Unnamed: 0
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Worker's Comp case - moving out of state?
Hi! I sustained an injury at work and had to have subsequent surgery & physical therapy, all of which were covered by worker's comp through my former company. It's been 4 years and the case is still open, I think largely due to my doctor informing the insurance company that I will need further treatment later in life. I am potentially moving to another state for work, and wondered if settling my case before moving is ideal. Are there any complications to maintaining a plan of care if it has to be transferred out of the state in which I was injured? Thank you in advance!
[Alabama] Can landlord keep part of our security deposit for professional carpet cleaning?
When we moved in the carpets had stains, gum, and worn out places (so worn down, for example, that in high traffic place, there is no carpet at all). I made note of all this on our move-in inspection form. Now, 3 years later, we have moved out, the rental managers are asking us to supply a receipt for professional carpet cleaning. Nowhere in our lease do I see that we are required to have the carpets professionally cleaned before vacating. This is just something they told us after we notified them we were moving. Can they legally do this in Alabama? I don't see carpet cleaning listed, specifically, when reading the al landlord tenant rights, but I could easily be misreading or missing something! edit: typo
Are these good enough reasons to quit legally? MN unemployment appeal hearing may 19th
Situation: I was initially found ineligible under quit in anticipation of discharge when I put in a 2 week notice aftermy campus job forcefully transferred me to the worst dining hall on campus and put me under a disciplinary investigation for an uncomfortable situation with my ex (nothing criminal, she's just crazy) and threatened police involvment if I showed up on the premises. I figured I'd be fired anyways and preferred to find a better job for myself before everything shutdown including my former workplace a week later (unlucky). I'm looking to argue good reason at my appeal which is defined in the statute below for MN Subd. 3.Good reason caused by the employer defined. (a) A good reason caused by the employer for quitting is a reason: (1) that is directly related to the employment and for which the employer is responsible; (2) that is adverse to the worker; and (3) that would compel an average, reasonable worker to quit and become unemployed rather than remaining in the employment If an applicant was subjected to adverse working conditions by the employer, the applicant must complain to the employer and give the employer a reasonable opportunity to correct the adverse working conditions before that may be a good reason caused by the employer for quitting. My reasons are: 1. I Didn't want to potentially jeopardize anything. I've never done anything criminal, had any runins with the law, and didn't want anything on my criminal or school record (since I attend the university as well). Quitting would allow me to find work elsewhere without putting any of that at risk. 2. Fear of safety over new commute. The new location would require me to ride the MN light rail downtown between 9:30-11:30 nightly, which are known as notoriously unsafe and which I've had close calls past experiences on in the past and stopped riding because of this a year ago. 3. Fear of unsafe working environment/working conditions: covid was really starting to take off around this time and I would be exposed to around 20× more people during a normal shift. On top of this, my new location was so desperate for workers since the turnover rate was so bad that I would be working with temps and volatile adult workers with criminal records which I was scared of working with compared to my previous location where everyone was pretty much all students. Would these be good enough to win an appeal? Should I tweak or add on something different? Never filed ui or spoke with a judge before, I'm a fully self-supporting student and have been w/o any income for nearly 3 months and really need to win this.
Rental agency trying to end my lease early in Denver
Myself and two coworkers began renting a house in Aurora, CO in August of this year. We are all three working adults and submitted separate rental applications and lease signatures. I received a call yesterday that the city council is trying to cut our lease short because with there being three occupants, one of us needs to have a permit of some sort. They said this is included in the occupancy zoning laws of Denver. They didn't mention the name of the permit we're supposed to have, but they're calling me back tomorrow with more details. What kind of defense do I have in this situation? Can they legally shorten our lease? This seems like total BS.
Unpaid leave due to coworker testing positive for covid. Is this legal? (Omaha, NE)
Hi all. I work for a call center and today I have been told that I will have to take a leave of 2 weeks because a coworker I work close to tested positive for covid. They also said I will not be paid during this time. I offered to work from home during this time but they said no I was wondering if this is legal because I am being forced to go on leave by my employer due to something totally out of my control.
My art studio in Hayward CA got SWATted :(
I have one of three street-side front office units of a warehouse complex--unitsclearly marked A, B and C--with a big sign out front saying [name of street] Suites. Apparently someone in one of the back warehouse units was growing pot (legally from what I hear) but SWAT units kicked in the door to my unit and rummaged around through my belongings. Then they boarded up my door and posted fluorescent orange Do Not Enter signs. Electricity to the entire property has been cut. So, my tools and all of my work (some of which is sold and I cannot ship) are inaccessible and the landlord says no one can go in until un-permitted construction in the back is torn out and everything brought back up to code, which he says should be next Summer! I've also been warned that the cops are looking for anyone with info about the property, desperately trying to build a conspiracy case since they got nothing with a costly operation. Seems to me no judge would sign a warrant allowing them to kick in the doors to every legally designated unit in a building, basically just like an apartment building. So, I'm wondering if there's a settlement to be had since it seems a pretty clear civil tights violation which is impacting my business and causing undue expense and hardship. I've had to rent new studio space and must purchase new tools. Edit: "civil tights violation"! :)
(Alabama) My landlord is trying to kick me out before my lease ends
My landlord notified me today that because we have had on and off issues with our plumbing (nothing serious) that my roommates and I will have to move out of our house in May instead of August, when the lease is scheduled to end. They said they are not terminating our lease but we will have to move out for the last three months of our lease. This does not seem legal as these are not emergency repairs. Any advice on how to handle the situation would be appreciated!
[Maine] My ex-husband is in a coma, and we hold 50/50 custody of our Son (8). What legal steps should I be taking to ensure my son's care and protect myself financially?
Throwaway account as my main account a great deal of personally identifying information. ​ My ex-husband was put into a medically induced coma two weeks ago. Currently, there is no timeline for when he may be conscious again, let alone when he will be well enough to resume our normal custody agreement. Because of the abrupt nature of his condition, I am incurring major childcare costs which would normally be split 50/50. I do not qualify for any kind of public assistance due to my income. I think that it is very likely my ex-husband will be put on disability when he is conscious. What legal options, if any, do I have to protect myself financially? I cannot afford to incur all of this cost long term, nor do I believe I am legally obligated to do so. Is it appropriate or beneficial to ask for a change in our custody agreement, or are there other steps I should be taking?
Landlord Is Threatening to evict us for an emotional support animal. We are putting in our 30 day notice, landlord still wants to start proceedings.
This is in California. We had a chance to adopt an older dog before he was placed in a shelter. We have had an emotional support prescription for months, but we were waiting to find the right dog before adopting. The landlord was not returning my calls in regards to bringing in an ESA. We texted and left messages saying we had adopted a dog. Today I was contacted and told that I had 3 days to get rid of the dog. I promised to be out by 30 days, but they are still threatening to evict us if I don’t get rid of the dog. When I brought up the ESA prescription landlord said it was up to him or not. That it was his decision to allow one or not. I don’t think that’s right. What can I do? What can they do? Side note: Another tenant has a dog. When I mentioned he said it’s his choice to or not to allow people to have dogs. We feel singled out.
Is This Considered Boundary Hopping And What Can I Do Without Making Everything Messy?
This is my first time posting here. I really hope I'm doing this right. And if I'm doing it wrong or posting on the wrong place please tell me. Alright. Basically: 1. I go to high school in Kansas. Things just got pretty messy in just a day. The thing is, this district doesn't allow students to go to school that don't live in the district. They allow some that are really close to the district. But I'm not living in the district, and I'm not a part of the "some". 2. My house is the mailing address to the school. Except I actually live here. What the school thinks is that I live in my aunt's house, a house that is located in the district. I've been doing this for a verryyy long time. My cousin has too, except my cousin used to use my uncle's house, which now moved, and they haven't changed it until today. The person who moved into my uncle's house got mail and stuff about the school, and sent it back saying they don't live there. So now, my cousin is saying they are "moving" to my aunt's house. jeez i hope that wasnt confusing 3. My aunt signed some paperwork saying that I do indeed live there. My family are sneaky bastards. I'm guessing this is pretty illegal. I looked it up and all I got was "boundary hopping" and how it is illegal. It may seem like I just answered my own question, but I'm using a family member's house who has a kid who used to go to school there and signed paperwork that I live there. What can my family and I really do in this situation?
Snow plow damaged my car, what do i do?
Upstate Ny. I was driving on a highway, and when I went under an overpass a snow plow was going over the overpass at the same time and a bunch of snow mud rocks and rock salt fell off of the overpass and onto the hood windshield and sides of my vehicle. This caused several scratches on the hood and driver side of my car. From my understanding I can't claim it under my no-fault insurance so my insurance rates would go up of i claim it. I have to do something about it because the vehicle is a lease so it's either get it fixed now or get hit with a bunch of penalties and fees when I trade the vehicle back in. Is the city in which I was driving responsible for it? Or am I out of luck? Is there a process in place for such a thing? What should I do?
Have an issue with electric
Before I moved into my apartment (house converted into three separate areas) I signed up for electric and the whole building was out into my name. Leasing Manager said that they get bill and they will split it 3 ways and we pay it with the rent. I’ve been getting bills from the electric company saying that the entire building in under my name and and no payments have been received and that the place of business I rent through, doesn’t have an account at the building, only I do. The bills I’m receiving from the electric company are a little more than what the manger says the rent is, after I divide the rent in thirds (so say electric company says I owe them 303 and the manager says I owe them 100). I can’t find my lease, so I don’t know what I says, but I remember one worker said that the electric company is the same company that I have the building’s name j In short, I’m getting billed for the entire building, our section and the two other tenant’s from the electric company, and Ive been paying the manager electric this whole time. What’s going on/ what can I do? (I live in Pennsylvania)
Landlord hasnt returned my security deposit (located in nj)
Hello all, I moved out of my apartment in June 2020 of 3 years. Technically, I dropped off the keys to my landlord last week of June since I had paid for the month of June (overlap while moving). I did vacate the property by the 1st of that month though. I have always had issues with this specific landlord. He is rude, has screamed at me over issues that he was in the wrong for, has entered my home or showed up randomly at my door, he took months to repair issues that he was responsible for (if he ever repaired it at all). My upstairs neighbor had the same issue. However, in the months leading up to moving - he was relatively quiet about things. He told me a few weeks ago he had mailed out my security deposit and I have yet to receive it in the mail. I see that nj has a law that the landlord has within 30 days to return this before I can take him to small claims court. I really don’t want to go that far but then I think of his track record of behaviors and feel that this is becoming more of an option I’m going to have to pursue down the road. As a former tenant who has paid her rent diligently and on time - what are my rights concerning this matter? I should probably add that he did NOT do a walkthrough of the apartment prior to the new tenant moving in and by the time I showed up a few days before officially giving my keys, he had already painted the walls and initiated repairs around the house. Never got an itemized list of anything that would impact deducting my security deposit. Any advice would be helpful!
I was rear ended 2 weeks ago, and the accident report has been found in my favor. As I am going through the other party's insurance to get them to pay for damages, they told me that the driver cancelled his policy and started a new one just hours after the accident, and won't pay me.
