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None | NSF | 01/01/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 0 | null | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08010207', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DEB', 'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | None | None | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6800495 | {'FirstName': 'May Beth', 'LastName': 'Givan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'May Beth Givan', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000638458', 'StartDate': '01/01/1900', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'New York Botanical Garden', 'CityName': 'BRONX', 'ZipCode': '104585126', 'PhoneNumber': '7188178840', 'StreetAddress': '2900 SOUTHERN BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '14', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY14', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E7S2Q4L89F44', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800495.xml'} |
Antarctic Mapping Operations | null | 12/20/1968 | 08/31/1975 | null | 1,672,150 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 12/20/1968 | 06/28/1974 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6800499 | [{'FirstName': 'Lawrence', 'LastName': 'Radke', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '12/20/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'William', 'LastName': 'Pecora', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '12/20/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'UNITED STATES DEPT OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY', 'CityName': 'Reston', 'ZipCode': '201920002', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '12201 SUNRISE VALLEY DR', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA'} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800499.xml'} |
Conract For the Management, Operation and Maintenance of The National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, Pocahontas County, West Virginia | NSF | 07/01/1968 | 09/30/1974 | 37,912,099 | 37,912,099 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '03020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/28/1968 | 01/09/1974 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6800502 | {'FirstName': 'Gerald', 'LastName': 'Tape', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'F', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Gerald F Tape', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000176421', 'StartDate': '07/01/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Associated Universities, Inc.', 'CityName': 'VIENNA', 'ZipCode': '221807300', 'PhoneNumber': '2024621676', 'StreetAddress': '2650 PARK TOWER DR STE 700', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '11', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA11', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NZBMKZMW68N3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES INC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | ['1968~1000000', '1969~11375'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800502.xml'} |
Contract For Computer Programming and Related Services | NSF | 10/11/1967 | 07/31/1969 | 0 | 0 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '01000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'O/D', 'LongName': 'Office Of The Director'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'O/D', 'LongName': 'Office Of The Director'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 10/11/1967 | 09/19/1969 | None | Grant | None | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6800503 | {'FirstName': 'May Beth', 'LastName': 'Givan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'May Beth Givan', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000638458', 'StartDate': '10/11/1967', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Software Systems Inc', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '20001', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800503.xml'} |
Establ of a Chem Info Ctr to Dev Capabil to Educ Dev a CapaB to Ed Ass Induxm in Such a Manner As Degree, Acad) to CheM Info Syst | NSF | 06/26/1968 | 12/31/1972 | 963,438 | 963,438 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/26/1968 | 07/31/1972 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6800506 | {'FirstName': 'Martha', 'LastName': 'Williams', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martha E Williams', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000302312', 'StartDate': '06/26/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'IIT Research Institute', 'CityName': 'Chicago', 'ZipCode': '60601', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '0000', 'Text': None}, {'Code': '7520', 'Text': 'CONTINUING EDUCATION'}] | 1968~160896 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800506.xml'} |
Contract For Processing of Usarp Rock Samples | NSF | 06/17/1968 | 03/31/1973 | 62,062 | 62,062 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/17/1968 | 02/21/1975 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6800507 | {'FirstName': 'H.', 'LastName': 'Pehlman', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'H. A Pehlman', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000095742', 'StartDate': '06/17/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Smithsonian Institution', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '205600000', 'PhoneNumber': '2026337110', 'StreetAddress': '1000 Jefferson DR SW', 'StreetAddress2': 'Office of Sponsored Projects', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC08', 'ORG_DUNS_NUM': '089522580', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION', 'ORG_PRNT_DUNS_NUM': '161906193'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5130', 'Text': 'ANT Coordination & Information'} | 1968~18850 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800507.xml'} |
Contract For-Geodetic and Upper Atmospheric Studies in Antarctica Using Artificial Earth Satellites | NSF | 07/01/1968 | 07/31/1994 | 69,175 | 69,175 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/26/1968 | 05/14/1992 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6800508 | {'FirstName': 'Arnold', 'LastName': 'Tucker', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Arnold J Tucker', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000126080', 'StartDate': '07/01/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'PhoneNumber': '5124716424', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'V6AFQPN18437', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX25'} | [{'Code': '511200', 'Text': 'ANT Earth Sciences'}, {'Code': '512200', 'Text': 'EARTH SCIENCES (RESOURCES)'}] | ['1968~44973', '1979~1', '1981~1'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800508.xml'} |
None | null | 01/01/1900 | 01/01/1900 | null | 0 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '01090000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Office Of The Director'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Office Of Internatl Science &Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | None | None | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6800512 | {'FirstName': 'May Beth', 'LastName': 'Givan', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '01/01/1900', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800512.xml'} |
Operation of the Antarctic Research Ship, R/V Hero & Palmer Station Laboratory | NSF | 01/01/1900 | 04/14/1971 | 0 | 0 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '06090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OPP', 'LongName': 'Office of Polar Programs (OPP)'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/02/1969 | 02/14/1975 | None | Grant | 47.078 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6800514 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '01/01/1900', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Marine Acoustical Services Inc', 'CityName': 'Miami', 'ZipCode': '33125', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '18', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL18', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800514.xml'} |
Curatorship of Eltanin Core Collections | NSF | 01/01/1900 | 12/31/1975 | 0 | 0 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '06090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OPP', 'LongName': 'Office of Polar Programs (OPP)'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/05/1969 | 07/30/1979 | None | Grant | 47.078 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6800515 | {'FirstName': 'George', 'LastName': 'DeVore', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'George W DeVore', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000331518', 'StartDate': '01/01/1900', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Florida State University', 'CityName': 'TALLAHASSEE', 'ZipCode': '323060001', 'PhoneNumber': '8506445260', 'StreetAddress': '874 TRADITIONS WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JF2BLNN4PJC3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'D4GCCCMXR1H3'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800515.xml'} |
Contract For Programming-Languages As a Conceptual Framework For Teaching Mathematics | null | 06/01/1968 | 09/30/1969 | null | 236,581 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 06/28/1968 | 06/28/1968 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6800550 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '06/01/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc', 'CityName': 'Cambridge', 'ZipCode': '02138', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA'} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800550.xml'} |
Development of Computer-Based Materials For the Teaching OF Undergraduate Physics | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 06/30/1969 | 0 | null | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | None | None | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6800556 | {'FirstName': 'Alfred', 'LastName': 'Bork', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Alfred M Bork', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000268022', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of California-Irvine', 'CityName': 'IRVINE', 'ZipCode': '926970001', 'PhoneNumber': '9498247295', 'StreetAddress': '160 ALDRICH HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '47', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA47', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MJC5FCYQTPE6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'MJC5FCYQTPE6'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6800556.xml'} |
Support of Woods Hole C-54q Aircraft | NSF | 03/15/1969 | 03/31/1970 | 24,800 | 24,800 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '06020102', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 02/03/1969 | 02/03/1969 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900014 | {'FirstName': 'May Beth', 'LastName': 'Givan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'May Beth Givan', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000638458', 'StartDate': '03/15/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Naval Weapons Center Office of Naval Research', 'CityName': 'Arlington', 'ZipCode': '22217', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': 'Attn: Code 511, Dept. Of Navy', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5730', 'Text': 'GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH'} | 1969~24800 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900014.xml'} |
