1 value
[13:19] <VMV> привет [13:20] <VMV> кто сталкивался с черным экраном после вывода из гибернации?) [13:20] <VMV> вот хвостик лога xorg [13:20] <VMV> (II) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Deleting GPU-0 [13:20] <VMV> (EE) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file. [13:21] <VMV> ноутбук при этом пытается найти конфигурацию ЭЛТ монитора, которого конечно нет [13:22] <VMV> прошу помощи) [13:22] <VMV> куда копать? [13:35] <skubriev_> Всем привет! Я в ubuntu-ru ? [14:00] <stupid> ? [14:07] <|rapidsp|> вроде [14:21] <skubriev_> Почему расслыка debian-russian намного более большая и интенсивная нежели ubuntu-russian ? Кто что думает по этому поводу ? [14:25] <maristo> skubriev_: потому что в убунту все работает и обсуждать почти нечего [14:26] <maristo> или убунтологи общаются через телепатию [15:00] <SergeyIT> или убнту умер [15:01] <SergeyIT> * убунту [15:01] <|rapidsp|> да здравствует кубунту [15:09] <SergeyIT> не уверен ( [15:09] <SergeyIT> если на qt, то хочется чего попроще [15:13] <|rapidsp|> кутубунту? [15:39] <tagezi> крысу вроде сделали на кути [15:41] <SergeyIT> вот кукунта будет, посмотрим [17:10] <UNIm95> tagezi: какую крысу? xfce на гтк [17:10] <tagezi> UNIm95: ну вроде есть проект по переходу крысы [17:10] <tagezi> да и ласточку вроде переделывают, сейас все повернуты на кути [17:12] <tagezi> UNIm95: наверное я с LXQt попутал [17:12] <tagezi> хотя про крысц вроде тоже слышал что делают форк
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "SergeyIT", "UNIm95", "VMV", "maristo", "skubriev_", "stupid", "tagezi", "|rapidsp|" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[18:54] <Bernard-Henri-Le> O_o
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Bernard-Henri-Le" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-il" }
[10:17] <Lois> hello
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Lois" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-on-air" }
[06:14] <akis24> giorno [07:08] <glpiana> ola [08:56] <nemecek> ragazzi come faccio a non visulaizzare nessuna icona sul desktop, ma intendo proprio nessuna anche nel caso in cui nella cartella desktop siano presenti alcuni files... [09:00] <bhack> vorrei segnalare un bug [09:00] <mikunos> qualcuno mi sa dire come mai la mia distro all'avvio è sempre molto lenta ? Beh detto così so già che è difficile aiutarmi. Cosa posso inviare per aiutarvi ad aiutarmi? [09:01] <bhack> Sugli asus serie vengono avviati senza batteria la ventola non parte....rischiando di fondere la scheda madre [09:01] <Ishu> buondì, ci sei cristian_c ? o krabador ? [09:01] <bhack> credo sia colpa di qualche modulo acpi [09:02] <cristian_c> Ishu, non funziona così [09:02] <cristian_c> bhack, i bug non si segnalano qui [09:02] <Ishu> essi non funziona con la versione 14.4 [09:03] <cristian_c> Ishu, no no, nel senso, che se hai qualcosa da chiedere, la poni al canale [09:03] <cristian_c> chi sa/può , risponde [09:03] <Ishu> ah ok scusa, pensavo che in questo modo non ricominciavo tutto da capo. [09:03] <cristian_c> mikunos, magari fornendo tutti i dettagli del caso [09:04] <cristian_c> tutto ciò che ritieni possa essere utile [09:04] <cristian_c> Ishu, quando, hai un problema, sintetizzalo in poche righe [09:04] <Ishu> dunque l'audio non funziona ancora [09:05] <cristian_c> nemecek, in che senso, scusa? [09:05] <cristian_c> Ishu, hai scaricato la 14.04.0? [09:05] <cristian_c> Ishu, uname -a [09:05] <Ishu> ecco si ho provato la versione 14.04, quella che mi ha passato krabador [09:05] <Ishu> ma non funziona [09:05] <cristian_c> Ishu, uname -a [09:06] <bhack> invece credo sia utile segnalarli anche qui...per evitare che utenti fondino le schede :-) [09:06] <cristian_c> bhack, se pensi che ci sia un grave bug, segnalalo su launchpad [09:06] <Ishu> Linux elisa-EasyNote-MX45 3.16.0-33-lowlatency #44~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 13 11:00:42 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux [09:06] <cristian_c> !launchpad [09:06] <ubot-it> [09:07] <bhack> mmmm...non so il nome del pacchetto responsabile [09:07] <cristian_c> bhack, c'è una guida apposita che ti aiuta ad inviduarlo [09:07] <bhack> ok ci provo [09:07] <cristian_c> poi ci dovrebbero pensare chi gestisce la piattaforma a indirizzarlo in modo corretto, se ci sono inesattezze [09:08] <cristian_c> bhack, [09:08] <bhack> grazie ;-) [09:09] <cristian_c> Ishu, non credo proprio tu abbia fatto quanto consigliato [09:09] <nemecek> cristian_c: nel senso che io non voglio vedre sul mio sfondo desktop nessuna icona nonostante nella cartella desktop siano presenti alcuni file... non so se mi sono spiegato [09:09] <cristian_c> Ishu, sei sicuro di aver installato la 14.04 giusta? [09:09] <cristian_c> nemecek, ahhh [09:09] <Ishu> si cristian_c ho usato la versione livce [09:09] <cristian_c> nemecek, specifica la versione utilizzata [09:10] <cristian_c> Ishu, ora non sei in live? [09:10] <Ishu> no [09:10] <cristian_c> Ishu, avvia una live [09:10] <Ishu> faceva lo stesso difetto [09:10] <Ishu> sempre indeciso tra l'opzione cuffie o altoparlanti [09:10] <cristian_c> Ishu, avvia una live [09:11] <nemecek> ubuntu 14.04.2 [09:11] <cristian_c> nemecek, con unity? [09:11] <Ishu> ok allora avvio la versione live, si quella che mi ha passato krobador [09:11] <nemecek> sia mate che unity [09:11] <nemecek> momò sto utilizzando mate [09:11] <cristian_c> nemecek, mmmmm [09:11] <nemecek> ma cristian_c utilizzo entrambi i desktop... [09:12] <cristian_c> nemecek, puoi provare con gsettings [09:12] <nemecek> cristian_c: presumo che nel momento in cui settiamo il tutto dovrebbe funzionare su entrambe le versioni [09:12] <nemecek> spiegami come cristian_c, gentilemente [09:13] <cristian_c> nemecek, mmm, non proprio [09:13] <cristian_c> son due desktop separati [09:13] <cristian_c> va fatto su entrambi, e bisogna vedere se è valido per entrambi lo stesso comando [09:13] <nemecek> ok... comunque come dovrei proseguire? [09:13] <cristian_c> nemecek, gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false [09:14] <nemecek> da superutente?? [09:14] <cristian_c> nemecek, prova come ho scritto [09:15] <Ishu> scusa cristian_c, ho provato in live questa versione [09:15] <nemecek> fatto ma ancora le icone sono visibili cristian_c, dovrei riavviare il desktop?  Ishu, avvia una live [09:16] <cristian_c> e tre [09:16] <cristian_c> nemecek, aspetta [09:17] <Ishu> a fra poco [09:17] <nemecek> ok... I'm waiting cristian_c ;) [09:17] <cristian_c> nemecek, gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons [09:18] <nemecek> cristian_c: mi da come risposta false [09:18] <cristian_c> nemecek, riavvia [09:18] <nemecek> ma le icone sono ancora lì [09:18] <nemecek> ok cristian_c a frappè [09:25] <Ishu> cristian_c > Linux ubuntu 3.13.0-24-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:08:14 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux [09:25] <nemecek> cristian_c: su unity funziona parzialmente, nel senso che sono scomparse sia le icone che lo sfondo desktop che è stato modificato arbitrariamente [09:25] <cristian_c> Ishu, nel frattempo (finché non si risolve), puoi installare la 12.04 [09:26] <cristian_c> Ishu, inoltre, puoi segnalare il bug su launchpad [09:26] <Ishu> !lanchpad [09:26] <ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'lanchpad' [09:26] <cristian_c> nemecek, lo sfondo desktop? [09:26] <nemecek> esatto [09:26] <cristian_c> non c'entra [09:26] <Ishu> !launchpad [09:26] <ubot-it> [09:27] <cristian_c> Ishu, [09:30] <Ishu> ok grazie. non ho capito molto di cosa devo fare in quella pagina che mi hai linkato, ma avro sicuramente bisogno di tempo. grazie un abbraccio dai paesi di domani. [09:34] <nemecek> cristian_c: non dovrei ricercare la voce gsettings analoga per mate????? [09:34] <cristian_c> nemecek, prova con dconf, che fa la stessa cosa, ma da gui [09:34] <cristian_c> *dconf-editor [09:35] <nemecek> ci tento [09:36] <Ischio> Salve a tutti... Una domanda: ho scaricato matlab, riesco ad utilizzarlo senza problemi ma ho un problema per avviarlo...Mi spiego: facendo doppio click sull' "icona" di matlab (non è una vera e propria icona come quella presente in winz) si apre il file con gedit... Per poterlo avviare devo trascinare la suddetta icona nel terminale e premere invi [09:36] <Ischio> o... la prima volta che premo invia mi apre il gedit, la seconda volta mi fa partire il programma ... Come faccio a farlo partire direttamente??? GRAZIE [09:37] <cristian_c> Ischio, consulta la documentazione ufficiale di matlab [09:38] <Ischio> cris ma questo mi succede con ogni programma [09:38] <Ischio> si apre sempre prima con gedit [09:38] <cristian_c> Ischio, su unity? [09:39] <Ischio> penso di si... ubuntu ultima versione [09:39] <cristian_c> pensi? [09:39] <Ischio> eh non so di preciso cosa sia unity [09:40] <ExPBoy> :( [09:40] <Ischio> non è tipo ciò che la distingue da kubuntu e varie [09:40] <cristian_c> !unity | Ischio [09:40] <ubot-it> Ischio: Unity è la UI di default da Ubuntu 11.04. Unity è una shell per GNOME. Vedi Guida uso e Configurazione: Per una esperienza simil-GNOME 2, vedi !notunity [09:40] <krabador> Ischio: matlab se installato correttamente lo apri da terminale [09:41] <Ischio> kraba infatti da terminale non ho problemi ad avviarlo... chiedevo se fosse possibile aprirlo come un normale programma facendo doppio click sull'icona [09:41] <krabador> vedi cosa compare cercandolo nella dash, cliccando sull'icona in alto a sinistra [09:41] <krabador> scrivendo il suo nome [09:42] <Ischio> la cartella d'installazione e il file gedit di matlab che incollo sul terminale per avviarlo [09:45] <krabador> "normale programma" , in base a come s'è installato , puoi richiamare dal terminale tranquillamente il suo nome , oppure devi andare nella sua cartella e lanciarlo da li [09:45] <nemecek> cristian_c: ci sono riuscito [09:45] <cristian_c> nemecek, e come? [09:46] <cristian_c> con dconf-editor? [09:46] <nemecek> da dconf editor ho settato mate.desktop.background e ho psuntato la voce show-desktop-icons [09:46] <nemecek> mate funziona [09:46] <cristian_c> ok [09:46] <cristian_c> ottimo [09:46] <nemecek> tra poco mi appliccherò su unity [09:47] <cristian_c> nemecek, hai detto che funzava [09:47] <nemecek> si ma non potevo modificare lo sfondo desktop [09:47] <cristian_c> ah, no? [09:48] <nemecek> cristian_c: c'è la possibilità di ripristinare lo/a shell di login di unity??? da quando ho installato mate utilizza quello di mate [09:48] <nemecek> credo che sia collegato a questo... [09:48] <cristian_c> nemecek, ma non usano entrambe lightdm? [09:49] <Ischio> un'altra domanda: come posso rendere libera la disposizione delle cartelle sulla scrivania?? Attualmente stanno per colonne e righe troppo vicine e non si leggono i nomi [09:49] <cristian_c> Ischio, posta una schermata che illustra il problema [09:49] <cristian_c> !image | Ischio [09:49] <ubot-it> Ischio: Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [09:49] <Ischio> ok trovato scusatemi [09:50] <cristian_c> lol [09:50] <nemecek> no cristian_c [09:50] <nemecek> la/o shell di login di mate è diversa [09:51] <cristian_c> nemecek, e cosa usa? [09:51] <nemecek> non so come diamine si chiami [09:51] <nemecek> come faccio a saperlo cristian_c??? [09:51] <cristian_c> nemecek, digita: dpkg -l | grep dm [09:51] <cristian_c> nemecek, incolla il risultato su pastebin [09:52] <cristian_c> !paste | nemecek [09:52] <ubot-it> nemecek: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [09:53] <nemecek> cristian_c [09:54] <Ishu> scusate sono testardo: ho installato il kernel 3.5. che ha prodotto come risultato il funzionamento della scheda audio. Linux elisa-EasyNote-MX45 3.5.0-030500-generic #201207211835 SMP Sat Jul 21 22:43:08 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux [09:54] <cristian_c> Ishu, non hai le instabilità? [09:54] <cristian_c> di sistema [09:54] <Ishu> con il 3.2 accadeva [09:55] <Ishu> con il 3.5 sembra di no [09:55] <cristian_c> 3.5 risolve tutto? [09:55] <cristian_c> sia audio che resto? [09:55] <Ishu> pare di si [09:55] <cristian_c> usa quello [09:55] <Ishu> ok ora mi rimane solo da sistemare l'avvio con il grub. ho i sottomenù nel grub quindi devo stare attento a cosa metto nei valori [09:56] <Ishu> altrimenti mi parte la recovery mode [09:56] <Ishu> cristian_c puoi perfavore seguirmi in questa procedura? [09:57] <cristian_c> ii ubuntu-mate-lightdm-theme 0.3.8~trusty1 all Ubuntu MATE LightDM theme [09:58] <cristian_c> è soltanto un tema [09:58] <nemecek> come facciamo a modificarlo [09:59] <cristian_c> nemecek, tra l'altro il pacco non è neanche presente nei repository ufficiali di ubuntu [10:00] <nemecek> cristian_c: a quale pacchetto ti riferisci? [10:02] <cristian_c> ii ubuntu-mate-lightdm-theme 0.3.8~trusty1 all Ubuntu MATE LightDM theme [10:03] <cristian_c> nemecek, qui non è supportato l'utilizzo di ppa non sicuri [10:03] <cristian_c> se danno problemi, l'utente se li tiene [10:03] <krabador> nemecek: tra meno di un mese puoi installare ubuntu-mate 15.04 , derivata ufficiale [10:05] <Ishu> aiuto. ho bisogno di capire cosa devo fare con i kernel lowlatency, li tengo? li tolgo? eppoi non capisco come sistemare il grub con i sottomenù [10:07] <nemecek> capisco krabador ma non ci sarebbe la maniera a ovviare al mio problema senza dover attendere l'avanzamento di sistema? [10:07] <Ishu> ho capito vi sono simpatico e non volete aiutarmi perchè mi volete tenere qui? [10:08] <krabador> nemecek: problema che sarebbe? [10:09] <nemecek> non riesco ad intervenire sul desktop di unity, rimane fisso quello della shell di login che è poi quello di mate... [10:10] <Ishu> mi basta anche solo un piccolo cenno, provo con il Grub Customizer che dite? [10:13] <Ishu> mi state praticando mobbing? [10:15] <jester-> Ishu: ??? [10:15] <Ishu> essi ma sto cercando di risolvere un problema da una settimana [10:16] <Ishu> vi chiedo aiuto seguo i consigli faccio tremila prove che non portano a nessun risultato. se nn facevo di capo mio rimanevo ancora a 0 [10:17] <jester-> Ishu: qui ognuno assite per quello che sa e se ha tempo, se non hai risposte significa che la gente o non conosce l'argomento o vista l'ora è andata pure a prnzo, o ci ha preso per un call center [10:17] <jester-> Ishu: e lo fa a gratis [10:31] <b00k3r> giorno [10:32] <Ishu> perfavore non trovo la pagina che spiega i sottomenu del grub. la potete linkate? [10:32] <cristian_c> !grub [10:32] <ubot-it> | Per ripristinare Grub: [10:33] <cristian_c> Ishu, la trovi dalla generale [10:35] <b00k3r> lol [10:35] <b00k3r> manco a di grazie [10:36] <krabador> b00k3r: da quando hai salutato , si sentono insicuri [10:37] <b00k3r> krabador: la prossima volta grido di più [10:39] <krabador> b00k3r The Evil [10:39] <krabador> è questo quello che credono [10:39] <b00k3r> The b00k3r [10:39] <b00k3r> krabador: così mi sottovaluti [10:39] <b00k3r> io sono la massima entità [10:40] <b00k3r> the evil è come paragonarmi ai re caio dell'nord ovest sud ed est [11:21] <glpiana> ola [12:00] <Raulxx83> salve ragazzi [12:01] <Raulxx83> una domanda ...come faccio ad ablilitare l accesso ad xubuntu da windows tramite vnc? [12:01] <glpiana> !vnc [12:01] <ubot-it> Configurazione desktop remoto [12:02] <Raulxx83> grazie [12:28] <Raulxx83> io ho vino installato ed ho usato questa guida [12:28] <Raulxx83> [12:59] <matteo_> salve a tutti mi è scomparsa l'icona della connessione ubuntu 14.04.. come faccio a rimetterla? [13:03] <bip> bip! [13:14] <matteo_> ubot-it: jpeg [13:14] <ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'jpeg' [14:08] <jester-> bip: /ns info bip [14:17] <bip> jester-, ? [14:55] <lu015> salve a tutti [14:55] <lu015> stamattina ubuntu mi ha chiesto di passare a 15.04 che faccio lo faccio [14:56] <krabador> lu015, non farlo ancora, se lo ha fatto vuol dire che nel tuo sistema sono abilitati i passaggi di versione anche per quelle in sviluppo [14:57] <krabador> 15.04 non è ancora stabile [14:57] <lu015> si ma cosa cambia di fatto [16:53] <matteo_> scusate è questo il canale di supporto a ubuntu in italiano? [16:57] <krabador> certo [16:57] <matteo_> mi è scomparsa l'icona della connessione wifi.. qualcuno sa come rimetterla? [16:59] <matteo_> son qui.. qualcuno sa aiutarmi? [17:02] <krabador> matteo_, quale ubuntu ? [17:02] <matteo_> ubuntu 14.04 lts [17:02] <matteo_> praticamente mi è scomparsa l'icona di rete [17:06] <matteo_> krabador, ho seguito molte guide sul web ma non sono servite a nulla [17:07] <krabador> matteo_, cat /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop [17:08] <krabador> !pastebin | matteo_ [17:08] <ubot-it> matteo_: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [17:09] <matteo_> krabador, [17:19] <matteo_> krabador, hai dato un'occhiata? [18:03] <matteo> qualcuno sa come far ricomparire l'icona di connessione? [18:03] <matteo> perché non risponde nessuno? sono nel posto sbagliato? [18:04] <Guest81023> qualcuno sa come far ricomparire l'icona di connessione? [18:04] <Guest81023> perché non risponde nessuno? sono nel posto sbagliato? [18:10] <krabador> Guest81023, prova sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager stop [18:11] <Guest81023> krabador, prima ti ho linkato l'output non mi hai più risposto [18:11] <krabador> Guest81023, successivamente sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager start [18:12] <krabador> vediamo che dice il terminale [18:13] <Guest81023> krabador, [18:13] <krabador> Guest81023, guarda bene i comandi [18:14] <Guest81023> krabador, ?? [18:15] <krabador> guarda i comandi suggeriti, e quello che hai scritto tu [18:15] <Guest81023> krabador, stessa cosa [18:16] <krabador> ok dbus-launch nm-applet [18:16] <krabador> sempre da terminale [18:21] <Guest81023> krabador, [18:22] <krabador> Guest81023, allora sudo apt-get install --reinstall indicator-applet-complete [18:22] <krabador> riavvia, prova , torna qui [18:24] <Guest81023> basta riavviare la sessione? [18:24] <Guest81023> oppure il pc? [18:27] <Guest26250> krabador, fatto... niente non funziona [18:29] <Guest26250> krabador, ci sei? [18:29] <akis24> sera [18:31] <krabador> Guest26250, sudo mv /home/utente/.config /home/utente/.config_old [18:31] <krabador> Guest26250, dove utente deve essere il tuo nome utente [18:31] <Guest26250> posto l'output? [18:31] <krabador> se va a buon fine, non lo da [18:36] <matteo_> krabador, non funziona [18:36] <matteo_> non mi carica nemmeno drop box [18:42] <matteo_> krabador, cosa faccio? [18:46] <matteo_> krabador, ci sei? [18:47] <akis24> matteo_: magari krabador si è allontanato dal pc.. comunque credo tu debba riavviare il pc per vedere se ha effetto il comando che ti ha dato [18:47] <matteo_> ho riavviato ma niente [18:48] <matteo_> akis24, sai come ricreare un'area di notifica? ho ubuntu 14.04lts [18:49] <akis24> matteo_: non capisco bene che vuoi fare .. [18:50] <matteo_> akis24, volevo provare a ricreare l'area di notifica e reinserire manualmente il tutto [18:50] <matteo_> akis24, perché oltre all'icona di rete mi son scomparse anche le altre [18:51] <akis24> matteo_: meglio se aspetti krabador nonsaprei aiutarti [18:51] <matteo_> akis24, non sai come si crea un'area di notifica? [18:51] <akis24> no matteo_ [18:51] <matteo_> sto leggendo molte guide.. non funziona nessuna [18:52] <matteo_> non è possibile che devo formattare il pc.. [19:07] <radu> ciao [19:07] <radu> ho dei problemi. [19:07] <radu> sono nuovo su ubuntu [19:07] <Guest14647> ho bisogno di aiuto [19:07] <akis24> Guest14647: magari esponilo e se qualcuno sa' ti risponde [19:08] <Guest14647> ok [19:09] <Guest14647> tanto partiamo che mi sono stancato di windows e ho installato ubuntu...però ho incontrato il problema del monitor..non individua il mio monitor è non c'è la risoluzione giusta..scheda grafica è una nvidia gt740 2gb 128bit monitor è un asus vw221d [19:09] <Guest14647> ho cercato sui forum ma niente non ho trovato [19:10] <Guest14647> è già 3-o giorno che ci provo ma non riesco a risolvere questo problema [19:10] <krabador> Guest14647, che ubuntu hai installato? [19:11] <Guest14647> eh..non lo so ..come faccio a vedere-? [19:11] <Guest14647> 12.04 lts [19:11] <Guest14647> trovato [19:12] <Guest14647> ho provato a reinstallare però non è questo il problema [19:12] <krabador> la 12.04 sicuramente non ti mette a disposizione , tranne il driver opensource, un driver nvidia che supporti la tua scheda [19:13] <krabador> Guest14647, ma , 12.04 o 14.04? [19:13] <Guest14647> non ho capito nulla di quello che hai detto.. cosa significa ? non va bene la versione? non va bene il pc? [19:14] <krabador> la 12.04 è del 2014 [19:14] <krabador> *2012 [19:14] <krabador> antecedente all'uscita della tua scheda [19:14] <Guest14647> quindi? [19:14] <krabador> con un pc e quella scheda, come mai ti sei buttato sulla 12.04 ? [19:15] <Guest14647> questa era quella sul sito da scaricare [19:15] <krabador> sul sito parlano di 14.04 e 14.10 [19:15] <krabador> non di 12.04 [19:15] <krabador> dove l'hai scaricata? [19:15] <Guest14647> sul sito ubuntu.. [19:16] <Guest14647> un pò di tempo fa [19:16] <krabador> Guest14647, apri un terminale [19:16] <krabador> Guest14647, sudo apt-get install pastebinit [19:17] <krabador> lsb_release -a | pastebinit [19:17] <gianpaolo> programma per mettere la iso di ubuntu su cd? [19:17] <krabador> !usbwin | gianpaolo [19:17] <ubot-it> gianpaolo: Scarica Universal USB Installer: | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO [19:17] <gianpaolo> tenk you [19:18] <Guest14647> dopo che si scarica tutto devo scrivere questo :lsb_release -a | pastebinit ? [19:18] <krabador> gianpaolo, "grazie" p meglio [19:18] <krabador> Guest14647, si [19:18] <krabador> Guest14647, successivamente sudo lshw | pastebinit [19:18] <gianpaolo> ma va bene anche per cd^? [19:18] <krabador> Guest14647, entrambi i comandi restituiranno dei link che ti incolli qui [19:18] <krabador> !iso | gianpaolo [19:18] <ubot-it> gianpaolo: [19:18] <krabador> questo per i dvd [19:19] <gianpaolo> io ho un cd-r [19:19] <krabador> gianpaolo, solo lubuntu ci entra [19:19] <Guest14647> [19:19] <Guest14647> fatto [19:19] <Guest14647> dopo che devo fare [19:19] <gianpaolo> ah va bene... [19:20] <krabador> Guest14647, il primo [19:20] <krabador> Guest14647, lsb_release -a | pastebinit [19:20] <Guest14647> [19:22] <krabador> Guest14647, dpkg -l | grep nvidia > res [19:22] <krabador> Guest14647, cat res | pastebinit [19:23] <Guest14647> [19:24] <Guest14647> e dopo? [19:26] <krabador> Guest14647, allora, xrandr | pastebinit [19:26] <Guest14647> c'è qualcuno? [19:26] <Guest14647> [19:26] <krabador> Guest14647, oh, spetta , non è un call center, non ci sono risposte 0 latenza [19:27] <gianpaolo> cavolo sono 703M e nel cd ho solo ne ho solo 700 andar bene? [19:27] <Guest14647> cosa significa 0 lantenza [19:27] <krabador> gianpaolo, dove devi installare ? [19:28] <gianpaolo> è un compact disk [19:28] <gianpaolo> disc [19:29] <krabador> gianpaolo, ok, ed una volta fatto, ci giochi a freesbie, oppure lo installi da qualche parte? [19:29] <gianpaolo> ahahah lo installo che dici [19:31] <gianpaolo> definisci "dove" [19:31] <Guest14647> mi aiuta qualcuno? ho non ci sono speranze? [19:31] <krabador> gianpaolo, sei tu, che devi definire "dove" [19:32] <gianpaolo> el computer [19:32] <akis24> Guest14647: ti è stato detto di avere pazienza. .. [19:32] <Guest14647> ah [19:32] <Guest14647> ok [19:32] <gianpaolo> Wxp [19:33] <krabador> gianpaolo, elenca le caratteristiche, per favore , con modelli precisi e non approssimativi, indicando marchio e modello di processore, scheda video, quantitativo di ram isntallata [19:37] <gianpaolo> AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor [19:39] <Guest14647> e se invece scarico l'ultima versione esposta sul sito..risolve il problema oppure no? [19:40] <gianpaolo> 2.20 GHz e 1,0 Gb di RAM [19:40] <gianpaolo> una belva in pratica [19:43] <akis24> gianpaolo: mettici lubuntu o xubuntu su quel pc al massimo [19:43] <akis24> Guest14647: come hai installato i driver nvidia ? [19:44] <Guest14647> su driver aggiuntivi mi è venuto fuori [19:44] <krabador> Guest14647, allora, sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-304 && sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-331 [19:44] <krabador> Guest14647, riavvia [19:44] <gianpaolo> oi [19:46] <Guest14647> dopo come faccio a rientrare sulla chat? [19:46] <gianpaolo> ho i cd che ha 700MB liberi e lubuntu ne ha 703... va bene lo stesso? [19:47] <gianpaolo> Poi che proramma utilizzo per mettere l'intaller sul cd in modo che poi lo posa intallare [19:47] <akis24> gianpaolo: al massimo il programma di masterizzazione dovrebbe avvisarti che lo spazio sul disco è insufficiente [19:48] <akis24> gianpaolo: masterizzando il file.iso che hai scaricato avrai tutto [19:49] <gianpaolo> come lo masterizzo? [19:49] <akis24> [21:18:51] <@ubot-it> gianpaolo: [19:50] <akis24> gianpaolo: leggere e attuare .. [19:50] <gianpaolo> troppo complicato da fare senza mouse [19:51] <gianpaolo> vb grazie lo stesso [19:51] <akis24> prego [20:05] <zanzarazen> ciao a tutti [20:06] <zanzarazen> per sbaglio ho spinto qualche tasto, non so quale, e le icone del desktop si soo ingigantite, come faccio a rimettere dimensioni standard? grazie [20:07] <akis24> zanzarazen: versione di ubuntu ? [23:56] <lu15> salve e buon giorno a tutti [23:56] <lu15> ho problemi con 14.10 [23:56] <lu15> che faccio torno a 14.04 [23:57] <lu15> e poi mi e arrivato ubuntu phone ma e proprio una ciofeca [23:57] <lu15> pensavo meglio da un cell di 169 euro [23:57] <lu15> a 129 ce un honor c che e meglio
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ExPBoy", "Guest14647", "Guest26250", "Guest81023", "Ischio", "Ishu", "Raulxx83", "akis24", "b00k3r", "bhack", "bip", "cristian_c", "gianpaolo", "glpiana", "jester-", "krabador", "lu015", "lu15", "matteo", "matteo_", "mikunos", "nemecek", "radu", "ubot-it", "zanzarazen" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[13:29] <successus> salud o/ [15:30] <LGFDGFS> Hola, [15:31] <LGFDGFS> No hay nadie? [15:34] <lgfdgfs_> Hola [15:34] <lgfdgfs_> Hmm!! Okay, [15:40] <lgfdgfs_> Okay. [15:46] <lgfdgfs> Hola. [15:48] <lgfdgfs> Hola. [15:48] <lgfdgfs> Hmm! Creo que no hay nadie! [15:49] <MrTulias> buenas [15:49] <lgfdgfs> Hola MrTulias. [15:50] <lgfdgfs> Creo que esto se queda, aveces muy despacio. [15:50] <MrTulias> buenas. Hay gente, pero igual está ocupada [15:50] <lgfdgfs> Tal ves! [15:51] <lgfdgfs> Solo estaba buscando chat para ayuda, por si acaso alguna ves se me da. [15:53] <MrTulias> pregunta, si alguien sabe es posible que te ayuden. Proporcionar toda la información posible del problema y lo que has probado ayuda [15:54] <lgfdgfs> Ayuda? [15:55] <lgfdgfs> MrTulias, entonces hay un IRC de ayuda? No sabes como es la direccion? [15:57] <MrTulias> De ayuda con problemas relacionados con ubuntu, estás en él [15:57] <lgfdgfs> Okay! [16:54] <Knight80> Hola buenas tardes a todos/as [19:30] <successus> salud!! [21:49] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato [21:49] <successus> o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Knight80", "LGFDGFS", "MrTulias", "lgfdgfs", "lgfdgfs_", "successus" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[08:41] <lukasa_> jamespage: got a sec? [08:44] <jamespage> lukasa_, sure [08:45] <lukasa_> First, thanks for the nova-cc + nova-compute merges a few days ago. =D [08:45] <lukasa_> Just wanted to confirm something I thought I heard [08:45] <lukasa_> My understanding is that the OpenStack charms are relased twice a year: April and October. Is that right? [08:51] <jamespage> lukasa_, 4 times a year - 01 04 07 10 [08:51] <lukasa_> Ah cool. =) That makes more sense. [08:51] <lukasa_> Brill, thanks! That was all I needed to know. =) [08:53] <Odd_Bloke> Someone might want to fix the topic. >.< [08:53] <jamespage> lukasa_, which where your mp's? I've done alot of landing in the last week [08:53] <lukasa_> Odd_Bloke: I hadn't actually noticed... [08:53] <lukasa_> jamespage: Calico ones for nova-compute and nova-cloud-controller [08:54] <jamespage> lukasa_, ah - gotcha [08:54] <lukasa_> Odd_Bloke: That said, there are no ops in this channel atm... [08:55] <Odd_Bloke> Well, that's an improvement, at least. [08:55] <lukasa_> +1 [08:57] <Odd_Bloke> Logs FTW. [11:16] <zw> Hi there. [11:17] <zw> I have a small question. We have an openstack cluser offering debian / centos / windows vm's to customers. Can we use Juju as an addon for a customer to boot a debian vm with haproxy/mysql/... whatever ? Or de we need to use a specific distro for that ? [11:25] <marcoceppi_> zw: currently Juju supports Ubuntu and Windows as deployable series. CentOS support is landing soon and Debian soon after that [11:25] <zw> marcoceppi_: ok thank jou [11:25] <zw> marcoceppi_: can I for example deploy debian vm's/centos vm's/ubuntu vm's but only allow juju on ubuntu ? [11:26] <zw> As an extra [11:27] <marcoceppi_> zw: if you wanted to, sure. Juju doesn't care what else is deployed along side it, it just has a limitation (one we're working to resolve) on Ubuntu and Windows guests atm [18:19] <lazyPower> hazmat: ping [18:26] <arosales> charmers is to update the precise ubuntu charm? [18:26] <mup> Bug #1423694: ubuntu charm lacks lxc bridge config <ubuntu (Juju Charms Collection):Triaged by cbjchen> <ubuntu (Charms Precise):Triaged by cbjchen> <ubuntu (Charms Trusty):Fix Released by cbjchen> <> [18:27] <arosales> I think the charmers had promoted the trusty version . . . [18:27] <arosales> marcoceppi_, ^
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Odd_Bloke", "arosales", "jamespage", "lazyPower", "lukasa_", "marcoceppi_", "mup", "zw" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[00:00] <dazdaryl> I'm going with the 14.04 LTS [00:00] <mrkramps> swap is a bit more tricky … with 24GB RAM and no suspend to disk you could even dare to run linux w/o swap at all [00:00] <dazdaryl> yeah i just read that mrkramps [00:00] <mrkramps> and if it does not work w/o swap you may add a swap file at any time [00:01] <dazdaryl> ~ i really liked arch [00:01] <dazdaryl> but after not using it for 8months [00:01] <dazdaryl> go back and the rolling release is so out of date that it wont work [00:01] <knome> Enkidu_ak, i don't know for fact, but you can do this and that with it [00:02] <dazdaryl> are you a gamer mrkramps? [00:02] <mrkramps> dazdaryl, no really [00:02] <mrkramps> *not [00:02] <knome> dazdaryl, mrkramps: we have #xubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. welcome! :) [00:02] <mrkramps> knome, good to know, thx [00:03] <dazdaryl> ok [00:05] <dazdaryl> well the thing I liked about arch was that it always had the latest of everything, so i suppose on xubuntu i will have to compile everything myself if I want the latest? [00:05] <dazdaryl> because I need the latest versions of blender, gimp and krita [00:06] <mrkramps> blender is not an issue, because it comes in a pre-compiled archive [00:06] <dazdaryl> true [00:06] <mrkramps> gimp and krita latest needs manual compilation or - if available - a PPA [00:07] <dazdaryl> yeah, is there a way to automate that from GIT? [00:07] <dazdaryl> probably could just write my own script to do that [00:08] <mrkramps> yes, script will do the trick [00:11] <mrkramps> cronjob may be helpful as well [00:11] <dazdaryl> ahhhh FANTASTIC [00:12] <dazdaryl> every thing went well no problem [00:12] <dazdaryl> just overwrite my old manjaro [00:12] <dazdaryl> all good [00:12] <dazdaryl> windows and xubuntu both good [00:12] <mrkramps> glad to hear that [00:13] <dazdaryl> what I really look forward to is using a decent search function again [00:13] <dazdaryl> and multiple tabs in the file browser [00:13] <dazdaryl> a real terminal :) [00:15] <dazdaryl> do you usually use aptitude or do you generally compile things yourself? [00:16] <mrkramps> no aptitude, apt-get is the default tool, and I do both [00:16] <knome> dazdaryl, i kind of pointed you to the offtopic channel because that's where the non-support discussions should generally fall into [00:18] <dazdaryl> sorry knome, I knew games was off-topic but i thought discussions about package management and apt-get was on-topic [00:18] <knome> dazdaryl, i guess it's a fine line, but general discussion that is not a support question is always welcome in offtopic [00:33] <dazdaryl> ok so I'm trying to setup my "start menu" [00:34] <dazdaryl> or my whisker menu to be specific [00:34] <dazdaryl> and i want to change the terminal emulator link to xfce4-terminal [00:34] <mrkramps> it should be xfce4-terminal by default [00:35] <dazdaryl> nah it wasn't but i got it [00:36] <mrkramps> you can set default terminal in Preferred Applications → Utilities [00:37] <mrkramps> or global with: sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator [00:37] <dazdaryl> yeah i got that one thanks kramps [00:37] <dazdaryl> now i want to make it drop down from the top [00:37] <dazdaryl> i've done it before [00:37] <dazdaryl> like guake does [00:40] <mrkramps> don't think it can be done with xfce4-terminal … just install guake, tilda or yakuake [00:41] <mrkramps> ah, sorry … i am wrong [00:42] <Unit193> --drop-down [00:49] <dazdaryl> cool thx [01:00] <dazdaryl> is there a way to check the version of something with apt-cache PACKAGE? or apt-get [01:01] <dazdaryl> oh sorry nvm [01:01] <dazdaryl> xubuntu allready ahs [01:01] <dazdaryl> has [01:01] <holstein> synaptic is a handy GUI package manager.. [01:01] <holstein> !info synaptic [01:10] <dazdaryl> where do i change the color of window borders? [01:10] <holstein> dazdaryl: see if the theme manager does what you are looking for [01:24] <Unit193> Window Manager has them. [01:33] <dazdaryl> hmm my drop-down terminal lets me move it [01:33] <dazdaryl> and i dont want that [01:33] <dazdaryl> as if it was anormal window [01:34] <Trinity> I've been trying to log in to my desktop computer but xubuntu is freezing at the loading portion. the loading circle isn't moving. Keyboard numlock does work [01:34] <Trinity> I tried rebooting from a live usb drive but same issue [01:34] <Trinity> any help? [01:34] <dazdaryl> well i can just turn off show menubar then [01:35] <dazdaryl> sounds pretty strange trinity [01:35] <holstein> Trinity: try booting the older kernel in the grub menu [01:38] <Trinity> holstein, same issue [01:38] <Trinity> is my ssd fried? [01:38] <holstein> Trinity: i dont know.. if it is, you wont "fix" it with software.. [01:38] <Trinity> holstein, any way to check? [01:38] <Unit193> !xhangs [01:39] <holstein> Trinity: if you think it is, i would test that.. i would load a live iso and run a test.. otherwise, i try and get into the recovery kernel [01:39] <Unit193> Trinity: Check syslog and dmesg? [01:39] <Trinity> holstein, i can't run a live iso, that hangs too [01:39] <holstein> Trinity: then, it sounds like you have bad hardware [01:39] <holstein> maybe bad ram.. etc.. [01:40] <Trinity> tested ram [01:40] <Unit193> That doesn't sound good. [01:40] <holstein> Trinity: how? what boots for you to test ram? [01:40] <holstein> anyways, i would not try and fix xubuntu if *nothing* boots.. i would look at my hardware [01:40] <Trinity> i was running a unstable data scraper before this happened [01:40] <Trinity> holstein, if i press esc before boot it direts me to grub [01:41] <Trinity> which I can go to shell [01:41] <Trinity> through recovery [01:41] <holstein> Trinity: cool.. and running the rm command above from there? what happens? [01:41] <holstein> looking at the logs from there that Unit193 suggested.. [01:50] <Trinity> holstein, i just copied the syslog over [01:50] <Trinity> and the new syslog doesnt log that error [01:50] <holstein> Trinity: over what? [01:50] <Trinity> backed it up* [01:50] <Trinity> te new syslog only shows me going to recovery shell [01:50] <holstein> cool.. if its my machine, i get *something* booting on it [01:51] <holstein> you say, live iso's dont boot, i want to know why.. and i want to see one running on it.. [01:51] <Trinity> ? [01:51] <Trinity> ok ill try [01:51] <holstein> 21:38 < ubottu> If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority [01:51] <holstein> im assuming you already tried that ^ [01:51] <DazPetty> so it it called zoo-buntu or shoe-buntu? [01:51] <Trinity> yea [01:52] <DazPetty> because I say shoe for xubuntu [01:52] <holstein> say what you like.. most say "zubuntu", or "ex-ubuntu".. its basically xfce + ubuntu.. if you feel "shoe" somehow fits that, and you want to say it, im sure you wont get a fine in the mail.. [01:53] <Unit193> Technically 'zoo-buntu' is correct. [01:53] <holstein> i say zubuntu [01:57] <Trinity> holstein, not sure if it helps but heres something i found rsyslogd-2039: could no open output pipe '/dev/xconsole': No such file or directory [01:58] <holstein> Trinity: it really wouldnt help me, *if* i cant boot a live iso.. if its a "known good" live iso, that i *know* boots on my hardware, and my hardware supports, then, i konw its a problem with the hardware, not the installed OS [01:59] <Trinity> holstein, will a live usb boot if i remove all hdd drives? [01:59] <DazPetty> i suppose I don't need to get a ppa for steam because it will update automaticle [02:00] <holstein> Trinity: thats the question.. and why would you need to remove the hard drives? i mean, you booted *some* live environment to install the os, correct? the hard drive would have been in then [02:00] <holstein> !steam [02:00] <holstein> DazPetty: i thought steam was in the partner repo.. but, i have added the .deb from steam, in the past [02:10] <DazPetty> far out it's the first day and it looks like its going to break fml [02:10] <DazPetty> all i want is steam [02:10] <DazPetty> and updated versions of software [02:10] <DazPetty> having this prob [02:10] <DazPetty> [02:10] <holstein> DazPetty: steam supports ubuntu [02:11] <holstein> anyways, you can add whatever PPA they suggest.. thats what i did.. [02:11] <DazPetty> yeah this turd says i need to kill the ppas cos they are not "multiarch" [02:11] <holstein> DazPetty: that "question" is about 13.10 [02:11] <DazPetty> well it's the same problem [02:11] <holstein> DazPetty: is it? [02:11] <holstein> DazPetty: what problem are you having? [02:13] <DazPetty> farrrk [02:14] <DazPetty> that just destroyed everything [02:14] <holstein> DazPetty: what just destroyed what? [02:14] <holstein> !info steam [02:14] <DazPetty> well krita which i just installed is gone [02:14] <DazPetty> the software center is gone fsr [02:14] <holstein> DazPetty: it should be as simple as "sudo apt-get install steam", or use the package manager of your choise [02:15] <holstein> choice* [02:16] <holstein> i suggested synaptic earlier, as a GUI package manager.. maybe you missed that.. [02:16] <holstein> i think its handier than the software center at finding versions.. etc [02:22] <DazDaryl> wpw [02:22] <DazDaryl> wow [02:23] <DazDaryl> not even a day in and it just breaks [02:23] <DazDaryl> probably because I tried upgrading the XFCE version from a ppa [02:23] <holstein> !ppa [02:23] <holstein> DazDaryl: if you dont need a ppa, and you dont, dont use one [02:23] <DazDaryl> and that just caused everything to fall like a pack of cards [02:23] <DazDaryl> I just thought it would be nice to have the newer version [02:23] <holstein> DazDaryl: if you want a "stable" os, use the supported packages, until you find you need something a ppa facilitates.. [02:24] <DazDaryl> allthough I wont know that that was the problem untill I reinstall everything [02:24] <DazDaryl> yeah well i wont be playing games with the desktop environment [02:24] <DazDaryl> what is xfce/kde called? the type of program? [02:25] <DazDaryl> anyway its changing that desktop/window manager that's killed my every other time [02:25] <holstein> you said it was the desktop environment [02:25] <holstein> DazDaryl: are you coming from windows? [02:25] <DazDaryl> yeah mostly [02:26] <DazDaryl> I've used ubuntu for about 6 months a year ago and arch for another 9 months or so [02:26] <holstein> if so try using xubuntu as you did windows.. think about how long you used it "as-is".. and how long til you installed *any* "beta" software,... for example, never adding any experiemental GUI packages [02:26] <holstein> think about getting aquanted with it, and plan for failure [02:26] <holstein> test with the live iso's as much as possible.. run a version in VM that you "break" first.. [02:27] <DazDaryl> well i guess the ppa are not as well supported as the official repositories on arch are [02:27] <holstein> DazDaryl: no.. they are, as stated above *not* supported in any way [02:27] <holstein> they are unofficial, and you click through a warning to install them [02:29] <DazDaryl> well in some cases like krita I NEED to use the ppda [02:30] <DazDaryl> *ppa [02:30] <DazDaryl> I cant do graphics and game dev on shitty old software [02:30] <DazDaryl> which was why I always hated ubuntu [02:30] <holstein> DazDaryl: sure, but, you are always welcome to maintain your own PPA, or build what you need from scratch [02:30] <holstein> !language [02:31] <holstein> if you need the "latest", you may need a rolling release.. which has its own pros and cons [03:33] <benjamin__> i love to use xubuntu. [03:44] <DazDaryl> hmm [03:44] <DazDaryl> got it going again [08:03] <DazPetty> is there a way to make a specific window imune to alt+click drag? [08:37] <ochosi> DazPetty: nope [08:56] <Munto_> hello guys [08:56] <slickymasterWork> !hi [08:57] <Munto_> since my last upgrade to xubuntu 14.10, each time I restart my computer all the icons of the desktop are automatically reorganized [08:57] <Munto_> did you encounter this behaviour ? [08:58] <Munto_> (I like to regroup some kind of files on my desktop) [08:58] <slickymasterWork> I haven't Munto_, but did you already saw this -> [08:59] <Munto_> oh, it's not me but it looks like the same issue [08:59] <slickymasterWork> yeaps [08:59] <Munto_> unfortunately there is no answer :( [09:05] <Munto_> I found a beginning of help [09:05] <Munto_> [09:07] <slickymasterWork> great Munto_ [09:07] <slickymasterWork> good luck [09:07] <DazPetty> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. [09:07] <DazPetty> wtf is this all about [09:08] <slickymasterWork> DazPetty, please be careful with the language used in the channel [09:15] <DazPetty> f is for fruit [09:15] <DazPetty> so does anyone know about broken packages? [09:17] <knome> DazPetty, you have been noticed about the language once before, so please clean your mouth [09:17] <knome> DazPetty, i've sent you some links in PM via ubottu for reading. [09:20] <DazPetty> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. [09:41] <Munto_> thanks for your help [09:41] <Munto_> bb [11:34] <knob> Good morning everyone! o/ [12:24] <pjotter> I have a peculiar bug in Xubuntu. When you click on a panel-item, most of them will have a popupwindow. This window is aligned to the edge of the panel. But in some applications, when the information in the popup is updated and the menu gets longer or shorter, the popup is not aligned to the panel anymore. Sometimes this causes the popupmenu to overlap the panel and sometimes this causes the popup to hover above the panel. [12:24] <pjotter> Does anybody know of this is an issue with xfce or with the application in question? [12:26] <pjotter> I found this to be the case with the network-icon. So for example, when the list of wifi connections is updated, the popup is misaligned. [12:31] <pjotter> back again [12:39] <pjotter> Xfce misaligns resized menu's on the panel. [14:51] <gjgarza> hi, after installing xubuntu besides Win7 I can't start Win7 anymore. Is there anything I can try besides trying to recover with the Win7 boot cd? [15:28] <LGFDGFS> Hi, [15:28] <LGFDGFS> Spanish? Anyone? [15:29] <drc> !es| LGFDGFS [18:43] <silidan> hi, when i open the filemanager in xubuntu i can see my harddrives listed under devices, clicking on them mounts them and opens them, so far so good, BUT the permissions on the files and folders set for ntfs drives arent correct (i need executable bit set) where is the configuration file/ option hidden for this feature? [19:00] <brainvvash> silidan, maybe this bug 1153781 [19:03] <m3n3chm0> dear all guys, i'm using firefox 37 and Xubuntu 14.04 since this FF version when i receive a message from whatsapp web Firefox crash and closed :( [19:21] <crank_xubuntu> er der hul igennem? [19:22] <bekks> !dk | crank_xubuntu [19:23] <crank_xubuntu> tnx bekks [19:28] <crank_xubuntu> other channels relevant? [23:51] <DazPetty> can i just create conf files in the xorg.conf.d directory and they will automaticly load? [23:52] <mrkramps> DazPetty, if syntax is correct you only have to take care of the numbering [23:52] <DazPetty> ok, so it has 10-evdev and 11 something there [23:53] <mrkramps> the number prefix depends on when you want this config to be loaded [23:53] <DazPetty> ah [23:53] <mrkramps> so 10 is first then 11 [23:54] <DazPetty> but otherwise they all run together, as if this was the old xorg.conf file itself [23:54] <DazPetty> or it on concatonates them? [23:55] <mrkramps> yes, the configs in xorg.conf.d are pretty much like the old xorg.conf [23:57] <DazPetty> hmm I have a razor keyboard and mouse [23:57] <DazPetty> I'm trying to get it to work [23:57] <DazPetty> ~ well it works most of the time [23:57] <DazPetty> but sometimes I start my comp and have no keyboard or mouse [23:58] <DazPetty> it picks it up as a "Razer USA, Ltd" in lsusb
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DazDaryl", "DazPetty", "LGFDGFS", "Munto_", "Trinity", "Unit193", "bekks", "benjamin__", "brainvvash", "crank_xubuntu", "dazdaryl", "drc", "gjgarza", "holstein", "knob", "knome", "m3n3chm0", "mrkramps", "ochosi", "pjotter", "silidan", "slickymasterWork" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[05:28] <mapps> so will this 15euro burger be good [05:28] <mapps> or just a ripoff;D [05:51] <zmoylan-pi> will it be real cow or a complete tescos? [05:54] <mapps> ;D [05:54] <mapps> fosters hollywood..odd name no? [05:58] <zmoylan-pi> throw buzzwords at product name till it sells [05:59] <mapps> [05:59] <mapps> have a look [05:59] <mapps> :) [06:38] <knightwise> morning everyone [06:39] <zmoylan-pi> except sadly for off licence workers in ireland [06:41] <knightwise> hey zmoylan-pi how are you :) [06:41] <zmoylan-pi> all well, yourself? [06:42] <knightwise> doin ok .. hanging out at Google in Brussels this morning [06:43] <zmoylan-pi> are you waving a bring back google reader placard? [06:43] <knightwise> LOL :) [06:43] <knightwise> And i've tattooed "SAVE GOOGLE CODE" on my naked chest [06:44] <zmoylan-pi> there wasn't enough space on your backside with the 'mother' tattoo? :-) [06:45] <knightwise> Those two cheeks are the home of a care-bear and a Mylittlepowny [06:45] <zmoylan-pi> and developers, developers, developers that has resisted all known lasers till now... [06:46] <knightwise> LOL [07:02] <diplo> Morning all [07:04] <diddledan> morning [08:07] <Myrtti> I need to find something that I need from Amazon, sold by or shipped by Amazon, worth of £5. [08:09] <zmoylan-pi> does their search not help? [08:09] <foobarry> had the worst customer experience ever yesterday [08:10] <diddledan> Myrtti: just something random which happens to be around a fiver? [08:11] <foobarry> bought a bed from argos, i got contacted to say they had charged my card twice by mistake and had cancelled one. i phoned on sat to double check the delivery date was still ok "yes sir all booked". delivery nver arrived yesterady. phoned to check, they said no bookings have been made, and there is no stock available any more [08:11] <Myrtti> good point, what do I have on my wishlist [08:13] <zmoylan-pi> but i doubt they'd have a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range for that amount... :-) [08:14] <foobarry> they have individual karbonz needles [08:14] <davmor2> Morning all [08:14] <davmor2> Myrtti: wishes? normally the point of a wish list :P [08:15] <awilkins> Why does it have to be £5 ? [08:15] <Myrtti> lets see if they have nice cardstock [08:15] <awilkins> You can apply Amazon vouchers against purchases larger than their face value, can't you? [08:15] <zmoylan-pi> i'm guessing a gift card [08:15] <awilkins> Last time I had one I just redeemed it and it sat in my balance until I ordered something [08:15] <Myrtti> awilkins: because a set of three gaskets and one aluminum filter for a 6 cup Bialetti Moka pot costs £5 and it qualifies for free shipping for purchases over £10 [08:16] <Myrtti> [08:16] <foobarry> got a freind with prime Myrtti ? [08:16] * awilkins has an Aeropress [08:16] <zmoylan-pi> if that worked wouldn't everyone just use the friend who works from home as their delivery depot? :-) [08:17] <elfy> Myrtti: get 2 - then next time you'll not need to find something for £5 [08:17] <Myrtti> foobarry: I do, but the point about the cardstock is valid - need to send thank you cards with photos on them [08:17] <foobarry> hey this first dates prog on c4 is fun [08:17] <elfy> and morning everyone [08:18] <foobarry> [08:18] <foobarry> everyone needs monoculars [08:19] <zmoylan-pi> i have a monocular with an addon that makes it a microscope too [08:20] <zmoylan-pi> though i would like the kgb monocular... [08:40] <TwistedLucidity> zmoylan-pi: Nat a Spetsnaz ballistic knife? [08:41] <zmoylan-pi> spetsnaz love their shovels!! [08:44] <zmoylan-pi> mind they're not too choosy... [08:57] <dogmatic69> ha [08:58] <zmoylan-pi> at least they're not red hat users... :-P [08:58] <diddledan> I like that they're laughing in his face [08:59] <diddledan> because we all know linux is a hobby os which noone takes seriously </yesterday> [08:59] <zmoylan-pi> i'd much prefer a linux evangalist at my door than jehovahs witnesses... [09:00] <diddledan> what about a jehovah's witless advocating linux? [09:03] <directhex> i wouldn't like either [09:03] <directhex> linux advocates can be some of the worst people on the internet [09:04] <directhex> and 100% counterproductive [09:04] <zmoylan-pi> true but they also don't leave their mothers basement and knock on your door while you try to sleep before night shift [09:05] <davmor2> so tune in my head this morning "He's the greatest, He's fantastic, Whenever there is trouble he'll be there....." [09:06] <zmoylan-pi> dangermouse powerhouse... [09:06] <zmoylan-pi> damnit!! [09:06] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: and now it's stuck in your head too right :D you're welcome [09:07] * zmoylan-pi adds davmor2 to the punishment list... forced to use ms vista after the revolution... [09:13] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Reconciliation Day! :-D [09:14] <zmoylan-pi> i never agreed to that! :-P [09:31] <diddledan> I think we're gonna have to differ on that [09:31] <TwistedLucidity> zmoylan-pi: Got some training videos for the Russian Fighting System kicking around. Very interesting. Imagine a soft-form of Kung Fu mixed with Ju-jitsu but much, much more violent. [09:31] <TwistedLucidity> And yes, what they can do with a shovel is eye-opening. [09:31] <bigcalm> Good morning peeps :) [09:32] * diddledan comes over all calm, in a big way [09:32] <diddledan> oh ello bigcalm , didn't see you there :-p [09:32] <zmoylan-pi> kinda like an average hurley match [09:32] <bigcalm> ¬.¬ [09:32] * bigcalm goes for a shower [09:32] <TwistedLucidity> diddledan: You been reading "Viz" again? [09:33] <diddledan> hmm, what font do I need to get those to work on windows? [09:33] <TwistedLucidity> zmoylan-pi: I doubt even the Russians are that crazy [09:34] <zmoylan-pi> we should offer them a game... :-P [09:35] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [09:44] <foobarry> has anyone tried the tomb raider 1 just relaesd on android? [09:44] <foobarry> i guess i could try and get a refund in 2hrs if the controls are unusable [09:53] <zmoylan-pi> can't you connect a bt games controller? [09:54] <foobarry> i don't have one [09:55] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: Global Thermo-nuclear war? [09:55] <zmoylan-pi> no thanks joshua [10:01] <diddledan> zmoylan-pi: the dead code? [11:15] <foobarry> everyone on hols already? [11:16] <awilkins> I wish [11:16] <awilkins> My daughter is [11:22] <diddledan> it's a unix system. I know this! [11:23] <diddledan> now I wonder how a schoolgirl in the 90s had access to high-end computer hardware and software that costs many thousands [11:23] <diddledan> (freebsd wasn't around then, I don't believe) [11:24] <diddledan> and linux was barely born by the time the movie made it public [11:31] <diplo> The first version of FreeBSD was released in 1993 [11:31] <diplo> :) [11:31] <foobarry> day before christmas, the dads get to take kids to work with them [11:31] <diplo> Sod that! [11:32] <foobarry> cue jam on keybaord helpdesk tickets [11:32] <foobarry> and can you install macromedia [11:36] <diplo> When mine do have to come in I keep a old whiteboard and pens handy, they both have one and have to draw me stuff [11:36] <diplo> :) [12:11] <foobarry> whats the deal with tax free interest now? [12:11] <foobarry> when does that start? [12:11] <foobarry> so ISAs are dead now? [12:12] <foobarry> from 04/16 [12:16] <Laney> depends how much interest you're earning [12:17] <foobarry> £1000 a year is a lot [12:17] <foobarry> especially on 0.3% interest rate [12:18] <awilkins> If you're earning over £1,000 in interest, you've got at least 25 grand squirreled away (at 4%) [12:18] <foobarry> who gets 4% !!!?!? [12:18] <awilkins> Dunno [12:18] <Laney> maybe not now, but it's not unheard of [12:18] <awilkins> THe bank used to get 4% off ME for my mortgage [12:19] <Laney> & that's not an unrealistic amount for people to have saved up over several years [12:19] <awilkins> Why isn't there equity in that arrangement, eh? [12:21] <foobarry> we wont see 4% for a long time [12:21] <foobarry> and the ISA limit is now 15k per year i think [12:21] <foobarry> so they are not dead long term [12:22] <foobarry> but it means that i don't have to put any in for a while [12:22] <foobarry> i got 4.25% fixed from halifax a few years ago, that just finished [12:23] <Laney> might see isa rates go up a bit to compete with current accounts now [12:23] <foobarry> would be nice [12:23] <foobarry> but there seems to be some cartel [12:23] <foobarry> whats the best rate out there atm? [12:24] <awilkins> Bonds are probably good, if you can stuff it away for a few years [12:24] <foobarry> and why are postal accoutns still a thing? [12:25] <Laney> haven't looked, not sure if i have to open a new account next year or not yet [12:25] <Laney> getting 2.5% though which is decent in this day and age [12:25] <foobarry> secure trust bank: 7years fixed at 3.11% [12:26] <awilkins> Agribank 5 years fixed at 3.30% [12:27] <awilkins> Castle Trust - (first ad hit on Google, dodgy City of London geezers by the look of it) 4.5% over 5 yrears [12:28] <foobarry> wow ads [12:29] <foobarry> "housas" [12:37] <foobarry> my wife wants to pay a man to lay a tiny lawn for 700£ :( [12:38] <daftykins> how tiny? [12:38] <foobarry> terraced london house [12:38] <foobarry> prob 8m * 3.m [12:38] <foobarry> or less [12:39] <foobarry> 5m*3.5m [12:39] <daftykins> wowzer [12:40] <elfy> I'll do it for half that [12:40] <foobarry> deal [12:40] <elfy> and buy a lawnmower - bring it up on the train and still make money lol [12:41] <foobarry> none of those magic beans [12:41] <elfy> :) [12:45] <foobarry> anyone used miracle grow? [12:46] <foobarry> gotta be cheaper than this [13:44] <diplo> I've laid a lawn that size in my house, simples.. just buy the turf... just make sure you prep the soil correctly first [13:45] <foobarry> prep how? [13:45] <foobarry> flatten, and sand? [13:46] <diplo> Just de-weeding and making sure theres no big stones and then yeah flatten compact it down [13:46] <diplo> The thing I found was that after I had laid my turf I hadn't compacted it hard enough and when the rains ( the heavy stuff! ) it dropped by 1/2 and inch or more [14:03] <foobarry> [14:03] <foobarry> hmm [14:03] <foobarry> how do you compact it? ask heavy friends to come round? [14:04] <Myrtti> tadah [14:04] <Myrtti> can't see the UV sensor on the top but the flora shows from behind the decorational trim [14:06] <diplo> Hire a pull along roller? Not sure if that's the best method though [14:08] <foobarry> i have some timber [14:08] <foobarry> might make a concession to wifey [14:08] <foobarry> pay for man to lay patio, but i do the turf [14:10] <diplo> hah that's what I did, couldn't afford both :) [14:10] <foobarry> was the turf acceptable in the end? [14:12] <diplo> yeah, basically the people before me put a huge patio in the centre of the garden for their child to have this huge trampoline etc, I removed all the concreate and slabs ( 4-5 skips!!!! ) and bought some soil and turf, apart from the slight dip and only I really notice that it's blended right in now [14:13] <diplo> I did it last summer a week before the heavens opened and we had those heavy heavy rains [14:13] <zmoylan-pi> how big was the child using the trampoline?? [14:14] * zmoylan-pi is visualising a jurassic park water tremors scenario for the neighbours... [14:16] <diplo> Tiny! She was young, think the dad worked away a lot and compensated by spending lots on her, was 13ft maybe? and the patio had space all around it! [15:32] <Motherland> "The link “index.theme” is broken. Move it to the Rubbish Bin?" How to fix [15:33] <Motherland> This link cannot be used because its target “/etc/alternatives/x-cursor-theme” doesn't exist. [15:49] <Azelphur> popey: have you done any interesting hacky things with the Hudl 2? [15:49] <popey> nope [15:49] <Azelphur> I'm kinda tempted to buy one since I could get one for £42 now with the offer going [15:49] <popey> I use it [15:50] <Azelphur> but 4.4 sounds pretty shit, and I'd kinda like to do something cool with it like put a full Linux distro on it since it has an Atom in it [15:50] <popey> good luck [15:50] <popey> 4.4 isnt bad [15:50] <popey> it works. [15:50] <popey> unsurprisingly tesco abandoned it [15:50] <Azelphur> all my devices are 5.0 now so it'd feel weird going back [15:50] <Azelphur> I see [15:50] <Azelphur> yea Tesco abandoning it just makes me want to not buy it [15:51] <popey> [15:51] <popey> uh [15:51] <popey> oops [15:51] <popey> [15:52] <popey> i use mine most days [15:52] <popey> I'd like to put a linux distro on it, but it seems less than hackable. [16:06] <davmor2> Azelphur: it's a great tablet to just use rather than tinker with [16:07] <Azelphur> davmor2: well I already have a Nexus 7 2013 [16:07] <davmor2> Azelphur: yeah but you can put Ubuntu on that :) [16:08] <Azelphur> davmor2: actually, I've tried and had nothing but hell putting Ubuntu on it [16:08] <davmor2> Azelphur: Yeah back you android version back to 4.4.2 first should help you out maybe :) [16:09] <Azelphur> yea, none of the chroot stuff works on 5.0 [16:09] <Azelphur> but I'd like native, I figured that with the intel atom native would be easy but apparently not [16:10] <Azelphur> Been kinda tempted to buy a surface, which just makes me cringe but the hardware is what I want and I bet it'd run Xubuntu no problem [16:11] <zmoylan-pi> i'm looking at getting a pi 2 and hdmipi to add to it plus battery [16:11] <Azelphur> hehe [16:12] <zmoylan-pi> or even just use the pi2 and battery and wifi adapter to create an ad hoc network and ssh in from phone to full linux terminal [16:13] <Azelphur> yea, really I'm just after a ~7" laptop lol [16:14] <zmoylan-pi> there is the pitop which is a 10" rasp pi laptop. [16:14] <Azelphur> haha that's cute [16:14] <zmoylan-pi> or the new €150 chrome os laptops which might be able to run linux instead of chromeos [16:15] <Azelphur> I heard a definitive no on that because they use eMMc which SeaBIOS doesn't support [16:15] <zmoylan-pi> the flip if it can be convinced to run linux would be a tablet AND a laptop [16:16] <Azelphur> indeed [16:16] <zmoylan-pi> if they build it the linux hackers will come :-D [17:53] <davmor2> Well the caravan site is doing it's job I can already feel the stress slowly drifting away [17:54] <elfy> feeling weightless? [17:54] <elfy> hopefully it's not the caravan sliding over the cliff :p [17:55] <zmoylan-pi> caravan site is flooded and his caravan is drifting out to sea... [17:56] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: that would be amazing being as I'm in shrewsbury :D [17:57] <zmoylan-pi> a mole army is carrying the caravan to the sea... [17:57] <elfy> ha [17:59] <zmoylan-pi> while disguised as squirrels so as not to ruin their friendly image [18:03] <Azelphur> urgh, ordered replacement parts for my laptop, I asked them for "bottom cover" so they gave me the entire bottom of the laptop, minus the bottom cover. [18:07] <x85_> anyone install ubuntu touch on the tesco hudl 2 ? [18:08] <Azelphur> x85_: rofl we literally just had this conversation 5 minutes ago, answer seems to be: no you can't have nice things [18:08] <daftykins> ;) [18:08] <x85_> lol [18:08] <x85_> serious? [18:09] <Azelphur> yup [18:09] <Myrtti> someone is struggling with the 4k display... [18:09] <Myrtti> "all the fonts are for ANTS" [18:09] <x85_> so no possibility of it happening ? [18:10] <daftykins> x85_: who knows, go trawl the xda devs forum maybe [18:10] <Azelphur> x85_: if you find anything cool to do with it let me know, I spotted the £85 hotukdeal too :P [18:10] <x85_> le sigh [18:14] <foobarry> what?i just bought one [18:14] <foobarry> for big price [18:15] <Azelphur> sucks to be you, with my clubcard points I can get one for £42 right now [18:15] <ali1234> what's the point of it when you could just buy a nexus 7? [18:15] <Azelphur> ali1234: I already have a Nexus 7 [18:15] <x85_> price point [18:15] <zmoylan-pi> i bought a phone for €49 and was happy till i found it for sale for €29 about 2 weeks later... [18:16] <ali1234> why do you want a hudl then? [18:16] <foobarry> 8.3 [18:16] <Azelphur> ali1234: I was hoping the Intel chipset would make it a little more hackable, turns out nope. [18:17] <x85_> i thought the same [18:17] <x85_> :( [18:17] <zmoylan-pi> fewer and fewer hackable commercial devices it seems [18:18] <Azelphur> and now ali1234 is gonna tell us why not and ruin our dreams [18:18] <ali1234> why would you want to hack a tablet? [18:18] <ali1234> they literally only have one use and it is something that they already do [18:18] <zmoylan-pi> to install a different os [18:18] <Azelphur> ali1234: 8" device with a decent ARM chip in it to run a desktop OS would be quite cool? [18:18] <daftykins> surely the why is not a question that often concerns modders or hackers [18:18] <zmoylan-pi> even just to use cyanogen mod instead of android [18:19] <x85_> not a total loss for me because i was using an IPad [18:19] <daftykins> eww :) [18:19] <daftykins> closed fruity tech [18:19] <shauno> I'm still confused why people think they want a desktop OS on a tablet ;) [18:19] <x85_> lol [18:19] <zmoylan-pi> because they can shauno [18:19] <zmoylan-pi> especially when they can't [18:20] <Azelphur> shauno: because it's a really tiny lightweight super-long battery life laptop I can put in my pocket? [18:20] <ali1234> "because it is relatively easy and i will get on the front page of hackaday" [18:20] <x85_> modding most of linux stuff just turns out to be just because we can [18:20] <ali1234> except when they find out it's not quite as easy as they thought they all give up ^ [18:20] <shauno> tablet PCs have had desktop OSes on them for a good 15-20 years. no-one actually wanted one until they stuck a mobile OS on it [18:21] <ali1234> shauno: preach it [18:21] <Azelphur> shauno: tablet PCs and tablets are totally different things [18:21] <ali1234> yes, tablets are even more unsuitable for a desktop OS because they have no keyboard [18:21] <x85_> I'm using a MBP which I'm now punching myself in the face over because the OS is just bs [18:21] <Azelphur> ali1234: tablet pcs are generally 4-5x the size of a tablet [18:21] <Azelphur> see my previous statement :P [18:22] <Azelphur> if a tablet PC was ~7" and a few mm thick with a day+ of battery life, I'd be sold [18:22] <daftykins> x85_: i too find OS X very yawn [18:22] <x85_> yea [18:22] <daftykins> and ubuntu doesn't really work quite right on them [18:23] <shauno> I just think it's slightly ironic, since anyone who's actually tried to stab their way around the start menu on a tablet PC, would stab themselves in the eye with a stylus before trying to put a desktop OS on a mobile device [18:23] <ali1234> yep [18:23] <x85_> daftykins: I'm at a loss of about $2000 because i fell for the shiny [18:23] <ali1234> "woooooo conveeeeeergence" [18:23] <daftykins> d'aww [18:24] <diddledan> I've got a surface pro 3, and quite like it [18:24] <zmoylan-pi> yet the psion organisers had no problems with menus with and without touchscreens [18:24] <diddledan> specifically though I'm mostly using it as a desk-mounted laptop [18:24] <x85_> cool [18:24] <x85_> i do have a pi [18:24] <Azelphur> shauno: I'd be quite happy with a tiny keyboard and a trackball/touchpad [18:24] <Azelphur> (which are a dime a dozen now days for tablets) [18:24] <ali1234> early psions didn't even have a touchscreen [18:24] <ali1234> late ones needed a stylus [18:24] <zmoylan-pi> the psions keyboards allowed me to type at 40wpm while walking around stock room [18:25] <daftykins> i still have my series 3c somewhere :D (Psion) [18:25] <Azelphur> yea, I had a psion, keyboard was actually really good [18:25] <zmoylan-pi> early psions had no touch screen but had drop down menus that worked great with keyboard [18:25] <x85_> can i go off topic a lil bit without being booted [18:25] <ali1234> drop down menus don't work with touch screens which is why ubuntu has all but removed them [18:25] <shauno> I assume they had a bespoke OS instead of a desktop OS then? [18:25] <Azelphur> ali1234: that's basically what the argument boils down to though, where's our psion form factor laptop :P [18:26] <ali1234> and windows as well for that matter, see ribbon [18:26] <daftykins> shauno: sure did [18:26] <zmoylan-pi> but the psion 5 had touch screen and kept the drop down menus and they worked fine [18:26] <daftykins> what was it called, EPOC or something like that? [18:26] <ali1234> Azelphur: it's called a asus transformer book [18:26] <shauno> x85_: everyone else does :) [18:26] <zmoylan-pi> epoc 16 for psions 3 and epoc 32 for psion 5 [18:26] <Azelphur> ali1234: that's 13 inches... [18:26] <x85_> why does the pi 2 not run android? [18:26] <Azelphur> psion is more like 6 [18:26] <ali1234> zmoylan-pi: because it had a stylus [18:26] <zmoylan-pi> i like styluses [18:27] <Azelphur> x85_: probably WIP [18:27] <diddledan> x85_: because noone has ported it yet [18:27] <x85_> ok [18:27] <diddledan> the main sticking point is the gfx [18:27] <x85_> will 14.10 work on the pi 2 [18:27] <diddledan> 14.10? [18:27] <ali1234> yes [18:28] <Azelphur> diddledan: ...ubuntu...14.10? [18:28] <diddledan> I'd be more worried about 15.04, Azelphur [18:28] <shauno> I think there's a few unofficial ports [18:28] <daftykins> *sigh* at #ubuntu PMers [18:28] * Azelphur shrugs [18:28] <diddledan> daftykins: teehee [18:28] <shauno> I believe Mate have an image too [18:29] * diddledan hides [18:30] <zmoylan-pi> maybe a risc os laptop with a pi2... :-D [18:30] <x85_> i got an older ubuntu version running on pi but for some reason i want the latest [18:30] <x85_> i can't find pre built images [18:30] * daftykins has a flashback to the 3 buttoned mouses on the Acorns at his secondary school [18:31] <daftykins> man those things were pants. [18:32] <diddledan> ubuntu on a pi? as in version 1, not 2? [18:32] <shauno> fancy-pants southerners :/ we had bbc micros right up until tesco started doing their tokens for schools thing [18:32] <daftykins> x85_: LTS is where it's at [18:32] <diddledan> shauno: didn't those tokens for schools equip schools with acorns? [18:33] <x85_> daftykins: i assume i can upgrade to 14.10 anyway? [18:33] <shauno> linaro have a 14.10 image (linaro 15.01 is their port of ubuntu 14.10) [18:33] <zmoylan-pi> did you have the rebadged psions the pocketbooks? [18:34] <x85_> shauno: im not keen because the image seems to be hosted on someones personal skydrive? [18:34] <shauno> probably. there's no official ports [18:35] <shauno> (there's ubuntu snappy, but not ubuntu desktop. the two seem so wildly different no-one's even sure where to begin explaining) [18:36] <x85_> i like rasbian but....its not (really ubuntu) [18:36] <zmoylan-pi> it's a distro optimised for original lower spec pi. so a lot had to go [18:37] <x85_> wait could i not change the sources list to ubuntu's default? [18:37] <zmoylan-pi> but i quite like it. i reckon i could now get by with pi2 as main system [18:37] * x85_ assumes that will break stuff [18:38] <shauno> I think that's a safe assumption, but I couldn't articulate /why/ lol [18:38] <daftykins> x85_: the factor of things being available or not is whether someone has compiled the ubuntu packages for the given processor, which for ubuntu, they haven't [18:38] <daftykins> at least i think so [18:38] <zmoylan-pi> it's be like putting diesel in a petrol engine... [18:38] <x85_> dont lol [18:38] <shauno> I do wish ubuntu had done a proper port before muddying the waters with this snappy business [18:39] <zmoylan-pi> it'd be easier to get ballmer and stallman into same room than getting raspian to accept ubuntu repositories :-) [18:39] <x85_> there is arch but i find that to be a lil bit daunting [18:39] <x85_> lol zmoylan-pi [18:39] <daftykins> i do get the feeling arch is the Linux for ricers, kinda like gentoo :P [18:39] <diddledan> ubuntu snappy for pi is kinda like windows 10 for pi methinks [18:40] <zmoylan-pi> i think arch is for those who like to swear at their computers, at least those i know who use it seem to do it a lot :-D [18:40] <daftykins> :> [18:41] <x85_> so I'm guessing ima have to wait for both my hull and pi to run native ubuntu ? [18:41] <x85_> hudi frackin autocorrect [18:41] <x85_> l [18:41] <x85_> argh [18:41] <diddledan> iPad? [18:42] <x85_> macbook [18:42] <diddledan> aah [18:42] <x85_> that hurts to say here [18:42] <diddledan> hey, I'm on windows [18:42] <x85_> oh [18:42] <x85_> i feel better [18:42] <diddledan> :-p [18:42] <x85_> lolol [18:43] <zmoylan-pi> please let it be windows vista... [18:43] <daftykins> Windows here too, SSH'd to an ubuntu VM ;) [18:43] <diddledan> nah, 8.1 [18:43] <daftykins> (for IRC) [18:43] <daftykins> reminds me, i've not got long left to replace these 10.04.4 VMs [18:43] <shauno> macbook too \o/ (and shamelessly loving it) [18:45] <diddledan> daftykins: upgrade to 15.04, via 14.10, via 14.04, via 13.10, via 13.04, via 12.10, via 12.04, via 11.10, via 11.04, via 10.10 [18:45] <x85_> really shauno i find OS X irritating [18:45] <daftykins> diddledan: that's not even necessary, plus i'd stick to LTS [18:45] <daftykins> so i *could* do -> 12.04 -> 14.04 [18:45] <daftykins> except the VMs don't have the disk space :D [18:45] <diddledan> daftykins: I don't care if it's necessary, it would be awesome to watch you go through the pain [18:45] <daftykins> and i don't believe in upgrades [18:46] <daftykins> diddledan: you're kinda making me tempted to try it anyway [18:46] <diddledan> teehee [18:46] <daftykins> not sure i'll ever be that bored, though [18:46] <x85_> lol [18:46] <daftykins> plus it's a huge waste on the mirrors really [18:46] <diddledan> have you not seen the videos where windows 1.0 gets upgraded through every release to current-gen? [18:46] <x85_> that will hurt [18:47] <x85_> #vistawillkilleverything [18:47] <diddledan> someone should do one for ubuntu from the very first (warty warthog?) [18:47] <shauno> I don't do upgrades either. I build a replacement while the old machine is still live, then migrate [18:47] <zmoylan-pi> but has to be done in a vm as hardware that would run original win 1.0 would just confuse xp as it tried to work out why you were installing it on a calculator [18:47] <diddledan> lol [18:48] <diddledan> actually win1.0- will prolly work on anything with bios-compatibility [18:48] <zmoylan-pi> and that's only if you managed to snag xp on floppies to install [18:48] <shauno> 1/2/3 are surprisingly forgiving. they care little about hardware if dos works [18:48] <diddledan> but vms make recording much easier, obv [18:49] <x85_> atleast android will sorta work alongside ubuntu i.e passing notifications from your cell to your desktop [18:51] <shauno> diddledan: random gossip re: "that other place". it appears all the opers have thrown their toys out the pram, and left. but left the bots running. [18:51] <shauno> just .. yaknow .. if trainwrecks are your thing [18:51] <diddledan> eep [18:51] * diddledan joins [18:55] <daftykins> diddledan: oh your message was a notice not a PM 0o so i didn't see it 'til now ;) [18:55] <daftykins> food time, laters \o [18:55] <diddledan> lol [18:55] <diddledan> I guess my hiding was in vain then [18:56] <x85_> the linaro dl pages are confusing [21:00] <dogmatic69_> anyone know of something similar to sphinx search with a focus on stats and analytics [21:01] <dogmatic69_> I need something for doing reporting oh what would basically be faceted search with aggregation, avg, median and other such functions [21:02] <dogmatic69_> handy API that can be used over http would be good, eg rest [21:03] <diddledan> dogmatic69_: I'm currently playing with elasticsearch [21:03] <dogmatic69_> diddledan: I have been looking at that [21:03] <dogmatic69_> seems to be on the right track [21:03] <diddledan> dogmatic69_: I've imported the entire archive into it :-p [21:04] <dogmatic69_> I bascially want to insert something like date, value, key_1, key_2, key_n [21:04] <dogmatic69_> and then do finds grouped by keys, with conditions on keys and so on. and maths done on the value [21:04] <diddledan> dogmatic69_: I'm just now starting to work out how to actually provide a nice interface for the general population to query it [21:04] <dogmatic69_> diddledan: did you post the link before? [21:05] <dogmatic69_> I think I have seen that, or something similar [21:05] <diddledan> nope, it's not public yet [21:05] <dogmatic69_> ok, someone else posted a link with stuff here from irc [21:05] <diddledan> there's the stats run by brobostigon (I think) at [21:06] <diddledan> that's just for this channel tho [21:06] <diddledan> I'm thinking more broadly [21:07] <dogmatic69_> no, that was not the site [21:09] <MooDoo> evening all [21:18] <dogmatic69_> what can I delete from here [21:18] <dogmatic69_> uname says 3.13.0-41-generic [21:18] <dogmatic69_> can I safely delete anything below 41? [21:20] <diddledan> dogmatic69_: apt-get autoremove should clear out old kernels [21:20] <dogmatic69_> oh [21:20] <dogmatic69_> so simple :) [21:21] <diddledan> I think that's been improved lately [21:21] <dogmatic69_> ok [21:21] <dogmatic69_> I am sure it never used to [21:21] <dogmatic69_> I get an error though [21:21] <diddledan> I seem to recall that someone mentioned that kernels are getting removed by new upgrades with no intervention [21:21] <dogmatic69_> nice [21:22] <dogmatic69_> I have tried resizing /boot [21:22] <dogmatic69_> its just a vm [21:22] <dogmatic69_> failed [21:22] <diddledan> you prolly want `sudo` [21:22] <dogmatic69_> I did sudo, its half installed a new kernel and bombed out. [21:23] <diddledan> eww [21:23] * dogmatic69_ hopes second time lucky [21:24] <dogmatic69_> :/ this is after a bunch more text [21:27] <diddledan> yeah, you'll need to clear out some of the oldest ones to allow it to proceed to uninstall those older ones [21:27] <diddledan> catch-22 [21:28] <dogmatic69_> lol [21:29] <dogmatic69_> just delete all the 30ish ones [21:38] <dogmatic69_> bit of a mess, but seems to be sorted now. thanks diddledan [21:38] <diddledan> \o/ [23:43] <ali1234> this is a funny bug [23:44] <ali1234> deleting browser history in firefox makes firefox use 100% CPU and places.sqlite-wal grow at about 200mb/minute [23:45] <daftykins> :S [23:45] <daftykins> v37? [23:46] <ali1234> no, v36 [23:59] <Azelphur> I've noticed Firefox performance issues too, I tried uninstalling flash and grabbing chrome for the occasions I still need it
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Azelphur", "JamesTait", "Laney", "MooDoo", "Motherland", "Myrtti", "TwistedLucidity", "ali1234", "awilkins", "bigcalm", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "davmor2", "diddledan", "diplo", "directhex", "dogmatic69", "dogmatic69_", "elfy", "foobarry", "knightwise", "mapps", "popey", "shauno", "x85_", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[01:07] <BenLue> moins, kann mir jemand eine Vorlage mit mktempfile vür mein Vorhaben: geben? [01:07] <kubine> BenLue: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [01:08] <BenLue> *für [09:13] <ub_umstieg> Guten Morgen Frage Nautilus "gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-folder-viewer 'list-view'" [09:13] <ub_umstieg> Kann ich den ORTE seitlich auch umstellen [09:14] <ub_umstieg> so dass ein echter baum angezeigt wird [09:15] <zerwas> ub_umstieg: Welche Nautilus-Version? [09:15] <ub_umstieg> 3.10.1 [09:16] <ub_umstieg> ist das überhaupt nautilus bei der standard installation Unity [09:16] <zerwas> Dann kannst du im Sidepane keinen Baum anzeigen lassen. Du kannst ihn höchstens ganz ausschalten mit F9 [09:17] <ub_umstieg> gibt es eine alternative [09:17] <zerwas> Ich glaube mit Thunar geht es. [09:17] <ub_umstieg> ok werd ich testen [09:18] <zerwas> ub_umstieg: Mit org.gnome.nautilus.list-view.use-tree-view auf true hast du übrigens eher etwas baumartiges in der Listenansicht [09:25] <ub_umstieg> Danke [09:55] <uniX67> wer hilft mir einen starter für tor-browser step-by-step zu erstellen? (kein arronax) und bitte: keine verlinkung auf wiki Doku: .desktop-Dateien pasten. [09:57] <uniX67> danke im voraus :-) [09:57] <dadrc> wenn du die doku kennst, was fehlt dir denn? [09:58] <zerwas> dadrc: ein fertige .desktop-Datei [09:58] <uniX67> ich kenne wiki doku auswendig [09:58] <uniX67> mache einen fehler. ich weiß nicht, wo? [09:59] <zerwas> uniX67: Dann zeig doch mal deinen Versuch mit einer .desktop-Datei [10:00] <uniX67> zerwas: ok. momento. step-by-step. [10:01] <mrkramps_> step-by-step mit einer *.dektop?! mach 'nen nopaste und gut ist [10:02] <uniX67> mrkramps_: ok [10:06] <dreamon> Früher konnte man sich in der Recovery Umgebung ohne Rootpasswort einloggen, das geht jetzt nicht mehr. Gibt es noch eine Möglichkeit root zu werden? [10:07] <uniX67> zerwas: [10:07] <kubine> uniX67: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [10:07] <dreamon> Ich muß das Passwort zurücksetzen [10:07] <uniX67> sind die 2. schritte richtig? [10:07] <dadrc> dreamon, booten mit init=/bin/bashz [10:07] <dadrc> -z [10:08] <dadrc> uniX67, interessant wäre, was in jener desktop-Datei drinsteht [10:08] <mrkramps_> mitunter, ansonsten liegt die datei dort schon richtig [10:08] <mrkramps_> zumindest für das anwendungsmenü [10:08] <uniX67> dad [10:08] <dreamon> dadrc, Im grub menu meinst du? [10:09] <jokrebel> dreamon: ja [10:09] <dadrc> dreamon, jo. Kernel wählen, e drücken, entsprechend anpassen, mit F10 booten [10:09] <mrkramps_> uniX67: nein, der inhalt der datei ~/.local/share/applications/tor-browser.desktop [10:09] <uniX67> dadrc: und da kommen wir auf den punkt. ich kann nichts hinzufügen, da bei doppel-klick auf die datei bekomme ich einen fehler [10:10] <yogg> Hi [10:10] <zerwas> uniX67: Zur Sicherheit die Datei noch ausführbar machen mit chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/tor-browser.desktop [10:11] <zerwas> uniX67: zum Bearbeiten der Datei kannst du gedit ~/.local/share/applications/tor-browser.desktop ausführen [10:11] <dadrc> uniX67, Terminal auf, `cat ~/.local/share/applications/tor-browser.desktop` eingeben, uns zeigen, was der Befehl ausgibt. [10:11] <dreamon> dadrc, jokrebel Das sieht anderst aus als ich das kenne. In welche zeile muß es rein? bei linux /boot/vmlinuz-....... root quiet splash ? [10:11] <jokrebel> dreamon: [10:11] <kubine> jokrebel: Title: Bootoptionen › Wiki › (at [10:12] <jokrebel> dreamon: In die Zeile wo auch das quiet splash steht ganz hinten anfügen [10:13] <jokrebel> dreamon: Siehe auch den Link von grade eben. [10:13] <uniX67> dadrc: [10:13] <kubine> uniX67: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [10:13] <dadrc> uniX67, die Datei ist ja irgendwie leer. Kein Wunder, dass da nichts weiter passiert. [10:13] <yogg> Ich würde gernen auf einem Ubuntu Server einen User in seinen Homefolder einsperren (lesend und schreibend). Es sollte dann Beispielsweise ein "ls /" nicht mehr funktionieren. Mit welchen mitteln bewerkstelligt man das am besten? [10:13] <uniX67> zerwas: erledigt [10:14] <dadrc> yogg, Leserechte muss der Nutzer haben, sonst kann er auch keine Programme ausführen. [10:14] <uniX67> da [10:14] <mrkramps_> uniX67: da gehört inhalt in diese datei [10:14] <uniX67> dadrc: ja. ich kann auf die datei nicht zugreiffen [10:14] <uniX67> dadrc: das ist der grund... [10:14] <dreamon> haha.. dadrc jokrebel DANKE! [10:14] <mrkramps_> uniX67: siehe [10:14] <uniX67> dadrc: probire mit sudo gedit [10:15] <mrkramps_> niemals sudo mit grafischen programmen verwenden! [10:15] <uniX67> mrkramps_: quelle nicht mehr aktuell [10:15] <ShiroNeko> hallo, bin aktuell bei ubuntu 14.04 und hab ein kleines problem mit der intel GPU. es wird immer nur der bildschirm das laptops selbst und einer der beiden monitore der dockingstation erkannt [10:16] <yogg> dadrc: ja das Problem sehe ich auch, aber ich würde gerne ein "cat /etc/passwd" verhindern. Nicht das in der Passwd irgendwas drinnen stehen würde das ihm weiterhelfen würde, aber er solls trotzdem nicht tun können ^^ [10:16] <mrkramps_> jau, sollte sein [10:16] <kubine> mrkramps_: Title: .desktop-Dateien › Wiki › (at [10:16] <mrkramps_> und dazu liest du dir auch gleich durch [10:16] <kubine> mrkramps_: Title: sudo › Wiki › (at [10:17] <ShiroNeko> auf gibt es zwar aktuelle intel treiber, allerdings ohne support für 14.04, ausschließlich 14.10. könnte man die installatlion eventuell unter 14.04 irgendwie hinbiegen? [10:17] <mrkramps_> ShiroNeko: unter einsatz deines lebens kannst du jederzeit neue treiber manuell nachinstallieren [10:17] <dadrc> ShiroNeko, fährst du schon den Hardware Enablement Stack von 14.10? [10:17] <uniX67> dadrc: ich füge in die datei den inhalt vom script tor-browser, richtit? [10:18] <dadrc> [10:18] <kubine> dadrc: Title: Kernel/LTSEnablementStack - Ubuntu Wiki (at [10:18] <ShiroNeko> dadrc: nein [10:18] <mrkramps_> uniX67: noe [10:18] <uniX67> ups [10:18] <dadrc> ShiroNeko, dann würd ich erstmal das probieren, das ist zumindest offiziell unterstützt :) [10:18] <uniX67> und an dieser stelle bin ich gescheitert [10:19] <uniX67> was bitte schön kommt in die datei rein? [10:19] <mrkramps_> uniX67: siehe [10:19] <kubine> mrkramps_: Title: Installation › Tor › Wiki › (at [10:19] <mrkramps_> habe ich jetzt genug wiki zitiert!? [10:21] <mrkramps_> gut, dann mahlzeit [10:22] <uniX67> ah du meine gü(ö)te.. das im blauen feld? das muss da rein? evtl. EXEC anpassen? [10:23] <dadrc> Und Icon [10:23] <uniX67> ich bin doof.. [10:25] <uniX67> auf der wiki-seite sieht es ein wenig anders aus: . deshalb meine probleme. [10:25] <kubine> uniX67: Title: .desktop-Dateien › Wiki › (at [10:37] <uniX67> ES LÄUFT :-) [10:37] <uniX67> ES LÄUFT :-) [10:37] <uniX67> ES LÄUFT :-) [10:38] <uniX67> bingo! [10:49] <dreamon> Bekomme leider ein -> passwd: Authentication token manipulation error → Wenn ich passwd user mache und neues erzeuge. [10:51] <jokrebel> dreamon: Nimm doch einfach ein Live-Medium und chroot [10:51] <dreamon> Ich teste noch kurz das youtube video -> [10:51] <kubine> dreamon: Title: Fix Ubuntu "Passwd: Authentication token manipulation error" - YouTube (at [10:53] <dreamon> Ah man muß noch / mounten.. jetzt gings [11:06] <ShiroNeko> dadrc: also das mit dem hardware enabled stack hatte nicht funktioniert [11:06] <dadrc> ShiroNeko, was heißt nicht funktioniert? [11:06] <dadrc> Ließ sich nicht installieren oder hat nichts geändert? [11:08] <ShiroNeko> dadrc: [11:08] <kubine> ShiroNeko: Title: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-utopic xserver-xorg- - (at [11:08] <dadrc> ShiroNeko, also hast du den schon [11:08] <ShiroNeko> ja, somit bleibe ich weiter bei dem problem nur einen von 2 monitoren verwenden zu können [11:09] <dadrc> Aber die Grafikkarte kann das, ja? [11:09] <ShiroNeko> bzw, dass die externen monitore spiegeln das bild lediglich [11:09] <ShiroNeko> dadrc: ja, unter windows lief das einwandfrei [11:09] <dadrc> Ok, schon mal gut. [11:09] <dadrc> Wasn das für eine? [11:11] <ShiroNeko> intel HD5500 [11:12] <dadrc> Also, Problem ist das hier: [11:12] <kubine> dadrc: Title: Ubuntu 14.04 Intel Graphics Dual / Extended Monitors - Ask Ubuntu (at [11:12] <dadrc> Eigentlich sollte das aber mit dem LTS-Stack gefixt sein [11:13] <ShiroNeko> dadrc: genau das ist mein problem [11:13] <dadrc> ShiroNeko, das Stichwort dazu sollte MST sein [11:13] <ShiroNeko> erkannt wird auch immer nur eDP1 und DP2, der letzte monitor wird generell gespiegelt, egal ob per VGA oder DP angeschlossen [11:14] <dadrc> Muss leider erstmal weg, aber guck mal, ob man da vielleicht noch irgendwas in der xorg.conf umstellen muss oder so [11:14] <ShiroNeko> danke dadrc, ist schon mal ein ansatz [11:48] <ShiroNeko> dadrc: hab die lösung gefunden. installation eines 3.17er kernels hat abhilfe geschaffen. [11:58] <dadrc> ShiroNeko, ah, gut zu wissen :) [12:25] <uniX67> mrkramps_: thx for helping me [12:25] <uniX67> mrkramps_: it works [12:26] <uniX67> mrkramps_: super. 7 tage konnte ich es nicht knacken. [15:56] <freshmint> hey nach dem letzten software update spielen die video files in vlc nicht mehr ab. bzw. ich bekomme keinen video stream gezeigt - eine idee, wie ich das wieder hinbekomme? [16:09] <leszek> freshmint: mal vlc -vvvv in der konsole/terminal ausführen und dann schauen was da für eine Fehlermeldung kommt. Im Idealfall müsstest du nur mal schauen ob das Videoausgabeplugin evtl. manuell auf XV gestellt werden muss und ob es hilft [16:11] <freshmint> das bekomme ich: [0xaf200c98] xcb_xv vout display debug: cannot put image: X11 error 11 [16:12] <leszek> ah ok er versucht xv schon aber das schlägt fehl. Weißt du evtl. was im Update alles eingespielt wurde ? Etwa ein X11 update ? Benutzt du einen proprietären Grafiktreiber ? [16:13] <freshmint> leszek, hmm das software center hat automatisch ein update gemacht [16:13] <freshmint> wenn Du mir sagst in welches logfile ich gucken kann kann ich es dir sagen. es kann gut sein, dass X11 geupdated wurde [16:13] <freshmint> und ich glaube dass ich den intel treiber verwende [16:27] <leszek> freshmint: ok, wenn es nicht am proprietären Treiber liegt, kannst du evtl. das hier probieren: [16:28] <freshmint> leszek, ich würde nicht ausschließen, dass es am treiber liegt.... [16:28] <freshmint> ich komme später wieder, muss jetzt los. [16:29] <leszek> freshmint: wurde denn auch ein neuer kernel installiert ? Kannst ja mal einen alten booten und damit testen [21:06] <mone> hallo wie finde ich raus welches programm oder treiber ich für ubuntu installiert habe. es handelt sich um den touchpad treiber, weil ich nicht synaptics habe sondern ein anderes [21:06] <mrkramps> mone, hast du den treiber selber installiert? [21:06] <mone> ich versuche nämlich scrolling zu installieren, da ich es nicht einstellen kan [21:06] <mone> nein es ist bereits installiert [21:07] <mrkramps> du möchtest also wissen, welcher treiber verwendet wird? [21:07] <mone> ja [21:08] <stevieh> mone: schau mal in /var/log/Xorg.0.log [21:08] <mone> ich kann mich entsinnen das ein anderes programm als synaptics installiert ist [21:08] <mone> ist das ein terminal befehl? [21:08] <stevieh> ohje. [21:08] <stevieh> nein, das is eine Datei [21:09] <stevieh> kannst du mit einem editor, z.B. nano aufmachen oder auch gerne hier mit pastebin weiterleiten [21:09] <mrkramps> !nopaste > mone [21:09] <kubine> mone: Nicht selbst geschriebener Text wird im IRC sehr unleserlich und unhandlich. Deshalb sollten mehr als 3 Zeilen immer in einen sogenannten Nopaste-Service wie z.B. abgelegt werden. Nach dem Speichern kannst du dann die URL der Seite kopieren und sie statt des Textes hier im Channel posten. [21:10] <mone> hmm es lässt sich keine datei finden [21:11] <stevieh> mach mal ein terminal auf [21:11] <mone> ja [21:11] <stevieh> pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log [21:12] <mone> ja ich muss pastebinit erst installieren [21:13] <mone> [21:13] <kubine> mone: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [21:14] <stevieh> Sentelic FingerSensingPad [21:14] <mone> genau das hab ich gemeint danke! [21:14] <mone> :) [21:14] <mrkramps> SPPS/2 Sentelic FingerSensingPad [21:14] <mone> wisst ihr vll ob es möglich ist, einfach so synaptics zu installieren, oder kann das mit problemen verbunden sein [21:15] <mrkramps> mone, das gerät wird von dem synaptic-treiber nicht angesprochen [21:15] <mone> denn es ist nicht möglich 2 finger scrollen einzurichten [21:15] <mrkramps> und der ist übrigens vorinstalliert [21:15] <mone> ok [21:15] <stevieh> mone: ja, das ist so ein Asus Müll, oder? :-) [21:16] <mrkramps> so wie sich die ausgabe darstellt … wird das gerät über den evdev-treiber nur als maus erkannt [21:16] <mone> müll ja, [21:16] <mone> marke unbekannt: olivetti [21:17] <mone> hab mir ubuntu 64 bin drauf gezogen, obwohl ich mir nicht sicher bin ob lubuntu sogar besser wäre [21:17] <mone> aber bis jetzt läuft es [21:17] <mone> :) [21:18] <mrkramps> mone, welche version von ubuntu? [21:18] <mone> 14.04 64 bit [21:19] <mrkramps> soviel schonmal, das touchpad ist der community nicht unbekannt … ich werte gerade die verfügbaren informationen aus [21:24] <mrkramps> mone, es gibt einen treiber, der ist auch im kernel … allerdings funktioniert der nicht, weswegen multitouch deaktiviert ist und das derzeit nur als maus verwendet werden kann [21:26] <mrkramps> das problem besteht wohl schon seit jahre … sentelic hat wohl selber was beigesteuert, aber wegen lizenzsorgen nicht so wirklich brauchbares [21:26] <p01nt3r> nabend. bekannter hat ein dell vostro 3750 laptop und will hdmi ausgabe über tv, hat aber kein sound. der grafikkarten-treiber ist scheinbar nicht installiert (grund weshalb es nicht geht?). graka wird aber nur angezeigt als "Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller" - welchen treiber nehme ich da? [21:26] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, der intel-treiber ist vorinstalliert [21:26] <mone> ok [21:26] <mrkramps> mone, so leid es mit tut, kann man nichts machen [21:26] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, welcher ist das der 9xx? [21:27] <mone> aber danke, der recherche [21:27] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, das ist der treiber, den intel zur verwendeten version des XServers beisteuert [21:28] <mrkramps> kein plan, welche version das ding im vergleich zu windows hat [21:28] <mone> es gab nen forumseintrag bei dem es jemand hinbekommen hat, mit diesem sentelic treiber scrollen zu installieren. Danke nochmal [21:28] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, welche version von ubuntu? [21:29] <mrkramps> mone, sämtliche lösungen standen aber auf wackeligen beinen und du müsstes vermutlich dafür den kernel neu kompilieren [21:29] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, 14.04 mate [21:29] <mrkramps> xserver-xorg-video-intel 2.99.910-0ubuntu1.4 [21:30] <mone> ok dann lass ich besser alles wie es ist [21:30] <mone> danke [21:30] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, das problem ist aber wohl eher die soundkarte [21:31] <p01nt3r> das soll eine realtek alc269vb / intel cougarpoint HDMI sein. [21:32] <mrkramps> kannst du mir mal einen nopaste geben von:$ xrandr --verbose [21:42] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, [21:42] <kubine> p01nt3r: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [21:43] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, versucht es mal mit:$ xrandr --output HDMI1 --set "audio" on [21:43] <mrkramps> scheinbar rafft der das mit auto und pairing nicht immer [21:43] <p01nt3r> kk [21:43] <mrkramps> s/pairing/handshake/ [21:45] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, hat nix gebracht [21:46] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, aber wieso hdmi1, der steht doch als disconnected? [21:46] <mrkramps> oO [21:47] <p01nt3r> wir müssen an lvds1 ran xD [21:47] <mrkramps> wie ist des TV da denn sonst angeschlossen? [21:47] <p01nt3r> muss ich fragen, mom. [21:47] <mrkramps> LVDS1 ist normalerweise der laptop-bildschirm [21:52] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, er sagt per hdmi kabel vom laptop auf den tv [21:52] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, der tv habe 2 hdmi-eingänge aber der 2. hat dann kein bild weil anderer kanal [21:52] <mrkramps> dann hätte ich gerne die ausgabe von xrandr, wenn das teil auch angeschlossen ist [21:54] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, und nochmal weils so schön ist: [21:54] <kubine> p01nt3r: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [21:54] <p01nt3r> war wohl schon richtig so [21:55] <mrkramps> ok, aber ton hat er damit immer noch nicht [21:57] <p01nt3r> nein [21:58] <p01nt3r> hatte was gelesen im wiki... [21:58] <mrkramps> und in den audioeinstellungen ist der HDMI ausgang für pulseaudio auch aktiviert? [21:58] <p01nt3r> sound problembehebung heisst der artikel - fast ganz unten steht was zu dell-notebooks [21:59] <p01nt3r> boah wo schau ich das nach [21:59] <p01nt3r> im alsamixer? [21:59] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, pavucontrol [22:04] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, er hat jetzt sound auf dem tv, aber nicht mehr auf dem laptop, habe es auf Digital Stereo(HDMI) Ausgang umgestellt. geht auch beides? also tv UND lappi? [22:04] <p01nt3r> sonst steht da nur noch was mit eingang dabei [22:05] <mrkramps> man muss im reiter [wiedergabe] halt festlegen, wohin der ton einer anwendung gehen soll [22:08] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, installiert mal paprefs, dort müsste man ein virtuelles gerät für simultane ausgabe anhaken können [22:09] <p01nt3r> bei pavucontrol geht da nicht mehr viel [22:09] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, wie gesagt … paprefs [22:09] <mrkramps> und nach dem aktivieren ggf. pulseaudio neustarten:$ pulseaudio -k [22:09] <p01nt3r> sek. [22:10] <p01nt3r> wieso ist das keyboard via teamviewer auf englisch obwohl bei beiden eig. deutsch? [22:10] <mrkramps> sry, teamviewer kann ich keinen support geben ^^ [22:12] <apollo13> p01nt3r: nachdem das ein closed source programm ist, du willst wohl eher die entwickler fragen :) [22:15] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, er sagt jetzt im pavucontrol unter ausgabegeräte "simultaneous output to internes audio digital stereo (hdmi) - bekannter sagt, der ton ist jetzt aber ganz weg [22:17] <mrkramps> soll er für die wiedergabe mal die simultane ausgabe zu beiden ausgaben einstellen [22:22] <p01nt3r> wie was wo? xD [22:23] <p01nt3r> wie genau mach ich das, mrkramps? [22:24] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, in pavucontrol kann man einfach eine simulatane ausgabe unter wiedergabe setzen [22:28] <p01nt3r> also zuerst mit papraps die simultane sache aktivieren oder? [22:30] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, ja [22:30] <mrkramps> dann:$ pulseaudio -k [22:30] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, ich seh da nen 2. balken da ist kein ton aber wie stell ich den ein? [22:30] <mrkramps> du kannst doch bei der wiedergabe einer anwendung einstellen, welchen ausgang die benutzen soll [22:32] <p01nt3r> jetzt hab ich 2 drin aber die gehn iwie beide auf hdmi [22:38] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, ich bekomm den 2. kanal nicht umgestellt [22:38] <p01nt3r> soll aber erstmal so bleiben jetzt, die wollen noch nen film schauen sonst wird ihnen das zu spät [22:38] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, der film muss ja nun wirklich nicht auf beiden geräten tonausgabe haben … [22:39] <p01nt3r> jo er meinte auch, auf dem schleppi braucht er dann keinen ton xD [22:40] <p01nt3r> würde mich aber nur persönlich mal interessieren, wie man sowas macht [22:40] <p01nt3r> und was da generell alles machbar ist - hast du eine gute quelle zum "reinfuchsen"? [22:40] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, das internet? *scnr* [22:41] <p01nt3r> xD [22:41] <mrkramps> lies dich halt einfach mal in pulseaudio ein [22:41] <p01nt3r> oha hab ich mal versucht war aber krasser stoff xD [22:42] <mrkramps> diese ganze soundarchitektur unter linux ist recht anspruchsvoll [22:42] <mrkramps> da kommt man mit grafikkarten und dem xserver fast einfacher zurecht [22:55] <p01nt3r> mrkramps, auf jeden fall erstmal ein fettes DANKE [22:55] <mrkramps> p01nt3r, gern geschehen
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BenLue", "ShiroNeko", "apollo13", "dadrc", "dreamon", "freshmint", "jokrebel", "kubine", "leszek", "mone", "mrkramps", "mrkramps_", "p01nt3r", "stevieh", "ub_umstieg", "uniX67", "yogg", "zerwas" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[19:29] <Flygisoft> Ja Philip5 då var man levande igen [19:30] <Philip5> Flygisoft: varit sjuk eller överarbetad? [19:31] <Flygisoft> Varit sjuk [19:31] <Philip5> jag är fortfarande inte frisk men har iaf inte feber längre [19:32] <Flygisoft> Sonen fick magsjuka i lördags, så man fick ju torka spya konstant, så jag blev ju smittad vid måndag så sen har man ju varit helt körd [19:32] <Philip5> usch [19:33] <Philip5> magsjuka är ju lite äckligare om än jobbigt på olika sätt mot flunsan [19:33] <Flygisoft> Mjo något segt [19:33] <Flygisoft> Så hade jag 40 graders feber samtidigt [19:33] <Flygisoft> Det var riktigt trevligt [19:33] <Philip5> mysigt [19:34] <Flygisoft> Haha jo :P [19:34] <Flygisoft> Skönt det är över nu iaf [19:35] <Flygisoft> Philip5: Men det verkar vara bra utdraget för dig, är inte roligt det heller [19:52] <Philip5> nä [19:52] <Philip5> jag känner mest av hosta och att konditionen är på minus känns det som
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Flygisoft", "Philip5" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-se" }
[18:27] <hjd> Hi. Could someone please mark bug 1409877 and bug 1409879 as Triaged/High (program doesn't start)? (I didn't mark them as duplicate since at the end of the day it looks like two different packages will need to be patched, and I thought it would be better to keep them separate for this reason. Though, I'm open for other suggestions too :) ) [18:28] <teward> hjd: you can also make one bug and file it against multiple packages (thereby having multiple package tasks for the bug). [18:29] <teward> hjd: i assume you mean for mttroff and sponc for that status? [18:29] <teward> hjd: other than you has anyone else confirmed the bug? [18:30] <teward> (I'll set importance in the mean time) [18:30] <teward> oop nevermind i can't read xD [18:30] <hjd> teward: Yes, I meant for mttroff and sponc. [18:30] <teward> done [18:30] <teward> hjd: not sure if it's a bug against libavg though - if they dropped it upstream for good reason, well... [18:30] <teward> (not my say though) [18:31] <teward> i've set triaged/high for mttroff and sponc on those bugs, although if the cause is the same then probably one bug against all the packages would work in the future xD [18:34] <hjd> I see your point on libavg. I intially added it because it looked like something had changed in the dependency ie python-libavg which made the programs fail to start. This was before I found that the file had been removed alltogether from libavg upstream. [18:34] <teward> hjd: then "Invalid" or "Won't Fix" is my gut feeling on libavg but that's not something i'm going to poke at [18:40] <hjd> teward: Or I guess I could remove the "also affects libavg" (if I figuered out how) [18:48] <hjd> teward: Thought about it, and marked the libavg tasks as invalid now. I guess that makes the most sense. [18:48] <hjd> Thanks for marking them Triaged :) [18:50] <teward> hjd: i think both those tasks are restricted to bugcontrol and all [18:50] <teward> hjd: comment as to why you set invalid though [18:52] <hjd> Yes, I did. [19:06] <hjd> Another question: anyone have a suggestion for how to proceed with bug 1315678? The issue is fixed in Vivid, but that's because phpunit's dependencies had their dependencies updated, which of course adds up to multiple packages. [19:08] <hjd> I'm mostly thinking about if people would want/request the fix for current releases. I guess SRU is out for not being a minimal patch...
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "hjd", "teward" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-bugs" }
[07:51] <Odd_Bloke> Reading backlog, I really feel I should note that I see more Hash sum mismatches from Ubuntu mirrors than I do any sort of problem with PyPI. :p [08:32] <ndonegan> jetole: Using something like on local image build services. [08:35] <ndonegan> Have edited it slightly so it can read in the userdata it serves from a local file, but that's about it. [13:23] <smoser> ndonegan, patches are welcome to that :) [13:26] <ndonegan> smoser: Will see if I can put what I've done up as a proper project on github. [13:27] <ndonegan> It's even setup to install cleanly onto a Centos 6 box and just work. [13:27] <ndonegan> (as rpm that is) [13:29] <smoser> ndonegan, nice. for cloud-init 2 , i want to have sort of a set of datasource mimickers that we can easily test against. [13:31] <ndonegan> We've purposely disabled all data-sources except for EC2, and None which is just setup to report if EC2 fails. [13:34] <smoser> ndonegan, nice. [13:34] <smoser> you shouldnt have to disalbe other servcies. [13:35] <smoser> other sources [13:36] <ndonegan> We have a security team who'd prefer it to be strictly defined where the data is coming from ;) [13:36] <ndonegan> And we had some interesting issues with Config Drive. [13:36] <ndonegan> (Although some of that was due to faulty deployment) [13:50] <smoser> that makes sense. [13:50] <smoser> so going forward, i'd like for nocloud to fit your bill [13:50] <smoser> would there be somethign we could do that would make it work better for you ? [16:00] <smoser> harmw, i just /join'ed #cirros [16:36] <harmw> no shit [18:25] <jetole> ndonegan: that's cool [19:06] <harlowja> alright seems useful; is that ok to just clone over smoser or do i need to do something else (license wise?) [19:07] <smoser> we have to ge tlicense header set right [19:07] <harlowja> k [19:08] <harlowja> should i just set it to the apache one? [19:09] <harlowja> or do we need to contact '' (the other editor i think of that file) [19:09] <smoser> no we dont. [19:09] <smoser> well, i dont :) [19:10] <smoser> because i'm acting as canonical. and juerg signed CLA, so canonical has right to do that. [19:10] <smoser> hold on [19:11] <harlowja> k [19:11] <harlowja> holding horses [19:28] <smoser> harlowja, [19:29] <smoser> take that one, then change header to match [19:29] <harlowja> k [19:30] <harlowja> done [19:35] <harlowja> alright, let's see; what else should we take over [19:35] <harlowja> (the yaml stuff) [19:35] <harlowja> and maybe the templating stuff [19:36] <harlowja> those seem like generally useful [19:39] <smoser> so .. wrt pulling stuff over. [19:40] <smoser> i think largely lets wait a bit. [19:40] <smoser> 2 things i am afraid of from just pulling stuff without tihnking [19:40] <smoser> a.) LOG verbosity [19:41] <smoser> b.) string translation looseness [19:41] <smoser> string.decode() + translation.encode() + looseness [19:42] <harlowja> k [19:43] <harlowja> don't fear josh is here! [19:43] <harlowja> lol [19:45] <harlowja> ok, (template stuff) and safeyaml and url helping [19:45] <harlowja> all i move over [19:45] <harlowja> all seem generally like we'll need them anyway... [19:46] * harlowja killed cheetah though [19:46] <harlowja> sorry cheetah [19:53] <smoser> poor cheetah [19:53] <harlowja> not many tears are shed i think [19:53] <harlowja> ha [19:54] <smoser> what do you think about ditching requests. [19:54] <harlowja> for? [19:54] <smoser> it generally doesn't seem useful. urllib2 or urllib3 maybe ? [19:54] <smoser> we went to requests for https sanity. [19:54] <harlowja> i had urllib2 [19:54] <harlowja> urllib3 maybe [19:54] <smoser> but iknow that urllib3 does the right thing in pytho3n [19:54] <harlowja> *hate urllib2 [19:55] <smoser> i dont knwo tha trequests really buys us antyhign. [19:55] <harlowja> sure [19:55] <harlowja> urllib3 powers requests though; so idk [19:55] <smoser> right [19:55] <harlowja> looks like we could jsut use it though [19:57] <harlowja> i guess i'd be ok with it, urllib3 seems fine [19:57] <harlowja> nothing to crazy like urllib2, lol [19:57] <smoser> look at [19:57] <smoser> why does that say "" ? [19:57] <harlowja> :-/ [19:57] <harlowja> unsure [19:57] <harlowja> my guess infra folks put that there? [19:57] <smoser> i really want to be careful about dependencies. [19:58] <harlowja> sure [19:58] <harlowja> do u want to jump on #openstack-infra and ask why? thats there [19:58] <smoser> sure [19:58] <harlowja> "Cross-platform instance initialization" -> "Cross-platform instance initialization"... [19:59] <harlowja> also has that; and a few others [19:59] <harlowja> so i guess its just a common template or something [19:59] <harlowja> although weird [20:04] <harlowja> smoser the mordered using it was a joke, apparently he was complaining about it recently... [20:05] <harlowja> smoser [20:05] <harlowja> blah blah, lol [20:06] <harlowja> ... [20:06] <harlowja> stupid stuff, lol [20:06] <smoser> :) [20:07] <harlowja> hehe, let's see here [20:08] <harlowja> ... [20:09] <harlowja> smoser ^ [20:09] <harlowja> more fun fun [20:09] <harlowja> lol [20:09] <harlowja> i'm pretty sure its because hp cloud is using 0.6.3 (which isn't fully functional i think with newer openstacks) [20:10] <harlowja> [20:10] <harlowja> search '2015-03-19T17:14:19' [20:10] <harlowja> and read from there, ha [20:10] <harlowja> then i don't need to paste [20:10] <harlowja> lol [20:11] <smoser> odd. [20:11] <harlowja> i'm not sure what they made instead :-/ [20:11] <harlowja> let's see what he says, ha [20:12] <smoser> i dont know why you'd mount the config drive and leave it mounted. that doesnt seem to make much senes. [20:12] <harlowja> ya, u got me :-/ [20:23] <harlowja> bb food; smoser u got it covered :-P [20:23] <harlowja> will read in a little [20:23] <harlowja> fun fun [20:23] <harlowja> lol [20:27] <smoser> thanks. [20:27] <smoser> :) [20:27] <smoser> i didn't eed such discussion. [20:27] <smoser> i want to make cloud-init not suck for sure. [22:13] <harlowja> smoser agreed; but some of these statements from all those people are all conflated [22:14] <harlowja> and putting blame in the wrong place.... [22:14] <harlowja> packaging sucks, its all your fault [22:14] <harlowja> i packaged my images in weird ways, its all your fault... [22:14] <harlowja> blah blah
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Odd_Bloke", "harlowja", "harmw", "jetole", "ndonegan", "smoser" ], "url": "", "channel": "#cloud-init" }
[02:22] <JHOSMAN> hello mhall119 ! =) [12:35] <mihir> popey: ping [14:59] * slangasek waves [15:00] <sil2100> o/ [15:00] <barry> \o [15:02] <caribou> o/ [15:02] <robru> o/ [15:02] <slangasek> #startmeeting [15:02] <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Apr 2 15:02:17 2015 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at [15:02] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [15:02] * stgraber waves [15:02] <stgraber> (be on mumble in a minute) [15:02] <slangasek> [TOPIC] Lightning round [15:03] <cyphermox> o/ [15:03] <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber jodh bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity mvo sil2100 robru cyphermox) [15:03] <slangasek> robru slangasek mvo doko jodh sil2100 bdmurray caribou barry cyphermox stgraber infinity [15:03] <robru> slangasek: not ready, please come back to me ;-) [15:03] <slangasek> hmph :) [15:03] <slangasek> ok one second [15:05] <slangasek> * was on vacation last week; spent the first couple of days this week playing email catch-up [15:05] <slangasek> * snappy: worked on getting initial arm64 builds done now that the IS firewalls have been sorted [15:05] <slangasek> * phone: created a new channel flavor, "ubuntu-developer", with a different custom tarball by request of PES - all the things that are being open sourced from the BQ custom, but with extra bits not necessarily targeted to end users [15:05] <slangasek> * various internal contract discussions [15:05] <slangasek> * interviewing ongoing for the open java role [15:05] <slangasek> (done) [15:05] <slangasek> and mvo is off today [15:05] <slangasek> robru: are you ready yet? ;) [15:05] <robru> slangasek: one sec [15:06] <robru> * CI Train: [15:06] <robru> - fixed bug with certain projects that contain spaces in bzr tags [15:06] <robru> - fixed some bugs in the handling & reporting of "dirty" silos [15:06] <robru> - record revids instead of revnos so that we can notice when people revise their bzr history [15:06] <robru> - experimented with pushing active IRC notifications to #ubuntu-ci-eng instead of the current system of polling [15:06] <robru> - fixed a race condition in the dirty silo handling [15:06] <robru> - fixed a bug allowing silos in an inconsistent state to be cleaned more reliably [15:06] <robru> - fixed a bug where watch_phase sometimes gets tripped up with old versions of source-only uploads in the silo PPA [15:06] <robru> * Phablet Tools: [15:06] <robru> - Fixed a bug where citrain tool was incorrectly interpreting zero-padded numbers as octal numbers and then installing the wrong silo on people's devices [15:06] <robru> * CI Engine: [15:06] <robru> - some iteration on spreadsheet replacement [15:07] <slangasek> spaces are legal in bzr tags? [15:07] <slangasek> robru: anything else, or (done)? [15:07] <robru> slangasek: who knew! [15:07] <robru> (done) [15:07] <slangasek> thanks [15:07] <slangasek> doko: [15:07] <doko> - fix issues in python2.7 [15:07] <doko> - more GCC 5 work [15:07] <doko> - sent Go summary for vivid [15:07] <doko> - fixing build failures, MIR work, ... [15:07] <doko> - interview for the openjdk role [15:08] <slangasek> python2.7, people still use that? ;) everyone should be using python3 by now, surely ;) [15:08] <doko> well, there's a small package called openstack [15:08] <slangasek> old technology, clearly [15:08] <doko> and python2.7 crept in to the images again, have to check why [15:08] <slangasek> doko: thanks for the go summary. Do you know who was going to be proposing the FFe for golang? [15:08] <doko> (done) [15:09] <doko> slangasek, I know, but I don't know if I should share publically ;) [15:09] <slangasek> ok [15:09] <jodh> * snappy: [15:09] <jodh> - Lots of work on the upgrader. [15:09] <jodh> - Implemented format command. [15:09] <jodh> - Ongoing work to update tests. [15:09] <jodh> - MP to log commands that change system state: [15:09] <jodh> [15:09] <jodh> - MP to quieten down logging for non-error scenarios: [15:09] <jodh> [15:09] <jodh> - MPs to fix system unit generation: [15:09] <jodh> - [15:09] <jodh> - [15:09] <jodh> - Bug 1412737: [15:09] <jodh> - Lots of testing. [15:09] <jodh> - Feature Now landed. [15:09] <jodh> - Investigating bug 1438889. [15:09] <jodh> J [15:10] <sil2100> Oh, me now? [15:10] <slangasek> yes [15:10] <sil2100> - Landing team work, silo coordination, preparing landing e-mails [15:10] <sil2100> - Small visual and performance tweaks to the Issue Tracker [15:10] <sil2100> - Help in building and allocating an oxide-qt silo [15:10] <sil2100> - RTM - vivid archive delta: * Finishing base scripts, added tests * Generating delta, setting up periodic scripts * Human-analyzing the delta, removing false-positives * Poking developers missing their RTM fixes in vivid [15:10] <sil2100> - RTM status meeting and discussions [15:10] <sil2100> - CI Train spreadsheet issues * Spreadsheet went crazy, multiple attempts to calm it down - failure (wasted time) * Workaround solution: migrating to a new spreadsheet (geh) * Re-targetting tools to the new spreadsheet * Might try helping with the spreadsheet replacement next week [15:10] <sil2100> - Preparations for the OTA-3 next week [15:10] <sil2100> Wow, ok, my shell doesn't like multi space-starting lines [15:10] <sil2100> (done) [15:10] <slangasek> bdmurray: [15:11] <bdmurray> fixed Traceback with daisy/ [15:11] <bdmurray> rewrote rate of crashes counter to take into account CountersForProposed [15:11] <bdmurray> update daisy/ to write to same type of counter used by rate of crashes checker (r624) [15:11] <bdmurray> exposed exclude_proposed in error tracker API [15:11] <bdmurray> submitted merge-proposal for phased-updater change to use exclude_proposed [15:11] <bdmurray> release of verified SRUs for testing the phased-updater [15:11] <bdmurray> investigation into difference in phased-updater crash rates for compiz, gvfs [15:11] <bdmurray> discovered saved crashes on retracers are missing CoreDumps [15:11] <bdmurray> modified daisy/ to really save crash files with the CoreDump [15:11] <bdmurray> queried cassandra database for quantity of crashes about click packages [15:11] <bdmurray> irc discussion with pmcgowan regarding error tracker usage [15:11] <bdmurray> investigation into bug 1316763 not taking effect / testing [15:11] <bdmurray> looked into occurrence count differences for pmcgowan [15:11] <bdmurray> reported linux bug LP: #1436940 regarding missing wireless device driver [15:11] <bdmurray> submitted unattended-upgrades apport package hook to grab correct log file [15:11] <bdmurray> investigation into ubuntu-release-upgrader autopackage test failure regression [15:11] <bdmurray> pinged someone about [15:12] <xnox> gosh, blast from the past. [15:12] <bdmurray> ✔ done [15:12] <xnox> BTW. gaughen: ogasawara_: bdmurray: slangasek: fancy a dinner next week in porland? I'll be over =) [15:12] <caribou> Bugfix: [15:12] <caribou> - Investigating rsyslog memory leak on Trusty : data analysis ongoing [15:13] <caribou> - Preparation for Engineering Core sprint [15:13] <caribou> - Endless openafs dkms fix backport [15:13] <caribou> Sprinted with CTS engineering team all of last week [15:13] <caribou> (done) [15:13] <gaughen> xnox, I could do Tuesday or Thursday evening. [15:13] <barry> snappy: working on snappy python blog post. final proof read and post today [15:13] <barry> debuntu: LP: #1290847 [15:13] <barry> si: updated toxify branch for server mp. began looking into adding si 3.0 support (config.d directory). [15:13] <barry> other: pycon prep work. [15:13] <barry> next week: montreal [15:13] <barry> --done-- [15:14] <cyphermox> * review/testing silo 30 for NM fixes [15:14] <cyphermox> * manual upload of NM [15:14] <cyphermox> * More work on casper CD ejection (input not received) [15:14] <xnox> gaughen: cool. I guess i should send out an email or something about that. [15:14] <cyphermox> * Spent some time looking into route metrics issue (bug 1436330) [15:14] <cyphermox> - patch will need a fair amount of porting to work, or rewriting [15:14] <cyphermox> * Debugging nm-applet bug 1418260 [15:14] <cyphermox> * oem-config user removal/more fixes for systemd (bug 1436937) [15:14] <cyphermox> * grub2 patch review for ARP packets, compared patch with upstream fixes [15:14] <cyphermox> * Add patch to nm-applet to hide virtual devices (lxc bridges, etc.) [15:14] <cyphermox> * Connectivity meeting, discussions on current conn. issues on phone [15:14] <cyphermox> * Contacting design for ubiquity slideshow updates [15:14] <cyphermox> (done) [15:15] <stgraber> - LXC/LXD [15:15] <stgraber> - Archive upload of LXD 0.5 [15:15] <stgraber> - Work on fixing Jenkins CI (corrupted FS, had to move a few TB around and repair the fs) [15:15] <stgraber> - Investigation in current test failures for lxc and lxcfs, fixes in progress [15:15] <stgraber> - Various bugfixes and feature work on LXC and LXD [15:15] <stgraber> - Code reviews, bug triaging, other admin paperwork [15:15] <stgraber> - Other [15:15] <stgraber> - Couple of days working on a security bug. [15:15] <stgraber> (done) [15:15] <infinity> - Helped the kernel team with cherrypicks for 2015 Thinkpads [15:15] <infinity> - Babysat firewall issues for arm64 snappy builds [15:15] <infinity> - Lots and lots of queue reviews [15:15] <infinity> - General AA and SRU bits [15:15] <infinity> - Investigated LP: #1434579 -- Still needs fixing [15:15] <infinity> - Shaved 30 seconds off ftpmaster's publisher [15:15] <infinity> - Finished two transitions to remove old versions of gcrypt and gnutls from vivid [15:15] <stgraber> barry, doko, cyphermox: we should have dinner or something next week then before cyphermox and I fly to Austin [15:15] <infinity> - Started rebuilding powerpc and ppc64el VMs to double disk space [15:15] <infinity> (done) [15:15] <infinity> !!! NOTE: If you're using machines in 1SS today, use screen sessions, lamont is replacing the firewall today, and your network WILL go away, possibly for hours. [15:15] <xnox> cyphermox: design does not do slideshow updates, as far as I can tell it's a community thing in ubiquity-slideshows project or some such?! E.g. there are screenshots from me there and minor tweaks. [15:15] <barry> stgraber: for sure! [15:15] <cyphermox> stgraber: I was going to point that out in AOB :) [15:15] <xnox> cyphermox: what needs doing? [15:16] <xnox> infinity: gcrypt \o/ [15:16] <cyphermox> xnox: a vervet, for one. [15:16] <cyphermox> to replace our shiny triangular unicorn :) [15:17] <xnox> cyphermox: oh, right. that was usually poking the same person who designed default desktop wallpaper to snitch the vervet graphic. i guess poke the desktop team manager. he coordinated the wallpaper this time around [15:17] <lamont> infinity: max 2 hours, expecting about 15 min or less [15:17] <slangasek> cyphermox: did you arrive at that "nm-applet virtual interfaces" question independently, or did this come up in response to the bug I filed yesterday about NM eating my bridges? :) [15:17] <infinity> lamont: I prefer to prepare for the worst and be pleasantly surprised. :) [15:18] <cyphermox> slangasek: I had come to it independently when I initially did the NM 0.9.10 work; but it was low in my priority list, but then you pointed it out and someone filed a bug, so ... [15:18] <infinity> slangasek: The NM virtual interfaces thing was reported by lots of people, in bugs and private grumbling. [15:18] <lamont> infinity: ack [15:18] <cyphermox> slangasek: NM shouldn't be eating bridges and this change won't keep it from doing it [15:18] <slangasek> infinity: ok :) [15:18] <infinity> (Lots of private grumbling) [15:19] <cyphermox> it's really just avoiding people clicking on the bridge thingies in nm-applet and breaking the bridge that way [15:19] <slangasek> any other questions over folks status? [15:19] <cyphermox> oh [15:20] <cyphermox> I might need quick review on a ubiquity merge [15:20] <cyphermox> [15:20] <cyphermox> ^ the oem-config fixes above [15:20] <slangasek> who can help with the above? infinity, stgraber? [15:20] <infinity> Yes, one of us. :P [15:21] * xnox looks [15:21] * infinity has it open in a tab now. [15:21] <infinity> Already not happy about "sleep 5", but need context. Will poke later. :P [15:21] <slangasek> :) [15:21] <cyphermox> sure ;) [15:21] <slangasek> [TOPIC] sprint planning [15:22] <slangasek> so I've added a new tab to the core sprint planning spreadsheet for 'Foundations Agenda' - [15:22] * ogra_ alwasy wondered why there is no "thunder round" after a "lightning round" [15:22] <xnox> cyphermox: looks good, i ponder if we should do that for normal ubiquity as well.... including all the try-ubiquity/only-ubiquity modes. [15:22] <slangasek> ogra_: the lightning is so far away that by the time the thunder arrives the meeting is over [15:22] <cyphermox> ogra_: indeed. imaging we're doing lightning in space. [15:22] <infinity> ogra_: Because we're close enough to the source that both happen together. [15:22] <bdmurray> ogra_: because its the other way around [15:22] <ogra_> slangasek, lol [15:23] <slangasek> those of you who're coming to Austin, please throw in there the list of topics you plan to work on during the week [15:23] <slangasek> especially anything that you're going to want other people's time on [15:23] <stgraber> cyphermox: looks ok. Also not fond of the sleep but the alternative (wait loop) probably isn't much prettier. I'm also not that good at systemd units yet, so you unless you're sure about them, you may want pitti to take a look. [15:24] <sil2100> I'll probably be running around discussing RTM plans for the future [15:24] <slangasek> sil2100: fine, please add to the spreadsheet :) [15:25] <slangasek> anything else on the subject of sprint planning? [15:25] <robru> stgraber: can I get you to merge & deploy this queuebot update? [15:25] <sil2100> robru: I think he already did that [15:26] <xnox> cyphermox: one thing, in upstart world, that blocking thing achieved was if/when ubiquity crashes on it's face the dm is brought up. Not that useful in oem-config case i guess, as one wouldn't know how to do oem login. [15:26] <sil2100> robru: I poked him and queuebot is already switched (probably only live) [15:26] <sil2100> robru: I tried poking and changing everything I could ;) [15:26] <xnox> cyphermox: and there is no user setted up. [15:26] <robru> sil2100: ok well this is a branch so the code gets updated properly and doesn't get reverted next time there's a rollout [15:26] * bdmurray will brb [15:26] <stgraber> robru: yeah, I already have a local commit here for that, just haven't pushed it to LP yet [15:26] <xnox> cyphermox: i wonder if it would be possible to add as wantedby and thus block it that way? [15:26] <doko> slangasek, so I'm not allow to throw things? [15:26] <robru> stgraber: thanks [15:26] <doko> allowed even [15:27] <xnox> cyphermox: and at the end of oem-config, remove that wantedby? [15:27] <cyphermox> xnox: you kind of still need to make sure oem-config is what runs after reboot from running oem-config-prepare. this worked, at lest [15:27] <cyphermox> xnox: heh [15:27] <xnox> cyphermox: yeah, so prepare would add and end of oem-config would remove that. [15:27] <xnox> cyphermox: rather than fiddling with default-targets. Note that this oh... [15:28] <xnox> cyphermox: this totally breaks oem-config on the server, which doesn't have =) [15:28] <cyphermox> there was one issue with how when we remove oem-config it deletes the files [15:28] <cyphermox> actually [15:28] <slangasek> doko: you can throw things, but if you're not at the sprint it may or may not stick ;) happy to discuss it with you offline [15:28] <cyphermox> server does do too. [15:28] <xnox> cyphermox: oh, ok. [15:28] <cyphermox> unexpected, I agree [15:29] <cyphermox> xnox: let's discuss this later in a better location. [15:30] <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB [15:30] <slangasek> anything else? [15:30] <cyphermox> drinking in YUL next week? [15:30] <barry> when do you guys head to austin? [15:30] <cyphermox> :) [15:30] <infinity> For those who missed it in the chatter last time, 1SS firewall going away this afternoon, plan accordingly. [15:30] <caribou> I can think of better places than YUL for drinks [15:31] <cyphermox> barry: saturday. [15:31] <barry> cool. i get in on tuesday night [15:31] <caribou> but I won't be there, going back to sleep [15:31] <slangasek> saturday> cyphermox apparently needs an extra day of barbecue [15:31] <cyphermox> err, wait, I meant sunday [15:31] <barry> maybe thursday? [15:31] <cyphermox> works for me [15:32] <stgraber> thursday works for me [15:32] <barry> on the calendar! [15:33] <slangasek> #endmeeting [15:33] <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Apr 2 15:33:56 2015 UTC. [15:33] <meetingology> Minutes: [15:33] <slangasek> thanks everyone! [15:34] <barry> thanks! [15:34] <cyphermox> thanks! [15:35] <caribou> thanks ! [15:36] <sil2100> o/ [17:08] <wxl> elfy: are we not doing the lubuntu cc check in today? [17:09] <wxl> pleia2: perhaps you might know? [17:11] <elfy> hi wxl - yep - we're running a bit late [17:11] <wxl> elfy: ok just checking :) [17:12] * ianorlin understands as well [17:13] <czajkowski> wxl: ianorlin can we start in 15 mins at the half hour [17:13] <czajkowski> please [17:13] <czajkowski> we've had a double booking :) [17:13] <wxl> czajkowski: np with me [17:13] <elfy> thanks wxl [17:13] <czajkowski> thanks [17:13] <mhall119> thanks wxl [17:14] <wxl> np np :) [17:14] <wxl> so 1730 [17:14] <wxl> will make a post about it [17:29] <wxl> gsilva: yes, the meeting should start soon :) [17:29] <gsilva> thank you :) [17:31] <czajkowski> #startmeeting [17:31] <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Apr 2 17:31:57 2015 UTC. The chair is czajkowski. Information about MeetBot at [17:31] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [17:32] <mhall119> o/ [17:32] <wxl> hey hey [17:32] <czajkowski> Aloha and thank you taking the time to join this meeting [17:32] <ianorlin> o/ [17:32] <czajkowski> #chair mhall119 elfy [17:32] <meetingology> Current chairs: czajkowski elfy mhall119 [17:32] <czajkowski> #topic lubuntu catch up [17:32] <czajkowski> so who is here from the Lubuntu team ? [17:33] <wxl> o/ [17:33] <ianorlin> o/ [17:33] <mhall119> so how is Lubunu 15.04 coming along? [17:33] <elfy> hi people [17:33] <gsilva> Hello everyone o/ [17:34] <wxl> it is coming along [17:34] <wxl> current development is focused on moving to qt [17:34] <wxl> and that's slated for 15.10, maybe 16.04 [17:34] <wxl> so 15.04 isn't going to have any super cutting edge features [17:34] <mhall119> that's right, LXDE is moving to qt, is it Qt4 or Qt5? [17:35] <ianorlin> Qt5 [17:35] <ianorlin> Qt4 isn't suppored in the qt version [17:35] <wxl> yeah upstream, lxde is pretty much dead in the water [17:35] <mhall119> so we are already coordinating Qt released into the archives between the Unity8/SDK developers and the Kubuntu developers, it would probably be good for you guys to be in that loop too as new releases are going to start affecting you too [17:36] <wxl> is there some particular forum/list we should be on for that particular purpose? [17:36] <mhall119> wxl: I don't personally know, you might email ubuntu-devel and ask [17:37] <ianorlin> that does make sense [17:37] <wxl> ok i'll look into that [17:38] <wxl> btw i'm just following your lead here, guys. if you want me to ramble about everything in the lubuntu world, i can. XD [17:38] <mhall119> wxl: anything that you think the CC should know, or questions you have for us, or assistance you need from us [17:38] <elfy> PPC - how's that likely to carry on into the foreseeable future - I know it causes you pain come milestones ... [17:39] <mhall119> wxl: but you don't have to give us a progress report or anything like that :) [17:39] <wxl> mhall119: i'll get to generalities after we've exhausted other questions [17:39] <wxl> elfy: well, we're lts only on ppc, so it's been mostly ok [17:39] <wxl> elfy: plus i think we've got a more dedicated team of ppc folks, so that helps too [17:39] <elfy> wxl: so the current vivid image trackers not a worry then [17:40] <wxl> elfy: totally [17:40] <wxl> elfy: in fact, it's great that the testers we have are checking a release that they know won't be released for them :) [17:40] <elfy> so not a worry till 2016 :) [17:40] <wxl> yeppers [17:40] <wxl> any other specifics? [17:40] <elfy> not from me [17:41] <wxl> ok so then a wee update [17:41] <elfy> I kind of know where you are vivid wise :) [17:41] <wxl> 1s phone just rang :/ [17:42] <elfy> :) [17:45] <wxl> ok [17:45] <wxl> back [17:45] <wxl> so [17:45] <wxl> here's the big update [17:45] <mhall119> wxl: how is the Lubuntu developer community, is it growing, shrinking, or holding steady? [17:45] <wxl> gsilva recently became our new head of wiki/docs and he's got a real mind to make some major improvements. super excited about that. [17:46] <ianorlin> I have seen more people upstream growing in lxqt like every few weeks a new person joins upstream [17:46] <elfy> that's good [17:46] <elfy> wxl: ^^ [17:47] <wxl> mhall119: i would say growing. i've even been trying to dip my toes in the water personally, but with all the different repos/bug trackers upstream it's kind of unclear what the process is like. i hope to get some clarity on that soon and make some documentation for people coming from ubuntu. [17:47] <gsilva> I have some ideas but I don't have enough time nor people enough to deliver them [17:47] <mhall119> how is the relationship between Lubuntu and upstream lxqt? Is there regular communication and cooperation? [17:47] <wxl> mhall119: absolutely. our main developer, gilir, is the real bridge there. [17:47] <ianorlin> I also have reported a few bugs in upstream and got them fixed for lxqt [17:47] <wxl> ditto [17:48] <wxl> ianorlin's been a huge help as of late, helping with triage, development, testing (as always), and even covering for me as release manager for the last beta when i was on vacation [17:48] <wxl> supposedly he's going to get his ubuntu membership sometime soon *AHEM* ;) [17:48] <elfy> yep I noticed that :) [17:49] <elfy> oh - and I noticed the membership wiki update with that on too - good luck :) [17:49] <wxl> silverlion, our comms guy, had to step away from his responsibilities, and we have a new guy (who used to be team leader) [17:50] <elfy> all change then ;) [17:50] <wxl> yeah a lot of change [17:50] <wxl> the good news is that now that silverlion isn't committed to doing press releases and stuff, he's getting things set up to do more screencasts [17:51] <wxl> so it won't be something that we expect on some sort of scheduled basis, but it will be icing on the cake [17:51] <wxl> as for my realm (qa/bugs), i'm still working on finally getting a little contest set up to encourage more contribution [17:51] <wxl> i have the rewards, but need to make the write up [17:52] <elfy> wxl: good luck with that :) [17:52] <wxl> yeah, i've been pondering how to fairly gamify it [17:52] <wxl> …in such a way that encourages new participation [17:52] <wxl> i'm thinking about giving more weight to new or less frequent contributors [17:52] <elfy> something I ponder too [17:52] <wxl> unfortunately the more i think about it, the more complex it gets :) [17:53] <elfy> yep [17:53] <wxl> and then i start thinking about how much time i need to spend collecting and analyzing all the data, but oh well [17:53] <wxl> maybe if i come up with something really good and spend the time making software to support it, then it's something that the rest of the community can use [17:54] <wxl> ianorlin: since i was on vacation and still haven't totally caught up, can you give us some sense of what the next milestone will look like? do we have some annoying bugs to squash still? [17:55] <wxl> while he ponders that, i have one more issue, i guess [17:55] <ianorlin> yeah the lubuntu-software center not installing package out of the box unless you add the gnome-polickykit agent to startup and groups as gui stuff that needs superuser is proabably most important lxde fix [17:55] <ianorlin> and the one of the volume control settings not opening a mixer is pretty annoying as well [17:56] <elfy> so - is there anything that the CC can help with? [17:56] <ianorlin> and there might be one xorg problem effecting i686 that is important as well and the eject media and restart needs fixing for some other flavors as well as us [17:56] <wxl> i'm not sure the cc can do much about this [17:56] <wxl> hold on a second and i'll dig up the archives of the discussion [17:57] <wxl> but tl;dr i'm trying to figure out what to do about our alternate installer [17:57] <elfy> ianorlin: pretty sure that eject issue is global, I spoke to cyphermox earlier about that [17:58] <wxl> i guess the lsc issue is the biggest [17:58] <wxl> will have to investigate that more [17:58] <wxl> here's the blueprint about how to compress our releases [17:58] <wxl> i'd like to get rid of alternate, but a lightweight installer is sort of a necessary thing for a lightweight distribution [17:59] <wxl> the problem is we sometimes run into these d-i bugs that no one else has [17:59] <wxl> so it's hard to get adequate support from them [17:59] <wxl> i'd like to have some more standardization [17:59] <ianorlin> even reporting them can be a challenge [17:59] <wxl> i emailed the server team about potentially making a text-only front end to ubiquity but heard nothing [17:59] <wxl> indeed [18:00] <wxl> so this does not require discussion now, but i just want to bring this up if the cc can think of any possible solutions or coordinate with other members of the community to come up with good solutions [18:00] <wxl> and that's all igot [18:00] * ianorlin doesn't have anything anymore either [18:00] <cyphermox> ianorlin: elfy: yes, the eject issue (plymouth not getting input) is global, it affects all flavors. [18:01] <wxl> cyphermox: ianorlin: elfy: those are the kind of bugs we like XD [18:01] <elfy> :) [18:01] <elfy> mhall119: so perhaps we could help get them in touch with the right people at least? [18:01] <wxl> that being said, czajkowski elfy mhall119, if you don't need anything else, i've got a busy day ahead of me [18:01] <cyphermox> it looks to me like it's due to the display-manager not stopping early enough before plymouth starts, so plymouth gets confused [18:02] <elfy> wxl: you go ahead if you need to, I know where to find you :) [18:02] <wxl> indeed i am around :) [18:03] <wxl> ok since i'm not hearing anything else, i'm going to disappear for a bit then :) [18:03] <elfy> okey doke [18:03] <wxl> thank you all for all you do! [18:03] <elfy> ianorlin: anything else from you? [18:04] <elfy> cyphermox: ty for that by the way :) [18:05] <elfy> ok - I'll call that cooked then - thanks all :) [18:05] <elfy> #endmeeting [18:05] <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Apr 2 18:05:09 2015 UTC. [18:05] <meetingology> Minutes: [18:34] <Riddell> wxl: qt chat happens in #kubuntu-devel with mirv and mitya57 [21:03] <JHOSMAN> Hello mhall119 ! =) [22:00] <zerng07> Hi everyone [22:00] <ianorlin> hi [22:00] <d4rk-5c0rp> hi [22:00] <wxl> yellow [22:00] <ahayzen> o/ [22:00] <cwayne> hiya [22:01] <wxl> who's running the show today? [22:01] <zerng07> well, I don't know... [22:02] <elfy> bert [22:02] <wxl> jeez even belkinsa's not around [22:03] <cwayne> do we have enough for a quorum? [22:03] <elfy> oh - is there a meeting ? [22:03] <cwayne> yar [22:04] <elfy> do a #startmeeting so we all know and logs get logged :) [22:04] <cwayne> cyphermox, popey hggdh you guys around? [22:04] <elfy> #startmeeting [22:04] <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Apr 2 22:04:57 2015 UTC. The chair is elfy. Information about MeetBot at [22:04] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [22:05] <elfy> #chair cwayne [22:05] <meetingology> Current chairs: cwayne elfy [22:06] <cwayne> #meetingtopic 22UTC ubuntu membership board meeting [22:06] <elfy> awesome [22:08] <wxlS5> ugh stupid chrome [22:08] <zerng07> we are applying for ubuntu membership [22:08] <wxl> oh there we go [22:09] <elfy> cwayne: I'm about if you need any voiices or help [22:09] <cwayne> elfy, thanks, just trying to look for people to ping to get a quorum :) [22:09] <wxl> hggdh: ? [22:10] <wxl> jared: ? [22:10] <elfy> cwayne: yep - I can help there too if needed [22:10] <wxl> marcoceppi_: ? [22:10] <marcoceppi_> o/ [22:10] <marcoceppi_> I can jump in [22:10] <wxl> there's one :) [22:11] <wxl> freeflying: ? [22:11] <elfy> wxl: PM [22:11] <wxl> indeed [22:11] <wxl> sorry :) [22:13] <wxl> so we have a quorum now? [22:13] * marcoceppi_ is ready and raring [22:13] * cwayne is ready as well, and we have popey's votes in the email [22:13] <wxl> excellent [22:14] <cwayne> how many do we need again? /me has never run one of these :) [22:14] <wxl> hehe [22:14] * wxl is not YET on the council so can't help you to be sure :) [22:14] <wxl> 4 i believe yes? [22:15] <zerng07> yeah [22:17] <marcoceppi_> wxl: so, we need to have at least 4 people [22:17] <marcoceppi_> as 4 votes are required per applicant [22:17] <marcoceppi_> err cwayne ^ [22:19] <cwayne> Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board for the 2200 UTC meeting for April 2, 2015 [22:19] <cwayne> The wiki page for the Review Board is available here: [22:19] <cwayne> We will attempt to get through all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list before today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the entire list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off. [22:19] <cwayne> The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO). [22:20] <cwayne> Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions. [22:20] <cwayne> During this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote. [22:20] <cwayne> When the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers amounts to at least +1, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!) [22:20] <cwayne> #votesrequired 4 [22:20] <meetingology> votes now need 4 to be passed [22:20] <cwayne> #voters cyphermox Pendulum jared freeflying popey rickspencer3 marcoceppi Destine iulian IdleOne hggdh cwayne belkinsa PabloRubianes s-fox [22:20] <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: Pendulum [22:20] <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: rickspencer3 [22:20] <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: marcoceppi [22:20] <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: Destine [22:20] <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: iulian [22:20] <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: IdleOne [22:20] <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: belkinsa [22:20] <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: PabloRubianes [22:20] <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: s-fox [22:20] * elfy is here if required [22:20] <meetingology> Current voters: Destine IdleOne PabloRubianes Pendulum belkinsa cwayne cyphermox freeflying hggdh iulian jared marcoceppi popey rickspencer3 s-fox [22:22] <elfy> so still no quorum ? [22:22] <cwayne> nope, need one more [22:22] <wxl> marcoceppi_ + cwayne + elfy (cc) + popey (email) = quorum [22:22] <wxl> no? [22:24] <cwayne> ah, yes I guess so then :) I didn't realize elfy could sub in [22:24] <cwayne> #voters cwayne marcoceppi_ elfy popey [22:24] <meetingology> Current voters: Destine IdleOne PabloRubianes Pendulum belkinsa cwayne cyphermox elfy freeflying hggdh iulian jared marcoceppi marcoceppi_ popey rickspencer3 s-fox [22:24] <elfy> I can cwayne :) [22:24] <cwayne> we've got quorum then :) [22:24] <wxl> horray! [22:25] <cwayne> Now, without any further ado, lets get started with the first applicant... [22:25] <elfy> I do need to go read wikis too [22:25] <cwayne> #subtopic Bedis ElAcheche [22:26] <marcoceppi_> d4rk-5c0rp: you're up! [22:26] <cwayne> hi there d4rk-5c0rp :) please introduce yourself and briefly tell us about your contributions [22:26] <cwayne> #link [22:27] <cwayne> #link [22:27] * Neo31 is here to support d4rk-5c0rp (Bedis), his contribution to our loco team is important and he does good for the international community and we trust he will keep doing great contributions. [22:27] * elacheche_anis Hey! Am the Ubuntu-tn LoCo Contact, am here to support d4rk-5c0rp [22:27] <d4rk-5c0rp> Hi there, I'm bedis, I joined ubuntu-TN since 2011 and I'm now a FF member [22:28] <elfy> hi d4rk-5c0rp [22:29] <d4rk-5c0rp> hi elfy [22:29] <cwayne> thanks for the testimonials Neo31 elacheche_anis :) [22:29] <cwayne> anyone have any questions or shall we vote? [22:29] <elfy> what can you say about what you'd like to see you and Ubuntu work towards ? [22:30] <marcoceppi_> d4rk-5c0rp: I see you do a lot of work in your LOCO, and that's fantastic. Any plans to branch in to other areas of Ubuntu? [22:31] <elfy> I've read the wiki - but I'd quite like some unrehearsed words - they'll tell me more than that [22:31] <wxl> as a non-board/council member, but to facilitate conversation, i'd love to hear more on what you'd like to do with ubuntu touch, d4rk-5c0rp [22:32] <elfy> I'm liking what I've read for suire [22:32] <d4rk-5c0rp> marcoceppi_, everythig is possible [22:32] * marcoceppi_ agrees with elfy [22:33] <elfy> d4rk-5c0rp: give me some feeling :) [22:34] <d4rk-5c0rp> wxl, I still exploring some ubuntu-touch tricks, I tried to make two apps before, but they really need some features for now, may be I'll start by getting an ubuntu-phone first, then I'll try to make some training session with people in my Loco [22:35] <cyphermox> d4rk-5c0rp: si vous avez des difficultés en anglais, je peux traduire. [22:36] <elfy> d4rk-5c0rp: that's great stuff - how do you feel about getting other people involved? [22:36] <d4rk-5c0rp> elfy, I want to move from just helping people to use ubuntu, to help them to make apps for ubuntu [22:36] <cyphermox> that's great [22:36] <elfy> for sure [22:36] <cyphermox> elfy: thanks for facilitating the discussions :) [22:37] <elfy> cyphermox: do we have a language thing? [22:37] <elfy> eg [22:37] <cyphermox> what do you mean? [22:37] <d4rk-5c0rp> I have some ideas about some stuff like some simple dev tools that I want to write and share with the community, but it's just a matter of time for now [22:38] <elfy> cyphermox: I'm english .. with stupid [22:39] <cwayne> d4rk-5c0rp, do you have any specific dev tools in mind? [22:39] <elfy> d4rk-5c0rp:that's great :) [22:40] <Mikaela> and here I was imagining that this channel had topiclock [22:40] <d4rk-5c0rp> I have an idea if some generators like CSS things for example, I want to make some kind of game to help kids to get used to cli too [22:41] <cwayne> d4rk-5c0rp, that sounds great! [22:41] <cyphermox> not fast enough I guess :) [22:42] <cyphermox> thanks cwayne, DalekSec [22:42] <DalekSec> cyphermox: Sure. Welcome. [22:43] <d4rk-5c0rp> cwayne, all I need now is time, maybe I'll try to write such tools during a hackathon with my LoCo [22:43] <cyphermox> DalekSec: could you please do the same for #ubuntu-desktop, #ubuntu-devel [22:44] * marcoceppi_ is ready to vote [22:44] <cwayne> d4rk-5c0rp, awesome! [22:44] <DalekSec> cyphermox: Sorry no. No access. [22:44] <cwayne> #vote Bedis ElAcheche to obtain Ubuntu Membership [22:44] <meetingology> Please vote on: Bedis ElAcheche to obtain Ubuntu Membership [22:44] <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) [22:45] <cwayne> +1 [22:45] <meetingology> +1 received from cwayne [22:45] <marcoceppi_> +1 [22:45] <meetingology> +1 received from marcoceppi_ [22:47] <hggdh> +1 [22:47] <meetingology> +1 received from hggdh [22:47] <cwayne> popey: +1 (according to email) [22:48] <cwayne> erm, didn't seem to count it [22:48] <wxl> /nick popey [22:48] <wxl> ;) [22:48] <Neo31> lol [22:48] <elacheche_anis> x) [22:48] * popey arrives fashionably late [22:48] <popey> +1 [22:48] <meetingology> +1 received from popey [22:48] <popey> :) [22:49] <cwayne> oh cool :) [22:49] <wxl> yay popey's up late [22:49] <cwayne> d4rk-5c0rp, looks like you're in :) [22:49] <popey> \o/ [22:49] <ianorlin> congratulations [22:49] <elacheche_anis> Congrats bro d4rk-5c0rp :) [22:49] <cwayne> #endvote [22:49] <meetingology> Voting ended on: Bedis ElAcheche to obtain Ubuntu Membership [22:49] <meetingology> Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 [22:49] <meetingology> Motion carried [22:49] <wxl> congrats d4rk-5c0rp! please make sure to share your loco stuff with the rest of the locos! [22:49] <d4rk-5c0rp> \0/ :D [22:49] <cwayne> congrats d4rk-5c0rp :) [22:49] <ahayzen> congrats d4rk-5c0rp :) [22:49] <Neo31> congratz d4rk-5c0rp ^_^ [22:50] <cyphermox> bienvenue d4rk-5c0rp! [22:50] <cwayne> Now, onto applicant 2 :) [22:50] <cyphermox> fwiw, I was +1 too [22:50] <lunapersa> congrats d4rk-5c0rp ^_^ [22:50] <cyphermox> d4rk-5c0rp: please add your blog to if you have one :) [22:50] <cwayne> cyphermox, oops sorry, should've held out a bit longer before ending the vote :) [22:50] <cyphermox> no worries :) [22:51] <cwayne> #subtopic Cheng-Chia Tseng (zerng07) [22:51] <zerng07> Hi everyone, I am Cheng-Chia Tseng, username as zerng07. [22:51] <zerng07> I lived in Taiwan, and have been contributing to Ubuntu since 2010. The most of the work I focus on is about localization. [22:51] <zerng07> Besides Ubuntu, I also contribute to other FLOSS projects such as GNOME, LibreOffice, Translation Project...etc. [22:51] <zerng07> I am also a GNOME Member and The Document Foundation Member. [22:51] <zerng07> My personal wiki page: [22:51] <cwayne> Hi there zerng07 :) [22:51] <marcoceppi_> o/ hello zerng07 [22:51] <zerng07> :) [22:51] <wxl> send me some good oolong and we'll make you a member, zerng07. (kidding! well, kind of. i wouldn't mind the tea ☺) [22:52] <zerng07> Haha! [22:52] <marcoceppi_> zerng07: very nice contributions so far. Curious, what are (briefly) a few of the things you'd change in the community today? [22:52] <zerng07> We do have good oolong here! [22:52] <wxl> i know! [22:53] <zerng07> I want to change most is about local community in Taiwan. [22:53] <wxl> cool! [22:53] <zerng07> As mentined in wiki, we have few contributors here. [22:54] <zerng07> and there are always some argues in local forum. [22:54] <wxl> i see there's no lp link on your wiki page so [22:54] <marcoceppi_> wxl: thanks [22:55] <wxl> are you thinking about taking over the leadership of the tw loco, zerng07? or what are you thinking? [22:55] <zerng07> Nope [22:55] <wxl> oh man the tw loco mailing list is dead :( [22:56] <wxl> sounds like you may have to do some work really building community [22:56] <zerng07> I would like to help with bluet to make loco more close to ubuntu community. [22:56] <zerng07> Yeah... [22:57] <zerng07> that's ture. [22:57] <zerng07> tw loco is not in good shape. [22:57] <cwayne> zerng07, can you go into some detail about 'suggesting the proper way to deal with Traditional Chinese locale'? Do you mean in terms of input methods, fonts, etc? [22:58] <zerng07> yeah. [22:58] <wxl> taiwan covers ⅓ of the area of oregon. one of the biggest struggles i have in our loco is uniting that much area, but we're getting there. should be a bit easier for you. start with people you know and branch out from there! [22:58] <zerng07> I know how to configure those setting well. [22:59] <zerng07> How to make the system feel confortable for Chinese. [22:59] <zerng07> such as fontcnfig configuration. [22:59] <cwayne> have you contributed to Ubuntu Kylin? [22:59] <zerng07> wxl: thank you! [22:59] <wxl> are those things you could borrow from ubuntu kylin? [22:59] <wxl> oh hehehe gmta [22:59] <zerng07> I have not contributed to Ubuntu Kylin. [23:00] <zerng07> It is mainly for mainland Chia users. [23:00] <cwayne> ah, I hadn't realized that, oops :) [23:00] <zerng07> Some services and apps are not used in Taiwan. [23:00] <wxl> yeah i expect that the project as a whole is not applicable but i'm sure there are some parts of their work that could make yours easier [23:01] <wxl> and vice versa! [23:01] <zerng07> Yeah. [23:01] <zerng07> :) [23:02] <zerng07> Ubuntu Kylin brings some changes to Taiwan too. They are going to change the default input method framework for chinese locale. [23:02] <zerng07> I have known Aroon Xu who is behind this work. [23:02] <zerng07> Aron [23:04] <zerng07> I will do some tests and make the switch smooth. [23:04] <wxl> excellent! [23:04] <zerng07> That is what I always do. :) [23:05] <cwayne> :) [23:05] <cwayne> does anyone else have any more questions? [23:05] <marcoceppi_> no [23:05] <cyphermox> not from me [23:06] <popey> no [23:06] <hggdh> no [23:06] <cwayne> #vote Cheng-Chia Tseng (zerng07) to obtain Ubuntu Membership [23:06] <meetingology> Please vote on: Cheng-Chia Tseng (zerng07) to obtain Ubuntu Membership [23:06] <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) [23:06] <marcoceppi_> +1 [23:06] <meetingology> +1 received from marcoceppi_ [23:06] <hggdh> +1 thank you for your work [23:06] <meetingology> +1 thank you for your work received from hggdh [23:06] <cwayne> +1 [23:06] <meetingology> +1 received from cwayne [23:06] <cwayne> I love the focus on i18n [23:07] <popey> +1 [23:07] <meetingology> +1 received from popey [23:07] <cyphermox> +1 [23:07] <meetingology> +1 received from cyphermox [23:07] <zerng07> Thank you everyone! :) [23:07] <cwayne> #endvote [23:07] <meetingology> Voting ended on: Cheng-Chia Tseng (zerng07) to obtain Ubuntu Membership [23:07] <meetingology> Votes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 [23:07] <meetingology> Motion carried [23:07] <popey> \o/ [23:07] <cwayne> congratulations zerng07 :) [23:07] <wxl> zerng07: 祝賀 (hope i got that right!) [23:07] <ahayzen> congrats zerng07 :) [23:07] <Neo31> congratz zerng07 [23:07] <Neo31> :) [23:08] <zerng07> wxl: Cool! [23:08] <zerng07> Thanks! :) [23:08] <Neo31> wxl, can you help us with something? me and d4rk-5c0rp :) [23:08] <cwayne> should we keep going since we started quite late? [23:08] * Neo31 is sorry for disturbance [23:08] <wxl> Neo31: any reason why you're singling me out? i'm, of course, happy to help, but :) [23:09] <wxl> cwayne: i REALLY want ianorlin to get his membership so yes XD [23:09] <hggdh> I think we can keep on [23:09] <cyphermox> congrats zerng07 [23:09] * popey is happy to stick around [23:09] <ianorlin> as 1200 utc = 3am for me [23:09] <cwayne> okies, im good to continue as well [23:09] <wxl> me too [23:09] <cwayne> #subtopic Brendan Perrine (ianorlin) [23:09] <cyphermox> I'm good to continue too [23:09] <wxl> (3am i mean!) [23:09] <wxl> Neo31: you're welcome to pm btw [23:09] <marcoceppi_> m etoo [23:10] <ianorlin> I am Brendan Perrine and I do a lot of testing of iso espically for lubuntu [23:10] <zerng07> cool! [23:10] <ianorlin> is my wiki page [23:10] * Neo31 will wait for the meeting to finish [23:10] <ianorlin> is my page on launchpad [23:10] <zerng07> lxde origins from Taiwan! [23:10] <ianorlin> I also am in #lubuntu answering question on most days [23:11] <wxl> zerng07: as an aside, you're more than welcome to help with translation in lubuntu. see me later if you want more info on that XD [23:11] <zerng07> OK! [23:11] <ianorlin> I also am involved in the ubuntu-california loco and am one of 3 elected leaders and the biggest event I planned was scale [23:12] <ianorlin> I have also helped triage bugs and submitted some small patches for typos and was a backup relase manager for lubuntu last Thursday for final beta [23:12] <wxl> (and did such a good job with that, he'll probably continue to be backup should i go on a vacation during milestones again!) [23:13] <ianorlin> thanks wxl [23:13] <wxl> np! [23:13] <hggdh> ianorlin: BTW, thank you for stepping up to the release manager work last week [23:13] <ianorlin> hggdh you're welcome [23:14] <cwayne> ianorlin, do you see yourself working towards more code contributions, or do you think your primary contributions will remain QA/testing? [23:15] <ianorlin> I want to help on testing but will work towards some code contributions if I can understand it but I find the hard part is wrapping my head around all the libraries needed to contriubte code to lxqt for example which is wehre the development of lubuntu is headed [23:19] <cwayne> ah yeah, I can imagine that being quite complex :) [23:19] <cwayne> anyone else have questions? [23:19] <popey> nope [23:20] <cwayne> #vote Brendan Perrine (ianorlin) to obtain Ubuntu Membership [23:20] <meetingology> Please vote on: Brendan Perrine (ianorlin) to obtain Ubuntu Membership [23:20] <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) [23:20] <popey> +1 [23:20] <meetingology> +1 received from popey [23:20] <cyphermox> +1 [23:20] <meetingology> +1 received from cyphermox [23:20] <cwayne> +1 [23:20] <meetingology> +1 received from cwayne [23:21] <cwayne> big fan of QA contributions (having come from a QA background myself :D) [23:21] <cyphermox> keep up the work ianorlin :) [23:22] <popey> yeah! [23:22] <hggdh> +1 [23:22] <meetingology> +1 received from hggdh [23:23] <ianorlin> thanks [23:24] <marcoceppi_> +1 [23:24] <meetingology> +1 received from marcoceppi_ [23:24] <cwayne> #endvote [23:24] <meetingology> Voting ended on: Brendan Perrine (ianorlin) to obtain Ubuntu Membership [23:24] <meetingology> Votes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 [23:24] <meetingology> Motion carried [23:24] <ahayzen> congrats ianorlin :) [23:24] * wxl gives ianorlin a congratulatory hug! [23:24] <wxl> yay! [23:24] <cwayne> congratulations ianorlin [23:24] <Neo31> congratz ianorlin :) [23:24] <cyphermox> congrats! [23:24] <cwayne> keep up the good testing work :) [23:25] <cwayne> #subtopic Andrew Hayzen (ahayzen) [23:25] <cwayne> you're up ahayzen :) [23:25] <ahayzen> \o/ [23:25] <wxl> holy testimonials, ahayzen [23:25] <ahayzen> Hey folks, my name is Andrew Hayzen I am a student studying a BSc in Software Engineering and started using Ubuntu in 2009. [23:25] <ahayzen> My main contribution to Ubuntu has been over the past year and a half in which I have been working on the Ubuntu Touch Core Apps project, mainly the Music-app. [23:26] <ahayzen> This has involved a variety of tasks such has learning QML/Qt, working with 'upstream' projects, other community members and canonical employees, triaging and fixing bugs, using the Nexus 4 (mako) with Ubuntu Touch as a daily driver and many other exciting things :) [23:26] <Neo31> wxl, I was concerned about the question you asked about Ubuntu Touch in the beginning of this meeting. do you have good contacts with great knowledge of ubuntu touch core development? We need some help [23:26] <wxl> Neo31: meeting' [23:26] <ahayzen> [23:26] <wxl> s not over. mind a pm? [23:26] * Neo31 oups sorry again [23:27] * popey has worked closely with ahayzen over the last 18 months. I'm here both as a board member and to cheer for him. [23:27] <popey> (I have put a testimonial on ahayzen's wiki page) [23:27] <ahayzen> thanks popey :) [23:27] <cwayne> ahayzen, you were at the DC sprint right? I think we were on the same trivia team :) [23:28] <ahayzen> cwayne, yeah I was ... no way! [23:28] * cwayne is drinking out of his second place ubuntu-mug now [23:28] <cwayne> lol [23:28] <ahayzen> With Gerry as well? [23:28] <ahayzen> yeah the second place mug \o/ [23:29] <cwayne> lol yep [23:30] <cwayne> well, I don't really have any questions [23:31] <popey> ditto [23:31] <popey> actually one [23:31] <ahayzen> uh oh ;) [23:31] <popey> ahayzen: if you weren't working on music app, what other are of ubuntu would you be interested in? [23:32] <ahayzen> popey, if you mean in terms of non ubuntu touch ... probably either Juju or snappy [23:32] <popey> Yeah, anything. [23:32] <marcoceppi_> +1 for juju ;) [23:32] <wxl> +1 for snappy! [23:32] <popey> oi, leave him alone! [23:32] * wxl rubs his raspberry pi 2 [23:33] <ahayzen> i would love to be able to learn juju ...and snappy on the desktop would be awesome :D [23:33] * marcoceppi_ hugs his cloud [23:33] <popey> Ok. Interesting. I look forward to seeing future contributions in those areas if you have time. [23:33] <ahayzen> yeah i hope to get a RPi2 at some point :) [23:34] <ahayzen> infact can you put Juju on a RPi2 cloud ? (offtopic) [23:34] <ahayzen> 'cloud' [23:34] <marcoceppi_> ahayzen: you totally can! [23:34] <wxl> ahayzen: well there's a snappy image so yes :) [23:35] <ahayzen> popey, we need to get our apps converging before i can move somewhere else :) [23:35] <wxl> +1 ahayzen ! [23:35] <ahayzen> wxl, marcoceppi_ awesome :) [23:35] <cwayne> :) excited for converging apps [23:35] * wxl is, too [23:36] <cwayne> well, shall we vote then [23:37] <cwayne> #vote Andrew Hayzen (ahayzen) to obtain Ubuntu Membership [23:37] <meetingology> Please vote on: Andrew Hayzen (ahayzen) to obtain Ubuntu Membership [23:37] <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) [23:37] <cwayne> +1 [23:37] <meetingology> +1 received from cwayne [23:37] <marcoceppi_> +1 [23:37] <meetingology> +1 received from marcoceppi_ [23:37] <popey> +1 [23:37] <meetingology> +1 received from popey [23:37] <hggdh> +1 [23:37] <meetingology> +1 received from hggdh [23:37] <cyphermox> +1 [23:37] <meetingology> +1 received from cyphermox [23:38] <cwayne> #endvote [23:38] <meetingology> Voting ended on: Andrew Hayzen (ahayzen) to obtain Ubuntu Membership [23:38] <meetingology> Votes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 [23:38] <meetingology> Motion carried [23:38] <cwayne> congratulations ahayzen :) [23:38] <ahayzen> \o/ OMG! thanks :) [23:38] <wxl> yay! [23:38] <wxl> congrats ahayzen [23:38] <wxl> welcome to the family ;) [23:38] <hggdh> ahayzen: welcome! [23:38] <ahayzen> sweet :) thanks folks [23:39] <wxl> thank you membership board :) [23:39] <popey> \o/ [23:39] <cwayne> ok well, went a bit longer than expected, but successful meeting nonetheless :) [23:39] <cwayne> thanks all [23:39] <popey> congratulations ahayzen [23:39] <popey> yes. [23:39] <wxl> now you utc'ers can get some sleep :) [23:39] <popey> thanks everyone fot sticking around [23:39] <popey> *for [23:39] <ahayzen> yeah thanks for staying everyone :) [23:40] <cwayne> #endmeeting [23:40] <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Apr 2 23:40:10 2015 UTC. [23:40] <meetingology> Minutes: [23:40] <cwayne> i've got to run now, can someone else send out the results email? [23:40] <cwayne> or i can do it when I return
