1 value
[21:49] <studio_> hi [21:49] <studio_> orga_, you are still here? [21:51] <studio_> some other guys here online?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "studio_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tv" }
[08:09] <alviro_> caveat- funziona.... grazie [08:10] <alviro_> però telegram-fox mi dice [08:10] <alviro_> Not available for Firefox 37.0 [08:21] <alviro_> ho messo questo Telegram™ Desktop 0.1.0 funziona [08:22] <alviro_> un ringraziamento a tutti voi, è da un po che non venivo qui, siete sempre molto utili e gentili. [10:12] <gregorio> Buongiorno [10:12] <Guest85475> ce qualcuno? [10:13] <Guest85475> buongiorno [10:13] <akis24> Guest85475: esponi il problema [10:13] <Guest85475> salve [10:13] <Guest85475> e grazie mille per la disponibilità [10:13] <akis24> ciao [10:14] <Guest85475> praticamente uso xubuntu da qualche settimana e non ho mai avuto gravi problemi. Da giovedì internet non funziona in upload, ne tramite browser ne tramite ftp. [10:14] <Guest85475> Ora spiego quello che ho scoperto: [10:15] <Guest85475> - da live usb non ci sono problemi. Ho provato allora a reinstallare xubuntu ma una volta fatto il problema ritorna. [10:15] <Guest85475> - il problema è limitato alla connessione di casa mia, se mi collego da altre parti non ho avuto problemi [10:16] <Guest85475> - questi problemi si presentano anche usando wordpress in un server in locale. se però disattivo le funzionalità di rete wordpress torna ad andare senza problemi [10:17] <akis24> Guest85475: riesci a navigare su intenet ? [10:17] <Guest85475> - il problema con altri pc (con windows) non si verifica [10:17] <Guest85475> certamente però ho problemi con alcune cose [10:17] <Guest85475> non riesco a caricare file su mediafire [10:18] <Guest85475> a caricare tweet [10:18] <Guest85475> o a aggiornare server in ftp [10:18] <Guest85475> (ho provato con più server) [10:18] <akis24> Guest85475: magari è un problema di dns prova a cambiarli [10:19] <Guest85475> e tipo come si fa a cambiarli? [10:20] <Guest85475> aspetta sto vedendo su google [10:20] <akis24> Guest85475: da network-manager puoi farlo tranquillamente [10:20] <Guest85475> ora provo [10:22] <Guest85475> praticamente io ho aggiunto il dns di google [10:23] <akis24> Guest85475: vai sulla connessione di rete in uso > impostazioni ipv4 imposta automatico (dhcp) solo indirizzi server dns [10:23] <akis24> poi riprova [10:24] <Guest85475> ok adesso faccio un test con ftp [10:24] <Guest3507> per cortesia, lanciando il comando ifconfig non vedo più vmnet8 , qualche suggerimento? [10:25] <Guest3507> . [10:35] <Guest3507> qualche suggerimento sul problema vmnet8? [10:44] <Rebecca92> ho dei problemi con i driver closed xdi nvidia.... installandoli ho i font tutti ingranditi alll'eccesso, rendendo inutilizzabile il pc pc [10:46] <Rebecca92> [10:46] <Rebecca92> esempio [11:19] <gregogalante> Buongiorno [11:20] <krabador> !ciao | gregogalante [11:20] <ubot-it> gregogalante: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it [11:20] <gregogalante> Io avrei un problemino [11:20] <gregogalante> lo avevo presentato prima [11:20] <gregogalante> non so se comui che mi aveva aiutato è ancora online [11:21] <gregogalante> praticamente ho dei problemi di connessione con xubuntu. [11:21] <gregogalante> da qualche giorno non mi funzionano più gli upload sia da browser che in ftp [11:22] <gregogalante> non riesco a caricare file su server ne su mediafire ne a pubblicare un tweet [11:22] <gregogalante> Quello che ho provato a fare fino ad ora è: [11:22] <gregogalante> - Provare xubuntu da live usb e non da problemi [11:23] <gregogalante> - Formattare il pc e reinstallare xubuntu ma continua a dare problemi [11:23] <gregogalante> - Utilizzare una connessione diversa da quella di casa e non da problemi [11:23] <gregogalante> - Provare a connettermi con altri pc e non ho problemi [11:23] <krabador> gregogalante, wireless o cavo ? [11:24] <gregogalante> - Cambiare DNS ma continuano a esserci problemi [11:24] <gregogalante> provati entrambi e non cambia [11:24] <gregogalante> questo problema lo ho da giovedì [11:24] <gregogalante> prima andava tutto bene [11:25] <gregogalante> ho chiamato la telecom e mi hanno assicurato che x loro la connessione è ok, infatti da mac non ci sono problemi [11:25] <gregogalante> solo con il pc con xubuntu non funziona [11:27] <gregogalante> inoltre mi sono accorto che se utilizzo wordpress su server locale con la rete abilitata la navigazione nel backoffice e molto lenta (tipo 30 secondi per passare da una pagina all'altra). appena disbilito le funzionalità di rete torna a funzionare senza problemi [11:27] <krabador> gregogalante, spartanamente, hai riavviato il router? [11:27] <gregogalante> si [11:27] <gregogalante> le ho provate tutte [11:28] <gregogalante> ma non riesco a risolvere il problema [11:28] <gregogalante> l'unica e tornare a windows 7 ma sarebbe un po come passare da una maserati ad una panda [11:28] <krabador> gregogalante, sudo lshw -C network [11:29] <krabador> !paste | gregogalante [11:29] <ubot-it> gregogalante: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [11:30] <gregogalante> [11:30] <gregogalante> (perfino per caricare l'output inizialmente ha dato problemi) [11:31] <gregogalante> cioe ha rallentato [11:38] <gregogalante> krabador qualche idea?? [11:38] <gregogalante> può essere un problema di driver? [11:48] <gregogalante> ?? [11:49] <Guest3507> ho un problema con il network vmnet8 [11:49] <Guest3507> qualcuno mi può aiutare? [11:49] <Guest3507> grazie [12:48] <LOo> salve [12:49] <LOo> ho scaricato ed avviato accidentalmente un file .exe [12:49] <LOo> il terminale si è aprto è chiuso velocemente [12:49] <LOo> può essere un trojan? so che gli exe non vanno su linux, ma non capisco cosa sia successo nel terminale [13:36] <akis24> sera [16:03] <Innerina1> Ho problemi con Mate, c'é un chan italiano a tema? [17:00] <Varotz> Buonasera, ho un problema con la versione 14.04.LTS di Ubuntu: quando accedo al mio (ed unico) account, la schermata crasha. [17:02] <Varotz> Utilizzo la scheda grafica integrata sulla scheda madre ( asus M2N-MX) che ha risoluzione massima 1920 x 1440. [17:02] <Varotz> Grazie in anticipo per l'aiuto [17:53] <whralentina> perchè vlc non legge gli mkv anche se l'ultima versione dovrebbe? [17:53] <krabador> !chat | whralentina [17:53] <ubot-it> whralentina: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [20:47] <lemaldivedelsale> salve e lol a tutti e a tutte [20:47] <lemaldivedelsale> inizio col dire che ho problemi nell'installazione di una derivata di ubuntu [20:48] <Innerina> Come modifico i permessi dei file da terminale??? [20:48] <krabador> lemaldivedelsale, spiega [20:49] <krabador> Innerina, sudo chmod +x file [20:49] <Innerina> ma funziona anche per Mate? [20:49] <krabador> Innerina, funziona ovunque [20:49] <Innerina> Perfetto... [20:49] <krabador> Innerina, dipende da che permessi vuoi assegnare [20:50] <krabador> quello che ti ho dato, assegna i permessi di eseguibilità del file [20:50] <lemaldivedelsale> se vi posto postare delle foto e meglio cosi capite [20:50] <lemaldivedelsale> meglio capite [20:51] <lemaldivedelsale> a parole e difficile krabador [20:51] <lemaldivedelsale> praticamente krabador la ram neanche accendo il pc parte a palla e no si ferma [20:51] <Innerina> Ti spiego, ho appena installato ex novo Mate ed ho copiato i dati sui relativi utenti che però hanno permessi limitati, e risultano tutti a mio nome, voglio riassegnarli a loro, pieni poteri di modificabilità... ci ho provato tramite UI "assegna permessi ai singoli file" ma non funziona pur avendo settato tutte le cartelle! -.- [20:51] <krabador> lemaldivedelsale, la domanda è , cosa succede? [20:52] <Innerina> Ed è impensabile modificare ogni singolo file! [20:52] <krabador> Innerina, sudo chmod -R /cartella [20:52] <lemaldivedelsale> krabador la ram e il problema [20:52] <Innerina> come gli dico le cartelle esattamente? [20:52] <krabador> Innerina, e lui ti cambia , in base al tipo di permessi che specifichi prima di -R , su tutti i file delle cartelle in quella cartella contenute [20:52] <lemaldivedelsale> krabador la ram va subito a palla appena acceso il pc ok [20:53] <krabador> Innerina, con il loro percorso [20:53] <Innerina> ok... ci provo [20:53] <krabador> lemaldivedelsale, eleca i componenti del pc [20:54] <krabador> *elenca [21:01] <Innerina> sto leggendo una variante del tuo ultimo comando... chmod -R 777 Cartella... per cosa sta 777? [21:03] <lemaldivedelsale> krabador pentium 4 ram 1 giga scheda video 256 ati radeon hardisk 40 giga [21:03] <lemaldivedelsale> se ti serve sapere altro fammelo sapere grazie [21:03] <krabador> lemaldivedelsale, lubuntu [21:04] <krabador> buttati direttamente li [21:23] <Innerina> Non riesco a modificare i permessi da terminale sui file copiati da altro account... [21:23] <Innerina> anche se dò chmod -R 777 gli sembra acqua fresca! -.- [21:25] <krabador> questi files, come li apri? [21:25] <Innerina> tramite caja [21:25] <Innerina> (nautilus) [21:25] <krabador> Innerina, sudo caja [21:26] <Innerina> già fatto e da lì ho modificato i permessi, sulle cartelle li ha presi ma sul tasto che dice Applica ai file contenuti non funziona!!! [21:26] <Innerina> Non so perché!!! [21:26] <krabador> la domanda di prima era [21:26] <krabador> con che cosa ognuno di quei files, lo devi aprire? [21:27] <Innerina> beh coi programmi relativi... [21:27] <Innerina> è roba varia [21:27] <krabador> Innerina, li riescono ad aprire? [21:28] <Innerina> Dagli altri account no, solo il mio sì perché dice che sono proprietaria io -.- [21:28] <Innerina> copiandoli è successo questo! [21:28] <krabador> Innerina, altri account devono usarli ? [21:28] <Innerina> Esatto [21:33] <krabador> Innerina, puoi ripartirli per ogni account? [21:36] <cristian_c> Innerina, lo schema dei permessi è generalmente questo [21:37] <cristian_c> rwxrwxrwx [21:37] <cristian_c> i primi tre per il proprietario, dal 4° al 6° per il gruppo, dal 7° al 9° per tutti gli altri [21:38] <cristian_c> r = lettura, w=scrittura, x=esecuzione [21:38] <Innerina> In pratica è successo così, forse ho sbagliato la procedura, ma fatto sta che prima di tutto ho settato gli utenti così: il mio admin e gli altri 2 utenti semplici, poi ho provato a copia incollare i dati relativi ma da loro utenti non potevo perché non avevano i permessi sui file... così ho copiato tutto dal mio come superutente nelle relative cartelle col risultato che hanno preso i miei permessi e non quelli dell [21:39] <cristian_c> Innerina, semplicemente, hai copiato i file nelle rispettive home? [21:39] <Innerina> In pratica mi rimane solo da modificare i permessi dei contenuti dalle relative cartelle ma non riescono a prenderli... esatto [21:39] <Innerina> *prenderli dalle cartelle superiori già settati correttamente! [21:39] <cristian_c> Innerina, puoi postare i permessi di un file a piacere contenuto nella cartella della home del destinatario? [21:40] <Innerina> Ok ma come ve li dico? [21:40] <cristian_c> Innerina, ottieni i dati con ls -l [21:40] <Innerina> ok [21:40] <cristian_c> nella cartella in question [21:40] <cristian_c> *e [21:59] <Innerina> cristian_c: [21:59] <Innerina> In pratica i permessi dei file dovrebbero essere tutti come quelli delle cartelle sopra e così l'altro account che ha nome chiara! [22:00] <cristian_c> ok, ma è strano [22:00] <cristian_c> i permessi di lettura ci sono per tutti [22:01] <cristian_c> non solo per il proprietario o il gruppo [22:01] <Innerina> Infatti non capisco perché nemmeno dalla GUI li prende!!! [22:02] <Innerina> i permessi delle cartelle li ho modificati a mano tramite GUI da root, ma è impensabile fare così per tutti i file contenuti... e da terminale non riesco a risolvere perché gli sembra acqua fresca! -.- [22:03] <cristian_c> Innerina, che estensione hanno i file [22:03] <cristian_c> ? [22:03] <cristian_c> dalla foto non si capisce [22:04] <Innerina> Ah sono di tutti i tipi, in questo caso molti sono file .doc e simili [22:04] <Innerina> (ho cancellato per via della privacy) [22:04] <cristian_c> ok [22:04] <cristian_c> Innerina, quale messaggio di errore ottieni? [22:05] <Innerina> nessuno ma se vado ad aprirli dal relativo account non li apre... [22:05] <Innerina> è quello il problema, i permessi impediscono di agire se fossi loro sui file! [22:06] <cristian_c> Innerina, non ottieni messaggio di errore? [22:06] <cristian_c> Innerina, ma non li apri dalla home in cui sono posizionati? [22:06] <Innerina> sì ci ho provato e non si aprono da lì... solo dal mio superuser ci riesco [22:07] <Innerina> o se loro prendono il root sì [22:07] <cristian_c> non hai realmente messaggi di errore? [22:07] <Innerina> ma ovviamente non sono così esperti come me [22:07] <Innerina> no [22:07] <cristian_c> mmm [22:07] <Innerina> una cosa del tipo che non si aprono perché non hai permessi [22:07] <cristian_c> Innerina, e se provi ad aprirli da terminale? [22:08] <cristian_c> Innerina, mmm, ma esce o non esce il messaggio di errore? [22:08] <cristian_c> -,- [22:08] <cristian_c> Innerina, non contraddirti :P [22:08] <Innerina> non so manco come si fa, ora ho rieditato gli account facendoli admin per cercare di restituire loro i permessi [22:08] <Innerina> ma nemmeno così riesco a ripristinarli [22:08] <cristian_c> Innerina, direi che è una pessima soluzione [22:09] <cristian_c> Innerina, se ci sono messaggi di errore, postali, per piacere [22:09] <Innerina> va bene, ma come li apro da terminale? [22:09] <cristian_c> Innerina, una cosa alla volta [22:09] <cristian_c> prima il messaggio di errore [22:09] <cristian_c> (se esiste) [22:15] <Innerina> Non so come ma adesso si aprono dopo che ho agito come super user nel modificare i permessi nel relativo account [22:15] <Innerina> solo che non si è modificato niente nei permessi [22:15] <Innerina> eppure l'ho rimesso semplice utente [22:16] <Innerina> prima mi era impossibile così [22:16] <Innerina> provo a vedere anche dall'altro account [22:16] <cristian_c> Innerina, semplicemente le modifiche hanno effetto dopo aver eseguito il logout [22:17] <cristian_c> e login [22:17] <cristian_c> riguardo gli utenti [22:17] <Innerina> Ah... non lo sapevo... [22:18] <Innerina> cmq non capisco perché i permessi nei file non cambiano [22:24] <cristian_c> Innerina, hai già tutti i permessi [22:24] <cristian_c> l'ho spiegato prima [22:25] <cristian_c> cristian_c> ok, ma è strano  i permessi di lettura ci sono per tutti  non solo per il proprietario o il gruppo  Innerina, lo schema dei permessi è generalmente questo  rwxrwxrwx  i primi tre per il proprietario, dal 4° al 6° per il gruppo, dal 7° al 9° per tutti gli altri  r = lettura, w=scrittura, x=esecuzione [23:32] <Syncro> Ciao
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Guest3507", "Guest85475", "Innerina", "Innerina1", "LOo", "Rebecca92", "Syncro", "Varotz", "akis24", "alviro_", "cristian_c", "gregogalante", "gregorio", "krabador", "lemaldivedelsale", "ubot-it", "whralentina" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[00:47] <HellBoy_cl69> Hola a todos! [00:50] <HellBoy_cl69> Alguien que me recomiende un tutorial para programacion en ubuntu? [01:30] <gabriel> Hola. ¿Alguien sabe como hacer para que al ejecutar un script en ubuntu desde el menu, no se cierre la ventana cuando termina y pueda ver que paso? [02:39] <Guest18397> hola [02:39] <Guest18397> necesito ayuda [02:39] <Guest18397> soy novatisimo [02:39] <Guest18397> y no entiendo nada [17:55] <ubuntu-studio> hola [17:55] <ubuntu-studio> con todoss [17:55] <ubuntu-studio> es el canal de ubuntu en español [17:56] <ubuntu-studio> alguien por favor que hable en español [17:56] <ubuntu-studio> HOLA CON TODOSS [17:56] <ubuntu-studio> HAY ALGUIEN CON VIDAAAAAA [17:56] <ubuntu-studio> RESPONDAN POR FAVORR [17:57] <MrTulias> buenas. No es necesario 'gritar' [17:57] <ubuntu-studio> por fin alguien me entiende [17:57] <ubuntu-studio> soy nuevoo usuario [17:57] <ubuntu-studio> vengo desde win xp [17:58] <ubuntu-studio> y me dijeron que este es un sistema establee como mi win xp es cierto esoo amigooo [17:58] <ubuntu-studio> responde por favorrr [17:58] <MrTulias> Por lo general, sí [17:59] <ubuntu-studio> hayaaaaa [17:59] <ubuntu-studio> mmmm [17:59] <ubuntu-studio> jajaja [17:59] <ubuntu-studio> me sorprendeee que puedo chatear sin instalarlo en mi disco duroo [18:00] <ubuntu-studio> ohhh que sorprendido estoyyy hasta ahora le pongo 2 puntos [18:00] <ubuntu-studio> amigoo [18:00] <ubuntu-studio> estass [18:00] <ubuntu-studio> holaaaaaaa [18:00] <MrTulias> Las sesiones 'live' son para probar cómo funciona [18:01] <ubuntu-studio> hayaaa [18:01] <MrTulias> Y si funciona todo [18:01] <ubuntu-studio> osea este linux que compre en la cayee es originall o solo es de pruebaaa [18:02] <ubuntu-studio> y me va a caducarr hasta pedirme dinero para que compre licenciaa responde por favorr [18:02] <MrTulias> Está instalado en el cd/usb, es funcional [18:03] <ubuntu-studio> pero si lo instaloo en mi discoo rigidoo no me cobrara la licencia de usoo verdad o es gra [18:03] <hugodidier> buenas tardes, tengo un problema con dependencias incumplidas que no puedo resolver alguien me podría asesorar? Gracias [18:03] <MrTulias> Irá algo más lento que instalado, por el tema de velocidades de lectura. [18:04] <ubuntu-studio> Pero es gratis el sistemaa o tengo que pagar LICENCIA [18:05] <MrTulias> Gratuito (las donaciones son voluntarias) [18:05] <ubuntu-studio> amigo y si quiero modificar el KERNELL [18:05] <ubuntu-studio> QUE TENGO QUE HACER [18:05] <ghytr> hugodidier, sudo apt-get install deborphan [18:06] <ubuntu-studio> soy programador basico y quiero ver su kernell donde tengo que ir para ir a l KERNEL De este sistemaa [18:06] <ubuntu-studio> ok [18:07] <MrTulias> No sabría decirte fijo, supongo que deberías bajarte el código fuente [18:08] <merrick> el comando es uname -r [18:08] <ubuntu-studio> mmmm [18:08] <ubuntu-studio> amigooo [18:09] <ubuntu-studio> esto para que sirveee [18:09] <ubuntu-studio> hugodidier, sudo apt-get install deborphan [18:10] <ghytr> ubuntu-studio, antes de ver odigo aprende a instalarlo. [18:10] <ghytr> codigo [18:10] <ubuntu-studio> hayaa [18:10] <ubuntu-studio> ok [18:10] <ubuntu-studio> XD [18:10] <hugodidier> Gracias ghytr y ubuntu-studio, ya intente con el comando pero me dice: Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas: [18:10] <hugodidier> libglib2.0-0-dbg : Depende: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.42.1-1~ubuntu1) pero 2.42.2-0ubuntu1 va a ser instalado [18:11] <ubuntu-studio> mmm ta chevereee [18:12] <ubuntu-studio> XD [18:13] <ubuntu-studio> y pregunta que les parece LINUX MINT [18:13] <ubuntu-studio> LINUX MINT 17.1 QUIERO SABER SU OPINIONESS [18:13] <mimecar> no hace falta que grites (las mayúsculas) [18:13] <hugodidier> eso me sale al intentar instalar cualquiera de estas librerias: libglib2.0.0 libglib2.0-dev libpurple-dev [18:13] <ghytr> hugodidier, apt-get -f install [18:14] <mimecar> forzar la instalación es mala idea [18:14] <mimecar> y menos con librerías como glib [18:14] <ubuntu-studio> me refiero que les parece esa distribucion [18:14] <mimecar> ubuntu-studio, es una distribución derivada de Ubuntu [18:15] <ghytr> ubuntu-studio, has leido lo que escrito? [18:15] <ghytr> he [18:15] <mimecar> este canal es para soporte, pasa a #ubuntu-es-cafe para cosas que no sean de Ubuntu [18:15] <ubuntu-studio> linux mint 17.1 cinnamon [18:15] <ubuntu-studio> quiero saber sus OPINIONES [18:15] <ghytr> hugodidier, has leido lo que he escrito? [18:15] <ubuntu-studio> ya que ustedes son super Usuarioss [18:16] <ghytr> hugodidier, ? [18:17] <ubuntu-studio> por favorr usuarios Ubunteross quiero saber su Opiniones porque ustedes son CAPOS y MAESTROS en estos sistemas [18:17] <ghytr> ubuntu-studio, no soy 1 super usuario solo soy un usuario. [18:17] <mimecar> ubuntu-studio, por favor, pasa a #ubuntu-es-cafe [18:17] <hugodidier> si ghytr, intento forzar la intalacion con el comando -f install? [18:18] <ubuntu-studio> pero porque no quieren darme su OPINION [18:18] <ubuntu-studio> USTEDES SON MI MAESTROO [18:18] <ghytr> hugodidier, apt-get -f install [18:18] <mimecar> ubuntu-studio, este canal es para dudas de Ubuntu [18:18] <ubuntu-studio> solo PIDO CONOCIMIENTO Y SABIDURIA DE USTEDES [18:18] <ghytr> y sudo antes [18:19] <hugodidier> Hecho [18:19] <successus> salud o/ [18:19] <ubuntu-studio> quiero su Opinion [18:19] <ubuntu-studio> no sean malitoss [18:19] <ghytr> ubuntu-studio, gnu/linux en general es mejor que windows xp. [18:19] <ubuntu-studio> ustedes saben mucho de este sistema y yo vengo de win XP [18:20] <ubuntu-studio> haaaaaaa [18:20] <ubuntu-studio> Ohhh [18:21] <hugodidier> apt-get -f install [18:21] <hugodidier> 0 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados. [18:21] <ubuntu-studio> ghytr eres maestro pro man [18:21] <ubuntu-studio> dame mas informacion [18:21] <hugodidier> Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas: [18:21] <hugodidier> libglib2.0-dev : Depende: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.42.1-1~ubuntu1) pero 2.42.2-0ubuntu1 va a ser instalado [18:21] <ghytr> hugodidier, presiona sobre yes [18:23] <ubuntu-studio> mmmm gentee [18:23] <ubuntu-studio> me sorprende mucho este sistemaa [18:23] <ubuntu-studio> jejeje [18:24] <ubuntu-studio> 1 pregunta es cierto que es INMUNE a virusss [18:24] <hugodidier> ubuntu-studio: No es que no te queramos dar opiniones de otras distros si no que hay reglas en cada canal que hay que respetar y una de ellas es usarlo para dudas de Ubuntu para los hispano hablantes :-D [18:25] <ubuntu-studio> si pero yo vengo de windows y para yo aprender tengo que preguntarles ya que ustedes son maestros proo acaso hago algo maloo [18:25] <ghytr> hugodidier, en tu /etc/apt/sources.list no tienes repos ajenos? [18:26] <mimecar> ubuntu-studio, en este canal puedes preguntar las dudas de Ubuntu [18:26] <merrick> Este os toma el pelo. [18:26] <mimecar> estás también en #ubuntu-es-cafe, usa ese canal para cosas que no sean Ubuntu [18:26] <ghytr> ubuntu-studio, ese canal es para soporte no para charlas sobre linux y lo que te apetese la gana. [18:26] <ubuntu-studio> yo quiero aprender ubuntuu [18:26] <ubuntu-studio> y ustedes no me quieren enseñar T.T [18:27] <mimecar> para aprender hay que escuchar [18:27] <ubuntu-studio> ciertoo [18:27] <ghytr> ubuntu-studio, deves leer eso y luego charlamos [18:27] <ghytr> [18:28] <ubuntu-studio> que mal con los usuarioss [18:28] <ghytr> ubuntu-studio, para aprender hay que leer [18:28] <hugodidier> GNU/Linux Ubuntu No es inmune a Virus pero hay menos debido a que los intereses son distintos a los de los SO de código cerrado. Es muy bueno preguntar y querer aprender pero hay blogs y foros que pueden ayudar a resolver tus dudas o a apliarlas ubuntu-studio jejeje [18:28] <ubuntu-studio> y eso no me puedes decirr [18:29] <ubuntu-studio> en vez de decirme largateee o fueraa [18:29] <ghytr> ubuntu-studio, sabes lo que es un troll? [18:29] <mimecar> no te estamos diciendo eso [18:29] <mimecar> los canales son temáticos [18:29] <mimecar> si las preguntas no son de ubuntu pregunta en #ubuntu-es-cafe [18:29] <mimecar> no es tan complicado [18:30] <ubuntu-studio> bueno me voy al otro canall [18:30] <ubuntu-studio> ya que aqui no me tratan bien [18:30] <ubuntu-studio> maloss [18:30] <mimecar> llevas 15 minutos en el otro canal... [18:30] <ubuntu-studio> adios [18:30] <hugodidier> ghytr: [18:31] <ghytr> hugodidier, en tu /etc/apt/sources.list no tienes repos ajenos? [18:31] <hugodidier> si tengo repos agenos y eh visto que uno tiene problema de autenticacion PGP algo asi [18:33] <ghytr> lo mejor es limitarse a los repos de la distribucion sino saldran los problemas de dependecias [18:33] <ghytr> regreso. [18:36] <hugodidier> entendido Gracias ghytr [18:39] <wyre> chicos, alguien sabe algo de este bug? [19:52] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/ [20:17] <Pericles> alguien tiene algun programa de control de presencia [20:23] <Pericles> kurama10, sabes algo sobre eso [20:23] <mimecar> ¿qué quires hacer exactamente? [20:24] <Pericles> calcular las horas de trabajo de los empleados [20:25] <mimecar> sólo sabrás cuando inician sesión [20:27] <Pericles> se cuando inicia, cuando comen, y cuando empiezan despues de comer y cuando finalizan [20:28] <Pericles> sabes algo sobre eso [20:28] <mimecar> programas concretos no [20:28] <Pericles> ya [20:28] <mimecar> pero teniendo toda esa información podrías calcular las horas [20:29] <Pericles> con la hoja de calculo lo estoy haciendo [20:29] <Pericles> si [20:30] <mimecar> ¿qué formato de salida te da el programa que usas ahora? [20:54] <Pericles> horas [20:56] <Pericles> alguien tiene algun programa de control de presencia
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Guest18397", "HellBoy_cl69", "MrTulias", "Pericles", "gabriel", "ghytr", "hugodidier", "merrick", "mimecar", "successus", "ubuntu-studio", "wyre" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[07:49] <schkovich> comment [12:23] <blahdeblah> Hi all. My amulet tests ran & passed for precise, but not trusty - any ideas why? Is it just backlog, or do I need to do something else to get it recognised? [12:39] <lazyPower> blahdeblah: looking now [12:39] <blahdeblah> lazyPower: thanks [12:39] <blahdeblah> lazyPower: I did push two different branches - one for precise & one for trusty [12:40] <lazyPower> thats the first thing i checked :) [12:40] <lazyPower> interesting. i see no evidence of it even attempting to run. I'll kick off a test of the trusty branch manually [12:41] <lazyPower> tvansteenburgh1: ^ if you get a moment, can you take a peek and see why the precise series ran but not trusty? [12:44] <lazyPower> blahdeblah: however - i see a full row of greens here. Congrats on the fruit of testing labor [12:45] <blahdeblah> lazyPower: I got there eventually. :-) [12:45] <blahdeblah> lazyPower: So the testing runs should kick off automatically when we do a new commit to a charm trunk? [12:46] <lazyPower> i dont know how much of the CI automation we have enabled/setup - that was being refactored the last i heard [13:01] <tvansteenburgh> lazyPower: tests aren't started automatically, someone has to start them [13:01] <lazyPower> I thought that's where we were when we left off w/ the automation. [13:01] <lazyPower> thanks for confirming tvansteenburgh [13:02] <lazyPower> blahdeblah: the trusty charm is still deploying the precise series [13:03] <lazyPower> - line 12 needs to be updated to read cls.d = amulet.deployment(series='trusty') [15:39] <drbidwell> I have a set of machines in MAAS with 4 nics. How do I get juju to bring up all 4 nics when it deploys them? My ceph deploy is failing because the right interfaces are not up. [21:07] <blahdeblah> lazyPower: thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "blahdeblah", "drbidwell", "lazyPower", "schkovich", "tvansteenburgh" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[00:31] * zcm is installing Xubuntu on a Chromebook [01:56] <bobbishop> does anyone know how i can create a bootable usb on xubuntu besides unetbootin? [01:56] <bobbishop> I say besides unetbootin because arch linux doesn't really work well with arch based distros [01:57] <Unit193> You can use dd. [01:59] <bobbishop> what is dd? [02:00] <holstein> !dd [07:55] <xubuntu27w> hi guys [07:55] <xubuntu27w> i need a small help [07:55] <xubuntu27w> can you upload /usr/share/themes/Greybird/ greybird theme to a site for me ? [07:56] <xubuntu27w> i changed my icons so i need it [07:57] <ochosi> xubuntu27w: sry i don't understand, why do you need that? [07:58] <ochosi> in case you deleted that folder, you can just do a "sudo apt-get install shimmer-themes --reinstall" and it'll be restored [07:58] <ochosi> if you just want the theme and are not using xubuntu, you can grab the theme from github [08:17] <xubuntu27w> thank you ochosi [08:18] <xubuntu27w> good bye all [08:21] <xubuntu74w> ochosi [08:21] <xubuntu74w> i did what did you want [08:21] <xubuntu74w> and now [08:22] <xubuntu74w> up windowframe of thunar color is blue [08:22] <xubuntu74w> i want it to be gray [08:22] <xubuntu74w> how can ı change [08:23] <ochosi> you likely have to change your window manager theme [08:23] <ochosi> settings > window manager > set the theme to greybird [08:26] <xubuntu74w> i thank you [08:27] <xubuntu74w> now [08:27] <xubuntu74w> there is a problem :( [08:28] <xubuntu74w> titlebar is too close to menus [08:28] <ochosi> i'm sorry, i don't really understand what you're saying there [08:30] <Hund> xubuntu74w: I believe if you change the window title size the titlebar gets bigger [08:30] <Hund> It's been a while since I used Xfwm. [08:32] <xubuntu74w> anyway [08:32] <xubuntu74w> i thank you [08:32] <xubuntu74w> i fixed big issue [08:32] <Hund> Good. [08:32] <xubuntu74w> may be updates can change this [08:32] <xubuntu74w> good bye all [08:33] <knome> well no, the theme is designed to be like that [08:57] <xubuntu23w> hello xubuntu room,what is a simple command to locate a specific file please [08:57] <ochosi> try "find" or "locate" [09:27] <tga> greetings [09:32] <tga> I'm trying to upgrade a 14.04 to xfce 4.12 and not having much luck with the ppa [09:33] <tga> a bunch of packages are getting updated, but as far as I can tell I'm not getting any new 4.12 features [09:33] <tga> any tricks for upgrading properly? [09:34] <knome> tga, the ppa is the best you can get. [09:34] <knome> tga, if you want anything better than that, you have to build it all yourself [09:34] <tga> thing is, I don't notice any change at all [09:34] <tga> as far as I can tell I'm still running 4.10 [09:37] <xubuntu40w> how to change name? [09:37] <knome> xubuntu40w, what name? [09:37] <xubuntu40w> xubuntu40w ---> kiaph [09:38] <knome> /nick newnick [09:38] <tga> knome: is there any easy way of telling which version of xfwm I'm running? [09:38] <kiaph> glad newnick was in use [09:38] <tga> does it show up in an about dialog somewhere? [09:39] <knome> tga, 'apt-cache policy xfwm4' tells you the package version [09:40] <tga> hmm maybe I should just restart, I just did a logoff after upgrade [09:42] <kiaph> so [09:43] <kiaph> I have to clean install , I have an alienware m14x , 5 year old laptop (optimus) , xubuntu 14 , what is best order of commands following reinstall to get nvidia card working? [09:44] <tga> knome: are window previews on alt tab enabled by default in 4.12? [09:46] <brainwash> tga: 14.04 already installs many components of Xfce 4.11 (the development release), so you may not notice many changes [09:47] <kiaph> should i just get beta 2? [09:47] <kiaph> it seems pretty stable [09:47] <kiaph> will beta 2 update to finish product for me? [09:47] <tga> well I'm looking at the new features of 4.12 and I can't see any of them [09:47] <brainwash> kiaph: it's worth a try, and yes, it will update to the final version [09:48] <brainwash> tga: window previews can be enabled in settings manager > window manager tweaks > last tab [09:49] <tga> hmm you may be right that I've been using 4.11 the new features [09:49] <tga> + no compositor here [09:50] <kiaph> you think 15 will be able to use bumblebeeed /nvidia prime [09:50] <tga> a-ha, that was it, no display compositing = no pretty features [09:50] <kiaph> my gtx555m prettymuch needs it [09:50] <brainwash> :D [09:50] <tga> then I only have to enable xfdashboard [09:50] <brainwash> kiaph: well, you have to try and see if it works fine for you [09:51] <kiaph> i know was trying to find a postinstall guild to optimze getting nividiaprime / hybrid settings working [09:51] <kiaph> but it doesn't seem to exsist [09:53] <tga> mmkay, xfdashboard is kinda wonky and just crashed [09:53] <tga> I think I'll stick with the applauncher [09:54] <brainwash> kiaph: if you have a specific question about hardware/drivers, maybe you should ask in #ubuntu [09:55] * tga grumbles at no package for faenza [10:40] <wolfdog> Hi all, this is probably a silly tiny question. .. In the settings for xfce4-terminal theres a list of color palette presets. Where are these stored and can I add more files to it? [10:44] <knome> wolfdog, /usr/share/xfce4/terminal/colorschemes/ [10:46] <wolfdog> knome: brilliant, found them. thankyou very much :) after some googling i was hunting through the terminal.rc, found the default declaration but none of the options [12:25] <guest-nfDzwr> him I need Help, how can I switch to azerty keyboard? [14:59] <xubuntu44w> hi all [14:59] <xubuntu44w> can I ask a question_ [14:59] <xubuntu44w> ? [14:59] <holstein> xubuntu44w: no one will stop you.. just ask, and a volunteer may assist.. [15:01] <xubuntu44w> how can I install new fonts in xubuntu? [15:01] <xubuntu44w> I mean windows fonts [15:02] <xubuntu44w> I tried but I have some issue becouse everytime I open a file created with microsoft word, for example, I have text changed [15:02] <DrunkenDwarf> if you have the .ttf file this post goes through it quite simply [15:02] <holstein> [15:02] <holstein> xubuntu44w: i wouldnt assume your inconsistency is a font issue.. [15:03] <DrunkenDwarf> What holstein linked to is much better than what I said ..... [15:03] <holstein> if you are opening a .doc in libreoffic, for example.. you may want to try saving it differently in word, or ask for a more open option, if installing the fonts doesnt address the issue [15:03] <xubuntu44w> can I do this istruction on xubuntu too? [15:03] <xubuntu44w> not just ubuntu? [15:03] <holstein> xubuntu44w: xubuntu *is* ubuntu [15:04] <xubuntu44w> ok thank you [15:04] <xubuntu44w> I'm learing! [15:04] <xubuntu44w> or at least trying to [15:04] <DrunkenDwarf> aye. Ubuntu with a nicer skin :) [15:04] <holstein> the restricted extras meta-package will contain those fonts, as well as a lot of other things [15:04] <xubuntu44w> yes couse my pc isn't so fast [15:05] <holstein> !info ubuntu-restricted-extras [15:05] <xubuntu44w> I can't remember if I already did this [15:05] <xubuntu44w> anyway I'll try [15:05] <holstein> !info ttf-mscorefonts-installer [15:06] <xubuntu44w> and I have another issue [15:06] <holstein> xubuntu44w: you can use the package manager of your choice to see if you have that package installed.. [15:06] <xubuntu44w> when I use libreoffice for opening exel files I have like visual issues [15:06] <xubuntu44w> I can see lines where they are not present [15:06] <holstein> xubuntu44w: sure.. when you create a file in a completely different application, you can have issues [15:07] <xubuntu44w> and when I resize the windows those lines go away [15:07] <holstein> sounds like a work-around [15:07] <DrunkenDwarf> libre office is good and comes with xubuntu, but there are always others you can try too... I've found open office good when working with windows docs [15:08] <xubuntu44w> I think it's more like a graphic card issue [15:08] <holstein> i would create a file similar to the one you are having issues with in libreoffice, and test [15:08] <xubuntu44w> ok I understand [15:08] <holstein> xubuntu44w: sure, then test that, and isolate.. take a live iso to another machine with a different GPU and take the file.. open it, and see [15:08] <xubuntu44w> ok I have to try [15:09] <xubuntu44w> I have a lot of files created under windows [15:09] <xubuntu44w> so often I need to check them and read them [15:10] <holstein> sure.. but, you will really be setting yourself up for failure to expect all of that to just automatically translate to another os with different software [15:10] <holstein> all of linux and ubuntu/xubuntu are open. if someone like microsoft wanted to make sure that all the products they create were compatible with it, they can.. [15:11] <holstein> generally, libreoffice does a great job with opening docs.. there are online options as well.. google docs, and office online [15:13] <xubuntu44w> I understand [15:13] <xubuntu44w> I'll try for first the fonts thing [15:14] <holstein> also, saving on the other end, compatible with older versions of word [15:14] <xubuntu44w> and see if I can solve the problem [15:14] <holstein> or, just wait til you have to deal with the document, and format it, in libreoffice, if needed, and save it in open format [15:14] <holstein> get all of your docs to the open format [15:14] <xubuntu44w> open is a format? [15:15] <xubuntu44w> and then can I open *open with excel? [15:15] <holstein> the format default to libreoffice is open [15:15] <GridCube> the open format, can be odt etc [15:15] <holstein> you can run libreoffice on windows [15:15] <xubuntu44w> oh ok [15:15] <xubuntu44w> that's true [15:16] <xubuntu44w> and if I want to reinstall xubuntu [15:16] <xubuntu44w> cause I have an old version [15:16] <xubuntu44w> it's better xubuntu or lubuntu? [15:16] <GridCube> you asking in the xubuntu channel [15:16] <holstein> "better" is a matter of opinion [15:16] <GridCube> what answer you expect? [15:17] <xubuntu44w> that is a pc with a pentium 4 3 Ghz [15:17] <holstein> thats basically lxde vs xfce.. and thats up to yoyu [15:17] <xubuntu44w> and 1 gb of ram [15:17] <holstein> xubuntu44w: no software makes your hardware faster or better.. it can make "better" use of resources [15:17] <xubuntu44w> yes from the resources view [15:18] <holstein> you can try lubuntu and xubuntu live, and see what meets your needs.. i think most find lxde lighter, but, maybe too light out of the box for what they need [15:18] <holstein> they are *all* ubuntu flavors.. [15:18] <xubuntu44w> ok [15:18] <xubuntu44w> first of all I need to know if I have graphics card issue [15:18] <holstein> you can install lxde into xubuntu and have them both, and choose between lxde or xfce [15:18] <xubuntu44w> cause xubuntu was asking me like for proprietary driver [15:19] <holstein> xubuntu44w: you can try the proprietary driver [15:19] <xubuntu44w> and it keeps loading I don't know what [15:19] <holstein> xubuntu44w: xubuntu was offering to install one [15:19] <xubuntu44w> yes I installed it [15:19] <holstein> ok.. so, you can *not* do that next time, and see if the performance is "better" [15:19] <xubuntu44w> but I have the same issue when opening sheets [15:19] <holstein> see if the open driver meets your needs, and has less artifacts [15:20] <xubuntu44w> ok I'll do this [15:20] <holstein> you can test this with a live iso [15:20] <xubuntu44w> yes [15:20] <xubuntu44w> ty holstein you helped me a lot [15:20] <holstein> what i typically do when migrating a new (new to me) machine to linux is, i'll just run a lot of different live iso's, and see what supports what.. see what versions are running [15:21] <holstein> kernel versions.. drivers.. etc [15:21] <xubuntu44w> cause I am an all doing on pc but not an axpert one with linux generally [15:21] <holstein> at this point, i would be trying the 15.04 live version as well.. since it would be a newer kernel.. though, on an older machine, and older kernel may be "better"... [15:22] <xubuntu44w> yes it could be [15:22] <xubuntu44w> ok I'm going to do some tests [15:22] <xubuntu44w> and I'll let you know [15:22] <holstein> xubuntu44w: o/ [15:22] <xubuntu44w> ty for now guys ;) [15:23] <xubuntu44w> have a good day [15:33] <DrunkenDwarf> has anyone noticed that when you snap xfce4-terminal to half the screen, it doesn't actually fill it, leaves an annoying border round it. [15:50] <jarnos> I have several guest sessions running in 14.04. How can I log then out? It seem like I always create a new session when I log into a guest session.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DrunkenDwarf", "GridCube", "Hund", "Unit193", "bobbishop", "brainwash", "guest-nfDzwr", "holstein", "jarnos", "kiaph", "knome", "ochosi", "tga", "wolfdog", "xubuntu23w", "xubuntu27w", "xubuntu40w", "xubuntu44w", "xubuntu74w", "zcm" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[00:40] <ali1234> the heat sink just fell off my CPU :( [00:46] <daftykins> fell!? [00:46] <daftykins> how on earth... [00:47] <ali1234> yes i was just sitting here and i heard a CLUNK noise inside the computer then the fan started getting louder and louder [00:47] <ali1234> well, the plastic bracket which the heat sink clips on to... the tab has sheared right through [00:47] <daftykins> we talking retail/OEM intel/AMD here? [00:47] <ali1234> AMD Phenom 2 with retail heatsink [00:48] <ali1234> broken part is on the Asus motherboard [00:48] <daftykins> :S [00:48] <daftykins> [00:48] <daftykins> that sort? [00:48] <ali1234> yes [00:48] <ali1234> see the orange thing that the metal is hooked on to? [00:48] <daftykins> wow that's going to be a real pain to whip out [00:49] <daftykins> yep [00:49] <ali1234> that has just snapped clean off [00:49] <daftykins> mobo bracket :/ [00:49] <ali1234> i've already replaced it [00:49] <daftykins> oh you had a handy spare :D [00:49] <ali1234> my other computer has an asus motherboard too... bracket is almost identical [00:54] <ali1234> [00:57] <daftykins> :O [06:35] <knightwise> morning peeps [07:23] <MooDoo> morning all [07:59] <diplo> Morning all [08:00] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [08:05] <MooDoo> howdy [08:09] <TwistedLucidity> Monday has slithered into existence once more [08:10] <zmoylan-pi> and tightens it's coils around you happiness [08:10] <zmoylan-pi> *your [08:12] <TwistedLucidity> I had my happiness surgically removed, makes it easier to cope with life. [08:12] <zmoylan-pi> the beatings will continue till morale improves-anonymous [08:13] <TwistedLucidity> Ah, but this is the Age of Austerity, you now how to pay for your own beatings [08:13] <popey> pip pip [08:14] * zmoylan-pi directs TwistedLucidity to a dublin bar and tells him to buy a shirley temple for everyone in the bar... [08:18] <davmor2> Morning all [08:19] <bashrc_> tzag [08:20] <MooDoo> howdy davmor2 [08:42] <foobarry> why do tesco delivery always bring stuff that is so close to sell by date? [08:43] <foobarry> i thought they had massive warehouses shipping stuff out all day long [08:43] <foobarry> delivery driver "what's this film frozen?" lucky guy! [08:43] <zmoylan-pi> good staff will make sure the close to stuff is shipped first. [08:44] <foobarry> yeah but they also promise to give stuff within good range , not for 21st and 20th april [08:44] <zmoylan-pi> it used to be a bugger after a day or two off sorting the fridge to get the close to date milk all the front to shift it [08:44] <foobarry> on a pack of 8 youghurts [08:44] <zmoylan-pi> ah, well, promise... [08:45] <foobarry> well they wasted them now as the guy had to take it back [08:46] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: We tried hope shopping from a couple of supermarkets at Chrimbo, all the same "Eat within 2 days or discard" [08:46] <TwistedLucidity> We're actually now actively avoiding the supermarkets when we can. Better and cheaper produce at the local buther's etc [08:47] <TwistedLucidity> And the local butcher's doesn't evade tax (AFAIK) [08:47] <foobarry> what's a local butcher? they all closed years ago [08:47] <TwistedLucidity> Two on our high street [08:48] <foobarry> wow [08:48] <popey> we have one [08:48] <popey> best in the area [08:48] <zmoylan-pi> not here. most people still use local butchers and fish shops [08:48] * awilkins still has a local butcher [08:48] <awilkins> At least one [08:48] <awilkins> Several, actually [08:48] <foobarry> also, got 50 paving slabs delivered for the patio. one pack of 25 had only 8 salvageable. all cracked/broken in half [08:48] <TwistedLucidity> There's an award winning butcher about 15 mins by push bike too. [08:48] <foobarry> broken britain [08:48] <TwistedLucidity> Probably many more [08:49] <bashrc_> I remember there being a local butcher when I was a kid. The only thing approximating that now would be in some larger supermarkets [08:49] <awilkins> Remember the sawdust on the floor? [08:49] <foobarry> i know a trained butcher who is out of work as no local butchers [08:49] <diplo> We have butchers as well, the local market is even better [08:50] <TwistedLucidity> I asked the fishmonger in the local tax-evasion emporium how to cook some fish. He looked at me blankly and handed me a free ready-made sauce. Never went back for fish. [08:50] <foobarry> except for the "halal" ones [08:50] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: Suggest to him that he go to a local enterprise scheme and start one [08:51] <zmoylan-pi> lots of empty shop spaces around these days [08:51] <bashrc_> "tax-evasion emporium". heh. Sad, but true [08:51] <TwistedLucidity> Our two seem to be rammed every day. [08:51] <foobarry> could be a lot of places? starbucks? amazon? vodafone? [08:52] <TwistedLucidity> zmoylan-pi: Indeed. But if our council is anything to go by, they want big-name "beacon brands" to move in so we become just like any other town in the UK [08:52] <TwistedLucidity> Perish the thought that a local enterprise might start up and provide something unique! [08:52] <TwistedLucidity> Not enough back-hand deals in that. [08:52] <bashrc_> competition is out of fashion [08:53] <foobarry> is it soap box day today? [08:53] <foobarry> tat reminds me, need to post my vote [08:53] <awilkins> Wanting big brands to move in is mental [08:54] <awilkins> (unless you are receiving a substantial bribe of some kind) [08:54] <TwistedLucidity> bashrc_: It cracks me up when I do go into other of them that you see signs like "<Big Name> caring for our community" and then some tripe about how they are teaching children that burgers come from boxes (or whatever). [08:54] <popey> [08:54] <popey> \o/ [08:54] <awilkins> They siphon as much money as they can away from your area [08:54] <TwistedLucidity> Keep thinking that I whould go in with so pre-printed choice words on stickers [08:55] <awilkins> As an engineer, I like efficiency. But efficient at what? [08:56] <awilkins> Biology is a better example than engineering for living communities - life extracts everything it can from every drop of sunshine, doesn't just try and ship as much of it as possible to Lichtenstein [08:56] <TwistedLucidity> popey: Butcher's top-tumps? [08:57] <zmoylan-pi> so small they don't even bother with their own web site :-) [08:58] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: And councils fall over themselves to invite the cancerous parasites in, often despite local opposition. Just a shame they get footfall; if more people refused, they'd go out of business. [08:58] <TwistedLucidity> Thing is, they tend to kill the local shops as quick as they can so residents have no choice. [09:06] <foobarry> haven't heard about novacut project in a long time [09:07] <popey> dont think he has much time to work on that [09:07] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Chinese Language Day! :-D [09:08] <awilkins> 欢乐中国语言一天 ! [09:08] <zmoylan-pi> free soup? where? :-P [09:08] <awilkins> 并可能你的猪繁荣 [09:09] <foobarry> i remember when there was a lot of noise about it [09:09] <foobarry> (mainly on OMG i guess) [09:09] <davmor2> JamesTait: I'll have some "Flied Lice" with that :D [09:10] <foobarry> there is still room for a decent ubuntu blog reporting on various projects since omg seems to have dialled down on that area [09:10] <foobarry> is there a way to remove dupes from g+ [09:10] <awilkins> [09:11] <foobarry> people like verge and boingboing seem to dupe post an awful lot and makes me unsubscribe them for noise reasons [09:14] <foobarry> i remember when everyone saved up on OMG to buy a laptop for bilal to work on novacut.. [09:15] <davmor2> awilkins: You plick [09:37] <DJones> Stupid Dell, please use decent keyboards on Lattitude 3540's, having to hit the numeric keypad buttons with enough force to hammer nails in isn't a good selling point [09:42] <zmoylan-pi> but it will give accountants backup training as chiropractors... [09:47] <davmor2> DJones: you mean you are not thor? [09:48] <zmoylan-pi> i think he needs to type on model m for a few months to build up finger strength... [09:52] <DJones> I'll just keep hitting the buttons hard, maybe they'll ease off after a bit of use [10:00] <awilkins> Naah, model M doesn't need finger strength [10:00] <awilkins> Model M lets you be very efficient by providing tactile feedback [10:00] <awilkins> Less effort, less rsi [10:01] * zmoylan-pi seems to remember one with lots of resistance... [10:01] <bashrc_> true [10:02] <bashrc_> I think hitting buttons hard is especially a problem on laptops where the keys don't have much travel [10:04] <zmoylan-pi> and yet my psion 3a with audible feedback allowed me to type 40wpm no problems in mid 90s and almost no travel on the keys [10:05] <awilkins> Laptop keyboards are often better than el-cheapo membrane keyboards [10:05] <awilkins> They're still membrane keyboards, but those individual rubber cups they use on each key seem to provide better feedback [10:05] <zmoylan-pi> i got a €15 blue tooth keyboard. rubber membrane that feels like zx spectrum keyboard [10:05] <awilkins> Yuck [10:06] <zmoylan-pi> but €15 :-D [10:06] <awilkins> And WIRELESS [10:06] <awilkins> So you can wave it around while using it [10:06] <awilkins> Typing isn't something you have to do while staying still anymore! [10:06] <zmoylan-pi> took me an hour to decode the engrish instructions. [10:07] <zmoylan-pi> printed in a booklet that opened fully was smaller than a postcard [10:08] <foobarry> i got an great BT keyboard for aorund 20£ [10:10] <bashrc_> the better laptop keyboards use scissor switches [10:10] <foobarry> don't use it as much as i thought [10:12] <zmoylan-pi> i had a stowaway keyboard for palm iiix in 90s and almost never used it. but it was so so cool :-) [10:13] <awilkins> scissor switches are the ones with the wee rubber cup under them [10:14] <awilkins> The scissor just stops them being all flobby [10:16] <zmoylan-pi> ah the stowaway. made the palm look super high tech... :-) [10:16] <bashrc_> heh [10:17] <bashrc_> I used some later generation winCE PDAs. But the PDA concept was later replaced by smartphones [10:18] <zmoylan-pi> smartphones haven't to my mind caught up with pda functionality yet [10:19] <zmoylan-pi> pdas like psion and later palm were independent computers with as much funtionality crammed in whereas smart phones are merely terminals to the cloud which is not always around [10:19] <bashrc_> I think I can do everything on a smartphone now that I could on a PDA 15 years ago, and more besides [10:20] <zmoylan-pi> go for a week between recharges? :-P [10:20] <bashrc_> depends how much I use it, but battery life on the winCE PDAs was also not especially good [10:21] <zmoylan-pi> well wince were a bit of a joke. i never saw one in use for more than a few weeks [10:21] <zmoylan-pi> whereas i saw psions everywhere. and palm [10:21] <bashrc_> I used one between about 2000 and 2005 [10:22] <bashrc_> the psions were good, but more expensive [10:22] <zmoylan-pi> i averaged about 40 hours a week on the psions. used at work and at home [10:22] <zmoylan-pi> i used it instead of pc at home as it did everything i wanted [10:29] <directhex_> yay, i have a cable! [10:32] <davmor2> popey, MooDoo: you guys will appreciate this. I woke up this morning with this song stuck in my head [10:36] <MooDoo> davmor2: oh how I loved kim [10:37] <davmor2> MooDoo: :) [12:41] <davmor2> is popey on holiday irc is always quiet when he is :D [12:41] <zmoylan-pi> could be mondayitis? [12:52] <Myrtti_> I have post-Finnish General Election mental hangover. [12:53] <popey> davmor2: sprint in london [12:53] <Myrtti_> hubby entertained himself last night while I was watching the Finnish election results rolling in by coding in Ruby a calculation on how 2010 British General Election had gone if the same votes were counted in the method used in Finland. [12:53] <Myrtti_> (and on European Parliament election) [12:53] <davmor2> popey: hence the silence [12:53] <popey> just had a nice walk around the park at lunchtime [12:55] <davmor2> popey: I had a nice walk down stairs mind you that's about as far as I wanted to go too :) [12:56] <bashrc_> the weather is sunny out [12:56] <Myrtti> yeah, laundry day [12:56] <zmoylan-pi> it's a trap!! [12:57] <zmoylan-pi> it's luring you out into the open... [12:57] <Myrtti> UV hat and new sunscreen lotion to the rescue! [12:58] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: I've heard of this mythical outside before I don't put much faith in it's existence [12:58] <foobarry> i felt dizzy and photosensitive outside today [12:59] <zmoylan-pi> if the outside was so great why have humans developed all this technology to enclose and make it nice inside? [13:14] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: more import if the outside is so great why do complain about it all the time and invent things like clothes and sunblock to protect against it [13:15] <directhex_> there are bears outside [13:15] <zmoylan-pi> or transport system to get away from local outside? [13:15] <directhex_> maybe [13:15] <directhex_> i don't want to risk being mauled [13:16] <zmoylan-pi> all the bears in ireland left long ago to become polar bears. to get away from the cold i suspect [13:17] <zmoylan-pi> :-) [14:00] <foobarry> someone do me a favour. any gmail users with chrome hit shift-esc and tell me how much RAM gmail is using pls [14:02] <popey> 369MB [14:02] <foobarry> mine was using 1gb [14:03] <foobarry> closed the tab and reopened, now using 300-500mb [14:04] <zmoylan-pi> don't you hate when the os/client and service are coming from 3 separate companies? :-P [14:10] <davmor2> MooDoo, popey, knightwise: is a fantastic album :) [14:11] <davmor2> bigcalm: ^ you might like it too [14:11] <foobarry> gah, keep typing last when i mean tail [14:12] <davmor2> foobarry: alias last to tail :D [14:12] <zmoylan-pi> and the first shall be last and the last shall be mucked up... [14:13] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: no you change First to head obviously durrrr [14:20] <MooDoo> davmor2: listening now [14:20] <MooDoo> yay synth pop [14:21] <davmor2> MooDoo: new album that I saw during lunch break and thought I might have a listen to that [14:51] <MooDoo> davmor2: it's pretty good :D [14:52] <davmor2> MooDoo: That's why I recommended it :D [14:53] <davmor2> Will you rock me Amadeus [14:53] <MooDoo> tainted love ;) [15:52] <diddledan> arta noon [15:52] <daftykins> ah greetings dan of the diddle [15:52] <diddledan> oo arr [15:53] <diddledan> I think that's about the extent of my hampshire accent [15:54] <diddledan> countryfolk [15:54] <diddledan> speaking of which, what's the difference between a city fire engine and a country fire engine? [15:55] <daftykins> the mechanism making the siren? [15:55] <diddledan> close. the city engine goes NEENAH NEENAH NEENAH whereas the country one goes oo arr. ooh arr. ooh arr. [15:55] <daftykins> :> [15:56] <daftykins> needs a few *neigh* *winny winny* in there to indicate horse-drawn [15:56] <diddledan> lolk [15:56] <diddledan> --k [15:56] <diddledan> clickity clack? [15:56] <diddledan> or is that a train? [15:56] <daftykins> i'm not sure one fights fires in heels ;) [15:57] <diddledan> well he would be fabulous if he did [15:57] <diddledan> good ol' susan [15:59] <diddledan> ref: [15:59] <diddledan> can't actually find just that bit in a legal copy [16:01] <daftykins> what on earth was that O_O [16:01] <diddledan> it's "meet dave" [16:01] <diddledan> you never seen it? [16:02] <daftykins> newp! [16:05] <diddledan> tis fun if you don't overthink it [16:10] <diddledan> heh, just read the phrase "securit impact of wifi on a plane" and it reminded me of another film that you really mustn't think at all when watching: snakes on a plane [16:11] <davmor2> diddledan: could be worse could be tribbles on a plane [16:12] <bashrc_> hippos on a plane [16:13] <diddledan> lol [16:13] <davmor2> bashrc: I'd rather hippos than tribbles [16:14] <zmoylan-pi> sharks on a plane [16:15] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: you just being daft now.....unless it's flying fog sharks [16:16] <zmoylan-pi> nah, mutant sharks with lasers obviously [16:17] <diddledan> they don't need to be mutant to have lasers on their heads [16:17] <zmoylan-pi> but they need lungs to be able to breath on the plane [16:17] <diddledan> hmm [16:17] <diddledan> point [16:18] <zmoylan-pi> the lasers are just to distract any cats that might also be on the plane [16:18] <zmoylan-pi> kinda writes itself... :-P [16:29] * awilkins has had it with these melon-farming cats on this melon-farming plane [16:29] <awilkins> (we're going to the Florida Melon Growers Association Convention) [16:38] <daftykins> my cat cares not for lasers [16:38] <daftykins> she doesn't even need accessories for fun: [16:40] <diddledan> lol - I love that cats just can't grok that the tail is their own at times [16:40] <diddledan> I also like when they cuddle it [16:40] <daftykins> :D [16:40] <diddledan> like a teddy [16:41] <diddledan> I'd totally cuddle my tail if I had one [16:41] <daftykins> now the sun has returned i can see just how disgusting my laptop keyboard looks :( [16:41] <diddledan> lol [16:42] <daftykins> sometimes i think she does know it's hers... just it refuses to come along quietly and be bathed [16:42] <daftykins> so she opens a can of cat-like administration upon it [16:42] <diddledan> hehe [16:44] <MartijnVdS> [16:53] <bigcalm> Good morning peeps :) [16:53] <bigcalm> popey: FYI, I'm bigcuthy [16:54] <popey> bigcalm: on what? [16:55] <bigcalm> On things that I am not bigcalm [16:55] <bigcalm> ;) [16:55] <bigcalm> gta v [16:55] <popey> oh [16:55] <popey> ah [16:55] <popey> can't play that tonightr [16:55] * popey is in that London [16:55] <bigcalm> Boo, pfft [16:55] <davmor2> bigcalm: you got it working in the end then [16:55] <bigcalm> davmor2: it updated and started working [16:56] <bigcalm> Quite pleased that I had today booked off work [16:56] <davmor2> bigcalm: \o/ [16:56] <bigcalm> Though it reminded me how pants I am at such games [17:02] <davmor2> bigcalm: hahahahahaha [17:23] <diddledan> this is a fun quote from a sky rep: "very few people in the UK actually need 152mb, unless you have over a dozen computers in your house all downloading illegally, streaming and online gaming on multiple devices all at the same time." [17:24] <diddledan> I like that they have to be downloading illegally [17:24] <diddledan> ref: [17:25] <daftykins> :D [17:27] <daftykins> it's like the Comcast thing in the US only longer-winded [17:35] <DJones> diddledan: That sounds like the Virgin broadband reps that come to our house, we can offer you 150Mb broadband, my reply is always, OK when are you going to dig the roads/pavements up to install cable in this area..........They disappear quicker than the road runnner chased by wyle-e-cayotee [17:37] <davmor2> hahahahahahaha 152mb hahahahahahahahahahaha [17:40] <diddledan> I have no idea why virgin were diggin my road last weds [17:40] <diddledan> it seems they've put a new fibre to the cab [17:40] <diddledan> maybe they're having issues with contention [17:45] <diddledan> although there is this rumour: [17:45] <daftykins> DJones: :D [17:45] <daftykins> that's like the Sky or BT reps that phone channel islanders [17:45] <daftykins> "we can offer you broadband!" [17:45] <daftykins> "no you can't, you do not operate here..." [17:48] <directhex_> i get 76 meg down and it's fine. more would be nice, but i don't feel speed is a major issue [17:48] <diddledan> I really want symmetric [17:49] <diddledan> I hate slow upload [17:49] <directhex_> i get 76 up [17:49] <directhex_> er, 16 [17:49] <daftykins> that'd be sweet [17:58] <daftykins> whoa my friend that lives in Jersey tells me he told TV licensing he doesn't need one, but he's still getting a court summons [17:59] <diddledan> grr [18:01] <davmor2> daftykins: that's okay as long as he can prove that he doesn't need one there isn't a problem [18:01] <DJones> daftykins: So, they're over 75 or don't have a tv? That seems tobe the only exemptions [18:02] <daftykins> yeah, just amazed they're that desperate over there. [18:02] <daftykins> DJones: nah, policy has come a long way over the years... you now only have to be someone that actively uses broadcast live TV [18:02] <daftykins> or records live TV [18:03] <DJones> Heh, we've got things like dumb-enders etc to be paid for [18:03] <daftykins> X| [18:03] <daftykins> you can even use iPlayer without paying for a license [18:08] <diddledan> daftykins: iplayer only non-live [18:08] <diddledan> if you're watching live streams on iplayer you need a license [18:08] <daftykins> yep [18:08] <diddledan> seems silly to me to differentiate like that [18:08] <daftykins> tough one to prove really, mmm [21:22] <ali1234> so ipv6 [21:22] <ali1234> i need to enter the ipv6 address of my server into the google developer console [21:23] <ali1234> but it says my address is invalid [21:23] <ali1234> ifconfig says my address ends with ::2/64 and google will not accept this [21:23] <diddledan> ali1234: without the /64 [21:23] <ali1234> what does it mean? [21:24] <diddledan> it's the netmask [21:24] <ali1234> i know what it means in ipv4 [21:24] <ali1234> what does the ::2 mean though? [21:24] <ali1234> google will accept it without the ::2 [21:24] <diddledan> ::2 is a load of zeroes ending in 2 [21:24] <diddledan> it's a shorthand way of reducing the length of address for typing [21:25] <ali1234> so :: means "pad this bit with zeros to the required length?" [21:25] <diddledan> i.e. fe80::1 is fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002 (I think that's the right number of breaks) [21:25] <diddledan> 1** [21:25] <ali1234> google says these are valid ip addresses: One IP address or subnet per line. Example:,, 2001:db8::1 or 2001:db8::/64 [21:26] <ali1234> but 2001:db8::1/64 is not valid [21:26] <diddledan> a subnet doens't end in 1 [21:26] <diddledan> a subnet ends in 0 so you knock off the 1 and leave it ending in :: [21:27] <ali1234> so what is ifconfig telling me? [21:27] <diddledan> ifconfig is telling you the actual address of your machine and netmask [21:28] <ali1234> it's saying "your ip is blah::2 and you netmask is blah::/64" [21:28] <diddledan> no the netmask is just the /64 [21:28] <ali1234> right, or course [21:28] <diddledan> and the ip is blah::2 [21:29] <ali1234> blah::/64 would be the network address? [21:29] <diddledan> yup [21:29] <ali1234> right [21:30] <ali1234> that should be what i need then [21:30] <ali1234> i think this server has a whole subnet assigned to it, because ipv6 space is cheap [21:30] <diddledan> if it was aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff/64 however, the network address would be just aaaa:bbbb:cccc:: [21:30] <ali1234> yes but that would not be a valid network address [21:31] <diddledan> similar to how in ip4 land's network is [21:31] <ali1234> yeah this form won;t accept either for exactly the same reason [21:32] <diddledan> yes so you either want or [21:34] <ali1234> thanks [21:36] <ali1234> gah, google developer console is just broken anyway [21:36] <ali1234> server isn't using ipv6 at all, the key just stopped working for no reason [21:36] <ali1234> making a new one with the exact same settings works fine [23:39] <diddledan> err.. [23:40] <daftykins> ;] [23:52] <daftykins> diddledan: you pretty good with mysql and apache2 tweaking on the memory footprint front? [23:52] <daftykins> my clean install of 14.04 server is so much more bloated than 10.04 with the same config :< [23:53] <ali1234> really? how so? [23:53] <daftykins> well, hardly comes as a surprise given times change i guess [23:54] <ali1234> not so much in server land [23:54] <daftykins> the little VM has 256MB RAM and runs a simple wordpress site [23:54] <ali1234> oh jeez [23:54] <daftykins> tends to get next to no visits per month :) [23:54] <ali1234> yeah that's not going to end well [23:54] <daftykins> worked fine with lucid :D [23:54] <daftykins> never used to dip into swap for example [23:55] <daftykins> seemed mysql was the main offender, not sure if i can reduce that via its' config [23:55] <daftykins> query_cache_limit = 1M, query_cache_size = 16M [23:55] <daftykins> hrmm [23:55] <ali1234> "swap" is pretty much meaningless on a 256mb VM [23:55] <daftykins> how-so? [23:56] <ali1234> well assuming you bought it from a hosting company [23:56] <daftykins> nah it's at home 100% under my control, this thing is just a muckabout [23:56] <ali1234> that's different then [23:56] <ali1234> hosting companies always over provision their cheap VMs [23:56] <ali1234> it's likely that you only really have 32MB of real memory on a 256MB VM [23:56] <daftykins> yeah [23:57] <ali1234> the kernel needs X amount of true unswappable memory, the rest is fake [23:57] <ali1234> 1and1 are particularly bad for this, they give you like 8MB and the kernel will crash if you open too many files even if you have hundreds of "MB" free [23:57] <daftykins> lol oh dear [23:58] <ali1234> (note, file size doesn't matter, you run out of space for file handles in the kernel) [23:58] <diddledan> a lot of cheap VMs are also openvz [23:58] <ali1234> yes, 1and1 is openvz [23:58] <ali1234> it's totally awful [23:59] <daftykins> ok fresh boot sits at 240MB used right away, 7MB free - swap untouched
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DJones", "JamesTait", "MartijnVdS", "MooDoo", "Myrtti", "Myrtti_", "TwistedLucidity", "ali1234", "awilkins", "bashrc_", "bigcalm", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "davmor2", "diddledan", "diplo", "directhex_", "foobarry", "knightwise", "popey", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[00:05] <ika> oh oh man jetzt hab ich die vbox gasterweiterungen installiert und jetzt bekomm ichs noch weniger hin bekomme nen xrandr fehler der sagt: Failed to get size of gamma for output default ^^ obwohl ich einfach die werte die mit cvt auspuckt nehme :> [01:20] <ika> oh man ich hab jetzt die vbox gasterweiterungen installiert aber bekomme es trotzdem nicht hin ne anstände auflösung einzustellen ... xrandr sagt mir maximale auflösung ist 1024x768 obwohl ich die vbox auf nem hullhd moitor laufen hab -.- [09:54] <tenker> Moin Leute, ich versuche via /etc/gdm/Init/Default die Displaypositionen von 3 Monitoren direkt beim Start von GDM anzupassen aber beim Start von GDM sind die Display dennoch durcheinander: was mache ich da falsch? [09:57] <dadrc> Ich geh mal stark davon aus, dass da noch kein sauberer Path gesetzt ist, immerhin wird überall anders "gdmwhich" benutzt, um den echten Pfad zur executable zu finden [09:57] <dadrc> könntest du auch mal probieren [09:57] <dadrc> XRANDR=`gdmwhich xrandr`; $XRANDR --all-the-stuff [09:58] <NTQ> Hi Leute. Ich versuche gerade Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 per DVD auf einem Rechner zu installieren. Es sind keine Fehler auf der DVD. Während der Installation nach der Auswahl des Tastaturlayouts blinkt der komplette Bildschirm nun abwechselnd schwarz und weiß. Sonst passiert seit einigen Minuten nichts. [09:59] <dadrc> tenker, ansonsten guck dir mal an, das sieht deutlich einfacher aus [10:00] <NTQ> Wenn ich mir mit STRG+ALT+F1 die Konsole hole, dann kann ich zwar als root Befehle eingeben, aber trotzdem blinkt der komplette Bildschirm sekündlich weiß. [10:00] <dadrc> NTQ: boot mal mit 'nomodeset' [10:01] <NTQ> dadrc: Mache ich das dann in dem Auswahlbildschirm, der nach dem Booten erscheint? [10:02] <NTQ> dadrc: Okay, hab's. Dann warte ich mal ab. [10:03] <NTQ> Vor dem eigentlichen Setup kommt auch noch das hier: "mount: mounting /dev/sda on /media failted: Invalid argument" [10:04] <dadrc> hmhm. das klingt komisch, aber erstmal gucken, ob es jetzt geht. [10:05] <tenker> dadrc: hm bei mir wird nirgends eine monitors.xml erstellt [10:08] <NTQ> dadrc: Leider blinkt der Screen jetzt wieder. [10:13] <NTQ> dadrc: Ich hab mal ein Video gemacht: [10:20] <NTQ> nolapic, noapic, acpi=off haben auch nichts gebracht. Sehr merkwürdig... [10:21] <stevieh1> das sieht sehr komisch aus [10:32] <NTQ> Ich hab ein ähnliches Problem, wenn ich versuche Lubuntu 14.04 zu installieren. Da kommt nach Auswahl "Lubuntu installieren" das hier: "(initramfs) mount: mounting aufs on /root failed: No such device" [10:33] <NTQ> Muss auf der internen Festplatte vielleicht eine swap-Partition sein, die er nutzen darf? Die 8GB RAM hab ich auch schon testen lassen. Die sind auch okay. [10:38] <stevieh1> braucht man eigentlich nicht, aber kannst ja mal probieren. [10:38] <stevieh1> ich hab so nen Effekt noch nie gesehen, würde da auch am ehesten auf grafik (nomodeset etc) tippen. [10:38] <stevieh1> die live CD geht? [10:40] <NTQ> stevieh1: Versuche ich jetzt. Aber am Freitag ging das noch. Dann hab ich angefangen zu installieren und beim nächsten Start kam der Fehler mit dem initramfs. Ich hab dann die Festplatte wieder gelöscht, dann ging es wieder. [10:40] <NTQ> stevieh1: "Lubuntu ohne Installation starten" zeigt den selben Fehler mit initramfs [10:43] <dadrc> Das bei Lubuntu klingt nach kaputter CD [10:44] <NTQ> Laut Selbsttest wäre alles okay auf der DVD [10:50] <NTQ> Ich hab jetzt die interne Festplatte formatiert und eine Swap-Partition drauf gemacht. Jetzt kommen bei der Ubuntu Server Installation immer mehr Zeilen, die sagen: "mount: mounting /dev/sda on /media failed: Invalid argument" [10:50] <NTQ> Mit /dev/sda1 versucht er es auch. Aber das ist ja auch swap. Warum will der das überhaupt mounten? [10:51] <dadrc> Gucken, was drauf ist [10:51] <NTQ> Hat das irgendetwas damit zu tun, dass das DVD-Laufwerk an IDE hängt und die Platte an SATA? Vertauscht er da was? [10:51] <dadrc> Damit er dir beim Installieren entsprechend Optionen anbieten kann [10:52] <NTQ> Na gut. Das dauert aber ewig. Ich warte jetzt schon bestimmt 5 Minuten auf das Setup. Ich warte einfach mal weiter. [10:59] <NTQ> Jetzt ist der Bildschirm einfach nur lila.... Das ist alles sehr merkwürdig. [10:59] <stevieh1> das ist ein C64, weiter kommt der nich ;-) [11:02] <NTQ> :D [11:02] <NTQ> Vorher lief auf jeden Fall noch wunderbar ein Suse Linux von 2008 oder so [11:14] <stevieh1> oh mann, soweit war ich doch gar nicht weg. [11:14] <stevieh1> Vielleicht einfach mal n 32 bit no PAE oder wie das heisst probieren? [11:15] <BlackMage> konnte der C64 schon 32 bit ? [11:16] <BlackMage> eher 8 bit [11:16] <NTQ> Falls es hilft: Das ist das Mainboard: Bei der CPU bin ich mir unsicher. [11:28] <NTQ> Das Verwenden eines SATA-DVD-Laufwerks hat übrigens auch nichts gebracht. [11:36] <NTQ> Kann ich Ubuntu Server von meinem Laptop aus auf eine externe Festplatte installieren und sie dann in den Desktop-Rechner stecken? Oder könnte es dann zu Treiberproblemen kommen, weil es ein anderes System ist? [11:39] <LetoThe2nd> NTQ: in 95% aller fälle tuts. [11:40] <LetoThe2nd> NTQ: wenn die mühle aber so alt ist dass sie kein pae oder 64bit kann, hast du deinen schuldigen bereits - und dann hilft dir das festplattenwechseln auch nix. [11:40] <NTQ> Ich bin gerade einen Schritt weiter gekommen, nachdem ich den freien Speicher auf der internen Festplatte als ext4 formatiert habe. Jetzt fährt Lubuntu einfach ohne Probleme hoch. [11:40] <NTQ> Gerade läuft der grafische Installer. Mal schauen, ob er durch kommt [11:41] <LetoThe2nd> ah ok [11:42] <NTQ> So weit war ich am Freitag übrigens schon. Aber nach einem apt-get upgrade und einem Neustart, ging gar nichts mehr. Aber so viel falsch machen kann man da doch gar nicht, oder? [11:43] <LetoThe2nd> "theoretisch" [11:49] <NTQ> Am besten ldm stoppen und dann apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. So hab ich das zumindest das letzte mal gemacht. [12:06] <NTQ> Okay, es gab jetzt einen Fehler bei dist-upgrade: [12:06] <NTQ> "interner bzip2-Lesefehler: "DATA_ERROR" [12:17] <NTQ> Jetzt gibt es auch noch segmentation faults. Irgendwas ist hier falsch. [12:33] <LetoThe2nd> ich würde ja auf hardware tippen. [12:36] <NTQ> Ich hab den Fehler. Ich teste nur gerade noch genauer in welchem RAM-Modul er steckt. -.- [12:37] <NTQ> 2 GB reichen mir erst mal auch. [13:10] <benick_> Hallo Leute, hab Scheiße mit meiner fstab gebaut und suche gerade ernsthafte hilfe [13:13] <LetoThe2nd> benick_: ich hab leider gerade nicht die zeit mich damit zu befassen, aber im allgemeinen hilft wenn du etwas präziser fragst, und veilleicht auch mal das betreffende file soweit möglich in ein pastebin lädst. [13:17] <benick_> naja an sich weiß ich wo meine Fehler lag, kann es nur nicht ändern. Also Kurzfassung,, hab ne zustätzliche Festplatte eingebaut und wollte die Partition automatisch mounten lassen, hab dementsprechend einen Eintrag in der fstab gemacht. Wenn ich den Rechner jetzt starte, komme eine Fehlermeldung "Ann Error occured while Mounting / " wollte die fstab jetzt im Terminal editieren, bzw. den neuen Eintrag rausnehmen. Jetzt kann ic [13:18] <dadrc> !512 > benick_ [13:18] <dadrc> hmhm. bot tot. [13:18] <dadrc> benick_, das wurde abgeschnitten, ging nur bis "Jetzt kann ic" [13:18] <k1l_> pack das file mal in einen pastebin: [13:19] <benick_> kann leider auf den betroffenen rechner gar nix weiter machen, komme nur bis zu der Fehlermeldung und darüber in ein terminal [13:20] <benick_> dadrc: kann jetzt im Terminal nur mit "nano" arbeiten und bekomme da keine schreibrechte [13:20] <dadrc> benick_, Live-CD booten, chroot, Datei anpassen, neustarten. [13:21] <dadrc> [13:25] <benick_> noch kurz zum verständnis, ich lade mir jetzt eine Live version, am besten genau das gleiche system wie ich jetzt auch installiert habe und kann dann über chroot die fstab anpassen? [13:26] <dadrc> Wäre eine Möglichkeit. Vorher kannst du noch versuchen, mal den Recovery-Modus im Grub auswählen [13:26] <dadrc> Eventuell reicht der sogar, um das Problem zu beheben [13:26] <dadrc> Der sollte dir eigentlich ein rudimentäres System mit Schreibzugriff liefern [13:27] <benick_> okay ich probiere das jetzt mal. vielen dank schonmal :) [13:27] <dadrc> Wenn der Recoverymodus nicht reicht, dann genau das, was du gesagt hast. [15:03] <kcalB> Hallo alle, ich möchte ein Script erstellen, das mir ein ssh Tunnel zu meinem Home-Pc herstellt und gleichzeitig einen Systemweiten Proxy einrichtet. Das Script sollte nach bedarf ein und ausgeschaltet werden können. Kann mir jemand helfen das zu ermöglichen ? [15:05] <stevieh> nennt man sowas nicht vpn? [15:07] <aggr0nym> AES rulez [15:08] <kcalB> stevieh, öhhmmm ja ne vpn is nicht so meins :D [15:08] <stevieh> aha [15:09] <kcalB> aggr0nym, stimmt was nich mit aes ? O.o [15:09] <aggr0nym> niedrig bittig ? hmm :D [15:10] <kcalB> hääh ????7 [15:12] <kcalB> sicher oder nicht sicher ?? aggr0nym [15:12] <aggr0nym> kann man das so beantworten? [15:13] <stevieh> kinder, macht das mal im Kanal daneben aus [15:13] <k1l> aggr0nym: wenn du hier "hilfst" dann bitte auch vernünftig. zum rumblödeln bitte nicht den supportkanal missbrauchen [15:13] <aggr0nym> da ich mal davon ausgehe dass du dir deine protokolle nicht selber zusammenstellen kannst für einen eigenen vpn ( provider ) musst du wohl damit leben was dein vpn anbieter dir vorgibt an verschlüsselung. also what u get is what u see :-) [15:14] <aggr0nym> denn dein provider diktiert dir was für eine verschlüsselung du einsetzen darfst. bzw. mit welchen einstellungen dein vpn funktioniert [15:14] <aggr0nym> oder setze dir selbaer openvpn server auf [15:15] <aggr0nym> wiki hilft dann auch mit den eingesetzen verschlüsselungen. [15:16] <aggr0nym> deinem serverprovider dürftest du aber einigeds an erklärung schulden wenn du da ein vpn server möchtest :) [15:18] <kcalB> aggr0nym, ich bereits einen VPN server eingerichtet, geht auch. Ich hab eben vor vpn mit ssh zu tunneln [15:18] <aggr0nym> <stevieh> nennt man sowas nicht vpn? [15:20] <kcalB> ja, es dreht sich ja eigentlich nicht um VPN sonder um ssh. Ich denke das mam mit VPN nicht alles tunneln kann oder liege ich da falsch ? [15:20] <stevieh> das ist der zweck eines vpn, dass es alles tunnelt [15:21] <aggr0nym> ebend [15:21] <aggr0nym> alles hiner eth0 oder 1 oder 2 [15:21] <aggr0nym> alle protokolle es gibt dns leaks [15:21] <aggr0nym> google hilft im zusammenhang mit #ipv6 [15:22] <kcalB> udp ja und was ist mit tcp ?? [15:22] <aggr0nym> kannste iptables konfigurieren mit nem simplen script [15:22] <aggr0nym> für die leaks [15:23] <aggr0nym> watt willste denn ohne provider im web? :D [15:23] <stevieh> aggr0nym: kannst du jetzt mal aufhören zusammenhanglosen Unsinn zu erzählen? [15:23] <aggr0nym> wieso ist doch richtig [15:24] <stevieh> hör hier einfach damit auf. [15:24] <stevieh> punkt. [15:24] <kcalB> vpn tunnelt doch nur udp oder und ssh tcp oder nicht ? [15:24] <aggr0nym> hör du doch auf [15:25] <stevieh> kcalB: nein. vpn tunnelt erstmal alles. udp und tcp [15:27] <kcalB> und warum steht in den conf upd oder tcp ? O.o [15:27] <stevieh> kcalB: das ist, worüber der tunnel ist. [15:28] <kcalB> und was ist mit tcp , Ich glaub ich steh aufm schaluch -.- [15:28] <stevieh> wenn du von aussen in der ganzen welt dein heimnetz erreichen willst, dann ist ein Openvpn server bei dir im Heimnetz genau das richtige. [15:29] <stevieh> also, der tunnel muss ja auch über ein protokoll gehen. Da kann man wählen, zwischen udp und tcp. Warum das so ist, kannst du nachgugln. [15:29] <stevieh> und nen port musst du auch noch wählen. [15:30] <kcalB> also sagte ich doch vpn mit ssh tunneln *lach* [15:30] <kcalB> ich bin im außendienst tätig, deswege [15:32] <stevieh> da brauchst du kein ssh sondern du setzt nen openvpn server auf, konfigurierst ihn auf tcp und port 443 und schaltest die bei deinem router durch. fertig. port 443 deswegen, weil du sonst öfters in irgendwelche Hotels am anderen Ende der Welt nicht rauskommst. aber https geht fast immer. [15:33] <nagetier> man würde per SSH durch den VPN-Tunnel auf heimische Geräte zugreifen, warum sollte man da noch einen weiteren Tunnel aufbauen? [15:34] <kcalB> evtl. bin ein wenig paranoid [15:35] <stevieh> brauchs du nich [15:36] <kcalB> sicher ? [15:36] <stevieh> ne [15:37] <kcalB> ich vertaue dir mal blind :) [15:38] <stevieh> gut so. [15:38] <kcalB> danke noch, Muss weg [18:29] <daswort> hallo ich versuche gerade heraus zu finden wie schnell ich von einer HDD mit LUKS lesen kann. Dazu habe ich von urandom ein etwa 500MB großes image geschrieben. Und lese dieses mit folgendem Befehl wieder: for i in $(seq 1 10); do echo 3 | tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches; dd if=/root/random.img of=/dev/null; done [18:30] <daswort> Allerdings komme ich da auf 800MB/s was mir arg viel für eine HDD erscheint. [18:31] <dasjoe> daswort: fio oder bonnie++ sind geeignetere Benchmarks als dd [18:32] <daswort> Gut zu wissen, werde ich gleich mal testen. [18:32] <daswort> Würde mich aber interessieren woher dieser Durchsatz kommt, denn vom File Cache im RAM kann es ja nicht stammen. [18:38] <nagetier> daswort, ist dir das bekannt? - [18:43] <daswort> nagetier, worauf willst du hinaus? Das /root/random.img kein Block-Device ist und dass der Test deshalb keinen Sinn macht?! [18:46] <nagetier> daswort, das man sich den Parameter oflag=direct mal ansehen kann [18:49] <nagetier> oder was dort zu hdparm steht.. sicher bin ich mir nicht, aber ansehen würde ich mir die mal [18:51] <daswort> nagetier, das funktioniert nur anders herum. bei dd if=/root/random.img of=/dev/null bs=1G count=1 oflag=direct kommt "argument /dev/null ungültig" [18:52] <nagetier> daswort, hm, dann wähle mal stattdessen eine Dateigröße die ~RAM*2 ist [18:53] <nagetier> aber egal, bonnie++ kann das alles besser [18:59] <nagetier> daswort, IMHO nutzt dein Einzeiler zwar nicht die Daten aus der vorherigen Sequenz, verwendet aber den RAM als Puffer beim schreiben [18:59] <nagetier> und auch den HW-Cache der HDD
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BlackMage", "LetoThe2nd", "NTQ", "aggr0nym", "benick_", "dadrc", "dasjoe", "daswort", "ika", "k1l", "k1l_", "kcalB", "nagetier", "stevieh", "stevieh1", "tenker" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[04:28] <p05T1> Hello [04:28] <p05T1> ... [04:29] <p05T1> where are you? [04:29] <p05T1> ...3 [04:29] <p05T1> ..2 [04:29] <p05T1> .1 [04:29] <p05T1> . [04:30] <p05T1> bye [18:01] <PabloRubianes> EduardoR: te anda ese ping [18:01] <PabloRubianes> :P [18:08] <EduardoR> no, pero estoy aqui [18:08] <PabloRubianes> jaja [18:08] <PabloRubianes> vas el sabado? [18:09] <EduardoR> no creo, estoy en un laburito [18:09] <EduardoR> Como van? [18:09] <PabloRubianes> uhhh tas desaparecido [18:09] <PabloRubianes> bien pero ta siempre sirve que vayan mas [18:10] <EduardoR> triste, pero ya volveré cuando pueda desatorarme de laburos [18:10] <PabloRubianes> oka [18:11] <EduardoR> :) estamos en contacto [18:11] <PabloRubianes> bien hace un whatapp bo [18:11] <PabloRubianes> :P
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "EduardoR", "PabloRubianes", "p05T1" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uy" }
[15:47] <lazyPower> rick_h_: syn [15:47] <rick_h_> lazyPower: ack [15:47] <lazyPower> heyo o/ [15:47] <rick_h_> howdy [15:47] <lazyPower> i hear we have new toys to pilot? [15:48] <lazyPower> will you have time to sync with us over that in the next couple days? [15:48] <rick_h_> is this public toys or private toys? e.g. should we chat elsewhere? [15:48] <lazyPower> us being new-workloads [15:48] <lazyPower> i dont know... [15:48] * rick_h_ pms you [15:48] * lazyPower is claiming mushroom treatment [15:54] <rbasak> rick_h_: about? [15:54] <rick_h_> rbasak: yes, how goes? [15:54] <rbasak> I'm drafting an email to the TB to request a stable release exception for juju-quickstart. [15:54] <rick_h_> rbasak: ok, this is to get the current release into vivid? [15:54] <rbasak> Thought I'd just check with you. They like to see some commitment from the upstream team to help with QA etc. Is this OK with you? [15:54] <rbasak> rick_h_: not just Vivid, but also Trusty. [15:55] <rbasak> rick_h_: as we're already pushing new Juju releases into Trusty, I think it makes sense to push corresponding juju-quickstart releases also. [15:55] <rick_h_> rbasak: definitely, let us know what we can do to help. frankban is out today but will be back in the AM and can work with you on anything as he's more your TZ [15:55] <rick_h_> rbasak: +1 [15:55] <rick_h_> rbasak: please copy us on anything and let us know what we can do to help and we're happy to help prove out some QA and such. [15:56] <rbasak> rick_h_: OK great! I'll Cc you in the TB email. I think the only commitment we really need from you is just for you to help the QA - as you're the experts juju-quickstart's function so having that with you makes sense. [15:57] <rbasak> rick_h_: we (server team) will just want a QA ack from you in the bug when we have something in trusty-proposed before we push it to enter trusty-updates. [15:57] <rbasak> rick_h_: does that sound OK to you? [15:57] <rbasak> (each time) [15:57] <rbasak> rick_h_: in general we're driven by the Juju team as to what Juju version they want to push into Trusty. I guess we'll work the same way for quickstart. [16:09] <rick_h_> rbasak: +1, happy to help and follow up on the bugs [16:09] <rbasak> Great. Thanks!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "lazyPower", "rbasak", "rick_h_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-gui" }
[13:59] <Odd_Bloke> Could someone add trusty, utopic and (if possible at this point, as it's going to miss release) vivid to ? [14:06] <Odd_Bloke> Never mind that, smoser has done it for me. [18:24] <cprofitt> [18:24] <cprofitt> anyone available to triage that bug? [18:24] <teward> cprofitt: as in mark it Triaged? [18:24] <cprofitt> I can mark it triaged, but it is not proper since I reported it [18:25] <teward> marked [18:25] <cprofitt> danke [18:25] <teward> mmm... on second thought i'm not sure it has the criterion for it... [18:25] <teward> but then again maybe it does, i'll leave it alone [18:25] <cprofitt> Yeah... I was debating that as well. [18:26] <teward> cprofitt: i mean, i work on server packages so it's a different story for me, it needs more to debug :P [18:26] <teward> or confirm. [18:26] <teward> same general point though :P: [18:26] <cprofitt> I actually think it is the launcher action that needs to be changed and not an issue with nautilus, but was advised to report it with nautilus. [18:26] * cprofitt nods
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Odd_Bloke", "cprofitt", "teward" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-bugs" }
[13:28] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: utlemming: I've attached a debdiff to; is it worth trying to get that into vivid? [13:28] <Odd_Bloke> (It also affects trusty and utopic, but not precise) [13:29] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, its by design [13:29] <smoser> well... maybe [13:29] <smoser> let me find bug [13:30] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Ah, is this because SmartOS uses the serial console which can make other things sad? [13:31] <Odd_Bloke> Looking at precise, it's included in the choices, but _not_ in defaults. [13:31] <smoser> bug 1316475 is the bug that disabled it. [13:32] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: That's (mostly about) CloudSigma, not SmartOS. [13:33] <Odd_Bloke> Or is it also SmartOS because SmartOS falls in to the 'negative side effects' category? [13:40] <Odd_Bloke> Oh, but CloudSigma is in the default list still. [13:42] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, yeah, cloudsigma had negative side effects so it got taken out of the image. [13:42] <smoser> and just never put back in [13:43] <smoser> but the fix that wawas added should be sufifcient [13:43] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Looking at the latest packaging, CloudSigma is in the default list... [13:43] <smoser> i'm confused. [13:44] <smoser> yeah, you're right. its in vivid/debian/cloud-init.templates as defaults. [13:44] <smoser> cloud biuld process seedxs that list maybe ? [13:45] <Odd_Bloke> For cloud-specific images, we generally drop a file in to cloud.cfg.d that overrides the list completely. [13:47] <Odd_Bloke> So I don't think this is a problem for us, necessarily, just people who want to install cloud-init themselves. [13:47] <smoser> ok. so, we *should* re-enable it. as the fix that was put in should be sufficient to avoid the negative side affect that caused its removal [13:48] <smoser> but i wouldn't do that for vivid "right now". just to avoid dealing with regression 3 days before release. escpecially as you said, because it has a work around [13:48] <smoser> which makes it "medium" by definition i think [13:48] <smoser> and not "kitten killer" [13:48] <Odd_Bloke> Ack. [13:48] <smoser> but i woudl support it for SRU [13:55] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, why did you say lcoudsigma above ? [13:55] <smoser> oh. i see. i did that. [13:55] <smoser> i'm osrry . confusing. i was just mis-remembering [13:55] <smoser> i dont know why SmartOS is not i nthat list. probalby just missed it. [13:56] <smoser> it would appear it SmartOS just never got in to that list. [13:57] <smoser> but it seems that smartos does the same look (dmi info) so it should be fine. [13:57] <Odd_Bloke> Yeah. [13:57] <Odd_Bloke> I'll revisit it early next cycle. [14:02] <smoser> can you confirm i nominated approrrately ? [14:02] <smoser> and mark 'confirmed' and importance on Trusty anhd W ? [14:02] <smoser> (i just ignored utopic. i'd not bother with SRU for this to utopic) [14:04] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Confirmed; I can't do importance. [14:05] <smoser> k. there ya go [14:06] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Thanks! [14:06] <smoser> sorry for confusing cloudsigma and smartos [14:06] <smoser> :) [14:07] <Odd_Bloke> No worries; the reasons for them being off this list are very similar. :p [14:07] <smoser> interestingly, they are the same in this regard (they both expect something ont he othe rside of /dev/ttySX, and now both look for dmi data before polling around there) [14:16] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, i put a comment in [14:16] <smoser> but i'm willing to be wrong on it [14:16] <smoser> since we're already able to test read_url . [14:20] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: No, it makes sense; I was initially relying on more state in that function, but refactored it to avoid that need. [14:24] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: I've made the change locally, will push it up some time this afternoon after doing a quick smoke test. [14:25] <Odd_Bloke> (About to head in to a meeting) [15:25] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Updated that MP.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Odd_Bloke", "smoser" ], "url": "", "channel": "#cloud-init" }
[19:16] <ibeardslee> morning [23:42] <thumper> o/ [23:42] <hads> morning
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "hads", "ibeardslee", "thumper" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nz" }
[16:32] <mdeslaur> \o [16:32] <tyhicks> hello [16:33] <jjohansen> o/ [16:33] <tyhicks> #startmeeting [16:33] <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Apr 20 16:33:15 2015 UTC. The chair is tyhicks. Information about MeetBot at [16:33] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [16:33] <chrisccoulson> hi [16:33] <tyhicks> The meeting agenda can be found at: [16:33] <tyhicks> [LINK] [16:33] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report [16:33] <tyhicks> jdstrand: you're up [16:38] <jdstrand> ]sorry [16:38] <jdstrand> this week is again, snappy focused [16:39] <jdstrand> I plan on working on finalizing the seccomp glue layer today and test the applied policies, updating ubuntu-core-security as necessary [16:40] <jdstrand> I also need a piece for updating the already generated policies when ubuntu-core-security-seccomp is updated (like we do with apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu) [16:41] <jdstrand> I made a change to snappy for updating dbus bus policy last week and need to make a change to snappy build to make it fail if the package.yaml is malformed when bus-name is specified [16:41] <jdstrand> (not apparmor related) [16:41] <jdstrand> then review tools [16:41] <tyhicks> whew [16:41] <tyhicks> lots of stuff :) [16:42] <jdstrand> yeah [16:42] <jdstrand> that's it from me [16:42] <tyhicks> mdeslaur: you're up [16:42] <mdeslaur> I just published some php5 updates [16:42] <mdeslaur> and am currently working on new mysql versions [16:42] <mdeslaur> after that, I'll be going down the list, there's stuff piling up [16:43] <mdeslaur> that's pretty much it...oh, I am on bug triage this week [16:43] <mdeslaur> that's it for me, sbeattie, tag, you're it. [16:43] <sbeattie> I'm on cve triage this week [16:44] <sbeattie> I'm finishing up openjdk testing, though I've hit a small snag where the icedtea plugin isn't working in my test environment on trusty/i386 (but other i386 and trusty/amd64 worked fine), so I need to dig in a bit to what's going on there [16:45] <sbeattie> I also need to finish releasing apaprmor 2.9.2 and merge the python bits into my in progress trusty sru. [16:45] <sbeattie> and also continue the gcc-pie work [16:45] <sbeattie> that's my week. tyhicks? [16:46] <tyhicks> I'm in the happy place this week [16:46] <tyhicks> I'm going to review the snappy launcher code [16:46] <tyhicks> I'll also review some snippets at the request of IS [16:46] <tyhicks> still need to revisit the Vivid systemd/sbuild/schroot bugs (LP: #1427264) (LP: #1438942) [16:46] <tyhicks> and still need to restart work on AppArmor kernel keyring mediation for user data encryption [16:47] <tyhicks> that's it for me [16:47] <tyhicks> jjohansen: you're up [16:48] <jjohansen> I'm working on the apparmor upstream cleanup again this week. I'll kick in any help on 2.9.2 and 2.10 that sbeattie needs [16:48] <jjohansen> and I have some kernel sru prep for the current release cycle [16:49] <tyhicks> nice [16:49] <tyhicks> sounds like you'll get some time to focus on the upstreaming effort this week [16:50] <jjohansen> yes [16:50] <jjohansen> I think that is it for me sarnold you are up [16:51] <sarnold> I'm on community this week [16:52] <sarnold> I'm going to be continuing my travels through openstack country, my travelogues will be for sale in the gift shop.. [16:52] <sarnold> I'll also try to do some minor apparmor patch reviews as interest allows [16:52] <sarnold> that's it for me, chrisccoulson? [16:53] <tyhicks> sarnold: last week you mentioned the conntrack mir [16:53] * tyhicks checks on the status [16:53] <chrisccoulson> This week, I've probably got a firefox update. I also need to get oxide 1.6 out [16:53] <tyhicks> (LP: #1381450) [16:54] <chrisccoulson> I'll be spending some time to work through code reviews [16:54] <sarnold> tyhicks: yeah, I didn't get to it, and I suspect it's too late for this cycle at this point; if you think it isn't, I'd be happy to pick it up asap.. [16:54] <chrisccoulson> other than that, I'm working through the list of bugs as usual [16:54] <chrisccoulson> That's me done [16:54] <tyhicks> sarnold: ok, we'll discuss it a little more afterwards [16:56] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Highlighted packages [16:57] <tyhicks> The Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. [16:57] <tyhicks> See for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see [16:57] <tyhicks> [16:57] <tyhicks> [16:57] <tyhicks> [16:57] <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions [16:57] <tyhicks> [16:57] <tyhicks> [16:57] <tyhicks> Does anyone have any other questions or items to discuss? [16:58] <tyhicks> jdstrand, mdeslaur, sbeattie, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson: Thanks! [16:58] <tyhicks> #endmeeting [16:58] <meetingology> Meeting ended Mon Apr 20 16:58:50 2015 UTC. [16:58] <meetingology> Minutes: [16:58] <mdeslaur> thanks tyhicks! [16:59] <sarnold> thanks tyhicks ! [16:59] <jjohansen> thanks tyhicks [17:01] <sbeattie> tyhicks: thanks!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "chrisccoulson", "jdstrand", "jjohansen", "mdeslaur", "meetingology", "sarnold", "sbeattie", "tyhicks" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-meeting" }
[19:58] <manels> slt [19:58] <elacheche_anis> Salut manels :) [19:59] <manels> j’espère que vous allez tous bien :) [19:59] <manels> EOF [19:59] <elacheche_anis> Am OK thx :) So what do oyu need to know? [20:00] <elacheche_anis> eof [20:01] <manels> je voulais savoir concernant le plan de la journée et les participants ? [20:02] <manels> c'est encore en cour de préparation ou c'est bon ? [20:02] <manels> EOF [20:03] <elacheche_anis> Pour le plan.. Si t'es d'accord sur les sujets que j'ai proposé dans la wiki alors c'est bon.. Pour les detailles j'ai pas des detailles, dès que l'event sera pour le 16 mai alors on a le temps pour avoir des bon scenarios pour novices :) [20:04] <elacheche_anis> On a pas fait les deux derniers workshops avant, mais avec mon expérience professionnel, ainsi que l'expérience de the_illisionist nous pourrons créer un bon atelier.. [20:05] <elacheche_anis> Si t'es d'accord je vais essayer de préparer les scenrarios asap, pour qu'on peut dégager nos besoin hardware [20:05] <elacheche_anis> EOF [20:06] <elacheche_anis> manels, t'es encore là? [20:08] <manels> d'accord [20:08] <elacheche_anis> OK.. [20:09] <manels> c'est just une question administrative je doit préparer l'affiche d'avance du coup il faut que je précise le contenue [20:09] <manels> ;) [20:09] <manels> EOF [20:09] <elacheche_anis> manels, l'affiche c'est notre affaire aussi :) [20:10] <manels> D'accord , donc il me faudra l'affiche [20:10] <elacheche_anis> sauf si t'as des artistes qui peut préparer quelque chose en utilisant des logiciels libre → GIMP, Inkscape ou krita [20:10] <manels> looool, notre limite c'est le ppt malheureusement :( [20:11] <manels> EOF [20:11] <elacheche_anis> OK alors.. :) [20:12] <elacheche_anis> manels, je pense qu'on doit créer un time line pour ne pas avoir des points flou.. [20:13] <elacheche_anis> Il nous reste presque 4 semaines.. Donnons un deadline pour tout les tâches.. qu'est ce que tu pense? [20:13] <manels> il me faudra l'affiche le plutôt possible pour l'administration [20:14] <elacheche_anis> Un deadline d'une semaine pour l'affiche c'est OK? [20:14] <manels> ok [20:15] <elacheche_anis> Bien.. Pour les scenarios, un deadline de 2 semaines c'est bon je pense, après les deux semaines on va demander le besoin hardware de chez iset [20:16] <manels> oui j'allais proposé la même chose [20:16] <elacheche_anis> bien, quoi d'autre? [20:17] <manels> je pense c'est bon dés que vous préparé les scénarios on discutera s'il ya autre chose [20:19] <elacheche_anis> D'accord, pour les participants.. je dois savoir deux choses, le deadline de la liste le max des personnes que iset peut prendre en charge :) [20:20] <elacheche_anis> Ah! Aussi comment ISET va prendre en charge le transport.. [20:25] <elacheche_anis> manels, ! [20:26] <manels> la liste max je dois la vérifié avec le directeur et je dois disposé de l'affiche aussi [20:27] <manels> désolé pour le retard [20:27] <elacheche_anis> manels, tu m'explique STP tu veux dire quoi avec "verifier"? [20:28] <manels> c'est lui qui peux me donner le nombre qu'il peux prendre en charge [20:29] <elacheche_anis> Ah ok! Désolé, j'ai pensé que tu parle des personnes x) juste pour infos, les membres peuvent être des étudiant ou même des eleves, avant nous avons eu des conférenciers à l'age de 18 ans ou moins :) [20:30] <elacheche_anis> Oui j'attend la confirmation du nombre + la méthode de la prise en charge, il faut noter qu'on est PAS une association, nous somme une communauté des benevoles :) [20:31] <manels> d'accord :) [20:32] <elacheche_anis> bien :) D'autre chose? [20:32] <manels> non c bon pour moi :) [20:33] <elacheche_anis> OK alors :) merci :) [20:33] <elacheche_anis> Je vais partage ces infos sur la ML asap.. :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "elacheche_anis", "manels" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tn" }
[10:20] <x-Na> Hi [10:20] <x-Na> I was testing upgrading my virtual machine to Ubuntu 15.04 + adding Gnome 3.16 on top, but I seem to end up with a black screen with just mouse pointer visible, is this something that is already known? [10:49] <darkxst> x-Na, no, but there are issues know with vbox [11:07] <x-Na> Yeah, I guess so [11:07] <x-Na> Would just want to see in general that it works before upgrading my computer @ home :D [11:32] <darkxst> x-Na, vmware is a much better reference [11:33] <darkxst> otherwise try boot a live USB [11:35] <darkxst> I have given up on vbox to be honest, its just not worth supporting [11:48] <x-Na> Hmmh, ok [12:09] <darkxst> x-Na, it mostly works, but there are far to many vbox specific bugs for it to be a good reference for what you (and most) expect from it [12:13] <x-Na> Yeah, I guess [12:14] <x-Na> We'll see how it works soon enough, though... [12:14] <x-Na> I still do have problems with GDM and multiple users, but I have no idea if anyone is interested in fixing those problmes [12:14] <x-Na> *problems [12:26] <x-Na> Because I have not been able to have our 3 year old to handle those problems... :D [13:21] <amari> Hi, is gnome 3.16 in staging ppa stable for daily use? [13:34] <amari> anyone? [15:09] <tyrog> Hi, is gnome3.16 in ubuntu-staging ppa for 15.04 stable for usage now? Why isn't nautilus 3.16 included in it? [22:21] <ahoneybun> darkxst: should add this link up top; [22:24] * ahoneybun downloads vivid final to test
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ahoneybun", "amari", "darkxst", "tyrog", "x-Na" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[04:15] <Voyage> what does it takes to setup an smtp server and get your email passed through the automatic email spam filters? [07:58] <lordievader> Good morning. [11:53] <Rovanion> Hi, I'm getting the following errors on one of my drives in syslog and after a while it's lost to the system: [11:54] <Rovanion> Does anyone know how to find the cause of this issue? [12:01] <Rovanion> This is my complete dmesg for ata1: [12:23] <lordievader> Rovanion: Drive failure? Check smart. [12:26] <Rovanion> lordievader: Nothing notable on the smart record as far as I can see. Though they're hard to read. At least smartctl0 -H /dev/sdx returns passed on all devices. [12:26] <Walex> Voyage__: setting up an SMTP server is not complicated if it is simple. For spam filters sometimes it helps to do SPF or some other idiotic authentication scheme. [12:29] <lordievader> Rovanion: Could you pastebin the output of 'smartctl -a /dev/sdx'? [12:31] <Rovanion> lordievader: Here it is: [12:32] <lordievader> Drive seems to be fine, indeed. [12:33] <Rovanion> I've read a bunch of different causes for erros like this. But I'm having a hard time discerning which could cause mine. Some are kernel, some are cable, some are controller and some are power issues. [12:35] <Rovanion> So the disks works for something like half a day while inside a ZPool while resilvering(rebuilding) a mirror, then disappears from Linux totally. /dev/sdx isn't there anymore. [15:40] <coetry> Can someone please help me with Amazon EC2? I have an instance that i changed the security group to accept all tcp connections from port ranges 0 - 65535, and i have rails serving on [15:40] <coetry> but i can't seem to connect to the server from the public ip [15:41] <coetry> its ubuntu server 14.04 [15:41] <coetry> is there a firwall on the server or something thats stopping it from accepting connections? [15:44] <coetry> [15:48] <excalibr> coetry, iptables -nvL [15:50] <coetry> excalibr: [15:54] <excalibr> coetry, I see nothing is blocking on your server so it must be your network firewall then [15:56] <excalibr> Have you tried giving your ec2 instance a reboot? [15:57] <coetry> excalibr, i did reboot it :/ [16:07] <excalibr> coetry, sorry I can't offer any further help. Ive never ran into such problem last time I used ec2. I did something differently though. I allowed all ports and proto in the security group and managed the firewall from within my instance [16:08] <teward> coetry: check the EC2 control panel [16:08] <teward> coetry: the security 'firewall' is controlled there, not at iptables [16:08] <teward> you have to enter 'security group' allowed ports to permit access to the systems [16:08] <teward> otherwise the default is block all but SSH [16:09] <teward> (that Standard Operating Procedure hasn't changed in Amazon EC2 ever) [17:03] <tyhicks> jamespage: hello - we've finally got through all the MIR security reviews that were ahead of the conntrack MIR (LP: #1381450) [17:03] <tyhicks> jamespage: but we're not sure if it is still useful to do this week [17:04] <tyhicks> jamespage: if sarnold could get through it in the next day or two, would it still be useful for 15.04? [17:07] <Voyage> Walex, SPF ? [17:07] <sarnold> Voyage: Y [17:07] <sarnold> Voyage: [17:19] <jamespage> tyhicks, yes please [17:20] <tyhicks> sarnold: ^ could you focus on that and cve triage today? [17:20] <sarnold> tyhicks: sure [17:21] <tyhicks> sarnold: thanks! :) [17:23] * sbeattie assumes tyhicks meant s/cve triage/community/ today [17:24] <tyhicks> sbeattie, sarnold: ah, I got your roles mixed up [17:24] <tyhicks> that's even better for sarnold :) [17:25] * sbeattie *knew* not to get his hopes up. :) [17:25] <sarnold> yes, yes it is :) [17:25] <sarnold> sorry sbeattie [17:26] <sarnold> sbeattie: I've already started process_cve with the kjernel-team merge.. I'll finish just that bit.. [17:26] <tyhicks> doh [17:26] <sarnold> .. unless you've already started, then I'll try to figure out how to bail [17:26] <tyhicks> I really screwed that up [17:27] <sbeattie> sarnold: no, go ahead and finish that bit. [17:29] <sarnold> CVE-2013-4866 (1/78: 1%) [17:29] <sarnold> ouch.. [17:29] <sarnold> sbeattie: okay, kernel team merge checked in, thanks [17:30] * sbeattie cries [17:31] <sarnold> ... if there's any bright side, the first issue from debian that it prompted for me was this: (The LIXIL Corporation My SATIS Genius Toilet application for Android ...) [17:32] <sarnold> which is hilarious in itself [17:32] <sarnold> but also hopefully means debian went crazy finding NFUs to document.. I hope. [17:35] <Alina-malina> lol at dan bilzerian [17:47] <Voyage> sarnold, ok. what precautions should be made while making an smpt server [17:48] <sarnold> Voyage: keep up on your logs [17:48] <Voyage> sarnold, need my emails to not go in spam folders [17:56] <lazyPower> Voyage: thats a trust based system that takes time [17:57] <lazyPower> the easiest thing you can do starting off is set DKIM validation on your dns for the server, then you have to wait and send mail while it builds trust [17:57] <Voyage> k [17:58] <lazyPower> <- outlines it pretty well [19:34] <tychicus> has anyone run into issues with tagged vlan's on 14.04, specifically with regards to intervlan routing? [19:35] <tychicus> I'm running into an issue that seems to only affect my ubuntu machines, thinking maybe I have something wrong on the ubuntu configuration side [19:36] <patdk-lap> what is intervlan routing? [19:37] <tychicus> sorry inter vlan routing [19:37] <tychicus> routing packets between vlan's [19:37] <patdk-lap> I don't understand the usage of inter [19:37] <patdk-lap> that would be external vlan routing [19:37] <patdk-lap> inside vlan is l2, bridge [19:37] <patdk-lap> so you just have normal l3 routing issues [19:38] <tychicus> interVLAN is just the cisco nomenclature [19:38] <tychicus> 2 vlan's [19:38] <tychicus> default vlan 1 [19:39] <tychicus> then vlan 200 [19:39] <tychicus> vlan 200 is able to pickup an IP from local dhcp, or static assignment [19:39] <tychicus> can talk to other devices on the same subnet, but can't see to exit the subnet [19:40] <ay_caramba> wait till you get to routing on a stick [19:40] <ay_caramba> ;) [19:40] <tychicus> Kernel IP routing table [19:40] <tychicus> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface [19:40] <tychicus> UG 0 0 0 eth2 [19:40] <tychicus> UG 100 0 0 eth2.200 [19:40] <tychicus> U 0 0 0 eth2 [19:40] <tychicus> U 0 0 0 eth2.200 [19:40] <tychicus> is how the local routing table is configured [19:42] <tychicus> everything is fine with the default vlan [19:42] <tychicus> it can talk to other devices on vlan 200 [19:49] <patdk-lap> all this talk, but no question for what is wrong? [19:49] <tychicus> what is wrong is that as soon as I ifup eth2.200 [19:50] <patdk-lap> ? [19:50] <tychicus> the vlan attached to eth2 can not communicate with vlan 200 [19:50] <patdk-lap> what does routing tables have to do with that? [19:51] <patdk-lap> that has to do with forwarding [19:51] <tychicus> as in ip_forward [19:51] <tychicus> ? [19:51] <patdk-lap> and routefilters, and .... [19:52] <tychicus> here is the tutorial I used [19:52] <tychicus> is there something that is more complete? [19:53] <tychicus> the ubuntu systems are the only ones having this issue, so I am trying to track down where I went wrong in the configureation [19:57] <patdk-lap> that tutorial is complete, to setup a vlan [19:57] <patdk-lap> that tutorial has NOTHING to do with routing between vlans [19:57] <patdk-lap> for that, consult any firewall config tutorial you want [19:58] <tychicus> the function of routing between vlan's is set up on the router [19:58] <patdk-lap> so this is just an end machine? [19:58] <tychicus> it works for every machine in the network execpt ubuntu machines [19:58] <tychicus> yes [19:58] <patdk-lap> well, fix up your default route then [19:58] <patdk-lap> or turn of rp_filter [19:58] <patdk-lap> rp_filter is a GOOD THING to have on [19:58] <patdk-lap> but it doesn't work for multible default routes [20:01] <tychicus> would I need to be disabled for eth2 the physical interface, or only for eth2.200 (vlan interface)? [20:03] <patdk-lap> disabled for anything with a default gateway on it [20:03] <patdk-lap> in your case, all [20:10] <tychicus> what is the preferred way to do this? sudo echo 0 > sudo /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter [20:10] <tychicus> does not seem to work [20:11] <sarnold> echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter or use sudo -s to get a shell first, then just echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter [20:11] <tychicus> sysctl -w [20:12] <tychicus> ok thanks [20:14] <tychicus> patdk-lap: thank you that worked [20:14] <tychicus> sarnold: thank you toot [20:14] <tychicus> s/toot/too [20:27] <patdk-lap> add it into a /etc/sysctl.d/xxxx file
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Alina-malina", "Rovanion", "Voyage", "Walex", "ay_caramba", "coetry", "excalibr", "jamespage", "lazyPower", "lordievader", "patdk-lap", "sarnold", "sbeattie", "teward", "tychicus", "tyhicks" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[06:14] <Mirv> tvoss: hello. is unapproved so it couldn't be published to the overlay PPA. [06:14] <tvoss> Mirv, hey there, we are still iterating on the MP, but need the silo for testing purposes [06:15] <Mirv> tvoss: hmm, it was sent to QA sign-off and QA spent quite many hours with it already? [06:15] <tvoss> Mirv, very unlikely [06:15] <Mirv> tvoss: landing-030, that is [06:16] <Mirv> testing throughout Friday by alesage [06:16] <tvoss> Mirv, I for sure did not mark it as tested :) [06:16] <Mirv> tvoss: someone did [06:17] <Mirv> tvoss: although, QA should have spotted the num/device/tester fields weren't filled in [06:17] <Mirv> anyway, unfortunate but that could have been caught by QA because of those missing details [06:17] <tvoss> Mirv, interesting, I will try to find out what happened [06:20] <Mirv> I added a comment that it should not be published. if/when you do more changes to the MP, it's best to set the QA Signoff needed back to Required and Tested back to No. [06:22] <tvoss> Mirv, I'm waiting for final testing in the London office (the bug was originally filed there) [06:25] <Mirv> tvoss: ok, let's see. it's of course still possible it's good as is and wouldn't need retesting by QA, but let's see. [06:25] <tvoss> Mirv, yup [06:52] <alesage> Mirv, tvoss, was the silo approved in error? [06:54] <tvoss> alesage, yup, I don't know who set it to tested, yet [06:54] <Mirv> alesage: apparently, although there's a chance it will not need further changes. but there's an error in the QA process - the three bits of info (image #, device, tester) were not filled in, QA process should check those [06:55] <Mirv> before starting signoff [07:20] <oSoMoN> ubuntu-qa: good morning, any chance silo 7 can be validated soon for landing in the overlay PPA ? I’ve a got a pile of approved MRs for webbrowser-app to land, and they’re blocked on this one [07:34] <sil2100> ugh... [07:34] <sil2100> Hey everyone [07:35] <sil2100> I think I need to go back to bed for a few more minutes [07:35] <sil2100> Don't feel too good [07:35] <sil2100> In case I don't make it for the meeting, feel free to use it as you wish [08:01] <Mirv> sil2100: happy jetlagging! :) or hopefully just that. [08:01] <Mirv> and not ubuflu. [08:56] <Mirv> rsalveti: pleas push your qtmultimedia changes to [08:57] <Mirv> at some point [09:22] <popey> hmm, my phone has frozen [09:48] <tvoss> sil2100, ping [09:48] <davmor2> popey: wasn't that Madonna '00's come back song [09:54] <Mirv> your phone has frozen, when your kernel's not open [09:58] <sil2100> ugh, not sure if this is a really bad jetlag or ubuflu, feel really tired and mopped out [09:58] <sil2100> And sick [09:59] <sil2100> Mirv: sorry for leaving the train duties mostly on your shoulders today again ;( [10:00] <Mirv> sil2100: no problem, not much load so far anyway except answering questions [10:00] <Mirv> I just wonder if I should go for a late lunch or if I should stay home if UPS delivers my Bq [10:00] <Mirv> eating is overrated [10:02] <sil2100> ;p [10:02] * sil2100 would still be sleeping if not for the UPS delivery man ringing on his door [10:21] <dbarth> o/ trainguards, could i get a reconfig for silo 6 please (i re-added a merge proposal which was blocking us earlier) [10:21] <dbarth> the normal reconfigure tool did not accept the addition of a line [10:22] <sil2100> dbarth: let me try doing that for you [10:22] <Mirv> sil2100: reconfiguring [10:22] <Mirv> sil2100: ^ [10:23] <sil2100> Ah ;) [10:23] <sil2100> Ok [10:23] <sil2100> Mirv is too fast for me today [10:26] <Mirv> dbarth: ^ [10:31] <dbarth> thank you [10:34] <davmor2> sil2100: ha, you need to drink less on ubuntu trips [11:25] <Mirv> tvoss: please reset the tested fields now that you rebuilt it [11:28] <tvoss> Mirv, ack [11:28] <tvoss> Mirv, done [11:29] <Mirv> thanks [11:29] * Mirv got Bq finally! [11:32] <ogra_> yay [12:27] * davmor2 steals Mirv bq not any more psych [12:31] * Mirv quickly tests that machines vs machines works ok also on Bq [12:33] <ogra_> Mirv, we can only consider that proven if the last level works though [12:33] <Mirv> right, well just a moment in that case [12:38] <davmor2> 6 hours later Mirv becomes productive enough to say good night [12:43] <davmor2> ogra_: it does see my finally completed it post on g+ [12:44] <ogra_> davmor2, that doesnt say anything about Mirv's phone ... this test indeed only works individually [12:45] <Mirv> you never know when there's a bug lurking [12:46] <davmor2> Mirv, ogra_ : no I found the bug [12:46] <davmor2> didn't I mzanetti :D [12:47] <mzanetti> huh? [12:47] <ogra_> is that a verb now ? [12:48] <ogra_> like "I googled..." ? [12:48] <davmor2> mzanetti: Found the bug in Machines vs Machines [12:48] <mzanetti> grr... yes... you did [12:48] <davmor2> Mirv, ogra_: ^ see [12:48] <mzanetti> and stop reminding me every other day about it... :D [12:49] <davmor2> mzanetti: you can blame ogra_ and Mirv this time :) [12:51] <mzanetti> davmor2, just kidding... it just still annoys me that this bug is unfixable [12:51] <mzanetti> with the given resources, that is [12:51] <zbenjamin> unfixable bug? oO [12:52] <mzanetti> zbenjamin, yeah... would require me to verify and tweak all levels again [12:52] <mzanetti> but there's absolutely no chance I'll do that a second time for free [12:52] <zbenjamin> mzanetti: is it that annoying? [12:53] <davmor2> zbenjamin: only to mzanetti [12:53] <davmor2> zbenjamin: most users will never notice it :) [14:13] <oSoMoN> ubuntu-qa: hey guys, any chance silo 7 can be validated soon for landing in the overlay PPA ? I’ve a got a pile of approved MRs for webbrowser-app to land, and they’re blocked on this one [14:15] <rvr> oSoMoN: Is not the highest priority silo right now :-/ [14:16] <davmor2> oSoMoN: and because of iso testing testers are reduced too [14:16] <rvr> oSoMoN: How is it tested, anyway? [14:17] <oSoMoN> rvr, davmor2: I understand that, that’s fair enough. When do you estimate someone could get to it? Tomorrow? The day after? Next week? [14:18] <oSoMoN> rvr, I need to update the manual test plan (there will be autopilot tests but in a subsequent MR), I haven’t done so until I know for sure when it will actually be tested [14:24] <rvr> oSoMoN: If US team is fully available, I expect tomorrow or so, but cannot say for sure. [14:25] <oSoMoN> rvr, ok, thanks [14:27] <davmor2> oSoMoN: just the wrong week to try and land stuff :D [14:27] <oSoMoN> you mean the wrong month, right? [14:34] <vila> fgimenez: nooo, come back ! [14:34] <vila> :) [14:35] <vila> \o/ [14:36] <vila> fgimenez: so, with the plugin hint, I've found and [14:36] <vila> Is this what you had in mind / [14:36] <vila> is dead according to the project itself [14:36] <fgimenez> yep, the libvirt one, i'm testing it and seems to work [14:38] <fgimenez> something like this, i haven't see it up yet, but seems to go fine [14:40] * vila nods [14:40] <vila> re-installing vagrant ;) [15:01] <rvr> charles: Silo 27 approved [15:04] * Mirv reconfigures and publishes [15:06] <Mirv> charles: rvr: how was it missed that powerpc FTBFS:d in the silo 027? if something like that happens, the silos houldn't be set as having been tested. I guess it's flaky and can be fixed at this point, but it should have been done earlier. [15:06] <rvr> Mirv: ? [15:07] <Mirv> rvr: so the indicator-location build had failed in that PPA you reviewed. I'm just noting it should not have been set as tested if there's a build failure. [15:08] <rvr> Mirv: Ahh [15:09] <charles> wtf [15:10] <charles> and has cycled out [15:10] <charles> I'll start a rebuild so we can see where the FTBFS is [15:12] <Mirv> charles: stop [15:13] <charles> Mirv, ack [15:13] <Mirv> charles: I restarted the powerpc build only, and it succeeded now [15:14] <Mirv> charles: I wouldn't really worry if it's 32-bit powerpc only that's flaky, although at leisure it could be investigated if it could be made more trustworthy [15:16] <charles> Mirv, dyk if there's still a url for the ftbfs run somewhere? [15:16] <charles> I'd like to know where it failed [15:17] <Mirv> charles: rvr: published (to - it seems it didn't pick up my powerpc rebuild yet as a binary copy, so there's a chance the failure can be seen again there. [15:17] <Mirv> charles: I think it's gone at the moment the single arch rebuild is done [15:18] <Mirv> charles: it was in tests, anyway, but I just don't have it open anymore [15:19] <dbarth> o/ trainguards, could you update silo 11 with a newer build of oxide; took too long to validate and now we have 1.6.4 officially stable [15:20] <elopio> ping fginther: you mentioned last week that the run we see in the dashboard are not completed because the phone dies. [15:20] <elopio> do you have some time to talk about that? [15:20] <pmcgowan> dbarth, we should really land that today [15:21] <dbarth> pmcgowan: that's not the one you want, 1.7.0pre is still building in the phablet ppa [15:21] <dbarth> the one with the arale fixes [15:23] <pmcgowan> dbarth, I just want one to land don't care which one :) [15:23] <pmcgowan> little worried about 1.7 this late [15:24] <dbarth> 1.7 is 1.6 branched, so not many changes yet [15:24] <pmcgowan> dbarth, so why is 1.6 in a silo then? [15:25] <elopio> ping fginther: you mentioned last week that the run we see in the dashboard are not completed because the phone dies. [15:25] <elopio> do you have some time to talk about that? [15:28] <fginther> elopio, sure [15:28] <dbarth> pmcgowan: to release to all releases / models, whereas 1.7.0pre should be for the other image [15:28] <dbarth> i that works [15:28] <pmcgowan> I see [15:28] <elopio> fginther: is there a bug reported for the project that makes the phone die? [15:29] <pmcgowan> dbarth, when will 1.7 go into a silo? it should be prioritized ahead of the other [15:29] <fginther> elopio, this one: [15:29] <pmcgowan> dbarth, and does oSoMoN know this plan? [15:30] <elopio> thanks fginther. And is that the only problem afecting the runs? [15:31] <oSoMoN> pmcgowan, landing 1.6 now is the normal process (1.6 was declared stable last week), 1.7 was just branched [15:31] <dbarth> pmcgowan: as soon as the build works [15:31] <fginther> elopio, there is an occasional error encountered when ubuntu-device-flash gets an EOF when downloading the image that isn't handled (and I don't think there is a bug for this). [15:33] <elopio> fginther: great. We are just making a small research to see if some of the errors are caused by our tools or tests. Do you know about something we can do to improve the runs? [15:37] <fginther> elopio, there are some things on the automation side and assuming more things could fail would help. For example, running each test suite individually would help improve the number of results (but take longer to run). [15:40] <elopio> fginther: thanks, I'll get back to you if I have more questions. And please let us know if you find another problem. [15:41] <Mirv> dbarth: from where? [15:43] <dbarth> Mirv: hang on, we're still figuring that out [15:50] <Saviq> trainguards, do landing into the PPA go through the QA process just as they did for vivid until now? [15:51] <Saviq> and please Icanhassilo ↑? [15:54] <Mirv> Saviq: yes, and yes [17:12] <om26er> Kaleo, Hi! [17:12] <Kaleo> om26er: hey [17:12] <om26er> Kaleo, did you see the autopilot test failure bugs that I reported ? [17:13] <Kaleo> yep [17:13] <Kaleo> is it urgent? can it wait until our next sprint? [17:13] <Kaleo> Monday [17:14] <om26er> Kaleo, I have one MR to fix a failure, you may review that. [17:14] <Kaleo> oh right [17:14] <Kaleo> yep [17:14] <om26er> Kaleo, also its not urgent but I believe soon the dashboard is going to be an important criteria for image promotion. [17:15] <Kaleo> ok [18:30] <kenvandine> renatu, i freed the old syncevolution silos [18:51] <om26er> kenvandine, Hi! [19:03] <kenvandine> hey om26er [19:03] <om26er> kenvandine, re: silo24 the behavior seems to be a bit different from Indicators [19:04] <kenvandine> how so? [19:04] <kenvandine> i haven't re-tested since dednick pushed a fix [19:04] <om26er> kenvandine, if I go to flight mode from the indicator, the switch gets disabled till the toggle finished while in the App I can enable/disable the switch always [19:05] <kenvandine> is that different than without the silo? [19:06] <om26er> kenvandine, no, no change visually for both with or without the silo. [19:06] <kenvandine> om26er, yeah, i suspect there's some special treatment there in the indicator, not sure [19:07] <kenvandine> om26er, are you testing the latest build, with the fix from today? [19:07] <om26er> kenvandine, yes. [19:07] <kenvandine> om26er, awesome! [19:08] <om26er> kenvandine, the behavior is correct inside wifi panel. The inconsistency is on the main settings page. [19:08] <kenvandine> oh [19:09] <kenvandine> yeah, but not related to the silo [19:10] <kenvandine> but perhaps it could benefit from the same component [19:10] <om26er> kenvandine, hmm, ok, just wanted to make sure the behavior I am seeing is expected. [19:12] <kenvandine> om26er, that's expected, but doesn't mean it shouldn't be improved [19:13] <om26er> kenvandine, hmm how do we proceed, would you fix that first or want the silo to land as-is ? [19:15] <kenvandine> if it isn't a regression, we should land it [19:15] <kenvandine> and i think that's what you were saying [19:16] <om26er> yep, not a regression. [19:16] <kenvandine> cool [19:16] <kenvandine> please file a bug about it [19:16] <kenvandine> there must be some special treatment in the indicator, we could apply the same in settings [20:15] <robru> kenvandine: this MP looks funny (4 Needs Fixing reviews), why did it go for QA? [20:23] <kenvandine> robru, oh... let me fix that [20:23] <kenvandine> we found a regression friday [20:23] <kenvandine> so i bumped it out of approved [20:23] <kenvandine> he fixed it today [20:24] <robru> kenvandine: so those reviews are old? i hope the package that QA reviewed is acceptable [20:24] <kenvandine> it is [20:24] <kenvandine> i reviewed his fix today [20:24] <robru> kenvandine: k, will publish [20:24] <kenvandine> just forgot to ack the MP too [20:24] <kenvandine> robru, thx [20:25] <robru> kenvandine: you're welcome! [20:25] <robru> brb [20:32] <rsalveti> robru: pmcgowan: was sil around today? [20:32] <pmcgowan> not that I noticed [20:32] <rsalveti> wonder if we're good with the new overlay PPA already [20:32] <pmcgowan> yeah that worked fri for a landing [20:32] <rsalveti> missing an email with better info/instructions [20:33] <pmcgowan> I think its all the same and transparent [20:33] <rsalveti> and if the new images are already published with the overlay [20:33] <pmcgowan> they shold be afaik [20:33] <rsalveti> alright, I'm just hoping the vivid landings will go to the overlay ppa by default [20:33] <rsalveti> if so, good [20:33] <pmcgowan> didnt steve's email say so? [20:33] <rsalveti> but would be nice to have an email as well [20:33] <rsalveti> maybe I missed something [20:34] <pmcgowan> seems so [20:34] <pmcgowan> see email from steve on fri [20:34] <rsalveti> oh, indeed [20:34] <pmcgowan> actually sat [20:34] <rsalveti> great, don't know why it got lost in my mailbox [20:35] <robru> rsalveti: there's an email explaining it on the internal phablet list. Sent by Steve and my reply has more precise instructions. [20:35] <robru> Heh, yeah [20:36] <rsalveti> we have 2 emails, on public and one private [20:36] <rsalveti> but we got a few landings at, so all good [20:37] <pmcgowan> rsalveti, at least something got done :) [20:38] <rsalveti> robru: yeah, you said the missing info that I was looking for [20:38] <rsalveti> the special L column [20:39] <rsalveti> too many emails [23:16] <robru> bzoltan_: zbenjamin: please approve your merges: [23:20] <robru> zsombi: rather ^