1969 Churchill Skyhook Program | NSF | 03/01/1969 | 02/28/1970 | 60,000 | 60,000 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '06020203', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 02/17/1969 | 02/17/1969 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900015 | {'FirstName': 'Richard', 'LastName': 'Trumbull', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Richard Trumbull', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000075403', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Naval Weapons Center Office of Naval Research', 'CityName': 'Arlington', 'ZipCode': '22217', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': 'Attn: Code 511, Dept. Of Navy', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1523', 'Text': 'SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL'} | 1969~60000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900015.xml'} |
Operational Functions For Nsf's Special Foreign Currency SCience Information Program, Fy 1970 | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 06/30/1971 | 54,400 | 54,400 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/16/1969 | 06/16/1969 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900016 | {'FirstName': 'May Beth', 'LastName': 'Givan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'May Beth Givan', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000638458', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Technical Information Service', 'CityName': 'ALEXANDRIA', 'ZipCode': '22312', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '5301 SHAWNEE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'YZDMB4LANX26', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NW2RJN8TQQW1'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1969~54400 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900016.xml'} |
Continuous Deformations of Rocks | NSF | 02/01/1969 | 07/31/1974 | 118,900 | 118,900 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '06030003', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/29/1969 | 08/01/1972 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900018 | [{'FirstName': 'Ernst', 'LastName': 'Cloos', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ernst Cloos', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000066777', 'StartDate': '02/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'David', 'LastName': 'Elliott', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'David W Elliott', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000231353', 'StartDate': '02/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'PhoneNumber': '4439971898', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FTMTDMBR29C7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1542', 'Text': 'GEOLOGY'} | 1969~58900 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900018.xml'} |
Antarctic Avian Population Studies | NSF | 12/18/1968 | 12/31/1968 | 1,100 | 1,100 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 12/18/1968 | 12/18/1968 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900033 | {'FirstName': 'May Beth', 'LastName': 'Givan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'May Beth Givan', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000638458', 'StartDate': '12/18/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'PhoneNumber': '4439971898', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FTMTDMBR29C7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene & Public Hlth', 'CityName': 'Baltimore', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '21205', 'StreetAddress': 'Homewood Divisions, Room 113', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD07'} | {'Code': '5111', 'Text': 'ANT Organisms & Ecosystems'} | 1969~1100 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900033.xml'} |
Operation of R/V Gulfstream | NSF | 11/01/1968 | 02/29/1972 | 14,500 | 14,500 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '06040200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/12/1968 | 11/12/1968 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900034 | {'FirstName': 'W.', 'LastName': 'Richardson', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'W. S Richardson', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000109165', 'StartDate': '11/01/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Nova Southeastern University', 'CityName': 'FT LAUDERDALE', 'ZipCode': '333282004', 'PhoneNumber': '9542625366', 'StreetAddress': '3300 S UNIVERSITY DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Z1L7BKGEAGC7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY, INC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '000000', 'Text': None}, {'Code': '165000', 'Text': 'BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY'}] | 1969~14500 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900034.xml'} |
Geochemistry of Weathering and the Saline Cycle in Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica | null | 06/01/1969 | 04/30/1975 | null | 34,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '06090000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Office of Polar Programs (OPP)'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 06/17/1969 | 12/28/1978 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900092 | {'FirstName': 'Lois', 'LastName': 'Jones', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Ohio State University Research Foundation -DO NOT USE', 'CityName': 'Columbus', 'ZipCode': '432101016', 'PhoneNumber': '6146888734', 'StreetAddress': '1960 KENNY RD', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Ohio', 'StateCode': 'OH'} | null | {'Code': '5112', 'Text': 'ANTARCTIC EARTH SCIENCES'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900092.xml'} |
Investigations of Energetic Particles Radiations | null | 07/01/1969 | 06/30/1970 | null | 20,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 06/16/1969 | 06/16/1969 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900100 | {'FirstName': 'Martin', 'LastName': 'Pomerantz', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Bartol Research Institute', 'CityName': 'Newark', 'ZipCode': '197160099', 'PhoneNumber': '3028312136', 'StreetAddress': 'University of Delaware', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Delaware', 'StateCode': 'DE'} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900100.xml'} |
Studies in the Andes of the Conductivity Anomaly of the Earth's Crust and Mantle, As Measured By Magnetic Variations | NSF | 11/01/1969 | 03/31/1977 | 112,000 | 112,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '06030004', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/21/1969 | 01/11/1977 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900117 | {'FirstName': 'L.', 'LastName': 'Aldrich', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'T', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'L. T Aldrich', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000384127', 'StartDate': '11/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Carnegie Institution of Washington', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '200151305', 'PhoneNumber': '2023876400', 'StreetAddress': '5241 BROAD BRANCH RD NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'ZQ12LY4L5H39', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1543', 'Text': 'GEOPHYSICS'} | 1970~56000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900117.xml'} |
Investigation of Some Statistical Aspects of Meteorological Data Archiving | NSF | 05/01/1970 | 04/30/1977 | 233,400 | 233,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '06030003', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/14/1970 | 11/24/1976 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900137 | {'FirstName': 'Amos', 'LastName': 'Eddy', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Amos Eddy', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000368360', 'StartDate': '05/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Oklahoma Norman Campus', 'CityName': 'NORMAN', 'ZipCode': '730193003', 'PhoneNumber': '4053254757', 'StreetAddress': '660 PARRINGTON OVAL RM 301', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Oklahoma', 'StateCode': 'OK', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'OK04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EVTSTTLCEWS5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5730', 'Text': 'GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH'} | ['1970~17800', '1975~41300', '1976~5000'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900137.xml'} |
Atmospheric Large-Scale Dynamics | NSF | 09/01/1970 | 02/29/1976 | 326,600 | 326,600 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '06020102', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/28/1970 | 02/11/1975 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900145 | {'FirstName': 'Ferdinand', 'LastName': 'Baer', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ferdinand Baer', 'EmailAddress': 'Baer@ATMOS.UMD.EDU', 'NSF_ID': '000211151', 'StartDate': '09/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor', 'CityName': 'ANN ARBOR', 'ZipCode': '481091079', 'PhoneNumber': '7347636438', 'StreetAddress': '1109 GEDDES AVE, SUITE 3300', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MI06', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GNJ7BBP73WE9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5730', 'Text': 'GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH'} | ['1971~185800', '1975~41000'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900145.xml'} |
Turblence Dynamics and Predictability | NSF | 05/01/1970 | 04/30/1971 | 15,000 | 15,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '06020102', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/07/1970 | 05/07/1970 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900147 | [{'FirstName': 'A.', 'LastName': 'Wiin-Nielsen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'A. Wiin-Nielsen', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000475564', 'StartDate': '05/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Norman', 'LastName': 'Wagner', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Norman K Wagner', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000430603', 'StartDate': '05/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Individual Award', 'CityName': 'Baltimore', 'ZipCode': '21201', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5730', 'Text': 'GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH'} | 1970~15000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900147.xml'} |