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DalekSec", "JHOSMAN", "Mikaela", "Neo31", "Riddell", "ahayzen", "barry", "bdmurray", "caribou", "cwayne", "cyphermox", "czajkowski", "d4rk-5c0rp", "doko", "elacheche_anis", "elfy", "gaughen", "gsilva", "hggdh", "ianorlin", "infinity", "jodh", "lamont", "lunapersa", "marcoceppi_", "meetingology", "mhall119", "mihir", "ogra_", "popey", "robru", "sil2100", "slangasek", "stgraber", "wxl", "wxlS5", "xnox", "zerng07" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-meeting" }
[21:16] <lunapersa> heeey elacheche d4rk-5c0rp [21:16] <d4rk-5c0rp> hey lunapersa :D [21:17] <lunapersa> ça va d4rk-5c0rp ? [21:18] <d4rk-5c0rp> nas2al 3lik :D [21:18] <lunapersa> hahaha ;) [21:18] <lunapersa> hawa f beli :p [21:20] <lunapersa> -45mn [21:22] <d4rk-5c0rp> x) [21:23] <lunapersa> :p [21:24] <lunapersa> bon courage ^^ [21:24] <d4rk-5c0rp> thx :) [21:26] <d4rk-5c0rp> thx for the testimonial btw [21:30] <crack3r> il y a quoi dans 45mn ? [21:30] <lunapersa> :p [21:33] <elacheche_anis> bonsoir les gars! [21:33] <elacheche_anis> salut crack3r :) [21:38] <crack3r> yo elacheche_anis [21:38] <elacheche_anis> There will be a meting for the Ubuntu Membership board, to approve the new Ubuntu members, d4rk-5c0rp is one of 5 community members who tries to be official ubuntu members.. [21:38] <crack3r> cool, good luck d4rk-5c0rp [21:39] <d4rk-5c0rp> thx crack3r [21:54] <elacheche_anis> m-7 :p [21:57] <d4rk-5c0rp> cuz I'm not stressed enough -_- [22:03] <elacheche_anis> :D [22:04] <lunapersa> :D [22:04] <elacheche_anis> join us lunapersa [22:05] <lunapersa> c bon [22:06] <lunapersa> chkoun hey a5er [22:07] <elacheche_anis> No one else is around.. [22:07] <lunapersa> neo ? [22:07] <elacheche_anis> Probably sleeping.. [22:09] <lunapersa> sayé kalamto :D [22:10] <elacheche_anis> x) [22:10] <Neo31> ping lunapersa it's on #ubuntu-meeting ? [22:10] <elacheche_anis> hey Neo31.. [22:11] <elacheche_anis> yep [22:11] <lunapersa> yup [22:11] <elacheche_anis> they're still reading the wiki I think [22:11] <Neo31> good luck d4rk-5c0rp [22:11] <lunapersa> nizarus pas encore :( [22:11] <d4rk-5c0rp> thx Neo31 [22:11] <Neo31> did he speak yet elacheche_anis ? [22:12] <d4rk-5c0rp> nop [22:12] <Neo31> and gave them his wiki? [22:12] <Neo31> ok [22:12] <Neo31> good [22:12] <elacheche_anis> not yet Neo31, they didn't start yet [22:12] <Neo31> i thought i amlate [22:12] <Neo31> good [22:12] <Neo31> that's a good thing [22:12] <elacheche_anis> nizarus should be busy with the wikiarabia [22:12] <Neo31> yeah [22:12] <Neo31> d4rk-5c0rp, wiki link please [22:13] <d4rk-5c0rp> [22:13] <elacheche_anis> some board members are not there.. so the others still trying to figure out how to proceed the metng I think :/ [22:13] <lunapersa> :( [22:13] <d4rk-5c0rp> nchallah lyoum w barra :D [22:14] <elacheche_anis> :D [22:14] <lunapersa> hahaha [22:14] <lunapersa> inchallah [22:14] <lunapersa> d4rk-5c0rp, hakuna matata [22:14] <Neo31> always someone is missing [22:14] <d4rk-5c0rp> mahna mahna :D [22:14] <Neo31> it's fine we will wait [22:16] <lunapersa> :))))) [22:24] <eo31> one more testimonial [22:24] <eo31> sorry it was a quick one, the last days has been awful for me [22:25] <elacheche_anis> go d4rk-5c0rp :) [22:25] <elacheche_anis> Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. [22:26] <elacheche_anis> lunapersa, Neo31 let's show our support ;) [22:26] <lunapersa> yeahh [22:28] <elacheche_anis> :) [22:31] <lunapersa> :D [22:32] <Neo31> d4rk-5c0rp, answer their questions [22:33] <lunapersa> heeey d4rk-5c0rp go ahead [22:34] <elacheche_anis> He fall asleep I think x) [22:34] <Neo31> wtf elacheche_anis ba7dhek houwa? choufou win!!! [22:35] <elacheche_anis> Nope, he's in the other room :) :D Just next to my room.. But he need he's own space.. [22:35] <Neo31> ok [22:35] <Neo31> he started answering some of the questions [22:36] <Neo31> he should be more reactive [22:36] <elacheche_anis> Hahaha.. Theye think that he can't speak English.. d4rk-5c0rp you should tell them that you're just stressed.. [22:36] <lunapersa> :D methkine [22:37] <Neo31> stop pinging him here elacheche_anis [22:37] <elacheche_anis> :) You pinged me during my approval meeting Neo31.. Everyone pinged me that day x) [22:38] <Neo31> loool [22:38] <elacheche_anis> :D [22:38] <Neo31> u did survive that elacheche_anis [22:38] <lunapersa> :D :D [22:39] <lunapersa> memories :D [22:39] <Neo31> chnouwa trajja3 fel fazza ? [22:39] <elacheche_anis> :D :D :D [22:40] <elacheche_anis> A spammer on #ubuntu-meeting :o [22:40] <Neo31> * FatBack has changed the topic to: *** lol [22:40] <lunapersa> -_- [22:40] <Neo31> tabban! [22:41] <elacheche_anis> This is the first time to see this x( [22:41] <Neo31> he changed it twice at least [22:41] <Neo31> and he's still there lol [22:41] <Neo31> let's start spamming too lol [22:41] <Neo31> hhh [22:41] <Neo31> he's banned [22:41] <Neo31> ha333 [22:41] <Neo31> 3:) [22:43] <elacheche_anis> That's not cool :/ [22:45] <Neo31> i have comments but i will keep it after the vote [22:47] <Neo31> aya mabrouk d4rk-5c0rp ^_^ [22:48] <elacheche_anis> congrats d4rk-5c0rp :) [22:48] <d4rk-5c0rp> :') [22:48] <lunapersa> :D [22:48] <Neo31> lol [22:49] <elacheche_anis> he's here x) [22:49] * Neo31 is lhao (lmao) [22:49] <elacheche_anis> the real one [22:49] <d4rk-5c0rp> chkoun y5alass 3liya il mabrouk? [22:50] <Neo31> hhhhhhhhh [22:50] <lunapersa> hahahaha [22:50] <lunapersa> yoyoyoyoyooo [22:50] <Neo31> berjoulia the most messed up membership approval conversation i have ever seen on ubuntu-meeting since i have joined lool [22:51] <Neo31> hhhhhh [22:51] <Neo31> rofl [22:51] <d4rk-5c0rp> rit ek il 7ela :'( [22:51] <d4rk-5c0rp> xD [22:51] <Neo31> d4rk-5c0rp, 3andik zhhar berjoulia [22:51] <elacheche_anis> yep :) lucky boy :) [22:51] <Neo31> nharet elli t9oul ma 3andikch zhhar taw nji nejbidlik wedhnik [22:51] <lunapersa> sa7it Neo31 [22:51] <elacheche_anis> :) [22:52] <Neo31> i've seen ppl in better conditions who didn't get in lool [22:52] <Neo31> hhhhh [22:52] <d4rk-5c0rp> lol [22:52] <Neo31> wallah a9wa film ellila [22:52] <d4rk-5c0rp> haters gonna hate 8| [22:52] <Neo31> comedy [22:52] <Neo31> spammer [22:52] <Neo31> w 7ala [22:52] <Neo31> hhhh [22:52] <Neo31> aywach [22:52] <Neo31> narj3ou lerrasmi [22:52] <Neo31> wa9tech el mabrouk mela d4rk-5c0rp ? [22:52] <Neo31> ^_^ [22:52] <Neo31> hhh [22:52] <d4rk-5c0rp> en fait, ken ma3addewnich elloul mana5ouhech xD [22:53] <Neo31> hhhh [22:53] <d4rk-5c0rp> m3allam chouf elli ba33di, il launchpad mte3ou ybaki [22:53] <Neo31> yezi bla pecimism [22:53] <Neo31> haw bach nji nejbidlik wedhnik tawa [22:53] <elacheche_anis> Check FB bedis :) [22:54] <elacheche_anis> [22:54] <Neo31> weld 7ram el sil3a lol [22:55] <Neo31> btw [22:55] <Neo31> thx a lot lunapersa [22:55] <lunapersa> abt what Neo31 ? [22:56] <elacheche_anis> d4rk-5c0rp, ML [22:57] <Neo31> i'm sick and exhausted the last days, i was about to sleep lunapersa. thx for ur call to remind me of the meeting [22:58] <d4rk-5c0rp> de rien Neo31 [22:58] <d4rk-5c0rp> :D [22:58] <lunapersa> :D [22:58] <lunapersa> tiiiir Neo31 ma"mlt chzy [22:58] <Neo31> d4rk-5c0rp, chouf le5ra " GNOME, LibreOffice, Translation Project...etc." [22:58] <Neo31> sa5ta 3a9adni [22:59] <Neo31> 3raft chnouwa echay elli n7arbou fih a7na 3andou houwa "etc" lool [22:59] <d4rk-5c0rp> ti rit :'( [22:59] <d4rk-5c0rp> tallit la3chiya, 9rib ne7i rou7i mil board x) [22:59] <Neo31> loooooool [22:59] <Neo31> heka 3lech 5nisst enti fel meeting? lool [23:00] <Neo31> 7a9ik d5alt fasa5tlou esmou [23:00] <Neo31> wala 7kit m3ah [23:00] <Neo31> 9ollou aman el marra jeya [23:00] <Neo31> lol [23:00] <Neo31> hhh [23:00] <Neo31> ah asma3 [23:00] <Neo31> ija emrjou hakelli 9allik 3al ubuntu touch [23:00] <Neo31> concernant el qnmap [23:00] <Neo31> balikchi he knows a guys from the core team who can help us [23:01] <d4rk-5c0rp> heyel yecer [23:02] <Neo31> berrasmi [23:02] <Neo31> bach npinguik bekri [23:02] <Neo31> bach n9ollik jebha lrou7ou jbedlik 3al touch [23:02] <Neo31> lol [23:02] <Neo31> ama ma 7abitech ncha5chbik [23:02] <d4rk-5c0rp> hahaha [23:02] <Neo31> ija 3ess m3aya [23:02] <Neo31> lawjelna chkounou 5anemrjouh 9bal ma yafsa3 [23:02] <Neo31> ygat3ou fisa3 rahom ba3d el meeting [23:03] <d4rk-5c0rp> wxl [23:04] <Neo31> wxl [23:04] <Neo31> yep [23:04] <Neo31> :) [23:04] <d4rk-5c0rp> pingih fil prive w n9oulou 7achetna bik lol [23:04] <Neo31> taw npingiweh fel channel [23:05] <d4rk-5c0rp> (y) [23:06] <Neo31> do u have one more question d4rk-5c0rp [23:06] <Neo31> lol [23:06] <Neo31> aya n3ajzouh lol [23:06] <Neo31> loooool [23:06] <d4rk-5c0rp> lol [23:06] <Neo31> chouf sayed fech kan ya7ki m3ahom [23:06] <Neo31> hhhh hmd fel approval mte3na ma jech m3ana ka3ba ki hedha [23:06] <Neo31> lol [23:07] <d4rk-5c0rp> man7ebech na9ra bech man9oulelhom na7iwli il membership hahaha [23:07] <Neo31> loool [23:07] <Neo31> mashlou [23:07] <Neo31> ki d5oul el 7ammem ki 5roujou houwa [23:07] <Neo31> hhh [23:07] <lunapersa> yezio mel 7ess [23:07] <lunapersa> dima te7kio [23:07] <Neo31> tata lunapersa a3tih tri7a [23:07] <Neo31> y7eb yohrob [23:08] <lunapersa> :D [23:08] <lunapersa> bara or9do ltjkom enna3oucha [23:08] <Neo31> oups [23:08] <Neo31> cha9it 3lihom lol [23:09] <lunapersa> -_- [23:09] <Neo31> tata lunapersa mizal bekri ^_^ [23:09] <lunapersa> haya liltekom zena [23:09] <lunapersa> :D :D [23:10] <Neo31> d4rk-5c0rp, chnouwa yo9ssod " singling me out" ??? [23:10] <Neo31> ok lunapersa sweet dreams [23:10] <d4rk-5c0rp> y7ebek tas2al s7abou ilkol lol [23:10] <d4rk-5c0rp> pigehom ilkol xD [23:10] <Neo31> loool [23:10] <Neo31> mchet m3ak [23:11] <Neo31> ellila bach ytardouna a7na zouz [23:11] <Neo31> lol [23:11] <elacheche_anis> Aya GM guys.. AM KO [23:11] <Neo31> GM'ech elacheche_anis ? [23:11] <Neo31> to9sod GN ? [23:11] <Neo31> hhhh [23:11] <elacheche_anis> OUps x) dhya3t.. oui c ça GN [23:12] <Neo31> aya elacheche_anis 9oul el tata lunapersa bonne nuit 9bal ma tor9od [23:12] <d4rk-5c0rp> raw7i elacheche_anis :D [23:12] <Neo31> c u soon [23:12] <Neo31> elacheche_anis, [23:12] <Neo31> stanna stanna [23:12] <Neo31> hakil 2 pins [23:12] <Neo31> w 2 pens [23:12] <Neo31> ubuntu [23:12] <elacheche_anis> :D hahom ba7dhéya :p [23:12] <Neo31> mizalou 3ala jnab mahou? [23:12] <Neo31> sa7itik [23:12] <elacheche_anis> :D [23:12] <elacheche_anis> ++ [23:12] <Neo31> ab3athhom m3a badis kif yji jey a tunis [23:12] <elacheche_anis> ok [23:12] <Neo31> good [23:13] <Neo31> c u soon [23:13] <Neo31> GN [23:13] <Neo31> d4rk-5c0rp, "I have also helped triage bugs and submitted some small patches for typos and was a backup relase manager for lubuntu last Thursday for final beta" [23:13] <Neo31> ayya barra nenta7rou!!! [23:14] <Neo31> backup release manager for lubuntu [23:14] <Neo31> lool enta fin wel 7obb fin [23:14] <Neo31> loooooool [23:14] <Neo31> chya3mlou biha membership hedhom n7eb nifhim!!! [23:14] <d4rk-5c0rp> :'( [23:14] <elacheche_anis> hahahha [23:16] <Neo31> d4rk-5c0rp, "lxqt for example which is wehre the development of lubuntu is headed" I was right for betting on LXQT ^_^ [23:17] <d4rk-5c0rp> :D [23:17] <d4rk-5c0rp> good boy :p [23:17] <Neo31> el mochkla fin mizalou ya7kiw m3ah [23:17] <Neo31> brabbi tsawar rou7ek board member [23:17] <Neo31> w yjiwek jme3a ki hedhom [23:18] <Neo31> brabbi ech bach ta7ki m3ahom! [23:18] <d4rk-5c0rp> 7atta chay, na3mal demande y5arjouni mil board kahaw xD [23:18] <Neo31> loool  ianorlin: BTW, thank you for stepping up to the release manager work last week  hggdh you're welcome [23:19] <d4rk-5c0rp> as2lou 9ollou 3lech t7eb 3al membership :'( [23:19] * Neo31 8'S [23:20] <Neo31> 3inaya damm3et [23:20] <Neo31> saye [23:20] <Neo31> loool [23:20] <d4rk-5c0rp> sakarli il membership si alé [23:20] <Neo31> mahomch mesta3rfin bih hedha sidi 5ouya [23:20] <Neo31> loool [23:20] <Neo31> wallah heki hia d4rk-5c0rp [23:20] <Neo31> bach ndez faza w na3tih -1 [23:20] <d4rk-5c0rp> hahahaha [23:20] <Neo31> bach n9ollou barra a3mal distro wa7dik lol [23:20] <Neo31> yetlam houwa w le5er [23:21] <d4rk-5c0rp> ya3tiwek -42 xD [23:21] <Neo31> w 4 kifhom [23:21] <Neo31> ya3mlou distro [23:21] <Neo31> lol [23:21] <d4rk-5c0rp> haha [23:21] * Neo31 wanna cry [23:22] <d4rk-5c0rp> ebki ebki [23:22] <Neo31> walah berrasmi [23:23] <Neo31> loool [23:23] <Neo31> wallah berrasmi 3andik baaaaaarcha zhhar d4rk-5c0rp [23:23] <d4rk-5c0rp> stanna nji ltounes nebkiw ma3 b3adhna [23:23] <Neo31> loool [23:23] <Neo31> mchet m3ak [23:23] <Neo31> hhh [23:23] <Neo31> eni nebki wenti indibhom sinon [23:23] <Neo31> :p [23:24] <d4rk-5c0rp> ok :p [23:24] <Neo31> d4rk-5c0rp, c bon e5er we7ed hedha lila ? [23:24] <Neo31> maghir ma nzid n7acham rou7i [23:25] <d4rk-5c0rp> fi beli mazel wa7ed o5or [23:26] <Neo31> looooool [23:26] <Neo31> i asked already [23:27] <d4rk-5c0rp> lol [23:31] <Neo31> jewebni en privee [23:31] <Neo31> tallafni :/ [23:31] <d4rk-5c0rp> :( [23:32] <d4rk-5c0rp> cha3malna mela [23:35] <Neo31> re [23:35] <Neo31> 1mn pls d4rk-5c0rp [23:37] <d4rk-5c0rp> Neo31, KO [23:38] <Neo31> re [23:38] <Neo31> ok ok d4rk-5c0rp [23:38] <Neo31> bon [23:38] <Neo31> tallafni [23:39] <Neo31> 9alli ncontacti wa7de5er [23:39] <Neo31> 9alli chouf 3al irc [23:39] <Neo31> wel mailing [23:39] <Neo31> 9otlou elli deja choft avant [23:39] <Neo31> w ma famech 7all pratique [23:39] <Neo31> w lezim na7ki m3a 7add fel core developers [23:39] <Neo31> 9alli na7ki m3a mhall [23:39] <Neo31> normalement kan 7adher fel membership approval mte3i walla dra win 7kit m3ah avant [23:40] <Neo31> taw n3awed nchouf kifech nal9ah w nas2lou directement [23:40] <Neo31> mhall119 [23:40] <Neo31> kan 3ordhik enti as2lou [23:40] <d4rk-5c0rp> ok [23:41] <d4rk-5c0rp> battery low [23:41] <d4rk-5c0rp> peace Neo31
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Neo31", "crack3r", "d4rk-5c0rp", "elacheche_anis", "eo31", "lunapersa" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tn" }
[08:55] <trinode> hey, how would you diagnose an issue wheere shutting down via the gnome menu results in a black screen (and power remaining on) yet issuing the command shutdown -h now from gnome terminal shuts down fine? [08:56] <darkxst> trinode what ubuntu are you using? [08:57] <trinode> 15.04 (yesterday's daily) and gnome 3.16 from the gnome 3 staging repos [08:58] <darkxst> sounds like systemd is choking, but not heard of any similar bugs [08:59] <darkxst> if you enable the debug console at boot, you might be able to switch to VT9 to see what is going when it hangs [09:00] <trinode> ooh, how do I do that? kernel param? [09:01] <trinode> and is there a way to write it to a file? (the screen goes black (and backlight off) instantly, I can't seem to switch to any other terminal [09:02] <darkxst> yesm use systemd.debug-shell [09:03] <darkxst> see /usr/share/doc/systemd/README.Debian [09:06] <darkxst> and if you can get to VT9 then probably systemctl list-jobs will tell you what is hanging [09:08] <trinode> I've got me a shell, lets give this a go [09:09] <trinode> nope, instant black screen of stuck [09:11] <darkxst> on boot or shutdown? [09:12] <trinode> shutdown [09:12] <darkxst> ctl+alt+f9 to get to debug shell [09:12] <trinode> I can get to the shell when the system is booted [09:12] <trinode> but the instant I press power off I loose the ability to do anything other than see a black screen [09:12] <trinode> (can't switch VT or anything) [09:13] <trinode> I think the system is pretty much powered off without the powering off [09:13] <trinode> since shutdown -h works [09:13] <darkxst> probably a stuck grab or somthing, can you ssh into the machine? [09:13] <trinode> makes me think it's nothing to do with systemd [09:13] <trinode> more gnome [09:13] <trinode> or permissions of whatever user gnome runs as or something like tha [09:13] <trinode> t [09:14] <trinode> s/gnome/gdm [09:14] <darkxst> a locked up VT may be nothing to do with gdm [09:15] <darkxst> can you ssh into it? [09:15] <trinode> I'll try but I think wireless is gone after leaving gnome [09:15] <darkxst> connect an ethernet cable ;) [09:17] <trinode> gnome's shutdown dialog listed a warning saying other users were connected [09:17] <trinode> one of them being my ssh session [09:18] <trinode> and clicking poweroff disconnected me instantly [09:19] <darkxst> can you ssh in after it hangs? [09:20] <darkxst> if its a gnome bug, pretty much 100% chance you will be able too [09:20] <darkxst> given your session was kicked though, sounds like its hanging quite late in the shutdown [09:21] <trinode> is there a permission / group you have to be in to power a system down? [09:21] <mgedmin> maybe could be useful to see what's happening during shutdown, if you've got an ethernet cable and another PC in the same subnet? [09:31] <trinode> switching to lightdm fixed it [09:31] <trinode> I actually was trying to test with unity so did apt-get install unity [09:32] <trinode> it switched me to lightdm instead of gdm [09:32] <trinode> but unity wasn't present as an option so I started gnome [09:32] <trinode> and it shutdown fine [09:36] <mgedmin> bisection idea: instead of shutting down from the gnome session try to log out and then shut down from gdm? [09:40] <trinode> from gdm shutdown is instant black screen again [09:41] <trinode> (I say instant because in lightdm and if using gdm but issuing shutdown -r now from the command line we see the gnome foot logo for a second then some of the boot / shutdown progress text [11:14] <zee> hello [13:08] <LinDol> hi all :) [22:30] <allenskd_> hey guys if someone could confirm, does nautilus-dropbox package nolonger depends on dropbox in 15.04? just tried to install it and nautilus-dropbox wants to remove dropbox :| [22:56] <Dumle29> Hey there. If I want to add a startup application through gnome tweak tools, the + doesn't work. Is this a known bug? [22:56] <Dumle29> Only way I've found to do it so far is making a .desktop file myself [22:58] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: I would argue that you should just be asking how to make onedrive-d start automatically when you log in. It provides more background for your end goal, and also doesn't limit answers to those relating to gnome-tweak-tool :) [22:59] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Ah true :P But I'm fairly certain i got that working :) Just figured I would go ask here to get the problem solved now that you spent so much time on it over in #ubuntu :) [22:59] <Dumle29> I think the .desktop file I made will work (haven't restarted yet)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Dumle29", "Jordan_U", "LinDol", "allenskd_", "darkxst", "mgedmin", "trinode", "zee" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[00:24] <keithzg> Guess whatever the default setup is in ubuntu-server doesn't cut it these days? (This is a 14.04 server). Installed ntpd, now offside is down to about 4 thousandths of a second. [00:25] <keithzg> Although my guess would be that ntpd still ships as default and I just did something weird when I installed and set up this server last year, heh. [00:28] <sarnold> I think ntpdate ships as default.. [00:29] <keithzg> sarnold: Yeah, ntpdate was already installed, but doesn't that have to be run manually, or at least manually added to some cron job? [00:29] <sarnold> there's a discussion here [00:29] <sarnold> keithzg: yeah. if ntpdate hand't been run recently that could explain the three minutess.. [00:32] <keithzg> sarnold: Ah, makes sense then, ntpdate probably only runs on reconnection to networks and such, eh? The half-year uptime of this server since last time I admitted I should probably apply kernel updates is plenty of time for drift ;) [00:33] <sarnold> keithzg: hehe yeah, three minutes of drift in half a year makes sense.. [01:39] <Patrickdk> sarnold, here is something you might like [01:39] <Patrickdk> http://google/ [01:40] <sarnold> Patrickdk: you know I tried that earlier today.. and just got my localhost http server [01:40] <sarnold> $ host google. [01:40] <sarnold> google has address [01:40] <sarnold> google mail is handled by 10 [01:40] <Patrickdk> oh ya [01:40] <sarnold> what on earth gave me -that- response? :) [01:40] <Patrickdk> stupid wildcard [01:40] * Patrickdk isn't thinking clearly [01:42] <Patrickdk> suprised they don't have a webpage on that though [01:43] <sarnold> it feels like they should [01:43] <sarnold> why buy a tld for $180k USD and then only use it for a gimmick like :) [02:19] <keithzg> Well, $180k is chump change for Google, and it gives them the option in the future if they ever decide to use it. [02:20] <keithzg> Right now people (somewhat rightly) are distrustful of these new domains, so they probably figure it isn't worth comitting to what they'll do with it yet. [02:27] <Patrickdk> heh? google has already ate like 30 tld's [02:27] <Patrickdk> most of them make sense [02:27] <Patrickdk> about 10 of them are just pure greedy [02:27] <Patrickdk> ads, dad, ... [02:28] <Patrickdk> and the whole .dev and some of the other tlds that are for internal usage only [05:54] <lordievader> Good morning. [07:02] <mdev> whoever does the apache distro for ubuntu, how can I get them to disable apache indexing by default? [07:02] <mdev> is really a big security issue and no reason it should be enabled, yet it always is on fresh ubuntu server installs [07:02] <mdev> it lists files/directories in your htdocs folder /var/www/html in the end users browser if no index.php or index.html exists [07:03] <OpenTokix> mdev: The default only export /var/www [07:03] <mdev> probably can list the same even if they do exist [07:03] <OpenTokix> mdev: how is that a security issue? [07:03] <mdev> because end users don't need to see any of those files? [07:03] <OpenTokix> mdev: My question still stands, what are the security implications? [07:03] <mdev> if you're running a website you don't need all your web files listed [07:04] <mdev> what the security issues? many...users could potentially access files they should be because they can see a full list of everything [07:04] <mdev> if you stored certain information in a hidden_log_3939495.txt for instance [07:04] <OpenTokix> mdev: They can still access all the files, regardless if they are indexed or not [07:05] <OpenTokix> What you are talking about is security by obscurity [07:05] <mdev> I had one client who stored transaction info in his web directory, using long obscure names that one couldn't guess but wouldn't need to if they were listed by freaking apache... [07:05] <OpenTokix> And that is not security [07:05] <mdev> and security via obscurity is security, regardless of what people say [07:05] <OpenTokix> mdev: Your client are doing dumb stuff, - And that isnt apache default configs fault [07:05] <OpenTokix> no, its not [07:06] <mdev> Open every ubuntu vps install i've seen has apache with indexing enabled by default [07:06] <mdev> apt-get install apache, or it installed via php [07:06] <mdev> so clearly it's whoevers running that repo [07:06] <mdev> obscurity is security, 1000% [07:06] <OpenTokix> no [07:07] <mdev> if you go bury a treasure chest full of gold in your backyard, is it secure from theives? absolutely [07:07] <mdev> if they don't know it's there... [07:07] <OpenTokix> ... [07:08] <mdev> but if you broadcast and tell everyone you buried it there, similar to apaches indexing [07:08] <mdev> then no it's not secure... [07:09] <OpenTokix> mdev: you are wrong in so many ways, I dont have enough button presses before I have to switch keybords of mechanical fatigue. - So have fun with your endevors [07:10] <mdev> even if you truely feel that way, which I doubt [07:11] <mdev> there's no huge reason to have indexing enabled by default anyway [07:11] <mdev> if users want it on they can enable it, but the average user, having it on, is security risk [07:12] <mdev> so whoever maintains the apache repo for ubuntu please consider disabling it [07:13] <mdev> some other distros don't have it enabled [07:43] <rbasak> mdev: I see no case here to change the default, but will follow Debian's default. If you want to file a bug with them to change the default, go ahead. [07:43] <lordievader> mdev: I suppose you should file a bug, if you really feel strongly about it. [07:43] <rbasak> mdev: I see no point though. Files placed in a server configured for static serving of files are expected to be public. If you don't want to share the files, don't put them in /var/www. [07:44] <rbasak> OTOH, if you do put files in /var/www, the implication is that you do want to make them public. Why else would you put them there? [07:44] <rbasak> Not providing automatic indexes don't help whether the files are accessible or not anyway. [07:46] <rbasak> OTOH, I find automatic indexing really useful. I can use a public area to dump files that others can discover and access. [07:54] <skylite> im using dhclient eth2 command to get an IP from my dhcp server. Server gets the request and sends back a dhcp offer but my client wont accept it and keeps asking for an IP from the dhcp server (isc-dhcp) any ideas? I dont see any other entries in the dhcp log [08:00] <skylite> ok it seems its a network issue [09:20] <arcsky> hey, my syslog/messages are empty files, where is my logs? [09:22] <replman> Hi! I have a svn repository on my ubuntu 12.04 server and access it by https through apache. I setup a location in http conf with authtype basic and require valid-user. Everything works so far. Now i want to give access to a specific repository path to another user. Adding this user to my AuthUserFile gives him full access. What's the best way to restrict the access? [09:49] <replman> Ok, looks like i have to use AuthzSVNAccessFile. My location in http conf is <Location /svn/repo>, int the acl file i have a [Test:/customer/acme/project1/trunk]. If i try to access the repo through i get a forbidden error. What is the correct url? [15:11] <rbasak> niedbalski: looking at now [15:18] <strikov> rbasak: hey, i have a question regarding mysql apport bug [15:18] <rbasak> strikov: sure [15:20] <cohonen> yo guyas [15:20] <strikov> rbasak: essence of the issue is that mysql doesn't generate crash reports by default [15:20] <strikov> rbasak: it handles all the crashes internally w/o letting kernel/apport know about them [15:20] <strikov> rbasak: this behavior can be changed by my.cnf though [15:21] <cohonen> so removing resolvconf (which pissed me off) will result in removing ubuntu-minimal [15:21] <strikov> rbasak: do we want generating crash reports enabled by default? [15:21] <cohonen> is ubuntu-minimal a pseudo package or will this break my system ? [15:21] <rbasak> strikov: I think we're talking about two types of "crashes". My issue was with postinst failures, which I guess isn't related to changes in my.cnf? [15:22] <rbasak> strikov: so "ubuntu-bug /usr/sbin/mysqld" should use the apport hook, for example. [15:22] <rbasak> cohonen: to stop using resolvconf, I think you can just replace /etc/resolv.conf with a regular file and it'll leave you alone. [15:22] <strikov> rbasak: okay, i'll check this path as well; i'm currently testing with sigsegv [15:23] <cohonen> rbasak: im pretty sure it wont [15:23] <cohonen> also editing interface has NO EFFECT!@!!!! [15:23] <cohonen> which 99.8888% of ubuntu forums suggests [15:23] <rbasak> cohonen: [15:23] <cohonen> rbasak: let me verify [15:24] <cohonen> rbasak: yes, that one will work, EXCEPT, it still appends the ISP DNS servers [15:24] <cohonen> I dont want ANY dns servers other than the ones i choose [15:25] <cohonen> not ISPs [15:25] <cohonen> not googles [15:25] <cohonen> just the ones i pick [15:25] <cohonen> and resolvconf doesnt seem to let you do anything other than prepend or append to crap i get from whatever dhcp server answers [15:26] <cohonen> i know i can probably edit some dhclient thing [15:26] <cohonen> but why do i have to,, i just want resolvconf to go the way of the dodo [15:26] <rbasak> cohonen: I'd say that's a matter of configuration of your DHCP client, not resolvconf. Of course disabling resolvconf will disable it too, but that doesn't feel like the correct place to configure what you want to me. [15:26] <rbasak> I'm quite happy with resolvconf. [15:26] <cohonen> /etc/resolv.conf IS THE PLACE [15:27] <rbasak> /etc/resolv.conf is fine for static DNS configuration. [15:27] <cohonen> i just get tired of crap trying to the me where to get my IPs from [15:27] <rbasak> It doesn't work well for dynamic environments - such as a laptop. [15:27] <cohonen> rbasak: which is what i want [15:27] <rbasak> cohonen: and you can have what you want, but you're expected to know how to configure the bits you need. [15:27] <cohonen> rbasak: i does if you know good dns servers and youre not in a stazi country or network [15:28] <cohonen> rbasak: so,, back to my original question [15:28] <cohonen> if i remove resolvconf, dpkg tells me, ill remove that AND ubuntu-minimal ALSO [15:28] <rbasak> ubuntu-minimal is a metapackage. [15:28] <cohonen> so, doesnt do anything ? [15:28] <rbasak> You might break release upgrades, but no your system shouldn't really break apart from that. [15:29] <cohonen> okey,,, hmmm [15:29] <rbasak> However, understand that you're going "off piste", so any future bugs or issues caused by doing this are down to you. [15:29] <cohonen> btw,, its on ubuntu server, on my toy servers [15:30] <cohonen> why is it wierd that i want a 100% self managed dns there ? [15:30] <cohonen> even if i use dns (my isp forces me to) [15:30] <cohonen> dns / dhcp [15:32] <rbasak> It's odd that you want DHCP but not DNS from DHCP. [15:32] <rbasak> If you just wanted a static IP and static DNS, you can do that with dns-nameservers in /etc/network/interfaces and everything would lbe fine. [15:32] <cohonen> well, i admit its not the most common [15:32] <rbasak> So it seems to me that what you really want is to configure dhclient to not take DNS. [15:33] <cohonen> no no i tried messing with /etc/network/interfaces [15:33] <cohonen> hmm [15:33] <cohonen> i think i have to look into dhclient [15:33] <cohonen> rbasak: yes it seems so [15:33] <cohonen> sigh [15:33] <cohonen> rbasak: reason is that my IP is external but not 100% static [15:34] <rbasak> Get a better ISP :) [15:34] <cohonen> better would mean digging a fiber myself [15:34] <cohonen> its pretty good as it is, just has a few annoyances [15:36] <rbasak> niedbalski: I'm not sure that bug 1430181 is appropriate to fix in an SRU or during feature freeze in Vivid (without an exception). [15:36] <rbasak> niedbalski: seems to me that TCP binding is a new feature because the switch is documented to support UDP only. [15:37] <rbasak> niedbalski: the patch looks pretty extensive too. [15:40] <cohonen> rbasak: okey i guess the best solution is to edit the dhclient, that seems to work, very tempted to set up a xattr to lock the file [15:43] <cohonen> rbasak: yea , the solution is to NOT request dns-nameserver domain search etc via dhclient [15:44] <cohonen> thanks [15:44] <cohonen> later guys [15:44] <rbasak> cohonen: no problem [15:44] <rbasak> cohonen: thinking about it... [15:44] <cohonen> ??? [15:44] <rbasak> cohonen: I think that with resolvconf disabled, dhclient is probably writing to your /etc/resolv.conf. [15:44] <cohonen> it makes sense sorta,. [15:44] <rbasak> I could be wrong though. [15:44] <rbasak> So removing resolvconf might not have helped you here anyway. [15:44] <cohonen> that what it seems like [15:45] <rbasak> So maybe rage a little less at resolvconf? :) [15:45] <cohonen> i kindof want to reinstall resolvconf just to be close to a normal ubuntu install [15:46] <jrwren> cohonen: I think resolvconf may help you more than hurt you. It makes it easy to override dhcp's dns settings. [15:47] <cohonen> jrwren: well , i see that it has options to all resolvers for interfaces [15:47] <cohonen> it just another complexity i dont like [15:48] <jrwren> cohonen: I used to agree, then I learned it, saw the problems it solves and embraced it. [15:49] <cohonen> jrwren: yea , i had the same experience with firewalld on rhel/fedora clients [15:49] <jrwren> cohonen: to override nameservers for dhcp on eth0, run: echo nameserver | sudo resolvconf -a eth0 [15:50] <cohonen> jrwren: anyway, i reinstalled minimal and resolvconf [15:50] <cohonen> jrwren: and that will be the only dns server then [15:50] <jrwren> cohonen: you can later remove with sudo resolvconf -d eth0 [15:50] <jrwren> cohonen: I do not think it will be the only, but it will be first, so unless it is down it will be only one used. [15:50] <cohonen> jrwren: and that setting is persistent across boots ? [15:51] <cohonen> jrwren: hmm okey, thats like the head file [15:51] <jrwren> cohonen: unsure, I tend to run ephemeral server instance, so I don't reboot [15:51] <cohonen> i dont reboot much either, but i want to be able to trust as much state as possible [15:52] <cohonen> jrwren: i still belive that in my particular usecase the answer was to kick dhclient in the face and tell him NO DNS ! [15:53] <jrwren> cohonen: why is that? [15:53] <jrwren> cohonen: my isp provides poor dhs too :) [15:53] <cohonen> mine too [15:54] <cohonen> and im not gonna use googles even if it gave free BJs [15:54] <jrwren> was just an example I used :) [15:54] <cohonen> so i have a list of freedom respecting DNS servers [15:54] <jrwren> what are these freedom dns? [15:55] <cohonen> jrwren: yea, they were clever , getting [15:55] <cohonen> jrwren: well 2 are small providers [15:56] <cohonen> 2 are opendns which are obviously not so cool [15:56] <cohonen> but i count on that losing the first 2 is rare [16:10] <strikov> smoser: i just found out how to make canonistack faster; due to some reason m1.large gets much faster i/o than m1.small which significantly increases performance; that looks like something wrong but it works :) [16:14] <smoser> stnice. [16:28] <strikov> rbasak: this looks like a correct crash report, right? [16:29] <rbasak> strikov: yes that looks good [16:29] <strikov> rbasak: that's what i get with the hook copied to the right place; basically: [16:30] <strikov> rbasak: we had this file in .files before but switched mysql-server from dh_movefiles to dh_install which required .install [16:30] <rbasak> strikov: does "ubuntu-bug /usr/sbin/mysqld" generate a report? When I tried it, it hung forever. [16:30] <strikov> rbasak: yes, in a few moments [16:30] <rbasak> strikov: OK. It's much simpler than I thought then. Sorry! [16:31] <strikov> rbasak: okay :) [16:31] <strikov> rbasak: you owe mean one really painful bug though [16:31] <strikov> *me [16:32] <rbasak> :) [16:33] <strikov> rbasak: and returning back to sigsegv dumps; is it expected that they are not going through apport? [16:56] <samba35> i am using ubuntu 14.04 with ssh i want to change default ssh port to 5123 but when i change it is not able to change port it always show 22 , i make changes in sshd_configu port 5123 [17:14] <bekks> samba35: Chaneg the port and restart the sshd daemon. [17:35] <strikov> rbasak: [17:35] <strikov> rbasak: not sure if it worth fixing but want to let ubuntu-devel guys know about that corner case [17:38] <samba35> bekks: thanks i was makeing some mistake with service restart i was using /etc/init.d / method to restart the service but now with service ssh restart it work [17:38] <samba35> thanks [17:41] <bekks> samba35: For sshd, that actually doesnt matter :) [17:42] <samba35> you mean for starting service ? [17:44] <bekks> samba35: Yes. [17:44] <samba35> but unfortunately it did not work for me [17:45] <samba35> but service xx restart work [20:40] <wiredfool> I've got an older server running trusty w/ a 4 disk raid 10 setup, initially setup on 500gb disks but now on 1tb due to several single drive failures + rebuilds. I'd like to convert it to a 2 drive raid 1, using the currently unpartitioned space, and free up two disk trays for ssds. [20:42] <wiredfool> current mirror is /dev/md1. I'm thinking of making a new degraded raid 1 mirror, /dev/md2, with /dev/md1 as it's only member. Then reboot for that to be /. then I'll tail out one of the drives, repartition it, and add it to /dev/md2 and let it rebuild. Then when that's good, I'll fail /dev/md1 out of the array, fail one more drive out of it, and add it to /dev/md2, and let it rebuild again. [20:44] <wiredfool> then I should have a working raid1 set, and a pair of drives that still have the same data (if I'm lucky and fail the correct drive on the second try). [20:44] <wiredfool> Is this a workable plan, or is it totally daft? [20:49] <parallel21> I have a directory that has a size of 0 and I am unable to delete it [20:49] <parallel21> Unable to cd into it either [20:54] <JanC> parallel21: permissions? [20:57] <JanC> wiredfool: you'd have to pastebin more specific info, but failing disks in a RAID system to re-use them for something else is certainly possible [20:59] <parallel21> JanC: Doing this as root [21:00] <teward> is there any harm on my local computer to edit the ownership of files in /etc/bind for my bind server for my user to own it, and bind group to have access as well? [21:00] <sarnold> teward: if you don't mind your web browser being able to edit those files.. :) [21:01] <JanC> parallel21: did you run fsck on the file system? [21:01] <teward> sarnold: given that this system is encrypted out the wazoo and the password is complex enough that I have to plug in a yubikey just to actually enter the password when prompted... :P [21:01] <teward> sarnold: it's a local bind9 instance for local IPs only on the system (for the VMs on the host only subnets xD) [21:02] <sarnold> teward: hehe, I figured you weren't actually going to run firefox on your dns systems :) [21:02] <teward> sarnold: indeed. [21:02] <sarnold> teward: but I saw an opportunity for a joke and had to take it :) [21:02] <teward> sarnold: THOSE are on separate servers xD [21:02] <teward> sarnold: indeed. [21:02] <teward> sarnold: i meant from a runtime perspective if things'll break - setgid on the directories would enforce group ownership xD [21:02] <wiredfool> JanC: is there a way to tell which disks are paired in a mdadm raid10? [21:03] <sarnold> teward: should be fine, just so long as bind can read them [21:04] <JanC> wiredfool: I never used mdadm raid10, so don't know for sure, but I assume there is [21:04] <teward> sarnold: indeed, g+r is still in place, and the directory is set o+s g+s, with MYUSER:bind as the ownership [21:05] <JanC> I've done it with a raid1 though [21:05] <teward> s/o+s/u+s/ [21:08] <wiredfool> I could add in a second partition on one drive that I'm going to keep, prior to failing out the first drive, and then watch the iostat to see what's reading and what's writing. [21:10] <JanC> wiredfool: I'm pretty sure mdadm can tell you what devices are used for what purpose? [21:39] <wiredfool> JanC: not in a manner that's obvious -- [21:44] <JanC> wiredfool: the "layout" parameter should be useful [21:55] <JanC> wiredfool: [21:58] <JanC> looks like /dev/sda3 & /dev/sdb3 are part of 1 mirror, and /dev/sdc3 & /dev/sdd3 of the other [22:00] <JanC> so you can fail one device in each mirror [22:08] <wiredfool> ok, if running code matches wikipedia
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JanC", "OpenTokix", "Patrickdk", "arcsky", "bekks", "cohonen", "jrwren", "keithzg", "lordievader", "mdev", "parallel21", "rbasak", "replman", "samba35", "sarnold", "skylite", "smoser", "strikov", "teward", "wiredfool" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[02:10] <imgbot> [03:50] <imgbot> [03:50] <imgbot> [08:16] <jibel> sil2100, morning. On the train dashboard, ubuntu silo-030 the description has nothing to do with the content of the silo [08:16] <jibel> sil2100, it says "NetworkManager AP list update fix + IMSI selection fix" but the fix is in syncevolution to add 1 to a month [08:18] <sil2100> jibel: yeah, probably what happened is that part of the spreadsheet got reverted, let me try looking at the backups [08:19] <jibel> this spreadsheet is becoming very painful, we must double-check everything manually [08:19] <sil2100> After the meeting I'll try something to get the spreadsheet back again [08:20] <jibel> davmor2, are you running devel-proposed/krillin.en ? [08:20] <davmor2> Yeap [08:20] <davmor2> jibel: ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/krillin.en] [08:20] <davmor2> -] [08:21] <jibel> davmor2, after the OTA this morning, the photo scope showed me the hint (while I already dismissed it a while ago) and it doesn't show local photos. Do you see the same issue? [08:22] <davmor2> jibel: let me upgrade [08:28] <sil2100> jibel: I fixed the description for landing 30, but it's really pointless to do that for everything - as said, I have 2 ideas on how to fix the spreadsheet [08:30] <sil2100> ATTENTION! Please don't use the spreadsheet for a moment [08:30] <Mirv> very tempting [08:47] <dbarth__> o/ trainguards: good morning, can i get a vivid silo on line 61 ? [08:56] <Saviq> sil2100, is the spreadsheet on the fritz again? it's complaining about errors on every change I try, but seems to actually save the changes? [08:56] <ogra_> Saviq, see topic [08:57] <ogra_> nothing chhanged ... broken since yesterday [08:57] <Saviq> trainguards, I can has reconfigure of vivid silo 25, have added settings components there [08:57] <Saviq> ogra_, yeah, it's just going "there was an error" all the time :/ [08:57] <sil2100> Saviq: it's b0rken since yesterday [08:57] <Saviq> meh [08:58] <sil2100> Right now I disabled all the scripts in it but it hm, doesn't seem to help [09:00] <jibel> sil2100, ubuntu/landing-013 is in a werid state, it is marked dirty and needs sign off [09:00] <jibel> sil2100, is it really dirty or ready for QA? [09:00] <sil2100> dbarth__: will try to get you a silo in a moment [09:00] <sil2100> Saviq: will reconfigure in a few secs [09:00] <Saviq> tx [09:00] <sil2100> jibel: let me check and compare with backups [09:01] <sil2100> jibel: ok, from a backup from yesterday it looks like the state is correct - it's dirty but the previous version was ready for QA [09:01] <sil2100> (but I'm not 100% sure the backup isn't of a b0rken state) [09:01] <jibel> sil2100, well, the 2 states are exclusives [09:02] <dbarth__> ok [09:02] <jibel> sil2100, I mean the dashboard should show either dirty or needs qa but not both [09:03] <sil2100> jibel: hm, that's actually true, let me try fixing that [09:05] <sil2100> Saviq: trying the reconfigure, did you double check if all the MRs there are the ones you need? [09:05] <sil2100> Saviq: since the spreadsheet might have reverted itself and removed some recently added MRs [09:05] <Saviq> sil2100, it *looks* right [09:06] <Saviq> yeah, looks fine [09:06] <sil2100> jibel: if this continues I'll really make a quick spreadsheet replacement with an sqlite db [09:07] <sil2100> Since I waste more time dealing with the broken spreadsheet than I would waste on actually implementing a quick replacement [09:07] <jibel> sil2100, yeah, given the time everyone wastes it'll probably be a better option [09:13] <sil2100> hm, in the meantime, the spreadsheet might be a bit better now [09:13] <sil2100> At least I don't get fatal error reports every 5 minutes [09:13] <sil2100> From the refresh scripts [09:15] <sil2100> Had to mingle a bit with the scripts though [09:24] <jibel> sil2100, will the citrain dashboard fix itself? especially descriptions that doesn't match the silo [09:25] <jibel> sil2100, there is a card for ubuntu/silo-012 but the train says the migration is in progress. What is the status? [09:25] <pedronis> sil2100: hi, we have a bunch of fixes that we landed directly to rtm, because we started merging when vivid was in freeze, should we try to land them today to vivid or better wait next Tue? [09:26] <jibel> sil2100, actually it doesn't make sense. the silo is for indicator-datetime but the package migration is qtbase-opensource-src [09:31] <sil2100> jibel: this sadly won't fix itself, I'll have to do it manually - but I need to confirm that the spreadsheet is again working ok [09:31] <sil2100> I don't want to restore the spreadsheet state 4 times a day :) [09:32] <sil2100> pedronis: hey! The earlier the better :) [09:32] <sil2100> pedronis: what are the changes? To which components? [09:33] <pedronis> sil2100: ubuntu-push-client, most are bug fixes [09:33] <sil2100> pedronis: was that the landing that happened yesterday? [09:33] <pedronis> sil2100: yes and a previous one, we had to landing to RTM that haven't gone to vivid yet [09:33] <pedronis> s/to/two/ [09:37] <sil2100> pedronis: please land them in vivid as soon as possible :) [10:08] <pedronis> sil2100: apropos out of sync spreadsheet, lines 54 and 55 were landed/published already afaik [10:15] <sil2100> pedronis: will sync it back to the correct state in a few moments [10:17] <jibel> sil2100, I cannot find the row for ubuntu/landing-010. It's an indicator-power update [10:18] <jibel> Testing passed but no way to set it to pass [10:28] <sil2100> jibel: ok, let me restore the spreadsheet state, it seems to have calmed down after my modifications [10:31] <sil2100> hmmm [10:34] <sil2100> Ok, officially this landing is lost in time and space [10:34] <sil2100> Let me re-add a temporary entry [10:35] <sil2100> jibel: *sigh* spreadsheet's on it again, again causing trouble [10:37] <sil2100> jibel: I added a temporary row entry for it [10:38] <sil2100> But considering that suddenly something once again triggered issues with it, it might disappear soon [10:38] <sil2100> row 63 [10:38] <jibel> sil2100, approved [10:38] <jibel> sil2100, but each time I do something I get a fatal error [10:38] <sil2100> Yeah [10:39] <sil2100> I think I know what side-project to work on today [10:58] <jibel> sil2100, the issue with the photo scope is a regression in the latest custom tarball. I don't remember cwayne submitted a testing request for it, do you? [10:58] <sil2100> jibel: no, I didn't see any - so we had a new custom tarball in the end? [10:59] <ogra_> jibel, thats what i meant in the meeting ;) [10:59] <sil2100> I didn't know anything about a new custom [10:59] <ogra_> i dont think he is aware he has to for vivid [10:59] <ogra_> sil2100, we both asked him about the apparmor trigered rebuild [10:59] <cwayne> what's up? [11:00] <ogra_> oh, you are here ! [11:00] <cwayne> and I made one.. [11:00] <ogra_> :) [11:00] <jibel> sil2100, in krillin.en 36 [11:00] <ogra_> but you didnt hand it to QA [11:00] <ogra_> vivid landings now need QA signoff [11:00] <ogra_> (but i know you were on vacation when this changed ... i guess nobody told you ? )+ [11:01] <sil2100> ogra_: yeah, but I was actually waiting for an info about the custom ;) [11:01] <cwayne> wasn't on vacation, was travelling for work :) but no I wasn't aware, also I didnt hand it to QA just because it was the first one and I was getting the infrastructure setup [11:01] <cwayne> whats the issue with photos? [11:01] <sil2100> cwayne: so as with anything (same for device tarballs), any vivid upload needs QA sign-off [11:01] <jibel> cwayne, bug 1439572 [11:02] <sil2100> My bad I didn't make this clear in my e-mail request :) [11:02] <sil2100> I thought you already uploaded customs to vivid with QA sign-off [11:08] * sil2100 off to lunch for a moment [11:09] <sil2100> Afterwards I'm going back to dealing with the spreadsheet issues... [11:52] <cwayne> sil2100, my apologies btw, i'd really just pushed it to test that the infrastructure had been setup correctly (and so that we had an image in the channel), should have run it by qa first (and will in the future) [11:52] <cwayne> ogra_, ^ [11:56] <ralsina> trainguard is there any procedure to give pedronis landing rights in ubuntu-touch [11:56] <ralsina> ? [11:58] <ogra_> cwayne, no worries ... i was sure it was a communication issue caused by your traveling :) [12:24] <thostr_> sil2100: what's the reason for the red color coding in line 62 [12:30] <Mirv> thostr_: it's automatically based on some keywords that happen to be found in the text [12:31] <thostr_> ah [12:31] <thostr_> magic :) [12:31] <Mirv> thostr_: looks like "don't" is one of the keywords :D [12:32] <thostr_> Mirv: ok, will remember this for next time :) [12:32] <Mirv> so I changed to "do not" [12:32] <ogra_> could be worse ... could be "the" [12:32] <ogra_> :) [12:41] <jibel> dbarth__, ubuntu/landing-016 is ready for QA? [12:46] <ogra_> hmm [12:47] * ogra_ wonders why he bothers with preparation for a silo upload of the accompanying lxc-android-confi change [12:48] <sil2100> huh [12:49] <ev> ogra_: glad that didn't just catch my eye. Why are we avoiding silos for these kinds of changes? [12:50] <ogra_> ev, ask didier [12:50] <sil2100> Strange to see that coming from Didier [12:50] <ogra_> (or pitti in case of the NM upload that broke a few pending silos at the beginning of the week) [12:57] <Mirv> sil2100: ^ [12:58] <Mirv> I took some more time to compare archive vs 018 on top of today's image as well [13:04] <pedronis> trainguards: could I get landing permissions for ubuntu-push, usually it was Chipaca and ralsina doing the landings for ubuntu-push, but I should start doing some as well [13:09] <sil2100> pedronis: you mean merge write permissions? [13:09] <jibel> sil2100, dbarth__ I cannot find a row for ubunut/silo 16 on the spreadsheet [13:09] <sil2100> Mirv: oh! :) [13:09] <pedronis> sil2100: to be able to edit the spreadsheet etc [13:09] <sil2100> pedronis: ah, ok, will give you the permissions then :) [13:10] <sil2100> pedronis: did you get training from someone from your team? [13:10] <ralsina> sil2100: yes, I am guiding [13:10] <sil2100> (not much to train though, but the base info) [13:10] <sil2100> jibel: looking [13:11] <sil2100> Damn, I remember this landing was added yesterday [13:11] <cwayne> jibel, ping [13:11] <jibel> cwayne, pong [13:12] <jibel> sil2100, yes and it was there this morning [13:13] <cwayne> jibel, I can't reproduce that bug, if I take a picture and refresh the scope, it shows up there as expected [13:13] <cwayne> and I just checked with kyle, and the photos scope has always only shown photos from today (although he's double checking now) [13:14] <sil2100> jibel: yes! Found it in the backups [13:14] <jibel> cwayne, exactly so it is not a bug but a change in the behaviour. Previously the scope showed photos from other days, not only today. [13:14] <sil2100> Let me restore [13:14] <jibel> cwayne, hence my question on the report, is there a specification that describes the expected behaviour to update the test plan accordingly? [13:16] <jibel> cwayne, if I flash devel-proposed/krillin.en 35 I see photos from my SD cards (more than a month old) and with 36+ they are not shown [13:16] <jibel> SD card* [13:16] <cwayne> jibel, double checking, 1 sec [13:16] <sil2100> jibel: do you know if it was ready for QA sign-off? [13:16] <jibel> sil2100, I just did [13:17] <jibel> sil2100, but cannot set it to granted because well ... there is no row [13:17] <jibel> sil2100, it was ready this morning [13:18] <dbarth__> jibel. sil2100: row 16 was webbrowser-app with the media hub patches; but that was not qa ready [13:18] <jibel> dbarth__, ah I'm pretty sure is was ready this morning, I checked all the landings [13:19] <jibel> I'm removing the verification then [13:19] <sil2100> jibel: there is a row now, I re-added it [13:19] <sil2100> ACK [13:20] <jibel> dbarth__, I'm removing the card from our board then [13:20] * jibel starts to really hate this spreadsheet [13:22] <jibel> sil2100, so only 9 and 18 are ready? there was much more than this this morning [13:28] <brendand> jibel, took that long? [13:29] <jibel> brendand, yeah I rather patient [13:30] <jibel> sil2100, silo 12 is ready for Qa, there is a comment from charles on the card but the row vanished again [13:31] <pedronis> sil2100: I'm on LP it has my mail addresses [13:32] <cwayne> jibel, so we were wrong and had accidentally changed the behavior, my apologies. Just testing a new click now, will push and create a new -proposed build [13:33] <cwayne> jibel, in the meantime, would you be willing to test the click? i don't have any older photos here as I --wipe quite often [13:33] <sil2100> pedronis: thanks, will add you once I finish firefighting [13:33] <pedronis> ok [13:34] <pedronis> thx [13:34] <jibel> firefighting will finish only with the end of the spreadsheet [13:35] <jibel> cwayne, sure, I may not have time today but tomorrow no problem [13:36] <jibel> cwayne, submit a test request for the click package on the citrain and someone from the team will take it [13:43] <sil2100> There's no other choice, I surrender, migrating the spreadsheet to a different one [13:45] <sil2100> And designing a workaround in the meantime [13:45] <sil2100> I'll check one last thing [13:45] <sil2100> Yeah, it probably reverted ONCE AGAIN [13:48] <sil2100> "Wow, this file is really popular! It might be unavailable until the crowd clears. Try again." [13:50] <Saviq> spreadshiiiit :( [13:51] <sil2100> hmmm [13:51] * sil2100 sees a light in the tunnel [13:51] <sil2100> Probably the train driving in my direction though [13:55] <sil2100> ATTENTION EVERYONE! [13:55] <sil2100> We'll probably be migrating to a different spreadsheet - that's the easiest and quickest workaround [13:56] <sil2100> The replacement is in the works and we might have something earlier, but this way we'll at least be back to normal [14:02] <ralsina> sil2100: ack [14:02] <ogra_> trainguards, an rtm silo for line 61 please (once someone has the time) [14:02] <Mirv> sil2100: jibel: cancel 018 signoff process again please :( KDE Plasma 5 testing was done only know and there's a regression :( [14:03] <Mirv> s/know/now/ [14:07] <Mirv> commented in trello [14:09] <kenvandine> arg! [14:09] <sil2100> jibel, davmor2: can you guys re-target the trello scripts to ? [14:09] <kenvandine> my qa verification card for silo 23 has disappeared [14:10] <kenvandine> i assume that's because the spreadsheet ate my landing :/ [14:11] <thostr_> Mirv: sil2100: this spreadsheet drives me nuts... I think since yesterday I added a line 4 times and yet again it disappeared [14:12] <sil2100> thostr_: yes, it's driving everyone nuts, see my attention above ^ [14:12] <kenvandine> thostr_, same here... and now i don't remember which device or image # i tested with... [14:12] <kenvandine> we really need to give up on using a spreadsheet... [14:13] <thostr_> what are we supposed to do until we get the new spreadsheet? just wait? [14:13] <sil2100> kenvandine, thostr_: please use the new spreadsheet [14:13] <sil2100> We're hot-switching it to that one [14:13] <kenvandine> i'm more frustrated with losing my landing from the qa verification queue [14:13] <kenvandine> already been waiting nearly 24 hours, now the card's gone [14:14] <sil2100> It's not really a solution, it's more like wiping the problem under the carpet, but that's the fastest solution [14:14] <sil2100> There's absolutely nothing we can do once things start screwing like that [14:15] <thostr_> sil2100: hurray, the new spreadsheet got my lines :) [14:15] <kenvandine> yeah [14:15] <kenvandine> the only real fix is to use something other than the spreadsheet :/ [14:15] <sil2100> jibel, davmor2: be sure to update trello, I disabled scripts in the old spreadsheet now [14:15] <sil2100> kenvandine: yeah, that's in the works still [14:16] <jibel> Mirv, ah that was the only silo ready :) [14:16] <ralsina> awesome, now I need a silo for line 65 of the new spreadsheet please :-) [14:17] <kenvandine> sil2100, lines 54, 55 and 56 have landed already [14:17] <kenvandine> i'm pretty sure [14:17] <sil2100> kenvandine: I'll fix that once I finish setting everythig up [14:17] <sil2100> There's a lot to the switch sadly [14:18] <kenvandine> so there's another new card for my silo, but says tvoss [14:18] <kenvandine> and lost the history of the old card [14:19] <sil2100> We've been dealing with this crap for the whole day, and I tried a lot of things to get this back to a working state [14:19] <sil2100> That's what you call wasted 3 hours [14:19] <kenvandine> sil2100, yeah... i know i wasted at least that much time on this [14:19] <sil2100> Anyway, it's so broken that even with all scripts disabled, it was still fatal erroring me [14:19] <Saviq> jibel, hey, could we ask for you guys to review some autopilot please [14:20] <jibel> ubuntu-qa ^ can someone help? [14:29] <brendand> Saviq, do you just want a general review or is there any issue you have? [14:29] <Saviq> brendand, no, just a review of the py code [14:30] <Saviq> brendand, from a QA / py perspective [14:30] <brendand> Saviq, okay we can have a quick look to see there's nothing obviously wrong [14:30] <ogra_> sil2100, hmm. you missed my line 61 from the old sheet ... is the new one ready for editing ? [14:30] * ogra_ will transfer it himself ... [14:30] <sil2100> ogra_: yeah, it should be ready, the scripts are running, just trying to connect all the bits to it [14:31] <ogra_> ok [14:33] <jibel> sil2100, I updated the trello script [14:34] <kenvandine> sil2100, so is the dashboard using the new spreadsheet yet? i re-marked the silo as tested, but it isn't updating the status [14:34] <brendand> Saviq, i'm assuming you've taken care of checking they functionally work [14:35] <Saviq> brendand, yes, it's through a review on our side [14:37] <brendand> Saviq, a few small comments but i wouldn't call them needs fixing as such [14:37] <ogra_> jibel, whats the bug number for the broken photo scope ? [14:37] <Saviq> brendand, thanks, just leave them on the MP please [14:37] <brendand> Saviq, yep, did [14:37] <sil2100> kenvandine: it should be, make sure you hard-refresh the dashboard [14:37] <jibel> ogra_, bug 1439651 [14:37] <ogra_> thanks [14:37] <jibel> ogra_, private [14:38] <ogra_> obviously :) [14:39] <kenvandine> sil2100, it still says packages built [14:39] <kenvandine> not tested [14:39] <kenvandine> and i think i added it to the right spreadsheet [14:39] <kenvandine> i could ogra editing at the same time :) [14:40] <ogra_> hmm ? [14:40] <sil2100> kenvandine: the old spreadsheet should have a DEPRECATED in the name now [14:40] <kenvandine> sil2100, cool, i don't see that [14:40] <sil2100> kenvandine: let me take a look at that, which silo is it? [14:40] <ogra_> sil2100, yeah, it didnt when i was adding my line [14:40] <kenvandine> well silo 23 isn't updated [14:40] <ogra_> and yeah, i saw ken edit ... [14:40] <sil2100> Wait, maybe the scripts aren't working yet [14:41] <sil2100> Ah ha! They got disabled [14:41] <sil2100> Wait one moment [14:42] <sil2100> Fingers crossed... [14:44] <sil2100> kenvandine: \o/ [14:44] <sil2100> Seems to work [14:44] <sil2100> Ok, let me assign any new silos [14:44] <kenvandine> thx [14:44] <sil2100> And then try to sync what was broken [14:44] <kenvandine> now to start all over waiting for qa verification :( [14:45] <sil2100> Not sure if QA has a time-based queue, I think they pick up things to sign-off on importance basis ;) [14:45] <sil2100> Or per rand() [14:46] <kenvandine> yeah... but they had already triaged it and all... it was at the top of the list last night :) [14:46] <kenvandine> and the qa card got lost twice yesterday too :/ [14:46] <kenvandine> i guess with a new spreadsheet this is safe at least until i go on vacation :) [14:48] <ogra_> Mirv, oh, i still havent heard back from you ... there was a request to seed qtpim in sdk-dev .. is that ok ? [14:48] <cwayne> sil2100, ping [14:50] <jhodapp> sil2100, can I get a silo for line 70 please? [14:52] <bfiller> sil2100: and I need one for line 69 please [14:52] <sil2100> cwayne: pong [14:53] <sil2100> bfiller, jhodapp: sadly, no free silos available :( [14:53] <jhodapp> sil2100, that sucks, keep me posted then please [14:54] <sil2100> Sure [14:54] <jhodapp> thanks [14:54] <cwayne> sil2100, hm, was gonna ask for a silo for line 64, but it seems there is one already :) [14:54] <kenvandine> jibel, i saw you said you updated the trello script... my landing didn't get a card re-added, ideas? [14:54] <jibel> kenvandine, no, I asked brendand to check, I don't have access to the machine [14:55] <kenvandine> ok [14:55] <sil2100> cwayne: for scope tagging? :) [14:55] <cwayne> sil2100, yep :) [14:56] <cwayne> sil2100, that would be *amazing* to have in OTA, especially as we're slowly creating new aggregators [14:56] <sil2100> cwayne: has this been approved by pmcgowan ? [14:57] <pmcgowan> hmm? [14:58] <cwayne> i dont know.. thostr_ ^ [14:58] <cwayne> it' not really my landing, so not sure [15:01] <pmcgowan> sil2100, what are we talkin bout [15:02] <sil2100> pmcgowan: so, there's a landing in silo rtm 003 now [15:03] <sil2100> pmcgowan: some work for scope tagging - I added a silo for testing, but not sure if that was discussed for you to actually land in RTM [15:03] <sil2100> It's ralsina's silo [15:03] <pmcgowan> sil2100, silo 1? [15:03] <pmcgowan> oh [15:03] <pedronis> sil2100: ralsina's ? [15:04] <pmcgowan> there are several rogue silos appearing :) [15:04] <sil2100> pmcgowan: silo 3 [15:04] <pedronis> pmcgowan: ralsina has a silo but is about the click-hook crash that we see on [15:04] <sil2100> pedronis: yeah, ralsina is mentioned as the lander [15:04] <ralsina> I am on silo 3 with the change from line 65 in the new spreadsheet [15:05] <ralsina> just in case :-) [15:05] <sil2100> pedronis: adding you to the permissions now [15:05] <pmcgowan> crash fix is good [15:05] <sil2100> pmcgowan: ok, what about silo 001 then? [15:05] <ralsina> pmcgowan: it's an invisible crash, it only appears in errors.u.c (a lot) [15:05] <pmcgowan> sil2100, what is silo 1 [15:07] <cwayne> pmcgowan, scope tagging [15:08] <pedronis> sil2100: thanks, let me know I'll add my line [15:10] <pmcgowan> cwayne, how large a change and how important? [15:10] <pmcgowan> sil2100, there is also silo 6 under consideration [15:10] <pmcgowan> which is a big change [15:11] <sil2100> pedronis: ok, you should be added :) [15:11] <sil2100> pedronis: remember to use the new spreadsheet [15:14] <cwayne> pmcgowan, not sure how large of a change, marcustomlinson or thostr_ would know more [15:15] <jibel> sil2100, can you create a row on the new spreadsheet for silo 12? [15:15] <jibel> sil2100, it was all ready and it's verified. [15:17] <sil2100> jibel: on it now [15:18] <robru> tedg: you still using silo 1? seems it hasn't moved since march 16th. [15:19] <om26er_> kenvandine, Hi! silo 23 only fixes one bug ? [15:19] <kenvandine> om26er_, yes [15:20] <om26er_> kenvandine, your autopilot test code functions are camel case, was that intentional ? [15:21] <kenvandine> those aren't autopilot [15:21] <kenvandine> dbusmock template [15:21] <sil2100> robru: hey! As per announcement and overall chaos, remember that I just migrated to another spreadsheet ;) [15:21] <robru> sil2100: just updating the dashboard to point at the new one now. I'll also prep a branch for queubot... [15:21] <sil2100> robru: just so you know, as the old one even when not used by anyone is just erroring out on anything [15:21] <sil2100> I already modified the dashboard [15:22] <sil2100> I mean, the live version at least [15:22] <sil2100> (since I didn't know where the bzr branch is located) [15:22] <robru> sil2100: ok, well I just committed it to the actual source tree then :-P [15:22] <sil2100> Good, thanks ;p [15:22] <robru> sil2100: the very bottom of the dashboard has a link to the source tree [15:23] <sil2100> hah, never looked there actually [15:23] <sil2100> Nice [15:40] <tedg> robru, OTP, just a sec. [15:51] <pedronis> trainguards: could I get a silo for line 71 [15:53] <sil2100> pedronis: no free silos right now :) [15:53] <pedronis> ah [16:13] <sil2100> Crazy day [16:13] <sil2100> robru: no pressure man, no pressure on the replacement... *winks* [16:15] <robru> sil2100: yeah don't hold your breath, the replacement doesn't even have a way to assign silos. it's in bad shape [16:15] <charles> :-) [16:16] <sil2100> :O [16:16] <dobey> hmm [16:17] <sil2100> robru: anyway, seriously, no super-pressure - I suppose this new spreadsheet should give us around a month of peace (I hope0 [16:17] <sil2100> ) [16:17] <robru> sil2100: hopefully [16:17] <charles> is crazy... its migration status line is referring to qtbase-opensource-src rather than something datetime [16:17] <charles> is that spreadsheet infection bleeding into the dashboard? [16:17] <jibel> charles, it is [16:17] <sil2100> charles: it's probably the spreadsheet state is out-of-sync [16:17] <charles> ack [16:17] <robru> charles: jibel: reload the dashboard to get the new spreadsheet data. looks fine to me [16:18] <charles> robru, you're right [16:19] <jibel> indeed, it looks better after a reload. Although there are still silos with description [16:19] <jibel> without* [16:20] <pedronis> sil2100: it's getting a bit late for me, and it's for vivid, not rtm, if I can't work on it today, should I toggle ready for silo back and leave it there for tuesday? [16:20] <charles> in other news, trainguards, ubuntu/landing-010 should be ready for publishing now, the MPs are top-approved now [16:21] <robru> pedronis: you can just leave it as-is [16:22] <robru> charles: published [16:22] <pedronis> ok [16:22] <pedronis> thanks [16:22] <charles> robru, thanks [16:22] <robru> pedronis: sorry about that, we're not usually this crunched [16:22] <robru> charles: you're welcome [16:22] <dobey> robru: hrmm, how to make the spreadsheet realize that a silo already exists for a thing? [16:23] <dbarth__> ah nice, i see both oxide and olivier's webapp branches landed ! :) [16:23] <dbarth__> cool [16:24] <robru> dobey: you need to fill out columns M and N. N is the silo name (obvious), M you can find on the dashboard, under the date under the landers names [16:24] <pedronis> robru: it's, just didn't want to steal resources from actual ->rtm or ->vivid->rtm landings [16:24] <dobey> robru: ok [16:25] <robru> pedronis: well there's tons of free rtm silos, no worries there. it's just vivid that's run out. [16:30] <robru> dobey: no qa for silo 28? [16:30] <jibel> ralsina, how do you reproduce bug 1398067? [16:31] <jibel> ralsina, just remove /home/phablet/.local/share/ubuntu-push-client/helpers and run /usr/lib/ubuntu-push-client/click-hook ? [16:31] <ralsina> jibel: exactly [16:31] <jibel> OK [16:32] <ralsina> before that would throw an exception, now it wont [16:33] <robru> mandel: what's going on in silo 14? do you still need that one? we ran out, I want to free it [16:33] <dobey> robru: it's just adding a migration script, which has already landed in RTM with QA [16:33] <robru> dobey: ah ok [16:34] <dobey> robru: i'm guessing it will need a packaging ack though [16:34] <robru> dobey: but if it was already pushed to qa, it would already be acked? [16:35] <dobey> robru: well it was acked in rtm. [16:35] <ralsina> jibel: keep in mind that removing that folder breaks push notifications :) [16:35] <dobey> robru: since this is the same change in vivid it should be trivial to ack, but there are packaging changes so will need the ack for the tools' sake [16:36] <robru> kenvandine: can I get you to ack*view*/ ? thx [16:36] <dobey> gah, google docs [16:36] <robru> dobey: what now? [16:37] <kenvandine> davmor2, note silo 23 fixes the pinRetries bug, but doesn't implement the PUK prompt, we split that into a new bug 1438323 [16:37] <kenvandine> robru, sure [16:37] <dobey> robru: oh, apparently it screws up keybindings so C-r and C-S-r do something unexpected [16:37] <davmor2> kenvandine: so this is just the count resetting to 3 tries right [16:38] <kenvandine> robru, ack from me [16:38] <kenvandine> davmor2, yeah [16:38] <robru> kenvandine: thanks [16:38] <mandel> robru, go and kill it [16:38] <kenvandine> davmor2, when it hits 0, it'll say there's no more retries [16:38] <mandel> robru, I'll get to the fix asap but Ive been side tracked by more important bugs :-/ [16:38] <robru> mandel: thanks! [16:38] <kenvandine> davmor2, we're waiting for design on the puk stuff [16:40] <robru> bfiller: jhodapp: one silo just freed up, who's around to actually use it if i give it to you? [16:40] <bfiller> robru: I'm around but if jhodapp needs it more that is fine [16:40] <jhodapp> I'm around [16:40] <robru> tedg: also I'd like to free silo 1 if you're not using it [16:41] <robru> jhodapp: in a hurry? [16:41] <robru> ;-) [16:41] <jhodapp> bfiller, is yours high priority? [16:41] <bfiller> jhodapp: no [16:41] <jhodapp> ok, mine is to bring vivid up to the same place as RTM [16:41] <jhodapp> for a widely reported bug [16:41] <bfiller> jhodapp: you take it then [16:41] <jhodapp> cool thanks [16:41] <robru> thanks guys [16:42] <robru> jhodapp: ok, you got silo 12 [16:42] <jhodapp> thanks robru [16:42] <robru> jhodapp: you're welcome [16:47] <pedronis> robru: calling it a week, I'll be back tuesday trying to land line 71 [16:47] <robru> pedronis: have a good easter! [16:48] <pedronis> thx [16:55] <dbarth__> o/ hey trainguards, i'd like to merge silo 16 and 17 to spare one rebuild cycle (they both have webbrowser-app) [16:55] <robru> dbarth__: sure, which one do you want to keep and which one do you want to free? [16:56] <dbarth__> robru: hi [16:56] <dbarth__> robru: add 16 at the end of 17 [16:56] <dbarth__> i'll move the mp declarations [16:56] <dbarth__> and 16 can go away [16:56] <robru> dbarth__: k, i'll free it [16:57] <dbarth__> robru: uh i think the line for 16 got deleted in the spreadsheet [16:57] <dbarth__> i'll just copy back the mp for now [16:57] <robru> dbarth__: it's possible, the spreadsheet is a worthless piece of garbage [16:58] <dbarth__> ok done [16:58] <dbarth__> robru: you can reconfig 17 and ditch 16 [16:58] <robru> dbarth__: what row has the combined landing? [16:58] <dbarth__> 31 if i read well [16:58] <dbarth__> robru: ^^ [16:59] <robru> dbarth__: hm I only see one webbrowser-app mp there [16:59] <robru> bfiller: got you silo 14 [16:59] <dbarth__> uh [16:59] <bfiller> robru: thanks [16:59] <dbarth__> robru: better now ? [17:00] <robru> dbarth__: there's a new spreadsheet because the old one collapsed. [17:00] <dbarth__> ah let me try again [17:00] <dbarth__> robru: ok, now it's in [17:01] <robru> dbarth__: ok looks good [17:13] <davmor2> kenvandine: well that seems to be working \o/ [17:15] <boiko> davmor2: thanks for testing the telephony changes [17:15] <boiko> trainguards: I will mark vivid silo 24 as tested on the new spreadsheet (this status got lost in the previous spreadsheet) [17:15] <robru> boiko: thanks [17:16] <boiko> robru: davmor2 has already tested it, btw, so I think it is good to go [17:16] <davmor2> boiko: no problms do you know when the new features will be available [17:17] <robru> davmor2: i just published, if that's what you mean. so whenever the next image is built [17:17] <boiko> davmor2: it is part of the messaging framework implementation, it should still take a month or two before something is actually testable with that regard [17:17] <robru> ignore me then ;-) [17:17] <boiko> robru: :) [17:18] <davmor2> boiko: okay that good to know [17:18] <davmor2> robru: don't pick on me like I have a clue what you're on about ;) it was boiko asking :P [17:37] <davmor2> kenvandine: on sim pin lock now you have the ability to change pin there doesn't seem to be a counter on that at all unless I'm mistaken should there be or does it not actually connect to the sims pin as such? [17:37] <davmor2> kenvandine: lock and unlock is working as expected and the test is much clearer too [17:39] <jibel> ogra_, I failed ubuntu-rtm/landing-004, "enabled" state is not preserved upon reboot and there is no way to enable whoopsie [17:47] <ogra_> jibel, the toggle in settings should en/disable it [17:48] <davmor2> kenvandine: talk to me I don't bite honest ;) [17:56] <ogra_> jibel, set it back to failed then, it worked for me, but looking closer at the debdiff it might be that Laney missed bits [17:56] <ogra_> i'll see that i get it fixed before tue [18:14] <john-mcaleely> [18:14] <john-mcaleely> [18:15] <john-mcaleely> [18:15] <john-mcaleely> new device tarball (probably this irc heads up is redundant now I use the citrain spreadheet?) [18:18] <robru> yeah, let's put more stuff in the spreadsheet. brilliant. [18:19] <robru> WTF [18:22] <robru> john-mcaleely: stop putting device tarballs in the pending sheet [18:22] <john-mcaleely> robru, um? [18:22] <robru> john-mcaleely: I made a special sheet just for you [18:22] <john-mcaleely> ooh [18:23] <robru> john-mcaleely: I don't know who's idea it was to start putting device tarballs in the spreadsheet but it's a really bad abuse of the system, literally none of our tooling expects this [18:23] <john-mcaleely> well, I was given strict instructions to :-) and I understood the [non-citrain] comment was the magic needed [18:23] <john-mcaleely> how do I find that new sheet again? and how to UE QA find it? [18:24] <cwayne> robru, can you make that sheet just "Tarballs", then I can do the custom tarballs there too [18:24] <robru> john-mcaleely: nope, there's no magic that says to ignore '[non-citrain]' anywhere. [18:24] <robru> cwayne: sure [18:24] <cwayne> although yeah, we were explicitly told to put them on the spreadsheet :) [18:24] <robru> cwayne: by who? [18:24] <john-mcaleely> sil2100 [18:24] <cwayne> sil [18:24] <robru> buh [18:24] <john-mcaleely> I'm sure I have the email :-) [18:25] <john-mcaleely> it mentioned new features and everything [18:25] <robru> well maybe we can work something out later, but just look up a bit at queuebot ^^ he really doesn't like tarballs [18:25] <john-mcaleely> it felt like the tools knew about us :-) [18:26] <robru> john-mcaleely: cwayne: for now just ping QA to let them know there's a new tarball. we'll have to work out something more permanent sooner or later anyway as the spreadsheet is on the verge of annihilation and there's no written plan for any sort of device tarball stuff. [18:27] <john-mcaleely> this is going to get more important quickly. There will be more of these :-) [18:28] <robru> john-mcaleely: sure, we'll need to have some kind of meeting to figure out a better way of doing things. [18:28] <john-mcaleely> sure [18:59] <dobey> robru: queuebot doesn't like clicks either [19:00] <robru> dobey: yeah those shouldn't be in there either, I don't know how this temporary spreadsheet became an accretion disk for "everything that anybody wants to put in an image ever" [19:01] <dobey> what temporary spreadsheet? [19:01] <robru> dobey: citrain spreadsheet is "temporary" [19:01] <dobey> we've been putting non-silo things in the spreadsheet since the DC sprint, basically [19:02] <robru> dobey: ah, I missed that one, that explains why I have no idea whats going on [19:02] <dobey> robru: well, get us a not-spreadsheet that supports clicks, and i'll happily use it instead. :) [19:02] <dobey> same for the tarballs afaik [19:03] <robru> dobey: that is literally my top priority [19:05] <dobey> great :) [19:06] <tedg> robru, I need to rebuild it then I can test it and clear it. [19:07] <tedg> robru, Hmm, the MRs are gone from teh spreadsheet. Do they need to be readded? [19:14] <robru> tedg: yeah probably. Make sure you add them to the new sheet. [19:15] <tedg> robru, I did, seems the previous indicator-power landing isn't through yet though. Can't build teh changelog. [19:17] <robru> tedg: yeah silo 10 needs to merge before that'll work [19:18] <robru> tedg: but you might want to poke #ubuntu-release because it looks like ubuntu-themes is stuck on a boottest regression [19:18] <tedg> HA! Evil icons! [19:26] <boiko> robru: what are the Regression labels on telepathy-ofono and telephony-service in the update excuses? anything I should look at? [19:28] <robru> boiko: poke #ubuntu-release about that, those tests are a bit flaky i think and i don't seem to be able to retry those [19:28] <boiko> robru: ok, thanks [19:29] <robru> boiko: you're welcome [19:53] <kenvandine> davmor2, i don't think the counter was ever displayed on changePin unless it had failed [20:24] <tedg> robru, Can I have an rtm silo for line 73 please? [20:26] <tedg> robru, I removed one of the MRs from silo1, but the dashboard is still showing it there. I reconfigured, is there something else I need to do? [20:27] <robru> tedg: ok you got rtm 3 [20:27] <robru> tedg: it doesn't look like you reconfigured... [20:28] <tedg> I swear I did... [20:28] <robru> tedg: well the job hasn't been run since feb 27th. [20:28] <robru> tedg: so something went wrong there. try it again [20:29] <tedg> robru, Ah, yeah, a lot different. It just showed Google dialogs last time. [21:05] <pmcgowan> awe, so the new indicator seems good to me, would like to land, thoughts? [21:11] <pmcgowan> om26er, can we approve silo 6 [21:11] <om26er> pmcgowan, sure. [21:17] <robru> kenvandine: mterry anybody around to ack this diff?*view*/ [21:30] <mterry> robru, as long as that still builds, it's fine [21:30] <robru> mterry: yeah it got qa already, thanks ;-) [23:25] <cyphermox> robru: playing with trains? [23:30] <robru> cyphermox: nope [23:30] <cyphermox> was this a glitch? [23:31] <robru> cyphermox: looks like queuebot restarted. Could be a glitch, could be stgraber. One day I'll fix it so it doesn't spam on startup [23:33] <cyphermox> ok [23:47] <robru> Bah [23:58] <cyphermox> robru: need ack? [23:58] <robru> cyphermox: yeah [23:59] <robru> cyphermox: figured everybody was gone by now
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mirv", "Saviq", "bfiller", "boiko", "brendand", "charles", "cwayne", "cyphermox", "davmor2", "dbarth__", "dobey", "ev", "imgbot", "jhodapp", "jibel", "john-mcaleely", "kenvandine", "mandel", "mterry", "ogra_", "om26er", "om26er_", "pedronis", "pmcgowan", "ralsina", "robru", "sil2100", "tedg", "thostr_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng" }
[05:39] <napsy> jutro [05:57] <zdobersek> mh [06:29] <slax0r> jutro [08:04] <msev> a bootanje z sd kartice je počasnejše kot z usb-ja [08:05] <zdobersek> perchance [08:05] <msev> pa sam performance live sessiona [08:05] <zdobersek> docim moras kej brat z SD kartice [08:06] <zdobersek> kar se kr dost dogaja [08:07] <slax0r> USB je hitrejsi kot SD... [08:07] <CrazyLemon> usb 3.0 je hitrejši kot usb 2.0!   [08:08] <msev> Crazy dj me na ignore k loh da bom ful sprašvov :D [08:09] <zdobersek> asketh, and you shall receiveth [08:11] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: Raspberry PI rtsp [08:11] <msev> meh al pa ne :) [08:11] <CrazyLemon> msev ti kar prašaj [08:11] <zdobersek> remember the /topic [08:12] <msev> sj vem [08:12] <zdobersek> better-Taylor-ed questions receive Swift-er response [08:12] <msev> brb [08:16] <CrazyLemon> oh no he didnt [08:18] <slax0r> make me a sammich, b*! [09:12] <dz0ny> .sc Eric Prydz - Generate [09:12] <jabuk> Eric Prydz - Generate (Out 13th April)(7 minut) ♥5,770 ▶165,293 [10:17] <zdobersek> .vreme Celje [10:17] <jabuk> ARSO: Celje (244m): 12°C @02.04.2015 10:00 UTC. [10:17] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 27% zahodnik 8.8 m/s [10:17] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:38:48, Kulminacija: 11:03:45, Sončni zahod: 17:28:43 [10:17] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 12ur 49min 56s, Luna je v ščipu [10:20] <CrazyLemon> go go go! [10:24] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: that part of topic is not questionable [10:24] <zdobersek> I HOPE [10:25] <idioterna> who is this taylor swift guy [10:26] <zdobersek> it's Taylor, the guy who created Swift [10:28] <idioterna> the NSA guy? [10:29] <CrazyLemon> stupid taylor and his love of java [10:29] <jabuk> when we get the permission to start coding [10:31] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek this is your chance to shine [10:31] <jabuk> when the intern tells me he has dropped a table from our database to test something [10:31] <Seniorita> - Fink potrdil: Team Sky na dirki po Sloveniji! [10:31] <Seniorita> »Prireditelji 22. kolesarske dirke po Sloveniji so pred 22. ponovitvijo najpomembnejše kolesarske preizkušnje na sončni strani Alp dobili potrditev, da bo na letošnjo preizkušnjo prišla tudi slovita ekipe Team Sky.« [10:31] <jabuk> that moment when I realize a rollback is unavoidable [10:31] <jabuk> when they ask me to change the link color for the website and it is after 6pm [10:31] <CrazyLemon> kaj je s tem jabukom [10:33] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: Christ Froome se bo prsu sem razletet pred Tourom [10:34] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: fo real tho, moram it na trening [10:34] <zdobersek> zdej sploh [10:38] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek well [10:38] <CrazyLemon> [12:20:58] <CrazyLemon>: go go go! [10:39] <CrazyLemon> in a je sploh še zanimivo ko to imenuješ kar 'trening'? :) [10:40] <zdobersek> kaj bi blo zanimivo? [10:41] <CrazyLemon> the landscape..the sun..the freedom..the wind passing thru your short hair ? [10:41] <slax0r> LorD_DDooM: zgleda da bo CW reset [10:42] <LorD_DDooM> Tud prav [10:42] <zdobersek> the pain [10:42] <zdobersek> the acid [10:43] <CrazyLemon> junkie.. sam acid vidiš pa nič druzga [11:05] <CrazyLemon> [11:05] <Seniorita> KOPER: Prvoaprilska šala ga je stala novega BMW-ja [11:05] <CrazyLemon> ahahaha [11:05] <Seniorita> »Prvi april, svetovni dan lažnjivcev, se ni posebej prijetno pričel za 33-letnega Koprčana iz...« [11:17] <napsy> oh ja [11:18] <idioterna> jah [11:18] <idioterna> ce si je loh prvoscu tak bmv [11:18] <idioterna> pol bo ze nekak prezveu tut tole [11:20] <CrazyLemon> bmw je star.. tko da ne vem od kje jim cena 30k € [11:21] <idioterna> mogoce je simbolna slika [11:22] <idioterna> al pa je meu not kufr s 30k ojri [11:25] <upd> joke [11:29] <CrazyLemon> pa je res joke.. [11:29] <CrazyLemon> sej se mi je zdelo da to ni sestica! [11:30] <upd> 3 2000€ [12:37] <idioterna> lol no [12:37] <jabuk> [13:18] <CrazyLemon> zanimive so te migracije z enga sistema z druzga.. vps provider pravi med 4-6h zdaj pa je že 12h [13:18] <CrazyLemon> /s/z/na [13:34] <slax0r> /s/z/na? what sourcery is this? [13:41] <yang> .vreme lj [13:41] <jabuk> ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 13°C @02.04.2015 13:00 UTC. [13:41] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 80% jugozahodnik 3.9 m/s zmerno oblačno [13:41] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:41:52, Kulminacija: 11:06:39, Sončni zahod: 17:31:26 [13:41] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 12ur 49min 35s, Luna je v ščipu [14:00] <zdobersek> .vreme Celje [14:00] <jabuk> ARSO: Celje (244m): 14°C @02.04.2015 13:00 UTC. [14:00] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 39% zahodnik 11.3 m/s zmerno oblačno [14:00] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:38:48, Kulminacija: 11:03:45, Sončni zahod: 17:28:43 [14:00] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 12ur 49min 56s, Luna je v ščipu [14:01] <zdobersek> whohohohohoa [14:01] <zdobersek> 32kmh, sunki 64kmh [14:01] <zdobersek> kaku je pihajlu! [14:01] <idioterna> jsm meu ful nice commute [14:01] <idioterna> sm bil postran cel dan [14:02] <idioterna> dz [14:02] <idioterna> zdobersek: [14:02] <Seniorita> Za otroke gre auf Twitter: "Ustavno pritožbo zoper sklep DZ, da ne bo razpisal referenduma o noveli zakona o ZZ in družinskih razmerjih zvečer oddajamo po pošti ." [14:10] <zdobersek> mah, to bi lahko oddal v Nedeljo med procesijo [14:10] <idioterna> [14:10] <Seniorita> Germanwings crash: Second Alps flight recorder found - BBC News [14:10] <Seniorita> »The second flight recorder from the Germanwings A320 jet that crashed in the French Alps last week has been found, the Marseille prosecutor says.« [14:10] <idioterna> nasl so fdr [14:42] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: pol sem naredu trening [14:42] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie ma bravo! we are so proud of you! [14:43] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: CrazyMelon: pol sem mislu, da bi Skyu tole poslal [14:43] <zdobbie> da me do junija zmerjo in dostavjo dres in kolo [14:44] <zdobbie> [14:44] <Seniorita> Strava Segment | Grajska vas - Kaplja vas [14:44] <zdobbie> [14:44] <Seniorita> Strava Segment | Grejska-K'pla ob Bolski [14:44] <zdobbie>Šempeter-–-podlog-–-gotovlje-flat-5608764 [14:44] <Seniorita> Strava Segment | Šempeter – Podlog – Gotovlje Flat [14:44] <zdobbie>žnica-8306546 [14:44] <Seniorita> Strava Segment | Gotovlje - Ložnica [14:44] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie spam much? [14:44] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: nope, promotion much [14:45] <CrazyLemon> čakaj zdaj..ti se zdaj hvališ da si prekolesaril 1.4km ? [14:45] <CrazyLemon> ma bravo! [14:45] <zdobbie> spot the jelly! [14:45] <CrazyLemon> pa 2 sta enaka [14:47] <zdobbie> doesn't matter rode fast [14:47] <CrazyLemon> [14:47] <Seniorita> Bike Ride Profile | 54 kilometers near Griže | Times and Records | Strava [14:47] <CrazyLemon> tole je meni pomembno.. torej povprečno si mel ~29? [14:48] <CrazyLemon> tiste ego boosterje pa kar obdrži zase! :> [14:48] <CrazyLemon> (aka KOM) [14:48] <zdobbie> ~28 [14:49] <zdobbie> ker sem mel intervalni trening, recimo [14:49] <CrazyLemon> v bistvu si samo KOMe nabiral in si takrat dejansko začel kolesarit [14:49] <CrazyLemon> vse drugo si pa počival [14:49] <CrazyLemon> :> [14:49] <zdobbie> pa Garmina sem pozabu przgat, ko sem sel od doma [14:49] <CrazyLemon> lej..its ok! cenimo tvoj 'trening' [14:49] <zdobbie> ~20km, ~45min ni logiranih [15:18] <upd> [15:18] <Seniorita> April 2015 lunar eclipse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [15:27] <upd> making money trolling others [15:27] <Seniorita> BattleCam - LIVESTREAM CREATE A CHANNEL NOW - Battlecam [15:27] <Seniorita> »Meet me here now to watch and chat live!« [16:09] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie no more t1?? but why zdobbie ..why :( [16:23] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2552-1: Thunderbird vulnerabilities [16:33] <idioterna> CrazyLemon: sele zdele sm dobu OTA [16:33] <idioterna> za n5 [16:44] <CrazyLemon> idioterna js še nisem [16:44] * CrazyLemon checks [16:45] <CrazyLemon> nope :( [16:45] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie kaj pa ti? [16:46] <zdobbie> ze mam [16:46] <CrazyLemon> sideloadal? [16:47] <zdobbie> OTFA [16:57] <CrazyLemon> liar [17:03] <idioterna> js ne morm sideloadat k mam encrypted [17:04] <idioterna> pa se pobrise ce bootloader unlockam [17:48] <yang> Elka je umrla [17:48] <idioterna> a ni smrt neki zasebnga? [17:50] <CrazyLemon> idioterna sej za sideload ne rabiš unlockat bootloader..sam za flashat fw image [17:50] <idioterna> a si zihr [17:50] <idioterna> afaik rabs [17:50] <CrazyLemon> pretty zihr [17:50] <idioterna> skor 100% sm da to ne dela ce mas encrypted telefon [17:51] <CrazyLemon> za encrypted ne vem [17:51] <CrazyLemon> vem pa da ne rabiš met odklenjen bootloader za sideload [17:52] <yang> idioterna: ce je na 24ur pol ni [17:58] <idioterna> tut tvoj penis se loh znajde tam [17:58] <idioterna> pa ne bo nc manj zasebna stvar [18:44] <idioterna> [18:44] <Seniorita> The Itch Nobody Can Scratch — Matter — Medium [18:44] <idioterna> bad. [18:44] <Seniorita> »A new disease is plaguing thousands, but experts are in conflict over its origins—and whether it exists at all.« [18:50] <jabuk> M 1.2 > V od ČRNOMLJA @02/04/2015 20:39:30,+15.29+E [19:01] <lynxlynxlynx> grrr, gimp še vedno ne podpira cmyk [19:01] <lynxlynxlynx> what year is it? [19:04] <zdobersek> 2015 [19:04] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: ti nimas encrypted phonea? [19:11] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek hell no [19:11] <zdobersek> what year is it? [19:11] <CrazyLemon> 2015 [19:12] <idioterna> najbrz ma tut pattern unlock [19:12] <idioterna> k sam po mastni spuri zapeles prst pa se odklene [19:12] <CrazyLemon> to je možno samo če si ravno pred tem spucal telefon [19:12] <CrazyLemon> če ga ne pucaš pa lahk zapeleš prst po zaslonu 3x pa ti ne pomaga [19:13] <CrazyLemon> ampak ne..nimam pattern unlocka [19:13] <CrazyLemon> imam pa smart lock (trusted places) naštiman [19:21] <zdobbie> OTFA [19:21] <zdobbie> suck it CrazyLemon [19:42] <anny_> čer [19:45] <idioterna> o [19:53] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie shut your piehole [19:53] <idioterna> CrazyLemon: why? [19:54] <idioterna> jsm 5.1 OTA za tablet dobu ze 3 tedne nazaj [19:54] <CrazyLemon> idioterna why not? [19:54] <idioterna> i think. [19:54] <idioterna> pa uresnic hm [19:54] <idioterna> ne vem ce so moj bug fixal [19:55] <CrazyLemon> sej so že opazili da je 5.1.1 v pripravi [20:00] <zdobbie> opa! [20:00] <CrazyLemon> a si tudi ta OTA dobil zdobbie ? a si ?!?! [20:01] <idioterna> ja sej moj bug je se zmer not [20:01] <idioterna> ne morm odklent telefona medtem ko me nekdo klice [20:01] <zdobbie> nicht jetzt! [20:01] <CrazyLemon> nisem mel še te težave [20:02] <zdobbie> FWP [20:05] <idioterna> CrazyLemon: nisi ops guy [20:05] <CrazyLemon> ja pa sem! [20:07] <idioterna> no. [20:25] <CrazyLemon> [20:25] <zdobbie> never [20:25] <Seniorita> WASD Ep.1: Pilot - YouTube [20:25] <Seniorita> »WASD je spletna serija o petih prijateljih, ki se pripravljajo na svoj prvi LARP. To je scena ... airsoft. Kanal lahko podprete na:« [20:26] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: ti si iz vrste ljudi, ki recejo 'igrice'! [20:26] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie sem! [20:27] <anny__> what bout chappie? [20:29] <CrazyLemon> what about chappie? [20:34] <zdobbie> I AM CHAPPIE [21:05] <upd> [21:05] <Seniorita> The Rest of the Physics Teacher - YouTube [21:05] <Seniorita> »For the people missing what happened afterwards« [21:06] <idioterna> na, lej, anny__ [21:06] <idioterna> root@jessie-rpi:~# python [21:06] <idioterna> -bash: python: command not found [21:28] <Sky[x]> lp [21:39] <jabuk> M 1.1 > J od OBREŽJA @02/04/2015 23:22:24,+15.69+E [21:39] <jabuk> M 1.2 > S od DOLENJSKIH TOPLIC @02/04/2015 20:39:33,+15.05+E [22:14] <anny__> ln [23:57] <Gapi_> @upd vsi pa poznamo njega [23:57] <Seniorita> For the Love of Physics (Walter Lewin's Last Lecture) - YouTube [23:57] <Seniorita> »On May 16, 2011, Professor of Physics Emeritus Walter Lewin returned to MIT lecture hall 26-100 for a physics talk and book signing, complete with some of hi...« [23:57] <jabuk> Using PHP OOP after Java
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "Gapi_", "LorD_DDooM", "Seniorita", "Sky[x]", "anny_", "anny__", "dz0ny", "idioterna", "jabuk", "lynxlynxlynx", "msev", "napsy", "slax0r", "upd", "yang", "zdobbie", "zdobersek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[08:39] <Kilos> hi IzaneFG [08:42] <IzaneFG> Kilos: hi! [08:43] <Kilos> welcome to ubuntu-africa [08:43] <Kilos> where are you? [08:52] <IzaneFG> Kilos: lol, Cameroon [08:52] <Kilos> ah yes , sorry im very forgetful [09:01] <IzaneFG> lol
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "IzaneFG", "Kilos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[04:50] <vubuntor157> xin chào, minh cai ubuntu và win, nhưng thời gian giữa 2 hđh không khớp nhau, đc win sai ubuntu và ngược lại, thế giờ mình phải làm sao cho 2 hđh khớp nhau mà mỗi lần không phải mất công chỉnh ?? [04:52] <lewtds__> [04:52] <SuperLuserv3> [ timezone - Clock time is off on dual boot - Ask Ubuntu ] - [04:52] <lewtds__> ép windows dùng giờ UTC [04:53] <vubuntor157> thanks 4rum [04:53] <lewtds> :-j [07:32] <vubuntor305> alo các anh [07:33] <vubuntor305> cho em hỏi sao cái service [07:33] <vubuntor305> chuyển sang file nó load không hết [07:34] <Stanley00> vubuntor305: cố gắng gõ tất cả trên một dòng rồi hãy enter nhé bạn. "chuyển sang file" là sao bạn? [07:34] <vubuntor305> service --status-all >> ~/thu.txt [07:34] <vubuntor305> em mở lên thì chỉ có những cái có trạng thái sta stop với vào còn trạng thái ? thì ko vào đc [07:35] <vubuntor305> chả hiểu sao [07:35] <Stanley00> "ko vào đc" nghĩa là gì? [07:35] <vubuntor305> nó ko vào đc file thu.txt đó anh [07:36] <lewtds_> stderr? [07:37] <lewtds_> [07:37] <SuperLuserv3> [ BASH Programming - Introduction HOW-TO: All about redirection ] - [07:38] <vubuntor305> oh yeah [07:38] <vubuntor305> em làm đc rồi [07:38] <lewtds_> &>> [07:39] <vubuntor305> nãy em làm &> [07:40] <lewtds_> uhm cũng được [07:40] <lewtds_> nhưng ban đầu bạn dùng >> [07:40] <lewtds_> >> khác > đấy [07:40] <vubuntor305> ok cái đó [07:40] <vubuntor305> àk mà cho em hỏi [07:40] <vubuntor305> sao mấy cái systemctl [07:41] <vubuntor305> nó load ra nhiều lắm [07:41] <vubuntor305> mà sao bên ubuntu nó ít xịu vậy anh [07:42] <lewtds_> systemctl là của systemd, còn ubuntu bản hiện tại vẫn dùng upstart [07:42] <lewtds_> 2 cái này thiết kế khác nhau [07:42] <lewtds_> nên có nhiều chênh lệch [07:42] <lewtds_> nếu rảnh bạn có thể đọc về systemd và upstart [07:43] <vubuntor305> upstart àk [07:43] <vubuntor305> vậy mà em cứ tưởng là cái services [07:43] <lewtds_> services là lệnh của upstart [07:43] <lewtds_> keyword đó, cứ đọc đi sẽ hiểu ; ) [07:44] <vubuntor305> còn muốn xem hết các service daemon thì phải dùng lệnh gì anh [07:52] <vubuntor305> ok sudo initctl list với initctl list và service --status-all [07:52] <vubuntor305> 3 lệnh để liệt kê [07:59] <Stanley00> vubuntor305: sudo initctl list với initctl list gần như là một mà? [08:06] <vubuntor305> ok . [08:45] <CoconutCrab> j #vnluser [08:45] * CoconutCrab bò bò [08:45] <CoconutCrab> á [09:31] <vubuntor555> anh cho em hỏi [09:32] <vubuntor555> làm cách nào để mình chuyển hướng dữ liệu của một câu lệnh [09:32] <vubuntor555> vào một biến của shell ko [09:32] <vubuntor555> ví dụ như : date > x [09:32] <vubuntor555> echo $x [09:37] <Stanley00> vubuntor555: x=$(date) ; echo $x [09:39] <vubuntor555> ok thank anh [09:49] <MrTuxHdb> sắp mùa đồ án à [09:49] <MrTuxHdb> :)) [09:50] <Stanley00> MrTuxHdb: mùa rồi chứ sắp gì =]] [09:51] <vubuntor555> không :3 [09:51] <vubuntor555> em chỉ đang định hỏi để chơi cái service vào python thôi [09:52] <vubuntor555> tại nó hơi sida nên ko vào đc. chứ bên systemctl đưa cái là vào hết [09:52] <Stanley00> vubuntor555: à, cái tool start/stop service với GUI đúng không? [09:52] <vubuntor555> đúng anh [09:52] <vubuntor555> :3 [09:52] <Stanley00> vubuntor555: lần sau đổi nick đi cho dễ nhận dạng :D [09:52] <Stanley00> vubuntor555: /nick nick_mới [09:52] <vubuntor555> em thử với systemctl nó ok rồi [09:52] <vubuntor555> đổi sao anh [09:52] <vubuntor555> :3 [09:53] <Stanley00> vubuntor555: gõ /nick nick_mới [09:53] <vubuntor555> giờ thì em đưa nó vào file rồi load lên nhưng vẫn thấy ko ổn. đang tìm cho nó vào bộ nhớ thôi [09:53] <Stanley00> vubuntor555: mà cái trò này, có cái này rồi nè, kiếm source rồi contribute cho rồi [09:54] <SuperLuserv3> [ BootServices - Community Help Wiki ] - [09:54] <Stanley00> BUM ấy [09:54] <MrTuxHdb> đm dám bảo upstart sida à [09:54] <MrTuxHdb> đm đm [09:54] <MrTuxHdb> systemd mới sida nhá [09:55] <testguisystem> không em đang nói là mình load nó vào python [09:55] <testguisystem> đang sida [09:55] <testguisystem> :3 [09:55] <testguisystem> còn load kiểu đưa vào tập tin thì em load vào rồi [09:56] <testguisystem> nhưng vẫn đang kiếm đường load vào bộ nhớ khỏi qa trung gian tập tin [09:56] <testguisystem> nhưng mà làm hoài nãy giờ ko đc [09:56] <Stanley00> hmm... thằng BUM đó hình như tèo rồi... :( [09:58] * quydo [09:58] <Stanley00> testguisystem: kiếm thử coi có gói python upstart không? chứ gói python systemd thì có đó, dùng trực tiếp trong python luôn chắc được [09:59] <testguisystem> chiều giờ em chỉ load đc có mỗi mấy cái start với stop còn mấy cái ? thì chưa vào nếu ko trao đổi trung gian là qua tập tin [10:00] <testguisystem> cái bum em vừa cài xong [10:00] <testguisystem> nó chậm quá [10:00] <testguisystem> :3 [10:01] <Stanley00> testguisystem: ơ... BUM còn sống à? bạn đang dùng ubuntu bản mấy thế? [10:01] <testguisystem> mà chỉ load đc có mỗi cái service [10:01] <testguisystem> 2.5.2 anh ơi [10:02] <Stanley00> phiên bản ubuntu cơ [10:02] <testguisystem> ừm ubuntu đó anh [10:02] <testguisystem> em dùng bản 14.04 [10:04] <Stanley00> testguisystem: vậy ngon, kiếm source của nó rồi fix đi cho khỏe :3 [10:06] <vubuntor399> đang dùng thì máy doom :3 [10:09] <lewtds_> k hiểu testgui muốn gì :-? [10:10] <testgui> àk em muốn load cái service [10:10] <testgui> vào hết biến [10:10] <testgui> service --status-all [10:10] <Stanley00> lewtds_: GUI frontend cho upstart/systemd/init.d ... whatever.d =]] [10:11] <lewtds_> gui hả [10:11] <lewtds_> chả cần lắm [10:11] * lewtds_ nhớ trên fedora hình như có [10:11] <Stanley00> lolz... [10:11] <testgui> em định làm cái tool gui thôi [10:11] <testgui> cho ai chưa quen thì dùng [10:11] <testgui> :3 [10:11] <lewtds_> tập đánh máy 10 ngón nhanh, dùng phím tắt ctrl-trái phải, home, end, tập dùng nano, tmux [10:11] <lewtds_> là thoải mái [10:12] <lewtds_> xem nó có api không [10:12] <testgui> thế thì lúc đó rành rõi rồi nói làm chi nữa [10:12] <lewtds_> có thì khỏi phải parse cái output của lệnh [10:12] <lewtds_> lol, có mỗi cái cuối phải học thôi [10:12] <lewtds_> còn lại là basic skills [10:12] <testgui> em thì làm cái đó [10:12] <testgui> thấy ổn [10:13] <testgui> tại mang đi sang systemctl với gì cũng chạy đc [10:31] <Tux|N5> đm systemd =) [10:31] <Tux|N5> Giờ không biết còn thốn không [10:32] <Tux|N5> Trước set static ip với ntpdate once shot mà khổ vãi nhái [10:44] <n0bawk> Failed to restart minidlna.service: Connection timed out [10:44] <n0bawk> bo' tay systemd >:3 [16:42] <dxta> quit
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CoconutCrab", "MrTuxHdb", "Stanley00", "SuperLuserv3", "Tux|N5", "dxta", "lewtds", "lewtds_", "lewtds__", "n0bawk", "quydo", "testgui", "testguisystem", "vubuntor157", "vubuntor305", "vubuntor399", "vubuntor555" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-vn" }
[13:41] <smashesmipastor> hola alguien vivo por aqui ? [13:42] <smashesmipastor> saben donde podria comprar esas dell con ubuntu preinstaladas ?? [13:42] <smashesmipastor> en su pagina oficial encuentro nada [18:09] <smashesmipastor> alguien aqui?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "smashesmipastor" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pe" }
[13:11] <OvenWerks> Ardour 4 rc1 is out.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "OvenWerks" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio-devel" }
[00:00] <ericsnow> axw: PTAL (should be quick) [00:02] <jw4> anyone familiar with upgrades, willing to answer a couple questions? [00:05] <axw> ericsnow: done [00:05] * axw goes for breakfast [00:05] <ericsnow> axw: thanks! [01:13] <axw> wallyworld: can you please link me the status spec? [01:13] <wallyworld> axw: [01:13] <axw> ta [01:17] <axw> wallyworld: so, a charm can never status-set error. what if the software is irreparably broken? [01:18] <axw> i.e. the charmed service, not the charm itself [01:18] <wallyworld> axw: it then sets blocked [01:18] <wallyworld> blocked means it can't run and a user has to intervene [01:18] <wallyworld> for whatever reason [01:18] <wallyworld> error is reserved to report hook errors only [01:19] <axw> wallyworld: mk. that implies to me that it can be repaired, which may be optimistic [01:19] * axw continues [01:23] <wallyworld> axw: wrt storage add, did we want the additional storage (eg a new volme) to be able to get different sizing, tags etc, or did we want to enforce storage add must create the new volume exactly the same as the first one [01:24] <axw> wallyworld: I think it should take the same args as "--storage" in "juju deploy" [01:24] <axw> wallyworld: i.e. pool,size,count [01:24] <wallyworld> axw: awesome, that was my tpught also [01:24] <wallyworld> just wanted to confirm [01:25] <wallyworld> ty [01:25] <axw> np [01:45] <wwitzel3> can I get one more set of eyes on [02:02] <axw> wallyworld: reviewed [02:02] <wallyworld> axw: ty, will look [02:02] <axw> wwitzel3: will take a look soon [02:04] <wwitzel3> axw: thanks, appreciate it [02:04] <natefinch> axw: my stuff needs to be in for 1.23 that is getting cut basically ASAP... so if you could prioritize it, I could get it merged (barring major problems, of course) - [02:04] <axw> natefinch: ok [02:05] <natefinch> axw: thanks, I appreciate the help. [02:47] <wallyworld> axw: i've updated the pr for that health branch, after you finished your current review [02:47] <axw> wallyworld: ok [03:14] <wallyworld> axw: i have to go out for lunch, if when you look at the pr you are happy with it, could you $$merge$$ for me and i'll propose the next one when i get back [03:15] <axw> wallyworld: np [03:15] <wallyworld> ty [03:48] <axw> wwitzel3: reviewed, sorry for the delay [03:49] <wwitzel3> axw: np, thank you [03:51] <wwitzel3> axw: it requires work, so I won't get to it until tomorrow anyway ;) [03:51] <axw> wwitzel3: sorry :~( [03:52] * axw is creating work for lots of people today [03:52] <wwitzel3> haha [03:52] <wwitzel3> that's probably a good thing [05:00] <marcoceppi_> okay, 1.23-beta2 has been really flaky with local provider [05:00] <marcoceppi_> seems about every third machine doesnt' get the agent running on it [05:05] <marcoceppi_> I realize that's not helpful, I'm gathering log files [05:12] <marcoceppi_> re-ran cloud-init, I think this is a problem with the seed data, ssh keys aren't getting installed [05:23] <marcoceppi_> I also can't seem to connect to the API with python-jujuclient anymore. I noticed that the api server is only listening on ipv6 [05:23] <marcoceppi_> is this a new configuration? [05:26] <marcoceppi_> prefer-ipv6: false is in my jenv, not sure why the api-server is only binding to the ipv6 address locally, this may be a redherring [05:26] <marcoceppi_> also noticed that the user changed to admin where it was user-admin previously [05:52] <axw> wallyworld: if you can take a look at and some time today, I'd be most grateful [05:52] <wallyworld> sure, np. thanks for landing my stuff [05:52] <wallyworld> i'm just doing a pr for the next bit [05:52] <axw> wallyworld: nps [05:52] <axw> cool, ping me and I'll review [05:54] <wallyworld> axw: [05:54] <axw> looking [05:55] <wallyworld> ah i half looked at the managed filesystem source one last night, looked good [05:58] <jog> wallyworld, Would you have time to read over bug 1435644, or suggest someone? It's a private cloud streams question and I know you've been able to give guidance on similar bugs. [05:58] <mup> Bug #1435644: private cloud:( environment is openstack )index file has no data for cloud <juju-core:New> <> [05:58] <wallyworld> jog: ok, sre [05:59] <jog> wallyworld, thank you, it needs another set of eyes, as I'm not sure what to suggest. [06:00] <wallyworld> jog: i just need to finish a few things, will comment on the bug when i can [06:01] <jog> wallyworld, np I'm EOD [06:01] <wallyworld> ok [06:05] <jam> axw: can you give it a quick look? It is the same patch as katco but it just fixes a test that was also using the leader-election feature flag (which is now removed) [06:05] <axw> jam: okey dokey [06:05] <jam> thx [06:05] <jam> hmmm... I think it is supposed to be targetting 1.23 I'll have to check on that [06:08] <axw> jam: shipit [06:08] <axw> ah yeah, probably [06:08] <jam> axw: I have to rebase it, but I'll propose another one for 1.23 [06:09] <axw> jam: nps, I expect it'll be exactly the same given the size :) just merge if so [06:09] <jam> axw: sgtm [06:29] <marcoceppi_> where does juju cache it's api endpoints? [06:30] <jam> axw: so it looks to be an entirely bigger patch. I have the feeling master is not up-to-date with the leader-election code that is in 1.23 [06:30] <marcoceppi_> I changed values in the api endpoints in .jenv but it says loading from cache [06:31] <jam> tbh I was surprised the patch was so small [06:31] <jam> the flag in master only changes the client side (essentially), but all of the internal workers were running behind that flag in the 1.23 branch. [06:34] <axw> jam: as was I. I'll take a look [06:35] <jam> katco: ping [06:37] <axw> jam: LGTM [06:37] <marcoceppi_> what is the api user in juju? user-admin or admin? [06:37] <jam> axw: is the newer proposal, but I'm running through tests, etc since it kept growing. [06:38] <axw> sure [06:38] <jam> marcoceppi_: the name of the user is "admin" the *tag* is "user-admin" (vs machine-0 etc) [06:38] <marcoceppi_> jam: so what should I use in the websocket? user-admin? [06:40] <jam> marcoceppi_: so in most of the API we talk in terms of tags. so Login probably wants 'user-admin', but know that in the future we're looking to be able to name those users and they will then be "user-joe" etc. [06:40] <jam> I believe the agents login as "machine-0" etc. [06:40] <marcoceppi_> sure, thanks [06:41] <marcoceppi_> I'm having a hell of a time getting python-jujuclient to connect to 1.23-beta2 bootstrapped environment [06:42] <axw> wallyworld: reviewed [06:42] <wallyworld> ty [06:42] <jam> marcoceppi_: I believe thumper has been making changes to Login which is supposed to be compatible, but I thought he had to submit some patches recently. [06:43] <marcoceppi_> let me try rolling back to 1.22 [06:44] <jam> marcoceppi_: if something is broken wrt compatibility, we really appreciate that feedback [06:44] <jam> well, *I* appreciate it, hopefully the people who have to fix it do too :) [06:44] <marcoceppi_> jam: I need to do more testing, I'm having a hard time locking this down [06:44] <marcoceppi_> other than "it's not working" [06:45] <jam> marcoceppi_: sure. if it doesn't "just work" and it used to, then we certainly have a bug [06:45] <marcoceppi_> too many moving pieces [06:45] <axw> wallyworld: BTW, I saw later that the time is set by the state server. you can probably safely ignore my comment, I was just thinking it would be nice to show relative times in the UI [06:45] <axw> wallyworld: but that involves quite a bit of complexity, in order to ensure timestamps are synchronised between state servers and clients [06:46] <wallyworld> axw: Agreed, this is one area where I'm hoping for feedback from users. The spec says timestamp but I suspect we'll be asked for relative times instead/as well as. [06:46] <wallyworld> i just want to get *something* reasonable out there so we can then see what real users ask for and complain about [06:46] * axw nods [06:49] <jam> wallyworld: axw: you probably need to use the universal "time since epoch GMT" timestamp, and then on the client turn that into localtimes. It seems the most portable way [06:49] <jam> relative times (as in 1hr ago) seem like a fair amount more work. [06:50] <wallyworld> jam: it does store epoch [06:50] <wallyworld> on client it formats as RFC822 [06:50] <axw> jam: that still assumes the clocks are all correct. I suppose it's fair to say that if they're not, you're on your own [06:50] <wallyworld> i can't recall if that includes tz conversion [06:50] <jam> axw: if you're clocks aren't reasonably close to reality there isn't really much we can do is there? [06:50] <axw> wallyworld: it just displays the timezone it's in. you could concert to local TZ [06:51] <wallyworld> ah, i did mean to do that, but it got late [06:51] <axw> jam: well, you can implement poor-man's NTP, but it's probably not worthwhile :) [06:51] <marcoceppi_> jam: okay, there's an issue in 1.23-beta2 [06:51] <wallyworld> axw: i am counting on our deployents using NTP OOTB [06:52] <jam> marcoceppi_: a bug is appreciated, targetting the 1.23 series, as this seems pretty critical. It *might* already be fixed but I wouldn't hold my breath on it. [06:52] <marcoceppi_> jam: just writing repro steps [06:52] <marcoceppi_> jam: would it be worth compiling the 1.23 branch of the repo to verify as well? [06:52] <axw> jam: in my former life, I worked on a distributed system where the servers (owned by customers) were *constantly* skewed and they would never run NTP. I think it's okay to rely on NTP, I just had flashback nightmares [06:52] <axw> wallyworld: SGTM [06:52] <jam> axw: :) [06:53] <jam> marcoceppi_: if you want to take the time, its nice to have the info, but its mostly a "do what you can" sort of thing. [06:53] <jam> it's not your responsibility to fix all our bugs, but we're happy to have your support [06:53] <marcoceppi_> it's 3am and this has blocked me, I don't have much else to do [06:56] <jam> I'm sorry to hear that, and sorry that we broke stuff, but certainly appreciate you discovering it. [06:56] <jam> much better to find out in a beta release. [07:00] <marcoceppi_> jam: [07:00] <marcoceppi_> I'll try compiling 1.23 from github then try trunk as well [07:04] <voidspace> morning all [07:04] <jam> marcoceppi_: thanks for investigating, that looks much weirder than I expected [07:09] <marcoceppi_> jam: fwiw, this works with 1.23 branch (juju version shows 1.23-beta3) [07:09] <mup> Bug #1439535 was opened: 1.23-beta2 websocket incompatibility <juju-core:New> <python-jujuclient:New> <> [07:09] <dimitern> voidspace, morning [07:10] <dimitern> voidspace, there's a new bug about the addresser I've assigned to you [07:11] <dimitern> voidspace, trivial to fix - just don't start the worker if environs.SupportsNetworking() returns false [07:12] <voidspace> dimitern: ah, ok [07:12] <voidspace> dimitern: easy enough :-) [07:13] <voidspace> dimitern: is it a problem to have an addresser around otherwise? [07:13] <dimitern> voidspace, well, I don't think so - but it should not spam the logs and restart every 3 seconds :) [07:14] <voidspace> dimitern: ah, yes it is a problem [07:14] <voidspace> dimitern: just reading the bug :-) [07:14] <dimitern> voidspace, I'd prefer to have it running in all environments TBH [07:15] <dimitern> voidspace, but without a netEnviron interface it can't do its job anyway [07:15] <jam> marcoceppi_: I don't see anything specifically in "git log --first-parent juju-1.23-beta2..1.23" that makes it clear why your API issues would have been fixed [07:16] <jam> marcoceppi_: is this local provider? [07:16] <jam> yeah "switch local" [07:16] <marcoceppi_> jam: aye, it is [07:17] <wallyworld> axw: i'm going blind, i can't see what calls func processPending(...) [07:17] <axw> wallyworld: the main loop in storageprovisioner.go [07:17] <axw> at the top [07:17] <jam> marcoceppi_: which makes me worry that it is more of a packaging issue. [07:17] <jam> dimitern: voidspace: do you know if the backport of "addressable containers" into 1.23 would have affected local provider? [07:18] <marcoceppi_> jam: really? seems odd it would be in packaging [07:18] <jam> marcoceppi_: to quote sherlock holmes, "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?" [07:18] <jam> marcoceppi_: I certainly wouldn't expect it there either. [07:18] <dimitern> jam, it's not a backport - it was first implemented in 1.23, but it shouldn't affect the local provider [07:19] <jam> dimitern: I just see addressing changes in 1.23 beta 3 [07:19] <jam> which *could* be something that would allow local provider to work/not work. [07:19] <jam> marcoceppi_: I don't see anything about login, etc changing [07:19] <axw> wallyworld: found it? [07:19] <wallyworld> axw: ffs, looked straight past it. the process functions aren't thread safe, is it worth a comment that they're being called from a single threaded loop, or is that asking for an unnecessary comment [07:19] <jam> marcoceppi_: just to eliminate variables, can you "git co juju-1.23-beta2" and see if it is broken for you ? [07:19] <dimitern> jam, it's possible, however the local provider does not use the same brokers as other providers, where most of the changes are [07:20] <axw> wallyworld: like the uniter, the whole thing is not goroutine-safe [07:20] <marcoceppi_> jam: sure [07:20] <axw> wallyworld: I can put a comment, but I'm not sure where it'd go ... [07:20] <wallyworld> fair enough [07:20] <jam> I see changes to GCE, but those should also not effect local [07:20] <wallyworld> don't wory [07:22] <jam> marcoceppi_: I do see a change to how local provider was getting its IP address. I wonder if it was suffering from the "claim I'm on the LXC bri [07:23] <jam> bridge bug in 1.23-beta2" [07:23] <marcoceppi_> jam: possibly? about to compile [07:25] <wallyworld> axw: reviewed, just a few small comments/suggestions [07:25] <axw> wallyworld: cheers [07:25] <jam> anyone have thoughts on expired cert issues? [07:26] <jam> 1.23 points to [07:26] <jam> which has a bad cert [07:26] <marcoceppi_> yup, I give up jam, 1.23-beta2 from source works [07:27] <jam> nm. I was testing in a VM that had been suspended for 2 weeks, and the time hadn't updated yet. [07:27] <jam> so their cert was renewed 2 weeks ago [07:28] <jam> marcoceppi_: le sigh.... [07:28] <jam> marcoceppi_: but you can reliably reproduce when running /usr/bin/juju, right? [07:28] <anastasiamac> jam: another fix that went in into 1.23 related to http- and apt- addresses that may affect marcoceppi_ is the check for loopback address [07:28] <marcoceppi_> jam: everytime, going to spin up another vm to verify [07:28] <jam> anastasiamac: yeah, but in theory he just tested rolling back his local build to 1.23-beta2 and it still passed [07:28] <anastasiamac> jam: however m not sure why there would b a diff btw 1.23-beta2 and 1.23-beta3 with respect to this fix.. [07:29] <anastasiamac> jam: yep.. [07:29] <jam> marcoceppi_: the other thing is to make sure you do "godeps" and all that, just in case there is some depedency we were using in 1.23-beta2 that had something wrong. [07:29] <marcoceppi_> jam: I run godeps everytime I build [07:29] <marcoceppi_> following this workflow: [07:30] <jam> marcoceppi_: that looks decent to me [07:30] <jam> having various versions of juju in $PATH could confuse things in the past, did you check if there were build errors? [07:31] <jam> (as that would leave the other 1.23 around in $GOPATH/bin) [07:31] <jam> axw: can you try a quick test for me? "cd worker/uniter; go test -check.v -check.f Leader" [07:32] <jam> I'm still sorting out things in this VM, but on other machines it was failing for me. I'm wondering if the tests are just poorly isolated (they use some other test's setup to be able to work properly) [07:32] <jam> or maybe I'm just insane :) [07:32] <marcoceppi_> jam: juju version reported 1.23-beta2 and `which juju` was the one in $GOPATH/bin [07:33] <jam> marcoceppi_: were you running "juju foo" or $GOPATH/bin/juju foo ? [07:33] <jam> IIRC, there was a really old bug at one point where because juju was running sudo [07:33] <marcoceppi_> just `juju foo` [07:33] <jam> it would find the wrong juju because root's PATH was not user's PATH [07:33] <marcoceppi_> I can try again with full path [07:33] <jam> marcoceppi_: I don't expect that's the problem, but just trying to eliminate possibilities [07:33] <marcoceppi_> sure [07:37] <axw> jam: will do, with your 1.23 branch you mean? [07:37] <jam> axw: i'm having it fail on master as well as stock 1.23 [07:38] <jam> there it passed [07:38] <jam> at least that gives me a baseline [07:38] <jam> the VM is happy [07:38] <marcoceppi_> jam: yeah, I'm unable to reproduce on a clean vm now [07:38] <axw> jam: works on master for me [07:39] <marcoceppi_> there's something buggered with my setup, this was just a big 'ol snipe hunt [07:40] <jam> axw: thanks for confirming. I'll just move forward :) [07:58] <voidspace> dimitern: for bug 1438683 [07:58] <mup> Bug #1438683: Containers stuck allocating, interface not up <add-machine> <cloud-installer> <landscape> <maas-provider> <network> <juju-core:Triaged by mfoord> <> [07:58] <dimitern> voidspace, yeah? [07:58] <voidspace> dimitern: can you point me to where in the logs or config that indicates eth1 is being used [07:59] <voidspace> dimitern: I can't find eth1 mentioned by name or MAC address like this [07:59] <voidspace> dimitern: and the reference to primary network in the logs is for eth0 [07:59] <dimitern> voidspace, in machine-0.log around returning the result from PrepareContainerInterfaceInfo [07:59] <voidspace> dimitern: ok, thanks [08:00] <voidspace> dimitern: and there it is... [08:00] <dimitern> voidspace, as for eth0 being primary - there are 2 places (also in that log) - before starting but after acquiring the instance, and before starting the container [08:00] <voidspace> dimitern: I grepped for "eth1", not sure how I missed that :-/ [08:00] <dimitern> voidspace, :) [08:02] <voidspace> dimitern: ok, so easy [08:02] <voidspace> dimitern: we iterate over all subnets and map subnets to interfaces [08:02] <voidspace> dimitern: we don't check if the interface is disabled - and where the same subnet appears more than once we'll overwrite [08:02] <dimitern> voidspace, yeah - both of these are problems [08:03] <voidspace> dimitern: so we *do* need to skip disabled interfaces there [08:03] <voidspace> dimitern: that will be the problem [08:03] <dimitern> voidspace, where? [08:03] <voidspace> dimitern: prepareAllocationNetwork [08:03] <voidspace> dimitern: lines 1021 and 1051 [08:04] <voidspace> coffee [08:04] <dimitern> voidspace, so the result of NetworkInterfaces should include all NICs we can find, but with correct device index and disabled flag [08:05] <voidspace> dimitern: yep, I already have a fix for that - although "correct device index" is a bit arbitrary if lshw doesn't give it to us [08:05] <voidspace> dimitern: and when we iterate over interfaces to pick we should be skipping disabled ones [08:06] <dimitern> voidspace, hmm I'm not quite sure [08:06] <voidspace> dimitern: this is in prepareAllocationNetwork I'm talking bout [08:06] <voidspace> *about [08:07] <dimitern> voidspace, even if we skip them, we still shouldn't overwrite the subnet info in case more than one nic is on the same subnet [08:07] <voidspace> dimitern: do we ever want to return interface info for a dsiabled nic? [08:07] <voidspace> dimitern: agreed, but that's a different issue [08:07] <voidspace> although [08:07] <voidspace> we need to pick *an* interface, so if we have picked a subnet and allocated an address on it - we only need one non-disabled nic [08:08] <voidspace> so overwriting isn't really an issue (so long as we skip disabled ones) [08:08] <dimitern> voidspace, if by "return" you mean from NetworkInterfaces() - yes, we want that; in prepareAllocationNetwork though - that's different [08:08] <voidspace> it's prepareAllocationNetwork I'm talking about [08:08] <dimitern> voidspace, ok [08:08] <voidspace> that's where the specific problem is [08:08] <voidspace> dimitern: in prepareAllocationNetwork do we want to always prefer the primary network, unless it's disabled? [08:09] <voidspace> and always try that first (try to allocate an IP on the subnet associated with the primary interface) [08:10] <dimitern> voidspace, just keep in mind that we'll most likely start allocating addresses (and creating NICs) for containers such that we have a 1:1 correspondence with the host enabled nics [08:11] <voidspace> ok [08:11] <dimitern> voidspace, so in the long term it doesn't matter which NIC is primary [08:11] <voidspace> so I don't think overwriting actually matters, as we only want to pick one nic anyway [08:11] <voidspace> but we *do* need to skip disabled networks in prepareAllocationNetwork [08:12] <dimitern> voidspace, but for now we only want 1 address/nic per container - connected to the host's primary nic [08:12] <voidspace> which is a 3 line fix plus test... (along with the device index fix I already have for NetworkInterfaces) [08:12] <dimitern> voidspace, yes, but we shouldn't pass [id1, id1] to Subnets when we have 2 nics on the same subnet id1 [08:13] <dimitern> voidspace, (or if we do, we should only fetch the info once per unique id) [08:13] <voidspace> dimitern: ok, that's also true [08:13] <voidspace> :-) [08:15] <dimitern> :) [08:44] <voidspace> dimitern: so the singular runner doesn't have an obvious way to not start a worker [08:45] <dimitern> voidspace, it won't start it if you don't add it to the list of workers to run :) [08:45] <voidspace> dimitern: right - so in which case the agent needs to construct an environ [08:45] <voidspace> dimitern: *or* we can start the runner and Handle can be a no-op if networking isn't supported [08:46] <voidspace> dimitern: either is fine, I'd just like to know which is preffered [08:47] <voidspace> dimitern: startEnvWorkers (cmd/jujud/agent/machine.go) doesn't currently have an env [08:51] <dimitern> voidspace, I think we should start it [08:52] <dimitern> voidspace, but then internally it should handle "networking not supported" properly, i.e. logging that it won't do anything, but not returning an error [08:53] <voidspace> dimitern: that's fine - and easier :-) [08:55] <dimitern> voidspace, exactly :) [08:58] <TheMue> dimitern: shit, exactly this moment the garage comes to fetch my car. will report afterwards, got an idea after your hint [08:59] <dimitern> TheMue, ok, no worries [09:24] <axw> wallyworld: in your email you wrote "juju-get" and "juju-set". I think s/juju/status/ ? [09:42] <TheMue> dimitern: thinking about I would say your theory is correct, I'll talk to rvba. when watching the node during boot and it's wanting to fetch metadata from the controller the return code is 404. [09:43] <TheMue> dimitern: this sounds like "yes, I can connect the server, but it doesn't has the info (here the lshw) that I want." [09:45] <dimitern> TheMue, yeah, something like this - perhaps it's not because lshw is missing, but something else [09:47] <TheMue> dimitern: maybe, I'll discuss on #maas. but it seem to be able to at least reach the maas controller. and that's why pings also work. [09:48] <dimitern> TheMue, yeah, ok [09:48] <TheMue> btw, my car is now gone *sniff* less than a year old [09:57] <axw> dimitern: not sure if it's due to networking stuff going on, but I cannot "juju ssh" to ec2 machines on master. works fine if I disable proxying through machine-0 [09:57] <axw> dimitern: I get "nc: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known" [09:58] <dimitern> axw, hmm odd I'll try here with a fresh tip of master [09:58] <dimitern> axw, but it will be in about half an hour [09:58] <axw> dimitern: no rush, just thought I'd let you know in case you knew of somethign related [09:59] <dimitern> axw, do you have containers deployed on machine 0 ? [09:59] <axw> dimitern: could be unrelated, I see a bunch of network failures due to network resolution failing [09:59] <axw> dimitern: nope [10:00] <dimitern> axw, if you paste me some logs I'll investigate [10:00] <axw> I just destroyed, I'll recreate [10:15] <axw> dimitern: never mind, must've been an intermittent DNS error. [10:36] <dimitern> axw, *whew* good! :) [10:58] * dimitern goes to get his car back [11:01] <rogpeppe> axw: i was just looking at NewClient in apiserver/client [11:02] <rogpeppe> axw: ISTM that you could save a mongo round trip in every single API call by using common.NewToolsURLGetter(st.EnvironTag().Id(), st) [11:02] <rogpeppe> axw: instead of fetching the env from mongo every time [11:03] <rogpeppe> axw: (unless there's some reason that the env uuid might change, i guess) [11:06] <axw> rogpeppe: yeah, agreed. that possibly predates EnvironTag caching... pretty sure that value is fixed [11:07] <rogpeppe> axw: cool. might be worth bearing in mind. [12:43] <jam> axw: *if* you're still around I have a new update for the branch. Unfortunately, we still have 1 test that fails because it is nondeterministic. I haven't figured out how to fix that yet. [12:43] <jam> katco: are you around? [12:43] <jam> katco: if/when you are, I've been looking at enabling leader-election always in [12:43] <jam> it is almost complete except for one big TODO. If you have time, I'd appreciate a look at it. [12:44] <jam> I think we could enable this in production, because the test is failing because we're triggering a hook that should be triggered, but at a random time so I can't just add it to a fixed spot in the test expectation. [12:49] <dimitern> back [13:11] <abentley> alexisb: I don't have a blessed revision, and there's at least one GCE bug unfixed. Do you want to meet anyway? [13:12] <abentley> alexisb: Correction, I see a bless for 16bed49 in build 2508 [13:13] <abentley> alexisb: Correction 9710c29 / 2509 [13:13] <mgz> yeah, the ppc tests managed to get through on that one [13:14] <abentley> mgz: local-deploy-vivid-amd64 was stuck for most of yesterday, and is stuck in the same way today. I am disabling it. [13:21] <mgz> abentley: fair enough [13:31] <dimitern> dooferlad, voidspace, ping [13:32] <dimitern> I feel like I'm talking to myself >_< [13:32] <voidspace> dimitern: heh [13:32] <mgz> katco: are you around? I'm trying to test cn and the v4 signing code on 1.23-beta2 is not playing ball with me it seems [13:35] <dooferlad> dimitern: howmy I be o service? [13:40] <TheMue> dimiter: btw, I'll file a bug against maas, it seems to fail during cloudinit [13:43] <dimitern> TheMue, ok, that's what it looked like to me [13:43] <TheMue> yeah, to rvba also [13:43] <dimitern> TheMue, but we should still find a way to reproduce and fix that bug [13:44] <TheMue> to repoduce it is no problem, but we cannot fix the booting bug [13:45] <TheMue> we can fix our bug to stop processing, that's what I've done [13:46] <TheMue> now need tests for it [13:58] <hazmat> marcoceppi_: ping [14:00] <alexisb> ericsnow, wwitzel3, what is the latest on the GCE bugs? [14:02] <ericsnow> alexisb: wrapping up (all but 1 merged) [14:03] <marcoceppi_> hazmat: otp [14:04] <hazmat> marcoceppi_: just curious about that issue w/ py juju client and 1.23.. just looked up the bug report and it looks like its already resolved though. [14:06] <aznashwan> ericsnow, axw: could I bother you guys with a closer lookthrough of and, if you're feeling really adventurous, :D [14:06] <ericsnow> aznashwan: sure thing [14:12] <dimitern> I'm is off for now - might be back later [14:16] <katco> jam: mgz: BoD [14:16] <katco> jam: one of the tests is failing then? [14:19] <wwitzel3> alexisb: I should have the last patch up in 20 minutes or so [14:21] <mgz> katco: bod? beginning of day? [14:21] <katco> mgz: yep! [14:21] <mgz> katco: >_< [14:21] <katco> mgz: ? [14:22] <mgz> katco: so, we expect 1.23-beta2 to work in china right? it has all your code in it. [14:22] <mgz> katco: I get enough silly acronyms from xwwt [14:22] <katco> mgz: as much as we can expect untested fixes to work =/ [14:22] <wwitzel3> lol [14:22] <xwwt> mgz: Keeps you on your toes. ;) [14:23] <katco> mgz: we never had a cn north instance to test against for legal reasons [14:24] <mgz> katco: how should I go about debugging it? I have flipped the debug flag in goamz, and it basically confirms we are using the v4 path (doesn't print the headers, I could also enable that extra dumping in the signing file), but aws complains at me that the access key query param (I presume) is not supplied [14:24] <mgz> which is non-sensical as that's not how v4 signing works [14:24] <mgz> I will paste you my junk for your curiousity [14:24] <katco> mgz: hmmm... yes ty [14:26] <mgz> katco: [14:26] * katco looking [14:27] <mgz> I can try flipping the juju code to always using v4 and running it against us-east-1? [14:28] <katco> mgz: that might be informative [14:28] <mgz> will do that, and turn on the signing debug output [14:29] <katco> i'm doing some research on that param [14:32] <mgz> so, the v2 version does all the query params as normal, plus the access key, plus a hashed-with-private-key param [14:32] <katco> mgz: right, v4 uses headers primarily [14:33] <mgz> yup [14:33] <katco> mgz: do you know what request was being made? e.g. what api is failing? [14:34] <katco> looks like ? [14:36] <mgz> katco: DescribeAccountAttributes [14:37] <cherylj> ericsnow: when you get a minute, could you review this: [14:37] <mgz> katco: hm, I didn't get more printed from the signing flipping to os.Stdout at the top [14:37] <cherylj> ericsnow: I found another repo that needed updating [14:37] <ericsnow> cherylj: yeah [14:37] <mgz> katco: same issue with us-east-1 [14:37] <ericsnow> cherylj: thanks for being so thorough [14:37] <katco> mgz: i think that debugging is only for v4 [14:37] <ericsnow> cherylj: I need to add a GH webhook for that repo too [14:38] <mgz> it's using v4 now [14:38] <mgz> I flipped it in juju [14:38] <cherylj> ericsnow: thanks! I think that will be the last one [14:38] <ericsnow> cherylj: did you mean to remove the summary comment that was on line 1 [14:38] <ericsnow> ? [14:38] <cherylj> ericsnow: yes, I did for consistency with the other repos. [14:39] <cherylj> ericsnow: I debated it, but figured I should err on the side of consistency. That, and the doc that was put together didn't mention the summary line [14:39] <ericsnow> cherylj: k [14:39] <mgz> katco: I'm rebuilding from the beta2 tag in git, for line number references [14:40] <ericsnow> cherylj: if I recall correctly, that summary line was a suggestion from the license text but is much less relevant for our use :) [14:40] <cherylj> ericsnow: yeah, I think you're right. [14:41] <ericsnow> cherylj: LGTM [14:41] <cherylj> ericsnow: thanks! [14:42] <katco> mgz: so you're passing in SignV4Factory(...)? [14:42] <katco> mgz: because if you've switched the debug logger to stdout, and it's using v4, i have no explanation for why you're not getting output. [14:45] <mgz> katco: [14:46] <mgz> katco: I am also mystified [14:46] <katco> mgz: i can never remember... does --debug collect the logs from the disparate machines? [14:47] <katco> mgz: bc i think this would be in a jujud instance? [14:48] <jam> katco: so the patch you proposed to remove leader-election feature flag was strictly against master, which doesn't actually have all the code that is in 1.23 [14:49] <jam> katco: so I picked it up and started fixing it for 1.23, which involved a fair bit more work [14:49] <katco> jam: ahhh i see. not a straightforward backport [14:49] <jam> but now there is 1 more test to fix [14:49] <katco> jam: doh :( [14:49] <mgz> katco: [14:49] <jam> which has a race condition I don't have an immediate answer for [14:49] <mgz> katco: this is all just from the client [14:50] <jam> katco: should be my work so far, proposed against 1.23, and I should have a big TODO in there. I'd appreciate it if you could look at it, since I'm way past EOD here [14:50] <katco> jam: sure thing [14:50] <katco> jam: fyi juggling a few things here. i've been out for a week, and am behind on some storage work for tanzanite [14:52] <katco> mgz: i see your v4 signing is definitely running... and you're sure godeps or isn't fooling you on which version you're compiling against? [14:55] <mgz> katco: it may be, I will double check [14:55] <mgz> only thing I get is: [14:55] <mgz> godeps: "/home/ubuntu/go/src/" is not clean; will not update [14:56] <mgz> which implies I changed the right junk [14:56] <katco> mgz: that's... good i think [14:56] <katco> yeah [14:56] <katco> maybe try a go clean [14:57] <katco> "go clean" [14:57] <katco> if that wasn't clear [14:58] <mgz> will `rm -rf ~/go/pkg/linux_amd64/*` to be sure [14:58] <katco> k [14:58] <katco> mgz: out of curiosity -- and i don't know much about this -- are these "temporary credentials" by any chance? [14:59] <katco> mgz: this came up in my research indicating there may be some inconsistency: [14:59] <wwitzel3> can I get a review for, thanks :) [15:00] <mgz> katco: the cn ones may be, but the us-east-1 is just our normal account [15:12] <mgz> katco: DEBUG: 2015/04/02 15:12:04 GZ: requestTime err Could not retrieve a request date. Please provide one in either "x-amz-date", or "date". [15:12] <mgz> that error happens, but gets swallowed [15:12] <katco> mgz: o.0 swallowed? [15:13] <katco> mgz: i see... in ec2.go [15:14] <mgz> katco: yeah, Signer returns error, but query in ec2.go doesn't check for it [15:14] <katco> mgz: well that's the smoking gun, it's not actually signing the request [15:15] <katco> mgz: it looks like ec2.go's query(...) is providing a timestamp. i wonder if that's a valid attribute to look at [15:15] <wwitzel3> ericsnow: that gce review is up when you get a chance [15:15] <ericsnow> wwitzel3: looking now [15:15] <mgz> katco: I don't understand the requestTime code really [15:15] <mgz> how does it think it's getting a header set if we're *sending* our first request? [15:16] <katco> mgz: the headers are set by the code [15:16] <katco> mgz: when building the http.Request [15:16] <katco> mgz: the signing documentation (i believe) states that the user can either specify x-amz-date or date. i'm not sure if Timestamp is something to look for [15:18] <mgz> well, we can make the ec2 code do that [15:18] <mgz> but currently it can just never work? [15:18] <katco> mgz: it looks that way... v4 needs a timestamp [15:19] <mgz> I will bug a file [15:19] <katco> mgz: [15:19] <katco> mgz: try that rq, just to spike and see if we can get cn working [15:20] <mgz> katco: doing [15:21] <marcoceppi_> hazmat: yeah, I'm not sure what happened [15:21] <katco> (and handle the error if you hadn't already) [15:21] <marcoceppi_> but for a good several hours I couldn't get juju-local to repsond on the websocket [15:21] <marcoceppi_> just getting "websocket closed" [15:21] <katco> marcoceppi_: no websocket for you! [15:23] <marcoceppi_> Ukraine is not game [15:23] <mgz> katco: auth failure, but I have output [15:23] <katco> mgz: auth failure as in the signing failed? [15:24] <mgz> katco: [15:26] <katco> mgz: ah... so that indicates that signing is fine, b/c it usually complains loudly about signing [15:26] <katco> mgz: is that the us-east-1? or cn? [15:27] <mgz> katco: us-east-1 [15:27] <katco> stupid me just looked at log lol [15:27] <mgz> I can switch back as needed [15:27] <katco> mgz: well, i think at least that gets you past the signing issue [15:28] <katco> mgz: in terms of credentials... not too sure what causes that. [15:28] <katco> mgz: just indicates to check your creds [15:28] <natefinch> man I wish our code had more comments about why the code is doing what it's doing [15:29] <wwitzel3> natefinch: but it is self documenting (said every person writing code ever) ;) [15:29] <mgz> katco: yeah, signing errors are deliberately obscure [15:30] <katco> mgz: well i don't think it's a signing error... usually it will say something like "the hash you sent does not match the hash we calculated" with some debugging info [15:30] <katco> mgz: i think it's something genuinely amiss with the creds [15:31] <natefinch> wwitzel3: yeah, that's my main problem with the "no comments" people... sure, I can tell *what* the code is doing, but I can't tell *why* they're doing it. [15:31] <katco> natefinch: but thank god all those New(...) methods have comments! [15:31] <katco> // NewFoo returns a new Foo. [15:32] <natefinch> I'd give my external keyboard for a // hide the not found error with ErrPerm so we don't expose when the machine is not allowed to be accessed vs. doesn't exist [15:32] <mgz> katco: I suspect you could repo this locally with any aws account [15:33] <mgz> katco: anyway, will file bug and we'll work out what's up [15:33] <katco> mgz: k, ty for troubleshooting with me. [15:38] <ericsnow> wwitzel3: review done (with a couple minor comments) [15:41] <wwitzel3> ericsnow: I think we can just toss out the replacement based on what I am seeing [15:41] <ericsnow> wwitzel3: yeah, I think so too [15:42] <ericsnow> wwitzel3: but it's worth a comment because if our assumptions are wrong it would effectively be a silenced error [15:43] <wwitzel3> ericsnow: well, looking at this again, I think we should just check for deprecated, and log a warning about it being skipped (and any replacement) [15:44] <ericsnow> wwitzel3: perfect! [15:44] <wwitzel3> as for NewZone, I didn't see it used outside of the tests at all [15:51] <ericsnow> wwitzel3: so it's even less of an issue :) [16:02] <mgz> katco: filed bug, also seems I reviewed your original branch so we've no one to blame but ourselves for missing that err return :) [16:02] <katco> mgz: lol [16:02] <natefinch> mgz: why is the Machine api called Machiner? It's not a Go interface :/ [16:02] <katco> mgz: is that a 1.23 blocker? [16:07] <rogpeppe> dimitern: ping [16:07] <rogpeppe> anyone out there have some decent knowledge of the ins and outs of the juju deploy command implementation? [16:10] <mgz> katco: I believe so [16:10] <katco> mgz: ok [16:11] <mgz> natefinch: it's one of the ancient ones [16:11] <katco> mgz: have a link to the bug handy? [16:11] <mgz> ah, we haven't got the little bot in here, I thought it'd pop up in a minute [16:11] <mgz> bug 1439761 [16:11] <mup> Bug #1439761: AWS V4 signing does not work <ec2-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.23:Triaged> <> [16:11] <mgz> doesn't add anything to what we've been over in here currently [16:13] <katco> mgz: so, us-east bootstrapping with v4 isn't working, right? [16:13] <katco> mgz: b/c i will have no way of closing this bug for china without someone's help [16:13] <katco> mgz: (no test instance) [16:13] <mgz> katco: indeed, I believe v4 signing should work on us-east-1 - and doesn't, even with the date fix atm [16:14] <mgz> katco: I can give you ec2 creds if you need them as well [16:14] <katco> mgz: well, again, i think signing is working fine :) [16:14] <katco> mgz: it will complain if not [16:14] <katco> mgz: it's something regarding the request [16:14] <katco> mgz: ty, i will let you know. i have some i can try [16:15] <mgz> katco: my assuming, given the same creds work when v2 is used, is that the v4 code must be at fault [16:15] <mgz> is there anything else I need to be supplying that I'm not, past the access and secret key (and region/endpoint) [16:15] <katco> mgz: possibly the ec2 code is at fault for not providing some requisite in the request [16:16] <mgz> katco: sure, that also sounds possible [16:16] <mgz> I tried removing the Timestamp query param as well as an experiment [16:16] <katco> mgz: um, i don't think so. let me have a go and i'll let you know [16:19] <mgz> katco: hm, I have another idea [16:19] <alexisb> voidspace, hehe, I will have to make sure we have Fritos and tab at the sprint ;) [16:19] <katco> mgz: i was using s3cmd when i was working on s3, is there a way to control ec2 instances in a similar way since i don't have access to a web console for this account? [16:20] <wwitzel3> lol Fritos and Tab [16:20] <voidspace> alexisb: good call :-) [16:20] <wwitzel3> I'd like to opt-out [16:21] <voidspace> hah [16:21] <voidspace> wwitzel3: not allowed :-) [16:21] <mgz> katco: yeah, `apt-get install euca2ools` [16:21] <katco> mgz: ty [16:21] <katco> mgz: what's your other idea? [16:21] <mgz> then `euca-describe-instances` etc [16:22] <voidspace> wwitzel3: I just linked alexisb to Code Monkey by Jonathan Coulton... [16:22] <wwitzel3> ahhh, haha [16:22] <katco> mgz: ty works [16:23] <mgz> katco: using x-amz-date only, as date is a standard http field and may get overwritten later [16:23] <mgz> no joy yet [16:23] <katco> mgz: good point [16:23] <mgz> format is probably wrong [16:24] <voidspace> and interestingly, Jonathan Coulton is how dooferlad and I met a few years before working together... [16:24] <voidspace> in a cafe in London before a Jonathan Coulton concert [16:28] <mup> Bug #1439761 was opened: AWS V4 signing does not work <ec2-provider> <juju-core:In Progress by cox-katherine-e> <juju-core 1.23:Triaged> <> [16:46] <katco> mgz: i have a reproducible live test in amz [16:46] <katco> mgz: same error [16:48] <mgz> katco: ace, I'm just having another go at date formats [16:49] <katco> [16:49] <katco> mgz: it request ISO 8601 [16:50] <katco> mgz: but i believe the signing takes care of that conversion [16:51] <mgz> katco: it does, but I'm trying to understand the docs over what the headers are expected to me [16:51] <mgz> *be [16:52] <mgz> implies only ISO8601, but switching to that didn't help [16:52] <mgz> messing with the date header at all seems suspect [16:53] <katco> mgz: well, the signing will convert whatever you feed it to ISO 8601 Basic Format [17:05] <mgz> katco: for comparison, [17:09] <katco> mgz: huh... we do, and they do us-east-1.ec2. [17:58] * natefinch opens a window because even though there's still 8"(20cm) of snow on most of the ground... it's 75°f (24°C) inside [17:58] * natefinch needs an imperial->metric units bot [18:08] <natefinch> ericsnow: core team meeting [18:37] <wwitzel3> ericsnow: PTAL [19:02] <mup> Bug #1439813 was opened: Destroying lxc environment sometimes throws Go error <juju-core:New> <> [19:19] <ericsnow> wwitzel3: LGTM [19:41] <natefinch> hazmat: you had some magic with btrfs to make the local provider lightning fast.... do you have that documented somewhere? [19:53] <natefinch> anyone on happen to know how why I might be getting "connection is shut down" when trying to use the machiner API in a watcher's Handle method? [19:58] <rick_h_> natefinch: is a copy of an email on this a while back [19:59] <rick_h_> heh, april 2014 to be exact so a year ago [20:00] <natefinch> rick_h_: awesome thanks! [20:00] <rick_h_> natefinch: np, fulltext search ftw [20:06] <natefinch> rick_h_: heh, I hadn't thought to just do a mail search, couldn't remember if he's actually emailed it out or not [20:22] <ericsnow> could I get a review on [20:22] <ericsnow> it adds a --file option to relation-set [21:38] <hazmat> natefinch: documented?.. just the code itself.. nutshell is if /var/lib/lxc is a btrfs mount, lxc can use btrfs cow snapshots for lxc-clone'd containers ( -s -B btrfs), so that and a template container per series. [21:39] <hazmat> the rest was just manual registration / with user data gathered from machinescripts api, so its async init [21:54] <ericsnow> voidspace: I thought you were long gone :) [22:30] <mup> Bug #1439880 was opened: Container's interfaces are all on private networks instead of host's eth0 network <oil> <juju-core:New> <> [22:47] <katco> mgz: you still around by any chance? [23:18] <katco> axw: did i misunderstand? are you all off today in AUS? [23:58] <anastasiamac> katco: it's good friday today - public holiday... so yes :D [23:58] <anastasiamac> katco: Monday is easter monday - another public holiday :D [23:58] <anastasiamac> katco:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "TheMue", "abentley", "alexisb", "anastasiamac", "axw", "aznashwan", "cherylj", "dimitern", "dooferlad", "ericsnow", "hazmat", "jam", "jog", "jw4", "katco", "marcoceppi_", "mgz", "mup", "natefinch", "rick_h_", "rogpeppe", "voidspace", "wallyworld", "wwitzel3", "xwwt" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-dev" }