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kaleo", "Mirv", "Saviq", "alesage", "charles", "davmor2", "dbarth", "elopio", "fgimenez", "fginther", "kenvandine", "mzanetti", "oSoMoN", "ogra_", "om26er", "pmcgowan", "popey", "robru", "rsalveti", "rvr", "sil2100", "tvoss", "vila", "zbenjamin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng" }
[08:48] <sasa84> hello, anyone here?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "sasa84" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-translators" }
[05:41] <napsy_> jutro [06:23] <slax0r> morning [06:32] <zdobersek> is it though [06:32] <zdobersek> (11:27:20 PM) slax0r: morning [08:19] <Seniorita> [] dusang: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [08:37] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [08:47] <sasa84> juhuuu [08:48] <Matthai> jutro [08:48] <sasa84> oj Matthai [08:50] <CrazyLemon> dan! [08:51] <slax0r> zdobersek: UGT [08:52] <zdobersek> wat en lag [08:52] <slax0r> zdobersek: meh [08:55] <slax0r> lawl at that forum link...tipo bi rad zamuju v sluzbo in rad nastimu da mu racunalnik sam se prijavi v intranet da je biu kao ob pravem casu tam? :D [08:56] <CrazyLemon> zamuju v sluzbo ob 9.20 ? :) [08:56] <CrazyLemon> a to pomeni da prideš ob 11ih ? [08:56] <slax0r> dafuq are you on about? tole mislim: [08:57] <Seniorita> Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan - Forum [08:57] <slax0r> 6:30 [08:57] <zdobersek> livin la vida loca [08:57] <CrazyLemon> [08:57] <Seniorita> Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan - Forum [08:57] <slax0r> best [08:59] <sasa84> ooo CrazyLemon zdobersek slax0r [08:59] <sasa84> :) [08:59] <zdobersek> NO TIME [08:59] <CrazyLemon> yes! js sm na prvem mestu! [08:59] <sasa84> :o [09:00] * sasa84 se stisne k CrazyLemon [09:00] <slax0r> o/ sasa84 [09:00] <sasa84> pa kofe grem skuhat za zdobersek in slax0r :) [09:00] <CrazyLemon> O_o [09:00] <slax0r> yay [09:00] <CrazyLemon> sasa84 i wasnt implying anything ! [09:00] <zdobersek> YES TIME [09:00] <slax0r> se mi dopade [09:00] <slax0r> k nam je ravn kufe avtomat crknu :D [09:05] <CrazyLemon> .morje [09:05] <CrazyLemon> meh [09:05] <zdobersek> ni morja [09:05] <zdobersek> odtekel [09:05] <slax0r> cnorris spil [09:05] <slax0r> biu zejn [09:06] <slax0r> say wut? :d [09:07] <CrazyLemon> \o/ [09:07] <CrazyLemon> .morje [09:07] <jabuk> Postaja OB Piran (NIB) - Jadransko morje: 12.6°C [09:07] <jabuk> Postaja Koper - kapitanija - Jadransko morje: Temperatura ni na voljo [09:07] <jabuk> Postaja Debeli Rtič (Zora) - Jadransko morje: 12.6°C [09:07] <slax0r> mal slovenskih, mal ang. commit msgov....hhhhnnnggggghhhhh [09:07] <jabuk> when the deadline is approaching dangerously fast [09:09] <slax0r> .calc x = 5 + 3y * 2z [09:09] <slax0r> :( [09:09] <CrazyLemon> moji so vsi angleški! [09:11] <slax0r> dz0ny ga nekaj serje [09:11] <CrazyLemon> kakšno leto nazaj bi ti povedal rezultat..tako pa no go :p [09:11] <dz0ny> ven smo vrgel [09:11] * CrazyLemon is actually jabuk :/ [09:12] <dz0ny> CrazyLemon: edible :>? [09:12] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny partially [09:12] <CrazyLemon> :D [09:19] <sasa84> mmm [09:33] <yang> lepo podavljeni [09:34] <zdobersek> davi ti sebe [09:35] <Matthai> a je bil kdo na prejšnji teden? [09:36] <yang> Matthai: ravno vceraj sem spraseval koliko je se Linux IT konferenc organiziranih pri nas... [09:36] <Matthai> v bistvu ni ravno Linux konferenca, je pa bilo precej Linux userjev tam [09:39] <yang> zdaj v kratkem bo tudi [09:39] <Seniorita> Open Way [09:39] <Seniorita> »Brezplačni dogodek namenjen širjenju odprtokodnih idej« [09:39] <yang> drugih pa z googlom v bistvu nisem nasel [09:39] <yang> Poslovne Linux konference zgleda ne organizirajo vec, ampak tam je bila tudi visoka kotizacija okoli 300 eur [09:43] <CrazyLemon> a najdes kaksno z bingom? [09:44] <CrazyLemon> [09:44] <Seniorita> Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Patents (HBO) - YouTube [09:44] <Seniorita> »For inventors, patents are an essential protection against theft. But when patent trolls abuse the system by stockpiling patents and threatening lawsuits, bu...« [09:46] <yang> CrazyLemon: podobni zadetki so [09:58] <lynxlynxlynx> Matthai: nekaj pipcev [10:09] <Seniorita> [Web Upd8] Andrew: Gnome Pie Application Launcher Sees New Release [10:14] <Seniorita> [] dusang: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [10:16] <dz0ny> mja [10:16] <dz0ny> wtfs ste delal tam [10:18] <dz0ny> aja so [10:19] <dz0ny> well, mimovrste podpira fegija pa ščegija :> [10:20] <zdobersek> in Zemanta!! [10:21] <zdobersek> dz0ny: kdo je obtozeval? [10:21] <zdobersek> a je bla SOVA? [10:22] <zdobersek> 'izjavljamo, da trditve niso nujno resnične.' well ... [10:22] <dz0ny> zdobersek: ja mislim da je pun [10:22] <dz0ny> sam neokusen [10:23] <dz0ny> v slidih je drgac [10:23] <dz0ny> slajdih* [10:27] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [10:32] <Matthai> hehe, tisto je bil nateg [10:32] <Matthai> izmišljena imena in izmišljeno predavanje je bilo [10:33] <dz0ny> Matthai: the point? [10:33] <Matthai> ne vem čisto točno, menda so hoteli narediti social inženiring na heksi [10:36] <CrazyLemon> oh god [11:07] <yang> .vreme lj [11:07] <jabuk> ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 14°C @20.04.2015 10:00 UTC. [11:07] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 42% severozahodnik 0.7 m/s pretežno jasno [11:07] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:08:39, Kulminacija: 11:01:55, Sončni zahod: 17:55:10 [11:07] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 46min 31s, Luna je v ščipu [11:31] <Seniorita> [] dusang: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [11:31] <sasa84_> .vreme rakek [11:31] <jabuk> ARSO: Postojna (533m): 15.3°C @20.04.2015 11:00 UTC. [11:31] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 32% severovzhodnik 1.3 m/s [11:31] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:09:55, Kulminacija: 11:02:49, Sončni zahod: 17:55:43 [11:31] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 45min 48s, Luna je v ščipu [11:33] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [11:36] <Seniorita> [] dusang: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [11:54] <dz0ny> .aptf ffi.h [11:55] <jabuk> /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ffi.h > lib64ffi-dev [not amd64], [11:55] <jabuk> [11:55] <jabuk> [11:55] <jabuk> libffi-dev [not i386] [11:55] <jabuk> /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/ffi.h > lib32ffi-dev [not i386], [11:55] <jabuk> [11:55] <jabuk> [11:55] <jabuk> libffi-dev [not amd64] [11:55] <jabuk> /usr/include/ecl/ffi.h > ecl [11:56] <CrazyLemon> wat now [11:57] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [12:39] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: a je to ta, k bi rad najel clovesko budilko? [12:39] <jabuk> when I drop the wrong table [12:39] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie ne vem če! [12:47] <Seniorita> [] dusang: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [14:54] <CrazyLemon> [14:54] <Seniorita> Steam users to be barred from community until they spend $5 - Industry - News - [14:54] <Seniorita> »Aims to curtail spamming and phishing activity and abuse of the platform.« [15:11] <zdobersek> service for the l33ts, I see [15:26] <dz0ny> no more russian scum [15:31] <yang> jst sm mal drgac prebral k sem dislekticen [15:32] <zdobbie> or a very naughty boy! [16:28] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2572-1: PHP vulnerabilities [16:43] <CrazyLemon> [16:43] <Seniorita> Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Official Teaser Trailer [HD] - YouTube [16:43] <Seniorita> »Zack Snyder's BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE is in theaters March 25, 2016.« [17:55] <qeuqwe813> CrazyLemon: daj twitni ali se je na openway res treba prijaviti? ker mi ne diši, da bi si delal račun na neki xy strani ... :) [17:55] <qeuqwe813> bi pa prišel samo na talk in piknik seveda :) [17:57] <qeuqwe813> aja, ne, bom mail poslal ... [18:32] <CrazyLemon> qeuqwe813 na delavnice se je potrebno prijavit :) [18:33] <zdobbie> wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiene- [18:33] <CrazyLemon> R? [18:34] <zdobbie> .yt wiener wiener [18:34] <jabuk> South Park - Wiener Song HD - Game of Thrones (ena minuta) ♥7,174 ▶1,674,438 [18:34] <zdobbie> live-IRCing for your comfort by /me [18:37] <zdobbie> Vala Morghulis [18:38] <Sky[x]> lp [18:40] <CrazyLemon> .rt [18:40] <jabuk> Trenutno se predvaja: Eli Driftwood - No Rest For The Wicked. [20:34] <Seniorita> [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: GNOME Pie App Launcher Gets a Tasty New Update [20:47] <idioterna> o anny_ [20:50] <anny_> tukaj! [20:54] <CrazyLemon> o/ [21:00] <anny_> [21:00] <Seniorita> Zeljko Joksimovic - Ljubavi - (Audio 2009) - YouTube [21:00] <Seniorita> »Label and copyright: Minacord d.o.o and Zeljko Joksimovic Digital distribution: Music: lyrics: Arr: Video:« [21:03] <anny_> CrazyLemon, zate <3 [21:06] <CrazyLemon> ooh anny_ <3 [21:09] <anny_> eh ja...pomlad [21:10] <dz0ny> CrazyLemon: [21:10] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny kera je že ta [21:10] <CrazyLemon> tista tvoja? [21:10] <CrazyLemon> iz community? [21:11] <anny_> zanimiva obleka..čista svila [21:11] * CrazyLemon ni opazil obleke [21:12] * anny_ je ženska [21:12] * CrazyLemon ni [21:14] <anny_> razlika v delovanju možganov [21:15] <dz0ny> CrazyLemon: anny kendriks [21:15] <anny_> [21:16] <anny_> anny kendrick [21:16] <CrazyLemon> anny! [21:16] <anny_> anna! [21:16] <CrazyLemon> :D [21:17] <anny_> evo,zdaj imaš dokaz, da sem res xy :) [21:18] <CrazyLemon> xy kromosom?? [21:18] <anny_> piflarka iz Somraka [21:19] <anny_> tu je bolj fletna [21:19] <anny_> dz0ny me bo ubil [21:19] * CrazyLemon ni gledal twilight [21:19] <anny_> [21:19] <anny_> kaj pa gleda CrazyLemon? [21:20] <CrazyLemon> anny_ marsikaj :) [21:20] <CrazyLemon> večinoma sitcome :) [21:20] <anny_> ne vem...zdi se mi, da imaš zelo poseben okus [21:20] * CrazyLemon licks himself [21:20] <anny_> komedije? [21:21] <CrazyLemon> komedije ja :) [21:21] <CrazyLemon> pa mentalist mi je bil zakon :) [21:21] <anny_> ma ne [21:21] <anny_> to ni za g33k€ [21:21] <CrazyLemon> pa psych..oh psych [21:21] <idioterna> sej on ni [21:21] <CrazyLemon> psych je bil zakon [21:22] <anny_> nas daje svetobolje huje kot Goethejevega Wertherja [21:22] <idioterna> ja sej to je prov [21:22] <anny_> kako je že naslov serije o Mastersu in Johnsonovi? [21:22] <idioterna> brez trpljenja ni nirvane [21:22] <anny_> povej to Budi [21:22] <anny_> ne bi se strinjal [21:22] <idioterna> kva pa on ve [21:23] <anny_> prišel je do pametnega zaključka [21:23] <dz0ny> anny_: [21:23] <anny_> če se bo tebi posrečilo kaj podobnega, se oglasi :) [21:23] <idioterna> anny_: [21:23] <dz0ny> anny_: Masters of Sex [21:23] <anny_> dz0ny, dobro so jo spedenali [21:24] <anny_> idioterna....loool! [21:24] <anny_> kerga leta je bilo to? [21:24] <idioterna> 2002 [21:24] <anny_> se mi je zdelo, da je daleč [21:24] <idioterna> takrat sem spoznal pravi obraz budizma [21:24] <anny_> vi ste še v 90-ih [21:24] <CrazyLemon> idioterna zgleda zelo shy :) [21:25] <idioterna> anny_: [21:25] <dz0ny> men je bil vsec Manhattan and daredevil [21:25] <anny_> kot devica pred prvim sexom [21:25] <CrazyLemon> lol anny_ [21:25] <anny_> s kolenčki na x [21:26] <idioterna> CrazyLemon: je pa pol ko sm se koncno pokakal [21:26] <anny_> aha...samo driska ga je mučila [21:26] <idioterna> ja nimam kej dost crev [21:26] <idioterna> tko da sm mal special [21:26] <anny_> idioterna, ti si videti kot hipijevska arijska rasa [21:26] <CrazyLemon> sam madona.. res zgledaš kot en hipi :) [21:26] <idioterna> i know [21:26] <CrazyLemon> oziroma si zgledal ? [21:26] <idioterna> sej se zdej [21:27] <idioterna> sam zdej pac zgledam kot hippie grampa [21:27] <anny_> to je bilo obdobje iskanja svojega jaza [21:27] <anny_> meni še vedno pravijo gospodična :/ [21:27] <idioterna> evo me [21:27] <idioterna> [21:27] <idioterna> best friends [21:27] <CrazyLemon> tu pa ne zgledaš kot hipi! [21:28] <idioterna> mogoce zato k je ze rusija to [21:28] <anny_> zgleda kot oskrbnik pasjega zavetišča [21:28] <idioterna> [21:28] <idioterna> to je fotka s transibirske zeleznce [21:28] <anny_> mojemu bratu si podoben [21:29] <anny_> je hodil okrog kakšen gajsten poštar? [21:29] <idioterna> [21:29] <idioterna> anny_: ne, sm ful podobn mamici pa fotru [21:29] <CrazyLemon> anny_ tvoj brat tudi hipi? [21:29] <anny_> ostrigel se je pri 40-ih [21:29] <idioterna> aja mene je suni prej [21:30] <idioterna> je rekla da prevec butast zgledam plesast z dolgimi lasmi [21:30] <anny_> je že plešast [21:30] <idioterna> pa je kr z masino [21:30] <anny_> on je tudi plešast [21:30] <CrazyLemon> hmm [21:30] <idioterna> men je pa v resnic vseen [21:30] <CrazyLemon> anny_ a je idioterna tvoj brat? [21:30] <idioterna> dvomim [21:30] <anny_> ne vem [21:30] <idioterna> js mam brate, sester pa ne [21:30] <anny_> je tudi tehnični tip [21:30] <idioterna> pa 40 tut nism se [21:30] <CrazyLemon> a nisi? [21:30] <CrazyLemon> aja..36ish? [21:31] <CrazyLemon> oziroma 35? [21:31] <CrazyLemon> 35! [21:31] <anny_> auč [21:31] <anny_> tako mlad! [21:31] <CrazyLemon> pa že plešast :/ [21:31] <anny_> jebiga [21:31] <anny_> moj mlajši brat je že siv [21:31] * CrazyLemon tudi mlad.. ni plešast ampak siv :( [21:32] <anny_> ampak on je pa res psiho g33k [21:32] <anny_> pri 14 je vdrl v spletno stran svoje šole [21:32] <anny_> pri 3 letih je že obvladal tipkovnico in ekran [21:33] <CrazyLemon> bogi [21:34] <anny_> zakaj? [21:34] <anny_> saj ga ni noben privezal za računalnik [21:34] <CrazyLemon> zato..ker pri 3 letih moraš biti zunaj.. v blatu [21:34] <CrazyLemon> umazan [21:34] <anny_> tudi to je bil [21:35] <anny_> [21:35] <Seniorita> Uber v kratkem v Slovenijo? - zurnal24 [21:35] <jabuk> when they demand I repair the code made by a summer intern [21:35] <CrazyLemon> s tipkovnico v roki? :D [21:35] <Seniorita> »Platforma poceni prevozov Uber, ki konkurira klasičnim taksi službam, se po hitri rasti po vsem svetu očitno vse bolj približuje Ljubljani. Svoje načrte naj bi razkrili prav kmalu.« [21:35] <jabuk> when a client tries to click on our screenschots during a presentation [21:35] <anny_> v bistvu ni pogrešal socialnega življenja [21:35] <anny_> vsi prijateljčki so drli k njemu [21:37] <idioterna> CrazyLemon: 35 ja [21:38] <CrazyLemon> .rt [21:38] <idioterna> koncno dost star da loh legalno neham otroke delat [21:38] <jabuk> Trenutno se predvaja: The Slow Show - Augustine. [21:38] <anny_> moškim se plavalci ne polenijo! [21:39] <idioterna> ja, ampak vazektomije ti pa pri nas ne smejo nardit pred 35. letom [21:39] <anny_> res [21:39] <idioterna> razen iz medicinskih razlogov [21:39] <idioterna> kar je totalna bedarija [21:39] <anny_> tudi res [21:39] <anny_> lahko si premisliš [21:39] <idioterna> in? [21:39] <idioterna> vedno si lahko zmisljujes [21:39] <anny_> to je res [21:40] <anny_> le težje je [21:40] <idioterna> mah [21:40] <CrazyLemon> a ni vazektomija reversible? [21:40] <anny_> jap [21:40] <idioterna> ne brez bolecin [21:40] <CrazyLemon> jah..ce si premislis pol pa suffer bitch.. zakaj nisi prej mislil :D [21:40] <idioterna> pac se enkrat je treba odpret [21:40] <idioterna> ja sej zato ne vem zakaj sm mogu cakat 5 let [21:41] <idioterna> splaniru sm druzino, ocitno uspesno in po nacrtu izvedel vse skupaj [21:41] <idioterna> potem mi pa niso pustil da bi zakljucu s tem [21:41] <idioterna> in je blo treba pet let komplicirat spolnost po nepotrebnem [21:42] <CrazyLemon> koliko časa ne smeš imeti spolnih odnosov po vazektomiji? [21:42] <idioterna> dunno [21:42] <idioterna> a jih ne smes met? [21:42] <CrazyLemon> jah.. a se mora kaj zacelit or smth? [21:42] <CrazyLemon> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [21:42] <idioterna> ja sam to je par dni [21:43] <idioterna> problem je da zive semencice ostanejo se not neki casa [21:43] <idioterna> no sej mamo doma mikroskop [21:43] <anny_> veliko lažje kot pri ženski vazektomiji [21:43] <idioterna> [21:43] <Seniorita> 500x magnified - YouTube [21:43] <Seniorita> »Using a 7D at 60fps, rendered as 24fps, through the canon's 100mm macro and through a 300x microscope (10x eyepiece, 30x objective lens).« [21:43] <CrazyLemon> torej _moraš_ seksat da spucaš tažive vn??? :D [21:43] <idioterna> ja [21:43] <idioterna> mislm, loh se tut samozadovoljujes [21:44] <anny_> ne smeš spustiti noter [21:44] <CrazyLemon> ugh.. prva slika ko guglaš 'vazektomija' ne zgleda lepo! [21:45] <anny_> ne googlaj! [21:45] <idioterna> loh tut noter ce je pravi cas [21:45] <idioterna> ene 3-4 dni pred ovulacijo ne smes [21:45] <idioterna> pa ene 2 dni po njej [21:45] <anny_> veliko discipline je potrebne [21:46] <anny_> klobuk dol, res [21:46] <idioterna> jah, sej velik trenirava [21:46] <anny_> :) [21:47] <idioterna> pa ni nama tezko alternativnih oblik uporabit kadar so primernejse [21:47] <idioterna> no sam zdele jo lih trebuh spet ful boli tko da [21:47] <idioterna> je bl sam bozanje [21:47] <idioterna> lahko noc [21:47] <CrazyLemon> ln [21:49] <anny_> ln [21:49] <CrazyLemon> res je bila napaka da sem guglal vazektomijo [21:54] <CrazyLemon> nič.. odidem tudi js [21:55] <CrazyLemon> gud najt o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "Matthai", "Seniorita", "Sky[x]", "anny_", "dz0ny", "idioterna", "jabuk", "lynxlynxlynx", "napsy_", "qeuqwe813", "sasa84", "sasa84_", "slax0r", "yang", "zdobbie", "zdobersek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[05:46] <stickyboy> sux [06:24] <philipballew> Kilos, saw your email about Ubuntu Africa. Figured I should join here. [06:24] <Kilos> haha hi there philipballew [06:24] <Kilos> welcome [06:25] <philipballew> Kilos, yeah! Seems like cool stuff here. [06:25] <Kilos> we have the top and bottom ends of africa connected with some in between [06:26] <Kilos> have you had a look at the site? [06:30] <Kilos> philipballew are you part of the news team? [06:31] <philipballew> Kilos, I am on the email list for the news team. [06:31] <philipballew> Kilos, whats up with the nation in between? [06:31] <Kilos> oh cool. i hope it gets into the news letter [06:32] <philipballew> Kilos, only news articles are usually added [06:32] <Kilos> many have faded away or been sucked into lugs [06:32] <philipballew> but we can do that [06:32] <philipballew> Kilos, does Africa have any large Linux events? [06:32] <Kilos> yes please i think this is news [06:34] <Kilos> i have found some stuff about an event in drc in february and last night i got some peeps to translate my greeting i use to contact countries with into french to mail them [06:34] <Kilos> i havent had much luck with english to some of the countries [06:37] <Kilos> stickyboy look in the topic here [06:38] <stickyboy> Kilos: Ahhhhhh [06:38] <stickyboy> yes. [06:38] <stickyboy> Lemme look. [06:38] <Jacques_Stry> Site looks awesome [06:39] <stickyboy> Kilos: Just emailed tsega to warn him of my impending arrival in Addis. ;) [06:40] <stickyboy> Trying to see if we can meet up with some Linux people on Saturday. [06:40] <stickyboy> Kilos: Awesome site, br0. Looks great. [06:40] <Kilos> lovely hey Jacques_Stry [06:40] <Jacques_Stry> Yes! [06:41] <Kilos> the guys did a wonderful job [06:43] <Kilos> stickyboy please impress in tsegas head the importance of getting contacts for us all along that west coast [06:43] <Kilos> and tell him to tell them facebook isnt the only way one can communicate [06:44] <stickyboy> lol [06:44] <stickyboy> I tweet with teh hashtags of #Africa, #Linux, and #Ethiopia. :D [06:44] <stickyboy> Nobody responded... [06:44] <Kilos> eish [06:44] <Kilos> bunch of slackers [06:45] <Kilos> oh stickyboy on the site just refresh the first page a few times and watch [06:46] <philipballew> Kilos, link to the event in the drc? [06:46] <Kilos> im looking for the email i got the info on philipballew [06:47] <stickyboy> Kilos: Ok, just tweeted from Nairobi LUG to Ubuntu ZA, Uganda LUG, and JoziLUG... [06:47] <stickyboy> [06:47] <philipballew> Kilos, where are you based out of? [06:48] <stickyboy> Hopefully get some retweets... and some people to meetup with in Addis. [06:48] <Kilos> south africa [06:48] <stickyboy> Sud Afriq [06:49] <philipballew> Kilos, nice. [06:49] <Kilos> philipballew for some reason when i need to find a mail it will hide away [06:50] <Kilos> ill ping you as soon as i locate it [06:50] <philipballew> Kilos, my problem as well. [06:50] <Kilos> lol [06:51] <Kilos> it was actually from someone on the board i think [06:51] <philipballew> Starting an Ubucon is a cool thing to do as well [06:52] <Kilos> well as soon as we have taught peeps that irc is a cool tool we can go further [06:52] <Kilos> atm im still hunting connections to the missing locos [06:53] <philipballew> Kilos, how long have you been an Ubuntu member [06:53] <Kilos> since february\ [06:53] <Kilos> newbie me [06:55] <philipballew> Kilos, welcome! [06:55] <Kilos> ty [07:04] <Kilos> oh philipballew i just remembered the mail was from toddy [07:04] <Kilos> he is still offline [07:05] <philipballew> Kilos, ah see [07:08] <Kilos> oh no his was about mali [07:08] <Kilos> eish [07:10] * Kilos goes digging some more [07:21] <Kilos> Padroni site link in topic [08:05] <Kilos> spotty tell philipballew [08:05] <spotty> Kilos: Okay, I'll tell philipballew on freenode [08:42] <stickyboy> Kilos: [08:42] <stickyboy> Gonna maybe meet up there... [08:42] <stickyboy> Who knew they had a hipster startup hub. [08:42] <Kilos> cool [08:42] <stickyboy> Already got some dude on Twitter saying he might come. [08:43] <stickyboy> And tsega is super excited too. [08:43] <Kilos> they are active just not on irc [08:43] <Kilos> sigh [08:46] <Kilos> i just mailed the drc ubuntu group so if you know french and they cant speak english please help stickyboy [08:47] <Kilos> hard work trying to find groups and point them here [08:48] <Kilos> even tsega forgets to come here so give him a kick as well [08:49] <Kilos> he was going to find all the west coast groups and point them here but seems to have forgotten as well [08:57] <Kilos> drc just replied in french, i have no idea what they said [08:57] <stickyboy> Wow! [08:57] <stickyboy> Nice. [08:57] <stickyboy> lol [08:57] <stickyboy> I will kick tsega. [08:57] <Kilos> lol [08:57] <stickyboy> Kilos: I need to add links to the Ubuntu sites on our blog. [08:57] <stickyboy> And you need to add on your sites. [08:57] <stickyboy> We need to build a real network. [08:59] <stickyboy> pieter2627: Sup [08:59] <Kilos> well pieter2627 is one of my dev team [08:59] <Kilos> he knows how to add links [09:00] <Kilos> but our site is already linked to here with the embedded irc client [09:01] <stickyboy> Kilos: #winning [09:01] <stickyboy> I'll work to push FLOSS in Africa, and you focus on Ubuntu. ;) [09:01] <stickyboy> bazinga [09:02] <Kilos> yip stickyboy together we can move mountains [09:02] <stickyboy> w00t [09:03] * pieter2627 seems to have connection issues, now wonders if he was called upon or just mentioned (sup) [09:04] <Kilos> mentioned and sticky greeted you some where too i think [09:05] <pieter2627> oh hi stickyboy o/ [09:05] <Kilos> stickyboy you guys can do the twitter thing and facebook [09:05] <Kilos> i dont enjoy either [09:05] <Kilos> im an irc person [09:06] <Kilos> stickyboy tweet the site link too [09:06] <Kilos> if that doesnt bring peeps here i dont know what will [09:07] <stickyboy> I don't use Facebook. :D [09:08] <stickyboy> Kilos: I'm all about mailing lists too. [09:09] <Kilos> eish [09:09] <Kilos> i lose mails [09:09] <stickyboy> Kilos: When you use gmail it just files them away under a label "Nairobi LUG" :D [09:09] <stickyboy> Pretty simple. [09:09] <stickyboy> But yeah. [09:09] <Kilos> well there is a link to the mailing list on the sir=te as well [09:09] <stickyboy> We need all of these methods. [09:09] <stickyboy> And we will move mountains together. [09:09] <stickyboy> I have 28 people idling in #nairobilug. [09:10] <Kilos> im to old to keep up man [09:10] <stickyboy> Damn idlers... need to have people chat. [09:10] <Kilos> lol [09:10] <elacheche> Hey boys! [09:10] <Kilos> hi elacheche [09:10] <elacheche> :) [09:10] <stickyboy> elacheche: Hey now, we have ladies too. :D [09:11] <Kilos> elacheche i need help [09:13] <elacheche> stickyboy, sorry :D hey GUYS :D [09:13] <elacheche> Kilos, how can I help? [09:14] <Kilos> i goti contacted the drc with a greeting i had translated into french and they replied in french and the only word i know is merde [09:15] <Kilos> ill forward to you [09:15] <elacheche> Go ahead :) I'll translate that for you :) [09:15] <stickyboy> Man, you know the Ethiopian government are some tricky bastards. [09:16] <stickyboy> Hacking activists in the diaspora... [09:18] <stickyboy> Gotta encrypt all teh things here... [09:19] <Kilos> ai! i always forget to delete the mail to : bit [09:19] <Kilos> what a twit [09:20] <Kilos> elacheche you cant take over the contact with them too if you like, it will save all this translating [09:21] <Kilos> or fint one that can do english and point him here [09:21] <Kilos> s/fint/find [09:22] <elacheche> Kilos, that was what LoCo Team? [09:22] <Kilos> drc [09:23] <Kilos> [09:23] * elacheche never seen that word before.. He googled it.. Now he feels more intelligent :D thanks Kilos [09:23] <Kilos> what word [09:23] <elacheche> drc :D [09:23] <Kilos> lol [09:24] <elacheche> Really I never seen it before :D Now I know what that means :) [09:24] <Kilos> good [09:25] <Kilos> they seem to be going strong, now to get them here [09:25] <Kilos> you guys can chat in french [09:25] <elacheche> OK.. :) [09:26] <Kilos> hehe [09:33] <elacheche> Kilos, check inbox :) [09:33] <elacheche> wanna me to translate or no need? [09:33] <Kilos> you will find i sometimes use ai! that is equal to eish [09:33] <stickyboy> elacheche: Where are you from? [09:33] <elacheche> stickyboy, Tunisia [09:33] <Kilos> elacheche please take over that whole contact [09:33] <elacheche> OK :) I'll try to get him in here.. [09:34] <Kilos> ty very much [09:36] <stickyboy> elacheche: Ooh, cool. :D [09:36] <stickyboy> elacheche: How is Tunisia? Cheap? Good food? I want to come somewhere... :D [09:36] * stickyboy is in Nairobi, Kenya. [09:45] <elacheche> stickyboy, good food yeah that sure but can't really help on the other thing.. :) you need ask someone else.. There is many Students here from Africa, for sure there is many from Kenya too.. they can tell you if ti's cheap or not.. :/ [09:46] * elacheche need to dive in an important job task.. See you later guys :) [09:46] <stickyboy> elacheche: Adios [09:46] <Kilos> cool [09:51] <Kilos> hi lin [09:52] <Padroni> hi lin [09:52] <lin> hey guys [12:43] <waraba> hi [12:43] <Kilos> hi waraba [12:43] <Kilos> welcome to ubuntu-africa [12:44] <Kilos> where are you waraba ? [12:44] <waraba> thank i come fro [12:44] <waraba> mali [12:44] <Kilos> welcome here [12:44] <Jacques_Stry> Welcome [12:45] <waraba> thank you [12:45] <Kilos> waraba see [12:46] <waraba> so i am francophone [12:46] <waraba> i come after the mail of miles [12:46] <Kilos> yes i was worried when i sent the greeting no one would understand [12:46] <Kilos> i am miles [12:47] <Kilos> we have guys from tunisia that also speak french [12:47] <waraba> i am the admin of mali loco team [12:48] <Kilos> congrats [12:48] <Kilos> please invite your members here [12:49] <waraba> ok [12:52] <Kilos> and if you know guys in the surroung countries invite them for me please [12:52] <Kilos> surrounding [12:53] <Kilos> this is a massive project but we are getting there [12:54] <waraba> ok i undertsand the project [12:55] <Kilos> elacheche you here? [12:55] <elacheche> for minutes Kilos :) [12:55] <Kilos> say hi in french to waraba [12:55] <elacheche> hey waraba [12:56] <elacheche> Salut waraba :) :) [12:56] <elacheche> Kilos, already got a domain name? [12:57] <Kilos> for? [12:57] <elacheche> I think that if you ask the LoCo Team they can give us :) [12:57] <Kilos> i did before we atrted and they said we must find out own host [12:58] <Kilos> but you are welcome to try again [12:58] <elacheche> You know what I like in it: [12:58] <Kilos> what [13:00] <elacheche> it's simple.. and have all the infos.. Since 2007 my people tried to make a website.. many tried and failed.. 3 months ago I knew why.. They all did the same mistake, they tried to make it the perfect website with all the features in the world.. So I started my own project based on 1 page website.. hope that I'll make it public during may :) [13:00] <Kilos> ah [13:01] <Jacques_Stry> :) Rather add features as you go yes [13:01] <Kilos> this one is bzr and nikola [13:02] <Kilos> all you guys use github things [13:02] <elacheche> And it's based on Nikola :D [13:02] <elacheche> awesome :) [13:03] <elacheche> Kilos, I use bzr too :) [13:03] <Kilos> good [13:03] <Kilos> our superfly is very clever [13:04] <elacheche> Time to go back to work :) [13:04] <Kilos> enjoy [14:42] <Kilos> hi philipballew [14:42] <Kilos> did you get the bots message [14:43] <Kilos> oh you need to say something first maybe [14:46] <philipballew> Kilos, I see it now [14:46] <philipballew> I opened it and I'll look at it today. [14:46] * philipballew rides off to work on his bike [14:46] <Kilos> cool, i need to get a french backup here [14:47] <Kilos> go safe [15:09] <stickyboy> Kilos: In airport. [15:09] <stickyboy> So excite. Going to preach Arch Linux and GitHub to the Ethiopians :D [15:09] <Kilos> fly safe stickyboy [15:10] <Kilos> nono [15:10] <stickyboy> (lol) [15:10] <stickyboy> lol [15:10] <Kilos> you should have a buntu shirt on [15:10] <stickyboy> lol [15:10] <stickyboy> :D [15:10] <stickyboy> While I'm preaching? :D [15:10] <Kilos> lol well you are stepping up in the world so why not [15:10] <stickyboy> I have two GitHub t-shirts I got in the USA last week. I'll give them out at the meetup. :D [15:11] <Kilos> haha [15:13] * elacheche back to tell that I have Ubuntu SWAG → and going back to work :D [15:14] <stickyboy> elacheche: Don't go back to work! [15:14] <stickyboy> I want to hear about delicious Tunisian food. [15:14] <Kilos> lol [15:15] <Kilos> what doies this mean [15:15] <Kilos> does [15:15] <Kilos> Donc il ya un rendez-vous prévu sur le canal IRC? [15:15] <Kilos> Sinon, c'est mieux qu'on échange en anglais alors ;) [15:15] <elacheche> stickyboy, so sorry dude.. But am already late.. I was supposed to deliver this project since last month :-s [15:16] <Kilos> eish hurry [15:16] <elacheche> Donc il ya un rendez-vous prévu sur le canal IRC? → So there is a planned meeting on IRC? [15:16] <elacheche> Sinon, c'est mieux qu'on échange en anglais alors ;) → Otherwise, it's better to communicate in English [15:17] <Kilos> yay they can do english [15:17] <elacheche> Pas de RDV, on est toujours sur irc.. → There is no meeting, we are always on IRC [15:17] <stickyboy> elacheche: Go work, then take pictures of what you eat for dinner. k? [15:18] <Kilos> hahaha [15:18] <Kilos> all you think about is food stickyboy , dont you nairobi peeps eat [15:18] <elacheche> Les gars veulent que tout les LoCo de l'Afrique seront là bas pour faire connaissance et peut être Kilos a un planning pour quelque chose ensemble prochainement :) → The guys wants that all Adricain LoCo teams be there to know each others, maybe kilos have other plans soon [15:19] <Kilos> whew [15:19] * stickyboy is eating mexican beans and rice with guacamole at the airport. [15:19] <stickyboy> With a cappucino, of course. [15:19] <elacheche> Pour l'instant il essaie de réunir tlm là bas..→ For now he tries to group everybody right there [15:19] <elacheche> Oui ça sera cool si on discute en Anglais.. Sinon je pourrai être le traducteur :D → It'll be cool if you can speak English, otherwise I'll be a translator :D [15:19] <stickyboy> Sweet, I want to register and then put the page up on GitHub. [15:20] <Kilos> yay [15:21] <elacheche> stickyboy, I already ate.. Next time i'll get photos for you :) I didn't take food photos since last summer maybe, you can take a look here maybe you find something you like [15:21] * elacheche BRB [15:21] <Kilos> lol [15:22] <stickyboy> elacheche: I was in Lebanon a few months ago. Ate the best shawarma of my lifeeeeee. [15:23] <stickyboy> When the guy gave it to me he said, "Welcome to Syria!" in this thick accent... but he was smiling. LOL. [15:23] <Kilos> now you talking [15:25] <stickyboy> elacheche: All I see are pictures of some cat. :D [15:25] <Kilos> shhhh now he has to go work [15:26] <stickyboy> Well you're not talking to me! [15:26] <Kilos> no the noisy person [15:27] <Kilos> stickyboy here is one of my site building team [15:27] <Kilos> pieter2627 meet stickyboy [15:28] <Kilos> he makes a lot of noise but actually not a bad guy [15:28] <pieter2627> great to meet you stickyboy [15:28] <Kilos> now he is sulking [15:29] * pieter2627 made one change and is on the site building team :P [15:29] <Kilos> well did you or didnt you [15:31] <stickyboy> Kilos: :P [15:31] <stickyboy> I am only on the site critiquing team. :P [15:31] <Kilos> why you all stick tongue out at me [15:32] <Kilos> yeah [15:32] <Kilos> :D [15:32] * pieter2627 learned it from his happy dog :P [15:32] <Kilos> lol [15:33] <pieter2627> ah, a critique. that is always valuable [15:35] <Kilos> oh pieter2627 there is a wrong word used there [15:35] <Kilos> Kubuntu is Ubuntu using the KDE interface which is a more tradition User Interface. [15:35] <stickyboy> pieter2627: Actually, I'm heavily involved in the Nairobi GNU/Linux Users Group. [15:36] <stickyboy> :P [15:36] <Kilos> should be traditional [15:36] <Kilos> if you can fix it and propose im sure pro will merge [15:38] <pieter2627> Kilos: which one? [15:39] <Kilos> Kubuntu is Ubuntu using the KDE interface which is a more tradition User Interface. [15:39] <Kilos> tradition should be traditional [15:39] <Kilos> on the africa site [15:40] <pieter2627> yeah traditional sounds better [15:44] <stickyboy> Time to get on a plane. [15:44] <Kilos> get on man [15:44] <Kilos> and fly safe [15:44] <stickyboy> Peace out [19:21] <elacheche_anis> o/ [19:22] <Kilos> h elacheche_anis [19:22] <Kilos> hi too [19:23] <Kilos> have you answered those mails [19:27] <elacheche_anis> what mails? [19:27] <Kilos> from the drc guys [19:28] <Kilos> or was i looking wrong again [19:28] <elacheche_anis> Yep.. I already sent you the translation :) check my last discussion here.. → BTW we need an irc bot here.. [19:29] <inetpro> ! [19:29] <inetpro> spotty: hi [19:29] <spotty> hello [19:29] <inetpro> elacheche_anis: talk to spotty [19:30] <Kilos> spotty coffee on [19:30] * spotty flips the salt-timer [19:30] <elacheche_anis> Hey inetpro spotty.. [19:30] <elacheche_anis> About what inetpro [19:30] <inetpro> spotty: who are you? [19:30] <spotty> inetpro: Erk, dunno [19:31] <elacheche_anis> Hold on guys :) [19:31] <inetpro> spotty: what can you do? [19:31] <spotty> inetpro: I can help you with: administrative functions, bot accounts and permissions, debugging me, looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. [19:31] <spotty> Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. [19:31] <elacheche_anis> Oh! a bot :D [19:31] <Kilos> lol [19:31] <inetpro> elacheche_anis: yep, she's a bot [19:31] <elacheche_anis> Did it log? Where the logs are? [19:32] <elacheche_anis> sorry, my bad, I should use she not it :D [19:32] <elacheche_anis> Can she log? [19:32] <elacheche_anis> Where are the logs? I was about to ask canonical's sysadmin team to add ubuntulog to our channel [19:33] <inetpro> elacheche_anis: [19:33] <Kilos> ubuntulog is here [19:33] <Kilos> you think i sleep all day elacheche_anis [19:33] <elacheche_anis> I need a coffee :'( didn't seen him [19:34] <elacheche_anis> Sorry Kilos.. I was sleeping x( not you [19:34] <Kilos> lol [19:34] <spotty> Coffee's ready for Kilos! [19:34] <Kilos> spotty ty [19:34] <spotty> My pleasure Kilos [19:35] <elacheche_anis> Kilos, here is my answer about the email → [19:37] * elacheche_anis is very happy to know you guys.. There is a good africain spirit in here :D [19:37] <Kilos> ohi belkinsa [19:37] <elacheche_anis> Hey belkinsa, welcome to AFRICA :D [19:37] <belkinsa> o/ all, thank you. [19:37] <belkinsa> brb [19:37] <elacheche_anis> tyt [19:38] <Kilos> whew what happened now [19:38] <inetpro> Kilos: chanserv added logs [19:38] <Kilos> oh [19:39] <Kilos> inetpro link for africa list plse [19:39] <Kilos> belkinsa has some ideas for us but im swamped atm [19:40] <inetpro> Kilos: hmm... [19:40] <Kilos> [19:40] <inetpro> guess we need to add that on the site now as well [19:40] <Kilos> i even forgot why i pinged you [19:41] <Kilos> oh isnt it there yet [19:41] <Kilos> oh my [19:42] <inetpro> we'll flood the topic line for now and prune it later again [19:43] <Kilos> yeah good idea [19:43] <Kilos> i asked pieter to fix one prob on site but dont know if he got that far [19:44] <Kilos> Kubuntu is Ubuntu using the KDE interface which is a more tradition User Interface. [19:44] <inetpro> actually.... [19:44] <Kilos> should be traditional [19:44] <inetpro> I got it wrong [19:44] <inetpro> fixed! [19:45] <Kilos> good man [19:46] <Kilos> so elacheche_anis why havent they arrived here yet [19:46] <belkinsa> Back. [19:46] <belkinsa> So anyways... [19:46] <Kilos> wb belkinsa [19:47] <inetpro> Kilos: sometimes it's a good thing to have a few mistakes on the website [19:47] <inetpro> gets people to talk to you :-) [19:47] <Kilos> lol [19:48] <Kilos> so far everyone likes it [19:48] <belkinsa> I'm a Community track lead for the UOS ( and I wanted to offer you all a session where you can plan what you will be doing for the next cycle. You can have this session all in IRC if you want or you can have Hangouts On Air also. [19:48] <Kilos> only drussel pointed out the error [19:49] <Kilos> inetpro in your court sir [19:50] <inetpro> hmm... [19:50] <Kilos> belkinsa if its on irc ill join np [19:51] <inetpro> sounds interesting [19:51] <belkinsa> for more info [19:52] <Kilos> elacheche_anis are you paying attention [19:52] <inetpro> belkinsa: when is the deadline? [19:52] <belkinsa> I also sent that message to your mailing-list [19:53] <belkinsa> May 5th before the start of the UOS, but it can be flexable. You can have a last minute one. [19:53] <inetpro> will have to think about it and talk to others [19:54] <belkinsa> Alright, I'm just here to throw the idea to you guys. [19:54] <Kilos> ty for thinking of us [19:54] <inetpro> good idea, thanks belkinsa [19:54] * elacheche_anis is back.. Let him read all that [19:54] <belkinsa> Not a problem. [19:55] <Kilos> we could also go for the next session right? [19:55] * inetpro thinking we should also consider this at #ubuntu-za [19:56] <Kilos> belkinsa throw it to #ubuntu-za as well [19:57] <Kilos> there is more life there andmany are involved here too [19:57] <belkinsa> Kilos, the event starts on May 5th 14 UTC and ends at May 7th at 20 UTC. The days are only 14 UTC to 20 UTC for three days. [19:58] <elacheche_anis> Great idea.. For my self I'll try to attend that session if there is any.. My TZ is UTC+1 and I work during UOS.. So I can't manage a thing (sorry) just I'll try to attend.. [19:58] <belkinsa> One of the track leads was at work during the last one and I was in class during one of the days from the last one. [19:59] * elacheche_anis will brb.. Have a meeting on our IRC.. [19:59] <inetpro> right now I have no idea what we would talk about but maybe someone has a few ideas already [20:00] <belkinsa> The sessions can be 5 minutes to 55 minutes long [20:00] <superfly> heh, I'm going to be away from the 4th to the 6th [20:11] <Kilos> belkinsa meet superfly the main dev man behind our site [20:11] <Kilos> and inetpro his main helper [20:11] <belkinsa> Nice to meet you, superfly. I think I have seen you in another Ubuntu channel here. [20:11] <belkinsa> And nice to meet you, inetpro. [20:11] <Kilos> he is on locoteams too [20:12] <superfly> belkinsa: I'm the second contact for ubuntu-za, so I'm in #ubuntu-locoteams too [20:12] <Kilos> the two of them took me from a mechanic to an ubuntu member [20:13] <Kilos> they just dont have time to chat like i do [20:13] <belkinsa> pleia2 is the one who mentored me in the beginning before I jumped on board in other teams. [20:14] <Kilos> yes but she had an easy job [20:14] <Kilos> these 2 battled with me [20:14] <belkinsa> Bummer. [20:15] <Kilos> lol [20:17] <inetpro> belkinsa: thanks, nice to meet you as well [20:17] * inetpro never sleeps but is mostly active here in the evening on weekdays or otherwise on weekends when free [20:18] <Kilos> the diffs in timezones makes things difficult [20:18] <belkinsa> It does. [20:19] <stickyboy> No difference in timezones when you go UPPPPP. [20:19] <Kilos> haha you there stickyboy ? [20:19] <belkinsa> lol [20:20] <stickyboy> Kilos: Yep, landed and in the hostel already. [20:20] <stickyboy> Now drinking wine and rooting. [20:20] <stickyboy> w00t? [20:20] <Kilos> lol [20:20] <Kilos> did you find tsega [20:21] <stickyboy> Kilos: No, but I won't sleep until I do. [20:21] <Kilos> good man [20:21] <inetpro> belkinsa: do you perhaps have examples from previous sessions to give us a hint or two? [20:22] <belkinsa> Sure. [20:22] <belkinsa> One hint is that having a IRC-only session is okay. [20:23] <Kilos> lol [20:24] <Kilos> what is the show and tell about and who will be there [20:24] <belkinsa> Here is the page from last one [20:24] <Kilos> everyone that is here knows what has been done [20:25] <belkinsa> Kilos, it's when you talk about something that you are showing and I don't know who will be there yet. [20:26] <belkinsa> Here is a good example of one from two UOSs back: [20:27] <belkinsa> I don't have a LoCo one [20:28] <belkinsa> I guess this one could be a LoCo one: [20:30] <inetpro> Kilos: remember to add this to our Agenda for our meeting on Tuesday next week [20:30] <belkinsa> When is your meeting? [20:30] <Kilos> 28th [20:30] <belkinsa> Time? [20:30] <inetpro> belkinsa: Tue, 28 April 20:30, Agenda: [20:31] <inetpro> 20:30 SAST [20:31] <Kilos> @ 20.30 utc +2 [20:31] <inetpro> belkinsa: maybe a good idea if you can attend that [20:31] <Kilos> you are welcome to join us [20:31] <belkinsa> I can't, I have exam at that time. [20:32] <inetpro> hmm... [20:32] <belkinsa> But I can follow up by e-mail. [20:33] <belkinsa> I joined the LP team and the mailing-list. So I will be in the loop of things [20:34] <inetpro> nice! [20:35] <Kilos> belkinsa he is talking about our ubuntu-za meeting hey [20:35] <belkinsa> I figured. [20:36] <Kilos> you young peeps are quick on the uptake [20:36] <Kilos> and clever on top of it [20:43] <inetpro> belkinsa: thanks for the suggestions [20:43] * inetpro has to call it a day [20:44] <inetpro> good night [20:44] <Kilos> night inetpro sleep tight [20:44] <belkinsa> Not a problem. Night. [20:45] <Kilos> ill see you tomorrow belkinsa its 2246 here [20:45] <Kilos> have a good evening
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Jacques_Stry", "Kilos", "Padroni", "belkinsa", "elacheche", "elacheche_anis", "inetpro", "lin", "philipballew", "pieter2627", "spotty", "stickyboy", "superfly", "waraba" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[01:18] <pcdiniz> hello [07:59] <ubungu> .g vo lam truyen ki [07:59] <SuperLuserv3> ubungu: [07:59] <ubungu> .g vo lam truyen ki youtube [07:59] <SuperLuserv3> ubungu: [08:00] <Stanley00> ubungu: wth? spam quảng cáo trá hình à? @@ [08:04] <ubungu> :D [09:24] <favadi> vote ban ubungu [09:25] <CoconutCrab> uh huh [15:19] <gioans> xin chào! [15:19] <gioans> có ai có thể giúp mình không vậy ? [15:20] <vubuntor715> h này ngủ hết òi [15:21] <gioans> nói tiếng Anh thì không rành [15:21] <gioans> tiếng Việt thì không đúng thời điểm
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CoconutCrab", "Stanley00", "SuperLuserv3", "favadi", "gioans", "pcdiniz", "ubungu", "vubuntor715" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-vn" }
[01:04] <OvenWerks> zequence: I tried both 32 and 64 bit. In both cases I was unable to boot non-uefi... in the 32 bit case it let me boot the 32 bit but gave me the grub menu from sda... and in 64bit it did boot, but I have no mouse either booting to live or install. [01:05] <OvenWerks> The mouse works fine in 14.04 [01:06] <OvenWerks> Going to the install boot gives a stock xfce screen. [01:07] <OvenWerks> Ahhh, It could be because the USB mouse is going through a USB to ps2 converter. [06:36] <astraljava> zequence: I can try, but seeing as a leaner distro gave me hell, I'm looking into trying to find 6 hours of uninterrupted time, unless I find the culprit for the sluggishness. I'll let you know, but I did check that all the required cases were reported. [09:06] <zequence> OvenWerks: Yea, the usb mouse should work. If the touchpad doesn't that could be a problem with drivers. Some require non-free in order to fully function [09:07] <zequence> As for UEFI, in my experience a lot of these new UEFI laptops have very different implementations [09:09] <zequence> I have a problem booting UEFI mode on this laptop. Everything works with a fully free system (debian, without non-free), but UEFI boot does not work. Using legacy boot [09:09] <zequence> astraljava: Don't spend too much time on it :). [09:12] <astraljava> zequence: Nah. :) Otherwise the system seems to function without much problems (notwithstanding the GPU overheating), so I'm just gonna chulk it up to vbox incompatibility if it doesn't clear out quickly. [09:13] <astraljava> zequence: elfy suggested checking kvm out, though. Will look into that. [09:19] <zequence> astraljava: Don't think that will make things easier tbh [09:20] <zequence> I just tried it a couple of days ago, and on this laptop - which is modern, but really basic, I can barely use it [09:20] <zequence> vBox works a lot better [09:20] <zequence> astraljava: Sure you have enough RAM? [09:20] <zequence> The vbox will use the RAM you specify, and if that exceeds what is available, you get SWAP slowness [09:21] <zequence> Also, make sure the hard drive is at least 10GB. Not sure actually what Ubuntu Studio requires. 8GB is not ebough [09:21] <zequence> I usually go with 20GB [09:23] <zequence> This laptop has a dual core, modern celeron processor. The GPU is modern, which makes the computer seem fairly normal. 4GB Ram [09:26] <zequence> I can do one thing at the time so that I don't loose my mind. [10:18] <astraljava> Oh ok, that's good to know. I think I should have had enough RAM for the operation, but I'll check again tonight. [22:15] <DalekSec> zequence: I presume you saw 'Packaging ardour 4.0' in pkg-multimedia?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DalekSec", "OvenWerks", "astraljava", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio-devel" }
[06:46] <dimitern> morning [06:58] <jam> dimitern: are you back today, or taking a swap day ? [06:58] <jam> morning, btw [06:59] <dimitern> jam, morning :) I'm back today and I'm taking off the thu and fri this week [07:01] <jam> I'll be in the hangout in just a sec, grabbing water [07:01] <dimitern> ok [07:37] <TheMue> morning o/ [10:26] <mup> Bug #1446159 was opened: actions required params list can specify undefined parameters <juju-core:New> <> [10:56] <mup> Bug #1446168 was opened: juju status --format=short has stray newline <landscape> <juju-core:New> <> [13:13] <Mmike> Hello, lads! Who can tell me how juju is creating lxc containers for maas provider? I'm interesed in the config file(s) provided, and how templates and containers are created? [13:13] <Mmike> especially in relating to juju-br0 interface [14:50] <mup> Bug #1446264 was opened: joyent machines get stuck in provisioning <bootstrap> <joyent-provider> <reliability> <repeatability> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [19:52] <xwwt> sinzui: Note I canceled release standup today [19:56] <sinzui> Ok, I didn't see that [21:13] <thumper> alexisb: are you wanting to catch up today? [21:13] <alexisb> thumper, yes [21:13] <thumper> alexisb: also, we need to move our weekly call an hour [21:13] <alexisb> and you missed our 1x [21:13] <alexisb> 1x1 [21:13] <alexisb> thumper, that is fine [21:13] <alexisb> can you meet now [21:13] <thumper> alexisb: it was too early [21:13] <thumper> :) [21:13] <thumper> k [21:13] <alexisb> see you there
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mmike", "TheMue", "alexisb", "dimitern", "jam", "mup", "sinzui", "thumper", "xwwt" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-dev" }
[07:20] <lchln> Would anyone not busy be so kind as to help me with some partitioning and mounting via the CLI? [07:20] <blahdeblah> lchln: Only us busy folks in here. :-) [07:21] <blahdeblah> lchln: Just ask your questions and we'll do our best [07:21] <blahdeblah> Or if it's not au-specific, you might find #ubuntu a bit more active... [07:21] <lchln> it's not AU specific, but no one has spoken in there since I entered. :P [07:22] <lchln> I have 1 TB drive put into a bay of my server. I'd like to make it contain one partition and then mount it. [07:23] <lchln> I'm trying to work in Parted but am getting a bit confused. It's okay to start from scratch as there is no data on it. [07:23] <lchln> Not really sure where to begin. [07:48] <blahdeblah> lchln: do you know which device name your drive is? [07:48] <blahdeblah> e.g. /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, etc. [07:49] <lchln> Hey blahdeblah, I have it all partitioned and mounted now. Just had to find the right drive. [07:50] <lchln> However now when i boot up, I get a red 'FAIL' next to "Starting Read required files in advance (for other mountpoints)" [07:50] <blahdeblah> lchln: My favourite command for locating that stuff is "lsblk -o NAME,MAJ:MIN,RM,SIZE,TYPE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT,UUID,MODEL,SERIAL" - makes it really easy to find the relevant device
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "blahdeblah", "lchln" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-au" }
[02:55] <muka> my document viewer has no icon. is it known bug or this is only my phone? [04:44] <lotuspsychje> mariogrip: [06:55] <dholbach> good morning [07:10] <cylonmath> good morning ! [07:58] <camelo> Hi [08:21] <luxpir> o/ hi all. anyone about? quick question about Dekko - my Imap setup won't 'take' for one account, but will for the other on the same host. suspect it's the folder structure. [08:23] <DanChapman> hi luxpir, what do you mean by won't 'take'? [08:36] <Se7> morning ppl [08:48] <lotuspsychje> [09:03] <cylonmath> guys I use a BQ E4.5 Ubuntu phone, and I want to upgrade my system, I am scared to do it though. Did anyone perform a succesful update? [09:05] <popey> cylonmath: how do you plan to upgrade? [09:06] <dadexix86> cylonmath, I have the r21 that went out few days ago and it works like a charme! :) [09:06] <popey> +1 [09:08] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Chinese Language Day! :-D [09:08] <lotuspsychje> che che [09:15] <cylonmath> popey, update manager? [09:16] <popey> cylonmath: in system settings -> updates, right? [09:29] <cylonmath> popey, yes! [09:30] <ogra_> why woudl you be scared using that ? [09:31] <ogra_> did you tinker with the rootfs on the device ? [09:31] <ogra_> if you didnt make it writable or alter the readonly part it will all be fine [09:33] <cylonmath> im scared coz 2 days ago i tried updating and my system gone into a contuinious loop of reboot, i used factory settings to recover. [09:34] <ogra_> yes, that shouldnt happen (we are still trying to find what causes it, no developer could reproduce it yet) [09:42] <Sleep_Walker> is working support for WPA Enterprise WiFi authentication? [09:43] <cylonmath> well, i cant use eduroam yet... [09:43] <Sleep_Walker> and where can I find OTA updates URL? [09:44] <lotuspsychje> Sleep_Walker: [09:46] <Sleep_Walker> lotuspsychje: thank you for your try but I mean the file Ubuntu phone is downloading [09:46] <lotuspsychje> Sleep_Walker: wich channel are you on? [09:47] <ogra_> Sleep_Walker, the files come from [09:48] <Sleep_Walker> lotuspsychje: I'm afraid that I don't know what you mean [09:48] <Sleep_Walker> ogra_: thanks! [09:50] <lotuspsychje> Sleep_Walker: i mean wich device are you using and wich ubuntu touch channel running on it [09:51] <ogra_> Sleep_Walker, Enterprise wifi isnt there yet ... [09:51] <Sleep_Walker> aquaris e4.5, I haven't modified default configuration [09:51] <Sleep_Walker> ogra_: do you plan connman integration? [09:51] <ogra_> no [09:54] <cylonmath> Guys, you know its really nice to have a such ubuntu-touch channel, the community yo! [09:54] <ogra_> :) [09:54] <Sleep_Walker> yeah! [09:58] <Mirv> what could be causes that Developer Mode setting is greyed out? [09:58] <ogra_> Mirv, no password/PIN [09:58] <Mirv> delete that [09:58] <Mirv> yes, me stupid [09:58] <Mirv> it even reads there :) [09:59] <ogra_> i'll make it red and let it blink in the next iteration ;) [09:59] * ogra_ is sure the design team would love such subtile hints in the UI :) [09:59] <Mirv> +1 :) [10:01] <popey> ogra_: needs cats running across the screen [10:03] <Sleep_Walker> use blue instead of red - red is everywhere, blue is alien color there ;b [10:16] <Sleep_Walker> hm, I tried to run wpa_supplicant manually but it's interfering with the other control :( [10:18] <ogra_> i guess just a network manager config would help ... you surely dont want to touch wpa_supplicant, let NM do that ;) [10:20] <Sleep_Walker> oh, it's just another client to NM? [10:20] <Sleep_Walker> cool [10:21] <ogra_> Sleep_Walker, somenthing like that might work (not sure) [10:50] <luxpir> DanChapman: Hi Dan, thanks for your answer. I filed a bug report earlier, better explained there. [10:50] <luxpir> DanChapman: [10:52] <DanChapman> luxpir: excellent thanks for filing it. I'll take a look at now [10:52] <luxpir> DanChapman: (hope it's relevant and not my config - could quite easily be) [10:53] <luxpir> Anyone else aware of how best to install non-Touch software such as Syncthing, Mosh, Newsbeuter, Mutt etc.? [10:54] <luxpir> (Do I just grab the .deb of whatever I'm after?) [11:25] <studio_> hi [11:28] <studio_> will the bq e.4.5 become the new kernel 3.10.54 on ut 15.04? [11:28] <ogra_> no [11:29] <studio_> no port for it? [11:30] <studio_> i have seen they use that kernel for lollipop on the e4.5 [11:30] <ogra_> the ubuntu device tree is based on 4.4 [11:31] <studio_> ? [11:31] <studio_> 4.0 is brand new, isn't it? [11:31] <ogra_> android 4.4 [11:31] <studio_> ah [11:32] <ogra_> we will surely have to move to 5.0 at some point ... but thats far in the future i guess [11:35] <studio_> ogra_, yesterday i tried "again" to update from 14.10 r22 to vivid-proposed, same boot loop. i found your how to with the fastboot and recovery.img. but still no luck with that. i had to use again the mtk-tools. [11:37] <ogra_> well, there are a few people that see this issue ... but inside canonical we only have one person who could reproduce it yet ... we have a sprint next week and will have that device there to research it [11:39] <ogra_> usually a factory reset from the recovery menu should help though ... you shouldnt need to use any mtk tools [11:39] <studio_> has it maybe something to to with the missing icons after and update on 14.10 and then going direct to vivid-proposed? [11:39] <ogra_> icons ? [11:39] <studio_> missing icons on the scope [11:39] <ogra_> no [11:40] <ogra_> thats a network problem with the scopes [11:41] <studio_> no, two times amazon links, one with and one without icon, is not a networkproblem [11:42] <studio_> two times amazon on one scope is also not normal i think [11:42] <ogra_> no, thats something different, but also unrekated [11:47] <Mirv> as a first thing on my brand new Bq, I get to test all the PIN + PUK support :D [11:48] <Mirv> I'm unaware thouh why it was asking for "old PIN code" for a SIM that had PIN code asking disabled. other phones AFAIK don't need to ask for any old PIN code, just ask the new one with which it will be locked. [11:48] <ogra_> Mirv, uuh [11:48] <popey> i have seen that [11:48] <popey> i think it's because of the webapps names changing [11:48] <popey> studio_: do you still have the system setup with broken icons? [11:48] <ogra_> popey, i think it is because of two different custom tarballs when you jump channels back and forth [11:49] <popey> ah [11:49] <popey> yes, that would make sense [11:49] <popey> two desktop files with differently named apps [11:49] <popey> you end up keeping both .desktop files [11:49] <popey> giving you one working, one not [11:49] <ogra_> yeah, and the old custom thingie not wiped when switching [11:49] <popey> ok, good, glad we agree :) [11:49] <ogra_> i'll talk with cwayne at the sprint about this [11:50] <Mirv> well, that PUK experience was weird, but in the end I have the new PIN set and SIM locked [11:50] <ogra_> phoedations has its sprint next week [11:50] <popey> ok [11:51] <cwayne> ogra_, i think it's more of a system-image issue to be honest, we don't really handle any of the removal of old customs [11:51] <ogra_> cwayne, we should :) [11:51] <ogra_> but i agree that parts of that need to come from system-image [11:51] <cwayne> ogra_, right, we absolutely should :) [11:52] <cwayne> i thought custom was wiped on upgrades [11:52] <cwayne> maybe it's just not when switching [11:52] <ogra_> probably switching channels should just imply --wipe [11:52] <ogra_> it isnt a typical user feature anyway [11:55] <studio_> popey, no, but is looking nearly same as the screen shot a guy here posted [11:55] <studio_> was looking [11:55] <popey> ok [11:57] <popey> i have seen it too, i cleared it up by removing the incorrect .desktop files in ~/local/share/applications [11:57] <popey> i think [11:58] <ogra_> yeah [11:58] <ogra_> what i said, we should simply wipe all userdata if someone switches channels [11:59] <popey> zoiks [11:59] <popey> no wai [11:59] <ogra_> thats really an advanced task no enduser will do [11:59] <cwayne> it should really be the click hooks doing that, shouldn't it? [11:59] <ogra_> cwayne, how ? the package is never removed [12:00] <ogra_> they would only kick in if you removed the click [12:00] <cwayne> ogra_, is it really the package never being removed, or i thought it was just that symlink not being removed [12:00] <cwayne> i'll have to take a look, but anyway, something's obviously going wrong somewhere :) [12:01] <popey> we already have a bug for click where it doesn't clean up [12:01] <ogra_> right, but we dont remove clicks in this case [12:01] <ogra_> (which might be the actual bug indeed) [12:02] <popey> \o/ lunch [12:02] <ogra_> if you switch channels that like a fresh flash over an old image ... just without having the existing bits removed [12:02] <ogra_> (of the custom tarball) [12:04] * ogra_ wishes we could somehow tell the system to not mute on incoming notifications ... dpm talking on telegram makes it hard to listen to my streamed music :P [12:04] * dpm starts spamming on Telegram [12:04] <ogra_> you already do ! [12:04] <ogra_> :) [12:04] <Mirv> hmm, keyboard got stuck on my Bq, is there a bug about such thing? [12:04] * dpm hugs ogra_ :) [12:04] * ogra_ hugs dpm [12:04] <ogra_> Mirv, stuck in what way ? ... must be a Qt bug :P [12:05] <Mirv> ogra_: it didn't work anymore, elsewhere on the touch screen it was possible to browse. I was trying to enter instagram details. now the keyboard disappeared and doesn't re-appear. [12:05] <ogra_> wow [12:05] <ogra_> havent heard of that one in about a year ... we used to have such a bug [12:06] <Elleo> Mirv: were you entering a password? [12:06] <Mirv> now it reappeared and works, although I needed to switch apps and restart the instagram [12:06] <Mirv> Elleo: yes, exactly [12:07] <Elleo> Mirv: yeah, there's a bug in the new oxide that triggers a crash in the keyboard; we've got a branch that fixes the keyboard crash, I'm trying to track down the oxide problems now [12:07] <Mirv> Elleo: thanks, just checking since this is my actual first out-of-the-box experience here [12:08] <Mirv> good that it's being tracked, and now I also remembed the oxide woes were there also on rtm [12:08] <ogra_> we should just switch to geck ... that oxide stuff has bugs all over :P [12:08] <ogra_> *gecko [12:08] <Mirv> khtml \o/ [12:08] <ogra_> lol [12:08] <Elleo> lynx [12:08] <ogra_> is that still alive ? [12:09] <Elleo> just embed a terminal widget running lynx in the browser and all our problems would be solved [12:09] <ogra_> well, rather w3m then, it can do frames :) [12:09] <Elleo> pah, you and your fancy web 1.1 [12:10] <ogra_> wget -O- -q $url | html2text -> pipe into QML textview [12:10] <ogra_> ;) [12:10] <Elleo> heh [12:11] <ogra_> that "pictures on the internet" thing will never gain acceptance anyway [12:11] <Mirv> finds bug #1252899 the most glaring problem so far [12:12] <ogra_> yeah, thats actually very ebarassing [12:12] <Mirv> jgdx: what needs doing / who needs pinging to get merged regarding that bug ^ ? [12:15] <Mirv> beuno: same to you ^ what needs to be done to get that branch tested and into production? [12:19] <Mirv> I'd like the possibility to lock screen without locking device with the code until some time has elapsed [12:20] <ogra_> Mirv, we all would like that :P [12:20] <Mirv> and another thing from Jolla I'd like double power press to skip home screen ie directly go to scopes or ask the security code. double power press to skip any possible time elapse option to immediately lock the phone. [12:20] <Mirv> ogra_: :) is there a design bug about that? [12:20] * ogra_ remembers jdstrand asking for it over a year ago [12:20] <ogra_> not sure if he filed one [12:21] <Mirv> let's hear from jdstrand, I believe there should be a bug. about that first, then the extra convenience features once that's possible first. [12:22] <ogra_> iirc that came up when we were still experimenting with the split greeter idea ... [12:22] <ogra_> which made it likely fall off the table sicne we couldnt implement what we initially planned [12:23] <ogra_> (lock delay is a greeter thing) [12:24] <jgdx> Mirv, not sure. When I talked to beuno about it last time, it seemed like it was ready to go [12:24] <jgdx> last time was couple of weeks ago [12:25] <ogra_> wow, thats quite a change for such a small feature [12:27] <richi_> Since cryptsetup is apt-get installable from the touch repository, did somebody have success in setting up an encrypted partition? [12:27] <ogra_> i think someone talked about setting up an encrypted directory ... on the mailing list [12:27] <ogra_> partition wont work [12:28] <ogra_> (well, it will, but you need massive modifications first) [12:29] <richi_> ogra_, why is that? When trying luks format, I got error messages about some missing key store. [12:29] <ogra_> what did you try to format exactly ? [12:30] <ogra_> encrypting the readonly rootfs is pointless ... encrypting the rw partition wont work due to the bind-mount-farm we use for the writable bits [12:31] <richi_> ogra_: sudo cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain -s 512 luksFormat /dev/mmcblk1p1 /dev/shm/luks-key.txt [12:31] <ogra_> the latter will get implemented at some point though ... but doing it today without doing a lost of changes to the system core wont work [12:31] <Sleep_Walker> oh, external card... [12:31] <ogra_> s/lost/lot/ [12:31] <ogra_> ah, Sd card should indeed work [12:32] <ogra_> (you need to mount it manually etc indeed, udisks wont automount it) [12:32] <richi_> yes, I figured that out. It's also strange that ext partitions are not auto mounted... [12:33] <ogra_> on purpose [12:33] <ogra_> we have no way to deal with file permissions [12:33] <ogra_> (yet) [12:33] <richi_> maybe related: during apt-get install cryptsetup I got a load of warnings. [12:33] <ogra_> and the typical enduser wont use ext4 to store their music/photos [12:34] <ogra_> yeah, its not designed for a system where it cant regenerate the initrd [12:34] <ogra_> iirc the package tries that during install [12:40] <richi_> The above command gives me the following errors : [12:40] <richi_> device-mapper: reload ioctl on failed: No such file or directory [12:40] <richi_> Failed to open temporary keystore device. [12:40] <richi_> device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-31532 failed: No such device or address [12:41] <ogra_> ah, yeah, likely also no devicemapper support in the kernel [12:42] <richi_> Too bad. Ok, I'll loo into directories then... [12:43] <ogra_> john-mcaleely, whats the bug location for users to request kernel config changes ... studio_ also wants cifs and nfs support (and i think we could at least enable cifs as a module since the filemanager will want to use it alter too) [12:43] <ogra_> *later [12:45] <john-mcaleely> ogra_, [12:45] <john-mcaleely> it can migrated as needed from there [12:45] <ogra_> ah, just generic then ... k [12:45] <aSheepie> Hi, silly question but how do I paste text into an HTML textbox control. For example in the Twitter app, when composing a new tweet. Long pressing just seems to select the input object itself, rather than the text within it? Thx [12:57] <jgdx> aSheepie, [13:05] <aSheepie> jgdx, ah, cheers, glad it wasn't me being stupid - I'll add that it affects me and details to that log, then. [13:06] <jgdx> aSheepie, thank you. It affects me as well, with my long, stupid passwords [13:07] * ogra_ just uses "password" everwhere... so much easier to remember :) [13:08] <ogra_> (and i heard many other people do that too ... the masses cant be wrong !) [13:09] <jgdx> not hunter2? [13:09] <ogra_> nah, i'm an advanced user ... i use hunter3 if i use it [13:10] <richi_> speaking of passwords are there plans to support U2FA? [13:10] <ogra_> thats a question for dobey i guess :) [13:13] <ogra_> jdstrand, do yu remember if you filed a bug for "i dont want my screen to immediately lock when i turn off the screen" ? i know we talked about ages ago [13:21] <dobey> ogra_: what is? [13:23] <ogra_> dobey, richi_'s question about auth providers [13:23] <dobey> 2fa is supported for the u1 account plug-in on the phone [13:24] <dobey> and by pay-ui as well for when the password must be entered there [13:24] <kenvandine> dednick, did you see that QA found a regression in your settings branch for bug 1390136 [13:26] <richi_> dobey: I mean Fido U2FA. Something like YubiKey or [13:26] <beuno> Mirv, jgdx, I'll take care of that this week [13:27] <dednick> kenvandine: no, i havent [13:27] <ogra_> richi_, there is the authenticaor app in the store for 2FA token generation ... [13:27] <ogra_> i assume you dont expect to be able to plug a yubikey into your phone [13:27] <ogra_> (with OTA cable or some such) [13:27] <richi_> ogra_: I generally avoid software solutions for 2FA. [13:28] <richi_> ogra_ : I already use my YubiKEy for ssh auth with my phone. [13:28] <ogra_> you meanyou have the yubikey attached to the phone for ssh client stuff ? [13:28] <dobey> well, if the device where you enter your password, and generate the 2fa key, are the same, then it's not really 2fa [13:30] <richi_> ogra_: yes The neo has an OpenGPG applet that gpg-agent speaks to for ssh auth. [13:30] <ogra_> yeah, i was more wondering about the Hw setup [13:30] <dednick> kenvandine: thanks, i'll take a look into it [13:31] <Mirv> beuno: jgdx thanks! [13:31] <ogra_> are there microUSB yubikeys ? [13:31] <richi_> dobey: U2FA seems to be a really good compromise : [13:31] <Mirv> argh [13:31] <kenvandine> dednick, thx [13:31] <Mirv> so my Bq is stuck in non-spinning Ubuntu logo after spontaniously rebooting while writing Telegram message [13:31] <richi_> ogra_ : yes with a smapp OTG adaptor. [13:31] <Mirv> I guess I'll try forcefully powering off [13:31] <ogra_> richi_, ah, right, so not actual microUSB keys then [13:32] <richi_> ogra_ : We might suggest that to Yubico ... [13:32] <dobey> richi_: i don't have a yubikey or a fido thing. or an otg adapter. [13:33] <dobey> ogra_: i guess they could make one that was an SD card too [13:33] <ogra_> yeah, i wouldnt want to lose my SD slot to it [13:34] <ogra_> i just wonder in general why so few HW manufacturers build actual microUSB HW [13:34] <richi_> dobey: I was just asking if there are plans to support FIDO U2FA in the ubuntu touch browser. ATM it's only supported by Chrome/Chromium, with Firefox support planned. [13:34] <dobey> ogra_: probably because they build things for computers, and building a thing that plugs into the microusb on a phone is ass backward :) [13:35] <ogra_> richi_, you didnt say browser anywhere above (or i missed it) :) [13:35] <dobey> richi_: oh, well i don't work on the browser, but it's based on the blink engine, so it might have some support already [13:36] <jdstrand> ogra_: I don't think I ever did because I was told that the feature was coming where we could adjust the timeout (and that did land) [13:36] <ogra_> dobey, well, i guess they would fine one or the other customer that would be happy to not have 15cm OTG cable dangling off the device [13:36] <ogra_> *find [13:36] <richi_> Oh I will try then... [13:37] <ogra_> jdstrand, right, i'll file one then ... since even with the timeout i'd like to be able to quickly switc on the device again without having to unlock [13:38] <dobey> ogra_: probably no profit in it though. iphones don't have micro-usb. and apparently the android phone market can't get the orientation of the socket on the phone correct [14:34] <Elleo> jhodapp: is it a known bug that video doesn't seem to work when streamed over http via MediaPlayer and VideoOutput elements? (audio from the video still plays though) I couldn't see anything obvious logged against media-hub, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place? [14:35] <jhodapp> Elleo, no it should work although it's been a while since I've tried it...there may be specific issues with the codec that you're trying to use or something else [14:35] <jhodapp> Elleo, have you verified that the video plays locally if you download it to the phone? [14:36] <Elleo> jhodapp: yeah, it plays locally in the same test app; it's only when streamed over http that it fails to show the video [14:36] <jhodapp> Elleo, got a link to it? I can try playing it [14:37] <Elleo> jhodapp: <-- here's the test app with the video stream in [14:37] <Elleo> wget'ing the file and switching to the local source works fine [14:37] <jhodapp> Elleo, I'm going to try it from mediaplayer-app first [14:38] <Elleo> okay [14:39] <Elleo> jhodapp: doesn't work in mediaplayer-app here (except for the sound) [14:39] <jhodapp> Elleo, yeah same here [14:39] <jhodapp> Elleo, can you file a bug, it's a valid bug [14:39] <Elleo> sure thing [14:39] <jhodapp> Elleo, against media-hub [14:39] <Elleo> okay [14:39] <jhodapp> Elleo, thanks! [14:42] <Elleo> jhodapp: filed: :) [14:43] <jhodapp> Elleo, thanks, that looks good [14:43] <Elleo> jhodapp: yeah, stumbled on it when trying to add video support to podbird :) [14:43] <jhodapp> Elleo, nice, I was just playing with podbird...nicely done [14:44] <jhodapp> Elleo, I've wanted a really good podcast client for UT, so if I get some time I may help hack on it [14:44] <Elleo> jhodapp: its about to get a whole lot better, nik90 has done a tonne of awesome work along with some new design work from Kevin Feyder :) [14:44] <jhodapp> oh very nice! [14:44] <Elleo> jhodapp: there's a beta for the new version here: [14:46] <jhodapp> Elleo, awesome, I'll give that a spin! [14:46] <Elleo> great, let us know if you hit any problems :) [14:46] <popey> it works nicely! [14:46] <jhodapp> will do [14:46] <jhodapp> nik90, you rock man [14:46] <Elleo> popey: glad to hear it :) [14:46] <popey> +1 [14:46] <popey> can you make a deb please for my desktop :) [14:47] <Elleo> popey: done: ;) [14:47] <davmor2> and an exe for popey gameos :D [14:47] <Elleo> popey: holding off on making the desktop ppa especially public until we fix one last issue we spotted last night though [14:49] <Kekambas> hello [14:49] <Kekambas> ? [14:49] <Elleo> popey: the next step in the master plan will be push notifications, recommendations and syncing between desktop and phone (or multiple phones) via (the complete unfinished) [14:49] <Kekambas> im trying to install ubuntu touch on nexus 4, does it still a preview or is it fully running? [14:50] <Elleo> somehow a podcast client I hacked together over christmas has taken over a big chunk of my life :P [14:50] <Kekambas> anyone? [14:50] <popey> ooooh [14:50] <Elleo> Kekambas: it's a fully usable system (depending on what your needs are); you can install basically the same stuff that's running on the shipping ubuntu phones on the nexus 4 [14:51] <Kekambas> so it is stable? [14:51] <lotuspsychje> !devices | Kekambas [14:51] <Elleo> Kekambas: the stable branch is pretty stable [14:51] <Kekambas> lol [14:51] <Elleo> Kekambas: the devel/devel-proposed branches are less stable (but more cutting edge) [14:51] <Elleo> for general use you're probably best going with the stable branch [14:52] <Kekambas> is it possible to install ubuntu touch via windows? [14:53] <Elleo> no idea on that front I'm afraid [14:53] <Elleo> not sure if its possible with any of the normal android flashing tools [14:53] <lotuspsychje> even if we could simulate a terminal on windows, it wouldnt apt-get right? [14:53] <Elleo> but the recommended way is to use ubuntu-device-flash on a linux system [14:54] <popey> Elleo: \o/ this is nice :) [14:54] <Kekambas> mmmm [14:54] <Elleo> popey: good :) [14:54] <Kekambas> i have no experience using linux [14:55] <Elleo> Kekambas: I believe its also possible to install via the multiboot tool inside android (to create a dualboot system), I don't have any experience of that myself though [14:55] <Elleo> or is that multirom? [14:55] <Elleo> something like that [14:55] <Kekambas> [14:55] <Kekambas> check that out [14:56] <Kekambas> but thats not updated [14:56] <Elleo> Kekambas: yeah, I wouldn't recommend following something from 2013, a lot has changed since then [14:56] <amu_poi> maybe MultiRom Manager is good [14:57] <Kekambas> do you guys know any guide about multirom [14:57] <lotuspsychje> Kekambas: check its FOSS website, alot of nice guides there [14:58] <Kekambas> i used to do that but with my droid razr, didnt know it was possible on n4 till now [14:58] <Kekambas> lol [14:58] <Kekambas> guides about multirom [14:59] <Kekambas> xD  maybe you need this [15:05] <Kekambas> i just installed it [15:05] <Kekambas> now.. [15:06] <Kekambas> where i can download the ubuntu touch image [15:06] <lotuspsychje> Kekambas: see the wiki install link in topic [15:08] <Tassadar> Kekambas: it's downloaded through the app, it's not really feasible to download the images by hand [15:08] <Kekambas> which app? [15:08] <Kekambas> im not using ubuntu ATM [15:10] <dednick> kenvandine: fixed the issue with my ubuntu-system-settings branch. [15:10] <Tassadar> Kekambas: sorry, didn't read the whole conversation - do you want to dual-boot ubuntu touch, or just install it on your device? [15:11] <Kekambas> its better to have dual boot? [15:11] <Kekambas> or just to install it [15:11] <Kekambas> ? [15:12] <Kekambas> i think the best for me is dual boot, cause i use a few apps that are not available on ubuntu [15:12] <amu_poi> in the MultiRom Manager you can download the img [15:12] <nik90> jhodapp: thnx :) Just doing my part to help build a great podcast app which has a legitimate use case on the phone. [15:12] <Kekambas> ok [15:12] <jhodapp> nik90, indeed, it's one of my most used apps on my other phone (which shall remain unnamed) ;) [15:13] <Kekambas> ill take a look and ill be back in a few [15:13] <nik90> jhodapp: haha :D [15:13] <Kekambas> will multirom replace my recovery? [15:16] <Kekambas> ? [15:17] <amu_poi> yes [15:17] <matv1> Kekambas have you read [15:26] <kenvandine> dednick, thx [15:29] <Kekambas> mmm [15:29] <lotuspsychje_> Kekambas: have you found it [15:29] <Kekambas> using it with multirom will allow me to use it for daily basis? [15:29] <Kekambas> yes [15:29] <Kekambas> multirom its downloading it [15:30] <Kekambas> but i want to use it for my main rom [15:30] <Kekambas> im tired of android and i have IOS [15:30] <kenvandine> Elleo, are you sure you don't want to the autopilot package to depend on the specific version of ubuntu-keyboard-tests ? [15:30] <kenvandine> to match the others [15:31] <Elleo> kenvandine: ah, yeah, that might be best; I'll update that [15:31] <kenvandine> Elleo, cool [15:31] <Kekambas> ? [15:32] <Kekambas> can i use the one in multirom as my main rom [15:32] <Kekambas> ? [15:32] <popey> hard to say, not sure many people test that [15:32] <Tassadar> no, but you can set it up to boot as default [15:33] <Kekambas> mmm [15:33] <Kekambas> ok [15:33] <Kekambas> is there any list of supported apps? [15:33] <Elleo> kenvandine: pushed a fix :) [15:42] <popey> ogra_: that icon disappearing thing is more widespread. [15:43] <popey> [15:43] <popey> not just people flip-flopping between releases [15:44] <ogra_> popey, double idcons for apps from the custom tarball is custom tarrball and channel hopping related [15:44] <ogra_> we have another bug where scopes dont show icons due to QtNetwork issues [15:44] <ogra_> and this one above looks like something new, not related to the two others [15:45] <ogra_> popey, so i'd say we have at least three different bugs here [15:45] <pmcgowan> thats a new one and very odd [15:45] <ogra_> yes [15:45] <ogra_> we never had the launcher affected before [15:46] * ogra_ wonders if the icon cache gopt corrupted ... by i.e. installing a deb with icons :) [15:47] <ogra_> all icon packs on desktop try to re-generate the cache from the postinst [15:47] <ogra_> iof that fails you might be left with a corrupt cache ... [15:47] <ogra_> *if [15:53] <muka> Document viewer has in icon. is this normal or this is a bug? [15:53] <muka> sorry has no icon... [15:55] <ogra_> muka, if you installed it from the store regulary on an unmodified OS this is definitely a bug [15:56] <muka> well, i installed it from ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily [15:58] <ogra_> uh [15:58] <ogra_> so you made your system writable and all [15:58] <ogra_> well, then it can be anything [15:59] <ogra_> only file a bug if you actually see it on a untainted device with a click package from the store ... [15:59] <ogra_> but if you followed some call for testing, let the person know that asked you to use it from a ppa [16:00] <ogra_> (though i cant imagine anyone would ask you to test a click package from a PPA build) [16:23] <muka> ogra_, yes [16:48] <faenil> ogra_: I think it's a known bugs that some icons disappeared [16:48] <faenil> bug* [16:48] <ogra_> faenil, up to now we have identified at least three different ones [16:49] <faenil> ones -> i.e.? three bugs, or icons? [16:49] <ogra_> bugs [16:49] <faenil> ah [16:50] <ogra_> there is one where you end up with duplicated entries for preinstalled apps if you switch channels ... (one icon being empty as i understand) [16:50] <ogra_> then there is one where the scope icons are all gone due to (seemingly) network issues [16:51] <ogra_> and the new one above wher even the launcher misses icons (which looks like a broken icon cache to me) [17:01] <studio_> hi [17:01] <studio_> i am back on vivid without a boot-loop :) [17:02] <studio_> i "think" the problem was the "r22" ... [17:04] <studio_> after i switched back to stable (r21) i was able to upgrade to devel-proposed without a boot loop [17:05] <studio_> ok, some icons are missing, but i am happy that i don't not have these damn loop :) [17:07] <studio_> was the "r22" i used [17:15] <dobey> the r22 in the rc channel is the exact same image as the r21 in the stable channel [17:15] <studio_> i just told what i made, and now i have no boot loop [17:16] <ogra_> dobey, he doesnt use the standard tools for flashing ... might be related ... [17:18] <studio_> ogra_, after/on the loop, i needed to flash with the mkt-tool the "default" image. i was not able with the recovery.img and fastboot to fix the problem. [17:18] <Kekambas> hello [17:18] <Kekambas> guys [17:18] <Kekambas> any idea how to install whatsapp on ubuntu touch [17:19] <ogra_> Kekambas, there is no whatsapp for ubuntu touch [17:19] <Kekambas> fudge [17:19] <dobey> ogra_: i know. [17:19] <ogra_> there is telegram though ... [17:19] <Kekambas> not everybody uses that [17:19] <dobey> not everybody uses whatsapp either [17:20] <Kekambas> almost everybody [17:20] * cwayne doesn't [17:20] <Kekambas> whos that [17:20] <studio_> ogra_, i was able to flash the recovery.img in fastboot mode as you wrote in the mailing-list, but that did not fixed the problem. [17:20] <dobey> unfortunately, whatsapp is a closed proprietary system. if you want whatsapp you'll have to get them to write an app for ubuntu phone [17:20] * dobey doesn't use whatsapp either [17:20] * ogra_ never heard of whatsapp before people asked here about it (and before facebook bought them) [17:21] <Kekambas> first of all [17:21] <Kekambas> whos ogra_ [17:21] <Kekambas> or dobey? [17:21] <dobey> ogra_ is ogra_ [17:21] <dobey> and i am me [17:21] <Kekambas> lol [17:21] <ogra_> well [17:21] <Kekambas> and you guys are? [17:21] <Kekambas> .... [17:21] <ogra_> sometimes im not ogra_ but just ogra [17:22] <dobey> a small subset of the vast number of people not using whatsapp :) [17:22] <Kekambas> lol [17:22] <Kekambas> well.. actually whatsapp have 800,000,000 monthly active users [17:22] <ogra_> that doesnt make the app more open sadly :) [17:22] <cwayne> so then there's 6,200,000,000 that don't use it :) [17:23] <dobey> exactly [17:23] <Kekambas> lol [17:23] <ogra_> and the whatsapp people regulary shut down all clones [17:23] <Kekambas> xD [17:23] <cwayne> but anyway, whatsapp actively discourages porting to new platforms [17:23] <ogra_> so there is no point in even trying to reverse engineer it [17:23] <dobey> and i'm pretty sure that 800M number is well over inflated [17:23] <cwayne> it's not so much a technical problem as a political one [17:23] <Kekambas> mmm [17:23] <cwayne> unfortunately :/ [17:23] <Kekambas> which one is better? [17:23] <ogra_> well, not even that [17:24] <ogra_> its a money problem ... [17:24] <dobey> well, telegram is more open and more secure [17:24] <ogra_> if you pay them enough they will give you permission to write your own client [17:24] <dobey> whatsapp is totally proprietary and insecure [17:25] <tedg> To be fair, Whatsapp seems to be integrating TextSecure [17:25] <tedg> Which would make it very secure once that's complete. [17:26] <dobey> well, assuming they do it in a way such that they don't cheat [17:26] <dobey> i suspect they might cheat though [17:27] <Kekambas> lol [17:27] <Kekambas> me too [17:27] <Kekambas> ill try telegram [17:27] <Kekambas> which apps you guys recomend for ubuntu [17:28] <dobey> use the ones you need to use [17:29] <Kekambas> this is my first time using UT [17:29] * ogra_ uses his G+ app a lot :) [17:29] <ogra_> <shameless ad mode> [17:29] <Kekambas> so... im a newbie [17:29] <Elleo> Kekambas: all the cool kids are using podbird :) [17:30] <ogra_> lol [17:30] <Kekambas> lol [17:30] <Kekambas> im not a kid [17:32] <nik90> Elleo: all of kinds of tactics we use to raise the popularity of podbird :P [17:32] <Elleo> heh [17:33] <Kekambas> lol [17:35] <Kekambas> so [17:35] <Kekambas> besides podbird [17:35] <nik90> ogra_: dude I miss the g+ red color..bring that back :P [17:35] <Kekambas> any app? [17:35] <nik90> Kekambas: dekko email client [17:36] <nik90> Kekambas: quick memo (google keep alternative) [17:36] <ogra_> nik90, careful, i might make it neon green with a user check for "nik90" :) [17:36] <Kekambas> why sometimes ppls names appear in red [17:36] <dobey> Kekambas: whichever ones exist that satisfy a particular need you have, should be the ones you use. because you won't use the others anyway :) [17:36] <nik90> Kekambas: I would recommend going to and sort apps there using the rating to find the one you like [17:36] <dobey> Kekambas: probably because they mentioned you [17:36] <Kekambas> how u mention? [17:37] <Kekambas> using @? [17:37] <dobey> Kekambas: <- like this [17:37] <Elleo> Kekambas: yeah, this sorts by ratings so the top apps there are all popular with people [17:37] <Kekambas> lol [17:37] <dobey> or a comma [17:37] <nik90> ogra_: hey I am coming after you me there are apps that I work on which you also use :P [17:37] <Kekambas> dobey, ? [17:38] <dobey> yes [17:38] <Kekambas> how i mention? [17:38] <Kekambas> xD [17:38] <dobey> you just did [17:38] <Kekambas> it is not red [17:38] <dobey> becasue you aren't me [17:38] <nik90> it will be red for the person you type [17:38] <Kekambas> ok... [17:38] <ogra_> nik90, hmm ... you know which other parts of the system i touch ... you will lose that battle ;) [17:38] <Kekambas> i c [17:39] <nik90> ogra_: rofl...not fair..I thought we were sticking to the app level :P [17:39] <dobey> it's the client you are using highlighting the line where your nickname was mentioned [17:40] <Kekambas> Elleo, thank you for the web [17:40] <Elleo> Kekambas: no problem :) [17:40] <Kekambas> Very useful [17:40] * ogra_ hugs nik90 [17:40] <Kekambas> Elleo, where i can see the features of ubuntu touch [17:40] <Kekambas> ? [17:41] <Kekambas> NVM [17:41] * nik90 signs a peace treaty with a return hug [17:43] <cwayne> psh cmon guys [17:43] <cwayne> we all know its all about scopes [17:43] <cwayne> not apps :P [17:43] <Kekambas> Elleo, particularly recommend for daily basis [17:44] <Kekambas> cwayne, hows that? scopes? [17:45] <nik90> cwayne: my frnd, you are surrounded by way too many app devs to say that out loud :P [17:45] <cwayne> Kekambas, [17:46] <cwayne> nik90, :P [17:46] * ogra_ sits down and writes a scopes app ! [17:47] <ogra_> bridging the gap ! [17:47] <nik90> cwayne: btw ur ubuntu news scope is awesome..and going to be even more awesome with the new keywords features in vivid [17:48] <cwayne> nik90, hey thanks [17:48] <cwayne> i forgot about that one [17:48] * cwayne has written too many scopes [17:49] <nik90> I think we need a search scopes functionality in the unity8 bottom edge page...too many scopes in the bq device and takes times to search for the one you are looking for [17:50] <Kekambas> cwayne, detailed explanation about scopes? newbie here! [17:52] <karni> Kekambas: detailed explanation of scopes - [17:52] <Kekambas> karni thank you [17:52] <karni> you're welcome [17:52] <Kekambas> cwayne, which scope u dev? [17:53] <davmor2> ogra_: If we are play what parts of the system do you touch then QA win :P [17:53] <ogra_> davmor2, but you cant break them ... ;) [17:54] <ogra_> slangasek, have you ever seen this page (just stumbled over it on the weekend) [17:54] <ogra_> i assume that needs updating with your new naming scheme [17:54] <davmor2> ogra_: no, no you said "you know which other parts of the system i touch" there was no mention of breaking or not :P [17:55] <slangasek> ogra_: yes, I've been discussing it just today with dholbach because of some differences needed in the content for ubuntu core [17:56] <ogra_> cool ... [17:56] <ogra_> just wanted to make sure it is on your radar [17:56] <ogra_> since it mentiones <series> all over the place [18:00] <dobey> ogra_: you're too late. we already wrote an apps scope, so the gap is bridged! :) [18:01] <ogra_> dobey, wrong way round :P [18:04] <mcphail> Congratulations, everyone, on RTMv21. Much more stable and huuuuuge battery life. Cheers! [18:06] <ogra_> :D [18:07] * mcphail needs to dwonload a version of "snake" because this battery is lasting as long as a Nokia brick [18:07] <ogra_> i thought there was a version of snake in the store [18:07] <ogra_> iirc it was the first winner of the first app contest :) [18:08] <mcphail> hah! - checking... [18:08] <ogra_> would be a shame if it was gone [18:08] <mcphail> It's there!!! [18:13] <elopio> mzanetti: I have some questions about QML tests. Can you ping me when you have some free time, please? [18:19] <Kekambas> ogra, so.... why you guys dont dev a scope for whatsapp? [18:20] <Kekambas> gora, :P [18:20] <Kekambas> ogra, :P [18:20] <ogra_> Kekambas, because we couldnt connect ... [18:21] <ogra_> i guess the whatsapp protocol is even enough reverse engineered that you could actually easily write a scope ... but whatsapp would shut it down on their next cleanup cycle and sue us [18:24] <Sleep_Walker> it's second time I heard about whatsapp today [18:24] <dobey> well i don't know if they'd sue, but they'd ban anyone using it [18:24] <Sleep_Walker> what is so special about that? [18:24] <ogra_> some people seem to use it [18:24] <Sleep_Walker> we have XMPP, IRC, TOX, mail (!) [18:24] <mcphail> Am I right in thinking Bluetooth is going to change with the next rtm release? I'm struggling to connect with my car but won't bother investigating further if it is changing anyway [18:25] <dobey> i use carrier pigeons myself. much more reliable [18:25] <ogra_> mcphail, next or the one after ... we are still looking into getting bluez5 to work [18:25] <mcphail> ogra_: ok, thanks [18:25] <Sleep_Walker> dobey: you'd better fix your routing - I'm shooting pigeons around (with airsoft only though) [18:26] <dobey> Sleep_Walker: i only use stealth ninja pigeons. [18:27] <dobey> speaking of shooting birds, i'm looking out the window and feeling pretty tempted to go do exactly that, right now [18:27] <Sleep_Walker> dobey: that should be OK, I hate that beeping, copulating and defecating ones only, stealth ninjas are OK [18:28] <Kekambas> ogra_, is it so hard? [18:29] <ogra_> Kekambas, hard ? what ? [18:30] <Kekambas> ogra_, to get a scope for whatsapp? [18:30] <dobey> Sleep_Walker: if they didn't crap all over my cars, i wouldn't care. but there are way too many in my yard now, and ruining my paint [18:31] <ogra_> Kekambas, it would be a waste of tim because whatsapp would shut it down and lock you out [18:31] <ogra_> *time too [18:31] <dobey> Kekambas: it's not hard. it's plenty easy if you are fine with having it blocked by whatsapp, and getting anyone using banned from whatsapp [18:32] <Kekambas> dobey, why dont you guys get a permission from whatsapp [18:32] <Kekambas> ? [18:32] <mzanetti> elopio, hey, what up? [18:32] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: why don't you try yourself? [18:33] <cwayne> Kekambas, because they won't give permissions to new platforms until they reach some absurd level of users [18:33] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, im not a dev. [18:33] <ogra_> Kekambas, because they want you to pay $$$ to grant you permission to do that [18:33] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, im learning but its hard to learn by myself [18:33] <ogra_> if you dont, you get locked out [18:33] <cwayne> honestly, it all comes down to whatsapp being kinda evil really [18:34] <cwayne> really the opposite of open source [18:34] <Kekambas> lol [18:34] <ogra_> Kekambas, the only one who can build a whatsapp app for ubuntu is whatsapp ... [18:34] <ogra_> Kekambas, or you ... if you have ... whatver they ask for ... $50 mio ? [18:34] <Kekambas> ogra_, just the fact of using it generates revenue isnt it? [18:35] <Kekambas> ogra_, it cant be that muhc [18:35] <ogra_> Kekambas, no need to discuss with me ... you need to convince them, not me :) [18:36] <Kekambas> ogra_, and how you get in touch with em? [18:36] <ogra_> no idea [18:36] <dobey> well, i presume they have a web site [18:36] <dobey> or something like that [18:36] <ogra_> i guess youcan find a mailto link on their website somewhere [18:36] <ogra_> or your business unit contacts their business unit [18:37] <ogra_> ;) [18:37] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: you'd better not invest time in vendor-lock-in yourself [18:37] <ogra_> mzanetti, is the imgur uploader broken ? all attempts to upload someting time out for me today [18:37] <elopio> mzanetti: I'm not even sure what to ask :) I'm trying to open a single qml file from system settings, but the file depends on the plugin. [18:37] <elopio> [18:37] <elopio> how can I import a library without installing it? [18:38] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, why not? at the end of the day they will get the money. [18:38] <mzanetti> ogra_, was working last time I used it (some few days ago), will test it [18:38] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, maybe in time they will do it... when UT have more users [18:38] <mzanetti> elopio, -I path/to/plugin [18:38] <ogra_> i just got the "Error uploading" red cross thing again here [18:39] <mzanetti> ogra_, ack. will see what's wrong. thanks for reporting [18:39] <mzanetti> elopio, does it work? [18:39] <elopio> mzanetti: no, it doesn't [18:40] <mzanetti> elopio, same error? [18:40] <Kekambas> ogra_, any cool scope to get? [18:41] <ogra_> Kekambas, ask cwayne, he's the scopes guy [18:41] <elopio> mzanetti: yes. Not installed. [18:41] * ogra_ only has online games, news apps and a music player in the store ... [18:41] <mzanetti> elopio, can you paste the command line? [18:41] <ogra_> well ... and G+ [18:41] <Kekambas> cwayne, any cool scope to get? [18:41] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: maybe, but that is not the solution, only workaround. I can have my jabber, IRC or any standard protocol on UT quickly and it will be able to do everything you expect from whatsapp, when the client will miss some feature, I can try another one or write myself one [18:41] <Kekambas> ogra_, thank you [18:41] <mzanetti> ogra_, speaking of G+ :D [18:42] <ogra_> mzanetti, tell me :) [18:42] <mzanetti> ogra_, any chance to include ubuntu signon to the url patterns? [18:42] <dobey> the store scope is the best scope [18:43] <elopio> mzanetti: [18:43] <mzanetti> ogra_, or well... I assume that's the issue. not that I've tried it [18:43] <ogra_> mzanetti, sure, but how would that help without the ap havin any auth integration [18:43] <ogra_> *the app [18:43] <mzanetti> elopio, what's the contents of plugins/date-time ? [18:44] <ogra_> mzanetti, thats not a webapp-container ... its an actual webview in a qml app, to make any use of accounts i would have to integrate theapp itself with the auth mechnaism ... just adding the patterns wont help [18:44] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, where u learned to bulild? [18:44] <Kekambas> *build [18:44] <elopio> mzanetti: cpp and qml sources, and the qmldir where Ubuntu.SystemSettings.TimeDate is defined. [18:44] <mzanetti> ogra_, while I agree using OA would be the preferred way, I'm pretty sure you could make it work in app quite easily [18:45] <elopio> I tried also with builddir/plugins/date-time, which will have the .so [18:45] <mzanetti> elopio, ok... that's the issue [18:45] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: build? you mean where I learnt programming? [18:45] <mzanetti> elopio, you'd need to move them to subdirs matching the import statement [18:45] <mzanetti> elopio, example: [18:45] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, yes [18:45] <cwayne> Kekambas, there's all sorts of news scopes, a fitbit scope, etsy, yelp, really whatever you want [18:45] <mzanetti> elopio, you import Foo.Bar 1.0 [18:46] <mzanetti> elopio, -I needs to point to a folder containing "Foo/Bar/qmldir" [18:46] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: self-study, school, work [18:46] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, im trying to learn but theres so much stuff and i dont know where to start [18:46] <mzanetti> elopio, usually one would set up the project in a way that the build dir produces such a folder layout [18:46] <ogra_> mzanetti, i'm still trying to understand what OAuth actually gains me [18:47] <ogra_> apart from not having the user to type in his credentials on first use [18:47] <mzanetti> ogra_, that's something, isn't it? :) [18:48] <Kekambas> cwayne, thank you, what about battery performance in UT? [18:48] <mzanetti> ogra_, also, for me webapps without OA integration expire the credentials regularly which is annoying [18:48] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: I started because I missed some feature and tried to implement it by myself [18:48] <Sleep_Walker> that is good way :) [18:48] <dobey> mzanetti: i get that for ones that do use OA integration too though [18:48] <dobey> well, at least, i've consistently had that issue with untappd [18:49] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, i just want to create new stuff. like a browser [18:49] <mzanetti> dobey, oh really... that seems to work quite well for me [18:49] <dobey> which is the only app i much care about [18:49] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: so, you miss whatsapp scope? create one [18:49] <dobey> i don't have that issue with twitter though of course [18:49] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, how i start? [18:49] <dobey> Kekambas: you don't want to write a browser. trust me. [18:49] <elopio> mzanetti: ok, progress! [18:49] <elopio> thanks. [18:49] <Kekambas> dobey, why? [18:50] <mzanetti> elopio, great :) [18:50] <elopio> mzanetti: is that like a QML best practice, to use directories for the namespace ? [18:50] <dobey> Kekambas: because it's like building a house on a minefield. [18:50] <elopio> mzanetti: or is it just to workaround a limitation on the testtool? [18:51] <Kekambas> dobey, if you point the right direction can start [18:51] <mzanetti> elopio, that's how it works. not just for the testtool [18:51] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: no browser - browser make your head bigger, more painful and you'll hate yourself [18:51] <dobey> Kekambas: i'm pointing you in the right direction. that direction is "don't write a web brwoser" :) [18:51] <Kekambas> dobey, [18:51] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: start reading here and experimenting [18:51] <Sleep_Walker> (not that I have read it though :) [18:52] <Kekambas> lol [18:52] <dobey> having actually written a brwoser, i can confidently say you should not write a browser. [18:52] <Sleep_Walker> I knew one guy who wrote his own browser - he was no longer able to have social life :) [18:53] <Sleep_Walker> (and the browser is links! :) [18:53] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, lol. t cant be that hard [18:55] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, i will start with scopes, but i guess it cant be done using windows, right? [18:56] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: I'm not dev here (yet) [18:57] <Sleep_Walker> I have to bring ubuntu sdk to my distros first [18:57] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, well, but at least you know your thing [18:57] <SturmFlut> It is just unbelievable how broken Android 5.x is on Nexus devices. [18:59] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, which one is harder to dev, apks or scopes? [18:59] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: I have zero experience with Ubuntu Touch interface and programming for that [19:02] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, so what exactly you know? [19:02] <Sleep_Walker> hehehe [19:02] <Sleep_Walker> Kekambas: what should I answer you here? [19:03] <ogra_> everything ! [19:03] <ogra_> ;) [19:03] <Kekambas> Sleep_walker, what do you know to build? [19:03] <Sleep_Walker> I don't know, I have patches spread around in some project [19:03] <Sleep_Walker> *projects [19:07] <elopio> mzanetti: any clues about where to put the plugin? [19:07] <elopio> [19:07] <mzanetti> elopio, same dir as the qmldir file [19:09] <ogra_> Kekambas, what do you want to build ? [19:17] <mariogrip> how to generate blacklist keyring? (on a system-image server) [19:17] <mariogrip> stgraber: ^ [19:18] <ogra_> you take a whitelist keyring and black paint ;) [19:20] <mariogrip> ogra_: lol :P [19:24] <elopio> yay, it runs on qmlscene! [19:24] <elopio> kenvandine: so, to get the system settings QML tests working, we need to change the folder hierarchy of the plugins. [19:25] <mariogrip> Tassadar: btw, do multirom require blacklist keyring? [19:25] <kenvandine> elopio, what ever it takes :) [19:25] <Tassadar> ? [19:25] <kenvandine> well... without breaking stuff :) [19:25] <Tassadar> hm [19:25] <Tassadar> I think it downloads it [19:25] <Tassadar> but doesn't checkit [19:25] <kenvandine> elopio, we have qml tests that work already though [19:25] <Tassadar> but the system-image-upgrader in recovery does [19:26] <mariogrip> do you know if system-image-upgrader fails without it? [19:26] <elopio> kenvandine: but they all go behind the UI, right? [19:27] <Tassadar> no, it doesn't, I think [19:27] <kenvandine> elopio, i don't think so, but they don't run in qmlscene [19:27] <Kekambas> ogra_, a very weird browser [19:27] <elopio> kenvandine: can you show me an example? [19:27] <dobey> why would any qmltests run in qmlscene? [19:28] <dobey> i thought that's what qmltestrunner is for [19:28] <elopio> the ones I found were like for the models, not the UI widgets. [19:28] <kenvandine> elopio, look at tests/plugins/system-update [19:28] <kenvandine> oh... maybe they don't do UI [19:28] <elopio> dobey: yes, qmltestrunner. Just using qmlscene here to find out how to isolate the qml file. [19:28] <kenvandine> oh, and network isn't qml [19:29] <ogra_> Kekambas, so go ahead ... thats pretty easy :) [19:29] <mariogrip> Tassadar: okay, i think i got everything to ready for ubuntu touch work with multirom on my oneplus one now. i will give it test now. [19:29] <kenvandine> i guess all we have are unit tests there [19:29] <kenvandine> i thought there was something.... [19:29] <Kekambas> ogra_ i really dont think it will be that simple [19:29] <Kekambas> its kinda complicated [19:29] <kenvandine> elopio, well i'm open for it, as long as it doesn't make the plugin public [19:29] <dobey> yes, browsers are very complicated [19:29] <elopio> kenvandine: which are great. We also need more of those unit tests :) [19:30] <dobey> well, web browsers are. a grocery list browser maybe not so much [19:30] <mariogrip> Tassadar: btw, if multiromgr has downloaded ubuntu touch and failed to install, do it need to download it again? [19:30] <Tassadar> you can check the box in settings [19:30] <Tassadar> to not download it again [19:30] <ogra_> Kekambas, ... feel free to grab my code as a starting point (or to learn) [19:31] <elopio> kenvandine: I don't know anything about private modules. Would it be a problem moving plugin/time-date/* to pluign/test-date/Ubuntu/SystemSettings/TimeDate, for example? [19:31] <mariogrip> Tassadar: ok, thanks [19:31] <Tassadar> it deletes it by default, because it takes a lot of space [19:31] <elopio> sorry, s/test-date/time-date [19:31] <Kekambas> ogra_ thank you, will do [19:32] <kenvandine> elopio, we could do that and still be private [19:32] <kenvandine> but i'd need to think about it [19:32] <kenvandine> i have to step out for a few, bbl [19:33] <zzarr> hello fellow ubuntu users, I'm trying to find out how to install ubuntu on my phone, a Motorola Droid 4, I have downloaded the latest cyanogenmod and phablet debootstrap [19:34] <zzarr> but, I feel lost, I don't have any idea how to proceed [19:35] <ogra_> there is a porting guide ... see the topic [19:36] <zzarr> I know, I try to follow it [19:37] <ogra_> i guess you rather want the AOSP source btw ... [19:37] <ogra_> i think thats available forthe droid, no ? [19:37] <zzarr> I tried to find it, but I don't think it is [19:39] <Kekambas> ogra_, does all scopes and apps are together? [19:40] <zzarr> is there a step by step porting guide for ubuntu using cm? [19:40] <ogra_> Kekambas, can you re-phrase that ? [19:41] <Kekambas> ogra_ ok, i thought that apps and scopes where in different menus [19:42] <ogra_> apps and scopeds appear differently on the phone [19:42] <Kekambas> ogra_ i cant find any scope menu [19:42] <ogra_> on your phone you mean ? [19:42] <Kekambas> yes [19:42] <ogra_> swipe from the bottom up ... [19:42] <ogra_> if there is no app open [19:43] <ogra_> there you get the scope manager [19:43] <Kekambas> ok [19:43] <Kekambas> i have to swipe like to open the task manager [19:43] <Kekambas> ? [19:44] <Kekambas> from right to left? [19:44] <Kekambas> ooooo [19:44] <Kekambas> nvm [19:44] <Kekambas> i got u [19:47] <Sleep_Walker> so in general, click packages are like deb packages with different prefix directory [19:47] <ogra_> lol [19:47] <Sleep_Walker> am I wrong? [19:48] <ogra_> click packages are internally like debs, thats about right ... but clicks have no postinst scripts that could alter anything, and have no dependencies ... and they are integrated with apparmor [19:48] <ogra_> so their execution environment is extremely limited [19:49] <Sleep_Walker> apparmor - I feel safe already : [19:49] <Sleep_Walker> :) [19:51] <dobey> click packages don't have a "prefix" either really. everything has to work within it's own arbitrary sub-directory that it is installed to, without having paths hardcoded in the build [19:51] <Sleep_Walker> but yes, it makes sense, but also it removes all the benefits of package management and shared libraries - there will be no dependencies... [19:52] <zzarr> if I use cm as base for the android lxc, what files would I need? [19:52] <ogra_> it adds the benefits of being able to ship only the libs you need at the version you need inside the click ... at the cost of diskspace though [19:52] <zzarr> will I need* [19:52] <dobey> Sleep_Walker: well, not all. the SDK is the set of dependencies an app has. anything outside the scope of the SDK should be included in the app package itself [19:53] <ogra_> zzarr, you need a completely cut down build of the HAL without java and everything, with the ubuntu bits (hybris) added [19:54] <zzarr> yes, I know, no dalvik... only drivers [19:54] <ogra_> and the services the drivers need to be able to function [19:54] <zzarr> but where are the drivers located? [19:55] <dobey> and a kernel build with the ubuntu features/patches enabled [19:55] <zzarr> yes, them too [19:55] <dobey> ie, apparmor and such [19:55] <ogra_> right [19:55] <dobey> you have to get the drivers from Motorola I presume (or they should already be in an AOSP tree soewhere) [19:55] <ogra_> for the binary drivers there is likely some info in CM that you can find about where to get them [19:56] <ogra_> for the kernel drivers ... well, you build a kernel with your build [19:57] <zzarr> I have built kernels for debian, is it the same? [19:57] <ogra_> have you ever built android before ? [19:58] <ogra_> (and no, it is not the same ) [19:58] <ogra_> it definitely helps if oyu have some experience with android building ... if you dont, be prepared that you need to learn more :) [19:59] <zzarr> I think /system/vendor looks interesting [20:04] <zzarr> do I need the hole /system/vendor folder? [20:17] <zzarr> I get this message: both HOST_OUT and PRODUCT_OUT should be set at this point but what values should I set them to? [20:18] <brunch875> damn! My brother just stomped my ubuntu installation by installing a newer windows [20:18] <brunch875> windows sure is partition-friendly [20:19] <zzarr> windows is headache friendly [20:21] <zzarr> you should be able to boot from a usb-stick or cd and mount your system (mount it as it was mounted when running) [20:21] <brunch875> I believe the entire partition was wiped [20:22] <brunch875> because I couldn't find it with grub rescue [20:22] <brunch875> oh well [20:22] <zzarr> ohh... :( [20:22] <brunch875> it doesn't matter, git rocks <3 [20:23] <zzarr> yes, but installing all the packages and everything take some time [20:23] <BOHverkill> brunch875: yes it does ;) [20:23] <zzarr> depending on hardware and internet [20:23] <brunch875> right now i'm on the live USB I always have with me [20:23] <brunch875> but it takes awful long to boot [20:23] <zzarr> :) [20:24] <brunch875> makes me wonder if ubuntu-touch will give us a faster liveUSB :) [20:24] <brunch875> I'm very excited about the whole project [20:24] <zzarr> me too [20:28] <mzanetti> ogra_, hmm... imgur-share seems to work fine here [20:29] <zzarr> dang, I hate websites that throw messages in my face, especially when I'm about to click on a link and hit another... sorry I just got a bit frustrated [20:29] <ogra_> mzanetti, weird, must be some network issue on my side then :/ [20:30] <zzarr> anyone how know what HOST_OUT and PRODUCT_OUT are for? [20:32] <zzarr> well I have to sleep, it's getting late [20:33] <zzarr> bye [20:33] <brunch875> good night zzarr [20:41] <studio_> one question, is i deleted too much missing icons/links for the desktop (.desktop) will they be "re-newed" on the next update? [20:46] <mcphail> studio_: icons are renewed if you reinstall the app [20:48] <dobey> if the app is installed and you just rmed the file from ~/.local/share/applications/ they will be recreated on reboot [20:48] <studio_> hmm. not sure what app is missing now on vivid, but i have seen some scopes do not have an icon. for exp. 7digital, Amazon, eBay, etc. where to delete these scopes? [20:52] <dobey> deleting the scopes probably won't fix the missing icons [20:52] <dobey> The ones that are remote scopes, you also can't really delete; you just unfavorite them [20:54] <studio_> dobey, when i am on applications and i wipe up there are scopes with a missing icons [20:54] <dobey> ok [20:54] <dobey> so file a bug [20:55] <studio_> no [20:55] <studio_> the bug is to change from 14.10 to vivid [20:55] <dobey> *sigh* [20:55] <studio_> that bug is known [20:55] <dobey> then wait for an update that fixes it [20:56] <studio_> ok [21:18] <studio_> is still someone here? [21:19] <studio_> what about an voice memo app? is there one? [21:36] <muka> studio_, I do not know but go to terminal and enter arecord <file-name> [21:38] <muka> arecord ~/Music/record_001.wav [21:39] <muka> this should work [21:43] <mibofra> hi guys, a question. The ubuntu touch images for x86 generic platforms are based on aosp (flipped-mode, kernel and hardware control, into lxc) as the arm based images? [21:44] * mibofra has not had the time to test them really, so that's why he's asking :) .
