Unnamed: 0
11 values
Someone is pretending to be my friend on Snapchat
Ok on mobile so formatting might be an issue but I’ll try my best. So my friend has a Snapchat account like most people and recently someone has used his name to make a new one trying to copy his. His doesn’t sound too bad but the person keeps sending explicit comments to girls and on his story. He’s asked girls stuff like “you wanna fuck 👉🏿👌🏿” among other things. Some people believe it’s him so it’s also messing with his social life. He has no idea what to do and asked me to post on reddit about asking for help. We have no idea about how to figure who has the account and don’t know how to stop it. He really needs help with this to shut it down down as soon as possible.
My family is hoping to start a bar put of our city but the permit laws are complicated.
So, my family recently got the idea to start a business by leasing a bar. We live in the state of Maryland and everything is lined up and ready to go except for one thing. There is a law that if you live outside of Baltimore, you cannot get a liquor license to own a bar there. We want to switch our residence to Baltimore but that would prevent my siblings from attending school. We are hoping there is some kind of loophole that will allow us to do this and I am going to you reddit.
HELP.!!! Registered Nurse contracted COVID-19 on the job. Now facing termination.
I , 50ish female Emerency Department nurse, contracted COVID-19, via high viral patient exposure, near six months ago. I was wearing full PPE that was available to us at the time. The patient coughed in my face while I was adjusting his oxygen., spattering my goggles. Subsequently developed COVID-19 pneumonia, hypoxia, cytokine response syndrome. I was hospitalized after my husband awoke to find me cyanotic and unresponsive. Became diagnosed long covid. I am still on continuous oxygen, despite trying to wean down.. Lung scarring and new emphysema. Activity intolerance. Barely able to manage activities of daily living. My spouse , retired FF, also RN with same organization., has been taking care of me. Experiencing tachycardias and tachyarrhymias, often random, but associated with tiredness and fatigue. These symptoms are accompanied by chest tightness, Shortness of breath, sometimes pain. Very anxiety producing. Additionally, I am demonstrating neurologic issues, balance problems, falls and near falls. I am afraid to go outside, because of my fear of falling. I also am experiencing difficulties with cognition..."Brain fog "? I have forgotten peoples names, some word finding difficulties, dizziness, and increased forgetfulness. I have just been approved for workmans comp. HR called last week. Stating that will will have zoom discussion regarding my current status and possible termination. Additionally will have to pay back most of my ST disability payments because I was approved for workmans comp. I guess I no longer qualify for LTD because of workmans comp. I will lose our insurance, but I was told I qualify for COBRA, however that will eat up most of our income. This has been catastrophic for us, emotionally, financially and physically. My husband, who is older, with some comorbidities, contacted COVID-19 from me, when I brought it home, has not emerged from the illness unscathed, however, despite this, he has managed to take care of me. They are now attempting to terminate his employment because he overlooked some mandatory CEUs during this time. I was also told by HR , that I have to return near $9000.00 of STD payments, because I accepted workmans comp. We paid mostly out of pocket for medical equipment and expenses because of high insurance deductibles over two calendar years 2020/2021. I had to liquidate some of my 401K, to manage these expenses. We have lost both our incomes over the past six months because of my contracting this illness. We may have to sell our house. I have worked my entire life, and have never faced termination. I am frightened. I have tried to find an attorney, but I have discovered that ALL, the attorneys in our region of the state have been put on retainer by our healthcare organization, so there's a conflict of interest. The employment attorneys, in the nearest metropolitan area, 120 miles away, that I've tried to contact, have not returned my phone calls. There is no Union. Any attempts at organization, have been "busted" in the past. I have legal insurance that I purchased through my work, but because I have the insurance through my employer , this is not covered. I did not realize this fact when I purchased the policy. Prior to this sickness, I have been healthy my entire life. I have only experienced mild asthma and allergies) I hiked a few miles on my time off, at altitude. (Before the lock down) The prior six months, to getting covid, I was working 48 to 60+ hours a week, with mandatory call. Please. Any advice? I am not sure what to do at this juncture. Help, please.
Earthquake retrofitting causing asthma and skin issue. HELP!
So our small apartment building in LA is having earthquake retrofitting. When we got the notice, we figured ok...had to be done. No one complained and we were all cool with not having our parking spots for a few months. We can handle the noise...even though we all work from home during COVID. The document says work starts at 8am...but no one complained when it starts at 7am. No one was place in temp housing. Then the work started. Our unit is on the ground floor 6 feet from the work site. Both our bedroom window and front door and front patio. There’s also a unit directly above the construction. None of us complained until they started jack hammering and all the toxic dusts, dirty, grim layered our apartment. Our windows and door are closed, even when it’s 97° summer heat...107° this next week. I get an asthma attack every morning and I don’t even have asthma. My face, neck, and arm break out in hives. My head hurts from a weird smell. I placed a towel along the door and taped up the windows. Still breathing problems and hives. There is a weird gas smell in our unit. I called the landlord, property manager, and the lady on the paperwork and they basically said it’s only going to be a few more weeks...even though construction is scheduled til November 24. Several units now are suffering and the landlord refuse to pro-rate the rent, refuse to temporary rehouse us, and offer no solution other than...suck it up for 2 more weeks. And I’m sure in 2 weeks, he’ll say the same thing. What can I do? What can we do? I’m about to go to the ER, but I’m currently in between health insurance. It’s so bad, 3 of my plants died.
(NJ) Received two tickets today, one for speeding, 82 in a 55, and one for careless driving(same incident) what's the best way to go about this?
I'm seveteen and have had my license for about two months. I usually pay attention to my speed and the speed limit, but evidently today I wasn't. I was pulled over and ticketed for speeding, and was also given a ticket for careless driving, and have a court date in July. What's the best way to go about this? And I'm not going to be in state when the court date is, is there anyway to get the court date changed?
Having a pool built, everything was going fine until the concrete was bored then all hell broke lose. Looking for some options and advice on what we should do! Sorry for format I’m pissed and on mobile!
Me and my husband have been dreaming of a pool for our family, we finally decided to take the plunge “no pun intended” and take out an equity loan for the pool. We were told overall it could cost up to 45,000 dollars. So we took 50,000 out just Incase and also maybe spend some money on some patio furniture and pool toys. My aunt used a company and recommend them, I mean her pool was very nice and in the beginning it was great. Those hole was made they helped us pick out the tile the type of plaster we were going to use and set us up with their contracted cement company. We picked out a stamped concrete with a blue grayish stain. We should’ve recognized that this was going to be a disaster. First we were told from our pool contract that a stamp and stained were already paid for. We signed the contract and it had it written what all was included in our package we bought. The concrete owner proceeded to call us and tell us we needed to give him more money approx. 3500 for the staining we had picked out. We told him that when we came to his building to look at the staining he mentioned nothing there while he was showing us what was included. We specifically asked him before we had picked out the stain which ones were included in our package. Luckily for us we had already signed a contract and picked out the stain and everything when we left. The contract we signed was for the exact amount allotted for the concrete. So no additional costs were going to be needed. Eventually we hashed it out and we had documentation proving that we did not owe any extra. The comes the pouring of the concrete issue. It was sloppy. The went outside the borders of the walls that had been set up for pouring. We had a garden we had made with stone we had set up and they said the “accidentally” cemented a portion of the garden. I understand that things happen but it was just carelessness that was going on. The stamping that they did made had multiple greater then 4 inch dips into the concrete. We were never told when they would be coming to pour the concrete or do any of the stamping. Our family was on vacation we emailed them and specifically told them we wanted to be home for the process. We came back to a disaster, cracks in concrete after being laid, trash littered in our back yard and inside the pool. The cracks were not little cracks, I’m not being petty they were big chunks that were falling apart. We immediately called the pool company we were going through and filed a complaint. They said they would send someone out and take pictures and make a complaint. They didn’t send anyone out for the following weeks. We did notify the concrete company that what they had left behind was unacceptable and they would need to come back and fix it before they would receive the other half of their money. While me and the husband were working they came into the backyard with no warning and proceeded to stain the concrete. Not only was it a rust color that the stained it when we were supposed to get a blue grey but there were multiple spots where they had dripped the stain onto the concrete and not wiped it up. We again called the pool company and expressed our aggravation. We had officially had enough with this concrete owner and told them we would only be working with the pool company from here on out. When we had complained to the owner of the concrete company about the stain color he said that was the stain we picked and our eyes had just deceived us. Luckily for us we have pictures of the original stain we picked when we told him this he changed his story to oh well that’s what it looks like in the sun. I’m sorry but idk what person believes a blue grey stain really looks rusty out in the sun. From there we decided to reach out to the stain manufacturer and had a rep come out and take a peak. He expressed his disappointment and told us that this was indeed not the blue grey stain we had asked for. The pool company is refusing to do anything telling us that these things happen with pools and the concrete company is threatening to sue for not giving the payment for the stain and the concrete they poured. I’m hoping someone has gone through this before and can give us a little guidance in our next step. This pool was started in early August it’s now going on April and we are getting fed up. Really looking for a reddit miracle and guidance thank you.
Government office tells false story to cops
I’m a journalist, and through my work I discovered an incident from years back where a local government official (an appointed member of a board) who suffered from dementia told a story to a police officer investigating a crime (a 20-year felony) that implicated a man as a primary suspect. The official was being interviewed solely because of his position, and the story directly contradicted video recordings and other documents (primarily minutes, but also permit applications). Ultimately, that story resulted in warrants being issued, the man being hassled by police, and apparently some social stigma, but no arrests being made (there was never any material evidence and my research suggests he is actually innocent). I guess I’m not asking for advice, per se, since I’m not the suspect, just a curious journalist, but was a crime committed here? Would the municipality have exposure because this man was slandered to an officer? Does the mental condition of the official come into play? The official is dead now, but would he have been liable and on what grounds? (Based in Michigan.)
[Tenant] Rental property was "accepted" after speaking with owners and providing requested documents. Now they are asking for last years tax returns. [More in comments
Hey! First and foremost, thank you in advance. I have a friend that is moving to Katy, TX from Los Angeles, CA. They are a 30 year old couple. Both have great jobs and are my all means respectable members of society. They have proven that they collectively make 10x the rent, he locked in a high paying job in Katy, TX. From what I understand, he has provided the following per the request of the property owner: Paystubs Bank statements Driver's license, passport, or other proof of residency Recommendations Social Security number Rental history References Job history/resume ​ They gave their 30 day notice on their house is LA. Now the TX owner is asking for " His last years tax return". He was happy to supply any form of legal document requested*,* but they feel after submitting everything requested last month that it may be a "case of discrimination". I believe they are referring to racial discrimination. (He is Egyptian she is Caucasian). *I have not heard any concrete proof or have ANY reason to believe this is the case)* ​ ​ ​ My questions / concerns: \- Is this legal to request? \- How should they respond to the above situation. \- What course of action do they have, or are they SOL? Does anyone have any insight of suggestions?
Ending a lease due to confrontations with another tenant [California]
My wife and I leased a home with another couple from out of state, and the woman concealed the fact that she would be bringing a cat along which would have unequivocally been a deal breaker for us. The cat has since caused over a thousand dollars of damage to our property and is a constant nuisance, and the owner has gone from lying about it to becoming openly hostile at our attempts to resolve the problem. It's gotten to the point that my wife and I feel uncomfortable and unsafe in our own home, and feel that we may need to exit the lease. The landlord has been extremely reluctant to get involved and says that we need to solve the problem internally, but after 3 months of trying all we get is screaming from the cat owner. I've been told that California law gives tenants the right to end a lease with no obligation to pay rent for the remainder of the lease term and the ability to recover the full deposit (minus any reasonable deductions, obviously) in situations where another tenant is making the environment unlivable and I'm hoping to find more information about this. Thanks in advance.