Diffusion and Conduction in Colloidal Suspensions | NSF | 02/15/1970 | 07/31/1977 | 113,800 | 113,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '06030002', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 02/06/1970 | 12/27/1973 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900158 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000040371', 'StartDate': '02/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Henry', 'LastName': 'Thomas', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Henry C Thomas', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000196467', 'StartDate': '02/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill', 'CityName': 'CHAPEL HILL', 'ZipCode': '275995023', 'PhoneNumber': '9199663411', 'StreetAddress': '104 AIRPORT DR STE 2200', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'D3LHU66KBLD5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'N8DMK1K4C2K5'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1541', 'Text': 'GEOCHEMISTRY'} | 1970~43800 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900158.xml'} |
Catabolite Repression in Bacteria | null | 12/01/1968 | 08/31/1972 | null | 40,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08000000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Directorate for Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Directorate for Biological Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 12/06/1968 | 12/06/1968 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900168 | {'FirstName': 'Howard', 'LastName': 'Rickenberg', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '12/01/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None} | null | {'Code': '1140', 'Text': 'MOLECULAR & GENETIC BIOSCIENCE'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900168.xml'} |
Differential Electronystagmographic Responses From Otolith And Semicircular Canal Vestibular Systems | NSF | 02/01/1969 | 01/31/1971 | 38,400 | 38,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 02/04/1969 | 02/04/1969 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900170 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000050886', 'StartDate': '02/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Cedars-Sinai Medical Center', 'CityName': 'WEST HOLLYWOOD', 'ZipCode': '900481865', 'PhoneNumber': '3238666942', 'StreetAddress': '8700 BEVERLY BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '30', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA30', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NCSMA19DF7E6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NCSMA19DF7E6'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '114100', 'Text': 'PHYSIOLOG & STRUCTURAL SYS'} | 1969~38400 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900170.xml'} |
Effect of Denervation on Muscle Membrane Proteins | NSF | 02/01/1969 | 01/31/1971 | 50,800 | 50,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/17/1969 | 01/17/1969 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900176 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000050968', 'StartDate': '02/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Harvard University', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'ZipCode': '021385366', 'PhoneNumber': '6174955501', 'StreetAddress': '1033 MASSACHUSETTS AVE STE 3', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LN53LCFJFL45', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1141', 'Text': 'PHYSIOLOG & STRUCTURAL SYS'} | 1969~50800 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900176.xml'} |
Collaborative Research in Enzyme Induction By Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Birds- Its Ecological Significance | NSF | 06/01/1969 | 05/31/1971 | 65,000 | 65,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08010208', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DEB', 'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/04/1969 | 06/04/1969 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900206 | {'FirstName': 'Harold', 'LastName': 'Olcott', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Harold S Olcott', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000045362', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of California-Berkeley', 'CityName': 'BERKELEY', 'ZipCode': '947101749', 'PhoneNumber': '5106433891', 'StreetAddress': '1608 4TH ST STE 201', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GS3YEVSS12N6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1120', 'Text': 'DIVISION RESERVE - BSR'} | 1969~65000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900206.xml'} |
Experimental Invertebrate Zoology and Experimental Marine Botany | NSF | 06/01/1969 | 05/31/1970 | 60,000 | 60,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '06040301', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/24/1969 | 06/24/1969 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900212 | {'FirstName': 'H.', 'LastName': 'Steinbach', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'B', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'H. B Steinbach', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000080700', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Marine Biological Laboratory', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'ZipCode': '025431015', 'PhoneNumber': '5082897243', 'StreetAddress': '7 M B L ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'M2XKLRTA9G44', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'M2XKLRTA9G44'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1650', 'Text': 'BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY'} | 1969~60000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900212.xml'} |
American Tables Committee For Naples Zoological Station | null | 12/19/1968 | 12/31/1968 | null | 1,177 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08010000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 12/19/1968 | 12/19/1968 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900213 | {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Olive', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '12/19/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'American Institute of Biological Sciences', 'CityName': 'McLean', 'ZipCode': '221013926', 'PhoneNumber': '7036742500', 'StreetAddress': '1313 Dolley Madison Blvd.', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA'} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900213.xml'} |
Studies of Sulfur Metabolism in Algae | NSF | 01/21/1969 | 01/31/1970 | 31,800 | 31,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/21/1969 | 01/21/1969 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900215 | {'FirstName': 'Jerome', 'LastName': 'Schiff', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jerome A Schiff', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000160459', 'StartDate': '01/21/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Brandeis University', 'CityName': 'WALTHAM', 'ZipCode': '024532728', 'PhoneNumber': '7817362121', 'StreetAddress': '415 SOUTH ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MXLZGAMFEKN5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'JLC9RHNT9479'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1140', 'Text': 'MOLECULAR & GENETIC BIOSCIENCE'} | 1969~31800 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900215.xml'} |
Signal Detection, Masking and Intensity Discrimination | NSF | 06/01/1969 | 05/31/1972 | 58,600 | 58,600 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '08090200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IOS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Integrative Organismal Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/18/1969 | 04/18/1969 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900253 | {'FirstName': 'David', 'LastName': 'Raab', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'David H Raab', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000161593', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'CUNY Brooklyn College', 'CityName': 'BROOKLYN', 'ZipCode': '112102850', 'PhoneNumber': '7189515622', 'StreetAddress': '2900 BEDFORD AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'XNAKYW3FTSE1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1160', 'Text': 'IBN ANIMAL BEHAVIOR'} | 1969~58600 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900253.xml'} |
Comparative Studies of Protein Structure | NSF | 04/01/1969 | 03/31/1970 | 43,700 | 43,700 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '08000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/27/1969 | 03/27/1969 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900294 | {'FirstName': 'Charles', 'LastName': 'Sibley', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'G', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Charles G Sibley', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000167136', 'StartDate': '04/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Yale University', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'ZipCode': '065113572', 'PhoneNumber': '2037854689', 'StreetAddress': '150 MUNSON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CT03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'YALE UNIV', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1122', 'Text': 'SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY'} | 1969~43700 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900294.xml'} |
Eighth International Congress of Biochemistry, Switzerland, September 1970 | NSF | 03/15/1970 | 03/31/1971 | 10,000 | 10,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/26/1970 | 03/26/1970 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900302 | {'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Harte', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert A Harte', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000180884', 'StartDate': '03/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'American Society of Biolchemistry and Molecular Biology', 'CityName': 'ROCKVILLE', 'ZipCode': '208529849', 'PhoneNumber': '3015307145', 'StreetAddress': '6120 EXECUTIVE BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 400', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'VFT8TXT2BN43', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5931', 'Text': 'INTERNATIONAL INFO & ANALYSIS'} | 1970~10000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900302.xml'} |
Expression of the Vermillion Locus During 'drosophila Melanogaster' Development | NSF | 04/18/1969 | 04/30/1970 | 6,000 | 6,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/18/1969 | 04/18/1969 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900321 | {'FirstName': 'Donald', 'LastName': 'Kimmel', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Donald L Kimmel', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000041635', 'StartDate': '04/18/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Brown University', 'CityName': 'PROVIDENCE', 'ZipCode': '029129100', 'PhoneNumber': '4018632777', 'StreetAddress': '1 PROSPECT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'RI01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E3FDXZ6TBHW3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BROWN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1110', 'Text': 'CELLULAR & PHYSIOLOGICAL BIOSC'} | 1969~6000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900321.xml'} |
