Unnamed: 0
11 values
Thoughts on the EDP445 situation
The more and more I think about EDP, the more and more stupidity I see. The people doing the sting operation weren't law enforcement and they didn't take anything to law enforcement until after the fact, And then on top of that since they didn't use an actual minor could any of the evidence they had even be used in a court of law? Would there be a defense for it? No cops or authorities were alerted, he had no legal obligation to answer anything, he could've drove away without saying a word, and since he didn't actually text any minors, and they couldn't prove that he actually texted any minors outside of a confession there would've been a hard case to convict him, if there would've been a case at all. (Correct me if I'm wrong) He just willingly confessed to sexting 6 minors on tape, and told on himself basically. Up until that point (and even past that point) would he have a leg to stand on in court? I asked this in my discord and someone who knows more than me suggested the following: "So again it comes down to the specific statutes. But there's 2 kinds of errors or law in this type of case. 1) I slept with a girl I thought was underage but she wasn't. >You thought you were committing a crime but weren't, so you almost certainly can't be prosecuted. And 2) I thought she was of age, but she wasn't. >you're going to jail. If he thought she was underage but she wasn’t he didn’t commit a crime at the end of the day if you think you’re stealing a free candy, you’re not actually stealing" Someone else replied "But there may be laws about propositioning minors that apply here that make it ok for a sting to be admissible without a real child." I can see both points but I wanna ask people with actual legal expertise if they think he could've gotten out of getting charged in a court of law and only walked away with a tarnished reputation, or if he was screwed from the start? (I am not affiliated with EDP445 I have no connection to him and I am not seeking legal advice for my own use I'm simply intrigued at the story since I used to be a fan of his until the incident)
[RANT] Some rear ended my car, but I have to pay for it. What's the point of the legal system.
Someone rear ended me when I wasn't even moving. They won't communicate with me anymore. There situation was logged by police as proof but it turns out,, they likely don't have insurance and no attorneys will take up the case. Thankfully I have insurance and get to pay only $1000 to fix damage I'm NOT responsible for. I'm so mad right now. This legal system is absolutely useless.
Landlord recently began living in an RV on our rental property US, CA
My landlord has a airstream trailer in the backyard of our rental. When we moved in, he told us he on occasion used it if he didn't want to commute home. He specifically said maybe once a month. At the time, this didn't seem worrisome especially since a fence separated the trailer from our backyard. In the recent few months, he has been living out of the trailer. This was never part of an agreement or in our lease. He just started sleeping in the trailer every night. And in the last month, he tore down the fence blocking the trailer from our yard (as part of a large construction project he is doing). So now, we effectively have our landlord living in a RV in our backyard. It's gotten to the point where we feel very uncomfortable using our backyard and we keep all of our blinds closed. Also, to clarify, this isn't a cheap rent. We pay nearly $3,000 per month for the home. So my question, is he legally allowed to be living in a RV on the property? It seems like an invasion of our privacy and that there must be something that legally prevents landlords from crashing on the property.
Unemployment denied after being approved a year ago by same employer.