Washington State - I am being asked to leave, not evicted, over the comfort of everyone in the house, but something else is up
I moved in, mid-October 2016, with my friend and they owned the house. I was wanting to be there to live somewhere new and to give them a security blanket of having someone they know paying rent and not dealing with a stranger. We had no written agreements, all verbal talk. The only thing I agreed to in Messenger chat was to not get them sick as they are prone to get sick due to a chronic condition. Flash forward to Oct 2020 they have a SO move into the house. They warned me it could be awkward since we are all people that keep to ourselves so no one pressured me to talk to anyone right away. Since I am the only one to work outside the house during COVID some new rules had to be made since they both were quarantining somewhere else for 7-8 months. I easily abided by those rules. They set up a new system on how to share the main amenity, the kitchen, and I abided by those rules. Two weeks later I get a written letter saying rent will go up starting Jan 1st, 2021. I was taken aback but I figured ok, I've been paying low for year's I can do this new pay. Two days later, I am asked to leave because "it's not working with me here." I am totally confused and asked what I did wrong if I wasn't following things correctly and I was told that currently, it was fine but not great. Yesterday, I had what I thought was going to be a lengthy conversation on why I need to leave from them and their SO and all I could get out of them was "we are uncomfortable" and "I don't want to get into it, we are just uncomfortable." This was no help at all. So to top that off, I was given agreement terms on how to properly move out. Under a section about money was "paying for damages if any are found" but everyone I mention this to, even other landlords, are saying not to pay for extra damages since we never had a rental agreement to that fact. There is no written document from the start saying I'm agreeing to many things. The document is only signed by me and my landlord/roommate and is not notarized or seen by any non-biased 3rd party. So do I have to pay anything other than pro-rated rent? TL;DR: The landlord doesn't have move-in documentation of me agreeing to pay for damages but I agreed on a note yesterday to many agreements and paying for some anyway. Everyone tells me not to.
Possible Breach of Agreement by Landlord. Complicated. Florida.
Background: The lease agreement was signed in Nov. 2015 and we received our roommate assignments in July of 2016. The lease agreement states that the apartment is to be occupied by all males. All paperwork with the company/landlords states thay all occupants are males. There are four of us in the apartment. The building is owned and operated by a company that manages many apartment complexes around the country. Roommate A is transgender. Formerly a male, now identifying as a female. She wears womens clothes, takes hormones to appear and sound more feminine, and all around goes about life as a female. Question: In the state of Florida, is Roommate A considered a male (which is what the company has on file) or a female (the way she identifies and lives her life)? If it is the latter, would this constitute a breach of contract in the leasing agreement?
Promised Severance package from our employer post-Warn notice, told five weeks later we would not be receiving it.
Hi all, I represent a group of management (10-20) from an employer in Oregon who recently announced a site-wide layoff, with a sixty day notice per the Warn act. This employer is headquartered in India, but has multiple North-American businesses worth millions of dollars. The day after signing our Warn notice papers we were pulled into a secretive meeting with our H.R. department, and highest levels of of on-site management. We were then informed, verbally, we would be receiving severance packages totaling two weeks worth of income, as well as two additonal weeks for every year of service in exchange for staying with the site as it shut down. We were then pulled into the office of our site director, the highest level of on-site managements, and told the exact numbers we would be receiving. For me this would result in one months worth of wages, or $2,450 worth of compensation. Others had this information emailed to them directly. Many of my co-workers have a much higher salary, or are far more vested with the company. This severance would have totaled roughly $70,000-100,000 worth of revenue we were promised and then denied. We then proceeded to work very hard - our metrics only increased during this period - under the assumption that this compensation would help us stay on and shut the site down with some form of stability for our employees as we worked with them to find new employment. Five weeks after the initial promise of this severance, we were again pulled in for a secretive meeting wherein our site director read an email stating that no severance would be available and it was simply a clerical error. In the following days we've attempted to reach out to our off-site H.R. department only to be stonewalled with "Thanks for your feedback." style notices when asking to challenge this. Many of us proceeded with our lives under the impression that these promised funds would be available. Some turned down employment elsewhere, bought houses, or arranged to return to school. We continue to work for our employer, but feel as if we've been left behind.
Regulations concerning financial aid at graduate institutions
I am the son of a FT employee at a small graduate institution in the United States. According to their documents, I am eligible for tuition remission. I have received full tuition remission each term I have been enrolled. Recently, the board of directors capped the maximum amount of remission available each fiscal year at a set dollar amount. Due to Covid 19, the institution extended registration to May 1st for the summer term. By necessity, I utilized the extended registration date and registered on time. I found out last week that without notice they calculated the remission funds a week before the registration deadline. I was not included in this calculation. Every other student eligible for remission received the full amount. This was nearly all the funds left for remission this fiscal year. I was offered what little was left over. The students that received the full amount and I are both equally credentialed to receive the funds according to their documents. My question is, what course of action is available to me? Does it make a difference that my contention concerns tuition remission and not a scholarship or do the same regulations apply to both? I have reached out to the institution and they have made no effort to apologize or solve the issue. What steps should I take if any? Thank you
Death, divorce, greed and spite.
Some back story. This is a big complicated mess and while I may not find all the answers I need I'm hoping to find out the right questions to ask of the right people. Most of this is regarding divorce and probate law. Two weeks ago my dad died in Butler county Pennsylvania. He did not have a will, life insurance, retirement or investments. He had only maybe 2k in a bank account and partial ownership of my childhood home in Bucks County Pennsylvania. He'd had a gambling addiction so that's where all the money went. There and to his divorce lawyer. He and my mom have been separated for 8 years and going through a divorce for 4. There was a grounds order divorce and a Bucks County Master had recently; about 2 weeks before, determined that my mother had to sell the house and it would be split somehow because she couldn't get a loan to buy his portion. Both of my parents are on the deed and it is completely paid off as of 2 years ago. There were mistakes in the document my mother recieved so days before he passed she had filed a petition contesting the decision. She did not have a divorce lawyer. My mom was mostly a stay at home mom growing up. She did some work from home. And worked a few part time jobs once I was old enough to babysit. She didn't work full time very often so she doesn't have any retirement or savings of her own. My parents have 3 kids. Myself 31, my sister 29 and my brother 24. My sister had power of attorney during the week my dad was in the hospital before he passed. There was no financial power of attorney or anything. My sister and my mom do not get along. My mom blames my sister pretty much since infancy for a number of the issues between my dad and my mom. The day after my dad passed my sister called my dad's divorce lawyer. The divorce lawyer connected my sister with a probate lawyer in her firm. My sister paid the probate lawyer a retainer of $2,500 3 days after my dad's death. Speaking to the lawyers she was told a number of things. 1. My sister needs to act quickly because my dad didn't have a will or final arrangements and so my mom could file probate if my sister did not. 2. My mom and dad were divorced even though there were no divorce papers signed and assets weren't completely divided. 3. My sister could file probate and would receive a portion of the sale of my childhood home and his accounts on behalf of my father by representing him in his estate's completion of the divorce. If my mom filed probate first my mom would receive everything. 4. My dad had promised to pay his lawyer from the sale of my childhood home. Any retainer he'd had for his lawyer had dried up a long time ago. His lawyer was owed $19,000. So even if we didn't pursue the divorce on his behalf his lawyer would follow through in order to get paid. 5. That my sister should get the death certificates from the funeral home and not give any to my mom. 6. That I and my brother could renunciate from the legal side of things but retain entitlement to a portion of his estate. My questions: A. Can I renunciate myself from my dad's estate and not just the court part of it? I can honestly say I do not want any part of it. My dad died relatively young and to me whatever I'd receive would be tainted. B. Is the lawyer still owed the money from the divorce even though my father died? Can she follow it through? C. Is it my sister or my mom who should be filing probate? D. Will my mom still be forced to sell the house? E. What sort of debts should we look out for? Hospital bills? Credit cards? Loans? What will need to be paid and what are we not responsible for? I welcome any and all discussion on this. It's a big f'd up mess and while I want no part of it I feel like I need answers. My family is emotional, irrational and vulnerable right now.
I was involved in a car accident with a drunk driver.
Today I was driving down a road at approximately 45mph at about 4 in the afternoon. As I was approaching an intersection a truck was attempting to make a left turn and pulled out in front of me and I hit them. I had my one year old daughter in the back, luckily she seems to be doing well (the car seat did its job). I am fine too. The police officers arrived promptly and they discovered that the woman driving the truck was drunk. My car is most likely totaled. My issue is that I only had PLPD coverage and the drunk driver had full coverage and I am located in the state of Michigan, which is a no fault state. What are my options at this point? Can I sue their insurance?
Would any of this hold up in court?
Hi everyone, My husband and I sold 80% of our company to someone in exchange for $100 (that’s the amount we put on the purchase agreement), two 5 year work contracts with benefits, and 20% ownership and company profits. Our new boss has become increasingly disrespectful and detrimental to the company, calling employees offensive names, asking personal questions, and otherwise providing incorrect information to the employees, none of which I ever commented on, until this morning, when every single employee who worked this weekend alone with him announced that they did not want to have to work a shift again without my husband of myself there (we are there from open to close Monday through Friday, but the people I’m mentioning were talked into a weekend shift (when my husband and I are off) which turned sour pretty quickly. Anyways, I called our boss and I asked him if he would come to the office so we could all talk, because the employees in the office feel disrespected and that they can’t ask for help without being put down, and he said “well i don’t know why everyone is pretending not to know what i want them to do”... so i asked him if maybe the way he talks is making people uncomfortable, and that if everyone has the same opinion, maybe his way of wording is making things harder for them to succeed... to which he replied “then I am on my way.. to fire everyone”. Minutes later he shows up, fires me for insubordination because “he didn’t hire me to tell him how to talk to people” and as soon as I left, so did 4 of our 6 employees. So, now to the next purchase agreement - we put $100 on there, and he never gave us that $100. Everything is still in my name, not sure if that means he violated any contract.. Also my employment agreement says MUST give any opinions if I feel they will benefit the company, and that the ONLY WAY I can be fired is insubordination, or moral turpitude.. and as far as definitions are concerned, I was doing the correct move by telling him his way of speaking to people is counterproductive, and I was not insubordinate because there was absolutely no task or request that he was asking of me. So my question is do I have any leverage for a wrongful termination case? Going further, can i take the company back seeing as how he never paid the commitment?? I’m pretty sure he can’t call “making a suggestion” insubordination, because if that’s the case and we’re not using definitions anymore, then he could have fired me for literally anything and called it insubordination. I would have never moved my family across the country had I known this guy would be verbally abusive to anybody in his crosshairs and then fire me 4 weeks in for suggesting we try teaching things differently, and sold my company to someone who now will probably destroy it completely.
[USA, Missouri] Would this game reward system be illegal?
I have an idea for an online game app and attached reward system. You play to earn points (lose points if you play badly) and up to a certain level of points, spend cash to buy points. You can spend points to buy quality of life stuff like hats or boots for your little character. Also if you have a lot of points (well above the cut-off point for cash point purchases), you can purchase a ticket in a monthly drawing that rewards the winner like a couple hundred bucks. The system is set up so that you can't just buy up to the threshold to enter the drawing; you have to play and win to get enough to enter the drawing. And it would be plausible to just play without cash point purchases and enter the drawing. So, would this game reward system be illegal? EDIT: The game would be available and played nationwide, if possible. The wider the population available to participate, the better.
"Buying out" a small defunct business for their software (ON Canada)
I'm an Engineer in an industry with many competing software packages for doing (more or less!) the same thing. Some software is "high tech", costs $10,000s/year, and does it all ... and takes a lot of time to set up a model. Other software is a bit older, is useful for what it does, but there are known limitations. But because it's older, it's better documented and most importantly it's well known by companies and approval agencies alike. One piece of software was updated a decade ago to run on Windows 2010/XP ... and has languished since then. It used to be sold for $1000/user (or $2,500 per company) - and apparently there were say 500-750 software packages sold between 1990 and 2005 or so. I (and many others in my field) still use this software every week. I recently reached out to the owner - the son of the original creator, who's now 90 years old. They seem receptive to selling the company (AKA the software) but I am not sure how it could "go down". Any good advice with where to start in terms of coming to an agreement on the value of the software, and the legal process to formally purchase it, once a deal is agreed upon? What type of lawyer would be best to contact - small business; financial; mergers & acquisitions? What important question am I not asking?
