Unnamed: 0
11 values
My husband just told me last night that he no longer wants to have a baby. I have no children of my own. I have been helping him to raise his three children for the past 3-4 years. We always had an understanding that becoming a mother was crucial to our relationship and marriage. We have been trying for about a year. We just bought a new house to accommodate a baby. We haven’t even made the first mortgage payment. We’re divorcing. He would like to keep the house for his children from a previous marriage. I was told by our original loan officer that we cannot refinance the house into his name alone until six months. Do I have any other options to get the house of our my name? Thank you. Any advice is appreciated. I haven’t slept and I have cried all night long. I just can’t believe this is happening.
Unpaid Speeding Ticket from 4 years ago - Small Municipal Court TX
Hello, I’ve received a letter from a collection company regarding a speeding citation that I received 4 years ago. It states that i need to pay the fine with money order directly to the city as soon as possible. First, i thought it was a scam as i never received a ticket in texas before then i remembered getting a warning 4 years ago when driving through Texas. I called the city and talked to the judge numerous times to get a copy of the actual citation as it has never arrived in my mailbox but it has been unsuccessful. I am willing to pay for the fine if the warning i received had changed to the actual traffic citation but id really like to see the ticket before. Also, the city will only accept money order... this concerns me. The collection company won’t do much as they dont really collect money. They just send these notices out and do not really want to be involved. What are my options here? It has been nearly 6 months since I received the collection letter and I have been told “we’re looking into it”every month.
My friend in the construction business is being forced to work in close/confined spaces with other sub contractors, does he have any legal protection? (Colorado)
The HR lady didnt seem very helpful, since she can only really speak about the W2 contractors, so what rights does he have as a 1099 employee? He is only asking that multiple sub contractors are not assigned in the same space at the same time as he is, usually during construction this is not an issue but the boss is possibly spiteful, not sure what to tell him. Please advise?
[CA] Is there any way that a 17.5 year old can leave their home situation permanently without parental consent.
Hi, I'm just asking on the behalf of someone who dies not use Reddit. She is 17.5 and was staying with me and my family with parental consent until her mom began to threaten us with police harassment, at which point she decided to go back home to appease them. She doesn't have a bed at home, her step-dad is a pedophile who watches her get undressed through windows and such, her mother is not able to get up, and her brother is abusive. There is also another person living there, her ex friend, who frequently drugs her, last by sneaking weed into her food, in a bid to get her too high to say no. The apartment her family is in is also quite dirty and unsanitary, lacking many essentials like the ability to wash clothes, sometimes water, food, etc. Given these circumstance and her age, is there any legal way she can leave the situation, or does she need to wait until age 18? Any help would be appreciated.
Working long hours
I'm a salaried manager and I'm just not sure how to handle this. The extreme and odd hours looking past I don't like staying awake that long. I'm starting to having trouble driving. Couple days ago I had to work from 2:30pm to 9:30am the next day. Needless to say my sleep cycle was not normal after that. I turned to sleeping 5pm to 12am for 2 days now but I've been scheduled to work 3pm to 2am tonight. So I'm going to have been awake 26 hours while I drive home. Theres no law that protects me here? I just become a constant danger on the road?
I had an agreement with a member of Nigerian royalty over a large-scale transfer of money, but they have yet to fulfill their contractual obligations. What are my options?
Roughly one month ago, I received an email from a man identifying himself as a Nigerian prince. He provided extensive detail about the corrupt military government currently ruling his nation and has requested my assistance in laundering his wealth to hide it from the authorities. The agreement was that I would provide him with my banking ID and PIN number, at which point he would deposit somewhere between $21-$23 million dollars into my checking account. Once he flees the country, he will withdraw around 50% of the money that I agreed to hold for him, leaving the rest as payment for my services. Naturally, I sent him my PIN number and banking ID. Since then, I've been waiting for him to deposit the money into my account. After two weeks with no response, I sent a follow-up email asking about the current status of our agreement. Again, no response. You can imagine my frustration. I've saved the transcripts of the emails and am preparing to file a lawsuit in federal court. Do I have legal recourse? If so, how do I go about getting a lawyer to pursue this case for me? I live in Canada and am of legal age in my jurisdiction.
No longer moving this August due to COVID and apartment is wanting me to pay rent until they can find a tenant to replace me. What should I do? [US][FL]
Hey everyone, I'm in a bit of a pinch here. Earlier this year I signed a lease to move up to an apartment by a college I expected to go to this Fall. I paid the security deposit, move-in fees, etc. etc. COVID came and not only made all my classes online, but also made me feel unsafe to move to a big college town. With this in mind, I decided to find ways to cancel my lease --- unfortunately, the apartment is saying the only way for me to no longer be legally responsible for the lease is to find someone to take over the lease. Obviously, no one is going to take this type of apartment on account of the nearby college being closed. This is "off-campus" housing, so there's no affiliation to the college, so they couldn't care less. Obviously, I don't want to pay rent at a place that I'm not living in. I also don't want to be on the hook for however much I owe once courts open. I sent them a letter in writing stating that, due to COVID, I and my roommate would not be moving into the apartment listed in the lease. Should I attempt to strike a deal with the landlord (less likely because they're a company) or should I just give them the finger, walk away and let them keep my deposit since I haven't set foot in this apartment? Thanks everyone.
Employee looking to go down to part time
I have a buisness in Ontario, Canada. One of my employees has said they'd like to either go down to part time or they are considering retiring. Would having them simply putting this in writing and signing it be sufficient to protect myself from any possible future issues with them accusing me of reducing their hours or firing them? This is the first time this has come up for me, thanks in advance for any info.
Bank sold my mom's house before there was a death certificate. Help! Real Estate vs Estate
Location: Philadelphia, PA Ok, before I get into the situation, my main questions are 1. What type of lawyer would I need to talk to (real estate/reality vs estate) and 2. Is it worth pursuing, despite not really expecting or caring about money, only accountability. My mother passed away unexpectedly on July 14, 2019 due to a medical "mistake". A little over a month before she passed, her house was going up for foreclosure as she was behind on equity loan payments. She went to court and they came to an agreement and payment plan and the foreclosure was stopped. When she died, i had to fight the hospital to order an autopsy. It took 4 weeks before an autopsy was done, so her body was at the hospital and i was unable to get any kind of death certificate. After the autopsy, it took another 8 weeks for final results. Two weeks after she died, after recieving a bill for the equity loan, i called the bank (Citizens One home loans) and reported that she died but her body was held up at the hospital, there was no will and i couldn't file for admin. of estate without a death certificate but that I planned on selling the house, giving them what they're owed and be done with it. On September 12th, i went to my mom's house to feed her cats (they were there until i found a home) and found one cat on the front step, a new lock on the door and a sign stating it was property of Citizens Bank (later found out that it was a fake letter left by a locksmith hired by the new owner). After numerous calls, i was told that they sold the house on September 10th but couldn't tell me how they were legally allowed to sell it without notifying next of kin first, and so quickly after her death. The new owner was an asshole and i lost 98% of my mom's belongings because he only allowed us a short amount of time and yelled at my 80 year old Grandmom as she cried trying to rush to find things to take. When this happened, i went into a depression and just considered it a loss as i debating fighting it. Then a recieved ANOTHER bill from the bank for my mom for $5k. I wrote on it that they illegally sold the house and i lost all my mom's stuff and they got their money. The chairman called me back. She admitted to me that they took over the house and sold it because they were told she died (by me, over the phone) and said that they were unaware of any next of kin (despite me telling them that i am and giving them my info). The issue lies in the fact that they sold the house BEFORE a death certificate was even produced. They had no documented proof of her death, only my phone call. She then asked if i have since filed for admin of estate because, after she realized that she admitted they had no proof, she suddenly couldn't talk to me more without it. I stated that by the time i received the death certificate, the house was already gone and that was her only asset. They asked me to send a copy of her death certificate since it also lists me and they'll be able to talk to me more. That whole conversation was recorded on their side. Now I'm unsure of where to even start. I don't know if i talk to a real estate/reality lawyer or an estate lawyer. So TL;DR Bank took over and sold my mom's house (solely because she died) before i even had a death certificate to be appointed admin of her estate. They claimed they didn't know of any next of kin despite me telling them that I was when i reported her death. I didn't get a death certificate until 13 weeks after her death, and the house was already sold by then. The house was worth $85k-$90k and she owed close to $50k
It is possible to annul my adoption by my stepfather?
Hi all, posted this earlier, but didn’t get any usable info, so trying one more time. My stepfather adopted me when I was 13. My biological father was never involved in my life, and his name wasn’t on the birth certificate. My mom and stepfather got him to sign over rights, then my mother bullied me into signing the adoption forms. It was an absolutely horrible decision on my mother’s part. My stepfather is very abusive, emotionally, physically, and financially. Whenever they would fight and my mother would try to leave, he would hold the adoption over her head and threaten to get custody of me. I left home at 17 after he beat me up. I called the police, and was told that due to the laws in my state, my parent could discipline me how he saw fit. However, since I tried to defend myself by slapping him, they said that he could press charges on me if he wanted. My mom convinced him not to. She got me my own apt, and I lived alone my senior year of high school. Whenever I would have to go home on college school breaks, the emotional abuse would start up again. There would always be fights and I would be kicked out of the house on a semi regular basis. Eventually when I was 22, he found my diary, read it, called me a whore. When I argued with him, he said that he would kill my brother and have someone come to find me to beat me up. I haven’t seen him since then, and that was nearly 6 years ago. However, my mother is still married to him, and he’s still a terrible presence in my life. He has tried to manipulate her into not coming to all of my graduations and my wedding. He kept me from being able to come home to say goodbye when my dogs died. Every holiday and special event, he ruins by upsetting my mother and starting fights. I want him out of my life for good. I can’t force my mother to divorce him, but is it possible to annul or somehow revoke his adoption of me? I don’t want his name on my birth certificate, and I don’t want any legal ties to this person. The adoption took place in Virginia, US.
Covid& Pregnancy& Tenure Track Faculty Job
Hi, I just got an offer for a tenure track appointment (current visiting at another institution). They do not know about my pregnancy and I do not think that I am ready to announce this before signing the contract since I do not want to lose this job. The thing is the appointment begins in January and my due date is April 11, which is not too bad because according to the academic calendar, they end classes at the end of April. So I am assuming that I can get a sick leave for 2-3 weeks. Am I right? My problem is that I do not feel safe to teach on campus and this institution is still giving on-campus classes. Do you think they will ask me move there ( 24 hours drive from where I live) although they learn about my pregnancy in a few months? Should I tell them that I am pregnant in order to discuss the online teaching options for the spring semester? Thanks for your advice!
OneDrive hacked, personal pics of wife shared on different sites... help
Hey guys. Hoping someone can help and if this isn’t the right sub then I apologize. I had a ton of private pics of my wife on my OneDrive. I’m an idiot, I work in IT, I should’ve kept them stored locally and encrypted the folder or something. Hindsight 20/20. My OneDrive account was hacked, how or when I don’t know. A bunch of pics of her are floating around the Internet on various sites. I’ve googled and I’ve found out how to remove them from sites like twitter, Facebook etc but don’t know what to do with private sites. Any help would really appreciated. Thank you. Edit- location NJ, USA.