His insurance company is Progressive. The guy's insurance info is clearly stated on the accident report, and he was clearly covered at the time of the accident, however Progressive is saying I will have to go through my own insurance to get my car fixed. I don't even have collision insurance, and furthermore, I want to make sure that the prick who hit me then tried to weasel his way out of it pays me. Also, apparently his insurance company has been unable to contact him, for some reason they don't have his phone number. What do I do now to get my car fixed? (NEW JERSEY)
Aunt has been served a notice to vacate - Fremont, CA
My aunt has been renting a room month-to-month for the last 5 years in Fremont, CA. The home is owned by a woman named Helen*. (*Not real name.) This is the [“Notice to End Month-To-Month Verbal Lease”](https://imgur.com/a/AZ3yggo) that was served via certified mail. Background: My aunt has some undiagnosed mental health issues. Some kind of personality disorder. She definitely has some disordered eating and doesn’t do some essential self-care things (it’s hard to explain, but when she’s at her worst she can look like she’s homeless, essentially). She keeps the house spotless, but she neglects herself. Recently she had delusions of bugs crawling on her (I know) that was probably brought on by high anxiety. She started sleeping in the bathroom, and asked Helen to hire an exterminator - first for rats, and then for these “bugs.” My aunt says rodent droppings were found (she’s not a reliable narrator, though). The bugs, although not real, my family has helped her get under control. Well, the landlord had enough and has served her with this handwritten notice to vacate. My aunt knows Helen from her former job, and that’s why Helen offered her a room in a house she owns (but does not live in) 5 years ago. They never had a written agreement. The problem is that my aunt is extremely low-income and we’re in the middle of a pandemic - social services are closed, overwhelmed, or just unreachable. In my opinion, she can’t go in to an informal or housemate situation again (although my mom and my aunt are both looking at room shares on Craigslist), and none of the family can take her in. She has until December 1st to be out. I’ve been calling around to low-income senior apartments, but it’s the Bay - lots of long or closed waitlists. 2 months goes by quick, I want to buy my aunt as much time as possible before she has to relocate. What are our options here? Can we delay the process without marring my aunt’s rental history? Thanks in advance! This has been really stressful for my family
Employer (Government Contractor) wants us to use Vacation/Sick Leave if our center is shutdown by the Government due to COVID-19. My employer has already been paid for this contract. Is this legal? Memo in Comments. CA, USA
COVID-19 Pandemic Policy In light of the Coronavirus ("COVID- 19") Pandemic— Inc. or the "Company") wishes to vary from its current, established position that no employee receives wages or a wage equivalent for any hours the employee is absent from work in excess of contractual sick leave, vacation, holidays or Paid Time Off, as it relates solely and exclusively to certain absences from work by employees, such absences being directly related to the COVID19 Pandemic. The Company implements as follows: (1) Until such time when the United States Government declares that precautions requiring certain employees to be absent from work on account of the COVID-19 Pandemic are no longer required, or until such time that either the United States Government or the Government of the State where the Task Order is situated establishes different laws, protocols or rules relating to the payment to employees of a wage or wage equivalent for absences related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Then, (2) If an employee is absent from work because of (1) a diagnosis of COVID-19, (2) a recommendation or order of the relevant health authority or health care provider that the employee has symptoms of coronavirus or should be quarantined, or (3) an act of self-quarantine based upon exposure to coronavirus (supported by documentation or evidence), then (a) The employee must first exhaust time available to him/her under the appropriate sick leave bank; then (b) The employee must exhaust time available to him/her under the appropriate vacation bank, to cover time off from work* 3. Subsequent to an employee exhausting available time as set forth above, and if and only if the Company is compensated by its Customer for the time of such additional absences, then the Company will compensate the affected employee for any remaining time absent from work for the reasons set forth in Section 2, above. Any payments pursuant to Section 3 shall be the employee's regular wage rate, excluding premiums and differentials. 4. In the event any of the factors set out above change. the Company shall have the unilateral right to cancel this policy, 5. Should the Customer choose to close a facility which results in the layoff of employees and, only if the Customer chooses to pay the Company for the lost time, then the Company shall compensate employees for such time. Any payments pursuant to Section 5 shall be the employees regular wage rate, excluding premiums and differentials.
Handling a Predator
First, this is clearly a throw-away account, mostly because the person I'm referencing knows my personal one. So, um, I don't know much of what to say.. I (21M) was in a relationship until recently with a person (18M) who has had several photos of his former partners in sexual activities and nudes in the past, many who were under 18. I broke up with him for many reasons, and I found out afterwards that he had asked for and sent nudes to minors (under 18) as a legal adult, and even got some from those under the age of consent when he was younger. Now, I found out that even though people can give consent at ages under 18 in most states in the US, it is still considered distribution and possession of child pornography if one of the members of the relationship is over 18 and the other under 18. As far as I know, the pics he has were sent with mutual consent, but he still has them and is over 18. He is a predator, he used me and others just to het his rocks off and I would report him to the police for possession of CP, but I don't want to get any of his other "relations" or their families in trouble or worse- I can't just sit here and do nothing and let him hurt other people, kids even, but I don't want innocent people to get hurt more because of him. What would happen to those underage and their families if I report him?
Multiple insurance questions (auto/medical, etc.) after a solo accident
Dear r/legaladvice, I'm posting these questions here after exhaustively searching the internet and other sources (calls to insurance folks) without clear/satisfactory answers. Warning: It's a bit of a long read, but some of the details may be important/relevant, IMO. I was in a car accident on a highway in Nevada on March 30. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but witness testimony and the state of the car afterwards suggest that a burst tire caused an axle misalignment (I was in the right lane going at 80 mph- the speed limit) and the car hurtled off the highway into a ditch, flipped over, and ended up hundreds of feet away across a service road. I was fully awake and alert before it happened - it was 2 pm and ridiculously sunny - but I seemed to have lost consciousness at some point during, and interestingly have no memory of the few minutes before, during, or after, until I was revived by first responder witnesses who were apparently driving on the opposite side, one of whom miraculously also happened to be a nurse. Long story short, seatbelt was on, air bags deployed, and car was completely smashed up, but I luckily managed to escape with a couple of cervical spinal fractures (now stable), a minor lumbar compression fracture, and a wrist fracture. My questions are as follows: 1) Auto insurance - I filed a claim with my insurance (StateFarm), and they deemed it as total loss after inspection and have paid me the value of my car minus the deductible. This part is good. However, personal medical coverage on my policy is only $5000. But since I had both collision and comprehensive coverage, and the accident seems to have been caused due to faulty car mechanics (tire/axle), is there a way the comprehensive part of the coverage applies here? If so, what would convincing StateFarm to use comprehensive for my medical coverage entail? 2) Medical insurance - To add to the complexity of the situation, the accident happened when I was moving from Pittsburgh, PA to Berkeley, CA for a new job (yes, it happened on the home stretch, after I successfully finished travelling 2400+ miles in 3 days :(). As such, my medical insurance from my Pittsburgh job ended on March 31 (the Berkeley insurance kicked in retroactively on April 1, thankfully). I've already received notifications of charges from the hospital I was admitted to in Reno for 3 days (March 30-April 2), to the tune of \~$70,000. I expect this to increase to $100,000 as bills from other scans and providers/doctors come in. In addition, I flew back to Pittsburgh so I can be with my wife (who is not moving yet) because I needed help doing basic things, at least for the first couple of weeks. I've been going to a hospital in Pittsburgh for follow-up scans, evaluation for surgery with neurosurgeons and hand surgeons, etc., so there are/will be additional bills from these expenses. Should my old insurance that ended on March 31 be liable for all these expenses in April/May since they are related to the accident event which happened while the insurance was still active? How long after medical coverage ends are insurances liable to cover for expenses stemming from an event like this? I have a new insurance (and was also added to my wife's insurance for the month, just in case), but it seems easier to deal with just one insurance. And this way, my deductibles and out-of-pocket max will all come from just one insurance, reducing my overall expense - is this thought process correct? 3) AAA insurance - I'm also a AAA plus member, but haven't filed an event report with them yet. Is it possible to use their insurance to cover some of the medical expenses? Also, can I use the AAA and/or StateFarm insurance to cover the deductibles/co-pays/co-insurance for my medical bills or do they only cover direct costs after all these? Basically, what is the best strategy/combination for me to minimize my out-of-pocket bleeding? Note that different insurances and different "provider networks" are involved in this case, so that may have to be taken into account. 4) I just got a traffic citation in the mail from Nevada Highway Patrol, a $150 fine for failing to maintain lanes!! How do I go about fighting it, when I know it wasn't my fault? Your input regarding any/all of these questions is much appreciated! I can attach the accident report from Nevada Highway Patrol here if you think that'll be helpful. Thank you! sbuk
Legal issues with property I’m renting from.
I recently had to move out of my apartment since I have endured financial struggles over the past 5 months and now is when i’ve reached my dead end. As a result i wanted to break my lease to go back home to my parents, however my landlord (company) isn’t allowing me, and i’ve been moving my things out slowly. I got my final 3 day notice stating if i don’t pay rent i’ll be evicted but what’s concerning is the last section which reads: “YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT, the undersigned does hereby elect to declare the forfeiture of your lease or rental agreement under which you hold possession of the above described premises and lessor will institute legal proceedings to recover rent and possession of said premises which could result in a judgment against you including costs and necessary disbursements together with treble damages as allowed by la w fo r such unlawful detention.” I don’t truly understand what this means and would like some better clarification, i literally don’t have any money to go to court or pay the rent in entirety, obviously since i’m moving back home to live with my parents. Any advice is appreciated, the state this is taking place, is Florida and statutes are Chapter 83? (this is what was on one letter) I also have not habited the apartment since the first of January, i’m honestly scared. Thank you in advance.
Divorce and Hacked Phone
Ohio Someone I know is going through a divorce and her phone has been hacked. Kids are all under 10 years old. Mother has custody of kids. Separated 2 years and she is currently living with her boyfriend and his children. They were together approx 7 years but the marriage was less than 6 months prior to the separation. They have no land/property/real estate ever purchased or owned together. Neither prior to or after the separation. They never had a joint bank account. Reasons she believes it's hacked: phone has used nearly 8 gigs of data and 97 gigs of wifi since Aug 1st. Can see where system apps have been installed and are being used on her phone. Calls have been sounding static, hearing beeps, and dropped calls. Multiple apps for things like phone and messaging. Evidence of mirroring and calls/texts across multiple devices. Evidence phone is storing information on to an offsite drive. Apps with permissions they should not have and when she adjusts them they go right back.. Screen randomly dims and brightens while she is using the phone. Etc. (Plenty more reasons and indications but this is pretty sufficient for now). She believes her ex did it. Reasons include him indicating he knows things like what the interior of her home looks like when he's never been inside, he's indicated he knows things based off of conversations that were had while inside her home, vehicle, or even while on vacation with nobody other than her household members. He has knowledge of discussions between her and her divorce lawyer. He's also got information that could only be obtained by accessing her personal and work emails, including sensitive financial and banking information for an account he has never been listed on (opened prior to marriage) and credit information from a bankruptcy lawyer that she has retained and is working with. The kids have not seen their dad since the holidays last year and have not had much phone contact with him because her ex rarely answers calls, texts or emails from them. He has never been to her home which she shares with her boyfriend. There is no other way he could have this knowledge unless he is the culprit. 1. How would she go about finding someone who is reputable with the courts who could help her to trace the cyber attack back to him? 2. Information obtained pertaining to the divorce and/or information that could be considered criminal - if any of the information was obtained illegaly (by the phone hack) would it be admissable in family and/or criminal court? 3. What types of charges could be brought against him for this attack? (This is a personal attack on her phone but he's also accessed her work email and overhead work Skype meetings. He may have also seen customers' confidential information such as credit reports, FEIN numbers, and other personal identifying information. She works for a fortune 100 company that deals with the finance industry). She has an appointment to see her lawyer because she can't speak to her over the phone about this, but it will be a few days before she can get in to see her. In the meantime she's wondering about these things and what steps she can take. She knows a factory reset of the phone would likely remove the software but she does not want to erase anything until she has an opportunity to have someone look at it and link the attack back to the person who did it.
Can I get a noisy upstairs neighbor evicted if they’re loud in the late hours? Anyone dealt with this?
Not always music but hearing loud talking, laughing and stomping past 10 PM? I’m recording this and plan to file police reports so the HOA can send a warning letter to the neighbor. Can this work in my favor or am I setting myself up for disappointment? I know her landlord but he’s written his hands of my complaints with the previous tenant. But the HOA office can send her warnings... I spoke with a few lawyers over the phone that were not able to do anything but one of them referred me to the city commissioner. The city commissioner called me back, provided advice on how to record the noise and had the lead of the police dept get in contact with me. The 2 previous officers that visited shunned me and he planned to speak with them to address their negligence. I wasn’t going to call the police again because of them but he insisted I report if it happens again.
Should I even be worried
So I have really bad anxiety and me and friend were talking and just out of the blue she said she was horny I just responded lmao same, we then continued our conversation about school like she never said it and the conversation never happened but my anxiety is eating away at me, I just turned 18 and she’s still 17 can I get in trouble for this?
Got a bill for ambulance service when I fainted at work.
I fainted during a shift at work because I wasn't used to the workload and the fact we never got breaks (like the small 10 minute ones, you only got the 30 if you worked that long). My managers called an ambulance, I was taken to Kaiser Permanente, and taken to emergency. This happened in July 2019, and now I'm getting the bill in 2020 demanding over $1.5k in payment. I can't afford this and wanted to know if there's anything I can do? I live in California.
Temporary License Suspension due to 3 violations during probationary period.
