PotatoGim / 설마 업무 메일 해석해달라고 하시는거 아니냐능 (ㅋㅋㅋ)
[13:57] <DarkCircle> Cantide, ah sorry, I can work in** ..
[13:57] <Cantide> DarkCircle, lucky! :D
[13:57] <PotatoGim> 업무라뇨... 개인적인 일 :)
[13:58] <DarkCircle> Cantide / so ... are you English lecturer ?
[13:58] <Cantide> y... yes
[13:58] <DarkCircle> Good!
[13:58] <DarkCircle> PotatoGim, ?
[13:58] <Cantide> 강사이에요
[13:59] <PotatoGim> I can't understand this sentence below that
[13:59] <PotatoGim> 'Then you lookup the backrefs for everything that happened up until but not after your sequence number to see if you had an implied ref for the data.'
[13:59] <PotatoGim> could you let me know that's meaning?
[13:59] <DarkCircle> but we're usually tell lecturer as "선생님".
[13:59] <PotatoGim> ref -> reference
[13:59] <PotatoGim> backrefs -> back-references
[14:00] <DarkCircle> backrefs는 백링크 참조 말하는거 같은데 ...
[14:00] <DarkCircle> 혹시 논문 같은거 보시는거 아닌가요?
[14:00] <Cantide> oops... 강사에요 *
[14:00] <PotatoGim> 네..ㅜ until but 이하가.. 무슨 말인지 잘 이해가 안되네요..
[14:00] <DarkCircle> Pagerank 같은거 ...
[14:00] <PotatoGim> 메일링 리스트입니다 ㅎㅎ
[14:00] <PotatoGim> btrfs..
[14:01] <PotatoGim> 아흑..ㅜ 개발하기 전에 영어부터 공부해야 될 것 같습니다..ㅜ
[14:02] <DarkCircle> 데이터에 명시적이든 암시적이든 참조할 대상이 있는지는 (참조용도인듯?) 순차번호 다음의 것이 아니라 어떤 이벤트가 일어나기까지 발생한 모든 상황의 이전 참조를 죄다 뒤져본다는 얘기군요
[14:03] <DarkCircle> 그러니까 참조 대상을 어떻게 찾냐에 대한 방법인듯 싶은데
[14:04] <DarkCircle> 근데 저기서 sequence number라는게 참조 순차번호를 의미하는건지는 위아래 문맥이나 별도의 참고자료를 봐야 할거 같은데
[14:37] <PotatoGim> 잠깐 한 눈을 좀 팔있습니다...ㅜ 순차 번호는 별도로 저장되는 항목입니다 ㅎ
[14:37] <PotatoGim> 묵시적 참조에 대해서 이전에는 순차 번호가 바뀔 때마다 오퍼레이션을 했는데
[14:38] <PotatoGim> 한 묶음으로 한 타임에 적용해서 그 빈도를 줄인다는 내용이에요.
[14:39] <PotatoGim> 저게 제일 마지막 줄인데 이게 묶음 처리가 일어난 후에 역참조를 검색해서 어찌한다 같은데..
[14:39] <PotatoGim> until but not after가 어떻게 이어지는건지 잘 모르겠네요..ㅜ
[14:40] <DarkCircle> 그 묶음 처리가 일어난 상황에서 번호를 참조하는게 아니라 일어난 모든일의 역참조를 통해서 묵시적 데이터 참조를 찾는다고 하는 얘기군요
[14:40] <PotatoGim^Home> ..
[14:40] <DarkCircle> 아 이렇게면 정리가 되나 ...
[14:40] <DarkCircle> 도데체 어떻게 되신거냐능. ..
[14:40] <DarkCircle> 집으로 순간이동?
[14:41] <PotatoGim^Home> ㅎㅎ 회사에서 급하게 쫒겨나느라구요..ㅜ;
[14:43] <PotatoGim^Home> until but not after your sequence number to see 부분을 뭐라고 해야 좋을지 감이 안오네요..;
[14:44] <DarkCircle> until하고 but 사이에 쉼표를 넣든가 슬래시를 넣든가 .
[14:45] <DarkCircle> 해석하면 대충 의미가 어느선에서 끊어질지 감이 오실듯?
[14:45] <PotatoGim^Home> 아~ 그러면 until은 앞에 문장이랑 붙는 건가요??
[14:45] <DarkCircle> 그쵸.
[14:46] <DarkCircle> 사실...
[14:46] <DarkCircle> 음 이걸 뭐라고 해야 하나 ...
[14:47] <DarkCircle> until 자체가 ~하기까지니까 ... 문법적으로 국문과는 달리 뒤집어졌다고 보면 되죠.
[14:48] <PotatoGim^Home> 묘하게 헷갈리네요..ㅎㅎ;
[14:50] <PotatoGim^Home> 검색 이후에 seq-num을 볼 수가 없다는 걸까요?;
[14:52] <PotatoGim^Home> not to see도 아니고...
[14:53] <DarkCircle> 볼수 없다고 하면 can't가 들어가야죠
[14:53] <DarkCircle> 그러니까 seq-num을 살펴보는게 아니라 역참조를 살펴본다는 얘기죠
[14:53] <DarkCircle> 데이터에 묵시 참조가 있다면.
[14:54] <DarkCircle> 아시겠지만 you는 해석하는게 아니예요
[14:58] <PotatoGim^Home> 화자가 말하려는 대상이 불특정 다수라.. 고려 안하고 있긴 한데 이게 영 애매하네요 ㅎㅎ; 앞서 서술한 사건이 발생했을 때 데이터의 묵시적 참조를 역참조를 보유하고 있다면 이를 수행하지만 그게 아니면 seq-num이 어쩌고 저쩌고...
[15:19] <DarkCircle> 넘겨 짚을 필요는 없어요.
[15:22] <PotatoGim^Home> 음.. 그렇군요.. 저기에서 to see가 sequence number를 수식하는게 맞겠죠?
[15:24] <DarkCircle> 그냥 "살펴볼 대상으로" 라고 보면 되죠.
[15:24] <DarkCircle> 어디다 끼워맞출지는 엿장수 맘대로
[15:25] <PotatoGim^Home> 으.. 고민을 좀 해봐야겠네요..ㅎ 도움 주셔서 감사합니다.
[15:26] <DarkCircle> 그냥 대충 의미 보고 한국어로 의미 끼워맞춰서 글짓기 한다고 생각하시면 돼요
[15:26] <DarkCircle> 넘겨짚지는 마시고 . 있는 그대로
[18:16] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요
[18:18] <samahui_WS> 안녕하세요~
[18:18] <samahui_WS> 전 오랜만에 밤샘모드 중입니다
[18:19] <samahui_WS> 일찍 출근하셨군요
[23:59] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 오랜만에 들어왔습니다. ㅎㅎ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.961077 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ko"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-release | [03:44] <tumbleweed> I'll sync distro-info-data 0.26 in the morning (it's not registered in LP yet) but we really need a w-series name...
[03:45] <Ukikie> Just go with Wombat.
[04:27] <zequence> infinity: Thank you :)
[04:29] <tjaalton> could someone ack this ^
[04:29] <tjaalton> already tested by cert team
[04:32] <tjaalton> I could do that myself but..
[04:54] <zequence> infinity: I see it in the upload queue together with openstack. I can test it during the hours to come, so I'm available if needed.
[05:22] <RAOF> tjaalton: It'd be good if you didn't accept that, because it had a malformed bug reference in the changelog :){
[05:24] <tjaalton> bah :)
[05:25] <tjaalton> reuploaded!
[05:25] <RAOF> Now to wait for LP to process all the things and then I'll re-review :)
[05:25] <tjaalton> right, thanks
[05:49] <RAOF> tjaalton: Wait, is that actually correct?
[05:49] <RAOF> tjaalton: The first hunk of the patch replaces an OUT_BATCH64 with OUT_BATCH64.
[05:49] <RAOF> Although I guess it *does* add a comment :)
[05:50] <RAOF> tjaalton: Accepted.
[05:51] <tjaalton> heh, yeah
[05:51] <tjaalton> fixed my gt3 as well
[05:52] <RAOF> Woo!
[05:53] <RAOF> I should apitrace Cities: Skylines. Intel *very nearly* renders it correctly.
[05:55] <tjaalton> I'm afraid to try that out.. either it takes all my free time or it'd disappoint me
[05:56] <RAOF> I don't think it'd disappoint, but I haven't played all that much yet :)
[05:57] <tjaalton> I haven't finished my first CivV campaign that I started last year :)
[05:59] <tjaalton> and HL2 has a strange bug where it loses all lighting at some point, the textures look bright and dull after that hits, so I stopped playing that too in hoping that the bug would get fixed later
[06:26] <infinity> zequence: Oh, bah. Accepted from NEW now, sorry. Was out all night.
[07:41] <jamespag`> ScottK, infinity: as zul did not get it done yesterday, I've reviewed the reverse-depends on the updates openstack dependencies for rc1
[07:42] <jamespag`> the only one with anything outside of openstack is stevedore - looking at the two packages impacted now
[07:42] <jamespag`> I've updated the bug reports with that detail and what testing we have done in PPA.
[07:43] <jamespag`> I'm not intending on raising FFe bugs for the openstack projects themselves as I believe that the agreement we had on the mailing list to land RC's prior to release still stands
[10:48] <LocutusOfBorg1> can anybody please process fglrx-*/trusty?
[12:26] <mdeslaur> infinity, rbasak: oracle released their april security thingy. We need to update to 5.6.24. Is doing that now a possibility, or should we wait for a 0-day security update?
[12:26] <mdeslaur> (mysql)
[12:27] <mdeslaur> I gather updating a week before release would be insane, just want other's opinions
[12:27] <rbasak> I'm fine with it from a server team perspective.
[12:28] <rbasak> Whether it hits the security pocket before or after makes little difference to me from a regression point of view.
[12:28] <rbasak> I guess it's just an issue of how it affects the images? infinity?
[13:33] <zequence> infinity: What did do wrong last time? I forgot to add one dependency to one of the packages in the meta source. I'll need to add it and do another upload. Sorry for being so stupid.
[14:09] <infinity> mdeslaur: If the testsuite passes and libmysqlclient symbols look sane, etc, I'm not generally opposed to it.
[14:10] <mdeslaur> infinity: ok, thanks.
[14:11] <infinity> zequence: No idea what you did wrong last time, since it never hit the queue. But that tends to point to you possibly having not signed it.
[14:38] <ScottK> ppp upload is a simple fix for a buffer overflow that can cause remote DoS.
[14:58] <zequence> infinity: Ok, thanks
[15:13] <jamespage> ScottK, hey - so I think I've annotated the FFe bugs for openstack dependencies with what you requested - specifically testing of the two reverse-depends on stevedore which are outside of the openstack project set
[15:13] <ScottK> jamespage: I saw. Thanks. I was planning on taking a look at that in just a bit.
[15:13] <jamespage> ScottK, awesome - much appreciated
[15:14] <ScottK> jamespage: Would you do me a favor and run the change in the python virtualenv rdepend by barry? He's been taking a lot of heat lately on getting that stuff working right and I'd really hate to accidentally undercut him.
[15:20] <jamespage> ScottK, ack - will do
[15:21] <jamespage> ScottK, when I can find him at least
[15:25] <elfy> infinity: given that hopefully tomorrow we get RC images ... I am seeing something like bug1259525 again
[15:26] <elfy> if I boot in kvm rather than vbox I get the same plus
[15:26] <Mirv> arges: thanks for trusty + utopic SRU handling
[15:33] <ScottK> jamespage: Actually, nevermind. I was thinking of the actual virtualenv, not the wrapper.
[15:38] <ScottK> jamespage: All approved.
[16:27] <arges> Mirv: np
[16:45] <sil2100> Hello release team! I'm disabling the auto-importer on system-image once the current run finishes
[16:45] <sil2100> I'll re-enable it instantly once I copy touch images to the stable channel
[16:46] <ogra_> wheee !
[16:47] * sil2100 always gets interrupted by the import-images lock recently
[16:49] <ogra_> yeah, snappy really keeps it busy
[16:49] <ogra_> they should get their own server :P
[17:05] <jamespage> ScottK, thanks - they are all in the queue if you feel like pressing the button :-)
[17:10] <sil2100> ...aaand the image-importer is now re-enabled
[17:18] <ogra_> yipiie
[17:22] <sil2100> ...aaand disabled for a few more minutes, sorry for that
[17:22] <sil2100> I need to do one more set of copies
[17:41] <wxl> cyphermox: i'll kill ppc. we're lts only on it anyways.
[17:42] <cyphermox> wait, it's till running
[17:42] <wxl> oh wait
[17:42] <wxl> i can't
[17:42] <cyphermox> it looks like it should finish eventually
[17:42] <cyphermox> (logs changed)
[17:42] <wxl> ah k
[17:43] <wxl> yeah it's at the end, too, no?
[17:46] <wxl> built
[17:47] <cyphermox> yeah
[17:48] <cyphermox> well, I'm still unsure how the xubuntu user gets created on images, I can't seem to find the code for it
[17:48] <wxl> have you looked at the logs to see what updated?
[17:50] <cyphermox> wxl: what do you mean?
[17:50] <cyphermox> brb, lunch
[17:50] <mdeslaur> infinity, rbasak: ^ new mysql with minimal rules file changes to fix ftbfs. Symbols haven't changed, and I upgraded a wordpress install to test.
[17:51] <wxl> sorry i mean you could compare manifests cyphermox
[17:57] <ianorlin> hmm I sort of wish there was like a tool that showed diffs of manifests
[17:57] <wxl> probably wouldn't be too hard to create
[17:57] <wxl> AHEM :)
[17:59] <Odd_Bloke> ianorlin: might help.
[18:06] <zequence> infinity: Ok, think I got it right this time for the meta package. Uploaded and awaiting approval.
[18:06] * wxl sighs.
[18:06] <wxl> i want my isos already
[18:07] * wxl wonders when he should start freaking out that his ISOs will enver hsow up?
[18:14] <cjwatson> it's taking longer than usual because there was a bug that caused cdimage's mirror not to have synced, so now that I've cleared that it's catching up
[18:14] <wxl> thx cjwatson
[18:14] <cjwatson> but it is making progress now
[18:34] <cyphermox> wxl: ok, I broke many things, didn't notice an issue in a user-setup merge proposal. mea culpa.
[18:55] <tjaalton> could someone check the trusty backports of libdrm & xtrans? they're needed for the vivid stack
[18:56] <tjaalton> been on sru queue for a while
[18:58] <infinity> mdeslaur: Do you know for sure that sneaking that -fPIC change in won't break anything?
[18:59] <mdeslaur> one sec, I think it wa there before
[19:01] <mdeslaur> infinity: it seems to be there in the old build log:
[19:01] <mdeslaur> infinity: we used to build it without and with, but I believe at some point mysql defaulted to it
[19:03] <mdeslaur> which explains why debian killed it in git
[19:04] <infinity> mdeslaur: mdeslaur Erm, you and I are reading this log differently...
[19:04] <mdeslaur> infinity: I'm not very convincing, but that's the best I got :)
[19:05] <mdeslaur> infinity: oh, how so?
[19:05] <mdeslaur> for example: cd /build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/builddir/extra/yassl && /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Dget_tty_password=yassl_mysql_get_tty_password -Dget_tty_password_ext=yassl_mysql_get_tty_password_ext -O3 -DBIG_JOINS=1 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fpermissive -fno-rtti -fno-strict-aliasing -O3 -g -fabi-version=2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -DDBUG_OFF -I/build/buildd/m
[19:05] <mdeslaur> ysql-5.6-5.6.23/builddir/include -I/build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/include -I/build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/extra/yassl/include -I/build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include -I/build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/extra/yassl/taocrypt/mySTL -DHAVE_YASSL -DYASSL_PREFIX -DHAVE_OPENSSL -DMULTI_THREADED -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -o CMakeFiles/yassl.dir/src/buffer.cpp.o -c /build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/extra/yassl/src/buffer.cpp
[19:05] <mdeslaur> it's in builddir, not builddir-pic and i's got -fPIC
[19:06] <infinity> Hrm. The first one I looked at was build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/scripts/comp_sql.c which is PIC/non-PIC based on builddir.
[19:07] <rbasak> I think there was some talk of changing something around that in Debian, if that's what you're saying. Eliminating one of them I think
[19:07] <rbasak> what you're seeing
[19:08] <mdeslaur> infinity: ah, yes, I see your example now
[19:08] <mdeslaur> hrm
[19:08] <infinity> mdeslaur: So, I dunno. I'm down with "it should be PIC" being the correct position, but less convinced that we have time to validate that it won't regress something.
[19:08] <mdeslaur> infinity: ok, reject it, I'll try and fix the ftbfs in another way
[19:09] <infinity> mdeslaur: Especially given MySQL's history of playing fast and loose with compiler/linker bugs/quiks.
[19:09] <infinity> s/quiks/quirks/
[19:09] <mdeslaur> yeah
[19:21] <wxl> cyphermox: so tl;dr everything's all messed up? :)
[19:21] <cyphermox> wxl: tl;dr everything's messed up because of a stray '\'
[19:22] <wxl> cyphermox: oh jeez. so fix uploading, request a rebuild later?
[19:22] <cyphermox> wxl: fix was uploaded
[19:22] <wxl> ah cool i'll get a rebuidl going cyphermox. what package was updated to which version?
[19:22] <cyphermox> just waiting for user-setup to finish transitioning to release
[19:23] <cyphermox> wxl: maybe wait a bit before requesting a rebuild, let's check if other builds are still catching up
[19:23] <wxl> okie dokie
[19:23] <wxl> a little error in an uplaod, Captonjamason
[19:23] <wxl> one little out of place '\'
[19:24] <wxl> always the stupid stuff :)
[19:24] <infinity> cyphermox: Does ubiquity not need a rebuild too, or is user-setup not imported?
[19:24] <wxl> fix is uploaded, just waiting on everything to sync u p
[19:24] <cyphermox> infinity: it does
[19:24] <cyphermox> I was wiating for user-setup to finish making it so I can do an upload
[19:24] <cyphermox> (with other small changes for efi)
[19:25] <cyphermox> but a new ubiquity isn't required to get user-setup to create the user in casper's scripts
[19:30] <cyphermox> infinity: fwiw; changes are the following:
[19:30] <cyphermox> it would introduce a new button string that will need to be translated eventually, but I'm trying to make the whole question and process less confusing
[19:36] <infinity> cyphermox: Yeah, that's not ideal, but it's probably better than the bug.
[19:37] <cyphermox> this would conclude my playing with efi for now, hopefully
[19:52] <jamespage> it would be nice if the openstack rc1 updates could be accepted into vivid please - the FFe's where acked earlier for the updates to dependencies
[19:52] <infinity> jamespage: Yeah, getting to it. I've done a few.
[19:52] <jamespage> infinity, awesome thanks - I'll stop pestering then
[19:52] * jamespage shuts up and goes back to landing charm changes
[19:52] <wxl> cyphermox: you just going to trigger a global rebuild when everything syncs up? seems like you'll have ot
[20:06] <infinity> wxl: Everything is still cronned right now anyway.
[20:06] <wxl> infinity: ah, so i should expect to wait until tomorrow then?
[20:07] <infinity> wxl: Yeah, or you can trigger a new daily yourself.
[20:08] <wxl> infinity: everything's sync'd up though, or should i wait some more?
[20:08] <elfy> triggered
[20:09] <cyphermox> now that I got interwebz again, I'll be able to upload ubiquity
[20:09] <infinity> wxl: You should wait for cyphermox's ubiquity to hit the release pocket.
[20:09] <infinity> elfy: Ditto.
[20:09] <cyphermox> wxl: fwiw, I don't have access to trigger rebuilds.
[20:09] <wxl> okie dokie thx infinity
[20:09] <cyphermox> (at least, not that I know)
[20:09] <infinity> cyphermox: You don't.
[20:10] <cyphermox> except for touch
[20:10] <wxl> cyphermox: no probs. just let me know when ubiquity's up and i'll trigger lubuntu
[20:10] <wxl> thanks for the quick fix btw :)
[20:10] <elfy> infinity: and in 12 hours= ~I'll trigger again
[20:10] <infinity> elfy: Your daily might happen by then too.
[20:10] <infinity> elfy: I'm not turning off cron until tomorrow night.
[20:11] <elfy> infinity: ack
[20:12] <wxl> oh hark :)
[20:13] <elfy> we do tend to build ~10/11UTC
[20:14] <cyphermox> wxl: ^ that doesn't mean it's in yet.
[20:14] <wxl> cyphermox: i know, but it's in the queue
[20:14] <cyphermox> yeah
[20:15] <cyphermox> provided infinity doesn't reject it because I'm fr_CA :D
[20:15] <wxl> hahahah
[20:15] <wxl> québécois?
[20:16] <cyphermox> yes
[20:16] <wxl> wonderful
[20:17] * cyphermox goes to translate that new string
[20:18] <cyphermox> well, I would, later
[20:19] <wxl> now that we have an accept, i just need to wait for the approve no?
[20:32] <cyphermox> flexiondotorg: you around, by any chance?
[20:56] <cyphermox> infinity: what's the bug number for the debconf passthrough thing for update-manager?
[20:58] <infinity> cyphermox:
[20:58] <infinity> cyphermox: And many duplicates filed on many packages that use debconf.
[20:59] <cyphermox> interesting.
[20:59] <infinity> cyphermox: Should be reproducible just upgrading an empty package with a single template and a db_go, I'd guess, but I haven't built such a simple package yet.
[21:00] <cyphermox> that's the one that can't easily be bisected for upgrades?
[21:00] <cyphermox> hmm
[21:11] <cyphermox> infinity: upgrade, so I need to make two of the simplest test ever?
[21:12] <infinity> cyphermox: Well, unless you can figure out how to make update-manager install a package.
[21:12] <infinity> cyphermox: Given that its entire raison d'etre is upgrading...
[21:12] <cyphermox> I would rather limit variables to the minimal
[21:12] <cyphermox> so, no
[21:13] <cyphermox> oh, but I guess I could fudge ubuntu-desktop to install a new package.
[22:24] <stgraber> infinity: there should be an e-mail in ubuntu-devel-discuss mod queue for you
[22:24] <stgraber> s/discuss/announce/
[22:26] <infinity> stgraber: Accepted.
[22:58] <stgraber> ignore the odd armel and armhf ones up there, fixed
[23:05] <stgraber> infinity: QA tracker is ready, all we'll have to do tomorrow is turn off cron, flip the auto-publish switch in the UI and then do a mass rebuild
[23:07] <infinity> stgraber: Huzzah.
[23:07] <wxl> try to hold back your excitement, infinity ;) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:04.987586 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-release"
} |
2015-04-16-#lubuntu | [02:26] <gassho> What and how respectively, do I edit a script, and how I edit it, so that I don't have to deal with a difficult touchpad?
[02:27] <holstein> well, i can say how..
[02:27] <gassho> *how do I edit it
[02:27] <holstein> you likely are having permissions issue? so, "sudo nano /path/ton/config" will allow you to edit
[02:27] <gassho> It's doc'd?
[02:27] <holstein> but what, though.. thats different
[02:28] <holstein> gassho: thats the issue.. the "documenation" would ideally be provided by the creators of the hardware
[02:28] <holstein> since, they likely dont officially support linux, then, you can have a challenging time, potentially
[02:28] <gassho> Sorry. I have a certain articulation with communication :/
[02:28] <gassho> It messes me up if I don't manually disable it.
[02:29] <holstein> what would i do? personally, i'll grab a live iso, and experiement.. i'll actually try quite a few live iso's.. i want to see different kernels and modules on the hardware
[02:29] <gassho> So! I need to manually edit a script instead so that it doesn't function.
[02:29] <holstein> if its a particulally challenging piece of hardware, i may disable it in the bios, and just replace it, with something different..
[02:29] <gassho> I got a mouse right here.
[02:29] <gassho> Muhahahahahahaha >:3
[02:29] <holstein> otherwise, i will search "linux" with the hardware im trying to deal with.. could be, there is an "easy fix" by adding an xorg.conf file, or, who knows
[02:30] <holstein> or, it could be, the device wont *ever* work easily, or stable in linux
[02:30] <gassho> I did it before so I know it can.
[02:31] <gassho> this shows promise. Thanks again #lubuntu :D fare well.
[02:31] <holstein> gassho: farewell?
[02:31] <gassho> Yes that too.
[02:32] <gassho> I wish that you enjoy wellness, all of you. And I'm gonna go edit something and pray it doesn't explode. Ciao!
[02:32] <holstein> gassho: im not clear on what you are saying, but, if you are leaving the channel, i wont volunteer any more assistance.. is that the case? or, would you like for me to view the link you gave?
[02:33] <gassho> We could investigate it together sure. But that link doesn't seem viable to instruct me on how to disable my bandit touchpad.
[02:34] <gassho> However I think I'll just practice proper ergonomics hehe...
[02:35] <holstein> gassho: disable in the bios
[02:35] <holstein> but, it seems you are just wanting to diable while typing?
[02:36] <gassho> No that makes the little bastard even more insidiously frustrating. How do you disable a device in the BIOS?
[02:36] <holstein> gassho: i dont know that you can, but, i would start there.. that would disable system wide
[02:37] <holstein> otherwise, you can "blacklist" the touchpad, likely
[02:37] <holstein> !blacklist
[02:39] * gassho cries...
[02:40] <holstein> gassho: the blacklist would be what i would do if there is no bios off setting, or, switch on the machine's keyboard
[02:40] <gassho> How do I disable it during typing?
[02:46] <gassho> Would editing BIOS require a reboot?
[02:47] <holstein> gassho: yes.. you would reboot, and look in the bios settings *before* the operating system boots
[02:47] <holstein> gassho: but, that is for disablinng the touchpad completely
[02:47] <gassho> Awrite! AFK.
[02:47] <holstein> gassho: what do you want? the touchpad off? or off while typing only?
[02:47] <gassho> disabled in bios, completely offline
[02:48] <holstein> sure.. so, your link you gave is *not* for that
[02:48] <holstein> its for disabling the touchpad while typing
[04:29] <utu8o> why does linux result in such poor battery life for laptops/netbooks when compared to Windows?
[04:30] <holstein> utu8o: support
[04:30] <utu8o> ?
[04:31] <holstein> utu8o: typically, the creators of the hardware hire, for example, a team of professionals to write software drivers, and test, and work with issues specific to the hardware such as battery life
[04:32] <holstein> when we take that machine, and run another operating system on there, that time has not been spent on that os, and the information to support that functionality may not be available
[04:32] <holstein> think of it this way.. nothing about linux is preventing the battery from lasting longer.. but, imagine what it would take to facilitate it being as good as it is in windows..
[04:32] <utu8o> so basically linux distros will always have poor battery life?
[04:33] <ianorlin> utu8o: not always
[04:33] <ianorlin> mine last sort of long in linux with powertop to tune it
[04:33] <holstein> utu8o: no.. *if* any company wants, such as with android phones, they can support linux, the same as most support windows now
[04:33] <utu8o> can't desktop distros take battery efficient code from Android or something?
[04:33] <ianorlin> utu8o: it would have to be for the hardware specifically for power managment features
[04:34] <utu8o> o
[04:34] <holstein> the hardware is ARM on android, typically, but, any company can choose to support linux. all of linux and ubuntu is open, and easily available for any company to support
[04:35] <ianorlin> utu8o: althogh lower screen brightness can help with battery life
[05:12] <Kamilion> utu8o: android's design is also fundamentally different than the normal GNU userspace. They try their hardest to keep state serialized so the application code can be paused or terminated at any time.
[05:13] <Kamilion> they also have kernel features like ashmem and the binder
[05:14] <Kamilion> the linux community is taking the concepts built in android and looking at how they can be generalized and applied to a wider set of cases.
[05:15] <Kamilion> if android wants to come on board with what 'we' come up with, that's cool, if not, that's cool too. The ocean is far more than big enough.
[05:16] <Kamilion> I happen to have some pretty good battery life on my linux 'desktop' devices; but that's because I know my hardware well and know it's level of support before I purchase it.
[05:17] <Kamilion> and I go with vendors like asus that have either sold and shipped linux powered devices now or in the past, or have some sort of support structure for dealing with the major linuxes (RHEL/Cent support is normally good enough to call debubntu 'supported' too)
[09:58] <LubuntuUser> hello folks
[09:59] <LubuntuUser> my dongle used to work fine, but now I can see wifi but cannot connect....
[10:00] <LubuntuUser> anyone can help?
[10:01] <LubuntuUser> are u there people?
[13:49] <position> hi
[13:49] <position> which linux is similar to lubuntu but lighter?
[13:56] <zy3pD> How is Lubuntu one week before 15.04? :)
[14:09] <gsilva> position, there's no lighter version than lubuntu
[15:01] <holstein> position: you can always just install ubuntu, from mini, and add what you like
[15:01] <holstein> !Mini
[15:02] <holstein> ubuntuserver is arguably "lighter" for example, but, has no GUI.. it really depends on your needs
[15:02] <position> !mini
[15:04] <holstein> lubuntu is just ubuntu with lxde, and either lxde works for your needs, or not.. there are "lighter" options, but, they all would present compromises, in comparison to a traditional desktop environment
[15:04] <holstein> nothing makes the hardware any faster/better.. its just a matter of utilizing the resources in a more appropriate way for one's needs..
[20:30] <position> now I will try to install lubuntu 15.04 to an atom netbook
[20:30] <position> I hope it will work
[20:30] <position> Now I create the live usb with rufus
[20:30] <ianorlin> is a good place to report results
[20:32] <position> well rufus makes very slow the conversion to live USB from iso file
[20:32] <position> I am still in 6%
[20:33] <ianorlin> position: not all usb are the same speed either
[20:33] <position> maybe it is slow the front usb port
[20:35] <ianorlin> yeah on my desktop I have a usb 3.0 port on the front
[20:48] <position> ianorlin do you think that lubuntu 15.04 will be good for a netbook? or it is not good option?
[20:49] <ianorlin> position: will run on it well but I don't personlaly use netbooks as they don't have many resources and I like lxde as an interface
[20:49] <ianorlin> there are still bugs and stuff so shouln't be for production really
[21:01] <position> rufus is still in 58%
[21:02] <position> is it too slow?
[21:02] <ianorlin> not sure I don't use rufus
[21:16] <position> well it said it was goog
[21:16] <position> good
[21:16] <position> now says it is 85%
[22:20] <Kamilion> position: using the i386 image?
[22:20] <position> υεσ
[22:21] <position> yes
[22:21] <Kamilion> k
[22:21] <position> it still says to wait
[22:21] <position> I dont know why it lasts so much
[22:21] <Kamilion> i figured out how to get efi32 to boot grub2 to boot a 64bit kernel on a lot of those Atoms
[22:22] <Kamilion> position: your USB stick is likely pretty slow.
[22:22] <Kamilion> sounds like 1MB/sec, about
[22:22] <Kamilion> reading it should be faster than writing it, by far.
[22:22] <position> well you use 64bit kernel in 32bit devices?
[22:23] <Kamilion> I do, on an intel bay trail Z3735F quad core.
[22:23] <Kamilion> <--- this one.
[22:23] <position> nice
[22:24] <position> my atom is old
[22:24] <Kamilion> many of them are 64bit instruction capable, but have a memory limit of 2GB or 4GB.
[22:24] <Kamilion> there are tradeoffs -- a 64bit kernel will use more memory for internal structures, so less will be available to applications.
[22:25] <Kamilion> but I am running primarily CPU bound tasks that do not require much memory.
[22:26] <Kamilion> being able to use the 64bit instruction Matrix Multiply is a huge benefit to my workload. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.005144 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#lubuntu"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-pl | [18:11] <Ashiren> 1st
[18:11] <Ashiren> uff
[18:12] <TheNumb> ej nie
[18:12] <TheNumb> Ashiren: zainstaluj gnome
[18:12] <Ashiren> chyba ty
[18:21] <gjm> Ashiren: nie tak ostro
[18:26] <mati75> miau | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.006918 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-pl"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-kernel | [07:42] <FourDollars> Does anyone know how to use S0ix on Ubuntu?
[16:36] <infinity> zequence: Your changelog for precise lowlatency is a bit weird, you lost the 3.2.0-80.82 entry, and you also accidentally included cruft at "debian.lowlatency/changelogn"
[17:07] <zequence> infinity: Really? Ok, I'll have another look at that.
[17:10] <zequence> infinity: We
[17:10] <zequence> Sorry
[17:10] <zequence> We're going EOL with Precise this April, with the rest of the flavors (or at least Xubuntu)
[17:11] <zequence> So, I'm considering also stopping maintenance for linux-lowlatency, all though it's not flavor specific
[18:47] <infinity> zequence: Assuming you were the only flavour that shipped lowlatency on images and/or offered to install it, dropping support for it with the rest of your packageset seems fine to me.
[18:47] <infinity> zequence: OTOH, if you want to maintain it for another 2 years to be a Nice Guy, you can too. But from my POV, you have no obligation to do so. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.009516 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-kernel"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-tr | [10:10] <aykut> ne oldu ubuntuya gençler
[10:11] <aykut> bi ton güncelleme geldi anında
[10:17] <thiras> guncellemeler gelir gecer aykut onemli olan insan olmak
[10:18] <aykut> ubuntunun insan olması biraz zor
[10:18] <aykut> o yüzden
[10:23] <Kartagis> ubuntu da olsa insan insandır | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.012203 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-tr"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu+1 | [02:07] <psusi> anyone know why youtube says firefox is unable to play h264?
[02:08] <psusi> the gstreamer1.0 plugins seem to be installed and I can play h264 videos locally just fine
[02:09] <Daekdroom> psusi, what is the value of media.gstreamer.enabled in about:config ?
[02:10] <psusi> Daekdroom, true
[02:10] <Daekdroom> Hm.
[02:11] <psusi> I was reading various things online that said the old gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg plugin was removed in 14.04 and that was why h264 in firefox broke, but also that firefox 30 gained support for gstreamer1.0
[02:11] <Daekdroom> psusi, does it say it doesn't support h.264 or does it say it doesn't support MSE & h.264?
[02:11] <Daekdroom> The latter is not supported yet.
[02:12] <psusi> says no suport for h264, mse, mse&h264, and mse&webm vp9
[02:12] <psusi> only two that are supported is htmlvideoelement, and webm vp8
[02:14] <psusi> this is a fresh install of 15.04 from the other day, though for some reason the daily iso has not been updated in like a month
[02:14] <Daekdroom> What about media.gmp-gmpopenh264.enabled. Is that one enabled?
[02:17] <psusi> not listed at all
[02:17] <psusi> only has media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastUpdate and h264.version
[02:18] <Daekdroom> So I guess you do not have the OpenH264 plugin in about:addons?
[02:18] <Daekdroom> That one too can provide H.264 support for Firefox.
[02:18] <psusi> lists "openh264 video codec provided by cisco systems, inc. 1.3
[02:19] <Daekdroom> Is it enabled?
[02:19] <psusi> says it is from I guess so... says always activate
[02:32] <psusi> hrm... seems to work fine in chromium
[06:37] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:30] <k1l_> dzan: sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source broadcom-sta-common broadcom-sta-source
[09:31] <k1l_> then: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer
[09:31] <dzan> k1l_: you want me to install all and every possible available driver? :p
[09:32] <dzan> k1l_: wouldn't that put a ton of extra modules on my system? also my chip is the BCM4352 it's supposed to be the bcmwl-kernel-source
[09:32] <k1l_> no. i dont know where you got the infor the bcmwl-kernel-source is the right on, its not
[09:32] <dzan> for people who don't know what this is about:
[09:33] <dzan> k1l_: oh oke I read it somewhere that could have been wrong.. but the interface does show up and scanningn for networks does work after installing it so I assumed it was correct
[09:35] <k1l_> the sta driver is the old one. the bcm43 now works best with the b43 driver which ubuntu ships now
[09:35] <dzan> oke, so bcmwl-kernel-source is the sta too?
[09:35] <dzan> k1l_: if I install all those who/how will the right one be picked?
[09:36] <k1l_> i gave you 2 commands. that will erase the wrong driver and install the right driver
[09:37] <dzan> ok I'll execute those and report back
[09:38] <DalekSec> Description says broadcom-sta-dkms / broadcom-sta-source for BCM4352.
[09:39] <k1l_> oh sorry. i had read that as 4322 :/
[09:39] <k1l_> for 4352 the sta one is the right one
[09:40] <dzan> ok.. just crashed trying to connect to some other ap's anyway :-)
[09:40] <nightfuri> anyone on why dmidecode doesnt work in kernel 4.0 ?
[09:40] <dzan> DalekSec: so bcmwl-kernel-source was the wrong one?
[09:41] <DalekSec> k1l_: Best part? sta is right for 4322s, b43 for 14e4:432b..
[09:41] <DalekSec> dzan: I'd go with dkms.
[09:42] <DalekSec> dzan: And yes, unless you have another card.
[09:42] <k1l_> DalekSec: broadcom really should get their messe sorted there :)
[09:42] <k1l_> *mess
[09:43] <dzan> DalekSec: no I have the bcm4352
[09:43] <dzan> (lspci output)
[09:43] <dzan> rev 03 if that matters
[09:43] <DalekSec> "Additional Drivers" is generally pretty spot on as to which to use.
[09:43] <DalekSec> k1l_: Would make things easier.
[09:44] <dzan> DalekSec: whats different between bcmwl-kernel-source and broadcom-sta-dkms?
[09:45] <dzan> DalekSec: DalekSec broadcom-sta-dkms doesn't work for the latest kernel it seems (3.19.0-14-generi)
[09:45] <DalekSec> dzan: I'd presume one uses dkms, and the other lets you do it. Go with dkms.
[09:47] <DalekSec>
[09:48] <dzan> gheh broadcom-sta-source depends on libmail-sendmail-perl and other strange stuff
[09:49] <dzan> DalekSec: the solution is what I had and doesn't work for me
[09:49] <dzan> DalekSec: the adapter seems to work and everything but kernel panic when connecting
[09:50] <dzan> maybe I should downgrade my kernel
[09:52] <DalekSec> lp 1421833
[09:53] <DalekSec> Soo, going with k1l_ here, it's a mess for sure.
[09:55] <dzan> DalekSec: lol... the b43 doesn't work for me so no workaround
[09:55] <dzan> oh maybe it does
[09:56] <DalekSec> That's for a different card, so unless you checked the page with it listed...
[09:57] <dzan> it doesn't I checked
[09:57] <dzan> the arch forum says it's solved for mine the b43 says no support for mine
[10:01] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[10:15] <rwsq1> Any ideas why I might be able to login on console and startx but if I install lxdm or lightdm it freezes?
[10:16] <rwsq1> Xorg reports (EE) modeset(G1): drmSetMaster failed: Invalid argument
[10:16] <rwsq1> however no such issue if I login on console and startx
[10:42] <dzan> DalekSec: any more ideas? i'm out of them and still don't have wifi :(
[10:44] <dzan> omg it was connman after all
[10:44] <dzan> it does work with wicd
[14:44] <ben___> Hello there.
[14:45] <ben___> Anyone else having problems with the login screen? I installed the daily image on April 13th, updated today. But I still can't login
[14:46] <ben___> Type in my pw, hit enter, screen flashes and area with user-name is blank. Need to hit Esc, then I see "Authentication failed" and a retry button, which I can't click. I can log-in via TTY though
[14:52] <BluesKaj> ben___, Ubuntu? if so run systemctl enable lightdm, if on Kubuntu sytemctl enable sddm then reboot
[14:52] <BluesKaj> in the tty
[14:53] <ben___> Right. k, thx, I'll try it. But it would be interesting if this is a bug that affects more people
[14:54] <ben___> I get a message about a missing [Install] section, but I'll try to reboot
[14:57] <ben___> Nope, same thing
[14:57] <BluesKaj> ben___, have you updated and upgraded lately?
[14:58] <ben___> yes, just before coming here
[14:58] <ben___> This issue has been there since I first installed on Monday, have updated and retried yesterday and today.
[14:58] <BluesKaj> desktop or laptop?
[14:58] <BluesKaj> and gpu?
[14:58] <ben___> Virutal Box
[14:59] <BluesKaj> oh, dunno if VB works with 15.04 , I know thaty qmu-kvm does
[15:00] <ben___> k, but thats lightdm misbehaving, not a HW issue. I can boot and do whatever on the TTY
[15:00] <BluesKaj> err qemu-kvm
[15:00] <ben___> Also /var/log/auth.log says something about: lightdm PAM unable to open (no such file or directory)
[15:01] <ben___> Maybe I should file a bug report... Not sure if I should file it for Ubuntu Vivid or lightdm package though
[15:01] <BluesKaj> sorry i don't bother with the wallet, and lightdm does seem to have a login bug , someone was compaining about here yeterday
[15:03] <ben___> Ah I see. that's what I wanted to know, if it's me or a bug.
[15:21] <IdleOne> !info kde-desktop
[15:21] <IdleOne> meh
[16:25] <BluesKaj> IdleOne, kubuntu-desktop
[16:25] <BluesKaj> !kubuntu-desktop
[16:26] <BluesKaj> anyway , gotta go
[17:57] <nightfuri> hey guys does dmidecode works in kernel 4.0 ?
[18:00] <henkjan> $ dmidecode
[18:00] <henkjan> # dmidecode 2.12
[18:00] <henkjan> /dev/mem: No such file or directory
[18:01] <henkjan> thats on 4.0.0-040000rc6-generic
[18:02] <nightfuri> thanks henkjan i get the same thing on 4.0.0-040000-generic x86_64 (64 bit)
[18:03] <nightfuri> what could be the reason of it not working ?
[18:16] <henkjan> nightfuri: the error seems clear. missing /dev/mem
[18:19] <MoonUnit`> get the same error message /dev/mem: No such file or directory
[18:28] <nightfuri> henkjan: sorry i dont know why it is missing /dev/mem.
[18:28] <nightfuri> is it because of the kernel ?
[18:28] <MoonUnit`> i think it was removed an exploit that was found last month
[18:29] <nightfuri> oh
[18:29] <MoonUnit`> i think, googling atm
[18:31] <MoonUnit`> rowhammer was the exploit, trying to find linus's patch he released.
[18:34] <MoonUnit`> not sure, patch says "This disallows anybody without CAP_SYS_ADMIN to read the pagemap."
[18:34] <nightfuri> so i guess it will be fixed in the next kernel verion ?
[18:38] <MoonUnit`> hmm ignore what i said i don't think it's related, it about not letting a non admin being able to read the pagemap.
[18:39] <nightfuri> ok :D
[18:40] <henkjan> its just what the message is saying
[18:41] <henkjan> /dev/mem doesnt exist
[18:41] <henkjan> i don't know why its missing
[19:35] <agronholm> can anyone get the system settings to open on kernel 4.0?
[19:36] <agronholm> it always crashes for me
[19:37] <MoonUnit`> in kde? open for me.
[19:38] <PryMar56> agronholm, are you talking about `make menuconfig`?
[19:38] <agronholm> what?
[19:38] <agronholm> unity-control-center
[19:39] <PryMar56> ok
[19:46] <agronholm> so any one of you who uses kernel 4.0 -- are you able to launch it? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.018275 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu+1"
} |
2015-04-16-#maas | [10:18] <mup> Bug #1440994 was opened: maas api "device read <hostname>" returns HTML 404 <api> <confusing-ui> <juju-net> <robustness> <MAAS:Confirmed> <>
[10:33] <mup> Bug #1440994 changed: maas api "device read <hostname>" returns HTML 404 <api> <confusing-ui> <juju-net> <robustness> <MAAS:Confirmed> <>
[10:36] <mup> Bug #1440994 was opened: maas api "device read <hostname>" returns HTML 404 <api> <confusing-ui> <juju-net> <robustness> <MAAS:Confirmed> <>
[10:51] <lovea> My hat goes off to whoever wrote the MAAS node naming function, very entertaining. I just ended up with a node called whopping-underwear.maas :-)
[13:15] <mup> Bug #1444992 was opened: fastpath install duplicates iSCSI initiator names, blocking iSCSI HW <MAAS:New> <>
[14:52] <mup> Bug #1445045 was opened: Missing helper script to exercise a node/a list of nodes <MAAS:Triaged> <>
[15:22] <mup> Bug #1445070 was opened: Edit Node pages shows root password in plaintext <MAAS:New> <>
[15:46] <mup> Bug #1445073 was opened: Crash refreshing profile at the command-line prevents other profiles from being refreshed. <cli> <MAAS:Confirmed> <>
[21:38] <mup> Bug #1445223 was opened: GUI issue when selecting a node <css> <gui> <MAAS:New> <> | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.023661 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#maas"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-fi | [20:01] <Mikaela> 15.04: jostakin syystä lightdm ja sddm voivat olla käynnissä samaan aikaan näyttäen mustaa ruutua breezen kursorilla. alunperin ubuntu mate johon on asennettu kubuntu-desktop. pitää muistaa raportoida huomenna | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.026782 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-fi"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-unity | [07:30] <tsdgeos> autopilot still not passing when it's not hanging :/
[07:31] <tsdgeos> seems the card dednick and me did last sprint may need resurrection
[07:41] <Saviq> tsdgeos, FWIW two of those are new from dednick
[07:41] <tsdgeos> so we kind of fixed the olds and sneaked new wrong ones?
[07:41] <tsdgeos> :D
[07:41] <Saviq> yeah
[07:43] <Saviq> tsdgeos, so yeah, "good" news confirmed, got it to crash with NO_REGALLOC
[07:44] <Saviq> I *think*, although the .crash's ProcEnviron doesn't list it :/
[07:44] <Saviq> ah but apport actually strips the environ
[07:45] <Saviq> yup, job still has it
[07:47] <tsdgeos> :)
[07:48] <tsdgeos> tsdgeos_work@xps:~$ du -hs /home/tsdgeos_work/.cache/ubuntuimages/
[07:48] <tsdgeos> 14G /home/tsdgeos_work/.cache/ubuntuimages/
[07:48] <tsdgeos> lol
[07:49] * tsdgeos recovers some easy space
[07:50] <Saviq> tsdgeos, `ubuntu-device-flash --clean-cache touch` FTW
[07:50] <tsdgeos> ubuntu-device-flash is too obnoxious over the command line arguments order
[07:51] <tsdgeos> couldn't get it to work
[07:51] <tsdgeos> tsdgeos_work@xps:~$ ubuntu-device-flash --clean-cache
[07:51] <tsdgeos> DEPRECATED: Implicit 'touch' subcommand assumed
[07:51] <tsdgeos> unknown flag `clean-cache'
[07:51] <tsdgeos> tsdgeos_work@xps:~$ ubuntu-device-flash touch --clean-cache
[07:51] <tsdgeos> unknown flag `clean-cache'
[07:53] <Saviq> tsdgeos, yeah, you need "touch" at the end
[07:54] <Saviq> tsdgeos, some args are pre-subcommand, others ar post-subcommand, and the implicit "touch" subcommand is, as stated ↑ deprecated (even though in this case it should work)
[08:32] <tsdgeos> Saviq: so you basically start & stop until it crashes?
[08:34] <tsdgeos> i'm also a bit confused as to what the shellRotation branch does
[08:34] <tsdgeos> should it actually rotate the shell
[08:34] <tsdgeos> ?
[08:35] <tsdgeos> because i can't get the dash nor the launcher to rotate
[08:35] <tsdgeos> or this is only for N7?
[08:44] <Saviq> tsdgeos, launch an app
[08:44] <Saviq> tsdgeos, dash is portrait
[08:44] <Saviq> tsdgeos, and yeah, it just dies on start 50% of the time or so
[08:46] <tsdgeos> it dies on stop here
[08:47] <tsdgeos> but not on start :/
[08:55] <Saviq> tsdgeos, yeah, on stop reliably, on start less so
[08:55] <Saviq> tsdgeos, how you launching? upstart or trying to get it under gdb?
[08:56] <tsdgeos> i was trying upstart
[08:56] <tsdgeos> but if you have better suggestions
[08:56] <tsdgeos> i just want it to crash once :D
[08:56] <Saviq> upstart's fine, but "kill -9 `pidof unity8`" instead of initctl stop
[08:56] <Saviq> tsdgeos, this way you won't need to fight with apport/whoopsie
[08:57] <Saviq> and probably stop unity8-dash and maliit-server to not crash
[09:11] <tsdgeos> Saviq: which phone are you using?
[09:11] <Saviq> tsdgeos, mako
[09:11] <tsdgeos> i can't still reproduce it not even once :/
[09:11] <tsdgeos> same here
[09:12] <Saviq> tsdgeos, you got unity8 from demo-stuff?
[09:12] <tsdgeos> yeah
[09:12] <Saviq> hmf
[09:12] <tsdgeos> i checked that the shell rotates when rotating the webbrowser
[09:12] <tsdgeos> that's it, no?
[09:12] <Saviq> yeah
[09:13] <Saviq> you could try running the ap tests in a loop until it fails (but it also rarely fails without unity8 crashing)
[09:13] <tsdgeos> my problem is
[09:13] <tsdgeos> i can get it to enter the "dbus deadlock" quite easily
[09:13] <tsdgeos> so any kind of looping is useless
[09:13] <tsdgeos> since it will get stuck in there
[09:14] <Saviq> tsdgeos, interesting, I'm not getting that so often ;)
[09:16] <Saviq> tsdgeos, maybe try with my screen+gdb upstart hack, gdb should be enough I think to kick the dbus lock away, and then when it happens you got it under gdb already
[09:17] <Saviq> see my big comment in
[09:28] <tsdgeos> and now suddenly i'm getting it more
[09:28] <tsdgeos> :D
[10:31] <Cimi> mzanetti, I'm having a look at recency for the spread, how would you recommend storing the list of apps and storing screenshots?
[10:31] <mzanetti> Cimi, in qtmir
[10:31] <mzanetti> Cimi, ApplicationManager.cpp
[10:31] <Cimi> ok
[10:32] <mzanetti> Cimi, basically what needs to happen is that on startup the ApplicationInfo objects are stuffed into the ApplicationManage again
[10:33] <Cimi> mzanetti, ApplicationInfo is stored on the disk?
[10:33] <mzanetti> Cimi, but with status "suspended" (or stopped - can't recall which one is for "not running" but still running)
[10:33] <mzanetti> Cimi, no. they are not yet...
[10:34] <mzanetti> Cimi, on shutdown you'd need to store the appids for all the existing applicationinfo objects
[10:34] <mzanetti> Cimi, and on startup create new objects for each stored appid
[10:34] <Cimi> ok
[10:34] <mzanetti> Cimi, there is already a branch that adds gsettings to the applicationmanager
[10:34] <mzanetti> Cimi, in case you are going to use gsettings, you might want to build on top of that
[10:35] <Cimi> mzanetti, want to use gsettings?
[10:35] <Cimi> i'm fine with that
[10:35] <mzanetti> my first guess would be yes. I think Saviq said we should talk to cwayne if he's fine with that
[10:35] <mzanetti> in regard to customization
[10:36] <Cimi> launcher uses gsettings, right?
[10:36] <mzanetti> yes
[10:36] <mzanetti> yeah, seems to be our standard mean of storing things... so...
[10:36] <Cimi> mzanetti, I used it with gtk in the past too
[10:37] <Cimi> so is there probably for legacy, not sure the alternative qt has
[10:37] <Cimi> mzanetti, btw, which is that branch? :)
[10:38] <Cimi> mzanetti, ?
[10:38] <mzanetti> Cimi, yep
[10:39] <Saviq> mzanetti, Cimi, I'm only worried gsettings could be too heavy, or that it can't store enough data when someone has 100 apps open
[10:39] <mzanetti> Saviq, are there limits?
[10:39] <Saviq> mzanetti, that's what I don't know :)
[10:39] <mzanetti> right...
[10:39] <Cimi> Saviq, we can limit those 100 anyway
[10:40] <Saviq> Cimi, what if the limit is 10? :P
[10:40] <Cimi> lol
[10:40] <mzanetti> well, it isn't 10
[10:40] <mzanetti> otherwise the launcher wouldn't work
[10:40] <Saviq> I know, shh!
[10:40] <mzanetti> :D
[10:40] <mzanetti> but ok... Cimi I guess you'd need to find out if there are limits, and what they are
[10:41] <Cimi> mzanetti, I was googling already
[10:41] <mzanetti> also some load test with storing/reading some 100 appids or so
[10:42] <Saviq> yeah, that's what I'm most worried
[10:43] <Saviq> having to construct/store a list on every focus change
[10:43] <mzanetti> Cimi, ^
[10:45] <Saviq> Cimi, mzanetti, and then there's looking forward towards desktop, this is basically a "restore session" feature, will we need to store more details, like window state/geometry, or do we rely on the current window geometry restore (or on Mir, for that matter?)
[10:45] <Saviq> greyback_, FYI ↑ (this is about storing spread)
[10:45] <Cimi> "Reads and writes can be considered to be non-blocking. Reading settings with GSettings is typically extremely fast: on approximately the same order of magnitude (but slower than) a GHashTable lookup. Writing settings is also extremely fast in terms of time to return to your application, but can be extremely expensive for other threads and other processes. Many settings backends (including dconf) have lazy initialisation whi
[10:45] <Cimi> ch means in the common case of the user using their computer without modifying any settings a lot of work can be avoided. For dconf, the D-Bus service doesn't even need to be started in this case. For this reason, you should only ever modify GSettings keys in response to explicit user action."
[10:46] <Cimi>
[10:46] <mzanetti> Cimi, I don't think the geometry settings should be in this place
[10:46] <Saviq> yeah, so gsettings/dconf is optimized for reading, not writing
[10:46] <Cimi> exactly
[10:47] <Saviq> which is why I'm not totally sure this is the right thing to do
[10:47] <Saviq> we can still read the default set from gsettings, but that's it
[10:47] <greyback_> Saviq: why save for every focus change? Why not just on shutdown?
[10:47] <Cimi> greyback_, if the phone dies/crashes
[10:47] <Saviq> greyback_, yeah, ↑
[10:47] <Cimi> maybe not on focus change, maybe on app load/quit
[10:48] <Cimi> but then we want the ordering...
[10:48] <Saviq> well, if we lose ordering then maybe that's not as bad
[10:48] <Saviq> if we at least have the correct set
[10:49] <Saviq> MacSlow, so... tsdgeos to the rescue... `rm -R ~/.cache/QML` and no crash any more...
[10:49] <Saviq> bug #1444937
[10:49] <MacSlow> Saviq, oh ha...
[10:50] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, how did you figure out that one?
[10:50] * MacSlow tries right away
[10:50] <tsdgeos> MacSlow: actually i didn't, the Qt guys kind of did
[10:50] <tsdgeos> saying "this is impossible to happen"
[10:51] <tsdgeos> and then i thought, "oh noes, the cache is making the impossible possible"
[10:51] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, haha... nothing is impossible :)
[10:51] <Cimi> Saviq, what else can we use to store? remember we also want to store the application screenshots
[10:52] <Mirv> that's why my script always clears QML cache before starting to test a PPA
[10:52] <MacSlow> Mirv, tsdgeos: I'll put that in my ~/.bashrc or something like that
[10:53] <Saviq> Mirv, please comment on bug above ↑ if you have something to add, I really think we need something that just does it, we'll be forgetting it otherwise
[10:53] <greyback_> Saviq: Cimi: well saving to gsettings for every focus change sounds heavy-handed to me, writing to a file might be just as good
[10:53] <Saviq> MacSlow, so yeah, 8 successful runs of the rotation tests in a row, but I did get at some point
[10:54] <Mirv> Saviq: commented
[10:54] <MacSlow> Saviq, ah... that's new
[10:54] <Saviq> greyback_, I'm thinking DB, updating just a focus timestamp
[10:54] <Saviq> greyback_, we already have a DB for the geometry
[10:54] <Mirv> my guess is that app upgrades are being taken care of, but better be sure
[10:55] <Cimi> how will the images be stored? hard drive?
[10:55] <Saviq> Cimi, where else? printouts? :P
[10:55] <Cimi> Saviq, in a db
[10:55] <mzanetti> Saviq,
[10:55] <Saviq> Cimi, db not on hard drive? ;)
[10:55] <Cimi> Saviq, at that point, we can use a naming conversion to store appId, screenshot, timestamp
[10:55] <Cimi> Saviq, ouch, I meant file :D
[10:56] <Mirv> tsdgeos: FYI I'm doing another qtbase landing with arale workaround for black browser tabs, while waiting for the DBus one. after it has landed, we can start considering whether to land the current pile of patches to vivid-rtm PPA only. but we need the final upstream solution anyway sooner or later to w.
[10:56] <Cimi> if we save the images as files, we can name them in a way that we don't need anything else
[10:57] <Saviq> Cimi, but you'd then have to rename them on focus changes
[10:58] <Saviq> Cimi, and then either finding the file for display or sorting would be weird, because you either have to slap a timestamp at the front or the back
[10:58] <mzanetti> geez. all my launchers in a bad state right now :D
[11:00] <Saviq> mzanetti, let's just hope that's really the only reason this happens
[11:01] <mzanetti> yeah
[11:01] <greyback_> Saviq: sure, that works, but that db lives in unity8 atm, and I don't think it belongs in qtmir
[11:02] <Cimi> Saviq, at the front, they are ordered, no?
[11:02] <Cimi> ah but removing them is complicated, yeah
[11:02] <Cimi> Saviq, but we care less about removing apps, if is slower
[11:03] <Saviq> Cimi, well, unlinking a file isn't complicated
[11:03] <Cimi> Saviq, is good to have fast app loading, less app killin
[11:03] <Saviq> Cimi, the only bit that'd be weird is finding the screenshot file for an app, you'd need to glob it
[11:03] <Cimi> we load an app, we store a screenshot with timestamp-appId.png
[11:04] <tsdgeos> Mirv: yeah, at some point thiago convinced himself to try to install KDE Frameworks 5 on his heavily patched Qt and reproduce the problem directly instead of using me as a proxy
[11:04] <Cimi> when we close the appId, spread will remove *appId.png, no?
[11:04] <tsdgeos> so it may happen sooner than later
[11:04] <Saviq> greyback_, did I say anything about qtmir? :)
[11:05] <greyback_> Saviq: ok so
[11:06] <Saviq> Cimi, yeah, the * part is what worries me
[11:06] <Saviq> Cimi, but more for loading than for removing
[11:08] <Saviq> like I can imagine we'll be destroying the app delegates (if we're not already), would we then not lose the filename when we need to bring it back?
[11:08] <Saviq> mzanetti, greyback_, where are we storing the half-res screenshots now, for apps that got OOM-killed? in mem?
[11:09] <mzanetti> yes
[11:09] <greyback_> Saviq: in memory
[11:09] <Saviq> ok we need to offload those to disk too
[11:09] <mzanetti> and also on top of the surface. imo that should be baked into the mirsurfaceitem and be transparent to the shell
[11:10] <Saviq> Gerry disagrees ↑ ;)
[11:10] <mzanetti> yeah :D
[11:10] <mzanetti> well, don't think so
[11:11] <Saviq> MacSlow, some 20 successful runs now
[11:11] <mzanetti> at least some few weeks back he didn't
[11:11] <greyback_> darn ctrl+d and multimonitor
[11:11] <mzanetti> :)
[11:11] <Saviq> MacSlow, (or my loop isn't doing a good job at detecting failures)
[11:12] <davmor2> Saviq: kgunn: we seem to be getting file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/unity8/qml/Dash/createCardComponent:132:1: QML Label: Binding loop detected for property "height" on arale is this just because of the drivers or is it something else?
[11:12] <Saviq> davmor2, we're getting this outisde of arale just as well
[11:12] <Saviq> davmor2, has nothing to do with graphics
[11:12] <Saviq> MacSlow, in any case, it's time to give this all up for review
[11:12] <davmor2> Saviq: I've not seen it on krillin for a while
[11:13] <Saviq> davmor2, it's just a warning
[11:13] <Saviq> davmor2, and is timing-related, which might be why you're not seeing it always
[11:13] <Saviq> MacSlow, and you try and see if you can fix
[11:13] <davmor2> Saviq: fair enough we have a regerssion test for it and it failed on arale is all
[11:14] <Saviq> davmor2, you have a regression test for a warning line? :D
[11:14] <MacSlow> Saviq, +1
[11:14] <Saviq> davmor2, or is there an actual visual artefact of this?
[11:14] <davmor2> Saviq: it's more that it appears when the screen stutters between scopes
[11:14] <Saviq> MacSlow, just to be clear: you don't need silo 004, just demo-stuff
[11:14] <davmor2> swiping between scopes even
[11:14] <MacSlow> Saviq, sure... I'll MP it before lunch
[11:15] <Saviq> davmor2, just to be clear: not a regression :)
[11:15] <Saviq> davmor2, we've never "fixed" all the reasons for the stutter
[11:16] <davmor2> Saviq: that's fine then
[11:20] <MacSlow> Saviq, will the demo-stuff bits also be moved into proper MPs, thus these can be states as prerequisites for the shellRotation MP?
[11:20] <Saviq> MacSlow, everything in there is MP'd afaict
[11:22] <Saviq>
[11:22] <Saviq> MacSlow, see description ↑
[11:24] <MacSlow> Saviq, ok
[11:24] <Saviq> ok not everything is MP'd, will talk to dandrader when he shows up
[11:24] <tsdgeos> :D i did so many "wrong" patches to qt quick text item that the reviewer actually wrote the correct patch himself :D
[11:24] <tsdgeos> guess it's not that bad that my prodding got him to write it
[11:24] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, :)
[11:25] <Saviq> MacSlow, do you know where "unsupported orientation TOP-DOWN. skipped." comes from?
[11:26] <Saviq> we should get rid of that print
[11:26] <Saviq> /food
[11:27] <MacSlow> Saviq, from the test itself... the fake-sensor/device does not allow the "top-down" orientation.
[11:28] <MacSlow> and I wanted that to show... so whoever happens to watch the test and wonders why only 3 of 4 possible cases were exercised sees at least some info
[11:28] <Saviq> MacSlow, interesting, anyway, it should not be a print() or whatever it is, but a log instead (see for example of how to use the logger)
[11:28] <MacSlow> Saviq, ok... will change that
[12:10] <Saviq> Cimi, mzanetti, so, since the screenshot bit should be disconnected from the spread memory bit, I'd say screenshots should be saved to $cacheDir/app_shots/$app_id.png, with the shell not knowing whether it's showing a harddrive screenshot, an in-memory one, or the app surface
[12:11] <mzanetti> IMO, yes
[12:11] <Saviq> Cimi, mzanetti, spread set we should store in the shell's window geometry Db, as a {focus_timestamp, app_id} tuple
[12:11] <mzanetti> basicall the MirSurfaceItem paints a surface... wherever that comes from, it shouldn't care
[12:12] <Saviq> falling back to a gsetting if Db is empty, for customization purposes
[12:12] <Saviq> mzanetti, will that work fine with splash screens though?
[12:13] <mzanetti> Saviq, doesn't really matter, does it?
[12:13] <mzanetti> hmm...
[12:13] <Saviq> mzanetti, I'm just asking - as long as qtmir handles the screenshots (i.e. deletes them when user closes an app)
[12:14] <mzanetti> Saviq, well, the splash is a bit different anyways
[12:14] <Saviq> then the first app frame might come from either shot or app for real
[12:14] <Saviq> and that will hide splash screen
[12:14] <mzanetti> yep
[12:17] <mzanetti> Saviq, if the phone is rebooted, then you're saying the shell should look up it's settings and call ApplicationManager.startApplicationStopped(appId) for each one?
[12:17] <mzanetti> its, even
[12:18] <Saviq> mzanetti, I think we should add API to tell AppMan all of them at once
[12:18] <mzanetti> why not just keeping this inside the appmanager?
[12:19] <Saviq> mzanetti, I don't think greyback_ wants that in qtmir
[12:19] <mzanetti> but all the rest in this regard is in qtmir too
[12:19] <mzanetti> well, in the applicationmanager model
[12:20] <mzanetti> i.e. the shell says startApplication and qtmir transparently stops it. why should the shell then suddenly care about stopped/vs running?
[12:20] <Saviq> mzanetti, oh no, sure it shouldn't
[12:21] <Saviq> mzanetti, that's why I'm saying AppMan.restoreApps(list_of_apps) or something
[12:21] <Saviq> mzanetti, then appman will *really* only launch the topmost app, or even none, until it's focused
[12:21] <Saviq> but it will populate the app model
[12:22] <mzanetti> mhm... worksforme
[12:23] <Saviq> it's the list_of_apps I don't think greyback_ wants in qtmir, and I'm fine with that
[12:24] <Saviq> and we can relatively easily do AppMan.restoreApps(db.count > 0 ? db.list_of_apps : gsettings.default_list_of_apps)
[12:24] <mzanetti> yeah... fine with that too I guess...
[12:28] <Cimi> ok
[12:29] * Saviq writes down in description
[12:30] <MacSlow> Saviq, I've changed the shell-rotaion test to use logger instead of print and added description and commit-message. Before flipping the switch to "needs review" I'm now looking into the assertion-mismatch issue.
[12:33] <Saviq> MacSlow|lunch, tx
[12:44] <Saviq> Cimi, mzanetti, so the only remaining question, I think, is first boot screenshots
[13:39] <Saviq> MacSlow, I wonder, could the failure just be a timing thing? you're using assertThat, you don't give any time for things to settle maybe?
[13:40] <Saviq> dandrader, hey, could you please make sure all shellRotation-related branches are MP'd and in Needs Review (and trunks merged for good measure)
[13:50] <dandrader> Saviq, ok. So cleaning the QML cache solves the crashes afterall?
[13:50] <Saviq> dandrader, yeah
[13:50] <dandrader> Saviq, is that ricmm's QML cache thingy?
[13:51] <Saviq> dandrader, yeah, it doesn't know when plugin ABI changes so doesn't invalidate atm
[13:52] <dandrader> hmm
[13:56] <dandrader> Saviq, mzanetti, MacSlow, anything against squashing shellRotation's commit history?
[13:57] <dandrader> MacSlow, can I already merge you AP work into ~unity-team/shellRotation?
[13:57] <Saviq> dandrader, rebasing never a nice thing to do in bzr ;)
[13:57] <mzanetti> I don't see a reason *for* it
[13:57] <Saviq> dandrader, I just added it as a separate MP o top of yours
[13:57] <Saviq>
[13:58] <Saviq> dandrader, and thought it could remain like that
[13:59] <dandrader> mzanetti, Saviq, ok, I will keep the history then.... For the record: I squashed shellRotation's history many times already. Otherwise it would be loooong and confusing list of commits and merges
[14:00] <mzanetti> I know you did that
[14:00] <dandrader> mzanetti, :)
[14:00] <mzanetti> I was spending half an hour merging each time
[14:02] <dandrader> mzanetti, it's fun, right? :)
[14:02] <mzanetti> totally :)
[14:03] <dandrader> history gets particularly messy every time a split part of shellRotation's diff onto a separate MP that gets merged to trunk
[14:07] <MacSlow> dandrader, basically yes...
[14:07] <MacSlow> dandrader, there's assert-mismatch failure still (happening ~ 1/15 times)
[14:08] <MacSlow> dandrader, which I'm currently looking into
[14:08] <MacSlow> dandrader, but I can do that against ~unity-team/shellRotation too
[14:08] <MacSlow> dandrader, cleaning up branches is always a good idea
[14:11] <Saviq> MacSlow, any reason why would be wrong?
[14:12] <Saviq> I'm up to 24 successful runs in a row of those two tests now
[14:13] <MacSlow> Saviq, nope... looks acceptable to me
[14:13] <MacSlow> Saviq, I'll add that to my branch for both tests...
[14:14] <MacSlow> Saviq, I got the mismatch for test_fake_sensor too
[14:14] <dandrader> this patch improves readability that's for sure
[14:14] <Saviq> yeah not sure why the tmp_a, tmp_o...
[14:14] <mzanetti> dandrader, btw. I was reading through the shellrotation branch today
[14:14] <mzanetti> dandrader, only question I had was: is the Commandlineparser changes supposed to show up in there?
[14:14] <mzanetti> or is that just a prereq missing to the other commandlineparser branch?
[14:15] <dandrader> mzanetti, yes, working on it at this very moment
[14:15] <MacSlow> Saviq, dandrader: missing code-clean up
[14:16] <mzanetti> dandrader, perfect. I think I'm good with the code then
[14:17] <dandrader> mzanetti, just resubmitted. it now has lp:~dandrader/unity8/unityCommandLineParser as a prereq
[14:18] <mzanetti> cool
[14:26] <dandrader> mzanetti, tsdgeos, has been upated as well. The remaining Launcher jumpiness and the failing qmltests have been fixed
[14:26] <MacSlow> Saviq, current issue...
[14:26] <mzanetti> dandrader, awesomes
[14:27] <tsdgeos> dandrader: k, i think i'll get to it later today
[14:28] <Saviq> MacSlow, not a problem in your branch, this happens from time to time still
[14:28] <MacSlow> Saviq, it's not a direct issue of the shell-rotation test itself, but...
[14:28] <MacSlow> ah ok
[14:29] <Saviq> MacSlow, after 38 runs I got here, but wouldn't exclude some PEBKAC error like I touched the phone or something
[14:38] <MacSlow> Saviq, I've seen that once too today
[14:49] <Saviq> MacSlow, so basically IIUC that means the fake sensor data didn't cause it to switch orientations?
[14:50] <MacSlow> Saviq, I can take some time... sometimes...
[14:50] <MacSlow> but the 15 sec timeout is already nasty
[14:51] <MacSlow> I don't think we should up that even more.
[14:53] <MacSlow> Saviq, at some point I wondered if we should even keep the isolated fake_sensor_test... it is used/exercised in the app-rotation test anyway
[14:53] <MacSlow> Saviq, and never seen it (fake-sensor) fail there yet
[15:04] <dandrader> greyback_, can you top-approve ?
[15:06] <greyback_> dandrader: - g++-4.9:native, + g++-4.9, <- why that change?
[15:06] <Saviq> because recipes hate it ;)
[15:11] <tsdgeos> dednick: there's a very weeeeeeeeeeeird thing
[15:11] <tsdgeos> the first QDBusPendingCallWatcher of your branch seem to never be deleted
[15:11] <tsdgeos> even if the subsequent ones are
[15:11] <tsdgeos> and deleteLater is just called fine on them
[15:12] <tsdgeos> dednick: is it possible that those are run before we have a qapplication ?
[15:12] <tsdgeos> or a loop running
[15:12] <tsdgeos> ?