Neurological Basis of Behavior of the Blowfly | NSF | 11/01/1969 | 10/31/1970 | 16,700 | 16,700 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '08000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/29/1969 | 04/29/1969 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900323 | {'FirstName': 'Vincent', 'LastName': 'Dethier', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'G', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Vincent G Dethier', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000234107', 'StartDate': '11/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Princeton University', 'CityName': 'PRINCETON', 'ZipCode': '085442001', 'PhoneNumber': '6092583090', 'StreetAddress': '1 NASSAU HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NJ1YPQXQG7U5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1141', 'Text': 'PHYSIOLOG & STRUCTURAL SYS'} | 1969~16700 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900323.xml'} |
Experimental and Simulation Study of Ecogenetic Processes InLaboratory Insect Populations | NSF | 09/01/1969 | 02/28/1977 | 140,300 | 140,300 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08010208', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DEB', 'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/13/1969 | 07/31/1975 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900343 | {'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Sokal', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert R Sokal', 'EmailAddress': 'SOKAL @SBBIOVM', 'NSF_ID': '000315822', 'StartDate': '09/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'SUNY at Stony Brook', 'CityName': 'STONY BROOK', 'ZipCode': '117940001', 'PhoneNumber': '6316329949', 'StreetAddress': 'W5510 FRANKS MELVILLE MEMORIAL L', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'M746VC6XMNH9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1128', 'Text': 'Population & Community Ecology'} | 1970~60000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900343.xml'} |
Pesticide, Parasite, Energetic and Behavioral Interactions | NSF | 10/01/1969 | 06/30/1976 | 122,900 | 122,900 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08010208', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DEB', 'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/22/1969 | 10/03/1975 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900386 | {'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Robel', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert J Robel', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000331553', 'StartDate': '10/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Kansas State University', 'CityName': 'MANHATTAN', 'ZipCode': '665062504', 'PhoneNumber': '7855326804', 'StreetAddress': '1601 VATTIER STREET', 'StreetAddress2': '103 FAIRCHILD HALL', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Kansas', 'StateCode': 'KS', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'KS01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'CFMMM5JM7HJ9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1128', 'Text': 'Population & Community Ecology'} | 1970~60000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900386.xml'} |
Metal Ion Interactions With Compounds of Biological Interest | NSF | 07/17/1969 | 07/31/1970 | 29,000 | 29,000 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '08000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 07/17/1969 | 07/17/1969 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900405 | {'FirstName': 'R.Bruce', 'LastName': 'Martin', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'R.Bruce Martin', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000317397', 'StartDate': '07/17/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Virginia Main Campus', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTESVILLE', 'ZipCode': '229034833', 'PhoneNumber': '4349244270', 'StreetAddress': '1001 EMMET ST N', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JJG6HU8PA4S5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RECTOR & VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1152', 'Text': 'BIOPHYSICS'} | 1970~29000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900405.xml'} |
Annual Survey of Industrial Research and Development in American Industry (Covering the Period 4-1-69 Thru 3-31-70) | null | 04/21/1969 | 06/30/1973 | null | 536,500 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '04030103', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Social, Behav & Economic Scie'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'National Center For S&E Statistics'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 04/21/1969 | 03/02/1973 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900426 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '04/21/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Bureau of the Census', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '20233', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC'} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900426.xml'} |
U.S.N.S. 'eltanin' Satellite Navigation System | NSF | 03/01/1969 | 09/30/1973 | 85,000 | 85,000 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/19/1969 | 10/01/1972 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900427 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000126252', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000194854', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'J.', 'LastName': 'Rice', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'J. E Rice', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000070470', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Rudolf', 'LastName': 'Raff', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Rudolf A Raff', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '8128552791', 'NSF_ID': '000224788', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John P Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '3032365666', 'NSF_ID': '000419314', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Department of Navy Naval Ship Engineering Center', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '20360', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '98', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC98', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5121', 'Text': 'BIOLOGY (RESOURCES)'} | 1969~10000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900427.xml'} |
Meteorological Support of Deep-Sea Drilling Operations | null | 05/01/1969 | 09/30/1980 | 1,589,875 | 1,589,875 | {'Value': 'Contract Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 06/30/1969 | 01/22/1980 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900428 | {'FirstName': 'Bernard', 'LastName': 'Zavos', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '05/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Department of Commerce', 'CityName': 'Arlington', 'ZipCode': '22201', 'PhoneNumber': '7035880851', 'StreetAddress': 'Ocean.US 2300 Clarendon Blvd.', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA'} | null | [{'Code': '5710', 'Text': 'DEEP SEA DRILLING ACTIVITY'}, {'Code': '8240', 'Text': 'INTERNATIONAL PHASE OF OCEAN D'}, {'Code': '8253', 'Text': 'U.S.S.R. DEEP SEA DRILLING'}] | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900428.xml'} |
Task Order For Support of the U.S. National Committee on Geochemistry | NSF | 01/01/1969 | 03/31/1979 | 180,020 | 180,020 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '06030002', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/17/1969 | 01/31/1979 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900431 | {'FirstName': 'William', 'LastName': 'Petrie', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'William L Petrie', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000475229', 'StartDate': '01/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1541', 'Text': 'GEOCHEMISTRY'} | ['1969~7200', '1975~22700', '1976~31000', '1977~27400', '1978~30220'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900431.xml'} |
Task Order For Partial Support of U. S. Travel to the TwentySecond International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry,Sydney, Australia, August 20-27, 1969 | NSF | 02/01/1969 | 12/31/1969 | 40,000 | 40,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/05/1969 | 03/05/1969 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900432 | {'FirstName': 'Martin', 'LastName': 'Paul', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martin A Paul', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000164060', 'StartDate': '02/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5931', 'Text': 'INTERNATIONAL INFO & ANALYSIS'} | 1969~40000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900432.xml'} |
A Program to Stimulate the Development of Electrical Engineering Courses and Curricula to Include the Computer Sciences (C310 T. o. 161) | NSF | 03/01/1969 | 05/31/1971 | 92,300 | 92,300 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '05020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/20/1969 | 03/01/1972 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900433 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000126252', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000194854', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Newman', 'LastName': 'Hall', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Newman A Hall', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000050964', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Vaughn', 'LastName': 'Rockney', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Vaughn D Rockney', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000070670', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John P Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '3032365666', 'NSF_ID': '000419314', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'National Academy of Engineering', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023938100', 'StreetAddress': '2101 Constitution Ave NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | ['1969~85600', '1972~6700'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900433.xml'} |
Task Order For Support For the Organization of the SeventEenth General Assembly of the International Union Of Biological Sciences, Washington, D. C., October 197 | NSF | 03/10/1969 | 01/31/1971 | 8,770 | 8,770 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/10/1969 | 03/10/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900434 | {'FirstName': 'Michael', 'LastName': 'Decarlo', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Michael R Decarlo', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000476024', 'StartDate': '03/10/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5910', 'Text': 'COOPERATIVE SCIENCE PROGRAM'} | 1969~8770 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900434.xml'} |
U.S. Activities in Radio Sciences For the InternatioNal Scientific Radio Union | NSF | 06/01/1969 | 09/30/1969 | 4,200 | 4,200 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/01/1969 | 05/01/1969 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900435 | {'FirstName': 'Hugh', 'LastName': 'Odishaw', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Hugh Odishaw', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000294867', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1969~4200 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900435.xml'} |