#Alberta property manager changed move in date and is now charging me late move fee
My friend and I were meant to take possession of a rental condo that I’ve already paid a security deposit on. The original move in date was July 31st. Two days ago the property manager changed the move in date to July 30th which I said was no problem. Come today and he had changed the time of move in 3 times which means I’ve had to reschedule my movers 3 times. He asked if we had booked the elevator and when I told him we were not able to reach anyone, he didn’t help us at all, would not provide any phone numbers or emails I could call to book, and said he was cancelling and rescheduling the move to Sunday. I realize I should have looked into booking the elevator further in advance and on that front it is my fault. That aside, we would have needed 3 buisness days regardless to book the elevator so with him rescheduling we wouldn’t have been able to get it anyways? He then says that everyone in office has gone on vacation for the long weekend but he can now get us the elevator today for a late move in fee of $250. I feel very frustrated and I’m just wondering if that fee makes sense and if that’s legal?
[21 OR] Signed a lease for a house I moved into, turns out it was just a copy of the lease and I am not on the official lease with the property management company.
I have been on the "lease" for two months now and want to leave and sublease. After contacting my property manager and getting a copy of the lease from him, I was informed I am not actually on the lease and only signed a copy that my roommates have with them. After telling my roommates I found someone to take my room (who happens to be one of their friends) they got all shady and said not to tell our property manager and that I will stay on the lease and the new person will sign their printed copy and pay rent and utilities from now on. ​ Now, my landlord says that to sublease you need everyone in the houses approval, but since I am not on the lease what am I legally obligated to do in the state of Oregon? I am fine with staying until September as that is the earliest date the new person can move in, but am I even legally obligated to pay rent and stay there? Also, what are the benefits of the shadiness my roommates are displaying? What could they gain from me not being on the lease or being weird about not telling our property manager about the new girl? ​ If I left out any info let me know.
[AL] Husband has to appear in court for an expired vehicle tag, but the vehicle belongs to his father who is not planning to renew the tag...
I've read the rules, and tried to find an answer to my question on Google and the wiki, so I hope these questions are okay to ask. I could not find the exact law that deals with this situation, but his court summons have the charge listed as "Expired Tag." We are in Alabama. My husband borrowed his dad's truck to haul a trailer with trash to the dump. His dad informed him that the tag was expired, and suggested that he switch the tags on our vehicles so we would not get pulled over and ticketed. I told my husband absolutely not, that it was more illegal to get caught with a tag that did not match the vehicle than it was to get ticketed for an expired tag. Needless to say, we got super unlucky and we were pulled over and ticketed for the expired tag. The ticket is not a fine, but is asking my husband to appear in court with proof that the tag has been renewed. The issue is that his dad, the owner of the vehicle, is refusing to renew the tag because he doesn't want to drive the vehicle anymore. What does my husband need to do? What should he tell the judge when he appears in court if his dad does not renew the tag? Can my husband be penalized if his father does not renew the tag? If so, how will the court penalize him? TIA for any answers / advice.
The police lied to me and tricked me. Do I have a case?
The officer at the police station said the victim would drop the case if I wrote them an apology letter. Instead, the cop gave it to the D.A., who’s going to use it as a confession. How do I get the letter thrown out of court? Isn’t it hearsay?
Afraid of something I did years ago.
So I recently read about a guy who was 21 and went to jail for soliciting a 16 year old or something like that. And it got me thinking about if I’ve ever done anything like that. I started to think about 4 years ago when I was 20. I met a girl online through playing WOW and we became friends. She was 16 at the time and lived in CA while I was in NY. We became friends from mutual interest and played together for a few months. I had Feelings for her and flirted but quickly stopped when she wasn’t interested and eventually we lost contact. We never talked about anything sexual or exchanges pictures. Mostly just lame jokes and WOW related talk. Now years later I am in fear that I might have done something wrong. Have I broken any federal laws or anything like that? I read that the guy I saw on the news went to jail for 15 years for enticing or something along the lines. Now I am in fear I have done something similar.... Location US
Can my job hold excused sick days against me?
I'm located in MI and work at a family owned company of roughly 25 employees. I recently received a letter about my attendance citing days I was absent, and days I left early. Now almost all of those days I went immediately to the doctors. I brought back a doctors note every time. Can my job legally hold these days against me?
[UK] Someone is posting malicious fake reviews about my company, and I have their IP.
I am just wondering if I have any legal recourse against someone who is posting malicious reviews about my company. The reviews contradict themselves usually, and claim things that just wouldn't happen such as being paid for a product and then flat out refusing to supply what had been paid for. I wan tto know if there is any legal recourse against this kind of thing. I happen to have the ip address of the person who is posting them (seems they aren't particularly internet savvy), and don't really want to have to go legal, but I also want them to stop. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Landlord charging for carpet replacement
Hi, I'm new to this sub, but I'm having an issue with my landlord. My roommate had two dogs during the duration of our lease. The dogs were mainly kept in his room upstairs, and were only let downstairs in the living room when he was home. They were crated in his bedroom, slept there, etc. Our lease ended and we moved out of the apartment, and waited for our security deposit to come back. When it was returned, however, we found that our rental company had decided to use our deposit to replace the living room carpet (a 700 dollar cost) due to the "dog smell", and that we were expected to pay for what our deposit didn't cover. I believe we're being had. Surely if the issue with the carpets were about dog odors, they would have replaced the carpet in my roommate's bedroom, no? But they did not. We also thoroughly shampooed the carpets before we vacated, and ensured that the apartment did not have any residual odors from the dogs. They still charged us for additional carpet cleaning due to the "dog smell" and as mentioned, for the carpet replacement. I emailed them saying we were disputing the cost of the carpet replacement, but have yet to hear back. So legal reddit, are we in the right? Should we speak with a lawyer or bite the bullet and pay up? Thanks in advance
BC CAN - Got served a notice of family claim (divorce) by my husband but he has nothing on it
So he served me the papers and it says nothing from schedule 1-5 (Property Division;Debt Division;Spousal Support;Child Support; and Child Custody.) no mentions or comments on any of them. We do have a child. It says he “only wants a divorce” Does this mean he is willing to give up on custody? That he just wants a divorce and nothing else? If that’s also what I want, then can I just not respond to it so then the court will just go ahead with the divorce based on his submission? I cannot see a lawyer until January and I have 30 days to respond so I’m posting here first to get some insight. Thank you.
Please help me choosing a lawyer
My parents and I are currently trying to prepare to file a lawsuit regarding a purchase of business; the sellers claimed that we breached the contract, the contract is no longer valid and they would not give us back the security deposit or compensate for my parents, who worked at the store full-time for a month while we were waiting for the sellers and the landlord to sign the lease. The sellers rejected any sort of negotiation and are claiming some baseless bullshit, so the only option we have left is to take the case to the court. We are unhappy with our current lawyer because he is just taking away too long to get anything done (the contract negotiation has been ongoing for TWO and a half months, and even my accountant was wondering why it's taking such a long time). So now, I'm trying to get a lawyer specifically for the lawsuit, and to decide between two options. 1. A lawyer who specializes in business lawsuits and speaks my parents native language. 2. A lawyer who is listed on the website for legal services for military families (my brother is currently serving in the military) The first option would cost us around $10k, which would be covered by the sellers if we win the case. The second option will be for free. Which option would you recommend for me to have the best chance at winning the case?
Locked out of house by potential ex wife.
Two weeks ago I had enough of our marriage and decided it was over and that I was leaving. We have a child and share mortgage. I said I was going to continue working and providing for our family until we were divorced. Three days into the separation I decided I did want to try one more time to make our marriage work but because I gave my wife the house key she said I can't come home or have access to our child anytime. Her reasoning is she doesn't feel comfortable around me when there isn't any history of any physical abuse or threats. I do own guns but have been responsible and have encouraged her to also carry for our child's sake. I do have insurance through the USCCA and have legal back up if she tries to accuse me or have me arrested. But again I haven't broken any laws or ever threatened anybody. At this point I'm waiting for her to decide if she wants things to work out and stay married or if she wants to get divorced. I've been fortunate to be supported by friends and family for two weeks but I want to be independent and have my own place again but I can't afford to pay for a mortgage and rent. I've considered but haven't decided if I'm allowed to break into my own house and change the locks. So my rational options either are to keep waiting and paying for a mortgage I can't use or file for divorce and get the house sold. She is a little too close to her family and they all have keys to my house but I don't. Maybe the legal advice will change state by state but if there's anything general that would help a lot. Thanks.
Romantic work relationship w/ Total BS Order of Protection
So I (33F) reported a long term romantic relationship between myself and my manager (41F) to our employer. She filed an order of protection with false allegations. To keep me from the home were were living in and work in retaliation. It's a pretty serious matter at work. I've been on administrative leave for 8 days now. I'm not sure what's going to happen. I am also going to dispute the Order of Protection in court myself. Spoke to counsel and they said it was very weak reasons. Does the company have any legal obligations? Any advice on how to dispute a BS order of protection?