Early April I received a letter saying my benefit year was ending and I need to reapply. I quit my job last February and gave a month notice. I was a preschool Teacher and I was out with the flu in January and while I was out the substitute decided she was going to lay her hands on a child by picking them up and throwing her down. When I returned to work naturally the kids tell me everything and they ran to me telling me what the substitute teacher did. When the parent of the little girl came in he was pissed. He wanted to know why his Daughter was crying all weekend because that teacher did this. I explained that I did not know what happened because I was not there to see it. Other parents also came to me and asked why their children were saying this teacher hurt the child. I send them all to the office because I have no clue. Long story short the Director decides to let me go before my 4 weeks is up because she doesn't want parents coming to her with such things. (She told the parents she asked the teacher if she laid her hands on her and she said no of course). So I apply for unemployment (last March) and it is approved. I received regular UI benefits for 12 weeks then there was an extension put in place. I then received PEUC until October 2020. When that expired I applied for PUA and was approved. When the extension for PEUC was put in place they put me back on PEUC. I reapplied for UI because they said I had to because my benefit year ended. I got this letter yesterday: Determination by Adjudicator DETERMINATION: Claimant is disqualified for benefits beginning 04/04/2021. The disqualification will continue until claimant qualifies for benefits as provided by the Employment Security Law. REASONS: Claimant last worked for CHURCH CHILDCARE CENTER INC. Claimant filed a claim effective 04/04/2021. Claimant was discharged due to violation of employer policy(ies). CONCLUSIONS: N.C. Gen. Stat. § 96-14.6(a) and (b) provide an individual shall be disqualified for benefits if it is determined by the Division he/she is unemployed for misconduct connected with the work. Misconduct connected with the work is defined as (1) conduct evincing a willful or wanton disregard of the employer's interest as is found in deliberate violations or disregard of standards of behavior that the employer has the right to expect of an employee or has explained orally or in writing to an employee or (2) conduct evincing carelessness or negligence of such degree or recurrence as to manifest an intentional and substantial disregard of the employer's interests or of the employee's duties and obligations to the employer. Based on the Law as applied to the facts of this case, it is concluded that the claimant was discharged for misconduct connected with the work. Determination Date: May 12, 2021 The employer did not appeal this last year so I am uncertain how this determination can be made now over a year later when she did not contest it last year. I was receiving PEUC up until now but for some reason they switched it to PUA. Should I appeal this? Or should I just keep filing PUA? I am confused as to why all of a sudden the employer decided to fight it and if this will effect the money I already received last year from UI? The job I was suppose to start last year as a Nanny was postponed because of the virus and I did upload that documentation in December. I would not have been approved for UI this year anyways because I did not work two quarters in 2020.
Divorce and alimony
If an ex spouse makes significantly more than you and gets the kids do you still have to pay child support?
Parents are going through a divorce and my mom went through my shit and threw some of it away
[TENNESSEE] [USA] So long story as short as possible. I am 19. My mother and father (both bio) are going through a divorce. My mom has filed paperwork which forces my father to not be in the house. I had some things in my sock drawer: some condoms, a lighter, a cigarette pack, an empty bottle of alcohol, and an absolute bottle with maybe a shots worth of drink mix in it. Is it fine for my mother to rummage through my stuff and throw it in the trash? TL;DR : Is it legally okay for my mother to rummage through my stuff and throw away my property?
I (m17) don’t like my mom and want to move out to my dad’s house when I turn 18. Can I?
I’m 17 years old with two little sisters in California. My mother and my father have 50/50 custody of my sisters and I. I don’t like my mom because she is very condescending and an ass. You know, everything a teenager thinks their parent is. However, I love hanging around with my dad because he’s literally and older version of me. Both are great parents and they keep me in check, but my mom is just a rude person. Nobody is abusing anybody, but I want to know: am I allowed to move out of my moms house to my dads full time once I’m 18? I tried moving out to my dads house a while ago but she said I “legally” have to stay at her house because she has custody. What are my options OTHER than emancipation. TLDR: mom and dad have 50/50 custody but I want to move out to my dads house. Do I have to wait to 18? Can I once 18? (I don’t want emancipation)
Car ownership.
So, my ex boyfriend of nearly six years and I are going through a pretty messy breakup (on his part) we have two kids together and he was pretty controlling with the finances. He made it to where I was unable to work so I could care for the girls and pretty much be a homemaker. Now that I left him, he ended up taking the car. My name is also on the title as far as I knew. Am I able to get this car back?
[Northwest Arkansas] My roommates threatened me, police were called, they weren't removed. Why?