U.S. - Brazilian Program For Brazilian Developmentof Post GrAduate Research in Chemistry | NSF | 06/01/1969 | 05/31/1972 | 151,400 | 151,400 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '01090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'O/D', 'LongName': 'Office Of The Director'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OISE', 'LongName': 'Office Of Internatl Science &Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/04/1969 | 05/26/1972 | None | Grant | 47.079 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900436 | {'FirstName': 'Victor', 'LastName': 'Rabinowitch', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Victor Rabinowitch', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000307927', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1969~50000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900436.xml'} |
Task Order For Support of a Ground-Based Solar- Terrestrial Research Study | NSF | 05/01/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 31,700 | 31,700 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '06020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/20/1969 | 06/30/1969 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900437 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000126252', 'StartDate': '05/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000194854', 'StartDate': '05/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'W.', 'LastName': 'Bartley', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'W. C Bartley', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000075972', 'StartDate': '05/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Vaughn', 'LastName': 'Rockney', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Vaughn D Rockney', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000070670', 'StartDate': '05/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John P Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000419314', 'StartDate': '05/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1969~20700 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900437.xml'} |
Conference For Educators on Systems For Handling Chemical Information | NSF | 06/01/1969 | 05/31/1970 | 13,500 | 13,500 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/04/1969 | 06/04/1969 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900438 | {'FirstName': 'Martin', 'LastName': 'Paul', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martin A Paul', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000164060', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1969~13500 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900438.xml'} |
To Attend- 'eighth International Congress of the International Union For Quaternary Research', Paris, France,August 30 - September 5, 1969 | NSF | 06/01/1969 | 09/30/1969 | 10,000 | 10,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/04/1969 | 06/04/1969 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900440 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5931', 'Text': 'INTERNATIONAL INFO & ANALYSIS'} | 1969~10000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900440.xml'} |
Task Order For Support of the Study of Priorities in Astronomy | NSF | 06/30/1969 | 06/30/1973 | 200,000 | 200,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/30/1969 | 09/01/1971 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900442 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000126252', 'StartDate': '06/30/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000194854', 'StartDate': '06/30/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Green', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert E Green', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000030390', 'StartDate': '06/30/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Vaughn', 'LastName': 'Rockney', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Vaughn D Rockney', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000070670', 'StartDate': '06/30/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John P Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000419314', 'StartDate': '06/30/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '8900', 'Text': None} | 1969~84000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900442.xml'} |
Task Order For Workshop on Engineering Systems in the City -A Challenge to the University | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 12/31/1969 | 11,000 | 11,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03030600', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': None, 'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/30/1969 | 06/30/1969 | None | Grant | None | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900443 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Engineering', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023938100', 'StreetAddress': '2101 Constitution Ave NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1969~11000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900443.xml'} |
Task Order For Partial Support For a Study of Nuclear PhYsics and the Planning of a Prospective Physics Survey | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 12/31/1972 | 125,000 | 125,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/30/1969 | 04/27/1972 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900444 | [{'FirstName': 'George', 'LastName': 'Wood', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'George W Wood', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000396606', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Hugh', 'LastName': 'Odishaw', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Hugh Odishaw', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000294867', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '8900', 'Text': None} | 1969~20000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900444.xml'} |
Task Order For Support of the Institute of Animal Resources | NSF | 09/01/1969 | 09/30/1979 | 96,000 | 96,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '08090300', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IOS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Integrative Organismal Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 09/25/1969 | 09/30/1978 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900445 | {'FirstName': 'Thomas', 'LastName': 'Kennedy', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Thomas J Kennedy', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000230905', 'StartDate': '09/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1141', 'Text': 'PHYSIOLOG & STRUCTURAL SYS'} | ['1970~15000', '1976~20000', '1977~22000', '1978~24000'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900445.xml'} |
Partial Supp of U.S. Partic in the Intl Symp on the Auto AndBiogenesis of Mitochondria and Plasts, Canberra, Australia, 12/8-12/69 1969 | NSF | 12/01/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 6,000 | 6,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 12/11/1969 | 12/11/1969 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900446 | {'FirstName': 'Martin', 'LastName': 'Paul', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martin A Paul', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000164060', 'StartDate': '12/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5931', 'Text': 'INTERNATIONAL INFO & ANALYSIS'} | 1970~6000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900446.xml'} |
Task Order For Partial Support of the Committee on the GeoLogical Sciences | NSF | 02/01/1970 | 01/31/1972 | 33,100 | 33,100 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '06030003', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/15/1970 | 06/15/1970 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900447 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000046342', 'StartDate': '02/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000126252', 'StartDate': '02/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000194854', 'StartDate': '02/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Louise', 'LastName': 'Marshall', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Louise H Marshall', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000052313', 'StartDate': '02/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John P Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000419314', 'StartDate': '02/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1542', 'Text': 'GEOLOGY'} | 1970~33100 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900447.xml'} |
The Management, Oper. & Maint. of the Kitt Peak Nat. Observatory, Tucson, Ariz. | NSF | 10/10/1968 | 09/30/1968 | 43,187,294 | 43,187,294 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '03020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 10/10/1968 | 01/25/1974 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900448 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '10/10/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.', 'CityName': 'TUCSON', 'ZipCode': '857194933', 'PhoneNumber': '2024832101', 'StreetAddress': '950 N CHERRY AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AZ07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LFDKLGTB62C4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY, INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '4300', 'Text': 'NAT OPT ASTRONOMY OBSERVS-NOAO'} | 1969~1000000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900448.xml'} |
Task Order For Processing of Trainee Personal Data Forms | NSF | 11/01/1968 | 08/31/1969 | 13,545 | 13,545 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '05090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OAC', 'LongName': 'Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC)'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/21/1968 | 11/21/1968 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900449 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '11/01/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Exotech Systems Inc', 'CityName': 'Falls Church', 'ZipCode': '22041', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1969~13545 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900449.xml'} |
Task Order For the Processing of Information Related to the Proposal Receipt, Evaluation, and Foundation's Education Programs | NSF | 06/01/1969 | 08/31/1970 | 114,806 | 114,806 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '05000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/20/1969 | 02/20/1970 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900450 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Exotech Systems Inc', 'CityName': 'Falls Church', 'ZipCode': '22041', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1969~110956 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900450.xml'} |