[Texas] Issues with ex-landlord, security deposit, etc... (Warning, long, but necessary)
Nearly 2 years ago my husband and I signed a lease to rent a house. The owner of the home had contracted with a company to handle all the legal paperwork, collection of rent, repairs etc...The lease agreement stated that once the lease up after a year we can either sign a new lease for a year or it goes month to month. Last year nearing the time the lease was going to be up for renewal, our contact at the rental company told us that the owner was "considering selling the house" and that we would be going month to month instead of another year long lease agreement. We were ok with this. End of the March 2017, a major hail storm sweeps through and most of the homes in our town had some sort of damage. Our home had a window broke and enough damage to the roof that the ceiling right inside the front door was leaking and a small ( maybe an inch wide after 2 rains ) appeared. My husband called the day after the hailstorm and left a message about the damage from the storm. No Response. A week later he calls again, brings up the damages from the hailstorm and also informs them that the day before this call the air conditioning unit had stopped working. He is told to use the website they have to inform them about the damage and to schedule repairs. My husband did what they told him to do . Someone did come out and tape heavy plastic up to cover the broken window and fix the pressing issues surrounding the air conditioning. After that, nothing is done about the roof nor is the window repaired. 2 weeks later he calls again and gets a call back from the contact person informing him that our landlord wants to sell the home. If we want to buy it we have first right of refusal. After maybe an hour long discussion we decided we didn't want to buy that house and we started to look for a new rental. We were fortunate enough to find a home close buy that met our needs, contacted the rental agent, were approved with in a week. We then went about and gave a 45 day written notice to our current contact at the rental company. We also wrote a short paragraph on the contact website that stated while we were moving out we still expected to have the roof and window fixed. While all this time has passed no one has come to fix the window or the roof. We proceeded to move into our new home. We pack, we move, we clean, etc.... At one point the contact did come over to take pictures of the window and damage to the ceiling caused by damage to the roof. He informed my husband that they would be flying a drone over the house to access the damage. 3 days before our final day of the old house, we got a call saying someone from a carpet company was coming over to measure the rooms because the home would be listed for sale the week after we move out. We let him in, it took a few minutes, and he left. Our last day there we had the carpets cleaned , by a company we used before. Same guy came out, and we chatted before and I asked him about the quality of the carpets. He informed me I would be hard pressed to find cheaper carpets out there. I left the receipt for the carpet cleaning on the counter for the rental company to see that I had in good faith, according our our lease, had the carpets cleaned as we were moving out. The window was still broken when we moved out. As for the roof being fixed, I don't know. I had gotten sick and wasn't able to go to the house for a week and half, so it might have gotten done in that time. So now it's June 3, more than 2 months since the hailstorm. We have moved out, and are awaiting our security deposit. Halfway through the next month my husband checked the website that we used to contact the rental company about repairs, maintenance and pay rent, etc... He sees a charge on there for $700 and some change, which we automatically assumed was for things I will admit were our liability. ( The carpet in my boys room did need replacing and they had accidentally knocked a hole in the wall which my husband repaired). My husband called twice in the next 2 weeks, left messages for the contact to call him. No response. We finally received a security deposit statement not quite 2 weeks ago. They charged $650 for touch up painting and repair. They also charge $2175 and change for carpet replacement. I now owe them money, allegedly. I was shocked but I guess I shouldn't be. I immediately googled my old address and the real estate listing came up. Lots of pictures attached. Not only has all the old carpet been replace, but its much nicer quality, and in rooms where there was no carpet. Also, the kitchen floor has had all the old flooring removed and new tile floors put in. The entire house has been repainted and the master bathroom tile floors have either been painted or replaced. I should also had that in the years before we moved in, our neighbors had tried to reason with the rental company about an issue with the privacy fencing. 2 neighbors had to replace their fence portions and legally speaking ( according to them and town law) my rental company has to share the cost of the fence replacement. One neighbor claims she is owed a fair sum and they refuse to return her calls. One neighbor informed us as he was moving out that he spent years asking the rental company to replace our fence as it was an eye sore. If you have made it this far, Thank You. I am sorry its such a long post. I do appreciate any and all advice. Is this worth filing on my own or lawyer-ing up, do I have a case or should I just role over and pay them the $1500 they are alleging I owe. Should I be concerned of the counter suing us for anything above and beyond what is stated in the statement, ie the fence which is now in amazing condition compared to the what it was the last 2 years.
BDSM and knife play
So, I have just recently broke up with my girlfriend and she is furious. She thinks I cheated, etc. She has always been a little crazy and her family has a lot of money. We used to have really rough sex and I would even cut her back with a razor blade. (Her kink). Our sex was always 100% consensual. One night I had recorded the after math(cuts on her back) and me slapping her ass. She has this video. I am worried that in her fit of rage she is going to try and say I raped her and use that video as evidence. I also own the original video. She isn’t screaming or anything that sounds like rape in the video, she is completely silent. The only reason someone would think it’s rape is because she said it was. Should I be worried? At the start of our relationship I was 17 at the time of the video and she was 18.
Police went into a bar looking for me
A bartender at a bar I frequent in my neighborhood told me to call her right away bc the police were in there looking for me. I’m confused bc I didn’t do anything. Also they have my address and I live right around the corner from said bar and was home at the time she said they came in. She said the street I live on and they said they’d already tried and had no luck but to tell me I have to go to the police station. I called my lawyer and she said that it’s weird that they went into the bar and not my house or work and doesn’t make sense so she said she’s going to run my name today and let me know if she finds a warrant. What could this be about? I can’t think of anything that I did especially to warrant police to come looking for me.
California Abandonment of Property
A tenant broke the lease mid-October. It took about 3 weeks to even get a response back that confirmed they were not coming back. No indication that they would want their left-behind belongings, until about 2 weeks ago (beginning of December) when their parent reached out to see about getting the stuff back. Would I have been within my rights to have assumed the stuff was abandoned and thrown it out after 6 weeks? The only communication within those 6 weeks was that they had moved out and were not coming back. At this point do I still need to file a notice of abandonment?
Landlord saying I'm not allowed my security deposit back. Needing advice. (Kentucky)
So I was applying for a new apartment. I had to pay a 350 dollar security deposit. Which I paid a week before move in date. The landlord then waited 3 days before the move in date to send me the lease. After reading over it I decided the rules they had were not for me and did not fit my needs. So I never signed the lease. All I signed during this process was the application after I submitted it. A "application agreement" . Which I've read is not a legally binding document but I could be wrong. It was the last sentence on the application so I guess I over looked it. It said if you pay the deposit and decide not to take the apartment they keep the deposit. So if anyone could tell me if they are in the right here or do I need to try and get a lawyer to get my deposit back. I can give you anymore information you need just ask.
TX - Qualifying for in-county tuition? Or fraud?
Dumb college student here!! My aunt offered for me to live with her rent-free for the next two years as I attend school. This has been official for many months, but I had planned to move in just right before school starts. I am currently still living with my parents just only a little over an hour away from my future residence. I have already registered for classes and naturally they have put me down for the “in state, but out-of-county” rates. Payment will be due soon. I looked at their website and to establish in-county residence a student may present a variety of things as proof, two of which are a valid drivers license showing the address of residence and/or a “current signed lease agreement in your name showing address”. I currently have no bills or pay stubs that could prove residency, so I believe those are my only two options. I saw on the state website that addresses on drivers licenses must be changed within 30 days AFTER moving but I didn’t find anything about if it is possible to request the change in advance... Assuming it isn’t too late, I was curious if I were to do one or both of the above things (although I have no idea how to create a valid lease agreement), would I be eligible to make a case for in-county tuition? Or, because I’m technically not living there until school starts, would that be fraud of some sort? With my instruments alone costing thousands, naturally I’d like to being down the cost of tuition if possible. Thanks for the help!
Trusts, trustee powers, and a family shattering.
Hello everyone, ​ I'll start off first with a quick intro. My mom recently assumed a position as trustee on her father's (Grandpa) trust. I have a copy of the trust, and am able to quote directly from it, but anything beyond that is second hand knowledge, or information that other siblings of hers have attempted to convey. \*\*\* Utah; 1996, my grandparents, herein Grandma and Grandpa, each created a trust and appointed the other as Trustee. So in the case of this story, GRANDPA TRUST appointed Grandma as trustee. Since then, they had bought and sold a variety of properties and other assets under the banner of the two trusts. ​ Approx. 2013, my grandpa is diagnosed with Alzheimer's and his ability to remember certain facts starts to slip. ​ After 2013 but prior to 2019, my grandma deeds her home to one of her sons. This home was in the trust. ​ In 2019, my grandma has a melt down, frustrated with her son's lack of agreed payments, and lets slip about the transfer of the home, a fact that had been secret until then. ​ Feb 2020, my mom and her remaining siblings assume their place as trustees, per their interpretation of the trust and its clauses, in order to block the further sale/deeding/etc in an attempt to preserve assets for my grandpa's care and future well-being. \*\*\* Direct quote from the Trust that is relevant to this discussion: *"Trustee Provisions. Grandpa hereby appoints and nominates Grandma of UTAH as Trustee of the Trusts created hereunder for so long as Grandpa and Grandma are both living and competent. Immediately upon the death or incompetence of either Grandpa or Grandma, Grandpa's then living children shall immediately and automatically begin to act as Trustees of the Trusts created hereunder."* \*\*\* ​ The questions: 1) The line *"death or incompetence of* ***either*** *Grandpa* ***or*** *Grandma, Grandpa's then living children shall immediately and automatically begin to act as Trustees..."* is used as justification for my mom and her siblings to assume their roles of Trustees. Because it says "immediately and automatically" does this mark the point that they truly became Trustees, regardless if they knew anything about the Trust or its details? (2013ish when he was diagnosed.) If so, does this mean that transactions that occurred after that point were required to be signed off by the children? Such as the transfer of the home to one of the son's. ​ 2) The first line of the Trustee provision: *"so long as Grandpa and Grandma* ***are both living and competent****"* then my grandpa hereby appoints my grandma as Trustee. Does this indicate that my Grandma's status as Trustee can be lost if either of them lose their competency? I can see in the case that she loses her competency that the children should step in, but if she is still competent, does she still retain her Trustee status that was granted in 1996? Is the term 'appointment' a one-and-done term or does it have some sort of continuity as suggested here that it can end if certain conditions befall either of them? ​ 3) With Trusts that have multiple Trustees, how are financial decisions made? My Grandpa's Trust simply states that the Trustees have the power to do basically whatever they want with the assets, assuming that they are doing so in order to fulfill the trust. Does this mean that each individual Trustee has absolute power to decide on a transaction? If not, is it majority rule? Unanimous decision? I assume this might be state specific but I haven't been able to find anything in the Utah State Code regarding a separation/designation of power within a trust. \*\*\* Any insights would be greatly appreciated. There are many tentacles to this horror story, but I'm attempting to do my part and get a solid understanding of this piece because it is the foundation for which everything has been based on. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to directly reference the Trust or fill in the blanks if-need-be in order to make concrete sense of everything. ​ Thanks!
Dad needs advice on child visitation in a guardianship in Oregon.
My former mother-in-law was awarded indefinite guardianship of my 10 year old daughter about a month ago. Being up front it was because I was on drugs and got a DUI as well as charges of possession and delivery. Even though I was clean and sober 3 months at that time, doing everything I needed to do for the courts they saw my short term of sobriety as not enough. It will be 4 months tomorrow. Daughter's mother is incarcerated, at the time of the hearing my charges were still pending, they are resolved now with probation and diversion. I had sole custody of her and was primary parent for at least 8 of her 10 years. Quite frankly I have done a very good job parenting as a single dad but I will admit... I screwed up royally when I fell off the wagon. (I had been clean and sober more than 10 years prior.) Child custody law is pretty clear when it comes to divorce and/or parent-parent situations however it is absolutely NOT clear when it comes to guardianship My former mother-in-law has not let us visit in person at all since then. We are allowed to talk on the phone 6 to 7 days a week but that's being threatened now too. She is making demands that I'd rather not oblige and here is the rub. She is making physical visitation conditional on me giving her what she wants and obedience to her requests. Some of these are not out of line but ROI for my diversion treatment and for my PO I just don't like. Especially the diversion treatment, there's some extremely personal stuff there that's none of her business. In a divorce case, as an example, one parent can not withhold visitation because the other isn't paying child support... making visitation conditional on something. What are my rights in a guardianship case now? I can't find any information on it for guardianship, I can't afford an attorney, my daughter is absolutely NOT being helped by this. For years and up until now (zero abuse or neglect, none even accused in the petition) we have been together every single day. Please help.
Can I purchase my own services with a company?
Hi All. I am in Delaware and want to establish a sole proprietorship that helps people with setting up networks, smart home implementation, media pcs, home network security, that sort of thing. My initial question is this. Is it ok to pay myself for my services with a credit card (for history and invoice) to establish at least some examples of work performed? For example I could charge myself my normal rate and put together a full plan for a new smart home setup in my house. I would then charge myself for the work planned and performed. I could later use this to show people past business examples.
My company posted to hire for a full time position and then decided to force me to do instead in addition to my current job with no additional benefits. Do I have any rights at all?