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BOHverkill", "DanChapman", "Elleo", "JamesTait", "Kekambas", "Mirv", "Se7", "Sleep_Walker", "SturmFlut", "Tassadar", "aSheepie", "amu_poi", "beuno", "brunch875", "camelo", "cwayne", "cylonmath", "dadexix86", "davmor2", "dednick", "dholbach", "dobey", "dpm", "elopio", "faenil", "jdstrand", "jgdx", "jhodapp", "john-mcaleely", "karni", "kenvandine", "lotuspsychje", "lotuspsychje_", "luxpir", "mariogrip", "matv1", "mcphail", "mibofra", "muka", "mzanetti", "nik90", "ogra_", "pmcgowan", "popey", "richi_", "slangasek", "studio_", "tedg", "zzarr" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[10:04] <robert_ancell> Has anyone tried Mir with the open VC4 driver (i.e. on a Raspberry Pi)? [12:51] <kdub> groan, I rewrote geom::Displacement [12:55] <kdub> robert_ancell, i havent tried, but there seems to be an android driver around for it, so it stands a good chance of working [13:06] <kdub> robert_ancell, but, you probably meant,, which also stands a good chance of working with the mesa platform [13:11] <robert_ancell> kdub, yeah that.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "kdub", "robert_ancell" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mir" }
[00:09] <PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~~ [00:12] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ [00:16] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 상쾌한 월요일 아침 입니다 ~~ ㅎㅎ [00:25] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 ~~ [00:33] <jason_kr_> hi~ [00:33] <jason_kr_> brb [00:54] <HolyKnight> @kbsnewstweet: 수도권에서만 한해 성인 '만 5천 명'이 원래 수명보다 일찍 숨진다는 연구 결과가 나왔는데요. 문제는, 미세먼지 등 대기오염 때문이었습니다. [02:42] <HolyKnight> [05:11] <HolyKnight> [06:00] <AutoWiZ_znc> 홀리나이트님은 저런거 어디서 퍼오세요? ㅎㅎ [06:00] <AutoWiZ_znc> 즐 웃음 주셔서 감사합니다. [06:22] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅎ [07:27] <pchero_work> 안녕하세요. :) ㅎㅎㅎ [07:37] <PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~~ [07:45] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 [07:48] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ [07:50] <AutoWiZ_znc> 나른나른 노곤노곤 한 하루 네요 [07:58] <pchero_work> 오랫만입니다. ㅎㅎ [08:06] <AutoWiZ_znc> 네네 ㅎㅎ [08:50] <HolyKnight> 서니찡 [08:50] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ [08:54] <Seony> 안녕하세요ㅕ [08:54] <Seony> 와우 하는 중 ㅎㅎ [08:55] <Seony> 아직 결제 안했는데 해야할지 모르겠네요 [13:06] <razgon_MBP> 아름다운 밤입니다. [13:07] <cartes9> 네 그렇습니다. 멋진 밤입니다. [13:21] <razgon_MBP> 아... 피곤한 밤입니다. [13:21] <razgon_MBP> 비오고 난뒤에 잠이 반쯤든...ㅎ [17:42] <samahui_> 좋은 새벽입니다 [17:42] <samahui_> ㅜㅜ [18:37] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [21:11] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 [21:13] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [21:13] <AutoWiZ_znc> 오늘도 좋은 하루 되세요~~ [21:13] <Work^Seony> 넵 감사합니다. AutoWiZ_znc님도 즐거운 하루~ ㅎㅎ [21:20] <AutoWiZ_znc> 삼바는 느리다고 생각했었는데 전혀 그렇지 않군요 .. 그치만 가능하면 쓰고 싶지는 않은 ㅋ [21:23] <Work^Seony> 삼바가 속도는 괜찮아요 [21:23] <Work^Seony> 윈도우 유저 입장에서 쓰기도 편하고... [23:54] <razGon_MINILA> [23:54] <razGon_MINILA> 대항품 [23:55] <Work^Seony> 무슨 대항품이요? [23:55] <jun__> 안녕하세요~ [23:56] <Work^Seony> jun__, 안녕하세요 [23:56] <jun__> 주말에 쭉 일하구.. 어제는 상가집ㅇ을 갔다가 이제 왓씁니다~ [23:56] <Work^Seony> 흐... 주말에 일하시고 바쁘시네요... [23:56] <Work^Seony> 와우 북미섭 해보셨어요? [23:56] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아이고 힘드셨겠네요 [23:56] <jun__> 주말에는 못들어갔어요~ [23:56] <AutoWiZ_znc> 라즈곤님 안녕하세요~ [23:56] <Work^Seony> 아.. 와우 결제를 해야할지 말아야할지 고민이... ㅎㅎ [23:57] <jun__> 사람이 많고 할만하다면 결제도 나쁘진 않은데;;; 전 무료 플레이 시간이 그냥 쭉쭉 사라지는 중이네요 ㅎㅎ [23:58] <razGon_MINILA> 저희 아이에게 선물할 노트북... [23:58] <razGon_MINILA> HP 스트림11에 대한 대항품요. [23:58] <razGon_MINILA> 안녕하세요? 오토님.ㅋ [23:58] <Work^Seony> jun__, 인벤 와우 게시판 보니까 사람은 많은거 같아요. 다만 저랑 시간대가 안맞으니 ㅎㅎ
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AutoWiZ_znc", "HolyKnight", "PotatoGim", "Seony", "Work^Seony", "cartes9", "jason_kr_", "jun__", "pchero_work", "razGon_MINILA", "razgon_MBP", "samahui_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[12:02] <rbasak> I'd like to upload a fix for the apport hook in mysql-5.6. Currently it doesn't get installed at all. [12:02] <rbasak> I think no images have been rolled yet so this should be OK? [12:15] <pitti> rbasak: yes, and we're still working on some installer fixes anyway [12:16] <rbasak> OK thanks! [12:16] <rbasak> Just testing my fix now. Should be done in an hour or two (it takes a while to build!) [12:18] <pitti> rbasak: oh, you could just copy the fixed hook into your test env? [12:19] <rbasak> pitti: I could, and that works. But that doesn't check if I screwed something up in packaging. Which I did in my first attempt :) [13:49] <jibel> infinity, bug 1446231 [13:57] <diwic> Hi, I'm wondering if a bug is critical enough to upload a fix right now or if I should wait for the SRU period. It's bug 1445358 [14:00] <infinity> diwic: Is it pulseaudio that's broken, or the langpacks? [14:00] <infinity> pitti: ^ [14:00] <diwic> infinity, pulseaudio [14:00] <infinity> diwic: Either way, I think it's worth fixing. [14:01] <diwic> infinity, ok, I'll prepare an upload then [14:01] <infinity> diwic: The way I'm reading the bug, it sounded like the langpacks were broken, since they say recompiling the .mo from the PA source and slapping it in place works. [14:02] <infinity> diwic: But I'm happy if you tell me otherwise. [14:02] <diwic> infinity, I think that might be if somebody localised things on an Ubuntu level instead of upstream level [14:03] <diwic> infinity, somebody localised "yes" in a function where it should not have been localised and so pulseaudio is confused when it tries to parse e g "ja" instead of "yes" [14:04] <infinity> diwic: Sure, but I think PA is stripped, so if you fix the package, we still need to fix the langpacks. Which we can probably manage, but we'll see. [14:04] <infinity> diwic: Anyhow, fix the package, and we'll sort out the next steps. [14:05] <diwic> infinity, but if I change the package not to localise the "yes" will it require fixing the langpacks too? Will there not just be an unused translation of "yes" in them? [14:05] <infinity> diwic: Oh, that might indeed work. [14:06] <infinity> diwic: Let's see the diff, and w'ell figure it out from there. [14:06] <diwic> ok [14:30] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Is this bug still on the cards? [14:36] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Yeah, I'm going to try to squeeze it in. [15:01] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Excellent. [15:16] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Are you aware of this? - [15:58] <infinity> flexiondotorg: I'm aware of it. Unless someone proposes a decent fix, I don't consider it RC. Not being able to use the trash in the live environment isn't, IMO, a bug, and the error message is just cosmetically icky. [15:58] <infinity> flexiondotorg: The MATE behaviour of telling you the trash doesn't work and offering a permanent deletion is fine, some of the other flavours are a bit more ugly, but it's not world-ending. [16:15] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Oops. I pasted the wrong link. [16:15] <flexiondotorg> infinity, I agree that one is not RC. [16:16] <flexiondotorg> infinity, This one however? - [16:22] <infinity> flexiondotorg: That's more bad, but also not a regression from utopic, as far as I can tell form the bug log. [16:22] <infinity> flexiondotorg: So, I'd love to see it fixed, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either. [16:24] <infinity> flexiondotorg: It also seems to be more than one bug mixed together in the comments, given that some say 3.19 fixes it, and some don't. [16:56] <wxl> infinity: would you be so kind as to accept lxsession 0.5.2-0ubuntu2 so that lxde doesn't have all sorts of annoying permission issues? [16:59] <infinity> wxl: It's been in the release pocket for 4 hours already. So, sure. [16:59] <infinity> wxl: [17:02] <wxl> oh derp i'm behind. thanks infinity :) [17:05] <wxl> now to schedule a rebuild… [17:13] <flexiondotorg> infinity, - Reproduced on Ubuntu in the live session and installed system using current 15.04 daily. [17:39] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Doesn't look RC to me either, but reassigning to samba at least. [17:41] <wxl> thx pitti! [17:41] <pitti> wxl: what? [17:42] <wxl> pitti: [17:42] <wxl> argh stupid google urls [17:42] <wxl> bug 1445587 [17:43] <pitti> wxl: oh, you're welcome :) that took all day :( [17:43] <wxl> yikes bummer [17:43] <pitti> wxl: I went off the completely wrong path initially [17:44] <wxl> pitti: happens sometimes [17:47] <wxl> balloons: that bug 1445587 will probably require a rebuild/addendum to your call for testing ☺ [17:48] <balloons> wxl, I tried to wait until today to re-send the announce to get past some of these initial bugs :-) [17:48] <balloons> there will always be something eh? [17:48] <wxl> indeed, indeed [17:49] <balloons> better to get more folks attacking things early [17:49] <wxl> i already got through our second rebuild XD [18:58] <wxl> pitti: i'm not sure if you';re the right guy for this but i see the new ubiquity is in the proposed pocket. will that eventually get moved to release, so i can schedule a rebuild? [19:46] <micahg> infinity: will there be a round of ubuntu-archive removal bugs processed before release? it seems there are quite a few out there [21:36] <ianorlin> pitti: I still have the enter not getting it to restart after the install problem on my laptop [21:40] <wgrant> ianorlin: With which image? [21:40] <ianorlin> 4f6a788d674eef64a81ca0bf03b97ef0 vivid-desktop-amd64.iso [21:40] <ianorlin> for 420.1 which just got respun with the fix [21:41] <wxl> wgrant: yeah pitti's 2.21.23 is in the manifest [21:41] <wxl> so it SHOULD work [21:47] <wxl> balloons: are you going to rebuild for reboot now fix? it seems based on some limited testing it's not working for us [21:48] <balloons> wxl, infinity owns the controls for this release [21:48] <balloons> wxl, that said I don't see why not, but it'll likely get bundled [21:50] <wxl> balloons: it seems that no image has the update in it. it would have to be at least version 20150420. i think we're the only ones. if you have anyone to verify that might save others the trouble of rebuilding.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "balloons", "diwic", "flexiondotorg", "ianorlin", "infinity", "jibel", "micahg", "pitti", "rbasak", "wgrant", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-release" }
[06:55] <dholbach> good morning [14:59] <Fantu> in trusty gvfs have important/critical bug solved upstream but not applied [14:59] <Fantu> [15:00] <Fantu> [15:02] <Fantu> can someone apply the fix to trusty and precise please? [15:03] <Fantu> [15:28] <rbasak> Fantu: can you follow please? [15:29] <rbasak> Fantu: first it needs fixing in Vivid. Can you confirm if it has already been fixed, or still needs fixing? [16:30] <Fantu> rbasak in vivid is already fixed upstream
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Fantu", "dholbach", "rbasak" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-motu" }
[17:02] <Christopher-Were> Hi, I've recently updated Lubuntu 14.10 inside of a virtual machine and now when I boot up I get a kernal panic [17:02] <holstein> kernel? [17:02] <holstein> you get a message? or, you have something that is making you think you have a kernel panic? [17:03] <Christopher-Were> I'll pull up a screen shot 1 sec [17:03] <holstein> you updated lubuntu 14.04? with something like "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"? can you locate an older kernel and try booting it, please.. [17:03] <holstein> if youcan get in with the older kernel, run the command i gave, and share errors.. [17:04] <Christopher-Were> there's no older kernal on the grub menu [17:04] <holstein> you only have one kernel? in the list? you have no "older entries"? [17:04] <Christopher-Were> nope [17:05] <holstein> you should have a recovery mode for the one kernel you have.. can you get into it? [17:06] <Christopher-Were> at the moment it's not booting into anything. It's just a blank blck screen before it even gets to the grub menu [17:07] <Christopher-Were> okay I'm at the grub menu and it only lists 3.18 and no other kernal [17:08] <holstein> sure, so, where i suggest to boot the recovery kernel mode, for that kernel, try that [17:08] <Christopher-Were> it gives me options of systemd, upstream and recovery mode, but all of those cause the same kernal panic [17:08] <holstein> you should see "older kernels".. [17:08] <holstein> why are you saying "kernel panic"? does something say that? [17:08] <Christopher-Were> yes it says kernal panic [17:09] <Christopher-Were> I'll send over a screenshot of the error [17:09] <holstein> Christopher-Were: can you get into the recovery mode? yes or no? [17:09] <Christopher-Were> no [17:10] <holstein> i think you are in the chroot in and fix something state.. [17:10] <holstein> i would start with a live iso, and see if the file system can be repaired [17:12] <Christopher-Were> Is upgrading in ubuntu even stable? this isn't the first like upgrading has caused me problems [17:12] <holstein> Christopher-Were: i dont know what you are referencing, friend [17:13] <holstein> if you mean, upgrading the version from 14.04 to 14.10, sure, that *can* be stable [17:13] <holstein> but, there can also be issues.. [17:13] <holstein> is that what you did? or did you just do a system update? [17:13] <Christopher-Were> I mean just upgrading within the same release, which is what seems to have caused this problem [17:14] <holstein> Christopher-Were: i dont konw what you have upgraded, or how [17:14] <holstein> Christopher-Were: also, if you have 3rd party sources, or not.. [17:14] <Christopher-Were> i don't have any [17:14] <Christopher-Were> thanks very much for your help, but i've got somewhere to be right now. Maybe Lubuntu isn't stable enough for y uses anyways. Thanks bye. [17:14] <holstein> one should always have backkups, regardless.. in virtulized os's, i'll take a snapshot [17:35] <rawhead> Hi all [17:36] <rawhead> Could anyone help. I got Logitech usb mouse, MX500. It moves slow on lubuntu [21:15] <Christopher-Were> Hi, does anyone know where I can change my default sound device in Lubuntu 14.10? [21:19] <Christopher-Were> hello? [21:23] <Christopher-Were> Hi, does anyone know where I can change my default sound device in Lubuntu 14.10? [21:24] <Unit193> alsamixer and hit F6 to select sound device. [21:25] <Christopher-Were> that doesn't change my default sound device. [21:25] <Christopher-Were> What I'm looking for is the ability for the taskbar slider to corrispond with by usb sound device [21:26] <Unit193> Might be easier for you to use pulseaudio. [21:26] <Unit193> !pulseaudio [21:26] <Christopher-Were> I've installed pulseaudio [21:26] <Christopher-Were> but I'm having a little difficulty in how to selected my default output device [21:35] <Christopher-Were> The issue is that I'd like the volume control on the taskbar to work with my usb card [21:35] <Kamilion> Christopher-Were: that's supposed to be what pulseaudio is for; finding ALSA based audio devices and managing them. In your case, it should be trying to select your USB device in preference to any onboard audio chips. [21:36] <Kamilion> uhh, it's been a while, but I know there's a number of gui and cli tools for poking at pulseaudio's state. [21:37] <Kamilion> if I remember correctly, the package is pavucontrol to get the graphical pulseaudio tool [21:37] <Christopher-Were> I've got pavucontrol up but it can change what the taskbar mixer corrisponds too [21:37] <Christopher-Were> I've also got the xfce4-mixer but that's no help either [21:37] <Kamilion> most of those will be controlling alsa's mixer [21:37] <Kamilion> IIRC [21:37] <wxl> Christopher-Were: alsamixer [21:37] <Unit193> Kamilion: That it is, but I believe the lxpanel plugin works with alsa. [21:38] <Kamilion> that'll set the hardware volume controls, yes [21:38] <Kamilion> but it won't let him choose the output device, from memory. [21:38] <wxl> sure it will [21:38] <Kamilion> normally pulse takes care of it automatically -- when I plug my plantronics headset in, it correctly moves the audio over to it without me doing anything. [21:38] <Christopher-Were> okay, because my usb headphones have a volume control on them which works with the volume slider in the taskbar, do I need to use a different applet? [21:39] <Kamilion> Oh, wait... Uh, how much did you pay for that USB audio device? [21:39] <Christopher-Were> why do u ask? [21:39] * Kamilion has a little one here from china that says it's 7.1 channel cmedia chipset, but the volume control is either ALL THE WAY UP or whispers and nothing in between [21:39] <Kamilion> /me has a little $4 one here from china that says it's 7.1 channel cmedia chipset, but the volume control is either ALL THE WAY UP or whispers and nothing in between [21:39] <Kamilion> even on windows. [21:40] <Christopher-Were> Oh my headset was about £30. The volume controls work fine in KDE [21:40] <Kamilion> I ended up using the volume dial on my speakers for that :/ [21:40] <Kamilion> okay, so the mixer does work. [21:40] <Kamilion> so we've ruled out hardware fault if KDE demonstrates proper behavior [21:41] <Christopher-Were> the usb mixers works, the volume slider in the taskbar picks it up, but when I change the volume via the controls it changes the volume of the onboard soundcard which I don't want [21:41] <Kamilion> ohh. [21:41] <Kamilion> So you're trying to get the tray control to target a different device [21:41] <Kamilion> gotcha [21:41] <Christopher-Were> presumably because the tasbar slide changes the volume of the default sound device [21:41] <Christopher-Were> exactly Kamilion [21:41] <Kamilion> <--- you can see mine here, on this system. [21:42] <Kamilion> but that's being fed to the VMs through vmware workstation [21:42] <Christopher-Were> i see [21:42] <Kamilion> gimme a couple minutes to poke vmware and set the device up for USB passthrough to a VM [21:43] <Kamilion> and I'll see if I can replicate your issue. [21:43] <Christopher-Were> maybe there's another taskbar volume applet I can use? if the lxde one only uses alsa [21:43] <Kamilion> I think there's a couple others [21:43] <Christopher-Were> I know KMix works, but obviously that would be kinda clunky with LXDE [21:43] <Kamilion> check the software store for 'mixer' or search through the package lists with synaptic [21:43] <Kamilion> oh, don't worry about that [21:43] <Kamilion> I have kvirc installed on my lubuntu box [21:44] <Kamilion> it brought in half of KDE, but I don't care [21:44] <ianorlin> depends how much resources you have though [21:44] <Kamilion> i just want my pretty, themed IRC client. [21:44] <Kamilion> yeah. The libs on disk are pretty small, only a few hundred megs... [21:44] <Christopher-Were> I have 16gigs of ram so resources aren't an issue, but I'd like it to be as snappy as possibly [21:45] <Kamilion> as long as you're running lubuntu, there ain't much else running in the background to slow things down. [21:45] <Kamilion> :D [21:45] <Kamilion> The only bone I can throw you is, try some other mixers from the repository and see what works [21:45] <Kamilion> a good trick for that is grabbing a livecd, stuffing it on a USB stick [21:46] <Christopher-Were> the xfce4 one seems like it might do the job [21:46] <Kamilion> and installing packages on that to find one that works best before committing to installing it on your main disk [21:47] <Christopher-Were> im sorry, what do you mean by that? [21:51] <Kamilion> whoops, sorry. [21:51] <Kamilion> hadda step away from the KB for a moment, guess it was a moment too long. [22:00] <Christopher-Were> hmm no success as of yet [22:09] <Christopher-Were> Okay, I'm not finding any suitable ways to deal with this. [22:11] <Christopher-Were> I don't understand why this is so difficult on Lubuntu or why other people for some reason haven't had to deal with this [22:13] <Christopher-Were> Is there a way I can have an icon in the taskbar open pauvcontrol? Since it doesn't appear the LXDE's menus there doesn't seem to be an option to add it to the taskbar as an application launcher [22:15] <Christopher-Were> Is anyone still here? [22:17] <ianorlin> yes with volume prefrences on the applet [22:17] <ianorlin> or volume control settings once pavucontrol is installed [22:18] <Christopher-Were> i think i need to explain the problem again, you're not the person who was just helping me [22:19] <ianorlin> I was reading the scrollback [22:20] <Christopher-Were> I have a usb interface which is not my on-board soundcard. I'd like the volume mixer in the taskbar to corrispond with my usb device not the onboard card. Now apparently this is impossible because LXDE works with alsa not pulse audio, which means I need a new audio mixer. I've tried the xfce4 one but it doesn't seem to want to work. [22:21] <Christopher-Were> Is there a simple audio mixer which fits into the system tray where I can select my device. Or can I just click a launcher to launch pavucontrol since I know that works. It's a clunky solution, but at this point I'll take it. [22:22] <Christopher-Were> basically a gtk version of kmix [22:27] <Christopher-Were> Dang it, now I've lost all sound [22:27] <Christopher-Were> I dn't understand why this is so difficult [22:30] <Christopher-Were> So if I wanted to launch pavucontrol from the taskbar. How would I go about it? [22:31] <ianorlin> right click on the quick launch area and click application launch bar settings [22:32] <Christopher-Were> okay, I'm there now [22:32] <Christopher-Were> It seems to be allowing me to add menu items, not custom commands [22:33] <ianorlin> ah you would need a to create a .desktop file for that [22:33] <Christopher-Were> seriously? [22:37] <Christopher-Were> I think my PC setup might be a bit too much for Lubuntu. Do you know if it's possible to do a "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-desktop" and remove lubuntu by "sudo apt-get purge lubuntu-desktop"? [22:37] <Christopher-Were> or am I just playing with fire with that? [22:37] <ianorlin> lubuntu-desktop is just a metapacakge [22:37] <ianorlin> Christopher-Were: I don't actually have a usb audio device though [22:37] <Christopher-Were> yes but apt-get autoremove should work everything else out right?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Christopher-Were", "Kamilion", "Unit193", "holstein", "ianorlin", "rawhead", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[10:10] <a55h0l3> siema w jakie gry gracie? cos niewymagajacego graficznie ;) [10:11] <gjm> pasjans [10:11] <a55h0l3> @gjm: klasyk :) a cos mniej popularnego? [10:11] <gjm> saper [10:11] <a55h0l3> nie no postaraj sie bardziej ;) [10:12] <Ashiren> systemd [10:12] <a55h0l3> +Ashiren: dzieki juz sprawdzam ;) [10:13] <a55h0l3> heh ;) [10:13] <Ashiren> TheNumb uwielbia te gre [10:13] <a55h0l3> zart ;) [10:13] <a55h0l3> dzis odkrylem dust racing 2d ;) [10:14] <a55h0l3> w co tam jeszcze pykacie? ;) [10:15] <a55h0l3> time wasters! [10:21] <ftpd> Podnoszę 10.04 do 14.04, trzymajcie kciuki. [10:21] <ftpd> jakim cudem się takie muzeum zachowało... [10:23] <TheNumb> Ashiren: tak, lubię grać w systemd. [10:27] <Ashiren> TheNumb: ktory level [10:27] <TheNumb> Ashiren: 219 [10:28] <Ashiren> niemozliwe, pewnie na cheatach jedziesz [10:53] <dweller> ftpd: gruba przeinstaluj na końcu [10:53] <dweller> inaczej nie wstanie [10:54] <ftpd> dweller: Spokojnie. [10:54] <ftpd> Już dawno wstał. [10:54] <dweller> just sayin [10:54] <ftpd> Znalazłem drugiego. [10:54] <ftpd> W sumie robię to tylko po to, że nie ma puppeta 3.7 pod lucid. [10:57] <dweller> meh [14:47] <saxan> witam! zna ktoś sposób na antyaliasing czcionek podczas zoomu, chodzi mi o funkcję podobną jak w OSX tj. zoom = zaokragla czcionki. os: linux mint xfce, googlowalem i nie znalazłem lub źle odpytuję przeglądarkę [17:59] <a55h0l3> czesc lamal ktos klucze dostepu do routerow upc? [18:04] <DaZ> patrzcie go, haker [18:04] <DaZ> haker w moim internecie :3 [18:04] <a55h0l3> no mam 2 siln sygnaly od 2 sasiadow i chetnie bym sie podpial :P [18:05] <a55h0l3> a nigdy w tym nie odnioslem sukcesu, bawilem sie cos tam pare razy kiedys ;) [18:07] <a55h0l3> routery upc maja fabrycznie hasla z 8 duzych liter, tyle wiem hehe [18:08] <a55h0l3> can anybody help ;) [18:08] <a55h0l3> ? [18:11] <a55h0l3> dobra zrobie to Mitnick Style - wnije sie do nich na ciastko i spytam czy moge cos sprawdzic na ich kompie :P [18:11] <a55h0l3> dzieki za pomoc :D [18:11] <BlessJah> nie, nie pomożemy w przełamywaniu zabezpieczeń [18:11] <Ashiren> ale ostro [18:12] <BlessJah> Ashiren: że ja? [18:13] <Ashiren> eeyup [18:13] <Ashiren> as wyszdl od razu [18:13] <Ashiren> argh klawiatura [18:13] <BlessJah> i tak sie zbieral [18:30] <gjm> :> [18:32] <gjm> w ogóle to jakiś dupek [18:33] <gjm> iykwim
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ashiren", "BlessJah", "DaZ", "TheNumb", "a55h0l3", "dweller", "ftpd", "gjm", "saxan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[00:41] <RAOF> Hm. How do you guys iterate quickly on testing kernel patches? make deb-pkg takes more time building packages than building the kernel. [00:47] <ohsix> use the .config from one of the distro kernels and just copy the one out of your working tree to /boot & boot it [00:48] <stgraber> RAOF: they don't use regular build machines ;) [00:48] <ohsix> you could probably use hg or whatever, and the actual ubuntu kernels with patches but i dunno [00:49] <ohsix> also that, or something like ccache so the redundant work avoidance is moved out of the build tree [00:50] <RAOF> Yeah, probably just copying the vmlinux out to /boot would be the best thing. [00:50] <RAOF> I don't *think* I'm touching any module code :) [00:51] <ohsix> very rarely is it material to what you're doing that you have to take the long way around [00:52] <ohsix> depending on what you're doing you can just start qemu with the vmlinux in tree [00:52] <RAOF> That would probably be best, actually. [00:56] <RAOF> What I'd *really* like is to be able to bind-mount a directory to share with the qemu image, but that seems unlikely :) [00:57] <RAOF> Hm, *actually*, I guess [00:58] <RAOF> No, that wouldn't work. [01:19] <RAOF> Oh, hey. 9p filesystem! [11:16] <Kano> hi, whats up with the git? [11:24] <apw> Kano, what url are you using, as it seems to work for me [11:24] <Kano> the web interface [11:24] <Kano>;a=summary [11:25] <apw> the web interface is down as we were being dos'd via it, it was taken down while we migrate the machine to something more capable [11:26] <Kano> is there a 4.0 kernel with working aufs yet? [11:27] <apw> Kano, i have not tested aufs with it yet, so i do not know, the aufs bits were there and enabled if memeory serves [11:28] <Kano> the aufs module did not build but was enabled by config [11:28] <Kano> whats the git for w? [11:28] <apw> there is no git for w as yet [11:28] <Kano> and the codename is? [11:28] <apw> and we don't have a name yet as far as i know [11:29] <Kano> w is easy to find i guess [11:31] <Kano> wacky wombat, wild wolf ;) [11:32] <Kano> i hope you turn the webinterface back on soon [11:32] <Kano> bye [11:33] <ogra_> apw, how dare you to turn off the web interface ! [11:33] <ogra_> :P [11:37] <apw> ogra_, indeed
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kano", "RAOF", "apw", "ogra_", "ohsix", "stgraber" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-kernel" }
[02:49] <tim`> in vivid I have to boot an older 3.16 kernel instead of 3.19 for keyboard to work on ecryptfs prompt (macbook pro 11,3) -- anyone know if there is a fix for this? Seems like some people have had similar issues in 3.19 because some HID modules were shuffled around and maybe not in the initrd ? [02:53] <tim`> works fine in grub, X and 3.16 ecryptfs prompt :{ [03:11] <tim`> adding modules to my initramfs doesnt seem to help [03:14] <nightfuri> hello guys has anyone got nvidia working with the kernel4.0 ? [05:20] <lotuspsychje> !info gedit [07:58] <lordievader> Good morning. [08:01] <tijnix> morning [08:02] <lordievader> Hey tijnix [08:03] <tijnix> Must say 15.04 runs pretty smooth on my macbook pro, even dualboot :) [08:15] <lordievader> \o/ [08:17] <tijnix> Reading up how i could contribute to the new stuff and in this case mac specific [08:21] <tijnix> Will rollout a few servers also in our test environment, call me crazy but i like systemd [08:28] <lordievader> My server only runs LTS's. [08:29] * lordievader wonders if 15.10 will get Dracut. [08:29] <tijnix> All our production servers run LTS's also, but its fun to have a test env so we can play :) [08:29] <lordievader> That is very true ;) [08:30] <tijnix> Not only Ubuntu, we run a wide variety of distro's [08:30] <lordievader> Same here. [08:30] <tijnix> Anyways traffic should be gone now, to the batmobile! and the office :) [08:33] <lordievader> tijnix: Good luck! [08:40] <Milos_SD> Did anyone here made pulseaudio to have RT priority with systemd, with "User=myuser" paramater in pulseaudio.service file, and didn't have problems with apps accessing pulseaudio? [08:40] <Milos_SD> I have managed to run it as a system service ( in system.slice ), with my user and with RT priority, but no app can access it. Here is the .service file: [08:40] <Milos_SD> maybe the problem is that when I start it like this, there is no dbus-launch and dbus-daemon in it's tree ( it isn't there in systemctl status pulseaudio.service )... [08:40] <Milos_SD> but it is there when I start that service in systemd --user mode. But with that, I can't have RT priority [09:29] <lotuspsychje> !info xfce4 [09:33] <Blizzz> i went pre-release up to 15.04 and found slapd (instance for developing) not restarting. apparently, there is no systemd service therefore? [09:35] <lotuspsychje> !info slapd [09:37] <lotuspsychje> Blizzz: can this help maybe: [09:41] <Blizzz> lotuspsychje: nope ;) [09:41] <Blizzz> lotuspsychje: i filed a bug report: [09:45] <lotuspsychje> Blizzz: does pstree show it running? [09:47] <Blizzz> lotuspsychje: it was not running. there is no systemd service for this, so it cannot be enabled or started using systemctl either. old way with "service" worked however. [09:47] <lotuspsychje> strange [09:53] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [10:00] <Blizzz> and on a KDE note: is the window bar context menu intentionally that ugly? [10:13] <BluesKaj> Blizzz, that's a matter of taste, ugly to you is cool to others [10:24] <Blizzz> BluesKaj: no, it is totally out of place and you cannot read the selected text (white on light grey) [10:31] <BluesKaj> Blizzz, then choose a different window decor in system settings>application style [10:42] <Blizzz> BluesKaj: did you have a look at the screenshot? [10:43] <BluesKaj> yup [10:44] <Blizzz> BluesKaj: can you see "Move To Desktop"? [10:45] <BluesKaj> Blizzz, get over it , just change the decor [10:47] <Blizzz> BluesKaj: it's not the decor. The decor is fine. [10:48] <Blizzz> BluesKaj: it's the context menu, wherever it takes the style from. Something KDE4ish [10:48] <Blizzz> changing the decor has no effect there [10:50] <BluesKaj> update and upgrade then change the colours, the plasma 4 dependent apps etc should integrate with the plasma 5 [10:51] <Blizzz> BluesKaj: tried this already [10:52] <BluesKaj> then ask in #kubuntu-devel , Blizzz [10:52] <Blizzz> k,, thx [12:24] <kj4> hello all [12:25] <kj4> when is xubuntu +1 released, same day? [12:29] <lordievader> Should be, yes. [12:29] <k1l_> i think so. [12:44] <tijnix> Blizzz: i made a quick and dirty slapd.service : [12:45] <tijnix> Just put that in /lib/systemd/system and systemctl enable slapd, might break stuff after an update but works fine here [12:49] <Blizzz> tijnix: awesome, i try it [12:51] <Blizzz> tijnix: works, but ignores my non-standard port [12:53] <Promille> Hey guys. I recently installed the daily build on lenovo thinkad. My issue is that the keyboard is acting strangely. Certain normal characterbuttons does abnormal things. E.g. a certain characterbutton doesnt show the desired character, but turn the volume down. [12:53] <Promille> Is this a known bug[1;6H[3;6~#ubuntu+1 [12:59] <Blizzz> tijnix: works, when I replace SLAPD_URLS with SLAPD_SERVICES in your file [13:00] <Blizzz> tijnix: mind, if I add it to the bug report? [13:06] <tijnix> ofcourse not [13:06] <tijnix> go ahead [13:07] <tijnix> I altered mine also a bit [13:07] <Blizzz> tijnix: what did you change? [13:09] <tijnix> SLAPD_SERVICES and the docu link [13:09] <tijnix> i run my own build openldap on top of the ubuntu one [13:09] <tijnix> why? because i can ;) [13:10] <Blizzz> fair :) [13:13] <tijnix> Time for a break, and coffee and a smoke [13:35] <tijnix> systemctl is called by the initscript btw, via /lib/lss/init-funtions and /lib/lsb/init-functions.d/40-systemd [13:35] <tijnix> l2typ [13:59] <tim`> does 15.04 remove support for keyboards? [14:01] <k1l> i am quite sure i do use a keyboard right now :) [14:01] <tim`> ahh but can you use it at the ecryptfs prompt from your initrd? [14:02] <k1l> ah, that sounds more specific :) i dont use ecryptfs [14:02] <tim`> they shuffled a bunch of modules around in 3.19 kernel i think --- [14:02] <tim`> not being able to load keyboard modules until root is mounted is a problem [14:02] <tim`> :{ [14:04] <tim`> not sure which to add to initramfs -- im assuming anyone running 15.04 default kernel will encounter this [14:04] <tim`> works fine going back to 3.16 kernel [14:06] <alteregoa> 15.04 is that thing ok if i have mate installed. and how keep the actual PPA during upgrade? [15:14] <vlt> Hello. Ubuntu 14.04 introduced several regression bugs in the libav-tools package. Mostly related to blocky artefacts while decoding h.264 IPB material or encoding to DNxHD. How is this handled in (the) following Ubuntu release(s)? Will 15.04 still include these bugs or will an older version be used until these issues are fixed upstream? [15:16] <k1l> see there if the changelog mentions the bugs or see on [15:16] <k1l> and ffmpeg is back in the repos with 15.04 [15:18] <vlt> k1l: Thank you. [15:44] <alteregoa> compile ffmpeg from git source, its hassle free [16:04] <BluesKaj> no need to compile from source, ffmpeg is in the 15.04 repos [17:26] <SCHAAP137> after upgrading from 14.10 to 15.04 (using update-manager -d), my MATE session somehow magically starts AbiWord after logging in [17:27] <SCHAAP137> with a new empty document [17:27] <SCHAAP137> but i did not add it to my startup applications, that's for sure [17:27] <SCHAAP137> anyone else have this?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Blizzz", "BluesKaj", "Milos_SD", "Promille", "SCHAAP137", "alteregoa", "k1l", "k1l_", "kj4", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje", "nightfuri", "tijnix", "tim`", "vlt" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }
[11:35] <ypwong> 还能用吗? [12:57] <zhsj> ypwong: 很慢啊(影响apt-get update啊。。 [12:58] <zhsj> ypwong: 服务器是在哪里的?配置很低还是带宽很小啊? [12:59] <zhsj> ypwong: 另外上次好像问过你做镜像的事,有结果吗? [13:27] <ypwong> zhsj, 我访问不了 [13:27] <ypwong> 不好意思忘了镜像的事,我问问看 [13:29] <zhsj> ypwong: 或许你们可以考虑用cdn分发嘛 [13:32] <ypwong> zhsj, 文件很大呢,有免费的介绍吗 [13:34] <zhsj> ypwong: cdn倒是不清楚呢,七牛、又拍云反正很火呢(另外如果可以镜像的话,可以提供服务呢 [13:36] <ypwong> zhsj, 分发权利要先理清,要金山和搜狗都同意才行 [13:37] <ypwong> 一旦以后有其他商业软件就变得复杂 [13:37] <zhsj> ypwong: 确实很麻烦 [13:37] <zhsj> ypwong: 主要是现在的服务器根本不能用啊 [13:38] <ypwong> zhsj, 是啊,受不了 [13:39] <zhsj> ypwong: 是带宽小还是配置低啊? [13:40] <ypwong> zhsj, 应该是带宽,具体我没问 [13:41] <zhsj> ypwong: 其实镜像的话,跟金山,搜狗说下应该没问题的吧。PS:deepin就把wps,sogou放在主源里了 [13:43] <ypwong> zhsj, deepin不鸟版权,他们没有合作关系,其实是侵权 [13:43] <zhsj> ╮(╯▽╰)╭
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ypwong", "zhsj" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntukylin-devel" }
[09:17] <mup> Bug #1446112 was opened: Can't check power of a "NEW" machine <ui> <MAAS:Triaged> <> [17:57] <mup> Bug #1446323 was opened: [1.8.0b3] Third party drivers display missing from node detail page <oil> <ui> <MAAS:New> <>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "mup" ], "url": "", "channel": "#maas" }
[08:31] * tsdgeos does happy dance [08:31] <tsdgeos> i've been able to reproduce the missing icons [08:31] <tsdgeos> once [08:31] <tsdgeos> let's see if i can reproduce it more [08:31] <tsdgeos> but seems it should [08:37] <Saviq> yay [08:39] <tsdgeos> yeah reproduced [08:39] <tsdgeos> now i need to compile qt with some debug symbols [08:39] <tsdgeos> s/symbols/extra output [08:42] <Mirv> tsdgeos: hey. I ran all AP:s once again during weekend against silo 018, no regressions. and I rebuilt it to fix the symbol problem it had. but I can't still start konsole etc. [08:43] <Mirv> and he dropped [08:44] <Mirv> and he's back [08:44] <Mirv> [repeat] tsdgeos: hey. I ran all AP:s once again during weekend against silo 018, no regressions. and I rebuilt it to fix the symbol problem it had. but I can't still start konsole etc. [08:45] <tsdgeos> :/ [08:48] <Mirv> tsdgeos: if for a moment thinking from our side only, could you give 018 a try on your arale or krillin? I'd especially like you to add Ubuntu One account and try installing applications. I'm not sure if it's a vivid problem in general but I sometimes have trouble with that so that the account adding just endlessly spins or alternatively clicking Install without account yet doesn't bring up the account adding dialog. [08:49] <tsdgeos> Mirv: i found a way to reproduce going to try to get it fixed [08:49] <tsdgeos> or actually [08:49] <tsdgeos> i guess i should try to make it happen in vivid now that i made it happen on rtm [08:49] <tsdgeos> since we're not releasing "old rtm" anymore, right? [08:49] <tsdgeos> next rtm will be vivid afaiu? [08:50] <Mirv> tsdgeos: correct, no more old rtm. I just started landing , I wonder if I should wait to have both? [08:51] <tsdgeos> Mirv: both == the fix for ? [08:51] <tsdgeos> or? [08:51] <Mirv> tsdgeos: both, so include 1430828 fix also in the same landing so one round of testing [08:53] <Mirv> tsdgeos: well, I'll start with 1441822 and if you find a fix before I finish testing I may restart testing the silo so that QA only needs one round of testing [08:53] <Saviq> Mirv, let me know what testing you need, let's let tsdgeos focus on the image bit [08:53] <Saviq> tsdgeos, FWIW, we did not backport your "let other requests go while http stuck" change to the image loading code did we? [08:54] <Mirv> Saviq: ok. so 018 krillin or arale, generic smoke test with special emphasis on installing apps / adding ubuntu account (start with just going to app instllation without first adding an account, and see if account dialog correctly pops up and you can successfully install the app.. if there's problem, try to see if it's anything DBus related or not) [08:55] <Mirv> Saviq: at least bug #1439263 is still open [08:56] <Saviq> Mirv, yeah, there's a few levels of what we were able to do [08:58] <Saviq> Mirv, btw, re: new landing process, so now even if we wanted, we can't land to vivid through citrain, 'cause all silos there have the PPA added as dependency, so there's chance of the PPA having an unwanted impact? [09:01] <Mirv> Saviq: right, in theory that's the case. there are currently just two landings though in the overlay, qtbase (no effect on anything) and net-cpp (maybe effect on something) [09:01] <Mirv> Saviq: but we can also switch the dependencies on request [09:02] <Saviq> Mirv, right, I just wanted to raise awareness, same as when I wrote to Steve that we need those PPAs enabled as deps :) [09:03] <Mirv> yes, it's a very good point and didn't occur to me (that you need to add those deps to all PPA:s like now has been done) [09:03] <Saviq> *that PPA [09:04] <Saviq> tsdgeos, network woes? [09:04] <Saviq> tsdgeos, FWIW, we did not backport your "let other requests go while http stuck" change to the image loading code did we? [09:04] <tsdgeos> Saviq: well i need to play with network dhcp to make the thing fail/work/fail/work [09:04] <tsdgeos> so i'll be unstable today [09:04] <Saviq> (and I'll help Mirv with the testing) [09:04] <tsdgeos> Saviq: not afaik [09:05] <Saviq> tsdgeos, right, that my other suspicion :) [09:06] <Mirv> Saviq: adding that PPA (overylay) dep to all PPA:s (silos), that is [09:06] <Saviq> yup [09:07] <Saviq> tsdgeos, can you point to the right commit? we want to backport it regardless of the async provider bits, right/ [09:07] <tsdgeos> Saviq: so there's two commits [09:07] <tsdgeos> one with tha async provider bits [09:07] <tsdgeos> and another without it [09:08] <Saviq> oh right, so we rather want the full monty [09:09] <tsdgeos> so,unified is just the fix for images not stalled by http [09:09] <tsdgeos> the other one is [09:09] <Saviq> tsdgeos, thanksies [09:29] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, hey, i'm looking at solving in the shell-plugin, using gotoScope(scopeid) signal [09:29] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, looks like it could work, but shell is complaining [09:29] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, "qml: No match for scope with id: mediascanner-video" [09:30] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, ah. i think this is because it's a temporary scope i'm currently in [09:30] <tsdgeos> let me see [09:31] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, so I'm in My Videos, which is not favorited. I open a preview there. In the preview i've a button that executes new search in My Videos. [09:31] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: are you sending a gotoScope? [09:31] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, well, in my modified branch only [09:32] <tsdgeos> it's the only way that warning is triggered [09:32] <tsdgeos> and gotoscope is not ok for non favorite scopes, no? [09:32] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, yes, it's not going to work with temp scopes [09:32] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, we need a new signal then? [09:33] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, e.g. showResults() [09:34] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: give me a sec [09:35] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, i don't like abusing any other signal for that [09:37] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: so what we are doing here is "close previews" [09:37] <tsdgeos> basically? [09:40] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, yes [09:41] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: same question i made the other day, can't we just hide previews if the scope search string changes? [09:41] <tsdgeos> sorry don't remember the answer :D [09:41] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, but this is a common piece of code inside the plugin where i don't know if i'm in the preview, therefore i'd prefer to just signal the need to show results rather than call it 'hidePreview' [09:42] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, no, the query may be the same [09:42] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, the scope may want to just refresh the results [09:42] <tsdgeos> k [09:43] <tsdgeos> then yes, we're going to need a new signal from the scope i guess [09:44] <tsdgeos> there's a showDash signal [09:44] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, there is, yes. would it work? [09:44] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: actaully if you emit that one, it would work already i think [09:44] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, isn't preview the dash as well [09:45] <pstolowski> ok i can try [09:45] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: it is, but we do [09:45] <tsdgeos> ./Dash/GenericScopeView.qml:145: onShowDash: subPageLoader.closeSubPage() [09:45] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, nice [09:45] <tsdgeos> and that will hide the preview [09:45] <tsdgeos> i think :D [09:45] <tsdgeos> since we have [09:45] <tsdgeos> function closePreview() { [09:45] <tsdgeos> subPageLoader.closeSubPage() [09:45] <tsdgeos> :D [09:46] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, ok, thanks, checking [09:56] <Saviq> pstolowski, yeah, showDash should work for that (if it doesn't - our bug), showDash was always meant as "go to dash in response to a preview action" [09:57] <pstolowski> Saviq, yes and no. i found a case where it doesn't do the right thing, but that's the problem of our navigation [09:59] <Saviq> pstolowski, right, it probably doesn't do the right thing when you have a temp scope and you want to go back to that temp scope [09:59] <pstolowski> Saviq, it gets me back to video aggregator view when called from the preview of an aggregated result. i'm now looking if it's a plugin issue [10:00] <Saviq> pstolowski, we're likely closing the temp scope on showDash actually [10:00] <pstolowski> Saviq, ah, this could be the case [10:02] <pstolowski> Saviq, hmm no, it actually breaks if both Videos and MyVideos are favorited.. investigating the plugin [10:09] <Mirv> Saviq: is it a known bug that when one clicks Install and it gives you Ubuntu One dialog, unity8-dash consumes 150% CPU? this is now without PPA since I just upgraded to latest image [10:16] <Mirv> Saviq: bug #1446150 feel free to mark as duplicate [10:18] <Mirv> Saviq: meanwhile, unping related to the account adding problems being 018 specific since I seem to have the same spinning animation on stock image too [10:21] <pstolowski> Saviq, tsdgeos it works! I made a little mistake in the plugin, just fixed it and it works, I've tried all the combinations of temp/favorite with aggregator and a child [10:22] <tsdgeos> :) [10:24] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: so no change needed on our side? [10:32] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, correct [10:33] <tsdgeos> \o/ :D [10:35] <tsdgeos> pstolowski: so i assigned to you [10:35] <pstolowski> tsdgeos, yup, thanks [10:36] <Saviq> Mirv, it feels bug #1441822 could be related [10:38] <Saviq> Mirv, can you confirm CPU goes high without clicking "Install"? [10:42] <tsdgeos> Saviq: soooo, i can reproduce the images bug in rtm but not in ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/krillin.en-proposed [10:42] <tsdgeos> Saviq: question is, should i try to spend some time in rtm trying to fix it? or just wait for something vivid-based to be released and see if others can still reproduce it? [10:43] <Saviq> tsdgeos, can you comment on the bug with steps you used to reproduce [10:43] <tsdgeos> yeah [10:43] <Saviq> tsdgeos, and no, no point in fixing in RTM since we're not releasing that any more [10:43] <tsdgeos> it's what comment #29 said basically [10:43] <tsdgeos> disabled dhcp on my router [10:44] <tsdgeos> but yeah i'll give a full comment info in there [10:45] <Mirv> Saviq: please ask on the bug report so I can check later. I just started AP suites run and don't want to abort. [10:45] <Saviq> Mirv, will do [10:49] <Saviq> /food [13:12] <dandrader> Saviq, so, what's next for shellRotation? [13:12] <Saviq> dandrader, reviews [13:14] <dandrader> mzanetti, ^^ [13:14] <mzanetti> dandrader, is the silo up to date? [13:14] <Saviq> MacSlow, was there any AP failure you were looking at, still? [13:15] <Saviq> mzanetti, not silo, PPA [13:15] <Saviq> dandrader, mzanetti, u8 failed to build on Friday apparently [13:16] <Saviq> dandrader, [13:18] <MacSlow> Saviq, ok... was battling with systemd all morning... but will take a look now [13:18] <dandrader> Saviq, crap, bad merge [13:18] <dandrader> will fix it [13:19] <Saviq> MacSlow, I was asking, not telling ;) [13:20] <MacSlow> Saviq, well... I've not mcuh I can do on the unity8-launcher feature-parity front atm (no feedback from Design yet) so working on the shellRotation-MP comments seems a logical task-switch atm [13:21] <MacSlow> Saviq, we've (you, kgunn) to split the card still [13:22] <Saviq> MacSlow, right, but we've a stable set of tests atm, it's just that review process need to continue? [13:23] <MacSlow> Saviq, I'll do what I can wrt to the MP-comments/requests [13:23] <kgunn> MacSlow: but the question is, is there a known aspect of the test that fails intermittently [13:23] <kgunn> (unrelated to the crashing) [13:24] <kgunn> ? [13:24] <MacSlow> kgunn, no ... the test is fine... from all the MP-comments I see, they are all "this would be nicer to do in such a way" [13:24] <kgunn> got it [13:28] <MacSlow> kgunn, regarding the unity8-launcher feature-parity card... splitting up the card into the six remaining checklist-points I leave to you/saviq [13:28] <kgunn> mk [13:29] <kgunn> MacSlow: sounds like it's all effectively blocked ? [13:29] <MacSlow> kgunn, yup [13:29] <MacSlow> kgunn, maybe some manager-level poking will help :) [13:29] <tsdgeos> mterry: you do ? [13:30] <kgunn> design is amount of poking will help i think [13:30] <mterry> tsdgeos, sure [13:33] <tsdgeos> Saviq: so i'll mark the loading images bug as fixed for vivid as Pat suggests and hope that the one case i see fixed also fixes the cases victor was seeing [13:33] <MacSlow> kgunn, expected somehow [13:56] <Saviq> tsdgeos, yup, I really feel it all came down to network going awry [14:02] <tsdgeos> Saviq: maybe [14:35] <dandrader> josharenson, the new is waiting for your review :) [14:36] <josharenson> dandrader: ack, I'll do it today [14:37] <josharenson> mterry: While we're at it, can you review this today if you have time? [14:38] <mterry> josharenson, maybe? I did claim the review but am not sure of my schedule today -- trying to get a handle on several bugs that have accrued :) [14:38] <josharenson> mterry: no problem, I know the features aren't critical and that you just got back to real life [16:06] <Saviq> elopio, hey, I updated [16:06] <elopio> Saviq: thanks. I'll take a look soon. [23:27] <mterry> What handles the normal power press for screen on/off? I see PhysicalKeysMapper which handles long presses. But I don't see the short-press code [23:39] <greyback_> mterry: usc handles it
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MacSlow", "Mirv", "Saviq", "dandrader", "elopio", "greyback_", "josharenson", "kgunn", "mterry", "mzanetti", "pstolowski", "tsdgeos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-unity" }
[00:00] <rdunn19d> Ok, cool. The other users are unchanged; all icons and menu items are the same as they were. So, I can remove/rename/delete the config and start again? Is that in that link you gave me? [00:00] <holstein> the link i gave was for editing the xfce menu items [00:01] <rdunn19d> If I can just start her over again from scratch, I will; she hasn't had time to accumulate any stuff. It's been a week since I put Ubuntu Studio on there. [00:02] <holstein> you can always just rename all of ~/.config and test [00:04] <holstein> you may want to fresh install xubuntu or ubuntu mate.. something more 'desktop' oriented [00:04] <rdunn19d> Ok. I will try that. I thank you for your time, good sir. [00:04] <holstein> they are all ubuntu, and may provide a larger community of support with these particular issues [00:08] <rdunn19d> This is a temporary installation. I needed the "studio" part because I'm volunteering at my daughter's school for their theater production, and I wanted to see what packages Ubuntu users use to do sound production. I'm very new to that. [00:10] <rdunn19d> I have very limited experience with Audacity. I don't have a clue what other people even use to make audio clips for theater production. [00:10] <holstein> you can "see" those from the live iso [00:10] <holstein> and you dont need the studio disto for any of the packages.. you can install any or all of the parts, such as audacity [00:11] <rdunn19d> After the production, I'll install Mint (she likes to watch videos). [00:11] <holstein> they are all ubuntu, with access to the same software in the same sources.. [00:11] <holstein> you can watch "videos" in ubuntustudio [00:11] <holstein> there are no videos mint can provide support for that you cant do in any/all of the ubuntu's if you want [00:12] <holstein> also, *all* of the same software from studio is available to mint, since mint is built on the ubuntu sources [00:12] <rdunn19d> Yes, I know that, and I know I could just look up what packages are included in Ubuntu Studio. I tried the live version, and everything was super slow. This is an old laptop; very slow. [00:13] <holstein> its more than that, though.. jack audio server is the backbone of the audio work flow [00:13] <holstein> its likely overkill for any of your needs.. but, you wont know til you start using it [00:14] <rdunn19d> I know all of the same software is available for Mint as well, but I don't even know what to install. I'm somewhat familiar with Linux, and I'm a noob at audio production. [00:15] <rdunn19d> Exactly, lol. I don't know from Jack. [00:16] <holstein> sure.. so, why take it all on at once? [00:16] <holstein> my only point is, choose a "desktop" oriented desktop, and use it as the desktop.. one with a larger user base [00:17] <holstein> ubuntustudio is great, and works well and as advertised, but, the tools are very specialized, and require a lot of setup [00:17] <holstein> if you need them, you need them ,but you likely dont [00:18] <holstein> ubuntustudio is quite capable, and can be used as a desktop operating system [00:19] <rdunn19d> Ok, well, lesson learned. Let me ask another question. If it's beyond the scope, I'll understand... [00:20] <holstein> rdunn19d: you dont even have to ask if you can ask.. you just ask, and if a volunteer can assist, they will [00:25] <rdunn19d> I tried to record actors' voices and a musician, and I might not have connected things correctly. I got a horrible background noise. I was able to minimize the noise and then use an Audacity effect to get rid of it, but it was annoying. There is a chance that the sound board they use at the school is just old and that was the cause, but there is a greater chance that my incompetentcy is the cause. [00:25] <holstein> regardless of hardware or os, you dont want to "fix it in post" [00:25] <holstein> the rule is, "gold in, gold out" [00:25] <rdunn19d> I'm sorry. It's been a long time since I've IRC'd. I'm not used to everyone being "polite" and "helpful", :P [00:26] <rdunn19d> Sure, I can see that. [00:26] <holstein> rdunn19d: no need to be sorry.. glad you are here :) [00:26] <rdunn19d> Thank you. [00:26] <holstein> but, if i may continue, you have a lot of variables there to week through [00:26] <holstein> some of which likely have nothing to do with the operating system [00:27] <holstein> one thing i will do is set these situations up at hoome [00:27] <holstein> i *never* just go to the job/gig and expect magic [00:27] <holstein> i drag it all out, and make sure its all working.. i record, and listen back.. see if there are noises.. test the cables.. make sure i have all i need [00:28] <holstein> rdunn19d: you can introduce noise into the recording in many places.. what audio recording device are you using? [00:28] <holstein> you may be trying to use the internal audio device, which, from the manufacturer, is not intended for audio production [00:29] <holstein> its a great way to learn the system, and get audio in and out for skype calls, and music, etc [00:29] <rdunn19d> I have zero recording equipment here at the house. [00:29] <holstein> but, a simple/cheap usb audio device with a nice mic preamp can really help get clean audio into the computer [00:30] <holstein> rdunn19d: you can likely discuss borrowing some of the equipment, since, you are likley volunteering your time [00:30] <holstein> or, go in and set up scenarios there [00:31] <holstein> its just not the kind of thing you can show up and expect to setup in a few minutes and have no issues [00:31] <holstein> there are folks with 10's of thousands of dollars of equipment who charge 100's of dollars an hour who do what you are trying to do [00:31] <rdunn19d> Ok, but if I plug a mic into the mic port and record to Audacity, the only background noise I've ever heard is whatever risidual noise is around. This is an awful, loud hum. It sounds like something mechanical magnetic or something. [00:31] <holstein> sure [00:32] <holstein> rdunn19d: nothing in that scenario is made for audio produciton [00:32] <holstein> the creators of that hardware never said "just plug a mic in the side of the laptop and enjoy studio quality recordings" [00:32] <holstein> seriously, for under $200 US you can have a *very* decent, clean sound into the machine [00:33] <rdunn19d> Ok, sure. I understand that. But, what I have been doing (up until now) is servicable for a high school production. [00:34] <holstein> then, enjoy! [00:34] <holstein> if you want to clean it up, and get it emulating the work flow of a professional, we can have a discussion [00:38] <rdunn19d> Ok, but even with the equipent at the school (professional? I dunno), I have no way to know if it's "set up" in a professional manner. I would like to set it up in a "professional" manner, but most of what you see online already assumes that you have done that. [00:38] <holstein> you can easily search around, and ask questions [00:38] <holstein> tour studios.. read articles [00:39] <holstein> become obsessed, and research, and emulate.. or go to school, or take a lesson.. [00:39] <holstein> what you are saying now is, you are trying to record audio, pro audio into the machine with the internal audio device [00:39] <holstein> thats a no-go [00:40] <rdunn19d> Tour studios? I'm not exactly in a progressive, artistic part of the world, lol. [00:40] <holstein> you will *never* see a studio using the internal audio device.. and, there is *nothing* wrong with the internal audio devices.. they are just not made for that [00:40] <rdunn19d> Ok, I see what you are saying. [00:40] <holstein> virtual tour [00:41] <holstein> anyways, there are lots of ways to get where you are trying to get [00:41] <holstein> most importantly is to stay moving, and emulate the professionals you want to sound like [00:43] <rdunn19d> So, if I take a cable from an Aux output from an old Peavy board and plug it into the internal audio, I can expect background noise I haven't experienced with anything else. [00:44] <holstein> rdunn19d: correct, as i, and the actual creators of that hardware have stated, its *not* for that task [00:44] <holstein> its for skype calls, etc [00:44] <holstein> you'll want a proper recording device.. an interface [00:44] <holstein> or, you will waste a lot of time trying to clean that signal up.. [00:45] <holstein> and, its still going to have limitations.. [00:46] <rdunn19d> Ok. "Limitations" because the rest of the intercafe (USB, et. al.) was not built specifically for audio production? [00:46] <holstein> you can take the aux out from "the old peavy board" into something like a [00:46] <holstein> they are usually $30 [00:46] <holstein> rdunn19d: correct. they never promised you clean audio recording [00:47] <holstein> rdunn19d: the device is not for that.. its for skype, friend.. its not an audio recording interface.. it will *always* have limiataions [00:47] <holstein> rdunn19d: *no* studio uses those.. they are not for that.. they ship on the device [00:47] <holstein> rdunn19d: this is google searchable, and you can, and should research it.. i assure you, im not trying to sell you anything [00:48] <holstein> *anyone* will tell you that getting the audio outside the box is a good idea for removing the sounds you are talking about wanting to remove [00:48] <rdunn19d> Not to worry; last thing I was worried about. :) [00:48] <holstein> rdunn19d: you will not "fix' that in software [00:48] <holstein> you cannot, for example, install something that makes the internal audio device record 'better' [00:49] <holstein> its not meant for it [00:49] <holstein> the device i linked, is like 30 bucks, and works with linux and any other OS afaik. you can line into it from your existing board [00:52] <Boscop> i want to install ubuntu studio over my existing ubuntu installation without screwing up grub. should i just select NO at the end when it asks "install grub?" will grub find the new OS? [00:52] <rdunn19d> Should I be able to find something like that at a "modern" music shop? Say, maybe? [00:52] <holstein> Boscop: depends on what you have,and what you want to end up with.. but, you can always easily reinstall grub from a live iso with boot repair [00:53] <Boscop> holstein: last time it wasn't so easy. windows didn't boot anymore [00:53] <Boscop> i have ubuntu and windows on my ssd but the bootloader is on the other hdd [00:53] <holstein> Boscop: if you have, say, 3 ubuntu's, or linux's.. and blow one out, and go into one of the others, and and run "sudo update-grub" it'll "see" the other intalls [00:53] <Boscop> holstein: i want to overwrite it [00:53] <holstein> Boscop: sure, thats the special cases you'll want to research [00:54] <holstein> Boscop: what would i do? ask in #ubuntu, since its not related to studio at all, and see if someone else has that scenario.. [00:54] <Boscop> holstein: will ubuntu studio 15.04 also be released on april 23rd? [00:54] <holstein> Boscop: *all* the ubuntu's release relatively at the same time [00:54] <Boscop> is it possible to control jack plugin parameters using D-Bus? [00:55] <holstein> Boscop: what jack plugin? [00:55] <Boscop> any [00:55] <Boscop> like calf plugins [00:55] <holstein> i would probably ask that in #ardour [00:56] <Boscop> do i have to use ardour for that? [00:56] <holstein> and/or #opensourcemusicians [00:56] <holstein> Boscop: i didnt say, or imply that.. im just suggesting, the folks in #aroudor would likely have that information [00:56] <Boscop> ah thanks. i didn't know that channel [00:57] <holstein> Boscop: no one here will know that, and upstream wont.. so, you can email the calf plugin team directly, or poke around a bit [00:57] <holstein> rdunn19d: you can find many audio recording interfaces as guitar center.. [00:57] <holstein> at* [00:59] <rdunn19d> Ok, so I should go ask them if they have that or something like it. I can do that. I do have to re-record some of what the musician did. It would be nice to do it and not have that aweful noise. [00:59] <holstein> rdunn19d: personally, i dont ask them at guitarcenter much [00:59] <holstein> rdunn19d: i research, obsessively, on my own, prior to going, and i know what i want [01:00] <holstein> i would get a cheap-o usb interface with a mic preamp.. something maudio, etc.. [01:00] <holstein> depends on what you have, and what you want, and your budget [01:01] <rdunn19d> Ah. I should treat what I'm doing with audio the same way I would if I was, say building a new PC. [01:01] <holstein> with anything, really [01:01] <holstein> buying a car [01:01] <holstein> an instrument [01:01] <holstein> selecting a school.. a job [01:02] <holstein> its the same... 'whats the best car i can get?', for example.. its met with additional questions [01:02] <holstein> there is no "best" car.. [01:02] <rdunn19d> Oh, don't get me started on that. If it has 4 wheels and runs, it's my kind of car. [01:03] <holstein> sure.. but, this analogy would carry on, if you were trying to race a car like that [01:03] <holstein> its not a race car ;) [01:03] <holstein> anyways.. i suggest you decide how many mic preamps you need/want, and if you want to use the peavey mixer, or not.. and how many mics/lines you need at once [01:03] <holstein> then, you can make sure it supports linux, and make the purchase [01:04] <rdunn19d> Yes, I see that. [01:09] <rdunn19d> Ok, I have a lot to think about, and most thinking might have to wait for later; production is this coming weekend. I'll just have to make due the best I can with what I have, and do more research for future productions. I have to do the same with the lighting equipment they have. Nobody there knows how to use any of the equipment "well"; they know just enough to make it work for some stuff. [01:09] <holstein> yup [01:09] <holstein> and, you dont have to spend a lot of money to get good results [01:09] <holstein> i have aquired free hardware that would do what you need [01:10] <holstein> usb audio devices.. [01:10] <holstein> put the word out, and ask for something [01:10] <rdunn19d> To whom am I putting out the word? [01:11] <holstein> ? [01:11] <holstein> friend, i dont know where you are,but, im sure there are other parents involved? [01:11] <holstein> groups around that could donate? etc.. [01:12] <holstein> put the word out to whomever will get you what you need.. [01:14] <rdunn19d> Oh, sorry. I just realized that you were serious, lol. There are no other parents willing to do anything for the theater program. They all think it's a complete waste of time. And this is the most censervative, "family values" oriented, and unfriendly place I've ever lived. [01:14] <rdunn19d> People around here believe in god, and pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. Asling for "help" is weakness. [01:15] <rdunn19d> *Asking [01:17] <rdunn19d> I can't count the number of times I've heard the phrase, "If you can't do it yourself, maybe you shouldn't be doing it." And "art" in school? They consider it a complete waste of time. I'm not even in "The South". [01:19] <rdunn19d> But, truly, I am very grateful that you took the time to help me out. I can't thank you enough. :) [01:20] <holstein> sure [01:20] <holstein> you just need to keep moving [01:21] <holstein> im *sure* you can get someone to give you an interface, or money for one.. you'll just have to look around [01:21] <holstein> or, use what you have, and not worry about it [01:21] <holstein> just dont expect magic when using improper tools [01:22] <rdunn19d> Understood, and thank you, again. [01:22] <holstein> cheers and good luck! [01:22] <Boscop> why do you think he wrote this? "Ubuntu Studio:A studio to reach a wide audience but lacks in current packages and doesn't provide much with it. In my opinion it's obsolete. A few years ago it was a blessing, but with the work on AV Linux, KXStudio, and the like I wouldn't waste your time." [01:22] <Boscop> that was in 2012 [01:24] <holstein> Boscop: its an opinion piece.. anyone can say anything [01:24] <Boscop> holstein: but did something change since 2012? [01:24] <holstein> if they find it obsolete for their needs, then, thats why they would write that [01:24] <holstein> Boscop: sure [01:24] <Boscop> i mean regarding his criticisms [01:24] <holstein> but,, it wasnt "obsolete" in 2012.. so, you'll have to ask the writer [01:25] <holstein> "current packages".. *all* of ubuntu doesnt provide current packages [01:25] <holstein> its not a rolling release [01:25] <holstein> thats by design.. [01:26] <holstein> falk, the creator of kxstudio, would roll his own versions in ppa's for ubuntu/kxstudio to get more recent versions [01:26] <holstein> avlinux is intended as an appliance, and actually has older versions [01:26] <holstein> not that that matters.. [01:27] <holstein> you dont need the latest and greatest packages to do audio production.. if there is something one needs, for example, in ardour, then, one can get that package, no problem [01:27] <holstein> nothing about ubuntu is preventing that.. but, its not a rolling release [01:32] <Boscop> hm [01:33] <Boscop> i have to choose between staying with normal ubuntu, ubuntu studio, kxstudio and avlinux. my use case is, i want to make music in real-time (using jack and carla plugin host and the lowlatency kernel) [01:33] <holstein> why? [01:33] <Boscop> why what? [01:33] <holstein> well, let me break down all of those, quickly [01:34] <holstein> ubuntu *is* ubuntustudio.. so that'll help there [01:34] <holstein> you dont have to choose between them.. if you want ubuntu, and need the studio packages, they are there.. in the main repos.. its all ubuntu [01:34] <holstein> kxstudio provides a ppa.. [01:34] <holstein> !ppa [01:35] <holstein> you can add ppa's to ubuntu, and end up with falks kxstudio packages.. and as long as you understand where the burden of support is, you dont have to decide betweent hem [01:35] <holstein> them* [01:35] <Boscop> holstein: but will it be as fast? [01:35] <holstein> you can use them together [01:35] <holstein> Boscop: as fast? as fast as what? [01:35] <holstein> software wont make your machine any "faster".. it can make better use of resources, and make it run "better".. arguably.. [01:36] <Boscop> should i compile the kernel by myself? [01:36] <holstein> do you need a custom kernel? [01:36] <holstein> i know, i dont [01:36] <Boscop> dunno [01:36] <holstein> i trust the ones that come in better than what i can make [01:36] <Boscop> maybe it'll be faster? [01:36] <holstein> Boscop: try it and see [01:37] <holstein> Boscop: im quite confident, you can waste/spend a lot of time getting a seemingly faster experience.. but at what cost? and does it make your art better? [01:37] <holstein> thats what ubuntustudio and kxstudio, and avlinux are about [01:37] <holstein> out of the box audio production [01:37] <holstein> no configuring.. less hassle.. [01:37] <holstein> you really shouldnt need a custom kernel, for anything.. but, you are free and able to try it [01:38] <holstein> if one wants, they can install lubuntu.. [01:38] <holstein> !lubuntu [01:38] <Boscop> holstein: will lubuntu be faster? [01:38] <holstein> nice and light lxde, and add the studio packages [01:38] <holstein> Boscop: again, *nothing* in software makes your hardware "faster" [01:38] <holstein> Boscop: lxde can, arguably, make better use of resources, thats all [01:39] <holstein> anyways.. that gets back to avlinux.. [01:39] <holstein> the reason i use avlinux on my production rig is because it fits my needs best [01:39] <holstein> its an appliance.. i dont update it.. its not online.. i dont expect it to be patched, or updated [01:39] <holstein> i dont want that [01:39] <holstein> its an isolated audio production work station [01:40] <Boscop> for me i'm using my laptop which is also my main work computer for programming etc [01:40] <holstein> when i want a more "cross-over" environment, like on a laptop that i want to do audio production and other normal web browsing, ect, i use ubuntustudio and/or kxstudio [01:41] <holstein> if i want the latest and greatest, i try one of the arch derivitives.. since, it *is* a rolling release [01:41] <holstein> typyically, simply identifying needs will help with the desicion [01:42] <Boscop> but right now on my ubuntu install, jack doesn't start and my headphone jack is not recognized [01:42] <holstein> cool [01:42] <holstein> ask a question if you'd like [01:42] <holstein> "jack doest start" is a statement.. not much to do about that [01:42] <holstein> what do i do? i use the live iso, and i seee that my hardware isnt broken [01:43] <holstein> i'll test the hardware in, a known good live iso, or officially supported os [01:43] <Boscop> Could not connect to JACK server as client.- Overall operation failed.- Unable to connect to server. [01:43] <holstein> i'll use qjackctl [01:43] <Boscop> i'm using that [01:43] <holstein> i'll open it, even as root temporarily [01:43] <holstein> if it starts as root, then, i know its permissions [01:43] <Boscop> [01:44] <holstein> if i cant get the headphone jack to work, i'll check other settings in alsamixer [01:44] <Boscop> it doesn't show up in alsamixer [01:44] <holstein> Boscop: you cant trust any labels [01:44] <holstein> Boscop: you are not promise linux/alsa support, so you dont trust any labels [01:45] <Boscop> what do you mean? [01:45] <Boscop> i tried editing my alsa conf file, it still doesn't work [01:45] <holstein> Boscop: i mean, the creators of the hardware didnt say "have a great time with this hardware in linux/alsa with full support of labels for sockets".. [01:45] <holstein> Boscop: you'll want to undo that alsa.conf edit [01:45] <holstein> that can break things [01:45] <Boscop> [01:46] <holstein> Boscop: what would i do? again, i would use a live iso [01:46] <Boscop> holstein: my headphone jack was working fine on this ubuntu install before [01:46] <holstein> Boscop: before what? [01:46] <Boscop> so it's not the hardware [01:46] <holstein> Boscop: all i do is encourage you to test the hardware.. [01:46] <Boscop> months ago, i don't remember what changed [01:46] <holstein> Boscop: i didnt say its the hardware.. im saying, you should isolate and make sure it snot the hardware [01:47] <Boscop> it also works on windows. so it's not the hardware [01:47] <holstein> Boscop: please, load a live iso, and see that jack starts.. then, you can either work back and undo what you have broken, or fresh install [01:47] <Boscop> i tried this fix: [01:48] <holstein> Boscop: i understand that, friend.. but, unless its the *same* hardware you have, its not likely going to work [01:48] <holstein> Boscop: please try starting jack as root [01:48] <holstein> gksudo qjackctl [01:48] <holstein> see that the device is set to default.. and try starting [01:48] <holstein> if it starts as root, then you have a permissions error [01:50] <Boscop> right now the lowlatency kernel is installing, so i have to wait until i can install gksu. but after that i will try that [01:51] <Boscop> holstein: a lot of people seem to have problems with the hda intel driver for ubuntu, headphone jacks not working etc. If i undo the change, what else should i do? [01:51] <holstein> Boscop: you'll seperate this out [01:52] <holstein> Boscop: you are dealing with 2 things at once, and thats not contructive [01:52] <holstein> get jack working, *then* move on to the headphone issue [01:52] <Boscop> ok [01:52] <holstein> what do i suggest? get a cheap/small usb interface that is appropriate for audio production [01:52] <holstein> dont use the internal audio device for audio production [01:52] <Boscop> why not? [01:53] <holstein> its not intended for it, for one thing [01:53] <holstein> the above mentioned issue you are having with jack and the headphone jack, for 2 [01:53] <holstein> its is *so* cheap to get one of these usb devices, and it improves the quality of the path into the machine.. so, why not? [01:54] <Boscop> i have this one, is it ok? [01:54] <holstein> like i said earlier, im not selling these.. i literally dont care.. but, it'll do you good to stop using internal audio devices created for listening to music, and doing skype calls for audio production [01:55] <holstein> Boscop: did that one say, its intended for audio production? the creative sound blaster i used to have didnt promise that [01:55] <Boscop> but what is the difference really? [01:55] <holstein> Boscop: its not in the box, for one thing [01:55] <Boscop> they just convert it to analog [01:55] <holstein> Boscop: sure [01:55] <holstein> Boscop: they convert analog to digital, and digital to analog [01:56] <holstein> Boscop: its the analog connectors, and the clock.. etc [01:56] <holstein> Boscop: again, i literally dont care, friend.. use what you wanht [01:56] <holstein> Boscop: this is a google search able fact.. internal audio devices are not intended for audio production [01:56] <Boscop> yeah for now i will use the onboard, later maybe buy a better one [01:56] <holstein> a simple $60 usb device would make your life so much easier.. and work with jack [01:57] <Boscop> holstein: not intended? but doesn't mean they can't be used [01:57] <holstein> Boscop: its not a "better" one.. its a more appropriate one [01:57] <holstein> Boscop: sure. thats just like saying, you can use a desktop machine for a server [01:57] <holstein> Boscop: you can stack them right on a shelf, and power them on.. no problem.. but, its not what they are intended for [01:58] <Boscop> yeah, but i want to have a minimal setup for traveling etc [01:58] <holstein> Boscop: again, do what you want, friend. im not selling you a sound card.. just inviting you to a place where you have better audio into your machine, and your headphone jack works.. etc [01:58] <holstein> Boscop: i travel [01:58] <holstein> its always a compromise [01:58] <holstein> if the internal was working and meeting your needs, you wouldnt be here.. [01:58] <holstein> youd be using jack, and making music.. [01:59] <Boscop> holstein: i think it's just a configuration problem [01:59] <holstein> Boscop: sure [01:59] <Boscop> pulseaudio getting in the way or something [01:59] <holstein> not in the way here.. [01:59] <Boscop> holstein: do you run jack and pulseaudio in parallel? [02:00] <holstein> Boscop: if i want/need them both, i do [02:00] <Boscop> with dbus disabled? [02:04] <Boscop> holstein: btw, how can i find out the native samplerate of my sound card so that i can set it in jack config? [02:05] <holstein> Boscop: i refer to the documentation [02:05] <holstein> but, when troubleshooting, i'll run qjackctl as root, and tick boxes and set settings til i get jack working.. then, i'll address permissions issues to get it running as normal user [02:07] <Boscop> holstein: if i use the usb soundcard and get the headphone jack working, i will have a total of 3 audio output jacks and 2 input jacks. i can use all of them at the same time with jack, right? [02:07] <holstein> Boscop: nothing about jack/linux will limit/prevent the manufacturer from providing that functionality to you [02:08] <holstein> since they didnt promise they would, you may have compromises [02:08] <holstein> like, all outputs working through one "buss".. and its only a stereo card, so, you'll only have 2 channels in.. one stereo input [02:09] <holstein> not sure how it will present its self to alsa or jack.. you'll just have to experiment, and see what happens [02:12] <Boscop> holstein: i mean i have two audio output jacks on the laptop already (speaker and headphone) and a mic input, and with the usb sound card i get one more output and input jack. so can i use jack to route audio from/to all of them? [02:13] <holstein> you could.. but its not a good idea [02:13] <Boscop> why not? [02:13] <holstein> you'd want to just get one nice device that has all the capabilities you want [02:13] <holstein> all the ins and outs you need, in one stand alone deal [02:14] <holstein> [02:14] <Boscop> thanks [02:14] <Boscop> yes, i will buy an external audio interface later [02:14] <Boscop> when i earned some money with my music [14:05] <jarnos> How do you make switch user work. I have selected Switch User in Action buttons for panel, but is grayed out anyway. I even installed xfswitch-plugin plugin, and added it to panel, but I get error: Failed to execute child process "gdmflexiserver" (No such file or directory) [14:46] <holstein> jarnos: in ubuntustudio 14.10? [14:47] <holstein> anyways, this is likely relevant, regardless of version [15:00] <jarnos> holstein, 14.04 [15:03] <xam090> Hi [15:04] <holstein> o/ [15:47] * jarnos having 4 guest sessions running and don't know how to log them out. [16:29] <holstein> jarnos: you can always just reboot, and dont start them, and leave them logged in [16:30] <holstein> jarnos: should be a way to sudo log them out.. [16:49] <jarnos> holstein, yes, I tried to switch to an already running guest session by `dm-tool switch-to-guest [SESSION]` [16:49] <holstein> i wouldnt expect to switch to them [16:49] <holstein> they are supposed to be one-time use.. [16:49] <holstein> if you want to switch to them, you'll want a standard user account [16:50] <jarnos> holstein, but the command looks like it should do it. [16:50] <holstein> the session isnt intended to be re-joined [16:51] <holstein> the command will likely allow you to switch to an already running normal account [16:51] <holstein> but, the guest account is not a normal user account [16:51] <jarnos> holstein, there is another command for that : dm-tool switch-to-user USERNAME [SESSION] [16:52] <holstein> sure.. i just dont exapxct you can switch into the guest session [16:52] <holstein> you should just kill them, and dont leave them running [16:52] <holstein> if you want to leave the session running, you'll want a normal user account [16:54] <jarnos> holstein, well, it depends. [16:55] <holstein> not really [16:55] <holstein> the guest account is meant for guest use.. you run it, and when its terminated, it doent save anything [16:55] <holstein> its not meant to be used as a normal user account [16:57] <jarnos> holstein, yes, it does not save anything after you log out of it. [16:57] <holstein> correct.. its not meant to be left running as you are trying to do [16:58] <holstein> its not meant to be used from the command-line, either.. its more about letting someone borrow your machine, and not leavning a foot print on it [16:58] <holstein> what i read makes me think you would be more comfortable with a normal user account setup as you need, with permissions you prefer [17:00] <jarnos> holstein, well, I was not trying to leave it running in background. [17:01] <holstein> if you switch away from it, for any reason, i say, its not the intended reason to use it [18:26] <jarnos> holstein, the `dm-tool switch-to-guest [SESSION]` works, if the session was started, when no light-locker was in use. I wanted to use the command to properly log out the session. [19:00] <holstein> jarnos: should be able to use #ubuntu for that [21:11] <ubuntu-studio> zequence, It seems my mouse does work, but the pointer is invisible. [21:13] <Len-1504> 32bit will not even give me a boot screen so I am on 64bit ISO (live session) [21:14] <Len-1504> Good thing this is not an LTS. [21:15] <Len-1504> zequence, anyway, I tried changing the mouse theme in settings and that did not help either. [21:18] <Len-1504> The default theme shows no preview at all. The rest do but the mouse cursor does not appear. [21:20] <Len-1504> I have tried using a stock PS2 mouse, a USB mouse, and the USB mouse through a USB to PS2 adaptor. I can see various things highlight when I move the mouse and clicking works fine. [21:36] <Len-1504> bug 1446388
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Boscop", "Len-1504", "holstein", "jarnos", "rdunn19d", "ubuntu-studio", "xam090" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio" }
[09:30] <rmg51> Morning [12:12] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples, critters and everything else [12:43] <lazyPower> o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "lazyPower", "rmg51", "teddy-dbear" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa" }
[00:33] * pleia2 finishes up summaries and moves this to wiki [00:51] <pleia2> Unit193: care to link check? [01:13] <Unit193> pleia2: is the bad one. [01:15] <pleia2> Unit193: caught a wiki fail, good one :) thanks, I'll handle the reporting pages now [01:16] * pleia2 should probably WRITE team reports too [01:20] <Unit193> Hah, and sure. [07:24] <MooDoo> howdy all
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MooDoo", "Unit193", "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-news" }
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gr" }
[08:24] <Ubuntubruger1> spørgsmål" hejsa jeg tænkte om jeg kunne få lidt hjælp herinde. Jeg har købt et EVGA GTX 660 ti FTW signature 2 for cirka 2 år siden og for nyelig synes jeg blæser kørte lidt hurtig nok i forehold til det plejer så jeg downloadede precision x inde på evga hjemmeside og kunne se mit grafikkort havde en temp på 72 c uden nogen form for belastning . Det undre mig bare for jeg mener ik det før i tiden blev så varmt [08:26] <Ubuntubruger1> synes det er lidt højt men jeg kender ik normalen i temp på mit kort [13:56] <Ubuntubruger8> hej [13:57] <Ubuntubruger8> Er det en aktiv chat?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ubuntubruger1", "Ubuntubruger8" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-dk" }
[06:55] <dholbach> good morning [06:56] <elfy> morning [07:00] <dpm> good morning dholbach, morning elfy [07:00] <dpm> welcome back dholbach :) [07:00] <elfy> hi dpm [07:10] <dholbach> hey dpm [07:10] <dholbach> thanks [07:24] <MooDoo> morning [08:14] <popey> greetings from that London [08:18] <dpm> morning popey [08:18] <dpm> mhall119_, good morning too at this unusual time :) [08:21] <mhall119_> :) [08:31] <dholbach> :) [08:37] * dholbach relocates to the office, brb [10:56] <dpm> popey, mhall119, let me know if you guys want to have our 1:1 today or if you're busy sprinting [10:57] <popey> i think we're going to be heads-down all day [11:00] <dpm> ok [11:38] <czajkowski> aloha [13:01] <dpm> great work with the core track proposals dholbach! Nice to see they span across tracks too [13:02] <dholbach> dpm, I'll try to get asac and co to agree to the general structure and then open up the call to the snappy* mailing lists [13:03] <dpm> dholbach, sounds like a plan [13:03] <dholbach> :-) [13:03] <dpm> good work [13:08] <dholbach> dpm, I'll also schedule a call with Maarten - maybe he can line up a partner or two as well - some well-attended UOS sessions are going to in his interest too :) [13:09] <dpm> indeed! [13:11] <dpm> dholbach, could you give me write or comment access to the doc? [13:11] <dholbach> sure [13:11] <dpm> I promise I won't add more ;) [13:12] <dholbach> feel free to [14:11] <dholbach> hey daker - how are you doing? [14:11] <daker> dholbach: hello [14:11] <dholbach> did you get a chance to play around with the rpi2 and bbb yet? :) [14:11] <daker> dholbach: a little bit using the rpi2 [14:11] <dholbach> I don't have an rpi2, but I thought of you as somebody who could (maybe) test-drive :) [14:12] <dholbach> ah ok... is something like the above what you used? [14:12] <dholbach> it's instructions Loïc wrote up [14:12] <dholbach> and I wondered if this worked for everyone [14:12] <dholbach> I guess I could ask on the snappy list too [14:14] <daker> dholbach: i used the instructions from [14:15] <daker> i did download the image from [14:15] <dholbach> ah ok [14:15] <dholbach> I guess I'll send a mail to the snappy list [14:15] <dholbach> to see if folks can help out with reviewing the page [14:15] <dholbach> thanks a lot for your help! [14:19] <daker> i can tried them when i am home [14:19] <dholbach> thank you! :) [16:15] <dholbach> all right my friends - see you all tomorrow - I call it a day! [18:39] <dpm> calling it a day too, see you all tomorrow! [19:09] <jcastro> hey pleia2 [19:09] <pleia2> hey jcastro [19:10] <jcastro> is there a wiki page for membership board members? [19:10] <jcastro> I need to like, put the meetings on my schedule, etc [19:10] <elfy> [19:11] <elfy> jcastro: ^^ dates change - but the day remains the same afaik [19:11] <jcastro> ta! [19:11] <elfy> first thursday and 3 rd wednesday [19:12] <jcastro> hah man how old is that picutre [19:12] <elfy> bit expensive to run a UDS to get new ones :D [19:20] <jcastro> pleia2, hey you going to dockercon it's in your end of the woods [19:24] <pleia2> jcastro: nope (lazyPower pinged me about it a few weeks back) [21:37] <aikidouke> quit [21:37] <aikidouke> sorry
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MooDoo", "aikidouke", "czajkowski", "daker", "dholbach", "dpm", "elfy", "jcastro", "mhall119_", "pleia2", "popey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-community-team" }
[04:34] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro [04:47] <Vlado9A3CY> pospanci :) [05:43] <Mmike> :P [05:55] <vileni> jutro [06:32] <Mmike> nije jutro [06:32] <Mmike> dan je [06:32] <Mmike> jutro je bilo u 5 [06:35] <vileni> detalji [06:35] <vileni> jutro je do kave [07:11] <BotaniCar> ima li tko "u dzepu" query koji bi pretrazio sve zablice u postgres bazi za neki string ? [07:12] <jelly> kak to mislis pretrazio tablice, sadrzaj sve kolona svih tablica? [07:12] <jelly> s/sve/svih/ [07:44] <Mmike> daklem [07:44] <Mmike> the 'jebem ti drzavu' prica [07:44] <Mmike> pred jedno 3 mjeseca sam ostavio auto parkiran, veli komunalni redar 'nepropisno' [07:44] <Mmike> i odreze mi kaznu [07:45] <Mmike> i ja se brijao zalit, nisam se zalio, doslo do toga da sam dobio papir s 'izvolte rec tko je vozio auto tad' [07:45] <Mmike> reko, ma fak of, dok se ja smislim doc ce mi jos 101 kazna - oso u gradsko komunalno i platio kaznu [07:45] <Mmike> potpisao da sam kriv, da priznajem prekrsaj, platio kaznu [07:45] <Mmike> i pitam lika jos 'jel moram djelovat po ovome "tko je vozio?"', veli lik 'ne morate, priznali ste prekrsaj, znaci da ste vi vozili' [07:46] <Mmike> danas mi dodje papirek di pise da imam platit 2k kuna u roku od 8 dana jer nsiam reako tko je vozio [08:08] <BotaniCar> jelly: da [08:08] <ivoks> jutro [08:10] <Mmike> BotaniCar: no such query, napisi storanu proceduru kaj to radi [08:10] <Mmike> ili ak imas 9.2+ mosh i onaj 'GO' kufer koristiti [08:24] <BotaniCar> GO(l) kufer je kaj ? [08:39] <SilverSpace> jutro junaci [08:41] <SilverSpace> Mmike: to ti je tak kad imas auto :) [08:41] <SilverSpace> tj. mazdu :) [08:49] <Mmike> BotaniCar: [08:49] <Mmike> SilverSpace: aj idi rutaj neki telefon :) [08:52] <SilverSpace> :) nemam SD kartice [08:52] <jelly> a mikro SD? [08:53] <SilverSpace> ja [08:53] <SilverSpace> jedna riknula sve druge zauzete :) [08:53] <SilverSpace> oo bas pronaso jednu :) [09:03] <SilverSpace> 4G [09:03] <SilverSpace> taman [09:23] <Mmike> SilverSpace: ti si imao onaj neki URL s kojim gledas torrente live? [09:23] <Mmike> odes na sajt, utipkas torrent URL i ovaj ti pocne playat taj torrent? [09:28] <vileni> mozda popcorntime? [09:28] <vileni> iako to nije sajt [09:35] <Mmike> da [09:35] <Mmike> sjecam se da je netko pricao o tom sajtu [09:35] <Mmike> i onda si ti uletio s popcornom [09:35] <Mmike> ili jelly :) [09:35] <Mmike> ne znam vise [09:35] <Mmike> gladan sam k'o tri cucka [09:35] <Mmike> koj asu se tukla oko jogurta tjednima [09:39] <weshmashian> mornin' [09:40] <SilverSpace> hm jedino taj popcorn ? drugo se ne sijecam doduse ima za kodi nesto takvo [09:41] <Mmike> idem jest [09:41] <Mmike> glad je prevelika [09:59] <jelly> Subject: Re: Equip your battllesship wiith main caiber [09:59] <jelly> to se tak sad zove [10:16] * BotaniCar takes notes [10:45] <SilverSpace> ke [10:51] <SilverSpace> zdero sam dva dana sparoge sad mi jezik zuvki [10:53] <BotaniCar> kak mi ti mmike das za citat :* [11:42] <SilverSpace> na legendu radi 4.0.4 super [11:50] <Mmike> SilverSpace: onom starom legendu? :)))))))) [12:02] <jelly> SilverSpace: to se ne racuna, bitno je dal smrdi i zeleni kad pisas [12:30] <jelly> Mmike: jel jos prodajes sijaset grafickih, nasao sam kak ih upotrijebiti [13:07] <Mmike> jelly: ne, prodo sam sve, mislim, kaj imam [13:07] <Mmike> tj, zadnju nisam [13:07] <Mmike> iako lik hoce [13:07] <Mmike> pa sad cekam da vidim ocel' se javit [13:41] <SilverSpace> Mmike: da i leti sad [15:11] <SilverSpace> Jelly Bean [15:18] <jelly> Billy Jean [15:19] <jelly> (not my lover) [15:36] <SilverSpace> Jelly Bean na htc legend [15:36] <SilverSpace> CMod [15:37] <jelly> koliko taj legend ima memorije i flasha? [15:38] <jelly> nekak mi se cini da je to slican hardver ko moja stara htc chacha [15:39] <SilverSpace> [15:39] <jelly> sad to koristim jerbo kineza treba preparticionirat jer ima bad sektore u flashu _tocno_ tamo di je format za /data particiju [15:39] <jelly> 384MB, jos manje nego chacha [15:40] <jelly> rezolucija je ista [15:44] <jelly> i isti cpu, MSM7227 [15:44] <SilverSpace> 4.2.1 radi ok [15:47] <SilverSpace> ah [15:47] <jelly> vidim da cak imaju CM11 (sa 4.4.2?) za htc salsa (isti hardver kao chacha, samo bez hardverske tastature) [15:48] <jelly> al dok mi je to jedini telefon nema sanse da cu petljati po njemu [15:48] <SilverSpace> :) [15:55] <SilverSpace> cini mi se da CM9 bolje radi od CM10 na legendu [15:57] <SilverSpace> mozda i ne [15:58] <SilverSpace> vjerojatno na pocetku aplikacije zagnjavile pa mi izgledaloo sporije [16:35] <SilverSpace> a ne vracam CM9 [16:37] <SilverSpace> na devetmi sve radi i dosta glatko prema 4.2.1 [17:24] <jelly> uf, domace baklave [17:25] <weshmashian> !! [17:25] <jelly> tri male sam pojeo i vec mi secer skace [17:26] <weshmashian> tek nakon tri? to znaci da nije dovoljno slatko! [17:29] <jelly> ostala je puna tepsija u frizideru u ofisu, reko da se ne baci [17:30] <jelly> ali na kraju samo best effort, jos 2/3 tepsije ostalo [17:30] <jelly> mozda ce bit sutra za uz kafu [17:32] <Mmike> SilverSpace, onaj mali slatki legend [17:32] <Mmike> onaj najprejebeniji mudrofon ikad [17:32] <Mmike> taman velik kak treba [17:33] <Mmike> SilverSpace, aj mi nadji rom za S3 mini :) [17:41] <jelly> [17:41] <jelly> (mala zlica) [17:42] <jelly> (grozdjice za referencu) [17:57] <weshmashian> jelly: no banana for scale? [18:22] <SilverSpace> Mmike: da HTC Legend najbolje radi sa CM9.1 romom [18:22] <Mmike> jelly, kaj bilo s jebomepas? [18:24] <SilverSpace> Mmike: jel ti rootan s3 [18:25] <Mmike> SilverSpace, nije, al' to nije problem [18:26] <SilverSpace> [18:30] <SilverSpace> CyanogenMod 11.0 room radi [18:35] <Mmike> SilverSpace, kaj je to ASOP? [18:36] <CrazyLemon> aosp* [18:43] <SilverSpace> AOSPA / ParanoidAndroid 4.4.4, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S III Mini [18:43] <SilverSpace> room [18:44] <SilverSpace> android os paranoid android [18:45] <SilverSpace> meni je najbolji CyanogenMod [18:45] <SilverSpace> mislim da ima najbolju podrsku [18:49] <Mmike> SilverSpace, tam kad skidam imam za izabrat 'odin' i 'recovery' - recovery misli mda zmak daaaaje ak gfaetg [18:49] <Mmike> teate? [18:49] <Mmike> wtf? [18:49] <Mmike> daklem [18:49] <Mmike> recovery mislm da znam kaj je, a kaj je odin? [18:50] <CrazyLemon> program za flashanje samsung uređaja [18:50] <CrazyLemon> imas linux version..heimdall ako se ne varam [18:50] <SilverSpace> Mmike: jel tvoc s3 LTE [18:51] <SilverSpace> [18:51] <Mmike> SilverSpace, GT-I8190 [18:51] <Mmike> to ja imam [18:52] <SilverSpace> bootloader ti mora bit otkljucan ž [18:53] <Mmike> SilverSpace, kak to vidim/ [18:54] <markosejic> d vecer svima [18:55] <SilverSpace> [18:55] <SilverSpace> tu ti je [18:56] <SilverSpace> [18:57] <SilverSpace> [18:57] <SilverSpace> uh nije bas tak trivijalno :) [18:59] <SilverSpace> heimdall paket imas u ubuntu [18:59] <SilverSpace> heimdall-flash-frontend - tool for flashing firmware on Samsung Galaxy S devices - Qt GUI [19:00] <SilverSpace> sve tu fino pise [19:00] <markosejic> nema za moj gt-i9195 [19:03] <SilverSpace> ina i paketi adb [19:05] <Mmike> Rooting the stock firmware is neither recommended nor necessary. [19:06] <SilverSpace> :) [19:08] <SilverSpace> CM11.0 for S3 radi sve [19:08] <SilverSpace> cm 12.1 ne sve [19:09] <SilverSpace> [19:09] <datase> YouTube: CyanogenMod 11 KitKat 4.4.2 ROM for Galaxy S3 Mini ! - 0:02:58 - 51,368 views - 83 likes / 6 dislikes [19:09] <markosejic> ja imam kitkat na mon s4 mini [19:09] <markosejic> mom [19:10] <SilverSpace> Mmike: jel doso sa njime ili naknadno upgrade doso [19:10] <SilverSpace> markosejic: >> jel doso sa njime ili naknadno upgrade doso [19:11] <markosejic> naknadni upgrade [19:11] <SilverSpace> legend radi najbolje sa 4.0.4 [19:12] <SilverSpace> CM9.1 [19:13] <SilverSpace> 4.2 se vuce i ne radi sve bas glatko [19:25] <Mmike> SilverSpace, tko? [19:25] <Mmike> SilverSpace, 4.1.2 imam sad, i nije doso s tim, al' neznam, dal' je doso s 4.0 ili kaj [19:27] <vileni> je, dolazio je sa ICS [19:28] <vileni> neznam tocno koji [19:28] <SilverSpace> Mmike: mislio sam ovo gore na legend [19:28] <Mmike> SilverSpace Mmike: jel doso sa njime ili naknadno upgrade doso [19:29] <SilverSpace> s3? [19:29] <SilverSpace> nemam pojma [19:29] <markosejic> kod mene jebilo s 4.2.2 na 4.4.2 [19:29] <SilverSpace> markosejic: s4 [19:30] <markosejic> da mini gt-i9195 [19:30] <SilverSpace> to ni ne tteba novi room [19:30] <SilverSpace> s3 je druga stvar
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BotaniCar", "CrazyLemon", "Mmike", "SilverSpace", "Vlado9A3CY", "datase", "ivoks", "jelly", "markosejic", "vileni", "weshmashian" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-hr" }
[14:49] <mypapit> !seen najmi [14:49] <mypapit> !pukimak-launcau lu [15:45] <excalibr> mypapit, o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "excalibr", "mypapit" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-my" }
[04:31] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all [04:44] <lotuspsychje> [07:59] <lordievader> Good morning. [08:05] <OerHeks> Morning lordievader [08:14] <lordievader> Hey OerHeks, how are you doing? [08:16] <OerHeks> Great, just walked the doggies, how are you ? [08:17] <lordievader> Doing pretty good. [09:53] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [09:53] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: hello mate [09:53] <BluesKaj> Hi lotuspsychje, what's up? [09:54] <lotuspsychje> oh nothing much, doing a lil support :p [09:54] <lotuspsychje> [09:54] <lotuspsychje> and some good news readin :p [09:54] <lordievader> o/ [09:54] * BluesKaj nods and reads [09:55] <lotuspsychje> still most popular Os [09:55] <lotuspsychje> im sure they count ubuntu phones too [09:57] <BluesKaj> no doubt [09:59] <lotuspsychje> ok im off for lunch [14:23] <MonkeyDust> upgrading this redmond machine to the next preview version, wish me luck [14:28] <BluesKaj> W10? [14:28] <BluesKaj> MonkeyDust,^ [14:31] <MonkeyDust> yes, technical preview, out of curiosity [14:33] <MonkeyDust> i'm unable to install W8.1 tho, in vbox or vmware [14:33] <MonkeyDust> due to uefi, i giess [14:35] <lotuspsychje> MonkeyDust: did you disable fastboot and secureboot [14:35] <MonkeyDust> lotuspsychje not sure and cannot check now... [14:35] <lotuspsychje> MonkeyDust: what error do you get? [14:36] * MonkeyDust clicks install now [14:36] <MonkeyDust> drum roll... [14:36] <lotuspsychje> MonkeyDust: EriC^ is our uefi specialist :p [14:36] <EriC^> lol, what's up?  i'm unable to install W8.1 tho, in vbox or vmware  due to uefi, i giess [14:38] <MonkeyDust> lotuspsychje in vbox, it was some VT-x error [14:38] <BluesKaj> I dumped all the gpt partititons/table on my laptop and went with legacy mode and secure boot disabled [14:38] <EriC^> i think it installs in legacy too [14:39] <EriC^> MonkeyDust: i get the vt-x error when i try installing 64bit os's, i had to enable it in the bios [14:39] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Do you have disks larger than 2Tb? [14:40] <BluesKaj> yup , make sure virtualizing is enabled in the uefi/bios [14:40] <BluesKaj> lordievader, nope , my laptop is 1Tb [14:40] <BluesKaj> my other pcs are non-uefi [14:41] <lordievader> Ah, okay. msdos cannot do disks >2Tb. [14:42] <lotuspsychje> ioria: welcome :p [14:42] <ioria> ^_^ [14:45] <BluesKaj> lotuspsychje, lordievader I did have an occsional problem where the laptop refused to boot at all , it wouldn't see the UEFI/BIOS or the post page...I had to take the battery out for a few mins in order to reset [14:45] <MonkeyDust> ok, the equivalent to "apt-get upgrade" worked, but i want the "do-release-upgrade"... more drum rolls... [14:45] <lotuspsychje> lol: [14:45] <lordievader> I know nothing of Uefi, BluesKaj ;) [14:45] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: what brand is this mate? [14:47] <BluesKaj> lotuspsychje, it's a Lenovo G500 with intel i3 cpu, and 8G Ram and 1Tb hdd ...pretty plain jane laptop [14:47] <lotuspsychje> sounds nice [14:48] <lotuspsychje> some brands hide fastboot somewhere real deep in bios, you have to search hard to find :p [14:49] <daftykins> so true [14:49] <BluesKaj> it's fine lotuspsychje , I tried installing a gpt boot partition for safety's sake ,and altho it somehow reverted to msdos I no longer have the no boot problem [14:49] <daftykins> or are just buggy as hell and need to be running the latest version to even operate :) [14:50] <lotuspsychje> too bad for microsux, we always find a workaround :p [14:51] <daftykins> a friend had one of the ~2011 samsung 9 series ultraportables, hilariously it wouldn't even boot the windows 7 installer from flash drive without an EFI update [14:51] <lotuspsychje> lol [14:52] <lotuspsychje> daftykins: you think ubuntu would need that efi update to install aswell then? [14:53] <daftykins> never hurts to look at the fixes listed on the download page from the manufacturer, i say [14:53] <lotuspsychje> true [14:53] <daftykins> [14:54] <daftykins> check out this cheap Lenovo i picked up, it was on a special cashback deal so all told i got it and the free printer for £208 delivered O_O [14:54] <daftykins> it's since had the RAM doubled to 8GB for an extra £21 and an SSD put in :D [14:54] <lotuspsychje> wich ssd brand? [14:55] <lotuspsychje> neat lappy [14:55] <daftykins> i upgraded a friends Lenovo X240 to a 512GB Crucial and he let me keep the intel 160GB that was in it [14:55] <lotuspsychje> nice [14:55] <lotuspsychje> whats your boot time? [14:55] <MonkeyDu1t> was that with ubuntu preinstalled? [14:56] <daftykins> heh nah, i was just testing it out [14:57] <daftykins> i tend to boot a Linux distro to nuke the factory 8 installs they come with :D [14:57] <lotuspsychje> i also like that [14:57] <daftykins> that one is going to mother dearest so is running 7 *ducks* [14:57] <lotuspsychje> thats what im gonna do with my store :p [14:58] <daftykins> i did have a video, but basically if you imagine booting 7 - the swooshing bootlogo colours don't even get to the centre before the desktop comes up [14:58] <daftykins> it's a pretty nice Haswell i3-4010U [14:58] <lotuspsychje> i get 5sec boot/3sec halt on samsung evo 840 [14:59] <daftykins> :D [14:59] <daftykins> i still won't buy EVOs ;) i hear they've finally released yet another attempted firmware fix [14:59] <lotuspsychje> only the evo 840 [14:59] <lotuspsychje> doesnt affect 850 and 850 pro [15:00] <daftykins> *nod* [15:00] <lotuspsychje> i know a guy who runs servers with only 850 pro's and hammered them for weeks [15:00] <lotuspsychje> he says samsung is unbeatable [15:00] <lotuspsychje> never had one fail yet [15:01] <daftykins> Crucial M4s have been good to me, they did have that firmware bug where after x hours powered on Windows BSODd, but after updating that they've not let me down too :D [15:01] <lotuspsychje> yeah crucial is also good [15:01] <daftykins> i was in Australia when that happened to a client, i had to call a friend back home and ask him to pop in and update one :D [15:02] <lotuspsychje> i still have an old trancend 8 gig slc ssd in my desktop, and still rocketfast [15:02] <lotuspsychje> back in the days, it was like 100$ for the 8gig ssd lol [15:04] <MonkeyDust> my first pc, a 386, cost about $32.000!! [15:04] <lotuspsychje> oO wow [15:05] <MonkeyDust> yup, and it was before the dot com bubble [15:05] <daftykins> i found the shipping invoice for my first the other day, an intel X25-M 160GB [15:05] <daftykins> it's still the OS disk in my ageing desktop :D [15:06] <lotuspsychje> :p [15:07] <lotuspsychje> those intels are fast too, but not very cheap [15:07] <MonkeyDust> meanwhile, back in the batcave... [15:08] <lotuspsychje> lol [15:08] <daftykins> this channel might need an Alfred [15:08] <lotuspsychje> ZAPP KABBOOM [15:09] <EriC^> haha [15:10] <daftykins> i had a bit of a laugh doing a clean install of Windows 7 on the above cheap Lenovo, with the stock 500GB mechanical disk it came with [15:10] <daftykins> so my routine is clean install, put IE11 on, then minimum of a network driver to get it online and do Windows Update [15:10] <daftykins> the first 168 odd updates took... wait for it... 2.5hrs to install. [15:11] <daftykins> that's even with system restore disabled to speed things up [15:11] <lotuspsychje> daftykins: i worked recently in a mediamarket in my country and had to reinstall win8 boxes on routine, took me day n night to fix+update [15:11] <lotuspsychje> daftykins: the laptops were running all night to update + win 8.1 update [15:11] <lotuspsychje> a real nightmare [15:12] <daftykins> :( [15:12] <lotuspsychje> and the worst of all, my boss forbid me to install ubuntu on clients machines :p [15:12] <daftykins> you needed yourself a recent ISO ;) [15:13] <lotuspsychje> so i quit that job :p [15:14] <daftykins> i don't put out desktop Ubuntu either because i just couldn't support it [15:14] <BluesKaj> now I know why I don't use smpalyer , it's flaky, the spdif feed works and provides a DTS/DD audio one . but not the next on the same moviw with the same audio settings ...good ol' VLC to the rescue :) [15:15] <lotuspsychje> vlc rox [15:15] <BluesKaj> one day, that is [15:17] <BluesKaj> lotuspsychje, I see that a lot about Windows being the de riguer OS for clients because that's what he thinks they expect and can provide support for [15:18] <daftykins> yeah, was it that the boss refused to allow it even if you talked a customer into it? [15:19] <daftykins> 'cause it'd be fair if you were throwing it on where someone'd brought in Windows for fixing XD [15:19] <lotuspsychje> i did it once, and customer payed me 50 euro as reward because he loved it [15:19] <BluesKaj> I heardabout the same experience at my forner employer with fellow employees that wanted to bring their macs to work [15:19] <lotuspsychje> that was the only box i did [15:19] <MonkeyDust> the VT-x error for W8.1, do I change something in the vbox settings, or in the hardware BIOS? [15:19] <lordievader> MonkeyDust: Hardware bios. [15:20] <daftykins> if you've been VMing a long time it's a surprise if you'd have been doing so without VT enabled [15:20] <MonkeyDust> lordievader ok, but this is an old laptop [15:20] <daftykins> ah it's been around for over 7 years [15:20] <lordievader> MonkeyDust: What cpu? [15:21] <MonkeyDust> daftykins win xp, vista, 7 and 10 work, but 8 not [15:21] <MonkeyDust> brb [15:21] <daftykins> i think avoiding 8 is a blessing in disguise :D [15:21] <lotuspsychje> lol [15:22] <lotuspsychje> xp was the best of all nightmares [15:22] <BluesKaj> MonkeyDust, that's strange ...I had 8.1 on this 7 yr old desktop a while ago , it ran sort of ok and installed without any probs [15:22] <daftykins> this is for installing 8 in a VM atop said old laptop though right? [15:23] <daftykins> not bare metal [15:23] <BluesKaj> ok [15:24] <BluesKaj> had W7 on qemu-kvm , haven't tried 8.1 tho [15:25] <BluesKaj> qemu-kvm is difficult to setup LAN access [15:26] <BluesKaj> so i dumped linux machines can share files with windows machines np [15:26] <lordievader> Just standard linux networking stuff. [15:27] <MonkeyDust> BluesKaj for some reason, it won't here... [15:27] <MonkeyDust> just checked, no VT setting in the BIOS [15:27] <daftykins> MonkeyDust: i take it you're on an up to date vbox? [15:27] <daftykins> i typically use vmware personally ;x [15:27] <BluesKaj> lordievader, i tried that tutorial you gave me for qemu-kvm netwoking luck [15:28] <lordievader> BluesKaj: How did you configure it? [15:28] <MonkeyDust> virrtualbox 4.3.10 [15:28] <EriC^> MonkeyDust: are the other distro's 32bit by any chance? [15:28] <MonkeyDust> EriC^ yes, all [15:28] <BluesKaj> the vbr bridging [15:28] <EriC^> MonkeyDust: is the win8.1 64bit? [15:29] <lordievader> BluesKaj: virbr0 is used for natting... [15:29] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Did you nat or bridge? [15:29] <lotuspsychje_> MonkeyDust: old machine, wich brand? [15:29] <BluesKaj> it said it was bridging [15:29] * lordievader food :) [15:29] <MonkeyDust> EriC^ it's 32bit [15:30] <BluesKaj> lotuspsychje_, but it's ok , it 's no longer needed [15:30] <lotuspsychje_> lordievader: bon apetit! [15:30] <MonkeyDust> and lotuspsychje_ it's an acer aspire [15:30] <BluesKaj> oops sorry lotuspsychje_ , I mean lordievader [15:31] <EriC^> MonkeyDust: that's odd, what's the error it's giving? [15:31] <lotuspsychje_> MonkeyDust: i tryed lubuntu once on old acer aspire, and it didnt run smooth :p [15:32] <daftykins> lol how old? [15:32] <lotuspsychje_> MonkeyDust: is that with 40gig hd inside? [15:32] <MonkeyDust> lotuspsychje_ i'm happy with it as it is [15:32] <lotuspsychje_> daftykins: acer aspire 1392 or something [15:32] <lotuspsychje_> daftykins: the only thing runned properly was xp on it [15:33] <daftykins> :S [15:33] <daftykins> i know some people that refuse to let XP die :( [15:33] <lotuspsychje_> lolz [15:33] <daftykins> using registry tweaks to make it appear as XP embedded so it keeps getting some updates [15:33] <lotuspsychje_> daftykins: i think xp was already braindead for years with all those nasty exploits under tha hood :p [15:33] <daftykins> too true [15:34] <daftykins> the best i had was a friends mothers work laptop, she is a school teacher [15:34] <daftykins> the school had contracted IT but they refused to deal with this rootkit because it was clever enough to disable itself and hide when at the school using their proxy [15:35] <lotuspsychje_> lol [15:35] <daftykins> they didn't really believe her saying that it was coming up with all kinds of popups when browsing at home [15:35] <lotuspsychje_> daftykins: tell us the truth mate, you were spying the teachers hot pics with sub7 dont you :p [15:36] <daftykins> lmao [15:36] <daftykins> i was dating her daughter at the time so i think i was ok :D [15:36] <lotuspsychje_> :p [15:36] <lotuspsychje_> alot of people never look under the hood [15:37] <daftykins> anywho i decided to take a stab, sure enough it'd redirect online searches and open adverts, all the usual fun of the fair - but i eventually bypassed the Admin password and found a kind of fake device manager entry which was the main hook allowing this thing to hide its' files from explorer [15:37] <lotuspsychje_> they think their antivirus holds them clean [15:37] <daftykins> once i disabled that i could scan the disk and kill it all off \o/ [15:37] <lotuspsychje_> fake device manager, thats new for me [15:38] <lotuspsychje_> daftykins: you remember the rootkits name [15:39] <daftykins> hrmmmm TDS something i think [15:39] <daftykins> TDSS [15:40] <lotuspsychje_> yeah rings a bell [15:41] <daftykins> you had to enable 'show hidden devices' then it was buried under something like 'system devices' looking pretty cunningly named [15:41] <daftykins> it was just through searching for the site i was being redirected to that i found a guide to remove it though, no real intelligence on my part [15:42] <lotuspsychje_> TDSS is written in such a manner that detection becomes almost next to impossible. The installation of a rootkit like Rootkit.TDSS is made easier through PC users that log into their computers casually, imposing no access restrictions whatsoever. [15:42] <daftykins> mmm [15:42] <lotuspsychje_> nasty one [15:44] <daftykins> was definitely the most intelligent i'd ever seen [15:44] <daftykins> you'd find evidence of file locations but there'd be nothing there due to the explorer hooks [15:45] <daftykins> it was like opening a safe after disabling the device manager entry, suddenly you saw all its' files [15:45] <lotuspsychje_> never seen such one [15:47] <daftykins> i wondered if the contract IT would have ever noticed i had to change the admin password :D [15:47] <lotuspsychje_> lol [15:48] <daftykins> -d [15:48] <daftykins> ugh bad typing today [15:49] <lotuspsychje_> alot of admins dont know about rootkits [15:49] <lotuspsychje_> they think their network is safe [15:51] <daftykins> i could understand that one in a way, they're in the school on the proxy and none of the symptoms she'd report would show up [15:51] <daftykins> oh yeah it was even one of those ones bright enough to kill processes with common names, so task manager wouldn't run - notepad... tonnes of others [15:52] <lotuspsychje_> triggered from the botnet [15:53] <daftykins> :D [15:53] <daftykins> what makes me laugh is when you find some with "irc.exe" running [15:53] <lotuspsychje_> lol [15:54] <lotuspsychje_> or joke names like serv1ce.exe [15:54] <daftykins> 8D [15:54] <lotuspsychje_> explorerer.exe [15:55] <daftykins> the TDSS one naturally could hide processes too :/ [15:57] <lotuspsychje_> and re-trigger itself after removal [16:00] <lotuspsychje_> ok dinnertime here [16:00] <lotuspsychje_> cheers and laterz [16:05] <MonkeyDust> W8.1 is installing, i have a preview key at hand... [16:09] <daftykins> you may be fully updated as of Wednesday (: [16:09] <BluesKaj> or later :) [16:12] <BluesKaj> windows updates is the most frustrating, crappy lil repos with millions of users accessing at the same time, it's bloody ridiculous [16:13] <BluesKaj> bbiab [16:21] <OerHeks> Yeah, people pay an awfull lot of money for windows [16:21] <OerHeks> ... [16:36] <BluesKaj> I've received activted W7 and earlier versions from relatives' workplace OSs [16:37] <OerHeks> Me once paid for windows vista, because i wanted to build my pc myself. [16:38] <MonkeyDust> great, works, even without key [16:40] <daftykins> it's quite easy to disable key requirements for installation on Windows media [16:40] <daftykins> glad they're finally switching to something almost resembling free for Windows 10 though [16:42] <daftykins> oh by the way since all the work we do is solely to enable access to cat pics and videos, here's one of mine for you all! :D [16:42] <daftykins> [16:43] <MonkeyDust> cat pics and cute baby pics... is why the internet was invented [16:43] <MonkeyDust> and lunch pics ;) [16:44] <daftykins> :D [16:44] <daftykins> baby ones i'm immune to ;) [16:51] <EriC^> [16:53] <daftykins> "When life gives you lemons... you're this guys kid" :) [16:54] <EriC^> lol [16:54] <EriC^> this is pretty funny [16:55] <BluesKaj> babies always remind me how old I am, my youngest grandchild is now a teenager :P [16:55] <daftykins> genuine panic @ 30 seconds XD [16:56] <EriC^> daftykins: yeah haha [16:56] <daftykins> hehe [16:56] <daftykins> BluesKaj: don't tell me that! you're reminding me how much i should be doing far more things rather than giving free help online XD [16:57] <daftykins> i'm just a youngster of 30 :P [16:57] <daftykins> and only became that in Feb so i'm still reeling at having typed it [16:58] <BluesKaj> daftykins, yeah I remember turning 30, thought i was getting old then too :) [16:58] <daftykins> sure feels it [16:58] <daftykins> apart from the fact i refuse to grow up! [16:59] <EriC^> i turned 29 recently, it felt pretty big 28 -> 29 [16:59] <EriC^> seems like there's no buffer or something [16:59] <EriC^> haha [16:59] <daftykins> :D [17:00] <daftykins> the card from my parents at 29 said 'make the most of the last of your 20s' [17:00] <daftykins> that was when the fear set in ;) [17:01] <BluesKaj> fear not daftykins only gets worse :) [17:01] <daftykins> yaaaay \o/ [17:02] <daftykins> just watched a bit more of the Jimmy Kimmel thing, if you think about it the parents basically have no way of telling off the kids for their resulting tantrums [17:02] <daftykins> it's pretty evil :P [17:04] <EriC^> yeah it is :P [17:04] <EriC^> this is pretty nuts [17:05] <EriC^> daftykins: what do you mean telling off? [17:06] <EriC^> you mean they can't tell them they were j/k? [17:07] <daftykins> imagine if a kid gets so stroppy they make some real damage though :D [17:08] <EriC^> lol [17:08] <daftykins> like the quiet one walks off to their room to sulk, but secretly lets the handbrake off in the car and watches it roll down the hill [17:08] <EriC^> lol [17:09] <EriC^> that'd be funny [17:09] <daftykins> which leads to the obliatory: [17:09] <daftykins> *obligatory [17:09] <EriC^> they tell them they're j/k right away though [17:12] <daftykins> d'aww the little one "we'll get some more next time..." [17:12] <EriC^> yeah [17:13] <daftykins> hrmm wonder if my lappy will appreciate a vacuumed keyboard whilst powered on [17:15] <EriC^> when i was about 6, i was watching cartoons on a saturday morning and i broke the antenna and my dad had warned me not to mess with it, so i fixed it, and turned the tv off, then dad comes home later and he wanted to watch the lebanese news on his tv channel (i was in the usa), anyways he's like wth isn't this working? then he notices the antenna is taped together with scotch tape and he freaks out [17:15] <EriC^> oops, that was kind of long.. [17:16] <daftykins> :D [17:17] <daftykins> aaah i'm so glad this channel exists [17:18] <daftykins> good to have an exchange with you lot that isn't just a subtle nod at some crazy that's come in ;) [17:18] <EriC^> hehe yeah ;) [17:18] <daftykins> otherwise #ubuntu tends to be like this for me - [17:20] <EriC^> lool [17:20] <EriC^> :D [18:18] <daftykins> [18:18] <daftykins> well well well [18:18] <daftykins> don't even need to click to get the gist of that article [18:34] <OerHeks> It's windows 9 :-D [18:36] <daftykins> sure is [18:36] <OerHeks> In Germany it would sound like windows "no" [18:37] <daftykins> if a German support guy was thinking a customer was speaking of 7 first, then got corrected [18:37] <daftykins> it'd be "Ach, nein!" [18:37] <daftykins> \o/ [18:39] <MonkeyDust> nice, W8.1 works, but I have no use for it :p [18:40] <OerHeks> MonkeyDust, at least it is a host for antivirus [18:41] <MonkeyDust> it does have a use: rmember me that everything costs money in and for windows [18:41] <MonkeyDust> remind* [18:42] <OerHeks> well, it is a friendly way to leave your email, age, size of socks everywhere [18:43] <OerHeks> *when you register software [19:02] <BluesKaj> oops almost got caught in the google web, no pun intended [19:03] <daftykins> MonkeyDust: but Linux costs me my youth and my hair :D [19:03] <BluesKaj> thet insync app, wants to take over my internet 'experience' ..don't think so [19:04] <daftykins> never heard of that one 0o [19:04] <MonkeyDust> daftykins nevertheless, "we are young, and we're free" [19:05] <OerHeks> poor but happy :-D [19:05] <OerHeks> Rich of dreams [19:05] <daftykins> hehehe [19:05] <OerHeks> millionairs know some other kind of poverty [19:05] <daftykins> too true [19:06] <OerHeks> get me that feeling :-D [19:06] <MonkeyDust> ms hearts is no longer there... [19:07] <OerHeks> It all went down with ms flightsimulator [19:07] <MonkeyDust> oh, it's xbox now [19:07] <daftykins> you actually seem to have to have an MS account and use their store to download and install fully connected online games now =| [19:07] <daftykins> even the basic card ones [19:08] <OerHeks> Still, my mom can use her gmail on win8 [19:23] <BluesKaj> I still use gmail, i just don't want it to take over my pc and surfing ...stick to email and browsers i say :) [19:24] <BluesKaj> FF for browsing [19:28] <daftykins> yeah i have chrome for gmail and then FF for browsing [19:28] <daftykins> keeps things away from being tied to your account then, too [19:32] <BluesKaj> well, i don't do twiter at all and facebook is a necessary evil in my circle so i put up with it, but otherwise I prefer to surf and do my own thing on line [19:38] <daftykins> *nod* same here [19:38] <daftykins> only touch facebook for the social obligations [19:43] <JanC> the only facebook social obligation is not to use it... [19:43] <JanC> everything else is asocial [19:44] <daftykins> not when your friends are all turning 30 and they all send out invites via it [19:45] <JanC> if they don't care to invite you in a socially acceptable way, they aren't friends [19:46] <daftykins> i'm sorry but your opinions here are totally silly [19:52] <lordievader> JanC: For many people Facebook is a socially acceptable way. [19:53] <JanC> give me one objective reason why *forcing* somebody to join, and be exploited by, facebook would/should be socially acceptable? [19:55] <lordievader> I am not saying that I find it personally acceptable. I am saying that for many people it is normal and therefore acceptable. You are allowed to disagree ;) [19:56] <JanC> that's fine, as long as they don't force it onto others [19:58] <daftykins> +1 to lordievader [19:59] <daftykins> JanC: your opinion here however borders on the paranoid-online insane :/ [19:59] <daftykins> and it's cool to think that way, but i don't think we should have to hear about it [20:02] <BluesKaj> oh facebook has it's advantages and it's a perfectly acceptable way to give and receive invitations in this day and age, but otherwise I just don't use it much [20:13] <BluesKaj> anyway , it's time to sign off ...been an interesting day here gents, take care all [22:55] <MonkeyDust> have I ever! I actually LIKE windows 8.1!! [23:16] <daftykins> ... [23:16] <daftykins> MonkeyDust: get out [23:16] <daftykins> :D [23:17] <EriC^> lol [23:17] <EriC^> that reminded me of that kid and the drawers [23:18] <EriC^> haha [23:18] <daftykins> XD
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "EriC^", "JanC", "MonkeyDu1t", "MonkeyDust", "OerHeks", "daftykins", "ioria", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje", "lotuspsychje_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-discuss" }