To preface, I live in the state of Michigan, and am currently 18 years old. I recently got my license revoked for 1 month with an additional 6 month restriction period following the suspension, and I’m wondering if there are any legitimate grounds for me to appeal it. The reason for my suspension is due to having 3 violations during the probationary period of my license, one of which was a low speed accident that I got in a month after having my license. In the accident I lightly rear ended the car in front of me due to my own negligence, and inability to react as a result of me paying attention to my radio. I fully accept that this was my mistake, and like to think of it as a learning experience of sorts. This accident happened nearly 2 years ago, and I have avoided getting into any accidents since. However, I have received 2 tickets afterwards, one of which was speed related, where I was going 40 mph in a 35 mph zone, and the other was a failure to stop at a stop sign completely as a result of me making a rolling stop at 1am at night. The Order of Action letter I was served in the mail following me coming in to review my driving explains how to file for an appeal, but does not give any specific directions as to what grounds I may file an appeal on. All I am wondering is if it would even be possible to get my license back due to true massive inconvenience it causes for me. Thank you.
Ex-employer sent me a legal notice to take down a Glassdoor review that I didn’t even write
I was let go off recently. After a week that I was let go somone posted a negative review of the company on Glassdoor anonymously. My ex-employer thought it was me and now has sent me a legal notice. I have not written it, I don’t even have a Glassdoor account. The notice says that based on timing and context lawyer’s client (my ex-employer ) this it’s me and this violate the non-disclosure that I had signed earlier and it constitutes libel per se. If the review not removed or any other is posted they will file a suit. If I am not that person and I have any information to prove that or any info about who might have done to contact the lawyer’s office ASAP. Not sure what are recuperation repercussion if I just call the ex-employer lawyer without hiring an attorney. And if I do it, what should I be careful of?
Do I have to attend google meets to not be marked absent?
Hello. I am a 15 year old female residing in Connecticut. Currently our school system has been shut down and all students have been placed on full distance learning. I have struggled with this change immensely and school has become a source of anxiety for me. I used to be a high achieving student with a GPA of 3.9. I am now in danger of failing multiple classes. A big part of this has to do with teachers forcing us to attend Google meets. This was tolerable for me, as I could join with my camera taped and my microphone muted. These meets were not mandatory and attendance could be taken separately. Several changes have occurred since then, now all meets are mandatory. I am writing here because several of my teachers have made it policy to join with the microphone on and camera on for the entirety of the class period. I refuse to do this for multiple reasons. a. I do not trust Google. I do not want Google to have access to my webcam and microphone. I do not want my classmates or teacher to have access to my webcam. I believe I am entitled to privacy and the state (public education) should not infringe upon my right to privacy. b. I have struggled in the past with my appearance. I developed an eating disorder as a child due to my displeasure with my appearance. I am still recovering and see a therapist on a biweekly basis. Staring at myself for long periods of time in a camera is disruptive to my recovery. It also distracts me from my learning. I am here to ask if there is any legal protection for me, as a student attending public high school. These new rules are causing harm to my education and my mental health.
[CA] I think my landlord is running an illegal boarding house. Is my lease even a binding document?
I moved into a single family home where the owner rents out the rooms. I signed a year lease until end of July 2020. For various reasons (one of which was the landlord bringing in another person without any of the tenants’ knowledge to live there for free in exchange for working on the house), I want to move out, which would break the lease that I signed. Currently there are 7 bedrooms in the house. However, I have done some research into it, and I cannot find any record of the work the landlord has had done on the house being permitted (addition of 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms) in the city’s online database. I also did not find this house in the city’s database of permitted rental units. With all this considered, could my lease possibly still be a binding document? If I give my landlord a 30 day notice, is there anything they can do about me breaking the lease?
Parking permit fine
Hi, guys. This is happening in Mqnchester, UK. Just over a month ago (31 Aug 2018) my partner and I moved into a new apartment, rented through a letting agency. When we were moving in, we received our letting agreement, other documents and keys. In none of the documents or verbally have we been informed of the necessity of a parking permit to use the development parking. The development consists of 8 buildings and had its own private gated parking with CCTV and guards. 22 days after we moved in, on the 21st of September, we received an e-mail with the misleading title “keys” (note: no capitol letters etc), which briefly said that our parking permits have arrived and can be collected in the office or sent to us. Because of the title I suppose or whatever other reason, that e-mailed ended up in a spam folder and we didn’t really see it. It didn’t have any additional information on how the parking permit works etc. Literally on the same day a parking warden from the security company that’s contracted with the development management issued my partner a £100 fine for parking with no permit, followed by a second fine a few days later. He explained to us that we need a permit and so does every person that visits us. We tried to explain that we were not given one, but couldn’t appeal the fine successfully. Spoke to the development management as well, and they said that we need to solve this with the letting agents and the security company. The letting agents refused to take responsibility for the fines as they’ve sent us an e-mail about the permit. However, I don’t believe it’s our fault as we were not informed about it until 22 days since moving in, in a poorly written e-mail that went to a junk folder. As it’s something really important and can be very costly (So far 3 fines, £300), I think it would’ve been reasonable to give us a call instead, or at least request receipt confirmation in the e-mail so that if we didn’t confirm receiving it within a few days, they could’ve called us. We are not doing so well financially since we moved in recently and those £300 are not something we can afford. Is there anything we can do to appeal successfully? Thanks a lot!
In a criminal case between me and the daughter of a millionaire? How are my chances going to affected by her economic status?
Worcester Massachusetts Becker College(18) Long story short, woman attacked me with a weapon and caused 500$ worth of damage. To defend myself I attempted to push her out of my room however she struggled and fell back hitting her head on the door. That was enough for me to be arrested and charged with assault and battery. She is the adopted daughter of a multi-millionaire English bank manager and I’m afraid she will use her wealth to cheat the US justice system. What advice can you guys give me? I have hired an attorney and intend on her paying for both damages as well as my legal expenses.
Mother transferred UTMA account assets into a Trust (Florida)
Hi all, as today is a Friday and I won’t be able to call any law firms until Monday, I figured Reddit is a good of a place as any to seek out legal advice. So my current situation goes like this, my mother and my father had been appointed custodians of a UTMA account that was originally created by my grandfather with the intent of ensuring I would be able to fund my own educational pursuits. My parents in the past had never explicitly informed me that this college fund was a UTMA, and they didn’t start withdrawing money from the fund until last year (I’m currently a junior about to be a senior in the fall) to begin helping pay for living expenses, tuition, and school supplies. As a result, over the time I have been away at college I’ve dipped into my personal savings to the point where I have less than $300 in my bank account and have been finding it difficult to sustain myself. So due to my poor financial situation, I asked my mother for an additional few hundred dollars a month from the fund (which at this point is sitting around $200k) to help me pay for food and essentials, and when she declined I got frustrated with her and started looking into my options. Well, I came to find out the money had been put into a UTMA account which, according to Fla. Stat. § 710.123, enables the minor beneficiary to withdraw assets from the UTMA on attainment of the age of 21 years. As my 21st birthday is around a month away at this point, I informed my mother I knew my rights and was going to withdrawal funds as her current custodianship wasn’t fair or just in my opinion. So instead of talking to me about why she didn’t agree with that, she ended up having a meeting with my grandfather and the broker they use to transfer the entirety of the assets in the UTMA account to a trust that expires when I turn 25 and offers the beneficiary (myself) no option to withdraw funds at 21 and leaves my mother as the custodian. I had just learned about her decision to transfer the funds from the UTMA to the trust today after I called her asking for clarification about what broker was used when the UTMA was originally set up. I was very shocked at first and I initially thought that I must be screwed, but I’ve done a little digging and I’m not entirely sure if what she did was legal. My mother claimed that she was justified in transferring money from the UTMA to the trust under Fla. Stat. § 710.116(2) which states “A custodian may, without court order, transfer all or part of the custodial property to a qualified minor’s trust. A transfer of property pursuant to this subsection terminates the custodianship to the extent of the property transferred.” So according to this statute, there is an allowance for transfer to a “qualified minor trust” from a UTMA account, and according to 710.102(15), ““Qualified minor’s trust” means a trust that meets the requirements of s. 2503(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.” Based on what I found regarding requirements for a 2503(c) trust, it appears one of the requirements for this kind of trust to legally be recognized and for it to gain the associated tax benefits is that the beneficiary can gain control of the assets under the trust or have the option to when they attain the age of 21 as part of the trust. Due to my mother including no such provision in the trust, it would appear that the trust she created with the entirety of the assets in my UTMA account was not a qualified minor trust. I am wondering if, given my situation, I have any legal standing and if so how I should proceed going forwards.
Renting in California - My apartment lease is month to month - Why does my landlord require I get another applicable candidate to fill my spot?
California - A brief explanation of the concept would be appreciated. I was told that my landlord would have to approve the new individual in addition to the passing of a credit check.
(VA) Do I have legal ground to demand more from my landlord/prior tenants?
More specifically, Blacksburg VA. My roommate and I moved into a new townhouse (3BR/1.5Bath) on 8/1, the start date of our lease. At this time, one of the bedrooms was vacant, another was full of belongings for a tenant (AT - absent tenant) who was out of the country due to COVID, and the last one occupied by a tenant (T - tenant, GF - his “girlfriend”) who was supposed to have finished moving out early that afternoon. Our landlord (L) assumedly works for a small, family-owned realty company. AT - hired “movers” (a friend with a pickup truck) to take his stuff out 8/2. Cleared the bedroom, but left some of his stuff in the kitchen and living room. Room uncleaned. T - didn’t have anything ready to move when we arrived, supposedly waiting for GF. Packed an overnight bag to spend the night at a friend’s place, but came back because L said he could stay another night without mentioning anything about it to us. 8/2 afternoon, packed only his small belongings and left, claiming GF would arrive and take the rest that same day. Left behind all his bedroom furniture, trash, many belongings, a sink full of dirty dishes, and didn’t clean anything. GF - didn’t come until 8/6, took most of the leftover, but still left many smaller belongings and even more trash and didn’t clean except for half of the dishes in the sink As compensation, I’ve requested to hire deep cleaners and have a decrease in next month’s rent, both funded by their security deposit. All I’ve heard from L so far is that the previous tenants have hired a maid to come on Wednesday 8/12. I’ve seen their irresponsibility firsthand and have my doubts for what the maid was specifically hired to do or how much they will pay her. I don’t believe that we or L have been given any of that information. Do I have legal ground to deny their service and demand to find my own cleaning service, as well as compensation for overstaying the lease and failure to vacate a bedroom for 20% of the month?
Hit and run
I think I did a hit and run. I attend school and visited my girlfriend yesterday and got back to where I stay super late. I drive a truck and there is a construction fence near where i was trying to park so it was hard. I pulled in and began reversing in order to straighten out. It was 3am and well what do you know i hit the backdoor on the driver side. I call my dad and tell him I left a note, but he asks about the damage on the truck. Not bad at all. He tells me to remove the note because it makes me guilty. I'm 15 hours from home for school so i understand why he wouldnt want the insurance rate to go up but I've been reading articles since 4am saying I could be criminalized. I'm going to school for criminal justice, ironic. I'm super scared, this morning I went to go look at the car and it was no longer there. Theres one camera but the building it is on is under construction. I know me taking the note off was a huge mistake and i put one there bc i knew i had to, even though i didnt know it was the law until i read the articles, but trashed it when my dad told me to. What can i do/expect? This happened in a residence hall parking lot.
I googled my fathers name and all of his personal info popped up is this illegal? If not how?
Please lawyers of reddit help my father
Charged under California 243(e)(1) after throwing pillow (no injury)
My wife and I have been going through a hard phase in our relationship. Neither of us is currently working and we are drowning in debt day by day, and that pressure has been consuming our mood and causing almost constant fights and arguments. A couple of days ago, we were in bed ready to sleep and an argument started. She often shuts down and leaves me talking to myself, which I have a hard time dealing with. In an attempt to make her respond and talk to me, I threw a pillow at her while in bed (with no intention to cause any harm, no use of force or anger - It was an attempt to call her attention to engage in the conversation as I tried to work through our problems). She decided to call the police, and according to state law of California, the cops must take one of us, and they picked me. I was agitated at the time, and that behavior definitely raised red flags to the police officers, which ended up with me being arrested and charged under California Penal Section 243(e)(1)PC (with no injury). She eventually was able to bail me out of jail the next morning and I have my court appointment scheduled for January next year. Naturally I am extremely concerned about the consequences of this charge, as I am a recent college graduate and plan on applying for jobs in the near future. Is the simple arrest going to cause employers to not even consider my application? In the event of a possible case dismissal, would that still rise red flags? I believe I am being mistakenly charged for the crime of domestic violence, since I never had any intention to harm or threaten my wife in any way, I simply tried to make her engage in the conversation that I was trying to make, until things escalated uncontrollably. I need some guidance in how this process work and how I should defend myself, considering that my wife is the one who bailed me out, and is not against me in this case. Also, she is willing to vouch for my action. Does anyone have any advice that could help me in my court hearing? Any advice is much appreciated.