I'm gonna include as many details as I can, because this doesn't make sense. At all. About a week and a half ago, my boyfriend Gabe and I got new roomies. The girlfriend (21, Mandy) came first, and she was really cool. Her boyfriend (19, Cory) came with her. They both had no job, as we found out, and have only paid deposit (40$) and electric (111$) Mandy began to go off on me for no reason the day after moving in. She nitpicked me when I cleaned, screamed at me, smacked my animals, and started stealing money from my wallet when I foolishly left it out. Earlier yesterday, the roomies completely lost it. Mandy kicked my cats around, threw them outside, screamed at me, and then told me I better give her the money she put forward on bills or else. I refused, since the 40$ deposit now has to go to fumigating her room because she smoked in there. I told her she destroyed too many things and she wasn't seeing any of that money again. She stormed off. I got the cats, locked them in the room with me, and they came slamming hard on the door. They barged in and began getting hostile. I managed to force them out and lock the door but they continued screaming, slamming on the door, and telling me to come out before they dragged me out, and pressing against the door to hear my conversations on the phone, and lurked outside my window for the same reason. I was terrified, so I called the police. As soon as they heard me on the phone with the police, they stopped threatening me and ran off to their room. When the officer got here, she talked to them outside. I'm not sure what was said, but the officer told me she couldn't evict them since I had no proof of their threats and actions. She told me since they had paid some bills, she couldn't evict them, and that it was a civil matter unless they started harming me or destroying my things. I was terrified to be in my own apartment, and it was made out to be no big deal. The officer looked at me like I was crazy when I told her they kept me hostage in the room. The officer advised me to talk to management, and left shortly after. I'm really confused and angry. They haven't been here long enough to establish tenancy, and they are not welcome any longer. They stole from me, threatened me, abused my animals, and kept me hostage, but the police did nothing. TL;DR, roommates are off their rockers, threatened me and made me feel unsafe, police did nothing because most if the situation was verbal, and not recorded.
[TX]What if roommate refuses to pay fees?
My roommate told me back in March that he would be breaking our lease that we only had a few more months left on. He told me he'd be paying the full reletting fee and I was fine with that. Now the complex has sent us a courtesy letter asking that we set up a payment plan for the next few months to pay off any remaining fees and accelerated rent that is owed once we moved out or they will send what we owe to collections. I thought my roommate was going to handle this because I feel that it's only fair since he's the reason we have to pay this. But I contacted the complex and no agreement or money has been sent in yet. We have until the 15th and I have tried getting in contact with my former roommate to discuss how we're going to pay the monthly fee but he hasn't responded to any of my messages. I'm pretty sure he's purposefully ignoring me. I'd greatly appreciate some advice and see if there is anything I can do about this in case he doesn't pay the fees or help pay at least. I really don't want this going to collections and messing up my credit.
(Florida) Our landlord has put her property on sale, she has a clause called termination upon sales.
On Wednesday our landlord told us she is putting the house on sale, open house was today, we checked our original lease and it has a termination upon sales clause, stating that we have to vacate 30 days if the property is sold. Our landlord stated through text that "there is no impact to you or your lease terms, your security deposit everything will be just transferred to the new owner". Is there any laws in Florida that protects tenant or anyway we can negotiate since she's making a sign a new lease for the new year
Was just served papers about my ex seeking full custody and monthly child support payment
Hi (f20) i live in Missouri and my ex boyfriend is taking me to court for full custody of our son and for child support. I’ve never been to court a day in my life and i have no idea what theses papers mean😅 I’m going to look for a lawyer tomorrow but could someone tell me what exactly my ex is trying to take me to court over? The papers say: “(A) during the 6 months immediately proceeding the filing of original petition herein, the child has resided with the defendant” “(B) plaintiff has no knowledge of any person not a party to this proceeding who has physical custody of the minor child, or claims to have custody with respect to said child” Is my ex trying to say I’ve only had my son for 6 months and that he doesn’t know where my son is now? Another thing I don’t understand that the paper says is- “the said minor child is without adequate funds to provide individually for minor child’s own care, welfare and maintenance in a manner commensurate with the financial means of both parents”
Sister's ex had aChild custody hearing without us receiving proper notification.
So to start we live in Oklahoma and is in the middle of a divorce, has been served papers but no court date has been set as of yet. She had a vpo court hearing set for last Friday but his lawyer had it call off so he could consolidate with the divorce case. Well today he shows up to our house(She moved in with me) and claims to have custody papers from a hearing that happened today. She was never notified in anyway shape or form. She at this time does not have and sort of legal representation and I'm hoping for any help as to how to handle this. My plan was to go to the court and get more specific info on when and how this was all setup and what the specific way of notification was.
Would we win this case against tenant board?
Ok so we moved in July 1st 2019 into the middle unit, its a very warm unit so we never had to turn on our baseboard heater until it got to -40 Celsius during january. We noticed the heat was not working at this time and called our landlord on January 16th 2020 to have it fixed. He got the building property manager to get a plumber and fix it but the issue was far worse for just a plumber so an electrician was also called and finally fixed january 21st 2020 and the new thermostat has no shut off meaning it is always on at the minimum of 10 Celsius. April 2nd 2020 at approximately 7am we awake to the buildings fire alarm going off and what we believe to be smoke in the living room which we discovered was actually steam from the 50 year old baseboard pipe bursting and flooding the floor and into the basements electrical room. We had the balcony door open until 11:44pm on April 1st 2020 before going to bed and have clear voice logs from our amazon alexa turning off the living room lights and then the bedroom lights 1 minute later at 11:45pm and not being turned back on until 7:31am April 2nd 2020 after finding the water. The firefighters came and asked us if we had the window open which we said yes we had it open at night before going to bed. The firefighter then took this info to the property manager saying we had left it open and fallen asleep on the couch. The property manager never asked us for a statement or info and proceeded to bill me and my landlord for damages. My landlord fought as the room was 15-22 Celsius in the positive and the only way it would burst would be from it being 50 years old or a blockage from the pipe not being turned on until january 21st 2020 when it was fixed. He had this issue in 2012 and then in 2017 also due to a blockage and the pipes being too old to handle it. She argued and insists it is our fault based on what the firemen told her. Would we win this argument in court? This happened in alberta canada.
[OH] Family friend injured in hit and run. We found out who.
So My dads friend got hit by a truck while riding a motorcycle and the driver fled. he has a broken spine, brain swelling and several broken bones. Thankfully someone who was behind him had a dash cam and submitted it to the cops. They found out who hit him. Turns out he was an illegal immigrant driving for a front company. the insurance company told us there is nothing they can do because of the other driver. The cops just gave him a 200$ fine and sent him away. Is there anything we can do?
Centipede problem Staten Island NY 10310
We got lots of centipedes in the house. Neighbor said it’s normal during summer but even then they say you’ll see one or two every month. But already spotted like 10 this week. In Staten Island New York, whose responsible for the clean up of these? Landlord or tenant?
My work did an equity adjustment based on merit
Hi there. I have no idea if this is even legal advice, or if I'm just overreacting, but I wanted to see if I have any ground to stand on in my meeting on Thursday. I have been underpaid in my role, along with about 20 others in the same role. We were finally granted an equity adjustment after doing market research on the similar job responsibilities. We also do an annual merit increase, which was happening on top of the equity adjustment this year. My equity adjustment was 10%, and my merit increase was at 3%. Our merit increases are tiered. 3% being the standard (you're performing your role well, you do what you're supposed to, etc). 3.5% are for the folks who go consistently above and beyond in their role. My thought is that equity is supposed to be equal across all people in the role AKA the same percentage. So that if I was making 50k before, and someone who started a year after me in the role was making 48k, we'd both have a 10% equity increase. However, I just learned that this is not the case. The folks who were given the 3.5% merit increase were given a 14% equity increase as well. This means that their manager, ONE person with a subjective opinion on their job performance now controls their base salary AND merit increase for this year. My manager is one of those "I never give the highest score because there is always room for improvement" people, which never really bothered me. 0.5% difference is like $200 over the course of the year, so nothing I needed to fuss over. However now that it affects equity too, I am making $3k less than some of my peers who started 8-10 months AFTER me in the role when I have been in my role for 2 years now. They did not take tenure into account at all. I've tried looking it up, and on a texas government website it says this: "**Equity** pay **adjustments** are NOT **merit** salary increases, promotions or reclassifications. Their sole purpose is to establish or maintain salary **equity**. There are no minimum or maximum amounts for the size of an **equity** pay **adjustment**." But I'm not sure if it means equity adjustments CAN'T be based on merit, or they're just not typically done that way. HR is coming to speak with us on Thursday, and I want to have as much in my back pocket as I can to try to make this right. I have no idea if Employment Law is the correct tag, I'm sorry if it's wrong! PLEASE HELP!!
Got a speeding ticket in 2014, plead not guilty, and now 2.5 years later, I now received a letter to come in.
So I got a speeding ticket in August 2014. I sent it in saying not guilty and never heard anything about it. I am now receiving a letter calling me in to do the whole, "We'll drop it down to a seat belt violation" song and dance but I was wondering if there was a way to drop it entirely due to the time. I live in Westchester NY. The hearing is a month from next week.
[NC] Lessor forcing me into different apartment.
In early May, I signed a lease with a rental company to move in on July 3. The lease indicates that myself and co-lessee will be moving into Apartment #123-456. June 9th I got a call from the lessor indicating that the tenant currently in Apt. #123-456 is unable to move out until ~July 15. The manager explained to me that she is contacting a regional manager to discuss options, which included offering me a different unit with a marginally larger floor plan at a discounted rate. The local manager insisted that I will not be able to move into Apt. #123=456, which is stated on my lease agreement.The other option is to not move into this complex. Current personal circumstances do not allow that. I chose the unit that is stated on the lease for several reasons, and now they are unable to provide that unit. Below is a blank copy of the exact leasing agreement I signed. [Sample lease](http://aanconline.org/pdf/form132232.pdf) **Is this legal? Any advice here is much appreciated!** EDIT: Clarifications
Sexual harassment
I need advice, I was at work and was physically sexual harassed/assaulted by my male manager, Im a server and I wasn't able to deal with it at the time I had a lot of guests to deal with, I went to my other manager and she talked to my managing partner who sat me down and got all of the information. When, where, what, who was around, asked if I felt like this was sexual harssament, I said yes. Told me not to talk about it to anyone. Asked if I would be able to work with him. I told my managing partner the only request I had was not to be left alone with him. At the end of the night at my restaurant one server stays behind to do paper work, they are the last person out of the building with the closing manager. This happened 3 weeks ago, my managing partner went on vacation, last week I was scheduled to close with him. I was so anxious when I walked in and found out I like and was sent home, managing partner and other manager told me it would be fine. Today I went into work and found out the same thing was happening, I went up to the other manager and asked what the plan was, they then said I would have to call one of the other server to get them to do it and strugged me off. I contacted my managing partner they said they were on vacation. Went back into work and told my manager I would not be staying with that person. They then called the JVP and the JVP said it was my fault for not knowing this was a problem earlier and should have gotten it sorted. I don't think this is going to get any better, I don't feel safe with this person. I need advice on what to do.
Girlfriend's business was burglarized, perps caught on tape and identified, police have done nothing. (Colorado)
First, a little background: My girlfriend of several years purchased a bar and music venue about 3 years ago. She had just gotten out of a 15-year marriage after revelations of infidelity. This is important, because in the interim, she was preyed upon by a complete waste of life that convinced her to give him half of the business, despite the fact that he contributed NOTHING. This "partner" proceeded to get belligerently drunk constantly, scare off business, threaten and alienate crucial business contacts and vendors, and cheat on her - at the bar. His volatility culminated with him hitting and kicking her in a drunken rage one evening. He refused the demands for him to leave from employee's and patron's present (myself included). We did not initially call the police as she pleaded with us not to do so. We shortly had little choice, called the police, and he was arrested for DV/assault/harassment. As you can imagine, this was not this turd's first time in handcuffs. His knack for DUIs actually put their liquor license in jeopardy at one point. He had a restraining order placed on him until his case was adjudicated (plead to harassment only) and for most of the time he was on probation. Early one morning (3-5 am) he took the front door off the hinges, stole all of the money (~$3,000) from the safe, along with the company checkbook and DVR system. Due to the last item, it was impossible to prove who it was, even though the alarm was disabled and a key was used to enter the office and access the safe - a key that only he could have had. The police said there wasn't much they could do without evidence, we would have to take him to civil court... oh well, she just learned from it and moved on. The locks were all changed (except the safe - she couldn't afford a new one), the DVR was