[00:20] <tzanolo> ls [00:20] <tzanolo> good evening. [00:20] <tzanolo> i create a user for my sister, add user [00:20] <tzanolo> and a password [00:21] <tzanolo> now she can use sudo with her own password. I dont want it. I need a password for sudo that is not the same password for a normal user [00:25] <hkrrsx> tzanolo: It's generally not advised to set/change the root user's password for this purpose, please see this: [00:26] <tzanolo> i dont want to enable root acount [00:26] <tzanolo> i just want a normal user can run sudo [00:26] <hkrrsx> You said she already can run sudo with her own password, that's normal [00:27] <hkrrsx> That's proper use of sudo, afaik [00:27] <vonsyd0w> take her out of the sudo group [00:28] <tzanolo> ok, taker her off from sudo group [00:29] <davidbm> join #dev-co [00:31] <tzanolo> I`ll learn it now! [00:32] <tzanolo> sudo deluser visita sudo [00:35] <vonsyd0w> if the username is $visita, yea thats the correct command [00:39] <daftykins> i thought the group was 'admin' [00:39] <daftykins> yep [00:41] <vonsyd0w> daftykins, [00:42] <daftykins> i made the mistake of looking on my 10.04.4 system here :D [00:42] <daftykins> which has 10 days left of life! [00:43] <deadmund> daftykins: better switch! [00:43] <daftykins> yeah already reinstalled, just haven't moved IRC yet (: [00:53] <deadmund> I am using ubuntu on an SDD (very recently install). Do I need to do anything special in fstab or anything else to protect / prolong the life of the SSD?? [00:54] <gzcwnk> interesting Q [00:54] <gzcwnk> i am about to do that as well [00:54] <EriC^^> deadmund: yeah, i don't know exactly what, you have to add trim or something to it [00:54] <hkrrsx> deadmund: Yes, check out fstrim .... [00:55] <daftykins> i think it's all built in these days [00:56] <teka> Anyone one else use another language for there keyboard? For me it does not switch, why is this? [00:56] <EriC^^> deadmund [00:56] <bazhang> !trim | deadmund [00:57] <AkashicLegend> what's a simple command I can use to display the content of multiple text files on the terminal [00:57] <EriC^^> AkashicLegend: cat [00:57] <AkashicLegend> that's what I put in [00:57] <EriC^^> AkashicLegend: cat <file1> <file2> , or cat /path/to/files/* [00:57] <deadmund> bazhang: I'm running 14.10 (hdparm -I /dev/sda says that my drive does support TRIM (limit 8 blocks). Your most recent link / statement indicates it's already activated by default ( I'm assuming that the discard keyword should be in my fstab if this feature is active?) [00:58] <genii> If you don't want it all scrollling by pipe it to less [00:58] <deadmund> bazhang: Howcan I verify that TRIM is active on my system?? [01:02] <SuspiciousWombat> I want to try Ubuntu , should i choose still 14.10? , wait till 15 comes ? or just use the beta ? [01:03] <xangua> SuspiciousWombat: LTS is also an option, 4 years left of support [01:04] <SuspiciousWombat> xangua, Thanks :) But i would switch anyway when it is coming out [01:04] <Bashing-om> SuspiciousWombat: ^^ just getting started .. 14.04 for long term stability is highly recommended . [01:06] <SuspiciousWombat> Bashing-om, im not totally new to Linux if you mean this :D [01:06] <Ben64> i'd still recommend 14.04 [01:06] <SuspiciousWombat> :) [01:06] <SuspiciousWombat> Ok Thanks guys (and girls) [01:07] <deadmund> bazhang: I see, there is a cron job for it as your link ( ) described. Thanks for the help! [01:23] <ika> hi all ... can anyone help me to get the resoltion of my ubuntu running in vbox to full hd ^^ i´ve installed the vbox guest addidtions but xrandr still say my maximum resolution is 1024 x 768^^ [01:24] <EriC^^> ika: change GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub then sudo update-grub [01:24] <daftykins> i'd check 3D accel is on on the guest [01:24] <daftykins> and check the VRAM size [01:24] <ika> Eric^^ ok i´ll do so :D [01:25] <ika> daftykins 3d accel is active and vram is 2048 mb [01:25] <EriC^^> ika: you might need to set GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX to keep [01:25] <daftykins> lol you can't put a VM on 2GB that's silly :P [01:26] <ika> Eric^^ ok [01:26] <ika> why not :D? [01:26] <daftykins> you know i mean video RAM not system RAM yeah? [01:26] <ika> ah [01:26] <ika> ne [01:26] <daftykins> :D [01:26] <ika> though system ram ^^ [01:26] <ika> ^^ [01:26] <ika> vram is 128 mb i think [01:26] <ika> ^^ [01:33] <ika> do i have to add GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX to the /etc/default /grubcause i cant find it there or is in an other file ? [01:35] <genii> ika: Yes, thats the file it goes in [01:35] <ika> genii ok thx =) [01:36] <genii> ika: Don't forget after to: sudo update-grub and: sudo update-initramfs -u [01:36] <ika> genii ok [01:46] <Hxxx> hi, weird issue. Everytime I finish a ubuntu 14.04.2 64 bit install in a proxmox kvm(vm) , it boots to grub rescue [01:46] <Hxxx> anyone with a similar issue [01:46] <Hxxx> ? [01:51] <teaearlgraycold> How do you read from a pipe in a shell script? [01:51] <teaearlgraycold> I need awk to read from stdin from within a script [01:56] <ika> ls [01:56] <ika> ls [01:56] <ika> oh shit [01:56] <ika> sry [02:30] <ernesto> ayuda [02:30] <Bigfreedom> que [02:36] <Guest18397> alguien me puede ayudar [02:37] <Guest18397> soy novato en ubuntu [02:37] <somsip> !pr | Guest18397 [02:37] <somsip> !br | Guest18397 [02:38] <xangua> it's spanish somsip ;) [02:38] <Guest18397> pero soy Argentino no hablo portuges [02:38] <somsip> xangua: I thought portuguese. Sorry Guest18397 [02:38] <somsip> !es [02:41] <Guest18397> gracias igual no me responden alli [02:42] <Bigfreedom> qué problema ha [02:43] <Mad3ngineer> hey, I have been spending the past hour trying to get VSFTPD working... I am probably just doing something stupid, but I can't for the life of me make my /var/www folder so that I can upload files to it via ftp (I am using FileZilla for client, Ubuntu 14.04 on host). I am getting a 550 error. Here is my vsftpd.conf I have /var/www set to chmod 755 and chowned to the user who I can login as, even though I [02:43] <Mad3ngineer> get a 550 error. Funny part is, the user can't even edit in their home directory. [02:43] <Mad3ngineer> can someone help me out? [02:44] <Ben64> Mad3ngineer: i'd suggest using sftp(transfers files using ssh) instead of ftp [02:44] <Mad3ngineer> to clarify, I can login properly via FTP, and if I enter incorrect password, it boots me out, as it should, but when I try to make any changes, it messes up [02:44] <Mad3ngineer> For the current uses, I am going to use it over LAN entirely, so I am not that concerned about security at this point [02:44] <Mad3ngineer> I will work on security later [02:45] <Ben64> sftp is easier and more secure [02:45] <Bigfreedom> Guest18397 qué problema ha [02:45] <Mad3ngineer> will changing to sftp fix that problem? [02:45] <Ben64> likely, yes [02:45] <Mad3ngineer> all right, thanks. I'll google up on it [02:45] <Ben64> all you need is a ssh server running [02:46] <Mad3ngineer> which I have, OpenSSH [02:46] <Ben64> then you're all set [02:46] <Mad3ngineer> so, nothing has to be changed in config? [02:46] <Ben64> nope [02:46] <Mad3ngineer> Then what am I doing wrong? [02:46] <Mad3ngineer> 550 errors for days [02:46] <Ben64> well you need to use a sftp client [02:46] <Mad3ngineer> aka not filezilla [02:46] <Mad3ngineer> maybe that's why I always had problems... [02:46] <Ben64> idk if that does it, but its not the same thing as ftp [02:47] <Mad3ngineer> filezilla is an FTP client, but lemme check if it supports sftp [02:47] <Mad3ngineer> yeah, it does [02:47] <Gerowen> Filezilla does support sftp, you just have put sftp:// in front of the destination [02:47] <Mad3ngineer> let me try it out... [02:48] <Mad3ngineer> hmm, now when I try to /mkdir test it outputs "mkdir /home/mad3ngineer/test: failure" [02:49] <tim`> in vivid I have to boot an older 3.16 kernel instead of 3.19 for keyboard to work on ecryptfs prompt (macbook pro 11,3) -- anyone know if there is a fix for this? Seems like some people have had similar issues in 3.19 because some HID modules were shuffled around and maybe not in the initrd ? [02:49] <Ben64> tim`: #ubuntu+1 for vivid support until release [02:49] <Mad3ngineer> man... VSFTPD has been cruel to configure for me [02:49] <tim`> release is near tho :o [02:49] <Mad3ngineer> probably just something really stupid I am doing, like i said... [02:49] <Ben64> Mad3ngineer: sftp has nothing to do with vsftpd... [02:50] <Mad3ngineer> I am using vsftpd as my server [02:50] <Mad3ngineer> so, it has to do with my errors, but maybe not sftp [02:50] <Gerowen> Mad3ngineer: I'm a little late to the game, but on all my setups I've never bothered with VSFTPD, I just install the SSH server and it supports SFTP out of the box. [02:50] <Ben64> and i'm trying to get you to see that sftp is completely different, better, and more secure [02:50] <Mad3ngineer> oh, seriously? [02:50] <Gerowen> Mad3ngineer: openssh-server I believe is the package I always use. [02:50] <Mad3ngineer> so, vsftpd is uneeded with OpenSSH? [02:51] <Gerowen> Mad3ngineer: Yeah I use it all the time to move files around between my laptop and my desktop in the living room. [02:51] <Ben64> Mad3ngineer: more than unneeded, its not related [02:51] <Mad3ngineer> dang, then I already had OpenSSH and didn't realise it supported SFTP/FTP [02:51] <Ben64> there is no sftp/ftp [02:51] <Mad3ngineer> just sftp? [02:51] <Ben64> right, its a file transfer protocol over ssh [02:52] <Mad3ngineer> ok. [02:52] <Mad3ngineer> ill read up on this. thanks for pointing me in right direction [02:52] <Ben64> when you log in as a user using sftp, you'll have all the permissions as you would normally [02:52] <Mad3ngineer> ah, that makes this really easy [03:03] <Voyage> What smtp servers are available for ubuntu/debian? [03:04] <daftykins> apt-cache search smtp [03:05] <vonsyd0w> all of them [03:06] <Mad3ngineer> well, I am seeing some problems that may be related to hard disk space... I am running this on a VBox instance, with a virtual hard drive, initially set to 8 gigs. I just tried setting it to 16 gigs with gparted, making the overloaded main partition 16 gigs, (all this after running the vbox_modify command or whatever). Now that I start up ubuntu again, I am seeing the same problem... When I run df -h, it shows 100% usage and it still [03:06] <Mad3ngineer> shows the partition with the same size as before I used GParted... It is as if the changes I made in GParted are invisible to ubuntu, but not to GParted... When I started Gparted again, puzzled, sure enough it was still showing the new partition as having 16 gigs (8 free gigs) [03:07] <Mad3ngineer> not the new partition, the old one. [03:07] <Mad3ngineer> I didnt make a new one. [03:08] <Mad3ngineer> is there a command of some sorts that I need to run to make ubuntu see the changes made in GParted? [03:08] <Voyage> daftykins, postfix is good. setting up an smtp, + getting the headers in php right. is a headache as making them go through spam filters is a lot of work [03:09] <daftykins> Voyage: sounds like you're answering your own question? :) [03:09] <vonsyd0w> Mad3ngineer, resize2fs is probably what you're looking for [03:09] <Mad3ngineer> better than gparted? [03:09] <Voyage> daftykins, yes. needed comments on it [03:10] <daftykins> dunno, don't do my own email :) [03:10] <daftykins> life is too short! [03:10] <vonsyd0w> you need to let the filesystem know about the newly added GBs to the partition [03:11] <Mad3ngineer> makes sense. I guess I need to run resize2fs on my ubuntu instance, the one that is clogged up? [03:13] <vonsyd0w> make sure you read the man pages for the command beforehand. backup anything important as well [03:13] <Mad3ngineer> since my server is a virtual instance, I already have it backed up easily [03:14] <vonsyd0w> the beauty of VMs; makes testing easy [03:14] <Mad3ngineer> good for inexperienced persons, such as myself... [03:14] <Mad3ngineer> well, I looked on the main page with no clue as to what to do... found this [03:15] <Mad3ngineer> ran the umount command, and it tells me device is busy... [03:17] <vonsyd0w> you can't unmount a partition if its in use. if you booted into the VM, the device (partition) is in use [03:18] <Mad3ngineer> ugh... *scratches head* [03:18] <vonsyd0w> to my knowledge you should be able to run resize2fs on a live filesystem and it'll automagically extend it [03:18] <Mad3ngineer> ok [03:18] <vonsyd0w> Mad3ngineer, your best option is to boot to a live cd and make the changes there. [03:19] <Mad3ngineer> all right [03:19] <vonsyd0w> that way the device isn't in use and you can run fsck afterwards [03:20] <Mad3ngineer> all this stuff is kind of confusing.... gonna try to do that [03:23] <vonsyd0w> ask questions if it helps [03:24] <Mad3ngineer> well, reading on resize2fs's main page, it says that it doesn't change the size of partitions... I have already done that. That seems to imply that it could do all the filesystem remounting, while the instance is still running, like you said... Now, it wouldn't happen to be an apt-get file, would it? I don't see a .deb link anywhere on the site [03:25] <Sl0P3> so uh [03:25] <Sl0P3> ubuntu hacked me [03:25] <Sl0P3> so I quit life [03:26] <[Saint]> And here we have the emotionally imbalanced IRC troll, in his natural environment, #ubuntu [03:27] <[Saint]> Look at his beautiful markings. See him stalk his prey. [03:28] <[Saint]> In moments of territorial shortages, the emotionally imbalanced IRC troll has been known to take up residence in #Cyanogenmod for short periods. [03:28] <vonsyd0w> Mad3ngineer, you're trying to get an Ubuntu VM with a 16GB vdi file as its HD, to see all 16GB, right? [03:28] <Mad3ngineer> yes [03:28] <Mad3ngineer> currently it sees 8 gigs [03:28] <vonsyd0w> its currently only seeing 8GB [03:28] <Mad3ngineer> i have the partition set to 16 gigs [03:28] <Mad3ngineer> using GParted [03:29] <Mad3ngineer> I just dont understand why my /dev/mapper/blahblah doesnt see all of it [03:30] <vonsyd0w> if you run "lsblk /dev/mapper/blahblah" what does it show? [03:30] <vonsyd0w> brb smoke break [03:30] <Mad3ngineer> aight [03:31] <alteregoa> happy 4/20 day [03:31] <Mad3ngineer> gitlab--vg-root (NAME) 252:0 (MAJ:MIN) 6.7G (SIZE) 0 (RO) lvm (TYPE) / (MOUNTPOINT) [03:38] <brennan_> !connect [03:43] <captpicard> ubuntu 14.04, every time i want to play a youtube video in firefox, i have to clear the browsing history, else it just hangs at loading. only happens on my ubuntu firefox. [03:44] <[Saint]> For other puzzling things /dev/mapper doesn't do - see: encrypted home partitions with LVM [03:44] <daftykins> try a clean profile, captpicard [03:45] <daftykins> also the guest session [03:45] <[Saint]> swap on encrypted home with LVM, I'm looking at you, buddy. [03:45] <jswagner> captpicard: test with a clean firefox profile? very unlikely to be specific to ubuntu [03:45] <[Saint]> I traced the history of the breakage, and, frankly, it's shocking. [03:45] <[Saint]> Does like no one ever use encrypted home w/ LVM ? [03:46] <[Saint]> Or, if they do, do they never notice swap is broken? [03:46] <captpicard> where's my firefox profile stored? .mozilla in my home directory? should i just erase the directory? [03:46] <[Saint]> The fact that it's "just" an offset snafu makes it even worse. [03:46] <jswagner> captpicard: or, you know, move it temporarily so firefox can't find it, just to test [03:46] <jswagner> captpicard: no need to go nuclear [03:47] <captpicard> k [03:47] <captpicard> thx [03:48] <vonsyd0w> Mad3ngineer, that doesn't look like its 16GB [03:48] <daftykins> captpicard: or alt+F2, type "firefox -P" it seems [03:49] <Mad3ngineer> i know that GParted shows 16 gigs partitioned [03:49] <Mad3ngineer> idk... [03:50] <vonsyd0w> did you boot to a gparted LiveCD and resize? [03:50] <Mad3ngineer> yes [03:50] <Mad3ngineer> i triple checked it [03:50] <vonsyd0w> is the .vdi file for the VM 16GB? [03:50] <Mad3ngineer> yes, already ran the command to resize that from VBox [03:51] <daftykins> Mad3ngineer: "sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit" ? [03:51] <vonsyd0w> oh its an LVM! [03:51] <daftykins> ugh LVM :P i'm out then XD [03:51] <Mad3ngineer> uhh [03:51] <vonsyd0w> just realized that, you'll need to extend the LVM as well [03:51] <Mad3ngineer> uhhhhhh [03:51] <Mad3ngineer> so.... [03:51] <captpicard> well, wiping out .mozilla didnt seem to help. maybe i should just reinstall firefox [03:51] <daftykins> captpicard: no, as above [03:51] <daftykins> run the profile manager. [03:52] <daftykins> captpicard: also - [03:52] <Mad3ngineer> starting up gparted again [03:52] <Mad3ngineer> gonna look for lvm stuff [03:52] <vonsyd0w> lvextend is the command to do that [03:53] <Mad3ngineer> wait... so not in GParted? [03:53] <captpicard> heh [03:53] <vonsyd0w> device -> partition -> lvm -> filesystem. it needs to be adjusted in that order. I've never used gparted to extend lvms; just partitions [03:53] <captpicard> great [03:54] <captpicard> wiped the profile, created a new profile, now i have no sound at all [03:54] <Mad3ngineer> ah, ok. [03:54] <raju> how about lvextend ? its not going to work in this case ? [03:54] <Mad3ngineer> so, in the partition, I expanded /dev/sda2 which contains the /dev/sda5 which is full [03:54] <captpicard> ok, just gonna reinstall firefox [03:54] <Mad3ngineer> that is step 2, right [03:55] <Mad3ngineer> and i also expanded /dev/sda5 [03:55] <Mad3ngineer> just for clarification [03:55] <Mad3ngineer> so uh, lvextend [03:55] <Mad3ngineer> heh [03:56] <vonsyd0w> lets slow down; lets do what daftykins recommended and see your fdisk -l output; please use for that [03:56] <Mad3ngineer> ok [03:57] <Mad3ngineer> wow... as I wait for my instance to load up, is so much more to-the-point than pastebin. I like it. [03:58] <Mad3ngineer> well, I just typed in fdisk -l output [03:58] <Mad3ngineer> nothing outputs... at all... [03:58] <vonsyd0w> you'll need to be root [03:58] <vonsyd0w> or use sudo [03:58] <captpicard> i think reinstalling firefox fixed the problem [03:58] <Mad3ngineer> ah, ok [03:58] <Mad3ngineer> *facepalm* [03:59] <Mad3ngineer> still nothing [03:59] <vonsyd0w> so on the VM, if you type "sudo fdisk -l" you get no output? what? [03:59] <Mad3ngineer> as useless as this is... [04:00] <vonsyd0w> remove the word output [04:00] <cfhowlett> !@ [04:00] <vonsyd0w> just type fdisk -l [04:00] <Mad3ngineer> oh my god im retarded [04:00] <daftykins> no [04:00] <daftykins> type "sudo fdisk -l" [04:00] <vonsyd0w> if you look at the prompt, he is root [04:00] <daftykins> oh you were root yes [04:00] <daftykins> my bad, 5am here. [04:00] <vonsyd0w> close your eyes... [04:00] <daftykins> i'm actually a regular volunteer here, just one that should not be awake :D [04:01] <Mad3ngineer> [04:01] <Mad3ngineer> there we go.... now that we got past the derpiness [04:01] <Mad3ngineer> <-- source of derpiness [04:02] <daftykins> so yeah your disk is 16GB, your LV is 8 [04:02] <daftykins> well, 7 without swap [04:02] <Mad3ngineer> so... now, I use lvextend? [04:02] <daftykins> presumably, i'm not an LVM person (: [04:03] <Mad3ngineer> I am starting to wonder if hitting enter on that default value during the installation was a bad idea [04:03] <Mad3ngineer> "Guided lvm installation" or whatever the hell it was [04:03] <Mad3ngineer> so uh, heh... trying to use lvextend [04:04] <daftykins> i always avoid LVM as i don't have a clue how to use it \o/ [04:04] <Mad3ngineer> that sounds like the plan I should be using [04:04] <vonsyd0w> for home use its not the best for beginners. I don't use it on my laptop, but its in use on all my servers [04:05] <Mad3ngineer> what are the benefits of it? [04:05] <Mad3ngineer> ugh I dont know what number to put in for lvextend [04:06] <vonsyd0w> can you type vgs, pvs, and lvs at the root prompt [04:06] <vonsyd0w> separate commands [04:07] <vonsyd0w> one after the other and that [04:07] <vonsyd0w> I'm thinking you'll need to extend the volume group before the lvm [04:07] <Mad3ngineer> [04:08] <Mad3ngineer> volume and partition groups are already expanded [04:08] <vonsyd0w> nope just the lvm [04:08] <Mad3ngineer> but what number should I set it to? lvextend 15.38g? [04:08] <Mad3ngineer> I am so confused [04:10] <vonsyd0w> lvextend /dev/mapper/gitlab--vg-root /dev/sda5 [04:10] <vonsyd0w> that'll extend it to the amount of available free space [04:10] <Mad3ngineer> ahhh ok. thanks [04:10] <Mad3ngineer> yus [04:10] <Mad3ngineer> finally some progress [04:10] <Mad3ngineer> now, will LVM just kick in and resize the file system or will I need to do something else [04:12] <vonsyd0w> well lvextend has the "-r" flag which would of extended the underlying filesystem as well. you can do it manually with resize2fs. you should run fsck on the filesystem to check consistency [04:12] <Mad3ngineer> aight, so fsck first or after? [04:12] <vonsyd0w> after resizing [04:14] <Mad3ngineer> now, what I am trying to do is resize2fs /dev/mapper/gitlab--vg-root /dev/sda5 [04:14] <Mad3ngineer> I assume that is wrong? [04:14] <Mad3ngineer> its giving me an invalid new size [04:15] <vonsyd0w> "/dev/sda5" isn't a size. remove that [04:15] <Mad3ngineer> oh, so that isnt needed. thus the [] brackets [04:15] <Mad3ngineer> thank you so much vonsyd0w [04:16] <Mad3ngineer> now my df -h is looking good and I learned something new [04:16] <vonsyd0w> boom, its like magic [04:17] <Mad3ngineer> dang, it really is. My ftp is magically working too now... *chuckle* who would have thought that lack of space would prevent file uploading? *nervous laugh* [04:17] <Mad3ngineer> *note to self* check df -h when you experience problems with file uploading randomly [04:31] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all [04:51] <TyrfingMjolnir> How do I update this key? W: GPG error: trusty Release: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1406982466 KEYEXPIRED 1406982466 KEYEXPIRED 1406982466 [04:52] <TyrfingMjolnir> wget -O -|apt-key add - [04:58] <lotuspsychje> !gpg | TyrfingMjolnir [04:58] <TyrfingMjolnir> Already fixed: This is the answer: wget -O -|apt-key add - [04:59] <lotuspsychje> !yay | TyrfingMjolnir [04:59] <TyrfingMjolnir> I'm amazed how long answers it's possible to receive on irc without seeing the answer. [05:01] <vonsyd0w> what? [05:06] <tianzuo> halo [05:14] <splitwire> exit [05:14] <mehdi_> how can i upgrade my gedit from 3.10 to 3.14 or 3.16 [05:14] <mehdi_> ? [05:15] <tianzuo> 有人能看懂中文么 [05:16] <somsip> !zh | tianzuo [05:16] <somsip> mehdi_: what version of ubuntu? [05:16] <mehdi_> 14.04 [05:16] <somsip> !info gedit trusty | mehdi_ (this is the current official version) [05:17] <somsip> mehdi_: so it is 3.10, which means you have to go to unsupported, unofficial sources for a more recent version [05:17] <somsip> !ppa | mehdi_ [05:18] <mehdi_> somsip, well there was a ppa but seems the name was incorect [05:18] <somsip> mehdi_: use the ppa search - see above [05:19] <Blue1> mehdi_: you prolly could get the sources here and compile it: [05:19] <Blue1> oops [05:19] <Blue1> [05:19] <Blue1> mehdi_: why do you want to upgrade? curious? [05:23] <mehdi_> Blue1, well the new UI is awesome :D thats y [05:23] <Blue1> hmm dunno happy with what's available I guess [05:23] <Blue1> mehdi_: [05:24] <mehdi_> Blue1, its 3MB its currect? [05:26] <ANJ7> I have a problem with my mouse [05:27] <ANJ7> I just dragged something and the mouse became the image of the dragged item. [05:27] <ANJ7> and now my mouse is like a small window [05:27] <TyrfingMjolnir> My apt only has: trusty main restricted multiverse universe [05:27] <TyrfingMjolnir> How do I add the erratas? [05:28] <lotuspsychje> ANJ7: you have an ati grafix card? [05:29] <ANJ7> lotuspsychje: nope [05:29] <ANJ7> mine is intel built-in [05:29] <lotuspsychje> ANJ7: sounds like a graphics bug [05:30] <ANJ7> lotuspsychje: yea, I've seen it many time [05:30] <lotuspsychje> ANJ7: ubuntu version and grafix chipset + driver loaded? [05:30] <ANJ7> ubuntu 14.10 [05:31] <TyrfingMjolnir> How can I list the reason for packages to have been kept back? [05:31] <ANJ7> I don't know to see grafix chipset adn driver [05:31] <lotuspsychje> ANJ7: sudo lshw -C video [05:31] <ANJ7> ok [05:32] <Ben64> TyrfingMjolnir: depends, whats going on [05:32] <dtscode> hey guys... for whatever reason the firefox button for a new tab disappeared. how can i get it back? [05:32] <TyrfingMjolnir> Ben64: [05:33] <ANJ7> lotuspsychje: [05:33] <lotuspsychje> ANJ7: driver seems fine [05:33] <lotuspsychje> ANJ7: did you have same problem on 14.04? [05:34] <Ben64> TyrfingMjolnir: thats not good [05:35] <lotuspsychje> dtscode: you could try this: [05:35] <dtscode> thanks [05:36] <triariilendel> could someone help me out with an issue I'm having? [05:37] <lotuspsychje> triariilendel: if you give us details [05:37] <triariilendel> not sure if the IRC should be used for that [05:37] <triariilendel> I wrote it up here - [05:37] <Ben64> if its not an ubuntu issue, then its not for this channel [05:38] <lotuspsychje> triariilendel: ubuntu version? [05:38] <triariilendel> 14.04 [05:38] <lotuspsychje> triariilendel: does keyboard pickup your keys in setup? [05:38] <triariilendel> setup? [05:38] <lotuspsychje> triariilendel: ubuntu install proces [05:39] <triariilendel> I've been using it for a while, only just stopped working [05:39] <vexati0n> so... running Ubuntu Gnome on a HiDPI screen. Is there any way to scale this thing properly? Why does it only allow "normal size" and "twice as big" ? [05:39] <triariilendel> when I installed it a week ago, the keyboard did work during install [05:40] <lotuspsychje> triariilendel: anything unusual happened, updates? [05:40] <triariilendel> nope. Tried installing the unofficial linux drivers for the keyboard, but that isn't installing either [05:40] <TyrfingMjolnir> Ben64: Used the oldest trick in the book: and now it works. [05:40] <triariilendel> I did some research and it should be working /without/ using the linux drivers [05:41] <lotuspsychje> triariilendel: if it work at your first fresh might wanna reinstall fresh then [05:41] <triariilendel> no other way to do it then? have to reinstall everything [05:42] <lotuspsychje> triariilendel: perhaps there is, but i wouldnt know [05:42] <ANJ7> lotuspsychje: nope, I didn't have any problem with that [05:42] <lotuspsychje> triariilendel: maybe grub recoverymode, fix broken packages ? [05:43] <lotuspsychje> ANJ7: then you might wanna consider reinstalling 14.04 or wait till next week to install 15.04 [05:43] <triariilendel> wouldn't reinstalling input drivers achieve the same thing? [05:43] <Blue1> triariilendel: might try this? [05:43] <lotuspsychje> triariilendel: we dont know what happened to your system yet [05:44] <ANJ7> lotuspsychje: oh, 15.04 releases next week? [05:44] <triariilendel> not sure how recovering through GRUB would work though? [05:45] <ANJ7> released* [05:45] <lotuspsychje> !recovery | triariilendel [05:45] <triariilendel> it's not failing to boot though [05:45] <lotuspsychje> !release | ANJ7 [05:45] <lotuspsychje> triariilendel: i would try the fix broken packages on grub recovery before you reinstall [05:46] <triariilendel> bleh [05:48] <ANJ7> lotuspsychje: is there any change in the ui of ubuntu 15.04? [05:51] <employee> sfg [05:55] <codemagician> Has anyone managed to get Ubuntu 14.04.2 Desktop 64-bit running on an Intel NUC 5i5RYH (Intel HD Graphics 6000) ? [05:55] <codemagician> I've having problems with the UI widgets not showing up [06:04] <ses1984> i'm trying to create a vpn configuration where i specify "additional DNS servers" under ipv4 configuration [06:04] <rezamuzay> Playing error : Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in. at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/ line 137. [06:04] <ses1984> i have a name server specified, but when i connect to the vpn, it doesn't seem like that vpn server gets used [06:05] <ses1984> i have another system that uses it correctly and it seems like the additional nameserver gets added to /etc/resolv.conf [06:05] <ses1984> also if i do an nslookup then the name resolution fails, but if i pass the ip address of the nameserver to nslookup like: nslookup ... then it works [06:06] <ses1984> i can reach the dns server behind the vpn. the only problem i have is trying to force ubuntu to add this name server [06:06] <rezamuzay> i have a problem with this "Playing error : Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in. at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/ line 137." anyone can help, thanks :) [06:13] <jonalmeida> Is it easily possible to install the latest version of libvte for Ubuntu 14.04? [06:14] <jonalmeida> The one is trusty is only 2.90 [06:14] <Ben64> jonalmeida: yep, thats the latest one in 14.04 [06:14] <jonalmeida> The current version is 0.40 [06:15] <jonalmeida> Ben64: Whoops I meant 0.29 [06:15] <Ben64> 0.34 actually [06:16] <jonalmeida> Ben64: Is there an easy way to update to that then? [06:16] <Ben64> already has 0.34 [06:17] <Ben64> anyway, you can compile and install whatever you want, but it may compromise stability or packaging [06:17] <jonalmeida> Ben64: I was secretly hoping for a magic ppa :P [06:17] <jonalmeida> I guess I'll have to compile then [06:18] <Ben64> what do you need a newer one for [06:18] <jonalmeida> True color support is in 0.36: [06:19] <groot55> Has anyone pinned a folder link to the launcher? Is it possible? I'm working in a lot of folders at present and it would be helpful to access them from the launcher. Tried googling this, no luck. Thanks! [06:36] <shafa> how change my number in whatssapp data base [06:37] <sheer> is there a channel i can ask for advice on which rom to run on my android? [06:38] <Ben64> sheer: #android-root probably, '/msg alis list android' to get a list of rooms [06:38] <k1l_> !alis | sheer [06:39] <supay> hey, anybody know how to configure mutt to connect to a bluehost server? [06:40] <sheer> thanks [07:17] <lchln> Would anyone not busy be so kind as to help me with some partitioning and mounting via the CLI? [07:22] <kokut> Hello, anyone is having some weird mouse behaviour when clicking? It seems my mouse sometimes clicks 2-3 times when i click [07:25] <somsip> kokut: only in ubuntu? If not, the mouse is dying [07:25] <kokut> somsip: i'm not sure if it's only in ubuntu [07:26] <somsip> kokut: the symptoms sound like a button switch that is past it's best [07:27] <kokut> somsip: but this mouse is very good and it doesnt even have 1 year [07:27] <kokut> if it were an issue it would be that it doesnt click not that it clicks more than once? [07:28] <somsip> kokut: test it on another computer, then you'll know [07:28] <kokut> somsip: yea [07:30] <nullbyte_> only 3 days left for 15.04 [07:34] <yaowenrui> hello [07:36] <twilight> hello guys I have a problem with ftpd. pure-pw list shows that the UID:GID of my user is 1002:1003, and it's exactly the owner of my homedir. The login is ok, but if I try to upload something or to delete something, I have a permission denied. Any hints? [07:36] <twilight> sorry, with pure-ftpd [07:37] <Ben64> twilight: you should use sftp instead [07:39] <twilight> Ben64: why? Anyway it's not a server that I own so there is no chance for me to change software, just solve this issue [07:41] <Ben64> twilight: because ftp is not secure [07:42] <twilight> Ben64: source? [07:42] <WhatTimeIsIT> Is TORGuard a good VPN or trap? Because I heard HMA Pro VPN is bad so i am thinking of switching to TORGUARD [07:42] <WhatTimeIsIT> [07:42] <WhatTimeIsIT> Also will it work in CHINA? [07:42] <iBurley> So is there any way to just fully get rid of the "dash plugins" section of the menu? [07:43] <WhatTimeIsIT> please PM me if you have the answer [07:45] <Ben64> twilight: facts [07:48] <iBurley> Gonna assume I can find it in dconf editor... [07:54] <iBurley> Coulnd't find it. [07:55] <lchln> Upon boot I get this " * Starting Read required files in advance (for other mountpoints) [fail]" which I assume is the thing hanging and not letting me log in. Any ideas? [07:57] <NeonStorm> Hi all - I'm on an HP Envy and I'm finding the touchpad click to be overly sensitive. Any ideas on how I can fix this? [08:01] <codemagician> When will 14.04.3 be released? [08:02] <codemagician> *LTS [08:06] <OerHeks> codemagician, august > [08:08] <codemagician> I'm can't get 14.04.2 to work on my NUC5i5RYH so am I forced to use 15.04 ? [08:09] <codemagician> Can anyone explain what the boot option nomodeset does? [08:10] <codemagician> I read some articles saying that 14.04.2 LTS with 'nomodeset' would help with the UI graphical problems during the install [08:10] <OerHeks> codemagician, Intel HD Graphics 6000, sounds like too new [08:11] <codemagician> OerHeks: I think so. I didn't see an Intel drivers for their 5th Generation processors (NUC5i5RYH has an i5250U processor) [08:13] <codemagician> OerHeks: The 15.04 beta 2 install worked just fine, but I'd like to stay with the 14.04 LTS line [08:14] <codemagician> I wasn't expecting that even the basic graphics for a desktop environment would be all screwed up. I thought that it would only effect people using 3D or gaming [08:15] <OerHeks> i see in the xorg edgers newer stuff > > [08:15] <OerHeks> i understand you want to stick with lts, not sure that is going to work for you with this new machine. [08:16] <codemagician> OerHeks: I was wondering if I installed 14.04.2 server edition and then tried to put the windowing system on it and use the 4th gen drivers from intel [08:16] <OerHeks> Sure, codemagician, you can install server as a base. [08:16] <codemagician> OerHeks: at the moment, the 14.04.2 LTS Desktop edition wont make it past the installation process [08:17] <codemagician> Unless there is a way to install the 14.04.2 LTS Desktop in a command-line style mode [08:17] <codemagician> i.e. without UI buttons 'next' 'back' continue etc [08:17] <OerHeks> You also can use the mini iso, that is textbased, but you need internet for the desktop packages [08:17] <OerHeks> !mini [08:19] <OerHeks> !nomodeset [08:32] <tnkhanh> Hi I have this program X that depends on Y but I installed Y from source (latest). How do I install X but keep my Y from source? [08:42] <ANJ7> [08:42] <ANJ7> hey what happend to my screen there? [08:42] <xeirrr> How many years for supporting 10.04 LTS server? [08:43] <DJones> xeirrr: From release date, support was 5 years, 0.04 server will stop being supported at the end of this month [08:44] <xeirrr> DJones: thank you [08:47] <spawn`> srs? [08:48] <spawn`> good good! [08:48] <spawn`> i need some super help [08:49] <spawn`> its about my new laptop with eufi w/e bios [08:49] <lotuspsychje> !details | spawn` [08:50] <spawn`> my FN numbers work in linux. but im trying to use an external and it doesnt show up nor work right . my bios is quite horrible [08:50] <spawn`> *dont work in ubtil it loads gnome etc [08:50] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: an external what? [08:51] <spawn`> external wireless ALFA card [08:51] <spawn`> ifconfig picks it up with gibberish instead of info for like wlan0 eth0 etc [08:51] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: so your trying to get your wifi working? on wich ubuntu version? [08:52] <spawn`> its either my wifi.....or my bios not letting me use usb like it should [08:52] <spawn`> took me 36 hours to figure out how to boot from a usb [08:53] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: ubuntu version? [08:53] <spawn`> im not using ubuntu [08:53] <spawn`> but im using a debian distro [08:53] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: try in ##linux [08:53] <spawn`> are you kidding? [08:54] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: or make your life easy, and install ubuntu 14.04 with your wifi card plugged in [08:54] <spawn`> most people hate me on the net:( [08:54] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: you have joined an ubuntu support channel mate [08:54] <spawn`> i dont think its that easy [08:54] <`hypermist`> What does it mean when something doesn't have an installation candidate ? [08:54] <spawn`> i think its a bios issue [08:54] <spawn`> well ubuntu....debian.....kali [08:54] <spawn`> almost all the same [08:55] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: not here, we only support ubuntu [08:55] <spawn`> well you are open source fans [08:55] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: we have to follow the rules [08:55] <spawn`> so you cant in your conscience minds ignore please for help [08:55] <spawn`> ubuntu or not [08:55] <spawn`> ubuntu or not [08:55] <spawn`> so nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [08:56] <DJones> !kali | spawn` [08:56] <spawn`> sorry....this lappy has those really nice keys but its hard not to hit a key because they are the fat keys [08:56] <spawn`> are not [08:56] <Avihay_work> `hypermist` I think it means that the general package name is referenced somewhere, but there is no package file available for download [08:56] <spawn`> djones [08:56] <`hypermist`> Avihay_work, okay :D [08:57] <spawn`> you think im new on irc? i know those guys their own channels [08:57] <spawn`> but #1 i hate efnet, @2 kali chan might have 15 pople.....asleep 24/ [08:57] <lotuspsychje> `hypermist`: wich package are you trying to find mate? [08:57] <Avihay_work> might also be that the specific versions that are available conflict with something. anyway, try looking for the package using google or somth [08:57] <`hypermist`> lotuspsychje, a whole bunch of postgressql-9.1 packages [08:58] <`hypermist`> lotuspsychje, apt-get install redis-server postgresql-contrib-9.1 postgresql-9.1 postgresql-server-dev-9.1 this command to be exact [08:58] <lotuspsychje> `hypermist`: did you try apt-cache search yourpackage? [08:58] <spawn`> apt-cache? [08:58] <spawn`> i never knew such a thing existed [08:58] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: please use this channel for support questions only [08:58] <`hypermist`> lotuspsychje, just following what this github page told me to do so no xD [08:59] <spawn`> well that kind of is a supp question [08:59] <spawn`> what use would u use cache for? [08:59] <spawn`> surely if your distro guys deleted it wouldnt be cached would it? [09:00] <spawn`> not like googlux pages [09:00] <Avihay_work> `hypermist` on 14.10 the postgresql packages are postfixed with 9.4 instead of 9.1 [09:00] <`hypermist`> dunno spawn` go check [09:00] <spawn`> heres a support question [09:00] <`hypermist`> Avihay_work, i sort of required 9.1 packages [09:01] <spawn`> how do i find out what keys for my lappy dont work [09:01] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: we already told you, come back if you install ubuntu [09:01] <contantine> haii [09:01] <spawn`> like fn + f2 = shit wifi off [09:01] <`hypermist`> Press them spawn` hahah :D [09:01] <spawn`> lotus stop being silly [09:01] <`hypermist`> spawn`, ##hardware might help yoyr issue [09:01] <`hypermist`> your * [09:01] <spawn`> i bet you a cup of man juice itll be the same [09:02] <spawn`> perhaps....if anyone talks there [09:02] <spawn`> thats why i miss yahoo [09:02] <spawn`> they actually talked [09:02] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: your trolling the channel with offtopic text, please stop it [09:02] <spawn`> no im not [09:02] <`hypermist`> spawn`, if this isnt to do with ubuntu [09:02] <spawn`> its still based on my central question [09:02] <`hypermist`> Then it is off topic [09:02] <Avihay_work> `hypermist`: you may fish them from the repos of older buntu versions, or maybe find a debian version, though it's likely that what you try to do will work with the newer packages as well. you may also look into installing an older buntu in a VM [09:02] <`hypermist`> spawn`, this isnt support for keyboards [09:03] <spawn`> how do i use an EUFI bios based laptop with debian and keep my usb shit working? [09:03] <`hypermist`> Avihay_work, guess i'll try [09:03] <spawn`> its a general nix question [09:03] <`hypermist`> spawn`, ##hardware stop talking offtopic [09:03] <lotuspsychje> spawn`: join #debian [09:03] <`hypermist`> or ^ [09:03] <spawn`> i like ubuntu folks better [09:03] <spawn`> maybe [09:03] <`hypermist`> ubuntu isnt debian [09:03] <spawn`> haha! [09:03] <spawn`> yes it is. [09:03] <lotuspsychje> DJones: can you help him [09:04] <spawn`> djones [09:04] <`hypermist`> lotuspsychje, would you like a body bag for spawn` :D [09:04] <contantine> im a newbie on ubuntu nice to meet you all [09:04] <ntz> `hypermist`: ##hardware was/is always offtopic so *molestatory, that I'd tend to think, that's it's by design [09:04] <spawn`> do you really need to start using commands ill eave [09:04] <spawn`> but lotus is very rude. deop them please [09:04] <`hypermist`> ntz, :D oaky [09:05] <ntz> `hypermist`: i don't include my opinion on it however [09:05] <spawn`> so im going into a pedo room [09:05] <`hypermist`> ntz, that is fine [09:05] <lotuspsychje> !ops | spawn` [09:05] <spawn`> that is your suggestion? [09:05] <spawn`> i only bug sysops [09:06] <spawn`> so that means its a REAL problem [09:06] <ntz> spawn`: and you really should NOT be OT otherwise prepare for something possibly bad [09:06] <spawn`> if i wasnt here what would you be doing? watching "dramatic squirrel" on youtube? [09:06] <`hypermist`> ntz, he will get what is deserved [09:06] <Tm_T> spawn`: please stick on the channel topic [09:06] <spawn`> im not off topic [09:07] <spawn`> you keep dragging it off topic [09:07] <Tm_T> spawn`: this is Ubuntu support channel [09:07] <Tm_T> also, others, refrain the threats [09:07] <ntz> yes .. omg, this is #ubuntu [09:07] <spawn`> and ubuntu is a debian distro [09:07] <spawn`> we use same kernel etc [09:07] <ntz> `hypermist`: my apologize .... i thought i', in ##hardware [09:07] <ntz> **i'm in ..... [09:07] <Tm_T> spawn`: we support Ubuntu here, no other distros [09:07] <Avihay_work> ubuntu is a debian *based* distro, it's not the same thing [09:07] <`hypermist`> ntz, i dont mind it doesnt hurt me people have their own opinions :) [09:08] <spawn`> 90% of my distro is the same so i think you can help me but since i said i dont use ubuntu you segregated me [09:08] <DJones> spawn`: This a support channel for Ubuntu, not Kali, they have their own support channels, please their own channels, we don't know what changes their developers have made, so it doesn't get supported here [09:08] <ntz> taking all back ..... hang that guy on the pine tree in the garden [09:08] <spawn`> agaibst the code of jolly roger [09:08] <`hypermist`> ntz, LOL [09:08] <Tm_T> ntz: please stop [09:08] <Avihay_work> spawn`: it may very well be those extra 10% that get you [09:08] <`hypermist`> anyway Avihay_work and lotuspsychje answered my question thanks :) [09:09] <spawn`> this is a pure laptop issue and how x-w and gnome handles my cards [09:09] <spawn`> but im sure its deeper [09:09] <Ben64> spawn`: since its on debian and not ubuntu, its not on topic here. thats it [09:10] <spawn`> so you wouldnt help debian.......despite debian makes your distro exist [09:10] <spawn`> how mean [09:10] <spawn`> should i run lived cd and come back? [09:10] <spawn`> actually that is a good idea [09:10] <spawn`> but ubuntu doesnt come with aircrack suite does it [09:10] <Ben64> not a good idea, since your problem is on debian still [09:11] <Ben64> just head to #debian and ask them, its very simple [09:11] <spawn`> ive got ubuntu 4 on cd 's tho [09:11] <Tm_T> if he they can reproduce the issue in Ubuntu we can help solve it in Ubuntu [09:11] <Tm_T> or at least try [09:11] <spawn`> well its just weird [09:11] <Tm_T> spawn`: yes, but that's how we have to go, sorry [09:11] <Ben64> wouldn't apply to debian, and plus its very likely this guy is just trolling anyway [09:11] <spawn`> most lapops have the mute key volume etc and wifi shutoff as FN + FKEY [09:12] <spawn`> BUT MY ONBOARD WONT SHUT OFF [09:12] <ntz> spawn`: ``despite debian makes your distro exist'' ??? what's wrong with you ? [09:12] <spawn`> sry [09:12] <Tm_T> ntz: drop it [09:12] <Tm_T> spawn`: reproduce it in Ubuntu and we can continue [09:12] <`hypermist`> hmm the command mkvirtualenv sd says mkvirtualenv isnt a command does that mean its changed over the years to a different command cause i certainly have the package installed [09:12] <spawn`> hmmmm [09:12] <Avihay_work> spawn`: try the package rfkill in the Ubuntu repositories [09:13] <Avihay_work> or the equivalent in debien [09:13] <spawn`> well i think it has to do with EUFI usb bios [09:13] <spawn`> w/e it is [09:13] <spawn`> hold on [09:13] <Tm_T> spawn`: please [09:13] <spawn`> this is actually an unanswered on google etc for a while [09:14] <spawn`> so it affects all os's [09:14] <`hypermist`> nvm i answered my own question [09:14] <d0nfire> hey there is a cybersecurity channel around? [09:14] <spawn`> ask [09:14] <spawn`> i may provide a difference eval [09:14] <lotuspsychje> !alis | d0nfire [09:14] <spawn`> i think i will get ubuntu [09:15] <spawn`> can it be installed from a single 16gb usb? [09:15] <spawn`> full install [09:16] <spawn`> i mean if you can answer one thing ill switch to debian [09:16] <spawn`> errrr ubuntu [09:16] <spawn`> why should i switch from backtrack/kali to ubuntu? [09:16] <spawn`> :P [09:16] <Ben64> spawn`: because you can't use this channel otherwise [09:17] <spawn`> lol [09:17] <spawn`> i can pretend i have ubuntu [09:17] <Ben64> no [09:17] <spawn`> wanna bet? [09:17] <Ben64> yep [09:18] <squirrel`> im a girl [09:18] <Ben64> Tm_T: DJones: convinced yet that this guy is just trolling? [09:18] <squirrel`> get whatever i want [09:18] <squirrel`> im not trolling [09:18] <Tm_T> Ben64: it's not the discussion in this channel [09:18] <squirrel`> i just dont know where else to ask [09:18] <Ben64> the support for your own distro [09:18] <squirrel`> and you are being mean. if i was trolling i wouldnt be a victim would i now? [09:18] <Ben64> Tm_T: what does that mean [09:19] <Tm_T> Ben64: if you like to discuss with the ops, please join #ubuntu-ops thanks [09:19] <squirrel`> i asked a couple questions [09:19] <squirrel`> can the full install fit on a 16gb stick [09:19] <lotuspsychje> Tm_T: the guy has been trolling here for like 30min [09:20] <Tm_T> lotuspsychje: I'm well aware... [09:20] <tga> greets [09:20] <squirrel`> od will you shut up. you wouldnt know a troll if it bit you in the ass [09:20] <svetlana> hi tga [09:20] <xeon123> I want to start keychain everytime I login to ubuntu. I have put this script ( ) in my .bashrc. But I think this is not the best. Is there a better way to do it? I am using GNOME> [09:20] <lotuspsychje> ty [09:20] <tga> I just installed the xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12 PPA and upgraded, but I still have the old packages [09:21] <tga> what would cause a ppa to be ignored? [09:21] <lotuspsychje> !ppa | tga [09:21] <tga> lotuspsychje: thanks, how does that help? [09:22] <lotuspsychje> tga: did you sudo apt-get update? [09:23] <loganlee> hello i need support. my ubuntu 14.04 machine hangs and keyboard and mouse freezes [09:23] <tga> lotuspsychje: yes, updated and upgraded and as far as I can tell no ppa packages are getting installed [09:23] <lotuspsychje> tga: where did you get this ppa from? [09:24] <tga> lotuspsychje: [09:24] <tga> it's the more or less official ppa for new xfce [09:24] <loganlee> hello i need support. my ubuntu 14.04 machine hangs and keyboard and mouse freezes [09:24] <kokut> Hello, how can i close the lid and use the USB keyboard of my laptop without it suspending? [09:25] <tga> lotuspsychje: the general question is how do you tell what apt is installing and why/why not? [09:25] <lotuspsychje> tga: can you tell us what package your trying to find exactly? [09:26] <tga> lotuspsychje: I am on 12.04 with xfce 4.10 and I am trying to upgrade to xfce 4.12 [09:26] <lotuspsychje> !info xfce [09:27] <tga> !info xfce4 [09:27] <tga> maybe I should take this up in #xubuntu [09:27] <kokut> nvm found it [09:27] <tga> in the mean time I'm purging the ppa and trying again [09:27] <Manj-811-Xfce> why cant i install,says user name is wrong [09:27] <lotuspsychje> !info xfce4 precise [09:28] <tga> lotuspsychje: ah, my bad, make that trusty [09:28] <tga> lotuspsychje: typo [09:28] <tga> 14.04 here [09:28] <lotuspsychje> !info xfce4 trusty [09:28] <tga> should be 4.10 [09:28] <tga> yeah, here we go [09:29] <tga> and the xubuntu guys have a ppa with 4.12 [09:30] <lotuspsychje> tga: ormally you should be able to install newer version after adding the ppa and sudo apt-get update [09:30] <xeon123> I have a script that I want to launch when I make login. Where should I put this script? I have put in .bashrc, but I think this is not the best place. Here's the script ( [09:30] <lotuspsychje> tga: you could ask the #xubuntu guys if they know whats wrong [09:32] <tga> lotuspsychje: yeah, I just did a purge and it looks like some 4.12 packages are getting installed [09:32] <loganlee> hello my ubuntu 14.02 machine hangs... help [09:32] <Blizzz> i went pre-release up to 15.04 and found slapd (instance for developing) not restarting. apparently, there is no systemd service therefore? [09:32] <tga> lotuspsychje: thanks, I'll move this to #xu [09:32] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: when does it hangs exactly? [09:32] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, few minutes after booting [09:32] <lotuspsychje> Blizzz: join #ubuntu+1 for 15.04 please [09:32] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, my keyboard and mouse freezes [09:33] <Anna_> hello [09:33] <Blizzz> roger [09:33] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: did you enable in bios? [09:34] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: maybe press F1 during ubuntu boot, to see where it hangs [09:37] <Guest64802> How can I ask my firewall (ufw) what rules have been installed? [09:37] <lotuspsychje> !firewall | Guest64802 [09:37] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, ok [09:37] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, what do i need to change at BIOS? [09:37] <loganlee> ok brb [09:37] <loganlee> reboot [09:38] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: doublecheck if usb mouse/keyboard is enabled [09:38] <loganlee> changed my graphics driver [09:38] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, it is enabled [09:38] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: from wich to wich? [09:39] <phoenixsampras> Hello, im using ubuntu 14 LTS, ive pluged in my printer but the lp0 keeps being removed... why is that? [09:40] <jpds> phoenixsampras: Check dmesg. [09:43] <Guest64802> The command "sudo ufw status" gives my the output "Active". Nothing else. Does this mean, every incoming traffic is blocked? [09:45] <loganlee> try to switch my graphics driver to open sourced driver [09:46] <loganlee> ubuntu 14.02 freezes after a few minutes [09:47] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: then switch back to the old driver that worked [09:47] <mfaroukg> I have messed up with my keyboard shortcuts , I need to go back to default [09:47] <wers> who -r [09:47] <wers> ... ops [09:47] <lotuspsychje> !nomodeset | loganlee [09:48] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, how to set nomodeset? [09:48] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: F1 at boot, and set to nomodeset [09:48] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, how to do it permanently? [09:49] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: its not reccomended to add it perm, best is to get your right driver back [09:49] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: did you install 14.04 with internet enabled + updates enabled? [09:51] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, yes [09:51] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: and your first driver did not freeze? [09:51] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, im on open sourced one now [09:52] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, proprietary drivers crashed [09:52] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: stay on driver that works [09:53] <tenker> Moin Leute, ich versuche via /etc/gdm/Init/Default die Displaypositionen von 3 Monitoren direkt beim Start von GDM anzupassen aber beim Start von GDM sind die Display dennoch durcheinander: was mache ich da falsch? [09:53] <lotuspsychje> !de | tenker [09:53] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [09:53] <tenker> oh sorry i thought i put :P [09:56] <Guest64802> I'm using ufw. I want to check, wether my default is deny. How can I check this? [09:57] <kiaph> I have gtx55m nvidia graphics card, that needs nividia_prime/bumblebeed and i want to get opengl 32 bit library built after fresh 64bit install of xubuntu [09:57] <kiaph> what is the best way to go about this? [09:57] <lotuspsychje> !info nvidia-prime | kiaph [09:57] <kiaph> with out hours of testing/playing with configuration philes [09:57] <lotuspsychje> kiaph: bumblebee is outdated mate [09:58] <kiaph> well it works with my current os 14.04 [09:58] <kiaph> but i kinda currupted it [09:58] <kiaph> and it took hours to get it working [09:58] <lotuspsychje> kiaph: you need that nvidia-prime package only [09:58] <kiaph> i was hoping their would be a really striaght forward method [09:59] <kiaph> oh nice [09:59] <kiaph> and it will be able to choose my g card when using 32bit libraires and playing video games? my intel card is really really chopy with vga :( [10:00] <loganlee> switched back to proprietary NVIDIA driver and set grub to nomodeset [10:00] <loganlee> hopefully no crash now... maybe i need to get box open and fix hardware wiring... [10:01] <BluesKaj> loganlee, which proprietary driver? [10:01] <loganlee> BluesKaj, NVIDIA [10:01] <kiaph> is 15.02nb capatible with nivida prime [10:01] <BluesKaj> loganlee, which version? [10:01] <kiaph> and do i get nvidia current updates or nivida current? [10:02] <loganlee> BluesKaj, one sec [10:02] <rexrat> Hi. I bought a wireless adapter that uses Realtek rtl8187b chipset. I was previously using ethernet and it was all working fine but now this card is not working. [10:03] <loganlee> NVIDIA binary driver version 331.113 [10:03] <rexrat> I mean, first time I start computer it works for a minute and then the connection seems like dropping. [10:03] <BluesKaj> kiaph, nvidia current, if you're on an older ubuntu [10:04] <loganlee> BluesKaj, NVIDIA binary driver version 331.113 [10:04] <BluesKaj> loganlee, that's available in the repos [10:04] <rexrat> I looked up most of askubuntu and other forums and everywhere there seems to be different answers for rtl8187 driver. Can you help me with the issue? [10:05] <rexrat> Also I tested it on my friend's laptop and it works fine. (she uses Windows) [10:05] <loganlee> BluesKaj, im hoping it doesnt crash now... added nomodeset to grub parameters [10:06] <rexrat> I tried this & this [10:06] <kiaph> blue ill be perfomring a clean install soon, 10-15 minutes, just wanted to figure out best route for nivida driver (gtx555m) [10:06] <kiaph> itll be ubuntu 14.04.4 i think [10:07] <kiaph> itll be ubuntu 14.04.2LTS i think [10:07] <kiaph> rexrat, update your wifi router [10:07] <rexrat> Does anybody has a permanent fix to this rtl8187b card being unstable in connecting? Anybody had similar issues? [10:08] <rexrat> kiaph: How to update it? [10:08] <nextbox> what is the difference between callback and streaming interface? (I am trying to understand how inotify works) [10:08] <kiaph> it took me awhile to get that fixed, your card is probably just using N now [10:08] <kiaph> well i went to 192.168.1.xx and just clicked my routers update button [10:09] <kiaph> it was on a os 2011, now from 2013 lol, but it receives N waves alot better now [10:09] <rexrat> kiaph: You mean 'n' as in b/g/n? [10:09] <kiaph> if noyeap [10:09] <kiaph> yes [10:09] <kiaph> your router is being overloaded [10:10] <kiaph> so intially [10:10] <kiaph> fast fast [10:10] <loganlee> hmmmm no crash yet [10:10] <kiaph> then as it tries to send them back [10:10] <loganlee> gggggggggggggggunit [10:10] <kiaph> it gets slower and slower , if the memory / n support firmware is poor [10:11] <kiaph> eventually you get horrible internet cause your card speaking only N [10:11] <kiaph> and everyone using g around u.. is perfectly fine [10:11] <kiaph> resetting your card proveis you amazing ineternet for like 10-15 seconds but them your communication with router gets slow again, like expoentially? [10:12] <rexrat> kiaph: Maybe, I don't know. [10:13] <kiaph> rexrat, mine got so bad ii had to use my hotkey for diable enable card-driver everytime i wanted to google lol [10:13] <rexrat> kiaph: I am so frustrated by this card not working that I'm thinking of throwing it to garbage bin and buy a new one. :( [10:13] <loganlee> hey guys... i just love ubuntu 14.02 [10:13] <loganlee> <3 [10:13] <loganlee> everything works perfect [10:13] <kiaph> logan are u using prime [10:13] <rexrat> loganlee: Glad to hear. Thanks! [10:13] <loganlee> and if something goes wrong i can fix it [10:13] <loganlee> on windows no way [10:13] <loganlee> i can fix anything [10:14] <loganlee> kiaph, no ubuntu 14.02 LTS [10:14] <kiaph> lu didnt ened nvidia prime? [10:14] <loganlee> no [10:14] <kiaph> gah i need help setting up nvidia priime [10:14] <kiaph> right after clean install [10:15] <kiaph> aand rex, really you should just go uplug your router real fast, and plug it back in, while spamming google search / refresh and see if its much faster right as you connect to router, while keeping the card constant [10:15] <Broli> i [10:16] <kiaph> does anyone have nvidia prime experince [10:16] <loganlee> hmmm [10:16] <loganlee> i think nomodeset would have no difference after reading what it is... [10:16] <loganlee> but anyway hope it works and i dont crash [10:17] <BluesKaj> loganlee, and it's 14.04 LTS [10:17] <loganlee> BluesKaj, yes [10:18] <loganlee> srry 14.04 [10:18] <BluesKaj> lets not mislead new uswers :) [10:20] <loganlee> no crash yet [10:20] <loganlee> hmmmm [10:20] <loganlee> no idea [10:21] <phoenixsampras> jpds: i know that, in dmesg says its removed [10:22] <loganlee> hmmmmm [10:22] <loganlee> no crash... [10:22] <loganlee> strange [10:22] <loganlee> nomodeset shouldnt do anything [10:24] <loganlee> hmmmm [10:25] <loganlee> why no crash now? [10:25] <gogeta> no crash is nice [10:26] <loganlee> yeh [10:32] <loganlee> hmmmmm [10:33] <`hypermist`> hmm interesting issue with my postgresql haha [10:35] <RtMF> can anyone recommend something i can set up that will do todo/issue tracking relatively painlessly? preferably that I can serve to web and android easily from a gnu/linux server already handling my everything? [10:37] <loganlee> how to install mysql on ubuntu 14.04? [10:38] <Ben64> sudo apt-get install mysql-server [10:39] <loganlee> Ben64, what about mysql-client? [10:39] <Ben64> yeah thats a package too [10:39] <loganlee> so both? [10:40] <Ben64> i would think one would install the other [10:42] <bojan> How to login and change permission on xterm from a user computer?? [10:45] <loganlee> Ben64, yes it seems mysql-server will install the client ty [10:48] <loganlee> bojan, chmod? [10:51] <elev> hello [10:55] <tenker> Hey guys, i try to set my display positions and resolutions in/before GDM but putting the xrandr command in /etc/gdm/Init/Default wont work. I tried it like this: and like this: but neither works. Any other solutions? [11:02] <mfaroukg> I have messed up with my keyboard shortcuts , I need to go back to default [11:07] <loganlee> no crash yet [11:07] <loganlee> strange... [11:08] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: you still on nomodeset or did you change driver? [11:09] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, i changed back to proprietary driver and changed grub setting to nomodeset [11:09] <huig> i just installed i3 on ubuntu and it seems like chaos..i am editing ~/.i3/config, to see the changes do i have to logout and login? [11:09] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: ok [11:12] <lotuspsychje> huig: maybe the #i3 guys might know? [11:24] <Samfreenode> Should I get the DT990 and increase the bass for music, or get the DT770 and reduce the bass for CS:GO? [11:26] <lotuspsychje> Samfreenode: this is an ubuntu support channel [11:27] <Samfreenode> lotuspsychje: I play CS:GO on Ubuntu [11:27] <Samfreenode> And listen to music on Ubuntu [11:27] <lotuspsychje> Samfreenode: and your ubuntu question is? [11:28] <m1dnight_> I made a booboo. I executed "sudo apt-get remove 'python*'" and it removed a LOT [11:28] <m1dnight_> [11:28] <Samfreenode> lotuspsychje: Should I get the DT990 and increase the bass for music on Ubuntu, or get the DT770 and reduce the bass for CS:GO on Ubuntu? [11:28] <efb36> uhh what in the world did I press... some kind of voice reader is actove and reading back everything I type and is displayed... [11:28] <m1dnight_> could somebody explain what happened? [11:29] <m1dnight_> does it remove everything that depends on python as well? [11:29] <m1dnight_> I just wanted to remove all my pthon versions and install version 3 :< [11:30] <Ben64> m1dnight_: yes, things that depend on python ... well, they depend on python so they wouldn't work, so they get removed [11:30] <lotuspsychje> Samfreenode: sounds more like a hardware question to me [11:30] <tnkhanh> Hi all! I have this program X that depends on Y but I installed Y from source (latest). How do I install X from apt-get but keep my Y from source? [11:30] <m1dnight_> ah well, that was a bad move then [11:30] <Ben64> m1dnight_: indeed [11:30] <m1dnight_> well, lessons learned [11:31] <Ben64> you don't need to remove python ever [11:31] <Samfreenode> lotuspsychje: EQ and CS:GO and music is software [11:31] <m1dnight_> well, i did "pip install --user bottle", and python (/usr/bin/python) could execute it fine, python3 however, could not [11:31] <m1dnight_> so i thought i made a mess of things there [11:32] <bazhang> Samfreenode, take the #debian questions there, dont crosspost here [11:32] <mortezaaa> Hello. in Nautilus there are some bookmarks in the sidebar(Home, Desktop, Downloads, Music...), how to remove some of them? [11:34] <lotuspsychje> mortezaaa: [11:35] <mortezaaa> lotuspsychje: i should have searched myself... thank you :) [11:39] <tnkhanh> Hi all! I have this program X that depends on Y but I installed Y from source (latest). How do I install X from apt-get but keep my Y from source? [11:40] <lotuspsychje> !pinning | tnkhanh can this help? [11:42] <tnkhanh> lotuspsychje: thanks, I'm checking it [11:44] <tnkhanh> lotuspsychje: hm I have no idea what I'm reading [11:44] <lotuspsychje> tnkhanh: never used it myself neither :p [11:44] <lotuspsychje> bbl [11:44] <tnkhanh> lotuspsychje: the package I want to keep is from a tarball [11:44] <EriC^> tnkhanh: if it does work with the new package, you could trick apt into installing it [11:45] <EriC^> tnkhanh: which package are you trying to install? [11:46] <tnkhanh> EriC^: I have this cmake 3.0.2 from source [11:46] <EriC^> ok and the other package? [11:46] <tnkhanh> EriC^: I want to keep it but kdevelop requires cmake [11:46] <EriC^> ok which ubuntu version are you on? [11:46] <tnkhanh> and cmake from apt-get is 2.8 [11:47] <tnkhanh> I'm on vivid vervet [11:47] <tnkhanh> lol wrong channel [11:47] <tnkhanh> EriC^: but I suppose version does not matter? [11:48] <EriC^> well you need to get a list of kdevelop's dependencies [11:48] <pengjiayou> hi, everybody [11:48] <tnkhanh> EriC^: I can do that, what next? [11:50] <EriC^> tnkhanh: make a dummy package called cmake version 2.8 and install it with dpkg [11:52] <EriC^> [11:54] <EriC^> this is the list of cmake 2.8's dependencies recursively, they might be missing a few i'm still working on that script that gets them [11:54] <IsntFunny> Hello everyone! I could need some help on this one: It's kind of urgent. Maybe someone can help me? [11:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hi, I am trying to understand why I cannot access my ubuntu server via root [11:55] <bazhang> what version of ubuntu IsntFunny [11:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am trying to use vsftpd [11:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> my ubuntu verison is 14.04 [11:56] <EriC^> make sure you have them all installed something like for i in $(cat /path/to/packages); check if it's in dpkg -l; done [11:56] <EriC^> tnkhanh: i've to go eat launch, bbl [11:57] <tnkhanh> Eric^: Thanks, I will try [11:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I get pam_listfile(vsftpd:auth): Refused user root for service vsftpd [11:57] <IsntFunny> bazhang: should be 11.04 [11:58] <bazhang> IsntFunny, thats eol, upgrade for support [11:58] <bazhang> !eolupgrades | IsntFunny [11:58] <EriC^> tnkhanh: np [11:58] <IsntFunny> bazhang: just checked it is: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-36-generic x86_64) [11:59] <EriC^> tnkhanh: oh sorry, those are kdevelop's depencies [12:00] <tnkhanh> EriC^: ok, I got it [12:00] <EriC^> tnkhanh: these are cmake's [12:00] <tnkhanh> EriC^: what command u use tho [12:00] <IsntFunny> bazhang: did you get my message? [12:00] <EriC^> it's a script [12:01] <tnkhanh> EriC^: wow, I see [12:02] <EriC^> still has some bugs, it misses some packages, so it's not really working/reliable [12:05] <IsntFunny> noone can help me? :/ [12:05] <trijntje> !patience [12:05] <svetlana> IsntFunny: re-port the whole question including all details [12:06] <IsntFunny> you mean rewrite it in here? [12:07] <svetlana> IsntFunny: yes, that'd be nice to summarize instead of having users click [12:07] <IsntFunny> I could need some help on this one: It's kind of urgent. Maybe someone can help me? [12:08] <svetlana> o.o... [12:08] <svetlana> ask your server provider whether they have a backup [12:09] <svetlana> need more details about what 'refresh' means in this context [12:09] <IsntFunny> they don't. i pretty much know that :( [12:09] <svetlana> one guy today emailed me with 'happiness is a tested backup' in signature [12:10] <svetlana> but yes, what does a refresh involve [12:11] <svetlana> when a server is 'virtual' i fear that an undelete operation is harder. i would probably ask them whether they'd like to try [12:11] <IsntFunny> svetlana: running apt-get upgrade, deleting files in /var/www, reinstalled munin and then a backup [12:11] <svetlana> they didn't format the hard drive which the data was on after all [12:11] <svetlana> ok this all is before the 'refresh' [12:11] <svetlana> how did you 'refresh' it [12:11] <IsntFunny> that's what i called the refresh [12:12] <svetlana> oh ok so the only thing you really did was remove schroot package [12:13] <IsntFunny> and apt-get upgrade and a reboot [12:13] <svetlana> err none of these things look relevant to loosing /home me [12:13] <svetlana> i would suggest to check dmesg for more info [12:13] <IsntFunny> i don't udnerstand it either [12:13] <IsntFunny> but the fstab looks a lot smaller now [12:14] <svetlana> dmesg is one thing [12:14] <svetlana> '/var/log/kern.log' is probably another [12:14] <IsntFunny> the home files were in the lib/schroot/mount/trusty_i386-e046ecd9-c2fb-40f2-a060-49b43ca5ae18/home folder [12:14] <svetlana> it should have whined somewhere about why it cant mount it properly [12:14] <svetlana> ooh [12:14] <svetlana> how did you remove schroot though [12:15] <IsntFunny> apt-get remove [12:15] <svetlana> i don't follow why home files weren't in /home [12:15] <svetlana> partly because i don't really know what schroot was doing there [12:16] <svetlana> i would suggest to rewrite that question at superuser. mention what ubuntu version; mention when exactly you rebooted; remove the reference to 'refresh' because it's confusing [12:16] <IsntFunny> so what can i do now? :( [12:17] <svetlana> i don't know yet [12:17] <IsntFunny> okay [12:17] <svetlana> answering would require me to go into schroot documentation and learning it thoroughly [12:17] <IsntFunny> is everything i write in console in some log? [12:17] <IsntFunny> even after reboot? [12:18] <svetlana> ls /var/lib/schroot/mount/trusty_i386-e046ecd9-c2fb-40f2-a060-49b43ca5ae18/ [12:18] <svetlana> what does that say [12:18] <svetlana> yes, check 'history' command output for history of what you wrote in the terminal [12:19] <EriC^> tnkhanh: i'm back, any luck? [12:19] <EriC^> tnkhanh: creating the deb is super easy, then sudo dpkg -i <deb> to install and it should complain about the stuff that are missing [12:19] <IsntFunny> can i get the result from a command too, svetlana ? [12:19] <IsntFunny> i ahve the id for the command i want [12:19] <svetlana> no [12:19] <IsntFunny> hmm [12:20] <svetlana> output of a command is not saved to file, with few exceptions [12:20] <svetlana> apt history is in /var/log/apt/history.log for example [12:20] <IsntFunny> [12:20] <IsntFunny> does that help? [12:21] <svetlana> try running `ls /var/lib/schroot/mount/trusty_i386-e046ecd9-c2fb-40f2-a060-49b43ca5ae18/` [12:21] <EriC^> IsntFunny: your home dir is empty after using apt? [12:21] <EriC^> /home/<user> ? [12:21] <svetlana> all we know is that your home dir was in that dir's 'home' subdiretory [12:21] <tnkhanh> EriC^: wow its good now [12:21] <IsntFunny> any folder inside /home is gone, EriC^ [12:21] <EriC^> oh [12:21] <tnkhanh> thanks [12:21] <svetlana> EriC^: well it was in /home only because it was in that long dir/home [12:22] <EriC^> tnkhanh: great, no problem [12:22] <svetlana> EriC^: and that long dir belogns to schroot, and he removed schroot package before making the backup [12:22] <IsntFunny> svetlana: i dont know if all from lib/home was in /home or the opposite, lib/home just a link to /home :/ [12:22] <EriC^> svetlana: what long dir? scrollback is getting a bit messy (im lazy :P) [12:23] <svetlana> EriC^: this long dir /var/lib/schroot/mount/trusty_i386-e046ecd9-c2fb-40f2-a060-49b43ca5ae18/home [12:23] <IsntFunny> also, the lib/schroot/mount thing was not remvoed by uninstallling. chekced that [12:23] <svetlana> EriC^: he has /dev at /var/lib/schroot/mount/trusty_i386-e046ecd9-c2fb-40f2-a060-49b43ca5ae18/dev now [12:23] <EriC^> svetlana: oh ok, thanks [12:23] <svetlana> IsntFunny: i am yet to see `ls' output for that dir [12:24] <IsntFunny> [12:24] <IsntFunny> this one, svetlana ? [12:24] <svetlana> ya [12:24] <svetlana> ls /var/lib/schroot/mount/trusty_i386-e046ecd9-c2fb-40f2-a060-49b43ca5ae18/home [12:24] <svetlana> what does that say [12:25] <EriC^> IsntFunny: i think you need to install testdisk [12:25] <guest-nfDzwr> him I need Help, how can I switch to azerty keyboard? [12:25] <IsntFunny> nothign [12:25] <IsntFunny> nothing comes back, svetlana [12:25] <svetlana> hmm [12:26] <EriC^> svetlana: testdisk time? [12:26] <svetlana> yea [12:26] <IsntFunny> what is testdisk? [12:26] <svetlana> apt-cache show testdisk [12:26] <EriC^> it can recovery deleted files, but it's not too good with ext usually [12:27] <IsntFunny> shoudl i paste the output of testdisk? [12:27] <EriC^> IsntFunny: type sudo apt-get install testdisk [12:27] <EriC^> then sudo testdisk [12:27] <IsntFunny> ok [12:28] <IsntFunny> No harddisk found [12:29] <IsntFunny> Semms like it can't find any harddisk [12:31] <EriC^> i think it's cause of something i dont know about [12:32] <EriC^> lol.. [12:32] <IsntFunny> what do you need to know then? :P [12:32] <efb36> How often are updates packaged in new LTS isos? (aka when is 14.04.3 comming out) [12:34] <EriC^> IsntFunny: is this your own box or a container type thing? [12:34] <svetlana> IsntFunny, testdisk /list [12:34] <svetlana> vps [12:42] <IsntFunny> EriC^: shoudl eb a container thingy [12:42] <genkgo> We have a problem with creating backups in a Ubuntu VPS that is in a HyperV environment. More specific: only this one VPS. Others (also Ubuntu, but also CentOS) are doping fine. The OS switches to a read-only filesystem. What could be cause this switch? I read multiple possibilities while Googling, but is there a way that I can see what happens. Syslog just quits at the time of backup. [12:43] <EriC^> IsntFunny: i don't know how you could recover the files, i think testdisk needs access to the disk itself and you probably need permission from the hosting company [12:44] <EriC^> IsntFunny: i'm not sure, stick around maybe someone knows [12:44] <EriC^> IsntFunny: can you type df -h and paste it? [12:45] <IsntFunny> EriC^: it's in here: [12:45] <EriC^> ok [12:48] <EriC^> IsntFunny: try sudo testdisk /dev/vda [12:49] <IsntFunny> I have no idea what i shoudl do now.. I don't think the provider can help me [12:49] <Promille> Hey guys. I recently installed the daily build of ubuntu. My issue is that the keyboard is acting strangely. If i e.g. use a certain button, the volume turns down, even though its a normal character, and im not using the function button. Any suggestions. Lenovo thinkad [12:49] <IsntFunny> it found something, EriC^ [12:49] <EriC^> IsntFunny: cool, what does it say? [12:50] <EriC^> !ubuntu+1 | Promille [12:50] <Promille> ok ty [12:50] <IsntFunny> it asks me for partition details and stuff.. i selected Intel and Analyse for parition > deep search [12:51] <EriC^> ok, great, did it find any partitions? [12:51] <EriC^> you can press p over the partition the list the files [12:51] <IsntFunny> it's still searching o.O [12:51] <IsntFunny> only 02% [12:52] <EriC^> IsntFunny: did it list anything yet? [12:52] <gry> I have doubts in undelete tool sense on virtual stuff [12:52] <IsntFunny> EriC^: : [12:52] <gry> it has no real hardware access [12:53] <richi_> Are there any plans to add BitCoin to the download donation page? I wanted to make a donation every time I download. But since a few years I do donations exclusively in BitCoin. [12:53] <EriC^> gry: me too, but it doesn't really read the hardware does it, i mean it searches the logical stuff [12:53] <EriC^> IsntFunny: press q [12:53] <gry> OK [12:53] <EriC^> then press p over the 2nd partition that says linux and is big [12:54] <IsntFunny> ok i did [12:54] <IsntFunny> what now [12:54] <EriC^> does it list any files? [12:54] <gry> richi_, ask canonical, I do not think people here have discretion to decide [12:54] <IsntFunny> yes it does [12:55] <IsntFunny> it does list my home dir [12:55] <EriC^> IsntFunny: ok use the right and left arrows to go to where the home dir was [12:55] <IsntFunny> but all folders are red [12:55] <EriC^> cause they're deleted [12:55] <IsntFunny> >.> [12:55] <EriC^> is the size there though? [12:55] <richi_> gry: Where should I ask? email, web form, IRC ...? [12:55] <gry> email canonical directly [12:55] <IsntFunny> Directory /home/hlds No file found, filesystem may be damaged. [12:56] <EriC^> IsntFunny: go back a dir, and press C or c over the home dir to recover the dir and the files [12:56] <IsntFunny> seems like it's dead, EriC^ [12:56] <EriC^> IsntFunny: if it's red it doesn't matter, as long as the size is still not 0 i think you're good [12:57] <joshua> hello? [12:57] <IsntFunny> how do i restore, EriC^ ? [12:57] <gry> richi_ some email ending in you try to look at their homepage [12:57] <EriC^> IsntFunny: press c over the dir, then select where you want to restore to and press C [12:57] <gry> hi Joshua [12:57] <EriC^> it's case sensitive [12:58] <IsntFunny> ah.. [12:58] <Guest5142> I'm joshua. apparently I didnt Identify myself in time to keep my name lol. [12:58] <gry> :) [12:58] <IsntFunny> nope [12:58] <IsntFunny> empty [12:58] <Guest5142> Does anyone have experiance with Mint? [12:58] <Guest5142> experience * [12:59] <IsntFunny> also, size is 0 [12:59] <BluesKaj> !mint |Guest5142 [12:59] <EriC^> IsntFunny: all the red files are 0 in size? [12:59] <Guest5142> i see. ok then [12:59] <IsntFunny> EriC^: [12:59] <gry> yes Joshua but we pulled hair and murdered a kitten once trying to troubleshoot a very subtle bug, so mint is not supported here [13:00] <gry> go tho [13:00] <EriC^> IsntFunny: ok, some aren't 0 [13:00] <EriC^> it should recover them i think [13:00] <Guest5142> I was actually looking to see if there was just a way to get the software center on mint [13:01] <gry> should be opensource, try to compile by hand [13:01] <BluesKaj> Guest5142 look in the kicker [13:02] <IsntFunny> EriC^: those are no important folders =( [13:02] <gry> ask them too, this is probably a FAQ [13:02] <Guest5142> look in the kicker? [13:02] <EriC^> IsntFunny: which dir is important? [13:02] <mike7508> ok situation... i have a shit ton of music on a box running ubuntu server 14.o4... i want to be able to listen to and control my music from work web browser based... what are the best options to run on the ubuntu box [13:02] <mike7508> and go [13:03] <EriC^> IsntFunny: browse to the dir and check the files size [13:03] <IsntFunny> the important ones are empty [13:03] <mitchdavis44> Hi everyone, I'm looking for a little bit of guidance in regards to MTP support and a Nexus 5 on Ubuntu 14.04. I've searched all over and have tried multiple suggestions such as trying gmtp, creating the android dev rules, and a few others. Does anyone have a sure fire way to be able to connect my nexus 5 as a MTP device? [13:03] <EriC^> IsntFunny: ok, there's photorec [13:04] <gry> mike7508 if work comp is Linux, then ssh with x forward [13:04] <pbx> mike7508, so you want to have a private streaming setup? [13:04] <EriC^> it's another tool like testdisk which comes in the package [13:04] <EriC^> IsntFunny: try sudo photorec /dev/vda [13:04] <mike7508> yes pbx exactly, but i have no control over the computers or networking at work [13:05] <gry> mitchdavis44 is it #ubuntu-touch question? [13:05] <mike7508> that's why i figured something that i woudl be able to control from a webbrowser woudl be best [13:05] <EriC^> IsntFunny: it searches for files that have a certain header, it has a list of files you can choose to recover, or you can give it a sample header and have it search for those files [13:05] <mitchdavis44> gry - no it is not. It's a stock nexus 5. [13:06] <IsntFunny> EriC^: ok, photorec is running [13:07] <gry> mitchdavis I was told Ubuntu touch runs on nexus devices, and android stuff also suggests it is that [13:07] <IsntFunny> 2000 iles so far [13:07] <EriC^> what did you tell it to recover IsntFunny ? [13:08] <IsntFunny> the home dir i hope [13:08] <mitchdavis44> gry I'm not sure what you're meaning...Ubuntu touch does run on nexus' devices but I'm just trying to connect my nexus 5 as a mtp device not do anything with ubuntu touch. [13:08] <gry> ok [13:09] <IsntFunny> EriC^: it is just searching for files right now [13:09] <EriC^> IsntFunny: did you select the file header? [13:09] <EriC^> IsntFunny: it's under file opt next to search [13:10] <IsntFunny> EriC^: but i need all files, not some specific? [13:10] <EriC^> IsntFunny: i dont think you can, not sure [13:10] <EriC^> IsntFunny: you can recover all txt files if you want [13:10] <IsntFunny> how did it delete those files?! [13:10] <pbx> mike7508, apologies for answering a question you didn't ask, but have you looked at streaming from e.g. google play or amazon music? [13:11] <DJones> mitchdavis44: For connecting android devices, I normally install airdroid on the android device and then just connect using a web browser on the computer, I'v enever needed to physically connect the two [13:12] <mike7508> pbx i had not... never tried their services... i just didn't know if something like shoutcast wouldn't be better suited for this [13:12] <splitwire> DJones: I also use AirDroid, great program [13:13] <mitchdavis44> DJones I guess I'll have to give that a shot, I'm pretty much out of options. Thanks for the suggestion. [13:13] <SomeT> so I have this question: What are the main systems of a Linux kernel? [13:13] <SomeT> anyone know what it means by systems? [13:14] <SomeT> thinking it means input / output possibly? [13:14] <SomeT> so confused by its definition within the question [13:15] <EriC^> SomeT: is that hw? [13:16] <BluesKaj> SomeT, do you have an ubuntu related question ..linux kerenel questions are better suited for ##linux chat [13:16] <BluesKaj> SomeT, or ##linux even [13:18] <SomeT> ok thanks [13:18] <SomeT> sorry [13:18] <SomeT> i am on ubuntu is why i was here [13:54] <Anupkumar> hi, I am working on a bug related to udisks, can anyone tell me is it a right place to ask questions related to bugs on udisks here? [13:56] <kk_> hi [13:57] <kk_> 改不了名字? [13:57] <OerHeks> Anupkumar, what bug do you encounter? [13:57] <maixueguonian> 哦,名字不支持中文 [13:57] <OerHeks> maixueguonian, hi, english only please [13:57] <OerHeks> !cn [13:58] <Anupkumar> OerHeks: [13:58] <Anupkumar> OerHeks: that is the bug I'm working on currently [13:58] <maixueguonian> OK [13:59] <Anupkumar> OerHeks: I was able to reproduce the bug, but not able to locate the exact location of the code where I was getting this error [14:01] <OerHeks> Anupkumar, cannot finds simular on launchpad, that bug is happening on KDE? [14:01] <OerHeks> and old. [14:02] <Anupkumar> OerHeks: no, this bug is not related to KDE because in the comment for the bug, it is clearly given that this bug has to be reported upstream [14:05] <Anupkumar> OerHeks: how can we check for this error in the udisks source code? [14:05] <kdEFanboy> Hello! Do you know how to pin google desktop apps into the taskbar? All i get with "Show a launcher when it's closed" is that the given app is in the same launcher as my google chrome launcher [14:05] <OerHeks> On what ubuntu version Anupkumar ? [14:06] <Anupkumar> OerHeks: I'm currently using ubuntu 14.04 [14:07] <BluesKaj> !crosspost | kdEFanboy [14:07] <kdEFanboy> upps sorry! [14:07] <kdEFanboy> BluesKaj: can i know which those channels are? [14:08] <BluesKaj> youshouls know, kdEFanboy, you posted to post in just one [14:10] <kdEFanboy> BluesKaj: I mean, i asked it here as an ubuntu user and in kubuntu as a kde user... I though it made sense, sorry again. [14:11] <Mohamed> Bonjour [14:11] <Mohamed> Est ce que quelqu'un a pu installer Zend Guard Loader v3.3 sur ubuntu 12.04 [14:11] <OerHeks> Anupkumar, hard to say how to check this in source or debugger. [14:11] <OerHeks> [14:12] <OerHeks> i see that trusty uses a newer version from git [14:12] <DJones> !fr | Mohamed [14:12] <OerHeks> err utopic * [14:12] <Mohamed> tanks you [14:16] <isarl> Hello everyone. Just installed 14.04 and boggled by all the different nvidia graphics options, and why Additonal Drivers isn't auto-detecting my NVidia card... [14:16] <isarl> I really need to add a PPA to out-of-the-box ubuntu before apt-get will let me install binary drivers? [14:17] <k1l> isarl: what video card is it? [14:17] <isarl> 750 Ti [14:17] <k1l> isarl: and what kernel are you on? "uname -a"? [14:18] <isarl> 3.16.0-30-generic [14:18] <isarl> sorry, GeForce GTX 750 Ti [14:19] <k1l> do you know since which driver number its supported from nvidia blob? [14:19] <isarl> I mean I can use Nvidia's webpage to download 346.59 drivers and just run the shell script [14:19] <isarl> but I figured there might be a way to do it through aptitude [14:19] <isarl> or whatever, it's been a few releases since I've used ubuntu (pre-unity) [14:20] <isarl> I tried doing apt-get install nvidia-graphics-drivers-346 to no avail [14:20] <k1l> there is no 346 in the ubuntu repo for 14.04 [14:20] <k1l> again: what video driver version do you need at least? [14:21] <isarl> nvidia's website recommends 346.59 for my GPU [14:21] <isarl> ironically I remember this being EASIER last time I installed an ubuntu system using nvidia, but maybe I'm just misremembering [14:22] <k1l> they always recommend the latest. the question is since when its supported. ubuntu 14.04 ships 331 [14:22] <isarl> so you're saying if I s/346/331 on my apt-get command it should work? [14:22] <k1l> sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 [14:23] <isarl> ah, now that's actually doing something [14:23] <k1l> but i dont know if it works with your video card. [14:23] <isarl> so what you're telling me is that 331 is the latest in the official repos, and if I want newer, then I have to either find a 3rd-party PPA, or download them directly from NVidia's website? [14:24] <k1l> isarl: yes. [14:24] <isarl> k1l: cheers. [14:25] <k1l> isarl: the enablement stack only updates kernels and kernel video drivers and xserver. not binary blobs [14:25] <F-3000> Hi! I'm about to install Ubuntu MATE on Acer Aspire ES1-311. I've got myself this far, where I've defined used partitions, and installer is asking for device for boot loader installation. What I'm supposed to do here? I've already read about UEFI and "dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a pre-installed Windows 8 system", but neither of those help in this situation. [14:26] <isarl> k1l: by that you mean.. I will need to reinstall my graphics drivers each time there's a kernel update..? [14:26] <k1l> isarl: if you go for nvidia website solution yes [14:26] <isarl> if I go for a 3rd-party PPA? [14:27] <k1l> then it will run dksm on a kernel update (if the ppa is setup right. which like the xorg edgers is) [14:28] <isarl> k1l: cheers. thanks for all your help. [14:28] <isarl> k1l: also I think *dkms but I got your meaning. thanks again. [14:29] <k1l> erm, yes. dkms :) [14:30] <F-3000> Anyone able to assist? [14:33] <DJones> F-3000: Probably best if you ask your question so people know what the issue is before they say whether they can help [14:33] <F-3000> DJones: I did so. [14:34] <daftykins> F-3000: so you're installing alongside Windows 8? [14:34] <DJones> F-3000: Ah yeah, sorry, I hadn't seen it that far back [14:36] <F-3000> daftykins: Yes, dual-booting. But actual option "install along windows" offers usb-stick as only option as destination. [14:37] <F-3000> daftykins: As I'm using usb-multiboot. Not first time I face similar situation. [14:37] <daftykins> F-3000: did you boot the install media in EFI mode? [14:38] <F-3000> daftykins: Yes. I checked it from /sys/firmware/efi path in live system. [14:38] <k1l> !away > andrex [14:39] <ioria> F-3000 64bit ? [14:39] <F-3000> daftykins: Also, I had to create uefi-boot ability for the multiboot to be able to boot in first place. Yes, 64. [14:40] <daftykins> 'for the multiboot' ? not really following you there [14:41] <F-3000> daftykins: I have multiple ISOs on a usb-stick, launched thru grub. [14:41] <daftykins> ok so YUMI or something [14:42] <F-3000> daftykins: I had to add uefi-boot to it to be able to boot from it. [14:43] <daftykins> F-3000: well it's a bit of a warning sign for an installer not to see 8, but you could try installing anyway and have GRUB go onto the disk /dev/sda as that shouldn't do any harm [14:43] <F-3000> daftykins: Actually, I've created it "manually", but I think that the result is quite same. [14:43] <F-3000> daftykins: Installer does see 8, I believe. [14:43] <daftykins> F-3000: did you resize the Windows volume from inside Windows prior to this attempt to install? [14:45] <F-3000> daftykins: I resized it with Gparted (from SystemRescueCD 4.5.2), yet Windows works fine, I tested it,. [14:45] <ioria> F-3000 secure boot ? [14:45] <daftykins> that was an unnecessary approach 0o [14:45] <F-3000> ioria: Had to turn it off. [14:45] <daftykins> and did you shutdown 8 properly? [14:46] <F-3000> daftykins: Thru shutdown option. [14:47] <EriC^> F-3000: did yuo turn fastboot off? [14:47] <EriC^> *you [14:48] <F-3000> EriC^: Nope. [14:48] <daftykins> you either do that, or shutdown properly (not just selecting shutdown) in order to stop 8 doing its' funky hybrid hibernate thing [14:52] <EriC^> F-3000: yeah you have to turn fastboot off, or reboot windows instead of shutting down [14:52] <hadrial> malammmmmmmmmmmm [14:53] <F-3000> EriC^, daftykins: looks like there's no option in uefi to turn off fastboot. [14:54] <EriC^> you have to turn it off from settings > power advanced or something [14:54] <magita> anyone knows what could i verify to make ubuntu mate X64 because on shutdown currently it just sits there this machine its an Acer Aspire 5050 Amd turion 64 with 1 gig ddr2 memory [14:54] <EriC^> in windows control panel [14:54] <hadrial> apakah ada virus di linuxxx [14:55] <F-3000> EriC^: I'll try that. [14:56] <daftykins> magita: running 64-bit on a machine with 1GB RAM is a waste [14:56] <EriC^> F-3000: it's really quite tricky, i'd search online for a picture of it [14:56] <magita> daftykins, so... you think thats the problem for the shutdown issue? [14:56] <EriC^> it's under something like "click here for options that you will never use nor care about" [14:57] <EriC^> lol then it pops up at the bottom [14:57] <F-3000> EriC^: classic Windows then. [14:59] <daftykins> magita: are you asking how to check if it's a 64-bit installation? "uname -a" [14:59] <magita> daftykins, no, currently on shutdown it sits there [15:00] <EriC^> magita: press esc and check what it's waiting for [15:00] <maddawg2> what happens if you accidentally compile and install a program twice in ubuntu [15:01] <EriC^> maddawg2: nothing, the files will be overwritten most likely and you'll lose any configuration files [15:01] <SchrodingersScat> maddawg2: I would expect the 2nd to overwrite the first? [15:01] <maddawg2> ok good [15:02] <maddawg2> just making sure [15:02] <maddawg2> lol [15:02] <maddawg2> cuz i accidentally did exactly that me things [15:02] <maddawg2> thinks* [15:02] <elux> hello.. i have linux-image-3.13.0-35-generic and linux-image-3.13.0-49-generic installed, but the older kernel version is currently in use.. how do i make it use the latest? [15:02] <k1l> elux: run "sudo update-grub" [15:03] <elux> thx [15:03] <EriC^> elux: you have to reboot to use it, you know.. [15:04] <k1l> well yes. i think that was obivous :) [15:07] <elux> EriC^: yea i used it, rebooted and still on the old kernel [15:07] <EriC^> are you sure it installed correctly? [15:07] <gioans> hello [15:08] <gioans> i am a new ubuntu [15:08] <denos> so i just upgraded from 14.04 to 14.10 and now i get a virtualbox fail error and then blank screen at boot [15:08] <Zerkalerka> gioans, ubuntu new you [15:08] <gioans> yeah [15:09] <denos> also recovery mode won't accept my user/pass and neither will ecryptfs-recover-private from a liveusb [15:09] <daftykins> gioans: this place is for support questions, do you have one? [15:09] <gioans> yes i have [15:09] <denos> am i out of luck or does anyone have any tips, thanks [15:09] <fungifungible> hello all, I am sporadically getting shades like this: I dont remember it having happened outside of the browser. the shade is often black or this color, and the size is different, yet always in quadratic shapes, sometimes 2-3 at a time, on different spots of the page. [15:10] <Guest63165> Add [15:11] <gioans> every time i upgrade my ubuntu, some things not upgrade, what i to do ? [15:11] <daftykins> gioans: what things? [15:11] <ioria> denos You might have recently removed older kernel [15:11] <k1l> !paste | gioans please show there the output [15:12] <ioria> denos your specs ? [15:13] <magita> ok guys here its what the shutdown problem says [15:14] <denos> ioria: i5-5200U amd64, intel hd 5500, 8gb [15:15] <denos> ioria: only kernels removed were at direction of distribution upgrade [15:15] <marc_> Hey, Just a quick questions (somewhat specific though). I've got an old Voip phone that apparently is no longer supported. I was wondering if Linux offered a Voip service that would allow me to make and receive phone calls using a standard telephone number? [15:15] <gioans> i don't things, because terminal not replay, and in that i see "remove "x" not upgrade"- "x" is a number! [15:15] <test__> hello [15:16] <ioria> denos you have win 8 with ubuntu in virtualbox ? [15:16] <faust> marc_: do you mean a voip client or what? [15:16] <xangua> gioans: if you have a terminal output error, the actuall error messsage would be more helpful [15:17] <k1l> gioans: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in a terminal and put the output into the paste [15:17] <daftykins> gioans: also, what language do you speak? there might be a better place for you to ask [15:17] <marc_> faust: Yea. Like Skype allows you to have a telephone number that people can call you on. However it is an expensive service and I know skype doesn't work very well with linux [15:17] <lotuspsychje> !voip | faust [15:17] <magita> EriC^, daftykins, what you had asked [15:17] <gioans> i am Vietnamese, and i speak Vietnamese [15:18] <SchrodingersScat> !info asterisk | marc_ [15:18] <lotuspsychje> faust: check software centre, there are few nice phone apps in there [15:18] <denos> ioria: grub dual-boot win8/ubuntu, w/ virtualbox also installed in ubuntu to run win8 [15:18] <faust> lotuspsychje: it is marc_ that is asking, not me [15:18] <pbx> !vn | gioans [15:18] <ruslan_osmanov> Hi, I guess I've broken my xubuntu system after trying to install skype (adding i386 arch on amd64) :/ After dpkg --add-architecture i386 and adding Canonical Partner sources to the sources list, apt kept suggesting apt-get install -f (which implied purging almost everything). Then I tried to install something via GUI. The software center suggested "to fix broken packages" (which implied the [15:18] <ruslan_osmanov> apt-get install -f with all awful consequences!) . So the packages are fixed now... by *removal*. The laptop is still running. Please help me to get rid of i386 arch and to restore the packages [15:19] <gioans> cảm ơn nhé [15:20] <ioria> denos you got a dual boot win8/ubu and inside ubu , vbox with win8 ... and the pc does not boot . correct ? [15:20] <faust> marc_: as lotuspsychje there are many voip client on linux, but if you want to receive call on a real phone number you will need to subscribe to some voip service. Than you can use ekiga or anything else in ubuntu with your new account, but the account registration and the service itself has not anything to do with ubuntu or linux in general [15:20] <marc_> thanks faust [15:21] <F-3000> EriC^: You were right, it required googling. [15:21] <EriC^> magita: looks like some process won't quit and it's waiting for it [15:21] <EriC^> F-3000: yup [15:21] <magita> Eric__, so its a fresh install what to do change distro ? ^^ [15:21] <denos> ioria: win8 will boot but ubuntu shows error and then perpetual blank screen [15:22] <ioria> denos well, try at first nomodeset in grub [15:22] <bodo_> guys is it enough to create only 3 part for installing ubuntu? /, /home and swap or i need /boot aswell? [15:22] <EriC^> bodo_: that's fine [15:24] <bodo_> what is fine eric i need or not /boot? [15:25] <daftykins> no /boot [15:25] <k1l> bodo_: if you dont use lvm or raid or encryption you dont need a seperate /boot [15:25] <bodo_> thx [15:25] <k1l> bodo_: meaning: for mainstream users its ok without /boot. [15:25] <gioans> server Vietnam-vn, people sleps, no one get up! [15:27] <F-3000> EriC^, daftykins: Still, "Install Ubumtu alongside Windows Boot Maganer" gives usb-stick (sdb) as only option for destination, ignoring HD (sda) completely. Have to choose "Something else". [15:28] <lotuspsychje_> gioans: we can only help you in english mate [15:28] <daftykins> F-3000: weird. "sudo parted -l | pastebinit2 might be useful [15:28] <gioans> i understand EngLish not very well [15:32] <chotaz`w> anything like superputty for ubuntu? [15:32] <somsip> chotaz`w: what is 'superputty'? [15:32] <EriC^> F-3000: is a msdos converted disk? [15:32] <EriC^> *is it [15:32] <daftykins> F-3000: oops that was meant to be "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" [15:33] <F-3000> daftykins: MATE doesn't have pastebinit, but I can do manually. [15:33] <daftykins> F-3000: yes you install it. [15:34] <F-3000> EriC^: Nope. Although, it's nothing new to me that installer's automatic options ignore sda. [15:35] <F-3000> daftykins: Install in live? [15:36] <F-3000> daftykins, EriC^: [15:38] <denos> ioria: thanks will reboot and try that now [15:38] <chotaz`w> somsip, it's putty with tabs. [15:38] <EriC^> F-3000: wow.. [15:38] <daftykins> F-3000: wow that is a lot of partitions [15:39] <somsip> chotaz`w: use something like screen or tmux, and ssh [15:39] <F-3000> EriC^, daftykins: I added 5, obviously. [15:42] <F-3000> EriC^, daftykins: So, there's ~1MB space at the front of the disc, so installer puking MBR shouldn't break anything. But I doubt that's how I'm going to get this thing working right away. [15:42] <Guest41598> test [15:43] <SchrodingersScat> Guest41598: received [15:43] <F-3000> EriC^, daftykins: Should I create one more partition, where I install Ubuntu's bootloader, which I point to from UEFI? [15:44] <dyrz> hello guys. how can i implement derivative of a given equation in scheme ? [15:44] <Guest41598> SchrodingersScat: sweet! [15:45] <fungifungible> hello all, I am sporadically getting shades like this: I dont remember it having happened outside of the browser. the shade is often black or this color, and the size is different, yet always in quadratic shapes, sometimes 2-3 at a time, on different spots of the page. [15:45] <fungifungible> also the text lines are sometimes gone: it comes back when refreshed [15:45] <daftykins> F-3000: no it should know to make use of the EFI boot partition. i think there's something up with the ISO image you're using, or your boot method [15:46] <amortimer> I’m trying to access another user’s environmental variable, set in their .bashrc. When evern I run `sudo su - user -c ‘. ~/.bashrc && echo $VAR’` It returns empty. But when I su in as the user and echo the $VAR it works. What am I doing wrong? [15:46] <daftykins> fungifungible: 404 on the first image [15:46] <chotaz`w> somsip, I'm looking for a GUI that lets me setup and use multiple tunnels at same time, I dont wanna bother writting the connection info each and everytime. [15:46] <fungifungible> oh sorry daftykins, this is the correct link: [15:47] <ioria> F-3000 have you tried Legacy boot, Legacy first and activate BIOS flashback? [15:47] <somsip> chotaz`w: use ~/.ssh/config and aliases. No gui there though, so maybe someone else can advise [15:47] <F-3000> daftykins: Want to see grub.cfg? [15:48] <daftykins> fungifungible: which ubuntu version and what graphics hardware + driver? [15:48] <F-3000> ioria: Nope, as I want to use uefi. [15:48] <squarebit> I'm trying to run Ubuntu on an older laptop that had Windows Vista and i'm getting a system is running in low-graphics mode. how can i get the graphics card to cooperate properly? [15:48] <lotuspsychje_> squarebit: wich grafix card is that [15:48] <jamie_> What graphics card is it squarebit ? [15:49] <lotuspsychje_> squarebit: and ubuntu version you trying to install? [15:49] <daftykins> squarebit: tell us which it is [15:49] <MarcGuay> Hi folks. Ubuntu 14.04, MySQL Workbench 6.0. How can I update to 6.2? [15:49] <daftykins> MarcGuay: find a PPA, but bear in mind they're not supported [15:50] <squarebit> I'm not sure which video card it has but it uses the Intel 940/943/945 Video Driver for Vista [15:50] <squarebit> It's a Compaq Presario C500 Notebook [15:50] <daftykins> squarebit: share its' entry from 'lspci' [15:50] <daftykins> or better yet the whole 'lspci' in a pastebin [15:51] <lotuspsychje_> squarebit: wich ubuntu version are you trying [15:51] <squarebit> daftykins: i'm not sure how to get into a command prompt [15:51] <BluesKaj> lspci | grep VGA , perhaps [15:52] <daftykins> squarebit: ctrl+alt+T [15:52] <daftykins> or ctrl+alt+F1 [15:52] <squarebit> 14.04 [15:52] <fungifungible> daftykins, I have 14.04.2, and Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) -- the output for driver has a lot of names, shall I paste it? [15:53] <daftykins> fungifungible: nah that's ok, sounds like intel on-die graphics with a haswell chip [15:53] <BluesKaj> fungifungible, that's probly the i915 driver [15:53] <squarebit> i tried ctrl+alt+f1 and it showed a bunch of weird symbols [15:54] <fungifungible> the system details GUI says 'Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset ' [15:54] <daftykins> F2? you might get a login prompt eventually [15:56] <elux> how can i check if aufs is installed and working..? [15:57] <fungifungible> why would these errors be occuring? [15:59] <daftykins> fungifungible: no idea personally. try another browser and see if it persists [16:00] <fungifungible> yes, maybe I can reinstall the browser, too [16:00] <bogdan> hi. is possible to use kde desktop interface on ubuntu unity? [16:02] <daftykins> bogdan: well not on unity, but you can install KDE or kubuntu-desktop sure [16:02] <bogdan> where can i find kde? [16:02] <EriC^> sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [16:03] <k1l> bogdan: you can install the kde desktop and change the desktop setting on the login screen then. [16:03] <OerHeks> Then you will end up without the unity panel, if that is what you want [16:04] <DexterF> hi [16:05] <bogdan> sudo apt-get install kde does exist is the correct command? [16:05] <k1l> bogdan: use the "kubuntu-desktop" package [16:05] <DexterF> I use kde mainly, but prefer gThumb as image viewer. now the latest version has a weird theme (dark while other gtk apps match my kde theme) and I have no idea where to conf that [16:06] <DexterF> plus: does it have to look like a mobile app? where do I find settings? [16:06] <bogdan> if i use kubuntu desktop this will be only for appearance right? it will still be ubuntu unity only design change? [16:07] <k1l> bogdan: you cant use unity and kde at the same time. [16:07] <MonkeyDust> bogdan yes, it wil be ubuntu with other desktop interface, kde instead of unity [16:08] <bogdan> MonkeyDust, thx [16:08] <k1l> bogdan: you can either drive a BMW or a Mercedes. but not both at the same time. so choose one [16:08] <MonkeyDust> bogdan unity is just the appearance, it's the smae ubuntu [16:08] <bogdan> k1l, you do not understand what i want. i will use ubuntu unity. i just asked if is possible to change de design to look like a theme [16:09] <EriC^> um, why don't you install kde? [16:09] <MonkeyDust> bogdan install kde, if you want the kde look [16:09] <skinux> Could low-memory warnings be caused by Ubuntu's use of hard disk for cacheing? [16:09] <bogdan> where i can find kde? [16:09] <k1l> bogdan: well. than you need to rephrase that better. of couse you can change the theme to another one that you like. but the app launcher will stay on the left side only. [16:10] <reborn> is this help? [16:10] <MonkeyDust> reborn yes, let's hear it [16:12] <reborn> [16:12] <MonkeyDust> reborn in proper wors, please [16:12] <MonkeyDust> words* [16:12] <bogdan> what i fglrx for? [16:12] <bogdan> is* [16:12] <reborn> oh, it is a imagine link, a terminal command. [16:13] <EriC^> bogdan: it's the amd proprietary driver [16:13] <reborn> and it seem broken package, how i fix this? [16:13] <bogdan> Eric__, thx [16:13] <EriC^> reborn: try installing the package it's saying can't be installed and it should mention why [16:13] <EriC^> xorg-video-abi-11 [16:14] <yeroyestark> pene [16:14] <reborn> i have tried in synaptic, it appear alert red icon. [16:15] <EriC^> reborn: sudo apt-get install xorg-video-abi-11 [16:16] <EriC^> reborn: you can just copy and paste it in [16:16] <fungifungible> daftykins, thank you! [16:17] <fungifungible> BluesKaj, thank you, too! [16:17] <bogdan> hmmm installing kubuntu-desktop takes pretty much [16:18] <LadyAlissa> How can I set up apt to use a SOCKS4 proxy? [16:18] <reborn> [16:19] <bogdan> guys is this ok? [16:20] <LadyAlissa> BBIAB. \o [16:20] <teward> bogdan: yes I believe that is OK - it happens here on Ubuntu too, and I think there's a bug open on it somewhere [16:21] <bogdan> Generating grub configuration file ... [16:21] <bogdan> Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported. [16:21] <bogdan> what this means? [16:21] <reborn> Eric^? [16:22] <OerHeks> bogdan no dual timeouts possible [16:23] <EriC^> reborn: try sudo apt-get update [16:24] <reborn> should i copy and paste? [16:24] <EriC^> reborn: fglrx says it needs one of the xorg-video-abi- packages but it installs here without them being installed [16:24] <plasma> hi [16:24] <compdoc> reborn, [16:24] <plasma> my firefox isnt german, besides installing firefox-locale-de [16:24] <EriC^> reborn: no let it run, unless you get errors [16:25] <EriC^> reborn: type apt-cache policy fglrx and paste the output [16:26] <reborn> i have got no error after update. [16:27] <reborn> fglrx: [16:27] <reborn> Installed: (none) [16:27] <reborn> Candidate: 2:13.350.1-0ubuntu2 [16:27] <reborn> Version table: [16:27] <reborn> 2:13.350.1-0ubuntu2 0 [16:27] <reborn> 500 trusty/restricted amd64 Packages [16:28] <OerHeks> !paste [16:28] <MonkeyDust> reborn next time, use a pastebin [16:28] <EriC^> reborn: did you try the additional drivers in the dash? [16:28] <herbie> #ardour [16:29] <reborn> i don't know, i just want to install fglrx. that's all. [16:29] <EriC^> reborn: open the dash and type drivers [16:30] <reborn> nothing in there. [16:30] <reborn> wait [16:30] <reborn> additional drivers? [16:30] <EriC^> yes [16:31] <reborn> i have tried that, but it back to property recommend. [16:31] <EriC^> by property you mean proprietary? [16:31] <reborn> sorry, yes. [16:32] <EriC^> so what is selected right now? [16:32] <EriC^> fglrx? [16:33] <reborn> Using X.Org x Server along with Recommended driver. [16:33] <EriC^> ok, press fglrx and click on apply [16:34] <reborn> i did but back to X.Org X server. [16:35] <enoch> hi all [16:35] <enoch> how to add cc to mail in bash script? [16:35] <EriC^> reborn: try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core [16:37] <reborn> [16:37] <gio_> !list [16:38] <EriC^> reborn: try sudo apt-get install xorg-video-abi-15 [16:39] <reborn> it is same where i posted a link. [16:39] <coderman1> how can i list all python processes running longer than 1 hr? [16:39] <EriC^> reborn: try sudo apt-get install libcheese* [16:40] <reborn> it seem repond, and shall i install? [16:41] <ioria> it would be possible for a specific laptop boots in uefi mode for win8 and legacy for linux ? [16:41] <EriC^> reborn: try sudo apt-get install xorg-video-abi-15 fglrx [16:42] <EriC^> ioria: yes but you'd have to do it manually every time you booted [16:42] <EriC^> ioria: very impractical [16:43] <ioria> EriC^ and if this laptop would have the ability to check what os is booting, and switch automatically ? [16:45] <reborn> it worked and it seem responsed! what's caused that? [16:45] <F-3000> EriC^, daftykins: Ubuntu MATE installed as supposed to, no idea why installer asked for boot loader destination, as it made no difference. Now the laptop boots straight to grup (I made it so, thru uefi), with secure booting on, and boots Ubuntu without problems. [16:45] <EriC^> ioria: not sure what you're asking.. [16:45] <reborn> do i have to reboot? [16:46] <daftykins> F-3000: yay \o/ [16:46] <EriC^> reborn: yeah [16:46] <EriC^> F-3000: great [16:47] <ioria> EriC^, it's related to Lenovo g500 . i found people who had installed dual boot win8/Ubuntu the first in uefi and Ubu in legay... that's possible ? [16:47] <ioria> legacy [16:47] <EriC^> ioria: i have no idea [16:48] <daftykins> you can mix install modes but then you can't boot both easily [16:48] <ioria> thanx [16:48] <EriC^> daftykins: he says the laptop checks which os is booting and switches from uefi to bios automatically, have you heard of anything like that? [16:48] <reborn> let me reboot.. BRB [16:49] <daftykins> EriC^: hmm, not without pressing a key to get a one-time boot menu and say, picking different disks or something [16:49] <EriC^> sounds like something from terminator 3: rise of the machines [16:49] <daftykins> :D [16:51] <sam__> hi guyies [16:51] <lookitzawess> yo [16:51] <daftykins> greetings [16:51] <sam__> whats up iam new [16:52] <daftykins> well, this is ubuntu support chat - so questions or help giving only. chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic :) [16:52] <lookitzawess> oh nothing much, just enjoying a warm cup of coffee. [16:53] <reborn> hello Eric^ [16:53] <reborn> it is now worked, and what's caused that? [16:53] <EriC^> hello reborn [16:55] <alu> hi [16:55] <alu> hi [16:56] <reborn> so what's caused that? [16:56] <alu> idk [16:57] <alu25> lucas [16:57] <alu25> mmm [16:57] <alu> pelao [16:58] <reborn> oh sorry. i forgot to say thanks, Eric^ [16:58] <daftykins> alu: no clones and support questions only please [16:59] <alu> relax daftykins [16:59] <daftykins> alu: i am perfectly relaxed (: [16:59] <Lorien> hol [17:00] <alu> then don't tell me what i have to do [17:00] <daftykins> sorry, place have rules and you shall follow them :) [17:00] <alu> kk sorry [17:00] <Lorien> alu: [17:01] <alu> sorry im a new informatic technic [17:01] <alu> Pablo puntillo [17:01] <chotaz`w> !it > alu [17:02] <reborn> which is best to have a apps monitor cpu temp? [17:02] <alu> monitor [17:02] <alu> without dude [17:02] <reborn> i am on unity ubuntu 14.04.2 [17:04] <Lorien> hello [17:05] <boabsta> reborn: you could try sensors-applet [17:07] <denos> so after upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10 i boot to a blank screen, and now i can't recover my home directory with ecryptfs-recover-private from a liveusb because unwrapping the passphrase failed [17:08] <reborn> i did, i can't find apps in dash. [17:09] <reborn> boabsta [17:09] <denos> but if i boot with nomodeset flagged, i can get to a command prompt where i can run ecrypt-recover-private and home is mounted successfully [17:09] <denos> any idea why i can't do this with a GUI from liveusb? [17:10] <anam> help me [17:10] <boabsta> reborn: you may need to restart [17:10] <reborn> ohh [17:10] <SchrodingersScat> !ask | anam [17:13] <boabsta> anam: i find drinking copious amounts of vodka gets me through hard times [17:13] <reborn> i did restart, and i can't apps in dash. [17:13] <anam> how to instal ralink rt5390 ubuntu [17:13] <Pazooza> Makes your liver hard too. [17:14] <reborn> boabsta [17:16] <alu_> ey [17:17] <reborn> ? [17:17] <anam> hhh [17:23] <alu__436> hola [17:24] <alu__436> #alu [17:25] <SCHAAP137> after upgrading from 14.10 to 15.04 (using update-manager -d), my MATE session somehow magically starts AbiWord after logging in [17:25] <SCHAAP137> with an empty new document [17:25] <SCHAAP137> but, I can't seem to find what's causing this, i certainly don't have AbiWord in my autostart apps [17:26] <SchrodingersScat> !15.04 | SCHAAP137 [17:26] <SCHAAP137> allright, thanks [17:26] <billetdoux> Which versio of OpenSSL do we require to use TLS-ECDHE? also wchi version of OpenSSL is required for even using TLS 1.2 even without EC? I guess Ubuntu 14.04 don't support either [17:33] <anew> i'm not sure why but only the first line of my cron is running, i hvave 3 lines, each executing different scripts [17:33] <vixterra> I'm using the nvidia proprietary drivers on 14.10 and my monitor's refresh rate resets down to 60hz from 144hz every time I restart, and I have to go back through nvidia-settings to change it again. I've tried running nvidia-settings as root and it doesn't change anything and the modeline in my xorg.conf does have the monitor set to 144hz. Anyone know what might be up with this? [17:34] <compdoc> 144hz is kinda crazy [17:35] <vixterra> how so? [17:35] <compdoc> back when monitors were tubes, 75Hz was about the highest rate you needed. Anything higher over-heats the monitor electronics [17:36] <compdoc> now that everything is LCD, 60Hz is more common [17:37] <vixterra> I mean I don't see any reason not to use 144 since my monitor supports it. [17:37] <tinoco> ) [17:43] <genkgo> if ubuntu goes into read only filesystem, where I can find the log with the reason for this? [17:44] <daftykins> genkgo: dmesg [17:44] <daftykins> genkgo: or boot a live session and try to mount it manually, then read that [17:44] <genkgo> daftykins: i have no luck finding the line [17:45] <genkgo> daftykins: it happened yesterday. syslog just stops after the moment that it happened (read-only mean no writing, not even logs I guess) [17:46] <daftykins> genkgo: yep so boot a live session then come back here :) [17:46] <ubuntu-studio> hola con todosss [17:46] <genkgo> daftykins: it is a production server [17:46] <fecaloid> /quit [17:46] <fecaloid> /Quit [17:46] <daftykins> genkgo: i doubt it's producing very much right now then? [17:47] <genkgo> well, it rebooted and then was fine again [17:47] <genkgo> but it happened twice yesterday [17:47] <ubuntu-studio> XD [17:47] <ubuntu-studio> como estan todoss muy buenas tardes [17:47] <evilworm> is there a suggested password length/method for opengpg or similar, if I have a fear my actual computer might be seized? [17:47] <genkgo> before never, today everything fine again [17:47] <ubuntu-studio> me llamoo piter [17:47] <ubuntu-studio> y soy del peru [17:48] <fecaloid> /quit [17:48] <ubuntu-studio> ¿?¿?¿? [17:48] <ubuntu-studio> que pasa man [17:49] <Ziber> I'm installing ubuntu and it's failing at "configuring the clock". can I skip that? [17:50] <ubuntu-studio> mmmm [17:50] <ubuntu-studio> soy nuevo usuariooo [17:50] <ubuntu-studio> nada mal esta distribuciion [17:50] <BluesKaj> !es | ubuntu-studio [17:51] <ubuntu-studio> mmm [17:51] <ubuntu-studio> hayaa [17:51] <ubuntu-studio> mmmm [17:51] <ubuntu-studio> pero man donde hago eso [17:51] <Ziber> Why would configuring the clock fail on my install, anyway? [17:52] <ubuntu-studio> donde veoo [17:52] <ubuntu-studio> la comunidad en español [17:52] <ubuntu-studio> no loveo [17:52] <ubuntu-studio> no lo veo [17:52] <ubuntu-studio> ubuntu español donde estaa ¿?¿?¿?¿? [17:53] <OerHeks> !es [17:53] <fecaloid> Hey guys, how do I leave this chat? [17:53] <evilworm> type /part [17:53] <BluesKaj> ubuntu-studio, /j #ubuntu-es [17:54] <evilworm> so my earlier question if anyone maybe knows the answer [17:54] <evilworm> is there a suggested password length/method for opengpg or similar, if I have a fear my actual computer might be seized? [17:54] <Ziber> Any ideas about ntp configuration failing during install? [17:56] <BluesKaj> Ziber, maybe your BIOS clock and the local time/time zone you chose are in conflict, but you can probly fix it once the install is finished [17:56] <daftykins> genkgo: can you install pastebinit and smartmontools on that system - then run "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" and share the link to me? [17:57] <Ziber> BluesKaj: Won't let me skip it, but it might be a network connectivity issue. [17:57] <Ziber> Alas, it's not. [17:58] <Ziber> Yeah, not letting me skip it and it's not a network issue. :( [17:58] <ioria> Ziber have you checked the installation disk integrity ? [17:58] <Ziber> It's netboot kernel/ramdisk. How do I do that? [17:58] <OerHeks> Ziber is your bios clock way off ? [17:59] <Ziber> I dunno. The host's clock is correct. [18:00] <genkgo> daftykins: [18:00] <daftykins> genkgo: oh, this is a Hyper-V VM? [18:00] <genkgo> daftykins: y [18:00] <Ziber> It's a Xen VM [18:01] <daftykins> Ziber: maybe yours is, but i was addressing someone else :) [18:01] <daftykins> the clue is what i type at the start of a sentence [18:01] <Ziber> Oh, ha. [18:01] <Ziber> I didn't see that. My bad. [18:01] <daftykins> np :) [18:01] <Ziber> Got another NTP server I can try, other than [18:01] <daftykins> genkgo: ok i was getting at hard disk health checking but that's obviously not relevant, unless that VM is on a single disk. [18:01] <genkgo> daftykins: i guess not [18:02] <genkgo> daftykins: [18:02] <genkgo> daftykins: the issue started at the same when a scheduled backup was started on the machine [18:02] <genkgo> *same time [18:03] <daftykins> genkgo: host doing a shadow copy disk image backup? [18:04] <OerHeks> Ziber, old issue ? [18:04] <genkgo> daftykins: yes, i think would be right name [18:04] <OerHeks> Ziber, you might want to check in #zen too [18:04] <Ziber> OerHeks: I've installed ubuntu a bunch on xen, never had this issue [18:04] <genkgo> daftykins: but we did that a lot of times without any problem, and nothing has changed (that is what apt/history.log is telling us) [18:05] <daftykins> genkgo: hmm i have practically zero experience with that sadly, so i'd only be googling for something like "ubuntu hyperv shadow copy disks mounted read only" or hoping to gather longs next time it happens [18:05] <OerHeks> they talk about ntp tools, i 'had' never issues with that either. [18:05] <daftykins> well APT's history is only of packages installed really [18:05] <NoOova> hi guys! I have u user www-data [18:05] <daftykins> NoOova: right...? [18:05] <NoOova> but when i logit with "sudo -u www-data bash" i got whong environment [18:05] <NoOova> why? [18:06] <Ziber> Is ntp tools what's installed during the OS install? [18:06] <NoOova> $HOME is like in previous user, for example [18:06] <Ziber> OerHeks: I can't just skip this? [18:07] <genkgo> daftykins: I read some threads on the subject, the problem is I cannot really get the cause of the issue [18:07] <OerHeks> Ziber, no in xen itself i think ? [18:07] <genkgo> daftykins: there simple is no log that is telling what caused the issue [18:08] <daftykins> genkgo: what first alerts you to the disk having been mounted read only? [18:09] <genkgo> daftykins: cannot remember anymore, maybe unpacking some log *.gz [18:09] <daftykins> well, are you connecting in and trying to install something and suddenly realising oh - read only? [18:10] <genkgo> daftykins: no, it was weekend, got phone call, server is down, what is going on, i login, and see read-only mode [18:11] <genkgo> daftykins: can this cause a read-only filesystem: "storvsc: Add. Sense: Invalid command operation code" [18:11] <Ziber> Upped the memory of the VM, fixed it. [18:14] <Ziber> Well, I made two changes at once. One was a memory change, the other was a network setting change. Not 100% sure which fixed it. [18:15] <daftykins> genkgo: hrmm storsvc appears to be a Windows host-side kernel driver [18:15] <anew> any help on a crontab that only runs the first line in crontab -e ? [18:15] <genkgo> anew: are the other lines starting with a space? [18:16] <anew> genkgo, you mean a line space ? [18:18] <genkgo> daftykins: yeah, all to weird. i see quite some threads on the subject, e.g. [18:18] <genkgo> but there is no answer to the thread [18:19] <daftykins> genkgo: can you confirm the Linux guests' kernel? [18:19] <sgen> Im having some trouble getting phpmyadmin to work. When I navigate to /phpmyadmin I see an error stating that the json extension is not installed. On running php -m on the command line json doesnt appear. When I run sudo apt-get install php5-json apt-get reports that its already [18:19] <daftykins> (version) [18:19] <genkgo> daftykins: 3.16 [18:19] <genkgo> 3.16.0-031600-generic #201408031935 [18:20] <daftykins> genkgo: that doesn't look like an official kernel... [18:20] <daftykins> normally it would be 3.16.0-##-generic [18:20] <daftykins> !info linux-generic trusty [18:21] <daftykins> eh non-HWE [18:22] <genkgo> daftykins: that one is also installed on the machine [18:22] <daftykins> genkgo: which specifically? [18:22] <genkgo> the one ubottu is saying [18:23] <genkgo> 3.13.0-49-generic [18:23] <daftykins> oh a 3.13, yeah i'd try using that [18:23] <anew> genkgo where should the spaces be [18:23] <daftykins> that's the true LTS kernel for 14.04 - 3.16 is utopic's (v14.10) hardware enablement stack kernel [18:24] <genkgo> anew: there should not be one, I believe lines atrting with a space are ignored [18:24] <anew> atrting? [18:25] <genkgo> anew: starting [18:25] <genkgo> daftykins: ok, so, your advice will be to switch to the 3.13 kernel? [18:25] <daftykins> yep [18:25] <daftykins> 100% [18:25] <layke> Hey. I've got a SSD that is dead/dying. It's one of the OCZs that only boots once every 1000 boots. Anyway, I've managed to get it to boot, and I want to copy everything to another hard drive. I cannot boot to a live CD, since it's taken me several hours of restarting every 20 seconds to get the drive detected. [18:25] <layke> Can I just dd everything? [18:26] <layke> If it doesn't work, I don't care.. anything is better than nothing.. [18:26] <genkgo> daftykins: 100%, that is really a lot [18:26] <daftykins> layke: you'd be better off minimising writes by copying manually [18:26] <daftykins> genkgo: hehe, well the other 3.16 kernel having a date in it instead of being a proper one is really suspicious to me [18:27] <genkgo> daftykins: as if there was a reason for it ;) [18:27] <layke> daftykins, The actual size of the transfer shouldn't be that much of a problem, and I don't think that the SSD will fail while transfering. This bug is well documented as just being a boot issue [18:27] <layke> Ideally, I'd just like to clone the partition to a new SSD [18:27] <layke> (Which I currently also have mounted) [18:27] <genkgo> daftykins: we also have another vps in the hyper v platform: same 3.16 kernel, no problems [18:28] <daftykins> layke: ah i see. which model? [18:28] <layke> ocz vertex 2e [18:28] <daftykins> hrmm [18:28] <layke> It's quite old now. I think the bug is called sandforce or something [18:28] <daftykins> layke: well i'm not sure if clonezilla would enjoy running on a running install, worth a go though [18:28] <daftykins> yeah i avoid all sandforce based SSDs :) [18:29] <layke> I thought clonezilla was essentially a "livecd"? [18:29] <layke> Can you run it on a running OS? [18:29] <daftykins> it's also installable [18:29] <daftykins> give it a go [18:29] <layke> Okay thanks [18:29] <guillo> hello [18:30] <layke> Will clonezilla handle the partitioning of the target SSD? I've got an OS on it that I want to nuke [18:30] <layke> I foolishly thought I'd use a different version of Ubuntu than my production [18:30] <genkgo> daftykins: thanks, I have enough information now [18:30] <layke> And quickly ran into issues :) [18:30] <daftykins> personally i would 'dd' 100MB of zeroes to the start of the other disk then run it [18:30] <daftykins> the other disk will also ideally be larger than the SSD [18:30] <genkgo> anew: also check dmesg for your cron logs [18:31] <layke> The source disk is 120GB. The target disk is 250GB [18:31] <daftykins> magic. that'll be easy then [18:31] <genkgo> daftykins: we will start using 3.13, thanks for your help [18:31] <daftykins> genkgo: no problem! [18:31] <anew> i'm checking syslog, what's dmesg ? [18:32] <daftykins> type it and you shall see [18:32] <layke> daftykins, You were correct. You can't run clonezilla on a running OS [18:33] <layke> The disk has to be unmounted [18:33] <layke> Before it will use it :) [18:33] <daftykins> damn. [18:33] <daftykins> dd should be alright then, yeah [18:34] <daftykins> layke: you ok with the syntax for the clone? [18:34] <layke> What steps would I need to do? [18:34] <layke> I really don't know what I should be doing in terms of parititoning [18:34] <layke> Then creating a filesystem???? [18:34] <layke> Or does dd handle that? [18:34] <daftykins> nah not for straight drive cloning [18:34] <daftykins> dd will do it all yep [18:34] <daftykins> i think i would ideally switch to TTY1, 'sudo service lightdm stop' [18:35] <layke> Okay. Maybe I should boot up xchat on another system [18:35] <daftykins> then "sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY bs=2M" (where X is source SSD, Y is destination disk) [18:35] <layke> How can I know which is whihc? lsblk? [18:36] <layke> [18:36] <layke> So it looks like /sda1 is the TARGET [18:36] <layke> I can't tell what the source is though [18:37] <layke> Maybe it's the LVM? sdb5 [18:37] <daftykins> no don't use partitions [18:38] <anew> i have cron sending messages to my mail, the first line runs and sends a message, but th eother lines dont i have no idea [18:38] <daftykins> layke: can you do a "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" ? [18:38] <layke> O okay. So TARGET "sda", and SOURCE is "sdb" I guess, if I'm looking at type=disk [18:38] <layke> [18:38] <layke> SAMSUNG = target [18:39] <dav> Hi, xrandr --output HDMI2 --rotate left works, but Option "Rotate" "Left" in Xorg.conf's monitor section doesn't. Any ideas? [18:39] <layke> OCZ = piece of crap that dies on me every morning [18:39] <daftykins> layke: you'll need to unmount the samsung first too, run "sudo umount /dev/sda1" [18:39] <layke> So you are unmounting the partition [18:40] <daftykins> layke: but yes, "sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda bs=2M" [18:40] <daftykins> layke: yep [18:40] <wyre> i want to install android stuidio i get that issue [18:40] <alexandre> hi. I installed xampp on ubuntu14.04 but when i run phpmyadmin, I have error 2002. Anybody has an ideas ? [18:41] <layke> daftykins, Okay thanks. I'm going to attempt it now. [18:41] <alexandre> I search on google but i don't find anything [18:42] <pbx> alexandre, that question is better for another channel like #php [18:43] <layke> Thanks daftykins. it is running. [18:43] <layke> I'm going to head off for a bit while it runs. I guess it will take a couple of minutes :) [18:43] <daftykins> layke: cool, shouldn't take too long yeah - maybe 10 mins [18:43] <layke> daftykins, Once it has completed.. I guess I can just pull out the old drive [18:43] <layke> And push in the new one? [18:44] <layke> And then maybe update grub [18:44] <layke> to get rid of the old boots [18:44] <daftykins> layke: yep hopefully [18:47] <Ziber> Anyone know where I could get pvgrub downloaded from? [18:48] <changu> hey so i'm running the installer to reinstall 14.10 on a dual boot win8 system and it says i need to create a separate EFI partition for boot loader code [18:49] <changu> why do i need to do that? i already installed win8/ubuntu dual boot and i just want to reinstall ubuntu [18:49] <OerHeks> Ziber, join #xen for those issues > [18:49] <ponyofdeath> hi, how can I find out what package creates /var/lock sym link? its missing for my 12.04 install [18:52] <daftykins> changu: can you show a "sudo parted -l" via ? [18:54] <changu> daftykins: [18:55] <daftykins> changu: hrmm definitely looks ok, and since the EFI question arose surely it booted in EFI mode with the white text on black background? [18:56] <daftykins> changu: i think i would back out then choose 'something else' for partitioning, then pick your swap and root manually, followed by the EFI partition manually as per the EFI guide page [18:56] <layke> daftykins, All worked. I'm on the new drive now. Thanks [18:57] <hkrrsx> morning [18:57] <changu> daftykins: okay thanks, fingers crossed. [18:57] <DQW2d98> hi [18:58] <daftykins> layke: \o/ np :) enjoy [18:58] <changu> daftykins: will doing it this way still handle replacing grub entries etc? [18:59] <daftykins> changu: yeah - are you formatting the ubuntu volumes? [19:02] <changu> daftykins: yeah since 14.10 won't boot i thought i'd try reinstalling in place, if that doesn't work i'll erase and reinstall, or else run os-installer and repartition back to virgin ntfs/win8 and start over [19:03] <bulemo> can anyone help me about dictionary in linux mint i got it work when am online if am not does not help me at all [19:03] <daftykins> !mint | bulemo [19:05] <danbower> i've connected to the network at my workplace via a VPN but DNS requests aren't getting resolved. i've placed the IP of the DNS server within my openvpn configuration but doesn't work, just instantly fails. is there a particular file i can place the IP so it definitely gets honoured? [19:06] <daftykins> danbower: do queries resolve if you manually run say "dig" telling it to use that IP? [19:07] <hkrrsx> danbower: I ran into that exact same issue and our network administrator provided me with this URL: [19:07] <hkrrsx> Yes, I understand it's for Arch Linux but the resolution worked [19:10] <nashant> Hey. Which remote desktop software forwards the current x session? [19:10] <mmercer> nashant: x2go, vnc [19:10] <mmercer> depending on how they are configured [19:10] <mmercer> out of the two, x2go is the better option [19:11] <OerHeks> vnc over ssh is not bad [19:11] <OerHeks> !vnc [19:13] <nashant> mmercer: I tried x2go but it doesn't forward the current session, it creates a new one [19:14] <mmercer> nashant: you have to tell the client to use the current session [19:14] <mmercer> if you tell the client to use the current session, it will snag the current session, thats the client side option [19:18] <nashant> mmercer: ok, just told it that and it crashed straight away [19:18] <mmercer> nashant: so restart the client [19:20] <nashant> ok, x2go sucks. Poor image and slow [19:24] <nashant> Right, another question. Do no desktops support scaling? [19:25] <nashant> I want to shrink everything so I can fit more on more on the screen [19:29] <tychicus> has anyone run into issues with tagged vlan's on 14.04? [19:30] <tychicus> I've got an issue where untagged vlan's work as expected, and tagged vlan's work for other machines but not for ubuntu machines [19:32] <wolverinee> Hello, I'm having issues trying to mount a nfs directory (I'm using the configuration provided by vagrant). It supposed to be mounted, but when I run 'cd /vagrant' it hangs and never finishes to run. Any ideas about how to debug this issue? [19:33] <F-3000> /quit You people rock! [19:33] <F-3000> Nope... [19:33] <kojot> hello everyone [19:34] <mmercer> nashant: rather than insulting an app you have little familiarity with, you might do better actually reading, and learning what it supports; x2go is a refork of the old NX project before freenx went private, it is *known* for its speed and efficiency, so, if its slow, thats a setting you have somewhere [19:34] <mmercer> anywho, back to my normal room [19:37] <Seveas> wolverinee: looks like it cannot connect to the NFS server. Pastebin ip address configuration, /etc/exports and /etc/fstab for both hosts. [19:41] <nashant> mmercer: Just trying nomachine and it works a treat. Exactly what I was after. It's a tricky set up I have and been having no luck at all until today [19:42] <nashant> I'm a bit fraught [19:42] <wolverinee> Seveas, The guess machine doesn't seem to have a /etc/exportfs [19:43] <Vladimir1ki> Is there a good tutorial for inotify, I'm trying to understand how to use it [19:44] <mmercer> nashant: good luck with nomachine, theres a reason very few of us run it anymore -- they went closed, which means you pay for it, and it gets costly quick [19:46] <nashant> mmercer: I'm only accessing one vm on my xen server. That's all I want it for, so still free I think, no? [19:46] <mmercer> nashant: some features and access, yes [19:46] <mcphail> Vladimir1ki: how do you want to use inotify? From the command line or from a C program? [19:46] <mmercer> nashant: not all of it though [19:47] <nashant> mmercer: It seems like it's gonna be ok for what I need. Just accessing my dev VM from an RPi thin client. [19:50] <blastermaster> when is the new ubuntu coming out? [19:51] <bazhang> two days hence or so blastermaster [19:51] <blastermaster> thanks [19:52] <Kully3xf> server can't telnet to another server. Dies every time... can't ping it or anything [19:53] <Kully3xf> ran a trace route and now everything is working again [19:53] <Kully3xf> what's the deal [19:53] <Kully3xf> this is after a reboot [19:54] <aznable> hi, [19:55] <aznable> what alternative for ubuntu to open epub files except fbreader [19:56] <mcphail> aznable: I tend to use the reader built into Calibre. Don't know if that is different to fbreader [19:56] <aznable> is there any stand-alone apps?  [19:57] <bazhang> aznable [19:57] <danbower> hey. i've connected to my work's vpn using network-manager-openvpn (slots into ubuntu's GUI). i'm able to connect but for some reason, my DNS entry doesn't get carried over to /etc/resolv.conf. any suggestions? [19:57] <bazhang> calibre is quite different yes [19:58] <aznable> thank i'll check the site [19:58] <aznable> bazhang [19:58] <bazhang> welcome [19:58] <bazhang> !info calibre [19:58] <mcphail> aznable: I haven't used any others so can't recommend, I'm afraid [19:59] <danbower> however the "search domains" text input gets carried over. i'm not sure if it's because there's already a nameserver entry in /etc/resolv.conf ? [19:59] <bazhang> in the repos aznable [19:59] <aznable> !info fbreader [20:00] <aznable> is there any chance to edit epub/convert epub in ubuntu? bazhang mcphail [20:00] <bazhang> aznable, with calibre yes [20:00] <mcphail> aznable: calibre can convert [20:01] <bazhang> not just epub either aznable [20:02] <alex89> i just did an upgrade from ubuntu 14.04 to 14.10 and when i expect a login screen the screen is black. [20:02] <aznable> thank you bazhang mcphail [20:02] <mcphail> aznable: enjoy [20:02] <aznable> installing calibre [20:02] <aznable> :) [20:02] <daftykins> !nomodeset | alex89 likely your graphics drivers are gone right now, if applicable... [20:03] <fecaloid> /quit [20:03] <fecaloid> /exit [20:08] <alex89> daftykins: ok i tried adding nomodeset to the grub on the first line but it says its an unknown command [20:08] <daftykins> alex89: after quiet splash [20:09] * genii slides daftykins more high-octane coffee [20:09] <daftykins> mmm just what i need, ty [20:11] <alex89> daftykins: i tried it in multiple spots and it still says invalid command [20:12] <daftykins> you're sure you mean 'nomodeset' ? [20:13] <alex89> i typed nomodeset... [20:13] <daftykins> with a space after so it didn't ruin the next parameter? [20:14] <alex89> added s space and that didnt do anything. [20:15] <EriC^> alex89: are you pressing ctrl+x? [20:15] <Bashing-om> alex89: You do see this line " linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic root=UUID=217ed9a7-e11a-4e32-8c05-992e8c8932b6 ro quiet splash $vt_handoff " ?? [20:16] <alex89> EriC^: where? [20:16] <EriC^> after you type it in, or press f10 [20:17] <alex89> Bashing-om: yes [20:17] <EriC^> it executes the commands in the menu entry [20:17] <hampus> Tja [20:18] <alex89> i think i figured it out. [20:18] <neopsyche> Hi all.. something wierd.. on ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Unity.. enable fullscreen redraws (tickbox) on compiz.. seems to 'reset' itself to default (off) on reboot.. I need this on .. to stop intel HD 3000 graphics tearing when watching videos etc. [20:18] <alex89> well crap now it just took me to a tty1 screen. [20:19] <neopsyche> alex.. perhaps you pressed ctrl alt f1? [20:19] <alex89> when i go to ctrl alt f7 the screen is black. [20:20] <alex89> i guess there is a bug upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10 ... [20:20] <neopsyche> to all.. how to stop the reset of settings in compiz? [20:20] <neopsyche> Alex.. possibly graphics error [20:20] <neopsyche> alex, many cards/ combinations of hardware / ubuntu could have issues.. if in doubt.. check ubuntu certified list. [20:20] <acz32> anyone know if mate-panel can be always on top of other windows, and not reserve space. xfce4-panel can do this but i don't see the option in mate [20:21] <neopsyche> acz32 I dont think I can help you with that mate ;-) [20:22] <L33thaxorz> I tried upgrading to 14.10. Upon reboot, I got a black screen with a white console cursor [20:22] <L33thaxorz> from 14.04 [20:23] <neopsyche> similar strange compiz reboot.. issue.. [20:23] <neopsyche> Compiz seems to do whatever it wants. :-) [20:23] <L33thaxorz> this is a very short time after I installed 14.04 yesterday. [20:23] <L33thaxorz> (well. on a new computer) [20:24] <neopsyche> Leethaxorz:. Sometimes its better to just do a fresh install (thats debatable though) for desktop pcs etc.. (phones, tabs) because.. like in mint.. their upgrade path is fresh install.. servers are different in environs where they have to have low downtime and graphics etc are perhaps not as important. Hence the strange anomaly with various hardware. Depends. Hardware / environs. [20:24] <neopsyche> Leethaxors: I am staying with 14.04 till next LTS. [20:25] <L33thaxorz> I want to update intel drivers though. :S [20:26] <neopsyche> Leethaxors.. I looked at the same thing.. yes the intel drivers thing is a B*** but.. I just left it with the idea that 'if it aint broke dont fix it' as compiz setting fixes my tearing issue. Tried upgrading on AMD64 but.. yeah theres an issue with that.. but there is apparently a PPA to get the latest and "greatest" (supposedly) intel drivers. [20:26] <L33thaxorz> mmmhkay. [20:26] <neopsyche> (however.. if your intel drivers are 'WORKING' (ie, you can browse and most tasks) dont bother upgrading perhaps? [20:27] <L33thaxorz> But... EU4 was looking bad. .-. [20:27] <neopsyche> EU4? [20:27] <L33thaxorz> Europa Universalis 4. Grand Strategy Game. [20:27] <L33thaxorz> Like Civilization, but on steroids [20:27] <L33thaxorz> I'ma try a few things. brb. [20:27] <neopsyche> AH YES. I see .. steam game? [20:27] <neopsyche> Ok [20:28] <neopsyche> Well.. sad to say this.. but.. Graphics for games is still lagging (mainly due to numbers) that should all change in a few years with steam machines becoming mainstream.. however.. for now.. NVIDIA or ATI would be better for games.. unfortunately intel onboard chips will generally never be better for games.. in terms of 3D [20:29] <neopsyche> Also.. it is just my opinion.. but I feel a more long term and different release structure for average users (gamers, office workers etc) from that of the 'dev' community could be good. And an environment which makes it more difficult for users to 'bork' their machines. But thats just me. [20:30] <t1mp> neopsyche: that exists already, in case the "average users" stick with LTS releases and developers follow the latest releases [20:31] <neopsyche> yes I agree t1mp, not intending to start debate.. I love ubuntu.. but .. average user = very unsophisticated.. so. unfortunately .. [20:31] <neopsyche> They try things and break things. [20:31] <neopsyche> I would consider myself lower intermediate linux desktop user. [20:31] <neopsyche> (hence I am using LTS_ [20:31] <daftykins> neopsyche: this isn't the place for such general chat i'm afraid. support queries only [20:32] <neopsyche> No prob. [20:32] <daftykins> you're welcome to rant in #ubuntu-offtopic [20:32] <neopsyche> No disruption intended Dafty. [20:32] <daftykins> :) [20:32] <kokut> anyone knows an application to reduce the size of mp3's? [20:32] <daftykins> alex89: TTY1 is fine. so what graphics hardware are you using? [20:32] <kokut> in bulk? [20:33] <neopsyche> FFMPEG kokut [20:33] <acz32> i can't figure out how to stop mate-panel. when i kill it, it just respawns [20:33] <neopsyche> FFMPEG is a commandline tool (inherently) however there are frontends (not sure what latest realease) for ubuntu such as WinFF [20:33] <neopsyche> (i think thats the right name) [20:34] <neopsyche> kokut .. Softwarecenter -> WinFF [20:34] <kokut> neopsyche: k gotta try it out [20:34] <kokut> when can we upgrade to 15.04 [20:34] <neopsyche> ok kokut .. if you get errors.. you may need to install 'restricted-extras' [20:35] <daftykins> kokut: be patient [20:35] <neopsyche> kokut.. my opinion (but perhaps thats a question for offtopic dafty?) is to wait till a version or two after initial LTS [20:35] <daftykins> 15.04 is not LTS [20:35] <neopsyche> kokut.. ie: DELL still released 12.04 a while after 14.04 was out on their 'developer XPS notebooks' because.. STABLE. [20:35] <kokut> yea lol its just that FFMPG comes bundled with 15.04 [20:36] <neopsyche> Ok.. but kokut.. sudo apt-get install ffmpeg ;-) [20:36] <kokut> k gonna try it out :) [20:36] <neopsyche> Then you can perhaps soda apt-get coca cola while you convert your files ;-) [20:36] <esde> #debian [20:37] <lizzie> hi. I have a package that gives me the error "package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting a removal" [20:37] <neopsyche> ok.. kokut ffmpeg is depreciated on 14.04 [20:37] <lizzie> but when I try to reinstall it, it causes a kernel panic [20:37] <lizzie> so how do I bypass this and just remove it? [20:37] <neopsyche> kokut.. try ffmpeg in softwarecenter search [20:37] <daftykins> crikey it's lizzie [20:37] <neopsyche> check 'gstreamer plugins' [20:37] <neopsyche> hi lizzie [20:38] <neopsyche> oh hi all .. haha by the way [20:38] <lizzie> hi! [20:38] <daftykins> lizzie: are you dpkg -r 'ing? [20:38] <kokut> neopsyche: i already have GStreamer ffmpeg video plugin installed [20:38] <neopsyche> lizzie.. Jesus saves. So should we? [20:38] <kokut> looks like its more oriented towards video [20:38] <neopsyche> ok kokut.. install winFF [20:38] <lizzie> daftykins: does the same as apt-get [20:38] <lizzie> neopsyche: what? [20:39] <daftykins> sure but it's closer :P unless you mean you have and it does kernel panic too [20:39] <neopsyche> lizzie try make an image of your system in case of that issue.. then revert to image in worst case [20:39] <daftykins> but a kernel panic is a pretty bad sign in general.. [20:39] <neopsyche> lizzie.. sorry not better advice.. intermediate user or so. [20:39] <lizzie> daftykins: the kernel panic is if I try to reinstall it [20:40] <daftykins> force remove with dpkg then :) [20:40] <neopsyche> kokut.. try install WinFF then it may install needed dependencies perhaps [20:41] <lizzie> oh yeah let's see if I can. I got distracted when apt-get didn't have a force flag. [20:41] <neopsyche> there are other video/audio codecs for conversion besides ffmpeg [20:41] <kokut> neopsyche: yea i might try it out but i would be converting from mp3 to mp3 right? [20:41] <bazhang> avconv, or smplayer with mpv kokut [20:41] <kokut> i just need to reduce the size of the files [20:42] <neopsyche> bazhang.. kokut wants to convert.. not just play [20:42] <bazhang> kokut, libav-tools [20:42] <neopsyche> right libav thats other one [20:42] <bazhang> neopsyche, thus my suggestion [20:42] <bazhang> neopsyche, smplayer with mpv will do exactly that [20:42] <neopsyche> however.. libav is terminal right.. kokut not sure if you were looking for GUI? [20:43] <kokut> bazhang: i need to bulk convert a bunch of files, over a hundred [20:43] <bazhang> neopsyche, has the cli and the gui options now [20:43] <kokut> its not convert tho its more like a reduction of size/quality [20:43] <bazhang> kokut, you wish to have a gui or use cli [20:44] <neopsyche> hmm.. kokut i installed winff dumped mp4 video into and told it to convert to mp3 32khz it seems to be working [20:44] <bazhang> kokut, so put them in the queue and start the conversion [20:44] <kokut> bazhang: whatever works faster and lets me add a bunch of files at once [20:44] <kokut> neopsyche: but i dont need to convert from mp4 video to mp3 [20:44] <kokut> i need to convert from mp3 to mp3 lower quality/size [20:45] <bazhang> kokut, they are all pretty much the same speed at adding, the encoding time wont be shorter or longer [20:45] <kokut> bazhang: i need to add a bunch of files at once i don't want to be adding a line for every file bc it would take forever [20:46] <neopsyche> kokut.. WinFF -> set lower bitrate -> convert [20:46] <alex89> daftykins: intel [20:46] <neopsyche> kokut.. I just used the mp4 because I had not mp3 ;-) [20:46] <bazhang> kokut, sounds like you want to rip the mp3 from video mp4, is that correct [20:46] <daftykins> alex89: so likely you had a PPA you had packages from that you didn't remove prior to upgrade [20:46] <neopsyche> kokut.. sounds like you are on a long journey to commandline use [20:47] <adjudikator> command line is not a long journey [20:47] <adjudikator> its the quickest journey [20:48] <neopsyche> adjudikator: for someone who is used to GUi it can be [20:48] <adjudikator> learn your terminals! [20:48] <alex89> daftykins: im just doing a clean install now [20:48] <kokut> bazhang: no, i need to reduce the quality of mp3 files [20:48] <kokut> so they take up less space [20:48] <adjudikator> neopsyche I know. Still, CLI is faster after you learn [20:48] <kokut> i don't have anything to do with mp4 video [20:49] <EriC^> kokut: i think soundconverter does that [20:49] <EriC^> kokut: if you want to do it in batch i think lame can do that, not sure [20:49] <neopsyche> kokut here.. something similar to this is what commandline can do [20:50] <neopsyche> except in your case you will mp3 bitrate to new bitrate mp3 instead of ogg [20:50] <Hell-Razor> hey fellas, anybody have any luck setting up gtkpod? it will see my ipod but will give me a read only error when I try to add songs [20:50] <OerHeks> EriC^, +1 lame codecs [20:50] <kokut> neopsyche: thats for ogg dude [20:50] <neopsyche> sorry no hellrazor. but hope it comes right [20:50] <neopsyche> kokut.. I just mentioned. .you will have to use mp3 instead of ogg [20:50] <kokut> neopsyche: but that is for ogg [20:51] <kokut> its called dir2ogg ... [20:51] <neopsyche> kokut get lame. [20:51] <neopsyche> lame --mp3input -b 128 input.mp3 output.mp3 [20:51] <kokut> but that is for one file man [20:52] <kokut> i need to convert hundreds of files [20:52] <EriC^> for i in *; do lame ....; done [20:52] <EriC^> or find if you need something recursive [20:52] <neopsyche> kokut [20:53] <tahr227861> Lame [20:54] <myers_> Hey guys is there an Ubuntu chat channel? [20:54] <tahr227861> Yes there is [20:54] <kokut> EriC^: i dont know how that would work considering i don't want to have all the output files with a variable name... i need to name the output files the same as the input file. [20:54] <tahr227861> #ubuntu-offtopic [20:54] <OerHeks> with lame & soundconverter is easy [20:55] <OerHeks> same name, option to put it in a different folder, so .. [20:55] <myers_> thanks tahr227861 [20:55] <tahr227861> :3 Yw [20:55] <EriC^> kokut: lame -b 128 "$i" "$i".converted [20:55] <PCatinean> I need to start a simple .py file using a script in init.d [20:55] <EriC^> or something.. depends where you want to save them [20:55] <PCatinean> and it doesn't seem to work [20:55] <PCatinean> no messages are being printed even though I give it the path and all [20:56] <neopsyche> EriC is leet [20:56] <neopsyche> lol [20:56] <PCatinean> something like this: [20:56] <neopsyche> kokut: lame -b 128 "$i" "$i".converted [20:56] <neopsyche> :-) [20:56] <Pericles> alguien tiene algun programa de control de presencia [20:56] <kokut> EriC^: i don't want my files to have "converted" at the end either [20:56] <neopsyche> Easy right adjudikator? [20:56] <daftykins> !english | Pericles [20:56] <EriC^> kokut: it's just an example [20:57] <Pericles> ok [20:57] <neopsyche> kokut: you just cant win em all bud? [20:57] <EriC^> kokut: lame -b 128 "$i" ./convertedmp3/"$i" [20:57] <neopsyche> (i know the feeling) [20:57] <EriC^> kokut: that will save them in a convertedmp3 dir with the same name, you have to create the dir first though [20:57] <neopsyche> kokut: I think google and me are your friend right now ;-) [20:58] <kokut> EriC^: k gonna try it out [20:58] <adjudikator> neopsyche I don't know if the cmd is correct, but trusting that it is, it+s indeed quite easy [20:58] <adjudikator> thats what I love about cli [20:58] <neopsyche> kokut: be sure to thank me.... [20:59] <neopsyche> adjudikator: you are just leet. Thats all. lol ;-) [20:59] <OerHeks> PCatinean, so you want to run willie? [20:59] <lizzie> daftykins: which force flag do I use? [21:00] <neopsyche> kokut: PS. its in the software center ;-) [21:00] <lizzie> daftykins: nothing in the manpage jumped out at me [21:00] <PCatinean> not like that :) [21:01] <daftykins> lizzie: -rF ? [21:02] <Jakey2> is there a repostory for python written code all in one place [21:02] <lizzie> daftykins: that's not a dpkg thing [21:02] <lizzie> it doesn't have a general force [21:02] <Jakey2> excluding git hub and the like [21:02] <lizzie> just forces for specific things [21:02] <daftykins> lizzie: ah well. i remember the man page lacking too and going by google results [21:02] <daftykins> just eating atm though :) [21:02] <daftykins> Jakey2: perhaps a channel for python would be more appropriate? [21:03] <lizzie> daftykins: wait never mind [21:03] <neopsyche> kokut: not what you were looking for >. kokut: be sure to thank me.... [21:03] <lizzie> there's --force-all that turns on all force flags [21:03] <bprompt> Jakey2: you mean like CPAN? [21:03] <Jakey2> yep posted in wrong place [21:03] <lizzie> and it worked [21:03] <lizzie> thanks! [21:03] * lizzie hugs daftykins [21:03] <kokut> EriC^: that gives me unsopported audio format [21:03] <daftykins> lizzie: aaah that's the one. enjoy :D [21:03] <kokut> this lame -b 128 "$i" ./convertedmp3/"$i" [21:03] <neopsyche> kokut: be sure to thank me.... [21:03] <EriC^> kokut: are all the mp3 in one dir? [21:04] <Jakey2> bprompt, yep but for python [21:04] <kokut> EriC^: yea and i'm standing on it [21:04] <neopsyche> kokut: . not what you were looking for ? [21:04] <bprompt> Jakey2: hmmm dunno any myself [21:05] <kokut> neopsyche: k gonna try it out [21:05] <neopsyche> its in software center ;-) enjoy [21:05] <Jakey2> ok [21:05] <EriC^> kokut: try converting one single file and see if it works [21:05] <neopsyche> I just installed it kokut, it looks great [21:05] <neopsyche> I hope 64kbps is low enough for you .. thats the lowest setting I see in sc. [21:06] <daftykins> you can always drop it to joint stereo and 8-bit :P [21:06] <PCatinean> this does NOT seem to work [21:06] <PCatinean> [21:06] <OerHeks> then i would go lossless [21:06] <PCatinean> Why is it so damn hard to start a stupid python file with flask in it? [21:06] <MonkeyDust> PCatinean mind your language [21:07] <kokut> k its working, ty neopsyche lets see how it works out, its good that it uses a thread for file so its basically using 100% of my cpu [21:07] <kokut> that's pretty neat, [21:08] <sjmikem> I'm on TT with a logitech wireless keyboard. periodically I get sporadic repeating characters, usually a "1" but someimes escapes or other characters [21:09] <sjmikem> any idea how to prevent? [21:09] <daftykins> "TT" ? [21:09] <sjmikem> 14.10 [21:09] <bprompt> teletype? [21:09] <daftykins> that is utopic unicorn [21:10] <OerHeks> sounds like dirt on the connections, hardwareissue [21:10] <sjmikem> Oh, sorry... UU :-) [21:11] <daftykins> sjmikem: or an obscured view between device + receiver [21:11] <sjmikem> It didn't happen when I was running Windows [21:11] <daftykins> me, i love cables [21:13] <neopsyche> cables? [21:13] <neopsyche> kokut: youre welcome. thanks for supporting ubuntu [21:15] <kokut> neopsyche: lol thanks ubuntu for supporting me [21:18] <paperhawks> hi everyone, I've got a weird missing letters problem on a brand new xubuntu install. anyone have anything similar? [21:20] <backbox> hello? [21:22] <compdoc> you were allowed one question, backbox [21:24] <testerbit> are there certain ports or security settings that need to be enabled in order for apt-get to work? The machine I'm on can't even get a response ping from [21:25] <neopsyche> paperhawks: letters? [21:26] <neopsyche> hello backbox [21:26] <neopsyche> testerbit: try other server/ [21:26] <neopsyche> ? [21:26] <testerbit> where are the list of servers? [21:27] <neopsyche> testerbit: you should be able to change to default in the software sources. [21:27] <teward> neopsyche: won't work if he's on EC2 [21:27] <neopsyche> Ok [21:28] <teward> testerbit: are you running into this on an EC2 system? [21:28] <testerbit> teward: yes [21:28] <neopsyche> ok [21:28] <teward> testerbit: so I assume command line only? [21:28] <testerbit> yes [21:28] <neopsyche> teward: please take over. [21:29] <Bashing-om> testerbit: <- list of the mirrors . [21:29] <testerbit> That server is the in same region as the ec2 instance and it pings back from my local machine [21:29] <teward> testerbit: you will have to modify /etc/apt/sources.list manually then. try replacing with note you may get higher data in out charges [21:31] <zombor> can anyone point me in a direction on how to connect to a l2tp vpn on 14.10? i have strongswan installed, but it doesn't seem to support l2tp [21:31] <testerbit> toward, does it sound like an issue with the mirror or my local confguration that is not letting me connect? [21:32] <teward> testerbit: could be either - start by using another mirror [21:34] <teward> testerbit: impossible to tell right now from the symptoms you've explained so far (also consider using my actual name with a highlight) [21:34] <hkrrsx> testerbit: teward Perhaps this could be of use .... [21:34] <testerbit> toward would I comment out the existing or just insert a new line ahead of it? [21:34] <teward> testerbit: comment out existing [21:34] <teward> hkrrsx: might not help on EC2 - you can get charged a higher data transfer cost per data unit they bill by [21:35] <teward> hkrrsx: using the ones will likely 'fix' the problem and use the EC2 archives, but... :/ [21:35] <hkrrsx> Indeed. [21:37] <acz32> is it possible to kill an application and prevent it from restarting immediately? mate-panel won't go away. i'm trying to use xfce4-panel instead [21:38] <EriC^> you should probably disable it from starting in the first place [21:38] <testerbit> teward: I have to open the file as sudo in order to write it? [21:38] <acz32> that doesn't seem possible. it's not in the list of startup applications [22:00] <hkrrsx> Sorry, apartment lost power [22:01] <daftykins> you need to chain it up, can't escape then [22:02] <teward> testerbit: yes you do, sorry i disappeared due to internet problems [22:03] <Akko-R> Hello [22:03] <MonkeyDust> teward use irssi with screen on and you'll never be disconnected anymore [22:04] <testerbit> teward: thanks [22:04] <teward> MonkeyDust: wouldn't help - internet was down here on site, still wouldn't have access :P [22:05] <Akko-R> [A [22:05] <Akko-R> [A [22:05] <Akko-R> [A [22:05] <Akko-R> [A [22:06] <Akko-R> Sorry everyone..ignore that [22:07] <Akko-R> Does anyone talk on here? or just change nicks and disconnect. [22:08] <hiexpo> Akko-R, just ask your ? what you need help with this is not a social site [22:08] <k1l> Akko-R: this channel is support only. for chit chat please use #ubuntu-offtopic [22:08] <Akko-R> Ohh...My bad..should have read the topic.. [22:13] <nashant> I've found out how to force a resolution higher than your screen is supposed to go and then scale it down. And it's unbelievably easy. xrandr --fb WIDTHxHEIGHT. Wish I'd found that yesterday [22:19] <daftykins> nashant: some of us were saying for you to look at xrandr ;) [22:19] <daftykins> days ago [22:19] <nashant> I did! [22:19] <nashant> And I tried many things [22:19] <nashant> but I had no idea about this --fb thing [22:20] <EriC^> i'm slightly confused about the set resolution and scale down thing [22:20] <EriC^> also i've got a stupid question about frames [22:22] <EriC^> the stupid question is, if the screen's refresh rate is 60hz that means it changes 60 times per second right? so how can i view videos that have 400frames per second or so on youtube [22:24] <EriC^> i guess refresh rate doesn't mean what i thought it meant? [22:30] <neopsyche> Something like that eric [22:30] <EriC^> google defines it as The refresh rate on your HDTV indicates how often the television changes the display of pixels per second. [22:30] <neopsyche> yes [22:31] <EriC^> so i still dont get it.. [22:31] <neopsyche> i = interlaced [22:31] <neopsyche> p = progressive [22:31] <neopsyche> progressive draws the whole picture if 60 @60x per second.. etc. [22:31] <neopsyche> if interlaced.. redraws lines at 60fps (interlaced is more complicated.) [22:31] <neopsyche> (but interlaced essentially the same thing) [22:32] <neopsyche> basically not sure what you are needing.. but.. higher rate = faster looking video.. (ie: sports look great at higher refresh for example F1 racing) [22:32] <wlodpolm> interlaced mode is to use less processing power to draw the screen, and some 3-d headsets also use two interlaced streams to save on hardware cost [22:32] <EriC^> so the tv is in fact not changing the whole frame at 400fps when i watch the videos? it's changing parts of it? [22:33] <neopsyche> But for movies etc.. many people still prefer 24fps (approx) because we have become accustomed to that speed.. otherwise some have said at 60fps movies and tv look 'unnatural' [22:33] <anew> i have a very strange problem... i have 3 lines in my crontab file - but only the first line runs. if i comment out the first line... then only the second line runs [22:33] <anew> why is my crontab only reading the first line every time? [22:33] <neopsyche> Eric.. higher Hz /Fps = smoother (but not necessarily more "natural") [22:34] <neopsyche> Eric.. if interlaced = parts (but redrawing lines at that speed) if P for 'progressive' meaning .. yes redraws entire frame [22:34] <neopsyche> (this is my basic understanding of it) [22:34] <neopsyche> eric.. google it. [22:35] <EriC^> ok thanks [22:35] <EriC^> anew: can you type crontab -l and paste in [22:35] <nashant> EriC^: I've got a 1080p 23 inch screen, and I wanted to fit more on it (better for coding, I find), so I set it to 2560x1440 and it scales so that it fits on the screen [22:36] <nashant> Now I've got to try and battle with changing the keyboard layout from en_us to en_uk in an nx session [22:36] <EriC^> nashant: oh ok [22:36] <neopsyche> eric.. what do you actually need rate for ? higher or lower? [22:37] <anew> EriC^, [22:43] <anew> you ther e [22:43] <EriC^> neopsyche: nothing, i was curious, i thought the refresh rate meant how many times it changed per second [22:44] <EriC^> and i watched some slow motion videos at really high fps and thought how's that possible [22:45] <EriC^> anew: it looks ok, check /var/log/syslog to see if the cron job is running [22:47] <anew> EriC^, it's running, the uncommented out line runs, but as soon as i uncomment another line that second line wont run - only the first line always rusn [22:49] <neopsyche> eric.. refresh rate is how many times it draws per second yes. [22:50] <EriC^> i think i get what i was confused about [22:51] <neopsyche> in the lower hz.. frames.. it creates in our perception either smoother (more fluid) or more jittery image.. so to the person who is into this sort of stuff.. it makes a difference. [22:51] <neopsyche> checkout 60fps on youtube vs standard framerate to get an idea [22:51] <EriC^> the camera that took the video was 1000fps but i'm actually watching it at a normal rate, it's just that the video is in slow motion [22:51] <neopsyche> right. [22:51] <neopsyche> exactly [22:51] <neopsyche> its all maths ;-) [22:52] <neopsyche> and all those mathematics have an effect on our perception / brain ;-) [22:52] <neopsyche> but higher frames per 'second' gives a smooth playback. [22:52] <neopsyche> youve got it ;-) [22:52] <EriC^> i see [22:53] <neopsyche> Notice in example.. 60 fps video vs normal video (play in chrome.. not available in firefox and some other browser) [22:53] <EriC^> yeah, the mystery is solved :P [22:54] <neopsyche> for a comical example.. see here: [22:54] <neopsyche> Open in Chrome.. and use the HD 60 version ;-) [22:54] <neopsyche> It looks so smooth.. too bad there are hardly any 60fps nature videos etc on YT. (true 60 fps) [22:55] <EriC^> lol [22:58] <EriC^> neopsyche: yeah it's a lot smoother, interesting video [22:59] <tnkhanh> should I install a tarball into /usr [22:59] <tnkhanh> hm guess not [23:00] <neopsyche> no worries eric. its actually pretty interesting when considering creative concepts in film making. But otherwise.. just down to personal perference. :-) [23:02] <oneguy> hello [23:02] <oneguy> i have a problem downloading zorin-32 bit [23:03] <k1l> oneguy: contact the zorin support. [23:03] <oneguy> i tried [23:03] <oneguy> thier irc is dead [23:03] <k1l> we cant help you with zorin [23:03] <k1l> well, if you want ubuntu support, use ubuntu :) [23:04] <oneguy> dang it, i thought since zorin wa a distro of ubuntu, you had an idea [23:04] <EriC^> neopsyche: yeah, i meant it's way smoother than the old tv footage and stuff, but it still slightly stalled sometimes, i guess 120hz would be crystal clear, but yeah i think it depends on what you're filming to get a desired effect [23:05] <EriC^> and feel for the movie [23:05] <neopsyche> yes. also.. some people feel that it 'takes away' from traditional look of movies.. so.. your movies etc.. end up looking like a soap opera standard tv show. (because the frame rate is higher) [23:05] <neopsyche> exactly. [23:05] <neopsyche> Congratualtions Eric. you are now officially a framerate nerd ;-) [23:05] <neopsyche> :-D [23:05] <EriC^> lol :D [23:10] <EriC^> thanks neopsyche you've been very helpful, i'm off to bed, good night [23:11] <neopsyche> No prob. Sleep well, keep well. Thanks for supporting Ubuntu. :-) [23:28] <adoniscik> is it possible to deprecate or remove a particular repository from a PPA? [23:28] <neopsyche> Yes [23:28] <neopsyche> Oh.. sorry I thought you meant .. remove PPA [23:29] <neopsyche> Unless you rebuilt the PPA somehow perhaps [23:29] <neopsyche> But you can selectively install from PPA if I am not mistaken. using additional information when installing. [23:29] <adoniscik> how I can stop apt-get from seeing updates from that unwanted repostiory? [23:30] <neopsyche> So for example.. install XBMC from PPA which allows nightly etc.. but you can select version. [23:30] <adoniscik> suppose I have several matching PPAs [23:30] <k1l> adoniscik: remove that ppa [23:30] <neopsyche> yes remove ppa [23:30] <OerHeks> !ppapurge [23:30] <adoniscik> but I want the other repositories in that PPA [23:30] <k1l> adoniscik: you are mixing repos and packages [23:30] <adoniscik> perhaps, k1l [23:30] <neopsyche> yes repos vs packages [23:31] <OerHeks> keeping files from a ppa is a start of an issue in the future, [23:34] <Fay> herro! [23:34] <Fay> herro? [23:34] <Fay> my systemd is broken [23:36] <daftykins> !details | Fay [23:36] <Fay> follygoggins you fumblebotard [23:37] <daftykins> Fay: take yourself elsewhere if you're not going to be serious please :) [23:37] <Fay> ubuntu != serious silly [23:38] <daftykins> see the topic. [23:38] <deadmund> checkout ubuntu-offtopic to be silly [23:38] <k1l> and even #ubuntu-offtopic is no place for that, since the Code of Conduct and channel guidelines apply there, too