Case or not?
I have zero legal knowledge on the matter. I appreciate any of you who takes the time to read this. Please excuse my vagueness. I work for company A. My Girlfriend works for company B. The companies are partnered. We’ve been working at the same building for 3 years. We do not report to each other. It was made known when she started working for company B that she was my significant other. It didn’t matter at the time because her work ethic spoke for itself. No issues. No evidence linking us together. But it is relatively common knowledge within the building of the relationship. Girlfriend is being considered for a promotion. Person who will be referred to as Stacy moving forward. Stacy hears that Girlfriend is getting the promotion. Stacy is threatened by Girlfriend, and /or jealous. Stacy drops complaint the day she hears that Girlfriend has landed the promotion. Literally moments after hearing that Girlfriend has been chosen to promote. (I’ve seen the email) Complaint is that our relationship is causing moral issues and is a conflict of interest. The previous management was aware of the relationship. It was disclosed. (Previous Management person is no longer w the company) but apparently previous manager neglected to pass along the information to company B. When company B HR gets wind of this. They state that myself or Girlfriend should be removed from the building stating that since we are in a relationship we cannot work together in the same building. Here is another layer of spicy ness. The person in HR is married and works in the same building as her husband. Removing me should automatically remove the HR associate or husband should it not? If that is the rules. Also. The building I can transfer to is a death sentence to my career. A building that has had roughly 11 managers come and go in the 3 years I’ve been at my building. I built the teams. I hand picked my staff. And we are considered some of the best in the company at what we do. Yet I am about to be sacrificed to a dead end that will get me let go within months. It’s career suicide if I willingly accept the transfer.
Texas - How much to charge tenant security deposit?
I’m a landlord in Texas and had a tenant move out. They didn’t vacuum and when moving out left a big trail of leaves and filth from their room to the front door. How much is fair for me to charge from their deposit? I’ll have to vacuum it myself and the stairs in particular will be difficult. This will be in addition to $40 I’m already charging for required carpet cleaning of the room due to large stains. Thanks
Speeding Ticket Advice
I am 17 years old and got my first speeding ticket going 96 on a 70 on the freeway back from California with my friends. I can think of a bunch of excuses but I know it’s well deserved. I live in Nevada and just want to know how it all works. The officer did not write or say anything about how much the ticket would cost or where to pay it, but instead said I would need to appear in court with a parent since I’m a minor but he didn’t state where. On the ticket he wrote 22356 (b) vc as well as a date, time, and a location for a superior court where I would be 18 by the time it comes around, but all of it has a line crossing through it, confusing me. Also checked is “to be notified” making me think he wrote date without taking my age into account. I also gave him my insurance which I just recently found out was expired as we switched from Progressive to Geico, but he didn’t say anything about my wrong insurance. Any advice on what I could do to possibly lessen the damage or anything I should know? Anything would help, thank you.
Lawyers of Reddit I need your help!
My SO is an LPN and works at an assisted living in NY state not NYC. She is still on her first 90 day probationary period for being a new hire and became ill with a few hours of sick time banked from tine working. She called in sick for the first tome after becoming ill to which they responded she could only take a partial day off with a Dr. note. That part seems normal. The kicker is that when she arrived to the Dr. office to be examined her employer sent the HR manager to spy on her to make sure she actually went to the Dr. would that be considered workplace harassment? And if so could any legal action be taken?
Can I modify my 5 year old Will in Ontario Canada?
I had a will made out by a lawyer 5 or 6 years ago. Since then someone named in my Will has passed away & I'd like to replace their name with another. Can I simply cross the name out & enter another, then initial or sign and date each change, and have a witness do the same? Afterthought question: would I need 2 witnesses? Obviously I'm trying to save myself the cost of having a new Will made up, but don't want to cause grief to my estate.
Phone Insurance Replacement wouldn't be my original phone?
UK here, I pay monthly for phone insurance along side my phone contract (which is on EE). I recently managed to crack my phone screen within a few days of buying it. Dropped it again today and the cracks got bigger, now it really needs fixing. Looking into my policy I noticed that the insurance only offers a 'refurbished phone of similar ability'. I've only had this phone (a Huawei P Smart if it matters at all) about 3 months and the phone type itself only came out in January, so it seems unlikely that many are floating around 'refurbished'. Policy specifies the replacement may be a different make or model but will use the same operating system. My question is are the insurance company legally allowed to keep my property and return to me something that is likely to be very different? I would have hoped I'd be without my phone for a week or two, then be given my oringal phone back fixed. Is that no longer a thing? I'm looking at the cost of paying to repair the screen myself, but would like to know for future reference incase anything else goes horribly wrong. Tldr: phone insurance will only provide a 'refurbished phone of similar ability' if I claim on my 3 month old 2018 phone. P. S I hear formatting from mobile posts is horrible, sorry!
[OH] Roommate is violating lease. How to talk to landlord without us all getting in trouble?
I live in a three bedroom apartment with two other ladies. One of my roommates smokes marijuana every single day in the apartment, which directly violates a clause in our lease. My other roommate and I do not get along with her because of this and other reasons and we want her out of the apartment. If we talk to the landlord will only she get evicted or can all of us get in trouble?
Landlord Maintenance - Timeframes to conduct repairs? (New Hampshire)
Hey, So I moved into a new place about 2 months ago (**I live in New Hampshire**), going on three. The front door to my complex (which connects to a common hallway) is literally like a closet door. Its not solid core, and honestly, it can easily be kicked in its so flimsy. When I moved in (day one), I asked for the door to be replaced with a more secure, solid one. Its been nearly 90 days and they said they'll replace it, but they've been dragging their feet. Is there anything I can do to get them to actually stop dragging their feet? Im sure its not to fire code as its so thin and weak, doesnt it need to be a solid core, fire rated door? There must be an RSA mandated law with them performing maintenance per resident request for a peaceful & safe living condition, or is this strictly something that needs to be stated in a lease / renters agreement? Thanks guys. --- **Update**: So I looked further into it. Found im covered by [CHAPTER 540 Section 540:13-d](http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LV/540/540-13-d.htm). Though i have to check if the door is actually against Fire Code. I guess my question then still remains. Would this be enough to get them to do something? --- ***TLDR:*** Landlord wont replace front door to apartment, which is basically a closet door (weak, thin). I asked 90 days ago for it to be replaced. Im worried about fire code & someone breaking in.
Is it safe to sign a lease with a landlord I have not met in person? (DC)
I toured a place in Washington DC and was shown around by one of the current tenants. When I asked about the landlord the tenant showing me around told me they travel a lot and do not live nearby so rent is paid via PayPal or Venmo. They had me provide some sensitive information, which is routine when applying for something like this (SSN), and asked a lot of questions about anything that was not perfect via credit report. They sent me the lease info and now we are at the stage where a security deposit and rent will be paid. However, I have never met this person and it seems like I am basically going to be renting from a shadow figure behind a Gmail account. Is this something that others have experienced living in a city? It seems legit but I also am unsure how I feel about signing a document, sending an unsecured payment via PayPal or Venmo (in terms of not being able to protect myself if it is a scam), and having no real way to verify anything past me touring the place and meeting a roommate.
Locked out of NYC apartment due to Coronavirus fears, landlords are claiming damage but not being allowed a walkthrough. They’ve gone through our items to “sanitize” them while we weren’t there. Advice needed.
Hi all, I could definitely use some advice here. On March 2nd, we gave our 30 day notice for our apartment in Brooklyn so that we could move back to PA and help with my sick mother over the next few months. It’s a basement unit, with the landlords living in the house above. We moved most of our items out approximately three weeks ago when things got much worse with my mom - we told them we’d be back on the 30th for the rest of our items. My mom’s condition grew more serious, so the apartment was the last thing on our mind over the past few weeks. We planned to get the rest of our things tomorrow. Last night, our landlords notified us that we would not be allowed back in the the apartment tomorrow due to the fear that we could infect them, that they had gone through and cleaned the apartment, “sanitized” our things, stored them in a “safe location”, and that they’d be waiting on the porch for us tomorrow. We paid through the end of the month, so we should definitely be allowed to enter, take pictures, and pack our own things? They also told us that they had found a crack in the shower floor, which I hadn’t noticed when we left. We had a suction shower matt down, which may have been why I didn’t notice it if it was there. I was the only one using the shower, as my partner worked and showered at the gym. It’s a cheaper, plastic shower so it may be covered under wear and tear, but still, I’m terrified they’re going to try and stick any water damage on us. With not being allowed in the apartment (or having been in the apartment for the past three weeks), and not allowed to assess the damage for myself, I feel absolutely stuck. Im pretty sure they’ve been letting their son’s girlfriend stay in the room since we’ve been out, which is why they don’t want us to walk in, but I certainly can’t prove that either. I know I could call the police tomorrow if I’m locked out, but I worry about escalating this entire situation even further. Truthfully I just want it all to go away so I can focus on my family’s health. I’m also worried about interacting with NYC officials, who may potentially be carrying the virus since the place is totally infested. While I’d be fine, my mom wouldn’t make it if she gets it. With housing courts closed, will this go anywhere? Thanks all.
[OH] Non-compete and unemployed
I'm in Ohio and worked for a husband and wife software company (company #1) as Technical support for about a year and half leaving March of 2018. I signed a NDA/non-compete that said I basically will not work for a competitor. They created an inventory system with mobile data input, nothing fancy. Upon submitting my 2 weeks notice to leave company #1 and start at company #2, however I was told to turn in my stuff and they don't allow people to work their 2 weeks notice out of fear of retribution I guess. Anyways I worked for company #2 for about 6 months before going to company #3 which was a remote tech support job for a Saas company. After 8 months there I was laid off in June and have been on unemployment since then. My physical area is not a tech area and with all my experience in IT, a bachelors in CET, there is very slim options for me locally. The only interview I have been offered so far is for company #4 (tech support role) which I believe has made several inventory systems for a variety of local business including the same area as company #1. Company #1 is the type of people that think they own the world and everyone is their minion. I never had access to the code as technical support. My concern is that if I take the only job I have been offered, I could be in violation of my non-compete? While if I turn down a job I could disqualify for unemployment? In my mind the non-compete is creating an undue hardship. They also tried to appeal my unemployment benefits because they said I quit, but they told me they don't allow people to work out their 2 weeks notices. They lost the appeal because they didn't file it within 21 days. (lol) ​ Here is the paragraph about the non-compete: During my employment and for a period of 24 months after it ends, regardless of the reason it ended, I will not (a) be employed by, engage in, or own or control an interest in, or act as principal, director, or officer of, or consultant to, any firm or corporation (i) engaged in a venture or business substantially similar to that of the Company's Business, or (ii) which is in direct competition with the Company, or (iii) that is involved in industrial mobile device software development, or (iv) designs or sells inventory control software systems and/or services, or (b) accept employment, consultancy, or contract work with any client or customer or potential customer of the Company based upon existing client history, and open/active sales leads contacted within the last 12 months. ​ I have a strong background in programming however I have been stuck in working in technical support roles. I feel their non-compete is so vague that basically eliminates every local tech employer because they all have some inventory/ERP solution with mobile apps etc.
Annullment from semi-estranged husband.
I was wondering how I would proceed to petition for a marriage annullment in Indiana (marion county). And also my grounds for eligibility. Background: I married a man in Oct. 2018 and shortly after in December 2018 (without giving too much detail) he had a mental breakdown and had to be hospitalized in a mental healthcare facility by means of police, then was released to the custody of his parents where he has since lived and never returned. Most of my contact is through his mother who is denial about his mental state, because contacting him is futile, even though he responds, it's meaningless. Important details: -we have never had sex, before or after the marriage -i was extremely intoxicated during the wedding ceremony/signing of the certificate -his mother mentioned that he suffered a mental lapse prior to us being married signifying mental health issues long before our marriage. -I do not have much money for an annulment lawyer Does this meet the grounds for eligibility? Also is this a process that can only be accomplished via lawyer?