[15:12] <tsdgeos> probably
[15:13] * tsdgeos checks
[15:14] <tsdgeos> yeah
[15:16] <dandrader> greyback_, where?
[15:16] <dandrader> greyback_, it's a debug leftover
[15:17] <dandrader> greyback_, so I could build it in a PPA
[15:17] <dandrader> greyback_, but nowadays in the PPA recipe I merge a separate branch that does just that. So I don't have to pollute the main branch with this
[15:28] <greyback_> dandrader: I see it in the LP diff in
[15:28] <greyback_> it'll break my schroot builds
[15:30] <Saviq> dandrader|afk, you don't have a separate qtmir branch for that, just a unity8 one
[15:31] <dednick> tsdgeos: hm
[15:33] <dednick> tsdgeos: delete watcher?
[15:33] <tsdgeos> yeah
[15:38] <dednick> tsdgeos: actually, can just call delete at that point i guess. If it's finished we won't be needing it anymore.
[15:38] <tsdgeos> dednick: sure
[15:38] <tsdgeos> dednick: isn't that what youwere saying?
[15:38] <tsdgeos> it's what i suggested in the MR
[15:39] <dednick> tsdgeos: you said add a "delete watcher" inside...
[15:39] <dednick> not sure what that meant :)
[15:40] <tsdgeos> if (!async) {
[15:40] <tsdgeos> watcher->waitForFinished();
[15:40] <tsdgeos> delete watcher;
[15:40] <tsdgeos> }
[15:40] <tsdgeos> dednick: ↑
[15:41] <dednick> tsdgeos: yup. that's what i just added :)
[15:41] <tsdgeos> k
[16:06] <dandrader> greyback_, fixed
[16:06] <greyback_> dandrader: ta
[16:19] <dandrader> greyback_, should be ok now as well
[16:20] <greyback_> dandrader: another thought on - the date in the debian/changelog is 2014
[16:21] <greyback_> can you update that please
[16:22] <dandrader> heh, it's showing its age
[16:25] <greyback_> yep
[16:26] <dandrader> greyback_, done
[16:26] <greyback_> ta
[16:43] <greyback_> dandrader: same issue with unity-api branch, the datetime in debian/changelog needs bumping
[16:44] <greyback_> dandrader: any reason you don't declare copyright for 2014? :)
[16:45] <dandrader> greyback_, it wasn't changed in that year, I guess
[16:45] <greyback_> dandrader: only kidding, it's no big deal
[16:47] <dandrader> greyback_, update the changelog date&time
[16:47] <dandrader> *updated
[16:47] <greyback_> TAed
[16:52] <dandrader> Saviq,
[16:55] <dandrader> inline comments are terrible when you have a big diff
[16:56] <dandrader> Saviq, so you want to have lp:~saviq/qtmir/fix-application-api-deps as a prereq of lp:~dandrader/qtmir/supportedOrientations
[16:56] <dandrader> ?
[17:21] <Saviq> dandrader, Ctrl+F, Saviq ;)
[17:22] <Saviq> dandrader, I'll tweak my branch then
[17:23] <Saviq> dandrader, and yeah, please resubmit based on mine
[17:39] <dandrader> Saviq, don't need to merge lp:~saviq/qtmir/fix-application-api-deps again into lp:~dandrader/qtmir/supportedOrientations. It applies cleanly now (no diff at all even)
[17:39] <dandrader> Saviq, can remove the "Needs Fixing"
[17:39] <Saviq> dandrader, right, prolly because it's the same ;)
[17:39] <dandrader> Saviq, yes | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.042168 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-unity"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntustudio | [01:03] <holstein> its too bad
[01:03] <holstein> i mean, synaptic doesn advertise to install files, but, applications, you know?
[01:04] <holstein> i can imagine how that can be confusing or confused on many levels.. depending on what the actual issue was.. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.045823 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntustudio"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-us-pa | [07:47] <lazyPower_>
[07:47] <lazyPower_> interesting
[07:47] <lazyPower_> #TIL
[09:44] <rmg51> Morning
[09:57] <lazyPower> Mornin rmg51 o/
[10:01] <rmg51> 0/
[10:28] <JonathanD> Morning.
[11:58] <lazyPower>
[11:58] <lazyPower> woo, landed a post on insights
[12:06] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples and whatever else is around | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.048165 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-news | [01:21] <pleia2> MooDoo: happy birthday! (I know I'm late your time)
[01:32] <ahoneybun> pleia2: hello
[01:32] <pleia2> o/ ahoneybun
[01:34] <ahoneybun> o/
[01:34] <ahoneybun> pleia2: where are the logs of the decision for the Membership Board?
[01:36] <pleia2> ahoneybun: you'll have to look back into archives for when they had meetings, so they have meetings on the 1st Thursday of the month @ 22:00 UTC and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12:00 UTC so just figure out those dates, and look for the logs at
[01:37] <pleia2> so let's see, the first thursday of this month was the 2nd
[01:38] <pleia2> here's the one from then:
[01:38] <pleia2> err, bad paste:
[01:39] <pleia2> half the meeting was getting enough board members to show up, which is why it was important to restaff ;)
[01:41] <pleia2> it may be good to include a link to the meeting logs in the announcement emails they send out (like
[01:41] <pleia2> easier to keep track of them that way, then it doesn't take cross referencing dates with logs to dig them up :)
[01:42] <ahoneybun> pleia2: I don't think I will get the old email since I just sub to it now that I am a member
[01:43] <pleia2> ahoneybun: you probably have access to the private archives, but I meant the *public* emails they send to announce new members
[01:43] <pleia2> results are sent to the ubuntu-news-team mailing list so we can include them in UWN
[01:43] <ahoneybun> pleia2: I just want to see how I got voted in lol
[01:44] <pleia2> ahoneybun: oh, I thought you meant logs for membership meetings
[01:44] <ahoneybun> membership to the Board
[01:44] <pleia2> ahoneybun: the CC just does a condorcet vote across all candidates based on your email to the membership board and what we know of you from the community
[01:44] <pleia2> not much discussion really
[01:45] <ahoneybun> oh ok
[01:45] <ahoneybun> thanks
[01:46] <pleia2> :)
[07:04] <MooDoo> thanks pleia2 :D xx | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.051983 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-news"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-gr | [07:28] <salih-emin> Καλημέρες
[07:34] <Anoniem4l> kalhmeres salih-emin
[07:56] <fanious> kalimeres
[07:57] <Anoniem4l> guden morgen
[07:58] <kerato> hi
[08:09] <Anoniem4l> asxolite kaneis me PHP edw?
[08:11] <fanious> egw oxi
[08:11] <salih-emin> nope
[08:12] <Anoniem4l> ena function den douleuei kai den kserw giati
[08:12] <Anoniem4l> (built-in function)
[08:14] <Anoniem4l> The SQLite extension is enabled by default as of PHP 5.0. Beginning with PHP 5.4, the SQLite extension is available only via PECL.
[08:14] <Anoniem4l> malista.
[08:15] <salih-emin> :)
[08:16] <Anoniem4l> dhladh egw twra na paw pisw sto 5.3?
[08:16] <Anoniem4l> giati PCEL den to kovo na niwthei to webmatrix
[08:16] <Anoniem4l> PECL*
[08:17] <salih-emin> 5.4 tha mineis
[08:17] <Anoniem4l> paizei problhma ama meinw 5.5
[08:17] <Anoniem4l> giati egw thelw sqlite
[08:18] <Anoniem4l> kai den to kovo na mporo na valw extensions sto webmatrix
[08:19] <salih-emin> sqlite ? ποιό σοβαρό λογισμικό χρησιμοποιεί sqlite ? (εκτός απο mobile εφαρμογές)
[08:20] <Anoniem4l> egw to xrisimopio otan thelw na parousiasw ena website se ena amfitheatro epeidi einai terma portable kai den thelei treksimo me back-end MySQL ktl
[08:20] <Anoniem4l> =D brb
[08:20] <salih-emin> nooob
[08:21] <Anoniem4l> lel gt noob?
[08:21] <salih-emin> είσαι τελιώς μα τελείως noob
[08:21] <Anoniem4l> why
[08:21] <salih-emin> ακού ρε τι μου είπε
[08:21] <salih-emin> ρε θα με τρελάνεις
[08:21] <salih-emin> βάλε XAMP ρε αν θες portab;ility
[08:22] <salih-emin> και το κουβαλάς σε USB
[08:22] <Anoniem4l> apla den thelw na kanw install MySQL sto laptop tou kathigiti otan erthei h wra
[08:22] <Anoniem4l> brb
[08:23] <salih-emin> δεν κάνεις τίποτα εγκατάσταση
[08:23] <salih-emin> πφφφφ....
[08:23] <salih-emin> παιδια....
[08:24] <fanious> ama einai portable i efarmogh dn ginetai kati egkatastash...
[08:24] <salih-emin> fanious,
[08:24] <salih-emin> πες τα
[08:24] <salih-emin> θα με τρελάνει ο Anoniem4l
[08:25] <fanious> ta les esu.. egw se upostirizw :P
[08:38] <Anoniem4l> back
[08:39] <Anoniem4l> gia na doulepsei to MySQL den thelei MySQL?
[08:39] <Anoniem4l> thelei.
[08:39] <Anoniem4l> gia na doulepsei to sqlite thelei kati? oxi
[08:39] <salih-emin> XAMP
[08:39] <salih-emin> den tha to ksanapw
[08:40] <salih-emin> ειναι portable
[08:41] <salih-emin> έχει μεσα όλα όσα θες PHP, MySQL, Apache, PHPmyadmin ακόμα και UI με Control Panel για να ξεκινάς η να σταματάς Mysql και Apach
[08:41] <Anoniem4l> nice
[08:41] <salih-emin> αντε... ψάξε..
[08:41] <Anoniem4l> re me berdepse to XMPP
[08:42] <Anoniem4l> gg totes
[08:44] <Anoniem4l> auto akribws ithela
[08:44] <Anoniem4l> lol
[08:44] <fanious> :)
[08:44] <salih-emin> επιτέλους
[08:44] <salih-emin> :)
[08:53] <Anoniem4l> thx salih-emin :D
[17:29] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntusecurity: USN-2569-2: Apport vulnerability <> | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.068742 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-gr"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-community-team | [10:08] <czajkowski> aloha
[10:18] <dpm> morning/afternoon czajkowski
[10:19] <czajkowski> dpm: hey hows things?
[10:20] <dpm> good, lots going on, one can never get bored :)
[10:20] <dpm> how about yourself? Traveling a lot?
[10:22] <czajkowski> moving house today and then off to NY for Mobile Week
[10:22] <czajkowski> then getting ready for couchbase connect in June in Santa Clara
[10:22] <czajkowski> all go
[10:29] <czajkowski> dpm: you over for release next weke ?
[10:29] <czajkowski> *week
[12:12] <dpm> czajkowski, sorry, I had somehow missed the ping. No, I won't be there, but mhall119 and popey will be in London
[12:12] <popey> \o/ London
[12:12] <popey> czajkowski: you coming to nodnol for beer and falling over?
[14:38] <dpm> how do we usually get the count of Ubuntu members? I can look at, but that count includes the teams inside too
[14:40] <popey> why would you not include teams inside?
[14:40] <popey> they're members
[14:40] <dpm> popey, yeah, but are they not duplicates?
[14:41] <popey> There are 510 direct members of the "Ubuntu Members" team, and 754 people are members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships.
[14:41] <popey> separate numbers
[14:41] <popey> can't imagine launchpad is stupid enough to duplic...
[14:41] * dpm bites his tongue
[14:44] <dpm> I'm pretty sure LP counts the team as an extra "person", so the total numbers are a bit off. But yeah, it probably doesn't count the same individual as direct team member and subteam member twice
[15:02] <popey> you can probably do it with the lp api
[15:22] <dpm> yeah, I know, I need to dig up an old script I wrote a while back for translation teams, but I think I'll leave it for today
[15:42] <czajkowski> popey: beer tonight ? no moving house
[15:42] <czajkowski> beer next week for sure
[15:44] <popey> eh?
[15:45] <czajkowski> popey: 13:12 < popey> czajkowski: you coming to nodnol for beer and falling over?
[15:45] <popey> that was about next thursday
[15:45] <czajkowski> ah riht
[15:45] <czajkowski> yes I should be there for sure
[17:48] * dpm takes a break
[18:51] <balloons> mhall119, can I have the RT number for the autopilot doc changes?
[18:55] <mhall119> balloons: 80275
[18:56] <mhall119> balloons: remember that it's for deploying all of the new API website integrated with DjangoCMS, it's not just Autopilot, so it's more complex that people might think
[18:56] <balloons> mhall119, ack, thank you.. But this way I can follow a bit closer
[21:07] <balloons> mhall119, will the "autopilot says" boxes be fixed?
[21:10] <mhall119> balloons: is it broken or just not styled well?
[21:11] <balloons> mhall119, check out vs
[21:11] <balloons> it should be styled with a box
[21:12] <mhall119> balloons: that won't be in this release, no, but you can add styles to the sphinx.css and we can put it out in a subsequent one
[21:16] <balloons> mhall119, it's not something to fix on your end?
[21:17] <balloons> I don't know offhand why it appears the way it does in the AP docs..
[21:42] <mhall119> balloons: Sphinx provides it's own CSS, that I can't use in it's entirety because then the site would look like sphinx
[21:42] <mhall119> we can bring over the parts of it that we want, and put them into the sphinx.css file created specifically for this purpose
[21:44] <balloons> mhall119, makes sense
[22:31] <jono> mhall119, hey
[22:31] <jono> where are the donations pool reports archived?
[22:32] <elfy> jcastro's barby | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.073672 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-community-team"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-hr | [04:35] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro
[06:15] <vileni> "Kada će i kako internet, i to onaj brzi od 30 megabajta u sekundi ili više, obuhvatiti cijelu Hrvatsku? "
[06:15] <vileni> priznajte, tko to ima
[06:16] <vileni>
[06:18] <jelly> velis, sve sporije od 240Mbps sux
[06:19] <jelly> note to self: EU vrece novaca su cista steta za hrvatsku dok god se s njima ne kupuju proizvodi i usluge napravljeni u hrvatskoj
[06:25] <Mmike> jelly: but it's not how it works :)
[06:26] <jelly> ne, samo se to tek sada pocinje govoriti na glas
[06:49] <ivoks> Mmike: moja je glasna... to je blue key
[06:49] <ivoks> Mmike: ima i tihih
[06:49] <ivoks> ja volim kad je glasna ;)
[06:51] <Mmike> bogme te cijeli nirnberg cuo :)
[06:55] * jelly bi chromebook iz walmarta za $150, kad idete opet u ameriku??? :-)
[06:58] <vileni> jelly: koji model? :)
[07:01] <Mmike> miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[07:02] <Mmike> mirka: vidimo se za 2 tjedna, kad ivoksa ne bude :D
[07:04] <mirka> :D
[07:04] <jelly> vileni: onaj koji kosta $150 :-)
[07:05] <mirka> Mmike samo da znas, nisam coksu zaboravila :D :D
[07:07] <Mmike> mirka: :) nisam nit ocekivao manje :)
[07:07] <Mmike> no worries, i coksa i bejlijz :)
[07:08] <jelly> vileni:
[07:09] <ivoks> nisam ni ja mazdu 6 zaboravio
[07:13] <Mmike> ivoks: kupujes, ipak? izlazak na pravi put?
[07:14] <vileni> jelly: a zasto ne c720 za 50$ vise? izgleda mi konkretnije :)
[07:14] <jelly> zato sto 1000kn
[07:16] <ivoks> Mmike: ne, ti si mazdu obecao mirki
[07:16] <jelly> opa
[07:17] <jelly> i tata bi sine
[07:17] <Mmike> ivoks: u biti nisam, fulao si auto :)
[07:18] <Mmike> ivoks: al' to je medj mirkom i mnom :P
[07:29] <SilverSpace> dan
[07:30] <SilverSpace> nemres bolivit
[07:30] <SilverSpace> ubuntu nije prepoznao win na drugoj particiji
[07:31] <Mmike> djesi, silverowsky
[07:31] <SilverSpace> silverSjebovski
[07:31] <SilverSpace> sjebe ovih dana sve kaj primi uruke
[07:32] * SilverSpace jedino nije sjebo Legend
[07:33] * SilverSpace se tak ima zelju napiti ovih dana, a nema sa kime
[07:33] <SilverSpace> nitko vise nece pit
[07:35] <Mmike> SilverSpace: kaaaaaaj? :)
[07:35] <Mmike> BotaniCar: jel' ti cujes ovu propalicu kaj laprda? :)
[07:36] <SilverSpace> Mmike: fakat nece nitko pit
[07:36] <SilverSpace> :)
[07:37] <Mmike> jasta
[07:37] <Mmike> ja sam sinoc samo jeo zrak
[07:38] <SilverSpace> Mmike: si u zg ?
[07:38] <Mmike> SilverSpace: u subotu
[07:38] <SilverSpace> a jos se nisi vratio
[07:42] <Mmike> SilverSpace: pa, ne
[07:42] <Mmike> super je kaj europa ima europske uticnice za struju :)
[07:43] <SilverSpace> ti uopce nisi u EU
[07:43] <SilverSpace> otok je sam za sebe
[07:44] <SilverSpace> sad cu popizditi za dvije minute ako ubuntu opet ne prepozna windoze
[07:45] <SilverSpace> pitam se kajse ubuntu poceo ponasati ko windozi
[07:45] <SilverSpace> sam za sebe
[07:50] <SilverSpace> uh radi
[07:50] <SilverSpace> odoh farbat :)
[07:50] <SilverSpace> kad vec nemam skim pit
[08:01] <jelly>
[08:29] <Mmike> SilverSpace: ma u njemackoj sam
[08:30] <SilverSpace> Mmike: kaj nisi iso u englesku? :)
[08:30] <SilverSpace> il si tam vec bio :)
[08:33] <Mmike> SilverSpace: ove godine ne :)
[08:33] <vileni> Mmike: sta, onda nista od rucka? :)
[08:33] <Mmike> vileni: :) :)
[08:33] <Mmike> vileni: ja bum neki schnitzel pojel :)
[08:33] <vileni> ja cu wok ili kebab
[08:41] <Vlado9A3CY> bon žur
[08:46] <jelly> žan dar
[08:48] <SilverSpace> :)
[08:49] <Vlado9A3CY> lol
[09:05] <SilverSpace> .weather Zagreb
[09:05] <datase> SilverSpace: Weather for Zagreb, Croatia | Temperature: 70°F / 21°C; Humidity: 35%; Pressure: 30.01in / 101.6kPa; Conditions: Clear; Wind: West, 12mph / 19kph; Updated: 5 mins, 8 secs ago | Forecast for Thursday: Clear; High of 78°F / 26°C; Low of 53°F / 12°C | Forecast for Friday: Partly cloudy; High of 67°F / 19°C; Low of 48°F / 9°C | Forecast for Saturday: Rain; High of 51°F / 11°C; Low of 35°F / 2°C | (1 more message)
[09:05] <SilverSpace> .weather Zagreb °C
[09:05] <datase> SilverSpace: Weather for Zagreb, Croatia | Temperature: 70°F / 21°C; Humidity: 35%; Pressure: 30.01in / 101.6kPa; Conditions: Clear; Wind: West, 12mph / 19kph; Updated: 5 mins, 42 secs ago | Forecast for Thursday: Clear; High of 78°F / 26°C; Low of 53°F / 12°C | Forecast for Friday: Partly cloudy; High of 67°F / 19°C; Low of 48°F / 9°C | Forecast for Saturday: Rain; High of 51°F / 11°C; Low of 35°F / 2°C | (1 more message)
[09:05] <SilverSpace> pih
[09:06] <SilverSpace> samo 21°
[09:28] <Mmike> da
[09:28] <Mmike> openerp je smece najvece :/
[09:28] <Mmike> steta, a tako obecavajuc
[09:31] <jelly> zar se to ne zove oodo sad
[09:31] <jelly> ili odoo
[10:05] <Mmike> is there a way to see who's on cts-engineering mailinglist?
[10:05] <Mmike> mars u drek
[10:06] <Mmike> jelly: ma zove se ,i jednako je jadno
[10:06] <Mmike> ili je samo ova customizacija jadna
[10:06] <Mmike> firma ima 30ak ljudi koji koristre odoo, ima 2 knjigovodice, ova otvara knjigu ira, i to traje 984327192438712341234 dana
[10:06] <Mmike> jer glupi erp selecta stavku po stavku i onda selecta jos 15 puta 'atribute'
[10:06] <Mmike> k'o da je u djangu napisan
[10:22] <Mmike> 𝄠 ♬ ♪ The internet is for porn... ♫
[11:02] <BotaniCar> znc u <3 :)
[11:03] * SilverSpace bleji
[11:04] <BotaniCar>
[11:04] <datase> YouTube: Magazin - Kokolo (1983) - 0:03:36 - 1,005,579 views - 1750 likes / 172 dislikes
[11:16] <jelly> t𝄠
[11:16] <jelly> hmph.
[11:17] <SilverSpace> pa jebemu nikako rijesiti Gnome terminal resizes itself
[11:17] <jelly> BotaniCar: misliš
[11:17] <datase> YouTube: TI SI MOJ HIT - GRUPA 777 (1982) - 0:03:11 - 6,522 views - 26 likes / 1 dislikes
[11:18] <jelly> titititisimojhittitimojaideja
[11:19] <BotaniCar> TO ! I odma' nakon toga "banane" ( ista grupa ) :D
[11:20] <BotaniCar> Da, to sam mislio :)
[11:21] <SilverSpace> ha mozda i rijesio problem terminala
[11:22] <jelly> i ako ih ne jedes, u smece odu sve!
[11:24] <jelly> pa to je obrada!
[11:24] <datase> YouTube: Le Figlie Del Vento - Sugli Sugli Bane Bane (1973) - 0:03:14 - 45,918 views - 167 likes / 1 dislikes
[11:30] <BotaniCar> *gasp*
[11:44] <SilverSpace> proljece ...
[11:45] <jelly> link laze, na slici nisu muskarci
[11:46] <SilverSpace> :)
[11:49] <SilverSpace> lol
[11:49] <jelly> koji je ono bio Lenovo model telefona koji se odmah rasprodao?
[11:51] <SilverSpace> p70
[11:52] <SilverSpace> kazu u linksu da je planuo
[11:53] <jelly> e taj
[11:53] <SilverSpace>
[11:53] <jelly> ak se ovaj kinez ne bude dao popraviti morat cu u kupovinu
[11:54] <SilverSpace> ja ga htio kupiti
[11:54] <SilverSpace> nema ga bar za sad
[11:54] <jelly> nisu znali kad ce naruciti iducu posiljku?
[11:56] <SilverSpace> ne
[11:56] <jelly> nek ga stave na grupnu kupnju, majstori :-|
[11:56] <CrazyLemon> koliko kosta? kod nas je preskup da bi se isplatio :) radije bih kupio 1+1 nego p70 kad je vec ista cijena
[11:57] <SilverSpace> meni ovo dobro izgleda
[11:57] <SilverSpace> CrazyLemon: 1999
[11:57] <CrazyLemon> kod nas je jedno 300kuna skuplji
[11:59] <jelly> nb: to je bilo prije nego je dolar otisao gore
[11:59] <SilverSpace>
[12:00] <Mmike> jelly: ++ za grupu777
[12:02] <SilverSpace>
[12:02] <SilverSpace> Mmike: ^^
[12:03] <Mmike> SilverSpace: kajjeto?
[12:04] <Mmike> ili jos bolje - di je to :)
[12:07] <Mmike> SilverSpace: kaj je to bahrein?
[12:07] <Mmike> kaj ce se ponoci vozit?
[12:19] <weshmashian> mornin'
[12:22] <Mmike> SilverSpace: srcanih ti zalistaka!
[12:29] <ivoks> ahahahaha
[12:29] <ivoks> vip
[12:29] <ivoks> isssss... kak su losi
[12:29] <ivoks> nakon 2-3 dana debugiranja
[12:30] <ivoks> uopce ne kuze odakle potjece spam
[12:30] <ivoks> vele 'racunalo je zarazeno'
[12:30] <ivoks> a netko je samo forgao From polje
[12:33] <Mmike> ja sam iso na muriju prijavit lika sto me htio sjebat na njuslaku
[12:34] <Mmike> iznenadio sam se koliko je lik pismen
[12:34] <Mmike> gleda headere veli 'ha, ceska'
[12:34] <Mmike> zapise sve, napravi, veli, pre mala cifra morat cete ga tuzit ako cete tjet
[12:34] <Mmike> i jos spomene kak su headeri lako fejkabilni
[12:35] <Mmike> i kak ce mozda trebat neovisni vjestak
[12:44] <SilverSpace> Mmike: da bahrein
[12:44] <Mmike> kaj ce nocna bit?
[12:45] <SilverSpace> da vec je i prosle godine bila nocna
[12:45] <SilverSpace> jebiga pustinja
[12:45] <SilverSpace> vruce
[12:45] <Mmike> kaj?
[12:45] <Mmike> kad?
[12:45] <Mmike> cek u koliko je sati nasih onda utrka?
[12:46] <SilverSpace>
[12:46] <datase> YouTube: F1 2014 Bahrain Race Edit - 0:02:55 - 7,717 views - 17 likes / 6 dislikes
[12:47] <SilverSpace> Mmike: u 17h po naski
[12:56] <SilverSpace>
[12:56] <datase> YouTube: Ajkule - Moja treba - 0:02:56 - 134,983 views - 1218 likes / 30 dislikes
[15:16] <Mmike> mater mu
[15:16] <Mmike> mislim da sam uhvatio bug!
[15:22] <frainfreeze> Drž ga nepuštaj
[15:47] <Vlado9A3CY> dobar dan :)
[15:51] <ivoks> • 2.0 TDI e-tron, 190 HP + 136 HP (dva električna motora), 9-stupanjski S tronic.
[15:51] <ivoks> nije lose za audi a4
[15:52] <ivoks> Mmike: corosync?
[15:55] <ivoks> u hrvatskoj je vise ljudi koji ne zele raditi nego onih koji rade (a ne zaposljavaju sami sebe)
[15:55] <ivoks> ne
[15:55] <ivoks> mozes
[15:55] <ivoks> vjerovat
[15:56] <ivoks> 1,7 milijona ljudi ne zeli raditi
[15:56] <ivoks> dakle, ne vode se kao nezaposleni
[15:56] <ivoks> oni jednostavno ne zele raditi
[16:01] <SilverSpace> o jebote umro mi stari serviser kaj mi biciklo servisira
[16:01] <SilverSpace> da znate kak
[16:03] <infy-> hi
[16:03] <SilverSpace> imao stari poni biciklo i svako jutrro ode do ducana i u birtiju na kavu i naslonio taj poni biciklo ispred birtije uz terqasu i doso cigan i ukrade biciklo i on istrci za njim i nasred ceste dobi infakt
[16:03] <SilverSpace> i umre
[16:04] <SilverSpace> valjda od jada
[16:04] <SilverSpace> nemres boliviti
[16:10] <SilverSpace>
[16:22] <SilverSpace> lol
[16:22] <frainfreeze> SilverSpace: Awesome Senegalese bike tricks! - length 3m 34s - rated 4.95/5.0 (5265) - 1 080 482 views - orsations on 2010.09.20
[16:22] <datase> YouTube: Awesome Senegalese bike tricks! - 0:03:34 - 1,080,482 views - 5198 likes / 67 dislikes
[16:59] <markosejic> d dan
[18:24] <ivoks> zanimljiva anegdota
[18:24] <ivoks> film apollo 13
[18:25] <ivoks> za 5 godina ce vremenska razlika izmedju filma i apollo 13 misije biti manja nego li izmedju vremena kada je film izasao i tog trenutka u vremenu
[18:30] * frainfreeze psuje
[18:30] * frainfreeze mrzi matematiku i razmišljanje
[18:30] * frainfreeze ide izračunat razliku.
[18:31] <ivoks> 95 - 70 = 25
[18:31] <ivoks> 2015 - 1995 = 20
[18:38] <SilverSpace> ni ne kuzim
[18:45] <SilverSpace> jebo windoze. da bi saznao koju wireless karticu imam na racunalu moram u ubuntu
[18:46] <tonil> BotaniCar, SilverSpace
[18:46] <datase> YouTube: zigu zigule - wiggle wiggle - 0:01:17 - 674,990 views - 2945 likes / 209 dislikes
[18:49] <SilverSpace> tonil:
[18:49] <datase> YouTube: "Nobody Canna Cross It" Twanging (Refix Video) - DJ Powa - 0:02:37 - 5,524,330 views - 43418 likes / 463 dislikes
[19:26] <vileni> ode i prvi rimac
[19:27] <tonil> vileni, mmm
[19:27] <tonil> sletio?
[19:27] <tonil> a pogon na sva cetiri
[19:28] <vileni> netko je testirao auto na micevcu
[19:28] <tonil> ha
[19:28] <tonil> zato ga i nisu davali nezavisnim testerima do sada
[19:28] <vileni> pogon na sva 4 ti malo znaci kad imas 1000+ ks na raspolaganju
[19:28] <vileni> sva sreca pa ima 2 u pogonu, 6 u izradi
[19:30] <tonil> vileni, ne izgleda mi nimalo stabilno
[19:30] <frainfreeze> tonil: Rimac Concept One: From Silence to Acceleration - length 38s - rated 4.92/5.0 (51) - 17 846 views - bilvideo on 2013.06.16
[19:30] <datase> YouTube: Rimac Concept One: From Silence to Acceleration - 0:00:38 - 17,846 views - 50 likes / 1 dislikes
[19:30] <tonil> samo kazem
[19:30] <tonil> lako to izleti
[19:30] <tonil> ko da su mu poluosovine i lezaji od olova i plastike
[19:35] <tonil1> hm pocket
[19:36] <tonil1> vileni, rimac nikad nije bio stabilan na cesti
[19:36] <tonil1> auto je sminka
[19:57] <Mmike> ivoks: pimpek, cinilo se da su sjebati kljucevi i da se zato corosync blesira, a'l sad kad u clean env testiram, sve radi ok
[20:50] <obruT> i tak... lijepo, obavim ja polugodisnji razgovor, dobicem kao bonus, odem pogledat na isplatnu listu, bome lijepa svota... a onda pogledam na racunu, pederi od drzave ne da su uzeli vise od pola nego ne fali puno da ispadne da su uzeli duplo vise nego sto sam ja dobio
[20:50] <obruT> i sad ti radi u ovoj jebenoj drzavi
[20:53] <markosejic> takva nam je drzava nazalost | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.090675 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-hr"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-discuss | [05:00] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all
[06:37] <lordievader> Good morning.
[10:01] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.092593 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-discuss"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu | [00:00] <k1l_> re
[00:02] <aegiryy> is there any FreeBSD room here?
[00:02] <k1l_> !alis | aegiryy
[00:03] <emash> hello everyone
[00:04] <antons_> iperf transfers of 700Mbps on 1gbps normal ?
[00:04] <emash> i really want to install ubuntu on usb in bios mode and make it bootable in uefi. I tried so many times how do i ...
[00:05] <emash> i want it to load like clonezilla-live does, why can't i achieve this
[00:05] <k1l_> darkelfjuggalo: any progress?
[00:06] <darkelfjuggalo>
[00:06] <rellis> Hello all. I am tryping to tar 1.7 million files that total 170gb. The tar command is consuming less than 2% cpu on average, no IO wait, no sys, no nothing... and there's no competition on the system. Why does it go so slow?
[00:07] <k1l_> darkelfjuggalo: ok, i would run a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to make sure all packages are now on the true trusty state and not on the old raring one.
[00:07] <k1l_> darkelfjuggalo: but firefox is 37.0.1 now, which is the latest firefox release
[00:07] <pbx> rellis, what's its "NI" (niceness) value in top/htop?
[00:08] <rellis> k1l_: It's at 15
[00:08] <rellis> err sorry, pbx
[00:08] <pbx> gotcha
[00:08] <rellis> pbc: Actually NI is 0... PR is 15
[00:10] <pbx> rellis, try renicing?
[00:10] <pbx> it sounds curious though.
[00:10] <rellis> pbx: I will try that right now
[00:10] <pbx> so little of what i do is cpu-bound i have no experience to apply
[00:11] <rellis> that's fair
[00:13] <pbx> you could turn it all the way to -20 and if there's no change in cpu usage or progress (if you're tracking that) then niceness clearly isn't it...
[00:14] <rellis> pbx: I just set it down to -20 and there's no change.
[00:14] <rellis> pbx: Thanks for trying though.
[00:16] <pbx> rellis, the other thing that occurs to me is that it may indeed be IO bound but the reporting thereof is somehow obscured
[00:16] <pbx> i assume you'd notice if it was swapping for some reason (i assume tar can handle x million filename jobs but you never know)
[00:19] <AssociateX> Hello all.
[00:22] <rellis> pbx: There's no swapping and not a lot of context switching.
[00:25] <choki> Is ubuntu rolling release? Because when I do sudo apt-get upgrade there are always some packages who have an upgrade available.
[00:25] <somsip> choki: no it's not
[00:25] <choki> whats the difference then? ubuntu also has upgraded packages i can install
[00:26] <somsip> choki: once a release is made, the packages dont upgrade over major versions. EG: install 5.0.0 and you'll upgrade to 5.*.* but not 6.*. (it's a facvile example)
[00:26] <somsip> *facile
[00:27] <choki> so ubuntu only gets minor updates?
[00:27] <choki> i dont get really the diff between
[00:27] <choki> I also get software updates with ubuntu
[00:28] <daftykins> choki: major versions don't change, but minor versions (i.e. fixes) do
[00:29] <somsip> choki: 2nd answer on here
[00:30] <AssociateX> I have tried to boot a Ubuntu and then Xubuntu install dvd but I get a message: "WARNING: PAE disabled. Use parameter 'forcepae' to enable at you own risk! This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae". Then it says "Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for you CPU". The CPU is a Intel Pentium M processor (1600 MHz), the laptop is a HP/Compaq nx5000.
[00:30] <choki> thanks a lot!
[00:31] <daftykins> AssociateX: yeah, so have you added forcepae ?
[00:32] <ubuntu795> hi there
[00:32] <daftykins> AssociateX: i warn you though, that old a system isn't going to be too great
[00:33] <AssociateX> daftykins, I don't know how to add forcepae as a boot option.
[00:33] <ubuntu795> the unity menu (the one on the left by default) doesn´t apear when I move the mouse on the left side, do you know how can I fix that?
[00:34] <daftykins> AssociateX: when you boot, press a key at the purple logo so the language select pops up, then highlight 'try' and press 'e' to edit i think it is, or press F6 for advanced options
[00:36] <AssociateX> daftykins, I did try go through the f1-0 keys but did not get the pop up. Let me try again. Which key do suggest that I press? Thank you for the help, btw.
[00:37] <daftykins> AssociateX: this should cover it, let me know if it's not enough -
[00:38] <AssociateX> Ha! I pushed the 'a' key and got the pop up. Thanks man!!!
[00:38] <Finetundra> hello folks, I need to find a DNS benchmarker. Whats a good one?
[00:39] <daftykins> Finetundra: not sure what you mean.
[00:40] <Finetundra> daftykins, I need some tool to test a few DNS servers. Currentky I'm having issues
[00:41] <daftykins> test in what way?
[00:41] <daftykins> this genuinely doesn't make sense to me :)
[00:42] <Finetundra> daftykins, test which is fastest for my location. As I said I'm having trouble with my current one
[00:43] <daftykins> yeah but you miss out key details 1) which and 2) what's happening :)
[00:47] <cluelessperson> Hey guys, I'm trying to do something similar to pastebin. and I made a script in ubuntu called "sliceit"
[00:47] <cluelessperson> problem is that command | sliceit seems to be a bit slow.
[00:47] <cluelessperson> I'm wondering if is just slow, or what?
[00:48] <cluelessperson> or maybe it's just as slow as it would take to print out the info?
[00:48] <ultrapepe> hey i have a question about deleted ppa's. how do i rectify apt keys for installed packages from a deleted ppa?
[00:49] <Finetundra> daftykins, what do you mean by which. As for whats happening, all my computers are having massively long or even infinate load times for web pages reached through domain names. In the times that they do load it's almost always plain text on the pages
[00:49] <OerHeks> ultrapepe, rectify ? delete or retrieve?
[00:50] <ultrapepe> OerHeks: either, apt is erroring out and i can't find the signing key for that ppa.
[00:50] <daftykins> Finetundra: well, what IPs are you using? ISP DNS or google/opendns?
[00:50] <OerHeks> ultrapepe, what ppa?
[00:50] <ultrapepe> jon-severinsson ffmpeg
[00:50] <OerHeks> and for what ubuntu version? we need more detail
[00:51] <ultrapepe> OerHeks: jon-severinsson ffmpeg precise
[00:51] <OerHeks> ultrapepe, read the ppa
[00:52] <ultrapepe> OerHeks: the information on that page is private.
[00:52] <OerHeks> deleted, gone.
[00:53] <OerHeks> !ppapurge
[00:53] <Finetundra> dafytkins, I'm going to assume that you mean the DNS servers. In which case, AT&T's default(blasted uverse service) and Google's(piped through a secondary because att's doesn't reach everywhere I need it)
[00:54] <ultrapepe> i need to keep the ffmpeg packages that are installed, i don't want to revert to ubuntu's. i want to keep the packages and fix the gpg key problem
[00:54] <cluelessperson> Here it is. I built this sort of pastebin alternative, and I'm working on some python in ubuntu. Problem is that it seems to be a little slow. It takes several seconds, verssus the website submitting in like 0.2 seconds.
[00:55] <OerHeks> ultrapepe, open softwarecenter > edit > sources, and see the tab authentication, you have the keys, if you added it the correct way. but that ppa is dead
[00:55] <PHPLearner> anyone here uses Phalcon PHP
[00:56] <PHPLearner> need some hlep
[00:56] <PHPLearner> help with regards my NetBeans IDE
[00:56] <PHPLearner> I want my NetBeans IDE to be able to delete the cache files that volt creates every time I request a page to my browser
[00:56] <PHPLearner> anyone please help
[00:57] <PHPLearner> I have been struggling with my coding these past three days already
[00:57] <daftykins> PHPLearner: well you're kinda asking in the wrong places, try a netbeans channel? so presumable java folk?
[00:58] <PHPLearner> ok
[00:58] <daftykins> *presumably
[00:58] <ultrapepe> OerHeks: i don't have the keys. the packages are part of my server installation; the ffmpeg binaries are dependencies. so i need to either import the signing key or ask apt not to check those ffmpeg packages.
[00:59] <jadson> como funciona
[00:59] <OerHeks> ultrapepe, remove the entries in sources.list.d
[01:00] <OerHeks> /etc/apt/sources.list.d
[01:03] <ultrapepe> OerHeks: gah. fml. thanks for the help. spot on.
[01:13] <drose379> Guys what is a normal discharge rate
[01:14] <daftykins> i'm going to guess you mean for a laptop battery... and no idea.
[01:15] <drose379> Yes daftykins
[01:15] <drose379> Im trying to optimize my battery
[01:15] <drose379> Anything essential I should do off the bat?
[01:15] <gzcwnk> it will depend on a lot of things
[01:15] <Kb52> Is it appropriate to discuss USB Bluetooth adapter here?
[01:16] <daftykins> It's appropriate to discuss Ubuntu support queries, so if that applies...
[01:17] <Kb52> Well here goes. Got a Bluetooth USB dongle hooked to my Desktop. It shows it in the taskbar. Here is the line from lsusb Bus 003 Device 002: ID 1131:1004 Integrated System Solution Corp. Bluetooth Device
[01:19] <Kb52> All appears to work, but nothing sees it nor does it see anything. I am probably going to go boot into WindoZe just to see what happens there, and then come back to here. Just wondering if there is any hope. Right now the only device I have tried was my cell phone.
[01:20] <daftykins> just make sure you're not using a USB 3.0 port i guess
[01:21] <Kb52> No it only has USB 2 ports.
[01:22] <Kb52> Its possible it is defective, or the driver will have to be installed, or it is hopeless. The other one didnt work at all however.
[01:23] <kro2488> So just a quick question I have wondered about, where is the ufw firewall log stored?
[01:23] <kro2488> like the listening report?
[01:26] <OerHeks> kro2488, To enable logging use: sudo ufw logging on. /var/log/ufw.log
[01:27] <kro2488> yeah i know how to turn it on etc just wondere where it was
[01:27] <kro2488> so its in /var/log/ufw.log
[01:27] <kro2488> gotcha
[01:27] <kro2488> how detailed is it?
[01:28] <psyrus> aeln i pmed you
[01:29] <iawiabowwaa> Hi there all, just wondering how to do the .desktop thing for mplayer in ubuntu 15.04. I did what I used to do but no icon showing up in the open with tab
[01:31] <OerHeks> great, is back online
[01:32] <kostkon> iawiabowwaa, forgot to define the mimetypes that are supported?
[01:32] <mekhami> How do I go about getting the best possible driver for my nvidia GTX card
[01:32] <mekhami> i think it's a 490
[01:33] <iambar> Oops I think I was doing it in the wrong directory
[01:33] <daftykins> mekhami: install nvidia-331 - done
[01:33] <daftykins> mekhami: it'll be offered through 'additional drivers'
[01:33] <mekhami> i can do this through apt-get?
[01:34] <daftykins> yes
[01:36] <mekhami> daftykins, do i have to do anything after apt-get install?
[01:36] <daftykins> reboot...
[01:36] <mekhami> sure.
[01:36] <mekhami> Thanks :)
[01:40] <cinnamonbun> Hello, I installed Ubuntu 14.04 and have proceeded to upgrade the kernel to 4.0. I have pentium G3240 which has Intel HD graphics. Do I need to install anything extra in the form of drivers to optimise my system or will whatever is preinstalled work fine?
[01:40] <daftykins> cinnamonbun: running a non-standard kernel is not supported.
[01:41] <daftykins> thus what you are now running isn't ubuntu anymore :)
[01:41] <aeon-ltd> cinnamonbun: if you've got the intel drivers, i don't think there are any other drivers available besides testing/beta maybe
[01:41] <kostkon> cinnamonbun, intel drivers are in the kernel
[01:41] <cinnamonbun> kostex: I see. Perfect. Thanks. I haven't installed any drivers for it from a website and nothing comes up in the driver manager too
[01:42] <kostkon> cinnamonbun, yes, that's normal
[01:42] <daftykins> you don't install drivers like Windows :)
[01:42] <daftykins> you also don't unecessarily run newer kernels...
[01:42] <cinnamonbun> lovely, daftykins it's the greatest thing ever. I imagine Id need to do some tinkering if I were a gamer but thankfully I am not. Just wanted to know if it was all optimised
[01:43] <cinnamonbun> also, I know it's a no no but I've always upgraded to the latest kernels with no issues so far for 1+ year. I don't recommend it to anyone of course but it's fun
[01:43] <daftykins> cinnamonbun: right but doing so, you can't ask for support here because you're not running a known setup anymore.
[01:44] <cinnamonbun> daftykins: I understand. Does 14.10 have the same kernel as 14.04?
[01:44] <daftykins> no
[01:44] <daftykins> 3.13 = 14.04, 3.16 14.10
[01:45] <cinnamonbun> Anyway, thanks for the quick answer. The OS is zooming by. I am at work but I just want to go home and tinker with it.
[01:45] <kostkon> !info linux-generic utopic
[01:47] <cinnamonbun> While I am here. Pretend I am on a supported kernel for now. I've installed 14.04 under UEFI/GPT partition table (only Ubuntu, no other OS). Do I need to change something in the grub settings so it boots faster? Right now I have the motherboard uefi logo, a blank screen for 3 seconds (i assume grub) and then the ubuntu logo
[01:47] <daftykins> no, we don't pretend you're eligible for support :)
[01:50] <mekhami> i just noticed something very odd
[01:50] <mekhami> so i'm playing street fighter iv via wine/steam
[01:50] <mekhami> i'm playing with a joystick if that matters
[01:50] <daftykins> can you explain on one line?
[01:50] <mekhami> and i'm playing for a bit and the screen starts going grey and my computer starts going to sleep like i've been idle this whole time
[01:50] <mekhami> no, because that's stupid and nobody wants to read walls of text.
[01:50] <daftykins> you've already made one.
[01:51] <mekhami> there's separation in this. it's called chat. it's been around for decades.
[01:51] <daftykins> are you aware how bad form it is to argue when you're the one that wants help? :)
[01:51] <mekhami> are you aware how little fucks i give about your incomprehensible attitude towards newlines?
[01:51] <mekhami> you don't wanna help because i pressed enter? great, piss off
[01:51] <daftykins> calm down there little buddy, we have language rules :)
[01:52] <daftykins> !language | mekhami
[01:52] <mekhami> there should be rules against being an arrogant prick
[01:52] <daftykins> i politely asked you press enter less, there's no need for getting upset now
[01:53] <mekhami> this is the only chan i've ever been in with such an inane guideline
[01:53] <mekhami> i got a message from your bot earlier saying i was flooding and should press enter less. seriously, what is the matter with you people.
[01:53] <daftykins> fight the rules - you're gonna have a bad time
[01:54] <mekhami> the problem is
[01:55] <mekhami> you think anybody gives a damn about rules on your irc chan. they don't. it's so incredibly insignificant. they only exist to stroke some nerd's ego
[01:55] <Ben64> mekhami: there are 1732 people currently in this room, rules are a necessity. if you don't like them you don't have to be here
[01:55] <daftykins> mekhami: it's not my channel, i'm a volunteer :) now look at it this way, you look like an angry teenager urinating against the tide trying to argue this :)
[01:55] <mekhami> yeah, reasonable, intelligent rules are a necessity.
[01:56] <daftykins> and everyone else copes with them just fine :D
[01:56] <mekhami> moronic rules like 'don't press enter a lot' serve only to make you look as archaic as the rest of the world sees you.
[01:57] <daftykins> you see, a mature person would've just done it
[01:57] <mekhami> no, a sheep would've just done it.
[01:58] <mekhami> there's no maturity in blindly following guidelines in whatever setting you may appear to be in.
[01:58] <daftykins> i wonder just who it is you think you're rebelling against 0o
[01:58] <mekhami> I don't feel like I'm rebelling against anyone.
[01:58] <mekhami> I'm pointing out stupidity where I see it.
[01:58] <mekhami> I consider that a moral obligation
[01:58] <daftykins> as am i :)
[01:58] <Ben64> mekhami: please point it out in #ubuntu-ops then
[01:59] <daftykins> shame on you for not being polite especially after already receiving answers.
[01:59] <mekhami> oh no, i've been shamed upon.
[01:59] <mekhami> why don't you adjust your expectations?
[02:00] <daftykins> because those that deserve help should abide by rules :)
[02:00] <daftykins> now i shall entertain no more, as you are clearly akin to a troll
[02:00] <Ben64> mekhami: please stick to support in this channel. if you want to discuss the rules, do so in #ubuntu-ops ... if you want to chat about non-support related things, please do so in #ubuntu-offtopic
[02:00] <mekhami> Ah, the old "you're a troll for disagreeing with me about something" defense.
[02:00] <mekhami> Classic.
[02:00] <daftykins> no, for fighting rules
[02:00] <mekhami> Even better.
[02:01] <mekhami> Are you going to shake a stick and tell me to get off your lawn now?
[02:01] <Ben64> mekhami: daftykins: both of you stop filling this channel with nonsense please, you know where to go
[02:10] <unitypunk> hey everyone..
[02:11] <unitypunk> what would cause the pc's "load" to get to 1, or over?
[02:11] <unitypunk> its my understanding you want your load as low as possible.
[02:11] <daftykins> processes being delayed by IO, that sort of thing
[02:11] <daftykins> lots of programs at once taxing it
[02:12] <unitypunk> daftykins: how can i figure out whats causing such high loads?
[02:12] <daftykins> all a 1 on the load average means is that in the last x minutes, 1 process was waiting for resources
[02:12] <daftykins> well that's not even vaguely high for one
[02:12] <unitypunk> no?
[02:12] <daftykins> newp
[02:12] <unitypunk> seems high when other pcs i see are ar .03 .06 .01
[02:13] <unitypunk> pc is abnormaly slow, but it is also old, thought maybe a high load was important
[02:13] <daftykins> are you using any swap? "free -m"
[02:13] <trinityx> Hello
[02:13] <trinityx> there is a lote of users here
[02:13] <trinityx> lot*
[02:14] <daftykins> yes, do you have a support question?
[02:14] <Ben64> unitypunk: i have a load of 3.16 right now, its not really a thing to focus on
[02:14] <pol> first timer here
[02:14] <unitypunk> daftykins: 93 of my 1gb free, 2400 of my 2800 swap free.
[02:14] <daftykins> 1GB RAM? ouch.
[02:14] <daftykins> unless that's a VPS
[02:15] <unitypunk> Ben64: i think memory might be more important haha
[02:15] <trinityx> no, I was just checking out the freenode help page and it said ubuntu had a room. I thought that was cool
[02:15] <unitypunk> 1gb isnt that bad is
[02:15] <unitypunk> :D
[02:15] <Ben64> unitypunk: its pretty bad
[02:15] <pol> just wondering if i joined the right chanel
[02:15] <unitypunk> i guess things come standard with 4-8 now a days huh
[02:15] <daftykins> trinityx: ah. support queries in here, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic
[02:15] <trinityx> okay, thanks
[02:15] <daftykins> i wouldn't build anything with less than 16GB now, yeah
[02:15] <unitypunk> LOL
[02:16] <unitypunk> well working with what i got, how can i increase useability
[02:16] <unitypunk> change dm?
[02:16] <daftykins> use xubuntu or ubuntu MATE if you're using unity.
[02:16] <Ben64> use something like xfce or lxde
[02:16] <unitypunk> k
[02:16] <daftykins> but i wouldn't make me worst enemy run a system with 1GB RAM in 2015
[02:16] <daftykins> *my
[02:18] <unitypunk> daftykins: i bought a raspberrypi t replace it i guess.
[02:18] <psyrus> what happened to aeln?!!??
[02:18] <psyrus> ugh
[02:19] <daftykins> to what?
[02:19] <unitypunk> the 1gb monster.
[02:19] <unitypunk> it was my daily.
[02:19] <daftykins> i was talking to psyrus
[02:19] <unitypunk> :(
[02:19] <daftykins> hence the grammar mismatch
[02:28] <Osmodivs> Hello. I was trying to load some modules from sensors detect when the program suggested me to ""service kmod start"" but The Terminal gives me this error message: start: Unknown job: kmod
[02:29] <Osmodivs> How do I make sensors detect work and load the modules?
[02:29] <kostkon> Osmodivs, sudo service kmod start?
[02:30] <Osmodivs> kostkon, Yes.
[02:30] <Osmodivs> kostkon, Monitoring programs won't work until the needed modules are
[02:30] <Osmodivs> loaded. You may want to run 'service kmod start'
[02:30] <Osmodivs> to load them.
[02:32] <kostkon> !info kmod
[02:33] <Osmodivs> I am using 14,04.02 64Bits
[02:33] <kostkon> Osmodivs, probably install the package or alternatively use modprobe?
[02:34] <Osmodivs> kostkon, I have kmod installed and I just installed nVIDIA MODPROBE
[02:34] <kostkon> Osmodivs, no idea about that
[02:35] <kostkon> !modules
[02:35] <Ben64> Osmodivs: nvidia modprobe? are you running ubuntu?
[02:35] <Osmodivs> Ben64, Yeah
[02:35] <rideh> anyone here have experience with ubuntu as a guest in virtualbox on a windows host ? I've shared my user folder and mounted it as my home folder and set uid/gid. mount -t vboxsf myname /home/myname -o uid=myname -o gid=myname
[02:35] <Ben64> Osmodivs: yeah what
[02:35] <Osmodivs> Guess what, I just SUDO and worked XD kmod stop/waiting
[02:35] <rideh> i also copied the contents of the home folder so it has the pre-generated bash files etc there. loggingin just sends me back to login screen
[02:35] <Osmodivs> I hope that means it is working
[02:36] <Ben64> Osmodivs: thats the first thing kostkon said to do, and you said yes...
[02:36] <Osmodivs> Ben64, Oops, I should have read better
[02:36] <Osmodivs> sorry
[02:37] <Osmodivs> I, ll reboot
[02:37] <Osmodivs> bye.
[02:37] <Osmodivs> thx.
[02:43] <rideh> I've done this with other versions of windows/ubuntu without any trouble. no idea what the problem is now
[02:44] <daftykins> rideh: switch to TTY1, log in as your user and check no file in ~ is owned by root instead of the user
[02:45] <rideh> done they are all showing as correct user
[02:47] <stanton> Anyone know how to fix the rtl8188ee driver issue, or will it have to be fixed with a kernel update
[02:48] <rideh> daftykins, yeah showing as my correct user, i've removed the files temporarily from that folder and rebooted to try agaqin to make sure i didnt have a version of config conflict
[02:48] <rideh> daftykins, no change, still successfully login but it sends me back to the login screen
[02:48] <daftykins> rideh: you did do "ls -al" to check, right?
[02:49] <rideh> daftykins, yes
[02:49] <rideh> well, ll but same result
[02:50] <steve> any one out there like to fuck?
[02:51] <steve> yo any one there
[02:52] <rideh> daftykins, i'm not seeing anything in the logs that is helping me get a better idea either
[02:54] <daftykins> rideh: oh wait you've done some home folder trickery, i don't have a clue about any of that
[02:54] <rideh> daftykins, yeah mounted a host shared folder as my home folder
[02:54] <rideh> daftykins, tried via fstab, and rc.local
[02:55] <daftykins> that's never gonna work because permissions 0o
[02:55] <rideh> done it before in past windows/ubuntu..
[02:55] <rideh> what has changed with perms that would prevent?
[02:55] <daftykins> i don't know, but i wouldn't even try that
[02:55] <daftykins> i'd maybe mount it as a subfolder... *maybe* but the standard is /media/mountpoint
[02:56] <rideh> yeah but i'm trying to share profiles between 3 systems so i dont have to replicate everything
[02:56] <rideh> keeping everything in sync sucks
[02:56] <daftykins> that's a horrible idea
[02:56] <rideh> whys that?
[02:58] <rideh> i'm careful of file locks
[02:58] <deadmund> rideh: I don't think it's a horrible idea, but usually the permissions will get messed up.
[02:58] <deadmund> rideh: What are the OSs of the three systems?
[02:58] <rideh> well the host is windows and guest is ubuntu so afaik they use differnt schemes
[02:59] <deadmund> rideh: I don't know what the hell windows does when it sees ext4 / unix permissions
[02:59] <rideh> osx has files that are sorta sycned with windows,... the windows and ubuntu will actually share a filesystem
[02:59] <rideh> deadmund, ignores them
[02:59] <rideh> or did before windows 8. now i dont know
[03:00] <deadmund> IDK either!
[03:05] <rooth> hi, "Shared to other computers" works brilliantly! I just have one question, can you get the connected computer to use the /etc/hosts file from the "server".
[03:08] <specfreq> How can I get the Alternate Ubuntu Install disk? I am installing on a desktop RAID
[03:08] <specfreq>
[03:08] <rideh> where can i see output or flag a verbose mode for logging in to see exactly what is failing?
[03:09] <daftykins> alternate doesn't exist anymore
[03:09] <psusi> specfreq, the alternate installer is no longer around... there is the server edition instead
[03:09] <daftykins> !mini
[03:09] <daftykins> specfreq: also that ^
[03:10] <psusi> though you can still use the desktop installer, you just have to manually install mdadm for raid and configure the raid array yourself on the command line, then fire up the installer to install to it
[03:10] <Kb52> Ok found out after booting into windows that my USB Bluetooth Dongle is hardware defective. Have a TekRam TM-304 but cannot find whatever ubuntu wants to make it work, so no dice.
The one that might work, because Ubuntu sees it ok, is hardware defective, it appears to work but does not. The Tekram which works fine in Windoze is not able to work in Linux. I guess nobody made a Linux driver for Tekram usb bluetooth dongle. So I am just dead in the water on figuring out how to do it. In lsusb it sees it as a Roper Class 1 Bluetooth Adapter.
[03:12] <Kb52> Any thoughts on getting the Tekram adapter to work, or should I just forget about it ever working?
[03:12] <Ben64> would need the output from lsusb for it
[03:13] <Kb52> I did however figure out HOW to change the main mouse pointer to be correct to the current Xwindows Theme.
[03:15] <sheer> who wants to help a victim out
[03:15] <[n0mad]> well if you need a doctor or lawyer you've come to the right place
[03:16] <sheer> i've been hacked
[03:16] <sheer> and google doesn't have any email addresses
[03:16] <sheer> i almost called them but fuck it
[03:16] <sheer> i just put ubuntu CD in the drive. it's spinning.
[03:16] <Bashing-om> rideh: What one can do is bott up with 'text' boot parameters to see the boot messages .. might be possible to "pause" the output .
[03:17] <Bashing-om> bott/boot*
[03:17] <[n0mad]> well, you probably shouldn't cuss but if you have a question you should probably just ask it and if someone can help they will
[03:17] <sheer> ok so I select run wubi.exe right?
[03:17] <rideh> Bashing-om, hm, boot is happening fine but will that give me a more verbose output for login?
[03:17] <rideh> sheer, what are you talking about
[03:17] <sheer> an ubuntu installation, rideh
[03:18] <Bashing-om> rideh: Yeah ,, ya get a play by play what the boot process is doing .
[03:18] <daftykins> sheer: no WUBI is not supported.
[03:18] <sheer> daftykins, i hope you're not trolling a victim
[03:18] <rideh> Bashing-om, i can see that in logs now, its just what happens when i try to login to a user profile
[03:18] <daftykins> sheer: i am being serious, don't use it.
[03:18] <rideh> sheer, what do you think happened or is happening
[03:19] <sheer> well i have been hacked
[03:19] <sheer> now i want to install linux
[03:19] <sheer> i have a wubi file, which is apparently not supported
[03:19] <sheer> can I use this cd or do i need to re-download ubuntu?
[03:19] <daftykins> that is not a logical set of events, but if you want to install it, boot from the disc
[03:19] <Bashing-om> rideh: OK, logging into a user profile is long past the boot process.
[03:19] <daftykins> but it can't be a CD as modern versions don't fit on CD anymore
[03:20] <rideh> Bashing-om, correct
[03:20] <sheer> it's 14.04
[03:20] <sheer> i'm starting to feel trolled
[03:20] <rideh> sheer, we're feeling the same
[03:20] <daftykins> that makes three of us
[03:20] <Bashing-om> rideh: Then in that case, all you can do is read the logs.
[03:20] <rideh> what are you trying to do, forensics, wipe, or retal?
[03:20] <sheer> i legit just got hacked 3 days ago but i found out today and i've been up for 24 hours so i'd like to get this ubuntu installation going!
[03:21] <daftykins> yep troll confirmed. ignoring.
[03:21] <rideh> Bashing-om, which log has info from the login process, i'm not seein gthose details in auth, dmesg, etc etc
[03:21] <sheer> wow
[03:21] <sheer> i'm not a troll
[03:21] <sheer> :(
[03:21] <sheer> fuck you
[03:21] <rideh> sheer, how did you get hacked, what happened, what system, we need a few more details than you having a panic attack
[03:22] <Bashing-om> rideh: What issue are you pursuing ? different logs for diferent reasons.
[03:22] <sheer> rideh, i'm not sure how it happened, i tried contacting google, they didn't give me the time of day, the only thing left is to call them as there are no email addresses for support
[03:22] <rideh> depending on the severity a sever attack can persist through reformat
[03:22] <rideh> *severe
[03:22] <sheer> my gmail account got compromised and for all i know, the rest of my system, but i don't know, i am baffled that my gmail was compromised/hacked
[03:22] <sheer> windows or os x as i was using both
[03:22] <rideh> Bashing-om, upon gnome login it just returns back to login screen.
[03:22] <sheer> what else
[03:22] <sheer> i'm not panicking
[03:22] <rideh> what would google have to do with it
[03:22] <sheer> i just want to install ubuntu
[03:22] <[Saint]> and this is why we use 2-factor auth.
[03:22] <daftykins> rideh: technically none of that is really ubuntu support, though
[03:22] <rideh> that makes no sense
[03:22] <sheer> i want them to give me info
[03:23] <rideh> daftykins, fair enough
[03:23] <rideh> sheer, are you running chrome os?
[03:23] <rideh> was the attack via your email
[03:23] <rideh> what would google have to do with it
[03:23] <sheer> i want them to tell me how that hacker's phone got on my device list without any warning or alert
[03:23] <sheer> no, windows andn os x
[03:23] <sheer> rideh, i just answered that, i want them to give me info
[03:23] <rideh> autherized devices on your google account?
[03:24] <rideh> there are a few ways that can happen, are you using 2 factor?
[03:24] <sheer> i am now
[03:24] <sheer> -_-
[03:24] <rideh> then they had your password and thats all they ever needed
[03:24] <Bashing-om> rideh: What we often see in that event is no authorization to access the GUI .. -> ls -al .Xauthority , ls -al .ICEauthority <-.. The "user" should be owner and grouped not "root".
[03:24] <sheer> rideh, how didi they have my password
[03:24] <daftykins> guys try and steer the conversation toward ubuntu support, or take it to another channel please
[03:24] <rideh> Bashing-om, yes my user is the owner of those files, i've also tried removing the files to see if it would generate new ones
[03:24] <rideh> sheer, do you use that same password for any other website or service?
[03:25] <[Saint]> sheer: odds are, your password sucked.
[03:25] <[Saint]> but this chat isn't relevant here.
[03:25] <rideh> ^
[03:25] <sheer> rideh, i've had that particular conversation already
[03:25] <sheer> it was 16 characters but yes it did suck
[03:25] <sheer> how the fuck can you brute force a gmail password though, bleh, forget it, i want to install ubuntu, do i use wubi and >demo and full install ?
[03:25] <rideh> so at this point you are trying to reinstall your system to make sure you have no exploits and want to use ubuntu?
[03:26] <Ben64> sheer: you've been warned about the language already. stop it
[03:26] <rideh> your best bet is to boot from disk and go install route
[03:26] <daftykins> !language | sheer you will not be warned again
[03:26] <sheer> apolgies.
[03:26] <sheer> apologies.
[03:26] <Bashing-om> rideh: -> echo $XAUTHORITY <- from ctl+alt+F1 console ?
[03:26] <rideh> Bashing-om, its empty
[03:26] <rideh> no value in it
[03:27] <sheer> rideh, thank you. would this work with a CD that has wubi -type ubuntu on it?
[03:27] <rideh> Saint, its slightly relevant to the security of his install of his next os
[03:27] <daftykins> as i've already said WUBI is dead, unadvisable.
[03:27] <rideh> sheer, how sophisticaed of a hack, have you replaced the harddrive?
[03:27] <daftykins> rideh: can you please STOP enabling the off topic chat?
[03:28] <sheer> daftykins, i believe he's trying to help
[03:28] <Ben64> the 'hack' is not on topic here at all
[03:28] <daftykins> that is not an ubuntu support query
[03:28] <rideh> daftykins, where should he go to talk about hardware sec before installing ubuntu
[03:28] <[Saint]> go to #igothaxoredandimtotallyoverreacting
[03:28] <sheer> daftykins, so i can't use the cd to boot from it.. if it's got a wubi file... to confirm....
[03:28] <daftykins> you can go chat in #ubuntu-offtopic
[03:28] <Ben64> sheer: what version is the ubuntu cd
[03:28] <daftykins> sheer: no, boot directly from the CD
[03:28] <sheer> [Saint], i just wanted to install ubuntu and i've been up for a long time, so have some respect for someone you don't even know, give your ego a rest
[03:28] <daftykins> except it's not a CD it's likely a DVD (:
[03:28] <Bashing-om> rideh: Not sure now that it would return IF no GUI is started ... is there a xsession-errors log in the /home users account . that you can access from your account ?
[03:28] <rideh> sheer just use another computer to burn a dvd iso of a new version of ubuntu and boot from it to install
[03:29] <rideh> sheer you are being a bit unreaosnable
[03:29] <rideh> some folks trying to help, some reminding you of the rules of where you are
[03:29] <[Saint]> and other sick of the ranting.
[03:29] <sheer> It is a DVD.
[03:29] <rideh> if this was a targeted attack i can see some of the motive
[03:29] <Ben64> sheer: ok, boot off of it and come back
[03:30] <daftykins> rideh: stop.
[03:30] <tanuki> Is there a way to install the quassel-core package from Vivid onto my Trusty server?
[03:30] <Ben64> tanuki: no
[03:30] <tanuki> Okay, then is there a clean way to install from source?
[03:30] <[Saint]> tanuki: just build it yourself.
[03:31] <[Saint]> yes, go to #quassel
[03:31] <rideh> Bashing-om, i get to the xlogin screen if i unmount the new home i can login normally. if i mount the new home, i login and it pauses, black screen then back to login screen
[03:31] <tanuki> [Saint]: Already there.
[03:32] <tanuki> But the issue is with Ubuntu's package system: How do I make sure a version I build from source will play nice with the system?
[03:32] <tanuki> (things like "service quasselcore foo")
[03:32] <daftykins> by not having the package installed
[03:35] <Bashing-om> rideh: fstab entry for new /home mount correct ?
[03:36] <rideh> Bashing-om, i've tried fstab, fstab with _netdev, i've tried mounting during rc.local
[03:36] <rideh> i've added vboxsf in /etc/modules
[03:37] <rideh> when i get to the login screen and drop out to console and login i can verify its had time to mount the shared filesystem as home with correct perms
[03:37] <rideh> then i attempt to login and it bails back to login
[03:37] <rideh> sorry that wasnt clear, i can login via console, but i cannot login via xsession
[03:39] <veryrandomnick> I booted from the DVD. Ubuntu with a purple background came up, and now the monitor's gone dark.
[03:39] <daftykins> !nomodeset
[03:39] <Bashing-om> rideh: the file /etc/fstab is where all the action takes place .. got to have an establsihed mount point, and the UUID must be correct . <- bodhi.zazen -Understanding fstab
[03:40] <rideh> Bashing-om, familiar with how that works, when i was loading via fstab without adding the vboxsf in modules it couldnt mount due to timing, then it was a matter of waiting for network communications to be active which was acocmplished with _netdev
[03:41] <rideh> Bashing-om, so regarding where it's accomplishing the mount its more a matter of it just loading in the proper order, still not sure why any of this would prevent login
[03:41] <Bashing-om> rideh: sorry, above my skill set too .
[03:42] <ericb> I installed a mail server on my gui lamp 10.04 server, and keep getting nonstop packets saying "standard query response, no such name" and "standard query A mail" and need to find out how to deactivate the mail server, but don't know what it's called.
[03:42] <ericb> So can anyone help me with how to find that out?
[03:42] <veryrandomnick> I have that little window opened, the one from F6
[03:42] <Ben64> ericb: how did you install it
[03:42] <rideh> Bashing-om, thanks for trying
[03:42] <veryrandomnick> should I select anything from it or?
[03:43] <ericb> Ben64: I can't remember :\ it worked when I needed it, but it has been a while since installing it and I would prefer to turn it off
[03:43] <Bashing-om> RichiH: Wish I had grater experience. Perhpas others can address your issue.
[03:43] <Ben64> ericb: also, you need to upgrade
[03:44] <veryrandomnick> the options are: acpi=off, noapic, nolapic, edd=on, nodmraid, nomodeet, free software only
[03:44] <veryrandomnick> (or try ubuntu w/out installing, install ubuntu)
[03:44] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: "nimodeset' from that selection list - tab to move about ,, and space to accept .. best I recall .
[03:45] <veryrandomnick> down arrow works
[03:46] <veryrandomnick> nomodset, you mean, right?
[03:46] <veryrandomnick> nomodeset*
[03:46] <veryrandomnick> that's gotta be what you meant
[03:47] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: Yes - "nomodeset" - for booting with the default system graphics device because of that purple screen .. at a later time in the install a proper driver can be installed .
[03:47] <veryrandomnick> after selecting it I assume i press escape?
[03:47] <veryrandomnick> because selecting it brings a cross next to it
[03:48] <veryrandomnick> oh, F6 and then install?
[03:48] <ericb> Is there a way to determine what process is causing repeated packets in wireshark saying "standard query A mail" on linux?
[03:49] <deadmund> ericb: Look at the port number then use netstat ?
[03:49] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: F6 brings up the boot options ... and best I recall once an option is selected .. and added to the kernel boot line it is space to continue the boot process (??) .
[03:51] <veryrandomnick> space bar selects and unselects the nomodeset kernel option
[03:52] <veryrandomnick> i await further instruction
[03:52] <veryrandomnick> =]
[03:53] <rideh> ericb do you have anything trying to send a queue of mail?
[03:55] <ericb> deadmund: what do i type to see what is running with that port number?
[03:56] <ericb> rideh: it is a mail server that I installed a while ago, I'm pretty certain
[03:56] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: f6 key (other options) -> arrow down to the preset option(s)space or enter to accept and then the escape key to exit; Enter key to continue the boot process to the GUI desk top .
[03:56] <Ben64> ericb: you really really need to upgrade to a newer version of ubuntu
[03:57] <rideh> ericb thats easily googlable
[03:57] <veryrandomnick> so >install ubuntu , not try ubuntu, right?
[03:57] <ericb> rideh: i may be googling the wrong thing then
[03:58] <rideh> "netstat query specific port"
[03:58] <ericb> ben64: what for?
[03:58] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: NO ! If you have not "tried ubuntu" you need to .. to make sure all devices function .. and you like the system as you see it ... ( check disl for defects though ) .// then install .
[03:58] <k2gremlin> Hey all, My Ubuntu server is my DHCP server for my Lan. If I point clients to it for DNS, website fail. If I point them to google at they work. How can I make it so my server handles the DNS requests?
[03:58] <Ben64> ericb: 10.04 server is losing support this month, and you said you have a gui on it, which has lost support 2 years ago
[03:58] <veryrandomnick> idk what disl is
[03:58] <veryrandomnick> i'm confident that i want to run ubuntu/linux, so long as it works ofc
[03:59] <k2gremlin> veryrandomnick, get used to doing research lol
[03:59] <Bashing-om> disl/disk ** cat pestering me for attention .. sorry .
[03:59] <k2gremlin> Do I need to setup Bind9?
[03:59] <veryrandomnick> ok, i will follow instructions and try Ubuntu
[04:00] <deadmund> ericb: netstat -a -t (then look for the port number)
[04:00] <deadmund> ericb: grep might be helpful
[04:00] <ericb> ben64: oh didn't know that. well it is just a temporary server
[04:01] <deadmund> veryrandomnick: Oh, it works.