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ANJ7", "AkashicLegend", "Akko-R", "Anna_", "Anupkumar", "Avihay_work", "Bashing-om", "Ben64", "Bigfreedom", "Blizzz", "Blue1", "BluesKaj", "Broli", "DJones", "DQW2d98", "DexterF", "EriC^", "EriC^^", "F-3000", "Fay", "Gerowen", "Guest18397", "Guest41598", "Guest5142", "Guest63165", "Guest64802", "Hell-Razor", "Hxxx", "IsntFunny", "Jakey2", "Kully3xf", "L33thaxorz", "LadyAlissa", "Lorien", "Mad3ngineer", "Manj-811-Xfce", "MarcGuay", "Mohamed", "MonkeyDust", "NeonStorm", "NoOova", "OerHeks", "PCatinean", "Pazooza", "Pericles", "Promille", "RtMF", "SCHAAP137", "Samfreenode", "SchrodingersScat", "Seveas", "Sl0P3", "SomeT", "SuspiciousWombat", "Tm_T", "ToAruShiroiNeko", "TyrfingMjolnir", "Vladimir1ki", "Voyage", "WhatTimeIsIT", "Zerkalerka", "Ziber", "[Saint]", "`hypermist`", "acz32", "adjudikator", "adoniscik", "alex89", "alexandre", "alteregoa", "alu", "alu25", "alu_", "alu__436", "amortimer", "anam", "anew", "aznable", "backbox", "bazhang", "billetdoux", "blastermaster", "boabsta", "bodo_", "bogdan", "bojan", "bprompt", "brennan_", "bulemo", "captpicard", "cfhowlett", "changu", "chotaz`w", "codemagician", "coderman1", "compdoc", "contantine", "d0nfire", "daftykins", "danbower", "dav", "davidbm", "deadmund", "denos", "dtscode", "dyrz", "efb36", "elev", "elux", "employee", "enoch", "ernesto", "esde", "evilworm", "faust", "fecaloid", "fungifungible", "genii", "genkgo", "gio_", "gioans", "gogeta", "groot55", "gry", "guest-nfDzwr", "guillo", "gzcwnk", "hadrial", "hampus", "herbie", "hiexpo", "hkrrsx", "huig", "iBurley", "ika", "ioria", "isarl", "jamie_", "jonalmeida", "joshua", "jpds", "jswagner", "k1l", "k1l_", "kdEFanboy", "kiaph", "kk_", "kojot", "kokut", "layke", "lchln", "lizzie", "loganlee", "lookitzawess", "lotuspsychje", "lotuspsychje_", "m1dnight_", "maddawg2", "magita", "maixueguonian", "marc_", "mcphail", "mehdi_", "mfaroukg", "mike7508", "mitchdavis44", "mmercer", "mortezaaa", "myers_", "nashant", "neopsyche", "nextbox", "ntz", "nullbyte_", "oneguy", "paperhawks", "pbx", "pengjiayou", "phoenixsampras", "plasma", "ponyofdeath", "raju", "reborn", "rexrat", "rezamuzay", "richi_", "ruslan_osmanov", "sam__", "ses1984", "sgen", "shafa", "sheer", "sjmikem", "skinux", "somsip", "spawn`", "splitwire", "squarebit", "squirrel`", "supay", "svetlana", "t1mp", "tahr227861", "teaearlgraycold", "teka", "tenker", "test__", "testerbit", "teward", "tga", "tianzuo", "tim`", "tinoco", "tnkhanh", "triariilendel", "trijntje", "twilight", "tychicus", "tzanolo", "ubuntu-studio", "vexati0n", "vixterra", "vonsyd0w", "wers", "wlodpolm", "wolverinee", "wyre", "xangua", "xeirrr", "xeon123", "yaowenrui", "yeroyestark", "zombor" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu" }
[08:54] <jibel> davmor2, Hey, what are the critical bugs on your list for the release of vivid? [08:57] <davmor2> jibel: so it turns out that somehow zsync and mangled the images. Checksums were well off. So I killed them added them fresh. Wifi is still playing up, not rebooting on hitting enter, and oem mode is still leaving the temporary user I'll grab you the bug numbers in a second [09:00] <jibel> davmor2, shutdown is known, OEM I'm double-checking it was supposed to be fixed. [09:01] <davmor2> jibel: might of been over the weekend maybe but certainly wasn't on Friday when I got the right image [09:01] <jibel> davmor2, we are looking for someone from design for the vivid slideshow [09:02] <jibel> davmor2, it was fixed 2 weeks ago [09:02] <jibel> davmor2, so apparently the fix is incomplete [09:02] <davmor2> jibel: they are in the office just lock the door around lunch and put on a sign that says you can't eat till someone gives me the slide designs ;) [09:03] <davmor2> jibel: I'll check the yelp too and see if the artwork there is updated yet [09:04] <pitti> jibel: bug 1445587 [09:04] <jibel> pitti, bug 1445592 [09:33] <davmor2> jibel: [09:34] <davmor2> jibel: ^ that one bites me from time to time [09:34] <flexiondotorg> jibel, davmor2 I can confirm the removal of the OEM user is still an issue - [09:35] <davmor2> jibel: ^ that's the other one I'm looking for :) [09:35] <davmor2> flexiondotorg: thanks [09:35] <jibel> davmor2, flexiondotorg on it [09:35] <jibel> still don't know what is happening there [09:44] <davmor2> jibel: I'm assuming it is a final step of an upstart job that hasn't been ported to systemd, so just blame pitti ;) [09:44] <pitti> davmor2: yes, please do; I'm on it [09:44] <pitti> ah, actally I'm on bug 1445592 for now [09:45] <pitti> it's likely that the OEM user bug is mine, too, but of course any help appreciated [09:45] <davmor2> pitti: Yeah I'll be installing again, is there any info I can drag off the system that would be useful to you? [09:48] <pitti> davmor2: I suppose this bug shold be fairly easy to reproduce, so as long as we have a bug which clearly documents what's wrong and how to get there I'm happy [09:48] <pitti> easier to reproduce locally than ssh'ing to a remote one [09:49] <davmor2> pitti: I think jibel is already testing it [10:05] <flexiondotorg> davmor2, jibel I also confirm this - [10:05] <flexiondotorg> davmor2, jibel I suspect this affects all flavours. [10:12] <jibel> flexiondotorg, thanks, I'll look into it [10:15] <flexiondotorg> jibel, Thanks. [10:40] <davmor2> jibel: I'm grabbing netboot and starting there [10:40] <jibel> davmor2, thanks [10:41] <jibel> I'm trying to reproduce the ecryptfs issue, it seems it is not affecting ubuntu [10:42] <jibel> davmor2, when you'll run an install on HW, can you click on the 'release notes' link and tell if it works [10:42] <davmor2> jibel: will do [10:42] <jibel> davmor2, in ubiquity-dm [10:43] <davmor2> jibel: yeap [10:47] <flexiondotorg> jibel, I confirm the ecryptfs issue doesn't affect Ubuntu. [10:47] <flexiondotorg> jibel, It did used to work in Ubuntu MATE. [10:47] <flexiondotorg> jibel, How is that script being invoked? [10:47] <jibel> flexiondotorg, right, there is something missing from Mate, that's what I'm checking [10:48] <flexiondotorg> jibel, I suspect xdg-open is missing MATE support. [10:48] <flexiondotorg> jibel, Can you point me at the code that calls the script? [10:49] <flexiondotorg> [10:54] <jibel> flexiondotorg, the problem is that xterminal-emulator doesn't support double-quotes to execute shell commands [10:55] <flexiondotorg> jibel, Ah. [10:55] <flexiondotorg> jibel, So why is Ubuntu not affected? [10:55] <jibel> flexiondotorg, for example x-terminal-emulator -e sh -c 'echo hello && sleep 5' will work [10:56] <jibel> for xterminal-emulator -e "sh -c 'echo hello && sleep 5'" won't [10:56] <jibel> s/for/but/ [10:58] <flexiondotorg> jibel, Thanks for the info. [11:02] <jibel> flexiondotorg, 2 options: change mate-terminal to support double-qoutes since -e is a command, or fix update-notifier hook to execute a command in move the current command executed in the hook to the script. [11:05] <jibel> flexiondotorg, actually the bug occurs only if you invoke mate-terminal through x-terminal-emulator [11:07] <jibel> flexiondotorg, the problem is probably in mate-terminal.wrapper [11:08] <flexiondotorg> jibel, Please can you point me at the code that is invoking this? [11:08] <jibel> flexiondotorg, it's in /usr/bin/mate-terminal.wrapper [11:08] <flexiondotorg> jibel, No :) [11:09] <flexiondotorg> jibel, The update-notifer stuff . [11:11] <jibel> flexiondotorg, ah, the hook is /usr/share/ecryptfs-utils/ecryptfs-record-passphrase from ecryptfs-utils and linked into /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/ to trigger the notification [11:11] <jibel> flexiondotorg, but the bug is in the wrapper I think [11:12] <flexiondotorg> jibel, I'm just curious as to why this had been working fine. [11:14] <jibel> no idea [11:14] <flexiondotorg> jibel, Thanks. I'll have a dig. [11:14] <jibel> yw [11:29] <flexiondotorg> jibel, I tracked the behaviour change down to the mate-terminal package. A few months back we changed from mate-terminal being the default to mate-terminal.wrapper. [11:31] <jibel> flexiondotorg, in the wrapper you probably need to split oldargs to make it a list but don't split the quoted part of the command [11:32] <jibel> a shell wrapper would be easier actually [12:44] <davmor2> jibel: do you want server tests running on netboot aswell as desktop? [12:46] <jibel> davmor2, wait there is a new kernel and a new debian-installer has just been uploaded [12:46] <davmor2> shuggin fashin' dick dastardly [13:13] <davmor2> pitti: so are we right is the oem removal just a missing systemd job? [13:14] <pitti> davmor2: could be, I didn't look at it at all yet [13:15] <pitti> davmor2: there is an oem-config.service which ought to do the same as the upstart job (calling oem-config-firstboot) [13:16] <davmor2> pitti: right oem end user is setup, it's just the temporary oem user isn't removed and it auto starts that user :( [13:16] <pitti> ………………………………………………………………userdel --force --remove oem || true [13:16] <pitti> I see that in oem-config-firstboot, so perhaps that fails? [13:16] <pitti> there might still be processes left from the oem user [13:17] <pitti> although it has a "pkill -u oem || true" right above it [13:31] <pitti> jibel: [13:31] <davmor2> jibel: Release notes links to but that I'm assuming is because the page doesn't exist yet right? [13:31] <flexiondotorg> davmor2, pitti - cyphermox has wored on the oem-config issue a few weeks back. [13:32] <jibel> davmor2, it is a redirection server-side. [13:32] <flexiondotorg> davmor2, pitti - cyphermox did add the required systemd support, AFAIK. [13:32] <flexiondotorg> davmor2, pitti - The current issue is that the 'oem' user account is not always (as in rarely) removed. [13:32] <jibel> flexiondotorg, it is on release team's radar [13:33] <flexiondotorg> davmor2, pitti - The result being that after a system is prepared and the oem config is completed you are auto logged in as the 'oem' user. [13:33] <davmor2> jibel: on a plus side it does open a browser and goto the above link [13:33] <jibel> davmor2, thanks, in the test I did, it crashed the VM [13:33] <flexiondotorg> jibel, Thanks. Just thought I share. I've been test the oem-config stuff for week. I was working for a brief period. [13:34] <flexiondotorg> *it was working [13:34] <pitti> flexiondotorg, davmor2: is that systemd specific? I. e. if you boot the first time with init=/sbin/upstart (use -snapshot!) does it work? [13:34] <jibel> flexiondotorg, np, thanks. [13:34] <cyphermox> after running oem-config-prepare and rebooting, there shouldn't even be starting anything as oem [13:35] <flexiondotorg> pitti, I'm not sure what you asking? [13:35] <pitti> flexiondotorg: if the failure to remove the oem user also happens under upstart [13:35] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, Correct. the oem-config is running as super user. [13:35] <pitti> i. e. which direction we should debug this [13:35] <flexiondotorg> pitti, I'll test it with upstart. [13:36] <pitti> or maybe the oem-config thing has a log which might contain the error message from userdel? [13:36] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Do I need any additional packages installed? [13:36] <pitti> flexiondotorg: no [13:36] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Thanks. [13:36] <pitti> flexiondotorg: so I meant, normally you'd do a qemu install in OEM mode, and then you always boot the installation with -snapshot so that you can do it arbitrarily many times witohut having to reinstall [13:37] <cyphermox> flexiondotorg: the big issue I see is that I still haven't been able to reproduce the bug you see [13:37] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Understood. [13:37] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, I can reproduce everytime in VirtualBox and about half the time on laptop at home. [13:37] <jibel> pitti, there is nothing in the log [13:37] <jibel> nothing useful [13:37] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, The OEM I'm working with can only reproduce this on Broadwell NUC and Ultrabook. [13:38] <cyphermox> flexiondotorg: only ever with ubuntu-mate or other images as well? [13:38] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, Ubuntu and Ubuntu mATE. [13:41] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Do you want to install completed with upstart or just the first boot after the system is prepared? [13:41] <pitti> flexiondotorg: the actual install sholdn't make a difference [13:41] <flexiondotorg> pitti, OK. [13:41] <pitti> flexiondotorg: so if you still have the orginal unmodified instal, or want to rnu oem-config-prepare again, you can use that [13:41] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Understood. [13:41] <pitti> flexiondotorg: i. e. we need to decide between "the .service runs at the wrong time" vs. "we broke oem-setup script" [13:42] * flexiondotorg is setting up a test environment. [13:42] <davmor2> pitti: I install on hardware snapshotting it a little harder there ;) [13:42] * pitti introduces davmor2 to the wonderful world of VMs :) [13:43] <davmor2> pitti: vm's are wonderful but if you only test on vm you don't know if things like real drivers work :D Not often you get an nvidia vm ;) [13:44] <pitti> right, but stuff like the above is easier to test in VMs [13:44] <davmor2> pitti: also uefi + secure boot always works better on a device too :) [13:44] <pitti> yeah, uefi in qemu works, but not secureboot [13:45] <davmor2> pitti: wow that's impressive you got it to work in qemu it still failed for me :( Vb's worked nicely though [13:45] <cyphermox> pitti: it's not running at the wrong time; it's now running as the only thing in its own target [13:46] <cyphermox> pitti: so the likeliest scenario is still that one oem-config gets removed, systemd decides to go and bring up the rest of the system, before all the scripts are done running [13:46] <MacSlow> Greetings folks! [13:54] <davmor2> cyphermox: oh that sounds like fun fun or not [14:00] <pitti> cyphermox: that's not very plausible [14:01] <pitti> cyphermox: it pkills all oem processes before it userdels [14:01] <pitti> cyphermox: so we'd have that session been torn down, and/or userdel errors because of "busy user" [14:01] <pitti> cyphermox: it's more likely that the cleanup code isn't run at all, jibel said that we don't get any userdel errors in the logs [14:01] <cyphermox> well, who tells you it's not starting other things at the same time? [14:01] <pitti> it could [14:01] <pitti> but that doens't magically stop oem-setup [14:01] <cyphermox> that's *exactly* what was going on before I made it its own target [14:02] <cyphermox> hence why I'm also kind of surprised it would happen again, I tested this a lot and couldn't get it to fail again [14:02] <pitti> well, let's just get an image, boot it with -snapshot, and set -x that script to see what's going on [14:02] <cyphermox> but it could just be a matter of timing/speed now [14:02] <pitti> little point in speculating [14:03] <jibel> pitti, trying that right now [14:03] <pitti> it seemed to work well enough when I ported it, so obviously something changed [14:06] <MacSlow> rhuddie, hey there... can you point me to an ap/python-example explaining the correct use of scenarios? [14:08] <MacSlow> rhuddie, atm I'm looking at as guide... just wondering if that's good enough [14:08] <rhuddie> MacSlow, hey. sure, I'll get back to you shortly. [14:14] <flexiondotorg> pitti, If I try to use init=/sbin/upstart after the system is prepared oem-config doesn't not run at all. I get automatically logged in to an Ubuntu desktop as the 'oem' user. [14:14] <flexiondotorg> I tested this with Ubuntu proper. [14:14] <pitti> flexiondotorg: oh, fun [14:15] <jibel> cyphermox, interesting, if I start oem-config-firstboot with --debug, the oem user is deleted [14:16] <flexiondotorg> jibel, How did you invoke that via kernel options? [14:16] <jibel> flexiondotorg, I changed the systemd job [14:17] <jibel> and forced debug there [14:17] <davmor2> jibel: so there's the fix then ;) [14:17] <flexiondotorg> jibel, Thanks. [14:22] <flexiondotorg> pitti, cyphermox jibel Just tested twice with systemd and Ubuntu and no debug. One worked, one did not. [14:23] <flexiondotorg> Will try the --debug to see if it consistently works. [14:23] <pitti> flexiondotorg: don't [14:23] <davmor2> why is it things always work when you turn on debugging it's like the jinx from hell for qa :D [14:23] <pitti> flexiondotorg: add set -x please [14:23] <pitti> --debug changes teh behaviour of that script [14:23] <flexiondotorg> pitti, To what? [14:23] <pitti> flexiondotorg: to the scrip which does the userdel [14:23] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Understood. [14:23] <pitti> but jibel is on that ATM [14:23] <pitti> we want to see a set -x in the failed case [14:23] <flexiondotorg> pitti, I'll wait then. [14:24] <flexiondotorg> jibel, The give Ubuntu MATE a test. I seems to fail a little more often than Ubuntu. [14:28] <davmor2> jibel: yelp art-work is updated I think it look more like a Viking than a monkey though [14:29] <jibel> davmor2, hehe [14:29] <jibel> infinity, ^ :) [14:36] <infinity> davmor2: It's not a viking, it's Wolverine. [14:37] <davmor2> infinity: but that doesn't start with V :P [14:37] <davmor2> infinity: maybe the next release will be Wicked Wolverine and then they can keep the mascot ;) [14:38] <infinity> davmor2: wascawwy wabbit. [14:39] <davmor2> infinity: We are going after the gaming community with the next release Worlda Warcraft release [14:43] <rhuddie> MacSlow, for scenarios, you can see an example here: [14:43] <MacSlow> rhuddie, thx... will take a look [14:43] <rhuddie> MacSlow, you may also have seen the documentation: [14:43] <MacSlow> rhuddie, ok [14:55] <davmor2> jibel, infinity: meh empty wastebin is still opening a nautilus window :( [15:12] <flexiondotorg> pitti, jibel I got oem-config to fail on Ubuntu with -x set. Where should I be looking for error logs? [15:14] <flexiondotorg> jibel, That issue with the wastebin. Was that in the live session? - [15:14] <pitti> flexiondotorg, cyphermox: jibel found something, he'll update the bug [15:14] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Thanks. [15:15] <pitti> cyphermox: I finally understand bug 1445587 *phew* [15:20] <cyphermox> pitti: ah, great [15:21] <cyphermox> pitti: I think it should still be working as a proper dm, but I guess we can defer those changes to post-V [15:22] <pitti> cyphermox: I made it work with a quick hack locally (defer the reboot by 5 s) [15:22] <pitti> cyphermox: now seeing how we can fix this properly to avoid the race [15:25] <jibel> cyphermox, added more info to 1436937, userdel fails because it cannot open /etc/subuid [15:29] <cyphermox> jibel: if you haven't scrapped this yet, what was running as process 706? [15:30] <cyphermox> while oem-config is its own "runlevel", I'm not sure what could have been started running as oem [15:34] <jibel> cyphermox, systemd [15:34] <jibel> ^ [15:34] <cyphermox> wha? [15:34] <jibel> pitti, ^ [15:34] <cyphermox> pitti: ^ [15:34] <jibel> :) [15:35] <cyphermox> no idea what that could be besides maybe a user session? [15:35] <pitti> (target != runlevel, FTR) [15:36] <cyphermox> pitti: inasmuch as it's the default target, and IIRC doesn't start multi-user OR graphical, for all intents and purposes, there should be nothing else running [15:37] <cyphermox> pitti: feel free to check debian/ to see if I messed up [15:37] <pitti> cyphermox: from what I see on jibel's machine this isn't related to service startup at all [15:37] <pitti> cyphermox: one can re-run that userdel, and it keeps failing in exactly the same way, stumbling over /etc/subuid [15:37] <cyphermox> then how do you explain any process starting as 706? [15:37] <cyphermox> I mean, starting as the oem user [15:38] <pitti> cyphermox: I don't know, does it? but that's not even why it fails [15:38] <cyphermox> the expectations for oem-config are simple: nothing else should be running, especially not something as the oem user, and if something does and can't be killed for whatever reason, of course userdel will fail [15:39] <pitti> it is apparently not failing because there's something running [15:39] <cyphermox> if systemd wasn't running as oem, you wouldn't have trouble with /etc/subuid. [15:40] <pitti> ah, I see jibel's log [15:40] <pitti> he still has the VM, but he's in a meeting ATM [15:40] <cyphermox> in any case, since you seem to understand all this better than I do, I can fix console-setup instead. [15:40] <pitti> cyphermox: the debconf question? yeah, that'd be appreciated [15:40] <cyphermox> yeah [17:11] <pitti> cyphermox: so the oem user remove one is a really funny bug [17:12] <pitti> cyphermox: wgrant just figured it out [17:12] <pitti> (bug in shadow) [17:13] <cyphermox> ok [17:21] <balloons> wxl, assuming you are still kosher with it, I'm going to add the lubuntu lxqt session to the show and tell track for uos 15.05 [17:22] <wxl> balloons: yeah we'll figure it out :) [17:22] <balloons> wxl, got a cool session title? [17:22] <balloons> or preferred day / time? [17:22] <wxl> ummmmmmmmmmm [17:22] <wxl> "lubuntu, cuter" [17:22] <wxl> :) [17:23] <wxl> and sensible hours given the fact that i'm not utc :) [17:25] <balloons> wxl, ok I'm make it late in the day [17:26] <wxl> balloons: so yeah afternoon here is good :) [17:27] <balloons> wxl, Feel free to change the description or title :-) [17:27] <wxl> thx balloons [18:23] <cprofitt> [18:24] <cprofitt> anyone available to triage that bug [20:06] <elopio> veebers: hey, renato made a good comment in here: [20:07] <elopio> with the recommended way of launching the app, then we require to import the AddressBookApp custom proxy object, even if we don't use it. [20:07] <elopio> or well, we don't use it directly. [20:08] <elopio> it's one of the problems I see with the registry, we need the import which is not an explicit way of stating what we want. [21:02] <knome> balloons, ping? [21:03] <balloons> knome, pong [21:04] <knome> this can't be right: [21:04] <knome> For a normal to normal upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=normal [21:04] <knome> For a normal to LTS upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=lts [21:04] <knome> For a lts to normal upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=normal [21:04] <knome> For a lts to lts upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=normal [21:04] <knome> balloons, shouldn't everything but the last show normal, and the last one LTS? [21:05] <balloons> knome, I remember going through this with elfy actually [21:05] <balloons> or maybe I'm crazy. We spent time nailing this down so it would be right [21:05] <knome> but that's very illogical... [21:05] <balloons> all that said, it looks wrong :-) [21:06] <knome> elfy, any last words? :P [21:28] <balloons> knome, if you wouldn't mind righting our poor logic, we accept MP's; but also patches or simply corrected text :-) Bug reports welcome too [21:28] <knome> or i can just push the new version in the branch and the tracker? :) [21:29] <knome> and half of the point is that i'm not exactly sure what normal->LTS should do; my logic says "keep normal", but who knows... [21:35] <balloons> knome, we like that option the best.. JFFI [21:36] <knome> ;) [21:40] <knome> balloons, done [21:41] <balloons> <3 <3
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MacSlow", "balloons", "cprofitt", "cyphermox", "davmor2", "elopio", "flexiondotorg", "infinity", "jibel", "knome", "pitti", "rhuddie", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-quality" }
[00:00] <^k^> 新 虚拟机和虚拟化 • VMWare Player虚拟机内不能启动视频 我电脑是Ubuntu14.04.2,64位系统,在该系统下电脑摄像头能够被识别和正常使用。我安装的VMWare Player6.0.5,最开始虚拟的是windows 8.1,可以视频,后来WM Player有小幅更新,当然WIN8也有更新,就不 [00:24] <jackness> iMadper, 早啊,我有问题想问你啊 [00:32] <jackness> 关于vps谁能指导我下啊 [00:32] <jackness> 我只会建vpn连接 但是不会建网站啊? [00:33] <jackness> 是不是这个上面照做就可以啊 [00:33] <jackness> 感觉遇到困难了 [00:33] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Vps - Ubuntu中文 [01:23] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 校园生活经典搞笑短句 : 这辈子,不谈恋爱;下辈子,不考清华 [01:35] <nellace_> 3 [02:28] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 电脑安装win7和ubuntu14.10,ubuntu关机后重启。这是怎么回事? 如题。请各位好友帮忙解决以下。。。 zz: 泡椒土豆丝 — 2015-04-20 10:20 [02:30] <O0XX> cherrot: tutu [02:39] <cherrot> O0XX, 蛤蟆 [02:40] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 拜兆人斩 [02:42] <freeflying> O0XX: 蛋蛋今天的nick是啥 [02:42] <O0XX> freeflying: 淡淡还没来呢 [02:43] <O0XX> freeflying: 拜壕候总 [02:43] <freeflying> O0XX: 你才是壕啊 [02:44] <nellace_> 我也入住了。。。。 [02:44] <nellace_> 轰轰轰轰 [02:46] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: goretex的鞋哪家的性价比好 [02:47] <^k^> 新 Shell脚本 • shell read输入打错后不能删除的问题 shell read的不能删除问题 ,如图 zz: loujiaye — 2015-04-20 10:47 [02:48] <E022> BuMangHuo: 奶奶的, 骑车之后屁股疼 [02:54] <O0XX> E022: 又认识新女朋友啊? 单名一个车, 挺少见的... [02:54] <O0XX> E022: 来一局? [02:55] <nellace_> 。。。。。 [02:55] <nellace_> 骑行多远? [02:55] <E022> O0XX: 一会儿, 我先写个weekly report [02:55] <nellace_> 屁股痛一般骑行的都挺远的 [02:56] <nellace_> 我司都是周五写  从来没觉得一个人这么欠扁,你是第二个 [03:13] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 早啊 [03:16] <BuMangHuo> 色大象呢 [03:24] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 周末骑车没 [03:26] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 没有啊 [03:26] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 周六天气不好,周日有事儿 [03:27] <BuMangHuo> E022: 当然啊 [03:27] <BuMangHuo> E022: 不过我现在适应了 [03:27] <E022> bu [03:27] <E022> BuMangHuo: .. ... .... [03:27] <E022> BuMangHuo: 不舒服啊... [03:27] <BuMangHuo> E022: 买了个坐垫,但是我买的那个坐垫不靠谱,坏了 [03:27] <E022> BuMangHuo: 噗... [03:28] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 买垫子不如买骑行裤 [03:28] <E022> BuMangHuo: 买了个TREK s3的锁 [03:28] <freeflying> E022: 推荐goretex鞋 [03:28] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 我看大家都说不要买坐垫,惯坏屁股了骑行效率上不去 [03:28] <BuMangHuo> cc E022 [03:28] <E022> freeflying: ... 为啥要这货... [03:28] <E022> freeflying: 你要跋山涉水徒步去西藏? [03:29] <freeflying> E022: 夏天到了,好多鞋捂脚 [03:29] <BuMangHuo> E022: 下班了接着在中关村公园冲山 [03:29] <freeflying> E022: 脚汗重 [03:29] <E022> freeflying: 没gore就没那么捂脚了 [03:29] <BuMangHuo> 有几个土坡还是比较陡的 [03:29] <freeflying> E022: 那有啥透气性好的鞋 [03:29] <E022> freeflying: 防水透气的透气性比不防水的差远了. [03:29] <HowIsItGoing> freeflying: 不好说啊 [03:29] <E022> freeflying: 买预言4吧 [03:29] <BuMangHuo> 今天的当当当呢 [03:29] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 去趟西海好了 [03:30] <freeflying> E022: 这个是啥 [03:30] <E022> freeflying: 我穿预言3, 走路的时候脚面都能感觉到有风 [03:30] <E022> freeflying: 美津浓 [03:30] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 西海? 哪里 [03:30] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 坐垫其实不舒服,不如买个好车座。闪电飞贼啥的 [03:30] <HowIsItGoing> E022: ^ [03:30] <E022> HowIsItGoing: 多少米... [03:30] <freeflying> E022: 得休闲的鞋,平时上班也能穿 [03:30] <HowIsItGoing> freeflying: 我夏天已经改穿跑步鞋了,透气多了 [03:31] <HowIsItGoing> E022: 1k左右 [03:31] <E022> freeflying: 我上班就穿啊. 问题是, 你上班吗? 你不是remtoe? [03:31] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: 跑鞋透气性也一般 [03:31] <E022> remote [03:31] <HowIsItGoing> freeflying: 那狗鞋更完蛋 [03:31] <freeflying> E022: 我得出门啊,见客户啥的 [03:31] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: ECCO的呢 [03:31] <HowIsItGoing> freeflying: 至少跑鞋都是带网孔透气的 [03:31] <E022> freeflying: 哦, 那我不知道了 [03:31] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 那就真得锁坐管儿了, 1k 的车座 cc E022 [03:31] <HowIsItGoing> freeflying: 这啥? [03:32] <E022> BuMangHuo: 是啊, 太贵了... [03:32] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: 做鞋子的啊 [03:32] <BuMangHuo> E022: 这个偏光夹片还是有作用的 [03:32] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 100块的座儿也有人偷的 [03:32] <E022> BuMangHuo: 赞. [03:32] <BuMangHuo> E022: 今天路上明显感觉不晃眼睛了 [03:32] <HowIsItGoing> freeflying: 这个不熟 [03:32] <E022> 完了, 我的车座是快拆... [03:32] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: 其实是因为你眼瞎了... [03:33] <relaed> df [03:33] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 四海你回龙观直接往东,上安四路一直往北就好 [03:33] <relaed> 不好意思打错了 [03:33] <BuMangHuo> 唉你们说偏光既然看到的是侧面来的光,为啥看不到裙子底下的光呢 [03:33] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: [03:34] <^k^> freeflying: ⇪ ECCO Men's O2 Oxford: Shoes [03:34] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 拜千人斩 [03:34] <BuMangHuo> lol [03:34] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: 这货很多黑科技 [03:34] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 千人斩 [03:35] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 千人斩,你有几个外语的前女友/炮友啊 [03:35] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 上来就看你讨论偏光,啥呢 [03:35] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 外语? [03:35] * onlylove__ 今天地铁信号故障让我赶上了 [03:35] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 学外语 [03:35] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 三个 [03:35] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 哦。比例不高啊。 [03:35] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 可惜我就学会了一句俄语。。。 [03:35] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 拜千人斩 [03:36] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 哈拉少? [03:36] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 哈啦稍? [03:36] <BuMangHuo> .... [03:36] * O0XX|Qiong 你们懂的真多... [03:36] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 。。。 [03:36] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 那打毛衣? [03:36] <BuMangHuo> 不是了,你们肯定猜不到 [03:36] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 。。。难道是。。。说她漂亮的 [03:36] <BuMangHuo> 丫给我教了好久来着 [03:36] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 千人斩 - = [03:36] <onlylove__> jiero_: 估计是约炮专用 [03:37] <jiero_> onlylove__: 恩。 [03:37] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 难道是一晚儿八百? [03:37] <onlylove__> HowIsItGoing: 明明一夜七次 [03:37] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: ... 不是啦 [03:37] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 是我要和你结婚? [03:37] <jiero_> lol [03:38] * onlylove__ 趴桌子补觉 [03:39] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 你还是交代下吧,如果没啥不方便的 [03:39] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 不然他们会没完没了的猜 [03:40] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 不能说啊 [03:40] <jiero_> onlylove__:有什么好玩的吗? [03:40] <onlylove__> jiero_: 没有,现在犯困 [03:40] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 一句话都不能说? [03:40] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 不能说?难道是雅蠛蝶? [03:40] <^k^> 新 常用硬件支持 • 关于UBUNTU的声音问题,困扰很久 [img] Attachment: 选区_001.jpg [/img] 这个数字输出(S/PDIF)怎么从来都没有声音啊 而且如上图,怎么只有用模拟声音? 难道要重新安装声卡么? zz: loveofmaria — 2015-04-20 11:40 [03:40] <E022> BuMangHuo: 对了, 上次你的艾利和那个ak100发错发成耳机那个, 是哪款? [03:41] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我记得是很适合骑车的? [03:41] <E022> BuMangHuo: 天啦噜, 艾利和都有ak240了 [03:41] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 你就是被千人甩,甩千人的千人斩吗? [03:42] <BuMangHuo> E022: 稍等啊 [03:42] <E022> BuMangHuo: [03:42] <^k^> E022: ⇪ 【艾利和iriverOn 智能运动蓝牙耳机设备】艾利和(Iriver) iriverOn 智能运动蓝牙耳机设备 可记录心率 耗氧 速度距离 GPS路线等及通话音乐播放 黑色【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 999.00 [03:42] <E022> BuMangHuo: 有点儿贵 [03:42] <BuMangHuo> E022: 那货好像不防汗 [03:43] <BuMangHuo> E022: 对,就这个,你要买的话我可以给你找一个 [03:43] <BuMangHuo> E022: 价格肯定能少 [03:43] <E022> BuMangHuo: 耳机上有生物感应器 [03:43] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我先考虑下蛤 [03:43] <BuMangHuo> E022: 对,但是不防汗,很一般 [03:43] <BuMangHuo> 你看京东上的评价 [03:43] <BuMangHuo> E022: 骑车戴耳机不是做死么 [03:44] <E022> BuMangHuo: [03:44] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: 买个带反馈的.. [03:44] <^k^> E022: ⇪ 【行货】正品美国SWEAT GUTR 硅胶导汗带 排汗带止汗带 运动头带-淘宝网 pp: 110.00 - 120.00 [03:44] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我昨天骑车带, 挺好的, 能听见其他声音 [03:44] <BuMangHuo> E022: 带反馈的? 那不如单边的蓝牙耳机 [03:45] <E022> BuMangHuo: 不带反馈.... 反馈是啥? [03:45] <BuMangHuo> 导汗带? 120 ? 要不要这么贵? [03:45] <BuMangHuo> E022: 就是演唱会他们戴的那种 [03:45] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 对吧? [03:45] <E022> BuMangHuo: 演唱会是那种普通耳机啊 [03:45] <BuMangHuo> E022: 瞎扯 [03:45] <E022> BuMangHuo: 真的. [03:45] <BuMangHuo> E022: 普通耳机谁带上都跑调 [03:46] <E022> BuMangHuo: 连到中控上, 中控把声音同步回来 [03:46] <BuMangHuo> E022: 没有反馈的话, 100% 跑吧 [03:46] <E022> BuMangHuo: 反馈是中控做的, 不是耳机做的 [03:46] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 为什么作死啊。 [03:46] <BuMangHuo> 哦啊,我以为耳机高级呢 [03:46] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 听不见后面的扯 [03:46] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 车 [03:46] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 反光镜 [03:46] <BuMangHuo> E022: 话说逆行的三轮车电瓶车好可怕 [03:46] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 什么车能赶上你。 [03:46] <E022> BuMangHuo: 耳机就是普通的舞台坚挺, shure的常见耳机, 有钱的一般就ue定制了 [03:47] <E022> BuMangHuo: 对!!!! [03:47] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 骑的太慢? [03:47] <E022> BuMangHuo: 突然停车开车门的出租也可怕 [03:47] <E022> BuMangHuo: 简直不给留活路 [03:47] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我连码表都不装, 就是不想分心 [03:47] <jiero_> E022: 。。。前后都要带挡风玻璃 [03:48] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我想来个这个: [03:48] <^k^> E022: ⇪ 【美国进口】HALO后绑带式导汗带 排汗带止汗带运动头巾头带发带-淘宝网 pp: 92.80 - 95.80 [03:48] <E022> BuMangHuo: 不过这货真贵, 我看看美亚去 [03:49] <BuMangHuo> E022: 码表装了,也不在公路上看啊 [03:49] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 不是太慢,是突然减速、突然冲出来,突然转弯 [03:49] * jiero_ 想知道什么时候中国把酒驾杀人定性为蓄意谋杀 [03:50] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 人行、自行车道上逆行的机动车不知道有啥法律管么 [03:50] <tryit> E022, BuMangHuo cscope没有类似于info manual中l和r的功能?我只知道cscope可以popup,貌似pop出来就返不回去了 [03:50] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 要是能行车记录仪做证罚款就好了~ [03:51] <E022> tryit: 当然有. [03:51] <E022> tryit: 不过都啥年代了还用cscope... [03:51] <tryit> E022, how [03:51] <E022> tryit: 你是emacs里面用的cscope吧? [03:51] <tryit> E022, 你上次说用的是ruby系的? [03:51] <tryit> E022, 恩 [03:51] <E022> tryit: 上次我说的是c/c++系列的啊 [03:51] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 机动车不在机动车道内行驶,罚款50元 [03:51] <jiero_> 机动车逆向行驶的,罚款200元 [03:52] <E022> tryit: 那个, emacs有个全局的marker接口, 我查一下 [03:52] <BuMangHuo> tryit: 妥妥的 gtags [03:52] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: [03:52] <^k^> jiero_: ⇪ 2013新交通法规定全文-法律知识|华律网( [03:53] <tryit> E022, 静候佳音。。 [03:54] <tryit> BuMangHuo, 多谢,试试 [03:54] <BuMangHuo> tryit: 但是我在 ubuntu 里面用 gtags 跟 archlinux 里面完全是两种效果. 郁闷 [03:55] <BuMangHuo> tryit: 哦,发现原因了 [03:56] <BuMangHuo> tryit: ubuntu 里面的 gtags 用 gtags -i 生成的文件是 GPATH, GRTAGS, GSYMS GTAGS [03:56] <BuMangHuo> 但是 archlinux 里面的没有 SGSYMS [03:56] <BuMangHuo> GSYMS [03:56] <tryit> BuMangHuo, . [03:56] <tryit> BuMangHuo, 我用debian [03:56] <tryit> BuMangHuo, 开发机 [03:57] <BuMangHuo> tryit: 你看看,用 gtags 生成的索引,有没有 GSYMS [03:57] <BuMangHuo> 没有这个 tagbar 没法用啊 [03:58] <BuMangHuo> Gtags recursively collects source files under the current directory, picks up symbols and writes the cross-reference data into the tag files [03:58] <BuMangHuo> ('GTAGS', 'GRTAGS' and 'GPATH'). [03:58] <BuMangHuo> Gtags recursively collect the source files under the current directory, [03:58] <BuMangHuo> pickup symbols and write the cross-reference data into tag files [03:58] <BuMangHuo> (´GTAGS´, ´GRTAGS´, ´GSYMS´ and ´GPATH´). [03:58] <BuMangHuo> 我去,俩版本还真不一样 [04:01] <E022> tryit: M [04:01] <E022> tryit: M-* [04:01] <E022> tryit: 试试看? [04:02] <BuMangHuo> tryit: 是 C-i 吧? cc E022 ? [04:02] <E022> tryit: emacs里面有个全局的helper, 叫做find-tag-marker-ring, 让你的插件需要跳转的时候, 可以在跳转之前放当前的位置到这个marker-ring里面, 然后M-*就可以跳回来. cc BuMangHuo [04:03] <E022> tryit: BuMangHuo: 对于大部分插件, 这个都有用, 在emacs25里面, 这个marker改了个名字, 叫做 xref-push-marker-stack 了. [04:03] <tryit> E022, 高级~ [04:03] <tryit> E022, 我只知道C-x C-x [04:03] <tryit> E022, 还有C-x r j [04:03] <E022> BuMangHuo: cscope我好久没用了, 忘了支不支持这个了, 不过我现在用的rtags, 真是太tm好用了. [04:04] <tryit> E022, BuMangHuo rtags 比 gtags 如何 [04:04] <BuMangHuo> 没用过 rtags 来着 [04:04] <E022> tryit: rtags是用clang做语法解析 [04:05] <E022> tryit: rtags是让emacs媲美专业ide的工具 [04:05] <E022> tryit: 我一直说emacs比不过专业ide, 不过写c/c++的时候可以跟别的ide一样完美, 就是因为有rtags. [04:05] <E022> tryit: [04:05] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Andersbakken/rtags · GitHub [04:07] <tryit> E022, 如此推崇 [04:07] <tryit> E022, 定要好好学习学习 cc BuMangHuo [04:09] <cherrot> E022, 同时因为C/C++是静态强类型吧 [04:09] <cherrot> E022, 话说支持vim么 [04:10] <E022> cherrot: 对, 因为静态. 强类型都不够 [04:10] <E022> cherrot: 有支持, 但是是第三方支持的 [04:12] <cherrot> E022, 静态类型的好处 :D [04:13] <cherrot> E022, 你的新nick要表达什么 [04:13] <E022> cherrot: 对啊. [04:13] <E022> cherrot: nick表明我有钱啊! [04:13] <jusss> cherrot: 不小心git rm了一个文件怎么恢复 [04:14] <E022> cherrot: BuMangHuo: tryit: 快用, 绝对好用的神级插件. emacs vim都支持! [04:14] <BuMangHuo> 频到里面 ad 现在叫啥 nick 了? [04:14] <cherrot> jusss, git checkout 或者 git reset . 去看 git community book 中文版 [04:14] <BuMangHuo> E022: 我先吧 gtags 搞好 [04:14] <cherrot> E022, 看不粗来=。= [04:15] <cherrot> E022, 包养我才证明有钱 [04:18] <SamLu> 现在包养的不值钱 养宠物才显得高富帅 [04:21] <nellace_> 包养 宠物 [04:21] <BuMangHuo> E022: 你看看这个 manuals, 里面有个 -o, --omit-gsyms [04:21] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Ubuntu Manpage: gtags - create tag files for global. [04:22] <BuMangHuo> Suppress making ´GSYMS´ file. Use this option if you don’t use -s option of global(1). [04:22] <BuMangHuo> 貌似 archlinux 里面的 gtags 默认带了 -o? 那怎么破 [04:22] <BuMangHuo> cc 各位壕 [04:35] <BuMangHuo> 好像还不是这个原因,我再看看 [04:45] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [04:48] <BuMangHuo> q [04:50] <^k^> 新 影音多媒体 • 如何修改vlc快进时间? vlc快进shift+→是快进3秒。我想把它改为5秒,但是命令行输入vlc -H 没找到相关说明。哪位哥们知道的,指点一下啊,先在此谢谢了! zz: 873792861 — 2015-04-20 12:48 [05:09] <E022> BuMangHuo: 不知道. 我不用这破玩意. [05:10] <E022> BuMangHuo: gtags的emacs集成做的不行, 不如cscope [05:10] <E022> BuMangHuo: rtags的也不如cscope, 等我有时间了, 写个helm的ui. [05:14] <BuMangHuo> E022: 新版本的 global 把那个 GSYMS 给移掉了 [05:14] <E022> BuMangHuo: 赞. [05:15] <BuMangHuo> E022: ubuntu 里面的 global 倒可以用,但是 global 网站上写 Debian GNU/Linux <- It's too old. Please don't use Debian's package. [05:15] <BuMangHuo> ... [05:15] <BuMangHuo> happyaron: dd 快升级 [05:17] <tianzuo> 有人么 [05:17] <tianzuo> 大家好啊 [05:17] <tianzuo> 第一次用这个软件 [05:18] <^k^> tianzuo:点点点. 13:18 [05:18] <^k^> tianzuo:点点点. 13:18 [05:19] <E022> BuMangHuo: ... ... ... ubuntu又不是debian... [05:20] <tianzuo> 大家都会说中文吧 [05:20] <jiero> tianzuo, 什么软件? [05:21] <O0XX|Qiong> tianzuo: Yes, I hui [05:21] <E022> tianzuo: yes, wo ye hui. [05:21] <alvin_rxg> E022: [自動] *警告* Pinyin bu shi keyi yuedu de yuyan *Ouy j9@R*!請配置好您的輸入法 或者使用 謝謝! [05:21] <E022> alvin_rxg: 边儿呆着去 [05:21] <tianzuo> = = [05:22] <E022> BuMangHuo: 买买买 [05:22] <^k^> E022: ⇪ 521 => for -- unhandled response [05:22] <BuMangHuo> E022: ubuntu 里面的版本也够老唉 [05:22] <relaed> 有人知道怎么安装skype吗 [05:22] <tianzuo> 大家是不是都会.c [05:22] <BuMangHuo> E022: 我不自拍啊 [05:22] <relaed> apt源里面找不到 [05:22] <E022> relaed: [05:23] <E022> relaed: 在partner repo里面应该 [05:23] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Skype - Community Help Wiki [05:23] <jiero> tianzuo, 没有大家 [05:23] <tianzuo> 你会么? [05:24] <E022> relaed: 果然 partners里面的 [05:24] <tianzuo> 有没有会c的大神 [05:24] <tianzuo> 加个好友什么的 [05:25] <relaed> 谢谢 [05:25] <jiero> tianzuo, ... 无聊。求人的。 [05:25] <tianzuo> 大家现在有没有用c编程的 [05:25] <tianzuo> 加个好友 [05:27] <O0XX|Qiong> tianzuo: [05:27] <O0XX|Qiong> tianzuo: 去这个网站 [05:27] <tianzuo> 好的,我去看看 [05:27] <relaed> 现在node什么的下载好慢啊 [05:27] <relaed> 怎么安装npm什么的 [05:27] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [05:27] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [05:27] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [05:27] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [05:28] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [05:28] * palomino|working slaps roylez [05:28] <tianzuo> = =、 [05:28] <tianzuo> 骗子 [05:29] <BuMangHuo> tianzuo: 他没骗你 [05:30] <BuMangHuo> 你去约那个网站的头牌 [05:31] <tryit> BuMangHuo, debian testing还可以吧 [05:31] <O0XX|Qiong> tianzuo: 这个频道里很多人都在我发给你的网站上约会的 [05:32] <tianzuo> 我要的不是约会 [05:32] <tianzuo> 我是想找个人探讨c的问题 [05:38] <BuMangHuo> 探讨? [05:41] <tianzuo> 恩 [05:41] <tianzuo> 探讨 [05:41] <BuMangHuo> 就在这里探讨呗 [05:41] <tianzuo> c还没有学完 [05:42] <tianzuo> 我想找一个平常能在线的 [05:42] <BuMangHuo> 写作业? [05:43] <tianzuo> 不是 [05:43] <tianzuo> 就是比较感兴趣 [05:43] <tianzuo> 自学 [05:43] <tianzuo> 而已 [05:46] <E022> tianzuo: c的初学者入门问题懒得讨论, 自己该debug不debug的问题也不讨论. [05:47] <tianzuo> 你要是不想帮助我可以不说话 [05:47] <kandu> 我也想学 c 语言。也想找人探讨探讨 [05:48] <tianzuo> 你学到那里了 [05:48] <stardiviner> 想学lisp,不知道是否有人探讨? [05:48] <tianzuo> 咱们没准可以讨论一下 [05:48] <yh> stardiviner: lisp 好 [05:49] <stardiviner> yh: soyo,lisp简直就是C的另一端 [05:49] <yunfan> 阿丹呢? [05:49] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 阿丹可来了 [05:49] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 应该还没有 [05:49] <BuMangHuo> 你约他? [05:50] <BuMangHuo> tianzuo: 你要讨论,让你说你又不说 [05:50] <BuMangHuo> 啥问题说出来才能讨论吧 [05:52] <BuMangHuo> E022: 你有骑车的包没 [05:53] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 不是 我要请教下他善存有没有什么cheep alternative 我想试试自己调soylent [05:53] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 对了 明天老子又来帝都 [05:53] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 再等会儿 [05:54] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 欢迎光临 [05:54] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 你现在是商务人士的节奏啊 [05:56] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: p商务人士 [05:56] <E022> bu [05:56] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我有个邮差包啊 [05:57] <BuMangHuo> E022: 嚎 [05:57] <BuMangHuo> 壕 [05:57] <E022> BuMangHuo: 350买的marmot大包 [05:57] <E022> BuMangHuo: 特别大, 能放17寸笔记本 [05:58] <E022> BuMangHuo: 类似这款 大一号 [05:58] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我买的黑色的 [05:58] <BuMangHuo> E022: 那太大了 [05:58] <BuMangHuo> E022: 我想买个不像电脑包的电脑包 [05:58] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我日常用啊... [05:59] <E022> BuMangHuo: 你适合买小号的O记邮差包. [05:59] <BuMangHuo> E022: 来个链接? [05:59] <E022> BuMangHuo: 好, 稍等 [05:59] <BuMangHuo> E022: 我现在都是用买外卖别人给的塑料袋儿拿笔记本的 [06:00] <E022> BuMangHuo: [06:00] <^k^> E022: ⇪ Osprey Beta Port 贝塔派 12L日用通勤数码电脑斜跨邮差包含pad仓-淘宝网 pp: 980.00 [06:00] <E022> 卧槽, 不是这个价格吧... [06:00] <BuMangHuo> 980 ? [06:00] <BuMangHuo> 什么鬼 [06:00] <E022> BuMangHuo: [06:00] <^k^> E022: ⇪ Osprey Beta port 贝塔派 12L日用单肩包 通勤数码电脑包 邮差包-淘宝网 pp: 468.00 [06:01] <E022> BuMangHuo: 还行了这个价格, 再便宜的话, 只能买timbuk了. [06:01] <BuMangHuo> E022: timbuk 还便宜? [06:02] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我有个理想款的包, 但是买不起. [06:02] <BuMangHuo> E022: 这包不能骑车用吧? [06:03] <BuMangHuo> 骑车得有个前面固定的,不然会乱跑 [06:03] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我的包有三点背负, 刻意 [06:03] <BuMangHuo> E022: 我是说你发的这俩 [06:03] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我不知道诶, 我去看看 [06:03] <BuMangHuo> 不过可以发挥动手能力 diy 一个 [06:04] <BuMangHuo> 不嫌难看的话 [06:04] <E022> BuMangHuo: 图上看不出来... [06:04] <E022> BuMangHuo: 梦幻款 [06:04] <^k^> E022: ⇪ Klattermusen 攀山鼠 男女包16升旅行小包单肩包 4022 三夫户外 Ebony乌木色 M - 京东触屏版 [06:05] <BuMangHuo> ... [06:06] * chongwish Java 大神何在 [06:06] <BuMangHuo> E022: 我看着这个好看 [06:06] <^k^> BuMangHuo: ⇪ 美国Timbuk2进口新款正品死飞男女单肩潮流斜挎信使包 骑行包-淘宝网 pp: 880.00 [06:07] * chongwish 别广告了,java 大神在哪里 [06:08] <BuMangHuo> chongwish: 买买买 [06:08] <chongwish> BuMangHuo: 卖卖卖 [06:08] <BuMangHuo> E022: 唉我去,看图好像是妹子款 [06:10] <E022> BuMangHuo: timbuk烂大街 [06:10] <E022> BuMangHuo: 攀山鼠真是梦幻品牌啊 [06:11] <BuMangHuo> E022: 丑 [06:11] <BuMangHuo> E022: 太大个儿 [06:11] <E022> BuMangHuo: 16升而已啊, 我嫌小呢还 [06:12] <BuMangHuo> E022: 看起来跟那些约川藏炮的人背的一样 [06:12] <E022> BuMangHuo: ... ... [06:12] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 骑车应该上个邮差包啊 [06:12] <chongwish> BuMangHuo:人丑带什么都丑,人美不带都美 [06:12] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 对啊,但是都有点大 [06:12] <BuMangHuo> chongwish: 滚粗 [06:13] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 收我的ubuntu牌得吧,Ogio代工的,质量刚刚的 [06:13] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 你的这包还没出去呢? [06:13] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 有原包和9成新的可选 [06:13] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 你的包不是骑行的吧 [06:13] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 骑行的啊 [06:13] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 来个图看看? [06:14] <BuMangHuo> 以前我记得你发的那个就是个单肩电脑包啊 [06:15] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: [06:16] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 邮差包啊,都是单肩的 [06:16] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 30s 了,还不开箱... [06:17] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 单肩的没有固定装置的话,骑车会乱跑 [06:17] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 这些二逼开箱的都这操行 [06:18] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 这个还在不 [06:20] <yunfan> freeflying: 有图没 [06:20] <freeflying> yunfan: 啥图 [06:20] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 这个是啥 [06:20] <yunfan> freeflying: 你的包 [06:21] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 上面那个视频 [06:21] <yh1> [06:21] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 建议你从 6 分钟开始看 [06:22] <freeflying> yunfan: 上面的视频里有 [06:22] <yunfan> freeflying: 不好 [06:22] <yunfan> 我还是去登山族那淘宝吧 [06:23] <yunfan> 你们的包功能性都不行 [06:23] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 多大这个 [06:23] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 有没有小码 [06:23] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 我只有两个,一样大的 [06:24] <freeflying> yunfan: 你拿邮差包去登山? 还谈毛得性能啊 [06:25] <yunfan> freeflying: 我哪里有说去登山 我只是说登山族的包功能性强点 难道你买个邮差包就去当邮差了? [06:25] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 也是视频里面这个颜色? [06:25] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 是 [06:26] <freeflying> yunfan: 你都没用过Ogio的东西,就说人性能不行 [06:26] <E022> yunfan: 需要的时候, 我有个格里高利z30 [06:27] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 看完了我都没看到这货能不能背 [06:27] <yunfan> freeflying: 我说功能性 大佬 我哪里有说性能了 ?? [06:27] <yunfan> E022: 发图看看 [06:27] <E022> yunfan: jd搜吧 [06:28] * QiongMangHuo 周六拿圆筒包爬山呢还 [06:28] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 你总算来了 [06:29] <kandu> QiongMangHuo: 蛋儿哥哥好 [06:29] <BuMangHuo> [06:29] <yunfan> E022: 我看到人家二手的转让700 所以我就不继续看了 [06:29] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 早啊 [06:30] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 你骑车用这个? [06:30] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 感情问题   : 话说有一位刚新婚的女子,因和先生之间出了点感情问题,便去找她 的心理医生……她抱怨似地对心理医生说: "为啥我的老公结婚前和结婚后差那么多? 结婚前他总会说好听的话给我听,结婚后都不会……" 结果心理医生正经八百地对她说: 你有听说过钓到的 [06:30] <^k^> ─> 鱼还给它鱼饵的吗???   [06:31] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 我骑车不背包 [06:31] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 我有东西要咨询 善存有没有你推荐的 cheep点的alternative? [06:31] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 4-50km这种 [06:31] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 我不磕药的啊 [06:31] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 你明明磕善存 上次我看到你发打折购买链接的 [06:32] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 哦,你的车是骑行用的,不是通勤用的 [06:32] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 我一辈子还没吃过善存 [06:32] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 我想照配方调soylent 试个几个星期玩玩 [06:32] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 你的 global 什么版本? tagbar 能用? echofunc 呢? [06:33] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: ctags还是要装, 不make tags而已 [06:33] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 反正你是混这个圈子的人 [06:33] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 不 make tags 那 ctags 有啥用? [06:34] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: tagbar会调用嘛 [06:34] <BuMangHuo> 不是没有 ctags 的原因吧 [06:35] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我在 ubuntu 1404 里面的 tagbar 正常,在 arch 里面就 No tags found 了 [06:35] <BuMangHuo> 这个版本的 global 没有 GSYMS 了 [06:36] <BuMangHuo> 不知道是这个原因不 [06:37] <yunfan> E022: 这些包这么贵到底有什么贵的理由? [06:38] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 不是啊, tagbar要的还是ctags [06:39] <E022> yunfan: 新的六百多吧 [06:39] <yunfan> E022: 他的材料有什么特殊的 还是设计上有 ? [06:40] <E022> yunfan: 背负啊 [06:40] <yunfan> E022: 有没有什么登山的衣服裤子可以正反穿 正面是鲜艳适合求救 反面是迷彩适合隐蔽的 ? [06:40] <E022> yunfan: 15千克背上去, 肩膀那边还是松的, 不勒肩膀 [06:41] <E022> yunfan: 我见过红色和黑色正反的, 没见过迷彩的 [06:41] <yunfan> E022: 15kg对背包来说本来就不重啊 又不是30kg [06:41] <E022> yunfan: 但是背负还是有区别. [06:41] <yunfan> E022: 发我看看 我觉得黑色 灰色也不错 [06:41] <E022> yunfan: 自己搜吧, 我记不清型号, 鸟家的 [06:42] <yunfan> 始祖鸟? [06:42] <yunfan> 那要2k起步了把 [06:42] <E022> yunfan: 差不多 [06:42] <E022> yunfan: 棉服, 不到2k [06:44] <yunfan> E022: 算了 登山的圈子溢价太高了 都是装逼的 还是我们生存狂圈子好 [06:44] <E022> yunfan: 但是有啥用呢? [06:44] <jiero> E022, ... 你们都是气质组合啊 [06:45] <jiero> E022, 从耳机到登山到单车 [06:45] <yunfan> E022: 作为一个生存狂 是不希望东西有派上用场的那一天的 [06:46] <yunfan> E022: 背包下面能否有个带轮拖的支架 这样在平底走可以减轻背负 [06:46] <jiero> yunfan, 我没有买登山包,就用腰包支撑包底部 [06:47] <jiero> yunfan, 独轮? [06:47] <yunfan> jiero: 我的体重等于你背个30kg的包 呵呵 [06:47] <jiero> yunfan, 我一般也就背10公斤。 [06:47] <jiero> yunfan, 我背着十公斤去见ee,ee把我送到山脚下,我背着10公斤爬山。 [06:48] <yunfan> jiero: 你什么时候去见ee了 [06:48] <jiero> yunfan, 12月初,竟然就我一个穿单衣的。 [06:48] <jiero> yunfan, 去年12月4日吧? [06:49] <jiero> yunfan, 长沙真冷。穿两件衣服走湘江不行。 [06:50] <jiero> yunfan, 但是我只有夏天的衣服,只好凑合了。。。 [06:52] <Sevk> 新 其它类软件 • SD卡的挂载问题求助 卡是插在笔记本的卡槽上,每次重启后挂载提示错误,重新插拔后才能正常挂载。 提示如下错误: Error mounting /dev/mmcblk0p1 at /media/angel/f6cefbff-df89-4a67-92f9-22a95200cf65: Command-line `mount -t "ext4" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosu [06:52] <Sevk> ─> id" "/dev/mmcblk0p1" "/media/angel/f6cefbff-df89-4a67-92f9-22a95200cf65"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: … [06:54] <E022> yunfan: 有些又, 但是我不知道. [06:55] <E022> jiero: 单车是为了上班, 每天马路上骑自行车的人多了去了 [06:56] <E022> BuMangHuo: 买啥包? [06:56] <E022> BuMangHuo: o包? [06:57] <yunfan> E022: 你背包去过哪? [06:57] <E022> yunfan: 上班啊 [06:57] <E022> yunfan: 背着比别的包舒服很多, 特别透气, 后背不会出汗. [06:58] <E022> yunfan: 已经值回包的价格了对我来说 [06:58] * jusss 每天背包上班的路过 :( [06:59] <BuMangHuo> E022: 不知打啊 [07:00] <E022> BuMangHuo: 你上班用啥? [07:05] <jiero> E022, 我每天背着我的4个包中的一个。 [07:05] <yunfan> E022: 看来你上班收入很高 [07:05] <jiero> yunfan, 不像你家里吨 [07:05] <^k^> 新 网卡问题以及网络和拨号 • HP ML110 G6 server 的网卡驱动没有? 装的是ubuntu 10.0.4 server HP网站上只有red hat 和suse 多个版本的驱动,不知道该用哪个? zz: casinosun — 2015-04-20 14:56 [07:05] <E022> yunfan: 跟这个有关系? 不过600多的包, 一天的工资嘛 [07:05] <BuMangHuo> E022: 塑料袋 [07:05] <yunfan> E022: 也是 [07:06] <BuMangHuo> E022: 不管装单反还是笔记本... [07:06] <jiero> E022, 暴露了工资了。我知道了。 [07:06] <E022> yunfan: 买了至少能用五年, 多划算 [07:06] <BuMangHuo> E022: 都是订外卖人家送餐的袋子 [07:06] <yunfan> E022: 这个我就不信了 [07:06] <E022> yunfan: 有个放登山手杖的地方, 我用来放羽毛球拍, 很方便 [07:06] <jiero> yunfan, 为啥不信啊。 [07:06] <yunfan> E022: 而且我喜欢包的功能多 我的用途跟你不是一样的 [07:07] <jiero> yunfan, 功能多的不是登山包么 [07:07] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 你用了 ctrlp, leaderF, 还用 ? [07:07] <BuMangHuo> 穷忙活下线了? [07:08] <yunfan> 我想用模块化包 不过不要做成仿军品的样式 [07:08] <jusss> e [07:09] <jusss> 每天600一月18k?or 14k [07:09] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, ctrlp难用 舍弃,目前用 leaderF [07:10] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, buferexploer我用了吗?干嘛的?可能只是放在插件列表了吧 [07:10] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 我习惯多tab buffer 没关心过 [07:10] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: ,bs ,bv [07:11] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: ,be 三个键,显示当前打开的 buf [07:11] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 类似于 :ls 吗? [07:11] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 但是有 leader 了,这个根本没用了好像 [07:11] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 对 [07:11] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 嗯 我从来没用过 [07:12] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 删删删 [07:12] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 跟 leaderF 的键冲突 [07:12] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 留着呗 挺好的 [07:12] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, leaderF 不就一个 ,f 么? 怎么冲突了? [07:12] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: leaderF 里面, <leader>b 是在 buf 里面跳转... [07:13] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 冲突了那就删呗 [07:13] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: ,b 你居然不用? [07:13] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 干吗用? [07:13] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 那你怎么切换 buf [07:13] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 我都是用tab啊 [07:14] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, buf是什么 能吃吗 [07:14] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: tab 能吃 buf 就能吃 [07:15] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: [07:15] <^k^> ⇪ ti: editor - Using Vim's tabs like buffers - Stack Overflow [07:19] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: [07:19] <^k^> freeflying: ⇪ 骑车入门的几个要点 | 东方红运动网 [07:23] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, gt + 标号 [07:24] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 这个post的中心思想是? [07:24] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 是说 tab 不好玩,大家玩 buf? [07:26] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 何必呢 我习惯看到所有tab 而不是记在脑子里 [07:27] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 恩,个人爱好吧 [07:27] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 因为i同时要编辑的文件本身就很多 [07:28] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 这么折腾,不如用sublime text [07:31] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 记得好像以前不用 tab 的原因是 vim 里面那个 tab 在上面显示的一条特别突兀的感觉 [07:34] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 但是有 airline 之后,这都不是问题了 [07:39] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, airline对tab的支持相当不爽 [07:40] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 还好吧 [07:40] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 就是只打开一个文件它也开,这个不好 [07:40] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 我试用过 然后给禁掉了 现在用的是 tabline [07:41] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 有 tabline 的截图么给个 [07:41] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, airline只管下面就足够了 [07:41] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, [07:41] <^k^> ⇪ ti: mkitt/tabline.vim · GitHub [07:42] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 简言之就是统一了tab外观,有标号显示,省略了路径名 [07:44] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你说 leaderF 的 ,b 是干啥的来着? 没太懂 [07:45] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: ,f 在文件里面跳,,b 是在 buf 里面跳 [07:46] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, soga 那就把 bufexplorer 移除掉好了 ~ [07:46] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: let g:airline_left_sep = '▶ ' 你这样设置,就不需要 powerline 字体了? [07:46] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 帮我截图看看这样设置的效果? [07:47] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 因为这个字符是默认字体可以显示的 虽然不是那么炫酷 但是简单 [07:48] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 贴图站给个? [07:48] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: [07:48] <alvin_rxg> Title: PicPaste - public beta v5! (@ [07:48] <cherrot> thx [07:49] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, [07:50] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 就是能看到那个空格的小小间隙 然后 没法展示那些炫酷的分支符号啥的 [07:50] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 恩 [07:51] <BuMangHuo> 还好 [07:53] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 看你的配置,你尝试了好多符号啊 [07:54] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: gt 数字? 数字做什么 [07:54] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 哈哈 [07:54] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 哦错了 是数字+gt 跳转tab [07:56] <BuMangHuo> test [07:56] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 15:56 [07:57] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 那没必要用插件吧? 哦,tabline 可以显示数字 [07:58] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 否则tab的显示很丑 宽度也很随意 肉眼很难分辨 [08:01] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: [08:01] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 那一条的颜色很别扭吧 [08:01] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 哪一条? [08:01] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: tab [08:01] <BuMangHuo> 第一行 [08:02] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 所以我用solarized ~ 基本看不出颜色差别 lol [08:03] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 我截图里的配色你不喜欢么 多柔和 [08:04] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [08:06] <BuMangHuo> 太柔 [08:10] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: sha? [08:10] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: ?? [08:10] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 不了, 我该走了 [08:10] <O0XX|Qiong> //whois E022 [08:10] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 我说你发啥了? [08:10] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 我发啥了? [08:12] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 你说给bruce的? 是个电视盒子的链接. [08:12] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 好吧...你走吧 [08:12] <E022> ... ... [08:14] <E022> mikecao: 贵司qiao老板怎么也不来了? 等着问他啥时候结婚呢 [08:15] <yunfan> E022: 盒子链接给我 [08:18] <E022> yunfan: [08:18] <E022> yunfan: 已经没货了 [08:18] <^k^> E022: ⇪ 521 => for -- unhandled response [08:22] <yunfan> E022: 额 这烂东西也要上smzdm [08:22] <E022> yunfan: 值得买上面本来就是一堆烂东西啊 [08:25] <yunfan> E022: 诶 [08:45] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: FJKong 已经在腐国了? [08:46] <QiongMangHuo> shuduo: 来打羽毛球么? [08:47] <shuduo> QiongMangHuo: 我在等一个电话,如果5点半前给我电话我就去打 [08:47] <QiongMangHuo> shuduo: . [08:48] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: Destine O0XX|Qiong [08:48] <palomino|working> LOL QiongMangHuo [08:48] <palomino|working> 好狠的小朋友 [08:48] <Destine> QiongMangHuo, 。。。 [08:49] <lainme> onlylove_: 疑似毅力菌 [08:49] <^k^> ⇪ ti: ufw防火墙日志,怎分析? - Ubuntu - 知乎 [08:51] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 那你是吃泡腾片 ? [08:51] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 不吃啊 [08:51] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 现在就是偶尔吃褪黑素 [08:51] <palomino|working> ?_? [08:52] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: 肿么了? [08:52] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 我记得你之前说要买维生素片的 [08:52] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 木有啊 [08:53] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 你现在不在人大住了还有地方打鸟毛球啊? [08:53] <palomino|working> 主要的副作用如下: 白天嗜睡 头痛 头晕 [08:53] <palomino|working> 其它不太常见的副作用可能包括腹部不适、轻度焦虑、易怒、过敏、思维混乱和持续沮丧的感觉。 [08:54] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 这边有羽毛球馆啊 [08:54] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: 倒时差, 治失眠, 等等 [08:54] <palomino|working> 好吧 [08:54] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: 乐乐跟我说不吃褪黑素的都是卢瑟 [08:54] <palomino|working> -o- [08:54] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 你发的那个帖子里面写的,说是骑车比跑步减肥效果好? 省膝盖? [08:54] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: 于是我就买了 [08:54] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 看懂的,智商都在249以上 [08:55] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 游泳, 骑车跑步都废膝盖 [08:55] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 还是游泳吧 [08:55] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 游泳不是膝盖压力小得多? [08:55] * QiongMangHuo 入我游泳教 [08:55] <BuMangHuo> 应该是跑步最费 [08:55] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 完全不伤, 哪都不伤, 除非淹死 [08:56] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 你这个大片子 可惜我没有保存聊天记录 [08:56] <palomino|working> 游泳好 [08:56] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 我靠, 你记忆力不好总乱讲 [08:57] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 没别人了 [08:57] <palomino|working> 游累了还可以躺水面上睡一会儿 [08:57] <QiongMangHuo> "一个简易的提升逼格的方法:如果你愿意,你可以在简历上写自己是美国时代周刊2006年度年度人物,曾获08年感动中国组委会特别大奖。不用担心吹牛被捉,因为这两年的获奖者分别是“Everyone”和“全体中国人”。" [08:57] * QiongMangHuo 学到了 cc HowIsItGoing [08:58] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: …… [09:02] * BuMangHuo 是 XXX 村最受欢迎的程序员 [09:03] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 一,要把原车越野胎换成光头胎,这样一来骑行阻力很小,给人的骑行感受一流,就像踩在云彩上滑行一样顺畅,这简单的小动作,对于保护兴趣能够起到至关重要的作用。 车胎都得换? [09:04] <palomino|working> lol QiongMangHuo [09:06] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: 破马你真好, 总捧场 [09:06] * palomino|working momo QiongMangHuo [09:10] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 你这运动量不用担心膝盖 [09:11] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 所谓跑步伤膝盖大多数是动作不规范导致的 [09:28] <shuduo> QiongMangHuo: 去不了了 :( [09:29] <QiongMangHuo> shuduo: 那我今天只好虐马老司机了:( [09:32] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 只上下班推荐换胎,效果非常明显 [09:34] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 我去年跑步差点残废掉 [09:37] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我现在那个车轮,在转弯的时候侧滑很严重来着 [09:37] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 齿胎就那样 [09:38] <BuMangHuo> 光头胎能好点? [09:38] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 气压打到60psi以下会好些,不过骑起来更费力 [09:38] <BuMangHuo> 我以为越光的越滑 [09:38] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 纯光的也会侧划,有点胎纹的光胎不错 [09:43] * super_mrwu 抖抖抖抖 [09:46] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 换胎的话,车圈不用换吧? [09:46] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 一般不用 [09:48] <super_mrwu> 誰願意做白老鼠 [09:48] <super_mrwu> [09:48] <^k^> ⇪ ti: ngkaho1234/Ext3Fsd-driver · GitHub [09:48] <super_mrwu> 我沒有windows, [09:49] <super_mrwu> 在別人那裡測試穩定,這個是Ext2Fsd+徹底的extents支持 [09:50] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 那是因为你姿势不对啊 [09:50] <super_mrwu>這個是源碼,上面的是二進制驅動模塊 [09:50] <^k^> ⇪ ti: ngkaho1234/Ext3Fsd · GitHub [10:17] <jusss> onlylove 我发现我这firefox现在常常打不开网页... [10:17] <jusss> 好奇怪 [10:17] <onlylove> jusss: 正常 [10:18] <jusss> onlylove 但是网络又没断 [10:18] <jusss> onlylove 我是不是该换chrome了 [10:18] <onlylove> jusss: opera [10:18] <jusss> 又 断了,擦 [10:19] <onlylove> jusss: 你有些事别管太多,firefox有时候是有毛病 [10:19] <jusss> onlylove 不喜欢opera [10:20] <jusss> onlylove opera没法像ff和chrome提供remote dns resolve [10:20] <onlylove> jusss: 那救不了你了, [10:20] <jusss> onlylove: 而且opera的socks不知道是5还是几 [10:20] <onlylove> jusss: 你要用chrome自己小心,那东西不是一般的吃内存 [10:20] <onlylove> jusss: 其实opera换核心以后我也没用过 [10:21] <onlylove> jusss: 但是估计应该比chrome好点 [10:21] <onlylove> jusss: 当然,你如果能找到老版,最好 [10:22] <jusss> onlylove: opera,除了jar版的手机浏览器很棒,其它产品都很差 [10:22] <jusss> onlylove: 尤其是中国化的版本,不是一般的差 [10:24] <jusss> onlylove: 老版,包兼容会出问题吧,我用的是arch [10:26] <hoxily> 快去用 spartan [10:26] <jusss> ... [10:26] <jusss> hoxily: 你在vbox里用过网银u盾没 [10:27] <hoxily> jusss: 没有。 [10:27] <jusss> hoxily: 我在看看能不能在vbox里用 [10:27] <hoxily> 自从有了 alipay ,再也没用过网银了。 [10:29] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 求助,我的电脑无法开机了 今天我在Ubuntu下,删除了win7的分区,就再也无法开机了,重启后提示让我选择启动设备,我选择了硬盘,还是进不去,似乎电脑不识别我的硬盘了。我的分区是这样的,最前面是跟分区,然后是s [10:29] <^k^> ─> wap然后是home最后是win7分区,我直接把win7分区删了,然后就悲剧了,我该怎么办啊 zz: 3295 … [10:36] <jusss> [10:36] <^k^> jusss: ⇪ 【MV】影视原声 -"低俗怪谈"第二季加长版预告片-高清MV在线播放-音悦Tai-口袋·FAN-看好音乐 [11:13] <^k^> 新 手机和平板 • Ubuntu Touch 修改默认Scope 背景 在Ubuntu Touch设置中有修改壁纸一项。但是大家设置之后为嘛Scope没有变化呢? 其实原因很简单。我们将Scope理解成应用,而设置中的修改壁纸只是桌面环境的。 所以修改不成功!~那么应该如何去修改 [11:13] <^k^> ─> Scope的默认背景呢? 在/usr/share/unity8/Dash/graphics/paper_portrait/目录下有这么一个图片 paper_por … [11:52] <pengjiayou> 有人在么? [11:52] <^k^> pengjiayou:点点点. 19:52 [11:52] <pengjiayou> 呵呵 [11:52] <pengjiayou> 不知道怎么针对你回复 [11:53] <pengjiayou> k 。。。 [12:01] <Nian> 好冷清啊 [12:14] <^k^> 新 软件/网站开发 • 最近写了一些Linux编程相关的文章,欢迎编程爱好者访问交流 本人做IT的,主做嵌入式Linux开发,上个月起开始在自己网站写一些编程相关的文章,欢迎程序爱好者访问并交流. 同时,我也会一些php编程,我的博客就是自己写的 [12:14] <^k^> ─> ,有学网页开发的同志也可以和我交流学习. 我的博文网址为: Li … [12:16] <gebjgd> pengjiayou, 平价油 [12:22] <pengjiayou> gebjgd, 切 [12:22] <pengjiayou> gebjgd, 啥眼神 [12:22] <jusss> hoxily: 怎么查看系统的所有用户和所有组? [12:23] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [12:23] <hoxily> jusss: 看 /etc/passwd ? [12:23] <jusss> hoxily: 太危险吧 [12:24] <jusss> hoxily: /etc/group还有 [12:24] <jusss> hoxily: 就没个指令可以看? win貌似有 net user add什么的 [12:25] <jusss> hoxily: 你是对的,arch的wiki推荐的是你说的/etc/passwd [12:29] <hoxily> 发现了一个错别字 [12:31] <xiaocai> 喝醉了 [12:49] <gebjgd> pengjiayou, 碰加油? [13:10] <root____3> help [13:10] <root____3> 有人吗? [13:10] <Kves> root____3:点点点. 21:10 [13:11] <root____3> 谁懂msf [13:11] <root____3> ??? [13:13] <root____3> 求救 [13:15] <darker> 有哪位大神懂msf阿 [13:18] <darker> @Kves 在不 [13:19] <darker> @ Kves 在不 [13:20] <darker> /INVITE Kves #ubuntu-cn [13:22] <darker> /msg NickServ REGISTER Wo080421 [13:22] <darker> quit [13:39] <pengjiayou> gebjgd, 彭嘉佑 [13:39] <pengjiayou> gebjgd, 桑心啊 [13:57] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 粘贴快捷键无效 系统为LINUX MINT 17.1 X64,,桌面上的文件可以用CTRL+C复制出来,但是CTRL+V 粘贴无效,右键用鼠标可以粘贴。。这个问题之前没有。最近几天才出现,印象中也没进行什么特别的操作。。。 请问哪里可以修改这个 [13:57] <^k^> ─> 快捷键么? 在设置键盘里面没找到。 zz: lanlinlan — 2015-04-20 21:56 [13:58] <maixueguonian> 哦! [13:58] <maixueguonian> 有个中文频道 [14:04] <maixueguonian> 貌似没什么人说话 [14:30] <xiaocai> o [14:30] <^k^> 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • gvim 可视化模式 ubuntu 里的gvim 按ctrl+v不能开可视化模式 而是粘贴 要在.gvimrc加哪些代码才能改回来 zz: 873944287 — 2015-04-20 22:17 [14:31] <super_mrwu> xiaocai: 歐洲大爆炸 [14:32] <super_mrwu> 話說樓上那個問題,究竟是什麼鬼,用了多久vim... [14:33] <xiaocai> super_mrwu: what [14:33] <super_mrwu> xiaocai: (@^k^) 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • gvim 可视化模式 ubuntu 里的gvim 按ctrl+v不能开可视化模式 而是粘贴 要在.gvimrc加哪些代码才能改回来 zz: 873944287 — 2015-04-20 22:17 [14:33] <^k^> ⇪ ti: gvim 可视化模式 - 查看主题 • Ubuntu中文论坛 zz: 873944287 [14:33] <super_mrwu> xiaocai: 什麼鬼。。。 [16:39] <Nian> 要维护到什么时候
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BuMangHuo", "Destine", "E022", "HowIsItGoing", "Kves", "Nian", "O0XX", "O0XX|Qiong", "QiongMangHuo", "SamLu", "Sevk", "^k^", "alvin_rxg", "cherrot", "chongwish", "darker", "freeflying", "gebjgd", "hoxily", "jackness", "jiero", "jiero_", "jusss", "kandu", "lainme", "maixueguonian", "nellace_", "onlylove", "onlylove__", "palomino|working", "pengjiayou", "relaed", "root____3", "roylez", "shuduo", "stardiviner", "super_mrwu", "tianzuo", "tryit", "xiaocai", "yh", "yh1", "yunfan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cn" }
[03:33] <jgm90> hi guys [03:33] <jgm90> hoy i can set download path(SD Card) for singleDownload [03:33] <jgm90> [03:33] <jgm90> how* [05:28] <dpm> morning Mirv, around for a question on qtchooser? [05:36] <Mirv> dpm: hello, sure [05:38] <dpm> Mirv, cool, thanks. So essentially I don't quite understand this: [05:38] <dpm> (click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf)root@el-far:/home/dpm# env QT_SELECT=qt5 lrelease [05:38] <dpm> lrelease: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/lrelease': No such file or directory [05:38] <dpm> that's with qttools5-dev-tools:armhf installed [05:39] <dpm> so it seems that chroot/qtchooser is getting confused about where to look for the binary? It seems it's looking at it at the wrong arch location [05:41] <Mirv> dpm: I haven't played much inside click chroot (largely because one fails to build for me on vivid), but it'd seem it's picking the machine being x86 from somewhere. btw you shouldn't need "env" in there. [05:42] <Mirv> dpm: do you have :armhf libqt5core5a? [05:43] <dpm> let me see [05:43] <Mirv> dpm: that's the package that has eg /usr/share/qtchooser/qt5-x86_64-linux-gnu.conf configuration file that points qtchooser to the x86 dirs [05:43] <Mirv> or armhf [05:44] <dpm> Mirv, now, that's strange: - I've got both versions installed [05:45] <Mirv> dpm: hmm, any general idea if the click chroot is supposed to have any x86 packages? [05:47] <dpm> Mirv, I have no clue, I would have thought it shouldn't have. But if I remove libqt5core5a (x86) it wants to delete a scary list of packages: [05:48] <Mirv> dpm: you could want to try out: QT_SELECT=qt5-arm-linux-gnueabihf lrelease [05:49] <Mirv> dpm: ok, that doesn't look good, but it also removes a lot of :armhf packages in there [05:49] <Mirv> dpm: it's probably related to the qt5-qmake-arm-linux-gnueabihf cross compilation qmake, the fact that so many x86 binaries are installed [05:49] <Mirv> not that I know why there's so much duplicated packages [05:50] <Mirv> actually that qmake-crosscompilation is standalone so it itself doesn't need (x86) Qt, hmm. [05:51] <dpm> Mirv, also, I can't quite get this: [05:51] <dpm> (click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf)root@el-far:/home/dpm# ls -la /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/lrelease [05:51] <dpm> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 318964 Mar 10 20:32 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/lrelease [05:51] <dpm> (click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf)root@el-far:/home/dpm# QT_SELECT=qt5-arm-linux-gnueabihf lrelease [05:51] <dpm> lrelease: could not exec '/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/lrelease': No such file or directory [05:53] <Mirv> dpm: eh.. that sounds like what happens when trying to execute arm binary on x86 without qemu. I'd guess it's because the chroot is _supposed_ to use x86 cross-compilation and only use arm headers and libraries for linking, without actually executing armhf binaries. so maybe you want qttools5-dev-tools:amd64 instead of :armhf? you _can_ also install qemu static to execute arm binaries emulated but that's not probably what's wanted (slower) [05:55] <dpm> Mirv, so you're saying that whenever I want to run a binary, it needs to be installed with the same arch as the host? [05:55] <Mirv> dpm: well, you know, if you have x86 machine it's a bit hard for that CPU to eat arm instructions without emulation :) [05:55] <Mirv> dpm: but everything can be done, I just think that the click chroot is probably designed to avoid emulation [05:57] <dpm> Mirv, in any case, installing the :amd64 version seemed to work [05:57] <dpm> thanks a lot [05:58] <Mirv> dpm: yes, that makes sense. it would have also worked by installing qemu, which Ubuntu then automatically would have used for emulation, but that would have been 10x slower. [06:55] <dholbach> good morning [07:06] <dpm> Mirv, thanks for your help. Replied to your e-mail with one caveat. Seems like installing the :amd64 version lets execute it, but it fails somewhere else [07:07] <justCarakas> Good morning all [07:16] <dpm> morning justCarakas [07:42] <dpm> morning davidcalle, heads up on bug 1446062 - it won't directly affect the i18n tutorial, but it's something to bear in mind [07:44] <davidcalle> dpm, yup, morning, how are you? [07:44] <dpm> davidcalle, good good, and you? [07:45] <davidcalle> dpm, same :) [07:45] <dpm> :) [08:02] <Mirv> dpm: continuing the story, it might be that some fixes to dekko cmake config might be needed, hopefully that bzr pointer is of help [08:03] <Mirv> I think that if with SDK one creates cmake project, it creates it in a cross-build compatible way [08:03] <Mirv> hmm, where is zbenjamin [08:06] <dpm> Mirv, thanks a lot. I'm still not sure I follow it, though. That bzr link seems to be related to the build of the camera binary plugin, but I'm not sure how it applies to executing or finding qt binaries [08:07] * DanChapman catches up on mail [08:07] <dpm> hey DanChapman :) [08:07] <DanChapman> morning dpm :) [08:09] <Mirv> dpm: well it was my guess that some CMake settings affect how CMake calls Qt binaries [08:10] <Mirv> dpm: I only know/remember I had some problems with cross-building camera-app, but after those changes it worked. [08:11] <Mirv> dpm: so maybe one of those changes was related to calling correct binaries, for example that isClick() change there probably mattered. but it may not apply to dekko, I just don't have any other examples at hand about what people have done to fix cross-compilation. [08:11] <Mirv> dpm: are you aiming for a) Correct (tm) workflow or b) getting dekko compiled no matter what? [08:12] <Mirv> dpm: if b), try apt install qemu-user-static:amd64 qttools5-dev-tools:armhf [08:13] <dpm> dpm, I'm aiming at a) ideally, but b) would help in the meantime [08:13] <Mirv> that'd install the qemu emulation I talked about so that armhf lrelease could be executed [09:36] <zbenjamin> dpm: i hear you have problems with a cmake project? [09:42] <dpm> zbenjamin, here's what I tried yesterday - [09:42] <zbenjamin> dpm: ok [09:42] <dpm> the lconvert and lrelease tools fail to execute in the armhf chroot [09:43] <zbenjamin> dpm: thats no surprise tbh, our chroots are not at all Qt friendly [09:44] <zbenjamin> dpm: and whats even worse is that the cmake files provided by qmake have lots of bugs [09:44] <zbenjamin> err provided by Qt upstream [09:46] <zbenjamin> dpm: the problem we have is that we build qt not in the right way for crosscompilation. What we do is, build qt for armhf but that results in all tools being armhf too, so not useable for us [09:47] <zbenjamin> dpm: exactly, thats why you get /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/lrelease errors [09:47] <zbenjamin> dpm: not fixable [09:47] <zbenjamin> not easily at least [09:47] <dpm> DanChapman, zbenjamin ^^ so perhaps we need to ship a local copy of Qt5LinguistToolsConfig.cmake in the cmake folder that checks for lupdate & co. to be available in the arch of the host instead of that of the chroot? [09:47] <zbenjamin> dpm: what would be required is a properly built cross qt [09:48] <zbenjamin> dpm: DanChapman: those files are generated on the fly when Qt is built. But it might be possible yes [09:49] <zbenjamin> dpm: DanChapman: the same problem exists for moc btw, we just were able to workaround it by recreating all the buildfiles every time cmake is executed [09:49] <zbenjamin> dpm: DanChapman: but keep in mind that the same Qt will be shipped to real ARMHF installations as well [09:50] <zbenjamin> dpm: DanChapman: so it needs to work for those as well out of the box [10:13] <mivoligo> mzanetti: hi :) [10:13] <mzanetti> hi [10:13] <mivoligo> mzanetti: had a time to think about rotation of towers? [10:14] <mzanetti> mivoligo, no... sorry [10:14] <mivoligo> mzanetti: no problem [10:15] <mivoligo> mzanetti: I haven't done anything lately too, kids are back to school tomorrow after 2 weeks of holiday so I'll try to get back to MvM [10:21] <mzanetti> ok... yeah... I gave most of my other apps an update lately [10:21] <mzanetti> so I guess M-vs-M climbs up the queue again [10:21] <mzanetti> however, lots of sprints upcoming [10:22] <mzanetti> I won't be at home for half of the next month [10:30] <mivoligo> mzanetti: I guess that's good sign for Ubuntu on phones :D [10:31] <mzanetti> not sure yet [10:33] <mivoligo> btw, as you made the stopwatch, are you planning to make a timer? [10:41] <ogra_> ha ! [10:41] <ogra_> [10:42] <ogra_> exactly 200 downloads in 1 week :) [10:43] * ogra_ feels like someone taking a pic of their car tachometer at 111111km :P [10:43] <mivoligo> :D [10:44] <mivoligo> ogra_: I expected your g+ app was more popular tbh [10:46] <ogra_> well, my most popular one is still speed billards with ~600 downloads .... i guess if it shows up in top apps or essentials on the phone it will get an extra boost [10:47] <popey> i just got a notification on my vivid krillin that there was a new update [10:47] <popey> but system settings says no [10:47] <mivoligo> ogra_: it's essential for me :) [10:47] <ogra_> haha, for me too ;) [10:49] <DanChapman> ogra_: dekko's graph just resembles a near straight line now. I used to like seeing the spikes, now I have to do the math to figure it out. [10:49] <ogra_> wow ! [10:50] <ogra_> thats quite some numbers you got there :D [10:50] <DanChapman> zbenjamin: thanks for the info. dpm I'll have a fiddle with a local Qt5LinguistToolsConfig.cmake and see how it goes [10:51] <DanChapman> ogra_: yeah it has steady growth, which is great to see :-) [10:51] <popey> apparently a reboot does it [10:51] <ogra_> popey, bah, sounds like a hanging system-image client again :/ [10:52] <mivoligo> DanChapman: ogra_: Germany tops every graph :) same for my apps [10:52] <dpm> DanChapman, awesome, thanks! Yeah, I'm not sure if it's the best solution, but that's the first thing that comes to my mind to have a reproducible build without wanting to fix the whole of Qt's cross-compilation story [10:52] <dpm> DanChapman, wow, looking at that graph folks in Germany love Dekko :) [10:54] <DanChapman> dpm: mivoligo yes germany has always been top since day 1 for dekko. Glad to see UK in a healthy 2nd \o/ "Get in there" [10:54] <ogra_> hmm, the crappy freenode webclient is twice as popular as my kiwiirc app ... i wonder why [10:55] <dpm> DanChapman, nice :) [10:58] <popey> yay, got the update [10:58] <mivoligo> I've got Spain right after Germany for this app, also I'm surprised by the downloads in one day :P [11:06] <mivoligo> ogra_: probably because the icon for freenode webchat is more clear about what the program does ;) [11:06] <ogra_> yeah, it doesnt show a sliced kiwi :) [11:07] <mivoligo> ogra_: I've installed the webapp myself :P [11:08] <ogra_> hmm, the freenode app has a higher rating ... [11:08] <ogra_> searching for IRC shows it at second position [11:09] <ogra_> i guess that might be it ... [11:15] <mivoligo> ogra_: wow, I just saw now many apps you've got on [11:15] <ogra_> :) [11:16] <mivoligo> ogra_: and I was thinking mzanetti has a lot ;) [11:16] <ogra_> well, i have scripts that spit out webapps :) [11:17] <mivoligo> :D [11:17] <ogra_> i only have two actual apps ... and slowly migrate the webapps over to my alternate webapp container now [11:19] <ogra_> i'm pondering to provide a webapp container like framework for streaming apps ... i.e. something with standardized UI for play/pause so you just need to hand it your stream url and perhaps a backround pic [11:20] * mzanetti is skeptical about such things... [11:21] <ogra_> scared of another webapp-container like mass upload happening ? [11:21] <mzanetti> yeah [11:21] <mzanetti> but I guess it can be done right [11:22] <ogra_> well, done right would mean having an app to which you can just hand over streams and keep them bookmarked [11:22] <mzanetti> now that sounds like a good idea :) [11:23] <ogra_> well, i'm not sure if it is the better idea ... [11:23] <ogra_> while you are right that it will result in a lot of spam providing such a framework you also trigger people to look into QML to do customization [11:24] <ogra_> i see that with my alternate webapp container a lot, about half the people using it add custom bits on top ... so in the end it makes more people familiar with QML [11:25] <mzanetti> ogra_, fair enough [11:26] <mzanetti> ogra_, well, I guess the people uploading untested webapps will keep on using the standard template anyways as they are clearly no in the mood to do more work than replacing an url there isn't much reason to use a "more complex" container anyways [11:27] <ogra_> yeah [11:27] <ogra_> i wonder if we cant somehow inject an "emulator" in the webapp that tests an app before it spits out the click [11:28] <ogra_> well, not the app itself but the settings a user used [11:28] <mzanetti> what settings? [11:29] <ogra_> url, user agent, urlPatterns and if the site actually loads with these settings [11:29] <mzanetti> ah [11:29] <mzanetti> hmm.. in my experience all those webapps actually load the site. but then just paint a message you should install flash, or install some android app or similar [11:29] <ogra_> i guess even a simple wget test would work to at least know if the page loads [11:30] <ogra_> ah [11:41] <mivoligo-testing> Testing kiwi 1.... 2.... 3.... [11:42] <ogra_> heh [11:43] <mivoligo-testing> ogra_: is it qml? [11:43] <ogra_> nope, just a plain website [11:44] <ogra_> i'll add some QML to it soon to save settings etc though [11:45] <ogra_> so you can store channels and servers (and i.e. hook up to a bip proxy that stays connected and re-plays channel logs on reconnect) [11:45] <mivoligo-testing> ok, you could add TAB button too 😉 [11:46] <ogra_> you mean for tab completion ? [11:46] <ogra_> or for channel tabs [11:46] <mivoligo-testing> Completion [11:47] <ogra_> hmm [11:47] <ogra_> yeah, perhaps thats possible ... but it would live extra from the keyboard and steal extra screen space [11:48] <mivoligo-testing> or use the keyboard from terminal app [11:53] <DanChapman> gventuri: i've been chipping away at the new settings screens [11:53] <DanChapman> oops wrong channel [12:39] <mivoligo> ogra_: I've just made an icon for kiwi, grab it if you like it [12:40] <ogra_> SHINY !!! [12:40] <ogra_> i'll happily take it, thanks ! [12:41] <mivoligo> ogra_: happy to help :) [14:28] <kalikiana> aaarf I need to stop this habit of not hitting the button after doing a review… t1mp: happroved [14:40] <t1mp> kalikiana: cool, thanks :) [14:43] <zsombi> nik90: your clock change seems good to me [14:48] <jgm90> hi guys [14:48] <dpm> davidcalle, I see you changed the snappy/community page to Participate, thanks! [14:49] <dpm> davidcalle, would you mind changing the url to 'participate' so that it matches the name of the page? [14:49] <jgm90> how i can set the download path in ubuntu-downloader-manager [14:49] <jgm90> or move the doenloaded file to sd card [15:01] <davidcalle> dpm, heh, that was my middle ground :) Ok changing [15:09] <nik90> zsombi: thnx. It is stuck due to failing AP test that I am unable to reproduce. Trying to get it pushed. [15:25] <popey> nik90: dunno why, will have to ask mhall119, but none of the sessions I have created show up in [15:25] <popey> but there's lots there [15:25] <popey> (just saying so we don't duplicate eachother's work (like I did last time)) [15:27] <nik90> popey: Do you see them in the calendar where you assign session times? I cannot access it until mhall119 adds me [15:27] <popey> can you see those? [15:27] * popey pokes mhall119 [15:27] <nik90> popey: yes I can see those [15:27] <popey> mhall119: can you please add kalikiana and nik90 [15:27] <popey> ok [15:27] <nik90> popey: yeah I suppose the UOS leads need to accept your proposed meeting before they show up I guess [15:28] <popey> gotcha [15:28] <popey> have to re-learn this every 6 months :) [15:31] <nik90> :) [15:54] <mhall119> popey: I will do once they're registered in summit [15:59] <dpm> popey, you mentioned the SDK sessions were already scheduled? I can't find them in summit [15:59] <popey> created, not scheduled [15:59] <popey> working with mhall119 on it now [16:00] <dpm> thanks popey [16:01] <dpm> mhall119, I guess I can't see the tracks under "Unscheduled meetings" in because I'm not an app dev track lead? [16:03] <mhall119> dpm: correct [16:04] <mhall119> also popey's meetings are all pending approval (by popey) [16:06] <dpm> mhall119, thanks for confirming. I remember in the past I could see the meetings pending approval too. Do I remember this correctly? Does it make a difference that my membership on expired? [16:07] <mhall119> dpm: I don't think so, that team was just for convenience of contacting all the leads at once [16:08] <mhall119> AlanBell: I'mthinking of moving to the Convergence track rather than Core, since core doesn't deal with stuff at the Unity level, any objection? [16:08] <dpm> mhall119, ah, I can see it now: [16:08] <dpm> mhall119, seems there is a session that's 4 times in there, you probably have already noticed ("Presenting TokenTube...") [16:08] <mhall119> AlanBell: nvm, popey says it should go on appdev [16:09] <mhall119> dpm: ack, looking at them [16:10] <nik90> mhall119: the default register links still points to the nov 2014 summit [16:10] <dpm> mhall119, seems there are 6 of them, he made sure his session is indeed registered :) [16:10] <dpm> looks like a presentation for the Show & Tell track [16:11] <mhall119> dpm: cleaned up [16:12] <mhall119> dpm: it was actually only 2 entries, but each was assigned to 3 tracks [16:13] <dpm> mhall119, cool, thanks. I also registered a "Community Roundtable" session last week, but I don't seems to see it anywhere. Do I need to approve it somewhere? [16:17] <mhall119> dpm: yes in [16:17] <dpm> ok, on it, thanks [16:26] <popey> pmcgowan: any chance this can be on your hitlist somehow [16:27] <popey> it causes the phone to be unusable until rebooted [16:27] <popey> and drains battery (see the duplicate bug I also reported) really badly [16:27] <ogra_> and seemingly unsolvable without heavy hacks [16:28] <ogra_> (like keeping the processtree in a cache so you can kill the sleeping processes if the session dies etc etc ... ) [16:29] * ogra_ remembers he discussed it with Saviq about a year ago already and there is not really any sane solution [16:29] <ogra_> (except for a cgroup kernel feature that we cant use because not all kernels support it) [16:31] <Saviq> ogra_, popey, there could, in theory, be a sane solution, where apps could reconnect to mir after it's back, but there was not really an effort to think about this properly (and things like GL contexts might prevent this altogether) [16:31] <ogra_> right [16:31] <ogra_> well, there is a way to do it via cgroups i think [16:32] <ogra_> and you could indeed log all PIDs of started processes somewhere and walk that cache, but thats extremely ugly [16:33] <ogra_> (or even sipler just a pkill -u ... from an upstart job that triggers if unity8 dies, hackish, but quick to implement) [16:38] <jgm90> hi guys someone cant tell me how to set download path ofr ubuntu-download-manager [16:38] <jgm90> [16:43] <pmcgowan> popey, yeah you need to close the apps then they work again, cause unity lost track of them [16:44] <ogra_> pmcgowan, right, and it shouldnt ... [16:45] <pmcgowan> popey, I have also seen the battery drain of death curve, this may explain it [16:46] <ogra_> a suspended app doesnt drain battery [16:46] <ogra_> since it is completely stopped [16:46] * ogra_ doubts these are related [16:56] <popey> pmcgowan: you can't close apps once unity dies [16:56] <popey> pmcgowan: because they aren't visible. [16:56] <pmcgowan> popey, if you start them again, they appear and dont work, and then you can close them [16:57] <popey> ugh [16:57] <pmcgowan> popey, so I just reproduced this and the forground app when unity dies will consume 100% cpu [16:58] <popey> right, so that's my other bug :) [16:58] <popey> [16:59] <pmcgowan> popey, added that info to the non dupe [17:12] <ogra_> popey, [17:12] <ogra_> :P [17:17] <om26er> mzanetti, Hi! [17:18] <mzanetti> hey om26er [17:18] <om26er> mzanetti, There is a test failure[1] for reminders that you might want to look. [1] bug 1444690 [17:18] <om26er> mzanetti, it seems the note is not being created on the server due to some reason. [17:19] <mzanetti> om26er, EDAMNotFoundException looks like something's wrong with the key [17:21] <om26er> mzanetti, hmm, that is a very consistent failures, Did something change on the server side maybe ? [17:25] <jgm90> [11:38] <jgm90> hi guys someone cant tell me how to set download path ofr ubuntu-download-manager [11:38] <jgm90> [18:16] <karni> Kaleo: yo. if I choose to attach a photo in an app, I press attach, and choose the Camera, and snap a picture. is it expected to be stored somewhere under ~/Pictures or just for the app that requested it? [18:17] <Kaleo> karni: just in the app that requested it I think [18:17] <kenvandine> i think it makes sense to not keep it [18:17] <karni> kenvandine: I think I agree [18:17] <karni> if I take a picture of a note I want to save for later, I don't want necessarily for it to show in the Camera/gallery [18:18] <karni> Kaleo: ok, so I'll assume that's by design then, and that's the correct behevior. just need to know what to reply here [18:18] <Kaleo> yes I would say [18:18] <Kaleo> design [18:45] <karni> kenvandine: Have you seen things like this when launching photo picker: [18:45] <karni> file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Content/ContentPeerPicker10.qml:186: TypeError: Cannot read property 'peers' of null [18:45] <karni> file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Content/ContentPeerPicker10.qml:59: Error: Cannot assign [undefined] to int [18:47] <karni> I've seen this before, but this time it doesn't seem to work, so it's confusing whether those actually affect the picking. [19:29] <nik90> jhodapp: hey, Does media-hub support playbackRate property of MediaPlayer? [19:29] <jhodapp> nik90, no it does not, it's always 1 [19:30] <jhodapp> nik90, might be something that we support in the future [19:30] <nik90> jhodapp: ack. Want me to report a bug against media-hub for this [19:30] <jhodapp> nik90, sure, report it against media-hub and qtubuntu-media...thanks [19:31] <nik90> ack. yw [19:43] <mivoligo> nik90: thanks for taking care of that bug in Podbird :) [19:44] <nik90> mivoligo: np, I will keep an eye on it since I have seen in many other apps as well. Looks like a popular feature. [19:45] <mivoligo> nik90: btw, what happened to your app about films and such? [19:46] <mivoligo> nik90: can't find it in the store [19:46] <nik90> mivoligo: I removed it from the store since trakt release v2.0 of their API which I haven't found time to transition to. [19:47] <mivoligo> nik90: ah, ok [19:47] <nik90> mivoligo: I am hoping to get back to when I find some time. The code can still be found at [19:49] <mivoligo> great! I'm also looking for an app where you guess countries capitals, not sure who did it [19:50] <nik90> mivoligo: I think it was david calle [19:50] <nik90> I *think* [19:51] <mivoligo> nik90: maybe, I remember there was a plane flying between capitals or something like that [19:51] <nik90> yeah yeah that's that one I remember as well [19:51] <nik90> s/that/the [19:51] <nik90> had a really nice desing [19:51] <nik90> s/desing/design [19:52] <mivoligo> yes [20:38] <mcphail> Is it possible to save/load a config option from a pure QML app? [20:39] <mivoligo> mcphail: yes [20:39] <mivoligo> mcphail: [20:40] <mcphail> mivoligo: aah - many thanks! [20:40] <mivoligo> :) [23:35] <DS-McGuire> Can somebody take a look at my compile error? [23:35] <DS-McGuire>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DS-McGuire", "DanChapman", "Kaleo", "Mirv", "Saviq", "davidcalle", "dholbach", "dpm", "jgm90", "jhodapp", "justCarakas", "kalikiana", "karni", "kenvandine", "mcphail", "mhall119", "mivoligo", "mivoligo-testing", "mzanetti", "nik90", "ogra_", "om26er", "pmcgowan", "popey", "t1mp", "zbenjamin", "zsombi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel" }
[04:20] <mwhudson> is there a x86_64-apple-darwin binutils hiding in the archive somewhere? [06:55] <dholbach> good morning [08:20] <pitti> Good morning [09:00] <pitti> rbasak: what's the status of juju 1.23 for vivid? ISTR that last week you were about two packaging bugs away from it, right? [09:00] <pitti> rbasak: it's universe and not on any images, so we could potentially land it on Wed even, or SRU it too without much damange either [09:01] <rbasak> pitti: there have been some regressions found in the current 1.23 beta, so upstream are holding the release right now and we don't want to upload it. [09:02] <pitti> rbasak: ack, thanks; so I'll move the milestone of bug 1409639 [09:02] <rbasak> pitti: upstream are pulling some new 1.23 features into a feature flag which should eliminate the regressions. But that means that 1.23 may need to land in an SRU. [09:02] <pitti> it's got a MRE, so shouldn't pose any problem [09:03] <rbasak> pitti: we're waiting on upstream who are working on resolving this at the moment. [09:03] <rbasak> Ack. [09:03] <pitti> rbasak: right; there's little pressure here, I just want to sanitize the 15.04 milestone so that we have something sensible to work against [09:03] <pitti> rbasak: thanks for confirming! [09:05] <pitti> Riddell: hey Jonathan, how are you? [09:06] <pitti> Riddell: do you still want to land bug 1372920 for vivid? if so, now is the time :) [09:06] <pitti> apw: I suppose there won't be another kernel upload for vivid final, so should bug 1439706 be moved to vivid-updates, or to w-series? [09:11] <pitti> jdstrand: do you still want to remove the aa-easyprof workaroud for vivid final in bug 1378823 ? [09:12] <pitti> jdstrand: if so, please upload it today [09:35] <rbasak> Can seeds do alternatives? [09:36] <ogra_> alternatives are a postinst thing ... [09:36] <rbasak> "ubuntu-minimal lists ntpdate as a dependency, such that ubuntu-minimal is uninstalled if you try to replace ntpdate with ntpd." [09:36] <rbasak> ogra_: I mean Depends: a | b [09:37] <infinity> rbasak: ntpdate and ntp don't conflict... [09:37] <rbasak> As in "sbuild --resolve-alternatives" [09:37] <rbasak> infinity: I hadn't noted that. Thanks. [09:37] <infinity> rbasak: It's perfectly reaonable (and, IMO, correct) to have both installed. [09:38] <rbasak> I've just seen and am thinking about how that might influence my plans to make ntpd default on (at least) server. [09:38] <infinity> rbasak: ntpdate on boot for a (potentially large) jump to mostly correct, and ntpd to fix jitter. [09:38] <rbasak> With ntpdate deprecated, we should be calling ntpd only in either "keep running" or "fix once and stop" mode, with an optional "big jumps are OK" flag. [09:38] <ogra_> i thought we'd switch to systemds timesyncd anyway [09:39] <infinity> ogra_: Ick. [09:39] <infinity> rbasak: So, yeah, if ntpdate is going away, I'd argue that it should just depend on ntp and still have init scripts that invoke the ntpd one-shot behaviour. [09:39] <ogra_> infinity, well, i think it is default in snappy already ... [09:40] <rbasak> When I last looked, I saw no justification for timesyncd existing at all. The only documentation was the check in. [09:40] <infinity> ogra_: That's nice. [09:40] <ogra_> and i doubt we want to maintainh both long term [09:40] <infinity> ogra_: "It's the default in snappy" doesn't inform my server decisions much. :P [09:40] <infinity> ogra_: We're never getting rid of ntpd, because people actually need ntp servers. [09:40] <ogra_> oh, sure, but we'll likely get rid of ntpdate in if-up.d [09:41] <infinity> ogra_: *shrug* [09:41] <rbasak> If we want to move away from ntpd by default, I'd really like to see an actual justification of why the alternative is better. "systemd does it" is not enough for me. [09:41] <ogra_> i'm only talking abouot the client side here [09:41] <infinity> ogra_: The "maintaining both" argument should treat tinesyncd as the "extra" copy here, not ntpd. [09:41] <rbasak> I also don't want to delay ntp by default on server because some people want timesyncd with no real technical justification. [09:41] <infinity> rbasak: timesyncd is arguably a slightly better (as in faster) one-shot client, but we need ntpd regardless, so meh. [09:42] <rbasak> Oh - it's one-shot only? [09:42] <infinity> Oh, it might also do ongoing client fun, not sure. [09:42] <infinity> But it's not ntpd, as in it can't act as a stratum server. [09:42] <ogra_> rbasak, being the default of our now chosen init system isnt enough technical justification ... or "we get it for free anyway" isnt either ? [09:42] <infinity> So, ntpd won't die. [09:43] <infinity> ogra_: No, neither of those is a valid argument. [09:43] <infinity> ogra_: It also needs to not be crap. [09:43] <rbasak> ogra_: AIUI, the whole decision in Debian that made systemd the default deliberately did not pull the world of systemd in with it. [09:43] <infinity> ogra_: We're not using networkd either. [09:43] <rbasak> ogra_: it was an "init system only" discussion. [09:43] <infinity> ogra_: Just because it's in the systemd source tree doesn't mean we should use it. [09:43] <rbasak> ogra_: so in my mind if we're going to pull other components in, they need an independent justification. [09:44] <ogra_> rbasak, oh, indeed it didnt pull the world with it ... but it will be a lot harder to stay diverged and do our own thing [09:44] <infinity> We're not "diverged". [09:44] <infinity> ntpd is not going away. Period. [09:44] <ogra_> i'm still talking about ntpdate :) [09:44] <infinity> So, it's a question between maintaining two things, or maintaining just one and turning off timesyncd. [09:44] <infinity> ogra_: ntpdate == ntpd, going forward. [09:45] <infinity> Which is what the bug is about. [09:45] <infinity> rbasak: Though, to be fair, a 5-year old bug claiming ntpdate is going away upstream is a bit hard to believe when it's still not happened... [09:46] <pitti> rbasak, ogra_: FTR, timesyncd was requested by snappy, to have a small and unintrusive ntp thingy [09:46] <rbasak> infinity: well, the new functionality exists already. So if we're going to overhaul things, we should probably use it. [09:46] <pitti> but it will not start if ntpd (or friends) are installed [09:46] <rbasak> infinity: for ntpd by default on server, do I want ntpdate + ntpd, or just ntpd? [09:46] <rbasak> I presume just ntpd? [09:47] <rbasak> Maybe start with the -g option to allow large time steps. [09:47] <infinity> rbasak: Well, you need a clean migration path anyway. [09:47] <infinity> rbasak: So, empty out ntpdate, make it depend on ntp, and make the ifup/etc hooks call it in one-shot-and-large-skew mode. [09:47] <infinity> rbasak: That seems sensible to me, ish. [09:47] <rbasak> infinity: right [09:47] <infinity> rbasak: Ideally, with coordination with the Debian ntp maintainer(s), so we don't end up with a messy delta of doom. [09:48] <rbasak> Yep [09:49] <rbasak> I'm not sure if I can call one-shot-and-large-skew mode if ntpd (daemon) is already running. [09:49] <rbasak> Maybe I can kick it though. The hooks could be clever about which to do. [09:49] <infinity> rbasak: ntp has a few more deps, but nothing that looks crazy for places where you wanted ntpdate installed anyway. [09:49] <pitti> infinity, rbasak: so FTR, I wouldn't mind if we dropped ntpdate from the seeds entirely, at least not for desktop [09:49] <rbasak> pitti: what, in favour of timesyncd? [09:50] <pitti> rbasak: WFM [09:50] <pitti> that one is just fine for snappy and desktop [09:50] <rbasak> I wonder what server users would want. [09:50] <infinity> rbasak: The current hook already stops ntp, runs ntpdate, and starts ntp. Not sure if that's actually correct, though. [09:50] <pitti> servers might want some more elaborate one like ntpd, of course [09:50] <infinity> rbasak: Since ntpd in non-skew mode will just exit hard, it's fair to assume that if it's running, the time is correct. [09:50] <rbasak> If they're serving time, sure. [09:50] <pitti> and that's fine, timesyncd will not run then [09:51] <rbasak> If they're just consuming time, do server users want to use ntpd or timesyncd? [09:52] <infinity> rbasak: Depends on how well timesyncd deals with jitter, or if it's coarse-grained, like ntpdate. [09:52] <infinity> rbasak: Server users want precise time (especially NFS users), so whatever will give them that is "good enough". [09:53] <pitti> infinity: timesyncd adapts the update cycles according to the current drift [09:54] <pitti> infinity: i. e. it starts with waking up often (every 30s) and then depending on how good/bad your clock is it exponentially reduces the wakeups [09:54] <pitti> and it listens to net device up events, so if it never ran it does ntp on up'ing an interface, similar to ifup.d/ntpdate [09:55] <rbasak> That's useful, thanks. [09:55] <rbasak> Especially as I can't find this stuff documented anywhere/ [11:10] <didrocks> mvo: hey! We have a small question from the desktop sprint: let's imagine we want to install ubuntu-core with snappy on a laptop for testing purpose (or on an usb drive), is there any doc for this? [11:10] <ogra_> iirc there were discussions on the snappy-devel ML [11:11] <ogra_> (about that topic) [11:12] <seb128> ogra_, didrocks, ? [11:12] <ogra_> yeah [11:12] <ogra_> (there was also another one "running snappy on bare metal" or so) [11:13] <didrocks> thanks! [11:13] <ogra_> is the key though [11:15] <seb128> didrocks, says [11:15] <seb128> wget [11:15] <seb128> unxz -c ubuntu-core-WEBDM-alpha-03_armhf-bbb.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdX bs=32M [11:15] <seb128> sync [11:16] <ogra_> probably not with the armhf beaglebone image though :) [13:22] <rbasak> diwic: seb128 suggests that I mention bug 1445358? Sounds like it should be release critical to me. [13:22] <diwic> rbasak, ok, looking [13:22] <rbasak> Thanks. [13:22] <rbasak> Looks like a fairly trivial and not-too-impactful fix if it's valid. [13:50] <diwic> rbasak, it's valid. Question is if I should try to upload something, or wait for an SRU [13:52] <Anupkumar> hi, I am working on a bug related to udisks, can anyone tell me is it a right place to ask questions related to bugs on udisks here? [13:56] <shadeslayer> slangasek: ping [13:57] <shadeslayer> slangasek: Could you help me with the skype package? I'm trying to recompile it, but it doesn't seem to want to spit out skype-bin [14:12] <rbasak> diwic: I think there's still time to upload a fix. Check in #ubuntu-release though. [14:12] <diwic> yup. Already there [14:14] <rbasak> Oh yes, sorry. Just got back to my screen and I looked at the highlighted channels first. [14:17] <shadeslayer> slangasek: nvm [15:52] <Ionic> I'm setting "{debupstream}-0~{revno}" as the debian version... should that be automatically expanded? [15:52] <Ionic> if yes, it doesn't do that for vivid, leading to build failures [15:52] <Ionic> (older versions are working fine) [15:55] <Ionic> or maybe that was very old news [15:56] <Ionic> yeah I guess... nevermind, sorry [15:56] <Ionic> 2012 [15:57] <Ionic> likely some layer 8 error back then [16:01] * infinity glares at rbasak for moving files and making him hand-compare the diffs. [16:02] <rbasak> Sorry [16:02] <rbasak> I moved it because it needed renaming anyway to work with dh_install [16:02] <rbasak> Without having to use dh-exec [16:03] <infinity> rbasak: Yeah, I understand the rationale, just sucks to review. I'll quit whining. :P [16:03] <rbasak> Oh, OK :) [16:03] <infinity> patchutils needs a utility to check if -file1/+file2 are identical. [16:03] <rbasak> git's rename detection is very good [16:04] <rbasak> Then the diff output shows the changes across the rename, which is nice. [16:05] <infinity> rbasak: Hah. And they're not the same. [16:05] <rbasak> + * d/additions/ attach new configuration files and [16:05] <infinity> Ahh, and the changelog notes that. [16:05] <rbasak> + * directories. [16:05] <infinity> Right. [16:05] <rbasak> Apart from extra *. Whoops. [16:06] <rbasak> I noted that we get an apport hook error if for example /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/ is deleted. But I think that's OK for now at least, since that error will appear in the apport report and the triager will know something's up. [16:07] <rbasak> It certainly makes things no worse from previous, since users could still delete all of /etc/mysql. [16:07] <rbasak> This kind of thing seems to be more common than I might've expected. [16:07] <infinity> rbasak: Yeah, checking for existence of the bits before attempting to list-and-attach would be nice. [16:08] <rbasak> One day I'll overhaul the whole thing. [16:08] <infinity> rbasak: Especially for optional things, which .d dirs are. [16:08] <rbasak> For now I just wanted to get something, which is infinitely better than nothing. [16:08] <infinity> rbasak: But yeah, it was equally broken before, so this isn't a regression, per se. [16:41] <pitti> wgrant: bug 1436937 [17:30] <wgrant> jibel: [17:36] <jibel> wgrant, verification passed :) [17:50] <wgrant> hallyn_: What's the status of the subuid patches for shadow? The above bug is in fact dodgy error handling in our version of them, so I'm wondering if there's somewhere I should be submitting the fix. [17:59] <stgraber> wgrant: it's a bit of a mess IIRC. Eric wrote the patches for us, we were the first to carry them as distro patches, then they got included upstream (, we did a few more fixes on our side which Debian picked up later and may have now gotten upstream. [18:07] <wgrant> stgraber: Ah, indeed, broken upstream as well AFAICS. Will try to reproduce on that and submit upstream. [18:26] <hallyn_> what's broken upsream? [18:26] <hallyn_> stgraber: all fixes should be upstream. [18:27] <stgraber> hallyn_: bug 1436937 [18:28] <stgraber> hallyn_: did upstream also switch to 65536 uid and gid by default for non-system users? I believe that change was a bit controversial when I made it and I got push back from Debian about taking that. Haven't checked the state of things in Debian + upstream recently though. [18:32] <hallyn_> stgraber: i don't see tha tin git log, it's probably still ubuntu delta, might stay that way. THough if you send a github pull request we can discuss again [19:01] <doko> xnox, still planning to update boost when opening the w-series? [19:12] <dobey> doko: hi. when do you expect w archive to be opened? [19:12] <ogra_> what ? it isnt open yet ?!? [19:12] <ogra_> :P [19:14] <dobey> heh [19:15] <dobey> of course, then we'll have to wait for CI to get stuff set up for w [19:16] <doko> dobey, I doubt it will be open for everybody before the weekend [19:17] <dobey> doko: ok. hopefully CI can get all their bits updated to allow landing in it on Monday too. [19:19] <ogra_> dobey, what do you want to land ? [19:19] <ogra_> so urgently ... [19:20] <dobey> ogra_: all the many things that people on my team have been working on, that aren't critical bug fixes :) [20:27] <arges> hallyn_: updated bug 1444057, if you are happy let me know and I can upload into W next week and sru into V [20:28] <arges> (or whatever is easiest) [20:38] <hallyn_> arges: i'm happy, and frankly i'm happy to have you upload it now [20:40] <hallyn_> stgraber: ^ qemu in vivid currently can't be used with gdb to trace the guest; building with --debug fixes it; i think it's worth a last-minute upload to fix that. What do you think? [20:42] <stgraber> hallyn_: upload it to the queue. It can then be pulled in if we rebuild the server image before release (as it's seeded in there) [20:42] <stgraber> hallyn_: that's assuming you've confirmed --debug doesn't cause significant performance regressions or other change in behavior [20:42] <arges> stgraber: i've only tested boot times [20:43] <arges> stgraber: any particular benchmarking you'd like to see? [20:44] <stgraber> arges: I expect the server folks can take your qemu for a spin on some crazy openstack scaling run to make sure this isn't slowing things down [20:44] <arges> stgraber: i'll build it in a PPA then [20:45] <arges> and ask for testing [20:45] <stgraber> ok, cool. [20:45] <stgraber> I have no idea what --debug may do for qemu but that sounds like the kind of option where a performance regression test would be worth it :) [20:47] <arges> stgraber: disable-strip just does 'strip_opt=no'; enable-debug adds that plus 'debug_tcg=yes,debug=yes' i'll also look through the code to see what changes specifically and put that that info into the bug [20:50] <hallyn_> i would've assumed boot times would've shown perf regressions [22:22] <arges> hallyn_: one last note. building qemu with --enable-debug disables adding -O2 to CFLAGS. I'm guessing that might be reason enough to not build with enable-debug... [22:28] <arges> so that might be a 'wont fix' and just document it [23:34] <hallyn_> dunno, if it doesn't actually affect perf... [23:35] <hallyn_> but ok, let's leave it for w i guess
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Anupkumar", "Ionic", "arges", "dholbach", "didrocks", "diwic", "dobey", "doko", "hallyn_", "infinity", "jibel", "mwhudson", "ogra_", "pitti", "rbasak", "seb128", "shadeslayer", "stgraber", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-devel" }
[09:17] <libregeekingkid> How do Configure the default location in Ubiquity Installer? [14:50] <infinity> cyphermox: is bad. Can we make it unbad? [14:50] <infinity> cyphermox: Or pass the buck to your manager, who did the merge. :P [14:50] <infinity> And who doesn't seem to be in this channel... [14:52] <cyphermox> ah [15:41] <infinity> cyphermox: I also passed that bug on to Steve, so sort amongst yourselves who has the time/inclination to work on it. [15:41] <cyphermox> aye [15:43] <cyphermox> infinity: ok, I'll be looking at console-setup nao. [15:48] <infinity> cyphermox: Ta. [15:49] <infinity> cyphermox: The .config for console-setup is a windy maze of scary, so good luck. But according to jibel, it knew the right answer for him, so it seems it's tripping one of its "OMG RESET TO CRITICAL" cases a bit too eagerly. [15:49] <cyphermox> infinity: I know, I uploaded that merge [18:35] <bdmurray> cyphermox: How can one tell if a ubiquity is trying to upgrade a system? [18:37] <cyphermox> bdmurray: good question, I'm not sure, quickly there doesn't seem to be much in terms of signs from ubiquity [18:38] <cyphermox> bdmurray: running this on a system right now? [18:38] <bdmurray> cyphermox: nope, looking at log files [18:42] <bdmurray> I think there are some messages from apt or the release upgrader that give things away... [18:44] <cyphermox> there probably would, I just didn't see anything to that effect in ubiquity code itself [19:06] <pmatulis> how can i get a list of the commands available via the console when using the netboot installer? (without actually setting up a netboot environment) [19:07] <pmatulis> is it busybox? [19:26] <cyphermox> pmatulis: yes, it's busybox with some extras from whatever the installer requires [19:26] <pmatulis> cyphermox: alright [19:26] <pmatulis> so no lspci [19:27] <cyphermox> it's possible it's not there, yes [19:31] <CarlFK> the source/config is around somewhere (duh) I remember digging into it trying to figure out why tar -c wasn't working. [19:32] <pmatulis> CarlFK: tar doesn't work? [19:32] <CarlFK> pmatulis: you can untar, but not create a tar [19:32] <pmatulis> CarlFK: wonderful (not) [19:33] <CarlFK> pmatulis: meh. it's the installer. it makes room for more things to be installed from a CD
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CarlFK", "bdmurray", "cyphermox", "infinity", "libregeekingkid", "pmatulis" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-installer" }
[00:00] <chu> I *have* (begrudgingly - i.e. it was at a "special event") eaten shark's fin soup (and some other fancy Chinese "cuisine" I don't remember), bear and (forest) rat before. But not something I would do by choice. [00:00] <chu> would not* [00:21] <elky> chu: so no lambchop [00:21] <elky> ? [00:21] <chu> Nah, can't stand lamb. [00:22] <chu> That's one meat I actually don't like - not just some crazy irrational/emotional attachment. [00:22] <elky> lamb will stink up your entire house for days, so understandable [00:22] <chu> Yep. [00:22] <elky> which is fine if it's a stink that is nice to you [00:22] <chu> And you get the "layer" of lamb fat in your mouth. Even if you cook the heck out of it and turn it to rubber, [00:22] <elky> lamb shank soup cooked overnight in a slow cooker? you won't get rid of that smell for like a week [00:23] <elky> yeah lamb you have to eat hot, or in a soup/braise where the fat renders off into the gravy [00:24] <elky> shank and loin tend to not have so much of the fat, but the cheaper cuts do [00:24] <chu> Yep, and I am *very* cheap :p [00:25] <elky> yeah, once upon a time, lamb shanks were cheap and you got them from the butcher direct because they're "offal". now they're like $5 a piece [00:27] <chu> Yep, same as lamb's neck - I think "Masterchef" did an episode making "Osso bucko"(sp? Slow cooked etc) and they sky-rocketed in price.\ [00:27] <elky> osso bucco is shin [00:27] <chu> Shin? [00:28] <chu> Oh I see. Excuse my ignorance. [00:28] <elky> yes. it's usually beef but i'm guessing there's a lamb cut similar? [00:29] <elky> it's grossly underrated because it's a slow cook cut, and nobody has the patience for slow cooking [00:29] <chu> My brother a slow-cooked stew-like dish, except lamb and I've always known it as "osso buco", I don't know what the "real" recipe is. [00:29] <chu> makes a* [00:34] <elky> chu: in my experience necks are normally really fatty. they're usually for soup afaik [00:35] <valorie> fat to protect all those nerves and vertebrae [00:36] <elky> yeah, marrow fat is different to muscle fat though [00:36] <elky> marrow fat is divine [00:36] <elky> there's lots of both [00:37] <elky> i honestly don't miss cooking meat. [00:37] <elky> it's so finicky [00:40] <elky> also smelly [00:42] <bazhang> raw is so much better [00:42] <chu> Not sure if I ever eaten raw red meat. [00:43] <bazhang> steak tartare [00:43] <genii> Yup [00:43] <pleia2> beef carpaccio :d [00:43] <valorie> I think that would stick in my craw [00:44] <bazhang> the sauce is usually fairly unique [00:44] <chu> I've definitely had raw sashimi (idk is all sashimi raw?) and if I have ever eaten raw red meat it would have been in Japan I think, but I don't know. [00:45] <valorie> sashimi \o/ [00:45] <bazhang> yep sashimi is by definition raw [00:46] <bazhang> salmon is a better slice of that [00:46] <chu> Sashimi is amazing, and with a big green salad <3 [00:46] <genii> I'm starting to get hungry now [00:46] <valorie> with all this talk of eating, I should make some dinner [00:46] <bazhang> bwhahaha [00:46] <genii> valorie: Hehe [00:46] <valorie> 'tis almost 6pm here [00:46] <bazhang> @random sashimi HURD [00:46] <bazhang> !! [00:47] <valorie> i hurd sashimi was yummi [00:47] <bazhang> hehe [00:47] <bazhang> !yum [00:48] <chu> bazhang: ubottu is a True believer. [00:48] <bazhang> very tru chu [01:09] <elky> i've not eaten raw, but blue-rare steak is odd [01:09] <elky> i still haven't managed to convince myself to eat raw fish [01:10] <bazhang> black and blue is what customers often called it [01:10] <elky> i prefer medium rare but will eat rare [01:11] <bazhang> with sashimi, it's so lathered up with soy, hot shredded radish and wasabi you really dont notice [01:12] <elky> i'm bad with spicy because of dry mouth, so that doesn't exactly help [01:12] <chu> I actually pick the radish off, I don't enjoy it. But then again, I also can't stand miso(I think? The uber salty soup). [01:12] <bazhang> yeah [01:13] <bazhang> seaweed, bits of tofu in it as well [01:14] <bazhang> for insanely nasal clearing spicy, there's nothing quite as bracing as kimchi fried bacon [01:14] <chu> I don't mind the slightly "fried" (I think) tofu, with like a crusty outside (I assume fried) but soft inner core. I actually think that's amazing. [01:14] <elky> baked tofu i think is what you'd ask for to get that [01:15] <bazhang> thats called dou-gan, meaning dried dou fu [01:16] <elky> i miss japanese food. outside japan (i'd assume is the important factor here) it is amazingly difficult to get sushi that's not glutened. [01:17] <elky> and that problem starts with the vinegar [01:17] <chu> Yep, but the problem is.... There's this Japanese restaurant in Canberra my family used to go to heaps (like, once every week), but then when we actually went to Japan, I couldn't eat there anymore. [01:18] <elky> and of course finding somewhere that uses pure soy sauce is difficult because it's usually thai or tamari and thus too expensive for most shops if you're not paying top dollar for the product [01:19] <elky> thai pure soy sauce is a rather light sauce [01:19] <elky> ime anyway [01:19] <bazhang> good point [01:19] <chu> Yep [01:20] <bazhang> some soy can be unbearably heavy and cloying, like instant BP raising [01:20] <elky> there's a place in sydney at the west ryde station that has _awesome_ don. it's not dry, it's actually saucy, and there's actually vegetables and a soft egg. if you ever end up there, highly recommended [01:20] <chu> Thais generally have their little 4-piece rack with like dried chilli, wet chilli (in fish sauce), sugar and salt. They kind of go on the idea "You can have it however you wan, we give you *this* dish, and you add to it as you need to". [01:21] <bazhang> sounds great [01:21] <bazhang> and that thai mini dish is fun to add from [01:22] <chu> Yeah dude, it's awesome. You can actually do so much with the flavours here. Although, I tend to think Thais generally use too much sugar. [01:22] <elky> assuming they're still run by the same people of course. they also give you a plate piled high with shredded cabbage and carrot that's been drizzled with a ginger dressing. and their agedashi tofu is nice too [01:23] <chu> Is it like that purple cabbage? [01:23] <elky> a mix of green and purple if i recall [01:23] <chu> I love purple cabbage. [01:24] <elky> sydney is weird with good eats. some of the best are right next to train stations. at parramatta station there is/was a really good thai place [01:25] <chu> Yeah, Canberra has "Amazing, flashy French(insert other fancy country) cuisine" but it's ridiculously expensive, or "Terrible, cheap take-away(insert other fast food chain)" and really, very few in between. [01:27] <chu> From what I understand, there's interest in making a section of the CBD sort of the "food capital" of Canberra, but there are always new proposals and very little action, so I don't know what will happen. [01:44] <bazhang> yikes insanely huge earthquake just now [01:45] <valorie> where, bazhang? [01:45] <bazhang> taiwan valorie [01:46] <valorie> :( [01:46] <valorie> damn old ring of fire [01:46] <bazhang> unusual for taipei to have such a huge one [01:46] <bazhang> the computer nearly came clean off the desk [01:46] <valorie> yikes! [01:46] <bazhang> ikr [01:46] <genii> Whoa! [02:23] <elky> geonerding commencing in 3... 2... [02:29] <elky> not quite 30km down, probably shallow enough to wipe out slums and stuff :-/ [02:31] <elky> wait how did this turn into an offtopic channel? [09:19] <Ben64> 101 lines of off topic isn't enough? [09:20] <Tm_T> it's enough, which is why I quieted them now [09:20] <Tm_T> what bothers me is the behaviour of other people in the channel [09:20] <Ben64> no you haven't [09:20] <Tm_T> ha you're right, fixed that [09:22] <Ben64> i just don't see the point in letting people like that continue [09:22] <Tm_T> I would have stopped them long time ago if other wouldn't have been too hostile from the begin with [09:23] <Ben64> well that makes no sense [09:24] <Tm_T> when there's several people slapping around it's less easy to tackle the case with a clear cut [09:26] <Tm_T> oh boy, I'm getting more annoyed by people behaving badly because there's troll than the troll themselves ): [10:07] <Myrtti_> it took me a while to realise I did it too, some years back. now its painful to watch when others do it. [17:47] <bynarie> hello is anyone available? i would like to inquire about getting my ban lifted from #ubuntu please [18:38] <Pici> bynarie: I'm afraid that we're not willing to do that at this time. [18:41] <bynarie> ok no problem [18:41] <bynarie> thanks for atleast replying [18:42] <bynarie> have a good day
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ben64", "Myrtti_", "Pici", "Tm_T", "bazhang", "bynarie", "chu", "elky", "genii", "pleia2", "valorie" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ops" }
[12:21] * mpt discovers [12:23] <mpt> Wow, I wish I’d seen that four years ago
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "mpt" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-design" }
[00:09] <toi> bonjour, j'ai besoin d'aide au niveau du grub, comment peut-on enlever le choix, donc j'ai supprime windows et je veux juste XUBUNTU. Windows ne vaut pas la peine de travailler avec ca.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "toi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-qc" }
[07:51] <noob> anyone up [07:52] <Guest23440> I got Bzr-Explorer here, and a repo to contribute to.. never used bzr before and have some experience with git.. [07:52] <Guest23440> by a repo.. i basically meant a team on launchpad [07:53] <Guest23440> eixt [07:53] <Guest23440> exit
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Guest23440", "noob" ], "url": "", "channel": "#bzr" }
[06:11] <Jay____> Hello All [06:11] <Jay____> I am developer. [06:11] <Jay____> Previously our application was using Launchpad OpenId login service [06:12] <Jay____> But that is too old Now we are yet to convert it to OpenID connect [06:12] <Jay____> I am confused Launchpad still provide OpenID Connect API service for Login? [06:38] <Jay____> Any suggestion please. [06:38] <Jay____> Anyone alive? [06:55] <maxb> OpenID and OpenID Connect are very different protocols, despite the similar names [06:55] <maxb> There is no reason that a site providing one will necessarily provide the other [06:56] <maxb> I have not heard of OpenID Connect and Launchpad mentioned together before [06:56] <maxb> So I'm guessing you should simply continue using OpenID [06:57] <Jay____> Yes. Thank you for your answer. I know that both technologies are very different. [06:57] <Jay____> Most popular providers (Which were supporting OpenID) are now providing loging API using Oauth 2.0 combined with OpenID Connect. [06:58] <Jay____> So I was hopping that Launch pad will do the same. [06:58] <Jay____> But as you have said I also Google and found no related suggestion regarding Launchpad OpenId connect. [06:59] <Jay____> Thank you for answering. [06:59] <Jay____> Bye [22:46] <sergio_br22> trying to build a package, it works in a clean environment (virtualbox), but not in launchpad: [22:47] <sergio_br22> . [22:47] <sergio_br22> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xa9' in position 1037: ordinal not in range(128) [22:47] <sergio_br22> E: pybuild pybuild:256: build: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=1: /usr/bin/python3 build [22:48] <sergio_br22> any idea? [22:49] <teward> i think you have unicode in there you have to strip out somewhere [22:50] <teward> but I'm not 100% certain [22:50] <sergio_br22> you mean, the problem is in the source? Not in the packaging? [22:51] <teward> not 100% certain, can't attest to either of those myself [23:04] <sergio_br22> data_files = [ [23:04] <sergio_br22> ("share/pixmaps", ["xdg/m64py.png"]), [23:04] <sergio_br22> ("share/applications", ["xdg/m64py.desktop"]), [23:04] <sergio_br22> for me, it's right [23:07] <sarnold> does m64py.desktop contain characters outside ascii limits? [23:09] <sergio_br22> let me see [23:10] <sergio_br22> is '\xa9' an @ ? [23:11] <sarnold> not @ but © [23:11] <sarnold> at least in iso-8859-1 a9 is an © [23:12] <sergio_br22> there is a © in src/m64py/ui/license.ui [23:12] <sarnold> aha; you can try removing it and see if your build progresses further [23:12] <sergio_br22> but in the log, this file does not appears [23:13] <sarnold> or you can try figuring out if there's something else you can do to the build environment to let it go further, like it did with your vm.. [23:14] <sergio_br22> well, I installed only these packages: debhelper dh-python python3 python3-pyqt5 pyqt5-dev-tools [23:15] <sarnold> my wild-ass-guess is that you've got your local build running in en_US.UTF-8 and the build is running in C -- but I don't know what to suggest to fix that. [23:16] <sarnold> .. or local build in pt_BR.UTF-8, or whatever :) hehe [23:17] <sergio_br22> heh [23:32] <sergio_br22> ok, it was the ©, but now it's '\u201c' [23:40] <sergio_br22> ergh, “ and ” [23:47] <teward> unicode and bytestryings are a pain aren't they :P [23:48] <teward> (pytrhon headaches for IRC bot people too xD) [23:55] <sarnold> what annoys me is that things that worked alright in 2.x broke in 3.x. :( [23:56] <sergio_br22> yay, worked
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Jay____", "maxb", "sarnold", "sergio_br22", "teward" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad" }
[00:04] <afrotimy> Hi [00:05] * genii makes more coffee [00:07] <valorie> sounds like a good idea, genii [00:07] * valorie makes puppy eyes over the empty mug [00:07] * genii slides valorie a fresh mug [00:08] <valorie> \o/ [00:08] * bprompt notices valorie thinks she has an empty mug, when in fact, the mug is filled to the top with oxygen and nitrogen [00:09] <valorie> lol [00:09] <valorie> I got my lungs full of that out in the yard mowing the lawn [00:10] <valorie> unfortunately with a side-helping of pollen [00:11] <bprompt> I mean, at few decades ago, folks used to think the galaxy space was empty, well obviously not [00:12] <valorie> bprompt: did you see the dark matter map? [00:12] <bprompt> valorie: nope....I guess I could... lots of astronomy is very theoretical though, very good educated guesses [00:13] <valorie> [00:13] <valorie> pretty fascinating [00:19] <bprompt> hmm [01:40] <Etriaph> My kingdom to be able to save places in Dolphin again. [01:44] <valorie> Etriaph: is there a bug filed for that yet? [01:44] <Etriaph> Yup, low priority [01:45] <Etriaph> But... [01:45] <Etriaph> argh [01:45] <valorie> ok [06:07] <soee> good morning [07:58] <lordievader> Good morning. [09:21] <PhiSYS> Hello. Is this the right place to ask for "support"? I just upgraded Kubuntu Vivid Beta 2 and rendered it unusable upon reboot [09:24] <Avihay_work> PhiSYS: I think there's supposed to be a channel for kubuntu-next, if thats what you are asking [09:25] <PhiSYS> ok ty [09:35] <jubo2> How do I check how many bits my GNU/Linux has ? [09:36] <jubo2> command --switch | grep "something" ? [09:36] <jubo2> I have this same installed in a VirtualBox [09:37] <jubo2> maybe is 32 bit with 32+4 addressing [09:38] <jubo2> uname -m [09:44] <lordievader> Avihay_work: #ubuntu+1 is for Vivid ;) [09:46] <Avihay_work> uhh, thanks, forgot (more like never committed to memory even though I've seen it) [09:46] <lordievader> jubo2: What does uname -m output? [09:47] <jubo2> it's 32-bit [09:47] <jubo2> i686 it prints [09:48] <Avihay_work> ok, this is nice [09:48] <jubo2> Installing Eclipse [09:48] <Avihay_work> jubo2: run kinfocenter, go to the about system "information module" [09:49] <jubo2> Now I need to start eclipse.. where was that wiki tab now.. [09:53] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [09:58] <Avihay_work> hi [11:21] <human_blip> /msg NickServ identify woMbatT [11:22] <lordievader> human_blip: Time to change your irc password. [11:22] <human_blip> haha [11:43] <jubo2> I get error [11:43] <jubo2> 'tools.jar' seems to be not in Android Studio classpath. [11:43] <jubo2> Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE. [11:44] <jubo2> How do I check if I have JDK [11:44] <jubo2> which I prlly don't [11:48] <BluesKaj> jubo2, I just look in muon, and I donm't have it installed either [14:05] <kdEFanboy> Hello! Do you know how to pin google desktop apps into the taskbar? All i get with "Show a launcher when it's closed" is that the given app is in the same launcher as my google chrome launcher [14:28] <revator> Just installed Kubuntu 15.04 beta 2, updated to current package versions, and can't find how to use greeter-show-manual-login=true in /etc/lightdm/* type tricks to allow arbitrary username entry. so how does one do this these days? [14:30] <revator> (also set greeter-hide-users at same time, etc, found the /usr/* versions of those lightdm config files, etc, but none of them seem to work) [14:30] <BluesKaj> revator, so you chose lightdm as your default login greeter, normally it's sddm in the image/iso files [14:30] <revator> oh, it's not lightdm anymore? [14:30] <genii> Not by default [14:31] <revator> sddm is fine, I just didn't realize. [14:32] <BluesKaj> revator, I chose sddm since it's what I used in the previous 15.04 [14:32] <revator> ah, [14:33] <BluesKaj> I don't recall any other option in the daily iso [14:34] <revator> okay, so, I'll be Googling this too, but, how does one tell sddm to just present a username/password prompt and not try to infer available users (it's LDAP-based)? [14:34] <revator> doesn't show anything obvious [14:34] <BluesKaj> but this isnstall is upgraded via do-release-upgrade -d, and that's why the lightdm option showed up I reckon [14:35] <revator> (and I'm not at that computer at the moment, but there was some /usr/local/share or /usr/share/local lightdm config, which would be kind of strange, if using sddm) [14:37] <revator> doesn't seem to have any obvious settings to just show username and password prompt either. is this, in fact, easily possible with sddm or is it easier to reinstall lightdm? [14:38] <revator> (as you apparently by other means have kept installed) [14:38] <genii> If you need arbitrary name entry probably better to make lightdm-kde-greeter default [14:40] <revator> Good to know. Just found about "A simple username field entry" from a few days ago too. I get minimalistic, 'light', etc, but there's a reason why older software has tended to accrete code. It's not all pointless [14:41] <revator> They blame the breeze greeter, in any case, rather than sddm per se, and suggest choosing aother greeter. Such as lightdm I suppose. [14:42] <revator> (but I can't tell if the sddm people replying are tacitly claiming that it /shouldn't/ be part of sddm, and if one wants that, just switch greeter, or that sddm /can/ support it, but that kubuntu somehow doesn't. flyingDavid isn't real clear on this point) [14:43] <genii> Yes, I've been finding that overall the sddm documentation is sorely lacking. [14:44] <revator> I guess lots of cargo-culting from Google results which will spawn soon after 15.04's official release, then [16:41] <bogdan> hi. is it possible to create a live kubuntu usb on ubuntu unity? can i use startup disk? or i need something else? [16:44] <genii> You can make any *buntu livecd/liveusb from any other *buntu. Just download the iso file for the one you want, then use dd to put it on the disc or stick [16:44] <genii> Well, dd for usb stick, burn the iso file otherwise to appropriate media [16:45] <MoonUnit`> use usb-creator-gtk if you need persistence. [16:46] <BluesKaj> bogdan, Kubuntu is ubuntu with the KDE desktop, so adding KDE/Kubuntu-Desktop to ubuntu should be done in the installed ubuntu OS [17:12] <jubo2> I get message [17:12] <jubo2> 'tools.jar' seems to be not in Android Studio classpath. [17:12] <jubo2> Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE. [17:13] <jubo2> I know this is really newb question but how do I set JAVA_HOME [18:08] <bogdan> pff any linux i am installing i get some errors at the beggining of the installation....and i cannot see what cuz is very fast [18:08] <bogdan> i think i have some problems with my laptop [18:08] <gazalam> Like what? [18:11] <lordievader> bogdan: Any scrap of error you did see? [18:11] <bogdan> like i said, i cannot see the error cuz is fast and i cannot read it [18:11] <lordievader> Hmm, where in the boot process do you get these errors? [18:12] <bogdan> yes just before i get the installation screen [18:14] <bogdan> and another prob. i just finished to install kubuntu and it asked for restart. i restarted and now is just a black screen is not starting. only if i press space. it should start without pressing anything right? [18:16] <bogdan> any suggestions of which are the first things i need to do after installing kubuntu? [18:19] <lordievader> bogdan: Do you get the grub menu when you hold shift after the bios screen? [18:19] <bogdan> i did not tried that. i am logged in already [18:21] <lordievader> So it works? [18:21] <bogdan> yes it does. but i am worried about that error from the begining [18:22] <bogdan> is there any site where i can find all the terminal commands i need for kubuntu? [18:22] <lordievader> If you don't have any problems I wouldn't worry. [18:23] <gazalam> if you are curious check out the boot log at: /var/log/boot.log [18:26] <MoonUnit`> 15.04 displays a systemd "starting version 219" message and if you have internal card reader it will spit out an error about them at startup. [18:28] <BluesKaj> and old 1.1 and 2.0 usb ports [18:43] <bogdan> can i use pacman for kubuntu or thats only for arch? [18:50] <MoonUnit`> no, debian based distros use dpkg/apt. [19:29] <bogdan> damn kubuntu is awesome. is there any website where i can see all the konsole commands? [19:30] <Dragnslcr> Konsole doesn't have its own commands. It just uses a normal shell (probably bash) [19:31] <bogdan> kubuntu 14.10is the latest one? [19:31] <MoonUnit`> google for linux command line cheat sheet [19:33] <bogdan> kubuntu is very similar with openSUSE at least at design [19:35] <BluesKaj> bogdan, KDE looks very similar on many distros as does untty and gnome [19:35] <BluesKaj> err unity :) [19:40] <bprompt> bogdan: kde is kde, either debian, or mandriva or suse [19:40] <SonikkuAmerica> It's all the same KDE; what did you expect? :) [19:59] <bogdan> can anybody tell me why i get this mes [19:59] <bogdan> message when one torrent it finished download? [19:59] <amari> Is this the most current ISO for kubuntu right now? [20:00] <bogdan> i see there torrent stoped by error and some corrupted file and all those stuff [20:00] <amari> Btw, is it possible to install languages in Kubuntu 15.04? [20:02] <MoonUnit`> amari: yes to both [20:02] <amari> MoonUnit`: Is it in the system settings like the previous releases? [20:02] <MoonUnit`> yup [20:03] <amari> thanks :) . Is KDE5 ready for daily use? I guess some rough edges but most things work correctly am I right? [20:04] <MoonUnit`> i've been using it daily but some features are missing [20:05] <Etriaph> Does anyone know which package in 15.04 is responsible for IM account storage? [20:05] <bogdan> can anybody tell me pls why i get this message after a torrent is done downloading? [20:05] <amari> MoonUnit`: like what for example...tnx [20:06] <MoonUnit`> i used to be able to script my screen to turn off when locking, others miss being able to have seperate desktop images in virtual desktops. [20:07] <amari> Those things will come back as the development continues... [20:08] <bogdan> anybody able to answer me ? [20:09] <Dragnslcr> bogdan: that isn't an error message, it's the configuration for notifications [20:09] <Etriaph> bogdan: ^ [20:10] <bogdan> aaa that means all of those things from that list are just the things about ill get notification in case of need? [20:16] <Etriaph> Yes, you can configure notifications to spawn when ktorrent reaches specific states. [20:20] <bogdan> damn i love kubuntu [20:20] <bogdan> sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade is still working on kubuntu or is only for ubuntu?# [20:21] <MoonUnit`> it's the same [20:21] <bogdan> how about pacman? or pacman is only fr arch? [20:21] <amari> bogdan: It doesn't matter, wors the same [20:21] <amari> *works [20:21] <amari> pacman is for arch [20:21] <bogdan> ok [20:22] <bogdan> how can i enable repository? i see that is not like on ubuntu [20:24] <MoonUnit`> you can get to it though Muon or run software-properties-kde from command line [20:24] <MoonUnit`> *through [20:25] <bogdan> i enabled canonical how about cdrom do i need that? [20:26] <genii> No [20:29] <bogdan> i see here source code is not checked. do i need to check the box? [20:44] <MoonUnit`> no [22:27] <electragician> Hi folks, I'm sort of new to Kubuntu, though I have been a user of other desktops and distributions for a while. A question: Is there any word if the developers plan to setup a PPA to get Plasma 5.3 or newly ported KDE apps using Framework 5 into the upcoming 15.04 release? Hopefully I'm phrasing that question properly. [22:31] <darthanubis> That info is on the kubuntu website [22:35] <electragician> Thanks. Looking now, but I'm not seeing anything. [22:35] <mparillo> The short answer is yes, via backports after the release. [22:37] <electragician> Ah, thank you! I just discovered the backports PPA for Kubuntu 15.04 (I've been using it for a couple of weeks now). Looks like there's already an updated Digikam package in there. Awesome [23:17] <naufalshidqi> hai