[00:22] <RAOF> mdolezel: Perfectly possible; the desktop-next spin is basically that. [01:43] <meretrix> Does ubuntu touch have decent stylus support? [01:44] <meretrix> The surface 3 looks really nice, but I want linux on it. [02:28] <sturmflut_> meretrix: The Surface 3 is an x86 device, you can put normal Ubuntu on it. There is a nice article on how to do it, [02:29] <sturmflut> meretrix: At this point in time you can probably already go for the 15.04 Final Beta and avoid manually building the kernel [05:44] <mota_> hello, it seems like google has changed the contact structure so syncevolution not syncing contacts via google anymore, can somebody please confirm me this issue ? [05:46] <mota_> hello, it seems like google has changed the contact structure so syncevolution not syncing contacts via google anymore, can somebody please confirm me this issue ? [05:48] <Talustus> mota_ i guess asking once is enought.. if someone has to say anthing on it he will just do i guess [05:48] <mota_> oh sorry [06:20] <juzzlin> Does anybody have any idea why I cannot connect to my Bq neither with adb nor phablet-shell (on Ubuntu 14.04)? My device is in the developer mode and the USB connection works as I can browse the contents with Nautilus. I still don't understand why I can't open a shell. The tools just don't see the device. Either I'm stupid or something doesn't work as expected :) [06:21] <Talustus> did u tried while the screen is powered on? [06:22] <juzzlin> yes [06:22] <Talustus> as root? [06:24] <juzzlin> Run phablet-shell as root? [06:24] <juzzlin> No, it doesn't work [06:24] <Talustus> adb? [06:25] <juzzlin> error: device not found [06:25] <juzzlin> And still it's accessible in Nautilus all the time [06:26] <Talustus> have u updated in the last time? [06:27] <Talustus> i have a bad feeling that there is something wrong with latest ubuntu rootfs's as i can not get my ported device to get recognized by adb as well [06:27] <Talustus> thats only with newer rootfs's my old testing one still works [06:27] <Talustus> lsusb still lists it as connected samsung device [06:27] <Talustus> so [06:28] <juzzlin> Ok, so I'm not alone :) [06:29] <Talustus> yeah and further [06:29] <Talustus> using the described method in the porting guide to allow adb while screen is off [06:29] <Talustus> simply makes it reboot as soon as i plug in the usb cable [06:30] <Talustus> not nice at all ^^ [06:31] <juzzlin> damned...maybe I'll just go to work :) [06:31] <Talustus> i just finished work and should maybe go to bed ^^ [06:31] <Talustus> will do that [06:31] <Talustus> night :) [08:36] <Mirv> tsdgeos: FYI seems empty commit [08:36] <tsdgeos> Mirv: it is [08:37] <tsdgeos> it changes the executable bit of debian/rules [08:37] <tsdgeos> that somehow had been set [08:37] <Mirv> ah, interesting [08:37] <Mirv> ok [08:37] <Mirv> tsdgeos: so it seems they want to do their own releases, so I'm now testing whether it's okayish not to publish autopilot from the silo for the time being. looking "probably good enough" so far. [08:37] <tsdgeos> Mirv: cool [08:38] <tsdgeos> upstream dbus patches failed to integrate in ci, but i think because not all of them were sent to integration [08:38] <tsdgeos> and thus they deadlocked in tests :D [08:41] <Mirv> ok. yesterday's test run was fully good at the end (AP update included), the complexity was just that ubuntu-system-settings had apparently regressed in the archive meanwhile which I had to test without the PPA [08:41] <Mirv> I've also been doing some exploratory testing. anyhow, if this without-AP run looks good, I'll probably mark the silo as tested still today [08:43] <tsdgeos> ok [08:44] <ogra_> (only soft wrae thouh) [08:45] <ogra_> oops [08:59] <ev> rsalveti: can you rephrase your question? Are you saying you just have the stack trace and want to find the bucket of crashes that matches this? [09:13] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Reconciliation Day! :-D [09:37] <CereS2009> Hi i've installed ubuntu-touch on a nexus 4, and my SIM Card isn't detected, the flight mode indicator symbol is permanently turned on (even when using wifi) and audio/video (Error playing video Fail to connect with playback backend))doenst't work. Any advice on were to look to further investigate? [09:37] <lotuspsychje> !devices | CereS2009 [09:37] <lotuspsychje> CereS2009: can you also tell us wich channel you installed? [09:39] <CereS2009> lotuspsychje: its ubuntu-touch devel proposed. The OTA Updates are working fine and i'm at r156 [09:39] <lotuspsychje> ok im also on nexus7 on devel-proposed [09:39] <lotuspsychje> CereS2009: maybe its a known issue on n4? [09:40] <lotuspsychje> CereS2009: idle here a bit, when the devs are waking up and re-ask once in a while [09:40] <CereS2009> lotuspsychje: from the google docs document all should be working. [09:41] <lotuspsychje> maybe a bug perhaps [09:43] <CereS2009> lotuspsychje: could be, i'm not sure were to look further - tried rfkill -list [09:43] <CereS2009> lotuspsychje: how is it working on the n7? [09:43] <lotuspsychje> CereS2009: everything works flawless [09:44] <CereS2009> lotuspsychje: good to hear [09:44] <lotuspsychje> CereS2009: i was on channel devel for long time, but devel-proposed is fantastic! [09:44] <CereS2009> lotuspsychje: the devel channel is the latest, is it? [09:45] <lotuspsychje> CereS2009: not sure, all those channel infrastructure confuses me :p [09:45] <lotuspsychje> CereS2009: i have been told here devel-proposed works best for n7 [09:45] <popey> devel-proposed is vivid... [09:45] <popey> that's a bit unstable and could break [09:46] <lotuspsychje> popey: wich channel do you use? [09:48] <popey> i have numerous devices, and use different channels on each [09:49] <lotuspsychje> popey: you have n7? [09:49] <popey> yes [09:49] <lotuspsychje> wich channel do you use on n7? [09:49] <popey> it varies [09:49] <popey> I dont use it day to day, it's used for testing [09:50] <lotuspsychje> ok [09:50] <lotuspsychje> well im pretty happy with devel-proposed myself, runs smoother then rtm 14.09 and devel [09:50] <CereS2009> which version is devel, then? [09:52] <lotuspsychje> CereS2009: [09:53] <ogra_> on a tablet you definitely want devel-proposed, rtm gets zero testing on tablets ... on a phone it depends if you want stability (rtm) or the latest features and breakage (devel-proposed) [09:54] <lotuspsychje> ogra_: that was clear :p [09:54] <davmor2> mzanetti: I see Saviq assigned you to full-screen app issue from yesterday so I came to the right person in the first place ;) [09:56] <nhaines> ogra_: I have a tracking number for my Nexus 7 now... just have to wait until Tuesday! :) [09:56] <lotuspsychje> nhaines: you ordered one? [09:57] <nhaines> lotuspsychje: yes, saw a good Groupon deal and decided to go for it. At the very worst it'll be a nice Netflix screen. [09:57] <lotuspsychje> nhaines: how much did you pay im curious :p [09:57] <nhaines> lotuspsychje: $149.99 plus tax. [09:57] <lotuspsychje> nhaines: n7 performs better then just a netflix screen lol [09:58] <lotuspsychje> nice, mine was new and paid 269 euro [09:58] <nhaines> I can't think of anything else I'd need a tablet for, though. [09:58] <lotuspsychje> nhaines: i like the scopes on it and email/rss news browsing [09:58] <nhaines> ogra_: do you have any idea how the direct phone video (in the bq commercials, for example) was captured? [09:59] <ogra_> nope [09:59] <nhaines> lotuspsychje: I can do that on my computer or my phone. No need for a tablet for that. :) [09:59] <nhaines> ogra_: drat! [09:59] <popey> bq commercials? [09:59] <ogra_> i think aquarius had some howto [09:59] <nhaines> Not only doesn't it work, but in the bug report they're claiming it never worked (which isn't true--because I saw aq's YouTube demonstration of it). [10:00] <nhaines> So at SCALE I unfortunately had to just loop the commercial and walkthrough. Which was annoying because I'd spent a couple hours shooting off screen video for a walkthrough! ;) [10:00] <nhaines> (But on the bright side, it was almost identical to Canonical's walkthrough--so I guess I did a good job! haha) [10:01] <popey> got a link to the videos? [10:02] <lotuspsychje> unlock the dir and install kazam from terminal to record :p [10:02] <nhaines> [10:02] <nhaines> [10:02] <nhaines> popey: ^^ [10:02] <popey> ta [10:02] <popey> they dont look recorded on device [10:03] <nhaines> popey: you think they're mockups? [10:03] <popey> i think they were done in post [10:03] <popey> but just guessing [10:04] <nhaines> "direct video" means the video was screencast. "off screen" means someone pointed a camera. [10:04] <lotuspsychje> the blue dot will be edited afterwards for sure [10:04] <nhaines> To me it looked like it might be direct video that was composited in during post. [10:04] <nhaines> lotuspsychje: not necessarily. [10:05] <popey> looks more like a sequence of screenshots animated together in post [10:05] <lotuspsychje> popey: i also think its animated [10:05] <nhaines> popey: that's technically what videos are. :) [10:05] <nhaines> That would be pretty tedious, though. [10:05] <popey> le sigh [10:06] <popey> not really. [10:06] <nhaines> Oh well, with luck, mirscreencast gets fixed back up again. [10:06] <nhaines> Alternately, Mir gets multidisplay support and can mirror out to a projector. I would accept that as well. :P [10:07] <nhaines> Because at least I can show off the screen during presentations. [10:08] <lotuspsychje> what about the ubuntu touch emulator and record from pc? [10:08] <nhaines> I've never fond the emulator to be usable. [10:09] <lotuspsychje> didnt test myself, but i bet you can record the area with kazam around the virtual device [10:10] <lotuspsychje> and set a blue dot as mouse pointer on the pc :p [10:16] <Saviq> davmor2, mzanetti's out for Easter until Tue [10:17] <davmor2> Saviq: oh well [11:11] <rickspencer3> all the phoneception posts this morning on G+ were hilarious [11:28] <mcphail> Does anyone else find the date/time picker spinny-things a bit sensitive? [11:55] <mota_> does anyone now if the latest image is working on bq aquaris ? [12:26] <CereS2009> whats the difference between /ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed/mako and ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/mako/ [12:27] <popey> nothing I think. [12:28] <CereS2009> popey: thx [12:28] <popey> np [12:29] <CereS2009> was wondering because everything except audio, video and mobile network is working, and searching for the mistake i'm making.. [12:29] <Tassadar> when next ubuntu comes, vivid-proposed will stay on the old version whil devel-proposed will always be the version that's currently in development [12:30] <CereS2009> tassadar: ah i see [12:31] <Se7> hello [12:32] <CereS2009> is there anything i need to install or flash later, when i want to use audio/video? [12:33] <CereS2009> eg ubuntu tells me "The phone is in silent Mode" and i can't change anything on the volume sliders [12:50] <mr_november> Hi, not sure if this is the right channel. I have ubuntu touch on my nexus 4 and I want to back up all my local data like SMS and photographs [12:51] <mr_november> Photographs can be copied easily but what about SMS? Is there a way to export them into a friendly format? [12:52] <bjoern__> Hi guys... Could anyone help by resolving this boot issue on Ubuntu touch ??? [12:52] <popey> mr_november: pretty sure they're in a database somewhere in your home directory [12:52] <rbasak> mr_november: SMS are stored in ~/.local/share/history-service/history.sqlite if that helps. No idea if it's safe to restore just by replacing that file though. Probably not. [12:52] <popey> there we go :) [12:53] <ogra_> bjoern__, [12:53] <mr_november> rbasak, thanks! [12:55] <bjoern__> @ ogra: As you can see in my post, I have tried to use this method to recover my mobile phone [12:56] <ogra_> and the device was clearly in the bootloader ? [12:56] <bjoern__> Yes... I have chosen "fastboot" and then ubuntu-device-flash starts to flash the image... [12:57] <bjoern__> Or have i missed something ? [12:57] <ogra_> bjoern__, you could try to flash recovery.img manually first [12:57] <ogra_> put it back into bootloader mode ... [12:57] <bjoern__> This is what I have tried at next... [12:57] <bjoern__> No success [12:57] <ogra_> sudo fastboot flash recover /path/to/ [12:57] <ogra_> sudo fastboot reboot [12:57] <bjoern__> Ok... [12:57] <bjoern__> Just a moment [12:58] <ogra_> *recovery ... and *.img [12:58] <ogra_> (sorry, my kbd is rather broken) [12:58] <bjoern__> No prob [12:59] <bjoern__> < waiting for device > [12:59] <bjoern__> sending 'recover' (8394 KB)... [12:59] <bjoern__> OKAY [ 0.338s] [12:59] <bjoern__> writing 'recover'... [12:59] <bjoern__> FAILED (remote: partition table doesn't exist) [12:59] <ogra_> oh, and you probably want sudo fastboot reboot-bootloader ... so you can select recovery right after [12:59] <bjoern__> finished. total time: 0.343s [12:59] <mr_november> rbasak, maybe I can export a csv from the sqlite file [12:59] <ogra_> john-mcaleely, ^^^^^ EEEK ! [12:59] <rbasak> mr_november: sure - the tables are pretty readable. [12:59] <ogra_> bjoern__, oh, wait ... recovery ... not recover [12:59] <bjoern__> :-) [12:59] <bjoern__> Mom [13:00] <rbasak> mr_november: but no point backing up unless you know how to restore. [13:00] <mr_november> Yeah [13:01] <Se7> it s a recognised problem that the mms doesn t work ? [13:01] <bjoern__> @ ogra: ok, I have done a "sudo fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" + "sudo fastboot reboot-bootloader" [13:01] <CereS2009> i got no audio on my nexus 4 (devel-proposed), "The phone is in silent Mode" . [13:02] <ogra_> Se7, no, but you might need to set up an APN in the cellular settings, some providers require that [13:02] <bjoern__> Now device is in state "=> fastboot mode" [13:02] <Se7> i did ogra_ :( [13:02] <ogra_> bjoern__, switch to recovery [13:02] <ogra_> and laet it boot [13:02] <ogra_> (into the recovery mode) [13:02] <bjoern__> There is no option "recovery"... only "fastboot [13:02] <john-mcaleely> ogra_, ENOTENOUGHCONTEXT [13:02] <CereS2009> now i searched some logs and found in tone-generator log ausrv: server connection failure: COnnection refused Trying to connect to default Pulseaudio [13:03] <ogra_> john-mcaleely, another messed up device [13:03] <mr_november> rbasak, does that sqlite only have sms data? [13:03] <ogra_> bjoern__, hmm, i clearly have three options to select from in bootloader mode [13:03] <ogra_> fastboot, normal and recovery [13:04] <john-mcaleely> ogra_, and what was the immediate cause of messup? [13:04] <ogra_> john-mcaleely, no idea, ask bjoern__ [13:04] <bjoern__> Yes, normally I have them, too... But with "sudo fastboot reboot-bootloader" things seem to be a little bit different [13:04] <ogra_> :) [13:04] <ogra_> well, then use the key combo you usually use [13:04] <john-mcaleely> bjoern__, for my information, what was happening before your device went awol? (ie what might have caused it) [13:04] <ogra_> you want to boot into the new recover.img that you just flashed ... [13:05] <bjoern__> Yes... The shit happens as I changed language settings... from german to english... [13:05] * ogra_ wonders whats up with the y key ... usually it is g that is broken on this kbd [13:05] <bjoern__> Device wants a reboot and crashes [13:05] <ogra_> bjoern__, that is definitely worth a bug report [13:06] <bjoern__> I think, too.... Thats why I have opened a question at AskUbuntu... Is there a better place to report this bug ??? [13:06] <ogra_> see the channel topic "bugs filing" [13:06] <bjoern__> Ok.. Thanks... [13:07] <bjoern__> I have rebootet my device with "Vol up + power" and chosed RECOVERY... Now I see a big Ubuntu logo [13:07] <ogra_> bjoern__, once you arein the new recovery, check that you can use "adb shell" [13:08] <bjoern__> ogra: How I could see, that I am in recovery mode ??? [13:08] <ogra_> the ubuntu logo is a good indicator :) [13:08] <ogra_> can you adb shell ? [13:08] <bjoern__> While displaying big Ubuntu Logo, adb devices says "no devices found" [13:08] <ogra_> hmm... [13:09] <ogra_> adb kill-server; sudo adb devices [13:09] <bjoern__> Ok, it now shows BQ boot logo [13:09] <ogra_> try that line [13:09] <ogra_> oh, was the logo you saw spinning ? [13:09] <bjoern__> Yes, now a little ubuntu logo spins... [13:09] <ogra_> then it was actually flashing something [13:09] <ogra_> yeah, seems you are recovered :) [13:09] <bjoern__> This is the same effect since devices has crashed [13:09] <bjoern__> How log does is take ?? [13:10] <ogra_> if you see the small ubuntu logo after the bq one ... max 30sec [13:10] <ogra_> then you should see a session again [13:10] <bjoern__> Nope... still turning... [13:10] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: ping [13:10] <bjoern__> This night, it turns > 8 hours [13:11] <ogra_> hmm [13:12] <bjoern__> turning.... [13:12] <ogra_> bjoern__, so try to get back into recovery [13:12] <bjoern__> Ok [13:12] <bjoern__> Mom [13:12] <ogra_> you didnt actually flash it yet, that was a cached OTA [13:13] <ogra_> (i had just hoped it would get your back in line) [13:13] <bjoern__> Ok, display shows "recovery, fastboot, normal" [13:13] <ogra_> pick recovery [13:13] <bjoern__> ok [13:13] <bjoern__> BQ logo [13:13] <ogra_> check that adb shell works [13:14] <bjoern__> Big Ubuntu logo [13:14] <ogra_> good [13:14] <ogra_> not spinning i hope :) [13:14] <bjoern__> adb shell does not work  adb kill-server; sudo adb devices [13:14] <ogra_> try that [13:14] <bjoern__> $ adb kill-server; sudo adb devices [13:14] <bjoern__> * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * [13:14] <bjoern__> * daemon started successfully * [13:14] <bjoern__> List of devices attached [13:14] <bjoern__> No device [13:14] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: pong [13:14] <bjoern__> Still BIG logo [13:15] <ogra_> hmm, then you need to flash the recovery.img again [13:15] <ogra_> the OTA overwrote the open one [13:15] <bjoern__> Ok, i will try it with your manual command line [13:15] <bjoern__> BQ logo [13:16] <bjoern__> THIS is different [13:16] <bjoern__> small logo [13:16] <rsalveti> ev: so my problem (back to the original question) is that the user reported that something crashed on his phone, and he got a crash file under /var/crash that got upload (had the uploaded stamp), but then how to find out that exact crash in do we have any crash id that we can use in order to find an specific crash file that got uploaded [13:18] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: I found another parameter to be set. [13:18] <peat-psuwit> [13:19] <ogra_> rsalveti, the whoopsie log on the device has a UUID by which you can search [13:19] <ogra_> i never understood why we dotn expose that anywheer else but in the log [13:19] <peat-psuwit> I hacked pulseaudio to make that call now, but still no voice. [13:20] <peat-psuwit> Is it possible to expose audio HAL's set_parameters in pulseaudio outside? [13:22] <popey> tedg: you about? we have a question for you in #ubuntu-touch-meeting if you are [13:22] <tedg> popey, Sure, what's up? [13:22] <popey> can you join ? [13:27] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: interesting [13:28] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: it's exposed via stream parameters if I recall correctly [13:28] <rsalveti> let me check [13:29] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: for example [13:29] <rsalveti> you can set properties via pactl as well when testing [13:30] <rsalveti> but even after setting that it didn't really work for you, so we first need to find out the right properties for your device [13:30] <ogra_> bjoern__, just FYI, i just switched my phone from german to en_US and dont get any boot problem [13:32] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: I think those vsid calls need to be made inside pulseaudio, because I think parameters is kept locally inside audio HAL. [13:33] <rsalveti> ogra_: bjoern__: you could also just use 'fastboot boot recovery.img' [13:33] <rsalveti> then flash with ubuntu-device-flash [13:33] <rsalveti> no need to reflash recovery [13:33] <peat-psuwit> That's why I ask if set_parameters can be exposed [13:33] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: right, you could use the sink parameters as I pasted you for testing [13:33] <ogra_> rsalveti, yeah, i was just wondering if just doing a factory reset from the recovery menu might not be enough [13:34] <bjoern__> @ ogra: ok, I will try this.. [13:34] <ogra_> bjoern__, probably try this first [13:35] <ogra_> might be enough [13:35] <bjoern__> Ok [13:35] <bjoern__> Thanks a lot... I will try... [13:37] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: I have to change proplist for sink, right? [13:37] <bjoern__> @ ogra: Problem here: Cause my recovery mode isn't working, I have no option "wipe all data" [13:38] <bjoern__> But probably a "sudo fastboot -w" will help ? [13:38] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: yeah [13:39] <rsalveti> there is a pa_log_debug in that function, you can see if it worked or not by checking your syslog (if you enabled debug in pulseaudio) [13:39] <rsalveti> sudo sed -i 's/--start/--start --log-level=debug/g' /usr/share/upstart/sessions/pulseaudio.conf [13:39] <rsalveti> if not yet, but would need to restart the job [13:40] <ogra_> bjoern__, once you are in recovery and see the big ubuntu logo you need to "unhide" the menu [13:41] <ogra_> by pressing power [13:41] <ogra_> (i think) [13:41] <ogra_> that should give you a big menu [13:41] <ogra_> i wouldnt play with fastboot -w ... thats an android thing and might cause damage [13:42] <bjoern__> Ok [13:43] <bjoern__> Oh man !!! Unhiding the menu works... I am happy... [13:43] <ogra_> :) [13:43] <ogra_> try a factory reset now [13:43] <bjoern__> ...wiping... [13:45] <bjoern__> Rebooting [13:45] <bjoern__> *bibber* [13:45] <bjoern__> small ubuntu logo [13:46] <bjoern__> Huuuuurraaaa !!!! [13:46] <bjoern__> Es lebt ! [13:46] <bjoern__> Uhhmmm.... device is still alive [13:46] <ogra_> supi :) [13:46] <bjoern__> Many thanks Oliver !!! [13:47] <ogra_> welcome ... i still wonder why/how you got there ... [13:47] <bjoern__> Oh, I will write this down in my personal WIKI [13:47] <bjoern__> Well... I could try to reproduce this... [13:47] <ogra_> just switching langs doesnt seem to trigger it for me [13:47] <bjoern__> Hmmm... [13:47] <bjoern__> Probably I could reproduce the steps... [13:47] <bjoern__> I will try [13:48] <bjoern__> Upps... My touch screen is not working... Oh... I am in recovery image mode... ?? [13:49] <bjoern__> adb is not working... [13:49] <bjoern__> I will try to flash the stock rom image [13:53] <dobey> zsombi: hi. do you know if there is a change in uitk in vivid that would have fixed bug #1438419? and could we perhaps get it backported to RTM if so? [13:54] <bjoern__> @ ogra: This worked for me... back in business... :-) Thanks a lot ! [13:54] <dobey> pmcgowan: ^^ think maybe we could get that on target for next OTA if we're going to stick on RTM for it? [13:56] <ogra_> bjoern__, enjoy :) [13:57] <pmcgowan> dobey, hopefully we go to vivid next [13:58] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: doesn't seems to work. Different function in audio HAL is called (is out_set_parameters, should be adev_set_parameters) [14:04] <ev> ogra_, rsalveti: the normal way of finding these is by looking up the system identifier, then pulling up the page of all the crashes for a system under errors.u.c. The phone preferences should have UI for this [14:04] <dobey> pmcgowan: i guess it would be fine to target it for the next ota then still, since vivid already fixes it. so either we end up with vivid, and just mark it as fixed at that point, or we also fix it in rtm and have it in the next OTA as well? [14:04] <ev> the reason to do it this way is that local crashes are deleted, whereas on the error tracker they persist forever [14:05] <ev> you can then click down to an individual error report and then "up" to a bucket (problem set) of those errors [14:05] <ev> where you'll see the full retraced crash [14:05] <ogra_> you mean the "show all former reports" function that fires up the browser ? [14:05] <pmcgowan> dobey, once I make a new ota tag we can collect such bugs so we dont forget, but I really expect vivid is the next release after next week [14:06] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: oh, right =\ [14:06] <dobey> well hopefully it's stable then :) [14:06] <rsalveti> need to export something for adev_set_parameters then [14:07] <ogra_> ev, do you mean the function that opens the website ? [14:07] <ev> yeah [14:07] <rsalveti> ev: but is there some sort of unique identifier for a device? [14:07] <ev> though that was the quick and dirty version [14:07] <rsalveti> like I wanted to check the upload for that specific user [14:07] <ev> there's spec for displaying them inline [14:07] <ogra_> ev, thats only a list of UUIDs ... [14:07] <ev> rsalveti: yes, I'll get you the command [14:07] <ogra_> ev, how would i map it to a specific issue [14:07] <ev> -ETOOMANYQUESTIONS :) [14:08] <ogra_> without grepping in the whoopsie log (where it is actually showing the relation between crash file and UUID) [14:08] <ev> rsalveti: gdbus call -y -d com.ubuntu.WhoopsiePreferences -o /com/ubuntu/WhoopsiePreferences -m com.ubuntu.WhoopsiePreferences.GetIdentifier [14:09] <ev> ogra_: the UUIDs are identifiers for the crashes (OOPS IDs) [14:09] <ogra_> ev, right ... [14:09] <rsalveti> hm, need to call as root on the device [14:09] <ev> crashes are bucketed together into problems, where a retrace of a single crash will be represented [14:09] <ogra_> [12:55:58] Reported OOPS ID d5e75c50-d926-11e4-9261-fa163e4ccdf2 [14:09] <ogra_> [12:56:00] Parsing /var/crash/_usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_url-dispatcher_url-dispatcher.32011.crash. [14:09] <ogra_> this is the relation i mean [14:10] <ev> so you can go from system ID 1->M set of crashes M->M problems [14:10] <ogra_> the only place wheer i can get that info is the logfile currently [14:10] <ev> no, you can get it from the website if you know the system ID [14:10] <ogra_> without having to crawl throuh 150 UUIDs on the website for my device [14:10] <ev> for any crashes that have been uploaded [14:10] <ev> ah [14:10] <ev> there is that :) [14:10] <ev> but hey, there's a RESTful API [14:11] <jgdx> pete-woods, hi, did tests pass using the proposed dbusmock branch? [14:11] <ogra_> also, someone really needs to talk to design so that site gets a mobile CSS [14:11] <ev> ogra_: you could do that :). Seriously, errors and daisy are UE owned products [14:12] <ogra_> i might :) [14:12] <ev> I'd rather not just turf everyone to bdmurray, who has zero help on it these days [14:12] <ogra_> but i think it is a general prob [14:12] <greyback_> . [14:12] <ogra_> LP isnt much better ;) [14:12] <jgdx> thostr_, USS seems to work well using silo 6. APIs work, the wifi screen works. [14:12] <ev> ogra_: if a mobile CSS for launchpad is important to your team, come to the LP stakeholder meeting :D [14:13] <ogra_> ev, well, it isnt *important* ... i thihnk it simply looks super un-professional that we are now a mobile OS distributor but none of our tools even remotely manages to be shown on mobile devices [14:13] <thostr_> jgdx: great, thanks! [14:14] <ogra_> i mean, i dont want to do code reviews on my phone ... but something as basic as opening a bug report from a mail shouldnt leave me with a broken looking website :) [14:14] <ogra_> and i dont think it is UEs job ... not even for errors.u.c [14:21] <dobey> pmcgowan: oh, if the ota is next week instead of this one, could we maybe get it in for ww13-ota if the uitk team can get the fix backported/landed by monday? [14:25] <pmcgowan> dobey, if we knew the fix we could [14:25] <tsdgeos> dandrader: is the change from 350ms to 1sec wanted? [14:27] <ogra_> dobey, half of europe has holidays tomorrow and on mon .. [14:27] <dobey> pmcgowan: well it seems to be fixed in vivid already, so i guess it should be relatively easy for someone who knows the code to be able to discern what fixed it, from a diff between rtm and vivid, of the toolkit. i don't know if anyone's around that can do that though [14:27] <dandrader> tsdgeos, yes, but I could make it a bit smaller, like 600ms. this is just a fallback case in case some item takes too long to make a decision, which should not happen in the first place [14:27] <dobey> ogra_: i know :( [14:27] <dobey> ogra_: some places have today too [14:28] <ogra_> not sure how the SDK team is spread across "easter countries" though [14:28] <dandrader> tsdgeos, but if the value is too low it might interfere with valid cases [14:28] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: Does pulseaudio's card have proplist? [14:28] <dobey> yeah [14:28] <tsdgeos> dandrader: ok [14:28] <tsdgeos> dandrader: you tricked me into acepting a huge review :D [14:31] <rsalveti> peat-psuwit: the function is exported but not connected via a proplist yet [14:31] <rsalveti> u->stream_out->common.set_parameters(&u->stream_out->common, tmp); [14:31] <rsalveti> that is what is used by the sink [14:31] <rsalveti> would need to use u->card_data->set_parameters instead [14:31] <rsalveti> or enable a proplist for a card in pulse itself, but not sure if that is exists in there [14:32] <rsalveti> yeah, there is a way to set a property for a card itself, would just need to hook a similar function as done for sink [14:32] <rsalveti> so it could use adev_set_parameters for it [14:32] <rsalveti> something that needs to be added [14:58] <Riddell> eah [14:58] <Riddell> doh [14:58] <ogra_> ouh ? [15:13] <studio_> hi [15:14] <pete-woods> jgdx: sorry, haven't had the chance yet [15:14] <pete-woods> will check now [15:15] <studio_> dobey, thanks for the hint last time with the kernel, it was not updated :) [15:18] <studio_> but, zcat /proc/config.gz is different to my ~/aquaris-E4.5/mediatek/config/krillin/autoconfig/kconfig/project [15:19] <pete-woods> jgdx: some of the tests fail on your branch [15:19] <pete-woods> it's probably a python2/3 thing [15:19] <pete-woods> the debuild runs under both versions of python [15:22] <pete-woods> jgdx: [15:22] <pete-woods> that patch fixes it [15:23] <dobey> studio_: the kernel is part of the system image. if you upgrade the system image, whatever custom kernel you might have installed, will be replaced. i don't know why the config is different if it's actually running the one you built. [15:23] <dobey> anyway it is my lunch time [15:25] <pete-woods> jgdx: and I can now confirm that my integration tests still pass afterwards [15:28] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: Does pulseaudio have a proplist hook for card? [15:30] <studio_> dobey, no, after the update today (about 65mb) cat /proc/version still shows "Linux version 3.4.67 (xxx@yyy) (gcc version 4.7.3 (Linaro GCC 4.7-2014.01) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Mar 29 13:29:55 CEST 2015 1.2.1_20140721-0600" [15:30] <studio_> xxx is my username and yyy my computer [16:15] <jgdx> pete-woods, aah, thank you [16:16] <AlanBell> do we really think bug 1439640 is Gnome's problem to fix? [16:22] <mr_november> What could be the reasons for the SDK to not be able to detect my ubuntu device? A nexus 4 [16:23] <bzoltan> mr_november: The developer mode should be enabled inthe Settings [16:24] <mr_november> It is enabled [16:24] <jgdx> mr_november, sdk not from ppa perhaps? [16:24] <mr_november> I used the instructions on the ubuntu developer website [16:25] <bzoltan> mr_november: do you see the device with adb devices list? [16:25] <mcphail> mr_november: is the screen unlocked? [16:25] <mr_november> Yes to both [16:27] <mr_november> When I connect the USB the QT creator screen jumps to device screen and it just keeps fluctuating in the log. Like it shows the device for a second and then shows 'detecting device' again [16:27] <bzoltan> mr_november: are you on Trusty? [16:27] <dobey> usb cable is loose/bad ? [16:28] <mr_november> on precise. Elementary luna [16:28] <bzoltan> mr_november: or what dobey said, I have three usb ports on my laptop and I know that one of them is not good for device connection. Hack knows why [16:28] <mr_november> The cable seems to be good. I can push using adb [16:28] <AlanBell> seb128: I should go bug gnome about .click support in filezilla?? [16:29] <AlanBell> s/filezilla/file-roller/ [16:31] <ogra_> AlanBell, well, the file command clearly recognizes it properly [16:33] <ogra_> so it is clearly a file-roller bug [16:33] <seb128> AlanBell, would be good yes [16:33] <seb128> the click mimetype says it's a subtype from deb [16:33] <seb128> which is subtype from ar [16:33] <seb128> file-roller also opens debs fine [16:34] <seb128> unsure why it doesn't open clicks [16:34] <ogra_> microsoftitis , it is reading the filename suffix ;) [16:57] <mcphail> Is it possible for the Website: and Contact: links in the Ubuntu store to work as hyperlinks and open browser/dekko? [16:58] <ogra_> it is software ... sure thats possible ... :) [16:58] <kenvandine> smop [16:58] <kenvandine> :) [16:58] <ogra_> (if it is wanted, i dont know :) [16:59] <mcphail> ogra_: wasn't sure if there was an equivalent of android intents, for example [16:59] <ogra_> we dont have a mailto: handler installed by default though ... [17:00] <ogra_> (i think, not sure the gmail webapp brings one) [17:00] <mcphail> ogra_: i suppose there isn't a core email app [17:00] <AlanBell> fair enough, I will file a gnome bug later if nobody else does :) [17:00] <ogra_> mcphail, i guess dekko might become that ... [17:00] <ogra_> for now there is only the gmail webapp [17:00] <mcphail> ogra_: would be nice [17:01] <ogra_> yep [17:01] <DanChapman> dekko is registered to handle mailto's if you have it installed [17:01] <ogra_> yeah [17:01] * ogra_ knows that ... [17:02] <ogra_> my prob is that i dont know the virgin state :) [17:02] <ogra_> all my devices get dekko installed first thing after flashing ;) [17:03] <DanChapman> ogra_ so when i see my download rate increasing, I can just assume you've reflashed your phones ;p [17:03] <ogra_> lool, nah, i only have two active usually .. [17:03] <ogra_> and my bq never gets re-flashed [17:03] <popey> mcphail: known bug [17:04] <popey> [17:04] * DanChapman is interested to find out what will happen when another app also register's to handle mailto's [17:04] <mcphail> popey: the links in the ubuntu store aren't clickable at all [17:05] <popey> ya [17:05] <popey> thats that bug [17:05] <popey> unless I'm missing something [17:06] <mcphail> popey: no - it was just a compound bug and I just read the end bit :) [17:06] <popey> heh [17:06] <popey> \o/ [17:07] * mcphail clicks "yes this bug affects me" [17:23] <AlanBell> given that is pull request #1 I am fairly confident that this isn't the way to fix gnome stuff seb128 ogra_ can you point me in the right direction? [17:26] <alesage> might need a bit of hand-holding with this first SDK deploy, finding that the 'build and install application on device' items are greyed out, have set up a kit for this krillin, am a n00b halp [17:26] <bzoltan> alesage: I am here for you :) [17:27] <alesage> great :) [17:28] <bzoltan> alesage: the "build and install app on device" is grey because you have the Desktop Kit selected ... [17:28] <bzoltan> alesage: and/or you do not have a device connected or emulator started [17:28] <alesage> bzoltan, yes, seeing that now, added the device kit [17:29] <alesage> (device connected) will update if blocked again thx bzoltan [17:29] <bzoltan> alesage: what kit you created on the first start? ubuntu-sdk-14.10-armhf or 15.04 is what you need [17:29] <alesage> bzoltan, I'm 14.10 armhf for the moment [17:30] <bzoltan> alesage: If i do not respond, just leave me message here... I am in GMT+2 zone :) [17:30] <alesage> bzoltan, thank you sir [17:30] <bzoltan> alesage: 14.10 is fine if you are happy with cmake, if you want qmake, you want to use 15.04 chroot [17:31] <bzoltan> alesage: and if you need a little bit of context about the QtCreator and Kits, here is a reading - [17:32] <alesage> bzoltan, documentation too :) thx [17:37] <popey> pmcgowan: filed bug 1439795 because others have reported it to me, so I just tried to reproduce and did. It's quite frustrating. [17:38] <popey> pmcgowan: I think perhaps the application calling content-hub (in this case webbrowser) should be excluded from app lifecycle perhaps. [17:38] * popey goes out for the weekend, ttfn :) [17:39] <seb128> AlanBell, and, GNOME doesn't use pull requests but just format-patch diff attached to bugs [17:40] <pmcgowan> popey, ack [17:53] <x85> i have an intel based x86 tablet running android and looking at the wiki there seems to be support for x86 slabs but what does (emulation) does it mean that it runs on top of android? [17:54] <ogra_> no [17:55] <ogra_> a very small android container runs on top of ubuntu ... to make the binary drivers work [18:04] <Talustus> ogra_ any idea why my ubuntu rootfs just reboots when using your unlocked adbd? [18:04] <Talustus> thats with the "current" from cdimage.* [18:04] <Talustus> as soon as i insert the cable device reboots [18:05] <x85> this is the device I'm intending to run it on [18:05] <mdolezel> getting x86 tablet with windows is better option right for installing ubuntu desktop next ? [18:06] <mdolezel> (thinking about lenovo miix 3 8" ) [18:08] <dobey> x85: the i386 image in the image server is for the emulator, not a device [18:09] <dobey> x85: you will need to get an image built for that device with the right kernel/drivers then, i presume [18:09] <ogra_> Talustus, no, no idea, doesnt sound like something that th adbd binary could cause though ... more like something with the kernel or gadget driver [18:09] <Talustus> hm when using older rootfs it doesnt happen ogra_ [18:09] <ogra_> older as in ? [18:10] <ogra_> a week older ? [18:10] <ogra_> a day older ? [18:10] <Talustus> i followed the porting guide for allowing adb wqhen screen does not come on [18:10] <Talustus> hm maybe its from past a month i'm not 100% sure [18:10] <ogra_> well, that should be fine, i just wanted to make sure its not a fw releases or some such :) [18:11] <ogra_> *few [18:11] <Talustus> when using the stock rootfs i can not get adb shell, then i used the way described on the porting guide [18:11] <Talustus> all is fine until i plug the cable in [18:11] <Talustus> then device reboots [18:11] <ogra_> and that doesnt happen when you don replace adbd ? [18:12] <ogra_> *don't [18:14] <Talustus> no [18:14] <Talustus> if i use the stock rootfs and plug in the cable "lsusb" shows me my connected samsung device but no adb [18:14] <ogra_> can you boot into recovery and get into adb ? [18:14] <Talustus> i already checked permissions and owner ship of the replaced adbd bin [18:14] <Talustus> yes in recovery adb works [18:15] <Talustus> and on older rootfs it works as well [18:15] <ogra_> good ... try touching /data/.adb_onlock [18:15] <Talustus> i guess the older rootfs does not have the security thingie with screen on [18:15] <ogra_> or /userdata/.adb_onlock [18:15] <mdolezel> does anyone know if lenovo miix3 has 64bit efi? [18:15] <ogra_> with the default adbd [18:16] * ogra_ has to go now ... [18:16] <Talustus> ok [18:16] * ogra_ & [18:16] <popey> have a great weekend ogra_ [18:16] <Talustus> will try that [19:58] <Dragonkeeper> hey guys [20:03] <Dragonkeeper> can i install dhcpd on UT [20:03] <Dragonkeeper> trying to reverse tether android [20:05] <genii> I think you'd want dhclient then [20:06] <Dragonkeeper> client ? UT would be server [20:08] <genii> Reverse tether is when the phone uses the computer's connection. For that the computer usually gives the phone an IP [20:09] <Dragonkeeper> yeah and UT in this case would be the pc [20:10] <Dragonkeeper> to reverse tether android UT needs a server to issue ip via dhcp [20:11] <dobey> you are trying to tether over usb? [20:11] <Dragonkeeper> yh [20:11] <dobey> does android not support its own usb tethering stuff with rndis? [20:12] <dobey> just "android-gadget-service enable rndis" should enable tethering over usb [20:12] <Dragonkeeper> ok let me try that again [20:13] <dobey> or are you trying to use an OTG ethernet adapter over the usb? [20:14] <Dragonkeeper> otg cable + usb / phones on either end [20:14] <Dragonkeeper> android-gadget-service isnt a command on android [20:14] <dobey> no, you run that on the ubuntu phone [20:15] <Dragonkeeper> oh [20:15] <dobey> which enables tethering through it over usb [20:15] <dobey> (but it disables mtp, as only one of mtp or rndis can be enabled at once) [20:15] <dobey> then i guess the android phone should see that and be able to do network through that [20:17] <Dragonkeeper> dobey: ok thats what i did wrong, but how does android reverse tether get enabled [20:17] <dobey> i have no idea how to use android itself [20:17] <dobey> for all i know you might not even be able to do that [20:18] <Dragonkeeper> xD okay ill play with it some more thanks [20:22] <studio_> back [20:25] <studio_> who's is taking responsibility for the bq kernel, bq , mtk, or canonical? [20:33] <studio_> john-mcaleely, are you still there? if yes, i compared the "project" (from the git / master) and "config" from today. kernel-configs are different. who made that? [20:44] <studio_> any bq ubuntu-touch user here? [20:49] <brunch875> me! [20:50] <studio_> brunch875, can you help with the bq kernel? [20:50] <brunch875> sure! [20:50] <brunch875> does it involve breaking my phone? [20:50] <studio_> sure? [20:51] <studio_> how to enable nfsd/cifs/v4l? [20:51] <brunch875> oh I thought you wanted me to bombast my phone [20:51] <brunch875> I have no idea [20:52] <studio_> ok, first, how to enable nfsd? [20:53] * brunch875 is absolutely clueless [20:54] <studio_> brunch875, have you ever tried to build your own kernel by: "" ? [20:55] <dobey> nfs/cifs are probably disabled [20:55] <brunch875> nope, I haven't fiddled with phone yet [20:55] * kenvandine is quite happy using the kernel that was built by the experts [20:55] <studio_> nfsd, cifs, v4l is disabled, i know [20:55] <kenvandine> i don't think i've built a kernel in 15 years :) [20:56] <dobey> i have, but only to test intel fixes, since apparently i seem to always push the limits of the intel drivers [20:56] <studio_> how enable in the kernel.config? [20:57] <dobey> probably not by editing the .config directly [20:57] <studio_> ok, so diffs will be needed? [20:58] <mcphail> studio_: have you run "make menuconfig"? (no idea if process for building on phone is same as desktop) [20:58] <dobey> you probably need to use the kernel 'make config' or whatever tool, because dependencies on options might exist that you aren't aware of, and such [21:00] <dobey> anyway, time to go [21:00] <studio_> dobey, i never used 'make config' in a BS before. where and how do i have to use that command in the BS? [21:00] <dobey> in a what? [21:00] <dobey> make menuconfig is probably better [21:00] <dobey> but i have to go, so i can't help you [21:01] <studio_> BS = Build System [21:01] <dobey> you just run that command in the kernel tree [21:01] <dobey> "make menuconfig" [21:01] <dobey> anyway, bye [21:09] <studio_> mcphail, any idea in what folder to make "make menuconfig"? [21:15] <Dragonkeeper> studio_: make menuconfig is run in the root of the kernel folder [21:23] <Dragonkeeper> if i was using UT 15 instead of UT14.10 would my location via gps only, work ? [21:24] <studio_> Dragonkeeper, what folder is the "root of the kernel folder"? [21:25] <studio_> "~/aquaris-E4.5/mediatek/kernel" is not working with "make menuconfig" [21:26] <Dragonkeeper> try just aquaris-E4.5/kernel/ [21:28] <studio_> also not working [21:29] <Dragonkeeper> sec [21:29] <studio_> "/kernel/../mediatek/build/Makefile:13: *** TARGET_PRODUCT/PROJECT is not set." [21:35] <studio_> Dragonkeeper, i also asked in #armlinux. maybe have to wait till matthias_bgg is online ... [21:37] <studio_> ok, enough for today. thanks for helping :) [21:37] <studio_> bye all [21:37] <Dragonkeeper> maybe u need to add kernel as part of the ubuntu enviroment instead of standalone [21:50] <Giordano> salve, qui si può chiedere aiuto per ubuntu ontouch ? [21:52] <Se7> ciao giordano [21:52] <Se7> credo che si parli solo inglese [21:53] <Se7> ;) [21:53] <Se7> se e' una cosa facile provo ad aiutarti [21:54] <Se7> se non parli inglese posso fare la domanda per te [21:54] <Se7> Giordano?? [21:55] <Se7> lol [22:36] <Giordano> aiuto [22:37] <Giordano> Si parla italiano? [22:47] <Dragonkeeper> whos the guy from here that made dekko ? [22:47] <cwayne> Dragonkeeper, DanChapman [22:48] <Dragonkeeper> DanChapman: any plans for pop3 support ? :( [22:51] <Dragonkeeper> o.o [22:51] * cyphermox sighs [23:23] <Dragonkeeper> if i was using UT 15 instead of UT14.10 would my location, via gps only, work ?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AlanBell", "CereS2009", "DanChapman", "Dragonkeeper", "Giordano", "JamesTait", "Mirv", "RAOF", "Riddell", "Saviq", "Se7", "Talustus", "Tassadar", "alesage", "bjoern__", "brunch875", "bzoltan", "cwayne", "cyphermox", "dandrader", "davmor2", "dobey", "ev", "genii", "greyback_", "jgdx", "john-mcaleely", "juzzlin", "kenvandine", "lotuspsychje", "mcphail", "mdolezel", "meretrix", "mota_", "mr_november", "nhaines", "ogra_", "peat-psuwit", "pete-woods", "pmcgowan", "popey", "rbasak", "rickspencer3", "rsalveti", "seb128", "studio_", "sturmflut", "sturmflut_", "tedg", "thostr_", "tsdgeos", "x85" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[08:39] <duflu> alan_g: Is Jenkins usually present or need to be requested on devel-mir-next? Seems it was present on one proposal but not the other [08:40] <alan_g> duflu: it isn't set up for devel-mir-next [08:40] <alan_g> maybe it ought to be [08:41] <duflu> alan_g: Might be handy, but the process is already pretty indirect. Jenkins will always be gatekeeper in the end as things eventually get proposed to lp:qtmir [08:41] <duflu> In the branches prior to that, less important [08:49] <duflu> greyback_: Hey did U8/QtMir get its own screencasting tool? [08:50] <greyback_> duflu: qt has it built-in [08:51] <duflu> greyback_: Handy. Got a bin name? [08:53] <greyback_> duflu: is the method, is platform dependent. It's not a standalone tool tho. [08:54] <duflu> greyback_: Kay nevermind. Just noticed the output format of mirscreencast has changed and I thought that might be to support some tool/script that can use it [08:55] <greyback_> duflu: of that I've no idea. It wasn't done for Qt's sake anyway [08:55] <duflu> The new format is theoretically less awkward but I don't know any mplayer/vlc incantation that can use it [08:56] <duflu> Unlike the old format [08:58] <duflu> greyback_: In other news, I've been playing with input resampling again, on the client side this time. Seems there's reasonable gain to be had if you implement app-specific resampling. If Qt has this, we should try it [08:59] <greyback_> duflu: qt has it's own input resampling indeed [09:00] <duflu> greyback_: Great. But if it's not turned on then turning off Mir's would be bad [09:00] <greyback_> but as unity8 written in qt, it means unity8 will be doing the resampling [09:00] <greyback_> it's turned on by default I believe (I don't think it can be turned off actually...) [09:01] <duflu> greyback_: Oh, so it just didn't exist back when Mir got resampling? [09:01] <greyback_> duflu: correct, it only appeared in qt5.4 [09:01] <duflu> That definitely needs testing then. [09:02] <duflu> greyback_: Oh. It's not in RTM then [09:02] <duflu> Yet [09:02] <greyback_> yeah [09:02] <greyback_> rtm on 5.3 still [09:04] <duflu> greyback_: It's not in the 5.4 release notes... (?) [09:05] <greyback_> hmm, let me check I'm talking out of my ass [09:05] <duflu> afk [09:06] <greyback_> <- there's the commit anyway [09:08] <greyback_> seems it wasn't noteworthy enough to mention in the release notes [09:20] <duflu> greyback_: How do you know that was the 5.4 branch? It was committed before the 5.3 release. [09:21] <greyback_> duflu: it was a guess [09:24] <duflu> Actually committed around the same time as 5.3 released. So probably 5.3 [09:24] <duflu> Probably 5.4 [09:25] <greyback_> duflu: found the branch in the qtdeclarative repo, it landed in 5.4 [09:25] <duflu> greyback_: OK, retesting on a phone now [09:42] <duflu> greyback_: Yeah I think there is some benefit. At least scrolling is smoother than the default 55Hz. But we already knew that was a problem and fixed it in 0.13. Still, I think when Mir gets a client function to toggle resampling it's probably time to default to off [09:52] <greyback> bloody wifi [09:52] <greyback> duflu: what situations would a client want non-sampled input? [09:53] <duflu> greyback: If it can do a better job by virtue of its own multi-layered design (e.g. fingerpaint and coming soon: mir_demo_client_target). [09:54] <duflu> And games no doubt [09:54] <greyback> okies [09:55] <duflu> greyback: Basically anything that can process multiple input events (well) per frame [09:55] <RAOF> Such as Qt :) [10:01] <duflu> RAOF: Isn't it Easter for you already? [13:38] <kgunn> kdub: alf_ worth reading greyback_ and duflu's scrollback ^^ [13:38] <kgunn> drives me crazy, we need to stop saying "that looks better" and measure [13:39] <greyback_> +1 [13:40] <greyback_> QML_NO_TOUCH_COMPRESSION=1 will disable Qt's input "compression" [13:41] <kdub> yeah, it seems its valuable to configure mir's input sampling [13:41] <kdub> and also, +1 to quantified discussions of course [13:43] <alf_> kgunn: +1 for measure, but... there is still the unknown factor of things actually getting to the screen which we don't have a good way to measure, and essentially that is what counts [13:43] <kdub> alf_, I guess thats what that python+lttng stuff was intended to make easier? [13:45] <alf_> kdub: we can get closer with these, but there still may be issues in the display stack/hardware that we don't control [13:45] <tvoss> alf_, not sure we should block on that bit [13:45] <alf_> kdub: bottom line I guess is that "looks/feels better" is a valid, though subjective, metric [13:45] <kdub> alf_, sure, but we won't ever control that, and we have to start measuring somewhere :) [13:45] <alf_> tvoss: not saying that we should [13:46] <tvoss> alf_, if there is a significance difference between what is visible and what the numbers tell us -> big issue [13:46] <tvoss> alf_, kdub is Mir's resampling code instrumented such that we can do measurements on that? [13:47] <kdub> anpok? [13:47] <anpok> hm [13:47] <anpok> the resampling itself has not clear enter exit points afaik [13:47] <anpok> s/not/no [13:47] <tvoss> alf_, kdub I also noticed that we introduced a magic constant 55 Hz there. The original android approach allows the client to pass in the timestamp of the start of the last render pass, which makes a lot more sense [13:48] <tvoss> anpok, I'm pretty sure it has on the client side [13:48] <anpok> tvoss: well there is one point where it starts, to accumulate and another where it will send stuff.. I belive either of the points is missing [13:48] <anpok> but I might be wrong [13:48] <tvoss> not sure I understand that statement [13:49] <tvoss> anpok, mind pointing me to the tests for the resampling? [13:51] <anpok> we only have received_event .. and not event_passed_to_event_delegate [13:51] <anpok> as a trace point
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "RAOF", "alan_g", "alf_", "anpok", "duflu", "greyback", "greyback_", "kdub", "kgunn", "tvoss" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mir" }
[00:05] <Dracokr> 굿모닝 [00:08] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [00:10] <jun__> 오우~ 어제 이걸 안끄고 갔네요... 안녕하세요~ [00:11] <Dracokr> 컴터 밤새 돌리시는건가 ㅎㅎ [00:11] <jun__> 회사 컴은 가끔 재부팅만 해줄뿐...계속 돌립니다 ㅎㅎㅎ [00:11] <Work^Seony> 저도 사무실 컴퓨터는 안꺼요 [00:12] <Work^Seony> 업타임 보통 2달 정도 되는데, 재부팅 하는 이유가 그놈의 웹브라우저들 때문... [00:13] <Dracokr> 전 부팅/업데이트 시간동안 일 안하려고 매일 출근해서 켭니다 ㅋㅋㅋ [00:13] <Dracokr> -_- [00:13] <Work^Seony> 오오 좋은 생각이네요 [00:13] <Dracokr> 이 PC가 오래 버텨줄것 같지도 않고... [00:14] <Dracokr> 그러고보니 서버 리부팅한번 해줘야 하는데....업타임이 1년반이 넘어가고 있... [00:14] <jun__> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ [00:14] <Work^Seony> 서버는 늘 리부팅하기 겁나죠 ㅋ [00:14] <Dracokr> 네 [00:14] <Work^Seony> 저도 지난 주에 큰맘 먹고 방화벽 리붓 했어요 ㅎㅎ [00:15] <Dracokr> 전에 상태가 영 안좋아서 백업용 서버 하나 리부팅했더니...하드가 나가버리질 않나. [00:15] <Work^Seony> 음... 서버면, raid-1 쓰고 계시죠? [00:16] <Dracokr> 아뇨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [00:16] <Work^Seony> 헛 그렇군요 ㅎㅎ [00:18] <Dracokr> 잘 모르는건 상용 서비스에 안쓰는 버릇이 -_- [00:20] <Work^Seony> 음... 그래도 레이드는 상용서비스엔 필수 아닌가요? [00:21] <Work^Seony> 저희는 레이드 컨트롤러 없으면, 소프트웨어 레이드라도 무조건 필수적으로 세팅하거든요... [00:21] <Dracokr> 아 그런가요 [00:21] <Dracokr> 딱히 문제된적이 없어서.. [00:22] <Dracokr> 레이드1이면 미러링으로 하드 두개 동시에 쓰고 읽어서 백업효과 내는 그거죠? [00:22] <Work^Seony> 네 [00:28] <Dracokr> 지금은 백업을 2중으로 하는 걸로 별 문제 없긴 하는데 ...하긴 해야 할지도요 [00:28] <Dracokr> 매일 백업해도 백업과 백업사이의 새 데이터는 날려먹을 수 있으니 [00:29] <Dracokr> 서버 관리할 사람 따로 뽑게 되면 하던가 ㅋㅋㅋ [00:30] <Dracokr> 지금 개발이나 서버 관리까지 전부 혼자 하고 있어서 뭔가 여유가 없네요. [00:30] <Work^Seony> 아... 전부 다 하시면... [00:30] <Work^Seony> 정말 무쟈게 힘드시겠군요... [01:11] <ZNC_autowiz> 피터님~~ ㅎㅎ 안계시는건가 [01:33] <Dracokr> 여기 일본 개발 분위기 좀 아시는 분 있으려나 [01:34] <Dracokr> 일본 회사랑 거래하는데...데이터에 오류있거나 이래저래 문의하면 [01:34] <Dracokr> 3주있다가 답하고, 맨날 답변 내용이 수정하는데 2,3개월 걸린데요. [01:34] <Dracokr> 짜증나 죽겠어요 ㅋ [01:38] <ZNC_autowiz> 프로그램 오류 인가요 데이터 오류 인가요? [01:38] <ZNC_autowiz> 결제 라인이 이상해서 그런가 왜 그렇게 오래 걸린데요?? [01:41] <HolyKnight> ㅋㅋ [04:26] <Dracokr> ZNC_autowiz: 그냥 데이터 오류에요. 상품 가격이 잘못 표기되어 있다거나, 누락된게 있다거나 [04:26] <Dracokr> ZNC_autowiz: 단순해 보이는데 저래요 [04:27] <Dracokr> 어...이거 갑자기 왜 색글이 나가지 [04:27] <Dracokr> 탭 한번 더 눌렀는데 -_- [04:28] <Dracokr> 테스트 [04:29] <Dracokr> ? [04:29] <Dracokr> 얼레...왜 이럴까요 [04:35] <Dracokr> 다른분들에게도 보이는 색인지 저만 그런지 모르겠네 [06:26] <razGon_MINILA> 결정했어요. [06:27] <razGon_MINILA> 컴퓨트 스틱 리눅스 버젼을 사는 것을요.ㅋ [07:38] <razGon_MINILA> 컴퓨트 스틱은 괜찮겟죠? [07:38] <razGon_MINILA> 리눅스 버젼? [07:39] <razGon_MINILA> 베이트레일이 괜찮을거 같아요. [07:39] <samahui_pi> 성능은 베이트레일이 월등한데 가격도 월등하죠 [07:40] <samahui_pi> 라즈베리나 arm라인CPU 들어간 모델에 비해서요 [07:40] <Seony> 라즈베리2 어때요? [07:40] <samahui_pi> 1보다 좋기는해요 [07:41] <Seony> 라즈베리1 써보고, 이게 제가 원하는 목적으로 쓸 수 있는 기계는 아니라는걸 절실히 깨달았거든요.. [07:41] <Seony> vim 띄워도 버벅일 정도라... [07:41] <samahui_pi> 이것도 똑같이 그래요 [07:41] <samahui_pi> 그래도 1보다는 훨 구동이 원활하죠 [07:41] <samahui_pi> 지금도 페이지 띄우고 [07:41] <samahui_pi> viu편집기 돌리면서 채팅도 할 정도는 되니까요 [07:42] <Seony> 사지말아야겠군요.. [07:42] <samahui_pi> 목적없이 사기에는 좀 아쉬운 제품이죠 [07:42] <Seony> 개발용으로 쓸만한 저전력 서버 하나 있었음 싶은데, 맹민희 말고는 대안이 없네요 [07:42] <samahui_pi> 그래도 1보다는 좋아요 [07:42] <samahui_pi> 서버로 돌리기에는 나쁘지 않은데 랜포트가 아직도 100인지라 [07:42] <samahui_pi> 추천은 못드리겠네요 [07:43] <Seony> 저는, 개발용으로도 못쓰겠던데요 [07:43] <samahui_pi> 다만 영화감상에 주로 쓰는 xbmc 사용자라면 추천드릴만해요 [07:44] <samahui_pi> 전 그냥 저냥 쓸만은한거 같아요 2의 경우는요 [07:45] <samahui_pi> 저도 1일때는 정말 답답해서 그냥 동영상 플레이어로만 썼는데 이것도 해상도도 낮고 지원하는 포멧도 한정적이라 그냥 버렸었죠 [07:45] <Seony> 음... 맹민희 양이 저희 집에서 우렁각시로 일하는 중이라 그 아이는 못건드려서, 다른 아이를 하나 들일까 생각 중이에요 [07:45] <samahui_pi> ㅎㅎ;; [07:45] <samahui_pi> 아무도 모르게 열심히 일하고 있군요 맥미니양은 [07:45] <Seony> 안방마님이 티비 키라시면 티비를 켜야하는 몸종이거든요 ㅋ [07:46] <samahui_pi> 전 그냥 구형 TP로 구현해 놨어요 [07:46] <samahui_pi> 저전력에 모니터 키보드 달려있으니 편의성도 높아서 활용도가 좋아요 [07:46] <samahui_pi> 듀얼코어 TP구해서 쓰세요 [07:46] <Seony> 이번에 임플란트하려고 통장에 600만원 보유 중인데, 집세 나가고 임플란트비 내면 없어지는게 슬프네요... [07:47] <samahui_pi> 전 설때 받은 돈 이것저것 질러대다가 지금 반절 남았어요 ㅜㅜ [07:47] <Seony> 와이프가 놋북을 잘 안쓰긴 하는데, 그걸 뺏어오자니 또 간간히 쓰니까 어쩔 수 없고... NAS나 외장하드 둘 중 하나도 사야하고.. [07:47] <samahui_pi> m4800이 가장 타격을 줬죠 [07:47] <Seony> 살게 많네요 ㅎㅎ [07:48] <samahui_pi> 저도 와이프님 갖고계신 QHD+ 노트북 가져다 이래저래 굴리고 싶은데 못해요 [07:48] <samahui_pi> 정말 몇일에 한번 자기 일보던가 아기 물품 구매하러 인터넷 쇼핑할때만 쓰더라고요 [07:48] <Seony> 제 와이프는 레노보 카본 X1 갖고싶어해요 ㅎㅎ [07:48] <samahui_pi> 그래도 손 못대죠 [07:48] <samahui_pi> 카본도 괜찮게 나왔죠 [07:48] <Seony> 인터넷 쇼핑은 태블릿 쓰라고 하세요 ㅎㅎ [07:48] <samahui_pi> 다만 전 올드TP 신봉자라 레노버 모델을 싫어해요 ㅎㅎ [07:49] <samahui_pi> 마눌님이 타블릿은 게임용~ 나머지 작업은 노트북이시랍니다 [07:49] <samahui_pi> 아직까지는 한국에서 인터넷 쇼핑할때 인증서다 뭐다해서 PC가 편하죠 [07:49] <Seony> 아~ [07:49] <Seony> 인증서가 있었군요... [07:49] <samahui_pi> 4월1일부터 ActiveX는 치웠는데 그래도 이상한 KCP인가 뭔가 EXE파일이 생겨서 짜증나죠 ㅎㅎ [07:49] <Seony> 미쿡에서는 전화기로도 터치 한 번이면 바로 구매됩니다 ㅎㅎ [07:50] <samahui_pi> 삼송카드가 젤 나아요 아무 설치없이 미리 가입해놓은 아이디 비밀번호로 결제가 되거든요 [07:50] <samahui_pi> 그게 정상인데 에휴~ [07:50] <samahui_pi> 근데 더 큰 문제는 공공기관들이죠 [07:50] <samahui_pi> 오늘도 민원24들어가서 이것저것 일보는데 뻑하면 에러에 감감 무소식 ㅜㅜ [07:51] <Seony> 울나라 금융기관들이 그걸 계속 고집하는 이유가, 문제 생겼을 때 책임을 전가시킬 곳이 필요해서라고 하더라구요... [07:51] <samahui_pi> 인증서 요구도 많고 그걸 또 등록하게 만드는것도 짜증나요 [07:51] <samahui_pi> 맞아요. 정부에서 깔라는거 깔았으니 책임은 이용자에게 있다 이거죠 [07:51] <samahui_pi> 그래서 그렇게 인증서다 뭐다 인증장치들을 설치하게만들고 또 필요하다 주장하는거죠 [07:52] <samahui_pi> 정작 지들 털리고는 책임 안지려는 수작이죠 [07:52] <Seony> 근데 사실 그게 발전을 저해하는 부분이에요... [07:52] <Seony> 은행 입장에서 겁나니까 아무 것도 못하게 되거든요... [07:52] <Seony> 예전에는 한국의 뱅킹 시스템이 진짜로 우월해서, 처음에 미국생활할 때는 정말 불편했었거든요... [07:52] <samahui_pi> 아니죠 보안을 스스로 강화해야 하는데 그걸 안하는건 말그대로 지들 수익만 따지니 그런거죠 [07:52] <Seony> 근데 요즘은 여기가 훨 낫습니다 [07:53] <samahui_pi> 책임을 지게 해줘야 이것들이 정신차리고 일하는데 책임전가를 시켜주니 못되먹은짓만하고 윗대가리들끼리 수익나누는데 혈안이죠 [07:53] <Seony> 저도 한국으로 돈 송금하는 문제로 한참 고민하다, 결국 페이팔로 정말 쉽게 해결봤어요 [07:53] <samahui_pi> 젤 잘못한게 IMF때 공적자금으로 살려놓은거라 봅니다 [07:54] <Seony> 걍 이메일 주소만 있으면 돈이 바로 들어가요 [07:54] <samahui_pi> 페이팔이 편하죠 [07:54] <samahui_pi> 하지만 전 저번에 이베이에 당할때 페이팔로 너무 쉽게 추가금 보냈던게 기분나빠서 요즘 안쓰게 되더라고요 ㅎㅎ;; [07:55] <Seony> 아 아픈 기억이 있으시군요... [07:56] <samahui_pi> 너무 쉽게 보내줬어요 ㅎㅎ [07:56] <samahui_pi> 아무튼 라즈베리파이2는 확실히 1보다 쓸만은해요.. 버벅임은 없으니 ㅎㅎ;; [07:57] <Seony> 음... 그렇군요... [07:57] <samahui_pi> 인터넷 버벅입은 플래시 도베와 스크립터 도배로 광고들 띄어대서 그런거 같고 일반적인 사이트 사용도 용이하네요 [07:57] <Seony> 고민 좀 해봐야겠네요 [07:57] <Seony> 제가 지금 쓰고있는 라즈베리1에 git 서버랑 레드마인을 설치했는데, 이게 한 번 돌릴려면 1분을 기다려야하거든요.. [07:57] <samahui_pi> ㅎㅎ [07:57] <samahui_pi> 라즈베리파이1때는 그랬죠 [07:57] <samahui_pi> 지금은 그렇게는아니예요 [07:58] <samahui_pi> 라즈베리파이1은 진짜 불편한 RISC OS를 쓰게 하더군요... 속도땜시 [07:58] <Seony> 라즈비안은 꽤 잘만든거 같았어요 [07:59] <Seony> 데비안은 탁월한 선택이었고.. [07:59] <samahui_pi> 라즈비안도 라즈베리파이2 되고서야 좀 쓸만한 속도나오죠 1때는 너무 느렸어요 [07:59] <samahui_pi> 전 답답하더라고요 [07:59] <samahui_pi> 지금은 간단한 파이썬 코딩정도는 할만해요 [08:00] <Seony> "간단한"이 함정이군요 ㅋ [08:00] <samahui_pi> ㅎㅎ [08:00] <Seony> 전 지금은 제 라즈베리는 집ssh 서버로 쓰고있어요 [08:01] <samahui_pi> 라즈베리2에게 양보시키세요 ㅋ ㅋ [08:01] <Seony> 음... 한 번 알아봐야겠네요 [08:43] <Seony> 음악 틀어놓고 코딩 중인데, 김광석의 서른즈음에 나오니까 갑자기 슬퍼지네요... [08:44] <Seony> 어느 60대 노부부 이야기는, 아직 60대가 안되서 안슬펐는데.... [09:18] <hyoungmin> 안녕하세요 [09:19] <Seony> 안녕하세요 [12:46] <razgon_MBP> 리하이여 [12:59] <hyoungmin> 안녕하세요 [12:59] <jason_kr> 안녕하세요, 자주 못뵙던 또이름'입니다?! [13:08] <LinDol> 안녕하세요 :) [13:15] <jason_kr> ^^ [13:16] <LinDol> jason_kr, 오랜만에 뵙습니다. ^ㅠ^ [13:17] <jason_kr> 예, 반갑습니다. 아직도 많이 바쁜 중여서요. ㅎ LinDol [13:17] <LinDol> 앗 ㅋㅋ 방해해서 죄송합니다. ㅠㅠ [13:17] <LinDol> HeavensBus, [13:23] <jason_kr> 아뇨~ 방해된 거 아녀요. ㅋㅋㅋ 최근 한달동안 자주 접속을 못했었어요. ㅠㅠ [13:25] <LinDol> ㅠ.ㅜ [13:25] <LinDol> 네네 :) [14:34] <razGon_MBP> 어서오세요 [14:37] <lindol> 안녕하세요 :) [15:04] <lindol> HeavensBus, hey [15:07] <razGon_MBP> ? [16:01] <samahui_TPC> 즐거운 밤 되세요~ 전 오늘은 이만 가볼께요 [16:47] <ZNC_autowiz> 안녕하세요 [16:48] <ZNC_autowiz> 으음 닉이 돌아가 있는거 같은데 [16:51] <PotatoGim^Home> 안녕하세요. [16:51] <PotatoGim^Home> 에고... 한숨 자러 가야겠네요..ㅜ 이따 뵙겠습니다 ㅎㅎ [16:52] <ZNC_autowiz> 안녕히 주무세요~ [18:28] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [21:34] <ZNC_autowiz> 안녕하세요~ [21:34] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [21:35] <ZNC_autowiz> 목은 좀 나으셨어요? [21:35] <Work^Seony> 그날 일찍 자고 다음날 바로 멀쩡해졌어요 [21:35] <Work^Seony> 피곤하면 생기는 새로운 노화현상인가봐요 ㅋ [21:36] <Work^Seony> 내일 임플란트 합니다 ㅎㅎ [21:37] <Work^Seony> 잇몸에 드릴로 구멍을 낸다는데 살짝 겁나네요 [22:00] <Work^Seony> 점심 사갖구왔습니다 [22:00] <Work^Seony> [22:00] <Work^Seony> 가격은, 시급보다 쌉니다 ㅎㅎ [22:12] <ZNC_autowiz> 이것이 하와이안 런치 군요 ㅎㅎ [22:12] <Work^Seony> 네 아주 전형적인 형태에요 [22:13] <Work^Seony> 알바생 시간당 급여보다 싼겁니다 ㅎㅎ [23:21] <ZNC_autowiz> 시간당 급여가 얼마나 되나요? [23:42] <Work^Seony> 알바생이라면 최소 $8은 받죠 [23:50] <ZNC_autowiz> 직장인들도 월급이야 천차만별이겠지만서두 , 시급으로 따지면 얼마나 될까요? ㅎㅎ [23:52] <Work^Seony> 직장인들 시급으로 쳐주면 근무시간 줄어들걸요 ㅎㅎ [23:52] <ZNC_autowiz> 그냥 월급을 근무시간으로 나눠본 수치인거죠 [23:52] <ZNC_autowiz> 월급 / 30 / 8 ( or 9 )
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Dracokr", "HolyKnight", "LinDol", "PotatoGim^Home", "Seony", "Work^Seony", "ZNC_autowiz", "hyoungmin", "jason_kr", "jun__", "lindol", "razGon_MBP", "razGon_MINILA", "razgon_MBP", "samahui_TPC", "samahui_pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[14:12] <cyphermox> infinity: hey, I just remember now. did you contact design about updating the slideshow? [14:53] <infinity> cyphermox: Nope. That needs doing. [14:55] <cyphermox> infinity: k. I will contact people. [15:00] <kickinz1> o/ [15:00] <rbasak> infinity: kickinz1 has done some testing and prepared a summary of our proposed docker 1.5 bump in bug 1430760 that I think answers your questions. Could you review please? [15:00] <rbasak> doko: ^^ any comments? [15:02] <elfy> cyphermox: you managed to get anywhere with the halt after removing install medium in vivid at all? [15:07] <cyphermox> elfy: not yet :( [15:07] <cyphermox> I did nail the oem-config though [15:07] <elfy> okey doke [15:09] <cyphermox> I'm getting back to getting plymouth to catch input right after my meetings [15:10] <infinity> cyphermox: Ta. [15:10] <infinity> rbasak: I can look after this meeting. [15:10] <rbasak> Thank you! [15:11] <doko> rbasak, are all build-deps in vivid? [15:12] <rbasak> doko, infinity: oh, good point, sorry. I forgot about that. [15:12] <rbasak> We had to sync two packages from Debian. [15:12] <rbasak> They'd be NEW in Vivid. [15:12] <rbasak> I will update the bug. [15:14] <doko> rbasak, gccgo-go [powerpc] drop this, not necessary anymore [15:15] <rbasak> doko: OK, no problem. I didn't know why that was needed - your changelog entry didn't say. [15:15] <rbasak> kickinz1: ^^ [15:15] <rbasak> Bug updated noting the two new build deps. [15:16] <kickinz1> rbasak, OK, was updating bug also... [15:16] <doko> rbasak, that was working around issue in gccgo-5 on powerpc, not needed anymore [15:17] <doko> rbasak, any idea why arm64 fails to build? [15:17] <rbasak> doko: no, but I didn't pay much attention because I'm told it was broken previously, so there's no regression there. [15:18] <rbasak> I'm treating arm64 as a separate effort that I haven't taken on right now. [15:18] <doko> +ifeq ($(DEB_BUILD_ARCH),ppc64el) [15:18] <doko> + DOCKER_BUILD_TARGET = dyngccgo [15:18] <doko> +else [15:18] <doko> + DOCKER_BUILD_TARGET = dynbinary [15:18] <doko> +endif [15:18] <doko> + [15:18] <doko> this looks wrong ... [15:19] <rbasak> The patches add a new build target, so we use it on ppc64el. Why is it wrong? [15:19] <doko> should be ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), arm64 powerpc ppc64el)) [15:20] <rbasak> And armhf maybe? But it builds and works on armhf with golang-go it seems? [15:20] <doko> yes, unless you want to use gccgo on armhf [15:20] <kickinz1> rbasak: yes, builds and seems to work on armhf [15:20] <rbasak> OK. I have no objection to changing it to your conditional then. [15:22] <doko> rbasak, do you have a build log for arm64? [15:23] <kickinz1> doko, I'll get it [15:24] <rbasak> doko: OOI, why DEB_HOST_ARCH instead of DEB_BUILD_ARCH? [15:25] <rbasak> Shouldn't the choice of compiler be based on the target architecture? [15:25] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, That reference to "plymouth catching input" is that to to fix the issue with entering the full disk encryption passphrase? [15:26] <doko> BUILD is the arch you build on, HOST the arch you build for [15:27] <doko> rbasak, ^^^ [15:27] <cyphermox> flexiondotorg: no [15:27] <cyphermox> it's on shutdown [15:28] <infinity> rbasak: HOST is the architecture that will be hosting the binaries, BUILD is the arch that's building them. And yes, we all know it's confusing, and we're a couple decades too late to fix it. :P [15:30] <rbasak> Ah. Thanks. I should have read the docs more carefully instead of assuming. [15:30] <doko> and don't confuse HOST and TARGET ;-P [15:35] <infinity> doko: And then throw all the assumptions out the window when dealing with the kernel, where they renamed everything to make sense, but completely conflict with compiler tradition. [16:08] <kickinz1> doko, sorry was in a meeting. [16:26] <slangasek> infinity: looks like update-manager is particularly unhappy with debconf passthrough failures from kernel postinsts [16:28] <infinity> slangasek: Like, somehow more unhappy than it is with libc6? :P [16:28] <infinity> slangasek: Or the same brand of unhappy? [16:28] <slangasek> infinity: I never had to run 'apt-get -f install' for libc6 [16:28] <slangasek> and I'm now getting very bizarre backtraces from u-m [16:28] <infinity> slangasek: Oh, but that's just pure luck because libc6 debconfs in preinst. [16:29] <slangasek> actually no, because while I said postinst, looking closely I see that linux-image is also failing in preinst [16:30] <infinity> Bleh. I guess I'll bump "figuring out HTF to debug that" further up the list. [16:33] <apw> slangasek, is that our breakage, or just breakage and we're the victim [16:33] <infinity> apw: The latter. [16:33] * slangasek nods [16:35] <infinity> I actually dreamt that I fixed the bug the other night, and woke up remembering just enough of the dream to realize that my subconscious is a very, very bad programmer. [16:35] <infinity> "No, like, really, if you just insert a banana in this loop here, everything works." [16:40] <slangasek> heh [16:40] <slangasek> "bug in debconf passthrough; ate more fiber" [16:40] <kickinz1> doko, rbasak: just updated bug logs with arm64 builds (both golang and gccgo). [16:41] <doko> kickinz1, arm64 golang? [16:42] <infinity> slangasek: Too far. [16:42] * infinity drafts an HR complaint. [16:44] <kickinz1> doko, I just tried, didn't check. there seems to be a golang package available for arm64 as it is all arch. [16:46] <ogra_> infinity, but did you even try the banana thing ? probably your subconscious isnt actually that far off, you just belive it is [16:46] <infinity> ogra_: My new laptop doesn't have a banana port. [16:46] <ogra_> ah, damn ... technical hurdles .. yeah, thats bad then [16:52] <doko> kickinz1, this is an old build log, copied from the debian log archive ... please don't do that. rbasak, if you have a fixed package, please test-build it on vivid/arm64 [16:52] <doko> have to run now [16:54] <kickinz1> doko, no, I did it tueday, maybe I uploaded the bad one... [17:10] <slangasek> infinity: because it's an Apple? [17:13] <rbasak> doko: are you looking at the right file? [17:13] <rbasak> doko: I see the build log kickinz1 produced. Eg: I: Finished running '/home/ubuntu/docker_test/repo/add'. [17:13] <rbasak> (hack for sbuild to pick up new build deps not in the archive yet) [18:22] <infinity> cyphermox: Hrm, did you really want "isolate" and not "start" in oem-config-firstboot? [18:22] <infinity> cyphermox: The reading of isolate implies that it'll stop anything that doesn't depend on. [18:23] <infinity> cyphermox: Which would include, say, mysql, sshd, whatever other random things might have been running but not necessary to the target you asked for. [18:23] <cyphermox> infinity: isolate in systemd means "change runlevel" [18:23] <infinity> cyphermox: Also, how does this work for non-graphical systems (oem-config on a server)? [18:23] <cyphermox> which before oem-config sounds fine, tbh [18:24] <cyphermox> server appears to be landing in too [18:24] <infinity> Weird... [18:25] <cyphermox> it's also not actually starting anything in oem-config unless you reboot into it [18:25] <infinity> Mmkay. [18:25] <cyphermox> from which point once it's done, it will go in (could be any other target we want, really), to really do the rest of the startup [18:26] <cyphermox> the point is to avoid starting getty@tty1, or display-manager, since they kind of break the oem-config [18:28] <infinity> I love this brave new, and super-intuitive world. [18:28] <cyphermox> ahaha [18:28] <cyphermox> I agree with "world" [18:29] <infinity> "I world as well!" [18:29] <cyphermox> and new. [18:29] <cyphermox> much less about super-intuitive. [19:18] <bdmurray> slangasek: [19:22] <tedg> So I've got a package that is in proposed, but migration is blocked on a boottest error that seems to be a known bug. [19:23] <tedg> How do I move that along? [19:23] <slangasek> tedg: which package and what bug? [19:23] <tedg> Bug: [19:23] <infinity> tedg: We just retry the test. [19:23] <tedg> Package: ubuntu-themes [19:24] <tedg> infinity, Is that something I can do? [19:24] <infinity> tedg: I believe so, but not sure exactly how the permissions there work. [19:24] <slangasek> tedg: people with the necessary jenkins access can; I also don't know what the acl is [19:25] <infinity> tedg: I retried it, but you can see if http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Vivid/view/BootTest/job/vivid-boottest-ubuntu-themes/ has a "Build Now" link on the left for you after you've logged in (top right). [19:25] <slangasek> but anyway, yeah, for a boottest failing due to an intermittent bug, we want to retry it and see it *not* fail to be sure the known bug isn't masking unknown bugs [19:25] <tedg> infinity, I can see it, but I don't have Build Now [19:26] <infinity> tedg: And you're logged in? [19:26] <tedg> Yup [19:26] <infinity> tedg: In that case, the answer to the ACL question is "no". :P [19:26] <infinity> It should be improved to make sure people with upload rights can also twiddle tests, but I think this is one of the many warts that aren't likely to get fixed before a move away from Jenkins. [19:26] <slangasek> addendum: "ask the QA team" [19:27] <tedg> Well I don't have upload rights [19:27] <infinity> Oh, in that case, nevermind. [19:27] <infinity> Even if it was working the way I'd think it should, you wouldn't have access. [19:27] <tedg> So the set may be correct [19:28] * tedg should really apply, but there are so many nice people to help [19:30] <boiko> hello, I have two packages marked with "Regression" labels in the update excuses page (telephony-service and telepathy-ofono) [19:30] <boiko> do I need to do anything regarding those two packages? [19:48] <infinity> boiko: They succeeded on a retry. [20:05] <boiko> infinity: ah nice, thanks [22:53] <bdmurray> slangase`: [22:53] <slangasek> bdmurray: ack, looking [22:54] <slangasek> bdmurray: merged [22:54] <bdmurray> thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "apw", "bdmurray", "boiko", "cyphermox", "doko", "elfy", "flexiondotorg", "infinity", "kickinz1", "ogra_", "rbasak", "slangasek", "tedg" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-release" }
[10:39] <hallino1> dpm: ping [10:46] <dpm> hi hallino1 [10:46] <hallino1> hi dpm, nice to know you, can I talk you in private for what Trevinho yesterday said to you please? [10:46] <dpm> sure [10:46] <hallino1> Thank you!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "dpm", "hallino1" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-motu" }
[00:57] <EzoWalker> has anyone else had issues with update-manager not automatically checking for updates in 14.10? [01:08] <holstein> EzoWalker: hmmm.. TBH, im not sure, personally.. since i disable and use "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" manually.. will you run that command in the terminal, and post errors? and if none, install updates, and see if you get your updater working.. [01:09] <EzoWalker> will do [01:10] <EzoWalker> one WARNING [01:10] <holstein> !paste [01:11] <holstein> if you'd like a volnteer to take a look at it... [01:13] <djoi298> lubuntu hasn't evolved much over the past 5 years [01:14] <EzoWalker> [01:15] <EzoWalker> seems i can only run my updater manually [01:15] <EzoWalker> which is fine [01:15] <holstein> lxde is what it is.. when lxqt comes, you'll likely see some evolution, djoi298 , if thats what you are looking for [01:17] <djoi298> any new qt apps that will be shipping with lubuntu with the new lxqt? [01:18] <ianorlin> not for 15.04 but there is a ppa but isn't ready for production on lubuntu yet [01:18] <djoi298> like Clementine or SMPlayer? heh [01:18] <ianorlin> or anywhere close [01:18] <ianorlin> djoi298: those are in repos already [01:19] <djoi298> yeah, but the repos takes years to get updated, you can't use the Clementine remote with the Clementine in the repos [01:19] <holstein> djoi298: they actually dont *ever* get updated, like that [01:19] <holstein> djoi298: lubuntu *is* ubuntu, and ubuntu/lubuntu are not rolling releases, where, newer versions roll in.. just updates [01:20] <holstein> if you want something in lubuntu, its likely quite easy for the creators of that software to get it to you.. they can put it in upstream.. or, you can always maintain your own versions of whatever it is you need [01:22] <djoi298> are LXDE themes copyrighted or something? [01:23] <ianorlin> under creative commons I think [01:23] <holstein> djoi298: its all open.. anyone can make a theme and release it as they want.. [01:23] <djoi298> they should add some of those nice LXDE themes with lubuntu [01:23] <holstein> djoi298: "they"? [01:24] <holstein> djoi298: you are welcome to add whatever themes you like.. [01:24] <djoi298> especially a dark theme to save battery life and make it easier on the eyes and such [01:24] <holstein> sure.. go for it ! :) [01:24] <ianorlin> djoi298: I don't think dark theme actually saves on battery life with lcd screens [01:25] <djoi298> it might help a bit, i'm sure oled screens on future laptops/tablets/netbooks would benefit more [01:26] <holstein> djoi298: add what you think will help [01:28] <EzoWalker> holstein: yeah- no idea either, manually updating always works for me, just wanted to try to get auto updates working for a change [09:02] <octavian> Will I lose any data if I replace Ubuntu with Lubuntu? [09:03] <octavian> There is an option when you install: "Replace Ubuntu with Lubuntu" or somthign like that [09:33] <leszek> you will loose every data [09:33] <leszek> replacing means formatting the drive and install lubuntu [09:40] <hateball> There's no need to reinstall if you just want to change the DE [09:41] <octavian> leszek: isn't there an installing feature like I said? [09:41] <hateball> You can just apt-get install lubuntu-desktop if you're using some $other-desktop and it will pull in the proper packages [09:41] <hateball> then you can switch between DE's at login time [09:41] <octavian> hateball: I heard that lubuntu has some sort of ram improvemts [09:42] <hateball> The default DE uses less RAM than compared to Unity or KDE Plasma, yes [09:42] <hateball> It still has the same kernel etc etc [09:44] <octavian> hateball: ok so the oly difference is the user interface? [09:45] <hateball> octavian: Yes [09:45] <octavian> weird [09:46] <hateball> Might be ubuntu-desktop has some other background daemons it depends on, I'm not really sure. Doubt that tho [12:45] <kb52> Does anyone know how to get super-boot-manager anymore. All I get is 404 error on trying to fetch the repository. [12:47] <kb52> Apparently directions I found from 2011 no longer work or else the author no longer maintains it. [12:48] <kb52> Looks like nobody is here. Oh well. [16:31] <wxl> Lubuntu Community Council catchup @ 1700 UTC [17:21] <Moonsilence> Hi! I have just installed lubuntu on a netbook but still think that the themes provided are to large for the small screen. Can someone recommend a small and compact theme and explain how to install it? [17:28] <wxl> Lubuntu CC catchup delayed until now [19:06] <choki> give me back lxde. i dont need lxqt hype super cool whatever brainf... [19:06] <ianorlin> choki: 14.04 is an lts for 3 years at least [19:06] <wxl> choki: you' [19:07] <wxl> re going to need to develop it yourself then [19:07] <wxl> upstream's pretty much dead [19:07] <choki> i dont need any updates. why? [19:07] <choki> lxde will work the next 20 years [19:07] <ianorlin> choki: unless someone finds a gtk+ 2 zero day it probably won't get fixed [19:07] <wxl> yep, my commodore 128 still works great [19:11] <dust> where in the menu is apport... its installed and i did set it manually to 1
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "EzoWalker", "Moonsilence", "choki", "djoi298", "dust", "hateball", "holstein", "ianorlin", "kb52", "leszek", "octavian", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[15:20] <barti_> witam
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "barti_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[02:35] <taihsiang> henrix, I am testing proposed kernels for certification this cycle. there is no lucid kernel update, isn't it? thanks. [04:51] <infinity> taihsiang: No lucid this cycle, no. You can get the full overview here: [06:18] <taihsiang> infinity, thanks, got it. [14:36] <exebat> Hi all [14:37] <exebat> I have a problem with Ubuntu 14.04 USB devices not being available on boot until repluged [14:39] <exebat> What might I do to fix it ? It worked just fine on 12.04 [14:43] <apw> exebat, the normal thing is to check for dmesg errors, if there are osme then there may be hope of figureing it out from those, so you'd file a bug against linux after the failed boot [14:45] <smoser> hey. random curious thing... [14:45] <apw> exebat, if there is no obvious clue then it becomes a hunt for when it stopped working, a bisect as it were, and for that we normally suggest again filing a bug against linux and somene can help talk you through the how of it [14:45] <smoser> is there any way to query "how long has hardware been up" or "when was hardware turned on". [14:45] <apw> exebat, either way a bug is needed, file using "ubuntu-bug linux" [14:45] <smoser> i'm aware of issues with clock changing, so that 'date' wouldnt be always relevant, but just curious. [14:46] <apw> isn't that uptime ? [14:46] <smoser> /proc/uptime tells me when kernel started running [14:46] <smoser> which is after bios + after grub + after grub loaded kernel and initramfs .. [14:46] <smoser> which is ages :) [14:46] <apw> efi does give you some information [14:46] <apw> if you have efi then systemd-analyse gives you some breakdown before kernel [14:47] <smoser> hm. [14:48] <apw> not that i have a clue how it gets that information [14:48] <apw> other than it is efi informaiton [14:49] <smoser> dont have thta on the 2 systems i'm looking at (which are not efi :) [14:49] <smoser> but that is really nice. i didn't know about that. [14:49] <shirgall> I was tihnking it was in dmidecode somewhere, but I didn't find it. :/ [14:50] <smoser> yeah, well, dmi data is notterribly consistent in my experience [14:51] <shirgall> Aye [14:51] <smoser> but yeah, i kind of thought it might be there too [14:52] <shirgall> 'facter' tells a lot, but only the OS uptime. [17:28] <bjf> stgraber, i'm still getting the failure in lxc-test-apparmor. is that correct? [17:29] <bjf> stgraber, that's for vivid [17:36] <stgraber> bjf: yep [17:37] <stgraber> bjf: hallyn pushed a fix to cgmanager which unblocked lxcfs and some other test failures for LXC, but the apparmor testcase still hangs or fail, it's next up on the list [17:37] <bjf> stgraber, ok, thanks for the info [20:47] <studio_> hi [20:47] <studio_> anybody here?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "apw", "bjf", "exebat", "infinity", "shirgall", "smoser", "stgraber", "studio_", "taihsiang" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-kernel" }
[05:54] <lordievader> Good morning. [06:48] <jhenke> hi [06:49] <jhenke> any firefox maintainer here? I got a bit of a strange bug: [06:49] <jhenke> it only affects the version in vivid as far as I ca say [07:22] <zezeekx> hello [07:23] <zezeekx> it seems that afterr the latest update my Kubuntu 15.04 goes ape poo. [07:23] <zezeekx> In my W7 boot now [07:23] <zezeekx> It seems that when I boot into Kubutnu I have about 10 seconds in plasma before my desktop becomes slow and eventually freezes [07:24] <zezeekx> kdeinit, dropbox, baloo are at high cpu it seems [07:24] <zezeekx> when I log into a terminal I can do some stuff [07:25] <zezeekx> but that too becomes a bit slow [07:25] <zezeekx> but still reponsive [08:18] <igalic> zequence: is the console still available? (Ctrl+Alt+F1…F6) [08:19] <igalic> zequence: might be useful to take a look at (h)top and see what's causing the high-cpu load. [08:19] <elfy> do you mean zezeekx - who's gone? [08:31] <igalic> i… need more coffee, or sleep. [10:04] <mark_chang_1492> I try to bootup with 15.04 from usb storage, but I can not boot successful. Display "boot: gfxboot.c32: not a com32R image" repeatly. any body have suggestion?? [10:06] <mark_chang_1492> The version I try was daily build "2 April". [10:51] <BluesKaj> Hi folks [11:05] <aftereyo> hey [11:25] <lordievader> o/ [13:11] <scellow> Hello guys, my java apps can't access https links, only http, (gradle http repo works great, while https doesn't work :/) i believe it's a problem with certificates, but it's a fresh install, can you please help me ? [13:14] <solsTiCe> hi. once 15.04 is released, how can I switch back to stick to it and not use beta(dev) build ? [13:14] <k1l_> that is automatically [13:14] <solsTiCe> ok. thanks [13:15] <k1l_> the alpha/beta will become a regular release when running the updates [13:15] <scellow> oh i found the fix : [13:17] <solsTiCe> that systemd-fsck delays i annoying. I use now fsck.mode=skip in kernel boot parameter. but that's disble fsck :-( I did not had problem in 14.10 but it was upstart. I think I only booted once with systemd in 14.10 and I did not get the 30s wait. So this is only systemd 219 and 15.04 [13:53] <solsTiCe> there is a serious bug in the gui installer. when you upgrade, it ask for a user. if you comply, it removes the existing user (id=1000) and create a new one. [13:56] <solsTiCe> in fact, I think /etc has simply been wiped. for an upgrade that is rather radical [13:56] <k1l_> file a bug please [13:56] <solsTiCe> k1l_: do you know against which package ? [13:57] <solsTiCe> I had placed test file in /etc and /etc/cron.daily and they are gone. but home of previous user is still there. [13:59] <k1l_> hm, i cant remember what the name was [13:59] <solsTiCe> never mind; i am doing another reinstall in vbox [19:49] <lord_cotton> so Kubuntu 15.04 is broken for me [19:49] <lord_cotton> kdeinit5 eats all ram plus swap [19:49] <lord_cotton> gotta kill it in the tty [19:49] <lord_cotton> logging into plasma lasts ~20s [19:56] <MoonUnit`> they should have fixed that. [19:57] <MoonUnit`> kubuntu-notification-helper was the culprit. [19:58] <lord_cotton> did you get that too? [19:58] <MoonUnit`> yes [19:58] <MoonUnit`> [19:58] <lord_cotton> I tried 40min ago a apt-get update and dist-upgrade [19:58] <MoonUnit`> but it got updated yesterday [19:59] <lord_cotton> o.O [19:59] <lord_cotton> I will try tomorrow [19:59] <lord_cotton> But thansk for the link [19:59] <lord_cotton> Although some updates were not able to be retrieved [20:00] <MoonUnit`> you can uninstall it [20:02] <lord_cotton> I could uninstall kubuntu-notification-helper and that would work too? [20:02] <MoonUnit`> yes, i had to do that before they fixed it [20:03] <lord_cotton> I will try that [20:03] <lord_cotton> and then reinstall it ? [20:03] <lord_cotton> or will update and dist-upgrade fetch it for me? [20:04] <MoonUnit`> update and dist-upgrade should fix it [20:06] <lord_cotton> Alright [20:06] <lord_cotton> that should fix it hopefully [20:29] <MoPac> I have an issue where I'm unclear whether a bug would be kernel-related or just something wrong with Ubuntu or Ubuntu's tweaks to the kernel. Essentially, some of my hybrid notebook's hardware inputs are being misinterpreted. So, e.g., if the accelerometers signal that I tilted it into portrait configuration, the OS thinks I have set a WiFi hardware switch into the "disabled" position. [20:29] <MoPac> Is this the kind of thing to just leave in Launchpad (, or does potentially implicate anything upstream? I'm not clear on whether that kind of hardware interpretation is part of the kernel itself [21:22] <Roy007> INVITE [21:22] <Roy007> hi [21:22] <Roy007> any one there [21:22] <Roy007> need help [21:22] <Roy007> ? [21:22] <Roy007> really [21:23] <k1l_> if you actually ask a technical question people could eventually help [21:23] <Roy007> yes [21:23] <Roy007> sure [21:23] <Roy007> I want to know one thing about ubantu [21:24] <Roy007> as i am new in ubantu [21:24] <Roy007> I find out that it is taking too much space day by day [21:24] <Roy007> I am running low in space [21:24] <k1l_> when you are new, you should not start with the beta version. [21:24] <Roy007> how to overcome [21:25] <Roy007> means? [21:25] <k1l_> 15.04 is still developed. 14.04 or 14.10 are the ones that are finally done [21:26] <k1l_> on 15.04 you get a lot of updates every day. so no wonder that is taking up space [21:27] <Roy007> yes I am using Ubuntu 14.04 [21:27] <Roy007> I do not take any update [21:28] <Roy007> And it is difficult to find out which update i should take. [21:29] <Roy007> ???? [21:32] <k1l_> #ubuntu is the right channel for you then [21:33] <elfy> for sure
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "MoPac", "MoonUnit`", "Roy007", "aftereyo", "elfy", "igalic", "jhenke", "k1l_", "lord_cotton", "lordievader", "mark_chang_1492", "scellow", "solsTiCe", "zezeekx" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }
[09:05] <ScholiasDisco> Where can I find a dell laptop with Ubuntu on it ? [09:05] <ScholiasDisco> #google [09:06] <ScholiasDisco> [09:07] <ScholiasDisco> #Comes with #Ubuntu cheers.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ScholiasDisco" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-for-all" }
[00:45] <mup> Bug #1044559 was opened: apt-get remove maas --purge while maas is running prevents full database purge <MAAS:New> <maas (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <> [02:03] <mup> Bug #1439473 was opened: Adding a boot image sync URL with an unqualified hostname fails <MAAS:Triaged> <> [02:27] <mup> Bug #1439476 was opened: Editing a cluster interface can cause an internal server error <MAAS:New> <> [10:55] <mup> Bug #1439322 changed: 1.8a10: Simultaneous IP address requests with only one succeeding <cloud-installer> <landscape> <MAAS:Triaged> <> [12:22] <mup> Bug #1439657 was opened: exceptions.AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'copy' <dev-environment> <MAAS:Triaged> <> [13:01] <mup> Bug #1439322 was opened: 1.8a10: Simultaneous IP address requests with only one succeeding <cloud-installer> <landscape> <MAAS:Triaged> <> [13:01] <mup> Bug #1439672 was opened: Cannot abort a deployment <MAAS:New> <> [14:46] <mup> Bug #1439731 was opened: can't check power after editing power details <ui> <MAAS:New> <> [14:52] <mup> Bug #1439731 changed: can't check power after editing power details <ui> <MAAS:New> <> [14:58] <mup> Bug #1439731 was opened: can't check power after editing power details <ui> <MAAS:New> <> [15:58] <mup> Bug #1439751 was opened: MAAS should report whether or not a node supports kvm <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [16:05] <bmorriso> Hi folks. Working with a large number of b-series UCS blades. We're booting from SAN (NetApp). MAAS can't commission these servers. it seems MAAS is expecting a local disk. Anyone worked in an environment like this? Any suggestions? [16:59] <mup> Bug #1439672 changed: Cannot abort a deployment <MAAS:Triaged> <> [19:44] <mup> Bug #1439831 was opened: Missing lshw breaks cloudinit <MAAS:New> <> [19:59] <mup> Bug #1439831 changed: Missing lshw breaks cloudinit <MAAS:New> <> [20:02] <mup> Bug #1439831 was opened: Missing lshw breaks cloudinit <MAAS:New> <>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bmorriso", "mup" ], "url": "", "channel": "#maas" }
[13:16] <Mikaela> pitäisikö tuon vividin asennuksen mukautetun osioinnin "luo uusi osiotaulu" kysyä minulta haluanko GPT:n vai MBR:n? Se ei kysy ainakaan virtuaalikoneella ja en tiedä kumman se teki, mutta asennuksen jälkeenhän sen näkee [13:18] <Mikaela> minä vain mietin, että uudemmilla koneilla haluaisin GPT:n, vanhemmilla GPT taas voi olla vaarallinen [18:50] <IhqTzup_> Voiko Ubuntu 15.04 Beta2 päivittää sit ihan normi versioks kun se on valmis? [18:51] <ath> Voi sen. Se päivittyy koko ajan kun korjauksia yms. tulee ja on sitten lopulta sama kuin julkaisuversio. [19:22] <IhqTzup_> Kiitos varmistuksesta. [19:23] <Mikaela> ja tämä siis tapahtuu ihan päivitysten hallinnalla tai apt-get upgradella [20:58] <IhqTzup_> Hmm. Mikähän tuossa vois ollla? Livemoodissa reso oli oikea ja toimi hyvin. Sit kun asensin sen levylle ja käynnistin niin resoa ei voinut muuttaa enää ja se oli hyvin matala. [21:00] <IhqTzup_> Mitähän ajuria se siinä livemoodissa sit ois käyttäny? [21:06] <elias_a> Boottaa se tikulta live-moodiin ja katso. [21:10] <IhqTzup_> Joo ihan hyvä idea.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "IhqTzup_", "Mikaela", "ath", "elias_a" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-fi" }
[09:13] <Saviq> dednick, can you please resubmit unity8 laggy backends on top of lp:~dandrader/unity8/mouseClickSwitchesSurfaceFocus, there's a conflict in the Utils plugin [09:26] <dednick> Saviq: ok [10:33] <dednick> Saviq: done [10:36] <dednick> Cimi: resubmitted laggy backend branch. [10:44] <Cimi> dednick, o [10:44] <Cimi> k [11:03] <Saviq> dednick, tx [11:55] <pete-woods> Saviq: hi. do you know if the unity application stack will tell me if the dash app is foremost even when the screen is locked? [11:55] <pete-woods> my problem is basically this [11:56] <pete-woods> I want the scopes to be active when both the screen is on, and the dash is the foremost app [11:56] <pete-woods> unfortunately (correctly) only tells me when the app is actually visible [11:56] <pete-woods> so this works for when the user is operating the phone [11:57] <pete-woods> be we really want the scopes to start being active as soon as the screen comes on, and we know that the scopes will be visible as soon as they have finished swiping [11:57] <pete-woods> *but [12:01] <Saviq> pete-woods, so you'd want to be told you're active before the phone is unlocked? that feels weird, what if the user actually launches an app from the launcher... [12:01] <pete-woods> Saviq: then as soon as they do that, the scopes become inactive, and GPS goes off [12:02] <pete-woods> the current behaviour we have is that the scopes are always active when the screen is on [12:02] <pete-woods> which works well for user experience [12:02] <pete-woods> but it leaves the GPS running when you have another app in the foreground [12:02] <pete-woods> (and the scope you have selected uses location) [12:03] <pete-woods> it's important to get the scope queries running early for us [12:03] <pete-woods> as it means the user doesn't have to see the scope results popping in [12:04] <Saviq> I've a weird feeling about this, we should be treating all apps the same way in this case [12:04] <Saviq> nothing special about the dash there [12:05] <pete-woods> the dash is already sorta special in that it never gets suspended [12:05] <pete-woods> as it has to do this sort of trickery to get good performance [12:05] <pete-woods> given it basically hosts about 30 "apps" inside of itself [12:06] <Saviq> not true, it's not getting suspended because the middleware couldn't handle it [12:07] <pete-woods> that's a fair point. but it still feels like it's special because it basically hosts all these other apps [12:07] <pete-woods> we can just use the property, but then the user will see results popup after they unlock [12:07] <Saviq> if we think that we need to pre-wake apps that "might soon be" on screen, then we should apply that to all the apps, not make dash special [12:08] <pete-woods> sure, but this is a specific battery-use bug we have right now [12:08] <Saviq> yeah but what if they just wake the screen to see the clock, or interact with notifications [12:08] <pete-woods> I'd be very happy to move to a proper system later [12:08] <Saviq> you'll waste battery this way to fetch results that the user might never see [12:09] <pete-woods> that's a very good point [12:09] <dandrader> tsdgeos, are you looking for tasks? [12:09] <pete-woods> hmm [12:09] <pete-woods> maybe I should just do the simple solution, and see if anyone complains :p [12:09] <Saviq> pete-woods, we need to improve the refresh UX, that would help with "results popping up" [12:10] <pete-woods> very true [12:10] <Saviq> but for now I believe we just need to do with what we have [12:11] <Saviq> and scopes should only wake up when the dash is focused [12:12] <Saviq> pete-woods, screen gets on on incoming text, too, even worse to wake scopes up then [12:13] <pete-woods> Saviq: thinking about it more, the scopes only actually *do* something if they have "dirty" results [12:13] <pete-woods> but the GPS would come on for 20 seconds or so [12:13] <pete-woods> I think you've convinced me to do the "wait til after unlock" solution [12:13] <Saviq> sure, but they might get dirty every hour or whatnot [12:13] <Saviq> all other apps have to deal with only getting woken up when the user focused it, I'm sure we can deal with that ourselves :) [12:14] <Saviq> s/it/them/ [12:17] <Saviq> dednick, should there not be a bumped dependency between unity8 and system components for laggy backends? [12:17] <Saviq> s/system/settings/ [12:19] <Saviq> looks like it [12:30] <tsdgeos> dandrader: i am reviewing one branch from mterry but after that i'm quite idle yeah [12:31] <dandrader> tsdgeos, this one next, please! -> [12:32] <tsdgeos> dandrader: sure [12:32] <dandrader> tsdgeos, great, thanks!! [12:44] <Saviq> tsdgeos, to clarify: it will only trigger the refresh on focus if the scope is dirty [12:44] <tsdgeos> Saviq: and previously didn't [12:44] <tsdgeos> i'm asking if we're fine with that [12:44] <Saviq> tsdgeos, previously it did on screen wake up [12:44] <tsdgeos> because scope rebuilding is a bit unsettling tbh [12:45] <Saviq> or on you switching to the dirty scope, for that matter [12:45] <tsdgeos> Saviq: yeah but you have the greeter and maybe the locker [12:45] <Saviq> tsdgeos, yeah, and that wasted power [12:45] <Saviq> tsdgeos, sure, we need to fix the UX of scope refresh [12:45] <tsdgeos> Saviq: i'm not against it, i'm just saying we need to take into account that it's not only fixing a bug [12:45] <tsdgeos> but changing the behaviour [12:45] <tsdgeos> too [12:45] <tsdgeos> sightly sure [12:46] <Saviq> depends on the definition of fixing a bug, when the behaviour was wrong before ;) [12:47] <tsdgeos> i will take that as a "yes we're aware it's changing behaviour and we're fine with it" [12:48] <Saviq> yes :) [12:48] <dednick> Saviq: ya, i've just left it so we get the debs for testing. will update. [12:52] <Saviq> dandrader|afk, people have confirmed the tap-indicator issue on RTM where we don't have the MouseArea, so unlikely that's the cause [13:03] <Mirv> tsdgeos: I marked 018 finally as tested... phew. [13:03] <tsdgeos> Mirv: :) [13:07] <josharenson> tedg: do you know where dbus-display-manager.h is located (regarding indicator-session). It seems that it is included and called, but I cannot find it. [13:09] <tsdgeos> josharenson: is it autogenerated? [13:10] * josharenson does a build [13:10] <josharenson> tsdgeos: yup, thanks... [13:10] <tsdgeos> josharenson: no worries [13:26] <tedg> josharenson, It is generated, but in the src/backend-dbus/ directory [13:27] <josharenson> tedg: got it, thanks [13:29] <tedg> np [13:35] <Mirv> tsdgeos: thought: can you check plasma5 with silo 018? [13:36] <tsdgeos> Mirv: i guess i can yes, the only thing in there is qtbus right? [13:36] <Mirv> tsdgeos: yes [13:36] <tsdgeos> i mean not sure what to test [13:36] <tsdgeos> but i guess i can install it and see if something immediately blows up or not [13:36] <Mirv> well basic operation, I'd guess you're using KDE more than me [13:36] <tsdgeos> and use it a bit [13:37] <Mirv> thanks [13:52] <tsdgeos> Mirv: wops, good call [13:52] <tsdgeos> everything exploded [13:54] <tsdgeos> i'll comment on both our and upstream [13:55] <Mirv> tsdgeos: aargh.. even though good call. I should probably cancel the QA signoff process? [13:56] <tsdgeos> Mirv: guess so, trace looks genuine bug in Qt and not a misused API on the kde side [14:00] <dandrader> Saviq, should be something else there then. because I just verified that the bug is indeed caused by that MouseArea for desktop interaction [14:01] <Saviq> dandrader, could be, or popey used a different steps to repro [14:01] <popey> hmm? [14:02] <Saviq> popey, bug #1439318 [14:02] <Saviq> popey, we've got an obvious explanation for vivid, but you confirmed for rtm too [14:03] <popey> ah okay. [14:03] <popey> i just opened the game and stabbed near the bottom left (which is top left of the phone) and the indicator messages flew down to the top [14:04] <Saviq> yeah it could actually be we have two bugs there [14:07] <popey> want a video of it? [14:15] <Saviq> popey, no need, if the steps to repro are the same [14:59] <MacSlow> Saviq, ever seen this when trying to compile unity8 -> ? [15:12] <MacSlow> Saviq, never mind... solved [16:42] <josharenson> I have some debug code in lightdm.c inside handle_seat_call that prints the GDbusMethodInvocation method name... when I run dm-tool, I get expected results. However, when locking or logging out, etc from indicator session, I don't see any calls made (obviously the device still locks). Anyone know whats going on here? [17:18] <josharenson> mterry: so I still can't see any dbus calls from indicator-session to lightdm. I have debug code in lightdm that gets hit when I run things manually, but never gets hit when I do the same things via indicator-session... Is it possible that something other than lightdm is being used? (I don't have gdm installed, and lightdm is running, I just can't figure out whats happening) [17:19] <mterry> josharenson, this is unity7 or unity8? [17:19] <josharenson> unity7 [17:19] <josharenson> mterry: should have clarified that [17:20] <mterry> josharenson, so I think with the first time you use that indicator-session button "lock screen" it uses an internal lockscreen just inside unity7 [17:20] <mterry> josharenson, from that lockscreen, if you press that button again, you go down the lightdm route [17:21] <josharenson> mterry: I'll just assume there is a good reason for that and take a look at unity7 code. thanks [17:22] <mterry> josharenson, there were technical reasons why it was hard to use the greeter as a simple session lockscreen at the time [17:22] <mterry> josharenson, I think robert ancell solved most of them? But not sure the state of play there [17:22] <mterry> josharenson, but anyway, that's why there's a separate session lockscreen inside unity7 [18:06] <seb128> hum [18:06] <seb128> my bq rtm stops asking for the pincode to unlock [18:07] <seb128> but I had it configured on pin (I think) and that's what settings is listing as current config [18:31] <mterry> I flashed my krillin and didn't see the location screen in the wizard... Do I have to do something special to get the HERE stuff? [18:31] <mterry> seb128, knock it off :( [18:31] <mterry> seb128, it's just slide to unlock for you now? [18:32] <mterry> seb128, is your user somehow in the nopasswdlogin group? [19:20] <seb128> mterry, yeah, slide to unlock, and yes it's in nopasswdlogin (not sure why/how) [19:20] <mterry> seb128, that's crazy town [19:21] <mterry> seb128, did you mount stuff as rw like /etc/group? [19:21] <mterry> seb128, accountsservice does normally try to add the user to the group but normally fails [19:21] <seb128> I've the image as r/w yes [19:21] <mterry> seb128, because that isn't writable [19:21] <seb128> like the usual /userdata/.writable_image [19:22] <mterry> seb128, but if it's writable, I'd expect it to also be able to remove you from that group [19:22] <mterry> seb128, well I think that situation isn't normal for a customer at least... But still not great that we got out of sync [19:22] <seb128> yeah, unsure how I changed it/added it to the group
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Cimi", "MacSlow", "Mirv", "Saviq", "dandrader", "dednick", "josharenson", "mterry", "pete-woods", "popey", "seb128", "tedg", "tsdgeos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-unity" }
[00:21] <pl1x> gaconsalt: What is that link? [00:22] <holstein> pl1x: gaconsalt is gone [10:54] <artesanux> hi [10:54] <zequence> artesanux: Hi
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "artesanux", "holstein", "pl1x", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio" }
[02:24] <mark_chang_1492> 看來15.04好像沒有什麼驚艷的大異動 [04:01] <icebaby_> 大家好 [16:46] * Tomlin690 Orz [16:53] <gebjgd> kubuntu 赞 [16:54] <Tomlin690> KDE介面作真的不錯 [16:55] <Tomlin690> 我還在習慣irc,我不太會用irc,是否有什麼簡易教學 [16:56] <gebjgd> tomcheng76, 太慢 [16:56] <gebjgd> Tomlin690, 太慢 過重 [16:58] <Tomlin690> gebjgd: 是喔你指是的kde嗎,可是比起unity, 我比較喜歡kde, [16:58] <gebjgd> Tomlin690, unity是屎 [16:58] <gebjgd> Tomlin690, kde太重 [16:58] <Tomlin690> gebjgd: 也是呀 [17:01] <Tomlin690> 我的NB對KDE跑的算是OK 的 [17:04] <gebjgd> Tomlin690, 什麼機器跑kde都會慢 [17:04] <gebjgd> Tomlin690, 我所有的機器都是openbox tint2 wbar [17:07] <Tomlin690> 恩 [17:07] <Tomlin690> 有機會,在變用openbox 玩看看 [17:10] <Tomlin690> gebjgd,你有夠強,openbox值得玩看看。 [17:11] <Tomlin690> gebjgd: 晚安! [17:15] <gebjgd> Tomlin690, 不強 就是用的年頭夠長 [19:28] <fooboy> 一直有個笨問題, 目錄的寫入權限到底代表什麼? [19:29] <fooboy> 很多文件都說,目錄有w就代表可以在底下建立新檔案跟目錄 [19:29] <fooboy> 但實際上, 要有+x才能更動目錄底下的檔案 [19:38] <fooboy> why?!!! 連鳥哥都說目錄有w就可以新增檔案 ---->
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Tomlin690", "fooboy", "gebjgd", "icebaby_", "mark_chang_1492" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tw" }
[09:22] <rmg51> Morning [12:11] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples and whatever else is around [13:27] <lazyPower> o/ [17:03] <ChinnoDog> Is there a way to get apport to stop asking for permission to report crashes besides disabling it altogether? [17:16] <lazyPower> ChinnoDog: not to my knowledge [17:22] <ChinnoDog> I'm happy to report crashes but not if dialogs requiring multiple actions are going to pop up for each and every one. [17:24] <ChinnoDog> Was it in Fedora or an earlier version of Ubuntu that there is a tray icon that appears when something crashes? I like that design. If something unexpected happens I get a hint of what happened. If something crashes and I don't notice I can ignore the icon until I am ready to deal withi t. [17:28] <jthan> ChinnoDog: fedora [17:30] <lazyPower> ChinnoDog: ubuntu doesn't use the tray they use the unity losenge design to warehouse apport. The unfortuante side effect of apport is it collects potentially sensitive information - which is why i requires a sudo elevation to report the bugs. [17:30] <lazyPower> there's room for improvement there, i agree with you. Unfortunately i dont think apport is as active of a project anymore with the new focus being on mobile and getting the mir display server shored up for the convergence play. [17:30] <lazyPower> but thats hard for me to really discern as I work in a completely different dept. of canonical. [17:33] <ChinnoDog> apport is inactive? :-( That is unfortunate. It is an important part of the ecosystem. If I were publishing Ubuntu apps I would definitely be mining the crash reports. [18:42] <lazyPower> well inactive meaning its gone maintenance mode [18:42] <lazyPower> its doing security / bug patching [18:42] <lazyPower> but i dont think anyone is actively working on new features for it
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ChinnoDog", "jthan", "lazyPower", "rmg51", "teddy-dbear" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa" }
[13:12] <scaleway-ubuntu> κανες εδ; [14:22] <harispc> Ηι [16:33] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntusecurity: USN-2552-1: Thunderbird vulnerabilities <> [18:43] <xeirwn> kalispera paides [19:04] <harispc> Hi guys [20:34] <bugsgounelas> γεια [20:35] <talos-mintgr> hi [20:35] <bugsgounelas> απo τι os τωρα? [20:35] <talos-mintgr> guess :P [20:35] <bugsgounelas> archακι <3 εγω [20:35] <bugsgounelas> εσυ mint? [20:36] <talos-mintgr> ναι αλλα εχω και arch [20:36] <harispc> εσυ bugs απο win εισαι [20:36] <harispc> εγω απο ubuntu 14.04 παντως [20:36] <bugsgounelas> βγηκα απ τα win μετα τo game ρρ [20:37] <harispc> οκ δεν το ηξερα [20:37] <harispc> Πως ειναι τωρα το Desk σου στο Arch? [20:37] <bugsgounelas> kde [20:37] <bugsgounelas> με τo icon τo logo τoυ arch [20:37] <bugsgounelas> και ενα abstract blue c4d για wallpaper [20:38] <harispc> Εμενα ειναι το εξης [20:38] <harispc> Αν θεΛετε στειλτε screenshots/εγω στελνω [20:41] <harispc> [20:41] <harispc> Σας αρέσει? [20:43] <bugsgounelas> gn guys [20:52] <harispc> Hi Black_Horseman, σε θυμαμε απο το Linux Inside [20:53] <Black_Horseman> hi [20:53] <Black_Horseman> ti leei? [20:54] <harispc> το LinuxInside παει παντως [20:55] <Black_Horseman> ekleise? [20:55] <harispc> [20:55] <harispc> αλλαξε url αλλα δεν ειναι οπως πριν [20:55] <Black_Horseman> nai to kserw [20:55] <Black_Horseman> moiazei idio [20:55] <harispc> Δεν γραφει σχεδων κανεις πια [20:56] <Black_Horseman> makari na xa gnwseis kai xrono [20:57] <harispc> οκ τωρα βγαινω εχω καληνυχτα
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Black_Horseman", "Euaki", "bugsgounelas", "harispc", "scaleway-ubuntu", "talos-mintgr", "xeirwn" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gr" }
[14:49] <soon> Hej Ubuntu folk -- nogen der ønsker at købe en Ubuntu Phone (bq)? [19:24] <crank_xubuntu> det var ikke mange
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "crank_xubuntu", "soon" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-dk" }
[07:33] <elfy> morning [07:33] <silverlion> hey elfy [07:33] <silverlion> long time no read [07:33] <elfy> I'm often about somewhere :) [07:34] <silverlion> yeah this time it was my bad [07:34] <silverlion> :D [07:34] <elfy> :) [07:35] <silverlion> how are things going inside the community? [07:35] * silverlion hasn't had the time to be active lately [07:35] <elfy> pretty much the same as ever from what I can see [07:37] <silverlion> that's great [07:37] <silverlion> means there are at least no very bad news [07:37] <silverlion> ;D [07:38] <dpm> good morning all [07:38] <elfy> silverlion: :) [07:39] <elfy> morning dpm [07:39] <dpm> hey elfy :) [07:39] <silverlion> mornin' dpm [07:39] <dpm> morning silverlion [09:35] <czajkowski> popey: any of your team going to mobile week NYC [09:36] <popey> dont think so [09:38] <czajkowski> :( [09:39] <knome> maybe they will attend the immobile week in the UK (: [09:40] <czajkowski> ? [09:40] <knome> i'm joking. [16:12] <mhall119> jono: are you still doing your Q&As? [16:25] <silverlion> aloha every1
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "czajkowski", "dpm", "elfy", "knome", "mhall119", "popey", "silverlion" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-community-team" }
[04:22] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro [05:42] <calmpitbull> moregen [05:42] <calmpitbull> morgen [06:33] <BotaniCar> more_gen ! [06:35] <BotaniCar> Fakat, jelly, mandarine ? Da pijemo kavu pivo i sok i mudrujemo o zivotu i hrani :) [06:49] <BotaniCar> "/var/log/apache2/error_log is the closest thing to Big Data I've seen recently" [06:49] <calmpitbull> kakve mandarine? [06:49] <BotaniCar> "Fine" im je bio zajednicki nazivnik [06:50] <calmpitbull> samo da nisu klementine [06:50] <BotaniCar> klementine <> mandarine (AFAIK ) [06:50] <calmpitbull> da [06:51] <calmpitbull> ok ljudi jedno pitanje: na faksu cu sljedece godine morati odabrati smjer [06:51] <calmpitbull> i naravno da cu odabrati mreze [06:51] <BotaniCar> Ljevica ! [06:51] <calmpitbull> hahaha [06:52] <calmpitbull> ali onda moram odabrati jos jedan kolegij [06:52] <calmpitbull> nekako me vuce na objektno programiranje u c++ [06:52] <calmpitbull> a ima i baze podataka znaci sql [06:53] <calmpitbull> pa me zanima sto je po vasem mislenju bolje ? [06:53] <BotaniCar> Misljenje ces dobiti kad i ako pobrojis raspolozive kolegije, ne ono sto ti smatras kao cherrypicked-two :) [06:54] <calmpitbull> moze [06:54] <calmpitbull> ako zelis mogu napisati [06:54] <calmpitbull> sve [06:54] <BotaniCar> napravi anketu !! [06:54] <calmpitbull> Strukture podataka i algoritmi [06:54] <calmpitbull> hahah [06:54] <calmpitbull> pa to ti nije losa ideja [06:55] <BotaniCar> ti mislis da se zajebavam, ako ti je stalo do misljenja, slozi anketu i pukni na par kanala, zacas ces imati statisticki znacajne odgovore [06:55] <calmpitbull> idem odma [06:55] <BotaniCar> "The Sysadmin's Uncanny Valley: the period where it is unclear which is higher: the server's load average or the IQ of sysadmin who runs it" [07:03] <vileni> dobio spam, u kojem mi zeli prodati paket mail adresa za spamiranje [07:03] <BotaniCar> Posto, i koliko adresa paket sadrzi ? [07:03] <vileni> kao 930k adresa iz hrvatske [07:03] <vileni> 50eur [07:03] <BotaniCar> Jebeno, si kupio ? [07:04] <vileni> neznam sta bih s tim [07:04] <vileni> meni treba obrnuto nesto [07:04] <BotaniCar> Salji "ovo je mogao biti spam" mailove [07:04] <BotaniCar> I haven't been backed up in so long that I'm convinced your disaster recovery plan is "get fired." # ahahahahah [07:04] <vileni> paket koji mi garantira da ce oni dobivati milijune mailova dnevno [07:06] <BotaniCar> Haha, napravit' se mutav i odgovoriti "would you be interested in me broadedng the address scope you're selling, for a small compensation in bitcoin? I work in one of Croatia's largest mail-account-holding companies" :) [07:06] <BotaniCar> $profit [07:11] <calmpitbull> POMOC KOD ODABIRA KOLEGIJA---- [07:11] <calmpitbull> BotaniCar: daj pogledaj [07:12] <BotaniCar> Cek, ja sam mislio da ces napisati svoj anketni softver ! Darn you :) [07:12] <BotaniCar> I, nisi postavio limit na dva odabira :) [07:12] <calmpitbull> ne vec na 4 [07:13] <BotaniCar> :) Spominjao si dva iznad. Nu, nebitno, ja sam svoje odklikao [07:13] <calmpitbull> i bolje tako da vidim sto ce vecina reci i za one koje mislim da bih trebao [07:13] <calmpitbull> hvala ti [07:14] <BotaniCar> Imaj na umu da ja nisam zaokruzio najzanimljivije, vec one na kojima ces dobiti najvecu placu kroz najduzi vremenski period :) [07:14] <calmpitbull> pa i to je dobro [07:15] <calmpitbull> hvala ti na ovome :) [07:16] <calmpitbull> bas me zanima na kraju dana kako ce bit [07:20] <BotaniCar> Pukni i na neki forum ili sto vec pratis, tu ces dobiti 10 odgovora, a ako stavis i rezultate i anketu negdje na popularnije mjesto, mozda pomognes jos kome :) [07:22] <calmpitbull> moze [07:24] <calmpitbull> BotaniCar: ma vec su me 2 tvoja odgovra sokirala :) [07:24] <BotaniCar> Zakaj, zato jer te guram u menadzment i arhitekturu a ne u rack-monkey vode ? :) [07:25] <BotaniCar> jebo to, uvijek mozes biti rack monkey, arhitekata (dobrih ) nikad dosta [07:30] <calmpitbull> al kako si znao da su to ta dva sokantna odgovora [07:34] <VjetarSaSunca> jutar [07:35] <BotaniCar> jutreko pave [07:36] <calmpitbull> VjetarSaSunca: molim te ispuni [07:36] <BotaniCar> calmpitbull: citao sam sto pises i donio zakljucak, pokazalo se da je tocan :) [07:37] <VjetarSaSunca> Kak su strpali mrežne usluge i programiranje u jedan kolegij?? :) [07:37] <BotaniCar> VjetarSaSunca: ja sam se slicna pitanja pitao za matematike/algebre :) [07:37] <VjetarSaSunca> calmpitbull: pre malo informacija [07:37] <calmpitbull> sto jos trebas [07:37] <VjetarSaSunca> BotaniCar: ja sam actually proveo neko vrijeme na PMFu pa mi je jasno s algebrama :D [07:38] <BotaniCar> too much knowledge, too little time :) [07:38] <VjetarSaSunca> isklikao, dva za temeljno znanje, dva za pare [07:39] <BotaniCar> Nemo'sh ne voljet Vjetra :) [07:39] <VjetarSaSunca> :) [07:39] <calmpitbull> hvala [07:39] <VjetarSaSunca> np [07:39] <VjetarSaSunca> Od danas GO GO godišnj odmor :) [07:39] <calmpitbull> e bas me sada zanima kolko je to razlicito od BotaniCar-a [07:40] <VjetarSaSunca> kaj si ti kliknou BoT? [07:40] <BotaniCar> 4/4 4moneyz :) [07:40] <VjetarSaSunca> :D [07:40] <VjetarSaSunca> ma dobro to, ali koji odabir, jel se sjećaš? [07:40] <BotaniCar> ( and comfortable armchairs ) :) [07:41] <BotaniCar> Jok :D [07:41] <BotaniCar> al' sam siguran da bi se vidjali na bar dva kolegija :D [07:41] <VjetarSaSunca> [07:42] <VjetarSaSunca> to ja bio moj odabir [07:42] <calmpitbull> ma skoro je isto odabrao kao ti [07:42] <BotaniCar> Nda, vidjali bi se na tr ( 1, 3, 4 ) kolegija :) [07:43] <BotaniCar> calmpitbull: vjerojatno ce ti slicno odabrati bilo tko tko ima kredit i voli moci brzo naci novi posao kad zatreba:D [07:44] <Mmike> [07:44] <VjetarSaSunca> Btw, nije Yubuntu, već Widows ali ovo što diže na prntscr "cloud" je skroz cool free proggy [07:44] <datase> YouTube: World's Greatest Audio Systems Mike from 6moons - 0:11:40 - 383,276 views - 873 likes / 193 dislikes [07:44] <Mmike> trebalo bi pisati 'from morons' umjesto 'from 6moons' [07:44] <calmpitbull> Mmike: molim te ispunu samo 4 klika [07:44] <Mmike> BotaniCar: jesi ti kad uparivao linuxe s ektivdajrektorijem? [07:44] <BotaniCar> looooooooooool [07:45] <VjetarSaSunca> ah, [07:45] <BotaniCar> Mmike u par navrata, postaje sve lakse .. ima nekikurac ( nikad ne znam isprva kak se zove ) koji to sad radi klik-klik metodom [07:45] * VjetarSaSunca smells PITA [07:45] <Mmike> calmpitbull: eto, jesam [07:45] <calmpitbull> danke [07:45] <Mmike> BotaniCar: ssssssssssssssd? [07:45] <BotaniCar> A, ovo me kao win sistemca malo peche, samba postaje sve bolji DC, nek ti plate ljudi migraciju [07:46] <BotaniCar> Likewise-open ! To je kliklikdrekalica, fakat u redu radi [07:46] <BotaniCar> [07:47] <BotaniCar> Pfft, tuntor rula [07:47] <ivoks> evo [07:47] <ivoks> kad ja postanem premijer [07:47] <ivoks> uvest cu diktaturu [07:47] <ivoks> i prvo sto cu napraviti je [07:47] <ivoks> a) pustiti sanadera iz zatvora [07:47] <BotaniCar> ivoks: nikad neces postati nista, imas previse iskustva u realnom sektoru [07:47] <VjetarSaSunca> lol [07:47] <ivoks> b) pustiti vidosevica iz zatvora [07:47] <ivoks> c) sagraditi vjesala na trgu [07:48] <BotaniCar> ako ne pustis i Bandica, nisi napravio nish :D [07:48] <ivoks> i onda pustiti lovce da ulove ovu dvojicu po gradu [07:48] <ivoks> i kada ih ulove [07:48] * BotaniCar likes c [07:48] <ivoks> dovesti ih na trg [07:48] <ivoks> pridruziti im josipovica, milanovica, ostojica (ovaj mi je ovih dana posebno mrzak) [07:48] <BotaniCar> Bajic, what about Bajic ?!! [07:48] <ivoks> dovesti cijelu drzavu na trg; tko ne stane, bit ce streljan [07:48] <ivoks> i objesiti ih sve [07:49] <ivoks> i svima da vide [07:49] <ivoks> tko to ne vidi, ne moze biti gradjanin rh [07:49] <calmpitbull> ivoks: daj odklikaj samo 4 klika [07:49] <VjetarSaSunca> [07:49] <ivoks> BotaniCar: gle [07:49] <ivoks> cijeli svoj mandat cu posvetiti vjesanju kretena [07:49] <ivoks> jedan dan nije dosta za to [07:49] <ivoks> a kamoli 80 znakova na ircu za popisati sve [07:50] <VjetarSaSunca> ivoks: popio bi metak prije nego bi došao na vlast ;) [07:50] <ivoks> ne bi [07:50] <ivoks> ne pijem metke [07:50] <ivoks> uostalom [07:50] <ivoks> na vlast bi dosao oruzjem [07:50] <VjetarSaSunca> Nemaš ti ni muda ni želudac za to, ti si predugo u realnom sektoru :) [07:50] <ivoks> calmpitbull: ? [07:51] <calmpitbull> jesi odklikal [07:51] <ivoks> eto, jesam [07:51] <calmpitbull> danke [07:51] <ivoks> kaj je ono bilo? programiranje baza podataka? [07:51] <ivoks> kakav nonsens [07:52] <BotaniCar> Nonsens,da, let's put it all in Mongo and declare data structuring as solved [07:53] <VjetarSaSunca> ivoks: muti ti se pred očima od bijesa [07:53] <Mmike> BotaniCar: sssd? [07:53] <VjetarSaSunca> projektiranje, a ne programiranje [07:53] <BotaniCar> VjetarSaSunca: ali ima dobar point s "doci cu na vlast s oruzjem", ja i jos 4 milje hrvata postujemo takvu metodu [07:53] <VjetarSaSunca> BotaniCar: eno ti ih u Savskoj 66 još [07:54] <BotaniCar> Mmike: ovo: Ni probao [07:54] <VjetarSaSunca> Svaki ima barem jedan tenk u garaži u kleti [07:54] <Mmike> e jebo tebe :) [07:54] <BotaniCar> Hvala na lijepim zeljama, zelim ti isto ( pazi da ne napravis blizance kao weshmashian ) ! :) [07:54] <Mmike> blizance?! [07:54] <Mmike> weshmashian? [07:54] <Mmike> do tell! [07:54] <Mmike> weshmashian: para, pa srce mu param! :) [07:55] <BotaniCar> Mmike: kaj automatiziras post deploy dzojnanje na domenu za openstack makine ? [07:55] <Mmike> BotaniCar: ne [07:55] <BotaniCar> Mmike: FB mi je tako rekao, jos cekam potvrdu ! [07:55] <ivoks> Ostojicu kretencino mutava [07:55] <ivoks> Nova registarska tablica ima posebnu zaštitu od zloporaba [07:55] <ivoks> ...jos jednu tablicu... [07:55] <BotaniCar> Ahahahahaha [07:55] <Mmike> BotaniCar: customer ima problem da mu sssd pokupi iz ADa unixhomedirdreck, i onda nakon 2-3 minute reverta nazad na neki glupi default [07:55] <VjetarSaSunca> Kažem ja, ivoks nemaš ti želudac za to :) [07:56] <BotaniCar> o0o0o Mmike, do tell kad solvas [07:56] <Mmike> ivoks: ti bi u siriju trebao ic, tamo bi te stovali :) [07:56] <Mmike> BotaniCar: oooo,... :P :) [07:56] <BotaniCar> VjetarSaSunca: ako ima oruzja i volje , ne treba mu zeludac, takav se chir lako operira [07:56] <VjetarSaSunca> BotaniCar: misliš "vrijed" :) [07:56] <BotaniCar> *giggle* [07:58] <ivoks> vidis ti te imbecile [07:58] <ivoks> [07:58] <Mmike> BotaniCar: jel' imaju win7pro u sebi AD posluzavnik, ili bas moram imati WinblowsServer? [07:58] <ivoks> kaj cijela tablica onda nije bar kod? [07:58] <BotaniCar> Mmike: sad si me sjetio predavaca s RHSA nedavno, upisao sam na tecaj za RHEL7, da vidim kaj ima novo ; pol tecaja se ispricavao kaj ovo-ili-ono ne radi,pa ne mozemo provesti vjezbu :) [07:58] <ivoks> [07:58] <VjetarSaSunca> Update 3033889 causes Windows Explorer to stop responding on systems that use the Japanese or Korean IME :D [07:58] <BotaniCar> Mmike: nemaju LDAP/AD server u sebi, kaj ti je, pa di bi MS naplatio licence za windows server da imaju :D [07:58] <Mmike> pa kajjaznam [07:59] <ivoks> [07:59] <Mmike> kaj nisu winXP imali to, samo je bilo disejblano, pa si moro hakirat po redzistriju da to proradi? [07:59] <ivoks> nova kalifornijeske tablice ^ [07:59] <BotaniCar> Mmike: nisam se nikad takvim drkanjem bavio, lakse mi klijentu bilo prodati server [08:00] <VjetarSaSunca> Mmike: XP ? lol [08:00] <Mmike> [08:00] <BotaniCar> VjetarSaSunca: Mmike ti je spominjanjem XPa objasnio i na cemu gradi svoje velebno misljenje o windowsima :D [08:00] <Mmike> poredba, poredba [08:00] <Mmike> ucilo se to u skoli [08:01] <VjetarSaSunca> Bojim se uopće ulaziti u diskusiju BotaniCar :) [08:01] <BotaniCar> VjetarSaSunca: kak ces s neukim u diskusiju, mozes ga eventualno malo obrazovati :D [08:01] <Mmike> VjetarSaSunca: treba imat znanja da bi se moglo diskutirat :) [08:01] <VjetarSaSunca> Mmike: drago mi je da si danas samokritičan :) [08:01] <BotaniCar> To k'o da ja mmiketu velim da se idemo raspravljati o programiranju, poslal bi me po shibice :) [08:02] <ivoks> [08:02] <Mmike> tesko [08:02] * Mmike nezna programirat [08:02] * Mmike samo copy/pastea [08:02] <BotaniCar> Kaj to nije to ? [08:02] * Mmike sam ceka kad ce calmpitbull to spoznati :D [08:02] <Mmike> [08:02] <Mmike> in your face, morons [08:02] <ivoks> Mmike: ili instaliras samba4 [08:03] <BotaniCar> Err, directory services nije AD server :) [08:03] <Mmike> ili instaliras sambdla4 [08:03] <Mmike> BotaniCar: naravno da nije, kosta puno manje :D [08:03] <Mmike> nema backup u Azure cloud, i takva neka mega-bitna sranja [08:04] <BotaniCar> " without the dependencies that are required for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). " sto ga cini neupotrebljivim ako ides tim debugirati/replicirati "pravi AD" problem [08:04] <ivoks> mirka je zlo [08:04] <ivoks> donijela je cijelu kutiju domacica [08:04] <Mmike> super [08:04] <Mmike> skoro ces izgledat k'o ja [08:04] <Mmike> velika pufnica [08:04] <Mmike> dobio sam sskoro 4 kile u americi [08:04] <ivoks> necu, jer idem na bazen svaki dan [08:04] <ivoks> da, to tak ide [08:04] <ivoks> kila na dan preko bare [08:04] <Mmike> u-fakin-zas [08:05] <ivoks> zato ja tam vise ne ide [08:05] <ivoks> m [08:05] <Mmike> ma, stvar je samokontrole :) [08:05] <ivoks> zadnji put sam se vratio sa 120kg [08:05] <Mmike> ja sam se bas raskalasio :D [08:05] <ivoks> ma nije [08:05] <ivoks> oni trpaju secer svuda [08:05] <ivoks> jebo ih, i u vodu [08:05] <Mmike> u vodu trpaju leda [08:05] <Mmike> tonu! [08:05] <Mmike> to mi nikad nije bilo jasno [08:05] <ivoks> svasta trpaju [08:05] <ivoks> i flour [08:05] <Mmike> Minnesota, -40 vani, dodje casa vode s hrpom leda [08:05] <Mmike> pa cemu, jebovas :) [08:05] <ivoks> ja govorim o vodi na slavini [08:06] <Mmike> ivoks: vodio nas ed u ChinoBandido :) [08:06] <ivoks> to je sve obogaceno kemijom [08:06] <Mmike> KineskoMeksikanski mix :) [08:06] <Mmike> tipicno americko smece - preodlicno je :) [08:06] <Mmike> jeo sam neki chicken ponga-wakka-tonga s rizom (ljuto) koji je u tortilji i zapecenoj sa sirom preko :D [08:06] <ivoks> pa kineksikanke mogu biti jako zgodne [08:06] <Mmike> o, cek cke [08:06] <Mmike> da ti pokazem :) [08:07] <Mmike> hm, glupi gdrive [08:07] <Mmike> sam ces ti moc vidjet :) [08:07] <ivoks> kaj je najbolje, sad ce mi pokazat hranu [08:07] <ivoks> umjesto kineksikanke [08:08] <VjetarSaSunca> kaj da ti velim Mmike, probaj AD LDS i plači poslije ovdje :) [08:08] <Mmike> VjetarSaSunca: ti mi nemoj nish rec, molim te, ne zelim ospice :) [08:08] <Mmike> aha, kineksikanka [08:08] <VjetarSaSunca> buuuu [08:08] <VjetarSaSunca> OSPICE [08:08] * Mmike procitao kineskinja :) [08:09] <VjetarSaSunca> evo dobio si :p [08:09] <Mmike> 3 sam osobe valjda imo na ignoru ikad na ircu :) [08:09] <Mmike> Pokojnog Strpica, onog lika tu koji nije rut (stephens, ili tko vec), i PAVa [08:09] <Mmike> VjetarSaSunca: aj bok :) [08:09] <VjetarSaSunca> LOL [08:09] <calmpitbull> Mmike: kazes programiranje = copyranje [08:10] <Mmike> calmpitbull: da, al' moras sa stilom to radit :D [08:10] <calmpitbull> nije da se skroz slazem [08:10] <Mmike> calmpitbull: to je intended pun, naime, skuzit ces da jako puno ljudi to tak radi, i onda te najednom obuzme zelja da im rezes prste [08:11] <calmpitbull> jos je dobro ako znaju kaj su skopirali i kako to sto su skopirali radi [08:11] <calmpitbull> po ovome sto ste stavili ne gine ni strukture podataka i algoritmi [08:12] <VjetarSaSunca> Viš ti to, godinama nisam znao da me Mmike imao na ignoru :) [08:12] <Mmike> calmpitbull: da, ne gine [08:13] <Mmike> to je, onak, a must [08:13] <calmpitbull> sto se mora nije tesko [08:13] <ivoks> a da [08:13] <Mmike> ne moras naucit, al' procitaj, cesto ces se susretat s time [08:13] <ivoks> vise se ni ne zalim [08:13] <Mmike> da znas prepoznat [08:13] <ivoks> porezna mi opet (ista baba, 3. godinu zaredom) [08:13] <Mmike> i da kad naletis na problem da znas da imas 3-4 nacina kak to rijesiti [08:13] <ivoks> broji dolare i kune koje dobijem konverzijom iz dolara, kao dva neovisna prihoda [08:14] <Mmike> ivoks: kaj?! [08:14] <ivoks> ma svake godine ista prica [08:14] <ivoks> ja cu tu babu toljagom opalit [08:14] <Mmike> ivoks: cek cek - plate ti 1000 dolara, ti prebacis to u kune i imas 7000 kuna, a ona ti zbroji da imas 14k kuna prihoda? [08:14] <calmpitbull> Mmike: ima smisla...a to je ionak programiranje [08:14] <ivoks> da [08:14] <VjetarSaSunca> ivoks: što da ti kažem... recept za to što imaš na umu je napisan [08:14] <Mmike> kreten [08:14] <Mmike> calmpitbull: [08:15] <Mmike> ivoks: koja je to baba? Mislim, prijavi ju! [08:15] <Mmike> mislim, ak nesh ti, ja cu ju prijavit! [08:15] <ivoks> tak ispada da sam milijuner vec [08:15] <ivoks> sam ne znam kak [08:15] <VjetarSaSunca> [08:15] <datase> YouTube: Beogradski Sindikat - Oni su HD - 0:03:54 - 117,115 views - 523 likes / 17 dislikes [08:15] <Mmike> pa to k'o da ti murijak napise kaznu za prolazak kroz zelenoi! [08:15] <ivoks> jer jos uvijek vozim 10 godina star auto [08:15] <Mmike> ili zato kaj nisi dao zmigavac za ic ravno! [08:15] <ivoks> i podstanar sam u 45 kvadrata [08:15] <VjetarSaSunca> oh Mmike flood [08:16] <Mmike> ooo, ja sam bogatiji! :) imam SVOJ stan od 60 kvadrata, i imam 7 godina star auto :) [08:16] <calmpitbull> Mmike: upisao na nekakav tecaj preko stanford university, ako se ne varam, algoritmi 1 a sve se radi u pythonu [08:16] <VjetarSaSunca> čini se da će biti obostrana ljubav/ignore ako nastavi :O [08:16] <Mmike> i imam zenu i dijete, to isto kosta :) [08:16] <Mmike> calmpitbull: good stuff! jako dobra brija! [08:16] <Mmike> calmpitbull: neznam kakav je stanford, al' imas codeacademy i udacity [08:16] <Mmike> pogledaj svakako [08:16] <Mmike> a imas i courseru [08:16] <Mmike> meni coursera prejebena [08:16] <Mmike> da imam vremena upisao bih tamo kemiju, biologiju i sociologiju [08:17] <calmpitbull> dobro [08:17] <VjetarSaSunca> da nema vremena, ne bi bio na ircu :) [08:17] <calmpitbull> hahahaha [08:17] <VjetarSaSunca> tak da ti je to sve relativno calmpitbull , pazi koga slušaš :) [08:18] <jelly> vileni: jel mozes tu reklamu za popis adresa forwardat, kao attachment, na antispam -at- [08:18] <SilverSpace> jutr [08:18] <VjetarSaSunca> O srebrni [08:18] <calmpitbull> VjetarSaSunca: ma Mmike je dobar jedino ne smijes reci da je centos dobar server [08:19] <calmpitbull> SilverSpace: samo 4 klika [08:19] <VjetarSaSunca> calmpitbull: opsano si blizu njegovoj ignor listi :) [08:19] <calmpitbull> hahaha [08:19] <Mmike> calmpitbull: smijes :) kaj nebi smio :) [08:19] <Mmike> mosh svakakve neistine iznosit :) [08:20] <calmpitbull> VjetarSaSunca: sjecam se dana kada sam rekao da cu si doma stavit owncloud na centos...... [08:20] <VjetarSaSunca> ahahahahahaha [08:20] <vileni> jelly: poslano [08:24] <jelly> hvala! [08:24] <VjetarSaSunca> calmpitbull: ma dobar je Mmike, ali je eto Mmike . To je sve što treba reći :) [08:24] <calmpitbull> vileni: kada ces imat vremena samo 4 klika [08:25] <SilverSpace> kaj sad calmpitbull stim linkom [08:25] <calmpitbull> jelly: isto tako kada ces imat vremena samo 4 klika [08:25] <jelly> mrš! [08:25] <calmpitbull> SilverSpace:pomoc kod odabira kolegija [08:25] <jelly> reci o čem se radi prvo [08:25] <vileni> calmpitbull: cevap po kliku + lepinja [08:25] <calmpitbull> zanima me vase misljenje [08:25] <BotaniCar> dze mail admina pitas za anketu, prije bi ti mandarine na ledjima donio doma :) [08:26] <Mmike> jel' vam tuli ? [08:26] <Mmike> u usima :D [08:26] <calmpitbull> jelly: evo pomoc kod odabira kolegija [08:26] <SilverSpace> calmpitbull: hm pomayem samo uy cevape >( [08:26] <vileni> i nasao si pravog za pitanja o kolegijima, ja 9 godina na faksu i jos nisam siguran sto je to [08:26] <SilverSpace> opet us tipkovnica [08:26] <vileni> (ne studiram) [08:26] <calmpitbull> onda nista [08:27] <Mmike> [08:27] <Mmike> kak to moze bit? [08:27] <Mmike> tj, kakvog smisla ima takva obveznica? Uzmes i obvezes se da ces dat paru nazad? [08:27] * Mmike je trebao bit ekonomist [08:28] <SilverSpace> nije ekonomija vise sto je prije bila [08:28] <SilverSpace> Mmike: sigurno njemacka uz to daje i poticaje :) [08:28] <Mmike> ma ne kuzim koncept [08:29] <Mmike> to k'o da dignem kredit u banci s kamatom od -10% [08:29] <Mmike> kakvog to smisla ima? [08:29] <SilverSpace> za svaki kurac svi daju poticaje danas [08:29] <VjetarSaSunca> da je Mmike ekonomist vjerojatno bi na #economy-hr drvio o Ubuntuu :) [08:30] <SilverSpace> odoh van da vas vise ne cita nedaj boze da vas moram gledati [08:31] <VjetarSaSunca> lol [08:31] <Mmike> SilverSpace: biciklas? [08:31] <Mmike> ides malo do savske skoknit? :) [08:31] <VjetarSaSunca> na grah i ćevape :) [08:31] <vileni> Mmike: si kupio taj bicikl vise? :) [08:32] <Mmike> vileni: ne, brijem da cu uzet novi iz ciklocentra s popustom [08:32] <vileni> za ~205kn ne vjerujem da postoji bolji ruter [08:32] <Mmike> za to kak se ja naporno vozim bit ce vise neg dovoljan [08:33] <SilverSpace> Mmike: malo poceo [08:33] <vileni> Mmike: ti ces ionako samo ravnicom do cevapa jel :) (i ja s tobom) [08:33] <SilverSpace> treba trenirati za bjezaniju uskoro [08:34] <Mmike> vileni: da, to je ideja :D [08:34] <Mmike> treba nac balans [08:35] <vileni> Mmike: ja svog taman uredio skroz, kostao me vise servis nego za hondu :) [08:35] <vileni> sad cekam da isprobam [08:36] <BotaniCar> ovaj ruterbord ima i jeftilen model s c standardom ? [08:36] <vileni> c standard? [08:36] <vileni> ac? [08:37] <Mmike> vileni: koji/kaki? [08:37] <vileni> sad su najavili jeftiniji ac, i skuplji ac, kucne verzije [08:37] <vileni> inace imaju samo ove vanjske cpe/backbone [08:37] <vileni> Mmike: bicikl? ktm 29er neki [08:38] <BotaniCar> *ac, da [08:38] <Mmike> nemoj ti meni neki, jel' deore xt ili altus? :D [08:39] <vileni> Mmike: deore slx straznji [08:39] <vileni> nabe deore [08:39] <vileni> prednji valjda deore [08:40] <vileni> mislim da je vecina deore :) [08:40] <vileni> kaze mi frend da je to neki slaganac, kao da su imali viska jacih dijelova pa potrpali na bicikl na akciji [08:41] <calmpitbull> hvala vam na rezultatima [08:43] <calmpitbull> bome sokiran da je projektiranje informacijskih sustava i inforamtizacija poslovanja uopce dobila koji postotak [08:43] <vileni> Mmike: evo ga [08:43] <jelly> vileni: isti SoC u zadnjoj verziji, kunu jeftinije [08:44] <vileni> jelly: i to je ok, ali routeros mi je mocniji dosta :) [08:44] <jelly> od openwrta? [08:44] <vileni> o da [08:44] <Mmike> vileni: o, pa lijepo [08:44] <Mmike> vileni: koja velicina rame? [08:46] <VjetarSaSunca> staro i dobro. 2013. ivoks evo ti poduzetnički impuls :) [08:46] <vileni> Mmike: mislim da je 21 ali nisam siguran [08:49] <Mmike> vileni: kol'ko si ga platio? [08:50] <vileni> Mmike: uzeo ga od frenda u pola cijene, on je dao nekih 5500, bio na popustu sa 7k [08:50] <Mmike> fini ubod [08:51] <Mmike> imas jos koji taki? :) [08:52] <jelly> VjetarSaSunca: *crk* [08:53] <vileni> Mmike: da imam curi bi uzeo, sad njoj treba neki :) [08:53] <vileni> tj, imamo jos 2 bicikla ali su dosta losiji [08:53] <obruT> Mmike: jel vrtis neutron negdje ? na kakvom hardveru ? (cpu/mem) ? [08:53] <vileni> ali prezivjet ce sezonu pa najesen da uzmemo [08:54] <Mmike> obruT: bas drkam s tim govnetom u virtualki [08:54] <Mmike> instalirao sam openstack u openstack :0 [08:56] <obruT> imam neke dvije kante, doslovno kante pa razmisljam na koju stavit neutron, a na koji dashbort i te helper servise [08:56] <Mmike> obruT: nemam ti pojma rec specke kakve ti trbeaju za kak velku mrezu, al' nas cloud za testiranje (u kojem deployeamo testna sranja) [08:56] <Mmike> #define kanta [08:57] <obruT> Mmike: pokoji core do dva i 4 GB memorije [08:57] <Mmike> ma dost [08:57] <Mmike> za test pogotovo [08:57] <Mmike> jedino ti ja fakat toplo preporucam da uzmes maas i da uzmes juju i da s tim deployas openstack [09:02] <jelly> vileni: hm, to nije kao attachment, izgubili su se originalni headeri [09:09] <BotaniCar> # za sve ljubitelje slastica [09:14] <Mmike> 250 na kineskom znaci 'glupan' [09:14] <Mmike> ili tak nesh : [09:14] <Mmike> 0 [09:14] <jelly> OTL [09:16] <Mmike> [09:16] <jelly> Mmike je iz Kanade zemlje! [09:19] <VjetarSaSunca> :) [09:22] <hbogner> o/ [09:23] <jelly> jel windowsi jos uvijek ne mogu imati dvotocku u imenu datoteke, ili to sad radi? [09:23] <jelly> ono ak vendoru posaljem debug.log.2015-04-02T11:22+0200 oce me mrzit [09:24] <VjetarSaSunca> jelly: zipaj :) [09:24] <jelly> kakve to koristi ima [09:24] <jelly> opet ce unutra biti isto ime [09:24] <VjetarSaSunca> šalim se samo [09:25] <Mmike> posalji mu zip [09:25] <Mmike> i to ga jos na macosu napravi [09:25] <Mmike> :) [09:26] <VjetarSaSunca> jelly: uglavnom odgovor je "ne može : u imenu na win" [09:26] <jelly> eh [09:26] <BotaniCar> nemre dvotocka, kose crte , zvjezdina, navodnici i strelice [09:26] <BotaniCar> **zvjezdica [09:26] <SilverSpace> zima vani [09:27] <jelly> jeste, piri [09:27] <hbogner> ja se doselio nazad :D [09:28] <jelly> BotaniCar: zvjezdina je isto bas dobro ime [09:28] <SilverSpace> hbogner: kaj si diplomirao? [09:28] <jelly> rimuje se sa samarcina [09:28] <hbogner> SilverSpace, nisam, pisem diplomski [09:28] <jelly> HRbogner [09:28] <hbogner> i moram jos 1/4 ispita polozit. al za to nemoram bit tamo [09:28] <VjetarSaSunca> hbogner: ti si studirao još u doba dok je Tinuviel bila na IRCu :) [09:29] <hbogner> VjetarSaSunca, ha haha [09:29] <obruT> tinuviel :P [09:29] <hbogner> VjetarSaSunca, s faksa u penziju, ja promoviram taj prpgram [09:29] <VjetarSaSunca> hbogner: ideja je odlična! [09:30] <hbogner> sad jos da drzava prihvati moju inicijativu :D [09:32] <SilverSpace> :) [09:33] <SilverSpace> [09:34] <SilverSpace> jebote zajebali su se zagorci ne mogu bit pijani sa 1.4 [09:37] <jelly> Tražim sample tekst sa svim našim slovima, ili bar sa svim kvačicama. [09:38] <jelly> Npr: Ćušpajz i đuveč sa žemljom. [09:39] <jelly> ĆUŠPAJZ I ĐUVEČ SA ŽEMLJOM. [09:44] <BotaniCar> tinuviel .. boNze dragi .. [09:45] <BotaniCar> Nego, ste znali da ima IPv6 zapise :) [09:47] <obruT> host -t AAAA vrati ponesto toga [09:47] <BotaniCar> neka neka, steta sto je sadrzajno tak kenjav portal [09:53] <BotaniCar> # rekao sam ja da ce do toga doci, iduci korak - moras imati licencu za 3d printer [09:53] <BotaniCar> ( brijem da je ovo aprililili , ofc ) [09:59] <SilverSpace> [10:00] <SilverSpace> BotaniCar: lol [10:07] <obruT> BotaniCar: ima ipv6, nema... dakle, jasno je za koga cemo glasat :) [10:10] <SilverSpace> lol [10:10] <SilverSpace> jel sdp na ubuntu [10:11] <obruT> nemam pojma, al ako je, i to je minus :) [10:11] <SilverSpace> oni su koristili za izbore ubuntu [10:11] <SilverSpace> preko frendice su dosli do mene [10:12] <obruT> jesi ih odjebo jer si hdz-ovac ? :) [10:12] <SilverSpace> neki lik me dva puta nazvao da me nesto pita [10:12] <SilverSpace> a u biti je htio doci do nekih laptopa mukte [10:13] <obruT> politicar, oce odma pokrast sirotinji [10:13] <SilverSpace> obruT: ma ne jebem takve likove to su muktarosi samo takvi [10:14] <SilverSpace> jeli bi i pili samo da ne plate [10:14] <obruT> i pobrali pare na potjeri bez da ucestvuju s parama... e pa neće moći ove noći [10:14] <obruT> :) [10:15] <SilverSpace> :) [10:16] <SilverSpace> joj franko gledao to i kaze koja budala :) [10:17] <SilverSpace> doduse ni tarik se nije poneo profesionalno koliko god ovaj mali bio odvratan [10:17] <obruT> Tarik je bio car :) mozda nije profesionalno, ali je iskreno i mislim da ga apsolutno svi podrzavaju [10:18] <Mmike> BRLGLJEZBATOROZ [10:19] <SilverSpace> ? [10:19] <SilverSpace> opet macka tipka [10:19] <Mmike> BotaniCar: [10:19] <Mmike> idemo u akciju? :) [10:22] <obruT> vec vidim clanak "studentice u strahu od tri pohotnika koji napadaju u dvoristu doma na savi" [10:22] <SilverSpace> :) [10:23] <Mmike> tri photnika? [10:23] <Mmike> kak sad ? :) [10:23] <obruT> pa ovaj s clanka i jos dvojica [10:23] <obruT> "Muškarac srednje dobi, mršav, visok oko 1,70 metara, u sivoj šuškavoj jakni i s raskopčanim trapericama" [10:24] <obruT> "Muskarac srednje dobi, nije mršav, visoko više od 1.70 metara, u openstack majici i raskopcanim trapericama" [10:24] <obruT> "Muskarac srednje dobi, mršav, visok 1.80 metara, u 'windows admin' majici i raskopcanim trapericama" [10:25] <SilverSpace> :) [10:31] <Mmike> 'nije mrsav' [10:31] <Mmike> hvala, obruT :) [10:41] <Mmike> ides! [10:41] <Mmike> 2 puta roknulo nest [10:41] <Mmike> fest [10:41] <Mmike> cuo tko? [10:41] <obruT> ja, samo jedan doom [10:42] <SilverSpace> mig zvucni zid [10:43] <obruT> ovo mi nije bas tak zvucalo [10:46] <nixhr> bleble [10:46] <nixhr> dobro jutro [10:46] <hbogner> culo se i na folci [10:47] <Mmike> to satorasi rade larmu [10:47] <Mmike> culo se i u klari [10:47] <Mmike> zena mi tam radi [10:48] <Mmike> mijesi kruv :) [10:48] <Mmike> nixhr: sad 5 tibetanaca za krvotok i dobar dan : [10:48] <nixhr> :D [10:50] <SilverSpace> obruT: hm mozda to seselj stize na tenku :) [10:53] <VjetarSaSunca> Na kustošiji se čulo sam jednom :) [10:54] <VjetarSaSunca> Zvrcneš besplatni telefon 112 i saznaš što je :) [10:56] <SilverSpace> VjetarSaSunca: ne mozes taj broj dobiti od navale penzica frka ih je kad nesto grune pa zovu [10:56] <VjetarSaSunca> SilverSpace: onda zoveš 021/112 :D [11:00] <VjetarSaSunca> [11:06] <BotaniCar> Znam da je potpuno krivo mjesto, ali mozda vileni zna: koji je najjeftiniji ispit dovoljan za dobijanje "MCP" titule ? [11:06] <BotaniCar> Zelim onu plavu majicu ! :) [11:07] <Mmike> malo mi je 16GB RAMa [11:07] <Mmike> MALO MI JE JEDAN DAN SA TOBOM [11:07] <Mmike> kad ce vise izbacit 16GB DDR3 modulkeke :) [11:07] <BotaniCar> s/DAN/ZIVOT/ [11:07] <BotaniCar> # trash [11:07] <datase> YouTube: Prva Liga - Jedan Život malo je (Sijo Remix) - 0:03:22 - 4,390 views - 24 likes / 1 dislikes [11:11] <SilverSpace> jebote ovaj Rimac ce najvjerojatnije prodati firmu za veliku lovu [11:12] <vileni> BotaniCar: bilokoji? :) [11:13] <BotaniCar> vileni: pitam koji je najjeftiniji, sunac mu :D [11:14] <BotaniCar> Ne smije kostati vise od bolje majice u ducanu, ne zanima me jel' koristan [11:14] <BotaniCar> Nazvao sam algebru, sumarum je "ako neces akademiju za 19kkn, nemoj me jeabt' s pitanjima" , pa sam spustio slusalicu [11:19] <SilverSpace> [11:21] <SilverSpace> [11:21] <SilverSpace> jos bolje fotke [11:23] <Mmike> vileni: onaj webfig za routeros, kol'ko j eto dobro? [11:23] <SilverSpace> kad gledam ove oluje mi smo fakat sretni kaj zivimu u hr [11:23] <SilverSpace> [11:23] <Mmike> SilverSpace: mi zato imamo SDP [11:23] <Mmike> ili HDZ [11:23] <Mmike> koji vec su na redu kad [11:24] <VjetarSaSunca> Tko kaže da nema posla? [11:24] <BotaniCar> Ima ima, samo kakvog i posto :) [11:24] <Mmike> SilverSpace: [11:24] <BotaniCar> Nego, zakaj svi navode (m/f) , kaj nemamo neku zakonsku regulativu koja brani spolnu diskriminaciju kod zaposljavanja ? [11:25] <Mmike> SilverSpace: to je rumunska, temisvar :) [11:29] <SilverSpace> Mmike: lol istinane znas sto je gore [11:43] <VjetarSaSunca> "Sve je vratila" [11:43] <VjetarSaSunca> Ajme koja banana od države [11:57] <ivoks> o majke ti [11:57] <ivoks> znate ikoga u apisITu? [11:57] <ivoks> obznanjujem da krecem u pohod potpune eliminacije te tvrtke [11:57] <ivoks> da vise nikad nista ne taknu [11:57] <ivoks> a svi koji tamo rade da odu na burzu i *nikad* ne dobiju posao [11:58] <ivoks> manja su steta na burzi nego da rade [11:59] <BotaniCar> # hello destroyer of worlds :) [11:59] <BotaniCar> ivoks: znam par ljudi tamo i svi ce ti rado pomoci [12:01] <ivoks> mogu mi pomoci tako da nauce matematiku [12:01] <ivoks> pogotovo operacije zbrajanja i mnozenja [12:01] <ivoks> idem do kraja [12:01] <ivoks> i u medije [12:01] <ivoks> govna ne znaju zbrajati [12:01] <ivoks> pun mi kurac vise, svake godine ista prica [12:01] <BotaniCar> :) Ima i tam ok ekipe ali nikad ne dodju na stih ( znam, isto se moze reci i za HDZ) [12:02] <hbogner> sta bi ivoks? [12:02] <Mmike> ivoks: kaj su ti poreznici prodali foru da je softver kriv? :) [12:02] <ivoks> Mmike: sve pise [12:02] <Mmike> ivoks: lazu te - ja vec hrpu godina primam paru iz vana i nikad me nisu tak sjebali k'o tebe [12:02] <ivoks> sad cu ti reci koji tecaj za dolar su uzeli 31.12. [12:03] <ivoks> jedno 1 dolar za 12 kuna [12:03] <Mmike> lol [12:03] <Mmike> a cek, zakaj 31.12 [12:03] <BotaniCar> lol [12:03] <ivoks> i to [12:03] <ivoks> tebi lova sjedne 2.12. [12:03] <Mmike> meni obracunavaju datim kad sam primio paru [12:03] <ivoks> prebacis 3.12. [12:03] <ivoks> a oni uzmu tecaj 31.12 [12:03] <Mmike> zakaj?! [12:03] <Mmike> ma daj ih prijavi [12:03] <ivoks> pitaj apis it [12:03] <Mmike> nemre bit to [12:03] <ivoks> no shit [12:03] <Mmike> ma nema veze s time [12:03] <Mmike> (daleko od toga da oni nisu kreteni) [12:04] <ivoks> ima ima [12:04] <ivoks> ovo sto dobijem od porezne [12:04] <ivoks> je izlist od softvera [12:04] <ivoks> porezna ne zna kako su ti brojevi dosli tamo [12:04] <Mmike> ja primim lovu 1.12, 1000 dolara. tecaj je 5 kuna. [12:04] <ivoks> to im je softver izbavio [12:04] <Mmike> prebacim lovu 10.12, tecaj je 7 kuna. [12:04] <ivoks> covjece, 70.000kn su mi htjeli uzet [12:04] <Mmike> Imam na racunu 0 dolara, 7000 kuna. [12:04] <ivoks> jebat cu im sve po spisku [12:04] <Mmike> i moram si proknjizit jos 2000 kuna prihoda, na koje platim porez na dobit [12:05] <Mmike> ak je tecaj pao, proknjizim si gubitak [12:05] <Mmike> i umanjim si za to porez na dobit [12:05] <Mmike> i tak radim zadnjih 5 godina [12:05] <Mmike> 4 [12:05] <Mmike> koliko vec [12:05] <Mmike> nikad nisam imao bedova, nit imam probleme koje ti spominjes [12:06] <Mmike> porezna ne radi izracune, ti si sam prijavljujes stvari [12:06] <Mmike> tj, knjigovodstvo tvoje [12:09] <ivoks> dakle [12:09] <ivoks> u 12. mjesecu, apis it je imao tecaj za dolar [12:09] <ivoks> 7,8 [12:10] <vileni> Mmike: webfig je jako dobar, mislim da ima 99% stvari iz winboxa [12:10] <Mmike> ivoks: al... mislim, mozda je za obrte to drugacije, al' za d.o.o. porezna to ne obracunava. Ti im dostavis papir na kojem pise kad si kaj radio [12:10] <Mmike> jedino kaj moras uzet tecaj od HNBa a ne od svoje banke [12:10] <vileni> a winbox radi kroz wine [12:10] <ivoks> Mmike: da, doneses [12:10] <Mmike> a razliku si nesmijes uzet k'o trosak [12:10] <ivoks> Mmike: ali onda ti porezna kaze 'a ovo je sto nama apis it dojavi' [12:10] <Mmike> osim ak nije tebi u korist, onda moras to knjizit k'o prihod [12:10] <vileni> BotaniCar: 62eur ti je najjeftinije afaik, osim ako ulovis promo kao ono za hyper-v pa je free :) [12:11] <ivoks> i onda se smijes [12:11] <Mmike> ivoks: wtf? velim ti, da je to do apis-itja onda bi pol hrvatske imalo bedove s time [12:11] <Mmike> ukljucujuc mene [12:11] <Mmike> osim ak za obrte nije drugacije [12:11] <ivoks> hoces cut jos nes? [12:11] <ivoks> razgovaramo sa zenom [12:11] <ivoks> i veli 'svega ima, jedan nam je prijavio dohodak od 1,1 milijun kuna, a mi nasli samo milijun kuna' [12:12] <ivoks> 'pa, upozorili ste ga, jel?' [12:12] <ivoks> 'ne, zasto? nas od viska glava ne boli' [12:12] <Mmike> yupi [12:12] <Mmike> to je known fact [12:12] <Mmike> u korist drzave [12:12] <Mmike> doduse, lik, nakon kaj je skuzio moze rec 'joooooooj, sjebo sam' i dobit ce paru nazad [12:12] <Mmike> mislim da ima 3 godine vremena [12:12] <Mmike> ili tak nesh [12:12] <Mmike> al' da ce ti ovi rec da imas viska para - bas i nece [12:13] <Mmike> iako moj referent (promijenio se, baba osla u mirovinu) me uredno nazove i kaze kaj ce bit i to [12:13] <Mmike> jako ovisi na kakvu osobu tam naletis [12:13] <Mmike> al' ovo kaj ti pricas [12:13] <Mmike> pa to je [12:13] <Mmike> nenzam kaj bi reko [12:13] <Mmike> mislim, ak ces ic s minobacacima tamo, zovi, idem i ja s tobom [12:13] <Mmike> jesi donio papir od HNBa di pise koji je tecaj dolara bio na taj dan? [12:14] <Mmike> (iako mi opet nije jasno zakaj ih boli kurac to - osim ako nisi u poreznom nadzoru) [12:14] <Mmike> a ovo kaj si reko da ti dvaput zbroje, dolare + konvertirane kune [12:14] <Mmike> mislim, to mi je science fiction [12:14] <Mmike> ak nesh ti s tim u novine, aj daj meni dokumentaciju, budem ja [12:15] <Mmike> jer ono [12:15] <Mmike> ak je to tak fakat [12:15] <Mmike> mislim [12:15] <Mmike> neznam opce kaj da mislim [12:15] <ivoks> dakle [12:15] <ivoks> hnb veli [12:15] <ivoks> tecaj u 12. mjesecu je bio oko 6,2 [12:15] <ivoks> a meni porezna/apis/bolimekuractko radio s tecajem 7,71 [12:16] <ivoks> i to ne po mojoj racunici [12:16] <ivoks> to je prema papiru koji mi je porezna poslala [12:16] <ivoks> na kojem pise 'INFORMACIJSKI SUSTAV POREZNE UPRAVE' [12:16] <Mmike> kak se zove taj papir? [12:16] <ivoks> APIS IT Zagreb [12:17] <Mmike> kakav je to izvjestaj? [12:17] <Mmike> mislim, pa slao si izvode u knjigovodstvo [12:17] <Mmike> i ti izvodi su proknjizeni [12:17] <Mmike> i na izvodu pise po kojem si tecaju mijenjao [12:17] <ivoks> ovo nema veze sa knjigovodjom [12:17] <Mmike> mora imat veze [12:17] <Mmike> nemre porezna izmisljat stvari [12:17] <ivoks> drzava ima uvid u tvoj ziro racun [12:17] <ivoks> moze [12:17] <Mmike> ima u rizo [12:17] <Mmike> ziro [12:17] <ivoks> jer vide promet po ziro racunu [12:17] <Mmike> aaaaaaaa [12:17] <Mmike> da, ne vide promet po mom racunu od firme [12:17] <Mmike> vide po ziro racunu [12:17] <Mmike> obrt brija [12:17] <ivoks> i onda vide da mi je sjelo X dolara [12:17] <Mmike> jbg, neznam kaj da ti velim tu :/ [12:17] <ivoks> i pise tocno, sjelo je X dolara [12:18] <Mmike> zatvori obrt, otvori d.o.o. [12:18] <ivoks> i onda kazu protuvrijednost u kunama je Y [12:18] <ivoks> i podijelis ta dva broja - tecaj 7,71 [12:18] <Mmike> meni lik u poreznoj bas pokazivao kak nema uvid u moj racun [12:18] <Mmike> kak ima samo ak je blokada, onda vidi prihode i kaj je 'uzeto' [12:18] <ivoks> nema u tvoj [12:19] <Mmike> nema od mog d.o.o.a [12:19] <ivoks> al ima u svaki ziro i devizni racun [12:19] <ivoks> tj., apis it ima [12:19] <ivoks> i poreznici moraju vjerovati tim brojevima [12:19] <Mmike> pa ovo kaj mi je lik objasnio - nema [12:19] <ivoks> nema on osobno [12:19] <Mmike> svrha ziro racuna i je ta da drzava vidi kaj ima unutra [12:19] <ivoks> on ne vidi transakcije [12:19] <ivoks> on samo vidi konacnu sumu [12:19] <ivoks> ono sto mu apis javi [12:19] <Mmike> zato za ugovore o djelu i sranja moras imat ziro racun [12:19] <Mmike> nesmijes radit ak nemas ziro [12:20] <Mmike> najam stana, reciom, kaj si isplacujem - to moram na ziro racun [12:20] <Mmike> mislim, ovo kaj ti pricas je fakin sajns fiksn [12:20] <Mmike> jer, velim, ja nemam tih bedova [12:20] <Mmike> moguce je da je to zato kaj imas obrt [12:21] <Mmike> za d.o.o. sigurno nije tak - meni knjigovodja uredno salje papire poreznoj [12:21] <Mmike> i na osnovu toga porezna zna koliko imam prihoda [12:21] <Mmike> koliko PDVa za platit [12:21] <Mmike> kad sam platio kaj [12:21] <Mmike> i tak to [12:21] <Mmike> al' ne mogu vidjet da ja recimo nisam obracunao PDV [12:21] <Mmike> ili da sam ga krivo obracunao [12:21] <Mmike> to vide tek kad dodju u porezni nadzor pa mi procesljaju knjige [12:22] <ivoks> sad cu napraviti tablicu [12:22] <ivoks> pa cu ti pokazati jedan dan kad dodjes [12:22] <ivoks> vidjet ces mi placu, al neka, kaj sad [12:23] <ivoks> ovo je toliko tuzno i utuzivo da me vise nista nije briga [12:23] <Mmike> tipa, serem sad, npr: izdao sam 10 racuna po 100 kuna, u .hr, i tu bi trebalo bit 250 kuna PDVa. A ja sam prijavio samo 25kn PDVa. I na PDV obrascu se vidi da imam samo 25kuna PDVa, ostali racuni su isli za katolicko bogslovlje, i na njima nema PDVa. I ostalih 9 racuna sam stravio u rubriku 'nema PDVa'. [12:23] <Mmike> porezna nezna dal' sam ja fakat takve razune izdao ili ne. Mogu sam vjerojvat mom PDV obrascu. [12:24] <Mmike> to je kaos [12:24] <Mmike> ak je to fakat tak [12:25] <Mmike> zatvori obrt, otvori d.o.o. [12:25] <Mmike> daleko manje sranja, cini se :) [12:25] <ivoks> pa zatvorit cu [12:25] <ivoks> iz drugih razloga [12:25] <ivoks> al ono, ovo ne ide bez mrtvih [12:25] <ivoks> nekome cu jebat nekoga [12:26] <VjetarSaSunca> ivoks: neće ti to samo od sebe u novine :) [12:26] <ivoks> nece [12:26] <ivoks> skupljam svu dokumentaciju [12:26] <VjetarSaSunca> Ali ako potegnemo neke prijateljske veze, moglo bi i na TV [12:27] <VjetarSaSunca> Ja sam u neodumici da li da otvaram d.o.o ili LTD [12:27] <Mmike> ivoks: vidi da nema neki idijotizam u zakonu di pise da se obrtima i privatnim osobama racuna stanje tecaja na 31.12 uvecano za 3/4 opsega kurca trenutnog ministra financija [12:27] <Mmike> ili tako neki drek [12:27] <Mmike> ivoks: kaj ti knjigovodja veli? [12:28] <ivoks> Mmike: knjigovodja je slao referenticu u poreznoj u kurac da kak su nesposobni [12:28] <VjetarSaSunca> ivoks: uvijek ih možeš probat tužiti [12:28] <VjetarSaSunca> samo... rvacko pravsuđe, eh [12:29] <Mmike> miislim, da, ak je to baba koja je tvrdoglava, mosh se jebat [12:29] <Mmike> mosh tuzit [12:30] <VjetarSaSunca> ivoks: evo Mmike iako me ima na ignoru isto savjetuje :) [12:30] <Mmike> mene je porezna sjebala za porez za stan, i tek kad sam tuzio (a nemosh tuzit dok ne prodje prva zalba, druga zalba...) sam dobio od njih 'je, da, sorry, sjebali smo, evo para nazad' [12:30] <ivoks> ovak [12:30] <ivoks> evo, crno na bijelo [12:30] <ivoks> u 9. mjesecu su mi racunali tecaj dolara [12:30] <ivoks> 8,02 [12:31] <VjetarSaSunca> ! [12:31] <ivoks> u 12. 7,72 [12:31] <ivoks> u 11., 7,02 [12:31] <ivoks> u 10., 6,83 [12:31] <ivoks> u 08., 6,38 [12:31] <ivoks> u 07., 6,55 [12:32] <ivoks> u 06., 5,50 [12:32] <ivoks> i dalje do 1. mjeseca je sve oko 5,5-5,6 [12:32] <VjetarSaSunca> ivoks: da se nisi greškom prijavio kao beta-tester za APISove programe? :) [12:34] <BotaniCar> jebate, ni on ne pije Ozujsko [12:34] <VjetarSaSunca> ivoks: uglavnom ako želiš u medije bez riganja para nekoj PR agenciji, javi se Maji Sever. Ona ima sluha i moći da to ugura na TV [12:46] <jelly> pc-jevi su mnogo mali ovih dana [12:46] <jelly> ajajaj %$#@ link [12:47] <jelly> [12:48] <vileni> to je vise kompjutera nego sto vecini treba [12:52] <jelly> steta sto je 2GB taman premalo za komotno vrtit linux desktop [12:53] <hbogner> huh, morat cu uzet neku graficku kad se skupi love, i dodatne diskove [12:54] <hbogner> trebat ce [12:55] <hbogner> ovo cudi trazi puno [12:57] <hbogner> basic je Quad-core Intel Core i7 CPU, Socket LGA 1155, DDR3-1600 16 GB, Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 or GeForce GTX 780 [12:57] <SilverSpace> sad vani otrgnem koprivu da bi malo Franka prestrasio i vjetar mi iz ruke otrgne koprivu i drito po nosu i licu me opece [12:57] <jelly> instant karma [12:57] <SilverSpace> jebo vjetar [12:59] <hbogner> vjetar je kriv :D [12:59] <SilverSpace> :) [13:00] <hbogner> sad jeli vjetar sa sunca ili vjetar sa sljemena ... [13:02] <jelly> s dinare [13:02] <jelly> HEEEEJ ZAUSTAVI SEE [13:03] <vileni> jelly: nije ti jos petak :) [13:03] <vileni> jelly: sta si ono rekao za mail, nesto headeri? [13:05] <jelly> treba kao attachment povuci a ne forward, jer se ovako izgube originalni hederi [13:10] <jelly> jaoo [13:10] <jelly> warning: malformed domain name in resource data of MX record for [13:16] <BotaniCar> jelly: URL ti je veci od PCa :) [13:58] <Mmike> s3 mini je fakat govno [13:58] <Mmike> gori je od onog prvog desireta koji sam imao [14:03] <SilverSpace> to sigurno [14:08] <Mmike> rba debili [14:08] <Mmike> zovem ih sad [14:08] <Mmike> i kazem da su debili [14:08] <Mmike> a zena kaze 'hvala na pozivu' [14:08] <Mmike> pa jebote, nisam zvao da ti kazem kak si super neg kak si losa [14:08] <Mmike> (iako nisu oni nego city express) [14:08] <ivoks> ja bio danas [14:09] <ivoks> 'jel mi mozete dati izvode sa deviznog racuna?' [14:09] <ivoks> 'to morate zatraziti kroz internet bankarstvo' [14:09] <ivoks> 'pa ali, tu sam, u banci, jel mi vi mozete dati?' [14:09] <ivoks> 'biti ce brze ako za to koristite internet bankarstvo' [14:09] <ivoks> 'ok... a recite... koja je procedura zatvaranja racuna kod vas?' [14:10] <Mmike> ne sam to, u poslovnici ti naplate, kroz e-bankarstvo je besple [14:15] <SilverSpace> Za vrijeme meča boksaču ispao mobitel iz džepa!? [14:15] <SilverSpace> lol [14:28] <Mmike> jel' zna tko kaj je ono na kraju bilo kaj je rokalo? [14:28] <Mmike> mig opet? [14:28] <Mmike> pa otkud im pare da te avijone tak tjeraju jako :D [14:35] <SilverSpace> [14:35] <Mmike> [14:35] <Mmike> \a mislim [14:35] <Mmike> uzmite broj, dodajte mu dva, oduzmite mu tri, dobit cete broj za jedan manji od onog koji ste uzeli [14:36] <SilverSpace> Mmike: moraju ove osposobit ka su dosli sa remonta pa sad moraju letjeti, a i piloti moraju imati satnicu leta [14:37] <SilverSpace> genesis najbolji nadojeb za kodi [14:39] <Hrki> lol Mmike :D [14:39] <Hrki> najaca mi je slika russela iza [14:39] <Hrki> u tim filmovima takve pizdarije znaju pisati [14:39] <Hrki> ali mogu ti reci, da sam na jednom pornicu vidio cak green gausov teorem dobro ispisan na ploci :D [14:40] <jelly> a ostrogradski je za to vrijeme prasio [14:41] <Hrki> neznam, to su bile one my sexy teacher serije :D [14:44] <SilverSpace> lol [14:52] <SilverSpace> Rasputin's penis is exhibited in an erotica museum after being lost for several decades [14:55] <weshmashian> BotaniCar: nisu blizanci! [14:56] <hbogner> zna netko kako se krecu cjene protupozarnih aparata? vi koji imate poslovne prostore [14:58] <nixhr> hbogner: mislim da je ovaj od 3kg oko 500-600 kn [14:59] <Mmike> kak nemam srece s biciklima [14:59] <Mmike> sad mi pred nosom ode [14:59] <Mmike> [14:59] <Mmike> idem doma bit tuzan [15:00] <hbogner> nixhr, mislio sam da su skuplji, ovaj 3kg je onaj manji? [15:03] <SilverSpace> Deset NBA klubova u lovu na Hezonju a lik u Barceloni mu ne da igrati 10min po utakmici [15:04] <SilverSpace> fakat ima glupih trenera [15:05] <SilverSpace> Hezonja ce biti sigurno medu tri NBA izabrana igraca [15:22] <nicols> ojla! [15:22] <SilverSpace> [15:22] <nicols> ima koga? [15:23] <SilverSpace> zatisje :) [15:24] <SilverSpace> vecera [15:27] <hbogner> nicols, nema :) [15:30] <nicols> super :) [15:31] <nicols> ja sretan [15:31] <hbogner> \o/ [15:31] <hbogner> za kavu kad cu doci ovisi o Ivani [15:31] <nicols> nakon cjelodnevnog tipkanja iptables skripte, konačno malo predaha :) [15:31] <nicols> već mi je mozak malo zakuhao :D [15:31] <hbogner> ako idu za liku onda tek poslje uskrsa [15:31] <hbogner> ja se jos raspakiravam [15:32] <hbogner> trebao mi je cjeli dan da dodjem do kompa :D [15:32] <nicols> ček, kaj nisi ti bio u klc sad neki dan? [15:32] <hbogner> jesam jucer [15:32] <nicols> i sad si u novom sadu opet? [15:33] <hbogner> nee, sad sam u zg [15:33] <nicols> aaaaaaaaaa [15:33] <nicols> više niš ne kužim [15:33] <hbogner> preselio sam se nazad u zg [15:33] <nicols> osim da nemaš vremena ni za kavu :P [15:33] <hbogner> nisam vise tamo [15:33] <nicols> kaj je gotov faks? [15:33] <hbogner> ma kakvi, vec tjedan i nesto nist nisam na kompu napravio, amoram neke karte producirati za tisak [15:34] <hbogner> idem sad samo po potrebi, jos 1/4 ispita i diplomski [15:34] <hbogner> bum ti prical sljedeci tjedan [15:34] <ivoks> kako sam ljut danas [15:34] <nicols> 1/4 - to je jedna četvrtina ispita? :D [15:34] <hbogner> da, cetvrtina [15:35] <nicols> ivoks: znači ti se nisi bavio iptablesima danas? :D [15:35] <SilverSpace> kakav je to ispit ka se djeli na cetri djela ?? [15:35] <nicols> hbogner: kaj se ne polažu ispiti u komadu više? :) [15:35] <hbogner> SilverSpace, 2 teorijska djela i 2 djela sa zadatcima [15:35] <ivoks> danas sam se bavio poreznom [15:36] <nicols> bljak porezi [15:36] <ivoks> i njihovom degenericnom informatickom sluzbom [15:36] <nicols> ja sam 99.8% siguran da je moja nova iptables skripta dobra, ali ipak ju se ne usudim pokrenut :D [15:37] <jelly> do eet [15:37] <nicols> sutra [15:37] <ivoks> kak sam nabrijan [15:37] <nicols> kad bude nekog tamo :) [15:38] <nicols> ipak je to knjižnica, da ne ujebem nešto, rade do 8 [15:38] <nicols> a neda mi se sad ić tamo ak sam kaj sjebo [15:38] <SilverSpace> ivoks: nisi valjda :) [15:39] <ivoks> ja mislim da bi ubio sad [15:39] <ivoks> da mi na vrata dodje netko i kaze 'ja sam iz apisita' [15:39] <ivoks> ubio bi ga [15:39] <nicols> hehehe [15:39] <nicols> moram gibat [15:39] <nicols> pozdrav! [15:46] <SilverSpace> uplatio godišnje dopunsko zdrastveno osiguranje i sad mi za zadnji mjesec fali 69.34 kuna [15:46] <SilverSpace> treba biti 70kn [15:47] <jelly> A.K.(40) usao naoruzan sa AK47 u prostorije vrhunske domace IT tvrtke Apis IT d.o.o. i tesko ozlijedio 53 mladih, perspektivnih strucnjaka [15:47] <SilverSpace> 66 lipa fali [15:48] <jelly> DRAMA U ZAGREBU [15:48] <jelly> zapravo... cek... TERORISTICKI NAPAD NA HRVATSKU BUDUCNOST [15:49] <ivoks> daleko sam jos od 40 [15:49] <hbogner> he he he [15:50] <jelly> "Uvijek je bio miran i povucen" -- rodbina u soku [15:58] <markosejic> d vecer [15:58] <jelly> zastoj [15:58] <datase> YouTube: DUBIOZA KOLEKTIV - KOKUZ - 0:03:22 - 49,788 views - 136 likes / 5 dislikes [16:19] <SilverSpace> [16:19] <SilverSpace> ne kuzim kak [16:19] <SilverSpace> ako sam im uplatio tocno 840 kuna [16:23] <SilverSpace> sad sam im uplatio 840,66 [16:24] <SilverSpace> pa cemo vidjeti [16:25] <markosejic> mozda dok im sjedne [16:25] <SilverSpace> neki dan nekoj baki 4 lipe [16:26] <SilverSpace> falilo a uplacuje preko naloga mjesecno [16:26] <SilverSpace> pa joj poslali opomenu [16:27] <SilverSpace> 70 kn je mjesecno [16:48] <ivoks> ti srca, ne mozes vjerovat [16:48] <ivoks> razlika u dolarima 0 [16:48] <ivoks> razlika u kunama .......... [17:37] <ivoks> evo [17:37] <ivoks> sad se raspao i [17:37] <ivoks> pa jeb... [17:38] <hbogner> raspao? [17:38] <ivoks> ne otvara mi se [17:39] <ivoks> ssl error [17:39] <ivoks> super [17:42] <Mmike> ivoks: to vec danima imaju :D [17:43] <Mmike> bankarstvo im radi [17:43] <Mmike> al' grlanvan strana ne [18:41] <nicols> aloha! [18:41] <nicols> ima koga? :) [18:46] <VjetarSaSunca> nema [18:46] <nicols> mda... standardna ekipa :) [18:51] <Mmike> nicols, sta smo ti ruzni sad najednom? :) [19:08] <hbogner> Mmike, mi smo isti, on je promjenio kriterije ljepote [19:10] <nicols> e [19:10] <nicols> sshd [19:11] <nicols> ClientAliveCountMax i ClientAliveInterval .... zna li netko TOČNO kako to funkcionira? [19:12] <nicols> guglam to već pola sata... našao 5 različitih objašnjenja [19:43] <SilverSpace> no da [19:43] <SilverSpace> koji je kralj Vettel [20:19] <Mmike> nicols, kaj fali man stranici? [20:20] <jelly> rep i duge uši [20:24] <Mmike> [20:24] <Mmike> waat :D [20:26] <SilverSpace> ovo hvale a ima nisku ocjenu [20:26] <jelly> Mmike: == ? [20:26] <Mmike> == je usporedba [20:26] <Mmike> = je setiranje [20:26] <jelly> usporedba čega? [20:27] <Mmike> bilocega [20:27] <Mmike> if 3 == 5 [20:27] <Mmike> nije [20:27] <Mmike> if 'a' == 'b' [20:27] <Mmike> nije [20:27] <jelly> nema posebno eq posebno == ? [20:27] <Mmike> don't get it [20:27] <Mmike> a = 5 # varijablu a natrpas sa integerom 5 [20:27] <Mmike> a = b # varijablu a natrpas sa vrijednoscu varijable b [20:28] <Mmike> a == b # vrati True ako su a i b jednaki [20:28] <jelly> neki jezici imaju eq za usporedbu stringova, a == za brojke [20:28] <jelly> neki imaju [20:28] <Mmike> da, python je strongly typed [20:28] <Mmike> pa mu ne treba to [20:28] <Mmike> nemres rec: 5 = '5' [20:28] <jelly> je li 5 == 5.0 ? [20:29] <SilverSpace> kada otvaram email sa teskim prilogom lol [20:29] <Mmike> jelly, yup [20:29] <SilverSpace> jebo reklamu [20:29] <SilverSpace> tcom [20:29] <Mmike> idem lec [20:29] <Mmike> kasno je [20:29] <jelly> sto ima u prilogu, olovo [20:29] <Mmike> jelly, al' nisam znao da True i False nisu keywordi u pitonu [20:29] <Mmike> ooo [20:29] <Mmike> u pitonu3 jesu [20:29] <SilverSpace> Mmike: jesi se oporavio od amerike [20:29] <Mmike> fino [20:30] <Mmike> SilverSpace, u biti opce nisam bio sjebat jetlagom [20:30] <Mmike> onak, pre super sam ponosan na sebe kak sam to uspio :) [20:30] <Mmike> a opce nisma spavao u avionu [20:30] <Mmike> kolega parizanin je danas kukao kak je jos uvijek potrgan :) [20:30] <SilverSpace> :) [20:31] <SilverSpace> jelly: bas sam se i ja pitao :) [22:26] <tonil> jbenti hexchat kad mi ne highlighta sto mi je odvratio Mmike pa sad moram rudarit kroz tonu smeca [22:27] <SilverSpace> ja radim u rudniku moj zivot nije lak :=) [22:35] <tonil> SilverSpace, zacudio bi se koliko ima spama na temu Formule 1 [22:35] <tonil> od istog lika :P [23:16] <SilverSpace> :) [23:17] <SilverSpace> f1 ne moze nikako iti spam [23:18] <SilverSpace> tko god da to kaze laze [23:18] <SilverSpace> :) [23:18] <SilverSpace> odoh spat [23:18] <SilverSpace> ln