[04:01] <veryrandomnick> it seems to be working
[04:02] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: :: very good .. that issures there are no surprises later after the install . Play with the system, make sure you like what you see . ( be awaare there are about 20 different Desktop environments that one can choose to use ) .
[04:02] <deadmund> There's about 20 different of _everything_
[04:03] <veryrandomnick> there are only 7 days of creation, deadmund
[04:03] <daftykins> k2gremlin: waste of time but you'd need to configure your system as a DNS cacher and forwarder, yeah
[04:04] <k2gremlin> Well im trying to reduce outbound DNS traffic
[04:05] <daftykins> k2gremlin: why?
[04:05] <k2gremlin> daftykins, because im bored :P
[04:05] <daftykins> -_-
[04:05] <k2gremlin> home network
[04:05] <veryrandomnick> i'm starting to worry, since my screen is dim, not showing anything.........
[04:05] <k2gremlin> :)
[04:05] <veryrandomnick> perhaps wubi doesn't work
[04:05] <k2gremlin> server is full proxy with content filter for kids lol
[04:05] <veryrandomnick> as a boot disk
[04:06] <cfhowlett> wubi? WUBI??? kill it with fire, it's dead, Jim, speak not the name of curse.
[04:06] <cfhowlett> Wubi is dead, abandonware and IT WILL BREAK your ubuntu 14.04+
[04:06] <deadmund> veryrandomnick: wubi never works right
[04:06] <veryrandomnick> ugh
[04:06] <veryrandomnick> i guess i'll download ubuntu nonwubi
[04:07] <daftykins> veryrandomnick: you already have a standard image, it has nothing to do with WUBI... stop mentioning it
[04:07] <Kb52> Whats a wubi obi wan?
[04:07] <cfhowlett> ?? there IS no ubuntu "non-wubi". just use the normal ubuntu .iso and dual boot or virtualbox
[04:07] <veryrandomnick> daftykins see cfhowlett , deadmund , others.......
[04:07] <daftykins> veryrandomnick: as i linked, enable nomodeset, then boot 'try'
[04:07] <veryrandomnick> daftykins did that
[04:07] <daftykins> and?
[04:07] <veryrandomnick> am now waiting in front of a dimmed screen
[04:07] <veryrandomnick> nothing is showing
[04:07] <daftykins> it's likely you did it wrong.
[04:08] <veryrandomnick> i don't know how one could do that wrong
[04:08] <daftykins> perhaps you toggled 'nomodeset' on the F6 menu too many times and turned it off again
[04:08] <veryrandomnick> i'll reset then
[04:08] <veryrandomnick> and try again
[04:08] <Kb52> Does anyone really know how many ways one can destroy Ubuntu?
[04:08] <daftykins> if you didn't reach a working desktop, you messed up
[04:08] <daftykins> Kb52: either phrase a support question or leave, please
[04:08] <veryrandomnick> let's put what you said to the test ^_^
[04:10] <daftykins> veryrandomnick: well what i say doesn't rule out the human element...
[04:10] <Kb52> Well my 1 and only problem is to determine if a Tek-Ram 304 USB Bluetooth adapter can be made to work in Ubuntu or not.
[04:10] <daftykins> yeah if you get nothing from searching online, can't help you
[04:11] <veryrandomnick> ubuntu 14.04 . . . . (like last time)
[04:11] <daftykins> well the 'DVD' isn't going to change version spontaneously
[04:12] <veryrandomnick> daftykins it's gone back to the dark screen
[04:13] <veryrandomnick> guess it's time to think about downloading it again
[04:13] <daftykins> yes it'll take a long time to load if it's really a DVD you're putting into a real physical computer
[04:13] <veryrandomnick> eh?
[04:13] <veryrandomnick> oh
[04:13] <veryrandomnick> well
[04:13] <veryrandomnick> i assure you, the computer is real
[04:13] <daftykins> watch the optical drive light for whether it's busy or not
[04:13] <deadmund> It might take a few minutes. Especially if it's one of those old 2x or 4x DVD players.
[04:13] <veryrandomnick> it is
[04:14] <Kb52> Bus 002 Device 003: ID 1310:0001 Roper Class 1 Bluetooth Dongle
[04:14] <Kb52> is the line from lsusb. I have researched it online the answers are either outdated or just not making sense. There is no updated list to determine what ones do work. It indicated a possibility.
[04:14] <daftykins> you've got other problems if you've put an ubuntu disc in a DVD player ;)
[04:15] <veryrandomnick> is there any reason not to update a phone? for example if I want to run a custom rom on it
[04:15] <cfhowlett> Kb52, for dongle problems, the saner suggestion is to dump the questionable device and purchase one from the ubuntu certified list.
[04:15] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: Takes a bit of time to uncompress, load into ram .. and then start the system .. give it lots of time .
[04:15] <cfhowlett> veryrandomnick, ask #ubuntu-touch
[04:15] <daftykins> veryrandomnick: off topic.
[04:15] <veryrandomnick> LG super multi
[04:16] <veryrandomnick> super multi implying burning ^_^
[04:16] <veryrandomnick> Bashing-om I have an i5
[04:16] <daftykins> what are you rambling on about 0o
[04:16] <veryrandomnick> daftykins nothing, but then, what's with the dvd player comment
[04:17] <Kb52> Well I found one lying around and it sees it but now know it has hardware failed, so I plan to take to my cell phone freind for a look under the microscope before tossing it.
[04:17] <daftykins> if you didn't get it, the moment has passed
[04:17] <veryrandomnick> i haven't eaten since yesterday, b
[04:17] <veryrandomnick> it's been 5 minutes
[04:18] <veryrandomnick> green light has stopped, so has the disk spinning
[04:18] <veryrandomnick> but monitor is still blank
[04:19] <ethan> pls help
[04:19] * veryrandomnick waits.
[04:20] <Guest94668> help me please
[04:20] <Kb52> The Tekram is more about knowing why its not supported. The tekram works fine in Windoze of course. My only real desire is to use it with Clementine with the Wii remote to control Clementine using the Wii remote. Sadly the Windoze based Celementine does not have the same ability, instead it supports use of smartphone remote via wifi.
[04:20] <daftykins> with WHAT?
[04:20] <veryrandomnick> should I pick the LTS which has guaranteed in the paragraph description, or 14.10 which doesn't have guaranteed in the description?
[04:20] <cfhowlett> !ask | Guest94668
[04:21] <veryrandomnick> "guaranteed" *
[04:21] <Guest94668> i cant install spotify, broken packages, having issues fixing
[04:21] <Guest94668> to do with libnspr4-0d
[04:21] <Kb52> Ok well this is the only time I ever have asked this question.
[04:22] <veryrandomnick> there's always a first time for only time
[04:22] <veryrandomnick> it's been 10 minutes now.
[04:22] <cfhowlett> !patience | veryrandomnick,
[04:22] <veryrandomnick> i'm just surprised. i have lots of ram and everything.
[04:23] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: You want the LTS re;ease 14.04 . You must verify the .iso image - ttps:// - verify the burn - . Then boot to 'Try ubuntu" .
[04:23] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: .
[04:24] <Macintoshes60> Does anyone know of a Free Software, that allows me to convert Epub to (PDF and ODT)?
[04:29] <veryrandomnick> i don't wanna be that guy
[04:29] <veryrandomnick> you're technically right
[04:29] <daftykins> you kinda have been since you came online :)
[04:29] <Kb52> Ok well it seems clear that I appear to be annoying everyone so I guess I should leave.
[04:29] <veryrandomnick> "if you didn't reach a working desktop, you messed up"
[04:29] <veryrandomnick> oh
[04:30] <veryrandomnick> but i got hacked
[04:30] <veryrandomnick> you gotta understand :)
[04:30] <daftykins> that is not of any relevance to us
[04:30] <veryrandomnick> i still feel strangely welcome
[04:30] <veryrandomnick> so thank you
[04:30] <daftykins> you could be the King of Romania hoping to convert your fair country to open source software, it still wouldn't matter
[04:31] <daftykins> but for what it's worth, if you really are telling the truth and are not a troll, changing from Windows to Ubuntu because of some silly claim of being hacked - is a really silly move
[04:31] <cfhowlett> this ^^^
[04:31] <veryrandomnick> fyi I installed ubuntu on my grandmother's computer in 2008ish
[04:32] <daftykins> we don't need a life story
[04:32] <veryrandomnick> daftykins, no
[04:32] <veryrandomnick> i wanted to move to linux for a long time
[04:32] <veryrandomnick> and no, i'm not trolling, i seriously got hacked, it's baffling
[04:32] <Kb52> daftykins are you here to kick us all out?
[04:33] <daftykins> don't be silly.
[04:33] <veryrandomnick> i kicked myself out of a channel last night
[04:33] <daftykins> Kb52: you keep asking about a topic nobody knows about, so you don't get replied to... it happens...
[04:33] <veryrandomnick> it was an accident though.
[04:34] <Kb52> Ok well finding an answer in IRC is basically a crap shoot, so I chose here where at this time there is anyone on here.
[04:35] <daftykins> nah you're just asking about one of the least useful technologies in computers i think
[04:35] <daftykins> i can count on one hand how many times i've used bluetooth in my life.
[04:35] <Kb52> Besides there are no wrong questions. I was doing IRC back in the 80s from dialup, so not much has changed really.
[04:36] <daftykins> well there are based on the rules of this channel, but anyway this is off topic rambling
[04:36] <daftykins> you asked a question, nobody knew how to help, except the suggestion of buying another bluetooth adapter which i agree with - job done
[04:36] <Kb52> Ok well its quite flaky overall but does certain things.
[04:38] <Kb52> Well I dont agree so anyhow moving onto a different subject. I am looking to figure out xscreensaver and where to or how to remove and add the various screensavers. Is that off topic as well?
[04:39] <daftykins> sigh. i don't get why you idiots crawl out of the woodwork at this time
[04:39] <Kb52> Ok so what are you here to help with then?
[04:39] <cfhowlett> Kb52, sudo apt-get purge xscreensaver* also, less attitude = more help.
[04:39] <daftykins> read the topic.
[04:41] <Emma764> Hi!
[04:41] <Kb52> And neither are you.
[04:42] <Emma764> Welcome
[04:42] <cfhowlett> Emma764, ask your ubuntu questions
[04:42] <Emma764> Welcome
[04:42] <veryrandomnick> i'm sensing a troll is nearby
[04:42] <veryrandomnick> ...
[04:43] <veryrandomnick> that was weird
[04:43] <Kb52> daftykins you seem bent on simply not offering any positive advice. Really I could care less.
[04:44] <daftykins> Kb52: if i don't know the topics you're asking about, then i can't help - surprisingly enough
[04:44] <daftykins> if you had a question on graphics hardware or driver issues then i'd be set - but shockingly enough we don't all know everything
[04:44] <et09> is there a tray "start menu" widget?
[04:44] <et09> especially, one with autogenerated listings for programs?
[04:44] <et09> for non-unity users
[04:45] <Kb52> Since Ubuntu does have bluetooth built into it, then asking for help with it is not off topic. Nobody said you know everything, for if you did then you would be a part of this channel.
[04:45] <Kb52> Instead you could be godlike.
[04:45] <daftykins> Kb52: *facepalm* i never claimed your bluetooth query was off topic.
[04:46] <daftykins> anyway you've crossed over into insane territory for me now, i hope to never encounter you again.
[04:46] <veryrandomnick> is it possible that it's not working, daftykins because i had 2 monitors plugged in as opposed to one?
[04:46] <et09> what'd i come into
[04:46] <daftykins> just the usual idiots.
[04:46] <Kb52> Ok then why are you responding to a question you have no knowledge of whatsoever?
[04:46] <veryrandomnick> Kb52 hush
[04:46] <veryrandomnick> i asked a real question
[04:46] <daftykins> because you keep demanding an answer like a child
[04:47] <Kb52> I am not demanding anything, but you seem to be demanding that everyone here are complete idiots.
[04:48] <cluelessperson> hey guys, I have a script I wrote. The site loads very quickly, but for some reason thsi script seems to be pretty slow.
[04:48] <cluelessperson>
[04:48] <cluelessperson> I think it may be that stdin is that slow or something
[04:48] <Kb52> If you dont have an answer why are you complaining about what people ask?
[04:49] <et09> cluelessperson: #python
[04:49] <cluelessperson> et09, I'm banned there.
[04:49] <cluelessperson> Asshole mod
[04:49] <et09> what'd you do
[04:49] <cfhowlett> cluelessperson, not really an ubuntu issue: #python. Also, lose the profanity
[04:49] <et09> try changing your IP ;)
[04:50] <cluelessperson> cfhowlett, If it's being run ON ubuntu, and the stdin pipe is slow, then actually it IS ubuntu
[04:50] <cfhowlett> cluelessperson, your programming in python. this is ubuntu support.
[04:50] <cluelessperson> et09, I can't change my ip, my isp sucks.
[04:50] <cluelessperson> cfhowlett, It's a python script run from ubuntu. Most likely the stdout/in pipe command in UBUNTU is what's being slow
[04:51] <cluelessperson> that's an ubuntu issue, stop being dense.
[04:51] <cfhowlett> right then. /ignore deployed
[04:51] <cluelessperson> cfhowlett, moron
[04:51] <cluelessperson> the syntax is command | slice That pipes the stdout from the command to the python script.
[04:52] <cluelessperson> I don't know python to be that slow, and as I explicitly stated, I believe it to be an issue with stdin/out which IS of ubuntu/linux
[04:52] <cluelessperson> don't be stupid
[04:52] <veryrandomnick> is it possible that it's not working because i had 2 monitors plugged in as opposed to one?
[04:52] <veryrandomnick> the DL is almost finished anyway, just wanted to know though
[04:52] <cluelessperson> veryrandomnick, I wasn't here for the earlier part of the conversation, I dunno
[04:53] <veryrandomnick> cluelessperson, just trying to install ubuntu
[04:53] <cluelessperson> veryrandomnick, and what didn't work?
[04:53] <veryrandomnick> got a blank screen, picked a kernel with f6, it went on, then it went blank again
[04:54] <cluelessperson> veryrandomnick, you using a gpu/graphics card?
[04:54] <veryrandomnick> yes
[04:55] <zykotick9> veryrandomnick: did you already try nomodeset? <- just checkin' as this is the most common cause for black screen preventing proper booting
[04:55] <veryrandomnick> yes
[04:55] <zykotick9> ok
[04:55] <veryrandomnick> :^)
[04:55] <veryrandomnick> thanks
[04:55] <Kb52> Does anyone know how to get hdmi and analog sound to work at the same time?
[04:56] <veryrandomnick> Kb52 google harder
[04:56] <cluelessperson> Kb52, If the application allows you to route the sound I believe.
[04:56] <veryrandomnick> (maybe it will help)
[04:58] <Kb52> Ok that makes more sense, so if example I wanted Gnome player to play a movie and route audio to hdmi, which I do not know if gnome player has that option, then it can work on a per application basis.
[04:59] <snkcld> i have a full screen game in my top right workspoace, but when i go to my top left, it automatically minimizes the game
[04:59] <snkcld> how can i prevent ubuntu from autominimizing the game when i move to the other workspace?
[04:59] <glitchd> hello all
[04:59] <glitchd> *hello room
[04:59] <glitchd> lol
[04:59] <kokut> Hello, anyone knows some linux application to reduce the size of mp3's without loosing much quality?
[05:00] <glitchd> im have a weird problem..
[05:00] <cfhowlett> kokut, audacity
[05:00] <veryrandomnick> so
[05:00] <veryrandomnick> the DVD won't eject
[05:00] <kokut> cfhowlett: k gonna try it out i guess
[05:00] <glitchd> i used the dd command to basically make a live usb, however now it has the iso i used in the command mounted as a partition
[05:01] <glitchd> i cant for the life of me figure out how to unmount it and keep it unmounted
[05:01] <veryrandomnick> daftykins dvd won't eject now
[05:01] <lotuspsychje> !mount | glitchd
[05:01] <Kb52> Is kokut a good one? I would also like to find something that can batch convert stuff.
[05:01] <glitchd> thx veryrandomnick
[05:02] <daniel> guys
[05:02] <kokut> Kb52: i'm trying it out
[05:02] <daniel> please need some help
[05:02] <cfhowlett> !ask | daniel
[05:02] <Guest44087> i did not have swap memory but now i did one but it is not in use
[05:02] <Guest44087> what should i do?
[05:03] <lotuspsychje> !swap | danielbrazilian
[05:03] <glitchd> danielbrazilian, so u have swap space but the system is not using it?
[05:03] <danielbrazilian> in my case i am not having enough memory to compile android
[05:03] <danielbrazilian> yeah it is not using
[05:04] <Sramelyor3301> hey guys why is it taking me about 10 minutes to boot up ubuntu??
[05:04] <glitchd> danielbrazilian, sudo swapon /dev/???
[05:04] <danielbrazilian> i am on ubuntu mate 14.04 LTS 64bit
[05:04] <glitchd> i need to figure out how to stop this iso from being mounted a partition every time i log in..
[05:05] <glitchd> danielbrazilian, are you using display drivers?
[05:05] <lotuspsychje> danielbrazilian: you can try swappiness and preload
[05:05] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: ubuntu version?
[05:05] <Sramelyor3301> Hey guys how do I reduce the boot up time for ubuntu. Its taking me forver to boot up. Please help
[05:06] <kokut> Kb52: it might work but for batch stuff it might be slow, i dont know how to export many files at once
[05:06] <danielbrazilian> display drivers?
[05:06] <Sramelyor3301> lotuspsychje -> utopic unicorn
[05:06] <danielbrazilian> intel hd 4400
[05:06] <Sramelyor3301> 14.10
[05:06] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: you can try F1 at your boot, to see what gets stuck
[05:07] <Sramelyor3301> lotuspsychje -> how do I know what is getting stuck. Sorry I am a newbie. I have very less tech knowledge
[05:07] <Kb52> Well guess I will go have a look at kokut then.
[05:08] <glitchd> Sramelyor3301, youll see the post and will be able to see what fails
[05:08] <kokut> Kb52: what u mean kokut? xD
[05:08] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: with F1 you will see the boot process and when you see something get freezed, look the part that 'fails'
[05:08] <Sramelyor3301> oh
[05:08] <Sramelyor3301> okay
[05:08] <Sramelyor3301> will try and get back tnx :)
[05:08] <danielbrazilian> sorry i was disconnected
[05:09] <Kb52> Sramelyor3301 Is the computer hardware known to be stable, in that it runs fine in the past? I guess that would be the first thing to know.
[05:09] <danielbrazilian> so please how can i make swap work?
[05:09] <cfhowlett> !swap | danielbrazilian read the link
[05:10] <danielbrazilian> ok i will read
[05:10] <Tim> my powertop is not running
[05:10] <lotuspsychje> danielbrazilian: you can install preload and clean out your pc with bleachbit
[05:10] <Tim> i am getting this error on powertop "no stats available; run as root or enable the cpufreq_stats module"?
[05:11] <lotuspsychje> Tim: what happens when you sudo
[05:11] <danielbrazilian> i used gparted to create my linux-swap
[05:11] <veryrandomnick> do i just compare the MD5SUM or also calculate ?
[05:12] <lotuspsychje> danielbrazilian: why did you not use the swap created automaticly from the ubuntu setup?
[05:12] <Sramelyor3301> I tried F1. It ended up showing me the system information. No boot processos at all.
[05:12] <glitchd> danielbrazilian, but did u turn swap on in the system itself?
[05:12] <Kb52> swap will not be used until physical ram is used to the swappiness level sort of. I think they need to look at system monitor to know if the system is in need to make it work. Load up a ton of applications and see if the same one you want to use swap is using it.
[05:12] <danielbrazilian> at first i though i woudl not need swap
[05:12] <danielbrazilian> but not i think i do
[05:12] <Tim> lotuspsychje i get this message "no stats available; run as root or enable the cpufreq_stats module"
[05:12] <danielbrazilian> and i created with gpated
[05:12] <lotuspsychje> danielbrazilian: reinstall fresh, and let ubuntu choose the swap for you
[05:12] <Tim> even on running on sudo
[05:13] <glitchd> danielbrazilian, how big is your swap partition?
[05:13] <danielbrazilian> glitchd, turn on the system how?
[05:13] <lotuspsychje> Tim: hmm thats weird indeed
[05:13] <Sramelyor3301> lotuspsychje F1 didn't show anything. No boot processes
[05:13] <danielbrazilian> 8 gb swap
[05:13] <danielbrazilian> i actually have 6 gb of memory
[05:13] <glitchd> danielbrazilian, from command line "sudo swapon /dev/sd?"
[05:13] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: did you press F1 after POST ?
[05:13] <Kb52> By default the swap partition will mirror the amount of system physical ram.
[05:13] <Sramelyor3301> after POST??
[05:14] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: the bios loading
[05:14] <danielbrazilian> glitchd, ohh man it is on now!!
[05:14] <danielbrazilian> thank you all!
[05:15] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: nevermind, check your syslog and dmesg logs for errors
[05:15] <danielbrazilian> i will make some test and see if it is actually in use ;)
[05:15] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: we cant help you until you find out what freezes your system
[05:15] <Sramelyor3301> See. I show the symbol HP come up. I pressed F1, Showed system information. Thn pressed esc and got out of it. Thn it ended up showing a blank screen (just as usual). When ubuntu was being shown I pressed F1 showed few commands thn it automatically got me onto the login screen
[05:16] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: you need to wait after the HP symbol, when ubuntu actually starts booting
[05:16] <glitchd> danielbrazilian, there is a command u can run to see how much your system is using it
[05:16] <Sramelyor3301> How do I check my syslog and dmesg logs?
[05:16] <cast> danielbrazilian: i'll be curious to find if you actually need it, i find if i reach a state of /needing/ swap, the machine because so slow its better to just reconsider my RAM requirements
[05:16] <Kb52> However since unlike windoze the swap is a fixed size, it wont be something most people get too concerned about. Thus begs the question how does Linux allocate memory when you exhaust the physical and swap space? Anyone happen to know?
[05:16] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: type dmesg in a terminal and check your syslog in /var/log/syslog
[05:16] <danielbrazilian> cast, i am in need to compile cm12 for my nexus 7 it takes all the memory and computer freezes
[05:16] <Sramelyor3301> okay jam
[05:17] <danielbrazilian> glitchd, can you tell me the command to see?
[05:17] <danielbrazilian> i am using system monitor
[05:17] <Sramelyor3301> lotuspsychje <- dmesg
[05:18] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: compare : do terminal command -> md5sun ~/Downloads/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso <- the return is the hash ... compare that to the published hash ,
[05:18] <danielbrazilian> glitchd, after that command you gave me the amount of swap appeared
[05:18] <Bashing-om> md5sum*
[05:18] <veryrandomnick> i compared it, i burnt it, .....
[05:18] <veryrandomnick> and i fucked it up?!
[05:18] <veryrandomnick> sorry language
[05:18] <veryrandomnick> wow.
[05:18] <glitchd> danielbrazilian, goodgood glad to hear it worked for you
[05:19] <Sramelyor3301> lotuspsychje how do I show u the syslog?? Btw there is one named syslog and another syslog1.
[05:19] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: this doesnt sound very good: Your BIOS is broken; DMAR reported at address 0!
[05:19] <danielbrazilian> glitchd, thank you so much it is working perfectly now!
[05:19] <glitchd> danielbrazilian, very glad to hear it=)
[05:19] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: pastebin them also
[05:19] <Sramelyor3301> WHATTTT omg
[05:19] <Bashing-om> veryrandomnick: How did you burn it .. and to what .. DVD USB ? and on what operating system ?
[05:19] <Sramelyor3301> jam
[05:19] <veryrandomnick> non USB, windows 7
[05:19] <Sramelyor3301> but which file?
[05:20] <Sramelyor3301> lotuspsychje syslog1 or syslog?
[05:20] <cfhowlett> broken bios?! never seen that one before. it sounds ... ominous
[05:20] <danielbrazilian> glitchd, by the way i just have finished to build CM12 for my nexus 7 :)
[05:20] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: the one thats full :p
[05:20] <veryrandomnick> dammmit
[05:20] <veryrandomnick> i burnt it wrong
[05:21] <veryrandomnick> i don't think i have any more dvd's
[05:21] <glitchd> ...have fun?
[05:21] <glitchd> danielbrazilian, ^^
[05:21] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: alot of issues in there mate [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: No _BQC method, cannot determine initial brightness
[05:21] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: acpi, memory,...
[05:22] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: i would try 14.04.2 right away and see if you got such problems aswell
[05:22] <Sramelyor3301> lotuspsychje - syslog file -> syslog1 file ->
[05:23] <Synchron> Anybody knows why I cant get aricrack-ng in 14.04?
[05:23] <Sramelyor3301> SO now I have to unistall 14.10??? I had just recently installed it with all the updates
[05:23] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: if you want more stable, you can try 14.04 LTS
[05:23] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: in your case i would surely try it
[05:24] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: you can also try a no_acpi boot
[05:24] <Sramelyor3301> So you think I should revert to 10/04 stable now?
[05:24] <Sramelyor3301> no_acpi boot?
[05:24] <Kb52> Well that is an insteresting aid there to seeing what actual hardware is in the system. So now It just did reveal more about my blutooth adapter.
[05:24] <cfhowlett> 10.04 is end of life. 14.04???
[05:25] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301:
[05:25] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: i would also doublecheck your rams one by one
[05:25] <Sramelyor3301> How do I go about doing that?
[05:25] <Synchron> Can Lubuntu & Xubuntu in one system at the same time?
[05:26] <cfhowlett> Synchron, no need for 2 OS. install one and then install the alternate Desktop Environment.
[05:26] <Kb52> Synchron should be dooable.
[05:26] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: sarazes kernel: [ 0.098082] mtrr: probably your BIOS does not setup all CPUs.
[05:26] <cfhowlett> Synchron, or install one + virtualbox + other OS
[05:27] <glitchd> what could cause an iso to automatically mount when my system loads?
[05:27] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: you need to check your hardware and bios mate, if everything works still good
[05:27] <Sramelyor3301> oh. So what do u suggest I proceed doing now?
[05:27] <Sramelyor3301> How do I go about doing that
[05:27] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor3301, bios checks should be in your POST options
[05:27] <Sramelyor3301> I did a physical test. It passed. I haven't done a memory test yet
[05:27] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: install 14.04, check bios, check ram,try no_acpi boot
[05:27] <Kb52> Sramelyor3301 At the Grub (Boot Screen) choose memtest and/or by booting the install DVD and same option of the Grub bootscreen.
[05:28] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: you have alot of work now :p
[05:28] <cluelessperson> how's everyone doing?
[05:28] <Sramelyor3301> damn. How can the BIOS be broken??
[05:28] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: dont blame ubuntu for it :p
[05:28] <Synchron> I ve install Xubuntu-desktop,but when I install Lubuntu-desktop,apt told me there r some packages uninstallable...
[05:28] <Sramelyor3301> nah. Mine is a very old laptop
[05:29] <cfhowlett> Synchron, sudo apt-get xfce4 will get you the look and feel for xubuntu but not the apps.
[05:29] <Synchron> How to fix it?
[05:29] <Sramelyor3301> Its working alll fine do u think its safe to continue with my current configs right now? I can't spare much time for this right now
[05:29] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: very old laptops perhaps perform better with lubuntu/xubuntu
[05:29] <Sramelyor3301> how diffferent are they from ubuntu?
[05:29] <cfhowlett> !flavors | Sramelyor3301
[05:29] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: lighter for your hardware
[05:30] <Sramelyor3301> oh
[05:30] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: maybe thats why boot takes 10min
[05:30] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: try a lubuntu 14.04
[05:30] <Sramelyor3301> but I can still use the same applications that I use on ubuntu 14.10 right?
[05:31] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: yes, the lightweight versions
[05:31] <ericb> How can I find out what is trying to send packets with dbus on random ports saying "standard query A mail" non stop?
[05:31] <Sramelyor3301> okay. I will try. thanks :) but is there a way to move over to lubuntu with all the applications that I already have on ubuntu?
[05:31] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: i would suggest you start fresh
[05:31] <explodes> Hello! Wicd's tray icon isn't showing up, and I've followed the instructions here:
[05:31] <Synchron> I got ubuntu-rootfs first,then I install Xubuntu-desktop successfully,but when I insall Lubuntu-desktop,apt told me there r some packages uninstallable...
[05:31] <lotuspsychje> Sramelyor3301: and dont forget enable internet + updates during setup
[05:32] <Sramelyor3301> so lubuntu is just lightweight but it wouldn't be very different from what I have in terms of application supprt
[05:32] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor3301, clean install ...
[05:32] <Sramelyor3301> hmm
[05:32] <Sramelyor3301> damn
[05:32] <Kb52> It seems that performance mainly appears to hover around the particular Xwindows that your running. However in my very little experience its more of a personal choice than a performance choice.
[05:32] <explodes> ericb: Wireshark? Maybe not the easiest solution, but with my limited knowledge, that's what I'd use
[05:32] <Sramelyor3301> tnx guys. Got to change now. okay. tnx a lot :)
[05:32] <Sramelyor3301> oh btw
[05:32] <lotuspsychje> good luck
[05:32] <Sramelyor3301> I have only 4 gb ram
[05:33] <lotuspsychje> lubuntu it is
[05:33] <Sramelyor3301> okay. done tnx :)
[05:33] <Synchron> How to fix it?
[05:33] <ericb> explodes: well I cant figure out what is causing the packets, but I'm looking at them in wireshark, and netstat tells me it is dbus that is operating on those port numbers
[05:33] <explodes> if you have the port number you can do uh
[05:34] <cfhowlett> Synchron, if you want lubuntu, CLEAN INSTALL
[05:34] <Kb52> Having run 4-5 different ones on the same machine, I did settle on Zorin as the one I got the best OOB experience. But as for features I do admit ubuntu corners the scene for that. Also for the best support.
[05:34] <explodes> ericb: you can use "lsof" to find out which programs are using which ports, i think that'll get you where you want to go
[05:34] <explodes> ericb: lsof -i :<targetPortNum>
[05:34] <Synchron> Cant lxde & xfce at the same time?
[05:34] <explodes> with the :
[05:35] <cfhowlett> Synchron, yes, but you don't install a secondary OS! As I said, install one, then install the secondary Desktop Environment
[05:35] <Kb52> Yes that statement is completely off topic.
[05:37] <Kb52> cfhowlett But yes that it can be done, but agree that all of them have their strengths and weaknesses.
[05:38] <Synchron> Or any useful command?
[05:38] <explodes> ericb: did that work?
[05:40] <ericb> explodes: it is not working for the port number these packets are being sent on in wireshark, but i was able to get it to work on port 80
[05:41] <ericb> explodes: is losf for listening ports? because i think this is just sending on these ports
[05:42] <explodes_> ericb: lsof = "ls" open files
[05:42] <explodes_> ls = "list segments"
[05:43] <ericb> explodes: oh
[05:43] <Synchron> I tried sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop,but apt told me there r some packages uninstallable so that lubuntu-desktop cant be installed
[05:43] <explodes> sockets are files, everything is a file
[05:43] <explodes> your mom is a file, on a fat32 partition amirite
[05:43] <cfhowlett> Synchron, did you even read? I sent you the response.
[05:45] <Kb52> Off topic but of the 4 different Ubuntu based distros of live dvd or cd, that only 2 were not happy with my hardware and for those it was some odd glitch with sound stuck in a thumping left channel oddity when the system wide sound was totally quiet.
[05:46] <Kb52> And no ubuntu itself was not in that category.
[05:48] <veryrandomnick> so
[05:49] <veryrandomnick> bash_horatio cfhowlett so i got ubuntu running as a try-out
[05:49] <veryrandomnick> how to I diagnose it to make sure it's fit for install? :D
[05:49] <Ben64> ericb: temporary server running 10.04? why
[05:50] <ericb> Ben64: because I set it up a few years ago, and it works perfectly fine :)
[05:51] <Kb52> veryrandomnick. If everything you need to work, does work from the live CD other than perhaps Broadcom Wireless, then I would give it a thumbs up.
[05:51] <Ben64> ericb: its vulnerable right now, and is not going to get any better. upgrade
[05:52] <ericb> Ben64: I appreciate the info. It's running on my local network. Will keep that in mind when I get a better server when I need to use it publicly :)
[05:52] <Ben64> ericb: if you're going to do something, why not do it the right way
[05:52] <Synchron> Thx,I got the lxde
[05:52] <Kb52> I am saying hardware wise that is.
[05:52] <cfhowlett> ericb, if you insist on running a server with and EOL OS, you're gonna have a bad time...
[05:52] <explodes> ericb: what's you ip address bro
[05:53] <ericb> isn't it simple enough to run my server that refuses everything except lan connections on what i already had installed that i can just pop the laptop lid open and use it?
[05:53] <Synchron> It had been "cant locate package lxde"
[05:53] <Synchron> It used to be "cant locate package lxde"
[05:53] <Synchron> Now it's downloading,looks fine
[05:54] <explodes> ericb: it works. its just bad practice is all. if that server ever opens a port you're a high risk
[05:55] <Ben64> ericb: if its for learning or experimenting, you should do and learn things the proper way, and that includes running software that is updated properly
[05:55] <ericb> Ben64: Offline server, build php on it, refuses any ip not on my local network
[05:56] <Ben64> ericb: you're not listening
[05:56] <ericb> Ben64: what vulnerability is there
[05:56] <Ben64> many
[05:56] <ericb> Ben64: such as if im already backdoored on a computer that is on the network? in which case im screwed already
[05:56] <ericb> Ben64: or such as someone can bypass the firewall that refuses any public ip
[05:56] <Ben64> just do things the right way!
[05:57] <Kb52> Except to say that the end user is at the mercy of the developer in any operating system.
[05:57] <ericb> Ben64: okay okay. I will make the next server the most recent version :)
[05:57] <Ben64> upgrade now
[05:57] <Ben64> you've been on this "temporary server" for years now, its not temporary. upgrade
[05:59] <Kb52> I agree that the very first thing to do for ubuntu is to run software updater to the limit and then make a decision of whether to proceed to make it into the specific tool you want it to be crafted to.
[06:01] <Kb52> Kind of the analogy of a car. Econo or Luxury or Sports, they all get you there, but it depends on how you want it to get you there.
[06:01] <ObrienDave> in an econo car you "get there", in a luxury car you "arrive" ;P
[06:02] <[Saint]> in that analogy, those cars are built for a specific purpose - whereas Ubuntu is all encompassing.
[06:02] <[Saint]> I'm not sure it fits very well.
[06:02] <[Saint]> Just sayin'.
[06:03] <Kb52> I sought out luxury because it relaxes my mind, and that I want to refer it to others that are tired of the windoze experience and want something that might hold up and not slow down so easily.
[06:03] <veryrandomnick> i have no idea what to check for, Kb52
[06:04] <veryrandomnick> [Saint] any ideas? to ensure that ubuntu is ready for installation
[06:04] <[Saint]> I...what?
[06:04] <veryrandomnick> So I have ubuntu booted from the DVD
[06:04] <veryrandomnick> I was told not to install it before making sure that it was OK
[06:04] <Kb52> That seems to be what Ubuntu and similar others, are.
[06:04] <veryrandomnick> I am not sure what I should be looing out for
[06:05] <[Saint]> Whoever told you that might not have had a clue what they were saying. It's a trend.
[06:05] <[Saint]> Fire it up, hit the obvious install now icon...follow prompts.
[06:05] <[Saint]> It's really pretty simple.
[06:06] <veryrandomnick> I should install it from a restart, not from the ubuntu itself right
[06:06] <[Saint]> Doesn't matter.
[06:07] <Kb52> Well veryrandomnick. Has anything crashed yet or failed from the Live DVD that you intend to use on a daily basis? Mainly does all the hardware devices on your system, working? Granted the Live DVD is not going to run as fast.
[06:07] <veryrandomnick> you sure? someone said in terms of security it's better the former, restarting
[06:07] <veryrandomnick> Kb52 i have nothing to check for, really.
[06:08] <[Saint]> And, yes, I'm sure - it is perfectly fine to install direct from the LiveCD/DVD/USB
[06:08] <[Saint]> Were it not, one would posit it wouldn't be an option.
[06:10] <Kb52> Well the live DVD is not storing anything long term other than in ram, so it all is gone once the installation completes and they system is restarted. The one key overall is not to interrupt the shutdown and that it does fully shutdown, which is just as important so Yes you really should boot the Live DVD at least 2 times, once as restart and once as shutdown to say that all is ok.
[06:10] <jeffreylevesque> i have a bash script called `bash_loader`. I'd like this script to run at each ubuntu (14.04) bootup. Do i simply create `/etc/init/my.conf` (does it have to be a conf file?), with
[06:10] <veryrandomnick> thank you Kb52
[06:11] <veryrandomnick> I'm not sure how much to leave for windows
[06:11] <[Saint]> Kb52: errr, huh?
[06:11] <veryrandomnick> any recommendaions/ideas?
[06:11] <[Saint]> Kb52: that's unnecessarily convoluted.
[06:12] <[Saint]> There's no need to ensure it shuts down at all.
[06:12] <[Saint]> Are you making this up or something?
[06:12] <Seveas> jeffreylevesque: just call it from /etc/rc.local
[06:13] <bugtraq> ola
[06:13] <jeffreylevesque> is my paste correct if i run it from /etc/init?
[06:13] <[Saint]> I mean, I'm just saying - lets not confuse the issue. Dude pops in a DVD, hits a button, and it tells him what to do exactly.
[06:13] <[Saint]> There's nothing more to it.
[06:15] <veryrandomnick> i think i fucked my computer up
[06:15] <veryrandomnick> because i didn't let it shut down or something
[06:15] <Kb52> Well I would want to be sure ubuntu is shutting your system off and restarting without fail before I chose to install unless this were a repeat installation because of things not going just right. Also if your keeping windows, advise that windows is the primary MBR of the first drive. But that is or would be typical. how much space to offer ubuntu is based on how much you plan to install on it. Space can be resized later on but I would plan b
[06:15] <Kb52> ased on which OS you plan to mainly use.
[06:16] <veryrandomnick> nah it's fine
[06:17] <[Saint]> The easiest method rather than juggling the setup is to just make sure WIndows gets installed last.
[06:17] <veryrandomnick> Kb52 i'm not sure if to keep windnows or not
[06:17] <veryrandomnick> common sense says, keep it, you will have a use for it
[06:17] <veryrandomnick> common sense also says; you don't know if that windows is vulnerable or not
[06:17] <[Saint]> there's virtual machines, though.
[06:17] <veryrandomnick> while checksums may tell you it's valid, do you really know that it is?
[06:18] <[Saint]> veryrandomnick: if you go too far down that rabbit hole, you won't come out - you hit "can you trust what the disk controller is telling you?" and implode and the world ends.
[06:18] <veryrandomnick> [Saint] i did just get hacked (3 days ago) (found out last night)
[06:18] <veryrandomnick> so I think being vigilant is important, and I'm a noob when it comes to these things
[06:19] <veryrandomnick> so while to you it may seem like I'm being overly paranoid, I don't actually know
[06:19] <[Saint]> yeah - I'm just trying to say there's a balance.
[06:19] <[Saint]> just don't be the lowest hanging fruit, which apparently you were.
[06:20] <jeffreylevesque> veryrandomnick: i installed windows, partitioned the disk, then dualbooted with ubuntu, using GRUB (
[06:20] <veryrandomnick> can I partition the disk during an ubuntu installation?
[06:20] <veryrandomnick> i assume/hope the answer is yes
[06:20] <sjoshi> veryrandomnick: Yes
[06:20] <Kb52> Here lies the secret for those who might go back to the dark side. Burn a bootable copy of Macrium Reflect. It has a simple tool, in it that will restore any windows installation, should you choose to abandon ubuntu. I say this because Grub (Boot Loader) is going to be installed to the existing windows and so you can revert back easily if you wanted to start over. Then windows 7 and beyond can resize your partitions should you want to start
[06:20] <Kb52> over thats the best way to go.
[06:21] <linocisco> hi all
[06:23] <Kb52> Windows 8 will attempt to take over the first hard drives boot and will wipe out ubuntu so when wanting to dual boot ubuntu and windows your gonna be better off to have windows be the first partition(s) of the drive.
[06:23] <linocisco> I am checking debian and still found alot of active users on IRC. why ubuntu evolved? and why it is based on debian? If I was not wrong , I heard evolution of ubuntu is that lack of community support and maintenace on debian. but now debian is still in use
[06:23] <Seveas> !debian
[06:24] <reallyrandomnick> oops
[06:24] <reallyrandomnick> so um
[06:24] <dik_dak> looking for someone to help materialize my thoughts here... is it possible to do a full tar backup of a live system, send it over to another running system, chroot to it, install a bunch of stuff, pack it back up as a tar and send it back?
[06:25] <linocisco> Seveas, Not Found
[06:25] <linocisco> The requested URL /12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html was not found on this server.
[06:25] <linocisco> Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80
[06:26] <Seveas> that doesn't entirely surprise me
[06:26] <dik_dak> ?
[06:28] <Seveas> thanks dik_dak
[06:29] <Kb52> I am quitting since none of my questions were touched on. So goodnite all and happy ubuntu!
[06:29] <lightflight> Kb52 wait
[06:29] <Kb52> for what?
[06:29] <lightflight> you said that there's a tool to bring windows back. this means that I ...
[06:29] <lightflight> do what?
[06:29] <lightflight> with the install
[06:30] <linocisco> Seveas, thanks
[06:32] <lightflight> do I want to enable LVM option during installation?
[06:33] <Kb52> Well it is part of Macrium Reflect which you would need to be installed to windows (is free software) and then you need to create a recovery media which is in the Tools. So when you then boot that restore cd, one of the options in the restore section is fix windows boot problems. It will allow you to remove ubuntu bootloader (grub) and restore the original windows boot easily so that you can start over.
[06:33] <lightflight> oh, it's something i need to prepare
[06:34] <Kb52> Or you can torrent the ISO which is even faster and easier and simply burn that to a blank cd.
[06:34] <sheer> i don't think i'll keep windows. what do i really need it for?
[06:35] <linocisco> I have nokia E5 and using intenet on laptop via USB cable. I want to share internet to ubuntu server from Nokia E5 via USB cable, what do i do? what to install first?
[06:35] <Kb52> I am sure there are a dozen other ways. Well then if you dont care about windows then no you dont need it at all.
[06:35] <PCatinean> hey guys, I have this under my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d but it does not apply!
[06:35] <PCatinean> can anyone help?
[06:35] <PCatinean>
[06:36] <sheer> (do I want to enable LVM option?- during ubuntu installation)
[06:36] <sheer> thanks Kb52
[06:36] <linocisco> upon trying desktop, it was fine by adding APN in mobile connection. nothing else. But for server, I dont know what to do
[06:37] <daylight> Hello everyone , could someone guide me with the issue that I am having trouble in building a UI for Ubuntu Touch app which needs both ListItem.Expandable and ListItemWithActions together similar to default Contacts app .
[06:37] <PCatinean> any1?
[06:38] <Kb52> You can actually use transmission to download macrium reflect, burn a blank cd, all from the live ubuntu if you have a second burner, and then it would double as a windows backup and restore tool as well.
[06:38] <sheer> neat
[06:38] <sheer> i can't think of a single thing I need windows for
[06:38] <sheer> except games maybe
[06:38] <sheer> ...
[06:39] <sheer> i just want to get this done
[06:39] <sheer> hm
[06:39] <sheer> i'm midway installing
[06:39] <stangeland> Hello, i am having issues with a usb3 external docking station, and i was reading up on this: where some people solve the issue by updating kernel to 3.4. Is there any bad sideaffects if i update my kernel?
[06:40] <Kb52> sheer about the ONLY reason I kept windows is simply because my stupid canon scanner isnt supported. But there are some things that have no Linux Equal, such as Camtasia Studio.
[06:40] <sheer> don't need it
[06:40] <sheer> do i want/need LVM?
[06:41] <sheer> logical volume management
[06:41] <Kb52> At some point in life I will be happy to kiss windows goodbye other than having it around to help others in their struggle to keep windows running.
[06:42] <daylight> :)
[06:43] <sheer> kb
[06:43] <sheer> do you have any opinon
[06:43] <sheer> opinion on LVM?
[06:47] <Kb52> I chose NOT to use it, but what it actually does is simply partition the drive in a way to allow you to slice up the drive(s) into partitions. It basically is that it creates a very small partition and sub partitions under that. Advantage being you can rapidly divide up the free space, rather than having to move data around. In analogy to having to eat the whole cake instead of being able to slice it into managable chunks. If you never desire
[06:47] <Kb52> to do such things then dont bother.
[06:48] <Kb52> It does not have any security benefits however.
[06:49] <jpds_> sheer: LVM's cool, I use it everywhere.
[06:51] <sheer> Kb52 no security benefits? /pass
[06:51] <daylight> Ubuntu Phone UI dev issue ... any help..?
[06:52] <sheer> daylight might be a better chan for that
[06:52] <Kb52> I am still learning all the ins and outs of Ubuntu, but mainly have done all the disasters, of installing. Planning out your install choice is of course the one thing most first timers meet with problem.
[06:53] <sheer> it's just that it's so annoying to undo/redo
[06:53] <Kb52> Everyone who has ever dealt with any of it is destined to learn the hard way.
[06:53] <Kb52> Not just annoying but very time consuming.
[06:54] <daylight> Oh ok..ty
[06:54] <jpds_> sheer: LVM has the nice benefit of letting you resize partitions easier.
[06:55] <sheer> i might get lvm i guess
[06:55] <Kb52> Among the best backup programs by they way (albeit very old) is Redo backup. However of recent I got Acronis 2015 is now the king of full hard drive backup systems.
[06:57] <stangeland> Hello, i am having issues with a usb3 external docking station, and i was reading up on this: where some people solve the issue by updating kernel to 3.4. Is there any bad sideaffects if i update my kernel?
[06:57] <Kb52> sheer Lvm is as stated in the install program, to make it easier to partition drives and indeed it is.
[06:59] <sheer> Install Now is greyed out...
[06:59] <Kb52> stangeland I have never gotten any side effects, and you can revert back to the old kernel unless you purge them out.
[06:59] <stangeland> Kb52: ok, is it easy to revert?
[07:00] <sheer> oh it's not greyed out now
[07:01] <Kb52> Well that I have no knowledge of, but I know it can be done. I assume the simple and software updater is going to put in the latest stable kernel anyhow.
[07:02] <Kb52> Actually the last kernel would then appear in the Bootloader Screen, allowing you a choice to boot either or.\
[07:05] <Kb52> sheer if your running on the live dvd then things tend to sluggishly run so it may hang on some stuff till the system becomes stable.
[07:05] <sheer> i'm just going through the install now
[07:05] <sheer> should be done soon i think
[07:06] <Kb52> All based on how fast your internet is, I found it seems to take a long time on the language packs.
[07:07] <sheer> actually
[07:07] <sheer> i don't know what to do with my internet
[07:07] <sheer> now that i've been hacked, i need to actually be careful
[07:07] <sheer> the wireless password is very simple and easy to crack
[07:07] <sheer> given how simple it is so
[07:08] <sheer> that means a MITM attack could be easily implemented. maybe less easily if i'm on linux
[07:08] <Kb52> Dunno consult your ISP on how to change it, as all routers are not the same.
[07:08] <Ben64> sheer: so change the password, and thats not really on topic here
[07:09] <Kb52> Well it is for the fact that your here to get suggestions on how to install ubuntu and that is a part of the process.
[07:09] <sheer> i can't
[07:09] <sheer> it isn't my network, i'm only allowed to use it
[07:10] <Kb52> Well then thats not an issue you can resolve.
[07:10] <lisak> hi, anybody know why icon generated for ubuntu from Intellij idea does nothing on click?
[07:11] <sheer> Kb52 you sure there's nothing I can do?
[07:11] <lisak> is there any way to investigate the reason?
[07:12] <[Saint]> sheer: don't use it.
[07:12] <[Saint]> no one has a gurn to your head I'll bet.
[07:12] <[Saint]> its not really on topic here.
[07:12] <Kb52> Yeah turn on the firwewall.
[07:12] <[Saint]> your insecure wireless isn't Ubuntu's fault.
[07:12] <Kb52> In ubuntu.
[07:13] <sheer> i can run internet off my phone, tethering
[07:14] <Kb52> Well I guess we would have to study how your internet is being compromised to know why. So I assume whatever problem your other OS was presenting is not longer being presented, so problem solved.
[07:16] <[Saint]> though the user habits that lead to the hack probably haven't changed much, if at all.
[07:16] <lisak> anybody using intellij idea ?
[07:16] <sheer> [Saint] come on now
[07:17] <[Saint]> well, have they?
[07:17] <[Saint]> in...a matter of hours?
[07:17] <sheer> i have a warning
[07:17] <Ben64> please take this random hack talk to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere
[07:17] <sheer> /dev/sda contains GPT signatures, indicating....
[07:17] <Kb52> sheer your not indicating to us if the problem still exists, so it cannot be answered.
[07:18] <sheer> that it has a GPT table. However, it does not have a valid..
[07:18] <sheer> Kb52 it's already been done
[07:18] <sheer> the problem cannot still exist in a fresh installation
[07:18] <sheer> that wouldn't make sense, now would it....
[07:18] <Kb52> Saying its already been done is rather vague.
[07:18] <sheer> it's just coming to terms with it
[07:18] <Ben64> it's also very much not on topic. please stop
[07:19] <sheer> Ben64 i have an on topic issue
[07:19] <Ben64> then talk about that instead
[07:19] <sheer> i did
[07:19] <Ben64> give more details
[07:19] <sheer> /dev/sda contains GPT signatures indicating that it has a GPT table. However, it has a fake msdos partition table as it should. Perhaps it was corrupted? Is this a GPT partition table?
[07:19] <Ben64> right you said that, i said more details
[07:19] <sheer> i just chose my security key
[07:20] <sheer> i ticked erase free space, i think it was
[07:20] <sheer> then i got this warning message
[07:20] <[Saint]> and, yes, in the real world - hacks that transcend full reinstalls do exist. the disk firmware itself can be hacked persistently, for instance.
[07:20] <[Saint]> but - topic.
[07:21] <sheer> ( a disk's firmware I would imagine requires physical execution of some sort? )
[07:25] <[Saint]> you man physical access to the machine? no - not necessarily. but ...topic.
[07:25] <Kb52> Ok so considering all other options why not simply install it with your network unplugged?
[07:26] <sheer> currently I am stuck at this GPT partition table thing.
[07:26] <sheer> but perhaps I need to listen to [Saint] 's point
[07:26] <sheer> which happens to be offtopic
[07:26] <Ben64> so you chose erase disk and install, then...?
[07:27] <sheer> and chose a security key, ticked erase free spaace, and then it popped up
[07:27] <Ben64> so then choose "something else" and partition yourself
[07:27] <Ben64> and do you really need disk encryption? it just makes everything more difficult
[07:28] <aoo2> i have installed tcl and tcl-dev packages, where can i find the path to and tcl.h
[07:29] <XTpeeps> aoo2 ,did u intalling hping ?
[07:29] <Kb52> So is the problem that your here to install ubuntu. Decisions on how to install it are for you to decide not others. Encryption is an option you choose not others.
[07:30] <aoo2> i need to find those tcl files to point it to an eggdrop to configure it
[07:32] <Kb52> I am just going to say your not stating that someone right now is attacking you or not, and has taken over the process of partioning and formatting your drive.
[07:32] <stangeland> I want to update my ubuntu 14.04 kernel to 3.4, so i look at the downloads here: But which one is it?
[07:33] <Ben64> stangeland: 14.04 already has kernel 3.13
[07:33] <sheer> goodness.
[07:33] <sheer> Kb52 it may be a possibility, i do not know
[07:33] <Kb52> stangeland Your giving us a folder of the ppa and not what is in it.
[07:34] <Ben64> Kb52: that ppa is not so much a ppa as it is not a ppa
[07:34] <k1l_> stangeland: are you sure about 14.04 and the kernel 3.4?
[07:35] <Kb52> So sheer the install must be nearly done by now.
[07:36] <sheer> no no
[07:38] <Kb52> Ben64 so what is in it?
[07:38] <Ben64> Kb52: deb packages of kernels
[07:38] <stangeland> k1l_: hi, yeah so the reason i need this update is because of this issue: I cannot mount external disks on usb3, and the guy in here seems to have fixed that by updating kernel to 3.4
[07:39] <OerHeks> I think he wants 3.14 -
[07:39] <Kb52> Ok so is the kernel you want there then it will install from either Software Center or debi manager.
[07:39] <k1l_> stangeland: kernel 3.4 is way old
[07:40] <Ben64> stangeland: you should ask your actual question instead of trying to do something you think might work. 13 is a bigger number than 4
[07:40] <stangeland> k1l_: oh... but right now i am running 3.13 which is even older right?
[07:40] <k1l_> stangeland: no
[07:40] <lisak> are there any logs for double-clicking an icon doing nothing ?
[07:40] <stangeland> oh
[07:40] <k1l_> its not 3.1.3 its 3.13
[07:41] <[Saint]> maybe he does natural sorting :p
[07:41] <k1l_> lisak: maybe .xsession-errors
[07:41] <stangeland> Ben64: ok i am trying to mount an external disk via usb3, but its not being detected, and my dmesg shows: "[80346.032349] xhci_hcd 0000:07:00.0: Abort the command ring, but the xHCI is dead."
[07:41] <MaggieS> ayone here knows what is the different loading ubuntu from usb: or uefi???
[07:42] <Kb52> Is it detected on another computer?
[07:42] <k1l_> stangeland: could be an bios issue. maybe see if you can update that
[07:43] <k1l_> MaggieS: you mean like install or run a live-version from usb?
[07:43] <MaggieS> k1l_: running live
[07:43] <MaggieS> k1l_: both :)
[07:43] <k1l_> MaggieS: can you rephrase?
[07:43] <lisak> k1l_, it's not there... I remember that I had to do something extra with this line in the past
[07:44] <MaggieS> k1l_: like is there a different between those 2 modes or why are they there
[07:44] <lisak> but I don't remember what it was
[07:44] <MaggieS> lisak: are you from poland?
[07:44] <stangeland> k1l_: right i see.... if i want to update bios, how would i go about doing that? Is there an executable i need to download?
[07:44] <lisak> MaggieS, czech
[07:45] <MaggieS> lisak: yea I kinnda know where you were from
[07:45] <k1l_> MaggieS: of course: the live-system one is loaded just into the ram-memory. so the disk is not touched. but that got some limitations like slower system and not beeing able to install or update
[07:46] <k1l_> stangeland: see your manufacturers advices on that. the is different for every hardware
[07:46] <MaggieS> k1l_: I want to know if loading from uefi is faster then running live from usb
[07:47] <k1l_> lisak: you user name is ubuntu and that files exist there and have set +x?
[07:47] <Kb52> Probably a yes vote on that one.
[07:48] <lisak> k1l_, yes
[07:48] <OerHeks> MaggieS, booting from live usb can happen on a UEFI machine too.
[07:49] <k1l_> MaggieS: i dont understand where the difference from usb or uefi comes into play?
[07:49] <lisak> there is a chance that the script may fail (which doesn't if I run it from console), but I dunno how to find out if it failed or not from icon clicking
[07:49] <MaggieS> OerHeks: uefi makes usb faster?
[07:50] <MaggieS> k1l_: about the speed of loadig programs
[07:50] <MaggieS> betnween them
[07:50] <k1l_> MaggieS: uefi doesnt make usb faster
[08:02] <JFlash> hi
[08:07] <JFlash> I'm trying to diagnose why me HDMI port is no longer being detected by my sistem
[08:07] <JFlash> here's the output of my Xorg.0.log, how can this be of help to me?
[08:07] <JFlash>
[08:08] <JFlash> I would like to understand what it means. but I don't see timestamps?
[08:08] <diff_> Hi! It seems that I forgot to use purge flag when I removed an old kernel and now there is an rc flags in dpkg. So. How can I get rid of the config files too?
[08:15] <rob> fas
[08:15] <Guest82018> ayy
[08:22] <kitty89> PRIVMSG @#ubuntu :Hi!
[08:23] <kitty89> PRIVMSG #ubuntu :Hi!
[08:23] <kitty89> PRIVMSG #ubuntu :I am alone. Want to chat with some boy?
[08:23] <kitty89> PRIVMSG #ubuntu I am alone. Want to chat with some boy?
[08:23] <sheer> wut
[08:23] <mcphail> kitty89: stop that please
[08:24] <untaken> in Unity, is it possible to move the focus from one monitor to the next? Rather than moving the mouse, I can type ctrl+whatever+right to go to the monitor to the right?
[08:26] <jeeves_moss> are there any RaspberryPi users here? I can't get my camera module to work
[08:26] <[Saint]> I would posit there's plenty in #raspberrypi
[08:27] <jeeves_moss> thnaks
[08:38] <chotaz`w> is there any app that would allow me to "clean" my ubuntu instalation? much like ccleaner does for windows? something to go along "apt-get autoremove and apt-get clean" to make sure there are no leftovers around?
[08:39] <chotaz`w> s/?/.
[08:39] <sheer> yes
[08:40] <chotaz`w> sheer, and what app would that be?
[08:40] <sheer> i don't know
[08:40] <sheer> try asking in #linux
[08:41] <cynixx3> in #linux they would say use yum autoremove which does not exist on ubunt
[08:41] <cynixx3> ubuntu*
[08:41] <cynixx3> I do not know of an apt-get equivalent.
[08:41] <somsip> !info bleachbit | chotaz`w
[08:42] <[Saint]> wrong c-guy
[08:43] <cynixx3> No thats the right guy. I'm glad to know it too though.
[08:43] <diff_> Well, yes, I managed to solve my problem myself. \o/
[08:45] <k1l_> chotaz`w: all that "magic tune up and clean" programs from windows are really bad habbits
[08:45] <[Saint]> cynixx3: ah - right, yeah, whoops.
[08:45] <chotaz`w> I've used autoremove/autoclean/clean to clean the apt-get bit, and localepurge to remove unnecessary localization files(which I had tons of, for some reason)
[08:46] <[Saint]> leftover system cruft is why I dropped arch from my server.
[08:46] <chotaz`w> k1l_, i understand that, but as I'm still not powerusing linux and 2controlling" everything, I wanna make sure that anything I might've left behind doesn't stay around
[08:46] <k1l_> chotaz`w: look at the users home folder. that is where the configs are stored that dont get touched by apt-get
[08:49] <chotaz`w> k1l_, thanks, I'll take a look.
[09:04] <Kiryx> Hello #ubuntu
[09:05] <Kiryx> How can I remove the library from the system, including docs and dpkg info data ?
[09:05] <Kiryx> I want to remove libboost
[09:05] <Kiryx> I did apt-get remove --purge libboost-dev (and libboost-all-dev)
[09:05] <Kiryx> but "locate libboost" still gives me entries
[09:06] <Kiryx> in /usr/share/doc for instance
[09:10] <tos-1> Kiryx: Update your mlocate database. (I think updatedb.mlocate)
[09:10] <tos-1> Kiryx: Or before you do that, ensure that the database is the problem: See if the files locate lists are really existent.
[09:12] <Kiryx> tos-1: They do exist
[09:13] <notze> hey guys, if i print somehting in ubuntu, will it use cups?
[09:13] <notze> from gnome the scanner dialog
[09:13] <k1l_> Kiryx: "dpkg -l | grep libboost" into a pastebin please
[09:16] <Kiryx> k1l_:
[09:17] <tos-1> Kiryx: You only removed the development headers with the above purge command. The library ist still installed.
[09:20] <bobo69> dae le reddit
[09:20] <bobo69> god im bored
[09:22] <dzan> hey, anyone else ran into this?
[09:23] <somsip> dzan: you got a brand new, pre-installed, designed-for-ubuntu laptop and the first thing you did was wipe it and install from an iso?
[09:24] <somsip> dzan: a daily iso at that. So 15.04 beta? Surely I misunderstand...
[09:25] <k1l_> dzan: #ubuntu+1 and the bugtacker on for the development releases
[09:26] <dzan> somsip: mine had windows
[09:26] <dzan> k1l_: ok thanks i'll ask over there
[09:27] <somsip> dzan: ah. Strange purchase given the ubuntu support, but yes - #ubuntu+1 is the place
[09:28] <dzan> somsip: that one was released a month later
[09:29] <dzan> somsip: also you had to pay for the windows license anyway at first
[09:29] <somsip> dzan: fair enough. Unlucky timing by the sound of it #ubunut+1 anyway
[09:30] <dzan> indeed, thanks!
[09:43] <tommy_> hey everyone
[09:50] <comodo_dragon> hi
[09:50] <Aleksejs> Hello! I've installed unity player via pipelight, everything works except there is a problem with non-ascii characters - they are not displayed, and when I write something non-ascii, "?" signs are shown
[10:01] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[10:01] <ANJ7> hey BluesKaj o/
[10:02] <rockworldmi> hi all
[10:03] <LubuntuUser> hello folks, I got a problem with my wifi dongle. It worked fine until recently. The system still sees it but doesn't connect
[10:03] <rockworldmi> is there any free solution like exo social intranet?
[10:03] <LubuntuUser> I don't know what to do
[10:04] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: which version and model?
[10:04] <BluesKaj> hey ANJ7
[10:04] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS trusty
[10:05] <ANJ7> BluesKaj: sup?
[10:06] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, the wireless dongle is Ralink RT3072
[10:06] <BluesKaj> I'm up early ANJ7, you ?
[10:06] <ANJ7> well, its after-noon here. I'm studying for my exam
[10:06] <JFlash> hi
[10:06] <JFlash> i need to fix HDMI
[10:07] <JFlash> it's listed as disconnected
[10:07] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: ok there's blacklist file in etc comment out realtek line
[10:08] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, Realtek is not Ralink
[10:08] <LubuntuUser> does still matter?
[10:08] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: realtek
[10:09] <LubuntuUser> pardon my curiosity, I just don't get what has realtek to do with my Ralink dongle...
[10:09] <LubuntuUser> could u explain better?
[10:10] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: check if your device is under blacklist file i meant eample of realtek will be there if you google it ....
[10:11] <notze> if i print from gnome printing dialog, what will it o in background, call lp?
[10:12] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: this will be helpful
[10:13] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, could you tell me how to find this backlist?
[10:14] <mv> hello, my package system is broken and the help of other people broke my kernel i think. i was upgrading from ubuntu server 14.04 to 14.10. also grub is broken, now i start from livecd and mount the systeem and chroot to it. can this still be repaired?
[10:15] <cfhowlett> mv, best to reinstall
[10:15] <Get-help123Pls> hello, i think i have a problem. Using sudo apt-get i might have deleted some kernels dat were in use
[10:15] <mv> any advice on reinstalling ubuntu server? can i put it ontop of my old install? and will it keep the settings and other installed programs?
[10:15] <LubuntuUser> thanks rockworldmi
[10:16] <Get-help123Pls> i am running on live cd now but please help me recover the sysytem
[10:16] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: np
[10:16] <cfhowlett> mv, clean install and rebuild IMHO. perhaps #ubuntu-server might have a different iidea
[10:16] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, I just asked here because my wifi dongle worked at perfection until yesterday
[10:16] <mv> thanks il ask them
[10:17] <rockworldmi> any one ? is there any free solution like exo social intranet?
[10:17] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: hmm.. then you updates system?
[10:17] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, and it is recognised as sees the ESSID name
[10:17] <Get-help123Pls> anybody ? help me pls
[10:18] <cfhowlett> Get-help123Pls, reinstall
[10:18] <Get-help123Pls> ok. do i lose all useraccounts info then?
[10:18] <Get-help123Pls> and files as foto's and such?
[10:19] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, sorry, could you explain what you are saying to me a little bit more in detail?
[10:19] <cfhowlett> Get-help123Pls, if your /home is in a separate partition, you're good.
[10:19] <cfhowlett> !home | Get-help123Pls
[10:19] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, system was updated yesterday
[10:19] <LubuntuUser> so, it seems that after this update there is a problem somewhere
[10:19] <Get-help123Pls> i will chek that out thnx
[10:20] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: same happend here .. then i opened /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and commented our my realtek driver ..
[10:20] <rockworldmi> so try to do the same to driver " iwlwifi" and reboot it might solve your plroblem
[10:20] <LubuntuUser> ok
[10:21] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, could you tell me exactly what to type in my terminal? I am not very acquainted
[10:22] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: can you use nano?
[10:22] <rockworldmi> or other text editor?
[10:22] <LubuntuUser> i have gedit
[10:23] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: ok open blacklist file in it ... also if possible paste it in pastebin
[10:23] <rockworldmi>
[10:25] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, it would be quicker to tell me what to look for in the file, as I am connected from another laptop at this moment
[10:25] <LubuntuUser> copy and paste is not a procedure that is going to be quick :D
[10:25] <LubuntuUser> I don't see any realtek in the file
[10:26] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: iwlwifi
[10:27] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, command not found
[10:27] <LubuntuUser> iwconfig
[10:27] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: not command check this name in .config file iwlwifi
[10:27] <LubuntuUser> ok
[10:29] <LubuntuUser> nope rockworldmi there is not any iwlwifi in config
[10:29] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: cfg80211 ?
[10:30] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: run this [echo "blacklist iwlwifi" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ]
[10:34] <LubuntuUser> rockworldmi, is writing 'blacklist iwlwifi in the file conf
[10:35] <LubuntuUser> what are you trying to do?
[10:35] <LubuntuUser> :D
[10:35] <LubuntuUser> there is not cfg80211
[10:37] <rockworldmi> LubuntuUser: just run above command or read through this forum and see if it solves problem...
[10:45] <jackie_> hello
[10:45] <jackie_> I have a problem
[10:45] <jackie_> who can help me
[10:46] <mcphail> jackie_: unless you ask your question we will never know
[10:46] <enchilado> No one
[10:46] <enchilado> Since you didn't say what you need help with
[10:46] <enchilado> :)
[10:46] <Aleksejs> Hello! I've installed unity player via pipelight, everything works except there is a problem with non-ascii characters - they are not displayed, and when I write something non-ascii, "?" signs are shown
[10:46] <jackie_> after installing ubuntu and i am connected to ethernet it says unable to connect
[10:46] <jackie_> in firefox
[10:47] <jackie_> how can I solve this
[10:51] <mcphail> jackie_: please don't PM. I can't help with your problem just now but be patient and someone will help in the channel. Thanks.
[10:52] <Giwrgaras> which is the best music player for ubuntu? any suggestions?
[10:52] <jackie_> ok mcphail
[10:52] <TheNumb> GWild: depends on your requirements.
[10:52] <TheNumb> wee
[10:52] <TheNumb> Giwrgaras: ^
[10:58] <acidwar> Hello
[11:01] <frderi> Good afternoon :)
[11:02] <frderi> I´m in a bit of a pickle with Ubuntu 14.04 Client and an external USB disk
[11:02] <frderi> I plug it in, but the disk doesnt get recognized
[11:03] <frderi> doesnt show up anywhere not even lsscsi and /dev/disk
[11:03] <frderi> the disk works fine under ubuntu 10.04
[11:04] <frderi> its an USB 3.0 disk (western digital mybook)
[11:05] <frderi> any ideas on where to start troubleshooting this issue?
[11:05] <TheNumb> frderi: which file system?
[11:06] <TheNumb> frderi: can you pastebin your dmesg output?
[11:06] <frderi> its ext3 protected by luks
[11:07] <frderi> in 10.04, i had a script querying /dev/mapper/by-path and calling cryptsetup and mount. but by-path doesnt seem to exist anymore
[11:07] <TheNumb> Why don't you use udisksctl to mount it?
[11:08] <frderi> because the mount and unmount process is part of the backup
[11:08] <TheNumb> frderi: can't you mount it by name then?
[11:09] <frderi>
[11:11] <frderi> TheNumb : where can i find the name?
[11:16] <frderi> i don´t find any reference i can recognize that points to this disk bein recognized anywhere
[11:16] <acidwar_> /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER acidwar_ vrygaueszjht
[11:17] <Fuchs> acidwar_: hi, no spaces in front of the /
[11:17] <frderi> acidwar_ i change that password if i were you ;)
[11:17] <Fuchs> it's not a password
[11:17] <Fuchs> and as per that it also can't be changed, and he doesn't have to worry.
[11:17] <frderi> oh
[11:25] <adac> Could it be that ubuntu has problems with lenove dockingstation and mini HDMI?
[11:25] <adac> mini HDMI on my monitor
[11:26] <acidwar_> :wq
[11:38] <frderi> TheNumb: udisksctl status doesnt list the device, neither does udisksctl dump. The device is connected and is spinning up though.
[11:44] <ernetas> Hey guys. I'm running Postfix 2.11 on Ubuntu 14.04 in a container. I found a bug/improvement in init scripts that is beneficial for running postfix in containers. Where should I report it to - upstream or Ubuntu?
[11:46] <demahum> Is there a way to setup something like wireless access point on one pc and then to connect to it using the other one and then to e.g. send a command to terminal to the host pc without internet access?
[11:46] <EriC^^> demahum: yeah, settings > network > wireless > make hotspot
[11:47] <demahum> EriC^^: And what is the idea, I mean, how to send a terminal command to a host pc?
[11:47] <EriC^^> ssh
[11:47] <EriC^^> get the ip with ip addr
[11:48] <EriC^^> then ssh <user>@<ip> <command>
[11:48] <EriC^^> or just ssh in and do stuff from the shell
[11:48] <demahum> So I can ssh into the host PC using its IP from its own network?
[11:48] <EriC^^> yeah
[11:48] <demahum> EriC^^: That's what I needed. Thanks. :)
[11:48] <EriC^^> from the ip addr you're using to connect to it ( the default route )
[11:48] <EriC^^> no problem :)
[11:49] <jtjh> Hi, I have my Laptop Connected to my TV via HDMI but pulseaudio detects the HDMI as being Unplugged which its not because im using it too view my screen
[11:50] <EriC^^> demahum: you have to install openssh-server on the host though
[11:50] <CJKay> Hi all, I'm having some trouble configuring my network interface for IPv6. I'm getting "IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready" and it's preventing my servers from binding to an IPv6 address, even though the interface is working by the time I've logged in
[11:50] <BluesKaj> jtjh, use the spdif setting in alsamixer for the gpu/hdmi to detect the digital audio signal
[11:55] <ad-n770> hi
[11:56] <ad-n770> I've booted latest daily vivid image in vmware
[11:56] <ad-n770> I've choose "try it"
[11:56] <ad-n770> it asks me for a username/password
[11:57] <ad-n770> tried ubuntu/(blank) and I'm not getting in
[11:57] <ad-n770> what's the default user password for the live image ?