Contract For-Scientific Support Activities For the United States Antarctic Research Program | null | 09/11/1968 | 12/31/1974 | 1,874,301 | 1,874,301 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 10/07/1968 | 10/11/1972 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900453 | [{'FirstName': 'James', 'LastName': 'Johnson', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '09/11/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Burt', 'LastName': 'Kaufman', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '09/11/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '09/11/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '09/11/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'William', 'LastName': 'Kaula', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '09/11/1968', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Holmes and Narver Inc', 'CityName': 'Orange', 'ZipCode': '92668', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA'} | null | {'Code': '5122', 'Text': 'EARTH SCIENCES (RESOURCES)'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900453.xml'} |
Contract to Organize Nsf Earthquake Engineering Meeting | null | 02/01/1969 | 01/31/1970 | null | 13,800 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 02/19/1969 | 02/19/1969 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900455 | {'FirstName': 'Joseph', 'LastName': 'Penzien', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '02/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None} | null | {'Code': '1430', 'Text': 'MECHANICAL SCIENCES & ENG-RES.'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900455.xml'} |
Design and Prototype Fabrication of an Automated Unmanned Antarctic Geophysical Laboratory (Phase I) | NSF | 03/01/1969 | 08/31/1974 | 570,900 | 570,900 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/24/1969 | 02/14/1975 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900461 | {'FirstName': 'Allen', 'LastName': 'Peterson', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Allen M Peterson', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000441296', 'StartDate': '03/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Stanford University', 'CityName': 'STANFORD', 'ZipCode': '943052004', 'PhoneNumber': '6507232300', 'StreetAddress': '450 JANE STANFORD WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '16', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA16', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HJD6G4D6TJY5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '5114', 'Text': 'METEOROLOGY (US ANTARCTIC RES)'}, {'Code': '5122', 'Text': 'EARTH SCIENCES (RESOURCES)'}] | ['1969~65000', '1975~21300'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900461.xml'} |
Contract For Development of Computer-Managed Data Bases For The Fields of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | NSF | 03/17/1969 | 06/30/1972 | 4,437,735 | 4,437,735 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/26/1969 | 09/29/1977 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900462 | {'FirstName': 'Fred', 'LastName': 'Tate', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Fred A Tate', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000335523', 'StartDate': '03/17/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'ACS Chemical Abstracts', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '200364839', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '1155 16TH ST NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HNALX27LW8F9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '0000', 'Text': None}, {'Code': '6600', 'Text': 'BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS OF INFO TRA'}] | ['1969~1803445', '1977~119290'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900462.xml'} |
Contract For Ecology of Antarctic Microorganisms | NSF | 06/01/1969 | 05/31/1973 | 124,000 | 124,000 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/24/1969 | 10/09/1972 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900463 | [{'FirstName': 'Burt', 'LastName': 'Kaufman', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Burt A Kaufman', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000060708', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'William', 'LastName': 'Kaula', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'William M Kaula', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000060722', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John P Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000419314', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Roy', 'LastName': 'Cameron', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Roy E Cameron', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000432222', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000194854', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'California Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'PASADENA', 'ZipCode': '911250001', 'PhoneNumber': '6263956219', 'StreetAddress': '1200 E CALIFORNIA BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '28', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA28', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U2JMKHNS5TG4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5111', 'Text': 'ANT Organisms & Ecosystems'} | 1969~29100 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900463.xml'} |
Contract For Exploration of the Possibility of Generating Importance and Utilization Measures By Citation Indexing of Approximately 250 Journals in the Physical Sciences | null | 07/01/1970 | 03/31/1976 | 579,002 | 579,002 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '01030701', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'O/D', 'LongName': 'Office Of The Director'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'PRM', 'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 06/26/1970 | 08/25/1977 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900466 | {'FirstName': 'Francis', 'LastName': 'Narin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'IPIQ, INC', 'CityName': 'Westmont', 'ZipCode': '081082827', 'PhoneNumber': '8565460600', 'StreetAddress': '222 Haddon Ave.', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ'} | null | [{'Code': '0609', 'Text': None}, {'Code': '8990', 'Text': 'NASA-S BAND RADAR PROGRAM'}] | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900466.xml'} |
Improvement of Computing Services | NSF | 08/19/1969 | 08/31/1972 | 395,000 | 395,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/19/1969 | 08/19/1969 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900479 | {'FirstName': 'May Beth', 'LastName': 'Givan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'May Beth Givan', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000638458', 'StartDate': '08/19/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Bucknell University', 'CityName': 'LEWISBURG', 'ZipCode': '178372005', 'PhoneNumber': '5705773510', 'StreetAddress': '1 DENT DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA15', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LT7CLFEE1ZW4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~395000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900479.xml'} |
Logical Design of Digital Networks By Large-Scale Integer Programming | NSF | 08/07/1969 | 08/31/1973 | 47,700 | 47,700 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/07/1969 | 08/07/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900504 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000060667', 'StartDate': '08/07/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'William', 'LastName': 'Murdy', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'William H Murdy', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000107429', 'StartDate': '08/07/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '2811', 'Text': 'THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE'} | 1970~47700 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900504.xml'} |
Computer-Related Curriculum Development | NSF | 06/30/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 8,300 | 8,300 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/30/1969 | 06/30/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900516 | {'FirstName': 'May Beth', 'LastName': 'Givan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'May Beth Givan', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000638458', 'StartDate': '06/30/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Xavier University of Louisiana', 'CityName': 'NEW ORLEANS', 'ZipCode': '701251056', 'PhoneNumber': '5045205440', 'StreetAddress': '1 DREXEL DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Louisiana', 'StateCode': 'LA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'LA02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HGAAKCE3A7P7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'XAVIER UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'HGAAKCE3A7P7'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '000000', 'Text': None} | 1969~8300 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900516.xml'} |
Computer-Related Curriculum Development | NSF | 06/30/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 11,000 | 11,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05000100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/30/1969 | 06/30/1969 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900517 | {'FirstName': 'Bernard', 'LastName': 'Weigman', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Bernard J Weigman', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000228607', 'StartDate': '06/30/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Loyola University Maryland, Inc.', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212102601', 'PhoneNumber': '4016172561', 'StreetAddress': '4501 N CHARLES ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FV5AVEGVTUE4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'LOYOLA UNIVERSITY MARYLAND, INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1969~11000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900517.xml'} |
A Regional Development of Computer Uses in Higher Education | NSF | 11/18/1969 | 11/30/1971 | 6,400 | 6,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05000100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/18/1969 | 11/18/1969 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900531 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000055176', 'StartDate': '11/18/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Queens College', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTE', 'ZipCode': '282072450', 'PhoneNumber': '7043372274', 'StreetAddress': '1900 SELWYN AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '14', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC14', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'F7F3RPLJ5G21', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'QUEENS UNIVERSITY OF CHARLOTTE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~6400 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900531.xml'} |