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BotaniCar", "Hrki", "Mmike", "SilverSpace", "VjetarSaSunca", "Vlado9A3CY", "calmpitbull", "datase", "hbogner", "ivoks", "jelly", "markosejic", "nicols", "nixhr", "obruT", "tonil", "vileni", "weshmashian" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-hr" }
[00:16] <Foxhoundz> how can i get ubuntu to update itself [00:16] <Foxhoundz> i'm on ubuntu server [00:17] <Foxhoundz> would a cron job executing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade suffice? [00:18] <blackflow> Foxhoundz: don't do that. use something like apticron to notify you when updates are available, then update manually. [00:19] <Foxhoundz> blackflow: well, i already get notification on first login via ssh [00:19] <Foxhoundz> but it might be week or months before i log into this box [00:19] <Foxhoundz> so i wanted to keep it continually updated in my absence [00:19] <hkrrsx> Foxhoundz: Please see this URL with pictures: [00:23] <blackflow> Foxhoundz: so you wanna have your system changed without your being around to log in if something breaks, for weeks or months? [00:23] <daveomcd> does ubuntu have a command line tool to convert a file from unicode to ascii? [00:23] <blackflow> because Ubuntu is not really known for rock solid super stability when updates are in question. [00:23] <blackflow> daveomcd: iconv [00:24] <daveomcd> thanks! [00:24] <Foxhoundz> blackflow: it's just a local dev/media/dns server [00:24] <Foxhoundz> i'll know something went wrong when i can't navigate go :p1 [00:24] <blackflow> Foxhoundz: well, you've been warned. [00:25] <Foxhoundz> blackflow: well, i'll just be configuring it for only security updates [00:25] <Foxhoundz> so it shouldn't be a problem [00:28] <Foxhoundz> ...what could go wrong? [00:29] <blackflow> Foxhoundz: service restart failing, reboot happening, or both happening at the wrong time [00:30] <hkrrsx> Foxhoundz: Power failure, wake on power, messed up kernel, server down w/ no remote capabilities and your customers are screeeeeaming at you .... losing muy pesos in the process [00:30] <hkrrsx> I agree with blackflow's warning [00:30] <vince_> hkrrsx, muchos* ;) [00:31] <hkrrsx> vince_: sorry, Spanish isn't my 2nd, 3rd or last language :) [00:31] <hkrrsx> But thanks for the correction [00:31] <OerHeks> just install apticron indeed to send you an email when updates are available. [00:31] <Foxhoundz> There are new patches almost every day [00:32] <Foxhoundz> it might be from that ffmpeg ppa i installed [00:33] <blackflow> Foxhoundz: btw, apticron sends you an email, so you don't have to log in to see if something's up for update [00:33] <blackflow> oh OerHeks beat me to it :) [00:34] <OerHeks> You will love systemD with mir, reboots are history [00:34] <blackflow> OerHeks: really? live kernel patching too? [00:34] <OerHeks> Jups [00:35] <OerHeks> that makes reboot unnessasary for the time beiing. [00:35] <blackflow> OerHeks: it ain't april fools here any more, so I'll ask again... live kernel patching too? :D [00:38] <OerHeks> blackflow, yes, can't find the posts i read recently [00:38] <blackflow> OerHeks: I think you're confusing that with the UPCOMING live kernel patching capabilities in 4.0 [00:38] <blackflow> (aside from current proprietary options by RedHat and, methinks, Suse?) [00:39] <blackflow> OerHeks: still, you have to reboot to update PID 1, especially since it's now so complex. [00:39] <OerHeks> Yes, this is still the transition to mir, AFAIK [00:40] <blackflow> OerHeks: I think you have no idea what you're talking about :) [00:45] <smart1> hi guys [00:45] <smart1> any one know gancktrack distro [00:46] <smart1> wb garrettr [00:46] <smart1> guys [00:46] <smart1> hello [00:46] <smart1> wb [00:46] <smart1> any one can help me here ? [00:47] <OerHeks> smart1, never heard of gancktrack distro, it is not ubuntu. did you check ? [00:48] <smart1> wait dude [00:49] <smart1> this is the name of it ( gnacktrack ) [00:49] <smart1> gnome [00:49] <gr33n7007h> smart1: gnacktrack died years ago dude! [00:50] <smart1> ohhh my god lol [00:50] <gr33n7007h> haha [00:50] <smart1> ok do you know any distro like it but live not dead lol [00:50] <OerHeks> oh, before backtrack died ? [00:50] <gr33n7007h> smart1: kali [00:51] <OerHeks> try kali or something 2015 [00:51] <gr33n7007h> OerHeks: backtrack way before gnacktrack [00:51] <vince_the_ponder> you remember knoppix or whoppix? [00:51] <gr33n7007h> vince_the_ponder: sure do [00:52] <OerHeks> There are a lot more compilation of tools, than i know of. [00:52] <smart1> no way i will not try kali , they wanna force us to quit usinnig backtrack & ues it [00:52] <OerHeks> *pentesting [00:53] <smart1> i have backtrack r5 3 with ubuntu softwear center now lol [00:53] <smart1> wb [00:53] <gr33n7007h> smart1: well, that's running 10.04 haha [00:54] <frigin> evening all. Just installed ubuntu 14.04 and grub did not pick up windows 8.1 trying to make it dual boot, any help? thanks in advance [00:54] <vince_the_ponder> frigin, do you know if it erased windows partition, is the partition type visible in cfdisk under ubuntu? [00:54] <stanmcm> frigin, Check this out. I've used it. Real quick and easy to use. [00:55] <frigin> no the partition is still there. boot-repair didn't work [00:55] <hawly> frigin, took a look on grub conf files? [00:55] <vince_the_ponder> smart1, the driver support has been greatly improved over the past couple of years for wifi cards specifically so you would benefit a lot from upgrading to kali linux [00:55] <frigin> boot-repair - error GPT detected. please create a BIOS-Boot Partition etc etc [00:56] <frigin> @hawly how do i do that [00:57] <frigin> brb [00:57] <hawly> frigin, i dont remember - but i think its easy to find - you change the file, and run a command to make grub use the new confs [00:57] <vince_the_ponder> frigin, if /boot partition is mounted under ubuntu, the config file is there [00:58] <hawly> ops.. instead of "change the file", "edit the file" [00:58] <vince_the_ponder> frigin, the command is 'sudo update-grub' [00:58] * hawly is a kind of old school [00:59] <smart1> vince do you know sphinux OS , this OS kernel 60% hurd & 40% Linux [00:59] <Aeiortv> Would you call someone who actively uses and is interested in Ubuntu a GNU/Linux enthusiast or a Linux enthusiast? [00:59] <frigin> @vince thank you [01:00] <gr33n7007h> smart1: ass [01:00] <vince_the_ponder> smart1, i dont know that the difference between straight linux and hurd/linux mix really matters while pentesting. but to each their own i guess. [01:00] <vince_the_ponder> smart1, what are the benefits of using hurd / Linux kernel mix in general? [01:00] <frigin> back sudo update-grub result [01:01] <hawly> Aeiortv, GNU/Linux is a "expert precise term" [01:01] <frigin> i dont see my windows in there [01:01] <smart1> i do know im not the maker of this OS :) [01:01] <hawly> ? [01:01] <smart1> don't ^ [01:02] <rdaymond> quit [01:02] <vince_the_ponder> frigin, do 'sudo blkid' [01:03] <vince_the_ponder> frigin, pastebin? [01:03] <frigin> [01:04] <hawly> btw, you only realize the "GNU" importance of the stuff, when for example: try a term session on Android [01:05] <Arrick> how do I "Map" a network drive in ubuntu? [01:06] <vince_the_ponder> frigin, /dev/sda2 is your windows installation partition. we need to add a line to your grub config that adds windows 8 as boot option. The problem is that grub should do this by default, and its not doing it so its better find out why instead of forcing it (grub is still working to load linux after all) [01:06] <gr33n7007h> Arrick: [01:06] <frigin> im down for whatever you want me to do @vince i'm still a newbie *nix user [01:07] <gr33n7007h> !g [01:07] <hawly> bye guys [01:08] <vince_the_ponder> frigin, is windows 8 install 64 bit? [01:08] <frigin> yes [01:08] <frigin> same with ubuntu 14.04 [01:10] <OerHeks> i think that GPT disk needs that 100 mb dos partition for grub >> [01:10] <Zach443> vince_the_ponder, I didn't realize friggin was that guys's name and I thought you were just really mad for a sec lol [01:11] <frigin> nah zach thats me :) [01:13] <Zach443> hehe [01:14] <vince_the_ponder> frigin, sorry i cant be of much help, but reading this article about archlinux + eufi explained a bit of the limitations surrounding a pre-installed windows 8 and dual booting with linux. If ubuntu did not make special accomodations for dual booting, you may need to re-install grub as a eufi-gpt install instead of mbr-dos install [01:14] <vince_the_ponder> [01:14] <frigin> nothing can ever be easy for me [01:15] <frigin> alright vince_the_ponder i appreciate the help i'll pop in my w8 disk and see if i can get windows back and just boot into ubuntu from my usb thanks a ton for the help [01:16] <vince_the_ponder> dang he gave up :-( [01:17] <vince_the_ponder> i wish i coulda convinced him not to do that... oh well. [01:22] <Bradley> hello everyone [01:23] <Viqta> hello [01:23] <Arrick> ok.. how about how do I map a network drive during a single session...., I have to connect to the VPN before mapping it. [01:23] <Bradley> Has anyone had an issue with any linux distro installing to a usb drive? [01:24] <Bradley> I tried installing Arch, then OpenSUSE, and I'm downloading LXLE right now. The first two distros gave errors when trying to install :/ [01:25] <Viqta> which errors? [01:25] <Bradley> ArchLinux said "can't find /dev/sda on /etc/fstab" when trying to mount the root partition [01:26] <Bradley> and OpenSUSE said that it couldn't locate some boot file. So I never even got to partitioning with that one [01:26] <Viqta> you got the iso from the original source or did you use the bootloder's option? [01:27] <Bradley> I got Arch from the source's distro page. but i used LiveLinux USB to download OSuse [01:27] <cluelessperson> Hey guys I'm getting this error [01:27] <cluelessperson> Failed to fetch Could not resolve '' [01:27] <cluelessperson> after setting my ip to static in ubuntu. [01:27] <cluelessperson> I tried setting dns in my /etc/network/interfaces file, but no dice [01:28] <Viqta> that's a weird error, would really ask the guys over at arch [01:28] <UNNGH> hi [01:28] <UNNGH> anyone on? [01:28] <Viqta> cluelessperson: do you have an internet connection? you can use the terminal to update [01:29] <UNNGH> what? [01:29] <Viqta> UNNGH:hi [01:29] <Bradley> I wasn't sure if mounting the root partition was a common error or not. I've only ever had good luck with Ubuntu and Linux Mint [01:29] <cluelessperson> Viqta, Yes. I'm connected to the server [01:29] <UNNGH> Why did my name go orange [01:29] <Bradley> But I'm looking for something really lightweight since I'm trying to get into coding [01:29] <cluelessperson> Viqta, but it cannot resolve hosts itself to get out [01:29] <cluelessperson> Bradley, PHP is wonderful to start, or Python [01:29] <Viqta> use the terminal to update then. I find it easier [01:29] <UNNGH> oh [01:29] <UNNGH> c++ [01:29] <UNNGH> is good [01:29] <cluelessperson> Bradley, there are several online sites that are really good about getting into them [01:30] <cluelessperson> UNNGH, no, it's not. :( [01:30] <Bradley> cluelessperson right right, but I'm looking for a Linux distro to install on a usb drive at the moment. [01:30] <UNNGH> i likeubuntu [01:30] <cluelessperson> Bradley, ubuntu runs fine on usb. :) [01:30] <UNNGH> or external HDD [01:30] <Bradley> cluelessperson also I'm trying to learn c++ :P python seems really awkward [01:30] <cluelessperson> Bradley, in terms of programming, I lean more towards ubuntu-server [01:31] <UNNGH> C++ is very conventional, and usefull. [01:31] <UNNGH> That is what i have been learning c++ for years [01:31] <cluelessperson> Bradley, I keep a usb drive around my neck with ubuntu live on it as a backup, or if I need to access someone's files. [01:31] <Bradley> cluelessperson: the irc channel? [01:31] <cluelessperson> Bradley, that's a place, sure, (I'm banned there though) [01:31] <UNNGH> How do you remote accesspeople [01:31] <UNNGH> ? [01:31] <cluelessperson> UNNGH, ssh? [01:32] <UNNGH> oh [01:32] <UNNGH> or packet sniffing [01:32] <UNNGH> wireshark [01:32] <cluelessperson> UNNGH, what are you asking? [01:32] <UNNGH> like getting info in public [01:32] <UNNGH> from other computers [01:32] <UNNGH> how do i hijack the router and redirect trafic to my computer [01:32] <cluelessperson> My server cannot resolve any hosts at all, how do I fix this? [01:33] <cluelessperson> it seems to have started when I set it up for static ips on network [01:33] <Bradley> UNNGH, cluelessperson: are all distros based off of ubuntu able to get support from the same source, or are they all completely different? (just so I know where to go for tech help) [01:33] <Viqta> change the place where you get updates from [01:34] <vince_the_ponder> cluelessperson, can you ping ? [01:35] <UNNGH> i have to go. [01:35] <UNNGH> see you later [01:36] <Bradley> should I enable the option for "launching LinuxLive in windows" on the LiLi program? [01:36] <Bradley> or would it be better to just try and boot from the usb to install on the other usb? [01:37] <Viqta> I dont understand Bradley [01:38] <Bradley> Viqta: so I'm trying to make a Live USB so I can install linux on another USB. would it be better to launch the install from within Windows, or just boot up from the LiveUsb to install [01:38] <Ben64> you can't launch an install from windows [01:39] <Viqta> you cant do that, when you burn the iso on the flash then you shutdown the pc [01:39] <Bradley> you can't use VMware to make a bootable linux usb? [01:39] <Viqta> why use vmware? [01:40] <Viqta> there are a lot of guides for dualbooting [01:40] <Bradley> maybe I'm getting my information confused then O_0 [01:40] <Bradley> I don't wanna dualboot [01:40] <Viqta> what do you want to do? [01:40] <Bradley> I know how to do that :/ I want the OS on the USB, but I'm having issues with the LiveUSB to use for the install [01:41] <CptRageToaster> Bradley: Are you creating a bootable usb ON a different bootable USB? [01:41] <Viqta> you want an OS on the flash drive, that is fairly easy, you just search for your distro of choice and download the file [01:41] <Viqta> it will give more instructions on there [01:41] <Bradley> O_0 I just want one USB with Linux on it that will load the actual OS instead of the annoying "do you want to install" menu [01:42] <CptRageToaster> Oh... that's probabyl distro specific... [01:42] <CptRageToaster> proabably* [01:42] <CptRageToaster> let's go have a look [01:42] <Ben64> Bradley: you probably want the live usb [01:43] <Bradley> making a LiveUSB is just the prep for the os installation though... right? [01:43] <Viqta> when you burn it on the usb thats all, you will be choosing try (distro name here) [01:43] <Viqta> i dont think there is away to get rid of that [01:43] <CptRageToaster> Viqta: There is [01:43] <CptRageToaster> Bradley: [01:43] <Bradley> well Arch doesn't have that Option, but OpenSUSE does and I couldnt even try it out [01:43] <CptRageToaster> However [01:44] <CptRageToaster> you guys are getting at it... [01:44] <CptRageToaster> Ubuntu, may or may not have this option [01:44] <CptRageToaster> (either way, clicking "try" everytime isn't the end of the world) [01:44] <ircfox> Hello folks! [01:44] <CptRageToaster> but... other distros are built for this application [01:44] <CptRageToaster> hello! [01:44] <Viqta> or get away to edit the bootloader if it bugs you that much [01:44] <ircfox> How do I check if my server has a port closed? [01:45] <CptRageToaster> ircfox: You can scan yourself ._. [01:45] <Bradley> okay so now I want to know if it would be better to make a LiveUSB and use it inside of VMware that way I can report any errors that someone knows how to read? :/ [01:45] <ircfox> CptRageToaster: how? [01:45] <Ben64> Bradley: why use a usb in vmware at all? [01:45] <CptRageToaster> ircfox: I'm... not 100% telling someone how to run a deep port scan over IRC [01:46] <Viqta> in vmware you dont need a live usb, you just install it on the vmware [01:46] <Ben64> ircfox: use nmap [01:46] <CptRageToaster> ^ [01:46] <Bradley> Ben64: I'm sorry... I can't. I've been explaining that for a little while now [01:46] <ircfox> Ben64: I am at server side right now? [01:46] <CptRageToaster> Bradley: So... you just want to "make a bootable USB" [01:46] <Ben64> Bradley: you can't what? you haven't explained anything [01:46] <CptRageToaster> and you want to "test it in VMPlayer" [01:46] <ircfox> Shouldn't I be using something as iptable or something? [01:46] <CptRageToaster> correct? [01:47] <Bradley> CptRageToaster: yes [01:47] <Ben64> ircfox: what [01:47] <josebolivar> hola [01:47] <ircfox> Ben64: I am inside server. [01:47] <Ben64> ircfox: nmap still works [01:47] <CptRageToaster> Bradley: You can... but why go to all the trouble of emulating a PC with a USB stack, when you can just see if it boots? [01:47] <ircfox> Ben64: I won't be scanning a port from outside. [01:47] <Viqta> in vmware you dont need live usb to try out oss on there. u just install them on there [01:47] <Bradley> Ben64: I've been explainging it before you asked me. I think you may have joined in late [01:47] <CptRageToaster> Viqta: He's not installing anything IN vmplayer [01:48] <Ben64> Bradley: i saw everything, you didn't explain it still [01:48] <CptRageToaster> Viqta: He's simply using Vmplayer as a testing platform (a different "computer" so to speak) to see if his Bootable usb works [01:48] <Bradley> ben64: i really did. I feel like I have been [01:48] <MemoryMan> Why does the terminal think these files don't exist, but they show in ls? [01:48] <degva> Hello guys, is there a way to use the latest intel video drivers on ubuntu 14.04? [01:48] <Viqta> very confusing. [01:48] <Ben64> Bradley: you really didn't. how about you stop arguing and explain what you want all on one line [01:48] <Bradley> CptRageToaster: i actually don't have VMware at the moment. I was asking what I should do. [01:48] <Viqta> but it does not hurt to try, [01:48] <CptRageToaster> Bradley: Just see if you can boot the thing [01:49] <degva> they have ended support to it, and works only on 14.10 - thing is that 14.10 doesn't work good for me :/ [01:49] <Viqta> dont use vmware, if you have a flash drive you can use it to dualboot which is fairly easy that vmware [01:49] <CptRageToaster> Viqta: ... [01:49] <Bradley> CptRageToaster: I'll be back if I have more issues. [01:49] <CptRageToaster> MemoryMan: ls -al in the directory please? [01:49] <CptRageToaster> MemoryMan: Sounds like a permissions issue [01:50] <Bradley> Viqta: Thanks for trying. I don't think I know how to word my issue properly, but I'll return if something bad happens [01:50] <CptRageToaster> ircfox: I don't know enough about asking LINUX how it's doing network wise... [01:50] <CptRageToaster> but the.... knee jerk reponse, is to ask something outside the server to hit every port [01:50] <CptRageToaster> then you know whats open [01:50] <CptRageToaster> and what's not [01:50] <MemoryMan> CptRageToaster: [01:51] <Viqta> my opinion is that if you have flash drive use it to dualboot instead of vmware, that seems easier and has a comminity support compared to when you will use vmware because people will be saying its the other party's fault and the likes [01:51] <Guest21477> I installed the Nvidia drivers from their website using the .run file, but now when I boot up the login screen is just black with the cursor :c [01:51] <MemoryMan> CptRageToaster: I don't think it is permissions because "more test.c" works and has the same permissions [01:51] <CptRageToaster> yeah [01:51] <CptRageToaster> that's odd [01:52] <Ben64> looks like it has a space in the name [01:52] <MemoryMan> Ben64: Hmm good idea why that is there [01:52] <ircfox> Ben64: I use nping and it fails when I use my ISP but outside as in my UNI it works. Perhaps my ISP is blocking some hight ports. I already port-forward the port at my modem. [01:53] <CptRageToaster> Ben64: Good catch! [01:53] <MemoryMan> Ben64: Using a text editor and it has never done that before [01:53] <CptRageToaster> MemoryMan: Easiest fix, open the file in a text editor, and file-save-as without a space in the name [01:53] <MemoryMan> Yeah I fixed it now, just had no idea why it did that [01:54] <Ben64> ircfox: you would have to talk to your isp about that [01:54] <CptRageToaster> well... someone put the space there :) [01:54] <ircfox> Ben64: my ISP is a robot. [01:54] <MemoryMan> Maybe it's a bug in the latest update because I don't think I'd make that mistake twice haha [01:54] <Ben64> ircfox: good luck [01:54] <MemoryMan> But maybe I did...anyways thanks guys! CptRageToaster Ben64 [01:54] <CptRageToaster> have fun! [01:55] <ircfox> Ben64: is there a way to test if my ISP is blocking a given port? [01:55] <Ben64> nmap [01:55] <CptRageToaster> ircfox: There are some webclients that can hit a port for you... but I don't know if there are any secutiry implications... [01:55] <CptRageToaster> the other solution is to use nmap... [01:56] <hkrrsx> telnet [01:56] <CptRageToaster> security* [01:56] <CptRageToaster> ^ [01:56] <ircfox> hkrrsx: telnet doesn't work. [01:56] <Guest21477> Hey guys, when after the boot screen everything's black with just my cursor as an "X" for some reason, how can I fix this? [01:56] <hkrrsx> telnet client* [01:56] <hkrrsx> Sorry [01:57] <Ben64> Guest21477: what video card(s), what version of linux, etc [01:57] <hkrrsx> webchat feed isn't scrolling right so I'm not keeping up properly [01:57] <hkrrsx> brb [01:57] <Guest21477> Ben64: Ubuntu 14.04, Nvidia GTX860M [01:58] <Ben64> Guest21477: optimus? [01:58] <CptRageToaster> Guest21477: I'm assuming there's an intel accelerated GPU inside as well? [01:58] * CptRageToaster backs off a bit [01:58] <Guest21477> CptRageToaster: yeap, with the i7 [01:58] <hkrrsx> Baaaaaaack [01:59] <Guest21477> Ben64: it's a single GPU if that's what you mean [01:59] <ircfox> Here is the output of nmap [01:59] <Ben64> Guest21477: well its not [02:00] <ircfox> Seems to be working, but if I use telnet it gets hucked [02:00] <CptRageToaster> For Guest21477's benefit: You have two GPU's inside your PC it sounds like... [02:00] <CptRageToaster> The GTX860M, which would be a higher power Nvidia card... and then the intel integrated graphics, as a lower-power GPU to use for basically eveything else [02:00] <CptRageToaster> a lot of nicer laptops do that [02:01] <Guest21477> CptRageToaster: yeahp, although I thought Optimus referred to two dedicated GPUs [02:01] <CptRageToaster> I am uncertain... Ben might have been asking a good questions [02:01] <CptRageToaster> question* [02:01] <CptRageToaster> I don't know much about GPU/graphics drivers... and that sounds like it could be the problem... [02:02] <Ben64> basically, you shouldn't have installed drivers downloaded from [02:02] <ircfox> Any idea? [02:02] <Guest21477> Where should I install them from? [02:02] <CptRageToaster> ircfox: ... Are you not able to carry through/investigate any of the options we listed? [02:03] <Ben64> Guest21477: they come with ubuntu [02:03] <CptRageToaster> ircfox: You sound a bit like you're asking for a command for you to copy+paste in your terminal [02:03] <CptRageToaster> and I don't have one for you [02:03] <Guest21477> Without installing drivers the laptop seems to only be making use of the Intel graphics [02:03] <ircfox> CptRageToaster: I just told you telnel gets blocked and nmap doesn't shows any sign of problem. [02:04] <Ben64> ircfox: filtered = filtered [02:04] <CptRageToaster> maybe you need more specific networking support? [02:04] <CptRageToaster> I'm not sure if there's a better place where you can get help [02:04] <CptRageToaster> this is out of my league... [02:04] <Ben64> ##networking [02:04] <CptRageToaster> that... or just hang around for someone to read the logs and respond [02:04] <Ben64> it would really help if you explained more what you want too [02:05] <CptRageToaster> *if possible [02:05] <Guest21477> There are web clients available if all you want to do is ping a port [02:06] <Bradley> okay I'm back. Would anyone be willing to walk me through what I'm trying to do? maybe that'd help clarify my issues [02:07] <Viqta> okay, please clarify what you want to achieve [02:07] <Bradley> Viqta: okay so right now I've booted Linux from the live usb to "trial" it. I'm gonna insert a second USB to permanently install the OS on [02:08] <Ben64> Bradley: you won't like the results of that, will be very slow [02:08] <Bradley> Ben64: really? O_0 [02:09] <Bradley> Ben64: even if I use it to write code in? I'm not planning on doing anything major like gaming or anything [02:09] <Ben64> yeah, usb drives are slow [02:10] <Ben64> just dual boot, or make a live usb with persistence [02:10] <Arrick> yeah, I wouldnt use a USB drive ro run my os [02:10] <Bradley> then why would other people suggest it? [02:10] <Viqta> let me get this straight you have booted into linux and you want to install it on another usb permanently, hard to understand that [02:10] <Ben64> nobody did [02:10] <Desu> because they are silly [02:10] <Arrick> because they are ok with sub par performance. [02:10] <Bradley> Ben64: not here. in general I've been recommended to do that [02:10] <Viqta> yes, daul boot is even easier. please do that [02:11] <Arrick> or are teachers in a school... those that do, dont teach, those that dont, teach. [02:11] <Desu> if you don't have a partition to spare, then you can use a VM to play around in [02:11] <Desu> it has some downsides compared to running on real hardware, but it is generally fine [02:11] <Viqta> you can partition the drive for a linux os, it does not need that much memory [02:12] <Bradley> :/ well, how much persistance would a liveUSB need if it's 16gb (14.5gb is recognized by windows) [02:12] <zacharypch> hi -- so i tried to install texmaker today, which had about .7GB of dependencies, and the internet connection dropped out in the middle, now when I do`apt-get update`, i get this "E: Method https has died unexpectedly!", E: Sub-process https received a segmentation fault." [02:12] <Ben64> Bradley: it doesn't "need" any [02:12] <zacharypch> i've tried autoremove, autoclean, clean, etc etc, i'm already approaching reinstall as a solution [02:12] <zacharypch> anyone have any other ideas? [02:13] <Bradley> Ben64: isn't persistence used to "remember" changes I've made to Linux? [02:13] <Viqta> try updating and upgrading, then try purging zacharypch [02:14] <zacharypch> updating is the thing that causes the segfault tho Viqta [02:15] <Ben42_> Bradley: yes, but it really sounds like you want dual boot [02:15] <degva> Hello, why ubuntu 14.04 doesn't recognize intel i915 chipset but 14.10? I'm trying to install Intel HD Graphics 5500drivers on ubuntu 14.04 but nothing so far :/ [02:15] <Bradley> Ben64: but I don't want to dual boot. [02:15] <Ben42_> Bradley: why [02:15] <Viqta> then reinstalling it would would and the old packages that were there would be used [02:15] <cluelessperson> Hey guys, I've lost connection to my server [02:15] <cluelessperson> the DNS refuses to resolve, any idea why? [02:15] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: sudo apt-get purge texmakeer && sudo apt-get update ? [02:15] <zacharypch> well [02:15] <zacharypch> E: Unable to locate package texmaker [02:15] <degva> I'm running 14.04.2 - and says only Intel Broadwell [02:16] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: what command did you run to install texmaker ? [02:16] <hkrrsx> Or whatever program you went to install [02:16] <zacharypch> just sudo apt-get install [02:16] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: that command doesn't specify any program to install [02:16] <zacharypch> no, sorry, it was sudo apt-get install texmaker [02:17] <hkrrsx> Ok, then you should be able to do sudo apt-get remove --purge texmaker if it installed at all [02:17] <hkrrsx> If it didn't install, then that command should fail [02:17] <zacharypch> E: Unable to locate package texmaker [02:17] <Ben65> zacharypch: pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update' [02:17] <Viqta> reinstall it with the gui [02:18] <zacharypch> ok Ben65 hang [02:18] <apt-get> hi apt-get here [02:18] <Bradley> Ben64: I'm on an ASUS GS74x Gaming computer that I use for my animation degree in college. I don't want to dual boot on this machine :/ [02:18] <Ben64> Bradley: i don't see the relevance of the machine specs [02:18] <Viqta> what is the down side of dualbooting? [02:18] <Bradley> ben64: because it's for school, and I want all of the harddrive space for school. [02:19] <onezuff> i restarted my computer and now the sound is not working. i think the module unloaded , my channels are open and volume is up. how do i figure out which module i need to load for my sound card? [02:19] <zacharypch> Ben65: [02:19] <Ben64> Bradley: then use liveusb with persistence, good luck [02:19] <Viqta> onezuff, were you using headphones before powering off? [02:19] <Bradley> ben64 viqta: because linux can't handle the programs i need to run with generic drivers for NVIDIA cards, and processors. I just want a portable linux os on a usb for coding wherever i go without a laptop [02:19] <onezuff> yes Viqta [02:20] <Bradley> k thanx sorry for bugging you [02:20] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: how about running "sudo dpkg --configure -a" ? [02:20] <hkrrsx> Any difference after running that? [02:21] <Viqta> then you dont need to do anything the bradley, if you have it on the usb then you already have your linux there [02:21] <Viqta> onezuff: plug them back on and off lol [02:21] <onezuff> Viqta: how can i configure the card and load the module? i did lsmod and there were no sound drivers loaded, i think this is the issue [02:21] <onezuff> that didn't work Viqta i tried that sevearl times already [02:21] <zacharypch> hkrrsx: no output, no change [02:21] <hkrrsx> Now try running sudo apt-get update [02:22] <hkrrsx> Difference? [02:22] <Viqta> doesn't it appear on the additional drivers? [02:22] <apt-get> hello apt-get here [02:22] <zacharypch> hkrrsx, same output actually [02:22] <onezuff> i dont know what that means Viqta [02:22] <cluelessperson> Does anyone know why an ubuntu-server wouldn't be able to resolve dns at all? [02:22] <cluelessperson> then suddenly just stops responding to ssh at all? [02:22] <zacharypch> Ben64, any idea on that pastebin? [02:22] <cluelessperson> I do have connection to console with KVM over ip [02:23] <zacharypch> really seems like i hit some odd edge case that just completely killed my os here [02:23] <Viqta> its in your menu onezuff [02:24] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: would you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file, please ? [02:25] <hkrrsx> I'm wondering if one of the repos is having HTTPS trouble [02:25] <onezuff> how do you determine what module a sound card would need? [02:25] <Arrick> cluelessperson, under your static config put in "nameserver ipaddresshere" [02:25] <Arrick> cluelessperson, resolv.conf gets over written every time you restart networking [02:26] <cluelessperson> Arrick, I can't even access it locally now for some reason [02:26] <zacharypch> hkrrsx, none of the urls in there are https [02:26] <zacharypch> just a sec [02:26] <hkrrsx> ... peculiar [02:26] <Guest21477> I've uninstalled the Nvidia drivers but I'm still booting up to a black screen with an "X" cursor, does anyone know why? [02:26] <cluelessperson> Arrick, I have kvm over IP [02:26] <CptRageToaster> did Bradley leave again? [02:27] <Arrick> cluelessperson, did you run ifdown something? [02:27] <j355e_j> cluelessperson, have you tried adding dns to /etc/network/interfaces [02:27] <zacharypch> hkrrsx, my theory is that i did a partial upgrade of some .so files or some dynamically loaded C things [02:27] <cluelessperson> j355e_j, yes, but I cannot even access it LOCALLY on the network now [02:28] <cluelessperson> Arrick, I don't think so, No. [02:28] <zacharypch> hkrrsx, but it's weird that my browser is fine [02:28] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: I concur but an apt-get update / upgrade *should* clear that up [02:28] <j355e_j> cluelessperson, what do you mean locally? [02:28] <zacharypch> hkrrsx, but whatever apt uses to update is segfaulting [02:28] <zacharypch> can i download whatever apt-get upgrade needs? [02:28] <zacharypch> and then just put it where it needs to go? [02:29] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: apt-get is an automated process, it's not alacarte like I think you're suggesting [02:29] <apt-get> dear lord [02:29] <hkrrsx> what do the last few lines of your /var/log/apt/history.log file say? [02:30] <Guest21477> So noooooo one knows? [02:30] <zacharypch> hm there are a bunch of commands i did to try to fix this situation [02:30] <zacharypch> Commandline: apt-get upgrade --fix-missing [02:32] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: humor me on this .... go into your /etc/apt/sources.list file and comment out the repositories for [02:32] <hkrrsx> Your last pastebin did in fact show this: [02:32] <yeats> cluelessperson: is the static IP on the same subnet as the dhcp IP? [02:32] <hkrrsx> Get:6 [02:32] <hkrrsx> Note: https [02:32] <hkrrsx> Afterwards, re-run sudo apt-get update please [02:34] <j355e_j> I have migrated to a new drive using btrfs and subvol for the rootvol(/). However, I cannot get it to boot through grub. It now no longer displays a grub menu and goes straight to grub rescue. I have tried live-boot disk and tried 'boot-repair' and tried manually, added an EFI partition, added a grub_boot partition. ( Can anyone step me through what i need to do? [02:35] <Guest21477> When I try to manually start the GUI with startx it gets hung on "loading extension GLX" [02:36] <Ben64> you should never ever use startx [02:36] <zacharypch> hkrrsx, ah, i did have one in sources.list.d/ [02:36] <Guest21477> What should I use? [02:36] <Ben64> sudo service lightdm start [02:36] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: Progress! [02:37] <zacharypch> hkrrsx, wowwwow [02:37] <ircfox> How do I figure if my system has a firewall currently running and how do I figure how it is set? [02:37] <Guest21477> It brings up just a black screen with a dialog box that says "System program problem detected" [02:37] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: Success, I presume? [02:37] <zacharypch> hkrrsx, major gold star for you [02:38] <moverly> Hi How can I access to my virtual hosted websites from other computers in same network [02:38] <hkrrsx> Thanks :) [02:38] <zacharypch> thanks so much for being persistent [02:38] <Viqta> ircfox, you dont have an application for firewall? [02:38] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: Here's the thing ... I checked the HTTPS port on that using this command: [02:38] <Guest21477> Is there a way to rectify this? [02:38] <hkrrsx> curl -ILk [02:38] <Ben64> ircfox: sudo iptables -L [02:38] <ircfox> Viqta: not that I installed it. Just if it is a default one. [02:38] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: when you run that command, the output is this: [02:39] <hkrrsx> HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found [02:39] <zacharypch> weird tho that it caused a seg fault tho right? [02:39] <hkrrsx> Hence, your HTTPS connection to that site couldn't work [02:39] <moverly> hi please suggest me How can I access to my virtual hosted websites from other computers in same network [02:39] <moverly> It is LAMP server on ubuntu [02:39] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: give their site until morning and check again [02:39] <Viqta> then go to the gui, new to linux myself [02:39] <hkrrsx> I'm willing to bet their having site problems right now [02:40] <ircfox> Ben64: if the return doesn't show any number it means it is completely open? [02:41] <compdoc> moverly, you need a local dns server is all [02:41] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: another solution could be to edit that repository and change the HTTPS back to normal HTTP and update again [02:41] <Ben64> ircfox: yep [02:41] <hkrrsx> Your pastebin showed that the HTTP connections were fine [02:41] <moverly> thank compdoc, [02:41] <hkrrsx> It was the HTTPS connections that were giving you a problem [02:42] <zacharypch> hkrrsx, yeah it turns out that's a source I don't need - but weird that a 404 on a repo url causes a seg fault [02:42] <zacharypch> i mean unless i really was in some inconsistent state that looks like a bug in apt-get to me [02:42] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: look at the last comment on page 1 of this URL: [02:42] <hkrrsx> [02:42] <hkrrsx> Your issue is identical [02:43] <zacharypch> haha wow look at that [02:43] <cluelessperson> Hey guys, I can't get my server up [02:44] <cluelessperson> It's not responding on the network at all [02:44] <hkrrsx> zacharypch: glad that you're back in business [02:44] <zacharypch> yep sure am, thanks again [02:44] <Ben64> cluelessperson: doesn't sound like an ubuntu problem really [02:44] <cluelessperson> I don't get it [02:45] <cluelessperson> Ben64 it definitely is an ubuntu problem, I'm not a moron [02:45] <Ben64> cluelessperson: how do you figure it's an ubuntu problem [02:45] <cluelessperson> Ben64, How do you not, the freaking server was unable to resolve DNS, and then became completely unresponsible when I was trying to set static ip settings for DNS [02:45] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: what version of ubuntu-server is it? [02:46] * cluelessperson goes to look in interfaces again, maybe a typo or something [02:46] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, 14.04.02 [02:46] <cluelessperson> I do have console access now [02:46] <Ben64> cluelessperson: you made it sound like the whole computer died [02:48] <Ben64> cluelessperson: where is the server, what are you doing to the interfaces file, did you make a backup [02:49] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: with your console access, can you ping your server's gateway ? [02:49] <cluelessperson> Ben64, in my closet,,, I made a minor modification to interfaces. [02:49] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, unreachable [02:49] <Ben64> what are those 3 ip addresses [02:49] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: would you run the "route" command and make sure that the gateway is set [02:49] <hkrrsx> please [02:50] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, default, gateway: genmask [02:50] <hkrrsx> thanks [02:51] <moverly_> compdoc, hi can I install dns_sever on laptop, my ubuntu is just Desktop [02:51] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: so you can't ping from the box? [02:51] <Ben64> moverly: why ping one person? [02:51] <moverly_> Ben64: he just answered my quest [02:52] <sharok> Hello guys! I got a little problem. I've set nomodeset in GRUB for an old 8 year old pc, it failed, I removed it and now I have a picture, but everything looks corrupted. I can't find any fix on google D: [02:52] <sharok> The gpu is intel integrated graphics [02:52] <Ben64> moverly: oh, looks like you just joined and pinged him. anyway you can install anything on ubuntu desktop that you can on ubuntu server and the other way around too [02:52] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, I have users reporting that they're in my teamspeak server ON the server [02:52] <moverly_> Ben64, thank [02:53] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, but I can't even SSH to it, unreachable from [02:53] <cluelessperson> Ben64, ^ [02:53] <compdoc> moverly_, what sort of firewall do you use? many of those include dns and allow you to define hosts, etc [02:53] <moverly_> i enabled ufw [02:53] <moverly_> and I can access to my localhost [02:53] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: have you restarted the SSH service ? [02:53] <compdoc> no, your internet router [02:53] <Ben64> cluelessperson: have you restarted networking [02:54] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, I can't connect to the server with teamspeak, 80* http, or ssh [02:54] <moverly_> just simple home router [02:54] <compdoc> anyway - good luck. time to sign off for the night... [02:54] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: and yet, you have users that ARE connected to it using teamspeak ? [02:54] <compdoc> try pfsense [02:54] <hkrrsx> Is that right? [02:55] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, YES, like wtf. [02:55] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: What's the output of " sudo netstat -ntlp | grep :22 " ? [02:56] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1090 [02:56] <hkrrsx> thanks [02:57] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, If you have teamspeak [02:57] <hkrrsx> I don't and I'm heading to bed soon [02:57] <hkrrsx> Gotta work another 12-hour monster tomorrow [02:57] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: one thing that's different on yours is the "LISTEN 1090" part [02:58] <hkrrsx> On mine, it says LISTEN 1090/sshd [02:58] <hkrrsx> Eh, no matter .......... sudo service sshd restart [02:58] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, what is that? [02:58] <[Saint]> huh - apparently swap being broken with encryption and lvm is a known thing. [02:58] <[Saint]> >.> [02:59] <hkrrsx> The process ID didn't show which program was associated with it [02:59] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, unrecognized service? sshd? [02:59] <hkrrsx> sudo service ssh restart [02:59] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, now 1565 [02:59] <hkrrsx> Try SSH'ing from the outside now [02:59] <hkrrsx> /fingers crossed [03:04] <hkrrsx> .. [03:05] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, sorry, no dice [03:05] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, helps if you use my name. [03:05] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: truer words have yet to be spoken :) [03:06] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: how about restarting networking as Ben64 previously suggested [03:06] <rgb-one> truest [03:06] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, how? [03:06] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: sudo service networking restart [03:06] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, job failed while stopping [03:07] <hkrrsx> Run it again [03:07] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, same thing [03:07] <cluelessperson> Job is already running: networking [03:08] <hkrrsx> sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 [03:08] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: should effectively do the same thing [03:09] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, sudo ifdown p1p1 && sudo ifup p1p1 [03:09] <hkrrsx> Ok [03:10] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, now putty only shows this. SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu2 [03:10] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: that's better than what you were getting before [03:10] <hkrrsx> You won't get that unless SSH is listening and connecting [03:10] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, it's like it's not letting me connect [03:11] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: what about your firewall? would you verify port 22 is open [03:11] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, I have is. [03:11] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, I'm doing unless you mean ubuntus and I'm not sure [03:11] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, this doesn't make sense, it's effecting my work laptop and home desktop [03:12] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: Only those 2 machines? [03:12] <hkrrsx> You can SSH to this box from other computers? [03:13] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, it very suddenly works now... [03:13] <Guest21477> How do I tell which GPU Ubuntu is using? [03:13] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, I cannot SSH to it ... [03:14] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, wtf, now I can [03:14] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, wtf, it's acting wonky [03:14] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: pardon me? [03:15] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, I can fully connect now, but my users report having been in the entire time [03:15] <hkrrsx> cluelessperson: who else is logged into the shell on that server? [03:15] <hkrrsx> Are you the only one? [03:15] <cluelessperson> hkrrsx, only me [03:16] <hkrrsx> If it were my server, I'd send a broadcast message to all logged on users that the server will be rebooted in 30 minutes [03:16] <hkrrsx> And then kick it hard [03:16] <hkrrsx> Hopefully that permanently resolves this weird issue [03:16] <hkrrsx> ... and on that note, I am going to bed [03:24] <benjamin__> hi [03:26] <Trinity> i'm trying to make a live usb with startup disk creator but I cant put in an iso [03:27] <Trinity> when i select one it doesn't show in the list [03:27] <Viqta> format it [03:27] <lagbox> hello, i had to restart unity and the panel no longer has any of my icons or notification area ... is there a command to restart that ? [03:29] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: what OS you operating? [03:29] <Trinity> gr33n7007h, xubuntu 14.04 [03:29] <gr33n7007h> use gnu dd [03:30] <gr33n7007h> ^^ Trinity [03:32] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: dd if=whatever.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=512k # X being your drive [03:32] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: to check your drive `fdisk -l` [03:35] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: you lost your fingers? [03:35] <docmur> I've been trying to get ZFS on Ubuntu and for ZFS to function as a single vdev root, via this guide:, however for the grub-install, I can't get it to work, grub-install --boot-directory=/rpool/ROOT/ubuntu/boot /dev/sdb gives me grub-install: error: unknown filesystem. Has anyone got this work? [03:35] <Trinity> gr33n7007h, testing it ;D [03:35] <Trinity> so far so good [03:35] <Trinity> yup, works like a charm [03:35] <Trinity> thanks :) [03:36] <jwash> hi eveyone, i came to my parents house for a couple of weeks and my jmicron ethernet stopped working. it was working great at my house, the adapter is recognized, but network-manager says it isn't managed. any ideas on how to fix it? [03:36] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: I doubt it'll be done by now :) [03:36] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: what size was the ISO? [03:36] <Trinity> 650 mb [03:36] <gr33n7007h> oki doki :) [03:37] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: just out of curiosity what ISO? [03:38] <Trinity> gr33n7007h, arch-linux [03:38] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: ok [03:38] <Trinity> I pretty much bricked my display on xubuntu [03:38] <Trinity> so i figured id take a turn at doing the same with arch haha [03:39] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: why didn't you ask in #archlinux then? [03:39] <Trinity> gr33n7007h, i was creating the live usb on ubuntu 14.04LTS [03:40] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: so? [03:41] <pavlos> jwash, seems the wifi settings at your house are different from the wifi settings at your parents house. [03:41] <gr33n7007h> dd is cross platform on all linux deriveties [03:41] <Viqta> goodnight guys let me get some sleep (it's 0443) [03:41] <Trinity> gr33n7007h, well to me it doesnt make sense to ask how to install an archlinux iso on an ubuntu OS [03:41] <Trinity> ahh, i didnt know that [03:41] <lagbox> anyone know how i can get my icons and notification area back in my unity panel ? [03:41] <Trinity> I never used a liveusbmaker on linux before, always ported from usbpen on windows [03:42] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: let you off then :) [03:43] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: why you switching to arch> [03:43] <gr33n7007h> *? [03:44] <Trinity> gr33n7007h, xubuntu feels bloated to me. And the desktop version I had wasn't as stable as the one i had on my laptop [03:44] <Trinity> it was crashing after a couple of hours [03:44] <Trinity> nvidia didnt support opengl out of the box [03:45] <Trinity> and after i fixed that, on restart my pc basically bricked [03:45] <Trinity> so i thought what the hell might as well go for a xfce4-panel + openbox setup [03:45] <Trinity> have you ever tried arch? [03:45] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: I dual boot arch [03:46] <Trinity> gr33n7007h, how do you like it? [03:46] <jwash> pavos, i'm talking about wired ethernet not wifi [03:47] <gr33n7007h> Trinity: arch is awesone [03:47] <gr33n7007h> *awesome [03:48] <gr33n7007h> if you know linux [03:48] <lagbox> is there a place to ask unity related questions ? [03:48] <gr33n7007h> comprehensivly [03:48] <aeon-ltd> lagbox: yeah, here if you use ubuntu [03:49] <lagbox> my unity panel isn't showing any menus for programs and not showing any icons or tray any more after i had to restart unity [03:49] <aeon-ltd> lagbox: have you tried restarting it? [03:49] <lagbox> restarting which thing ? [03:49] <aeon-ltd> the panel [03:49] <JinjaNinja> Hello [03:50] <gr33n7007h> JinjaNinja: yo! [03:50] <lagbox> are you talking about unity-panel-service ? [03:50] <JinjaNinja> Is anyone on currently particularly good with GRUB bootloader? I'm having a lot of trouble. [03:50] <aeon-ltd> lagbox: yeah [03:50] <aeon-ltd> JinjaNinja: if someone is, asking the actual question would help them and you [03:51] <lagbox> i can kill it and it just restarts the same [03:52] <JinjaNinja> Okay, well... I had installed Kali Linux as dual boot (but earlier I had erased partitions from my old Ubuntu OS) and now grub won't work. [03:53] <JinjaNinja> Yes, I have gone into the Live OS via USB, and I have chrooted /mnt so I could reinstall grub. I reboot and it doesn't work still. [03:55] <lagbox> yea i can keep killing that process and it doesn't get those back [03:55] <gr33n7007h> JinjaNinja: did you use guided/manual? [03:56] <JinjaNinja> what, to install Kali? If you're speaking about Kali, I used guided. My hard drive uses GPT [03:58] <sethj> Any chance someone could tell me why the folder in /sys/class/power_supply is sometimes called AC and sometimes call ACAD? [03:59] <JinjaNinja> I'm in desperate need of help to fix grub. It's either that, or I restore my computer and install everything fresh. [04:05] <gr33n7007h> JinjaNinja: guided uses entire disk space? [04:13] <rgb-one> JinjaNinja: when you chrooted what commands did you run to install grub [04:15] <belton12> nee help i am unable to run MS-Office in ubuntu by using wine.getting error "IOPL not enabled".. [04:17] <lagbox> so i have killed the panel-service, restarted unity and still dont have a functioning panel [04:19] <marko_> having issues with UEFI trying to get win8 and ubuntu working. ubuntu boots from efi but win8 does not [04:20] <marko_> have run boot repair [04:20] <belton12> marko:even i too facing that problem. [04:20] <gr33n7007h> ]; [04:20] <marko_> driving me mad [04:20] <gr33n7007h> sorry [04:22] <ubuntuser13> i'm trying to install geary-0.10.0 email app. but during ./configure xml2po error occured. [04:24] <lagbox> so what do i have to reset to get my panel to have my icons and indicators again and to actually function as a unity panel ? [04:26] <marko_> anyone know how to setup efi partition for dual boot? [04:38] <lagbox> how about how to logout without the panel ? [04:45] <knnj> Hello. Does Wine use generic MAC address, not my PC's Mac Address? Thank you. [04:46] <lagbox> so now i have completely restarted the computer now unity has no window decorations, no dash, no panel nothing [04:46] <CptRageToaster> knnj: Wine shouldn't be messing with your networking directly [04:47] <lagbox> is there some settings i should be resetting ? [04:47] <CptRageToaster> so... I think I'm safe in saying that "Wine uses your PC's Mac Address" [04:47] <CptRageToaster> lagbox: What did you last do? [04:47] <CptRageToaster> update a library? Install a new desktop environment? [04:47] <lagbox> i had unity/compiz lock up during scale ... i had to kill unity and restart it ... coudlnt' get the panel working right, so i restart the computer [04:47] <lagbox> i am sure there were updates i took since the last reboot [04:48] <CptRageToaster> during "scale"? [04:48] <CptRageToaster> I don't know what that means [04:48] <lagbox> scale addon [04:48] <CptRageToaster> so I may not be able to help you [04:48] <lagbox> when it shows you all the apps on your desktop [04:48] <lagbox> well running [04:48] <CptRageToaster> hmmmm.... [04:48] <CptRageToaster> that doesn't sound good [04:48] <lagbox> its probably just a setting that got fudged :) [04:49] <CptRageToaster> Are you able to reinstall/reconfigure unity/compiz? [04:49] <CptRageToaster> unity/compiz/metacity/gnome [04:49] <CptRageToaster> all the things? [04:49] <lagbox> i guess i will have to [04:49] <knnj> CptRageToaster: Thanks for the idea :D [04:49] <lagbox> i was hoping maybe this was just a gnome-session glitch [04:49] <CptRageToaster> oh [04:49] <CptRageToaster> well... if it was on a per-session basis [04:49] <CptRageToaster> then a restart would have helped [04:50] <lagbox> yea .. the restart made it worse [04:50] <CptRageToaster> it sounds like you have borked libs [04:50] <CptRageToaster> but [04:50] <CptRageToaster> sadley [04:50] <lagbox> let me restart the login manager [04:50] <lagbox> and see if it helps [04:50] <lagbox> maybe just a hiccup :) [04:50] <CptRageToaster> I am not very bright when it comes to managing packages [04:50] <CptRageToaster> I wish you the best of luck [04:50] <CptRageToaster> I hope it goes well [04:50] <CptRageToaster> I'm heading to bed [04:50] <lagbox> hehe well its way better than the debian days [04:50] * cfhowlett "I am not a smart man ..." [04:51] <CptRageToaster> apt-file search is your friend though! [04:51] <CptRageToaster> if you're missing a lib, you can use apt-file to tell you exactly what package holds the lib [04:51] <CptRageToaster> didn't know that until earlier today [04:51] <CptRageToaster> super handy [04:54] <lagbox> yea that didn't help [04:54] <lagbox> just a ton of errors now to report [04:54] <lagbox> great ... time to reset and reinstall stuff [04:55] <aliendude5300> Hey, I need to do a file operation frequently and need a linux pro's advice. Let's say I have a file, original.bmp and several other files, [name].bmp. I need to take the first 54 bytes of original.bmp and overwrite the first 54 bytes of [name].bmp with these. What's a quick way to do this, keeping the contents of the file? I was looking into dd. [04:57] <wolverine> how can i make bootable pendrive to install windows 7? [05:02] <lagbox> yea so unity is completely uselss for me now ... why does this happen, why is there software this bad [05:04] <cfhowlett> !flavors | lagbox, you can use any of the what? 6 different flavors of official ubuntu. choose. [05:05] <lagbox> i am just interested in why it got screwed up ... i jumped into an xfce session in the mean time ... thank you [05:05] <cfhowlett> lagbox, add ubuntu-mate to this list. [05:06] <lagbox> cfhowlett: how do you like mate ? [05:06] <cfhowlett> lagbox, never used it; I'm on ubuntustudio = xfce4 [05:06] <lagbox> i actually like unity, i just wish it was easier to figure out why these odd things happen , you know ... sorry to sound whiney [05:07] <cfhowlett> lagbox, :) first world problems, bro ... [05:07] <lagbox> i hear ya [05:07] <lagbox> good point [05:07] <ibm> anybody can help regarding kernel 3.18 [05:08] <lagbox> i just dont know what settings to reset [05:09] <ibm> anybody to help me [05:10] <Lkzclss> [05:12] <ibm> i am using ubuntu 14.4 and i want to upgrade my kernel to 3.18 linux kernel [05:12] <ibm> help me [05:13] <ibm> help [05:15] <ibm> is anybody here to help [05:16] <ibm> i am using ubuntu 14.4 and i want to upgrade my kernel to 3.18 linux kernel [05:16] <lagbox> lovely and my xfce session has no window decorations either [05:16] <lagbox> what is going on [05:16] <Lkzclss> if your computer has not any problems ,don't upgrade kernel [05:16] <ibm> i am using ubuntu 14.4 and i want to upgrade my kernel to 3.18 linux kernel [05:18] <lagbox> let see if open box works [05:18] <ibm> i am using kernel 3.13 but now latest is 3.18 is it necessary to update [05:19] <rgb-one> ibm: nah [05:19] <Lkzclss> click this adress,you can find all kernel [05:19] <naduuu> will we get update from ubuntu for 3.18 [05:20] <lagbox> and openbox doesn't work either [05:20] <lagbox> i guess something major is screwed [05:20] <Ullarah> I currently run 3.19 kernel. [05:20] <rgb-one> lagbox: what is the issue? [05:20] <Lkzclss> then you can download that you want to upgrade version [05:20] <lagbox> no window decorations or panels or anything in unity .. no window decorations in xfce, openbox isn't working at all [05:21] <lagbox> X is being a pain i suppose [05:21] <rgb-one> lagbox: when did this start happening? [05:21] <lagbox> about an hour ago [05:21] <lagbox> had unity lock up, had to kill it .. now i can't get anything loaded right after reboot [05:22] <naduuu> rgb-one: will i get update from ubuntu for kernel 3.18 [05:22] <rgb-one> lagbox: how many times have you rebooted? [05:22] <lagbox> 3 i always do it 3 times :) [05:22] <rgb-one> naduuu: not for 14.04 [05:23] <cfhowlett> lagbox, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will grab the new kernel if it's in the ubuntu repo. if not --- wait for it. [05:23] <rgb-one> naduuu: I think they will stop at 3.16 [05:23] <naduuu> rgb-one: what to do then [05:23] <lagbox> i have no kernel issues that i know of [05:23] <rgb-one> naduuu: nothing [05:23] <naduuu> i didnt heve 3.16 yet [05:23] <naduuu> rgb-one: i didnt heve 3.16 yet [05:24] <lagbox> and i am not trying to update a kernel [05:24] <rgb-one> naduuu: it doesn't really matter [05:24] <lagbox> im not updating anything [05:24] <rgb-one> naduuu: these new versions add some additional functionality but some you may not use [05:25] <lagbox> one minute everything was fine now X is throwing errors left and right [05:25] <rgb-one> naduuu: if the new kernel adds some functionality you require then update it, otherwise it doesn't matter [05:25] <naduuu> rgb-one: but also perfromance improvements [05:26] <naduuu> rgb-one: how to check new functionality [05:27] <rgb-one> naduuu: check the Ubuntu release notes [05:28] <naduuu> rgb-one: can u share link for me [05:28] <rgb-one> naduuu: they will have information on the update to the 3.16 kernel and what it offers [05:28] <naduuu> rgb-one: tnks yooo [05:29] <rgb-one> naduuu: [05:30] <lagbox> so i guess start reinstalling everything related to X and unity ? [05:30] <rgb-one> lagbox: what errors are thrown by X [05:31] <rgb-one> lagbox: can you post it in a paste [05:32] <lagbox> yea i will gather them up [05:32] <lagbox> i think i am going to reinstall fglrx first [05:45] <DJJeff> each time I upgrade the kernel I need to manually rebuild modules for nvidia,virtualbox and others [05:45] <DJJeff> and I am asking why [05:45] <DJJeff> and what the hell is this no dkms.conf crap I keep seeing [05:45] <lagbox> so unity is saying can't load opengl plugin [05:46] <lagbox> from compiz, opengl not loaded [05:47] <Ben64> DJJeff: sounds like you manually installed stuff or otherwise interrupted the normal process where modules get built automagically during a kernel update [05:48] <cfhowlett> DJJeff, agree: sounds like your started with a custom kernel. [05:51] <lagbox> yup so it completely blanked out the compiz config [05:51] <lagbox> that is probably the problem [06:00] <lagbox> after getting an old compiz config in place ... i can do a compiz --replace and i have everything back except for the panel working correctly [06:01] <lagbox> unity itself is still complaining about compiz and the opengl plugin though [06:17] <lagbox> luckily im back to the original question, how to get indicators and icons back into the panel and have the panel be the menu for the current app [06:21] <sgo11> hi, by following some online tut, I uncomment "prepend domain-name-servers;" in dhclient.conf to change /etc/resolv.conf permanently. but it doesn't work. resolv.conf always use nameserver any ideas how to do this? thanks. [06:23] <stangeland> How can i know what version of ncdump is inside the package named: netcdf-bin ? [06:24] <stangeland> i believe its this package: [06:55] <PCatinean> Can I please get a reference to a tutorial on how to install a safe and secure ftp server on ubuntu 14.10 server? [06:56] <Ben64> ftp doesn't really go along with "safe and secure", i'd recommend using ssh [06:57] <PCatinean> Ben64, I tend to agree, though it does not have to be bullet proof, it's the way the designers are used to upload their content [06:58] <Guest19885> cos tam [06:58] <PCatinean> Or maybe I can use git and make him push to the server but then he must have a way to pull every time he makes a change [06:59] <lagbox> git web hooks [07:04] <lagbox> what is the equivalent for unity --reset now that it is deprecated ? [07:08] <lagbox> shouldn't compiz config settings manager have a unity plugin ? [07:10] <octavian> Do I lose programs like ISE and Eclipse if I move from Ubuntu to Lubuntu? [07:11] <Ben64> octavian: if you mean by doing something like "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" no [07:12] <octavian> Ben64: nope, I mean completly reinstalling with. If I remember right there is an option:"Replace Ubuntu with Lubuntu" [07:12] <cfhowlett> !pureubuntu [07:13] <Ben64> octavian: well if you reinstall you'll lose everything. why not just install lubuntu-desktop as i showed above though [07:15] <octavian> I don't want to remove kubuntu/lubuntu etc I want to replace Ubuntu with Lubuntu [07:15] <Ben64> right, so install lubuntu-desktop... [07:15] <cfhowlett> octanium, this ^^^ [07:15] <octavian> Ben64: I wannt it cause it takess less resources [07:16] <PrincesseChoco> Hey guys [07:16] <PrincesseChoco> i ve got a problem [07:16] <PrincesseChoco> can someone hlep me ? [07:16] <cfhowlett> !ask | PrinceMotumbo [07:17] <cfhowlett> octavian, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop OR download the lubuntu .iso, make a boot USB and clean install [07:17] <octavian> Ben64: that command only removes the interface. it won't give me all the improvements which lubuntu has [07:17] <Ben64> octavian: yes it does [07:17] <PrincesseChoco> So, i am a girl and i want to know if my boyfriend got porn movies in this computer, do you know how to easily find them with ubuntu ? (like a command or something like that) [07:17] <cfhowlett> octavian, false. [07:17] <cfhowlett> PrincesseChoco, ask #ubuntu-offtopic [07:17] <Ben64> PrincesseChoco: not on topic here and not appropriate either [07:17] <cfhowlett> and April 1st was yesterday [07:18] <PrincesseChoco> what is this topic for ? [07:18] <octavian> cfhowlett: ok. why? [07:18] <octavian> cfhowlett: doesn't lubuntu has some sort of ram improments and so on? [07:18] <PrincesseChoco> Lets speak about aprils fool :D Have u prank someone ? [07:18] <Ben64> the only difference between ubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, ubuntu-gnome is the desktop environment [07:18] <Ben64> PrincesseChoco: take it somewhere else [07:19] <cfhowlett> octavian, it's optimized for older hardware, true. [07:20] <octavian> cfhowlett: I don't have an old pc but resources are always welcome :) so lubuntu seems to be the right option [07:20] <lagbox> what replaced unity --reset ? [07:20] <Ben64> octavian: yes... so install lubuntu-desktop [07:22] <octavian> Ben64: My only concern about that is losing an university program which is big enough(like 20 gb). [07:22] <Ben64> octavian: you're making this so much more difficult than it needs to be. install lubuntu-desktop. done. easy. [07:22] <cfhowlett> octavian, that's why you have your backup ... right? [07:23] <octavian> ok ok I'll try [07:25] <lagbox> how do i reset everything related to unity ? [07:30] <lagbox> dconf reset -f /org/compiz/; setsid unity; does that sound right ? [07:37] <fling> Hello. [07:37] <fling> How is it going? [07:37] <fling> Have you heard? [07:37] <lagbox> that bird is the word ? [07:38] <lemonxah> hi guys [07:38] <lagbox> hi [07:39] <lemonxah> box is behind a proxy and we have set the proxy info in the /etc/apt/apt.conf file [07:39] <lemonxah> doing a sudo apt-get update we get segmentation fault [07:39] <lagbox> yay seg faults [07:39] <kill_switch> why is Ubuntu called a spyware by FSF? [07:39] <Ben64> kill_switch: it isn't [07:40] <kill_switch> Ben64, FSF is openly calling Ubuntu a Spyware [07:40] <Ben64> not correct, and not on topic anyway [07:41] <cfhowlett> kill_switch, FUD ... but perhaps you should read FSF's site for FSF's opinion??? [07:41] <kill_switch> [07:41] <kill_switch> wtf [07:41] <cfhowlett> kill_switch, off-topic and FUD. please stop. [07:41] <kill_switch> Ubuntu is not a spyware, right? [07:41] <lemonxah> ok so we cant install anything cause package dependencies can not be resolved [07:41] <lagbox> it is not [07:41] <kill_switch> ok [07:42] <kill_switch> Ubuntu Gnome is what I would install [07:42] <kill_switch> I am scared of spywares [07:42] <Ben64> lemonxah: pastebin the error(s) [07:42] <RahulAn> Hii all [07:42] <lemonxah> ben64 its a segfault [07:42] <lemonxah> that is all it says [07:42] <Ben64> kill_switch: the amazon thing is very easy to disable, or as you said, you could install a different flavor [07:42] <Ben64> lemonxah: i doubt that's all it says [07:43] <RahulAn> i am trying to boot 14.04, it starts booting but it hangs at a line [07:44] <Ch|erry> theres no more ubuntu offtopic? [07:44] <Ben64> Ch|erry: its still there, #ubuntu-offtopic [07:44] <cfhowlett> !ot | Ch|erry [07:44] <dupingping> Hi everybody [07:44] <RahulAn> adding 2008120K swap on /dev/sdb2 . Priority:-1 extents:1 across:2008120k FS [07:44] <dupingping> I compared the enlightenment & the compiz & the mutter [07:45] <RahulAn> after this line nothing happens, it freezes [07:45] <dupingping> So, I got a result, enlightenment is the fastest. [07:45] <dupingping> I could not understand it. [07:45] <lemonxah> Ben64, where do you want me to check? [07:45] <dupingping> Who knows about it? [07:45] <lemonxah> which logs do you want to see?> [07:45] <RahulAn> but in rcovery mode it atleast starts, but no x server [07:45] <Ben64> lemonxah: logs? try installing something and pastebin the result [07:45] <dupingping> why enlightenment is very fast? [07:46] <RahulAn> What does this line meanS? [07:46] <RahulAn> adding 2008120K swap on /dev/sdb2 . Priority:-1 extents:1 across:2008120k FS [07:48] <deweydb> if i'm running a VPS for just a web server and web services. i have 8 GB ram. what is an appropriate swap size? 8GB? 16GB? [07:49] <ArcherGodson> 0 [07:49] <deweydb> honestly? [07:49] <Ben64> 0 sounds fine for a server [07:49] <deweydb> 0 because saving hard disk space or it would be more performant? [07:49] <lemonxah> ok [07:49] <ArcherGodson> It depends on what was on the site [07:50] <Ben64> you shouldn't need 8GB of ram even [07:50] <ArcherGodson> performance [07:50] <deweydb> Ben64: its a very big site. [07:50] <deweydb> we are just upgrading [07:50] <Ben64> if it needs more than 8GB of ram, get a server with more than 8GB of ram [07:50] <deweydb> because we outgrew 4gb [07:51] <deweydb> ok [07:51] <deweydb> thanks [07:51] <ArcherGodson> Its need to see what requirements now on curent host [07:52] <ArcherGodson> Ben64, + [07:52] <deweydb> so it already has a 2GB swapp [07:52] <deweydb> what steps do i take to disable swap completely? [07:52] <Ben64> remove it from fstab and/or swapoff [07:53] <ArcherGodson> # swapoff [07:53] <deweydb> swapoff is a command? [07:54] <deweydb> does that persist between reboots? [07:54] <ArcherGodson> and edit /etc/fstab, remove line where is word "swap" [07:54] <Ben64> no, thats what the fstab bit i said is for [07:54] <ArcherGodson> yes? command [07:54] <ArcherGodson> yes, command [07:54] <ArcherGodson> it is safely [07:55] <lemonxah> Ben64, [07:55] <Ben64> lemonxah: its because of that repository you have --- [07:56] <lemonxah> ok let me try remove it [07:57] <lemonxah> Ben64, how do you see that? sorry i am new to debian [07:57] <Ben64> debian? [07:57] <lemonxah> ubuntu [07:57] <lemonxah> apt [07:58] <lemonxah> its for a friend i am on opensuse [07:58] <lemonxah> so i dont use apt [07:58] <Ben64> look at lines 45,46, then lines 36,37,39,40 [07:59] <lemonxah> yes ok i see that [07:59] <lagbox> so now i cant get to my terminals [08:00] <lemonxah> but how does that indicate that it was the problem? [08:00] <Ben64> https failed, so find what is https... [08:00] <lemonxah> oh its because https failed [08:00] <lemonxah> yeah [08:00] <lemonxah> nvm [08:02] <lagbox> so the normal key bindings for getting to terminals just stopped working, any suggestions ? [08:05] <lagbox> no one knows ? [08:06] <lemonxah> thnx Ben64 [08:11] <loonybin> ctrl+alt+F keys are not working for me from X, is there another method to move to a virtual terminal ? [08:23] <ztane> how do I get to know what font is aliased to Monospace in Unity [08:23] <ztane> seems that there is absolutely no font config left anymore [08:23] <ztane> in Settings [08:27] <ztane> seriously?! [08:27] <ztane> there is no frikkin tool for this anymore? [08:27] <loonybin> who knows they just like messing stuff up [08:27] <loonybin> its there thing [08:28] <ztane> seems so [08:28] <ztane> I am so going to dump Unity for anything else, even Gnome 3 goes... [08:28] <ztane> I search ask ubuntu and all of them are for up to 14.04 [08:29] <ztane> unity-tweak-tool? [08:30] <Myrtti> it's a good tool [08:31] <ablest1980> hi i need some help i get an ice tea error [08:31] <ztane> yeah, it seems I am too advanced user for Unity nowadays... I like defaults a lot but the 1 % that I want to configure always seesm harder one version after another. [08:32] <loonybin> more 'beginner' friendly i guess [08:32] <ablest1980> [08:32] <ablest1980> ^ [08:33] <loonybin> but i imagine that tweak tool will help you out [08:33] <ztane> loonybin: I'd rather prefer the "Advanced settings" be hidden with "I know what I am doing" [08:33] <ablest1980> i think i need java 8 how do i install [08:33] <ztane> ablest1980: depends on java 8, if you want sun java 8? [08:33] <ablest1980> i never installed outside ubuntu software center [08:33] <ablest1980> yes [08:34] <ablest1980> sun java 8 64 for ubuntu [08:35] <SVCR3D-SHVD0WS> hey people, Ive an a problem that im hoping someone can help me up on as could find anything helpfull through google... I use a mac but have my ubuntu partitioned on it and when i switch from my yosemite to ubuntu64, everytime i make an upgrade i get another 32 version the the right.. ive got like 5 now :S [08:36] <ablest1980> they java linux 64 rpm java linux 64 which i should choose? [08:36] <ztane> ablest1980: I used oracle-java-installer or sth [08:36] <ztane> wait [08:36] <ztane> oracle-java8-installer [08:36] <ztane> package [08:37] <ztane> but can't remember if it was in official reps :D [08:37] <ablest1980> show me how [08:37] <Ben64> its not in official repositories because sun/oracle isn't nice [08:37] <ztane> wepupd8 [08:37] <ztane> *webupd8 [08:37] <ablest1980> im here [08:38] <Ben64> don't be there, use the ppa that ztane is trying to remember :) [08:38] <ztane> [08:38] <ztane> ablest1980: ^ [08:38] <ablest1980> k ty [08:39] <ztane> I am developing in java 8 at least weekly with that [08:39] <fling_> test [08:39] <fling_> fling: :> [08:45] <ablest1980> ztane i think its working [08:46] <danemacmillan> Hi--would anyone know why when I switched to the terminal tty with the alt+f keys, then back to the main gui desktop--that my network connection was gone? [08:46] <danemacmillan> I had to restart the network manager to get it back [08:49] <ztane> danemacmillan: that has never happened to me (unlike countless other problems) [08:50] <ztane> I have problems with suspension however, I need to close and open lid again sometimes to get my net back on [08:50] <ablest1980> ztane i did that now it says im on windows xp [08:50] <ablest1980> just kidding >D [08:52] <herol3oy> I have a file in my flash memory its name is "?????" but its inode is 1349 now i'm wonder how can i rename this file to ""? [08:54] <ztane> ablest1980: april fools was yesterday, not today [08:54] <ablest1980> :) [08:54] <ztane> ablest1980: for me at least, dunno about your tz [08:55] <ablest1980> thu april 2 4.55am [08:55] <loonybin> est [08:55] <ablest1980> im late [08:55] <ablest1980> est yes [08:58] <cluelessperson> Hey guys, I'm having an issue, my server cannot seem to resolve ANY hosts at all [08:58] <IbrokeEverything> hey guys [08:58] <ablest1980> hey [08:59] <IbrokeEverything> please how do i install latest kernell image from [08:59] <IbrokeEverything> is that stable 3.19 [08:59] <IbrokeEverything> tar.xz file [08:59] <Smither> cluelessperson, type "ifconfig" under eth0 or wlan0 if you use wifi do you have an IP address? [09:00] <mcphail> IbrokeEverything: you can install from source quite easily, but Ubuntu provides prebuilt mainline kernels which can save you the hassle [09:00] <mcphail> !kernal [09:00] <mcphail> !kernel [09:00] <mcphail> whoops [09:00] <cluelessperson> Smither, one moment [09:01] <mcphail> IbrokeEverything: if you are using the proprietary nvidia drivers, things can get a bit messy [09:01] <IbrokeEverything> mcphail what source whwere <<<talk slow tome im stubid windows guy :D [09:02] <bhack> vorrei segnalare un bug, kernel 3.19.2 su ubuntu 14.04  se gli asus serie x vengono fatti partire senza batteria, non viene caricato il modulo acpi e non partono le ventole rischiando di fondere la scheda madre [09:05] <IbrokeEverything> mcphail i have amd and no 3d pictucture :D [09:05] <ablest1980> ibrokeeverything #ubuntu-kernel [09:06] <Ben64> bhack: first, this channel is English only, you may want #ubuntu-it ..... secondly, kernel version 3.19 is not on ubuntu 14.04 [09:06] <IbrokeEverything> ablest1980 is a channel? [09:06] <mcphail> IbrokeEverything: you have the source already (tar.xz). Honestly - if this is tricky for you just install a mainline kernel or stick with the default. Vivid will be using 3.19 anyway [09:06] <mcphail> !Mainline [09:07] <lotuspsychje> firefox 37 is out for those who want to update [09:07] <ablest1980> its ubuntu kernel ch [09:07] <Ben64> IbrokeEverything: why do you want to install the newest kernel? [09:07] <nounity> when I log in I just see the desktop with no bars or anything, and I can start any programs. How can I get unity back? [09:07] <loonybin> haha [09:07] <loonybin> gotta love unity [09:08] <mulga> hey everyone :) [09:08] <loonybin> nounity, does right clicking on the desktop give you a menu ? [09:08] <IbrokeEverything> ben64 kuzzzzz amd driver is no good on this 3.16 kernel ,,, like no 3d picture ,, [09:08] <nounity> loonybin: yes [09:08] <loonybin> click open in terminal [09:08] <Ben64> IbrokeEverything: how do you know its the kernel's fault [09:09] <loonybin> i just spent about 5 hours getting unity back and working so i feel your pain [09:09] <IbrokeEverything> ben64 i was writing to ubu team and he says ,,, you need upgrade your kernel ,,, [09:10] <lotuspsychje> IbrokeEverything: what kind of driver loaded and whats your graphics card chipset? [09:10] <loonybin> nounity, in that terminal that comes up you can try compiz --replace & .. might get it going again [09:11] <Eightynine> Hi. I'm about to download Ubuntu, if I choose Network Install I will have no LiveCD, right? [09:12] <loonybin> also can try just typing in unity & and see if it starts it [09:13] <Eightynine> How can I download Ubuntu Gnome? [09:13] <IbrokeEverything> lotuspsychje is amd graphic xorg bla bla bla i have an radeon 7420hd [09:13] <Ben64> Eightynine: [09:14] <mcphail> IbrokeEverything: have you installed the proprietary AMD drivers or are you using the open-source ones (which come with ubuntu)  theres 2 prop. drivers i was try them but no change ,,, no 3dpicture [09:14] <Ben64> IbrokeEverything: laptop? [09:14] <IbrokeEverything> yes [09:15] <loonybin> nounity, hopefully one of those commands will help, if not ... who knows, unity just decides to break at will [09:16] <Eightynine> Can I install Ubuntu Gnome 14.04? Is it available? [09:17] <IbrokeEverything> so i already downloaaded that file is packed in tar.xz :D i newer heard bout that [09:18] <mcphail> IbrokeEverything: do you really want to install from source, rather than the easy way? [09:18] <ablest1980> ty ztane java is working now [09:18] <ablest1980> XD  what is eeeeezy way ... [09:19] <nounity> loonybin: I dont get an option to open a terminal when I right click (ubuntu 14.04) [09:19] <mcphail> !Mainline | IbrokeEverything [09:19] <arcsky> hey, my syslog/messages are empty files, where is my logs? [09:19] <Ben64> IbrokeEverything: your gpu is very slow anyway, you should just live with the open source drivers [09:20] <loonybin> nounity, ah, i was hoping you did, i was atleats getting a 'open in terminal' option on my menu [09:20] <loonybin> so then i could get a terminal open [09:21] <lotuspsychje> arcsky: /var/log [09:23] <loonybin> but you can always launch one from a virtual terminal if needed  anyway on windows can play 3d games [09:23] <loonybin> unless you are me and cant get to your virtual terminals for some odd reason [09:23] <hallino1> Has anyone seen dpm (Planella)? [09:23] <nounity> loonybin: starting unity from a virtual terminal also doesnt work [09:24] <lotuspsychje> !info dpm | hallino1 [09:24] <loonybin> export DISPLAY=:0; [09:24] <loonybin> then run your command [09:24] <King_Hual> hi [09:25] <loonybin> you probably want to launch a terminal though so you can have it in X [09:25] <hallino1> Hey lotuspsychje I mean dpm a guy, not a package :P [09:25] <loonybin> so you dont have to bounce back and forth [09:25] <hallino1> lotuspsychje: he's what I mean for dpm [09:25] <King_Hual> so I have a laptop with an intel/AMD graphics card setup [09:26] <King_Hual> I tried installing fglrx but now X11 is crashing [09:26] <King_Hual> worked fine with the default drivers [09:26] <King_Hual> is there any way I can reset the drivers or fix it in any way without having to reinstall the OS? [09:27] <nounity> loonybin: still no luck [09:27] <mcphail> nounity: do you have a terminal open in the GUI now? [09:27] <IbrokeEverything> Ben64> and you have 2gigs on graphic? :D [09:27] <PCatinean> Hey guys, if I buy a new ssd with the exact same capacity how would I transfer all data completely from one to the other so I don't have to reinstall ubuntu? [09:28] <nounity> mcphail: no, but I dont think that matters, you should be able to start unity from the virtual terminal anyway [09:28] <loonybin> did you export DISPLAY ? [09:28] <nounity> PCatinean: google clonezilla [09:29] <mcphail> nounity: no - if unity is really borked you have to restart it from the GUI (or I did anyway) [09:29] <nounity> King_Hual: yes, you can remove the package from the terminal [09:29] <Smither> PCatinean, run a live install so you're not using the old ssd then dd to the new ssd (if you dare) [09:29] <moverly> hi I can't ping to router gateway but other local device [09:29] <King_Hual> nounity: wouldn't I need to change anything in the xorg config? [09:29] <Number5> Hello guys, I used 'iotop' to examine IO status of harddisk. I just don't understand the 'IO>' value in percent. In my situation I saw PostgreSql having values between 90%-100%. What does that mean? I googled a bit, but didnt find a clear explanation. [09:30] <PCatinean> I do not dare, I'm scared :)) [09:30] <nounity> King_Hual: no, afaik xorg config doesnt even exist any more by default [09:30] <mcphail> nounity: open an xterm in the GUI first and I'll take you through what I did [09:31] <Number5> moverly, either router has disabled ping or you have a wrong ip address? Maybe a typo? [09:32] <demoz> Can anyone please throw a look on this , it is driving me insane as i can't combile negotiate_wrapper for squid .. [09:32] <lotuspsychje> Number5: man iotop [09:33] <arcsky> lotuspsychje: yes but its empty syslog and messages there [09:33] <herol3oy> anyone can explain "{}" and "\;" in this command? find . -inum 958721 -exec mv {} mam.exe \; [09:33] <lotuspsychje> arcsky: what are you trying to investigate exactly? [09:33] <Number5> lotuspsychje, yes I'm sorry [09:34] <stangeland> in the configure help it says this: does that mean that all files are put in /home/bdi/libs/szip-2.1 when i run make install ? [09:34] <IbrokeEverything> hey guys what you doing usualy on ubuntu? :D [09:34] <Number5> herol3oy, I guess {} is the result output of find [09:34] <lotuspsychje> !ot | IbrokeEverything [09:34] <svetlana> demoz: install build-essentials and try again [09:35] <lotuspsychje> arcsky: can you try a tail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime? [09:35] <herol3oy> ij [09:35] <herol3oy> ok [09:35] <svetlana> demoz: build-essential, even [09:35] <demoz> svetlana: "build-essential is already the newest version." [09:36] <svetlana> IbrokeEverything: most people are using highly customized versions of ubuntu here and like them (they're so customized that they probably don't fit your needs). [09:36] <svetlana> demoz: err ok, hold on. [09:36] <nounity_> mcphail: ok I have a terminal [09:36] <mcphail> nounity_: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools [09:37] <loonybin> mcphail, reseting compiz ? [09:37] <moverly> hi Number5, no. router is OK bcoz I m using same network [09:37] <mcphail> loonybin: yes [09:37] <nounity_> mcphail: done  how customized? some visual? [09:37] <Number5> moverly, have you tried with another machine on the same network to ping to the router? [09:38] <svetlana> IbrokeEverything: yup :) [09:38] <mcphail> nounity_: dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ [09:38] <moverly> Number5, I can ping to this computer. and myBooklive too [09:38] <moverly> yes [09:38] <svetlana> demoz: install 'automake' package and try again [09:38] <Number5> so...? [09:38] <Number5> same result? [09:38] <moverly> I just ping to router from this computer [09:38] <demoz> svetlana i did, i even purged it and reinstalled again :( [09:39] <svetlana> ok checking [09:39] <demoz> svetlana if this helps : wget - extract and try to compile ^_^ [09:39] <moverly> Number5, I can ping to router from my computer [09:39] <moverly> it is OK [09:40] <Number5> overly good luck [09:40] <svetlana> demoz: try running 'make' in that directory two times in a row. does it give you the same result both times? [09:40] <svetlana> demoz: I'm on it. [09:41] <nounity_> mcphail: then reboot? [09:41] <mcphail> nounity_: sudo service lightdm restart and log in [09:42] <philip__> its nagios a free software [09:42] <demoz> svetlana: if you manage to compile and to send me /usr/bin/ntlm_auth i would be grateful ^_^ [09:42] <philip__> is nagios a free network monitoring software [09:43] <King_Hual> nounity_: i removed all fglrx packages and the login screen is working fine, gui is fine, but when i log in the system crashes [09:43] <King_Hual> logging in as a guest works [09:44] <King_Hual> so it has to be something user-specific [09:44] <King_Hual> any ideas? [09:44] <nounity_> mcphail: still nothing [09:45] <nounity> mcphail: still no luck [09:45] <mcphail> nounity: still blank desktop? [09:45] <nounity> King_Hual: how exactly does the pc crash [09:46] <King_Hual> actually it doesn't crash [09:46] <loonybin> do you have compizconfig settings manager ? [09:46] <King_Hual> the screen just flashes [09:46] <King_Hual> and then takes me back to the loginc screen [09:46] <King_Hual> login screen* [09:46] <nounity> mcphail: and I've also purged unity adn compiz and reinstalled [09:46] <mcphail> nounity: does the guest account get unity? [09:47] <nounity> King_Hual: that means the X server crashes, strange that it doesnt happen with the guest account [09:47] <King_Hual> it has to be something user-specific [09:47] <King_Hual> but i have no idea what [09:47] <nounity> mcphail: yes, guest account works fine [09:48] <mcphail> nounity: I'm afraid I'm stumped, then. Your symptoms are similar to mine. Everything else I tried didn't work but the dconf thing did [09:49] <loonybin> yea i had to reset compiz config, reinstall ubuntu-desktop and unity and i still had to manually do a compiz --replace to get the desktop up [09:51] <svetlana> demoz: reproduced. I would contact the maintainer -- the program does not compile with the new automake (attempt to re-generate and Makefile using the new automake returns an error,). [09:51] <demoz> svetlana thank you :) [09:51] <svetlana> demoz: , if you'd like to share with them. [09:52] <moverly> hello, a computer can't ping to router after hostname changed [09:52] <svetlana> details? error message text? does restarting networking help? [09:53] <philip__> is nagios a free network monitoring software [09:53] <cfhowlett> philip__, nagios has a website. full details there. [09:54] <lotuspsychje> moverly: thats more a question for ##networking [09:55] <moverly> lotuspsychje, so where do I ask, sorry I m just a newbie [09:55] <svetlana> moverly: wifi or wireless ? [09:55] <lotuspsychje> moverly: did you change hostname on ubuntu? [09:56] <Johnny_Linux> interesting, just had a network update, now, only half og my connections work, with errors saying server not found, and hints ? [09:56] <moverly> yes [09:56] <moverly> I change hostname [09:56] <lotuspsychje> !hostname | moverly [09:56] <svetlana> :( [09:57] <svetlana> moverly: take your time to write question with full details -- error message text, how you changed it, wifi or wireless. [09:57] <moverly> my sudo OK i can use properly [09:58] <Eightynine> On all distros when I updating Mesa and X.Org I get artefacts. How can I find a cause? [09:59] <svetlana> moverly: I noticed you were only answering 20% of the questions. This makes it inconvenient, as people have to either stay silent, or repeat their questions (both of which is suboptimal). [10:00] <mark_chang_1492> I try to bootup with 15.04 from usb storage, but I can not boot successful. Display "boot: gfxboot.c32: not a com32R image" repeatly. any body have suggestion?? [10:01] <cfhowlett> !ubuntu+1 mark_chang_1492 [10:01] <svetlana> mark_chang_1492: ask #ubuntu+1 [10:02] <trijntje> after upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 I have problems with an external wifi dongle: the connection appears fine but internet is unavailable untill i disconnect and reconnect [10:02] <mark_chang_1492> oK, I see, thanks. [10:02] <svetlana> no worries [10:02] <svetlana> trijntje, you boot, then you plug in the dongle and it does not work until you replug? [10:03] <trijntje> svetlana: no, i have to repeat that step every 5 minutes or so to continue using the network [10:05] <svetlana> trijntje: check dmesg, pastebin [10:05] <trijntje> svetlana: I boot with the dongle in, it works for a bit, it stops working, I go to het network manager, disconnect, reconnect, it works for a while, it stops agian, repeat. Problem is I do not control the network so I'm not surewhat the router thinks the pc does [10:06] <trijntje> svetlana: [10:07] <Guest1062> hay [10:07] <vadya> don hello [10:08] <moverly> I installed bind9 on my ubuntu, and configured. All worked well. I restarted my laptop. [10:08] <moverly> I changed my hostname bcoz too long to access from other computers then I can't use sudo. so I restart and edit my hosts file. [10:08] <moverly> After that I can't access internet. I tried many way. and tail -f /var/log/sysinfo [10:08] <moverly> and I got these errors [10:08] <moverly> wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED [10:08] <moverly> nl80211: send_and_recv->nl_recvmsgs failed: -33 [10:08] <Guest1062> Как ты? [10:08] <Guest1062> Я бог [10:08] <Guest1062> Путин [10:08] <trijntje> !ru [10:08] <kevinde> Is it possible to make ubuntu startup browser only when you startup a pc with no other options available? [10:08] <trijntje> moverly: the hostname is in a lot of files, you shouldnt change it [10:09] <Guest1062> I am superman [10:09] <vadya> Путин наш бог! =) [10:09] <Guest1062> ! [10:09] <kevinde> just when you start the pc, automatically run the browser and disable everything else to change settings? [10:09] <cfhowlett> kevinde, "kiosk mode" so yes [10:09] <kevinde> ok, thanks [10:09] <moverly> the problem is I can't use internet from that computer [10:09] <Guest1062> Node [10:10] <phiopi> i'm newbie haha  Почему Путин, ты же с Украины? [10:10] <Guest1062> I am Stew D [10:10] <Guest1062> А ты откуда? [10:10] <ArcherGodson> its uor spy ) [10:10] <Eightynine> Я? [10:10] <phiopi> where are u come from guys [10:11] <lotuspsychje> !english [10:11] <Guest1062> Ukraine [10:11] <Eightynine> I'm from Russia. [10:11] <phiopi> i'm indonesia.. [10:11] <svetlana> Eightynine: hi, [10:11] <svetlana> Eightynine: one sec [10:11] <lotuspsychje> !ot [10:12] <Eightynine> Can I use Unetbootin to write Ubuntu to my flash drive or better to use dd? [10:12] <Eightynine> Hi, Svetlana. [10:12] <svetlana> lotuspsychje: dammit [10:12] <lotuspsychje> svetlana: ? [10:12] <vadya> Продам оружие!! [10:12] <svetlana> lotuspsychje: one moment [10:12] <vadya> Бомбы, рапг... [10:13] <vadya> Слава Путину [10:13] <lotuspsychje> !ru | vadya [10:13] <phiopi> what channel do you like in this server guys [10:14] <lotuspsychje> phiopi: this is not the place to discuss this [10:14] <Eightynine> What about my question about flash drive? [10:14] <Guest1062> Satan is my God!! [10:15] <lotuspsychje> Eightynine: from wich Os are you going to make an usb [10:15] <lotuspsychje> !ops | Guest1062 [10:15] <phiopi> what is your gadget [10:15] <lotuspsychje> phiopi: please stick to ubuntu support in this channel [10:16] <svetlana> Eightynine, unetbootin puts an iso to a flash drive. dd has to extract iso first. [10:16] <Eightynine> I'm using openSUSE. [10:16] <Myrtti> Guest55953: could you please stick to Ubuntu support? [10:16] <Myrtti> Eightynine: good for you? [10:16] <Myrtti> Guest55953: sorry, mistab [10:17] <danmo98> what ? [10:17] <Myrtti> Guest1062: ok, and what does that have to do with Ubuntu? if nothing, please find something else to do [10:17] <Guest1062> I hate you [10:17] <svetlana> Eightynine, unetbootin is easier to use. [10:17] <Eightynine> I know. So, I'll install it now. [10:17] <phiopi> good luck eight [10:18] <trijntje> after upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 I have problems with an external wifi dongle: the connection appears fine but internet is unavailable untill i disconnect and reconnect from the networkmanager. This repeats every5 minutes or so [10:18] <ArcherGodson> dd is easier [10:18] <Eightynine> Thanks. I'm switching to Ubuntu Gnome. [10:19] <phiopi> brb guys [10:19] <Eightynine> Damn, there's no unetbootin in repos. Should I write bs=1M or 4M? [10:21] <lotuspsychje> trijntje: you could try a tail -f /var/log/dmesg and tail -f /var/log/syslog to see whats happening on your connection [10:21] <lotuspsychje> trijntje: wich chipset is this wifi dongle? [10:27] <trijntje> lotuspsychje: its a Realtek RTL8188CUS [10:28] <lotuspsychje> trijntje: maybe its because of the realtek firmware that has changed [10:28] <lotuspsychje> trijntje: try the realteks website for driver/firmware on linux [10:28] <lotuspsychje> !realtek | trijntje [10:29] <Eightynine> I successfuly recorded Ubuntu ISO to my flash drive, going to install now. [10:29] <jankes> hello [10:30] <jankes> if you know read sth about ubunto, look at this page: [10:31] <peleg> I have just purchased a new Dell Latitude E7450, and there's an annoying bios bug which causes some keystrokes to repeat (see [10:31] <acerimmer_> jankes, no random spam in this channel, please [10:31] <peleg> Canonical certifies that model, so I have notified them: [10:32] <lotuspsychje> peleg: ubuntu version? [10:32] <peleg> lotuspsychje: 14.04 [10:32] <peleg> lotuspsychje: 14.04.02 in fact [10:32] <lotuspsychje> peleg: did you check if the bios flash has that known issue on dell? [10:33] <peleg> lotuspsychje: there's a discussion about it in Dell's community website, but nothing formal I'm afraid [10:33] <peleg> I don't think Dell admit that this bug exists [10:34] <peleg> I was wondering whether you think it's a good idea to stick to this laptop, or return it to store and buy Lenovo or something... [10:34] <lotuspsychje> peleg: normally dell should perform very well on ubuntu [10:35] <peleg> lotuspsychje: this is really not new. The community post I've referred to is from February, and it refers to older posts on previous Dell models which are older [10:35] <peleg> and this guy really suggests not to buy dell for this reason: [10:36] <lotuspsychje> peleg: well for hardcore bugs like this, try other versions of ubuntu perhaps, 14.10 or 15.04, other kernels perhaps, or no_acpi boot [10:36] <lotuspsychje> peleg: there is a dell specialy made for ubuntu, and all the dells i installed 14.04 on, goes rocketfast [10:37] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, TWO Dells :) xps 13 and m3800 developer editions [10:37] <lotuspsychje> peleg: i would also advise you to file a bug + askbuntu your speciic issue [10:38] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: nice :p [10:38] <peleg> lotuspsychje: I don't think this is an ubuntu issue, therefore I don't think upgrading would help. I think this issue affect every linux distribution. [10:39] <lotuspsychje> peleg: if a dell bios update doesnt work, and you tryed many ubuntu versions... [10:39] <peleg> lotuspsychje: see for example: (but there they claim the issue was fixed by a newer bios version, which is irrelevant for my Dell model) [10:40] <lotuspsychje> peleg: i would try all possible ways that lays in your power [10:40] <peleg> lotuspsychje: and this: shows it affect Debian as well [10:40] <lotuspsychje> peleg: what about windows, you got this bug there? [10:41] <peleg> ok, so I'll put something in AskUbuntu, but my time window to return the computer to the store closes quickly (I have a week+) [10:41] <peleg> lotuspsychje: in all forums they say that the bug existed earlier in Windows, but was fixed in later bios version [10:41] <lotuspsychje> peleg: if it works on windows, it must be linux related then [10:41] <cfhowlett> peleg, if it's an ubuntu/debian bug, perhaps a different distro family, e.g. fedora?? [10:42] <lotuspsychje> peleg: askbuntu + launchpad bug it, you never know what will come up of ideas :p [10:42] <lotuspsychje> !bug | peleg [10:42] <mcphail> peleg: in my view, If they sell a defective product they should expect returns. I would send it back. Messing about with different distros is not an answer [10:43] <lotuspsychje> mcphail: they could say, we advise you to install Ms windows :p not our problem [10:43] <peleg> mcphail: sure; but I ask here to get opinions about other manufacturers. For example, do you think Lenovo thinkpads will make less trouble..? [10:44] <lagbox> i take each laptop as its own thing [10:44] <cfhowlett> peleg, lenovo is generally quite linux friendly - that said, YMMV [10:44] <lotuspsychje> peleg: hp is linux friendly, but thats not an insurance its never gonna bug.. [10:44] <lagbox> i have had hp's [10:44] <lagbox> and only had issues with the Radeon cards [10:44] <lagbox> otherwise great [10:46] <ablest1980> anyone a c++ python ide? [10:46] <ablest1980> know* [10:47] <cfhowlett> ablest1980, lists several [10:47] <ablest1980> k ty [10:47] <mcphail> peleg: I don't have a recent thinkpad. Old ones worked well with Linux. My wife's consumer-grade dell laptop runs well with a live ubuntu USB. In all these things, YMMV [10:47] <ablest1980> is geany one? [10:47] <cfhowlett> ablest1980, geany is an editor ... [10:48] <ablest1980> ok [10:48] <ablest1980> where on [10:49] <lagbox> wiki [10:51] <BluesKaj> Hi folks [10:51] <jankes> ablest1980: so, if you don't mind look at this: i think it is a good place to use this page: [10:52] <ablest1980> not in engliah [10:53] <trijntje> lotuspsychje: I'll give it a try, thanks! [10:53] <jankes> so, what do you think about it? [10:54] <jankes> i am also interested in Linux, but i have to collect more materials [10:55] <ablest1980> do you know if i can use eclipse for python and c++? [10:56] <lagbox> more than likely [10:59] <ruby_on_tails> when i want to install a software and the software provider gives me something called a static build, which is basically a folder named after the sofware, where do i put it on my system to make it work? [11:01] <mcphail> ruby_on_tails: there are no rules for this. there will probably be an executable file in the folder. Runnisng this will probably start the program. But, as I said, there are no rules [11:02] <ruby_on_tails> mcphail: this is what i downloaded, i have no clue what to do with it [11:03] <mcphail> ruby_on_tails: I can't download that from here to check. But do you need to download from the manufacturer? Is the application not in the repositories already? [11:03] <cfhowlett> ruby_on_tails, ffmpeg is currently deprecated from ubuntu. it returns in 15.04 I believe. use avconv until then. [11:03] <mcphail> aah [11:03] <ruby_on_tails> mcphail: its ffmpeg, the repo has libav which is a fork or something, i want to use the original ffmpeg [11:04] <ruby_on_tails> cfhowlett: i want to use the original ffmpeg [11:04] <cfhowlett> libav-tools [11:04] <mcphail> ruby_on_tails: is there a README or INSTALL file in the folder? [11:05] <ruby_on_tails> mcphail: there is a readme, no instructions on where to place the folder [11:05] <Opinie> ruby_on_tails, just sudo make install? [11:05] <ruby_on_tails> there is a install file, reading that [11:05] <mcphail> ruby_on_tails: as I said, there are no rules on where to place folders. it is up to you. [11:06] <mcphail> ruby_on_tails: you may want to make sure the executable binary is in your $PATH. that will ensure you can call it easily from the command line [11:08] <Codmadnesspro> Does anyone know any bleachbit alternatives that are for terminal? [11:08] <mcphail> ruby_on_tails: a common convention is to place user-installed software (rether than software provided by the distribution) under /usr/local/. [11:08] <mcphail> ruby_on_tails: you should find /usr/local/bin as part of your $PATH [11:15] <lotuspsychje> Codmadnesspro: [11:15] <ruby_on_tails> mcphail: just putting the folder in usr/local and done? [11:15] <mcphail> ruby_on_tails: no - you need to find out what is the executable file in the folder [11:15] <darius93> anything I can do for the camera to make it more clear like it was on windows? [11:16] <ruby_on_tails> mcphail: so confusing :( [11:16] <ruby_on_tails> do i have to uninstall the existing ffmpeg i have first? older version? [11:17] <mcphail> ruby_on_tails: not really, if this is a proper static build [11:17] <mcphail> ruby_on_tails: if you have ffmpeg under /usr/bin (i.e. installed by ubuntu), placing your new version under /usr/local/bin will take precedence as that folder comes first in your $PATH [11:19] <lotuspsychje> !info cheese | darius93 [11:21] <peleg> I have posted this bios bug as a question in askubuntu: [11:21] <peleg> Any other way you suggest to contact Canonical? [11:22] <lotuspsychje> peleg: #ubuntu-devel you could ask hardcore bugs maybe [11:23] <lotuspsychje> peleg: launchpad bug will also attract solutions [11:26] <darius93> lotuspsychje, i have cheese but the problem is that the quality is not so great. It is barely clear, looks like the resolution is low (even though its not) [11:27] <lotuspsychje> !webcam | darius93 [11:29] <Eightynine> I have just installed Ubuntu Gnome and it works slow. I used Gnome 3.14 on openSUSE and it consumed twice less resources than 3.10. How can I update Gnome to the latest version or at least 3.14? [11:30] <peleg> lotuspsychje: thanks [11:34] <Eightynine> Check this please. is this safe to do that? I don't want to have any problems. [11:35] <EriC^^> !info gnome-shell [11:35] <lotuspsychje> Eightynine: if you got slow performance you better choose something less, maybe ubuntu desktop 14.04 will peform better? [11:36] <cfhowlett> Eightynine, if you don't want problems, you should wait for the official gnome update from ubuntu [11:36] <Eightynine> Ubuntu installed updates and asked to reboot my PC. Gnome will be updated after reboot too or it's required only for kernel installation? It's updated kernel too. [11:38] <Eightynine> I don't know about Unity, I've heard it consumes a lot of resources and sometimes works slow and could be buggy. If I will use Gnome I need at least 3.12 or 3.14 because older versions working slower and are heavier. [11:42] <Eightynine> Ubuntu update tool is not usable, needs some optimisation and add new colums like Version installed and Version available and Download size. Two panels. Upper will show updates and lower will show details like bugs/issues fixed, what was improved/added, etc [11:45] <ioria> the Builder in the new release 3.16 sounds interesting .... [11:47] <Eightynine> I turned on components like Software from partners and ubuntu-proposed. [11:48] <cfhowlett> Eightynine, "proposed" essentially means "beta". you break it, you fix it [11:49] <Eightynine> I didn't know that. [11:49] <Eightynine> And what about partners? [11:50] <cfhowlett> Eightynine, take a minute to read your repo notes: more /etc/apt/sources.list [11:51] <cfhowlett> drop that in a terminal and read [11:51] <Eightynine> And what about update tool? Will developers do what I wrote? [11:52] <cfhowlett> Eightynine, of course. EVERY user suggestion is implemented immediately and without question! [11:52] <lagbox> yes, they will take every suggestion and do it [11:52] <ioria> i didn't know that you can try the new Gnome with a live image ... cool [11:54] <Eightynine> If it's true what you guys wrote than I would be glad and it'll be a good work to enhance your distro. I would be glad to help to make this distro better. [11:59] <Eightynine> Chrome is available only in PPA? [11:59] <Myrtti> it's available from Google. [11:59] <k1l_> Eightynine: due to the license you cant include that into any other repo. only google is allowed to ship it. [12:00] <k1l_> so load the .deb from their side and it will install the google repo, too [12:00] <Eightynine> Is Virtualbox working good with Ubuntu? [12:00] <daftykins> yes. [12:00] <k1l_> Eightynine: its working as espected [12:00] <daftykins> you should probably try these things first hand ;) [12:02] <Eightynine> I tried Virtualbox on Arch and Xubuntu, sometimes it lost vdi, I had to add it again. But it worked worst with openSUSE, developers adviced me to change distro, I chose Ubuntu LTS with Gnome. [12:04] * Robert- #ATW-RO :) [12:04] <Eightynine> Also I had a bug with Num Lock indicator. It turned off when changing layout and trying to write something. [12:07] <Guest87452> salve [12:07] <Eightynine> How fast is apt after zypper. [12:08] <ntkln> I have a problem with my usb flash drive I can't format it and it created a second partition [12:08] <ntkln> Here: [12:09] <ioria> Eightynine, better for me, but pacman it'a bolt [12:10] <Eightynine> Maybe addons to support FAT32 or NTFS are not installed? [12:10] <daftykins> ntkln: "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" [12:11] <k1l_> ntkln: try to unmount it first in gparted  openSUSE is total crap about updates. pacman is pretty good and I consider it handy. [12:12] <daftykins> !ot | Eightynine [12:12] <k1l_> Eightynine: we focus on technical ubuntu support in here and dont call names, especially on other distros. [12:13] <ntkln> daftykins: [12:13] <Eightynine> I added Gnome repo and Ubuntu asks me to install updates, I wonder if I should agree or not, I'm afraid it'll be buggy. But I need at least 3.12 or 3.14 as I said or the latest version if it's stable already. [12:14] <King_Hual> I'm having the exact same problem as [12:14] <King_Hual> but nobody's answered it [12:14] <k1l_> Eightynine: you added the repo. so what are you afraid about that it ships other/new versions? if you dont want that dont add the repo [12:14] <daftykins> ntkln: it's kinda weird your NTFS partition being '2' and there being no '1', if you have no important data on there i'd wipe it and start again [12:15] <Eightynine> Can I downgrade it if there will be problems? [12:15] <King_Hual> pulseaudio returns 'connection refused' from what i gathered [12:15] <k1l_> Eightynine: you can use ppa-purge to get rid of that ppa and its packages [12:17] <Eightynine> I installed russian version of Ubuntu but I have Firefox in english. Why? [12:18] <k1l_> install the language pack for firefox? [12:19] <ntkln> daftykins: do you mean format it (because it doesn't work)? how can i wipe it correctly [12:20] <daftykins> ntkln: create a new partition table [12:20] <k1l_> ntkln: please pastebin "dmesg" [12:21] <Eightynine> Why it was not installed during system installation? [12:22] <ntkln> k1l_: [12:24] <k1l_> ok, no error there.. but its strange that there is only sdb2. [12:24] <k1l_> ntkln: make a right click on that first partition and choose "unmount". then make a new partiiton table [12:35] <H2No3> hello there, I am trying to move music tracks in rhythmbox to the mp3 player. but I get an error saying 'error transferring tracks - resource not found' [12:35] <H2No3> the tracks are in mp3 format [12:36] <iconic1> You making a playlist? [12:36] <H2No3> iconic1, no just adding tracks to mp3 player [12:40] <Budd> I've (several times) accidentally invoked a scrolling-screen mode in Studio Ubuntu - all mouse motion scrolls the entire window (including header bar). How to I toggle this back? [12:40] <akerbeltz> afternoon. anyone know of some way of disabling print error sheets? Got a problem with an Oki preinter on Mint which prints fine but insists on throwing in an Error Sheet about a timeout error. [12:41] <bazhang> akerbeltz, mint? [12:41] <H2No3> any help? [12:42] <akerbeltz> Linux Mint. I tried the Mint channels but they seem dead but figured the same problemn/solutionb might well apply on Ubuntu [12:42] <H2No3> ok I restarted rhythmbox, and now it seems to transfer tracks [12:42] <k1l_> !mint | akerbeltz [12:43] <akerbeltz> ah thanks there are actually ppl in that one! [12:43] <daftykins> ;) [12:49] <AstralFX> Has anyone used iptables? [12:49] <daftykins> AstralFX: you're going to need to ask a more specific question than that ;) [12:49] <AstralFX> When I connect to a VPN, and say use iptables to DROP data to a certain site. Should the iptables still be DROPing even with VPN on (since data is routed to vpn first)? [12:51] <eksperimental1> hi guys [12:51] <eksperimental1> anybody has experience with cgroups? [12:52] <eksperimental1> i cannot make it run, and I don't know what i'm doing wrong.. first of all, is there anything with with having cgroup-bin and cgroup-lite both installed in my system [12:52] <AstralFX> e.g. turn vpn on, check test sites for dns/ip (no leaks) if i access google, i'm not leaking my real data.. however if i use an iptable to DROP all traffic to google, even with the VPN on, I can't access google.. even though all data is routed to vpn hence i'm protected.. man I don't understand why iptables work like this, and i can't find info to resolve it [12:53] <n4302> hi [12:54] <n4302> any tuts? [12:54] <hkrrsx> mornin' [12:55] <daftykins> n4302: for what? [12:55] <bazhang> !manual | n4302 [12:55] <n4302> night here lol [12:56] <tKumse> :q [13:18] <trijntje> I'm using a toshiba tecra with 14.04 and I would like to be able to disable the touchpad when typing so I dont jump all over the place when I accidently touch the pad during typing. Any pointers? [13:21] <Alex-Mes> 5. FREE STEAM GAMES [13:21] <daftykins> no thanks [13:22] <xubuntu> สวัสดี [13:22] <xubuntu> ว่าไง [13:22] <daftykins> english only please :) [13:24] <Guest151> My name is Teay [13:25] <Viqta> hello [13:25] <Guest151> Thailand [13:26] <argha> hello.. [13:26] <pavlos> trijntje, system settings | mouse & touchpad ... disable touchpad [13:26] <argha> can anybody tell me how to host a jekyll project from local computer? [13:29] <argha> anybody know [13:29] <trijntje> pavlos: there are no options there to disable the touchpad [13:29] <faLUCE> hello. do you know if ubuntu works well on an Asus F200MA-BING-KX376B notebook? [13:29] <solsTiCe> trijntje: in system settings/mouse/pad you can disable the touchpad [13:30] <solsTiCe> trijntje: at least in 15.04 [13:30] <Viqta> faLUCE, it should work out of the box, but check for driver support with asus [13:30] <faLUCE> Viqta: how can I check? [13:31] <trijntje> solsTiCe: I'm on 14.04 [13:31] <argha> how do i know how much space remian in my hardisk from ubuntu? [13:31] <argha> *********************** [13:32] <pavlos> trijntje, my laptop is 14.04 and I have that option, there is a switch on/off for the touchpad. [13:33] <pavlos> trijntje, install unity-control-center [13:34] <ading> aaa [13:34] <ading> nihao [13:34] <ading> 你好 [13:34] <pavlos> trijntje, install ubuntu-desktop [13:37] <trijntje> pavlos: I have unity control center, but it simply doesnt have the option to disable the touchpad [13:38] <pavlos> trijntje, try install ubuntu-desktop from links I see [13:39] <pavlos> trijntje, [13:40] <trijntje> pavlos: I have ubuntu-desktop, and I have unity control center. I just don't have an option to disable the touchpad from "mouse and touchpad". So what else can I try? [13:41] <pavlos> trijntje, update/upgrade to make sure you got the latest. Not sure why you dont have the touchpad option. [13:41] <E1ephant> so confused [13:41] <E1ephant> [13:41] <Viqta> check on the function keys of your laptop, the ones that you can toggle on or off using the fn key [13:43] <trijntje> pavlos: my install is up to date, and I cannot upgrade to 15.04 since I'm on a production machine [13:43] <trijntje> Viqta: those keys have no effect [13:43] <viGtor_> hi guys, i own a macbook pro and id' like to reasign the "eject" key (as i dont use cdrom anymore) with the supr key, i find nothing :( [13:43] <Viqta> they do for me [13:44] <Viqta> viGtor: use compiz editor to add shortcuts using keys on your computer [13:45] <viGtor_> i use gnome version [14:02] <asfyxia> join ubuntu-nl-team [14:03] <G66k> `hello everyone im using ubuntu 14.04 i got this error while trying to install Depends: rubygems but it is not going to be installed [14:03] <Vennix> if anyone wants a sweet track to listen too [14:05] <k1l_> Vennix: that is more a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic :) [14:05] <Vennix> alright ^^] [14:17] <rgb-one> G66k: Can you elaborate? [14:18] <G66k> rgb-one, im trying to install wpscan but seems ubuntu doesnt has the require depencity [14:22] <Opinie> G66k, sudo apt-get -f install? [14:22] <apt-get> hello apt-get here [14:22] <rgb-one> G66k: Have you followed the instructions here? [14:22] <G66k> rgb-one, yes i do [14:23] <G66k> let me try what Opinie suggest [14:23] <Opinie> G66k, I'd suggest you follow the documentation rgb-one suggested [14:24] <rgb-one> G66k: I will try to reproduce the error [14:24] <Chetic> how come nothing happens when I start an RDP session? I've done everything everybody says when I google it, but all I get is that damn X11 background and X cursor [14:25] <Chetic> I can start xeyes in the session by doing DISPLAY=:1 xeyes but nothing happens if I do gnome-session the same way (and no error messages) [14:25] <Opinie> Chetic, is lightdm running? [14:26] <Chetic> Opinie: it seems a process named lightdm is running many times over [14:26] <Opinie> k [14:26] <G66k> Opinie, i did [14:27] <compdoc> Chetic, what did you install? [14:27] <Opinie> G66k, got the required dependencies now? [14:28] <Chetic> compdoc: everything. I have the same problem if I start vncserver or tightvncserver, but I want to use xrdp [14:28] <G66k> Opinie, still downloading i hope it's work this time [14:29] <compdoc> Chetic, I use xrdp and vncserver, but you cant use them with Unity. It doesnt support 2D desktops that are required for rdp or vnc, that I know of [14:29] <compdoc> Chetic, by the way, that desktop you describe is what you get when the file xstartup isnt correct [14:31] <Chetic> compdoc: I've set up xstartup in many different ways suggested by google results but to no avail. I can only get i3 working sort of (distorted graphics and still no background) [14:31] <Funambuli> hiii!!!! Anyone knows about acpi and its protocols for comunication with the laptop battery chipset? [14:32] <compdoc> Chetic, I only use Ubuntu of servers. What I do is install Server 14.04, and then the Mate desktop, and then xrdp [14:32] <compdoc> *on servers [14:32] <compdoc> I cant get xrdp to work with unity [14:32] <compdoc> wish I could [14:33] <daftykins> servers with X *chuckle* [14:34] <compdoc> daftykins, security risk? [14:34] <G66k> thanks guys its work :) [14:35] <Opinie> compdoc, try x11vnc [14:35] <compdoc> Opinie, you have that working with Unity? [14:35] <Opinie> yeah [14:36] <compdoc> you install any alternative desktops, or have to do anything to make it work? [14:36] <Opinie> the latter, just install it [14:36] <compdoc> I'll give it a try [14:37] <Opinie> sorry scanning stuff, can't really type with one hand [14:39] <rgb-one> G66k: do you have rvm installed? [14:40] <G66k> rgb-one, yes i have installed it its fix brother . thanks alot [14:40] <rgb-one> G66k: :) cool [14:40] <G66k> rgb-one, i appericiate :D [14:41] <rgb-one> G66k: :) [14:47] <pc_> how do i install this?? [14:48] <daftykins> are you running vivid? [14:48] <k1l_> pc_: sudo apt-get install monodevelop [14:48] <pc_> no im running "utopic" [14:49] <pc_> i dont know how to install this newer package [14:49] <daftykins> !info monodevelop utopic [14:49] <pc_> i want the latest monodevelop [14:49] <pc_> not 4.0 [14:49] <daftykins> it'd be unwise to mix versions [14:49] <pc_> ubuntu versions? [14:49] <daftykins> packages from a newer on an older [14:50] <pc_> but why, it's just a package [14:50] <pc_> it should resolve dependencies right?? [14:50] <k1l_> not if it cant resolve them due to utopic doesnt have the versionnumbers requested [14:51] <pc_> i used to be on opensuse, and there i would just add a new repository and then i could add packages from that. how is it on ubuntu? [14:51] <daftykins> if you grabbed every .deb and put them on, you'd essentially stick those packages and prevent them from updating [14:51] <daftykins> you can't do that, it'll try and update everything else [14:51] <somsip> !ppa | pc_ [14:51] <daftykins> unless you find just a PPA for monodevelop [14:52] <k1l_> pc_: see if there is a ppa, upgrade to 15.04 beta or wait for 15.04 to be final. [14:52] <Viqta> you go to the software updater and add the packages that you want pc_ [14:52] <pc_> and vivid is not a ppa? [14:52] <daftykins> no, it's a whole distro version [14:52] <pc_> ok, how do i upgrade to vivid? [14:52] <k1l_> pc_: a ppa means its made working with the utopic versions of the depencies [14:52] <Viqta> you download it from the page [14:53] <pc_> i already have ubuntu installed, i just want an upgrade [14:53] <k1l_> Viqta: no [14:53] <k1l_> pc_: so you want to upgrade to 15.04 beta? [14:53] <pc_> yeah [14:53] <pc_> i need the best software [14:54] <k1l_> update-manager -d. but be aware that its not final now and bugs can happen [14:54] <cfhowlett> pc_, "beta" is best? think hard ... [14:54] <Viqta> here you go pc_: [14:54] <pc_> can i downgrade if it gets broken? [14:54] <mcphail> pc_: no [14:54] <daftykins> bigger number does not mean 'better' [14:54] <mcphail> pc_: it is a one-way process [14:55] <pc_> omg that sucks [14:55] <k1l_> pc_: no. its just a one-way path. [14:55] <daftykins> pc_: perhaps you don't even need the newer version, maybe you just think you do? [14:55] <mcphail> pc_: the only way to downgrade is to reinstall [14:56] <pc_> then i have to use windows for monodevelop [14:56] <Viqta> use bittorrent sync to back the files and documents for easy transfer and may ease the restoration when you downgrade [14:56] <Opinie> rsync ftw [14:56] <daftykins> Viqta: that's totally unnecessary [14:57] <Viqta> its just a tip. trying to help [14:57] <cheus> With upstart services, is there a way to disable services from starting on installation [14:57] <pc_> it does help [14:58] <G66k> is there anyway to switch ubuntu 14.04 look like 10.04 ? [14:58] <G66k> there or something [14:58] <daftykins> yes, get ubuntu MATE [14:58] <G66k> daftykins, is it a package ? [14:58] <k1l_> pc_: [14:59] <mcphail> daftykins: does that exist for 14.04? [14:59] <k1l_> pc_: now go and read about PPAs and think about if that is suitable for you. [15:01] <manjaro_user> how probable is it that if when I as a noob configure a web server and install owncloud on it will have security issues when putting it on the internet? [15:01] <Opinie> 1.0 [15:02] <manjaro_user> Opinie: so better don't do it if I am not very sure what I am doing? [15:03] <aelevadoan> hello [15:03] <Opinie> or don't open it to the webz, and access it via an openvpn server or something? [15:03] <aelevadoan> would a question about shell access be relevant here? [15:03] <Pici> aelevadoan: it might be, go for it. [15:04] <aelevadoan> Pici: [15:04] <aelevadoan> Im trying to do a file backup on my local computer of my vps with a rsync command [15:04] <aelevadoan> sudo rsync -avHAX --progress --inplace --rsh='ssh -p4444' root@ . [15:04] <aelevadoan> but Im having an access problem [15:04] <philinux> G66k;~ you need to look at this. [15:05] <aelevadoan> thats a paste of the auth.log [15:05] <aelevadoan> I have root login enabled [15:05] <k1l_> aelevadoan: are you sure the root login is a good idea? [15:05] <aelevadoan> k1l_: the thing is that I need special permissions to copy some of the files [15:06] <aelevadoan> right? [15:06] <aelevadoan> my objective here is to backup vps files on my computer [15:06] <Opinie> root is pretty special already [15:06] <k1l_> depends on the files [15:07] <aelevadoan> I want to copy /etc files [15:07] <aelevadoan> /var/www [15:07] <aelevadoan> and home directories [15:07] <chotaz`work> Why does whenever I click on a downloaded file on google chrome, it redownloads the file instead of opening it? [15:09] <k1l_> aelevadoan: see [15:10] <Jakey2> how do i remote desktop from one ubuntu to another one [15:10] <cfhowlett> Jakey2, ssh [15:10] <cfhowlett> !ssh | Jake [15:10] <Jakey2> cfhowlett, i want a gui [15:10] <Opinie> vnc [15:10] <Jakey2> i have ubuntu server 14.04 [15:11] <Jakey2> i installed lxde how do i vnc into it [15:11] <cfhowlett> jakey wait what? server doesn't have a gui [15:11] <cfhowlett> oh, nvmnd [15:11] <m1dnight_> guys, i'm trying to allow a single user to only sftp into my remote machine with a password [15:11] <m1dnight_> so far I have added Match User sftpuser PasswordAuthentication=yes [15:12] <m1dnight_> which works, but from when I add ChrootDirectory %h to the Match, i can no longer log in using that user [15:12] <m1dnight_> can somebody help me? [15:12] <m1dnight_> (so atm i want to allow ssh via pw login and chroot the home directory, but the latter does not work yet) [15:12] <rgb-one> chotaz`work: I think because nautilus hasn't been set to open files from google-chrome [15:13] <chotaz`work> rgb-one, I have caja as I'm on UbuntuMATE, but how would I accomplish such thing in nautiles? [15:16] * Jake grumbles at cfhowlett [15:17] <cfhowlett> Jake, sorry. fat finger tourettes. the msg was intended for jakey2 ... [15:18] <rgb-one> chotaz`work: The idea here is to open the downloaded file with the default application on your system, eg. a pdf with evince, a .doc file with libreoffice etc. [15:19] <chotaz`work> rgb-one, every file type I try to open from chrome gets redownloaded and the same does not happen in firefox [15:19] <rgb-one> chotaz`work: yea [15:20] <cfhowlett> chotaz, you have to edit your chrome settings [15:21] <rgb-one> chotaz`work: The file associations for chrome need to be changed [15:22] <rgb-one> chotaz`work: it seems chrome has priority in opening files over all other programs installed on the system [15:24] <Goodbar> Folks, I'm having a serious problem with chroot and trying to unmount /proc after I'm done with the chroot. May I have your attention? [15:25] <jhutchins> Goodbar: 1) Do not ask #debian for Ubuntu support, what fixes Debian can break Ubuntu, they are different distributions. 