(Canada, BC)Camera Repair Shop taking 3+ months
It has been 2ish months since the camera shop received my order to fix an issue. This is not including time required give me a quote and receive a reply on the quote, which was admittedly about a month turnaround because I was busy with school. I emailed them last week and they said it would be ready to ship back on Monday, but I have not heard back from them. TLDR Camera shop is taking 2ish months to fix my camera. What are the relevant laws around this? I've found the repairers lien act, but this seems to apply mostly to cars, boats and planes. What should be my next course of action?
[CA] Cockroach infestation: can I break my lease without penalty?
I currently have a pest infestation at my apartment: mostly cockroaches, but there is a fair share of spiders and earwigs. I encounter these pests daily and have timestamped photos which I use to document each time I find/kill one. It is affecting my health as my allergies are already bad enough and is truly disgusting. I have three documented maintenance requests. I received treatment, a gel + a spray, two of the three times; my most recent request sent on March 3, 2020. Each treatment seemingly worked for a bit, but then eventually resurfaced. I maintain a clean house, so I can say without a doubt this isn’t of my own doing. The office said it was unusual as my upstairs neighbors nor my neighbors on each side are dealing with the same issues. Due to Covid-19 precautions, maintenance has been postponed for the time being. I am purchasing my own contact-killing sprays and preventative gels in an attempt to remedy the problem, unfortunately to no avail. I am looking to find recourse for the situation. I have not yet consulted a lawyer. I am a college student and first-time renter unfamiliar with landlord-tenant law. With that said, I have a limited budget should my case be viable and I must pursue legal action. Options that I am willing to agree on are the following: the landlord allows me to move to a vacant apartment that does not have any issues or to break my lease. I’ve drafted a letter similar to the information I’ve shared in this post. My lease has a termination fee of the rent due through the end of the leasing period minus rents paid by a replacement tenant- can that be waived should I be able to break the lease? How should I pursue this matter?
Extended tax season
I was wondering if others have encountered this issue. For the second year in a row, the IRS has extended the tax filing deadline (only by a month this time). I work as an Enrolled Agent for a small tax preparation firm. I am paid a set salary for tax season and I get a stipend for the off season. My boss has provided for no extended payroll for the extended season AGAIN!! He seems to think that I will continue to show up 6 days a week to accommodate my clients and no twice monthly paycheck. Is this legal? Since this past April 16, I have been making my own schedule and coming to the office by appt only. My boss has been giving me the silent treatment. Others in the office are too intimidated to speak up. I welcome any and all feedback.
Is it mandatory for me to register as a small business?
Ontario, Canada. I was wondering if it is mandatory for me to register as a small business or a sole proprietor? I started a YouTube channel last year and it is now making around $500 on average per month. Am I able to just declare this money on my taxes or do I need to register as a business and file the taxes there?
Inherited Father's house, but I can't afford it and the deed also has his last girlfriends name on it. Not sure what to do.
I'd like to sell the house, but I'm under the impression that I can't if this other person's name is on it. They were together for like a month before he died and I'm guessing she managed to weasel her way into this. I'm not familiar with this sort of thing, it is a quitclaim paper with dad's name, my name, and her name. She's kind of unstable. At first she was going to come sign off on the deed in exchange for my dad's T.V. She got the T.V but then never came to sign off the title to the house. Then she was going to come down just to sign off, but is refusing until I give her $500. I don't have that money and eventually I won't be able to afford the bills for the house. I have a realtor that's interested in the house, but I don't know how to actually sell this house since I can't pay the extortion fee to get the name off the house. Edit - I forgot to include the location; Michigan, USA.
Boss is modifying (removing) hours on my time sheet for rework. I am an hourly employee, and work was actually performed. Is this against the FLSA? And if so, what are my options?
Oklahoma. I'm a technician that is paid hourly wages. I usually work between 40-48 hours a week, and my job requires me to drive (company vehicle) all over the state to do work in the field. Last week, during one such job, I made a mistake, and did not properly submit paperwork to the corresponding state department that oversees our field. As a result, I had to make a second trip to the jobsite (company vehicle) and perform the work again, and resubmit paperwork etc. Today, I was informed that my mistake "was on me" and that I would not be paid for my time spent on that job... both driving and time on site. I was told that my timesheet would be modified to reflect those changes (5+ hours of time would be removed). I have a feeling that this is not legal. Assuming I'm correct, what are my options? I can't afford an expensive lawyer and lawsuit. Is it worth it over $150 or so worth of backwages? While I admit I made a mistake on the job, this does not feel like a reasonable form of discipline.
Are you able to freelance as a 17 year old? If so, what limitations do I need to know?
If it’s not possible, can you do it in someone else’s name? EDIT: Apparently, I forgot some details. I live in the Philippines and am planning to freelance web dev.
My friend is in trouble
So my friend is suffering from a broken tooth, Her work allows for dental care only for full time, my friend has tried to apply multiple times however, her asshole of a boss refuses to give it to her just because he doesn't like her. Is there anything she could do to rectify the situation?
Landlord invading privacy?
Sorry if there’s any weird formatting, I’m on mobile. I rent an apartment in a 3 unit building in NYC. Moved in 2 ish years ago, right after the building was renovated and made available. The property is managed by some investment group, and my roommates and I are in contact with one of the guys in that group if we need anything, not the actual landlord. I’ll call him A. Basically, since my roommates and I have moved in, A has made about 15-20 appointments with “potential investors” to come view the building, our apartment/yard included. Only during one of the site visits did we observe the groups of people who came to our apartment go upstairs to the other apartments. Might be because there were definitely cleanliness issues with the other two apartments/vermin, and all 3 apartments have the same layout. Additionally, the groups of people who would come view the apartment would range in groups of 5-10. We reconciled issues in the past with A of him not even giving us 24 hours notice for these, and a range of other really annoying, minimal maintenance issues that took way too long to resolve. On Saturday, we agreed to an email notice he gave for another appointment on Monday, but we asked him to change it for a later time than 10 am. It was changed to 1 PM. I find it really uncomfortable to have literal groups of strangers in my apartment 5+ times a year. I understand landlords have rights to show units to prospective buyers, but for it to be so frequent is a disturbance. Also, the glaringly obvious risk of having groups of strangers in my home during a pandemic. Thank you in advance for your responses.
[MO] Trying to find pro bono lawyer for divorce, Legal Aid turned down case.
Submitting this on behalf of a friend, but she is looking for a lawyer to assist her in her divorce and custody agreements. She went to Legal Aid of Western Missouri and they turned her down due to lack of staff. There are two minor children involved and she is trying to reach an agreement on a parenting plan with her ex. There is no way she can afford a lawyer and is terrified of losing her children. The case is being heard in Jackson County if that helps at all. Thanks you so much for your help.
Client made review falsely accusing my business of stealing money—libel?
“This vendor stole my money and didn’t provide the service she outlined verbally or in her contract. She quit early in the project yet wouldn’t provide a refund. Be very careful and do not pay her upfront. Wait to pay until she does the job.” A previous client made this review. She went WAY over her timeline and didn’t follow our recommendations, so her project was a disaster. She actually owes us money, but I offered to waive the remaining balance as an attempt to part ways— she was a nightmare and the money wasn’t worth having her as a client. Welp, that didn’t work. She started by demanding a partial refund on top of waiving the remaining balance via email. I sent detailed documentation of the hours we worked on her project. She then demanded more of a refund via email. A couple months later, I received a letter demanding an even larger refund. And one more time in the mail, this time demanding a full refund plus interest. She threatened legal action, but none of the letters were written by a lawyer. My best guess is no lawyer would take her case. Now, she left this review. Is this libel? Or even Libel per se?
Just got kicked out of my girlfriend’s house without being served an eviction. Can I press charges on her?
I’ve been living with my girlfriend in Florida for the last 8 months. Unfortunately, shit hit the fan last night and she kicked me out of her home. I’m currently living in my mobile home. Someone told me what she did is illegal and even though I’m not on her lease she still has to serve me with an eviction notice so I can have 30 days to move out and find a new place because you can’t just throw someone out on the street. Not sure if it’s different in every state but I need some clarification if this is true in the state of Florida.
FL - Being sued in small claims court over a cancelled painting contract. How to proceed?
I believe I am in the the right for canceling the contract. I can elaborate, but to be brief, I was never shown a color sample until the evening before he was going to come in and paint. I disagreed with the color. Also, he left his start date vague in the contract, but called me and was like "I can do it tomorrow." So I don't feel I was actually given adequate "3 days" that the contract suggested. Is there a certain statue I can look into, of a person I can consult with over the phone on an per hourly basis or something? Thank for any help, and I can answer any questions if anyone even comes here.
17 male lives in PA currently but want to go back to NYC
I recently left an abusive home ( grandparents) and use to live in nyc and went to school there. Now I’m in PA living with my mother who I haven’t met before ( went to jail when I was born). I figured living with my mother would be better buts it’s worse. Anyways I was just wondering is it possible to sign yourself up for school in nyc without a legal guardian because I want to go back to New York to live with family friends but I’m not sure how the schooling would work out. Thanks in advance and if you need any info feel free to ask.
Massachusetts Traffic Violation Ticket Never Entered in the System?
Occasional lurker here. Hi r/legaladvice, my question is this. A few weeks ago, on March 20th, I was issued a ticket for $100 in my hometown in suburban Boston. The cop, per the usual here, was pretty gruff & got pretty aggressive relative to the severity of the ticket \(accidental wrong\-way on a one\-way street\). He told me I had twenty days to pay the citation but now, on day nineteen, the ticket still isn't in the system. I just turned 18, so I'm hoping to keep this violation away from my insurance agency and avoid any points on my license, if possible. Can I call the clerk's office about the statute of limitations and just wait until something shows up? There was no court date listed on the ticket, but there WAS a checkbox to request a court hearing. This is my first moving violation, so I'm not sure what to do here. Thank you in advance!
Difference between DoS, degradation of service, and "bandwidth rape"? (New York)
I haven't done any of the things mentioned in the title, and am not being accused of or prosecuted for any of them. The thing is, while surfing I've encountered the statement that launching a DoS or even DDoS attack is illegal, but that "bandwidth rape" is "quasi-legal", i.e. repeatedly requesting the same files of a webpage in order to either exceeding the owner's bandwidth limit or raising his bill. I've seen both the statement that "bandwidth rape" is legal and that it is in more of a grey area than a DoS attack. Is any of that true? Again, I am not looking to do any of the above stuff, I'm just interested.
Person claims I was stalking them. Do they have a case?
Basically, this person was arguing with me about something on a different messaging platform. I then get informed by a friend of theirs that they moved the argument and is now complaining on Twitter. Their spouse has their Twitter account linked to the other messaging platform, so I can get their account easily. I go to their account, followers, and there's the account of the person arguing with me. So I comment on their post trying to defend myself. They follow up with something among the lines of "it's funny how my account isn't linked to \[other platform\]" and claims I'm stalking her. They then block me, and I stop. Is what I done illegal? I'm in the United States (but I'd rather not say what state)
Abandoned car in shared lot
There is a car in the lot across the street that was just left there by a neighbor. It has not moved for many months, and will probably stay there throughout the entire winter. Neither I nor the neighbor own the lot, but I wonder if there were any grounds for it to be towed since it gets in the way of shoveling and potential parking (right now the property owner doesn't care who parks there, its land reserved for building later). At this point I am not even sure of who the owner is either. Anything to be done?
Minor child arrested- need advice
IL- Minor child of a family member was arrested recently for having relations with another minor, and we're all just not sure what to expect. We don't know what the formal charges are/ will be. Both are 14. Person 1 claims that it was initiated by Person 2, and while they didn't feel comfortable with what was happening they also didn't attempt to stop Person 2. After it was over, Person 2 told their family what happened and they called the police with allegations of rape. Mistakes were made by one parent (divorced parents) and the accused was immediately interviewed on camera by the police without a lawyer. Cops also indicated that a rape kit would be completed. It's our understanding that this is being investigated as sexual assault, although IL statute seems to indicate that child sexual abuse might be more appropriate to address minor on minor situations. Family is looking into how to get a lawyer. How bad is this and what can the family of Person 1 expect? Any advice I can share with them? Are the parents liable in any way?