System Theory Research | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 06/30/1971 | 296,200 | 296,200 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/30/1969 | 06/30/1969 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900549 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Wisconsin-Madison', 'CityName': 'MADISON', 'ZipCode': '537151218', 'PhoneNumber': '6082623822', 'StreetAddress': '21 North Park Street', 'StreetAddress2': 'Suite 6301', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Wisconsin', 'StateCode': 'WI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WI02', 'ORG_DUNS_NUM': '161202122', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_DUNS_NUM': '041188822'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1450', 'Text': 'ENG SCIE IN ELEC,COMMU & SYSTS'} | 1969~296200 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900549.xml'} |
Creeping Flow Aerodynamics | null | 09/15/1969 | 09/30/1971 | null | 44,700 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 08/22/1969 | 08/22/1969 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900556 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '09/15/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None} | null | {'Code': '1430', 'Text': 'MECHANICAL SCIENCES & ENG-RES.'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900556.xml'} |
Unsteady-State Flow of Fluids in Wood | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 02/28/1977 | 34,600 | 34,600 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/20/1969 | 01/16/1975 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900566 | {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Siau', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'F', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John F Siau', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000322760', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry', 'CityName': 'SYRACUSE', 'ZipCode': '132102712', 'PhoneNumber': '3154706606', 'StreetAddress': '1 FORESTRY DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '22', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY22', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LVVEB3CF8MB8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1410', 'Text': 'ENG SCI IN CHEM,BIOCHEM & THER'} | 1969~15100 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900566.xml'} |
Transport Processes in Multiparticle Laminar Flow Systems | NSF | 03/15/1970 | 03/31/1972 | 35,900 | 35,900 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/06/1970 | 03/06/1970 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900588 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000047096', 'StartDate': '03/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Carnegie-Mellon University', 'CityName': 'PITTSBURGH', 'ZipCode': '152133815', 'PhoneNumber': '4122688746', 'StreetAddress': '5000 FORBES AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '18', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA18', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U3NKNFLNQ613', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'U3NKNFLNQ613'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1410', 'Text': 'ENG SCI IN CHEM,BIOCHEM & THER'} | 1970~35900 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900588.xml'} |
Flow Generated Noise in Piping and Duct Systems | null | 06/01/1969 | 07/31/1970 | null | 26,300 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 06/04/1969 | 06/04/1969 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900608 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Polytechnic University of New York', 'CityName': 'Brooklyn', 'ZipCode': '112013826', 'PhoneNumber': '7182603360', 'StreetAddress': '15 Metrotech Center', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY'} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900608.xml'} |
Effects of Earthquake Motions on Reinforced Concrete Buildings | NSF | 10/01/1969 | 09/30/1970 | 58,700 | 58,700 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 09/16/1969 | 09/16/1969 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900635 | {'FirstName': 'N.', 'LastName': 'Nielsen', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'N', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'N. N Nielsen', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000080813', 'StartDate': '10/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1430', 'Text': 'MECHANICAL SCIENCES & ENG-RES.'} | 1970~58700 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900635.xml'} |
Transl Jour-Atmos & Oceanic Physics, Physics of the Solid Earth, Geomagnetism & Aeronomy, Geodesty& Aerophotography, OCeanology, Geotectonics, & Soviet Hydrology-Selec Papers, | NSF | 01/01/1969 | 12/31/1971 | 118,000 | 118,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/03/1969 | 04/03/1969 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900670 | {'FirstName': 'A. F.', 'LastName': 'Spilhaus, Jr.', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': 'Jr.', 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'A. F. Spilhaus, Jr.', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000106642', 'StartDate': '01/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'American Geophysical Union', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '200091374', 'PhoneNumber': '2024626900', 'StreetAddress': '2000 FLORIDA AVE NW LBBY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QSTAN1HJRXJ5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '000000', 'Text': None} | 1969~118000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900670.xml'} |
Publication of 'the Chinese of Hong Kong- a Study of an Island Community' | NSF | 09/26/1969 | 12/31/1971 | 15,000 | 15,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '04040400', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'SBE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Social, Behav & Economic Scie'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BCS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Behavioral and Cognitive Sci'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 09/26/1969 | 12/18/1974 | None | Grant | 47.075 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900677 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '09/26/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Yale University', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'ZipCode': '065113572', 'PhoneNumber': '2037854689', 'StreetAddress': '150 MUNSON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CT03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'YALE UNIV', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1310', 'Text': 'ANTHROPOLOGY'} | 1970~15000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900677.xml'} |
To Expand the University of Georgia Information Center | NSF | 11/24/1969 | 11/30/1972 | 685,200 | 685,200 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/24/1969 | 12/09/1971 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900678 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '11/24/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Georgia', 'CityName': 'ATHENS', 'ZipCode': '306020001', 'PhoneNumber': '7065425939', 'StreetAddress': '623 BOYD GRADUATE RESEARCH CTR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Q2LKTLYJM4P8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '6600', 'Text': 'BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS OF INFO TRA'} | 1970~250000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900678.xml'} |
National Information Systems For Physics- Stage Ii Development | NSF | 12/01/1969 | 02/28/1973 | 1,865,810 | 1,865,810 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 02/25/1970 | 02/17/1972 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900680 | {'FirstName': 'H.', 'LastName': 'Kock', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'H. W Kock', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000041280', 'StartDate': '12/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'American Institute of Physics', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE PARK', 'ZipCode': '207403841', 'PhoneNumber': '3012093127', 'StreetAddress': '1 PHYSICS ELLIPSE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JWDLZDLNL9K3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INCORPORATED', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'JWDLZDLNL9K3'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '6600', 'Text': 'BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS OF INFO TRA'} | 1970~640200 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900680.xml'} |
Publication of Third Edition, 'international Directory of Psychologists' | NSF | 01/25/1971 | 12/31/1977 | 25,500 | 25,500 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/25/1971 | 05/23/1975 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900685 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '01/25/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Michigan State University', 'CityName': 'EAST LANSING', 'ZipCode': '488242600', 'PhoneNumber': '5173555040', 'StreetAddress': '426 AUDITORIUM RD RM 2', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MI07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'R28EKN92ZTZ9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'VJKZC4D1JN36'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '6500', 'Text': 'STRUCTURE OF INFORMATION'} | 1971~25500 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900685.xml'} |
Galactic Structure at High Galactic Latitudes | NSF | 02/15/1969 | 02/28/1971 | 35,100 | 35,100 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03020101', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/31/1969 | 01/31/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900688 | [{'FirstName': 'A.G. Davis', 'LastName': 'Philip', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'A.G. Davis Philip', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '5183745636', 'NSF_ID': '000154089', 'StartDate': '02/15/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Anthony', 'LastName': 'Houghton', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Anthony Houghton', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '4018632683', 'NSF_ID': '000110224', 'StartDate': '02/15/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Dudley Observatory', 'CityName': 'Schenectady', 'ZipCode': '123052209', 'PhoneNumber': '5183827583', 'StreetAddress': '100 Fuller Road', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '20', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY20', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1969~35100 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900688.xml'} |
Group Theory | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 40,000 | 40,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/19/1969 | 06/19/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900693 | [{'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Walter', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John H Walter', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000460452', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Michio', 'LastName': 'Suzuki', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Michio Suzuki', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000101350', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1264', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'} | 1969~40000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900693.xml'} |