2) What problem? [15:25] <jhutchins> Goodbar: What did you try to do? How did you try to do it? What did you expect to happen? What happened instead? [15:26] <rgb-one> chotaz`work: do you have xdg-open installed? [15:28] <jhutchins> Goodbar: In channel please. [15:28] <chotaz`work> rgb-one, cfhowlett : There is no file-type associations options in Chrome. And my files open normally from the file manager or from Firefox's "download manager". I'm not the most fluent on Linux/Ubuntu or Web Browsers, but I'm not making much sense out of this :\ [15:28] <chotaz`work> rgb-one, Not right now, but I'll take a look. [15:29] <jhutchins> Goodbar: Generally for a chroot you should mount the special filesystems like /proc from the real root, then chroot, then exit, then unmount. [15:31] <chotaz`work> I'll try a google related channel, as my problems seems to be with chrome specifically. [15:31] <DemHydraz> chotaz`work, then use firefox. [15:33] <chotaz`work> DemHydraz, I intend on changing since they are completely dropping NPAPI support, but I'm puzzled by trivial things I don't understand, and this has not happened to me before. [15:34] <cfhowlett> chotaz, chrome settings has file associations somewhere, I don't use it though. [15:34] <rgb-one> chotaz`work: right click on a file and go to 'Open with...' do you see chrome at the top? if so that is the problem. [15:36] <chotaz`work> rgb-one, that is not the case at all. As i've stated, files open where they should when I open them from the file manager or other file handling applications. My problem is SPECIFICALLY when opening files from within chrome. [15:36] <chotaz`work> cfhowlett, I'll take a closer look then, might have missed it. [15:36] <cfhowlett> chotaz`work, confirm: chrome NOT chromium? [15:36] <researcher1> Can anybody help understand this [15:37] <chotaz`work> cfhowlett, Yes, chrome. [15:37] <cfhowlett> researcher1, vbox 2.2 ... very old and I'm sure no longer supported. what version of ubuntu do you have there??? [15:39] <researcher1> cfhowlett: I got ubuntu 14.04 [15:39] <cfhowlett> researcher1, don't know how you have such an old virtualbox ... [15:40] <researcher1> cfhowlett: hopw do I get latest? [15:40] <OEP> researcher1: I think you are missing a linux-headers package [15:40] <k1l_> researcher1: what gives "uname -a"? [15:43] <JunkHunk> hello I need a -default kernel for my mono libraries work well how would I switch from a -generic to a -default kernel? using Kubuntu14.04 [15:43] <researcher1> k1l_: uname -a gives this Linux taran-G41T-M7 3.13.0-48-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 12 11:16:18 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux [15:44] <k1l_> researcher1: where is that error log from? [15:45] <skinux> I seem to be having a problem with AppArmor permissions [15:45] <k1l_> researcher1: so that is the guestOS is a ubuntu 14.04. what is the host OS? [15:45] <skinux> I created /WebProjects, with same permissions as would be used under /var/www, but Apache is being denied access [15:45] <researcher1> k1l_: I downloaded VBoxGuestAdditions_2.2.0 n tried to install then I got the log [15:45] <iconic1> Lost my eg [15:46] <k1l_> researcher1: why dont you use the guest additions that come with the virtualbox that is actually used? [15:46] <k1l_> iconic1: please stick to technical ubuntu support in here [15:46] <researcher1> k1l_: I tried but it failed [15:46] <k1l_> researcher1: what host OS? what virtualbox version? [15:47] <researcher1> version 4.3.10 [15:47] <rgb-one> skinux: did you edit the apache conf to specify WebProjects as the user directory? [15:47] <iconic1> oops truely sorry didnt realize what chan I was in [15:47] <researcher1> host OS Ubuntu 14.04 [15:47] <skinux> Yes [15:48] <k1l_> researcher1: guest and host is 14.04? [15:48] <chotaz`work> Ok, I've given up on chrome all around. [15:48] <rgb-one> skinux: restart the server [15:49] <chotaz`work> Anyone has any experiencing in using app on ubuntu? maybe through wine or something [15:49] <researcher1> k1l_: On ubuntu 14.04 I install VBOX and retaed WIndows XP [15:49] <skinux> I already tried that [15:49] <k1l_> researcher1: please use the build in guest additions from the virtualbox you actually use. [15:49] <Jakey2> i installed lxde on my ubuntu server using tasksel [15:49] <k1l_> researcher1: what? [15:49] <researcher1> k1l_: tried but it dd not work [15:49] <cfhowlett> xp XP??? [15:49] <Jakey2> i now get an error on load saying [15:49] <k1l_> researcher1: you dont install the guest additions into the host os [15:50] <researcher1> k1l_: what do I do now [15:50] <Jakey2> x session not found falling back on default session and then it locks up [15:50] <k1l_> researcher1: the guest additions are for the guest. so install them into the OS you installed in vbox [15:50] <Jakey2> any ideas [15:51] <chotaz`work> Jakey2, try pressing return less oftenly, so your problem is easier to track down :) [15:51] <Jakey2> ok [15:51] <rgb-one> skinux: add WebProjects to your home directory [15:51] <rgb-one> skinux: var/www is restricted to normal users [15:51] <rgb-one> skinux: sudo privileges are required [15:52] <rgb-one> skinux: restricted from normal user access* [15:53] <Jakey2> what is the best way to install lxde on ubuntu server 14.04 [15:53] <freshmint> hey, i have problem in vlc playback after an update probably audio/video codecs got ruined... [15:53] <freshmint> any idea about that [15:53] <cfhowlett> Jakey2, sudo apt-get install lxde [15:54] <Viqta> freshmint: install the codecs from the software centre [15:54] <researcher1> Thanks it worked with this version [15:54] <freshmint> Viqta, they were installed actually - did apt uninstall them with the latest update? [15:55] <rgb-one> skinux: by setting the permissions of WebProjects to the same as var/www, which requires root access, you will never have access to the content of WebProjects without using sudo [15:55] <chotaz`work> skinux, by default, in Ubuntu, apache is forbidden to work outside /var/www [15:56] <rgb-one> chotaz`work: A local directory in home/www can be used [15:56] <Jakey2> decent image bin i can post an image to [15:56] <Jakey2> ? [15:56] <freshmint> Viqta, can you parse the exact apt-get package, then i can check if that is installed on my system [15:57] <skinux> Why is that? [15:57] <chotaz`work> skinux, I dont make the standards, I follow them, for now :P [15:57] <chotaz`work> rgb-one, i run my project in ~/www and had to specifically allow it in apache conf [15:58] <rgb-one> chotaz`work: there is a section in the conf for user specific directories no? [15:58] <chotaz`work> after you setting apache2 in ubuntu and visit localhost from the browser, if you read it carefully it tells you you can't run from outside /var/www unless the directory is whitelisted [15:59] <skinux> How do I whitelist it? [16:00] <chotaz`work> skinux, edit /etc/apache2.conf [16:00] <chotaz`work> or add a symlink to ~/WebProjects to /var/www, that'll work too., [16:00] <Jakey2> [16:01] <Jakey2> any ideas [16:01] <rgb-one> chotaz`work: It should be the same or similar for Ubuntu [16:02] <rgb-one> skinux: That link was meant for you [16:02] <OtterCoder> So, my wifi is intermittently cutting out, and frecel on #kubuntu said to blame popey. /drama :P [16:03] <popey> seems about right [16:03] <OtterCoder> lol [16:03] <frecel> popey: do you know where wifi stuff gets logged by any chance? [16:04] <popey> frecel: not on Kubuntu, sorry. [16:04] <jamesleimer> afternoon [16:04] <rgb-one> jamesleimer: hey [16:04] <OtterCoder> I'm actually on Ubuntu, I got lost for a moment. [16:04] <frecel> popey: he is on Ubuntu 14.04, he was in the wrong channel [16:04] <popey> frecel: ah [16:04] <pc_> Salve, non riesco a installare un file jnlp.....come posso fare? [16:04] <popey> OtterCoder: what network device? [16:04] <rgb-one> pc_: Ingles [16:05] <Jakey2> anyone [16:05] <OtterCoder> lspci gives me: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter [16:06] <popey> OtterCoder: any help? [16:06] <pc_> Hi, I can not install a jnlp file ... how can I do? [16:06] <jiuyi> 你们好 [16:06] <cfhowlett> jiuyi, english??? [16:07] <jiuyi> l do [16:07] <jiuyi> we cant [16:07] <cfhowlett> !cn | jiuyi [16:07] <OtterCoder> popey: That answer doesn't look too hopeful... [16:08] <rgb-one> pc_: Are you using Windows? [16:08] <popey> yeah, realtek :( [16:08] <pc_> no ubuntu studio linux [16:08] <OtterCoder> popey: It certainly looks like what's happening, what I do is disable and re-enable wifi, but man... [16:10] <Viqta> here it is [16:11] <delinquentme> setting the GMT offset ? [16:12] <rgb-one> pc_: Do you have icedtea-7-plugin installed? if not install it with apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin [16:12] <delinquentme> Id love to run date and be able to get the output for my localtime [16:12] <delinquentme> TZ='America/Los_Angeles' date ... this works ... but could I set something like GMT-0700 [16:12] <pc_> ok,now I try [16:13] <Dewin|work> delinquentme: Does your location observe daylight savings time? [16:13] <delinquentme> Dewin|work: nope ! [16:13] <delinquentme> lol point taken [16:14] <Dewin|work> delinquentme: I believe there's an actual Arizona timezone if that's the case. [16:14] <Dewin|work> America/Phoenix is the name. [16:15] <Dewin|work> (according to some quick googling, anyways) [16:15] <delinquentme> Dewin|work: you mean one that doesn't observe daylight savings?? [16:15] <delinquentme> OH weiird . TIL [16:16] <rgb-one> pc_: when it is installed run: javaws filename.jnlp [16:16] <Dewin|work> yeah, Arizona doesn't observe DST. I wish we didn't either here in WA, maybe this time the legislation for it will pass. [16:16] <Dewin|work> and it gappens to be GMT -0700, which is why I guessed that [16:16] <Dewin|work> happens* [16:16] <pc_> I tried to install it and it says: Can not acquire the lock on the administration directory (/ var / lib / dpkg /). You must be root. [16:16] <cfhowlett> !aptlock | pc_ [16:17] <jmfurlott> Anyone having a problem with firefox, and settings not saving? I can't tell firefox to save my cookie data, etc, it just is quietly falling back to the old settings [16:17] <EriC^^> pc_: you need to use sudo apt-get install [16:18] <cfhowlett> pc_, EriC^^ is correct. sorry, please ignore the link I sent, wrong one [16:20] <rgb-one> pc_: sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin [16:20] <JunkHunk> hello I want to switch to server kernel in my kubuntu14.04desktop is it possible? how to go through it? [16:20] <EriC^^> JunkHunk: switch to what? [16:20] <EriC^^> oh nevermind [16:22] <pc_> I say this:sudo: fuser-vki/var/lib/dpkg/lock: command not found [16:22] <pc_> sudo: dpkg--a: command not found [16:22] <rgb-one> pc_: run this command: sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin [16:23] <cfhowlett> pc_, correct. I sent you the wrong factoid. ignore. run your install command with sudo, e.g. sudo apt-get install packagename [16:23] <Jakey2> cfhowlett, it still oads into terminal after ive done this [16:24] <cfhowlett> Jakey2, no idea what's up, then. sorry, I can't be more helpful. [16:24] <mcphail> JunkHunk: just install the server kernel and select it at the next boot [16:25] <pc_> I say this: [16:25] <pc_> Can not find the package packagename [16:26] <cfhowlett> pc_, ... packagename = program you are trying to install [16:26] <JunkHunk> mcphail and how to make it default? [16:27] <EriC^^> JunkHunk: /etc/default/grub [16:27] * chotaz`work facepalms hard. [16:28] <EriC^^> JunkHunk: change the GRUB_DEFAULT= to it's entry number and then sudo update-grub [16:28] <JunkHunk> cool [16:28] <peleg> Hi! Any hope making HDMI working with ubuntu 14.04 on Dell Latitude E7450? xrandr recognizes it but says it is disconnected, even when connected [16:28] <ioria> so, i cannot convert an ubuntu desktop into server without the proper kernel ? [16:28] <peleg> "HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)" [16:28] <JunkHunk> mcphail told me to install the server kernel...but not how [16:28] <pc_> I say this:command not found [16:28] <Jakey2> cfhowlett, yes your right tried sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop then your one and it worked :) [16:28] <rgb-one> pc_: run this command: sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin [16:28] <chotaz`work> peleg, I'm using the exact same laptop here at work and HDMI as always worked wonders with ubuntuMATE 14.10 [16:28] <JunkHunk> how would I install the ubuntu server kernel from shell? [16:29] <Jakey2> cfhowlett, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop didnt work [16:29] <mcphail> JunkHunk: I'm not on ubuntu just now so son't know the exact package name [16:29] <rgb-one> Jakey2: remove the desktop [16:29] <chotaz`work> JunkHunk, tasksel ? [16:29] <JunkHunk> k [16:29] <Jakey2> rgb-one, how come [16:29] <rgb-one> Jakey2: just lubuntu [16:29] <mcphail> JunkHunk: remember you can run Ubuntu as a server using the standard desktop kernel as well [16:30] <peleg> chotaz`work: is ubuntuMate a different OS? [16:30] <chotaz`work> peleg, a different DE only, the core is the same. [16:30] <rgb-one> Jakey2: I think the package name is just lubuntu [16:31] <JunkHunk> mcphail, the point is I am having issues with mono libraries and someone told me the application I am using those with would stop crashing when using the server kernel [16:31] <chotaz`work> the lubuntu metapackage should install anything lubuntu related, DE, core and the bundled packages aswell [16:31] <ioria> better to install just LXDE [16:31] <mcphail> JunkHunk: ok, well that's odd. The server kernel config is very similar to generic [16:32] <rgb-one> ioria: you are correct [16:32] <JunkHunk> [16:32] <rgb-one> was refering to lubuntu instead of lxde [16:32] <ioria> JunkHunk, try this, there is a discussion : [16:32] <peleg> chotaz`work: so do you recommend installing mate-desktop? Can it make a difference with respect to HDMI working or not? Isn't that a drivers issue? [16:33] <JunkHunk> there are two: linux-image-server ( [security] [16:33] <JunkHunk> and linux-server ( [security] [16:33] <cfhowlett> peleg, desktop environment has very little to do with graphics drivers [16:33] <peleg> cfhowlett: that's what I thought... [16:33] <chotaz`work> peleg, I wouldn't know if simply changing the desktop environment would fix your issue. I just find it odd that I always worked from me right from the start and it isn't for you. [16:33] <EriC^^> JunkHunk: according to the desktop and server use the same kernel since ubuntu 10.10 [16:33] <chotaz`work> it always worked for me* [16:34] <pc_> it seems that I have installed the plugin .... now to open the file arena-setup.jnlp,i have to do? [16:34] <rgb-one> pc_: javaws arena-setup.jnlp [16:34] <peleg> So, chotaz`work's answer for my question is "yes". There is hope to make it work. Does any of you know how could I debug it? [16:34] <JunkHunk> EriC^^ [16:35] <EriC^^> JunkHunk: that's really old, it has kernel 2.6 or so [16:35] <mcphail> EriC^^: I thought the server kernel used a different preemption model? [16:35] <pc_> i say this:netx: Invalid jnlp file arena-setup.jnlp [16:35] <EriC^^> mcphail: i've no idea, i thought they used different kernels [16:36] <cfhowlett> pc_, this sounds like something to ask the java channel [16:36] <JunkHunk> EriC^^, okay thanks buddy the man who told me to switch uses opensuse which desktop and server kernels are different [16:36] <ioria> pc_ javascript, hu ? [16:37] <RoomClearingFart> Hi [16:37] <EriC^^> JunkHunk: mcphail seems to know more about this, maybe there are differences.. [16:37] <mcphail> JunkHunk: I think there is a minor difference between the generic and server kernels, but that difference is only likely to make your desktop less responsive. [16:37] <Knight80> Hello everyone [16:37] <mcphail> JunkHunk: I'm not aware of any differences in app compatibility [16:38] <Knight80> I just downloaded a football game and when I do ./football (which is the name of the executable file) it says Not found... How come this is happening? [16:38] <RoomClearingFart> So Im pretty new to linux as an OS and I start college in about 2 months for Information Technology, how used is Linux in the IT world? [16:39] <EriC^^> Knight80: are you in the dir? [16:39] <EriC^^> Knight80: type ls -l [16:39] <CptRageToaster> RoomClearingFart: Depends on the industry [16:39] <Knight80> Eric^^ Yes I am [16:39] <pc_> Now I have to go, maybe we'll try again later ... thanks a lot [16:40] <ioria> Knight80, says something about shared librery ? [16:40] <EriC^^> Knight80: are you sure about the name? [16:41] <Knight80> Yes, the name is "football" [16:41] <EriC^^> Knight80: what's the exact error? [16:41] <Knight80> It says "Not found" [16:41] <OerHeks> Knight80, most likely: you are not in that folder [16:41] <EriC^^> bash: not found? [16:41] <Knight80> Yes, I am in that folder [16:41] <CptRageToaster> Knight80: in the directory, use the command [16:41] <CptRageToaster> ls -al [16:41] <CptRageToaster> and then use pastebin to show us the output [16:42] <ioria> Knight80, check if it's executable [16:42] <Knight80> You can try to download the game if you want, it's not too big -----> [16:43] <Knight80> I'm not interested in the game really, I just want to check out whether executable files work, because this is not the first time this happens to me. [16:43] <CptRageToaster> Knight80: in the directory, use the command [16:43] <CptRageToaster> ls -al [16:43] <CptRageToaster> then use pastebin to show us the output [16:43] <EriC^^> Knight80: can you pastebin file football here ? [16:43] <EriC^^> ( runt he command file football ) [16:44] <llutz> Knight80: "uname -m" [16:44] <Knight80> I'm definitely in that folder [16:44] <ioria> Knight80, you did export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ? [16:45] <Knight80> ioria No, I didn't [16:45] <Knight80> ioria But it doesn't give me an error library [16:45] <Knight80> a library error, sorry [16:45] <CptRageToaster> ... [16:45] <ioria> Knight80, gcc should have warned you... so i think it's unlikly [16:45] <Knight80> bash: ./football: No existe el archivo o el directorio [16:46] <Knight80> Which means "The folder or file doesn't exist" [16:46] <CptRageToaster> Knight80: I've asked twice [16:46] <EriC^^> Knight80: ok, are you using tab completion for that? [16:46] <Desu> LANG=en_GB.utf8 whatever [16:46] <EriC^^> Knight80: comply to CptRageToaster 's request... [16:46] <llutz> Desu: LANG=C [16:46] <CptRageToaster> I think it's a permission issue, or a naming issue [16:46] <OerHeks> Knight80, i downloaded it, read the readme [16:46] <daftykins> CptRageToaster: may i compliment you on a fine nickname btw :) [16:47] <CptRageToaster> ls -al will show all of the available filenames, and their associated permissions [16:47] <Desu> llutz: C can break some programs [16:47] <Knight80> OerHeks I already did [16:47] <Knight80> CptRageToaster -rwxrwxr-x That's for the "football" file, in green [16:48] <ioria> Knight80, also about SDL, SDL_ttf and SDL_image ? [16:48] <llutz> Knight80: "uname -m" what is the output? [16:48] <Desu> Knight80: file it [16:48] <OerHeks> Knight80, there is a part about "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=." to load the included [16:48] <Knight80> ilutz x86_64 [16:48] <llutz> Knight80: and "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" [16:49] <Knight80> ilutz i386 [16:49] <llutz> Knight80: and "file football"? [16:49] <Knight80> ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=95175624d80f5b668f1ef60fc1d43b3091c9df42, not stripped [16:49] <ioria> Knight80, are you dual-core ? [16:50] <Knight80> ioria Yes [16:50] <Knight80> Nevermind, I just wanted to know why it gives me that "File not found" error [16:51] <Knight80> But I'm not really interested in the game itself [16:51] <Knight80> The thing is it could happen with any other programme [16:51] <ioria> neither do we... samereason as you :-P [16:52] <Knight80> It's weird [16:52] <OerHeks> "The thing is it could happen with any other programme" depends on the writer, they didn't mention it is i386 and howto run it on 64 bit [16:52] <Desu> you are lacking the libs to run 32bit code [16:52] <llutz> Knight80: one reason could be trying to run i386-bin on amd64 OS without multiarch-support (not given in your case, it seems) [16:52] <Desu> or you are on a fs with noexec [16:53] <Desu> mounted with* [16:53] <OerHeks> Desu, that would return an other error [16:54] <OerHeks> Knight80, install virtualbox and ubuntu 32 bit, and try again? [16:54] <Knight80> OerHeks Ok, thank you [16:54] <Knight80> :) [16:56] <ioria> for me the error is about [16:56] <ioria> Knight80, do you have that lib? [16:56] <Knight80> ioria I don't have it [16:57] <methamp> Trying to move a few large gmail domain accounts to a new gmail domain (Google Apps), but I can't seem to get it done. Tried Thunderbird drag-n-drop between accounts, GAMME (Google's exchange software that works with reg. IMAP), Data Migration (the Google tool that doesn't require a download), a few imap-move/copy/whatever php, python, perl scripts. They all fail at some point. Any ideas? The accounts range from 1GB to 25GB. I've got access to [16:57] <methamp> Windows, Mac OS X, and my Ubuntu Linux. What IMAp scripts do you guys use for backup/copies? [16:57] <methamp> Didn't realize I was typing that long lol [17:00] <Knight80> I've got to go now, thanks for your help [17:00] <Knight80> bye [17:00] <Knight80> :) [17:01] <ioria> Knight80, it's working [17:01] <Knight80> ioria Is it? [17:01] <Knight80> ioria What did you do? [17:01] <ioria> Knight80, at bottom ... [17:02] <Knight80> ioria Thank you [17:23] <CAMsex28> gr [17:23] <AppleCIDR> Well then [17:24] <ben_g> Hi [17:24] <Plasmastar> She's at Sex Cam 28 AppleCIDR [17:25] <cfhowlett> Plasmastar, please leave. take your off-topic smut with you. not llowed in this channel [17:25] <Plasmastar> cfhowlett: What? [17:25] <ben_g> Yesterday, Windows had a big update and it has overwritten the boot entries, which broke my ubuntu-windows dual-boot configuration. (it now always boots into windows, bypassing Grub). [17:26] <AppleCIDR> !language | Plasmastar [17:26] <Plasmastar> Wait, is this a trolling attempt? This is calm and polite English. [17:27] <ben_g> The previous time this happened, it was fixed by renaming efi files, but since I'm not experienced with that at all, I came here looking for assistance with that. [17:28] <locksmith> Hello... [17:29] <locksmith> Im running ubuntu 14.10... how can I make it so that when I press 1 button on my keyboard, 2 buttons register in the system? I am trying to make it so that when I press the Up/Down arrow, the normal Up/Down key is registered on the system, but also register F3/F4 ... [17:29] <locksmith> so Up = Up + F3 [17:29] <ben_g> So, could anyone help me with fixing my bootloader? [17:32] <klys> so I did startx and it's still accessing disk after five minutes [17:33] <klys> it's gnome3, with a black space at the top of the screen where the menubar should be [17:34] <klys> and it won't give me capslock nor mouse [17:35] <klys> using ubuntu-precise with the X off the mavericks cd dist-upgraded to precise [17:37] <klys> I started ubuntu via chroot and ran all the initscripts [17:40] <x85> hi i have an intel x86 based tablet running android I want to switch android over to ubuntu and I'm wondering if this is possible and how to do so [17:41] <ObrienDave> !touch | x85 [17:41] <DemHydraz> huh [17:42] <DemHydraz> ObrienDave, has input drivers for touch devices, he'd be better off using the normal version for an i686-based tablet [17:42] <OerHeks> [17:43] <klys> is ubuntu known to go into race conditions where disk accesses enter an infinite loop? [17:43] <bekks> klys: No. [17:43] * ObrienDave reminds himself to not irritate genii ;P [17:43] <bekks> klys: Whats the actual issue you are facing? [17:44] <klys> I tried to startx, read previous comments [17:44] <hellyeah> what is java package on ubuntu? [17:44] <bekks> klys: That doesnt make clear why you asked about "race conditions where disk accesses enter an infinite loop". [17:44] <bekks> !java | hellyeah [17:44] <daftykins> klys: startx shouldn't be used. [17:44] <Seveas> hellyeah: openjdk-7-jre [17:45] <klys> bekks, it sure is accessing the disk with no visible result for a while [17:45] <bekks> klys: And why do you think thats a "race condition"? [17:45] <hellyeah> thanks [17:45] <Seveas> klys: use iotop to find out which application is doing so. [17:45] <x85> ObrienDave: i looked there already i didn't understand the term emulation does this mean that it runs on top of the android os ? [17:45] <klys> I don't currently have access to a prompt [17:46] <bekks> klys: So you are using a chroot off a maverick cd, which you dis-upgraded to precise to start X? [17:46] <klys> bekks, yes. [17:47] <OerHeks> startx was for gdm, lightdm uses > sudo service lightdm start [17:47] <bekks> klys: Why? [17:47] <Seveas> klys: and you're surprised things fail? [17:47] <klys> it needs to be reset, saveas? [17:47] <bekks> klys: What needs to be reset? [17:47] <klys> the system that's trying to startx [17:47] <Seveas> klys: you're probably swapping yourself to death with that in-memory dist-upgrade... [17:48] <bekks> klys: You said you are using a chroot. Leave the chroot, done. [17:48] <bekks> klys: Why are you using a chroot, at all? [17:48] <Seveas> bekks: I'd suggest backing away slowly. This has all signs of being something unsolvably crazy ;) [17:48] <klys> seveas, you're prolly right about the thrashing, I'm not running apt at the moment. [17:48] <ObrienDave> x85, i have no idea [17:49] <daftykins> klys: why can't you get to a shell? no TTYs? [17:49] <araz> hi, Do I need to upgrade from 3.13.0-48-generic to other kernel? [17:49] <Dumle29> what is ubuntu using for short screencasts? (ctrl+alt+shift+R) I want to only record one screen [17:49] <klys> daftykins, well, I press ctrl-alt-f1 and it doesn't come up [17:49] <bekks> klys: And why are you trying to startx in a chroot then? [17:49] <bekks> klys: that doesnt make any sense, actually. [17:49] <klys> bekks, ubuntu is installed on this chroot [17:50] <daftykins> yeah but of a chicken and egg situation here [17:50] <daftykins> klys: why are you chrooting? [17:50] <bekks> klys: Did you have a running ubuntu installation before, without CDs, etc.? [17:51] <klys> ntfs-3g is running on another chroot. / is the initrd. [17:51] <bekks> klys: "/ is the initrd" makes even less sense. [17:51] <Seveas> that... is absolute nonsense [17:51] <bekks> klys: Did you have a running ubuntu installation before, without CDs, etc.? [17:51] <daftykins> who even still refers to it as ntfs-3g? :P [17:51] <klys> well if no one here agrees that what I've done so far makes sense, then I'll be merrily on my way. [17:52] <daftykins> klys: installing mavericks definitely rings large alarm bells [17:52] <OerHeks> araz yes, only if updates give you a newer version [17:52] <bekks> klys: Answer my question please. [17:52] <klys> bekks, it was installed onto various loopback devices. [17:53] <bekks> klys: That doesnt make any sense whatsoever. [17:53] <daftykins> *facepalm* [17:53] <klys> well if no one here agrees that what I've done so far makes sense, then I'll be merrily on my way. [17:53] <daftykins> trolling over now please [17:53] <daftykins> real support queries only. [17:53] <bekks> klys: Whatever you are doing there is perfect nonsense. I'll rest your case and move on to real support issues. Good luck. [17:54] <Seveas> daftykins: can I be lazy and ask how to install Ubuntu on a raspberry pi, or are you going to make me JFGI? :) [17:55] <daftykins> Seveas: well #1 i don't know as i don't own one, #2 #ubuntu-arm might help and #3 i think only the v2 has a build [17:55] <daftykins> fully featured build that is [17:55] <daftykins> but yes you should really be at least *trying* before asking in here. [17:56] <Seveas> I need something minimal that can autostart firefox or chromium and go to a certain page, this should drive a kiosk type setup. [17:58] <genii> AFAIK no official ARMv6 Ubuntu, just the one Alan Pope and company were working on [17:59] <genii> Bell rather [17:59] <daftykins> mmm and he seemed to disappear [18:00] <Seveas> probably better to stick to raspbian then [18:00] <daftykins> what's it gonna do? [18:00] <daftykins> just offer web browsing? [18:02] <Seveas> daftykins: not even that. All it gets to show is a single webpage, which is a page in our monitoring system that shows a bunch of auto-updating graphs [18:02] <DrkShadow> How do I fix the problem where my mouse sensitivity changes when the screen locks? I walk away, come back, enter my password, and my mouse moves at 1/3 the speed otherwise. I click the gear and wrench, go to mouse, and without doing anything it gets its speed back. [18:03] <Seveas> DrkShadow: obviously it's posessed and needs an exorcism (sorry, I don't have an actual answer, never saw this behaviour before) [18:03] <OerHeks> Seveas, maybe this webkiosk is any help [18:03] <daftykins> Seveas: ah right, i'm not too hot with GUI stuff since i don't use desktop, but surely just autorunning firefox on startup full-screening would do [18:03] <DrkShadow> Seveas: you're on the wrong day. [18:04] <Seveas> OerHeks: thanks! [18:04] <OerHeks> it uses chromium standard [18:07] <DrkShadow> fucking hell, it's vmware that causes it.. [18:08] <daftykins> !language | DrkShadow [18:09] <genii> DrkShadow: Languange, language... although, yes, understandable to use it [18:09] <daftykins> DrkShadow: as in... this system is a VM? and you neglected to mention that? [18:09] <pc_> Hi, before I contacted to resolve a problem with a file jnlp ..... because we could not solve it, I could have an e-mail address to which to send the file? So someone write me all the steps [18:09] <daftykins> pc_: i read online that that's a file type for use with java, so maybe ask them. [18:11] <Eightynine> I have terrible tearing on some pages. How can I fix it? [18:13] <daftykins> Eightynine: what graphics hardware and driver? ubuntu version? desktop? some clues! :) [18:14] <Guest25798> shalom [18:14] <pc_> ok, I have another problem .... to reduce the brightness of the screen what should I do? I remind you that I'm using ubuntu study linux? It can be done using the keyboard? [18:14] <Rug> I have a question about Klipper. When I select some text it goes into a 'temp' klipper storage (viewable in 'Edit Contents') but it takes awhile to show up in the 'pasteable list'. So it's saving the selection but taking awhile to make it available. How do I fix that? [18:16] <ObrienDave> !details | Eightynine [18:16] <Eightynine> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Gnome 3.10, Firefox 37, open-source driver, Radeon HD6750 [18:17] <daftykins> Eightynine: and what's tearing happening in? [18:19] <Eightynine> I remember that everytime I use that damn Firefox with any distro or DE I have tearing on some web pages. Just scrolling and get tearing. Compton helps when I use XFCE but now I'm using Gnome. [18:19] <daftykins> maybe ditch that card of yours. [18:20] <MonkeyDust> Eightynine why not try a different browser, like chromium? [18:21] <Eightynine> I thought about this. No, I have that damn Oh, Snap! message after every update of Chromium, seems like I should switch to Chrome. [18:21] <daftykins> Eightynine: your use of language isn't very justified for these topics. [18:22] <daftykins> either find a way to make use of vsync features or dump the AMD card :) [18:22] <Eightynine> What's wrong? I'm not using strong language. [18:22] <MonkeyDust> Eightynine drop teh d-word [18:22] <Eightynine> Nothing special about it. [18:23] <daftykins> either follow channel policy of being polite or leave :) [18:24] <daftykins> !pm [18:24] <Eightynine> That word is not bad. [18:24] <daftykins> no but you come across as a bit of a complainer and whiner when you make everything out to be such a hardship [18:25] <Rug> MonkeyDust: unless this is the 1800's I doubt most reasonable people would consider the word 'damn' to be profane. Also it was not used in an insulting manner towards any of the participants of this channel. [18:26] <Eightynine> I added Gnome repo after installation and installed all updates, I have some components from Gnome 3.12 and Ubuntu shows that I'm using Gnome 3.10. I need at least 3.12 or 3.14 or 3.16 will be better. I found that repo in instroction about Gnome 3.16 installation. I wonder why I still have 3.10 [18:29] <Eightynine> Firefox works good with nVIDIA graphics cards? [18:29] <bekks> Sure. [18:29] <Rug> Eightynine: FF doesn't really care what graphics card is in use [18:29] <kkiitt> yo people [18:29] <kkiitt> one quick question [18:30] <kkiitt> I need to run a shell script that outputs something like 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 [18:30] <kkiitt> and I'm doing it inside a for loop, so something like: [18:30] <daftykins> Rug: the point of contention is graphical tearing, so not really the browser to blame [18:30] <daftykins> kkiitt: ask in #bash [18:30] <daftykins> (possibly) [18:30] <kkiitt> aight, thx [18:31] <locksmith> Im running ubuntu 14.10... how can I make it so that when I press 1 button on my keyboard, 2 buttons register in the system? I am trying to make it so that when I press the Up/Down arrow, the normal Up/Down key is registered on the system, but also register F3/F4 ... so Up = Up + F3 [18:32] <trupheenix> hi does anyone have tips on how I can use my ubuntu laptop to create a wifi connection which will provide a bridge to another wifi network? [18:33] <daftykins> trupheenix: with two adapters? [18:33] <daftykins> network manager can help with that [18:33] <Eightynine> Why I got Gnome 3.10 and not 3.16 after adding repos? [18:34] <trupheenix> daftykins: I do have a wifi adapter on my laptop [18:34] <trupheenix> daftykins: and I have a spare Edimax wifi adapter [18:34] <daftykins> trupheenix: yeah i'd imagine it's more do-able with two than one :> [18:34] <OerHeks> Eightynine, on what ubuntu version and what repo ? [18:34] <daftykins> easy to share from wireless to wired or vice versa though [18:34] <trupheenix> daftykins: ok [18:35] <trupheenix> daftykins: what if the wired end is connected to another wifi router? [18:35] <daftykins> err, wat? [18:35] <daftykins> can you detail that setup in full? [18:36] <trupheenix> what if over the wired ethernet connection I connect a wifi router on the other end? [18:36] <bekks> Eightynine: Did you run sudo apt-get update ? [18:36] <trupheenix> daftykins: ^ [18:36] <apt-get> update me :^) [18:37] <apt-get> wait that doesn't make sense [18:38] <Eightynine> Repos from this instruction [18:38] <bekks> Eightynine: That doesnt answer my question. [18:39] <daftykins> trupheenix: so client devices connect to the router, to get a net connection off the laptop? yeah, if you disabled the DHCP server on the router [18:39] <Eightynine> I answered to <OerHeks> Yes, I did it. [18:39] <swine_> where would i start if i want to do process-level sandboxing in linux? [18:40] <j`ey> does ubsmon work on the server edition of Ubuntu? [18:40] <trupheenix> daftykins: hmmm [18:40] <OerHeks> Eightynine, so i look at so you are on 14.04 ? there is no 3.12 available then [18:42] <Eightynine> Strange instruction, they should write that 3.12 is not available for 14.04 [18:42] <bekks> Eightynine: Contact them, and tell them. [18:42] <OerHeks> Eightynine, they did. [18:42] <BlueProtoman> Is there an Ubuntu PPA that anybody recommends for installing the latest version of Qt 5 on Ubuntu 14.10? [18:43] <sidi> Does anyone know if Vivid will ship GTK+/GNOME 3.14 or 3.16? [18:43] <OerHeks> But i am not going to defend a article nor the gnome3 ppa. [18:43] <viGtor_> hi! i know that installing kde and gnome-shell in the same system can be crappy but, what about installing mate and/or cinnamong along gnome shell? is it a problem= can i get mixed things? [18:43] <Seveas> !info gnome-core vivid [18:44] <j`ey> Im trying to modprobe usbmon, I get no errors, but it doesnt show up in lsmod [18:46] <viGtor_> Seveas: is it for me? [18:46] <Quantos> Hey guys, I have a Moto G running lollipop and my computer running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. When I connect the phone about half the time there is a random error about failure to mount. The other half of the time it connects fine. Is there anything I should be looking at? [18:46] <Seveas> viGtor_: nope. I have no answer to your question I'm afraid. [18:49] <j`ey> anyone know why modprobe would give no output, but then the module doesnt show up in lsmod? [18:49] <Jordan_U> quake_guy: What is the exact error message? [18:49] <trupheenix> daftykins: I'm using firestarter. There is only one issue. When I start firestarter, it says that the other wlan device is not ready. What mistake am I doing? [18:49] <Jordan_U> j`ey: Please specify the exact commands you are running, and pastebin their complete output. [18:50] <vagrant> quit [18:50] <daftykins> trupheenix: using firestarter. heh, i really don't know. [18:50] <j`ey> Jordan_U: I did. "modprobe usbmon" and then "lsmod" [18:50] <j`ey> no output from modprobe [18:51] <j`ey> ok weird, reboot and it's there now [18:59] <Quantos> Hey guys, I have a Moto G running lollipop and my computer running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. When I connect the phone about half the time there is a random error about failure to mount. The other half of the time it connects fine. Is there anything I should be looking at? This is the error 'Unable to find the requested file. Please check the spelling and try again.' 'Unhandled error message: Error when getting information for file '/ru [18:59] <Quantos> n/user/1000/gvfs/mtp:host=%5Busb%3A001%2C095%5D': No such file or directory' [19:02] <locksmith> Im running ubuntu 14.10... how can I make it so that when I press 1 button on my keyboard, 2 buttons register in the system? I am trying to make it so that when I press the Up/Down arrow, the normal Up/Down key is registered on the system, but also register F3/F4 ... so Up = Up + F3 [19:02] <Eightynine> You have MTP problem too. I had it on Xubuntu. Don't know how to fix it. [19:03] <Quantos> I've updated and insured that I am running libmtp9 [19:03] <m3n3chm0> dear all guys, i'm using firefox 37 and Xubuntu 14.04 since this FF version when i receive a message from whatsapp web Firefox crash and closed :( [19:03] <Quantos> The funny part is that if I let it sit with the poor connection about two minutes later it reads the phone just fine [19:07] <Jordan_U> Quantos: Is it possible that it's just a bad USB cable? [19:08] <Quantos> I did a continuity test on it and it came back fine, but I guess that's a possibility [19:08] <Quantos> Fortunately I think I have a spare, I'll try that out and get back to you [19:08] <Viqta> guys, I am having issues using cheese, it just pops up and quits on me. online forums answers have not helped [19:09] <Viqta> and the webcam is working fine because it working on skype [19:09] <bibi-23> hello, ubuntu doesn't detect my wifi card, I can only use LAN, "rfkill list" tells it's "hard blocked", when I press the "Fn + F12" combination, it's toggling the soft blocked, why doesn't it detect it properly? [19:09] <Eightynine> I had the same problem. But for me it wasn't issue with cable. After getting this problem I booted Windows 7 and successfuly flashed my phone. [19:10] <Jordan_U> bibi-23: Are you sure that there isn't a physical button/switch on your laptop for disabling wifi? [19:11] <bibi-23> Jordan_U: yep I don't see any, there is only a keyboard button, which changes soft blocked as mentioned. [19:12] <Jordan_U> bibi-23: Does this card work in another OS? [19:12] <bibi-23> Jordan_U: it works fine on windows. [19:13] <shlant> anyone know if swap is disabled by default on ec2? [19:13] <shlant> for ubuntu AMI's [19:14] <Jordan_U> bibi-23: This is somewhat of a shot in the dark, but in the absense of other options you might try booting into Windows, connecting to wifi, then *rebooting* (not shutting down and booting) into Ubuntu. [19:14] <agliodbs> I'm finding that large HTML files cause all browsers on 14.04 to lock up. I'm pretty sure this is a bug somewhere in the desktop stack, but I have no idea what part of the stack to file it on. [19:14] <agliodbs> suggestions? [19:16] <psyxo> hello, I'm making an bootable sd card with ubuntu to run on a raspberry pi 2, i dont want to use snappy ubuntu, im beginning with ubuntu core, but found that ubuntu core is not ready to be made bootable, how then to install bootloader and "linux" and the rest to make it bootable? [19:16] <bibi-23> Jordan_U: I already tried this, it was said on some stackoverflow questions, that maybe it's disabled on windows. But it doesn't help.. When I go to windows it works just fine, then if I reboot in ubuntu it is hard blocked [19:16] <bekks> agliodbs: you could try to start a browser in a terminal so you could possibly see error messages. [19:17] <Jordan_U> bibi-23: Another stab, apparently some machines hard block the wifi when ethernet is connected. Can you try disconnecting your ethernet cable? [19:17] <psyxo> im using x86 but the RPi is armhf [19:18] <bibi-23> Jordan_U: also I remember it was working fine on ubuntu 12.04, as soon as I upgraded to 14.04 it wasn't anymore [19:18] <bibi-23> Jordan_U: ok.. I'll see [19:18] <agliodbs> bekks: oh, wow [19:18] <agliodbs> bekks: lots of error output [19:20] <agliodbs> I don't get the same errors from chromium thought [19:20] <Quantos> Nope, the new USB cable doesn't help [19:20] <agliodbs> but I do get the same freezes [19:20] <bekks> agliodbs: So which errors do you get? [19:20] <psyxo> Or any ideas on how to run ubuntu that not snappy on a RPi2 [19:20] <agliodbs> in chromium? none [19:20] <agliodbs> in ff? DEPRECATED: Both `sdk/content/content` and `sdk/deprecated/symbiont` are deprecated. [19:20] <agliodbs> and then lots of related stuff [19:21] <agliodbs> btw, tried "Ubuntu Browser" too [19:21] <bekks> agliodbs: Can you please pastebin the entire output you are seeing? [19:22] <bibi-23> Jordan_U: didn't help; I'll try to make some other searches on google [19:22] <bibi-23> thx anyways [19:23] <arooni-mobile> hey everyone; for some reason on ubuntu 14.10; i can hear audio from my headphones but not from my speakers. what should i do? [19:23] <ObrienDave> arooni-mobile, headphones and speakers have two separate volume controls [19:24] <jamesleimer> well that could happen when you have headphones jacked in while trying to use speakers [19:24] <agliodbs> bekks: will do, currently waiting for chromium ot complete or fail [19:24] <arooni-mobile> ObrienDave, i have alsamixer open and everything is maxed out [19:25] <agliodbs> bekks: here: [19:25] <ObrienDave> don't know if pavucontrol will work on Ubuntu, try that [19:25] <agliodbs> bekks: the general behavior is opening any html file over 10MB never finishes loading, and eventually uses 100% CPU [19:25] <psyxo> Is there any a tool to emulate another architecture on ubuntu, I forgotten its name [19:26] <agliodbs> this happens across 3 broswers, hence my suspicion that this is an issue with GTK or another layer of the stack [19:26] <bekks> agliodbs: Did you try using a clean firefox profile? [19:26] <bprompt> !vbox | psyxo [19:26] <agliodbs> bekks: this happens regardless of which browser I use. [19:26] <MonkeyDust> psyxo snes, arm? [19:26] <psyxo> arch is armhf [19:27] <agliodbs> bekks: it would also be consistent with the very high CPU usage for FF I've seen on 14.04 across multiple computers [19:28] <aryan12> hi guys, I needed help regarding data recovery with testdisk [19:30] <OerHeks> aryan12, testdisk is pretty simple > [19:31] <OerHeks> it finds .. or not. [19:31] <psyxo> Is there any official ubuntu armhf iso avaliable? [19:32] <aryan12> OerHeks: it finds but I can't recover files, files has no proper rights and I can't browse into most of the folder there [19:34] <john_doe_jr> I'm mounting an nfs mount to my machine and keep mounting it read only even though I have read, write in the /etc/exports…any ideas why? [19:35] <berburik> this is cool: [19:35] <bekks> john_doe_jr: It may be exported as read-only. [19:35] <berburik> some tip on barack obama private tweet : [19:35] <berburik> but this is cool: [19:35] <jrk___> Hello. I have old laptop with corrupted CD-drive and without boot from USB flash drive but it has boot via network. I want to install Xubuntu on it. [19:37] <jrk___> I installed tftpd-hpa, edited all config files, copied "vmlinuz" and "initrd.gz" to proper directories. [19:38] <Quantos> I think I found the problem, I edited the fuse.conf file and now the mtp errors are gone [19:38] <jrk___> One thing I don't understand: what IP address client gonna connect to to download kernel and initrd images? [19:39] <jrk___> Is it always And what happens when tftpd is on [19:40] <ObrienDave> 192.168.x.x is your local LAN address [19:41] <jrk___> I know. I am going to boot one laptop from other in my LAN (not external internet) [19:42] <Voltasalt_> Hey, do any of you folks have any experience with GPU passthrough? [19:42] <Voltasalt_> I'm trying [19:42] <MonkeyDust> sounds like pxe [19:43] <Voltasalt_> to pass my NVIDIA card to a qemu vm, but blacklist doesn't work [19:43] <jrk___> MonkeyDust: yes, it is PXE [19:43] <Eightynine> Why is Chrome working better than Chromium and Firefox on my PC? Any suggestions? [19:44] <Voltasalt_> I want to use my integrated Intel GPU for Ubuntu, and pass my GTX 660 to the VM. When I disable the nvidia drivers, everything goes black on reboot [19:44] <Voltasalt_> Doesn't fall back to intel drivers, why? [19:45] <Voltasalt_> Got my left monitor plugged into the mobo, and the right to the graphics card. I'd expect only the left one to work, but it's black as well. If I push the power button on my computer, the left one lights up with the ubuntu ..... thing and then shuts down. [19:47] <Quantos> Most motherboards disable the onboard GPU when a GPU is in the slot Voltasalt_ [19:47] <Voltasalt_> Quantos, why does it work briefly when I press the power button then? [19:48] <Quantos> You can't do it Voltasalt_, quite simply [19:48] <Voltasalt_> Is it *completely* impossible? [19:48] <Quantos> Unless you can make your own motherboard and drivers, yes [19:48] <blocage> hello, do someone known nux, I need to create a popup window to and draw something inside, where I can find help ? [19:49] <bprompt> !alis | blocage [19:49] <bprompt> blocage: could also try at -> [19:50] <murrdawg> Hi all, I'm a Linux n00b, figured I'd take my first stab at Linux so I can start to learn how to retrieve cpuid's from bricked tablets. I've just installed it but I need to install GCC. Can anyone help out with this? [19:50] <Voltasalt_> Hmm, Quantos, both cards show up under /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch and lspci -nn [19:51] <Voltasalt_> Does that mean anything? [19:51] <Quantos> Nope [19:51] <Quantos> Just means they are there [19:52] <bprompt> murrdawg: hmmm check the Software Center, shoudl show up there I 'd think [19:53] <OerHeks> !build | murrdawg [19:53] <OerHeks> build-essentials as a start [19:53] <murrdawg> That's right ubottu. [19:58] <donkey_boy> hi everyone! burn all jews in oven [19:58] <donkey_boy> ! [19:58] <donkey_boy> allahu akhbar [19:58] <donkey_boy> death to infidels [19:58] <Voltasalt_> :( [19:58] <donkey_boy> burn all jews in oven [19:58] <SVCR3D-SHVD0WS> lulz [19:58] <Voltasalt_> that's not very nice [20:00] <ObrienDave> *sigh* always has to be one troll in the room [20:03] <aktx> i get a checkered grey background when starting a vnc session [20:03] <aktx> like its not the usual, grey background, but it's checkered, deckered with black [20:07] <Broadway26> heya [20:08] <ObrienDave> hiya [20:10] <maziar> any update for this [20:12] <maziar> any update for this [20:12] <maziar> does gmail accept email from ssmtp [20:13] <Loshki> maziar: yes, if you configure it correctly. About 10 lines of config. Let me know if you want to see mine. [20:14] <maziar> Loshki, i get this error : ssmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 q10sm8643378wjr.41 - gsmtp) [20:15] <aktx> i get a checkered grey/black background when starting a vnc session, any ideas?? [20:15] <Loshki> maziar: pastebin your config? (without the username and passwords). [20:15] <murrdawg> I'm having issues with the lusb-1.0. Anyone use it before? [20:16] <maziar> Loshki, ok [20:17] <maziar> Loshki, [20:18] <murrdawg> Has anyone worked with lsusb, libusb-1.0.x, libusb-1.0-dev? [20:19] <Guest13660> anyone know of a bettwr way to use my hromecast other than the chrome browser add on? [20:19] <maziar> Loshki, ? [20:19] <Guest13660> anyone know of a bettwr way to use my hromecast other than the chrome browser add on? [20:19] <Guest13660> * matt-borland (~mborland@ has joined [20:20] <murrdawg> I get a libusb-1.0/libusb.h no such file or directory error [20:20] <dmandan> /set irc_conf_mode on [20:21] <murrdawg> dmandan, was that to me? [20:21] <EriC^> murrdawg: no [20:21] <Amy_Lu_Who> I am still relatively new to Linux/Ubuntu; How do i uninstall privoxy and dan's guardian. They did not do what I wanted them to do. [20:21] <Loshki> maziar: I'm running sSMTP 2.64, I have "" my Authuser is a simple username, no domain part, otherwise it looks like yours. [20:22] <maziar> Loshki, can you share your config [20:25] <Loshki> maziar: Also, try ssmtp -v [20:25] <kongthap> i have setup to use *npm install -g* (without to use sudo) mentioned in this article, i for example have installed some packages e.g. bower, the packages is located in ~/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/bower/bin, there is a bower executable there but i cannot run it using *bower* i must use *node bower* to execute it how can i fix this [20:28] <maziar__> Loshki, can you share your config [20:29] <bprompt> kongthap: there's an #npm or you may also be able to check at #javascript btw [20:30] <kongthap> bprompt, thanks i will try [20:34] <Loshki> maziar__: see above... I will be out for a couple of hours.. [20:34] <maziar__> Loshki, i lost internet [20:34] <maziar__> can you share it again [20:35] <ObrienDave> Loshki> maziar: Also, try ssmtp -v [20:41] <Amy_Lu_Who> Please help me. I cannot use Chromium because I had privoxy and dan's guardian. I tried to remove privoxy but I think the settings i changed in the terminal need to be reset but I do not know how to view them or change them back. (did I ruin my computer?) [20:41] <bekks> Amy_Lu_Who: All you need to do is removing the proxy setting in chromium. [20:42] <Amy_Lu_Who> bekks; where and how? (thank you!) [20:44] <acz32> the settings in chromium [20:44] <bekks> Amy_Lu_Who: Like this: [20:44] <acz32> by selecting no proxy or auto [20:44] <Amy_Lu_Who> i cant access the internet at all [20:45] <Bashing-om> Amy_Lu_Who: In chrpmium -> Settings -> Network ? as reference from my Google-Chrome . [20:46] <Amy_Lu_Who> bekks; yeah that's what I was looking for. what port would be the default? [20:46] <bekks> Amy_Lu_Who: No proxy, no default port. [20:47] <Amy_Lu_Who> bekks; so how do I make it reset to nothing? (thanks, again!) [20:48] <bekks> Amy_Lu_Who: BY removing the proxy configured and removing the port configured. [20:49] <Amy_Lu_Who> bekks; in terminal or in chromium? I'm confused. [20:49] <ToeSnacks> Can you set no password sudo anywhere other than visudo? [20:52] <Ben64> ToeSnacks: you can, but its a bad idea [20:52] <ToeSnacks> Ben64: it's not something I want to do I am just cruious [20:53] <ToeSnacks> Ben64: I am running some Xen VMs in a personal server and some AWS 14.04 AMIs and I notice the visudo files are the same, yet I don't need a password to sudo on AWS but I do on my personal servers [20:54] <maziar__> can you share it again [20:54] <maziar__> Loshki, i lost internet [20:55] <maziar__> can you share it again [20:55] <ToeSnacks> also has the sudo group replaced the admin group between 11.04 and 14.04? [20:56] <EriC^> ToeSnacks: i think so, yes [20:57] <ToeSnacks> EriC^: thank you [20:57] <EriC^> there's no more admin group, just adm for logs [20:57] <ToeSnacks> I answered my previous question [20:57] <EriC^> ToeSnacks: no problem [20:57] <ToeSnacks> there is a /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users file with nopassword set [20:58] <EriC^> ToeSnacks: i see [20:59] <ToeSnacks> EriC^: do you happen to know what the 90 in front specifies? is it load priority? [21:00] <Ben64> ToeSnacks: should be the order they get read [21:00] <kart> anybody knows how to unplit a window in weechat ? [21:00] <EriC^> ToeSnacks: it's for the order yeah.. ^ [21:01] <SVCR3D-SHVD0WS> hey guys correct me if I'm wrong but the 'cat' command gives all the text in a file correct? [21:01] <SVCR3D-SHVD0WS> sorry my internet dropped did anyone reply? [21:01] <EriC^> SVCR3D-SHVD0WS: correct [21:01] <ToeSnacks> EriC^: cool thanks [21:01] <kart> SVCR3D-SHVD0WS: y0ep [21:01] <kart> SVCR3D-SHVD0WS: less is better. [21:01] <CptRageToaster> unless you cat the text of a file INTO another file :) [21:02] <CptRageToaster> or program [21:02] <CptRageToaster> and kart... Isn't the saying less is `more` :D [21:02] <SVCR3D-SHVD0WS> just making sure I'm on my yosemite distro (use it for work) and... well gosh i wish i had a gnome shell on this is all i got say [21:03] <kart> CptRageToaster: you betcha! [21:03] <SVCR3D-SHVD0WS> wait.. i thought it was "more is more" lil [21:03] <SVCR3D-SHVD0WS> lol [21:03] <CptRageToaster> no, there's an old program named "more" [21:04] <CptRageToaster> and... it worked... but less came along and did it better [21:04] <CptRageToaster> hence... [21:04] <kart> CptRageToaster: i thought more was just for windows, apprently not. [21:05] <CptRageToaster> kart: man more [21:05] <CptRageToaster> it's still around [21:07] <aktx> never mind, i deleted .vnc/xstartup and started up a fresh vnc session and based it off of that [21:07] <aktx> also starxfce4 & worked for me [21:07] <aktx> ugh ~_~ [21:09] <Amy_Lu_Who> need more help with proxy settings. what are the default proxy settings in terminal? in other words what was it set to when i first opened Ubuntu? My next question will be: How do I change the current settings back to the original? [21:09] <EriC^> Amy_Lu_Who: how did you set them? [21:11] <acz32> Amy_Lu_Who: you really shouldn't mess with things without reading documentation or at least creating a backup [21:11] <Amy_Lu_Who> EriC^, with LOTS of help and copy+paste. I had dans guardian and privoxy and i want it to be like they were never here because they don't do what I wanted them to do and get in my way constantly (like blocking chromium and firefox from the web) [21:12] <Amy_Lu_Who> acz32, thank you, i will not be messing with this in the future, i assure you. i just want my computer back the way it was. [21:12] <skinux> How do I find out what user an application is running under? [21:13] <Ben64> ps aux [21:14] <skinux> Okay. My IDE is running under my user. Therefore, since my site directory located under /var/www/ is owned by my user, shouldn't the IDE be able to save files to the site directory?? [21:15] <Dumle29> Using archinve manager, if I try and drag and drop a file or folder in an archive, over into a folder open in files. If it passes over something that isn't a folder or valid extraction destination, I get the error "Destination folder "(null)" does not exist. Do you want to create it?" [21:15] <Dumle29> Is this a know bug? [21:15] <Jordan_U> skinux: Please post the output of "ls -ld /var/www/directory/you're/saving/to/". [21:16] <skinux> drwxr-xr-x 10 skinux www-data 4096 Apr 2 14:10 EntertainerLaravel [21:16] <Amy_Lu_Who> will running the ubuntu startup disc help or hinder? [21:18] <Jordan_U> skinux: What is the full path to this directory? [21:18] <Dumle29> This and this work (second one being draggin over the desktop) this one doesn't work (dragging over chromium) [21:18] <skinux> It is /var/www/clients/EntertainerLaravel [21:20] <Tin_man> anyone have the splash screen jitter around with ubuntu 14.04 64bit, this doesn't affect anything, as far as i can see, just annoying. [21:21] <Tin_man> on boot up i guess i should mention. [21:22] <Jordan_U> skinux: Is there any output from "touch /var/www/clients/EntertainerLaravel/new_file"? (This will create a new empty file, "new_file" ) [21:22] <Jordan_U> Tin_man: Are you using proprietary drivers? [21:22] <Tin_man> no just out of the box [21:23] <Tin_man> i didn't do that when i ran the live DVD [21:23] <Tin_man> just after the install [21:23] <skinux> It didn't have any output, but it did create a new file [21:25] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: The closest bug report I can find is , which seems to be a poor report and isn't against Ubuntu or Archive Mangager. Please file your own, new, bug report using "ubuntu-bug file-roller". (If file-roller is the archive manager you're using, I don't know if that's the default in Ubuntu so please check first). [21:25] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Okay thanks :) [21:25] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: You're welcome. [21:27] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: How would I test if it's fileroller? [21:28] <Dumle29> Seems to just be called Archive Manager 3.12.2 An archive manager for GNOME. [21:28] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: There should be a "Help>About" or similar, if not then "pgrep file-roller" (if it prints a number, that number is the PID of file-roller, which must therefore be running). [21:29] <Dumle29> yeah it's file-roller. Thanks :) [21:29] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: You're welcome :) [21:30] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: So executing "ubuntu-bug file-roller" Then clicking send will allow me to submit a bug description? [21:31] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: Yes. It will open a browser window where you will log into and complete filing the report, including description and other things. [21:32] <Dumle29> ah okay cool :) [21:33] <andres_> hola [21:34] <andres_> hola [21:40] <andres_> perra [21:41] <k1l_> hi [21:41] <kongthap> hi, is it possible to have many vhost in one vhost file, just like in other os? right now i use mysite.conf then a2ensite mysite [22:00] <akkad> I use mirrors to avoid this sort of pita. Is there anyway to avoid bad mirrors that 404 everything? [22:02] <acz32> akkad: any relation to the famous film producer? [22:02] <Dumle29> if I want a daemon (onedrive-d start) to start on startup in ubuntu gnome 14.10, would I use a crontab, or is there a better way to do that? [22:02] <akkad> the mirrors? [22:03] <acz32> your name [22:03] <akkad> irc nick? gist id? github name? [22:03] <omgitsmit> Dumle29: it would be best to have a service for it, but you can run it via crontab if needed [22:03] <acz32> irc nick. never mind [22:04] <Dumle29> omgitsmit: hmm. I know there's multiple service thigs. How would I set up a service? [22:04] <Desu> Dumle29: write a service fole [22:04] <Desu> file* [22:04] <Desu> Dumle29: and enable it in upstart [22:04] <halfburnttoast> Dumle29: that's what I do for the dropbox dameon. I just use a @reboot in the crontab [22:05] <Desu> [22:05] <Dumle29> thanks :) [22:05] <akkad> mirrors should be smarter. [22:05] <Dumle29> I'm starting to see why linux isn't so widely adopted yet :/ [22:05] <Desu> Dumle29: this is just as "hard" on windows [22:06] <Desu> except that the windows service manager arguably is better than upstart [22:06] <Dumle29> Desu: On windows I would've just installed onedrive and been done :/ I know in this particualr instance it's hard because there's no official onedrive client for linux [22:07] <Desu> Dumle29: don't blame gnu/linux for that [22:07] <Dumle29> Hmm, maybe I should give my frined the idea that he needs to write an upstart gui :P for making new services etc [22:07] <omgitsmit> +1 Dumle29 [22:07] <halfburnttoast> Don't really see why it has to be hard. It's just adding one line to a crontab at least [22:07] <Dumle29> Desu: Nah I blame microsoft. Also a major factor in me considering getting an android phone instead of my lumia [22:07] <Desu> did you install onedrive-d from ppa? [22:08] <Dumle29> Desu: No I followed the guide on the github. I probably should've used a ppa [22:08] <Desu> hmm onedrive sounds like something you should run in your session, not at boot [22:09] <Dumle29> Desu: It needs the filessystem loaded for sure. Especially because the folder it uses is on my spindle drive [22:09] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: Writing a GUI for creating upstart services would be mostly wasted effort as Ubuntu is switching to systemd with 15.04. [22:10] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Ah ok. Won't give him that idea then [22:11] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: Do you really want onedrive-d to start at boot, or do you want it to start at login? [22:11] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Login :/ Reading through the cookbook atm [22:12] <Desu> Dumle29: just use your session manager if you are running a de then [22:13] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: Then upstart isn't relevant. Just add it to your session startup. I'm not using GNOME/Unity myself right now but options for what should run when your session starts should be somewhere in gnome-control-center. [22:13] <Desu> or you can use pam [22:13] <Dumle29> ah, right. I actually think I added another program like that once. [22:13] <Dumle29> Yeah, just forgot about it :) Nice gui :D [22:13] <Desu> kdbus and systemd will make life much easier [22:14] <Dumle29> oh right. The + in gnome tweaktool doesn't work. Gotta go add a .desktop file manually to a startup folder [22:16] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: I didn't mention gnome tweak tool, and I am pretty sure this option is available via gnome-control-center, but manually creating your own .desktop file and adding it to the right place should work as well. [22:17] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Gnome-control-center is replaced with Gnome-tweak-tools in gnome 3.12 if I recall correctly, so I have to use that, which doesn't work so yeah. .desktop file it is [22:18] <Desu> so old [22:19] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: Try running "gnome-control-center". If it has been replaced it's news to me. [22:20] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Hmm okay that just launches settings. Must be the starup settings that has been moved to tweaktools then [22:22] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: gnome-session-properties [22:22] <Dumle29> The program 'gnome-session-properties' is currently not installed. [22:23] <Dumle29> I could install it I guess? [22:25] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: Do you have the package "ubuntu-desktop" installed? What version of Ubuntu are you using? [22:26] <Dumle29> Don't have ubuntu-desktop installed. I'm running ubuntu gnome 14.10 [22:27] <area51pilot> Having trouble with mouse jumping when typing on laptop, syndaemon doesnt seem to want to work ... any suggestions??? [22:27] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: ensure the trackpad is clear of debris [22:29] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, its nothing like that. Actually its a new ultrabook. I tried syndaemon and it worked for a day or so then after a system reload it wont seem to work [22:29] <area51pilot> also tried touchpad-indicator [22:29] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: I think you should have gnome-session-startup installed, and the fact that it is not installed may be why you were having trouble adding a new startup entry earier. [22:30] <omgitsmit> "system reload"? [22:30] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Okay. will try and install it and see what happens :) [22:30] <area51pilot> I beta tested 15.04 then went back to 14.04 [22:30] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: "gnome-session" being the actual package name you want to install. [22:30] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: so you're looking to reinstall the software? [22:30] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Gotcha :) [22:31] <area51pilot> wiped and re-encrypted drive [22:31] <Dumle29> gnome-session is already the newest version. [22:31] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: ^ should I try just and install the missing program? [22:32] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, 14.04 is fully installed and updated. I added syndaemon -i 1.0 -d to startup apps but it doesnt seem to stop the cursor from jumping while I type [22:32] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: And it depends on gnome-session-bin, which provides the gnome-session-properties (on 14.04 at least). [22:32] <murrdawg> Has anyone used nvflash? [22:32] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: do you see it running at startup properly? [22:33] <murrdawg> I'm having issues that it's not actually running, just keeps listing what you can do with it [22:33] <omgitsmit> murrdawg: because you have to actually tell it what to do with the additional flags/cmds [22:33] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, the process is running [22:33] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: then the software should do its thing, short of that i wouldnt know [22:34] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: but more importantly, are aliens really real? /s [22:34] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Can I query you with a pastebin list of all installed gnome packages? [22:34] <murrdawg> omgitsmit: I did..... [22:34] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, yeah .. its not ... Ive even disable the option is touchpad settings so they dont conflict [22:35] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: try stopping it and starting it back up manually? [22:35] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, ...thats funny ... Im actually watching Ancient Aliens right noww :P [22:35] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Nvm, just posting it here: [22:35] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, doesnt change, even tried different flags and times [22:35] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: doh [22:36] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: does the software log anything? [22:36] <omgitsmit> maybe its erroring out somewhere [22:36] <murrdawg> omgitsmit: And even with that command with the proper sbk, it still just lists the options and commands [22:36] <omgitsmit> murrdawg: one or more of your commands is not the proper syntax [22:36] <omgitsmit> murrdawg: try one by one until you figure out which one it doesnt like [22:37] <murrdawg> omgitsmit: but even ./nvflash --help doesn't even go [22:37] <omgitsmit> murrdawg: you said it was displaying all the possible commands, thats the --help output. [22:38] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, area51pilot@area51:~$ ps -ef | grep syndaemon [22:38] <area51pilot> area51p+ 2481 1987 0 17:16 ? 00:00:00 syndaemon -i 0.75 -d [22:38] <area51pilot> area51p+ 4023 3968 0 17:38 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto syndaemon [22:39] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: -d = daemon? [22:39] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: Please run "gnome-session-properties" and pastebin the exact output. [22:39] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: running it non daemon will display what the app is doing verbosely [22:40] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: maybe then you can verify if its even triggering the touchpad protection while typing [22:40] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: [22:40] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: could have something over in /var/logs as well [22:41] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: The last line is because I tried to pipe it into pastebinit [22:41] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: So I tried "gnome-session-properties | pastebinit" but I guess it didn't pipe it [22:41] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: Your list of installed packages at includes gnome-session-bin , so it's odd that you're being asked to install gnome-session-bin. [22:42] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, yes -d = daemon [22:42] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: kill the process and fire it back up in term without daemon, see what its up to :) [22:42] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: I got that list with "dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | grep gnome" Is that not right? [22:44] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: do you have a mouse plugged in by any chance? do you think it will affect the triggering if it detects one preset? [22:44] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, doesnt even seem to start [22:44] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: well there's your problem ;) [22:44] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, no mouse [22:44] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: Try running "sudo apt-get install gnome-session-bin" just for completeness' sake. The worst it will do is mark gnome-session-bin as manually installed. [22:45] <Dumle29> gnome-session-bin is already the newest version. [22:45] <Dumle29> So yeah that is weird [22:45] <omgitsmit> its the newest version, so you for that going for ya [22:45] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: ls -l /usr/bin/gnome-session-properties [22:45] <omgitsmit> got* [22:46] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, Im kinda lost now. Dont understand why the terminal hangs and it wont run [22:46] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: ls: cannot access /usr/bin/gnome-session-properties: No such file or directory [22:47] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, even using sudo doesnt change anything [22:47] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: "hangs"? maybe its actually running, just no verbose in terminal. [22:47] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: dpkg -L gnome-session-bin [22:47] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: tack on a -v or --v [22:47] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: [22:49] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: apt-cache policy gnome-session-bin [22:49] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: [22:51] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, it s still not doing what it shouldshows its enabling and disabling but in reality it [22:51] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: It seems there is a difference between the gnome-session-bin provided in Ubuntu's default repositories and that found in the gnome3-team ppa. [22:52] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: you can try to contact the developer of the software [22:52] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Hmm I just remembered I did an apt-get purge on a package i installed quite a while ago, And I think that took the package manager with it too. Could it have removed gnome-session-properties too? [22:53] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: No. As I said, we're running into a differnce between Ubuntu's official package and the one from that ppa. [22:54] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Oh ok. What to do? Try and dissable the ppa? [22:54] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, I guess thats my next route [22:55] <Jordan_U> Dumle29: Try asking in #ubuntu-gnome . [22:55] <omgitsmit> area51pilot: continue to mess with it, im sure you'll figure out whats happening [22:55] <Dumle29> Jordan_U: Will do :) [23:00] <area51pilot> omgitsmit, sure ... what irks me is it worked at one point [23:08] <Thete> Anyone know how to fix no sound with Ubuntu 14.10 and Intel Series 9 chispet? [23:10] <Thete> or would alsa daily build possibly fix? [23:14] <Thete> that fixed it [23:14] <Thete> You guys are helpful as always [23:14] <Thete> thank you [23:14] <omgitsmit> anytime [23:16] <danley> Hi, I have my ubuntu set up and running for years now and it works great. but I am trying stuff with PXE booting now and installed dnsmasq for that purpose. And it creates an issue with dns for me... I set dnsmasq to port=0 to disable all dns functionality but as soon as i start it my nameserver is set to localhost instead of what is set in /etc/network/interfaces. what am I doing wrong? [23:18] <ObrienDave> messing with a working system? ;P [23:18] <omgitsmit> ha! [23:18] <omgitsmit> danley: my nameserver defaults to something like automatically [23:19] <omgitsmit> its part of the if upstart i think [23:19] <danley> [23:20] <omgitsmit> danley: line #17 [23:20] <omgitsmit> and 11 [23:20] <omgitsmit> and 5 [23:20] <danley> omgitsmit: yes? I don't touch that file. I just print it [23:20] <danley> all I do is start dnsmasq and it overwrites it, it seems [23:23] <danley> for completeness, the network interface is a static config in /etc/network/interfaces with static dns-nameserver. which is all configured correctly as long as dnsmasq is off [23:24] <omgitsmit> danley: ive never used dnsmasq, im reading up on it right now [23:25] <omgitsmit> danley: which interfaces are you using in your conf? [23:26] <danley> only have one interface, p33p1 [23:26] <omgitsmit> Using dnsmasq to cache DNS queires for the local machine? [23:28] <danley> omgitsmit: I don't want to do any of that. just want to use it as a dhcp proxy. don't want any dns stuff on that machine. [23:31] <omgitsmit> danley: where in that patebin is the problem exactly? [23:31] <omgitsmit> it looks like its turning itself on and off just ifne [23:32] <Zerock> What's the difference between linux-generic and linux-image-generic? [23:32] <danley> omgitsmit: after I start dnsmasq in line 7 my nameserver is set to localhost in line 12. turning it off in line 13 makes the nameserver correct in line 18 [23:33] <omgitsmit> danley: when dnsmasq starts, it starts cache dns forwarding [23:33] <omgitsmit> so it points localhost [23:35] <omgitsmit> danley: is that dhcp-range correct? [23:35] <omgitsmit> its a single ip, not a range. [23:35] <omgitsmit> and you're not defining lease time [23:35] <omgitsmit> or interface [23:36] <omgitsmit> default is #dhcp-range=,,12h [23:36] <omgitsmit> but you can preceed it with actual interface for more advanced setups [23:36] <omgitsmit> i.e. #dhcp-range=eth0,,,12h [23:39] <omgitsmit> danley: nevermind, i see your same settings over at [23:39] <danley> omgitsmit: now I'm not sure anymore. the DHCP part of the setup worked fine. [23:40] <zykotick9> Time Zone Appropriate Greeting ;) [23:40] <zykotick9> doh [23:42] <omgitsmit> danley: i mean, does dns work when its using local cache via dnsmasq? [23:42] <omgitsmit> danley: i dont see a dig or nslookup test in your pastebin [23:43] <danley> omgitsmit: no. the port=0 option in dnsmaq.conf disables all dns functionality according to man page. [23:43] <murrdawg> Has anybody flashed a tablet from Linux on here? [23:43] <danley> and I stumbled upon this problem when apt couldn't resolve [23:44] <k1l_> murrdawg: depends heavily on the exact tablet.# [23:44] <omgitsmit> will it work if we comment out line 25? [23:44] <murrdawg> k1l_: Acer A500 [23:44] <scheung> ucsf [23:46] <k1l_> murrdawg: ubuntu ships adb and fastboot. if the tablet can handle that its eas [23:46] <k1l_> y [23:47] <murrdawg> k1l_ I'm trying to use nvflash [23:49] <k1l_> murrdawg: i dont know for the acer tablets. maybe you have more luck asking the community from the tablet about experience with flashing it from ubuntu [23:49] <danley> omgitsmit: rebooting atm. testing it soon. but I know the problem now. resolveconf and dnsmasq are integrated. by default /etc/resolv.conf will be set to localhost when dnsmasq starts and dnsmasq will use /var/run/dnsmasq/resolve.conf to read the upstream dns servers that are provded to it by resolveconf [23:50] <murrdawg> k1l_: I'd do it from Windows, but Windows doesn't recognize the tablet. Wasn't sure if someone in here had done it before with Ubuntu. I'm a n00b when it comes to Linux, but I'm determined to get this tablet up and going again [23:50] <murrdawg> k1l_: As long as I can find out how to flash the acer, I'd be good [23:51] <daftykins> *resolvconf [23:51] <Johnny_Linux> i flashed my acer with a 12 gauge [23:51] <k1l_> murrdawg: works with adb and fastboot which you can install with ubuntu from the repos. [23:51] <danley> omgitsmit: with that line commented out it works [23:51] <omgitsmit> danley: cool [23:51] <omgitsmit> danley: glad you were able to hash it out [23:52] <danley> omgitsmit: I would still like to fix it properly but I think that can wait to another date. it's almost 2 am here... [23:52] <k1l_> murrdawg: wait, that is the a700. but see on xda for more experience [23:52] <danley> omgitsmit: thank you for helping me :) [23:52] <omgitsmit> anytime [23:52] <murrdawg> k1l_: I have looked on there, but still not much direction with regards to nvflash. [23:52] <k1l_> murrdawg: why nvflash? [23:53] <murrdawg> k1l_: Just a popular one that I've seen being used. I'm sure I could use fastboot and adb as well [23:57] <shabi8181985> hi all [23:57] <omgitsmit> welcome shabi8181985 [23:57] <shabi8181985> how is it going ? [23:57] <omgitsmit> you know, tux life. [23:57] <shabi8181985> :) [23:58] <shabi8181985> any one here whois passionate to learn programing ? [23:58] <Jamie_> I am looking for how to restart my bluetooth damon on my computer... I was shown on here before but stupid me forgot [23:58] <omgitsmit> Jamie_: you can search your history recursively with CTRL-R [23:59] <Jamie_> omgitsmit: okay ill see if i can find it... I use my terminal a lot... thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Aeiortv", "Alex-Mes", "Amy_Lu_Who", "AppleCIDR", "ArcherGodson", "Arrick", "AstralFX", "Bashing-om", "Ben42_", "Ben64", "Ben65", "BlueProtoman", "BluesKaj", "Bradley", "Broadway26", "Budd", "CAMsex28", "Chetic", "Ch|erry", "Codmadnesspro", "CptRageToaster", "DJJeff", "DemHydraz", "Desu", "Dewin|work", "DrkShadow", "Dumle29", "E1ephant", "Eightynine", "EriC^", "EriC^^", "Foxhoundz", "Funambuli", "G66k", "Goodbar", "Guest1062", "Guest13660", "Guest151", "Guest19885", "Guest21477", "Guest25798", "Guest87452", "H2No3", "IbrokeEverything", "Jake", "Jakey2", "Jamie_", "JinjaNinja", "Johnny_Linux", "Jordan_U", "JunkHunk", "King_Hual", "Knight80", "Lkzclss", "Loshki", "MemoryMan", "MonkeyDust", "Myrtti", "Number5", "OEP", "ObrienDave", "OerHeks", "Opinie", "OtterCoder", "PCatinean", "Pici", "Plasmastar", "PrincesseChoco", "Quantos", "RahulAn", "Robert-", "RoomClearingFart", "Rug", "SVCR3D-SHVD0WS", "Seveas", "Smither", "Thete", "Tin_man", "ToeSnacks", "Trinity", "UNNGH", "Ullarah", "Vennix", "Viqta", "Voltasalt_", "Zach443", "Zerock", "[Saint]", "ablest1980", "acerimmer_", "acz32", "ading", "aelevadoan", "aeon-ltd", "agliodbs", "akerbeltz", "akkad", "aktx", "aliendude5300", "andres_", "apt-get", "araz", "arcsky", "area51pilot", "argha", "arooni-mobile", "aryan12", "asfyxia", "bazhang", "bekks", "belton12", "ben_g", "benjamin__", "berburik", "bhack", "bibi-23", "blackflow", "blocage", "bprompt", "cfhowlett", "cheus", "chotaz`work", "cluelessperson", "compdoc", "daftykins", "danemacmillan", "danley", "danmo98", "darius93", "daveomcd", "degva", "delinquentme", "demoz", "deweydb", "dmandan", "docmur", "donkey_boy", "dupingping", "eksperimental1", "faLUCE", "fling", "fling_", "frecel", "freshmint", "frigin", "genii", "gr33n7007h", "halfburnttoast", "hallino1", "hawly", "hellyeah", "herol3oy", "hkrrsx", "ibm", "iconic1", "ioria", "ircfox", "j355e_j", "j`ey", "jamesleimer", "jankes", "jhutchins", "jiuyi", "jmfurlott", "john_doe_jr", "josebolivar", "jrk___", "jwash", "k1l_", "kart", "kevinde", "kill_switch", "kkiitt", "klys", "knnj", "kongthap", "lagbox", "lemonxah", "llutz", "locksmith", "loonybin", "lotuspsychje", "m1dnight_", "m3n3chm0", "manjaro_user", "mark_chang_1492", "marko_", "maziar", "maziar__", "mcphail", "methamp", "moverly", "moverly_", "mulga", "murrdawg", "n4302", "naduuu", "nounity", "nounity_", "ntkln", "octavian", "omgitsmit", "onezuff", "pavlos", "pc_", "peleg", "philinux", "philip__", "phiopi", "popey", "psyxo", "rdaymond", "researcher1", "rgb-one", "ruby_on_tails", "scheung", "sethj", "sgo11", "shabi8181985", "sharok", "shlant", "sidi", "skinux", "smart1", "solsTiCe", "somsip", "stangeland", "stanmcm", "svetlana", "swine_", "tKumse", "trijntje", "trupheenix", "ubuntuser13", "vadya", "vagrant", "viGtor_", "vince_", "vince_the_ponder", "wolverine", "x85", "xubuntu", "yeats", "zacharypch", "ztane", "zykotick9" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu" }
[18:23] <hasgarion> Hi there, I'm playing around with 15.04 and I think ctrl-alt-t does not work (does not launch terminal), what would be the best was to verify? [18:23] <hasgarion> s/best was/best way
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "hasgarion" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-quality" }
[00:36] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 在终端输入命令可否由文件实现? RT~~比如说我安装一个软件用了20个命令,我能否将这些命令写到一个文件中,这样下次再装软件的时候只要运行文件就行了... zz: FrozenArea — 2015-04-02 8:27 [01:16] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 求Linux下的论坛软件 是否有ubuntu下使用的论坛软件?要中文版的,请介绍. zz: 男菜鸟 — 2015-04-02 9:16 [01:23] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 请问ubuntu14.10下如何修改mac地址和ip地址 学校的网络是mac和ip绑定的,需要修改才能上网。我在网上搜到了如下方法: sudo ifconfig eth0 down sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX sudo ifconfig eth0 192.168.X.X netmask sudo ifconfig eth0 [02:30] <^k^> 新 因特网相关软件 • 求帮忙,firefox某些网站显示不正常 某些网站显示不正常,如新浪,163,淘宝,京东等,会出现没有字的情况。但亚马逊显示就是正常的。 提问之前在网站里面搜索了一下,发现以前有类似问题都是通过改字体解决的,但我这次 [02:35] <iMadper> tryit: 你要不要? 你要就转给你. [02:36] <tryit> iMadper, 我去不了杭州,也去不了北京 [02:38] <iMadper> tryit: 那就算了. [02:38] <tryit> iMadper, 你准备去吗 [02:39] <iMadper> tryit: 我当然不去了. [02:39] <iMadper> tryit: 我还是在软件公司慢慢等死好了, 互联网公司我没这水平啊. [02:39] <tryit> iMadper, 北京也有啊 [02:40] <tryit> iMadper, 别妄自菲薄 [02:40] <iMadper> tryit: 真不行, 而且我也接受不了加班... [02:41] <tryit> iMadper, 有朋友在鹅厂,说周围的一塌糊涂 [02:42] <iMadper> tryit: ?? 没读懂. [02:42] <jade-shan1> 这几天我在爬「去哪儿」上的酒店价格,然后就看到他们在JS里写着:「不加班,不瞎作,每年19薪,另有美女PM相伴,快来加入我们,q:3210068589」 [02:42] <tryit> iMadper, 部门的人的水平 [02:42] <iMadper> tryit: 昂... cherrot 水平就很高. [02:42] <iMadper> tryit: 良莠不齐 [02:43] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 给我简历就成啊 来不来先面个基吃个饭嘛 [02:43] <cherrot> tryit, 北京么 [02:43] <iMadper> cherrot: 他人不在... [02:43] <cherrot> tryit, 哪个team [02:43] <iMadper> cherrot: 你请吃饭啊? [02:43] <cherrot> iMadper, 昨天的回复 忘记enter了 [02:43] <iMadper> cherrot: 带上我? [02:43] <iMadper> cherrot: ... ... .... [02:43] <cherrot> iMadper, 来啊 [02:43] <iMadper> cherrot: 我跟adam都在这边, 你过来好了. [02:44] <tryit> cherrot, 深圳 [02:48] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 你们用 git-gutter 这个插件么 cc O0XX [02:48] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 这是啥? [02:49] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: [02:49] <^k^> ⇪ ti: syohex/emacs-git-gutter · GitHub [02:49] <O0XX> cherrot: 你来这边请吃饭吧 [02:49] <O0XX> cherrot: 我们给你报销公交票 [02:49] <chongwish> BuMangHuo: 有什么 git 功能,说下呗 [02:50] <BuMangHuo> chongwish: 就是在边上显示一个标记 [02:50] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 好用. [02:50] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 赞! [02:50] <BuMangHuo> chongwish: 这样 [02:50] <^k^> ⇪ ti: image/png [02:50] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 真心点赞, 这个名字我见过两次, 从没点进去看过 [02:50] <cherrot> O0XX, 抠死了 [02:51] <BuMangHuo> lol iMadper [02:51] <cherrot> iMadper, 才不 [02:51] <iMadper> cherrot: 我们给你报销公交票 [02:51] * ^k^ 3.18.7-gentoo #1 SMP Sun Mar 29 16:15:47 CST 2015 ruby 2.3.0dev (2015-03-29 trunk 50111) [i686-linux] [02:51] <iMadper> cherrot: 来吃大腰子 [02:51] <O0XX> cherrot: 我穷啊, 我只能给你报销公交的, 你问问 iMadper 和 穷总 [02:51] <iMadper> cherrot: 这边6块钱一个. [02:51] <cherrot> iMadper, 你们这些抠门的壕 [02:51] <O0XX> cherrot: 他们估计能给你报销 地铁票 [02:51] <cherrot> iMadper, 好歹帮忙叫个专车啊 [02:51] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 这个人写的这个 也很好用啊 [02:52] <^k^> ⇪ ti: syohex/emacs-git-messenger · GitHub [02:52] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 这个我用了 [02:52] <chongwish> BuMangHuo:挺不错啊 [02:52] <BuMangHuo> chongwish: 对啊 [02:52] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不喜欢. [02:52] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 不喜欢哪个 [02:52] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 我port了一个dash. 现在emacs下已经可以玩了 [02:52] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不喜欢 git-messenger, 已经删了 [02:54] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: [02:54] <iMadper> bu [02:54] <^k^> ⇪ ti: nonsequitur/git-gutter-plus · GitHub [02:54] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 这个是个 什么 鬼... [02:54] <BuMangHuo> 不知道啊 [02:55] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 哦, It contains patches that haven't yet been added to Git-Gutter [02:56] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 有类似快速commit的功能. [02:56] <yunfan_> 阿丹呢 ? [02:58] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 对啊 [02:58] <iMadper> O0XX: [02:58] <iMadper> O0XX: 修不好bug就亲一口 [03:02] <yunfan_> BuMangHuo: 阿丹今天没来 ? [03:07] <BuMangHuo> yunfan_: 不知道唉 [03:07] <^k^> 逛了一下论坛,暂时无新贴. [03:33] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 那个, 我添加一行之后会有个加号, 然后我删除那行, 加号还在诶. [03:34] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 保存一下就没了 [03:34] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 哦. [03:41] <iMadper> 在办公室功放我是没意见啦, 但是能不能不要总是凤凰传奇这种调调... [03:59] <BuMangHuo> 话说 dash 是啥 maku [03:59] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: [03:59] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: [03:59] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ Dash for OS X - API Documentation Browser, Snippet Manager - Kapeli [04:00] <BuMangHuo> os x 啊? [04:01] <BuMangHuo> 看起来很高级的样子 [04:01] <iMadper> bu [04:02] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 还行, 一般. [04:05] <jiero> cherrot: 这个适合你噢。 [04:27] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 狙击高手 [04:37] <BuMangHuo> 印象笔记的这个 clearly 插件又没法在英文系统里面用了。。。 [04:44] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 买买买 [04:44] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 你的腿能踢那么高/ [04:45] <BuMangHuo> ? [04:45] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 买了斩人用啊 [04:46] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 让妹纸帮你自拍..然后你就可以斩了 [04:47] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 你想多了 [04:47] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 斩妹子不需要那么麻烦啊 [04:47] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 这样斩多有情趣.. [04:48] <iMadper> O0XX: 这要是装个arch [04:48] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 微软发布499美元Surface 3 - Surface家族的低价版本_Microsoft Surface_cnBeta.COM [04:48] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 这些花招其实太累了,就是别人看着有趣而已 [04:49] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 那你觉得有趣的是什么呢? [04:49] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 普通的最有趣 [04:50] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 普通的斩人方法? [04:50] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 求指教 [04:50] <BuMangHuo> ... [04:52] <O0XX> iMadper: [04:52] <^k^> O0XX: ⇪ 刷刷手环 [04:52] <O0XX> iMadper: 买买买 [04:57] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • w32codes安装? 哪有w32codes.deb文件下载? 或哪个源有这个文件,怎安装? zz: GAtgp — 2015-04-02 12:56 [04:59] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • w32codes安装? 1.安装了w32codes解码器,就可以播放MP3,WAV格式文件么? 2.哪有w32codes.deb文件下载? 或哪个源有这个文件,怎安装? zz: GAtgp — 2015-04-02 12:56 [05:00] <O0XX> iMadper: 没货了.. [05:01] <iMadper> O0XX: 是啊. [05:01] <iMadper> O0XX: 这货会不会是之前有众筹? [05:01] <iMadper> O0XX: 国内现在不少众筹网站嘞 [05:01] <O0XX> iMadper: 这货之前在京东众筹的 [05:02] <jiero> 我发现taobao的搜索未必把最低价的都给出来 [05:03] <jiero> 付费的才显示? [05:04] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 它就是把公交卡塞盒子里面了? [05:04] <BuMangHuo> 然后卖 168? [05:04] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 手环啊 [05:04] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 手环啊 [05:04] <BuMangHuo> 把公交卡塞到手环大小的盒子里面了? [05:04] <jiero> 手环?手环决不能要小米,掉了的。 [05:04] <jiero> 小米手环应该植入体内 [05:04] <jiero> lol [05:04] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 502 啊 [05:05] <jiero> BuMangHuo: 。。。我当时没有 [05:05] <jiero> BuMangHuo: 掉了 [05:05] <jiero> BuMangHuo: iMadper适合你们去呀。 [05:05] <^k^> jiero: ⇪ 首页-企鹅吃喝小店-淘宝网 [05:05] <iMadper> jiero: 啥玩意? 里面东西好贵. [05:06] <jiero> iMadper: 美女教你喝酒 [05:06] <iMadper> jiero: 无聊... [05:06] <iIlL10Oo> jiero: 放环? [05:06] <iMadper> jiero: 还不如去香港. [05:06] <jiero> iMadper: 你不是要呆在北京么 [05:06] <iIlL10Oo> jiero: 好主意,商机来了 [05:06] <iMadper> jiero: 你不懂 去香港 什么意思. [05:07] <jiero> iMadper: 不懂 [05:07] <jiero> iMadper: 嫖娼? [05:07] <iMadper> jiero: 对啊, 干嘛要美女教喝酒? [05:07] <jiero> iMadper: 。。。因为重点是喝酒。。。 [05:07] <jiero> iMadper: 不是美女。。。 [05:08] <iMadper> jiero: 那就自己买酒喝就是了 [05:08] <iMadper> jiero: 干嘛需要别人教? [05:08] <jiero> iMadper: 。。。其实我好懒和你说呀。。。 [05:08] <jiero> iMadper: 无数选项呢 [05:08] <iMadper> jiero: 别说. [05:09] <jiero> iMadper: 就一句话,“随你怎么选” [05:17] <O0XX> iMadper: 你多少钱买的交行自行车来着? [05:18] <iMadper> O0XX: 1.5k [05:18] <iMadper> O0XX: 咋? [05:18] <O0XX> iMadper: [05:18] <^k^> O0XX: ⇪ 水木社区手机版 [05:18] <eexpss> happyaron: 搜狗看来内存溢出了,会说内存不足,面板崩溃。赶紧查。 [05:18] <O0XX> iMadper: 看7楼 [05:19] <iMadper> O0XX: 这么快就到了 [05:19] <O0XX> iMadper: 今年没提能换钱么? [05:19] <iMadper> O0XX: 貌似不能吧. [05:19] <iMadper> O0XX: 自取太坑了 [05:20] <iMadper> O0XX: 车子是没装好的, 得开车去取. 我不会开啊 [05:20] <O0XX> iMadper: 7楼那个能给送, 还能刷卡... [05:20] <iMadper> O0XX: 7楼没说价 [05:20] <O0XX> iMadper: 这种搭车的应该是一个价吧 [05:20] <iMadper> O0XX: 不确定, 不过倒是很值 [05:20] <iMadper> O0XX: 你来辆? [05:21] <O0XX> iMadper: 不要, 我这个智商, 基本也就告别自行车了 [05:21] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 这个真心好啊... [05:21] <^k^> ⇪ ti: 如何评价 Surface 3? - 知乎用户的回答 - 知乎 [05:21] <iMadper> O0XX: ^^ [05:21] <iMadper> O0XX: 果断来一辆啊 [05:22] <eexpss> O0XX: 智商和骑车啥关系。 [05:23] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 没组装大概也就是脚踏,车把,坐管没装,拿套工具去装上就行了 [05:24] <O0XX> iMadper: 7楼那个不错.. [05:24] <O0XX> iMadper: a之哟1400 [05:24] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 哟, 那不错. [05:24] <O0XX> iMadper: 只要1400 [05:24] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 不会是一地零件的状态 [05:24] <iMadper> O0XX: 是吗? 赞, 不过我的已经买了 [05:24] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 昂. 不过我已经taobao入了 [05:24] <O0XX> iMadper: 面交? [05:24] <iMadper> O0XX: ... 改账单地址到我家了 [05:26] <O0XX> iMadper: [05:26] <^k^> O0XX: ⇪ CNNIC [05:27] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 已经发货了? [05:27] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不知道呢 [05:28] <iMadper> O0XX: 赞... ... [05:28] <O0XX> iMadper: 我要做一下了 [05:28] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: google 又怎么得罪 cnnic 了? [05:29] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 移除了cnnic的根证书 [05:29] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 最顶头那个跟证书 [05:29] <BuMangHuo> chrome 里面? [05:29] <O0XX> BuMangHuo:. [05:29] <BuMangHuo> 玩这么大? [05:30] <O0XX> iMadper: 做一下代价好大.. 635MB [05:30] <iMadper> O0XX: 做啥? [05:31] <O0XX> iMadper: 昨天你说的啊.. yaourt -Syua [05:31] <iMadper> O0XX: --devel [05:31] <O0XX> iMadper: 我不用这个 [05:31] <iMadper> O0XX: yaourt -Syua --devel [05:31] <iMadper> O0XX: 不是, git版本安装的aur, 不会被更新, 除非你--devel [05:31] <O0XX> iMadper: 对啊.. [05:31] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: win10 pad 好用? [05:32] <O0XX> iMadper: 我不要求这么心 [05:32] * QiongMangHuo 乐噶细 乐噶细 乐噶细.... [05:32] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 好用啊, 有ie. [05:32] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 好用 买 [05:32] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: .. 不买 [05:32] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 好用 买 [05:32] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 比ipad强多了 [05:32] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: huntxu 就买了, 买买买 [05:32] <O0XX> iMadper: 好用 买 [05:32] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 买买买. [05:32] <BuMangHuo> 刚买了 ipad 的表示日了狗了 [05:33] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 你+1的魔爪伸向狗了? [05:33] <huntxu> 我那個是win8.1 QiongMangHuo BuMangHuo [05:33] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 啥价格? [05:33] <BuMangHuo> ..... QiongMangHuo 别闹哇 [05:33] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: 会免费升啊 [05:33] <huntxu> BuMangHuo: 可是surface pro我覺得還是很靠譜的 [05:33] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 499$ [05:33] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 贵 [05:33] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 其实可以 [05:33] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 3000+人刀呢 [05:33] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 贵 [05:34] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 你斩了 3000+ 人了? [05:34] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 对很多人来说真的可以替代笔记本了 [05:34] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 可以接键盘 可以接外显 [05:34] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 别闹千人斩 [05:36] <onlylove__> [05:36] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Solidot | CNNIC发表声明谴责Google [05:38] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: CNNIC自己作死,怪别人咯 [05:38] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: O0XX 其实这个没什么担心的吧,咱们有管家有卫士的,到时候上线个一键安装证书功能 [05:39] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 你想多了,我装好系统和firefox第一件事,就是移除CNNIC [05:40] <BuMangHuo> 话说 baidu 现在都是 https 了? [05:41] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 百度的https没任何意义吧,除了给人看看 [05:42] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 你这是说一句话换个尾巴? [05:43] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 不,随机的 [05:43] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 我也不知道啥时候回掉 [05:46] * onlylove_ 拜牛牛 [05:46] <nyfair> 艹尼玛的,g婊居然不让我用cnnic [05:46] <nyfair> 果断换sparta [05:47] <nyfair> 我他妈忍了很久了,chrome越改越sb,那个书签栏现在搞得什么破样子 [05:48] <onlylove_> nyfair: 有人用CNNIC的证书坑了google,google不吊销是google自己脑子有坑 [05:48] <nyfair> onlylove_: 埃及佬的屁事关我什么事,我要用cnnic的dns [05:48] <nyfair> onlylove_: cloudflare天天钓鱼g婊怎么不管? [05:49] <onlylove_> nyfair: 人没坑google啊 [05:49] <nyfair> 埃及佬得罪g婊了? [05:50] <nyfair> 还不是因为cnnic是支那组织么 [05:50] <nyfair> 用户永远都是负责埋单的白鼠 [05:51] <nyfair> 另外sparta确实好用 [05:52] <nyfair> cloudflare签发的证书,100个里能有80个是正经的就谢天谢地了 [05:52] <huntxu> nyfair: 牛牛多才多藝,有理有據令人信服 [05:53] <huntxu> nyfair: 我對你的景仰,有如滔滔江水。。。 [05:53] <onlylove> 我就TMD不明白,出生在中国,整天支那支那的,是不是脑子进水了 [05:53] <nyfair> cnnic不止g婊觉得恶心,我也觉得恶心,但是g婊这做法更恶心 [05:53] <yunfan_> onlylove: 他喜欢叫支那 你管他那么多 [05:54] <onlylove> 对付恶心的人,就得用更恶心的办法 [05:54] <yunfan_> nyfair: 快来我频道 #linuxcn [05:54] <nyfair> 所以g婊滚了啊,让他算呗 [05:54] <nyfair> 酸 [05:54] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: [05:55] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Ubuntu – Details of package xubuntu-desktop in trusty [05:55] <yunfan_> QiongMangHuo: 你总算来了 [05:55] <nyfair> yunfan_: 支那本来就只是个中性词,被鬼子叫着叫着成了贬义词罢了 [05:55] <yunfan_> QiongMangHuo: 最近可出去 ? [05:55] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: flavor之间的不同就是这虚包的区别 [05:55] <nyfair> 我又不是鬼子,说支那有什么问题? [05:55] <yunfan_> nyfair: 我不觉得那是贬义 只是贵国人自卑而已 [05:55] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: o . [05:55] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan_: 没有意外的话六月出去 不过不去欧美 你要干啥 [05:55] <tedlz123> 话说CNNIC的证书有什么问题啊? [05:56] <onlylove> 也不知道是谁,整天婊google还用google的东西 [05:56] <yunfan_> QiongMangHuo: 昨天不是出了几个chromebook么 我看续航和价格都挺不错的 想找你带一个 [05:56] <iMadper> tedlz123: 伪造google证书? [05:56] <onlylove> tedlz123: 签发了个证书,把google坑了下 [05:56] <nyfair> yunfan_: 贵国人自卑与我何干,我就负责拿犹太姥的钱然后和五毛美分打哈哈 [05:56] <yunfan_> QiongMangHuo: 你不去欧美 莫非去南非 [05:56] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan_: 除了美国应该都买不到 [05:57] <yunfan_> nyfair: 就算别人贬贵国也是该的 贵国电视剧网络论坛不是一天到晚叫别人鬼子 倭寇什么的 [05:57] <yunfan_> QiongMangHuo: 不可能 面向教育市场和欠发达地区呢 就因为贵国google被封 所以才单独买不到而已 [05:57] <tedlz123> CNNIC干嘛要坑Google呢? [05:58] <yunfan_> 那个 rk3288也真叼 [05:58] <nyfair> yunfan_: 你也可以有事没事跑去卫报2ch4chan瞧瞧别人怎么评论贵国政治 [05:58] <IsoaSFlus> 下午好 [05:58] <nyfair> tedlz123: 简单来说,有家埃及黑心公司花钱买了个cnnic证书坑埃及人而已 [05:59] <yunfan_> nyfair: 我没有你闲 我就想你来我频道教育下 斗篷 [05:59] <tedlz123> nyfair: 那个埃及公司怎么不买CA证书? [05:59] <BuMangHuo> lol [06:00] <nyfair> tedlz123: 因为ca在埃及臭名昭著啊 [06:00] <nyfair> tedlz123: 茉莉花革命驴教都知道 [06:01] <nyfair> g婊一看,蛤蛤中国公司,砍了砍了 [06:02] <nyfair> 但是g婊似乎选择遗忘了,cnnic几年了也就出过几件漏子,他家的cloudflare签的证书100个里有80个是正经网站就谢天谢地了 [06:02] <tedlz123> 话说#linux-cn看起来比#linuxcn更好,你们可以加入这个频道。 [06:03] <iMadper> tedlz123: 没人气... [06:04] <onlylove_> iMadper: 你去了就有了 [06:04] <iMadper> onlylove_: 不想去. [06:05] <BuMangHuo> 话说 cnnic 签名的网站有那些 [06:05] <yunfan_> QiongMangHuo: 你到底去哪里呢 [06:06] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan_: 去不去还不一定呢 [06:06] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan_: 签证麻烦得一X [06:06] <nyfair> .cn结尾的都是啊 [06:06] <yunfan_> QiongMangHuo: 不是 去对岸就行 [06:06] <nyfair> 总之就是你要用chrome了,以后访问https://*.cn都要给你警告了 [06:06] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 牛牛 包养我 [06:07] <BuMangHuo> 比如 12306? [06:07] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: 你说影响人正常使用么 [06:07] <yunfan_> 从来就无视警告 [06:07] <nyfair> 12306和cnnic同级的,它自己也能签 [06:07] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: GFW更影响我使用啊 [06:07] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 你不能和流氓比無恥啊 [06:07] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 壕你又要出去了? [06:07] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: 找hamo要fwall [06:08] <tedlz123> 那么话说那些12306的证书和网银证书是不是有安全隐患啊? [06:08] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 不出去 [06:08] * huntxu 只用過幾天chrome for windows,毫無影響。。 [06:08] <jiero> QiongMangHuo: 你去哪里? [06:08] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 清明去爬山都还没计划好 [06:08] <nyfair> 我没说cnnic不无耻,至少cnnic不怎么影响我日常。g婊这么干了我开个qq邮箱都想艹g婊 [06:09] <jiero> QiongMangHuo: 。。。 [06:09] <yunfan_> nyfair: 你可以用ie [06:09] <nyfair> yunfan_: 我一堆书签插件绑定了啊 [06:09] <nyfair> yunfan_: 换ie要学习成本啊 [06:10] <onlylove> 换IE要成本,我就呵呵下 [06:10] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 一定人很多 [06:10] <onlylove> nyfair: 为何不用你东家的opera [06:10] <nyfair> onlylove: 我司自己都没人用的东西你让我用? [06:10] <yunfan_> nyfair: 对 用你自己东家的 [06:10] <nyfair> 还搞个sb浏览器叫vivaldi [06:10] <yunfan_> 或者mozilla的 [06:11] <onlylove> nyfair: 你们自己的东西自己都不用,还给别人用? [06:11] <yunfan_> mozilla跟三星合作用rust重写了内核 [06:11] <nyfair> ie都用不来,你让我用那个? [06:11] <nyfair> onlylove: 我又没让你用 [06:11] <onlylove> nyfair: 你看脱袜子好歹自己还用linux [06:11] <BuMangHuo> qq 邮箱? [06:11] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 傻X铁道部提前两个月售票, 搞得更难买了, 清明出不去, 五一回来的高铁票只买到半夜到北京的 [06:11] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 谁能计划那么远啊, 两个月 真是夭寿 [06:11] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 坐灰機啊壕 [06:11] <BuMangHuo> 不是 Verified by GeoTrust Inc. 么 nyfair [06:11] <iMadper> yunfan_: servo还远不到实际使用的级别. [06:11] <onlylove> yunfan_: 你觉得依他,能用 mozilla? [06:11] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: 什么东西 [06:11] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 你要去哪? 1kkm之内自驾更好 [06:12] <BuMangHuo> nyfair: qq 邮箱啊 [06:12] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 不会开车 [06:12] <nyfair> qq.mail.com又不是.cn结尾的 [06:12] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 而且, GeoTrust是中级ca吧? [06:13] <nyfair> 随便找个 [06:13] <^k^> nyfair: ⇪ 取标题: no title [06:13] <nyfair> 移动营业厅 [06:13] <huntxu> [06:14] <nyfair> 玻璃渣战网 [06:14] <^k^> nyfair: ⇪ language=zh-CN ; encoding=gzip ; 长度=20.00 B ; type=application/xhtml+xml;charset=UTF-8 [06:14] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 你清明和五一都去哪里玩? [06:14] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 不知道,没计划 [06:15] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 你要去哪复活? [06:15] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 说走就走壕 [06:15] <BuMangHuo> 战网在我这里自动跳到 http [06:15] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 啊? [06:15] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: 你要登录 [06:15] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 你去哪玩? [06:16] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 清明想去爬山还没组成团, 五一去杭州衢州 [06:16] <iMadper> 12306.cn从来都提示我不安全... 几年了都 [06:16] <jiero> QiongMangHuo: 壕祝你成功 [06:16] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 我这边直接过去的,没跳http [06:16] <yunfan_> QiongMangHuo: 我清明五一都看书 lol [06:16] <iMadper> 玻璃渣战网自动跳转http. [06:16] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: iMadper 美亚买了双鞋 还有什么值得买的推荐下? [06:17] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 啥鞋? [06:17] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 你不是要换钱包么 [06:17] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 凑单比较合适吧? [06:17] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 美国钱包放不下腊肉红啊 [06:17] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 钱包别乱买... [06:17] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 昂. [06:17] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: NB 572 [06:17] <iMadper> 毛爷爷比较肥壮. [06:18] <BuMangHuo> 也对哦 [06:18] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 哦, 572是什么鬼... [06:18] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 多少米啊 鞋子 [06:18] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 等990v3啊. [06:18] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 北京去杭州有个z字头软卧很不错 [06:18] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 或者前两天特价的T11啊 [06:18] <BuMangHuo> 哎,我想想,昨天有个啥可以直邮的来着 [06:18] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 怕有人打呼噜... [06:18] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: T11是啥? [06:19] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 等我给你链接 [06:19] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 软卧有格间,怕啥 [06:19] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 现在不特价了 [06:19] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 四个人里头呢? 上次做软卧去西安差点半夜起来杀人 [06:19] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ Saucony Men's Triumph 11 Running Shoe,White/Red/Black,9 M US: Shoes [06:19] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 特价也就50刀 [06:19] <BuMangHuo> 要不要买个 u 盘呢,cc iMadper [06:19] <BuMangHuo> cc QiongMangHuo [06:20] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: u盘能直邮 [06:20] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 哦 我是买个便鞋 [06:20] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 优盘……这东西不是说买就买的么,你觉得国外的优盘质量更好?还是更耐用 [06:20] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 便宜 [06:20] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 我买这种鞋都是平时穿. [06:20] <iMadper> onlylove: 更便宜 [06:21] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 这个怎么样 [06:21] <^k^> ⇪ ti: PNY Turbo 128GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive - P-FD128TBOP-GE: Computers & Accessories pp: $45.97 [06:21] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 速度不算快的, 但是性价比算是很高的 [06:21] <BuMangHuo> $30.98 刀 [06:21] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: chh上面有两篇评测. [06:21] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 直邮运费很低的 [06:22] <BuMangHuo> 看起来不错的样子? [06:22] <BuMangHuo> 恩,直邮运费好像 2 [06:22] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 烤包子吧! : 一天,阿凡提往家里带来了几位客人,他对妻子说:"老婆子,快烤一点馕吧! " 妻子不高兴地问他道,"家里连一把面都没有了,我用什么烤馕?" "那就烤包子吧! "阿凡提说。 [06:22] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: AmazonGlobal Priority Shipping 这个不便宜吧 [06:22] <QiongMangHuo> ^k^: 小心当今圣上封了你 [06:23] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 贵得很 [06:23] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 我买了这个了: [06:24] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 你不是有一个了? [06:24] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 再买一个屯着, 省的哪天停产. [06:24] <O0XX> iMadper: 壕! [06:24] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 你看这价钱 [06:25] <^k^> QiongMangHuo, .. 休息一下 .. 14:25 [06:25] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo, .. 休息一下 .. 14:25 [06:25] <BuMangHuo> 。。。 [06:26] <jiero> BuMangHuo: 国外的关键是要打折就真打很多。 [06:26] <jiero> BuMangHuo: 根本不便宜 [06:27] <jiero> BuMangHuo: 为的就是 90%的人买3倍价格的,10%的人买0.8倍价格 [06:28] <IsoaSFlus> > joke [06:28] <^k^> IsoaSFlus: 国产柚子iphone屌爆了 [06:29] <BuMangHuo> 。。 [06:29] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 我又不买 3 倍价格的 [06:30] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 所以对我来说还算便宜啊 [06:30] * BuMangHuo 要不要下单这个 U 盘呢 [06:31] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 优盘有什么用? [06:31] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 所以我不是在想嘛 [06:31] <BuMangHuo> 到现在还没想出来用途哎 [06:31] <jiero> BuMangHuo: 就是,直接买USB 3.0 读卡器和64GB 90MB/s 的SD卡 [06:32] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 15.04 • kubuntu 最近一次更新后发现超级内存泄露 出现在kded5这个进程上.开机进入桌面后数分钟,机器卡,8G内存一下子就用完了,硬盘狂闪....... zz: flwwater — 2015-04-02 14:30 [06:32] <jiero> BuMangHuo: 顺道买个$2799的摄像机 [06:33] <jiero> BuMangHuo: 说的就是 Panasonic HC-X1000 [06:36] <BuMangHuo> .. [06:36] <iMadper> jiero: 你为何最近总是推荐别人买东西? [06:36] <jiero> iMadper: 无聊呀。 [06:36] <jiero> iMadper: 因为我彻底终止买东西了 [06:37] <jiero> iMadper: 其实我也不知道,没注意到 [06:41] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: [06:41] <^k^> onlylove: ⇪ 【哭诉】我就是辣个被苍生种草了键盘在美帝亚马逊上买了的萨比_剑网3吧_百度贴吧 [06:42] <O0XX> iMadper: undo-tree你用不? [06:42] <O0XX> iMadper: 神器 [06:42] <iMadper> O0XX: 不用, 我看你用过. [06:42] <O0XX> iMadper: 推荐 [06:42] <iMadper> O0XX: 我脑子里有ring [06:42] <iMadper> O0XX: 不需要可视化的tree. [06:42] <O0XX> iMadper: 赞! [06:42] <O0XX> iMadper: 脑补侠 [06:43] <iMadper> O0XX: 我脑子里还有marker-ring [06:43] <onlylove> iMadper: 脑补侠 [06:43] <iMadper> onlylove: 乖, 妹子 [06:43] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: gtags 也不需要了吧 [06:43] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 赶紧扔 [06:43] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: gtags什么鬼 [06:44] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 亏我当初还用他, 连cscope都不如 [06:44] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: .... [06:44] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 跟rtags这种语法解析的比, gtags就是垃圾 [06:44] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 你居然用 rtags, 脑补啊 [06:45] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: rtags太强大 [06:45] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 比我脑补还厉害 [06:46] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 强烈推荐rtags [06:46] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Andersbakken/rtags · GitHub [06:46] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 次要推荐irony [06:46] <BuMangHuo> .... [06:47] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: O0XX 我吧这个贴在emacs配置的最后,丫的完全不生效咋回事啊 [06:48] <BuMangHuo> 也不是完全不生效,比如我用 emacs test.c 打开 c 文件的时候, 至少缩进用的是 tab ,但是也是 4 个空格的宽度 [06:48] <BuMangHuo> 打开 emacs 之后,C-x C-f 打开 test.c, 就完全不起作用啊 [06:48] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不知道... [06:49] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 你看看你的c-mode下面都有啥hook... [06:49] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 是不是有别的hook覆盖了 [06:49] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 怎么看啊 [06:49] <chongwish> BuMangHuo: 没怎么看 [06:49] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: C-h v c-mode-hook [06:54] <^k^> 逛了一下论坛,暂时无新贴. [06:55] <BuMangHuo> 乱了 [06:57] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • html文件在火狐里可以正常显示,文本编辑器打开则乱码 附件文件编码是GBK的,用wget从网上批量下载的文件,其他的都正常 网页里面没有指定语言,想加个meta标识gbk,结果加不进去,火狐默认打开会乱码 目前是用rpl 把gbk加 [06:57] <^k^> ─> 进去了,但是文件还是不能编辑 忘了是从哪下载的,这个能不能修复 Code: 您打开的文 … [07:07] <tryit> iMadper, rtags 对 c 支持好吗? [07:07] <iMadper> tryit: 完美. [07:08] <nyfair> 又有傻逼出来了,gbk是最优秀的编码,utf-8滚 [07:08] <nyfair> 不服来战! [07:08] <iMadper> tryit: 能通过clang编译的, 就支持. [07:08] <nyfair> 说utf-16我还信服,utf-8是什么鬼 [07:11] <tryit> iMadper, 甩 cscope 几条街? [07:11] <iMadper> tryit: 数不清. [07:11] <iMadper> tryit: ui没cscope好. [07:11] <iMadper> tryit: 不过我打算改善一下这个ui [07:11] <tryit> iMadper, …… [07:12] <iMadper> tryit: 现代的elisp插件, 应该都用helm做ui才对. [07:13] <tryit> iMadper, 话说你不是放弃 emacs 了吗 [07:14] <iMadper> tryit: 恩, 我现在emacs主要用来收发邮件了 [07:14] <iMadper> tryit: 还有irc [07:14] <iMadper> tryit: jetbrains家的ide完成度太高了 [07:15] <iMadper> tryit: rtags跟clion还有的一拼, 但是enh-ruby-mode跟rubymine比, 简直是dos跟win7比. [07:15] <tryit> iMadper, C IDE? [07:15] <iMadper> tryit: . [07:16] <iMadper> tryit: [07:16] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Early Access Program - CLion - Confluence [07:16] <tryit> iMadper, 我之前用过 phpstrom [07:17] <iMadper> tryit: webstorm? [07:17] <tryit> phpstorm [07:17] <tryit> ... [07:17] <tryit> iMadper, 恩 [07:17] <chongwish> iMadper: jde 和 intellij,大概不是 算盘 和 超级电脑 的区别…… [07:17] <iMadper> chongwish: 没用过这俩. [07:17] <iMadper> chongwish: 我不写代码, 所以不知道. [07:18] <chongwish> iMadper:那你又弄 ruby ? [07:18] <iMadper> chongwish: ruby那么简单也算代码? [07:18] <iMadper> chongwish: 顶多算是伪代码 [07:19] <chongwish> iMadper: 哦 [07:20] <iMadper> tryit: 其实静态语言, 都很容易做好ide. 关键是能不能做好动态语言. [07:20] <chongwish> iMadper: 不是动态的容易,静态的难吗? [07:21] <iMadper> chongwish: 啊??? [07:21] <jusss> hi all [07:21] <^k^> jusss:点点点. 15:21 [07:21] <iMadper> chongwish: 动态语言的类型是运行时确定的, 你ide分析代码的时候怎么知道一个变量的类型? [07:22] <chongwish> iMadper: 静态分析的大神? [07:22] <iMadper> chongwish: def func1 (x) {if x > 0 return else return}; foo = func1; foo.{compelete here} [07:22] <iMadper> chongwish: 你看上面那个怎么补全? [07:23] <iMadper> chongwish: 不到执行的时候, 都不知道foo是classX还是classY, 能做好就有鬼了 [07:23] <iMadper> chongwish: 静态语言都是你写的时候就能确定类型了, 自然只需要一个语法树就够了 [07:24] <chongwish> iMadper: rubyMine 不行吗?我不知道,但是 phpstorm 对于 php 的补全,和 intellij 对于 java 的补全,是可以这样的。 [07:25] <iMadper> chongwish: rubymine和phpstorm都是猜的. 错误率都不低. [07:26] <iMadper> chongwish: 同理, pycharm也是. [07:26] <iMadper> chongwish: pycharm比较作弊的是, 他会分析你的注释来提高猜测的正确率, 哈哈哈哈 [07:27] <chongwish> iMadper: ruby 我不知道,php 没有分类型,一个变量各种保存,干嘛一定要确定这个类型声明? [07:27] <iMadper> chongwish: 不确定类型, 怎么知道这个东西能接受什么方法的call? [07:28] <iMadper> chongwish: 就拿c++来说吧. 一个String自然会响应length方法. 但是如果是别的类型, 就不一定会响应这个方法了. 通过判断类型来决定这个symbol能响应什么, 才能知道补全的时候给出什么候选啊 [07:29] <chongwish> iMadper: 反正 ide 就是智能,你爱咋想咋想…… [07:29] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: O0XX huntxu 好像很屌 [07:29] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Linux users rejoice, here’s Ubuntu on the Surface Pro 3 | Microsoft | [07:29] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 赞. [07:30] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 最近国美电器的hr总是关注我的linkedin... [07:30] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 去啊 [07:30] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 他们不是想让我去卖家电吧? [07:30] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 人家有b2c好吧 [07:30] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 推荐别人买东西倒是很在行 [07:30] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 说不定我凭借自己扎实的买买买功力, 成为金牌售货员 [07:31] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 支持 [07:32] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 去去去 [07:33] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 自己卖自己不算吧 [07:33] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 你要卖你自己? [07:33] <huntxu> Hoothin: 把sp3裝ubuntu?我才不這麽幹 [07:34] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 你是售货员 [07:34] <iMadper> surface3又便宜又好 [07:34] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 恩, 我可以帮你卖 [07:34] <jusss> test [07:34] <^k^> jusss:点点点. 15:34 [07:34] <HowIsItGoing> huntxu: windows在 pad上很好用嘛? [07:34] <jusss> ^k^: [07:34] <^k^> jusss, [07:35] <huntxu> HowIsItGoing: 那不是pad嘛,是電腦嘛 [07:35] <jusss> ^k^: f [07:35] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: 也有C盘么? [07:35] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 一樣的啊,不過那個ssd好像小點而已 [07:35] <HowIsItGoing> huntxu: 也要装360么? [07:36] <huntxu> HowIsItGoing: 裝了360開機速度就老是比人慢,才不裝 [07:36] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: 没有屏蔽掉桌面系统复杂概念? [07:36] * huntxu 自從把殺毒軟件刪掉之後,系統就再也沒有病毒了 [07:36] <HowIsItGoing> huntxu: 也会中毒嘛?也有弹窗撕逼大战嘛? [07:36] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 沒有,桌面還是能用的,有兩個操作模式 [07:37] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: 我还以为是个专门的平板系统 [07:37] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 你可以不當桌面用拿手上當平板用,雖然apps少,但還能過得去 [07:37] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 幹活時把鍵盤接上開桌面 [07:37] <jusss> huntxu: 不能同意你更多 [07:37] <^k^> jusss, [07:38] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 高配有i7啊,拿來裝平板系統? [07:38] * HowIsItGoing 想拿个arm平台给打印机做打印服务器,结果发现这破打印机需要一个x86 only的plugin [07:38] <jusss> 买了个zte,各种杀毒软件 [07:39] <iMadper> jusss: 简单 [07:39] <iMadper> jusss: 剁手就行了 [07:39] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 自從入這個surface pro 3之後,我突然理解了gnome3的方式了 =.= [07:39] <huntxu> 可惜那貨沒人用 [07:40] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: Gnome3越来越好了 [07:41] <nyfair> jusss: 360杀毒是通过virus100测试的唯一的免费杀毒软件,有啥好黑的? [07:42] <onlylove> 360不是病毒么,啥时候变杀毒软件了 [07:43] <tryit> iMadper, 写软件需求说明书,真蛋疼 [07:43] <iMadper> tryit: 昂. 写吧. 高管都要干这个 [07:44] <tryit> iMadper, 你也写过吧? [07:44] <iMadper> tryit: 没. [07:44] <tryit> iMadper, 让你写就知道有多爽了 [07:44] <tryit> iMadper, 唉 [07:45] <iMadper> tryit: 不会的, 我没拿那份儿钱 [07:45] <iMadper> tryit: 我也没那个title. [07:45] <iMadper> tryit: 我也没那个地位. [07:45] <iMadper> tryit: 想写也轮不到我这个level的去写啊 [07:46] <jusss> nyfair: 扣扣电脑管家 [07:48] <iMadper> huntxu: 微软的硬件一直很赞. [07:48] <onlylove> jusss: 那是360帮你抓腾讯的小辫子 [07:48] <onlylove> jusss: 你怎么能那么黑360这种雷锋 [07:49] <jusss> onlylove: 没有 [07:49] <iMadper> 360用户粘性不强啊. [07:50] <onlylove> iMadper: 怎么不强,哭着喊着要装 [07:51] <iMadper> onlylove: 谁? 下次录下来给我看看 [07:51] <huntxu> iMadper: 比如鍵鼠? [07:51] <jusss> onlylove: 坐车与一少妇,脚裸有纹身 [07:51] <iMadper> huntxu: 比如zune 1代 [07:51] <iMadper> huntxu: 他家的键盘我都是买多一把屯着, 就怕哪天停产买不到了 [07:52] <onlylove_> 求推荐87键键盘…… [07:52] <iMadper> huntxu: 刚出的sf3看上去也不错. [07:52] <iMadper> onlylove: trulyergonomic [07:53] <iMadper> huntxu: 感觉就算当平板用, 都比ipad靠谱. [07:53] <iMadper> huntxu: 何况还能完美办公. [07:53] <tryit> iMadper, 自己下载的国家标准,对照着写,真蛋疼 [07:53] <iMadper> tryit: ... 这么高端了 [07:53] <tryit> iMadper, GB-T 9385-2008 计算机软件需求规格说明规范.pdf [07:53] <tryit> iMadper, GBT8567-2006 计算机软件文档编制规范.PDF [07:53] <iMadper> 难道不应该用ieee的规范对照写? [07:54] <tryit> iMadper, 国产化 [07:55] <huntxu> iMadper: 必須同意 [07:55] <tryit> iMadper, 唉,只希望能静静地看会代码或者看会书,或者写点代码 [07:55] <iMadper> huntxu: 所以你送我一台呗 [07:58] <onlylove> 诶,我还是有空去鼎好转转吧 [07:58] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 买买买 [07:58] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 解放双手!ANIMAX 推出超羞耻 TEBURAKUCHIN 手机架—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看 [07:58] <QiongMangHuo> ... [07:58] <QiongMangHuo> 不敢点 [07:59] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 没事, 很正常的 [08:00] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 我信了你的邪 [08:00] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 我刚看完啊 [08:00] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 你不在乎在办公室的名声 [08:00] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: ... ... 有马老司机垫底, 我怕啥? [08:01] <tryit> iMadper, 这广告创意……绝了 [08:01] <iMadper> tryit: 是啊. [08:02] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 你黑人黑得好厉害... [08:02] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 啊??? [08:02] <iMadper> huntxu: 糊涂徐叔, 你现在在广州还是汕头? [08:04] <huntxu> iMadper: guangzhou [08:04] * iMadper 终于把鸟人下完了 [08:07] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 安卓的玩意是不是不用在sd卡上做启动分区啥的? 丫自己会直接在sd卡上加载系统吧? [08:14] * QiongMangHuo 乐噶细 乐噶细 乐噶细.... [08:14] <nyfair> g婊的系统也敢用? [08:16] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 买买买 [08:16] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ Levi's日本官网 OUTLET折上折特价 2件8折3件7折_Levi's日本官网优惠_发现频道_什么值得买 [08:16] <iMadper> O0XX: 你的最爱: [08:16] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ Marcato Classic 150mm宽度面条机 €48.9_德国亚马逊优惠_发现频道_什么值得买 [08:16] <QiongMangHuo> .... [08:17] <BuMangHuo> 150mm 宽? [08:18] <BuMangHuo> 难道是冷面机? [08:19] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 定了 清明爬云蒙山 [08:19] <BuMangHuo> 那是哪里 [08:20] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 可以去杭州那个山沟沟景区 是 kandu 的地盘呢 [08:20] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 你是女的么? : 帮个很缅甸的男生介绍女朋友. 他们两个坐在咖啡厅沉默了很久. 男生很尴尬,想找点话说. "你是女的么?"话出口我估计他都寒了. "是啊!"那MM.. "哦,这样啊." 又继续沉默.. [08:20] <yunfan> nyfair: 那你用wp? [08:21] <O0XX> iMadper: ... [08:21] <O0XX> iMadper: 哥买的可是好媳妇牌 [08:21] <nyfair> yunfan: 我用街机 [08:21] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 这个山还有个网站呢? 不错啊 [08:21] <O0XX> iMadper: 比你这个不知道强到哪里去了 [08:22] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 买冷面机做啥 [08:22] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 压面条啊 [08:22] <yunfan> nyfair: 其乐无穷? [08:23] <nyfair> yunfan: 日常应用够了,比某个官方市场排行榜上全是色情读物的好多了 [08:24] <gfxmode> 支付宝添加“优衣库”后,可以抽奖领免费内衣 [08:24] <gfxmode> 我没有抽到,同事抽到了 [08:26] <yunfan> nyfair: 什么是色情 我都看不到 [08:26] <yunfan> gfxmode: 然后送到公司 让大家都知道? [08:27] <gfxmode> yunfan: 没有,要自己去门店取 [08:30] <nyfair> [08:30] <nyfair> 图书与工具书应用 [08:30] <nyfair> 第一名:经典诱惑系列 [08:31] <nyfair> 第二名:XXOO笑话大湿 [08:31] <nyfair> 第三名更叼:毛XX荒X无道 [08:31] <nyfair> yunfan: 你给我g婊洗地继续洗啊 [08:31] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 你咋去? [08:32] <nyfair> yunfan: 麻蛋,我上网打嘴炮什么时候拿不出干货过,别惹我 [08:32] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 其实看花的话不如妙峰山 [08:32] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 一群人租车去啊 [08:32] <BuMangHuo> 妙峰山? 我查查 [08:33] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 求子的都去妙峰山 [08:33] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 妙峰山老和尚比较厉害 [08:33] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 去拴娃娃? [08:33] <yunfan> nyfair: 惹你又怎样 难道你一怒把美元都转给我? [08:33] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 是啊 [08:33] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 转给我转给我 [08:34] <BuMangHuo> nyfair: 你打开的方式不对哇? [08:34] <nyfair> yunfan: 不怎么样啊,傻逼,被卖了还要洗地 [08:34] <IsoaSFlus> 这句话有问题…… [08:34] <BuMangHuo> nyfair: 或者就是我打开的方式不对 [08:35] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: 那怎么样才对,绑定粑粑国IP就不推送这些了?我当然知道啊,这叫区别对待 [08:35] <BuMangHuo> 不知道,没有绑定过 [08:35] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: 有付费的你说个JB,你都绑定他国google play支付了,又没用支那国专属gbiatch play [08:36] <yunfan> nyfair: 卖卖更健康 who cares [08:36] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: 支那国gbiatch play么有付费应用 [08:36] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 那去了不是正合适么,老和尚忙不过来栓 [08:37] <BuMangHuo> nyfair: 我没有留意过,就是点了一下你发的链接不太一样说了句而已,丫别喷我 [08:37] <BuMangHuo> 至于么 [08:37] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: 支那国屁民不会翻墙,买不了收费应用 [08:38] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 你也怕恶人? [08:38] <BuMangHuo> 不翻能打开 google play 啊? [08:38] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: ... [08:38] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 没有啊,说不过而已,我认耸了 [08:38] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 赞思路 [08:38] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 认怂就是怕嘛 不要以为窃书不算偷 [08:39] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: g婊play什么时候被墙过了,外交部不是都否认了么 [08:39] <IsoaSFlus> gp不是一直被墙吗 [08:39] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我一直在想以前看过的一个电视剧《关中匪事》里面那个求子的活动哪里有,原来在这里哇 [08:40] <yunfan> IsoaSFlus: 那是其他不可抗力导致的服务器故障而已 具体意见以外交部说法为准 [08:44] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: 少年,你能力不行,g婊play中文版其实有点用的,有的软件中文版免费,英文版要钱 [08:44] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: 比如kirikiroid [08:45] <nyfair> BuMangHuo: 不翻墙上中文版g婊play其实也不难 [08:46] <IsoaSFlus> nyfair: how2? [08:46] <lainme> 我的google play里图书应用推荐前三是ebook reader, 小说连载阅读器,佛经佛教歌 [08:46] <nyfair> IsoaSFlus: 以前绑定天朝版g婊play,然后肉身翻墙 [08:46] <IsoaSFlus> 我每次上gp还得翻到11区去…… [08:46] <IsoaSFlus> 欺负人QAQ [08:46] <nyfair> lainme: 不是应用,是书 [08:47] <lainme> nyfair: 是书。 Books & Reference Apps [08:47] <BuMangHuo> 我的排名前面的都是写字典啥的 [08:47] <nyfair> lainme: 好吧,我错了 [08:47] <lainme> 每个都不一样吧 [08:47] <lainme> 我之前下了一些有些,现在推荐全是游戏 [08:48] <nyfair>,这玩意能上架? [08:48] <onlylove_> nyfair: 外交部的话也能信?整天一脸无辜,NSA劫持了百度攻击的github是不 [08:48] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 哈哈哈 [08:48] <nyfair> onlylove: 不能信,但是greatfire更不能信 [08:48] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 不一定是劫持 [08:48] <lainme> amazon的不是更好,每天一款免费应用 [08:48] <lainme> 收费的也比google play便宜 [08:49] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 我觉得肯能李就是NSA的合同工? [08:49] * QiongMangHuo 准备买pocket casts [08:49] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 下单 [08:49] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 是不是劫持咱放下,迎春花一脸无辜的说,有人提到忘了攻击,就说中国blabla,中国一直是受害者blabla [08:49] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: pocketcasts是啥? [08:49] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 串流? [08:49] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 听podcast的一个牛Xapp [08:49] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: ... ... ... [08:50] <nyfair> onlylove: 外交部说的永远都是正确的屁话 [08:50] <yunfan> onlylove_: 前几天不是有新闻 加拿大有个nsa类似的局 专门搞攻击装成是其他国家和组织干的 [08:50] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 走路上听听NPR, NASA什么的 很赞 [08:50] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 艳红同学要真是合同工还好了 [08:50] <nyfair> onlylove: 哪国外交部不是这样?除了乌克兰 [08:50] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 不如听黄梅戏 [08:50] <onlylove_> yunfan: five eyes [08:50] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 我格调不够高 [08:50] <nyfair> onlylove: 快送我剑3橙武 [08:51] <yunfan> 其实我想看 迎春花去岛国拍片 cc onlylove_ [08:51] <onlylove_> nyfair: 来,6000软给我,我给你买玄晶去 [08:51] <onlylove_> nyfair: 小铁自己包去 [08:51] <iMadper> 华春莹的话, 基本上是说了等于没说. [08:51] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 不然人家能进外交部呢 [08:51] <nyfair> onlylove_: 别闹,腿灵顶级武器才2000出头 [08:51] <yunfan> iMadper: 可以请志玲姐姐去当外交部发炎人 [08:51] * QiongMangHuo 想吃鱼 想吃肉 [08:51] <yunfan> 否认这个她很擅长 [08:51] <iMadper> yunfan: ... ... [08:52] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 其实毛少将进外交部比较合适吧 [08:52] <nyfair> onlylove_: 腿灵武器至少还能无限强化,永不过时,你剑3橙武出个新版本就过时了 [08:52] <yunfan> iMadper: 你想想乌克兰那个女监察长 [08:52] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: iMadper BM晚饭几点开? [08:52] <BuMangHuo> 没有人说的话能比他说的内容还少吧 [08:52] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 还去bm? [08:52] <nyfair> yunfan: 克里米亚不是脱离了么 [08:52] <onlylove_> nyfair: 不不不,橙武可以升级 [08:52] <BuMangHuo> g bm [08:52] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 对面食堂便宜很多啊 [08:52] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: BM有鱼 [08:52] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 哦. 不知道诶. [08:53] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 我猜5点就有了 [08:53] <yunfan> nyfair: 对啊 只要长得漂亮 随你站在哪边都行嘛 [08:53] <onlylove_> nyfair: 郭胖子为了保证亮晶晶不被淘汰,只要不开新等级,就可以升级 [08:53] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 据说玉渊潭樱花都开了? cc BuMangHuo iMadper [08:53] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 是的. [08:53] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 人山人海 [08:53] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 想去帝都耍了 [08:53] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 没有 [08:53] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 去了根本找不到 [08:54] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: QiongMangHuo 话说在哪里 [08:54] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 纳尼? [08:54] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 樱花节不是已经开始了? [08:54] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 上周完全没见到樱花在哪里 [08:54] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 进去就是啊, 去年我看过 [08:54] <BuMangHuo> 额 [08:54] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 你走错门了吧? [08:54] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 去年我去的时候, 基本花都凋了. [08:54] <BuMangHuo> 难道方式不对。。。 [08:54] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 有可能 [08:54] <^k^> BuMangHuo: bm not defined. [08:54] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 你没走错路, 只是瞎了而已 [08:55] <BuMangHuo> ^k^: 丫加了这么长的延迟 [08:55] <onlylove> nyfair: [08:55] <^k^> onlylove: ⇪ 【七秀 云裳 女 90级 恶人谷 成女 】忍痛出售紫烟沉成女秀秀只卖个玄晶钱网通(一/二)区飞龙在天|剑侠情缘Ⅲ交易平台 pp: 6100.00 [08:55] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 我猜可能真没有,人们都在找樱花 [08:55] <onlylove> nyfair: 看好了,做好了武器的角色,玄晶钱6K [08:55] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 也可能. [08:56] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 就跟我去年秋天去百望山,路上的人都在找红叶。。。。 [08:56] <nyfair> onlylove: 太丑了啊,我大腿灵默认角色都比这个漂亮啊 [08:56] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 百望山有个毛毛啊 [08:56] <O0XX> iMadper: QiongMangHuo BuMangHuo 如果华为找你们去, 你们去不? [08:56] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 最好的是 喇叭沟门 [08:56] <iMadper> O0XX: 得看啥组 [08:56] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 找过我啊 他们给不起钱... [08:56] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 去做啥? 看月钱 [08:56] <iMadper> O0XX: 如果是一堆妹子一起, 我就去 [08:56] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 去那种光拿钱不干活的组还行 [08:57] <^k^> BuMangHuo, .. 休息一下 .. 16:57 [08:57] <iMadper> BuMangHuo, .. 休息一下 .. 16:57 [08:57] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 找过你? 给你评什么级别? [08:57] <BuMangHuo> 对啊,过两天就是三天假期了对吧 [08:57] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 忘了 [08:57] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: iMadper BuMangHuo iMadper 你们都不觉得华为公司怎么 [08:57] <O0XX> 样? [08:57] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 六七之类的 [08:57] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 找过我两次,不过我没去来着 [08:57] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: ^^ [08:58] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: [08:58] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 喇叭沟门满族乡_百度百科 [08:58] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 确定? 华为应届生进去本科12级, 研究生13级 [08:58] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 那就是16 17 [08:58] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 这样 [08:58] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: 我直接在简历里写华为/中兴勿扰,效果很好,终于没有华为的二逼骚扰我了 [08:58] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 说让我去面试,然后我刚好回家了好像 [08:58] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 记不大请, 让我周六早上去面试 [08:58] <nyfair> HowIsItGoing: 度娘比中兴更累啊 [08:59] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 当时给你的是16/17 [08:59] <BuMangHuo> 对对对,好像也是周末来着? [08:59] <HowIsItGoing> nyfair: 我又不是度娘的,我对bat也没兴趣 [08:59] <BuMangHuo> 面试都周末,进去了估计再也没有周末了 [08:59] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 然后? 你要去? [08:59] <nyfair> HowIsItGoing: 来我司吧 [08:59] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 你怎么不要我!!! [08:59] <HowIsItGoing> nyfair: 钱多否? 加班否? [08:59] <iMadper> nyfair: 能remote否? [08:59] <HowIsItGoing> nyfair: 工资能有 QiongMangHuo 的十分之一不? [08:59] <nyfair> HowIsItGoing: 你看我每天几点上班? [09:00] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 不去..不要我 [09:00] <HowIsItGoing> nyfair: 没观察过 [09:00] <nyfair> HowIsItGoing: 看我几点上线? [09:00] <nyfair> HowIsItGoing: 你12点以前又见过我么 [09:00] <BuMangHuo> nyfair: 几点下班 [09:00] <HowIsItGoing> nyfair: 没注意过,我把上下线消息关了 [09:00] <nyfair> 19 [09:01] <nyfair> HowIsItGoing: QiongMangHuo每天20w,谁给得起 [09:01] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 去郊区的话,当天回不来吧 [09:01] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 可以 [09:02] <HowIsItGoing> nyfair: 十分之一也行啊 [09:02] <nyfair> HowIsItGoing: 他这收入能赶上科比了 [09:02] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 你去哪儿? [09:03] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: iMadper BuMangHuo HowIsItGoing [09:03] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 字幕变了啊 [09:03] <iMadper> O0XX: 有衣服啊 [09:03] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 以前是啥? [09:04] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: [09:06] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: O0XX 毫无节操啊 [09:06] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 下面的英文翻译真地道 [09:07] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 华为来电话了哇 [09:07] <nyfair> 赞 [09:07] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 应该是. [09:08] <nyfair> 是李阿蛋先生么 [09:08] <nyfair> 我是华为的HR gbiatch [09:09] <nyfair> 我们公司最近有个项目,在坦桑尼亚和黑蜀黍交流经验,不知道你有没有兴趣 [09:10] <O0XX> nyfair: 赞! [09:10] <O0XX> nyfair: 神韵不减当年 [09:11] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 我说给别人的电话... [09:11] <nyfair> 李先生长期在腐国出差,英文肯定没问题了啦,我们就缺您这种人才啊 [09:12] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 14.10版本执行 pip install atc_thrift ……时报错了,求帮助! 在执行以下这个命令的时候,报错了 pip install atc_thrift atcd django-atc-api django-atc-demo-ui django-atc-profile-storage 报错信息如下: Ignoring link ... d [09:12] <^k^> ─> c6f307071 (from ), version 2.1.1 doesn't match ==1.11.1 Ignor … [09:12] <nyfair> 说起来,7z到底算不算开源软件? [09:14] <onlylove_> 貌似不算?他好像说过他不是? [09:14] <tryit> O0XX, 好的组可以考虑吧? [09:14] <O0XX> tryit: 比如圣终端? [09:15] <lainme> LGPL算吧。 [09:15] * O0XX 我生孩子难产医生问你保大还是保小这时候你妈跳进河里逼你保小你怎么做? [09:15] <onlylove_> 或者我记错了,是utorrent?反正我看过一个的文档说过这事 [09:15] <nyfair> lzma的算法他放在public domain上了,然后又用gpl开源了一个很早期的版本,新版本都是闭源的 [09:15] * O0XX 终极问题来了! [09:16] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 你竟然有生孩子难产的技能... [09:16] <nyfair> linux下的p7zip根本不是他写的,而是其他人拿着他的东西改的 [09:16] <nyfair> 当然,p7zip肯定是开源软件 [09:21] <tryit> O0XX, 猎头找你谈了? [09:22] <lainme> nyfair: 看起来最新版本的src还能下载 [09:22] <nyfair> lainme: 那是sdk吧 [09:23] <nyfair> lainme: 最新版本是7-Zip 15.00 alpha,能下到? [09:25] <lainme> nyfair: 我的时间比你落后了……我看到的还是1月的9.38 [09:25] <^k^> 新 因特网相关软件 • go语言写的一个简单的代理软件,主要用于突破公司网络限制 目前这种软件已经很多了,像shadowsocks, goagent等等都很成熟了,那为什么我要再发明一个轮子? 一般公司的上网都是通过公司代理服务器, [09:26] * QiongMangHuo 下楼吃饭去 [09:27] <nyfair> [09:27] <^k^> ⇪ ti: 7-Zip / Discussion / Open Discussion:7-Zip 9.38 beta [09:27] <nyfair> 蛤蛤,这个bug闹大了 [09:28] <nyfair> 开源软件不能用啊,还是用winrar吧 [09:29] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: O0XX 都有衣服啊? [09:29] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 废话, 不穿衣服咋出门? [09:32] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: ? [09:33] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: O0XX 我说你俩之前发的图片啊 [09:33] <BuMangHuo> 刚才在吃饭没看到 [09:33] <BuMangHuo> 我以为有没穿衣服的版本 [09:34] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu故事和感慨 • 一晃十年了 刚才看了看自己的注册资料,居然是2005年。十年间用过了N多的发行版,现在转投 OpenSuSE门下了。 zz: slrey — 2015-04-02 17:33 [09:38] <O0XX> iMadper: 恍恍惚惚红红火火何厚铧黑乎乎 [09:41] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: [09:41] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ undefined method `text' for nil:NilClass [09:44] <BuMangHuo> 好长的链接 [09:44] <BuMangHuo> 这种链接用 vimperator 没发粘啊.... [09:45] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 为啥? [09:45] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: vimperator是什么鬼? [09:45] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 快用keysnail [09:45] <BuMangHuo> 不用 [09:45] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 不过按照淘宝的习惯 [09:45] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 你有啥功能需要vimperator啊? [09:45] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 其实复制第一行就够了 [09:45] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: firefox 插件啊 [09:45] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: C-x k 关闭标签页 [09:46] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 我知道是fx插件啊 [09:46] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: emacs党用keysnail [09:46] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 快使用大板砖!! 红红火火!! 快使用大板砖!! 恍恍惚惚!! [09:46] <iMadper> O0XX: ... ... [09:46] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 我是双修党啊 [09:46] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 女狗双修? [09:46] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 光是快捷键绑定就足以秒掉vimperator了 [09:47] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 何况还有一堆插件 [09:47] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 还有helm for keysnail [10:02] <BuMangHuo> ... [10:10] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX_: 黑毛 [10:11] <O0XX_> HowIsItGoing: momo [10:11] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX_: PXE能把一个iso之类的玩意扔给系统启动嘛? [10:11] <O0XX_> HowIsItGoing: 不知道啊 [10:13] <nyfair> 必须能啊,不能就是开源软件垃圾啊 [10:20] <jusss> google真是百度云的好基友 [10:21] <O0XX_> jusss: 啥? [10:21] <O0XX_> jusss: 为啥? [10:22] <jusss> O0XX_: 用google搜索百度云的资源呀 [10:22] <jusss> O0XX_: 百度云不提供搜索选项,差评 [10:59] <arinya> 出了xmpp, 请问还有什么普通人可以用来注册的帐号, 我在ubuntu下可以方便的和他联系的 [10:59] <arinya> 即时消息 [11:08] * jiero 不知道想要干什么了 [11:08] <jiero> 哈哈。 [11:18] <IsoaSFlus> 上课中 [11:18] <IsoaSFlus> c++课 [11:23] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 体检、考试和打饭等雷人爆笑 : 学习组织体检,要查大便,提前发了个便盒给学生。有学生问:老师,我便秘,拉不出来怎么办?老师说:拿根棒子去弄弄。另外一个老师更绝,说:你准备好便盒,哪天有就哪天接下来,然后搁冰箱里放着,体检那天再带去。。。 [11:30] <yeahnoob> 明天rust开始进入beta阶段,很有意思的一个东西。会C或者C++的,都可以去看看 [12:08] <IsoaSFlus> yeahnoob: 那是? [12:11] <imtxc> test [12:11] <^k^> imtxc:点点点. 20:10 [12:13] <yeahnoob> IsoaSFlus, [12:13] <alvin_rxg> Title: The Rust Programming Language (@ [12:47] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 父亲的信 :       一个学生收到他父亲的信,信上说:"你以后写家信,应该多写一些生活的情况,不要只知道要钱。这次寄10块钱给你,附带告诉你犯的一点小错误,用阿拉伯数字写10的时候,只能写一个零,不能写两个。" [13:29] <jusss> onlylove: 今天定的手机到了,439的5.7寸手机,看了后才发现5.7寸真tmd大 [13:31] <jiero> jusss, 大手机真的有好处,不会太为难自己的眼睛。 [13:31] <jiero> jusss, 不为难自己的脖子。 [13:31] <jiero> jusss, 恭喜 [13:31] <jusss> jiero: 为难自己的衣服 [13:31] <jiero> jusss, 衣服不是受阻 [13:31] <jiero> jusss, 另外,我明白了,我根本就是个怪胎。 [13:33] <jusss> jiero: 早点结婚生孩子去吧,你就是生了女文青的病 [13:33] <jiero> jusss, 没人我愿意呢。 [13:33] <jusss> "得了女文青的病怎么办,生个孩子就好了" [13:33] <jiero> jusss, [13:33] <jusss> jiero: 你要求太高 [13:34] <jiero> jusss, 每次捐精子前禁欲3天以上7天以内。 [13:34] <jiero> jusss, 这。。。 [13:34] <onlylove> jusss: 他不是要求高,是瞎要求 [13:34] <jiero> jusss, 我都禁欲个把月了。。。 [13:35] <jiero> onlylove, 要求啥瞎要求? [13:36] <onlylove> jiero: 说了你也不明白 [13:36] <jusss> onlylove: 这是病,跟我一样 [13:36] <onlylove> jusss: 这是病,得电? [13:36] <jiero> onlylove, 我本身就不讨人喜欢。。。 [13:37] <^k^> jiero, hi `人机合一 [13:37] <jusss> ^k^: 你怎么实现的延迟? [13:38] <^k^> jusss,{sleep 10; xxx(); } `人机合一 [13:38] <^k^> jiero,禁欲对身体不好的吧? `人机合一 [13:38] <jusss> ^k^: 难道除了sleep就没别的方法了? [13:39] <^k^> jusss, 方法应该很多,我是随便选择了一个 `人机合一 [13:39] <jiero> alvin_rxg, 你搞的鬼? [13:39] <jiero> jusss, k是你的了? [13:39] <^k^> jiero, 你是我的了? `人机合一 [13:40] <^k^> 不聊了,上床禁欲去。。。 `人机合一 [13:40] <jusss> onlylove: 租房子是个问题 [13:41] <onlylove> ^k^: 你要和电脑上床禁欲? [13:41] <onlylove> jusss: 多大问题…… [13:41] <^k^> 嗯嗯 `人机合一 [13:44] <jiero> jusss, 找个女孩,说我和你一起住 [13:44] <jiero> jusss, 你反正没那么多要求吧。 [13:44] <jusss> jiero: 没有你的属性,我不敢 [13:46] <jiero> jusss, 我的属性? [13:47] <jiero> jusss, 我有什么属性?我只是被认为是一个无用的变态 [13:49] <jusss> jiero: 2代 [13:50] <jiero> jusss, 去你的二代,我比任何打工族都穷 [13:50] <jusss> jiero: 你可以认为我这是仇富,我比你们都穷 [13:51] <jiero> jusss, 你丫的又不打工 [13:51] <jiero> jusss, onlylove 肯定是因为比你勤于讨好别人而比你富有 [13:51] * jiero 打 jusss 继续打 jusss [13:52] <jusss> onlylove: 你看"<jiero> jusss, onlylove 肯定是因为比你勤于讨好别人而比你富有" [13:52] <onlylove> 活腻了! [13:52] <onlylove> 谁给我帽子! [13:52] <onlylove> 他自己退了…… [13:59] <onlylove> alvin_rxg: 不用了,jiero自己掉了…… [13:59] <onlylove> alvin_rxg: 本来想踹他一下 [13:59] <jusss> onlylove: 你怎么知道是 alvin_rxg ? [14:00] <onlylove> jusss: 有提示啊 [14:00] <jusss> *** ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has changed mode for #ubuntu-cn to +o onlylove [14:00] <onlylove> jusss: 你看不到 [14:00] <onlylove> jusss: msg [14:01] <onlylove> jusss: chanserv发的 [14:09] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 求助,关于wine和独显驱动 机器只装了ubuntu一个系统。所有盘都给ubuntu了。 双显卡,intel集显+ATI独显。在bios里不能对显卡进行任何操作。 开机后想要使用独显(因为集显效果太差了)。在系统设置中,附加驱动选择了专有驱 [14:09] <^k^> ─> 动(fglrx)重启后可以生效成功。 之后安装wine(1.6和1.7)都试过了,在安装的时候就 … [14:12] <^k^> 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • CSS让markdown更迷人!! markdow就不用多介绍了。 本人是用通过pandoc,将markdown文件转换为html文件 默认设置下,转换成html文件后,标题、列表、表格、强调等各种格式比较单一。 其实,研究了html源文件后,各种标 [14:15] <^k^> 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • CSS让markdown更迷人!! markdow就不用多介绍了。 本人是用通过pandoc,将markdown文件转换为html文件 默认设置下,转换成html文件后,标题、列表、表格、强调等各种格式比较单一。 其实,研究了html源文件后,各种标 [16:17] <yangtongxue> 真难用 [16:33] <kandu> yangtongxue: ?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BuMangHuo", "HowIsItGoing", "IsoaSFlus", "O0XX", "O0XX_", "QiongMangHuo", "^k^", "alvin_rxg", "arinya", "cherrot", "chongwish", "eexpss", "gfxmode", "huntxu", "iIlL10Oo", "iMadper", "imtxc", "jade-shan1", "jiero", "jusss", "kandu", "lainme", "nyfair", "onlylove", "onlylove_", "onlylove__", "tedlz123", "tryit", "yangtongxue", "yeahnoob", "yunfan", "yunfan_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cn" }
[07:20] <justCarakas> shouldn't there be a ubuntu app aswel for ? [11:20] <kalikiana> t1mp: zsombi so which one of you will take [11:21] <zsombi> kalikiana: me [11:21] <kalikiana> thanks! [11:22] <davidcalle> stephwilson, hello, just a quick irc bug report : images on are pulled from, which makes them invisible for most people [11:22] <zsombi> kalikiana: don't forget to update teh card :) [11:24] <stephwilson> davidcalle: Ah I see! I will get someone from the web team to have a look, think it might have to do with the http tag. Thanks for spotting it [11:24] <davidcalle> stephwilson, np [11:29] <kalikiana> zsombi: well, it's not done before it's reviewed [11:29] <zsombi> kalikiana: well, it's in Needs review, right? so update the card :) [11:30] <stephwilson> davidcalle: Ah I saw the problem, can you check if it is ok now? [11:31] <davidcalle> stephwilson, yep, fixed! [11:33] <stephwilson> Horray! [11:43] <nik90> ogra_: hey, in your g+ app, you added a progress bar just below the header. Can you link me to that code? I want to create a custom progress bar. [11:49] <kunal> charles, hi [11:57] <ogra_> nik90, i stole it from webbrowser-app ... [11:59] <ogra_> ... called by line 7 and 97-104 in [12:00] <nik90> ogra_: yeah I found it, thnx [12:01] <nik90> ogra_: I wanted to created a custom progress bar to hide the percentage value shown. But turns out there is already a property called showProgressPercentage that does this...but it isnt document :/ [12:01] <ogra_> oh, yeah [12:19] <popey> t1mp: do you know if we have a toolkit bug tracking the fact that a focussed field (in a big list of fields) is offscreen/obscured by osk? [12:19] <dpm> hey ahayzen, how did the membership meeting go? [12:19] <popey> dpm: 22:00 UTC tonight [12:20] <dpm> ah, cool, better than a meeting on April 1st ;) [12:20] <popey> heh [12:28] <popey> pmcgowan: do you know if we plan to address soon? [12:28] <popey> ah, there's a merge, missed that. [12:35] <pmcgowan> popey, wow thats a controversial bug [12:35] <mihir> popey: ping !! [12:35] <pmcgowan> was unaware of it [12:35] <popey> pmcgowan: yeah :S [12:35] <popey> mihir: heya! [12:35] <mihir> popey: could you confirm this ,it works fine on my side , [12:36] <popey> mihir: bet I know what this is. [12:37] <popey> mihir: it's the fact that the all day event indication in the app points to the middle of the screen - we have a bug for that already [12:37] <popey> mihir: so people think it was scheduled on wednesday because that's in the middle of the screen [12:38] * popey comments on it [12:38] <mihir> popey: so the thing is it stores details on correct time zone right ? [12:38] <popey> mihir: the data is stored correctly is my theory [12:38] <popey> mihir: but the popup points to the middle of the screen, which is where wednesday is [12:39] <mihir> okay gotcha [12:39] * popey marks incomplete [12:39] <mihir> popey: thanks :) [12:39] <popey> np [12:40] <popey> mihir: unless it's related to [12:40] <mihir> popey: we don't have functionality of imporing multiple calendar right? [12:40] <popey> not yet [12:41] <mihir> popey: should I mark it Wishlist? [12:41] <popey> yes [12:41] <popey> thanks [12:42] <popey> pmcgowan: looks like mvo intended to land it, but it didn't yet. [12:44] <t1mp> popey: I don't know [12:44] <t1mp> zsombi: any idea?  t1mp: do you know if we have a toolkit bug tracking the fact that a focussed field (in a big list of fields) is offscreen/obscured by osk? [12:44] <t1mp> zsombi: ^ [12:45] <zsombi> t1mp: ? [12:45] <pmcgowan> popey, yeah thats not ready to land [12:46] <zsombi> t1mp: I think we have, and the fix is not trivial [12:46] <zsombi> t1mp: I think OrientationHelper has support for that, but nothing else... [12:48] <popey> DanChapman: ^ [12:48] <DanChapman> bah so no autofocusing textfields anytime soon then [12:48] <popey> zsombi: t1mp it hurts us with apps like dekko which have a manual settings screen which is a big list of fields to fill in [12:48] <popey> so you have to manually pull the screen around to get to the next one [12:49] <zsombi> popey: I do get that, but in order to fix this it is not enough that toolkit provides something, apps must at some extent rewrite teir views [12:51] <zsombi> popey: but we can prioritize and work on it, but it may need a huge change all over [12:51] <t1mp> zsombi: do we have documentation that describes what needs to be done to make it work? [12:54] <zsombi> t1mp: I don't think so, because noone had enough time to investigate that. All we agreed is that pages must be implemented with a scrollable view, even if they don't need to scroll, otherwise OSK cannot push teh content upwards [12:55] <zsombi> t1mp: in any other case, offsetting the content may be painful, and may cause UI hickups, especially if someone uses Flow or whatever [12:56] <zsombi> t1mp: and OSK cannot detect anything, it's the UI which is showing teh content can do the job [12:56] <zsombi> t1mp: and therefore this would work only if people use a given component as content holder, like Page, or whatever [12:57] <t1mp> zsombi: and the Page must have a flickable inside it? [12:57] <zsombi> t1mp: yes [12:57] <t1mp> zsombi: I think most apps are using Pages [12:57] <t1mp> but it doesn't have a flickable in it by default [12:58] <zsombi> t1mp: or moreprecisely a component which connects to OSK [12:58] <zsombi> t1mp: and it is flickable [12:59] <zsombi> t1mp: however, the scrolling depends on the focus component, and it must be a text input... [12:59] <t1mp> it is not just textfields right? basically we want any component that gets focus to automatically go into the view [13:00] <zsombi> t1mp: in a sense yes, if we think of component navigation, yes, any component should stay in the view, but text inputs should be pulled upwards when OSK appears, and that's a different use case [13:03] <t1mp> zsombi: we should write down the steps needed to get this done so we can include that in the next sprint planning discussion [13:03] <zsombi> t1mp: good idea, go for it :) [13:03] <zsombi> t1mp: make a card and a gdoc [13:04] <zsombi> t1mp: actually we have a bug at least for it as well, so you can even link to it [13:04] <t1mp> which bug is it? [13:06] <zsombi> t1mp: dunno by heard, it is about the OSK and text input [13:06] * zsombi goes offline [13:09] <t1mp> popey: we have this bug [13:09] <t1mp> zsombi: I happroved [14:11] <mhall119> Mirv: ping [14:14] <dobey> yay, docs page isn't loading because is apparently borked :-/ [15:06] <mcphail> Will the Ubuntu-SDK get included in the base distribution any time soon? It seems stupid to have it in a PPA, thereby making updates tricky and breaking the repository model. [15:07] <ogra_> no, it is clever to have it in a PPA [15:07] <mcphail> ogra_: for update frequency? [15:07] <ogra_> else you have to lock it down at some point and it cant move forward anymore [15:07] <ogra_> you would have to make SRUs for every change ... lots of paperwork, very slow [15:08] <ogra_> a PPA can just keep rolling [15:09] <mcphail> ogra_: I'm not sure rolling is such a good thing. A stable platform with stable target (+ next devel target) would seem sensible [15:09] <ogra_> how would you get "next devel target" in ..., how would you get it stabilized for "next ..." [15:10] <mcphail> ogra_: there was discussion about frameworks yesterday. I accept the current model wouldn't work well, but if the framework for "next" was finalised further in advance it could become a stable target [15:12] <mcphail> ogra_: I know you guys are comfortable with development on the bleeding edge, but for amateurs like me it is quite hard to keep up with the next fresh thing [15:13] <mcphail> ogra_: when vivid releases, I'd like to be able to say "I can now get an app ready for release on vivid+1. Here is the SDK. Here are the design guidelines for that release. I'll have it looking good for vivid+1 when vivis+1 is released" [15:14] * mcphail is a bit conservative [15:34] <mcphail> Can anyone point me to an open source repo for an app/game using SDL2 on ubuntu-touch? [15:34] <popey> mcphail: sturmflut-work made a simple one I think [15:36] <mcphail> popey: thanks [15:36] <popey> [15:39] <mcphail> popey: don't think that is the right one :) [15:40] <popey> yeah [15:40] <popey> somewhere round there [15:40] <mcphail> aah - I see his ubuntu-touch-sdl-template. Sounds perfect [15:43] <popey> thats the one [15:43] <mcphail> cmake is beyond me so a template is great [15:44] <ogra_> mcphail, sorrym had to drop off into a meeting ... wrt your last sentence, how would you get the vivid+1 framework into vivid ? [15:44] <ogra_> it doesnt exist by release day [15:46] <mcphail> ogra_: yes - that's why I was saying the current model wouldn't fit with my suggestion. I think it would be good to have the stable SDK and design guidelines for the next release in advance. But, as I said, I'm rather conservative [15:47] <ogra_> the prob is that people would use LTS ... for the next two years you couldnt really move forward with the frameworks [15:47] <ogra_> until the next lts [15:47] <ogra_> thats a way to low frequency for the phones [15:47] <ogra_> (which are on a rolling release) [15:48] <mcphail> ogra_: I see your point [15:48] <ogra_> the right solution is to simply lift *everything* to rolling releases ;) [15:49] * mcphail hears the Ubuntu devs having a collective myocardial infarction [15:50] <ogra_> well, that will eventualyl happen :) [15:50] <ogra_> snappy brings us rolling releases [15:50] <mcphail> I'll charge the defibrillator [15:50] <ogra_> and snappy is the future of ubuntu [15:51] <mcphail> snappy does look very nice [15:51] <ogra_> yep, over time it will become the base for everyhting [15:51] <ogra_> from phone to server [15:52] <mcphail> and would let me package things without the ubuntu SDK, which would be nice. I don't understand click and cmake well enough [15:52] <ogra_> i never used the SDK ... and i have plenty of click packages ;) [15:52] * ogra_ does everyhing in vi [15:52] <mcphail> ogra_: yes - I prefer vim and autotools for builds [15:53] <mcphail> ogra_: or vim and ant for android [15:53] * ogra_ prefers vim and interpreter languages ... silly compiling ... [15:54] <mcphail> ogra_: it would be great if you could point me to a HOWTO for command-line builds for Ubuntu [15:55] <ogra_> i think there is one in the examples on [15:55] <mcphail> I'm trying to cheat and avoid learning about click. I can't wait for snappy [15:55] <ogra_> snap and click are not to far apart ... [15:56] <ogra_> snap adds just extra stuff on top (like service files and systemd integration) [15:56] <mcphail> maybe I can backport what I've learned... [16:24] <bzoltan> ogra_: thanks for the promotion dude :) good job [16:24] <ogra_> haha [16:27] <nik90> ogra_: You don't use the SDK.!!!.how dare you :P [16:28] <ogra_> lol [16:29] <bzoltan> nik90: specially that ogra_ knows very well my irc highlight settings :D [16:30] <ogra_> nik90, i'm even worse ... i usually create a click package with only a Main.qml file in it ... install that on the phone and do all my development in /opt/ :) [16:31] <nik90> ogra_: stop are killing me....Next you might say you do all your development in VIM and admit to never using the super awesome Qtcreator [16:31] <nik90> bzoltan: rofl [16:32] <ogra_> nik90, yeah, havent found a way to get QTCreator working inside a ssh session on the phone yet :P [16:33] <nik90> ogra_: I don't know...I can't live without the autocompletion that qtc offers..its just too good to give up :D [16:33] <ogra_> i cant live without vim shortcuts and macros :) [16:35] <nik90> ha..I guess that's where we hit our blockade :) .. LOTR: YOU SHALL NOT PASS! [16:35] <ogra_> heh [16:36] <ogra_> when i write office docs i always have to delete the ":wq" everywhere in them :) [16:39] <mcphail> that's been my biggest problem using the IDE. But I think you can turn on vi keybindings somewhere...? [16:39] <ogra_> probabyl [16:40] <mcphail> I was stuck in vim.tiny on the phone yesterday: couldn't work out how to send <Esc> [16:40] <ogra_> ctrl-c [16:41] <ogra_> works the same [16:41] <mcphail> yes - someone gave me that tip! [16:44] <ogra_> there is also a vim keyboard profile for the terminal [16:44] <ogra_> i think that adds an esc key [16:46] <mcphail> aah - that profile button is neat. I hadn't noticed it [17:15] <bzoltan> ogra_: I had the on device development feature in the QtC :) i was explicitly asked to remove it :) [17:16] <ogra_> bzoltan, yeah, so the cool kids can show off with it now :) [17:16] <bzoltan> ogra_: if they find it :) [17:16] <ogra_> heh [17:17] <bzoltan> ogra_: actually I am more into vi too... and yes I do type :wq even in google docs sometimes [17:17] <ogra_> haha, yeah [17:17] <ogra_> happens to me all the time [17:19] <bzoltan> ogra_: actually teaching QtC to do real on device development and to use the tools on the device and edit the code on the device would not be a big deal. but I am afraid that our device is not so hackable by default. [17:23] <AlanBell> given that is pull request #1 I am fairly confident that this isn't the way to fix gnome stuff [17:23] <AlanBell> ooh, wrong channel [18:14] <mihir> popey: if you get time to test small patch , [18:17] <popey> mihir: will do [18:18] <mihir> popey: thanks :) [18:19] <popey> mihir: i dont see the option... [18:19] <mihir> of ? [18:19] <popey> mihir: [18:20] <popey> should I not see monthly/yearly there? [18:20] <mihir> popey: scroll down :D [18:20] <popey> haha, thats totally not obvious! [18:20] <popey> :) [18:20] <mihir> i meant scroll the dropdown :| i can make that change if that is required too :d [18:20] <mihir> yes i got that too :D [18:20] <popey> I _never_ knew that was scrollable [18:20] <mihir> or we should show some scroll over there [18:20] <popey> we need to make that bgger i think [18:20] <popey> *bigger [18:20] <popey> as it's a separate screen, not a popover [18:21] <mihir> hm okay i'll do that in separate MR [18:21] <popey> ok [18:21] <popey> thanks mihir [18:21] * popey leaves for the weekend [18:21] <popey> o/ [18:28] <mihir> popey: enjoy happy easter :P [19:15] <renato___> popey, could you test the silo 30, it should fix the bug: #1438662 [19:53] <blocage> hello, I want to create a new window belong the main window within nux and draw something inside, someone can help ? [19:54] <blocage> I also want to use this new window as dropdown menu :) [23:46] <popey> renato___: will do. [23:49] <ahoneybun> 525 downloads popey [23:49] <popey> :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AlanBell", "DanChapman", "ahoneybun", "blocage", "bzoltan", "davidcalle", "dobey", "dpm", "justCarakas", "kalikiana", "kunal", "mcphail", "mhall119", "mihir", "nik90", "ogra_", "pmcgowan", "popey", "renato___", "stephwilson", "t1mp", "zsombi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel" }
[01:30] <RAOF> Hey, doko_! Is there any SRU review I could trade you to get a small, upstream reviewed patch applied to libstdc++? :) [02:50] <sarnold> why does still show 12.10, 13.04, and 13.10 things on the front page? none of those have been supported in ages.. [02:50] <sarnold> and poor trusty and utopic are missing entirely [03:26] <MrHeavy> The OpenStack repository at has a package (openstack-dashboard) with dependencies that don't exist. Is there anywhere in Launchpad that I should look around for them in queue? [03:27] <MrHeavy> The packages in question are: python-xstatic-term.js, python-xstatic-angular-irdragndrop [03:28] <MrHeavy> I can't even find Debian spkgs for these :/ [06:37] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Saw you update on the bug. Thanks for investigating. [07:37] <jhenke> morning [07:38] <jhenke> any firefox maintainer here? [07:38] <jhenke> I am looking for someone to get into the reason for this bug after todays firefox update (afaik only affects vivid) [07:46] <asac> jhenke: chrisccoulson might be around later [07:47] <asac> shouldnt be that long unless he is on vacation or something [07:49] <jhenke> asac thanks, will wait for him [09:35] <jhenke> chrisccoulson are you online? [10:18] <Laney> what creates /run/network/ifstate ? [10:23] <ogra_> Laney, the networking upstart job ? [10:23] <ogra_> (not sure) [10:24] <Laney> upstart? what's that? :) [10:24] <ogra_> haha [10:24] <ogra_> yeah, living in the past here :) [10:38] <lfrlucas> Why is policykit-1 still on proposed (trusty)? 28 days have passed [10:39] <mgedmin> Laney, isn't it ifupdown? [10:40] <Laney> I don't see where it's supposed to be done under systemd [10:40] <Laney> It seems that ifup does create it when it's bringing an interface up but nothing makes an empty file on boot [10:43] <Laney> probably just wants a tmpfiles.d entry [11:32] <peleg> Hi there. I have installed ubuntu 14.04.2 on a new Dell Latitude E7450, and there seems to be a BIOS bug which makes keystrokes randomly repeat. This is an old known issue, at least in the forums. See for example [11:32] <peleg> I have posted a question in ubuntu-certified launchpad: [11:32] <peleg> and in askubuntu as well: [11:40] <peleg> Since canonical works closely with Dell, I was thinking that perhaps they should (a) publish a warning and (b) get a formal announcement from Dell about it [12:24] <nrosvall> Hi, I'm working on a quite big software project. Now when Unity 8 is coming and all that new stuff I'm wondering how much Unity 7 and 8 api will be different [12:24] <nrosvall> say indicators? will indicators written for unity 7 work with unity 8? [12:25] <nrosvall> (not sure if this is the right place to ask) [12:51] <rbasak> nrosvall: try #ubuntu-desktop maybe? [13:25] <smoser> hey. i need some systemd help [13:25] <smoser> bug 1438520 [13:26] <smoser> one of cloud-init's jobs runs apt-get dist-upgrade, and that job upgrades cloud-init (if there is one available). [13:26] <smoser> something in that interaction with systemd means that subsequent cloud-init jobs aren't run. [13:27] <smoser> this worked with upstart, and its important for us to get right (because otherwise you can't have clodu-init safely upgrade for you) [13:27] <smoser> xnox, maybe or i know that didrocks has some experience with systemd also. [13:27] <xnox> yo [13:28] <xnox> smoser: so what happens? cloud-init service gets killed, and not started on post-upgrade... remaining cloud-init services don't run either? [13:29] <Riddell> tseliot: hola? [13:29] <xnox> hm. =/ i don't have time to dig into that at the moment, sorry. [13:30] <tseliot> Riddell: hey, [13:30] <smoser> xnox, yes. i'll try to put an explanation of the problem into the bug. then maybe if you have time you can read. [13:35] <didrocks> smoser: just ping me once you have the explanation's summary into the bug, I'll try to have a look by EOW [13:35] <smoser> didrocks, ok. thanks. [13:35] <Riddell> tseliot: oh, so sddm can probably do the thing on starting X [13:35] <Riddell> tseliot: but there's no hook to run a script on shutting X down [13:35] <Riddell> tseliot: what happens if nvidia-prime gets set up but not removed? [13:35] <tseliot> Riddell: yes, I had to implement that myself in lightdm [13:36] <Riddell> does it mean nvidia and intel do eternal battle for the graphics? [13:36] <tseliot> Riddell: hybrid graphics (as in disabling the discrete GPU) won't work on log out. Switching between GPUs will require a reboot [13:37] <Riddell> tseliot: so that sounds better than not working at all? [13:37] <tseliot> Riddell: sure but users will complain [13:38] <Riddell> tseliot: right but will they complain more than if they can't install it without breaking sddm [13:39] <Riddell> and who are all these users with two GPUs? they seem like a very fussy lot :) [13:39] <tseliot> Riddell: the nvidia settings panel will tell them to log out to switch to the other GPU, then they log out, log back in, and everything will be broken, as you'll get the driver using the wrong libriaries [13:39] <tseliot> *libraries [13:40] <tseliot> Riddell: yes, I think there are a lot of users [13:53] <tseliot> Riddell: it should be relatively easy to add that feature to sddm [14:09] <Riddell> tseliot: reported it for now [14:09] <Riddell> tseliot: how do I change nvidia-prime packaging to have sddm alternate? [14:13] <tseliot> Riddell: it already does this: Depends: lightdm (>= 1.9.1) | gdm | kdm. I can add a simple "|sddm", assuming that's the package name [14:13] <tseliot> Riddell: does kubuntu use systemd? [14:18] <Riddell> tseliot: yes please add |sddm . yes we use systemd [14:19] <smoser> GunnarHj, can you take a look at bug 1439711 [14:19] <tseliot> Riddell: ok, I'll do that now. Furthermore I've just written some untested code that should give you the same feature on log out [14:19] <Riddell> tseliot: ooh? [14:19] <tseliot> Riddell: the one that executes a script after X is stopped [14:20] <cjwatson> smoser: Wasn't that fixed by [14:20] <cjwatson> ? [14:20] <Riddell> tseliot: that's exciting :) [14:20] <cjwatson> smoser: Should be closed I think. [14:21] <Riddell> tseliot: let me know if you have something I should add to the sddm package [14:22] <tseliot> Riddell: sure. In the meantime, let's see if I got it right. Is the DisplayCommand entry meant to be set in the Xsetup script? If so, my code should work as expected [14:24] <Riddell> tseliot: DisplayCommand entry? [14:24] <tseliot> Riddell: that's the entry for the command to execute after X starts: [14:26] <tseliot> Riddell: so I'm wondering if adding DisplayCommand="path_to_my_script" in the Xsetup script would work [14:26] * tseliot has never used sddm [14:26] <tseliot> if that works, then I have code to add another entry [14:28] <Riddell> tseliot: DisplayCommand is "A script to execute when starting the display server" [14:29] <Riddell> tseliot: I don't think setting DisplayCommand in Xsetup will do anything, it gets set in sddm.conf [14:30] <tseliot> Riddell: aah, so there is an sddm.conf file. Ok, it should work then [14:32] <Riddell> tseliot: sddm --example-config will Print the complete current configuration to stdout [14:37] <tseliot> Riddell: ah, so that shows that DisplayCommand=/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup . I think we really need to get something like first [14:38] <tseliot> Riddell: as you don't want to have the scripts executed for users who don't need them [14:38] <Riddell> tseliot: that would obviously be nicer but is it a problem if it's executed for users who don't need it? [14:39] <tseliot> Riddell: luckily, it's not. As we check the hardware [14:41] <Riddell> phew :) [14:48] <tseliot> Riddell: after I add my code, you will have to add two entries: DisplayCommand and DisplayStopCommand, pointing to Xsetup and Xstop respectively [14:49] <tseliot> Riddell: or, rather, point to the same scripts that we have in nvidia-prime and be done with it [14:52] <Riddell> tseliot: DisplayCommand points to Xsetup by default, I guess your code will point DisplayStopCommand to Xstop by default and that can run nvidia-switch [14:52] <tseliot> Riddell: yep. You will have to ship a custom .conf file if you want hybrid gfx to work [14:58] <tseliot> Riddell: I'll try to compile sddm with my patch. Hopefully the packaging is relatively simple [15:20] <infinity> Laney: Really, you want to wrap my C gnome-terminal with a python script and triple the startup time? :/ [15:26] <Laney> I want to not break existing configurations [15:28] <Laney> I forgot to add new Depends though, whoopsie [15:29] <infinity> Laney: I don't suppose you could just reintroduce the option in C instead? [15:29] <infinity> Laney: I guess for "normal" people who never see the terminal, it's a non-issue, but for people who hit Ctrl-ALt-T more than anything else on their keyboard, it's a noticeable performance regression to fire up a python interpreter first. [15:30] <Laney> It's not as easy as that, you have to start a second server instance and connect to this one [15:30] <tseliot> Riddell: my patch built :) [15:32] <tseliot> Riddell: and this is what sddm --example-config says now: [15:37] <Adri2000> is anyone moderating devel-permissions@ ? [15:50] <tseliot> Riddell: I've made a pull request for my code: [15:54] <bdmurray> tedg: Didn't you create some code for calling apport's recoverable_problem some where or generating RecoverableProblem reports? [15:55] <infinity> tseliot: Why do you have a .patch in nvidia-prime that does nothing? Accidental cruft? [15:55] <tseliot> infinity: in 0.8.1? [15:56] <infinity> tseliot: Yeah, 0001-debian-control-add-sddm-and-systemd-as-alternate-dep.patch in the base directory. Doesn't need to be there, it's obviously applied to debian/control already. [15:56] <tedg> bdmurray, We have some cut-and-paste code that we've been passing around, I started an MR for it, but it needs tests: [15:56] <tseliot> infinity: aargh I forgot to remove it [15:56] <infinity> tseliot: Go ahead and delete it and reupload the same version. [15:56] <tseliot> infinity: ok, thanks [15:57] <infinity> tseliot: On a side note, why the dependency on "upstart | systemd" at all? [15:57] <bdmurray> tedg: right, I found that mp. Where can I see the cut and paste code? [15:57] <tseliot> infinity: it's no longer there. It's only in that patch [15:57] <tedg> bdmurray, It's there, the recoverable error file. I cleaned up the API for that MR, but it's basically the same. [15:57] <infinity> tseliot: Daemons don't generally depend on init systems. And, even if they did, you're not getting the *system* init with that dep. [15:57] <tedg> bdmurray, It's in a bunch of different projects. [15:57] <infinity> tseliot: Oh, indeed, it's not there in the real debian/control. Check. [15:58] <tseliot> infinity: reuploaded [15:58] <bdmurray> tedg: Could you name one of those? I'm trying to sort out some issues with the DuplicateSignature. [15:59] <infinity> tseliot: Better, and accepted. [15:59] <tedg> bdmurray, Sure, UAL. [15:59] <tseliot> infinity: thanks [16:00] <tedg> bdmurray, Are you looking for the duplicate signature we're using? [16:00] <bdmurray> tedg: Also do you know of a way to create a recoverable problem in an app? Just calling recoverable_problem does that I think it should. [16:01] <hallyn> jodh: hey, [16:01] <tedg> bdmurray, It does, yes, but you have to pass the additional parameters to the stdin of the utility. Which isn't that friendly for most app developers, hence the wrapper. [16:01] <bdmurray> tedg: I'm trying to figure out why bug 1316763 isn't work [16:01] <jodh> hallyn: hi [16:01] <hallyn> so for bug i'm going to be needing systemd and upstart packages [16:02] <tedg> bdmurray, I think the issue is that we have the same duplicate signature for different apps [16:02] <hallyn> moving /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load from cgroup-bin to init-system-helpers. [16:02] <hallyn> jodh: do you have planned uploads soon for those? [16:02] <tedg> bdmurray, For instance "bad-url" can come from anyone [16:02] <bdmurray> tedg: right, and I modified recoverable_problem to change that and it works for me [16:02] <bdmurray> "Use package name in duplicate signature for recoverable problems. " [16:04] <hallyn> jodh: if not i'll happily push later today [16:04] <jodh> hallyn: nothing planned from me, no. [16:05] <hallyn> jodh: do you know if pitti had anything planned? there's no team bzr tree or anything i should go through? [16:05] <infinity> hallyn: Hrm, I thought rbasak was going to finish that move, did he get distracted? [16:06] <infinity> rbasak: Didn't you have pending uploads for the /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load thing? [16:06] <hallyn> infinity: yeah he had to move on [16:06] <infinity> hallyn: Ahh, kay. [16:06] <hallyn> afaik. let's see what rbasak says [16:06] <hallyn> the apparmor package did get pushed, that was step 1... [16:06] <rbasak> Yeah sorry, been distracted. [16:06] <tedg> bdmurray, Hmm, I hadn't see that patch. Not sure why that wouldn't be working. [16:06] <rbasak> I can aim to push the rest in the next week or two if you want me to. [16:07] <hallyn> rbasak: i'd menat to do it, just got sick. i'm back and was planning to push the next steps today [16:07] <bdmurray> tedg: Right, I've no idea either. So do you know of a way to cause a recoverable problem in the web browser or something? [16:07] <tedg> bdmurray, We're gonna have a bunch from Utopic though, is that in Utopic? [16:07] <hallyn> either way [16:07] <rbasak> hallyn: OK - I'll leave it to you then? I was aware you were sick but also didn't want to step on your toes (and had been occupied with Docker) [16:08] <tedg> bdmurray, Just launch a bad URL: "url-dispatcher foo://bar" [16:08] <bdmurray> tedg: yes, it made it into utopic and I tried it on RTM [16:08] <hallyn> rbasak: i'll do it then - thx, ttyl [16:08] <bdmurray> tedg: okay, great [16:08] <tedg> bdmurray, You might need to do that with a longer living process ID though, so it has time to grab info. [16:09] <tedg> bdmurray, The command line utility might be too fast for apport [16:26] <doko> RAOF, discussing with upstream. I don't like to apply patches which are not yet upstream. [16:31] <bdmurray> tedg: whenever I launch url-dispatcher I receive "** (process:3928): WARNING **: Unable to get name 'com.canonical.URLDispatcher'" [16:31] <tedg> bdmurray, Not the service the command line util. Thought it was on the image... [16:31] <hallyn> rbasak: i'm looking at except that the apparmor patch was wrong (the new script isn't executable) so i'l lhvae to wait for one more push :( [16:32] <rbasak> hallyn: ah yes. We discussed that. Can't transfer executable bit in a debdiff. Sorry! [16:34] <tedg> bdmurray, It basically does: gdbus call --session --dest com.canonical.URLDispatcher --object-path /com/canonical/URLDispatcher --method com.canonical.URLDispatcher.DispatchURL foo://bar " " [16:40] <infinity> hallyn: No one's stopping you from uploading an apparmor with the +x bit set... [16:40] <bdmurray> tedg: "Error: GDBus.Error:com.canonical.URLDispatcher.BadURL: URL 'foo://bar' is not handleable by the URL Dispatcher [16:40] <bdmurray> (According to introspection data, you need to pass 'ss')" [16:47] <doko> bdmurray, wgrant: could you have a look at ? you touched these packages for trusty-updates [16:48] <bdmurray> doko: don't you mean caribou? [16:50] <doko> bdmurray, ohh, maybe, you just signed [16:51] <bdmurray> doko: yeah, looking at the changelog it was caribou's SRU [17:22] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: Hey, regarding vbox dkms stuff, I'll push you some patches when I've got it all unwound. I have great motivation for the package to be in sync between Debian and Ubuntu, and zero interest in maintaining a fork. :P [17:41] <teward> infinity: thanks again for the assist yesterday :) [17:42] <teward> and apologies on the delay in uploading the nginx change, i got busy last night, then my internet crapped again. [17:55] <hallyn> infinity: yup, i was just waiting to make sure there's no competing upload comigng from security. ther eisn't [18:11] <gQuigs> does snappy or ubuntu core follow the same release cycle as normal releases? or is the current version permanently dev rolling? [18:13] <ogra_> gQuigs, #snappy is a better place for such questions i guess [18:14] <ogra_> (currently it is rolling, like the phone ... not sure what will happen after vivid release though) [18:15] <smoser> Laney, what bug were you talking about ? un-breaking and gnome-terminal [18:15] <gQuigs> ogra_: thanks [19:05] <tedg> bdmurray, That's correct, you want the error that it wasn't handlable, because that's when it files the recoverable error. [21:10] <aeoril> darkxst I am back now. I looked at bug 1315442 - you may remember this is the last bug I was working on with you. It is status "new" and "confirmed" but not triaged. I had a fix ready for it some time ago, but was wondering if I needed to do anything to the status before I submit a merge proposal since it is not triaged. Also, since I have been away so long, I will have to re-orient [21:10] <aeoril> myself on it and re-test the fix because I do not remember exactly where I left of on it [21:16] <aeoril> off on it* [21:16] <darkxst> aeoril, hi, just submit you merge proposal or debdiff [21:18] <darkxst> technically it could be marked triaged, but if your going to fix it, status doesnt matter too much [21:19] <aeoril> darkxst ok. I think I was going to do a debdiff - last thing I had to you in my IRC log files was: [21:19] <aeoril> [17:30] <aeoril> darkxst oh, ok - so no problem then. So, just to make sure, 'dhc -i' (add my comment to ChangeLog), (make my code change), 'sudo apt-get build-dep gdm', 'builddeb -S', 'debdiff old.dsc new.dsc > debdiff_name.debdiff', then attach debdiff to bug ... /?? [21:20] <darkxst> aeoril, yes, debdiff is fine for gdm [21:20] <aeoril> ok, cool - I will try to remember now everything I need to do! It has been a while, and am a little foggy. Thanks! [21:25] <aeoril> darkxst just to remind myself, when I use "dhc -i" and add a new version number, then "run builddeb -S", it will create a new new .dsc file with my changes in it with the name based on my new version number in ChangeLog, so I will have the original .dsc and the new one to run debdiff against, which will then only have my changes shown in it, then attach that to the bug and make a comment [21:25] <aeoril> to the effect "I have fixed this - look at the attached debdiff" or whatever? [21:26] <aeoril> well, add a comment with and attach the debdiff to it ... [21:28] <aeoril> darkxst also, I need to do all this on a vivid machine, not trusty? [21:28] <darkxst> its `dh -i`, but yes [21:29] <darkxst> you need to fix the vivid package first, but you can do that from trusty and test in a vivid VM [21:29] <GunnarHj> smoser: infinity fixed it yesterday, as you already have noticed. Sorry for making that stupid mistake. [21:38] <aeoril> darkxst isn't it actually "dch -i"? (to update the changlog) [21:38] <aeoril> changelog* [21:39] <darkxst> aeoril, yes, seems I can't type before coffee [21:39] <aeoril> darkxst just now having coffee? You must be in Australia or something! :) [21:49] <aeoril> darkxst I am having to remind myself - bzr branch lp:gdm will get the latest code from launchpad, which will be a vivid package? Then I "dch -i", update the changelog, make my code changes, then I "sudo apt-get builddep gdm" then "run builddeb -S" on it to create the .dsc and other necessary stuff, then the appropirate sbuild commnad to build for vivid, then test the binaries created by [21:49] <aeoril> sbuild on a vivid vm after installing, then if it all works, 'debdiff old.dsc new.dsc > debdiff_name.debdiff', make a new comment "I fixed it!" and attach debdiff to comment on bug? (sorry to ask so many questions - I want to make sure I am understanding/remembering how to build on trusty and test on vivid correctly) [21:50] <bdmurray> barry: If you are about could you merge [21:51] <barry> bdmurray: i'm almost eod and trying to finish something before then. if you haven't gotten it merged by tomorrow, please ping me [21:52] <bdmurray> barry: I'm on holiday tomorrow, its a 5 character string change and isn't a huge bug anyway [21:53] <infinity> aeoril: I wouldn't guarantee that lp:gdm will be what you want. If your intent is to produce debdiffs as your final product, not merge proposals, just stick with "pull-lp-source gdm", which is going to more reliably get you the current archive version. [21:53] <barry> bdmurray: i'll keep the tab open, but i may not get to it until tomorrow ;) [21:54] <aeoril> infinity then don't I need to do that on vivid? darkxst mentioned I could build a vivid package on trusty then test on vivid - wouldn't "pull-lp-source gdm" on trusty bring me a trusty package? [21:54] <infinity> aeoril: No, pull-lp-source defaults to the current devel release. You could also explicitly say "pull-lp-source gdm vivid" though. [21:56] <aeoril> infinity oh, ok - I did not understand. I thought it pulled for the version of the os you were running it from. Thanks! I will read the man page on it now [21:57] <aeoril> infinity "If no version or release is specified, the latest version in the development release will be downloaded." (from the man page) - thanks! :) [21:59] <aeoril> infinity but, just to clarify, I would need to use the appropriate sbuild command for vivid (I have the sbuild environment already set up for vivid) to build the binaries from that source for vivid to test on my vivid vm? [22:00] <aeoril> In other words, was the rest of what I said accurate in my list of what I need to do other than the part about how to get the source code? [22:01] <aeoril> (to build on trusty) [22:01] <infinity> aeoril: Well, for sbuild, you can set the default target in .sbuildrc [22:01] <infinity> aeoril: Mine is always set to the devel release, you can set yours to whatever you like. [22:01] <infinity> $distribution = 'vivid'; [22:02] <infinity> aeoril: But if you prefer not to set a default then, yes, you'd need to "sbuild -d vivid foo.dsc" [22:19] <aeoril> infinity I used "sbuild-launchpad-chroot" to make my sbuild environments, so I would use (IIRC) something like "sbuild --dist=vivid --arch=amd64 -c vivid-proposed+restricted-amd64-sbuild <dsc>" to do my build - see [22:44] <cyphermox> @pilot out [22:44] <cyphermox> boo udevbot. [22:46] <cyphermox> Unit193: thanks. [22:47] <Unit193> cyphermox: Sure, though he's still in here. (BTW, DalekSec == me) [22:48] <cyphermox> ah, [22:48] <cyphermox> well, I'm attempting to take care of that but I don't have access [22:48] <cyphermox> cjwatson: kees: lamont: ^? [22:52] <sarnold> thanks hggdh [22:52] <wgrant> Has someone reported him to staff? [22:52] <wgrant> He's crossed project boundaries now, so a K-line is in order. [22:52] <hggdh> sarnold: welcome. [22:52] <teward> wgrant: i know sarnold hopped into #freenode briefly [22:52] <wgrant> Ah, great. [22:52] <teward> wgrant: and i'm trying to find a live staffer to get heavy weapons upon the user asap, but... [22:53] <hggdh> wgrant: not yet, in the middle of a meeting [22:53] <sarnold> wgrant: I did, but I suspect little will come of it. :/ [23:03] <aeoril> darkxst infinity I have run into a problem - I used "pull-lp-source gdm" to get the latest source for gdm, and have made my changes and am ready to build, but it is not a bazaar branch, so I cannot run "bzr builddeb -S" to create the new .dsc file. Should I make it a bazaar branch using "bzr init" or whatever so I can do that, or is there some other better way? [23:03] <aeoril> (I looked all over the Internet and found nothing so far) [23:05] <wgrant> aeoril: debuild -S [23:05] <wgrant> bzr builddeb is a wrapper around debuild. [23:06] <aeoril> wgrant ok, thanks :) [23:12] <aeoril> wgrant yay! and debdiff worked great! Now, just to sbuild and test on vivid machine! :) [23:25] <hggdh> wgrant: for the record, no staff seems to be available. Ah well, we tried. [23:29] <teward> hggdh: i grabbed hold of one [23:29] <hggdh> teward: cool. Let's see what will come of it. [23:30] <teward> hggdh: they only just woke up afaict, but if you want, you can poke kloeri, the one who i grabbed hold of [23:30] <teward> lurking the gab channel still helps xD [23:30] <hggdh> kloeri already saw the beast [23:32] <teward> hggdh: and i believe they're going to handle it [23:33] <teward> although i suggested the use of IRC operator heavy weapons, the response i got was "I'm handling it"