[11:57] <EriC^^> try ubuntu/ubuntu , there shouldn't be one afaik
[11:58] <ad-n770> tried that one too with no luck
[12:00] <jtjh> BluesKaj all the S/PIDF are all of except the first one but its bottomed out at 00 and i cant change it or anything
[12:00] <ad-n770> ok, I'll try with the beta later
[12:02] <BluesKaj> jtjh, use the up/down arrow keys to increase/decrease the volume
[12:03] <jtjh> BluesKaj yea thats what i mean i cant on the S/PDIF
[12:04] <BluesKaj> jtjh, in the pcm ctrl , spdif has no vol
[12:06] <user_> Need some assistance... I have installed ubuntu 14.04.2 and had thought I selected encrypt with lvm ... I have 3 hard drives... so I had to choose custom partitions... but it did not encrypt the drives...
[12:06] <user_> How can I get Ubuntu to encrypt all of the drives during install?
[12:06] <user_> or do you have to do it after ?
[12:08] <Fernandooo> hello ive installed 14.04 but it doesnt recognized my win partitions ....i ve googled but :(
[12:08] <Ajacobsson> user_: afaik, ubuntu asks if you want to engage drive encryption during the installation process and since LVM acts as a sublayer under the file system and everything, you can't add it after completing installation.
[12:09] <jtjh> BluesKaj here is a screenshot
[12:09] <EriC^^> Fernandooo: type sudo parted -l and paste it in
[12:10] <user_> Ajacobsson... ok, thank you for the response. How can I get it to encrypt all 3 hard drives during the install then?
[12:10] <adac> Could it be that ubuntu has problems with lenovo dockingstation and mini HDMI?
[12:12] <Ajacobsson> user_: "(Ubuntu 12.10 has since introduced LVM support from the installation live CD.)" so all versions of ubuntu after 12.10 is supposed to prompt you during installation asking if you want to enable disk encryption.
[12:13] <BluesKaj> jtjh, use the M key to unmute spdif
[12:13] <user_> Ajacobsson yes it does prompt but only for one hard drive.... I have 3 hard drives where I'd like to partition one drive as /home and one as /storage and one as / ... but have them all encrypted.
[12:14] <user_> but it will only encrypt one drive.... unless I am missing the option to include the other two drives?
[12:17] <jtjh> thanks BlueKaj ill try that but i have to go now ill try too fix it later
[12:21] <veritablej> what program/service needs restarting if my brightness keys make the OSD come up but the screen brightness doesn't actually change?
[12:21] <deadmund> veritablej: Probably the kernel module that is responsible for the screen brightness?
[12:22] <Ajacobsson> user_: I would probably just go through the installation process again and see if I missed something. Couldn't really find any useful info about multiple drives in LVM on google. I've only installed it on single drivers so I don't know either.
[12:22] <veritablej> deadmund thanks I'll look that up
[12:23] <user_> Ajacobsson, Thank you, I have also googled / Binged... I may be able to encrypt the other two drives after installation.. I'll try that and come back to update on success.
[12:23] <user_> Thanks again.
[12:23] <Ajacobsson> user_: Alright,gl man :)
[12:23] <user_> Fingers Crossed!
[12:27] <Sramelyor3301> how do I get all my hardware specifications from the terminal??
[12:27] <hateball> Sramelyor3301: There are several ways, I like using "inxi"
[12:28] <hateball> Sramelyor3301: "sudo apt-get install inxi && inxi -F"
[12:28] <Sramelyor3301> what's inxi-f for?
[12:28] <hateball> -F(ull)
[12:30] <Sramelyor3301> oh
[12:30] <oak49> hello everyone, I just found a red capital letter notice in gnome disk utility saying 'SELF-TEST FAILED' and when I did self test (short one) the result was 'Disk is OK, one bad sector'..should I replace the disk right now?
[12:30] <hateball> oak49: Yes
[12:30] <hateball> At least I would
[12:30] <Sramelyor3301> Can you suggest a good distro based on the following specifications ->
[12:32] <deadmund> oak49: what is the reallocated sectors count?
[12:33] <Sramelyor3301> Some1 suggest a good distro based on the following specifications ->
[12:33] <United123> wow
[12:33] <oak49> deadmund, it says Value: 0 sectors Normalized: 100 Threshold: 36 Worst: 100 Type: Pre-Fail Updates: Online Assessment: OK
[12:34] <MonkeyDust> Sramelyor3301 ask in ##linux, as this is ubuntu support
[12:34] <United123> someone here can help me with ruby?
[12:34] <deadmund> oak49: Your disk is fine. Those sectors are used when regular sectors go bad. If none of them have been used, the disk is very healthy.
[12:35] <deadmund> oak49: I think you failed the test before because of some fluke if you're passing it now (maybe the test had never been ran or some bug occured when it did run leaving you with a "failed" status)
[12:37] <oak49> deadmund, so would it maybe give no bad sectors if I ran it again?
[12:38] <deadmund> oak49: Seems to me that if you have 0 reallocated sectors, you should have 0 bad sectors (but maybe the machine doesn't reallocate until at least n have gone bad or something?)
[12:38] <deadmund> cause every bad sector should cause a reallocation
[12:39] <oak49> deadmund, I re-ran the short test, again one bad sector
[12:39] <oak49> and again 0 count
[12:41] <oak49> anyway, it seems to be a good idea to backup frequently
[12:41] <deadmund> oak49: Weird. Apparently sometimes the disk may not reallocate: I wouldn't be worried about it, but if you wanted to try to get someone with my experience to answer, that might not be a bad idea.
[12:41] <deadmund> oak49: You should backup regardless of anything else.
[12:44] <Sramelyor3301> Can someone help me remove openoffice
[12:44] <Sramelyor3301> Its not uninstalling at all
[12:44] <oak49> deadmund, thank you, I think I will go by backing up more frequently, and keeping the pace of the hard drive in sight..
[12:45] <deadmund> oak49: goo move
[12:45] <oak49> deadmund, thank you for your help
[12:45] <Sramelyor3301> I followed the following instructions while installing it -> How do I go about uninstalling it
[12:47] <deadmund> Sramelyor3301: run the dpkg -P *.deb (to purge) instead of dpkg -i *.deb (from your instructions). Does that make sense?
[12:47] <deadmund> Sramelyor3301: There is also dpkg -r packagename.deb
[12:50] <Sramelyor3301> tnx deadmund. I will try and get back
[12:54] <untaken> in Unity, is it possible to move the focus from one monitor to the next? Rather than moving the mouse, I can type ctrl+whatever+right to go to the monitor to the right?
[12:56] <sennn> GNU HURD 0.6 release
[12:56] <MonkeyDust> untaken synergy comes to mind
[12:57] <mcphail> sennn: that isn't an Ubuntu support question
[12:57] <sennn> just say that
[12:57] <awk> say what
[12:57] <mcphail> !ot | sennn
[12:58] <awk> !ot | mcphail
[12:58] <awk> I have a Connection from a.a.a.a (router 1) to b.b.b.b (router 2).. I then have a ipsec inside of that as (router 1) -> (router 2) ... so now I am wanting to get my QoS setup correctly.. should I have 'forward' source (mangle) mark packet 'dc' and 'forward' destination (mangle) mark packet 'dc' (router 1) ... and then have prerouting b.b.b.b (source) and b.b.b.b (destination) mark packet 'dc' ... then have prerouting ToS 38
[12:59] <Sramelyor3301> btw is the next ubuntu going to be LTS?
[12:59] <jpds_> Sramelyor3301: No, 16.04 is going to be.
[12:59] <Pici> Sramelyor3301: No. LTSes are every 2 years. Next one will be 16.04 in 2016.
[12:59] <MonkeyDust> awk how is that ubuntu related?
[12:59] <awk> MonkeyDust: well let's say the router is Ubuntu ?
[13:00] <Sramelyor3301> tnx :)
[13:00] <Pici> awk: #netfilter may be the best place to ask, or perhaps ##networking
[13:00] <MonkeyDust> i was going to suggest ##networking too
[13:00] <awk> Pici: 15:00 <@xand> awk: no idea.
[13:00] <awk> that;s from #networking
[13:00] <Pici> awk: no idea from here either then.
[13:01] <awk> hey, thats not fair... don't copy what he said?
[13:09] <Fernandooo> how do i install ubuntu along win with uefi is there any doc ? i cant fint anything accurate from google ...
[13:10] <awk> Pici: can you please answer me, ASAP ?}
[13:10] <Fernandooo> ive got installed win but when i want to install ubuntu i cant see partitions .. not even changing eufi to legacy
[13:10] <cfhowlett> !efi | Fernandooo
[13:10] <Pici> awk: not with anything useful, sorry. I really don't know anything about those sort of routing setups.
[13:10] <awk> ok, thanks
[13:12] <uniX67> #ubuntu-de
[13:12] <hkrrsx> morning
[13:13] <MonkeyDust> 3.15 pm here
[13:14] <jayjo> I'm trying to retrieve data from an ftp server, but I'm ssh'd into a ubuntu box... can I do ftp through the command line? I only know of filezilla
[13:15] <Fuchs> jayjo: sure, quite a lot of CLI ftp clients
[13:16] <Fuchs> the most obvious one being: ftp (that is a bit of a pain though, consider lftp)
[13:17] <MonkeyDust> jayjo tip: use 'screen' command and then ssh, you can then suspend the session, without logging out of ssh
[13:18] <jayjo> is lftp the standard?
[13:22] <neldogz> Hi everyone. I am having trouble with NFS on Ubuntu 14.10 64-bit Server. I can get everything setup and hosts can mount the NFS shares but after rebooting NFS stops working even though it is running. A workaround to this is to restart NFS using: sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart after rebooting the server. Anyone run into this?
[13:22] <jellow> neldogz: have you checked you're running the same nfs client, server version ?
[13:23] <neldogz> jellow, yes same NFS client version 4
[13:23] <jellow> neldogz: do you have any log output from the server, client?
[13:24] <neldogz> jellow, I noticed that upon restarting the NFS service ..the following error will come up for any computer that it cannot resolve: exportfs: Failed to resolve
[13:24] <neldogz> The only way I am able to fix this is to bring that computer online and restart the service
[13:26] <MonkeyDust> neldogz i guess you have to add nfs shares to /etc/fstab
[13:26] <neldogz> MonkeyDust, the NFS shares are indeed specified in the clients fstab
[13:27] <CJKay> Hi all, I'm having some trouble configuring my network interface for IPv6. I'm getting "IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready" and it's preventing my servers from binding to the static IPv6 address, even though the interface is working by the time I've logged in
[13:27] <neldogz> It's almost like the NFS server will not serve shares to those clients after the server reboots if the clients are not online
[13:27] <neldogz> I guess I can try to share to a subnet within the export file and see if the same issue occurs
[13:29] <Tekkkz> Hello!
[13:29] <baum> Tekkkz: hi
[13:30] <Tekkkz> I have a problem: Im using two monitors, and if im playing a game (e.g. dota2) in fullscreen mode on monitor 1, my mouse can moved out of it to the second and then i i press there the game gets minimized, how to fix this?
[13:33] <Tekkkz> baum, you have an idea?
[13:33] <baum> Tekkkz: switch to window mode, other than that no idea
[13:34] <baum> Tekkkz: here is what i'm doing though:
[13:35] <Tekkkz> baum, yeah?
[13:35] <baum> Tekkkz: i got windows emulated via KVM - which kinda solves the problem (+ the gaming within linux one)
[13:35] <baum> doubt that this is what you are looking for though
[13:35] <Tekkkz> KVM?
[13:35] <baum> Tekkkz: kernel based virtual machine
[13:36] <neldogz> MonkeyDust, I no longer received the error when using an IP range
[13:36] <neldogz> now for the real test and rebooting everything
[13:36] <neldogz> brb
[13:36] <Foxtrot88> Hi, good morning
[13:36] <Tekkkz> hm i dont want to install such a big change
[13:36] <jayjo> Hmmm.. I'm using lftp now to access an ftp server, but do I have to access this 'interactive' rate?
[13:36] <jayjo> excuse me... interactive mode
[13:36] <jayjo> I want to connect to the ftp server as a script
[13:36] <Foxtrot88> someone knows where can i find a ethernet simulator? I need it for a homework D:
[13:36] <baum> Tekkkz: yep, i thought so
[13:37] <jayjo> and do this daily.. is lftp not the best way to do this?
[13:37] <Tekkkz> baum, and in window mode the window is bigger than my screen cause the ubuntu task bar on the left
[13:37] <Tekkkz> so whats an better solution?
[13:37] <jellow> jayjo: look at lftp man file it is fully scriptable
[13:37] <Foxtrot88> or if exist some for Ubuntu?? D:
[13:37] <baum> Tekkkz: write a script which hides the task-bar once you are playing?
[13:38] <hateball> Tekkkz: A long shot, but someone in #steamlug might know about more about getting things to play nicely with Dota, altho I think most are not running Unity as their DE
[13:38] <baum> Tekkkz: i'm sure there is a better solution though - i just didn't figure it out either
[13:39] <Tekkkz> hm i dont want to make such changes, isnt it possible to play in fullscreen without getting the mouse out with only installing some packages or whatever? but no deep changes
[13:39] <baum> hateball: well the DE shouldn't matter in this case, should it?
[13:40] <Tekkkz> what's DE?
[13:40] <hateball> baum: well, WM then
[13:40] <baum> Tekkkz: desktop enviroment
[13:40] <hateball> and Window Manager
[13:41] <Tekkkz> ahh
[13:41] <Tekkkz> but i want ot use unitty
[13:41] <Tekkkz> and it must be possible to stop mouse from mooving out
[13:41] <baum> hateball: oh, the window manager? thought it's X-server related
[13:43] <hateball> I don't really know how Unity works, I use KDE Plasma which lets me set rules to always keep windows on top etc
[13:43] <hateball> Perhaps there are similar options in Unity, to force an application to remain maximized/fullscreen
[13:43] <hateball> plasma with kwin, that is
[13:44] <funkenstrahlen> hey I run ubuntu 14.04 on my server and tried to install ubuntu-restricted-extras because handbrake-cli says its missing codecs. however apt can not find the package. why?
[13:44] <k1l> hateball: right click on the windowbar and choose: always on top
[13:44] <hateball> k1l: It's Tekkkz having the problems :)
[13:44] <k1l> ah, k
[13:45] <Tekkkz> k1l, whats the window bar?
[13:45] <kostkon> !info ubuntu-restricted-extras
[13:45] <baum> hateball: well, i'm not running a DE at idea about the unity options :)
[13:45] <k1l> Tekkkz: but that will not catch the mouse to the first monitor only
[13:45] <funkenstrahlen> kostkon: so how can I install it? apt-get install does not find it
[13:46] <kostkon> funkenstrahlen: enable multiverse
[13:46] <Tekkkz> k1l, so howo can i catch the mouse?
[13:46] <kostkon> repo*
[13:46] <cfhowlett> !restricted | funkenstrahlen
[13:47] <funkenstrahlen> kostkon: thx. worked after enabling multiverse
[13:50] <flipapy> hey, morning, or afternoon etc towherever you are, i have a couple q's about the canonical option in the update 'software & updates' window, it says canonical partners (software by canonical for their partners, and the other one (source code) for their partners as well, what do they do to my os running if i include those updates? what's n them, generally speaking of course,
[13:52] <nkef0> seriously... nvidia doesn't provide a secure download location for their drivers? -.-
[13:53] <k1l> nkef0: use the nvidia driver from the ubuntu repos
[13:54] <nkef0> k1l: I need the 34x drivers for my 750 Ti which are not in the repos as I can tell
[13:54] <k1l> which ubuntu are you running exactly?
[13:54] <nkef0> 14.04
[13:54] <JuJuBee> I need to resize a win7 partition. Booted from live USB but red exclamation next to partition in gparted. I made sure I had a clean boot/shutdown of win before live USB
[13:54] <k1l> nkef0: and you get the comedy with demanding secure download for prop. blobs where you dont know whats inside anyway?
[13:55] <popey> k1l: https isnt just for that. also means you're not man-in-the-middled
[13:55] <nkef0> k1l: well... I feel a bit better knowing that the blob hasnt been tampered with during download :p
[13:56] <flipapy> so i asked a question a little while ago, anyone read it by chance?
[13:56] <popey> flipapy: there's no updates in there - only additional software (like skype)
[13:56] <popey> flipapy: so if you installed skype from there, technically there's updates to that at some point
[13:56] <flipapy> thanks popey
[13:56] <robynata> :P
[13:57] <popey> flipapy: but nothing in that repo which conflicts or replaces with what you already have.
[13:57] <k1l> nkef0: yep, no 34x driver in the official repo for 14.04. you could check the edgers ppa
[13:57] <flipapy> ok, sounds god.
[13:57] <flipapy> good
[13:57] <flipapy> yikes, i'd go deaf, padum pum
[13:57] <flipapy> ok thanks :)
[13:58] <k1l> popey: right, but its still: to be sure to get the right "i dont know whats in it" package.
[14:01] <ChunkzZ> hi, odd question. I'm running Ubuntu 14.10. is there a way I can add the left menu button to the top? or bottom? instead of the left?
[14:01] <EriC^^> ChunkzZ: no, you can use cairo-dock and other docks though
[14:02] <MonkeyDust> ChunkzZ lxde and cfce have the bar on the bottm
[14:02] <MonkeyDust> xfce*
[14:02] <ChunkzZ> EriC^^, so there's no way? MonkeyDust yeah but I like unity :(
[14:03] <nonyab> How can i make transfer my ubuntu on laptop with all my settings and apps to flashdrive for a portability so i can use it any where please kinda like casper xp does in windoz
[14:03] <EriC^^> nonyab: dd the whole drive
[14:03] <nkef0> also: when I shut down using the prop blob, theres a black screen for about 20 seconds then the motherboard buzzer goes off and the poweroff completes using the mobos GPU, any ideas whats going on?
[14:04] <nonyab> I am using the distro lxle
[14:04] <EriC^^> !clonezilla | nonyab
[14:04] <nkef0> (mainly looking to elimnate the delay)
[14:04] <TheNumb> nonyab: I don't think lxle is supported on this channel.
[14:04] <nonyab> where do i get clonezilla
[14:04] <k1l> nonyab: best is to ask the lxle support for their stuff.
[14:05] <EriC^^> !info clonezilla
[14:05] <EriC^^> nonyab: type sudo apt-get install clonezilla
[14:05] <nonyab> Thanx
[14:06] <nonyab> will it boot from the flash drive please
[14:06] <EriC^^> are you using uefi?
[14:06] <jayjo> is filezilla safe software
[14:06] <jayjo> ?
[14:06] <zaggynl> why wouldn't it be?
[14:06] <nonyab> eric^^ what is uefi
[14:07] <nkef0> EriC^^: was that question intended for me?
[14:07] <MonkeyDust> !uefi
[14:07] <jayjo> I have a piece of software installed now called premier opinion, it must've been installed with filezilla
[14:07] <EriC^^> nkef0: no for nonyab
[14:07] <jayjo> has anyone heard of premier opinion?
[14:07] <zaggynl> jayjo: did you install filezilla on windows?
[14:07] <zaggynl> most of the download sites have the filezilla installer riddle with adware
[14:07] <jayjo> I installed it on a mac to connect to my ubuntu server
[14:08] <jayjo> I did custom install from sourceforge
[14:08] <zaggynl> oh nice, mac versions are bundled with crap too now
[14:08] <nonyab> no i use bios in all the machines i would use it on
[14:08] <jayjo> is there any way to tell what was installed? I only know about premieropinion because it's in my status bar
[14:08] <EriC^^> nonyab: ok, it should boot then if it's first in the boot order
[14:09] <nonyab> and they are set to boot from usb
[14:09] <zaggynl> jayjo: why are you asking on #ubuntu, isn't there a mac channel
[14:09] <nonyab> Eric^^ thanks
[14:09] <EriC^^> nonyab: are you using bios in the current machine?
[14:09] <nonyab> Yes i do
[14:09] <EriC^^> ok
[14:09] <zaggynl> there is for unbundled windows apps, looks to be similar for macs
[14:10] <nonyab> Unable to locate package clonezilla
[14:10] <EriC^^> nonyab: you have to enable the universe repo, you should probably consult the lxle channel
[14:10] <zaggynl> reasons why I like linux over windows/osx: zero extra driver installation needed and repositories
[14:10] <nonyab> ok thanks where is LxLE channel please
[14:11] <cfhowlett> !lxle
[14:11] <EriC^^> #lxle maybe?
[14:11] <cfhowlett> nonyab, look around, you can find it
[14:11] <jayjo> I agree, I do all of my statistics on ubuntu, but i still have to use mac to fit into the ecosystem at the office
[14:12] <nonyab> think i got it thanxs all
[14:16] <tyler_> quit
[14:27] <krishna_> shna
[14:29] <acovrig> I have my system joined to a windows domain, the default shell seems to be /bin/false, how do I change this?
[14:34] <MonkeyDust> acovrig to start: what is the outcome of env|grep SHELL
[14:35] <acovrig> for my user, it’s /usr/bin/zsh, for every other domain user, getent passwd shows /bin/false
[14:36] <Fuchs> acovrig: sssd or winbind?
[14:36] <acovrig> winbind I think
[14:36] <flipapy> my laptop screen has a dammaged non visible area where the apps bar is, ubtu 14.10 - unity - I kind of need the apps bar on the bottom and for it to be functional on the bottom on my second screen as well, is that a viable possibility?
[14:37] <Fuchs> acovrig: meh, sorry, in this case I can't say much
[14:37] <nkef0> flipapy: you need to install a different dock, unitys default cant be moved afaik
[14:38] <flipapy> is that something developers are working on?
[14:38] <cfhowlett> flipapy, sudo apt-get install xfce4 will get you the xubuntu desktop environment with the bars you discuss. logout, choose xubuntu session, login
[14:38] <OerHeks> flipapy, no, the unity bar is hardcoded. an other dock is your solution, good thinking nkef0 +1
[14:38] <MonkeyDust> acovrig what's the outcome of cat /etc/issue
[14:38] <acovrig> Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
[14:40] <flipapy> that's good to know thank you cfhowlett
[14:40] <MonkeyDust> acovrig is this useful? may be a start
[14:41] <flipapy> and of course OerHeks and nkef0
[14:42] <acovrig> MonkeyDust: yea, I want to change it
[14:44] <norc-2> Hi. So today I had a system with an apt that was locked due to missing dependencies. These dependencies could not be installed due to missing inodes.
[14:44] <norc-2> However
[14:45] <norc-2> Almost all inodes were used by kernel headers installed through apt. Since apt was locked I could not purge the old kernels
[14:45] <norc-2> How does one get out of circle?
[14:46] <norc-2> Without manually deleting files that apt is supposed to get rid of.
[14:47] <krishna_> krishna
[14:55] <sudomarize> how do i re-assign the printscreen key in ubuntu?
[14:56] <sudomarize> thinkpad x240
[14:56] <flipapy> i found this, and i get to stay in unity and keep the unity dock on autohide but functional on my second screen as well.
[14:56] <sudomarize> 14.04
[14:56] <Fuchs> sudomarize: xmodmap can do it if you want to actually change the key code it produces
[14:58] <sudomarize> Fuchs: has it not been replaced with xkb?
[14:59] <Fuchs> not as far as I am aware, I am using it here (KDE, though. Shouldn't matter, though)
[15:00] <sudomarize> Fuchs: sweet, ill check it out
[15:01] <ceraik> hello everyone, I suspect of malware on my system. how can I check it? is there a tool like malwarebytes that I was just suggested? or can I use this tool with ubuntu?
[15:01] <cfhowlett> !virus | ceraik
[15:02] <cfhowlett> ceraik, tl:dr clamAV and rootkithunter
[15:02] <MonkeyDust> ceraik a virus? exciting! if you find it, please tell us!
[15:02] <ceraik> cfhowlett, that's what I think, too. but I was strangely rejected by google when I wanted to do search, on grounds of bot suspicion
[15:02] <cfhowlett> ceraik, wait, what???
[15:03] <ceraik> and it was fixed when I restarted my router
[15:03] <cfhowlett> ceraik, ah. router attacks are a thing ...
[15:03] <ceraik> cfhowlett, can you please tell me more? this 'thing' never happened to me before
[15:03] <ceraik> is my system in danger now?
[15:03] <tos-1> ceraik: dynamic ip address?
[15:04] <cfhowlett> ceraik, probably not, but an open router does invite attack ... and even a router with default login/passwords is less than secure.
[15:04] <tos-1> ceraik: Google most probably rejected you because of your ip address; i suppose.
[15:04] <Trudko> hi guys I read that new Kubuntu will have relative nice power management thanks to new KDE. I am curious if there is plan for such thing in unity too?
[15:04] <BluesKaj> ceraik, maybe just your router, but i even doubt that
[15:04] <tos-1> ceraik: Maybe you could just ask google. :D
[15:04] <zasek> if you know someone in the free hosting DNS?
[15:05] <mcphail> ceraik: that just happens sometimes. Nothing to do with malware
[15:05] <ceraik> cfhowlett, it is not an open router, if it means without password. I have always had a password
[15:05] <k1l> ceraik: why do you think you got malware installed?
[15:05] <zasek> *DDNS*
[15:05] <ceraik> k1l, I dont know what capabilities such an attack can have
[15:06] <ceraik> I never was exposed to one
[15:06] <ceraik> cfhowlett, how do you mean 'default' password?
[15:06] <k1l> ceraik: that is just a google filter by iplocation when the ip range is reported to be an issue. it doesnt mean you are infected
[15:07] <ceraik> k1l, ip range, so not something particular to my router, but like a geographical group?
[15:08] <OerHeks> ceraik, lots of routers are unpatched with the latest firmware, or have admin hardcoded. sounds like your router is vulnerabel too.
[15:10] <ceraik> OerHeks, back to my question, does it mean that my device can be compromised with such attacks?
[15:10] <OerHeks> ceraik, you said it was.
[15:10] <k1l> ceraik: please to contact google to get to know why you got that captcha thing.
[15:11] <ceraik> OerHeks, no I said I was trying to find out how I could know whether it was
[15:11] <SchrodingersScat> I would search for my router model and see if any of the recent vulnerabilities affected it
[15:11] <ceraik> it is unsettling when you know your router can be hijacked anytime, which makes you pass as a bot
[15:12] <ceraik> specially it is unknown if your actual system can be affected
[15:13] <OerHeks> ceraik, yes you did, as it stopped when you resetted your router.
[15:13] <apt-get> I've got a new computer which I'm fairly certain has UEFI, is it necessary to do anything before dual booting with Ubuntu? I heard UEFI prevents hardware changes, and I changed the hardware without changing UEFI settings, not sure if that matters.
[15:14] <root> holaa
[15:14] <OerHeks> !rootirc | root
[15:14] <root> que taa !!
[15:15] <Solagallardo> asdfas
[15:15] <Solagallardo> sdfgdf
[15:15] <Solagallardo> ghdf
[15:15] <OerHeks> !uefi | apt-get read the wiki about uefi.
[15:17] <Solagallardo> holaa!!
[15:17] <Solagallardo> hay alguien?
[15:17] <compdoc> english
[15:17] <Solagallardo> understand me ?
[15:17] <compdoc> now
[15:17] <Solagallardo> where are you from ?
[15:18] <compdoc> near denver, colorado, where its snowing outside
[15:18] <k1l> Solagallardo: this is the technical ubuntu support channel. use ##chat if you want to chat
[15:18] <Solagallardo> i'm from Spain, Catalonia
[15:19] <compdoc> do you have an ubuntu issue?
[15:20] <nullbyte_> whick kde version will be included in 15.04?
[15:20] <inerkick> Hi . I got Ubuntu Mate 14.04. And I got a Ubuntu Gnome 3.14. Can I use the ISO to replace the Ubuntu Mate without losing data. If yes. how to. Kindly share the link
[15:20] <Solagallardo> issue??
[15:20] <k1l> !info kde vivid
[15:21] <nullbyte_> !info KDE
[15:21] <Solagallardo> i use crunchbang
[15:22] <compdoc> issue=problem
[15:22] <OerHeks> nullbyte_,
[15:22] <k1l> Solagallardo: crunchbang is not supported in here. and please stop the chit chat in here
[15:22] <Solagallardo> i'm a boss anf you d'ont reconize me !!
[15:22] <compdoc> lol
[15:22] <Solagallardo> good bye ladies!!?
[15:22] <k1l> !away > zz_Thelks-at-wor
[15:24] <Zerkalerka> mc
[15:26] <ceraik> ok..I will go on to do own search on this..thank you all for your hints and information!
[15:33] <taozhijiang> 你好啊
[15:33] <taozhijiang> texit
[15:41] <nkef0> Is there a "trustworthy" PPA with the latest nvidia blobs?
[15:42] <OerHeks> nkef0, that would be xorg edgers
[15:42] <k1l> xorg edgers. but it could be unstable some times
[15:43] <OerHeks> Next version Vivid has that latest driver available AFAIK
[15:43] <nkef0> OerHeks: currently on 14.04, wont update till a new LTS is out
[15:44] <nkef0> k1l: I hope not more unstable than manually installing the blobs(which is what I have been doing since now)
[15:46] <kokoltop> hi guys. I'm not an IT specialist, but I've been using couple of distros these past years. What sets ubuntu apart from the rest?
[15:48] <OerHeks> kokoltop, us, the community.
[15:48] <ioras> hello there, I am installing rootkithunter, and the installation stopped at postfix config. what should I select there?
[15:49] <ioras> also nothing happens if I just press enter
[15:49] <kokoltop> OerHeks: as in number...?
[15:49] <nkef0> ioras: it stopped at the postfix installation menu yes? Choose "Internet Site"
[15:49] <k1l> its easy to use, its mainstream so most software is offered for ubuntu, its free, its designed and not just rushed together, got a huge community, got huge community support,... just try it yourself
[15:50] <OerHeks> kokoltop, what number?
[15:51] <kokoltop> I meant the size :) because the community is big or?
[15:51] <OerHeks> Big as in active.
[15:52] <ioras> nkef0, how can I choose it, I mean, move up and down?
[15:52] <nkef0> ioras: arrows
[15:52] <OerHeks> nkef0, you need postfix if you want a mail when something is detected.
[15:53] <ioras> OerHeks, does it make sense to opt in?
[15:53] <ioras> I can move up-down with arrows or select ok, but how can i select any one of the options?
[15:54] <nkef0> -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT in input blocks some commands on ftp ... any ideas whats going on?
[15:54] <ioras> I cant seem to get there
[15:54] <nkef0> ioras: select the option and press enter, or select the option press tab and then enter whichever works
[15:54] <OerHeks> ioras, use space to select?
[15:56] <panda__> hey
[15:56] <ioras> oh, yes, I think with tab it moved to a menu page where the same options are listed
[15:56] <panda__> is anyone online?
[15:57] <ioras> thank you nkef0, OerHeks :)
[15:57] <panda__> I have a question, I cannot log into my ubuntu, its saying my log in and password is wrong, but I checked everything and it seems to be alright, what do I do? I was told to come here from #ubuntoforums
[15:58] <panda__> I cannot get passed the log in page, im on a chromebook.
[15:59] <panda__> WIll someone please help me?! this is the second time today its happened to me after rewashing my computer and everything
[15:59] <OerHeks> panda__, could be a .Xautority issue, see
[15:59] <ioria> panda__ well, you can reset passwd
[15:59] <nkef0> "rewashing my computer" that sounds worrying
[16:00] <panda__> how do I get passed the username and password part? does this work if i put the commands in the username part?
[16:00] <nkef0> panda__:
[16:01] <OerHeks> panda__, no, read that page please.
[16:01] <ioria> panda__ Caps Lock, faulty keyboard ?
[16:02] <panda__> Checked both, all good.
[16:02] <panda__> num lock is good, caps lock is good, tried to log in with caps lock on and off.
[16:03] <panda__> i am such an idiot i am so sorry for bothering you all
[16:03] <panda__> oh my lord
[16:03] <ioria> panda__ usually reset passwd comes in hand when you forgot the passwd
[16:03] <panda__> alt + cntrl +f3 took me where I needd to go
[16:03] <panda__> I am so sorry guys haha
[16:03] <panda__> Im so new at this.
[16:04] <panda__> But how do I make my sound work on my ibutu as well?
[16:04] <ioria> panda__ a corrupted passwd file is very rare
[16:04] <panda__> How rare?
[16:04] <ioria> panda__ faulty I/O disk error
[16:04] <panda__> It seems like when I went to cntrl+alt+ f2 it wanted my password and login
[16:05] <panda__> then i did all that, and it wasnt taking it
[16:05] <ioria> panda__ well, you can try the link above or this
[16:05] <panda__> thanks
[16:06] <OerHeks> it isn't a wrong password or corrupted passwordfile, this Xautority issue is a known issue.
[16:06] <phpcoder> hello
[16:06] <OerHeks> Happened during updates, or wrong way of starting lightdm.
[16:07] <ioria> panda__ try to login via terminal, if you can is Xauthority issue
[16:07] <phpcoder> is there something to change brightness of my laptop? i have a dell inspiron 5700 and it is burning my eyes :D
[16:08] <Upstand> HELP
[16:08] <Upstand> I JUST RM'D MY HOLE HARD DRIVE
[16:08] <Upstand> ALL MY GAY PORN IS GONE
[16:08] <Upstand> I AM FREAKING OUT MAN
[16:08] <MonkeyDust> Upstand wrong channel
[16:08] <phpcoder> :D crazy people
[16:08] <phpcoder> :D
[16:10] <phpcoder> i found a controller brightness
[16:10] <phpcoder> but it is proprietary
[16:10] <phpcoder> something free? :)
[16:10] <sohail-ahmed> In python I can direct the installation files to a certain directory with use of --prefix, do we have any like this with apt or aptitude???
[16:10] <pbx> phpcoder, say more about what you are looking for. xbacklight is something i use
[16:11] <alexandre_> hello people
[16:11] <Upstand> HELLO ALEXANDRE_
[16:12] <alexandre_> how are you ?
[16:12] <OerHeks> !caps | Upstand
[16:12] <Upstand> I am fine except i lost my gay porn
[16:12] <alexandre_> I can give you some
[16:12] <mindless_chaos> do you need help with ubuntu alexandre_?
[16:12] <Upstand> your a good man alexandre_
[16:12] <mindless_chaos> this is not the room for that....
[16:12] <Upstand> shut up im under stress mindless_chaos
[16:13] <OerHeks> Upstand, rm it again to be sure it is gone. keep this family friendly please.
[16:13] <phpcoder> pbx, there is too much brightness
[16:13] <Upstand> OerHeks Have you even ever had a dick in your mouth before.
[16:13] <phpcoder> pbx, I have to make it a little darker
[16:16] <beachbuddah> hello all - home folder encryption problem...
[16:17] <beachbuddah> borked hdd and lost my passphrase have been able to recover the encrypted folder (s) and they are awaiting unencryption in my /tmp folder but...
[16:17] <beachbuddah> without knowing the orogonal passphrase for the encrypted home folder is there any way to recover the data living in the /tmp folder?
[16:18] <beachbuddah> oroginal should ought to have been original...
[16:18] <nkef0> beachbuddah: /tmp is deleted on reboot
[16:19] <OerHeks> beachbuddah, hard to give help there.
[16:19] <beachbuddah> yes - and apparently so were the folders I copied from /tmp to another folder for safekeeping, so today I went ahead and re-recovered that encrypted data
[16:20] <phpcoder> pbx, is there something?
[16:20] <beachbuddah> the data is still on the drive - I had somehow been able to save it to an external drive
[16:20] <beachbuddah> but I still can't recover it from it's home folder encryption
[16:20] <mcphail> beachbuddah: if you don't know your passphrase you would have been as well recovering /dev/random :(
[16:21] <beachbuddah> I do not know this /dev/random of which you speak, but it sounds like I'm on a fool's errand now
[16:21] <beachbuddah> the buddah is vewy sad today, then
[16:22] <mcphail> beachbuddah: afraid so. Strong encryption is #ubuntu resistant
[16:22] <ioria> beachbuddah, in /home you should have an .encryptfs folder
[16:22] <beachbuddah> lol - well there's something to be said for that then
[16:23] <phpcoder> guys nobody know how to change the brightness on laptop ?
[16:23] <phpcoder> using ubuntui 14.04
[16:23] <ioras> hello again, the rootkit check returned a line like this: /usr/bin/unhide.rb [ Warning ]
[16:23] <ioras> what would this mean?
[16:23] <beachbuddah> one other isssue - I'd still like to keep the encrypted stuff, against the day that I suddenly recollect the passphrase, but every time I try to copy things today out of the /tmp folder I lose about 15 of 90 folders - 'can't copy' errors... - any ideas?
[16:24] <helo> why is java 6 installed by default, when java 7 is available?
[16:24] <ioras> also some others like this:
[16:24] <helo> given that java 6 is backward-compatible
[16:24] <helo> err 7
[16:25] <stacks88> awhile back i had downlodaed php-5.4.24.tar.gz from and manually compiled it (./configure;make;make install), but now i want to remove it. make uninstall doesnt seem to work, any ideas? or should i do make install, see where it installs stuff, and then manually just remove those files it installed?
[16:25] <MonkeyDust> !latest | helo here's why
[16:28] <helo> java 7 isn't the latest, java 8 is
[16:32] <phpcoder> nobody use a laptop :D ?
[16:32] <Guest49510> hey guys i have a question. I have had several computers in the past that have lagged with ubuntu on video playback. is this common
[16:32] <Guest49510> ?
[16:32] <phpcoder> every minute that passes my vision decreases
[16:32] <phpcoder> :D
[16:33] <ioras> hello, I got some warnings from rootkit check also this one: /usr/bin/unhide.rb [ Warning ]
[16:33] <ioras> what could these be hinting at?
[16:34] <MonkeyDust> phpcoder system settings > brightness & lock ... if that doesnt help, find a button your laptop
[16:34] <mindless_chaos> ioras, unhide.rb will always come up
[16:34] <mindless_chaos> with rkhunter
[16:35] <hkrrsx> ioras:
[16:35] <pxanda> Yeah, I rebooted, it locked me out for good
[16:35] <Guest49510> anyone have video lag issues?
[16:35] <mindless_chaos> rkhunter is designed for servers that don't often change files. rkhunter will alert for any file changes
[16:35] <ioras> oh ok..and the other warnings?
[16:35] <mindless_chaos> unhide alwasy comes up on ubuntu
[16:35] <mindless_chaos> ill look
[16:36] <phpcoder> MonkeyDust, there is not a button
[16:36] <phpcoder> i see
[16:36] <mindless_chaos> those are normal
[16:37] <mindless_chaos> you will ways get those.
[16:37] <mindless_chaos> its like... or something like that
[16:37] <mindless_chaos> hidden files
[16:37] <mindless_chaos> its nothing
[16:37] <mindless_chaos> you will get that with a fresh install running rkhunter
[16:38] <mindless_chaos> anytime you alter a file that rk hunter checks it will warn you as well.
[16:38] <mindless_chaos> I would be more concerned if it flagged a known rootkit
[16:39] <ghhofstetter> hello, how do I set an external microphone as the default on ubuntu 14.04?
[16:39] <mindless_chaos> If you do not allow ssh to root, and have not set a password for root, it would be very hard for an attacker to set up a root kit, and for some kind of malware to install it without you knowing
[16:40] <mindless_chaos> unless you run infected software with sudo
[16:42] <beachbuddah> ok, so how about this one - is it possible to delineate the output folder when I use ecryptfs-recover-private?
[16:42] <mindless_chaos> RKhunter doesnt do much for machines used for personal, non server. it always gives you warnings like crazy, and you are supposed to set it up to ignore files that will give you false warnings.
[16:42] <ioras> mindless_chaos, if I have not set a password for root, wouldn't it be easy for an attacker?
[16:42] <beachbuddah> This way the data lands where I want it to, rather than suffering through 'can't copy' errors and not knowing what isn't getting where I want it to go?
[16:45] <Kaby> guys hello
[16:45] <phpcoder> MonkeyDust, works
[16:45] <phpcoder> are nvidia drivers good?
[16:45] <nkef0> phpcoder: define good?
[16:45] <Kaby> on windows i used to have hot spot and vpn ip changers , but any softwares for ubuntu 14.10 other then tor ?
[16:46] <beachbuddah> ok well thanks for the info - 'preciate your time
[16:47] <mindless_chaos> ioras, check you pm window
[16:49] <Kaby> on windows i used to have hot spot and vpn ip changers , but any softwares for ubuntu 14.10 other then tor ?
[16:49] <wldcordeiro> Is the notify-osd package supposed to be part of Kubuntu? It just gets stuck on my screen.
[16:49] <wldcordeiro> I changed over to kubuntu-desktop and I'm not sure if every package was updated properly.
[16:50] <phpcoder> nkef0, better than ubuntu graphical drivers :)
[16:50] <grogoreo> hi
[16:50] <phpcoder> ...better than preinstalled drivers nkef0
[16:51] <k1l> phpcoder: ubuntu ships nvidia drivers: a open source one and a prop. nvidia one.
[16:51] <nkef0> phpcoder: yup way better if you dont mind installing the proprietary ones
[16:51] <RobertS> Hi there.
[16:52] <RobertS> When I close my laptop lid and reopen, I'm getting this error message:
[16:52] <RobertS> Any idea what's wrong and how I can fix it?
[16:52] <mindless_chaos> what error
[16:53] <RobertS> usb 2-4: hub failed to enable device, error -22 \n xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Setup ERROR: setup context command for slot 1
[16:53] <grogoreo> I have a custom folder icon I've put in the Faenza theme for folders like Projects, source etc. When doing gvfs-info on ~/Downloads for example I get the folder-download property which I'm guessing matches to the icon folder-download.png. This property is present for ~/Projects just standard::icon: folder. How is this generated/setup? I've tried xdg-icon-resource install but that doesn't work. Any ideas?
[16:54] <RobertS> mindless_chaos: That's the error message. Please see the imgur link I've posted if you can.
[16:54] <Kaby> on windows i used to have hot spot and vpn ip changers , but any softwares for ubuntu 14.10 other then tor ?
[16:54] <mindless_chaos> sounds like a usb device is not waking up or is giving an error when the laptop is going to sleep and shows when it starts back up
[16:54] <mindless_chaos> what usb devices do you have instaleld?
[16:55] <RobertS> I don't remember installing any. It's a fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.10.
[16:55] <phpcoder> nkef0, pardon preinstalled better?
[16:55] <RobertS> As of now, I'm nor using any USB devices either. None of the ports are being used, mindless_chaos.
[16:55] <mindless_chaos> do you have a card reader?
[16:55] <RobertS> mindless_chaos: Nope.
[16:56] <mindless_chaos> had you plugged in any usb devices like a usb drive or tumb drive?
[16:56] <RobertS> mindless_chaos: Nope
[16:56] <JuJuBee> I can't seem to resize a windows 7 partition with ubuntu live USB. Any suggestions?
[16:57] <mindless_chaos> what is in your fstab? use past bin
[16:57] <JuJuBee> mindless_chaos: the computer has only win 7
[16:57] <mindless_chaos> sorry jujubee, i was taling to robers
[16:57] <JuJuBee> K
[16:57] <mindless_chaos> roberts
[16:58] <RobertS> mindless_chaos:
[17:00] <Kaby> on windows i used to have hot spot and vpn ip changers , but any softwares for ubuntu 14.10 other then tor ?
[17:01] <k1l> Kaby: you can use vpn with network manager on ubuntu.
[17:01] <mindless_chaos> Im not sure roberts, I have to run. someone please assist roberts
[17:03] <Kaby> k1l, can you show me how please
[17:03] <k1l> Kaby:
[17:03] <RobertS> Hi, I just got disconnected. Did anyone post anything while I was away?
[17:04] <RobertS> I mean, anything mentioning my nickname? Sorry :/
[17:04] <Tin_man> no
[17:04] <RobertS> Okay
[17:05] <Tin_man> just that mindless, had to go, and asked someone else if they could assist you
[17:05] <Tin_man> RobertS, i have logins and offs turned off so i don't know when you left
[17:06] <RobertS> Tin_man: Yeah, I was talking with mindless_chaos about the usb hub problem
[17:06] <VEndix> my network is on
[17:06] <Tin_man> he asked someone else to assist you..
[17:07] <corbin_> moo
[17:11] <ioras> audacity rejects converting some .mp4 files saying they are aac. they are shown as mp4 in folder.
[17:11] <ioras> what can be wrong here?
[17:11] <SchrodingersScat> ioras: what does file and avprobe say?
[17:13] <Tin_man> RobertS, did you install from a DVD or a USB?
[17:14] <juancruz> hi
[17:15] <Tin_man> RobertS: if its a freash install, i'd just try and reinstall it.. assuming you don't have a bunch of data already on the hdd
[17:16] <Kaby> k1l, any other softwares ?
[17:21] <ioras> SchrodingersScat, I am just installing avprobe, I'll tell you when I can view the output
[17:21] <ioras> the file properties also show MPEG-4 video
[17:27] <mohab> hello
[17:28] <mohab> anybody here i need to ask about somethings
[17:28] <Pici> ask away
[17:28] <k1l> Kaby: dont know what you want in detail. using a vpn works with networkmanager
[17:29] <mohab> can i make backup for partition
[17:30] <mohab> primary partition
[17:30] <Kaby> k1l, i need something easy 1 click change ip like most windows softwares can you help me for ubuntu 14.10
[17:30] <Kaby> ?
[17:30] <k1l> Kaby: if you have a vpn you can enable that in network manager. that is quite easy. i dont know other software for that
[17:32] <stacks88> does anyone here still employ /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow ? or i guess what im asking is, is this still considered to be secure?
[17:32] <M1C4HTRON13> is it okay to copy a 40GiB partition with only 12GiB used to a 30GiB unallocated space on another drive?
[17:33] <pbx> M1C4HTRON13, sounds fine. what's your concern?
[17:34] <M1C4HTRON13> pbx, just wanted to make sure it wouldnt expect there to be 40GiB of space
[17:35] <pbx> M1C4HTRON13, i suppose it depends how you're copying it. i'd use dd but i don't set up a lot of new disks
[17:35] <M1C4HTRON13> also if its a system partition will grub find it automatically on the new drive
[17:36] <M1C4HTRON13> or do have to manually setup boot flags?
[17:36] <ioras> SchrodingersScat, I found this command and applied it: avprobe -show_format -show_streams -pretty
[17:36] <ioras> "filename"
[17:36] <ioras> but it said no such file or directory
[17:37] <apawl1> When I run "hostname -f", where does the value printed come from? /etc/hostname is slightly different..
[17:37] <Tekkkz> hi, apt-get purge removes only the packages i give as parameter, their configurations and the packages from the one i gave which aren't used by any other package right?
[17:37] <SchrodingersScat> ioras: need to give it the file path
[17:38] <ioras> ah ok..I'd gone to the folder.
[17:39] <ioras> it worked with filename, but I just realized the folder was the wrong one
[17:40] <ioras> SchrodingersScat, the codec's long name is shown as h.264 / avc / mpeg-4 avc / mpeg-4 part 10
[17:41] <psyrus> hi guys
[17:41] <psyrus> boy i overslept bad
[17:41] <psyrus> no work today i guess.
[17:41] <psyrus> :(
[17:41] <psyrus> is NSA in here?
[17:42] <Jordan_U> Tekkkz: "sudo apt-get remove foo" will remove the package "foo" and any *reverse dependencies* of that package. So if bar depends on foo and you "sudo apt-get remove foo", bar will be removed. If you instead "sudo apt-get remove bar" then only bar will be removed. Using the "purge" command is identical to the remove command except that any packages that are removed will also have their system wide configuration files ...
[17:42] <Jordan_U> ... purged. Does that answer your question?
[17:42] <psyrus> oops
[17:42] <psyrus> wrong chanel
[17:42] <psyrus> part
[17:43] <Kaby> k1l i dont know how to enable it
[17:43] <Kaby> k1l, and what to put in the settings in proxy
[17:44] <IseeFreeMarkets> hgfh
[17:44] <k1l> Kaby: the details you have from your vpn
[17:45] <Guest76230> film
[17:46] <Kaby> k1l, you mean when i right click on wifi icon up and click on vpn connections then configure vpn and what next ?
[17:46] <mohab> can i make a primary partition back up
[17:46] <mohab> how can i do this??
[17:47] <mohab> any one can help please
[17:47] <nutzz> hey guys, this is how I am compiling a source file that uses sockets gcc -Wall showip.c -lsocket. But it give me the following error /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsocket . What is wrong?
[17:48] <har00nn> Guys use cyberghost
[17:48] <har00nn> Best vpn ever
[17:48] <Mahjongg> Hello, ssh-agent doesn't seem to run on boot on 14.04 is this intended?
[17:49] <k1l> Kaby: then you set in there the details you have from your vpn netowrk you want to use. this is just a client, so you need to have connection details from a vpn server you want to connect to
[17:49] <ubuntu031> afternoon. i was wondering if anyone might be able to reccomend something for me. i am trying to image a ubuntu server so i can do a bare metal restore in case of hardware failure
[17:49] <ubuntu031> anyone have any suggestions
[17:49] <ubuntu031> i am not very firmiliar with ubuntu or linux for that matter
[17:50] <ioria> nutzz add -lnsl
[17:50] <nutzz> thanks
[17:51] <ioras> SchrodingersScat, thank you. I am leaving now..will try to fix it again later..
[17:51] <har00nn> Hey guys would you recomend me keylloger please
[17:52] <faust> apawl1: it uses the gethostname syscall/function that returns what has been set by the sethostname syscall at startup, so if you manually change the content of /etc/hostname you won't seen any change until reboot or until you manually run sethostname
[17:52] <Roni787> i want to create remote desktop connection to ubuntu server. do i have to install a desktop on the server and if yes which desktop can you recommend me to install?
[17:53] <faust> None
[17:53] <faust> it is a server
[17:53] <faust> why you need a desktop environment on it?
[17:53] <ubuntu031> anyone have recomendations for the backup?
[17:53] <Roni787> to run some applications
[17:54] <apawl1> faust: so this is a totally fresh ubuntu instance on ec2. What's in /etc/hostname is not what's returned by hostname -f .. what am I missing?
[17:54] <apawl1> *As in what's in there by default, not what's entered by me, is not being returned
[17:54] <OerHeks> ubuntu031, use dd or a gui tool like clonezilla ?
[17:55] <faust> Roni787: I think that you should be albe to do everything without GUI
[17:55] <har00nn> guys any keylogger
[17:55] <k1l> har00nn: we dont support this in here
[17:56] <faust> apawl1: just do "hostname $yourhostname" and it will be fixed
[17:56] <apawl1> faust: to be clear, I'm not trying to change it
[17:57] <apawl1> faust: I'm just trying to figure out where it's reading from, if not /etc/hostname
[17:57] <har00nn> I want to spy on my younger brother that what things he is doing atm
[17:57] <faust> apawl1: It is "in the kernel"
[17:57] <faust> apawl1: usually the value in kernel is set at boot time to the value in /etc/hostname
[17:58] <apawl1> faust: hang on, let me start a totally fresh instance and see if I can verify
[17:59] <har00nn> Is there any website that teach free networking
[18:00] <OerHeks> apawl1, your hostname is set in 2 places, /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname
[18:00] <OerHeks> !hostname
[18:03] <tamnil> hello world!!!
[18:04] <TheNumb> !!!!!
[18:06] <har00nn> Is there Any way to msg your friend by his ip
[18:07] <stacks88> I am trying to install some software, which unfortunately requires php 5.4. My current Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS comes with PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.7 -- anyone know how i can downgrade to php 5.4 ?
[18:07] <faust> har00nn: too much hacking for tonight
[18:08] <ioria> har00nn on the same lan ?
[18:09] <goeranh> yeah that would be easyer
[18:09] <cpined> hello, after upgrading to 14.10 I now have to select 3.16.0-31-generic to get the wifi icon to appear. any ideas please?
[18:10] <goeranh> u can fix it at your settings menu
[18:12] <OerHeks> cpined, strange, current 14.10 kernel is 3.16.0-34-generic #47
[18:12] <snkcld> my lightdm is crashing, and giving me a strack trace that indicates that is at fault, how can i take the address 0x7f253e19b000 and figure out what func that is?
[18:12] <snkcld> objdump?
[18:13] <ioria> yeah, 23 and 34
[18:13] <snkcld> or, does X / lightdm provide a crash file i can open in gdb?
[18:14] <ioria>
[18:15] <cpined> OerHeks, If I allow that option when I turn on my laptop then the Network Icon is not visible, but when I restart and select **Advanced options for Ubuntu and then select Ubuntu, with Linux 3.16.0-31-generic I get the Network Icon back.
[18:16] <RobertS> Hi
[18:16] <RobertS> Anyone here?
[18:17] <snkcld> actually i think this is unrelated to lightdm, btu more a X server thing
[18:17] <snkcld> does X provide a dump/
[18:17] <snkcld> in a crash?
[18:21] <ioria> cpined : but the wifi is working ?
[18:22] <OerHeks> cpined, can you give more info, what wifi device exactly and what driver?
[18:23] <stacks88> I am trying to install some software, which unfortunately requires php 5.4. My current Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS comes with PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.7 -- anyone know how i can downgrade to php 5.4 ?
[18:24] <aeon-ltd> !downgrading
[18:24] <OerHeks> stack, not, it is foolish to do so.
[18:24] <aeon-ltd> whoops
[18:24] <Kartagis> !pin
[18:25] <Kartagis> stacks88: ^
[18:25] <cpined> OerHeks, I'm using GNOME 14.10. If I boot up as is and click on the battery or volume icon I see in addition to volume VPN, Location, Battery etc... the Wifi icon does not appear. But when I select at boot up time Ubuntu, with Linux 3.16.0-31-generic then I also get the wifi icon to appear. I will boot again to get a clearer description.
[18:25] <stacks88> OerHeks so you are saying that i should just download php 5.4 from source then?
[18:25] <OerHeks> stacks88, if you really need it, compile the source and compile the tools yourself
[18:26] <stacks88> yeah believe me i definitely dont want it, its just required by this lame software
[18:26] <stacks88> that i unfortunately need
[18:26] <stacks88> thanks
[18:26] <faust> !help
[18:27] <faust> that is not the help I was looking for
[18:27] <ioria> stacks88, mysql code ?
[18:27] <OerHeks> stacks88, looking at that page myself, install 12.04 lts ?
[18:28] <luckyuser> live
[18:29] <cpined> OerHeks, selecting Ubuntu, with Linux 3.16.0-31-generic when I boot up allows me to see when clicking on the battery icon a pop-up displaying the volume slider, the brightness slider the Wi-Fi icon, the VPN icon, the Bluetooth icon, the Location icon , the Battery icon and the user icon. When I boot up with out selecting Ubuntu, with Linux 3.16.0-31-generic I see everything but the Wi-Fi icon.
[18:31] <OerHeks> cpined, can you give more info, what wifi device exactly ? lspci should tell
[18:32] <cpined> OerHeks, Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)
[18:33] <OerHeks> cpined, do you have a VPN connection programmed to start automatic?
[18:33] <cpined> no
[18:35] <OerHeks> cpined, does this troubleshooting guide give any help ?
[18:35] <OerHeks> you need to boot in the newest kernel ofcourse
[18:35] <cpined> OerHeks, I will give it a try. I will connect over LAN.
[18:36] <ioria> cpined : it'a a wifi problem or an icon problem ?
[18:36] <cpined> ioria, a icon problem.
[18:36] <ioria> cpined : so the wifi isworking ?
[18:37] <cpined> ioria, not when the icon is missing. So the answer is both.
[18:39] <cpined> too many problems with 14.10...wifi now mplayer.
[18:40] <stacks88> OerHeks on i don't see php 5.4 , is it suppos eto be like that?
[18:40] <flipapy> yay ubuntu trusty 14.04 lts, trusty what i ask... but its great thanks guys
[18:41] <gueriLLaPunK> what antivirus or malware can i use on 12.04 server?
[18:42] <gueriLLaPunK> i installed comodo, but i dont see how to run it via cli
[18:42] <DSMOS> Isn't Comodo a virus?
[18:42] <gueriLLaPunK>
[18:43] <DSMOS> Oh, okay, wrong comodo
[18:43] <DSMOS> There are viruses from fake comodo people
[18:43] <DSMOS> Look out for them
[18:44] <ioria> cpined : how many kernels do you have in /boot ?
[18:44] <gueriLLaPunK> anyone have a recommendation for anti virus that works via cli?
[18:45] <cpined> maybe 3-4
[18:45] <hkrrsx> gueriLLaPunK:
[18:46] <gueriLLaPunK> thanks, hkrrsx
[18:46] <cpined> ioria, how can I tell exactly how many I have?
[18:46] <ioria> cpined : i mean how many vmlinuz ?
[18:47] <cpined> ioria, 31, 33, 46
[18:47] <stacks88> if i follow these instructions to downgrade my php from ubuntu 14.04 that is 5.5.9 to 5.4, what if in the future i want to go back to the current php, how would i do that? would i just remove the "deb stable all" from sources.list (see link), then re-run
[18:47] <stacks88> apt-get update;apt-cache policy php5, remove the php 5.4 from the system, then just install php again using apt-get install ?
[18:48] <acz32> in thunar bulk renamer, is there a way to have it replace the filenames completely, instead of just appending or prepending date/time stamps to them?
[18:50] <cpined> ioria, when I boot up with out select a previous vmlinux version I can't access the internet. The wired connection does not work either.
[18:51] <cpined> ioria, is there a way to launch it from the command line? Is it a network-manager issue?
[18:51] <ioria> cpined : lsmod | grep ath9k
[18:52] <cpined> ioria, that returns nothing
[18:53] <ioria> cpined : lspci | grep Network -A 4
[18:53] <ioria> cpined : lspci -k | grep Network -A 4, sorry
[18:54] <cpined> ioria, what am I looking for?
[18:55] <ioria> cpined : for the kernel module ,if loaded, of Atheros AR9462
[18:55] <cpined> ioria, when i run nm-tool I get the response: disconnected.
[18:56] <ioria> cpined : what does the command say ?
[18:56] <cpined> ioria, I see AR9462 for wireless and AR8162 for Fast Ehternet
[18:57] <ioria> cpined : and this lspci -k | grep Network -A 4
[18:57] <cpined> ioria, "Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter"
[18:58] <ioria> cpined : ok, try to load the module sudo modprobe ath9k
[18:58] <cpined> ioria, I get "FATAL: Module ath9k not found."
[19:00] <ioria> cpined : yep, maybe i'm wrong but i'm afraid you have to recompile it
[19:02] <cpined> ioria, what is that for?
[19:02] <cpined> ioria, would the previous kernal I use to boot with have it?
[19:03] <nn00> how reliable is doing release upgrades?
[19:03] <nn00> aka the chance of the system blowing up
[19:03] <ioria> cpined : try lspci -v and look for Network and find the line : kernel driver in use
[19:03] <cpined> ioria, maybe I should just install 14.10 from scratch? Reason I use it is because I have a python sript that uses a GTK Flowbox which is available in 14.10
[19:04] <stacks88> noob question: ive got 2 sites with ssl certificates on a virtual machine. im moving these 2 sites to another virtual machine. will i have to regenerate and reissue the ssl certificates on the new virtual machine? Or can i just copy the ssl keys/information, the .key .csr .crt ssl bundle and all that and not have to reissue and resubmit a CSR to the place I bought the ssl certificates
[19:04] <EriC^^> nn00: depends on the ppa's you have
[19:05] <nn00> EriC^^: just the defaults + steam + google
[19:06] <cpined> ioria, Network and Ethernet don't show Kernel
[19:07] <Maimster> Sup peoples...
[19:07] <vincenzo> hi
[19:08] <ioria> cpined : ok,
[19:10] <zerowaitstate> stacks88: the certs are usually tied to the DNS host name
[19:10] <stacks88> thanks
[19:10] <cpined> ioria, when I use 3.16.0-31-generic or 3.16.0-46-generic then I do see Kernel listed when I run the lspci -v command
[19:10] <Maimster> stacks88: You get your problem worked out?
[19:11] <ioria> cpined : can you load the module and having connection ?
[19:12] <stacks88> which one? lol, im guessing you're talking about yesterday with the root / sudo. yeah, my main thign now is just trying to figure out how to downgrade php to 5.4 on ubuntu 14.04, like i dont wanna have to go and compile it manually and all that shit.
[19:12] <OerHeks> nn00, whatever OS, release upgrade can go wrong, unlikely, but it happens sometimes, make sure you have the newest iso on usb before you start.
[19:12] <stacks88> i found which is good except
[19:12] <zerowaitstate> stacks88: you want to compile it manually. php packaged may not have been compiled with the stuff you need
[19:12] <zerowaitstate> stacks88: I know it sucks
[19:12] <stacks88> hm ok i guess
[19:13] <zerowaitstate> stacks88: I hate compiling php. with a passion
[19:13] <Maimster> stacks88: Ahh, web programming. Something I know very little about man.
[19:13] <stacks88> I moved away from compiling anything years ago because it became too much work. I very much enjoy being handed down binary/package distribution from ubuntu/apt/etc
[19:13] <stacks88> so i try to avoid it
[19:13] <stacks88> but i guess ill have to
[19:13] <cpined> ioria, I don't have any network issues when I select the 'older' kernals at boot up time.
[19:13] <zerowaitstate> stacks88: get-build-deps is your friend
[19:14] <cpined> ioria, maybe my upgrade was faulty?
[19:14] <stacks88> is that a command?
[19:14] <stacks88> oh you mean apt-get build-dep ?
[19:14] <ioria> cpined : so the problem is only with 33 ?
[19:15] <zerowaitstate> stacks88: ordinarily packaged stuff is great, but PHP is stupid in that everything from database access to image manipulation is linked into the runtime
[19:15] <cpined> ioria, with what ever is the default for 14.10
[19:15] <tahr133991> Hello, should an update in Ubuntu 14-04 require admin privileges?
[19:15] <OerHeks> tahr133991, yes, kernel and some service components need sudo.
[19:15] <stacks88> zerowaitstate so are you saying, when i go to unpack php-5.5.4.tar.gz , when im doing ./configure , its gonna tell me a bunch of shit is missing, and that i should do apt-get build-dep php5 first ,then go back to ./configure on the php 5.5.4 ? or what
[19:16] <dampibig> chi c'è
[19:16] <stacks88> sorry if i sound noob
[19:16] <zerowaitstate> actually hold on. I think I told you the wrong name..stand by
[19:16] <dampibig> parla italiano?
[19:16] <tahr133991> i can't log into Ubuntu anymore since the last update, neither as root or user
[19:16] <OerHeks> !it | dampibig
[19:17] <ioria> cpined : well, i'm now with lubuntu 14.10 and the kernel is 34
[19:17] <cpined> ioria, maybe the issue was with the upgrade?
[19:17] <OerHeks> tahr133991, could be a .Xautority issue, see
[19:18] <dampibig> tank you
[19:18] <acz32> can anyone recommend a good bulk renamer that can insert the date&time image was taken as the filename?
[19:19] <tahr133991> strange thing is, i rebooted in recovery mode and resetted both password successfully and still can't login...
[19:19] <OerHeks> tahr133991, see that askubuntu url, if Xauthority is owned by root, you get this loginissue
[19:20] <tahr133991> ok, looking it up now...
[19:22] <sorta> in 12.04, where does the trac package install to? /var/www is empty
[19:23] <trism> sorta: dpkg -L trac;
[19:23] <tahr133991> owner is ftp
[19:23] <gueriLLaPunK> does anyone know this means?
[19:23] <gueriLLaPunK> LibClamAV Warning: fmap_readpage: pread fail: asked for 4077 bytes @ offset 19, got 0
[19:23] <gueriLLaPunK> /sys/module/xt_multiport/sections/.strtab: Can't read file ERROR
[19:23] <zerowaitstate> stacks88: okay, the program is called auto-apt
[19:24] <OerHeks> tahr133991, chown it to your user, and login again.
[19:24] <hkrrsx> gueriLLaPunK: /join #clamav
[19:24] <tahr133991> ok i will try
[19:24] <gueriLLaPunK> thanks hkrrsx
[19:24] <gueriLLaPunK> again
[19:24] <stacks88> ok cool thx
[19:24] <tahr133991> thanks
[19:24] <hkrrsx> gueriLLaPunK: np
[19:24] <OerHeks> sorta, /var/local/trac is a directory (Trac project) at that host
[19:24] <zerowaitstate> stacks88: also, look into checkinstall for doing the final "make install". checkinstall creates a deb package allowing you to remove the software without manual processes
[19:26] <sorta> OerHeks: i dont see any apache file that references anything from /usr/lib/python[…]/trac
[19:29] <bloop> Hi guys. I installed an uninstalled the youtube webapp but now there's an empty shortcut to it in my dash. right click it says "unity-webapps-runner" and I can't remove it
[19:30] <OerHeks> sorta, sorry, can't help you there, did you take a look at the manual?
[19:31] <bloop> anyone know how I can remove this dead link in my applications dash
[19:31] <sorta> OerHeks: thanks
[19:32] <no> tes
[19:33] <OerHeks> bloop, it's probably sitting in /usr/share/applications/
[19:33] <OerHeks> sudo rm /usr/share/applications/<name>.desktop
[19:33] <kodekracker> 8-)
[19:34] <OerHeks> bloop, if you still cannot remove it, logout, and login again and try again.
[19:34] <bloop> I've restarted already
[19:34] <bloop> I don't see it here
[19:35] <nn00> bloop: how about .local/share/applications
[19:35] <nn00> in ~
[19:35] <OerHeks> bloop, i think it is highly unlikely, but maybe it puts an .desktop in you home > ~/.local/share/applications
[19:36] <bloop> looked there as well. it's not there. It's not in the applications section in dash it only shows up in my home dash
[19:36] <bloop> as it is a recent application
[19:36] <bloop> as if it is*
[19:39] <bloop>
[19:39] <bloop> maybe I need this?
[19:40] <bloop> deleting recently-used.xbel
[19:41] <bloop> brb
[19:43] <bloop> nope that didn't work
[19:46] <elux> is there an apt source with bleeding edge versions of packages..? id like to get imagemagick 6.9.1 ..
[19:46] <MonkeyDust> bloop i'm using this privacy indicator, maybe it's what you want too
[19:46] <xangua> !latest | elux
[19:46] <elux> yea i know that.. but hoping there is a source that someone can opt-in for
[19:46] <elux> there are improvements there that i need
[19:47] <xangua> elux: you can also compite the source, yes
[19:47] <elux> that is my last resort, but ya
[19:47] <teward> elux: you could try searching for a PPA, but note we don't support them really
[19:48] <bloop> the activity log manager worked
[19:48] <bloop> I just cleared the recent history and now poof
[19:49] <elux> thanks
[19:54] <Audaces> I'm having issues with mtp
[19:56] <OerHeks> Audaces, lets hear it
[19:58] <Audaces> OerHeks Once I boot my pc it reads my android fine alright, but as soon as my phone reboots or I disconnect the usb and reconnect it ubuntu can't read/wipe it, or it mounts it and its blank
[19:58] <xangua> Audaces: did you unlock your phone after connecting it¿ just a guess
[19:59] <xangua> also hi
[19:59] <Audaces> Yes
[19:59] <Audaces> Heyo
[20:00] <oflocon> whats the topic ?
[20:01] <MonkeyDust> oflocon type /topic to find out
[20:02] <oflocon> is anybody working on electronics project
[20:02] <drakedouay> Is it possible to install ubuntu to a usb drive without rebooting? I don't understand why I can't be running ubuntu from my hard drive while installing to a usb stick
[20:03] <oflocon> its always possible
[20:03] <drakedouay> but not easy oflocon?
[20:04] <oflocon> without rebooting will be tough /immpossible
[20:04] <drakedouay>
[20:04] <drakedouay> ok
[20:04] <bekks> drakedouay: You dont need a reboot for installing Ubuntu, you need a reboot for starting your installed ubuntu.
[20:04] <oflocon> obviously
[20:04] <drakedouay> bekks: that is fine. I just would like to work while it is installing
[20:04] <EriC^^> oflocon: actually using virtualbox he could do it, kind of silly tohugh
[20:04] <bekks> The installation takes 20 minutes :)
[20:04] <oflocon> not possible ,can only work with few programmes
[20:04] <EriC^^> *though
[20:05] <xangua> drakedouay: it works while it's installing
[20:05] <bekks> oflocon: Of course it is possible.
[20:05] <oflocon> working with what
[20:05] <oflocon> virtualbox is different thing
[20:05] <EriC^^> oflocon: you can make a raw disk image of your usb and install to that
[20:06] <bekks> oflocon: I know. Just open a terminal and install ubuntu in there while working with all your other programs.
[20:06] <EriC^^>
[20:06] <oflocon> but it will be same as direct installation using usb
[20:07] <oflocon> got it @ bekkes
[20:07] <jost> Hi! I want to use imapsync - I found several places indicating that it is available as ubuntu package, but I cannot find it with synaptic. So where is it? I'm using an up-to-date XUbuntu 14.10
[20:08] <Bray9082_> Is there any version of grub that works with a touchscreen
[20:08] <CJKay`> Not unless somebody implements a driver for it, but there's little point in that
[20:09] <stephenwade> jost: imapsync is only a package in lucid (10.04) repository
[20:09] <stephenwade> see
[20:09] <jost> stephenwade: oh, ok... guess I'll have to build it myself then
[20:09] <jost> stephenwade: thanks
[20:10] <OerHeks> Bray9082_, i don't think so.
[20:11] <Bray9082_> OerHeks: Would there be any bootloader that is touch optimized
[20:13] <frank___> ;leave
[20:13] <OerHeks> Bray9082_, not that i know of
[20:13] <Bray9082_> Alright thanks
[20:13] <OerHeks> at least not with a Microsoft HID-Protocol driver
[20:13] <stephenwade> I found a bug in (used by Ubuntu Server setup to guess your timezone). Where is the right place to report that?