In Louisiana, USA. There is a position at my company that has gone through 3 new hires in the past 9 months because of how horrible the work environment and job itself is. The job was reposted after the last person quit, a full job description was submitted to HR, there was a solid number of applicants to the position. Instead, I was recently told I am now responsible for both positions and I have no choice in the matter and will receive no additional compensation. I am expected to now work overtime (which will be time and a half) to get all of the duties of both positions done if necessary. I feel as if I am now set up to fail in trying to complete tasks of two entire job descriptions, one of which I am not qualified for. I don’t know if it is at all relevant, but I recently reported (about a month ago) being harassed by another coworker. This is all now happening after that and I am being made to leave my current office and team to move to another building to complete the duties of this second position. Do I have any protection or any legal rights at all in general? Or rights/protection if I am fired for expressing concern regarding not being compensated or the insane workload I am now facing? Are there any laws that would prevent my employer from forcing me to work extremely long hours overtime?
I need help getting a child from one family to my family
There´s a child im worried about. She´s 13 and her mom is emotionally and sometimes physically abusive. Is there anything I can do to get her over to my family? She is from Borger, Texas and i am from Zachary, Louisiana. We are not family.
Can i sue my employer if a coworker urinated in my water cup?
Approximately three weeks ago, my coworker urinated in my water cup. My cup was placed in a break room. Do I have a case? The incident occurred in San Jose,CA.
US - Can having incorrect vehicle model on a ticket be grounds fo dismissal of said ticket?
For example, if an officer writes up a ticket for a F150, but your vehicle is a Ford Lightning, or Mazda 6 vs Mazda Mazdaspeed 6, Blazer vs Trailblazer, Mercury Mariner vs Ford Escape, etc. The Lightning is the same as an F150, except is is turbocharged, and has upgraded suspension, among other things, at a glance or without badging they look the same. The Mazdaspeed line hasn’t been around for a while, Any recent ones won’t have “speed” in the name. Blazer and Trailblazer are different vehicles all together, but have a similar name. Mariner and Escape are technically made by different brands, but Ford owned Mercury and those two vehicles, among others in their lineups over the years look almost exactly the same on the outside. All in all, these vehicles are different, so the ticket is “wrong”. However, you had to be present to receive the ticket( assuming you were pulled over), so it would also be difficult to use as an excuse.
Can I use a birthday card as legal evidence
My parents split up and my dad was in and out of my life. And for the past few years he hasn’t spoken to me at all. He doesn’t pay child support but in a few years when I go to college I will need him. His name is on my birth certificate Anyway when I was 6 he sent me a birthday card with $20 dollars in it. He wrote a long message to me and one line said “I promise to give you $200,000 when you are tall enough to touch the roof” We have a low on our garage and when I was a kid I always tried touching it. Now I can. Would this be evidence to sue my father for financial support?
Hit by an uninsured/unlicensed driver but I don’t have coverage for that. Is it worth making a claim with insurance or just getting it repaired?
Austin, Texas. I’m 20 and it’s my first car so I have almost no knowledge of what I should do. The driver hit my back left wheel, and my damage isn’t too major, but it was a minor with no license or insurance, and his car was totaled. My car is currently not drivable. I only have a permit but I had a licensed driver in my car. We did not call the police because the parents were cooperative and none of us wanted the police involved for multiple reasons. My only insurance coverages are bodily injury and property damage liability. My question is is it even worth it to file a claim with my insurance if there’s a chance they can’t even do anything? What are the odds that they can help even though I don’t have uninsured motorist coverage? I have Progressive. I don’t want my rates to go up or have this on my file if they can’t do anything for me and all I can do is get it repaired myself. Thank you for any help, I feel so clueless and I want to do what will hurt me the least
(TX) My parents’ insurance company is increasing their rates over parking tickets. Is this legal?
One of the cars in my parents’ policy has received two parking tickets over the past year, and now their insurance company is using the violations to increase their rates. I’m pretty sure this is illegal, because as far as I know only moving vehicle violations are normally on a driving record and should affect insurance. What are our options?
My former employer in California has not paid me within the required 72 hours, if my check is not ready tomorrow, what should I do?
Hi Reddit! I quit my job Thursday because I got a better opportunity elsewhere. I came into my workplace with a signed resignation later in hand, as I was explaining why I’m leaving, the manager just said “ok ok Ok” and took my letter and said she’d give it to the other manager and walked away from me. I didn’t know what to do so I just turned and left. Sunday afternoon would have been the 72 hours they had to pay me. I heard nothing, so I called and another manager answered, they said it’s not in store yet and maybe it will be tomorrow because “the offices will be open.” Is that permissible under California law? He said he would call me Monday. Give that they have ghosted me when I was hired after being told I would be called, I don’t think they’ll reach out to me tomorrow. What should I do if I call tomorrow and my check is not ready? Am I already owed penalty fees?
NY Has anyone filed a Spousal Refusal To Support document?
My 68 year old husband has mid to beginning of end stage dementia. We were turned down for Medicaid because of my salary. Looking for any and all options so he can receive the care he needs.
Question regarding legal responsibilities / rights
So; This has become more focused in my ex-wife's mind now that I am sheltering in place with the kids. For a variety of reasons I was given "Primary physical custody" and my ex was given "Partial physical custody". For safety / healthy environment I greatly prefer that my kids do not spend the nights at her house. For the last 20 months or so she was watching them during the day and I continued to pay her support after the decision because the money was a factor in her wanting the kids and I told her I would continue. Also after looking around the money I pay her is less than what I would pay for day care and there is zero paperwork so it was fine. She was fine with it as she could go out whenever she wanted and then see the kids during the day. The custody agreement reflects this, so she is given occasional weekends and sees them before / after school but she never asks to see them on weekends and I don't want them there overnight. ​ Well she has not seen the kids in a month and said yesterday "in the court's eyes we have 50/50 responsibility for the children. If that was the case I would not have agreed to the settlement. This is in Pennsylvania. My questions are: Is she corrrect? Do we have equal rights to the children? If not, what are the differences? Second: I was under the impression that with primary physical custody I am not required to provide support. Now Im not going to screw her over during a pandemic, but this will become more and more contentious as time moves on as my oldest will no longer need to be watched by her next year, and the next oldest, the year after that. Are there any other facts regarding this situation that I should know? ​ Thanks!
How to get out of photo radar speeding ticket.
Hello lawyers and future lawyers. I was going 38 in a 30. Photo radar at intersection flashed me. No other cars on the street. How do I get out of paying this ticket. I’ve done minor research and have read certain things about photo radar tickets by mail r “hearsay” and there being “no law forcing you to check your mail” and “just ignore it the don’t enforce it” and “ask the person who sent the ticket to testify in court usually they won’t and it’ll be dismissed”. Stuff like that. Can anyone give me any straightforward legal advice on this? I’m from Oregon.
I am being underpaid and I don’t know what to do (AUS)
I’m 19 years old and located in Melbourne Australia. I am working at a bubble tea store and started around early January. Idk if this is important to note but I am an Australian citizen. When I first started working I was on a training wage of $10/hr. A month later I asked my boss if I can have a raise because I have been trained for everything and she only granted me $11/hr. As expected I’m only getting cash in hand, my rosters are all hand written and I contact my boss through messaging her phone number. I actually like this job but they’re paying me way below minimum wage and it feels like it’s not worth anymore. I have been collecting evidence of my rosters and the important text messages but I’m not sure if that’s even enough. I’ve had people tell me to go talk to my employer first and some saying talk to fair work Australia first. I would like to know what is the best course to do things and what other ways I can collect evidence. Thanks Reddit
Am I committing fraud against my employer?
Hello, I'm looking for advice from someone who specializes in employment law or knows a thing or two about the subject. I work for a very large company, we have offices all over the US and we have thousands of employees. One of the things I love about working for my company is that I am able to transfer offices (via application for a new job) and they pay for my move to a new state. Over the past 18 years, I've transferred positions 6 times, I enjoy experiencing different areas of the country so this arrangement worked perfectly for me. My problem started with my last move at the end of 2019. I was previously living in WA and decided to take a position in VA. I showed up to work in November of 2019, met my manager, got introduced to my team, and he got me set up with work from home assignments. When I logged into my work email the next day I was greeted by an email from my department head saying that my manager was no longer with the company, and that his team (my team) was being absorbed into another. Somewhere along the way, my paperwork got messed up, because when I looked at our organization chart my name did not appear under the new team. I contacted the manager of this department and asked them what was up, and they told me to sit tight and they'd get me transferred over and have me set up. That was in November and I've been accepting paychecks, but I haven't done any work since then because I was never re-assigned. I sent two follow-up emails that were not responded to. My problem now is that I'm terrified of bringing this subject up, because surely someone is going to realize that I've been sitting at home watching Netflix and playing Warcraft for 4 months on the company's dime. I'm considering just resigning my position at this point, would the company sue me for taking checks and doing no work? I'm very conflicted and feel like I really let myself procrastinate about this for far too long, and I feel like there is no way out of this situation without getting into legal trouble.
Tenant I'm subleasing from said I didn't have to pay what the contract said I'd need to pay. Months later he's asking for the money.
Los Angeles, CA Before I moved in, his girlfriend texted me before I signed the contract that I would only need to pay a portion of the rent for the spot in the room, and that the rest would be covered by him. Things went swimmingly as I paid him monthly rent. Months later I'm going through the motions to end the lease early, we've found someone to replace me and they sign onto the lease. Now the tenant is telling me I owe him the unpaid rent that I signed that I would pay for. He seemed to be ready to take legal action. Do I have any potential case against this? It feels really unfair however I did make the stupid mistake of signing something I shouldn't have.
Apartment Air Conditioning
Living in Indiana, for the bot. I moved into an apartment in September of 2019. The air conditioner wasn’t working, I called maintenance and placed a work order. They came and fixed it temporarily, but it stopped working just before winter so I just roughed it out. Fast forward to now, I still have no air. The warm air is back in the area and my air is still not fixed. I called earlier today and they said they were only working on emergency maintenance requests (completely understand the current situation). However, it’s reached over 80 in my apartment already, and it will only be getting hotter. With no end in sight to this epidemic, and their current situation as far as fulfilling maintenance requests, what are my options? Thanks!