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Avihay_work", "BluesKaj", "Dragnslcr", "Etriaph", "MoonUnit`", "PhiSYS", "SonikkuAmerica", "afrotimy", "amari", "bogdan", "bprompt", "darthanubis", "electragician", "gazalam", "genii", "human_blip", "jubo2", "kdEFanboy", "lordievader", "mparillo", "naufalshidqi", "revator", "soee", "valorie" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu" }
[04:17] <sqwishy> How do I debug my `start on` stanza? [04:18] <sqwishy> It's starting earlier than I'd like [04:18] <sqwishy> Is there a way to do it without restarting the system?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "sqwishy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#upstart" }
[06:45] <mvo> pitti: hi, if you have a moment, I would greatly appreciate you help with udev :) I work on a end-to-end test of the new hardware assign feature, I created a snap with an assign rule for ttyS0 and on install it generates the following rule: but the subsequent udevadm info seems to not show the snappy-assign tag, is there anything that I'm missing here? [06:45] <mvo> pitti: hm, to be exact I have the tag after a reboot, so I guess I need to trigger a re-read of the udev rules(?) [06:55] <dholbach> good morning [08:20] <pitti> Good morning [08:20] <pitti> mvo: o/ Gruesse aus London (Bluefin) [08:20] <mvo> pitti: hey, good morning! [08:20] <pitti> mvo: wrt. the branch, I think there might still be something wrong [08:20] <mvo> pitti: how is the jetlag :) ? [08:21] <pitti> mvo: I didn't get any /dev/null failures while the ACL setting was still broken, so I wonder if the "deny all" rule was actually applied [08:21] <mvo> pitti: aha, ok [08:21] <pitti> mvo: well, getting slightly better; the strong English breakfast tea helps :) [08:21] <pitti> mvo: how is your's? [08:21] <mvo> pitti: I did a end-to-end this morning and ttyS0 got assigned, but of course that is just the allow [08:22] <mvo> pitti: I'm pretty tired :) but indeed, tea helps [08:22] <pitti> mvo: yes, if you just install the rule, you need udevadm control --reload [08:22] <pitti> mvo: ^ well, maybe; actually you might not need it for new .rules files [08:23] <pitti> mvo: but for sure a new udev rule doesn't apply to already existing machines, you need to udevadm trigger those [08:23] <mvo> pitti: aha, so udevadm trigger after the rules get installed? I will add that [08:23] <pitti> mvo: udevadm trigger --verbose --name-match=ttyS0 [08:24] <mvo> pitti: nice, thanks [08:24] <pitti> mvo: the --verbose shows the triggered devices (you can leave this out on the final commit, of course) [08:24] <pitti> mvo: that will re-apply the rules on an existing device, i. e. synthesize a "change" event [08:26] <mvo> pitti: thanks, I will add that to my code [08:26] <mvo> pitti: I guess I need to write code that maps all the matches in the yaml to the udevadm trigger ? or can I do a global trigger? [08:26] <pitti> mvo: you can trigger everything too, yes [08:26] <mvo> how horrible is that? [08:27] <pitti> mvo: on a desktop this might lead to some undesired effects, like keyboard layouts getting reconfigured etc. [08:27] <pitti> mvo: but for the most part it sohuld be okay [08:27] <mvo> ok, thanks! so just udevadm trigger? [08:27] <pitti> mvo: actually, it's much easier: [08:27] <pitti> mvo: you can use the same udevadm trigger command as in my shell PoC [08:27] <pitti> mvo: just without the --dry-run [08:28] <pitti> mvo: that will trigger exactly those devices which got assigned to that app [08:28] <mvo> pitti: sweet, thanks! [08:28] <mvo> so just "udevadm trigger --verbose --dry-run --tag-match=snappy-assign --property-match=SNAPPY_APP=$APPNAME" :) ? [08:28] <mvo> well, without the --dry-run [08:28] <pitti> udevadm trigger --verbose --tag-match=snappy-assign --property-match=SNAPPY_APP=foo [08:28] <pitti> mvo: right [08:29] <mvo> pitti: \o/ [08:29] <mvo> pitti: about the deny-all, will you look into this or should I do that once I finished the change above? [08:29] <pitti> mvo: I'm looking into it [08:29] <pitti> mvo: did you get the other fixes? [08:29] <mvo> thanks! [08:30] <mvo> pitti: some changes, nothing major, r32 is my latest version [08:30] <mvo> pitti: I was working on a example snap, the go code and a end-to-end test [08:30] <pitti> mvo: ah, I see you merged my stuff, good [08:31] <mvo> pitti: yes, thank you very much for this! [08:41] <pitti> $ echo > /dev/null [08:41] <pitti> bash: /dev/null: Operation not permitted [08:41] <pitti> mvo: ^ I took /dev/null out of the static list, and now get that [08:41] <pitti> mvo: IOW, it's all good [08:41] <pitti> mvo: just wanted to double-check [08:41] <mvo> pitti: \\\o/// [08:41] <mvo> (spide hug ;) [08:41] <mvo> spider even [08:41] <pitti> mvo: you have *that* many arms? you scare me! [08:41] * mvo hates jetlag [08:42] <mvo> and not even enough arms for a spider - oh well! [08:42] * mvo drops into koma [08:45] <asac> spider hug is nice ;) [08:45] * asac wonder if i heard that expression before [08:46] <mvo> probably not, its my jetlag speaking ;) [09:08] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Chinese Language Day! :-D [09:27] <mvo> asac, Chipaca, sergiusens: so the hardware yaml looks like this right now: - my question is if we should include the namespace in the app-id, i.e. should it be exclusive to the app.namespace or is app ok (frameworks can not be forked so for most of the use-cases this is probably ok). but I want to double check [09:28] <Chipaca> mvo: hardware is another kind of snap? [09:28] <mvo> fwiw, thats the only open question otherwise I think all the bits for hardware assign from a oem snap are ready [09:28] <pitti> mvo: ah, I didn't check -- did you happen to have the time to upload those fixes for the failed two units? [09:29] <pitti> mvo: if not, where could I commit these changes? [09:29] <Chipaca> mvo: or is it part of the oem kind? [09:29] <mvo> pitti: I did, but it seems like its still broken because our pathes are writable only later [09:29] <mvo> pitti: i.e. the seed path is RO when systemd needs it and only made writable later [09:29] <pitti> mvo: ah, ok; that should be in devel-proposed? [09:29] <Chipaca> mvo: if part of the oem, i think sergio was going to make them namespaceless [09:29] <pitti> mvo: the tmpfiles.d thing ought to work now? [09:29] <mvo> pitti: yes the path is writable but I think its too late [09:30] <mvo> pitti: I think so, the only missing one was the random seed [09:30] <pitti> mvo: ok, so that sounds like another one which we move to the initramfs, or we just mask the service entirely [09:30] <mvo> Chipaca: the app-id can be any app, the idea is that e.g. robot-maker has a robot-oem and a robot-framework and assign the /dev/robot-brain in the oem to the robot-framework app [09:30] <mvo> asac: -^ thats right, right? [09:31] <asac> right [09:31] <mvo> pitti: yeah, there was a simiilar issue before iirc, but I don't remember the details right now without looking in the bzr log [09:31] <asac> mvo: its not app id [09:31] <asac> its part id [09:31] <asac> can be any part ;) [09:31] <asac> framework, app [09:31] <asac> ubuntu-core maybe even [09:32] <asac> (though the latter for sure not right now) [09:32] <mvo> asac: ups, I can rename that, no problem [09:32] <pitti> mvo: hm, that fix isn't in devel-proposed yet apparently (just flashed a fresh image) [09:32] <mvo> pitti: let me check [09:33] <mvo> pitti: hm, I see it at the end of /etc/system-image/writable-paths, /var/lib/systemd/random-seed but the dir is missing, thats probably the problem [09:34] * mvo tests [09:36] <pitti> mvo: I mean /var/lib/machines/ is missing as well, tmpfiles is failing [09:36] <mvo> asac: so should I add the namespace there when I create the launcher? i.e. if I install hello-world from canonical should the part-id be hello-world.canonical? or should it be namespaceless? if you say any partid it seems we want the namespace. which makes sideloading a bit ugly and also that the oem snap needs to know the namespace of the final store package but that is probably ok [09:36] <Chipaca> lool: you around? [09:37] <mvo> pitti: I have that dir in r404 [09:37] <mvo> pitti: what is your image id? [09:37] <pitti> mvo: *brown paperbag* [09:37] <pitti> mvo: no, I never forget to actually give a --channel option! [09:38] <asac> mvo: hmm [09:38] <pitti> mvo: image 404, nice! and it found it :) [09:38] <mvo> pitti: :) no worries [09:38] <asac> mvo: i think built-in field in oem snap allows both? [09:38] <mvo> pitti: hahahahaha [09:40] <asac> mvo: i think semantic should be like the install ... if no namespace is given it resolves to what really got installed and usese that [09:40] <asac> if namespace is given, it obviously uses that [09:41] <asac> if oem gives access to a part not even installed then thats a fail [09:41] <pitti> mvo: ah, /var/lib/systemd/random-seed doesn't exist at all, I figure that might be a problem as well [09:41] <asac> e.g. dont allow assigning hardware tos tauff that isnt getting installed in oemn [09:41] * asac also feels the jet [09:43] <pitti> mvo: merely touching the file is enough [09:43] <pitti> mvo: then it actually gets mounted (that fails for nonexisting files), and now systemctl --failed is empty \o/ [09:44] <mvo> pitti: nice [09:46] <mvo> asac: hm, so not allowing parts that are not installed is tricky as the oem part is installed first right now and then the others, at this point I really would like to keep it simple. I think I go with the namespace as this should not cause any problems and we can expand later(?) [09:49] <asac> mvo: ack .... lets just document it cleany [09:49] <mvo> asac: cool, I will do that [09:57] <Chipaca> mvo: about 'go remove pkg' only removing the active one, should purge do the same? [09:57] <Chipaca> mvo: there is common code there i could factor out in a branch and make it behave like that, if so :) [10:06] <mvo> Chipaca: I think purge and remove should behave the same, yeah, asac is of course the ultimate authority here but unless he says otherwise I think thats sensible [10:06] <Chipaca> i might put one of my cards back from 'in progress' to 'must do' and pick up that one, if asac can confirm [10:07] <mvo> Chipaca: ok [10:07] <asac> Chipaca: whats the question? [10:07] <mvo> asac: Chipaca> mvo: about 'go remove pkg' only removing the active one, should purge do the same? [10:07] <Chipaca> asac: should purge and remove behave in the same way wrt how its argument is interpreted? ie whether 'remove foo' should remove all forks or just the active one, etc [10:08] <mvo> heh .) [10:08] <asac> same behaviour [10:08] <asac> whether its correct as is i dont know :) [10:08] <asac> but lets stick to what we have (sound reasonable without thinking too hard) [10:10] <Chipaca> asac: there's a card to change what we have slightly [10:10] <Chipaca> asac: and what we have right now is slightly different behaviour for remove and purge [10:10] <Chipaca> asac: so we should at least make them the same :) [10:10] <Chipaca> asac: and while i'm at it, we can choose what 'the same' means :D [10:12] <asac> Chipaca: what options do we have? [10:13] <Chipaca> asac: if you have foo.canonical and foo.asac installed, should 'remove foo' remove both of them, or only the active one? [10:14] <asac> Chipaca: hmm. might be difficult, but one half of me thinks that we shoujld remove whatever the foo alias points to currently in store [10:14] <asac> but might be wrong [10:15] <asac> Chipaca: how does the world in snappy list look like? [10:15] <asac> and snappy search [10:15] <asac> i think those might give some guidance [10:15] <asac> if you could paste those for both scenarios [10:17] <Chipaca> asac: "snappy list" always shows the namespace [10:17] <Chipaca> snappy search does not, if it's got an alias [10:20] <Chipaca> snappy search seems to be missing the option to show all forks -- i thought we'd done that? [10:20] * Chipaca is confused [10:21] <mvo> Chipaca: I have that on image r404 amd64 [10:21] <mvo> Chipaca: [10:23] <Chipaca> asac: current output of search vs list: [10:25] <Chipaca> mvo: yes, not sure why my snappy was an old one -- i'd probably been testing things for an old branch on there [10:37] <mvo> no worries [10:37] <mvo> good to raise it in case there are lurking issues :) [10:47] <asac> any idwea what this 8nzc1x4iim2xj1g2ul64 43 Returns for store credit only. is ? [10:47] <asac> Chipaca: ? [10:48] <Chipaca> asac: a package [10:48] <Chipaca> asac: it's called “Returns for store credit only.” [10:48] <Chipaca> asac: the package name is 8nzc1x4iim2xj1g2ul64 [10:49] <asac> why do we see that when searching for hello-world? [10:50] <Chipaca> asac: i don't know. possibly because the icon is called 'hello.svg'? but i'm not certain [10:50] <Chipaca> asac: elastic search question [10:50] <asac> beuno: ^ is that a good package? [10:50] <beuno> asac, Chipaca uploaded it! :) [10:50] <Chipaca> that i did! :) [10:50] <Chipaca> and it's very good. washes my dishes and everything. [10:51] <asac> Chipaca: ok, as long as that is not a bug :) [10:51] <Chipaca> indexing the icon filename might be a bug, but i'm not sure we can control that :) [10:51] <Chipaca> beuno: ? [10:51] <beuno> let me see why it matches [10:51] <asac> Chipaca: what does that package do? [10:52] <Chipaca> asac: uh... i think it's just 'hello world', renamed to something unique for testing purposes [10:52] <asac> ic [10:52] <Chipaca> asac: i wanted something i could be more or less sure nobody would find by accident [10:52] <beuno> (this is why Chipaca should never be allowed to name things) [10:52] <Chipaca> of course it turning up when looking for hello world defeats that :) [10:53] <Chipaca> beuno: hey, only *one* of my kids has a completely unpronounceable name! [10:53] <Chipaca> (for the brits, at least) [10:53] <beuno> Chipaca, the package description is "This is a simple hello world example." [10:53] <Chipaca> beuno: oops :) [10:53] <Chipaca> i guess i'll have to upload a new version that fixes that [10:53] <beuno> so ES is expecting an apologyu [10:54] <asac> Chipaca: i could imagine remove|purge --active|--inactive ... and otherwise remove all that are there [10:54] <Chipaca> beuno: good thing software is patient [10:55] <asac> Chipaca: i think having a name that is more descriptive would look nicer ... or have at least a better description stating "package with random name for testing purpose" [10:55] <mvo> pitti: hm, there seems to be still something missing in the udev foo, in the following pastebin I run udevadm trigger -v and still do not see ttyS0 even though the rule is availalbe and I called udevadm control --reload :/ details in - do you have any idea(s)? [10:56] <Chipaca> mvo: ^^ asac on remove removing everything by default [11:00] <asac> note that i dont have super strong feelings, just that if i look at list it feels to me that if i type remove hello-world i would expedcrt both to disappear [11:00] <mvo> pitti: so I had to do "udevadm control --reload-rules" and "udevadm trigger" to make it appear, is that correct? it seems the trigger is a bit broad but using the specific trigger appears to not cut it [11:01] * mvo gets lunch [11:01] <pitti> mvo: oh! [11:01] <pitti> mvo: of course, that can't work [11:02] <pitti> mvo: if the devices *had* a tag already, we wouldn't need the trigger; the new rule is the thing that adds the tag in the first place [11:02] <pitti> mvo: which is why your trigger didn't list any devices [11:02] <pitti> mvo: so yeah, do a full trigger for now [11:02] <ogra_> and a "udevadm settle" to make sure you dont add races ;) [11:03] <pitti> no, not necessary [11:03] <pitti> well, maye for apps which need to access the hardware right away, so it's indeed better, yes [11:03] <ogra_> well, i always find that safer ... [11:04] <mvo> pitti: thanks, will do [11:04] <pitti> ogra_: right [11:04] <ogra_> (if you have some late processed rule that mangles the device again or some such ...) [11:20] <asac> Chipaca: [11:20] <asac> that one is a bit unhappy on snappy list [11:21] <Chipaca> asac: ? [11:21] <asac> Chipaca: see the paste [11:21] <asac> snappy list isnt doing anything [11:21] <Chipaca> asac: did you install anything? [11:21] <asac> all other commands are also unhappy [11:21] <asac> Chipaca: nope [11:21] <asac> Chipaca: see the ls /apps/ [11:21] <asac> fresh install of the image as in paste [11:21] <asac> version version: 234 [11:22] <asac> using beagleblack.canonical fwiw [11:22] <Chipaca> asac: ok, i'll look into it in a bit [11:22] <asac> Chipaca: sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --oem beagleblack.canonical --channel edge --output mysnappy-arm.img [11:22] <asac> thats how i produdced it [11:22] <Chipaca> thanks [11:24] * Chipaca gets some coffee [11:25] <asac> Chipaca: reproducible on amd64 kvm with sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --oem amd64.canonical --channel edge --output my-snappy.img [11:25] <asac> guess that is quuicker to debug :) [11:26] <asac> guess its the oem snap that makes snappy unhappy [11:28] * Chipaca builds [11:37] <mvo> pitti: thanks again, the snappy hwassign stuff works now end to end, I just tested it with, ubuntu-core-launcher from the PPA and the snappy from my branch and I got access to /dev/ttyS0 [11:37] <mvo> asac: -^ first successful end-to-end :-D [11:41] <asac> \o/ [11:41] <asac> very good [11:44] <asac> i guess with that ogra can write his heating appliance finally :) [11:44] <asac> and start selling it :) [11:45] <ogra_> lol [11:45] <ogra_> i still have the prob that snappy cant properly handle the config in case of that app [11:51] <lool> Chipaca: i'm around, what's up? [11:52] <asac> ogra_: not sure what you mean [11:52] <asac> what config? [11:52] <Chipaca> lool: hello! have you any suggestions around how long we should wait between TERMing and KILLing a process that's been asked to stop and hasn't? [11:52] <asac> Chipaca: i think there was a field that folks could configure, but we wanted to set a maximum time theyh are allowed to request [11:53] <lool> Chipaca: less than 5 seconds [11:53] <asac> which should be pretty snappy :) [11:53] <asac> not suure if 5 seconds [11:53] <lool> Chipaca: is 5 seconds too long for your use case? [11:53] <asac> but not too far longer\ [11:53] <lool> if it needs more than 5 seconds, then we shoudl have an API for it [11:53] <Chipaca> lool: there was a stop-timeout, capped at 90 seconds*, but this is not that [11:53] <lool> but the default should be less than 5 seconds [11:53] <Chipaca> um, asac^ [11:53] <mvo> heh :) I suggested 15s, Chipaca went with 2s [11:54] <lool> 2s is a bit aggressive for a busy system shutting everything down [11:54] <Chipaca> lool: I had it at 2 seconds, but mvo points out that a python process on bbb takes that long to start :) [11:54] <ogra_> asac, fhem has all its config files inside the webroot and offers the user a web way to edit them ... i cant leave the files in the snappy package location (because they wouldnt be editable) and snappy wouldnt merge a new upstrema config with sme altered bits on upgrades ... [11:54] <mvo> yeah, I don't really mind, afterall there was a stop command before that already hit a timeout [11:54] <ogra_> we dont have any way to handle that scenario [11:54] <ogra_> apart from me writing higly complicated merge tools [11:54] <lool> so basically we should leave processes enough time that they can save simple state, but not unload megabytes of data [11:55] <Chipaca> mvo: note my ping to lool precedes my commit (and your review) :) [11:55] <lool> if they need to finish a long running job, or request more time, they need an API to express that [11:55] <lool> since we dont have that API for now, I'd rather we be conservative and leave it a bit longer for now [11:55] <Chipaca> 5 seconds is fine, i think [11:55] <lool> typically on the desktop you could do things like prompt the user, or show that some processes are still saving [11:55] <lool> Chipaca: yup [11:56] <lool> I believe it's also the shutdown timeout that sysv used years back :-) [11:57] <Chipaca> this reminds me. pitti: [11:57] <plorenz> hi - i wrote a simple shell script and built a snap file from it. after installing, i always get an error from app armor telling me "aa-exec: ERROR: profile 'testprojekt_mway_hello_1.0.0' does not exist". i wrote an app armor file choosing the default template and it is also installed, so what am i doing wrong? [11:58] <mvo> yeah, 5s works for me, thanks! [11:58] <Chipaca> plorenz: you wrote an apparmor file? [11:58] <Chipaca> plorenz: initially? or was that because of the aa-exec error? [11:59] <plorenz> Chipaca: i didn't initially - i just tried to solve that error ;) [11:59] <Chipaca> ah :) [11:59] <Chipaca> plorenz: that error looks a lot like an error we got while we were breaking things [11:59] <Chipaca> plorenz: maybe you're running a broken image? [12:00] <plorenz> Chipaca: could be, i'm running the raspberry pi image by lool from 15th april [12:00] <Chipaca> mmmhmm [12:00] <Chipaca> yah, that's probably got a broken snappy [12:00] <lool> hmm really [12:00] <plorenz> oh :/ is there a way to patch it? [12:00] <Chipaca> plorenz: want to update the system? then you get new, more exciting broken bits :-p [12:01] <lool> that's odd, we tested high level things liek docker on it [12:01] <Chipaca> lool: oh? interesting [12:01] <Chipaca> maybe i'm jumping to conclusions [12:01] <lool> I need to finish a couple of things then I'll try a simple snap on rpi [12:01] <Chipaca> plorenz: what are you doing when you get that error? [12:01] <plorenz> lool: thank you :) docker runs fine, also webdm [12:02] <lool> plorenz: perhaps tried an unmodified hello world; there might be a trivial typo that is causing a confusing error message [12:02] <lool> right, so other snaps get a profile [12:02] <plorenz> Chipaca: well, i have a script mway_hello and declared it as binary. i then run "testprojekt.mway_hello" and the error appears [12:02] <lool> plorenz: it sounds like there's a typo (like a name mismatch between this and that) but that we dont catch it for you [12:02] <lool> plorenz: I wonder if it's the underscore [12:02] <lool> plorenz: try with - [12:02] <lool> (that would be a bug we should catch, but wouldn't surprize me) [12:03] <plorenz> let me try that [12:03] <Chipaca> hmm, is _ valid in a binary? [12:03] <Chipaca> nope [12:03] <Chipaca> needs to match [a-zA-Z0-9+.-] [12:04] <mvo> its not right now, we might relax the rules, they are rather strict right now [12:04] <plorenz> oh okay - "snappy build" doesn't give me an error [12:04] <Chipaca> mvo: apparmor uses _ as a separator, afaik [12:04] <Chipaca> so we might need to pay more attention to some of the name mangling if we want it to be valid [12:05] <Chipaca> asac: for i in /oem/*; do mv $i $i.canonical; done will fix your image [12:06] <Chipaca> asac: it is indeed a problem with oem not having a namespace [12:06] <Chipaca> sergiusens: ^ [12:06] <plorenz> aah now it's running :) thanks a bunch! [12:07] <Chipaca> plorenz: you probably don't have the review tools installed, which are the ones that would have told you about that normally [12:08] <plorenz> Chipaca: how can i install them? [12:08] <Chipaca> plorenz: (they lag a little behind, so sometimes will tell you things are wrong when they aren't, or viceversa, but are in general useful) [12:09] <Chipaca> plorenz: click-reviewers-tool [12:09] <Chipaca> plorenz: click-reviewers-tools, actually [12:11] <plorenz> Chipaca: nice, it works :) thanks, and you're all doing a great job by the way! [12:12] <Chipaca> plorenz: \o/ [12:15] <asac> Chipaca: ok... thast odd, because i used beagleblack.canonical [12:15] <asac> so lets wait for serge [12:15] <Chipaca> asac: but if you look in /oem/ you'll see beagleblack, i expect [12:16] <Chipaca> asac: sergio knew this was going to be an issue. Because of your error I finally understood something he said on Friday :D [12:16] <Chipaca> I must say, sleeping 12 hours does wonders for one's comprehension of stuff [12:18] <mvo> Chipaca: could you give me a short summary of the problem or is it under control :) ? [12:18] <Chipaca> mvo: snappy quits if it finds a namespaceless snap where it expects a namespaceful one [12:18] <Chipaca> mvo: currently it expects oem snaps to be namespaceful [12:18] <Chipaca> mvo: snappy quits [12:19] <Chipaca> mvo: </summary> [12:19] <mvo> thanks, makes sense [12:19] <Chipaca> mvo: we need to either make oem snaps install themselves with a namespace, or make snappy treat them as frameworks wrt namespaces [12:20] <Chipaca> mvo: or something in between :) but right now they're broken [12:20] <Chipaca> are forks of oem snaps expected? [12:20] <mvo> Chipaca: yeah, I am slightly leaning towards option (2) but lets wait for sergiusens and his input [12:20] <Chipaca> i think sergio was too [12:20] <mvo> asac: -^-^ [12:21] <mvo> I have some stuff for review in he meantime ;) [12:21] <Chipaca> maybe :-p [12:21] <mvo> (and gave feedback) [12:21] * Chipaca looks [12:21] <asac> i dont know [12:21] <asac> i would have thought that in /apps/ frameworks also have namespaces [12:21] <Chipaca> mvo: i looked at your udev branch, and left it for somebody who actually knows udev [12:21] <asac> just that the binaries dont [12:21] <mvo> Chipaca: hahaha, so pitti needs to review it? thats fine :P [12:21] <asac> i feel we should avoid special casing namespace behaviour for new things [12:22] <Chipaca> mvo: the go code is good :) [12:22] <asac> but leave it to you guys [12:22] <Chipaca> asac: having namespaces in the files and directories impacts apparmor and such [12:22] <Chipaca> asac: hence why it's out [12:22] <pitti> mvo, Chipaca: please request a review from me, so that I'll get a mail [12:23] <mvo> Chipaca: would you prefer both branches reviewed by a udev guy? or only the one that writes the rules? [12:23] <Chipaca> asac: we had frameworks with namespaces but apparmor was all sad and aa-exec complained [12:23] <Chipaca> mvo: i'm only just looking at the other one :) [12:23] <mvo> ok, shout if I should ask for a additional reviewer for that :) [12:23] <mvo> and thanks! [12:23] <mvo> pitti: done, mail is out [12:24] <Chipaca> mvo: do you need to cd to .Path as well as give u-c-l .Path as its first arg? [12:28] <asac> Chipaca: ok. guess too late, but thought jdstrand said he could fix those namespace probs for frames [12:29] <Chipaca> asac: the other option we had was to create symlinks [12:29] <Chipaca> asac: which would've been worse, i think [12:34] <mvo> Chipaca: probably not, I think we should kill the CD and the path too, I can simplify stuff [12:35] <Chipaca> mvo: otoh it's closer to what will be done for them for services, with WorkingDirectory [12:35] <asac> Chipaca: sure. if jdstrand couldnt do it cleanly then go for that thing for release [12:35] <mvo> Chipaca: hm, good point, so I just kill it from the launcher for now [12:44] <Chipaca> mvo: some things inline [12:44] <mvo> Chipaca: I pushed the simplification now, thanks again (just omiting the baseDir in the launcher as first argument) [12:44] <mvo> Chipaca: thanks, I check that out now [12:52] <Chipaca> mvo: i see you missed the same thing i missed, wrt purge (and datadirs) [12:52] <Chipaca> mvo: package.yaml is not in the data dirs ;) [12:52] <Chipaca> mvo: and if you want to purge things that have been removed, looking for the package.yaml is not going to help [12:53] <dholbach> asac, kirkland, lool, slangasek: I sent you a mail about UOS planning - it'd be good if you could respond soon [12:53] <Chipaca> i guess i should put a comment there [12:53] <mvo> Chipaca: yeah, please do , maybe my poor jetlag brain will see it then :) [12:55] <mvo> kickinz1: btw, is the latest image good for you or do you still run into issue of stuff that does not work? I think we fixed the issues we know so it would be great if you could tell us if you need more or if its looking good [12:56] <kickinz1> testing right now the last image. [13:03] <jdstrand> fyi, we could fix the framework namespaces and make it work with apparmor [13:04] <jdstrand> he decided not to because it would make it so that namespaces had to be exposed to the apps that depended on them-- in two ways: [13:04] <Chipaca> mvo: good idea wrt making the thing inactive while purging [13:06] <jdstrand> 1. if a namespace was in the framework name and the framework policy allowed access to a file in the dir (eg, /apps/fwk.jdstrand/foo), then the framework policy would have something like '/apps/fwk.jdstrand/foo r,' in policy, then *apps* would have to use things like open('/apps/fwk.jdstrand') [13:07] <pitti> mvo: reviewed [13:07] <jdstrand> 2. since apps would have to know the framework to open(), they would then need to have in their yaml 'frameworks:\n - fwk.jdstrand' [13:07] <mvo> jdstrand: hey, I can work on your seccomp branch and fix/update the tests if you want, my hwassign stuff is done (except for reviewer feedback and final testing) [13:07] <jdstrand> this breaks several qualities of namespaces-- they can't be forked, they must be toplevel and apps shouldn't have to know the namespace [13:08] <jdstrand> asac, Chipaca: ^ (re fwk stuff) [13:08] <mvo> pitti: thanks a lot! a detailed code reivew from you is not needed, the improtant part is that the udev rules look valid in code and tests and nothing is obviously stupid [13:08] <Chipaca> jdstrand: yep, you were quite clear on that; i skipped over that part when telling asac about it all [13:08] <jdstrand> mvo: let me do the code cleanup first, then I can hand it to you [13:08] <Chipaca> jdstrand: sorry :) [13:09] <mvo> jdstrand: ok, either way is fine with me, I don't mind doing a cleanup along the way [13:09] <jdstrand> s/he decided/we decided/ [13:09] <mvo> jdstrand: looks good fwiw from a quick look over it [13:10] <jdstrand> mvo: I'm not happy with a few of the interfaces. I'm happy to handoff, there is just some 'this works now but is ugly' bits in there. let me take out the ugly. it won't take long then I'll handoff [13:11] <mvo> jdstrand: ok, no problem. don't get me wrong, I don't want to steal it from you or anything. I just figured with the questions about the click-reviewers-tools floating around this morning that this is also somehting that you probably want to work on and need time for :) (not sure if you have seen the backlog) [13:12] <jdstrand> (2. since apps would have to know the framework *namespace* to open(), they would have need...) [13:12] <asac> jdstrand: thats not clear to me... i thought that frameworks would export the parts that apps would refer to in PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc. [13:12] <jdstrand> mvo: I haven't and I want you to take it-- it wasn't ready to be reviewed just yet [13:12] <asac> jdstrand: why does app need to know where framework is on disk? [13:13] <jdstrand> asac: it depends on how the framwork is written. I said *if* a framework exposes a file [13:13] <jdstrand> and people will do it cause that is easy enough to do [13:14] <jdstrand> I literally just came online now-- why are we having this discussion now? [13:15] <Chipaca> jdstrand: probably because we broke snappy on the image if it has an oem installed [13:16] <jdstrand> let's fix that rather than reworking namespaces :) [13:18] <jdstrand> look, if people want to have .namespace in the fwk, we can fix apparmor (requires some patches). however, if we do we are redefining some qualities of frameworks [13:19] <jdstrand> and we are making it more difficult for consumers of the frameworks [13:20] <jdstrand> (yes, we could have an alias for a fwk, but are apps supposed to depend on an aliased name for a framework? I think not-- if the alias changed all those apps could break) [13:22] <jdstrand> I'm of the opinion that the dev experience is paramount and maintain my opinion that frameworks should not be namespaced [13:23] <jdstrand> if we are adding namespace back to the name, I need to know soon so I can update click-apparmor [13:47] <asac> mvo: Chipaca: i assume you guys have fixing regexps etc. for failures of self test in backlog? [13:47] <asac>*view*/ [13:47] <asac> Can not find '^No package 'fizzler' for ubuntu-core/devel.*' in 'Installing fizzler [13:49] <jdstrand> tyhicks: hey, we need someone to review mvo's launcher branch with highest priority. it includes seccomp, cgroups and I think namespace (for /dev/pts). can you work with mvo and get soemone on that? (sorry for the short notice) [13:49] <mvo> jdstrand: no namespaces yet, sorry, if its important I can look into that next though [13:49] <jdstrand> that's ok for now. we should add a trello card/file bug though for post 15.04 [13:59] <tyhicks> jdstrand: sure [13:59] <tyhicks> mvo: can I get a link to the branch? [14:00] <mvo> tyhicks: its here [14:00] <sergiusens> mvo: Chipaca I am finally here! Landed, drove home, slept (not even unpacked); what the executive summary? [14:00] <tyhicks> mvo: thanks! [14:00] <mvo> sergiusens: no catastrophes so far :) [14:01] <mvo> jdstrand: I wonder if would make sense? or is snappy build setting the wrong defaults here? [14:02] <sergiusens> mvo: Chipaca oh, oem; it's weird since I've been working with them with my branches (which I couldn't push yesterday as I had no ssh at the airport and no proxy I could use to get over that) [14:07] <jdstrand> mvo: yes-- likely. let me check [14:08] <jdstrand> we have to rework all this with the new world [14:09] * sergiusens puts on some wake up *faster* music [15:07] <jdstrand> mvo: is the Architecture field from DEBIAN/manifest used by snappy in any way? [15:07] <mvo> jdstrand: no, 99% sure it does not [15:14] <jdstrand> beuno: can you sync the store with r442? [15:14] <beuno> jdstrand, sure [15:14] <jdstrand> beuno, mvo, jodh (and asac): that ^ should fix the review tools for all warnings/errors for *default* snappy builds, except for hashes.yaml [15:15] <jdstrand> security yaml/other checks are not in there (will pick those and hashes up later this week) [15:16] <jdstrand> this is for 'type: app'. other types will have other issues (but again, will pick up this work later this week) [15:18] <mvo> jdstrand: nice, thanks a bunch [15:22] <jdstrand> dholbach: hey, are you up for uploading click-reviewers-tools based on the r442 branch? [15:22] <dholbach> jdstrand, sure [15:23] <jdstrand> dholbach: thanks! that doesn't have the big changes, but it has important small changes (see backscroll) [15:23] <dholbach> cool - great work everyone [15:24] <mvo> jdstrand: if you could ping me once the cleanup for the seccomp branch is done, that would be great [15:25] <jdstrand> mvo: yes-- it is close. I have one last thing after the meeting) [15:25] <mvo> jdstrand: no rush, I will get dinner and see what I can do after that [15:30] <dholbach> jdstrand, uploaded and accepted :) [15:33] <jdstrand> dholbach: thanks! [15:39] <dholbach> anytime [15:42] <sergiusens> asac: so amd64.canonical -> amd64 is fine? [15:42] <sergiusens> forgot to get the explicit ack [15:42] <asac> sergiusens: amd64-generic.canonical maybe? not sure [15:43] <sergiusens> asac: okie dokie, will re upload then as that [15:43] <asac> we dont use -generic for beagleblacks either [15:43] <asac> PC-amd64.canonical :) [15:43] <asac> :) [15:43] <sergiusens> asac: ok, keep in mind it will be all lower case [15:43] <asac> hmm [15:43] <asac> just more ideas [15:43] <asac> efi-amd64 [15:43] <sergiusens> pc-amd64 or x86-amd64 [15:44] <jdstrand> mvo: have we defined/implemented specifying no caps yet? [15:44] <sergiusens> asac: oh, efi and legacy bios boot options would be implicit according to my discussions last week with slangasek [15:45] <slangasek> they should absolutely not be separate channels/images [15:45] <mvo> jdstrand: that should work if you put "caps: []" there [15:45] <asac> slangasek: what you think about us naming oem snap that defines our amd64 generic base image pc-amd64 ? [15:45] <mvo> jdstrand: I think there is even a test for it, I can search for the branch that implements it, one sec [15:45] <asac> currently its named amd64.canonical :) [15:46] <mvo> jdstrand: I nocited you pushed a new seccomp branch, does that mean I can hack away now ;) ? [15:46] <slangasek> asac: why "pc"? [15:46] <asac> not sure... beuno didnt like it [15:46] <asac> to be just amd64 [15:46] <asac> and the snap name feels weird to me too [15:47] <slangasek> if this is just about the oem snap name and doesn't require me to change anything on the channels, I'm fine with it ;) [15:47] <jdstrand> mvo: yes, though I will have another change or two for the override bits [15:47] <slangasek> but why not 'generic-amd64'? [15:47] <mvo> jdstrand: cool, want to merge my branch that makes the tests pass again? [15:47] <slangasek> generic is nice and generic [15:47] <asac> slangasek: thats cool [15:47] <asac> thanks [15:47] <jdstrand> mvo: yes please [15:47] <jdstrand> mvo: where is that? [15:47] <jdstrand> mvo: this is click_test.go? [15:47] <asac> sergiusens: slangasek is the man from now on to pick those names :) [15:47] <asac> generic-amd64 it is [15:47] <slangasek> heh [15:48] <asac> thing is that there wont be a generic-armhf [15:48] <mvo> jdstrand: lp:~mvo/snappy/snappy.seccomp and there ./run-checks should hopefully work [15:48] <asac> just beagleblack :_) [15:48] <mvo> jdstrand: if not, shout at me :) [15:48] <asac> but tahts fine [15:48] <asac> slangasek: i thought maybe its ibmcompatible :) [15:48] <slangasek> hah [15:48] <asac> but guess thats not the term these days for all those amd64 machines, or is it? [15:48] <mvo> jdstrand: still lacks tests for the new stuff, you can also do "cd snappy && go test" to just run the snappy speciific ones [15:48] <mvo> jdstrand: I also ran your branch on my snappy test system and it worked nicely [15:48] <slangasek> indeed, lots of these things are not very "personal computer" :) [15:51] <mvo> jdstrand: anyway, I get some dinner now and will read scrollback, let me know if there is anything else that I can do, I will try hard to get the branch ready for review this evening so that we are really feature complete and that it all can land [15:52] <plars> sergiusens: can an image be successfully built for BBB now, and if so, what are all the pieces we need? I know you said on friday that the beaglebone.sergiusens one is no longer the one to use? [15:53] <sergiusens> plars: I need to release the udf I worked on during the weekend [16:00] <slangasek> sergiusens: to properly support BIOS+EFI, ./diskimage/core_grub.go needs some concept of the target architecture. How should the interface to this look? [16:02] <sergiusens> slangasek: architecture as in amd64 and armhf or a different layer of the arch concept? [16:02] <sergiusens> slangasek: I can get that going quickly if not needed by today (as in, do it tomorrow) [16:05] <slangasek> sergiusens: should only be amd64 vs. i386 vs. armhf, as far as I know [16:06] <slangasek> I'm assuming the only ARM grub target we're supporting is efi [16:06] <slangasek> oh, and arm64 [16:06] <slangasek> which is definitely efi [16:10] <beuno> jdstrand, review scripts are updated [16:11] <sergiusens> slangasek: k; I can work on this tomorrow; mind creating a card with all the requirements under a checklist so I don't miss anything? [16:12] <slangasek> sergiusens: hey, I wanted to hack on this, you're depriving me of the opportunity ;) [16:12] <slangasek> I was just looking for guidance on where you wanted the architecture exposed in the interface [16:12] <sergiusens> slangasek: ha, this needs some sort of refactor; but if you want to; feel free, just don't lose any hair :-) [16:13] <sergiusens> slangasek: architecture is exposed in the oem structure as oem.Architecture() [16:13] <slangasek> ok [16:13] <sergiusens> but you might get lost with all the backwards compatibility code paths [16:13] <slangasek> :-) [16:23] <jdstrand> beuno: thanks! [16:25] <sergiusens> asac: so I am going with x86-amd64 then for the oem package [16:25] <jdstrand> mvo: ok, branch updated. going to do some more blackbox testing [16:40] <mvo> jdstrand: cool, feel free to prpose for merging if you feel its ready, I will do a followup branch on that with added tests later tonight [16:41] <mvo> jdstrand: this way maybe Chipaca or sergiusens can do a review and we can hopefully build a test image with the feature tonight and I can make the launcher "strict" again (i.e. fail if seccomp policy file can not be found) [16:42] <slangasek> sergiusens: "x86-amd64"? do you mean "x86-64"? [16:42] <slangasek> x86-amd64 is awfully confusing [16:43] <sergiusens> slangasek: ok then [16:43] <jdstrand> mvo: the launcher on the image applies seccomp policies? [16:43] <sergiusens> slangasek: I really don't care; IOW, I just want to make the managers happy :-) [16:43] <mvo> jdstrand: it does, if it finds them [16:43] <slangasek> sergiusens: I thought the managers were already happy with generic-amd64 ;) [16:43] <jdstrand> ah good, that will help me in testing our seccomp policy with existing snaps [16:44] <jdstrand> (which is next on my list) [16:44] <sergiusens> slangasek: heh, asac wasn't as it was inconsistent with beagleblack (no generic word in there) [16:44] <mvo> jdstrand: cool! [16:45] <slangasek> sergiusens: "<asac> but tahts fine" ;) [16:45] <slangasek> sergiusens: anyway, I'm fine with either [16:45] <sergiusens> slangasek: oh, I missed that; so choose which one; last change before I upload ;-) [16:45] <slangasek> sergiusens: whichever one is quicker to implement! [16:45] <slangasek> ;P [16:45] <sergiusens> slangasek: lol, it's just a string [16:45] <mvo> jdstrand: keep me updated, I will be a bit on-and-off in irc in the next ~1h or so [16:46] <mvo> but will read scrollback [16:46] <jdstrand> mvo: ok, I proposed a merge [16:46] <mvo> ta [16:46] <jdstrand> mvo: thanks for your help on this :) [16:48] <sergiusens> mvo: btw, I fixed the error message for installing inexistent packages and removed the channel part as it was conceptually wrong (the channel is per package, not the system one) [16:48] <jdstrand> oh shoot a conflict [16:48] * jdstrand fixes [16:53] <sergiusens> jdstrand: yay, nice to see one less warning :-) [16:53] <sergiusens> jdstrand: mind to review btw :-D [16:54] <jdstrand> done [16:55] <jdstrand> mvo: ok, merge with trunk and conflicts resolved. there is one new test failure in purge_test.go that I left [16:55] <jdstrand> merged* [16:56] <sergiusens> beuno: alias for generic-amd64(.canonical) please? [16:56] <jdstrand> mvo: I'm moving on to policy testing now (unless I get feedback from others on the branch) [16:56] <mvo> jdstrand: ok, I take care of that, we can't (tarmac prevents that) merge with test failures, but no worries [16:57] <beuno> sergiusens, can you ask nessita instead, otp for a while [16:57] <sergiusens> beuno: sure, not sure who is able to do this still :-P [16:57] <beuno> sergiusens, it's a state secret [16:58] <sergiusens> lol [17:22] <tyhicks> jdstrand, mvo: the snappy launcher review is just a general security team review or is it for a MIR? [17:22] <jdstrand> tyhicks: both really [17:23] <mvo> tyhicks: I'm not sure what the difference is, but the seeds will probably pull it into main. how is it looking so far? [17:23] <tyhicks> mvo: sorry, just getting to it now [17:23] <mvo> tyhicks: no problem, I'm just curious :) [17:24] <jdstrand> tyhicks: this is sensitive code, so the MIR would need a security team review. we want to give it extra special review. whoever does the MIR can say that the security team already reviewed it and signed off [17:25] <tyhicks> jdstrand: ack [17:25] <nessita> hello all [17:29] <jdstrand> tyhicks: the MIR review is 'can we maintain it?'. this is more than that [17:29] <tyhicks> right [17:43] <asac> sergiusens: slangasek: i guess we will get feedback on the naming decision one way another later [17:43] <asac> e.g. loets go with what steve said [17:44] <beuno> asac, already being done [18:02] <tyhicks> mvo: should your launcher build tests pass during a build in an amd64 schroot? [18:03] <tyhicks> mvo: the test_restrictions test fails for me: [18:05] <mvo> tyhicks: let me try that in a schroot [18:06] <tyhicks> (vivid-amd64 host and vivid-amd64 schroot) [18:07] <mvo> tyhicks: do you see anything special in dmesg? [18:08] <mvo> tyhicks: just tested on a trusty-schroot and it works here, but I had to install the build-depends, let me create a vivid-schroot [18:08] <tyhicks> mvo: I don't see anything special in dmesg [18:09] <mvo> tyhicks: what personality did you use for the schroot? [18:10] <tyhicks> mvo: it is a slightly one-off schroot profile that the security team uses [18:11] <tyhicks> mvo: if it builds for you in your vivid-schroot, I'll chase down my local issues [18:11] <mvo> tyhicks: ok, I will try with one of the default ones, maybe you guys block something seccomp releated? the test just creates a empty profile, loads the seccomp filter and runs /bin/true and checks that it got killed [18:12] <tyhicks> yeah - I was surprised that it didn't work [18:21] <mvo> tyhicks: it works here with the desktop profile, I can try harder later once I finished my other work with a different profile [18:23] <tyhicks> mvo: no worries - I'll sort it out on my end [18:23] <tyhicks> mvo: sorry for the distraction [18:23] <mvo> no worries, I am super thankful for this review [18:38] <jdstrand> mvo: r404 on amd64 doesn't seem to have the launcher-- or if it does, I may be doing something wrong [18:38] <jdstrand> mvo: /apps/bin/... still has aa-exec. I don't see an ubuntu-core-launcher package on the image [18:40] <plars> ogra_: around? I'm still having weird issues with booting the beaglebone and wondering if you can help [18:41] <mvo> jdstrand: yeah, sorry that has not landed, you can sudo /usr/bin/apt-get install ubuntu-core-launcher to get it and copy a new snappy manually or wait ~1-2h and I will try to get a new image out with seccomp [18:41] <ogra_> plars, i havent touched my bone in months ... [18:42] <ogra_> plars, bu i can try indeed :) [18:42] <jdstrand> mvo: ack, thanks. I think there may be a bug in framework policy install that I'll try to track down for the moment [18:43] <plars> ogra_: I'm just trying to sort out how to make it boot to the emmc when I have a snappy sd in the sd card slot [18:43] <plars> ogra_: my understanding was that it *should* do that by default when you don't press the boot select button, but it appears to scan the sd card and boot to the sd by default [18:44] <plars> ogra_: I've at least sorted out how to force it to boot to the SD when I hold the boot select button (as it should), but I need it to be selected based on that button ideally - so that we can keep a stable image on emmc and use it to flash a new snappy image on the sd, then force it to boot into sd [18:45] <ogra_> plars, you can forceit to SD by zeroing the first few bytes of the MMC [18:46] <plars> ogra_: so is that where it's finding uboot? on those inaccessible partitions of the emmc? [18:46] <plars> ogra_: I can force it to the sd just fine now, my problem is the opposite - I would like it to boot to the emmc by default unless I'm holding the s2 button [18:47] <plars> so... ignore the sd card in the slot unless I press the button [18:47] <plars> I think I could do it if I could modify the uboot environment, but there is no saveenv when I boot from the emmc. And any changes I make when booting the sd card and run saveenv, don't show up when I boot from emmc [18:48] <ogra_> plars, i have never done much with the bone ... only up to XM ... i got my first BBB when i strted doing stuff on snappy [18:48] <ogra_> plars, i suspect #beagle would be a better source of info, i dont knowmuch about the HW specifics [18:48] <plars> ogra_: ack, thanks [18:49] <ogra_> (i.e. the zeroing of the MMC is the actual only BBB specific thing i know :) ) [19:56] <mvo> jdstrand: fwiw, I removed all caps from hello-world, so no networkig there anymore and thats also a good example how to do it [19:57] <jdstrand> mvo: cool, I tried [] here too and it worked fine [19:59] <mvo> Chipaca: please let me know if there is anything else that the seccomp branch needs [20:00] <Chipaca> mvo: i've not been able to look at it yet; got a long phonecall [20:00] <Chipaca> am off of it now though :) [20:05] <mcaley> mcaley here from GE Firstbuild… I’ve been working with kirkland and a few others to get snappy running to control a GE fridge from a pi. ive got the snap all working fine, now ready to put pi in the actual fridge. that means replacing hardwire connection with wifi. is there a correct way of doing rootfs stuff? I have seen several posts about remounting system_a r/w and loading the deb packages, but then I’ll have [20:05] <mcaley> redo if it do a system update. i am running ubuntu-core 4. [20:07] <AppleCIDR> Is Node.js available for Snappy Core? I can't find much information on it [20:08] <ogra_> AppleCIDR, [20:08] <AppleCIDR> Fantastic! [20:10] <mcaley> to get going really quick i just pulled my node and tarball as ogra has in his blog from a raspian build [20:11] <ogra_> yeah, that would surely work too [20:11] <mcaley> ogra_ a couple of us at firstbuild want to build a qemu service for doing snappy builds that is hosted… any plans for somethign like that? [20:11] <ogra_> unless you need npm ... [20:11] <mcaley> right [20:11] <ogra_> i dont have any such plans, no :) [20:12] <ogra_> if you add 24 more hours to the day i might find the time :) [20:12] <mcaley> ok, we may take a stab…. [20:12] <mcaley> :) [20:21] <kirkland> mcaley: howdy! thanks for joining us here! [20:22] <sergiusens> jdstrand: kickinz1 asac: plars [20:23] <kirkland> asac: lool: hiya! mcaley is looking for some help correctly configuring wifi in a snappy image -- can you point us to any documentation? [20:33] <tyhicks> mvo: can src/overlay.[ch] go away? (the functions defined in that file are not used anywhere) [20:34] <mvo> tyhicks: yes, that can be killed, its cruft right now (we probably will add somehting like this later but not now) [20:34] <tyhicks> mvo: ack - I'll ignore that code [20:34] <asac> mcaley: hey [20:34] <mcaley> ho [20:34] <asac> mcaley: so far we dont have built in wifi config feature; however we have wpasupplicant; [20:35] <asac> mcaley: so if you do a framework you would use that one directly [20:35] <mcaley> ok, np.. just wanted confirmation before i hacked it up [20:35] <asac> right [20:35] <mcaley> thx [20:35] <asac> mcaley: so make your own config mechanism in your app and use ifconfdig up + wpasupplicant + dhclient :) [20:35] <mvo> tyhicks: gone in r28 [20:36] <asac> sergiusens: am i on wrong channel now that i have image 6? [20:36] <asac> or is that rolling/edge rename now 6? [20:36] <asac> on armhf [20:36] <jdstrand> sergiusens: re blog> is 14.10 up to date? [20:36] <asac> sergiusens: so i think with beagleblack oem snap [20:36] <asac> the hostname doesnt work [20:36] <asac> it still tells me @localhost on prompt [20:37] <asac> but i saw in config its beagleboneblack as hostname [20:37] <mvo> asac: hm, jodh worked on this a while ago, does /etc/hostname look correct? [20:37] <asac> no [20:38] <asac> but it looked ok on the previous image i had with beagleboneblack.sergiusens [20:38] <asac> i think it broke in recent oem snap reconfigure [20:38] <mvo> ok, then its something else [20:38] <asac> maybe because of namespace rename [20:38] <asac> (BeagleBoneBlack)ubuntu@localhost:~$ cat /etc/hostname [20:38] <asac> localhost.localdomain [20:39] <asac> hmm [20:39] <asac> nevermind [20:39] <asac> there is no hostname [20:39] <asac> in [20:40] <asac> yay [20:40] <asac> i used ubuntu-core config to change hostname :)( [20:40] <mvo> :) [20:41] <asac> wonder if that persists across reboot [20:42] <asac> [20:42] <asac> sergiusens: how do i use udf to create an image without ubuntu user? guuess thats not supported yet? [20:42] <mvo> it should, there was a bugfix for tihs [20:42] <mvo> the reboot-hostname-persistance [20:43] <mvo> no idea about the other [20:47] <sergiusens> asac: if you do it through snappy config it would persist [20:48] <asac> yeah [20:48] <asac> let me reboot until we have auto reboot [20:50] <asac> ok good hostnames persist across reboot [20:50] <asac> now when there is new iamge i can try with upgrade even [20:51] * asac goes all-in and installs docker on his beagle [20:51] * asac thinks SD cards are not made for big things [20:52] <asac> good docker seems to be running [20:52] <asac> now i need instructions how to easily try it on arm [20:52] <asac> kickinz1: do you have those ? [21:11] <kickinz1> asac, sorry, wasn't there. [21:12] <kickinz1> asac: what do you need? instructions to test docker on arm? [21:14] <asac> kickinz1: how to install and use docker iamge for armhf [21:14] <asac> woudl be nice [21:14] <kickinz1> You have a bbb with snappy? [21:14] <asac> yep [21:14] <asac> its running [21:15] <asac> i have docker running too [21:15] <asac> docker images [21:15] <asac> REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE [21:15] <kickinz1> So for some smole tests, you can install docker on snappy then issue 'docker run -it armbuild/ubuntu' [21:15] <kickinz1> s/smole/smoke/ [21:15] * asac runs that command [21:15] <asac> ok itws pulling stuff [21:19] <asac> kickinz1: so hgow do i use that imnage now? [21:19] * asac is docker illeterate [21:20] <asac> oh i think i am in it :) [21:20] <asac> root@ed4e2b9bf2ea:/# [21:20] <asac> hehe [21:20] <kickinz1> asac, if all the download was fine, yes you are in it. [21:20] * asac runs apt-get update [21:20] <asac> kickinz1: how can i reuse that container tomorrow? [21:20] <asac> or lets say i log out [21:20] <asac> can i relog-in? [21:21] <kickinz1> asac: yes, just issue a docker ps -a, you will see the conatiner with a random name and a unique id. [21:22] <asac> kickinz1: is that running after boot? [21:22] <asac> i see it now [21:22] <asac> [21:22] <asac> kickinz1: thats pretty cool [21:22] <asac> however its suspicious [21:22] <asac> hmm [21:22] <asac> not sure why [21:22] <asac> kickinz1: how can i log into that again? [21:22] <mvo> asac: I triggered a new image build, it should contain all the new stuff, hardware assign support, purge support and seccomp launcher support. build for amd64 (r405) should be available in ~20min or so. I need some sleep but testing welcome, I also queued a full build in 30+min or so [21:22] <kickinz1> asac: yes, random names. [21:23] <mvo> Chipaca: thanks again for your reviews, I get some rest now [21:23] <Chipaca> mvo: rest is good [21:23] <mvo> sergiusens: plesae mail me if you need reviews in my morning (in +7h) [21:23] * mvo waves [21:23] <asac> yay [21:23] <asac> i started the container [21:23] <kickinz1> asac: docker start suspicious_sinoussi [21:23] <asac> and attached [21:23] <asac> success [21:24] <kickinz1> asac: ok [21:24] <asac> kickinz1: does it always stop when i exit the shell? [21:24] <kickinz1> asac, yes in interactive mode. [21:24] <asac> kickinz1: nowe that i started it [21:24] <kickinz1> asac, else you have to make it run a doeamon or a process. [21:24] <asac> and attached will it be stopping again? [21:24] <asac> ok [21:24] <asac> dont woorry [21:25] <asac> as long as i can get into that thing i am happy enough [21:25] * asac installs git-core in docker [21:25] <asac> heh [21:25] <kickinz1> asac: I have also a docker_template snap if you want to try docker containre as a service for snappy that will start at boot time. [21:26] <kickinz1> asac: [21:35] <sergiusens> Chipaca: [21:35] * Chipaca pulls out his big angry button of (-1) disapproval [21:35] <sergiusens> Chipaca: oops [21:37] <asac> hmm so i am doing a wildcard search [21:37] <asac> and it returns zero hits [21:37] <Chipaca> sergiusens: hmmmm [21:38] <sergiusens> Chipaca: want me to move mvo's changes back to snap.go? [21:38] <Chipaca> wat? [21:38] <sergiusens> Chipaca: then what is the hmm about? [21:38] <asac> [21:38] <asac> is that a problem? [21:38] <asac> Chipaca: sergiusens ? [21:39] <sergiusens> asac: are you on rolling or 15.04 is hello on rolling or 15.04? [21:39] <asac> sergiusens: well i installed docker [21:39] <asac> but search * [21:39] <asac> returns zero [21:39] <asac> too [21:39] <Chipaca> sergiusens: i understand the objective of your branch is to not allow uninstalling preinstalled software [21:39] <Chipaca> asac: pastebin that please [21:39] <asac> sergiusens: [21:39] <asac> Chipaca: [21:39] <Chipaca> ta [21:40] <sergiusens> Chipaca: want me to split it? [21:40] <Chipaca> sergiusens: is that ^ the objective of the branch? [21:40] <sergiusens> Chipaca: in file movement and new feature? [21:40] <asac> how odften do we produce images? [21:40] <sergiusens> Chipaca: yes it is [21:40] <asac> can we increase that to every 1h ? [21:40] <asac> for now? [21:40] <asac> slangasek: ^ [21:40] <Chipaca> sergiusens: what should the behaviour of that be? [21:40] <asac> slangasek: i think for testing would be nice that we get new ones all the time :P [21:41] <sergiusens> Chipaca: if the to be removed file is in built-in it can't be removed [21:41] <Chipaca> sergiusens: that is: your branch lets you remove the software that was preinstalled, as long as you've installed a newer version [21:41] <Chipaca> sergiusens: is that the right behaviour? [21:41] <sergiusens> Chipaca: yeah, similar to the oem package; if you factory reset in the future, the original preinstall will always be there [21:42] <Chipaca> sergiusens: ok [21:42] <Chipaca> asac: you need to tell us how you created the image you're running, and when, and the output of system-image-cli -i would be nice as well [21:42] <sergiusens> asac: I get all this [21:43] <Chipaca> asac: because it's not the first time _today_ you've tinkered with an old/weird image :) [21:43] <slangasek> asac: I'll do that for now; I don't know if that will cause a load problem across the buildds, we'll have to test and find out [21:43] <sergiusens> asac: I did a 15.04 flash fwiw [21:44] <sergiusens> Chipaca: if we need to request the output of s-i-cli we did something wrong with snappy [info|list] ;-) [21:45] <sergiusens> both of those should be enough [21:45] <Chipaca> sergiusens: both of those, or either of those? [21:46] <asac> odd [21:46] <Chipaca> sergiusens: (yes, you have a point, my bad, etc) [21:46] <asac> Chipaca: sergiusens: sudo ubuntu-device-flash core rolling --oem beagleblack --channel edge --output my-snappy.img [21:52] <sergiusens> asac: search only stopped working after installing docker? [21:53] <slangasek> sergiusens: I really have no idea what's going on here, it looks like mastering the image is unreliable. I'm now sure that I've gotten a proper boot partition at least once using revision 160... but most of the time it fails [21:55] <sergiusens> slangasek: show me your fixes; use 162 btw with what I have in the blog post [21:56] <slangasek> sergiusens: this is with *no* changes from me; and I'm using 160 instead of 162 because I wasn't getting it to work with 162; and what blog post? [21:56] <sergiusens> slangasek: or sudo ubuntu-device-flash core rolling --channel edge --output test.img [21:56] <sergiusens> or s/rolling/15.04/ [21:56] <sergiusens> slangasek: [21:56] <asac> sergiusens: didnt test before [21:57] <asac> sergiusens: i have image 6 accordintg to channel.ini [21:57] <sergiusens> asac: yeah, snappy list and snappy info give you that info [21:57] <asac> channel: ubuntu-core/rolling/edge [21:58] <asac> sergiusens: you say i should try flashing new? [21:58] <asac> to check if its docker? [21:58] <sergiusens> asac: to check if installing a framework breaks the world, yes [21:58] <Chipaca> i have docker installed [21:58] <Chipaca> on amd63 [21:58] <Chipaca> or 64 [21:58] <Chipaca> and it works [21:58] <sergiusens> I'm installing docker now [21:58] <sergiusens> on armhf [21:59] <slangasek> sergiusens: I used this commandline; still the same problem: ubuntu-device-flash --verbose core 15.04 --channel edge -o system-image-test-proposed.img.raw --device generic_amd64 --developer-mode [22:00] <sergiusens> slangasek: so no boot when doing that? Are you bzr bd'ing by any chance? [22:00] <slangasek> sergiusens: yes, it's bzr bd [22:00] <slangasek> sergiusens: and yes, no boot [22:00] <sergiusens> slangasek: not sure if all the dependencies with the versions required are on vivid, can you make sure they match the ones on ppa:snappy-dev/images? [22:01] <sergiusens> slangasek: or maybe try the u-d-f from ppa:snappy-dev/tools and tell me if you see the same [22:02] <slangasek> ok, looking [22:02] <asac> sergiusens: ok let me first try uninstall that [22:02] <sergiusens> Chipaca: asac: installing docker indeed limits the results [22:02] <Chipaca> hoo! [22:02] <sergiusens> [22:03] <sergiusens> Chipaca: I think I know why; if we pass the framework in the store, it might be filtering [22:03] <sergiusens> to the store [22:03] <tyhicks> jdstrand: a regular user will be able to run ubuntu-core-launcher, right? [22:03] <jdstrand> tyhicks: yes [22:04] <slangasek> sergiusens: golang-ar-dev, golang-yaml.v2 are at the same versions in ppa:snappy-dev/image as in vivid. golang-snappy-dev has a newer version in the ppa. So I'll take a look [22:04] <tyhicks> jdstrand: thanks - I'm trying to decide the best way to sanitize the input arguments and wanted to confirm that before I spent too much time on it [22:05] <asac> sergiusens: seems framework break search [22:05] <asac> yes [22:06] <sergiusens> asac: I guess we need to talk to the store guys; not sure if Chipaca is already playing with random queries to verify [22:06] <asac> sergiusens: :) [22:06] <sergiusens> I need to brb [22:06] <asac> sergiusens: [22:06] <asac> on beagle :) [22:06] <asac> ghuess we should really refuse to install a new oem [22:06] <jdstrand> tyhicks: np-- and thanks for looking at that [22:06] <sergiusens> asac: that was working until all the switch work happened ;-) [22:07] <sergiusens> asac: I guess we need to hardden our tests [22:07] <asac> jojo [22:07] <asac> want me to file something? [22:07] <asac> or rather remember :P [22:07] <sergiusens> tbh, I wasn't aware that today was last call and that we had until thursday for polish [22:07] <jdstrand> Chipaca: ok, I figured out my issue. if I have a framework snap that has a binary that references a cap that is shipped by the framework policy of the same snap, then it fails to install [22:07] <asac> sergiusens: :) [22:07] <Chipaca> jdstrand: should that work? [22:08] <asac> its important to last call early!! :P [22:08] <sergiusens> asac: a task will do [22:08] <asac> but not too early [22:08] <sergiusens> asac: not really, then we do things in a hurry and miss stuff ;-) [22:08] <asac> sergiusens: at least we have two days to fix those now [22:08] <asac> better than zero [22:08] <Chipaca> sergiusens: so this is a bug because frameworks should add to the list of results, not substract from it, correct? [22:09] <jdstrand> Chipaca: it wasn't every really discussed, but I noticed with both docker and my test dbus framework that it is very handy [22:09] <slangasek> sergiusens: upgraded golang-snappy-dev; same outcome [22:09] <Chipaca> jdstrand: darn :) [22:09] <jdstrand> Chipaca: let me see if it is just a simple ordering thing. if we unpack the framework policy first we should be ok [22:09] <sergiusens> Chipaca: correct [22:09] <sergiusens> brb [22:09] * Chipaca ponders dinner [22:10] <jdstrand> Chipaca: I'm right in this area of the code, so enjoy dinner. if needed, I'll file a bug [22:10] <Chipaca> jdstrand: let me know, if it's just ordering i might sneak it in [22:10] <jdstrand> yep [22:10] <Chipaca> dinner will be quick either way :) [22:10] <jdstrand> heh [22:12] <asac> sergiusens: [22:12] <asac> added [22:13] <slangasek> sergiusens: so you're saying this command definitely works for you on amd64 with rev 162, and gives you a correct boot partition? 'ubuntu-device-flash --verbose core 15.04 --channel edge -o output.img' [22:13] * asac tries steves command [22:15] <asac> sergiusens: that command produces something for me that boots in kvm [22:15] <asac> and is version 8 [22:15] <asac> not 162 [22:16] <asac> slangasek: [22:16] <asac> sergiusens: sorryt .... wanted to highlight steve [22:16] <asac> slangasek: ^ [22:17] <slangasek> asac: rev 162 of ubuntu-device-flash [22:19] <asac> kk using the package ... think udf could really benefit from udf version command :) [22:19] <slangasek> and installing the package from the tools repo, I get this error - what's the fix?: 2015-04-20 22:18:27 ERROR snappy logger.go:199 generic-amd64 failed to install: unpack helper not found, do you have snappy installed in your PATH or GOPATH? [22:19] <asac> 0.20snappy5-0ubuntu1 [22:19] <asac> slangasek: so above i had troublbes because of missing depends of udf on the right snappy thing [22:19] <asac> slangasek: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-snappy-cli [22:20] <slangasek> asac: thanks [22:21] <slangasek> btw, looks like we've inflicted a namespace collision on the archive now; command-not-found wants me to install the 'snappy' package for the snappy command, which is clearly wrong [22:22] <Chipaca> snappy is a media player that gathers the power and flexibility of [22:22] <Chipaca> GStreamer inside the ease of a minimalistic Clutter interface. [22:25] <slangasek> ok, the version from the tools ppa works; and building rev 164 for myself works (at least once, so far) [22:25] <slangasek> make that twice [22:27] <slangasek> and now when I apply my diff, udf works as expected [22:44] <lool> kirkland: wifi will be cmdline only wpasupplicant and such; I didn't set it up myself, but we made sure the low level tools are in the image [22:44] * Chipaca back [22:53] <jdstrand> Chipaca: arg, false alarm. I had a bug in my apparmor policy but all I got from snappy was 'exit status 1' so it took me far too long to figure out the issue [22:54] <Chipaca> jdstrand: :( [22:58] <jdstrand> tyhicks: hmm, I just ran ubuntu-core-launcher and it doesn't seem to be doing an aa_change_profile() correctly [22:58] <jdstrand> tyhicks: I'm using what is in the ppa ( let me pull that down and see if it is missing any changes [23:00] <tyhicks> jdstrand: I have only invoked it in order to abuse it and haven't actually tested it in its intended mode [23:01] <tyhicks> jdstrand: it just calls aa_change_onexec(argv[2]) [23:02] <tyhicks> jdstrand: that shouldn't fail if 1) the profile is loaded and 2) argv[2] contains the correct profile name [23:02] <jdstrand> tyhicks: we need to fail if the profile isn't loaded [23:03] <tyhicks> jdstrand: agreed - is that not happening? [23:03] <jdstrand> well, right now things are unconfined [23:04] <jdstrand> but my vm seems weird. let me retry in a new vm [23:05] <tyhicks> jdstrand: oh, I see the problem [23:05] <tyhicks> if (getenv("SNAPPY_LAUNCHER_SKIP_APPARMOR") != NULL) { [23:05] <tyhicks> // set apparmor rules [23:05] <tyhicks> rc = aa_change_onexec(aa_profile); [23:06] <tyhicks> jdstrand: that getenv() conditional is backwards [23:08] <tyhicks> jdstrand: there are some other issues - I'll add that to my list and send out what I have so far before I go eod [23:08] <jdstrand> sudo snappy install hello-world.jdstrand [23:08] <jdstrand> hello-world.evil ; ls -1 /tmp/myevil.txt [23:08] <jdstrand> Hello Evil World! [23:08] <jdstrand> /tmp/myevil.txt [23:09] <jdstrand> tyhicks: that sounds great. mvo went offline, so if you can send an email, that would be perfect [23:09] <tyhicks> jdstrand: ack - that was my plan [23:10] <tyhicks> jdstrand: so, a workaround for now is to set the SNAPPY_LAUNCHER_SKIP_APPARMOR env variable :) [23:12] <sergiusens> slangasek: oh, sorry, forgot to mention the asac incidence [23:13] <asac> guess it helped ;) [23:13] <jdstrand> tyhicks: yep, thanks. I added a trello card for the apparmor issue but said to look at feedback from you [23:13] <sergiusens> asac: yes, I did create a branch to dep on ubunut-snappy-cli now [23:13] <tyhicks> jdstrand: is it ok to set NO_NEW_PRIVS? (it is currently being set but it'll prevent any AA profile transitions) [23:14] <jdstrand> tyhicks: hmm, I had it setting NO_NEW_PRIVS cause I thought it would prevent some attacks. however, if we aren't allowing the seccomp or ptrace syscalls, we likely don't need it [23:15] <tyhicks> jdstrand: I think it is a good thing until we want to start doing profile transitions [23:15] <jdstrand> tyhicks: well, docker does them already [23:15] <tyhicks> jdstrand: hrm... I bet docker won't work with this launcher [23:16] <jdstrand> that is an interesting point. can you add it to your feedback? [23:16] <tyhicks> yes [23:16] <jdstrand> I figured we would use @unrestricted to the seccomp bits, but I'm guessing the cgroup parts will also be a problem [23:16] <jdstrand> s/to the/for the/ [23:16] <jdstrand> ok, I gotta run [23:17] <tyhicks> jdstrand: NO_NEW_PRIVS is only a seccomp thing so it shouldn't affect the cgroup part [23:17] <tyhicks> jdstrand: also, NO_NEW_PRIVS is set after the cgroup setup [23:17] <tyhicks> jdstrand: bye! [23:41] <sergiusens> asac: oh, fwiw, the 162 is the trunk revno :-) [23:42] <asac> sergiusens: yeah ... thinking udf version could have nice info :) [23:56] <Chipaca> raise your hand if you think “Make installing a framework restarting dependent apps services failing revert the installation, restarting dependent apps services” is only marginally less hard to follow than the quagmire of deferred failure handling it engenders [23:58] * sergiusens raises the hand just from failing to understand the sentence
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AppleCIDR", "Chipaca", "JamesTait", "asac", "beuno", "dholbach", "jdstrand", "kickinz1", "kirkland", "lool", "mcaley", "mvo", "nessita", "ogra_", "pitti", "plars", "plorenz", "sergiusens", "slangasek", "tyhicks" ], "url": "", "channel": "#snappy" }
[00:08] <Neo31> inetpro, thanks :) [00:09] <Neo31> hhh I still have one more week of intense work to go [00:09] <Neo31> then I'm gonna get back to the usual workload ^_^ [04:43] <barrydk> Morning everyone [05:57] <Jacques_Stry> Morning all [06:05] <pieter2627> morning all [06:06] * Jacques_Stry waves [06:07] * pieter2627 waves back o/ [06:12] <ThatGraemeGuy> mornings [06:15] <pieter2627> morning ThatGraemeGuy [06:22] <Kilos> hi pieter2627 inetpro barrydk and all others [06:22] <Kilos> pieter2627 did you read your trello [06:23] <pieter2627> Kilos: no, am checking it now [06:26] <Kilos> the site is live yoooo hoooo [06:27] <Kilos> now you clever peeps can decide on final tuning [06:33] <pieter2627> it looks great [06:34] <Kilos> i love it [06:35] <stickyboy> Kilos: Going to Addis tonight. [06:35] <Kilos> good sticky you must go safe and work hard my man [06:35] <Kilos> have you see the africa site [06:35] <stickyboy> Nope [06:36] <Kilos> look in the topic on the afrika channel [06:36] <Kilos> africa [06:36] <Kilos> whew head not thinking properly today [06:37] <stickyboy> :P [06:38] <stickyboy> Kilos: Is there something new there? [06:39] <Kilos> yes man the site link [07:14] <Squirm> morning [07:15] <Kilos> hi Squirm [07:18] <Padroni> Hello [07:20] <Kilos> hi Padroni [07:20] <Padroni> hi [07:20] <Padroni> how are you [07:20] <Kilos> very good ty just running [07:20] <Kilos> my site is live [07:20] <Kilos> well my site others built [07:22] <Padroni> oh right? [07:23] <Padroni> I just used a spammer's spam script to send a shitload of messages TO him telling hiim he is a spammer. [07:23] <Kilos> lol [07:23] <Padroni> oh it is nice [07:23] <Padroni> not sure the menu bar is the correct orange though? [07:23] <Padroni> or don't they care? [07:24] <Kilos> hit refresh a few times on the first page [07:24] <Padroni> it is pretty [07:24] <Kilos> lovely i think [07:24] <Kilos> the guys did a great job [07:28] <SDCDev> morning Kilos [07:29] <Kilos> hi SDCDev [07:29] <SDCDev> ganit? [07:30] <Kilos> good ty and you? [07:30] <Kilos> just running with chats in other channels and emails [07:30] <Kilos> i hate hunting for mails ive mistakenly deleted [07:31] <Kilos> SDCDev go see [07:32] <Kilos> hit refresh a few times on first page [07:43] * Kilos looks around to see where the pro is hiding [07:43] <Kilos> hi ThatGraemeGuy [07:45] <Kilos> oh pieter2627 you mailed me about drc, i have lost it, can you resend please [07:45] <Kilos> or just give me the links here is good too especially their event [07:46] <Kilos> ai! [08:00] <Kilos> hi psyatw [08:03] <psyatw> hi Kilos [08:14] <Padroni> I started watching Supernatural again [08:14] <Padroni> from season 1 [08:14] <Kilos> wow [08:14] <Kilos> not sure which one i watch now when im not busy [08:14] <Kilos> first episode was good [08:15] <Kilos> first season [08:15] <Padroni> I have the first 8 [08:15] <Padroni> need to get two more then I am up to date [08:15] <Kilos> hey Padroni hows the python studies going? [08:15] <Padroni> i have laid off for about a week [08:15] <Padroni> was too busy [08:15] <Kilos> no place in head for tv stuffs now [08:15] <Padroni> wanna start again today [08:15] <Kilos> good [08:17] <Kilos> how do you greet a frenchman in a long french greeting then tell him you only understand english [08:17] <Kilos> hehe [08:56] <Kilos> hi nlsthzn [08:57] <nlsthzn> hey uncle ko [08:57] <nlsthzn> hey uncle Kilos [08:57] <nlsthzn> >.< [09:22] <plustwo> o/ [09:24] <Kilos> hi plustwo [09:37] <Padroni> hi +2 [09:37] <Kilos> lol [09:50] <Kilos> hi Kerbero [09:55] <stickyboy> lin: izhw [09:57] <Kilos> oh Jacques_Stry i have a link you might be interested in [09:57] <Kilos> [09:58] <Kilos> the person that gave it to me said its for teachers and so on [09:59] <Kilos> and someone with time and no cap can look at [09:59] <Kilos> supposed to be light [10:10] <Kilos> oh pieter2627 just look at might be light enough to run well by you [10:11] <Kilos> ek bang om vreemde goed te try [10:16] <pieter2627> Kilos: it reminds me of puppy [10:17] <pieter2627> does anyone have issues with Konversation randomly disconnecting? [10:24] <Kilos> nope my konversation stay online [11:27] <lin> all good, stickyboy [11:27] <lin> updating my arch box [12:20] <Jacques_Stry> Kilos: The systems look interesting and light weight but I would rather go for something like edubuntu if you can, would want something that is extremely stable if running it on a bunch of computers in classrooms. [12:21] <Kilos> yeah [12:23] <Jacques_Stry> and with edubuntu you have to option of running a thin client system. Not that I would recommend it [12:25] <Kilos> i actually point them to the wrong person, it was moppie that needed s sytem for a lappy with 1g ram [12:30] <Jacques_Stry> haha [12:30] <Kilos> sorry must have been the school stuff that pulled you into it [12:34] <Jacques_Stry> I would have gone with Xubuntu [12:34] <Jacques_Stry> Should be light weight enough without effecting usability [12:34] <Kilos> ah [12:35] <Jacques_Stry> Lubuntu have too much stuff removed for me [12:36] <Kilos> yeah [12:36] <Kilos> and i dont like xubuntu much [12:37] <Jacques_Stry> why? [12:38] <Kilos> ai! how does one explain that [12:38] <Kilos> why dont some peeps like almonds [12:39] <Kilos> or olives [12:39] <Jacques_Stry> haha, to me it's not as nice to use as kubuntu but I think it's as good as you will get when going light weight [12:40] <Kilos> there you said it, not as nice to use [12:40] <Jacques_Stry> :) [12:40] <Kilos> slim man [12:40] <Jacques_Stry> but if you don't have to specs then you will have to secrifice something [12:40] <Jacques_Stry> sacrifice* [12:40] <Kilos> yeah [12:41] <Kilos> whats happening with the book thing on vm [12:42] <Jacques_Stry> didn't have a lot of time to test yet - got some errors to sort that i'm getting with Booktype [12:42] <Kilos> ok [12:42] <Jacques_Stry> but should be easy enough to sort out [12:42] <Jacques_Stry> else i'll ask the pro after struggling :) [12:42] <Kilos> i think wwk will be happy if you can [12:43] <Kilos> ya just tell him fixit [12:43] <Jacques_Stry> haha but let me try first [12:54] <Kilos> hi superfly ty everyone likes it [13:13] <Kilos> pieter2627 is it just your konversation that disconnects or other things too? [13:14] <pieter2627> currently just seems like konversation (i now might have an idea) [13:15] <Kilos> wb nlsthzn [13:15] <nlsthzn> thx [13:34] <Kilos-> hmm... looks like i disconnected as well [13:59] <magespawn> good afternoon [14:01] <kulelu88> o/ [14:01] <Kilos-> hi kulelu88 [14:01] <Kilos-> ohi magespawn [14:02] <Kilos-> magespawn its done, now just fine tuning, but looks good to me [14:02] <Kilos-> [14:02] <kulelu88> how much are .info domains? [14:02] <Kilos-> very beautiful [14:03] <Kilos-> ? [14:07] <magespawn> cool Kilos [14:08] <magespawn> kulelu88: i think they are tld, they also vary depending on the provider etc, but i think about R180 a year [14:08] <Kilos> and the irc thing pulled in the first country too [14:09] <magespawn> that is looking really nice Kilos [14:09] <Kilos> now i just need to find someone that is fluent in french to hang on the irc channel [14:09] <Kilos> beautiful hey [14:10] <magespawn> where did you get the pictures from? [14:10] <Kilos> ask fly [14:10] <kulelu88> shit, it's also over $10 dollars for .info [14:11] <Kilos> i have the greatest site building team around [14:11] * Kilos lucky [14:12] <kulelu88> mehh i'm bored of my job :-/ [14:12] <magespawn> kulelu88: and that would be? [14:13] <kulelu88> analyst work [14:14] <magespawn> from what i have seen the pay is fairly good? [14:14] <kulelu88> the grass is way greener here compared to anything I could find in SA [14:15] <Kilos> thats good green grass fattens sheep and cows [14:15] <magespawn> Kilos: i have refreshing the site just to see the photos [14:15] <kulelu88> so i'll stick it out while I try building my own company [14:15] <Kilos> lol lovely hey [14:15] <magespawn> even here in sa the pay looks quite good [14:15] <magespawn> waht do you analyze? i have no idea what it entails [14:16] <kulelu88> brb [14:30] <Kilos> wb danfowler [14:30] <Kilos> hi Kerbero [14:30] <magespawn> asterisk courses are not cheap [14:31] <Kilos> eish [14:31] <Kilos> what is magespawn [14:33] <magespawn> yes R25500 for 5 days is a tad steep [14:33] <Kilos> wow [14:33] <Kilos> a tad? [14:33] <Kilos> much more than a tad imo [14:34] <Kilos> is that for a certificate at the end? [14:35] <magespawn> nope you have to write the digium exam for that at R3500.00 [14:35] <Kilos> eish [14:36] <magespawn> so an even R29000 [14:36] <Kilos> cant you find the course material online [14:36] <magespawn> there is a basic online course for R3500 [14:36] <Kilos> sjoe [14:37] <magespawn> yes the asterisk manual is open source as far as i know [14:37] <magespawn> maybe i can get somebody else to pay for it [14:37] <Kilos> then thats the way to go , then only exam to pay for [14:38] <magespawn> you do also get some nice hardware when you do the course [14:38] <Kilos> what [14:38] <magespawn> [14:38] <Kilos> id want an i7 for that amount of cash [14:38] <magespawn> deposit on a new car [14:39] <Kilos> that too [14:40] <Kilos> does the laptop back pack come with a lappy in it [14:45] <Kilos> Padroni you so quiet [14:45] <Padroni> ja sorry [14:46] <Kilos> np [14:46] <magespawn> no i do not think so [14:46] <Padroni> been busy with work stuff [14:46] <Padroni> hi mage [14:46] <Kilos> busy is busy [14:46] <magespawn> would be nice [14:46] <magespawn> hi Padroni [14:46] <Padroni> hoe gaan dit? [14:47] <Kilos> he needs money [14:47] <Kilos> sigh [14:47] <Kilos> lots [14:49] <magespawn> good and you Padroni? [14:49] <magespawn> that last powerball would have just about covered it Kilos [14:50] <magespawn> found this,%204th%20Edition.pdf [14:53] <Padroni> I am good thanx [14:53] <Padroni> on my way out again [14:53] <Padroni> I am so done with this Monday [14:53] <Padroni> have a good one, guys. [14:53] <Padroni> See tomorrow [14:53] <magespawn> you too [14:53] <Kilos> you too Padroni [14:55] <magespawn> Kilos: just update my ec2 ubuntu, downloaded 2 gig in 3 seconds [14:55] <Kilos> wow [14:56] <Kilos> thats like fibre speeds [14:56] <magespawn> nice hey, going to install asterisk and quassel if i can [14:56] <magespawn> that is internet backbone speeds [14:57] <Kilos> yeah wonderful, how did you manage that [14:57] <magespawn> i signed up for an amazon server, that is free for one year [14:58] <Kilos> oh that ya pro did too [14:58] <magespawn> nice to play with [14:59] <SDCDev> ubuntu africa site is nice! [14:59] <SDCDev> who made it? [14:59] <Kilos> i would like to look but too much happening atm [14:59] <Kilos> fly and pieter and mopkop and pro [14:59] <Kilos> my team [14:59] <Kilos> i sit and answer the fone [14:59] <SDCDev> sick [15:00] <magespawn> SDCDev: if you refresh the picture changes [15:00] <SDCDev> amazon server free for a year? what? [15:00] <SDCDev> baie mooi magespawn [15:00] <magespawn> yes ec2 instince [15:00] <SDCDev> sho [15:01] <magespawn> you can get one too, there are limitations of course [15:02] <Kilos> magespawn work out how to make money with it then ill get one too [15:03] <Kilos> it must be able to pay for itself when the year is up [15:04] <Kilos> hi drussell [15:04] * drussell waves to Kilos [15:04] <Kilos> go see [15:05] <magespawn> Kilos: you would need income of about R2000.00 per month to pay for it, at current exchange rates, depending on what resouces you use [15:05] <Kilos> refresh a few times and watch the picture change [15:05] <Kilos> wow [15:06] <Kilos> big jump from free to 2k a month [15:06] <drussell> looks good! though I have spotted a typo ;) [15:06] <drussell> ;o) even [15:06] <Kilos> tell [15:06] <drussell> Kubuntu is Ubuntu using the KDE interface which is a more tradition User Interface. [15:06] <drussell> tradition should be traditional [15:06] <Kilos> yes you right [15:07] <drussell> but yeah, looks nice, very clean [15:07] <drussell> :o) [15:07] <Kilos> were simply the best [15:07] <drussell> :oD [15:07] <Kilos> hehe [15:08] <Kilos> do you get the buntu weekly news letter [15:09] <Kilos> soon well have an article in there as soon as someone works it out for me [15:13] <stickyboy> Kilos: Before you were an Ubuntu cheerleader (accurate? possibly phrasing?), what were you? [15:13] <Kilos> greeter bot only [15:14] <Kilos> i was a diesel mechanic [15:14] <stickyboy> Does diesel need mechanics? [15:15] <Kilos> yeah man trucks and tractors [15:16] <stickyboy> Kilos: Ah, so you weren't fixing the diesel itself. [15:16] <stickyboy> :P [15:16] <Kilos> no man the vehicles that use diesel [15:17] <stickyboy> (I'm being intentionally thick) [15:17] <stickyboy> :P [15:17] <Kilos> all i taught you , you still know nothing [15:18] <stickyboy> I only know how to be pull your leg. :P [15:18] <Kilos> yeah hehe [15:25] <Kilos> wb pieter2627 [15:26] <pieter2627> ty Kilos [15:28] <magespawn> Kilos: just going install asterisk now, needs 12.8 mb of updates, see how long this takes [15:28] <Kilos> ok [15:29] <magespawn> okay done and installed [15:29] <Kilos> takes longer to find the site than to update [15:44] <magespawn> i could really get used to this working on servers [15:44] <Kilos> lol [16:21] <Kilos> haha magespawn i just woke up [16:22] <Kilos> you are installing to the server [16:22] <magespawn> yes [16:22] <Kilos> it was bugging me how you got that speed on za internet [16:33] <magespawn> lol [16:33] <magespawn> it peaked at 5 mb/s [16:34] <magespawn> sorry 5gb/s [16:34] <Kilos> wow [16:35] <magespawn> yup like i said i could get used to working like that [16:36] <Kilos> yeah iamgine running everything at that speed [16:37] <magespawn> what takes hours would take minutes, and if you make a mistake you find out very quickly, so you can correct it quickly [16:38] <Kilos> can you actually run from there as if you were on your pc? [16:39] <magespawn> it runs on the server but controlled from my pc [16:40] <Kilos> what i mean is can you run everything from there like irc and pidgin and all [16:40] <Kilos> and googling [16:40] <magespawn> yes [16:40] <Kilos> do you ssh to it or what [16:40] <magespawn> it is a server so no gui [16:40] <magespawn> yes [16:40] <Kilos> aha [16:41] <Kilos> but how do you then see pidgin and an irc client with no gui [16:41] <magespawn> use something like quassel or irssi [16:42] <Kilos> and for pidgin contacts [16:43] <magespawn> no idea [16:52] <MaNI> "Finch, a command line alternative to Pidgin" [16:52] <magespawn> MaNI: kilos does not really like cli stuff [16:53] <Kilos> lol [16:53] <Kilos> only sudo commands [16:53] <magespawn> almost everything is a sudo command on the cli [16:53] <MaNI> don't like console irc myself :p [16:54] <magespawn> i like almost everything on the cli these days [16:55] <magespawn> the wonder of choice [16:56] <magespawn> the power of linux [17:07] <kulelu88> you can install a GUI on a remote server. may run slow as hell though [17:14] <magespawn> not much point really [17:51] <magespawn> off to room time,just later all [17:51] <magespawn> \/exit [18:12] <Kilos> hi georgelappies [18:14] <georgelappies> hi Kilos, how are you? [18:15] <Kilos> i just woke up georgelappies dunno what happened or when i crashed [18:15] <Kilos> i think i missed news too [18:15] <georgelappies> sjoe, not good :) you at least feel rested? [18:17] <Kilos> ya that helped some hehe [18:18] <georgelappies> good [18:18] <Kilos> hey go see man [18:19] <Kilos> [18:19] <Kilos> inetpro ping [18:19] <Kilos> hi clr [18:21] <clr_> hi Kilos [18:21] <clr_> congrats on your recent accomplishment [18:22] <kulelu88> Kilos: how is ballito weather this time of year? [18:22] <Kilos> which one [18:22] <Kilos> ballito is like durban [18:22] <clr_> haha do you rack them up so fast you have to ask? [18:22] <Kilos> ya [18:23] <clr_> I thought you were appointed to some ubuntu board or something [18:23] <Kilos> ya thats the second one this year ty very much [18:23] <clr_> Ballito is nice this time of year. Just don't go January and February kulelu88 [18:24] <kulelu88> too hot? clr_ [18:24] <Kilos> i think i must go for council member too because its hard work getting stuff done via email [18:24] <clr_> Yes that is the hottest time of year there [18:24] <clr_> Kilos, how would that reduce your email? [18:24] <kulelu88> Kilos: compared to Pretoria, how would Ballito weather rank? I'm looking for a warmer climate for the next 6 months [18:25] <Kilos> every time time i do or say something peeps say ask the council [18:25] <Kilos> ballito is lekker through winter [18:25] <clr_> Will definitely be nicer that PTA. [18:26] <Kilos> if im on the council i can ask me [18:26] <kulelu88> can I catch a surf at this time of the year? :D [18:26] <Kilos> yes [18:26] <kulelu88> where are you? clr_ [18:26] <clr_> kulelu88, do you have the luxury to decide where you are going to work from? [18:26] <clr_> I am in PTA, but lived a year in Ballito once before it was so built up [18:26] <Kilos> you guys must get the weekly magazine [18:26] <clr_> 1992 [18:26] <Kilos> newsletter [18:27] <kulelu88> clr_: fortunately I do and I realized it's not my work that is messing me up but literally this kak cold weather [18:27] <Kilos> lol [18:27] <Kilos> ya getting cold now, and worse coming [18:28] <kulelu88> I must be the only guy in the world who smaaks hot weather, cause everyone else seems to say cold is better. [18:28] <kulelu88> Kilos: I want to escape before June comes [18:28] <Kilos> then go [18:29] <Kilos> in durbs area anything below 10°c is freezing [18:29] <kulelu88> haai Durban is terrible, Ballito looks nice [18:29] <kulelu88> Like Cape Town, but always warm [18:29] <Kilos> ya ballito is better [18:29] <pieter2627> kulelu88: must be a choice of friends - most of mine prefer hot while i like cold [18:29] <Kilos> its just north of durbs man [18:30] <Kilos> hot is lekker [18:30] <Kilos> im a toti boy [18:30] <kulelu88> pieter2627: I proposed a theory that you won't find people who like hot weather on the interwebz coz they're always doing something else :D [18:31] <Kilos> cold is for penguins and those things [18:31] <kulelu88> rentals are a bit high in Ballito for the size of the flats. is 40m^2 for 5000 expensive? [18:31] <Kilos> whew [18:32] <Kilos> go more north [18:34] <kulelu88> any more north and I'll end up in the bush [18:35] <Kilos> no man [18:35] <Kilos> magespawn is in empangeni [18:35] <kulelu88> how north is that? [18:35] <Kilos> check prices there [18:36] <Kilos> about 100ks north of durbs i think [18:36] <kulelu88> yoh that's so far [18:36] <Kilos> maybe more [18:37] <Kilos> but pangeni is warmer than durbs even [18:38] <kulelu88> if mage comes back ill ask him how the internet speeds are [18:39] <Kilos> ballito is a holiday resort so you will pay [18:39] <kulelu88> they say it's evolving into a residential place, but you are right. It's in the same definition as umhlanga and durban [18:56] <Kilos> ask nuvolari he was there for years till a while ago [18:57] <kulelu88> yoh, they get 30 degrees in April :O [18:58] <Kilos> ya but no every day [18:58] <Kilos> sometimes 33 [18:58] <Kilos> hehe [18:59] <Kilos> by mage it goes to 40 even [18:59] <kulelu88> even I couldn't tolerate 40 :-/ 28 year-round would be ideal [19:00] <Kilos> no such place in za [19:00] <Kilos> natal south coast is a bit cooler [19:01] <Kilos> port shepsatone margate area [19:01] <Kilos> but margate also holiday area [19:01] <kulelu88> I'd like to give this place a try. living whole life in dry veld land is getting tiresome [19:01] <kulelu88> meet some lekker cherries also :D [19:02] <Kilos> enquire in port edwrd police camp if they have internet [19:02] <Kilos> they used to be cheap [19:02] <Kilos> edward [19:03] <kulelu88> why did you leave? Kilos [19:04] <Kilos> went northern natal inland after farming [19:04] <Kilos> you cant be a lifesaver all your life [19:04] <Kilos> and stay married [19:04] <Kilos> hehe [19:04] <kulelu88> :D [19:04] <kulelu88> you can be a farmer your whole life [19:04] <Kilos> yeah [19:05] <Kilos> oh i first went into business in pmb [19:15] <inetpro> Kilos: poing [19:15] <inetpro> good evening [19:16] <Kilos> hi inetpro how are you [19:16] <inetpro> all good ty [19:16] <inetpro> Kilos: and you? [19:17] <Kilos> bouncing wall to wall [19:17] <Kilos> have you tried communicating in french [19:18] <inetpro> Kilos: I'll rather talk zulu with them [19:18] <Kilos> i dont have a choice [19:18] <Kilos> haha got 2 more countries [19:18] <Kilos> but they kinda french [19:20] <kulelu88> 1 of you should apply as community manager for ubuntu in africa [19:21] <kulelu88> hows this: [19:21] <Kilos> ya inetpro [19:22] * inetpro hides in the corner [19:22] <kulelu88> this 1 is kwaai: [19:22] <kulelu88> but it looks like its for 2 people :D [19:22] <kulelu88> 1 to fund the costs and 1 to nag the other [19:23] <Kilos> lol [19:24] <kulelu88> at 6K, its paying someone elses bond [19:27] <kulelu88> MaNI: Where do you stay? [19:27] <MaNI> Gordons bay [19:28] <kulelu88> Western Cape! [19:29] <MaNI> yeah [19:31] <kulelu88> do you go for these: @ MaNI [19:33] <MaNI> lol, no [19:35] <kulelu88> too old? MaNI [19:35] <kulelu88> Kilos: I found you a gf [19:36] <Kilos> yay [19:36] <Kilos> alive? [19:36] <MaNI> hehe, not my thing, more into punk :p [19:37] <kulelu88> I found her when searching for fibre in Ballito: :D [19:37] <kulelu88> looks right for you Kilos :D [19:37] <Kilos> nono im too busy [19:38] <kulelu88> ja ja :P [19:40] <Squirm> Good evening [19:41] <kulelu88> o/ [19:41] <Kilos> hi Squirm [19:43] <superfly> tl;dr [19:44] <kulelu88> superfly: did you see Kilos new gf? [19:45] <Squirm> kulelu88: she looks good [19:45] <Squirm> Kilos: well played [19:45] <Kilos> ohi my fly , dont listen to this guy [19:46] <kulelu88> :D [20:10] <smile> Hi :) [20:11] <Kilos> hi smile [20:32] <Squirm> 'lo [20:32] <Kilos> hi Squirm [20:46] <Kilos> night all . sleep tight [21:01] <smile> Slaapwel :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Jacques_Stry", "Kilos", "Kilos-", "MaNI", "Neo31", "Padroni", "SDCDev", "Squirm", "ThatGraemeGuy", "barrydk", "clr_", "drussell", "georgelappies", "inetpro", "kulelu88", "lin", "magespawn", "nlsthzn", "pieter2627", "plustwo", "psyatw", "smile", "stickyboy", "superfly" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-za" }
[05:50] <jose> ovidiu-florin: ack, I'll open a ticket tomorrow. going to bed now - busy weekend. [06:07] <soee> good morning [06:19] <ovidiu-florin> GOOOOOOOOD MOOOOORNING [06:22] <yofel> moin ^^ [07:16] <sitter> Riddell: baloo red [07:58] <lordievader> Good morning. [08:25] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: that's all good although you can put it as english and romanian if you like [08:26] <ovidiu-florin> ok [08:27] <ovidiu-florin> jose: please keep us up to speed with the migration [08:28] <ovidiu-florin> 3 more days till the release? [08:29] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: yep! [08:29] <ovidiu-florin> I'll adapt the download page when I have the isos I have to point it to [08:39] <vip> hi ho [09:53] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [10:54] * ahoneybun tries to download final vivid image again [10:55] <Blizzz> is the window bar context menu intentionally that ugly? (marked entries are unreadable and it looks ages old). changing colors or decoration style does not affect it. I went updated from 14.10. [10:57] <soee> Blizzz: toy have something wrong [11:01] <BluesKaj> soee, ?? [11:01] <soee> BluesKaj: ? [11:02] <BluesKaj> soee, toy? [11:02] <soee> should be 'you' [11:03] <BluesKaj> well that's for sure, Blizzz did you do realease-upgrade -d from 14.10? [11:04] <BluesKaj> or clean install? [11:07] <BluesKaj> correction, do-release-upgrade -d [11:26] <Blizzz> BluesKaj: yes, it was a do-release-upgrade [11:27] <soee> what i can think of is some configuratoion conflict [11:28] <Blizzz> soee: that may be. do you have any idea which one comes into question? [11:28] <soee> standard procedure: backup .kde and .config and remove origins, relogin or reebot and check then [11:28] <BluesKaj> Blizzz, then that expalins it , there are several problems with that method, especially if you had plasma 5/KF5 on 14.10 [11:29] <Blizzz> BluesKaj: i was on KDE 4 on 14.10 [11:30] <Blizzz> i don't mind fixing around here and there, however the average user would like to have a proper upgrade for max satisfaction. esp. if he/she/it is not that much technical [11:30] <BluesKaj> ok, Blizzz, I did the same 2 days ago, but I don't have that problem and some installs don't work out as well others with 15.04, more so with this one it seems to me [11:33] <BluesKaj> I have another 15.04 install on a differnt HDD and it's problems are a lot worsew than this one when it come to apps appearances and decor [11:33] <BluesKaj> it was a clean daily image [11:34] <BluesKaj> only a few days to go and there are still some serious problems IMO [11:38] <Blizzz> BluesKaj: i have also seen some other things that are ungood (e.g. kwin died, i think, when waking up with a new monitor attached) [11:39] <Blizzz> BluesKaj: soee: would you check what you have set as "PluginLib" in the [Style] section in ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc ? [11:39] <Blizzz> i see there kwin3_aurorae and this does not feel right [11:41] <soee> Blizzz: i have no such fiel here [11:41] <soee> *file [11:41] <BluesKaj> Blizzz, I have the same setting [11:43] <Blizzz> k, thx [11:46] <BluesKaj> Blizzz, kwin is using KF5 libs [11:46] <human_blip> is anyone else not seeing konsole restore sessions on a new login? [12:14] <soee> Riddell: some report from 15.04 user [12:16] <soee> oh, kernel upgrade [12:28] <ovidiu-florin> are we having a party for Jessie? [12:47] <mparillo> gives an error message: This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates., but when I try to copy one into the new name, the Ubuntu Wiki gives me an error message: A page with the name 'VividVervet/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu' already exists. Try a different name. [12:51] <ovidiu-florin> mparillo: maybe because it wasn't released yet [12:55] <mparillo> ovidiu-florin: Right, I know that is out there already, but on #ubuntu-release, I read "<rbasak> I think no images have been rolled yet so this should be OK?" and in response, "<pitti> rbasak: yes, and we're still working on some installer fixes anyway" but the I like to start the wiki page early, as I never know when $work will take over. [14:40] <jose> ovidiu-florin: will do. [15:04] <darthanubis> [15:19] <mustafam> Hi everybody [15:20] <mustafam> About adding pppoe to NetworkManager dependancies? [17:12] <ovidiu-florin> mparillo: have you started working on that wiki page? [18:38] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: ping [18:40] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: hey [18:40] <ovidiu-florin> I won't do the show today [18:40] <ahoneybun> ok np [18:40] <ovidiu-florin> we're in the middle of the migration [18:40] <ovidiu-florin> actually more like one quarter [18:40] <ahoneybun> nice [18:41] <ahoneybun> the move to the new domain? [18:41] <ovidiu-florin> the release is in 23, right? [18:41] <ahoneybun> yea this thurs [18:42] <ovidiu-florin> hmmm [18:43] <ovidiu-florin> I'll have to push the sysadmins to do the migration.... [18:48] <ovidiu-florin> what's the patch-parser harald built? [18:49] <ovidiu-florin> what does it do? [19:37] <mparillo> ovidiu-florin: No, because when I try to clone one, it says it already exists. [19:47] <_Groo_> hi guys [19:47] <_Groo_> could someone with kf5 git do a quick test? doesnt take more then 10 sec [19:48] <_Groo_> want to confirm a bug i opened yesterday [19:48] <_Groo_> just do shift - alt - f12 to disable compositing, then again to enable it, check to see if the panel still has shadows and transparency [19:52] <soee> _Groo_: it is transparent for me and have shadow, but im on KF 5.8 [19:52] <soee> if you want confiramtion for master version, ask on #plasma [19:53] <_Groo_> soee: yeah im on git, started like 2 weeks ago [19:53] <_Groo_> before it was fine [19:53] <soee> well tahts teh beauty of dev version :) [19:54] <_Groo_> soee: i already opened the bug yesterday, just want to confirm it [19:54] <_Groo_> soee: thats i idea :D [19:54] <_Groo_> soee: i get scr*wed so others dont :P [19:57] <ahoneybun> there was a bug about the enter key not rebooting the machine after the installation [20:01] <soee> right click on desktop still broken ? [20:01] <ahoneybun> soee: ? [20:01] <ahoneybun> runs fine here with nvidia prime [20:04] <ahoneybun> Riddell: about this [20:04] <ahoneybun> I have a laptop that has a stylus and I might be of help [20:06] <Etriaph> Can anyone give me a hint as to which package is responsible for the storage of IM accounts for telepathy? [20:07] <Etriaph> Found a bug, not a crash, trying to report with ubuntu-bug [20:09] <Etriaph> kde-config-telepathy-accounts ? [20:09] <ahoneybun> not sure sounds right tbh, but we can change it later if need be (I think) [20:24] <ahoneybun> done 2 testcases [21:15] <balloons> Hello all! I'm looking for someone who might be willing to volunteer in giving a demo of the Plasma 5 desktop and show off the general KDE5 newness at UOS 15.05. It's happening May 5th - May 7th. [21:15] <balloons> or demo anything else you might find interesting and cool and worthy of sharing. There's lots of neat stuff happening in the KDE world, and we have a 'show and tell' track that is perfect for 5-10 minute demos [21:24] <valorie> I was thinking ovidiu-florin would be perfect! [21:24] <valorie> I'll be jetting off to see my youngest graduate college right then, unfortunately [21:31] <snele> Etriaph: I think you should file bug report to against telepathy. Directly to upstream devs [21:31] <Etriaph> snele: Oh, I tossed that to launchpad a while ago. [21:32] <Etriaph> I could mirror to though if that makes more sense to. [21:33] <snele> Etriaph: if it is packaging bug then launchpad is ok. [21:33] <ahoneybun> balloons: I'd be up for it if I could get a session at 14:30 in our timezone [21:33] <ahoneybun> maybe me and ovidiu-florin could team up as well [21:33] <ahoneybun> *ovidiu-florin and I [21:34] <Etriaph> snele: How would I know the difference? [21:34] <balloons> ahoneybun, ohh an excellent idea. Yes, that timeslot shouldn't be a problem [21:34] <ahoneybun> great balloons, which day? [21:35] <ahoneybun> *days are avaiable [21:35] <balloons> ahoneybun, your choice. The scheduler hasn't been turned on yet, so everything is open :-) [21:35] <ahoneybun> balloons: we'll see once he comes around [21:35] <ahoneybun> thanks balloons [21:36] <balloons> ahoneybun, thanks. I'll wait for your session to appear in the list :-) [21:36] <balloons> you know where to find me if you need help [21:36] <ahoneybun> could also show off the new installer slideshow [21:36] <ahoneybun> ok thanks again balloons [21:36] <ahoneybun> or the teams amazing new website [21:37] <valorie> yay, I'm so happy to see that we'll participate [21:37] * valorie goes off to clean house [21:38] <snele> Etriaph: I don't know. I thought you knew the difference ;) [21:39] <snele> I always file a bug to [21:39] <snele> than upstream devs say if that is kubuntu-specifig bug [21:39] <ahoneybun> who handles the -devel ML? [21:40] <Etriaph> snele: OK, I'll create the report on bugs.k.o then [21:40] * ahoneybun tried to reply to balloons email there but was rejected [21:41] <ahoneybun> [21:41] <ScottK> ahoneybun: That means you replied with an address that's not subscribed. [21:42] <ScottK> You have to be subscribed. [21:42] <ahoneybun> oh right [21:42] <ahoneybun> signed into gmail [21:42] <ahoneybun> most likely used the buntu email address [21:43] <ScottK> Look in the mail headers of the one you replied to to see what address it was sent to. [21:44] <ahoneybun> handled by outlook [21:44] <ahoneybun> so still could be the bubuntu emails
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Blizzz", "BluesKaj", "Etriaph", "Riddell", "ScottK", "_Groo_", "ahoneybun", "balloons", "darthanubis", "human_blip", "jose", "lordievader", "mparillo", "mustafam", "ovidiu-florin", "sitter", "snele", "soee", "valorie", "vip", "yofel" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-devel" }
[00:00] <astroo-> a brasnet foi sabotada pela google [00:00] <astroo-> e agora a merda da google nem 1 sistema social tem de "jeito" [00:00] <astroo-> a brasnet foi sabotada pela google [00:00] <Super_Ape> Never [00:00] <Super_Ape> foi sabotada pela DSGX [00:00] <Super_Ape> que na época hospedava a BRASNET [00:01] <Super_Ape> sozinha... [00:01] <Super_Ape> bom, longa história... [00:01] <astroo-> parceria entre as brasnet e google para dar lugar a orkut [00:01] <Super_Ape> nem... hahahahaha [00:01] <Super_Ape> Já volto, vou tomar banho [00:01] <astroo-> ok [00:13] <PSKOL> caramba que historia eh esse de google sabotar brasnet [00:13] <astroo-> esta no site da brasnet como prova [00:17] <PSKOL> sei q na epoca a brasnet sofria ataque todo dia ai os cara nao aguentaro e pediro pra sair [00:18] <astroo-> tambem sei dessa versao [02:46] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [04:01] <elves> boa noite [04:01] <elves> alguém pode me ajudar? [04:02] <elves> instalei o ubuntu 14 e não consigo ligá-lo a rede wifi [05:56] <XD> alguem ja andou usando o programa airodump-ng ????? [12:55] <Marco__> Pessoal, bom dia! Estou tentando instalar ubuntu 14.10 junto com o windows 8.1, mas só que quando eu vou inserir login e senha e aperto enter, volta paar a mesma tela de login e senha [12:55] <Marco__> vocês já passaram por esse problema? [12:55] <Marco__> quem puder ajudar, ficarei grato por isso [12:56] <Marco__> sou usuário iniciante em linux [13:25] <omelete> Marco__, talvez senha errada [14:51] <liberie> dia [14:52] <lieber> bom dia xará [14:52] <CyberWorld> bom dia [15:11] <Dead_Thinker> Buenos :) [15:22] <mirqui> boa tarde :) [15:45] <gustavo125> galera? [15:45] <mirqui> fala [15:52] <Dead_Thinker> opa [15:53] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :) ? [16:33] <ptl> uhl [16:33] <mirqui> ?? [16:34] <mirqui> fala [17:15] <ptl> mirqui: falar o que? [17:15] <ptl> em que lingua? [17:22] <mirqui> oi , voltei [17:23] <mirqui> sou brasileiro [17:23] <ptl> eu idem [17:23] <mirqui> aqui no chat se dá preferencia para o português [17:24] <mirqui> tens alguma dúvida sobre ubuntu? [19:42] <carlos_> ola [19:42] <carlos_> como faco para adquirir um cd do ubuntu ? [19:42] <carlos_> ou somente via download [20:56] <astroo-> ola pessoal [21:11] <Diego_> olá [21:11] <Diego_> será que alguem pode me ajudar [21:12] <DantexAUG> opa [21:12] <DantexAUG> fala ae, qual o problema? [21:13] <Diego_> Não estou conseguindo rodar o ubuntu no meu notbook [21:13] <Diego_> ele é um hibrido usa o processador Intel Atom Z3735G [21:13] <astroo-> ola [21:13] <astroo-> diz que erro da [21:14] <Diego_> eu coloco pra dar boot no pen drive que instalei o ubuntu e ele nao entra renicia sozinho não da boot [21:14] <Diego_> ja testei com a maioria dos linux é da esse mesmo problema [21:15] <astroo-> o disco rigido esta sem sistema operativo? [21:16] <Diego_> tem o win 8.1 instalado queria rodar ele no pen drive [21:16] <Diego_> pra pode instalar em uma partição que crie pra ele mais ele não da boot [21:16] <astroo-> da uns 15 minutos pela possivel resposta de alguem [21:17] <DantexAUG> como você criou essa imagem no pen drive, através de algum programa ou apenas soltou o arquivo baixado do site no pendrive? [21:17] <Diego_> criei com o universal linux usb [21:17] <DantexAUG> pode cre [21:18] <DantexAUG> ei vi aqui que esse seu processador le instruções de 64 bits [21:18] <DantexAUG> então é importante criar a imagem do ubuntu pra processadores de 64 bits [21:18] <DantexAUG> você ja checou isso também? [21:19] <Diego_> sim ele suporta 64 bits [21:19] <Diego_> o foda é a bios vem com um monte se pacotes de segurança ja desabilitei mais [21:21] <Diego_> mesmo assim esssas bios de not vem toda travada [21:21] <DantexAUG> como é que está escrito na BIOS a opção de boot pelas portas usb? [21:22] <Diego_> boot option e o nome do meu pen drive [21:23] <DantexAUG> muito estranho, só pode ser alguma opção na BIOS [21:24] <Diego_> é vou tentando aqui qualquer coisa do um toque [21:25] <astroo-> vai ao site da marca e saca o manual [21:25] <DantexAUG> você só desabilitou os pacotes de segurança depois que não conseguiu dar boot pela primeira vez? [21:26] <Diego_> sim [21:26] <Diego_> eu ja tava tentando instalar outros linux [21:26] <Diego_> ai tive q desistalar pra da boot [21:26] <Diego_> desabilitar** [21:27] <DantexAUG> e funcionou com os outros? [21:29] <Diego_> não [21:30] <DantexAUG> esses pacotes são aqueles Secure Boots? [21:30] <Diego_> sim [21:30] <DantexAUG> ai você trocou para legacy BIOS? [21:31] <Diego_> secure eu desabilitei [21:31] <Diego_> ai tem option stand e custom [21:31] <DantexAUG> e ja testou as duas? [21:33] <DantexAUG> se seu modo de BOOT estiver em UEFI mude para Legacy BIOS e faça uma tentativa pelo pendrive, pode ser isso... [21:33] <Diego_> o stand eu não testei ainda [21:34] <DantexAUG> faz esses testes e qualquer coisa fala aí [21:35] <Diego_> ok vou tentar aqui [21:39] <DantexAUG> encontrei esse site aqui que pode ajudar [21:46] <Diego_> valeu dante [21:46] <Diego_> é palhaçada do tio bill para não instalar nenhum os livre [21:46] <Diego_> vo desabilitar aqui e tentar [21:46] <DantexAUG> pois é [21:47] <DantexAUG> o cerco ta fechando [21:47] <DantexAUG> hahaha [21:47] <DantexAUG> tenta aí, boa sorte! [21:50] <Diego_> não deu nao [21:51] <Diego_> no nome do pen fica [21:51] <DantexAUG> não tem legacy boot, só tem UFEI? [21:51] <Diego_> UFI:e nome do pen drive [21:51] <Diego_> UEFI* [21:51] <Diego_> nao tem legacy [21:51] <DantexAUG> puts! [21:51] <DantexAUG> que merda! [21:52] <DantexAUG> safadeza mesmo! [21:59] <Dead_Thinker> Tive problemas com UEFI tb, tentando testar uma versão do ElementaryOS, não consegui bootar [22:06] <DantexAUG> antes de compara notebook ou placa mãe tem que ter o maior cuidado com isso agora, pesquisar bem e se certificar!] [22:19] <Dead_Thinker> O ubuntu consegui instalar de boa [22:19] <Dead_Thinker> newbie question, n dá pra desabilitar esse UEFI? [22:20] <astroo-> [22:26] <Dead_Thinker> opa, foi mal [22:26] <Dead_Thinker> vlw [23:11] <converge> alguém sabe como posso quebrar um pacote p/ testar o envio com o dput ? [23:49] <Elfon_> alo [23:50] <astroo-> ola
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CyberWorld", "DantexAUG", "Dead_Thinker", "Diego_", "Elfon_", "Marco__", "PSKOL", "Super_Ape", "XD", "astroo-", "carlos_", "converge", "elves", "gustavo125", "liberie", "lieber", "mirqui", "omelete", "ptl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-br" }
[03:39] <vineet> hi [06:55] <dholbach> good morning [06:55] <Kilos> hi dholbach how are you today? [06:57] <dholbach> hi Kilos [06:57] <dholbach> good good, still a bit sleepy, but all right :) [06:57] <dholbach> how about you? [06:58] <Kilos> very good ty. i need a door into canonical [06:59] <Kilos> we have launched a site for ubuntu-africa and i would like someone from canonical to see if there is anything that needs canonical approval and approve it please [07:00] <Kilos> i mailed for approval 2 weeks ago i think but have heard nothing [07:00] <Kilos> [07:02] <Kilos> not sure if anything needs approval but would like approval anyway if possible [07:11] <dholbach> who did you send the mail? [07:11] <dholbach> did you contact the loco council as well? [07:15] <Kilos> let me check where i sent it [07:19] <Kilos> eish i still getting use to a switch to thunderbird from evolution [07:19] <Kilos> i dont see then sent addy but the return mail gave this link in it [07:19] <Kilos> We have received your query and will respond in due course. If your enquiry is urgent, please email: [07:21] <Kilos> i think i ticked trademark approval [07:23] <Kilos> from canonical trademark team [07:24] <MooDoo> hello all [07:24] <Kilos> hi MooDoo [09:35] <Kilos> at last, contact made with drc ubuntu peeps [09:36] <Kilos> Salutation, C'est une belle idée, nous sommes là pour la soutenir. → Greetings, it's a good idea, we are here to support it [14:31] <Kilos> afternoon everyone [15:12] <Kilos> hi PabloRubianes [15:12] <PabloRubianes> hi Kilos how are you? [15:12] <Kilos> good ty and you? [15:13] <PabloRubianes> fine [17:44] <dpm> hey nhaines, around? [18:12] <Kilos> hi dpm [18:12] <dpm> hey Kilos [18:13] <Kilos> i need him too i think [18:14] <dpm> :) [18:14] <Kilos> i need to chat to a council member [18:14] <Kilos> too much work for old peeps going the email route [19:10] <Kilos> hi toddc [19:10] <Kilos> ai! toddy [19:11] <toddy> hi Kilos [19:17] <toddc> good afternoon :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "MooDoo", "PabloRubianes", "dholbach", "dpm", "toddc", "toddy", "vineet" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams" }
[08:12] <desrt> HELLO DESKTOP [08:14] <larsu> desrt: stop screaming, please [08:15] * ogra_ rasies his ear trumpet [08:15] <ogra_> what did he say ? [08:18] * davmor2 shakes walking stick and shout "Get Off My LAWN!" [08:18] * ogra_ rasies his ear trumpet again [08:18] <ogra_> what did he say ? [08:20] <davmor2> ogra_: peskie kids muttering to themselves all the time [08:24] <willcooke> [08:26] <pitti> Good morning [08:26] <pitti> yay, back to a mostly sane TZ :) [08:26] <larsu> pitti: hi! How's London? [08:28] <seb128> hey pitti, had a good trip back to Europe? [08:28] <willcooke> [08:28] <willcooke> [08:29] <pitti> seb128: yeah, I did; all went well [08:29] <pitti> seb128: how was your's? you took the Eurostar, I figurE? [08:29] <pitti> larsu: you aren't here? for the desktop sprint? [08:29] <larsu> pitti: trolling isn't what it used to be in here ;) [08:29] <seb128> pitti, mine was fine, yeah, eurostar, easy and uneventful ;-) [08:29] <larsu> pitti: I am. It's nice and sunny! [08:30] <pitti> larsu: sorry, too distracted/jetlagged for subtle jokes still [08:31] <larsu> pitti: no worries. Enjoy your day! Hope to see you some time this week [08:31] <pitti> larsu: yeah, I was too tired last night for getting to your hotel again, sorry [08:31] <pitti> but definitively let's meet for some dinner/beer this week! [08:32] <larsu> :) [08:36] <seb128> pitti, we are going to be in the office on thursday [08:36] <pitti> seb128: oh, nice! for the release party? [08:36] <seb128> + beer event in the evening for vivid [08:36] <seb128> yeah [08:36] <pitti> rockin' [08:37] <seb128> :-) [10:36] <willcooke> [10:36] <willcooke> robert_ancell, ^^ [10:44] <MacSlow> for more than an hour I'm watching systemd hanging at "A start job is running for Enable s...y formats" during boot... anyone with an idea how to fix/workaround that... or what's causing this? [10:44] <MacSlow> oh... and "Login Service" and "Network Manager" failed to start too [11:55] <seb128> willcooke, inspiron 11 3000 series 3138 [11:55] <seb128> reg model P19T [13:15] <rbasak> Does someone in the desktop team want to take bug 1445358? Looks like it should be considered release critical to me. [13:15] <ogra_> heh, so shiny [13:21] <seb128> rbasak, can you mention it to diwic on #ubuntu-devel? [13:21] <seb128> rbasak, TheMuso is off this week and we don't have anybody else in desktop working on pulseaudio [13:26] <didrocks> mterry: hey, we are on a sprint, and we were wondering if you got Unity8 running with a snappy image. In that case, what device and procedure have we used? We tried an usb stick, but of course, most of the time, no wifi drivers on the image… [13:27] <mterry> didrocks, no, I didn't get as far as the entirety of unity8 [13:27] <didrocks> mterry: did you get at least a working machine, which isn't a qemu device? [13:28] <didrocks> like a laptop, with ssh, and such… [13:28] <mterry> didrocks, yeah, I had a snappy laptop that I ssh'd into [13:28] <mterry> didrocks, did you see my email about deb2snap? I got mir and xmir clients working [13:28] <mterry> didrocks, but didn't try something as complicated as unity8 [13:28] <mterry> I bet there are some gaps (dbus? gsettings caches?) [13:28] <didrocks> mterry: that's exactly why I'm pinging you :) But to get mir, we need to use some intel based laptop [13:29] <didrocks> and we still have to find one with a running ubuntu core image :p [13:29] <didrocks> (where we have network) [13:29] <mterry> didrocks, I had an nvidia laptop [13:29] <didrocks> oh, mir supports it? [13:29] <mterry> didrocks, it seems to... using nouveau [13:29] <didrocks> interesting [13:29] <didrocks> do you know about qemu? Maybe that can help iterating [13:29] <didrocks> (well kvm) [13:31] <mterry> didrocks, yeah well I tried kvm [13:31] <mterry> didrocks, but mir needs real hardware (/dev/dri/card0 access) [13:31] <didrocks> mterry: ok, thanks for confirming. We'll try harder to find a way to at least have ubuntu core running on real hardware first :) [13:31] <ogra_> mterry, doesnt the new HW access framework now make that available ? [13:32] <mterry> ogra_, I don't know... It didn't last time I tested on vivid [13:32] <ogra_> yeah, that was still in development back then ... i think it is there now [13:35] * didrocks tries in a vm [13:48] <didrocks> mterry: ogra_: doesn't work FYI [13:48] <didrocks> (with kvm) [15:35] <seb128> kenvandine, hey, are you going somewhere with those flacky tests? I see you had a bunch of (re)tries, do you understand what's going on? [15:36] <kenvandine> yes [15:36] <kenvandine> i'm trying to beat on it :) [15:36] <kenvandine> ignore the noise for now [15:36] <kenvandine> i have it reliably passing the specific tests we had failing before [15:36] <kenvandine> but i introduced another problem... [15:36] <kenvandine> fixing [15:39] <seb128> kenvandine, what was the issue? [15:40] <seb128> I'm curious, your mp doesn't explain much [15:40] * larsu waves to seb128 [15:40] * seb128 waves back [15:42] <kenvandine> seb128, we think it was because we had a test calling another test [15:43] <kenvandine> so i refactored it to not need to call that test to setup [15:43] <kenvandine> but i also added more wait_selects, etc [15:43] <kenvandine> but that wasn't the real issue [15:49] <seb128> kenvandine, it doesn't make sense, for me the failing test was clearly a tap from autopilot not resulting as a tap/generated as an onClicked [15:49] <kenvandine> seb128, elopio says that's because it wasn't ready when the click was sent [15:49] <kenvandine> so it didn't get it [15:49] <kenvandine> the qml side wasn't ready [15:50] <seb128> kenvandine, what does that mean? [15:50] <seb128> the UI is on screen [15:50] <seb128> and built [15:50] <seb128> and the listitem is stable/displayed and get something happening to it [15:50] <kenvandine> that's what he said :) [15:50] <seb128> e.g you get the selected bg color changed [15:50] <kenvandine> but was it ready before autopilot called the click [15:50] <seb128> like if it was dnd-ed rather than clicked [15:51] <seb128> define ready [15:51] <seb128> it was on screen stable displayed without changing for some seconds [15:51] <seb128> and the click made the line bg change [15:51] <seb128> the text just doesn't turn red and the onClicked handler doesn't trigger [15:51] <kenvandine> yeah [15:51] <seb128> to me it looks like the tap is doing a dnd [15:51] <kenvandine> hmm [15:51] <seb128> or something which is not seen as a proper click [15:52] <kenvandine> so removing the call to the other test, did seem to fix that [15:52] <kenvandine> i got a couple passes in a row in CI [15:52] <seb128> doesn't make sense to me [15:52] <kenvandine> not sure how that caused it though [15:53] <kenvandine> but he said we should never call a test from a test [15:53] <kenvandine> but [15:53] <seb128> why not? [15:53] <kenvandine> that code as been there for 15 months [15:53] <kenvandine> and it wasn't a problem before [15:53] <kenvandine> but it is the only place we do that [15:53] <kenvandine> he didn't really say why [15:53] <kenvandine> he also said we shouldn't have more than one assertion [15:54] <kenvandine> which i don't really agree with [15:54] <kenvandine> he said each test should only have one assert [15:55] <seb128> k, weird [15:55] <kenvandine> but for a UI test, i think it makes sense to assert on multiple things [15:55] <seb128> I think people just suggest workarounds there [15:55] <kenvandine> what i'm still puzzled by is why this just started happening [15:55] <seb128> but let's see if that's enough to make things stable, I somewhat doubt it
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MacSlow", "davmor2", "desrt", "didrocks", "kenvandine", "larsu", "mterry", "ogra_", "pitti", "rbasak", "seb128", "willcooke" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-desktop" }
[02:26] <pleia2> there, did team reports finally (hadn't done any since December, oops) [05:56] <ochosi> morning everyone [06:17] <elfy> morning [06:23] <ochosi> hm, the tracker doesn't look too bad [06:24] <elfy> ochosi: nope - nothing there that's unexpected :) [06:24] <elfy> apart from a new name \o/ [06:25] <ochosi> a new name? [06:25] <ochosi> you mean a new tester? [06:26] <elfy> yea [06:26] <ochosi> good to see how the tester-situation has improved over this cycle [06:27] <ochosi> our initiatives were not in vain, it seems [06:27] <elfy> it's getting there for sure [14:36] <krytarik> bluesabre: LP bug 1446259. [16:11] <micahg> someone need an upload? [16:14] <micahg> krytarik: ^^ [16:14] <krytarik> micahg: Yes, that'd be us - xubuntu-docs, please. :) [16:18] <slickymasterWork> pretty please also micahg ;) [16:19] * micahg wonders why bzr tags aren't being used regularly... [16:21] <micahg> I'm taking a look at the changes now [16:21] * micahg thinks he needs more coffee before reading make files [16:21] <slickymasterWork> lol micahg, blame krytarik [16:22] * genii makes a fresh pot of high-octane coffee and passes the mugs around [16:22] <micahg> thanks genii :) [16:22] <genii> Heh, any time! [16:23] * drc wonders why someone doesn't invent a coffee hookah? [16:27] <micahg> krytarik: new line 38 replaces the TRANSLATIONS variable as opposed to what old line 27 did, is that what is supposed to happen? [16:37] <krytarik> micahg: In both of those, the TRANSLATIONS variable is set - however, with the new one it's not expanded immediately - that's basically the fix. [16:38] <micahg> right, ook [16:43] <micahg> can I assume we want to include the new translations updates as well [16:45] <slickymasterWork> yes you can micahg [16:49] <krytarik> micahg: There is nothing new today so far though. [16:50] <slickymasterWork> what about that string in ES krytarik? [16:51] <slickymasterWork> The one about mentioning the risks of password reuse more clearly that sidi reworded [16:51] <krytarik> slickymasterWork: Trickled in with this morning's sync already - along with some FR stuff. [16:51] <slickymasterWork> ooh, ok [16:52] * slickymasterWork will have to create a spreadsheet to keep tags of krytarik's daily doings [16:57] <slickymasterWork> knome did you forget [17:07] <slickymasterWork> elfy, in your opinion is bug 1445622 sufficient to mark a Live Test as failed? [17:08] <elfy> nope [17:08] <micahg> krytarik: [17:08] <slickymasterWork> my thoughts exactly [17:12] <micahg> ok, will finish review and upload after coffee [17:13] <flexiondotorg> elfy, [17:13] <flexiondotorg> elfy, Does that affect Xubuntu? [17:22] <pleia2> knome: thanks, I'll post to other social medias [17:27] <knome> pleia2, cheers [17:27] <knome> slickymasterWork, no, i just didn't get to it yet [17:28] <slickymasterWork> I was sure you wouldn't forget it knome [17:28] <knome> i can likely handle it now... [17:29] <slickymasterWork> great knome [17:31] <elfy> flexiondotorg: no idea - no way to tell either [17:32] <elfy> slickymasterWork: imo - if a file was still after rebooting a livesession - that might be sufficient to mark something [17:33] <slickymasterWork> well that was on a live session [17:33] <elfy> yes - but it wasn't there when it rebooted [17:35] <slickymasterWork> I passed the test but did marked the bug [17:37] <elfy> yep [17:42] <knome> slickymasterWork, pushed a new revision with the updated translation [17:44] <slickymasterWork> great knome, everything is now as it should be :) [17:47] <slickymasterWork> elfy what is the bug number for the the "vivid fails to shutdown or reboot at end of installation when "reboot now" issue? [17:47] <elfy> 1445587 [17:47] <slickymasterWork> danka [17:47] <elfy> fix commited, so I'll be expecting a rebuild soonish [17:48] <slickymasterWork> not just yet :P [17:52] <slickymasterWork> micahg if you haven't upload yet, can you please take in consideration -> [18:42] <knome> slickymasterWork, pushed a new revision with the updated translation [17:53] <slickymasterWork> so the FI translation would be 100% translated [17:53] <micahg> ok, will do [17:54] <slickymasterWork> great, thanks for that [19:28] <micahg> hrm, I'm not seeing any difference in the languages updated between the builds, but I am seeing the new German files [19:30] <krytarik> micahg: Yeah, they're currently in an automatic import loop. :P [19:32] <elfy> well that's all the uprades and installs with at least a smoketest done now [19:32] <elfy> looking good for rebuilds and the tracker being empty next :) [19:34] <micahg> ok, I guess I'll upload what we have as it fixes the critical bug [19:34] <elfy> hi micahg [19:34] <micahg> sorry, was using wrong tool to check the file size differences [19:34] <micahg> hi elfy [19:36] <micahg> krytarik: any reason not to upload [19:37] <krytarik> micahg: No, why would there? :) [19:37] <micahg> idk :), ok, pushing the button, I'll also have a merge for the updated changelog [19:37] <krytarik> Yep, thanks. [19:40] <krytarik> micahg: Oh, because we were moving target this evening - no, should be all now. :P [19:41] <micahg> [19:42] <krytarik> slickymaster: ^ [19:43] <astraljava> elfy: ochosi: I'm thinking that my HDD is just incredibly slow. Otherwise the installation seems to progress in a fairly expected way, but when it starts copying files, it grinds nearly to a halt. Still, I'm expecting this to finish in about an hour, if the progress bar holds true. [19:43] <elfy> astraljava: thanks :) [19:44] <ochosi> astraljava: right, sounds like "fun" [19:44] <ochosi> i presume you're not using this laptop for anything else [19:45] <elfy> not currently ... [19:47] <astraljava> Other than listening to music on Spotify, and chatting here, no. [19:47] <astraljava> I even reinstalled virtualbox packages, and did a fresh dist-upgrade, with a reboot prior to starting this. So it's as good as it can be. :) [19:49] <astraljava> The playlist I'm listening to is stored offline, so it's not using network for that. I do presume it still polls for some other operations, though, but probably not in intervening amounts. [19:50] <astraljava> Not all RAM is used, and none in swap. [19:50] <Noskcaj> bluesabre, Are there any thunar fixes we should backport to vivid? [20:33] <astraljava> Okay, well it seems to work nicely now after all. Thanks for your patience and assistance! :) [20:43] <knome> eh. [20:43] <knome> this is why i never upgrade via the GUI [20:44] <knome> now something is or isn't happening and i have no clue, since the GUI is gone. [20:48] <knome> astraljava, did you upgrade the way the iso tracker told to? [21:08] <astraljava> Upgrade? You mean after the installation? [21:09] <knome> oh, i thought you were doing an upgrade [21:09] <knome> nvm [21:09] <astraljava> I'm not exactly doing this by the tracker books, as I gathered those tests were already concluded, no? [21:09] <knome> nooo. [21:09] <astraljava> Oh. [21:10] <astraljava> So you mean I should report this? [21:10] <knome> well depends on your ISO [21:10] <knome> most likely yes [21:10] <astraljava> It's desktop i386 straight install. [21:10] <knome> from which day? [21:10] <astraljava> Nothing fancy. [21:11] <astraljava> jaska@glencoyne:~/Documents/Xubuntu/images 00:11:26 $ ll [21:11] <astraljava> total 994308 [21:11] <astraljava> -rw-rw-r-- 1 jaska audio 1018167296 Apr 18 00:20 vivid-desktop-i386.iso [21:12] <astraljava> So it's quite dated. [21:12] <knome> 20150417.1 [21:12] <astraljava> Is that good? [21:12] <knome> that's the current target [21:12] <astraljava> Ok, I'll check the tracker, then. [21:13] <knome> it's most likely good [21:13] <astraljava> After the vm done updating initramfs... *sigh* [21:13] <knome> ;) [21:13] <astraljava> Yeah, it's much swifter this way, fresh after a reboot, but it's still not fun per se. [21:14] <knome> per se indeed [21:14] <astraljava> *smirk* [21:28] <slickymaster> thanks micahg [21:35] <slickymaster> oh and btw micahg, the bzr tags weren't use, in this case, because unusually the bug just got filed after the fix have been commited [21:46] <Unit193> So the changelog for xubuntu-docs was fixed, no? [21:46] <Unit193> Good, it was. [21:52] <bluesabre> thanks for picking that up micahg :) [21:53] <bluesabre> Noskcaj: as far as I know, we've picked up the major one at least [21:56] <bluesabre> Unit193: hola [21:56] <Unit193> Howdy, bluesabre. [21:58] <bluesabre> how's it going? [22:00] <Unit193> Uhh, compared to last week? Well enough. You? [22:02] <Unit193> Got too much stuff I don't want to do. [22:03] <bluesabre> :) [22:03] <bluesabre> I can relate to that [22:05] <micahg> bluesabre: sure, np [22:34] <bluesabre> Noskcaj: ah, only just noticed that there was a new thunar release... well that may change my answer :) [22:59] <knome> there seems to be some wonkyness in lightdm, probably related to the dualmonitor setup [22:59] <knome> i'll have to investigate this later when i have better time and am less tired [22:59] <knome> it seems unrelated to the upgrade itself though, so not noted anything about that there [22:59] <knome> (everything *works*, just not perfectly) [23:00] <knome> bluesabre, you ever had a fast blinking cursor on lightdm? [23:00] <knome> i believe it's loading something [23:00] <knome> it might be doing some race conditions [23:01] <knome> the dual-monitor layout is not correct when it first loads (eg. mouse wraps to right monitor when i drag it over the left border of the left monitor) [23:01] <knome> then it does that blinking/twitching [23:01] <knome> and then resets to the right layout with the user-specific wallpaper [23:07] <bluesabre> knome: I've heard of a completely white screen issue which goes away by clicking or specifying a default monitor [23:07] <knome> nope, not that [23:07] <knome> i can see the default plymouth wallpaper [23:07] <knome> and the login box and more [23:07] <knome> the layout is just wrong [23:08] <ali1234> what video driver? [23:08] <knome> and - i'm not sure abuot this - but it's possible i can't type before this loading has happened [23:08] <knome> nvidia [23:08] <ali1234> proprietary? [23:08] <knome> yes [23:08] <ali1234> and you have a xorg.conf which contains your monitor layout? [23:08] <knome> i've tried both with and without it [23:09] <ali1234> does the wrong layout persist after login? [23:09] <knome> no, it is correct after it has done that twitching thing, as i've said [23:09] <ali1234> what if you log in fast? ;) [23:09] <knome> what if i can't type before it has loaded the right layout? [23:10] <ali1234> well [23:10] <ali1234> the last time i saw wrong layout in lightdm it was caused by gsettingsd [23:11] <ali1234> what happens is that xorg uses xorg.conf if it exists, but gsettingsd will attempt to load the user's layout from monitors.xml [23:11] <ali1234> if it cant do that it will reset the layout to defaults, which are probably wrong [23:11] <knome> likely... [23:11] <ali1234> i cannot explain how the layout could be wrong when it loads up but then gets corrected [23:11] <ali1234> because xorg always uses xorg.conf... obviously [23:12] <ali1234> and things like gsettingsd only load up afterwards [23:12] <knome> i mean, my right hand side is connected to the first port (whatever that means), so i guess that's the first guess for the leftmost one [23:12] <ali1234> but perhaps if your xorg.conf is wrong (maybe gpu-manager deleted it again?) but your monitors.xml is right... that could be the cause [23:12] <ali1234> no, it does not matter which port things are connected to [23:12] <knome> well i also tested without a xorg.conf [23:12] <ali1234> nvidia doesn't work like that. the default layout is determined by the type of monitor connected [23:13] <ali1234> which is stupid because it means the monitor used for the bios is fixed regardless of which port you connect your monitors to [23:13] <ali1234> but there's nothing we can do about that [23:13] <ali1234> so... if you have no xorg.conf, what layout do you get? [23:13] <knome> both xorg.conf and the gsettingsd conf (if that's what the xfce display dialog handles) are correct [23:14] <ali1234> no, xfce display dialog does not use gsettings [23:14] <ali1234> which is why the idea of gsettings always trying to load monitors.xml is so roken [23:14] <ali1234> because gsettings doesn't even load in xfce, but lightdm loads it for a few things [23:14] <ali1234> and it tries to reset your monitor layout by default [23:14] <ali1234> i reported a bug about this ages ago and i think it was fixed [23:15] <ali1234> i will try to find it [23:15] <ali1234> bug 1283615 [23:17] <ali1234> so i discovered that ug because i ran unity-greeter to test something instead of gtk-greeter [23:17] <micahg> BTW, someone will have to poke the release team to get the new xubuntu-docs accepted and then respin ISOs (can we do our own respins?) [23:18] <ali1234> gsettingsd actually has modules for various things, and monitor layout is one of them [23:18] <ali1234> lightdm doesn't load the monitor layout plugin, iirc [23:18] <ali1234> sorry, gtk-greeter doesn't [23:18] <bluesabre> micahg: yeah, I think me, ochosi, and elfy can respin [23:18] <ali1234> but unity-greeter doesnt specify modules [23:18] <knome> and me, but for other reasons... [23:18] <bluesabre> and knome [23:18] <knome> i'll leave it to you ;) [23:19] <knome> bluesabre, again it should be everybody in ~xubuntu-release [23:19] <bluesabre> I can poke, but usually I get ignored until I go to work ;) [23:19] <bluesabre> knome, yup [23:19] <micahg> anything else need to be uploaded or fixed before release? [23:20] <bluesabre> [23:21] <knome> ali1234, thanks for the insight... i got to look at this with better time and eyes x.x [23:21] <bluesabre> micahg: I think we're in good shape as far as I can tell [23:21] <micahg> ok [23:21] <ali1234> this all might be a red herring. what i saw was pretty much the exact opposite of what you are seeing [23:21] <bluesabre> there are things to upload, but not this late in the game :) [23:22] <knome> ali1234, yeah, i will figure out what it is what's actually happening [23:22] <bluesabre> knome: report a bug against gtk-greeter, andrew p did change quite a few things with monitor handling in the last release [23:23] <knome> in the worst case, i guess i can create a monitors.xml file (if that's supposed to fix this) [23:23] <knome> bluesabre, when i've looked at it, i will [23:23] <bluesabre> cool [23:24] <bluesabre> I'm going to go goof off for a bit, then come back and hack on xfce stuff [23:25] <knome> hf goofing [23:26] <bluesabre> will do [23:29] <knome> lol, that was my mental image, literally...