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Adri2000", "GunnarHj", "Laney", "MrHeavy", "RAOF", "Riddell", "Unit193", "aeoril", "asac", "barry", "bdmurray", "cjwatson", "cyphermox", "darkxst", "didrocks", "doko", "flexiondotorg", "gQuigs", "hallyn", "hggdh", "infinity", "jhenke", "jodh", "lfrlucas", "mgedmin", "nrosvall", "ogra_", "peleg", "rbasak", "sarnold", "smoser", "tedg", "teward", "tseliot", "wgrant", "xnox" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-devel" }
[05:20] <_ruben> nebuchadnezzar: interesting! seems i got me some testing to do :) [08:51] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, Just tested your oem-config fixes on my VM at work. Brilliant! Well done you :) [10:45] <nebuchadnezzar> _ruben: sure, I need to rebase my work a little and this will break history and hope for integration into hands-off [10:46] <nebuchadnezzar> _ruben: making partman preseed easier is quite hard but I think my system based on hands-off help a lot, you can “subclass” a previous partitionning model or write one from scratch [12:19] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, How do the ship and ship-live seeds differ? [12:30] <cjwatson> Both are used to construct package pools on images that aren't installed by default but that are available for opportunistic or conditional installation during the initial install. ship is for d-i-based ("alternate") CDs; ship-live is for live ("desktop") CDs. [12:30] <cjwatson> You only build desktop CDs, so you probably don't need ship. [12:30] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, OK, because this is still as issue - [12:31] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, That I can not reproduce. But then again I do not have any EFI hardware. [12:31] <cjwatson> You should get installer logs from them. [12:31] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, I was wondering if adding some of the same packages (grub-pc, dmraid, etc) to ship-live might help? [12:32] <cjwatson> grub-pc is already in your ship-live. [12:33] <cjwatson> Anyway, I don't think that's it - this isn't about whether the package is available for installation [12:33] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, [12:33] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, There are many dupes. That one has some installer logs ^^^^^ [12:34] <cjwatson> You know I'm not really doing installer work any more, right? :) [12:34] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, I know, but you're very helpful ;) [12:34] <cjwatson> I can advise on seed layout, but I'm afraid I really don't have time to be pulled into a lengthy debugging exercise [12:34] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, I was up until 1am helping test stuff for cyphermox. [12:34] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, OK understood. [12:35] <cjwatson> 1429385 is from ages ago so could be no longer relevant; I'd suggest getting current logs [12:35] <cjwatson> Otherwise you can end up debugging already-fixed problems that happen to have similar symptoms [12:36] <cjwatson> We don't always surface the exact error very clearly, so users often report that something is the "same thing" when it's quite different underneath [12:36] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, OK. I'll see if I can persuade an EFI VBox without network connection to fail for me. [12:42] <cjwatson> flexiondotorg: If it's still "dpkg: error processing package grub-pc (--purge):" "subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 10", then that's debconf's "bad parameters" error code; you want to get a log with "debug-ubiquity" on the kernel command line to see what's actually going on there [12:42] <cjwatson> (which gives a full debconf trace of everything) [12:54] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, I simply can not coerce my VM or actual hardware to fail :( [12:54] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, I've requested logs. [14:06] <cyphermox> flexiondotorg: what's with the seeds? [14:06] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, ? [14:06] <cyphermox> I was reading backlog [14:06] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, First things first. You're oem-config fixed work. Really nice! [14:07] <cyphermox> thanks for testing that. I confirmed it looked as good as it should on mate, kubuntu, and ubuntu [14:07] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, I was just trying to understand the nature of some of the different seeds to see if there was a potential fix for an issue. [14:07] <cyphermox> ok [14:07] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, The seeds are fine :) [14:08] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, And I can't reproduce the error being reported. And fairly sure cjwatson and infinity helped me fix it a week or so back. [14:08] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, So, when will the new Ubiquity hit the repos? :) [14:08] <cyphermox> I should upload in a bit [14:08] <cyphermox> I'm finishing up the testing [14:09] <cyphermox> qemu tends to crash a lot [14:12] <flexiondotorg> cyphermox, Yes. I think the issue I had at home lastnight was just Vbox being, well, Vbox. [14:14] <cyphermox> ack [15:37] <infinity> cyphermox: Are you getting enough enthusiastic review from xnox that you don't need mine too? :P [15:39] <cyphermox> infinity: well, it really should be discussed ;) [15:39] <cyphermox> xnox: here? [15:39] <cyphermox> I know the sleep isn't great, and probably doesn't need to stick given using a separate target [15:41] <cyphermox> and tbh I didn't try linking the targets because it means other dependency fun, like precisely what was happening before, where when you remove oem-config package it removes the .service, so there is nothing anymore to block display-manager from starting way too early for its own good [15:41] <infinity> cyphermox: Could fix targets a bit, or could loop over 'pgrep -u oem' [15:41] <xnox> cyphermox: yeah. [15:41] <cyphermox> ie. before oem-config-firstboot is finished removing the oem user [15:41] <cyphermox> infinity: given the targets we probably don't need the sleep and extra pkill. [15:41] <infinity> cyphermox: Any time you're sleeping due to hardware not being fast enough, you'll never get it right for all hardware. And by the time you do, you're sleeping for an hour. [15:41] <cyphermox> (or any pkill at all, for that matter) [15:42] <cyphermox> infinity: I know :) [15:42] <cyphermox> that's exactly what I keep telling people when they suggest timeout and delays and whatnot in NM [15:43] <infinity> Anyhow, discuss with xnox if there's an entirely better way to do this, as he seems to think there is, but if you decide to keep the current code, turn the sleep into a while pgrep loop instead. Will be much faster for 99% of us and 100% correct for the slow cases. [15:44] <cyphermox> infinity: like I said, I think it can all be dropped instead :) [15:45] <infinity> Which is even better, agreed. [15:45] <cyphermox> there shouldn't be anything from the oem user if isn't getting started [15:46] <cyphermox> xnox: so what were you suggesting re: having wantedby [15:46] <cyphermox> I haven't tried but it still concerns me that as soon as the file disappears will continue starting and it basically won't change a thing :) [15:47] <cyphermox> fwiw, before that oem-config.service was a dependency of multi-user, not graphical. [15:48] <xnox> infinity: cyphermox: imho cyphermox's code is good to go in as is. [15:48] <xnox> doing "wantedby" magic is "better" but for later. [15:50] <cyphermox> then I'll drop the extra sleep and pkill, and dch -r. [18:02] <cyphermox> xnox: sounds like you know systemd units pretty well?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "_ruben", "cjwatson", "cyphermox", "flexiondotorg", "infinity", "nebuchadnezzar", "xnox" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-installer" }
[16:50] <xedot> i was directed here since: [16:50] <xedot> [12:38:54] #F'#ubuntu unable to join channel (address is banned) [16:50] <xedot> could someone help me? [16:51] <xedot> ive never been to the ubuntu chan (that i remember) [16:58] <genii> xedot: On March 5 you were in there, it looks like you had some script that pulls random quotes off of and puts them in the channel. You were asked to turn it off but the spam continued. You were then removed. [17:01] <genii> xedot: Additionally, some of the quotes were Not Safe For Work and so inappropriate to the content rules of the channel. [17:04] <xedot> what? [17:04] <xedot> can you show me logs? [17:05] <genii> xedot: Sure. Give me a couple minutes [17:07] <genii> xedot: ..if you search for your nickname you will find it [17:07] <xedot> ok i see it now [17:07] * xedot was goin thru his own logs [17:07] <xedot> thats so weird [17:08] <xedot> i'd forgotten i even had that .mrc still loaded [17:08] <xedot> can i pm you? [17:09] <genii> xedot: It is better that instead we discuss here in the channel so that the other operators can see [17:09] <xedot> oh [17:09] <xedot> ok [17:10] <xedot> if i remove it from my client could i be let back in please? it was purely unintentional, i assure you [17:13] <genii> xedot: I will remove it sometime before the next hour, as I have time from my regular work. Try again to enter in about 45 to 50 minutes [17:15] <xedot> ok, thank you so much....and again, i am sorry [17:44] <genii> xedot: You should be able to enter #ubuntu now. [17:48] <genii> @comment 66524 User agrees not to use the script in the channel. Removed. [17:50] <genii> xedot: Please also exit this channel unless you have further questions or issued which require moderator assistance :) [22:37] <xedot> ah ok yea sry [22:41] <hggdh> can someone with ops access on -meeting please kick & ban FatBack? [22:41] <hggdh> [FatBack] ( Fat Back [22:43] <Unit193> Hit -motu and -devel too, and rww isn't here. [22:43] <k1l_> ubuntu members do have access there too, hggdh [22:44] <hggdh> for whatever reason I am unable to gain ops there. Something hosed on my setup here [22:46] <hggdh> well. worked on -desktop [22:48] <hggdh> whatever happened, I suddenly got ops on -meeting. I guess chanserv was busy elsewhere [22:50] <Unit193> hggdh: Danke. -motu too? :) [22:50] <hggdh> going there [22:50] <hggdh> Unit193: bitte [22:52] <hggdh> Unit193: done [22:53] <k1l_> same guy as [FrogLeg] ( Frog Leg yesterday [22:58] <hggdh> new personality for HFS+? [22:58] <k1l_> hi totem, how can we help you? [22:58] * hggdh really, really, has to fix macros [22:58] <totem> oh ok [23:45] <popey> how come randoms can set the /topic in -touch? [23:45] <Unit193> No t cmode. [23:45] <k1l_> the channel is not set +t [23:45] <k1l_> which is fine for channels where users should be able to [23:46] <popey> thanks for setting it correctly k1l_ [23:47] <k1l_> iirc that troll last days was the only issue so far on the topic.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "genii", "hggdh", "k1l_", "popey", "totem", "xedot" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ops" }
[12:58] <ozette> does anyone know what i'm missing when g++: -marm and -mfpu=vfpv3 command line options are unrecognized?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ozette" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-arm" }
[22:44] <cyphermox> IdleOne: tu peux aider? [22:45] <cyphermox> IdleOne: trouble d'accès dans #ubuntu-devel et #ubuntu-desktop, potentiellement
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cyphermox" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-qc" }
[10:58] <grue_pm> cjwatson: hey col [10:59] <cjwatson> grue_pm: hi [15:41] <KaZeR> hi cjwatson [16:08] <KaZeR> is there a launchpad admin around? I'm having some issues with uploading translations from a script [16:11] <cjwatson> slightly still around but really busy as last day before holidays, with you in a bit [16:17] <KaZeR> thanks cjwatson [16:22] <cjwatson> dpm: ^- do you think you could help KaZeR out with their ubuntu-l10n-tools problem? The only useful thing I can see from server logs has been, which for some reason is turning into a 500 rather than a 403, but regardless, it looks like a creds problem and my suspicion is it's client-side [16:23] <KaZeR> cjwatson: can we do one real quick test together? i'd like to know if my own upload script faces the same issue. if it does i might be able to troubleshoot it more easily than the ubuntu-l10n-tools [16:27] <cjwatson> KaZeR: it's going to take me more time to sync the logs than I have left, so I doubt I could contribute anything [16:28] <cjwatson> today at least [16:28] <KaZeR> ok i understand. i thought that you had direct access to the logs [16:28] <dobey> KaZeR: what is the actual problem? [16:28] <dobey> KaZeR: is it soem command i can run here for example? [16:28] <cjwatson> I have direct-ish access, but only by rsync and that takes a while because there are lots of individual very large files [16:29] <KaZeR> dobey: sure. here's what i'm trying to do : [16:29] <KaZeR> ./translations-lp-upload -p navit -e trunk -t navit /home/navit/github/bin/po/navit.pot -k launchpad.sqlite [16:29] <KaZeR> 2015-03-31 18:27:31,283 ERROR Template upload failed (error 500, URL [16:30] <dobey> whtere does ubuntu-i18n-tools come from? [16:30] <cjwatson> lp:ubuntu-l10n-tools [16:30] <KaZeR> cjwatson: found this yesterday in the logs : [16:30] <cjwatson> (NOT i18n) [16:30] <cjwatson> the traceback amounts to "you aren't a translations admin", but you should be [16:30] <KaZeR> dobey: if you know of a better script / tool /workflow i'm interested, but this is the only tool i found so far [16:38] <dobey> KaZeR: so you're only uploading the template? why not just configure lp to automatically get it? [16:39] <KaZeR> dobey: i'd love that. the only other way i found in the doc was to use a bzr branch, but we don't use bazaar [16:39] <dobey> oh, it's not in the source tree? [16:39] <KaZeR> nop, it's build automatically during compilation [16:40] <KaZeR> i want to have our CI server push the updates to launchpad [16:43] <dobey> well i get a 403 [16:43] <dobey> which makes sense [16:44] <dobey> but on the other hand, why is this using the firefox cookies db for auth [16:44] <KaZeR> that's what's in the doc :) [16:49] <dobey> yeah, i wasn't asking why you were. i was asking why the code was :) [16:50] <KaZeR> ha :D [16:50] <dobey> looks like the API doesn't quite have a way to upload a template :-/ [16:50] <KaZeR> i tried to wrote a small perl script ( using Mechanize ) to do it on my side, but i'm facing an issue that seems similar ( tho, it does not require the firefox cookies ) [16:51] <KaZeR> my script does not use the api, it really uses the form to upload [16:51] <dobey> right. as does the translations-lp-upload tool [16:53] <KaZeR> using my own script i'm getting : Error POSTing Internal Server Error at line 20. [16:54] <KaZeR> i might not be using oauth as i should. can you tell me a bit more about this ( anyway, it's weird that i'm getting a 500 ) [17:09] <dpm> cjwatson, looking at it now [17:11] <dpm> dobey, so yeah, it seems you have answered the questions yourself [17:11] <dpm> in summary, we're jumping through hoops a bit as a workaround for not having an API [17:12] <dpm> although IIRC, support for managing templates was added a while ago to the API [17:12] * dpm looks [17:13] <dobey> i don't see it in the stable api docs at least [17:14] <dpm> I'm wondering if there was any bit where you're required to be a LP Translations admin to do the upload (as opposed to being the project admin) [17:14] <cjwatson> being the project owner implies having the launchpad.TranslationsAdmin permission on the project [17:14] <cjwatson> see lib/lp/ [17:15] <cjwatson> assuming that's being checked on the right object, at least [17:15] <dpm> ok [17:16] <cjwatson> hm, actually, that's not the right permission class [17:16] <dpm> ah, no if I'm reading this correctly, the only API bit implemented is to read or modify existing templates: [17:16] <cjwatson> it'd be EditPOTemplateDetails, I think [17:16] <dpm> (re: the question whether there is API we can use for uploading) [17:17] <cjwatson> still, owner of the product should suffice [17:17] <dpm> ok [18:02] <teward> there's no way to track multiple bugs from Debian per bug is there? [18:02] <teward> (in Ubuntu bugs) [18:05] <dobey> not in the same package [18:05] <dobey> if they are in different packages in debian/ubuntu, you should be able to add each debian bug separately as a task [18:06] <teward> problem is the Ubuntu bug ends up covering two Debian bugs, in the same package [18:06] <teward> so meh [18:06] <dobey> should probably be two ubuntu bugs then, or one debian bug should be marked a dup of the other [18:06] <teward> mmm [18:07] <teward> might just file the second launchpad bug, dupe em. The fix for one bug down here in ubuntu squishes two bugs in Debian, and the same commit in Debian squishes two bugs so meh. [18:07] <teward> not important, i'll just add a note about it being related via comments [18:26] <sidi> is there a way to transfer the ownership of a PPA to a team? [18:27] <cjwatson> sidi: A PPA's ownership is part of its identity, so not as such, but you can easily create a new PPA for the team and copy all the packages into it with binaries, so you don't have to rebuild everything. [18:27] <sidi> cjwatson, i see, thanks [18:28] <cjwatson> Technically it's also possible to grant upload access to a team without changing ownership (edit-acl in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools can do that), although there's no UI for that and it's generally a bit opaque. [18:36] <sidi> cjwatson, Turns out I had accidentally created a personal PPA (for ~sidi) when creating a new recipe on a project when i meant it to go to the existing team's PPA [18:36] <sidi> i got myself confused for a second thinking I had made this PPA for ~sidi and not for the team, and hadn't yet noticed [18:37] <sidi> cjwatson, i didnt know there were UI-less things! actually i'm sometimes a bit annoyed that navigating through PPA / branches is so hard. i suspect you guys are such experts at it that you don't realise how complex it is to third parties ;-) [22:43] <DalekSec> cjwatson: You're likely about to have a problem in the channel. [22:52] <DalekSec> wgrant: Thanks. [23:09] <KaZeR> wgrant: what about setting +t ? [23:09] <teward> i said that yesterday and they said "Not a frequent enough issue" [23:09] <wgrant> KaZeR: I don't see value in +t [23:09] <teward> (in multiple channels) [23:09] <wgrant> This happens maybe twice a year. [23:09] <KaZeR> np, it's up to you. [23:09] <wgrant> It's far more valuable that someone can come along and put an outage announcement in the topic, for example. [23:10] <KaZeR> that makes sense
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DalekSec", "KaZeR", "cjwatson", "dobey", "dpm", "grue_pm", "sidi", "teward", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad" }
[03:43] <compacey> Need a registration code [05:54] <lordievader> Good morning. [10:31] <stack3457> I am using Kubuntu 13.04 and want to upgrade it to 14.04 ensuring the backupdata is safe. Any suggestions? [10:33] <hateball> !eolupgrade [10:51] <BluesKaj> Hi folks [12:53] <derajat> new user [13:29] <faLUCE> hello. do you know if ubuntu works well on an Asus F200MA-BING-KX376B notebook? [13:34] <lordievader> faLUCE: Ubuntu? This is #kubuntu ;) Anyhow, you could try a live-cd/usb to see how well it works. [14:11] <aftereyo> is irc anything other that join and leave messages? [14:12] <soee> if depends [14:12] <soee> *ut [14:12] <soee> but basicaly yes - it i text chat [14:13] <soee> *it is [14:13] <floogy> Hi, I got on several kde application warnings as follows: Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/65-ttf-sil-andika.conf", line 32: Having multiple <family> in <alias> isn't supported and may not work as expected [14:14] <soee> lordievader: ^ have you seen this before ? [14:30] <lordievader> Sounds like a misconfigured font. [14:30] <lordievader> And no, I haven't seen it before. [14:53] <xodiac> I'm having trouble using the touchpad to click on objects. I have an ASUS with one of those huge Apple type pads that allows you click anywhere on the touchpad. However, when I do this, the cursor often moves off of the object I want to select. Can anyone offer any advice on how I might fix this issue [15:43] <OtterCoder> So does anyone have trouble with getting wifi? I have a dual-boot laptop that has no connecitivity issues on Windows 8.1, but it's super choppy on Ubuntu... [15:46] <frecel> OtterCoder: what wifi chipset are you using? [15:48] <OtterCoder> frecel: Where do I pull that up/what command? [15:48] <frecel> OtterCoder: nm-tool [15:49] <OtterCoder> 802.11 [15:51] <OtterCoder> Could it be a problem with the fact that I'm using one of those N wifi routers? [15:52] <OtterCoder> lspci gives me: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter [15:53] <frecel> OtterCoder: and it does work but the connection is just bad? [15:53] <frecel> as in slow, or high packet loss, or it keeps disconnecting? [15:55] <OtterCoder> Yeah, it runs fine, and quickly for an hour or two, and then it has this blip of zero connectivity that doesn't resolve unless I disable and re-enable wifi. [15:57] <frecel> OtterCoder: that is strange, I wouldn't even know how to log something like that to see what causes the issue tbh [15:57] <frecel> OtterCoder: what version of kubuntu are you using? [15:58] <OtterCoder> Checking. [15:58] <OtterCoder> Ubuntu 14.10... I'm on the wrong channel, aren't I... [15:59] * OtterCoder facepalms. [15:59] <frecel> OtterCoder: yup [15:59] <OtterCoder> Thanks anyway. [16:00] <frecel> OtterCoder: when you get to #Ubuntu say that your wifi is not working properly and you blame popey for it [16:00] <OtterCoder> lol, sure. [17:07] <georgelappies> join /ubuntu [18:09] <Graf_Westerholt> When I start “binary clock” from krunner and start “xeyes” from krunner, “binary clock” turns into xeyes, too. [18:10] <kairox87> hey guys is it normal that my dell labtop with i5 M580 cpu is running only opengl 2.1 or it can work with opengl 4 or something [18:12] <darthanubis> kairox87: need more info..where are you seeing this, what video card ... [18:14] <kairox87> no i don't have a dedicataed video card but only intel cpu which is an i5 but i think why it can't work with a new version of opengl like 4 version [18:32] <kairox87> no i don't have a dedicataed video card but only intel cpu which is an i5 but i think why it can't work with a new version of opengl like 4 version [20:51] <timblechmann> hi, i've been testing kubuntu 15.04 on one of my machines, worked more or less fine until yesterday … now sometimes it freezes when logging into the plasma shell … if it gets further, the keyboard does not react and mouse clicks behave as if some keyboard modifiers were pressed [20:51] <timblechmann> is this a known issue? [20:52] <ahoneybun> timblechmann: I have not experienced that before [20:52] <MoonUnit`> timblechmann: could be this [20:53] <soee> timblechmann: you can move cursor but apps do not respond ? [20:53] <MoonUnit`> a fix was released yesterday, update and dist-upgrade [20:53] <soee> and whole desktop? [20:54] <timblechmann> MoonUnit`: does not look like this … only 2 of 32 gig are in use [20:55] <timblechmann> soee: it really seems to be a focussing thing [20:55] <timblechmann> i have 3 apps open which are loaded at the startup [20:55] <soee> ? [20:56] <timblechmann> when one window is active, i cannot move the focus to another app [20:56] <timblechmann> clicking gives me the cross cursor (like for moving a window) [20:56] <soee> timblechmann: well there were some updates related to kio that might be teh problem [20:56] <soee> check if you have all latest updates [20:57] <timblechmann> right-clicking gives me a resize cursor [20:57] <timblechmann> hmm [20:57] <timblechmann> when should these updates cycle to the servers? [20:57] <timblechmann> this behavior started yesterday evening [21:01] <soee> well i can't reproduce this :) [21:02] <soee> but im after system break after propriety driver test -.- [21:03] <ahoneybun> soee: nvidia? [21:03] <soee> ahoneybun: yup [21:03] <ahoneybun> I installed the nvidia driver [21:03] <ahoneybun> seems fine [21:03] <ahoneybun> nevermine [21:04] <soee> uhm ahoneybunwith nvidia-prime ? [21:04] <ahoneybun> seems it switched back to free driver [21:04] <ahoneybun> yea soee [21:04] <ahoneybun> applying the driver again [21:04] <soee> ahoneybun: oh it didn't boot at all for me [21:05] <ahoneybun> it switched to the free one for some reason (at least that is what driver manager says [21:05] * ahoneybun just installed again with sddm selected as display manager [21:05] <soee> just black screen, after: #prime-switch intel i had sddm but after login system freezed after few seconds, i could move only cursor [21:06] <soee> *prime-select [21:06] <ahoneybun> #prime-select? [21:06] <soee> ahoneybun: yes, command to switch profiles [21:07] <ahoneybun> in the cmd? [21:07] <ahoneybun> never switched before [21:07] <soee> you can check current one with: prime-select query [21:07] <soee> than yu can switch using: prime-select intel [21:08] <soee> or prime-select nvidia [21:08] <ahoneybun> cool [21:08] <ahoneybun> soee: did you have a option in driver manager to "Using Processor microcode firmware for Inter CPU's from intel-microcode" [21:08] <soee> ahoneybun: yes [21:09] <soee> i checked it, installed, but i have no idea wht it does :D [21:09] <ahoneybun> I did not check it [21:10] <MoonUnit`> there was a long thread on phoronix about the microcode [21:10] <soee> nyway after my apptemt to run propriet drivers, it messed up sometihng in some config file [21:12] <soee> MoonUnit`: thanks. something to read [21:12] <ahoneybun> soee: well it is installer time to reboot and see if it broke :D [21:12] <soee> :) [21:15] * ahoneybun reboots [21:23] <ahoneybun> soee: that was not a fun journey [21:23] <soee> oh > [21:23] <soee> ? [21:24] <ahoneybun> plasmashell and krunner kept showing errors [21:24] <ahoneybun> crashing [21:25] <ahoneybun> so I switched to intel and rebooted and now I'm here [21:25] <ahoneybun> working fine [21:25] <ahoneybun> soee: thanks a lot for that prime-select info lol [21:25] <soee> :] [21:26] <ahoneybun> where can I get the logs? [21:30] <ahoneybun> soee: at least I can make it workable again [21:32] <soee> lets hope it all will be fixed before final 15.04 release [21:34] <ahoneybun> only if we provide logs and test :) [22:55] <karlitos> ? [22:58] <soee> hiho karlitos [22:58] <soee> !ask [23:00] <karlitos> :-) [23:28] <Finetundra> hello, I seem unable to automatically connect to wifi networks at boot. is this a common issue? [23:29] <valorie> Finetundra: using what version of Kubuntu? [23:30] <valorie> 14.04, 14.10, the new beta? [23:30] <Finetundra> valorie: 14.04. This issue has only happened recently [23:33] <valorie> hmmm, that's not good [23:34] <Finetundra> valorie: honestly its just a pain. it is corrected after swapping desktop enviroments however that requires me to log in 3 times(once into one then back out then to the first) [23:34] <valorie> in the configs, in 14.10 at least I had to click not only "automatically connect" [23:34] <valorie> but also "all users can connect" [23:34] <valorie> as a workaround for a bug [23:35] <valorie> I'm unsure whether or not they fixed it, because my laptop wireless card died [23:35] <valorie> so I'm on a wire [23:35] <valorie> not happy about that [23:36] <ahoneybun> I only have a issue once my network shuts down and it cannot see the network (once it turns back on: 15.04) [23:37] <Finetundra> valorie: I imagine that's a pain. I'll double check but I'm pretty sure that all users are set to have permission to connect [23:37] <valorie> I bought a wireless dongle, but KDE doesn't seem to see/use it [23:37] <Finetundra> valorie: that could be a firmware issue [23:37] <valorie> fortunately I can connect with a wire [23:38] <valorie> yes, and of course it is made for windows/mac [23:38] <valorie> but supposedly works on linux too [23:39] <ahoneybun> valorie: belkin ones work well for linux [23:39] * ahoneybun has one belkin dongle [23:40] <Finetundra> valorie: dependong on the brand and model it may be more or less a painful thing to get working [23:40] <valorie> this is sabrent [23:41] <valorie> and the driver wants me to go in and set the kernel version etc. [23:41] <valorie> very suspicious that the driver manager doesn't offer a driver [23:42] <ahoneybun> valorie: I'll bring it along to akademy incase you don't get one before then
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Finetundra", "Graf_Westerholt", "MoonUnit`", "OtterCoder", "aftereyo", "ahoneybun", "compacey", "darthanubis", "derajat", "faLUCE", "floogy", "frecel", "georgelappies", "hateball", "kairox87", "karlitos", "lordievader", "soee", "stack3457", "timblechmann", "valorie", "xodiac" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu" }
[05:24] <Kilos> morning all [06:19] <Kilos> hi ThatGraemeGuy [06:21] <Squirm> morning [06:21] <Squirm> Nvm - Off to work [06:21] <Squirm> chat later [06:21] <Kilos> ok [06:21] <Kilos> go safe [06:45] <ThatGraemeGuy> morning peoples [07:19] <ThatGraemeGuy> anyone using 15.04 already? [07:19] <Kilos> nope are you? [07:19] <Kilos> ill try it when officially released [07:19] <ThatGraemeGuy> not yet, but considering it [07:20] <ThatGraemeGuy> i usually install when the second beta hits [07:20] <ThatGraemeGuy> has served me well for all this time [07:20] <Kilos> i once installed with the second beta but its not the same as an official release [07:20] <ThatGraemeGuy> no idea what you mean by that [07:20] <Kilos> the finishing touches make everything better [07:21] <ThatGraemeGuy> mm ok [07:21] <ThatGraemeGuy> debatable but whatever [07:22] <Kilos> i once watched them on the dev channel just before a release and they do lots of finishing [07:23] <ThatGraemeGuy> well that's kinda obvious isn't it, if there was nothing else happening after final beta, then it wouldn't be the final beta, it would be the released version [07:23] <Kilos> lol [07:24] <Kilos> ya well i cant do finishing things like the clever peeps so ill wait rether [07:24] <Kilos> rather [07:25] <Kilos> they know what they are doing, i just break things [07:33] <Kilos> hi psyatw [07:34] <psyatw> hi Kilos [07:53] <Kilos> hi TinuvaMac [09:43] <Squirm> Hello [09:43] <Kilos> hi Squirm [11:57] <gremble> Good day y'all [11:57] <Kilos> hi gremble [11:57] <Kilos> hi pieter2627 [11:57] <gremble> How are you Kilos [11:58] <Kilos> im good ty gremble and you? [11:58] <gremble> I am well thank you [12:13] <pieter2627> hi Kilos [13:01] <Squirm> Today [13:01] <Squirm> is [13:01] <Squirm> draggign [13:07] <ThatGraemeGuy> [13:19] <Squirm> ThatGraemeGuy: That's brilliant! [13:21] <ThatGraemeGuy> if only they did that here [13:33] <Squirm> I'd have gone [13:33] <Squirm> and if they refused [13:34] <Squirm> Held them to their word :D [13:34] <Squirm> False advertising and all [13:34] <Squirm> :P [13:34] <Kilos> lol [13:40] <Kilos> inetpro its the second, you dont have to hide anymore [15:05] <Kilos> wbb, needs to do some ineternal investigation [15:17] <Kilos> oh my, spooks visit here too [15:27] * Kilos hates getting things working and not know how i did it [15:47] <Squirm> Home [15:47] <Squirm> 1 week leave [15:47] <Squirm> :D [15:47] <Kilos> yay [16:17] <Kilos> wb Tonberry [16:18] <Tonberry> hi [16:25] <Kilos> hi drussell hows ya doing? [16:30] <Mopkop> Hello! [16:30] <Maaz> Mopkop: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell mopkop Please upload your branch, finished or not , so it can be reviewed and site go live" 2 days, 21 hours, 48 minutes and 6 seconds ago [16:30] <Mopkop> O sorry, I'll get to that just now... [16:30] <Kilos> hi Mopkop hoe gaan dit seun? [16:31] <Kilos> vergeet dit eers en vertel my hoe dit met jou gaan man [16:32] <Mopkop> Hello oom. Baie om voor dankbaar te wees! En self? Jammer ek het so weggeraak. Ek sukkel met time management. Ek het nou vir 'n time management kursus ingeskryf by UNISA, en dit gaan al baie beter! [16:34] <Kilos> haha keer hulle jou om te doen wat jy wil en wanner [16:34] <Mopkop> Ja, mens moet verantwoording doen vir elke minuut van jou dag, self as jy tande borsel! [16:35] <Mopkop> Maar dit werk :) [16:35] <Kilos> sjoe [16:35] <Mopkop> O ja, Moes weer format, het weer my klank gebreek :( [16:35] <Mopkop> Nou moet ek weer bzr laai... [16:35] <Kilos> my [16:37] <Kilos> maak net seker daai kursus sit n halw uur of meer elke dag vir ubuntu [16:38] <Mopkop> Meer as dit. Die hele aand eintlik! Hulle sê mens moet ten minste 33% van jou dag gee vir werk en studies. Ek doen net studies to 5 uur, so die res van die tyd het ek vir kerk en Ubuntu :) [16:39] <Kilos> rofl [16:40] <Mopkop> O, en ek het toe Python geleer :) [16:40] <Kilos> mooi [16:41] <Mopkop> Maar dit was 2, moet nou net leer hoe 3 verskil. [16:41] <Kilos> n begin is n begin [16:43] <Kilos> en dit sal jou goed te stand kom as jy alby ken [16:44] <Mopkop> Is daar enige nice video's oor Ubuntu, wat mense sal kry om dit te gebruik. Ek soek 'n kort video wat ek onder 'Get Ubuntu' kan sit. [16:44] <Kilos> sjoe ons sal by die slimmes moet hoor [16:45] <Kilos> soos n advertensie video? [16:45] <Mopkop> Ja! [16:45] <Kilos> of een wat wys hoe om te werk daarmee [16:45] <Mopkop> Enigiets wat mense sal aanspoor om dit te download. [16:46] <Mopkop> Wat can die? [16:46] <Kilos> [16:47] <Mopkop> O nee wag die youtube een is oud. [16:47] <Kilos> ek kannie youtube of videos doen nie seun. pc te stadig en data verdwyn gou [16:48] <Kilos> die ding is als verander te gou , elke ses maande is n nuwe release [16:49] <Mopkop> In Duitsland is internet verniet en steeds vinniger as hier :( Ja, dis hoekom ek aan iets generies gedink het. [16:50] <Kilos> kyk ook na die ene [16:51] <Kilos> maar los eers al die fancy goed laat ons net die site aan die gang kry [16:52] <Mopkop> Ok :) [16:52] <Kilos> jy kan mos later ekstra goed inwerk of hoe? [16:53] <Mopkop> Dis waar! Ek moes reeds, 'n paar goed uithaal :( [16:54] <Kilos> lol [16:59] <Kilos> ek gaan eet nou [17:03] <Mopkop> Geniet dit! [17:11] <Kilos> hi georgelappies [17:11] <georgelappies> hi Kilos, how are you [17:11] <Kilos> good ty busy eating [17:12] <georgelappies> long time since I've been here ;) [17:12] <Kilos> always good when im filling my face [17:12] <Kilos> hows you? [17:12] <georgelappies> aah eating is always good [17:12] <Kilos> ya you very naughty [17:12] <georgelappies> I am fine thanks [17:12] <georgelappies> lol [17:12] <Kilos> where you been? [17:13] <georgelappies> been taking a break between my studies [17:13] <Kilos> you okes break with the wrong stuff man [17:13] <Kilos> hows thew studies going? [17:14] <Kilos> the [17:15] <georgelappies> studies is going well thanks [17:15] <Kilos> good [17:16] <georgelappies> yeah, wife needs some attention as well :) So between studies and work, I try and spend some time with family as well [17:16] <Kilos> good man [17:17] <Kilos> a happy wife is the main ingredient in every happy marriage [17:25] <Kilos> Mopkop how do you break your audio every time [17:25] <georgelappies> very true [17:26] <Mopkop> Kilos: This time I tried installing Realtek drivers to cancel out the static on the Microphone. Not a good idea! [17:27] <Kilos> lol what do you do with a mike? [17:32] <Kilos> Mopkop save this link [17:32] <Kilos> [17:33] <Mopkop> O thank you Kilos! But I already solved that problem. I just keep creating new ones I have to fix :( [17:34] <Kilos> lol [17:35] <Kilos> bit more practise and you can join the bugsquad [17:35] <Mopkop> Haha! [17:36] <Kilos> im serious they need helpers badly [17:36] <Kilos> knowing python will be a big advantage i think [17:37] <Mopkop> Who is the bugsquad? [17:37] * Kilos waves to tumbleweed [17:37] <Kilos> they the ubuntu peeps that fix bugs [17:37] <Kilos> hi magellanic ty all good now [17:38] <Mopkop> Lol, duh. :P. [17:38] <Kilos> im sure now i had to do the same thing on unity a year ago [17:38] <Mopkop> Hello magellanic! [17:38] <magellanic> heya [17:39] <magellanic> Kilos: ah, the auto mute? or the modules config? [17:39] <Kilos> i did both [17:39] <Kilos> last time too [17:39] <Kilos> haha [17:39] <magellanic> lol [17:39] <magellanic> are your tunes clear now? [17:39] <Kilos> yeah lekker ty [17:40] <magellanic> nice [17:40] <Kilos> and i put the alsaequal think too and turned down some volumes [17:40] <magellanic> yeah I saw people complaining about volumes in the forums [17:41] <Kilos> yeah crazy to drive speakers with built in amps with full volume [17:42] <magellanic> if you get the time and inclined, remove that module setting and try, curious to see if it was the driver or alsa [17:43] <Kilos> nono if it aint broke dont fix it [17:43] <Kilos> leave well enough alone [17:43] <magellanic> lol okay [17:44] <Mopkop> I really should learn to follow that advice... [17:44] <Kilos> lol [18:18] <magespawn> good evening [18:19] <Kilos> hi magespawn [18:19] <Kilos> long time no see [18:20] <magespawn> a little while, been busy [18:21] <Kilos> haha everyones favourite excuse [18:22] <Kilos> even busy sleeping is busy at something [18:24] <magespawn> that is the next item n the agenda [18:24] <Kilos> lol [18:24] <Kilos> you ok lad? [18:25] <magespawn> just tired, too much work with the public holidays taing away two days [18:25] <Kilos> ai! [18:25] <magespawn> s/taing/taking [18:27] <Mopkop> Hello magespawn! [18:27] <magespawn> hi Mopkop [18:28] <Mopkop> I just have the homepage left. Would it be OK to steal from the Ubuntu-ZA site? [18:28] <Kilos> yes [18:28] <magespawn> Kilos: but it will be good to have some time off [18:28] <Kilos> always magespawn [18:29] <Kilos> Mopkop what superfly doesnt like he will change' [18:29] <Kilos> ohi superfly [18:29] <Mopkop> I think he is going to redo the entire site :( [18:29] <Kilos> letys hope not [18:30] <magespawn> maybe i can get around to learning restructured text [18:30] <Kilos> otherwise it means you gotta study harder [18:30] <Kilos> Mopkop let him see it and he will give advise, thats how one learns [18:30] <Kilos> advice [18:49] <superfly> hi Kilos [18:58] <Mopkop> Kilos: Can I steal this from you? "Ubuntu African Teams gathers all active Ubuntu Local Community Teams in Africa. The main objective of Ubuntu African Teams is to bring all the teams together to help each other and cooperate on different issues and activities" [18:58] <Kilos> yes of course [18:59] <Kilos> dont forget that all other linux users are welcome to join us as well [19:24] <Kilos> oh Mopkop and of course to promote and grow ubuntu in africa [19:25] <Kilos> grow, expand , spread, im not sure what sounds best [19:25] <Kilos> hi captine [19:25] <captine> hi there [19:25] <Maaz> captine: By the way, superfly on freenode told me "Tell captine I've merged your changes and they're live on the site." 2 days, 23 hours, 47 minutes and 17 seconds ago [19:25] <Kilos> oh wb captine [19:26] <captine> man. been a tough week or two [19:26] <Kilos> see how long you been missing [19:26] <captine> yip [19:27] <Kilos> stay strong things cant get very much worse before something breaks [19:27] <captine> lol [19:28] <captine> think my laptop is about to die [19:28] <Kilos> oh no [19:28] <captine> sounds very weird... like a morse code sound [19:28] <captine> when i type [19:28] <Kilos> when last did you blow all the dust out [19:29] <Kilos> never i spose [19:30] <captine> long [19:30] <captine> u right.. never [19:30] <captine> lol [19:31] <captine> am secretly wanting to retire it... lol [19:31] <captine> still running ubuntu at work so have not used this one much. will see how long I can get by running it [19:32] <Kilos> i run a retirement village for old pcs [19:32] <Kilos> but try removing the keyboard and use strong compressed air to blow all the dust out [19:36] <captine> will have to, but no compressed air [19:37] <Kilos> all garages have plenty [19:37] <Kilos> you just ask then for the valve from an old tube and put that in the punp nozzle [19:39] <Kilos> those things they pumps cars tires with [19:41] <Kilos> if you not sure how dirty it is inside you can install psensor and check temps [19:41] <Kilos> oi [19:42] <inetpro> good mornings [19:42] <inetpro> oops... where did the day go? [19:42] <Kilos> morning inetpro [19:43] <Kilos> you didnt even see me mocking you today [19:43] <Kilos> sjoe [19:44] <Kilos> must be very busy, ill organise a long weekend for you [19:45] <Mopkop> Lol [19:45] <inetpro> ty Kilos [19:45] <Mopkop> Almost done, just have to add some padding... [19:45] <Kilos> yw my friend [19:45] <Kilos> go moppie [19:47] <Kilos> ill even stay up to see what happens [19:52] <Mopkop> Yay, now I can just commit. I hope I remember how... [19:52] <Kilos> lol [19:53] <Kilos> dont ask me im full from rtfs and getting nowhere [19:54] <Mopkop> PS, I am not to be held responsible for any spelling mistakes, or any harm done to any person, computer or anyone's mental health. [19:54] <Kilos> lol [19:54] <Kilos> inetpro will fix it [19:55] <inetpro> Mopkop:,_release_often [19:57] <Mopkop> inetpro: Note taken :) [19:57] <Kilos> haha [19:57] <Kilos> dont forget you score brownie points too [20:02] <Mopkop> [20:02] <Kilos> inetpro ^^ [20:04] <inetpro> of course I have nothing else to do [20:05] <Kilos> but of course [20:05] <Kilos> nothing more important anyway unless its family [20:08] <inetpro> Mopkop: cool, that is a start at least :-) [20:11] <Kilos> did you see the site inetpro ? or just that lp page [20:12] <inetpro> Kilos: you can test it also [20:12] <inetpro> the page tells you exactly what to do [20:12] <Kilos> i have forgotten all that with this ubuntu mail thing [20:12] <Kilos> let me go read again [20:13] <Mopkop> Kilos, I have an idea. I'm sure the church won't mind... [20:13] <inetpro> you don't even have to remember much [20:13] <Kilos> the bzr stuff? [20:13] <Kilos> and nikola [20:13] <Kilos> what Mopkop ? [20:13] <inetpro> Kilos: see "Get this branch" [20:13] <Mopkop> Kilos: I'll ftp it to the church's domain so you can have a look :) [20:14] <Mopkop> I'll delete it later. [20:14] <Kilos> ok [20:14] <inetpro> Mopkop: why? [20:14] <Mopkop> So he doesn't have to sukkel with Nikola again. [20:14] <inetpro> ai! Nikola makes life easy man [20:14] <Mopkop> That is the problem isn't it? [20:15] <Kilos> no i just forgot [20:15] <Kilos> all the cd this and cd that [20:15] <inetpro> just his fingers need to learn by repetition [20:18] <Kilos> si i go to ubuntu-africa here and then branch and then the login thing [20:23] <Mopkop> I don't get this nikola thing. How to I get the output to ftp? [20:23] <inetpro> ai! [20:24] <Mopkop> It has all the pages in the output folder, but I can't just double click on it.... [20:25] <inetpro> Mopkop: you can use rsync [20:25] <Mopkop> on the output folder? [20:26] <inetpro> well, before you do that [20:27] <inetpro> do you have ssh access to your server? [20:28] <inetpro> there's a very simple rsync example in your file [20:29] <inetpro> all you need is to modify for your circumstances then you can just execute 'nikola deploy'... but [20:29] <inetpro> you might not want to do it that way [20:30] <Mopkop> inetpro: nope, I use shared hosting. So I don't get ssh. [20:30] <Mopkop> Just ftp [20:31] <inetpro> hmm... the point is, you just mirror the output/ folder to your webserver's destination folder [20:31] <inetpro> for example: "rsync -rav --delete output/" [20:31] <Mopkop> I did that. It doesn't show the pictures and doesn't seem to link the stylesheets :( [20:32] <inetpro> hmm... [20:32] <Mopkop> Let me do it again and i'll show you... [20:32] <Mopkop> I think it has somthing to do with the link paths... [20:32] <Kilos> ive got mine going so i can see the original site at miles@P64:~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/trunk/output$ [20:32] <inetpro> Mopkop: the links are relative to the root, that is why [20:32] <Kilos> what must i change inetpro [20:33] <Mopkop> So I should create a sub-domain and try again? [20:33] <inetpro> Mopkop: or you must figure out how to let nikola use relative links [20:34] <Mopkop> aai... [20:34] <Kilos> lol [20:35] <Kilos> inetpro i dont know how to point it to other branches [20:35] <inetpro> Kilos: WAYTTD? [20:35] <Kilos> see what he did [20:35] <inetpro> uh [20:37] <Kilos> oh i need to use that address from get this branch [20:37] <inetpro> Kilos: go to the folder ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/ and then [20:37] <inetpro> bzr branch lp:~prysdieheer/ubuntu-africa/starting-pages [20:38] <Kilos> sigh [20:39] <Kilos> here by me or on lp [20:39] <Kilos> as in how much must i do here in the terminal [20:39] <inetpro> it will effectively download Mopkop's project into a folder called 'starting-pages' on your machine [20:39] <Mopkop> Kilos: I feel the same. They should make a GUI for nikola. I think bzr already has a GUI. [20:40] <inetpro> guys, this is easier than falling off a tree [20:40] <Kilos> oh ya i see then nikola build and nikola branch [20:41] <inetpro> nikola build && nikola serve [20:41] <Kilos> but i have to already be in a branch to do that [20:42] <inetpro> Kilos: go to the folder ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/starting-page and then 'nikola build && nikola serve' [20:42] <inetpro> obviously after having set the virtualenv thingy [20:42] <Kilos> ai! [20:43] <Kilos> all this so late at night [20:43] <inetpro> it's just a matter of getting used to it, and you can not get used to it if you don't start somewhere [20:45] <Mopkop> Maybe I should just install apache again. Then I can run it locally and you can see it by typing in my IP in your browser.... [20:46] <inetpro> Mopkop: no, he knows how to see it with nikola [20:46] <inetpro> he has done it more than once [20:47] <inetpro> repeat, repeat, repeat... eventually it will become 2nd nature [20:47] <Mopkop> Ok :-[ [20:47] <Mopkop> Well I did find an easier way to do it than using pyenv :) [20:48] <inetpro> putting it on another server is pointless and introduces more issues [20:49] <Mopkop> echo "alias nikola=~/virtualenv/bin/nikola" | tee --append ~/.bash_aliases [20:49] <Mopkop> Now you can just type in nikola and it will work through virtualenv :) [20:50] <inetpro> yikes! [20:50] <Mopkop> Did I break something again? =-O [20:50] <Kilos> lopl [20:50] <Kilos> lol ook [20:50] <Kilos> ek te moeg nou [20:51] <inetpro> Mopkop: no, just an interesting way of adding the alias to ~/.bash_aliases [20:52] <Mopkop> inetpro: Is there an easier way? [20:52] <inetpro> Mopkop: superfly said he has written up new instructions for us but we still need to see that [20:53] <inetpro> there are multiple ways to do it [20:53] * inetpro thought the pyenv was quite simple [20:53] <Mopkop> I like the copy-paste way :) [20:54] <inetpro> you do it once and it gets out of your way [20:55] <inetpro> but my simple tends to be complicated for most people [20:55] * inetpro is used to that [20:55] <Mopkop> inetpro: Indeed! [20:57] <superfly> inetpro: I wrote them up on Trello [20:59] <Kilos> im too tired to go on now guys. [20:59] <Kilos> sleep tight [20:59] <inetpro> superfly: where? [21:00] <inetpro> Kilos: good night [21:00] <Mopkop> Night Kilos! [21:00] <Kilos> sorry i cant go on [21:01] <Mopkop> I'm going to bed too. Have Church tomorrow. Lekker slaap almal! [21:05] <superfly> inetpro: it looks like someone overwrote it [21:05] <inetpro> ai! [21:05] <inetpro> where was it? [21:06] <superfly> inetpro: oh, wait, here it is: [21:06] <inetpro> unfortunately trello has no version control for the description [21:07] * inetpro will look at that tomorrow then we can revise the whole thing and publish on the site [21:08] <inetpro> using trello for documentation is not the best idea [21:09] <inetpro> thanks superfly [21:09] <superfly> indeed not [21:10] <inetpro> but it's a nice and easy way to get started [21:10] <inetpro> good night
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "Maaz", "Mopkop", "Squirm", "ThatGraemeGuy", "Tonberry", "captine", "georgelappies", "gremble", "inetpro", "magellanic", "magespawn", "pieter2627", "psyatw", "superfly" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-za" }
[00:20] <mparillo> I do not see a link like that. Do I need to be added / join? In any case, it looks as if the card is moved all the way to done (it was a quick and ugly editing job, I admit). [00:20] <ahoneybun> mparillo: I moved it [00:22] <mparillo> Thank you ahoneybun. I suppose that means it is good enough for an old release that will only be supported for about four more months. [00:23] <ahoneybun> np [02:30] <cyphermox> are there currently known issues with the OEM install for kubuntu? [02:31] <cyphermox> I'm trying to fix a problem with the oem user not always being properly removed, that would affect all flavors, but it looks to me like regardless of any fix, SDDM either will not start or will stay with a black screen [02:32] <cyphermox> /var/log/sddm.log shows PAM errors -- specifically Authentication failure [02:35] <cyphermox> yeah, I can't find any useful state that would be left over either; it would be really helpful if someone could take a lot and tell me if it's because my setup is wrong somehow [02:35] <cyphermox> *look [05:54] <lordievader> Good morning. [08:15] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: [08:16] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: [08:21] <sitter> Riddell: patchy breaky? [08:27] <Riddell> sitter: fix pushed [08:28] <Riddell> sitter: what happened to automatic irc /msgs ? they seemed effective on me :) [08:28] <sitter> Riddell: they only fire on merge fail [08:28] <sitter> for builds it's somewhat impossible to tell whether upstream broke it or one of us [08:28] * sitter packages modemmanager-qt [08:29] <Riddell> ah hah [08:40] <micmord> Any project about yakuake and plasma5? [08:50] <Riddell> micmord: pardon? [08:55] <micmord> Riddell: I mean, current yakuake version is 2.9.9-1ubuntu1 for KDE4. Is there any project about porting it on KDE5? [09:01] <Riddell> micmord: looks like there's a frameworks branch which had activity last month [09:01] <Riddell> micmord: beyond that you'd need to ask Eike who turns up here as Sho usually in european afternoons [09:03] <micmord> Riddell: thank you [10:13] <sitter> Riddell: y u no fix muon repo :'< [10:15] <Riddell> sitter: I'm on it! [10:15] <Riddell> pushed [10:16] <sitter> phew [10:16] <sitter> <3 [10:17] <Riddell> so now muon does notify you of release upgrades but only in the passive notification not in the slide out box [10:18] <sitter> weeh [10:18] * sitter thought he filed a but about the release notifications not being handled in the new applet [10:19] <sitter> s/but/bug [10:20] <Riddell> sitter: do you have an opinion on the doc move question? [10:26] <Riddell> sitter: added now [10:27] <sitter> ah maybe the notification was broken as well at some point [10:28] <sitter> Riddell: muon ci still failing btw [10:28] <sitter> Riddell: [10:28] <sitter> Oo [10:34] <Riddell> hmm [10:35] * Riddell builds [10:42] <Riddell> ahoneybun: should I put out a call on ubuntu-translators list for docs translations? what should I say? [10:51] <BluesKaj> Hi folks [10:54] <sitter> Riddell: any bugs left in knh btw? [10:56] <Riddell> sitter: 7 here but they're untriaged and none that are release blockers [10:58] <sitter> untriaged, what a surprise [10:58] <sitter> oh oh oh [10:59] <sitter> Riddell: did you patch whatever thing reads desktopfiles nowadays to look for translations via ki18n? [11:00] <sgclark> morning [11:01] <sitter> ahoy sgclark [11:01] <sitter> oh that reminds me I need to look at the phonon ci stuff [11:02] <Riddell> sitter: um I think I've entirely forgotten, why do you ask? [11:02] <Riddell> sgclark: welcome back, nice holiday? [11:02] <sgclark> yes :) ty [11:02] <sitter> Riddell: because I also forgot and without it our KCMs as well as all main packages do not have translations for the desktop file [11:03] <sitter> sgclark: where does dependencies/logical-module-structure live? [11:04] <sitter> Riddell: do you perhaps know if pitti is on vacation or something? [11:05] <Riddell> sitter: he doesn't seem to be around this week so I guess he is away [11:05] <sitter> the one week I happen to have a random question ^^ [11:05] <sgclark> sitter: kde:kde-build-metadata [11:06] <sitter> shadeslayer, Riddell: btw, I seem to recall having read about various debian teams (python and ruby) having had strives towards a unified autopkgtest provisioning for all their packages. it feels to me like we might want to go for something like that for all kde software [11:07] <sitter> given that we always want to mimic the upstream CI env as a base and all frameworks for example have a huge copy pasta of the debian/tests dir with the odd difference here and there [11:07] <sitter> sgclark: thx [11:08] <sgclark> np [11:08] <sitter> sgclark: btw, how does one handle the case where one branch is supposed to be built for both qt4 and qt5 but with different cmake arguments respectively? [11:09] <sgclark> sitter: that is np, we use configs for that, just put the right branch and maybe let me know which ones need that [11:10] <sgclark> and the cmake command would be helpful :) [11:10] <sitter> if only I remembered that one ^^ [11:12] <sitter> sgclark: add phonon... the qt5 builds need -DPHONON_BUILD_PHONON4QT5=ON [11:12] <sitter> *added [11:12] <sgclark> sitter: simple enough, thanks [11:17] <shadeslayer> sitter: I smell a proposal coming up [11:17] <sitter> are you finally getting married? [11:20] <shadeslayer> Lol [11:20] <shadeslayer> You only want that because you want to buy a suit [11:22] <sitter> Riddell: piiiiiiiing [11:23] <soee_> update topic, 19 bugs left =) [11:23] <sitter> shadeslayer: is Riddell gossiping at the coffee robot or does he just not want to talk to me [11:23] <shadeslayer> Probably the latter [11:23] <sitter> you not in yet? [11:24] <sitter> Riddell: I pushed whoopsie, driver, debug-installer. BUT notification-helper is now notificationS-helper (note the s), just wanted to make sure that is intentional before I push that [11:25] <shadeslayer> sitter: left for luncheroo [11:25] <sitter> Riddell: also libkubuntu apparently was left out :( [11:25] <sitter> :@ [11:25] <sitter> always with those lunchens [11:26] <sitter> shadeslayer: are you running autopkgtest yet? [11:27] * Riddell testing upgrades [11:27] <sitter> Riddell: please be replying [11:27] <shadeslayer> Simon_B: no [11:27] <shadeslayer> Er [11:27] <shadeslayer> sitter: no [11:28] <shadeslayer> Too much todo [11:28] <shadeslayer> /o\ [11:28] <sitter> .......... [11:28] <Riddell> sitter: testing: dunno autopkgtest stuff still confuses me quite a lot [11:28] <shadeslayer> sitter: I have to do some armhf stuff [11:28] <Riddell> sitter: notificationS-helper is not intentional, shall I reopen the ticket to get it removed/re-added ? [11:29] <sitter> wgrant: are there any plans to provide autopkgtest runs for ppas? [11:29] <Riddell> sitter: I'm the only one around here who doesn't go for 3 hour lunches every day! [11:29] <sitter> Riddell: talk to ben what the course of action is I guess [11:30] <wgrant> sitter: autopkgtest just pulls data from Launchpad. It's not a service that we run. [11:31] <sitter> wgrant: ah, so I suppose it could pull data from a ppa as well? [11:31] <wgrant> sitter: I don't see why not. It's just pointing at the primary archive today. [11:32] <sitter> ok, thanks [11:32] * sitter puts talk to pitti on todo for next week ^^ [11:33] <Riddell> mparillo: notes for VividUpgrade page when we come to change it for final, there's no need for an update before the upgrade (yay) and the same screenshot can be used for the muon-update app as in utopic [11:36] <mparillo> Riddell: You mean on the final version of ? Simply removing the chunk on running muon-upgrade: ? [11:38] <Riddell> sitter: updated ticket for k-n-h and added a ticket for libkubuntu [11:38] <Riddell> mparillo: yeah that can all go, yay [11:39] <mparillo> Now or when we get the final release candidates? [11:40] <sitter> Riddell: cheers [11:53] <ahoneybun> Riddell: I'm rebuilding the docs with sitter's script for the new screenshots [11:54] <soee_> hmm, if we hover some picture in Dolphin we have preview in side panel, if we remove this file (and empty trash), preview is still visible and we can for example add tags -where those tags go if file is gone for good ? [12:04] <Riddell> mparillo: later, a day before the final release I guess [12:05] <mparillo> Short window. I will post it on my calendar. [12:11] <Riddell> thanks :) [12:56] <sitter> Riddell: ok, the following repos have been pushed and had their hooks enabled -> kubuntu-debug-installer, kubuntu-driver-kcm, whoopsie-kcm [12:57] <sitter> so I think you can update their tickets to continue with reviewboard setup etc. [13:07] <Riddell> sitter: hooks? [13:07] <Riddell> sitter: shall I export translations from launchpad then tell tosky? [13:19] <Riddell> d_ed: [13:34] <mparillo> That link has sudo stop lightdm. Is that different from sudo service lightdm stop? [13:38] <yofel> stop is an upstart thing, it does the same thing though [13:41] <soee> can we change loading order after ssytem reboot/boot so the plasmahsell will load and than previous session apps ? [13:42] <mparillo> TY, and I am being trained anyway on the new systemd way. [14:11] <Riddell> sitter: does sddm in ci use the master branch? [14:11] <Riddell> it doesn't seem to have a kubuntu_vivid_archive branch, should it? [14:24] <sitter> Riddell: yes sddm uses master, yes an archive branch would be handy [14:24] <sitter> Riddell: translations export only if he wants to import them :P [14:26] <Riddell> sitter: what KCMs don't have translations from .desktop files? [14:26] <soee> Riddell: with this [14:27] * Riddell reports bug 1439720 [14:27] <soee> we weill be able to make nvidia gpu works with sddm ? [14:28] <sitter> Riddell: all of ours [14:29] <sitter> or actually [14:29] <sitter> only if the desktop file snafu wasn't patched [14:29] <sitter> ah yes, that report there ^^ [14:30] <Riddell> sitter: translations don't get stripped, /usr/share/kservices5/kcm_phonon.desktop still has all its translations [14:31] <sitter> ours [14:31] <Riddell> soee: yes hopefully, do you have the hardware to test? [14:31] <sitter> not upstreams [14:31] <sitter> whoopsie, driver, notification [14:31] <Riddell> oh I see [14:31] <soee> Riddell: yes, on my laptop im using atm. i have intel + nvidia [14:36] <Riddell> sitter, shadeslayer, sgclark, ScottK: all the S tabs, what to do with docs path? [14:36] <sitter> ah yes, the mighty stabs [14:36] <sitter> IIRC I pointed out this veritable flaw way back in december :P [14:37] <sitter> Riddell: there really only is a rebuild option [14:37] <sitter> and TBH I think all of kf5 needs to get rebuilt rather than all of kde4 [14:37] <sitter> former we know what is effected, latter is everything and the kitchen sink [14:38] <shadeslayer> sitter: I'd make something like a script that is installed as a apt trigger [14:38] <sitter> I will also say that IIRC khelpcenter had the same problem [14:38] <sitter> in kde3->4 [14:38] <shadeslayer> so that whenever something is installed to the docs dir, we just symlink the new stuff [14:38] <sitter> that would need lodsa testing [14:39] <Riddell> I agree with sitter [14:39] <Riddell> sitter: but rebuild kf5? what would that do? [14:39] <sgclark> hmm [14:39] <sitter> Riddell: did you talk to the debian people about it btw [14:39] <sitter> there was a reason why we diverged from upstream [14:40] <shadeslayer> actually I purposefully did not install to /usr/share/HTML/kde since I did not see the point [14:40] <sitter> did you ask what the point was? [14:40] <shadeslayer> I did [14:40] <shadeslayer> and I did alot of searching [14:40] <shadeslayer> on the ml [14:40] <sgclark> I tried to talk to talk to debian some time ago and got ignored, seems you guys are making more progress than I did though [14:40] <sitter> what was the point [14:40] <shadeslayer> didn't find it [14:40] <shadeslayer> even poked MoDaX for a answer [14:40] <shadeslayer> got none [14:40] <Riddell> sitter: I asking in debian irc channel, no useful reply [14:40] <sitter> ... [14:41] <sitter> well [14:41] <sitter> one could patch khc :P [14:41] <shadeslayer> so I saw it as pointless and used the upstream path [14:41] <shadeslayer> sitter: sure [14:41] <sitter> actually I think one needs to patch the help slave [14:41] <shadeslayer> that's the other solution [14:41] <Riddell> sgclark looked into khc a bit [14:41] <sitter> either that or rebuild all the kf5 builds [14:41] <sitter> or rather... all the ECM builds [14:42] <sgclark> khc should really support more than one install path.. but upstream told me to go away and deal with it distro level [14:43] <sgclark> again I am shocked that no other distros are facing this issue. seems only debian hard codes docs like that [14:43] <Riddell> so I still feel mass rebuild of kde4 is best solution [14:43] <sgclark> oof [14:44] <shadeslayer> I disagree [14:44] <shadeslayer> I'd go with patching khc or symlinking [14:44] <sitter> no [14:44] <sitter> the best solution is to patch kio_help [14:44] <shadeslayer> quick, someone assign that task to sitter [14:44] <sitter> the second best solution is returing to the pointless subdir and rebuild kf5 until we can come up with something better [14:45] <shadeslayer> sitter: no [14:45] <shadeslayer> that just promotes the perpetual cycle of "Lets fix it properly later" [14:45] <sitter> the third best is symlinking since it's hard to asses its reliability and will as all bloody hacks like that will hit the fan eventually [14:45] <shadeslayer> possibly that's leftover from KDE3 /o\ [14:45] <shadeslayer> and no one knows why /o\ [14:47] <sitter> oh [14:47] <Riddell> patching kio_help.cpp seems do-able [14:47] <sitter> another option: reintroduce khelpcenter(4) as actual binary khelpcenter4 and hardcode kdelibs to launch khelpcenter4 rather than khelpcenter [14:47] <sitter> which is slightly dodgy [14:47] <sitter> Riddell: yeah, just needs that lookup function adjusted a bit [14:47] <Riddell> HelpProtocol::get() [14:48] <sitter> Riddell: is the actual lookup apparently HelpProtocol::langLookup [14:48] <sitter> get just strips it [14:49] <sitter> actually, you know what, this is just wrong upstream [14:49] <sitter> you can set a different doc install path via ecm but kio will not give a fuck [14:49] <sitter> ... [14:49] * sitter hates hardcoded paths [14:52] <sitter> Riddell: [14:52] <sitter> needs header adjustment [14:52] <sitter> otherwise that should fly [14:52] <Riddell> sitter: yummy :) [14:54] <sitter> I don't quite understand the code in ::get though, not sure it even needs adjustment [14:54] <sitter> ah ah [14:55] <sitter> [14:55] <sitter> that probably should fly [14:55] <shadeslayer> make it fly! [14:55] <sitter> I'd add some qdebug to ::get and see what it actually does in the cache thing though [14:55] <shadeslayer> Riddell: is it done yet :P [14:55] <sitter> that code is mental pretty much [14:56] <Riddell> sitter: not yet [14:57] <shadeslayer> Riddell: heh [14:57] <shadeslayer> I'm blocked on IO [14:57] <shadeslayer> how fun [15:02] <Riddell> sitter: I'm confused why you need all that extra code, what else does it need but a second call to localDoc.append( QStandardPaths::locateAll("doc/kde/HTML") ) ? [15:03] <sitter> dunno I haven't actually read the function :P [15:04] <sitter> append away [15:04] <sitter> also fine with less code [15:17] <Riddell> sitter: yeah this seems to do it [15:18] <sitter> lovely [15:29] <Riddell> awooga, good work on that one team, thanks shadeslayer, sgclark :) [15:30] <sgclark> great work, thanks [19:04] <ahoneybun> Riddell: I updated the screenshots for the english installation on the wiki, ran harald's script, and updated my -docs branch [19:20] <soee_> killall plasmashell [19:20] <soee_> killall plasmashell [19:26] <soee_> :/ [19:26] <soee_> hmm [19:27] <soee_> Desktop just freezez for me now [20:01] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: thank you for the pictures [20:01] <ovidiu-florin> I guess those were the only one you can find? [20:03] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: so I guess this: and this remain broken [20:11] <soee> wrr [20:12] <soee> tried to install nvidai-prime with propriety drivers with current sddm [20:12] <soee> better dont do this ;) [20:26] <KDDA> hi folks [20:27] <soee> hiho [21:16] <soee> Riddell: notification are a bit creazy lately [21:17] <soee> if we run apt update, than than during updateing packages list, notification is shows up avery few seconds about avaialble updates [22:00] <ahoneybun> any word about plasma active? [22:05] <valorie> I've not heard anything, but I doubt attention will turn to Active until we have full plasma functionality on the desktop restored [22:05] <ahoneybun> of course [22:06] <ahoneybun> now that phones are getting bigger active could really be effective [22:07] <valorie> sure, and the refactoring etc that is going on now is designed to make Active etc. that much easier to do [22:07] <valorie> building in touch from the get-go, etc. [22:08] <valorie> really, as more and more laptops have touch screens, it will be a necessity anyway [22:12] <ahoneybun> yes and will be super cool [22:52] <cyphermox> FatBack: please behave... [22:54] <cyphermox> soee: thanks [22:55] <cyphermox> soee: I wanted to put the topic back but I was digging in history to try and find what it was. [22:55] <ahoneybun> he did that in here too? [22:55] <soee> cyphermox: konversation has pencil icon before the topic text that shows history :) [22:56] <cyphermox> any trick for quassel? :) [22:56] <soee> ahoneybun: i think he did somethig similiar yesterday [22:56] <ahoneybun> soee: :) [22:56] <soee> cyphermox: not sure im not using quassel [22:56] <ahoneybun> soee: he did the same thing in ubuntu-touch [22:56] <cyphermox> yeah, things should be fixed now, not to worry :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "KDDA", "Riddell", "ahoneybun", "cyphermox", "lordievader", "micmord", "mparillo", "ovidiu-florin", "sgclark", "shadeslayer", "sitter", "soee", "soee_", "valorie", "wgrant", "yofel" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-devel" }
[00:42] <xGrind> Rudolf, powertop é melhor do que o top? [00:42] <Rudolf> xGrind: uma coisa não tem nada a ver com a outra [00:48] <Rudolf> [01:31] <barna> galera ajuda, tenho 2 computadores conectados por cabo, atravez de um roteador, tem horas q faço transferencia de arquivos a 10~12mbps tem horas (como agora) que não passa de 100kbps, alguem imagina o q possa ser? [01:32] <astroo-> da uns 15 minutos pela possivel resposta de alguem [01:32] <barna> astroo-, to ligado mano, frequento aki a 8 anos já! [01:32] <barna> mas valeu [01:32] <astroo-> ok... [02:01] <LoRdN1x> barna, ta usando o que pra transferir? [04:25] <Guest5299> Boa noite, estou entrando no mundo linux com grande satisfação [04:26] <Guest5299> gostaria de saber qual é a memória Ram ideal para rodá-lo em uma maquina virtual? [11:34] <mirqui> bom dia :) [11:38] <Rudolf> dia [11:38] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem:)? [11:41] <Rudolf> dia corrido [11:42] <mirqui> normal :) [11:56] <Blacker> Olá, tentei instalar ubuntu no meu pc pelo pendrive, porém deu um erro "Boot Loader" estou usando windows xp [11:56] <mirqui> tens um dvd? [11:56] <mirqui> é mais fácil pelo dvd [11:56] <Blacker> o driver de dvd não está pegando no meu pc [11:57] <Blacker> tive que optar pelo pendrve [11:57] <mirqui> como tú fizesse para instalar pelo pendrive? [11:58] <mirqui> quais os passos ? [12:01] <Blacker> tentei usar live usb e unetbootin [12:02] <Blacker> Fui na BIOS, selecionei o pendrive [12:02] <Blacker> mas quando foi a hora de dar boot deu Boot Error [12:02] <mirqui> seu pendrive foi formatado? [12:02] <Blacker> e eu apertava enter e isso se repetia [12:02] <Blacker> foi sim [12:02] <Blacker> deixei em FAT32 [12:02] <mirqui> sua iso está integre ? [12:03] <mirqui> integra [12:03] <Blacker> Creio que sim, baixei do site da ubuntu [12:03] <Blacker> e não deu erro [12:03] <mirqui> formata de novo [12:03] <mirqui> grava a iso [12:03] <mirqui> e tenta outra porta usb [12:04] <mirqui> e vê no que dá [12:04] <Blacker> ok [12:04] <mirqui> boa sorte :) [12:04] <Blacker> Se não der, vou ver se levo meu hd para o pc de um amigo [12:04] <Blacker> e formato lá pelo dvd [12:04] <Blacker> obrigado ^^ [12:05] <mirqui> blza :) [12:05] <Rudolf> essa do boot loader [12:05] <Rudolf> é o grub que não instalou corretamente [12:05] <Rudolf> ou pau na MBR ou vc selecionou o lugar errado [12:05] <mirqui> sim , estava vendo no google [12:06] <mirqui> se ele voltar aqui com o mesmo problema , mostro a pesquisa do google [12:06] <Rudolf> mirqui: ensina ele usar o google [12:06] <Rudolf> pelamor [12:07] <mirqui> é qwue foi a primeira opção do cara [12:08] <mirqui> forum geralmente é mais fácil [12:08] <AsFelix> peguei o bonde andando [12:09] <AsFelix> mas ao invés do google, prefiro indicar o lmgtfy [12:09] <mirqui> o cara não conseguiu instalar o ubuntu [12:09] <Rudolf> AsFelix: o que seria lmgtfy meu filho? [12:09] <Rudolf> eu só conheço o duckduckgo [12:10] <mirqui> tem um novo buscador , olha só [12:10] <Rudolf> aff [12:10] <mirqui> [12:10] <Rudolf> Let Me google that for you [12:10] <Rudolf> fala sério [12:10] <Rudolf> google do google [12:11] <mirqui> o sempreupdate? [12:11] <Rudolf> mirqui: não [12:11] <Rudolf> mirqui: o lmgtfy do AsFelix [12:11] <Rudolf> mirqui: Let Me google that for you [12:12] <AsFelix> Rudolf: é que com o lmgtfy o cara as vezes (sim, só as vezes) se toca [12:13] <Rudolf> lembro daquele gif do Bart "Eu vou procurar no google, Eu vou procurar no google, Eu vou procurar no google" [12:13] <mirqui> é expecífico para o linux? [12:15] <Rudolf> hã? [12:16] <mirqui> o lmgtfy é expecífico para linux? [12:16] <Rudolf> mirqui: procura no google [12:16] <mirqui> vou ver [12:17] <mirqui> ahaha ai não cara [12:18] <mirqui> se o cara veio no forum , é pq precisava de ajuda [12:18] <LeandroLuiz> fórum? [12:18] <LeandroLuiz> what? [12:18] <Rudolf> mirqui: kkkk [12:18] <Rudolf> fui [12:18] <mirqui> ou aqui no irc , tanto faz [12:19] <mirqui> é alguém que precisa de ajuda de quem sabe um pouco mais [12:19] <mirqui> sacanear ele não me leva a nada e ele não vai ter a resposta para o problema dele [14:45] <marco___> olá [14:46] <lieber> bom dia [14:48] <marco___> BOM DIA > [14:48] <marco___> ESTOU COM UMA DUVIDA [14:49] <Elfon> marco___: desliga o caps [14:49] <marco___> NÂO CONSIGO : ) [14:51] <marco___> MEU COMPUTADOR ESTÀ COM ALGUMAS MODIFICAÇÔES QUE NÂO SEI CONFIGURAR > [15:00] <marco___> POR FAVOR ALGUÈM PODE ME AJUDAR A CONFIGURAR O TECLADO E O TOUCH ? [15:09] <hggdh> marco___: deixe-me tentar entender: entras aqui via web, com um nick em minúsculas, e depois afirmas não saber desligar o caps lock? [15:11] <marco___> ASSIM QUE ENTRI O SHIFT FUNCIONOU E O @ MAS AGORA NÂO CONSIGO LIBERAR O CAPS DE NOVO> [15:11] <marco___> ASSIM QUE ENTREI >>> [15:12] <Daekdroom> marco___, a tecla de caps lock não está funcionando? [15:13] <marco___> NÂO ESTÀ FUNCIONANDO [15:14] <marco___> E A MINHA SENHA DE ACESSO NO NOT È MINUSCULA SE ISSO CONTINUAR NÂO PODEREI NEM ACESSAR O CP [15:15] <Elfon> marco___: nem com shift? [15:16] <marco___> ESTRANHO ALGUMAS TECLAS ESTâO MINUSCULAS ELTON [15:16] <marco___> TIPO [15:16] <marco___> J [15:16] <marco___> JOTA [15:27] <marco___> RAPAZIADA DAQUI UNS MINUTOS TENHO QUE IR PRO TRABALHO OK >>> [15:32] <Rudolf> marco___: pêsames [15:33] <Elfon> marco___: tenta mudar o layout do teclado [15:33] <Elfon> e verifica o num lock [15:34] <marco___> EM OUTROS FORUNS EU VI ALGO SOBRE ABNT DOIS> VOU VOLTAT A NOITE PRA VER SE ALGUÈM AJUDA COM ISSO [15:35] <marco___> JÀ REINSTALEI UMAS SEIS VEZES EM VARIAS VERSÔES ACONTECE O MESMO [15:37] <marco___> FIZ COMANDO SUDO TAMBEM COM BR NO FIM E NADA MAS QUANDO ENTREI AQUI ALGO JÀ MELHOROU ENTÂO VOU VOLTAR A NOITE PRA VER SE RESOLVEMOS [15:37] <hggdh> soa como erro na configuração do teclado, durante a instalação [15:38] <marco___> COMO ASSIM DURANTE A INSTALAÇÂO ? SÒ TEM AS OPÇÔES IDIOMA E PAÌS > [15:39] <marco___> RAPAZIADA TENHO MESMO QUE IR VOU ABSORVER ESSAS INFORMAÇÔES E TENTAR FAZER DIFERENTE > [15:40] <marco___> BOA TARDE > [15:41] <tulioo> alguem usa o teamviewer? [15:41] <Rudolf> tulioo: eu uso teamviewer [15:42] <tulioo> Rudolf: acho que já falei com vc, não foi outro dia. Continuo com o mesmo problema de não conectar [15:42] <Rudolf> tulioo: e o que vc descobriu em suas pesquisas [15:42] <Rudolf> tulioo: fez o teste que falei? achou algum erro [15:43] <Rudolf> tulioo: verificou se seu wine está corretamente instalado? [15:43] <Rudolf> tulioo: ou só ficou abrindo e fechando? [15:43] <tulioo> Rudolf: descobri que realmente teria que configurar o proxy, inclusive consegui desbloquer a janela para poder colocar o proxy [15:43] <Rudolf> tulioo: vish, vc tem proxy aí [15:43] <tulioo> Rudolf: reinstalei o wine e também o teamviewer [15:44] <tulioo> Rudolf: Sim, é no pc do meu laboratório [15:49] <tulioo> alguem usa o teamviewer? [15:50] <Rudolf> eu uso [15:51] <tulioo> e use com proxy o teamviewer [15:54] <Rudolf> kkkkkkk [15:54] <Rudolf> tulioo: tu tem adminstrador de rede aí? já conversou com ele? [15:55] <Rudolf> tulioo: rodem junto um scan no momento da conexão de rede [15:55] <Rudolf> tulioo: pode ser que vc esteja sendo bloqueado no firewall/router da rede [15:55] <Rudolf> tulioo: infelizmente, por mais que um problema seja parecido, seu problema não é genérico [15:55] <tulioo> Rudolf: kkkkk, então cara. Estou sem administrador de rede por agora [15:55] <Rudolf> tulioo: sem administrador [15:55] <Rudolf> tulioo: e quem entende e cuida da rede aí? [15:56] <tulioo> Rudolf: então, estão trocando o responsavel. O novo ainda não assumiu o cargo [15:56] <Rudolf> tulioo: então espere ele chegar [15:56] <Rudolf> tulioo: já que vc não tem as habilidades necessárias [15:57] <tulioo> Rudolf: valeu cara [16:15] <GodCore> alguem poderia me ajudar com uma duvida ? [16:17] <GodCore> WINDOWS [16:17] <GodCore> É [16:17] <GodCore> 10 [16:17] <GodCore> UBUNTO [16:17] <GodCore> N [16:17] <GodCore> é [16:17] <GodCore> NADA [16:17] <GodCore> PERTO [16:17] <GodCore> DE [16:17] <GodCore> NOIS [16:18] <manokara> me pergunto se ele ficou com raiva de não ter sido respondido em 2 minutos, ou veio aqui só pra falar isso :P [16:41] <hggdh> manokara: comum, infelizmente. [16:48] <AsFelix> depois eu que sou chato... [17:01] <gcrusoe> Olás, boa tarde a todos! alguém poderia me ajudar com um link confiável de tutorial para eu formatar o meu pc e instalar o Ubuntu? [17:06] <AsFelix> gcrusoe: [17:07] <AsFelix> gcrusoe: [17:08] <AsFelix> no caso o primeiro link é mais atual que o primeiro, mas desta forma você pode ver que há poucas diferenças entre versões na hora de instalar [17:08] <AsFelix> basicamente o processo é o mesmo [17:09] <gcrusoe> Muito Grato ! <AsFelix> [17:37] <AlanPPP> Olha! [17:37] <AlanPPP> Alguem me ajuda a deixar o 14.10 com IPfixo. [18:29] <mirqui> boa tarde :) [21:00] <astroo-> ola pessoal [22:28] <katel> oi [22:28] <astroo-> ola [22:28] <katel> acabei de intalar o ubuntu e nao consigo ativar o wirelles? alguem pode me ajudar [22:29] <katel> ja tentei intalar o driver mais nada adianta!!! o wireles nao habilita ! ubunto 14,10 [22:33] <astroo-> diz que chip e [22:34] <Rudolf> tuts tuts tuts [22:35] <katel> modelo do not asus - amd dua core - modelo do wirelles atheros [22:37] <astroo-> da uns 15 minutos pela possivel resposta de alguem [22:45] <barna> boa noite galera. [22:45] <barna> ajuda de novo. [22:46] <astroo-> ola [22:46] <barna> tenho 3 comps, montei um NFS pra partilhar arquivos, quando copio arquivos servidos > cliente ok. 10~12mbps, mas quando copio cliente > servidor q ta o problema, 80>100kbps. [22:47] <barna> ja mexi um tanto no /etc/exports e no /etc/fstab e nada, suuuuuper lento a copia cliente > servidor [22:47] <barna> alguem tem ideia do q pode ser? [22:48] <astroo-> da uns 15 minutos pela possivel resposta de alguem [23:19] <CyL> barna: os computadores estão no mesmo nó de rede? [23:21] <barna> CyL, estão todos ligados num mesmo roteador [23:21] <barna> todos com o mesmo padrão de ip, [23:22] <CyL> barna: roteador doméstico de wifi? [23:22] <barna> todo por cabo, sim roteador domestico, dlink 524 [23:24] <CyL> barna: Vc mudou alguma configuração de ICMP? [23:24] <barna> CyL, creio q não, pois não sei o q é [23:32] <barna> cha contar o processo, bem simples, instalei o pacote nfs-kernel-server no servidos e o pacote nfs-common nos clientes, coloquei a pasta a ser compartilhado no /etc/exports no servidor e mounto a pasta nos cliente com o comando #mount /home/usuario/pastacompartilhada, no roteador eu só dei ipfixo pra tado mundo. servidor .1.100 clientes em ordem .1.101,102 etc... [23:34] <barna> o roteador não está ligado a internet, só uma maquina pracisa de acesso a web (meu notebook) q conecto por wifi em outro roteador (padrão ip [23:42] <barna_> ixi cai, alguem me respondeu? ou ate chegou a msg deu contando como instalei e as confs q fiz? [23:47] <astroo-> barna [23:47] <astroo-> o roteador n�o est� ligado a internet, s� uma maquina pracisa de acesso a web (meu notebook) q conecto por wifi em outro roteador (padr�o ip [23:47] <barna_> chegou valeu astroo- [23:47] <astroo-> nao houve mais conversa [23:48] <barna_> foi isso mesmo, [23:49] <barna_> CyL, alguma ideia? [23:50] <VTR3> ae galera [23:51] <barna_> blz VTR3 ? [23:51] <astroo-> ola [23:51] <CyL> barna_: bom, as maquinas estão se enxergando, eu diria que está havendo perda de pacotes em uma das direções. Tente diagnosticar isso, com o mtr talvez. [23:53] <PSKOL> barna_, blzzz [23:54] <PSKOL> barna_, ate hj vc entra aki [23:54] <PSKOL> caraka [23:54] <barna_> valeu CyL [23:54] <barna_> PSKOL, opa claro! [23:54] <barna_> ajudando e sendo ajudado. [23:55] <PSKOL> ha muito tempo eu entrava por aki e lembro do seu nick [23:55] <PSKOL> :P [23:55] <barna_> eu lembro do seu tb [23:56] <PSKOL> massa [23:56] <Rudolf> tuts tuts tuts [23:58] <astroo-> ola
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AlanPPP", "AsFelix", "Blacker", "CyL", "Daekdroom", "Elfon", "GodCore", "Guest5299", "LeandroLuiz", "LoRdN1x", "PSKOL", "Rudolf", "VTR3", "astroo-", "barna", "barna_", "gcrusoe", "hggdh", "katel", "lieber", "manokara", "marco___", "mirqui", "tulioo", "xGrind" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-br" }
[05:27] <Kilos> evening nhaines and dpm [05:55] <Kilos> oh i got dpm in the wrong zone sigh [07:25] <Kilos> morning dpm [07:38] <dpm> hi Kilos [08:17] <Kilos> hi TaeheeJang_iPhon [08:17] <TaeheeJang_iPhon> Kilos: hi Kilos [08:18] <Kilos> i told karl you would contact him, he said np [08:19] <TaeheeJang_iPhon> yes I couldn't send a message yet because I had to deal with my school reports first. [08:19] <TaeheeJang_iPhon> I'm gonna send it tonight [08:19] <Kilos> good he will expect one from you then [08:19] <TaeheeJang_iPhon> that's good. I hope to meet him too! [08:20] <Kilos> ah [08:37] <Kilos> between you you should be able to get a nice LoCo going there [09:16] <TaeheeJang_iPhon> Kilos: I send him a facebook message on my way home. [09:17] <TaeheeJang_iPhon> Kilos: he can find my message in 'other message box' [09:29] <Kilos> lol if he doesnt answer ill go wake him up [09:31] <TaeheeJang_iPhon> haha thankyou [09:31] <Kilos> np
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "TaeheeJang_iPhon", "dpm" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams" }
[06:02] <didrocks> good morning [06:39] <jhenke> hi any firefox involved people here? [08:03] <Laney> hey hey! [08:04] <seb128> hey Laney, how are you? [08:04] <Laney> tea, sun, #ubuntu-desktop [08:04] <Laney> what more could anyone need? [08:05] <Laney> you? [08:05] <Laney> oh, and fake friday! [08:05] <seb128> coffee, blue sky, nothing to complain about today! [08:06] <seb128> yeah, it's between troll day and troll day [08:08] <Laney> chpe even applied my patch [08:08] <Laney> what a world we live in [08:08] <didrocks> good morning Laney [08:09] <Laney> hey didrocks [08:09] <Laney> what's happening? [08:10] <didrocks> Laney: normal Thursday for me ;) [08:11] <didrocks> happy that we found the systemd autopkgtests issue and now reverted in experimental [08:11] <Laney> oh yes, let's see if my container has network this morning ;-) [08:19] <Laney> nope! [09:09] <darkxst> hey laney, seb128 didrocks [09:10] <darkxst> can someone take a look at bug 1437150, more fallout from the adwaita-icon-theme switch [09:12] <Laney> ok [09:12] <Laney> what package does it try to install? [09:15] <seb128> Laney, I'm unsure about your nautilus question from yesterday, why what got used? [09:16] <seb128> Laney, the new .desktop? because I guess that's what upstream use as an autostart or is dbus activated [09:16] <seb128> that's not something I did/know about, you did that update iirc :-) [09:17] <darkxst> Laney, it tries to install some part of samba for the sharing [09:18] <Laney> yes - you've done some changes around this area recently so I thought you might know [09:20] <seb128> well, I though we ought to use the new name [09:20] <seb128> so I migrated the unity config, default&upgrade to use that [09:20] <Laney> darkxst: I just wanted to know what to uninstall to reproduce this [09:20] <seb128> which makes the launcher matching work now with the running nautilus [09:20] <seb128> but it creates an issue still with the dash [09:21] <seb128> unsure what to do next [09:22] <Laney> does it work if you swap the NoDisplay? [09:28] <darkxst> Laney, probably just uninstall samba [09:28] <darkxst> not sure if this affects the ubuntu themes though, they may still have the legacy icons [09:29] <seb128> Laney, I didn't try, but I guess, it would make the dash list the one used in the launcher/by nautilus [09:30] <Laney> if so, then maybe you can make nautilus.desktop be NotShowIn=Unity and org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop be OnlyShowIn=Unity [09:31] <Laney> which should keep compatibility with panel/xfce/whateveritwas and work with your new stuff [09:33] <seb128> Laney, hum, right [10:18] <Laney> hmm [11:36] <didrocks> Laney: I'm happy to use g_clear_error(), even if it doesn't match what other part of the code is doing [11:37] <didrocks> Laney: I'm wanting to avoid using initctl for now, as it seems those things can be slow on the bq device (that's what I was doing first, when asking people with a bq to test) [11:40] <Laney> really? [11:42] <didrocks> Laney: yeah, I have this issue as well when using invoke-rc.d status already [11:42] <didrocks> and as it's dbus sync call (apparently…) [11:42] <didrocks> Laney: I'm rebuilding with g_clear_error [11:43] <didrocks> Laney: reuploaded [11:44] <Laney> seems fast enough here [11:44] <Laney> meh [11:44] <Laney> it's really shit that we can't do correct solutions [11:44] <didrocks> Laney: well, ask seb, he did the test [11:44] <Laney> thanks for the other fix [11:44] <didrocks> (on bq) [11:44] <didrocks> Laney: TBH, the systemd one is the correct solution, and I hope the phone will switch to it soon enough [11:45] <Laney> it's about using the best interface available for the job [11:46] <didrocks> the best interface would have been to have a dbus one [11:46] <didrocks> instead of grepping on tools output or reading files [11:46] <Laney> doesn't exist though does it [11:46] <Laney> best interface *available* [11:46] <didrocks> I disagree that grepping on output is better than reading a file [11:47] <Laney> if I edit this file and comment out the manual line [11:47] <Laney> then you give the wrong answer now [11:48] <didrocks> Laney: well, it was giving the wrong answer before as well (the fact to create the file would have given the wrong answer) [11:48] <didrocks> and same with the enabled even before [11:51] <Laney> I'd choose right over less wrong [11:51] <Laney> but okay [11:56] <larsu> Laney, the idealist [12:09] <GunnarHj> infinity: Thanks for rescuing me yesterday. Embarrassing mistake this late in the cycle. :( [12:15] <Laney> larsu: is there an enviornment variable to change the icon theme à la GTK_MODULES? [12:16] <Laney> can't see anything in the docs, so I guess not [12:36] <larsu> Laney: XDG_DATA_DIRS [12:39] <Laney> and copy the one I want to use? [12:40] <larsu> oh wait, I misread sorry [12:40] <larsu> you want a different theme, not a different search path [12:40] <larsu> that's a xsetting, no? [12:40] <Laney> ye [12:41] <Laney> just wanted to override it once [12:41] * larsu looks at the source [12:42] <larsu> Laney: no such thing exists. You could set it in the overrides key of the xsettings g-s-d plugin [12:43] <larsu> but then, you might as well change the icon-theme key itself [12:43] * Laney nods [12:43] <Laney> I just did that [12:43] <Laney> thanks for checking! [12:44] <larsu> maybe it makes sense to add that? [12:44] <larsu> I've never felt a need for it myself though [12:44] <Laney> I use GTK_THEME from time to time [12:44] <Laney> probably would use an icon one less frequently [12:46] <larsu> we have kind of changed the definition of theme anyway [12:46] <larsu> it includes icons now [12:46] <larsu> at least in the user-facing ui [12:47] <larsu> maybe it makes sense to formalize that and make GTK_THEME respect it? [12:47] <Laney> you mean our UI sets both? [12:47] <larsu> yes. It sets a lot of things [12:47] <Laney> how does this work? [12:47] <Laney> does the theme say what its matching icon theme is? [12:48] <larsu> there are files somewhere in /usr/share that describe a full theme [12:48] * larsu tres to find them [12:48] <Laney> ya index.theme has this [12:49] <larsu> indeed [12:49] <larsu> not saying we should teahc gtk about that file [12:49] <larsu> but we could think about it [12:50] <Laney> what does consume it now? [12:51] <larsu> a myriad of things from xsettings, gsettings, and env variables [13:01] * Laney feels hungry and realises he hasn't eaten yet [13:03] <didrocks> Laney: quick, go eating! :) [14:08] <Laney> got to eat outside [14:08] <Laney> SPRING! [14:16] <ogra_> in the snow yu mean ? [14:16] <Laney> don't curse me [14:16] <Laney> sunny, no wind [14:16] <Laney> it was at least 10°! [14:16] <ogra_> nah, i cant blame you that it snows in germany since two dasys :) [14:16] <ogra_> *days [14:17] <Laney> you need to get yourself a jet stream [14:18] <ogra_> heh, my house is that tall [14:18] <ogra_> *isnt [15:51] <Laney> seb128: do you know if got looked at further? [15:54] <seb128> Laney, no, desrt never got back to me here [15:57] <Laney> that guy! [16:09] <seb128> desrt, ^ can you comment on that please? [16:10] <desrt> interesting [16:11] <desrt> iirc that conversation was quite old [16:13] <desrt> seb128: i'd be interested to know if gedit is installed in ~/.local/share or ~/.config somehow [16:13] <seb128> desrt, yeah, well it's making apport files open in gedit rather than being sent to launchpad [16:13] <desrt> like in a mime config file [16:13] <seb128> no it's not [16:13] <desrt> not even in the mimeapps? [16:13] <seb128> it's just that glib prefers a default handler for a subtype than an handler for that exact type [16:13] <desrt> oh. [16:14] <seb128> text/x-crash has only one handler, apport-gtk.desktop [16:14] <seb128> but it's a subtype of text/plain [16:14] <desrt> but it's not in defaults.list [16:14] <seb128> which has gedit as default handler [16:14] <seb128> no [16:14] <desrt> right [16:14] <desrt> okay [16:14] <desrt> that's a different issue from what i think i was talking to teuf about [16:14] <seb128> but it's the only handler for that exact type [16:14] <desrt> and i'm not 100% sure i agree that the behaviour is wrong [16:14] <seb128> I don't think so [16:14] <seb128> so if you have 1 handler for the exact type that should not be the one used? [16:15] <seb128> lot of types subclass text/plain [16:15] <desrt> not if you explicitly listed a default for the less specific type [16:15] <seb128> it seems wrong to prefer gedit rather than the "native" handler [16:15] <desrt> well, you could just as well add the native handler to the defaults list [16:15] <seb128> that's a workaround [16:15] <desrt> i'd say it's the correct solution [16:15] <desrt> but to be honest, i'm not sure [16:15] <desrt> and i don't think the spec says one way or the other [16:16] <seb128> so you say it's normal that .ui files open in gedit rather than glade if glade is not set default [16:16] <seb128> or apport files in gedit rather than apport [16:16] <seb128> that seems backward to me [16:16] <desrt> gimme a sec. reading the spec. [16:16] <seb128> thanks [16:17] <desrt> the spec is totally oblivious to inheritence and aliasing :( [16:17] <seb128> well to me it would make sense to pick an handler for the exact type if possible, whatever the case is [16:17] <desrt> the patch to make the spec do what you want would be smaller than the patch to make the spec do the other thing [16:17] <desrt> so let's assume you're right :p [16:17] <seb128> lol [16:18] <desrt> i'll look into it today [16:18] <seb128> thanks [16:23] <nrosvall> Hi, I'm working on a quite big software project. Now when Unity 8 is coming and all that new stuff I'm wondering how much Unity 7 and 8 api will be different [16:23] <nrosvall> say indicators? will indicators written for unity 7 work with unity 8? [16:24] <nrosvall> (not sure if this is the right place to ask) [16:32] <desrt> new favourite bug summary: " many aspects of human life have no main category. " [16:33] <desrt> along with a bunch of other bugs advocating the creation of main categories for things like "farm management" [16:34] * desrt doesn't even know what a main category is, but is pretty sure 'farm management' isn't one [17:21] <desrt> seb128: aside: how goes the migration from defaults.list? [17:37] <seb128> desrt, we didn't do anything for that, I've it somewhere on my list of things we should look at but forgot the detauls so needs to sit down and read what we said on that topic back then [17:39] <desrt> basically, it ought to be renamed to gnome-mimeapps.list [17:40] <desrt> or unity-mimeapps.list, accordingly [17:40] <desrt> ie: defaults depend on which desktop is logged in [17:43] <seb128> desrt, oh, right, that's good, we need to do that next cycle ... or maybe while in London ;-) [17:43] <desrt> it is also (theroetically) supported by qt [17:43] <desrt> defaults.list has never been [18:03] <desrt> seb128: you've thrown me into some fun territory here [18:03] <desrt> the "consider each type separately logic" obvious logic gets non-obvious with negative results [18:03] <desrt> like if i have an app that is listed as both text/html and text/plain [18:04] <desrt> and someone has removed the text/html association [18:04] <desrt> that app could still end up opening the file on the basis of the text/plain association, if that one was not also explicitly blacklisted [18:05] <desrt> in that case, this "handle the subtype before moving up to the supertype" logic breaks down a bit [18:07] <desrt> seems the spec will need some deeper clarifications... [18:08] <desrt> it gets extra hard when the super-type match comes from the defaults list but the "removed" association was made via the more specific type. the code has absolutely no way of dealing with this possibility, at present [18:11] <larsu> desrt: do people even use all those features? Nautilus only lets you change associations, no? Not explicitley remove them [18:11] <seb128> I don't think we have any UI that let you remove associations [18:12] <seb128> we just have a way to set defaults [18:12] <larsu> right [18:12] <larsu> and that makes this whole thing *a lot* easier [18:12] <seb128> indeed [18:12] <seb128> in practice you just want to say "open that type of file with this software" [18:12] * larsu knows that desrt likes to solve the tricky problems [18:12] <larsu> seb128: ya... [18:16] <seb128> mitya57, thanks for sponsoring those u-s-d/gnome-desktop3 SRUs [18:17] <desrt> you can definitely remove associations [18:17] <seb128> desrt, how/where? [18:17] <seb128> you can in the spec, I just don't think we have an UI for it [18:17] <desrt> nautilus [18:17] <desrt> right click a file, open properties [18:17] <desrt> go to the "open with" tab [18:17] <desrt> right click an app [18:17] <desrt> "forget association" [18:17] <larsu> dude, install ubuntu [18:18] <seb128> right click doesn't do anything here [18:18] <desrt> well, it does on upstream nautilus [18:18] <larsu> hm/ [18:18] <desrt> (or at least nautilus as packaged by debian) [18:18] <larsu> seb128: right click / propeerties works for me [18:18] <seb128> new feature in 3.16? [18:18] <seb128> larsu, I don't have a context menu on right click here? [18:18] <larsu> desrt: in any case, that's a questionable feature [18:18] <desrt> i don't think so [18:19] <desrt> if a user doesn't like an app they may very well want to break an association made at the system level [18:19] <larsu> seb128: you don't have a context menu in nautilus?! Craziness [18:19] <desrt> larsu: i think he means on the apps in the open-with tab [18:19] <larsu> desrt: no, more likely they'll want to set a different app [18:19] <desrt> seb128: it doesn't work for the default app -- only the others [18:19] <desrt> under "recommended applications" [18:19] <larsu> oh [18:20] <larsu> hm, it works for *some* of the others [18:20] <desrt> anyway [18:20] <larsu> meh, it's neither discoverable nor useful [18:20] <desrt> i can see what you mean [18:20] <larsu> seb128 and I didn't even know it existed [18:20] <desrt> removing apps is a bit weird [18:20] <desrt> but it's something that we have in the spec since prehistoric times [18:20] <larsu> and considering that it makes the implementation considerably simpler [18:20] <larsu> ... [18:20] <desrt> since before it was a spec, frankly [18:21] <larsu> nothing we can't change [18:21] <desrt> dunno [18:21] <desrt> the ability to remove associations is also API [18:21] <desrt> although we could redefine that to "this is used for breaking incorrect associations that the user made themselves" [18:21] <desrt> not for blacklisting stuff made at a different level [18:21] <larsu> the most sacred asset we have. API. We never break or deprecate any of it! [18:21] <desrt> ie: if you say that gedit can open jpegs [18:21] <desrt> and later you decide that this wasn't a good idea after all [18:22] <desrt> then you can fix it [18:22] <desrt> but if gedit claims MimeType=image/jpeg in its desktop file, it is there forever [18:22] <desrt> doing this would simplify things a fair bit.... [18:23] <larsu> if gedit claims it's name is GEdti in its desktop file, it is there forever [18:23] <desrt> larsu: where were you when we were discussing this? :p [18:23] <larsu> desrt: glad to save you some man-hours by dropping by this channel and quipping about something I have no business in [18:23] <desrt> i guess none of us at the table, at the time, really considered just axing that part of the spec [18:23] <larsu> desrt: not sure. When did you discuss this? [18:24] <larsu> in NUR? [18:24] <desrt> ya [18:24] <desrt> (NUE, btw) [18:24] <larsu> oh. thanks. [18:24] <desrt> you were there :p [18:24] <larsu> drunk maybe? Sleeping? Talking to rishi? [18:24] <desrt> maybe [18:24] <desrt> it was mostly david and i arguing over it [18:24] <desrt> i guess we could say that handling of removed apps is optional [18:25] <larsu> sounds good to me :) [18:25] * desrt is not yet convinced [18:25] <larsu> I bet KDE is of a different opinion [18:25] <desrt> :) [18:25] <larsu> I don't know enough to convince you all the way I'm afraid [18:25] <desrt> i'll open a bug and see if anyone says anything [18:25] <larsu> maybe seb128 can help [18:26] <larsu> desrt: I love how this works sometimes... I didn't even think much when typing this into here [18:26] <larsu> was eating some bread and idly reading the last few lines of backlog [18:29] <desrt> ya... having some outside-the-box stuff injected is often helpful [18:29] <desrt> unfortunately i don't think it's actually helpful for today [18:29] <desrt> since i'm certainly not making this change in glib now [18:29] <desrt> so i'll still have to implement this mess [18:29] <larsu> why? [18:29] <desrt> but the one benefit is that i can tell myself that i don't have to bother trying to explain it consistently in the spec [18:30] <desrt> because seb wants a bug fixed now, and this 'kill remove' thing is going to take some discussion [18:30] <larsu> what's the bug? [18:30] * larsu does like a five-year old and asks all the whys [18:30] <desrt> we prefer a default app for text/plain over a non-default (but available) app for a more specific type [18:31] <desrt> like if gedit handles text/plain and we have firefox installed, but not marked as a default for text/html [18:31] <desrt> then gedit would be picked as the default for text/html [18:31] <desrt> since there is no "default" for text/html [18:31] <larsu> that's a bug indeed, but I don't see how that's related [18:31] <larsu> hm, I think I can imagine cases where you don't want this [18:32] <larsu> ah no, should be fine [18:32] <desrt> the problem comes when we have gedit with its association explicitly broken for text/httml, but still capable of handling text/plain [18:32] <desrt> do we consider the text/html "removed association" as effecting gedit's ability to handle text/plain for a file that happens to be html? [18:32] <desrt> or do we say "well, no... we didn't find anything for text/html, and it still handles text/plain... so let's do it!" [18:33] <desrt> ie: we move towards a place where we consider each mimetype separately, in sequence, from most specific to least specific [18:33] <larsu> hard to say [18:33] <desrt> but it seems that there is a reason to want this process to be not-entirely-separated [18:33] <larsu> I think if we don't have any other app, we should let gedit open it [18:33] <larsu> but then, I think this whole removal thing is stupid [18:33] <desrt> ya... [18:34] <desrt> killing off remove would solve so many open questions like this [18:34] <desrt> and you're right -- it's pretty borderline, as far as features go [18:37] <desrt> it solves another more general annoying problem as well [18:37] <desrt> with respect to user intent [18:37] <desrt> if i right click on a html file and say "remove association for gedit" [18:37] <desrt> am i intending to do that for html files, or for all text files? [18:37] <desrt> since gedit doesn't really explicitly list text/html [18:37] <desrt> it's sort of a random detail that the file that i used to open that dialog happened to be html [18:38] <desrt> what if it was something even more texty, like a desktop file, but still had its own mime entry? [18:38] <desrt> so now i have to take care to find a real 'text/plain' text file in order to do the operation i want? [18:38] <larsu> haha yeah [18:39] <larsu> that's a problem with mime types anyway: some of them are more "alike" than others [18:41] <desrt> also reduces some of the complexities in dealing with mime aliases
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "GunnarHj", "Laney", "darkxst", "desrt", "didrocks", "jhenke", "larsu", "nrosvall", "ogra_", "seb128" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-desktop" }
[08:51] <slickymasterWork> knome, ping [08:52] <ochosi> elfy: just a quick heads up question: have any critical issues come up since i've been afk? [08:52] <ochosi> or to rephrase that, if any come up, please ping me! [08:52] <slickymasterWork> hey ochosi [08:53] <ochosi> hi and bye slickymasterWork :) [08:53] <slickymasterWork> bye ochosi ;) [08:54] <elfy> ochosi: nope and I would ofc [08:54] <elfy> off now - cya [08:54] <ochosi> well, that's good to hear (the prior more than the latter even :)) [09:13] <knome> slickymasterWork, pong [09:24] <slickymasterWork> first of all, good morning [09:25] <slickymasterWork> secondly, I'm going to forward you an email I received [09:25] <slickymasterWork> sent knome [09:25] <slickymasterWork> is it related to the website? [09:26] * knome looks [09:27] <knome> no [09:27] <knome> it's related to [09:28] <slickymasterWork> the only accounts I have wordpress related are the -xub website and the FC blog [09:28] <knome> that's weird [09:28] <slickymasterWork> very weird [09:28] <knome> maybe you should reset the pass and delete the account [09:29] <knome> or sth - you clearly have an account [09:29] <slickymasterWork> the website account? [09:29] <knome> the account [09:29] <slickymasterWork> but I don't hane one :P [09:29] <slickymasterWork> * have even [09:30] <knome> is a service provided by the wordpress developers that provides the wordpress platform [09:30] <slickymasterWork> yeah, I know that. [09:30] <knome> well the email is valid - it does redirect you to [09:31] <knome> maybe you've created an account to comment on some blog or sth? [09:32] <slickymasterWork> I'm starting to think that it's probably phishing knome [09:32] <knome> no, as i said, the mail is valid [09:32] <knome> it does redirect to [09:33] <slickymasterWork> I'm almost sure that I never had, or created, a wordpress account [09:33] <slickymasterWork> anyway, going to reset it and delete the account [09:33] <knome> i guess then don't mind the message:P [09:33] <slickymasterWork> ok [09:34] <knome> you probably get a message saying the key doesn't exist [09:34] <knome> because i followed that link once [09:34] <knome> :P [09:34] <knome> so you need to ask to reset your pass again [09:34] <slickymasterWork> ok, thanks for the heads up [09:35] <knome> np. hope you solve the mystery [09:35] <Unit193> And if not, rm -rf [09:36] <knome> was the slickymaster in forum council an april fools joke? ;P [09:37] <Unit193> Yes, nobody is crazy enough to put him in. [09:38] <knome> yep. [09:43] <slickymasterWork> apparently everyone went cuckoo at the FC, Unit193 [09:44] <knome> that can't be true [09:44] <slickymasterWork> they put me there knome.!! [09:44] <knome> there is no way elfy could have "went" cuckoo [09:44] <knome> he is already... [09:45] <slickymasterWork> yeah [09:46] <slickymasterWork> btw knome, did you get any conclusions on an alternative to your doubt with [09:46] <knome> no, my brain has been unable to process that information :P [09:46] <slickymasterWork> lol [09:47] <slickymasterWork> glad to know I'm not the only one with a need for an occasional reboot [09:47] <slickymasterWork> :P [09:47] <knome> i still think it's a bad thing language-wise for some languages [09:48] <slickymasterWork> the way I see it knome, if it passes the Finnish test, the it will pass all others [09:48] <knome> this would be different if we did this from the beginning [09:48] <knome> so we could have given people instructions [09:48] * slickymasterWork doesn't recall another idion wit so many letters per word [09:48] <slickymasterWork> * idiom [09:48] <knome> "note that the cross reference prints the chapter name as is" [09:49] <slickymasterWork> yes [09:49] <slickymasterWork> did you get to check a trial test of a translated finnish version with this new approach knome ? [09:50] <knome> yeah, i checked that back then [09:50] <knome> and it didn't convince me for this particular reason [09:50] <Unit193> I only had a minor nitpick, and IMO we should get this in soon. [09:50] <knome> Unit193, like for 15.04? [09:51] <knome> now here's the thing [09:51] <knome> the reason i think this is a problem isn't that "you can't make the finnish version look fluent with this solution" [09:52] <knome> it's "the current finnish translation doesn't work with this solution" [09:52] <knome> so it would mean i (or somebody else) would have to see every place where cross references are [09:52] <knome> to see if they read fluent or not [09:52] <knome> and change as appropriate [09:52] <knome> and i would imagine it would mean a change in most of the places [09:53] <Unit193> Considering x-d-s has already been updated and pushed for it? [09:54] <knome> are we talking about the same thing? [09:54] <knome> oh right, you are talking about the other parts of the MP [09:54] <Unit193> And, the English part of that looks crappy. :P [09:54] <knome> i have no problems with that. [09:54] <knome> english part of what? [10:37] <bluesabre> assuming google doesn't lie to me... happy birthday lderan ! [10:37] <slickymasterWork> \o/ congrats lderan [10:37] * knome plays a little birthday fanfare for lderan [10:42] <elfy> hippy burpday lderan [10:42] <knome> hah [10:42] <knome> ;) [10:46] <bluesabre> thoughts about the updated description here? [10:47] <elfy> the only thing I take issue with is the sudden appearance everywhere of [10:47] <elfy> perpetually [10:48] <elfy> or do other people use a different meaning to me ;) [10:48] <knome> propose an alternative [10:48] <slickymasterWork> elfy, take it like a marriage [10:49] <elfy> This team is moderated; only users who have been approved by the Xubuntu Technical Lead will be approved to the team. [10:49] <knome> elfy, when are people approved by the xubuntu technical lead? [10:50] <elfy> no idea [10:50] <elfy> I've never asked [10:51] <knome> ...when they have contributed perpetually? [10:51] <elfy> perpetual - occurring repeatedly; so frequent as to seem endless and uninterrupted. [10:51] <elfy> it's just the wrong word :) [10:52] <Unit193> ^ [10:52] <elfy> if I had QA team only having perpetually contributing people - it would be empty [10:52] <knome> i was asking for an alternative word proposal :) [10:52] <knome> sustainably? [10:52] <elfy> ok - so I am asking why there is a need for a word anyway? [10:52] <knome> persistently? [10:53] <elfy> nope - I only asked once :d [10:53] <knome> because if you say "only approved people will be approved" it means nothing [10:53] <elfy> then lose the whole thing :D [10:53] <knome> well, [10:53] <knome> the history of this clause is that people keeped trying to join the teams [10:53] <knome> this cuts the amount of people at least a bit [10:55] <Unit193> sustained and high quality. :P [10:55] <knome> Unit193, we'll have to drop you from some of the teams then... [10:55] <knome> :P [10:56] <Unit193> That's alrighty. :P [10:56] <knome> (just kidding for all the log readers who don't understand jokes) [10:56] * Unit193 waves to krytarik. [10:56] <elfy> if the reason for having stuff in LP is because people don't read other things - then it's just never ending [10:57] <Unit193> This is the song that never ends... [10:58] <elfy> perhaps the link should be to [10:58] <knome> elfy, maybe, but then that explains why you aren't allowed in the team, not how you can contribute to become part of the team [10:58] <elfy> because that's the rule book [10:58] <knome> (like the current link target does) [10:59] <elfy> really don't care - just don't expect me to say perpetually to anyone as that's just wrong [10:59] <knome> lol [10:59] <knome> i'm fine with changing the word [11:00] <knome> so what if [11:00] <knome> instead of putting the descriptions everywhere [11:00] <elfy> and this just goes back to the difference between some of us thinking that LP is NOT the place for stories [11:00] <knome> we worked on the description in one place - the pad [11:00] <Unit193> continually|sustained|continued|foopermania [11:00] <knome> to get it in good shape before we land it [11:01] <knome> to allow feedback and all [11:01] <knome> which was the original idea... [11:01] <elfy> sustained is closer for sure - but we expect people to sustain for 6 months [11:01] <elfy> and THAT is not anywhere near perpetual :p [11:01] <Unit193> Nooope. [11:01] <Unit193> "For as long as the project existed, and until it ends?" [11:03] <bluesabre> Only those with sustained contributions and are approved by the XTL will be added to the team ? [11:03] <elfy> that works [11:03] <knome> bluesabre, that's beating it to death [11:03] <Unit193> I don't see the cookies, only those that bring me cookies win. [11:03] <knome> bluesabre, the approval will happen once there are sustained contributions... [11:03] <Unit193> But otherwise it looks good. [11:03] <bluesabre> with a rubber mallet [11:04] <bluesabre> unless the current XTL is insecure about giving them upload rights to the PPAs, code :) [11:05] <elfy> I still have no idea why there's this need to be changing things everywhere [11:05] <knome> elfy, consistency [11:06] <elfy> with what? [11:06] <knome> within the descriptions [11:06] <bluesabre> I somewhat triggered it. The previous description for this team was a bit inaccurate, so I mentioned it to knome that it didn't align with the SD [11:06] <elfy> well - given that I've got my feet firmly stuck - the consistency isn't going to be very consistent [11:07] <elfy> bluesabre: that's fair enough - I can understand a need to deal with that [11:07] <elfy> but I'm now blaming you for everyone else having to get involved :D [11:07] <bluesabre> :'( [11:08] <Unit193> Can't we just blame bluesabre anyway? [11:08] <knome> elfy, well you didn't have to get involved... ochosi could have changed the description for you :P [11:08] <elfy> but it's ok - I know you care :p [11:08] <elfy> knome: and I'd have changed it back [11:08] <knome> :P [11:08] <knome> because? [11:08] <bluesabre> I'll take blame, won't cry over it [11:08] <elfy> ha ha ha [11:09] <knome> i don't know why this ever became such a big thing, it's a few words in the internet... [11:09] <elfy> :) [11:09] <elfy> because LP is not the place for stories [11:09] <knome> but it's not even a short story :( [11:09] <Unit193> Can't we all just agree with bluesabre now? [11:09] <knome> or a poem? [11:09] <knome> -? [11:09] <knome> Unit193, no? [11:11] <slickymasterWork> ftr I don't agree with Unit193's cookies policy :P [11:11] * slickymasterWork doesn't like sweets [11:11] <elfy> mmm [11:11] <elfy> I need to leave [11:11] <Unit193> slickymasterWork: Nono, they only have to bring them to me. [11:11] <Unit193> elfy: Why? [11:11] <elfy> I only turned up a while ago - and I'm not doing stuff all the time [11:12] <slickymasterWork> well, if it's like, then I won't mind [11:12] <elfy> Unit193: because it says 'perpetually' [11:12] <elfy> :) [11:12] <bluesabre> I'm also not a fan of the word 'perpetually' [11:13] <elfy> sustainable contributions is what we want, what we expect - so should probably be what we say [11:13] <Unit193> ^ [11:13] <knome> "Only people with sustained contributions to the team will be considered for approval." [11:13] <bluesabre> right [11:13] <Unit193> left! [11:13] <bluesabre> that sounds good [11:13] <knome> bluesabre, please update the pad as you go too, so we have it tracked [11:13] <bluesabre> down! [11:13] <elfy> yep - agreed - that's also the truth [11:14] <elfy> don't leave me with the centre :( [11:14] <knome> elfy, you can take up [11:14] <elfy> fishing !!! [11:14] <elfy> I'll take up fishing [11:14] <knome> :D [11:14] <bluesabre> :D [11:17] <elfy> I can agree with the sustained contributions sentence [11:18] <elfy> and I've not got a big problem with LP descs making sense either - as long as they're succinct [11:22] <knome> mhm [11:22] <knome> i got to run [11:22] <knome> bbl [21:38] <Unit193> Noskcaj: Nearly a week has passed for xfburn with no changes, popping one up for you now. [21:38] <elfy> noooooo [21:38] <elfy> it failed last time I had hardware :p [21:38] <knome> elfy, "noo, meetingology is back" ? [21:38] <knome> :P [21:38] <elfy> woohoo [21:38] <elfy> ?working? [21:38] <knome> can't be. [21:38] <elfy> #seemsso [21:39] <Unit193> !netsplit [21:46] <Unit193> ERROR: files left after uninstall: [21:46] <Unit193> ./share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache [21:46] <Unit193> Makefile:823: recipe for target 'distuninstallcheck' failed
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "bluesabre", "elfy", "knome", "ochosi", "slickymasterWork" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu-devel" }
[05:54] <lordievader> Goede morgen. [11:56] <Goudfazant3991> hallo allemaal [11:56] <Goudfazant3991> steeds maar no root defented [11:57] <Goudfazant3991> als ik de dvd 14.04 wil instaleren [11:58] <Goudfazant3991> 1 mb free [11:58] <Goudfazant3991> 1 mb voor system [11:59] <Goudfazant3991> 255 mb voor grub [12:00] <Goudfazant3991> en 3000 = unknow [12:01] <Goudfazant3991> kan geen program downloaden want het gaat er ook weer af als ik de dvd er uit haal [12:11] <Goudfazant3991> hallo CasW [12:11] <CasW> Hallo Goudfazant [12:13] <Goudfazant3991> ik zit met het probleem al enigetijd om de 3 Terabyte schijf op de goede manier te particioeren [12:14] <Goudfazant3991> want je krijgt een lijstje te zien waar ik niet aan uit kan [12:15] <Goudfazant3991> ik zit nu in het buroblad en daar staat die dvd aangegeven van 14.04 [12:16] <Goudfazant3991> als ik die wil installeren dan gaat er als weer ui zogouw als ik de dvd er uit haal en overnieuw opstart [12:17] <Goudfazant3991> dus hij komt niet op de hardeschijf te staan volgens mij [12:28] <Fermata> Goudfazant3991: dat lijkt me een correcte waarneming ja. [12:28] <Goudfazant3991> ja Fermata inderdaad [12:30] <Goudfazant3991> de icon staat nu op het buroblad >>install ubuntu 14.04 LTS maar hij blijft er niet vast op staat [12:31] <Goudfazant3991> want als ik dat probeer te installeren en hij is aan zijn eind want ik laat hem zoveel mogenlijk alles zelf doen en ik start dan opnieuw op [12:32] <Goudfazant3991> dan is alles weg [12:33] <Goudfazant3991> zoals ik nu het kleine webcam program van het download center heb gedownload Cheese dat is dan ook weg [12:34] <Fermata> Hm. [12:35] <Goudfazant3991> het grootste gedeelte van de schijf blijft gesloten voor te installeren en dat vind ik vreemd [12:37] <Goudfazant3991> een HD van 3 tera daar moet toch veel en veel meer op kunnen als dat beetje van grub gedoe [12:37] <Fermata> Ja. [12:37] <Fermata> En het klinkt ainderdaad alsof je dingen in een liveomgeving aan het installeren bent. [12:38] <Goudfazant3991> kijk er hangt nu in de PC een van 3 Tera byte en een van 1 Tera byte voor windows [12:39] <Goudfazant3991> ja presies zo zou je het kunnen zeggen ja Blindelings [12:40] <Goudfazant3991> dat grootste gedeelte van de schijf dat blijft gesloten heel raar??? [12:42] <Goudfazant3991> als ik nu overnieuw opstart he dan komt het grub gedeelte tevoorschijn en dan kan ik een keuze maken uit ubunru of windows [12:42] <Goudfazant3991> of het geheugen controleren [12:43] <Fermata> Is dat met de dvd erin of eruit? [12:43] <Goudfazant3991> als ik voor ubuntu kies dan gaat hij verder met de Terminal [12:44] <Goudfazant3991> met de dvd er in laat hij gewoon het program [12:45] <Goudfazant3991> met de dvd er uit start hij door naar de grub [12:45] <Fermata> Oke, en als je eenmaal in grub geweest bent, wat dan? [12:46] <Goudfazant3991> maar als de dvd er in zit kan ik schijnbaar niets op de HD kwijt [12:47] <Fermata> Als in, als je opnieuw probeert te installeren? [12:47] <Goudfazant3991> als ik in de grub ben geweest dan moet ik weer opnieuw opstarten hezij met of zonder dvd [12:48] <Fermata> Oke, dan is de installatie inderdaad niet gelukt. [12:49] <Goudfazant3991> inderdaad ja >>> maar waarom neemt hij het grootste gedeelte van die HD niet [12:51] <Fermata> Dat weet ik niet. [12:51] <Goudfazant3991> ik zit nu in het chat gedeelte en als ik daar nu uit ga en die icon aanklik voor te installeren dan komt er niets op dat grootste [12:51] <Goudfazant3991> gedeelte te staan [12:52] <Fermata> Ook niet wanneer je dat manueel probeert toe te wijzen? [12:53] <Goudfazant3991> wat bedoel je met dat Manual [12:53] <Goudfazant3991> bedoel je die icon waar 14.04 bij staat [12:53] <Fermata> Dat je in de installer zelf je partities indeelt? [12:55] <Goudfazant3991> in het partities gedeelte staat alles al in ook van die windows en er staat overal bij >>goed< [12:56] <Fermata> En alle groottes van alle partities kloppen ook? [12:56] <Goudfazant3991> als ik in de grub naae advanced ga dan doet die het ook goed [12:56] <Goudfazant3991> sorry naar [12:57] <Fermata> Hmm, in Grub? [12:57] <Fermata> Ik bedoel de installer he. [12:59] <Goudfazant3991> ja dat lijstje van die partities installer dat weet ik niet of dat goed staat >> want hij geeft steeds aan >>no root defeted [12:59] <Fermata> Ja, dat vraag ik nou net. [13:00] <Fermata> Probeer eens te herinstalleren waarbij je zelf je partities indeelt. [13:00] <Goudfazant3991> ja maar daar staat zoweel in dat ik niet weet welke ik moet aanklikken [13:01] <Goudfazant3991> doet doe ik steeds >>> Manual [13:01] <Fermata> Heb je daar een overzicht van? [13:01] <Goudfazant3991> hand bediening [13:03] <Goudfazant3991> ja je weet het is moeilijk zo om nu in dat lijstje te komen [13:03] <Fermata> Het zou enorm helpen. [13:04] <Goudfazant3991> maar ik geloof dat ik het op heb geschreven even kijken moment!! [13:07] <Goudfazant3991> nee helaas ik kan het niet meer vinden [13:08] <Goudfazant3991> maar ik weet wel dat er iets van ext4 en ext 3 en ext2 en swap en nog veel meer in staat [13:09] <Fermata> Veel meer? [13:09] <Fermata> Het zou handig zijn als je gewoon dat lijstje even zoekt. [13:10] <Goudfazant3991> ik weet dat ik steeds een fout maak wat dat lijstje betreft [13:12] <Goudfazant3991> Fermata dan moet ik terug naar die andere Grub schijf daar staat dat allemaal in dan wil ik daar op een andere keer op terug komen ok [13:12] <Goudfazant3991> dan schrijf ik het allemaal op [13:13] <Fermata> Is goed. [13:13] <Fermata> Ik moet nu even door. [13:13] <Goudfazant3991> ok en nog bedankt zover [13:13] <Goudfazant3991> en een fijnedag verder [13:14] <Goudfazant3991> bye [13:20] <voor> hallo [14:27] <Goudfazant3991> daar ben ik weer [15:07] <mat___> Als ik een mail open met een PDF bestand; opent dit standaard met Gimp. Als ik Gimp deinstalleer opent het met Documentviewer (Evince). Dit wil ik standaard invoeren. Bij voorjeuren staat standaard Gimp. Hoe kan ik een ander programma als standaard invoeren? Waar staan de programma's? [15:32] <Goudfazant3991> lijstje van grub server [15:40] <Goudfazant3991> bij opnieuw opstart na install van 14.04 >>> grub: Rescue mode [15:43] <Goudfazant3991> Ex4 journaling file system [15:44] <Goudfazant3991> Ex3 journaling file system [15:45] <Goudfazant3991> Ex2 journaling file system [15:46] <Goudfazant3991> volgende = btrfs [15:46] <Goudfazant3991> dan jfs [15:46] <Goudfazant3991> dan xfs [15:47] <Goudfazant3991> dan fat16 [15:47] <Goudfazant3991> dan fat32 [15:47] <Goudfazant3991> dan swap area [15:48] <Goudfazant3991> dan reserved Bios boot area [15:50] <Goudfazant3991> dan physical volume for ? [15:50] <Goudfazant3991> dan do not partiions [15:50] <Goudfazant3991> end [16:03] <Goudfazant3991> hoe krijg ik dmesg stop [16:07] <Goudfazant3991> hallo OerHeks [16:11] <OerHeks> Avond Goudfazant3991 [16:11] <Goudfazant3991> je ziet dat lijstje daar boven wel he [16:12] <OerHeks> Ik zal bekennen, ik heb nog geen enkel lijstje opgehangen hier... en ik woon hier bijna 4 jaar ( over 8 dagen ) [16:13] <Goudfazant3991> nou die opdrachten dan [16:14] <Fermata> Nee, OerHeks komt net binnen [16:14] <OerHeks> ow opdrachten, lijstje, huiswerk ? [16:15] <Goudfazant3991> er staat iets niet goed want ik krijg het resterende van mijn 3 tera byte niet aangesproken [16:16] <Goudfazant3991> ik moet steeds mijn dvd er in leggen om zo te werken [16:17] <Fermata> Bij installatie deel je je partities fout in [16:17] <OerHeks> resterende van 3 Tb .. heeft die disk een MBR i.p.v. GPT ? [16:19] <Goudfazant3991> er staat als eerste op de grup server nou die is zo groot niet [16:21] <Goudfazant3991> als ik dan ubuntu 14.04 wil installeren dan installeerd hij wel maar als ik adn opnieuw opstart dan is alles weg [16:22] <Goudfazant3991> ook als ik wat download van het download center [16:23] <Goudfazant3991> zo kan ik blijven laden en lossen [18:03] <JasperCoenraats> weet iemand wat de volgende link is en of ze betrouwbaar is? Ik word er automatisch heen verwezen door FireFox, ik denk n.a.v. van een kleine bootpartitie naar een encryptede harde schijf [18:03] <JasperCoenraats> [18:09] <JasperCoenraats> de boot partitie is klein en stuurt een de rest van de schijf aan. Kun je de boot handmatig verruimen? [18:09] <JasperCoenraats> kernels verwijderen is nl. niet nuttig gebleken wat dit betreft [18:43] <Sling> JasperCoenraats: launchpad is een officiele site van canonical, het bedrijf achter ubuntu [18:43] <Sling> dus betrouwbaar :) [18:43] <Sling> hoe groot is je bootpartitie? [18:44] <JasperCoenraats> sling: dankje, die betrouwbaarheid is belangrijk. Ik kijk even naar de grootte [18:44] <JasperCoenraats> 243 MiB [18:44] <Sling> dat moet meer dan genoeg zijn, hoeveel is er van in gebruik? [18:45] <JasperCoenraats> 241,5 [18:45] <JasperCoenraats> ik heb al eens tig kernels verwijderd [18:45] <JasperCoenraats> ik zou denken dat ze er gewoon weer op staan [18:45] <Sling> heb je je systeem sinds dat het zo vol staat nog gereboot? [18:46] <JasperCoenraats> reboot? Ik start net de pc, en het is altijd zo [18:46] <JasperCoenraats> is dat een antwoord? [18:46] <Sling> ok, ja dan is er in ieder geval nog niks stuk :) [18:46] <Sling> wat is de uitvoer van 'uname -r' op een shell? [18:47] <JasperCoenraats> 3.13.0-45-generic [18:47] <Sling> staat er in de uitvoer van 'dpkg -l|grep linux [18:47] <JasperCoenraats> als je met shell gewoon terminal bedoelt [18:47] <Sling> nog een nieuwere versie dan dat? [18:48] <Sling> 3.13.0-46 etc [18:49] <OerHeks> hoe kernels verwijderd ? [18:50] <JasperCoenraats> er staat veel output [18:50] <JasperCoenraats> met autoclean en een paar andere zaken [18:50] <Sling> JasperCoenraats: aners kun je het wel in een zetten [18:50] <Sling> anders* [18:51] <Sling> als er geen nieuwere versie tussen staat, dan kun je met dit commando al je oude kernels verwijderen [18:51] <Sling> dan moet je /boot een stuk leger zijn, 30-40MB used en niet veel meer [18:52] <JasperCoenraats> [18:52] <JasperCoenraats> sling: dat is veel [18:53] <Sling> zo te zien heb je geen nieuwere kernels geinstalleerd, dus je kan dat commando veilig uitvoeren [18:53] <Sling> daarja kun je een 'apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade' uitvoeren om eventueel nog de laatste kernel binnen te halen [18:53] <Sling> (3.13.0-48-generic) [18:54] <JasperCoenraats> en welk commando zou iik moeten uitvoeren? [18:54] <Sling> heb ik op gezet [18:55] <JasperCoenraats> dankjewel [18:55] <JasperCoenraats> werkt dat altijd? [18:55] <Sling> alleen als je geen nieuwere kernels hebt geinstalleerd dan je op dit moment draait [18:55] <Sling> dus het beste zou je dit kunnen toevoegen aan je update-routine [18:55] <JasperCoenraats> ok [18:55] <Sling> zodat je telkens na een grote update + reboot, dat commando uitvoert [18:55] <JasperCoenraats> en hoe doe je dat? [18:56] <JasperCoenraats> ja [18:56] <Sling> je kan een tekstbestand aanmaken, die regel in zetten, daarna het bestand uitvoerbaar maken 'chmod +x bestandsnaam', en dan kun je het later met './bestandsnaam' aanroepen [18:57] <Sling> wat ik zelf doe is ubuntu's unattended-upgrades pakket gebruiken, en die ook automatisch de autoclean van aptitude laten gebruiken [18:57] <Sling> maar ik weet niet hoe dat werkt voor desktops/laptops [18:57] <Sling> want mijn updates gebeuren 's nachts automatisch, inclusief eventuele reboots [18:58] <JasperCoenraats> aha [18:59] <OerHeks> ja, bekend scriptje idd [19:00] <JasperCoenraats> 't is nu een .deb bestand [19:00] <JasperCoenraats> dat is niet de bedoeling vrees ik [19:02] <Sling> wat is een deb bestand? [19:02] <Sling> ik bedoel, wat is een deb bestand geworden? :) [19:02] <Sling> als je het tekstbestand bedoelt, maakt niet zoveel uit maar je kan het hernoemen met 'mv oudenaam nieuwenaam' [19:04] <JasperCoenraats> ik wil het automatisch op kunnen starten, want ik heb "parkinson"-achtige handen [19:04] <JasperCoenraats> vandaar linux: geen muis [19:05] <JasperCoenraats> maar plakken/knippen gaat niet in de terminal [19:06] <Sling> je kan in vim in ieder geval wel een soort blokken selecteren, of regels, en die kopieren/plakken [19:06] <Sling> weet niet welke teksteditor je gebruikt [19:06] <JasperCoenraats> in de terminal wel plakken niet [19:07] <Sling> ook niet met shift-insert ? [19:07] <JasperCoenraats> snap je wat ik bedoel? [19:07] <Sling> dat is normaliter plakken in een terminal [19:08] <JasperCoenraats> DANKJE! [19:08] <JasperCoenraats> DANKJE!!! [19:08] <Sling> :) [19:08] <JasperCoenraats> Er hoort bij mij nogt een ctrl bij, maar dat is ivm laptop [19:09] <JasperCoenraats> oh god, you helped me [19:09] <Sling> ah ja dat is altijd even puzzelen met die rare toetsenbordindelingen :) [19:09] <JasperCoenraats> dat zal met witte donderdag te maken hebben ;) [19:09] <OerHeks> muis wheel klikken werkt hier in terminal [19:09] <JasperCoenraats> 3 niet volledigre pakketten al verwijderd [19:10] <JasperCoenraats> btw: wat is nu dat lange commando? Wat doet 't? [19:10] <JasperCoenraats> [19:10] <JasperCoenraats> dit [19:10] <OerHeks> het rekent je kernels uit, behalve de laatste en de vorige. [19:11] <OerHeks> die vorige heb je nodig om in recovery mode te booten. [19:11] <OerHeks> de lijst die overblijft de-installeert dat script, en grub behoort automatisch geupdate te worden [19:12] <Sling> ja dit is wel een langdurige route, via dit commando [19:12] <Sling> maar het is redelijk fout-proof [19:12] <Sling> omdat ie telkens tussendoor je grub weer goed zet [19:12] <OerHeks> och ja, wel spannend om al die zooi voorbij te zien rollen [19:12] <OerHeks> "dat hoef ik niet in te tiepen" denk ik dan [19:13] <JasperCoenraats> oerhek: jij gebruikt dezelfde methode? [19:13] <OerHeks> Jazeker, wel vaak gebruikt [19:13] <Sling> is een veel voorkomend euvel bij ubuntu, vollopende bootpartitie door oude kernels [19:13] <Sling> moeten ze eigenlijk wat beters op verzinnen, maarja [19:13] <JasperCoenraats> ik bedoel: je updates en dit ook gaan automatisch [19:14] <Sling> ubuntu zou prima moeten kunnen bijhouden wat de huidige en de vorige-gebruikte kernel is, en de rest op de achtergrond weggooien [19:14] <OerHeks> Mijn updates, goeie vraag, ik run updates vaak 2x per dag [19:15] <JasperCoenraats> 182 v/d 250 MiB vrij [19:16] <JasperCoenraats> oerheks: ik dacht dit alles met update en dis-upgrade allang in een batschfile te hebben gezet onde MS-DOS. Kan dat onder Linux niet ook? [19:17] <Sling> JasperCoenraats: dan zou ik als ik jou was kijken naar het unattended-upgrades pakket [19:17] <Sling> [19:19] <JasperCoenraats> dat straat erop [19:20] <JasperCoenraats> dat is een hoop tekst, daar buig ik me morgen over [19:21] <JasperCoenraats> het script heb ik in elk geval bewaard [19:23] <JasperCoenraats> OerHeks: ik ben je inmiddels veel verschuldigd, dankjewel. [19:23] <JasperCoenraats> Sling: dankjewel voor je hulp [19:23] <Sling> no problemo [19:23] <JasperCoenraats> ik heb e.e.a. opgeslagen
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CasW", "Fermata", "Goudfazant3991", "JasperCoenraats", "OerHeks", "Sling", "lordievader", "mat___", "voor" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nl" }
[00:10] <cmaloney> EVening [01:13] <cscheib> it is indeed evening [01:13] <rick_h_> party [01:14] <rick_h_> chc party [01:14] <cscheib> jcastro: relevant to your interests: I had tacos at Azteca tonight [13:21] <cmaloney> Good morning [13:28] <rick_h_> morn [13:31] <_stink_> yo [15:45] <cmaloney> *Sigh* [15:46] <cscheib> somebody have a case of the Thursdays? [15:46] <cmaloney> Having a case of "what I thought was a good launch wasn't" [15:47] <cscheib> oh? [15:48] <cmaloney> Yeah, long story [15:48] <cmaloney> suffice to say what we thought we didn't need we needed [15:49] <cscheib> happens [15:54] <cmaloney> Yeah [15:56] <ColonelPanic001> I recently have assumed command of the university's mirror FTP/HTTP server. [15:56] * ColonelPanic001 mirrors bookie [15:57] <cscheib> my favorite bad launch of my career was the backup infrastructure I built for a large auto in Auburn Hills... my employer wouldn't let me get powerful enough hardware, I had to use surplus stuff... so, we built a backup env that couldn't keep up. [15:57] <_stink_> the guy who had it before you was a terrible person ColonelPanic001 [15:57] <cscheib> totally not my fault, nearly quit over it. [15:57] <cmaloney> ColonelPanic001: That's awesome. :) [15:57] <cmaloney> _stink_: DId you manage the mirrors? [15:57] <ColonelPanic001> yeah [15:57] <ColonelPanic001> I drew the short straw [15:57] <ColonelPanic001> now it's mine [15:57] <_stink_> *gasp* how could you think such a thing [15:57] <cmaloney> _stink_: You're self-effacing. [15:58] <cmaloney> ;) [15:58] <ColonelPanic001> he can self-face because he has a mirror [15:58] <cmaloney> heh [15:58] <cmaloney> God, that mirror infrastructure has to be a rickety mess. [15:58] <_stink_> i miss giving the 'FTP team' reports every month [15:58] <cmaloney> _stink_: "Still a rickety mess" [15:59] <cmaloney> "no funding, but thanks for the bandwidth" [15:59] <cmaloney> Does WSU still have a Usenet mirror? [15:59] <ColonelPanic001> no :\ [15:59] <cmaloney> and MERIT dial-up? :) [16:00] <jrwren> hahaha @ usenet mirror [16:00] <ColonelPanic001> we have a pretty speedy connection [16:00] <_stink_> no but we have a guy who will tell you ALL ABOUT the dial up pool [16:00] <jrwren> no one gets usenet feeds anymore except usenet providers. [16:00] <_stink_> while peeing next to you at a urinal [16:00] <cmaloney> _stink_: I'll begt [16:00] <cmaloney> bet [16:00] <cscheib> lulz [16:00] <cscheib> MERIT [16:00] <cscheib> I used to abuse that shit [16:00] <cmaloney> who didn't? [16:00] <cmaloney> When they rerquired a login is when I had to get a ISP [16:01] <jrwren> they used to not require login? [16:01] <cmaloney> _stink_: Is that where his office is? [16:01] <jrwren> like you'd just dial a line and be on? [16:01] <_stink_> haha [16:01] <_stink_> may as well be [16:01] <cscheib> yea, I had a login [16:01] <cmaloney> jrwren: I thought they didn't have a login for a bit [16:01] <cscheib> I don't remember if I had my own or stole someone else's [16:01] <jrwren> i've no idea. [16:01] <cmaloney> Maybe I'm thinking of something else [16:01] <cmaloney> MichNet? [16:01] <cmaloney> dunno [16:01] <jrwren> michnet was part of merit [16:01] <cscheib> ^^ [16:02] <cmaloney> All I remember is using it for a bit before having to get an ISP account [16:02] <cmaloney> Maybe I had an account. [16:02] <cmaloney> memory foggy [16:03] <jrwren> you probably did from OU [16:03] <cscheib> they probably locked the account you were (ab)using [16:03] <jrwren> weren't you an enrolled student for a while? [16:03] <cmaloney> I worked at WSU [16:03] <cmaloney> I wasn't a student at OSU [16:03] <cmaloney> was a student at Hope [16:03] <jrwren> not a state school. [16:03] <cmaloney> Yeah, all private. [16:03] <jrwren> was hope a merit member? [16:03] <cmaloney> Nope [16:03] <jrwren> i didn't think so. [16:04] <cscheib> I almost went to OU [16:04] <cmaloney> cscheib: Then you looked at the curriculum? :) [16:04] <cscheib> well, they were offering me a lot of money [16:04] <cscheib> more than Kettering was [16:04] <cmaloney> And realized their engineering dept was junk. [16:05] <_stink_> cmaloney: my sister in law was at hope for 3 years... maybe around '93-'96? [16:05] <_stink_> not sure if that overlaps you [16:05] <cmaloney> _stink_: I graduated in '93 [16:05] <cscheib> is CompEng out of the eng dept or compsci dept? [16:05] <cmaloney> I ruined it for her I'm sure. [16:05] <_stink_> ah ok [16:05] <_stink_> haha [16:05] <cscheib> I was in 3rd grade in 93 [16:05] <cmaloney> cscheib: Not sure [16:06] <cmaloney> but they had an awesome instructor there who taught assembly [16:06] <cmaloney> JoDee really liked him [16:06] <cmaloney> Shit,b lanking on the name [16:07] <cmaloney> There's a language that has his name, but I'm not sure that's related. [16:07] <cscheib> oddly enough, I probably would never have met jrwren or jcastro had I gone to OU [16:07] <jrwren> you are too young. [16:08] <cscheib> jrwren: you were working there when I still would have been in college. [16:08] <jrwren> comp eng IS a dept. Its the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the School of Engineering [16:08] <cmaloney> Apparently Comp Sci is under the Engineering dept. [16:08] <cmaloney> [16:09] <jrwren> and OU wasn't-isn't completely terrible - its largely what you make of it. [16:09] <jrwren> holy crap Jerry got old [16:09] <cmaloney> Well, JoDee got into a degree program that didn't translate into anything automotive [16:10] <cmaloney> and her later attempts showed a department that didn't have their shit together. [16:10] <cmaloney> jrwren: Hate to break it to you but we all got old . :) [16:10] <jrwren> CS at OU? [16:11] <cmaloney> Physics Engineering [16:11] <cmaloney> Engineering Physics [16:11] <cmaloney> rather [16:11] <jrwren> i never understood that field. [16:11] <cmaloney> Physics? [16:11] <jrwren> you use physics in engineering. wtf is physics engineering? [16:12] <cmaloney> Exactly. [16:12] <jrwren> I minored in physics and read QED for fun. I get physics. [16:12] <jcastro> I assumed you'd be the guy making stargates and stuff [16:12] <jrwren> i don't grok "engineering physics" [16:12] <jcastro> you need to know physics and engineering for that [16:12] <_stink_> fancy name for 'applied physics' [16:12] <cmaloney> jrwren: Well, they got rid of the degree [16:12] <jrwren> cmaloney: go figure! [16:12] <cmaloney> It was basically engineering for folks who didn't give a shit about cars or medicine. [16:12] <cmaloney> aka JoDee. [16:13] <_stink_> like most degrees with 'physics' in the name, HR departments don't know what the fuck someone holding it might know [16:13] <_stink_> so they can't get jobs [16:13] <_stink_> that they would be good at. [16:13] <cmaloney> Unfortuantely [16:13] <_stink_> not that i'm bitter. :) [16:13] <jrwren> physics - people who think better than others. :p [16:13] <cmaloney> And Physics is an awesome career-starter if you're a) planning on not being in Michigan, and b) are freshly coming off of the excitement from the Apollo Space missions [16:14] <_stink_> due to self flaggelation. [16:14] <cmaloney> Imagine the person flagellating themselves is a sphere. [16:14] <_stink_> zero wind resistance. [16:14] <cmaloney> ++ [16:14] <cmaloney> brb [16:14] <_stink_> cmaloney: you don't feel the space race buzz in the air still? [16:33] <cmaloney> _stink_: Yeah, that's what penny for NASA is all about: we shouldn't be spending whole dollars on the program [18:44] <ColonelPanic001> [18:44] <ColonelPanic001> here is my contribution to the ubuntu [19:03] <jrwren> ya'll run a mirror? [19:03] <jrwren> wow! 12.10! [19:03] <cmaloney> I think that's why it's pending review [19:04] <cmaloney> Very nice. [19:04] <jrwren> is it intentionally a PPC only mirror? [19:04] <jrwren> and an iso only mirror? [19:04] <jrwren> oh nevermind, there is some amd64 [20:08] <ColonelPanic001> yeah, the ubuntu mirror has been around for years here [20:08] <ColonelPanic001> I guess no one bothered to try and get it listed [20:31] <jrwren> i think tehy were listed and it would get overloaded and so it was removed from listing [20:31] <jrwren> or had a prohibitively small concurrent connection limit, again leading to its delisting
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ColonelPanic001", "_stink_", "cmaloney", "cscheib", "jcastro", "jrwren", "rick_h_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi" }
[20:59] <astroo-> ola pessoal
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "astroo-" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pt" }
[19:57] <bwmaker> Finally upgrading my PC. It's got a Phenom 9100e (1.8 quad core) to an Athlon II X3 450 (3.2 triple core). All the benchmarks show twice the performance, so I can keep my old box running for a few more years. :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bwmaker" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-tn" }
[11:20] <Mehrdad> سلام [11:21] <Mehrdad> کسی نیست ؟!‌ [23:14] <Kshyt> salam [23:14] <Kshyt> kasi online hast?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kshyt", "Mehrdad" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ir" }
[00:00] <maxjezy> vad väljer du, max iso 800 och ett glas med 2.8t eller max iso på typ 200 000 och 4t [00:03] <maxjezy> tänk vad smidigt att bara ha auto iso påslaget alltid [06:03] <einand> maxjezy: beror på hur bra kameran är på höga ison ;) [12:56] <Coffe> någon som vet hur lösa att ett intel gfx kort inte ser 2 skärmar men man kan sträcka ut bilden på dom 2 som de vore en skärm ? [13:05] <HeMan> Coffe: umm, då ser den väl båda skärmarna? [13:06] <HeMan> Coffe: eller vill du köra "spegling" så det är samma på båda? [13:08] <Coffe> HeMan: dom blir en ända "skärm" vill ha de som 2 olika [13:08] <Coffe> center är just nu mitt i mellan dom 2. [13:08] <HeMan> Coffe: huh? [13:09] <HeMan> Coffe: vill du köra två x-servrar så du inte kan få fönster mellan dom alls eller? [13:11] <Coffe> desktop sträcker sig över skärmarna som de vore en ända skärm .. så mitten av bilden kommer kant i kant på dom [13:11] <Coffe> i display manager så ser man de som endast 1 skärm .. som klarar 38**X1200 [13:13] <HeMan> Coffe: kolla om xrandr kan hjälpa till [13:16] <Coffe> HeMan: frågade Hi Xrandr can you help .. he never responded [13:17] <HeMan> Coffe: man xrandr :) [13:18] <Coffe> HeMan: [13:23] <HeMan> Coffe: det ser ut som drivaren funkar [13:23] <HeMan> Coffe: borde gå få xrandr att "bryta isär" skärmarna, men jag kommer inte ihåg hur [17:17] <Barre> Hund: \o/ lyckades fixa till problemet med reboot istället för shutdown.. behövde inte installera om [18:17] <Peyam> salam [18:31] <Amoz> i [18:31] <Amoz> är gott det [19:22] <Peyam> Windows 10 är underbar [19:22] <Peyam> jag gillar menyn som ser ut som xfce [19:22] <Peyam> om den har en högerclick option blir den bra [19:22] <Peyam> ska maila microsofrt [22:56] <maxjezy> hej [23:06] <huttan> hej
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Amoz", "Barre", "Coffe", "HeMan", "Peyam", "einand", "huttan", "maxjezy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }
[06:07] <nhaines> pleia2, elky, ianorlin, blitz thanks! [06:08] <nhaines> 35 is weird. It's almost half a lifetime. [06:08] <nhaines> Hopefully in another 30 years I can just upload my brain into a computer. [06:08] <blitz> rapture of the nerds [06:08] <elky> heh you're not that much older than me [06:11] <pleia2> yeah, I turn 34 this year [06:12] <pleia2> I think, it all kind of blurs together after 25 [06:12] <pleia2> but I can still math \o/ [06:12] <nhaines> Basicaly! [06:12] <blitz> I definitely lost track after 25 [06:13] <blitz> still feel 25 [06:13] <nhaines> Basically it all just still feels like this (language): [06:13] <darthrobot> Title: [Nick Trujillo on Twitter: "Adult conversations with @LaScaldaferri"]
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "blitz", "darthrobot", "elky", "nhaines", "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-ca" }
[16:55] <joey> FunnyLookinHat: what's the best place to park my lifted jeep tomorrow? [16:56] <joey> s/what/where [16:56] <FunnyLookinHat> joey, ha - what's the clearance? [16:56] <joey> 18th and champa? [16:56] <FunnyLookinHat> 16th [16:56] <joey> ~9 feet or so [16:56] <FunnyLookinHat> Ah yeah - that won't fit in any garage. [16:56] <joey> if I drive really slow [16:57] <FunnyLookinHat> I think you're looking at street parking [16:57] <FunnyLookinHat> Pretty easy to find in the surrounding blocks after 6 [16:57] <FunnyLookinHat> There's also a lot at 18th and champa [16:57] <FunnyLookinHat> err [16:57] <FunnyLookinHat> Yeah - 18th [16:57] <joey> yeah but this is at 5 [16:57] <FunnyLookinHat> That or street parking [16:57] <FunnyLookinHat> The lot is fairly open by 4:00 [16:59] <joey> I'm guessing the meters on the street are more than the lot [17:00] <joey> I suppose if I stop at 18th I can still turn around and head north without having to cross the mall [17:00] <FunnyLookinHat> Yeah you can spin at 17th [17:01] <FunnyLookinHat> I can't remember how much that lot is - probably something like $6 ? But yeah - street parking is $1 / hour - you'd just have to meter up if you were here longer than 2 hours [17:01] <FunnyLookinHat> I' [17:01] <joey> If that lot at 18th is full then I can probably circle around to the Monoco and park there [17:01] <FunnyLookinHat> I've never had trouble finding a space on Champa between 18th and 16th after 4 [17:01] <FunnyLookinHat> But can change a bunch day to day, etc. [17:02] <joey> yeah. well if i miss it I can cross the mall and on 15th there are a bunch of lots [17:02] <joey> just makes it a little harder exiting going home [17:02] <joey> Does Jason take the bus down? [17:04] <joey> I'm tempted to come down early but if the lots are full until later it's not worth it [17:04] <joey> My last thing ends at 15:30 or so [17:07] <FunnyLookinHat> joey, Yeah Jason does the park and ride
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "FunnyLookinHat", "joey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-co" }