Brother Wrongfully Jailed for “Shoplifting”
So my brother got arrested a few days ago for shoplifting when he actually didn’t instead it was a mistake of him forgetting to scan some things at the self checkout at Walmart. His bail was payed so he’s out for right now but has to go to court soon. He hurt his neck a week ago and has been tired (medicine/life) and he can’t move his neck as well so that’s why he forgot to scan a few items. He has court next month and this is his first offense, he’s pleading innocent. There’s more to the story but here’s the text he sent me to explain it. Brothers message: “I'm pleading innocent.... Went too walmart got a fuck ton of groceries was in a shite ton of pain cus ma neck I don't even have range of motion in it so after I got done checking out asset protection stops me before the sensors an I forgot to scan mac n cheese, bag of carrots, and 1 lunchable an I was like oh my bad I'm not thinking straight I've been in Alotta pain I have $300 on me so I'll just turn around real quick an pay for it but they were like come in the office so we can just make sure you don't have anything else not paid for and I didn't then they we're like oh and by the way the police are on the way an I was like WHAT THE FUCK I got plenti to pay for this shit I made a mistake shit happens and then mister fucking cop man walks in and without talking to anyone or seeing ani videos reads me my mf miranda rights” I know that what was done to him was wrong and messed up especially for the cop not investigating what happened but I don’t know what laws or rights specifically were broken. I really don’t want him to go to jail and this mess up his record since he’s about to get a new job. If anyone can help me out that would be appreciated, if anything is unclear and/or have any questions let me know.
Officer Taking keys out of Bike
In the state of california, lets say I am being pulled over in a motorcycle does the officer have every right to take the keys out of the ignition of my motorcycle?
Kansas Grandparents rights
I really need some legal help for grandparents rights in kansas and what to do. Its a REALLY long story but my parents are abusive and toxic. They had a court order in 2013 to have my daughter for visitation when she was five. I moved in 2014 to missouri and JUST moved back. They know and are now taking me to court to get the SAME visitation as before. I am scared of them they are violent horrible people (I have a voice mail and countless facebook messages as proof) and need to know where I stand. Kansas legal aid can't help me they have too many cases and I do not have the money to get an actual lawyer.. If anyone can help I can give more details but just wanted to put this out here. I have court the 9th of dec.
Arkansas - Idiot friend forged a signature at work
Idiot friend works for a staffing agency. Idiot friend hired a new employee to fill a role. New employee did not sign insurance-related document Idiot friend’s idiot boss pressured him to forge employee’s signature. Idiot friend forged the signature. New employee found out and reported it to police. Idiot friend thinks he’s in the clear since he didn’t have “intent to defraud” as mentioned here - https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/forgery-laws-arkansas.htm Please help me understand if idiot friend needs to hire a criminal defense lawyer. Thank you, Friend of idiot
Attorney terminology / terms for buying a house?
Hi all, My parents recently decided to enter the housing market and have found a house that they would like to purchase. It's going for $499k and they offered $495k. I don't know where they are exactly in the process, but the real estate agent's client (the one trying to sell the house) has an attorney that would like to change the terms of the offer. They haven't been in this position before and would like clarification. Here are the terms: 1. Use a binder form instead of a contract form before the inspection 2. Inspection to be done within 10 calendar days as opposed to 10 business days (why is this important?) 3. 12 calendar days to the formal contract signing 4. 35 calendar days for the mortgage (parents have already been approved) 5. Deposit check to be made out to our attorney's firm for holding 6. Title search date to be moved up to be 10 calendar days (what is this?) 7. List price of $499k (taken care of) ​ I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I also posted on r/RealEstate. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I accidentally dissolved a corporation that wasn't mine; now they say I owe them $5k
I live in California and had a business that was incorporated in Delaware. I decided to close my business since I was pregnant and not going to be making any money after the baby came. So I went through the paperwork to dissolve the corporation in Delaware. So far, so good. My business (call it Yayaya, Inc) was also registered to the California secretary of state since I do business in CA so I have to pay the franchise tax and all that. I wanted to make sure they knew the business was dissolved, so I went to their website, downloaded the form (http://bpd.cdn.sos.ca.gov/corp/pdf/foreign/corp-surr.pdf) and filed it. A couple of weeks later, I got a letter back from the SoS saying my form was the wrong one, I should fill out the enclosed paperwork instead. So I filled out the papers, and sent it back. Big mistake. Apparently the forms they sent me were to dissolve a CALIFORNIA corporation. Which wouldn't have been bad except there was ANOTHER company named Yayaya, Inc in California. Which I just filled out paperwork dissolving. I found this out when I got served a letter from a judge, and then got another letter from the legal firm they contacted to fix the mistake - a bill for $5000 for all the work they did to un-dissolve their California corporation. I doubt the Secretary of State is going to accept responsibility for the mistake, although I do have the letter from them saying I sent in the wrong form (which was really the right form). How do I deal with the law firm who sent me the bill? I am in tears thinking about having to come up with an extra $5k while trying to take care of a newborn; we are stretched thin as it is and this is really stressing me out. Any help would be much appreciated, even if it's just "hey, you should talk to this kind of lawyer." Thank you all so much.
Workplace retaliation and/or harassment?
This started when Covid 19 caused the state of Illinois to go into the essential business only shutdown. So that day my boss called me and told me to shut down the plant and send everyone home as the company has deemed my branch “non-essential” I immediately felt relieved. (Because we make plastic beer kegs) My boss called my cell phone a few hours later and joked with me about the fact that I had just recently switched over to salary, in a very casual way. As he is the plant manager. And I was recently promoted to production supervisor. The next morning I get a phone call from the CEO of the company that my company sells to. He asked me what was going on. They are owned and operated out of the Netherlands. I explained to him that our CEOs decided our branch was non-essential. He was outraged and demanded to know why we weren’t going to be producing his products. I explained that it was for our safety. He then hung up on me and called my boss. Who then called me. He asked me what happened. I explained the call. He said he thought that the ceo already knew, and that he would handle it. But since he had me on the phone he wanted me to go work at another plant at another location. I said “that would defeat the purpose of the stay at home order.” He told me “that is why I got my promotion to be a front line worker.” I said “sure, if it was my plant. But my plant was deem non essential.” I told him “I wouldn’t do it.” This was now Saturday morning. He called me back Sunday and told me that the company has changed its position and has decided that we ARE essential and must reopen on Monday. after letting him and HR know that I was very uncomfortable with this. I returned to work. This is where I believe the harassment and retaliation came. I have many notes of what I consider harassment. I asked the HR manager for a meeting so that we could resolve this issue. We met via phone call where my boss came to my location and called her with his cell phone. I explained to her and him both that I felt that many of the things he was doing to me was harassment and retaliation. And her response was “you can drop this now and it will all go away, or you can keep pushing this and it will end badly for you” to which I shut down and stared at the desk and began saying yes ma’am and yes sir to. This was when I began having suicidal thoughts. To which I reached out to my doctor about. Who then had me take time off of work. I am currently out on FLMA and short term disability. But I have to go back soon. I am genuinely worried about how my future. From so far as I can tell it seems like sexual harassment is totally illegal, but like regular harassment is legal? I’m not sure if I’ve made sense or if In the end I just sound like someone complaining. I can’t tell. I’m not sure what I should do. Here is a few examples of things that I consider harassment or retaliation 3-27 He told me to change the profile picture on my email as it was “unprofessional” but hadn’t cared up to this point and another guy has a picture of his dog? While mine was just me in a suit. 4-1 He sent me an email stating that the phone he told me to keep with me was in violation as it wasn’t supposed to leave company property. 4-6 He sent a team leader of another shift to my location to ask me how I feel about the companies handling of Covid 19. Then tried to use this persons words against me. 4-9 He asked me not to sign off on someone’s vacation request days stating “I will handle that” when it’s been my jobs for a long while now. 4-12 He sent that same team leader to my plant with a pass code and told him to sneak in, then after he had done so because he had.... because he had a fucking passcode and... AND I WASNT EXACTLY EXPECTING SOMEONE TO SNEAK IN WITH A PASSCODE. To which he scolded me for on a call with many other employees. 4-13 He told me not to talk to the costumer 4-20 He doesn’t respond to my text message unless it’s in a group chat. 4-22 He talked over me and cut me off in a meeting 4-30 He scolding me in front of a few people for answering a phone call from Human Resources. Out on FMLA on 5-1
6 years ago on a drug bender I utterly trashed the house I was renting the week before my lease was up. I then left and never responded to landlord again. Well, I just saw the old landlord. They go to my NA group now.
So 9 years ago I started renting a house in WV. Landlord lived 2 hours away and was low contact. Well after 3 years she said she wanted to raise rent and I couldn't afford it. I was doing drugs at the time. I said I would leave and not renew my lease. Time started coming to pack up. I packed, got high, and just demolished the place. Holes in walls, destroyed appliances, picked up my dogs shit and smeared everywhere. Then I left. I moved to a nearbye city. Did mail forwarding. Got a letter from the landlord with a list of damages for 6,000 dollars. It said after using my deposit I still owed 5300$. I ignored the letter. I eventually got clean and decided to move states for a clean slate. I went to Brooklyn NY. Joined a narcotics anonymous people. Tonight we had a new member and it was my old landlord. She didnt seem to recognize me- I look way different now that I'm healthy and clean. I used to look like a 100lb drowned rat and now I'm a 180lb jacked guy with a beard. If she realizes who I am, can she do anything? I am not justifying what I did, it was horrible and disgusting.
Home owner didn't allow project to finish, and now not only refuses to pay remainder but is asking for payment for an inferior job.
California, United States I will try to be as detailed as possible, yet keep it short as there are many little occurrences that happened but will only cover the main important things. I will also change the actual estimate totals because I am paranoid but will be proportionate. What makes it a little confusing is that there was a contractor involved but it wasn't the contractor paying me for the paint job. He simply referred me to the owners and I gave them the estimates. The contractor was hired by the owners to do a number of things, but what applies here is the re texturing of the walls. Because the texture was new, everything was primed first. After this was done, the owners did not like the roughness of it. The contractor claimed it would be fixed by just sanding, despite sharing my opinion that this would not be the case, I went ahead and sanded anyways and painted. The result was the same and the owners brought it up to the contractor's attention on two of the walls. The contractor asked me to fix just those two and he would pay me. The owners later came in and noticed the difference, so asked me to repair the remainder of the house. I gave the owners a separate estimate for this additional work. This would be an additional $5000 to the $10,000 original job. The two walls the contractor had me fix were $1000 but that was between him and I and perhaps irrelevant. When I was about a day or two out from completing the job, the touch up and clean up phase, the owners asked me to hold off in order for the cabinetry work to get done first. That way if there were any damaged walls I could fix one time, instead of touching up twice. Weeks went by and they no longer contacted me. At this point the owners had paid me $10,000 and their balance was $5000. Some of it was the down payment for the original estimate, and the rest for the additional work of repairing the texture. When they finally reached out to me, they asked me to see them. The jist of it was that they were not happy. The things pointed out were those that get done during the last touch up clean up phase. Such as drops on the floor, holes missed, un caulked areas, anything that was missed or whatever. These little things get covered when we do the last check. So I never finished the job. So now they refuse to let me finish and not only won't pay me the remainder, but are asking $4000 from me for the "inferior" job. I have a signed estimate that shows what they paid and the balance, if that helps. They initially hinted at suing me, felt like a threat. So as a lurker here and from what I've gathered is that those that threat suing don't usually and I think I may have been right. I received a letter, fearing it was a suit, I was somewhat relieved that it was just a letter typed by them. It states that I agree to pay $3500 by a certain date, otherwise the amount will go up $500 every 10 days. Then there's a place to sign at the bottom for me and them. What's my best next step at this point? Do I reply to the letter asking for the amount due? Do I sue? Do I wait to be sued?