[20:13] <kostkon> !bugs
[20:14] <stephenwade> it's not part of a specific package though, it's a bug with that lookup service. so I wasn't sure the right way to file a bug about that
[20:18] <ebonics> im trying to follow this guide: - i get to the point where i "verify permissions" by doing "ls -ld /var/mail" ,, but the output for "vmail" in the guide is just "mail" for me. i don't really understand what the vmail/mail string is referring to?
[20:19] <MonkeyDust> ebonics there's also #ubuntu-server
[20:19] <ebonics> ok thanks MonkeyDust
[20:26] <stephenwade> kostkon: according to that link, if the bug isn't with an Ubuntu package, "You should file a bug in that program's bug tracking interface."
[20:26] <stephenwade> this is a bug with the lookup service. it's giving me the wrong timezone
[20:26] <stephenwade> any idea where to go to report that?
[20:29] <OerHeks> stephenwade, ubuntu-geoip >
[20:30] <ToeSnacks> other than Unity and Mir what are the differences between Ubuntu and Debian?
[20:30] <OerHeks> Mir is not available standard, ToeSnacks
[20:31] <ToeSnacks> OerHeks: it is inteneded to be standard in the future though right?
[20:31] <xangua> ToeSnacks: sounds like a discussion for offtopic, but I like this article
[20:31] <OerHeks> ToeSnacks, yes.
[20:32] <ToeSnacks> xangua: thank you, sorry if it's off topic
[20:32] <testerbit> I'm trying to pass the key (CTRL + =) from a mac terminal session to ubuntu and it does not get passed through, how can I pass it through?
[20:32] <MonkeyDust> ToeSnacks
[20:32] <OerHeks> maybe it will be available in Debian too, can't tell.
[20:32] <ToeSnacks> MonkeyDust: thank you
[20:34] <ToeSnacks> xangua: is there an offtopic channel that this question would be better suited to?
[20:34] <xangua> #ubuntu-offtopic :P
[20:35] <MonkeyDust> ToeSnacks and #ubuntu-discuss
[20:35] <ToeSnacks> thanks
[20:35] <stephenwade> OerHeks: that's not the same thing. Apparently I'm not the only one who's looked at that package
[20:35] <stephenwade>
[20:36] <stephenwade> This is my problem. And apparently that's not the right place to report it
[20:36] <stephenwade> but no one knows what the right place *is*
[20:37] <MonkeyDust> stephenwade report it in launchpad and the people there will know what to do with it
[20:37] <OerHeks> stephenwade, maybe tzdata? as it no longer affects ..
[20:38] <stephenwade> MonkeyDust the people there didn't know what to do with it, as that bug has been outstanding for a couple years :/
[20:39] <antivirtel> hello! I have a problem with an USB pendrive, it had a problem with filesystem, but I was tried to restore it with testdisk - unfortunately the process was cancelled/not finished - and now I can't even see in the /dev/sdX, but I can see at least in the lsusb ... can I do with it something?
[20:39] <stephenwade> OerHeks tzdata is just information about timezones. the problem is with that lookup service not telling me the right timezone
[20:39] <bekks> antivirtel: Are you trying to restore vital data from it?
[20:40] <antivirtel> nope bekks, just the device - I just have copies of movies there
[20:40] <antivirtel> but I don't want to copy a half hour, if I can, I'd restore it
[20:45] <stephenwade> Anyone have an idea? somewhere else to ask? a person to email who might know? any idea who runs that service?
[20:47] <jacob_> I need help.
[20:47] <Guest9676> 0-0
[20:47] <OerHeks> stephenwade, maybe someone in #ubuntu-devel or better #ubuntu-bugs
[20:47] <antivirtel> do you have any comments bekks ?
[20:48] <Guest9676> I need help guys, HOw do I add new games to the Games tab in Xubuntu
[20:48] <bekks> antivirtel: I'd just create a new fs on that device.
[20:48] <MonkeyDust> stephenwade add your name to the most similar bug in launchpad
[20:48] <antivirtel> ok bekks, but I don't have it in /dev/sdX, I can't...
[20:48] <OerHeks> Guest9676, if you install them from softwarecenter, they will appear in games.
[20:48] <Guest9676> I mean like MInecraft OerHeks
[20:48] <akurilin2> Quesiton: I have a 256gb drive and I'd like to clone its contents onto a 1tb drive. Is there anything in linux I could use to make that happen?
[20:48] <bekks> antivirtel: Pull the device, wait 10s, plug it back in.
[20:49] <antivirtel> ok, but I've already tried it bekks
[20:49] <bekks> antivirtel: And what happened in dmesg after you tried it?
[20:49] <MonkeyDust> !clone | akurilin2 start here
[20:50] <OerHeks> Guest9676, old but still valid i guess
[20:51] <akurilin2> MonkeyDust: is there anyting that will work on lower level? As in, I'd plug the two HDs into a separate machine or use an in-memory instance of the OS and clone the drives?
[20:52] <OerHeks> akurilin2, dd the partitions, or use a gui tool like clonezilla
[20:52] <OerHeks> sudo apt-get install clonezilla
[20:53] <akurilin2> OerHeks: will dd move all of the bits required for boot as well?
[20:54] <OerHeks> akurilin2, it will move all bits within the partition.
[20:54] <oakqa> hello, how can I bring back into life the gnupg keys that have expired? currently they all appear with strikethrough (love this term)
[20:54] <antivirtel> bekks I can see it now in /dev but just for a while, but testdisk seems to be hanging... here is dmesg's related part:
[20:55] <bekks> antivirtel: Can you pastebin the entire dmesg please?
[20:56] <antivirtel> ok, here you go bekks
[20:57] <Pici> stephenwade: Most geoip services uses the maxmind geoip databases, using them along with your hostname (from your whois) results in America/Chicago, if thats not correct then you should take it up with maxmind, then probably submit a ticket to Ubuntu's RT to have the databases on updated.
[20:57] <bekks> antivirtel: That device is just dead.
[20:57] <antivirtel> bekks I was thought that - I can return as I remember, since there is warranty
[20:57] <Pici> stephenwade: see
[20:57] <antivirtel> thank you for the help :) good night
[21:02] <Pici> stephenwade: stepping away from the computer, pm me if you need any help with that and I'll try to get back to you later.
[21:07] <Lugal> Hello
[21:07] <Lugal> I need help
[21:08] <Nightwalkerkg> Can i update Gnome version on 14.10 from 3.12.2 to 3.14 ?
[21:08] <Lugal> I installed lubuntu on a external HD
[21:08] <Lugal> and the grub installation on it failed
[21:09] <OerHeks> Nightwalkerkg, it is not advised to do so. next version Vivid 15.04 will have 3.14
[21:09] <Lugal> when I run the command "grub-install /dev/sdb" I get this error: grub-install: warning: Attempting to install GRUB to a disk with multiple partition labels. This is not supported yet..
[21:09] <Lugal> so what can I do?
[21:10] <OerHeks> Lugal, you need to specify /dev/sdb1 or an other sdbX
[21:10] <Nightwalkerkg> OerHeks, i don't understand that. If i already have Ubuntu GNOME why do i have to update my entire OS to newer version just to get a newer version DE ?
[21:10] <sheap> could someone help me with this partman recipe? when it installs I get 10.2 GB root and 244.7 GB root, when I want the root partition to take up all available space and the swap to use 4 GB
[21:10] <OerHeks> Nightwalkerkg, dependencies, i think.
[21:10] <OerHeks> Nightwalkerkg, wait 7 more days please.
[21:11] <Lugal> OerHeks, when sda1... then I get the same error
[21:11] <OerHeks> !grub
[21:11] <Nightwalkerkg> OerHeks, will it be possible to update to 15.04 without losing my data ?
[21:11] <OerHeks> Lugal, i can't tell what partition you should give
[21:12] <oakqa> hello, how can I bring back into life the gnupg keys that have expired?
[21:12] <OerHeks> Nightwalkerkg, always backup before upgrading.
[21:12] <k1l> Nightwalkerkg: yes, but for murphys law its better to have a backup :)
[21:12] <oakqa> or can I?
[21:12] <Lugal> there is only 1 partition on the drive , OerHeks
[21:12] <OerHeks> Nightwalkerkg, if you don't backup, your data is not important.
[21:12] <Lugal> ok, the error is a bit dofferent
[21:12] <Nightwalkerkg> k1l, it's not a problem to have a backup, the problem is losing 40+ GB of source code.
[21:12] <MonkeyDust> Lugal hte more reason you should have a backup
[21:12] <Lugal> nstalling for i386-pc platform.
[21:12] <Lugal> grub-install: warning: File system `ext2' doesn't support embedding.
[21:12] <Lugal> grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..
[21:13] <k1l> Nightwalkerkg: if you have a backup, its not losing :)
[21:14] <Lugal> Well, I can boot this ubuntu from the GRUB that is on /dev/sda, but I also want be able to boot it from a grub on itself^^
[21:14] <Nightwalkerkg> Will any Ubuntu GNOME ship with 3.16 ?
[21:14] <OerHeks> Lugal, one partition? ubuntu makes more than one partition, when installing.
[21:15] <k1l> Nightwalkerkg: the ubuntu and gnome release dates dont match. so it will be not standard in 15.04
[21:15] <Lugal> nope, I used the manual option and made only one for root
[21:15] <Nightwalkerkg> So i'll probably have to wait for 16.x version. :P
[21:15] <Lugal> so on the page from the link its "grub-instrall /dev/XXX" in my case XXX=sdb
[21:15] <Lugal> its not working
[21:15] <akurilin2> Is mv supposed to be dramatically slower than something like rsync for moving files locally ?
[21:16] <OerHeks> Lugal, now i understand yes, install ubuntu again, now the right way.
[21:16] <kino> quit
[21:16] <Nightwalkerkg> *15.10
[21:16] <Lugal> loooool
[21:16] <Lugal> why is it the wrong way?
[21:16] <Lugal> ah
[21:17] <k1l>
[21:17] <Lugal> you mean, if I install it with more than 1 partition, it will work?
[21:17] <k1l> @ the user who left anyway :/
[21:17] <Lugal> lets say for example sdb1= / and sdb2= /boot ? like this?
[21:17] <Ben64> its unlikely you need a /boot
[21:18] <Lugal> and /boot must be ext2?
[21:18] <bekks> No.
[21:19] <mateo> hola
[21:20] <OerHeks> Lugal, see
[21:38] <halt2> Hi all, if i boot up my laptop without network, (ubuntu with gnome) then the network manager does not load at all so can't connect even after it booted up, any suggestion ?
[21:39] <brayy90820> Can someone help me permanently mount a nas on ubuntu 14.10
[21:41] <Lugal> is the /boot partition = MBR? or where is MBR? and where is GRUB?
[21:42] <MonkeyDust> brayy90820
[21:42] <k1l> no its not mbr. mbr is the really first part of a disk. that got nothing to do with partitions
[21:42] <aaas> so i put custom entries in /etc/crontab with single commands NOT calls to external scripts, and these commands, unlike crontab -e, don't seem to run. Am I missing something here? Is this the expected behavior?
[21:42] <Ben64> Lugal: why are you messing with it at all? let ubuntu handle partitioning and stuff, you likely do not even need a /boot
[21:43] <Lugal> lol, before I got told that I need a /boot
[21:43] <Ben64> Lugal: no you weren't
[21:43] <Lugal> my problem is that Grub doesnt get intsalled in the MBR
[21:43] <k1l> why you need a /boot?
[21:43] <MonkeyDust> Lugal WHO TOLD YOU THAT?
[21:43] <MonkeyDust> oops
[21:44] <OerHeks> ...
[21:44] <Lugal> ah sorry, misread before
[21:45] <Lugal> ok, than I really dont understand. I select grub to go in /dev/sdb and I make one /-partition on it. why it doesnt get installed on it
[21:46] <ryan_46> halt2, grub
[21:47] <ryan_46> error sorry halt2
[21:47] <ryan_46> hal
[21:47] <Lugal> "Attempting to install GRUB to a disk with multiple partition labels. This is not supported yet" ... what does "disk with multiple partition labels" mean, and how to make something else from it that works? :D
[21:48] <tnkhanh> hi
[21:48] * tnkhanh waves hands
[21:49] <tnkhanh_> hi
[21:53] <MonkeyDust> Lugal not sure what you are doind or what is happening, but instead of repairing things, try starting over
[21:53] <MonkeyDust> doing*
[21:53] <andre_pl> I have 3 of the 4 disks that used to comprise a raid 5 array, and I've booted an ubuntu server live disk in the machine, how can I go about reconstructing the array so that I can transfer the data to a new machine?
[21:55] <MonkeyDust> andre_pl you too, there's also #ubuntu-server
[21:55] <andre_pl> MonkeyDust: thx
[22:04] <tnkhanh> hi
[22:07] <atlasloewenherz> hi this may sounds a bit trivial but i can not find what's making my root partion full, du -sh / gives me this: any suggestion is apreciated
[22:12] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: what filesystem is on / ?
[22:13] <atlasloewenherz> zerowaitstate: ext3
[22:14] <chezzo_> You guys trying to get cata running on a phone?
[22:14] <tastybuds> Hi. Is there a version of Ubuntu that is light on resources?
[22:14] <Funkwarrior> /load .xchat2/
[22:15] <k1l> !lubuntu | tastybuds
[22:15] <Tin_man> tastybuds, and xubuntu
[22:15] <tastybuds> thanks k1l
[22:15] <k1l> chezzo_: what is cata? and what phone?
[22:16] <tastybuds> Is it also a smaller image to download?
[22:16] <tastybuds> It would be nice to have the packages of Ubuntu in a small package for my old laptop..
[22:16] <chezzo_> OH MAN WRONG FORUM.
[22:16] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: um...what kind of server is this?
[22:16] <k1l> atlasloewenherz: use ncdu to get to know what eats up the space
[22:17] <sockeplastN> what command do I use to get out of root after used "sudo -i" ?
[22:17] <k1l> sockeplastN: "exit"
[22:17] <atlasloewenherz> k1l: let me try that thanks
[22:17] <sockeplastN> thanx
[22:17] <chezzo_> I did the graphics in the tiles version.
[22:17] <zerowaitstate> ncdu is nice
[22:20] <atlasloewenherz> k1l: zerowaitstate ncdu does show almost the same info i still can not find out what use the disk:
[22:20] <MSc> how can i play a f4v format file in ubuntu ? i used vlc but it didn't play it please help me
[22:21] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: is there a difference between disk usage and apparent size?
[22:21] <zerowaitstate> as reported in ncdu?
[22:21] <sockeplastN> After installing the lm-sensors package, running "service kmod start" and checked my sensors, it said fan 1 = 0 and i opend up my laptop and found out my cpu fan still didnt work. now, it's fixed, don't know what I did, but I can't controle the rpm. someone who can help me controle the rpm?
[22:21] <k1l> atlasloewenherz: what sort of setup is this? a vps?
[22:21] <lucas___> hi
[22:21] <zerowaitstate> k1l: yeah I wondered about that too. possibly containerized?
[22:21] <atlasloewenherz> k1l: this is a xen dom0 server
[22:22] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: for grins, I'm curious about the output of tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/vg0-root
[22:22] <lucas___> algum brzuka ai?
[22:24] <atlasloewenherz> zerowaitstate: tune2fs:
[22:26] <Loshki> !pt | lucas___
[22:29] <nonya> I have installed Ubuntu on a flash drive and want to transfer settings and such to it from one on desktop PC with same Ubuntu can it be done and when i boot new flash drive will it be able to show my desktop and such settings that was on desktop?
[22:30] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: what's the size of /var/patch
[22:30] <atlasloewenherz> zerowaitstate: there is no /var/patch
[22:30] <neldogz> I installed Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit LTS on a laptop but found the mouse touch pad is having difficulty tracking touch. Can anything be done to improve its functionality?
[22:33] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: okay, i think i know the deal
[22:33] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: there is a huge file, or a huge set of files, currently open by a process
[22:33] <zerowaitstate> du does not measure the size of currently open and locked files
[22:33] <zerowaitstate> lsof will show open files
[22:34] <nonya> So when i use flash drive on any computer it will work how to do this
[22:34] <nonya> please
[22:35] <atlasloewenherz> zerowaitstate: could it be the LVM stack causing the problem ? as my host machine does mount lv for each virtual machine
[22:35] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: most likely it is a log file that hasn't been rotated
[22:38] <Flugz> atlasloewenherz: check the size of /var/cache/apt/archives/
[22:39] <atlasloewenherz> Flugz: 200MB
[22:40] <atlasloewenherz> zerowaitstate: actually there are a couple of log files actively open shown via lsof | grep log but i can not find out which one is the culprit/guilty
[22:42] <k1l> atlasloewenherz: well, look at the sizes in logifle folder "ls -al /var/log"
[22:43] <sockeplastN> I'm trying to install Heroes of newearth, and I'm getting a little frustrated. I use ls -al /to/my/directory/ and I have given it permission to run file as program.
[22:43] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: most likely it is a log file that hasn't been rotated
[22:43] <sockeplastN> but it wont start
[22:43] <zerowaitstate> lsof -s | awk '$5 == "REG"' | sort -n -r -k 7,7 | head -n 50
[22:45] <atlasloewenherz> zerowaitstate:
[22:46] <zerowaitstate> there we go
[22:47] <zerowaitstate> check /var/lib/xen/save
[22:47] <zerowaitstate> the db, ci, www, tm files are open but deleted
[22:47] <zerowaitstate> command is x1, PID's are 2325, 2174, 2699, 2475
[22:48] <k1l> nice spot
[22:49] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: xen host probably needs a reboot
[22:49] <atlasloewenherz> mhhh your 100% right but i wonder why it gets here ( in this situation )
[22:50] <zerowaitstate> what is the status of those PID's?
[22:53] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: once a file is deleted, the application holding the file descriptor must close the descriptor in order for the storage to actually be released to the filesystem
[22:53] <zerowaitstate> atlasloewenherz: it is either a bug or a hung process
[22:55] <atlasloewenherz> zerowaitstate: you know what's funny, i was talking on #xen about this suspecting xen ( xl ) to be behind this and we came up to the point where we excluded xen :)
[22:56] <atlasloewenherz> zerowaitstate: im tyring to collect more info on this phenomenon and i will try to send my finding with your tips to the xen mailing list
[22:57] <zerowaitstate> ... look at item (3.a)
[22:58] <MSc> vlc : Depends: vlc-nox (= 3.0.0~~git20150319+r59816+33~ubuntu14.04.1) but it is not going to be installed
[22:59] <zerowaitstate> the reason those files do not show up in du is because they have been "unlinked" i.e., they are no longer attached to a directory, but the corresponding data blocks haven't been released because the process still has a file descriptor open on the file
[23:12] <godd> Could someone please help me get my ubuntu 14 to read my external hard drive?
[23:15] <Mr-Potter> godd: Firstly have you plugged in the data AND power leads?
[23:17] <atlasloewenherz> zerowaitstate: this should help them to track it down
[23:18] <chezzo_> So spawn static, all the zombies are generated at once, but you gotta butcher corpses so they don't come back.
[23:18] <chezzo_> Is that correct? Do towns generate zombies?
[23:19] <chezzo_> Swamps generate nonsense no matter the mode, yes? Same with craters, triffid groves, bee hives...
[23:40] <godd> Mr-potter: my hard drive is usb and only has one line
[23:40] <Mr-Potter> oh OK maybe you're using the wrong cable?
[23:42] <godd> Mr-Potter: it's the right cable, if I run *ls /dev/ | grep sdif* it shows up as "sdb" and "sdb1"
[23:49] <CatosSword> If anyone would help me with some SWAP questions, I'd be thankful
[23:50] <gryzor> if you got to actually ask a question, someone might answer
[23:50] <CatosSword> well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so:
[23:51] <zerowaitstate> godd: what does lsblk show?
[23:52] <godd> zerowaitstate: NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
[23:52] <godd> sda 8:0 0 111.8G 0 disk
[23:52] <godd> ├─sda1 8:1 0 110.8G 0 part /
[23:52] <godd> ├─sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part
[23:52] <godd> └─sda5 8:5 0 1012M 0 part [SWAP]
[23:52] <godd> sdb 8:16 0 465.8G 0 disk
[23:52] <teward> godd: use a pastebin
[23:53] <CatosSword> = lsblk]
[23:54] <godd> zerowaitstate:
[23:55] <CatosSword> It's weird because my SWAP is sda10, but it's not labeled as such [/swap] under lsblk, it's just unlabeled with the correct diskspace
[23:56] <zerowaitstate> godd: sudo blkid /dev/sdb1
[23:56] <zerowaitstate> godd: what is the filesystem type listed?
[23:57] <CatosSword> /dev/sdb1: LABEL="My Book" UUID="F21843B31843759F" TYPE="ntfs"
[23:57] <zerowaitstate> am I talking to two people here or something?
[23:58] <godd> zerowaitstate: nothing happens when I enter sudo blkid /dev/sdb1
[23:58] <CatosSword> Probably... memory & diskspace issues... I'm splitting... peace
[23:58] <zerowaitstate> godd: sudo parted /dev/sdb -l
[23:58] <Lui_> Good day/night all. :) Just popping in to see if this install is getting through. Could someone be kind enough to shout back to help me w/this? Ty. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.109995 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-quality | [01:42] <lenovoBob> Hi all. I am trying to add my hardware info to this page, but I don't see an edit option. I am logged into the page.
[01:46] <lenovoBob> hello? anyone not afk?
[09:35] <nerochiaro> elopio: hi, do you know who would be the best person to ask questions to about autopilot ?
[09:40] <brendand> nerochiaro, please ping ubuntu-qa for help
[09:41] <brendand> nerochiaro, in the meantime, what question did you have?
[09:43] <nerochiaro> brendand: ubuntu-qa: just wanted to know if there was a way in AP to get a list of elements in the correct order. select_many does not guarantee order, but i need to test the order of items in a list
[09:54] <fgimenez> nerochiaro, can you select_single the list and check the elements from there?
[09:55] <nerochiaro> fgimenez: what do you mean "check the elements from there" ? how do i access them in order ?
[09:58] <fgimenez> nerochiaro, the list node returned by select_single should have an attribute representing the items, have you got an example of this?
[10:00] <brendand> nerochiaro, have you looked at the listview helpers from ubuntu-ui-toolkit?
[10:01] <nerochiaro> brendand: no, that's a good tip. are they documented somewhere or should i look into the source ?
[10:01] <brendand> nerochiaro, they are documented. let me see
[10:03] <brendand> nerochiaro,, doesn't look very complete though
[10:04] <nerochiaro> brendand: right. does not have anything that can help me in the listview helper it seems
[10:06] <brendand> nerochiaro, no it seems not
[10:07] <brendand> nerochiaro, heh - look at this:
[10:07] <brendand> def _get_first_item(self):
[10:07] <brendand> """Returns the first item from the ListView."""
[10:07] <brendand> items = self.get_children_by_type('QQuickItem')[0].get_children()
[10:07] <brendand> items = sorted(items, key=lambda item: item.globalRect.y)
[10:07] <brendand> return items[0]
[10:08] <brendand> nerochiaro, sorting the items by the y co-ordinate. clever :P
[10:08] <nerochiaro> brendand: wow, that's clever. where does it come from ?
[10:08] <brendand> nerochiaro, from the QQuickListView CPO. But it's a private method
[10:08] <nerochiaro> brendand: well then, i am stealing it
[10:08] <brendand> nerochiaro, there's no helper function to return all items sorted
[10:09] <brendand> nerochiaro, and also you probably want to get_children_by_type as it does, rather than using select_many
[10:09] <nerochiaro> brendand: why ?
[10:09] <brendand> nerochiaro, well it reads better for one
[10:10] <nerochiaro> brendand: right
[10:10] <brendand> nerochiaro, although if you're doing the select_many from the listview itself it won't matter
[10:10] <brendand> nerochiaro, if you're doing from a higher level then there's the (unlikely) possibility it could get items which aren't part of the list view you care about
[10:11] <nerochiaro> brendand: got it. thanks
[10:11] <nerochiaro> brendand: out of curiosity, what's the "CPO" you mentioned before ?
[10:11] <brendand> nerochiaro, custom proxy object
[10:11] <brendand> nerochiaro, basically autopilot wraps things in a 'proxy object'
[10:11] <brendand> nerochiaro, things that it introspects
[10:12] <brendand> nerochiaro, and the custom indicates that you override the default one to add some useful functions
[10:14] <nerochiaro> brendand: understood. and the code works great too. great help, thank you
[13:22] <dobey> elopio: no, it's not a bug exactly. the test doesn't get run, but the setUp and tearDown do, which is a bit annoying for the autopilot tests as it means the app gets spawned/killed still
[14:01] <brendand_> dobey, that's the one that should be fixed in upstream testtools
[14:04] <elopio> dobey: ah, it was that, right.
[14:05] <elopio> in the end veebers went with self.skipTest in the setup, so we are good.
[14:11] <elopio> brendand_: the dash breaks, as in the functionality of the dash?
[14:11] <brendand_> elopio, well it doesn't start i don't think
[14:11] <elopio> or the tests helpers for the dash stop working as expected?
[14:11] <brendand_> elopio, current symptoms are - the area where the dash should be is blank , and the test cannot find the MainView
[14:12] <elopio> brendand_: and what happens if you start unity manually?
[14:12] <brendand_> elopio, i'm installing the uitk staging ppa to see if it's a problem there
[14:12] <brendand_> elopio, same thing
[14:12] <dobey> brendand_: i don't think it's a testtools problem. it's just how python and unit tests in python, work
[14:13] <elopio> brendand_: we didn't touch production code at all. It would be good if you tell zoltan about it so they fix it.
[14:13] <brendand_> dobey, unless something has changed, in fact the bug doesn't happen when run using unittest's test runner
[14:14] <brendand_> dobey, so it is a test tools problem. unless we're talking about a new issue that has the same symptoms as the one i looked at yonks ago
[14:14] <brendand_> elopio, well i need to prove it happens without using our code, which i'm doing right now
[14:15] <brendand_> elopio, it could also be to do with an interaction between the unreleased version of unity8 and the uitk staging code
[14:15] <brendand_> elopio, since i installed both to get the upstreamed helpers
[14:15] <dobey> brendand_: i'm not sure what you're talking about exactly, but i don't see how a decorator would be evaluated differently in standard python unittest. decorators are evaluated by the interpreter when the method they decorate is run
[14:15] <elopio> brendand_: right, that's possible.
[14:16] <brendand_> dobey, maybe i missed a bit of context then and it's not actually the same issue
[14:17] <brendand_> dobey, is there a bug?
[14:18] <dobey> brendand_: i haven't filed any bug for this
[14:18] <dobey> afaik, unittest does the same thing; it calls setUp(), calls the test_foo() method, then calls tearDown()
[14:20] <brendand_> dobey,
[14:20] <fgimenez> brendand_, elopio i'm seeing the same blank scope as well since yesterday, i thought it had to do with my setup
[14:21] <brendand_> fgimenez, did you have those packages installed?
[14:21] <dobey> brendand_: oh ok. *shrug*
[14:21] <fgimenez> brendand_, yes
[14:21] <brendand_> dobey, is that the same issue?
[14:21] <dobey> brendand_: says it was fixed in september
[14:22] <fgimenez> brendand_, it breaks the dash completely, after a reboot the scope is still blank
[14:22] <brendand_> dobey, yeah - but only upstream
[14:22] <dobey> brendand_: try ppa:dobey/testtools and see if it fixes it for you?
[14:23] <dobey> brendand_: if so, then yet another good reason to get the new testtools into the distro :)
[14:29] <brendand_> elopio, good news, it's not our code
[14:29] <brendand_> elopio, bad news is uitk staging is busted
[14:29] <brendand_> elopio, well - bad news for the sdk team :P
[14:54] <brendand_> elopio, for, do you know which suites are affected?
[14:54] <brendand_> elopio, you mentioned address_book
[14:54] <elopio> address book, system settings, webbrowser.
[14:54] <elopio> I think that's it.
[14:55] <brendand_> elopio, at least of the ones sanity touches, right?
[14:56] <brendand_> elopio, do you have an MP that shows what kind of change needs to be done?
[14:56] <brendand_> elopio, that would be super handy
[15:01] <wxl> elfy: does xubuntu core use the standard iso?
[15:01] <elfy> the standard mini.iso
[15:01] <wxl> oh
[15:02] <wxl> elfy: have you seen that someone is suggesting bug 1259525 is back in today's daily?
[15:02] <elfy> xubuntu core is one of those you can install from the list, like ubuntu desktop
[15:03] <elfy> no, not seen that - just got in from work
[15:03] <wxl> btw thx for catching that bug with nto booting in vm. we finally crushed it.
[15:03] <wxl> not a lot of testing's been done, so it's hard to invalidate it based on the qa tracker alone
[15:05] <elfy> once I'm a bit more chilled I'll boot our image
[15:05] <wxl> is something wrong with jenkins? i just noticed all the results are way old
[15:05] <wxl> hehehe
[15:08] <elfy> been saying that since December, given up now
[15:08] <elopio> brendand_:
[15:11] <elopio> brendand_: is there a bug reported for that?
[15:11] <brendand_> elopio, for what?
[15:20] <elfy> wxl: looking like I can ack that bug rebirth
[15:26] <elfy> wxl and I can and as a plus in kvm
[15:28] <wxl> elfy: bummer. i was hoping you were going to tell me it was bs. :( wonder if it's the same root cause.
[15:29] <elfy> I think that behind it for us I'm seeing the xfce background, which is wrong
[15:34] <elfy> yep
[16:07] <elfy> cyphermox: have you caught any of this with wxl and that wicked elfy guy?
[16:07] <elfy> eg images all fubar for us again?
[16:08] <cyphermox> define fubar?
[16:08] <cyphermox> missing characters in vms?
[16:08] <elfy>
[16:08] <cyphermox> yeah, I was just looking at that
[16:09] <cyphermox> my understanding was that this was a qemu graphics issue
[16:09] <elfy> that and in vbox, we appear to be seeing xfce behind the dialogue -
[16:09] <elfy> that may be part of the case, but we also get dumped to a login box
[16:09] <cyphermox> the background isn't the right one or do you mean the icons?
[16:10] <elfy> shouldn't be xfce
[16:10] <cyphermox> the icons I saw a bug report and patch from ochosi, but it doesn't fix the issue here
[16:10] <cyphermox> ah, okay?
[16:10] <cyphermox> tbh, that's likely more of the same reason why the icons show up
[16:10] <elfy> yea - not sure this is *that* issue - Xubuntu is happy to ignore that till 15.10 afaik
[16:10] <elfy> mmm
[16:11] <cyphermox> something isn't completely setting the settings properly for your session
[16:11] <elfy> yea
[16:11] <elfy> but - it was yesterday
[16:11] <cyphermox> but I could maybe take another look at the backgroud
[16:12] <cyphermox> elfy: want to take a look whether that wallpaper comes from one of the files listed here?
[16:13] <cyphermox> that would help :)
[16:14] <elfy> I'll see what I can find
[16:22] <elfy> cyphermox: none of those appear to be in yesterday's image for a start
[16:23] <cyphermox> yey...
[16:23] <cyphermox> well, that would explain it I guess. We'll just need to figure out why and which one to use instead if it's on purpose
[16:27] <elfy> can't even login - username xubuntu with no password
[16:30] <cyphermox> ugh
[16:30] <cyphermox> alright, downloading the iso
[16:31] <cyphermox> amd64 or i386 that you're testing right now?
[16:31] <elfy> 64bit here
[16:31] <cyphermox> I'm trying to avoid downloading too much, network is abysmal here
[16:32] <elfy> :)
[16:32] <elfy> cyphermox: ok, so in yesterday's working one xubuntu-wallpaper is a link to xubuntu-vivid
[16:32] <elfy> I thought it would, just needed to check
[16:33] <cyphermox> cool
[16:33] <cyphermox> I can add that as a wallpaper option
[16:33] <cyphermox> or if you want, file a merge proposal, I'll do an ubiquity upload soonish
[16:33] <elfy> I think that knome was doing something with the slideshow last night - reverting something
[16:34] <elfy>
[16:34] <elfy> reverted something there afaik
[16:36] <elfy> as far as MP, I'm not at all sure what we need to do here, what's wrong etc
[16:37] <elfy> it's also affected Lubuntu - hence wxl's involvement
[16:44] <ianorlin> elfy is that using qxl on qemu?
[16:45] <elfy> I have never used qxl
[16:45] <elfy> is that a freudian slip :D
[16:45] <ianorlin> no
[16:46] <ianorlin> ah cause that sort of looks like bug 1261916
[16:47] <wxl> elfy: ianorlin: just waiting on the desktop images to rebuild. ~30min or less it seems
[16:47] <wxl> (for lubuntu)
[16:48] <elfy> wxl: I'm using 'todays'
[16:48] <elfy> just so you know
[16:48] <wxl> elfy: yeah i think xubuntu is in crontab a lot earlier than lubuntu :)
[16:48] <wxl> brb going to fix a printer issue for someone :/
[16:48] <elfy> yep
[16:49] <elfy> ianorlin: as far as 'kvm' goes I just install it and the manager then use it - then hate it for owning images with root
[16:49] <elfy> actually only do it so I can tell infinity and cyphermox it's not *just* a vbox issue ;)
[16:57] <wxl> ok builds are done
[16:57] <wxl> just waiting for them to show up on the tracker
[16:58] <wxl> er rather get uploaded to cdimage
[17:19] <Captonjamason> hello
[17:20] <cyphermox> wxl: elfy: that's not to fix a wallpaper issue is it?
[17:20] <Captonjamason> i found a bug in ubuntu 14.04
[17:21] <wxl> !bugs | Captonjamason
[17:21] <Captonjamason> ok
[17:21] <Captonjamason> thanks
[17:22] <wxl> thank YOU Captonjamason
[17:22] <wxl> if you need help with the process, let me know
[17:23] <Captonjamason> ok
[17:23] <Captonjamason> its kinda wierd
[17:23] <wxl> cyphermox: i have no clue. i'm still waiting on our ISOs today to show up on the tracker.
[17:23] <wxl> cyphermox: (well, to show up on cdimage. supposedly the builds were successful)
[17:25] <Captonjamason> my bug isnt any sort of package
[17:25] <wxl> Captonjamason: explain, please
[17:26] <Captonjamason> some of the letters i type in dont show up even though they still go through on chat, skype etc.
[17:27] <cyphermox> wxl: oh my, the current image really is quite broken
[17:27] <Saviq> elopio, hey, could we have someone from your side review please?
[17:27] <wxl> this is in what flavor and version, Captonjamason ?
[17:27] <wxl> cyphermox: i assume you're referring to xubuntu?
[17:27] <Captonjamason> normal ubuntu, 14.04
[17:27] <cyphermox> wxl: yep
[17:27] <wxl> Captonjamason: has it always been that way or did it just happen recently?
[17:28] <cyphermox> wxl: it's like the live system didn't get setup properly
[17:28] <Captonjamason> it just happend recently
[17:28] <Captonjamason> im trying to get a screen shot
[17:28] <wxl> cyphermox: elfy: could it be related to the recent changes to the seed to add xserver-xorg-*-all as recommends?
[17:29] <wxl> Captonjamason: and does it happen in every single application, the terminal included?
[17:29] <Captonjamason> excluding terminal
[17:29] <cyphermox> wxl: do you use gdm?
[17:30] <wxl> cyphermox: no, we use lightdm like everyone else.
[17:30] <cyphermox> ok
[17:30] <wxl> Captonjamason: can you list all of the apps you know it fails on?
[17:31] <Captonjamason> skype, web browsers, file manager, ubuntu store, blender, code::blocks, ubuntu sdk, and sometimes when i search spotify
[17:31] <wxl> only sometimes when you search spotify, Captonjamason ?
[17:31] <Captonjamason> no
[17:32] <Captonjamason> all of those listed above
[17:32] <Captonjamason> and spotify sometimes
[17:32] <wxl> but never, ever the terminal?
[17:32] <Captonjamason> correct
[17:32] <wxl> fascinating
[17:32] <Captonjamason> its basicly in every app i type in
[17:32] <wxl> Captonjamason: you have ibus running, correct?
[17:33] <Captonjamason> pretty sure i do
[17:33] <Captonjamason> yep
[17:33] <Captonjamason> i do
[17:33] <Captonjamason> im trying to get a screen shot
[17:33] <wxl> try killing it and/or replacing it with a different input manager (e.g. scim) and see what happens
[17:33] <wxl> i've had problems like that with ibus before
[17:33] <wxl> and they're super inconsistent
[17:33] <Captonjamason> well
[17:33] <Captonjamason> sometimes when i reboot its fine
[17:34] <Captonjamason> but other times it does this "bug"
[17:35] <Captonjamason> its insane
[17:35] <wxl> i still bet it's ibus
[17:35] <Captonjamason> i probably is
[17:36] <Captonjamason> *it
[17:36] <wxl> here's some potentially related bugs:
[17:36] <wxl> bug 1421483
[17:36] <Captonjamason> wait
[17:36] <wxl> bug 1415678
[17:36] <Captonjamason> my keyboard input doesnt fail
[17:36] <wxl> bug 1412544
[17:36] <Captonjamason> it still types fine
[17:36] <wxl> i get that :)
[17:37] <Captonjamason> it still types fine
[17:37] <wxl> where the heck are my ISOs, cyphermox ? :(
[17:37] <Captonjamason> the letters just pop of the screen
[17:37] <cyphermox> just a moment
[17:37] <Captonjamason> and then sometimes come back
[17:38] <cyphermox> wxl: well, no logs for it yet
[17:38] <wxl> cyphermox: ?
[17:38] <wxl> 40-some-odd-minutes ago
[17:39] <wxl> unless it's waiting on that ppc build
[17:39] <Captonjamason> vived coming out soon?
[17:39] <Captonjamason> *vivid
[17:39] <wxl> Captonjamason: yeah next week!
[17:39] <cyphermox> ah, you built lubuntu?
[17:39] <Captonjamason> hack yeah
[17:39] <wxl> cyphermox: well crontab did XD
[17:39] <Captonjamason> can wait to upgarde
[17:39] <Captonjamason> *grade
[17:39] <wxl> heheh
[17:39] <cyphermox> wxl: 30 minutes ago?
[17:40] <cyphermox> well, 1 hour ago really
[17:40] <wxl> cyphermox: they finished building 50 minutes ago!
[17:40] <Captonjamason> its impossible for me to type when the letters go away :\
[17:40] <wxl> (except for ppc)
[17:40] <wxl> Captonjamason: did you try killing ibus or setting keyboard input method to none?
[17:40] <Captonjamason> tried
[17:40] <Captonjamason> still didnt do anything
[17:41] <cyphermox> wxl: well, ppc looks wedged, if I'm to believe previous build times
[17:41] <wxl> Captonjamason: a screenshot will helped
[17:41] <Captonjamason> on it
[17:41] <cyphermox> wxl: lets move this to #-release
[17:41] <wxl> cyphermox: ko
[17:49] <Captonjamason> this is a test to show that letter dissaper on my screen
[17:49] <Captonjamason>
[17:49] <Captonjamason> thats what it looks like on my screen
[17:49] <Captonjamason> i cant even type
[17:49] <wxl> Captonjamason: running low on memory perhaps?
[17:49] <Captonjamason> 4 gb
[17:49] <Captonjamason> 3 gb free
[17:50] <wxl> baffling
[17:50] <Captonjamason> i dont think im running low
[17:50] <Captonjamason> its insane
[17:52] <wxl> Captonjamason: i don't offhand know the solution to your problem :( have you asked in #ubuntu?
[17:52] <Captonjamason> nah
[17:52] <wxl> Captonjamason: i'd start there
[17:52] <Captonjamason> this is my first time joining one of the ubuntu chats
[17:52] <Captonjamason> i figured coming here
[17:52] <wxl> thgat's the official support channel
[17:52] <Captonjamason> ill give it a try
[17:53] <Captonjamason> but its just insane
[17:54] <wxl> Captonjamason: you can also try running ubuntu-bug and it will try to help you find potential packages to file against. you probably could file against ubuntu-meta.
[17:54] <Captonjamason> ok
[17:55] <Captonjamason> and
[17:55] <Captonjamason> what would it take for me to join the QAteam
[17:56] <wxl> should be right at the top of Captonjamason
[17:56] <wxl> basically: join the mailing list, hang out here, join the launchpad group, and get to doing what you want to do
[17:56] <wxl> if you have questions, pop in here or send something to the list
[17:56] <Captonjamason> ok
[17:57] <Captonjamason> i have yet to join mailing list
[17:57] <wxl> what in particular are you interested in helping with?
[17:57] <Captonjamason> either tester or dev
[17:58] <Captonjamason> i havent had much time to tinker with barebones linux
[17:58] <wxl> yeah well that's not necessary
[17:58] <Captonjamason> so i might not be the best for dev
[17:58] <Captonjamason> really
[17:58] <wxl> no, unless you want to do kernel development
[17:58] <Captonjamason> uhhhh
[17:58] <Captonjamason> no
[17:58] <wxl> some of the dev work needed doesn't even necessarily require code
[17:58] <Captonjamason> alright
[17:59] <Captonjamason> im in
[17:59] <wxl> like the other day we made a change to one of our seeds so the images would get all their packages pulled in
[17:59] <wxl> what i would suggest is this:
[17:59] <wxl> 1. do some formal testing
[17:59] <wxl> 2. report some bugs while testing
[17:59] <wxl> 3. try to figure out how to validate and fix those bugs
[17:59] <wxl> 4. fix them
[18:00] <wxl> alternately you could search for bugs in packages you're really familiar with
[18:00] <Captonjamason> ok
[18:00] <wxl> you'll need to ask lots of questions along the way
[18:00] <wxl> don't hesitate to ask
[18:00] <Captonjamason> i knew that i would need to ask alot of questions
[18:00] <Captonjamason> i do have 1 question
[18:02] <Captonjamason> to run dev builds and normal builds would i be able to run in virtualbox or do i need to dual boot or have to use a new computer all together?
[18:02] <wxl> Captonjamason: there are times where bare metal testing is useful, but most testing is done in vm
[18:02] <Captonjamason> figured as much
[18:03] <Captonjamason> i have a old computer i can use for bare metal testing
[18:07] <Captonjamason> hey
[18:08] <wxl> Captonjamason: yes?
[18:08] <Captonjamason> question
[18:09] <wxl> !ask | Captonjamason ☺
[18:09] <Captonjamason> sorry
[18:09] <wxl> np
[18:09] <Captonjamason> bet it happens alot on here
[18:10] <wxl> more so on the support channels but no prob
[18:11] <Captonjamason> anyways for setting up the vm, do i need to set the os type to ubuntu 32bit (i decided to use 32 for testing) or to other 32bit linux
[18:12] <wxl> really doesn't matter too much but the ubuntu would suffice
[18:12] <Captonjamason> figured as much
[18:12] <wxl> btw if you have 64 bit hardware you should be able to test either image
[18:12] <Captonjamason> i know
[18:12] <Captonjamason> i have 64 bit ubuntu on 64 hardware
[18:13] <Captonjamason> im gonna do both 32 and 64 for testing
[18:13] <Captonjamason> just wanted to start with 32
[18:13] <wxl> lunch calls, ta
[18:14] <Captonjamason> now lunch sounds good
[18:16] <Captonjamason> well im off to test
[18:24] <Captonjamason> wow
[18:24] <Captonjamason> vivid isnt too bad
[18:24] <Captonjamason> well in ways of buggyness
[18:51] <balloons> elopio, what's up with
[18:53] <Captonjamason> hmm
[18:54] <balloons> Captonjamason, glad you think so..
[18:54] * balloons wonders how long till Captonjamason manages to break something
[18:54] <Captonjamason> im deeply offended
[18:54] <Captonjamason> i just took a look at it
[18:55] <Captonjamason> that was it
[18:55] <Captonjamason> im working on trying to fix a bug
[18:57] <balloons> Captonjamason, I meant "break" in a good way, my apologies.
[18:58] <Captonjamason> lol
[18:59] <Captonjamason> anything i need to work on except bug tracking
[18:59] <cyphermox> elfy: so the wallpaper issue will be fixed in the next image
[19:00] <Captonjamason> well i guess i found a bug on vivid build'
[19:01] <Captonjamason> was live cd working yet?
[19:02] <Captonjamason> hello?
[19:04] <elopio> balloons: that's in the web team's hands now. I don't understand why it has not merged.
[19:04] <balloons> elopio, ack, I'll ask alex
[19:06] <elopio> balloons: thanks.
[19:06] <elopio> Saviq: I'll add it to the TODO.
[19:06] <Saviq> elopio, thanks!
[19:06] <Captonjamason> umm balloons, was live cd working in the newest vived update
[19:07] <Captonjamason> *vivid
[19:09] <Captonjamason> balloons: was live cd working in the newest vivid update
[19:11] <Captonjamason> or is that a question for someone else
[19:12] <balloons> Captonjamason, I don't have today's image so I'm not sure
[19:12] <balloons> I've not synced yet
[19:12] <Captonjamason> alright
[19:13] <Captonjamason> when i clicked live cd it took me to a login page???
[19:14] <Captonjamason> what would i login with
[19:15] <Captonjamason> well lunch calls
[19:17] <balloons> Captonjamason, that means the desktop is failing for some reason
[19:17] <balloons> if you try and login my guess is it will attempt to spawn a new session, fail, and return you to the login screen
[19:20] <Captonjamason> hmmmm
[19:20] <Captonjamason> thats what it did
[19:20] <wxl> did you check the md5 Captonjamason ?
[19:20] <Captonjamason> yea
[19:21] <wxl> then perhaps the issue that elfy brought to my attention is affecting more than xubuntu (and maybe lubuntu)
[19:21] <Captonjamason> well thats nice
[19:23] <Captonjamason> what was the issue
[19:26] <wxl> a little error in an uplaod, Captonjamason
[19:26] <wxl> one little out of place '\'
[19:26] <wxl> always the stupid stuff :)
[19:26] <wxl> fix is uploaded, just waiting on everything to sync up
[19:28] <Captonjamason> cool
[19:28] <wxl> fwiw
[19:29] <wxl> give it a bit and then we'll need to rebuild everything
[19:29] <wxl> balloons: you may want to be kept aware of the above ↑
[19:30] <Captonjamason> question
[19:31] <Captonjamason> i need to get bazaar?
[19:31] <wxl> if you're going to do development, you'll certainly want bazaar
[19:31] <Captonjamason> can i get a link for bazaar
[19:31] <Captonjamason> i dont have it
[19:31] <wxl> even if you don't, it's good sometimes when bug hunting because then you can grab the code and recusively grep it for some important string
[19:31] <balloons> wxl, ahh yes, that would be it
[19:32] <wxl> elfy: fyi that bug affects everyone; see above
[19:32] <Captonjamason> crap
[19:33] <Captonjamason> i have a assighnment
[19:33] <Captonjamason> i cant type
[19:33] <wxl> this should help with bazaar Captonjamason
[19:34] <Captonjamason> thanks
[19:34] <wxl> np
[19:34] <Captonjamason> i will work on that in a bit
[19:34] <Captonjamason> i need to finish this
[19:37] <Captonjamason> dangit
[19:38] <Captonjamason> wxl, terminal wont let me install bzr, it says theres another program using admin accses, i have no other programs running except for spotify and firefox
[19:38] <Captonjamason> i cant type
[19:39] <wxl> Captonjamason: you sure synaptic or anything isn't running?
[19:39] <Captonjamason> pretty sure
[19:39] <Captonjamason> lemme try it again
[19:39] <Captonjamason> this is what it ga ve me
[19:39] <Captonjamason> jamason@JAMASON-X551MA:~$ sudo apt-get install bzr [sudo] password for jamason: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?
[19:40] <wxl> if you're SURE that no other package manager of any kind is running, then you can just rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock and carry on
[19:40] <Captonjamason> ok
[19:41] <Captonjamason> and yes i dont have any other package managers running
[19:41] <Captonjamason> i dont use synaptic
[19:41] <wxl> well if you had a separate dpkg process running
[19:41] <wxl> or aptitude
[19:42] <Captonjamason> nope
[19:42] <wxl> or any other apt-get process
[19:42] <wxl> etc
[19:42] <wxl> if not, the lock gets stuck sometimes
[19:42] <Captonjamason> ok
[19:42] <Captonjamason> i used that command and got it working
[19:43] <wxl> Captonjamason: you could also `sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock` if you want to see what command is complaining about it
[19:44] <Captonjamason> well
[19:44] <Captonjamason> its kinda too late
[19:44] <Captonjamason> gimme a sec
[19:44] <Captonjamason> reboot
[19:44] <wxl> yep
[19:44] <wxl> just saying in the future
[19:45] <Captonjamason> ok
[19:52] <Captonjamason> back
[19:52] <Captonjamason> and i dont have the letter glitch wxl
[19:54] <Captonjamason> and im on utopic now
[19:56] <Captonjamason> could i get that link for bzr back wxl
[19:57] <wxl> this should help with bazaar Captonjamason
[19:57] <Captonjamason> thanks
[20:01] <Captonjamason> hey wxl, when i run ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "Your Name <>" as a command it says " To many varibles"
[20:01] <Captonjamason> i changed the name and email to mine
[20:03] <wxl> Captonjamason: you can just do `ssh-keygen -t rsa` and it will ask you for a commend if you like
[20:03] <Captonjamason> thanks
[20:03] <Captonjamason> is that page outdated maby
[20:04] <Captonjamason> it didnt ask me
[20:05] <wxl> Captonjamason: it doesn't matter too much
[20:05] <Captonjamason> ok
[20:10] <Captonjamason> done
[20:10] <Captonjamason> what do i do now
[20:14] <Captonjamason> do i need to do something after putting in my ssh key?
[20:15] <Captonjamason> hello?
[20:15] <elfy> what?
[20:16] <Captonjamason> wxl was helping me out with setting up bazzar
[20:16] <wxl> sorry Captonjamason too many things going on
[20:16] <Captonjamason> np
[20:17] <wxl> did you upload your key to launchpad?
[20:17] <Captonjamason> i compleatly understand
[20:17] <Captonjamason> yes
[20:17] <wxl> then try grabbing something
[20:17] <Captonjamason> how?
[20:18] <wxl> here's an example: bzr branch lp:lubuntu-default-settings
[20:19] <Captonjamason> ok
[20:21] <Captonjamason> done
[20:21] <Captonjamason> did that do something
[20:21] <Captonjamason> im more familiar with svn then git or bazaar
[20:22] <wxl> cd to lubuntu-default-settings
[20:22] <wxl> they're very similar
[20:22] <Captonjamason> ok
[20:22] <Captonjamason> woah
[20:22] <Captonjamason> thats pretty cool for one command
[20:24] <Captonjamason> one thing though, when i ran that it said i had to give my launchpad id or something like that
[20:25] <wxl> oh yeah
[20:25] <wxl> hm maybe that site is not the best
[20:25] <wxl> try doing bzr launchpad-login
[20:25] <Captonjamason> k
[20:26] <Captonjamason> No Launchpad user ID configured...
[20:26] <Captonjamason> why terminal
[20:26] <wxl> why not? :)
[20:27] <Captonjamason> it no work
[20:28] <wxl> try `bzr launchpad-login id` where id is your launchpad id
[20:29] <Captonjamason> where can i find my launchpad id
[20:29] <wxl> on your launchpad page
[20:29] <wxl> where you uploaded your ssh key
[20:29] <Captonjamason> thanks
[20:29] <Captonjamason> i know i probably seem like a noob
[20:30] <Captonjamason> sorry about that
[20:31] <Captonjamason> hey wxl
[20:31] <Captonjamason> bzr: ERROR: The user name is not registered on Launchpad.
[20:31] <Captonjamason> thats what it gave me
[20:32] <wxl> get rid of the rest of the url and use only your id Captonjamason
[20:32] <Captonjamason> k
[20:32] <Captonjamason> it worked
[20:33] <Captonjamason> so how can i get the daily builds
[20:33] <wxl> you mean the isos or what?
[20:34] <Captonjamason> isos
[20:34] <wxl>
[20:34] <Captonjamason> thanks
[20:38] <Captonjamason> what is Mythbuntu
[20:39] <wxl> !mythbuntu | Captonjamason
[20:39] <Captonjamason> thats kinda cool
[20:39] <Captonjamason> !ubuntustudio
[20:43] <wxl> !lubuntu | captonjamason: i spend most of my time working with
[20:43] <elfy> Captonjamason: any real reason for pinging the bo?
[20:43] <elfy> t even
[20:43] <wxl> elfy: i think he just learned there are bot commands so was making use out of them
[20:43] <knome> !bot > Captonjamason
[20:44] <wxl> Captonjamason: you can /msg ubot5 !whatever
[20:44] <elfy> or stop trolling
[20:44] <knome> these might have been a bit hidden until a while, but they are recently updated:
[20:44] <knome> Captonjamason,
[20:44] <elfy> or stop trolling
[20:45] <knome> and others are: and
[20:45] <knome> they are now linked to from the QATeam front page.
[20:45] <wxl> thx knome
[20:45] <knome> which reminds me i should work on the QATeam wiki more
[20:45] <knome> balloons, ping
[20:45] <elfy> biding time
[20:45] <Captonjamason> why is the chat going all crazy now
[20:46] <balloons> knome, pong
[20:46] <elfy> hey balloons
[20:46] <knome> balloons, want to have a wiki sprint?
[20:47] <balloons> hey elfy knome :-)
[20:47] <elfy> Captonjamason: troll alerts - imagine
[20:47] <balloons> a wiki sprint.. interesting..
[20:47] <knome> Captonjamason, it's just the crazy xubuntu folks stepping in
[20:47] <balloons> what sort of format would it take? live editing or ?
[20:47] <wxl> elfy: behave. he's new here and trying to figure his way around.
[20:47] <knome> balloons, whatever we did before
[20:48] <knome> balloons, i mean not a scheduled, i mean *right now* :)
[20:48] <elfy> wxl: right
[20:49] <elfy> Captonjamason: if you are, then all power to you, but please do not Enter as punctuation - we can all try at that ;)
[20:49] <balloons> knome, ahh, I see :-)
[20:52] <balloons> knome, no time like the present..
[20:52] <knome> yep!
[20:52] <knome> so...
[20:53] <knome> and did you do work with the tracker pages?
[20:54] <knome> i think you did
[20:55] * knome claps
[20:58] * balloons looks puzzled
[20:59] <balloons> yes the tracker pages.. and the walkthroughs. I've looked at them and done some editing, but I can't commit to updating the videos
[21:00] <knome> heh
[21:19] <ianorlin> hmm I still have to hard power off desktop images on my laptop
[21:20] <wxl> is that solely a lubuntu thing ianorlin ?
[21:20] <ianorlin> haven't tried yet might try unity
[21:20] <wxl> is it the installer or the installed system?
[21:20] <ianorlin> installer post install
[21:20] <ianorlin> it worked on my mom laptop live session yesterday
[21:20] <ianorlin> this might be hardware specific
[21:21] <wxl> so these are all bare metal tests?
[21:22] <ianorlin> yes
[21:22] <wxl> have you tried virtual at all?
[21:22] <wxl> elfy: looks like your rebuilts got the new users-admin but the old ubiquity. i trust they don't work?
[21:45] <ianorlin> wxl on kvm with qxl graphics it stops after I click to the restart now buttons and doesn't get past that which is different
[21:46] <wxl> with which image ianorlin ?
[21:46] <ianorlin> desktop amd64
[21:46] <wxl> so ubuntu
[21:47] <ianorlin> altenrates seemed to never have this problem
[21:47] <wxl> er lubuntu i mean
[21:52] <ianorlin> yep I haven't tried live session on bare metal for today's image
[21:54] <wxl> today's image is borked
[21:54] <wxl> waiting for the new ubiquity to get uplaoaded so i can schedule a rebuild
[21:56] <wxl> we need 2.21.22 ianorlin
[21:56] <ianorlin> wxl yet I actually got it to shut down from live session but pressing the enter on my numpad
[21:56] <wxl> weird'
[21:57] <ianorlin> I may end up trying manual install and seeing if I can shutdown with that enter there
[22:05] <ianorlin> wxl ah it is working if I press power button from broken live session it works not after install
[22:05] <ianorlin> should this be a new bug?
[22:07] <wxl> wasn't there a bug filed against something similar?
[22:13] <ianorlin> yeah but they all seem fix released
[22:14] <wxl> even the one that was reported yesterday on the tracker?
[22:15] <wxl> i think i'
[22:15] <wxl> m going to try the rebuild
[22:18] <ianorlin> um it even happens on the ones that I have the casper for fix released
[22:20] <wxl> gimme a sec and i'll check it out ianorlin
[22:23] <wxl> argh i can't find the darn thing
[22:23] <wxl> sometimes i really hate the iso tracker
[22:25] <elfy> mmmm
[22:26] <elfy> xubuntu core is rebuilding for some reason DalekSec
[22:26] <DalekSec> Hrm. Release Candidate therefore everything gets 'rebuilt'? It more or less should be the same as with upgrades.
[22:30] <wxl> yeah looks like we need a new bug ianorlin
[22:31] <wxl> bug 1436715 and bug 966480 are the two i know of and supposedly casper fixed them both
[22:42] <ianorlin> wxl I have something that makes no sense if you mount the alternate installer image navigate to /boot/grub/efiX86_64 and it show grub files as music files
[22:42] <ianorlin> that is very confusing
[22:42] <wxl> whoa?! :)
[22:42] <wxl> just cat them out to /dev/dsp and see what happens hehe
[22:48] <Captonjamason> hey
[22:48] <Captonjamason> hello
[22:50] <ianorlin> hmm what to file the bug agianst?
[22:51] <wxl> i'd probably call it ubiquity
[22:51] <ianorlin> wxl but I do I report this as it is after I can get to a shell
[22:51] <ianorlin> apport-collcet?
[22:52] <wxl> ubuntu-bug it if you can
[22:53] <Captonjamason> what about ubiquity
[22:53] <ianorlin> at the restart now prompt?
[22:54] <Captonjamason> oh a bug with ubiquity
[22:54] <wxl> hm you can't get a vt on it?
[22:59] <ianorlin> not once I hit restart now
[22:59] <ianorlin> argh and the showing as music also happens after installing nautilus
[23:00] <wxl> shoot
[23:00] <wxl> looks like they're already building finals
[23:00] <Captonjamason> is that bad wxl
[23:00] <wxl> new daily rebuilds are almost up, but that may slow things down a bit
[23:00] <ianorlin> the file command shows the images as executable
[23:00] <wxl> Captonjamason: not exactly. home stretch for vivid, but i want to get rid of this last bug before we go final.
[23:01] <ianorlin> wxl I may also want to test on this desktop to see if it is hardware dependent
[23:01] <ianorlin> but it did in vm as well
[23:04] <wxl> ianorlin: ok new rebuilds are up
[23:04] <wxl> need to do a really quick smoke test
[23:23] <elfy> cyphermox: ok, proper backdrop, reboots - still hangs on reboot in vbox
[23:25] <ianorlin> I am trying on bare metal and on ssd on my laptop
[23:27] <ianorlin> elfy do you have a bug for that?
[23:28] <elfy> same as previous
[23:28] <elfy> kvm works
[23:28] <elfy> just sorting a stick for a hardware boot
[23:29] <ianorlin> I have one in progress
[23:29] <elfy> yep
[23:37] <ianorlin> argh can't switch to a tty on this image
[23:38] <Captonjamason> im back
[23:43] <Captonjamason> hey wxl, pulseaudio is acting up
[23:43] <wxl> i am certainly no big fan of pulse, but what's the issue, Captonjamason ?
[23:44] <Captonjamason> 1 sec
[23:45] <Captonjamason> i fixed it by doing nothing
[23:45] <Captonjamason> it said dummy output instead of my speakers
[23:45] <ianorlin> oh wow root is only users on this system
[23:46] <Captonjamason> ?
[23:46] <ianorlin> I couldn't even use my normal way of right clicking then launching lxterminal from the installer but I could launch firefox download a directory and then launch pcmanfm
[23:46] <ianorlin> then I could launch only xterm
[23:46] <Captonjamason> weird
[23:48] <Captonjamason> i havent used xterm or uxterm at all, whats the diffrence between those 2 and terminal
[23:50] <Captonjamason> and wxl, i dont like alsa a single bit, jack wont work, and i dont like pulse but i have to use it.
[23:50] <wxl> jack works fine for me, but it's not a good solution for desktop users
[23:50] <wxl> also if you use pulse you use alsa
[23:51] <wxl> and that's one of the bigger gripes i have about pulse: it's just extra fluff with little value
[23:51] <Captonjamason> same with me
[23:51] <wxl> alsa works fine
[23:52] <Captonjamason> i meant by alsa without like pulseaudio volume control
[23:52] <Captonjamason> barebones alsa
[23:53] <wxl> yep, alsamixer works good
[23:53] <Captonjamason> its ok
[23:53] <Captonjamason> when i wore my awsome headphones when using "BareBoneALSA" i had static
[23:54] <wxl> probably had mic on or something of the sort
[23:54] <Captonjamason> nah
[23:54] <Captonjamason> those dont have mics
[23:54] <Captonjamason> *mic
[23:55] <Captonjamason> and worst part was i was working in ardour
[23:55] <Captonjamason> so i needed to have almost perfect audio
[23:56] <Captonjamason> so barebonesalsa didnt work all that great for me | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.144233 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-quality"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-cn | [00:14] <hoxily> kandu: morning
[01:55] <iotouch> 请教下,C语言里面,默认的函数命名规则是怎么样的
[02:05] <jusss> onlylove: 我现在在vbox里装了好几个系统, archlinux上装个vbox,vbox里装win7 xp win8 centos debian ubuntu 哈哈哈
[02:06] <jusss> 我现在可以说自己用过7个操作系统了,如果算上98,就是8个啦,哇卡卡
[02:06] <jusss> 对了还有2000没算上
[02:06] <jusss> 98 2000 xp win7 win8 ubuntu debian archlinux centos
[02:13] <^k^> 新 手机和平板 • Ubuntu Desktop Next 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) 也直接使用多窗口模式了 Ubuntu Desktop Next 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) Daily Build,也直接使用多窗口模式了,不是之前的单窗口模式 zz: ubuntu526 — 2015-04-16 10:12 <
[02:28] <kandu> hoxily: 早
[02:28] <jusss> kandu: 帅哥早
[02:29] <kandu> jusss: 不要羞辱我
[02:43] <jackness> 大家中午好啊!
[02:50] <jusss> hoxily: 如果网络中断,会读到什么? 会和recv()一样读到空字串吗?
[02:58] <hoxily> jusss: TMD自己去看文档
[02:59] <hoxily> A
[03:02] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 请问一下如何清除ctrl+alt+b的快捷键 系统:ubuntu kylin 14.04 用快捷键ctrl+alt+b的时候在屏幕上直接弹出一个可视化的键盘。这个系统自带的快捷键和我的ide的快捷键重叠了。如何可以清除这个快捷键?已经找过一些方案还是没有
[03:02] <^k^> ─> 解决我的问题。谢谢!! zz: albeter — 2015-04-16 10:40
[03:05] <hoxily> jusss: 不要嫌烦,自己去看文档
[03:12] <jusss> hoxily: 好像是要捕捉异常去判断断网,不会
[03:40] <^k^> 新 启动和引导 • grub可以启动.请问要怎么恢复/usr的权限,系统卡在第一屏无法启动 我因为修改了 /usr 的权限导致 red hat linux 6 无法启动 卡在了logo处(grub可以启动),请问要怎么恢复/usr的权限? zz: boli5521 — 2015-04-16 11:38
[03:40] <jackness> 大家吃饭了吗?
[04:17] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ubuntu12.04 LTS ,为什么浏览门户网站,有会死机? ubuntu版本是:12.04 LTS 浏览QQ之类,图片多的门户网站就会死机。而浏览论坛就没问题了。这是什么原因? zz: Aalsfjs — 2015-04-16 12:09
[04:17] <BuMangHuo> test
[04:17] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 12:17
[04:17] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 见到色象了么
[04:24] <E022> BuMangHuo: ... 你妹
[04:24] <E022> BuMangHuo: 哥这个名字怎么样? 除了有点儿二
[04:27] <BuMangHuo> ...
[04:28] <BuMangHuo> E022: 那杯子你还真买啊?
[04:28] <BuMangHuo> E022: 跟普通杯子没看出来有区别的样子,除了喝水不烫手
[04:28] <BuMangHuo> 而且,喝水不烫手的杯子,不见得是好事
[04:29] <BuMangHuo> 不烫手就会烫嘴啊
[04:37] <kandu> BuMangHuo: 好有道理
[04:44] <BuMangHuo> kandu: 这个吃过亏的人就知道
[04:55] <BuMangHuo>
[04:55] <^k^> BuMangHuo: ⇪ iOS8.2上不能愉快玩耍微信:无法返回上级菜单_Techweb
[04:55] <BuMangHuo> 这个问题真蛋疼
[04:56] <BuMangHuo> 已经遇到好多次
[04:58] <happyaron> 股神今天去炒股了么男刀
[04:58] <happyaron> 难道
[04:58] <happyaron> 艾玛这词库我也受不了了
[04:58] <happyaron> 去砍宋大侠
[04:59] <alpha080> ...
[05:08] <E022> BuMangHuo: 喝冰水用的啊
[05:09] <BuMangHuo> E022: 没盖子啊
[05:09] <BuMangHuo> E022: 买买买
[05:09] <E022> BuMangHuo: 要盖子干嘛...
[05:09] <BuMangHuo> E022: 今天这个很好解释啊,请参考昨天的天气
[05:10] <BuMangHuo> 万一窗户没有关好,杯子里面全是沙子了就
[05:10] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我的杯子都没盖子..
[05:11] <E022> BuMangHuo: 不过今天天气真好, 就是风大, 不然骑车一定很爽
[05:11] <sennn> 北京現在還是沙塵暴嗎?
[05:12] <BuMangHuo> E022: 对啊
[05:12] <BuMangHuo> E022: 你没骑?
[05:12] <BuMangHuo> 我昨天下班没骑回去
[05:13] <E022> BuMangHuo: 没锁没车支子
[05:13] <BuMangHuo> E022: 这一点就说明你的车比我的好了
[05:13] <E022> BuMangHuo: 为啥?
[05:13] <BuMangHuo> E022: 这是高端车的 feature
[05:14] <E022> BuMangHuo: 你的也是后配的啊
[05:14] <BuMangHuo> 不是 bug
[05:14] <BuMangHuo> E022: 不是,我的有
[05:14] <BuMangHuo> E022: 美利达的话,要到挑战者系列才有资格没有撑子
[05:14] <BuMangHuo> 公爵系列都是自带的
[05:18] <E022> BuMangHuo: 哦... 你的方便啊.
[05:18] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我这个真抠门, 都不给车支子
[05:19] <E022> BuMangHuo: 而且我还没找到合适的锁
[05:19] <BuMangHuo> E022: 高端车都没有啊
[05:19] <E022> BuMangHuo: 可是我的是低端车啊
[05:19] <E022> BuMangHuo: 用的还是扎线呢
[05:19] <BuMangHuo> E022: 不过去车行买的话,如果你需要他们会给你送个
[05:20] <BuMangHuo> 扎线? 哪里
[05:21] <E022> BuMangHuo:
[05:21] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 你说美利达,我想起来,家里小伙伴的就是challenger
[05:21] <^k^> E022: ⇪ 抗液压剪正品立兆锁折叠锁LJ9080山地自行车锁电动摩托车防盗包邮 全亚洲唯一获得瑞典SSF认证的锁!台湾官网授权店铺,正品新款黄色钥匙!官网地址!锁芯银行金库锁芯,内部无弹簧无法破解防万能钥匙! 抗顶级液压剪防20吨,只有消防队的那种顶级液压剪才能
[05:21] <^k^> ─> 剪断!锁头外壳塑料保护车漆,内部全实心,抗砸防钻抗暴力!被韩国推为年度最安全的 …
[05:21] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我的不是油碟刹, 我的是线刹
[05:24] <onlylove_> happyaron: 你也有受不了词库的时候?我家里的紫光貌似字频不太灵光,不过也比你这个好啊
[05:24] <onlylove_> happyaron: 用过那么多年输入法,其实好用的还是加加
[05:24] <onlylove_> happyaron: 加加和搜狗差在哪里呢,搜狗有弹窗,有小广告,有后台,加加就一输入法
[05:25] <onlylove_> happyaron: 我在windows下面用搜狗,经常被搜狗后台把带宽吃掉,丫丫的我用的3G啊,那点带宽被吃了我其他程序不用联网了
[05:27] <BuMangHuo> E022: 我看大家都说 600 这个油刹还不如以前的线刹
[05:27] <E022> BuMangHuo: 不可能吧..
[05:28] <BuMangHuo> E022: 我买的就这个锁
[05:28] <BuMangHuo> E022: 据说还不错
[05:28] <jackness> 怎么赚美金啊?
[05:28] * onlylove_ 拜单车好 BuMangHuo E022
[05:28] <BuMangHuo> 就是锁起来不方便
[05:28] * onlylove_ 拜单车壕 BuMangHuo E022
[05:28] <E022> BuMangHuo: 是啊, 据说不错
[05:28] <QiongMangHuo> 锁比车贵...
[05:28] <onlylove_> 拜错了,重新来一遍
[05:28] <jackness> 你们在私聊啊?
[05:29] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 好像有说法锁的价格是车的1成
[05:29] <BuMangHuo> 刚才有人呼叫股神来着?
[05:30] <jackness> BuMangHuo: 你做什么的?公司要人吗?
[05:30] <BuMangHuo> E022: 不过我基本上确认我买到的是假锁
[05:30] <BuMangHuo> E022: 淘宝上都说正品的要是是黄色的,我的就是黑色的
[05:32] <BuMangHuo> E022: 哦不对, 台湾立兆是按钥匙的颜色来区分不同的代理商,黄色钥匙是网络销售产品,说白了就是网货,黑色钥匙是实体店的
[05:33] <E022> BuMangHuo: 质量一样吗?
[05:33] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 锤锤试试
[05:34] <BuMangHuo> E022: 质量倒真不错
[05:34] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 锤肯定是锤不开的
[05:34] <BuMangHuo> E022: 我那天买车的时候,另一个来买的哥们说他用那个锁所了一年,公爵600没丢
[05:35] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 要不锯下或者电解下?
[05:35] <E022> BuMangHuo: 那就够了
[05:35] <BuMangHuo> E022: 然后给人借出去一天,忘了给钥匙,就随便路上地摊买了把锁,当天就丢了
[05:35] <E022> onlylove_: 怎么电解?
[05:35] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 锯?