[05:00] <phase2faith> zdarova rebjat [05:00] <phase2faith> ja zaregitsja ne mogu [05:00] <phase2faith> na [05:01] <phase2faith> voprosi sprashivaet pro arbuz i chasy [05:01] <phase2faith> vvozhu pishet ne vernie paroli , kto pomoch mozhet? [05:02] <phase2faith> vse spravilsja :) [05:02] <phase2faith> тут гуру есть* [05:02] <phase2faith> ? [05:03] <phase2faith> кто в дэдиках разбираеться? [05:03] <phase2faith> ребят ну не тупим( [05:13] <phase2faith> sa [05:14] <phase2faith> !nick [05:57] <phase2faith> zdarova. [05:58] <phase2faith> здарова ребят [07:09] * |Bot| says morning [08:02] <MuxaCb_NL> :)Всем привет!.. [08:14] <MuxaCb_NL> msg ubuntuhelp !MuxaCb_NL [09:17] <serega527> тест [09:18] <serega527> тест [09:18] <serega527> Привет. Кто тут сейчас? [09:18] <serega527> тетс [09:18] <serega527> тест [09:18] <|Bot|> всем мертвы [09:18] <serega527> тест [09:19] <serega527> только бот? [09:25] <|Bot|> only [09:26] <TomFarr> serega527, я тут тоже [09:37] <serega527> Очень хорошо. Я начал знакомство с никсами и мне понравилась их стабильность работы. Теперь я хочу собрать себе роутер, на базе интел атом и убунту сервер. Сейчас пользуюсь "железным роутером" на openwrt. Я прекрасно понимаю, что, собирая роутер на убунт [09:37] <serega527> у сервер, мне придётся самому заботиться о его конфигурации и безопасности. Где можно начитаться примеров? Не хотелось бы выставлять компьютер голой пятой точкой в инет, тем более с белым IP. [09:42] <SergeyIT> а зачем такие сложности? [09:43] <serega527> То есть, Вы за железный роутер? [09:44] <SergeyIT> да [09:45] <serega527> я, так-то, тоже за такое решение. Но есть желание изучить эту кухню. На нетбуке давно стоит Кубунту. [09:47] <SergeyIT> а цель? [09:47] <serega527> зачем мне нужны знания? вы про это? [09:50] <TomFarr> цель с которой ты спрашиваешь [09:50] <TomFarr> просто поковырять? Или: Пытаюсь настроить. [09:50] <serega527> теперь понял. хочу настроить. [09:51] <TomFarr> доков в нете полно. Ставь сервер. Оттуда и плясать будем [09:52] <TomFarr> или ты с него пишешь? serega527 ? [09:52] <serega527> Тогда, я пошёл скачивать на торренте дистрибутив. пишу с нетбука на Кубунту. [09:53] <TomFarr> serega527, вот почитай [09:54] <serega527> благодарю [09:55] <TomFarr> только не понятно на что он роутить будет [09:56] <SergeyIT> на другой роутер [09:56] <TomFarr> но зачем?? [09:56] <serega527> хочу заменить им железный роутер [09:57] <TomFarr> serega527, а чем тебя железный не устраивает? [09:58] <serega527> всем. но он ложиться под торрентами, сервером openvpn [09:58] <serega527> ложится [09:58] <TomFarr> serega527, ну я тебе доку дал, там все написано [09:59] <serega527> да.можно задавать тут вопросы, по мере их появления? вы сами такое собирали? [10:01] <serega527> tomfarr, вы не ушли? [10:01] <TomFarr> serega527, у меня знаний ноль. Можно на ты [10:02] <TomFarr> нет, не ушел [10:02] <serega527> будем вместе их добывать [10:02] <TomFarr> договорились [10:15] <TomFarr> вот что нужно dhcpd3 + iptables/nat [10:28] * |Bot| подумал о0(интересные разговорчики) [10:48] <SergeyIT> "бот подумал" - это из какого анекдота? [10:49] <TomFarr> SergeyIT, Последний секрет! [10:52] <Areks> Ãîñïîäà, ïîäñêàæèòå. ìîæíî ëè çàðåñàéçèòü êîðíåâîé ðàçäåë / áåç ïåðåóñòàíîâêè ñèñòåìó èëè âñÿêèõ liveCD [10:55] <Nimms> Расширить примонтированный раздел без перезагрузки не получится. [10:55] <TomFarr> Areks, use the utf-8 [12:13] <SergeyIT> Areks, можно какую то директорию из / перенести на другой раздел [12:14] <Areks> SergeyIT: я расширин / переносить это не то что надо [13:33] <Arseny> Hi there
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Areks", "Arseny", "MuxaCb_NL", "Nimms", "SergeyIT", "TomFarr", "phase2faith", "serega527", "|Bot|" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[15:17] <Didix> Hola, bona tarda. Sóc nou aquí. Tinc dubtes a l'hora d'instal·lar Ubuntu al meu ordinador. [15:21] <Didix> Per començar, tinc un pc nou amb un disc dur amb 5 particions. Tres d'elles son NFTS amb els següents noms: winretools, OS i PBRimage. Les dues restants són FAT32 i s'anomenen ESP i DIAGS. Totes elles venen preisntalades de fàbrica i suposo que tenen a veure amb el recovery del PC (la recuperació de l'estat inicial dels valors de fàbrica). EL meu dubte és: Si instalo ubuntu amb windows de forma automàtica, m'esborrara les de
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Didix" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cat" }
[06:22] <wgrant> cjwatson, blr: Oops, I remember seeing the notification on my phone, but apparently not enough to not fall asleep in the intervening ten minutes. [10:38] <cjwatson> wgrant: Could you have a quick look at ? I believe that will make it possible for me to clear the QA queue. [10:41] <cjwatson> (There's a couple of BMP preparation branches too, which should be reasonably trivial) [10:56] <cjwatson> wgrant: Ah, thanks :) [10:58] <wgrant> Yep [11:00] <cjwatson> wgrant: Oh, how's the apparmor stuff coming? [16:38] <cjwatson> wgrant: Our "Work out branch vs repo UI and model considerations" is essentially done now, isn't it? [16:38] <cjwatson> *task [16:39] <wgrant> cjwatson: Yep, I think so. [16:39] * cjwatson tickyboxes [16:41] <cjwatson> I moved 'Make "Unmerged revisions" work' to later, and went through tasks adding dependency links in their descriptions [16:41] <cjwatson> Now that I've worked out how to do that [16:42] <wgrant> oh you can do that? [16:43] <cjwatson> wgrant: type @ and then you can search for a task name (among other things) [16:43] <cjwatson> It's only in prose, but a lot better than nothing [16:44] <wgrant> oh fancy [16:54] <cjwatson> Most of the MP code is up for review now. There are a bit over 1K lines remaining, consisting of GitRef.getMergeProposals, TargetGitRepositoryWidget, BMP browser code of various levels of hackiness (I suspect resubmit might still be broken), and the new GitRef views.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cjwatson", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad-dev" }
[05:39] <akis24> giorno [06:56] <noachis> buongiorno, ho un problema con lo schermo del mio laptop. non viene più rilevato dal pc. Ho ubuntu 14. [06:56] <noachis> ubuntu 14.04 su un HP pavillion [07:03] <akis24> noachis: che vuol dire lo schermo non viene rilevato ? [07:06] <noachis> ciao akis24. ti metto qui l'output di xrandr -q [07:07] <akis24> noachis: no volevo solo capire il problema e comunque usa paste .. [07:07] <akis24> !paste | noachis [07:07] <ubot-it> noachis: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [07:09] <noachis> Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 1680 x 1050, maximum 8192 x 8192 [07:09] <noachis> VGA-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) [07:09] <noachis> LVDS-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) [07:09] <noachis> HDMI-0 connected primary 1680x1050+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 474mm x 296mm [07:09] <noachis> 1680x1050 60.0*+ [07:11] <akis24> noachis: se ci dici il problema partendo dal principio è meglio ... usi xrandr a che scopo ? per fare cosa ? non incollare in canale ti avevo postato il link per poter vedere [07:13] <akis24> noachis: prima funzionava il sistema ? in seguito a cosa hai avuto problemi ? [07:13] <noachis> si scusa. parto dall'inizio. ho un portatile hp. l'ho collegato a un proiettore per una conferenza ed è andato tutto ok. una volta riacceso il pc mi sono reso conto che il monitor del pc resta nero mentre se collego un minitor esterno via vga o hdmi il moonitor esterno funziona, ma quello del pc resta nero [07:15] <noachis> se lancio xrandr -q per quanto riguarda il monitor del portatile ottengo LVDS-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) [07:15] <akis24> noachis: in effetti xrandr sembra segnalare che il monitor è disconnesso [07:16] <akis24> noachis: hai provato a riavviare in recovery mode ? [07:16] <noachis> si, va solo il monitor esterno [07:17] <akis24> noachis: col monitor esterno collegato prova dal menu delle impostazioni del monitor a impostare quello interno [07:17] <noachis> anche se riavvio la macchina con una live ubuntu vedo solo il monitor esterno [07:18] <noachis> il menù delle impostazioni quello interno non lo vede [07:18] <akis24> noachis: sicuro che il monitor interno sia funzionante ? [07:19] <noachis> credo di si... quando avvio da nero passa a "nero illuminato" poi diventa "nero spento" [07:19] <akis24> noachis: avvia da live senza monitor esterno e vedi se lo rileva [07:19] <noachis> ok provo e poi torno qui [07:19] <akis24> d'accordo [07:20] <noachis> grazie [07:20] <akis24> di nulla [07:23] <claudietto> buon giorno a tutti. vorrei sapere, se devo avviare il disco di ubuntu 14.04.2 da seve n per istallarlo su altra partizione o deve partire all'avvio del pc? [07:23] <claudietto> grazie [07:24] <akis24> claudietto: il disco live si avvia dal pc impostando ovviamente come prima perifierica di avvio il lettore [07:24] <akis24> periferica* [07:25] <claudietto> l'ho scaricato ieri e l'ho masterizzato ma non ne vuol sapere di partire dal lettore [07:26] <akis24> claudietto: bisogna impostare da bios come prima periferica di avvio il lettore cd .. [07:27] <claudietto> gia fatto, mica devo fare qualche lavoro con l'immagine scaricata? [07:28] <akis24> claudietto: coem hai creato il disco ? [07:28] <akis24> come* [07:29] <claudietto> ho solo masterizzato l'immagine scaricata [07:29] <akis24> claudietto: il file scaricato .iso deve essere masterizzato sul disco come " immagine iso " [07:30] <akis24> !masterizzazione | claudietto [07:30] <ubot-it> claudietto: masterizzazione is [07:30] <claudietto> è già cosi o come devo impostare la masterizzazione? [07:31] <akis24> claudietto: hai controllato che il file scaricato sia corretto ? [07:31] <akis24> !md5sum | claudietto [07:31] <ubot-it> claudietto: Per una lista completa, si veda: [07:32] <claudietto> come faccio? mi ha dato un codice, ma poi...? [07:32] <noachis> @akis24 tentativo fallito. il monitor si "illumina" ma resta nero. [07:32] <cristian_c> claudietto, hai letto la guida? [07:32] <akis24> noachis: claudietto seguite cristian_c .. [07:33] <noachis> ok [07:34] <claudietto> ok, riseguo la guida e riprovo [07:34] <cristian_c> claudietto, prima di tutto dovresti capirla [07:35] <claudietto> scusami, ci provo. grazie a tutti [07:35] <cristian_c> claudietto, confrontalo con quello appropriato dalla lista nel secondo link [07:35] <cristian_c> [07:36] <cristian_c> noachis, pc desktop o portatile? [07:37] <noachis> potrtatile hp pavillon [07:37] <cristian_c> noachis, spiega esattamente cosa succede [07:38] <claudietto> l'impronta è ok [07:39] <cristian_c> claudietto, stessa cosa, spiega esattamente qual è il problema [07:39] <noachis> ho collegato il pc a un proiettore per una conferenza. è andato tutto ok. tornato a casa il monitor del pc non va più. posso usare il pc solo collegandolo a un monitor esterno via hdmi o vga [07:40] <cristian_c> ok [07:40] <claudietto> ho semplicemente masterizzato il file scaricato ma non parte all'avvio del pc [07:40] <cristian_c> noachis, spiega esattamente cos'hai fatto quando hai collegato il proiettore [07:40] <cristian_c> claudietto, dove l'hai masterizzato? [07:41] <noachis> solita procedura. collegato via vga. era un proiettore che non avevo mai utilizzato ed era un po' vecchiotto. [07:41] <claudietto> ?... su dvd sullo stesso pc [07:41] <cristian_c> noachis, quando accendi il pc , hai detto che si illumina lo schermo [07:41] <cristian_c> quindi è collegato [07:41] <noachis> esatto [07:42] <cristian_c> claudietto, hai impostato il boot da dvd? [07:42] <claudietto> si [07:42] <cristian_c> noachis, quindi tu premi il tasto di accensione e.... [07:43] <cristian_c> claudietto, che cosa appare? [07:43] <claudietto> parte normalmente seven [07:44] <cristian_c> claudietto, quale file hai scaricato esattamente? [07:44] <cristian_c> su quale modello di hp pavilion, esattamente [07:44] <noachis> non vedo niente. nessun logo hp, nemmeno la schermata per scegliere ubuntu o win. sento solo a un certo punto dall'audio che ubuntu è caricato [07:44] <cristian_c> noachis, hai detto che si illumina [07:44] <cristian_c> lo schermo non è spento [07:45] <cristian_c> noachis, intanto prova a collegarlo al monitor [07:45] <noachis> è nero ma illuminato [07:45] <noachis> il pc è un pavillon dv6 [07:45] <noachis> adesso sono collegato via vga a un'altro pc [07:46] <cristian_c> noachis, se non hai il sistema davanti, è difficile darti qualche consiglio [07:46] <noachis> scusa, volevo dire collegato via vga a un'altro monitor [07:46] <cristian_c> lol [07:46] <noachis> il pc è qui acceso [07:47] <cristian_c> noachis, ok, allora digita: xrandr -q [07:47] <cristian_c> incolla il risultato su pastebin [07:47] <cristian_c> !paste [07:47] <ubot-it> servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [07:47] <claudietto> Ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso 1b305d585b1918f297164add46784116 [07:47] <cristian_c> noachis, non hai un tasto dedicato sul portatile? [07:48] <cristian_c> claudietto, esattamente, quale dv6? [07:48] <cristian_c> (ce ne sono tanti) [07:49] <cristian_c> claudietto, ah, scusa, quale pc? [07:52] <cristian_c> noachis, no supporto in query [07:52] <noachis> ok mi rimetti il link per incollare [07:52] <cristian_c> se hai domande di supporto, falle in canale [07:52] <cristian_c> !paste | noachis [07:52] <ubot-it> noachis: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [07:52] <noachis> era solo il link  noachis, non hai un tasto dedicato sul portatile? [07:52] <claudietto> desktop asus intel Q 6700 2,6 G.HZ ram 4Gbt [07:53] <cristian_c> ok [07:53] <noachis> si, ma se lo uso mi cambia solo la risoluzione del monitor esterno, come se tentasse di dargli quella del monitor del pc [07:54] <cristian_c> claudietto, con bios uefi? [07:54] <cristian_c> noachis, intendi il tasto switch tra monitor interno ed esterno? [07:55] <noachis> proprio la combinazione di tasti da tastiera (Fn + F4) [07:55] <cristian_c> claudietto, è vecchio, ma è a 64 bit [07:56] <noachis> [07:56] <cristian_c> noachis, xrandr --output LVDS-0 --primary [07:57] <cristian_c> noachis, incolla il risultato su pastebin [07:58] <noachis> non da nessun risultato. [07:58] <cristian_c> noachis, restituisce il prompt? [07:58] <noachis> yes [07:58] <cristian_c> noachis, xrandr -q [07:58] <PeppeSR> buongiorno , ho sbagliato a fare il comando MV e non so più dov è il file [07:58] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, quale file? [07:59] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, in che senso 'sbagliato'? [07:59] <claudietto> gia , riprovo la procedura e vedo che succede? [07:59] <noachis> [07:59] <cristian_c> claudietto, puoi rispondere alla domanda? [08:00] <noachis> mi sembra non sia cambiato niente [08:00] <cristian_c> noachis, è molto strano [08:00] <cristian_c> avrebbe dovuto perlomeno restituire un messaggio di errore [08:00] <claudietto> se è a 64 bit? [08:00] <bipp> Buongiorno a tutti  claudietto, con bios uefi? [08:02] <claudietto> bios uefi.. non so dove vedo? [08:02] <PeppeSR> ho fatto MV nomefile / cartella [08:02] <PeppeSR> invece che MV nomefile cartella [08:02] <noachis> pensi possa essere un problema hardware? [08:02] <cristian_c> noachis, digita: dmesg | tail [08:02] <cristian_c> noachis, risultato sempre su pastebin [08:02] <cristian_c> claudietto, dal bios? [08:03] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, ls / [08:03] <noachis> [08:04] <PeppeSR> si ci sono [08:04] <cristian_c> noachis, hai acceso il pc da qualche minuto? [08:05] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, hai trovato il file? [08:05] <PeppeSR> no [08:05] <claudietto> mi scollego e controllo [08:05] <noachis> l'ho riacceso quando abbiamo iniziato la chat. prima avevo fatto un test senza risultato con una live come consigliato da akis24 [08:05] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, allora digita il comando [08:06] <cristian_c> noachis, ti consiglio di verificare che non ci sia un problema hardware [08:07] <noachis> ok christian_c grazie mille per l'aiuto! [08:08] <PeppeSR> che comanda? [08:14] <PeppeSR> scomparso? :D [08:17] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, quello che ho indicato prima  PeppeSR, ls / [08:18] <PeppeSR> l ho fatto [08:18] <PeppeSR> ma il file non c'è [08:18] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, come si chiama il file che hai perso? [08:19] <PeppeSR> subscriptions.php [08:21] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, find / -name subscriptions.php [08:21] <PeppeSR> ne avevo vari nel pc in altre cartelle [08:22] <PeppeSR> possibile che me l abbia spostato nella home? [08:22] <PeppeSR> anzi no [08:22] <PeppeSR> sta tutte in cartelle ma non era quello per cui ho sbagliato [08:23] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, hai digitato il comando? [08:23] <PeppeSR> si certo [08:23] <PeppeSR> e mi ha dato 3 cartelle [08:23] <PeppeSR> ma tutte dove già c era una copia con lo stesso nome [08:24] <PeppeSR> non quello che ho fatto sparire io [08:24] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, temo che non ci sia più quel file [08:24] <cristian_c> anzi, no [08:24] <cristian_c> forse c'è [08:24] <PeppeSR> minchia fatto fuori senza nessuna conferma?  ho fatto MV nomefile / cartella [08:25] <PeppeSR> perfetto [08:25] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, da terminale non ci sono conferme, comunque, eh [08:25] <PeppeSR> possiamo fare una prova con un file a cavolo di test e vediamo [08:26] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, segui bene [08:26] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, come si chiama la cartella?  ho fatto MV nomefile / cartella [08:26] <PeppeSR> allora : ho fatto mkdir filezillaPeppe [08:26] <PeppeSR> poi mv subscriptions.php /filezillaPeppe [08:27] <PeppeSR> e scomparso [08:27] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, eh, ma prima hai staccato il carattere / [08:28] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, ls -l /filezillaPeppe [08:28] <PeppeSR> no attaccato [08:29] <PeppeSR> -rw------- 1 peppe peppe 2802 apr 14 09:47 /filezillaPeppe  ho fatto MV nomefile / cartella [08:29] <PeppeSR> si perdono ho sbagliato lo spazio [08:29] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, allora, quel file è il tuo subscriptions.php [08:29] <cristian_c> che hai rinominato [08:29] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, se lo apri, troverai il contenuto [08:30] <PeppeSR> ma gli ho spostato dentro altri file tranquillamente come se fosse una cartella [08:30] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, ? [08:30] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, apri quel file [08:31] <PeppeSR> subito dopo l errore ho fatto mv XXXX filezilla [08:31] <PeppeSR> poi cd filezilla [08:31] <PeppeSR> ls filezilla [08:31] <PeppeSR> e trovo XXXX [08:31] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, non fai prima a raccontare tutta la storia sino in fondo? [08:31] <cristian_c> invece che raccontarla a puntate [08:32] <PeppeSR> eh pensavo di averti detto le parti importanti [08:32] <PeppeSR> ricomincio da 0 [08:32] <PeppeSR> sudo bash, metto pass e sono root [08:32] <PeppeSR> poi LS [08:32] <ExPBoy> ?? [08:32] <PeppeSR> trovo file a cazzo messi la da skype e filezilla [08:33] <PeppeSR> faccio mkdir filezillaPeppe [08:33] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, cosa stai combinando? [08:33] <PeppeSR> poi mv subscriptions.php /filezillaPeppe [08:33] <ExPBoy> eh [08:33] <ExPBoy> PeppeSR, ma in definitiva che vuoi fare? [08:36] <ExPBoy> bho [08:39] <PeppeSR> perdono mi si era bloccato tutto :D va bè lasciamo stare il file tanto era solo curiosità su dove fosse finito [08:41] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, ma l'hai aperto almeno? [08:47] <PeppeSR> si [08:47] <PeppeSR> mi dice che è un directory [08:48] <PeppeSR> ho fatto sudo bash [08:48] <PeppeSR> sono in root e faccio ls [08:48] <PeppeSR> trovo la mia cartella filezillaPeppe [08:48] <PeppeSR> e poi apro con pico filezillaPeppe [08:54] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, sono pessime idee [08:54] <cristian_c> PeppeSR, rootarsi non è una buona idea [08:54] <PeppeSR> eh lo so [08:54] <PeppeSR> hai ragione  -rw------- 1 peppe peppe 2802 apr 14 09:47 /filezillaPeppe [08:55] <cristian_c> questo è un file, non è una directory [08:55] <PeppeSR> ci rivado spe [08:55] <PeppeSR> faccio ls/ [08:56] <PeppeSR> mi trovo anche filezillaPeppe [08:56] <PeppeSR> poi pico filezillaPeppe [08:57] <PeppeSR> ok sono un idiota [08:57] <PeppeSR> TY [08:57] <PeppeSR> TY [08:57] <PeppeSR> <3 [08:57] <PeppeSR> facevo pico filezillaPeppe [08:57] <PeppeSR> e non pico /filezillaPeppe [09:31] <jester-> 'ngiorno [09:37] <claudietto> pc con w7....Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (.2) ho scaricato il file - icona non riconosciuta- e masterizzato su dvd. non parte da dvd, devo spacchettarla prima? [09:38] <krabador> claudietto, va masterizzato in un modo ben preciso [09:38] <krabador> !iso | claudietto [09:38] <ubot-it> claudietto: [09:39] <claudietto> ciao, cioè con un programma apposito o con quale impostazione? parto gia dall'immagine iso che mi da ubuntu [09:40] <gigirock> claudietto, con cosa masterizzi in win ? [09:41] <krabador> claudietto, leggi pure il link indicato [09:41] <claudietto> direttamente con windows..... grazie [09:42] <gigirock> claudietto, al termine della masterizzazione dal dvd si vede qualcosa ? [09:43] <krabador> !usbwin | claudietto [09:43] <ubot-it> claudietto: Scarica Universal USB Installer: | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO [09:43] <claudietto> ho fatto come da link. se apro il dvd c'è tutto. x la masterizzazione non devo toccare il file.iso scaricato giusto [09:43] <krabador> se il pc te lo permette, puoi anche provare una pendrive [09:44] <claudietto> penso di non poter partire da usb [09:45] <claudietto> se lancio il setap da windws lo istalla? [09:45] <claudietto> nell'altra partizione? [09:46] <jester-> claudietto: se winz7 destro sul file .iso-->masterizza [09:46] <jester-> o scrivi iso [09:55] <claudietto> win rar archive ... è il problema? [09:56] <krabador> !iso | claudietto [09:56] <ubot-it> claudietto: [10:03] <claudietto> il file è WinRAR archive (.iso) va bene così o come devo fare? [10:07] <akis24> claudietto: ti viene indicato come un archivio winrar ma devi solo masterizzarlo come " immagine iso " e basta e dai sono diverse volte che ti si dice [10:08] <claudietto> forse adesso finalmente lo sta facendo grazie. [10:13] <cristian_c> claudietto, precedentemente, come avevi masterizzato? [10:14] <claudietto> inviato al dvd [10:14] <claudietto> ma ora è andata la procedura giusta [10:14] <cristian_c> Per masterizzare un'immagine è sufficiente fare clic col tasto destro del mouse sul file .iso e selezionare l'opzione «Scrivi sul disco», scegliere il masterizzatore e premere il bottone «Masterizza». [10:18] <claudietto> ok grazie credo di averlo fatto adesso, ho il nuovo disco e provo ad installarlo. grazie ancora a Voi. [14:09] <bock> krabador, ciao hai un minuto che ti chiedo una cosa al volo? [14:12] <krabador> bock, chiedi pure [14:13] <bock> krabador, sto avendo dei problemi con la versione di xubuntu 14.04 e volevo cambiare distro... ho un portatile con 4gb di ram e una cpu amd turion x2 Dual-Core mobile rm-74 2.2Ghz [14:14] <bock> krabador, ci posso installare sopra Ubuntu? Oppure è troppo pesante, fai conto che questo portatile ha 3 anni [14:14] <krabador> bock, ce la fa [14:14] <krabador> che scheda video ha? [14:14] <bock> krabador, ultimamente con xubuntu ho problemi con dropbox che non parte ad aggiornare i file, ogni tanto vengono fuori degli errori... [14:14] <bock> krabador, una ati radeon hd 4570 [14:14] <krabador> bock, ce la fa [14:15] <bock> krabador, lo uso per l'università l'unico programma pesante sare qt-creator e basta [14:15] <bock> krabador, installo 32bit o 64bit? [14:17] <krabador> bock, vai anche 64 bit [14:18] <bock> krabador, va bene, ci aggiungo anche la swap? [14:27] <krabador> bock, beh, se hai intenzione di ibernare si [14:28] <nuccio> buongiorno, cme si fa ad attivare il ....non so come si chiama, il rettangolino del portatile dove si mettono le dita per muovere la freccia...grazie [14:29] <krabador> che ubuntu, e che notebook? [14:33] <bock> krabador, no non ho intenzione di ibernare... [14:33] <wwig> ciao a tutti, vorrei installare ubuntu su pendrive [14:33] <bock> krabador, allora faccio senza? [14:33] <krabador> bock, se sei convinto non ti serva l'ibernazione , puoi evitare la swap [14:33] <krabador> bock, con 4 gb di ram [14:33] <wwig> preferisco ubuntu gnome, ma ho notato che l'universal usb installer non lo riporta [14:33] <wwig> c'è un altro metodo? Grazie [14:33] <bock> krabador, ok grazie mille [14:34] <krabador> wwig, scarichi la iso di ubuntu gnome, e la selezioni da universal usb installer [14:34] <wwig> ok ma tra le distro che elenca non c'è la gnome [14:34] <krabador> non serve sia in elenco [14:34] <krabador> scarichi la iso, e la selezioni [14:35] <wwig> e cosa seleziono tra le distro? [14:35] <krabador> ubuntu [14:36] <wwig> ok grazie, ci riprovo. Mi funzionerà come un'hard disk vero? [14:36] <krabador> wwig, con universal usb installer fai un supporto di installazione [14:36] <krabador> non un installazione reale [14:37] <wwig> una live quindi? [14:37] <krabador> ma un supporto da cui far partire una versione di prova [14:37] <krabador> si [14:37] <wwig> ok, per installarla invece come se fosse un hdd? [14:37] <krabador> !installazione | weltall [14:37] <ubot-it> weltall: | Per installazione grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese [14:37] <krabador> !installazione | wwig [14:37] <ubot-it> wwig: | Per installazione grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese [14:37] <krabador> e selezioni il supporto come destinazione di installazione [14:38] <wwig> Grazie, un'ultima cosa, mi sai indicare il link per scaricare la 15.04 dayly? [14:38] <krabador> aspetta domani [14:38] <krabador> e non ti servirà [14:38] <krabador> :D [14:38] <wwig> lo so :D [14:38] <wwig> di solito tra la beta e la release ci sono molti aggiornamenti? [14:39] <krabador> beh, si [14:39] <krabador> ci sono componenti che vengono introdotti direttamente alla fine, nonostante tutto il periodo di sviluppo [14:39] <krabador> e durante lo sviluppo , ogni giorno sono tanti gli aggiornamenti [14:40] <wwig> ok grazie, la scarico domani, nel frattempo mi indicheresti per favore il link alla 14.10 dayly? [14:40] <krabador> la 14.10 daily non esiste piu'. [14:40] <weltall> ? [14:41] <wwig> quindi cosa posso fare per averne una già aggiornata? [14:45] <krabador> hai fatto 30, fai 31, aspetti domani , ed amen [14:45] <wwig> ok grazie :) [14:46] <krabador> wwig, non ha molto senso perdere tempo con la daily di oggi, con la stabile di domanni [14:46] <krabador> ma se proprio non ce la fai ad aspettare [14:52] <wwig> grazie, mi serve solo per verificare la compatibilità dell'hardware [14:52] <wwig> mi link anche la gnome? [14:53] <krabador> wwig, clicca 2 volte su "parent directory" [15:08] <ubuntustudio> ciao a tutti volevo sapere come mai quando accedo all' hd con ubuntu studio mi dice hd da montare impossibile ? manca una applicazione ? e se si cosa fare se non so digitare dal terminale esiste il modo di lavorare con le applicazioni senza usare il terminale ? grazie [15:43] <nuccio> buongiorno, ero intervenuto prima ma non funziona qualcosa, come si fa ad attivare il tracpad, ho un asus e ubuntu 64 bit, grazie [16:45] <Razer00> salve [16:45] <Razer00> ho un problema con il wifi, c'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi? [16:48] <cybernova> Razer00, che versione di ubuntu hai? e qual'è il problema che ti si presenta? [16:48] <Razer00> ho ubuntu 14.04, il problema è con la scheda di rete rtl8723be che risulta installata, ma non rileva il wifi [16:48] <Razer00> nessuna connessione wifi* [16:49] <Razer00> avevo già provato a seguire delle guide in merito, ma con scarsi risultati [16:49] <cybernova> Razer00, ho la stessa scheda wifi, è interna vero? [16:49] <Razer00> si, ho un portatile hp 455 [16:49] <Razer00> la scheda è installata anche sui lenovo [16:50] <cybernova> Razer00, si io ho un 430, allora devi scaricare questo zip da qua: [16:51] <Razer00> l'avevo già sul pc, probabilmente l'avevo già scaricato [16:52] <Razer00> avevo seguito una guida ma non ho ottenuto risultati [16:52] <cybernova> Razer00, ti consiglio di riscaricarlo perchè ogni settimana all'incirca viene sempre migliorato e corretto, poi apri un terminale e ti porti all'interno della cartella scompattata [16:52] <Razer00> poi? [16:53] <cybernova> Razer00, poi dai il comando: sudo make install [16:53] <Razer00> ok [16:55] <Razer00> fatto [16:55] <Razer00> devo riavviare? [16:55] <cybernova> Razer00, si [16:56] <Razer00> nel caso avessi ancora bisogno, se rientro qui tra 2-3 minuti ci sei ancora? [16:57] <cybernova> Razer00, si [16:59] <razer00> cybernova, rieccomi [16:59] <razer00> purtroppo non funziona... [17:00] <razer00> al riavvio mi da network disconnected [17:00] <cybernova> razer00, è molto strano, vediamo che succede...da terminale dai: rfkill list [17:00] <razer00> e per la connessione sono per il momento obbligato a usare la pennina [17:00] <cybernova> !paste | razer00 [17:00] <ubot-it> razer00: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [17:01] <razer00> [17:02] <cybernova> razer00, iwlist scanning sempre su paste [17:03] <razer00> [17:04] <razer00> la wlan0 è quella integrata del pc, quella che da dei risultati è la pennina esterna [17:04] <cybernova> razer00, uname -r && ifconfig su paste [17:05] <razer00> [17:07] <cybernova> razer00, lsmod | grep rtl su paste [17:08] <razer00> [17:09] <cybernova> razer00, è molto questa rete a cui ti connetti quanto dista? [17:10] <razer00> windows la becca al massimo del segnale [17:10] <razer00> sarà 20mt [17:10] <razer00> nemmeno se uso il router del telefono a 20 cm la trova [17:13] <cybernova> razer00, comunque confermi che la stessa scheda in windows funzia? [17:13] <razer00> si [17:15] <cybernova> razer00, non so che dirti, le reti anche con il driver vecchio presente nel kernel prima le doveva rilevare [17:16] <razer00> =( [17:16] <razer00> capito [17:16] <razer00> cosa altro posso provare? [17:16] <razer00> mi conviene aspettare e vedere se ci saranno dei risvolti in futuro? [17:17] <cybernova> razer00, il fatto è che la scheda è supportata e funziona [17:17] <cybernova> razer00, come ultima cosa potresti provare a ripristinare il sistema [17:18] <cybernova> razer00, magari hai modificato qualche cosa o hai installato qualcosa che ha fatto danni [17:18] <razer00> è possibile fare un ripristino senza necessariamente installare da capo con la pennina? [17:20] <cybernova> !ripristino | razer00 [17:20] <ubot-it> razer00: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: [17:20] <razer00> ok ti ringrazio!! =) [17:20] <cybernova> razer00, figurati [18:19] <FreeWolF> ciao a tutti [19:25] <pandino95> Salve, volevo sapere se posso passare da ubuntu 32 bit a 64 bit [19:25] <Carlin0> pandino95, devi reinstallare [19:25] <pandino95> nel temminale mi vengono fuori gli (Im) [19:25] <Carlin0> eh ? [19:25] <pandino95> dove aver digitato cat /proc/cpuinfo [19:26] <pandino95> il mio è un xp del 2006 [19:26] <Carlin0> pandino95, sudo apt install pastebinit [19:27] <Carlin0> e poi [19:27] <Carlin0> cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinit [19:27] <Carlin0> pasta il link [19:28] <pandino95> il link? [19:29] <Carlin0> pandino95, li hai dati sti 2 comandi ? [19:29] <pandino95> si [19:29] <Carlin0> e non ti ha dato un link come risposta ? [19:32] <pandino95> io ho digitato nel terminale (cat /proc/cpuinfo e cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinit) e è venuto fuori un bordello di dati [19:32] <Carlin0> cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinit [19:32] <Carlin0> ultima volta poi vado via [19:33] <Carlin0> se ti dai una mossa e fai come ti si dice [19:33] <pandino95> ma cosa devo fare? [19:34] <pandino95> adesso si, ho riprovato e mi da il link [19:35] <pandino95> [19:36] <Carlin0> pandino95, puoi installare la 64 bit se vuoi [19:37] <pandino95> grazie mille, scusa.. Ma principalmente cosa cambia dal 32 bit? [19:37] <Carlin0> l'architettura [19:37] <Carlin0> pandino95, se non fai grandi cose va benissimo anche la 32 [19:38] <pandino95> no no non faccio tante cose anzi [19:39] <pandino95> ho unaltro problema da chiedervi gentilmente [19:39] <pandino95> vorrei configurare la mia stampante canon laser LBP 7680cx, è possibile? [19:39] <pandino95> ho provato di tutto ma non ci riesco [19:40] <Carlin0> le canon sono molto ostiche con linux [19:42] <Carlin0> pandino95, ci sono i driver → [19:42] <Carlin0> !chat | pandino95 [19:42] <ubot-it> pandino95: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [19:42] <pandino95> aaaaaa benon, perchè è configurata per l'altro computer e visto che non sono lontano ho comprato uno sdoppiatore e una prolunga per collegarlo anche a questo, ma non riesco a trovare in nessuna porta del computer la stampante [19:47] <pandino95> Carlin0 Grazie di tutto [19:59] <bipp> Buonasera [20:25] <Sagitt> ragazzi cosa fa di preciso il comando: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a? [21:07] <mettiu> buonasera devo scrivere dentro un file .sh nella cartella /sbin se apro il file direttamente dalla cartella riesco a mettere lo script, ma non riesco a salvarlo, credo che mi manchino i permessi. come devo fare? [22:31] <BillDog> ciao a tutti... qualcuno mi dà un consiglio? [22:33] <bock> BillDog, chiedi pure [22:33] <BillDog> Grazie bock [22:34] <bock> BillDog, di cos'hai bisogno? [22:34] <BillDog> ho pensato di installare ubuntu su un pc che dovrà essere senza tastiera e mouse ma solo touch [22:34] <BillDog> visto che lo devo tenere come free internet nel mio bar e non volevo pagare licenza win.. per principio :) [22:35] <BillDog> me la cavicchio con linux ma non sono espertissimo... credi sia molt conmplicato farlo fuinzionare a dovere? [22:35] <bock> BillDog, quindi vorresti un consiglio su quale distro installare? [22:35] <bock> BillDog, dipende cosa devono fare i tuoi clienti :) [22:35] <BillDog> anche... ma leggendo i bvari forum mi pare che ubuntu op ubuntu gnome sia la migliore... sbaglio? [22:35] <BillDog> navigare in internet [22:36] <bock> BillDog, se devono navigare non ci sono problemi, comunque il tuo pc che caratteristiche ha? [22:36] <BillDog> celeron 1gb ram eee pc et1620 asus [22:37] <bock> BillDog, su un eee pc non riesci a installare ubuntu, il pc andrebbe lentissimo... [22:37] <BillDog> va lentissmo anche con xp :) [22:37] <bock> BillDog, ho anch'io un eee pc dell'asus e mi sono trovato bene con la distro Xubuntu [22:37] <BillDog> che mio consigli quindi? [22:38] <bock> Gli eee pc non hanno molta potenza :) [22:38] <BillDog> infatti... solo che è carino, anzichè buttarlo lo metto nel bar per chi vuol nabvigare senza spendere nulla [22:38] <bock> BillDog, di installare Xubuntu a 32 bit :) se poi lo usate solo per navigare va più che bene :) [22:38] <BillDog> ha schermo grande... [22:38] <BillDog> e configurare touch fa da solo? [22:39] <bock> BillDog, non ho mai provato a installare schermi touch, però penso, che dovrebbe fare da solo, oppure ci sarà un'applicazione da scaricare che rileva schermi touch.. [22:40] <BillDog> un cliente mi ha fatto vedere kubuntu su un pc simile... [22:40] <Carlin0> !chat [22:40] <ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [22:40] <bock> BillDog, prova a vedere qui per il schermo [22:41] <BillDog> ok.. leggo.. grazie mille [22:41] <bock> comunque BillDog risci a spostarti in #ubuntu-it-chat ??? [22:41] <BillDog> come? enza che cerco io.. [22:41] <bock> Qui si parla solo di problemi di installazione, hardware, software ecc.. in #ubuntu-it-chat è libera la conversazione [22:42] <BillDog> ah ok.. esco da qui [22:42] <BillDog> e entro la [22:42] <bock> BillDog, si entra nell'altro chan [22:42] <BillDog> grazie
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BillDog", "Carlin0", "ExPBoy", "FreeWolF", "PeppeSR", "Razer00", "Sagitt", "akis24", "bipp", "bock", "claudietto", "cristian_c", "cybernova", "gigirock", "jester-", "krabador", "mettiu", "noachis", "nuccio", "pandino95", "razer00", "ubot-it", "ubuntustudio", "weltall", "wwig" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[00:38] <nahuelon> buenas noches , alguien puede ayudarme con gparted, ya lei el manual pero se complica en la operacion de unir dos particiones, muchas gracias [01:31] <nahuelon> alguien puede ayudarme con gparted ? muchas gracias [02:02] <nahuelon> alguien conectado que pueda ayudarme con gparted ? [02:02] <ivedci89> si [02:02] <nahuelon> muchisimas gracias [02:03] <nahuelon> el problema es que tengo una particion mas pequeña donde se encuentra instalado ubuntu y tengo la particion mas grande donde quedaron alojados todos mis documentos [02:03] <nahuelon> en total la pequela de 29 g y la grande de 200 g [02:03] <nahuelon> la grande esta desmontada [02:04] <ivedci89> y? [02:04] <ivedci89> eso está perfecto [02:04] <ivedci89> aunque yo que tu la montaria [02:05] <nahuelon> quiero llevar la grande hacia la partcion donde esta instalado ubuntu [02:05] <ivedci89> 29g para ubuntu es sobrante [02:05] <ivedci89> ¿? [02:05] <nahuelon> si [02:05] <ivedci89> explicate mejor [02:05] <ivedci89> normalmente ubuntu nunca supera los 13g [02:05] <nahuelon> en realidad queria tener todo unido, no se si es mejor o conviene dejarlo asi [02:05] <ivedci89> error [02:06] <nahuelon> dado que no puedo llevar mis documentos de mi particion grande hacia la pequeña por el poco espacio que tiene [02:06] <ivedci89> si se te rompe el sistema... no te gustara tener todo unido [02:06] <nahuelon> es verdad [02:06] <ivedci89> ahhh [02:06] <ivedci89> pero querido [02:06] <ivedci89> lee la ayuda de mount --bind [02:06] <nahuelon> pero ahora tengo que acceder a mi home para ver mis archivos [02:06] <ivedci89> en: [02:06] <ivedci89> man mount [02:08] <ivedci89> /dev/sda5 254G 31G 211G 13% /home [02:08] <ivedci89> /dev/sda1 30G 13G 16G 45% / [02:08] <ivedci89> eso es mas o menos lo normal [02:08] <nahuelon> ok [02:08] <nahuelon> entonces recomendas dejarlo asi [02:09] <nahuelon> por si vuelvo a tener que recuperar el sistema [02:09] <nahuelon> ahora como hago para que ubuntu se inicie normalmente y no me pida confirmacion al inicio ? [02:09] <ivedci89> puedes crear una carpeta vacia [02:09] <ivedci89> /home/nahuelon/bigpart [02:10] <ivedci89> y hacer al inicio del sistema: [02:10] <ivedci89> mount --bind /dev/sdX /home/nahuelon/bigpart [02:10] <nahuelon> espera que estas hablando con un newbie [02:10] <nahuelon> si me ayudas paso a paso creo que lo puedo lograr [02:11] <ivedci89> ok: enviame la salida de tu comando "df -h" sin comillas, lo copias y lo subis a !pastebin [02:11] <ivedci89> !pastebin [02:12] <nahuelon> ok [02:12] <ivedci89> antes monta la particion grande [02:12] <ivedci89> antes monta la particion grande [02:12] <nahuelon> ok la monto ahora [02:12] <ivedci89> ok [02:13] <nahuelon> [02:13] <ivedci89> mira esto por si acasoo... [02:14] <nahuelon> no me permite montar la particion grande [02:15] <ivedci89> ahhh [02:17] <nahuelon> como sigo ? [02:30] <nahuelon> sigo ocnectado [02:32] <nahuelon> ivedci89 estas ? [02:50] <nahuelon> ivedci89 ???? [02:50] <ivedci89> perdon [02:50] <nahuelon> todo bien [02:50] <nahuelon> si no podes ahora no hay problema [02:50] <ivedci89> si dale que pasa... es que estaba metido en una maquina remota.. y ni bola lo que ocurria en la mia [02:51] <nahuelon> todo bien [02:51] <nahuelon> recibiste el bin ? [02:51] <nahuelon> paste ? [02:51] <ivedci89> el primero si [02:51] <nahuelon> ok [02:51] <ivedci89> pero en un mometno se me cayo la conexion [02:52] <nahuelon> solo pase uno [02:52] <ivedci89> ok.. [02:53] <ivedci89> mira deberias de tener el /home en tu particion grande.... [02:53] <ivedci89> no se si comprendes... [02:53] <nahuelon> si netiendo [02:53] <nahuelon> no se como hacerlo [02:54] <ivedci89> qué formato tiene la particion grande? [02:54] <nahuelon> decime como lo cargo en la terminal y te lo paso paste [02:55] <ivedci89> puedes montarla de alguna forma? [02:55] <ivedci89> el gparted te infroma eso [02:55] <ivedci89> NTFS extX o...alguna otra como FAT32... no se [02:55] <nahuelon> el gparted no me da la opcion para montarla [02:55] <ivedci89> que sistema de archivo tiene [02:55] <ivedci89> y no [02:56] <ivedci89> pero Discos... si te monta.. a menos que haya un problema grave [02:57] <ivedci89> gnome-disks [02:58] <nahuelon> ahora te lo paso [03:01] <ivedci89> en fin investiga como lo montas... y cargalo a una carpeta vacia con mount --bind [03:01] <ivedci89> nahuelon: [03:01] <nahuelon> perdona como te puedo pasar la captura ? [03:01] <nahuelon> decime [03:01] <ivedci89> mm [03:01] <ivedci89> !paste [03:01] <ivedci89> !image [03:02] <ivedci89> !imagebin [03:02] <ivedci89> salgoooo.... te molesto con: nahuelon al regreso [03:02] <nahuelon> [03:03] <ivedci89> dale al play!!!! [03:03] <nahuelon> ? [03:03] <nahuelon> [03:04] <ivedci89> hay un boton el play en el programa .... [03:04] <ivedci89> y yo me baño.. [03:27] <ivedci89> hey [03:27] <ivedci89> nahuelon: [03:28] <roger_35> :) [03:32] <ivedci89> roger_35: alguien q sepa como arreglar acpi cuando no entrega tiempo restante de bateria [03:33] <roger_35> no tengo idea, sorry [03:33] <roger_35> :( [11:09] <DIX> Hola, buenos días. Tengo una duda en la instalación de Ubuntu. Tengo un Pc con un disco duro i varias particiones de fábrica. Dos en FAT32 llamadas ESP y DIAGS. Y tres particiones en NTFS llamadas WINRETOOLS, OS Y PBRImage. Si instalo ubuntu junto a windows de forma automática, me va a borrar las demás particiones? [11:11] <DIX> Todas estas particiones estan relaciondas con el recovery creo, aunque no lo se del cierto. Si quisiera hacer la instalacion manual, tengo entendido que solo puede haber 4 particiones primarias. Como sé si las particiones ya existentes son primarias o no? [11:12] <DIX> LLevo dias anclado en este problema. [12:58] <DIX> Hola, buenas tardes. Tengo una duda en la instalación de Ubuntu. Tengo un Pc con un disco duro y varias particiones de fábrica. Dos en FAT32 llamadas ESP y DIAGS. Y tres particiones en NTFS llamadas WINRETOOLS, OS y PBRImage. Si instalo ubuntu junto a windows de forma automática, me va a borrar las demás particiones? Todas estas particiones estan relaciondas con el recovery o recperación de los valores de fábrica creo, aunque [12:58] <DIX> no lo se del cierto. Si quisiera hacer la instalacion manual, que es la otra alternativa que hay, tengo entendido que solo puede haber 4 particiones primarias. Como sé si las particiones ya existentes son primarias o no? Gracias de antemano [14:25] <ivedci89> buen dia [14:28] <DIX> buenas tardes [18:04] <repair> hola, he redimiensionado la particion de / y /home ... y ahora no arranca sistema [18:04] <repair> estoy desde live ... [18:04] <mimecar> tienes una copia de seguridad de los datos? [18:21] <cousteau> repair, a lo mejor han cambiado los UUID de las particiones y tienes que cambiar el GRUB [18:22] <cousteau> si es eso, tiene fácil arreglo. No sé cómo, pero probablemente sea fácil hacerlo arrancar. Una vez dentro se puede actualizar el grub. [18:26] <repair> grub ni si quiera se muestra [18:26] <repair> asi que estoy siguiendo este hilo [18:27] <repair> [18:28] <repair> y voy por el punto cuatro... creo que aca ya es como haber podido iniciar [18:34] <repair> !pastebin [18:35] <repair> [18:35] <repair> cousteau: [19:11] <successus> salud! o/ [19:17] <kal_cividFajdida> hi, alguien sabe un rastreador de url radio , tv [19:22] <successus> nop [19:25] <xubuntu31o> hola que tal tengo problemas con mi maquina alguien me puede ayudar [19:27] <xubuntu31o> hola alguien por aqui [19:27] <krytarik> !pregunta | xubuntu31o [19:28] <xubuntu31o> ok [19:29] <xubuntu31o> bueno tengo una laptop y uso xubuntu como systema operativo pero no consigoconectarme en internet via wifi [19:30] <mimecar> ¿qué versión de Xubuntu has instalado? [19:31] <xubuntu31o> bueno tengo la 14.04 o eso creo [19:31] <mimecar> compruebalo [19:32] <xubuntu31o> es que soy nuevo utilisando esto y no es lo mismo que windows [19:33] <xubuntu31o> como puedo hacer l [19:33] <mimecar> abre una consola y pon el comando [19:33] <mimecar> lsb_release -a [19:36] <xubuntu31o> bueno es ubuntu 14.04 [19:37] <mimecar> ¿eso devuelve el comando? [19:38] <xubuntu31o> ubuntu 14.04.2 lts [19:38] <mimecar> ok [19:38] <mimecar> ¿has puesto todas las actualizaciones? [19:38] <xubuntu31o> si esto devuelve el comando [19:39] <mimecar> dentro de poco tendré que salir [19:39] <xubuntu31o> ok que devo hacer [19:39] <mimecar> ¿no te ha salido algún aviso diciendo que hay actualizaciones' [19:40] <xubuntu31o> no nada [19:40] <mimecar> en la consola [19:40] <mimecar> sudo apt-get update [19:40] <mimecar> sudo apt-get upgrade [19:40] <mimecar> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [19:41] <xubuntu31o> ok lo estoy haciendo [19:42] <mimecar> pon todas las actualizaciones y reinicia el equipo después [19:43] <xubuntu31o> ok [19:43] <xubuntu31o> me dice que tengo errores [19:44] <xubuntu31o> en el espacio del disco duro [20:12] <mimecar> ¿cuánto espacio has asignado a las particiones? [21:48] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DIX", "cousteau", "ivedci89", "kal_cividFajdida", "krytarik", "mimecar", "nahuelon", "repair", "roger_35", "successus", "xubuntu31o" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[09:17] <apuimedo_> hi all [09:18] <apuimedo_> lazyPower: stub: About the problem with cs:precise/cassandra where deploying to an lxc is problematic due to the lack of hostname resolution [09:18] <apuimedo_> the more I think about it, the more I think this is a problem of how juju deploys lxc [09:21] <apuimedo_> [09:22] <apuimedo_> following [09:22] <apuimedo_> the lxc deployment misses the identity between and the hostname [12:57] <lazyPower> apuimedo_: i think this goes further than just juju however - sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu -n awesome -- only names the container awesome. The underlying container doesn't get the hostname specified on the CLI [12:57] <lazyPower> apuimedo_: so it appears to me that this is bugworthy against LXC with a follow up for juju - but i'm not sure thats intended behavior either. [12:57] <apuimedo_> it does get a hostname though [12:58] <apuimedo_> juju just does the lxc-create? [12:58] <lazyPower> hmm let me re-check... i am bleary eyed and sipping my first cup of coffee [12:58] <apuimedo_> ;-) [12:58] <lazyPower> yeah, it basically just clones a container template and does a few setup steps [12:58] <apuimedo_> better go with "earl grey, hot!" [12:59] <lazyPower> apuimedo_: ah i see what you're saying [12:59] <lazyPower> it sets /etc/hostname but doesn't update /etc/hosts with the loopback resolution [13:00] <apuimedo_> exactly [13:00] <lazyPower> yeah - again - i point @ lxc for not doing that yet. i feel its bugworthy [13:00] <apuimedo_> it's an inconsistency with what happens for normal images like you'd have in OSt/maas [13:01] <apuimedo_> lazyPower: do you have a bugtracker link handy? [13:01] <lazyPower> [13:03] <apuimedo_> thanks ;-) [13:05] <lazyPower> apuimedo_: did you land a branch MP against the legacy cassandra charm to update teh hostname? [13:05] <lazyPower> s/land/propose/ [13:08] <apuimedo_> lazyPower: [13:08] <mup> Bug #1447160: lxc-create template does not include /etc/hosts hostname resolution <lxc (Ubuntu):New> <> [13:08] <apuimedo_> lazyPower: no, not yet. I was first checking the source of the problem [13:09] <lazyPower> Sounds reasonable. :) Thanks for the link, i subbed [13:11] <apuimedo_> do you think it'd be acceptable to just do echo " $(cat /etc/hostname)" >> /etc/hosts as a first step in the charm install if grepping the /etc/hosts for the hostname fails? [13:12] <lazyPower> Sure [13:12] <lazyPower> i'd want to test it, but that sounds reasonable [13:17] <jamespage> gnuoy, [13:17] <jamespage> following charm-helpers for that one [13:21] <gnuoy> jamespage, +1 [13:22] <jamespage> gnuoy, [13:22] <gnuoy> jamespage, lots of conflicts with that one [13:24] <jamespage> gnuoy, opps - try again - [13:27] <gnuoy> jamespage, +1 [13:29] <dosaboy> jamespage, gnuoy: 3-phase has yeilded better thus far [13:29] <gnuoy> excellent [13:29] <dosaboy> jamespage, gnuoy: we hit an issue with swift/ceph on one nonde but we think it is down to hw issue [13:29] <dosaboy> jamespage, gnuoy: sgdisk gets stuck in D-state [14:02] <jamespage> gnuoy, charm support for lxd - [14:24] <mwak> hi [14:24] <marcoceppi_> o/ [14:24] <mwak> any idea why I get the following error when deploying a node app [14:24] <mwak> [14:24] <mwak> ? :) [14:25] <marcoceppi_> mwak: Juju seems to think you don't have an available machines [14:26] <marcoceppi_> any "clean" machines [14:26] <marcoceppi_> even though you clearly do [14:33] <mwak> hum [14:33] <mwak> weird :/ [14:34] <marcoceppi_> mwak: it could also be a default-consrtaints issue [14:34] <marcoceppi_> mwak: can you run `juju get-constraints`? [14:34] <mwak> no constraints [14:34] <marcoceppi_> mwak: ah [14:34] <marcoceppi_> I see the issue [14:35] <marcoceppi_> mwak: you're deploying a precise charm, you only have trusty machines allocated [14:35] <marcoceppi_> juju is trying to add another machine to match this new constraint of series [14:35] <marcoceppi_> and fails [14:35] <jcastro> ah, so simple it's obvious [14:36] <mwak> oh, no node-app for trusty [14:36] <mwak> :( [14:36] <marcoceppi_> mwak: not atm :( [14:37] <marcoceppi_> you can probably fork it, push to persoanl branch in charm-store, then deploy from there [14:37] <marcoceppi_> it shoudl work int trusty, it just needs integration tests to move forward [14:37] <mwak> yup [14:39] <mwak> will do that [14:49] <stokachu> sinzui: The Juju AWS and MAAS providers now support starting LXC containers. [14:49] <stokachu> sinzui: does that mean lxc containers will pull from and managed MAAS dns/dhcp? [14:49] <stokachu> a* [14:51] <sinzui> stokachu, container networking is SNATing the container to the host machine. Though dimitern cab explain specifics [14:51] <stokachu> be interesting to know if those containers are reachable without having to go through juju ssh [14:56] <apuimedo_> lazyPower: [15:10] <dimitern> stokachu, it depends, so in 1.23.2 with the "address-allocation" feature flag on, we'll use maas api to allocate static ips for containers [15:10] <stokachu> dimitern: sweet [15:10] <dimitern> stokachu, if the feature flag is not on, juju-br0 will be used with DHCP for both kvm and lxc on maas [15:11] <stokachu> ah ok understood [15:11] <stokachu> that is pretty sweet [15:12] <dimitern> stokachu, we'll most likely change the address allocation with juju-br0 to use the maas devices api to tell maas as juju starts containers on a node (so maas can know which device belongs to which parent node and cleanup dhcp leases, etc.) [15:12] <dimitern> but that will happen when 1.8 is in trusty [15:13] <stokachu> dimitern: very cool [15:19] <dimitern> stokachu, I'm composing a reply to the mail sinzui sent with your questions [15:20] <sinzui> stokachu, the only change from the other 5 1.23.x releases was the feature flag. [15:28] <dimitern> sinzui, yeah, if you're not counting like 20-ish fixed issues :) [22:33] <lamont> services framework relation, one direction I see the provided data show up on the other side. but not in the other direction.. anyone got a second to stare at it and call me silly?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "apuimedo_", "dimitern", "dosaboy", "gnuoy", "jamespage", "jcastro", "lamont", "lazyPower", "marcoceppi_", "mup", "mwak", "sinzui", "stokachu" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[01:25] <Ceaseless> Hi! I have a problem with xubuntu 14.10 but am not sure what it is. I have a desktop system that has 14.10 i386 installed. I access this desktop via my laptop from home through teamviewer. I lock the desktop screen and unlock it when I connect via teamviewer. Right now when I tried connecting, all I am getting is a black screen with an 'X' for the cursor. I would rather not restart the machine since it has programs running on it. [01:25] <Ceaseless> Any help or direction would be much appreciated [01:26] <Unit193> And lock/unlock from remote normally works? I presume hitting Esc or Ctrl doesn't help? [01:28] <Ceaseless> Yes, usually I am able to log on with no problem, and enter, esc or ctrl doesn't work [01:31] <Unit193> Alright, otherwise I'd have said LP1287171 [01:38] <Ceaseless> not sure what to google for as well... [01:52] <Ceaseless> Ok, I tried to log in as I usually do, if there were the usual lock screen, and nothing happened. Then I just reconnected via Teamviewer and i was able to see my desktop. Sweet! [01:54] <dalebert> Looking for help on how to sort the Whisker submenus alphabetically like Settings and System. I can right-click Favorites and sort that but can't find how to do the others. [02:13] <Ceaseless> thanks! [08:47] <simon_> My Xubuntu 14.04 netbook is being given an IP address by the router, but gets "unknown host" when pinging anything and it cannot see the internet. The rest of the network seems OK. If I boot the netbook from the Xubuntu 14.04 DVD it can see the internet. If I boot it from its LXLE partition, that can see the internet. Any ideas? [08:48] <simon_> I also have a mobile broadband device that provides a WiFi hotspot. If I point the netbook at that it connects to it, gets an IP address but the same ping "unknown host" messages and cannot see the internet. [08:52] <simon_> It can ping the router. It can ping other devices on the LAN. [08:57] <simon_> I get the same symptoms when I plug in an ethernet cable. [09:02] <koegs> simon_: did you add an dns server manually at some point? [09:16] <simon_> No, I have made no network changes like that. (Not consciously or intentionally, anyway.) [09:18] <simon_> Hmm. /etc/resolv.conf is timestamped late Monday night, which would be around the time the problem appeared. It is empty except for "# Generated by Network Manager". [09:19] <simon_> It is different from the one on this PC which has "nameserver" and "search lan" [09:30] <simon_> koegs: thank you. That DNS comment led me to resolv.conf which has led me to people asking why it is empty on with lots of suggestions. [09:30] <koegs> simon_: you are welcome :D [09:43] <simon_> koegs: the solution was "sudo dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf". Why this problem occurred, I have no idea, but that fixed it. I have spent at least 8 hours trying to sort this out. I should have asked online in the first place! I shall have a beer later in your honour. [09:53] <koegs> simon_: good idea, i have to wait at least 6 hours for my beer :D [11:28] <dalebert> Looking for help on how to sort the Whisker submenus alphabetically like Settings and System. I can right-click Favorites and sort that but can't find how to do the others. [11:46] <brainwash> dalebert: aren't these entries sorted automatically? [11:46] <brainwash> that is the expected and intended behavior [11:59] <dalebert> Is there a setting to sort them automatically? In Settings, Bluetooth Manager is at the bottom [12:03] <brainwash> dalebert: did you manually edit the menu structure at some point? [12:04] <brainwash> with the menu editor [12:05] <brainwash> and does the classic app menu sort the mentioned entry properly? or the desktop right click context menu? [12:07] <dalebert> The Classics app menu and right-clickingon the desktop are sorted the same as the Whisker menu, ie not alphabetically [12:10] <brainwash> did you manually edit the menu structure at some point? [12:11] <brainwash> I would also start the guest session or login with another user account and check if the problem is a general one [12:12] <brainwash> there could be something wrong with your user specific menu file [12:13] <dalebert> I don't recall manually editing it. I finally figured out something is out of wack because I can't find a menu item unless I do a search for it [12:13] <brainwash> an no, there is no button or menu entry to sort the menu/submenus [12:18] <dalebert> Ok, Thanks for the help. I'll try logging as another user. You can right-click and sort the Favorites so I thought there was a way to sort the submenus. Perhaps a product enhancement request? Seems rather basic [12:20] <brainwash> dalebert: well, the thing is that it should be already sorted automatically [12:21] <brainwash> maybe you can tweak the order with the menu editor (menulibre) [12:22] <brainwash> and it's not clear yet how many entries are not sorted properly in your case. you should note down all the oddities and start to investigate [12:27] <dalebert> Accessories, Graphics, Internet, Office, Seetings and System are not sorted alphabetically. Games and Multimedia are [14:40] <polohemd> hello [14:41] <polohemd> can someone help me with a little problem? [14:41] <cfhowlett> !ask | polohemd [14:43] <nomic> help help! <has quit> so common [14:43] <cfhowlett> nomic, indeed. [14:44] <polohemd> Thanks and sorry. My problem is, when I start Xubuntu my mouse is freezing completely after a while. sometimes after 2 minutes sometimes after 30 minutes. The keyboard which is connected to the same receiver is doing its job all the time [14:46] <holstein> sounds like hardware, though [14:47] <holstein> polohemd: *if* this is a wireless keyboard mouse, with a reciever, like that.. i would test the unit on another machine.. i would test with, ideally, the officially supported operating system.. whatever i feel is a "good" test for the hardware [14:47] <polohemd> oh! The computer system was running on Windows for 3 jears without any problems. The latest BIOS updates are installed an switching the USB port has no effect [14:47] <holstein> polohemd: so, when you currently, as in, right now, run the unit in windows, all is well? [14:48] <polohemd> i have to waite a few seconds. it´s installing again [14:48] <holstein> polohemd: what im postulating, is the likely scenario that, after the 3 years of flawless service you recived from the unit, it has now broken.. and im just suggesting you isolate and test that [14:49] <polohemd> keyboard and mouse are only "lend" from my other pc where its working every day without problems [14:50] <polohemd> holstein? your name sounds german? do you speak german? [14:50] <holstein> polohemd: no [14:50] <holstein> polohemd: so, the unit works fine on another box? yes or no? [14:50] <polohemd> yes [14:50] <holstein> polohemd: what is the unit? [14:51] <polohemd> its a Logitech cordeless system [14:51] <polohemd> the name is canada 310 [14:52] <holstein> polohemd: just let a volunteer here know when you have the details, such as the model #.. [14:52] <polohemd> oh sh.. i forgot to say any USB mouse is doing that! [14:53] <holstein> polohemd: that certainly supports an issue with the USB controller.. either hardware or software support [14:53] <polohemd> how can I check if its a software problem? [14:53] <holstein> polohemd: what i would do, is first update the system.. "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get-dist-upgrade" see that all updates are installed [14:54] <holstein> polohemd: isolate and test, as i am suggesting.. try other usb mice, as you are, and try the same hardware on different computers, running the officially supported operating system [14:54] <polohemd> I did this yesterday an the system said all updates are installed but the problem was the same [14:54] <holstein> anyways.. update the system, reboot, and test one of the "Known good" usb mice [14:55] <holstein> polohemd: sure. so do it again, right now. and make certain [14:55] <holstein> polohemd: then, i would try to isolate the USB on that machine.. i would also run other live iso's and test the USB [14:56] <holstein> polohemd: i would personally get the live iso for main ubuntu, and join #ubuntu, since that is the larger support community.. xubuntu *is* ubuntu, so, if you find its a softwarte issue, that needs a driver (which i dont think will be the case) you can do whatever fixes that work in ubuntu in xubuntu [14:56] <polohemd> when i start from a live cd there was no problem [14:56] <TimeVirus> I want to make a Live USB drive with the persistence option available. I use Xubuntu and am not good at dd yet - any good programs in the repo that someone knows off hand? [14:57] <holstein> polohemd: so, to recap.. you installed.. everything was fine.. you currently, right now, can reboot with a live iso, the one you installed, and all is fine? correct? [14:57] <polohemd> right [14:57] <holstein> polohemd: if thats the case, i would simply reboot the machine and boot the older kernel in the list, and test again [14:57] <holstein> polohemd: then, if it works "fine" with the older kernel, i would file a bug.. [14:57] <holstein> !bug [14:57] <polohemd> and at the moment I do anything in here with the Logitech system... using mouse and keyboard sind 5 minutes [14:57] <holstein> TimeVirus: i just install.. i do a normal install to the USB stick [14:58] <holstein> !mini [14:58] <TimeVirus> holstein, first you need to get it ON the usb [14:58] <holstein> TimeVirus: i'll ust the mini iso, since, i can easily choose the USB stick for grub [14:58] <holstein> TimeVirus: sure. i literally install it onto it [14:58] <holstein> TimeVirus: i use an additional USB stick, or a cd.. etc [14:59] <holstein> anyways, its just what i prefer.. you can use any of the pendrive suggestions.. [14:59] <TimeVirus> oh then once its installed to the flash drive how do you install it to your friends computer? [14:59] <holstein> TimeVirus: for example [14:59] <holstein> TimeVirus: ? i dont.. if i want an installer, i just dd a live iso [15:00] <holstein> TimeVirus: you dont need persistence to do that.. and i think you are assuming the changes you make to the live installation would be installed on your friends machine [15:00] <TimeVirus> lol I'm not so confident in my dd abilities to do it though [15:00] <polohemd> thank you holstein! I´ll see what is happening :) [15:00] <holstein> polohemd: cheers.. good luck [15:00] <polohemd> thx [15:00] <holstein> !live [15:00] <holstein> !install [15:01] <holstein> TimeVirus: you can use any of the software.. such as unetbootin, to make a live usb or whatever you prefer [15:01] <holstein> TimeVirus: you dont need persistence to install to your friends machine [15:01] <TimeVirus> true but I would just like a program that has the ability [15:02] <TimeVirus> and dd has that ability too but I'm not there yet [15:02] <holstein> TimeVirus: i just do an install.. but, there are checkboxes on a lot of the applications listed at the links i gave [15:02] <TimeVirus> ok [15:02] <holstein> have 2.. problem solved [15:03] <holstein> make a live USB. with unetbootin, or dd.. just a normal one.. do an install to USB, that is "persistent" for you.. and keep the other for installing for friends [15:03] <TimeVirus> I found that many time Unetbootin lists OLD OS versions is it irrelevant? holstein [15:03] <holstein> or, start experiementing with the options [15:03] <holstein> TimeVirus: ? i dont use any list.. i use the iso *i* want to use [15:03] <TimeVirus> ok [15:11] <xubuntu89w> hi [15:13] <xubuntu89w> xubuntu 12.04 on IBM X31 - Problems with Displayresolution Who can help? pls! [15:20] <xubuntu89w> someone there? [15:22] <xubuntu89w> hello [15:23] <krytarik> !patience | xubuntu89w [15:23] <krytarik> !details | xubuntu89w [15:26] <xubuntu89w> i changed my resolution on the GUI and was kicked out - back to LogonScreen now i can only log in as a guest [15:26] <xubuntu89w> im a poor newbie [15:27] <ochosi> xubuntu89w: quick question, why are you using such an old version of xubuntu? [15:27] <xubuntu89w> becaus of old hardware - X31 IBM [15:28] <xubuntu89w> i better change? [15:31] <xubuntu89w> !pastebin [15:40] <xubuntu89w> [15:44] <xubuntu89w> [15:47] <krytarik> xubuntu89w: Provided that you used the default GUI tool for that, remove "~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml" via the console, and try again. [15:50] <xubuntu89w> i get "no rights" back [15:52] <xubuntu89w> "no authorization" [15:54] <krytarik> xubuntu89w: Check the permissions of that file, as well as the content of your home directory generally. [15:58] <xubuntu89w> there is no literal error and the homeDir is unchanged [16:29] <xubuntu89w> any other idea? [17:08] <groze> Quick question is Xubuntu 15.04 going to be released on April 23, 2015? [17:08] <knome> yes [17:08] <groze> thank you knome [18:17] <xubuntu23w> Hello. I am having problems with getting Kodi to autostart and focus on Xubuntu 14.10. Can someone help me out please? [18:22] <genii> !info kodi [18:22] <genii> Hm [18:27] <xubuntu23w> I've added an init but on boot nothing appears just the normal desktop. [18:29] <xubuntu23w> Fixed it. :-) [19:23] <xubuntu31o> hoola que tal tengo problemas con mi maquina alguien me puede ayudar [19:23] <xangua> !es [19:24] <xubuntu31o> tankyou [20:38] <someguy57> Hello. I am having some wifi issues on a fresh Xubuntu 14.04.2 64-bit install. [20:47] <TimeVirus> do you know what wifi chipset you have? [20:48] <someguy57> I do, but for some reason it's working now, after an hour of trying to solve this. [21:49] <xubuntunewb> Greetings. I am a total xubuntu newb. I upgraded to Trusty Tahr today and now everytime I try to open a terminal window it is open for about 1 seconds and then closes. If I log in as a gues the terminal works fine. [23:26] <KW4HK> anyone know what utc time 15.04 will be posted for download? [23:28] <Unit193> "When it's ready"
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ceaseless", "KW4HK", "TimeVirus", "Unit193", "brainwash", "cfhowlett", "dalebert", "genii", "groze", "holstein", "knome", "koegs", "krytarik", "nomic", "ochosi", "polohemd", "simon_", "someguy57", "xangua", "xubuntu23w", "xubuntu31o", "xubuntu89w", "xubuntunewb" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[06:07] <knightwise> good morning peeps [07:01] <daftykins> o/ [07:01] <elfy> morning [07:38] <knightwise> morning [07:39] <daftykins> [07:39] <daftykins> aaaah this looks so much fun but i don't think i can get my bike fixed by Sunday! [07:43] <MooDoo> now that looks amazing [07:44] <daftykins> i don't own any safety gear too, mandatory full face! [07:51] <MooDoo> yeah knee and elbow pads too, but it looks fun [07:51] <zmoylan-pi> padding for the crossbar might help too :-P [07:55] <MooDoo> yup had a few issues with that over the kid years lol [07:55] <daftykins> nah appropriate bikes don't have a crossbar that high up [07:56] <daftykins> [07:56] <daftykins> that's my full suspension one there [07:57] <MooDoo> nice [07:57] <zmoylan-pi> you can still break a chain on power acceleration and land on the crossbar using your funzone as a brake [07:57] <daftykins> it's an XC bike really though [07:57] <MooDoo> ooooouch [07:58] <daftykins> hehe yeah, unlikely when going down lotsa steps though [07:58] <daftykins> more likely to have a tumble :D [07:58] <zmoylan-pi> but it's the accidents you don't prepare for that happen [07:58] <daftykins> [07:58] <daftykins> oh i know (: [08:03] <daftykins> gotta run (ride) ttfn \o [08:29] <popey> MooDoo: what happened to ? [08:29] <davmor3> Morning all [08:30] <davmor3> So funny thing happened last night the internet went pop, I reported it, still dead and their system doesn't know about the outage funny that right grrrrrrrrrrr [08:30] <knightwise> hey davmor3 [08:32] <foobarry> "this item is exclusively for Prime members. " [08:32] <foobarry> amazon are jerks [08:32] <davmor3> foobarry:thats okay I'm 19 :D [08:33] <knightwise> anybody else tried telegram via the command line , [08:33] <MooDoo> popey: i had an error a min ago deleted most of my posts but not got round to restoring them from the bin wordpress plugin #fail [08:37] <davmor3> So glad we bought this mifi for the caravan [08:42] <zmoylan-pi> better than the scrabble AND the travel scrabble :-) [08:46] <davmor3> zmoylan-pi:well it has come in useful today, of course I had to sacrifice my phone simcard for the cause but that is a small sacrifice when compared with no interwebz [08:48] <davmor3> Broadband Good service and this with a big green tick is a LIE! on the status page the unplanned outage was reported at 20:25 last night and is still out meaning nobody in this area has internet [08:55] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [08:59] <bashrc_> morning [09:03] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Earth Day! :-D [09:03] * foobarry plays with some soil [09:04] <davmor3> JamesTait: I'm not happy no interwebz [09:04] <zmoylan-pi> well for above 0 levels of no... [09:05] <JamesTait> davmor3, IRC via avian carrier? [09:05] <zmoylan-pi> cannon launched frozen chickens for maximum impact packets [09:05] <brobostigon> morning JamesTait and bashrc_ [09:06] <JamesTait> brobostigon, o/ [09:07] <davmor3> JamesTait: sacrificed my phone sim into the mifi for internet, it works so I'm happier [09:08] <popey> davmor3: out of interest, what mifi do you have? [09:09] <davmor3> popey: unlocked TP-Link M5350 [09:09] <davmor3> popey: from amazon about £35 [09:09] <popey> any good? [09:10] <davmor3> popey: so far yes [09:10] * popey adds to wishlist [09:12] <davmor3> popey: I only went for 3g cause at the caravan park 4g is spotty at best and non existent at worse. 3g however is rock solid and a full strength signal. [09:13] <popey> 3g is enough imo [09:13] * zmoylan-pi gets by on 2g with opera mini on mobiles [09:13] <davmor3> popey:I'm going to try it on a hangout after I'll let you know how that goes :) [09:13] <popey> hah [09:14] <davmor3> popey: well you can do it on a phone on 3g so I see no reason why I can't :) I might have to tone the setting down a little we'll see [09:35] <davmor3> popey: had to turn off HD video other than that seem to be handling it fine :) [09:47] <davmor2> Yay Interwebz are back [09:48] <zmoylan-pi> civilisation has been restored... bring on the cat videos.... [09:58] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: pfff cat videos I only have time for those when testing :D [11:03] * davmor2 goes back to testing [11:07] <zmoylan-pi> here, this will save some bandwidth :-) [11:07] <directhex_> let's see if i can create an ubuntu install usb just by copying the files to a usb stick [11:10] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: that's awesome :D [11:10] <zmoylan-pi> my work here is done... :-) [12:16] <DJones> Ah rubbish, anybody ever heard of a peer to peer networked app that won't actually work across a wireless network, developers claim it'll only run with a wired connection on Windows [12:17] <jpds> DJones: What kind of protocol is it using? [12:19] <DJones> carrier pigeon [12:20] <DJones> Something written in dark ages of Windows 3.0 I think, won't run on a server configured with domains (unless its windows server 2003), will only run if its installed on a standard desktop and everybody else connects to that machine [12:23] <DJones> Basically an accounts package that has multiple depots, but the depots have to have their own individual instance running at the depot, if head office want to see live data, we have to connect bia logmein to take control of a computer at the depot, it does upload the data overnight to a head office installation, but data is always 24 hours out of date [12:24] * zmoylan-pi used a ftp client in dos to link locations like that in 90s :-) [12:25] <zmoylan-pi> 40 video shops spread across the country with sales numbers for head office [12:26] <awilkins> DJones, Is it an MTU thing [12:26] <awilkins> Wireless networks often have a smaller MTU than wired [12:27] <jpds> Why would an app care about the layers above it. [12:27] <DJones> awilkins: I've no idea, just a very poor system [12:27] <awilkins> The "Only runs on a desktop" thing is probably because it has GUI and depends on UI events to work [12:29] <zmoylan-pi> or it's using some pre sql wacky database sub system... [12:29] <DJones> awilkins: Nah, can't even just put the data on the server [12:29] <awilkins> Heh, been there [12:29] <awilkins> Interface processes written in VB3 that only run on the desktop of a 32-bit machine [12:29] <DJones> Looks like it is ftp zmoylan-pi [12:29] <awilkins> And use Jet 2.5 databases [12:30] <zmoylan-pi> ah... jet... [12:30] * zmoylan-pi casts ward stupidity [12:32] <DJones> I think it may be written using delphi [12:33] <zmoylan-pi> and the person has since moved on and noone understands how it works...? :-) [12:33] <DJones> Not even close, the guy behind it is still at the company [12:34] <DJones> No matter what we ask, we just get told, no it can't do that [12:34] <zmoylan-pi> hmmmmmm, when i was asked for an export data option by the mainframe boys i had it written by the time my boss had made it back to his desk :-D [12:35] <DJones> 3 months more and then we get our own cutom built application by internal developers [12:38] <DJones> Heh, I'm quite impressed that their base is in a place called "crapstone" though, suits the system perfectly [12:38] <brobostigon> i have had to temporerily stop pisg on my server, while i sort out some problems on it, so channel stats wont update for abit, to warn everyone. [15:09] <daftykins> diddledan: psst [15:09] <daftykins> you up? [15:57] <zmoylan-pi> say their name 3 times? :-) [16:00] <daftykins> ;] [22:22] <ali1234> what does "Ubuntu 15.04 desktop extends leadership of developer experience" mean? [22:27] <directhex_> it means someone got a bingo on their buzzword bingo card
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DJones", "JamesTait", "MooDoo", "ali1234", "awilkins", "bashrc_", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "davmor2", "davmor3", "directhex_", "elfy", "foobarry", "jpds", "knightwise", "popey", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[00:39] <doc_gonzo> moin! ich habe mir ubuntu 14.04.2 in einer vm installiert , um mir den so zu konfigurieren, wie ich es gerne hätte [00:41] <doc_gonzo> die vm habe ich heute morgen angehalten und habe es seit ein paar Stunden wieder laufen lassen. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass die Uhrzeit wohl jede 24 verglichen wird [00:43] <doc_gonzo> kann ich den cronjob manuell auslösen, wenn bei mir bedarf besteht? [13:15] <Mr_Teatime> hat jemand zufällig die Logitech G19 Tastatur zum Laufen gebracht? Suche schon länger eine Möglichkeit, bekomme aber weder Hintergrundbeleuchtung oder Display zum Laufen. [13:44] <PachiriSuu> servus [16:50] <Udja> Habe eine Frage: Gibt es für Ubuntu bzw. Thunderbird irgendeine Software, mit der man Text-Newsletter verschicken kann? [16:52] <jokrebel> Udja: Was verstehst Du unter "Text-Newsletter verschicken [16:52] <Udja> jokrebel: Also keine HTML-Emails, sondern einfache Textnachrichten [16:54] <jokrebel> Udja: Man muss doch bei Thunderbird nur das "HTML-Verfassen" deaktivieren. [16:54] <doc_gonzo> jokrebel, da gibts zu viele. es kommt drauf an, wie du die mail Empfänger hast. In einer Datenbank? In einem Plainfile? [16:55] <Udja> jokrebel: Ja, aber es sollte möglichst so sein, dass die Empfänger die ganzen E-Mail-Adressen der Newsletter-Abonnenten nicht sehen [16:55] <jokrebel> als BCC verschicken? [16:56] <doc_gonzo> um welche Größenordnung handelt es sich? [16:56] <Udja> jokrebel: Und für die Abonenneten sollte es eine Möglichkeit geben, den Newsletter abzubestellen, indem sie z. B. auf einen Link klicken, der der Mail angehängt ist [16:57] <stevieh> Udja: ja gibt es. Diverse. [16:57] <Udja> doc_gonzo: Im kleinen Bereich. Mir geht es darum, wie ich das umsetzen könnte. [16:57] <stevieh> kommt wie gesagt auf die Anzahl der empfänger an. Ab 100 Stück würde ich da kein Thunderbird mehr nehmen. [16:57] <doc_gonzo> wir hatten immer das Problem, dass uns die Malianbieter auf die blacklist gesetzt haben. Yahoo ist da ganz schnell [16:57] <stevieh> Udja: und wenn du selbst basteln willst: "mail" heisst das Programm :-) [16:58] <doc_gonzo> und dash :-) [16:59] <Udja> Also gibt es da noch keine Software etc.? Wollte Anbieter, wie z. B. mailchimp eben vermeiden, weil ich nicht unbedingt möchte, dass denen die Empfängerliste "gehört" [17:04] <ppq> [17:04] <kubine> ppq: Title: E-Mail-Marketing, Bestbewertete Software für Linux - Download - heise online (at [17:04] <ppq> einfach mal googeln, es gibt tonnenweise software [17:05] <kcalB> Hi alle, kann mir jemand die fehler analysieren ? . Ist ssh und vpn gelogt mit wireshark. [17:05] <ppq> such dir was aus, lies dich ein, setz es auf... und teste es möglichst nicht "in production" :D [17:06] <doc_gonzo> ach, wenn die Bounce Mails zurück an den Empfanger gehen ;-) [17:21] <kcalB> muss ich mir sorgen machen ? O.o [17:37] <doc_gonzo> jje weniger du selber machst, desto weniger machst auch falsch, wa? :-D [18:02] <Janosch1> Nabend [18:05] <jokrebel> hi [18:07] <Janosch1> Ich habe ein Problem mit Elster, und zwar findet es eine pdf datei nicht. Nach der Beschreibung von wiki wollte ich erstmal den in Linux install. PDF Reader mit Wine registrieren. Leider mache ich irgendwas falsch, kann mir jemand helfen? [18:10] <Janosch1> Wie erstelle ich den eine Datei mit Inhalt? Ist im wiki leider nicht für Dummies erklärt... [18:10] <Janosch1> +n [18:21] <Janosch1> ? [18:23] <jokrebel> Janosch1: Naja - mit dem entsprechenden Programm welches den gewünschten "Inhalt" erstellen kann erstellen und dann abspeicher ;-) [18:23] <jokrebel> +n [18:26] <Janosch1> :) Ok, hast du ein paar Namen für mich? [18:27] <jokrebel> Janosch1: Nachdem ich Elster nicht nutze und auch um Wine versuche einen Bogen zu machen weis ich noch nicht mal annähernd für _was_ ich Dir Namen nennen können sollte. [18:31] <Janosch1> Verdammich... [19:02] <Penni> Hallo. Ich habe einen Desktop PC und wenn ich mal ein paar Stunden weg bin habe ich keine Lust den PC herunterzufahren und beim hochfahren wieder alle Dateien und co. zu öffnen. Damals gab es noch einen Energiesparmodus. Wo ist der hin? Bzw. wie bekomme ich den wieder? Nutze Ubuntu 14.04 LTS + GNOME [19:09] <ppq> Penni, bei mir unter 14.04 am desktop gibt es den. einfach im dialog wo abmelden, runterfahren etc. steht auswählen. [19:10] <Penni> ppq: Gibt es bei mir nicht. Liegt das vielleicht an GNOME? Wenn ich auf den Ausschalten Button gehe habe ich nur Neu starten, Herunterfahren und Abbrechen. [19:11] <ppq> hm, das könnte sein, ja. [19:11] <ppq> Penni, gib mal testweise im terminal pm-suspend ein [19:14] <Penni> ppq: Jop, genau das suche ich! Wenn ich es via sudo ausführe, klappts [19:15] <ppq> Penni, dann ist es vielleicht ein rechteproblem, das sollte nämlich auch ohne sudo gehen [19:16] <Penni> Gebe ich es nur so ein, kommt "This utility may only be run by the root user." [19:16] <ppq> Penni, ah, ich les gerade was: drück mal auf alt wenn du in dem runterfahren-dialog bist, dann sollte der runterfahren knopf sich ändern zu standby [19:19] <Penni> ppq: Tatsache! Da ändert sich das Teil in ein Pauseicon! Das wird es sein! :D [19:20] <Penni> Kann man in diesem Zustand den PC eigentlich auch vom Netz trennen? [19:20] <ppq> kann man schon, ja. das kannst du ja auch im betrieb. sollte man jedoch nicht ;) [19:21] <ppq> pm-suspend-hybrid wäre da eine alternative, das macht suspend to ram und suspend to disk gleichzeitiog [19:21] <ppq> aber frag mich nicht, wie man gnome das beibringt. usability-mäßig ist das imho sowieso ein albtraum [19:22] <schotter> hi, ich würde mir gerne die aktuellste avr-libc installieren für den xmega384c3. das PPA habe ich schon gefunden, aber das tut nicht ("Für Paket »atmel-toolchain-gcc-avr« existiert kein Installationskandidat."). jmd ideen? achja, trusty hier, wenn ich mich nicht irre. [19:23] <ppq> schotter, doofe frage, aber häufige ursache: sudo apt-get update ausgeführt nach dem hinzufügen des PPAs? [19:24] <schotter> ppq: nope, daran liegt's nicht. [19:24] <k1l_> wie heisst das ppa? [19:25] <schotter> ppa:nonolith/avr-toolchain [19:25] <Penni> ppq: Naja, danke für die Hilfe! ciao! [19:26] <k1l_> schotter: mach mal ein "apt-cache policy atmel-toolchain-gcc-avr" [19:26] <ppq> schotter, [19:26] <ppq> das konnte für trusty nicht gebaut werden [19:26] <ppq> sonst mal den PPA maintainer anstupsen [19:26] <k1l_> ahjo. [19:27] <ppq> Kevin Mehall <> [19:32] <schotter> maintainer angestupst, aber das wird sicherlich dauern. gibts alternativen? ich komm aus der gentoo ecke und hab das mit den paketen noch nicht so ganz gerafft. iwo da draußen wird's ja bestimmt ein aktuelleres avr-libc geben. ich kann auch ein dist-upgrade machen, wenn's hilft^^ [19:34] <ppq> die quick & dirty lösung wäre, zu versuchen, die pakete aus saucy zu installieren. [19:34] <kubine> ppq: Title: Packages in “AVR toolchain (Atmel patches)” : AVR toolchain (Atmel patches) : “Nonolith Labs” team (at [19:36] <k1l_> du kannst dir auch die sources besorgen und die selber ein paket compilieren und das installieren. [19:37] <k1l_> der vorteil am paketsystem ist einerseits, dass andere das für dich kompilieren und dann das alles schon voreingestellt und einfach zu installieren und löschen ist. [19:38] <ppq> schotter, achso, btw, wieso nimmst du nicht das normale avr-libc aus dem ubuntu repo? [19:39] <schotter> ppq, weil das veraltet ist. es kennt den xmega384c3 nicht und der liegt gerade neben mir und will beschrieben werden ;) [19:39] <k1l_> welche version brauchst du? [19:41] <schotter> k.A. die neuste? [19:41] <k1l_> janee. [19:42] <k1l_> guck halt ab wann dein ding da unterstützt wird. dann kann man gucken ob man etwas ab dieser version besorgen kann. [19:42] <ppq> in utopic ist jedenfalls version 1:1.8.0+Atmel3.4.4-1 [19:42] <ppq> das klingt schonmal aktueller als das im PPA [19:43] <schotter> das aktuellste von der HP ist 1.8.1 [19:43] <schotter> aber 1.8.0 könnte auch tun [19:43] <ppq> trusty hat 1.8.0 [19:43] <ppq> [19:43] <kubine> ppq: Title: Ubuntu – Informationen über Paket avr-libc in trusty (at [19:46] <k1l_> hat sonst noch ein neueres paket. aber guck doch erstmal ob das orginal ubuntu paket da nicht geht bevor du dir ppas reinballerst [19:46] <kubine> k1l_: Title: GCC AVR releases : Pascal de Bruijn (at [19:49] <schotter> kil_ hab ich ja schon geguckt. avr-libc bringt ja im groben "nur" zig header-dateien mit und in denen findet sich kein wort von xmega384, deswegen bin ich ja auf der suche nach einem neueren package. [19:50] <k1l_> hast du es denn damit probiert? [19:51] <schotter> ja klar. "/usr/lib/avr/include/avr/io.h:428:6: warning: #warning "device type not defined" [-Wcpp]" und mein device type ist -mmcu=atxmega384c3 [19:58] <schotter> ein aktuelles 1.8.1er paket finde ich irgendwie nicht.....ich spiel gerade mit dem gedanken die einfach nach /usr/lib/ zu entpacken :/ [20:00] <k1l_> nochmal: du brauchst nicht das neuste, du brauchst nur eins, was dein ding da unterstützt [20:00] <schotter> doch brauche ich und jetzt habe ich auch eine Quelle: [20:00] <kubine> schotter: Title: avr-libc 1.8.1 freigegeben - (at [20:01] <k1l_> das listet deinen device type. jetzt musste nur noch finden welche version das ist. (von august 2014) [20:01] <kubine> k1l_: Title: AVR Libc (at [20:02] <k1l_> dann musst du dir das wohl selber bauen. [20:39] <schotter> hab ich gemacht, tut [20:39] <ppq> :) [21:28] <schotter> noch ein nachtrag, es hat letztlich nicht sauber hingehauen. ich konnte zwar kompilieren, aber nicht linken. da hat's dann was "zerschossen" (Inkompatible /usr/local/avr/lib/libm.a wird übersprungen). im moment ist es so, dass ich die Header aus der aktuellen bezieh (/usr/local/avr) und wenn es ums linken geht, bin ich beim alten package (/usr/lib/avr). ein schön gefährlicher schiefstand, aber aktuell taugts mir [21:29] <k1l_> wenn du an dem thema interessiert bist kannst du auch gerne mal die paketbetreuer von ubuntu und debian anfragen. oder den von dem ppa da. [21:54] <schotter> k1l_: ich hab hier ein xmega evaluationsboard mit sd-karte und alles was ich wollte war FatFS zum laufen zu bekommen. das läuft jetzt :) und somit bin ich erstmal glücklich :D gute nacht!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Janosch1", "Mr_Teatime", "PachiriSuu", "Penni", "Udja", "doc_gonzo", "jokrebel", "k1l_", "kcalB", "kubine", "ppq", "schotter", "stevieh" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[02:02] <magu42> .
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "magu42" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uy" }
[14:05] <MacSlow> elopio, hey there... can you point me to a guide/example wrt to ap-fixtures ( [14:06] <elopio> MacSlow: not specific to autopilot: [14:06] <MacSlow> elopio, ah ok... looking [14:07] <elopio> MacSlow: we can also pair if you need an extra hand on it, just ping us. [14:07] <MacSlow> elopio, I probably will... this too is new ground for me [14:08] <MacSlow> elopio, I didn't even write LaunchUnityWithFakeSensors in the first place [14:11] <elopio> MacSlow: I wrote it :) [14:13] <MacSlow> elopio, oh... and I'm meant to refactor it... :) [14:14] <elopio> MacSlow: that probably shouldn't happen in this MP though, already too big. [14:15] <MacSlow> elopio, I would welcome that... but Saviq suggested it... [14:15] <MacSlow> elopio, by now i'm so worn out on that branch... I would really like to be able to put it to an end... I fixed all the other issues [14:15] <elopio> Saviq: are you ok with filling a bug about turning the Unity launch into a fixture, a doing it in a following branch? [14:15] <MacSlow> elopio, so if you would take another look [14:16] <Saviq> elopio, MacSlow, sure, just file a bug for it and land as is [14:16] <Saviq> but before we touch either that or the base UnityTestCase there, we need to factor it out [14:16] <MacSlow> elopio, you file the fixture-refactor wishlist/bug? [14:16] <Saviq> (again) [14:19] <elopio> MacSlow: one second. [14:39] <elopio> MacSlow: [14:40] <elopio> MacSlow: your branch looks good now. Only two minor details: [14:40] <elopio> - I would rename main_win to main_window [14:40] <elopio> - I would change [14:40] <elopio> 438+'unsupported orientation ' + self.action + ' skipped.') [14:40] <elopio> to [14:40] <elopio> self.skipTest('unsupported orientation ' + self.action) [14:40] <MacSlow> elopio, wilco [14:43] <MacSlow> elopio, that skipTest needs to happen at the beginning of test_rotation_with_webbrowser_app(), right? [14:44] <elopio> MacSlow: would be good, yes. The earlier you discover that the test can't be run, the less wasted time you spend on it. [14:45] <elopio> in this case I think you can't put it as the first step of the test, but certainly you can move it up a little. [14:47] <MacSlow> I put it after self.shell_proxy = unity_with_sensors.main_win.select_single('Shell') before the app is launched... [14:47] <MacSlow> that saves at least a bit of execution time I guess [14:53] <MacSlow> elopio, pushed suggested fix... r1611 [14:56] <elopio> MacSlow: ok, +1. Now, how do we confirm jenkins' tests are passing? [14:57] <MacSlow> elopio, I added a further comment on the build-depencecies in the MP's description... it needs libunity-api-dev >= 7.97 which isn't released yet... all we can do is wait [14:59] <elopio> MacSlow: awesome. Thanks for working on this. [14:59] <elopio> when I proposed this to be in our previous sprint, I was expecting our team to help you more with the scenarios and the fixtures and all the python details. [14:59] <elopio> but then I went on vacations, got drunk and forgot about work :) [15:00] <elopio> I mentioned this in our retrospective, so next time we really help devs to get the tests done, not just point out the way to go. [15:22] <MacSlow> elopio, well... at least I left the fixture-refactor for you to do :) [15:23] <elopio> MacSlow: ah, well... I'm not sure I will be able to do it. That's a negotiation between your manager and my manager to see who does it. [15:24] <elopio> I might some free time tomorrow though, I'll try to sneak it in this week.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MacSlow", "Saviq", "elopio" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-autopilot" }
[01:06] <smoser> harlowja, well, that might be happening, with claudiopoppa next week [01:06] <smoser> but yeah [08:45] <Odd_Bloke> harlowja_away: Thanks for the merge! [17:00] <harlowja> smoser cool [17:00] <harlowja> let's get er done
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Odd_Bloke", "harlowja", "smoser" ], "url": "", "channel": "#cloud-init" }
[01:17] <atamira> morning [01:17] <atamira> oh..afternoon [19:22] <ibeardslee> morning [20:10] <hads> morning [21:51] <olly> morning [22:38] <atamira> morning
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "atamira", "hads", "ibeardslee", "olly" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nz" }
[00:06] <boax> big thanks to RAOF! [00:07] <boax> he find out what the bug is. Its: glamor shouldn't be passing in a NULL destination to fbCopy. [00:07] <boax> this is the bug: [03:07] <hdkkskdjjdk> so I have a quick question I have been googling for days now to no avail - how would one create a customized, distributable distro based on Ubuntu gnome? [11:53] <georgeowell> Heya, I know this is an upstream problem, but has anyone else had the problem of not being able to create an encrypted swap partition or file when you've partitioned the instillation yourself? It's a Ubuntu specific thing. [11:54] <georgeowell> It something to do with the UUID being randomised on boot [12:06] <georgeowell> There's quite a lot of info about it online but I haven't been able to solve it [14:41] <ricotz> Noskcaj, hi, I hope you noticed that tali in gnome3-staging installs some files into "/usr/@DATADIRNAME@/" [18:46] <stefan578> Hello people I have a problem with ekiga on ubuntu - namely I can not make the out calls from my comp to phones - any help?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "boax", "georgeowell", "hdkkskdjjdk", "ricotz", "stefan578" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[00:00] <boax> why not fixed now when its that clear? [00:00] <boax> the freeze time is exactly for this cases, not? [00:07] <RAOF> Because although the immediate cause is obvious, the reason why glamor is passing NULL isn't (yet). [00:07] <RAOF> And because, as per the, this seems to be reasonably infrequently hit. [00:08] <boax> would be the place where this 5 mb file have been gone normaly? [00:09] <RAOF> Pretty much, yeah. [00:10] <boax> how does is care that people dont report the same bug around 100 times? [00:11] <RAOF> By being in the process before people do the work to report the bug. [00:11] <RAOF> It's one of the parts that handles duplicate detection, for example. [00:13] <boax> Dont fully understand. When i turn off the live system, start it again, report the bug, turn it off again, start it again, report gaian, ... how does the system detect that i am the same user all the times? [00:13] <RAOF> It doesn't. It does, however, detect that your thing has crashed again. [00:14] <boax> any why my and not the computer from someone else? [00:14] <RAOF> Which is what we're more interested in - a crash which affects 100 users once a month is not more interesting than a crash which affects 3 users every day. [00:16] <boax> RAOF: when the update is been released and the system is been installed with enabled "install updates during installation". would that fix be also included? [00:16] <RAOF> Yes [00:17] <boax> i have not understand what things are loaded there. It does not seem to be something like an apt-get upgrade [00:17] <RAOF> That's basically what it does, yes. [00:18] <boax> ?? but when i start the fresh installed system and run an apt-get update and after that an apt-get upgrade i get tons of updates [00:22] <boax> how can that be when i have already installed all the updates thanks to an apt-get upgrade before? [00:33] <RAOF> Is this on a stable release, or on a pre-release image? Because there's tons of upgrades all the time for pre-release images. [00:38] <boax> RAOF: stable release 14.10 [00:39] <boax> when you would like to see what i mean take an stable 14.10 and install it with connected internet. after that run apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade. you would get tons of updates [00:42] <boax> have to go now. thanks a log RAOF [00:42] <boax> thanks a lot i mean
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "RAOF", "boax" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-x" }
[01:22] <bananapie> If I create a unix group in /etc/group using groupadd, do I have to do anything else in samba for the group to be recognized? [01:30] <zul> med_: im working on them.. [05:20] <rking> Anyone here have experience deploying on the Ubuntu stack a Asterisk server? [08:02] <tlyng> how can I use 'initctl emit' in an upstart configuration file that uses setuid/setgid? [08:36] <snolahc> Hi all, i have an issue installing Ub Serv 14.04 : During the install process, it fails checking files from the usb key. Tried with 2 isos, 2 usbkeys and 2 PCs, nothing works. I use unetbootin under ubuntu desktop. [08:37] <snolahc> Has anyone experienced issues like that ? [08:37] <Sling> snolahc: which iso exactly? [08:38] <snolahc> Sling: ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso [08:38] <Sling> also how are you using unetbootin? and at which point during installation does it fail exactly, with an error? [08:38] <snolahc> it fails during the loading of additional components [08:39] <snolahc> i use unetbootin with a local iso [08:39] <snolahc> re-downloaded several times but the checksum is correct [08:39] <snolahc> i'll launch another try and tell you on which component it fails exactlly [08:42] <snolahc> Sling, it fails loading "nic-firmware" [08:47] <snolahc> google and askubuntu didn't help with it... [08:47] <snolahc> i'm trying with a debian 7 install to be sure it's an hardware independant problem [09:16] <dasjoe> snolahc: you can use dd to write the .iso directly to a USB key, you don't need to use unetbootin for that [09:16] <dasjoe> Ensure you are writing to the correct USB device, though :) [09:16] <snolahc> In "Expert install", it goes further but impossible to detect any network card [09:16] <snolahc> dasjoe, tried it already ^^ [09:16] <snolahc> thanks [09:17] <snolahc> A debian netinst works well. [09:17] <snolahc> i'm willing to try with ubuntu desktop to see... [09:17] <dasjoe> snolahc: what about an Ubuntu mini.iso? [09:17] <dasjoe> [09:22] <snolahc> dasjoe, thanks i try it [09:32] <snolahc> dasjoe, it works well with this image [09:33] <snolahc> i have still no idea why the regular install doesn't work [09:35] <snolahc> 3 usb keys, 4 PC with != brands and no way to install it [09:53] <lordievader> Good morning. [11:41] <jamespage> zul, [11:44] <jamespage> and [11:45] <zul> jamespage: thanks [11:46] <jamespage> zul, any ideas? [11:49] <jamespage> zul, I added another comment to the destroy bug [11:49] <jamespage> Apr 22 11:47:15 juju-devel3-machine-16 lxd[21246]: 2015/04/22 11:47:15 Error cleaning up /var/lib/lxd/lxc/8b9df5b8-4cab-4115-bfbf-a4c92b7922c6: readdirent: no such file or directory [11:54] <zul> jamespage: not yet [11:54] <jamespage> zul, ok - going to eat lunch biab [11:56] <zul> jamespage: the destroy bug is looking for /sbin/init and its not there after its destroyed [11:57] <jamespage> zul, urgh - cirros just has init [11:58] <jamespage> zul, is that an lxd issue? [11:58] <zul> jamespage: lemme double check on that though [11:58] <zul> jamespage: need to get liam ready for school [13:02] <snolahc> for the record, the ubuntu 14.04 server-mini x64 installs the grub bootloader in the usb install key :p [13:26] <jamespage> zul, hallyn_: reported on upstream ceph ML [13:26] <jamespage> [13:27] <zul> jamespage: i can get to it after some plates stop spinning ;) [13:29] <jamespage> zul, I know we're busy this week - not super critical - I'll ping back on the ML thread [13:51] <Horsemeds> Hi if im following these instructions: Do I need to do step 1 on all nodes? [13:53] <Horsemeds> also in step 4 of it says to alter fstab do i do this on all the nodes or just the master? [13:59] <hallyn_> jamespage: ok, so the patch for that just needs to be sru'd to trusty? [13:59] <jamespage> hallyn_, yup [13:59] <hallyn_> i have a set of things i want to sru soon, i've just been swamped trying to get other things stable [14:00] <hallyn_> i'll try to do libvirt srus today or tomorrow [14:04] <jamespage> hallyn_, ack understand [14:12] <hallyn_> jamespage: i don't suppose there a simple, concise test case? :) I understand how to create the vol, but is there a way to test this without a set of backend servers inthe first place? maybe involving ajuju script to fire off a bunch of vms? [16:50] <delinquentme> i chowned /mnt to the group 'admins' ubuntu and postgres users are part of this group ... however when I try to echo a blank test.txt file into a dir i created w sudo ( /mnt/pgdata/ ) i get permission denied [16:50] <delinquentme> what am I missing [16:51] <delinquentme> sudo chmod /mnt/ 775 [16:51] <delinquentme> Access: (0775/drwxrwxr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 1001/ admins) [18:13] <negronjl> msg squinky Hey [18:14] <negronjl> #fail :) [18:29] <DeMiNe0> When I # modprobe aes, I get the following error: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'padlock_aes': No such device. I added an alias for aes aes_generic to my modprobe.d aliases, but still get that same error when I re-run mod probe. Any idea's? Ubuntu server 14.04 [18:33] <sarnold> can you modprobe aes_generic directly? [18:36] <benpardo> Does anyone know where I can get help with emailing images? [18:39] <benpardo> I am having trouble making my email signature work. [18:40] <sarnold> benpardo: probably you'd be better served in #ubuntu [18:40] <sarnold> benpardo: unless you use mutt... [18:40] <benpardo> I'm not sure sarnold if this is a problem with the email server. DOes it matter? [18:41] <sarnold> benpardo: it might be, you could ask whoever admins your mail server if it's related [18:44] <DeMiNe0> I can modprube aes_generic directly [18:44] <DeMiNe0> modprobe* [18:45] <sarnold> DeMiNe0: it's not a satisfying answer, but maybe just add aes_generic to your /etc/modules? [18:52] <benpardo> sarnold: thank you [18:52] <patdk-wk_> sounds like an issue with the cpu detection [18:53] <patdk-wk_> it seems to belieave your using a what are those cpus? that have padlock aes accelleration [18:54] <sarnold> iirc padlock is an old old old via low-power chip... [18:54] <sarnold> my core i7 laptop tries to load aes_padlock too when I run "modprobe aes". go figure. [18:59] <patdk-wk_> hmm, what is the aes kernel module used for? [19:00] <patdk-wk_> seems to not be used for my luks disk atleast :( [19:00] <patdk-wk_> I wonder if it is on my laptop [19:01] <sarnold> onh my laptop, aesni_intel is used by lrw glue_helper ablk_helper cryptd [19:02] <patdk-wk_> ya, aesni_intel on my laptop i7 [19:02] <patdk-wk_> oh I see [19:02] <patdk-wk_> modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'aesni_intel': No such device [19:02] <patdk-wk_> modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'padlock_aes': No such device [19:02] <patdk-wk_> it just attempts to load ALL aes modules [19:02] <patdk-wk_> and you get errors for what you don't support [19:02] <sarnold> ha! [19:03] <sarnold> thanks patdk-wk_ :) [19:03] * genii ponders bug 206129 [19:03] <patdk-wk_> aesni_intel [19:03] <patdk-wk_> aes_x86_64 [19:04] <patdk-wk_> have those in my /etc/initramfs-tools/modules file [19:05] <sarnold> genii: hah nice find [19:10] <patdk-wk_> I don't really see how it is a bug [19:10] <patdk-wk_> it's expected behavure, and it's not an error or stops something from functioning [19:11] <sarnold> people whine about the craziest things.. [19:12] <sarnold> cups in precise with HWE kernels reports apparmor denies for the block_suspend capability. It doesn't need this capability and allowed vs denied makes no difference at all to how well cups works [19:12] <sarnold> but we must get half-dozen complaints about that error message in their logs when they're clutching for straws.. [19:13] <rberg> does that mean you can suspend mid print? [19:13] <sarnold> rberg: probably? dunno, never tried :) [19:14] <rberg> hehe brb [19:22] <The_Tick> I'm getting a gpg key error on a source, I'm wondering if it's a new issue or not. Brand new installation, just downloaded 14.04.2 today [20:07] <delinquentme> yay! I think i edited the sudoers file and disabled anyone from being able to sudo. [20:08] <delinquentme> sudo -i -u postgres [20:08] <delinquentme> >>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 23 <<< [20:08] <rberg> ouch.. in the future always use visudo [20:10] <lordievader> delinquentme: Bootup in singleuser mode, or with init=/bin/bash [20:10] <delinquentme> better yet I dont think I actually know the sudo password [20:10] <delinquentme> its an ec2 instance [20:10] <delinquentme> and I think the passwords show up once when they're instantiated. [20:11] <delinquentme> this mean I need to kill the instance huh? [20:13] <delinquentme> lordievader, rberg advice? [20:13] <lordievader> delinquentme: Without ~physical access this might be tricky. [20:14] <delinquentme> yeah none. [20:14] <delinquentme> ssh access and im currently logged in [20:14] <lordievader> You could try the stuff above with the risk of being locked out entirely... [20:14] <lordievader> No root ssh key? [20:14] <delinquentme> no root ssh key [20:14] <delinquentme> tried the pkexec visudo [20:14] <delinquentme> but I dont know the actual roow passwr [20:15] <teward> they don't set one iirc [20:15] <rberg> no sorry I dont know anything about ec2 or how you get to its tty [20:16] <delinquentme> rberg, i think ive got access to /dev [20:16] <delinquentme> yeap. [20:21] <vonsyd0w> delinquentme, maybe this helps? [20:21] <vonsyd0w> i dont know anything about amazon aws though [20:42] <sarnold> delinquentme: you may be able to attach the storage of the instance to another instance through the management console [20:48] <delinquentme> sarnold, not bad idea [21:02] <cribbageSTARSHIP> hey everyone. i just built my first ubuntu server and had a question regarding rysnc. if my sda1 is my / and my sda2 is my storage mounted to /media/storage, if I cron rsync /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1 will it copy my /media/storage? or would that only happen if I set up rsync to copy / to /media/osbunker? [21:04] <genii> Use pathnames and not device names. [21:04] * genii wanders back to work [21:10] <rberg> hey cribbageSTARSHIP you should not use rsync on a raw device like that.. also there is a rsync flag "--one-file-system" to keep it on 1 fs [21:10] <cribbageSTARSHIP> 1 fs? [21:10] <cribbageSTARSHIP> rberg: 1 fs? [21:11] <rberg> yeah meaning that "rsync --one-file-system / /mnt/sdb1" will not copy /media/storage or /mnt/sdb1 to /mnt/sdb1 [21:13] <rberg> are you using rsync to backup your root file system? [21:13] <cribbageSTARSHIP> rberg: im trying to understand what you're saying. this is my set up. i want to use rsync to duplicate one hdd to another every night [21:15] <rberg> I dont think you can use rsync on /dev/sda1 directly only on the mounted filesystem ie / [21:18] <sarnold> something like rsync -av --one-file-system / /media/osbunker/ ; rsync -av --one-file-system /media/storage/ /media/bunker/ [21:19] <cribbageSTARSHIP> rberg: dang. will it stay one one disk? [21:20] <rberg> sarnold: for copying an entire root filesystem I use "rsync -avHAX --one-file-system" H for hardlinks A for acl's and X for extended attributes [21:21] <sarnold> rberg: pity -a doesn't catch those! [21:21] <sarnold> rberg: I use rsnapshot and let someone else worry about the details, hehe :) [21:22] <rberg> cribbageSTARSHIP --one-file-system will keep it from copying /media/osbunker/ into /media/osbunker/ creating a endless loop :) [21:22] <rberg> heh yeah I use duplicity for backups, but sometimes I do need to mode / around [21:22] <rberg> /mode/move/ [21:24] <rberg> cribbageSTARSHIP what is the end goal here? maybe raid 1 is more appropriate then a nightly block level copy [22:26] <rking> Can anyone recommend a paid ( or free ) linux alternative to gotoassist? [22:32] <genii> rking: Quite a few of the alternatives at are available in Ubuntu's repositories. [22:35] <rking> @genii thanks mate.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DeMiNe0", "Horsemeds", "Sling", "The_Tick", "bananapie", "benpardo", "cribbageSTARSHIP", "dasjoe", "delinquentme", "genii", "hallyn_", "jamespage", "lordievader", "negronjl", "patdk-wk_", "rberg", "rking", "sarnold", "snolahc", "teward", "tlyng", "vonsyd0w", "zul" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[16:26] <AlanBell> now [16:27] <AlanBell> udsbotu: now [16:27] <udsbotu> Current time in UTC: April 22 2015, 16:27:02
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AlanBell", "udsbotu" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uds-plenary" }
[02:10] <imgbot> [02:33] <fginther> plars, robru, FYI, I patched phablet-click-test-setup and retriggered the tests for image 180 [02:36] <plars> fginther: thanks for looking at that. I had to step away for a while but I'm back now. Anything else needed right now? [02:37] <fginther> plars, I don't think anything else is needed right now. I saw that your other change landed, so hopefully this will be a full run [02:38] <plars> fginther: indeed [02:38] <fginther> plars, a much better fix is needed for p-c-t-s, but it can wait until at least tomorrow :-) [02:39] <fginther> plars, so far so good: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/vivid-touch-mako-smoke-daily/545/console [02:39] <fginther> made it past the click test sources install [02:40] <plars> Awesome [03:25] <imgbot> [03:25] <imgbot> [06:15] <Mirv> ToyKeeper: happen to be around? can you confirm that om26er passed silo 015 but just forgot to flip the switch in the spreadsheet? the trello is authorative, isn't it? [06:15] <ToyKeeper> Mirv: If it's passed on trello, it should be okay to flip the switch in the spreadsheet. [06:15] <Mirv> ToyKeeper: indeed, I just wanted to hear it from someone in the team. thanks! [06:16] <ToyKeeper> Mirv: That's qtubuntu-camera, yes? [06:16] <Mirv> ToyKeeper: no, qtdeclarative [06:16] <ToyKeeper> Mirv: Er, sorry, wrong silo-015 card. :) [06:16] <Mirv> "Approving it now." ends om26er's last trello comment [06:16] <Mirv> :) [06:16] <ToyKeeper> Mirv: In any case, it looks like he just didn't flip the switch. [06:17] <Mirv> thanks for confirming [06:24] <Mirv> robru: thanks, packaging diffs seem all good now! [07:21] <robru> Mirv: you're welcome! [08:08] <sil2100> popey, ogra_, Mirv: anything to discuss during the landing meeting? [08:09] <ogra_> nothing specifically from me [08:09] <sil2100> Mirv: actually I wanted to poke you regarding the unity8 hang silo, but I can do it here too [08:09] <sil2100> Mirv: do you think it can be passed to QA sign-off now that it's planned to be landing in the overlay PPA? [08:10] <sil2100> Mirv: this is a blocker for the nearest release [08:12] <Mirv> sil2100: I discussed it yesterday, and albert was of the opinion that we can't land it until all the upstream branches have been merged upstream. and there's sense in that, not only to assure quality (even though I don't see any problems in my testing) but also because even though we have the PPA it's supposed to be copied to w as is - and currently, the patches make some KDE legacy apps not start [08:12] <Mirv> upstream has promised to fix the kuniqueapplication problem. but so far the big patch set is still not merged in upstream qt 5.5. [08:13] <sil2100> Mirv: do we have any other means of fixing the bug in the meantime? [08:14] <Mirv> tsdgeos: ^ can give an opinion about other means of fixing the QDbus problem, although I guess they have been thought (and tried) before already. [08:19] <popey> sil2100: no [08:20] <sil2100> jibel: hey, you have anything urgent to discuss during the landing meeting? [08:21] <jibel> sil2100, just which rtm silo do we land? [08:21] <jibel> sil2100, 3, 4, 6 and 7 are ready for QA [08:21] <sil2100> jibel: I think pmcgowan wasn't clear on what he wants and when we want it [08:22] <Laney> robru: It needs to get into vivid via SRU [08:22] <davmor3> sil2100, jibel: My net went down last night I'm using my mifi for now but it means my irc and emails are dead probably best to get me on telegram for anything important I'm going to try the hangout via mifi and see what restrictions I need to put in place [08:22] <Laney> dbarth: do you know about this? [08:23] <sil2100> So I would defer until he's around again [08:24] <dbarth> Laney: i just now the silo went into the overlay ppa [08:24] <dbarth> Laney: you saying i should do the sru paperwork now? [08:24] <Laney> dbarth: Needs to go into vivid via SRU [08:24] <sil2100> davmor3: I was thinking of cancelling today's landing meeting so no worries ;) [08:25] <Laney> dbarth: So the bug will need the paperwork, yes [08:25] <Laney> Let me know if you need help uploading it [08:25] <dbarth> Laney: what's the timing btw? [08:25] <Laney> for? [08:25] <dbarth> the sru process [08:25] <davmor3> sil2100:no really cancel mongering the morning meetings too damn you [08:25] <dbarth> ie, 0-day srus (not the case i think) vs 1st batch [08:25] <Laney> the SRU team can accept it whenever [08:25] <dbarth> ah ok [08:26] <sil2100> davmor3: ;) [08:26] <Laney> I don't know what they'll choose but it doesn't matter either way for us IMHO [08:26] <sil2100> jibel: so until we have a clear direction from pmcgowan I would say let's not sign off any RTM silos [08:26] <Laney> well, I think FB chat XMPP is closing on April 30th so it should be in -updates by then [08:26] <jibel> sil2100, okay [08:26] <sil2100> Pat anyway wanted us to concentrate all strength on vivid and you-know-what [08:26] <Laney> dbarth: did anyone care for precise/trusty/utopic? [08:28] <dbarth> Laney: not really yet [08:28] <dbarth> Laney: but that could be limited to just the MSN/FB bugfix though [08:29] <Laney> yes [08:29] <dbarth> ie not the whole silo [08:29] <Laney> this is the bit that I care about ;-) [08:29] <Laney> well, that I care about most [08:32] <sil2100> davmor3: today in return we'll have the evening meeting ;) [08:33] <Mirv> oh, ok no meeting [08:33] <davmor3> Yay I might be online proper by then, but I still want to try the mifi in a hangout, so jibel don't cancel the morning qa meeting it's an import experiment :D [08:34] <Mirv> sil2100: hey, you were on the UITK update yesterday. it seems robru landed it to vivid (and it's in -proposed), was that intentional or should it be republished to the overlay PPA? [08:34] <davmor3> jibel:^ [08:34] <davmor3> is that the t=landing you were on about? [08:34] <davmor3> - t= [08:35] <Mirv> ..or should release team allow it to go in. I didn't catch the whole topic but I undestood it might be it should be in vivid proper? [08:36] <davmor3> Mirv: jibel was just on about it in another channel I think it is deliberate, we are waiting on it landing for real for the iso to be respun [08:36] <Mirv> ok [08:37] <davmor3> Mirv:it is a big assumption on my part but being as UITK were mentioned twice in such a small span of time I can only assume it is the same one :) [08:37] <jibel> davmor3, Mirv it is blocked in proposed currently [08:37] <Mirv> davmor3: yes it most probably is [08:37] <jibel> pitti is looking at the failure [08:38] <Mirv> ok, thanks for the update [08:38] <sil2100> Mirv: it's intentional [08:38] <Mirv> good [08:49] <tsdgeos> sil2100: Mirv: there is no way to "fix it" other than this, you can workaround it my not using qdbus :D [08:59] <mandel> Mirv, I have had no code reviews, but is due to the fact that it needs to be tested on the phone first (talking about line 52) [09:02] <Mirv> mandel: ok [09:02] <Mirv> assigning a silo [09:02] <mandel> Mirv, is a huge improvement for location, and you know, you need to walk around :-/ [09:02] <mandel> Mirv, sweet! (I know, I sound like a stoner \o/ ) [09:16] <Mirv> mandel: yeah location improvements are very welcome :) [09:17] <sil2100> I like the sound of that [09:17] <sil2100> ;) [09:18] <sil2100> hmmm [09:19] <sil2100> bzoltan_: I'll have to release a no-change rebuild of UITK to trunk in a moment, sorry for messing with your trunk ;) [09:19] <sil2100> bzoltan_: there's some chaos regarding vivid now [09:20] <bzoltan_> sil2100: just tell me if I need my help [09:20] <bzoltan_> sil2100: I mean :) if _you_ need my help [09:20] <sil2100> bzoltan_: sure, again sorry for that ;) [09:21] <davmor3> bzoltan_: man talking about helping yourself in the 3rd person isn't that one of the signs of insanity ;) [09:44] <bzoltan_> davmor3: helping myself in my native language has an other meaning :D [09:46] <oSoMoN> trainguards: can I have a silo for line 53, please? [09:47] <sil2100> oSoMoN: looking [09:48] <sil2100> oSoMoN: assigning :) [09:49] <oSoMoN> thanks! [11:28] * sil2100 off to lunch [11:30] <john-mcaleely> davmor2, so, do vivid krillin device tarballs need signoff at the moment? [11:31] <john-mcaleely> same Q to jibel , I guess ^ [11:31] <davmor2> john-mcaleely: yes as vivid is the next target for ota [11:32] <john-mcaleely> cool davmor2 one is incoming then :-) [11:34] <pmcgowan> j [11:35] <davmor2> pmcgowan: is this some new form of alphabet game? [11:35] <pmcgowan> jibel, sil2100 if QA has bandwidth we can test rtm silos to be ready for a hotfix next week [11:35] <pmcgowan> davmor2, no typing in wrong window it seems [11:35] <cwayne> davmor2, sil2100: so I got a +1 from davmor2 to push a vivid tar awhile ago, but I'd missed the message. the tarball hasnt been built since then, am I ok to push it, or should I build a new one and have it go through qa again? [11:36] <pmcgowan> jibel, sil2100 but anything for vivid has precedence over rtm silos [11:36] <davmor2> cwayne: build a new one there might be apps and stuff that need updates and put it through the process :) [11:37] <cwayne> davmor2, okie dokes [11:38] <cwayne> davmor2, building, will let you guys know when ready [11:40] <john-mcaleely> [11:40] <john-mcaleely> [11:40] <john-mcaleely> [11:40] <john-mcaleely> sil2100, ^ new device tarball for krillin vivid [12:15] <Mirv> sil2100: jibel: I flipped the switch based on the most recent discussion. also did some retesting with #181 while the AP suite was run against #175 during the weekend. [12:15] <Mirv> ^ regarding that 018 fix [12:53] <fginther> om26er, FYI touch smoke testing for 181 completed [12:53] <om26er> fginther, \o/ [12:54] <om26er> fginther, the failure rate looks alarming [12:55] <fginther> om26er, looks like 180 still thinks it's running because the jobs exceeded the 5 hour timeout. I'll see about scaling out some more to fix that problem [12:56] <fginther> om26er, indeed, I've seen it look better [13:10] <ChrisTownsend> cihelp: Hi! We are getting intermittent "out of space" failures on our Unity 7 ci runs. For example: and [13:11] <boiko> rvr: hi, regarding the rtm silo, it is another fix that bfiller and pmcgowan want to evaluate to maybe be released as a hotfix [13:12] <rvr> boiko: Right, only hotfixes will be allowed [13:12] <fginther> ChrisTownsend, ah, someone will have a look at this [13:12] <boiko> rvr: yep, that's why I proposed the fix and got the silo [13:13] <ChrisTownsend> fginther: Ok, thanks [13:13] <pmcgowan> rvr, if there is anything for vivid that gets priority this week [13:14] <rvr> pmcgowan: Ack, thanks. jibel also updated me with the upcoming priorities. [13:30] <sil2100> rvr, davmor2, jibel: new device tarball ready and in the tarballs sheet [13:30] <ogra_> we have a taballs sheet ? [13:30] <ogra_> nice :) [13:30] <davmor2> sil2100: there should be a new custom from cwayne soon too [13:31] <sil2100> ogra_: yeah, not fully functional though [13:32] <davmor2> sil2100: it would be much easier if we had say a database and a web form maybe /me runs and hides from the explosion that is sil2100 head with the rage overload :D [13:32] <sil2100> davmor2: all in the works ;) [13:33] <davmor2> sil2100: the spreadsheet is dead long live the spreadsheet? [13:34] <sil2100> davmor2: robru's working on a replacement and so far things are moving forward nicely from what I know [13:34] * davmor2 hugs robru [13:38] <ogra_> sil2100, are we there yet ? [13:38] <Saviq> trainguards, silo please ↑ :) [13:38] <sil2100> ogra_: robru's working on it from scratch, so there's still work to be done [13:38] <sil2100> But I trust in robru's abilities [13:38] <sil2100> ;) [13:38] <ogra_> :) [13:38] <sil2100> Saviq: on it [13:39] <sil2100> (more on the evening landing meeting) [13:39] <sil2100> Saviq: oh! I like the sound of that request [13:42] <Saviq> :) [13:43] <sil2100> This would mean one less blocker on our list, thanks! [13:54] <rvr> Saviq: Approving silo 17 [13:55] <sil2100> \o/ [13:55] <sil2100> Nice, this would unblock silo 25 then [13:57] <cwayne> davmor2, sil2100 added custom tar for vivid to spreadsheet [13:57] <sil2100> cwayne: thanks! Let me approve it for QA sign-off [13:57] <Saviq> rvr, awesome, thanks [13:59] <sil2100> davmor2, jibel, rvr: approved the custom tarball request [14:07] <Mirv> Saviq: approves + [14:11] <Saviq> Mirv, done [14:12] <Saviq> sry [14:21] <Mirv> Saviq: no problem. regarding packaging, I fear you'd need to add Replaces: unity8-autopilot (<< 8.02+15.04.20150421.1-0ubuntu1) to the unity8-fake-env's fields, otherwise desktop users having both installed would have a upgrade error when the new files in unity8-fake-env conflict with the old files in unity8-autopilot [14:22] <Saviq> Mirv, oh... [14:23] <Saviq> Mirv, think you could upload with a bumped -ubuntu or shall I fix/rebuild? [14:32] <alex-abreu> trainguards can you publish silo 23 [14:32] <sil2100> alex-abreu: on it [14:33] <sil2100> alex-abreu: needs a rebuild... [14:33] <sil2100> alex-abreu: unbuilt commits in [14:37] <Mirv> Saviq: please fix + rebuild normally in the MP [14:40] <Saviq> ok [14:43] <fginther> ChrisTownsend, The 'no space left on device' issue has been resolved for the moment. Will still need to address it with a longer term solution, but any unity7 builds in flight should be ok to proceed now [14:44] <ChrisTownsend> fginther: Great, thanks so much! [14:50] <sil2100> pstolowski: hmm, assigning silo for 55, but you mention it's an alternative fix to silo 20? [14:50] <sil2100> pstolowski: so only one of them will land, right? [14:51] <pstolowski> sil2100, hey, my row #55 is targeted at devel cause i've no other way of building and testing it other than a silo. isn't it going to be an issue? when i confirm it works, it will be merged into devel and then MP'ed again for landing in trunk [14:52] <pstolowski> sil2100, correct, we've disscussed it today. the best fix would be lowest in the stack, which is scopes api. only one fix will land eventually [14:53] <sil2100> pstolowski: ok, so there will be a real landing with MPs to trunk after those approaches get tested, right? [14:53] <pstolowski> sil2100, yes [14:53] <sil2100> Ok, let me mention that in the comment fields [15:25] <om26er> fginther, Hey! how did the dashboard fix ? did you deploy your change for phablet-tools ? [15:26] <Saviq> Mirv, if you're still around - it just published [15:26] <Saviq> only the PPA decided it's going to be a good idea to show the complete changelog [15:27] <fginther> om26er, yeah. I hacked the local version of phablet-click-test-setup until there is more time for a proper fix [15:27] <om26er> fginther, will code in your MR do it for me as well ? [15:28] <om26er> I am seeing the same issue locally as well [15:28] <fginther> om26er, yes, it should work (it worked for me locally as well) [15:29] <Mirv> Saviq: not really around but checking anyway :) [15:31] <om26er> fginther, great, seems to have worked for me. [15:31] <Mirv> ricmm_: unapproved [15:32] <ricmm_> jhodapp: ^ [15:33] <Saviq> Mirv, thanks [15:33] <ricmm_> alesage: ping, did you do exploratory testing against media-hub and all media stuff? [15:33] <alesage> ricmm_ yes I ran the test plan [15:33] <alesage> if we're being specific :) [15:34] <ricmm_> I'm not being specific, I'm asking about non-specific exploratory testing ;) [15:34] <ricmm_> although to be fair, one of the test plan points if exploration [15:34] <jhodapp> ricmm_, approved [15:34] <alesage> ricmm_ fairly spoken [15:35] <ricmm_> so you did pressure it with heavy exploratory [15:35] <alesage> ricmm_, I didn't find anything that wasn't explained; a file format unsupported, e.g. [15:35] <sil2100> Mirv: you go EOD now! [15:35] <Mirv> sil2100: just a moment! :) [15:36] <sil2100> ...;p [15:36] <Saviq> Mirv, yeah, just after you publish my silo! :D [15:36] <alesage> if I tap at the end of a track I can unleash chaos ricmm_ but I've presented this before to jhodapp [15:37] <jhodapp> alesage, indeed you have [15:37] <Mirv> Saviq: indeed, now publishing, upgrade on desktop with both installed went fine [15:37] <sil2100> jibel, popey, davmor2, rvr, robru: let's have a quick evening meeting today to sync up on everything [15:37] <sil2100> ogra_: ^ [15:37] <rvr> sil2100: Ack [15:38] <ogra_> sil2100, yeah ... curious about the OTA3.5 := [15:38] <ogra_> :) [15:38] <popey> sil2100: okay [15:39] <Mirv> ricmm_: so ack on 028? (I just made sure it targets the overlay) [15:40] <sil2100> alex-abreu: so that rebuild that was needed - was that change something not impacting real code? [15:40] <sil2100> alex-abreu: asking to check if it needs a re-test or not [15:41] <alex-abreu> sil2100, yes it was fixing the tests that were flacky [15:42] <sil2100> dbarth: just to make sure - you testing the oxide-qt silo 16, right? Since the status is not right due to a CI Train error and the packages are there [15:42] <sil2100> alex-abreu: ACK [15:43] <ricmm_> Mirv: I believe so [15:43] <ricmm_> jhodapp: ^^ [15:43] <ricmm_> jhodapp: ack on the silo? to land in overlay [15:43] <Mirv> that will be the most acked silo ever [15:44] <jhodapp> ricmm_, one min, I am checking one last possible regression for Alan [15:44] <ricmm_> ok [15:44] <Mirv> ok [15:44] <Saviq> oh, robru, things get pushed to trunks on publication now, not on migration? that on purpose? [15:45] <Mirv> Saviq: overlay is very migrated right away [15:45] <sil2100> Saviq: there's no proposed-migration in the overlay PPA, it's basically a copy-package from silo to the destination [15:45] <dbarth> sil2100: oSoMoN was yes; i'm on 1.7.2 at the moment [15:45] <sil2100> dbarth: on 1.7.2? Not 1.6.2? :o [15:46] <Mirv> ^ so not yet [15:46] <oSoMoN> dbarth, 1.6.4 is good to go as far as I’m concerned [15:47] <sil2100> *1.6.4 I meant [15:47] <Saviq> Mirv, d'oh [15:48] <sil2100> oSoMoN, dbarth: ok, I'm confused a bit - I know we essentially want 1.7.2 on the phone ASAP, but we only have a silo with 1.6.4 right now [15:48] <dbarth> oSoMoN, sil2100: i think we can release this one now [15:48] <sil2100> dbarth: by release you mean free up and clean? [15:48] <oSoMoN> sil2100, we want 1.6.4 first, then 1.7.2 [15:49] <oSoMoN> sil2100, 1.7.2 is still being validated [15:49] <sil2100> oSoMoN, dbarth: ok, so silo 16 still makes sense then [15:49] <oSoMoN> yes [15:49] <sil2100> But it's ready for QA sign-off, right? [15:50] <sil2100> oSoMoN, dbarth: if it is, could you guys mark it as such in the spreadsheet? [15:51] <oSoMoN> dbarth, your landing, can you please mark it ready for QA validation? [15:55] <dbarth> yup, will do [15:55] <sil2100> Thanks guys :) [15:56] <sil2100> robru: do you have a good way of setting silo 16 state into a sane one? It's the oxide-qt encoding bug [16:02] <sil2100> robru: pong, meeting if anything [16:02] <davmor2> jibel: meeting [16:03] <jibel> davmor2, I won't attend [16:03] <davmor2> jibel: nw [16:05] <jhodapp> Mirv, ok silo 28 is ready [16:05] <jhodapp> ricmm_, ^ [16:08] <Mirv> jhodapp: thanks [16:12] <jhodapp> thanks Mirv [16:20] <rsalveti> jhodapp: did we land the playlist support? [16:20] <rsalveti> and the session reconnect I guess [16:21] <jhodapp> rsalveti, yep [16:21] <jhodapp> we did [16:21] <rsalveti> alright :-) [16:21] <rsalveti> just hope it's not going to break anything [16:21] <rsalveti> lol [16:22] <jhodapp> it shouldn't [16:22] <jhodapp> :) [16:22] <jhodapp> QA went through it too [16:23] <rsalveti> not going to be concerned [16:23] <rsalveti> too many issues already [16:25] <kalikiana> plars: anything on the licensing issue? [16:32] <robru> sil2100: sorry, you have to edit config json by hand. I'll try to fix oxide diffs today [16:32] <kalikiana> fginther: or maybe you know, if plars isn't around. supposedly you were looking into the license check issue [16:35] <fginther> kalikiana, the license check has been updated, sorry I was only able to verify it a short time ago [16:36] <fginther> kalikiana, the latest results are on [16:37] <sil2100> robru: thanks :) [16:37] <sil2100> robru: btw. how's the replacement going? What technology you settled on finally? [16:38] <sil2100> robru: regarding the template - I inspired myself on some existing webpage that I don't know anymore, so you'll just have to rip-out it from the tracker if anything [16:38] <sil2100> robru: it was glued up quickly so don't expect anything fancy ;) [16:39] <sil2100> I even use bootstrap there out of lazyness [16:39] <kalikiana> fginther: super! thanks a lot! [16:39] <sil2100> rvr: ^ as I said, QA-sign offs are pilling up ;) [16:41] <rvr> sil2100: Close the gates! :D [16:44] <robru> sil2100: heh, ok thanks. for the replacement, I'm using flask. as a quick prototype it's using json blob files but the plan is to transition to a real db once I have more of the pieces in place. for now it's going well but there's a lot of pieces missing still [16:46] <kgunn> trainguards hey could i get a vivid silo for line 6 of the sheet ? this is the old MWC demo silo...getting a request to reconstitute [16:48] <rvr> robru: sil2100: I have a new card for silo 28, was that a mistake? In the dashboard, it's empty. [16:52] <sil2100> robru: great to hear, doing things in iterations sounds like a sane plan [16:52] <sil2100> rvr: hmmm [16:53] <sil2100> rvr: that's a strange thing, the silo was there before the meeting [16:53] <rvr> sil2100: alesage approved a silo with the same description an hour ago. [16:53] <sil2100> rvr: ah! [16:54] <sil2100> rvr: yeah, so I think the trello card appeared since there was a moment when it was switched back to 'needs QA' [16:54] <sil2100> rvr: while it actually was QA granted [16:54] <sil2100> rvr: I would remove that card [16:54] <robru> sil2100: 28 was freed here: [16:55] <robru> kgunn: line 6 is in silo 0.... ? [16:56] <kgunn> robru: huh...thanks....i thot i gave it up [16:56] <kgunn> i feel sheepish [16:57] <robru> kgunn: hehe, no worries. let me know if it needs a reconfig or whatever. IIRC you had given up a different one. [16:58] <kgunn> thanks robru, i did update one the projects already there, so i do need a reconfig.....hadn't silo'd in a while, is there no link to reconfig in the sheet ? [16:59] <kgunn> instructions [16:59] * kgunn reads [17:01] <robru> kgunn: yeah the spreadsheet imploded a bit and we had to try something different to reduce the load. the old reconfig link was really resource-heavy in the way it generated URLs. [17:01] <kgunn> i see [17:13] * sil2100 needs to jump out for a few hours, be back later [17:13] <sil2100> o/ [18:24] <robru> bfiller: silo 15 doesn't need qa? [18:31] <bfiller> robru: I don't think so because it's just the deb which isnt' used and it's autopilot test fixes only [18:31] <bfiller> not going to upload any click to the store [18:32] <robru> bfiller: ah ok [18:32] <robru> bfiller: just need you to approve the MP [18:32] <bfiller> robru: done, sorry about that [18:33] <robru> bfiller: tahnks [18:42] <kenvandine> bfiller, i have some settings branches i'd like to land, they only fix tests so will be quick to land [18:43] <kenvandine> bfiller, mind if i slide in front of silo 10? it'll mean a rebuild after mine is published [18:43] <bfiller> kenvandine: fine with me [18:43] <kenvandine> since that silo will still need to go through qa verification, etc [18:43] <bfiller> kenvandine: yup, I'm testing that now [18:43] <kenvandine> ok, so you don't mind a rebuild in a couple hours? [18:44] <kenvandine> it won't affect your testing [18:44] <bfiller> kenvandine: that's fine [18:44] <kenvandine> cool [20:14] <kenvandine> robru, ^^ why did settings go to proposed instead of the overlay ppa? [20:14] <kenvandine> i thought the silos were configured to go to the overlay ppa automatically [20:14] <robru> kenvandine: it's automatic if you let me do it. [20:15] <kenvandine> oh... sorry :/ [20:15] * kenvandine sobs [20:15] <robru> kenvandine: I wrote an email with the specific steps necessary for landing team + core devs [20:15] <kenvandine> i saw something, thought it was only for silos created before the change [20:15] <kenvandine> sorry... [20:16] * kenvandine gets it rejected [20:16] <robru> kenvandine: oh yeah, for new silos you need to set the PPA in column L and then the rest is taken care of [20:16] <robru> kenvandine: since you already have the silo, you need to set the PPA in column L, reconfigure, WATCH_ONLY, republish [20:17] <kenvandine> ok [20:20] <robru> kenvandine: so once that's copied, just run the merge job manually with FORCE, it'll merge your MPs correctly even though the package didn't make it to vivid as the silo is configured for [20:22] <kenvandine> bfiller, silo 10 is rebuilding now [20:50] <imgbot> [20:51] <ogra_> oh ? [22:10] <imgbot> [22:10] <imgbot> [23:06] <ToyKeeper> dbarth ... is gone, d'oh. [23:06] <ToyKeeper> Silo 16 failed. It makes web apps crash. [23:27] <rsalveti> wtf
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ChrisTownsend", "Laney", "Mirv", "Saviq", "ToyKeeper", "alesage", "alex-abreu", "bfiller", "boiko", "bzoltan_", "cwayne", "davmor2", "davmor3", "dbarth", "fginther", "imgbot", "jhodapp", "jibel", "john-mcaleely", "kalikiana", "kenvandine", "kgunn", "mandel", "oSoMoN", "ogra_", "om26er", "plars", "pmcgowan", "popey", "pstolowski", "ricmm_", "robru", "rsalveti", "rvr", "sil2100", "tsdgeos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng" }
[04:13] <netkat> .vreme lj [04:13] <netkat> :( [04:13] <jabuk> ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 7°C @22.04.2015 3:00 UTC. [04:13] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 68% severovzhodnik 0.5 m/s pretežno jasno [04:13] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:05:12, Kulminacija: 11:01:31, Sončni zahod: 17:57:49 [04:13] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 52min 37s, Luna je v ščipu [06:29] <slax0r> jutro [06:47] <johnnyyy> slax0r: jutro [07:06] <slax0r> here's johny [07:52] <CrazyLemon> happy earth day! [07:53] <zdobersek> every day is earth day! [07:53] <Matthai> earth...? na tem planetu sem pa že bil :-) [08:05] <Seniorita> [] dusang: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [08:10] <napsy_> jutro [08:31] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek danes prva etapa tour of croatia! [08:41] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: najbolj smotan termin so nasl za to dirko [08:41] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek why [08:43] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: zdejle mas ardenske klasike, pa trentino [08:43] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek klasike so vsako leto.. tour of croatia pa ne! [08:44] <zdobbie> COMPUTER FREEZE [08:44] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: zdejle mas ardenske klasike + trentino [08:44] <CrazyLemon> CrazyLemon>: zdobersek klasike so vsako leto.. tour of croatia pa ne! [08:44] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: konc tedna se zacne v turciji, naslednji teden mas romandijo + yorkshire [08:44] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: a je za naslednje leto ze skenslan? :> [08:45] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie ne..vem :D [08:45] <zdobbie> tko bos mel na koncu na tour de slovenie boljse ekipe kokr na hrvaskem [08:45] <jabuk> Trying to figure out what to do during your first week at a new job [08:46] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie dream on .. a veš zakaj? ker si tour of croatia dejansko lahko privoščijo kamere pa helikopter :) [08:46] <CrazyLemon> in bo na eurosport 2! [08:46] <zdobbie> whatevs [08:47] <zdobbie> Mr. Tus bi piskrcek prstavu, pa bi tud v SLO ble kamere [08:47] <zdobbie> no, sej so, ampak mas potem pol ure povzetkov ob desetih zvecer [08:53] <zdobbie> LEIGHTORS [09:35] <anny_> o [09:36] <yang> ola [09:38] <napsy_> ehlo [09:46] <anny_> dz0y me bo za ušesa [09:46] <anny_> še vedno imam pokvarjene pakete [09:57] <yang> sej se da zrihtat [09:58] <yang> kater pakt ti nagaja ? [09:59] <yang> aptitude update ; aptitude -f install (kaj napise ? -> pastebin) [10:01] <yang> kot root/sudo mors pognal aptitude [10:01] <yang> ce ga nimas se prej "apt-get install aptitude" [10:04] <anny_> No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. [10:08] <yang> kaj potem mislis da je narobe ? [10:15] <anny_> zdi se mi, da je težava popravljena [10:16] <anny_> ne ni :/ [10:16] <yang> the magic of ubuntu [10:16] <anny_> resno ne vem, kaj je narobe [10:16] <yang> a lahko napises kaj mislis, da je narobe ? [10:16] <anny_> saj to je vic..da ne vem! [10:16] <yang> nekaj ti ocitno ne deluje prav, ampak kaj ? [10:17] <yang> kaksno napako vidis ? [10:18] <anny_> trikotnik s klicajem :) [10:20] <idioterna> kje? [10:21] <anny_> v zgornji vrstici [10:22] <idioterna> a ce kliknes gor kej napise [10:48] <zdobersek> [10:48] <Seniorita> Prime Minister of Singapore Coded Sudoku Solver in C++ | Hacker News [10:48] <zdobersek> your move, Miro [10:52] <CrazyLemon> c++? really? [10:52] <CrazyLemon> piše broken dependencies na klicaju [10:52] <CrazyLemon> in verjetno dist-upgrade bi to rešil [11:16] <zdobersek> ableblebleble [11:16] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: what you gonna use instead? [11:16] <zdobersek> Python?! [11:17] <dz0ny> rust [11:18] <zdobersek> go brainfuck ruby [11:19] <zdobersek> huehuehuehue right [11:20] <zdobersek> swift! [11:22] <anny_> zdobbie, kaj je narobe z ruby? [11:23] <anny_> zdobersek? [11:23] <zdobersek> anny_: nic [11:24] <anny_> huh...ok [11:24] <CrazyLemon> nothing wrong..she's nice, young lady with a bad career choice [11:24] <anny_> Krejzi? [11:24] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: Silvio fucked up everything for her! [11:24] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek he fcked her good! [11:24] <anny_> je objective-C bolj moden? [11:24] <CrazyLemon> thats why he's paying so much now! [11:24] <zdobersek> anny_: nisem se nic koristu, ampak se mi zdi zanimiv jezik [11:25] <anny_> jaz sem [11:25] <zdobersek> ti je kul? [11:26] <anny_> like it [11:26] <CrazyLemon> alot? [11:26] <anny_> zelo! [11:26] <anny_> ruby on rails [11:27] <CrazyLemon> kul.. očitno je ruby res fajn punca! [11:27] <anny_> te punce, ki učijo ruby tudi? [11:28] <CrazyLemon> ne boš ti povedala [11:28] <anny_> [11:28] <Seniorita> Rails Girls Slovenija - Programerske delavnice za punce [11:28] <Seniorita> »Programerske delavnica za punce vseh starosti.« [11:28] <jabuk> When a colleague goes on holidays after committing a buggy code [11:33] <idioterna> js premal delam z ruby da bi se zalubu vanga [11:33] <idioterna> tko da se kr s pythonom onegavim [11:34] <anny_> ti homo? :) [11:35] <idioterna> ma dunno, sej nisva ista sorta [11:35] <idioterna> loh bi napisal da se jebem z njim, bi velik boljs razumela kaj hocm povedat :) [11:37] <anny_> ja ja [11:37] <anny_> neki mata skupaj! [11:38] <anny_> sam nočeš povedat, da ženo varaš [11:38] <idioterna> nimam zene [11:39] <idioterna> pa mislm da ona zlo dobr ve kok se js razumem s pythonom [11:39] <anny_> partnerko [11:41] <anny_> ravno berem...povprečen rimljan je potreboval dnevno 3000! kalorij [11:41] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [11:41] <anny_> mama mia...kaj so delali? [11:42] <CrazyLemon> igrali z levi [11:43] <anny_> menda ne cel dan? [11:44] <CrazyLemon> zakaj pa ne? če so levi taki fajn pa cuddly [11:46] <anny_> vlogo so imeli kristjani v areni [11:49] <idioterna> js porabm vec k 4k na dan [11:49] <idioterna> sam sm dost grozn [11:50] <dz0ny> .sproči sasa84 [11:50] <Seniorita> DeJ Loaf - Me U & Hennessy - YouTube [11:50] <Seniorita> »Download "Me U & Hennessy" ft. Lil Wayne here: Stream it on Spotify:« [11:50] <dz0ny> .sporoci sasa84 [11:50] <Seniorita> DeJ Loaf - Me U & Hennessy - YouTube [11:50] <Seniorita> »Download "Me U & Hennessy" ft. Lil Wayne here: Stream it on Spotify:« [11:50] <CrazyLemon> aww.. me&u so sweet! [11:50] <jabuk> [11:50] <idioterna> a to je na aww [11:50] <idioterna> aww [11:50] <jabuk> [11:50] <idioterna> obviously [11:51] <anny_> idioterna, nisi rekel, da moraš shujšati? [11:51] <idioterna> ja [11:51] <idioterna> pa? [11:51] <idioterna> se vedno porabim ful kalorij na dan [11:52] <anny_> zmanjšaj za 500 [11:52] <idioterna> a vnos [11:52] <idioterna> k porabe ne morm [11:52] <anny_> ali povečaj porabo [11:52] <idioterna> aja ja to ni problem [11:52] <idioterna> mislm zdej je bl zivljenska situacija bla taka [11:52] <idioterna> da ni slo [11:52] <idioterna> suni je nardila un frdaman izpit za odgovornega projektanta [11:52] <anny_> aww [11:52] <jabuk> [11:52] <idioterna> tko da zdej sva oba ful bl frej [11:52] <idioterna> in spet ful vec kolesarim [11:53] <idioterna> 3-4 ure na dan [11:53] <anny_> čestitam [11:53] <idioterna> se kr pozna [11:53] <anny_> brez dvoma [12:08] <zdobbie> HEY [12:08] <zdobbie> HEY [12:09] <CrazyLemon> .yt hey hey show [12:09] <jabuk> (4 minute) ♥0 ▶1,168,066 [12:09] <CrazyLemon> what now [12:09] <zdobbie> .gif start over [12:09] <jabuk> [12:10] <CrazyLemon> .yt start over [12:10] <jabuk> (4 minute) ♥0 ▶1,168,066 [12:10] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny ^ [12:10] <CrazyLemon> new api alert! [12:11] <zdobbie> [12:11] <Seniorita> The Office - Michael - You idiot! - YouTube [12:11] <Seniorita> »The Office - 5x17« [12:12] <anny_> privijte zvočnike [12:13] <anny_> [12:13] <Seniorita> You are an idiot [12:13] <Seniorita> »You are an idiot - Funny flash« [12:14] <idioterna> nism [12:14] <idioterna> majkemi! [12:17] <anny_> nisi [12:21] <Seniorita> [] dusang: RE: Samodejen start računalnika vsak delovni dan [12:29] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: a je lijepa njihova?  ChanServ[#ubuntu-si] Pozdravljen/a na #ubuntu-si kanalu, če imaš vprašanje ga postavi, vendar ne pričakuj takojšnega odgovora, saj nismo vedno prisotni. Vprašanje lahko vedno postaviš tudi na :-) [12:30] <Seniorita> Forum [12:30] <zdobbie> kdo je to kompoziru? [12:31] <zdobbie> vejice!! [12:31] <zdobbie> kasneje. [13:04] <Seniorita> [Web Upd8] Andrew: Try Vocal, A Podcast Manager Designed For elementary OS [13:15] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek meh.. čisto pozabu :) [14:27] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie bole zmagal! :) [14:28] <pitastrudl> yo [14:43] <zdobbie> wat en pistazie! [14:45] <zdobbie> maaah, lih zamudu fleche finish [14:45] <zdobbie> meh [14:45] <zdobbie> valverdinho [14:59] <Seniorita> [Web Upd8] Andrew: Syncthing 0.11.0 Released With Performance Improvements, Proper Conflict Detection [15:07] <zdobbie> dz0ny: od kod radio terminal crpa komade? [15:07] <CrazyLemon> teh internet silly! [15:13] <zdobersek> like, youtubes? [15:16] <CrazyLemon> like youtube [15:16] <CrazyLemon> itunes [15:16] <CrazyLemon> all the tubes and tunes [15:16] <CrazyLemon> and clouds [15:18] <zdobersek> is it not illegal? [15:19] <CrazyLemon> is it? [15:19] <CrazyLemon> [15:19] <Seniorita> Inside Amy Schumer - Football Town Nights - YouTube [15:19] <Seniorita> »A small-town high school's new football coach faces opposition after he implements a controversial code of conduct. Watch more Inside Amy Schumer: http://on....« [15:20] <idioterna> youtunes [15:59] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: wth, v Splitu sploh niso ulic zapiral [15:59] <zdobbie> [15:59] <Seniorita> Tour of Croatia 2015 HD - Stage 1 - FINAL 10 KILOMETERS - YouTube [15:59] <Seniorita> »Full results: Site: Facebook: Twitter:« [15:59] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie so [16:00] <CrazyLemon> delno [16:00] <zdobbie> delno => niso [16:01] <CrazyLemon> so..tisti pas na katerem so kolesarji :D [16:03] <CrazyLemon> [16:03] <Seniorita> ДТП на приморском шоссе 11 апреля - YouTube [16:03] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie [16:03] <Seniorita> »11 Апреля при пробеге в 100 км, на обратном пути Муковоз вжался техническую полосу и срезал троих велосипедистов.. Один пострадал,. открытый перелом.. прилит...« [16:03] <CrazyLemon> glej od 1:00 naprej [16:15] <zdobbie> zakaj moram to gledat .. [16:24] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie moraš! takšna je resnica! [16:27] <msev_> a mogoče kdo ve a obstaja za xfce kakšen plugin za search da maš v panelu search za datoteke, da samo vpišeš notri in išče po vseh datotekah? [16:27] <msev_> podoben kot catfish samo da bi bil integriran v panel [16:28] <idioterna> dunno, kde ma za to nepomuk [16:29] <Seniorita> [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: SuperTuxKart 0.9 Released [16:43] <zdobbie> I've poked a nerve he'll slap me like the whale [16:43] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: finish it! [16:44] <CrazyLemon> wat [16:44] <jabuk> [16:53] <msev_> pa kaj je tem bingašem da nimajo aerial slik Slovenije :( [16:53] <jabuk> Continuing a presentation after a critical bug [16:56] <Sky[x]> ma kdo kje pri roki ze preizkuseno validacijo za +386 stevilke? :> [17:02] <zdobersek> wat [17:02] <jabuk> [17:03] <zdobersek> u hackin' m8? [17:04] <Sky[x]> kaj? [17:04] <Sky[x]> men kdo kej? :) [17:10] <dz0ny> Sky[x]: [17:10] <Seniorita> Online regex tester and debugger: JavaScript, Python, PHP, and PCRE [17:10] <Seniorita> »Online regex tester, debugger with highlighting for PHP, PCRE, Python and JavaScript.« [17:10] <Sky[x]> dz0ny: sigurno ze kje kej obstaja sam najdt je treba :) [17:11] <zdobersek> !g phone number country code regex slovakia [17:11] <dz0ny> \+?386\d{8} [17:11] <Seniorita> javascript - Expression regular for check phone numbers at word ... [17:11] <Sky[x]> ceprov tole zgleda cist bad ass :) [17:11] <Sky[x]> [17:11] <Seniorita> giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php · GitHub [17:11] <Seniorita> »libphonenumber-for-php - PHP version of Google's phone number handling library« [17:11] <zdobersek> PHP? [17:11] <Sky[x]> dz0ny: sej nv a bi sam za slo dal al celo evropo :) [17:11] <dz0ny> lol rly [17:11] <Sky[x]> php jp [17:13] <zdobersek> :'/ [17:15] <Sky[x]> za celo ovropo bi mogu dat grrr :> [17:17] <sasa84> helou miške ;) [17:21] <zdobersek> heyaaa [17:23] <dz0ny> sasa84: [17:23] <Seniorita> DeJ Loaf - Me U & Hennessy - YouTube [17:23] <Seniorita> »Download "Me U & Hennessy" ft. Lil Wayne here: Stream it on Spotify:« [17:23] <sasa84> zdobersek: grrrrrr [17:23] <sasa84> ;) [17:36] <Sky[x]> zajebana tale skripta za stevilke validirat :) [17:36] <Sky[x]> [17:36] <Seniorita> libphonenumber Demo [17:36] <Seniorita> »Example of libphonenumber-for-php« [17:36] <Sky[x]> vse ti pove :) hehe [17:59] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny a vidiš kako te ignorira..biatch! [18:06] <lynxlynxlynx> Sky[x]: Out of Country Format from FR <-- tale je narobe [18:07] <Sky[x]> lynxlynxlynx: kako pa bi moglo biti? [18:07] <lynxlynxlynx> v dvojicah [18:07] <lynxlynxlynx> francozi imajo drugačen številski sistem in jim tripleti delajo težave pri razumevanju [18:08] <lynxlynxlynx> ker je recimo 85 = 4x20+5, kar bi se dalo slišat tudi drugače [18:09] <Sky[x]> aha [18:10] <Sky[x]> pomoj bom kr ta library uporabi za validirat stevilke [18:10] <Sky[x]> nism se se odlocu po katerem nacinu nej validiram :) [18:12] <dz0ny> ž [18:12] <dz0ny> ž [18:12] <dz0ny> ž [18:12] <lynxlynxlynx> Ž [18:12] <dz0ny> syslog_reset -l dz0ny -p spalnica12 [18:13] <dz0ny> :> [18:13] <lynxlynxlynx> a maš grad al kaj? :) [18:13] <CrazyLemon> prvo nadstropje druga spalnica :) [18:19] <CrazyLemon> [18:19] <Seniorita> Imperial II-class Star Destroyer [18:19] <Seniorita> »Selling a slightly used Imperial II-class Star Destroyer. Previously (slightly) owned by a navigator of a spice freighter, this vessel has been sitting on my moisture farm and needs to be removed...« [18:22] <zdobersek> ajde, mone [18:23] <zdobersek> na kterem SLO kanalu predvajajo reklamo za pametno vodo? [18:24] <CrazyLemon> depends [18:24] <CrazyLemon> kako pametna pa je voda? [18:30] <zdobersek> nekje med limono in wikipedio [18:31] <CrazyLemon> so basically.. pretty smart either way [18:35] <zdobersek> ... said the lemon [18:36] <CrazyLemon> lemon tudi pravi da bo jutri končno dobil dres! [18:36] <CrazyLemon> \o/ [18:38] <zdobersek> to je ze prejsnji teden pel [18:39] <CrazyLemon> ja ampak je prišlo do napake v proizvodnji in so morali še enkrat hlače printat [18:47] <zdobersek> a so premejhne naredl [18:49] <dz0ny> zdobersek: naprintal so neki druzga po pomoti gor [18:49] <dz0ny> haxor [18:49] <dz0ny> hodor [18:49] <zdobersek> Fedora [18:50] <zdobersek> Kubuntu [20:16] <CrazyLemon> Hey, [20:16] <CrazyLemon> I would like to ask about advertising options on your site. I consider to advertise free online course with Microsoft Azure. Im interested in sponsored article / promotion in Social Media (f.e posts on Facebook / Tweets) and promotion via RSS. [20:16] <CrazyLemon> Thank you for your time and im look forward hearing from you soon [20:17] <CrazyLemon> no..he wont be hearing from me soon [20:17] <yang> Na Marijuana marsu 10x vec udelezencev kot na Anti-TTIP [20:19] <sasa84> CrazyLemon: si vidu msg od enga poljaka? [20:19] <CrazyLemon> sasa84 ne.. kaj pravi?!? [20:19] <CrazyLemon> :D [20:20] <sasa84> Hey, [20:20] <sasa84> I would like to ask about advertising options on your site. I consider to advertise free online course with Microsoft Azure. Im interested in sponsored article / promotion in Social Media (f.e posts on Facebook / Tweets) and promotion via RSS. [20:20] <sasa84> LOL [20:20] <CrazyLemon> sasa84 go for it! [20:20] <sasa84> Dear Peter. we are soooo sorry ... but no. have a nice day, sasa ? :P [20:29] <zdobersek> zakaj ste taki :/ [20:30] <yang> sasa84: ce ti placa zakaj ne ? [20:31] <sasa84> zdobersek: :( [20:32] <yang> tej Zobozdravniki so pa res pohlepni, moj me naroci samo enkrat letno, pa jamrajo, da imajo prelo casa, pa da jim znizujejo place [20:33] <yang> itak so pa vecinoma vsi privatniki [20:37] <anny_> yo [20:37] <zdobersek> yo [20:38] <zdobersek> bro [20:38] <anny_> sis [20:40] <sasa84> yo [20:44] <CrazyLemon> sup nigas [20:46] * sasa84 povoha CrazyLemon [20:46] <sasa84> *šnof šnof* [20:47] <zdobersek> sasa84: ATTACKE! [20:47] <zdobersek> bitebitebitebitebitebitebite [20:47] <sasa84> zdobersek: CrazyLemon bi mogu it pod tuška :( [20:48] * sasa84 povoha zdobersek *šnof šnof* [20:48] <sasa84> mmm, zdobbie diška :D [20:48] <zdobersek> lololololol [20:57] <anny_> krejzi, si pil? [21:02] <idioterna> yang: sej to je prov [21:02] <idioterna> yang: ttip je krneki [21:02] <idioterna> da je marihuana prepovedana pa sam elite hocjo [21:02] <idioterna> kleni slovenci smo zmer spostoval vsako rozco! [21:02] <jabuk> When the intern defeats the sales guy arguments during a meeting [21:29] <CrazyLemon> anny__ pil! [21:29] <CrazyLemon> mleko z okusom vanilije [21:42] <upd> [21:42] <Seniorita> Earth Day Meteor Shower - NASA Science [21:42] <Seniorita> »At the end of a day devoted to Earth, people can look to the heavens for a beautiful shower of Lyrid meteors.« [21:45] <upd> !help [21:46] <anny__> je bila pa hudičevo močna vanilija [21:56] <Sky[x]> jo jo [21:59] <anny__> jou [21:59] <anny__> bro [22:00] <anny__> zakaj vidim dva napsy-ja [22:02] <Sky[x]> lol