Possible punishment for defending myself against attacker?
Hello everyone. There is an individual who threatened to beat me up and continuously gives me intimidating stares. I never talked to him before, but I guess he is mad at the fact that I dated the girl he did before he started to, (I know it's stupid) I was wondering, if I were to defend myself against someone who attacks me first with a pair of brass knuckles until he stopped being a threat to my safety, would I get into trouble? He is about three inches bigger than me and about 100 pounds heavier. I'm also in my senior year by the way, and was also wondering if end of the year privileges and scholarships would be taken away as well. I never get in trouble and my GPA is over 4.0, im not trying to boast but was wondering if that would just make it worse for me or be further evidence that I had to defend myself. I'm also in Illinois as weapon laws probably vary by state. Thank yous in advance.
Job making me pay for uniform washing? (NJ
Hi! So my husband job (tow truck driver) just had a meeting where they pretty much said that all employees need to pay for laundering. They said they will be taking 10 dollars out of every paycheck which is 40-50 dollars a month and obviously that doesn’t seem like a lot to some people but for us that’s 1/2 of our internet bill. Is this even legal? Tried to do some research and it pretty much said that some jobs might require they give him an allowance if he washed his own clothes but says nothing about wether they can force him to pay laundering.
Private debt repayments
If someone owes me money, and tries to repay part of the whole debt off, am I legally obligated to take part of it, or can I say "no, I'd prefer the whole sum back at once." I'm asking mostly for curiousity sake, as the money in question is $20 just between roommates who are friends. I'd just prefer to have the whole 20 back all at once, do I have any right to demand that, assuming say we drew up a contract? (which we didn't, but I have done in the past with larger amounts.) I live in NYC.
My mom's friend is trying to adopt a little girl, but she has to win against the girl's bio mother
The girl was found locked in a basement with a bunch of other kids about a year ago, and she has come under custody of said friend. Now, I'm reviewing and heavily editing her appeal (?) for her hearing tomorrow. Anything I should know?
Neighbor has been blasting music for months. Apartment Complex Management will reach out to him when I report him, but he always reverts back to blaring music.
I have been living in an apartment complex since August, and my neighbor constantly blares music. I can't overstate how loud he plays the music and for how many hours on end, it's infuriating. I call management regularly, and they tell him to stop. He might for a few weeks, but he always starts up again. What is the next best step for me here? File an actual police report? I just don't know what to do at this point.
[LA] auto insurance lapse suspends driver's license, license "reinstated" (?) after enrolling in payment plan, but omv does not issue sufficient documentation for insurance company to believe license currently active
An unidentified loved one (ULO) had an auto insurance lapse several years ago. As a result, ULO's driver's license suspended when the LA OMV upped its collections a year or five ago. ULO since enrolled in a payment plan with the LA OMV in order to have ULO's license reinstated without being able to pay up front. ULO had irrationally high interest rates with Geico and was advised to switch to Allstate. ULO is currently on Allstate. Allstate has issued a notice that ULO's insurance plan will be cancelled on December 1st because Allstate has no reason to believe ULO's license is reinstated. ULO indicates that the OMV has told ULO that ULO is OK to drive, but I am unsure if the OMV expressly indicated that ULO's license is reinstated. ULO indicates that the OMV will only issue a document stating when ULO's license was suspended, for what lapses, and that ULO is enrolled in a payment plan, but Allstate requires a letter stating that ULO's license has been reinstated. More information can be obtained from ULO, but it may take a while. ULO's financial well-being affects mine. What, if anything, can I do to ascertain that ULO doesn't have to switch back to Geico? Any and all advice or information is appreciated.
Police called 911 from my phone
I dropped my phone running from the police. They never identified themselves, so I wasn’t able to get charged. They had my phone for a few days and called 911 off of it for exactly 5 minutes. I have no idea why they would have done that. Do you think they’re tracking me or anything? Should I get a new phone and number?
Black Mold in apartment
So I’m in the process of moving out of my apartment and i found a splotch of black mold at the foot of my bed. This explains soooooooo many issues me and my boyfriend (mainly bf) have been having. He sneezes like 10 times in a row a lot of times when we hang out in the bedroom, he get welts on him sometimes (also happened when we took shrooms lol, but shrooms and mold are in the same family so it makes sense), he gets watery eyes every morning after he sleeps in the bed (a lot of times he falls asleep on the couch in the living room), andddddd a lot of times when it really hits him, it triggers a manic episode (undiagnosed bipolar, it just recently got really bad when we moved our bed and probably let out some of the mold). we were planning on going to the doctor and getting treated then giving our landlord the bill. They’re a huuuuge company all across America (Thalhimer). Is this a good game plan? Is there anything else we should do? What should we expect to happen? We are moving out in a week.
The rental company misplaced our money order.
Basically we have had it rough after moving a couple thousand miles away to start a better life, we have made late payments but always managed to pay rent. Well today we got a call that we owed the rental company 1000$. This was a huge surprise to us for as far as I know the rent was covered. We ended up calling the rental company and they say we have to pay them 880$ or we are getting evicted. Idk what to do we are all at a loss.
Property manager doesnt give notice when power shuts off after I asked because it can damage my electronics. Has insulted us. Etc. Can anything be done? (New Carlisle, OH)
Hi, thank you for taking the time to read this post and potentially leaving any respectful responses. So I've done as much research as I can with Google about this subject and I've learned some things but it's still unclear about what I can do about my specific situation. I'm hoping to receive some advice or to at least be told that I dont have a case. While we recieve maintenance responses within the legal time limit, we have to request them so often for the same issues that I'm wondering if because of this it's considered uninhabitable. The water turns off without notice frequently and then turns back on after an hour or so. I've asked what the issue is and was told a plumber is working so other tenants receive water. But we're not told when this happens and cant rely on water or take a shower without expecting to be left with shampoo in our hair. The heater has blown cold air and left our apartment below the legal temperature twice within our month and a half of staying here. The power has been turned off without notice multiple times, even after asking to receive notice because our computer and ps4 cant be turned off improperly or it receives damage. My partner was called a smart ass for asking because apparently the property manager didnt know the power was going to be shut off and well receive a warning when he knows. Youd think he know by now when its going to happen because it's happened multiple times because of the electricians doing work. The owner has apologized for his attitude and warned us that he doesnt know how to treat people, so apparently this is a multiple occurrence. My partner has asked the manager questions twice and didnt recieve a response. We dont have the money to move so I'm wondering if theres any potential legal action we can take. Thank you so much!
Is there a way to create a company without my employer finding out?
Hello. I’ve been interested in creating an entertainment company for some time. A place to store my music and fiction writing for business and tax purposes. My work is in the horror genre and I don’t think if my employer found out they would approve. It’s nothing too vulgar or anything illegal, but I’ve found that I have a very niche interest. Is there a way to set up a corporation or company that my employer would accept without digging too deep into content? I’m excited about some future releases, but obviously this doesn’t pay the bills yet.
A Terrible New Lease (Is it even LEGAL???)
So a roommate and I are moving down to the first floor of an apartment complex in Colorado. We originally were on the second floor of this 3 floor house which is divided up. It has more space and the previous tennant just moved out. Our 6 month lease is over so we talked to the landlords and they said we could move down. We're making an official lease tomorrow, but I had a talk with my roommate today that caused me a lot of distress. So she said our landlords were still looking to possibly give out the first floor to other buyers, regardless of if we are already there. It would more than likely be in the spring for when new buyers would be looking. But I wasn't planning on moving out of town for 1-2 years and was just fine with continuing to re-new a 6 month lease in case something (job opportunity, school, etc.) came along. But now my roommate has told me that they'll be changing our lease to a 3 month lease. I am TERRIFIED at the amount of instability in this case. I didn't think a landlord could evict you or ask you to move outside of late rent, a violation of your lease, or some other crime. The last apartment we were in already has people in it, they moved down from the third floor. My roommate said if someone bought the bottom floor then they would be asking both parties to leave. Which infuriates me because the two of us know our upstairs neighbors have had multiple reasons to be evicted. Not to mention they're having US repaint this bottom floor because of the previous tennant. We agreed because they said they'd take some money off of our rent. I was okay with that, until I was told we would only have a 3 month lease. 3 months is a ridiculously short amount of time for the goals I have. I seriously need help in this case and I can't afford to talk to an actual lawyer right now. I would appreciate ANY advice
My wife had an interview today with a dollar tree distribution center. During that interview the person she had it with mentioned a couple of times how he had hired 9 women and only one lasted. He kept asking her if she was sure she could do the job, even making her pick up a box and she said she could do it. He was not giving her his undivided attention during the interview since he was on his smart watch that has to do with work and also his work phone. She did work for an amazon distribution center wish has heavier items. I also went to the interview with dollar tree and i did the drug test and background right after the interview but they didnt tell her to do any of those. Please help us we really need the job and feel that its not fair that because she is a woman that he wont hire her. This is in ocala florida
Charging 2% worker's comp to a 1099 contractor in texas
I worked for a company as a contractor ( trucker owner operator on 1099) for a year. They were charging me 2% worker's comp on weekly settlements. Is it legal ? I thought worker's comp is for employees only.
Can my employer fire me if I refuse to shave or wax my face?
I work in a customer facing office setting in Ontario Canada and recently was given a warning by my boss that said that my "appearance and hygiene" don't meet the company standards and if no change is made that I could potentially be let go. At the time of the warning I was too embarrassed to ask any questions specifically and so I sort of just nodded and left. After thinking about it myself and discussing it with my coworker the only thing we can come up with is my extra facial hair. We wear a uniform and I always come to work clean and fresh smelling or whatever but comments have been made previously by my boss when I would attempt to remove the extra hair I have growing around my chin due to a hormonal disorder. I am a woman and have patches of dark hair that grow around my chin and previously when I have tried to remove it my boss met me with comments thanking me for removing it. I choose not to remove it because when I do I tend to have a bad skin reaction. Can they fire me for facial hair? Even if it's caused by a diagnosed medical problem?
No contact orders
I have a friend who’s child’s grandparents have temporary guardianship over his daughter. They are her mothers parents. She’s 4 years old and there is a no contact order placed on her to her mother, meaning no calls, in person visits, or letters. My question is, does the no contact order also include no contact with the guardians? The grandparents still have regular contact with her, including sharing photos, receiving gifts (birthday/Christmas/pretty much anything) and letters, they show the girl photos of her mother, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they also let her speak to her on the phone. Should I advise the father to contact a lawyer?
Landlord came onto property without notice
So, we live in a floating home on the river and our landlords live next door half the year. They have been slumlords the entire time, but we love everyone else down here so we deal with it. We wanted to go to month to month and got talked into signing a new year lease. Our mistake. I moved in with my boyfriend here and got on the new lease. I typed a whole walk through of everything wrong with the place. I always do this before moving in anywhere to cover my own butt. They said if someone came with the right opportunity to sell the house they would and have the new owners keep the lease agreement with us. That was by no means a firm “we are actively selling the house”. Fast forward to today when the nice neighbors told us they showed the house yesterday when we were gone. We were both at work and they never gave us notice. I confronted the landlord and asked if she was selling the house, she said yes. I said well that wasn’t very clear to us. I asked if she showed the house when we were gone, she said yes. I asked if they came inside and she said yes. I almost lost my cool. My boyfriend was more upset than me, he highlighted the lease agreement where it said a 24 hour notice is required. So my question is, what can I do about this?
Home insurance won’t cover a pipe break that’s in the yard
So information is slowly coming in. My adoptive mother recently started renting a house in TX, around the Dallas area. The house is gorgeous and was a great deal compared to the area around. I came to stay with them for a week before I head out west About four nights ago, I was coming inside through the back door, and as I was walking to the front of the house (it was dark) I noticed my footsteps sounded odd. Turning on a light, I realized that half the house was flooded. Quickly grabbed my friend and her mother (my adoptive mother) as we looked for the source. A toilet was leaking from almost every spot. Was able to turn off the water, and ran to Walmart for towels and a mop. Cleaned the water up as best as possible. Some of the hardwood flooring was water damaged, as well as some of the carpets the water touched. Called a plumber, and they realized there was a couple broken pipes in the yard, which was also causing water to leak through the sides of the house, and the front of the house. There is actually TP coming up from the front of the house. The home insurance does not want to cover this because the leak is not coming from within the house, but was caused by something going on outside of it. I’d have to find our plan and all that, but is there anything we should be doing to protect ourselves from damages that were incurred while renting? My adoptive mother has only been here a week or two, the owner lives in IL and bought this house (possibly without coming to see it) as an investment, and rented it through a local realtor company.