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Noskcaj", "Unit193", "ali1234", "astraljava", "bluesabre", "drc", "elfy", "flexiondotorg", "genii", "knome", "krytarik", "micahg", "ochosi", "pleia2", "slickymaster", "slickymasterWork" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu-devel" }
[07:58] <lordievader> Goede morgen. [15:31] <sarawara> ik heb een probleem met internet, ik dacht dan doe ik eindelijk maar eens een upgrade naar 14.04 LTS maar het lukt niet :( [15:32] <sarawara> ik krijg Unable to load page [15:32] <sarawara> Problem occurred while loading the URL [15:32] <sarawara> Cannot resolve proxy hostname () [16:05] <sarawara> ok geen internet dan [16:06] <sarawara> nog een prettige avond voor iedereen :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "lordievader", "sarawara" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nl" }
[11:59] <cmaloney> morning [12:08] <_stink_> good morning [12:13] <brousch> Wow, this coffee really is better [12:13] <brousch> I tried an over night cold brew. It lets a lot more subtle flavors survive [12:32] <ColonelPanic001> interesting [12:32] <ColonelPanic001> I'm thinking of getting a decent french press just to get rid of yet-another electical device taking up my valuable counterspace [12:32] <ColonelPanic001> and because I could make my own at work then (I can't drink much regular, or I get like Fry in that episode of futurama) [12:32] <ColonelPanic001> a little caffeine goes a very long way with me [12:33] <brousch> I have a french press. You still need to heat the water somehow [12:34] <brousch> Unless you cold brew overnight [12:34] <ColonelPanic001> yeah, I have an electric kettle at home and work for tea [12:34] <ColonelPanic001> so really it would mean I could make coffee almost like I make tea already anyway [12:34] <brousch> My press makes 3 cups, so I do it at home and bring it to work in a thermos [12:34] <ColonelPanic001> yeah, thought of that too, maybe [12:35] <ColonelPanic001> I don't drink a lot of coffee, but then that's partly to just avoid the caffeine. If I could make decent decaf like that, might be worth the bother [12:36] <brousch> I drink decaf [12:37] <brousch> You could easily make half-caf this way too [12:37] <ColonelPanic001> yeah [12:39] <brousch> The hardest part of french press is figuring out how much grounds to use. Each batch of coffee is a little different [12:40] <brousch> So there's always a brew or 2 of too powerful/weak when you start a new bag [12:42] <_stink_> question [12:43] <_stink_> if the water is cold [12:43] <_stink_> is it really a 'brew' at all [12:43] <_stink_> and not just a 'soak' [12:44] <brousch> That's a better name for it [12:44] <_stink_> a less appetizing name :P [12:44] <_stink_> mmm, taste this soak i made [12:45] <brousch> cold soak [12:45] <brousch> Would you like a cup of cold soak? [12:46] <_stink_> oh yes please [13:04] <rick_h_> morning [13:15] <cmaloney> morning [13:19] <cmaloney> How's the morning so far? [13:21] <rick_h_> I can haz coffee [13:37] <cmaloney> rick_h_: Are you back state-side? [13:37] <rick_h_> cmaloney: yea, back last night [13:37] <rick_h_> yay [13:37] <cmaloney> woo woo! [13:37] <cmaloney> Everything go well [13:37] <cmaloney> ? [13:37] <rick_h_> now to catch up on the world [13:38] <rick_h_> ok, still have a job so that always makes for a good sprint :) [13:38] <cmaloney> Kind of like the Christmas party at my dad's old job [13:38] <rick_h_> lol [13:38] <cmaloney> If you didn't tell the boss of the company where he could shove his bottles of wine it was considered a success. [14:04] <brousch> Hm, bonus from the cold brew. There is almost no sediment compared to usual
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ColonelPanic001", "_stink_", "brousch", "cmaloney", "rick_h_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi" }
[02:46] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [07:58] <camelo> olá [20:39] <chotaz> lusitan, já percebo o que dizias no outro dia, as pessoas comentam que estão poucos, mas também ninguém vem para ajudar.. [20:50] <lusitan> eu quando sei até ajudo [20:51] <lusitan> mas há malta que pensa que estamos aqui e que temos de responder em 30 segundos [20:51] <lusitan> a paciência ainda é uma virtude [20:55] <astroo-> ola pessoal
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "astroo-", "camelo", "chotaz", "lusitan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pt" }
[08:02] <screedo> God morgon [08:14] <cowbacon> screedo: god morgon! [08:14] <cowbacon> och glad påsk :> [08:41] <screedo> cowbacon: Tack detsamma. [17:47] <MarkusDBX> Hej allihopa [17:48] <andol> goafton [17:49] <Philip5> Hund: visa nu att du är kung på android [17:49] <MarkusDBX> andol: inte varit här i kanalen på ett tag. Kul att den lever =) [17:51] <andol> MarkusDBX: Vart otrogen mot kanalen genom att ha ett liv? :) [17:52] <MarkusDBX> andol: nja. har haft mer fokus på webdev och devops på senaste. [17:52] <Hund> Philip5: Hur då? [17:53] <Philip5> Hund: hur gör jag bäst nu för att ersätta gapps för 4.4? [17:53] <Hund> Philip5: Ersätta? [17:54] <Hund> Ersätta som i ersätta befintliga gapps med andra gapps? [17:54] <Philip5> ja gapps släpps ju inte somfina paket som förr [17:54] <Philip5> han som underhållit gapps har ju klivit av scenen [17:54] <Philip5> gapps för CM alltså [17:55] <Hund> Det finns en miljard olika versioner av gapps till alla möjliga rommar till alla möjliga telefoner av alla möjliga människor. [17:55] <Philip5> [17:55] <Hund> [17:56] <Hund> Varför duger inte CMs egna? [17:57] <Philip5> de har väl inga uppdaterade? [17:57] <MarkusDBX> [17:57] <MarkusDBX> Vad kan detta bero på? [17:58] <Hund> Philip5: Du uppdaterar alla apps via Play Store. [17:59] <MarkusDBX> Googlar folk mindre på linux, för att dom lärt sig numera? Eller har linux minskat i popularitet? [17:59] <MarkusDBX> Eller kör folk bara cloud api lösningar och sätter inte upp saker själva längre? [17:59] <Hund> MarkusDBX: Mix av båda tror jag. Jag tror Linux fick en bump av Ubuntu förut, men att hypen nu lagt sig. [18:00] <MarkusDBX> Samtidigt, ska man confa upp chef, puppet, ansible, docker eller liknande så underlättar det helt oerhört att kunna linux och cli. [18:01] <andol> Jotack, när folk bygger puppet/cheff/ansible så blir det sällan vackert ifall det saknas grundläggande os-förståelse. [18:02] <MarkusDBX> man kan.. dra in nån config fil, som "bara funkar" vilket folk gör. Men fattar man inte det som står i config filen är det ju en olycka som bara väntar på att inträffa. [18:02] <andol> Vad gäller Google-trenderna så ser det ut som något som mycket väl skulle kunna bero på att fokus skiftet mer på distributioner och mindre på Linux i allmänhet. [18:03] <MarkusDBX> andol: samtidigt minskar googlingarna på distar också [18:03] <andol> MarkusDBX: Alternativt att det skiftar vilka distar som Googlas på? [18:04] <MarkusDBX> jag hittar inte en enda dist som är på uppåtgående. (som funnits ett tag) [18:04] <Hund> Alla har väl hittar sin dist nu. [18:06] <Hund> hittat* [18:06] <MarkusDBX> [18:06] <MarkusDBX> kanske lägger folk mer tid på detta idag? Än att hitta dist? [18:07] <Hund> Möjligen du och 5 andra. [18:07] <MarkusDBX> haha [18:07] <Hund> :P [18:07] <MarkusDBX> inte så nu [18:08] <MarkusDBX> Eller är det google cloud platform, aws och liknande som är mer intressant än att pyssla med servers själv kanske? [18:08] <andol> Ytterligare möjlig tolkning: Idag bara-funkar linux-distar i större omfattning, och sålunda finns det mindre anledning att Google kring dem. [18:09] <MarkusDBX> jo, så kan det absolut vara [18:09] <Hund> Oja. Idag kan du ju bara peka och klicka på allting. På det som nu inte fungerar direkt ur lådan. [18:10] <MarkusDBX> [18:11] <Hund> Nu är min pulled porked färdig. På återseende gott folk! [18:13] <MarkusDBX> Verkar vara web appar i molnet som gäller, som bara pratar med API-er hos moln leverantörer (externa tjänster). [18:13] <MarkusDBX> Varit så ett tag, säger inte att det är värsta nyheten. =) [18:28] <peyam> va oratar ni om [19:03] <K350> Någon som är duktig på PHP? [19:05] <K350> Jag gör en liten skattjakt för barnen. De ska fylla i rätt siffra i en textbox för att komma itll nästa sida. Hur gör jag de ti PHP? [19:10] <bamsefar> K350: <form action="/post.php" method="post"><input type="text" name="siffra"><input type="submit"></form> också i post.php <?php if($_POST["siffra"] == 5) { header("Location: /nastasida.php"); } typ [19:11] <K350> bamsefar: Oj, det var jättebra. Men lite svårt att kopiea afrån terminalen. Går det att lägga på någon pastbin sida? [19:12] <Hund> K350: Du har väl en logg? [19:13] <bamsefar> K350: [19:16] <K350> /c/c [19:16] <bamsefar> Huh? [19:16] <K350> bamsefar: Tusen TACK! Verkligen väldigt upppskattat !!! :-) [19:26] <bamsefar> :) [19:40] <K350> bamsefar: En liten detalj. Hur göra om det blri fle siffra? [19:41] <bamsefar> Fler siffror? [19:41] <bamsefar> Dvs, flera olika "sidor"? [19:44] <K350> Ja, tanken är att de ska ta reda på ensiffra. Är det rätt så leder det till en ny sida där de ska ta reda på ännu ensiffra.Sammanlagt 5 siffror och sidor [19:45] <K350> bamsefar: jag provad emed fel siffra..och då kommer bara en tom sida upp [19:45] <bamsefar> Aha, släng ut en else { print "Nu blev det fel" } efter } på if-satsen. [19:53] <K350> bamsefar: Ah, så bra. Men hur ska de backa tillbaka? [19:53] <bamsefar> K350: Skriv ut en länk till input-rutan om de skrivit fel? [19:57] <K350> bamsefar: Ah, Där har vi det ! :-) [19:58] <bamsefar> :) [19:58] <K350> bamsefar: Det verkar os jag gjort ngt tokigt [19:59] <bamsefar> Ojdå [20:00] <K350> <?php [20:00] <K350> if($_POST["siffra"] == 43) { [20:00] <K350> [20:00] <K350> header("Location:/1.html"); } [20:00] <K350> else { print "Nu blev det fel" } [20:00] <bamsefar> Du ska ha ett ; [20:00] <bamsefar> Efter fel" [20:11] <K350> bamsefar: Det strå bara page not found. Meni adressfältet så är det rätt adress [20:16] <K350> bamsefar: Eller rättare sagt det strå "file not found" [20:25] <bamsefar> Du har inte glömt http:// ? [20:35] <K350> Jo, och nu fungerar det! :-) [20:35] <K350> bamsefar: Hur lägger jag in bakåt-länken efter "Nu blev det fel" ? [21:01] <K350> bamsefar: nu fungerar allt. Tusne tack igen ! :-)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Hund", "K350", "MarkusDBX", "Philip5", "andol", "bamsefar", "cowbacon", "peyam", "screedo" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }
[00:12] <ianorlin> \o/ [00:23] <nhaines> ianorlin: oh geeze, did it come up already? I wanted to add a testimonial to your page. :( [00:23] <nhaines> On the other hand, your prolific work speaks for itself. [00:23] <ianorlin> ah yeah it did and I got it [00:23] <nhaines> Congrats! :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ianorlin", "nhaines" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-ca" }
[08:08] <andrex> @whoami [08:08] <ubuntuhelp> AndreX [11:18] <Eightynine> Привет всем. посмотрите пожалуйста, тут все нормально? [13:36] <tagezi> SergeyIT: [13:49] <SergeyIT> tagezi, так это бсд [14:12] <andrex> gb [14:12] <andrex> !ping [14:12] <ubuntuhelp> 100500 bytes from (100.500.0.0): icmp_seq=100 ttl=500 time=0 ms [14:31] <tagezi> SergeyIT: тебе какая разница как называется твоя ось? :) и потом фря не гента, да и надёжность у неё выше [14:39] <andrex> кста о фре не разонравилось оно мне чет ваще [14:39] <andrex> -не [15:10] <tagezi> andrex: да ладно тебе, система как система.. если не лесть внутрь, то и не понять в чем различия [15:11] <andrex> а чет они поседне время там все переворачивают с ног наголову с каждым релизом, задолбало) [15:14] <SergeyIT> я начал никсы изучать с фри... и больше не видел ее [15:27] <tagezi> SergeyIT: а разница какая? если не вылазить из декстопа, то вид такой же.. большинство утилит командной строки тоде похожи.. болье свободы.. ну так это уже копать нужно.. а это редко кто делает [15:28] <tagezi> а, ну да.. графической установки кажеться нет.. нужно немного попеатать будет [15:28] <tagezi> так это помоему фигня [15:58] <andrex> бсдя с десктопой это та еще ересь [15:59] <andrex> было когдато десктоп бсд помню мне диск приперли с линуксцентра [16:00] <andrex> тошнее там их было 2 само бсд с кедами и лагпаки на второй сдшке [16:36] <[Raiden]> Тест [16:37] <[Raiden]> !test [16:37] <ubuntuhelp> failed! [16:37] <[Raiden]> Gut [17:29] <artemkolos> Привет [17:29] <artemkolos> Немогу зарегится на фашем форуме [17:31] <artemkolos> Следующие ошибки были обнаружены при регистрации. Пожалуйста, исправьте их: [17:31] <artemkolos> Вы не правильно ответили на вопрос. [17:32] <artemkolos> Берегись мышиный род, на охоту вышел...: - кот [17:32] <artemkolos> Прыгает и скачет, но только не плачет: - мяч [17:32] <artemkolos> что не так? [17:34] <artemkolos> альо [17:34] <artemkolos> есть кто? [17:35] <andrex> очисти кеш браузера, и попробуй заново [17:41] <andrex> если не заработает обратись к администрации форума (Здесь таковых нет) [17:46] <artemkolos> а как к ней обратиться? [17:47] <artemkolos> дайте адреса [17:47] <artemkolos> на сайте не нашел [18:00] <tagezi> да, многие жалуются на регистрацию сайта.. благодарите спамеров и флудеров [18:11] <andrex> вах он срута в ирц заполз) [18:13] <astrobeglec> Вечера [18:14] <andrex> ночера [18:24] <astrobeglec1> вечера [18:24] <astrobeglec1> ping [18:24] <ubuntuhelp> astrobeglec1, Failed! [19:21] <andrex> inkvizitor68sl: hi [19:22] <inkvizitor68sl> ку [19:40] <Sergey_IT> инк и живой.. [20:19] <Sergey_IT> уже не живой (
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Eightynine", "SergeyIT", "Sergey_IT", "[Raiden]", "andrex", "artemkolos", "astrobeglec", "astrobeglec1", "inkvizitor68sl", "tagezi", "ubuntuhelp" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[10:30] <petersaints> Firefox 38 Beta 1 has been released. Could you please update the PPA?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "petersaints" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mozillateam" }
[00:01] <sperm> salve a tutti [00:01] <sperm> problemi con ventola su ubuntu 14.04 [06:11] <Fabrizio_2> Buongiorno a tutti. Ho un problema con le IPtables in un PC con 2 schede ethernet. Chi mi può aiutare? [06:25] <glpiana> ola [06:26] <Fabrizio_2> giorno glpiana [06:26] <glpiana> ciao Fabrizio_2 [06:27] <Fabrizio_2> glpiana: Ho un problema con le IPtables in un PC con 2 schede ethernet. Puoi mica aiutarmi? [06:27] <glpiana> Fabrizio_2, non saprei, non ho mai configurato due schede ethernet e non smanetto con i firewall. prova comunque a esporre il problema [06:28] <Fabrizio_2> glpiana: Allora, eth0 configurata per la LAN [06:28] <Fabrizio_2> glpiana: eth1 configurata per il router in DHCP e ha indirizzo [06:29] <Fabrizio_2> tutte le volte cha da un PC collegato sulla eth0 provo a collegarmi ad un sito tramite un browser, mi si apre la home del server web del PC che dovrebbe fare da gateway. [06:30] <Fabrizio_2> glpiana: Sicuramente ho sbgliato qualche reindirizzamento :) [06:32] <glpiana> Fabrizio_2, non ci provo neanche :D [06:32] <Fabrizio_2> glpiana: :D ok Grazie comunque. [06:32] <Fabrizio_2> glpiana: ci ho provato :) [06:38] <Fabiobologna> Come da consigli ho scaricato lubuntu 12.04 masterizzato con deepburner e provato l'installazione, funziona tutto fino alla fine poi pero si chiude e rimane il cursore che gira senza accada nulla, al riavvio appare xp e vedo che il disco è stato correttamente parzializzato... [06:39] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, che versione di windows? [06:42] <Fabiobologna> Provo l'installazione diretta masterizzando l'intero disco? [06:42] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, che versione di windows? [06:43] <Fabiobologna> Xp su pentium tre 600 e 1 giga di ram [06:43] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, quanti dischi hai nel pc (intendo fisicamente) [06:43] <Fabiobologna> Uno da 80 giga e una penna da 4 [06:44] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, durante l'installazione sei andato a modificare la posizione di grub? [06:44] <Fabiobologna> Cioe? Non capisco [06:45] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, ok, nulla. L'installazione arriva alla fine e ti dice che è conclusa? [06:46] <Fabiobologna> No chiude la finestra e mi torna alla schermata di prova da cui ero partito al riavvio si avvia xp [06:46] <Fabiobologna> Pensavo di installare senza passare dalla versione di prova sarebbe meglio? [06:47] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, si riavvia xp perchè l'installazione non è terminata [06:47] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, quando installi il pc è collegato alla rete? [06:47] <Fabiobologna> Immaginavo calcola che aveva chiuso la finestra ieri sera io l'ho controllato stamane... [06:47] <Fabiobologna> no non riconosce la scheda ethernet [06:48] <Fabiobologna> In xp è connesso... [06:49] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, strano che non riconosca la scheda ethernet. non dovrebbero dare nessun problema le schede ethernet. perchè invece della 12.04 non provi la 14.04? [06:50] <Fabiobologna> Gia provato anche quella pensavo che non flaggando le opzioni di scaricamento potessi settarla una volta istallato il so [06:51] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, con la 14.04 che problemi incontri? [06:51] <Fabiobologna> non riconosce la scheda ethernet [06:51] <Fabiobologna> Poi si blocca [06:52] <Fabiobologna> la 12.04 va meglio [06:53] <Fabiobologna> Provo a reistallare ... [06:58] <glaget> buongiorno a tutti [06:58] <Fabiobologna> Buondì [06:59] <glaget> è la prima volta che uso questo canale e sto provando per vedere come funziona [07:00] <Fabiobologna> Io invece e la prima volta che cerco di usare linux.. [07:00] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, se ancora l'installazione non va a buon fine, controlla l'md5 sum della iso che hai masterizzato [07:00] <glpiana> !md5 | Fabiobologna [07:00] <ubot-it> Fabiobologna: Per una lista completa, si veda: [07:01] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, in ogni caso il fatto che la ethernet non vada mi spinge a consigliarti di provare altro [07:01] <glaget> Linux/ubuntu funziona benissimo però a volte bisogna sapere smanettare un po' [07:01] <glpiana> glaget, leggi il topic del canale per cortesia [07:02] <Fabiobologna> Come controllo se la distro è corretta? [07:02] <glaget> chiedo scusa. arrivederci [07:02] <ExPBoy> ciao [07:02] <glpiana> Fabiobologna, ti ho indicato la guida a md5sum [07:04] <Fabiobologna> Ok ora guardo [07:05] <Fabiobologna> Intanto sono arrivato al calcolo dei file da non copiare [07:07] <Guest78864> salve a tutti da un po' di tempo mi è scomparsa l'icona della connessione wifi.. ho seguito molte guide ma non riesco a rimetterla.. qualcuno sa aiutarmi? [07:08] <glpiana> Guest78864, vediamo anzitutto che scheda è. è interna o è usb? [07:08] <Guest78864> glpiana, allora è interna.. il sistema è ubuntu 14.04 lts [07:09] <glpiana> Guest78864, in un terminale scrivi: lspci | grep -i network e copia qui la riga che esce [07:10] <Guest78864> glpiana, 02:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT5390 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe [07:11] <glpiana> Guest78864, ora scrivi: lsmod e copia l'output su pastebin [07:11] <glpiana> !paste | Guest78864 [07:11] <ubot-it> Guest78864: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [07:12] <Guest78864> glpiana, [07:14] <glpiana> Guest78864, fai lo stesso con: rfkill list [07:16] <Guest78864> glpiana, [07:16] <glpiana> Guest78864, sudo iwlist scan [07:25] <Guest78864> glpiana, [07:26] <glpiana> Guest78864, allora, la tua scheda wifi sta funzionando e vede le reti wifi che ti stanno intorno, quindi non c'è alcun porblema di driver o di hardware [07:26] <glpiana> Guest78864, però tu dici che ti è scomparsa l'icona della connessione. puoi spiegarmi meglio, indicandomi anche che interfaccia grafica utilizzi? [07:29] <Guest78864> glpiana, scusa non ti seguo spiegati meglio [07:30] <glpiana> Guest78864, ti sto chiedendo quale gestore grafico del pc stai usando: lxde, unity, kde.... [07:47] <Guest78864> glpiana, si scusa unity [07:48] <glpiana> Guest78864, e oltre alla icona della connessione della wifi è sparito altro? [07:49] <Guest78864> glpiana, era scomparito anche l'icona di dropbox.. che poi è ricomparsa all'improvviso [07:50] <glpiana> Guest78864, puoi prendere una schermata dell'angolo destro alto del tuo schermo? così vedoc osa c'è e cerco di immaginare quale sia il pezzo mancante [07:50] <glpiana> !image | Guest78864 [07:50] <ubot-it> Guest78864: Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [07:54] <Guest78864> glpiana, ecco qui [07:59] <glpiana> Guest78864, sembra ti manchi proprio solo l'icona della rete [08:00] <Guest78864> glpiana, già quello che avevo detto dall'inizio [08:01] <LostInMyHead> giorno [08:01] <Guest78864> glpiana, la connessione funziona.. l'icona non so come è fatta a scomparire [08:02] <glpiana> Guest78864, scrivi: ps aux | grep nm-applet [08:03] <Guest78864> glpiana, [08:04] <glpiana> Guest78864, scrivi: nm-applet e vediamo se compare [08:04] <glpiana> torno tra 5 minuti [08:06] <Guest78864> glpiana, ok ti aspetto qui [08:08] <glpiana> Guest78864, dando nm-applet è successo qualcosa? [08:14] <Guest78864> glpiana, da terminale? [08:14] <glpiana> sì [08:15] <Guest78864> glpiana, [08:15] <glpiana> Guest78864, root? [08:15] <Guest78864> si da root [08:15] <Guest78864> guarda bene [08:16] <glpiana> Guest78864, appunto, perchè da root? fallo da utente normale [08:18] <Guest78864> glpiana, ok scusami [08:19] <Guest78864> glpiana, [08:20] <glpiana> Guest78864, fai sta prova, chiudi la sessione e apri una sessione guest. vedi se lì l'icona della rete appare [08:21] <Guest78864> glpiana, ok arrivo [08:24] <matteo_> glpiana, allora ascolta questa è bella [08:24] <matteo_> nella sessione ospite l'icona non compare lo stesso [08:25] <matteo_> ma nella schermata del cambio di sessioni (cioè dove scegli l'utente) c'è... [08:26] <glpiana> matteo_, torna al tuo utente normale [08:27] <matteo_> glpiana, si adesso mi sono loggato come matteo [08:27] <matteo_> come prima... [08:27] <glpiana> matteo_, oki, nel terminale scrivi: dpkg -l | grep indicator-applet-complete [08:27] <matteo_> glpiana, sudo? [08:27] <glpiana> senza sudo [08:29] <matteo_> glpiana, [08:29] <glpiana> matteo_, prova a scrivere: bus-launch nm-applet [08:31] <matteo_> glpiana, [08:31] <glpiana> matteo_, ho perso una d per strada: dbus-launch nm-applet [08:31] <matteo_> ok [08:32] <matteo_> glpiana, [08:32] <glpiana> matteo_, e ancora non appare? [08:33] <matteo_> glpiana, assolutamente no [08:33] <matteo_> glpiana, ascolta [08:33] <matteo_> se provo a ricreare l'area di notifica? [08:33] <matteo_> .. ma non so come si fa.. [08:34] <glpiana> matteo_, no, proviamo a fare così: sudo apt-get install --reinstall indicator-applet-complete [08:34] <glpiana> matteo_, quando termina, riavvia e vediamo se compare [08:34] <matteo_> ok procedo [08:34] <matteo_> ok [08:35] <matteo_> riavvio [08:37] <akis24> giorno [08:38] <matteo_> glpiana, niente [08:38] <glpiana> matteo_, hai idea in seguito a cosa è sparita sta icona? [08:39] <matteo_> glpiana, assolutamente no.. un giorno all'improvviso [08:39] <matteo_> glpiana, ma ricreando l'area di notifica? [08:40] <glpiana> matteo_, boh, puoi provare se ancora funziona la modifica della barra con ALT+tasto destro del mouse [08:40] <matteo_> glpiana, non ho capito [08:41] <glpiana> matteo_, tenendo premuto il tasto ALT della tastiera, clicca col tasto destro sulla barra in alto. una volta dava la possibilità di modificare qualcosa... almeno su gnome fallback lo faceva [08:42] <glpiana> matteo_, altro non so dirti perchè non uso unity. potresti vedere se trovi qualcosa in dconf-editor [08:43] <matteo_> glpiana, con alt non funziona [08:43] <glpiana> immaginavo [08:43] <matteo_> che mi dici di dconf.editor? [08:44] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: prova a resettare unity [08:44] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, come?? [08:44] <GreenRabbit> da terminale dai unity --reset-icons [08:44] <GreenRabbit> e prova a resettare anche compiz [08:44] <GreenRabbit> da terminale dai dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ [08:46] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, glpiana niente.. la cosa strana è che nella schermata di avvio l'icona c'è. poi scompare appena carica il desktop [08:46] <GreenRabbit> e prova a resettare anche compiz [08:46] <GreenRabbit> da terminale dai dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ [08:46] <matteo_> provo [08:46] <GreenRabbit> poi fai un ber reboot [08:46] <GreenRabbit> :) [08:49] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, glpiana niente non compare [08:49] <matteo_> deve pur esserci un modo per ricreare la barra di notifica [08:50] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: dai setsid unity [08:51] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, niente [08:51] <matteo_> magari installo gnome? [08:52] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: è strano [08:52] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, gia [08:52] <GreenRabbit> hai resettato completamente unity [08:52] <GreenRabbit> mmmmhhh [08:53] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, dicevo prima con glpiana non si può ricreare l'area di notifica? [08:53] <GreenRabbit> per caso hai installato quanlche applet particolare? [08:53] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, non ricordo [08:53] <matteo_> ma non credo [08:54] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: l'unico modo per resettare copletamente è crearti un nuovo utente ma se hai già provato con glpiana l'utente guest non credo che funzioni [08:55] <ExPBoy> sa di sistema sminchiato [08:55] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ho solo effettuato l'accesso da guest [08:55] <glpiana> controlliamo quali indicator sono installati? [08:55] <GreenRabbit> significa che viene caricato qualcosa nellarea dei notifica che oscura le altre applet [08:55] <matteo_> glpiana, dimmi tutto [08:55] <glpiana> matteo_, dpkg -l | grep indicator [08:56] <matteo_> sudo? [08:56] <GreenRabbit> no matteo_ [08:56] <glpiana> niente sudo [08:56] <matteo_> ok [08:57] <matteo_> glpiana, [08:58] <glpiana> matteo_, sudo apt-get install indicator-network [08:58] <matteo_> sta installando [08:58] <matteo_> 95 mb [08:58] <glpiana> apperol [08:59] <ExPBoy> mha [09:02] <matteo_> glpiana, ok installato.. riavvio? [09:03] <glpiana> matteo_, magari basta chiudere la sessione, ma riavvia comunque [09:03] <matteo_> ok arrivo [09:06] <matteo_> glpiana, niente non compare [09:06] <glpiana> matteo_, scrivi: sudo apt-get install indicator-applet [09:07] <matteo_> glpiana, riavvio? [09:08] <glpiana> matteo_, aspetta. clicca in alto a destra sull'ultima icona e dal menu vai su applicazioni d'avvio [09:08] <matteo_> glpiana, applicazioni di avvio non c'è lo carico dalla dash [09:09] <glpiana> ok [09:09] <matteo_> glpiana, ci sono dimmi [09:09] <glpiana> matteo_, puoi prendere una schermata di quella finestra? [09:10] <matteo_> glpiana, certo [09:12] <matteo_> glpiana, [09:13] <glpiana> matteo_, clicca sull'ultima voce (senza togliere la psunta, e poi su modifica. dimmi che ti permette di fare [09:14] <matteo_> glpiana, appare una finestrella con nome comando commento [09:15] <glpiana> nulla allora. chiudi tutto e riavvia [09:15] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: da terminale se dai indicator-applet ti compare [09:16] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, cosa? [09:16] <GreenRabbit> la barra di notifica [09:17] <GreenRabbit> ti da qualche errore nel terminale? [09:17] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, non ti seguo [09:17] <matteo_> glpiana, ok riavvio [09:19] <glpiana> riavvio anche io [09:20] <matteo_> glpiana, ho riavviato ma stessa cosa [09:20] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, cosa dicevi? [09:22] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: da terminale se dai indicator-applet mi dici se ti compaiono errori nel terminale [09:22] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, come devo scrivere?? [09:22] <GreenRabbit> indicator-applet [09:23] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, comando non trovato [09:23] <GreenRabbit> indicator-network [09:23] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, stessa cosa [09:23] <matteo_> comando non trovato [09:24] <GreenRabbit> matteo_, ridai dpkg -l | grep indicator e riposta il paste [09:25] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, [09:27] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: puoi riandare su quella schermata che hai salvato prima è aprire l'ultima voce leggendo il comando che esegue [09:27] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, certo [09:27] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: l'ultima voce è indicator Application [09:28] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ecco qui: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-application/indicator-application-service [09:28] <GreenRabbit> ok [09:29] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: allora il comando da dare dal terminale è indicator-application-service [09:30] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ok arrivo [09:30] <matteo_> non mi da nulla [09:30] <matteo_> dimmi esattamente cosa devo scrivere [09:30] <GreenRabbit> ok non da errori [09:31] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, non ti sto seguendo [09:31] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: ti dice che non c'è oppure dai il comando e non esce niente? [09:33] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, do il comando e non esce niente [09:33] <GreenRabbit> ok matteo_ questo significa che il programma parte e non ci sono errori [09:34] <GreenRabbit> per uscire dal comando premi ctrl+x [09:34] <matteo_> ctrl + x? [09:35] <matteo_> è gia uscito [09:35] <GreenRabbit> ok [09:35] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, il programma parte ma non c'è l'icona [09:36] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: deselenziona quella voce nel gestore di avvio e riavvia [09:37] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ok [09:40] <GreenRabbit> allora matteo_? [09:40] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ok riavviato [09:41] <matteo_> non compare nulla [09:41] <GreenRabbit> è cambiato qualcosa? [09:41] <matteo_> no [09:41] <matteo_> ho riavviato con quella voce deselezionata [09:43] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: è molto strano credo che ci sia qualche applet che va in conflitto ma non so dirti qual'è [09:43] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, però non è possibile che l'unica soluzione è la formattazione [09:43] <GreenRabbit> no matteo_ [09:43] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, possiamo provare a ricreare l'area di notifica? [09:43] <GreenRabbit> si matteo_ [09:44] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ok allora procediamo [09:44] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, dimmi tutto [09:44] <GreenRabbit> dai sudo apt-get remove indicator-* [09:44] <GreenRabbit> e poi installa solo le applet che ti servono [09:45] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ok rimosso riavvio? [09:46] <GreenRabbit> quindi dai sudo apt-get install indicator-applet indicator-application indicator-appmenu indicator-keyboard indicator-sound indicator-wireless [09:46] <GreenRabbit> no reinstalla prima [09:47] <GreenRabbit> scusami l'ultima è sbagliata [09:47] <matteo_> quindi che comando do? [09:47] <GreenRabbit> non indicator-wireless ma indicator-network [09:47] <matteo_> ok [09:48] <GreenRabbit> poi non riavviare basta che fai il logout e rientri [09:48] <matteo_> ok arrivo [09:52] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ora ho poche icone [09:52] <matteo_> tranne quella di rete come al solito.. [09:52] <ExPBoy> lol [09:52] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: è un inzio :) [09:52] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ok [09:53] <ExPBoy> matteo_, ma ti funziona o no la rete? [09:53] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: scrivi sudo apt-get install indi [ti fermi e premi due volte TAB ti esce la lista delle applicazioni che puoi installare] [09:54] <GreenRabbit> ovviamente scegli quelle che ti servono e che iniziano per indicator- [09:54] <matteo_> ExPBoy, se sono qui la rete certo che funziona [09:55] <ExPBoy> ok [09:55] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ok ho la lista.. come mi regolo? [09:55] <GreenRabbit> matteo_ inoltre invece di riavviare puoi anche dare il seguente comando sudo service lightdm restart [09:56] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, dimmi [09:56] <matteo_> iniziano tutte per indicator [09:56] <GreenRabbit> inizia da sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-complete [09:56] <GreenRabbit> e dopo dai sudo service lightdm restart [09:58] <matteo_> ok arrivo [10:04] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, allora con il comando lightdm restart si è bloccato tutto ed ho dovuto riavviare [10:04] <matteo_> e il risultato non cambia [10:05] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: ok non è un problema vediamo cosa hai installato fino ad adesso [10:05] <GreenRabbit> dpkg -l | grep indicator- [10:07] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, [10:10] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: dai sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-appmenu indicator-applet-session indicator-appmenu-tools indicator-session indicator-transfer [10:10] <GreenRabbit> riavvia e dimmi cosa ti manca [10:13] <matteo_> dici cosa mi manca delle icone? [10:13] <matteo_> riavvio [10:13] <GreenRabbit> si [10:17] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, stesse icone di prima tranne rete [10:17] <jester-> [10:18] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: dalla regia mi hanno detto che è un bug che sta affliggendo unity... cmq dai questo comando sudo service network-manager stop > sudo rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state > sudo service network-manager start [10:19] <matteo_> ok procedo [10:19] <GreenRabbit> sono tre comandi [10:20] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, network o networking? [10:20] <GreenRabbit> network [10:21] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, al primo mi da: network-manager stop/waiting [10:21] <matteo_> ?? [10:22] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ho fatto il processo si è riavviato, è apparso il messaggio di connessione [10:23] <matteo_> ma l'icona ancora non ricompare [10:24] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: dai dpkg -l | grep nm- [10:25] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, [10:27] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: fammi controllare una cosa [10:28] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, dimmi [10:29] <GreenRabbit> matteo_: purtroppo devo lasciarti [10:29] <GreenRabbit> devo andare a pranzo [10:29] <GreenRabbit> a dopo [10:31] <matteo_> GreenRabbit, ok grazie per la pazienza [10:31] <akis24> matteo_: dal terminale dai sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager stop e poi sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager start vedi se appare [10:32] <matteo_> akis24, ok procedo [10:33] <matteo_> akis24, mi dice comando non trovato [10:33] <akis24> matteo_: cat /etc/network/interfaces e metti su paste [10:34] <matteo_> akis24, [10:35] <akis24> matteo_: al mommento non saprei dirti magari nel pomeriggio si riprende .. ora è ora di pranzo [10:36] <matteo_> akis24, ok a dopo allora grazie [11:01] <Sagitt> buongiorno, avrei necesità di qualcuno che conosce mjpg-streamer [11:09] <ExPBoy> Sagitt, che versione di ubuntu usi? [11:09] <Sagitt> ho provato sia con la 14.10 che la 14.04 e sto ricevendo lo stesso problema, il bello è che prima di ripristinare la macchina avevo la stessa 14.04.2 e funzionava tutto, file identici [11:10] <ExPBoy> !info mjpg-streamer [11:10] <ubot-it> Package mjpg-streamer does not exist in trusty [11:10] <ExPBoy> uhm [11:10] <ExPBoy> !mjpg-streamer [11:10] <ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'mjpg-streamer' [11:10] <ExPBoy> Sagitt, da dove l'hai scaricato? [11:11] <Sagitt> dal suo sito ufficiale [11:11] <Sagitt> è un pacchetto abbastanza vecchio da installare manualmente [11:11] <ExPBoy> quindi non è supportato [11:11] <ExPBoy> !chat | Sagitt [11:11] <ubot-it> Sagitt: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [11:12] <Sagitt> si ma il problema che ricevo non è proprio del programma [11:12] <Sagitt> penso sia un errore del sistema [11:12] <ExPBoy> Sagitt, se non esiste il pacchetto ufficiale ci sarà un motivo [11:12] <ExPBoy> fine OT [11:12] <Sagitt> sto anche cercando una alternativa ufficiale ma sembra non esserci nulla sulle repo :( [11:23] <jesterrace> ciao a tutti, per sbaglio ho schiacciato qualche combinazione di tasti (non so quale) e le icone del desktop mi si sono ingigantite su lubuntu, come faccio per farle tornare normali dimensioni? [11:36] <Sagitt> ExPBoy sai come mai devo impazzire per fare una versione usb con il tool ufficiale? [11:37] <Sagitt> ho letto che su 14.10 se non si fa la 14.10 con lo startup creator da degli errori (cosa che mi capita) [11:37] <Sagitt> c'è stata una soluzione? [11:43] <jesterrace> mi sapete dire come ridimensionare le icone del desktop di lubuntu? [12:00] <glpiana> jesterrace, mi sa che è più probabile che tu abbia cambiato la risoluzione dello schermo [12:21] <jesterrace> glpiana e quindi come la modifico? [12:52] <jesterrace> come faccio a cambiare la risoluzione dello schermo su lubuntu? [13:16] <jesterrace> qualcuno mi sa dire come cambiare risoluzione dello schermo su lubuntu? thx [13:29] <bipp> !xorg | jesterrace [13:29] <ubot-it> jesterrace: [13:34] <jesterrace> il problema è che ieri ho spinto qualche combinazione di tasti con ctrl, shift o qualche tasto del genere e mi si sono ingrandite le icone del desktop, come faccio a ridimensionarle allo standard? alcuni mi hanno detto che devo cambiare risoluzione dello schermo ma io non lho cambiata! [13:35] <cristian_c> jesterrace, che tipo di monitor utilizzi? [13:35] <cristian_c> e quale ubuntu? [13:36] <jesterrace> lubuntu 14.04 netbook samsung [13:52] <jesterrace> esiste il task manager su lubuntu? come faccio a vedere i processi in corso e l'utilizzo di memoria e cpu? [13:52] <cristian_c> jesterrace, sì [13:52] <cristian_c> jesterrace, da strumenti di sistema [13:59] <jesterrace> e per vedere l'utilizzo della cpu e la memoria virtuale? [14:04] <cristian_c> JethroTux, sempre il task manager [14:04] <cristian_c> jesterrace, è un netbook vecchio? [14:05] <cristian_c> jesterrace, sempre il task manager [14:05] <jesterrace> ora che ci ripenso ieri ho inserito un entrata vga di un videoproiettore e dopo di questo è cambiata la dimensione delle icone desktop, ma ora è rimasta uguale anche senza uguale [14:05] <jesterrace> è un netbook del 2008 [14:06] <cristian_c> jesterrace, quale videoproiettore? [14:11] <alal> ho l' iso di ubuntu e un dvd come lo meto dentro? [14:12] <alal> !usbwin [14:12] <ubot-it> Scarica Universal USB Installer: | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO [14:13] <cristian_c> !iso | alal [14:13] <ubot-it> alal: [14:24] <geppo> ciao posso farvi qualche domanda? [14:24] <geppo> quanti sistemi operativi posso mettere in un singolo dvd? [14:25] <krabador> geppo, tutti quelli che ci entrano, purchè ci sia un boot loader che ti permetta di caricarli [14:26] <geppo> ad esempio? [14:26] <Carlin0> ad esempio suse enterprise è 2 o 3 dvd [14:27] <Carlin0> ma mettere un boot loader su dvd non è cosa da poco [14:28] <geppo> ah va bene era solo per provarne qualcuno [14:28] <cristian_c> mmmmmm [14:29] <cristian_c> geppo, spe [14:29] <bipp> Credo che Assembly e C lo possono aiutare :) [14:29] <jesterrace> cristian_c un videoproiettore classico [14:29] <cristian_c> geppo, [14:29] <jesterrace> ho inserito il cavo vga ieri e poi le icone sono diventate giganti [14:32] <geppo> rimpiccioliscile [14:34] <geppo> appena metto ubuntu lo faccio allora [14:36] <cristian_c> jesterrace, con quale risoluzione? [14:38] <jesterrace> non lo so :) ora non ho più sotto le mani quel proiettore e non so come visualizzare risoluzione su lubuntu [14:53] <Sagitt> ExPBoy [14:53] <Sagitt> con la 14.04.1 va .___. [14:55] <cristian_c> jesterrace, dipende se quel proiettore ha hidpi [14:55] <cristian_c> in quel caso potrebbe esserci stato uno scaling [14:55] <cristian_c> delle icone [14:55] <cristian_c> per il supporto hidpi [14:58] <jesterrace> e se c'è stato cosa devo fare ? :) [14:59] <cristian_c> jesterrace, mmm, lubuntu 14.10? [15:04] <jesterrace> penso sia l'ultimo sì [15:05] <jesterrace> ma perchè su lubuntu non c'è il classico comando tasto destro sul desktop e poi opzioni monitor e bisogna invece lavorare sul file xorg? sembra molto anti-pratico :) [15:11] <jester-> jesterrace: perchè è progettato me hw scarso [15:12] <jester-> per hw* [15:12] <jester-> quindi sopprimono il non stretto necessario [15:15] <cristian_c> jester-, le opzioni monitor ci sono in Preferenze [15:15] <cristian_c> jesterrace, le opzioni monitor ci sono in Preferenze [15:15] <cristian_c> jesterrace, non serve pacioccare xorg [15:23] <jesterrace> ok [15:23] <jesterrace> la risoluzione è 1024x600 [15:23] <jesterrace> normale no? [15:24] <jester-> dipende dal che monitor hai [15:24] <cristian_c> infatti [15:24] <cristian_c> dipende dallo schermo [15:24] <jester-> 1024x600 è per notebook 10/11" [15:39] <jesterrace> ok ho modificato ma la risoluzione giusta è quella che già c'era e le icone desktop non si sono modificate ma sono rimaste della stessa dimensione [15:42] <cristian_c> jesterrace, mmm, guarda nelle impostazioni di openbox [15:43] <cristian_c> jesterrace, openbox configuration manager [16:00] <jesterrace> in openbox non trovo niente che mi cambi le dimensioni delle icone [16:00] <jester-> openbox è interfaccia minimale assai [16:01] <jester-> lo usano sui server i sysadmin scarsi [16:03] <jesterrace> detto in maccheronico a che cosa mi può servire openbox? [16:04] <cristian_c> [16:04] <jester-> è una grafica minimale usata sui serve che di default non hanno xorg [16:04] <cristian_c> jester-, è il cuore di lxde [16:05] <cristian_c> jesterrace, è il cuore di lxde [16:05] <jester-> jesterrace: non puoi pretendere da openbox una configurazione decente [16:05] <jester-> cristian_c: eh [16:14] <cristian_c> jesterrace, [17:28] <jesterrace> non sono ancora riuscito a ridurre le dimensioni delle icone , openbox non mi dice niente a riguardo [17:40] <jesterrace> cristian sei ancora lì? non riesco a ridimensionare queste benedetta icone desktop :) [17:43] <jester-> [18:14:40] <cristian_c> jesterrace, [17:56] <jesterrace> thx jester come apro pcman? [17:56] <jesterrace> pacman* [17:56] <jesterrace> ops pcmanfm* [18:12] <cristian_c> jesterrace, hai aperto il link? [18:12] <cristian_c> jesterrace, è il file manager di lubuntu [18:19] <jesterrace> come lo apro pcman fm? [18:20] <cristian_c> jesterrace, di solito come apri il file manager? [18:22] <jesterrace> ok a posto [18:23] <jesterrace> infatti all'inizio avevo provato subito il comando ctrl+ - ma mi apriva una stringa al posto di eseguire lo zoom out [18:23] <jesterrace> e anche ora non mi funziona, cm mai? [18:23] <cristian_c> jesterrace, ?  jesterrace, hai aperto il link? [18:26] <jesterrace> sì e sono riuscito a ridimensionare le icone dal menu di pcman, ma il comando da tastiera non mi funziona per lo zoom in e zoom out [18:26] <cristian_c> jesterrace, non ho capito che devi fare [18:26] <cristian_c> il problema non erano le icone grandi? [18:28] <jesterrace> sì sì ok il problema è risolto grazie, il punto è che dovrebbe funzionare anche il comando da tastiera per ridimensionare le icone (cioè ctrl++ e ctrl+-) ma non funziona e invece mi apre una stringa di testo quando digito ctrl++ o ctrl+- [18:29] <cristian_c> jesterrace, dove hai letto di questa scorciatoia? [18:29] <jesterrace> nel menu a tendina di pcmanfm [18:29] <cristian_c> jesterrace, intendi le icone del desktop? [18:29] <jesterrace> tutte le icone che comunque sono gestite da pcmanfm sì? [18:30] <cristian_c> jesterrace, ho appena provato e funge [18:31] <cristian_c> le icone in pcman si ridimensionano [18:31] <cristian_c> jesterrace, scusa, ma perché tieni le icone sul desktop? [18:31] <cristian_c> è solo confusione [18:31] <jesterrace> a me invece il comando da tastiera non funge [18:32] <cristian_c> jesterrace, ma non ti va bene una dock? [18:32] <jesterrace> cos'è dock? [18:32] <cristian_c> lol [18:32] <cristian_c> jesterrace, [18:33] <cristian_c> jesterrace, le icone delle dock le puoi pure ridimensionare [19:13] <LoZioNe> buonasera :) [19:15] <LoZioNe> ubot-it, ciao [19:15] <ubot-it> Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it [19:15] <LoZioNe> ubot-it, c'è qualcuno online? [19:15] <ubot-it> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:15] <LoZioNe> _._ [19:26] <LoZIoNe> non vedo messaggi...sono io che non ricevo? [19:29] <cristian_c> LoZIoNe, non per forza deve parlare qualcuno [19:29] <cristian_c> LoZIoNe, se hai domande di supporto tecnico, non chiedere se c'è qualcuno in linea, semplicemente ponile [19:29] <cristian_c> don't ask to ask, just ask [19:31] <LoZIoNe> a ok,lo sapevo,ma non sapevo se c'era qualcuno nel canale [19:31] <cristian_c> LoZIoNe, hai una lista di utenti [19:31] <LoZIoNe> ho un problema con Ubuntu studio [19:31] <cristian_c> sulla destra [19:31] <cristian_c> anche in webchat appare [19:32] <LoZIoNe> perfect [19:32] <LoZIoNe> cmq ho un problema nell'installazione di Ubuntu Studio scaricato da e installato su usb da 8Gib [19:33] <LoZIoNe> nessun errore fino a quando deve installare i tools di Studio (selezionati tutti o anche solo con audio) [19:33] <LoZIoNe> iso riscaricata più volte [19:34] <LoZIoNe> ho provato sua la 14.04.2 che la 14.10 [19:35] <krabador> puoi segnarti quei tools, installare una qualsiasi ubuntu, ed installarli con apt-get [19:36] <LoZIoNe> vero...non ci avevo pensato... [19:37] <LoZIoNe> quale distro va meglio su un Asus P5 VD2-VM-SE? Lubuntu? [19:40] <krabador> perchè indichi la motherboard, prendi in giro? [19:41] <linuxmint04> Salve a tutti, ho installato Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.1 64-bit e ho un problema [19:41] <krabador> !mint | linuxmint04 [19:41] <ubot-it> linuxmint04: Per supporto a linuxmint: [19:41] <LoZIoNe> si vero scusa krabador...sono fuso da stì giorni [19:42] <linuxmint04> ok... non si può quindi usare questa chat per chiedere supporto a derivate di ubuntu? [19:42] <krabador> linuxmint04, questa chat si puo' usare per ubuntu e derivate ufficiali [19:43] <cristian_c> !buntu | linuxmint04 [19:43] <ubot-it> linuxmint04: Non tutto ciò che finisce per *buntu è ufficiale, non diamo supporto a derivate Ubuntu non ufficiali o non riconosciute. Supporto solo per [19:43] <krabador> linuxmint04, [19:43] <krabador> che sono questi [19:43] <LoZIoNe> il pc è un Intel Core 2 Duo cpu con 1,87GB di ram [19:43] <linuxmint04> okok [19:43] <krabador> aaand? [19:43] <krabador> LoZIoNe, ^ [19:45] <LoZIoNe> and? che altre info vuoi sul pc krabador' [19:45] <krabador> ah, ok, non ha vga [19:46] <LoZIoNe> ha una VIA Chrome9 HC IGP Family [19:48] <krabador> LoZIoNe, lubuntu, e in bocca al lupo [19:48] <LoZIoNe> ok grazie krabador [21:38] <allilc> ciao [21:41] <krabador> !ciao | allilc [21:41] <ubot-it> allilc: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it [21:43] <allilc> secondo voi questo pc vale 200 euro? [21:44] <Carlin0> !chat | allilc [21:44] <ubot-it> allilc: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [21:45] <allilc> ok, scusate :) [22:03] <marcolimamarco> buonasera, ho appena installato ubuntu, ho un vecchio pc, però penso ci sia un problema con il software o con la scheda video, non appena avvio il pc il sistema parte ma lo schermo diventa nero, per avviarlo riuscendo a far vedere la gui devo necessariamente entrare in reconvery mode e da li quando lo avvio parte e si vede ma una volta partito da l [22:03] <marcolimamarco> i soffre molto di lag (questo però non è un grave problema in quanto potrebbe essere dovuto alla vecchiaia del computer.) volevo sapere cosa fare per il problema dell'avvio [22:04] <krabador> marcolimamarco, alla schermata d'avvio [22:04] <krabador> hai un menu di selezione? [22:04] <krabador> marcolin, tipo ? [22:06] <marcolin> no, questo devo farlo "spuntare" io andando con f10 al boot in recovery [22:07] <krabador> marcolin, basta che premi shift, continuamente, appena accendi il pc [22:07] <krabador> marcolin, premi il tasto "e" , in corrispondenza della prima linea in alto [22:07] <krabador> marcolin, scrivi nomodeset vicino le parole quiet splash [22:07] <krabador> premi poi f10 [22:08] <krabador> vedi che fa [22:08] <marcolin> ok ora verifico [22:08] <marcolin> grazie mille [22:17] <krabador> Marcolin, non accetto messaggi privati, chiedi pure qui [22:18] <Marcolin> Grazie per l'aiuto, il problema si è risolto ma se ne è creato uno nuovo: ora lo schermo non è più leggibile ed è pieno di punti neri nel momento in cui va a ricaricare la schermata [22:19] <krabador> Marcolin, che cpu / scheda video ha questo pc, e quanta ram c'è? [22:22] <Marcolin> Ha un amd athlon dual core a 2 ghz e due Gigabyte di ram per quanto riguarda la scheda video non lo se, penso sia integrata nel processore [22:30] <krabador> Marcolin, allora, quel pc, è connesso ad internet? [22:31] <Marcolin> Si è connesso [22:33] <krabador> allora, apri il terminale, sudo apt-get install pastebinit [22:34] <krabador> sudo lshw | pastebinit [22:34] <krabador> il secondo , dopo che hai mandato il primo, ti restituirà un link [22:34] <krabador> incollalo qui per favore [22:37] <Marcolin> Ho visto che all'avvio facendo quella procedura dopo quiet splash c'era anche $vt_handoff così l'ho cancellato e ora sembra non abbia più quel problema [22:38] <krabador> Marcolin, per renderla definitiva devi modificare un file [22:38] <krabador> altrimenti devi farla sempre [22:38] <krabador> sudo gedit /etc/default/grub [22:39] <krabador> dove compare quiet splash, aggiungi nomodeset,e togli $vt_handoff [22:39] <krabador> salvi chiudi [22:39] <krabador> sudo update-grub [22:39] <krabador> ed è permanente [22:39] <jester-> $vt_handoff controlla solo se c'è lo spash e determina il numero di bash [22:44] <Marcolin> Va bene grazie! Tutto questo va sempre fatto nel terminale? [22:45] <krabador> i comandi che ti ho segnalato [22:45] <krabador> vanno mandati nel terminale [22:45] <krabador> che ti apre un editor di testo [22:45] <krabador> con in file di testo che devi modificare come specificato  sudo gedit /etc/default/grub  dove compare quiet splash, aggiungi nomodeset,  salvi chiudi  sudo update-grub  ed è permanente [22:47] <krabador> Marcolin, magari non uscire ed entrare continuamente [22:47] <Marcolin> Si, va bene! Grazie tabte [22:47] <krabador> Marcolin, hai eseguito la modifica? [22:50] <Marcolin> La sto eseguendo, sto mettendo accanto a "quiet splash" "nomade set" sempre tra apici [22:51] <krabador> nomodeset [22:51] <krabador> se sbagli non va [22:51] <Marcolin> Nomodeset [22:51] <krabador> nomodeset [22:51] <krabador> lettera minuscola [22:51] <krabador> e lascia pure stare $vt_handoff [22:52] <Marcolin> Si in questo campo di testo mette da solo la maiuscola ma nel text editor è minuscola
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Carlin0", "ExPBoy", "Fabiobologna", "Fabrizio_2", "GreenRabbit", "Guest78864", "LoZIoNe", "LoZioNe", "LostInMyHead", "Marcolin", "Sagitt", "akis24", "alal", "allilc", "bipp", "cristian_c", "geppo", "glaget", "glpiana", "jester-", "jesterrace", "krabador", "linuxmint04", "marcolimamarco", "marcolin", "matteo_", "sperm", "ubot-it" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[02:01] <carlosorfebre> cómo era la sala para hablar de cualquier cosa aca de ubuntu= [02:01] <carlosorfebre> ? [06:44] <successus> salud o/ [08:01] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/ [08:08] <carnau> ¿Hay algun calendario que se integre con el applet que hay por defecto en ubuntu 14.10, y con el que pueda sincronizar Google Caledar? Antes recuerdo que había Evolution como predeterminado, pero ya no está. [13:39] <successus> salud o/ [16:15] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/ [17:50] * merrick buenas [21:18] <successus_> salud, hasta otro rato o/ [22:49] <ivedci89> hi
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "carlosorfebre", "carnau", "ivedci89", "merrick", "successus", "successus_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[08:42] * dimitern seems to be the only one here today :o) [13:11] <lazyPower> Lots of good announcements yesterday :) [13:11] <lazyPower> dimitern: at least we're going out on a high note for the week :D [14:06] <dimitern> lazyPower, :) oh yeah\ [19:06] <redelmann> hi, is safe to deploy block-storage-broker to machine0?? [19:07] <redelmann> create one instance just to manage credential is overkilling [19:26] <skay> when trying to run bundletester in johnsca/charmbox I have this problem [19:30] <tvansteenburgh1> skay: try installing bzr [19:30] <tvansteenburgh1> in the container, ie `sudo apt-get install bzr` [19:30] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: bzr is installed. [19:30] <tvansteenburgh1> hrm [19:31] <skay> it's installed in the container, and I've also done some rounds of doing bzr launchpad-login, copying some ssh keys that I have with lp [19:31] <skay> and I'm giving up and want to start from ground 0 with troubleshooting [19:31] <tvansteenburgh1> can you `bzr branch lp:charmers/precise/python-django` manually? [19:31] <skay> did I miss any steps? [19:32] <marcoceppi_> tvansteenburgh1: that's not the righ command, should be lp:charms/precise/python-django [19:32] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: no, but I can bzr branch lp:charms/python-django [19:33] <tvansteenburgh1> skay: try bundletester with lp:charms/precise/python-django [19:33] <tvansteenburgh1> (assuming you actually want precise) [19:33] <lp|away> redelmann: thats an acceptable colocation use case. [19:34] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: I just did, and the same thing happened [19:34] <lp|away> redelmann: however this is with the assumption that it's going to be a precise bootstrap node - hopefully that wont cause you any headaches? [19:35] <lp|away> a nice alternative would be to deploy it to a LXC container, colocated somewhere :) juju deploy --to lxc:# cs:precise/block-storage-broker [19:35] <redelmann> lp|away: actually im using trusty/block-storag-broker [19:35] <redelmann> lp|away: simple cloning it into local/trusty [19:36] <tvansteenburgh1> skay: pastebin the contents of the django.yaml in the traceback [19:36] <lp|away> redelmann: right, it hasn't been pushed to trusty as its pending amulet tests [19:36] <lp|away> carry on then :) [19:36] <redelmann> lp|away: im in testing enrimont for the moment, everithing look fine for now [19:39] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: [19:39] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: I'm presuming that the trunk python-django charm passes tests [19:39] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: I'm trying to get to a spot where I can run bundletester successfully so that I can start running it on my branches [19:39] <tvansteenburgh1> skay: the branches in that bundle file are wrong [19:40] <tvansteenburgh1> lp:charmers/precise/python-django [19:40] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: does that mean trunk is failing? [19:40] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: oh, I ran against lp:charms/precise/python-django [19:42] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: that doesn't even start for me. bundletester -t lp:charmers/precise/python-django complains about my launchpad id [19:42] <marcoceppi_> skay: lp:charmers/ is not a thing [19:42] <tvansteenburgh1> skay: correct, that is the wrong branch [19:42] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: does your ci thing do some extra stuff I'm missing? [19:42] <tvansteenburgh1> that's what i mean, those need to be changed the yaml file [19:42] <tvansteenburgh1> skay: no [19:43] <tvansteenburgh1> s/charmers/charms/ in those lp branch paths [19:43] <skay> okay [19:43] * skay wonders how the charm isn't failing currently [19:43] <tvansteenburgh1> skay if you submit a patch i'll merge it [19:44] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: if I managed to get it working I'll submit a mr [19:44] <tvansteenburgh1> fair enough [19:45] <skay> tvansteenburgh1: I'm afraid of wasting your time on my bundltester learning curve [19:45] <tvansteenburgh> skay: no worries man, here to help [19:47] <tvansteenburgh> it's not really a bundle tester issue though, the charm is just wrong [19:47] <skay> yes, but since I've never successfuly done bundletester stuff one won't know whether anything else fails due to an environment problem or a real problem [19:48] <tvansteenburgh> as to why it's not failing it CI, it probably hasn't been run. i'm about to kick off tests for it [19:50] <skay> tvansteenburgh: okay, trying out a run now. lp:~codersquid/charms/precise/python-django/fix-test-branches I'll make a MR when it passes [19:51] <tvansteenburgh> skay: cool [19:54] <skay> oh foo. I think it failed due to some missing dependencies [19:54] <lp|away> thats fun :) [19:54] <lp|away> yaaay docker isolation catching dependency problems [19:55] <skay> yeah [19:55] <tvansteenburgh> skay: missing pyyaml i presume? [19:55] <skay> thank one I remembered to install (and would be asking... about now) [19:55] <skay> tvansteenburgh: how would one specify dependencies for bundletester and/or CI? [19:56] <tvansteenburgh> need to specify for the charm itself [19:56] <skay> I will install them by hand just to see if the rest works but I want to fix that [19:56] <tvansteenburgh> is there a Makefile? [19:56] <skay> yes [19:56] <skay> it doesn't do that [19:56] <skay> tvansteenburgh: I guess I could add a step [19:57] <tvansteenburgh> yeah, like a deps target that the other targets depend on [19:59] <skay> tvansteenburgh: what is safe to assume for CI. that ppa:juju/stable is installed? [19:59] <tvansteenburgh> yeah [20:00] <tvansteenburgh> also bundletester and flake8 [20:00] <skay> tvansteenburgh: the current repo has a script to install deps and checks for version 12.04. should I worry about supporting that? [20:00] <skay> can I do trusty instead? [20:01] <tvansteenburgh> which script? [20:01] <skay> actually, I think I can just leave it alone and add it as something make calls [20:02] <skay> tvansteenburgh: [20:02] <skay> I haven't changed that [20:06] <tvansteenburgh> skay: i'd ignore that file, it won't be run in CI [20:07] <skay> tvansteenburgh: what will CI run? [20:07] <tvansteenburgh> in that case, make lint, and anything +x in the tests/ dir [20:07] <tvansteenburgh> s/that/this/ [20:08] <skay> are there any other make targets it calls? [20:08] <tvansteenburgh> by default it looks for make test and make lint [20:08] <skay> ok, I could make test have a dependency on dep and that target could call the script [20:10] <tvansteenburgh> you could i guess, but you really only need pyyaml, everything else is already installed in the container [20:10] <skay> tvansteenburgh: it complained about curl [20:10] <tvansteenburgh> heh, fair enough, curl too then [20:11] <skay> not sure how much thought was put in to that script. I might just ignore it [20:11] <skay> it's probably bitrotted by now [20:12] <tvansteenburgh> agree [20:18] <tvansteenburgh> skay: i just realized that it's not lint that needs the deps, it's the stuff in tests/ [20:19] <skay> tvansteenburgh: I'm running through without installing anything until something fails so that I can have a list of what tests/ requires [20:19] <tvansteenburgh> so you could just make a tests/00-setup file (+x) and install deps there [20:19] <skay> oh, okay [20:19] <skay> I'd prefer that than to changing a makefile [20:22] <skay> is it safe to assume that CI will be running from an account with sudo privs? [20:22] <skay> oh derp, I can go look at the dockerfile [20:23] <skay> since that's now the way you do things [20:35] <tvansteenburgh> skay: yeah [20:35] <tvansteenburgh> passwordless sudo even [20:35] <skay> tvansteenburgh: how did the tests fair for trunk that you kicked off? [20:36] <tvansteenburgh> [20:36] <skay> tvansteenburgh: so far I've only installed python3-yaml and curl and the first few tests run [20:37] <tvansteenburgh> cool [20:52] <redelmann> lp|away: Juju stable (1.22) has support for lxc? [20:56] <marcoceppi_> redelmann: juju has had lxc support since some of the very first few versions [20:57] <redelmann> marcoceppi_: but you cant expose lxc services? im right? [20:57] <redelmann> marcoceppi_: or it cant handle iptables? [21:15] <skay> tvansteenburgh: would you consider kicking off a ci run for ? [21:15] <tvansteenburgh> skay: sure [21:16] <skay> my laptop is underpowered [21:16] <tvansteenburgh> in progress [21:21] <tvansteenburgh> container can't do merges since on bzr user is set, so i'm running against your branch directly [21:21] <tvansteenburgh> s/on/no/ [21:22] <skay> okay [21:22] <tvansteenburgh> you can follow along here [21:22] <tvansteenburgh> (lxc) [21:22] <skay> oh thanks! [21:24] <roadmr> juju-ci cool! [21:24] <tvansteenburgh> skay: fair warning, i gotta go in about 20 min [21:25] <skay> tvansteenburgh: no worries. and I am wanting to EOD myself. [21:25] <tvansteenburgh> it's beer brewing night [21:25] <skay> oh pleasant [21:38] <jw4> thanks marcoceppi_ [21:39] <marcoceppi_> jw4: yeah, didn't notice until you changed it [21:39] <jw4> heh [21:46] <tvansteenburgh> skay: gotta run, but i'll assuming the tests pass i'll get your branch merged later [21:46] <skay> tvansteenburgh: o/ [21:46] <skay> okay, thanks [21:47] <tvansteenburgh> sure thing
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "dimitern", "jw4", "lazyPower", "lp|away", "marcoceppi_", "redelmann", "roadmr", "skay", "tvansteenburgh", "tvansteenburgh1" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[00:00] <DazPetty> maybe there is a nother culprit [00:01] <mrkramps> hard to debug … i just know some this may happen for some input devices. i had the same issue with a thinknav with 12.04 [00:05] <DazPetty> hmmm [00:08] <mrkramps> my temporary solution was to install a sdd to speed up reboot :S [00:14] <DazPetty> when my comp boots up [00:15] <DazPetty> i want it to run "xwacomset" +variables [00:15] <DazPetty> so that it will set my wacom to one screen [00:15] <DazPetty> I allready know what to type into bash, but where could i put this to get it to do it automaticly [00:16] <mrkramps> start script in lightdm or autostart of your session [00:30] <new_2_xubuntu> Hi all. I have an HP Pavilion 23bw, max resolution 1920x1080 60HZ, and I have a Lenovo ThinkCentre M55. I can only get a max resolution of 1024x768 to display on my monitor thru a VGA cable. [00:30] <new_2_xubuntu> my lcpsi is here [00:31] <new_2_xubuntu> not sure what else might be helpful [00:31] <new_2_xubuntu> oh xrandr here: [00:32] <new_2_xubuntu> This is Xubuntu 14.04 [00:33] <mrkramps> vga might be the culprit here [00:33] <new_2_xubuntu> oh? [00:34] <mrkramps> but you may also try to add a modeline for fullhd [00:37] <new_2_xubuntu> Hmmm well I just added 1920x1080_60.00 and my display is all squished to one side, can barely see to type :P [00:38] <new_2_xubuntu> is VGA not made to handle 1920x1080? Bummer. [00:39] <mrkramps> vga is not the best choice for fullhd, but yes … in most cases it should work [00:39] <new_2_xubuntu> Could my cable be a factor? I don't see how, but ruled out many other things so far, have not tried a new cable yet. [00:41] <mrkramps> new_2_xubuntu, [00:43] <mrkramps> resp. [00:43] <mrkramps> maybe just retry adding the modeline as mentioned in the second link [00:56] <new_2_xubuntu> So it was apparently the cable... [00:56] <new_2_xubuntu> I swapped the cable for another that I had, now I get 1920x1080 on this monitor. [00:57] <new_2_xubuntu> Thanks for talking me through it! :P [01:33] <xubuntu912> hi guys! i'm just a newbie on xubuntu, greetings to everybody! [01:33] <xubuntu912> bye! [07:51] <Trinity> hi guys, do programs continue to run when computer is in screensaver mode? and what is lightlocker? [09:04] <manuelo> buongiorno chi mi aiuta per installare xubuntu? [09:05] <manuelo> ho scaricato e montato il file immagine ma il cd non fa l'autoplay di installazione [11:17] <Quenz> Anyone know how I can make my screen brighter? Gamma, preferably. There is no option in the display settings. [11:53] <Ullarah> Hey hey! My HDDs have to be mounted by going into Thunar and then clicking on them. Is there a way for them to be mounted automatically on startup? [11:53] <Ullarah> Quenz, check out redshift. [12:09] <bekks> !fstab | Ullarah [12:28] <Quenz> I'm getting errors with redshift. I'm sure it'd be great if it worked, Ullarah. :/ [12:32] <brainvvash> Quenz, bug 1386920 [12:42] <Ullarah> Quenz, here, use this, [12:43] <Ullarah> ~/.config/redshift.conf [12:43] <Ullarah> Edit to your liking [13:04] <Quenz> Okay, so how do I stop it changing the color temperature? I only want to use it to up the gamma. Ullarah? [13:05] <Ullarah> Quenz, [13:05] <Ullarah> You can disable the temp part. And just use the gamma part. [13:06] <Ullarah> ;gamma-day=0.8:0.7:0.8 [13:06] <Ullarah> ;gamma-night=0.6 [13:06] <Ullarah> Those two specifically. [13:06] <Ullarah> Or you can set it so you have one single gamma, gamma=0.8 [13:23] <Quenz> Ullarah: How do I disable the temp part? [13:23] <Quenz> Removing it from the config file doesn't work. [15:51] <cthulhu> Hi [15:51] <Guest13178> laptop receveid [15:51] <Guest13178> installing Xubuntu ... [15:53] <elf_punsher> voila [16:01] <soulEscaper> hey. i installed openbox in xubuntu and i specified the gtk2 theme in the gtk rc [16:02] <soulEscaper> but sometimes the application doesnt use the theme [16:02] <soulEscaper> for example xarchever uses the theme, but software-center doesnt [16:02] <soulEscaper> any idea how to fix this? [16:03] <holstein> i might try #ubuntu or an openbox specific channel [16:04] <soulEscaper> yes, the openbox channel has only 6 users, and the issue is not openbox , but gtk related [16:05] <holstein> sure, im not making any assumption about what the "issue" is related to.. just trying to help you get somewhere that you can get an answer, since, the issue likely is not a problem in xfce/xubuntu [16:06] <holstein> you have tried specifying with a flag? and running from command line? [16:06] <soulEscaper> yes [16:07] <holstein> so, specifying per application with a flag *does* apply the theme you want? [16:07] <soulEscaper> i the programs that don t use the theme use gtk 3 [16:07] <mrkramps> soulEscaper, software-center requires a gtk3 theme afaik [16:07] <holstein> sounds like thats the issue.. you may need to specify per application [16:10] <soulEscaper> i searched on the internet, but there is no guide that explains how to install a gtk3 theme in xubuntu [16:10] <mrkramps> oO [16:10] <holstein> soulEscaper: sure.. you dont really need it for "xubuntu" specifically, since you are not using xubuntu [16:10] <holstein> xubuntu *is* ubuntu.. so, you just do what is needed for gtk/ubuntu/debian, and that *should* do the trick.. [16:13] <soulEscaper> yes, most gtk3 packages are installed by default, I don t think all of them are in xubuntu and I don t want to install all the gnome packages [16:13] <soulEscaper> so i need to know what i have to install for gtk3 to work in xubuntu/openbox [16:14] <GridCube> it already does [16:14] <GridCube> you dont need to do anyting [16:14] <holstein> soulEscaper: the themes should specify what they need.. there is not "xubuntu/openbox" distro.. [16:14] <holstein> soulEscaper: what theme are you trying to use? [16:15] <mrkramps> soulEscaper, you need ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and ~/.gtkrc-3.0 [16:15] <mrkramps> otherwise the theme is not found in the openbox session [16:15] <holstein> it really should be that simple ^ and the theme should tell how to set it up.. [16:15] <soulEscaper> for example this theme: [16:16] <holstein> soulEscaper: try using a "known good" simple theme.. make sure its not something with the theme its self that is "broken".. [16:16] <soulEscaper> ok [16:16] <mrkramps> and ask for help in an openbox or lubuntu channel … this is nothing related to xubuntu [16:16] <holstein> one of the ones here, for example something with good ratings.. [16:19] <soulEscaper> I also don t have a ~/.gtkrc-3.0 [16:20] <soulEscaper> so I will try to make that, and if it doesn t work i will go to the gnome channel [16:20] <soulEscaper> thanks for help [16:20] <holstein> soulEscaper: you should be able to easily create that, and the other things that are needed for the theme [16:20] <holstein> soulEscaper: you are also not using gnome [16:21] <soulEscaper> well the app uses a gnome them, so i think the gnome channel is maybe the best place for this issue [16:21] <holstein> what app? [16:22] <soulEscaper> file-roller, audacious, software-center, synaptic, .. they all use gtk3 theme s and don t have an option to use gtk 2 , I think it s stupid [16:23] <mrkramps> *sigh'* [16:23] <holstein> soulEscaper: sure.. let the maintainers know, otherwise, try installing a gtk3 theme, since, that *is* where things are going.. [16:25] <soulEscaper> ok I will let them know, because also every time they update gnome, most of the old gtk 3 themes break, which is also not desirable [16:25] <soulEscaper> thanks for the help [16:26] <soulEscaper> wc [17:19] <nsh> this is a bit silly, but i can't find how to change the screensaver/locking settings... screen locks completely independently of lightlocker settings (which was how it used to be changed) [17:21] <nsh> i think maybe gnome-screensaver is the culprit, but no dialog for it in settings manager [17:57] <b1shop> i have a custom xubuntu livecd, and i would like to install it locally. is there a package I can add to do that? there is no menu option in this one like I am used to [17:57] * slickymaster also wanders off to start dealing with dinner [17:57] <holstein> b1shop: i would ask the creators of the distro.. or, try the stock xubuntu installer, or mini iso, where you can install and customize as you please.. [17:57] <holstein> !mini [17:57] <slickymaster> bah wrong channel. Sorry guys [17:59] <b1shop> holstein: yeah. tried them. but while i was waiting for them to get back i thought i would check here. i thought there was a package for the local install in xubuntu. i figured just adding that to this distro might work [17:59] <holstein> b1shop: there sure is! just grab xubuntu and use it.. [18:00] <b1shop> lol. this distro has some additional software and changes to udev. i wanted to keep all the changes [18:01] <holstein> hopefully "they" provide you an installer.. [18:16] <b1shop> i was looking for usb-creator-gtk [18:20] <holstein> b1shop: you can use unetbootin as well.. but, thats not an installer, in the traditional sense [18:29] <squinn> 000000000000 [20:10] <tomreyn> hi, i'm running xubuntu 14.04 and am trying to record the audio which is currently being played back. i looked at some guides but all og them suggest either using sound-/audio recorder, which fails to record here, or using audacity, where i cannot select the right input source. [20:10] <tomreyn> would you know how to record audio which is currently being played back on xubuntu 14.04 ? [20:11] <bazhang> only audio? or a full screencast [20:11] <tomreyn> just audio would suffice, but either is fine [20:11] <tomreyn> (note i don't have gnome-desktop-environment installed and would prefer to keep it this way) [20:12] <bazhang> kazam is fairly light in the screencast dept [20:17] <tomreyn> thanks, i'll give it a try [20:22] <tomreyn> works :) [20:23] <diana> hi [20:24] <Guest97976> ok [20:24] <Guest97976> hello? [20:26] <knome> hello. [20:28] <Guest974534> ok, is an atom Intel processor good for xubuntu ? i have xubuntu 14.04.2 LTS . [20:29] <bazhang> whats the ram [20:30] <bazhang> onegb? [20:30] <bazhang> two? [20:30] <Guest974534> hmm... one second i well check [20:31] <Guest974534> 1.7 g [20:35] <Guest974534> 1.4 GB [20:35] <Guest974534> 32 bit [20:35] <Guest974534> sorry, i had to check. [20:36] <knome> sounds just fine. [20:37] <Guest974534> thanks, an i was wondering when i tried to install Google chrome it give me a error .? [20:38] <knome> how did you try to install it and what the error was? [20:38] <Guest974534> is that a problem just in xubuntu? [20:39] <Guest974534> it said it was unable to install to the computer and Ubuntu software center had and error after that. [20:40] <knome> it's impossible to say what it is about unless we have the exact error message [20:42] <Guest974534> i think it happen because i downloaded for that Internet .sorry i forgot what the message said exactly [20:42] <knome> you should always install applications from the repositories when possible [20:43] <Guest974534> ok, well i installed chromium after so thanks for the help .
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DazPetty", "GridCube", "Guest13178", "Guest974534", "Guest97976", "Quenz", "Trinity", "Ullarah", "b1shop", "bazhang", "bekks", "brainvvash", "cthulhu", "diana", "elf_punsher", "holstein", "knome", "manuelo", "mrkramps", "new_2_xubuntu", "nsh", "slickymaster", "soulEscaper", "squinn", "tomreyn", "xubuntu912" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[00:01] <ali1234> same result in safe mode [00:42] <ali1234> known bug reported nearly 2 years ago: [00:42] <lubotu3`> Mozilla bug 871908 in Places "Clearing "browsing and download" history does excessive disc IO (due to huge wal file)" [Normal,New] [05:45] <knightwise> good morning everyone [05:45] <mapps> morning [05:45] <mapps> sup [05:46] <knightwise> <hey mapps , its friday , work email box exploding ... so i'm glad its weekend :) [05:47] <knightwise> but my raspberry pi 2 should arrive today .. thats good ! :) [05:47] <mapps> ;D [05:47] <mapps> i cant order one;/ [05:47] <mapps> well can but not to here [05:48] <knightwise> realy ? Arent you in the UK ? [05:49] <mapps> nah [05:49] <mapps> not anymore [05:49] <knightwise> where did you move to ? [05:50] <mapps> Gibraltar [05:50] <mapps> and you cant order anything here [05:50] <mapps> every time i go on amazon says 'not avaliable to deliver to gib' [05:50] <mapps> had to order my laptop to spain and my friend brought it into work [05:50] <mapps> i ordered a phone to UK asked my dad to send it here..cost him £46!! and took 2 weeks for me to get it [05:51] <mapps> its like very slow and backwards here [05:52] <knightwise> thats crud :( [05:52] <mapps> yea [05:52] <knightwise> If I order my stuff @ amazon in germany it gets here in about 2 days without hassle [05:52] <mapps> like i could send something to anywhere in europe for way less [05:52] <mapps> but gibraltar isnt europe for post [05:53] <mapps> yet they like to have the benefits of apparently being part of europe due to being a british territory [05:53] <mapps> very very annoying [05:53] <mapps> you're stuck with the rubbish stores here [05:53] <mapps> buy an i3 laptop for the cost of an i7 [05:53] <mapps> or a 42" tv for the cost of a 50" on amazon [05:57] <knightwise> Crud [05:57] <knightwise> We have all the stupid taxes when we order something from the US [05:57] <knightwise> its rediculous [06:04] <knightwise> Damn .. i wish they would get MIR8 working on my Surface Pro [06:04] <knightwise> I would love it if I could switch between a touch interface and a windowed interface on that device [06:14] <mapps> so youre in germany? [06:19] <knightwise> Belgium [06:20] <mapps> AHA [06:20] <mapps> been there [06:20] <mapps> ;D [06:20] <mapps> so you speak dutch [06:20] <mapps> close to german [06:20] <mapps> when ive looked at dutch some words are very similar [06:20] <mapps> ik hev..ik ben [06:21] <mapps> *heb# [06:21] <knightwise> I speak Dutch, French German and English [06:21] <mapps> ;D [06:46] <zmoylan-pi> i speak profanity, swearing with a smidgeon of cursing [06:57] <knightwise> Universal languages eh ! :) [06:59] <zmoylan-pi> and when a piece of hardware ignores those it's time for the hammer [07:00] <knightwise> good morning zmoylan-pi [07:00] <knightwise> What apps do you run on your pi except irc ? [07:03] <zmoylan-pi> newsbeuter for rss feeds [07:03] <zmoylan-pi> nano for text editing [07:03] <zmoylan-pi> a bit of bash [07:03] <zmoylan-pi> a bit of perl [07:03] <knightwise> irssi, newsbeuter, wordgrinder, ttytter, mps-youtube [07:04] <zmoylan-pi> a lot easier not to be distracted when there's no gui [07:04] <zmoylan-pi> i set up ttytter but stoped using it [07:04] <knightwise> zmoylan-pi: correct [07:04] <zmoylan-pi> i might go back to it [07:04] <knightwise> its also my ssh end point [07:05] <zmoylan-pi> i keep meaning to access the pi from outside the home network but my knowledge of keeping it secure is too limited [07:06] <knightwise> good password policy and only signing in via public/privatekey allowed [07:06] <zmoylan-pi> and i also want to upgrade from current pi b to pi 2 [07:07] <zmoylan-pi> then i could access the pi remotely from dumbphone making it a little smarter :-) [07:07] <zmoylan-pi> full linux terminal with a battery life measured in days [07:08] <zmoylan-pi> froma phone with a full qwerty keyboard [07:10] <knightwise> zmoylan-pi: my rasp2 arrives today [07:10] <knightwise> i'm curious if i can just switch out the sd cards from one to the other [07:10] * zmoylan-pi dons a fake mustache and waits outside knightwise's location to intercept delivery... [07:11] <zmoylan-pi> well my pi b uses sd card and pi2 uses microsd so not for me [07:12] <knightwise> zmoylan-pi: Ah Crud ! i'll need to get a new card [07:13] <zmoylan-pi> thankfully available at every phone shop for those phones that use them [07:15] <knightwise> agreed [07:18] <zmoylan-pi> the 4gb sd card that came with the maplins pi starter kit i bought is now down to .9gb free. so thinking maybe a 16gb card for new pi 2 [07:18] <knightwise> hmm.. so that will be 16 gig card at list. [07:18] <knightwise> at least. Agreed [07:20] <zmoylan-pi> then maybe use the pi b with camera module as wildlife camera in garden [07:20] <knightwise> is it suitable for outdoor use ? [07:20] <zmoylan-pi> there are cases or make a housing [07:20] <knightwise> ps : are the cases on the pi and the pi2 the same ? No right [07:21] <zmoylan-pi> pi b only has 2 usb ports, b+ and 2 have 4 [07:21] <knightwise> so.. so i'll need to break out the lego [07:21] <zmoylan-pi> like you needed an excuse... [07:22] <zmoylan-pi> remember to drop 1-2 pieces to find at 3am when barefoot walking to the loo [07:23] * knightwise thinkin he will build a imperial stormtrooper style case [07:23] <zmoylan-pi> doesn't sound secure, those guys are terrible shots. make a trekkie red shirt case, you know those guys will die to protect it... [07:24] <knightwise> zmoylan-pi: fair point [07:24] <knightwise> one does not take lightly to stormtroopers being mocked in this house [07:25] <knightwise> [07:26] <zmoylan-pi> that's why they built the death star, it was easier to hit a planet than an individual person they're such bad shots :-P [07:27] <knightwise> zmoylan-pi: you are not welcome in this house :p [07:27] <zmoylan-pi> did you see the death star bass speaker someone was selling on ebay a few years back. it was huge. and amongst the comments was of course 'it's huge' 'cut the chatter red 6' [07:27] <knightwise> Lol [08:40] <knightwise> Ah [08:40] <knightwise> el raspberry pi is here [09:30] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [10:08] <knightwise> hey brobostigon [10:11] <brobostigon> hey knightwise [10:11] <knightwise> hey brobostigon , how are you today [10:11] * knightwise just got his pi2 :) [10:11] <knightwise> thing looks like heammoroid medication [10:12] <zmoylan-pi> do NOT apply pi2 to haemorroids... [10:12] <brobostigon> not bad, and you? [10:13] <knightwise> ok , Gotta go out and get me a micro sd card and start building a case for the pi2 [10:15] <knightwise> i was wondering , you can run Ubuntu mate 15.04 on the pi2 , but is there also a 'regular' ubuntu server for the pi2 ? [10:31] <brobostigon> :) [12:13] * dwatkins wanders in [12:13] <dwatkins> Did AlanBell's "building Ubuntu on a cluster of Raspberry Pi machines" project go ok? [12:30] <penguin42> hmm, there's only one cinema around here showing Blade Runner and the choice is between 6pm on Easter Sunday or 8pm on Easter Monday; pretty awful time [14:17] <diddledan> artanoon [14:31] * penguin42 hands diddledan a paint brush [14:31] * diddledan pains penguin42 [14:31] <diddledan> paints* [14:31] <penguin42> hmm [14:33] <Myrtti> bought a colouring book \o/ [14:37] <penguin42> one of these de-stress trendy ones? [14:39] <Myrtti> yeah [14:39] <Myrtti> I can reuse it as art for my mobile phone case later on [14:39] <Myrtti> I've got one with the clear back, I've got cardboard from Yorkshire Tea pack at the moment. well not the pack, a card they sent me [14:43] <penguin42> hmm, they do good adverts [14:43] <Myrtti> oh? I don't watch telly so I wouldn't know. Or read magazines. [14:46] <penguin42> Myrtti: [14:47] * penguin42 doesn't drink tea [14:47] <Myrtti> little urn! [14:47] <penguin42> that's actually a longer edit than the version I've seen on TV I think [14:48] <Myrtti> nice [15:42] <MooDoo> howdy all [15:42] <diddledan> moo [15:45] <zmoylan-pi> *bark* [15:45] <diddledan> zmoylan-pi: you've got to doo a moo for MooDoo [15:46] <zmoylan-pi> would you settle for a harumph? [15:46] <diddledan> yeah, that'll do [15:47] <MooDoo> sounds good to me :D [15:48] <diddledan> when do we get our chocolate eggs? [15:48] <diddledan> I want one now [15:49] <penguin42> on Tuesday when they go on discount [15:49] <diddledan> lol [15:50] <zmoylan-pi> tis still the season of the discount selection box [15:59] <penguin42> thing is I don't care about the shape of my chocolate; so I'm not going to pay more for egg/rabbit shaped chocolate [15:59] <x85> hey [16:00] <zmoylan-pi> ho [16:02] <x85> i ended up returning the hudl [16:06] <x85> an irritating issue with the battery put me off the device [16:07] <penguin42> it ran out? [16:08] <x85> no despite being plugged into the mains it refused to charge unless turned off [16:09] <penguin42> hmm, yeh that's not good [16:10] <zmoylan-pi> sounds brokeny [16:10] <x85> I'm looking for a cheap way to run linux because I'm trying to get away from apple [16:11] <x85> i can manage about 120 cos apple made me poor [16:11] <penguin42> x85: The ~£150 chromebooks/laptops ? [16:11] <penguin42> ah, 120 hmm a bit tight [16:12] <x85> yea [16:12] <x85> i have a pi 2 but that doesn't run unity all too well [16:12] <zmoylan-pi> i thought you couldn't install linux on the $150 chromebooks? and they won't be 150 when they get this side of the pond [16:13] <penguin42> yeh, they'll be at least £150 [16:13] <zmoylan-pi> and when they get to ireland a chunk more [16:13] <penguin42> x85: I believe there's a Dell equivalent to that x86 tablet that's been made to run Fedora OK [16:14] <x85> well i could bump to 200 and make and excuse to my wife lmao [16:14] <penguin42> haha [16:14] <zmoylan-pi> whatever the least favourable exchange rate is plus a few % on top [16:14] <penguin42> x85: You can get 2nd hand netbooks for ~£100 [16:15] <x85> penguin42: i've been tempted by that before unless you know of a decent brand [16:15] <x85> the intel nuc looks cool [16:15] <zmoylan-pi> oxfam do a nice line in refurb 2nd hand laptops with 90 day warranty [16:16] <penguin42> x85: Actually, yes, you might be able to put together a nuc for that type of price [16:16] <penguin42> zmoylan-pi: Oh, not tried oxfam, I've bought a few things from CEX [16:16] <zmoylan-pi> you can get them with win7 and avoid the uefi nonsense [16:17] <x85> i doesn't like UEFI [16:18] <x85> idk i miss my linux freedom [16:18] <x85> :( [16:41] <x85> le sigh [16:44] <shauno> I wonder what hardware can actually use tianocore [16:48] <directhex> It's Complicated(tm) [16:49] <directhex> tianocore isn't an entire implementation. you can't use it as-is on real hardware..... but most real-world implementations are tianocore-based [16:49] <directhex> you can get kvm to use tianocore, but it lacks minor details like nvram support, so you can't save any settings or installed os locations [16:50] <directhex> x85: i *wish* i had uefi on my desktop. bios is total 1970s crud [16:50] <directhex> and has 0% to do with freedom vs. not freedom [16:51] <x85> MacBooks are worse lmao [16:51] <penguin42> yeh, you've got to differentiate between UEFI and secure/trusted boot - they're completely separate issues [16:51] <directhex> and secure boot as a general concept provides beneficial extra features to the end user [16:52] <x85> hmm what about combining pi's to run the ubuntu desktop is that possible? [16:54] <penguin42> no [16:54] <directhex> no. [16:54] <directhex> there are better ARM dev boards than the pi, if that's the route you want to take [16:54] * penguin42 would expect the Pi2 might have a chance [16:54] <directhex> Pi is pretty much bottom of the pile [16:55] * penguin42 notes Pi is the start of pile [16:55] <directhex> pi only becomes usable via various hacks like a custom wayland compositor and custom browser [16:56] <x85> i just want a semi cheap machine to run ubuntu [16:56] <directhex> second hand? [16:56] * x85 *cries* [16:56] <x85> not if it can be helped [16:57] <x85> i want to throw my MBP [16:57] <x85> lol [16:57] <x85> why did i fall for the shiny [16:57] <directhex> ebuyer will sell you a laptop for GBP160 [16:57] <penguin42> so why don't you just install it on your MBP? [16:58] <x85> penguin42: that feels wrong morally and i don't want to have to mod the boot process [16:58] <directhex> any mbp, regardless of age, has a crazy high resale value [16:59] <penguin42> x85: You don't need to modify stuff, MBP is just a PC [16:59] <directhex> i'm on a mbp w/ ubuntu right now. [16:59] <directhex> penguin42: with a crap firmware tho [16:59] <directhex> penguin42: and crap components by broadcom [16:59] <penguin42> directhex: That crap? [17:00] <directhex> penguin42: well the webcam doesn't work, wifi doesn't work after suspend, and wifi barely works pre-suspend [17:00] <directhex> penguin42: and upgrading the osx partition to 10.10 totally screwed with dual-booting [17:00] <penguin42> impressively screwed up [17:01] <directhex> i "fixed" it, but it now takes 30s longer to boot [17:01] <x85> it is doable of course but it just doesn't sit right [17:01] <shauno> well, they work, just linux has terribad hardware supprt. it's not a desktop OS. [17:01] <directhex> broadcom fights to stop driver support on linux. [17:04] <x85> i guess i'll just go to cex [17:04] <m0nkey_> bah, why does it have to be a public holiday today? [17:04] <m0nkey_> parts for my PC build are on the island. but wont be delivered until monday. [17:04] <penguin42> m0nkey_ island? [17:05] <directhex> cex is crazy overpriced for pc stuff. but a cash converters or similar pawn shop might have undervalued stuff [17:06] <penguin42> yeh cex can be fun when you spot something that's got a good price - but they do a 6month guarantee [17:06] <directhex> ebuyer will sell desktops for GBP150, if you don't want a laptop for GBP160 [17:07] <m0nkey_> penguin42, heh yeah.. island. Montreal. [17:07] * m0nkey_ is a brit ex-pat [17:09] <x85> ex-pat? [17:09] <x85> moved out of uk? [17:10] <penguin42> I was going to joke about you moving out to get some warmth, but but Montreal.... [17:10] <m0nkey_> lol [17:12] <zmoylan-pi> i dunno, apart from the moose attacks it's probably still more pleasent weather... :-) [17:13] <penguin42> do you class moose attacks as weather? [17:24] <zmoylan-pi> lots of spittle :-) [18:23] <Myrtti> I fixed my "I need more stuff from Amazon" problem by buying a pack of colouring pencils ^____^ [18:43] <mapps> well thats annoying [18:43] <mapps> ts a holy day so nowhere open..i thought the store would be but reduced hours [18:43] <mapps> thought morrisons would be open till 4/5 [18:49] <SuperEngineer> mapps, they are as far as we know not closing down prior to 4th May... is there something you know that we don't [18:51] <SuperEngineer> & if you do know something - tell their poor underpaid staff! [18:52] <mapps> hah;] [18:52] <mapps> had mcdonalds for lunch gonna have to get a kebab fkr dinner [19:15] <dogmatic69_> omg [19:15] <dogmatic69_> Many hours spent on that game [19:17] <shauno> odd. I wonder why the publisher have decided to stick pictures of a f117 all over a game called f19 [19:18] <ali12341> shauno: because when the game was made nobody knew the real codename of the aircraft [19:19] <ali12341> the later rereleased the same game as f117 [19:19] <shauno> oh the game has it right. but not whoever's rebundled it [19:20] <ali12341> no, the game was released by microprose under both names back in the day [19:20] <shauno> right, I had f-117 on the amiga [19:21] <ali12341> "MicroProse released the game on the same day that the United States military first admitted the existence of its F-117A Nighthawk stealth fighter.[2] Before the game's release many had speculated on a missing aircraft in the United States Air Force's numbering system, the F-19. The game was based on an educated guess about what the secret stealth fighter would be like. Subsequent revisions of the game incorporated the actual F-117 as well as [19:24] <shauno> well, I still think it's jarring that the aircraft on the box isn't the one used in their marketting [19:25] <ali12341> the box... on steamplay? [19:25] <shauno> to be clear, I'm talking about [19:26] <shauno> you're conflating it with 2.0, [19:26] <ali12341> the "f19" looks almost identical to an f117 because they looked at photos taken by the kind of people who make a hobby out of photographing top secret experimental aircraft [19:26] <shauno> almost identical in that they both have wings? [19:26] <shauno> otherwise one has the face-on profile of a flying saucer, the other looks like a pyramid [19:27] <ali12341> seems like the game was released with two different covers [19:28] <ali12341> vs [19:48] <ali12341> yeah so i just don't get where you're seeing a f117 on a f19 cover [19:48] <ali12341> anyway, these were really good games back in the day [19:48] <ali12341> pretty much the perfect balance between arcade fun and simulation [19:48] <ali12341> someone should remake them with nicer graphics [20:01] <shauno> right, that's why I was complaining about it being a different aircraft shown in the marketting (on dogmatic's link) [20:01] <shauno> the video, the headshot, don't use the same aircraft shown in-game, on the box, etc [20:11] <foobarry> guys, who's tried the arc welder thing to run android apps from chrome!?! [20:11] <foobarry> its great [20:14] <foobarry> running evernote atm [20:32] <daftykins> o0 [20:35] <daftykins> in lieu of a real android device? [20:36] <foobarry> complements it [20:36] <foobarry> because evernote on linux sucks [20:37] <foobarry> the web interface sucks [20:37] <foobarry> and wine does too [20:37] * zmoylan-pi misses the palm os memo app with desktop syncing [20:39] <zmoylan-pi> these days i use a text file on dropbox and have it favourited on tablet [20:40] <foobarry> i'm going whole hog lately [20:40] <zmoylan-pi> hmmmmm, bacon [20:40] <foobarry> taking photos of things and sharing other notes for collab etc [20:41] <zmoylan-pi> i take loads of pics but leave the pics on the phone and just refer to tham as i need them [20:41] <zmoylan-pi> apart from those put up on twitter [20:42] <foobarry> i write shopping lists and look at them while in front of the things [20:42] <foobarry> like in b&q etc [20:43] <zmoylan-pi> i just throw them into memopad on nokia dumbphone as that will be in my pocket as i listen to radio/mp3s on it while out and about [20:43] <foobarry> microserver going cheap [20:48] <daftykins> oh ebuyer, don't even list the spec [21:10] <Myrtti> simmost sitte [21:10] <Myrtti> ie. "and that is how the cookie crumbles" [21:11] <diddledan> Myrtti: that's pretty [21:12] <Myrtti> I see now why they've printed the pattern only on one side of the page [21:13] <Myrtti> printing on the next page is transferred on the back of the page being coloured because of the pressure [21:41] <dogmatic69_> ali12341: the graphics is on par with minecraft :P [23:00] <mapps> time to go get some dinner;D [23:07] <x85> hi hi [23:09] <daftykins> oh hello again [23:18] <x85> daftykins: hey hows you [23:19] <daftykins> not bad ta, yourself? [23:21] <x85> not bad i ended up taking the hull back to tesco [23:22] <daftykins> ah right [23:23] <x85> charging issues [23:23] <daftykins> mmm that was a bit of a drawback [23:24] <x85> that and its still running 4.4.2? [23:25] <daftykins> i think that's why it's so cheap [23:26] <daftykins> no future :D [23:28] <x85> lol [23:28] <x85> i hate manufactures that do that 1 or 2 updates then nada [23:30] <daftykins> do the hudls even get any at all? [23:31] <x85> im not sure [23:32] <daftykins> truth is the constant version update culture doesn't actually gain much other than bragging rights [23:34] <x85> yea [23:35] <daftykins> as long as security fixes are backported anywho [23:36] <x85> i guess android isn't really a major thing for me [23:37] <daftykins> i'm ok with it on my phone but that's about as far as it goes :> [23:39] <x85> i would indeed like to see a native ubuntu slab [23:40] * penguin42 still assumes it's possible to get a hudl to run ubuntu [23:41] <x85> probably is but i don't want to wait lol [23:42] <x85> i don't care if all i have is a terminal [23:42] <x85> lol [23:42] <daftykins> tends to be best to buy things that are capable of something, not before they are :>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MooDoo", "Myrtti", "SuperEngineer", "ali1234", "ali12341", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "diddledan", "directhex", "dogmatic69_", "dwatkins", "foobarry", "knightwise", "lubotu3`", "m0nkey_", "mapps", "penguin42", "shauno", "x85", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[09:00] <dreamon> Guten Morgen. Habe gerade Transmageddon 1.5 als Source heruntergeladen → -> Ubuntu 14.04 hat nur Version 0.25. Wenn ich es starte kommt → gi._glib.GError: transmageddon.ui: required gtk+ version 3.12, current version is 3.10 [09:00] <kubine> dreamon: Title: Transmageddon (at [09:01] <dreamon> Ich vermute das ich dieses Problem nicht so einfach lösen kann, ist dem so? [09:54] <sdx23> dreamon: du startest den Source? aha [09:56] <dreamon> sdx23, hab ich das behauptet? ne.. ich habs schon compiliert. ./configure, make, make install [09:56] <dreamon> sdx23, dann im /bin/transmageddon gestartet..und da kommt der "Fehler" [09:56] <sdx23> dreamon: dann hast du irgendwas komisch getan [09:57] <dreamon> Wie ich die Meldung verstehe benötige ich 3.12 von GTK+ und habe nur 3.10 .. oder sehe ich das Falsch? [09:57] <bekks> make install war schon der erste Fehler. [09:58] <dreamon> bekks, Habe mich danach orientiert -> [09:59] <kubine> dreamon: Title: Transmageddon 1.3 Video Transcoder Released [Ubuntu Installation] | TuxArena (at [09:59] <bekks> Das macht es nicht besser. [10:00] <dreamon> Verbesserungsvorschläge? [10:00] <bekks> checkinstall statt make install. [10:01] <bekks> Aber erstmal versuchen, das make install wiederrückgängig zu machen. [10:02] <dreamon> make uninstall ist durch [10:02] <dreamon> checkinstall wird hier nicht gefunden. [10:03] <bekks> Das wird daran liegen, dass man es installieren muss :) [10:04] <bekks> [10:04] <kubine> bekks: Title: Programme kompilieren › Wiki › (at [10:04] <sdx23> dreamon: für das Versionsproblem: apt-cache policy libgtk-3-dev - wenn das nicht neu genug ist, dann ehh Pech. Allerdings würde mich schon verwundern, wenn die ihre Checks nicht ins configure einbauen [10:06] <sdx23> hm, uptopic hat die "richtige" Version. Wenn man mutig ist, kann man das pinnen (würde ich nicht empfehlen); sonst ältere Version von transmageddon verwenden. [10:13] <dreamon> Also das checkinstall ist durchgelaufen, hab ein deb. Wenn ich es starte -> gi._glib.GError: transmageddon.ui: required gtk+ version 3.12, current version is 3.10 [10:15] <dreamon> [10:15] <kubine> dreamon: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [10:15] <dreamon> Oberen Teil bitte ignorieren,da hatte es ohne sudo aufgerufen.. hab ich dann aber gemacht und lief durch [10:16] <embik> ich hab den ersten Teil nicht mitbekommen, aber ich schätze mal du bist auf 14.04, mh? [10:19] <dreamon> embik, ja. 14.04 [10:20] <embik> dreamon: ich kenn das Programm ehrlich gesagt nicht wirklich, aber wenn du GTK+ 3.12 brauchst hast du glaub ich wenig Chancen dass auf 14.04 zu kompilieren [10:20] <embik> du kannst natürlich versuchen die libgtk version von 14.04 zu linken, aber ob das dann ohne Probleme funktioniert ... keine Ahnung [10:21] <MisterX> moin. mein mailclient wirft mir seit neuestem fehlermeldungen aus, dass der server meine ip auf der blacklist von anti-spam-services findet. sollte ich mich vielleicht doch nach nem virenscanner umsehen…? [10:21] <embik> MisterX: es gibt keine Virenscanner für Ubuntu, gibt es noch andere Computer bei dir im Heimnetzwerk? [10:21] <embik> du benutzt ja im Prinzip die IP deines Routers, wie alle anderen im selben Netzwerk auch [10:22] <MisterX> embik: in den letzten tagen nur mein desktop (ubuntu), mein laptop (ubuntu) und mein telefon (ubuntu) [10:22] <embik> MisterX: yay ubuntu touch :3 (meins liegt hier neben mir) [10:22] <MisterX> :) [10:23] <embik> MisterX: du _könntest_ mal rkhunter und chrootkit laufen lassen, ich denke aber eigentlich dass das eher für Server ist [10:24] <bekks> embik: NAzürlich gibt es Virenscanner für Ubuntu. [10:24] <embik> bekks: z.B.? [10:24] <bekks> embik: clamav [10:25] <bekks> MisterX: Und da alle drei Geräte die selbe öffentliche IP deines Internetanschlusses nutzen, werfen alle Geräte diese Meldung. [10:25] <embik> bekks: das findet aber keine "Ubuntu Viren" sondern ist für den Betrieb auf Mailservern etc ausgelegt [10:25] <bekks> embik: Das ist Unsinn. [10:25] <MisterX> bekks: mir ist schon klar, wie ein router funktioniert. [10:25] <embik> bekks: [10:25] <kubine> embik: Title: ClamAV › Wiki › (at [10:26] <embik> "eignet sich aber trotzdem sehr gut für heterogene Umgebungen (z.B. parallele Installationen von GNU/Linux und Windows, in denen Dateien unter GNU/Linux heruntergeladen und geprüft werden, bevor sie an Windows "weitergereicht" werden), zum Prüfen von Mailanhängen oder zum Einsatz in Kombination mit Dritt-Programmen wie z.B. Samba oder einem Mail-Server." [10:26] <bekks> embik: Danke, ich kenne Clamav aus jahrelanger Praxis auf Clients und Mailservern. Ich weiß0 was das ist, und wie es funktioniert. [10:26] <bekks> "eignet sich sehr gut" != "ist darauf ausgelegt nur..." [10:27] <MisterX> fakt ist, der fehler trat jetzt bei unterschiedlichen ip-adressen (also, eigene) auf und es waren nur meine rechner da. [10:27] <embik> bekks: du kennst also die Intention der Entwickler? [10:27] <embik> [10:27] <kubine> embik: Title: ClamAV (at [10:27] <MisterX> die fritzbox hat nen aktuelles FritzOS, da sollte™ alles schick sein [10:27] <embik> "ClamAV® is the open source standard for mail gateway scanning software." [10:28] <embik> MisterX: mh, du solltest evtl mal den Support deines Mailproviders anschreiben/-rufen und fragen ob sie dir sagen können auf welcher Liste du stehst [10:28] <bekks> embik: Nur weil etwas Standard für A ist, heisst das nicht, dass man es nicht für B genau so gut verwenden kann. Siehe oben. [10:28] <MisterX> embik: stand sogar in der fehlermeldung… ich gucke nachher mal genauer, wenn der fehler wieder auftreten sollte… [10:28] <bekks> MisterX: Hast du mal selbst geschaut auf welcher Liste Du stehst? [10:29] <embik> bekks: meine Güte, die Entwickler reden selbst auf der verlinkten Webseite fast ausschließlich vom Einsatz auf Servern [10:29] <MisterX> bekks: mein sekundenschaf war, dass ich es mir natürlich nicht notiert habe. war bl.spammonkeys.irgendwas oder so. i don't know [10:29] <bekks> embik: Und warum streitest Du Dich jetzt darüber? [10:30] <embik> bekks: weiß nicht, du hast angefangen [10:30] <bekks> embik: clamav lässt sich sehr wohl auch außerhalb von MAilservern einsetzen, das ist Fakt. [10:30] <bekks> embik: Widerlege diese Tatsache oder lass es sein. [10:32] <embik> bekks: und ich sage es macht keinen Sinn weil es keine bekannten "Linux Viren" gibt die nicht schon lange obsolet sind [10:32] <embik> Widerlege diese Tatsache oder lass es sein. [10:33] <MisterX> kann ich ClamAV auch einsetzen um die windows-partition auf der platte (dual-boot system) zu scannen? [10:33] <bekks> embik: "macht keinen Sinn" und "es gibt keine Virenscanner für Ubuntu" ist ein großer Unterschied. Die Argumentation stammt übrigens von Dir. Und diese Diskussion ist in diesem KAnal beendet. Wenn Du weiterhin Bedarf daran hast, kannst Du sie in #ubuntu-de-offtopic fortsetzen. [10:34] <embik> dann korrigiere ich meine Aussage hiermit zu "es gibt keine sinnigen Virenscanner für deinen ubuntu PC" und ende. [10:34] <bekks> Doch, die gibt es. Deine Aussage ist falsch. [10:38] <MisterX> …wie sinnvoll isses, mit clamav windows-partitionen zu untersuchen…? [10:39] <embik> MisterX: durchaus sinnvoll [10:40] <bekks> Auf einmal. Gerade war es noch nicht sinnvoll einen Virenscanner unter Ubuntu einzusetzen. [11:18] <Ene> hallo, hab eine bitte. momentan hab ich ubuntu 14.04 64 bit auf diesem rehner installiert, allein aus dem grund, dass ich es auch inem anderen rechner installiert habe [11:19] <Ene> wie kann ich herausfinden ob nicht doch lubuntu oder kubuntu für diesen rechner besser wäre. [11:19] <apollo13> definiere "besser" [11:19] <Ene> die computersprache bei wikiubuntu und google bringt mich nicht wirklich weiter [11:19] <bekks> In dem Du es installierst und Dir anschaust, ob es für Dich "passt" oder "besser" ist. [11:19] <Ene> schneller und zuverlässiger [11:20] <Ene> diesen rechner benutze ich nur um unterwegs zu schreiben [11:20] <bekks> Ist übrigens jeweils nur ein Befehl, keine Neuinstallation oder sowas. [11:20] <Ene> aha [11:20] <Ene> ein befehl? [11:20] <bekks> Ja. [11:20] <apollo13> sudo tasksel :) [11:20] <bekks> :) [11:21] <apollo13> bekks: oder wolltest apt install ;) [11:21] <Ene> kann ich das einfach jetzt machen ohne gefahr zu laufen [11:21] <Ene> daten zu verlieren [11:21] <apollo13> nö [11:21] <apollo13> die gefahr besteht immer [11:21] <bekks> apollo13: Das wäre die lange Variante gewesen :) [11:22] <Ene> wie ist denn der befehl? [11:22] <bekks> "sudo tasksel" [11:22] <Ene> und wichtiger wie mach ihn wieder rückgängig [11:22] <Ene> achso, verzeiht ich dachte das wäre nicht auf mich bezogen [11:22] <bekks> Noch viel wichtiger ist eine Datensicherung zu haben. [11:23] <Ene> ja, ich habe es die tage erst installiert [11:23] <Ene> soviel ist noch nicht drauf [11:23] <bekks> Dann spielt es doch auch keine Rolle, ob du Gefahr läufst Daten zu verlieren. [11:24] <bekks> Entweder hast Du Daten die es wert sind, nicht verloren zu gehen, oder halt nicht. [11:24] <Ene> das ist wohl wahr [11:24] <Ene> ist es möglich während des vorgangs im chat zu bleiben [11:25] <Ene> sofern ich euch nicht mit solch lapalien störe [11:25] <bekks> Klar. [11:26] <Ene> der befehl wurde nicht gefunden. [12:52] <christoph_> hey kann mir vielleicht jemand sagen warum eine simple varaiblen deklaration in einem bash script fehlschlägt ? [12:53] <christoph_> er meckert das es den befehl nicht gibt was ich nicht ganz nachvollziehen kann [12:55] <mrkramps> christoph_, und wir dürfen jetzt raten, wie dein script so aussehen könnte? [12:56] <christoph_> hab gerade überleg ob ich das ganz hochlade aber ich kann den fehler sogar mit var1 = 5 echo $var1 reproduzieren [12:56] <Rochvellon> mal mit $var1 = 5 probiert? [12:57] <mrkramps> var1=5 [12:57] <apollo13> var1 = 5 is nicht gleich var1=5 [12:57] <mrkramps> mit leerzeichen um das gleichzeichen ist das keine deklaration gemäß bash syntax [12:58] <christoph_> ahh okay danke das hat schon geholfen [12:58] <christoph_> da will man schonmal leserlich arbeiten und dann sowas :D danke ! [14:36] <David1977> Muss ich auf irgendwas bestimmtes achten, wenn ich unter Ubuntu mit VirtualBox ein anderes Linux-Live System starten möchte? [14:36] <David1977> Ich habe die ISO Datei geladen....das Auswahlmenü (Ausprobieren....Installieren....etc) kommt auch...aber irgendwie passiert danach nichts mehr [14:42] <mrkramps> David1977, welche ditribution versuchst du in vbox zu starten? [14:44] <David1977> Kodibuntu [14:45] <David1977> Also sozusagen Kodi (XBMC) eingebettet in eine Ubuntu Distro [14:45] <David1977> gibt es dort als ISO zum Download [14:45] <Frickelpit> David1977: welche Hardware nutzt du und was hast du der vbox zugewiesen? [14:46] <David1977> HW = Intel Core 2 Duo mit 3.x GHz [14:46] <David1977> 8 GB festplattendatei [14:46] <David1977> 1024 MB Ram [14:47] <David1977> also für die VM 1024....Mein Rechner hat 2048 [14:47] <mrkramps> normalerweise sollte das nicht das problem sein [14:48] <David1977> Ja, sehe ich ja auch so...aber es passiert rein gar nichts mehr [14:48] <Frickelpit> David1977: wie lange läuft die vbox jetzt? [14:48] <David1977> 15 minuten [14:49] <David1977> und ich habe nicht "installieren" sondern "ausprobieren" ausgewählt [14:49] <mrkramps> hast du vorher schonmal ein anderes image in vbox gestartet? [14:50] <David1977> Ich habe mal versucht ein Windows von CD zu erstellen....musste ich dann aber abbrechen... [14:50] <David1977> Von daher ist das mein erster Versuch mit VirtualBox [14:52] <Frickelpit> mh… ich würd mal eine andere iso laden und damit testen, irgendwas kleines. [14:52] <David1977> ok, ich werds versuchen. Danke [14:53] <etu_> hallo, hat jemand von euch erfahrung darin, wie ich am besten herausfinden kann welche ubuntu version (lubuntu,kubuntu,etc) am geeignesten ist [14:53] <Frickelpit> "am geeignesten" [14:53] <etu_> also ich würde es gerne testen, habe jetzt ubuntu 14.04 drauf aber dieser rechner ist eher von der billigen variante [14:53] <Frickelpit> etu_: testen und bei gefallen behalten ;) [14:53] <etu_> ja ich möchte mit diesem rechner nur dokumente schreiben und [14:54] <etu_> wie mach ich das, mir hat jemand vorhin einen befehl geschrieben [14:54] <etu_> der nicht exestierte [14:55] <etu_> ich möchte ungern immer wieder neu installieren [14:55] <Frickelpit> etu_: <- da findest du die Anleitungen zu den einzelnen DEs [14:55] <kubine> Frickelpit: Title: Installation › Wiki › (at [14:59] <etu_> ja, ich habe mir die seiten natürlich schon durchgelesen [15:00] <Frickelpit> dann hast du auch den Befehl für die Installation aus einem laufenden System gesehen. [15:00] <etu_> mir ist jedoch nicht ersichtlich geworden woran ich das handfest machen kann. [15:00] <etu_> ja der ist für fortgeschrittene benutzer gedacht, was ich auch schnell gemerkt habe [15:00] <etu_> ;:) [15:00] <etu_> weil nichts verstanden [15:01] <Frickelpit> dann hast du nicht richtig gelesen ;) [15:01] <etu_> debootstrap meinst du [15:01] <Frickelpit> noe [15:04] <etu_> naja, aber man kann doch davon ausgehen, dass ubuntu für bessere (schnellere rechner) geeigneter ist [15:04] <etu_> jetzt ist meine frage nur ob ich besser mit lubuntu oder kubuntu arbeiten kann [15:04] <Frickelpit> hängt von deiner hardware ab [15:04] <Frickelpit> und dir selber [15:05] <etu_> gehen wir von der schlechtesten aus [15:05] <etu_> gibt es denn nirgendwo dummie informationen [15:05] <Frickelpit> ja [15:05] <Frickelpit> im Wiki [15:06] <etu_> das ist für dummies gedacht? [15:06] <etu_> ai ai [15:06] <Frickelpit> für Einsteiger, ja [15:07] <etu_> wo ist denn der unterschied von lubuntu oder kubuntu [15:09] <Frickelpit> etu_: vs. [15:09] <kubine> Frickelpit: Title: LXDE › Wiki › (at [15:49] <mone> hallo zusammen [15:51] <mone> ich habe ein problem mit meinem terminal, sobald ich ein befehl ausführen möchte kommt eine aussage die nachfragt ob ich root bin. ich kann die aussage gerne posten [15:52] <mrkramps> mone, ja die meldung würden wir gerne sehen [15:53] <mone> hier einfach reinschreiben [15:54] <mone> sie geht über vier zeilen im terminal [15:54] <mrkramps> !nopaste > mone [15:54] <kubine> mone: Nicht selbst geschriebener Text wird im IRC sehr unleserlich und unhandlich. Deshalb sollten mehr als 3 Zeilen immer in einen sogenannten Nopaste-Service wie z.B. abgelegt werden. Nach dem Speichern kannst du dann die URL der Seite kopieren und sie statt des Textes hier im Channel posten. [15:55] <mone> [15:55] <kubine> mone: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [15:55] <mrkramps> mone, hast du das software-center oder synaptic auf und versuchst apt-get auszuführen? [15:56] <mone> nein [15:56] <mrkramps> welchen befehl dann? [15:56] <mone> apt- get update, apt-get autoremove. ich habe ubuntu 14.04 drauf [15:57] <mrkramps> ohne sudo? [15:57] <mrkramps> !sudo > mone [15:57] <kubine> mone: Informationen zu sudo finden sich im Wiki unter [15:58] <mone> uppss, oh mann. [15:58] <mone> ja klar sorry [15:58] <mone> sorry. sorry [15:58] <mone> neuling [16:19] <mone> gibt es eigentlich einen terminal befehl mit dem man verschiedene linux distrubtionen testen kann, ich habe ja schon ubuntu 14.04 drauf und möchte aus zeitgründen nicht jede version erst runterladen [16:19] <mone> ich spiel mit dem gedanken xubuntu oder lubuntu zu installieren [16:19] <mrkramps> mone, virtuelle maschine [16:19] <mrkramps> !virtualbox > mone [16:19] <kubine> mone: Informationen zu VirtualBox finden sich im Wiki unter [16:19] <Rochvellon> mone: du kannst das bspw. recht einfach mit einer virtualisierung wie bspw. virtualbox machen [16:20] <mrkramps> vbox kann sogar terminalbefehle ^^ [16:20] <mone> ok danke ich werds mir mal durchlesen [16:21] <Rochvellon> alternativ kannst du dir die desktops auch parallel installieren und dann immer den jeweiligen desktop starten, mone [16:21] <mrkramps> aber um das mit dem runterladen kommt man bei vm nicht drum rum [16:21] <mrkramps> und paralellen betrieb von DEs kann man eigentlich nur noch bedingt empfehlen [16:22] <mone> ok, hab nämlich grad gedacht, das wär ne mögliche variante [16:22] <mrkramps> zumindest nicht, wenn mann als neuling mit wirren problemen konfrontiert wird [16:22] <mrkramps> prinzipiell ist das auch möglich, aber das läuft oftmals nicht besonders rund aus verschiedenen gründen [16:23] <strohi> ThreeM… hast du sowas? [16:23] <kubine> strohi: Title: Vector S | Garmin (at [16:24] <mone> könnte mir jemand von euch evtl ene auskunft geben, ich würde hier gerne meine systeminformation posten und mir dann von euch gerne eine meinung einholen [16:24] <mrkramps> strohi, das 'ne fahrradhalterung für ein gps-gerät [16:25] <Yoshimo> & , hab ich mir da die Rechte mal wieder zerschossen? Irgendwie wird das Anmeldefenster bei meinem Kubuntu nicht mehr angezeigt [16:25] <kubine> Yoshimo: Title: Paste: py52v (at [16:25] <strohi> hä? [16:25] <mrkramps> mone, welche systeminformationen [16:25] <strohi> deine mudda is ne fahrradhalterung [16:25] <mrkramps> strohi, egal … das ist der support-channel :P [16:25] <mone> ich brauche diesen rechner lediglich um unterwegs dokumente zu schreiben. also brauche ein schonendes jedoch schnelles betriebssystem [16:26] <strohi> mone… vertabbt, sehen gleich aus, weil die länge abgeschnitten wird :( [16:26] <mone> sytsmeinformation zur hardware [16:26] <mrkramps> lshw nopasten [16:27] <mrkramps> !systeminformationen > mone [16:27] <kubine> mone: Informationen zu Systeminformationen finden sich im Wiki unter [16:27] <mone> ja ich weiss, [16:28] <mone> wäre jemand von euch bereit mir da auskunft zu geben [16:28] <mrkramps> mone, also so mit dem nopaste bei der hand, würde sich vielleicht der ein oder andere … [16:29] <mrkramps> !frag > mone [16:29] <kubine> mone: Du brauchst nicht fragen, ob Du fragen darfst oder ob sich jemand auskennt. Das ist zwar höflich, würde aber den Channel sehr zuspammen, wenn dies jeder täte. Stell besser einfach Deine Frage – wenn jemand die Antwort kennt, wird er sie Dir nennen. [16:29] <David1977> mrkramps: bzgl kodibuntu und der VM...läuft jetzt. Ich habe eine andere Version (32 anstatt 64bit) genommen und schon lief es. [16:29] <David1977> Danke für deine Unterstützung [16:29] <mrkramps> gerne [16:31] <mone> PCI (sysfs) [16:31] <mone> was bedeut das? [16:32] <mrkramps> mone, dass du noch einen moment warten musst [16:33] <mone> wie kann ich noch gleich pasten [16:33] <mrkramps> !nopaste > mone [16:33] <kubine> mone: Nicht selbst geschriebener Text wird im IRC sehr unleserlich und unhandlich. Deshalb sollten mehr als 3 Zeilen immer in einen sogenannten Nopaste-Service wie z.B. abgelegt werden. Nach dem Speichern kannst du dann die URL der Seite kopieren und sie statt des Textes hier im Channel posten. [16:33] <David1977> hast du schon ein Ubuntu am laufen, mone? [16:33] <mone> ja ubuntu 14.04 [16:34] <David1977> mach mal ein Terminal auf und dann gib foldendes ein: [16:34] <David1977> sudo apt-get install pastebinit [16:34] <David1977> sag, wenn es fertig ist [16:34] <mone> [16:34] <kubine> mone: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [16:35] <David1977> mone: hast du den Befehl ausgeführt? [16:36] <mone> jetzt meine frage, lubuntu xubuntu oder doch ubuntu [16:36] <mone> ja [16:36] <mrkramps> mone, nicht ubuntu [16:36] <mone> ok schon mal gut zu wissen [16:36] <mrkramps> lubuntu oder xubuntu laufen beide auf dem gerät … ersteres ist aber ggf. die bessere wahl [16:36] <mrkramps> dagegen bietet xubuntu etwas mehr komfort [16:36] <mrkramps> alternativ auch bodhi linux [16:36] <David1977> ok....dann für die zukunft um was zu pasten kannst du jetzt "befehl .... | pastebinit" eingeben und bekommst dann automatisch eine URL zurück [16:37] <David1977> Beispiel: [16:37] <mone> cool danke david [16:37] <mrkramps> oder eben eine eigene desktopumgebung … aber das wahrscheinlich noch etwas zu früh dir das vorzuschalgen [16:37] <David1977> ls -al | pastebinit [16:37] <mrkramps> David1977, scheissplan [16:37] <David1977> echt? warum? [16:37] <mone> mrkramps, ich kann aber durchaus lubuntu 64 bit installieren oder [16:37] <mrkramps> ich möchte mein homeverzeichnis nicht beim nopaste-service veröffentlichen [16:37] <David1977> ja....ok [16:38] <David1977> das stimmt [16:38] <mrkramps> mone, ich glaube nicht [16:38] <David1977> ich dachte du würdest pastebinit jetzt als scheißplan bezeichnen ;) [16:38] <David1977> aber, ich will euch nicht weiter stören [16:38] <mone> nach einem befehl zufolge (an dem ich mich nicht mehr erinnern kann) ist der rechner 64 bit fähig [16:38] <mrkramps> David1977, ist halt gefährtlich, weil das die ausgabe ungefragt hochläd [16:39] <David1977> ja, das ist correct [16:39] <mrkramps> mone, ist richtig … der N450 kann 64 bit [16:40] <mone> würdest du mir jedoch nicht empfehlen [16:40] <mone> :) [16:40] <mrkramps> doch doch, wenn das gerät 64bit kann, spricht nichts dagegen [16:41] <mrkramps> ich war nur unsicher, wegen atom [16:41] <mone> verzeih du hast vorhin noch eine andere linux version angesprochen, was hat es denn mit der auf sich [16:41] <mrkramps> !enlightment > mone [16:41] <mrkramps> hmpf [16:41] <mrkramps> !e17 > mone [16:41] <kubine> mone: Informationen zu E17 finden sich im Wiki unter [16:42] <mrkramps> ha [16:42] <mrkramps> bodhi setzt auf eine andere desktopumgebung und kommt ähnlich spartanisch wie lubuntu [16:43] <mrkramps> nur schicker ;) [16:43] <mone> ich les es mir grad mal durch [16:45] <mrkramps> mone, für dich vielleicht generell interessant [16:45] <kubine> mrkramps: Title: Ubuntu › Alte Hardware › Wiki › (at [16:46] <mone> danke, das hab ich mir schon durchgelesen [16:46] <mone> :) [16:48] <mone> nee also vor budhi linux hab ich noch zuviel respekt [16:49] <mone> ich denke ich bleibe bei der wahl zwischen lu/xubuntu [16:50] <mrkramps> mone, firefox ggf. durch qupzilla ersetzen und in libreoffice java deaktivieren … das wäre noch zwei tipps, die ich dir mit auf den weg geben kann [16:51] <mone> ich liege richtig mit der annahme (wie ihr auch schon gesagt habt) dass es nicht möglich ist, einfach auf lubuntu überzuspringen [16:51] <mone> cool danke [16:51] <mone> werd i mir notieren [16:52] <mrkramps> mone, du kannst die desktopumgebung wechseln, nur zwei paralell läuft nicht immer gut [16:52] <mrkramps> !Desktopumgebung_deinstallieren > mone [16:52] <kubine> mone: Informationen zu Desktopumgebung_deinstallieren finden sich im Wiki unter [16:56] <mone> ok der artikel ist mir zu wirr. eine letzte frage: wenn ich also mit diesem rechner, lediglich dokumente schreiben möchte, dass unterwegs und akku sparen möchte [16:57] <mone> laufe ich mit lubuntu 64 bit gut [16:57] <mone> ubuntu 14.04 64 bit, wie es jetzt der fall ist, wahrscheinlich eher semi empfehlennwert [16:58] <bekks> Wieso das denn? [16:58] <mrkramps> bekks, weil das ein atom n450 ist [16:58] <bekks> Wenn Du nicht gerade 10 Jahre alte HW hast, die kein 64Bit kann, ist 64Bit die erste Wahl. :) [16:59] <mrkramps> mone, mit lubuntu bist du nicht verkehrt [16:59] <mone> merci [16:59] <mone> :) [16:59] <mrkramps> bekks, den 64bit teil hatten wir schon geklärt ;) [17:00] <bekks> Sehr schön :) [17:00] <mone> ich werds mir einfach nochmal runterladen [17:01] <bekks> Nicht notwendig. [17:01] <mone> weiss jemand von euch auf anhieb wie das programm heisst mit dem man die iso datei auf den stick ziehen kann [17:01] <mrkramps> dd [17:01] <mone> bootin irgendwas [17:01] <bekks> Einfach sudo tasksel eingeben und das Desktopenvironment der Wahl installieren. [17:01] <mone> ? [17:02] <mone> diesen befehl habe ich gesucht [17:02] <jokrebel> noxs: Oder einfach den Startmedienersteller ;-) [17:02] <jokrebel> +nehmen [17:03] <mone> sudo: tasksel: command not found <- das war die ansage nach dem befehl [17:04] <mrkramps> mone, der startmedienersteller solltest du im menü finden können [17:05] <bekks> sudo apt-get install tasksel :) [17:05] <mone> ich les mir grad den wiki artikel zu tasksel durch [17:06] <jokrebel> Warum einfach wenns auch umständlicher geht... [17:06] <mone> danke :) [17:07] <bekks> jokrebel: tasksel und ein DE draufziehen ist schneller als ein ISO runterladen, stick erstellen neu installieren. :) [17:07] <mone> was heisst DE draufziehen [17:07] <jokrebel> bekks: Wo steht, dass er die ISO nicht längst hat? [17:08] <mone> hab ich nicht @ jok [17:08] <mone> :) [17:08] <mone> ok tasksel ist installiert [17:08] <mone> kann ich nun einfach zu lubuntu 64 bit wechseln, hab ich das richtig verstanden? [17:09] <mone> es hat sich nämlich eine paketkonfugiration geöffnet mit der ich wenig anfangen kann [17:09] <jokrebel> mone: Trotzdem noch ne Artikel zu meinem Vorschlag zur Vollständligkeit [17:09] <kubine> jokrebel: Title: Ubuntu Startmedienersteller – Thomas-Krenn-Wiki (at [17:09] <bekks> mone: Wenn Du ein Ubuntu 64 Bit hast, ja. Einfach Lubuntu auswählen und los. [17:10] <mone> welches lubuntu denn? [17:10] <mone> es werden so manche angezeigt [17:11] <bekks> Welche werden Dir denn angezeigt...? [17:11] <mone> lubuntu: live cd,desktop, minimal version [17:11] <bekks> Ja, da musst du Dich entscheiden - welches hättest Du denn gerne? :) [17:12] <bekks> Hint: Desktop ist das, was Du suchst. [17:12] <mone> ok danke :) [17:12] <mrkramps> bekks, erklärst du ihm auch, wie er unity vollständig deinstalliert? [17:12] <mone> sofern ich gleich verschwunden sein sollte aufgrund des umsprungs sag ich schon mal danke [17:13] <mone> ?? [17:13] <mone> also gibts noch was zu beachten [17:14] <mone> danke mrkramps für die seite mit dem startmedienersteller, klingt nützlich [17:14] <bekks> mone: Du musst Dich danach komplett ausloggen, und im Anmeldebildschirm Lubuntu auswählen. [17:14] <bekks> mrkramps: Wieso Unity deinstallieren? [17:17] <mrkramps> bekks, weil er im moment noch ubuntu mit unity installiert hat [17:17] <bekks> Ja und? DAs stört doch nicht. [17:17] <mrkramps> pulseaudio gehört bspw. nicht zu lubuntu [17:17] <mrkramps> und ich will nicht wissen, was von unity sonst noch ungefragt in der lubuntu-sitznug mitstartet [17:18] <bekks> Unity startet nichts in anderen Sitzungen mit. [17:18] <mone> kann ich denn diese sachen mittels terminal befehl deinstallieren, später? [17:18] <mrkramps> mone, ja [17:19] <bekks> Wie denn auch, wenn Unity nicht gestartet wird/ist. [17:19] <mrkramps> bekks, zeitgeist? software-center? [17:19] <bekks> mrkramps: Wird beides nicht automatisch in anderen Sessions gestartet. [17:19] <mrkramps> gut, wenn du das sagst, will ich es gerne glauben [17:20] <bekks> Übrigens verwendet nur lubuntu kein Pulseuadio. Alle anderen Flavours verwenden Pulseaudio. [17:20] <mone> aber fakt ist dann doch, das diese dinge dann noch installiert sind, und somit unnötigen speicher rauben? [17:20] <mrkramps> yapp [17:21] <mone> sofern es einen einfachen weg gibt wie ich das beheben kann, möcht ich das gern tun, jedoch war der wiki eintrag vorhin nicht wirklich ersichtlich [17:21] <bekks> Wie wenig Speicherplatz hast Du denn? [17:23] <mone> 983,5 mib [17:24] <bekks> Damit kriegst Du auch keine Lubuntu Installation hin. [17:24] <mone> ?? [17:24] <bekks> 1GB reicht nicht für den täglichen Betrieb. [17:25] <mone> momentan ist 14.04 ubuntu 64 bit drauf [17:25] <bekks> Und wir reden von Speicherplatz, nicht von RAM. [17:27] <mone> [17:27] <kubine> mone: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [17:31] <mone> also starte ich das program nun nicht mehr [17:32] <mone> es wartet grad so oben im fenster [17:33] <mone> kann ich unity nicht mit einem terminal befehl entfernen [17:35] <mone> ok ich muss auch los. ich bedanke mich für eure mithilfe, mrkramps ich bleibe bei deiner auskunft danke! [17:36] <mrkramps> gerne [18:51] <Yoshimo> so nochmal, nachdem mich Freenode vorhin wegen angeblichem Flooding rausgeworfen hat [18:51] <Yoshimo> / , der Login-Bildschirm erscheint nicht. Was könnte es sein? Falsche Nutzerrechte wie beim letzten mal? [18:51] <kubine> Yoshimo: Title: Paste: mk668 (at [18:52] <jokrebel> Yoshimo: Da les ich was von systemd. Was für ein Ubuntu ist das denn? [18:53] <bekks> Warum genau verwendest du einen nicht supporteten Kernel? [18:53] <Yoshimo> Kubuntu jokrebel [18:54] <Yoshimo> 14.10 [18:54] <jokrebel> Yoshimo: Auch das aktuelle Kubuntu hat meines Wissens noch kein systemd. Und was sagst Du wegen dem Kernel? [18:55] <Yoshimo> das ist noch ein Rest von einem Test wegen nicht unterstützter Hardware, geht aber mit nem anderen auch nicht [18:56] <bekks> Dein Grafikkartentreiber ist nicht richtig installiert. [18:57] <jokrebel> Yoshimo: Mit fremdem Kernel und Systemd ist es jedenfalls nicht grade ein supportetes Standard-Ubuntu :-( [18:58] <Yoshimo> ich hab SystemD nicht wissentlich installiert zumindest [18:58] <bekks> In 14.10 wird systemd mitgeliefert. [19:00] <jokrebel> bekks: Ach! Und auch aktiviert? Seit wann? Das ist mir neu [19:04] <bekks> jokrebel: Niemand sagte, dass es aktiviert sei. Ab Ubuntu 14.10 liefert Canonical aus ganz offiziellen Quellen systemd mit, und der Umstieg auf systemd ist supported. [20:41] <mrkramps> schon in 14.04 übernimmt systemd irgendwie einige funktionen [20:42] <apollo13> logind und sowas vermutlich [20:43] <apollo13> und udevd, mit 14.10 wird dann das fluchen beginnen^^ [20:44] <mrkramps> apollo13, logind genau
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "David1977", "Ene", "Frickelpit", "MisterX", "Rochvellon", "Yoshimo", "apollo13", "bekks", "christoph_", "dreamon", "embik", "etu_", "jokrebel", "kubine", "mone", "mrkramps", "sdx23", "strohi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[13:46] <lazyPower> Mornin UI Engineering team [13:50] <rick_h_> morn [13:50] <rick_h_> and good form on the title :) [13:52] <rick_h_> lazyPower: actually can you help me with the openstack bundle today sometime? [13:58] <lazyPower> rick_h_: i'm working on deploying that now in canonistack [13:58] <lazyPower> rick_h_: [13:58] <mup> Bug #1440069: Quickstart fails consistently with canonistack <juju-quickstart:New> <> [13:59] <lazyPower> minor bump in the road [13:59] <rick_h_> lazyPower: :( ok will get that looked at but will probably be after the release we're preparing for next monday [13:59] <lazyPower> rick_h_: i'm not stressed over it - deployer is working for now [13:59] <rick_h_> lazyPower: k, I think it's an easy hack to just mark the fields as not required but will have to dbl check [14:00] <frankban> lazyPower: so region and tenant are considered non-optional by quickstart, perhaps they were mandatory in juju before. the fix for that is trivial [14:01] <frankban> lazyPower: this is similar to [14:01] <mup> Bug #1437451: quickstart fails on openstack with use-floating-ip missing <landscape> <juju-quickstart:New> <> [14:01] <lazyPower> ah, yes it is. [14:01] <rick_h_> frankban: yea, I was going to mark lazyPower's a dupe of that one and copy in the data to make it one bug [14:01] <frankban> rick_h_: cool thanks [14:02] <frankban> lazyPower: as mentioned, the fix for that is really easy (in quickstart/models/ iirc) [14:02] <rick_h_> frankban: will line it up in maint high for a quick update right after the release is rolling and we're set for things there [14:03] <lazyPower> rick_h_: so yinz are rolling another release today after the big roll out of apiv4 yesterday? [14:03] <rick_h_> lazyPower: that was just the gui release [14:03] <rick_h_> lazyPower: monday we'll be doing the whole jujucharms stack updtes [14:06] <rick_h_> release week! or weeks [14:06] <rick_h_> I guess [14:07] <rick_h_> lazyPower: so merged your bug over to for tracking purposes [14:07] <mup> Bug #1437451: quickstart fails on openstack with use-floating-ip missing <landscape> <juju-quickstart:New> <> [14:07] <lazyPower> ack, i'll track that one [14:07] <rick_h_> ty for the report [14:08] <rick_h_> we don't try things on canonistack a ton on our end [14:08] <lazyPower> honestly i dont either [14:08] <lazyPower> today is the first in many months [14:13] <lazyPower> rick_h_: confirmation on your email - i can help with this. [14:13] <lazyPower> let me wrap up my pod standup and i'll reach out. do you need this sooner rather than later? [14:14] <rick_h_> lazyPower: we can update the url in our codebase today but need it there before the release hits or we'll have broken new urls [14:14] <rick_h_> lazyPower: so today or monday would be great, might be able to go to tues thb [14:14] <rick_h_> tbh [14:14] <lazyPower> ack [14:17] <marcoceppi_> so [14:17] <marcoceppi_> can we package libmacaroons0, python-macaroons and libsodum13 (and python-theblues) in ppa:juju/stable ? [14:17] <marcoceppi_> otherwise I can't update charm-tools, amulet, etc [14:18] <marcoceppi_> this also is a real damper on this for charm-tools on OSX and Windows [14:18] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: yea, the deb packaging is on our todo list but we've not added those yet [14:18] <jrwren> we have all of those. [14:18] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: because of the compiled builds? [14:18] <jrwren> they are in our ppa [14:18] <rick_h_> jrwren: we packaged theblues python library ? [14:18] <marcoceppi_> right, query is to put them in ppa:juju/stable [14:18] * rick_h_ looks [14:19] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: yes, we'll get them there. [14:19] <jrwren> rick_h_: oh, maybe not python-theblues. I missed the parenthesized package. [14:19] <marcoceppi_> rick_h_: well "pip install charm-tools" won't work on Windows as it does now [14:19] <rick_h_> jrwren: right, we've got packaging to do on the python lib that we've not done yet. We're trying to get folks what we have early vs waiting until it's all done and getting them less time [14:19] <marcoceppi_> because macaroons I assume [14:19] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: right, it's based on a wrapper for C macaroons lib [14:20] <jrwren> sounds like a good good friday task :) [14:20] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: we'll have to look into what we can do on that end. [14:20] <marcoceppi_> so windows isn't that hard I guess, I'll just throw it in the MSI [14:20] <rick_h_> jrwren: heh, well release prep is already our friday task :) [14:20] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: feel free to file bugs on the issue tracker for whatever you need and we'll work to get them addressed as we can [14:20] <marcoceppi_> I'll see what we can do with OSX, it's sad this breaks pip installability for any tool using the API [14:21] <marcoceppi_> rick_h_: sure, but wanted to discuss. Are macaroons really required for anonymous access to CS? [14:21] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: not for anonymous access but as we move to acls and such it'll be required for much of things coming down the pipe [14:21] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: and it'll be required to upload charms [14:21] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: to auth who you are and to upload new versions of your charm/bundle/etc [14:22] <marcoceppi_> damn [14:22] <marcoceppi_> okay [14:22] <marcoceppi_> good to know [14:23] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: happy to help work on solutions there including providing builds/etc for whatever we need. much like we have juju osx builds we can head that route [14:23] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: and can help do things like brew-install-able? [14:24] <marcoceppi_> making it a brew target would be good, I'll spend some time working through which would make charm-tools lib easiest [14:24] <marcoceppi_> (and open bugs) thanks o/ [14:24] <rick_h_> marcoceppi_: sure thing, sorry to make life harder there [14:25] <marcoceppi_> the future is never easy [14:26] <rick_h_> it's shiny though :) [14:26] <marcoceppi_> It does seem nice from what I've read through so far [14:26] <marcoceppi_> thanks for publishing/creating it! [14:27] <rick_h_> no problem and like I said, let us know how we can make life suck less. We're not done yet and really happy to help make this stuff useful [15:39] <lazyPower> rick_h_: do we know if the charm store will ingest the newer series that are coming, centos/windows2012r2/et-al? [15:42] <lazyPower> rick_h_: reason i ask - cloudbase has pushed their nova-hyperv charm and its not ingesting afaict - [17:20] <rick_h_> lazyPower: good question, I do not thing it will because it's tied to charmworld atm and charmworld is using a hard coded list if I recall [17:20] <rick_h_> lazyPower: so that will require an update and a release to charmworld to retify and we'll also ahve to invistigate the charmstore [17:21] <rick_h_> lazyPower: will file bugs and start to investigate but will be next week [17:21] <lazyPower> ok, i know that we're starting to work with cloudbase and the new series - it would be good to roll alexpilotti and gsamfira into this convo as this directly affects his team [17:21] <lazyPower> s/his/their [17:22] <rick_h_> lazyPower: did you want to start an email then and copy myself and urulama in please? [17:22] <lazyPower> sure can, let me do that now [17:22] <rick_h_> lazyPower: as we'd like to ask what series to expect coming down the pipe and such [17:22] <alexpilotti> lazyPower: o/ [17:22] <rick_h_> lazyPower: and can reply with the bugs we create so they can track our progress and such [17:24] <urulama> lazyPower: looking [17:25] <lazyPower> ok, email deployed even though everyone responded here [17:25] <rick_h_> urulama: adding cards/bugs to both charmstore and charmworld for us to track what needs to be updated to support whatever list we get from them. [17:25] <rick_h_> lazyPower: all good [17:25] <rick_h_> paper trails and transparency ftw [17:26] <gsamfira> rick_h_: heya :) [17:26] <rick_h_> gsamfira: howdy :) [17:26] <gsamfira> rick_h_: off the top of my head, the following series should be expected: [17:26] <rick_h_> gsamfira: ooh, nice list ty kindly [17:27] <gsamfira> also, there is a high chance that debian jessie will also be supported [17:27] <gsamfira> so you can also add "jessie" to the list :D [17:27] <gsamfira> : my pleasure [17:27] <rick_h_> gsamfira: k, well we've got a legacy system we're working to deprecate that has a hard coded list. I'm pretty sure we'll be more flexible coming soonish but that works for now. [17:27] <gsamfira> rick_h_: sweet :D [17:28] <rick_h_> ok, ftr and for the two systems and will make sure we indicate progress/etc on those bugs [17:28] <mup> Bug #1440139: verify charmworld will ingest new series <charmworld:Triaged> <> [17:51] <rick_h_> lp|away: bah you can't run from me! :P [18:47] <urulama> gsamfira: thanks for offering help, we already have a solution, so once it is properly tested, it'll land. might happen soon ;) [18:47] <urulama> gsamfira: the common package solution sgtm! [18:51] <gsamfira> urulama: awesome! Seeing our charms in the store will be amazing! [18:52] <gsamfira> we've been waiting to get to this point ever since we did the PoC last year in Atlanta :D [18:52] <rick_h_> gsamfira: very cool. Please feel free to hit us up for anything that hits the charmstore early so we can get things in ahead of time. We watch the commits to core but sometimes things that we need to care about slips by. [18:53] <rick_h_> gsamfira: don't hesitate to bug us if you think we might get in the way :) [18:53] <gsamfira> rick_h_: many thanks! :D [19:32] <lp|away> rick_h_: oh i haven't run away [19:32] <lp|away> just in and out :) whats up? [19:32] <rick_h_> lp|away: well now I forgot :P [19:32] * lp|away snaps [19:33] <lp|away> i bet it comes to you later while we're on holiday. Tricky passin thoughts as they are. [21:33] <urulama> gsamfira: in case you're still around ... [21:33] <urulama> gsamfira: or [21:36] <urulama> gsamfira: (this is our QA MAAS server, but gives you a glimpse that your charm will be visible in next release) [21:45] <stokachu> rick_h_: is there a non versioned api url for retrieving [21:46] <stokachu> rick_h_: im wanting to pull down a fresh copy of that bundle to pass to juju deployer but didn't want to keep updating the package is that api version would change how i get to the file [21:46] <stokachu> *if that api version*
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "alexpilotti", "frankban", "gsamfira", "jrwren", "lazyPower", "lp|away", "marcoceppi_", "mup", "rick_h_", "stokachu", "urulama" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-gui" }
[13:55] <Philip5> Flygisoft: har du följt släppet av samsung s6 och htc m9 då? [13:56] <Philip5> jag har ju länge varit sugen på en m9 men nu när den väl kommer så verkar ju s6 vara den bättre luren så nu blir man ju osäker [13:56] <Philip5> tycker bara samsung är en sådan svensson-lur :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Philip5" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-se" }
[13:12] <smoser> harlowja_away, yeah. a lot of it amounts to "i'll just build everything on my own, and then it will be done right." which is perfectly fine with me, if you want to do that. it turns out, though, its kind of expensive in the long run. [16:22] <tennis> hi. I'm getting this on one of my aws instances, and I'm not sure where to begin to debug it. Any ideas anyone? [16:23] <tennis> For some reason, the cannot find '' for metadata. [16:49] <xerxas> hello everyone ! I'm using the chef module to install ... chef. I would like to use omnibus packages and specify the versions I want to install but can't find a way to do it. Any idea ? [17:05] <harlowja> smoser agreed [19:16] <kwaping> when using an #include url, are there any variables available that can be used to identify the host that's phoning home? [19:16] <kwaping> (hi harlowja) [19:16] <harlowja> kwaping i assume u are oliver :-P [19:16] <harlowja> or something else, ha [19:16] <harlowja> not alien? [19:16] <kwaping> oh, duh, yes [19:16] <harlowja> hi oliver! [19:16] <harlowja> i see u [19:16] <harlowja> lol [19:17] <kwaping> sorry, this is my obscure public name, long story [19:17] <harlowja> smoser just want to introduce u to another y! (oliver aka kwaping ) he's been doing some stuff with cloud-init on baremetal (simialr to maas i guess) annnnnd will be helping out :) [19:17] <harlowja> sooo hiiii kwaping [19:17] <harlowja> :-P [19:17] <harlowja> kwaping loves the baremetal [19:17] <harlowja> lol [19:18] <kwaping> I work with harlowja, don't hold that against me :P [19:18] <harlowja> lol [19:19] <kwaping> anyway, my ideal end goal is to include cloud-init in a ramdisk used for installing the final OS, and I want that ramdisk version to phone home and grab a dynamic config for disk setup (especially hardware RAID config), based on the individual host that's making the request [19:22] <harlowja> smoser that sounds similar to maas and maybe other stuff i think right :-P [19:23] <harlowja> i guess the smartos folks are doing similar things, idk [19:24] <harlowja> sooo kwaping is the code that does all the include stuffs [19:24] <harlowja> i didn't think the url has any params that get filed in [19:24] <harlowja> at least it doesn't right now [19:24] <kwaping> ok thanks, checking [19:24] <harlowja> basically the userdata gets read, and then out put as X mime segements [19:25] <harlowja> these mime (mail) segements are then later analyzed to do things [19:25] <harlowja> is where the fun begins [19:25] <harlowja> blob there being the starting 'user data blob' [19:26] <kwaping> fascinating that #include-once really means "fetch and cache" [19:26] <harlowja> gotta do the 'once' part somehow :-P [19:26] <harlowja> since #include stuff is recurisvely expanadble [19:26] <harlowja> #includes urls having content with #includes .... [19:27] <kwaping> does it also get run only once, or is it "fetch once, run every time"? (still reading code) [19:27] <harlowja> so this is just the code that does that extraction; its typically called once [19:27] <harlowja> but depends on what u mean by 'run everytime' [19:27] <harlowja> all this does is download the userdata and such into a multipart mime message [19:27] <harlowja> which then gets processed later [19:28] <kwaping> ah ok, so include-once can load files that are run once or run lots [19:28] <harlowja> how it gets processed later is dependent on what the processing is [19:28] <kwaping> content and fetch method are decoupled [19:28] <harlowja> ya [19:28] <harlowja> this is just the fetch [19:28] <kwaping> cool thanks [19:28] <kwaping> that helps [19:28] <harlowja> np [19:31] <harlowja> is also useful to look at/understand kwaping [19:31] <harlowja> user-data.txt.i (is the multipart pieces)... [19:31] <harlowja> 'user-data.txt' is the unprocessed/initial stuff [19:32] <kwaping> yeah I've been all over that site lately, but still digesting contents [19:32] <harlowja> k [19:32] <harlowja> smoser wanted to eventually i think destroy the usage of mime multipart stuff; maybe in the next version of cloud-init [19:32] <harlowja> its somewhat confusing to use mime messages for this, ha [19:32] <harlowja> but thats how it goes :-P [19:33] <kwaping> yeah I was going to say something about that, but figured there was a good use case that I was missing [19:33] <kwaping> config by email [19:33] <harlowja> smoser can explain, i forget the reason back in the day [19:33] <harlowja> probably something along the line of 'python has real good mime support and such, lets use it'... [19:33] <harlowja> ^ predates me, ha [19:33] <kwaping> funny how major decisions get made for reasons like that :) [19:34] <harlowja> :) [19:34] <kwaping> ok I'm going to head out since smoser is afk [19:34] <kwaping> we can continue the witty banter elsewhere [19:34] <harlowja> ha [19:34] <harlowja> all we do here is witty banter :-P [19:34] <harlowja> thats a major part of my day, lol [19:37] <harlowja> hmmm, will have to get him to idle in here vs leave, will work on that, lol
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "harlowja", "kwaping", "smoser", "tennis", "xerxas" ], "url": "", "channel": "#cloud-init" }
[22:11] <sarnold> win 30
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "sarnold" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-meeting" }
[00:23] <darkxst> Dumle29, "+" button works fine here [00:51] <Noskcaj> darkxst, Is it ok if i upload the split dconf-editor to gnome3-staging? All the contents of the -editor package and part of the -service are moved to a new source [00:52] <darkxst> Noskcaj, that would require also uploading the new dconf wouldnt it? [00:53] <darkxst> and I don't think there is really much new in the editor apart from the split, its really just a couple of bug fixes [00:53] <Noskcaj> i've got them both in noskcaj/gnome3-staging if you wan to upload [00:54] <Noskcaj> but it is just translation + bugfix [00:55] <darkxst> I would rather not upload dconf > ubuntu unless its absolutely required by some rdep [00:56] <Noskcaj> ok [00:56] <Noskcaj> I'll leave it in my ppa then [02:33] <berglh> KurtKraut is now know as indecisive [02:38] <KurtKraut> berglh, lol [09:46] <dz0ny> I think this is gnome staging related [09:51] <ruchir> hi all [10:57] <darkxst> dz0ny, that is not a -staging package? [10:58] <dz0ny> but relies on gnome libs from staging [10:58] <dz0ny> daily live build of gnome works fine [10:59] <dz0ny> but if you use staging ppa with 3.16 ... [10:59] <dz0ny> 1:49 infinity dz0ny: Oh, and you also have non-Ubuntu packages installed, which is almost certainly the source of the bug, based on the limited stacktrace we did get. [10:59] <dz0ny> 11:50 dz0ny infinity: mhm, I realized that last bit now. I have gnome staging ppa and that seems to be the cause [11:01] <dz0ny> you can ignore this probably? since it's related to unstable packages [11:01] <dz0ny> but it's still an issue :) [11:02] <dz0ny> dunno what policy you have, but abi should not brake imho [11:18] <Dumle29> hmm would dissabling xrandr in dconf editor remove any functionality that I want? [11:18] <Dumle29> I just want to dissable the super+p, as it resets my multimonitor setup config. [11:29] <mgedmin> you're talking about the gnome-settings-daemon plugins? [11:29] <mgedmin> it will disable automatic xrandr reconfiguration on monitor hotplug/unplug [11:30] <mgedmin> does it also disable super+p? I didn't expect that [12:57] <Dumle29> mgedmin: Yeah it's what I googled my way to find out, but that doesn't sound nice :/ [13:01] <Dumle29> It's just a pain, as I have 3 monitors like so: And if I hit super+p on accident they will now be configured as such: [13:02] <Dumle29> Where normally the right most monitor is my primary, that switches to the middle one :/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Dumle29", "KurtKraut", "Noskcaj", "berglh", "darkxst", "dz0ny", "mgedmin", "ruchir" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[22:40] <tomreyn> Sarvatt, ricotz: could i convince one of you to look at a 160 MB apitrace trace (a 14 MB .XZ download) using mesa, since it may show a bug on 14.04 with both stock drivers and xorg-edgers? [22:40] <tomreyn> across r600 + i915 chipsets [22:42] <tomreyn> i mean drivers [22:43] <tomreyn> AMD RV730 + Intel GM45 would be the chips
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "tomreyn" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-x" }
[05:12] <bojan> Can anybody solve this problem "I have configured NFS on ubuntu and i can mount the shared partition on the same computer but cant mount in the computer connected in the network...Saying error as :mount.nfs:server access denied while mounting"..But i can see the shared directory in the network computer by the command "sghowmount -e" [09:15] <lordievader> Good morning. [10:37] <jptned> Hello guys, I'm getting kind of DDOS'ed / Brute forced. My server has no problem with it, but it seems like my router can't handle it. [10:39] <jptned> The attacks come in on ports, 25, 80, 110 and 443. Exim logs of a few days ago show numerous login attemps. I've got fail2ban installed, but it doesn't block these IP's. Blocking them manualy doesn't work either, because the IP's change constantly. [13:09] <siebjee> is anyone here able to help me with xl2tp and performance improvements ? Not able to get over the ~30 Mbps :( (10gbit line) [15:20] <Walex> siebjee: 'top' [17:45] <dbm> Greetings, anyone know how to allocate free space to existing hard drive without lossing any data on it? (I'm using VPS Ubuntu server) :) [17:51] <sarnold> dbm: the usual approach is to use a volume manager like LVM or zfs [17:52] <sarnold> dbm: if the thing already exists it might be a bit harder, but you can resize ext* filesystems with resize2fs [17:53] <dbm> sarnold: alright, well the thing is im using VPS @ OVH and cloud 1 package is 25gb so i recently buyed cloud 2 and they just assigned 25gb to me. So now i have 25gb of free space and nothing to do with it. Unless i can somehow to allocate it, they gave me some tutorials but they literally telling me to recreate my partitions not to allocate it [17:53] <sarnold> dbm: that may be the easiest solution [17:54] <sarnold> dbm: did they grow an existing block device by another 25 gigs? or did they give you a second block device to work with? [17:54] <dbm> sarnold: yeah, but then im lossing data :) [17:54] <dbm> sarnold: they gave me second block [17:54] <sarnold> dbm: spin up an AWS or DO or similar instance for two hours to temporarily hold your data? [17:55] <dbm> I might do 1 thing thou.. buy for 5e "Backup" so they back up everything on thier other system. And literally recreate (reformat) all harddrive and thats it? [17:55] <dbm> Probably the simpliest way of doing it, without any harm [17:56] <sarnold> and good opportunity to test backups/restores :) [18:47] <_1_Himanshu3> hey [22:06] <wxl> hey folks. what's the plan to migrate precise to php 5.4 now that security updates have stopped happening upstream on 5.3? [22:11] <sarnold> wxl: there are no plans to change major versions of php in released products; we'll continue backporting patches as needed [22:11] <sarnold> wxl: see also and [22:12] <wxl> heh i just found that sarnold :) thanks! [22:12] <sarnold> (the latter is from debian, but holds true for us too :) [22:13] <sarnold> firefox and chomium-browser are the two biggest counterexamples I can think of; both of those are far too much for us to backport individual security fixes for them, though.. supporting them on older releases is also not easy, it is popular with users :) [22:14] <wxl> frankly i'm surprised that's possible with php in this case since i know 5.4 is a fairly large deviation from 5.3 [22:14] <wxl> so you must have to cherry pick as well as re-develop things! [22:16] <sarnold> depending upon the issue it can be more or less engineering work; some are simple patch refreshes, others are fairly large reworkings. [22:16] <wxl> yeah wow that's pretty amazing [22:16] <wxl> now i'm even more impressed :) [22:16] <sarnold> we've built fairly extensive test suites over the years to help catch regressions; it's amazing what they pick up that upstreams often don't... :) [22:17] <wxl> nice
