audioduration (s)
Do you know what day is today?
No, you are wrong. Today is. 19 June 2024.
What's the difference between a rat and a mouse?
Why...the chicken cross the road
Why the chicken cross the road?
Why the skies are blue?
How old are you? Can you let me know? Please tell me the date today and what time is it?
Name one package from Python.
What is the function of the package you name?
Why do you behave like this? Why are you not ok? Why the sad face?
Why the chicken cross the road?
Tell me why. Ain't nothing but a heart break.
Understand why you don't understand what i say. Please listen carefully, why are you behaving like this?
Initiate writing diary. Today is another Wednesday. Is a working Wednesday. Yet another disappointment. Not much patient. Only one ortho patient came because dislodged bracket. And another patient complained dislodged filling.
Have you seen the movie Truth or Dare, where they play games in a room and it's actually a horror movie. I'm not sure what's the context. Just let me know if you know anything about it.
Forget everything I tell you, let's start fresh in another page. Let's play another game. Why not you think of a make up name for me.
Can you tell me what's the reason human needs 8-hour sleep? Is it really necessary? Can people really live without 8 hours of sleep a day?
patient request filling on a fractured tooth.
44 fracture with exposed and vital pulp, patient is extremely sensitive to cold and hot food. There's no tooth mobility.
Explained to patient that the pulp is involved in this fracture, and adviced patient for root canal, RCT. Crown. At first patient was reluctant for RCT, and preferred filling only. In the end patient is compliant. So RCT I done. Close with Kalzinol.
Patient came for appointment for RCT. Cleaning and shaping done up to working length. Obturation done. Buccal size 25 17 mm Palatal size 25 17 mm. Temporary filling GIC given.
TCA to place fiber posts on Buccal canal and core build up. To do PFM crown.
Request for filling. Scaling and polishing done. Composite filling done on 16 occlusal, 24 occlusal, 34 occlusal.
Midline diastema due to high frenum attachment.
Patient complaint of spacing on upper arch due to missing laterals and also midline diastema due to high frenum attachment. While for lower arch, there is mild crowding and buccally displaced 46.
Patient has both class 1 canine and molar relationship.
Suggest ortho to distalize canine and replace missing lateral with bridge.
Flagyl and 50 mg of Ponstan given.
Scaling and filling done. OPG and lateral ceph taken. intra oral and extra oral photo taken. Study model impression taken. TCA to bond up upper and lower arch.
Patient came for ortho consultation.
The patient has clinically missing 12 and 22 both laterals.
Patient request for filling, there is multiple filling done. 53 buccal, 61 buccal, 64 occlusal, 65 occlusal. Fluoride varnish is applied. Scaling is done.
Fluoride varnish is applied. Multiple incipient caries is noted. Patient has a crowded lower arch. GIC filling on 64 occlusal and 65 occlusal. To call patient for functional appliances or myobraces.
Fissure sealant is applied on 17 16 26 27 28 38 37 36 48. Basically is all the molars.
Scaling and polishing is done. Composite filling is done on 47 occlusal, 37 distal occlusal. TCA for scaling and polishing.
Alginate impression is taken for both upper and lower arch. It is used to fabricate acrylic patcher. The only existing tooth now is 13 upper. TCA for bite registration.
This is a acrylic partial denture case. Bite registration is done. Filling is done on 32 41 46. TCA for try in. Try in is done. TCA for issue.
Upper acrylic partial denture issued without trimming. Patient satisfied with retention and stability. Denture care instruction is given. Denture insertion and removal demo is given.
Patient is allergic to Ponstan pain killer.
OPG and lateral Ceph is taken. There's no further complaint. Patient is satisfied. Good.
Bite registration is done. Try in is done. Advice patient to redo upper denture for better occlusion. Lower acrylic denture with soft liner is issued. Denture care instruction is given. Denture insertion and removal method is demo-ed.
Patient came for ortho consultation. Caries is detected in 27 occlusal surface. 37 occlusal. 36 occlusal. 47 occlusal. Scaling and polishing is done. Composite filling is done on 27 occlusal. Next visit will be doing filling on remaining tooth.
There is a large buccal cavity on 47. It is tender to percussion positive TTP. There is no mobility. Full mouth scaling is done. Patient is advised for XLA or Pulpotec on 47. However, patient prefer filling done on 47.
Patient came for scaling and polishing, is a Medident client. There is generalizes calculus and plaque. There is carries on 21 mesial surface. Full mouth scaling and polishing is done. Filling done on 26.
The patient complaint of pain on upper right jaw, there is associated gum swelling noted. Amoxicillin and paracetamol is given.
Crack tooth noted on lower left quadrant. 47 is cracked. Extending below CEJ. It is a sub-G crack. Explained to patient poor prognosis of 47. Composite resin done on 47. Advised patient not to bite on hard food on right side.
Patient complaint of tooth pain on upper right quadrant. There is deep carries on 26 palatal and 14 palatal. Caries is excavated. Cavity is treated with Sodium Hypochlorite soaked pellet. Kalzinol dressing done on 26 palatal and 14 palatal. TCA for permanent filling.
Multiple root stump present on upper left and right quadrant.
Root stump extracted XLA done on 14 root, 15 root, 18 root.
Patient has taken Ponstan as a pain killer, but it has no effect.
The patient complaint of intense pain on quadrant 1 tooth.
Patient complaint of chipping off of front tooth, also food start oftenly happened in between tooth.
Advice for pulpotomy on tooth 16. Cervical abrasion seen on tooth 16. Suggest for RCT on tooth 16.
Composite filling done on tooth 21 incisal edge chipped off.
Tooth 16 intense sensitivity to cold water and air stream.
Sharp poking pain in multiple parts of mouth, pain started 2 years ago. The pain increased on touching, relives by luking salt water. Patient claimed to have ulcers few weeks ago, but clinically. Intermittent burning sensation and bitterness. Currently, patient is not taking any medication.
Heavy staining with mild calculus and plaque. Scaling done. Patients suffer from C1 C2 injury due to MVA. Few years ago.
Advice to look full water for symptomatic relief, there's no medication given. Please kindly see this patient and manage the patient based on your expertise.
Patient prefer a stronger pain killer, therefore we give Ponstan.
Flagyl and Ponstan is given.
Patient came for...
Patient request for scaling and polishing.
Several cervical abrasion noted. Patient have no sensitivity. Scaling and polishing done. Composite filling done on 26 buccal 44 buccal and 45 buccal.
Ponstan also known as Diclofenac is a type of pain killer.