Who is responsible for expenses due to water damage from broken water heater in apartment?
I live in Georgia. Last week we were staying a few towns over taking care of a sick family member. My fiance's mom stopped by our apartment to feed our fish, and she noticed there was water covering over half of our apartment. The water was coming from our water heater in a room we do not have access to (it's dead bolted and only maintenance has a key). We called the office to tell them to go shut the water off before we drove back. Once we got there 45 minutes later, they still had not turned the water off. It took another 30 minutes sitting in the office to get someone down there to turn it off. Eventually they turned the water off and water redemption services showed up a few hours later to pump out water and put in fans and dehumidifiers. There was originally around 2 inches in some parts of the apartment. Now the room the water came from is right by our laundry room. Because of this, two baskets of clean laundry were completely soaked in the water. We dont know how long the water was running before his mom alerted us, but it was probably quite a few hours. All the clothes are ruined. There was evidence of mold/mildew on the clothes and a horrible smell. I have severe mold allergies. This isn't something I should mess around with and try to salvage. We have estimated at least $700 in damages to our personal property. We have gone to our landlord to ask that they help us with the damages since this was not something within our control. We've asked for reduced rent this month but they have refused. They say our only choice is to file a claim with our renters insurance. I've taken pictures of the damage and everything lost and we can try to file a claim. However I've found a few different resources that state that since this was not within our control and the water heater is something the landlord is responsible for maintaining, they should be rectifying our damages. I'm here to find out which route I should be taking here. Thank you in advance.
My “foster” son is being suspended from school for something that isn’t school related
My high school kid got emergency expelled today. He’s got a history with substance abuse, but no record. He’s been in out patient rehab for a few months and is five weeks sober since his last relapse. The school knows all this and it’s never been an issue. Today, however, I got called in because they have credible evidence that he’s been telling other students how to contact drug dealers. He admitted to one incident, but he claims that’s all. (Basically, Kid 1: “How do I get acid?” My kid: “Talk to Bob. Here’s his Snapchat.”) He’s not in any legal trouble yet, but there is an ongoing investigation into some local dealers that he could get drawn into. This was all over Snapchat, while he was at home. The emergency expulsion gives the school 10 days to do their own investigation. When I was talking to the admin about what he needed to do for re-entry to the high school, they strongly implied that he may be fully expelled for the rest of the school year and possibly even for his senior year. They even said he probably wouldn’t be allowed to attend the alternative high school and potentially his only choice would be a GED program. The admin said that he’s being the middle man for drug deals and they’re approaching it as though he is selling. I’m not trying to minimize his actions or say that there shouldn’t be consequences. He’s made plenty of poor choices and he needs to own up to that. However, can the school really expel him for something that didn’t happen at school and I’m not sure is actually illegal?
Moved out of apartment, landlord is trying to charge $1300 for carpets.
I moved out of an apartment recently in California, and the landlord management company is trying to charge me $1300 for carpet damage done by pets. Is there anything I can do about this?
My girlfriend (22F) is getting stalked and has had notes left under her door threatening rape but her landlord refuses to let her move. What should we do/can we do anything??
So my girlfriend and her two roommates have been uneasy about staying at their apartment because they’ve had a stalker for the last few months. Everything was relatively okay until a couple weeks ago where master creeper left notes under the door threatening sexual violence towards my girlfriend and her roommates. We’ve filed a police report and taken all the steps necessary to legitimize the situation. Sucky landlord on the other hand, continually downplays the severity of what is happening and refuses to let her and her roommates move out. Other than handing the security footage of the creep leaving the note to the police - they have been completely unhelpful. I’m pretty sure this level of stalking constitutes the ability to move out without any financial repercussions (as per washington state law), but i’m not sure. Could we please please please get some help/advice? She can’t go back home and has been having nervous breakdowns at my house ever since this happened..
Passing a School Bus (TX) (Urgent)
I (18) was driving to school at about 7:20 am. I was driving on the an axis road next to a school bus(slightly behind), on a road which I had never taken at that time of day. I was driving behind the bus when the sun unexpectedly begun to blind me, physically making me not be to see the bus. I was rapidly opening closing my eyes to try and get a sort of direction in order to not crash, or go off road. Finally the sun had gotten blocked by a sign I believe,and I was able to see again only to notice I was more than half way passed the bus with it's stop sign out, it was too late for me to stop because my 1994 Mazda Pickup Truck has poor breaks (I did try to slow down but realized then immediately got pulled over) and by the time I would be at a complete stop with it I would be well passed the bus. When I passed it there was a cop waiting right at the side of the road to pull over any people. I knew I had screwed up right when I opened my eyes. I got pulled over, the cop asked if I was in a rush or if there was any need to pass it, I simply told him I was un-able to see the school bus. He gave an explanation that the yellow lights were signs that it was going to stop. I knew this, but I could not see any signs or the bus at all due to being blinded by the sun. I just got my ticket yesterday to find out it is a $630 fine and I have to go to municipal Court on May 17. Is there any way to defend myself on the fact that I was un-able to see the bus at all because of the sun, if there is any way to decrease the fine, or to try to remove it from my record. I do not have any other violations or speeding tickets. I do have one warning however. TL/DR: I was driving near a bus, the sun blinded me, and I unknowingly and unintentionally ran the stopped bus, and now I owe $630. And now I need to find a way to either decrease it or get it off my permanent record.
Do local police enforce federal law?
Lets say you can legally own an item under state law but not federally. Would a cop arrest you for it? Let alone a DA choosing to prosecute?
Am I legally obligated to pay back my dental insurance?
(FL) In 2017, I visited my dental office for the first time. A year later, the office tells me my insurance requested a repayment, and that I can call to inquire further and maybe dispute it. I do all that, get on the phone with a lady on their line telling me that they don't even HAVE indication that they ever even sent the request. I'm tugged around and ignore the stress for a long while. Eventually, my dental office tells me that I owe them or it'll go to collection. Ok I'll just pay it. I pay the 71$ and eventually end up calling my insurance back to cancel the policy, and I inquire one last time about the payment and see about getting my money back. They end up calling my dental office and it was like an awkward stand off. Long story short, the dental office tells me a week later that they accomplished little but are just going to honor me as their patient and send me a check. Well, the guy from Humana calls me back again and is seeking information at like 7pm while I'm cooking dinner. I spilled the beans I guess that they were going to send me the money and the guy reacted as if he was going to be a whistle blower now. He told me that the money is theirs and that the dental office is in the wrong and should pay them. The whole situation made me very uncomfortable when I don't know who is trying to pull the wool over my eyes and I feel like I'm in between, confused, and unsure how to proceed. Is there any legal trouble I can get into here? Maybe I should just wait to hear back but I'm stressed! I haven't gotten the check yet but my people tell me to just forget about it and take the money. Is that the wrong thing to do? Thanks!
Sister is mother’s POA, maybe taking advantage of having access to funds. Location: Colorado.
My sister has been acting as our mother’s financial POA for several years after the third time Mom racked up substantial debt. We ending up selling mom’s house to avoid liens and to liquidate to start to pay off debt. My sister bought a condo in sister’s name that my mom lives in and sister is charging rent (market value to get the mortgage approved). Sister opened a joint account with my mom at sister’s bank and the bank “linked” the account with sister’s individual account because “they both have her name on it”. Mom is not disabled or unable to take care of herself in any way. Mom cannot handle financial decisions so my sister uses the POA to pay bills. Mom’s will only includes my sister and me. I have reason to believe that sister is taking advantage of having access to mom’s funds and getting a sizable rent check each month. What can I do to ensure my sister is acting in our mom’s best interest when using the POA? We are thinking of moving Mom to a retirement home soon and I’m worried about cost. I can’t pay thousands of dollars a month and don’t want to if my sister has been using up mom’s funds. I get very little information from my sister about finances even if I ask. When I ask about where rent is going, I’m told it is to fix things in the condo. But there’s no way the difference in rent and mortgage is all going for that. Do I have to wait until my mom passes to get information and potentially sue my sister for improper estate management? By that time there will probably be nothing left to mismanage. It’s family so I don’t want to call APS or anything. I just want to make sure my mom’s funds are used to take care of her and not my sister’s vacations. I also want to make sure if my sister comes asking for money for my mom’s care later I can tell her to pound sand knowing she mismanaged funds.
Failure to appear in court twice - Colorado
I failed to a apear in court twice more than two years ago. court dates were two weeks apart both for no license no insurance and expired temp tags. DA said I could get most of it knocked off if I could prove I had a valid license and insurance, the problem is I haven’t even had a car since the last ticket and I failed to appear in court cause I would’ve lost my job for missing work even for a court date. Do I need a lawyer?
Got into a parking lot fight, will anything come from this?
I got into a bicker with another woman in the parking lot of a store front. I’ll be honest, it was hot out, my newborn had me on my last leg of being tired out, and I got pretty pissed that she parked awful next to me. I’m talking I couldn’t fit my car seat through my door because she was so close, so I had to do it from the other side which just boosted my bad mood. So I decided to write a note on a napkin that said “learn how to park :(“ Well, as I was getting out to put it on her windshield, she was coming out of the store. Figures, she was the chick in the store that also wasn’t wearing a mask. I ended up just handing her the napkin. Didn’t say anything and got in my car. She read it, then put it on my windshield and came up to my window and started yelling. I opened my door and we bickered. I basically told her she needs to learn how to park because people with babies like me need the space. She called me some names and made fun of some shit with my teeth. This is the part where I fucked up more, I got mad after she deliberately made fun of me, and I pushed my car door on her. Not hard, but enough to make her mad. She then kicked my car door and got in her car and left. Somehow did not leave anything on the door but a few marks that I wiped off. I sat in my car after that and was waiting for my husband to finish making a bottle for our baby. As he was doing that, she came back and started recording my car. I got out and said “what are you doing?” And she started yelling again. She said she was going to call the cops, and said that if she wasn’t high right then, she “wouldve beat my ass to the ground”. She then started yelling at my husband, saying he should’ve calmed me down. I apologized to her a few times and just kinda let her spout whatever she was saying, some shit about “the cops probably won’t help her because of her race”. That’s was about the end of it. So, what I’m worried about is I fucked up and shouldn’t of started it all. I gave her the napkin which ticked her off, and I pushed my car door on her. Can she actually report me for anything here that will lead to any kind of court case? I realize my mistakes and apologized. She told me to fuck off after I apologized, though. Thank you for reading and any advice helps.
Parents divorcing, dad taking as much money as possible from mom
Sorry if this is a bit messy, Ive never posted here before. Over the course of a year, my parents Mom59, Dad 57 have been in the process of splitting up.Theyve been together for 29 years. There is a lot of personal stuff that I will try to keep to a minimum, but in short my dad wanted to leave my mom very randomly for no real reason (when pressed for reasons, he says that they "grew apart" and that "she gave him the evil eye". Mom begged him not to leave, do marriage counciling etc, but nope he just left. Over the course of about a year Ive watched and learned more and more about the situation and my dad has slowly turned into someone else, being extremely mean spirited towards my mom- going as far as to blame her for his cancer he's previously had. Long story short, my mom's been a wreck and my dad's been an asshole. Now for the legal stuff: My dad and his lawyer originally wanted to take 50% of all my mom's wealth, as well as retirement money and wants to be paid alimony. ($30,000) a year. My dad is able bodied, and works a job where he makes over 80,000 dollars a year. He also has a 401K and bonuses. My mom makes roughly double what my dad makes.several months ago, they had their first court date because my dad wanted temporary alimony. The judge decided that my mom had to (and still is) pay my dad $600 a week. Living in Massachusetts, my mom's lawyer has told her that she is basically doomed to pay 50% of all her money unless my dad agrees to mediation. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago, my dad is depositioned and it is discovered that he has a girlfriend. After this information was found out, my dad's lawyer dropped their demands to 40%. Fast forward to now. Mediation happens, and dad and lawyer demand 50% again with retirements and alimony. My mom fights this, and they said Ok fine, 44%. Mom now has to consider this and talk to her financial advisors to figure out the best way to not get screwed. I've had several talks with my dad over the course of the year telling him how this is wrong and he shouldnt take money from her, but he doesn't listen and often blatantly lies to me about it, telling me that he doesnt decide how much money he gets and wants. I'm looking for anything- anything at all that can help my mom not get screwed by this situation. As I said earlier, we live in Massachusetts which apparently has very rigorous divorce rules. I know little to nothing about this legal stuff, but she feels utterly helpless and so do I. Shes a great person and doesn't deserve this.