Thinking about talking to a attorney regarding a cyberbullying case.
I've going back and forth for years if I want to take legal action. And I don't want to hire an attorney outright, but rather explain my story. I'd like to know if it be worth trying, as it had affected me mentally, financially, and emotionally. Full story for context here( Warning for bad grammar) [Orginal Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bullying/comments/dtf1z6/ive_been_keeping_this_to_myself_for_a_few_years/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)
Indemnity... My own asphalt?
Long story short someone tried to break into my vehicle, vandalized the window and door ($2000 worth not including the rental for a week) with leftover asphalt chunks from construction repaving my entire apartment parking lot 2 weeks prior. My renter's property insurance denied the claim stating it only includes what's INSIDE my apartment. My auto policy covered the damage but given there's a police report/obvious photos and due their negligence in property management someone used their property to damage my vehicle. So I filed a Gen Liability claim with the property to at least cover my deductible. I understand if someone used a crowbar instead it would have nothing to do with them, but they did not clean up construction materials of someone THEY CONTRACTED. Someone then took that and used it in a crime. My claim was denied. They noted an indemnity clause in my lease releasing them from liability related to criminal acts; however, upon rereading in the same document it notes the exception of "direct" negligence. My thought is say a property employee lost the spare keys to my unit and didn't report or change the lock, then someone comes into my unit damages/steals/assaults, to what extent does culpability go? Should I get a lawyer or is this my own asphalt?
Car dealership misrepresented vehicle
Cincinnati, Oh Minor issue compared to what's usually posted here, but I'd like to know what advice you have. Found a vehicle on-line at a dealership, test drove it, fell in love with it and haggled over the price. Got a good deal and was thrilled. All but one document was signed and then they revealed that a 4 year warranty that the promised wasn't available anymore and that they could only offer a 3 year warranty. They said that to make up for it, they found the exact same car with 30,000 fewer miles on it, and would sell it to me for the same price. I enthusiastically said yes, signed the paperwork for the new car that was to be delivered a week later. The car arrived, and while the make and model were the same, the features and options on the car are not. I told the dealership that I'd rather have the car I originally purchased than this newer car with less features. They said that after all the paper work has been signed and submitted they can't do anything and the car I have is now my car. No refunds. Happy to provide additional information. TLDR: Went to buy car, was offered lower mileage version of same car for same price. Car delivered ended up being different, dealership isn't interested.
Friend'a estranged husband has taken all of her money six months the before he filed for divorce.
I'll try to keep this post short and sweet. My friend (F) has found out her husband has a divorce lawyer and is filing for divorce. She told him she wanted a divorce before he left. He left for a city about 150 miles away from her about a week ago. He took their car, their house keys and their young child. He claimed he was going to come back but he has been ignoring her and not telling her about their child. Previous to this, he had asked her to transfer a very large amount of money given to him directly to his personal account (about six months ago). She was not allowed to work so she literally has no money in her account and there is no money in their joint account. My question is, in CA, are there any lawyers that don't immediately require a retainmenf fee? Are there any state funded lawyers for people who have no money to retain a lawyer because their spouse took the money before hand? Where should she start and who/where should she reach out to?
My employer says I have a non-compete, but it seems fishy. What can I do to get a release?
I recently completed an internship for a research company, and have since been working for them as an independent contractor on a per contract basis. The non-compete in question was signed for the internship, and not rehashed (in fact no contracts were rehashed) since I have been working for them as an independent contractor Today I got offered a job at another research firm for an associate medical researcher position and it blows the pay and benefits of my old firm out of the water, the problem is the non-compete I signed explicitly says I may not join any company that was taken as a client of firm one. The offer came from a previous client. The client-cum-job offering company is also in another town (and potentially state if I choose to work in their Iowa office) My job as an intern was mostly taking notes for interviews, and yell it write final reports. I feel as though I haven't learned any trade secrets, and i deffinately don't have access to any "special contact list" that seem to be hot button items in the area legally. I'm in PA and in need of any and all advice! Also willing to answer questions
POA for DMV in NJ. Abbreviations much?
Hello legaleagles. I need your advice please. First of all, I am not a US citizen or resident and am currently not in the US. My sisters husband, a US citizen in NJ, is giving me his old car as a gift. For certain reasons, this needs to be transferred to me before I reach the US. Thus, I want to give a POA to my sister (or a friend if that would be better, legally) to register the title at the DMV in NJ since I'm not there. My questions are: 1. Does the POA need to be notarized and/or registered in a court? 2. If it needs to be registered in court, I guess I can't do anything, or can I? 3. If only notarized, are the online notary services legit and accepted? notarycam.com specifically? I saw notarize.com however they need me to have an SSN which I don't. Any other services out there? 4. Are companies like rocketlegal.com who make online legal documents and e-sign them legit? Any other recommendations? Apologies for so many questions and thanks in advance!
I will receive around $200k by the time I'm 30, mom made me sign a thing saying if I die she gets the money. I don't want her to have it. [20]
To start off with, I'm not going to explain why I don't want my mom to have it. That's a different post for a different day in a different subreddit. Also, I'm not really educated on the matter, but I'll tell you as much as I know. To summarize, when I was being born the doctor nearly killed me and my mom, and left me with a brain injury and some facial nerve damage. My family sued, and won. They decided the money was my money, but I wasn't even allowed to touch it before my 18th birthday and even then I would only receive so much a month until I'm 30 where they'll give me the remaining amount all at once. Before my 18th birthday, I had to do paperwork: personal info, proof that I am who I am, where the money is going to be deposited, etc. I also had to decide where the money was going if I were to die before all the money was distributed. I wanted to split it and give it to my brother and sisters, but mom said "no, you're going to put my name down." Me, being the conditioned and naive teenager I was, did what she said. I don't want her to have it. This money isn't pocket change, it's how I afford college and how I plan to stay out of debt, and I don't want her to have a penny of it. How do I change who gets the money? Where do I go and who do I contact? Thanks. TLDR: I have more money than I know what to do with, right now it's supposed to go to my mom if I die, wouldn't put it past her to kill me for it, how do I make sure she doesn't get it?
Parking lot collision
Hi all, The wife accidentally scraped a parked car in a parking lot (Massachusetts state). She didn’t have any paper to leave a note and went inside the store she was parked at to see if she could find the victim. She looked around for 3-4 mins before coming out to find that the car she hit has left already. Damage to our car was very minor, no dents a little bit of paint scraped off of the front bumper. She says similar damage on the other car as well (no dents). We don’t have the license plate of the other car. What do we do in a case like this? Do we file a police report? Thanks!
Sooooo.... Child support warrent?
So... Obligitory warning, I'm on mobile, so any spelling or formatting issues, please forgive me. So heres the cast... F - Friend FM - Friends Mom FK - Friends Kid G - Friends grandmother So F back in 2013 signed over temporary custody of FK to FM because FK is autistic and has troubles moving around. So while F's husband is in the military FM will have custody of FK. Ever since then FM has been telling F that F has no rights to her daughter and that FM settled child support with the courts and F doesn't have to worry about it, since she has no rights anyway. Well now that we are here in 2019, F just got a letter from CPS stating that she is not fit to be a parent and is being charged with physical neglect and abandonment. There is now a warrant for arrest for unpaid child support, and F's husband is about to be stationed overseas. So this packet from CPS states that F has had no contact whatsoever eith FK for 1 year, 6 years, and 7 years. It's completely inconsistant. F calls FK all the time and has proof of that. F visits on holidays when possible, and always buys FK presents and gives FM extra money when possible. The last time F visited FK was about 8 months ago. But that is nowhere to be meantioned. FM is denying that she did anything and this was all the courts decision without her knowledge, but the goes off on how F is never there for FK and never talks to FK and never does anything for FK. F wants FK back, but F's lawyer is stating it's going to take a miracle. So now the option is to clear the warrent. What's the best way to go about it? Thanks in advanced. I appreciate all the advice we can get.
[CA] Recieved a ticket in Barstow county that has proven to be difficult to pay. Barstow has apparently been neglecting their infrastructure for quite some time...
How long have they been neglecting their infrastructure? 6 fucking years. Google reviews going back 6 years detail exactly what I'm dealing with at the present moment: 1. No notice in the mail. I've waited 2 full months from ticket issuing date. 2. Inability to pay online because their system is unable to retrieve records. 3. Inability to pay by phone because the system does not allow you to. It says bail is set at 0 dollars and that "no further action is required" in my case. 4. Inability to get ahold of clerks for assistance. The line will immediately and unceremoniously hang up on you even if you are somehow able to navigate the automated tree to the "talk to clerk" option. The only line of communication that I've had limited success with has been email. I emailed the court explaining all of the issues outlined above and was told that I owed 237 dollars and that I could **pay via online portal or by calling**. So, obviously, someone didn't even bother reading my email, but at least I got a dollar figure finally. Their system tells me I'm clean yet their clerk tells me that I owe 237 dollars and that I need to pay via systems that are impossible to pay through. I find it completely ridiculous that they expect 237 dollars from me when it's painfully clear that for at least 6 years, they have done nothing to maintain an infrastructure one would expect to encounter in the fucking 21st century. Where's the citation money going? What are my options here? At this point, I'm not even entertaining the idea of sending a check via snail mail. I'm seriously considering bringing all of this info to court with me and showing them just how lacking their systems really are.
Threat to injure person/property
Hey there, I’m posting on behalf of my boyfriend. Last night as he was pulling into our apartment complex, he was stuck behind a guy who would not move his car. After he got going and they both parked, my boyfriend got out and walked by their car to get to the staircase. The two exchanged a few words in passing, no real face to face confrontation. The guy asked if my boyfriend was mad because “his wife was fucking Sancho” and if he wanted to “catch this smoke” (?) At this point my boyfriend was three floors up and almost to our apartment door. He did yell down and tell the guy to not make him come down there. He came in and fed the cats, next thing you know there were three knocks at the door. Four police officers put him in handcuffs and stuck him in the back of the police car. All of the construction guys who were doing work in the parking lot told the officers that absolutely no weapons were seen (we do not own a gun, we don’t have any sort of weapon besides the few knives in our kitchen). The officers still asked if he had a conceal & carry.. as I said, we have no gun. Since the other guy who called the police got his own mother to corroborate the story of my boyfriend “revealing a weapon” he now has an arraignment on June 9th and no one besides the construction men as witnesses, with whom we are not in contact. We can’t afford a lawyer, so any and all advice is appreciated. This situation is scary and neither of us has dealt with anything like it, please help!
Can schools be held liable for lack COVID-19 care? (AZ)
My wife works for a charter school in Arizona that is planning to open their schools this fall with no additional care or protection. I won’t go through all the details now because the situation is fluid, but their leadership has made their intentions clear. The state (so far) has only pushed back the starting date by 11 days. If a teacher or other school staff contract the virus, is it possible to sue? Is it worth discussing with a lawyer? I’m happy to pay for some advice. Thanks!
Boss threatened to fire me because of other person.
Lemme start by saying that I'm 23M in Florida. My boss threatened to fire me was very upset because I called to complain/report the assistant manager for his horrible scheduling job. He makes inconsiderate and rude comments sometimes to employees but I didn't mention that but I called under "discrimination". It was pretty mild but one day he really fucked the scheduling. 3 employees told him that they weren't gonna show up one day and he didn't really do anything about it. We were short staffed and got really busy. Apparently both the boss and assistant manager started to blame the 2 (lower) managers that were there. I got careless with talking about it to some employees and it got to the boss. He's actually defending the assistant manager's horrible work and got very assertive and threatened to fire me because of bad reputation or something. Now I'm a very intelligent and socially adept person so I told him that I did it so the guy would do his job better and such. His intimidation tactics didn't really work on me since I've researched such things before. Can I sue them if they actually fire me? I assume I can. I'd like to hear as much legal advice/information as possible. I'll answer any questions that you may have. Thank you.