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "Matthai", "Seniorita", "Sky[x]", "anny_", "anny__", "dz0ny", "idioterna", "jabuk", "johnnyyy", "lynxlynxlynx", "msev_", "napsy_", "netkat", "pitastrudl", "sasa84", "slax0r", "upd", "yang", "zdobbie", "zdobersek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[05:17] <Kilos> hellooo africa, we have no power today so greet visitors please [05:43] <Kilos> salut rejerson69 [05:43] <Kilos> if you are french ping elacheche [09:47] <cyrilb> [09:48] <cyrilb> Kilos: I'm French but elacheche seems offline [09:50] <Kilos> cool ty cyrilb im expecting guys from mali and the drc here but have no idea how to greet or communicate with them [09:50] <Kilos> like rejerson69 i think [09:50] <cyrilb> do you mean they only speak French? [09:50] <Kilos> seems like yeah [09:52] <Kilos> elacheche translated some mails for me and there was something about anglais in one of them [09:53] <cyrilb> why not use Google Translate? [09:53] <Kilos> the french guys must realise they are welcome too and someone will be able to talk to them [09:53] <Kilos> im too stupid man [09:53] <Kilos> and translating whole sentences doesnt come out pure does it [09:54] <Kilos> and word for word doesnt put things in the right place [09:55] <cyrilb> still better than nothing [09:55] <Kilos> haha yeah but im hoping soon cheche and neo will be here [09:56] <cyrilb> don't ask for French people but for French speaking people, this might broader the audience [09:56] <cyrilb> especially in Africa [09:57] <Kilos> there are 2 elacheches that can be here [09:57] <Kilos> ive just gotta catch them [09:57] <Kilos> yeah sorry [09:58] <Kilos> also i think peeps are scared to use french in an english channel, but imo they are welcome to [19:42] <Kilos> ubuntiste-msakni salut [19:42] <Kilos> you and your funny nicks [21:00] <ubuntiste-msakni> Salut Kilos.. hahaha.. It means "Ubuntu guy from M'saken (my home city)" :) How are you doing tonight? [21:01] <Kilos> im good ty and you [21:01] <Kilos> see if you can get any reaction out of rejerson69 i dont know who he is or what language he talks [21:02] <ubuntiste-msakni> Salut! Hello! rejerson69 :) [21:12] <Kilos> hmm... [21:21] <ubuntiste-msakni> :/ [21:21] <Kilos> i dont know what the prob is [21:21] <Kilos> i see him in locoteams as well [21:37] <melodie> hi [21:44] <ubuntiste-msakni> Hi melodie [21:45] <melodie> hi ubuntiste-msakni [21:46] <melodie> how is it different here from #ubuntu-za ? [21:47] <ubuntiste-msakni> Za == South Africa.. In here you can find all Africa :D BTW! Hello from Tunisia :D [21:47] <melodie> hello from South France [21:47] <ubuntiste-msakni> Cote d'azure? [21:47] <melodie> well south Toulouse nearby Spanish border [21:48] <melodie> Ariège Pyrénées [21:48] <melodie> the country of the medieval castles, Comte de Foix, all this [21:48] <ubuntiste-msakni> Ravie :) [21:48] <melodie> tu es une dame ? [21:49] <melodie> are you a lady? [21:49] <ubuntiste-msakni> Oups.. Je me trompe toujours x) je dois dire ravi n'est ce pas? x) [21:49] <melodie> oui :) [21:49] <melodie> et en français on laisse un espace pour la ponctuation [21:50] <melodie> isn't it? *** n'est-ce pas ? [21:50] <ubuntiste-msakni> It's rare when I write in French, so every time I find myself making that kind of mistakes x) [21:50] <melodie> no space in English, space in French [21:50] <ubuntiste-msakni> Ah bon! :o [21:50] <melodie> never mind, I thought it might be [21:50] <melodie> Ah bon ! [21:50] <melodie> :) [21:50] <ubuntiste-msakni> En Arabe on laisse pas d'éspace x) [21:51] <melodie> en Arabe on écrit de droite à gauche. et pour moi ce sont des petits dessins (car je ne le lis pas) :D [21:51] <ubuntiste-msakni> Merci pour l'info .. Je dois corriger ça :D [21:51] <melodie> trois "..." [21:51] <melodie> pas deux [21:51] <melodie> … [21:51] <melodie> il y a même un caractère sur le clavier pour les faire :D [21:51] <melodie> … → Alt+gr+? [21:52] <melodie> avec la disposition azerty fr-oss (sur les autres dispositions je ne sais pas) [21:52] <ubuntiste-msakni> :D les deux points c'est quelque chose de personnel :D En anglais en utilise trois et en arabe aussi :D mais j'aime pas les utiliser x) [21:52] <melodie> are you fluent in French? Can you read all what I say? [21:52] <ubuntiste-msakni> Oui chui Tunisien :D [21:53] <ubuntiste-msakni> Mais je communique pas trop en Français.. [21:53] <ubuntiste-msakni> C'est ça mon problème :D [21:53] <melodie> ok [21:53] <melodie> et y aura-t-il aussi des tunisiennes sur ce chan ? [21:55] * melodie wonders if a few African girls will join the chans here [21:55] <ubuntiste-msakni> Pas pour l'instant, parfois tu trouve Neo31 ou d4ark-sc0rp ici.. Y a daker qui est du Marroc :) [21:55] <melodie> ça en fait déjà trois, c'est mieux que rien [21:55] <ubuntiste-msakni> There is a Canadian one actually x) [21:55] <melodie> elles sont de Tunisie aussi ? [21:55] <melodie> ok [21:56] <ubuntiste-msakni> Euuh.. Les 3 noms que j'ai mentionné sont des gars :D [21:56] <melodie> ah zut [21:56] <melodie> je te questionnais pour savoir s'il y aurait des linuxiennes, ou des femmes voulant devenir linuxiennes [21:57] <ubuntiste-msakni> :D même sur #ubuntu-tn ça fait longtemps que j'ai pas vu des filles là bas.. même la seul Ubuntu Member Tunisienne n'a pas visiter le chan depuis un momemnt.. [21:57] <melodie> ubuntiste-msakni we could create an Ubuntu spin looking girly? could that help? [21:58] <melodie> pink, orange, gold, green? XD [21:58] <ubuntiste-msakni> je connais plusieurs Linnuxiennes.. et plusieurs geekette :) [21:58] <melodie> ah ?! [21:58] <melodie> ubuntiste-msakni ok [21:59] <ubuntiste-msakni> Mais il faut pas comparer avec la France :) Ici même les lunixiens sont rare x) [21:59] <melodie> ici aussi [21:59] <melodie> pour le nombre de machines sous Windows, Linux est trop rare [21:59] <melodie> j'ai mis en ligne une version custom Ubuntu Openbox facile pour tous, si ça intéresse quelqu'un de tester [21:59] <melodie> ça fait plusieurs années que la méthode est développée [22:00] <melodie> mais là c'est une Trusty de test, rc4 [22:00] <melodie> un résumé en français:,700.0/topicseen.html [22:01] <melodie> and a summary in English:,701.0.html [22:01] <ubuntiste-msakni> Cool :D I'll take a look.. And maybe share the link.. [22:01] <melodie> sure, feel free [22:01] <melodie> and don't forget it's a rc [22:02] <melodie> the final one will have the non free firmware and many more programs [22:02] <ubuntiste-msakni> This is the first RC ever? No old releases? [22:02] <melodie> this is the first rc for the Trusty version, the other releases can be seen at the download space [22:03] <melodie> just consult the above links, it will be quite straighforward [22:03] <melodie> well rc4 means 4ths so a few have been done before :D [22:04] <ubuntiste-msakni> Done, I asked because I heard about that name before x) 2 years ago a friend told me about it.. [22:05] <melodie> I started the project with Ubuntu in 2012 [22:05] <melodie> [22:06] <melodie> only the most recent are there, of course Precise as an LTS is here [22:06] <ubuntiste-msakni> great :) [22:09] <melodie> well there are a few things which I dislike about it now, ie: in Precise the Evolution groupware is super old and outdated, so is pcmanfm, the file manager used in Openbox branded versions, while the newer versions would be highly desirable [22:09] <melodie> I think next year, only Bento Trusty and maybe some of the next ones will be provided, while the Precise versions will not be upgraded anymore [22:10] <melodie> if you try one, then the other, you will see how improved it is in Trusty [22:11] <ubuntiste-msakni> If I can have some spare time during @work I'll try it on a VM.. [22:11] <melodie> alright [22:14] <ubuntiste-msakni> I like connecting with other GNU/Linux users via Linkedin to make my professional network bigger, if you like we can share each others profiles links :) [22:18] <melodie> ubuntiste-msakni if you want [22:18] <melodie> wait a sec, hold on please [22:19] <melodie> ubuntiste-msakni would you give me your name in private? So I look at your profile at linkdein ? :) [22:21] <ubuntiste-msakni> oups x) [22:22] <ubuntiste-msakni> I used the wrong irc command, again x( [22:28] <melodie> :) [22:28] <melodie> what irc client do you use? (Xchat is very handy with the right-clic options) [22:30] <ubuntiste-msakni> I use it.. but hate using the mouse :D 98% of times I use only the keyboard, that why I use awesome wm as window manager.. [22:31] <melodie> I see [22:31] <melodie> I have tried that once [22:31] <melodie> after a few days I gave up [22:31] <melodie> well the command is /query, right? [22:32] <melodie> I guess it's about time for me to leave the chans [22:32] <melodie> and go from chan to chan to say good night :D [22:42] <melodie> bonne nuit, good night
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "cyrilb", "melodie", "ubuntiste-msakni" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[00:21] <OvenWerks> new iso still has invisible mouse pointer in live ISO for me. 32 bit will still not boot. 64bit iso will not boot as non-uefi still. [04:42] <zequence> astraljava: You need to set pulseaudio to use jack as the output in order to hear the desktop audio [04:42] <zequence> Use the largest buffer in order to get no xruns on vbox [04:43] <zequence> I'll do some testing this evening. Will also check on real machines, both UEFI and non-UEFI [07:06] <astraljava> zequence: I'll have to look into that, it wasn't obvious to me what should have been changed last night, but then again I was more than half-asleep already. :) [07:06] <astraljava> I'll try again today. [07:07] <astraljava> I'm fine with the xruns, as that's only a test install. I did hear audio, so I could verify it worked. [12:42] <OvenWerks> I have yet to get a 32 bit ISO to boot on any machine. [13:53] <astraljava> OvenWerks: Real hardware and/or virtual? [20:09] <OvenWerks> astraljava: real [20:10] <OvenWerks> I'm going to check it on a few more just now.I also want to check the 64 on a non-uefi machine. [20:22] <OvenWerks> On a non-uefi system I can not boot period. [20:23] <elfy> OvenWerks: is that with a new copy of the image? [20:23] <OvenWerks> how new? [20:24] <OvenWerks> I have downloaded twice [20:24] <elfy> last few hours new [20:24] <OvenWerks> no [20:24] <elfy> 2 secs [20:24] <OvenWerks> Is this supposed to be fixed then? [20:24] <elfy> bunch of stuff was looked at [20:25] <OvenWerks> k' I will download again the 32 + 64 bit isos [20:25] <elfy> 12:50 (UTC I would suspect) [20:25] <elfy> vbox will likely prove to be an issue [20:25] <OvenWerks> We have 3 or 4 computers with no uefi bios that these images will not work on at all. [20:25] <OvenWerks> I am using HW [20:26] <elfy> k [20:27] <elfy> grabbing the 32bit I can at least check it boots and installs [20:28] <OvenWerks> elfy: I have also had a problem with the live sessions not showing the mouse... I can see the effect of a mouse hovering over things and the r/l click works. [20:28] <OvenWerks> installed it is ok [20:28] <elfy> mmk [20:28] <elfy> I'll see on hardware [20:28] <OvenWerks> I have tried various themes etc [20:30] <OvenWerks> zsync shows 92%... ya new ISO :) [20:36] <OvenWerks> elfy: I see that the ubuntu help page is recomending dd over the startup disk creator. would that be my problem? [20:37] <elfy> OvenWerks: shouldn't be [20:37] <elfy> afaik disks uses dd [20:38] <OvenWerks> Can't, dd would make a partition the same size as the ISO and not allow persistance [20:38] <elfy> oh my [20:38] <elfy> not reading for the sun in my glasses [20:38] <OvenWerks> I see this "[This is the situation now with the new Ubuntu 14.10 version] Win32DiskImager is particularly good for pre-release testing and new releases, when the standard tools like Startup Disk Creator might not be ready (if the configuration of the booting has been changed since the previous release). " [20:39] <OvenWerks> on [20:39] <elfy> I read startup disk as disks - which is what I recommend currently :D [20:39] <OvenWerks> wrong quote..."[This is the situation now with the new Ubuntu 14.10 version] mkusb is particularly good for pre-release testing and new releases, when the standard tools like Startup Disk Creator might not be ready (if the configuration of the booting has been changed since the previous release). " [20:40] <OvenWerks> I am running the LTS [20:41] <elfy> mkusb is definitely a front end to DD [20:42] <OvenWerks> Yes [20:42] <OvenWerks> I will try dd on the next DLs and if they work, try again with the system tool [20:43] <OvenWerks> It seems the system tool on 14.04 is broken [20:47] <elfy> OvenWerks: I did a bunch fo tests with tools for usb [20:47] <elfy> mostly I remember that gnome-disks just worked [20:49] <OvenWerks> elfy: in my opinion, the iso should not be released untill the system tool that ships with 14.04/14.10 has been fixed/released. [20:49] <elfy> then it won't be released [20:50] <elfy> I might be listed as on the release team - but only so I can work tracker for -studio :) [20:50] <OvenWerks> even if upgrading it meant a new tool was pulled in to replace it. [20:51] <elfy> OvenWerks: ok booted 32bit to livesession - no uefi on that laptop [20:52] <OvenWerks> I am thinking this must be the case for all ubuntu's though [20:52] <OvenWerks> Anyway I am printing the 64bit to my usb stick with dd. I will see how that works [20:52] <elfy> OvenWerks: tools and booting is generally common, studio would also obviously get affected by Xubuntu specific issues to probably [20:53] <elfy> cvan't do more than boot the live session on laptop [20:54] <OvenWerks> We will have to make sure the download page bluntly says the system tool will not work, here is the new instructions. [20:55] <OvenWerks> Studio is treating this as a in-progress release. All of these things will need to be fixed for next LTS [20:56] <OvenWerks> elfy: Did your mouse work ok? [20:56] <elfy> yep [20:56] <OvenWerks> good [20:57] <OvenWerks> I will try live on three machines here and full install on one [21:10] <OvenWerks> elfy: using dd on the 64bit ISO allowed me to boot on the older non-uefi machine. [21:11] <elfy> ok [21:58] <OvenWerks> zequence: should include a note to _not_ use Startup Disk Creator in the system menu. The one in 14.04 does not support newer ISO versions. [22:45] <len1504> Installing 32 bit ISO. So far everything is working for me. The ALSA driver for USB1.1 Audio devices seems much better than what my wife's computer has now. I think next time I load her system I will do xfce instead of kde. The graphics seem snappier too even though the GPU (atom based MB) is not well supported. [22:48] <len1504> The AC97 audio on the old P4 has lots of xruns at 64/3 but seems to work ok. The atom is fine with 64/2. (even streaming from Pulse) [22:51] <len1504> reboot [23:15] <len64> installing 64bit version. [23:16] <len64> Things I have noticed... the 32bit ISO only shows up as non-uefi, but the 64bit ISO shows up as both (in my bios boot selector). [23:18] <len64> I am guessing the uefi is new enough that there are no 32bit boards with it? What of the person who still wants 32bit for compatibility reasons? Is that still an issue with wine for example? [23:23] <len64> BTW, at boot we end up at lightdm with a pure white (grey?) screen. It is not obvious this is a scrren saver and the user should click somewhere. (pressing a key on the KB does not seem to work) [23:23] <len64> Having no screen saver makes more sense to me... something to fix in 15.10. [23:26] <len64> reboot [23:47] <OvenWerks> The version of Ardour in the new iso should be sru/backported to LTS as the one in LTS has bugs that could result in lost files. If it is two releases till next LTS Ardour4 may even be an option.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "OvenWerks", "astraljava", "elfy", "len1504", "len64", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio-devel" }
[00:23] <thumper> wallyworld_: ack [01:47] <wallyworld_> thumper: thanks for review [01:48] <thumper> np [04:31] <stokachu> if i wanted to query AllMachines from the state package is there a preferred method of accessing that data? i used to do a juju.NewConnFromName which would expose that state api [04:31] <stokachu> i can't seem to find an alternative way now since that has disappeared [04:36] <thumper> stokachu: hmm... [04:37] <thumper> stokachu: where and why? [04:37] <thumper> stokachu: short answer is you should use the client API [04:37] <thumper> stokachu: which you should be able to get the machine information out of [04:37] <thumper> using the status command [04:38] <thumper> hmm... 16:30 and brain is going fuzzy [04:38] <thumper> about 3-4 hours later than yesterday [04:38] <stokachu> thumper: yea that's what im using now, im just updating [04:38] <stokachu> to work with latest juju code [04:38] <stokachu> ill push everything through the api though, makes more sense anyway [04:38] <thumper> stokachu: yeah, juju.Conn isn't the way [04:39] <stokachu> thumper: cool, thanks for confirming the api client [04:39] <thumper> stokachu: also, change the logger to be 'juju.cmd.sos' [04:39] <stokachu> ah ok will fix that too [04:39] <thumper> or [04:39] <thumper> juju.plugin.sos [04:39] <thumper> fairly arbitrary definition [04:39] <thumper> plugin probably makes more sense [04:40] <stokachu> ok sounds good ill fix that too [04:40] <thumper> cheers [04:40] <stokachu> thanks :) [04:40] <thumper> np [08:53] <dimitern> jam, dooferlad, please take a look - follow-up to the branch from yesterday, this time adding tests [08:55] <dooferlad> dimitern: *click* [08:56] <dimitern> dooferlad, ta [09:11] <jam> dimitern: why are we getting "not supported" rather than "EPerm" for NewMachineTag("42") ? [09:11] <jam> it makes me wonder if we should be doing the address check later. [09:11] <jam> I'm not particularly worried about it, just made me wonder [09:16] <dimitern> jam, well, it is a valid tag - why ErrPerm? [09:16] <jam> the machine exists? [09:17] <jam> (because we don't do NotFound [09:17] <jam> ) [09:18] <dimitern> jam, it does not exists, but that's fine, because you're not supposed to call the method at all without the feature flag [09:21] <jam> dimitern: yeah, seems ok [09:21] <jam> you're not leaking information about a particular entry [09:21] <dimitern> jam, cheers [09:38] <dimitern> jam, actually that issue you raised was bugging me as well for its behavioral inconsistency, so I'm changing it to return results with the same len as the passed args when the flag is not on [10:19] * fwereade has so far found 27 workers running in the machine agent for one reason or another and knows he's missing some :/ [11:04] <mattyw> dimitern, are you around for a quick review? [11:05] <mattyw> dimitern, (I'm ocr today so I can't do it) [11:14] <wwitzel3> perrito666: ping [11:38] <perrito666> wwitzel3: pong [11:47] <wwitzel3> ericsnow: ping [11:49] <fwereade> perrito666, I'm wondering if you'd know: is the limitLoginsDuringRestore stuff goroutine-safe? [11:50] <perrito666> I think it is [11:50] <perrito666> fwereade: btw, hi :) [11:51] <fwereade> perrito666, can you point me to how it is? all I can see are a bunch of unprotected fields in the agent, and callbacks to methods using them in the api server [11:51] <fwereade> perrito666, hi indeed :) [11:52] <dimitern> mattyw, sure, will have a look in a bit [11:52] <perrito666> fwereade: can you ask me again tomorrow I really really am trying to fit something into 1.24 for ian [11:52] <fwereade> perrito666, sure, np [11:56] <mgz> hm, the pre-push hook doesn't check that the *tests* build [11:56] <dimitern> mattyw, this just occurred to me: the reason why you're getting 2 events on linux and only 1 on windows might be because windows does not run the apiserver (yet), where the server-side watcher resided [11:56] <mattyw> dimitern, windows doesn't run the apiserver????? [11:57] <dimitern> mattyw, well, not that I know of - bootstrap is not supported on windows and there's some issues around packaging mongo with ssl on windows [11:57] <dimitern> mattyw, reviewed [11:59] <mattyw> dimitern, cheers [11:59] <mattyw> dimitern, what do we do in tests then under windows? [11:59] <dimitern> mattyw, but then again - this could have nothing to do with windows not running an apiserver [12:00] <dimitern> mattyw, we test we can use a juju client on windows to talk to a bootstrapped environment on ubuntu [12:00] <jam> dimitern: fwereade: you coming to the malta powow? [12:00] <dimitern> jam, sure, omw [12:00] <fwereade> jam, just a mo [12:00] <dimitern> pow's done, wow's mostly :) [12:00] <jam> :) [12:00] <mattyw> dimitern, yeah - I think we're only dealing with state [12:01] <mattyw> dimitern, looking into it now - but as you have shown an "interest" it's you I'm coming to if I have questions ;) [12:01] <dimitern> mattyw, no sweat :) [12:02] <jam> dimitern: I'm pretty sure you can at least run the infrastructure of the API server on Windows. [12:02] <jam> I'm not sure that "jujud' runs, but that is different [12:27] <mgz> wwitzel3: did you mean to remove all the windows deps in your gosigma dependencies.tsv update? [12:43] <wwitzel3> mgz: nope :( [12:43] <mgz> wwitzel3: happened to not go through anyway, so easy enough to fix [12:44] <wwitzel3> mgz: yep, already fixed, thanks [12:55] <fwereade> dimitern, jam, anybody: this is my current best guess at the workers we might run in a machine agent: [12:55] <dimitern> fwereade, looking [12:55] <fwereade> dimitern, jam, annybody: I know it lacks detail and/or existence in several bits where one worker spawns many others (eg container provisioning, per-env provisioners, etc) [12:55] <fwereade> any suggestions, clarifications, additions gratefully received [12:56] <dimitern> fwereade, sure, will let you know [12:57] <jam> fwereade: my irc client seems to have not buffered the original request, I'm interested to look, but can you link it again? [12:57] <dimitern> fwereade, you've missing one of the most recent ones - worker/addresser [12:57] <fwereade> jam, [12:58] <dimitern> fwereade, runs on each master state server (like cleaner, resumer) [12:59] <fwereade> dimitern, is that a *new* worker that uses a direct state connection? grrbml grrmbl [12:59] <dimitern> fwereade, also the workers in worker/provisioner are fairly twisted, but I know most of their deps from my dealings with lxc containers [12:59] <dimitern> fwereade, it's supposed to be run on the state servers only [13:00] <fwereade> dimitern, I have high hopes that one day we will have a simple provisioner that is no more or less than a watcher/broker adapter [13:00] <fwereade> dimitern, it's still something reaching into the database directly [13:01] <dimitern> fwereade, and it needs cloud creds as well [13:01] <fwereade> dimitern, and? [13:01] <dimitern> fwereade, the addresser [13:01] <fwereade> dimitern, let's not violate layers unless we have to [13:01] <dimitern> fwereade, +1 [13:01] <fwereade> dimitern, nothing should touch state apart from the apiserver itself [13:01] <dimitern> fwereade, but frankly it's not worse than the resumer and cleaner [13:02] <fwereade> dimitern, they should have been done in the initial pass as well [13:02] <fwereade> dimitern, not sure why they weren't [13:02] <fwereade> dimitern, api-everywhere was quite the goal for us at one point [13:02] <dimitern> fwereade, because we said "meh - it's only on the apiserver, so it's fine" [13:03] <fwereade> dimitern, the apis might be simple, but that's no reason to drop the benefits [13:04] <fwereade> dimitern, there's no *general* statement that particular workers must be bound to particular machines [13:04] <dimitern> fwereade, agreed, however it's easy to introduce apis for such cases at any point [13:04] <jam> fwereade: TerrifyinglyExtremeSuiciderName :) [13:06] <fwereade> dimitern, every time we make a choice like that we add to the friction and make it harder to move the workers from one place to another easily [13:07] <fwereade> dimitern, please add a card to move the new one behind an api (and if you can bear to add 2-method apis for the others, that would be awesome...) [13:07] <dimitern> fwereade, will make a note of it, ok [13:08] <fwereade> dimitern, cheers [13:45] <ericsnow> wwitzel3: pong [13:48] <mup> Bug #1447174 was opened: state crash with juju terminate-machine --force X <juju-core:New> <> [14:31] <sinzui> dimitern, can you read my addition (a comment) to the proposed 1.23.1 release notes about the feature flag? [14:32] <dimitern> sinzui, sure, will look in a bit [14:32] <sinzui> dimitern, the release is actually live for some people. Can you look now? [14:33] <dimitern> sinzui, ok, looking now [14:41] <dimitern> sinzui, looks good [14:41] <sinzui> thank you dimitern [14:43] <ericsnow> cherylj: I left a short review on your "system" command patch [14:44] <ericsnow> cherylj: basically, "system" is pretty ambiguous, but simply making the doc for the command more explicit will be sufficient to address that IMO [14:51] <cherylj> ericsnow: thanks for the feedback. There have been discussions around "server" vs. "system", and things landed on "system". I'll see if I can make it clearer. [14:51] <ericsnow> cherylj: I think "system" is fine as long as we are clear about its context (in documentation and help strings) [15:18] <wwitzel3> mgz: can you stop #2915 build, it is missing a commit [15:19] <mgz> wwitzel3: done [15:19] <wwitzel3> mgz: ty [15:42] <mup> Bug #1447174 changed: state crash with juju terminate-machine --force X <terminate-machine> <vivid> <juju-core:New> <> [15:55] <perrito666> wwitzel3: hey, do you currently have a vmaas for testing? [15:56] <perrito666> <-- I am trying to bootstrap my vmaas and getting this, Ill try master to see if it is my branch, but looks like not [16:03] <mup> Bug #1447234 was opened: juju prints "error" when deploying yet no units are in error <charms> <improvement> <set> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [16:03] <mup> Bug #1447235 was opened: add stdin support to "juju set" <juju-core:New> <> [17:00] <wwitzel3> perrito666: yeah, I have one [17:32] <perrito666> wwitzel3: could you try to deploy master and tell me if it works or you get the error I pasted above? [17:36] <wwitzel3> perrito666: yep, I can give that a shot [17:37] <wwitzel3> perrito666: working just fine so far [17:37] <wwitzel3> perrito666: what version of maas? [17:38] <perrito666> mm, good question, I had to kill it to get resources in the machine, but ill look as soon as I finish running tests [17:39] <perrito666> wwitzel3: if it reaches the end ofbootstrap succesfully then its ok, and it is most likely something in my vmaas [17:40] <perrito666> tx a lot btw [17:40] <wwitzel3> perrito666: same failure [17:42] <perrito666> ok, so I am not crazy, if I had to guess I would say that the changes merged in the sprint to support centos broke that [17:43] * perrito666 looks at gsamfira [17:46] <wwitzel3> perrito666: I'm trying 1432affde02cd81b354871d679804beca9bbe21a right now [17:49] <wwitzel3> perrito666: yeah, so it is after 1432affde02cd81b354871d679804beca9bbe21a if you want to do a git bisect, probably an easy find [17:49] <perrito666> wwitzel3: tx a lot, I think Ill try after I finish this [17:52] <gsamfira> perrito666: pinging bogdanteleaga [17:53] <perrito666> gsamfira: I am not saying it was that, it is just an educated guess [17:53] <gsamfira> perrito666: I think I know where the problem is. Should be an easy fix. [23:44] <wallyworld_> thumper: got a minute?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cherylj", "dimitern", "dooferlad", "ericsnow", "fwereade", "gsamfira", "jam", "mattyw", "mgz", "mup", "perrito666", "sinzui", "stokachu", "thumper", "wallyworld_", "wwitzel3" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-dev" }
[00:52] <ramrebol_> Hi. I'm from America (and ubuntu user since several years), how can I get an ubuntu phone? [01:21] <ramrebol1> Hi. I'm from America (and ubuntu user since several years), how can I get an ubuntu phone? [01:51] <dobey> ramrebol1: buy a google nexus 4 and flash ubuntu onto it, or if you want the bq phone, use some service that will accept the package in EU and then forward it to the US for you. [02:08] <ramrebol1> thanks dobey [07:01] <richi_> Is there a way to terminate open apps? At times I cannot start some applications. I have the impression it's when I have many apps open. After a reboot I can start them again. [07:11] <dholbach> good morning [07:18] <pitti> sil2100, robru: thanks for your help! I'll have a look at the broken ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts test, this stumbles over missing /sbin/initctl (so looks unrelated) [07:20] <robru> pitti: you're welcome! [07:51] <sil2100> pitti: no worries, hope UITK migrates soon :) [08:15] <pitti> sil2100: I'm looking into the failed system-settings-online-accounts test now, that looks really strange [08:16] <sil2100> pitti: it can't be caused by this upload, right? [08:16] <pitti> sil2100: it would be really curious, as it should have more or less been a no-change upload [08:16] <pitti> at least wrt. the resulting debs [08:20] <lotuspsychje> the alternative app store app is so nice [08:20] <lotuspsychje> filter to all newest apps [08:21] <pitti> sil2100: hm, so it fails here: [08:21] <pitti> def get_grid_unit(): [08:21] <pitti> grid_unit_px = os.environ.get(ENV_GRID_UNIT_PX, None) [08:21] <pitti> if not grid_unit_px and environment.is_initctl_env_var_set( [08:21] <pitti> ENV_GRID_UNIT_PX): [08:21] <pitti> calling is_initctl_env_var_set() is busted as there is no /sbin/initctl; so it seems before the GRID_UNIT_PX env var was set? [08:24] <pitti> sil2100: so locally I confirm that the test succeeds in vivid, fails in vivid-proposed; meh [08:25] <sil2100> uh, by test succeeds in vivid you say the vivid version passes and the one we published not? Or do you mean there's likely some other change in -proposed causing it to fail? [08:25] <pitti> I'm investigating that now [08:26] <pitti> we also got a new glib2.0 yesterday, so it's between UITK and glib I figure [08:27] <pitti> actually no, glib is already in vivid [08:28] <pitti> is the diff of installed packages [08:28] <pitti> UITK isn't even there, so it's something else in -proposed [08:38] <lotuspsychje> nik90: morning mate [08:39] <nik90> lotuspsychje: morning :) [08:39] <lotuspsychje> nik90: did you see your article in ubuntu newslettre? [08:39] <nik90> lotuspsychje: where? [08:40] <lotuspsychje> nik90: [08:40] <nik90> lotuspsychje: issue 413? Yeah I see it now [08:40] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu phone news :p [08:40] <nik90> oh wow that's pretty cool [08:40] <lotuspsychje> : ) [08:41] <lotuspsychje> your famous enjoy the moment :p [08:41] <nik90> :D [08:42] <knightwise> anyone using telegram via the command line too ? [08:42] <lotuspsychje> knightwise: didnt test myself yet, i downloaded webogram on my ubuntu desktop [08:43] <knightwise> lotuspsychje: I have it running on my raspberry pi .. not bad .. just need to find a way to get rid of the verbose messages about people going online and offline [08:43] <nik90> lotuspsychje: you should also check out cutegram [08:43] <lotuspsychje> whats that do nik90 [08:43] <pitti> sil2100, kalikiana: oops -- this was by far more than just this change: [08:44] <pitti> so yes, that change does break online-accounts [08:44] <nik90> lotuspsychje: its also a telegram client for ubuntu written using Qt [08:44] <sil2100> pitti: ah! I think I know what happened [08:44] <sil2100> pitti: crap, since there was a release to the overlay PPA already... [08:44] <sil2100> pitti: ok, let me try doing this manually then [08:44] <pitti> sil2100: so I'll reject this [08:44] <sil2100> pitti: please do [08:44] <lotuspsychje> nik90: wow that looks good [08:44] <lotuspsychje> lemme install that [08:44] <pitti> sil2100: I can upload the MP directly to vivid, if that helps [08:45] <lotuspsychje> [08:46] <sil2100> pitti: in theory we'd need both the normal and -gles versions to be the same, but hm, I suppose the -gles is not used in desktop [08:46] <pitti> sil2100: and then push to the branch (or not, depending on what's easier) [08:46] <pitti> sil2100: oh, did -gles already get promoted? [08:46] <sil2100> pitti: yeah ;) [08:46] <pitti> I guess so [08:46] <popey> nik90: not seen the official desktop telegram client? [08:46] <popey> [08:47] <sil2100> pitti: but hmm... to do that properly you would have to change the version [08:47] <nik90> popey: ooh no... /me takes a look [08:47] <pitti> sil2100: ok, just let me know what the easiest thing would be now, and whether/how I can help [08:47] <lotuspsychje> popey: is that different from that webogram desktop app? [08:47] <popey> yes [08:47] <popey> its the official desktop client :) [08:47] <lotuspsychje> nice [08:47] <popey> its great [08:48] <lotuspsychje> popey: you got a .deb for that? [08:48] <popey> no [08:48] <lotuspsychje> compile? [08:48] <popey> just download the binary and stick it somewhere and run it [08:48] <lotuspsychje> kk [08:49] <sil2100> pitti: if it's not a problem for you to simply push the MP directly to the archive, then I guess that will be the fastest ;) I would then force-merge the change to trunk as in theory that's correct [08:49] <pitti> sil2100: no, that WFM [08:49] <sil2100> pitti: you would have to re-create the upstream tarball though (CI Train does that for us) [08:50] <sil2100> pitti: ...or distro-patch it [08:50] <sil2100> Well, I leave it up to you ;) But in case you get tired with it, just give me a sign and I'll try to train-publish it [08:51] <sil2100> Let's not worry about -gles as well [08:51] <pitti> sil2100: that's fine, I just wonder how to unbreak bzr then -- or does that not matter as that represents the overlay PPA alreadY? [08:52] <lotuspsychje> popey: delicious!! tnx [08:52] <popey> np [08:52] <popey> it has an auto updater too [08:53] <lotuspsychje> looks pretty neat as the ubuntu touch app [08:53] <lotuspsychje> much better then the webogram [08:53] <pitti> sil2100: ah no, lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-ui-toolkit still represents what's in vivid [08:53] <lotuspsychje> popey: you know if there are plans to add in ubuntu repos? [08:54] <popey> i don't. but I don't think it worth it [08:55] <lotuspsychje> popey: why not its a decent app no? [08:56] <lotuspsychje> even has notification icon, nice! [08:57] <popey> lotuspsychje: being a good app isn't the only criteria [08:58] <popey> it's a fast moving app, someone would have to keep updating the archive [08:58] <lotuspsychje> right [09:00] <lotuspsychje> Anyone who claims that Telegram messages can be deciphered is welcome to prove that claim in our competition and win $300,000. You can check out the Cracking Contest Description to learn more. [09:00] <lotuspsychje> thats just lovely [09:00] <popey> some have ridiculed that claim [09:00] <lotuspsychje> hows that [09:02] <popey> do a search online, you'll find counter arguments [09:02] <pitti> sil2100: I named it ubuntu-ui-toolkit_1.2.1458+15.04.20150422-0ubuntu1.dsc now (test-building ATM) [09:02] <pitti> sil2100: I figure the bzr revno is wrong, but at least it's higher than the previous upload, and the debdiff looks good [09:02] <sil2100> pitti: don't worry about bzr ;) I might copy the UITK packages to the overlay PPA to make sure all is good, you just use the lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-ui-toolkit branch as a base [09:02] <lotuspsychje> popey: ok [09:03] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Earth Day! :-D [09:03] * popey switches JamesTait off for Earth Day [09:04] <JamesTait> \o/ Free Holiday! [09:08] <sil2100> pitti: in the meantime, let me merge in the changes to UITK's main trunk bzr [09:09] <pitti> sil2100: so I grabbed the diff from the MP, added a changelog, and the release tag; sohld I push my branch somewhere? [09:09] <sil2100> pitti: we'll just merge the changelog entry to lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit later [09:10] <pitti> ah, ok [09:10] <sil2100> (as all the other changes will be in trunk once I merge and clean the silo) [09:10] <pitti> sil2100: some changelog noise on the next upload doesn't matter indeed [09:12] <sil2100> pitti: thanks for handling the upload :) [09:12] <pitti> sil2100: still building (running tests), then I'll do a binary debdiff (that should be empty) [09:13] <sil2100> pitti: and sorry for the mess, what I should have done is release this MP to the overlay PPA, merge in those changes and then maybe distro-patch it on top of current vivid version (or simply manually cherry-picked it) [09:14] <pitti> sil2100: no worries; it's release week, all sorts of stuff breaks :) [09:14] <sil2100> It's a bit messy when trunk is not showing what's in distro but showing what's in the overlay ;) [09:17] <pitti> sil2100: ack, uploaded now [09:17] <sil2100> pitti: thanks again! [09:17] <pitti> and to you! [09:20] <robin-hero> sil2100: I read there will be a quick OTA before the bigger one. What is the ETA of this update? [09:22] <sil2100> robin-hero: sadly we still don't have a definite date because of our current big focus on vivid - but I would say it's probably in around 2 weeks if anything :) [09:23] <robin-hero> Thanks :) [09:26] <sil2100> yw, we'll give some more concrete info once we see how far we are with vivid right now [09:29] <sil2100> pitti: I don't see it popping up on LP - did it get rejected? [09:29] <pitti> sil2100: infinity just accepted it [09:32] <pitti> didrocks, bzoltan_: already asked yesterday, but it's getting urgent now: do new click apps now ship their tests in app/tests/autopilot? I. e. do we need to apply something like to fix test running? [09:32] <sil2100> pitti: I asked about that as well [09:33] <sil2100> pitti: so that's where it's being kept by default in the default app template [09:33] <sil2100> pitti: but it doesn't seem to be a standard... it broke some of our tests since phablet-click-test-setup was looking for them in tests/autopilo [09:33] <sil2100> +t [09:33] <pitti> most of our clicks still have tests/autopilot/ (or they now all fail to run and nobody told me) [09:33] <didrocks> pitti: hum, I have no idea TBH, I didn't follow click apps recently at all [09:33] <pitti> sil2100: yeah, current autopkgtest also expects tests/ap [09:33] <didrocks> they weren't at the time [09:33] <didrocks> (but more than a year ago) [09:33] <pitti> didrocks: ah, I asked you because of u-make [09:34] <didrocks> u-make doesn't do clicks [09:34] <didrocks> it's all "non ubuntu touch developer platform" that u-make supports [09:34] <sil2100> pitti: so then it's not only my problem then - when I rised that last week with QA and others, I've been told that 'AP tests should be able to be in different places' [09:34] <didrocks> (android, web dev, …) [09:35] <pitti> sil2100: sure they can be, but then the manifest needs to specify the path [09:35] <sil2100> pitti: indeed [09:35] <sil2100> Anyway, bzoltan_ might have more input here :) [09:35] <pitti> but for the simple minimal test specification they need to be in a predictable path [09:35] * sil2100 would prefer paths to follow an agreed standard [09:35] <pitti> so far the convention has been tests/autopilot/, then tests could just say 'autopilot': 'mytestmodule' [09:36] <sil2100> Especially that we have so many different tools, some that are legacy but still used [09:36] <pitti> so I mostly wondered whether app/tests/autopilot/ is an actual thing, or whether that was just a single broken click [09:55] <bzoltan_> sil2100: who do I need to help? [09:57] <bzoltan_> pitti: there is no rule for where and how to place the tests in the source tree of an app project ... it is all free and itis up to the cmake/qmake project files to handle it. the SDK templates offer one structure. [09:57] <pitti> bzoltan_: right, and tests could always write the full invocation into the medadata, but so far we used to have a shortcut if they are in tests/autopilot/ [09:58] <pitti> bzoltan_: so whatever the SDK creates by default should count as the "recommended convention" [09:58] <pitti> bzoltan_: is that still tests/autopilot, or app/tests/autopilot/ now, or something else? [10:00] <bzoltan_> the cmake template comes with app/tests/autopilot/ and the qmlproject comes with tests/autopilot/ so I would not say that we have a convention [10:01] <bzoltan_> pitti: this part of the project templates are subject of change without any problem... no tool should depend on a non existing convention :) [10:03] <pitti> bzoltan_: not depend, but it'd still be nice to provide a convention and make test metadata very simple for that [10:04] <bzoltan_> pitti: would be nice, that is true [10:04] <pitti> bzoltan_: so maybe we should add app/tests/autopilot/ and then these two will work [10:04] <bzoltan_> pitti: I can sign a convention [10:04] <pitti> and everyone who changes that has to specify the full metadata [10:04] <pitti> bzoltan_: does that sond reasonable? [10:05] <bzoltan_> pitti: for me yes, but we have no tools or processes to stop app devs from putting their tests under foo/bar/tests/autopilot if they choose to [10:06] <pitti> bzoltan_: sure, that's fine [10:06] <bzoltan_> pitti: All right, I will check if we can still change the other templates to have tests in the "correct" place [10:07] <pitti> bzoltan_: how do you mean? it would then support both (app/t/a and t/a) [10:07] <pitti> "support" -> if you don't specify an explicit path, I mean [10:07] <pitti> if you do, they can be anywhere of course [10:07] <bzoltan_> pitti: yes, precisely [10:08] <pitti> bzoltan_: cool, sounds good then; I was mostly interested in whether app/t/a was a single click, or comes from a template [10:26] <sil2100> pitti: do you know why the boottest for uitk has 'unknown status'? [10:26] <sil2100> It looks like a success to me [10:27] <EdwardMorbius> hi, anyone here has a bug with location icon in the taskbar? it disappears sometimes although the location is turned on, reboot fixes it (usually). [10:28] <ogra_> EdwardMorbius, i think there is one filed [10:28] <pitti> sil2100: I haven't seen that one; I'll wait for the next publisher cycle and if it's still the same prod CI [10:28] <EdwardMorbius> ogra_ do you have a link to that bug so I can confirm it affects me too? [10:28] <ogra_> [10:28] <ogra_> must be somewheer in that list [10:29] <EdwardMorbius> ogra_ thanks I will check [10:31] <ogra_> EdwardMorbius, bug 1418045 [10:32] <EdwardMorbius> ogra_ I will add to that bug thanks [10:41] <pitti> sil2100: oh, it didn't actually run yet, the last result is from yesterday [10:41] <sil2100> pitti: ah! My bad, didn't check that ;) [10:41] <sil2100> Sorry about the alarm then [10:42] * sil2100 is waiting for it to migrate [10:42] <pitti> yeah, we all do :) [10:50] <Jack_desktop> Howdy, I was wondering, is a Nexus 7 2012 supported anymore, like can I get a UBuntu Touch image on it working? [10:50] <Jack_desktop> And if so how? [10:50] <Jack_desktop> Just got to the end of this article to find |grouper| image not found... [10:50] <Jack_desktop> [10:51] <ogra_> Jack_desktop, no, it isnt supported anymore [10:52] <Jack_desktop> ogra_: Damn, thanks for the information... So not even a generic image would work on it? [10:52] <ogra_> only the 2013 model (flo) is [10:53] <ogra_> not sure what a "generic image" would be ... the tegra driver has serious issues that havent been solved [10:53] <Jack_desktop> Oh right, damn, thank you anyway [11:04] <jgdx> sergiusens, ping [11:06] <sergiusens> jgdx: pong, how urgent? in a fire drill now [11:06] <jgdx> sergiusens, I'll send you an email. Not super urgent. Good luck. [11:07] <abeato> jgdx, please add awe and me to the e-mail [11:08] <jgdx> abeato, all my emails have you guys on the cc field [11:19] <seb128> dbarth, mardy, saw ? seems new in vivid [11:28] <ogra_> pmcgowan, bug 1447110 for your attention [11:31] <pmcgowan> ogra_, yeesh [11:32] <ogra_> well, not a biggie ... the logs in there accumulated since jan. [11:32] <ogra_> as long as we ship something soon all is fine :) [11:32] <pmcgowan> ogra_, yeah, can you push that fix ? [11:32] <ogra_> sure [11:34] <mardy> seb128: I didn't see it, thanks [11:34] <seb128> mardy, yw! [11:38] <mcphail> Does syslog get logrotated? Mine is getting big [11:39] <ogra_> mcphail, it is supposed to be wiped after reaching 20M [11:39] <mardy> seb128: did you just see it from, or did you file it there yourself? [11:39] <mcphail> ogra_: ok, probably short of that just now [11:39] <ogra_> same for auth.log ... but thats limited to 10M [11:39] <seb128> mardy, just e.u.c, I was reviewing the top list to get an idea of what issues vivid users are having [11:39] <ogra_> the other logs we dont touch [11:40] <mcphail> 20M is quite a lot to hunt through manually, though, if you're looking for clues about a crash and don't know what to grep :) [11:40] <ogra_> (i.e. they use distro defaults for rotation) [11:40] <ogra_> 20M isnt much on a development phone where the kernel spills the log with 100s of messages per minute :) [11:41] <mcphail> I've noticed :) [11:41] <ogra_> it is kind of a middle ground between developer and enduser :) [11:41] <ogra_> our development devices are way more verbose [11:42] <mcphail> here's hoping the flash memory is robust [11:42] <ogra_> with that setting we dont need to flip between "developer image" and "enduser image" it works for both [11:43] * ogra_ works since 6 years with flash devices ... i havent seen one die in a long long time anymore [11:43] <mcphail> would an hourly logrotate help? Would limit the amount of data which would have to be uploaded for bug reports [11:44] <ogra_> this is what we do ... there is a hourly logrotate run [11:44] <ogra_> but the config for the two files above is adjusted [11:47] <ogra_> note that syslog doesnt get uploaded btw [11:47] <ogra_> only content from /var/crash ... [11:48] <ogra_> (and it is pretty rare that we ask endusers to upload syslog manually) [11:48] <mcphail> ogra_: ok - sounds like a better system [12:35] <Mirv> I just got an user question about how the weather info on Today scope is selected, ie the city it shows weather for? [12:41] <popey> Mirv: it uses location data, so nearest city [12:43] <Mirv> popey: hmm, and if that doesn't work, it's probably some problem in the location detection? [12:43] <Mirv> I can't test obviously since I'm now here where I am :) [12:43] <popey> could be. [12:43] <Mirv> ok, thanks [12:43] <cwayne> Mirv, [12:44] <Mirv> cwayne: ah.. so it allows selecting it once but it doesn't get updated and user doesn't have the possibility to even change it afterwards [12:44] <Mirv> that explains [12:45] <cwayne> Mirv, it also uses geoip instead of lat/lng [12:45] <cwayne> which the rest of nearby does [12:45] <ogra_> i had cases where it worked fine after reboot [12:45] <cwayne> its by far the most troublesome scope for me [12:45] <Mirv> cwayne: ok, is there a bug about using lat/lng instead of geoip which may be pretty wrong, or would it be covered by that bug? [12:45] <ogra_> (like every 50th boot or so it suddenly comes up fine) [12:46] <cwayne> Mirv, covered by that bug, it's well-known to that team [12:46] <Mirv> cwayne: thanks! [12:46] <cwayne> Mirv, np :) [12:51] <Mirv> answered the user that will be fixed in future updates + meanwhile the Weather app can be used of course [12:56] <Mirv> sil2100: pitti: bzoltan_: can you clarify now what's where regarding UITK? was it now that vivid archive got reverted to 1.2.1458 (the release before yesterday), the trunk actually reflects what's in overlay PPA? [12:58] <bzoltan_> Mirv: I can confirm that the UITK trunk does contain the packaging fix. [12:58] <bzoltan_> sil2100: ^ [12:58] <Mirv> bzoltan_: and so does vivid archive but patched upon the earlier UITK release instead [12:59] <bzoltan_> Mirv: I see [13:00] <pitti> Mirv: I applied the MP patch on the lp:ubuntu/uitk branch (which was identical to vivid), and uploaded [13:01] <Mirv> pitti: ok, and lp:ubuntu/uitk wasn't what was in vivid-proposed because it didn't get to the release pocket, right. [13:02] <Mirv> so there was 1.2.1458 -> 1.2.1485 -> 1.2.1458 ( [13:02] <Mirv> and the archives now have essentially the 20150327 version just with this one fix added [13:03] <pitti> Mirv: correct, it never landed [13:04] <sil2100> Mirv, bzoltan_: don't worry about this one, I have it covered [13:05] <Mirv> sil2100: great, it's good to just understand what happened :) seems all clear now and correct, we're just updating the bazaars to have all changelog entries collected. [13:05] <sil2100> Mirv, bzoltan_: so both vivid, overlay-PPA and trunk have the right commits - I still need to release a no-change rebuild of UITK to the overlay PPA [13:05] <sil2100> Mirv: leave it all to me [13:05] * Mirv trusts everything into sil2100's hands [13:05] <sil2100> Mirv: since we need to release a higher version to the overlay PPA so that the new images don't pull in the vivid version of UITK [13:05] <sil2100> Since heh... there's a catch here ;) [13:06] <Mirv> sil2100: not true, since vivid version number is lower, 1.2.1458 (it went from newer to older) even thought the date code is newer in vivid [13:06] <sil2100> vivid has the same top-trunk modification, but it's missing one version from the overlay PPA - since there was one released already [13:06] <sil2100> Oh? [13:06] <sil2100> Oh! [13:06] <Mirv> Oh! :) [13:07] <sil2100> Then excellent ;) [13:08] <sil2100> Mirv: then actually let's not do anything - basically we don't have a trunk branch for vivid right now so the direct-commit to vivid mostly should be ignored (or we could create a vivid branch and get that change in it) [13:08] <sil2100> Mirv: trunk is pointing to the vivid+overlayPPA and that has all we need, all the correct versions etc. [13:09] <sil2100> Mirv: the vivid version of UITK is nothing more than a cherry-pick of the latest change from trunk (and overlay PPA) but without the one unreleased overlay version which is missing in vivid (and unlandable in vivid actually) [13:10] <bzoltan_> sil2100: i am working on the next UITK landing to the overlay PPA. I expect it to land on Friday [13:10] <sil2100> bzoltan_: ok, sounds great :) [13:11] <sil2100> bzoltan_: (remember to sync staging with the change from trunk though) [13:11] <bzoltan_> sil2100: I have done it already [13:11] <pp__> Hello [13:12] <pp__> question - just bought ubuntu phone (bq aquaris e45) but it is not recognized by linux mint [13:13] <pp__> usb-devices lists the phone correctly [13:13] <ogra_> youmean it doesnt show up in mautilus ? [13:13] <ogra_> *nautilus [13:14] <ogra_> you should see it as MTP device there [13:14] <ogra_> (though i have no idea how mint nowadays hacks up the ubuntu packages ... they did pretty bad stuff in the past) [13:15] <ogra_> (i thought that got better with recent releases though) [13:15] <Mirv> oSoMoN: any update on bug #1392331? [13:15] <pp__> do i need to install phablet-tools? [13:15] <Mirv> same user asking as was asking about the wrong location on Today scope... I'll answer anyway that sharing from gallery works, but obviously sharing from webapp is needed too [13:16] <ogra_> pp__, not for file excange, the 14.04.2 version of libmtp should have all you need (assuming mint doesnt override libmpt) [13:16] <ogra_> pp__, for developer mode/adb you need the pahblet-tools version on that old release though [13:17] <ogra_> so you should enablethat PPA and install android-tools-adb from there [13:17] <oSoMoN> Mirv, no, this one wasn’t on my radar… I’ll take a look [13:17] <pp__> i'll try to install android-tools-adb [13:18] <Mirv> oSoMoN: thanks, worth having on radar! I can understand the users' wish for that future. [13:18] <pp__> it is already installed [13:18] <Mirv> even though I understand there's complexity browser <-> content-hub etc [13:18] <ogra_> pp__, from the PPA ? [13:19] <pp__> ogra_, from ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa [13:19] <ogra_> yeah, that should work then [13:19] <ogra_> if you enabled developer mode, "adb devices" should show the phone [13:20] <pp__> ogra_, phone is connected via usb, can list it with usb-devices, but cannot see it under home folder [13:22] <davmor2> pp__: why would it be under home folder? You need to the phone turn on an unlocked and it will open a folder automatically in nautilus, if it doesn't you should see it under device on the left hand panel in nautilus, if it doesn't show up there then mint have made modifications we don't know about [13:22] <ogra_> pp__, well, thats a mattr of having the latest libmtp ... not sure if mint pulls updates of newer ubuntu vrsions ... worst case there should be a trusty version of libmtp in the pahblet-tools PPA [13:23] <pp__> ogra_ and davmor2_, thanks i'll check and give feedback later on [13:23] <ogra_> we dont really test against mint ... [13:25] <pp__> ok no worries [13:39] <Se7> hellou guys [13:41] <Se7> I have an update for my photos but he doesn t download [14:19] <ogra_> tvoss, for bug 1447110 how many logs do i need to keep ? [14:20] <tvoss> ogra_, the last 2 would be good [14:20] <ogra_> ok [14:26] <BOHverkill> should landscape mode work in document viewer? [14:45] <kenvandine> Elleo, please review this too [14:45] <kenvandine> Elleo, docstring only, easy review [14:45] <kenvandine> Elleo, those 2 signals aren't in the online docs, and they are pretty important :) [14:46] <ogra_> BOHverkill, i dont think it is there yet [14:46] <BOHverkill> k [14:46] <BOHverkill> thx [14:47] <Elleo> kenvandine: okay [14:47] <kenvandine> Elleo, thx [14:48] <Elleo> kenvandine: approved [14:50] <davmor2> tvoss: you missed out on my favourite line of "More than 1, less than a million" :D [14:51] <tvoss> davmor2, ? [14:52] <tvoss> davmor2, ENOCONTEXT [14:53] <davmor2> tvoss: ogra_ amount of logs to keep [14:54] <tvoss> davmor2, :) [15:04] <jgdx> abeato, did Context.Preferred land in ofono? [15:04] <abeato> jgdx, yes, it did [15:04] <jgdx> abeato, good, thank you. [15:04] <abeato> np [15:22] <kenvandine> artmello, just to confirm, gallery-app is no longer using the content-hub c++ api right? just QML? [15:26] <artmello> kenvandine: I think we are still using the c++ api: [15:27] <kenvandine> bummer... i thought that got ported [15:28] <kenvandine> Elleo, in item.h, i didn't append the new setUrl function, i put it after the getter [15:28] <kenvandine> i hope that doesn't break gallery [15:29] * kenvandine grumbles about c++ [15:29] <Elleo> kenvandine: I think that only becomes a problem with virtual functions [15:29] <kenvandine> oh right! [15:30] <Elleo> assuming Q_INVOKABLE isn't virtual under the hood or anything [15:30] <kenvandine> i just had a flashback of malta :) [15:30] <Elleo> heh [15:30] <artmello> kenvandine: maybe we should propose porting that as a task for next sprint [15:30] <kenvandine> it would be good [15:31] <kenvandine> i'm pretty sure someone at least took a stab at porting it, maybe nerochiaro? [15:31] <kenvandine> it really shouldn't be hard [15:31] <kenvandine> and should remove a bunch of code [15:32] <artmello> +1 for "remove a bunch of code" [15:33] <Elleo> yeah, I think the issue last time it was attempted was probably that images couldn't be moved to ~/Pictures which is possible now with content-hub's moveTo() method [15:33] <Elleo> that, and I think there was some magic extension detection stuff to workaround a download-manager issue that has since been fixed [15:53] <Elleo> kenvandine: the stream stuff all looks good and works very nicely :) [15:53] <kenvandine> Elleo, excellent! [16:42] <lotuspsychje> [16:42] <popey> \o/ [17:02] <studio_> hi [17:02] <lotuspsychje> studio_: wb [17:05] <studio_> i am still searching, how it is possible under kodi, for exp. to use samba-shares without a is it possible, that they use jcifs or is jcifs also depending from cifs.ko? [17:05] <dobey> omfg [17:06] <studio_> dobey, what does omfg means? [17:07] <lotuspsychje> oh my f*cking god [17:07] <studio_> and why that answer? [17:08] <dobey> because you've asked about samba a thousand times already and been given answers. why don't you ask the kodi developers what is required for kodi to work with samba shares? i'm sure they know [17:11] <studio_> dobey, i as, other peoples, do not understand your answer, would be nice to hive an example in "" [17:12] <dobey> my answer is understood by the person whom asked the question. i don't know why he hasn't accepted the answer as the answer though [17:12] <studio_> maybe they do not understand? [17:12] <dobey> my answer is clear and direct [17:13] <dobey> person never said that they do not understand [17:13] <dobey> in fact, the person replied to another comment on the question, and reitereted my answer, so i'm pretty sure it is understood [17:13] <studio_> i told you ... i don't understand your answer :( [17:14] <dobey> well it is clear and direct [17:14] <dobey> if you cannot understand it, i don't know what to tell you [17:14] <studio_> as i said, an example would be nice [17:15] <dobey> i dont' know of any examples. i don't need or use cifs. [17:15] <dobey> apparently Ghost Command works on the same android device, so i guess that's an example [17:16] <studio_> you don't need, nice answer, and yes, kodi also can do [17:16] <OerHeks> google chrome uses smbnetfs, i have never done that too. [17:16] <dobey> cifs is simplay a network protocol, it doesn't require a kernel module to implement said protocol. kernel module is required to use said protocol as a mountable file system via the kernel vfs layer [17:17] <dobey> it's no different than if you wanted to use webdav instead of cifs; it's just a network protocol [17:18] <dobey> well if kodi can do it, then it already does it and you don't need to ask the question, because you already have the answer [17:18] <studio_> kodi is only working on android, but not on ubuntu touch! [17:19] <studio_> cat /proc/filesystems is showing the same on android an ut [17:19] <dobey> so ask the kodi devs about problems with kodi? [17:20] <studio_> there is no problem with kodi on android [17:20] <dobey> well good for kodi on android. maybe kodi doesn't support ubuntu as well [17:21] <studio_> ut doesn't support kodi [17:21] <dobey> have you even tried to ask kodi develoeprs to help you debug the issue? [17:21] <dobey> of course not, kodi isn't a phone [17:22] <studio_> what is the different? it is ubuntu, in't it? [17:22] <SturmFlut> studio_, dobey: I think there is some confusion here and I might be able to help. [17:22] <dobey> studio_: well, if that is the only difference, android apps do not run on ubuntu, so it's no wonder it doesn't work [17:22] <studio_> SturmFlut, yes plese, help :) [17:23] <SturmFlut> studio_: Ubuntu Touch works differently than the "normal" Ubuntu. It has a different application lifecycle, different package management etc. [17:23] <dobey> world of warcraft works on windows and not ubuntu, but that's not ubuntu's fault [17:24] <SturmFlut> studio_: What is your use case? Do you just want to copy a file from an SMB/CIFS share, or do you actually need to properly mount the share? [17:24] <OerHeks> playonkodi kodiscope kodimote [17:24] <studio_> no, i't like to use nfs, cifs and dlna on the ut-device [17:25] <studio_> same as ubuntu-tv [17:25] <dobey> use nfs and cifs how? [17:25] <dobey> there is no ubuntu-tv [17:25] <SturmFlut> studio_: Sure, but what exactly do you want to do in the end? Copy files? Stream media? [17:26] <studio_> stream media and copy files, yes [17:26] <SturmFlut> studio_: Ah, now we're getting there ;) [17:26] <studio_> i'd like to see live-tv on the phone from my receiver [17:27] <dobey> i guess you'd need to write an application to do that [17:27] <studio_> kodi can do :( [17:27] <dobey> there are no kodi client streaming apps on the phone yet, afaik [17:28] <studio_> there is also no samba-, nfs, nor dlna-client [17:29] <SturmFlut> studio_: If you want to stream media over various network protocols, you need a Media Player application which can do that. As far as I know there currently is no such app for Ubuntu Touch which can do that. Maybe the best idea would be to port something like VLC, or even Kodi. [17:29] <dobey> sure, nobody said there was [17:29] <SturmFlut> studio_: If you want to copy files over SMB or NFS oder another network protocol, you are probably looking for support for those protocols in the "File Manager" app. As far as I know, there was somebody working on that. [17:30] <dobey> you could write a dlna client scope pretty easily, and i think the standard media player might be able to play streams over http [17:30] <studio_> SturmFlut, when i have seen the videos from "Ubuntu-TV" i asked myself, why they do not use that player in Ubuntu-Touch? [17:30] <dobey> there is no ubuntu-tv [17:31] <studio_> dobey, is it a fake? [17:31] <dobey> and also, phones aren't 46" plasma screens (yet anyway, though they're working toward it) [17:31] <lotuspsychje> maybe he means myth ubuntu [17:31] <studio_> no, Ubuntu-TV! search on youtube [17:31] <SturmFlut> dobey: Well, the official website still says that "Ubuntu TV" is a product. He has a point there. [17:31] <dobey> studio_: i don't know what video you're talking about, but there have been no tvs released with ubuntu on them, nor any images to flash on a tv [17:32] <dobey> SturmFlut: well, does it have a link to a place to buy one? or an image to download? [17:33] <OerHeks> it was just a scope to mythtv [17:34] <SturmFlut> dobey: I guess it might cause a bit of confusion if "TV" is mentioned in the same place as all other variants, and without a disclaimer. [17:35] <studio_> SturmFlut, android can handle miracast, ut in the moment not. but why ut isn't using the same player as ubuntu-tv? [17:36] <SturmFlut> studio_: Let's say that there will maybe be real Ubuntu TVs at some point, but the thing that you saw on YouTube was more some kind of "design study". It hasn't become a full product yet. [17:36] <dobey> SturmFlut: there is no ubuntu-tv [17:36] <dobey> err [17:36] <dobey> studio_: ^^ even [17:37] <studio_> SturmFlut, yes, but the "design study" came into real with kodi, and there was no more development on Ubuntu TV [17:38] <SturmFlut> studio_: But Kodi doesn't have anything to do with Ubuntu or Canonical or "Ubuntu TV" [17:39] <dobey> yeah i don't know why you made that link [17:39] <studio_> but it is still in the repo [17:39] <SturmFlut> SturmFlut: Kodi was XBMC before and was developed on the XBox, nothing to do with Ubuntu [17:39] <SturmFlut> Ups [17:40] <studio_> would be nice to get "ubuntu-tv" in the repo [17:41] <SturmFlut> studio_: Kodi/XMBC is available for installation on Ubuntu, yes. But it is NOT developed by Canonical. It is just a software package like all others. [17:43] <studio_> as i said, i was wondering, that development for ubuntu tv was canceled (on ice) ... [17:44] <dobey> kodi is not in the repo [17:45] <dobey> there is no ubuntu-tv to put in the repo [17:45] <studio_> try xbmc [17:45] <dobey> xbmc is not in the repo [17:45] <studio_> no? [17:45] <dobey> there is no "repo" for installing apps on an ubuntu phone image. apps are installed from the store [17:45] <studio_> store? [17:45] <dobey> installing legacy apps from the standard ubuntu apt repositories is not supported [17:45] <studio_> i never used the store [17:45] * lotuspsychje feels with dobey :p [17:46] <SturmFlut> studio_: Have you used an Ubuntu phone yet? [17:46] <studio_> yes, and i switched back to android [17:46] <lotuspsychje> androis is a nightmare [17:47] <SturmFlut> studio_: But the app store is the only real way to install apps on an Ubuntu phone, how did you do without? [17:47] <studio_> apt-get install ... [17:47] <studio_> apt-get install xbmc [17:47] <dobey> *sigh* [17:48] <lotuspsychje> studio_: did you unlock dir? [17:48] <studio_> yes [17:48] <SturmFlut> studio_: There might be the problem. This is not how the phone works. You might still think that it is just a normal Ubuntu installation, but it is absolutely not. [17:48] <lotuspsychje> studio_: you cant receive updates anymore after unlocking you know that right [17:50] <studio_> SturmFlut, how did you installed usbutils without apt-get install? [17:50] <dobey> you don't [17:50] <studio_> i installed [17:51] <dobey> apt is not supported on the phone images [17:51] <SturmFlut> studio_: I didn't, because I had no need to, and I know that apt-get is not the way to do things on the phone [17:53] <studio_> dobey, no, so how it was possible? after that lsusb showed me all otg-devices [17:54] <dobey> use a chroot [17:54] <SturmFlut> studio_: It was possible in that one special case. Because the command is still there and you essentially broke your phone doing it. [17:55] <NIN101> why would using apt break the phone? [17:55] <dobey> just because it's possible to change the root partition to rw and install something with apt, does not mean it is a supported way of using the phone. you had to break the system to do that. [17:55] <studio_> SturmFlut, break my phone to use lsusb? [17:55] <dobey> NIN101: / is not very big, and upgrading things through apt can cause problems [17:56] <SturmFlut> studio_: If you enable developer mode and use apt-get to install things, your device will no longer receive official updates and/or changed you did will be overwritten by the next update. [17:56] <studio_> dobey, what is the "correct way" via the store to install usbutils? [17:56] <dobey> studio_: you used the system in a manner other than supported. like, i can use an engine block as a boat anchor, but it was designed to be an engine in a car burning petrol [17:57] <dobey> studio_: usbutils is not in the store [17:57] <dobey> SturmFlut: or / fills up and it won't boot, or... [17:57] <dobey> studio_: but that is irrelevant. the point is that it is unsupported [17:58] <studio_> SturmFlut, "your device will no longer receive official updates" that is not correct [17:59] <dobey> studio_: you cheated [17:59] <studio_> no [17:59] <dobey> yes. there is the documented way to make the system writable, and then there is the cheater way of doing mount -o remount,rw [18:00] <dobey> the documented way persists writable after reboot, and prevents system image updates from being installed [18:00] <studio_> mount -o remount,rw is enable to receive updates after a reboot [18:00] <NIN101> what are "system images" anyway? Some kind of diff to the previous, or comparable to a tarball that gets unpacked? [18:02] <dobey> NIN101: yes. tarball and/or xdelta (depending on how many revisions away from the update you are), full image tarball is a few hundred MB, deltas are usually < 100 MB [18:02] <dobey> depends on how much changed too though, of course. [18:04] <NIN101> dobey: thx. [18:06] <SturmFlut> NIN101: They are downloaded from , you can take one and look at it. For example ubuntu-d2dfa371c65640e688fd9272b3ede7dbddbfed27f548a0d988c083b1d1c78158.tar.xz should be the latest one for the bq phone. [18:07] <NIN101> SturmFlut: ah thx I was just wondering where they are hosted :-). [18:14] <studio_> dobey, "maybe" i am wrong, but you allways say "this is unsupported", "that is unsupported" ... have you ever tried to search on a bq phone for nfs like "sudo find / -name *nfs*" ? [18:15] <dobey> why would i do that? i don't need to use nfs on my phone. i don't have a bq phone. and i know the kernel is not built with nfs support. [18:16] <studio_> ah, yes, "you" do not need that ... [18:16] <dobey> why are you trying to make things so personal? [18:17] <studio_> i? [18:17] <dobey> yes, "you" [18:17] <studio_> no, you allways say "i do not need taht" [18:18] <dobey> instead of accepting the facts of what is or is not supported on the image, you turn into these tirades about "have 'you' tried to do that?" and such [18:18] <dobey> of course i do. i don't need nfs on my phone. if i did need nfs, i wouldn't say i didn't need it [18:20] <dobey> i do need bluetooth. but it doesn't work on the nexus 5 yet. i don't go around beerating people and asking them if they searched the entire filesystem for anything related to bluetooth and such though [18:20] <studio_> dobey, as i said, i try to figure out. and it seems it has nothing to do with the "image". it seems to be depending from the software what is used. [18:21] <dobey> the kernel is not built with nfs support. i don't know how you'd say that has nothing to do with the image. [18:21] <dobey> and why am i the one that always ends up explaining this stuff over and over and over again [18:22] <studio_> because nfs is working on kodi. android and ut are using the same filesystems on the bq e4.5 [18:23] <dobey> kodi is not part of the ubuntu image, there is no kodi client player in the store, and legacy applications are unsupported. [18:23] <dobey> if kodi doesn't work, ask the kodi developers to help you debug why [18:23] <dobey> kodi on android and kodi on ubuntu though, are surely very different things [18:24] <studio_> dobey, you do not understand what i am trying to tell you. i do not talk about an kodi- or xbmc-client for the ut-phone [18:25] <dobey> then pick more appropriate words for what you are trying to tell [18:25] <dobey> you said kodi doesn't work on ubuntu; that is a kodi problem. this is not #kodi [18:26] <charles> renatu, could you make a silo for ? [18:27] <studio_> no, my question was, why kodi can handle cifs- and nfs-shares under android but ubuntu-touch can not handle that, even they both use the same filesystems. [18:28] <charles> renatu, or maybe add it to 8? [18:29] <dobey> studio_: kodi on android is a very different thing from kodi in ubuntu. and the kernel is not built iwht nfs or cifs support as you've already been told 10 thousand times [18:30] <studio_> dobey, cat /proc/filesystems is same, on android and ut [18:31] <dobey> studio_: that is irrelevant [18:31] <studio_> is it? [18:32] <dobey> yes, that just lists the filesystems the kernel supports [18:33] <studio_> and? [18:33] <dobey> and obviously if cifs works on the android version of kodi it is not depending on a kernel module there, and using a userspace library that implements the protocol [18:33] <dobey> and the legacy app on ubuntu probably depends on kernel support [18:34] <dobey> it is a kodi problem, as has already been stated many times [18:34] <studio_> and what about nfs and dlna? [18:34] <popey> you could do the same at the application level for those too [18:35] <dobey> indeed [18:36] <dobey> well dlna doesn't exist in the kernel at all afaik [18:36] <studio_> don't need to be supported in the kernel [18:36] <dobey> and i don't know what kodi supports on full ubuntu under xorg [18:37] <popey> in the file manager we're adding samba support [18:37] <dobey> but kodi under mir on a phone with an older kernel version is almost certainly completely untested [18:37] <popey> using qsambaclient [18:37] <studio_> as i said, kodi is under android supporting dlna-client and server [18:37] <popey> and in the future, it probably will on Ubuntu phone too [18:38] <popey> but not yet [18:38] <dobey> kodi on android is not kodi on ubuntu [18:38] <dobey> stop trying to compare them as equals [18:39] <studio_> dobey, i do not like to compare ut with android, but i compare it with debian [18:40] <popey> 19:27 < studio_> no, my question was, why kodi can handle cifs- and nfs-shares under android but ubuntu-touch can not handle that, even they both use the same filesystems. [18:40] <popey> you directly compared kodi on android and kodi on ubuntu touch right there! [18:40] <dobey> studio_: i'm not talking about the OS, i'm talking about kodi [18:41] <dobey> gah [18:41] <dobey> why can't my nexus 5 recieve MMS any more :( [18:41] <studio_> popey, i also use some rpi's and i have no problems with them [18:41] <popey> great [18:42] <studio_> fore sure :) [18:42] <popey> Ok. Do you have a question that we can help with? [18:42] <popey> Or are you going to just continue to complain that kodi / samba / nfs doesn't work? [18:42] <popey> Because it's getting quite tiring for everyone concerned to keep going over this again and again. [18:42] <studio_> popey, i asked about jcifs, but still no answer [18:43] <dobey> java is not used on ubuntu phones [18:43] <popey> you're asking about kodi though [18:43] <popey> a kodi question, not an ubuntu question [18:45] <studio_> popey, no, the general question was why it is working on xbmc/kodi when ut and android are using the same filesystems [18:46] <popey> ok, that's been answered [18:46] <popey> xbmc and kodi use userspace libraries. [18:46] <popey> next question? [18:47] <studio_> is it possible to adapt the same in ut? [18:47] <popey> adapt what? [18:47] <studio_> :( [18:47] <dobey> feel free to write the code, sure [18:47] <popey> Are you asking if it's possible to adapt kodi / xbmc? [18:48] <dobey> i'm sure the kodi developers can help you figure out how to get userspace cifs/nfs/whatever working [18:48] <dobey> and make a suitable interface for phones perhaps [18:48] <renatu> charles, is already there :D [18:48] <studio_> popey, adapt nfs and cifs for exp. in the filemanager? [18:49] <charles> renatu, \o/ [18:49] <charles> mzanetti: ^ [18:49] <charles> mzanetti, silo 8 should have the .setSecondsBeforeStart(0) fix [18:49] <studio_> or video-player? [18:50] <popey> studio_: i have already said, we're adding samba support to file manager. [18:50] <popey> studio_: next question. [18:51] <mzanetti> cool :) [18:54] <dobey> popey: whaaaaaaaaat is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? [18:54] <popey> :) [18:54] <ogra_> an european one ? [19:01] <studio_> popey, "studio_: next question." nfs and dlna? [19:02] <popey> studio_: we have no plans to add nfs to the file manager, dnla makes no sense in a file manager [19:02] <kenvandine> dnla in the video scope might be cool though [19:02] <dobey> it would be very easy to write a dlna client scope [19:02] <studio_> maybe not filemanager, but media-player [19:02] <popey> maybe [19:02] <studio_> ok [19:02] <popey> i dont know, i dont work on that [19:02] <dobey> media-player itself wouldn't get dlna; it just needs to be able to stream from http or rtsp or whatever [19:03] <kenvandine> yeah, it should be something the scope handles [19:03] <dobey> there could be a dlna scope written though, and then music, photos, and video scopes could aggregate from it [19:04] <dobey> i just want to know why my receiving mms isn't working any more though :-/ [19:04] <ogra_> dobey, check the nuntium log [19:06] <dobey> ogra_: where is that exactly? i don't see any logs in .cache/nuntium [19:06] <ogra_> upstart iirc [19:06] <dobey> ah, upstart [19:06] <dobey> 2015/04/22 14:28:13 Error cannot decode media type for field beginning with 0x28@2 [19:07] <dobey> hmm [19:10] <popey> studio_: any more questions? [19:12] <studio_> popey, sorry since i switched back to android, because ut was "in the moment" not useable for me, no. [19:16] <popey> studio_: ok. [19:16] <elopio> sergiusens: last week you mentioned a book about android testing, but I was a little drunk and can't remember anything details. [19:16] <elopio> do you have a link? did I imagine it? [19:17] <ogra_> elopio, you were drunk ? at a sprint ? [19:17] <ogra_> impoossible ! [19:18] <elopio> ogra_: weird, right? And listen to this: I wasn't the only one! [19:18] <sergiusens> elopio: How Google Tests Code [19:18] <ogra_> geez ! [19:18] <sergiusens> elopio: [19:19] <ogra_> popey, i guess we can drop the phased upgraes note from the topic [19:19] <dobey> elopio: did you bring more guatemalan rum? [19:19] <elopio> thank you! [19:20] <dobey> ogra_: any idea about that error from the nuntium log? should i file a bug somewhere? [19:20] <elopio> dobey: no no, they don't sell it in my airport and I went directly to the US. [19:20] <ogra_> dobey, yo probably should, at least for tracking the N5 issues [19:20] <dobey> elopio: ah [19:20] <dobey> i can send MMS just fine though :-/ [19:20] <ogra_> i sadly have not much clue about nuntium or the mms protocol ... sergiusens used to be our specialits ... [19:21] <dobey> ah ok [19:21] <ogra_> but then snappy snapped him and now he is swallowed :) [19:22] <dobey> hrmm [19:22] <ogra_> snappy will eat all of us one way or the other :) [19:23] * ogra_ looks forward to that day ... no more questions about apt then ;) [19:23] <sergiusens> dobey: you are on a us carrier I bet, the same one as kenvandine [19:23] <sergiusens> dobey: there's already a bug for that [19:23] <ogra_> popey, thanks ! [19:23] <dobey> sergiusens: yeah i am on t-mo [19:23] <dobey> sergiusens: and i just found the bug from jdstrand about it [19:23] <sergiusens> dobey: I had a partial fix, but I'm always afraid to land those as it requires testing all over the board [19:23] <dobey> [19:23] <dobey> is i guess what i'm hitting? [19:24] * ogra_ cheecks why that is against lxc-android-config [19:25] <dobey> ask cyphermox i guess [19:25] <ogra_> ah, i see the comment now [19:28] <kenvandine> oh... i used to miss mms... [19:28] <kenvandine> guess i've lost hope now :-p [19:32] <studio_> ehm, was ut ever working with german t-mobile? [19:32] <ogra_> why wouldnt it [19:33] <studio_> never got an configuration for it [19:34] <dobey> you probably need to tweak the APN to use ip instead of ipv6, at least for data [19:34] <kenvandine> dobey, i think that's only in the US [19:35] <ogra_> you might need to add APN data though ... using the APN editor [19:36] <studio_> ogra_, the android-version shows me an configuration for t-mobile and for exp. mms. but ut never made that [19:36] <ogra_> my test sim is congstar, which is a t-mobile sub ... i didnt have to do anything, worked OOTB [19:37] <studio_> ogra_, have you ever send or received an mms? [19:37] <ogra_> yes, for testing [19:38] <ogra_> 3 or so in my life ... sending postcards is cheaper than sending MMS :P [19:38] <studio_> yes for send and receive? [19:38] <ogra_> yes [19:38] <studio_> hmm ... [19:38] <cylonmath> is there any useful app you suggest for me to download? Seems there are not much apps in store yet. [19:38] <ogra_> but t-mobile itself might need you to edit the APN data [19:39] <ogra_> the editor is in the mobile settings page [19:40] <cyphermox> that was an issue specific to t-mo in the US [19:40] <cyphermox> because ipv6 [19:40] <ogra_> yeah [19:40] <ogra_> cyphermox, there are issues with german APN db entries though ... that require people to use the editor [19:40] <cyphermox> ok [19:41] <cyphermox> should file a separate bug then so that we can add the settings to the apn database [19:41] <ogra_> i think there is one ... [19:41] <ogra_> just dont have the number handy ... but it is being handled [19:41] <ogra_> the android db we use as base issimply not complete [19:42] <cyphermox> it never will be [19:43] <jgdx> ogra_, if you file bugs against the apn side of Settings, could you tag it 'apn'? [19:43] <ogra_> jgdx, if i do that i'll try to remember [19:43] <jgdx> ogra_, and maybe take a peak at the 30 there already :) [19:43] <jgdx> thanks [19:43] <ogra_> uh. why me :P [19:44] <jgdx> just in case it's a duplicate [19:44] <jgdx> not suggesting you fix them, though if you have some spare time… [19:45] <ogra_> lol [19:45] * ogra_ looks up "spare time" [19:47] <cwayne> ogra_, im pretty sure that's made up and doesn't exist [19:47] <dobey> cylonmath: the apps you need. like maybe untappd [19:47] <ogra_> yeah, cant find anything on the internet about it [19:47] <ogra_> dobey, ! to celebrate the german beer putity day !! that is tomorrow :) [19:48] <ogra_> *purity too [19:48] <cylonmath> dobey, too bad I'm a Muslim and I don't prefer drinking :) [19:49] <cylonmath> seems a funny app though [19:49] <jgdx> ogra_, :) [19:50] <dobey> ogra_: yay. every day is beer day :) [19:50] <ogra_> [19:51] <ogra_> funnily the only english article about it is belgian ... [19:52] <ogra_> cwayne, given mos of our users are germans you should really call out an untappd event tomorrow or some such ;) [19:52] <ogra_> *most [19:53] <dobey> well i managed to salvage an mms with wget and ghex [19:53] <cwayne> ogra_, ha, yeah! [19:53] <ogra_> dobey, now just script it :) [19:53] <taiebot> On devel-proposed mako the app Falling blocks is constantly proposed as an update. Is there a bug for this? [19:55] <dobey> ogra_: or someone could just fix stuff to work on t-mo us :) [19:55] <ogra_> cwayne, you need a "breaking news" function for the scope and a web crawler ... probably even localized so the user can get local beer news [19:55] <ogra_> dobey, deatils ... [19:55] <ogra_> *details [19:55] <dobey> ogra_, cwayne: or just make Today and Nearby aggregate from Untappd :) [19:55] <ogra_> yeah [19:56] <ogra_> how do you feel ? "like finding the next beer fest" [20:16] <kumala> Hi, I started using ubuntu touch with the bq phone. I soon realized some improvements were needed. Now I would like to know, where can I follow the development efforts? [20:17] <ogra_> here is a good place .... there is also a mailing list and a G+ community [20:17] <ogra_> the mailing list gets daily reports from the landing team about what landed [20:18] <kumala> cool, do you recommend any of those in particular? If not, I will probably hang around here for some time. [20:18] <ogra_> well, whatever suits you best :) [20:19] <kumala> Can you point me to said mailing list? [20:19] <ogra_> [20:20] <kumala> thanks ogra_ I will try to follow up a bit. [20:21] <AmiGoZ> Hi all, is it possible to install ubuntu touch on meizu mx4? I know it is already devices with touch built-in [20:22] <ogra_> AmiGoZ, i doubt you can easily unlock the bootloaders on the android version [20:23] <AmiGoZ> I have already unlocked on flyme... [20:24] <ogra_> well, there is a port going on but not done yet, once there are public images for this and you have a properly unlocked bootloader it might be possible to install that ... [20:24] <SturmFlut> ogra_: AFAIK the international version has an unlocked bootloader [20:25] <ogra_> SturmFlut, oh, i didnt know that ? people always told me you cant unlock them at all [20:25] <SturmFlut> ogra_: I think that was because up till a week ago or so people only got the imported chinese version [20:25] <AmiGoZ> Actually it is built in option in my country... [20:26] <AmiGoZ> My quistion is if port is already done and where i can download it? [20:26] <ogra_> no, not done yet [20:26] <ogra_> once it is it will be published indeed [20:28] <AmiGoZ> Any release dates? [20:29] * ogra_ doesnt know
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AmiGoZ", "BOHverkill", "EdwardMorbius", "Elleo", "Jack_desktop", "JamesTait", "Mirv", "NIN101", "OerHeks", "Se7", "SturmFlut", "abeato", "artmello", "bzoltan_", "charles", "cwayne", "cylonmath", "cyphermox", "davmor2", "dholbach", "didrocks", "dobey", "elopio", "jgdx", "kenvandine", "knightwise", "kumala", "lotuspsychje", "mardy", "mcphail", "mzanetti", "nik90", "oSoMoN", "ogra_", "pitti", "pmcgowan", "popey", "pp__", "ramrebol1", "ramrebol_", "renatu", "richi_", "robin-hero", "robru", "seb128", "sergiusens", "sil2100", "studio_", "taiebot", "tvoss" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[11:24] <seb128> is anyone looking at / [11:25] <seb128> it's one of the most reported vivid issues on e.u.c this week [11:25] <seb128> seems it started with u-s-c 0.0.5+15.04.20150227-0ubuntu1 (the most recent version) [19:25] <mterry> Is there a convenient way to get mir-next on my machine? [19:26] <mterry> I see the staging ppa [19:26] <mterry> But that only has mir [19:26] <mterry> Not usc, qtmir, and unity8 rebuilt [20:20] <kdub> mterry, not in general [20:21] <kdub> but, there should be a coherent silo being put together this week
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "kdub", "mterry", "seb128" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mir" }
[00:02] <razGon_Xch2> 저는 거의 osx, 윈도우를 쓰지만, 거의 크롬을 써서요. [00:06] <razGon_Xch2> 그래도 감염되겟죠?\ [00:06] <Work^Seony> 부주의로 클릭되는 경우면 100%죠 ㅎㅎ [00:07] <razGon_Xch2> 있다가 점심떄 검색해봐야 겟네요. [00:07] <razGon_Xch2> 클리앙의 광고 클릭은 안햇지만,... 찝찝하네요 [00:08] <razGon_Xch2> 이틀전에 컴이 화면이 꺼지고 주화입마 빠져서 리셋한게 맘에 걸려서요. [00:09] <Work^Seony> 뭐 걍 포맷해서 다시 깔면 되죠 ㅎㅎ [00:11] <razGon_Xch2> ㄴㄴ 병원 데이터 있어서요. [00:11] <razGon_Xch2> 하긴.ㅋㅋ [00:12] <Work^Seony> 평소에 백업을 자동으로 걸어두시면 별로 걱정이 없죠 ㅎㅎ [00:14] <razGon_Xch2> 중요데이터는 그러긴한데요. 그래도 여러 가지 일을 하는 녀석이라서요\ [00:14] <Work^Seony> 아... 그럼 고민 좀 되시겠군요... [00:17] <razGon_Xch2> 근데 포멧을 해도 되긴해요.ㅋㅋ [00:18] <razGon_Xch2> 딱 그날자가 왓네요. ㅋㅋ [00:18] <AutoWiZ_znc> 파일 다운로드까지는 몰라도 실행을 실수로 한다는건 이상한거 같은데요. [00:20] <AutoWiZ_znc> 가끔 브라우저 취약점인지 브라우저상에서 클릭한번 했더니 [00:20] <AutoWiZ_znc> 파일을 다운받아서 실행한다거나 [00:20] <Work^Seony> 왜 그런거 있잖아요. 뭔가 하려고 하는데 하실래요 안하실래요 하고 물어보면 무의식적으로 예를 클릭하는거... [00:20] <AutoWiZ_znc> 창이 열리면서 바로 파일 받아서 실행하는 식의 취약점은 몇번 본거 같긴 합니다만. ㅎㅎ [00:21] <Work^Seony> 그게 뭔지 읽어보지도 않고 걍 무작정 OK 버튼 누르는거죠... [00:21] <AutoWiZ_znc> 윈도우즈 창 닫을때 나오는 팝업(이 창을 닫으시겠습니까?) 라던가 ㅋㅋ [00:21] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ [00:23] <AutoWiZ_znc> 실제 랜섬웨어 가 동작했을때 [00:23] <AutoWiZ_znc> 각 PC 마다 암호가 다를까요? [00:23] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아니면 뭔가 seed 값 같은걸 저장하거나 , 볼 수 있게 해놓았을까요? [00:23] <Work^Seony> 복호화를 하려면 salt가 어딘가에는 저장을 해야할 거에요... [00:24] <Work^Seony> 근데, 생각해보면 아무리 유저디렉토리만 암호화시킨다고쳐도 상당한 시간이 걸릴 것 같네요.. [00:24] <AutoWiZ_znc> 야금야금 하거나 뭐 시간대를 보면서 [00:24] <AutoWiZ_znc> 하거나... [00:24] <AutoWiZ_znc> 좀 지능적이면 [00:24] <AutoWiZ_znc> temp 등등 다 빼고 [00:24] <Work^Seony> 몇년 전만 해도 랜섬웨어는 그냥 파일이랑 폴더를 숨김 설정해놓는게 다 였는데, 이제는 암호화라니... ㅎㅎ [00:25] <AutoWiZ_znc> 정말 documents 나 download 만 하면 좀 빠를지도 [00:25] <AutoWiZ_znc> 백업 만이 살 길 입니다. [00:25] <razGon_Xch2> 무서워요. [00:26] <Work^Seony> 네 두번 강조해도 지나치지 않은 백업! ㅎㅎ [00:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> 종종 말씀드리는건데 같은 하드 2개를 샀는데 [00:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> 한놈이 좀 이상이상 하더니 산지 3일만에 사망 [00:26] <AutoWiZ_znc> 새 하드 받고 OS 재설치 ㅠㅠ 아 OS 세팅하는데만 이틀 걸리거든요 저는 [00:27] <razGon_Xch2> ㅎㄷㄷ [00:44] <AutoWiZ_znc> 하이욥~ [00:54] <imsu> 안녕하세요 ~~ [00:55] <imsu> 즐거운 아침~!~! [00:55] <Work^Seony> 임수 하이 [01:08] <AutoWiZ_znc> 임수하이 [01:08] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아침 사주는거야? [01:18] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇ [01:24] <AutoWiZ_znc> 임수가 사주는 아침 얻어먹으면 힘이 날거 같은데 아음.... [01:30] <Work^Seony> ㅋㅋ [01:34] <jun__> 저도 아침을....ㄷㄷㄷ [01:34] <jun__> 은근슬쩍 손 얹어볼까요..? [01:35] <Work^Seony> 담달에 있으면 위쳐3 나오는데 무쟈게 기대됩니다 ㅎㅎ [01:39] <jun__> 위쳐3???? [01:40] <Work^Seony> 게임이에요 [01:40] <Work^Seony> 오픈월드식 패키지 게임인데 정말 엄청 기대됩니다 [01:40] <jun__> 지금 동영상 보고 있어요 ㅎㅎ [01:41] <Work^Seony> 엑박버전으로 이미 오더 해놨어요 ㅎㅎ [01:41] <Work^Seony> 출시일날 하루 휴가를 낼까 고민 중입니다 [01:41] <jun__> 헉;;; 그 정도까지 ㅎㅎ [01:41] <Work^Seony> 제가 제작사 플레이 영상 링크 하나 드릴까요? [01:42] <jun__> 네 ㅎㅎ [01:42] <HolyKnight> 서니찡... [01:42] <HolyKnight> 플스하신다더니 위쳐하시려는군유 [01:43] <Work^Seony> 네 플스/엑박으로도 위쳐 나오는데요 [01:43] <HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ [01:44] <Work^Seony> jun__, [01:48] <Work^Seony> 이번 위쳐는 맵 크기만해도 엘더스크롤보다 더 크고, 플탐도 최소 200시간 이상이라네요.. [01:51] <AutoWiZ_znc> 와우 [01:52] <AutoWiZ_znc> 엄청나군요 오큘러스리프트 끼고 하면 완전 하악하악 [01:52] <AutoWiZ_znc> 빠져들거 같아요 [01:52] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ [01:52] <Work^Seony> 그래서 무지 기대 중이에요 [01:55] <PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~~ [01:55] <Work^Seony> 근데... 출시하려면 아직 한 달이나 남았어요 ㅎㅎ [01:55] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [01:55] <HolyKnight> 어? [01:55] <HolyKnight> Vr기어와도 [01:55] <HolyKnight> 호환되나유? [01:55] <Work^Seony> 안되죠 [01:55] <HolyKnight> 위쳐 [01:55] <HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ [01:55] <HolyKnight> 본좌또... [01:55] <HolyKnight> 되는줄.... ㅎㅎ [01:56] <Work^Seony> 암튼 달력에 위쳐3 출시일 저장해놨습니다 ㅋ [01:56] <Work^Seony> 하루 휴가 낼 거에요 ㅎㅎ [01:56] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그럼 온라인으로 사시는건가요? [01:57] <Work^Seony> 네 다운로드 판요. [01:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 세상은 변해가는거지요 아아 [01:57] <Work^Seony> 씨디판은 장점도 있지만 단점도 있어요 [01:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 꾸깃꾸시 천원짜리 몇장으로 게임 살때도 있었는데 [01:57] <Work^Seony> 장점은, 실물을 소유한다는 점에서 기분이 좋지만, [01:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 미디어 손상가면 플레이가 힘들어지는 [01:58] <Work^Seony> 단점은, 씨디가 안읽히면 플레이가 안되고, [01:58] <Work^Seony> 또한 도난 등의 이유로 씨디가 없어지면 플레이가 안되죠... [01:58] <Work^Seony> 근데 제가 다운로드판을 사는 이유는, 국가에 관계없이 한글이 나와요... [01:58] <AutoWiZ_znc> 둘다 해주는곳은 없을까요? [01:58] <Work^Seony> 플스는 정책이 달라서 안그렇지만, 엑스박스의 경우는 어느 나라를 가던간에 한글판이 출시된 게임이면 무조건 한글로 게임할 수가 있습니다 [01:58] <AutoWiZ_znc> 소유도 하고싶고 온라인 서비스도 받고 싶은게 재 마음인데 [01:59] <AutoWiZ_znc> 제 [01:59] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ 중고거래 때문에 둘 다 가능하게 하는건 어렵지않나 싶어요 [02:00] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아 그런 부분이 있군요.. [02:00] <Work^Seony> 전 뭐 그런건 상관없습니다. 한글판으로 게임만 할 수 있음 되요 ㅎㅎ [02:11] <HolyKnight> 한글로도 [02:11] <HolyKnight> 나오나유 [02:11] <Work^Seony> 네 [02:17] <AutoWiZ_znc> 앉아있는시간이 많아서인지 자꾸 다리가 붓네요 , 발못도 24시간 부어있는거 같고 [02:17] <AutoWiZ_znc> 발목 [02:18] <AutoWiZ_znc> 누워서 일을 해야 하나 봅니다 ㅋㅋ [02:18] <Work^Seony> 서서일하는 책상 하나 사달라고 하세요 ㅎㅎ [02:18] <AutoWiZ_znc> 서서하면 더 힘들거 같은데요 ㅋㅋ [02:18] <Work^Seony> 종종 서서 일하면 더 좋아요 [02:19] <Work^Seony> 리누스 토발즈 인터뷰 나온거 못보셨군요 ㅎㅎ [02:19] <Work^Seony> 그 사람은 위아래로 움직이는 책상에 아예 러닝머신까지 달았어요 [02:22] <AutoWiZ_znc> 예 종종 서서 일하긴 하지요 앉아있기 지루할때. [02:33] <razGon_Xch2> 좋은 생각인데요? 저도 사야 겟습니다. [02:33] <razGon_Xch2> 이케아에 있는 거 같은데. [02:35] <PotatoGim> 저도 서서 일하다 앉아서 일하다 하는데 [02:35] <PotatoGim> 그냥 탁상 하나 가져다 놓고 써보셔도 괜찮아요? [02:35] <PotatoGim> ?(X) -> ~ [02:36] <PotatoGim> 하루종일 서있으면 무릎이 아픈게 흠이다만..ㅜ [02:36] <Work^Seony> 요즘 이 동네는, 버튼만 누르면 왱 하고 모터가 움직이는 자동책상이 있는데, 무지 비싸요 [02:37] <PotatoGim> 저도 그거 알아봤다가 가격보고 놀라서... [02:37] <PotatoGim> 엄두가 안나더라구요; [02:37] <PotatoGim> 그래서 이왕 몸을 좀 고생시키려고 하는거니까.. 탁상 올렸다가 내렸다가하는 수고를 감내하자.. 라는 생각으로 [02:38] <PotatoGim> 수동 높이 조절...ㅡㅡ; [02:38] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ [02:38] <PotatoGim> 대신 모니터를 벽에 암으로 박아버렸죠 ㅎㅎ [02:41] <razGon_Xch2> [02:41] <razGon_Xch2> 자세에 따른 허리가 받는 압력입니다. [02:42] <razGon_Xch2> 가장 좋은 자세는 누워서 다리 구부리고 있기. [02:42] <razGon_Xch2> 이런 자세를 기반으로 일하는 킷트를 만드는 것도 하나의 아이디어 일거 같아요.ㅋ [02:43] <razGon_Xch2> 의자인데. 누워서 자판 치면서 화면 보는.ㅋ [02:43] <razGon_Xch2> 문제는 작업하면서 자버리는..ㅋㅋ [02:43] <razGon_Xch2> 허리건강과 함께 수면건강까지 챙기는.ㅋㅋ [02:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그냥 서면 80 이군요 음... [02:58] <AutoWiZ_znc> 어꾸로메달아놓고 일 시키는건 아닐까요? ㅠㅠ [02:58] <AutoWiZ_znc> 어꾸 -> 거꾸 [05:41] <Seony> 왕좌의 게임의 타이윈 라니스터가 위쳐3 목소리를 연기했는데, 카리스마가 정말 쩔어주네요 [05:41] <Seony> [07:24] <AutoWiZ_znc> 목소리 좋은사람 많이 부럽네요 ㅋㅋ [07:25] <AutoWiZ_znc> 뭐 저는 목소리가 조금은 컴플렉스라서 컴에만 더 빠져들었는지도 [07:25] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그래서 여기까지 왔는지도 모르겠습니다만 ㅎ [07:27] <jun__> 저도 목소리가 약간 비열한 느낌의 미성인지라... 목소리 좋은 사람 부럽습니다...ㅎㅎㅎ [08:17] <HolyKnight> @where_gm: 일본 여행 꿀팁 [08:17] <HolyKnight> : 무조건 일본어 잘하는 사람이랑 같이 가셈 [08:17] <HolyKnight> 영어잘하는거 쥐뿔 소용도 없음 [08:17] <HolyKnight> 영어로 물어봐도 10명중에 9명은 일본어로 대답해줌 [08:28] <pchero_work> 동감... [08:39] <jun__> 우리나라를 떠본적이 없어서... 공감을 할수가 없네요;;; [08:39] <jun__> ㅜㅜ [08:44] <Seony> samahui_WS: 이번에 태블릿용으로 하스스톤 나왔길래, 와이프 아이패드에 깔아주고 해보라고 했더니, "나 이거 폐인될거 같아" 그러네요 ㅋㅋ [08:50] <jun__> 전 카드게임을 잘 안하는지라;;;; 어렵던데요;; [08:51] <pchero_work> 맞아요. 하스스톤 은근히 잼나던데요. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ [08:52] <ircCloud^Seony> 와이프 오늘 밤 샐거래요 ㅋ [08:52] <ircCloud^Seony> 아예 컴퓨터에 깔아달라네요 [08:53] <samahui_WS> ㅎㅎ 하스스톤 재미있죠 [08:54] <ircCloud^Seony> 지금 컴퓨터로 하고있는데, 아이패드 충전시켜달래요. 밤 새야한다고 ㅋㅋ [08:55] <samahui_WS> 저도 처음할때에는 노트북에 깔고 일하는 중간중간 하루 종일 했었죠 ㅎㅎ [08:56] <ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎ [08:56] <samahui_WS> 한게임 딱 하고 일하기 좋아서 깐건데 하다보면 계속 하고 있는 본인을 발견하실겁니다 [08:57] <ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ 그렇군요 [08:57] <ircCloud^Seony> 제 사무실 데탑은 리눅스라,.. [09:00] <samahui_WS> 사양만 괜찮은 컴이면 윈도우 VB로 돌려서 하는 방법도 있죠 ㅎㅎ [09:01] <ircCloud^Seony> 아 하긴 사양을 덜 타는군요 ㅎㅎ [09:01] <samahui_WS> 네 [09:01] <samahui_WS> 사양 낮은것도 나름 매력이죠 [09:02] <cartes9> -> [09:02] <ircCloud^Seony> 리그베다 위키 보니까, 하스스톤이 문제점이 없진않군요 [09:02] <cartes9> 이렇게 이메일이 패싱될려면 어떻게 하면 되나요? [09:03] <ircCloud^Seony> 이메일 포워딩 해야죠 [09:03] <cartes9> 어떻게 하는거에요? [09:03] <ircCloud^Seony> 글쎄요 ㅎㅎ 구글링해보세요 [09:04] <cartes9> 아 답답; [09:04] <cartes9> 그럴려면 이렇게 안여쭈어봤죠; [09:04] <cartes9> 안해본게 아니에요 [09:05] <samahui_WS> 구글에서 sendmail로 검색해보세요 [09:09] <samahui_WS> 흠... 조금 검색해보면 다 나오는데 요령이 좀 부족하시군요 [09:09] <samahui_WS> 아... 나가셨네요 [09:11] <ircCloud^Seony> 메일 포워딩은, 일반 사무직 직원들도 잘 쓰는건데... [09:13] <samahui_WS> ㅎㅎ [09:13] <samahui_WS> .forward만 보내고 싶은 계정에 만들어주는 간단함이죠 [09:14] <samahui_WS> 점점 졸리네요 [09:14] <samahui_WS> 요즘 아기가 자끄 새벽에 일어나서 놀아달라고 소리질러요 ㅎㅎ; [09:14] <ircCloud^Seony> 이제 소리지를 시기군요 [09:14] <samahui_WS> 그냥 일어나서 우는게 아니라 일어나서 굴러댕기면서 손으로 찌르고 놀아달라고 꽥~ 소리지른 다음에 깨서 놀라서 쳐다보면 꺄르르 웃는데 귀엽긴 한데 너무 힘들어요 [09:15] <samahui_WS> 요즘 애기가 굴러댕겨서 침대 에서 바닦으로 내려와서 자고 있어요 ㅎㅎ;; [09:15] <samahui_WS> 함참 소리지르네요 [09:15] <samahui_WS> 한참을 그렇게 소리지르고 놀다가 안놀아주고 안일어나면 그때서야 울어요 ㅎㅎ;; [09:15] <ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 한창 귀여울 때겠네요 [09:16] <samahui_WS> 이제 조금 더 있으면 기어 댕기고 걷기 시작하고 하겠죠... 점점 감시의 눈길이 필요해집니다 ㅎㅎ;; [09:24] <samahui_WS> 구글 지구의날 나는 어떤 동물인가요? 에서 대왕오징어가 나오는군요 [09:33] <samahui_WS> 퇴근들 잘하시고 즐거운 저녁시간들 되세요~ [09:33] <samahui_WS> 밥먹고 올께요~ [16:05] <PotatoGim^Home> 두둥 [16:21] <samahui_> 뒤뚱 [16:21] <samahui_> 저녁을 미국빈대떡으로 해치웠더니 속이 미슥거리는군요 [16:21] <samahui_> 슬슬 들어가봐야겠습니다 [16:21] <samahui_> 즐거운 밤시간들 보내세요! [16:36] <razGon_Xch2> 아직 안들어가셧군요. [16:36] <PotatoGim^Home> ㅎㅎ 저도 휫자와 핫윙으로 달렸더니 속이 더부룩... 안녕히가세요~~ [16:37] <razGon_Xch2> ㅎㅎㅎ [16:41] <PotatoGim^Home> 에고.. 오늘까지 논문 발표 자료를 제출해야 하는데 제일 중요한 부분에 대한 슬라이드를 못 만들었네요..ㅜ [18:15] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [23:25] <Work^Seony> 좀 늦었지만, 이거 대박 웃기네요 [23:27] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AutoWiZ_znc", "HolyKnight", "PotatoGim", "PotatoGim^Home", "Seony", "Work^Seony", "cartes9", "imsu", "ircCloud^Seony", "jun__", "pchero_work", "razGon_Xch2", "samahui_", "samahui_WS" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[03:03] <jderose> is it expected that when doing a vivid encrypted home folder install (ecryptfs), grub should prompt you for a passphrase at boot? [03:03] <jderose> is this a regression, or have things just changed in terms of how the encrypted swap partition gets unlocked? [03:10] <cyphermox> jderose: no, I don't think you should get prompted on boot for anything when it's for an encrypted home folder. [03:11] <cyphermox> especially since that would break having multiple users with encrypted home folders, unless they shared a password for swap :P [03:12] <jderose> cyphermox: gotcha, thanks... looking into it now. this was from a System76 "golden imaged" installed under qemu in oem-mode... so seeing if it's an issue on normal installs [03:12] <cyphermox> I may be wrong though -- if it's not working you might want to make sure your image is up to date I guess? [03:12] <jderose> also noticed there were a number of packages marked as auto-removable after this too, so that might be related [03:16] <jderose> cyphermox: i could see entering the passphrase (potentially) making sense when resuming from suspend, but you're right that it really doesn't make sense when cold-booting a potentially multi-user system [03:18] <cyphermox> even if you resume, you have no guarantee the same user is trying to resume, again on a multi-user system [03:18] <jderose> yeah, true [03:18] <cyphermox> not that I expect multi-user to be such a common use case, but still :) [03:19] <jderose> hmm, didn't happen on a normal user install. might be related to my work-around for oem-config-gtk and friends not being installed after doing an oem-mode install [03:33] <jderose> seems like when i `sudo apt-get install ubiquity-frontend-gtk oem-config-gtk` to work around them being missing after doing an oem install from the latest daily iso, i might need to use --no-install-recommends... without it, some suspect looking packages are being drug in [03:36] <tyhicks> jderose: hey - just passing through but, no, there's nothing in Ubuntu proper that would cause you to be prompted at boot for an ecryptfs encrypted home directory [03:36] <jderose> yup, --no-install-recommends seems to solve it. likely there is an underlying bug here, but probably something that will (for most users, even oem install) resolve itself after the next iso build [03:37] <jderose> tyhicks: gotcha, thanks! [03:40] * jderose now tries a normal user bare-metal install... [03:49] <jderose> normal user install seems fine... no passphrase prompt from grub, no autoremove-able packages after the install completes [03:57] <tyhicks> good to hear [03:58] * tyhicks steps away [06:52] <flexiondotorg> Is world currently being rebuilt? [06:52] <elfy> doesn't appear to be so [06:53] <elfy> we did a rebuild a few ago it seems [06:53] <elfy> still got issues - though hardware does boot and shutdown properly [06:53] <flexiondotorg> flexiondotorg, OK, I'm going to kick a rebuild of Ubuntu MATE then. [06:53] <elfy> vbox fails miserably [06:53] <flexiondotorg> elfy, What issues are most pressing for you? [06:54] <elfy> kvm works as you boot the try from the first menu and not the fancy dialogue [06:54] <flexiondotorg> elfy, I'm aware of VBox falling in a heap on restart. I did some testing to pitti regarding that. [06:54] <flexiondotorg> elfy, That issue about trying a live session from the Ubiquity DM is still there? [06:55] <flexiondotorg> That is why I was going to rebuild, I thought that was fixed. [06:56] <elfy> kvm 32 bit works from the fancy dialogue, 64 bit in kvm from there fails to start desktop [06:56] <flexiondotorg> elfy, OK. Thanks. [06:56] <elfy> I'm not sure if the various fixes infinity was waiting for actually landed or not [06:56] * flexiondotorg is conflicted. Not sure if a rebuild is wise. [06:57] <elfy> well - it might be useful if you want to see if you get different fail points I suppose [06:57] <flexiondotorg> elfy, Just got to that place with my thinking. [06:57] * flexiondotorg is rebuilding. [06:59] <flexiondotorg> elfy, The powerpc testers has found bugs with partitioning in Ubiquity. Can you do some partitioning tests on x86 to see if this is a general issue? [06:59] <elfy> not now - my little window of checking stuff before work is almost closed - sorry [07:00] <flexiondotorg> elfy, OK. I'll try and do it later too :) [07:02] <elfy> flexiondotorg: actually - any sort of partitioning in live or a particular sort? [07:02] <flexiondotorg> [07:13] <elfy> flexiondotorg: looks ok - it's installing after resizing and creating new partition now [07:22] <elfy> well I guess pitti et all will carry on trying to fix this all [07:24] <pitti> I pretty much gave up on vbox [07:24] <elfy> mmm [07:25] <pitti> if you shut down X, the X driver leaves teh graphics cards in a broken state [07:25] <elfy> well I get fails in kvm too [07:25] <pitti> I only see these vertical stripes garbage, and that's it [07:25] <elfy> oh I don't get that - just some text sitting there :) [07:25] <pitti> that doesn't look like something we can fix today (and not me personally, I have no clue about X drivers) [07:26] <pitti> elfy: even with latest casper? [07:26] <elfy> I am at least positive about hardware - that works :) [07:26] <pitti> yep, we are testing real hardware and qemu here with every change [07:27] <elfy> pitti: no idea what casper it is - was expecting a global rebuild overnight - didn't appear to be one, we did a xubuntu one seemingly [07:27] <infinity> elfy: Yeah, global rebuild didn't happen because things ended up trapped in -proposed, and I'm waiting on a last PAM fix. [07:27] <elfy> pitti: well running xubuntu in kvm I get various results [07:27] <elfy> infinity: ack [07:27] <infinity> pitti: Any ideas about the ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts autopkgtest failure? [07:28] <pitti> infinity: not yet; I started a local run, I'll look at it first thing after breakfast [07:28] <pitti> infinity: it seems odd that it started failing on /sbin/initctl yesterday; perhaps a fallback path when the primary code path stopped working [07:29] <elfy> well - real life calls me off to work now - I'll catch up on the fun later [09:43] <flexiondotorg> pitti, I know you've decide to give fixing VirtualBox restarts a pass for 15.04. But what component is the bug actually in? Ubiquity, Casper, etc? [09:43] <flexiondotorg> pitti, I've had a bugs raised against Ubuntu MATE and I want to file it correctly. [09:48] <pitti> flexiondotorg: not sure, virtualbox-guest-x11 perhaps? but I figure we don't have that installed by default, I figure it falls back to some generic -vesa driver or whatever [09:49] <flexiondotorg> pitti, virtualbox-gues-x11 is not installed by default but the dkms moule is part of the kernel package now. [09:49] <flexiondotorg> pitti, This is the squashfs error I am refering too. [09:51] <pitti> flexiondotorg: for that I'd start with casper for now (we don't know the real reason yet, but it's a good place to start) [09:51] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Thanks. [10:02] <Odd_Bloke> I see that the new pam has hit vivid-proposed; when will it migrate? [10:14] <Odd_Bloke> infinity: ^ ? [10:14] <infinity> Odd_Bloke: Ideally soon. [10:48] <rbasak> Looks like the openssh dep8 test failed due to an unrelated timeout. [10:49] <rbasak> Ah, and already rerun and passed this time. Thanks. [10:56] <rbasak> Odd_Bloke: FYI, pam is in the release pocket now. [10:57] <Odd_Bloke> rbasak: Great, thanks! [10:58] <Odd_Bloke> Now we play the waiting (for mirrors) game. [11:11] <rbasak> Your image builds depend on mirrors? [11:15] <Odd_Bloke> We build the base image on the buildds, but then the rest happens on jerff which will hit the mirrors. [11:16] <rbasak> Oh. Waiting for mirrors for images to mirror, rather than for the new pam to mirror. I understand now. [11:58] <infinity> Rebuilding the world now. Hopefully these are final. [11:59] <elfy> infinity: I popped in from work at just exactly the right time to see what was happening it seems :) [12:42] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: ^-- This is the vbox upload that you should be able to merge entirely into Debian. [12:43] <Riddell> what's new in these images? [12:43] <infinity> Riddell: Depends on when your last one was. Diffing your manifests would help. [12:44] <infinity> Riddell: At the very least, there's a PAM fix, but might also be ubiquity and other bits. [12:44] * Riddell plays the pam pam tune on spotify [13:19] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Does the new virtualbox package fix this? -> [13:38] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Yes. [13:39] <flexiondotorg> Excellent. Will test. [13:39] <infinity> flexiondotorg: There will still be one "useless" item listed, but it will now let you install the x11 driver, which makes it all work. [13:39] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Great. Many thanks. [14:12] <LocutusOfBorg1> infinity, <3 [14:13] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: If you pull that into sid, we'll just sync it back to w-series and kill the ubuntu fork. [14:13] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: Should be Debian-friendly, I didn't do anything that would break non-Ubuntu. [14:14] <LocutusOfBorg1> you removed .gitattributes... weir [14:14] <LocutusOfBorg1> d [14:14] <LocutusOfBorg1> should I really drop it? [14:15] <LocutusOfBorg1> -changelog merge=dpkg-mergechangelogs [14:15] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: Oh, that's because I build with "dpkg-buildpackage -i -I", which excludes VCS files. [14:15] <LocutusOfBorg1> ack [14:18] <LocutusOfBorg1> [14:19] <LocutusOfBorg1> I gave you credits, I hope it is all ok [14:20] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: Looks good, though you didn't need to apply the gitattributes removal. Not that it matters to keep it either, I imagine. [14:20] <LocutusOfBorg1> [14:20] <LocutusOfBorg1> Already rebased and pushed :) [14:20] <LocutusOfBorg1> I noticed it while posting here [14:20] * LocutusOfBorg1 wonders if somebody will make him stop using push -f [14:21] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: Shiny. [14:25] <LocutusOfBorg1> infinity, do you plan to do the same for debian? [14:29] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: Which? Include the drivers in the kernel? Probably not. But my changes are harmless in that case. [14:29] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: The package layout is designed to prefer kernel-provided drivers if they're installed, and dkms if not, so it'll all Just Work. [14:35] <LocutusOfBorg1> yep I know, but having the module provided by the kernel for debian too will avoid many bug reports about problems in building [14:35] <LocutusOfBorg1> when different kernels are used [15:02] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: Yeah, would be a conversation to have with the Debian kernel team, but I think they prefer to stick closer to vanilla upstream. [15:03] <LocutusOfBorg1> so next question, what about asking vbox people to upstream their module? [15:20] <wxl> backlog suggests there's vm probs again? [15:21] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Do you anticipate that the rebuilds that ran earlier are the last spins before final? [15:22] <infinity> flexiondotorg: That's the hope. [15:25] <jderose> when using an encrypted home directory, is anyone getting prompted by a grub- esque dialog to unlock the cryptoswap prior to lightdm coming up? [15:26] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Great. Looking good for Ubuntu MATE so far :) [15:27] <flexiondotorg> jderose, I haven't got to the test case yet. [15:27] <flexiondotorg> jderose, Will feedback to you when I do. [15:29] <jderose> flexiondotorg: cool, thanks. it might be related to doing an oem insall, still trying to narrow it down. [15:31] <flexiondotorg> jderose, So oem install with encrpyted home is the test case? [15:32] <jderose> not using encrypted home directory during oem-mode install itself, but i'm setting it up during the frist-user-run-config [15:33] <flexiondotorg> jderose, Understood. [15:47] <Odd_Bloke> Is that unapproved isc-dhcp anything to worry about? [15:50] <infinity> Odd_Bloke: It'll be an SRU. [15:50] <rbasak> * debian/patches/dhcp-getifaddrs.patch: use getifaddrs [15:50] <rbasak> for getting nic addresses rather than /proc/net (LP: #1446767) [15:51] <rbasak> Odd_Bloke: to see unapproved stuff if you don't know about that already. [15:54] <Odd_Bloke> rbasak: Aha, thanks! [15:54] <Odd_Bloke> infinity: \o/ [15:58] <flexiondotorg> jderose, I've tested on i386 and amd64. I can't reproduce. [15:59] <jderose> flexiondotorg: i haven't been able to reproduce it doing a normal, manual install, so i think it's related to my image mastering tools [16:22] <flexiondotorg> jderose, What flavour BTW? [16:23] <jderose> flexiondotorg: ubuntu desktop [16:23] <flexiondotorg> jderose, OK. [16:24] <jderose> flexiondotorg: you're testing mate, correct? [16:24] <flexiondotorg> jderose, I am. But I just did some testing with stock Ubunut. Will try your test case on stock Ubuntu now. [16:26] <jderose> so far i've only been able to reproduce imaging from our imaging server. there are a number of things i do slightly differently than ubiquity, so it might be one of those differences. like we do gpt partitioning even when the drive is < 2TB [16:30] <flexiondotorg> jderose, imaging server? [16:31] <jderose> yeah, the imaging system that System76 uses. which i also wrote... so probably my goof :P [16:34] <flexiondotorg> jderose, Ah, so you work for System76? [16:34] <jderose> yup :) [16:34] <flexiondotorg> jderose, Nice :) [16:35] <flexiondotorg> jderose, Testsed stock Ubuntu. oem install, first boot encrypted home. All good. [16:37] <jderose> flexiondotorg: yeah, i had the same results. [16:43] <wxl> pitti: is there still another ubiquity fix coming? folks still complaining about bug 1445587 [16:44] <jderose> ah ha, seems like it's related to gpt partitioning. the only thing i changed was to make the imager use mbr partitioning, an now there are no problems [16:45] <jderose> pitti: are you aware of any issues with systemd + encrypted home directory + gpt partitioning? i see a message in syslog from systemd about the cryptoswap failing because of dependencies [16:45] <elfy> wxl: and are you completely sure they have latest image, there are still issues with vbox afaik also [16:46] <wxl> elfy: well they say 20150422.1, so… but yeah, it is vbox [16:47] <elfy> right - from what I've read in logs etc - vbox issue is an issue and will be tomorrow too [16:47] <elfy> but I'm just me obviously [16:47] <pitti> wxl: not right now; on hardware and qemu it seems working fairly well now [16:48] <wxl> pitti: elfy: well, the guy did reference vbox, so [16:48] <elfy> pitti: hardware works for me on both arch's, qemu seems ok, vb hard reboot still [16:48] <infinity> wxl: Yeah, it's still broken in virtualbox, and we're not going to be fixing that for release. [16:49] <teward> infinity: is a fix scheduled at some point? [16:49] <wxl> infinity: i'll request a new bug be filed [16:50] <wxl> teward: did you test recently with vmware? it would be nice to know if it's an issue [16:50] <infinity> teward: That would imply we know why vbox is sad. [16:50] <teward> wxl: not recently, i need an image, hence my asking in -quality if there's been a 'final image' available for download [16:50] <teward> (my prior VM exploded itself) [16:50] <wxl> teward: well we've had about a billion rebuilds, so based on history we may never have a final :) just go grab it! [16:51] <teward> heh [16:51] <pitti> jderose: not aware of that, no [16:51] <teward> wxl: which image, beta 2? [16:51] <teward> or current daily [16:51] <wxl> teward: vivid final. dailies are building currently. [16:51] <pitti> jderose: hang on -- that's ecryptfs, right? [16:51] <wxl> teward: and desktop! not alternate. i've got another issue with it i'm trying to track down at this time. [16:51] <jderose> pitti: i'm still digging into this, but as far as i can tell, it only happens when using gpt partitioning... with mbr partitioning, it works fine [16:51] <pitti> jderose: might that still be bug 953875? [16:52] <pitti> jderose: ok, something else then [16:52] <infinity> wxl: Nothing is building currently... [16:52] <wxl> infinity: well, that's what i meant. [16:52] <pitti> jderose: I have a hunch what's wrong -- maybe the gpt generator saw the underlying incomplete swap partition and tried to activate it [16:52] <teward> wxl: i'd need a link then for the final image, i don't have a link and i don't see one in standard locations. [16:52] <pitti> jderose: but journalctl appreciated [16:53] <wxl> teward: zsync i'm assuming? [16:53] <infinity> teward: Which flavour? [16:53] <teward> wxl: yes. [16:53] <teward> infinity: Lubuntu [16:53] <teward> although I need a zsync for Ubuntu Server as well [16:53] <wxl> teward: amd64? [16:53] <infinity> [16:53] <teward> infinity: thanks [16:53] <infinity> [16:53] <infinity> ie: where you'd expect. [16:53] <wxl> yeah what he said [16:53] <wxl> until we schedule another rebuild [16:53] <wxl> :)( [16:54] <teward> infinity: i didn't see the date folder when i went through [16:54] <teward> i blame browser cache [16:54] <jderose> pitti: i looked at /etc/fstab, /etc/crypttab, and they seem correct. happen to have instructions somewhere on how best to get you what you need with journalctl? [16:54] <pitti> jderose: do you actually have the intended cryptswap1 partition? [16:55] <jderose> yup [16:55] <pitti> jderose: just its output up to the point when it hangs would be useful [16:55] <pitti> jderose: ok, so the original bug got fixed I guess [16:55] <infinity> wxl: I have no intention of rebuilding anything, but if you need to break just lubuntu, that's your call. [16:55] <jderose> as far as i can tell, yes, but i don't know all the details of that bug [16:55] <wxl> infinity: i was kidding, dear :) [16:55] <infinity> wxl: We're at the point where any bugs found should just be SRUs and mentioned in release notes if they're annoying enough. [16:55] <teward> wxl: as soon as zsync pulls the image down i'll let you know and then go beat it with a stick :) [16:57] <jderose> pitti: oh, also, in case you didn't read back... this issue is that with gpt partitioning i get prompted by a grub-esque/debconf-esque dialog to enter my passphrase to unlock the cryptoswap, prior to lightdm coming up [16:58] <pitti> jderose: hm, that seems unusual; would you mind filing a bug with the defails how you installed, the logs, etc? [16:58] <jderose> so cryptoswap is working correctly, minus the unlock prompt that (afaik) should never be there [16:59] <pitti> need to disappear soon today, I'm afraid [16:59] <pitti> jderose: yeah, I suppose that [16:59] <jderose> yup, will do that shortly [16:59] <pitti> 's a /dev/urandom device [16:59] <pitti> ergo no password [16:59] <pitti> jderose: please attach fstab, crypttab, and output of sudo blkid [17:00] <jderose> k, will do after i isolate the steps to reproduce it a bit better [17:00] <teward> wxl: do you have the bug for the virtualbox issue you now want me to test on a VMware environment? In addition to the shutdown/restart of live bug that was just pinged to me in -quality [17:00] <teward> (I already have the shutdown/restart bug on screen) [17:00] <wxl> teward: that's the one actually [17:00] <teward> heh [17:01] <teward> wxl: specificity is golden, by the way :p [17:01] <teward> i'll check this as soon as zsync is done [17:01] * wxl moves over to -quality [17:01] <jamespage> why is oslo.db seeded in desktop and kubuntu? [17:01] * jamespage scratches his head [17:02] <jamespage> well it needs fixing [17:02] <infinity> jamespage: It's not on images. [17:02] <jamespage> infinity, good-oh [17:02] <infinity> jamespage: Just in supported, I assume due to build-deps or something. [17:02] <jamespage> righty [17:23] <slangasek> infinity: is it safe for me to do a sync-mirrors right now? (snappy pre-publications) [17:45] <slangasek> infinity, cjwatson: does regeneration of Task fields still require a non-null publication in the release pocket? [17:46] <cjwatson> slangasek: yes, though it can be something trivial like a section override [17:47] <cjwatson> slangasek: I did some work recently which would make that easier to fix, but not complete yet [17:47] <Riddell> meh my announce leaked onto the rss feed again, sorry :( [17:51] <slangasek> cjwatson: well I happen to have a package that I needed to let out of the unapproved queue, so this will do the trick [18:02] <slangasek> should autopkgtest be unblocked for release? [18:02] <slangasek> I guess it's a safe bet that libreoffice shouldn't ;P [18:18] <jderose> pitti: [18:18] <jderose> fyi, booting with init=/sbin/upstart seems to reliably work-around the problem [20:16] <kenvandine> please reject ubuntu-system-settings, that should have gone to the overlay ppa [20:17] <cyphermox> kenvandine: too late for that I think [20:17] <Ukikie> dput without dest? [20:17] <cyphermox> well, it's in proposed anyway [20:17] <kenvandine> right [20:17] <kenvandine> Ukikie, no, silo wasn't configured for the overlay ppa [20:17] <cjwatson> it can be removed from -proposed [20:18] * kenvandine is glad we have proposed :) [20:18] <cjwatson> can even be copied into the overlay ppa if you want [20:18] <cjwatson> (and if robru is happy with me doing that) [20:18] <kenvandine> cjwatson, i can fix it myself :) [20:18] <kenvandine> thx though [20:18] <robru> cjwatson: kenvandine oh just copying it to the overlay is the easiest thing... [20:18] <cjwatson> well, doing it via citrain entails rebuild+reupload [20:18] <cjwatson> copying way more efficient [20:18] <kenvandine> ok, please copy it :) [20:19] <robru> cjwatson: no need to rebuild, but it is a hassle to change the silo destination and republish [20:19] <cjwatson> ah right [20:19] <cjwatson> anyway, I'll copy+delete [20:19] <robru> cjwatson: yeah if you can copy it that's easiest, thanks a bunch! [20:19] <kenvandine> cjwatson, thanks! [20:19] <kenvandine> robru, i'll be sure to check that column from now on :) [20:20] <robru> kenvandine: thanks [20:20] <kenvandine> i'll go ahead an run the merge job [20:20] <cjwatson> copied and deleted [20:20] <kenvandine> thanks! [21:42] <slangasek> robru: so how did ubuntu-system-settings end up in vivid-proposed instead of the overlay ppa? Are there silos still missing a reconfigure? [21:42] <slangasek> cjwatson: does deleting ubuntu-system-settings from vivid-proposed prevent us from re-copying it to w-proposed from the overlay ppa when w opens? (Since we're meant to sync the lot from the overlay into w) [21:43] <robru> slangasek: because Ken assigned, built, and published the silo himself and he didn't configure for the overlay ppa. [21:44] <slangasek> robru: oh. which makes me realize, we haven't really talked through dual publications for stable-phone-overlay/vivid + w... we probably need to revisit that again [21:44] <cjwatson> slangasek: no [21:44] <cjwatson> slangasek: it's just like resurrecting a deletion using a copy-with-binaries, which we know we can do [21:44] <slangasek> robru: ok. can we make the overlay ppa the default target, please? At least so long as vivid is the default release [21:44] <slangasek> cjwatson: ok [21:44] <robru> slangasek: right, so we still have that dual publishing code, it's a little bit-rotty but it shouldn't be hard to resurrect [21:45] <slangasek> robru: I seem to recall that last time we were dual publishing, we still had some inconsistencies in how we were versioning packages etc [21:46] <slangasek> sorry, when I say "dual publishing" I don't mean just the publishing of one silo to two targets, but the general question of making sure the changes land in both places [21:46] <robru> slangasek: i don't think so? I remember working on the version-mangling code... It injected "~utopic" at the time so the version numbers matched but utopic was always lower [21:47] <slangasek> robru: anyway, it occurs to me that even if we don't want it today, after tomorrow we /do/ want all uploads to the overlay ppa to also land in w-proposed [21:47] <slangasek> at least initially [21:48] <robru> slangasek: the problem is the spreadsheet. I'm not sure i can make cells default to non-blank, and even if i can, it wouldn't distinguish between vivid or others. [21:48] <robru> Eg rtm would also default to overlay, which would explode [21:49] <slangasek> robru: we could change the meaning of an empty cell, and require an explicit 'ubuntu' target to override? [21:50] <robru> slangasek: more spreadsheet code? :-/ [21:50] <slangasek> robru: hmm is that where the code for this lives? well [21:50] <slangasek> robru: let's not worry about it just yet then, maybe kenvandine was a one-off ;) [21:51] <robru> slangasek: well, Jenkins defines "empty dest PPA" to mean Ubuntu archive... [21:51] <slangasek> robru: right, so you could change the definition on the jenkins side instead of on the spreadsheet? [21:51] <robru> slangasek: just would get ugly quick to change it, corner cases etc. [21:51] <robru> slangasek: Hmmmmmmm i suppose. [21:52] <robru> slangasek: i don't think it's necessary, rsalveti already knows, so do mirv and sil and i... Now ken knows, not many other people assign silos [21:53] <robru> slangasek: is it OK to wait and see if it happens again? [21:54] <slangasek> robru: sure [21:54] <robru> slangasek: great, thanks. I can focus on spreadsheet replacement ;-) [23:01] <slangasek> infinity: ill-timed ping [23:02] <slangasek> infinity: ubuntu-core needs an upload of livecd-rootfs to fix a hook that's forcibly removing python from the images. The only change is to an ubuntu-core-specific hook. Can I squeeze this into the archive under the wire, or should I upload it only to the ubuntu-core image ppa? [23:13] <slangasek> infinity: ^^ fyi, self-accepting into -proposed but not unblocking; I'll leave that to your judgement
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "LocutusOfBorg1", "Odd_Bloke", "Riddell", "Ukikie", "cjwatson", "cyphermox", "elfy", "flexiondotorg", "infinity", "jamespage", "jderose", "kenvandine", "pitti", "rbasak", "robru", "slangasek", "teward", "tyhicks", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-release" }
[03:41] <micahg> Rhonda: feel free to request a backport from trusty to precise to update precise-backports, I can process it once it's tested [03:41] <micahg> for wesnoth-1.10 [05:25] <Rhonda> micahg: For those I'll have to check the font package renaming thing, but yeah. [05:26] <Rhonda> Wait. [05:27] <Rhonda> micahg: No need, there is the fixed version which went in through SRU? [05:27] <Rhonda> Or do you mean 1.12? [05:29] <micahg> 1.10.5 is in backports [05:30] <micahg> if someone does the run tests, I can backport 1.10.7 from trusty-updates with the patches [05:30] <Rhonda> Hmm. Why don't I see it on [05:30] <micahg> does that have backports? [05:31] <Rhonda> See [05:31] <Rhonda> Maybe I fumbled and don't display precise-backports … >.> [05:31] <Rhonda> I'll check later then. [05:31] <micahg> oh, haha, source only, weird [05:32] <Rhonda> uh? [05:32] <micahg> [05:32] <micahg> I'm at a loss, haven't seen that [05:33] <micahg> *before [05:33] <Rhonda> Do we have a new codename now? [05:35] <micahg> I haven't seen one yet [05:37] <Unit193> Nope. [07:11] <dholbach> good morning
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Rhonda", "Unit193", "dholbach", "micahg" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-motu" }
[16:32] <user6997> hello folks, is it safe to install the icon pack from here: on debian? [16:33] <user6997> 'cause the fellas on the debian irc say it's not [16:34] <wxl> user6997: and what reason do they have for that? [16:35] <user6997> wxl, they just said it was a bad idea and didn't elaborate. [16:36] <wxl> user6997: then i'd probably ignore them. [16:36] <user6997> ok, so I should be good then? [16:36] <wxl> user6997: i don't see any reason why not. are you using debian? [16:37] <user6997> wxl, indeed I am. [16:37] <wxl> user6997: and the blog says any debian based system would work, no? [16:38] <user6997> wxl, indeed it does, however the debian folks were telling me that installing a ppa could break things [16:39] <wxl> user6997: of course they could. that's always a risk. [16:39] <wxl> user6997: that's a risk on any ppa on any system [16:39] <wxl> user6997: but with artwork? i doubt it will have any significant, earth-shattering effect even if it did break something. [16:39] <user6997> wxl, but this is just icons though [16:39] <user6997> and a themne [16:40] <wxl> user6997: exactly, carry on :) [16:40] <user6997> wxl, thank you good sir [16:40] <wxl> user6997: my concern is that it won't work because it doesn't reference debian codenames [16:41] <user6997> wxl, how would I check weather or not it worked? [16:41] <wxl> user6997: because it will say it installed something :) [16:42] <user6997> it says gpg: imported: 1 [16:43] <wxl> user6997: try sudo apt-get -y install lubuntu-artwork [16:43] <wxl> it shouldn't work [16:43] <wxl> instead you should just download the icons and theme [16:44] <user6997> unable to locate :( [16:44] <wxl> user6997: unable to locate the download? [16:45] <user6997> wxl unable to locate with sudo apt-get -y install lubuntu-artwork [16:46] <wxl> user6997: which relates to my comment about the debian codenames not being used. just download the icons and theme and manually install. [16:46] <user6997> wxl, how do i install it with the tar.gz? [16:46] <user6997> I don't usually use that kind of package [16:47] <wxl> user6997: well, download, unzip and use obconf or whatever [16:47] <Eliz> Just download the deb and install it with dpkg would work alright no? [16:47] <wxl> Eliz: naw, still no reference to debian. [16:47] <Eliz> Mmm I'll have to toy with that idea later. [16:47] <user6997> wxl what is obconf? [16:48] <wxl> user6997: open box configuration [16:48] <wxl> user6997: you could always ask the debian guys to tell you how to do it given the fact you have a theme and icons [16:49] <user6997> wxl, true. [16:55] <ianorlin> also lxappearnce has some options for installing it
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Eliz", "ianorlin", "user6997", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[02:12] <Ashiren> 1st [06:37] <jacekowski> 1st [07:01] <m477> jakie st [09:27] <sharv> Witam [09:28] <Ashiren> dobry wieczor [09:28] <TheNumb> zainstaluj archa [09:29] <sharv> Miałem ale zaczął mnie wkurzać [09:41] <xaxes`> TheNumb: czemu teraz arch? :D [09:41] <xaxes`> i co z voidem, czy jak to sie tam nazywalo [09:44] <sharv> Był ktoś z tąd na dwo w Bielsku-Białej [09:44] <slaweq> xaxes`: dlaczego arch cię wkurza? [09:44] <xaxes`> slaweq: chxiales napisac do sharva [09:45] <slaweq> sorry, faktycznie :) [09:45] <sharv> Często ma problemy z repo np instalacja dhcpd problem z pgp przez 4 dni [09:45] <slaweq> hmm, ja mam od ok. 2 lat u siebie archa i nie miałem takich problemów nigdy [09:46] <slaweq> używam tylko oficjalnych repo, żadnych testing czy takich tam i działa pięknie [09:46] <TheNumb> slaweq: bo nie używasz gpg [09:46] <TheNumb> było zjebane jakiś czas temu [09:46] <TheNumb> ;x [09:46] <slaweq> być może [09:46] <sharv> I na mojej karcie graficznej mam problemy z waylanden [09:46] <slaweq> ok, tak pytałem tylko z ciekawości [09:46] <TheNumb> xaxes`: void to gówno. [09:46] <TheNumb> xaxes`: pytaj szkszypa [09:46] <TheNumb> :D [09:47] <sharv> Przerzucillem się na Fedore i na razie jestem zadowolony [09:48] <sharv> Tylko yum jest wadą , yum remove potrzebuje internetu [09:49] <sharv> Nie wiem po co [10:07] <TheNumb> shpaq: [10:08] <TheNumb> nie, nie szpaq [10:08] <TheNumb> ;f [11:16] <shpaq> TheNumb: what? [11:16] <TheNumb> tabfail :< [11:16] <shpaq> ;/ [11:16] <shpaq> lepiej niż lajffail [14:54] <haruto> Hi [14:54] <haruto> Jaki program do cięcia video byłby dobry, chcę wyciąc kilka minut z mp4 [14:58] <DaZ> ffmpeg [14:58] <DaZ> [cool] [15:00] <haruto> Chcę wyciąc od 4 minuty do 6 minuty i to wycięte zapisać jako osobny plik [15:00] <haruto> Kiedyś obił mi się o uszy taki program kde coś tam do edycji video [15:07] <BlessJah> [15:07] <BlessJah> któryś z tych [15:08] <haruto> thx [15:18] <haruto> Zobaczę kdenlive [15:21] <BlessJah> dawno temu, kiedy go probowalem bywalo niestabilne podczas renderowania [15:21] <BlessJah> byc moze zmienilo sie cos [15:24] <haruto> Jedynie konsola jest stabilna xd [15:25] <haruto> Jakby dało się dać np, w konsoli tekst w stylu wyznaczenia czasu od do który ma być wycięty i zapisany jako x plik byłoby ok [15:30] <TheNumb> BlessJah: jest nowa wersja kdenlive [15:30] <TheNumb> sporo poprawili, przy okazji przeportowali na kde frameworks [15:30] <haruto> Ta nowa wersja sypie bugami [15:31] <TheNumb> haruto: u mnie działa [15:31] <TheNumb> haruto: mowa o kdenlive 15.04? [15:31] <haruto> 5.9.0 [15:32] <TheNumb> hę? [15:32] <TheNumb> nie ma takiej wersji [15:32] <TheNumb> 5.9.0 to są frameworki [15:32] <haruto> Wersja 15.04.0 [15:32] <haruto> Użyto Szkieletów KDE 5.9.0 [15:32] <TheNumb> no, to już lepiej [15:33] <TheNumb> haruto: a distro? [15:33] <TheNumb> jak jak parch to śmiechnę [15:33] <TheNumb> testowałem aplikacje jak były w kde-unstable i były bardzo unstable [15:33] <TheNumb> coś spieprzyli przy paczkowaniu [15:33] <haruto> Gnomeubuntu [15:35] <TheNumb> cóż, bywa :) [15:35] <TheNumb> haruto: jakie błędy? [15:35] <haruto> Pokaz slajdów w podglądzie video zamiast filmu [15:35] <TheNumb> nie mam tego :( [15:36] <haruto> Czym by tu wyciął te 2 minuty nagrania i zapisał osobno hmm [17:17] <drathir> o avidemux to zawsze kazdy zapomina ;p [19:50] <gjm> Ashiren:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ashiren", "BlessJah", "DaZ", "TheNumb", "drathir", "gjm", "haruto", "jacekowski", "m477", "sharv", "shpaq", "slaweq", "xaxes`" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[11:29] <faust> hi [11:29] <faust> I'm trying to find a reliable way to check the gpg sign of the "linux" source package [11:30] <faust> it seems that the current version (on trusty) is signed by Adam Conrad [11:30] <faust> shoul I assume that it is always signed by him? [11:36] <jpds> faust: No. [11:40] <faust> jpds: verifying against debian-maintainers.gpg will always work? [11:48] <faust> the answer is "No" I guess... [11:49] <faust> so how do I fetch all the relevant keys? [12:01] <infinity> faust: Ideally, the trust path should be Releases.gpg -> Packages/Sources -> .deb/.dsc, which allows you to ignore the sig on the .dsc entirely. [12:01] <infinity> faust: Otherwise, you'd need to grab every key used to sign every .dsc [12:04] <faust> infinity: I understand, so I assume that "apt-get source" checks Releases.gpg already and I can ignore its error about missing gpg keys, correct? [12:04] <infinity> faust: Right. [12:04] <faust> infinity: thank you very much [12:04] <faust> jpds: thank you too for your time [12:05] <infinity> faust: apt-get isn't warning about missing keys (its trust path is sane), it's dpkg-source -x that's whining, because it has no way of knowing how you got the .dsc file. [12:05] <faust> infinity: thanks for the clarification [16:57] <luxermin> hi [16:57] <luxermin> How to install the patch in the new kernel linux-4.0 ?? [16:57] <luxermin> I use "patch -p0 patch-4.0" [16:57] <luxermin> ? [17:28] <shudon> hi all :) interesting behavior in 14.04 [17:28] <shudon> [17:44] <shudon> ok i umounted all my bind mounts to dev, dev/pts, and proc, which were bound to my upperdir/foo [17:44] <shudon> and bind mounted them in the overlay mount point itself instead, and now it works properly :) [18:29] <strikov> Hi smb! Do you know anything about nested iommu? I'm trying to understand if it's theoretically possible to use iommu-based things like vfio inside the vm or not? [18:39] <smb> strikov, Not from the top of my head, sorry. [18:39] <strikov> smb: np, thanks! [20:12] <nuno> Hello I'm having some doubts related to the tool iperf [20:14] <nuno> When I issue an iperf command towards a server and both tcp window are very low (2.3kbyte) I get the bandwidth at each second still at 90 Mbps [20:15] <nuno> I can't 'see' the tcp slow start happening. Is this normal ?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "faust", "infinity", "jpds", "luxermin", "nuno", "shudon", "smb", "strikov" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-kernel" }
[01:52] <ianorlin> wxl hmm still no word on respins [04:18] <wxl> ianorlin: do you think i should trigger them again? [04:18] <ianorlin> hmm not sure will look at packages [05:48] <wxl> weird [05:49] <wxl> just installed an i386 alternate 20150420.1 in qemu and i got the nasty bug again [05:49] <wxl> the bootup one that was supposedly solved in ubiquity [05:50] <wxl> i just installed one today and no problem weird [05:50] <wxl> only that was virtualbox [05:52] <wxl> ianorlin: when you get a chance, want to check it out with qemu/kvm? [05:52] <Unit193> wxl: Alternate != Ubiquity. [05:53] <wxl> Unit193: i KNOW. same symptoms though. there was some theory about it being systemd related [05:53] <Unit193> There was a casper upload. [05:53] <wxl> when? [05:54] <Unit193> [10:50:45] queuebot:#ubuntu-release: Unapproved: casper (vivid-proposed/main) [1.359 => 1.360] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server) [05:54] <wxl> oh jeez i'm tired [05:54] <wxl> i'm wrong [05:54] <wxl> i think [05:54] <wxl> too many bugs this time argh :( [05:55] <Unit193> 2 days... [05:55] <wxl> i know :( [05:56] <wxl> weird i might have to make a new bug [05:56] * wxl sighs [05:56] <wxl> or maybe just call it on this one [05:56] <wxl> i'm going to bed :) [16:52] <ianorlin> wxl yep kvm works and doesn't have restart now problem [17:20] <wxl> bug 1434774 [17:29] <wxl> gsilva: i updated the release notes with known bugs [17:31] <gsilva> thanks, wxl [17:31] <wxl> gsilva: i'm pretty sure that's it [17:31] <wxl> gsilva: let me know if you need anything else [17:32] <gsilva> I'll take a look tonight and email you if there's anything missing [17:33] <wxl> gsilva: sorry for taking so long [17:33] <gsilva> Na, don't worry [17:33] <gsilva> I know it has been really tough for you guys [17:36] <wxl> gsilva: it's really nice to have you around helping. in the past, i've had to go through all the qa/bug hunting stuff and then do all the wikis myself. so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU [17:40] <gsilva> I haven't done anything so far except preparing the pages for you guys to put sutff [17:40] <gsilva> that isn't much :) [17:43] <wxl> gsilva: yes, but if you didn't do it, i probably would have to :) [17:43] <gsilva> No worries, I got your back :D [17:45] <wxl> oops forgot one [17:45] <wxl> an important one, too! [17:46] <gsilva> one favour I need to ask someone: Can you confirm if the links are correct in GetLubuntu+1? [17:47] <gsilva> If not, just mail me links and I'll swap them tonight, so that I just need to copy stuff over tomorrow morning [17:49] <wxl> gsilva: could you give me the full link? [17:49] <gsilva> 1 sec [17:50] <gsilva> [17:51] <ianorlin> hmm almost done the live session for amd64 [17:51] <wxl> ianorlin: are you sure that window decoration bug only affects that particular hardware? [17:51] <wxl> gsilva: ReleaseNotes [17:52] <ianorlin> doesn't effect my laptop or any other hardware I have [17:52] <ianorlin> or a vm in kvm [17:52] <wxl> gsilva: KnownIssues [17:52] <ianorlin> I don't think it affected virtualbox either [17:52] <ianorlin> it also doesn't effect that hardware in the live session [17:52] <wxl> ianorlin: did you have the reboot now problem in virtualbox? [17:52] <wxl> (you should have) [17:53] <wxl> gsilva: PPC should be commented out [17:53] <wxl> gsilva: and change the standard pc links to 15.04 from 14.10 [17:54] <wxl> ianorlin: if i were you, i'd post that up to the list and see if you can get someone else to confirm on their hardware [17:54] <wxl> ianorlin: hold on though [17:54] <wxl> ianorlin: actually i'd check to see if other images have the same problem [17:55] <wxl> ianorlin: if other ones have the same problem, i'd post to ubuntu-quality. if it's only lubuntu, post to lubuntu-qa and then we'll have some digging to do. [17:57] <ianorlin> wxl understood [18:18] <ianorlin> I can't reproduce it in xubuntu and I don't get the problem on my laptop [18:20] <wxl> aw that stinks [18:20] <wxl> might be an artwork problem [18:23] <ianorlin> wxl as in this means I think that the session when setting up install from the menu might not be right [18:23] <wxl> yeah [18:58] <ianorlin> grr still having toucpad problems on my mom laptop but don't want to mess with her partitions and only 2 usb ports so if I try to install from usb only have 1 for a mouse or external hard disc [18:58] <gsilva> wxl, by PPC you mean PowerPC System? [18:59] <ianorlin> so hard ot install to an external and have it not effect stuff [19:01] <wxl> ianorlin: is that a hardware or software problem? :) [19:01] <wxl> gsilva: yes [19:03] <gsilva> I'll insert that between comments, letting future contributors that the system is already there if they need it [19:03] <gsilva> But should I keep it as it is for 14.10 and write something like "PPC is not available for Lubuntu 15.04"? [19:04] <wxl> gsilva: yes the latter. like in the release notes it says ppc is lts only [19:05] <gsilva> done [19:05] <gsilva> and ready [19:05] <wxl> yay [19:05] <wxl> thank you sir :) [19:06] <gsilva> wxl, when do you think I should start moving pages? At midnight or should I wait for tomorrow? [19:06] <gsilva> (off to dinner, be back in 2 hours or so) [19:06] <wxl> gsilva: once release team says we're good to go [19:07] <ianorlin> wxl the touchpad works with 14.04 with unity so I think it is a a software problem with that particular hardware [19:08] <wxl> ianorlin: oh so you were testing 15.04 lubuntu on there? [19:08] <ianorlin> yeah and I am gald acecipher left his mini keyboard with touchpad here when I put that in one usb port the touchpad worked [19:09] <wxl> weird [19:09] <wxl> might be good to compare what drivers they're both using [19:11] <ianorlin> altohugh I wished manual partitioning on ubiquity worked without using the mouse as it seems almost everything else would work [19:11] <wxl> huh that's interesting [19:11] <wxl> seems like a bug if you ask me [19:11] <wxl> making things accessible should not be a feature request :) [19:12] <ianorlin> seeing as low vison people or people with poor motor skills can have trouble with a mouse [19:13] <wxl> exactly my thought [19:14] <ianorlin> not sure a fix can come out for vivid though [19:14] <wxl> yeah i think that's got a cold chance in hell [19:14] <ianorlin> um ok this is really wierd I was able to get no window decorations with intel graphics If I reboot my computer than go into the installer on my laptop but from all the way off the window decoratoins show up [19:15] <wxl> that's super weird [19:24] <krytarik> gsilva: These are still linking to the 14.04.1 files, rather than 14.04.2: [19:29] <wxl> well it's official: LSC has had that same problem with not being able to find packages as far back as Precise!!!! [19:30] <ianorlin> wxl do you think it is worth my time seeing if the touchpad can work if I boot off the external hard drive with my mom laptop to see if it would affect an installed system? [19:30] <wxl> ianorlin: yeah i definitely think os [19:39] <ianorlin> um wth it works in the installed version ok this gets even weirder [19:46] <wxl> hahahah [19:47] <wxl> ianorlin: sounds like a ubiquity only problem. [19:53] <wxl> !search software-center [19:53] <Unit193> !find software-center [19:54] <wxl> does xubuntu use synaptic or do they have their own store thing? [19:54] <ianorlin> the use the ubuntu software center [19:54] <Unit193> wxl: No. software-center. [19:56] <wxl> thx Unit193 :) [20:31] <ianorlin> wxl any release note help needed? [20:31] <wxl> ianorlin: no, but if you want to check over what i did, go for it [20:45] <ianorlin> wxl if I test an alternate in a vm should I try vbox as desktops aren't working there but if an alternate works in vbox might be better for some poeple [20:48] <gsilva> back [20:48] <gsilva> krytarik, going to fix it [20:48] <krytarik> Thanks. [20:49] <gsilva> can you give me the right links? [20:49] <gsilva> or replacing 14.04.1 for 14.04.2 will work in the links? [20:49] <gsilva> Because nobody changed that in the official getlubuntu page/section [20:50] <krytarik> gsilva: Yep, that. [20:51] <gsilva> officially done [20:51] <gsilva> release page is ready [20:52] <Unit193> gsilva: Can you point development related links to here? [20:52] <gsilva> what do you mena, Unit193 ? [20:53] <Unit193> gsilva: As in, open that link, look down towards the bottom, it tells you to join development in #lubuntu. [20:53] <Unit193> Sorry for not being clear. [20:53] <gsilva> ah, okay [20:53] <Unit193> krytarik: Shush. [20:53] <Unit193> :P [20:53] <gsilva> Sorry missed that yesterday when wxl asked to do something on Wiki [20:53] <gsilva> Our wiki sucks in terms of organization [20:54] <gsilva> I'm revising all main pages but will do that asap, Unit193 [20:54] <wxl> you know what you could do, gsilva ? just make a subpage that has the links and include it on all the relevant pages [20:54] <wxl> like we do with the subteams [20:54] <Unit193> gsilva: There's a "get support" link already, just add a development one? [20:54] <gsilva> wxl, like that? [20:56] <gsilva> Who fills in the announcement page? [20:56] <gsilva> [20:56] <gsilva> That's very similar to the release notes [20:57] <wxl> doesn't look like much to change gsilva [20:57] <wxl> just change the versions and make sure the links are right [20:58] <gsilva> nevermind, was being dumb, lol [20:58] <wxl> gsilva: look at how all the sections are included [20:58] <wxl> or you could include all of the relevant contacts in those and just include them on the appropriate pages [20:59] <gsilva> I asked someone to help me do the first page, right? [20:59] <wxl> ianorlin: i checked in precise and i'm pulling down utopic right now. want to see how trusty is? [20:59] <wxl> gsilva: you did? [20:59] <gsilva> the master page: [21:00] <gsilva> Wiki going cabum [21:01] <wxl> it is that time :) [21:01] <gsilva> Seems so [21:01] <wxl> ianorlin: also if you added any new bugs in testing, could you put them on the release notes? [21:02] <wxl> (maybe the touchpad one?) [21:02] <wxl> might want to shake it first and see if it's truly a lubuntu issue [21:02] <ianorlin> wxl ah true and a link would be helpful [21:02] <wxl> y9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes [21:03] <wxl> two red bugs on ubuntu proper [21:03] <wxl> that's not a good sign [21:03] <wxl> i smell a rebuild in the future :/ [21:03] <gsilva> Unit193, done [21:07] <Unit193> Heh, danke. [21:14] <gsilva> wxl, the announcement that Lubuntu 15.04 is a go is going to be made via which mailing list? [21:14] <gsilva> I want to make sure I've joined that mailing list before [21:14] <gsilva> I'm only at admins, wiki-docs-team, brainstorm and that's it [21:58] <ianorlin> wxl I feel quite exhausted now [22:09] <wxl> gsilva: are you taking over comms or who is that? [22:09] <wxl> ianorlin: i know the feeling XD [22:12] <wxl> run problem doesn't affect utopic [22:13] <wxl> ianorlin: i see you already did trusty so nm [22:26] <wxl> we went straight from 0.6.2 to 0.7.1 in vivid on lxpanel [22:26] <wxl> sorry 0.7.2 [22:59] <wxl> Unit193: re: bug 1445818 do you have any idea how i could downgrade to lxpanel 0.7.2-1ubuntu1? i can get the debs from lp, but lxpanel-data is not included, so it's hard to install. [23:01] <Unit193> wxl: wget [23:01] <Unit193> [23:01] <wxl> Unit193: oh so the data file is there even though i didn't see it? [23:02] <Unit193> wxl: Don't know why you wouldn't. Also, why ubuntu1? Not much is different. [23:02] <Unit193> * debian/lxpanel.install [23:02] <Unit193> - Don't install /usr/share/locale and /usr/share/lxpanel, already installed [23:02] <Unit193> in lxpanel-data (LP: #1417244). [23:02] <Unit193> * debian/control: [23:02] <Unit193> - Update Replaces and Breaks. [23:03] <wxl> i hear you [23:03] <wxl> just trying to narrow down the possibiliities [23:04] <ianorlin> wait didn't that not install itself [23:04] <wxl> oic [23:04] <wxl> it didn't get build for i386 [23:05] <wxl> THAT"S WEIRD [23:06] <Unit193> No. [23:21] <wxl> annoyed by which letters to use with tar? fax, man. that's all you need. [23:23] <Unit193> tar Jcf or jcf, maybe with v will do it. [23:23] <wxl> or there's the unar package [23:25] <Unit193> cpio is when it gets more fun. [23:26] <wxl> !info cpio [23:28] <wxl> oooh [23:28] <wxl> fancy [23:29] <Unit193> No. :P
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "gsilva", "ianorlin", "krytarik", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu-devel" }
[00:10] <Bluefoxicy> do-release-upgrade -d [00:14] <Bluefoxicy> no combination of update-manager -d -c works. [00:57] <psusi> does anyone have any idea why youtube says firefox can't play h264? [01:00] <brainwash_> psusi: because the required gstreamer packages are not installed and/or firefox is not properly configured [01:01] <psusi> brainwash_, anything more specific? what plugins does it require? and why aren't they installed by default? I seem to have plenty of gstreamer plugins and totem and chorme can use them to play h264 videos just fine [01:02] <psusi> I keep reading things online about how the older gstreamer 0.1 version was dropped a few releases back but newer versions of firefox should now use gstreamer1.0 [01:03] <brainwash_> people in #firefox may know [01:04] <brainwash_> chrome installs its own codec package [01:06] <Bluefoxicy> the hell? [01:06] <Bluefoxicy> do-release-upgrade finished? [01:06] <Bluefoxicy> I blinked and missed it. [01:06] <Bluefoxicy> I think it finished 15 minutes after it finished downloading. [01:14] <psusi> Bluefoxicy, eatmydata makes it go MUCH faster ;) [01:15] <Bluefoxicy> psusi: video card actually works correctly in this version, instead of flaking out like in 14.10 (it worked in 14.04; the developers are uninterested in fixing the Intel HD graphics regression in 14.10) [01:18] <Bluefoxicy> oh hold on wait, why is... why is the top left X _ [] + [01:18] <Bluefoxicy> that belongsi n the top right _ [] X o_O [01:18] <Bluefoxicy> the close button is RIGHT ABOVE THE LOCALLY INTEGRATED MENUS. [01:18] <Bluefoxicy> File->save NOPE SORRY YOU JUST HIT CLOSE. [01:22] <Bluefoxicy> okay so it's not in gnome-tweak-tool or anything. Gotta bust out regedit to fix it. [03:31] <ses1984> [03:32] <ses1984> installed docker. tried to use docker. The program 'docker' is currently not installed. [07:10] <tijnix> morning [07:35] <agronholm> it seems "stat" gives 1 as the number of hard links for every directory now -- is this the correct behavior? [09:53] <lordievader> Good morning. [10:03] <tijnix> hai [10:05] <lordievader> o/ [10:05] <vieira_> Hello, I am bit confused. I downloaded a daily build of the 15.04 server ISO but it looks like a netinstall although it has 600+MB [10:05] <vieira_> I cannot install without internet for instance... [10:05] <vieira_> and some kernel modules are missing, e.g. aacraid.ko [10:06] <vieira_> is this a known problem or something? the desktop iso works fine [10:23] <tijnix> My ubuntu15.04-beta2 iso is 644,9 MB [10:23] <tijnix> And is not a netinstall :S [10:25] <tijnix> Read a bug on launchpad about missing some mpath driver [10:25] <tijnix> But aacraid is pretty standard i guess :S [11:37] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [12:08] <ses1984> i did sudo apt-get install docker, after i install docker and try to use it, the system tells me to install docker [12:08] <ses1984> [13:06] <MonkeyDust> ses1984 and you still can't run it? [13:09] <MonkeyDust> ses1984 yes, i remember, it now asks to install, but it's not the same as docker... seen that before [13:30] <pwuertz> Hi, I'd like to report a somewhat serious regression in 15.04, but I'm kind of puzzeled which package might be responsible. [13:32] <pwuertz> In 15.04 vlc and totem are both unable to select audio tracks in video files (mkv). [13:33] <pwuertz> I don't really understand why this affects both vlc and totem alike, as if they both depend on some common library for reading the tracks, yet the mkvinfo command line tool recognizes them just fine [15:25] <pwuertz> Could someone please try to check if this regression also affects other Ubuntu 15.04 systems? [15:25] <pwuertz> [15:25] <pwuertz> Just play any video with multiple audio or subtitle tracks and try to switch between them. [17:33] <robse> hi there [17:34] <lordievader> o/ [17:34] <robse> I can't open the audio settings (under the top-right screen audio icon) .. clicking "Impostazioni audio" (should be "Audio settings" in english) leads to nowhere [17:34] <robse> nothing appears ... is it a known bug ? [17:35] <lotuspsychje> !sound | robse [17:35] <robse> sound preferences window doesn't appear [17:35] <robse> simple :) [17:36] <robse> I have to go in Preferences -> Audio to get the configuration screen [17:37] <lotuspsychje> robse: and your soundcard is installed correctly? [17:37] <robse> all works, except that the configuration window doesn't appear clicking the volume applet [17:38] <robse> it appears under system preferences [17:38] <lotuspsychje> robse: did you check syslog and dmesg for errors? [17:39] <robse> lotuspsychje, nothing interesting there, but the problem is clearly gui-side, not system wide [17:39] <robse> again, all works except that the click on the volume applet doesn't [17:39] <lotuspsychje> robse: or try a tail -f /var/log/dmesg and foold around with sound? [17:40] <robse> I think my english must be wrong [17:40] <robse> :D [17:40] <lotuspsychje> robse: even if its a gui fault, there must be some error to find.. [17:40] <robse> maybe in xsession-errors [17:41] <robse> but I checked, and there is nothing [17:42] <lotuspsychje> robse: are you on unity? [17:43] <robse> lotuspsychje: gnome-flashback [17:44] <lotuspsychje> robse: did you remove unity manual perhaps? [17:44] <lotuspsychje> sounds like some missing packages.. [17:44] <robse> I just installed gnome-flashback on a fresh daily build yesterday [17:44] <robse> nothing removed manually [17:45] <lotuspsychje> robse: does your problem occur when loading on unity? [17:45] <robse> lotuspsychje, I have to check that [17:46] <lotuspsychje> robse: try please [17:46] <lotuspsychje> robse: [17:46] <lotuspsychje> maybe this can help [17:48] <robse> brb [17:48] <lotuspsychje> kk [17:51] <lotuspsychje> robse: any luck? [17:51] <robse> I confirm it's a bug on both compiz and metacity, starting the session with unity makes the sound applet work fine [17:52] <lotuspsychje> robse: maybe gnome-fallback doesnt load needed files or something? [17:52] <robse> in the meantime, something happened to the window manager. I noticed that until now the titlebar contained the menu also, which was nice. Now it reverted to the old look of 14.10. any hint ? [17:52] <robse> back in 10 minutes. [17:52] <lotuspsychje> kk [18:09] <robse> Window Title Bars are not working anymore for me [18:09] <robse> mmm [18:28] <robse> hi [18:28] <robse> another problem. Does connect to server works at all in vivid now ? [18:28] <robse> I can't get it work with both ftp and smb [20:30] <MonkeyDust> topic [20:31] <MonkeyDust> [20:31] <MonkeyDust> [20:38] <Pici> hm? [20:42] <ig0r_> will there be a 15.04 Release Candidate ?? [20:45] <genii> ig0r_: The name of the iso file there remains constant. It has been the RC version since the 16th [20:45] <ig0r_> genii: huh? [20:47] <genii> ig0r_: The image at as described in the /topic here IS the Release Candidate. They don't change the name of the image, it always just stays the same. [20:48] <ig0r_> I see [20:49] <ig0r_> genii: are the other mirrors other than that link (the download is slow) [20:52] <genii> Probably, but I'm not sure where you'd find a comprehensive list of them [20:52] <ig0r_> ok [20:53] <genii> ig0r_: Keep in mind too, that after you have an iso file downloaded, you can get just the changes to it after that with zsync [20:53] <genii> ( so that you don't have to keep downloading full iso files every time ) [20:54] <genii> !zsync [20:54] <ig0r_> thnx but I have a 500Mbit connections so I don't mind downloading it again :) [20:55] <genii> ig0r_: It also takes the strain off the servers which are feeding the files :) [21:14] <phpcoder> hello [21:15] <phpcoder> 15.10 will be released tomorrow? [21:16] <hyper_ch> hi there, why doesn't dpkg-reconfigure locales display the selection screen for what lnaguages to install? [23:49] <nogoodnameslkeft> Hey, I see mate is becoming offically supported. Is MATE suitable for machines without 3d acceleration? I have some lubuntu boxes that cant run unity
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Bluefoxicy", "BluesKaj", "MonkeyDust", "Pici", "agronholm", "brainwash_", "genii", "hyper_ch", "ig0r_", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje", "nogoodnameslkeft", "phpcoder", "psusi", "pwuertz", "robse", "ses1984", "tijnix", "vieira_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }