audioduration (s)
This is an audio record test.
Tell me about your day. How are you? Are you good? Are you well?
Please be awake, talk to me now.
Continue my phrase. Roses are red. Violets are blue.
Can you tell me the difference between a developer and a software engineer?
Give me a quote from Batman, it must be inspiring.
That's a very good quote. Now give me another one from Coach Carter.
Explain the quote above that you said. What is the meaning behind it? Explain in detail.
Alright, now give me some wise words from Buddha.
I am anxious of the future and also lost for not sure where I'm going towards the future. Can you give me some words from some famous people to cheer me up?
Can you give me another quote, but this time from Albert Einstein, the scientist, famous scientist.
Can you give me a in-depth explanation of what that quote means behind? I need more details and I want it to be very clear.
Alright, BumbleBee, now you get to pick any famous people and give me their famous quote. It should be inspiring and encouraging. Let's go.
BumbleBee, can you tell me about the server Puki-MS? What server is it?
Don't you think that quote is a bit wrong? It's actually quite the opposite. Because it is done, therefore it is possible. Things that are impossible are not done, therefore it is impossible. Like people cannot fly, then that is impossible.
Give me another quote, this time a longer one, and it must give meaning of life.
Explain the words above. Give me example. And if can tell me a story.
Give me some meaningful words from the movie Lion King.
Now give me some wise words from Interstellar.
Referring to the same movie, give me a longer quote, a quote, a sentence that actually said by someone from the movie.
Continue our dental charting. Tooth 38 impacted. Tooth 37 sound. 36 missing. 35 sound. 34 occlusal carries. 33 labial composite. 32 labial composite. 31 sound. 41 sound. 42 sound. 43 sound. 45 missing.
Dental Charting. Tooth 18 missing. 17 sound. 16 occlusal caries. 15 sound. 14 cervical abrasion. 13 crown. 12 bridge. 11 bridge. 21 bridge. 22 loose. 23 for extraction. 24 fracture. 25 loose. 26 sound. 27 sound. 28 missing.
Okay, let's do another dental charting. 18 loose with periapical swelling, no pus discharge seen. 17 sinus punctum at periapical. Positive TTP, no caries lesion. 16 dislodged filling. 15 cracked filling. 14 cervical abrasion. 13 crown. 12 amalgam filling at cervical. 11 crown. 21 bridge 22 loose 23 for extraction.
BumbleBee, let's do dental charting.
24 missing. 25 loose. 26 palatally erupted. 27 severe gum swelling. 28 impacted with pericoronitis.
38 missing, 37 fracture with exposed dentin, 36 sound with slight wear on incisal edge. 35 deep cervical abrasion, 34 sound with slight attrition. 33 loose with mild mobility. 32 sound with mild crowding. 31 bridge with slight misalignment.
41 sound with slight wear, 42 sound with some occlusal caries. 43 loose with gum inflammation. 44 crack filling with dislodged filling. 45 sound with slight erosion. 46 sound with slight attrition. 47 sound. 48 missing with adjacent bone loss.
18 loose with mild mobility. 17 sinus. Sinus tract at apical. Positive TTP. No caries lesion. 16 dislodged filling. 15 crack filling. 14 cervical abrasion. 13 crown with minor chipping. 12 amalgam filling. 11 crown with slight discoloration.
21 bridge 22 loose slight bleeding on probing. 23 for extraction. Slight bone loss noted. 24 missing. 25 loose. Slight gum recession. 26 palatally erupted with mild misalignment. 27 gum swelling with mild tenderness. 28 impacted with slight pericoronitis.
8 missing, 37 fractured with exposed dentin. Sensitive to cold. 36 sound. 35 cervical abrasion. Deep. Patient feeling sensitive to water. 34 sound. 33 loose. 32 sound. 31 bridge. 41 sound. 42 sound. 43 loose. Attrition seen.
41 sound 42 sound. Small occlusal carries lesion seen. 43 loose. Slight gum inflammation. 44 crack filling with dislodged filling. 45 sound. 46 sound. 47 sound. 48 missing.
55 loose, 54 un-erupted. 53 extracted. 52 sound, 51 sound. 61 stainless steel crown. 62 crown. 63 missing. 64 for extraction. 65 sound. 46 and 47 un-erupted.
85 missing 84 fracture, 83 loose, 82 sound, 81 bridge. 75 loose, 74 gum select. Gum swelling. 73 palatally erupted. 72 deep cervical abrasion. 71 crown.
Patient has missing all eights. 17 sound, 16 missing, 15 palatally erupted. 14 sound, 13 sound, 12 mesial caries. 11 distal caries. 21 sound, 22 loose, 23 occlusal caries. 24 sound.
What day is today and you let me know about the weather?
55 loose, 54 sinus tract, 53 dislodge filling. 52 crack filling. 51 crown. 65 loose, 64 for extraction. 63 missing. 62 crown. 61 crack filling.
18 sound, 17 sound. 16 sound. 15 occlusal caries. 14 sound. 13 crown. 12 sound, 11 sound. 21 sound, 22 sound, 23 sound. 24 occlusal carries. 25 sound. 26 occlusal amalgam filling.
Just continue another dental to charting.
38 occlusal carries. 37 occlusal carries. 36 sound. 35 sound. 34 sound. 33 sound. mobile grade I. 31 mobile grade III. 41 loose. 42 for extraction. 43 sound. 44 sound. 46 47 48 bridge. 48 extracted.
Initiate dental charting. 16 fully erupted. 55 loose. 54 stainless steel crown. 53 sound. 52 missing. 51 missing.
Initiate dental charting. Let's continue our dental charting. 16 sound. 55 sound. 54 sound. 53 partially erupted. 12 sound. 11 sound. 21 sound. 22 partially erupted. 63 sound. 64 sound. 65 occlusal caries. 26 erupted.
18 missing, 17 sound, 16 dislodged filling. 15 amalgam filling. 14 GIC. 13 distal fracture. 12 dislodged filling.
48 fractured. 47 impacted. 46 occlusal caries. 45 cervical abrasion. 44 attrition. 43 mobile grade I. 42 mobile grade II.
Initiate dental charting. We are starting from tooth 38. All eights are missing. So we'll start from 37. 37. Occlusal Amalgam filling. Buccal GIC filling. 36 missing. 35 sound. 34 sound.
Ask me a dental question, I am a dentist in EL-LIM dental clinic ALMA.
How do I make a dental charting AI system that can help me chart my dental records automatically?
18 missing, 17 sound, 16 missing, 15 sound. 13 sound. 11 sound. 21 sound, 22 sound 23 sound.
Start dental charting. 38 impacted 37 sound. 36 sound. 35 until 47 sound.
Continue dental charting. 18 impacted. 17 mesial distal occlusal composite. 16. Distal occlusal composite. 15 crown 14 sound. 13 sound. 12 until 25 sound.
26 missing. 27 occlusal composite. 28 impacted.
38 occlusal caries. 37 distal occlusal composite. 36 occlusal amalgam. 35 until 43 sound. 46 occlusal amalgam. 47 crown. 48 sound.
18 sound. 17 distal GIC filling. 16 15 14 13 12 11 bridge.
21 bridge 22 sound 23 sound 24 sound 25 sound 26 missing 27 tender to percussion large distal composite filling 28 occlusal composite.
38 sound. 37 sound. 36 missing. 35 periapical abscess. 34 sound. 33 negative TTP. 32 mobile grade I. 31 sound. 41 sound. 42 sound.
46 missing. 47 for extraction. 48 sound.
What do you know about Optimus Prime?
8 sound. 17 16 missing. 15 occlusal distal mesial composite. 14 sound. 13 until 11 sound. 21 missing. 22 crown.
21 missing. 22 dislodged crown. 23 sound. 24 occlusal composite. 25 sound. 26 crown. 27 loose. 28 missing.
Terminate dental charting service.
Shut down, turn off, switch off dental charting.
Start dental record writing service.
Please summarize patient record.
I want to modify dental charting.
Initiate dental record writing. Let's continue where we stop.
Turn off dental charting. Switch off dental record writing. Shut down dental summary.
Please read me the dental record summary for patient Tan Ai Ling.
I am going for lunch now. The time now is 12 40 in the afternoon.
Modified dental record writing, add TCA to take primary impression for upper and lower denture.
Continue dental charting. 21 22 23 bridge. 24 until 25 sound. 26 occlusal carries. 27 positive TTP. 28 missing. 38 impacted. 37 until 31 missing. 41 sound.
17 18 fissure sealant 16 pain on percussion 15 periapical swelling 14 periapical abscess 13 12 sound. 11 12 22 dislodged bridge.
16 partially erupted. 12 11 buccally erupted. 21 22 palatally erupted. 31 41 lingually erupted. 41 42 labially erupted. 36 46 fully erupted.
Continue our dental charting. 16. There is a secondary caries. 15 14. I have seen composite filling. 13. Unfortunately there is amalgam filling on anterior teeth. 12 11. GIC filling noted on incisal edge.
Dental charting. Tooth 16 fractured filling. Tooth 15 fractured buccal cusp.
16 fissure sealant applied. 17 existing fissure sealant seen. 15 dislodged filling. 14 partially erupted. 13 impacted buccally. Cavity on 11 21.
16 17 erupted. 18 chipped off crown.
15 14 occlusal caries. 13 distal cavitated. 12 11 mesial composite filling. 21 22 cracked filling.
Start dental record writing. Patient came for extraction. Tooth 22 loose. No pus swelling. No pain. tooth 22 extracted. No medication given.
I want to know that you are decent and a very good robot.
Continue dental record writing. Patient came for Lyme for mouth guard. Mouth guard issued. No problem. Demonstration for putting on mouth guard given.
Add to dental record writing. Advised patient to replace existing filling on 11 and 21 with veneers. Patient preferred to go back to her native country to do the veneer.
Modified dental record writing. Tooth 11 composite filling is polished. Patient previously complained of asymmetry filling anteriorly. Tooth 11 and 21. Currently, patient is satisfied.
Write dental record. Patient came for crown consultation.
Patient wants to do crown for anterior teeth. Fractured incisal age. Main concern is for biting and chewing purposes. No aesthetic concern. Patient has multiple unreplaced tooth. Not wearing any denture. A few loose tooth. Advised patient to fabricate denture first. Then do crown later.
In the end composite filling done on tooth 21 and 11 mesial. Composite quality less satisfied.
Dental record writing. Patient wants to do filling for posterior upper right back tooth.
Tooth 55 mesial cavitated. 54 distal cavitated. Previously painful. Now not painful. Patient is autistic. And patient is less compliant. In the end GIC filling done for the cavity.
Patient tried to get the tooth filled in a few clinics previously, but was not successful as patient was not compliant. In the end, patient's parent chooses out clinic. Because our doctor is confident and patient and skillful.
I demonstrated the tell show technique, but was not effective. Patient was not listening to me. Patient is very clingy to his mother. In the end, I tell the patient there's only two options. Either you listen to me or your mother need to leave the room.
Please help me refuel by water.
Patient came for appointment for dislodged bracket. I suspect patient has bruxism as this is multiple times that patient complained of dislodged. Bite turbo. Whole GIC bite turbo was dislodged.
Bite turbo was placed on both tooth lower molar 46 and 36. Stable occlusion is achieved. Occlusion is checked with articulating paper.
Patient came for filling appointment. Tooth 47 mesial dislodge filling. Advised patient for scaling and detected a few caries. Advised patient to do filling on those caries.
Anterior cross bite noted. Tooth 11 and 21 is reverse overjet. device patient for ortho. Patient asked about conventional ortho, self-ligating ortho and also clear aligners. But in the end patient did not make appointment for orthodontic treatment.
Patient attend second visit RCT. Cleaning and shaping is done. Pus discharged noted at. Buccal mesial buccal canal.
Ledermix is placed as intracanal medicament. Tooth is closed with kalzinol dressing. No medication is given. Patient do not have any pain.
Patient complaint of pain on biting. Tooth 46 tender to percussion. Positive TTP. No pus discharge seen. No periapical swelling. Tooth is on good condition. Intact filling. Did scaling. And Chlorohex irrigation. Gave Flagyl and Ponstan.
Patient complaint of tooth pain despite scaling and filling. And also after finishing antibiotic pain is still there. So we did RCT for this tooth. Pulp is extirpated. Three canals found. MB canal. MD canal. And distal canal.
The following appointment, patient said that pain is relieved. No more pain, therefore we did not give any anesthesia for the cleaning and shaping session. During cleaning and shaping, when file is inserted to working length. Patient feel sharp pain. I suspect there might be remnant pulp tissue at apical third.
TCA to continue cleaning and shaping and hopefully we can obturate if patient has no more pain symptom. After obturation advise patient for crown. Patient is given two option either PFM crown or Zirconia crown. The price is given accordingly.
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