Sibling Custody - Tennessee
TLDR; Single engineer, wanting to take custody of my two much younger sisters. Mother appears to be on drugs, and DCS took kids away from her. Father is absent, and uninvolved. Any issues with me taking custody? Currently their aunt has custody, until I return to the US (next week). First, I'm typing on my phone, so apologies in advance for any formatting issues. This is a condensed xpost from r/custody. I am out of the country at the moment for work and received a call yesterday that my two younger sisters, twins age 13, were pulled out of school by the department of child service and being removed from their mother's care for the following: truancy, dependent neglect, drug and alcohol abuse. At this time, my sisters are with my aunt until I am able to return to the US at the end of next week. Upon returning, I hope to take them with me to stay at my home and I will drive them in to school everyday as their school is outside of my district. One important thing to note: my aunt signed all paperwork to take responsibility for them and named me as an alternate care provider. DCS performed a home inspection with her yesterday before turning the girls over to her care. About me: I am a 25 year old engineering consultant for the US Department of Defense. I travel frequently for work because I have the flexibility to do so, but this is not a job requirement. I own a three bedroom home approximately 35 minutes from my siblings current home. I have no children and I am unmarried, but will be married at the end of September. My sisters and I share the same father, but not the same mother. Siblings living situation: My sisters, their mom, and usually at least one other person have been living in a one bedroom RV. It's kept clean, but reeks of cigarette smoke. It does have electricity, but is unclear to me if they have running water. I believe one of my sisters sleeps on the floor and the other sleeps on the couch. They seem, to me with an untrained eye, to be malnourished and very thin... but I was also very thin at their age. When I pick them up for a weekend visit the first thing they always ask is if we can go get something to eat, so that lends to my feelings on the matter. I'm not sure how often they shower, but they live about a mile from my grandfather's house and they go there to do laundry, so I assume they shower there as well. Their Mother: I have known their mother since I was 9-10 years old and she is maybe 6 or 7 years older than me. I can't remember her ever having a job before my sisters were born, but she was very young when she got pregnant. After my sisters were born, it made sense for her to stay at home with them as her earning power was very low. When my sisters were 2, she had a wreck with them in the car that I don't think she really ever got past emotionally. As far as I can recall, she only drove a few times after the incident and has not had a car in many years. She has had jobs but they are few and far between. She would get friends to drive her to work, but would call out often. I don't think she's always been on drugs, but there has been a noticeable change in her appearance and demeanor over the past 3-4 years. She's gotten very thin, her teeth seem to be rotting, and she's shaky and full of nervous energy sometimes when I see her. Our Dad: Overgrown man-child who also lives in an RV but it is an absolute disgusting wreck. He only sleeps in there. Maybe electricity? Not sure though. He has a full time job and appears to spend his money on booze and hanging out with his friends as he has no rent, car payment, etc... the only recurring bills he has are car insurance and child support. He's pretty absent from their lives and pops in when he feels like it. Sister #1: she has a learning disability and takes one pill in the AM and a different one at night before bed. I don't know exactly what the pills do but sometimes she is an absolute zombie. She is the one who has been truant as she has trouble waking up for school. Her mom doesn't wake up and make her get ready. Because their mom doesn't drive, if Sister #1 misses the bus, she simply doesn't go to school. Sister #2: very sharp, perceptive, and appears to be the primary care giver to Sister #1 and their mom. Path forward: I am planning to call DCS representatives Monday and let them know when I will be back in town and that my intent is to take care of the girls until the hearing in May. I will have my home inspected and sign any paperwork required. Sometime in the next week there will be a family meeting with DCS, but I can't make it back in time. All the flights out are booked as I am in a remote location. I don't really know what will happen in this meeting, but my aunt will be there and she is supportive of my sisters staying with me. A hearing is scheduled for the end of May, but I don't really know what happens at that hearing. The questions: can anyone give me a play by play of what is going to be happening leading up to the hearing in May? I don't know what to expect at all. What will my sisters' mom have to do to get them back? How can I encourage the State to take adequate time to show she has made a change that will stick and not just go back to her old ways? Is there any chance I could get permanent custody or guardianship of my sisters? Are there things I should be planning or doing that I haven't thought of yet? Thank you in advance.
(NV) I recently moved out of state, didn't get final paycheck
I moved from NV to WA. I provided my company with a months notice that I was leaving, and my final day was on March 3rd. I was called on March 19th by the front desk/HR assistant and told my final paycheck was being mailed to me that day, and I did not receive it. I called them today, and was told today that they would expedite a new paycheck, and it would be arriving tomorrow and I confirmed my new address, but I mentioned the penalty pay from some googling and the HR assistant hung up on me. I was called a few minutes later by the HR lead, and she asked me what's been going on. I explained to her that I hadn't gotten my final paycheck, and she informed me that she was told it was sent out on the 13th, instead of the 19th that I was told. I have my phone records of being called on the 19th, and no record of any phonecalls before that time, and it was on public record that I was officially moving on the 16th of March. It's been 22 days since my final day of work, and how do I go about claiming and calculating the penalty pay? I was a full-time hourly employees making $11/hr, 40hrs/wk.
[FL] Is it legal for an HOA to disable *convenient* gate access for month-to-month tenants?
We have one of those lovely HOAs that is predominantly-run by retired folk, and they generally treat renters like second-class citizens. We also have a front gate (usually unmanned) that uses a barcode reader to scan barcodes on vehicles. This is for owners and for tenants with an active lease. The HOA does not like month-to-month renters, and so the only way for those individuals to get to their houses (that they pay to have and to hold) is via the guest access. This involves typing in a tenant-specific code that \*calls\* the tenant, and then they have to press 9 to open the gate. Usually there is a line for this while the barcode elite breeze through the gate. I'm all for being under a lease, there's a clause in there about being able to break it more or less at any time without penalty, so it's really just there for the HOA's appeasement. The problem is, the property manager does not seem to want to give me a new lease. I have written communicae stating the owner has agreed to lease renewal, and that he will have the lease to me "right away". I have been bugging him about the lease for months now. He's never in the office when I drop the rent check off each month, though he makes sure to cash them right away. Frankly I am not exactly against being able to leave at will with only 30 days' notice, however having to buzz myself in every day is quickly becoming tiresome. I could complain to the property manager's boss, but I would like to maintain a good relationship with the property manager, especially considering I am not currently under a lease and very vulnerable to eviction (well, "eviction"). Is it legal for the HOA to \*discriminate\* between renters and owners in this way? I know it is illegal to deny access to tenants, but we do have that call box option. I also know that discrimination is illegal, however that seems to be more about denying housing altogether, rather than making a certain group of people enter the community in a less-convenient way. I have spoken to the on-site HOA manager (which changes somewhat often) and they give me the same speech each time, that barcode access is only for those under a lease. Clearly it's being used as an incentive device for renters and serves no other purpose.
My Friend (P) what’s to know if what happened was legal or not and which law this breaks if it is illegal?
My friend P noticed that K (our coworker) was flirting with our supervisor and he reciprocated the flirting and it ended in favoritism. P then reported it to her manager because she felt that it wasn’t appropriate in a work environment. We thought the situation had been handled until K found out that P reported her. In revenge, K gathered a group of other coworkers and had them report P for making them “uncomfortable” and that ended up in P getting fired. This takes place in Minnesota.
US California - Would it be legal to create a website that receives funds from various users then redistributes those funds among those users in accordance with some specific agreed upon rules?
so basically my question is regarding California law. would it be legal to do as described above? basically a video game tournament website that charges for entry, then redistributes the funds received among the competitors and the website would keep a small percentage of the total funds. the funds will be distributed depending on their success in game. its not random its a game of skill, and it will be done through paypal. they will pay the websites paypal, then the website will pay their individual paypals after
Can I make youtube videos reading SCP Foundations content
I would like to start a channel reading the SCP Foundation content but I'm not sure it would be legal due to copyright issues and such. I'm currently living in Portugal.
I don’t want my son to see his grandma
I live in Texas and my husbands mom (my son’s grandma) wants to see my son. He is 3 months old and we have been feuding since before we he was born. I don’t want her to to be in contact of my son because for one she is an alcoholic. She has been one for the last 18 years and has a history of drugs. She almost even overdosed 5 months ago. It’s in hospital and police records since my husband had to call ambulance for her. She still has 3 younger kids and continues to drink in front of them and drives drunk with them. Last thing, she doesn’t respect my wishes with my son. I don’t feel comfortable that my son would be safe when she is around. Now she wants to get an attorney to see him. What can I do to prevent her getting rights to see him? Or is even possible for her to get rights to see him? Thank u for ur help.
Jail time
So I was wondering how long someone would have to spend in jail for a warrant where they missed court for a traffic ticket? He’s a felon, idk if that contributes or not. I don’t know if they got him on any other charges yet, I won’t know until they get him booked into the system and I see what all they have listed.
[Las Vegas, NV] How many days in advance must I provide written notice to not renew lease and be considered absolved of responsibility?
Lease states one thing (60 days) but Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) implies 30 days is sufficient. NRS 40.251: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/NRS-040.html#NRS040Sec251 ..."Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, for all other periodic tenancies, at least 30 days; or"... Although the context of the above statute is a little different--hence my asking. Thank you in advance
Who would get our kids if something happened to us?
I’m sure covid has been freaking a lot of people out. It certainly has for us. Which brings me to this question. If something happened to my wife and I, who would most likely get our kids and why? She has two sisters (one with one child, one with two) and two living parents. I have two brothers, both with no kids. And two living parents. Who would make the ultimate decision on this? What would be the factors? Thanks.
Covid-19 pay question
I am an essential worker for a third party logistics company who is employed by Nissan. I am a salaried employee who is required to clock in, and is paid weekly. I was exposed to a coworker who tested positive for Covid-19, so I went and got tested just in case. I missed one day of work while waiting on my test (came back negative) and I got my paycheck today and it was a day short. Under the new FFCRA, I believe I should’ve been paid for that day because I was advised to quarantine until I received my results. My employer said the only way I would be paid is if I used one of my PTO days, because we don’t have “sick” days. Am I mistaken thinking that I should’ve be granted 1 paid sick day? We are a publicly traded company if that helps.
Is it illegal anywhere in the US to film someone without their consent if it's a public area?
I was under the impression that this was legal everywhere in the US, but I see videos all of the time where someone is complaining that the person filming is doing so without their consent. The person then threatens to call the cops or something to get them to stop them filming. I know there was a lot of misinformation about these laws, but I thought it was concluded that if it was a public place you could basically record whatever the heck you want without needing consent. I know this is legal where I live, I'm mainly concerned if there's any state in the US that this is illegal in case I run into any of these people while filming or taking pictures of something.
Could I call CPS for a stranger?
I met someone on discord recently and she opened up to me about how her dad was beating her and you could see the bruises. She says that calling someone won’t do shit and that she just wants to wait until she’s 18 and then she’ll move out. Is it within the realm of possibility to call CPS on her dad based on discord dms alone even if she lives on the opposite side of the country? Also sorry I’m not exactly sure which flair this would fall under out of the ones here.
[TX] Child custody advice - friend in school, combative ex
Hey everyone! One of my girlfriends came to me for advice and I'm quite a bit out of my depth here. Hoping all you beautiful, brilliant folks of r/legaladvice can help. My friend had a child with a guy she was with for around 4 years. They didn't end up working out, but the relationship between them remained largely civil for years. There has never been any sort of written agreement regarding custody, support, etc. (formal or informal). She moved out from living with him to get her life together and is currently doing very well in nursing school. She graduated in a few months. Unfortunately, she has only really had the chance to see her kid on weekends, and the father works full time as well. To avoid either of them paying hefty daycare expenses, his mom and sister have mostly been caring for the child during the day. Recently, baby daddy has a new girlfriend in the picture... which of course changes everything because new girlfriend feels threatened. Friend obviously wants to do what a best for her child here but things are getting a little dicey. The father is now being extremely combative/aggressive and is even threatening her with trying to force her to sign over full custody. On top of that, he's refusing to allow her on the property at all to pick up the rest of her belongings, or even their kid - forcing her to do everything on his terms. His parents own the house he lives in, and she has a pretty decent relationship with them. Obviously not the greatest situation, and some things probably should/could have been handled differently from her end. Given that there's no changing the past, what are her best steps moving forward? Main goal is obviously not losing her kid; secondary would be getting her stuff back. I've encouraged her to look into getting a lawyer ASAP, reach out to the parents, and maybe even try and get some sort of finite agreement on paper. It sounds like good advice to me, but I'm hones not sure. Any thoughts would be sincerely appreciated.