[05:35] <E022> BuMangHuo: ... ... 那我去下单...
[05:35] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 手动肯定弄不动
[05:35] <BuMangHuo> E022: 别买最小号的
[05:35] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 锯条不够硬
[05:35] <E022> BuMangHuo: 哦?
[05:36] <BuMangHuo> E022: 最小号锁不到杆子上,只能锁在车上
[05:36] <E022> onlylove_: 太滑了手控制不住
[05:36] <E022> BuMangHuo: 刚才给你那个不行?
[05:36] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 手的力气根本不够
[05:36] <onlylove_> E022: 笨
[05:36] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 好吧,这个理由凑合
[05:36] <E022> onlylove_: 手的力气根本不够 太滑了手控制不住 是同一个理由.
[05:37] <onlylove_> E022: 不是
[05:37] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 手工对这个锁暂时没有办法
[05:37] <E022> BuMangHuo: 液压钳
[05:37] <BuMangHuo> E022: 这家是预售
[05:37] <BuMangHuo> E022: 液压剪没用的
[05:37] <E022> BuMangHuo: 哦, 那不能等, 我换一家
[05:37] <BuMangHuo> 只能切割机
[05:37] <E022> BuMangHuo: 这么吊
[05:37] <onlylove_> E022: 如果滑,我可以让它粗糙点,只要表面不滑了就可以了,但是力气这个确实没办法
[05:37] <BuMangHuo> 至少目前技术开锁还没破解好像
[05:38] <BuMangHuo> 不过好像哪里流传说这个锁已经被攻破
[05:38] <E022> onlylove_: 力气不够慢慢磨就行了, 你都有办法让它不滑了
[05:38] <BuMangHuo> 不过开锁到那个水平,也没人去开你那一辆自行车了估计
[05:38] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 主要是硬
[05:38] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 光大是不行的
[05:38] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 锁也是这个道理,银行也是这个道理
[05:39] <E022> BuMangHuo: 对啊, 开锁水平这么高, 直接就去锁的厂家当设计了嘛
[05:39] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 你给色象讲
[05:39] <palomino|working> 好像很有道理 BuMangHuo
[05:39] <BuMangHuo> lol
[05:39] <BuMangHuo> E022: 你买的话得 M 号
[05:39] <E022> BuMangHuo: 好
[05:40] <BuMangHuo> E022: S 号比较短,路边想锁栏杆上的话不够
[05:40] <E022> BuMangHuo: 全都不是现货
[05:40] <E022> BuMangHuo: 有现货delete
[05:40] <E022> 得了
[05:40] <E022> 的了
[05:40] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 真的,这个锁号称剪不断就是因为硬
[05:40] <BuMangHuo> 京东好像也有
[05:41] <E022> BuMangHuo:
[05:41] <^k^> E022: ⇪ 英國 XENA X2 14MM碟锁摩托车锁 碟刹锁 双锁定防剪 送提醒绳锁架-淘宝网 pp: 62.00 - 369.00
[05:41] <BuMangHuo> 第三方。。
[05:41] <BuMangHuo> E022: 这种太坑了
[05:41] <E022> BuMangHuo: 弄坏车?
[05:41] <BuMangHuo> E022: 恩啊
[05:42] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我想弄两把锁
[05:42] <BuMangHuo> E022: 一,别人推着走两步你的刹车还要不? 二, 万一你自己忘了,骑上摔一跤是必须的
[05:43] <BuMangHuo> E022: 这个小的锁在临时停车的时候确实有点作用
[05:43] <E022> BuMangHuo: 这倒是...
[05:43] <BuMangHuo> 不过这个价格太夸张
[05:43] <E022> BuMangHuo: sigh
[05:44] <BuMangHuo> E022: 要不就再一把那种钢丝的密码锁之类的
[05:44] <BuMangHuo> E022: 前后锁
[05:44] <BuMangHuo> 碟刹锁反正我总觉得不靠谱
[05:46] <BuMangHuo> E022: 那个四节锁你可以去实体店买啊
[05:46] <BuMangHuo> 价格高10块,他们给你装上
[05:46] <E022> BuMangHuo: 不错诶
[05:46] <BuMangHuo> 去正经的车行应该也不会有假
[05:46] <E022> BuMangHuo: 反正也得装车支子
[05:47] <BuMangHuo> E022: 因为这锁架的螺丝手是拧不好的,得电动的
[05:47] <E022> BuMangHuo: 哦, 那不错
[05:47] <BuMangHuo> E022: 码表不要?
[05:47] <BuMangHuo> 水壶架不要?
[05:47] <BuMangHuo> 灯不要?
[05:48] <BuMangHuo> 这些倒可以淘了自己装
[05:48] <^k^> 新 窗口管理器 • awesome 下配置多屏幕第一步u出问题, xrandr始终报错. 我是要参照这个网页做的 。 不过第一步就报错,跑xrandr报错,并且我接了另个显示屏幕,只能人出来一个,现在两个显示屏幕显示的同
[05:48] <^k^> ─> 样的内容。 本人对linux不算太熟,都是上网搜着教程做,这个搜了两天实在搞不定,只能 …
[05:49] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 店里买锁爆贵
[05:49] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 这个锁差不多
[05:49] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 有快拆的地方就得有锁,我见过拆轮的,卸座儿的
[05:49] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 店里说了,比网上贵10块
[05:49] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 轮子他拿去能卖几个钱啊?
[05:50] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 万一谁轮子坏了,在街上寻觅一个换上呢
[05:50] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 你买个新的可不少钱
[05:50] <BuMangHuo> ...
[05:50] <BuMangHuo> 这种..
[05:50] <alpha080> =_=
[05:50] <BuMangHuo> 我的坐管好像不能快拆
[05:51] <BuMangHuo> 那这么说前轮也得锁了
[05:51] <alpha080> qtwebkit又编译不了了。。。
[05:51] <alpha080> 郁闷
[05:51] <alpha080> 刷屏
[05:51] <palomino|working> ...
[05:51] <BuMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 码表我用的那个最便宜的貌似还不错
[05:52] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 码表夏天你就知道了,太阳一晒液晶屏就全黑了,得吹风吹很久才能缓过来
[05:52] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 后来我想开了,反正不贵,干脆买个simga靠谱的型号
[05:52] <BuMangHuo>
[05:52] <^k^> BuMangHuo: ⇪ 顺东码表 正品顺东/SUNDING548B 15多功能自行车码表 SD码表-淘宝网 pp: 9.45
[05:53] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 这么严重哇?
[05:53] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 渣货
[05:53] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我用的就这货
[05:53] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 不过不影响用就是了,比较影响心情
[05:53] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 屏幕在停车的时候被旁边的扯把手刮花了
[05:53] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 你用的无线的?
[05:54] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 这都不是事儿,后来我车掉漆都不心疼了
[05:54] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 没有,低端无线不靠谱,费电而且容易被干扰
[05:54] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 好点的码表,别人看见更容易拆走
[05:54] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 下车拧下表头揣走。
[05:54] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 好码表都有快拆,你不拆走就没办法了
[05:55] <BuMangHuo> sigma 都得上百阿布
[05:55] <BuMangHuo> 好像得100
[05:57] <BuMangHuo> 坏掉了 再换
[05:58] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 早知道就该搞个有踏频率的心率带
[05:58] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 水壶架别买铝的,买那种有弹性的塑料架,大概几块钱一个,非常好用
[05:58] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 铝架矿泉水瓶放不上,差评。
[05:59] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我的是送的,只有塑料的..
[06:02] <BuMangHuo> 我这个车码表走线特别别扭
[06:02] <BuMangHuo> 刹车线在左边,但是码表只能按在右边
[06:03] <BuMangHuo> picpaste 上传图片居然不压缩? 赞
[06:07] <BuMangHuo> E022: 如果周末有今天这个天气就可以去骑行啊
[06:11] <E022> BuMangHuo: 是啊.
[06:11] <BuMangHuo> E022:
[06:11] <BuMangHuo> E022: 这个赞!
[06:12] <BuMangHuo> 13km 的下坡
[06:12] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 这不是潭王路嘛,上13下13
[06:13] <sennn> 很多的科學證據都引向這個結論:我們生活在虛擬的世界中。只是並非我們所想的計算機虛擬!
[06:13] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 也就是说想爽13km下坡,你得先自己爬13km
[06:13] <BuMangHuo> lol
[06:14] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 去潭柘寺的路上好像是
[06:14] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 嗯,潭柘寺到王平
[06:15] <BuMangHuo> E022: 怎么样,想不想去爽一把 13km 下坡
[06:16] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 这条路从北城儿走恐怕要破150km/day
[06:16] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 到潭柘寺来回就要将近120
[06:16] <BuMangHuo> 额
[06:16] <BuMangHuo> 这么夸张
[06:18] <jusss`> HowIsItGoing: BuMangHuo 你们不怕遇到wrong turn? LOL
[06:18] <BuMangHuo> jusss`: 没有老司机带路这么远还真不容易
[06:18] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo:
[06:18] <BuMangHuo> jusss`: 不过有导航啊
[06:18] <^k^> HowIsItGoing: ⇪ 最美潭王路骑行记 山美 路美 美女领队美 - 东方红自行车旅行论坛 - 东方红自行车论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
[06:19] <HowIsItGoing> jusss`: 问题不大,反正出去瞎绕腾,走错就走错了
[06:21] <jusss`> 然后就wrong turn了
[06:21] * HowIsItGoing 这二货,竟然说潭王路好骑车,前几年这路年年塌方,擦
[06:22] <BuMangHuo> 额
[06:24] <jackness>
[06:26] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 东方红的是不是猛人太多,给这些路线评级都偏低
[06:26] <jusss`> HowIsItGoing: "我正乘坐在300km/h速度飞驰着的CRH A380 动车组上面" 那么快的动车上面有网?
[06:26] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 很多准专业级
[06:26] <jusss`> 80km/h的普快,就时有时无了,300km/h上面能有网络?
[06:28] <BuMangHuo> //
[06:28] <BuMangHuo> 。。。
[06:30] <Nian> +i Nian
[06:31] <jusss`> hoxily: exception ssl.SSLZeroReturnError 还是 exception ssl.SSLEOFError当服务器断开连接时,客户端遇到的异常?
[06:32] <^k^> 新 内核及嵌入式开发 • Linux中如何确保文件的立即存储 最近在弄u盘的速度测试时,发现文件系统的缓存,导致在fwrite,fclose文件之后不能保证文件内容立即保存到u盘上,这样写速度会偏高一点。 开始试着 mount -o sync UsbDevName mount_point,但发现会造
[06:32] <^k^> ─> 成u盘的写速度非常慢。请问各位是否有解决的方法?谢谢 zz: chenxitwo — 2015-04-16 14:31
[06:38] <hoxily> jusss`: 没用过,不知道啊
[06:38] <jusss`> hoxily: 这个异常用加ssl.吗?
[06:39] <jusss`> hoxily: 异常是对象的可访问属性吗
[06:39] <hoxily> jusss`: 类 也是个对象
[06:40] <iotouch> 有哪个对C比较熟的,能帮我看一个问题嘛
[06:42] <jusss`> hoxily: ssl_socket = ssl.wrap_socket(a_socket) 那except 什么?
[06:42] <E022> iotouch: 这个频道里好几个会c的, 你还是直接说问题吧
[06:43] <jusss`> hoxily: except ssl.SSLEOFError还是 SSLEOFError还是 ssl_socket.SSLEOFError
[06:43] <iotouch> E022 代码在上面,为何 insert_node 无法起作用
[06:44] <E022> iotouch: 问大家, 别问我. 我不会c... 但是有人会
[06:45] <hoxily> jusss`: 哎。
[06:45] <hoxily> jusss`: 非要我帮你看文档么?
[06:46] <jusss`> hoxily: 我是真不懂对象这种东西
[06:46] <jusss`>
[06:46] <hoxily> iotouch: 你的url连接打不开,“链接被重置”。
[06:46] <^k^> ⇪ ti: 18.2. ssl — TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects — Python 3.4.3 documentation
[06:46] <jusss`> 对象编程,反人类\
[06:47] <iotouch> hoxily 需要翻墙
[06:48] <jusss`> 都网络中断了,用ssl包裹的链接都没显示异常导致程序退出,还得尼玛手写,擦
[06:48] <hoxily> jusss`: 你是 import ssl; ?
[06:48] <jusss`> hoxily: 嗯
[06:48] <hoxily> 而不是 from ssl import 。。。
[06:49] <hoxily> jusss`: 那么,这个页面里面提到的所有名字都在ssl模块内部。
[06:49] * jusss` 每次都在这种基础写法问题上浪费时间,擦擦擦
[06:50] * QiongMangHuo 我输了, 改用git-remote-bzr了
[06:50] <jusss`> hoxily: ssl_socket = ssl.wrap_socket(a_socket) 那except 什么?
[06:51] <E022> iotouch: current = &node; current->next = temp->next; 这句话, 你的node是栈上的空间, 函数调用完了就没了啊.
[06:51] <hoxily> wrap_socket() may raise SSLError.
[06:52] <E022> iotouch: 我没仔细看你要干嘛, 随便一扫, 说错了也有可能
[06:52] <hoxily> except ssl.SSLError as err:
[06:52] <hoxily> ...
[06:52] <iotouch> E022 要怎么修改
[06:52] <jusss`> hoxily: 不是SSLEOFError?
[06:53] <E022> iotouch: 自己改去啊, 自己写了代码了不能用, 难道不应该自己去找到错误然后自己改正?
[06:53] <hoxily> The parameter suppress_ragged_eofs specifies how the SSLSocket.recv() method should signal unexpected EOF from the other end of the connection. If specified as True (the default), it returns a normal EOF (an empty bytes object) in response to unexpected EOF errors raised from the underlying socket; if False, it will raise the exceptions back to the caller.
[06:53] <iotouch> E022 你说的都对,只是我不知如何改
[06:53] <iotouch> 要不也不需要来这里问了
[06:54] <hoxily> recv的时候,由wrap_socket构造时给的参数决定是raise except还是返回b''
[06:54] <E022> iotouch: 你知道传值和传指针的区别?
[06:55] <iotouch> E022 当然知道,
[06:55] <E022> iotouch: 那你不知道自己写错了?
[06:55] <iotouch> 就是因为我传的是指针,所以理论上应该已经修改了原链
[06:55] <jusss`> hoxily: 看不懂,你帮我改下吧,我受不了面向对象了
[06:55] <E022> iotouch: 66行
[06:56] <E022> iotouch: 你修改的是栈上的node的next?
[06:56] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 早知道你就买我上次推荐你的车了
[06:56] <hoxily> jusss`: 自己改
[06:56] <E022> iotouch: 同时, 你还有个叫node的全局变量????
[06:56] <jusss`> hoxily:
[06:56] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: lol
[06:57] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 上次那车的价格真心不错得
[06:57] <jusss`> 我看不懂这个什么属性对象类blablabla的看不懂的名词
[06:57] <E022> iotouch: 为何要有这个全局变量? 全局变量叫node, 函数里面的参数也叫node, 是个叫shadow的情况, 你的局部命名空间会覆盖全局变量的
[06:57] <jusss`> 我知道大致怎么个过程就行了
[06:57] <iotouch> E022 我再看下吧
[06:58] <jusss`> 烦在这种基础写法上搞
[06:58] <E022> iotouch: 有个东西, 叫做调试器.
[06:59] <hoxily> iotouch: 推荐 Visual Studio
[06:59] <iotouch> E022 我用的是纯文本
[06:59] <E022> iotouch: 所以我才推荐你找个调试器.
[06:59] * QiongMangHuo 为啥都不看README???
[07:00] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 看不懂啊!!!!
[07:00] <iotouch> E022 我是MAC
[07:01] <iotouch> 有什么推荐的嘛
[07:01] <E022> iotouch: 第一推荐, 删了装windows
[07:01] <E022> iotouch: 或者, 用lldb
[07:01] <QiongMangHuo> E022: git-remote-bzr 不支持 bzr lp-propose什么的....
[07:01] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 赞赞哒, 就不该用那东西.
[07:01] <E022> QiongMangHuo: git多难用啊
[07:01] <QiongMangHuo> E022: lp-那一堆都不支持
[07:01] <QiongMangHuo> ....
[07:02] <hoxily> iotouch: 用xcode呀
[07:02] <iotouch> nice,了
[07:02] <iotouch> 好
[07:02] * E022 最理解不了用mac了...
[07:02] * E022 还是windows好用
[07:15] <^k^> 新 因特网相关软件 • ubuntu14.04firefox文本框不能选择文字 刚装好系统时是没有这个问题的,不知道什么原因,现在firefox文本框不能选择文字,选择文字就等于删除文字。求救!!百度说是ibus不兼容的问题,可是我已经习惯这个了,请问怎么在不换
[07:15] <^k^> ─> 输入法的情况下解决? zz: wtto00 — 2015-04-16 15:14
[07:16] <nyfair> 麻蛋,我觉得我必须要来安利一下,g婊当年确实不错
[07:16] <nyfair> android2.3.6大法好
[07:16] <palomino|working> .....
[07:16] <nyfair> 比android4之后的好太多了
[07:16] <palomino|working> 有个bug直到4.3才close,烦死我了
[07:17] <nyfair> 比如?
[07:17] <palomino|working> 比如你打包apk时有个文件
[07:17] <palomino|working> 末尾有好多好多0
[07:17] <palomino|working> 压缩比很高
[07:17] <nyfair> 不会压缩?
[07:17] <palomino|working> 这文件在读到最后几十字节会抛异常
[07:17] <nyfair> ...
[07:17] <palomino|working> 害得我每个文件后面还得加1字节,nnd
[07:18] <nyfair> 破马叔还写apk啊
[07:18] <palomino|working> 而且不是100%会出错,不定什么时候就错了
[07:18] <palomino|working> 做手机游戏啊..
[07:18] <nyfair> 我做小黄油啊,咱们是同行
[07:18] <palomino|working> 小黄油何物...
[07:19] <nyfair> palomino|working: 小型黄色游戏
[07:20] <palomino|working> O_O
[07:20] <palomino|working> where???
[07:21] <sennn> 朝鮮人民軍萬歲
[07:22] <palomino|working> O_O
[07:24] <BuMangHuo> nyfair: where?
[07:25] <nyfair> 西朝鮮人民軍萬歲
[07:26] <sennn> 偉大領袖金三胖萬歲!!!
[07:26] <XTpeeps> 。。。什么情况
[07:30] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 网络编程:第一次连接和第二次连接的不同 现在刚刚开始学网络编程,遇到了一个问题想要请教大家,程序可以从这里下载"" 执行如下命令: $ gcc server.c -o server $ ./server 然后在另一个shell中输入并执
[07:30] <^k^> ─> 行如下命令: $ telnet localhost 3490 此时会输出一条语句,然后连接断开,如果你再次执行命 …
[07:41] <theJian> 测试测试
[07:43] <theJian> 测试测试
[07:45] <iIlL10Oo> test
[07:45] <^k^> iIlL10Oo:点点点. 15:45
[07:55] <XTpeeps> 点点
[07:55] <XTpeeps> test,time
[08:00] <onlylove_> palomino|working: 土豪马,你那widows多少内存来着,我今天突然想起,windows默认自己管理缓存,多大内存就有多大pagefile
[08:01] <onlylove_> palomino|working: 现在想想自己的硬盘,略头大
[08:02] <nyfair> onlylove_: 那是xp年代
[08:03] <nyfair> onlylove_: 你多久没用windows了
[08:03] <palomino|working> 32g onlylove_
[08:03] <palomino|working> 但pagefile大小可以自己设置啊
[08:03] <onlylove_> nyfair: 我天天用,我内存4G的时候就有4G的pagefile
[08:04] <nyfair> palomino|working: 一般人懒得设
[08:04] <palomino|working> 我弄了个特别小的扔别的盘上了
[08:04] <nyfair> 不是有个毛子写了个兼容fat32和swap的文件系统么
[08:04] <onlylove> 每次要谈正事就掉线
[08:05] <nyfair> 弄个分区丢那里就行了
[08:05] <onlylove> nyfair: 我linux没swap
[08:05] <nyfair> onlylove: 我windows也没pagefile
[08:05] <onlylove> nyfair: 4G对我用的linux程序来说太大了
[08:05] <onlylove> nyfair: 你丫没pagefile不怕死?玩游戏?
[08:06] <nyfair> onlylove: 反正内存用不完
[08:06] <nyfair> onlylove: 不怕,一直都没问题
[08:06] <onlylove> nyfair: 我前两天玩的时候直接弹条内存不足
[08:06] <onlylove> nyfair: 一看,火狐抽风用了1G,剑网三2G,然后系统800M,一共4G物理2G缓存
[08:07] <nyfair> onlylove: 求剑三橙装
[08:07] <onlylove> nyfair: 估计没pagefile已经死了
[08:07] <palomino|working> mem[Physical: 7.7GB, 28.4% free - Swap: 3.8GB, 100.0% free]
[08:07] <onlylove> nyfair: 你去成都西山居找GWW要去,丫的剑网三我就没见除武器以外的橙色
[08:08] <onlylove> palomino|working: 本来打算再买根4G加上,后来想,直接买根8好了……
[08:09] <nyfair> onlylove: 8g我觉得刚好够啊,4g确实缺了点
[08:09] <onlylove> nyfair: 我怕以后不够,我这机器打算再用几年
[08:10] <palomino|working> 8g已经是下限了..
[08:10] <nyfair> 我老滚5装了一堆mod也不用8g啊
[08:10] <nyfair> 还有什么游戏这么夸张?
[08:10] <palomino|working> 主要是对开发者来说..
[08:10] <palomino|working> 游戏还好
[08:10] <nyfair> 。。。
[08:10] <palomino|working> gta5也就5 6g的样子
[08:11] <nyfair> palomino|working: 去搞maya吧,16g都嫌少
[08:11] <nyfair> palomino|working: 壕求送gta5
[08:11] <palomino|working> ...
[08:11] <palomino|working> 所以家里才配了32g内存么
[08:11] <palomino|working> 结果直到现在也没学过maya
[08:13] <nyfair> palomino|working: 我穷人,只有8g
[08:14] <nyfair> 咦,大胸鸟发gta5了啊
[08:14] * QiongMangHuo 下限路过...
[08:14] <nyfair> 家里带宽才100mb,60g要下多久?
[08:15] <nyfair> 还好我搞定了度娘云不限速
[08:15] <palomino|working> 大胸鸟...
[08:16] <nyfair> palomino|working: 穷人买不起游戏,只能跪舔大胸鸟啊
[08:16] <palomino|working> ....
[08:17] <nyfair> 你看,我humble bundle花1美分买正版游戏,结果就有luojie那种家伙跳出来说我不道德
[08:18] <nyfair> palomino|working: 既然买正版游戏都不道德,还是让大胸鸟替我背锅吧,反正盗版是她传播的
[08:21] <onlylove__> 大胸鸟……你说宿菲菲么 nyfair
[08:21] <nyfair> onlylove__: 是啊
[08:25] <onlylove> Σ( ° △ °|||)︴又掉了
[08:25] <nyfair>
[08:26] <palomino|working> ... nyfair
[08:26] <palomino|working> humble bundle我也买了不少..
[08:26] <onlylove> nyfair: 我擦,我上班呢!
[08:27] <nyfair> onlylove: 大胸鸟自拍照啊,那么模糊有什么问题
[08:27] <iIlL10Oo> 大胸器
[08:27] <nyfair> palomino|working: 对啊,总有些人觉得自己花钱多了看别人花钱少的不爽
[08:28] <onlylove> nyfair: 你和luojie较劲,确定不是吃撑了?
[08:30] <nyfair> onlylove: 我以前没少喷他,从ogg音质到dcss攻略,后来他好像看上我了,就不跟我较劲了
[08:30] <nyfair> onlylove: 我是不是自我感觉很好
[08:30] <yunfan> nyfair: 哪里有大胸?
[08:30] <theJian> 太模糊辣
[08:30] <nyfair> yunfan: 妮邹凯
[08:30] <yunfan> nyfair: 是你刚才说的大胸自拍照嘛
[08:30] <onlylove> yunfan: 看上边她贴的图,你看看多大size吧
[08:31] <onlylove> 其实真不明白她发那图打算做啥
[08:31] <yunfan> onlylove: 顶多c 那个胸罩还稍微垫了点
[08:31] <nyfair> onlylove: 大胸鸟就是个梗而已,不用较真,谁知道那图是不是
[08:31] <onlylove> 拍了就拍了,为毛放出来
[08:31] <yunfan> onlylove: 这人是谁啊
[08:31] <onlylove> yunfan: 3DM
[08:31] <onlylove> yunfan: 盗版游戏站长
[08:31] <yunfan> 哦 明白了 好像是这个名字
[08:32] <nyfair> yunfan: 3大妈站长不知道么?
[08:32] <onlylove> yunfan: 不过不是很像
[08:32] <yunfan> nyfair: 我从来不上这网站 不过我知道这地方
[08:32] <yunfan> 因为我曾经人肉一些人到过这
[08:32] <onlylove> yunfan: C可以了吧……非要F么
[08:32] <yunfan> onlylove: 我听你们这个错号 以为很大嘛
[08:32] <onlylove> yunfan: nyfair起的,估计比他的大
[08:33] <yunfan> onlylove: 你怎么知道ny不是伪娘
[08:33] <onlylove> yunfan: 等你去魔都把他挖出来啊
[08:34] <onlylove> yunfan: 据说L5E见过本尊,不知道真假
[08:35] <BuMangHuo> l5e 呢
[08:36] <BuMangHuo> nyfair: 那个图是你?
[08:36] <freeflying> nyfair: 你?
[08:36] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 你们一群人不是都有l5e微信啥的么
[08:36] <nyfair> 这脸你不认识?大胸鸟啊
[08:36] <onlylove> nyfair: 候总和千人斩不认识应该正常
[08:37] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: 不认识脸也认识右下角几个字吧
[08:37] <BuMangHuo> ?
[08:37] <BuMangHuo> nyfair: 上班呢,没好意思仔细看
[08:37] <yunfan> onlylove: 你不是跟l5e很熟么 为毛你没去套出来?
[08:37] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 我没有 l5e 的微信号
[08:37] <onlylove> yunfan: 我和她不熟,没事别炸我
[08:37] <freeflying> nyfair: 没看出这是男还是女
[08:37] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 你上的白班还是夜班
[08:39] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 都上怎么样
[08:39] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 身体就是这么棒
[08:39] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 你这确定不是要钱不要命?
[08:40] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 没钱活个P
[08:40] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 都上的话收入一定高
[08:40] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 命都没了,要钱作甚
[08:40] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 忘了前两天猝死的那个了?
[08:40] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 所以整天买买买
[08:40] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 赚,但是不存
[08:41] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 说的好像你存得住似的
[08:41] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 晚上能赚多少白天花多少
[08:41] <yunfan> onlylove: 钱这个东西 生不带来 死却可以烧去
[08:41] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 这样的话,损失最大的情况就是大清早死了,一整晚的工资花不出去
[08:43] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 我觉得我知道的太多了啊
[08:43] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 我觉得你真是有耐心
[08:50] <yunfan> onlylove_: mate2续航太刁了
[08:50] <onlylove_> yunfan: 多久
[08:53] <freeflying>
[08:53] <^k^> freeflying: ⇪ Takaharu Tezuka: The best kindergarten you’ve ever seen | Talk Video |
[08:53] <^k^> 新 其它类软件 • 网络摄像头怎么通过路由器连接电脑 我的系统是win8.1.创泽视讯的IP监控头.高手救救。在网上收了找不到教程。 zz: AhaOK — 2015-04-16 16:52
[08:54] <onlylove_> 微软的bing搜索如何判断语言啊,我的系统是english的locale啊,为啥还给我中文版
[08:58] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: ip?
[09:05] <E022> onlylove_: 当然是ip了.
[09:16] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: 迪卡侬的滑板质量如何啊
[09:45] <yunfan> onlylove: 10小时以上
[09:45] <yunfan> freeflying: 索尼那个超长续航的手机 目前可有二手货?
[09:45] <freeflying> 不知道
[09:47] <yunfan> moto e网页浏览居然也能撑到8小时 他电池才2000mah不到
[09:52] <nyfair> onlylove: 巨硬怎么可能这么智能,我日文版的windows用bing都给我日文网页
[09:52] <nyfair> onlylove: 我还是天朝ip
[10:00] <Relaed> 巨硬快不行了
[10:07] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 我前两周去看了看迪卡侬,他家看起来很正经的样子啊
[10:09] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 他家卖锁的货架上居然还标清楚哪个锁适合什么场合,锁多长时间使用
[10:10] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 啥?
[10:21] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 这个才是真正卖工具的人 知道什么工具适合什么场合
[10:24] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 至少看这一点,我觉得他家算靠谱
[10:25] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 最靠谱的还是自己造
[10:25] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 上帝得优 : "只有上帝才知道答案,顺祝圣延快乐!"学生在答卷上写道,"上帝得优,你得差,祝新年快乐!"老师批语。
[10:30] <onlylove___> nyfair: 我也不知咋回事啊,我english的linux啊,不过选地理位置选了hk,
[11:40] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 电脑时常被拒绝服务攻击,ufw防火墙日志规则应怎写? 安全连接不用记录,只记录拒绝服务攻击日志? zz: Naopas — 2015-04-16 19:23
[12:17] <sennn> hi
[12:17] <^k^> sennn:点点点. 20:16
[12:28] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ubuntu软件推荐(资料来自深度网站) ubuntu软件推荐(资料来自深度网站) ... 8%E8%8D%90 zz: ubuntu526 — 2015-04-16 20:28
[12:34] <XTpeeps> 点点点,20:34
[12:34] * XTpeeps 不会
[12:51] <iMadper> ...
[13:00] <XTpeeps> TT
[13:00] <sennn> GNU HURD 0.6 release
[14:00] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 見和尚 : 有三人同行﹐途遇穿一破褲者。一友曰﹕"這好像獵戶張網。"一人曰﹕"不然﹐還似漁翁撒網。"又一人曰﹕"都不確﹐依找看來﹐好像一座多年破廟。"問﹕"為何﹖"答曰﹕"前也看見和尚﹐後也看見和尚。"
[14:07] <gebjgd> sennn, 那东西且完不了
[23:48] <jackness> 大家早上好啊
[23:53] <hoxily> kandu: good morning | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.166540 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-cn"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-app-devel | [03:04] <Kb52> Ok found out after booting into windows that my USB Bluetooth Dongle is hardware defective. Have a TekRam TM-304 but cannot find whatever ubuntu wants to make it work, so no dice.
[03:08] <Kb52> The one that might work, because Ubuntu sees it ok, is hardware defective, it appears to work but does not. The Tekram which works fine in Windoze is not able to work in Linux. I guess nobody made a Linux driver for Tekram usb bluetooth dongle. So I am just dead in the water on figuring out how to do it. In lsusb it sees it as a Roper Class 1 Bluetooth Adapter.
[03:10] <Kb52> Hmm guess everyone here went away.
[06:26] <liuxg> does anyone get the Positioning working on ubuntu phone?
[08:22] <mivoligo> dpm: hi, not sure if you answered my question some time ago as I went offline. It was about getting translations from Launchpad and adding them to an app.
[08:23] <dpm> hi mivoligo, I think it was a bit of a broad question. Could you ellaborate?
[08:23] <dpm> in general this doc should help in setting up a project for translation auto-commits:
[08:24] <dpm> but if you tell me exactly which part is not clear, then we can look at it in detail
[08:24] <mivoligo> dpm: sure, I have a simple app which has been already translated to few languages. And now I want to get those translations and add them to the app
[08:24] <dpm> mivoligo, link to the lp project?
[08:25] <mivoligo> dpm:
[08:26] <dpm> mivoligo, ok. Then I'd recommend to follow all the steps from that wiki page. That will get your project set up for daily translation exports committed to a branch
[08:27] <dpm> generally the exports happen early in the morning European time, so we've missed the window for today. This means that if you set up the project for translations now, the first translations will be committed to your branch tomorrow
[08:27] <dpm> however, you can always manually download translations and manually commit them if you can't wait to the next export
[08:28] <dpm> there is a link for downloading them here:
[08:29] <mivoligo> dpm: ok, and how do I add them to the app? Should I just put them to "po" folder?
[08:34] <dpm> mivoligo, the po/ folder will initially contain all the .po files from LP (one per language). These are source files, which need to be built into binary .mo files, which is what you'll need to ship with your app
[08:36] <dpm> mivoligo, what kind of app is that? Is it QML? Does it use a build system (e.g. cmake)?
[08:36] <mivoligo> dpm: QML
[08:40] <mivoligo> dpm: I see I can manually choose to download MO format
[08:44] <dpm> ah, yeah
[08:44] <dpm> mivoligo, if you don't have a build system and you're doing this manually, then that works
[08:45] <dpm> you'll then need to also manually craft the path where the .mo files will be in the final .click
[08:46] <mivoligo> dpm: so, should I just put .mo files into "po" folder and build a click package? Or is it more complicated?
[08:46] <dpm> no, the po/ folder is only for the source .po files, the .mo files go into a different path, just a sec
[08:46] <mivoligo> dpm: ah, ok
[08:49] <davidcalle> dpm, regaridng .mo files. I can build them from a default qml project from template, with make build-translations (which creates a local share/locale/...)
[08:49] <davidcalle> But I'm not able to start qmlviewer in a different locale. The suggested LANG=... qmlscene Main.qml doesn't seem to work
[08:51] <dpm> mivoligo, here's what the path should look like in the final click:
[08:51] <dpm> davidcalle, yeah, that's what I mentioned in the document:
[08:52] <dpm> the translations are loaded from the default locations:
[08:52] <dpm> - either /usr/share/locale on the desktop
[08:52] <dpm> - or $CLICKFOLDER/share/locale on the phone from a click package
[08:53] <dpm> in the example, the .mo files are not installed under /usr/share/locale, so gettext cannot find them
[08:54] <dpm> loading translations for test purposes is always a bit more complicated than it should be
[08:54] <davidcalle> dpm, so in a nutshell, you need a device
[08:54] <dpm> either that, or you can use the bindtextdomain call to tell gettext an explicit location to load translations from
[08:54] <dpm> I'm not sure if we expose it in the QML API, though
[08:55] * dpm looks at API docs
[08:55] <mivoligo> dpm: do I have to create that folder structure manually?
[08:55] <davidcalle> dpm, not in the doc
[08:55] <dpm> mivoligo, generally a build system takes care of that
[08:56] <dpm> if you don't have a build system, you'll need to do this manually, yes. Or generally, with a script that does it for you
[08:57] <mivoligo> dpm: by build system you mean "Build and validate click package" option in "Publish" menu in SDK?
[08:57] <dpm> mivoligo, no, I mean whether you are using cmake or qmake, or autotools... to build your app and click package
[08:58] <mivoligo> dpm: I use just the mentioned button :D
[08:58] <dpm> :)
[08:59] <mivoligo> cmake, qmake and their families are black magic to me
[09:00] <dpm> zbenjamin, quick question: for a QML app, if I've got a po/ folder containing translations (.po files), will the Publish option to create a click package detect that there are translations and will build them?
[09:01] <dpm> davidcalle, I think that's maybe a more important topic than launching in a different language: i.e. how do I package my translations ^
[09:02] <dpm> Ideally Publish should take care of it. I'm not sure exactly what's launched when clicking on "Build and validate click package"
[09:02] <dpm> bzoltan_, zbenjamin, do you know? ^^
[09:04] <mivoligo> dpm: let me experiment, I will put some .po files into po folder and run Build and validate thing
[09:05] <zbenjamin> dpm: hmm it should
[09:06] <dpm> mivoligo, it seems another option might be what davidcalle was mentioning: use the make build-translations option, which will create the folder structure for you, and then when you hit publish it will just package those already built .mo files. davidcalle, to be clear, is that the Build translations option from the menu (which didn't work for me)?
[09:06] * dpm tries
[09:08] <zbenjamin> dpm: depends a bit on how old the project is. If its really old then it probably lacks the Makefile that does the right steps
[09:08] <dpm> zbenjamin, no, I'm talking about a project created a few days ago
[09:08] <dpm> testing it now
[09:08] <zbenjamin> that should do
[09:08] <dpm> I see the rule in the Makefile, yes
[09:10] <dpm> zbenjamin, what's the workflow nowadays for building clicks from a QML app? I see the "Build and validate" button under the Publish tab grayed out
[09:10] <zbenjamin> dpm: you need a ubuntu kit for that
[09:11] <dpm> ok
[09:11] * dpm adds kit to the QML project
[09:16] <davidcalle> dpm, zbenjamin, if I try the menu option to build translations, it does nothing for me (po files not found)
[09:16] <dpm> same here
[09:16] <davidcalle> But, make build-translations in the project work
[09:16] <zbenjamin> dpm: davidcalle: hitting just "build" in qtc should do the trick
[09:17] <dpm> zbenjamin, it does not, as davidcalle says, you have to manually run make build-translations and only then Publish will pick up the built translations
[09:17] <dpm> it seems Publish does not run the build-translations target in the makefile
[09:17] <zbenjamin> dpm: what project?
[09:18] <davidcalle> dpm, any new one with the QML template
[09:18] <davidcalle> zbenjamin, ^
[09:18] <zbenjamin> davidcalle: dpm: if you are targeting the 15.04 framework use qmake based projects ...
[09:18] <dpm> zbenjamin, exactly. But for this particular one, we're looking at lp:howmanyapples
[09:18] <zbenjamin> davidcalle: dpm: soon we will deprecate the qmlproject type
[09:19] <zbenjamin> but lets see why its not working
[09:19] <dpm> zbenjamin, hm, how soon is soon? We're currently writing a tutorial for this
[09:19] <zbenjamin> dpm: 15.10 will most likely not show the qmlproject type in the "new project" wizard anymore
[09:20] * davidcalle afk for a few min
[09:21] <zbenjamin> davidcalle: dpm: never add the .user file to your repository its valid just for your machine
[09:21] <dpm> zbenjamin, yeah, already mentioned that :)
[09:22] <davidcalle> :)
[09:22] <mivoligo> dpm: so how do I "manually run make build-translations"?
[09:23] <zbenjamin> dpm: davidcalle: ok that is a bug i'll fix that right now
[09:23] <dpm> mivoligo, tl;dr - in the meantime, you can drop to the command line, cd to your project's folder, ensure you've got .po files in the po/ folder, then run: "make build-translations" and then do the build as usual with the "Build and validate click package" button
[09:23] <zbenjamin> its seems to be just a one line fix
[09:23] <dpm> zbenjamin, that'd be awesome
[09:24] <mivoligo> dpm: thanks :)
[09:30] <dpm> zbenjamin, while you're at it: this rule in the Makefile would need a tweak as well:
[09:30] <dpm> template.pot is too generic
[09:30] <dpm> it should be either the project name or the app id
[09:30] <dpm> probably the project name to make it more readable
[09:30] <dpm> davidcalle, ^
[09:31] <mivoligo> dpm: hmm.. I installed the package but the menu is still in English
[09:32] <dpm> mivoligo, does your .click contain the .mo files in the right locations?
[09:32] <mivoligo> dpm: I think so
[09:32] <dpm> mivoligo, I would need a bit more of info to be able to help :)
[09:33] <dpm> I'm not sure what you mean by "the menu"
[09:33] <dpm> or whether you're running this on a device, the emulator or the desktop
[09:33] <dpm> and whether the .click package does indeed contain the .mo files
[09:33] <mivoligo> dpm: link to mo file: /Pop-that-wrap/share/locale/pop-that-wrap-cs/LC_MESSAGES/
[09:34] <mivoligo> dpm: I'm running on the device
[09:34] <dpm> mivoligo, ah, I see what it is
[09:34] <dpm> the part of the path that says 'pop-that-wrap-cs'
[09:34] <dpm> should only be 'cs'
[09:34] <dpm> I'm guessing
[09:34] <dpm> you downloaded translations from LP
[09:35] <mivoligo> dpm: yes
[09:35] <dpm> but LP has an old bug
[09:35] <mivoligo> :D
[09:35] <dpm> that means it adds $PROJECTNAME- to the language code in the name of the downloaded .po files
[09:35] <dpm> it does not affect the automatic exports, but it's still present when you manually download
[09:36] * mivoligo is renaming
[09:36] <dpm> mivoligo, so what you'll need to do is to rename all .po files in the po folder to remove the pop-that-wrap- prefix
[09:40] <mivoligo> dpm: still no luck :(
[09:43] <zbenjamin> dpm: the finished .mo file is using the appid as name. The template.po is really just the template for new translations
[09:44] <dpm> zbenjamin, I know. What I'm saying is that template.pot is too generic. It should be projectname.pot
[09:44] <zbenjamin> err template.pot
[09:45] <zbenjamin> hmm using po/$(APP_ID).pot: $(QMLJS_FILES) as target does not work for some reason
[09:45] <zbenjamin> make: *** No rule to make target '1,2', needed by 'po/zeller-benjamin.untitled4.pot'. Schluss.
[09:46] <dpm> zbenjamin, davidcalle, to track the bugs that affect the i18n tutorial:
[09:48] <dpm> zbenjamin, you can perhaps have a look at what Build > Ubuntu > Translations > Update Translations Template does
[09:53] <mivoligo> dpm: in the Makefile it says "#APP_ID needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest APP_ID=mivoligo.pop-that-wrap" but in the manifest.json I have name: "pop-that-wrap.mivoligo" Might that be the problem?
[09:56] <mivoligo> nik90: I bet you have some experience in QML project translation ;)
[09:57] <dpm> mivoligo, I think that might be it. Which one of the two is the correct app id?
[09:57] <mivoligo> dpm: how can I know that?
[09:58] <nik90> mivoligo: usually I test by setting the system language to dutch and testing apps out.
[09:59] <mivoligo> dpm: I guess pop-that-wrap.mivoligo is correct
[09:59] <dpm> hm, it seems hasn't been updated to reflect the recent changes in app id
[09:59] <mivoligo> nik90: I have problem with adding translations to my app
[10:00] <mivoligo> dpm: so is this a bug in Makefile too?
[10:01] <nik90> mivoligo: just read the backlog
[10:03] * davidcalle hugs dpm
[10:03] <davidcalle> dpm, I'll address the rest of your comments in the meantime
[10:03] <dpm> mivoligo, probably the comment in the Makefile is incorrect, and it shows the app id constructed the wrong way round?
[10:03] <dpm> thanks davidcalle :)
[10:04] <mivoligo> dpm: OW YEAH, THAT WAS IT :D :D
[10:04] <dpm> nice :)
[10:04] * mivoligo hugs dpm too
[10:05] * dpm hugs mivoligo back :)
[10:05] <zbenjamin> dpm: seems this is the problem "--keyword=tr:1,2" in the xgettext call. Do you know what it is used for?
[10:05] <dpm> mivoligo, would you mind filing a bug at nd tagging it with i18n-qml-tutorial ?
[10:05] <mivoligo> dpm: about Makefile?
[10:07] <dpm> zbenjamin, it's used to tell xgettext how to identify strings that are marked for translations and then put them in the final .pot file. In this case, it's been told to look for strings wrapped in tr() (from As per the arguments, I'll need to refresh my memory from the internet, just a sec :))
[10:07] <dpm> mivoligo, yeah, about the incorrect comment
[10:08] <mivoligo> dpm: the comment is actually correct, the APP_ID is somehow changed
[10:09] <dpm> mivoligo, oh, I see. So how did you actually fix your issue?
[10:09] <mivoligo> dpm: I've changed APP_ID in Makefile
[10:10] <dpm> zbenjamin, the xgettext --keyword invocation is correct. As far as I can tell, it's the same as we use for all core apps. The actual format is at (look for "--keyword[=keywordspec]")
[10:11] <mivoligo> dpm: so it's something wrong with how the Makefile is generated
[10:11] <zbenjamin> dpm: yes its correct, but the : is interpreted by the makefile as a target , hence the "target 1,2 not found"
[10:11] <zbenjamin> dpm: and it seems its not possible to escape : in a makefile
[10:11] <dpm> mivoligo, then I guess that's a bug to address in the makefile
[10:12] <dpm> zbenjamin, hm, xgettext has been around for ages, one would think that this is an issue that would have a solution
[10:12] <zbenjamin> maybe if i put them in a var
[10:13] * dpm asks the internet
[10:15] <dpm> zbenjamin, folks seem to put this in an $(XGETTEXT_FLAGS) variable, yes:
[10:18] <zbenjamin> dpm: moving the stuff around revealed the real error. My editor converted the tab to spaces in the makefile.
[10:18] <zbenjamin> which is a nono :D
[10:19] <dpm> zbenjamin, aha, that's actually something I checked too, but the Makefile in the project I've got open does have a tab indeed
[10:28] <zbenjamin> dpm:
[10:30] <dpm> zbenjamin, jumping on a call in a minute, will look at it asap. davidcalle, perhaps you can do it in the meantime? ^
[10:33] <zbenjamin> dpm: btw forget about the menu item.. I wonder if we need it at all anyway. Hitting build should do both steps
[10:43] <davidcalle> zbenjamin, should I wait for a new commit (for the menu button) before reviewing the merge?
[10:45] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: can you look at when you are doing your next round of review ? i added lots of comments on the MR itself so hopefully we won't need a lot of back and forth
[10:46] <davidcalle> zbenjamin, one thing I noticed is that using the Translation Template menu item creates two templates : template.pot and appname.pot
[10:46] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, will do just after lunch, thanks!
[10:47] <dpm> zbenjamin, davidcalle, about the menu option: there are two of them - 1) Update template and 2) Build translations. I'd be happy to drop 2), but 1) is actually useful, so that you can just update the template without building the whole thing
[10:47] <davidcalle> zbenjamin, disregard my last comment, I must have been doing something wrong :)
[10:47] <davidcalle> dpm +1
[10:48] <davidcalle> zbenjamin, ok, so, there is a template.pot appearing when I run the app from the SDK
[10:49] <dpm> davidcalle, I saw that too
[10:52] <dpm> davidcalle, zbenjamin, I'm guessing that will go away once the fix lands, as in that case when running the app the projectname.pot template will be created, but it will just overwrite the existing one
[10:53] <dpm> but nitpicking on it, I guess the template shouldn't be created in the first place when just running the app
[10:53] <davidcalle> dpm, I don't disagree, but why should the template be created at this stage?
[10:54] <dpm> davidcalle, that's what I'm saying, it shouldn't
[10:54] <davidcalle> Yeah, I've seen your reply when pressing return :)
[10:54] <dpm> :)
[10:55] <mivoligo> well, it was actually useful for me to upload the template to Launchpad
[10:56] <zbenjamin> dpm: thats not going to change though. Buildsteps are always executed at that stage. Also this whole qmlproject thing is just a hack since .qmlprojects where never meant to be used for what we do
[10:57] <dpm> mivoligo, yeah, but generally you'd do that either manually (via the menu option) or at build time, not when running the app
[10:57] <zbenjamin> dpm: the project format to be used is .pro
[10:57] <dpm> ?
[10:57] <dpm> zbenjamin, what do you mean?
[10:57] <zbenjamin> dpm: i was answering to [16.04 12:53:43] <dpm> but nitpicking on it, I guess the template shouldn't be created in the first place when just running the app
[10:58] <mivoligo> dpm: but in order to run the app you have to build it first, right?
[10:58] <dpm> yeah, I think that's the point
[10:58] <zbenjamin> dpm: i think even in cmake projects the translation template is built before the app is executed
[10:59] <zbenjamin> mivoligo: no, you can disable it in the buildsteps if you want. But then they also won't be packaged when creating your click package
[10:59] <dpm> zbenjamin, IIRC it's generally built manually by a rule that's not run as part of the build
[10:59] <dpm> at least that's how we do it for core apps
[11:00] <dpm> zbenjamin, davidcalle, but I think to keep things simple, I'd leave as it is
[11:00] <zbenjamin> +1
[11:00] <dpm> it'll just be a bit annoying for app devs, as the template file will be shown as changed in bzr every time they run the app
[11:00] <mivoligo> zbenjamin: OK, I'm just clicking buttons :D have no idea how it all works
[11:01] <zbenjamin> dpm: remove it from the default target
[11:01] <mcphail> If the .pot file changes, does it invalidate all the .po files?
[11:01] <zbenjamin> dpm: in the makefile
[11:01] * mcphail has been stuggling with gettext for another project
[11:02] <zbenjamin> mcphail: no, you need to manually copy the pot to the po files
[11:03] <dpm> mcphail, it depends on how radical the changes are, I guess. If you are using Launchpad and automatic imports/exports, whenever you update the template, then Launchpad will take care of merging the .po files with the new template for you
[11:03] <mcphail> zbenjamin: and does the generation of a new .pot trigger a hook to email the translators?
[11:03] <dpm> mcphail, if you are not using Launchpad, when you update the template you should use msgmerge to manually do this merge
[11:03] <mcphail> dpm: ok
[11:03] <dpm> mcphail, a hook where?
[11:04] <mcphail> dpm: I was wondering whether hooks are set up in bzr to email translators if the .pot file changes. I think some projects do this with git hooks
[11:05] <mcphail> dpm: and that would be a problem if the pot file changes each run
[11:05] <dpm> mcphail, but it's always up to the maintainer of the project to set up the hooks
[11:05] <dpm> I personally don't appreciate automated e-mails that much :)
[11:05] <mcphail> :)
[11:06] <mcphail> dpm: just wondering. Bzr seems to have a bit of automated behaviour I don't understand yet
[11:06] <mcphail> So what triggers the call to translators when something needs updated?
[11:09] <popey> dbarth: if someone wants to file bugs against the webapps shipping on the phone, where do they do that?
[11:14] <dpm> mcphail, generally a human writing an e-mail and hitting the Send button :)
[11:15] <dpm> zbenjamin, bzoltan_, thanks a lot for addressing this superquickly, really appreciated! So that we have an idea of when we can publish the tutorial, do you know more or less when the fix will be released?
[11:17] <mcphail> dpm: aah. I thought it was automated in launchpad. Sorry for the digression :)
[11:17] <dpm> np :)
[11:24] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: is that ok for you if I start taking care of or ?
[11:29] <bzoltan_> dpm: must be today :) Right?
[11:30] <dpm> bzoltan_, not necessarily, it's not a critical fix and we're still reviewing the tutorial, so we could wait. I was just asking to have an idea
[11:31] <dpm> but if you're offering today, I won't say no ;)
[11:31] <bzoltan_> dpm: I mean, today is the _FREEZ_
[11:31] <bzoltan_> dpm: so we do push it today
[11:31] <dpm> ah, of course
[11:31] <dpm> good timing :)
[11:31] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, Arthur is already taking care of both tasks (should be landing soon),
[11:32] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: great. any other stuff in the pipeline I can pick up then ? I have not any tasks claimed for this sprint apparently
[11:35] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, nothing comes to mind right now, I’ll think about what you could tackle, in the meantime see with Bill if he has more stuff for you in other apps
[11:35] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: ok
[12:00] <dbarth> popey: on the webapps-core project
[12:01] <dbarth> specifying the app name in brackets (since we bundle the main webapps in that single project for now)
[12:04] <popey> ok! thanks
[13:11] <kalikiana> zsombi_:
[13:13] <zsombi_> kalikiana: uhm... the two text component suse differet theme in the test
[13:14] <kalikiana> zsombi_: yes. and InnerText is the one that has custom theming
[13:14] <zsombi_> kalikiana: one uses the standard theme, the other one modifies th epalette
[13:14] <kalikiana> zsombi_: field from what I can see isn't applied correctly
[13:15] <zsombi_> lemme check
[13:15] <zsombi_> were you using a binding or a simple value?
[13:16] <kalikiana> zsombi_: it does seem odd since there's no specific focus handling in your changes… so it might be uncovering a lurking bug from elsewhere
[13:16] <kalikiana> zsombi_: just field:
[13:16] <kalikiana> nothing more
[13:16] <zsombi_> kalikiana: ok, a binding then
[13:17] <kalikiana> ah, sorry, I didn't realize what you were asking
[13:17] <kalikiana> lemme try plain colors
[13:17] <zsombi_> np :)
[13:17] <kalikiana> zsombi_: identical behavior
[13:18] <kalikiana> zsombi_: I'm checking TextAreaStyle to see if it might be doing something funny
[13:20] <zsombi_> kalikiana: weird... it gets stuck to the selected.field indeed...
[13:20] <zsombi_> kalikiana: that seems to be something with the style then...
[13:22] <kalikiana> zsombi_: styledItem.focus is apprently always true
[13:24] <kalikiana> hmmm hold on
[13:26] <zsombi_> kalikiana: it shouldn't be, as the other TextField behaves nicely
[13:27] <zsombi_> kalikiana: aaah, highlighted may mess up?
[13:27] <zsombi_> kalikiana: we should have removed support for that as gventuri asked us to get rid of it
[13:28] <kalikiana> zsombi_: I found it. "focus" should be "activeFocus"
[13:28] <kalikiana> we use it wrongly twice
[13:28] <kalikiana> changing two lines I made it work
[13:28] <kalikiana> zsombi_: so it's not a bug in your code
[13:28] <zsombi_> kalikiana: but... why the heck does work with the other text field then?
[13:30] <kalikiana> zsombi_: hmmm
[13:30] * dholbach hugs davidcalle
[13:30] <dholbach> davidcalle, maybe you can join #snappy too? :)
[13:32] <davidcalle> dholbach, :)
[13:33] <mcphail> The app design guidelines suggest certain clours for certain components (e.g. for negative actions). If the design guidelines change, all of these components will have to be updated in every app. Do you think there is a role for something like "UbuntuColors.negative"?
[13:34] <zsombi_> kalikiana: actually it doesn't work!
[13:34] <zsombi_> kalikiana: the first text field changes the color, but the second doesn't!
[13:34] <zsombi_> kalikiana: if I use focus only
[13:34] <DanChapman> mcphail: +1 to that
[13:35] <zsombi_> kalikiana: if I use activeFocus, all works fine
[13:38] <kalikiana> zsombi_: funny thing, if I have two custom themed TextField's they can switch colors correctly between each other
[13:39] <kalikiana> zsombi_: yes, found it. FocusScope at fault
[13:39] <zsombi_> kalikiana: weird... I pushed an update where text style uses activeFocus, and removed the styledItem.highlighted use
[13:40] <zsombi_> kalikiana: yes, I suspected that as well
[13:40] <kalikiana> zsombi_: I can place any TextField in a FocusScope to get it to show the issue
[13:40] <kalikiana> so this makes sense
[13:40] <zsombi_> yep
[13:41] <zsombi_> kalikiana: I'll add te missing test as well
[13:41] <kalikiana> zsombi_: dude, don't remove the highlighted
[13:42] <kalikiana> fix it :-)
[13:42] <zsombi_> kalikiana: why? we do not have use cases anymore, the highlighted was removed on request, gventuri did ask us +1 year ago
[13:42] <kalikiana> zsombi_: we still have that API
[13:43] <zsombi_> kalikiana: yes, and we will have it, but it will mean sthing else
[13:43] <zsombi_> kalikiana: otoh, the state it was representing doesn't exist anymore
[13:43] <zsombi_> kind of like deprecated behavior
[13:43] <kalikiana> zsombi_: which is what? right now I only see that you break it
[13:44] <kalikiana> and it's not deprecated
[13:45] <zsombi_> kalikiana: we don't have the 3rd state of teh text inputs, the property wasn't marked as deprecated as we thought that it can be used to show that there is a focus highlight frame around it
[13:45] <zsombi_> kalikiana: oren had this vision of having disabled, enabled non-focused, enabled-non focused highhlighted and enabled-focused states, which was wrong
[13:46] <zsombi_> kalikiana: ok, I'll put it back :)
[13:49] <kalikiana> zsombi_: at least I'd like to see a discussion on what we want it to mean if we change it… for TextArea it's typical to not dim when it loses focus, and changing it only for TextField won't be very obvious
[13:51] <zsombi_> kalikiana: well... I don't have the logs on that discussion, it was loooooooong ago... but you're right, a text input should stay with focus color when OSK is away. On desktop we don't have that state
[13:52] <zsombi_> but this change I made is also valid for TextArea, they have the same style
[13:52] <Diogo> hi guys
[13:52] <Diogo> can some one help me out plzz??
[13:52] <kalikiana> zsombi_: ah, true, it would break both. even worse :-D
[13:53] <zsombi_> yes :)
[13:53] <zsombi_> sorry
[13:54] <zsombi_> you've good eyes ;P
[13:55] <zsombi_> kalikiana: ok, so if I put the highlighted back, I don't get the normal.field coloring back :/
[13:56] <kalikiana> zsombi_: that's why I said above, the "focus" is wrong in more than one place. modules/Ubuntu/Components/TextField.qml and modules/Ubuntu/Components/TextArea.qml use it for highlighted
[13:57] <zsombi_> kalikiana: ah, you meant that.. ok
[13:57] <kalikiana> I should've been clearer
[13:58] <zsombi_> kalikiana: should we try to deal with it in a separate MR or in this one?
[13:59] <kalikiana> zsombi_: it's technically a separate issue… no strong feelings
[14:01] <zsombi_> kalikiana: ok, then I'll revert the style changes
[14:01] <zsombi_> kalikiana: as activeFocus doesn't help there
[14:02] <kalikiana> zsombi_: well, it does help… but with a separate branch we can also have a unit test without delaying your palette work
[14:03] <zsombi_> kalikiana: yep, pushed the changes
[14:04] <kalikiana> zsombi_: was about to file a bug… this might possibly even explain
[14:07] <kalikiana> aaaand it does
[14:07] <kalikiana> yay
[14:07] <zsombi_> kalikiana: oh, yes, so teh bug suddenly becomes High importance wise
[14:10] <zsombi_> kalikiana: ok, so if no more requests on 05-setpalette, then push teh button :)
[14:10] <kalikiana> zsombi_:
[14:11] <zsombi_> kalikiana: aaaah, that makes sense :D
[14:13] <zsombi_> kalikiana: grrrr....
[14:14] <zsombi_> kalikiana: let's have as prereq...
[14:14] <zsombi_> kalikiana: otherwise we will have to have a pile of iterations to fix the Theme to theme changes
[14:15] <kalikiana> zsombi_: hmm what do you mean?
[14:15] <zsombi_> kalikiana: using Theme will give deprecation warning, you shoudl use theme instead
[14:16] <zsombi_> kalikiana: 04 just got happroved by t1mp, so it'll land soon
[14:16] <zsombi_> kalikiana: but you can decide whether you wait till that gets merged and then resync with staging, or make it as prereq so I can happrove it and will get into staging once the prereq lands
[14:18] <kalikiana> zsombi_: good point. I'll wait, I trust it shouldn't take long
[14:18] <zsombi_> kalikiana: from 04 onwards, using Theme (with capitals) will give warning, so you should switch to use theme
[14:18] <zsombi_> kalikiana: max 1h
[14:24] <t1mp> zsombi_: that is if jenkins likes it
[14:24] <zsombi_> t1mp: it must like it!!!!!
[14:25] <zsombi_> t1mp: about the 07 to make it as blog post, I think it is too huge for a blog, but we can have it also as Page article
[14:28] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, I pushed one comment to your MR
[14:29] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: wow, was expecting more :)
[14:30] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll find things to tweak when doing an actual code review :)
[14:30] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: oh, i thought that is what you were doing :D
[14:32] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: hmm, that bug is strange. it works if i scroll with the scroll bar but not if i drag. i will look into it
[14:32] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, I did a functional review first, then will do a code review (when everything works as expected)
[14:34] <kalikiana> zsombi_: make it a series of blog posts ;-)
[14:54] <nik90> DanChapman: Hey, just saw the backlog in ubuntu-touch-meeting. I did make a start on the first proposal, however I was not happy with the performance of the component on the phone. The issue is that since I am calculating x and y coordinates at every frame of the animation, it is leading to a laggy experience.
[14:55] <nik90> DanChapman: the issue is actually persistent on the current radial bottom edge, but it is within reasonable limits due to other variables not being changes such as opacity etc which is not the case with the design mockups provided to us.
[14:55] <nik90> DanChapman: I was thinking of opening it up to the community to come and help. May be they might other ideas on the implementation part.
[15:00] <t1mp> kalikiana: :)
[15:00] <t1mp> zsombi_, kalikiana: merged :D
[15:01] <t1mp> kalikiana: sync your branches :)
[15:05] <kalikiana> zsombi_: here you go
[15:24] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: fixes pushed on the MR (the one you asked plus another bug I found)
[15:27] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, thanks, I’m doing a proper code review now, will post my comments in a moment
[15:28] <kalikiana> t1mp: is PageHeadConfiguration involved in anything fancy, like a loader? it's one of the things that seem to be affected by a race condition I'm tracking down (in the api check tool)
[15:36] <faenil> how are the modularScale values computed?
[15:36] <faenil>
[15:36] <faenil> 0.677 for example
[15:45] <faenil> it should be quite font-specific afaik
[15:46] <t1mp> kalikiana: in PageHeadStyle the overflowPanels depend on the Actions that are defined in PageHeadConfiguration
[15:46] <t1mp> kalikiana: and the overflow panels are only created when you click on the overflow button
[15:49] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, more comments sent your way
[15:52] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: fixing them
[16:06] <DS-McGuire> Would anyone know why my Ubuntu SDK doesn't run QML files and I have to use the terminal to do so?
[16:08] <faenil> DS-McGuire: describe "doesn't run"
[16:08] <DS-McGuire> faenil, Just don't do anything
[16:08] <DanChapman> nik90, ok thanks for the update, and for giving it a go. I agree I think it would be good to open it up to the community and see what comes from it
[16:08] <faenil> you play the green arrow and there's no output in "Compile Output" ?
[16:08] <DS-McGuire> I have to use: qmlscene ~/Ubuntu-Help-QML/main.qml
[16:09] <faenil> also, are you talking about running on desktop, or on device?
[16:09] <faenil> if on device, which chroot target?
[16:10] <DS-McGuire> desktop: here is an output from Compile Output: Error while building/deploying project Linux_Command_Cookbook (kit: Desktop)
[16:10] <DS-McGuire> When executing step 'Update translations template'
[16:10] <faenil> if you scroll up there should be something more detailed
[16:10] <faenil> feel free to copy the whole content of the output on some pastebin
[16:10] <faenil> and I'll have a look
[16:11] <DS-McGuire> faenil, Thanks, I will do so now
[16:12] <DS-McGuire> faenil, Here you go
[16:13] <faenil> DS-McGuire: do you have the "po" folder in your project?
[16:13] <faenil> if not, did you delete it?
[16:14] <DS-McGuire> faenil, It is a brand new project with nothing changed/deleted. Even if I start a new project it doens't work.
[16:14] <faenil> which template are you trying?
[16:16] <DS-McGuire> QML App with Simple UI (qmlproject)
[16:18] <DS-McGuire> faenil, Forgot to ping^
[16:26] <faenil> DS-McGuire: mmm maybe I know what's wrong
[16:26] <faenil> can you try getting rid of the spaces in "Ubuntu Touch Projects" ?
[16:26] <DS-McGuire> Really?
[16:26] <DS-McGuire> I will try now
[16:28] <DS-McGuire> faenil, You're amazing! hahah!
[16:28] <faenil> DS-McGuire: \o/
[16:28] <DS-McGuire> That has been holding me back for months!!!
[16:29] <DS-McGuire> Shall I report it as a bug?
[16:29] <faenil> probably, yes please ;)
[16:29] <faenil> DS-McGuire: sorry I'm in the community since a few weeks only :p
[16:29] <DS-McGuire> faenil, Awesome! Man, I am so freaking happy haha!
[16:29] <faenil> glad to hear that, get back to coding now! haha :D
[16:29] <DS-McGuire> faenil, No need to apoligize at a;;
[16:29] <DS-McGuire> all*
[16:29] <DS-McGuire> apologize*
[16:30] * DS-McGuire goes back to coding
[16:50] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, did you forget to push a revision by any chance? I’m not seeing the change for making SuggestionsFilterModel::filterAcceptsRow more tolerant
[16:50] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: yes, i am on actually finishing adding tests for it right now, then will push it. sorry
[16:51] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, ok, no worries! let me know when I can review again
[16:51] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, btw, the change to use a var for the list of models is totally worth it
[16:52] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: i find the assignment more clunky but it is worth using reduce()
[16:52] <oSoMoN> yes, and afaic the assignment is not that clunky, it looks very QMLish
[16:58] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: would be better if you could create the two models inside the array constructor
[16:58] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: but then QML will see it as a QML list and complain about the property not being a list property
[16:59] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, sure, but it’s no big deal, it doesn’t impair code readability
[17:03] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: yeah, worth it. pushed last change
[17:06] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, thanks
[17:39] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, one more (minor) comment on the MR
[17:39] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: looking
[17:40] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: fixing
[17:45] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: fix pushed
[17:47] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, thanks. At this point I know I’m picking nits, but it would be a tiny teeny bit more performant if you stored the expected count, rather than the expected set and then calling .count() on it at each iteration
[17:47] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: that's fine. gimme a sec
[17:49] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: done
[17:49] <oSoMoN> cheers
[18:11] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, I added one suggestion to the MR
[18:12] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: ok. btw, why is jenkins failing now ? I ran all tests locally and it was ok
[18:13] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, I think that’s an intermittent failure where the unity8 greeter fails to unlock, you can safely ignore it
[18:15] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: pushed fix. went for ordered in the name to make it clear, since usually these lists aren't
[18:16] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, ok, fine by me
[18:17] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, one last thing, and I think we’re good to go: test coverage (see my comment)
[18:18] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, and before a new CI run kicks in (and fails), there’s one flake8 error in the autopilot tests
[18:18] <nerochiaro> damn, keep forgetting that
[18:19] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: and i will check code coverage now
[18:19] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, "make test" before every commit is your friend :)
[18:45] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: coverage should be 100% now on the model I added
[18:46] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: and flake8 fixed
[18:47] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: is there a way to clean coverage info without having to hunt files manually ? when i added coverage to qt-halide i had to add a target that did that, and made make coverage a dependency of it, otherwise when you change something the html reports will not update as far as I know
[18:55] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, not that I know of, I usually just clean everything (very inefficient, I know)
[18:56] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: personally i would rather have it regenerated from scratch every time you run make coverage. i submit a small patch tomorrow
[18:57] <oSoMoN> cool, thanks | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.187171 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-devel | [07:50] <hrw> hi
[07:50] <hrw> ubuntu does not have arm64 installer support?
[08:02] <ogra_> hrw,
[08:03] <hrw> ogra_: no netboot.iso? :(
[08:03] <ogra_> doesnt look like ...
[08:04] <hrw> ogra_: will check later than
[08:10] <hrw> ok. no ubuntu then - netboot kernel does not boot in vm
[08:24] <LocutusOfBorg1> good morning developers
[08:25] <hrw> bye
[12:04] <flexiondotorg> Is anyone sponsoring or piloting today?
[12:07] <didrocks> flexiondotorg: I can handle some if needed (and if respecting processes ;))
[12:08] <flexiondotorg> didrocks, Thanks -
[12:08] <seb128> flexiondotorg, calendar says hallyn_ zul and utlemming and pilots today
[12:08] <seb128> and->are
[12:08] <flexiondotorg> seb128, It that calendar accessible publically?
[12:08] <flexiondotorg> *publicly
[12:09] <seb128> flexiondotorg, yes, , "Schedule" section
[12:09] <flexiondotorg> seb128, Thanks.
[12:09] <seb128> yw
[12:10] <didrocks> flexiondotorg: is it just a synchronization with the ubuntu-themes or did you add Mate specific things?
[12:10] <flexiondotorg> didrocks, Just a sync with ubuntu-themes.
[12:10] <flexiondotorg> didrocks, The MATE specific stuff was done quite some time back.
[12:12] <didrocks> flexiondotorg: looking good, just a note for the future: I guess if you want to keep it forked and maintainabled, you should use some changelog with "resync on version <…> of ubuntu-themes, remaining diffs: <list of diff>"
[12:13] <didrocks> flexiondotorg: that would help you to keep track of the diff with ubuntu-themes and recheck that you didn't drop something without paying attention
[12:13] <flexiondotorg> didrocks, Thanks. Good idea.
[12:14] <flexiondotorg> didrocks, One of the item for 15.10 is if I can unify, to some extent, with ubuntu-themes etc.
[12:14] <didrocks> that would be nice, yeah
[13:06] <flexiondotorg> didrocks, Thanks.
[13:07] <didrocks> yw flexiondotorg
[13:17] <mdeslaur> rbasak: looks like the new mysql 5.6 tarball is missing a file...and it doesn't look like the launchpad repo is being updated anymore
[13:17] <rbasak> mdeslaur: they switched to Github I think.
[13:17] <mdeslaur> rbasak: did they change where they put their code repo?
[13:17] <rbasak> Or Git somewhere.
[13:18] <mdeslaur> ah, found it, thanks
[13:18] <rbasak> mdeslaur: which file? Is it essential in some way?
[13:19] <mdeslaur> lex_token.h, referred to in
[13:19] <mdeslaur>'s not in the repo \o/
[13:19] <rbasak> Lovely.
[13:20] <rbasak> mdeslaur: I can follow up with upstream in #debian-mysql on OFTC if you like. ryeng is usually very helpful.
[13:20] <mdeslaur> rbasak: yes, please
[13:27] <pitti> Good morning
[13:27] <pitti> infinity: I'm here :)
[13:27] <pitti> infinity: (snappy standup)
[14:01] <mdeslaur> pitti: I am releasing another apport security update in a few minutes that disables container support as there's a new root exploit out for our current fix
[14:02] <mdeslaur> pitti: and we can't make this code race and pid-reuse clean for now
[14:02] <pitti> mdeslaur: I know, yes; stgraber sent me a new patch yesterday, that's still not good?
[14:02] <mdeslaur> nope
[14:04] <pitti> mdeslaur: ah, ok; so I shold probably also make a new upstream release which disables that?
[14:05] <mdeslaur> pitti: yeah, unfortunately. This is what I'm doing:
[14:05] <mdeslaur> you may have some tests to disable too
[14:10] <stgraber> pitti: yeah, lets drop it from apport. I've lost enough time trying to deal with this. I'll just push a deployment-specific version of apport to the deployment PPA for the machines I care about.
[14:10] <pitti> mdeslaur: ack, thanks; when do you think we'll get a CVE?
[14:11] <mdeslaur> pitti: probably not this week, there's a lot of stuff in that thread for mitre to catch up on :P
[14:18] <infinity> pitti: And where are you now? :)
[14:19] <pitti> infinity: snappy/foundations, Lantana A
[14:25] <bdmurray> Riddell: Could you have a look at bug 1443300?