Is it illegal to use fake name or your nick on Facebook
Hi, Is it illegal in Australia and US to use fake name or name that you use for nick(not formal legal name) on Facebook? Of course you must not impersonate someone or conduct business in their name. Is there any law prohibiting it? As it is a company's policy but any law? Thanks
Wrongly classified as an Independent Contractor & ‘laid off’ (WA State)
After being laid off by my restaurant job at the beginning of March for *reasons,* I was on unemployment for several months before finally finding a job with a company doing order fulfillment/ticketing merchandise. When I was hired, I was told by the owner that every new person was brought on as an independent contractor for a 30 day trial period after which we could both determine whether or not it was a good fit. I was aware that because they were fairly small that benefits were not provided, but I assumed that I would at least be an actual employee (my bad). Additionally, they have hired two other people in other roles who were also not adequately explained their work status/their tax responsibilities so it wasn’t just me who misunderstood. I later found that every single person working is classified as an IC. I do not make my own schedule, I show up at an office and am provided detailed instruction, feedback, and equipment. I am paid hourly and was told I would be making minimum wage, however that does not figure in the taxes I would pay as an IC so at this time I am not even making the full minimum wage. I was also told that I could take on more projects and potentially get a higher pay rate if I continued the level of work I was doing. Little did I know that would come back to bite me in the a$$. I have been searching for another job, but with more restrictions in place, and the current state of things it’s been difficult to find anything else and I need some kind of work right now. Then today, I was told that once I complete the project I am working on tomorrow that I will be ‘removed from the schedule indefinitely’ because I had been doing my job so efficiently that they were ‘caught up’ on orders through the end of the year. Basically, I was told if I worked hard I could get more hours and a raise and instead they waited until I finished everything they needed and now they are laying me off. I have no idea if I will be able to find a job before December at this point or if I can even try to claim unemployment because of this IC status. Is there anything I can do to get myself at least partly out of this mess? I feel so screwed over and taken advantage of and I don’t want to continue paying for this mistake with my taxes or with unemployment. Please help!! Tl;dr: owner was unclear about/misclassifed IC status- promised raise/hours and then laid off with no warning. Any recourse?
Child turned 18 child support case closed months ago but treasury is saying he owes?
Hello, I’m from Rhode Island and am wondering if anyone can shed some light on this situation. My husband has been paying child support for a child in Florida he had before we had meet and had our 5 kids. The son turned 18 in December and he put in for stopping the support. He successfully finished and closed the case and no longer pays for him. But the treasury department just sent a letter about him owing child support!? He has no-other kids with her and her name is on the paper! She is almost 50 years old and her son is 18 AND THEY STILL WANT TO LIVE OFF OF US and not work and just save rescue dogs while we support her lazy butt! What can she do to continue the support? If it was successfully closed they would not have closed it if he was in school still or had mental disabilities...right?
[WI, US] Unmarried mother/ custody rights
New to this sub. But looking for some knowledge before things turn ugly. Background: 27f first time mom of 9month female. Not married to 30m baby’s father My baby’s father (I will still refer to him as SO just to simplify things) and I, have had a rocky relationship since day 1. When the going gets tough he has a history of packing up and leaving. Since our daughter was born he’s done this twice. Tonight made number 3. We have been living with my parents, neither of us working since she was born. I am currently on the hunt for a job tho! I know that in the state of Wisconsin, the mother gets full custody of the child if not married. This can be changed with establishing paternity/custody with the court. My SO has a domestic violence history, and to date he hasn’t financially taken responsibility of our daughter (I’m aware I haven’t either- but I am her caretaker 24/7 with little to no assistance from him even though he has been in the house for the duration as well). Now the question: If and when he pursues custody, what are my chances of them actually granting it to him? Because of his DV history (and several other instances that haven’t been documented since) I honestly fear him having solo time with our daughter. I know I sound horrible for saying that, but so many situations where he has lost control, and I worry about her well being.
Final Paycheck/ Paycheck shipped in Mail
To start off I live in Utah I was working for this company, I was terminated due to missing 2 days due to possible Covid 19 contact. Which they are now forcing me to get my Final Paycheck in the mail 1. Can they legally force me to recieve my check in mail, even though I never gave them permission? 2. Do they have to legally provide me with a shipping tracking number or Reciept? 3. What happens if my check was lost in mail? Who is Liable for that?
ESA letter and landlord approval
So I am a tenant in an apartment in California and have been renting my current apartment for 5 years as of September. Not sure if this is important or not but I have never missed a monthly rent payment or have been late. I have been a good tenant, never had any complaints about myself. I struggle with chronic severe migraines and one trigger is my high stress job. I recently found/rescued a feral kitten that was starving and was underneath my car. I got a ESA letter from my physician that I currently see twice a year if not more then that that. She is the one i see that manages my migraines and stress related migraines. My ESA letter is NOT one that was purchased via an online website. According to my lease that I signed years ago back in 2015, there is absolutely nothing stating that I cannot have pets in the apartment. The new apartment manager, who started maybe 2 weeks ago, stated the owners don't want pets in the apartment, but my SO and I both looked it over and it does not mention anything about pets not being allowed. According to my lease, I should be able to have pets since nothing is states otherwise, but I wanted the ESA letter regardless especially for flying. I gave the owner the letter, and filled out his paperwork he needed me to fill out for the ESA stuff last Wednesday. Basically just approval to contact doctor. I feel like he is stringing me along on the approval. My doctor is super responsive so if that is all he needed then a week should be all he needed. Legally for Fair Housing Act, is there a time period that he has to get back to me by? Or are landlords allowed to take their time approving ESA letters? TL;DR: live in CA. Gave landlord ESA letter. Is there any legal timeframe that they are supposed to get back to me by? I feel they are stringing me along.
Brother is trying to take away sister's rights to her child.
Ok. Hopefully I can get this out coherently. Back in November 2018 my sister was homeless with her boyfriend and their one year old baby. I had previously offered for them to move in with me temporarily, but they turned out to be the worst roommates and weren't welcome back. This is only important to avoid the inevitable "why didn't she stay with you?" Questions. Anyway. Both my sister and her boyfriend have burnt their bridges witg a few other people at this time and have no where to go, it's starting to get cold out (It's Michigan) and they have a baby. After a lot of back and forth I finally convince them to reach out to our pretty well-off brother that stays in Texas. Brother buys a really freaking last minute plane ticket and suddenly baby and I are on our way to Texas! This ticket was so last minute that baby and I had got a call from brother and had to immediately head to the airport. Brother has permission from sister to care for baby temporarily while she stabilizes her housing and income but now brother seems to think that going back to baby's mom after 6+ months will be detrimental to the child's health. He wants to adopt baby now. This is crazy because it was agreed that this would be a temporary situation and he would be helping our sister. Unfortunately it seems his emotions are getting the best if him. He really wants a child (is going through IVF right now) and has not set uncle-like boundaries and instead has the baby calling him and his wife mom and dad. At this point I'm worried. I totally support my sister and her efforts to be a better person and take great care of her child and I just want to know if our brother has any rights or if a Texan judge will be likely to grant him any if he decides to not return my sister's child to her when she asks. How can she protect herself?
Traffic light camera ticket- fighting it by written declaration?
Failure to fully stop at a red light- $490, my god. Money is tight for me right now and I don’t want that point on my record. Video footage shows the car in front of me barely slowing down before turning- whereas, I did for much longer. Ugh. Granted, I was in a hurry, but it was totally safe to turn! I can show you the video if you’d like to see... Now, if I wanted to fight this ticket, how would I do so and come out winning? This was from a CAMERA, not an officer, and they do have the video clip. Would what I write for the reasoning it should be dismissed? There’s a service that writes the declaration for you and helps you fight it, but I’d like to win this without paying the $100 if possible. Help would be appreciated, thanks.
"Fire Code" Research Question
I'm unsure if this is the place but thought it might be worth a shot since I know you all good at researching obscure laws and information. I am an educator at a middle school in Louisiana. This year I decided to add string lights to the ceiling of my classroom in order to make the lighting less harsh and the classroom more welcoming for me and my students. This was a 50 foot strand of round "Edison bulb" style lights. They were wire tied to the metal structure supporting the drop ceiling in several places. No lower than the projector for my Promethean board was and not to the parts of the ceiling where the original fluorescent light fixtures are. I had them plugged into a power bar with a switch and made sure they were turned off every afternoon before I left. On Tuesday the Parish Maintenance Director was in the building doing a walk through with the head custodian to discuss summer maintenance priorities. According to my principal the man entered my classroom, saw my lights and said they had to come down because the "fire marshal won't like them hanging from the ceiling". I liked my lights and am quite frustrated that I had to take them down. I've searched the Louisiana Fire Marshal website and can't find anything specifically pertaining to school fire code or to items hanging from ceilings in classrooms. I want to fight for my lights. They made the classroom much more comfortable for the kids and made it easier to use my Promethean because of less glare and wash out. If I could find a specific code that says they are not acceptable, then so be it. But I haven't so far. What I'm hoping to find are guidelines that don't explicitly reject the lights and leave enough room for me to argue my case with my principal. I am fully aware that she has the final say on lights vs no lights. But I can't give this up without trying. Does anyone have any suggestions where to look for building code specific to ceiling decorations in schools? Or a city or parish individual I can reach out to and ask? It may seem trivial but these kinds of classroom "adjustments" mean a lot to me and I put a lot of time and effort into my workspace. I am very frustrated that someone could blithely decide that they don't approve of something in a space they spend no time in and impact those of us that practically live there so significantly. If you've read this far, thank you, I appreciate your attention and thank you for your help. Signed, A Frustrated Teacher Who Gives A Crap About Kids And Her Classroom
Need help understanding ACA and reporting a move to them.
Hello, I do apologize if the title is confusing . I’m not sure the best way to phrase this ? So I recently moved from Virginia to Maryland . I currently have insurance through the ACA while I lived in Virginia for the last few years. My biggest problem is that I work in Virginia , I attend school in Virginia (I will be claiming Domicile if the issue arises) and my whole life is in Virginia. I was reading on the ACA website that I need to update them if I move. My problem is I don’t want to. I have no connection to Maryland, except to come home to sleep. But I’m worried that if I do not and when I go to file my taxes next year I will be hit with a fine ? Or even lose my ACA . I have an address I use for school and all mailing purposes . Will I be able to just keep my ACA plan and not face IRS issues ? Or will I have to get a new policy in a state I have reside in ?
Not Having Your Own Mode of Transportation At Work
Hi, I work for fabrication shop in Texas as inside sales. Last week our internet and phones went out in our office, and without it there’s basically nothing we can do. So this week we’re all going to our corporate office to work. However, they’re mandating that we all ride in the same vehicle; a company truck. A friend of mine who is also in sales fought to take her own vehicle in case there is an emergency with her child, she has a way to get home. They wouldn’t let her. I understand that this is likely so they don’t have to reimburse for her driving up there, but my question is, is it legal to force an employee to not have their own way home?
My gas has been shut off and I already paid rent!
Let me explain this rather unusual situation, not sure if i need to take any legal action but the internet can only seem to answer questions about if you don’t pay your bill. I currently live in a duplex apartment run by a management company. Utilities are pretty much just a flat rate and are included in our rental agreement. Like always on the 1st of the month I paid the rent. It was only after I needed to shower later that evening I noticed the water was not getting hot. So naturally I walk downstairs to check our water heater and low and behold the pilot light was out. So this has happened before and was fixed by the management company. So I went on the online portal to make a maintenance request. However this particular management company isn’t the quickest when responding to requests. As the request is automatically sent to them as an email. On top of this it was a Saturday so their office number will not answer. Which is the phone number they put on the lease for repairs and maintenance issues. So great not gonna have hot water until Monday. 2 Days without Gas Monday morning rolls around. And no response from the management company. So I call them on my way to work. The nice girl at the office answers and I tell her that I haven’t had gas for a while now and she precedes to tell me that our downstairs neighbor thought they smelled gas and reported it. So the management company shut off our gas, and then scheduled someone to come out and take a look at the “leak”. Now I’m all for safety. And obviously would rather be a little grimy and take a few whore baths before dying in a fiery explosion, HOWEVER....Is it ok to shut off our gas and not tell us about the leak. I mean we made our own request that the gas was turned off in addition to our neighbors reporting a leak. But we’re not notified in the slightest about the repair/check for gas. As of Thursday there is still no gas. We’re on day 6 with no gas and have yet to receive a call or notice. We have been the only ones reaching out to this management company. And I honestly don’t know what to do about it because I already paid the rent. Any advice would help.