Purchase of a Gel Permeation Chromatograph | NSF | 06/01/1969 | 05/31/1970 | 14,800 | 14,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090308', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/23/1969 | 04/23/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900698 | {'FirstName': 'Jeffrey', 'LastName': 'Morton', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'B', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeffrey B Morton', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000446233', 'StartDate': '06/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Akron', 'CityName': 'AKRON', 'ZipCode': '443250001', 'PhoneNumber': '3309722760', 'StreetAddress': '302 BUCHTEL COMMON', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Ohio', 'StateCode': 'OH', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'OH13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'DFNLDECWM8J8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'DFNLDECWM8J8'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '000000', 'Text': None} | 1969~14800 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900698.xml'} |
Regional Conference on Logic, Computability and Automata Theory | NSF | 05/01/1969 | 04/30/1970 | 6,800 | 6,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/15/1969 | 04/15/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900729 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000046100', 'StartDate': '05/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Morehouse College', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'ZipCode': '303143773', 'PhoneNumber': '4706390633', 'StreetAddress': '830 WESTVIEW DR SW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KTE2MFWTKAE5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MOREHOUSE COLLEGE (INC.)', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'KTE2MFWTKAE5'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '281100', 'Text': 'THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE'} | 1969~6800 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900729.xml'} |
Generalized Temperatures | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 10,100 | 10,100 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040101', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/18/1969 | 06/18/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900739 | {'FirstName': 'Deborah', 'LastName': 'Haimo', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'T', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Deborah T Haimo', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000102697', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Missouri-Saint Louis', 'CityName': 'SAINT LOUIS', 'ZipCode': '631214400', 'PhoneNumber': '3145165897', 'StreetAddress': '1 UNIVERSITY BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Missouri', 'StateCode': 'MO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MO01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GWCTP4CQ1E65', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1266', 'Text': 'APPLIED MATHEMATICS'} | 1969~10100 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900739.xml'} |
Algebra and Number Theory | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 60,000 | 60,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/17/1969 | 06/17/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900746 | {'FirstName': 'Albey', 'LastName': 'Reiner', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Albey M Reiner', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000183370', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1264', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'} | 1969~60000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900746.xml'} |
Terpene Chemistry | NSF | 09/01/1969 | 12/31/1976 | 102,800 | 102,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090302', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/14/1969 | 11/10/1975 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900752 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000040348', 'StartDate': '09/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Florida State University', 'CityName': 'TALLAHASSEE', 'ZipCode': '323060001', 'PhoneNumber': '8506445260', 'StreetAddress': '874 TRADITIONS WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JF2BLNN4PJC3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'D4GCCCMXR1H3'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1934', 'Text': 'SYNTHETIC ORGANIC & NAT PRODUC'} | 1970~47300 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900752.xml'} |
Theoretical Chemistry | NSF | 03/06/1969 | 03/31/1970 | 56,400 | 56,400 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/06/1969 | 03/06/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900770 | {'FirstName': 'Oktay', 'LastName': 'Sinanoglu', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Oktay Sinanoglu', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000458265', 'StartDate': '03/06/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Yale University', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'ZipCode': '065113572', 'PhoneNumber': '2037854689', 'StreetAddress': '150 MUNSON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CT03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'YALE UNIV', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1915', 'Text': 'EXPERIMENTAL CHEMICAL PHYSICS'} | 1969~56400 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900770.xml'} |
Differential Geometry | NSF | 06/15/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 58,800 | 58,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/23/1969 | 06/23/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900773 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '06/15/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1261', 'Text': 'CLASSICAL ANALYSIS'} | 1969~58800 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900773.xml'} |
Some Aspects of Organometallic Chemistry | NSF | 09/01/1969 | 08/31/1975 | 32,100 | 32,100 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '03090302', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/27/1969 | 06/27/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900780 | {'FirstName': 'Rowland', 'LastName': 'Pettit', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Rowland Pettit', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000375378', 'StartDate': '09/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'PhoneNumber': '5124716424', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'V6AFQPN18437', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '193400', 'Text': 'SYNTHETIC ORGANIC & NAT PRODUC'} | 1969~32100 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900780.xml'} |
Logic and Group Theory | NSF | 06/15/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 55,300 | 55,300 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/05/1969 | 06/05/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900815 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '06/15/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1264', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'} | 1969~55300 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900815.xml'} |
Molecular Emission Continua, Collisions of Excited States, And Molecular Ionization | NSF | 09/01/1969 | 08/31/1974 | 131,400 | 131,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090105', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/11/1969 | 03/13/1974 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900819 | {'FirstName': 'Allan', 'LastName': 'Smith', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Allan L Smith', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000213768', 'StartDate': '09/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Yale University', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'ZipCode': '065113572', 'PhoneNumber': '2037854689', 'StreetAddress': '150 MUNSON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CT03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'YALE UNIV', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1915', 'Text': 'EXPERIMENTAL CHEMICAL PHYSICS'} | 1970~53300 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900819.xml'} |
Functional Analysis | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 34,900 | 34,900 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/23/1969 | 06/23/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900830 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000071968', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1262', 'Text': 'MODERN ANALYSIS'} | 1969~34900 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900830.xml'} |
Probability and Related Parts of Analysis | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 33,000 | 33,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/30/1969 | 06/30/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900842 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1262', 'Text': 'MODERN ANALYSIS'} | 1969~33000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900842.xml'} |
Mathematical Statistics | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 46,500 | 46,500 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/27/1969 | 06/27/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900843 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1262', 'Text': 'MODERN ANALYSIS'} | 1969~46500 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900843.xml'} |
Statistical Mechanics and Solid State Physics | null | 05/01/1969 | 11/30/1970 | null | 35,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 06/23/1969 | 06/23/1969 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 6900844 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '05/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Joseph', 'LastName': 'Merklin', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '05/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Cornell University', 'CityName': 'Ithaca', 'ZipCode': '148502820', 'PhoneNumber': '6072555014', 'StreetAddress': '373 Pine Tree Road', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY'} | null | {'Code': '1275', 'Text': 'THEORET-ELEMENTARY PARTIC'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900844.xml'} |
Borane Chemistry | NSF | 11/01/1969 | 10/31/1971 | 30,600 | 30,600 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 10/17/1969 | 10/17/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 6900845 | {'FirstName': 'Neil', 'LastName': 'Miller', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Neil A Miller', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000325212', 'StartDate': '11/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of South Dakota Main Campus', 'CityName': 'VERMILLION', 'ZipCode': '570692307', 'PhoneNumber': '6056775370', 'StreetAddress': '414 E CLARK ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'South Dakota', 'StateCode': 'SD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'SD00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U9EDNSCHTBE7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1932', 'Text': 'SYNTHETIC INORGANIC & ORGANOME'} | 1970~30600 | {'url': '', 'xml': '6900845.xml'} |