[14:26] <Riddell> bdmurray: I fixed that after beta
[14:26] <Riddell> bdmurray: just close it
[14:29] <bdmurray> Riddell: done, thanks
[14:46] <pitti> infinity: bug 1445049 FYI
[15:02] <infinity> pitti: Ta.
[15:06] <flexiondotorg> Could someone take a look at the following please -
[15:07] <flexiondotorg> I'd like to confirm that is applies cleanly and can be merge and uploaded.
[15:12] <pitti> xnox: hey, how are you? maybe you should re-post your runtime preset patch to the upstream ML? seems it fell through the cracks; and they now also seem to have a shiny new patch tracker
[15:15] <stgraber> pitti, tyhicks, mdeslaur: bug 1445064
[15:17] <tyhicks> stgraber: looks good
[15:26] <pitti> stgraber: ack, thanks; so let's disable the current implementation for the time being
[16:57] <strikov> infinity: pitti: quick juju update; 1.23 (with systemd support) is still in progress, it has been released but we have 2 unresolved issues with it; i uploaded 1.22.1 over 1.22.0 which has 'revert to upstart' code in tests to be able to verify issues in dependencies.
[16:58] <strikov> infinity: pitti: i'm done with 1.23 packaging-wise (d/copyright etc) so just waiting for a green light for 1.23 from juju team
[16:58] <pitti> strikov: nice to hear, thanks! I saw that even the tests are succeeding again now
[16:58] <highvoltage> /win /win 13
[16:59] <ogra_> double win !
[17:00] <strikov> pitti: they are successful due to 'revert to upstart' code not because juju supports systemd; sigh
[17:01] <pitti> yeah, I know
[17:58] <ricotz> mitya57, hey, since you already touched the bug, please sync it --
[18:00] <mitya57> ricotz: synced, please close the bug manually when it's accepted
[18:01] <ricotz> mitya57, ok
[19:53] <bdmurray> rd
[19:53] <bdmurray> ~.
[19:53] <bdmurray> ~.
[19:53] <bdmurray> ~.
[19:54] <Unit193> Not your terminal?
[19:58] <sarnold> looks like world's laggiest ssh connection :)
[19:58] <Unit193> Ah right, trying to disconnect.
[21:09] <cjwatson> slangasek,cyphermox: does time-travelling dists/ and can be used to bisect if you try hard enough; look at derive-distribution in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools for an example of how to use it
[21:11] <cjwatson> slangasek,cyphermox: it's probably simplest to bring up apt-mirror-librarian locally to deal with proxying to the LP librarian for pool/; the tree we're running is
[21:17] <slangasek> cjwatson: thanks
[21:38] <cyphermox> cjwatson: thanks | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.205466 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-installer | [08:23] <nebuchadnezzar> cyphermox: hello, our preseeds are online, it's based on hands-off with some modifications
[08:24] <nebuchadnezzar> so I have the message each time a preseed file is included by
[09:15] <nebuchadnezzar> cyphermox: to simple reproduce the issue, just make multiple preseed/include in a preseed file
[13:52] <cyphermox> nebuchadnezzar: ah, interesting
[13:52] <cyphermox> how do you point the system to the initial preseed? loaded over ftp?
[14:02] <nebuchadnezzar> cyphermox: no, I modify the isolinux/txt.cfg to add auto=true file=/cdrom/preseed/./perso.seed to the append
[14:04] <cyphermox> ok, you're shipping the preseed on a customized cd
[14:06] <nebuchadnezzar> yes
[14:18] <cyphermox> so presumable something isn't managing to mount /cdrom properly?
[14:19] <nebuchadnezzar> cyphermox: /cdrom is mount correctly
[14:19] <cyphermox> :/
[14:19] <cyphermox> I don't know
[14:19] <nebuchadnezzar> thanks for your time, I'll try to see if I have the same issue with debian ISO, to see if it's a specificity of debian-installer in ubuntu
[16:04] <cyphermox> xnox: yo, you around? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.208540 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-installer"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-ops | [05:59] <Unit193> bazhang: GNU Hurd 0.6 Released. ;)
[06:28] <Seveas> !debian
[06:28] <Seveas> that link should be
[06:28] <Seveas> or maybe something newere :)
[08:28] <bazhang> yay
[16:12] <elfy> high peeps - idiot alert in #xubuntu -> upstand
[16:15] <elfy> didn't want to !ops in there
[16:18] <Pici> elfy: looks like they were taken care of by staff.
[16:19] <elfy> yea - just seen that
[16:43] <elfy> anyway - once again, you are all awesome :)
[16:43] <elfy> cheerio
[22:03] <eworowiejr> Why am i banned
[22:05] <k1l> because you were trolling too much
[22:05] <k1l> (like you dont know that)
[22:05] <eworowiejr> yah like i careeee
[22:05] <eworowiejr> whats up
[22:05] <eworowiejr> i work at cvs yo
[22:05] <eworowiejr> hi
[22:06] <eworowiejr> does anyone have a charmander in pokemon x?
[22:08] <k1l> @mark eworowiejr hfsplus trying to play the innocent | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.211164 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ops"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-us-oh | [13:19] <thafreak> is it just me, or does anyone else have a feeling we'll be reading a press release one day
[13:19] <thafreak> that paultag was elected the new debian project leader
[13:22] <paultag> not this cycle
[13:22] <paultag> new leader is Niel!
[20:59] <thafreak> i know
[21:00] <thafreak> but hearing the announcement of a new leader being elected, made me realize that will probably be paultag one day
[21:02] <paultag> :þ
[21:03] <Unit193> Quite frankly, I don't doubt it. But then again I don't know Debian politics.
[21:06] <paultag> Folks wanted me to run
[21:09] <Unit193> paultag: You know Duck?
[21:10] <paultag> which one
[21:10] <paultag> the url checker?
[21:10] <paultag> or
[21:10] <paultag> darkwing duck
[21:10] <paultag> or
[21:10] <Unit193> Marc Dequènes
[21:13] <paultag> not sure
[21:15] <Unit193> Hah, wow. I just kind of go with "Anyone I interact with will likely be known by paultag" :P
[21:15] <paultag> hahaha
[21:23] <cyberanger> Debian politics is a nice way of putting it, feels more like trench warfare some days
[21:25] <Unit193> Yeah, doesn't help I don't know them so just kind of go on the word of others. Likely should have gone for an unblock, but was told/thought it didn't have a chance. Oh well.
[21:25] <cyberanger> paultag: Oh, btw, Thanks for the writeup on xz compressed kernels on linode
[21:26] <cyberanger> That gave me a few days worth of headache before I found that post
[21:37] <Unit193> Wow, bzip doesn't do as much better than gzip as I'd expect when compressing the initrd.
[21:43] <paultag> cyberanger: sure man! :D
[22:24] <Unit193> "I seem to have a thing for flame threads, I guess." :D
[22:41] <paultag> :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.217660 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-oh"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-us-dc | [23:07] <swift110> hey all | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.219671 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-dc"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-mythtv | [18:11] <qwebirc90444> how do i get mythbuntu-control-centre to work with linux mint rebecca. the repositories don't work. i read about
[18:12] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: what do you mean the repositories don't work?
[18:13] <qwebirc90444> hi there. how are you. the repositories button in the mythbuntu-control-centre doesn't work. i can't select 0.27 from the dropdown
[18:15] <qwebirc90444> i can get it to work if i edit the codename to trusty in the lsb-release file
[18:15] <tgm4883> Sec
[18:19] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: hmm, you are correct, something not working right. It's not generating the map correctly for rebecca
[18:19] <tgm4883> I'm assuming because rebecca and qiana are both based off trusty
[18:19] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: I'm in a meeting right now, I'll see if I can fix that a bit later today.
[18:20] <qwebirc90444> ok thanks. can you email me when you have chance
[18:21] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: I could give you a fix for it now
[18:22] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: look in ~/.mythbuntu/repos.db
[18:23] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: it should look like
[18:23] <tgm4883> add to the bottom
[18:23] <tgm4883> rebecca 0.27
[18:24] <tgm4883> that should be a tab between them
[18:27] <qwebirc90444> i get Exception in captureState of plugin Repositories when open muthbuntu-control-centre now
[18:31] <tgm4883> weird
[18:33] <tgm4883> let me look at the code now
[18:33] <qwebirc90444> i got this error when i first install mint then the mythbuntu-control-centre
[18:35] <qwebirc90444> then i edited the lsb-release file and install everything i wanted and when i rebooted the error went away but the repositories were not working
[18:38] <qwebirc90444> the reboot put the lsb-release file back to the original one before i edited it
[18:43] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: you are just trying to add the repository?
[18:45] <qwebirc90444> i was
[18:45] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: so you have it added now?
[18:46] <tgm4883> I'll still fix it, just trying to figure out how to help you now
[18:46] <qwebirc90444> i keep getting the error
[18:47] <tgm4883> you can blow away that repos.db file
[18:48] <tgm4883> it's only used to get it setup initally, once the repo is active you just do updates as normal
[18:49] <qwebirc90444> i am currently testing at the moment before i change my windows media centre and have been installing it a few times and been getting this error
[18:50] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: if you start mythbuntu-control-centre from the command line it will give you a better error
[18:51] <qwebirc90444> how do i do that :)
[18:52] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: just open a terminal and type mythbuntu-control-centre
[18:55] <tgm4883> yea it definitely breaks because of both them being trusty
[18:56] <qwebirc90444> the only reason for mint is its my favourite and similar to windows. if this can be fixed then that would be brilliant. :)
[18:57] <qwebirc90444> and i like the mythbuntu control centre because it makes installing mythtv really easy. being a windows user i am used to gui
[18:58] <tgm4883> yea I'm going to fix it. I just have to figure out how
[19:01] <qwebirc90444> cool thanks. at the moment i aint using it as i am still testing. how can i find out when you have fixed it
[19:15] <qwebirc90444> i have to go now. thanks for all your help and loom forward to the fix
[19:15] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: I think I just fixed it
[19:15] <qwebirc90444> what do you want me to do
[19:16] <tgm4883> yea I'm pretty sure it's fixed
[19:16] <tgm4883> I'll need to push the code up and get the repos.db rebuild
[19:16] <tgm4883> did you delete that repos.db file?
[19:16] <qwebirc90444> no
[19:16] <tgm4883> go ahead and delete it
[19:17] <qwebirc90444> i have delete it
[19:20] <tgm4883> ok, does mythbuntu-control-centre start now?
[19:23] <qwebirc90444> it starts with no errors but the repositories part doesnt have a dropdown selection for anything. usually can select 0.27 or 0.28
[19:24] <tgm4883> qwebirc90444: ok, so I need to push this up and regenerate the repos.db. I expect that to be done in the next hour or so
[19:25] <tgm4883> once that is done, you should be able to hit the "refresh" button on that repos tab and it will download the new repos.db
[19:25] <tgm4883> I'm still in this meeting and I can't push up the change right now
[19:26] <qwebirc90444> ok cool thanks. will test either later today or tomorrow
[19:26] <qwebirc90444> do you want me to let you know
[19:26] <tgm4883> sur
[19:26] <tgm4883> sure
[19:26] <qwebirc90444> ok will reply on here
[19:28] <qwebirc90444> thanks by | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.226342 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-mythtv"
} |
2015-04-16-#launchpad | [00:45] <ultrapepe> hey i have a question about deleted ppa's. how do i rectify apt keys for installed packages from a deleted ppa?
[04:23] <Kb52> Ok well it seems clear that I appear to be annoying everyone so I guess I should leave.
[12:18] <pack_code> I have a question with respect to bzr recipe. Is this the right place to ask?
[17:41] <mvo> can someone help me with "You have exceeded your quota for recipe snappy-dev/snappy-daily for distroseries ubuntu vivid" ?
[17:53] <dobey> mvo: only thing you can do is wait another day. there's no way to override the recipe build request quota | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.228553 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#launchpad"
} |
2015-04-16-#kubuntu | [00:33] <Finetundra> hello folks, I need to find a DNS benchmarker. Whats a good one?
[06:12] <Silmarilion> Is there a shortcut to switch desktop in kubuntu?
[06:21] <soee> good mornign
[06:27] <GunnDawg> Hello
[06:36] <lordievader> Good morning.
[06:36] <lordievader> Silmarilion: ctrl + f<num of desktop>
[06:37] <rajan> Guys I just have changed the server for my iste now I want to use mail server from old server , how to redirect mail server to an old server.
[06:39] <Silmarilion> lordievader, yea I tried that but it didn't worked now checked under virtual desktop and it was only 1 desktop set. setting it to 2 works now.
[06:40] <lordievader> Silmarilion: Changing desktops is a bit hard when you only have one ;)
[06:40] <Silmarilion> :D
[06:41] <soee> ~.~
[06:42] <Silmarilion> is it possible to have different taskbar for each desktop?
[06:42] <Silmarilion> for example display only active programs on desktop 1
[06:46] <lordievader> Silmarilion: Not totaly different, but your example can be done. Take a look at the settings of the window manager thingie.
[06:47] <soee> Silmarilion: you can set taskmanager to show apps form curent screen, desktop, or activity
[06:47] <soee> or combination of it
[06:47] <Silmarilion> yea found it
[06:47] <Silmarilion> tnx guys
[06:48] <soee> enjoy :)
[08:02] <fedorafan> hey, using kubuntu 14.04 and I got No package 'libacovcodec' but Ive installed libavcodec-dev
[08:03] <lordievader> fedorafan: On what do you get that error?
[08:03] <fedorafan> mom maybe this will help, its a script to build something
[08:04] <lordievader> A script for Raring? I doubt it.
[08:05] <fedorafan> the creator wrote it should work with 14.04
[08:05] <valorie> fedorafan: right in your output, is:
[08:05] <valorie> Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
[08:05] <valorie> installed software in a non-standard prefix.
[08:05] <valorie> Alternatively, you may set the environment variables FFMPEG_CFLAGS
[08:05] <valorie> and FFMPEG_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
[08:05] <valorie> See the pkg-config man page for more details.
[08:05] <valorie> check the readme or so
[08:06] <fedorafan> hmm but why wont it run with this dependancy
[08:06] <fedorafan> libavcodec
[08:06] <lordievader> fedorafan: Could you tell us exactly what you are trying to do, and what output you get?
[08:06] <fedorafan> its there lordievader
[08:06] <lordievader> You are msg10?
[08:07] <fedorafan> right
[08:07] <lordievader> Ah.
[08:07] <fedorafan>
[08:07] <fedorafan> there are some infos about this
[08:07] <lordievader> !info libavcodec trusty
[08:08] <lordievader> !info libavcodec-dev trusty
[08:09] <lordievader> Hmm, I guess 54 > 51.
[08:09] <fedorafan> me too
[08:09] <fedorafan> how to check what version of libavcodec-dev is installed
[08:09] <fedorafan> I got packages with 54 and without but dev was just without
[08:09] <lordievader> apt-cache policy libavcodec-dev
[08:09] <fedorafan> thx
[08:11] <fedorafan>
[08:11] <fedorafan> got this output
[08:11] <lordievader> A ppa?
[08:12] <fedorafan> I added ppa to install ffmpeg
[08:12] <fedorafan> should be that
[08:12] <lordievader> ffmpeg and libavcodec are incompatible, I thought.
[08:13] <lordievader> It could very well cause troubles.
[08:13] <fedorafan> yes right
[08:13] <fedorafan> ahh good point hmm I will remove ffmpeg
[08:13] <lordievader> fedorafan: Make that a ppa-purge of the mc3man ppa.
[08:13] <fedorafan> can you tell me how
[08:13] <lordievader> fedorafan: Read the man page of ppa-purge.
[08:13] <fedorafan> oki
[08:15] <valorie> !ppa-purge
[08:15] <valorie> or the man page, as lordievader says
[08:15] <lordievader> Documentation, documentation, documentation. It's great :D
[08:16] <fedorafan> thank you
[08:17] <fedorafan> I added this line ppa:mc3man/trusty-media so sudo ppa-purge that right
[08:17] <fedorafan> before removing ffmpeg thats the strategy?
[08:18] <lordievader> ppa-purge will remove ffmpeg for you, if it came from that ppa.
[08:18] <fedorafan> oki
[08:23] <fedorafan>
[08:23] <fedorafan> its the output of ppa-purge
[08:24] <lordievader> Does apt-get update fix that?
[08:24] <fedorafan> I will try
[08:26] <fedorafan>
[08:28] <lordievader> That needs to be 'sudo apt-get update'.
[08:28] <fedorafan> I sudoed it
[08:29] * lordievader allways having a root shell has side effects...
[08:29] <lordievader> Ah... never mind...
[08:29] <fedorafan> I pasted in the first line the withouttry
[08:29] <fedorafan> in the 6. it starts with sudo then
[08:29] <lordievader> Probably just the mirror being out of sync. You could switch mirrors or wait a bit ;)
[08:30] <lordievader> Anyhow, what version of libavcodec-dev is installed?
[08:30] <lordievader> And what version of libavcodec54?
[08:31] <fedorafan>
[08:32] <fedorafan>
[08:33] <lordievader> Libavcodec54 is not installed, and libavcodec-dev can be updated.
[08:33] <lordievader> After that I suppose to try the compile again.
[08:33] <fedorafan> allright and how to update
[08:34] <fedorafan> apt-get update libavcodec-dev right
[08:34] <fedorafan> sudo before
[08:35] <lordievader> sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavcodec54
[08:35] <fedorafan> oki I will make that
[08:35] <fedorafan> thx
[08:37] <fedorafan> compiling
[08:38] <lordievader> No errors?
[08:40] <fedorafan> still the same "No package ''libavcodec' found"
[08:41] <lordievader> Pfff.
[08:41] <lordievader> Could you pastebin the configure script?
[08:41] <fedorafan> oh dont know if it will work but its the one of the repo I posted mom
[08:42] <fedorafan>
[08:42] <fedorafan> its
[08:45] <lordievader> The buildlibs works?
[08:46] <fedorafan> seemed to work but I dont know how to get the output now
[08:48] <lordievader> Could you run the script with a -nc and see if it creates a ./configure?
[08:48] <fedorafan> sure what sh-file you mean
[08:49] <fedorafan> "./ -nc" yes?
[08:50] <lordievader> Yes.
[08:51] <fedorafan> trying it now
[08:53] <fedorafan>
[08:53] <fedorafan> no configure file
[08:57] <lordievader> fedorafan: I suppose the should create it, is there such a file?
[08:58] <lordievader> Ah, never mind. I found them
[08:58] <fedorafan> not in the root folder but there are some subdirs
[08:58] <fedorafan> oki
[09:02] <lordievader> I wonder what version it does find.
[09:03] <lordievader> Pff. Strange stuff.
[09:03] <lordievader> I'm not really sure how to work around this problem.
[09:03] <fedorafan> no problem maybe just try to compile an older version of libavcodec what do you think
[09:06] <fedorafan> or newer
[09:07] <lordievader> There does't happend to be a ppa of the software you are trying to install?
[09:10] <fedorafan> sorry dont understand this sentence
[09:11] <lordievader> There might be a ppa which carries the enigma2pc.
[09:11] <fedorafan> as I know its just at git
[09:12] <fedorafan> as
[09:12] <fedorafan> at github
[10:01] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[10:45] <fedorafan> lordievader I compiled the libav git and it seems to work but now I got a new error
[10:55] <lordievader> That looks broken.
[10:56] <fedorafan> ahh ok
[10:57] <lordievader> I.e. I have no idea :P
[10:57] <fedorafan> I used this one
[10:58] <fedorafan> ahh ts oki have posted it and maybe someone will answer it and I can try around different versions whatever
[10:59] <fedorafan> thx for your help lordievader
[11:00] <lordievader> No problem.
[11:05] <fedorafan> but it seems as if I havent installed it dont know, made ./configure, make and sudo make install but sudo apt-get remove libav (tab) doesnt shows the libavcodec package for examle or libavutil, before I had installed libavutil52, dont know if it should be now newer
[11:05] * fedorafan
[11:07] <fedorafan> hmm
[13:33] <sizziff> kubuntu vs ubuntu ?
[13:33] <lordievader> Ubuntu + KDE - Unity = Kubuntu.
[13:34] <sizziff> who more stabe?
[13:34] <sizziff> who more stable?
[13:36] <lordievader> Stable, pff no idea. Kubuntu works. Don't know about Ubu, I don't use it ;)
[13:38] <sizziff> ^)
[13:39] <sizziff> ^)
[13:40] <sizziff> I will try use Kubuntu
[13:52] <BluesKaj> sizziff, why do you ask here, you know the answer will be Kubuntu is best :-)
[14:06] <Ryoma721> hiiii
[14:07] <BluesKaj> hey Ryoma721
[14:08] <Ryoma721> hiii
[14:08] <Ryoma721> i use kubuntu 15.04
[14:08] <Ryoma721> a simple question
[14:08] <Ryoma721> after the command apt-get dist-upgrade process finishes, can sudo reboot now corrupt the system?
[14:11] <Ryoma721> every day I run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, if you download a lot of updates and when he finished I sudo reboot now
[14:12] <Ryoma721> it may be that something has not yet written?
[14:17] <donniezazen> Ryoma721: you don't need to do sudo reboot
[14:17] <donniezazen> you only need to reboot for something like a kernel upgrade.
[14:18] <donniezazen> You should use software updater and it will do ask you to reboot.
[14:19] <donniezazen> sudo reboot will not corrupt anything let alone system as long as you close all programs before rebooting your system
[14:19] <BluesKaj> Ryoma721, no need to reboot each time unless the notifier indictaes it , for example after a kernel upgrade
[14:20] <Ryoma721> The last restart I was the surprise that was not working kubuntu, and I performed that command for comfort
[14:20] <BluesKaj> Ryoma721, but you should run sudo apt-get autocleanand sudo apt-get autoclean periodically
[14:20] <Ryoma721> yes always
[14:20] <Ryoma721> sudo apt-get update
[14:20] <BluesKaj> oops autoremove :)
[14:20] <Ryoma721> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[14:20] <Ryoma721> sudo apt-get autoremove
[14:20] <Ryoma721> sudo apt-get autoclean
[14:21] <BluesKaj> yup
[14:21] <Ryoma721> all day
[14:21] <Ryoma721> kernel 4.0.0
[14:21] <BluesKaj> every few days is usually enough
[14:21] <Ryoma721> after download many files....sudo reboot now... system not works
[14:22] <Ryoma721> i try not use sudo reboot now
[14:23] <Ryoma721> this morning sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[14:23] <Ryoma721> reboot
[14:23] <Ryoma721> now kubuntu black screen
[14:24] <BluesKaj> Ryoma721, which kubuntu release ?
[14:24] <Ryoma721> 15.04
[14:25] <BluesKaj> 'ok run, systemctl enable sddm
[14:25] <Ryoma721> what??
[14:26] <Ryoma721> i am italian
[14:26] <Ryoma721> what write?
[14:26] <BluesKaj> ctl+alt+F1-F6
[14:26] <BluesKaj> then systemctl enable sddm
[14:27] <Ryoma721> 4 key???
[14:27] <Ryoma721> where??
[14:27] <Ryoma721> grub??? login??
[14:29] <Ryoma721> ok
[14:29] <Ryoma721> understand
[14:29] <BluesKaj> no any F key between F1 and F6 with al+ctl will open a virtual terminal where you can login and run systemctl enable sddm
[14:29] <Ryoma721> ok
[14:29] <Ryoma721> thanks
[14:30] <BluesKaj> it's like your terminal/konsole
[14:30] <Ryoma721> yes i am there
[14:30] <BluesKaj> login with your username and password then run the command
[14:36] <Ryoma721> ok
[14:36] <Ryoma721> ---complete----
[14:36] <Ryoma721> restart black screen
[14:36] <Ryoma721> 4 ask password
[14:37] <Ryoma721> can be forced to reinstall packages kubuntu???
[14:38] <BluesKaj> Ryoma721, try startx
[14:42] <Ryoma721> nada
[14:42] <Ryoma721> blackscreen
[14:43] <Ryoma721> download iso.....
[14:47] <Ryoma721> notrhing
[14:47] <Ryoma721> nothing
[14:49] <thomas_> how do you sideload kubuntu?, I just installed kubuntu and it goes to windows
[14:49] <Guest11525> how do you sideload kubuntu?, I just installed kubuntu and it goes right to windows
[14:51] <Guest11525> Anyone there?
[14:53] <BluesKaj> Ryoma721, which graphics gpu ?
[14:54] <Ryoma721> radeon
[14:54] <Ryoma721> a10-7800
[14:56] <BluesKaj> Ryoma721, install xserver-xorg-video-ati
[14:57] <Ryoma721> yesssssssssssss
[14:57] <Ryoma721> driver oibaf
[15:00] <Ryoma721> I will not use the more command
[15:00] <Ryoma721> sudo reboot now
[15:11] <Ryoma721> thanks
[15:12] <Ryoma721> now format sda
[15:12] <Ryoma721> bye
[16:11] <Upstand> HELP
[16:11] <Upstand> JUST RM'D MY HOLE HARD DRIVE
[16:11] <Upstand> ALL MY GAY PORN IS GONE
[16:14] <BluesKaj> tough
[17:41] <Ryoma721> hi
[17:42] <tuv0k> hi
[17:45] <lordievader> o/
[18:34] <wldcordeiro> Is notify-osd a required package in Kubuntu?
[18:34] <wldcordeiro> I'm using the 15.04 beta and I've had trouble with it getting stuck.
[20:23] <xennex81> yo
[20:24] * genii makes more coffee
[20:26] <tuv0k> yo
[21:42] <Pazzoide> hello!
[21:42] <soee> hiho Pazzoide
[21:42] <lordievader> o/
[21:43] <Pazzoide> Hi! Do you know the release roadmap for Kubuntu?
[21:43] <Pazzoide> when will be available 15.04?
[21:43] <genii> April 23rd sometime after 4pm GMT
[21:43] <Pazzoide> strange there is no roadmap on kubuntu site
[21:43] <lordievader> Ah, 23. I knew it was twenty something.
[21:44] <genii> !schedule-#ubuntu+1
[21:44] <lordievader> Pazzoide: Kubuntu follows the Ubuntu schedule, that ^ one.
[21:44] <Pazzoide> I read on Ubuntu site the 23 is for Ubuntu version.. is the same date for Kubuntu too?
[21:44] <Pazzoide> ah ok!!
[21:45] <valorie> all the flavors release at the same time afaik
[21:45] <valorie> we're all Ubuntu
[21:46] <soee> :)
[23:01] <Andrew> Hi im extremely new to Linux i need some help if i could get some
[23:01] <GunnDawg> Andrew: ask your question. If someone can help you then I am sure they will
[23:02] <Andrew> Ok im trying to install Kubuntu on my pc however it seems to be stuck at "The installation will finish soon. we hope you enjoy kubuntu" its not frozen i have just left it for a few hours
[23:09] <tuv0k> Andrew: force your pc to reboot
[23:09] <tuv0k> the installation may have finished
[23:17] <Andrew> ok after i do that what should i do
[23:17] <GunnDawg> see if it boots | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.243721 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-ke | [10:35] <Kilos> oi
[10:35] <Kilos> Tribaal you here?
[10:35] <Kilos> all alone too. whew
[10:37] <Tribaal> hi Kilos
[10:37] <Kilos> hi there
[10:37] <Tribaal> yeah I hang out in there all the time just in case
[10:37] <Kilos> dont you know about #ubunu-africa
[10:37] <Tribaal> I do, but it's kind of wide :)
[10:38] <Tribaal> I'm not even in the region anymore actually, I might as well join ubuntu-africa
[10:38] <Kilos> ya but stickyboy is there too
[10:38] <Tribaal> you're right
[10:38] <Kilos> i think its ideal for countries where locos have faded
[10:39] <Tribaal> yeah... which is pretty much everywhere
[10:39] <Kilos> i am trying to revive averyone
[10:39] <Kilos> what a job
[10:40] <Kilos> everyone
[10:42] <Tribaal> Kilos: good luck :) I'm back in Switzerland for now, so I can't really help unfortunately... But if it's any consolation the LoCo here is quite dead too
[10:42] <Kilos> yeah it seems to be happening worldwide
[10:43] <Tribaal> well, it's not surprising, since Ubuntu is more established now people in LoCos usually feel they should help underdogs instead
[10:43] <Tribaal> and since it just works, many who like to tweak their computers use something else instead
[10:43] <Tribaal> :)
[10:43] <Kilos> yeah but this is where i have gotten all the help and more. on irc
[10:44] <Tribaal> right, just not in locos, usually
[10:44] <Kilos> and of course peeps prefer facebook
[10:44] <Tribaal> at least that's my experience
[10:44] <Tribaal> right
[10:44] <Tribaal> or stackoverflow
[10:44] <Tribaal> or reddit
[10:44] <Kilos> yeah so sad
[10:45] <Kilos> the kenya guys have joined the nairobilug because ubuntu is kinda dead
[10:46] <Kilos> i will get them to the africa channel sooner or later
[10:47] <Tribaal> what do you mean it's kind of dead? It'ss striving! Just not the locos :)
[10:47] <Kilos> i have a site under construction for ubuntu africa so maybe that will help once online as well
[10:47] <Tribaal> oh you mean the channel?
[10:48] <Kilos> yeah the LoCos
[10:48] <Kilos> as soon as the site goes online ill drop the link everywhere and see what happens | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.248747 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ke"
} |
2015-04-16-#upstart | [10:42] <tomprince> Is there some way to provide a service configuration that isn't automatically enabled. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.249969 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#upstart"
} |
2015-04-16-#snappy | [04:38] <tbr> so is the process of getting those snap packages on a current image a nation state secret?
[04:38] * tbr still hasn't found a way to sign or do disable the signature check
[08:36] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy High Five Day! :-D
[08:59] <ogra_> tbr, --allow-unauthenticated ... (as snappy install option)
[09:19] <tbr> ogra_: $ snappy-remote --url=ssh:// --allow-unauthenticated install ./hello-world.canonical_1.0.5_all.snap
[09:19] <tbr> ogra_: unknown flag `allow-unauthenticated'
[09:19] <ogra_> oh, remote ... that i dont know ...
[09:20] <tbr> remote is what TFM tells me to use
[09:20] * ogra_ just uses an ssh shell usually
[09:20] <ogra_> scp ... snappy install ...
[09:20] <tbr> ok, that I can try
[09:21] <tbr> the whole "forget everything you learned about package management and apt" thing makes me approach this from TFM side, instead of trying random things
[09:21] <ogra_> yeah, but everyone is busy ... the manuals are often a bit behind and updated last once a feature works
[09:22] <ogra_> and alongside, everyone is at a sprint in US TZ
[09:22] <ogra_> which doesnt make IRC actually a good place this week
[09:22] <ogra_> (for support)
[09:22] * tbr mumbles something about potemkin villages and goe sto figure this out the hard way
[09:23] <tbr> ubuntu@localhost:~$ snappy --allow-unauthenticated install /tmp/hello-world.canonical_1.0.5_all.snap
[09:23] <tbr> unknown flag `allow-unauthenticated'
[09:24] <tbr> this is from inside the image
[09:24] <tbr> Name Date Version Developer
[09:24] <tbr> ubuntu-core 2015-04-10 146
[09:24] <ogra_> i think install needs to come first
[09:24] <tbr> ok, now it asks for root, progress
[09:25] <tbr> yay. it installed.
[09:25] <ogra_> \o/
[09:27] <tbr> so I guess the only way to get something workable is to toss out snappy-remote and reinvent the wheel with a wrapper script around scp and "ssh ubuntu@foo sudo snappy install --allow-unauthenticated $bar"?
[09:27] <ogra_> yeah, i think there is a bug open for that somewhere
[09:27] <tbr> yes, I found it and it was not helpful
[09:28] <ogra_> bug 1443676
[09:28] <ogra_> bah, no bot ?
[09:28] <tbr>
[09:28] <ogra_>
[09:28] <ogra_> heh
[09:28] <ogra_> *snap*
[09:28] <ogra_> :P
[09:28] <tbr> :>
[13:33] * dholbach hugs davidcalle
[13:33] <davidcalle> :-)
[13:33] <davmor2> davidcalle: if dholbach said and maybe jump off a cliff....... ;)
[13:34] <davmor2> davidcalle: on a more serious note \o/
[13:34] <davidcalle> davmor2, I would... I would not... that's a hard question, I trust him! :p
[13:35] <davmor2> davidcalle: hahaha :)
[13:37] <davidcalle> dholbach, are there install instructions for the raspi2 we could include in /install? (I know it's an image ready to burn, but we should probably have a small something)
[13:41] <dholbach> davidcalle, not yet - I'll find out more though
[13:44] <dholbach> davidcalle,
[13:44] <dholbach> I'll talk to lool- once I see him around here
[13:44] <dholbach> and see if the instructions are going to get any more official
[13:44] <dholbach> the great thing is that all devices which have oem snaps in the store can just use ubuntu-device-flash to have their image created on the fly
[13:45] <dholbach> so we can at some stage just have a big table with instructions for lots of different devices :)
[13:45] <lool-> dholbach: had to step out for a call sorry
[13:45] <dholbach> lool-, no worries
[13:47] <davidcalle> dholbach, thanks
[13:47] <davidcalle> lool, hey :)
[13:48] <dholbach> davidcalle, I'll note down to add a table to install/devices (or shall we call it start/devices)?
[13:48] <dholbach> sorry start/things
[13:48] <lool> davidcalle: heya
[13:48] <lool> davidcalle: how goes?
[13:49] <davidcalle> dholbach, start/devices sounds great to me
[13:49] <davidcalle> lool, all is well, you?
[13:50] <dholbach> davidcalle, I think dpm wanted to call it things (just like
[13:50] <dholbach> but yeah, I'll rename the 'install' section to 'start'
[13:51] <dholbach> that'll also set the direction for the /start
[13:51] <dholbach> we could add content like "hey, install the ppa" first because it's going to be relevant for everything else
[13:52] <lool> davidcalle: well well
[13:52] <davidcalle> dholbach, +1
[13:55] <dholbach> cool, I'll start work on this in half an hour or something
[14:17] <mterry> jdstrand, did that framework bug get fixed?
[14:19] <mterry> asac, can I be in ~snappy-dev?
[14:19] <jdstrand> mterry: it is supposed to be in 0.3.7. I got a report that it may not be, however the 'snaps don't specify release framework' work that landed means there is another bug now
[14:19] <jdstrand> I'm looking at it now
[14:19] <mterry> jdstrand, OK. So I should continue not to specify a framework :)
[14:20] <jdstrand> for now-- don't update your image just yet either :)
[14:20] <jdstrand> mterry: I suggest not upgrading and not specifying the framework for now. hopefully be eod you can do both
[14:21] <mterry> jdstrand, gotcha. Can you ping me when I can? I'd like to publish instructions for using the scripts today, and that would be a nice bug to not have to mention
[14:21] <jdstrand> sure
[14:21] <mterry> thx!
[14:22] <slangasek> dholbach: - I don't think so; particularly as our "channel" nomenclature is meant to be changing
[14:29] <dholbach> slangasek, right... it'd be still good if we could come up with something like that... even if we have to change it
[14:30] <slangasek> asac: ^^ you said sabdfl had some guidance about the use of edge (devel-proposed) vs. alpha (devel)? What is our messaging around channels for 15.04?
[14:31] <slangasek> dholbach: btw, how do I submit changes to since most of the channels listed there also need to be deprecated? ;-)
[14:33] <dholbach> slangasek, if you want, I can give you access to the site, or a bug on developer-ubuntu-com will do as well
[14:43] <slangasek> dholbach: thanks, filing that in my brain for later - the channel schema needs to really be changed on the server first before we make the changes to the website
[14:43] <ogra_> and in peoples brains :)
[14:43] <ogra_> which is the harder part i guess ...
[14:47] <dholbach> thanks slangasek
[15:02] <volkrass> Can somebody point me to correct version of ubuntu-device-flash what support the oem flag
[15:03] <volkrass> I tried out this:
[15:04] <volkrass> But I got message: unknown flag `oem' when I try reproduce what Loic did.
[15:04] <volkrass> Any hints for me?
[20:56] <jdstrand> Chipaca:
[21:07] <Chipaca> jdstrand:
[22:06] <sergiusens> jdstrand: kickinz1
[22:07] <kickinz1> sergiusens, Thanks!
[22:52] <sergiusens> Chipaca:
[23:10] <sergiusens> Chipaca: | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.255259 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#snappy"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-za | [04:34] <barrydk> More almal
[05:00] <Kilos> hi barrydk nlsthzn and all those not really active yet
[05:25] <stickyboy> Kilos: hola
[05:25] <Kilos> hi there stickyboy
[05:25] <stickyboy> Kilos: How many cups of coffee have you had today?
[05:26] <Kilos> on my second
[05:26] <Kilos> and hald a beer mug of tea
[05:26] <Kilos> half
[05:33] <stickyboy> Kilos: Wow, and it's only 8 am
[05:33] <Kilos> lol
[05:33] <pieter2627> morning all
[05:33] <Kilos> hi pieter2627
[05:37] <Kilos> stickyboy one has to keep dehydration at bay
[05:37] <Kilos> hehe
[05:58] <Kilos> morning Jacques_Stry
[05:58] <Jacques_Stry> Morning
[05:58] <Kilos> i have to teach my pc to accept mortab as morning
[05:59] <Kilos> ive got so used to using tab for nicks i get caught daily with morning
[05:59] <Jacques_Stry> haha
[06:00] <nlsthzn> o/ uncle Kilos
[06:00] <Kilos> so nlsthzn hows my ahab family?
[06:01] <nlsthzn> good thanks... up nice and early on baby duty
[06:01] <nlsthzn> keeps one busy :p
[06:01] <Jacques_Stry> Kilos: Checked my IRC client but no option like that, would have been cool
[06:02] * Jacques_Stry waves at nlsthzn
[06:02] <Kilos> lol ty Jacques_Stry
[06:02] <nlsthzn> o/ Jacques_Stry
[06:56] <Jacques_Stry> Waiting for 15.04 RC to popup...
[07:07] <Jacques_Stry> Think i'm gonna go with 15.04 RC today
[07:08] <Jacques_Stry> Should be stable enough
[07:25] <ThatGraemeGuy> 'lo
[07:25] * Jacques_Stry waves
[07:26] <Symmetria> lol
[07:26] <Symmetria> my bash foo gets stronger every day ;p
[07:26] <Symmetria> for i in {0..254}; do if ((($i % 2) == 0)); then echo 197.155.94.$i/31; fi; done <[07:26] <Jacques_Stry> >.<
[07:30] * Jacques_Stry waves
[07:32] <Jacques_Stry> Would be interesting to see some of you guys desktop setups, want to post some?
[07:34] <ThatGraemeGuy> install KDE, there's my setup :-)
[07:35] <Jacques_Stry> lol
[07:35] <Jacques_Stry> still don't you do any customizing?
[07:36] <ThatGraemeGuy> I have some launch icons on the taskbar
[07:36] <pieter2627> Symmetria: doesn't (0 % 2) == 0?
[07:36] <Jacques_Stry> ThatGraemeGuy: :)
[07:36] <ThatGraemeGuy> graeme@nb-graemed:~$ echo $((0 % 2))
[07:36] <ThatGraemeGuy> 0
[07:40] <Jacques_Stry>
[07:43] <ThatGraemeGuy> Symmetria: ipcalc 31|grep "Network:"|awk '{print $2}'
[07:43] <nlsthzn> my screenshots over the years -
[07:44] <Jacques_Stry> Fuduntu O.O
[07:45] <Symmetria> pieter2627 heh, yes, and if it does, thats an accurate /31 subnet
[07:46] <pieter2627> my current setup (conky still based on old wallpaper)
[07:46] <Symmetria> but what ThatGraemeGuy said also works :) but heh, still prefer not relying on subnet calculates etc
[07:46] <Symmetria> pieter2627 = and, I only wanted to print .0
[07:47] <pieter2627> Symmetria: ok (i clearly need to improve my knowledge of it :P)
[07:47] <Symmetria> though ThatGraemeGuy, the interesting thing is, while IPCalc works to do this, what its actually outputting to do it, is incorrect from a networking perspective
[07:47] <Symmetria> since a /31 does not have a network address or a broadcast address
[07:47] <Symmetria> a /31 is a rather... special subnet :)
[07:47] <ThatGraemeGuy> ipcalc knows that
[07:47] <Symmetria> heh /32 = host, /30 = point to point with network/broadcast, /31 = no network, no broadcast
[07:48] <ThatGraemeGuy>, yup, ipcalc knows
[07:49] <Jacques_Stry> nlsthzn: I never could get used to gnome - that launcher irritates me to no end
[07:50] <nlsthzn> gnome-shell 3.14 and above is simply stunning imo... and extensions really make it imo the best DE for linux currently
[07:50] <nlsthzn> but thats just me :p
[07:50] <Jacques_Stry> Too many clicks for me to do what I want - too distracting for me
[07:52] <Jacques_Stry> But it looks awesome
[07:52] <nlsthzn> binding the super key to the launcher it is similar to unity... Super-key start typing name of app... typically three characters are enough, hit enter
[07:53] <nlsthzn> quick swipe to top left and get overview off all open apps and workspaces
[07:53] <nlsthzn> choose app I want or flick it to other workspace
[07:53] <Jacques_Stry> Taskbar status icons not being visible is a problem for me
[07:53] <nlsthzn> ctrl+alt and up or down and I have the workspace with the app I wanbt
[07:53] <nlsthzn> there is an extension for that Jacques_Stry ;)
[07:54] <nlsthzn> works in 3.14, not sure about 3.16 for now
[07:54] <Jacques_Stry> installed the extension but it kept on bugging out for me
[07:54] <nlsthzn> but then again 3.16 brings very good notification support
[07:54] <Jacques_Stry> was loosing icons every +-2hrs
[07:54] <nlsthzn> to really get the best gnome 3 experience you need to run Fedora IMO
[07:54] <nlsthzn> which is why I am on unity :/\
[07:54] <Jacques_Stry> i see
[07:55] <nlsthzn> type the name of an app you don't even have installed yet you can simply install it from the launcher... works amazingly well
[07:55] <nlsthzn> openSuse also not bad
[07:55] <Jacques_Stry> to me the best desktop env. I have worked with was elementary os
[07:55] <Jacques_Stry> simple and the hot corners work extremely well
[07:55] <nlsthzn> but they still have there own home made applications that double what gnome already offers
[07:56] <Jacques_Stry> but had a lot of compatibility issues with it
[07:56] <nlsthzn> never enjoyed panteon that much
[07:56] <nlsthzn> pantheon
[07:56] <Jacques_Stry> have never tried fedora
[07:56] <Jacques_Stry> but of a debian based distro junky
[07:56] <Jacques_Stry> bit*
[07:57] <nlsthzn> I would like to have the same experience I have with Fedora Gnome but with all the benefits of Ubuntu...
[07:57] <nlsthzn> ubuntu gnome not doing it for me at the moment
[07:57] <Jacques_Stry> Ubuntu really does have allot of benefits :)
[08:00] <Jacques_Stry> Just the sheer amount of documentation on the net is what keeps me here, enough of a reason
[08:23] <Kilos> load shedding huh
[08:23] <Jacques_Stry> lol
[08:24] <Kilos> twice a day now. totally sucks
[08:24] <pieter2627> ouch, for how long?
[08:24] <Kilos> 2 hours 15 mins and 2.5 hours from 4 pm
[08:25] <Kilos> im waiting for it to kill this drive for me
[08:26] <pieter2627> are you planning on putting in a claim or something?
[08:27] <Kilos> i have a couple of times before, they just ignore it
[08:27] <Kilos> and now they they we have the schedule online
[08:27] <Kilos> they say
[08:28] <Kilos> last year and earlier i lost 3 drives
[08:28] <Kilos> now i dont bother anymore just save for a new one
[08:29] <pieter2627> sounds like you should rather hope that it doesn't get killed
[08:31] <Kilos> well this seagate 1TB has been going for a year faultlessly
[08:32] <Kilos> i have to zero it by accident to make it not work
[08:32] <Kilos> oh with kde on it of course
[08:34] <Kilos> once one is used to kde i think it is difficult to change to another flavour
[08:36] <Kilos> im sure pro smiles when he hears that
[08:37] <Kilos> swine
[08:40] <Kilos> Jacques_Stry whats news with book thing in vm?
[08:40] <Jacques_Stry> with the loadshedding I didn't get very far last night
[08:40] <Kilos> hahaha
[08:41] <Jacques_Stry> Installed a fresh ubuntu server VM but haven't gotten as far as installing booktype
[08:41] <Kilos> and also why must it run on a dedicated server?
[08:42] <Jacques_Stry> lol dunno
[08:42] <Kilos> padroni is looking as well
[08:42] <Kilos> if it can be done without that dedicated server thing he could maybe host for us
[08:43] <Kilos> hi raywan|away did any one greet you here when you logged in
[08:43] <Jacques_Stry> doesn't seem to work with mysql it seems and that is what most hosting company's provide you so think it will have to be a dedicated
[08:43] <Kilos> if not welcome to ubuntu-za
[08:43] <stickyboy> Kilos: raywan|away is currently backpacking across East Africa. :P
[08:44] <Kilos> oh my
[08:44] <stickyboy> Kilos: (with a backpack I gave him) :P
[08:44] <stickyboy> go go go explore the world!
[08:44] <Kilos> haha good man stickyboy
[08:44] <Kilos> but hard work on foot
[08:44] <Kilos> shoes are expensive
[08:45] <stickyboy> Am I prepared to give up
[08:46] <Kilos> whats that? dont make me google or go to a link
[08:46] <Kilos> i get tired with all the rtfs
[08:47] <Kilos> forget that now and finish your git thing
[08:48] <Kilos> shame , poor DalekSec must be sorry he joined a channel of nutcases
[08:49] <Jacques_Stry> Haha, well were all nuts - even if only a little
[08:51] <Kilos> hy is een van die buntu menere
[08:51] <Jacques_Stry> ek sien
[08:51] <Kilos> nog meer as wat ons hier sien
[08:52] <Kilos> groot kop
[08:52] <stickyboy> Kilos: I own :) Since 2003 or something.
[08:52] <Kilos> stickyboy sell it and by a pc for ubuntu
[08:54] <Kilos> buy
[08:55] <Kilos> then you will take a leap up in status
[09:00] <Kilos> stickyboy Unable to look up
[09:04] <stickyboy> Kilos: Yah, I don't have anything there right now. :P
[09:04] <Kilos> sjoe
[09:06] <Jacques_Stry> lol I tried too
[09:06] <Kilos> lol
[09:07] <Kilos> stickyboy whats the oddos of converting it to a dedicated server for booktype
[09:07] <Kilos> odds
[09:09] <Kilos> then you can help educate the nations
[09:17] <Jacques_Stry> 15.04 RC is out - downloading
[09:17] <Kilos> kde too?
[09:18] <Jacques_Stry> it's up
[09:19] <Kilos> sjoe
[09:19] <ThatGraemeGuy> that's the daily build, its always 'up' :-p
[09:19] <Kilos> another midnight session coming up
[09:20] <Kilos> hi ThatGraemeGuy
[09:20] <Jacques_Stry> lol daily build from today is the RC
[09:21] <ThatGraemeGuy> 'lo Kilos
[09:21] <ThatGraemeGuy> I used to upgrade when beta 2 hit, never experienced major trouble
[09:24] <Jacques_Stry> This lappy i'm using sweating while doing the release upgrade...
[09:24] <ThatGraemeGuy> SSD ftw :)
[09:24] <Jacques_Stry> my home pc has one but not work lappy...
[09:26] <Jacques_Stry> Starting to think I should invest in one for this lappy even if I have to buy it myself
[09:26] <ThatGraemeGuy> yeah my work laptop has one, they understand the value thats gained
[09:45] <Kilos> ai!
[09:46] <Jacques_Stry> what happened?
[09:46] <Kilos> all the mails
[09:46] <Kilos> nice to have friends online
[09:47] <Jacques_Stry> :)
[09:52] <Jacques_Stry> Must say they made a big improvement with the printing driver on 15.04
[09:52] <Jacques_Stry> Much quicker
[09:59] <inetpro> good mornings
[09:59] <inetpro> ThatGraemeGuy: thanks for the lesson
[09:59] <ThatGraemeGuy> which lesson? o_O
[09:59] <Kilos> hi inetpro jy stout man
[10:00] * inetpro didn't know about the subnet calculation part of ipcalc
[10:00] <inetpro> :-)
[10:00] <inetpro> very handy
[10:00] <ThatGraemeGuy> oh :)
[10:00] <inetpro> but then I don't need it all day every day as well
[10:01] <inetpro> Symmetria: nice little bash one-liner
[10:03] <inetpro> ThatGraemeGuy: I use ipcalc often but just for the basic calculation of a single network profile
[10:03] <inetpro> Kilos: hoekom ek stout?
[10:04] <Kilos> pos daai goed lys toe
[10:04] <inetpro> wel dis in die nuus, die hele wêreld vol
[10:04] <Kilos> maak my skaam
[10:05] <inetpro> The Fridge is an information hub for the Ubuntu community...
[10:06] <Kilos> eish you watch the fridge thing too?
[10:06] <inetpro> obviously
[10:06] <Kilos> im not safe anywhere anymore
[10:07] <inetpro> get out of that cocoon of yours and start flying sir
[10:07] <inetpro> and don't go crashing like the other one
[10:08] <Kilos> what other one?
[10:08] <inetpro> the cocooncrash_
[10:08] <Kilos> eish i miss having him here
[10:08] <inetpro> :-)
[10:15] <Jacques_Stry> brb restart
[10:15] <Kilos> ok
[10:16] <Squirm> Morning
[10:16] <Kilos> hi Squirm
[10:22] <Jacques_Stry> My conky no longer works...
[10:23] <Kilos> ai!
[10:23] <Kilos> fixit
[10:23] <Jacques_Stry> ah well I'll get it sorted later
[10:24] <Jacques_Stry> system monitor looks a bit different
[11:22] <Kilos> hi superfly
[11:31] <Kilos> wb pieter2627
[11:31] <pieter2627> thanks Kilos (lappy freezing)
[11:31] <Kilos> eish
[11:33] <Kilos> what are you running there again?
[11:33] <pieter2627> 14.10 unity
[11:33] * pieter2627 hopes Kilos is indeed talking to him
[11:33] <Kilos> yeah
[11:34] <Kilos> now you got to find whats causing the freezing
[11:35] <Kilos> there must be some way of finding the prob
[11:35] <pieter2627> too many open stuff with little ram(swap freeze up) - or at least i think so
[11:35] <Kilos> ask mr fixit
[11:35] <Kilos> how much ram?
[11:35] <pieter2627> pro?
[11:35] <pieter2627> 2Gb
[11:36] <Kilos> ya him
[11:36] <Kilos> eish ram
[11:37] <Kilos> have you tried waiting when it freezes to see what happens
[11:37] <Kilos> is your swap on
[11:37] <pieter2627> sometimes in comes back - just too impatient at other times
[11:38] <Kilos> that means its struggling ya
[11:38] <pieter2627> yes swap is on, but am thinking of increasing it
[11:38] <Kilos> size?
[11:38] <Kilos> you can go twice the size of your ram i think
[11:38] <Kilos> that rings a bell somewhere
[11:39] <Kilos> oh try munin
[11:39] <pieter2627> current 1Gb - yea twice is recommended (just didn't know it back then)
[11:39] <pieter2627> munin?
[11:40] <Kilos> it sees whats using resources or something
[11:40] <Kilos> ThatGraemeGuy can you fill in please
[11:40] <ThatGraemeGuy> fill in what?
[11:40] <Kilos> what munin does
[11:40] <pieter2627> ok (am currently keeping an eye on atop)
[11:41] <Jacques_Stry> what is your swappiness value atm?
[11:41] <pieter2627> 80
[11:41] <Kilos> how do i check?
[11:41] <pieter2627> or 60
[11:41] <ThatGraemeGuy> what does 'free -m' say?
[11:41] <Jacques_Stry> cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
[11:41] <pieter2627> (the default)
[11:42] <pieter2627> Mem: 1824 1719 105 148 53 429
[11:42] <pieter2627> -/+ buffers/cache: 1235 589
[11:42] <pieter2627> Swap: 976 430 546
[11:42] <ThatGraemeGuy> get more memory
[11:42] <Kilos>
[11:42] <Kilos> -/+ buffers/cache: 2259 1659
[11:42] <Kilos> Swap: 8826 0 8826
[11:42] <Jacques_Stry> Best fix is more mem yes :)
[11:42] <pieter2627> LOL yeah i know
[11:43] <Jacques_Stry> what interface you running?
[11:43] <pieter2627> unity
[11:43] <Kilos> kde
[11:43] <ThatGraemeGuy> get more ram or try XFCE
[11:43] <ThatGraemeGuy> or LXDE
[11:43] <Kilos> 14.04
[11:43] <Jacques_Stry> xfce or lxde will help allot
[11:43] <ThatGraemeGuy> 2GB is not a lot for a modern desktop OS
[11:43] <Jacques_Stry> reduces ram usage
[11:44] <Kilos> you can also install mate
[11:44] <Kilos> makes it much lighter
[11:44] <pieter2627> that on the plan in a few days, just have to hold till then
[11:44] <Kilos> i think its in the repos
[11:44] <ThatGraemeGuy> i doubt mate would be lighter than XFCE/LXDE
[11:44] <ThatGraemeGuy> isn't it another GNOME fork?
[11:44] <Kilos> i dunno but really speeds up unity
[11:45] <ThatGraemeGuy> o_O
[11:45] <Kilos> ya mate is a fork of gnome2
[11:45] <ThatGraemeGuy> ok I think you probably lost the plot somewhere
[11:45] <ThatGraemeGuy> mate cannot speed up unity
[11:45] <Kilos> it uses the mate gui
[11:45] <Kilos> then unity sleeps
[11:45] <Kilos> you choose at boot
[11:45] <ThatGraemeGuy> o_O
[11:46] <ThatGraemeGuy> ok I'm out of this discussion
[11:46] <Jacques_Stry> haha
[11:46] <Kilos> hehe
[11:46] <Jacques_Stry> pieter set swappiness to 10
[11:46] <Jacques_Stry> will help a bit at making it a bit more responsive
[11:47] <ThatGraemeGuy> I'd make it 0 but thats just me
[11:47] <ThatGraemeGuy> only swap if you absolutely have to
[11:47] <ThatGraemeGuy> but you can tweak and tune all you want, you will need more memory at some point
[11:49] <ThatGraemeGuy> in the car tuning world there's a saying "there's no replacement for displacement", i.e. you can gain power by tweaking little things here and there, maybe add some form of forced induction but at the end of the day you're better off with the 2.0 than the 1.4
[11:49] <ThatGraemeGuy> memory is the same
[11:49] <Kilos> agreed
[11:50] <Kilos> ram is expensive though
[11:50] <pieter2627> what happens when it is at 0 - had it at 10 at times
[11:51] <ThatGraemeGuy> so is that 2.0 engine, but if you're complaining about the 1.4 being too slow, there isn't much to do but come up with the money somehow :)
[11:51] <Jacques_Stry> on 0 when you run out of ram it thrashes a bit so I prefer setting it on 5 usually
[11:51] <Kilos> a 16v golg or jetta outrun a 3l ford
[11:52] <Kilos> golf
[11:52] <Jacques_Stry> the thing is when I do blender I can run out of ram even on my home pc with 16gb
[11:52] <Kilos> sjoe
[11:53] <Jacques_Stry> pieter2627: If you want to make the change permanant then add "vm.swappiness = 5" to /etc/sysctl.conf
[11:54] <Jacques_Stry> permanent*
[11:55] <pieter2627> i might experiment with some temps first then set the best one - remember that a really low value seemed bad in the past
[11:55] <pieter2627> i can remember*
[12:09] <jacques_> and i'm sitting in the dark
[12:12] <Kilos> ai!
[12:13] <Jacques_Stry> Running on Lap bat
[12:16] <Kilos> as long as we have this load shedding business i think lappies are better
[12:18] <Kilos> do the batteries last 2 and a half hours?
[12:20] <Jacques_Stry> mine goes about 2 hours
[12:21] <Jacques_Stry> depends on the model and specs - some last up to 7 hours
[12:21] <Kilos> even if you do nothing but irc?
[12:22] <Spekko> Sup Kilos
[12:22] <Spekko> long time no see
[12:22] <Kilos> hi Spekko wb
[12:22] <Spekko> ty ty
[12:22] <Kilos> where you been?
[12:23] <Spekko> New Work :-/ been working my arse off for the past 8months or so.
[12:23] <Kilos> whew
[12:24] <Kilos> so what do you sit on now?
[12:24] <Kilos> ribs?
[12:24] <ThatGraemeGuy> anyone know Symmetria's Ubuntu mirror details?
[12:24] <Kilos> sjoe
[12:24] <Kilos> Symmetria your mirror details please
[12:26] <Kilos> ThatGraemeGuy our local mirriors are pointed to him
[12:26] <ThatGraemeGuy> I found it
[12:26] <Kilos> the default one and the other za ones
[12:26] <ThatGraemeGuy> we run a mirror for internal use but our upstream is a bit flaky apparently
[12:27] <Kilos> ah
[12:27] <ThatGraemeGuy> starting to play with ubuntu in addition to debian
[12:28] <Spekko> Pretty much yeah, bare bones
[12:28] <Kilos> hehe
[12:29] <ThatGraemeGuy> where are you working thats working you so hard?
[12:56] <Jacques_Stry> Kilos: Problem is screen on the lappy still uses allot of power even if you only browse etc.
[12:56] <Kilos> ah
[13:05] <Jacques_Stry> Welcome unnamed one
[13:08] <Kilos> haha
[13:25] <Jacques_Stry> Chat in a while, going home
[13:25] <Kilos> ok
[13:53] <Kilos> hi Cantide and others
[13:55] <Kilos> hmm...
[13:57] <Cantide> Kilos, :)
[13:57] <Cantide> congratulations~
[13:58] <Kilos> ty Cantide was a fluke
[13:58] <Cantide> hah
[13:58] <Kilos> they didnt have anyone else
[13:58] <Cantide> no such thing as a fluke :p
[13:58] <Kilos> yaya
[13:59] <Kilos> when a door is breaking you use rusty nails if thats all you have
[14:00] <Kilos> why you depressed lad
[14:01] <Cantide> ahhh
[14:01] <Cantide> 미안합니다 <- it says "sorry" and was used as a catchphrase during the Sewol disaster
[14:01] <Cantide> the Sewol sank a year ago, today
[14:02] <Kilos> ah
[14:02] <Cantide> so many Koreans are remembering
[14:02] <Kilos> shame
[14:02] <Cantide> yeah... heartbreaking stuff
[14:03] <Cantide> and some families are still seeking closure
[14:03] <Cantide> the bodies of about 9 children have not been found
[14:03] <Kilos> ya sad but better than the whole country being washed away
[14:03] <Kilos> eish
[14:04] <Cantide> lol
[14:04] <Cantide> true that
[14:04] <Cantide> oh, i bought a plane ticket for SA yesterday
[14:04] <Cantide> gonna visit for about a week and a half in July :)
[14:05] <Kilos> nice
[14:05] <Kilos> hows your korean contacts doing
[14:05] <Kilos> i see they have rebuilt their loco
[14:05] <Kilos> help them if you can or join them anyway
[14:06] <Cantide> yeah
[14:06] <Cantide> i joined their IRC channel now
[14:06] <Kilos> good
[14:06] <Cantide> but i don't know the nick of the person you pointed to me on Facebook
[14:06] <Cantide> brb
[14:06] <Kilos> wait ill get it
[14:07] <Cantide> k
[14:07] <Kilos> TaeheeJang
[14:07] <Kilos> he is offline atm
[14:08] <Cantide> aha
[14:08] <Cantide> i see :p
[14:08] <Cantide> it's just his Korean name '-';
[14:08] <Cantide> 장태희
[14:08] <Kilos> thats the nick he uses too
[14:08] <Cantide> yup, thanks
[14:09] <Kilos> cool
[14:09] <Cantide> i'll keep an eye out for him
[14:22] <ThatGraemeGuy> load shedding up to stage 2
[14:24] <ThatGraemeGuy> from 18:00 supposedly although CoCT already on 2 according to them
[14:29] <Kilos> ai!
[15:40] <Kilos> hmm...
[15:41] <Kilos> wb Private_User
[15:41] <Kilos> wow Cantide you here long hey?
[15:41] <Kilos> must be missing za
[16:19] <Cantide> lol
[16:19] <Cantide> i forgot i was in here
[16:19] <Cantide> going to sleep now
[16:19] <Kilos> lol
[16:19] <Cantide> good night!
[16:19] <Kilos> sleep tight lad
[16:25] <Kilos> hi Rynomster
[16:26] <Rynomster> howzit Kilos
[16:26] <Kilos> ok ty and you
[16:28] <Rynomster> alright thanks :)
[16:29] <Kilos> you okes that swop nicks kill my brain
[16:29] <Kilos> whats left of it anyway
[17:15] <Kilos> hi Tonberry
[17:15] <Tonberry> hi
[17:16] <Kilos> ohi Jacques_StrY
[17:19] <Kilos> Maaz coffee on
[17:19] <Kilos> oh my
[17:19] * Maaz washes some mugs
[17:19] <Kilos> Maaz hurry
[17:19] <Maaz> Making decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed
[17:23] <Maaz> Coffee's ready for Kilos!
[17:23] <Kilos> Maaz gracias amigo
[17:23] <Maaz> ¡de nada compadre
[17:49] <miles_> hmm...
[17:50] <Kilos> just testing one of those box things
[17:52] <miles_> this is easier than a router
[17:53] <Kilos> evening superfly
[17:53] <Kilos> and inetpro
[17:54] <superfly> hi
[17:54] <superfly> Kilos: well done
[17:54] <Kilos> ty superfly
[17:54] <Kilos> not me, its all in your laps
[18:00] <Kilos> Jacques_StrY are you still running on battery?
[18:16] <Kilos> oh my
[18:43] <inetpro> my oh my
[18:43] <inetpro> good evening
[18:43] <Kilos> lol hello pro
[18:51] <Kilos> winter is here hey inetpro
[18:59] <inetpro> getting cooler yes
[19:01] <Kilos> im going to hit the sack. you should follow suite inetpro
[19:01] <Kilos> night all. sleep tight
[19:01] <inetpro> uh, ok oom
[19:01] <inetpro> good night oom
[19:05] <inetpro> superfly: what was that thing you do to get different colors for nicknames in Quassel?
[19:12] <confluency> inetpro: in the nick sidebar or in the chat window?
[19:12] <inetpro> confluency: in the chat window
[19:12] <confluency> For the chat window you check sender colours in "chat view".
[19:13] * inetpro is googling and remember it's something to do with stylesheets
[19:14] <confluency> It's in the configuration. Go to the "chat view" section. Check "sender colours".
[19:15] <confluency> I think stylesheets affect it too, but you don't need a stylesheet,
[19:16] <inetpro> confluency: ah, thanks
[19:17] <inetpro> that's all I needed | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.271913 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-za"
} |
2015-04-16-#kubuntu-devel | [06:22] <soee> good morning
[06:37] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:12] <soee> searching and rightclick on desktop work again :)
[07:13] <soee> using kubuntu without krunner was a pain -.-
[07:25] <Riddell> sgclark: ooh nice, well done :)
[07:27] <Riddell> 15 bugs to fix
[07:37] <sitter> Riddell: okteta build still read, workspace build still red
[07:39] <mustafam> Good morning, I am testing the latest beta with the latest updates, I had a crash in plasma, but when I press "Install Debug Symbols), I get "Could not find debug symbol packages for this application"
[08:08] <sitter> Riddell: reckon we should replace one patch with a slightly less awful patch?
[08:08] <sitter>
[08:08] * sitter feels like we should just leave it as it is until next sddm release
[08:08] <sitter> or at least vivid+1 opens
[08:09] <valorie> is SDDM now starting for new installs?
[08:10] <valorie> without fiddling
[08:10] <lordievader> That would be nice ;)
[08:10] <valorie> to me that is one of the most important bugs to fix
[08:10] <sitter> it isn't?
[08:10] <soee> no sure, im on the same installation
[08:10] <valorie> it wasn't
[08:10] <valorie> in teh beta
[08:11] <vip> hi ho
[08:11] <soee> valorie: check daily :)
[08:11] <soee> hiho vip
[08:11] <valorie> sorry, I don't have time to do that
[08:11] <soee> ;)
[08:11] <sitter> mh, the beta is like a month old :P
[08:11] <valorie> husband flew out today and I'm now a trail widow
[08:13] <mustafam> Now I installed plasma-workspace-dbg but it still lists /usr/bin/plasmashell with the list of files with no debug info
[08:14] <soee> hmm there was some other meta package to download debug symbols i think but can't remember what it was
[08:14] <soee> Riddell: ^
[08:18] <mustafam> I did
[08:18] <mustafam> # dpkg -S /usr/bin/plasmashell
[08:18] <mustafam> plasma-workspace: /usr/bin/plasmashell
[08:18] <mustafam> so I installed plasma-workspace-dbg
[08:26] <Riddell> mustafam: try plasma-desktop-dbg too
[08:30] <mustafam> Downloading
[08:32] <soee> ther eis pretty nice breeze trheme for yakuake
[08:41] <mustafam> Riddell: Installing plasma-desktop-dbg didn't fix this
[08:57] <Riddell> mustafam: what's the problem? you don't have debug symbols? do you have any debug symbols?
[09:07] <Riddell> meh what is wrong with digikam?
[09:15] * sitter thinks the installer simply doesn't manage to resolve the package
[09:42] <soee> if we remove korganizer (or kontact) - not sure what package adds entry to systray, this systray entry stays visible but does nothig as app was removed
[09:44] <Riddell> so remove it too :)
[09:48] <soee> this shoudl be done automagicaly
[10:01] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[10:05] <vip> hi
[10:05] <Riddell> freeze day!
[10:06] <Riddell> are you feeling cold?
[10:07] <BluesKaj> not yet Riddell :)
[10:09] <BluesKaj> <--- up early here, not quite insomnia , but close
[10:12] <lordievader> Riddell: It's cold here... Yesterday sunny and warm. Today cloudy and cold... :(
[10:21] <Riddell> hoorah digikam was just missing a .install file not in bzr
[10:31] <soee> ;-R
[10:47] <mustafam> Riddell: Sorry for going, Internet disconnected
[10:47] <mustafam> About the debug packages?
[10:55] <Riddell> mustafam: pastebin the backtrack you have and we'll see what's missing
[11:32] <ovidiu-florin> hello sexy people
[11:32] <soee> hiho
[11:33] <soee> Riddell: applications 15.04 will land in vivd before release ?
[11:33] <soee> *vivid
[11:34] <mparillo> ovidiu-florin: In my imagination, once upon a time I could have replied back, but clearly your greeting was not for me.
[11:34] <ovidiu-florin> mparillo: why not?
[11:35] <ovidiu-florin> anyone can be sexy
[11:35] <Riddell> soee: no it's backports material and still needs a lot of work although sgclark did great stuff yesterday
[11:36] <soee> ha :-) so vivd will gets all the best (Plasma 5.3 + apps 15.04) after its release :)
[11:36] <soee> *get
[11:37] <Riddell> gosh ubuntu unity live image just gives me a login screen I can't log into today, I guess that's what happens if you only do automated testing
[11:40] <soee> i see a lot of devs work on some small screens laptops etc. hwo can you work liek that ? :)
[11:44] <yofel> we like flexibility ;P
[11:45] <sebas> very small pixels :)
[11:45] * sebas has quite simply good eyes
[11:45] * BluesKaj avoids ovidiu-florin's look
[11:45] <soee> sebas: but it leads to problems with eyes no ? :)
[11:46] <ovidiu-florin> BluesKaj: ha?
[11:46] <sebas> no, only if you force something, never take breaks, etc.
[11:46] <sebas> if you have to bend forward all the time, your back's going to hurt at some point
[11:47] <BluesKaj> <- old
[11:47] <sebas> the problem with "bad eyes" is really the problem to focus on something relatively close all the time, that's why looking out of the window (or at least focusing the eyes further away) regularly is important
[11:47] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: do you think the website can be ready for next thursday?
[11:49] <BluesKaj> sebas, yes, i can't use my laptop for extended periods of time, these old eyes begin to blur things
[11:49] <ovidiu-florin> I'll tinker with the team page today and meanwhile I'll ping jose
[11:49] <ovidiu-florin> and hope soee can help me with the image optimizations
[11:50] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin :)
[11:50] <soee> ovidiu-florin: onyl thing we can do is to pass them through some script that will compress them a bit and remove not needed stuff, than use lazy laoding on website
[11:51] <ovidiu-florin> soee: I still think lazy load is not a good improvement
[11:51] <soee> it is
[11:51] <ovidiu-florin> but that image optimization, can you please take care of htat?
[11:51] <mustafam> The laptop died after waking from sleep :( , I'll post the backtrace next time.
[11:52] <ovidiu-florin> that's a terrible way to die
[11:52] <soee> ovidiu-florin:
[11:52] <mustafam> I have another problem, on a fresh install, pppoe doesn't work out-of-the-box
[11:53] <mustafam> I have to install pppoe package
[11:53] <mustafam> some problem with newer NM not working with ppp
[11:53] <mustafam> *with ppp only
[11:53] <soee> ovidiu-florin: tehy offer functionality to optimize already uplaoded photos and those that will be uploaded
[11:53] <ovidiu-florin> on my brother's laptop, (Acer Aspire) after installation and Updates, doesn't boot anymore
[11:53] <mustafam> I think we should include it in the default install
[11:54] <ovidiu-florin> soee: I'm at work right now, can you put that in a trello card?
[11:58] <mustafam> I talked about this NM pppoe problem previously on IRC, also on
[11:59] <mustafam> But not a good bug report, I thought I should ask here first.
[12:00] <soee> ovidiu-florin: done
[12:00] <ovidiu-florin> soee: thank you
[12:05] <mustafam> Riddell: New NM doesn't work with ppp, requires pppoe binary, I think pppoe should be added to the default install, what do you think?
[12:08] * Riddell looks
[12:09] <Riddell> mustafam: what's that for? 3g card or something?
[12:10] <Riddell> isn't pppoe only for an adsl modem?
[12:11] <mustafam> We use it for Broadband, I think it is used for DSL too.
[12:12] <mustafam> It used to work until recent versions of NM that require pppoe binary, not only ppp
[12:15] <Riddell> cyphermox: do you know if that's true? should network-manager recommend pppoe ?
[12:15] <Riddell> ↑
[12:16] <mustafam> I think this is the commit
[12:16] <mustafam>
[12:30] <Riddell> cyphermox: I tidied up the oem bug a little, bug 1413521 for showing the folderview, bug 1444980 for it not being installed at all and bug 1444967 for it not working on ubuntu unity
[12:30] <sgclark> morning
[12:32] <Riddell> hi sgclark!
[12:33] <BluesKaj> 'Morning sgclark
[12:54] <lordievader> Hey sgclark
[13:45] <cyphermox> Riddell: NM> well, if configure says so...
[13:46] <cyphermox> Riddell: please just don't straight upload to the release, I'm working on some other fixes in a CI train silo..
[13:46] <cyphermox> Riddell: for the oem bug; it seemed to work here for unity?
[13:46] <Riddell> cyphermox: ubiquity-dm didn't load on virtualbox for me when in oem mode
[13:47] <cyphermox> interesting
[13:47] <cyphermox> I haven't done much testing in vbox, perhaps I'll get to it today
[13:47] <cyphermox> did the reboot/eject/press enter thing work in your testing?
[13:49] <Riddell> cyphermox: not recently no
[13:49] <cyphermox> ah?
[13:50] <cyphermox> might be broken because vbox still though :/
[13:50] <cyphermox> I'll give unity a shot after I install vbox here
[14:28] <Riddell> "Michał Zając (quintasan) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu
[14:28] <Riddell> Members (kubuntu-members) team until 2016-04-22."
[14:28] <Riddell> yay queuebot still loves us
[14:33] <shadeslayer> queuebot ... ahaha
[14:33] <yofel> ^^
[15:15] <santa_> sitter: hi, I have seen your mail about the Vcs fields, I think I can offer you an script to add the vcs fields if there aren't any
[15:17] <sitter> santa_: I think I got them all sorted earlier today
[15:25] <santa_> sitter: ok
[16:52] <jose> ovidiu-florin: you pinged me?
[17:40] <Quintasan> I feel botish now
[17:40] <Quintasan> ;_l
[17:40] <Quintasan> ;_;
[17:40] <ovidiu-florin> jose: heeeeey
[17:40] <ovidiu-florin> I missed yu
[17:40] <ovidiu-florin> you*
[17:40] * jose is getting ready to leave in 2m
[17:41] <ovidiu-florin> how are you
[17:41] <ovidiu-florin> oh
[17:41] <ovidiu-florin> when are you comming back?
[17:41] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: there were some problems with the kernel?
[17:41] <ovidiu-florin> I keep seeing it in the Vivid updates
[17:42] <ovidiu-florin> jose: ^^^
[17:42] <jose> ovidiu-florin: in around 6 hours
[17:42] <ovidiu-florin> I'll do something about the team page and the pictures today and tomorrow
[17:42] <ovidiu-florin> do you thing we can do the migration, or at least start it this weekend?
[17:42] <ovidiu-florin> jose: ^
[17:43] <jose> yes
[17:43] <jose> sure
[17:43] <ovidiu-florin> ok, I'll ping you when I'm done
[17:43] <ovidiu-florin> who else is here?
[17:48] <ovidiu-florin> sgclark: are you around?
[17:48] <sgclark> ovidiu-florin: sorta, whats up?
[17:48] <ovidiu-florin> kfunk: are you around?
[17:49] <ovidiu-florin> I have an idea
[17:49] <ovidiu-florin> and I want to try it out
[17:49] <ovidiu-florin> I want to screencast while developing the Kubutnu site, or other KDE applications
[17:49] <ovidiu-florin> make some kind of series
[17:49] <ovidiu-florin> this can be good for promotion
[17:50] <ovidiu-florin> and also to colaborate with whomever wan't to join in
[17:50] <ovidiu-florin> soee: ping
[17:50] <ovidiu-florin> what do you guys think?
[17:50] <ovidiu-florin> good or bad idea?
[17:50] <ovidiu-florin> or horrible, don't touch it with a 100 meter stick
[17:51] <sgclark> not entirely familiar with screen cast.. is that like camera one while working or?
[17:51] <Sho_> make sure you get a proper microphone
[17:52] <ovidiu-florin> for the pilot, I'll just go with what I have
[17:52] <ovidiu-florin> Sho_: ^
[17:52] <ovidiu-florin> sgclark: I capture my screen and possibly me
[17:53] <sgclark> sure it is a good idea, but I am with Sho_ it has to be good quality.
[17:55] <ovidiu-florin> I agree
[17:55] <ovidiu-florin> I'll use the best I have, for now
[17:56] <ovidiu-florin> and if this get's any audience, I'll invest more in it
[17:56] <ovidiu-florin> would you guys like to be in my first?
[17:56] <sgclark> I simply don't have time - I rarely get to seep atm, I am truly sorry
[17:57] <sgclark> s/seep/sleep/
[17:57] <kubotu> sgclark meant: "I simply don't have time - I rarely get to sleep atm, I am truly sorry"
[18:00] <santa_> sgclark: hey, I'm working on apps 15.04.0 for siduction, I might send you some simple patches to the mailing list
[18:07] <ovidiu-florin> so, here it goes:
[18:24] <ovidiu-florin> where is Rick?
[18:30] <Riddell> busy making video podcasts about the eu I think
[18:36] <sgclark> okies
[18:41] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: did I miss that hangout?
[18:43] <ahoneybun> Riddell:
[18:43] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: do you want to join in?
[18:43] <ahoneybun>
[18:50] <sgclark> Riddell: hmm, I am I correct in thinking kdelibs and kdepim family will still be around for a long while and at that old version branch? if so we need to do a check for those and update to the correct version. This is alot of more work that could be prevented :( what do you think?
[18:51] <Riddell> sgclark: kdelibs will be around for ages, kdepim may get a kf5 version in 4 months, or it may not, who knows
[18:51] <Riddell> but yes they should be packaged too
[18:51] <sgclark> well yeah I have packaged them and uploaded
[18:52] <sgclark> the problem is all these apps are looking for version 15.04
[18:52] <sgclark> which does not exist
[18:53] <Riddell> oh the something needs changed in the scripts to not update those build-deps
[18:53] <sgclark> the update dev packages function could just do another check for those and update according me thinks
[18:54] <sgclark> I will take a look at some point before the next batch of apps
[18:55] <Riddell> there's a bunch of tweaks needed to kubuntu-initial-upload to make it smoother
[18:57] <sgclark> yeah, better error handling for one lol
[18:57] <sgclark> nothing like getting through a bunch of jobs and it barfing lol
[19:05] <ovidiu-florin> soee: are you here?
[19:05] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell:
[19:09] <soee> ovidiu-florin: hi, i have som work atm
[20:41] <santa_> sgclark: I can offer you an script to fix the kdelibs5-dev version, so with a few commands you could get it fixed for all the appliction packages and save time
[20:50] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: it died
[20:52] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: I thought so
[20:52] <ahoneybun> the team page is in html not json
[20:52] <ovidiu-florin> it is now
[20:52] <ovidiu-florin> I removed the json
[20:53] <ahoneybun> oh ok
[20:54] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: I've sent you a PM
[20:55] * ovidiu-florin goes to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[20:55] <ovidiu-florin> good night Humans
[20:55] <ovidiu-florin> and bots (kubotu)
[21:16] <santa_> sgclark: mail sent to kubuntu-devel with a proposed idea to fix the kdelibs5-dev versions without much pain
[21:16] <santa_> hope it helps
[21:57] * ahoneybun is sad to see no rss plasmoid
[21:57] <valorie> ahoneybun: write one?
[21:57] <valorie> or port the old one
[22:23] <sgclark> Riddell: ok well next-stage2 PPA is full... which explains why all my stuff is being rejected.
[22:29] <valorie> can you empty it of old junk, sgclark?
[22:31] <sgclark> valorie: it does not have New release availabe which old stuff usually does. I don't feel comfortable making that call as it has got me in trouble in the past.
[22:34] <valorie> seems like the euro-folks are all off for the night
[22:34] <valorie> I'm about to leave to have dinner with my son before the KDE meetup tonight
[22:37] <sgclark> aww I wanna KDE meetup lol
[22:38] <sgclark> anyway no worries got enough kde stuff to keep me busy..
[22:43] <soee> :)
[22:53] <ahoneybun> valorie: were you the one who reported that bug about the web page plasmoid?
[23:05] <soee> ahoneybun: it was me
[23:30] <ahoneybun> soee: I saw a update that installed the package needed for it, and it looks like it works now
[23:32] <soee> ahoneybun: yes Riddell fixed it | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.290748 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-br | [00:18] <Loser> Alguem pode me ajudar a reinstalar o torchat ?
[00:41] <Loser> Alguem pode me ajudar a reinstalar o tor chat, tentei mas deu um erro de dependencia
[00:42] <astroo-> sabes ingles?
[00:42] <Loser> Um pouco portuga, pq ?
[00:43] <astroo-> deve haver o canal sobre o tor algures
[00:45] <Loser> dificil viu
[00:46] <Loser> Eu vou desistir desse ubuntu, so me dah dor de cabeça
[00:47] <astroo-> ai #tor-project
[00:47] <astroo-> ja agora diz que parte e complicada
[00:47] <Loser> O tor project nao fala de TORCHAT
[00:47] <astroo-> ok
[00:48] <astroo-> nao conheço o chat
[00:48] <Loser> Entao...tinha a versao do sistema, que rodava mau pakas, ai eu baixei uma versao mais atual, e ela quebrou o sistema
[00:49] <astroo-> ja tentaste a cersao beta 15?
[00:49] <astroo-> versao
[00:49] <Loser> Nn...o ubuntu rodava liso aqui, o torchat que quebrou ele
[00:50] <astroo-> ok
[00:54] <Loser> Eu gosto da filosofia do linux, mas eh uma dor de cabeça imensa quando começa dar esses problemas
[00:58] <astroo-> calculo
[02:41] <astroo-> ciao pessoal
[12:51] <mirqui> bom dia :)
[12:59] <Carlos_> Bom dia, por favor se alguem puder me ajudar !!!! tenho um ultrabook com o software de fabrica instalado em uma das partições para recuperação do sistema. e ja tenho o windows 8.1 em uma das partições. Estou tentando instalar o Ubuntu, mas o sistema nao deixa eu criar as partições primarias.
[13:00] <mirqui> é o uefi , uma pequena armadilha da microsoft :)
[13:01] <Carlos_> uefi....é preciso desabilitar esse serviço ou nao há como ?
[13:02] <mirqui> não sei como te ajudar
[13:02] <mirqui> tenta alguém mais avançado
[13:02] <Carlos_> sem problemas, só de me informar que trata-se do uefi, já ajuda muito.
[13:03] <mirqui> sabes como botar dual boot ou desabilitar o uefi?
[13:04] <Carlos_> estou com a bios aberta mas nao consta esta função para habilitar ou desabilitar.
[13:05] <mirqui> é bem difícil ,
[13:06] <mirqui> olha isto
[13:06] <mirqui>
[13:09] <Carlos_> maravilha, vou dar uma pausa e dar sequencia nisso. depois Eu retorno e se te encontrar te informo se deu certo. abs.....
[13:09] <mirqui> boa sorte :)
[13:10] <Carlos_> valeu
[13:25] <juliano> não estou conseguindo colocar tema no lightdm ubuntu 14.10
[13:26] <mirqui> tentou usar o ubuntu tweak?
[13:27] <mirqui> ou as ferramentas de ajuste do unity?
[13:28] <juliano> sou novo no s.o estava fazendo um tuto para mudaça de layout porem não funciona depois de digitado os comandos
[13:28] <mirqui> sou novo tbm , só sei por essas duas formas
[13:29] <mirqui> tenta um user mais avançado
[13:29] <juliano> uso esses comando mas não da resultado
[13:29] <juliano> sudo xhost +SI:localuser:lightdm sudo su lightdm -s /bin/bash gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-grid false;exit sudo mv /usr/share/unity-greeter/logo.png /usr/share/unity-greeter/logo.png.backup cd;wget -O logo.png sudo mv logo.png /usr/share/unity-greeter/;gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-grid fals
[13:29] <mirqui> o hggdh ou o lieber
[13:30] <mirqui> xii , terminal não entendo nada
[13:31] <mirqui> uso a central de programas e o synaptc
[13:31] <juliano> o chat e geral ou apenas voce vê ??]
[13:31] <mirqui> ahaha não , estou de bobeira aqui na internet e volta e meia vejo se dá para ajudar
[13:32] <mirqui> todos da lista acho que estão on
[13:33] <mirqui> é que eu abro o navegador minimizado
[13:33] <mirqui> e dá para ver quando tem gente conversando no chat
[13:34] <juliano> estou testando tinha instalado um hackinthos mas não funcionou bem to saindo do win
[13:34] <mirqui> faz um certo tempo que não uso windows
[13:35] <mirqui> sempre pegava temas no site baixaki
[13:35] <mirqui> tem uns bem bacanas
[13:51] <Elfon> Pessoal, como verificar quem tem permissão pra escrita em uma pasta compartilhada no samba?
[13:52] <xGrind> Elfon, pra ver quem tem permissão, é ls -l
[13:52] <xGrind> nao sei se funciona no samba
[13:52] <xGrind> as permissões*
[13:53] <Elfon> xGrind: o que significa drwxrwxr-x 16 elfon elfon 4096 Abr 14 15:01 Downloads/
[13:55] <xGrind> d = diretorio. r : leitura, w: escrita, x: execução. elfon é o dono da pasta, o owner
[13:56] <Elfon> neste caso o grupo é o mesmo do usuário...certo?
[13:56] <marcos_> bom dia
[13:56] <xGrind> o owner tem permissão de leitura, escrita e execução, grupos tem as msm permissoes e outros sao nao podem escrever
[13:58] <xGrind> Elfon, acho que sim
[13:58] <Elfon> ok
[13:59] <marcos_> galera, estou com um problema no meu card de driver broadcom 43241, por exemplo, não consigo recuperar informações sobre o card com os comandos lspci e nem lsusb. Poderiam me ajudar como eu faço o meu ubuntu reconhecer minha placa wifi
[13:59] <mirqui> fala marcos :)
[14:01] <marcos_> eu pesquisei muito na net e achei várias soluções em relação ao meu problema com wifi, tentei vários, por fim um resolveu meu problema para conectar. Porém a conexão não funciona a qualquer momento, e de tempos em tempos ela oscila de uma forma cabulosa até cair
[14:02] <marcos_> a solução que achei foi instalar manualmente o driver e adicionar um arquivo txt com algumas funções muito doidas na mesma pasta em que meu driver (arquivo .bin) foi instalado, que é em /lib/firmware/bcm, dessa forma funciona porém oscila demais
[14:03] <mirqui> tú usa proxy ?
[14:03] <marcos_> não consigo utilizar meu linux de uma forma digna, estou tentando a mais de 1 mês a utilizar o sistema, adorei o ubuntu e não queria voltar para a bosta do windows, mas sem wifi é foda d++
[14:03] <marcos_> pior que não mirqui. aqui a conexão é direta, somente o modem + roteador wireless
[14:03] <marcos_> e meu ultrabook não tem conexão rj45, ele funciona somente com Wifi
[14:04] <mirqui> teu modem está ok?
[14:05] <marcos_> sim sim
[14:05] <marcos_> tenho outras máquinas utilizando normalmente a internet
[14:05] <Elfon> xGrind: vc entende a configuração do samba?
[14:05] <marcos_> pior que não é configuração na rede, tentei com outros modelos de roteadores wifi
[14:05] <mirqui> é estranho , não é um problema comum
[14:06] <mirqui> o ubuntu funciona normalmente com dual boot
[14:06] <mirqui> seu problema está no ubuntu , na hora da instalação da internet
[14:07] <mirqui> desistala e instala de novo
[14:07] <xGrind> Elfon, nao :/ . mas eu tenho um tutorial aqui mostrando como configurar, se quiser eu te passo
[14:07] <Elfon> ok
[14:07] <Elfon> eu não consigo acessar escrita
[14:07] <Elfon> tá soda
[14:07] <marcos_> eu achei que as distros baseadas em debian teriam suporte nativo ao modelo da broadcom 4324-1
[14:07] <marcos_> então mirqui, eu já desistalei tantas vezes cara
[14:08] <mirqui> ahaha velho , a zica te pegou
[14:08] <mirqui> seu note é novo , certo?
[14:09] <marcos_> já coloquei a versão 12.04 LTS, a versão 13.10 e a última que tentei foi a 14.04LTS
[14:09] <mirqui> não sei se o debian tem algo a ver com a internet caindo
[14:09] <marcos_> acho que é mais a compatibilidade do driver msm
[14:09] <mirqui> haaa tenta o mint
[14:10] <marcos_> pq o ubuntu funciona liso na minha máquina
[14:10] <marcos_> já tentei ele
[14:10] <mirqui> ee?
[14:10] <xGrind> Elfon,
[14:10] <mirqui> que deu?
[14:11] <marcos_> tipo meu único problema é no wifi mesmo, em todas as outras distros que já tentei ele não chega a ser reconhecido
[14:11] <marcos_> nem mesmo quando eu tento instalar o driver compativel com meu card
[14:11] <marcos_> somente no ubuntu que funcionou. Entrei em contato com a Sony, eles jogaram a pica para a broadcom
[14:11] <xGrind> marcos_, usa dual boot?
[14:11] <marcos_> não uso Grind
[14:12] <marcos_> mas no windows funciona 100% o wifi
[14:12] <xGrind> marcos_, voce disse que com o ubuntu funicionou, mas qual distro não funciona?
[14:12] <xGrind> Elfon,
[14:12] <xGrind> marcos_, é q tem um esquema de usar driver do windows
[14:13] <Elfon> ok
[14:13] <marcos_> xGrind, as distros que não funcionam é LinuxMind, Fedora, OpenSuse ... LinuxMind deve ser baseado em debian igual o ubuntu não entendo pq não funcionou
[14:13] <xGrind> Elfon,
[14:13] <xGrind> marcos_, olha isso
[14:13] <mirqui> haha todas distros fáceis de instalar
[14:14] <mirqui> foi azar mesmo
[14:14] <Elfon> marcos_: você poderia tentar algo como ROSA, Openmandriva e MAgeia em live cd
[14:14] <Elfon> marcos_: falo isso pq há poucos dias saiu uma atualização broadcom para o ROSA :)
[14:15] <marcos_> xGrind vou ler esse tutorial que você me passou
[14:15] <Elfon> marcos_: vc tb poderia tentar conectar pelo cabo e verificar se tem alguma atualização
[14:15] <marcos_> mas antes, teria como eu baixar o NdisWrapper em um arquivo .deb ? pq eu quando tirar essa desgraça do windows, não vou ter internet no ubuntu, então tenho que fazer tudo manualmente
[14:16] <marcos_> Elfon, não tenho como me conectar pela entrada rj45, meu ultrabook não tem a entrada =/
[14:17] <Elfon> vixi
[14:17] <marcos_> por isso ta tenso rsrs
[14:18] <mirqui> teu modem é novo?
[14:19] <xGrind> marcos_,
[14:19] <xGrind> só compilar. tem make, install
[14:20] <marcos_> tipo, eu baixei o arquivo
[14:20] <marcos_> dai quais são os passos ? é que sou meio leigo
[14:20] <marcos_> eu faço make install e o nome do arquivo tar.gz ?
[14:20] <xGrind> so make
[14:21] <xGrind> depois sudo make install
[14:21] <marcos_> entendi
[14:21] <marcos_> mas eu preciso descompatar antes ?
[14:21] <xGrind> sim
[14:21] <marcos_> eu preciso especificar um arquivo no make install
[14:21] <marcos_> ou somente preciso estar no diretorio corrente ?
[14:21] <xGrind> descompacta e entra na pasta. dentro tem um arquivo chamado INSTALL. abre ele com o editor de texto e tem os passos
[14:22] <marcos_> valeuuuuu xGrind
[14:22] <marcos_> vou tentar aqui
[14:22] <marcos_> valeu mesmo cara
[14:22] <xGrind> tentae =)
[14:22] <mirqui> boa sorte :)
[14:22] <marcos_> valeu mirqui pelo suporte rsrs
[14:24] <mirqui> ahaha suporte furado :)
[14:24] <mirqui> quem te ajudou foi o xgrind :)
[14:26] <mirqui> só estou te desejando boa sorte para enchotar a zica do modem :)
[14:40] <lieber> dia
[14:41] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :)?
[14:42] <lieber> suave
[14:42] <lieber> acordei tardao
[15:01] <mirqui> boa , eu aqui já vou almoçar , até :)
[16:11] <mirqui> boa tarde :)
[20:48] <astroo-> hello people
[20:48] <astroo-> ola pessoal
[21:10] <Vitor> Boa noite a todos !!!
[21:11] <astroo-> ola
[21:44] <Vitor> Pessoal com o Wine é possivel instalar o VirtualDJ ?
[21:45] <Vitor> No linux ubuntu 14.10 ...
[21:59] <Rudolf> não
[22:16] <xGrind> Vitor, existe um programa parecido pra linux: Mixx
[22:18] <Vitor> xGrind > vou baixar ele, obrigadão !!
[23:00] <Gean> Olá
[23:01] <Rudolf> olá
[23:01] <astroo-> ola
[23:02] <Gean> uso o aplicatico de mensagens Viber. Porem nas versões 14 o icone minimizado tem ficado no canto esquerdo, en vez de ficar no cando direito, ao lado do skype por exemplo
[23:03] <Gean> o icone do viber fica bem em cima do icone X de fechar um programa
[23:31] <Allan__> Ola pessoal hoje quando instalei o ubuntu apresentou esse erro ao realizar o login the system is running in low-graphics mode
[23:33] <astroo-> ola
[23:33] <Rudolf> Allan__: instalar o modulo da sua placa de video para rodar em high-graphics mode
[23:34] <Allan__> meu pc nao possui placa de video pois e um computador de teste
[23:50] <Rudolf> Allan__: todo pc possui placa de video
[23:51] <Rudolf> Allan__: se não você não veria nada
[23:51] <Rudolf> Allan__: no monitor
[23:51] <Rudolf> Allan__: agora, se seu pc não possui uma placa de video boa
[23:51] <Rudolf> Allan__: aí é outra história
[23:51] <Rudolf> Allan__: e o erro provavelmente não tem solução | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.306000 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-br"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-locoteams | [05:01] <Kilos> evening nhaines and other evening peeps
[05:02] <Kilos> morning to everyone else
[05:02] <Kilos> :)
[11:31] <Kilos> hi TaeheeJang CarlosNeyPastorB toddc
[11:32] <TaeheeJang> Kilos: hi Kilos!
[14:02] <lefo> hello
[14:02] <Kilos> hi lefo
[14:03] <lefo> what is the best version of linux? i am novo in the place...
[14:03] <lefo> new*
[14:03] <Kilos> whew that depends on your taste
[14:04] <Kilos> i use kubuntu
[14:04] <Kilos> others use ubuntu
[14:04] <Kilos> others use arch linux
[14:04] <Kilos> ubuntu is about the easiest for a new person
[17:00] <toddc> Hi Kilos late to the party
[17:00] <Kilos> lol
[17:12] <Kilos> aw i missed greeting dholbach today
[17:13] <Kilos> sorry
[17:13] <Kilos> hi JanC as well
[17:13] <dholbach> hey Kilos :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.309584 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-desktop | [06:01] <didrocks> good morning
[06:33] <seb128> hey didrocks&desktopers
[06:35] <didrocks> re seb128
[06:55] <larsu> morning!
[06:57] <seb128> hey larsu willcooke
[06:57] <willcooke> morning gents
[06:58] <didrocks> hey larsu, willcooke!
[06:59] <larsu> hi didrocks, seb128, willcooke (alphabetically)
[07:00] <didrocks> was clearly the preference order, I know it! :)
[07:00] * larsu provides no further comment
[07:01] <TheMuso> Hey folks. :)
[07:04] <larsu> morning TheMuso!
[07:04] <didrocks> hey TheMuso
[07:07] <seb128> hey TheMuso
[07:56] <willcooke> g'night TheMuso
[07:57] <TheMuso> willcooke: Later. :)
[08:03] * Laney joins the hello fest
[08:08] <willcooke> what up Laney
[08:09] <didrocks> hey hey Laney
[08:57] <Laney> tkamppeter: please could you commit that ptouch-driver update to debian git too?
[09:21] <willcooke> FJKong, ping. Are you still around?
[09:21] <FJKong> willcooke: here
[09:22] <willcooke> FJKong, can you join #community on Canonical server quickly?
[09:23] <FJKong> willcooke: no problem
[09:23] <willcooke> by which I mean, it won't take long, not that you need to join quickly
[09:23] <Laney> this is intriguing...
[09:24] <willcooke> Laney, feel free to join as well :) Just talking about release events for NUDT
[09:25] <Laney> haha
[09:25] <Laney> you deflated the excitement
[09:26] <willcooke> There is also the secret agenda items about how we can prevent the community from knowing about what internal development work we're doing
[09:26] <willcooke> but, oh know, I've said too much already
[09:26] <willcooke> *no
[09:26] * Laney flashes the men in black thing
[09:27] <willcooke> Phew - good job didrocks didnt hear that
[09:30] <didrocks> what? my compiz crashed because you remotely asked it for? :p
[09:30] * didrocks is intriguated as well now…
[09:36] <willcooke> I'm pulling your leg didrocks ;)
[09:36] <willcooke> I assume that translates perfectly
[09:37] <didrocks> willcooke: heh, I know about this expression (but yeah, no litteral translations in french) :)
[09:37] <didrocks> willcooke: but not worry, I'll still double check on :p
[09:37] <didrocks> (once it's refreshed)
[09:37] <didrocks> bash-completion isn't installed on the ubuntu core image -> /me sads
[09:37] <didrocks> sad*
[09:39] <Laney> good job we have a massive archi... wait
[09:44] <didrocks> hum, do we have a good client to read markdown docs?
[09:44] <didrocks> (this first giving a name starting with "e****" goes out :p)
[09:47] <Laney> that is what I use :(
[09:47] <Laney> on the extremely rare occasions that I write anything for the website
[09:48] <larsu> didrocks: isn't markdown supposed to be readable in plain text?
[09:49] <larsu> I thought that's the whole point of it
[09:49] <didrocks> larsu: yeah, but formatting!
[09:49] <Laney> I guess to check you got the syntax right?
[09:49] <Laney> use pandoc to convert it to html or something
[09:49] <didrocks> oh, nice idea
[09:49] <larsu> didrocks: pass it through a converter and look at it in a browser?
[09:49] <larsu> there's also something converting it to troff. man!!!
[09:50] <didrocks> ahah
[09:50] <didrocks> thanks guys, I will go that road!
[09:50] <larsu> if you're editing, I hear gnome-builder is really nice for that (split pane life preview thing)
[09:51] <larsu> I think I would find that annoying though... too many things moving on the screen and all
[09:53] <didrocks> yeah, I have as well
[09:53] <didrocks> but this is kind heavy for just reading
[09:53] <didrocks> converting is the way then!
[11:06] <larsu> Laney: did you see my mr for vanvugt's gtk patch?
[11:14] <Laney> larsu: yes, thanks - was hoping you and mclasen would agree on a patch for that scrolling problem so we can fix that too
[11:18] <larsu> Laney: I pinged him yesterday and he said he'd put it on his list. didn't sound very convincing
[11:18] <larsu> I have a patch that fixes it if you want that for now
[11:18] <larsu> it's a one-liner
[11:22] * larsu grabs something to eat
[11:25] <Laney> larsu: Don't know, can wait for review
[11:39] <larsu> ok
[11:54] <willcooke> lolz - email from a recruitment company, would we like them to find us some Sharepoint consultants?
[11:54] <willcooke> Think we're probably ok thx
[11:55] <ogra_> dont say no ! as long as they wor for free :)
[11:56] <willcooke> :D
[11:56] <willcooke> They could sweep up round the office or something
[13:17] <larsu> Laney: any idea why bug #1408721 happened? According to the changelog, we only started installing settings.ini with that release
[13:18] * larsu wonders if that file is necessary at all...
[13:27] <davmor2> willcooke: imagine this if you will, coffee magically appears in your you want one sharepoint monkey right
[13:27] <willcooke> davmor2, lol :)
[13:27] <pitti> Good morning
[13:28] <seb128> hey pitti! wie gehts?
[13:28] <willcooke> hey pitti
[13:28] <pitti> hey seb128, willcooke!
[13:29] <pitti> gut, danke!
[13:29] <pitti> und Euch?
[13:29] <seb128> larsu, that error message suggests that the content of the file is different between the i386 and amd64 binaries?
[13:29] <didrocks> good morning pitti!
[13:29] <seb128> pitti, auch gut, danke :-)
[13:30] <larsu> hi pitti!
[13:32] <larsu> seb128: not sure how that could happen. That file gets copied over from the debian directory into the shared package
[13:33] <seb128> larsu, yeah, me neither...
[13:33] <larsu> I wonder why it's not in -common
[13:35] <nonyab> How can i make transfer my ubuntu on laptop with all my settings and apps to flashdrive for a portability so i can use it any where please
[13:38] <nonyab> kinda like casper xp does in windoz
[13:45] <willcooke> nonyab, hi there! This is mostly a development channel, you are best to ask in #ubuntu for support type questions
[13:45] <willcooke> nonyab, lots of folk in there will be able to help you
[14:02] <nonyab> thanx willcooke
[14:11] <Laney> larsu: Can't think how that can be our bug - probably only if they've installed a non-Ubuntu (self built or PPA) package which stole our version namespace
[14:12] <larsu> Laney: so... close it?
[14:12] <Laney> did
[14:12] <Laney> well, Incomplete
[14:12] <larsu> oh thanks :)
[14:15] <larsu> Laney: oh, thanks for nagging on the --class bug again :)
[14:17] <Laney> he sounded open to doing something ...
[14:18] <larsu> ya
[14:19] <larsu> I wonder why he cares so much about something that he considers (for good reason) to be deprecated
[14:19] <larsu> it's not like this patch will be a huge maintenance burden
[14:20] <larsu> it does change behavior though, so ...
[14:27] <larsu> didn't we decide to disable deprecation warnings for the release?
[14:39] <seb128> larsu, nobody did the change I guess :-(
[14:39] <seb128> we still can today?
[14:41] <larsu> do you want to?
[14:44] * larsu thinks we should and can prepare a patch
[14:49] <seb128> yes, please
[15:46] <larsu> seb128: (sorry, was out in the sun) Where's the packaging branch for glib?
[15:46] <larsu> lp:~ubuntu-desktop/glib/ubuntu is ooooold
[15:46] <seb128> larsu, we don't have one I guess
[15:47] <seb128> which tends to be the cases for packages we can often sync from Debian
[15:47] <seb128> case
[15:47] <larsu> ah, ok
[15:49] <larsu> desrt: G_PARAM_DEPRECATED says it only issues warnings when run with G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC, but nothing other than signal.c looks at that env var…
[15:56] <larsu> oh I'm blind, it does look at it, but the logic is inverted from what the docs say
[16:04] <larsu> seb128: I've attached a patch to bug #1430307
[16:04] <larsu> but I guess this is something for Laney rather
[16:04] <seb128> larsu, thanks, and yeah, but if Laney doesn't want to deal with it I can have a look as well
[16:05] <Laney> No I don't
[16:06] <larsu> uh oh
[16:06] <larsu> want to keep the warnings on?
[16:06] <Laney> Don't want to block it
[16:07] <Laney> Last cycle it was meant to be one time only
[16:07] <Laney> And it came via upstream then which made it more palatable
[16:07] <Laney> But you do it if you want
[16:08] <didrocks> seb128: larsu: I'm happy to have a look as well :)
[16:08] <didrocks> you know my opinion on this :p
[16:08] <seb128> :-)
[16:09] <seb128> Laney just hates on our users :p
[16:09] <didrocks> yeah, and developers should use G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1 anyway (but we should made it maybe a little bit more clear)
[16:10] <larsu> Laney: right. But shit didn't get fixed last cycle...
[16:10] <larsu> spewing warnings doesn't help 99.999% of the people seeing them
[16:10] <larsu> and we'll get more bugs
[16:10] <Laney> Then get it fixed upstream for everyone
[16:10] <didrocks> even crazy security geeks like mdeslaur agrees! That should make you think about it Laney ;)
[16:10] <Laney> I'm not interested in rehashing 6 month old arguments BTW
[16:11] <seb128> yeah, let's agree to disagree
[16:11] <didrocks> yep
[16:11] <didrocks> seb128: want to sponsor it or should I? (I'm about to leave, not sure if it will be ok by tomorrow with finale finale finale freeze)
[16:11] * larsu carefully steps back from the keyboard and puts some money aside for Laney's beer in London
[16:11] <seb128> I understand Laney's fundamental position, in practice I think disabling those is a real world compromise which makes things better for our users though
[16:11] <seb128> didrocks, I can do it
[16:11] <mdeslaur> didrocks: lol :)
[16:11] <didrocks> good!
[16:11] <didrocks> mdeslaur: ;)
[16:12] <didrocks> (and yeah, larsu spot it on)
[16:12] * didrocks copies and pastes the exact sentence for the next 6 months
[16:15] <seb128> larsu, let me know when you have a patch and where, I can sponsor it
[16:15] <larsu> seb128: it's attached on the bug
[16:15] <seb128> oh right, sorry, lost track ;-)
[16:15] <larsu> no worries :)
[16:16] <didrocks> seb128: see this guy, he's even not attaching a debdiff!
[16:16] <larsu> the fuck if I know how that works
[16:16] <didrocks> larsu: didn't you provide some in the past? :)
[16:16] <larsu> didrocks: I did, but always forget ;)
[16:16] <didrocks> seb128: germany is clearly not what it used to be…
[16:16] <didrocks> :)
[16:16] <seb128> good that we have a team week next week
[16:16] <seb128> we can remind larsu of things
[16:17] <didrocks> exactly!
[16:17] * didrocks hugs larsu
[16:17] <larsu> haa
[16:17] * larsu hugs EVERYONE
[16:19] <seb128> /me hugs larsu back
[16:19] <seb128> ups
[16:20] <seb128> larsu, didrocks, Laney, uploaded
[16:20] <didrocks> /msg larsu see how seb128 doesn't know how to use IRC after 14 years?
[16:20] <didrocks> seb128: \o/
[16:21] <seb128> lol
[16:21] <didrocks> :p
[16:21] <didrocks> it's like Friday in the air!
[16:22] <larsu> seb128: thanks!
[16:22] <larsu> didrocks: LOL
[16:26] <Laney> seb128: did you see my link to the commit from last time?
[16:27] <Laney> oh, WTF, someone accepted it already
[16:28] <Laney> whatever
[16:31] <larsu> :(
[16:36] <didrocks> Laney: maybe we should ask for prioritizing having logs on those accepts/deny on launchpad side now that the buttons are client-side and not anymore on the server…
[16:36] <seb128> Laney, I saw it/your comment, but I though it was just arguing in favor of pushing to commit that upstream, not something needed on our side for the upload
[16:36] <didrocks> even not for pointing guilt, but at least, to know who to talk to
[16:37] <Laney> seb128: I linked to how desrt did it last time which was different
[16:37] <seb128> Laney, right, nothing in your comment suggested you though that was better though
[16:37] <seb128> I've no strong opinion on one way or the other
[16:38] <seb128> I'm happy to replace it by desrt's version if you prefer though
[16:38] <seb128> -though
[16:38] <Laney> Nope, up to your judgement
[16:39] <seb128> trusting larsu
[16:39] <larsu> it amounts to the same, no? The only difference is that with desrt's patch you can also do G_DISABLE_DIAGNOSTICS=Laney and they'll be turned on
[16:39] * larsu doesn't care either way
[16:39] <seb128> if nobody cares then it's good enough like that
[16:40] <Laney> Correct
[16:40] <Laney> I'm going early
[16:40] <Laney> bye
[16:42] * desrt blinks
[16:42] <ogra_> disco !
[16:42] <desrt> untz untz
[16:42] <seb128> Laney, have a good evening!
[16:43] <didrocks> vuntz vuntz
[16:43] <didrocks> see you Laney!
[16:52] * didrocks waves good evening as well
[17:06] <willcooke> l8r chaps
[17:31] <mitya57> desrt: what do you think about gnome #746592?
[17:32] <desrt> interesting
[17:33] <mitya57> I think that is the same as our lp: #1222053
[17:33] <mitya57> (but with patches)
[17:33] <desrt> but problematic...
[17:34] <mitya57> --verbose please :)
[17:34] <desrt> there is no support for fallbacks here
[17:34] <desrt> like if XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is MATE:GNOME or something
[17:34] <desrt> and then we find the MATE file first, which has one single mate-specific override
[17:34] <desrt> we won't go on to find the gnome overrides after that
[17:35] <mitya57> According the the patch description we will...
[17:35] <desrt> the way i read it it adds the compiled schema it finds first, by priority order of the xdg_current_desktops
[17:36] <mitya57> so yes, it is .../mate, then .../gnome, and finally the default directory
[17:36] <mitya57> Is that wrong?
[17:36] <desrt> the problem is what happens when you find mate
[17:37] <mitya57> Oh, I see what you mean
[17:37] <desrt> like imagine gnome has 10 overrides, but then mate has 1 override on top of it
[17:37] <desrt> you'll get the one, but miss the 10, even though you list MATE:GNOME in the variable
[17:37] <mitya57> Yes, I got it, and that sounds fixable
[17:37] <mitya57> Will you comment on that patch, or should I?
[17:37] <desrt> it's actually a very difficult problem
[17:37] <desrt> i'll comment
[17:38] <mitya57> OK
[17:38] <desrt> the trouble is that you need to figure out what schema content gets included in each file
[17:38] <desrt> and there is not great support fort his level of granularity in the current compiler
[17:38] <desrt> particularly when schemas refer to each other
[17:40] <mitya57> Hm, yes, it may be troublesome
[17:47] <mitya57> desrt: Thanks for commenting!
[17:47] <desrt> sorry to rain on your parade :(
[17:48] <mitya57> Well, this is a wishlist for me, not something very important :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.323728 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-desktop"
} |
2015-04-16-#xubuntu-devel | [06:26] <ochosi> morning all
[06:26] <elfy> morning ochosi
[06:28] <ochosi> so the overall feedback (from what i've read on the interwebs) was fairly positive wrt our default app switch
[06:28] <ochosi> and lol, for some reason ppl also started to discuss our default music player
[06:29] <ochosi> and brace yourselves, those of you who always say there is nobody who actually likes gmusicbrowser, it comes out on top :)
[06:29] <ochosi>
[06:31] <Unit193> Wow.
[06:31] <elfy> :)
[06:33] <Unit193> Wonder if GIMP actually does have "98%" of what Photoshop does.
[06:36] <Unit193> And yeah, looked like one or maybe two didn't like it, but that is a small selection of people. G+ seems to do polls, does Twitter or FB?
[06:38] <ochosi> yeah, a few sad faces about gimp, but nothing dramatic and so far i haven't seen anybody who disagreed with dropping abiword+gnumeric
[06:39] <Unit193> Seemed like a couple, and some were more discontent with adding LO, and thought all office applications should be optional. :P
[06:42] <ochosi> we still have to discuss what of LO to include
[06:42] <ochosi> which likely means checking how big the parts of LO are
[06:42] <elfy> writer and calc I'd guess
[06:42] <ochosi> elfy: yeah, but maybe impress isn't heavy and if it isn't, it'd be a nice gain
[06:43] <elfy> I guess so - never use it
[06:43] <ochosi> at least to me, that is the classical office trias
[06:43] <elfy> yep
[06:44] <elfy> and then which icon set for it too I guess
[06:49] <ochosi> oh right
[06:50] <Unit193> I'd tend to agree with elfy, but it's more what's going to get pulled in anyway. :P
[06:50] <elfy> we've got these guys on team who like to make things look nice
[06:50] <elfy> thankfully :D
[06:52] <Unit193> Recommends: libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer, and -writer does -math, so looks like the whole thing or nothing.
[06:54] <ochosi> elfy: :) yeah, there was a time when i considered making an icon theme for LO, but it's a ridiculous amount of icons...
[06:54] <elfy> he he he
[06:55] <ochosi> Unit193: humm, any way round pulling all the crappy parts in?
[06:55] <Unit193> I'll leave that up to Sean.
[06:58] <Unit193> libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc libreoffice-gtk:
[06:59] <Unit193> (Warning, not on xubuntu nor vivid. :P )
[07:01] <ochosi> wowza, style-galaxy and style-human, as if one icon theme wasn't enough
[07:02] <Unit193> Suggests? Ignore.
[07:05] <Unit193> Looks like galaxy can be avoided.
[07:26] <astraljava> So, due to recent changes in personal life, I'm looking into getting more active on FLOSS scene again. In case the team needs any assistance, I could rejoin the ranks. :)
[07:27] <elfy> test test test test test test test test test test test
[07:28] <astraljava> Okay then. :)
[07:29] <astraljava> I'll get familiar with the release schedule, and plan a personal timetable.
[07:31] <elfy> astraljava: basically - release candidate is due out tomorrow - then release next Thursday
[07:31] <elfy> don't worry about packages, but any image testing you can do will be gratefully received :)
[07:32] <astraljava> Alright cool! Will be busy with work most of the day, but I'd imagine I can get to it at around 2000 UTC or something.
[07:32] <astraljava> I suppose there's still a testdrive utility or something? I do not have hardware I could test on ATM.
[07:33] <astraljava> Yes, I see there is. :)
[07:33] <elfy> astraljava: just grab vbox - not sure what state testdrive is in tbh
[07:34] <astraljava> Ahh... ok, will do.
[07:34] <astraljava> I'll look for the team's test pages later. Thanks!
[07:39] <elfy> thanks :)
[07:39] <elfy> bbl
[07:40] <ochosi> astraljava: great, wb! :)
[07:40] <ochosi> if you wanna get into development again too, always feel free to get in touch
[07:41] <astraljava> Cheers. :) I most certainly will.
[07:42] <astraljava> I'm planning to find professional positions outside of hands-on development (after this current project, that is), so I'll hunger for messing with source again. :)
[07:49] <ochosi> sounds great!
[07:49] <ochosi> there's always lots and lots to do
[07:49] <ochosi> mostly trying to support xfce with the gtk3 transition
[07:49] * Unit193 sighs.
[07:49] * Unit193 dons a cheerleader outfit.
[07:57] <astraljava> ochosi: Ok cool, if you have more detailed plans somewhere, please elaborate.
[07:57] <astraljava> Hey Unit193!
[07:57] <Unit193> Howdy, astraljava.
[07:58] <ochosi> astraljava: well there's a roadmap for xfce 4.14, you can start by reading through that:
[07:59] <astraljava> ochosi: Aye, cap'n!
[10:42] <elfy> astraljava: basically - release candidate is due out tomorrow - then release next Thursday
[11:16] <astraljava> elfy: Right, so you're saying there's not much point in testing today?
[11:20] <ochosi> Unit193: just FYI, xubuntu-core has a few fans on g+. are you planning to write up some blog post about that?
[12:39] <elfy> astraljava: not hugely today no
[13:38] <astraljava> elfy: Alrighty then, I'll reserve that energy for tomorrow. :)
[14:53] <elfy> astraljava: I will mail the list again once I see things that can be worked on
[14:53] <elfy> more than once ;)
[15:24] <elfy> annnnd ... images had it again :|
[15:35] <elfy> so have we done anything that would have the xfce background behind the try/install dialogue?
[15:35] <elfy> bug 1259525 again
[15:36] <elfy> - vbox with dialogue shoved over
[15:36] <elfy>
[15:36] <elfy> kvm
[15:38] <slickymasterWork> yeah, nasty
[15:55] <micahg> I'm not noticing any actual translations updates in xubuntu-default-settings, just some new files, so I'm thinking to just skip the upload
[15:55] <elfy> micahg: we have worse issues right now
[15:55] <micahg> ah :(
[15:56] <micahg> well, if they still exist in about 6-7 hours, I can try to help fix
[15:56] <elfy> rather than me rehash - logs should be up in irclogs shortly
[15:56] <micahg> ok
[15:57] <elfy> seems though to be bug 1259525 reappearing
[16:02] <slickymasterWork> micahg, I think the last transations in x-d-s were in hu.po
[16:02] <slickymasterWork> * translations
[16:02] <micahg> ok, I didn't see any actual translations though, just new files
[16:04] <micahg>
[16:05] <slickymasterWork> that seems correct micahg
[16:06] <micahg> as in I don't need to upload?
[16:07] <slickymasterWork> I don't know when it was last uploaded, but the timestamps on the po files are correct
[16:08] <slickymasterWork> I think bluesabre upload it, but don't recall now when he did it
[16:21] <micahg> ok, I'll be back around 23:00 UTC, if that bug still exists, I can dig then
[16:24] <elfy> micahg: has anyone done anything to the image since yesterday's build?
[16:27] <micahg> ?
[16:27] <elfy> orite - so nothing that's x-d-s then
[16:27] <micahg> sorry, have to run
[16:27] <elfy> yep - cya
[19:11] <Unit193> ochosi: Nice, and nah it was released last cycle.
[19:38] <dkessel> hmm did i miss something? it looks like the german translation of the desktop guide is not included in the package anymore on vivid?
[19:40] <Unit193> For some reason, they aren't. They've been translated enough though.
[19:42] <Unit193> POT is up to date.
[19:44] <dkessel> strange
[20:22] <Unit193> ochosi: Also don't see it. :D
[20:40] <knome> elfy, anything you'd like to work on with me tonight?
[20:41] <elfy> knome: nope - unless you know what broke images :)
[20:42] <knome> well unless the images were that thing that made a crackling noise when i sat on the sofa... nope
[20:42] <knome> i'll plan some gaming for me then ;)
[20:42] <elfy> was just a reallyu slight hope that some little thing broek the world :D
[20:42] <knome> who knows... it might be
[21:26] <Unit193> brainwash: BTW, have any issues with freshplayer? Wasn't working in FF, but did work in xombrero where it didn't used to. :P
[21:28] <brainwash> Unit193: I don't use it. some user emailed me and thanked me for my ppa, so I just keep updating it
[21:28] <Unit193> Sure, I poke it every few months.
[21:32] <brainwash> Unit193: fedora (xfce) has xfdashboard, any plans for xubuntu?
[21:33] <Unit193> brainwash: I've noticed, is it shipped by default now though? And, I'm hoping for repos for Wombat, and don't know/care too much if it's shipped by default though.
[21:33] <Unit193> We've got it cooking in extras, and seems to be fairly well liked.
[21:35] <brainwash> maybe not really needed by default
[21:36] <ochosi> Unit193: you don't see what?
[21:36] <Unit193> ochosi: Looked at the G+ community and +xubuntu, didn't see comments about core. :P
[21:37] <ochosi> oh, well, they're hidden in some comments to a webupd8 posting i think
[21:37] <Unit193> Mmm, I see.
[21:37] <ochosi> i only noticed that ppl are not aware of -core
[21:37] <ochosi> and felt we might start to advertise or publicise that a bit now
[21:39] <Unit193> I could say it 100 times, but people still won't get tasks vs metas.
[21:39] <Unit193> Helped someone just this week about that, btw. \o/
[21:40] <ochosi> yeah, well maybe a blog post explaining the procedure might help?
[21:41] * Unit193 winces.
[21:41] <ochosi> writing things down once instead of having to explain them over and over...
[21:46] <elfy> ochosi: I would blame YOU in this channel :D
[21:46] <ochosi> oh ok, that's comforting to know :]
[21:46] <elfy> lol
[21:48] <knome> some people seems to think we're keeping gnumeric
[21:49] <knome> i don't understand how you can misinterpret the mail, but...
[21:49] <ochosi> weird, i thought i was pretty explicit
[21:49] <elfy> cos people read what they want
[21:49] <ochosi> "So all in all this means that 15.10 will be shipped without Gimp, Abiword and Gnumeric but instead (parts of) the LibreOffice Suite."
[21:49] <knome> ochosi, as i said, i don't understand why, but...
[21:50] <ochosi> i was out working all day, who believes that?
[21:50] * ochosi unpacks the elephant whip
[21:50] <knome> working? what's that?
[21:50] <drc> o/ (can I have my cookie now?)
[21:53] <Unit193> ochosi: ist goot.
[21:59] <ochosi> Unit193: feel free to borrow from it for your blog post ;)
[22:26] <Unit193>
[22:27] <Unit193> ochosi: I have found my blogging efforts are quite wasted, my sister is the blogger/writer and I am clearly bad at it. :P
[22:29] <elfy> just a thought, mostly pointless, given that no-on reads them but, in last week, status if image in topic might be a simple thing to do
[22:32] <Unit193> Sounds a-ok to me. Right before 'daily testing'? What's the status?
[22:32] <drc> Would this be a binary "go/no-go" thing?
[22:33] <Unit193> He could either mean that, or Status: testing Status: RC testing, etc.
[22:33] <elfy> no
[22:33] <elfy> I mean
[22:34] <drc> oh, right...this is elfy :)
[22:34] <elfy> Status: image - hardware - working, virtual - not working
[22:34] <elfy> if there WAS a difference
[22:36] <drc> So this is a burn/install/boot has to pass all three (not does it actually work well:)
[22:37] <elfy> drc: it seems that we have 6 possinble outcomes
[22:37] <elfy> boot and install properly or not - for hardware, vb and kvm : )
[22:38] <elfy> generally it's go or fail and look at elfy's tracker responses
[22:39] <Unit193> Short hand, presume OK unless stated, Status: VMs failing. ?
[22:39] <drc> That makes sense to me
[22:40] <elfy> Unit193: more or less
[22:40] <elfy> in truth we get pass or fail in VM
[22:41] <elfy> if we're going to push testers here - and we could, a topic yay or nay could be a good thing
[22:41] <elfy> knome ochosi bluesabre ^^
[22:42] <elfy> I am polite ... should perhaps be release team decide that
[23:03] <bluesabre> omg I have internet again
[23:03] <bluesabre> hello all!
[23:05] <Unit193> Yey!
[23:06] <Unit193> bluesabre: You can be lead dev again, I'm leaving. :D
[23:06] <bluesabre> woot
[23:06] <bluesabre> Seeya Unit193
[23:06] <bluesabre> :p
[23:13] <ochosi> hey bluesabre
[23:13] <ochosi> and congrats on your internet
[23:16] <ochosi> and good night :)
[23:17] <elfy> bluesabre: welcome back :)
[23:17] <elfy> what did you break :|
[23:18] <elfy> :p
[23:20] <elfy> cyphermox: so in a less stressy environment, what am I doing wrong wiht a defalt kvm type setup, insists on owning image as root ]
[23:21] <elfy> did I break it somehow?
[23:23] <bluesabre> finally caught up
[23:23] <bluesabre> night ochosi
[23:23] <bluesabre> elfy: I wish I knew so I can break it less often
[23:23] <bluesabre> Unit193: since you're familiar with encryption on vivid, mine works, but takes ages to boot... any idea?
[23:24] <elfy> bluesabre: luv's ya :D
[23:24] <bluesabre> :D
[23:25] <elfy> so we are now atm back to where we were yesterday
[23:27] <bluesabre> is that to say the image is or is not working again?
[23:27] <Unit193> bluesabre: Prompting for password and everything is good? Where does it take a while? Before of after pass? sudo systemd-analyze blame ?
[23:27] <bluesabre> Unit193: haven't checked, just plymouth spinning for a while
[23:28] <Unit193> bluesabre: Drop splash, watch what's actually happening? So wait, plymouth's logo theme works to prompt for your password?
[23:29] <bluesabre> doesn't prompt, I just encrypted home
[23:30] <bluesabre> nothing obviously bad in analyze, other than NetworkManager and ModemManager taking their time
[23:32] <elfy> bluesabre: give me 5 and I'll know where we are witH basics
[23:32] <Unit193> Oooh, not used encfs.
[23:33] <elfy> re encrypt installs - discussuin point for the next cycle imo
[23:34] <Unit193> This is encrypted home, bit different. Don't remember what's used by default. >_>
[23:34] <Unit193> I know it's supposed to be slower than FDE.
[23:36] <Unit193> ecryptfs?
[23:36] <bluesabre> yeah
[23:40] <elfy> bluesabre cyphermox - ok, so with the 2150416.1image on hardware, boots and reboots with an image created with gnome-disks as UEFI and standard
[23:41] <elfy> vbox appears to give problems still
[23:41] <elfy> not sure about kvm
[23:41] <bluesabre> sounds like an improvement at least
[23:41] <elfy> first thing I will remove vb
[23:41] <elfy> try with the repo version
[23:42] <elfy> then kvm
[23:42] <elfy> etc
[23:42] <elfy> but it is close to 1am now and I have headache
[23:43] <bluesabre> go to bed elfy, :)
[23:43] <elfy> ... | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.329884 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#xubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-nl | [16:22] <OerHeks> als ik me startpagina open,, staat er googl Österreich
[16:22] <OerHeks> hips
[16:22] <OerHeks> waar ben ik nu? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.334156 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-nl"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-us-mi | [04:02] <dzho> cmaloney: did you see where Jupiter cantab the whole *company* was up for sale on ebay at one point?
[04:02] <dzho> I don't remember if we've talked about this or not, I don't remember you being into the Jupiter Ace
[09:55] <cmaloney> really?
[09:55] <cmaloney> that's insane
[09:56] <cmaloney> I wasn't too much into the Ace, but it did pique my interest
[09:57] <cmaloney> Seemed like a neat machime that was too quirkly and underpowered for its own good
[13:48] <cmaloney> Morning
[15:42] <jcastro> cmaloney,
[16:18] <cmaloney> Nice!
[16:20] <cmaloney> jcastro: That's awesome. :)
[17:30] <cscheib> nice non-productive day at the office
[19:03] <cmaloney> heh
[21:26] * greg-g puts on "5 Million Ways to Kill a CEO"
[21:45] <cmaloney> Might not want to admit that
[21:45] <cmaloney> Things not going well?
[22:00] <greg-g> :)
[22:00] <greg-g> things will be fine
[23:59] <_stink_> sounds like a mantra | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.337315 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi"
} |
2015-04-16-#ubuntu-pt | [02:41] <astroo-> ciao pessoal | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.337938 | 2015-04-16T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-pt"
} |
2015-04-20-#ubuntu-ir | [04:52] <Ara4Sh> سلام مجله ی اینترنتی پارسی زبان لینوکسی معرفی کنید به روز باشه
[16:10] <monarch> saam
[16:10] <monarch> salam
[16:11] <monarch> kesi hast
[16:11] <monarch> ?
[16:11] <monarch> houm?
[19:05] <amiroperator> salam | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.347055 | 2015-04-20T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ir"
} |
2015-04-20-#ubuntu-se | [19:23] <Peyam> fabrror Peyam här, ställ era linuxrelaterade frågor | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.348848 | 2015-04-20T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-se"
} |
2015-04-20-#ubuntu-us-ca | [00:02] <nhaines> Ooh, I didn't remember penguins. But yeah, the jellyfish at the Long Beach Aquarium were pretty cool.
[00:03] <pleia2> penguins :D
[00:03] <darthrobot> Title: [IMG_3174 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!]
[00:03] <pleia2> that was a nice trip
[00:14] <nhaines> pleia2, akk: oh, you might know this. In the story they go back out to the "pier" around dinnertime to see sea lions laying on the rocks. Is that big there or might there be otters?
[00:15] <akk> I've never seen otters on the rocks.
[00:15] <nhaines> And then I'm going back to what I'm actually being paid for, which is line editing. :P
[00:15] <nhaines> akk: no, they'd be floating in the ocean.
[00:15] <akk> I can't remember if the sea lions are on the rocks or mostly in the water.
[00:15] <akk> But yes, there are likely otters floating in the ocean.
[00:15] <akk> Usually they're a bit farther out, not right by the pier/restaurant/etc. like the seals are.
[00:16] <akk> But I wouldn't be surprised if you could see them from the pier; certainly it's not uncommon to see them from shore in Santa Cruz, should be at least as good in Monterey.
[00:16] <pleia2> nhaines: oh! there's a place beyond cannery row (we drove) where there were other restaurants and lots of sea lions
[00:17] <akk> Also, you might not see otters unless you knew to look for them, but you can't miss the sea lions, they're noisy.
[00:18] <pleia2> looks like Coast Guard Pier is where they often are
[00:21] <nhaines> Suuuper, thanks. :)
[00:21] * ianorlin hasn't been to monetery
[00:22] <ianorlin> although I wonder if anyone has used linux on top of hurd peak
[00:26] <nhaines> The clear choice would be GNU/Hurd.
[00:28] <pleia2> they just did a release the other day, up to 0.6!
[00:28] <pleia2> exciting stuff ;)
[00:28] <pleia2> my first LUG meeting was on GNU/Hurd, I had just started using Linux, it's a wonder it didn't scare me off entirely
[00:29] <nhaines> ha!
[00:33] <ianorlin> but that is a real place
[00:33] <pleia2> yeah, I just got distracted with the mention of GNU/Hurd :)
[00:51] <akk> ianorlin: Or has anyone used Linux for a research project on gnus.
[00:51] <ianorlin> /me hopefully should get dinner before meeting as I am hungry
[01:33] <nhaines> Meeting in 30!
[01:36] <pleia2> nhaines: did you ever write a blog post re: scale?
[01:37] <nhaines> pleia2: still sadly in the queue.
[01:37] <pleia2> thought so, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing it :)
[01:38] <nhaines> It *is* in the queue though. :)
[01:38] <pleia2> did we ever get photos from anyone?
[01:39] <pleia2> there were a couple here and there on social media
[01:39] <nhaines> I don't think so. I have booth and team photos.
[01:39] <pleia2> ok, working on backlog of team reports, so we can just update here if any turn up
[01:39] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/TeamReports/15/February - Ubuntu Wiki]
[01:39] <nhaines> <3
[01:54] * elky peers in
[01:55] <nhaines> _o/
[01:55] <ianorlin> o/
[01:55] <pleia2> o/
[01:59] <nhaines> Well, that's 80% of this editing project and 2/3rds of my dinner finished. I guess we'll have the meeting once I can copy/paste some URLs. :)
[02:00] <nhaines> #startmeeting
[02:00] <darthrobot> Meeting started Mon Apr 20 02:00:18 2015 UTC. The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at
[02:00] <darthrobot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
[02:00] <pleia2> o/
[02:00] <nhaines> #chair nhaines elky ianorlin
[02:00] <darthrobot> Current chairs: elky ianorlin nhaines
[02:00] <elky> \o
[02:00] <nhaines> Hi everyone, welcome to our biweekly LoCo meeting! :)
[02:00] <nhaines> The agenda for this meeting is available at
[02:00] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15April19 - Ubuntu Wiki]
[02:01] <nhaines> A couple people have chimed in. Is anyone else attending?
[02:02] <nhaines> Okay, so we'll discuss the only agenda item.
[02:02] <nhaines> #topic Review mailing list feedback about online meeting schedule.
[02:02] <pleia2> I was the only one who sent feedback, so I win
[02:02] <nhaines> +1
[02:03] <nhaines> I intended to reply to you but I've been working through the weekend unfortunately. But I was glad you chimed in.
[02:03] <pleia2> so do you have any in-meeting/offlist reply now?
[02:04] <nhaines> In general, I think that the miscellaneous business can be handled better on the mailing list, and not require a meeting.
[02:04] <ianorlin> yeah as the list does seem quite quiet recently
[02:04] <elky> i'm currently trying to dinner, so i can't really type one out right now. but i find fortnightly meetings to be too much personally
[02:04] <nhaines> The mailing list goes to all active LoCo members and IRC logs don't.
[02:04] <pleia2> yeah, my concern is that we won't come up with miscellaneous business if we're not meeting
[02:04] <pleia2> people drift off
[02:04] <nhaines> So I would like to address that--preferably with a more active mailing list.
[02:05] <elky> well the only misc business is currently about empty meetings, so that probably says something
[02:05] <nhaines> Especially because it's always the same 7 or 8 people in meetings all the time. All of whom I value but I worry about echo chambers.
[02:05] <pleia2> the no agenda meeting a few weeks back had someone reading the logs who ended up hosting the last SF Ubuntu Hour
[02:06] <ianorlin> yeah that is true but have they come to another meeting?
[02:06] <nhaines> Yes, but I got the impression he was already on the mailing list.
[02:06] <pleia2> ianorlin: they didn't come for that meeting, they read the logs
[02:06] <ianorlin> ah
[02:06] <pleia2> so people do that :)
[02:06] <nhaines> pleia2: I took your point for granted, but I was happy to see it illustrated to keenly.
[02:07] <nhaines> s/to/so/
[02:07] <pleia2> it wouldn't break my heart to move to monthly meetings, just trying to make sure all views are seen here
[02:07] <ianorlin> yeah I wish there was more attnednece to meetings as well
[02:07] <nhaines> pleia2: well, that's why I wanted feedback. :)
[02:08] <nhaines> So the trick now is to try and figure out why there was basically no feedback.
[02:08] <elky> i already had my say in the meeting that's logged, so that mostly
[02:08] <nhaines> My suspicion, based on low meeting attendance, is that nobody was bothered enough to respond.
[02:09] <ianorlin> also I find I get quite a few emails about bugs so if people don't reply I may get lost and not respond to a nonactive thread
[02:10] <ianorlin> but that might not be a problem for less active users who we are trying to get to contribute more
[02:10] <nhaines> What about this? What if we look at 2014 and 2015 meetings and see how many had no set agenda?
[02:11] <nhaines> If it's a significant amount, we should move to monthly meetings that are not cancelled due to lack of agenda items.
[02:11] <pleia2> wfm
[02:11] <elky> that would be a good metric
[02:11] <ianorlin> what does wfm mean?
[02:11] <nhaines> That way we lessen the administrative burden of meetings while still guaranteeing that someone doesn't accommodate a meeting that doesn't end up happening.
[02:11] <nhaines> ianorlin: "works for me"
[02:12] <ianorlin> ah that makes sense
[02:12] <pleia2> sorry :)
[02:12] <nhaines> Meetings are important but people shouldn't be waiting for meetings to make smaller announcements. The bulk of that should either happen in channel or on list as they come up.
[02:12] <ianorlin> yeah wating for meetings doesn't work good as you could forget to bring it up
[02:13] <elky> yeah, announcements are easy to lose
[02:13] <elky> list archives are nicer and more searchable than meeting logs by far
[02:13] <pleia2> so who wants to do meeting archeology?
[02:13] <nhaines> I'm less worried about announcements being "forgotten" as opposed to people sitting on announcements and losing time for comments or collaboration.
[02:14] <nhaines> I can honestly say I probably won't manage to make the time to do meeting archeology this month.
[02:14] <elky> it's also easier to fire off a response in a thread, so there'd probably be more discussion overall
[02:15] <pleia2> me neither
[02:15] <elky> i could probably manage it
[02:15] <nhaines> elky: you can pet the cat while you scour through the logs.
[02:15] <ianorlin> I could but will be busy when until thursday with testing stuff pretty much
[02:15] <elky> (sorry, eating pizza, delayed response)
[02:16] <elky> ianorlin: don't worry about it, i'll do it
[02:16] <pleia2> thanks elky
[02:16] <nhaines> Okay. I don't think this is super high priority and so maybe we'll get to it in a month? May 17th?
[02:16] <elky> sounds good
[02:17] <nhaines> But if you can announce the results on list first so there's time for discussion, that'd be better than waiting for a meeting. We can decide what to do at the meeting or codify list consensus.
[02:17] <pleia2> predictably I'll be traveling on the 17th
[02:17] <nhaines> (And we don't have to decide at the meeting--if results aren't forthcoming until then, we'll decide at the next meeting.)
[02:18] <ianorlin> nhianes +1
[02:18] <nhaines> pleia2: Let's see how it goes. I want more information before a decision, so even if that date's a conflict, we'll make sure we get a statement from you.
[02:18] <elky> #action elky to do stats on meetings for the past few years and report to the list prior to the 17th for discussion at next meeting lyz can get to
[02:18] <darthrobot> ACTION: elky to do stats on meetings for the past few years and report to the list prior to the 17th for discussion at next meeting lyz can get to
[02:18] <elky> sound good?
[02:19] <nhaines> Which is another important reminder! If you can't make a meeting, you can always chime in on the list in the days beforehand and we'll mention your opinion in the meeting!
[02:19] <pleia2> sounds good
[02:19] <nhaines> TIL 1.3 years == "a few"
[02:19] <nhaines> More data is better though. ;)
[02:19] <nhaines> Okay, thanks, elky. Any other comments before we move on?
[02:19] <elky> nope
[02:20] <nhaines> #topic Other business
[02:20] <nhaines> Okay, that's the end of our agenda items today.
[02:20] <pleia2> there weren't any team reports for this year, so I made them
[02:20] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/TeamReports - Ubuntu Wiki]
[02:21] <nhaines> \o/
[02:21] <pleia2> please feel free to add to them if needed, particularly if you have some more info from scale
[02:21] <nhaines> Yeah, I really do need to gather my photos.
[02:21] <pleia2> I linked mhall119's blog post, but that's it really
[02:22] <ianorlin> oops I haven't used uploaded pictures still
[02:22] <nhaines> pleia2: thank you so much for compiling those reports!
[02:22] <pleia2> sure thing
[02:22] <nhaines> Ubuntu 15.04 will be released on Thursday, the 23rd.
[02:22] <pleia2> I also wanted to mention, I still have the keys to twitter, g+ and facebook, and I try to keep them updated with events and meeting announcements and things, but I could always use help if anyone is interested
[02:22] * ianorlin has key to Google+
[02:23] <pleia2> ianorlin: feel free to pitch in!
[02:23] <nhaines> I'm trying to start using my Twitter feed more, especially since it's linked to my Amazon Author Page. But social media is hard for me. :P
[02:23] <pleia2> it was kind of fun keeping them updated during scale since I wasn't there, but mostly it's kind of a tedious exercise
[02:24] <nhaines> I can see the recruitment posters now. "Does tedium excite you?"
[02:24] <pleia2> seems unlikely that we'll have any release event in san francisco, even informal
[02:24] <pleia2> nhaines: I sure know how to sell it!
[02:25] <nhaines> :D
[02:25] <nhaines> vivid is a revolutionary cycle.
[02:25] <nhaines> Unfortunately, it's all under the covers. :)
[02:25] <pleia2> systemd is scary :D
[02:25] <pleia2> should be interesting
[02:25] <nhaines> I've heard a lot of people happier with much faster boot times. And the phone is looking marvelous.
[02:25] <nhaines> I rather enjoy using my tablet with vivid.
[02:26] <nhaines> And in the 'w' cycle, hopefully XMir will land and then you can throw desktop apps in a click package or chroot jail and run them on your phone or tablet. It won't be pretty until the next LTS cycle but it will be feasible.
[02:27] <nhaines> I haven't heard of any solid release party plans down south either.
[02:28] <nhaines> Well, it's still not too late! Release parties are quite often the weekend after or even a week after, so if you want to run a party and act fast you can still get in on the fun!
[02:28] <nhaines> It can be as simple as gathering at a coffee shop or a restaurant to talk about Ubuntu.
[02:29] <ianorlin> it doesn't matter much to an end user
[02:29] <nhaines> We want to hear about it on the mailing list and on the LoCo directory at!
[02:30] <nhaines> I have a little bit of swag to pass out so if your in the SoCal area and have something planned let me know. I have one Official Ubuntu Book left.
[02:30] <nhaines> Okay, is there any other business before us before we wrap it up?
[02:30] <pleia2> same goes for here, if anyone wants to do anything in SF or nearby, I can give some goodies
[02:30] <pleia2> I'm just overwhelmed event-wise right now, so I can't do it
[02:30] <nhaines> pleia2: +1
[02:32] <nhaines> Okay, in that case, I think we're done for this week.
[02:32] <nhaines> I've been running vivid for a month now and it's super great!
[02:32] <pleia2> yay :)
[02:32] <ianorlin> I also found an interesting confence in portland
[02:32] <nhaines> So 15.04 should be nice and reliable, and LibreOffice 4.4 is very lovely.
[02:32] <nhaines> We've plenty to be excited about even if it "seems" quiet on the Ubuntu front.
[02:33] * ianorlin has been binge watching presentations from open source bridge
[02:33] <nhaines> Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, May 3rd at 7pm.
[02:33] <nhaines> Hope to see everyone there!
[02:33] <nhaines> Thanks every for coming tonight.
[02:33] <nhaines> #endmeeting
[02:33] <darthrobot> Meeting ended Mon Apr 20 02:33:49 2015 UTC.
[02:33] <darthrobot> Minutes:
[02:33] * pleia2 seeks dinner | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.353632 | 2015-04-20T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-ca"
} |
2015-04-20-#ubuntu-ru | [00:52] <andrex> развели срачик тут >_<
[00:58] <abdvac> что, что где кого ?
[01:49] <abdvac> В общем скачал я Vine и через него запустил прогу, все работает
[07:14] <Serg_49_rus> всем добого времени суток
[07:21] <tagezi> да, утра
[17:39] <|rapidsp|> уважаемые, как получить инфу о свопе? команда mount |grep swap ниче не дает
[18:01] <Guest28031> кто может подсказать по ffmpeg?
[18:01] <Guest28031> ffmpeg делает скрин в видео через seek. Так вот, на локалке он не качает все видео, а качает только кусок, где скрин надо сделать. На сервере же начинает качать все видео. Я не пому почему так отрабатывает.
[18:01] <Guest28031> [21:00:47]<deb> команда таже самая
[18:02] <NoOova> всем привет
[18:02] <NoOova> подскажите, что за непонятка
[18:02] <NoOova> пользователь www-data
[18:02] <NoOova> у него homedir - /var/www
[18:02] <NoOova> делаю sudo -u www-data bash
[18:03] <NoOova> но хомдир остается предыдущего пользователя
[18:04] <Guest28031> NoOova, через chown попробуй
[18:05] <NoOova> Кого попробовать?
[18:05] <Guest28031> NoOova, изменить пользователя на папку
[18:06] <NoOova> Так причем тут владелец директории
[18:06] <NoOova> у меня окружение остается от старого пользователя
[18:10] <NoOova> Кстати все работает если заходить с sudo su www-data -s /bin/bash
[18:13] <aleksei`> вечера
[18:13] <NoOova> доброго | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:05.363316 | 2015-04-20T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ru"
} |