MN Girlfriends car got totalled by uninsured unlicensed driver.
Progressive payed off her loan, she payed the deductible $1,000. Can anything be done or is that the end of it? Thank you
I was just told that at my salaried position if we don’t regularly work more than 40 hours a week that we would be blackballed from promotions/moves within the company. Also in this position we don’t get paid past 40 hours a week but if we work less than 40 we lose pay like an hourly position. AL US
Is this legal?
Would my parents be at all liable if I used their house as my Business Address in an LLC?
I want to start an LLC but need a Business Address for the Member & Organizer of the documents. I am 19 so I don't own my own house or anything like that. Would my parents or their house be at all liable if I used their house as my business address when forming the LLC (with their permission) if somehow the corporate veil was pierced? Or would it be better to get a PMB Mailbox.
Apartment wants a signature of return money
A apartment complex I applied to doesn't have any openings so they want to go return my application fee. It's $35 but it was done via check I believe. Possibly money order. In order to get the money back they are doing a check and are asking for me to come in person to sign something saying I received the money otherwise I won't receive it. They do not plan on sending the money via mail or anything. Are they allowed to do this? I live in Michigan and the apartment complex is in Grand Rapids.
Is my school legally allowed to keep me in? Without my own say!!?? (16)
So I'm 16 m, in last year of high school, grade 11. (I live in Quebec and over here high school ends at grade 11) So anyways, I was getting picked up at lunch by my mom for a dentist appointment. Usually, I would have to wait in the office for my mom to come but sign me out. My mom was taking an awfully long time and I really wanted to just wait outside for her where it's nicer out and it would just be less of a hassle for my mom,since you have to get buzzed in from the public entrance. So i went up to the front desk, and asked politely to sign myself out. The lady just looked at me like I just asked her how to screw in a light bulb, like she was staring at me like I was retarded. She just tells me "no, you can't leave." but also asked if I had a note. I said no but my moms coming soon, so she tells me to sit down and wait, and not to leave. My mom eventually gets there and signs me out. This was very bizarre for me because this doesn't seem right. My ethics teacher even mentioned to us that we can sign ourselves out of school at 16. I asked my mom about the issue and she says I'm not allowed by the school. My ethics teacher says to differ. I just don't get it. They shouldn't be legally allowed to keep us in school. Our principal also said that we are not to leave, and are not allowed to leave, regardless of age.
[Ontario, Canada] Landlord sold the building I live in. New owner refuses to honour deposits. Is this legal?
I've tried to research this myself, but I have no idea what terms to use. I live in an apartment building in Ontario, Canada. I have been fighting with the owner for years, and he's finally sold the property in self defense. The problem is the new owner has declared that our deposits (last month's rent) cannot be rolled over, because the old owner refuses to cough them up. So our money is just gone. He had us all sign paperwork stating that we start at $0 and cannot collect our deposit, or the interest it should have accrued. **Edit:** What I'm saying is that he's told us we still need to pay last month's rent before moving out, or he will take us to court. Is this legal? I realize I shouldn't have signed, but I don't really care all that much about it. It's the other tenants I'm concerned about. If this is not legal, can someone point me at some legislature I can show him, please? I'd appreciate it. Thank you.
Teens choosing custody in a divorce.
This is what i posted to r/Teenagers earlier: Okay, so this story will induce rage upon most people. But it will also make you sad, and includes the topics of abuse and suicide. So im warning you in advance, if you cant handle these topics, then don't read this. **My Story:** My story starts out as most would, a normal family, struggling with money and making very hard decisions. We had to move over 4 times, which caused a lot of stress among my family. But then something changed with my dad, his behavior became more aggressive and antagonistic. He would constantly belittle us and scream at the top of his lungs just to scare us and to make us cry. Full disclosure, he is Bipolar so these mood swings would come often, we would never know when we would get the loving father we knew, or the abusive stranger. Then it got progressively worse, he started hitting us with belts and with a closed fist. My mother would never get on to him because she was scared herself. He left long lasting bruises and scars that both me and my older stepbrother have. The tipping point was when he threw me down a flight of stairs around 2 years ago, in front of my mother. I talked to a friend about this, and she told the school counselor. My mother was notified and she told my dad to pack his stuff. She filed a police report and restraining order against him. He violated that by calling me and talking to me. But i was scared at the time, i didn't want to lose my dad, so i never brought it up. The courts got involved, we got therapists and a Guardian Ad Litem. The Guardian was very skeptical, and for good reason. None of us wanted to talk, it was all so sudden and we didn't know what to say. So we didn't say anything. Despite the physical evidence(scars, bruises, etc.) the courts allowed visitation rights. He was forced to go to counseling, and lied his way through, the reason i know he lied is because he shows the same signs of abuse as 2 years ago. He still screams and explodes. He then fought for more custody over us, eventually getting 25/75, and later on 50/50. He is going to abuse again, the cycle of abuse is still going on and nothing in him has changed. But today i stood up for myself and refused his custody. This is illegal in Missouri, and can land my mother(or i) in jail. I don't want to show my siblings that it is okay to fall in and accept that, my siblings and I deserve better. I will continue refusing his custody until i get in trouble or until he accepts it. My siblings cannot be shown that staying in an abusive relationship is okay, even if the courts are forcing it. He has caused me to attempt suicide over three different times. To give you an idea of how bad he actually is. **What i want to do and why i posted this here:** I want to raise awareness to this, the courts should not be allowed to force children and teenagers into seeing their parents. In most states, you do not have the right to choose until you are 18. So i am going to scream, yell, and fight my way to a better future for both me and my siblings. Bring the cops, bring the lawyers, bring the lawsuits. I don't care, this ends with me. I will NOT be bullied into seeing an abusive father. I will NOT be bullied into an abusive relationship. The courts are FORCING kids into this, whether they think that or not. If the kid doesn't want to go with the other parent, they can literally extort them into going. The courts are enabling and happily recommending this behavior. If you aren't mad at this, i don't know what to say. END OF POST FROM R/TEENAGERS Now, from my understanding, teens in the US do not have the right to choose who has custody once the case is closed. You dont get that right until you reach the age of majority, and the other parent can get the teen or the parent they are staying with in trouble if they refuse to go. In my case, my father was abusive, but recieved custodial rights anyways. So by refusing his custody, my mom or myself can get into trouble. I see only one way of going about this, emancipating myself so i can choose. But it would be extremely difficult financially to go back to court for an emancipation and for reopening a divorce/abuse case. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. (MO law btw)
[California ]Can a landlord keep deposit over broken heating/ other broken things.
To give a quick summary, I’m a dumb college kid who didn’t document every issue with my first ever apartment the day I moved in. Upon living there a few days I realized the heater hasn’t worked the entire time I was here,ventilation doesn’t work, half the power sockets didn’t work along with various other miscellaneous issues. I never said anything to my landlord since apparently this is normal for an apartment in my college town, or at least for the cheaper options. Fast forward to today. I am thinking of breaking the lease or maybe taking legal action but I don’t know what my options are. From what I’ve been digging into I’ve realized how much I’ve messed up. What makes the situation more complicated is that two of my five roommates do not want to leave or take action with the landlord. Is there a way to salvage my deposit? I’d like to avoid it but should I take legal action? Is it too late to start when I am half way into the lease?
Voluntary repo of car
Background info? I live in a condo that I own. I have a mortgage. I only have one parking spot and there’s a few “guest spots” throughout the parking lot, but since most people have multiple cars, they’re a hot commodity. In October, someone dumped a keyed up car without plates in one of the guest spots right in front of my door. I’ve been contacting the condo association to get it towed with no replies, or just vague “We’ll get to it” answers. Since we’re in New England, we’ve gotten hit with quite a few snow storms this winter and I can’t have my spot plowed due to that car being there. Recently I noticed that there is a small note inside the car that says “This vehicle is being voluntarily repossessed, the keys are in the cup holder!” And the doors are locked. Correct me if I’m wrong but dumping a car on private property isn’t how voluntary repo works? Friends are telling me I have no authority to call the police or a tow company since I don’t own the land that the parking lot is on- the condo does. But this is getting ridiculous, right? Do I have any authority/jurisdiction/ability to do anything? In addition to all of this my boyfriend has no where to park and has to park across the street at a church and walk....like I don’t have a huge mortgage for this to happen lol. Any help would be appreciated :) thanks!!!
Early Lease Termination
TL,DR will this early termination show up on my record? I’m currently subleasing a room in an apartment with the “landlord” being the person who actually signed the lease with management, and I want to terminate the lease. I’m wondering if this will show up in my record because I’m leasing from an unofficial landlord that just wanted to rent out a room. On the lease I signed it stays the following about early termination: “Tenant may, upon 30 days’ written notice to Landlord, terminate this Agreement provided that the Tenant pays a termination fee equal to $0.00 or the maximum allowable by law, whichever is less. Termination will be effective as of the last day of the calendar month following the end of the 30 day notice period. The termination fee is in addition to all rent due up until the termination day.” To keep this short I’m not going to get into specifics, but let me know if y’all want to know why.
(21F) Is there any way I can get birth control under my parent's insurance without their knowledge?
Throwaway account. I live in Virginia, USA I am a 21 year old college student, still on my parent's medical insurance. I am thinking about going on birth control, and my annual OBGYN appointment is coming up soon (couple months) and I was hoping to ask my doctor about my options then. On to the problem. My parents are very conservative Catholics (marriage annulled, living separately) but if they found out that I was using birth control they would probably take me off my insurance and/or threaten to take my financial aid away (college). It wouldn't matter if I was sexually active or not, because the Catholic church believes it is wrong even for medicinal purposes other than contraception. So reasoning with them (at least my mother) is out of the question. My parents are divorced, and I am on my father's plan, TRICARE Young Adult Prime. Does my mother even have access to my information? I know she makes appointments for us sometimes, so does that mean she has access to my prescriptions? How do I change the privacy settings so there is no possible way they can accidentally see my bc prescription? I just don't know what to do. I have another year and a half in college, not including grad school, but I hope to have a job with benefits by then so I won't have to deal with this. But do I just wait that long? I just want my period to not be a week long and heavy, have hormonal acne, and have it regulated (I'm extremely irregular). I feel like it's not a huge deal but to my parents it is. My hands are tied.
What happens if you fail to tell your insurance that you're married?