Question about inheriting my mother and step father’s house
I have a pretty rock relationship with my step father. Currently, he owns our family house with my mother. My mother and step father co-own the house, and it has half the mortgage still to pay, however, if one of them dies their life insurance will kick in and pay off the other half of the mortgage. However, i want to know what my mother needs to do in order to make sure I get half of the equity of the house, upon the death of BOTH of them. I can just see now, my step father absconding with the house equity, by giving it all to my step sister. Although i think she deserves half, she doesn’t deserve it all. And i’m sure he will try and do this. Let’s just say, hopefully he croaks first. But anyway, what can i do to protect my inheritance? What can i tell my mom to do *today*, that can make sure i get the equity that is rightfully mine *and* my sister’s?
[FL,USA] What is my liability as a manager for a company that is hiring unqualified labor to perform dangerous tasks involving compressed gases and high voltage?
I was recently promoted to manager of a small shop. Said shop performs hvac related repairs on industrial equipment. We have single and 3 phase 220 volt AC lines rated at 50 amps as well as freon, acetylene, oxygen and general hazards like cutting wheels and grinders. We also deal with heavy items over 100 pounds, a forklift and other things like that. So a big warehouse full of stuff that can and will kill you under the right circumstance. Problem is I can't supervise everyone and do my job as a technician so accidents happen. I'm a very experienced tech and was almost crushed the other week by a 600 pound machine supported by a rotten furniture dolly. There is no formal safety or general operating protocol. No waivers or acknowledgements beyond our limited impromptu training of 'don't touch live wires'. No product manuals for tools or other documentation that would help otherwise prevent injury or misuse. Management above me has also been hiring kids fresh out of high school and college freshmen who have no idea of the dangers involved and are regularly injured. One kid flinched the other month and cut himself badly enough to require stitches. The company paid for the doctors visit and a few days of rest, but the employee became demotivated and anxious and later quit as he didn't want to be injured again. Most kids only last about a day with us and quit. Many basic safety measures like manual cut off switches, interlocks and insulating mats are non existent. I've pushed for the addition of them and they've been complying when able, but last night I found a live 220v ac wire just laying on the ground in a walking area near an area where power washing takes place. Someone could have gotten seriously injured and there's no camera to know who did it or when. I'm seriously bothered by the fact noone saw it for at least 12 to 24 hours. I'm terrified that one of my employees will get hurt or killed due to negligence. Due to how exhausted I am regularly I'm also worried I could contribute to negligence too. I'm doing my best to prevent that, but I need to know if I'm liable if someone does get injured or dies. From my understanding management is typically involved in such lawsuits if they occur. As a manager I don't have the ability to fire anyone. I can only send them home or suggest disciplinary action. Just so we're clear on that. I'm more of an acting manager than a real manager, but idk if that has any legal difference. Should I run for the hills and find a new job or am I just fine acknowledging it with my superiors and moving on? Sorry if I repeat myself, I'm a little frazzled.
Loosing the battle in Divorce [SoCali]
Last year I found out my wife was cheating on me. She demanded a divorce and moved out shortly. She emptied our savings and got an apartment. Since then I have been living in our huge house alone only having my kids every other week. I know California is a no fault state but I am loosing the fight in court. I make just outside six figures and she makes less then half of what I make. I hired a lawyer who didn't even show on my first court date saying "We know the money, its just math now." Needless to say the judgment was for twice what his worse case scenario was as he did not factor in that I'm still in the house we own. I also got stuck with paying her lawyers fees. I feel so screwed over. I'm looking for legal loopholes or anything that can be done... I know this description is very vague but I can give more details if needed. My lawyer hasn't been any help at all and has offer less than no support in understand my rights and (or) options. Can I get a little help?
(CA/AR) How can I ensure that my husband receives my inheritance if I die before probate is completed?
First time posting, I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere and I just haven’t found it in my searches. Background: my father passed away in August 2019. He resided in California and did not leave a will or a trust, so all of his assets have to go through probate. This is a process I do not really understand because I’ve never encountered it before. Including myself, he had five children, and we all have spouses. We five are the only heirs to his estate as he and my mother divorced decades ago and he was unmarried at the time of his death. My spouse and I currently reside in Arkansas. We (the five siblings) hired a CA-based probate and estate lawyer to help with the proceedings, since we all live scattered around the USA. The lawyer informed us that the absolute minimum amount of time we can expect probate to take is 2 years, if everything goes smoothly. But because dad had a lot of property, we were advised that it might take much longer. I am chronically ill and have been in declining health since before my father passed away. There is a real possibility that I might die, or be rendered legally incompetent (or whatever the term is), before the probate is completed. I am concerned that if I pass, since there was no will or instructions of any kind on how pops wanted his assets passed on to us kids, my siblings might just divide the inheritance amongst themselves and leave my husband out of it. How can I insure that my husband receives my portion of the inheritance in the event that I do die? Thank you in advance!
Locked out of steam account
Alright, might be a long post but please bear with me. 3 days ago I was locked out of my steam account for no reason out of the blue. I have hundreds of usd put into this steam account and they want me to provide a CD key from over a decade ago in order to recover it. I have their 2FA and all this security setup but they still wont let me back into my account. Would I be able to threaten a lawsuit against this? They pretty much took my account and told me to screw off. I have no CD key because it's over a decade old and I got it when I lived with my parents. I can't believe they seriously expect someone to keep a physical copy like that for over 10 years. They might be able to say I'm not the original creator because I cant verify that stuff. I'm confused and stressed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[NJ] Apartment complex hasn't done anything to fix the cigarette smell coming from the bathroom air vent for over a month
Smoke (I think cigarette) has been coming into my bathroom every single day for over a month. I've created maintenance requests to the apartment complex's maintenance office through their web portal and they've come over to tape the air vent shut but whatever it is is still coming through. They said the exhaust fan on the roof of the building pulling air out of the bathroom should be fixed by exactly one month ago and they gave me tape to try to seal the vent which I've applied (https://i.imgur.com/IQkcREv.jpg) but the smoke is still coming in. I've called and emailed the leasing office to which they said they'll tell the maintenance office but it doesn't seem like they're prioritizing it or doing anything at all as far as I can tell. What would I be able to do to get them to pay more attention to this? At this point I am pretty worried my health is getting worse by the day.
My sister's ex-boyfriend is trying to steal my sister's dog
Okay so my sister broke up with her boyfriend recently and she came back home from Pennsylvania to get a breather, she left her dog with her ex-boyfriend because she wasn't able to take her on the flight now her boyfriend is threatening to steal her dog and Chip her as his own (because she isn't chipped yet) her dog is legally her support animal but she says that won't help her if her ex-boyfriend gets her dog chipped I want to help her but I don't know what to do can anybody help me?
(CA) Girl that left my school continues to slander my name and creating lies about what I did to her.
Long text warning. Started first around January of 2015 when a girl and I met through a mutual friend. We'd become friends and started joking around and started surprising each other with jumpscares. She laughed, I laughed, friends laughed. I suddenly receive an email the following day after we had done that saying that I need to have a meeting with the Student Affairs because I had been reported for harassment. Keep in mind I never touched this girl. I was told not to have any contact with her ever again until she says otherwise. She then blocks me on social media (this becomes important later). Since we are both in a small arts school and in the same program, we were bound to have classes together. The girl would then make herself cry and go to the teacher saying something about me bullying her and excuse herself from the classroom. This went on until the end of the semester of the next year (around December 2015). The girl leaves school and goes back to Japan. I have friends that know her and they find her blog and whatnot. It contains all these stories of her experience being abused and bullied while she was in school here. Again I never touched this girl and she claims I pushed her down to the ground and stepped on her. Come present day (December 2016), my school has an opportunities group on facebook. I receive an email from the student affairs asking if I wanted to meet them for counseling and whatnot. I had no idea what was going on so I asked a friend if I can check the group with their facebook account. Low and behold I see the said girl giving my name out to people who ask in a post about sexual harassment. Now she is claiming I broke her neck as well as abusing her. I'm afraid that this will keep from finding opportunities and such. What can I do? TL;DR - girl reports harassment on me at school. Blocks communication and continued to slander and defame my name across campus while I'm left to do nothing. She leaves school for Japan and continues to slander in an opportunities group in my school's facebook. Now I'm getting anxiety attacks (I've never gotten one before and it's freaky) and am scared to go to school. Missed classes today.
(CA) How could a non-credentialed teacher be punished for breaking contract?
My wife is currently teaching in a district in California. She is teaching as an 'intern', which means she is not a credentialed teacher. The school has bait-and-switched her, and halfway through her first day changed her teaching assignment to a different grade of students (she already spent most of July preparing lessons that she can't use). In addition, the class set of computers she was promised was ransacked by other teachers, leaving her with 19 for her classes of up to 36 students. But, another district that my wife also applied for is interested (they start later). Now according to her contract my wife is simply 'governed by the board polices and the California ed code) but doesn't make specific mention. Here's what I found in the ed code section 44420: > "If any person employed by a school district in a position requiring certification qualifications refuses, without good cause, to fulfill a valid contract of employment with the district or leave the service of the district without the consent of the superintendent, if any, or the governing board, of the district except in the manner provided for by law, the commission may, after proof of this fact is made to it, take an adverse action on the credential holder but may not suspend the credential for more than one year or revoke the credential." Now my wife doesn't have a credential, and hasn't even filed her documentation naming her district as her district of record with her credentialing program. If she were to break her contract and go to the other school district, what consequences could arise? If you could point me to specific ed code sources, that would be helpful.
temporary housing by landlord
The place I rent has been rendered inhabitable for the indefinite future. My demands were to have my temporary housing costs paid for. I was offered temporary housing with some very unfavorable terms and conditions. I responded back saying that I would accept the temporary housing offered, but would not be agreeing to the other conditions that came along with it. After some back and forth without addressing my questions My landlord then informed me a hotel had been booked. I get the feeling that she thinks if I stay one night in the hotel I accept all the other terms. Just want to make sure there's no hidden crap to do with and it's just the temporary housing for now location in california
[MA] Question about consent laws [Trigger Warning]
Hi all, I'm currently in therapy dealing with the aftermath of many years of psychological abuse from my pastor when I was a teenager. I am now in my mid-twenties. I am posting here to see if my therapist is correct that what he did is, in fact, illegal, and not just unethical. I met him when I first began going to church. I was 14. Almost immediately, he began grooming me. When I was 16, he started making sexual advances. I felt pressured to accept them. He never threatened me, but as I've realized over the last four years of therapy, he was extremely emotionally and psychologically manipulative and abusive. Everything stopped when I moved away to college at 19 (I moved to the West Coast. IDK if that matters). My therapist seems to believe that what he did is illegal, not just unethical, especially because he was in a position of power. However, every MA law I've seen states that children age 16 and up can have sex with whoever they want, provided that person is also 16 or older. Since I never said no, I assumed I wouldn't have a case, and I don't really want to go through the whole process of reporting it with no hope, especially as it happened in a super rural town, and, well, people aren't exactly super progressive there compared to other parts of the state and I worry about the gender dynamics of it. I'm also still on the West Coast, and I presume I'd have to travel back to report it and go through that process. I hadn't really wanted to report when I first went to therapy, but now I'm starting to reconsider as I move from "it was my fault, I 'wanted' it" to "Wow, he was such a good puppetmaster. I hate him and hope he burns in hell." So, does anyone know what laws she might be thinking of?
Scared of landlord suing me after lease ends?
Basically my landlord is crazy and has made threats to me multiple times(which she worded them in a way which wasnt directly threatening me so can't say its harrassment). When I moved in the apartment wasnt checked by them and the previous tenant had pets. My roommate had 2 pets who absolutely wrecked the carpet also. The lease is about up and I actually only lived there 2 months out of the 9 months of the lease because I needed to move and theres no way she would've let me break it or sublet so I just kept paying. My roommate lived in the apartment the entire time. I came back after months to check the apartment and it smelt of urine and its trashed. I'm not sure what to do, I'm planning getting it cleaned but I'm still terrified I will get sued. Idgaf if she keeps my deposit If she will leave me alone after it. I'm just trying to prepare for the harrassment of her. Keep in mind I barely lived there and never owned pets there. None or the issues are my fault but my name is on the lease so it is legally. I just trying to figure out now how to deal with the potential ordeal?
How do I stop animal abuse that is happening in my home without sending my entire family to jail?
We have a dog that has spent most of his life in a cage. Why? He's a bad dog and if we let him out he'd probably attack the other pets and tear everything to pieces. I have told my wife that this is animal abuse repeatedly, but she says her only two options are giving him to someone else (which she says won't work because she claims that the only people who would want a pit bull are breeders, and the dog has been neutered) and taking him to the pound (which she refuses to do because she says they'll just put him down right away). But wouldn't spending eternity with puppy Jesus be better than this hell he's living through right now? I'm tempted to call animal control, but I know that if I do, someone's going to jail, and I'm not sure who that would be; there are several other relatives living with me and my wife but the dog belongs to no one in particular; he was just dumped off one day by my brother in law as a puppy, and no one actually wanted him but we didn't know what to do with him. So how can I stop this abuse without sending people to jail or causing an argument that will tear us all apart?
Downstairs Neighbor banging on our door complaining about us walking through our apartment
Recently moved into a “luxury apartment complex” that advertises having sound dampening insulation between floors. After living here for 3 full months we have just received our first of what I assume will be many noise complaints from our downstairs neighbor. About a week ago he came and banged on our door on a Friday night at 11:30 to tell me that our walking back and forth is not allowing him to sleep. He did this very aggressively, he was banging so loud on the door that I could hear the neighbor above us get up and run to their door. I simply told him I would try to keep it down and he went back to his apartment. I only live with my girlfriend and cat, we both are getting ready to go to school full time and we never have any family or guests over so I can’t imagine that we leave much to complain about noise-wise After talking it over with my girlfriend we decided to go let the front office know about this the next morning. We let them know we were in bed watching a movie, and the only pacing back and forth was me putting a pizza in our oven. They let me know to make sure to keep them posted if there is any further issues with the downstairs tenant. Fast forward to today, as I was getting the mail at the front office one of the property managers brought us into the front office to inform us that he has filed a noise complaint for that night he confronted us, and that he complained that he could smell marijuana coming from our apartment, and that our dog makes way to much noise (we have no dog, nor do we smoke marijuana). After informing us of this she told us she had to convince him not to have the cops involved and that we need to be mindful of the tenant living below us. What can we do in a situation like this. The downstairs neighbor displays very rude and aggressive behavior, often screaming at his dog that barks constantly. I have a feeling that this is just the beginning and things are only going to get worse from here. TL;DR: Downstairs neighbor filed noise complain against us for “walking loudly” and lied about a marijuana Oder coming from our apartment as well as complained about us having a loud dog when we don’t even own a dog.
Question about ESOP withholding after company split.
Hi there! I work in New Mexico, and I have a question about ESOP (employee stock option plan) reimbursement. I'll have to give a little history for this to make sense, hopefully it helps paint the picture! I work for a company that decided 6 years ago to split the 401k offerings of the company into 401k and ESOP. 2 years ago, the division of the company I work for split off from the parent company, but still worked beneath it directly as a subsidiary. At that time, this new division stopped making ESOP contributions ( and 401k contributions) since the new division had a few very bad years. 2 weeks ago our division completely separated from the parent company. ( new owners, etc) The only thing keeping us tied to the main company in any official capacity is a service agreement we have with them, which temporarily handles our payroll and our 401k. That's due to expire in 2 months. So, the issue i have is I asked senior management about our ESOP, and no one has really been able to give a satisfactory answer. The ESOP resides with the former parent company, one that we no longer work for as of 2 weeks ago. However, when I asked when i would be receiving my payout/rollover for that stock, i was told I wouldn't because we're still maintaining a service agreement with the main company, and that we'd have to wait at least 2 months for the service contract to expire before our new company would decide how best to handle it, presumably by setting up our own ESOP or asking for a payout. I could be completely wrong here, but I don't see how the two are related in any way. The company previously paid out another division's ESOP when they split several years back, so there doesn't seem to be a lack of precedence for them making good on that, and beyond that i don't see how a service agreement managing payroll has anything to do with Parent company Stock that I'm 100% vested in. I'm happy to provide more details if they can help evaluate, I'm speaking on behalf of 5 other employees who are getting increasingly worried their ESOP is going to disappear. FWIW, the ESOP stopped being evaluated as of 2013 as well( according to the website we use to track our ESOP) so a follow up question might be, is my ESOP worth what it was in 2013 since it hasn't been evaluated? Or is there a known but not evaluated value that the parent company would have to shill out? Thank you a hundred times over!
Security clearance with a juvenile hacking felony?
I am a current Computer Science junior with a 4.0 gpa who was offered a dream internship at a big defense company. They need me to obtain a security clearance before I work there. (~3 years ago) While I was in high school, I hacked into my school’s grading system and changed my grades. I was convicted as a juvenile and was sentenced to a year probation. I flew straight and never did anything stupid like that again. I ended up getting my felony expunged/sealed so I am legally able to tell an employer I have never committed a felony. I scanned over the SF86 form and realize that I still have to mention my crime. However, the SF86 also has a specific section for Information Technology tampering, Section 27. So I technically have to mention it twice. My Questions: 1) As of now I haven’t told my company that I have a record. Should I tell them? They are sponsoring my clearance, but I don’t know if I have to tell them because of my sealed record. I don’t want to tell them if I don’t have to. 2) Do I have a chance at getting a clearance? I fixed my mistakes, and tried to make everything right. My probation officer has nothing but good things to say about me and I have flown straight ever since. I realize I was stupid and have learned my lesson a long time ago. Thanks everyone for the help.
Service dogs, ESAs, and housing in the US
So I am hoping to find some information about service dogs and housing in the US. I know that landlords cannot tell a tenant that they cannot have a service dog. I also know under the ADA, they cannot charge pet fees. I was under the impression that Emotion Support Animals cannot be charged a pet fee either. Previous landlords have respected that. This new landlord that I am about to sign a lease with is telling me in the state of Virginia that landlords can charge for ESAs and Service animals. I know the part about charging for service animals is wrong but can he charge me for a Emotional Support animal? I do know the difference between an emotional support and service animal. I am just trying to sort out my rights as a disabled person.
My landlord refuses to accept the full payment.
Well, I live in a apartment in new York, westchester county. With wife, son and daughter. I had an accident , after 1 year and half can do most of my chores but probably won't be able to work as I used to. Got certain amount of money and want to complete the payment of my apartment 100k (it was supposed to be paid in 15 years. It has been 3 years) I've been living 5 years, 2 first years were rent , next 3 years were to buy it. Landlord says it won't be convenient for him because he will have to pay taxes for the whole payment, he prefer monthly payments. I just want to use the money as wisely as I can and the best for my family and me. Daughter is in the army. Son working and studying, have another daughter that will be coming in a year. I really like this apartment, is very big, safe town and lots of trees. Thanks in advance.
Contracted/construction workers & political stickers?
I live in an apartment complex that hires out to local landscapers/construction workers to do most of the exterior work around the community. Today I noticed one of the workers, specifically behind my apartment now and clearly working with this contracted group, has a giant Trump/Pence sticker on his clearly-marked work vehicle. Are contracted/labor workers as such allowed to display political propaganda on their work vehicles/tools/machines? To each's own, but I'm wondering if there's an issue with representation of the hiring company (landlord) and their hired contractors. Also noted, this community and where we live is a very liberal area, and well known for being as such, so it's pretty obvious when people use such signs/stickers on an attempt to upset the people around here. But moreso, I just want to check if my thinking was right, or if they are totally in their right to do that.
Silly question but my father made my older sister a trustee of the family trust - and myself only a beneficiary. I am 31 years old and my sister is 34 years.
Is there any reason they would do this? Why would I not be entitled to being a trustee as well? Does that reduce my capacity to be entitled to the trust assets at a later date? Would that mean that my father and sister like me less as I am not on the board with them? Does that mean they think I’m not capable or irresponsible or something like that to a degree?
Accepted a new role in a different department at the same company I’ve worked at for 2 years. A day later HR is investigating possible misconduct and now my start date “on pause”
Background- I work in a call center environment in the financial services industry. I have been working in customer service for over a year and half and had moved into a specialty department role that didn’t have nearly as strict schedule adherence as my first job. Anyone who works in a call center realizes that you have to stick to strict schedule so management can monitor and make sure you’re answering phones and not avoiding work. Well everyone in building has easily found one way to manipulate the system to not take calls, undetectable by management until now. It’s been going on for over 6 months. Now this sounds terrible but some employees abused it much more than others(I’m talking hours per shift) I really only used it for bathroom and water breaks when I didn’t want to use my normal breaks and other small things like that. I consistently posted performance stats in the top 20% of the company and always hovered around the top 15 out of nearly 100 reps for inbound calls taken in a quarter, for each quarter I’ve been there. Ever since HR found out about this they have been bringing the hammer down hard, threatening verbal and written warnings. Written warnings mean you can’t move roles for 6 months and you forfeit half of your quarterly bonus. Now to my dilemma: I accepted this offer on Monday morning, and Monday afternoon my boss pulls me aside and says myself and pretty much everyone is being investigated for call avoidance by using that system loophole. She said I’m going to be subject to either a verbal or written warning, most likely written( meaning I wouldn’t be able to transition roles for 6 months). We talked to my new manager in the other department and she had no issues with it , seeing as I had already accepted the offer and signed on. So I’ve been scheduled to start the Tuesday after Labor Day and now that is just “on pause” according to HR. My boss passed me that message and didn’t have an answer to if that just meant it was pushed back a week or so or if I’m forced to forfeit the role for 6 months, while we wait for HRs final decision on punishment next week. I am not brushed up on legal stuff when I comes to employment and was curious what you all think. My manager has been in the industry for 10 years and had never come across a situation like this before. Is there anything I can / should do ? Thanks
Unable to contact landlord [NYC]
My property management company has only ever provided an email address to contact them with, no phone number. A few weeks ago they suddenly stopped answering any of my emails and I've been unable to contact them since. The subjects of my emails vary but they cover things like stolen packages, broken appliances, etc. They've responded to such emails in the past so I'm not sure why they've stopped now. My question is how long can they just ignore me, especially when I'm trying to communicate with them about theft in the building or damage in the unit? Is there a specific issue (the building has had a lot of problems over the past few months) I should focus on that they have a legal obligation to respond to?
[canada bc] Car Lien Question
**Back story:** This car was given to me by my father. While he was in country almost 3 years ago. **Context**: Currently I am an owner of a car that was recently in an accident. The accident was not my fault, the car was parked and backed into by another person. My insurance has stated that it would cost to much to repair the car and wrote me a check for 2000 and I have 6 months to claim this check. ​ The insurance company informed me that this car apparently has a lien on it. To which I was utterly confused because I do not have a loan with any company dealing with this car. They informed me what company has this lien and to contact them. ​ Not being the account holder of this loan. They are issues of finding out much information. They refuse to release the car because the amount still owing on it is 6000+. They keep insisting that I have to take the check and hand it over to them to help pay off this debt. A debt in which is not in my name nor associated to me what so ever. ​ Now this has created a very frustrating loop of what my options are because of the fact that I can not get much information due to privacy laws. ​ The car is still able to be driven. However, this loan company has every right to repo the car at anytime. I do not have to take the check given to me by my insurance. which means they would not get a dime from me. However, due to some haywire situation our emergency are tapped. I was hoping to use the insurance money to get a newer vehicle. ​ After much arguing and frustration they have offered for me to keep half and give them half. However, I do not feel like I am being told everything. And that the only way I can take that check is if the person owing on the account pays the debt in full. ​ **Legal Question:** Is there anything I can do to have this car released from the lien. Is there anything that I can do at all?
Exempt from AB 1482 Rent caps and Just Cause evictions? What does this mean?
Got a notice saying I was exempt from this? I’m not sure what this means entirely. Does this mean I can get evicted without just cause? I’m not protected from it?

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