How do I get my BD out of the house in North Carolina?
Need some help please. I've been with this man for 12 years and we share 2 kids. We've lived together in the same house for right at 5 years after moving back to NC. We are not married and the house is 100% in my name, however there is one household bill in his name. I know from experience when I ask him to leave he is not going to go quietly or try to 'be adult' about things. I have documented the times he's told me he will kill me if I "try to take his boys" i.e., break up with him. Am I looking at an eviction process to get him out? If so, what would I say is the reason for the eviction? Any advice is appreciated!
Consequences to contract being failed/terminated
Disclaimer: This does not concern me directly but a family member yet I'll speak as if it was me. I live in Eastern Europe and decided to enrol as an animator for the upcoming summer in a children's camp located in New Jersey. I was a little bit too fast to sign a contract with them with an already specified salary yet it was not specified for what period of time that salary is, whether it is weekly, monthly, etc. Just after sending back the signed document, I realised I had never asked about it. Turns out it's for the entire duration of 10 weeks which I'll be there which makes the amount of money I would be paid ridiculous and not satisfactory. I read their policy which states the payments made (I've already paid everything in full) after signing a contract become non-refundable which is okay-ish but the main issue here is that it also says upon the contract being terminated, or failed, before I've even gone there, I could be fined, or issued a debt, 500£. What does that debt mean to me and how do they collect it? What happens if I do not pay, or return, it? Can I get out of this mess without actually making that huge of a mess?
Car accident turning aggressive.
A few months ago I accidentally reversed into the back of a parked car (the car was parked over a driveway which wasn't theirs but I am still at fault being in control of the moving vehicle). I exchanged details with the owner of the car, and they hinted that it would be beneficial to not go through insurance. I found a garage to fix their car, which they owner went to and got a quote. Some time passed and they chased me up asking why I hadn't found a repair place. I reminded them of the prior arrangements and they said they would rather take a cash settlement. I called up the garage and they gave me the quote which I sent across to the owner. Another chunk of time passed without hearing from them. And they finally gave me their bank details. However in their email with their bank details they added a annulment stating what this payment was for and that not further payment is needed. I found a slight problem with this, the car and number plate they stated was not of the car I was driving. My reply questioned why it was of a different car, and I am questioning if it would be right to pay direct. Since then the owner has been sending threatening emails stating he is going to 'expose' me over social media. (Is this slander?) I was hoping to get some advise on what to do next. I am finding the owner to be getting quite intimidating.
Labor Board or lawyer NH U.S (small update)
The summery of the story was I am being unfairly treated at work by some of the bosses and co-workers. Since then I have talked with the general manager who approved my hours being cut weeks ago, I was told by her my hours were cut because "I am extremely rude to everyone, my 6 hour shifts aren't open enough and I don't take on extra shifts when asked" Now, I'm only really rude to 2 people, the 6 hour shifts is what I can physically stand before pain starts to set in to an extreme which I'm waiting on a pain from a pain management peraon. (This is possible related to a herina repair I had which yes is fixed but pain continues) as for the extra shifts in the last 5 weeks I've taken almost 6 extra shifts, she only counted 1 of them because she asked me to come in that day. My hours are now 3 hours a week instead of 6 hours a day 5 days a week. I'm planning on sending an e-mail to the regional manager who I have talked to before and gotten things done but... What else should I do? Btw I do have ADD and aspergers which was disclosed in my first or 2nd interview last year and I believe the reason why I am punished so hard may be related to that. A co worker who knows I have an allergy to pickles hid 9 pickes on my sandwich and soaked the buns in juice, have not heard anything if he has been in trouble or not hut he was chewed out by 2 people.
Out of State Traffic Convictions
Recently, my father was pulled over in the state of Virginia for a moving violation. However, he has a New York license and we live in New York. Assuming conviction, what penalties does he face for being convicted out of state?
Me [29 M] and my girlfriend [26 F] want to move in together and would like legal advice please.
My girlfriend and I are planning on moving in together (Colorado) in 6 months. We have been discussing this for some time now but we are both concerned with being able to trust one another enough to sign an apartment lease together. To clarify what I mean by this, her and I have been discussing visiting a lawyer to advise us on a legal agreement that would ensure financial security for the both of us through out the duration of the lease. In other words, we both want to do this without the fear of getting stuck with an enormous rent payment (should the other have a change of heart). Although, we both trust each other-we've agreed that it would put us both at ease to take this as a kind of mutual precaution. We both have outstanding credit history when it comes to renting and taking care of other financial obligations which is why we want to make sure nothing will go wrong. We have not made the visit to a lawyer yet, however we would just like advice on legal measures that we can take in making this move. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.
[CA] HOA towed my car — was it justified?
A guest parking spot requires a call to the number listed on the sign to register your car into the system for 24 hours. The phone number on the sign is invalid. HOA called a company and towed my car in less than 4 hours from parking for "failing to call and register vehicle". I will now be paying $300 and will be getting it back momentarily. Do I have to stay with the costs afterwards?
12 YO Fabrications part 2
hi, its me again. I'm(22F US) moving away finally from this household. i made a post in here last about my sister(14F) going through some tough times acting out her rage against the system, that's ultimately failing her. at the time, she was, still is, a truant, and now has a parole officer at just 14, and is on the verge of being taken away because she's skipped school for years now. ill try to keep this simple, but really its gotten more complex since last time. nothing ended up happening with cps. the only thing that's changed is that the school has assigned her to family counseling and a case worker shows up randomly to check on the house. they never take interest in me, except the one time they noticed i had pet rats, and politely asked if they could meet them all. **my question now is, if she continues to refuse to cooperate, how long until they take her away?** she has court dates and hearings and i guess they keep pushing it back simply because she needs to be there and she never gets out of bed anymore. i don't have any faith in my sister whatsoever, simply because my adopted family has failed her, and failed to get her the mental help she needs. she has no personal therapist or psych, and absolutely has some sort of disorder that requires more than just consolation. its unfortunate that this is not something i can help with except be supportive, and i have been. we get along like best friends now, and regularly talk, and validate each others feelings about our family. i know her being taken away will be her best option, because our father has spending issues and refuses to spend any kind of money on her. like. shell ask for clothes, and hell say he has no money or cant afford it right now, but will come home the next day with a $400 packman machine, or buy a brand new motorcycle. hes kind of always been this way, except he used to actually be poor with us and not afford anything. he wont get her medication, or flat out disagrees with her doctors every single time. hes been pretty abusive to my sister during counseling too, invalidating her feelings whenever she talks about how hes done her wrong (and i think what shes talking about lately was in reason. ie: not getting her clothes that fit, not buying her pads or SOAP of all things when she needs it) the cherry on top about our father is him recently becoming more openly racist/homophobic towards us. were white as bone but he still calls us racial slurs, among other slurs because were queer. **can i use any recordings of this abuse to help my sister? or is emotional abuse not enough for them to step in further?**
Can an employee "advertise" for their company without pay?
I wasn't sure how better to word that title but hear me out before you jump to the easy answer of "all work requires pay" because that's what I told her but she doesn't think it's that simple. ​ I have a friend who works as a princess for a party entertainment company. She doesn't use reddit and good old google wasn't answering her question for her (and her employer was unsure, she's a small business owner and only been in business 3 years). My friend wants to know if she can do the following: Can she dress up in her princess outfit and basically 'advertise' herself for her employer without pay at a public location (for example like at a public park)? She doesn't want to hold a large sign or pass out flyers to everyone. She wants to basically let children see her out and about and approach her themselves with their parents. If the parents inquire about whether or not she does parties she would gladly hand them a business card. ​ She got the idea from watching a musician play by a popular statue in our city. Some people just watched and listened, others tipped him in his bucket, but someone else approached him and asked if he was available for hire for a small event. She's thinking she could essentially do the same but instead of playing music she would wave and smile, pose for pictures, answer silly questions from kids, and if someone happens to want to hire her she'll hand them a card. She doesn't want to get her employer in trouble and they're not asking her to do this but she wants more work and figures this is a great way to get her princess character out in the minds of people on the occasional day off. ​ So LA, would her employer be responsible for paying her for trying this (with their permission of course) or is it a good idea to get her character out there off the clock? ​ ​ Extra: and before someone asks, of course my friend is not dumb enough to announce herself as the official disney name of the princess she "mimics" and yes the dress is designed differently from the official disney brand. This is not a question at all about copyright or IP laws.
Am I within my right to cancel providing a service to a client if they have not paid and they have become unreasonable to work with?
I have developed custom software (a website I host on my own server) for a clients business who was a friend. There is no written contract and I agreed verbally to be paid after delivery of the software. Now the software has been in use by the business for a few months now free of charge and the client heavily relies on it to manage client info/orders. After I issued an invoice the client became increasingly unreasonable with his demands and won’t pay unless I sign a contract he wrote with outlandish terms. I don’t care about being paid at this point, I just want to have nothing more to do with this person. However, I understand I would be damaging his business if I were to shut it off without notice. Am I obliged to give several days notice or is there anything else I should look out for? Thanks everyone
Question if Self Defense
I was attempting to leave a residence that I was cohabitating in. This person kicked me in the back and harassed with name calling, pulling my hair, grabbing my bag I packed to leave with. They stood over me and yelled at me. As I attempted to leave the residence as told, they jumped in front of me and told me not to leave, and threatened physical force. Ignoring this, I attempted to move past the individual, only to meet their fists and hands, only to have my long hair grabbed a hold of on the top of my head. I attempted to pull their hands off my head, but they had a firm grip. This person was swinging me around a small hallway area and eventually either 1) fell down accidentally or 2) intentionally pulled us to the ground. The person hit a chair on the way down. To free myself from the clutches of this person, I kneed them in the chest 2 or 3 times to get them to let go of me. Unfortunately, this resulted in the person having a collapsed lung. The person is alive, and I ended up charged with a felony. There is a history of abuse from this person, and I have substantial evidence to support my defense that I am not the primary aggressor. How well would a defense claim hold up in court? Thank you in advance for your advice. Please ask for more information and I will inform as much as I'm comfortable with and legally should.
Trying to cancel a contract
Hello once again reddit, So I very dumbly and desperately signed a contract with Terminix last week (10/02) without reading everything. A rat problem had sprung up recently in my house and I am desperate to get rid of them as they are picking and chewing through walls and floors and I can't get a wink of sleep because of it. They had come out on 10/02 and given an estimate and I had dumbly signed it without thinking about it (I was on like a few hours of sleep in a few days because of the rats). I started freaking out over the weekend how much it would end up costing me and wanted out. They attached a cancellation notice at the end of the PDF that was sent of the contract and it stated that I could cancel by midnight of the 3rd business day if I either; signed the notice and put it in the mail by the time they pick up, took the signed paper in by person, or sent a telegram. I chose the telegram way on 10/05 because I had just read it then and it was after mail the mail had run, and I thought that they had regular business hours(they don't they are 24/7 I now know). Well I had chosen [Sendtelegram.com](https://Sendtelegram.com) and I believe I might have been scammed by them. I should have looked harder, but I was panicking. The reasons I think I might have been scammed is that [Sendtelegram.com](https://Sendtelegram.com) had said same day delivery or one-day if past noon, I checked for several days afterwards and the 'status' only said "Forwarded to local network", I had called sometime on 10/06 to check on the status and I got an answering company instead, and they finally replied yesterday(10/08) to my email I had sent(on 10/06) about my telegram status and they said it was confirmed and that the status was now updated. I checked and there it said 'delivered' on 10/06 at 1:11 est. Points so far: -The contract is in my mother's name, but I am the one who signed the contract(her daughter). \-I sent a telegram by midnight of the 3rd business day, but I don't know if it was received by terminix. Do I have any standing to cancel the contract if I have the receipt of where I sent the telegram and [Sendtelegram.com](https://Sendtelegram.com)'s "confirmation" or am I completely screwed?
[WA] Raising money for charity is not a charitable purpose?
I run a small charity project in my spare time. It's nothing crazy but I've raised about $10k over the last couple of years. I'm looking to incorporate and expand it into something more serious but I'm hitting a snag with that and I'd really appreciate some advice. The gist of it is, I run an event during which people pledge to donate to other charities. When the event is over, I send everyone info about what they owe to each organization and direct them to the charities directly to make their pledge. I never touch any of the money myself, which is why I haven't worried about incorporating or 501c3 status yet. But in order to actually raise some funds and make this thing self-sufficient that has to change. I talked to a lawyer recently and he said that in his opinion my organization doesn't have a charitable purpose that would be exempt under 501c3. My organization is just raising money for other charities rather than doing something "directly" and that this wouldn't qualify. Initially I was surprised by this, but the more I read the guidelines I guess I tend to agree. So I'm wondering what I should do here and I'd love some second opinions. Is this interpretation correct? He suggested I come up with some other charitable purpose and then run my fundraisers "on the side" (even though that's actually the main thing I care about and would focus my efforts on). Is that even legal? Maybe I shouldn't even worry about 501c3 status at all for this project?
Personal liability of being an officer of a 501c4 non profit
Recently I’ve been asked if I would be interested in being the treasurer of my local fire department. Although I am capable and interested in volunteering for this task, I’m concerned as to ho w much, if any, personal liability I would have as an officer of essentially a medical emergency company. If something were to go wrong on an emergency call and someone sued the department for an amount beyond their insurance/ assets? Or how does any of this work?
Rape case
So I posted about an ex friend who my boyfriend was friends with since middle school (he's in college now) who had raped me and date raped my best friend. I'll leave the link here for the full story https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/a5wk8g/friend_betrayed_me_and_my_boyfriend/?utm_source=reddit-android This happened in Alabama So my question is... how do I go about getting him to court and helping to make sure he never does this to anyone again? Unfortunately I don't have any physical proof and neither does my friend. With my past I've always pushed down every abuse thrown my way but I'm reaching my limit. I can't handle it anymore, I refuse to sit idly by while this freak is walking around with no consequences. My mind can't handle it anymore, every few months I think about it again and I get stuck in a loop of pain, anger and confusion. I plan on going to counseling to help diagnose that I am in emotional distress about this situation. I also know I'll be ask why I took so long to report the incident and honestly I pushed it down and I knew I didn't have any proof so i figured, what's the point? Is there a way to convict him of the crimes he's committed even though we don't have any solid proof? Thank you
Got a traffick ticket in Georgia while on millitary leave
Hey guys, I need some advice. I got a passing In a no passing zone violation (yes I know I'm an idiot) the officer told me I could pay online but, now the payment site says it's a mandatory court date. Stationed on the other side of the country and I'm not authorized to travel unless it's a emergency beacuse of the pandemic. I'm pretty stressed beacuse the date in in feb
Can my insurance provider force me to use their HSA manager?
I have an HSA account that is already established and growing. It's a cheaper account than Payflex would be and it's already setup. When I called the INS company and asked if I can move it they told me know that I'm required to use Payflex. It seems shady that many of the big INS companies force their people to Payflex. Is there any way out if it?
Non-Compete Clause Help: Media Company (NYC)
Looking for some advice regarding a non-compete that I signed a while ago. This is the clause from the contract: AGREEMENT NOT TO COMPETE. While employed by BLANK, to the fullest extent permitted by law, for ninety (90) days following termination of employment (including resignation), You shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in or participate as an owner, partner, member, stockholder, officer, employee, freelancer, director, agent of or consultant for any business located or doing business within the New York, Los Angeles or Chicago Designated Market Areas (as defined by Nielsen) that is competitive with any business of BLANK (a “Competitor”). When I signed I asked for clarification on "Competitor" and was told, "A Competitor would be another media company." I work in graphic design and am beginning to look for work elsewhere am trying to figure out what this limits me to. I was under the assumption that "Media Company" means a company which creates its own content for distribution - which is what the large company I work for does. I am planning on finding my next job at an Advertising Agency/Design House that does strictly commercial work for clients, would this be considered a "Media Company"? Also, I have been told by a few people that this is really just a scare tactic by my employer to deter me from leaving since the duration is only 3 months (and I have a relatively low salary). Any advice or insight would be awesome. And yes I know I should have sought legal advice before signing it - live and learn I suppose.
I work at a California escape room that reopened today. The governor just announced that all indoor business must again close in my county, but my boss says we don't qualify as a "family entertainment center."
Basically we have reopened today at the same time time the governor has ordered all indoor activities to cease once again in several counties including mine. That includes indoor dining and "family entertainment centers" that I feel like applies to us, but my boss insists it doesn't and we will continue operations. For those who aren't familiar with escape rooms, they are an indoor puzzle solving activity where a group (up to 7 people in our case) are in a room or series of rooms for up to one hour. We also have 4 different games, so up to 28 people could potentially all be in the building at once on a busy day. We are of course requiring everyone to wear masks while in the building and disinfecting each room in between groups. What do you guys think? Do escape rooms qualify as family entertainment centers under the new California order? Should I take some kind of action or continue working?
An apartment I signed a lease for wasn't furnished/cleaned by the move in date
So I signed a lease for an apartment and agreed to move in today, the 30th. ​ I was told by the property manager that the unit was going to be fully furnished, cleaned, and ready for move in for this date. (The landlord hired some handymen to do the job). ​ When I got to the unit, at about 8 AM, the handymen were there working; they apparently procrastinated and they still had not installed the toilet, bathroom sink, outlets, all of the appliances (fridge, oven, dishwasher), counter tops, and they still needed to professionally clean the unit. ​ Since I already had my moving truck and all of my stuff and nowhere else to go, I was able to at least move my stuff into the living room. ​ They told me they would be completely done by the end of the night and as of 11:30 PM, I only have a functional toilet and shower. No bathroom sink, no kitchen sink, no appliances. Obviously not cleaned. They said they would finish the rest "asap". ​ Since I have no where else to go, I have to sleep here tonight. ​ What are my rights? I know I can probably my get my rent prorated which comes out to $25 a day but to be honest, that doesn't even slightly make up for it. I'm absolutely furious. Apparently they had over a month to get the apartment ready and they waited until the last minute to get started. ​ I also realize that I'm going to have to do some of the cleaning myself — The area that I moved my boxes and furniture into, the living room, was dirty and full of dust. ​ What are my options in this situation? ​ ​
Accidental injury of kids (Michigan)
I work in a preschool and today I caused minor injury to two kids by accident. I was kneeling down on the floor, coloring a picture with the kids and this one kid trips over my leg and falls face flat. The other time, I was putting blocks away and I accidentally hit this girl on the head with the block because I didn't see where she was. I feel so bad but is this a big deal? And could I be sued for it?
Question about "legal" scamming
Lets say somebody sold an item on ebay that said "Alienware computer A-88JFH Guide" and in the description it says "This is a guide on how to buy the item below MSRP" and somebody bought it for the same price as the computer even though you stated that it is a guide and that you do no refunds. Would it be illegal? Aren't you advertising what you are selling?
Need help on exhaust laws & traveling.
Hello, people of r/legaladvice. I'm making a road trip from North Carolina to Ohio in the next couple of days. The car we are traveling in is equipped with a custom exhaust—of which includes straight-through mufflers. The car in question is registered in North Carolina. Laws here basically state that your car just needs a muffler (no excessive noise, which is vague and is why nobody here gets pulled over for exhausts). Heck, some people here drive with absolutely no mufflers because it's North Carolina and no one cares. However, states like Virginia and Ohio have different laws. In Virginia, loud mufflers are deemed illegal (chambered, gutted, cutout, or straight exhaust). In Ohio, decibel limits are in place and any violations are classified as minor misdemeanors (ouch). Since my car is registered in North Carolina, do any of these state laws affect me (besides of course NC's laws)? Really need to know. Thanks.
Is there anything that I can do to defend my mom who's being mistreated at work?
My mom has worked for a non profit for over 20 years now. It's an association in NC. Last year the president of the association retired. My mom chose not to throw her hat in the ring for his job although she received support to do so. Since the new president has come in she's ran more than half of the existing staff out of their job or fired them. As a result my mom has taken on the equivalent of 2 previous roles plus her prior responsibilities. Business downsize, whatever. That would be fine except the new lady treats my mom like absolute shit. She's outright mean, blames my mom for fallout of decisions she made, has told other employees not to interact with or to be cruel to my mom. I'll spare the specifics because alone I don't think that any isolated examples are illegal in their own right. I know how this sounds and the first thing I wonder is maybe my mom did something, possibly unknowingly to earn this woman's ire. But after a year of hearing my mom talked about how her work life has been turned upside down my suspicion is this: the new boss sees my mom as a "privileged white woman" who's aging out of her position and for that reason she's being singled out and mistreated. I believe she's being discriminated against on the basis of both race and age despite being well qualified and having 20 plus years of success and a glowing reputation in the eyes of the members and board of the association. I can speak to her reputation in the field as I work in the same industry and there's plenty of crossover with people we interact with. My mom doesn't seem to want to defend herself she thinks that it will make her work life worse. She's slowly accepting the reality that she needs to find a new job because the place she loved to work at is not returning to how it was. Maybe that's all she can do? My question is if there is anything I can do to defend her? I could write a letter to the board but I don't think anything would come of it. If we were to claim that she's being racially discriminated against what kind of evidence would be needed and how hard is it to prove? I want to help my mom but have no idea how and I've hit a breaking point with how she's being treated. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
Landlord won't enforce lease - New York State
Hello all. I'll try to keep this to the point. I'm a college student and have been renting a private room in a house for almost 2 years now, but a couple months ago they switched over to a new property management and it's been awful since then. New tenants have moved in, they're a nightmare, and the landlord nor property management will do anything about it. Parties until 5am on weekdays with 10-15 people over, property damage, leaving piles of garbage in the common areas for weeks, breaking appliances like the toilet and never even requesting maintenance. I've written about 3 emails to both the landlord and property management where they gave me the same runaround of "we'll talk to them", but nothing has been done. I've personally spoken to the tenants and they were childish and basically laughed in my face. I would also bet money that they're not even enrolled in college, despite the fact that this is supposed to be "student housing". The property manager even sent the whole house a text about receiving multiple fines due to garbage violations (we have to put them in city bags) and said that every tenant would be getting the fines taken out their security deposit even though I have been vocal about certain tenants not following the garbage laws since the beginning. Anyways, what are my rights here? I wish it was as simple as finding another place to live, but the rent is cheap, location is perfect, and I have a cat so it would be hard to find a place as good as this one. I don't have any parents/family or anything to rely on and I work minimum wage so I'm pretty afraid of having legal action backfire on me and ending up homeless. Thanks.
My father is being doxxed and blackmailed
So this has been happening for awhile, first beginning with texts being sent to contacts on my dads phone, of explicit pictures of these women hes talking to, from now emails, debit card theft, they have his google accts, his SSN, and have been applied to 30 or so credit card applications over months, all have been rejected But its ruining his life and I dont know how to help him. Is there someone we can call to trace this person? We might know who it is but we want to be sure.
Breaking a lease due to second-hand smoke
Hello I have a question about breaking a lease due to second hand smoke. I live in what is technically a "non-smoking" apartment building. Smoking is allowed on the property outside. I constantly find people smoking right outside the building with the front door open, and i suspect others are smoking inside their units as well because I smell it inside my apartment and now my clothes and bed-sheets are starting to smell of cigarettes. I am not a smoker at all. I am asthmatic and its starting to bother me a bit and my clothes are starting to reek bringing the smell with my all day. Do i have any legal justification to break my lease and leave? I will admit I havnt asked any of them to stop or brought it up to my landlord yet but none of them strike me as the kind to stop smoking inside in the middle of winter just because i asked. I tried running air purifiers but it only has done so much. Thanks