I(21F) legally married my partner of 7 years about 2 years ago when he was still in the military in a different state, as we were already engaged and the additional money was make or break for us at the time. I didn't tell my parents, for a lot of reasons including fear of disappointment. I never took his name, and the idea was we intended to get publicly married within the next few years anyhow, so I'll just take his name then. Well last year, my step dad put me on his insurance because I'm still young enough and as far as he knows, I'm legally single. This freaked me out, but I couldn't give them a good reason for them to not put me on their insurance at no cost to me, so on the insurance I went. I planned on just not using it and getting publicly married in the next year or two. Well two months ago I broke my foot, and I couldn't really avoid going to the doctor about that. Everything was simple and easy, nothing major. However now, I may be facing a new and much more major health issue, that could entail invasive surgery. I don't even know where to begin on any of this. I have no insurance outside of my parents, and I cannot afford insurance on my own. What should I do? I worry using my parents insurance on something major would cause issues, and I can't tell my parents to just drop me off their insurance without raising major suspicion
Are ridiculous will stipilations legally binding?
Let's say a relative does, and the will says something like "you get the house if you can spend an hour in a tub filled with ketchup". Or something rude like "you can only have 10,000 dollars as long as you marry someone besides your current boyfriend which I hate". Or even something racist like "never let black people in the house to get the house." Are these legal? Or can a court say "this is ridiculous, you can just take the house."
Hi I’m just going to start off with my background story so hopefully there’s an understanding of why I’m contemplating my situation right now. I was adopted at the age of 9 by my great aunt and I will refer to her as my adoptive mother in this recall, However I have been with her since I was 1. Throughout the years there was good times between us and I did have a relationship with my birth mother and visitation, it stopped when I was officially adopted at nine. At the age of 13 me and my adoptive mother moved to Florida (located in the United States) and I have lived here since. However things only got worse with me and my adoptive mother and it ended up being a physically and mentally abusive situation and a very toxic environment to be in. At the age of 17 right In the middle of my senior year of high school she had kicked me out of the house after we got into a big physical altercation. I have been on my own since then. I am 18 years old now and I have also graduated high school in May of 2018 it’s been a full year since I’ve been to school and I would like to go to college however I cannot afford school and I can’t even qualify for financial aid because they say that I have to make myself a independent. (They as in the financial aid advisors I have spoken with at the community college here) I have thought about possibly putting my birth mothers tax information on my FASFA because we have rekindled our relationship and have been in contact for a year now, HOWEVER the parent/guardian on my birth certificate is my adoptive mother!! When I was officially adopted at nine I had my name changed to where I gained my adoptive mothers last name so the parent/guardian became my adoptive mother instead of my birth mother. All I wanna do is go to school and I feel stuck because I wanna figure out a way I can do so. I don’t know who to talk too about possibly opening up a case where I can change my parent/guardian under my birth certificate, I’m 18 and it’s too late for being emancipated and I never reported the abuse only thing I have is a baker act situation because when I was 15 things had gotten bad and we did have a physical altercation where I was having dark thoughts. I’m not sure on where to go from here or who to contact for advice about possibly helping me get to college - If you made it this far Thankyou for listening and any help is appreciated
Can a speeding ticket get easily dismissed if it never came in the mail?
I got pulled over in Denville, NJ for going 40 on a 25 mph zone. The cop said I am supposed to receive a ticket in the mail. I never received a ticket at all, however, I received a bunch of lawyer advertisements in the mail that showed a ticket number. I looked up the number and I actually do have a speeding ticket on record, but I never received one in the mail. I have a free attorney since I work a clerical job at a law firm, so he will be representing me.
How often do judges completely ignore state mandatory minimums after found guilty by a jury?
One of my best friends was somewhat recently found guilty of rape. The incident happened 10 years ago and due to back logs the case was finally brought up. He had no idea that this was ever going on until he was charged at the end due to dna evidence. He never denied having sex with her but said it was consensual. I believe this 100%. I don't want to get to specific, but the fact that all the way up to the jury coming back he could have taken a 1 year plea on a mandatory minimum 15 year state sentence says a lot. He had a bad public defender and the jury focused on the dna. The detials in the story, and how much it kept changing makes it mindblowing that he was convicted. The judges actions after seemed like she agreed. He stayed on his original bond until sentencing. The strange part was the judge postponed sentencing a week before for over a month later. He was obviously crushed by the verdict and the fact he could've pleaded out. Understandably he didn't want to say he was a rapist when he wasn't and didn't want to always have a sex offender sign around his neck for the rest of his life. I tried to stay positive and tell him there's still a chance, but i didn't believe that at all. When sentencing finally came the judge gave him 1 year instead of the minimum of 15. Everyone was shocked to hear it. How often does this happen?
[MI] Do I have any grounds to sue my father over taking half of my mother's pension?
My parents split in 2009. In the divorce my father was awarded half of my mother's pension when she retired from teaching (in 2017). This is because my father had won some money just after the divorce (couple thousand) and because he was unemployed at the time of the divorce my mother was stuck with all the debt. My mother dipped into this money to try to make ends meet, because of that my father went after her retirement. We subsequently filed bankruptcy and foreclosure in the same year. My father didn't pay child support for some time until my mother took him to court, even then he payed her directly (without court supervision) of less than the agreed amount. When me and my sisters turned 18 (2014 for me and my twin, 2016 for my little sister) he stopped paying child support completely. He has had no other financial support for me and my sisters since, other than buying my little sister a used car recently. In 2017 my mother retired from teaching, partly because she had reached 30 years and also because it was destroying her back. She was a special education teacher for severly impaired students and averaged 30 lifts a day (lifting children out of wheelchairs for changing). She had spinal fusion surgery in 2015. There was/is no way for her to continue in that job. In the divorce it was stated that she would receive the first $10,000 of her pension that would've gone to my father (as repayment from his debt). Retirement services claims they could not split up the payments to all go to her even though it's clearly stated in the divorce (I don't know all the details on this, I can ask her later). Ever since my mother started receiving retirement funds, half has gone to my father. Since then my family has been in a tough financial bind. My mother doesn't receive enough in retirement to pay our bills, currently all of it goes toward our house payment and nothing more. She's been working towards getting a degree in another field since she can't find a job that would fit her master's degree in education that pays enough to get us back to the same income we had when she was teaching. She's been working part time jobs to try to make ends meet. Currently she only makes $11 per hour and me and my sisters work to try to help bridge the gap. All of us are in college right now so we're incurring a lot of debt and all working part time. I recently transferred to a university from a community college. The cost is higher so I needed to take out a parent plus loan (in CC all my tuition was covered by financial aid). The university is going off my mother's tax return from 2017 when she was still teaching, so they think we make a lot more than we do currently, so I got no financial aid for this year. I just found out today that I was denied the plus loan due to my mother's falling credit score. It hasn't affected my sisters or my mother yet since they were approved earlier in the year, however it may mean my mother can no longer attend college in which case all of her loans come due. There is no way at our current income that we could maintain student loan payments before me and my sisters get into our careers. Bankruptcy would mean several years without the ability to take out parent plus loans which would mean paying more out of pocket money for tuition. We couldn't even file bankruptcy even if we wanted to because it costs $2000 just to file, my family lives paycheck to paycheck, we have no savings. Do I have any grounds to sue my father to get back the other half of the pension? Him taking half is jepardizing my sister's and I ability to get an education and could lead to a second bankruptcy or foreclosure for my family. I feel like we have grounds for this since the money my mom took was only a few thousand dollars, that shouldn't entitle him to ~$2,000 a month for as long as my mother is collecting retirement. We don't have the money to afford a lawyer right now but maybe there is a way to set up a long term payment plan or do it without a lawyer. Is there any other advice you have to help us get out of this mess?
Wage Laws (MO USA)
Location is Missouri: Recently switched from night shift with night shift differential pay to say shift. For the first check since going to say shift and noticed that pay rate was the same? Can they do anything about the overpayment since it was their error?
College leasing language states mandatory payment, even during COVID pandemic?
Hello, I am a college student at a public state university in Maryland and I have received a lease for 2020-2021 year for an on campus apartment. This is a public-private partnership undergraduate student apartment community. The On-Campus Management oversees most elements of the operation, while the University's Department of Resident Life oversees the resident life program. Due to this they obligated all students to move out due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This semester they have canceled the lease and refunded students for the rest of the semester. However, I am worried that next semester they could technically not do this since the first paragraph of the lease reads: "Tenant’s obligation to pay Base Rent shall be independent of any other clause in this Lease. Checks or Money Orders tendered for Base Rent or other payments to Landlord shall be made payable to... It is expressly understood that Tenant is obligated to pay the Total Base Rent regardless of whether Tenant is unable for any reason to continue occupying the Premises for the entire Lease Term. Accordingly, Tenant shall continue paying Installments of Base Rent to Landlord (and Guarantor(s) obligation to ensure payment of the same shall continue) for the entire Lease Term and until the Total Base Rent is paid in full by Tenant, or otherwise recovered by Landlord through mitigation of damages. If they were to not allow me to live there, yet obligate me to pay my rent, could I take legal action? Should I somehow make an appeal for them to include some sort of amendment or other written document outlining what they would do in the case of a mandatory campus closure such as the COVID closure, specifically that Tenants shall not be obligated to pay the rent in this situation? I don't know anything about law, and I've never signed a lease, really don't want to sign this lease with this worry on my mind.
Can a company take the full cost of a uniform from my check if i give it back
I have to pay $150+ for a uniform i used less than 24 hours, i didnt like the company and their shadyness so i quit, they say i have to pay full cost for shirt and pants and half cost for badges and the like. Why do i have to pay when im giving it back?? Security company Usa, florida
Landlord refuses to send me an itemized bill.
My husband and I are going through an eviction due to a job loss during Covid-19. My husband was hired February 27th. He was supposed to start his training class on the 24th of March. We let our leasing office know we would be late on our March rent payment and sent them a letter, and also sent them a letter from our employer. On March 19th his employer told him they were doing a hiring freeze. The issue is they gave us a notice of eviction on March 16th. We live in Oregon and we’ve been told that Covid-19 eviction laws only apply to those after April 1st. We had a trial set for April, but then it was pushed back to July due to Covid. On Friday we are going to trial. Our bill during Covid 19 has gotten pretty high due to job loss. So basically they are evicting us over 1 and a half months rent. I sent my leasing office a email asking for them to send me a itemized bill of my account. I have a bunch of different random charges ranging from .51 cents to $74.69 that are not in the lease agreement and they do not state what they’re for. I never got a email back, so I called and asked about it and they said “our attorney advised against that” so I said okay well can you send me an email stating that. Do they have the legal right to not inform me of what is on my bill?
My girlfriend was raped. Help.
Hey all, My girlfriend was raped by a 21 year old in July of 2019. She was 15. She’s just coming around to telling people what happened because she felt guilty and ashamed. He forced himself on her and her past sexual trauma made her freeze and panic. I want to put this guy away so badly, but I’m not sure what can be done almost a year later. Is there anything I can do? Help me.
Should I sue my ex for something that he did a couple years ago?