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Walex", "_1_Himanshu3", "bojan", "dbm", "jptned", "lordievader", "sarnold", "siebjee", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[00:02] <cyphermox> no, I'm still around just critically low battery [00:02] <cyphermox> just a sec [00:03] <cyphermox> humm, no charger [00:03] <cyphermox> if you're still around in about an hour I can finish reviewing it and ack it [00:15] <pmcgowan> rtm silo - seems approved but not so noted [00:15] <pmcgowan> silo 0 [00:28] <robru> alex-abreu|off: need this mp approved. [00:46] <cyphermox> robru: ok I'm back [00:47] <robru> cyphermox: still here [00:52] <cyphermox> robru: wouldn't libqtdbusmock need a FFE? [00:53] <cyphermox> it does affect hud at least which isn't strictly touch, even if it's just testing things [00:54] <robru> cyphermox: Hmmmmmmm, seems so doesn't it? [00:54] <cyphermox> given it's for testing and it seems unlikely that the "new features" impact hud in any way, perhaps check with #u-release first? [00:56] <robru> cyphermox: sounds reasonable. You wanna ping them or should I? [00:56] <cyphermox> please do. I've been forbidden of spending all evening on the computer tonight :) [01:01] <robru> Haha OK. [02:10] <imgbot> [03:45] <imgbot> [03:45] <imgbot> [07:52] <sil2100> jibel, Mirv: how about we cancel today's morning meeting? Since there will be probably just the 3 of us there [07:59] <jibel> sil2100, morning, OK to cancel [08:00] <jibel> sil2100, do you know the status of rtm/silo-6 [08:00] <sil2100> RTM 006? It's not allocated from what I see [08:00] <sil2100> It landed yesterday it seems [08:01] <jibel> sil2100, nm, it landed [08:01] <sil2100> jibel: let's have a new image then, what do you think? [08:01] <jibel> sil2100, yes, I was about to suggest it [08:02] <jibel> sil2100, john-mcaleely said there is a new device tarball for RTM but I don't see a card for it [08:03] <jibel> sil2100, because robru requested that he doesn't any longer use the spreadsheet for it [08:03] <sil2100> jibel: he didn't yet fill the info in the spreadsheet too, so I suppose it's not entirely ready [08:03] <jibel> sil2100, do you know what the problem is? [08:03] <sil2100> Oh [08:03] <sil2100> hm, not sure why [08:04] <sil2100> jibel: no idea, I see that the spreadsheet has all the things required for that [08:04] <sil2100> I mean, all the features [08:05] <jibel> sil2100, it's on the tarballs sheet [08:05] <sil2100> Why did he create a seperate sheet for that? [08:07] <sil2100> hm, don't have any e-mail from him sadly [08:07] <sil2100> Well, the only problem is that we'll have to change the scripts for that now [08:07] <sil2100> And it wasn't well communicated [08:08] <sil2100> hm, looks like there are 2 device tarballs for RTM? [08:08] <sil2100> I suppose both are ready [08:09] * sil2100 pokes imgbot about the image that's building right now [08:10] <imgbot> [08:23] <jibel> sil2100, john-mcaleely said he is not sure why there are 2, the right tarball is b430246 [08:23] <sil2100> jibel: I'll remove the upper one then [08:24] <jibel> sil2100, I'll do the verification. [08:25] <sil2100> jibel: thanks o/ [08:58] <jibel> interesting, flashed the device tarball and I'm stuck on the bq screen [09:23] <jibel> and now a mediascanner crash [09:26] <sil2100> Ouch [09:27] <sil2100> Is that all related to the device tarball? I need to check the changes [09:30] <jibel> sil2100, sanity pass, no problem with brightness which is what this device tarball fixes, but I cannot play video and there is no preview. I don't see how it could be this change unless something else slipped in [09:30] <imgbot> [09:30] <imgbot> [09:30] <jibel> sil2100, sanity doesn't entirely pass, since I cannot play video, checking that right now [09:31] <jibel> I'm wondering if it's the first boot thing we use to have [09:31] <sil2100> hmmm, I need to check something [09:31] <jibel> something like bug 1419875 [09:32] <sil2100> I'm wondering if this tarball doesn't have a few more changes [09:33] <sil2100> No, actually even if, it's nothing related [09:33] <sil2100> nvm [09:35] <jibel> this is the mediascanner crash [09:35] <jibel> cannot do anything with that [09:36] <jibel> videos play fine after a reboot [09:37] <jibel> and there is a preview [09:38] <jibel> sil2100, I think it is the same bug than mentioned above [09:50] <sil2100> Those 'doesn't work on first boot' issues keep me worried, do we know if anyone was able to take a look at those? [09:53] <jibel> sil2100, I'm reflashing 262 with the device tarball to see if I can reproduce then 262 without [09:53] <jibel> but the device tarball looks fine to me [10:05] <sil2100> jibel: ok, is it signed off then? Or do you want to double check with an earlier image first? [10:05] <jibel> sil2100, I'm checking 262 [10:05] <jibel> it shouldn't take more than 15 minutes [10:12] <jibel> sil2100, same problem with 262 without the tarball [10:12] <jibel> sil2100, +1 to land [10:12] <sil2100> jibel: thanks! [10:13] <jibel> sil2100, but really someone has too look at this problem [10:13] <sil2100> john-mcaleely: I know you're probably away, but you're good to go with the tarball :) [10:13] <sil2100> jibel: yeah, I know, not sure which team to poke though, this seems like something that's spanning on multiple projects [10:13] <sil2100> So maybe someone from phone foundations? [10:13] <jibel> sil2100, start with jhodapp and rsalveti [10:14] <jibel> sil2100, the video not playing is really visible and a good place to start [10:15] <jibel> sil2100, 262 will only be available through OTA so it won't affect the users [10:15] <jibel> or next promotion [10:20] <jibel> sil2100, 262 I cannot access the device over usb [10:21] <jibel> it doesn't make sense [10:21] <sil2100> There were no changes related to that, actually the only change was the indicator-network and push-client [10:22] <sil2100> jibel: no MTP or completely no communication? [10:22] <jibel> sil2100, no mtp and no adb [10:22] <jibel> but the device is visible on the usb bus [10:23] <jibel> I've this error in syslog, I don't know what it means [10:23] <jibel> Apr 3 12:19:51 herm kernel: [11214.082991] usb 1-3.2: can't set config #1, error -12 [10:24] <jibel> reflashing 261 in case it is a problem with the host [10:25] <jibel> hm, fastboot doesn't work either. Rebooting the host, brb [10:28] <sil2100> jibel: did it help? [10:28] <jibel> works fine after a reboot [10:29] <jibel> it could be part of the problem I have with arale [11:01] * sil2100 needs to go to lunch [11:01] <sil2100> Not sure if there's anyone else to manage the train [11:01] <sil2100> I should be back in ~1h [13:05] <sil2100> Oh, yeah, topic [13:09] <jhodapp> jibel, what landed in 262, do you have the list of packages? [13:12] <pmcgowan> sil2100, silo 5 has been tested by seb and I, it can go to QA [13:13] <sil2100> pmcgowan: ok, let me mark it so then [13:13] <sil2100> pmcgowan: on which image did you test it? [13:14] <pmcgowan> 261 for me and 262 for seb [13:14] <jibel> jhodapp, [13:14] <jibel> jhodapp, the major change is indicator-datetime, ubuntu-push was just a bug fix [13:15] <jhodapp> jibel, this has to have been a problem before that, none of those should cause this [13:15] <jibel> jhodapp, indicator-network* [13:15] <sil2100> indicator-network ;) [13:15] <sil2100> pmcgowan: thanks [13:15] <jhodapp> more likely to have been 261 [13:15] <jibel> jhodapp, your talking about no vids on first boot? [13:15] <jhodapp> yeah [13:16] <jibel> jhodapp, yes it's similar to bug 1419875 [13:16] <jhodapp> jibel, ok [13:16] <jibel> reported early February [13:17] <jhodapp> jibel, any chance you can figure out which image it started in? [13:17] <jibel> jhodapp, but not specific to the camera app, even video on the SD Card cannot play on first boot [13:19] <pmcgowan> seb128, I have my phone in an odd state, system is in US and settings is in german after I hit cancel when selecting german [13:19] <ogra_> dont cancel ze german ! [13:19] <pmcgowan> od but shouldnt matter [13:20] <pmcgowan> just going back to the lang settings and out fixed it [13:21] <pmcgowan> happens every time -> bug [13:22] <tedg> Are all the vivid silos still in use? [13:22] <sil2100> tedg: no, we have free ones now [13:22] <sil2100> tedg: what's up? [13:23] <tedg> sil2100, We've got some bug fixes that I could land, but don't need to push for. So was asking to start planning my day :-) [13:24] <sil2100> tedg: we have around 5 silos free right now, but QA capacity is a bit limited today :) [13:25] <seb128> pmcgowan, yeah, it's a bug, I though we had it fixed ... maybe another fix that is in vivid only, let me have a look [13:27] <seb128> pmcgowan, [13:28] <pmcgowan> seb128, thanks [13:28] <seb128> pmcgowan, I confirm, the fix is not in the rtm serie [13:28] <seb128> but in vivid [13:31] <sil2100> Not a super critical issue, but the fix seems straightforward [13:59] <jibel> alesage, why is rtm/silo 3 blocked? the diff and the comment on the dashboard say it is just an icon change [14:09] <sil2100> jibel: Allan's comment says there was a problem with the button, but probably unrelated to the change itself? [14:10] <jibel> sil2100, I'm checking what he means. [14:15] <pmcgowan> jibel, its not a button its an icon in the indicator [14:19] <sil2100> Yeah, that's why we think the comment on the trello board doesn't make much sense [14:20] <jibel> and the silent mode toggle works fine [14:28] <alesage> jibel, sil2100 fair enough I'm overruled, if the icon indeed changes [14:30] <jibel> alesage, I verified and approved it. Can you take rtm/5 'reply to SMS from the notification' [14:30] <alesage> jibel, ok [14:34] <tedg> trainguards, can I get silos for lines 48-50 please? [14:34] <sil2100> tedg: on it right now ;) In a meeting though so it might take some moments [14:35] <tedg> np, thanks sil2100! [14:48] <dbarth> sil2100: silo 000 is unblocked with the merge approval [14:49] <sil2100> dbarth: o/ [14:49] <jibel> sil2100, the calendar sync was silo 30 in vivid not RTM. [14:59] <pmcgowan> sil2100, the MR for silo 0 got approved but still stuck, can we kick it? [15:00] <sil2100> pmcgowan: on it now, had some technical issues [15:00] <pmcgowan> vg [15:00] <sil2100> pmcgowan: ugh, sadly, it's still blocked [15:00] <sil2100> Needs a rebuild [15:00] <sil2100> alex-abreu|off needs to stop pushing new commits to his branches after those are built in silos [15:01] <sil2100> dbarth: silo 000 needs a rebuild ^ [15:02] <pmcgowan> bah [15:03] <dbarth> sil2100: uh really? [15:03] <sil2100> dbarth: yeah, 22 hours ago a commit has been pushed [15:03] <dbarth> sil2100: hmm; let me do that; we have an ap test protecting the silo anyway [15:04] <dbarth> right a dependency [15:05] <dbarth> sil2100: however, do we need to re-pass via qa in that case ? [15:05] <sil2100> dbarth: it probably won't require a re-test [15:05] <sil2100> dbarth: no, I think it's fine as it is, just a rebuild [15:14] <dbarth> sil2100: ok [15:19] <sil2100> dbarth: ok, signing off automatically [15:19] <sil2100> jibel: ^ [15:20] <sil2100> jibel: rebuild only touches test dependencies [15:22] <jibel> sil2100, ok [15:22] <dbarth> cool [15:33] <sil2100> jibel, robru: I know this sounds dodgy, but do we have anything to discuss on the meeting? [15:46] <sil2100> jibel, robru: would there be any objections for calling off the meeting? [15:49] <jibel> sil2100, no objection [15:51] <sil2100> robru: no meeting ;D You can sleep a bit longer [15:52] <om26er> awe_, ^ its landing. [15:54] <awe_> thanks om26er! [15:56] <jibel> sil2100, once silo 5 lands it'd be nice to rebuild an image, the queue of RTM silos is empty [15:57] <sil2100> I guess we could do that, not sure if we'll have anything else landing later today anyway [15:57] <sil2100> jibel: what about silo 4? [15:57] <jibel> sil2100, verification failed [15:58] <jibel> sil2100, without the silo whoopsie is always enabled, and with the silo it is always disabled [15:58] <jibel> not really an improvement [15:58] <jibel> I think the fix in silo 4 is correct but something is missing [15:59] <jibel> alesage, any ETA foor silo 5? [15:59] <jibel> -o [15:59] <sil2100> jibel: ACK, well, I suppose we'll have to wait for ogra_ to be back next week then [15:59] <alesage> jibel, working on, 30 minish [15:59] <jibel> sil2100, yes, that's a Tuesday thing [15:59] <jibel> alesage, cool, thanks [16:07] <om26er> cihelp ping [16:07] <om26er> cihelp how can I get right access to rtm dashboard ? [16:10] <ogra_> jibel, yeah, the fix is wrong, that needs a few bigger changes [16:10] <ogra_> (in the build system) [16:10] <josepht> om26er: do you have write access to the main dashboard? [16:11] <om26er> josepht, not sure, I haven't opened that and don't have the link as well [16:12] <josepht> om26er: I'm assuming you want to add bug descriptions? [16:13] <om26er> josepht, need to categories test failures [16:14] <om26er> josepht, yes, I have access there. [16:14] <om26er> I mean I have write access on [16:15] <ev> josepht:, no? [16:15] <josepht> om26er: that's all driven by LP groups [16:15] <josepht> ev: I think he has that link [16:15] <ev> ah okay [16:17] <josepht> om26er: after logging in do you see the edit fields here? [16:18] <om26er> josepht, yes, I can save cause for failure there. [16:18] <om26er> just need same access level for rtm dashboard. [16:19] <josepht> om26er: after a bit more digging, we haven't enabled this in the rtm-dashboard [16:20] <om26er> josepht, oh, ok. I was investigating those failures so thought categorizing them would help better understanding. [16:20] <om26er> josepht, thanks for looking into this. [16:20] <josepht> om26er: np, sorry I couldn't help more. [16:23] <sil2100> robru: you have a national holiday today too? [16:36] <sil2100> Ok, it seems so [16:36] <sil2100> kenvandine: ping :) [16:38] <kenvandine> sil2100, pong [16:39] <sil2100> kenvandine: once I'm EOD, could you do some trainguarding today? :) [16:39] <sil2100> kenvandine: velocity is really low so not much work, but Canada seems to be off today [16:39] <kenvandine> sil2100, sure [16:39] <sil2100> So there's no one to take care of the train [16:39] <sil2100> Thanks! :( [16:39] <sil2100> *:) [16:39] <kenvandine> np [16:40] <kenvandine> sil2100, quick question [16:41] <kenvandine> if i have a landing that doesn't really change settings code, just white space cleanup and improved dbus mock template, does it still need qa verification? [16:44] <kenvandine> sil2100, oh, i don't have a landing tools menu in the spreadsheet [16:44] <sil2100> kenvandine: oh? [16:44] <sil2100> kenvandine: refresh [16:44] <kenvandine> i just opened it :) [16:45] <sil2100> kenvandine: hmmm, mock template you say? I suppose in this case if it builds, it should be good to go [16:45] <kenvandine> right [16:45] <sil2100> kenvandine: sometimes it doesn't appear instantly I noticed [16:45] <kenvandine> just better networkmanager dbusmock template [16:45] <sil2100> But I guess it should be visible to everyone [16:45] * kenvandine closes and reopens [16:46] <kenvandine> shift reload didn't seem to do it [16:46] <jibel> sil2100, dobey on the QA board there is a card for pay-ui but nothing on the spreadsheet. Any idea what it is? [16:46] <kenvandine> so weird... [16:46] <kenvandine> now it's there [16:47] <sil2100> jibel: hm, indeed I don't see it, nothing that I would know [16:47] <sil2100> jibel: maybe it got added during the spreadsheet crazyness? [16:47] <sil2100> Ah, probably that's the case [16:48] <sil2100> jibel: yeah, it's an old landing [16:48] <sil2100> jibel: I see it in the archives, it's a leftover from yesterdays crazy spreadsheets [16:48] <jibel> sil2100, OK, I can safely remove it? [16:48] <sil2100> jibel: I would say yes [16:49] <jibel> \o/ 1 request left [16:53] <kenvandine> sil2100, when do you eod? [16:55] <sil2100> kenvandine: I would love to in around 30 minutes :) [16:57] <kenvandine> sil2100, that's fine, i should grab some lunch then :) [16:57] <kenvandine> i'll add the highlight now so i'll see pings in case you leave before i get back [16:59] <pmcgowan> sil2100, whats the story with silo2? QA signed off earlier [17:01] <dobey> jibel: it's from the spreadsheet getting all confused and bringing things back that weren't supposed to be there [17:02] <sil2100> pmcgowan: it's publishing itself as we speak [17:02] <sil2100> kenvandine: \o/ thanks :) [17:02] <pmcgowan> sil2100, ty [17:04] <pmcgowan> sil2100, any idea on silo 4, or we just wait for ogra [17:04] <sil2100> pmcgowan: we need to wait for ogra_, it failed QA verification and needs some more work [17:04] <ogra_> pmcgowan, silo 4 is the wrng fix, te right fix requires some bigger changes to the build system [17:04] <pmcgowan> ok thanks [17:05] <ogra_> (only found that today with Laney ) [17:05] <ogra_> i need to add a script to livecd-rootfs to provide the file that whoopsie wants to change [17:06] <ogra_> (and that won be silo-able) [17:06] <ogra_> *wont [17:06] <alesage> sil2100, silo 5 RTM approved [17:06] <sil2100> alesage: \o/ [17:06] <alesage> that's a helpful fix btw, saw that one myself [17:07] <alesage> may fix some bugs in my personal relationships as well ;) [17:07] <pmcgowan> hah! [17:07] <sil2100> Once those things migrate we'll have a new image :) [17:08] <sil2100> Oh no, unapproved! [17:08] <sil2100> <- who could top-approve this? Or should I override? [17:08] <pmcgowan> om26er, do you know which bugs silo 2 fixed [17:08] <pmcgowan> sil2100, I can approve it [17:09] <pmcgowan> sil2100, happroved [17:09] <ogra_> pmcgowan, then we'll have you fix the bugs it introduces :) [17:09] <pmcgowan> ogra_, seems fair [17:09] <pmcgowan> arent you on holiday [17:09] <om26er> pmcgowan, bug 1413672 only [17:09] <pmcgowan> tanks [17:10] <ogra_> pmcgowan, yeah ... relaxing by reading G+ apins (and crying, seems they really dont want you to share pics or videos easily>) [17:10] <ogra_> *apis [17:11] <robru> sil2100: ah sorry, yes it's Good Friday today (easter). [17:11] <robru> sil2100: what tooling exists for the tarballs on the pending sheet? I had to take those out because queuebot went crazy and was spamming about the tarballs every 30s. [17:12] <sil2100> robru: no worries, that's just experimental tooling, we'll talk about that after the holidays, we use it rarely [17:12] <sil2100> There's one menu item for it and brendand's trello scripts using it [17:14] <robru> sil2100: yeah we should have a meeting with john + qa and figure a better system for communicating those, I don't think the spreadsheet is a good place (since we're trying to get rid of it, and I don't see how it would work in the ticket system side without an enormous amount of effort) [17:21] <sil2100> robru: it was just a simple solution which generally worked and served it purpose, it wasn't meant to be anything bigger [17:31] <pmcgowan> sil2100, did we figure out where that cal sync fix went? [17:31] <sil2100> pmcgowan: yeah, it seems it was a vivid landing [17:31] <sil2100> No RTM one yet [17:32] <pmcgowan> renato___, are you around today? [17:41] <sil2100> pmcgowan: I guess everything migrated correctly, let me kick a new ubuntu-rtm image :) [17:42] <pmcgowan> sil2100, awesome [17:44] <sil2100> Kicking [17:50] <imgbot> [17:57] <sil2100> kenvandine: I go EOD now, happy holidays :) [17:57] <sil2100> Happy holidays everyone o/ [18:32] <tedg> Wait, I get to harass kenvandine as trainguard! I need ONE MILLION silos! [18:32] <kenvandine> thankfully i have /ignore [18:32] <tedg> Haha, you can't ignore queuebot! [18:33] <kenvandine> doh! [18:33] <kenvandine> tedg, working on serialized data in content-hub transfers... fun stuff! [18:33] <kenvandine> you can't annoy me today :) [18:33] <kenvandine> tedg, do you need a silo? [18:33] <tedg> Heh, normally I'd take that as a challenge, but I'm busy :-) [18:34] * kenvandine really enjoys working on content-hub... not sure why it's so cool [18:34] <kenvandine> :) [18:34] <tedg> kenvandine, No, I have a few already. [18:34] <kenvandine> tedg, we'll be able to do cool stuff like copy/paste between apps using content-hub :) [18:34] <kenvandine> seems like something you were babbling about... [18:35] <tedg> Yeah, that would be very cool. [18:35] <tedg> I've got ideas :-) [18:35] <tedg> Once it becomes sane how to build an import/exporter ;-) [18:35] <kenvandine> i have a proof of concept implementation :) [18:35] <kenvandine> it's dirt easy! [18:35] <tedg> QML magic [18:35] <kenvandine> in QML [18:35] <kenvandine> :) [18:36] <kenvandine> i want to be able to select text in say a web page, and have a share action included along with the current copy, etc [18:36] <kenvandine> then share the select text with a share handler [18:36] <kenvandine> like twitter, etc [18:37] <tedg> kenvandine, [18:37] <kenvandine> so it shares an image? [18:37] <kenvandine> that's silly [18:38] <tedg> kenvandine, The nice part on twitter is that shows inline a paragraph or two. [18:38] <tedg> kenvandine, [18:39] <kenvandine> Trevinho, i'm close to having the text sharing done, i should finish and land it in our next iteration [18:39] <Trevinho> kenvandine: cool! :) [18:40] <kenvandine> i've got all the plumbing done :) [18:40] <kenvandine> but it's not officially on my list this sprint [18:40] <kenvandine> and i'm going on vacation :) [18:40] <kenvandine> so i'll get it finished next sprint [18:40] <Trevinho> yeah, no worries [18:41] <kenvandine> Trevinho, is your app ready for it? [18:41] <kenvandine> would be nice to have a good test case :) [18:41] <Trevinho> kenvandine: not yet... as I was targeting that for rtm... but I will [18:42] <kenvandine> Trevinho, cool, i'll come pestering you the week after next :) [18:42] <kenvandine> anyone know what owns the little popup you get when you select text? [18:42] <kenvandine> gotta figure out who i need to convince to add a share action there [18:43] <ogra_> +1 [18:43] <kenvandine> ogra_, any idea? [18:43] <ogra_> kenvandine, i guess zsombi or bzoltan [18:43] <ogra_> its is definitely UITK [18:43] <kenvandine> cool [18:43] <ogra_> does that only work fo text or also for urls [18:43] <ogra_> i.e. in the browser [18:43] <kenvandine> the browser already does that :) [18:44] <ogra_> i/me checks [18:44] <ogra_> nope [18:44] <ogra_> not in vivid [18:44] <kenvandine> shares the current page [18:44] <kenvandine> it's in the menu [18:44] <ogra_> long press on a link only lets me copy or bookmark [18:44] <ogra_> yeah, i want context sharing [18:44] <kenvandine> ah... that would be cool too [18:44] <kenvandine> we could do that now... [18:45] <ogra_> i know about tteh share button, my G+ app heavily uses it ;) [18:45] <kenvandine> i guess that's just in the browser [18:45] <kenvandine> the context sharing would be using the same action the share menu item uses [18:45] <ogra_> but would b neat if i hadnt to go to the link to share it [18:45] <kenvandine> should be trivial to add that to the browser [18:45] <ogra_> yeah [18:46] <kenvandine> maybe i'll take a look at that [18:46] <ogra_> i only wish G+ photo and video sharing wasnt that hard :/ [18:46] <kenvandine> you can blame google [18:46] <ogra_> yeah [18:46] <ogra_> you cant really share either .. [18:46] <ogra_> yu can only upload the media to the respective googleservices and then share the link [18:47] <ogra_> so to implement video and photo sharing i kind of have to turn my app into a youtube and picasa client first [18:51] <pmcgowan> ogra_, we just landed some stuff for G+ photo sharing [18:51] <ogra_> oh ? [18:51] <pmcgowan> some webapp fixes by alex-abreu|off [18:52] <ogra_> specifically for G+ ? [18:52] <pmcgowan> yes [18:52] * ogra_ goes and digs his merges mailbox [18:52] <pmcgowan> [18:52] <pmcgowan> no MR there [18:54] <ogra_> yeah, i see the twitter one ... but twitter is trivial [18:55] <ogra_> ah, found the G+ part [18:55] <ogra_> shriek [18:55] <ogra_> [18:55] <ogra_> thts a lot of files [18:57] <ogra_> (in fact it is a completely new G+ app ) [18:57] <pmcgowan> I thought it landed in rtm proposed but cant find that [18:58] <ogra_> it landed 3 days ago in the branch [19:04] <kenvandine> ogra_, i added the share link contextual action lp:~ken-vandine/webbrowser-app/contextual_sharelink [19:04] <ogra_> kenvandine, sweet, thanks ! [19:04] * kenvandine wonders if there are autopilot tests for any of those [19:07] <kenvandine> ogra_, i proposed a branch, we'll see if osomon hates it :) [19:07] <ogra_> hehe [19:07] <kenvandine> i suspect it's not in the designs... but it seems obvious to me :) [19:07] * ogra_ tries out caxton ... [19:11] <ogra_> whee, this is cool ! [19:12] <kenvandine> sounds cool [19:12] <kenvandine> i want the opposite though [19:12] <kenvandine> send it to my desktop :) [19:12] <ogra_> yeah [19:12] <ogra_> i asked exactly that in #ubuntu-app-devel when you typed ithere :) [19:20] <imgbot> [19:20] <imgbot>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Trevinho", "alesage", "awe_", "cyphermox", "dbarth", "dobey", "ev", "imgbot", "jhodapp", "jibel", "josepht", "kenvandine", "ogra_", "om26er", "pmcgowan", "robru", "seb128", "sil2100", "tedg" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng" }
[05:05] <zdobersek> dobro jutro [05:06] <zdobbie> NSA [05:43] <napsy> jutro [06:28] <napsy> [06:28] <Seniorita> ‫הצבא מפריד בין יהודים לפלסטינים ברחוב ראשי, חברון 2015‬‎ - YouTube [06:28] <Seniorita> »במסגרת מדיניות ההפרדה בחברון: הצבא מפריד בין יהודים לפלסטינים ברחוב ראשי. החלק הרחב ליהודים, מעבר צר ומשובש לפלסטינים. בינואר 2015 נודע לבצלם כי הצבא חידש את...« [06:28] <napsy> it's like ww2, only reversed [06:29] <napsy> uu fancy, hebrew v irssi [06:55] <zdobersek> [06:55] <Seniorita> How Old Is She?! - YouTube [06:55] <Seniorita> »Some girls, you just can't tell... same with guys. Get our LIMITED EDITION TSHIRT today before it's GONE! Written and Directed by Won...« [07:03] <Sky[x]> lp [07:14] <napsy> lp [07:20] <zdobersek> lp [07:20] <zdobersek> dz0ny: kater bot je odzdravlju? [07:54] <slax0r> jutro [08:57] <CrazyLemon> [08:57] <Seniorita> New Zealand Deck Commercial. - YouTube [08:57] <Seniorita> »This is a hilarious video.« [08:59] <napsy> yeey [08:59] <napsy> my deck is white [09:00] <CrazyLemon> thats a strange color for a deck [09:36] <dz0ny> zdobersek: what? [09:49] <zdobersek> dz0ny: tist bot, ko je nazaj repondiru 'dobro jutro' itd [09:51] <dz0ny> jabuk je to mel :) [09:51] <dz0ny> git blame [09:52] <zdobersek> heya zdob [09:52] <zdobersek> zdobbie: [09:52] <zdobersek> SHIT [10:15] <dz0ny> idioterna: a kej ves ce ma aws kje kak dashboard ki kaze kolk api klicev je določen service pokuru [10:23] <zdobersek> .vreme Celje [10:23] <jabuk> ARSO: Celje (244m): 10°C @03.04.2015 10:00 UTC. [10:23] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 29% jugozahodnik 3.5 m/s [10:23] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:36:52, Kulminacija: 11:03:27, Sončni zahod: 17:30:03 [10:23] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 12ur 53min 11s, Luna je v ščipu [10:35] <yang> .vreme lh [10:35] <jabuk> Neznana lokacija [10:35] <yang> .vreme lj [10:35] <jabuk> ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 10°C @03.04.2015 10:00 UTC. [10:35] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 25% vzhodnik 2.8 m/s pretežno jasno [10:35] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:39:56, Kulminacija: 11:06:21, Sončni zahod: 17:32:45 [10:35] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 12ur 52min 49s, Luna je v ščipu [10:55] <CrazyLemon> .vreme koper [10:55] <jabuk> ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 15°C @03.04.2015 10:30 UTC. [10:55] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 15% severnik 3.9 m/s [10:55] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:43:35, Kulminacija: 11:09:36, Sončni zahod: 17:35:37 [10:55] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 12ur 52min 02s, Luna je v ščipu [10:55] <CrazyLemon> windy! [10:55] <jabuk> [10:56] <CrazyLemon> oh god..winter? [10:56] <CrazyLemon> winter?? [10:56] <jabuk> [10:56] <CrazyLemon> aha [11:23] <dz0ny> eh idioterna je na devops [11:24] <zdobersek> call of duty [11:29] <lynxlynxlynx> [11:29] <Seniorita> Hodor Programming Language [11:29] <napsy> lol [11:34] <dz0ny> perl should die [11:34] <dz0ny> spred the love [11:34] <jabuk> my wife when I want to code at home [11:35] <dz0ny> spread the love [11:35] <jabuk> when I see the list of bugs from QA after a build release [11:35] <dz0ny> haha [11:35] <dz0ny> i blame perl [11:55] <CrazyLemon> [11:55] <Seniorita> a2u [11:55] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek kaj praviš ^ [11:56] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: tole je boljse [11:58] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek lol :D [12:28] <zdobbie> spread the love haters [12:28] <jabuk> Coding in front of other persons [12:28] <zdobbie> SOOO TRUE [12:28] <zdobbie> OMG [12:33] <napsy> noja [12:39] <CrazyLemon> .rt [12:39] <jabuk> Trenutno se predvaja: LA Priest - Oino. [13:12] <LorD_DDooM> [13:38] <zdobersek> .gif workaholics bright [13:38] <jabuk> [13:40] <zdobersek> tole sem iskal: [13:40] <CrazyLemon> .gif workaholics sup [13:40] <jabuk> [13:42] <CrazyLemon> [13:42] <Seniorita> Veliko nagrado Adrie Mobil boste lahko spremljali v živo na spletu | Kolesarstvo - Planet [13:42] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek ^ [13:42] <Seniorita> »Novo dirko na kolesarskem koledarju, kolesarsko dirko za veliko nagrado Adrie Mobila, ki bo v nedeljo, 5. Aprila, v Novem mestu, boste lahko v živo spremljali tudi prek spleta.« [13:43] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: Ronde van Vlaanderen [13:43] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek you are speaking jibberish .. I DONT COMPRENDE amigo [13:43] <CrazyLemon> gibberish? [13:43] <CrazyLemon> you know what i mean [13:45] <zdobersek> [13:45] <Seniorita> Ronde Van Vlaanderen [13:45] <Seniorita> »De Ronde van Vlaanderen is dé hoogmis van het Vlaamse wielerjaar. Er is geen dag waar echte wielerliefhebbers zo naar hunkeren als naar die eerste zondag van april. Die dag...« [13:46] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek sej ne bo istočasno dirka! [13:47] <zdobersek> seveda bo [13:51] <zdobersek> v Belgiji je start ob 10:30, in se fijakajo naokoli to 16:30 [13:56] <CrazyLemon> sej imaš 2 zaslona [13:56] <CrazyLemon> ne izgovarjaj se [14:00] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: najbrz bo pa v NM itak ena stacionarna kamera na cilju [14:00] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek to je adria mobil! [14:01] <CrazyLemon> vsaj dva helikopterja bosta pa 5 motorjev! [14:01] <zdobersek> adria stationary, more like it [14:02] <zdobersek> bbl [14:49] <mkode> vidim da ima golang kanal malenkost manj userjev kot node.js [14:49] <mkode> uporabljate kaj go v sluzbi? [14:51] <dz0ny> da pa python [16:09] <zdobersek> pa c++ [16:10] <zdobersek> speed is there for the taking [16:39] <zdobbie> je reku Primc, da jim pri pritozbi na ustavno sodisce pomaga par pravnikov [16:40] <zdobbie> ampak da se nocejo izpostavljat zaradi proti homofobom nastrojene javnosti [16:41] <yang> a zdaj si ze homofob ce ne soglasas s tem, da homosesualni pari posvajajo otroke ? [16:42] <yang> zanimiv [16:42] <yang> dobro lobirajo [16:42] <yang> jaz sem za tak referendum da bi se po levem pasu vozili [16:42] <yang> ne odgovarja mi po desni peljat [16:43] <zdobbie> sej smo ti razlozil, komot ga imas, dokler se po levi vozi ves narod [16:43] <zdobbie> "Pri pripravi ustavnega spora jim je po Primčevih besedah pomagala skupina več kot desetih pravnikov, a njihovih imen ni želel razkriti. Kot je dejal, se bojijo homoseksualnega lobija in se zato ne želijo izpostavljati." [16:43] <yang> ja [16:43] <yang> prav je napisal [16:43] <CrazyLemon> homoseksualni lobi == zdob*** [16:44] <CrazyLemon> ime sem cenzuriral ker se ne želim izpostaviti [16:44] <yang> samo 340k podpisov bo tezko dosect [16:44] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: sem ponosen lobist [16:44] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie kje pa lobiraš? [16:44] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: po Smarju [16:45] <yang> zanimivo da so volitve lahko legalne ce pride samo 100k ljudi na volisca, homoseksualni zakon pa mora biti ovrzen z 350k podpisi [16:45] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie ta bo težka.. večinoma starejši prebivalci [16:45] <CrazyLemon> niso ravno strpni [16:45] <CrazyLemon> good luck! [16:45] <lynxlynxlynx> eeeeeeh [16:45] <CrazyLemon> da ne omenim da je VELIKA cerkev sredi vasi [16:46] <yang> zdobbie: naslednjic ce ze lobiras, dej se prot temu lobiraj istocasno [16:46] <zdobbie> yang: ne morem, ker ti tole pisem z macbuka [16:46] <yang> :) [16:47] <yang> mac bukov si [16:47] <zdobbie> k [16:47] <CrazyLemon> there it is.. homoseksualni lobi so sami apple fani [16:48] <yang> zdobbie: referendum se glasi "za otroke gre" ne glasi se "smo proti homoseksualnim porokam" kle je velika razlika [16:48] <zdobbie> kak referndum? ni referenduma. [16:48] <CrazyLemon> ampak bo! [16:48] <CrazyLemon> prej ali slej [16:48] <CrazyLemon> ! [16:48] <yang> no zaenktrat ga ni, ampak se dela na tem [16:49] <zdobbie> otrok ima pravico bit posvojen v funkcionalno druzino, ne glede na stevilo mam in ocetov v njej [16:49] <yang> ja to je bedast in skregano s pravili narave [16:49] <yang> dve zenski ne moreta meti otrok in dva moska pravtako ne [16:50] <yang> jst tut ne morem posvojiti zirafe, pa so mi tako vsec, pa ni dovoljen [16:50] <yang> se srne ne smes [16:51] <CrazyLemon> zakaj ni noben bratoma wright povedal da je letenje skregano s pravili narave! gaddemit.. lubitz affair would never happen [16:52] <yang> CrazyLemon je ziher skrival srnico v svoji spalnici, da ga sosed ne bi prijavil [16:52] <CrazyLemon> yang nope.. vsi so vedeli [16:53] <yang> no jaz sem enkrat prebral, da je en nasel srno in potem so jo veterinarji uspavali [16:54] <CrazyLemon> lepo.. js sm enkrat prebral eno zgodbo o čudežnem jabolku.. so not true [16:56] <yang> ja no po zakonu divjih zivali ni dovoljeno imeti doma, in srna je klasificirana kot divja zival in mora biti predana lovski zvezi ali kdor pac je odgovoren za te divje zivali [16:56] <yang> lahko jo imas nelegano doma recimo [16:57] <yang> al pa ce jo navadis da pride iz gozda da imas teren in jo hranis tam [16:57] <yang> samo da pa bi jo imel na ograjenem terenu pa je z vidika zakona sporno [16:58] <zdobbie> z vidika zakona [16:58] <zdobbie> mkay [16:58] <yang> nisem nikjer videl tega, da bi kdo to imel doma [16:58] <zdobbie> a je ... neustavno? [16:59] <yang> ja v ameriki mas ti recimo lahko leva doma ce zelis [16:59] <yang> tam to ni prepovedano [17:00] <yang> ce imas velik ranc, pa da je primerno ograjen imas lahko kar se spomnis, privatni zivalsi vrt [17:12] <idioterna> yang: pa dej ne budali [17:12] <idioterna> yang: nc ni skregan z nikakrsnimi pravili narave [17:12] <idioterna> v naravi samo izjemoma potomce vzgaja par [17:12] <idioterna> pri cloveski vrsti jih pa nikoli v zgodovini ni [17:12] <jabuk> when my big bugfix doesn’t break anything else [17:13] <idioterna> to se je sam zdej neki farska banda sprdnla [17:13] <idioterna> k pac nima druzga za delat [17:13] <yang> ne idioterna ti si vzam ucbenik za 5. razred osnovne sole v roke, kjer pise kako se spocne otrok, pa ti bo bolj jasno [17:13] <zdobbie> baje loh ze v epruvetki [17:13] <yang> pa ne mi o umetnih opoloditvah [17:14] <zdobbie> sicer to ne razlozjo drugje kokr na medicinskem faksu [17:14] <zdobbie> zakaj pa zej ne [17:14] <idioterna> yang: ne stekam kaksno zvezo ma spocenjanje otrok s tem kdo otroke vzgaja [17:14] <zdobbie> a ker v 5. razredu ne razlozjo big banga, pol ta ne velja za tiste, ki ne pridejo do fizi-faksa? [17:14] <idioterna> yang: ce pa otroke vzgajas s spocenjanjem, potem pa neki hudo narobe delas [17:15] <yang> idioterna: v NARAVI tuja mati ne sprejme mladicev, vsaka mati se odzove na klic svojega mladica, po tem ga prepozna ali pa po vonju [17:15] <idioterna> yang: nic od tega ni res. [17:15] <idioterna> yang: [17:15] <Seniorita> Cuckoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [17:15] <yang> jah [17:15] <yang> cuckoo je izjema [17:15] <idioterna> ne, ni [17:15] <yang> morda je takih izjem 2% vseh zivalskih vrst [17:15] <idioterna> About 56 of the Old World species and 3 of the New World species [17:16] <idioterna> ja, skratka, NE DRZI, da "V NARAVI" tuja mati ne sprejme mladicev [17:16] <yang> in med njih se stejejo se tiste, ki se lahko same reproducirajo [17:16] <idioterna> nikakor ne. [17:16] <idioterna> yang: vse geje so spoceli heteroseksualci [17:16] <idioterna> brez ene same izjeme [17:16] <idioterna> so far. [17:16] <idioterna> tko da so ocitno naravni [17:16] <idioterna> in ne vidm zakaj bi jim ti prepovedal vzgajat otroke [17:17] <idioterna> ce V NARAVI itak prakticno nikol otrok ne vzgajajo bioloski starsi [17:17] <idioterna> v manj kot 2% vseh vrst. [17:17] <idioterna> kot si ravno omenil. [17:17] <yang> mah idioterna brezveze je nekaj dokazujes, lahko je eno prav ali pa drugo odvisno od gledisca [17:17] <idioterna> ne, to ni res. [17:17] <idioterna> enakopravnost je _OBVEZNA_ za vse. [17:18] <idioterna> temu se ne mores izognit [17:18] <yang> ma kaka enakopravnost daj nehaj [17:18] <yang> enakopravnost bo takrat, ko se bomo po levi vozil [17:18] <zdobbie> VSI [17:18] <yang> vsaj 51% [17:18] <zdobbie> NE SAM HETEROSEKSUALCI [17:18] <zdobbie> FFS [17:19] <idioterna> yang: wrong. [17:19] <idioterna> yang: ti bi rad anarhijo, pa sploh ne ves kaj to je [17:19] <idioterna> enakopravnost je nekaj drugega [17:20] <yang> sej si fizik, poznas teorijo kaosa, najprej je anarhija, zato da se potem ustvari red [17:20] <idioterna> spet kr neki nakladas [17:20] <idioterna> nic od tega nima nikakrsnega smisla [17:20] <idioterna> v resnici se entropija ves cas veca in kaos je ves cas vecji [17:20] <yang> ja sej tud posvajanje otrok za homoseksualne pare nima smisla [17:20] <idioterna> to ni res [17:21] <idioterna> otroci, ki zivijo z dvema homoseksualnima starsema, potrebujejo taksne vrste posvojitev [17:21] <yang> ker otroci niso modni dodatek da jih kupis [17:21] <idioterna> da so lahko enakopravni otrokom, ki imajo dva heteroseksualna starsa [17:21] <zdobbie> pol pa prepovej posvojitve nasploh [17:21] <idioterna> ce te moznosti nimajo, potem niso enakopravni drugim otrokom [17:21] <idioterna> to je pa prepovedano z ustavo [17:22] <yang> izhajaj iz logike ... al ilahko homoseksuani par sponcne otroka ? do sedaj se ne, torej zakaj bi imeli pravico do posvojitev [17:22] <idioterna> zakaj bi imeli pa pravico do posvojitev heteroseksualni pari? [17:22] <yang> to ni naravna odlocitev [17:22] <idioterna> saj ga lahko spocnejo. [17:22] <idioterna> torej posvojitev ni naravna odlocitev [17:23] <idioterna> ce ni naravna, jo prepovejmo [17:23] <idioterna> tako kot voznjo z avtomobili. [17:23] <yang> v osnovi bi o tem morala odlocati stroka [17:23] <yang> zdavniska stroka [17:23] <zdobbie> hahahaha [17:23] <idioterna> ja, pa ne more, ker farska banda ne dovoli. [17:23] <dz0ny> lol [17:23] <dz0ny> zihr trola tale yang [17:23] <idioterna> no, zdej jim bomo pokazal [17:24] <yang> ma sej itak ne bo prislo 340k ljudi na referendum [17:24] <yang> dobr je to lobi splaniral [17:24] <idioterna> sej ne bo referenduma. [17:24] <idioterna> ne sme ga bit [17:24] <idioterna> ker je protiustaven [17:24] <zdobbie> si mel psihiatrsko stroko, ki je razlozla, da ni nobene nevarnosti, ce otroka posvoji homoseksualni par [17:24] <zdobbie> ampak nee, ni naravno [17:24] <yang> kar se mene tice mi je itak vseen, ampak zdaj diskriminirajo heteroseksualne starse, ces glej, saj jih vecina pije alkhohol, gejevski pari so ziher boljsi ker ne zurirajo do 50 leta ampak samo do 45. [17:24] <zdobbie> le kaj si mislijo zdravniki o umetni oploditvi [17:25] <idioterna> yang: kako jih diskriminirajo? [17:25] <idioterna> a v zakonu kje pise [17:26] <yang> idioterna: jst ti predlagam da ti napises v oporoko, da zapuscas otroke Salomeju, on je zenska in ce bo dobila moskega bo to cisto ok zakonski par [17:26] <idioterna> ej, hvala! [17:26] <idioterna> [17:27] <yang> zdobbie: jaz si mislim, da tudi strokovnjaki nis oenotnega mnenja, v 80ih letih so homoseksualce se zdravili tam na psihiatriji [17:28] <yang> pol se je pa trend obrnil [17:29] <lynxlynxlynx> mogoče pri nas [17:29] <yang> kaj pa ce bi enostavno sprejeli zakon za izenacenje partnerske zveze ne glede na to s kom si porocen, pravico do posvojitve otrok pa bi imeli samo heteroseksualni pari ? [17:29] <lynxlynxlynx> in kaj je sploh važno? [17:30] <lynxlynxlynx> ni logike [17:30] <lynxlynxlynx> ampak why am i here [17:31] <yang> saj tudi un referendum je bil o zenskah [17:31] <yang> ki se zelijo umetno oploditi [17:31] <yang> pa je potem bilo doloceno samo v primeru ce imajo partnerja, torej je tudi tisti zakon diskriminatoren [17:32] <yang> nasteli so cel kup primerov za in proti [17:34] <idioterna> yang: tisti zakon ne velja vec [17:34] <idioterna> yang: ustavno sodisce ga je skenslalo [17:34] <zdobbie> .gif run you fools [17:34] <jabuk> [17:34] <idioterna> ker je diskriminatoren in protiustaven [17:34] <zdobbie> wtf [17:34] <idioterna> zdobbie: "fly, you fools" [17:34] <zdobbie> takrat se niso mel orlov [17:34] <yang> idioterna: ja ampak je stroka povedala zakaj samska zenska ni primerna za imeti otroka... [17:34] <yang> a ni to hec potem [17:35] <idioterna> ne, ni [17:35] <idioterna> krscanski strokovnjaki so mal palamudil [17:35] <yang> ja ocitno nisi poslusal debat takrat [17:35] <idioterna> seveda sem [17:35] <idioterna> to da znanstvenik nekaj trdi ne pomeni, da je to res [17:35] <idioterna> mora _dokazat_ [17:35] <yang> lahko so bli pa krscanski strokovnjaki oz. zdravniski odbor [17:35] <idioterna> in jaz moram imeti moznost preverit dokaze. [17:35] <idioterna> ja [17:35] <yang> ce jim zelis tako rect [17:36] <idioterna> men je vseen kaksni so [17:36] <idioterna> morjo met racionalne, ne pa imaginarne razloge, da so proti [17:36] <idioterna> v zgodovini clovestva so prakticno ves cas otroke vzgajala plemena [17:36] <jabuk> when I don’t find my configuration error in apache and the server doesn’t want to start [17:36] <idioterna> ziveli so vsi skupaj [17:37] <idioterna> to kar se gremo zdaj ni na noben nacin naravno [17:37] <idioterna> druzinska celica je pogruntavscina industrijske revolucije [17:37] <idioterna> prej se je pa po 10 ljudi gnetlo v enem prostoru [17:37] <yang> izhaja se iz tega, kdo ima zmoznost spoceti otroka [17:38] <yang> naravno biolosko zmoznost [17:38] <yang> ce se distanciras od tega, potem pac lahko zanikas vse zivo [17:39] <yang> druzinska celica je v 90% po svetu se vedno heteroseksualna [17:39] <idioterna> yang: zakaj bi se izhajalo iz tega? [17:40] <idioterna> to je bullshit [17:40] <idioterna> izhaja se iz tega, da je za otroka slabo, ce zanj skrbi drzavni zavod, ki se mu pogovorno rece tudi sirotisnica [17:41] <idioterna> in da je bolje, da se zasciti otrokove interese tako, da se z zakonom zahteva od tistih ljudi, ki jih otrok smatra za svoje starse, da ga odgovorno vzgajajo in materialno preskrbijo, dokler tega ne zmore sam [17:41] <idioterna> otroka lahko spocne prakticno kdorkoli, skrbet zanj pa ne more kar vsakdo [17:42] <yang> izhaja se lahko tudi iz tega, da je pri posvojitvi otroku treba nuditi najbolj optimalno okolje za vzgojo in to je sigurno heteroseksualni par [17:43] <yang> ce bi recimo zmanjkalo takih parov, pa je sigurno tudi bolje da otroke iz sirotisnice posvoji homoseksualni par, se strinjam [17:43] <yang> samo zaenkrat se na posvojitev baje kar dolgo caka [17:44] <idioterna> Hello, [17:44] <idioterna> I would suggest Hiša športa (The house of sport). It is in the city centre. They are also the official bar of the cycling team Rog. They have a vast offer of bears, coffee and sport articles. [17:44] <idioterna> kul [17:44] <idioterna> yang: wrong [17:44] <yang> za otroka je sigurno najbolj stimulativno okolje heteroseksualno okolje [17:44] <idioterna> yang: najbolj optimalno okolje za vzgojo _SIGURNO NI_ heteroseksualni par. [17:44] <zdobbie> no, enakopravnost pri posvajanju bi CSD obvezalo, da pri preverjanju primernosti parov kandidatov ne diskriminirajo homoseksualnih parov [17:45] <idioterna> yang: nikoli ni bilo, nikoli ne bo [17:45] <idioterna> yang: heteroseksualni par imajo dalec najslabso sposobnost postavljanja otrokovih interesov pred svoje [17:45] <idioterna> yang: od vseh moznih oblik druzine [17:45] <yang> idioterna: premalo je bilo narejenih raziskav v odnosu homoseksualnih parov na je precej nova zadeva [17:45] <idioterna> yang: ne, ni jih bilo premalo [17:46] <idioterna> yang: popolnoma dovolj jih je in popolnoma jasno je, da za vzgojo otroka potrebujes odgovorne odrasle [17:46] <idioterna> spol je pri tem nepomemben [17:46] <idioterna> ker se nic od tistega, kar spol doloca, ne uporablja pri vzgoji otrok [17:47] <yang> ti ko rad govoris o plemenih, a mislis da 5000 let nazaj je bilo veliko homoseksualnih plemen ? :) [17:47] <zdobbie> yang: hipoteticni (a totalno mozen) primer, biseksualna zenska ima iz prejsnjega zakonskega razmerja z moskim dva otroka, zdaj je v zakonu z zensko [17:47] <idioterna> ce so tebe starsi vzgajali z ozkimi boki, sirokimi rameni, kosmatimi prsmi, penisi, vaginami in dojkami, potem so nekaj poceli narobe. [17:47] <idioterna> yang: vsa plemena so bila homoseksualna. [17:47] <zdobbie> yang: ce gre za otroke, zakaj njena otroka nista enakopravna otrokom iz heteroseksualnega razmerja? [17:47] <idioterna> pleme, ki ni homoseksualno, ne obstaja. [17:48] <yang> zdobbie: seveda, glej saj sploh ni potrebno nicesar legalizirati, tisti primer je ociten, da take zveze ze obstajajo tudi ce niso legalizirane [17:48] <idioterna> ja, ampak ce niso legalizirane, potem se zoper take otroke diskriminira [17:48] <idioterna> to je pa _prepovedano_ [17:48] <idioterna> z ustavo, ki je najvisji pravni akt v drzavi [17:48] <idioterna> in v interesu otroka je, da se mu zagotovi enakopravnost [17:49] <idioterna> to se dalec najbolj enostavno stori tako, da se zakonsko zvezo definira na nediskriminatoren nacin. [17:49] <idioterna> torej "dve osebi" [17:49] <yang> zdobbie: kaj pa primer, ko ima moski z zensko dva otroka, pa je recimo gej ? [17:50] <idioterna> ja, kaj z njim [17:50] <idioterna> saj je enak [17:50] <yang> ja enak primer [17:50] <idioterna> ja, torej se ga enako obravnava [17:50] <idioterna> v cem je pa problem [17:51] <zdobbie> yang: kaj te zdej moti, clovekova spolna usmerjenost? [17:51] <jabuk> when I find a stupid bug on a big company’s website that gives me backend access [17:51] <yang> sej si gledal brokeback mountain film, kjer je to dobro prikazano [17:51] <idioterna> kaj je prikazano? [17:51] <idioterna> kako se vzgaja otroke? [17:51] <yang> kako ima lahko moski druzino, kljub temu da je gej [17:52] <zdobbie> yang: ce sta moski in zenska v zvezi, potem nnjuna otroka uzivata pravice, katerih otroci homoseksualnih parov ne [17:52] <zdobbie> yang: a bos kak zakon predlagu? [17:53] <yang> sem ti ze povedal kaj je resitev, da bi bili vsi zadovoljni [17:53] <zdobbie> Stop Ricky Martin Act? [17:53] <yang> priznanje istospolnih zvez brez pravice posvojitev za homoseksualne pare, mislim da se tukaj nihce ne b irazburjal [17:53] <zdobbie> aha, a bi mogoce istospolne filtriral iz druzbe? [17:53] <idioterna> yang: to se _ne da_, ker je z _ustavo_ _prepovedano_ [17:53] <zdobbie> kaj ma posvajanje s tvojim hipoteticnim primerom? [17:54] <idioterna> yang: in prav je, da je prepovedano z ustavo [17:54] <idioterna> yang: ker je popolnoma jasno, da ni nikakrsnega razloga, da bi pri posvojitvi homoseksualne in heteroseksualne pare obravnavali razlicno [17:54] <yang> ok I give up [17:54] <yang> bomo vidl, kaj se bo narod odlocil [17:54] <idioterna> nepomembno je [17:54] <idioterna> narod nima nobene besede pri tem [17:54] <idioterna> ne sme je imeti [17:54] <yang> kako nima sej smo v demokraciji [17:55] <yang> :) [17:55] <idioterna> ne, ce ima narod besedo pri tem [17:55] <idioterna> potem nismo demokraticna drzava [17:55] <yang> ? [17:55] <idioterna> [17:55] <yang> demokracijaje volja ljudstva [17:55] <Seniorita> Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika, delovna verzija - izid poizvedbe. [17:55] <jabuk> when the project manager looks for me to fix a bug on friday night [17:55] <idioterna> politična ureditev z vladavino večine, ki varuje osebne in politične pravice vseh državljanov [17:55] <idioterna> ni enakopravnosti, ni demokracije [17:55] <idioterna> suck it up. [17:56] <yang> dobro jaz itak ne bom sel na referendum sem ze enkrat sel [17:56] <zdobbie> yang: kdo nam je tako ustavo podtaknu? [17:56] <yang> sam si volil politike [17:56] <zdobbie> vcerej so v Tarci predvajal arhivske posnetke, mislim da je Peterle vabu ljudi na volitve [17:56] <idioterna> mhm [17:56] <idioterna> on je bil! [17:57] <zdobbie> a bo kdo Ljdumilo pingu? [17:57] <idioterna> ne k ne maram cerkvenga zvonenja [17:57] <idioterna> itak je protiustavno. [17:57] <idioterna> da je cerkveno zvonenje izvzeto iz pravilnika o merjenju hrupa [17:58] <yang> hehe [17:59] <yang> a sliis cerkev iz polja, ta ma najvecje zvonove [17:59] <idioterna> ne slisim je [17:59] <idioterna> kolega ma okn obrnen direkt v turn [17:59] <idioterna> prav da mu kr najeda [17:59] <yang> jst sem se ze peljal tam mimo, ko so zvonili, kr dobro prebija v avto [17:59] <idioterna> js mam tle sam eno mejhno cerkvico [17:59] <idioterna> k je vcasih skos zvonila [17:59] <idioterna> odkar so obsodl tega pedofila k je not otroke zlorablu [17:59] <idioterna> se pa manj oglasa [18:00] <yang> pocak da se dzamijo postavjo, bos videl kako je fajn, ko se ti en dere ob 5ih zjutri po magnetofonu :) [18:00] <idioterna> ne morjo se, k dretje ni izvzeto iz pravilnika o merjenju hrupa [18:00] <idioterna> loh poklices polcijo, pa mora ukrepat [18:00] <idioterna> cerkven zvonenje ma pa nek poseben status [18:00] <idioterna> kokr da je s plehom po plehu tolct neki posebnga [18:00] <yang> jst sem to v turciji dozivel, prvo noc sem mislil da naju ropajo v hotelu hehe [18:01] <idioterna> jsm v mostarju, pa ni blo nc groznga [18:01] <idioterna> pac en kasetar je bil gor [18:01] <idioterna> pa ga je przgal vsake tok cajta [18:01] <yang> ja mislim ob 5h so zacel al 430 [18:01] <yang> pa 5x na dan [18:01] <yang> sem sel pol v eno dzamijo, je res lepa bla noter [18:01] <idioterna> pac ena pesmca [18:01] <idioterna> velik manj zoprn k da en s seflo po ekonom loncu tolce [18:02] <idioterna> kokr se cerkvene zvonove slis [18:02] <yang> na sreco sem jst kr stran od lokalne cerkve, tko da sam v nedeljo zjutri slisim ko je cista tisina [18:02] <yang> pa ni neke sile, mal se slis kle [18:03] <yang> prej ko smo stanoval v trnovem, v istem nivoju kot so bli zvonovi jao ej [18:03] <yang> ni sans da bi pospal [18:04] <yang> cerkven zvonenje se ne smatra kot hrup, je izvzeto [18:04] <yang> pa to ko majo na magnetofone je se glasnejse kot pa ce bi sami zvonovi zvonili [18:07] <yang> jao pulover sem pral uro in pol, zdej mi je pa dve stevilki premejhen [18:07] <jabuk> when my boss talks about doing a night release [18:12] <yang> idioterna: sicer pa ima zvonenje nek pomen v religiji [18:13] <yang> ne vem tocno kaj, bi moral zupnika vprasat [18:14] <yang> [18:15] <yang> eto [18:15] <Seniorita> Kuzma [18:15] <Seniorita> »Spletna stran murskosoboške škofije« [18:16] <idioterna> yang: seveda ma [18:16] <idioterna> yang: sej dretje na ves glas ma tut nek pomen v metalu [18:17] <idioterna> pa je cist ocitno da je metal bolj pomemben za civilizacijo [18:17] <yang> [18:18] <yang> ta zakon o zvonenju je prblizn tok ustaven kot bo tale o posvojitvah otrok za homoseksualne pare [18:18] <idioterna> Mariji v pozdrav in [18:18] <idioterna> počeščenje. [18:18] <idioterna> yang: po cem to sklepas? [18:18] <yang> po logiki [18:18] <idioterna> kateri logiki pa? [18:18] <idioterna> ker po matematicni zagotovo ne. [18:19] <idioterna> ustava prepoveduje razlikovanje med ljudmi na podlagi osebne okoliscine [18:20] <yang> Zvok, ki nastaja zaradi [18:20] <yang> zvonjenja cerkvenih zvonov je torej tak zvok, kot nastaja pri up [18:20] <yang> orabi drugih glasbil, po frekvenčni [18:20] <yang> sestavi pa je skladen s toni glasbene lestvice, kar pa za ljudi ni nezaželeno ali moteče, tako kot tudi [18:20] <yang> zvoki glasbil običajno niso za ljudi nezaželeni ali moteči. [18:20] <idioterna> zakon, ki zakonsko zvezo definira kot zvezo izkljucno moskega in zenske, je v nasprotju z ustavo [18:20] <yang> kul glasbena lestvica [18:20] <idioterna> zdaj imamo zakon, ki zakonsko zvezo definira kot zvezo dveh oseb [18:21] <idioterna> to je se vedno narobe [18:21] <idioterna> ker se komot najdejo trije, ki bi radi sklenili zakonsko zvezo [18:21] <yang> kaj ce bi posnel zvonove na racunalnik, pa doma recimo zvonil tko ene 30 min. vsak dan a bi me smel preganjat zarad tega ? ce bi bil recimo ful navdusen nad take vrste glasbeno lestvico ? [18:21] <idioterna> pa je ne morejo [18:21] <idioterna> yang: ne smejo te preganjat, ce izvajas verski obred [18:21] <idioterna> yang: obstaja tista zombi cerkev blazenega zvonenja [18:21] <idioterna> katere verniki lahko tolcejo kokr hocjo [18:21] <idioterna> pa od vsakega vernika nepremicnina je verski objekt [18:22] <idioterna> in tako oproscen predlaganega nepremicninskega davka [18:24] <yang> Zvok cerkvenih zvonov praviloma obr [18:24] <yang> emenjuje okolje kratkotrajno, ker običajno zvonjenje traja nekaj [18:24] <yang> minut, kritična obremenitev pa je presežena v bližini cerkva le izjemoma, pa še takrat gre to [18:24] <jabuk> [18:24] <yang> preseganje predvsem na račun slabega prostorskega planiranja, na podlagi katerega se je izvedla [18:24] <yang> n [18:24] <yang> eprimerna umestitev stanovanjskih stavb ali drugih stavb z varovanimi prostori v bližino cerkvenega [18:24] <yang> zvonika. [18:24] <yang> vids, urbanisti so krivi vsega [18:24] <yang> tut gradnje stadiona v blizini naselja [18:24] <idioterna> stadion je vedno blizu naselja [18:29] <yang> kukr kje [18:29] <idioterna> ce kje ni, pol so urbanisti zajebal [18:30] <idioterna> ker se je treba z avtom vozit do njega [18:30] <yang> sportni objekti kjer je olimpijska vas v minhnu so razen stanovanj olimpijske vasi kr ven [18:30] <CrazyLemon> no v katarju so (je?) stadioni v puščavi :D [18:31] <CrazyLemon> in ni nobenga naselja tam.. pa tudi nobene prehrane/trgovine blizu [18:31] <idioterna> ja sej [18:31] <idioterna> urbanisticn fail [18:31] <idioterna> pr nas je idealno [18:31] <yang> ampak tista stanovanja so bila delana za olimpijado, torej so morala biti v sklopu prizorisc, uni k tam zivijo se ne smejo pritozevat [18:31] <idioterna> k je skupi s trgovinskim kompleksom stadion [18:31] <yang> ja haha [18:31] <yang> trgovinski kompleks [18:31] <idioterna> mhm [18:31] <yang> v rusevinah [18:31] <idioterna> ja pocas bi blo lepo da odkups kej [18:32] <idioterna> pa vsaj ksno leseno stojnco postavs [18:32] <idioterna> da naujo tujci misll da smo slovenci revezi [18:32] <jabuk> Senior dev fixing intern’s bug [18:32] <yang> mah kaj ces tam odkupovat, k je zemlja brez vrednosti, ce bi hotel krompir sadit b imoral vse porusit [18:32] <CrazyLemon> in začne zbirat podpise za referendum? :D [18:33] <yang> mi smo bli vsi veseli, k je Sadar & Vuga za stadion prejel nagrado [18:33] <yang> tko lepo je vse zgledalo [18:33] <idioterna> zdej pa niste vec? [18:33] <yang> dokler niso nehal gradit [18:33] <idioterna> ja lej [18:33] <idioterna> za gradit rabs dnar [18:33] <idioterna> no money no supermarkets [18:34] <yang> mislim, da tega ne morejo sanirati in dokoncati [18:34] <yang> to bi bil kr fail [18:34] <yang> ker ni bilo ustrezno zasciteno pred propadanjem [18:34] <yang> bo pac tako ostalo [18:35] <idioterna> ja lej [18:35] <idioterna> komot lahko odkupis in zrihtas po svojem okusu [18:35] <idioterna> men tut ni vsec kako so barje zazidal [18:36] <idioterna> pa pac vse se tam lomi zdej [18:36] <idioterna> morjo skos asfaltirat pa nekineki [18:36] <yang> posea se [18:36] <yang> poseda [18:36] <idioterna> ja tko k se je skos [18:36] <yang> kot trgovski center na jurckovi [18:36] <idioterna> in kaj nej zdej [18:36] <idioterna> ce bi prej kupu [18:36] <idioterna> bi loh jamrou [18:36] <yang> LIDL so moal podret tm [18:36] <idioterna> pa bi blo po moje narjen [18:37] <yang> cel projekt jurckova je zgresen [18:37] <idioterna> res? [18:37] <idioterna> nism opazu [18:37] <yang> mislim [18:37] <idioterna> ful je profitabilen [18:37] <yang> poedajo se objekti [18:37] <idioterna> pa folka je tut velik tam [18:37] <idioterna> objekti? [18:38] <idioterna> cesta se [18:38] <idioterna> objekti se niti ne [18:38] <yang> LIDL so podrl [18:38] <idioterna> niso ga podrl [18:38] <idioterna> prenovil so ga [18:38] <idioterna> pa ne zarad posedanja [18:38] <yang> sem mislu da so ga podrl [18:38] <yang> pa na nov sezidal [18:38] <idioterna> nah [18:38] <idioterna> bajte so kr ok [18:38] <idioterna> problem je da cesta je pa en metr nizje kokr je bla [18:38] <idioterna> k so bajte zgradil [18:39] <yang> ja [18:39] <yang> viga vaga je vse tm [18:39] <idioterna> pa sam tam k so spodi kanalizacijske cevi [18:39] <idioterna> se ni posedl [18:39] <idioterna> povsod drugje se pa je [18:42] <Seniorita> [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: Ambient Noise Player App for Ubuntu Linux [18:56] <napsy__> cer [18:58] <zdobbie> ahoy sailor [20:07] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: fyi smo kle enakopravni [20:21] <upd> grem ravno ven, in vidim lep obroč rdeč okol lune [20:25] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie pa nismo [22:08] <upd> [22:08] <Seniorita> LUSH The Enchanter Bath Bomb Demo - YouTube [22:08] <Seniorita> »LUSH VALENTINE'S DAY HAUL 2015: LUSH LOVE LOCKET: LUSH GRANNY TAKES A DIP:« [22:08] <jabuk> when I see my boss online when I check my emails on holidays
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "LorD_DDooM", "Seniorita", "Sky[x]", "dz0ny", "idioterna", "jabuk", "lynxlynxlynx", "mkode", "napsy", "napsy__", "slax0r", "upd", "yang", "zdobbie", "zdobersek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[17:34] <iBrokeEverything> Caute je tu daky mudrc co mi pomoze? :-) [17:35] <iBrokeEverything>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "iBrokeEverything" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cz" }
[10:20] <Kilos> wow Neo31 you still alive? [10:21] <Neo31> hey Kilos [10:21] <Neo31> yep [10:21] <Neo31> still aliv [10:21] <Neo31> sorry for vanishing [10:21] <Neo31> this project is killing me [10:21] <Neo31> u ok Kilos ? [10:21] <Kilos> no man just finish it [10:21] <Kilos> yeah im ok ty [10:21] <Kilos> what are we going to do about a mailing list? [10:22] <Neo31> i'm gonna finish in two weeks [10:23] <Kilos> good [10:23] <Neo31> i'm sorry couldn't help so much [10:23] <Kilos> then we can work on things more [10:23] <Neo31> tonight i will be able to come online [10:23] <Neo31> great [10:23] <Kilos> site nearly ready [10:23] <Neo31> i will send u an email with some updates if u r offline [10:23] <Neo31> can u leave me ur email in pv [10:23] <Neo31> ? [10:23] <Neo31> perfect [10:23] <Neo31> great job Kilos :) [10:24] <Kilos> the za guys did it all, im too dumb [10:24] <Neo31> no u r not [10:24] <Neo31> i'm sure u participated and helped [10:24] <Kilos> no i just nagged [10:25] <Neo31> hhh [10:25] <Neo31> we need that in loco too, it's the most important thing hhh [10:25] <Kilos> lol [10:26] <Neo31> :p [10:26] <Neo31> anyway glade there is some progress [10:26] <Neo31> :) [10:26] <Neo31> u rock [10:26] <Kilos> ty i just try [10:27] <Neo31> btw we got a new ubuntu member in tunisia [10:27] <Neo31> that's why i'm on irc ^_^ [10:27] <Kilos> great get him to join here [10:27] <Neo31> we had to support him last night [10:27] <Neo31> we will, though he's a field contributor/coder and doesn't get much on irc [10:28] <Kilos> thats what we are here for to help noobs [10:28] <Neo31> but i will introduce him to the channel anyway [10:28] <Neo31> hhh he's not that noob trust me lol [10:28] <Kilos> the more peeps we get to join here the more they will spread the word [10:29] <Kilos> if hes a coder he is already miles ahead of me [10:31] <Neo31> u r miles ahead on other things ;) [10:31] <Kilos> nagging yeah [10:31] <Neo31> lool [10:31] <Neo31> yeah [10:31] <Neo31> and organizing stuff [10:32] <Neo31> bringing ppl together [10:32] <Neo31> ... [10:32] <Neo31> trust me that's really important [10:32] <Neo31> ;) [10:32] <Kilos> there is so much strife in the world its nice to gather peeps that are above that [10:34] <Neo31> so other than the website no more new guys ? [10:35] <Neo31> we reached all we can i think!! [10:35] <Kilos> benin joined [10:35] <Neo31> ah cool [10:35] <Neo31> is the wiki updated or should I do that tonight ? [10:35] <Kilos> no there are more on the west coast that just need motivating [10:35] <Kilos> its done [10:36] <Kilos> so we are half way there now [10:37] <Neo31> good [10:38] <Neo31> btw Kilos I have access on [10:38] <Neo31> I will use it after our first one or two meetings [10:38] <Neo31> to announce the news [10:38] <Neo31> hopfully others will be able to join [10:40] <Kilos> great [10:41] <Kilos> once our site is online will be a good time to announce it on planet [11:10] <Kilos> Neo31 here is the basic site [11:10] <Kilos> [11:10] <Kilos> keep hitting refresh [11:13] <Neo31> good idea Kilos [11:13] <Neo31> i'll have a look at the site soon [11:14] <Kilos> its fast man [11:14] <Kilos> few secs needed [11:17] <Neo31> nice it's also reponsive [11:17] <Neo31> :) [11:18] <Kilos> you know the song were simply the best [11:18] <Kilos> hehe [11:18] <Kilos> faster when it goes online too [17:13] <Kilos> hi qwebirc97911 [17:14] <Kilos> hmm... [17:14] <Mopkop> Someone from the site. So it has to be one of us. [17:15] <Kilos> aha [17:31] <Kilos> hi guys [17:32] <captine> hi there [17:33] <captine> so we trying to get a site up?? [17:34] <Kilos> yip [17:35] <inetpro> captine: [17:35] <Kilos> the fly did the basic site and Mopkop going on [17:35] <inetpro> Mopkop: [17:36] <inetpro> choose top left dropdown and 'Add webchat to your site' [17:36] <captine> ok cool. [17:37] <captine> just need to figure how to get my rsa key thingy for launchpad [17:37] <Kilos> sjoe captine different pc uses a different key i think [17:37] <Kilos> there is a walkthrough on trello [17:38] <captine> mmm.. i think i can copy it somehow. [17:38] <captine> from one to the other [17:38] <captine> it is a key for me, not the pc, i think [17:39] <captine> let me fetch the other machine. [17:39] <captine> brb [17:39] <Kilos> doesnt it use the pc your on to make the key [17:39] <captine> it generates it, but then can be copied to other machines. dont think it is machine specific [17:39] <captine> will see [17:40] <Kilos> will be good to know that, ive had to go that route twice [17:48] <captine> my launchpad login command hangs... bummer [17:48] <captine> weird [17:48] <Kilos> ouch [17:54] <magespawn> captine the key can be copied, but i thin the idea would be to make a new one for each pc or device, they can then be revoked as needed [17:55] <captine> magespawn, thanks. i dont want to manage multiples.... lol. am lazy [17:55] <captine> but might make another for this machine, as it is my work one... just doing a POC with ubuntu on it. [17:55] <captine> will see if i get fired or not... :) [17:55] <captine> lol [17:56] <Kilos> eish [18:01] <inetpro> captine: try another browser [18:03] <Kilos> captine dont do stuff that can get you fired [18:42] <Kilos> spotty define working [18:42] <spotty> Kilos: 188 Moby Thesaurus words for "working": accomplishment, acetification, acidification, acidulation, act, acting, action, active, activism, activity, agency, alive, alkalization, answer, ascertainment, at it, at work, banausic, barmy, behavior, behavioral, breadwinning, businesslike, busy, carbonation, catalysis, chemicalization, clearing up, commercial, conduct, contour plowing, cracking, cultivating, cultivation, culture, decipherment,…
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "Mopkop", "Neo31", "captine", "inetpro", "magespawn", "spotty" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[09:28] <voidspace> dimitern, ping [09:28] <voidspace> dimitern, did you see my two branches? ericsnow reviewed them, so I'll try and land them later. [09:28] <voidspace> dimitern, they're only short, so you may, or may not, want to look at them [10:06] <voidspace> dimitern: thanks! [10:16] <aznashwan> hey, could a couple of follow-ups on, and, if you guys are really in the review spirit: [10:49] <frankban> ocr, could you please take a look at ? thanks! [13:30] <cherylj> ericsnow: Can you ping me when you get a minute so we can talk about bug 1439447? [13:30] <mup> Bug #1439447: tools download in cloud-init should not go through http[s]_proxy <cloud-installer> <landscape> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.23:Triaged> <> [14:02] <ericsnow> cherylj: OTP [14:40] <ericsnow> cherylj: hangout? [14:41] <cherylj> ericsnow: sure, let me get my headset on [15:18] <alexisb> aznashwan, are those the centos support patches? [15:32] <mup> Bug #1440097 was opened: unittest failure: apiserver/root_test.go:rootSuite.TestPingTimeout <ci> <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.23:New> <> [15:32] <alexisb> just so that folks know all of our scheduled all call reviewers are suppose to be on vacation today [15:33] <jw4> woot - free for all [15:35] <natefinch> or free for none ;) [15:44] <mup> Bug #1440097 changed: unittest failure: apiserver/root_test.go:rootSuite.TestPingTimeout <ci> <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.23:New> <> [15:50] <mup> Bug #1440097 was opened: unittest failure: apiserver/root_test.go:rootSuite.TestPingTimeout <ci> <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.23:New> <> [15:54] <jw4> natefinch: such a downer ;) [15:54] <natefinch> jw4: I try :) [16:01] <katco> jw4: hey, wanna rewrite the project in python? [16:01] <katco> jw4: i bet we can do it before anyone gets back [16:04] <mgz> katco: you tested the original v4 code against s3 right? [16:04] <mgz> I think the rest of aws just does it differently [16:04] <katco> mgz: yes, live tests and all [16:05] <katco> mgz: except it's passing the amazon test suite just fine [16:06] <mgz> the region name is different as you pointed out yesterday, and some other stuff [16:06] <mgz> their test suite is apparently just not as tight as their real auth [16:07] <katco> hehe possibly [16:07] <mgz> I'm looking at boto/ HmacAuthV4Handler vs S3HmacAuthV4Handler [16:10] <katco> mgz: wwitzel3 said he had worked on boto quite a bit, he's peeking at the issue as well. what are the main diffs you're seeing? [16:12] <mgz> it's slightly annoying as the classes are written differently, [16:12] <mgz> but the headers that get signed is different, the region format, and some of the sequencing [16:13] <mgz> S3 signs all headers, general only signs Host and X-Amz-* [16:13] <jw4> katco: lol [16:13] <katco> if the headers are present, you must sign them [16:13] <jw4> katco: we might even get hazmat back if we do [16:13] <katco> jw4: hehe [16:14] <mgz> katco: for s3, everything but the Auth itself, yeah, but not in general [16:14] <aznashwan> alexisb: sorry, got a little distracted with work [16:14] <aznashwan> alexisb: yes, those are both the CentOS patches [16:14] <hazmat> katco: i'm listening ;-) [16:14] <katco> mgz: no, i mean the algorithm requires that. you can't optionally sign headers; i don't think that's a mutable property of the algorithm based on which service [16:14] <katco> hazmat: haha o/ :) [16:15] <alexisb> aznashwan, ok, I have had a few folks comment re those patches, I am thinking we may need to do some pair reviewing when we are all in germany [16:15] <mgz> S3 also doesn't do url path normalisation, whereas the other does [16:16] <katco> mgz: i don't think we're doing that at all [16:17] <mgz> which can me something as dumb as trailing slash would break it maybe [16:17] <aznashwan> alexisb: we have slowly come to terms with the fact that those PR's won't get in until the sprint; but I still like to hope beyond hope :D [16:17] <katco> mgz: yeah [16:18] <mgz> like, our failed one was going a GET with a path [16:19] <mgz> the one that worked was post to root and form-encode body [16:19] <mgz> so it could be something as dumb as bad path [16:19] <alexisb> aznashwan, the alternative is to have you break everything down as requested [16:19] <mgz> katco: but you probably are going to need two versions to keep s3 working at the same time as fixing this [16:23] <aznashwan> alexisb: as mentioned, the refactor, added CentOS userdata and package management changes are so inter-dependent that breaking them up would take a tone of re-work, writing temporary code which only gets overwritten in the following PR, and triple/quadruple the pain of maintaining the PR's rebased unto master [16:24] <katco> awesome, my robot vacuum cleaner just unplugged my computer [16:25] <katco> IoT ftw [16:26] <mgz> ehehe [16:26] <mgz> rise of the downtrodden robots! [16:26] <katco> i definitely kicked it [16:28] <aznashwan> alexisb: that would add an overall delay of at least a month whilst the PR as is now is merge-able with the exception of a handful of tests which are still not CentOS-ready [16:28] <katco> this is when you discover the temporary work you were doing in /tmp is less temporary than you would have liked. [16:28] <aznashwan> (...which we are working on as we speak) [16:29] <natefinch> gah, stupid f'ing machiner... I don't know how the hell you're supposed to use this thing. It hides everything under too many layers of abstraction. [16:30] <alexisb> aznashwan, then I suggest we plan to have a dynamic review session in person [16:32] <aznashwan> alexisb: would not be too bad if it comes to that. I would insist to still get a review here-and-there in the mean time so we get the small stuff ironed out before the sprint so we focus on the bigger picture there. [17:04] <katco> mgz: i think i found the problem [17:05] <katco> mgz: i vaguely recall removing default paths "/" from the canonical request string for S3 b/c that was causing an issue [17:05] <katco> mgz: it looks like adding that in gets me a result [17:06] <mgz> katco: ha, was paths :) [17:06] <katco> mgz: i tip my hat to you, sir [17:06] <mgz> :D [17:06] <katco> mgz: and i then slap aws's collective faces with it. [17:06] <katco> mgz: what an undocumented mess [17:09] <katco> mgz: [18:08] <katco> mgz: feel like a review? [18:08] <mgz> katco: surething [18:11] <katco> ah foo i broke a signing test. those things are so fragile [18:11] <mgz> yeah, was wondering if more tests would need changing [18:11] <katco> nah it's just a space [18:12] <mgz> so if it works with s3 and ec2, I think this is basically good to go [18:12] <mgz> this isn't super-robust, callers can still pass in stuff that will mess this up I'm pretty sure [18:13] <katco> mgz: i think we're still broke on relative paths "/../.." or something [18:13] <mgz> and I don't like the date-magic [18:13] <katco> date magic? [18:13] <mgz> katco: yeah, and probably double slashes as well [18:13] <katco> yeah those tests fail [18:13] <mgz> the pass in a x-amz-timestamp in nay random format and get it back out the right way code [18:14] <mgz> I'd prefer we just demanded a sensible time object in the interface or something [18:14] <katco> well, smallest change possible. [18:14] <mgz> but that's not something that really needs changing right now [18:14] <katco> right [18:14] <mgz> right, I agree [18:14] <katco> repushed with test fix [18:14] <katco> just added some spaces [18:16] <mgz> katco: lgtm [18:17] <katco> mgz: do we have this behind a bot yet? [18:19] <mgz> katco: it's got a funny pre-merge check thing instead, which passed [18:21] <katco> mgz: ok, so merge manually? [18:22] <mgz> yeah, oh, travis runs against both go 1.2 and go 1.4, interesting [18:22] <mgz> only the unit tests obviously but fine [18:43] <cherylj> natefinch: I heard you had some thoughts about bug 1439447. Don't know if you wanted to weigh in before I make any code changes... [18:43] <mup> Bug #1439447: tools download in cloud-init should not go through http[s]_proxy <cloud-installer> <landscape> <juju-core:In Progress by cherylj> <juju-core 1.23:In Progress by cherylj> <> [18:53] <katco> mgz: so i'm trying to test this in 1.23 [18:54] <katco> mgz: and when i bootstrap i get a bootstrap failure [18:54] <natefinch> cherylj: my thought was basically that we should have a configuration that lets the user decide whether juju uses the proxy to connect to other machines in the environment or not. [18:54] <mgz> katco: as in, the machine doesn't come up? [18:54] <katco> mgz: "ERROR failed to bootstrap environment: Juju cannot bootstrap because no tools are available for your environment." [18:54] <mgz> katco: with --upload-tools? [18:54] <natefinch> cherylj: since it seems to me that it's likely that no matter which way we decide to do it, someone's going to want it to work the other way [18:54] <cherylj> natefinch: ha, too true [18:55] <katco> mgz: i knew it was something dumb [18:56] <katco> cherylj: looking forward to charming at the sprint. it would be nice if i actually got to work WITH juju more, and not just ON it :) [18:56] <cherylj> katco: me too! It should be fun and I think alexisb is working on some actual prizes for the teams :D [18:58] <mgz> katco: ...that's just begging for a cheesy joke [18:58] <mgz> why do all the things we work with have silly names [18:58] <katco> mgz: please proceed :) [18:59] <mgz> well, you're clearly charming already? [18:59] <katco> LOLOLOLOL [18:59] <katco> 10 points england. [19:01] <katco> mgz: (et. al.) [19:02] <katco> mgz: and it would be super awesome if you could try china again [19:03] <katco> 1 line change btw [19:03] <redelmann> hi, is safe to deploy block-storage-broker to machine0?? [19:03] <mgz> katco: lgtm, how to the multiple branches with go-amz work? change also needs to land on v4-unstable, or does v3 get merged up periodically? [19:04] <redelmann> create one instance just to manage credential is overkilling [19:04] <katco> mgz: i think dimiter merges changes to v3 up to v4 occasionally [19:04] <mgz> katco: I'll merge that locally and see [19:04] <katco> mgz: i don't know why we branch an unstable before we have unstable changes actually [19:04] <katco> mgz: seems like it creates a lot of work [19:04] <mgz> discourage people from landing features on an active verion I'm guessing [19:04] <mgz> er... s/active/stable/ [19:06] <mgz> redelmann: that may be a better question for #juju - but gernally feel free to smoosh till something actually breaks [19:06] <redelmann> mgz, thank!! [19:07] <katco> mgz: and trunk: [19:14] <mgz> whoops, used wrong key [19:14] <mgz> well, it bootstrapped till the ssh step [19:15] <katco> :) [19:27] <katco> mgz: can i get a rq lgtm on [19:27] <mgz> I was trying to make sure it works first, but this ssh step hates me ;_; [19:27] <katco> oh, no worries then [19:27] <katco> take your time [19:28] <mgz> I can ssh into the address fine, but juju refuses to for some reason [19:28] <katco> weird... [19:28] <mgz> but prints stuff out the first time I do on another console? bootstrap is too darn complicated these days [19:29] <natefinch> these days? :) [19:30] <mgz> get off my lawn! [19:30] <natefinch> haha [19:30] <mgz> okay, now it's running [19:30] <katco> haha [19:30] <mgz> I have no idea what was happening there [19:31] <mgz> katco: so, basically, api queries do now work [19:31] <mgz> and my china bootstrap is happily installing packages currently [19:31] <katco> o/ <--- tiny lighter you can't see [19:31] <natefinch> haha... I spent all day trying to debug an api connection problem and somehow forgot to look at the log for machine 0..... where it was evidently filling up with panics :/ [19:31] <mgz> stamped the trunk dep update too [19:32] <mgz> joy [19:32] <katco> mgz: so to sum things up [19:32] <katco> mgz: i finally accomplished the first task i was given when i started canonical. [19:32] <katco> mgz: and it only took me about a year. :) [19:33] <mgz> [19:34] <katco> woohoo! [19:34] <katco> that is great to see! :D [19:35] <mgz> hey, getting it done is getting it done :) [19:40] <mgz> katco: when the 1.23 branch goes through, I'll take the deb and set up a cloud-health job for the china region, hopefully later tonight [19:40] <katco> mgz: :D [19:41] <mgz> natefinch: juju running on az-cn is something we can talk about publically right (slightly late, wtv) [19:42] <natefinch> dhah [19:42] <natefinch> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [19:43] <natefinch> honestly no clue [19:53] <alexisb> all, I have to go pick up kiddo realy from grandma's today, so I am will be out until james gets back from work [19:53] <alexisb> so everyone have a very happy holiday weekend! [19:58] <katco> alexisb: tc! [19:58] <katco> alexisb: habe a great weekend [21:18] <mup> Bug #1440199 was opened: api/uniter: Panic: stateSuite.TearDownTest <ci> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:New> <> [21:18] <mup> Bug #1440205 was opened: cmd/juju: PANIC: addrelation_test.go:11: SetUpTest.pN39_github_com_juju_juju_cmd_juju.UserSuite <ci> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:New> <> [21:18] <mup> Bug #1440209 was opened: juju action do doesn't accept non-string params on command line <juju-core:New> <> [21:24] <mup> Bug #1440213 was opened: worker/uniter: TestLeadership.pN51_github_com_juju_juju_worker_uniter_test.UniterSuite <juju-core:New> <> [21:30] <ericsnow> cmars: you have a minute to look over [21:31] <ericsnow> cmars: I've switched it over to YAML and am using the new cmd.FileVar.Open method [21:36] <mup> Bug #1440213 changed: worker/uniter: TestLeadership.pN51_github_com_juju_juju_worker_uniter_test.UniterSuite <juju-core:New> <> [21:48] <mup> Bug #1440213 was opened: worker/uniter: TestLeadership.pN51_github_com_juju_juju_worker_uniter_test.UniterSuite <juju-core:New> <> [21:48] <mup> Bug #1440219 was opened: worker/uniter:TestLeadership.pN51_github_com_juju_juju_worker_uniter_test.UniterSuite <juju-core:New> <>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "alexisb", "aznashwan", "cherylj", "ericsnow", "frankban", "hazmat", "jw4", "katco", "mgz", "mup", "natefinch", "redelmann", "voidspace" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-dev" }
[01:15] <danrik> sooo - does anyone know when is the next ubunntu phone gonna come out? [01:16] <danrik> I just broke my android - but I want something more serious than bq aquaris. [01:17] <k1l> did not hear anything more than "soon" [01:17] <danrik> k1l, ok - then how about best supported phone so far? nexus 5? [01:18] <k1l> erm. both nexus 4 and 5 seem to be ok? [01:22] <DonkeyHotei> nexus5 has no bluetooth and won't play videos [01:23] <k1l> oh. [01:23] <k1l> nexus4 was the original dev device. [01:24] <danrik> k1l, so that leaves only nexus 4? [01:24] <DonkeyHotei> the meizu mx4 is the next phone [01:29] <danrik> damn. mx4 is gsm, im on verizon :(. [02:52] <FR43D14Z> Hello People :D Hay alguien que hable español? [07:35] <EdwardMorbius> guys I have a serious issue with my BQ, this morning it froze and I powered it off then on and now I am stuck at boot loop at the BQ logo and powered by Ubuntu screen. [07:43] <EdwardMorbius> now attempting to enter recovery, still waiting at the ubuntu logo [07:45] <EdwardMorbius> a few bq logo flashes and now it boots "normally"?? [07:46] <ogra_> EdwardMorbius, [07:47] <EdwardMorbius> ogra I think this has something to do with changed system language [07:47] <ogra_> from what to what did you change it ? [07:47] <EdwardMorbius> I switched from english us to english uk and I read on the Internet about someone else getting bootloop after they changed language [07:48] <ogra_> could you comment on the bu that is mentioned in the above mail ? [07:48] <ogra_> *bu [07:48] <ogra_> bah [07:48] <ogra_> *bug [07:48] <EdwardMorbius> will do so now, because I had one phone freeze before but I powered it off and on normally [07:48] <EdwardMorbius> but now I got bootloop [07:49] <ogra_> oh, you sounded like it booted again above [07:49] <EdwardMorbius> the option in the gui erase&reset everything will make a full factory reset right? [07:49] <EdwardMorbius> It did boot but looks shaky to me [07:49] <ogra_> yes :/ [07:49] <ogra_> define "looks shaky" [07:49] <EdwardMorbius> indicator date time is bugged and I got to gui some time ago too, attempted a new reboot from gui and again got the bootloop [07:50] <EdwardMorbius> so I believe factory reset is the way to get everything in the clear again [07:51] <ogra_> yeah, but at lest you have the ui up to be able to pull down photos etc if needed [07:51] <ogra_> the factory reset will sort it [07:53] <EdwardMorbius> didnt have any photos worth saving anyway, restoring all my settings will be a little chore though [07:53] <ogra_> yeah, we really need a backup tool for this ... one that stores and restores all data and settings [07:53] <EdwardMorbius> phone resetted and I am commenting on the bug now [07:53] <EdwardMorbius> yes that would be very helpful [07:53] <ogra_> thanks ! [07:55] <EdwardMorbius> just posted, too bad I had to reset the phone, I am guessing all the logs are gone now too. [07:55] <ogra_> yes, but you are the second person that claims it happened after language switch ... that at least gives a pointer [07:56] <ogra_> (though trying to reproduce it on a development device here doesnt get me the issue) [07:56] <EdwardMorbius> development device as in nexus 4? [07:56] <ogra_> no, a pre-production bq [07:57] <ogra_> same device .... but with android buttons on the glass :) [07:57] <EdwardMorbius> maybe someone with the production device should attempt it, gremlins inside may be different than in the pre production one. [07:57] <ogra_> yeah [07:58] <EdwardMorbius> when device froze I was like "oh I will post some logs as bug report later on" but then :O :D [07:58] <ogra_> yeah, if you cant boot that wont help :) [08:00] <EdwardMorbius> I am not touching the system language again :D [08:00] <ogra_> heh [08:00] <ogra_> there might be a differnce in how the welcome wizard sets it and how the system settings do [08:01] <EdwardMorbius> true, someone should check that, it is possibly an oversight [08:01] <ogra_> riht, i will ... after easter vacation though ... i'm not officially here :) [08:02] <EdwardMorbius> lets hope no more people get ideas about changing the system language :D [08:03] <ogra_> yep :/ [08:04] <EdwardMorbius> and that backup tool would be veeery nice if someone can make it [08:09] <EdwardMorbius> updating apps... [08:10] <EdwardMorbius> Is it just me or is the Ubuntu Store sometimes a bit slow? [10:22] <Isotop7> i rootstrock-ng only useable for the supported devices? what would i do if i had a freshly build system.img for my galaxy s4 [10:22] <Isotop7> ? [10:54] <rickspencer3> good morning all [10:54] <rickspencer3> shall I assume that everyone is on holiday today? [10:55] <rickspencer3> except us poor saps from the USA, and then I guess I assume I am the only one crazy enough to be up already? [10:56] <didrocks> rickspencer3: real part of France is working as well :) [10:56] <rickspencer3> hey! [10:56] <didrocks> hey ;) [10:56] <rickspencer3> bon courage! [10:57] <didrocks> merci, à toi aussi ! [10:57] <rickspencer3> I was not expecting a response :) [11:01] <greyback> the heathen land of Ireland also defiant [11:02] <didrocks> greyback: hey! you keep wanting to be different than the UK, I see ;) [11:03] <greyback> didrocks: you're lucky there's an ocean between us! [11:03] <didrocks> greyback: j/k ;) [11:03] <greyback> :D [11:05] <rickspencer3> greyback! [11:05] <greyback> rickspencer3: at your service *hat tip* :) [11:05] <rickspencer3> o/ [11:05] <rickspencer3> just saying "hi" [11:06] <rickspencer3> I got up early because I was so worried about the bootloop issue I couldn't sleep [11:06] <rickspencer3> I imagined hundreds of people factory resetting their phones this morning :/ [11:34] <Isotop7> how do i get my compiled images and the rootfs to my s4 in order to get it up running? [11:40] <rickspencer3> Isotop7, hey, I feart that the channel may be slightly laggy for you today, I know I lot of people are afk b/c of Easter :/ [11:40] <Laney> dudes, I'm getting "invalid cross-device link" when using the citrain thingy to install a silo [11:40] <Laney> how go problem fix I? [11:56] <seb128> Laney, you might want #ubuntu-ci-eng rather [11:57] <ogra_> Laney, i think robru fiddled with the code very recently ... (last week) [11:58] <ogra_> probably check if there is a newer version [11:58] <Laney> where? [11:58] <ogra_> phablet-team PPA [11:58] <Laney> I used that Ubuntu archive thing [12:17] <Laney> ogra_: how did you test that lxc-android-config fix? [12:18] <ogra_> i made the file writable through writable-paths and rebooted [12:18] <ogra_> installing lxc-android-config is rather painful so i only tested the chnage [12:18] <Laney> so touch /userdata/.wriatble_paths; reboot; edit; rm /.../.; reboot; test ? [12:19] <ogra_> i never touch writable_paths... [12:19] <Laney> you can just edit it? [12:19] <ogra_> wget the deb ... reboo to recovery ... [12:19] <Laney> woah [12:19] <Laney> what is this? [12:19] <ogra_> install lxc-android-config chrooted into the rootfs [12:20] <ogra_> then reboot ... [12:20] <Laney> O_O [12:20] <didrocks> it's only a file change, right? [12:20] <ogra_> thats how to install this package [12:20] <ogra_> as i said ... painfull [12:20] <ogra_> thanks to our bindmount farm spanning across partitions [12:20] <didrocks> you can mount -o remount,rw …, do the change, reboot [12:20] <ogra_> not to test the package [12:21] <ogra_> but yeah, to test the change [12:21] <didrocks> yeah, not the package, but just the 8 char changes in a string file [12:21] <ogra_> right, that wont tell you if the package did the right thing though ... but is enough o check the change works [12:22] <Laney> given that you think it does and jibel says it does not ... [12:22] <ogra_> yeah, i told him i'll research it after the holidays [12:23] <ogra_> is there a reason why we dont use the same .override mechanism we use in vivid ? [12:23] <didrocks> seems that all frenchies are trying to make Laney's life hard :) [12:23] <Laney> conspiracy! [12:23] <didrocks> ogra_: well, it needs some changes to multiple components to work [12:23] <didrocks> whoopsie, whoopsie-preferences… [12:23] <didrocks> not sure you want those changes for rtm [12:23] <didrocks> (handling transitions…) [12:24] <ogra_> didrocks, ah, no [12:24] <didrocks> ogra_: look at the postinsts, you will have fun :p [12:24] <didrocks> but I think those kind of changes are good, no more "ENABLE" in conffiles [12:25] <ogra_> i dont really care about conffiles on the phone :) [12:25] <didrocks> ogra_: well, you have to find a way to transition though? [12:25] <didrocks> like, how would you transition to the new system with the .override [12:25] <ogra_> why ? we just replace [12:25] <didrocks> once moved to vivid? [12:25] <Laney> how do you preserve the user setting? [12:25] <didrocks> ok, so the user disabled whoopsie [12:25] <didrocks> /etc/default/whoopsie have ENABLED=false [12:25] <didrocks> in vivid-based image, this reflect in the /etc/init/whoopsie.override with "manual" [12:26] <didrocks> how do you handle that in the touch world? [12:26] <ogra_> ah, that ... yeah, a simple upstart job does that ... in our upgrade management [12:26] <didrocks> ok, this happens in recovery, after the unpack? [12:26] <ogra_> we have that upstart subdir wheer you can drop transition jobs [12:26] <didrocks> (and before removing files that are not anymore in the new image?) [12:26] <ogra_> on first boot after upgrade [12:26] <didrocks> hum [12:26] <didrocks> but /etc/default/whoopsie would disappear, wouldn't it? [12:26] <ogra_> or by developer chice on every boot) [12:27] <didrocks> or we keep it and let the transition job deleting it? [12:27] <ogra_> yep [12:27] <didrocks> ogra_: that's the thing based on session-migration or something else? [12:27] <ogra_> something else [12:27] <didrocks> (because my session-migration is only executed by session) [12:27] <ogra_> right [12:27] <didrocks> ok, was afraid it was going to start too late [12:28] <ogra_> search for boot in /etc/init on a phone [12:28] <didrocks> sounds good then, I'm just afraid we forget about it though [12:28] <didrocks> (and that's just one case) [12:28] <ogra_> there is a subdir and a job executing th bits indside that subdir [12:28] <ogra_> both called boot-$something [12:28] * ogra_ has no phone cnsole around [12:29] <didrocks> ogra_: no worry, but I think as long as we have the pre/post* world and this image-based one, we might miss those transitions on one side or the other [12:29] <ogra_> we surely will [12:29] * ogra_ looksforward to snappy [12:29] <didrocks> ;) [12:30] <ogra_> getting rid of all the deb mess :) [12:30] <lemmster> Suppose I want to replace Ubuntu with Android on the Aquaris e4.5 (I need PGP support for email), can I use fastboot flashall with imgs taken from bq's firmware zips for an hard reset? [12:31] <ogra_> lemmster, i fear thats something you need to ask bq [12:31] <ogra_> not sure you can install android at all, since the partitioning scheme is different [12:32] <EdwardMorbius> ogra I believe it can be done because I think I saw someone on Twitter that said he reflashed the phone with Android while he waits for bugs to be fixed in UT [12:32] <ogra_> and ... well ... there are no android buttons on the glass ... [12:32] <dbeal> How can I enable ttyUSB/ttyACM usb serial support for host-mode usb (on a Nexus 5)? [12:32] <lemmster> ogra_: There are manuals on the web to replace android with ubuntu. I would assume the reverse should be possible as well (not that I have tried the former). [12:33] <lemmster> EdwardMorbius: You still happen to have a ref to the tweet? [12:33] <EdwardMorbius> ogra that can be solved by using softkeys if firmware allows it and it should I believe [12:33] <ogra_> lemmster, well, i know that there is a different partitioning scheme applied to ubuntu phones ... it might or might not work [12:33] <EdwardMorbius> lemmster I will check if I have it somewhere [12:33] <ogra_> this is definitely not something we exercise in development :) [12:35] <ogra_> also keep in mind that the flashing of android might perhaps change the partitioning ... i have no idea how the android zips work in this case ... it might prevent you from re-installing ubuntu then [12:35] <EdwardMorbius> lemmster [12:36] <lemmster> EdwardMorbius: Thanks [12:37] <EdwardMorbius> lemmster no problem [12:41] <EdwardMorbius> so I heard on the last Ubuntu live session that the UT actually has another theme inside, the Ambience but currently there is no way you can switch to it, that correct? [12:45] <Laney> ogra_: do you know of any documentation for this writable-paths file? [12:45] <Laney> I just checked and after modifying it (even with 'transition') /etc/default/apport is empty on reboot [12:46] <ogra_> apport [12:46] <ogra_> ? [12:47] <Laney> whoopsie! [12:47] <ogra_> ah [12:47] <ogra_> :) [12:47] <Laney> wait WTF now it's not [12:47] <Laney> now I'm questioning the nature of reality itself [12:48] <ogra_> [12:48] <ogra_> line 336ff [12:49] <Laney> hex line numbers [12:49] <ogra_> heh [12:50] <dbeal> How do I chrt into the lxc container? [12:50] <ogra_> lxc-console -t0 -nandroid [12:50] <ogra_> from the running ubuntu [12:51] <dbeal> Cool [12:51] <ogra_> (you need ctrl-a-q to exit it) [13:06] <Laney> ogra_: Could not write configuration: Failed to create file '/etc/default/whoopsie.0NIIWX': Read-only file system [13:06] <Laney> it's trying to do an atomic write [13:06] <ogra_> yeah, that wont wrk [13:06] <Laney> snazzy [13:08] <ogra_> Laney, that will be a bigger change ... we have a dir for such special cases, but the file needs to be pre-created during build [13:08] <ogra_> what you want is /userdata/system-data/etc/writable/whoopsie and a bind mount like hostname and localtime use [13:09] <Laney> I remember this hack [13:12] <Laney> going to go climbing instead :) [13:12] <ogra_> enjoy :) [13:14] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: ping [13:19] <dbeal> How do I compile a .ko for the hammerhead kernel? [13:20] <spazzymoto> hey guys, i hope someone can help me. Im working on the port for the one plus one and im struggling to get the /firmware partition to mount correctly. From what i have read there is a script that runs that updates the fstab on boot? I have tried to correct add some code to out the correct mount options for /firmware in the script /usr/lib/lxc-android-config/update-fstab but have had no luck. Any ideas [13:28] <ogra_> spazzymoto, that script just grabs the fstab from android and processes it, if you have a /factory entry in your android fstab it will be automatically created [13:28] <ogra_> err [13:28] <ogra_> /firmware [13:31] <spazzymoto> hmm [13:31] <spazzymoto> i do have it in my fstab.bacon [13:31] <spazzymoto> but if i check /etc/fstab once booted i dont see an entry for /firmware [13:32] <spazzymoto> and doing an ls /firmware returns nothing either [13:32] <spazzymoto> if i manually mount it with /dev/mmcblk0p1 /firmware vfat ro,shortname=lower,uid=1000,gid=1026,dmask=227,fmask=337,context=u:object_r:firmware_file:s0 wait i can browse the partition [13:33] <ogra_> [13:33] <ogra_> and for the function [13:35] <spazzymoto> thank you let me have a look at that [13:39] <ogra_> hmm, looking at this code, i wonder what happens if you have multiple fstab files in that location :) [13:39] <ogra_> spazzymoto, do you have more than one file that starts with "fstab" in yoour android rootfs ? [13:41] <spazzymoto> ogra, only 1 file hey [13:50] <spazzymoto> i do see the message [ 16.174895] initrd: mounting /dev/disk/by-partlabel/modem as /root/android//firmware [13:50] <lemmster> ogra_: FYI: I successfully flashed Android with this MKT Flash Tool on Windows and the bq firmware reset image. [13:54] <spazzymoto> ah mount: special device /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/modem does not exist :( will try change this to /dev/mmcblk0p1 [13:55] <ogra_> lemmster, right, as i said, you might not be able t go back ... better test that before you start usingthe phone ;) [13:57] <ogra_> spazzymoto, wont that break android then ? [13:57] <lemmster> ogra_: I will try to go back the moment the features I'm missing are there. [13:57] <ogra_> you usually dont have /dev/mmcblkX there [13:57] <dbeal> Is there an Ubuntu Touch that doesn't require Android? [13:57] <ogra_> dbeal, there is the desktop-next image for PCs [13:57] <spazzymoto> orga :/ ah i didnt know that [13:58] <ogra_> spazzymoto, you rather want to make sure your kernel provides /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/modem ... [13:59] <spazzymoto> ogra, thanks for the help. Ill go research on how to make that happen [13:59] <ogra_> :) [13:59] <ogra_> spazzymoto, are you sureat all that you need /firmware on the ubuntu side ? [14:00] <ogra_> usually the modem is completely handled inside the container ... ubuntu talks to it via rild [14:01] <spazzymoto> i might be on the wrong tack. Im seeing these messages in my dmesg [14:01] <spazzymoto> [ 20.829270] msm_ipc_load_default_node: Failed to load modem [ 20.858718] pil-q6v5-mss fc880000.qcom,mss: mba: Failed to locate mba.mdt [14:01] <ogra_> well, that is something your init.rc in the container should handle i guess [14:02] <ogra_> the kernel prints messages for both systems ... it is sometimes hard to allocate them to the right one ... but i guess this one comes from inside the container [14:04] <spazzymoto> ok cool :) let me poke around a bit more. Thanks for putting me on the right path [14:36] <dbeal> Is there a phone with Ubuntu that doesn't require Android? [14:36] <dbeal> [02:27] <ogra_> dbeal, there is the desktop-next image for PCs [14:36] <ogra_> dbeal, no [14:36] <ogra_> if you want to make any use of the hardware yu wont get around using the binary drivers [14:37] <dbeal> In my mind, a phone is a small computer. [14:38] <ogra_> sure [14:38] <dbeal> So is the problem that, for some specific hardware (e.g., Nexus 5 camera), the only drivers available are within Android? [14:38] <ogra_> well, if it would just be the camera :) [14:39] <ogra_> modem, all sensors, gps, camera, graphics chip, audio and video codecs [14:39] <dbeal> Are those all binary only drivers? [14:39] <ogra_> yes [14:40] <dbeal> Is there one for host-mode usb serial support? [14:40] <ogra_> that really depends on the device [14:40] <dbeal> Say for example I wanted to connect a Bus Pirate or Aardvark? [14:41] <dbeal> Arduino also has a usb serial interface. [14:42] <ogra_> as i said, that competely depends on the device you run on [14:43] <dbeal> What about this device? [14:43] <dbeal> [ 1245.529600] usb 1-1: Product: FT232R USB UART [ 1245.529625] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: FTDI [14:43] <ogra_> no idea [14:43] <ogra_> what about it [14:45] <dbeal> I would expect a /dev/ttyUSB* or /dev/ttyACM* entry to appear when connecting a usb serial device. [14:45] <dbeal> With a module like this. [14:45] <ogra_> if your kernel supports it, sure [14:45] <dbeal> usbserial 45100 1 ftdi_sio [14:45] <dbeal> Would I need to recompile the kernel? [14:45] <ogra_> and if the USB interface isnt blocked by something the kernel ships [14:46] <ogra_> i have no idea, really [14:46] <ogra_> totally depends on your device and how the kernel is set up by default, what it already does with the usb port etc etc [14:47] <dbeal> I'm pretty new to the Ubuntu Touch architecture, so I'm not entirely sure how the system works with the lxc and how kernel module compilation works. [14:47] <ogra_> this is a bit like you coming to a car shop, showing a random bolt from your car to a mechanic and asking why the radion doesnt work :) [14:47] <ogra_> *radio [14:48] <ogra_> tha also depends on the device ... for the nexus devces we ue normal linux kernel packages in the archive ... the binaries get dynamically pulled in during the build of the android container in the android package ... for all othr devices we build the kernel during the container build instead of using a binary deb [14:53] <Denco> Hello everybody, I'm trying to figure out if I have a problem with BQ's Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition. Is this correct place to try it? [14:53] <ogra_> you aretrying to figure out ? [14:53] <dbeal> What is the name of the linux kernel and android container package? [14:54] <ogra_> dbeal, the android package is called android ... the kernel packages are linux-image-$your-devices-codename (i.e. "mako" for N4 or "flo" for N7) [14:56] <dbeal> I don't seem to have an "android" package. [14:56] <ogra_> it is in the ubuntu archive [14:57] <dbeal> I don't have a linux-image package installed either. [14:57] <ogra_> installed ? [14:57] <ogra_> no [14:57] <ogra_> these bits live all in the device tarball [14:57] <pmcgowan> Denco, most likely yes [14:58] <dbeal> Where is the device tarball? [14:58] <Denco> My BQ's Aquaris lost 13% of battery in two hours after it was fully charged. I made just 2 phone calls in that time, it was just lying on the table the rest of the time. Is this normal? [14:58] <ogra_> depends on your device once again [14:59] <dbeal> I have an N5. [14:59] <ogra_> dbeal, we don have device taballs for N5 ... [14:59] <ogra_> dbeal, for that i think you need to talk to Tassadar [14:59] <dbeal> So when I ran a system update this morning, it actually rebuilt the kernel? [14:59] <ogra_> no [15:00] <ogra_> it is rebuilt beofore the device tarball hits the server [15:00] <dbeal> It just downloaded a new container binary? [15:00] <dbeal> Oh, ok [15:00] <dbeal> Is there a package I can install to build my own kernel containers? [15:01] <ogra_> not sure how the N5 is maintained [15:02] <ogra_> might be there is a hammerhead linuc-image package somewhere, no idea [15:02] <dbeal> Does the BQ also use Android? [15:02] <Tassadar> yep, there is [15:02] <ogra_> "<ogra_> if you want to make any use of the hardware you wont get around using the binary drivers" [15:02] <ogra_> ^^that applies to all phones ... including the bq indeed [15:03] <dbeal> linux-hammerhead - Complete Linux kernel for the Nexus 5 (hammerhead). [15:04] <dbeal> If I have an N5 device, why don't I need to have linux-image-hammerhead installed? [15:04] <ogra_> because you boot from a boot.img file [15:04] <Tassadar>;a=summary this is the kernel source [15:05] <ogra_> installing the pckage would just waste diskspace ... it wouldnt be used [15:05] <ogra_> *package [15:05] <dbeal> Is there any special reason why the N5 is not officially supported? [15:05] <dbeal> What would I do with the hammerhead kernel package? [15:06] <ogra_> no, no special reason except that canonical doesnt have N5s [15:10] <dbeal> I would be fine with the idea of binary drivers, if they were designed as microkernel-style device drivers. [15:11] <ogra_> well, they are designed as the manufacturer decided ... not much anyone but them can do about that [15:11] <ogra_> its like nvidia on PCs [15:12] <dbeal> e.g., each binary driver operates as an independent process that communicates with a parent kernel solely via message passing. Any process that wanted to talk to the device would then talk directly to the device driver process. [15:12] <ogra_> (except that the binary drivers provided for android are not linked against linux libc but android bionic) [15:13] <ogra_> dbeal, what do you do with the binary daemons that are needed to initialize and configure the driver ? [15:13] <dbeal> It almost seems like the android-as-lxc architecture is a step towards the slippery microkernel slope. [15:13] <ogra_> (note, they are also not linked against libc and wont run on linux out of the box) [15:14] <ogra_> it is the most elegant solution we found to the problem ... [15:15] <ogra_> jolla and firefoxOS have the same issue btw ... [15:15] <Se7> i don t found anymore the fb messanger...was installed...disinstalled...gone from store :/ [15:16] <dbeal> Good question. [15:17] <LeousSama> hey [15:17] <LeousSama> hello [15:21] <LeousSama> I am developing an Ubuntu Phone application "QML app with C++ plugin (cmake)" but I have so many qml files so I want to separate them by functionality [15:21] <LeousSama> ApplicationName [15:21] <LeousSama> CMakeListes.txt [15:21] <LeousSama> .. [15:21] <LeousSama> app [15:21] <LeousSama> CmakeListes.txt [15:21] <LeousSama> [15:21] <LeousSama> tests [15:21] <LeousSama> mainComponents [15:21] <LeousSama> sub directories of mainComponents [15:21] <LeousSama> some files [15:21] <LeousSama> some other files [15:21] <LeousSama> ApplicationName.qml [15:21] <LeousSama> po [15:21] <LeousSama> CMakeListes.txt [15:21] <LeousSama> ApplicationName.apparmor [15:21] <LeousSama> [15:21] <LeousSama> but the "mainComponents" folder dose not appear in the project tree and after some searches I found that I must add CMakeListes.txt in every new folder and this: [15:21] <dbeal> Okay, so you have binary drivers, binary daemons, but you can still build the android lxc kernel? [15:21] <LeousSama> add_subdirectory(folder_name) [15:21] <LeousSama> instruction in the parent folder CMakeListes.txt file but I don't if there is more to add and I don't know how to create the CMakeListes.txt [15:21] <ogra_> LeousSama, please use a pastebin like [15:21] <LeousSama> thanks [15:22] <ogra_> and you might have better luck in #ubuntu-app-devel with that question [15:22] <LeousSama> ok sorry [15:22] <ogra_> dbeal, the kernel luckily desnt care about the libc that is used in the rootfs [15:23] <ogra_> we use a patched android source (see the porting guide from the topic, it explans the kernel changes) [15:23] <ogra_> so the kernel serves both OSes [15:24] <dbeal> But are the binary device drivers all compiled into that kernel? [15:24] <ogra_> no [15:24] <dbeal> No, that wouldn't make sense, would it? [15:24] <ogra_> most of them reside as libs in the container [15:25] <ogra_> or as firmware ... [15:25] <ogra_> or even as daemons [15:25] <dbeal> Ok, so the kernel just has to be binary compatible with the binary kernel modules? [15:25] <ogra_> (which simply include the driver bits) [15:25] <ogra_> right [15:25] <ogra_> and the environment has to provide the files in the right places [15:26] <ogra_> since the binaries usually have hardcoded paths etc [15:26] <ogra_> ifthey read configs or lod other binary stuff [15:26] <ogra_> *load [15:26] <dbeal> Hence the chroot/lxc [15:27] <ogra_> right [15:27] <ogra_> [15:27] <ogra_> that illustrates it pretty well (a bit outdated though) [15:28] <dbeal> Are the modules in /system/lib/modules/ binary-only, or are they the ones you can build from source? [15:28] <ogra_> (and there is a set of arrows missing, the orange par can indeed always talk directly to the kernel too) [15:28] <dbeal> How do I load or inspect the state of one of the binary-only drivers? [15:28] <ogra_> however you would do it on android :) [15:29] <ogra_> differs per device and driver [15:29] <ogra_> you can enter the running contaner with "lxc-console -t0 -nandroid" [15:29] <ogra_> and poke around in there if you like [15:33] <dbeal> It looks like /system/lib/modules looks like it has linux native modules. I might be able to build something like usbserial or cdc_acm support in. [15:33] <ogra_> sure, you should be able to drop them there and update the module deps [15:40] <peat-psuwit> awe_: ping [15:43] <awe_> peat-psuwit, pong [15:44] <peat-psuwit> awe_: Now I have a working fix for ofono now, what should I do to create a new plugin for it? [15:45] <awe_> so we maintain ofono for ubuntu in a github repo [15:45] <awe_> and would be glad to review new pull-requests [15:46] <awe_> one thing that's different than standard ofono plugins [15:46] <dbeal> # mount -oremount,rw /lib/modules mount: cannot remount /dev/loop1 read-write, is write-protected [15:46] <awe_> is we use our own plugin to dynamically load a rilmodem type device plugin vs. using the std udevng plugin normally used by ofono [15:47] <awe_> peat-psuwit, here's the git repo: [15:47] <dbeal> Is it possible to load a .ko from somewhere other than the write-protected /lib/modules? [15:47] <ogra_> sure, you can use insmod ... [15:47] <awe_> peat-psuwit, and here's the plugin we use to dynamically load device-specific ofono plugins: [15:49] <awe_> peat-psuwit, maybe the first step would be to create grab a copy of our repo, apply your changes [15:49] <awe_> have you just changed the existing code directly? [15:50] <awe_> ( ie. modified the ril.c device plugin, and rilmodem code itself ) [15:51] <peat-psuwit> awe_: I actually edit drivers/rilmodem/sim.c in function sim_status_cb [15:51] <peat-psuwit> to call my function that fire another request [15:52] <awe_> are you familiar with git/github? [15:52] <peat-psuwit> I also edit gril stuff to support new type of request. [15:52] <peat-psuwit> awe_: I'm pretty good about git. [15:53] <awe_> ok. then probably the best approach would be to clone our git repo, apply your changes to your own branch, then ask abeato or myself to review [15:53] <awe_> my guess is that you'll probably need to re-work slightly so that it would be acceptable to us [15:53] <awe_> my guess is you'd probably need a device-specific plugin [15:53] <awe_> similar to mtk.c or ril.c [15:54] <awe_> and then some things can be done inline via device quirks [15:54] <awe_> some things ( like overriding functions ) [15:54] <awe_> might require a new modem driver [15:54] <awe_> but again, I would get your code into a git branch on github that we could review, and we can progress from there... [15:55] <peat-psuwit> awe_: Let me upload my version of code to github first. [15:55] <peat-psuwit> Shouldn't be too long. :) [15:57] <awe_> ok [15:57] <awe_> note, we have a lot on our plate at the moment, but will try to squeeze this in as soon as possible [15:57] <awe_> thanks! [16:07] <dbeal> How long will the battery last if I am building a kernel? [16:09] <dbeal> How do I resize my 2G root partition? [16:13] <dbeal> Should I just append zeros to system.img and run resize2fs? [16:15] <ahayzen> Hey is there anyway i can emulate what happens when an OOM hits a specific app (I need to be able todo it manually because the music-app has a lifecycle exception at the moment)? [16:18] <dbeal> # dd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 count=512000 >> /userdata/system.img [16:18] <Talustus> hm no [16:18] <Talustus> dd conv=notrunc oflag=append if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/your/file bs=1M count=1024 [16:18] <Talustus> would append 1GB to it [16:19] <ogra_> ahayzen, i guess tvoss or ricmm could help you ... but i dooubt you will find them online beofre monday/tuuesday [16:19] <ogra_> dbeal, why do you want to do that ? [16:19] <ahayzen> ogra_, ah ok i'll ask then thanks :) [16:19] <ogra_> easter holiday in many european countries :) [16:19] <dbeal> # resize2fs system.img resize2fs 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014) Resizing the filesystem on system.img to 1024000 (4k) blocks. The filesystem on system.img is now 1024000 (4k) blocks long. [16:20] <dbeal> Would a sparse truncate have been better? [16:20] <ogra_> why do you do that ? [16:20] <dbeal> I would like to increase the size of the root partition. [16:20] <ogra_> yes, why ? [16:20] <dbeal> I ran out of space while trying to install the kernel source and build dependencies. [16:21] <ogra_> (i see *what* you do, i was wondering why [16:21] <ogra_> ugh [16:21] * ogra_ quietly points to [16:21] <Talustus> yeah [16:21] <Talustus> why compiling a kernel on the device ^^ [16:21] <ogra_> if you compile *on* the device, just create a chroot [16:21] <Talustus> that would need ages [16:21] <dbeal> Thank you, I am not sure my battery can last through the full compile. [16:21] <ogra_> no need to mess up your system and lose updates etc [16:22] <dbeal> Ok, that seems smarter. [16:23] <ogra_> on your device in /home/phablet: wget ... [16:23] <ogra_> untar .. chroot into the untarred system ... install your build stuff ... [16:23] <ogra_> but for kernels you really want to cross build on a PC ... easier and faster [16:24] <Talustus> i guess a single compile on device will nearly eat your bat.^^ [16:24] <ogra_> yeah, you definitely want to keep it on a charger when doing that [16:25] <ogra_> on a real charger ... not a usb port on your laptop :) [16:31] <dbeal> Cool [16:33] <dbeal> Why do system updates require read-only root partition? [16:33] <ogra_> because the update is a diff between two versions of the rootfs [16:33] <dbeal> A binary diff? [16:33] <ogra_> that only works if the rootfs you have isidentical with the one the server used to create that diff [16:34] <ogra_> yes [16:34] <dbeal> Why doesn't it use something like dist-upgrade? [16:34] <ogra_> would you like your update to take 1h while it configures single packages ? [16:34] <Talustus> and then it fails after 58min and 59s [16:34] <Talustus> :D [16:35] <ogra_> nah, it wouldnt fail but it would detect a conffile change and try to ask you a question about it :) [16:35] <Talustus> ^^ [16:35] <ogra_> (with a pupunder that stays behind the UI indeed) [16:36] <ogra_> *popunder [16:36] <ogra_> applying the diff for the whole rootfs usually takes a few seconds [16:36] <ogra_> while a package by package upgrade takes waaaay longer [16:39] <dbeal> Ah [16:41] <dbeal> If I ran dist-upgrade, would it end up with the same upgrade? [16:42] <ogra_> no [16:42] <ogra_> and it would break sooner or later [16:42] <ogra_> apt is fine for installing a few packages when working on the core system ... but not for much more [16:43] <ogra_> (and with re-flashing the device after your work is done in mind) [16:44] <dbeal> Is there some kind of strategic Ubuntu move towards binary-only distribution releases? [16:45] <ogra_> ?? [16:45] <ogra_> what do you mean by binary-only ? [16:46] <ogra_> all ubuntu releases have always been binary [16:47] <dbeal> Well, a binary-only release requires the system image to be kept immutable in order for it to participate in an upgrade cycle. [16:48] <ogra_> ubuntu will surely switch in the long term to image based upgrades, yes [16:48] <mr_november> Nexus 4 with ubuntu is not being detected on QT creator. it does a device search, detects the phone for a second and then goes back to searching.. [16:48] <ogra_> effectively ubuntu will switch to snappy everywhere at some point [16:49] <mr_november> I am not able to figure this out. Are there logs on the phone somewhere? [16:49] <ogra_> mr_november, is the screen unlocked ? [16:49] <mr_november> Yes [16:49] <ogra_> and developer mode is enabled ? [16:49] <dbeal> In order for this upgrade cycle to be tenable, the entire system image would have to remain immutable indefinitely. [16:49] <mr_november> Yep [16:49] <ogra_> dbeal, yes, anything wrong with that ? [16:50] <mr_november> The phone shows battery charging and not charging with same fluctuation [16:50] <mr_november> As soon as I quit QT creator, the phone charges constantly [16:50] <ogra_> mr_november, that sounds like a hardware prob ... [16:50] <mr_november> I have tested the cable [16:50] <mr_november> I am able to push several files using adb [16:50] <ogra_> very weird [16:50] <mr_november> I know! [16:51] <dbeal> How do I customize the Ubuntu system if its system image must remain immutable? [16:51] <ogra_> have you checked if you are up to date with all sdk related packages ? [16:51] <mr_november> I just installed them yesterday from the ppa. also did a dist-upgrade [16:52] <ogra_> is the bttery level very low or some such ? [16:52] <mr_november> It is at 80% right now [16:52] <ogra_> did you tinker in any way with the phone install ? [16:53] <ogra_> (making it writable, changing system bits) [16:53] <dbeal> I was not aware of the new Snappy strategy.. [16:54] <ogra_> dbeal, snappy brings 100% upgrade safety ... cant really claim that for apt upgrades ... there are always corner cases where upgrades fail [16:54] <mterry> chrisccoulson, man, is jenkins down or something? I was really hoping that the mirserver oxide branch would generate debs overnight. I've been cross compiling this morning to test. I already miss working with Qml [16:54] <mr_november> ogra_, not that I can recall. I have just used adb for pushing files etc. [16:55] <dbeal> snappy: command not found [16:56] <ogra_> mr_november, well, it seems like somthing the sdk does causes this ... while i work on the developer mode, this part seems fine to me (adb works) ... i'm not sure ifyou can stillcatch anyone from the sdk team to help in #ubuntu-app-devel (easter holidays all over europe this weekend) [16:56] <ogra_> dbeal, that only works on a snappy system :) [16:56] <mr_november> ogra_, I see, thanks though [16:57] <mr_november> I just noticed that I cannot access the storage through the file explorer [16:57] <dbeal> This is the first time I'm hearing about snappy and Ubuntu Core. Does snappy work with Ubuntu Touch? [16:57] <mr_november> That's new. [16:57] <ogra_> dbeal, not yet ... snappy is the next evolution step of the technology we developed for the phone ... [16:57] <dbeal> Is Ubuntu Touch just being snappy-esque with its binary image updates? [16:58] <ogra_> at some point the phone will move to snappy as a base [16:58] <dbeal> I see. [16:58] <ogra_> snappy was developed out of the phon system ... now went its own way and once matured it will return to the phone :) [17:01] <dbeal> Like a snappy boomerang? [17:01] <dbeal> Is snappy ready for desktop use? [17:01] <ogra_> more like a child that has grown up [17:02] <ogra_> not yet, no [17:02] <ogra_> the framework interface isnt 100% done yet ... on snappy nothing talks directly to the system and graphical apps require a graphics server framework fist [17:03] <ogra_> snappy focus is on cloud and IoT currently [17:03] <dbeal> IoT as in BeagleBone Black? [17:03] <ogra_> i know mterry did some hackery of dumping a whole desktop into one snap package though [17:03] <dbeal> Or Intel Edison? [17:03] <ogra_> right [17:03] <ogra_> or RPi ... [17:04] <ogra_> or ninjasphere ... [17:10] <dbeal> How is a snappy system customized? [17:10] <ogra_> not at all ... [17:10] <ogra_> what would you customize ? [17:11] <dbeal> Anything and everything, I suppose. [17:11] <ogra_> you would have to create your own image if you wanted that [17:11] <ogra_> at last for the 100MB or so that the core system is [17:11] <mterry> chrisccoulson, is there a release of oxide happening anyway? Or is this mirserver patch the only thing waiting? [17:12] <mterry> kgunn, btw bug 1439829 is a vivid regression that is pretty serious in terms of being a crash during wizard. Wanted to put it on your radar [17:16] <bzoltan> ogra_: holidays are overrated :) mr_november -> I can try to help if it still does not work [17:17] <mr_november> Thanks bzoltan [17:17] <ogra_> bzoltan, nah, holidays are the days where you can program your private projects ;) [17:17] <mr_november> I am still not getting a stable detect on QT creator [17:18] <ogra_> bzoltan, sounds a bit like it falls over when establishing ssh on top of the adb connection (iirc thats what you do) [17:19] <bzoltan> ogra_: I am done with that for today :) I was hacking on a blckbox wifi sd card what came with chinese labels... not a victory march [17:20] <bzoltan> mr_november: ogra_ : the device detection does not use much ssh. [17:20] <ogra_> well, i'm still crying over the G+ apis here ... trying to finish my semi native G+ app sharing bits for photos and videos [17:20] <bzoltan> mr_november: so what is the symptom? [17:20] <mr_november> Sure, I'll try to explain in detail. [17:21] <mr_november> When I connect the nexus 4 to my laptop using USB, usually everything is fine. I can browse files in the explorer, adb devices lists it, I can even push a large file [17:21] <mr_november> And the device is charging of course . As soon as I run QT Creator though [17:22] <chrisccoulson> mterry, the next release is from the current stable branch (, which is in here already [17:22] <mterry> chrisccoulson, I was just wondering if it wouldn't be faster to test this fix in a silo [17:23] <chrisccoulson> mterry, what sort of hardware are you building on? [17:23] <mr_november> It starts fluctuating. The charging symbol goes on and off, it disappears and reappears in the file explorer, and the QT creator device log shows 'detecting device' and then detected and then back to detecting [17:23] <mterry> chrisccoulson, cross compiling on my laptop :( [17:23] <chrisccoulson> mterry, this is for testing on the device? [17:24] <bzoltan> mr_november: most of the device connectivity is done by simple scripts under /usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts/ [17:24] <mterry> chrisccoulson, yah [17:24] <chrisccoulson> mterry, and vivid? [17:24] <mterry> chrisccoulson, yeah [17:24] <mr_november> bzoltan, okay [17:24] <bzoltan> mr_november: try the device_search device_version device_wait_for_shell to see if they return smart values or hang or print some crap [17:25] <chrisccoulson> mterry, I've already got a fully built tree here for vivid/armhf. I could probably create a build for you in about 5 minutes :) [17:25] <bzoltan> mr_november: but form what you say it feels that your adbd is unstable or doing something odd [17:26] <mterry> chrisccoulson, you lovely lovely person [17:26] <mterry> chrisccoulson, I just wanted to test that mirserver branch [17:26] <mr_november> bzoltan, I see. I am going to try the scripts [17:26] <mterry> chrisccoulson, I don't *think* it needs modification per greyback's comments -- the current code checks the return of the eglcontext call [17:27] <Se7> an app uninstalled leave trace on the device? [17:27] <chrisccoulson> mterry, it won't be a package though (I have a script that creates a tarball, which provides a wrapper script for testing the new version) [17:27] <chrisccoulson> but you can probably copy the files wherever [17:27] <bzoltan> mr_november: and please check your syslog too. I am afraid that the QtC is just a victim here ... if the system thinks that the usb device was disconnected then it does what you say [17:28] <bzoltan> mr_november: and the charging symbol does indicate that it receives current for some time and then it looses it [17:28] <chrisccoulson> mterry, aha, you need to add an #include <QLatin1String> to all of the modified files :) [17:28] <chrisccoulson> it fails to build here [17:28] <mterry> chrisccoulson, ah! Good ok [17:29] <mr_november> bzoltan, but the current is stable when qt creator is off [17:30] <mr_november> also device_search returned a positive result [17:30] <bzoltan> mr_november: what about the device_version [17:30] <chrisccoulson> mterry, how were you doing a cross-build btw? Are you using the packaging? (Note, I haven't tried using that) [17:30] <mr_november> is my device version 25? [17:31] <mr_november> bzoltan, also device wait for shell is not in this folder [17:31] <mterry> chrisccoulson, updated. Yeah, I was doing a pbuilder build [17:31] <chrisccoulson> mterry, aha, I'm not sure how much success you would have with that, given that Chromium needs both a target and host compiler [17:32] <bzoltan> mr_november: /usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts/device_wait_for_shell [17:32] <chrisccoulson> mterry, Oxide supports cross-compiling without the packaging - :) [17:32] <chrisccoulson> I did start writing some instructions for it a while ago, but never got around to finishing them ( [17:32] <mterry> chrisccoulson, I've only really dealt with oxide yesterday and today but I already hate it [17:32] <chrisccoulson> heh [17:33] <mr_november> bzoltan, device_version result is device_version: 25: ./ function: not found [17:33] * ogra_ wonders how to tell a webview about the timezone he is in ... [17:33] <chrisccoulson> mterry, you need a fairly quick machine (I have 16GB of RAM and a Samsung 840 Pro SSD) [17:34] <bzoltan> mr_november: you need to be in that directory [17:34] <ogra_> timestamps in articles in a page i show in the webview always jump around between UTC and my timezone depending on how often i reload [17:35] <chrisccoulson> mterry, ok, that's linking now :) [17:35] <mr_november> bzoltan, I am in /usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts [17:35] <mterry> chrisccoulson, sweet [17:35] <bzoltan> mr_november: well, if you do not have the there then your SDK is prety badly busted [17:36] <mr_november> is there [17:36] <mr_november> device_search returns 0098f70d1d524baa device usb:2-1.1 product:occam model:Nexus_4 device:mako [17:37] <bzoltan> mr_november: so what `./device_version 0098f70d1d524baa` tells [17:38] <bzoltan> mr_november: and ./device_wait_for_shell 0098f70d1d524baa [17:38] <mr_november> hold on [17:39] <mr_november> The first one returned nothing [17:39] <mr_november> :| [17:40] <mr_november> And second returns no such file or directory [17:40] <mr_november> I think I should reinstall qt creator [17:41] <bzoltan> mr_november: I think you should remove all sdk and qtc related packages, check that you do not have any legacy PPAs or old packages and install it from the scratch [17:42] <mr_november> bzoltan, just to check, I am on precise. Does that matter? [17:42] <bzoltan> mr_november: Err :) it does [17:42] <mr_november> Oh great [17:42] <bzoltan> mr_november: you need to get permission from the archeology authorities to use such old SDK [17:43] <mr_november> Lol [17:44] <bzoltan> mr_november: Okey :) at least we have figured out what the problem is. Enjoy your upgrade :) Trusty is cool. [17:45] <mr_november> bzoltan, Trusty Tahr it is then, thanks [17:45] * ogra_ sighs about timezones ... [17:45] <mr_november> bzoltan, until then, can you help me with something [17:46] <mr_november> is there a way I can export all my SMSs? [17:47] <ogra_> so if i click a link, the time is right on the target page when it loads first ... once i reload the page, the timestamp jumps to UTC [17:47] * ogra_ doesnt get that ... [17:48] <ogra_> chrisccoulson, is there any secret property in oxide i could use to tell a webview about the timezone a user is in ? [17:50] <spazzymoto> ogra, after some playing around it seems the partitions in my fstab.bacon are not mounting in the lxc container. Any ideas on how i can start to debug why? [17:50] <ogra_> spazzymoto, check syslog and /var/log/dmesg [18:04] <peat-psuwit> awe_: [18:05] <peat-psuwit> awe_: Sorry for a delay. I was implementing multi-sim, but doesn't work. [18:06] <peat-psuwit> That code doesn't for 2nd slot, but can be used for 1st one. [18:06] <awe_> peat-psuwit, so is this a working branch, or do you still have work to do? [18:06] <awe_> ok [18:06] <awe_> as mentioned, I won't be able to get to this till next week sometime, but I'll share with abeato [18:07] <awe_> fyi, you might want to change your description to mention the specific device. The base rilmodem code works on the nexus4, which is a Qualcomm device [18:08] <peat-psuwit> awe_: Oh, I forgot that. I'll edit that now. [18:10] <peat-psuwit> awe_: Done. [18:10] <awe_> thanks [18:11] <peat-psuwit> awe_: How should I distribute this in my port? [18:12] <awe_> well, we need to get the patch right first [18:12] <awe_> we have try to maintain a single ubuntu read-only filesystem for touch images [18:12] <awe_> so the idea would be to get your changes into the archive at some point [18:12] <awe_> but as I mentioned, we need to first review, and I imagine they'll be some changes [18:14] <awe_> if you really want/need to build a derivative image with custom packages, it's possible, but a lot of work, and you'd need to discuss someone else like maybe ogra_ [18:14] <peat-psuwit> awe_: It'll probably miss vivid's freeze deadline, right? [18:15] <awe_> well, as ofono is really only used by touch, it's possible you might be able to get it in still, but that's not something I can answer right now [18:15] <ogra_> for hacks you can ship stuff inside the device tarball [18:15] <awe_> packages? [18:15] <ogra_> no, files [18:15] <awe_> yea, this needs a package [18:15] <ogra_> and they get bind mounted into the rootfs [18:15] <ogra_> so you need the "mountpoint files" in the rootfs too for that [18:16] <awe_> peat-psuwit, again we'll need to review, and that'll have to wait till next week sometime... we have a lot of other work on our plate atm [18:16] <awe_> so let's talk more next week [18:16] <awe_> there's not much I can tell you today [18:16] <peat-psuwit> awe_: That's fine. Thank you! [18:16] <awe_> np [18:17] <peat-psuwit> ogra_: You mean extract files in android's tree, and get them included in system image? [18:18] <awe_> peat-psuwit, you probably don't want to go there... [18:18] <ogra_> peat-psuwit, in your android tree there is an ubuntu/ subdir ... [18:18] <ogra_> files in there will get bind mounted over existing files in the ubuntu rootfs if the path patches something existing [18:18] <ogra_> s/pathes/matches/ [18:20] <peat-psuwit> ogra_: Oh, I miss that. You mean in device tarball, the same one that ships system.img, right? [18:27] <ogra_> yes [18:27] <kenvandine> renato___, in case you're around, check out [18:27] <ogra_> but your target file needs to exist, as i said [18:28] <ogra_> since it will serve as mountpint for a bind mount [18:28] <kenvandine> renato___, it's mostly what we discussed, is a QByteArray and adds a streamType property for the mime-type [18:29] <kenvandine> renato___, and i added convenience getter/setter for text which sets the stream to a string and the streamType to plain/text [18:29] <peat-psuwit> ogra_: Okay, I'll try that. [18:29] <kenvandine> renato___, i still need to do the same with url, store it in the same stream instead of a separate variable, i'll get to that after i get back from vacation :) [19:13] <Se7> shit fb app crashed all phone [20:18] <ogra_> hmm, now i thought there is a new version of popey's stallboard with tedg's voice ... ... [20:19] <ogra_> ... but in the end it isnt :) [20:19] <tedg> :-( [21:00] <brunch875> Wohooo! New keyboard for 20€. And it's a good one! I'm like a child with a new toy [21:00] <brunch875> By the way, GPS has stopped working at all for me [21:00] <brunch875> nothing works, even after factory reset [21:00] <brunch875> Is there trouble with the servers or am I the only one?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Denco", "DonkeyHotei", "EdwardMorbius", "FR43D14Z", "Isotop7", "Laney", "LeousSama", "Se7", "Talustus", "Tassadar", "ahayzen", "awe_", "brunch875", "bzoltan", "chrisccoulson", "danrik", "dbeal", "didrocks", "greyback", "k1l", "kenvandine", "lemmster", "mr_november", "mterry", "ogra_", "peat-psuwit", "pmcgowan", "rickspencer3", "seb128", "spazzymoto", "tedg" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[03:18] <samahui_pi> 불금의 점심시간 입니다. 즐거운 점심시간들 보내시고 불금을 즐기세요~~ [03:19] <razGon_MINILA> 맛점요 [04:28] <jun__> 안녕하세요~ 우중충한 불타는 금요일 오후입니다!!!! [04:36] <jun__> 다들 바쁘신지 반겨주시는 분이 안계시네요;;;;;; [04:36] <jun__> ㅜㅜ [04:48] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ [04:52] <Dracokr> ㅋㅋㅋ [05:06] <bluedusk> 안녕하세요 [05:41] <jun__> 불금이니까 [05:41] <jun__> 역시 시간이 안가네요;;; [05:41] <jun__> 놀고 싶어라~~~~~~ [06:39] <ZNC_autowiz> 보통 뭐하고 노시나요? [07:05] <jun__> 음~ 글세요... 집에서 티비보기..?? [07:05] <jun__> 오늘도 야구 봐야죠 ㅎㅎㅎ [07:13] <Dracokr> 영화, 게임 [07:13] <Dracokr> 요즘은 딸이랑 놀아요 [07:13] <Dracokr> 딸이 최고임 하악....귀여버 [07:34] <ZNC_autowiz> 아 부럽 [08:45] <samahui_pi> 푸하하하 [08:45] <samahui_pi> 오늘 대박 사고 치신 분이 한분 계시는군요 [08:45] <samahui_pi> 전기 절약운동이다뭐다 한다고 멀티탭 내려버린 영업부장이 한분 계시네요 덕분에 일하던거 몇명이 날려먹고 개벌서버 죽고 ㅎㅎ;; [08:46] <samahui_pi> 반나절 복구작업만 했습니다. 사장님이 가만히있어 그게 너가 회사를 위하는거야 라는 말을 대놓고 면전에 해 [08:46] <samahui_pi> 버렸네요 [08:46] <samahui_pi> ㅎㅎ [08:50] <samahui_pi> 불금 즐겁게들 보내세요~ 해외에 계신 Seony님은 내일 즐기시구요 [08:50] <samahui_pi> 전 이만 칼퇴근 들어갑니다 푸하하하 [08:52] <samahui_TPC> 세상에서 가장 싫은 사람이 가려고 준비하는 그 순간 일주는 사람 ㅜㅜ [09:16] <jun__> 저도 이만 퇴근합니다~ 다들 불금 보내세요^^ [09:17] <PotatoGim> 저도 오늘은 걸치러~ 불금들 되세요~ [09:19] <samahui_TPC> 즐거운 시간들 보내세요 [09:19] <samahui_TPC> 전 대충 정리하는데로 불금을 즐기러 갈겁니다 [09:20] <samahui_TPC> 나중에 뵈요~ [09:28] <ZNC_autowiz> 슬슬 퇴근들 하고 계시는가요? [11:59] <razgon_MBP> 리하이요 [12:15] <razgon_MBP> 아름다운밤이에요.ㅋ [13:10] <ghg_> 안녕하세요~ 전 지금 이 밤에 무슨 필이 탔는지 런치패드에 가입했습니다 ㅎㅎ [17:27] <razgon_MBP> 자다가 깻네요. [17:27] <razgon_MBP> 다시 잠드렵니다.ㅋ
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Dracokr", "HolyKnight", "PotatoGim", "ZNC_autowiz", "bluedusk", "ghg_", "jun__", "razGon_MINILA", "razgon_MBP", "samahui_TPC", "samahui_pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[01:30] <robru> Hey release team, does this change need an FFe?*view*/ it technically adds new features but they're only used for testing as far as I can tell, shouldn't affect the image really [01:32] <infinity> robru: I wonder what "futher" is. [01:33] <robru> infinity: new NSA spying tools surely. [01:34] <infinity> robru: Anyhow, that sure likes like features to me, but without seeing the actual diff, who can say how invasive it is. [01:35] <robru> infinity:*view*/ here's the full diff [01:35] <infinity> robru: THat said, I assume from the package name that the whole thing is just a mocking tool, so if things that use it for tests don't all regress, it's probably fine. [01:35] <robru> infinity: that's what I was thinking [01:36] <infinity> robru: So, the output of "reverse-depends -b src:libqtdbusmock" is rather short. [01:36] <infinity> robru: If there's any concern at all, copy all of those into the same silo, see if they build and pass their testsuites, then delete them before you publish. [01:36] <robru> infinity: looks right to me (although I'm not intimiately familiar). it is a newish tool [01:37] <robru> infinity: define concern? is it not ok to just publish this and let the regular proposed-migration decide whether it regresses or not? [01:37] <infinity> robru: p-m won't notice this sort of regression, unless all those rdeps happen to have autopkgtests that rebuild the packages and rerun the testsuites. Which they might, but might not. [01:38] <infinity> robru: I dunno, I'm not hugely concerned. It's the same upstreams (more or less) for all of this, so if they broke their own testing tool, they'll find out soon enough. :P [01:38] <robru> infinity: well indicator-network is already part of the same silo and it passed the build & also went through qa already [01:39] <infinity> robru: Did it pull in the new libqtdbusmock when it built, though? [01:39] <robru> infinity: hm, let me check that... [01:39] * infinity looks for a build log. [01:40] <infinity> Yup, it did. [01:40] <infinity> That satisfies me, then. [01:40] <robru> infinity: yeah just grabbed the buildlog myself, looks legit [01:40] <infinity> No further FFe faff needed, let 'er go. [01:40] <robru> infinity: ok thanks [03:06] <robru> infinity: seems libqtdbusmock got stuck in UNAPPROVED, can you poke that through? thx [03:53] <infinity> robru: Was planning on it, just went out for a burger. :P [03:59] <robru> infinity: ah, thanks [15:19] <smoser> can i get someone to take a look at taht ^ [15:19] <smoser> didrocks, are you able ? [15:20] <ogra_> no, he is french [15:20] <ogra_> :P [15:58] <didrocks> smoser: I'm not in the release team, so I technically can, but can't :p [16:01] <smoser> i didn't know if you were on release team. [16:02] <smoser> so ogra_, it wasn't *just* because he's was french. [16:02] * smoser works on his english :) [16:03] <didrocks> ahah [16:29] <smoser> pretty please, can someone on the release team ack that for me ? the bug has hopefully reasonable description of why the fix is ok.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "didrocks", "infinity", "ogra_", "robru", "smoser" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-release" }
[00:57] <benjamin__> hi [00:58] <ianorlin> hi benjamin__ can I help you? [01:02] <benjamin__> humm.. i wanted to know if this is a problem in lubuntu when i open a window and move it on a aother window it gets a bit slow i have a Pentium 4 Intel [01:03] <ianorlin> benjamin__: what kind of graphics are you using ? [01:04] <benjamin__> i not really sure .. this computer had windows 2000 on it in the past. [01:04] <ianorlin> benjamin if you want the windows side by side you can press the windows key and right or left arrow on it [01:05] <ianorlin> to make them on the right or left half [01:05] <ianorlin> and then the really laggy movement won't be difficult [01:05] <ianorlin> also it might be you are running low on ram on old hardware [01:06] <benjamin__> thanks i am really new to Linux thanks for that help.! [04:14] <aarondabomb> Yo, I'm running a respin of lubuntu called lxle. Recently, an interesting overlay has been appearing on my desktop when I log in, displaying random system information, such as cpu usage and memory hogging applications. Can anyone point me in the right direction of what this might be? [04:14] <ianorlin> aarondabomb: that is not supported here but I think you are talking about conky [04:15] <aarondabomb> I definitely am, sorry, I just found it [04:16] <aarondabomb> ianorlin lxle links to you all for support, might want to contact them (referring to IRC section at [04:16] <ianorlin> aarondabomb: we know [04:17] <aarondabomb> ianorlin: oh haha, sorry. I'll keep it in mind then [04:17] <aarondabomb> thanks though [15:30] <Na_Klar> Can you think of a reason my lubuntu 14.04.2 cannot handle the key combination "left+up+g"? When holding "left" and "up" and then pressing several keys, all work, except "g" and "h" and some other. But the most work. It does not work e.g. in Leafpad or in the Terminal or when playing a game. Is this OS related, or is it my hardware (Acer E5 571)? It does not work neither with the laptop keyboard or an USB keyboard. [16:02] <holstein> Na_Klar: bad hardware, or incorrect config.. [16:02] <holstein> i would try as the guest user, and i would try either the official supported os or a "known good" (ideally) live iso [16:08] <Na_Klar> I'll try with lubuntu 12.04 and puppy linux .. both known for me as working in this regard .. thx so far [16:08] <holstein> that should tell you if its "hardware" or not.. and then, you can move on to working with the config, or fixing the hardware.. [18:30] <tmillc> hi, I had sound and now I don't. I installed pavucontrol and it's showing activity while I'm playing something in vlc. How should I go about diagnosing this? [18:31] <holstein> tmillc: i would check the mute.. i have found that, i will need to manually mute and unmute in either the GUI or the keyboard controls [18:31] <holstein> even if it says its not muted.. [18:42] <tmillc> holstein: hmm, no luck [18:43] <holstein> tmillc: what do i do? i test with either the officially supported operating system, or a "known good" live iso, one that i *know* my hardware support.. i then see if my hardware is functioning properly with that test [18:43] <tmillc> holstein: ahhhh wait no, got it! [18:43] <holstein> then, i check the bios, and i'll use the tool you reference, pavucontrol, as well as, aplay -l and arecord -l and alsamixer, trusting *no* labels,a nd tweaking *everything* [18:44] <tmillc> I was toggling mute in the "Playback" section [18:44] <tmillc> I should definitely get myself a live cd. I used to exclusively use linux for many years, just coming back to it now :) [18:44] <holstein> tmillc: wb :) [18:45] <tmillc> thanks haha. Now windows just enrages me. The random slowdowns/etc, ugh. [20:50] <GardenGreen> is there a way to tile or cascade windows? [20:51] <GardenGreen> i have two windows i'd like to tile side by side or top and bottom so i can review both [20:52] <ianorlin> yes super (windows key) plus left and right or up and down [21:08] <ianorlin> GardenGreen: ^^ [21:08] <GardenGreen> hi! :) [21:09] <GardenGreen> ianorlin, thank you [23:35] <NinjaKirby> THE KING IN THE NORTH!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "GardenGreen", "Na_Klar", "NinjaKirby", "aarondabomb", "benjamin__", "holstein", "ianorlin", "tmillc" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[10:11] <grek> czesc [10:11] <grek> wie moze ktos jak odpalic zagubionuy program [10:11] <grek> [10:11] <gjm> pacman -Ql picapy [10:11] <gjm> :> [10:12] <grek> ? [10:13] <grek> ze co :) [10:16] <TheNumb> grek: dpkg -L picapy [10:17] <grek> [10:18] <TheNumb> /opt/ [10:18] <TheNumb> hmm ;] [10:19] <TheNumb> /usr/share/applications/extras-picapy.desktop [10:19] <TheNumb> hmm [10:19] <TheNumb> ciekawe gdzie może być ten program [10:20] <Ashiren> ln -s /dev/null /bin/picapy [10:31] <grek> chyba ccos to nie dziala [10:31] <grek> [10:31] <grek> program jest w /opt/ [10:31] <grek> tak jest w tym desktop [10:31] <TheNumb> nie masz zainstalowanego python-lxml [10:31] <TheNumb> ktoś wdupił i nie umie dobrze zapaczkować [10:32] <grek> ok doinstaluje to [10:32] <TheNumb> ja zmykam [10:33] <grek> ok dzieki za pomoc [10:34] <grek> ale i tak to nie dziala :) [10:45] <gjm> pebkac [22:00] <Ashiren> happy Caturday :3
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ashiren", "TheNumb", "gjm", "grek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[19:40] <jerryt> We're running a Dell server with hardware raid. When we do IO operations such as extracting a large tar file a kworker process pegs IO at 99% or so. pref points to cpu_startup_entry [19:40] <jerryt> Any ideas? [21:18] <JanC> jerryt: obvious question: is that real hardware RAID or fake hardware RAID which relies on the drivers/CPU to do the hard work? also: how large is the tar file compared to RAM? and does it use compression and/or encryption?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JanC", "jerryt" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-kernel" }
[01:48] <snadge> i've found a bug that specifically effects gnome-flashback but im trying to figure out what the actual bug is [01:51] <snadge> in a nutshell.. the pptp vpn applet in network manager, wont connect and gives this error "NetworkManager[5971]: <error> [1428024767.629835] [vpn-manager/nm-vpn-connection.c:1778] get_secrets_cb(): Failed to request VPN secrets #2: (6) No agents were available for this request." [01:51] <snadge> if i use unity, it works.. the only remotely relevant thing i can find by searching for this error is [01:53] <snadge> [01:53] <snadge> i guess i could look at the source code :/ [02:09] <snadge> where is /var/log/debug ? [09:15] <lordievader> Good morning. [09:17] <snadge> morning :) [09:18] <snadge> i have found the specific version of gnome flashback which has introduced a regression [09:18] <snadge> [09:19] <snadge> ubuntu7 works fine.. and ubuntu8 onwards doesnt.. basically pptp vpns have stopped working [09:19] <snadge> that was a painful process to go through.. do i just submit a bug report against gnome-flashback ? [11:11] <lord_cotton> I have screen tearing in Kubuntu 15.04 [11:11] <lord_cotton> I think this is since ht elast update [11:12] <soee> lord_cotton: with propriety drivers ? [11:12] <lord_cotton> yeah [11:12] <soee> lord_cotton: be sure to set full screen repaint for compositor settings in System Settings [11:12] <lord_cotton> alright thanks [11:14] <soee> lord_cotton: also you might want to check [11:15] <lord_cotton> noted, thanks [11:24] <solsTiCe> hi. I don't know if it's weird. I run manually fstrim -a. and then a second time fstrim -a -v. but the seocnd time it shows 0 bytes trimmed. Is it that it does not trim anything at all or that the second time it knows it has nothing to trim ? [11:27] * penguin42 has never used fstrim but that doesn't surprise me - if you've already squashed it out what else is there to do [11:32] <solsTiCe> I think inprevious version in reported always the same amount, corresponding to the amount of free space on fs. so now it seems to know what needs to be trimmed or not. or know what the ssd has trimmed given the command ? [11:35] <penguin42> solsTiCe: Hmm yes, the manpage does say for -v that it reports the number of blocks sent from the filesystem to the block layer, so it should stay the same ish [11:37] <solsTiCe> but here the second time it reports 0 bytes. so it does not anything the seocnd time ? [11:39] <penguin42> yeh not sure [13:33] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [13:36] <penguin42> hey BK [13:51] <BluesKaj> hey penguin42 [13:52] <penguin42> hey BK [20:16] <Erthe> Hey folks. On Kubuntu 15.04, does anyone have a solution as of yet for logging out? When I try to logout by any means the screen goes black but I can still move the mouse cursor; have to switch to tty2 and kill the pid. [20:17] <Erthe> Beta 2. [20:21] <penguin42> I don't think I've hit that, but try just typing poweroff at a terminal [20:22] <lordievader> xennex81: Could you pastebin your sources.list? [20:22] <xennex81> it has the lock on the /var/lib/dpkg/lock file. [20:23] <lordievader> xennex81: That is for later, please pastebin your sources.list. [20:25] <xennex81> busy [20:25] <xennex81> [20:28] <lordievader> As I figured, any errors when you run 'sudo apt-get update'? [20:29] <lordievader> xennex81: If I am right in saying that you are Dutch I'd find it odd that you are not in #ubuntu-nl ;) [20:33] <xennex81> i am never in homeborn channels ;-) [20:33] <xennex81> . [20:33] <xennex81> I also dislike homeborn chat forums or support forums. [20:33] <xennex81> sorry, I had to take a shower for something. [20:34] <xennex81> you know the source.list gets truncated by the installer right? [20:34] <xennex81> I haven't killed the thing yet [20:34] <lordievader> xennex81: It doesn't/ [20:35] <lordievader> It get's edited. [20:35] <xennex81> it says it disables some sources like multiverse [20:35] <xennex81> that's what I mean [20:35] <lordievader> Correct, it will disable things (like ppa's). [20:35] <xennex81> sorry [20:36] <xennex81> there is a button called Show Terminal that doesn't respond. [20:37] <lordievader> xennex81: Kill the Muon process, it probably crashed somewhere and doesn't do anything anyways. [20:37] <xennex81> I am going to kill the python script see what it does [20:41] <xennex81> it took away the update screen and I am now seeing what will happen if I do it again [20:41] <xennex81> if I activate it again. [20:42] <xennex81> but I'm reading a bit about the help file that gets shown [20:42] <xennex81> with the community pages [20:43] <xennex81> so i'll be back in a ziffy [20:43] <xennex81> ;-) [20:43] <xennex81> ziffy, what a word, I still don't know that word. [20:43] <xennex81> ... [20:43] <lordievader> Clearly you'll figure it out yourself ;) [21:12] <MoPac> I'm encountering a problem with my CPU frequencies getting "stuck" at one value, like the governor has stopped adjusting them in response to need. But I'm not really sure where to start in terms of identifying the underlying issue. E.g., I notice that the machine is struggling under a moderate load under "performance". [21:13] <MoPac> cpupower's frequency-info says the freq is 800MHz or 1.5GHz, and the fan is quiet. Using the indicator tool, I flip to "powersave", and the fans rev up along with the frequency. I can then choose my preferred governor and have it work (at least for a while) [23:51] <spagewmf> Is this the channel for 15.04? I did a painless dist-upgrade to it, but am havingproblems getting it to load my encrypted swap and disk. [23:53] <spagewmf> I installed the cryptsetup package and made my /dev/sda3 and /dev/sdb1 encrypted partitions. [23:55] <spagewmf> Problem is boot doesn't know anything about these. I think the problem is /lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-cryptsetup-generator does not run at boot. [23:56] <spagewmf> BTW, a lot of documentation refers to /usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-cryptsetup-generator , but it's not there, it's in /lib/systemd/system-generators (no /usr) [23:58] <spagewmf> there's a reference in systemd-cryptsetup-generator(8) "systemd-cryptsetup-generator understands the following kernel command line parameters:... luks=" which sounds like it makes the generator run early at boot. [23:59] <spagewmf> so I think all I have to do is change my grub boot options to add this, but I'm not sure how.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Erthe", "MoPac", "lord_cotton", "lordievader", "penguin42", "snadge", "soee", "solsTiCe", "spagewmf", "xennex81" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }
[05:33] <mup> Bug #1439945 was opened: Conflicting timeouts for commissioning, perhaps other actions <MAAS:New> <> [15:20] <mup> Bug #1440090 was opened: NIC information (networks / PXE interface) get's lost due to re-discovering NIC's during commissioning <MAAS:Triaged by rbanffy> <> [15:50] <mup> Bug #1440102 was opened: MACAddress claim_static_ips and set_static_ip should update the required hostmaps not the caller <tech-debt> <MAAS:Triaged> <> [15:56] <mup> Bug #1440102 changed: MACAddress claim_static_ips and set_static_ip should update the required hostmaps not the caller <tech-debt> <MAAS:Triaged> <> [16:02] <mup> Bug #1440102 was opened: MACAddress claim_static_ips and set_static_ip should update the required hostmaps not the caller <tech-debt> <MAAS:Triaged> <>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "mup" ], "url": "", "channel": "#maas" }
[09:41] <elias_a> IhqTzup_: Selviskö se ajuriasia? [11:34] <marsupapu> Onko jollakii onnistumiskokemuksia Ubuntusta ja iPodista? [11:35] <marsupapu> Miulle pääty tollanen iPod Classic. En vaan pääse siihen käsiks en bansheella enkä gtkpodilla kun en saa rakkinetta liitettyä tiedostojärjestelmään. [11:36] <marsupapu> Näkyy kyllä Cajassa ja lsusbissa mutta ei liitä. [11:47] <tale> marsupapu: [11:54] <marsupapu> Oon mie tuota tavannu mut en oo kyllä (puusilmäsyyttäni) löytäny ratkasua tähän mounttaamisongelmaan [11:55] <tale> Onko välttämätöntä liittää se iPod? [11:56] <tale> Onko siinä iPodissa liian uusi firmware? [11:57] <marsupapu> No kyllä se liittäminen auttaisi siinä että banshee tai gtkpod sen näkisi [11:57] <marsupapu> ei pitäs kyllä olla liian uusi firmiskään [11:58] <tale> [12:02] <marsupapu> vuosimallin 2008 tjsp iPod Classic on kyseessä että ei pitäis olla kyllä liian uusi. Muistaakseni sainkin tän joskus näkymään rytmilaatikossa pari vuotta sitten. [12:40] <marsupapu> Paras ois tietenki tehä tästä roppelosta verkonpaino tms. ja hankkii mp3-soitin joka käyttäytyy massamuistilaitteena mutta ei tätä nyt viittis kuitenkaan. [12:41] <Irenicus> Moi, käyttääkö kukaan ubuntua samsung chronos 7 läppärillä? [12:42] <Irenicus> Mietin asentamista, mutta oon lukenu jotai vanhoi kirjoituksia, että kuulemma jotain ongelmia pikanäppäinten kanssa ja valaistus kuulemma ei oikein toimi kunnolla [12:43] <Irenicus> eli mietin, että toimiiko se nykyään hyvin? [12:43] <tale> Ei löydy Chronos Samsungia: [12:45] <Irenicus> :( [12:46] <Irenicus> olis NP700Z7C-sarja [13:52] <IhqTzup_> elias_a: Mjooh. Mut ei toi 7970 toimi kunnolla edelleenkään vaikka resoluutio onkin hyvä.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "IhqTzup_", "Irenicus", "elias_a", "marsupapu", "tale" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-fi" }
[13:15] <boghison> Hi! Can I ask questions about scopes here? [13:18] <Saviq> boghison, sure, note that today is a public holiday in a lot of places though [13:19] <boghison> Saviq: Are you willing to help? :) [13:19] <Saviq> boghison, I'm willing to try :) [13:20] <boghison> Saviq: OK, thanks :) I need to learn more about the scope runtime system, specifically how scopes are started. I am writing bindings for Rust and can't start my scope [13:20] <Saviq> it's best to just ask, if someone knowledgeable comes around, they'll try and answer [13:20] <Saviq> boghison, and this is about the new scopes system for the Ubuntu Phone, right? [13:21] <boghison> Saviq: Yes, but also about the scope tool for the desktop [13:21] <Saviq> sure, that's the same thing [13:21] <Saviq> you probbaly saw this, but for completeness [13:22] <boghison> yes, of course, that's what I am researching, specifically the Runtime class [13:22] <Saviq> boghison, the scope registry is a long-running process in the user session that starts the queried scopes on demand [13:23] <Saviq> it starts them via the scope runner, which loads the scope's shared object file and starts the machine rolling [13:23] <boghison> Saviq: Yes, but there's a difference with Rust (and Go for that matter, which has bindings for the scopes api) [13:23] <boghison> There's no .so [13:23] <boghison> It's the app that has to start [13:23] <boghison> and the ini file has a field for that [13:24] <Saviq> yeah, they need a different runner (or a custom binary altogether) [13:24] <boghison> Yes, the Runtime class is used [13:25] <boghison> the problem is that the scope tool doesn't see my scope and just searches for something generic, therefore providing me with this Unable to add overview scope, can't find with ID: "scopes" [13:26] <Saviq> that's actually a non-fatal warning [13:27] <Saviq> "scopes" is what's responsible for the "Manage dash" page that you can reach by a bottom swipe on the phone [13:27] <boghison> Any idea why the scope doesn't start then [13:27] <boghison> It gives me some timing errors as well [13:27] <Saviq> have you checked the scope registry logs in ~/.cache/upstart/? [13:28] <Saviq> is the registry even started? (that could explain the timeout errors) [13:28] <Saviq> i.e. `initctl status scope-registry`? [13:28] <Saviq> I'm afraid this is the extent of my knowledge there, you might need to wait until next week when some of the guys that know more about that part of the system are around [13:29] <Saviq> I think jamesh__ wrote the Go bindings, so he might help if around [13:29] <boghison> Saviq: C++ scopes work fine [13:29] <boghison> what file do I have to look for in the logs? [13:29] <Saviq> scope-registry.log [13:29] <boghison> there's no such file [13:29] <Saviq> that's the upstart session job responsible for keeping the registry going [13:30] <Saviq> might be that it didn't log anything [13:30] <boghison> Hmm, there are mostly gzipped files [13:30] <Saviq> those are rotated logs from before [13:31] <boghison> there's this: update-notifier-crash-_var_crash__usr_lib_x86_64-linux-gnu_unity-scopes_scoperunner.1000.crash.log.7.gz [13:31] <Saviq> that's likely unrelated [13:32] <boghison> :( [13:32] <Saviq> ah [13:33] <Saviq> here's the relevant project for go, but I imagine you've seen that already [13:33] <boghison> Yes, I have, the most important files are shim.* and unityscopes.go [13:33] <boghison> But I am mostly doing the same [13:33] <boghison> And it still doesn't work [13:33] <Saviq> how are you starting the tool btw? are you passing the scope id to the tool, or letting it list you all the scopes? [13:34] <boghison> I am doing unity-scope-tool inifile.ini [13:34] <boghison> which has this field [13:34] <boghison> ScopeRunner=./rust-test --runtime %R --scope %S [13:35] <boghison> although those flags don't do much [13:35] <boghison> actually, I wanted to tell you [13:35] <boghison> the binary doesn't start [13:35] <boghison> in the main function I log all the arguments [13:35] <boghison> and nothing gets printed to the console [13:36] <Saviq> I'm not sure, but stdout should be redirected to the scope-registry.log file [13:37] <Saviq> when it is started, it's started as a child of the registry, so stdout you get from the test tool is only coming from QML and the plugin from lp:unity-scopes-shell [13:38] <Saviq> hmm or wait, I think if you pass the .ini file, the tool actually creates a custom internal registry [13:39] <Saviq> so whether the session-wide one runs or not is irrelevant, and I'm not sure where stdout goes... [13:39] <boghison> :( [13:39] <Saviq> you could try printing to a file instead of stdout to confirm it's not being run [13:39] <boghison> printing what [13:39] <boghison> if I redirect the output [13:40] <boghison> it's just gonna be the scope runner's output [13:40] <boghison> no? [13:40] <Saviq> no, I mean in your scope runner [13:40] <Saviq> print to a file [13:40] <Saviq> instead of to stdout [13:40] <boghison> you mean in the binary? [13:40] <Saviq> in your Rust code [13:41] <boghison> oh, ok [13:41] <Saviq> because I'm not sure if stdout from it would ever get printed anywhere [13:41] <boghison> this is gonna take a while [13:43] <Saviq> I'm afraid that's as far as I can take you anyway, you'll need to come back when more of my colleagues are online (Tuesday morning AU time probably) [13:47] <boghison> but it did print to the file [13:48] <boghison> at least that is working [13:51] <Saviq> \o/ [13:52] <boghison> I am going to try hacking a bit more [13:52] <boghison> Thanks for your idea [13:52] <boghison> :) [14:18] <Saviq> mterry, hey, you working today? [14:18] <Saviq> mterry, hey, you working today? [14:19] <mterry> Saviq, yes, just slow start to it [14:19] <Saviq> mterry, can you resubmit one of your tutorial branches on the other [14:19] <Saviq> mterry, they're conflicting [14:19] <mterry> Saviq, oh sure, didn't realize I had overlapped [14:19] <Saviq> mterry, for reference [14:21] <Saviq> mterry, Josh touched qml/Shell.qml, too, but I'd say there's chance the two tutorial-related ones are the culprit [14:21] <mterry> Saviq, yup, i get a conflict [14:21] <Saviq> t [14:21] <Saviq> x [14:22] <greyback> Saviq: any word on a landing strategy while FF in effect? [14:22] <Saviq> greyback, FF well past, we're in Beta Freeze now [14:23] <Saviq> greyback, anyway, I'm still hoping for a global PPA to land into [14:23] <greyback> Saviq: well freeze [14:23] <Saviq> your well froze? [14:23] <greyback> sounds like by the time it might be ready, we'll be on w-release [14:24] <Saviq> greyback, sil2100 is still thinking whether a complete derived archive would be better, if anything will happen, earliest next week [14:24] <Saviq> hopefully we'd have a ready-made strategy for next time [14:24] <mterry> Saviq, done [14:24] <Saviq> mterry, tx [14:24] <sil2100> Yeah, although I seem to be leaning towards the PPA option [14:25] <sil2100> Just need to confirm the train codwe [14:25] <sil2100> *code [14:26] <Saviq> in theory this should be just another upload target for publishing [14:26] <Saviq> the problematic bits is probably migration and publish monitoring [14:29] <sil2100> This part of the train worked fine in the past, but not sure now as we didn't use it for ages [15:05] <greyback> mterry: in summary, I think your fix will do for now. [15:05] <mterry> greyback, fair enough [15:11] <mterry> greyback, "Note, the mirserver QPA does not have this "eglcontext" native resource exported. That may cause issues" -- is that an issue with ubuntumirclient too or specific to unity8's use of "mirserver" [15:11] <mterry> ? [15:12] <greyback> mterry: just mirserver [15:12] <mterry> greyback, ok will adjust patch then [15:13] <greyback> mterry: *may* - you tested it, it'll probably be ok [15:13] <mterry> greyback, haven't tested it yet! :) I'm building my patch as we speak [15:13] <mterry> greyback, took me forever to find a way to build it that didn't die on me [15:13] <mterry> greyback, can't do it on tiny phones [15:13] <greyback> ah ok. well the code checks if it gets a shared context back or not, so it shouldn't break anything [15:14] <mterry> greyback, ok cool [15:14] <greyback> mterry: does it cross compile in sbuild? [15:14] <mterry> greyback, I'm testing it in pbuilder [15:14] <mterry> greyback, we'll see [15:14] <greyback> ok [15:14] <mterry> greyback, I was hoping jenkins would do it overnight, but no luck [15:14] <greyback> ouch [15:17] <mterry> greyback, you say the fix isn't future proof. Do we have a smarter fix we can implement now, or are you just saying "we know we'll have to come back and edit this in the future" [15:17] <greyback> mterry: sadly I don't [15:17] <mterry> greyback, cool [15:17] <mterry> well, cool isn't right word :) [15:17] <greyback> I've not come up with a reliable way to figure out if qt compiled at runtime with gl or gles [15:20] <mterry> greyback, I agree that qt should totally already expose that [15:43] <Trevinho> greyback: hey, I've reproposed your branch, so give it a look please... [15:44] <greyback> Trevinho: ah sweet, I totally forgot about that
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Saviq", "Trevinho", "boghison", "greyback", "mterry", "sil2100" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-unity" }