We're no longer together but long story short, towards the end of the relationship, he physically abused me and assaulted me. I've still been getting medical treatments and therapy up to this day, since the incidents. There's a chance he caused permanent physical and psychological damages to me according to my doctors. Over the past couple years, I've been diagnosed with conditions that I never had before he physically harmed me. The reason I didn't file a restraining order nor sue him right after the incidents is because I was scared and moved away and cut all contact with him. But now I'm living in a different area and more established, especially financially. I could hire a lawyer if I wanted to. This guy caused thousands in medical damages over the years. There's one thing though. He's completely broke, at least from what I know. I don't know if I would be able to collect anything if I win. That being said, even if he's considered "judgement proof" I would love to at least have this guy sent to jail. Although the incidents were a couple years ago, I'm still suffering from the injuries to this day. So even if I don't get much money from him, I'd be satisfied enough if this guy gets thrown in jail if I sue him. The question is, is there a possibility that he could go to jail if I sue him for battery and/or assault and win?
Contract from an LLC. Need help.
An individual is having me sign a Non Distribution Agreement for a piece of software. He is claiming that he is an LLC but upon further research the LLC was devolved years ago. Any advice before I sign this contract?
What would be the punishment for stealing a cruise ship in texas?
say if i we’re to steal something such as a cruise ship with 3-6 other people.... what’s the punishment?
Motorcycle stolen from private car park (UK)
Hi all. As per the title, my motorcycle was stolen from a car park in which I rent a space on Thursday evening. The car park is advertised as secure, however as is quite common, the gate, for which all users of the car park have a key, was left unlocked and open. This allowed the thieves to reverse a van into the car park and steal my bike. There are a handful of signs in the car park which state in small letters at the bottom that vehicles are left at owners risk, however is there any liability on the part of the car park owner, for failing to uphold their obligation to provide a secure car parking service as advertised? Any assistance gratefully recieved
Tenant Refuses To Leave & Pay Rent / COVID-19
I occasionally rent out the back room of my house to help pay the bills. It’s an even $500 for a good-sized room and bathroom, power and water included. I think it’s a fair price for a secluded room in Los Angeles. Ever since COVID-19, the tenant has been especially difficult to communicate with, refuses to move out and pay rent. To be clear, my house payments are not on pause like a lot of people. If I have to pay rent, shouldn’t he as well ? So far it’s been 21 days since he lived here rent-free, and I cannot evict him because of this pandemic. I am under the impression, that the tenant will not willingly vacate my house nor pay the monthly rent, what can I do ? TL;DR : Tenant uses COVID-19 as an excuse to not pay rent or vacate my house. It’s been 21 days since he lived here rent-free, and has not communicated with me at all. What can be done?
[CALIFORNIA] Does my landlord have the right to evict me?
Six months ago I moved to California to accept a job that was too good to turn down. I leased an apartment and have been what I believe a great tenant to be. I'm quiet, I get along with my neighbors, and most importantly, I pay my rent on time. I have not had any complaints about me nor have the police ever been called on my behalf. About four weeks ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was delivered by emergency c-section, and if you have had one or know someone who has, you can understand how painful post c-section is. I was in the hospital for four days and when they released me, I was still in so much pain. It was extremely difficult to take care of my baby in the condition I was in (I had to get restitched the second week I was home), so I asked my sister who lived out of state if she could come help me while I was recovering. She agreed and has been staying with me the last few weeks. So yesterday my landlord served me with a 3-day eviction notice. The reason stated that I had moved an unknown tenant onto the property without management knowing, which was a violation of my lease. I explained my situation to my landlord, telling him that my sister was only staying with me temporarily while I was healing from a c-section delivery and that the lease did not state any rules regarding guests or visitors. I didn't notify management because I honestly didn't believe I had violated my lease agreement. When my sister had her baby, I flew in and stayed with her for three weeks to help out while she recovered. I thought this was normal...? Anyway, my landlord literally did not give a shit and told me I had to get out. He said that anyone who stayed past a week was considered a tenant. I am still in shock of what happened and feel both angry and helpless. There is no way I can move out in three days with a newborn and especially since my doctor has told me I shouldn't be exercising, lifting anything heavier than my baby, or engaging in any strenuous activity until I am fully recovered. I do not have the finances to just pack up and move or pay a moving company to help. Based on my situation, does my landlord have the right to evict me? What are my rights as a tenant in California? Can I fight this? If anyone has a helpful link on tenant rights or any resources they can share, I would hugely appreciate it.
Time invested and promises broken
So my best friend had an uncle that was developmentally delayed. Long story short I moved in with my adult son to help him pay bills and make sure he’d be ok after an abusive nephew was removed from the home. Just short a yr later he started needing more care, drs appts and such then in June he was in and out of surgery’s last one was this past August were they amputated his toes 3 weeks later up to the knee . I took care of him thru it all and since the family lagged on setting up long term care I did. He was approved but since they sent him home the next day after the first amputation I asked he go to rehab first this time so the house and other accommodations could be made. Well a few days at rehab he choked to death on his food. So the state doesn’t go retro I won’t be paid or reimbursed for my out of pocket expenses. His sister who lives in Tennessee had told me I can have anything in the house and that I would be compensated several times. I had a yearly lease just renewed . But now the sister is here said she was only taking papers home but is actually packing things up not even asking if it’s his or mine. Also that the house is to sold as fast as possible. After that I’m supposed to get paid. So I’m unemployed and about to be homeless too. Do I have any rites? Also do they have a suit against the hospital for taking to long to respond (flatlined ) took 20 minutes for a pulse and of course placed on life support till she got here. Any advise on if I can demand my lease be respected?
[GA] Previous landlord charging me for cleaning and repainting fees, although there was no damage to the apartment and it is not mentioned in my lease.
When we first moved into our apartment at the end of 2014, it was under Pegasus Residential Management. A few months in, Atlantic Pacific Management took over the property. We never received any notice of policy changes, and things were more or less the same under new management. After we moved out last month, I did the final walk through with management. I was told that there was no damage (apart from normal wear and tear) to the apartment, but we would be charged $120 for cleaning and repainting. They are keeping our $50 security deposit and asking for payment for the remaining $70. I spoke with them and asked them for a copy of my lease, because I didn't remember the fees being mentioned when we signed under Pegasus. They told me that it is not in my lease, but it is a standard fee that AP Management charges everyone. I'm not well versed in the legal aspect, but I was under the impression that they could only charge for fees if either the property is damaged beyond normal wear and tear or if it is a policy stated in the lease agreement. It's not a huge amount of money and I don't want to create a huge headache for myself over $120, but if it's unlawful for them to charge me these fees then I'd at least like to attempt to get my money back. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
How much time could someone face for discharging a firearm on school property? Specifically, shooting at the side of the school and striking the walls as well as the doors of an equipment shed
I’m asking for Maryland specifically.
If I(Washington State) have a client approach me about services that are covered under a do not re-solicit clause with another company(Maine), do I need to have the client sign a statement that we did not solicit them?
What would I need to include in the statement of the client to sign? Is there a clear definition of soliciting?
Legal advice for international student employee in a store who has been charged with shoplifting and fraud.
I wanted to take advice on what should I do, if I am charged by my workplace (a grocery store) if I am charged for stealing visa gift cards from the cash counter and some small products like juice and bread from the store self checkout. I was a cashier there so the offense is more serious than any normal student. I am on a student and work SW1 visa in Canada. I am really stressed out and scared as my court appearance date is on 9th March. I want to know if I can save myself as I did an honest mistake when I was extremely depressed and not in my normal state of mind too. I want to know what can i do if I don't have a lot of money to pay to private lawyers. Any help is much appreciated.
Abusive marriage NJ
i left my abusive husband a month ago and he still holds my personal belongings and changed the locks. How to I get them back? Can I take a locksmith with police escort?
Is it legal to have other company's name as part of your business name?
If I start a dropshipping business and include Tik Tok as part of the name is that legal?
[Illinois] FIL works for a company that requires masks to be worn due to COVID. Superior wasn't enforcing it, and now my FIL and 10+ other employees have COVID. Can he sue?
Trying to keep this as vague as possible. My FIL works for an entity that was mandated by the state to wear masks/be covid compliant. He wore his mask all the time. His coworker, a covid-conspiracist who believes that it's not real, refused to wear a mask/test/get their temperature taken. My FILs boss sided with this coworker and similarly refused to follow covid-compliance himself. As a result, the coworker has tested positive and spread it to my FIL and 10+ other employees. It should be noted that my FIL is part of a union for his company. My FIL is now in the hospital with covid. We have evidence that his specific employer refused to follow/enforce covid guidelines. Is it possible to sue them for this, given that my FIL is now in the hospital due to their negligence? Or is it just a "he could have contracted covid anywhere/no case" kind of thing? We're just incredibly upset right now so any advice is appreciated. **tl;dr: FIL contracted covid from a coworker who infected 10+ other employees. Coworker refused to be covid-compliant, and supervisor also refused to enforce compliancy. FIL is now in the hospital. What can/should we do?**
Car insurance advice needed
Hey all, back in December my missus had a collision with a guy who had opened up his driver side door without checking to make sure cars were coming and it did considerable damage to the passgener side doors as well as ripping the mirror off.. Now she had gotten part of his info, his name and insurance number but that's it, he was VERY hesitant on giving his phone number even though he was adamant about getting ours.. Now our insurance has already been in touch with us and him and they ruled him at fault, however his insurance is dragging their feet, they have spoken to our insurance, and us, but he is totally dodging their calls to get his side of the story. It's been almost 4 months now and we really need to get our car repaired, but we can't afford out of pocket cost that big and wait for them to reimburse us (if that even happened) What should we do in this matter? We are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. (This happened in the evening hours so she didn't even see his door open until it was too late and had no where to swerve to without getting into a head-on collision with another car).
Who is right?
ALASKA I live in the basement of a split level house with my mom and my son. I rent the basement of the house and we share the kitchen with my mom. I also have rental insurance for my rental situation. We have our bathroom, and bedrooms downstairs. There is a door seperating the downstairs from the rest of the house. I came home yesterday and the door to the downstairs was open. I asked my mom about it and she said my older sister had gone around the house looking for a key. She said she may have gone downstairs. I told her this was unacceptable and that the area was not available to my sister without invitation or prior knowledge. I sent an email to my sister explaining such. Her reply was literally "LMFAO" Am I in the right that I can legally expect privacy? Is there a ways that I can legally protect myself from further intrusions? I understand there is a failed family dynamic also in play and I would rather just avoid these people if at all possible but they appear to me to have corssed a line.
How many days notice do I need to give my landlord before I move out?
Me and my boyfriend are going to look at a new apartment tomorrow and if we like it obviously we have to let our current landlord know. I was just wondering if there was a minimum amount of days I have to give him before we leave, and if there is, could we still move into our new apartment and just pay the final months rent in our old apartment as well if we have to? Thanks! I live in Wisconsin and we have a yearly lease and it ended in May, my landlord said he’d reach out to us to renew the lease and then never did.
[CO][Garfield County] My mom was hit by a large box truck, other guy at fault. What should we do?
EDIT: This question has been resolved. Hello, My mom was on her way home today and got hit by a large box truck. My mom alleges it was not her fault, and the trooper was unable to determine fault. My mom's minivan was not totaled and was able to drive away; there was no damage to the truck. There are skid marks on the road where the truck moved into my mom's lane (she was on the right, the truck was to the left). How should we go about making a claim here? Thank you all in advance.