replaced, and the security system changed so that he could not deactivate it. The bank was notified to set up verification for all checks, which did not stop him from cashing several checks; the money was refunded to her account, but he still got away with the money on the dime of whatever bank he cashed them at. The business started to get back on it’s feet, and reports and financials were supplied to the “partner” per their business agreement (he had of course been removed from any position involving decision-making). Due to this, he would know when there would be money in the safe as well. Once again having run into legal trouble, and needing a lawyer, he sent two people in to rob the place. Late one evening, after the bar had largely cleared out, two unknown individuals sat down for a drink. When the bartender went out to the porch to clean, one of the two took the bar keys from behind the bar and proceeded to enter the office, and empty the safe of about $4,000 - with one of only two keys that exist for the safe – and while being coached through the process via phone. They were unable to take the DVR, so all of this is on camera. Their faces appear clearly enough that, within about an hour of reviewing the footage, I was able to identify them as the “partner’s” “wife” (I can find no record of them being married, but this is how they are listed on Facebook), and her ex-boyfriend. I compiled all info on them (phone, address, places of employment, etc.) along with the video and photo evidence, and handed it over to law enforcement. This was nearly 5 months ago, now. The last we heard from the “detective”, she was having trouble finding them to interview – despite all the information I provided. We have reached out several times, and were told the investigation was still being pursued, but no other details. Recent attempts to contact the “detective” have not even gotten a response. My questions here are: How, given all the evidence, and handing the perpetrators over on a silver platter, nothing has been done? How can we push this issue with law enforcement? Is this a normal time frame for such an open-and-shut case? Thanks in advance for your time and responses. EDIT: Formatting
No AC Unit
Is a landlord obligated by law to fix the ac unit? It’s gonna be 90s tomorrow and it’s way to hot.
College program cancelled while in 1 year lease in college town, now need to move before lease is complete
Hello r/legaladvice Myself (M19)and my roommates(M21/M18) recently had our college program cancelled put of the blue and now we must go to a differant school to continue our education. This however means that we need to move from our current lease, outside of the school grounds, that we signed with the idea of finishing our degree before administration cancelled it forcing us to move to a differant school. This was a one year lease, which we have 6 or so months left on. Is they an advice to get out to this lease without paying the penalty because as college students we cannot afford them.
[Georgia] How fucked am I for hypothetically framing someone for grooming and with false evidence contacting the police
Hypothetically speaking
WI child support and moving out of state
Hello Reddit. I was wondering what the rules are with child support in regards to the sole custody parent moving? The other parent does not have custody of the kid, but still pays child support and has visitation rights. Would the parent with sole custody (the mother) get in trouble for moving to a different state without contacting child support or the father? Also, if this is the case, would it be worth hiring a PI to figure out where the mother moved to and bring that proof to child support? The father’s brother is really hoping to adopt the kid but can’t with the mother having sole custody. There are many small signs of abuse and neglect (and drug abuse) on the mother’s end but sadly nothing concrete to contact child support or CPS yet. We have tried reporting them several times, but due to COVID nothing is being investigated in person (or being taken too seriously unfortunately). Any help on this would be great. I can answer any other questions too, thank you!
Is there any legal basis for suing school districts for deleriction of duty where Trump wins in the upcoming election?
My understanding is that previous state level lawsuits have stated that a minimum education is required to be provided in order to allow citizens to participate in our democracy. I posit that Trump lies often, a majority of his supporters believe those lies, and these supporters vote based on these lies. Given the inability of a majority in certain areas to differentiate truth from fiction, I would say that those local schools were not educating students to the level required to make an informed decision. This is not a Republican vs Democrat argument. The ability to research the veracity of statements seems like a skill that should be taught in school.
School parking
I’ve been wanting to ask this for a while but didn’t know if it fit the guidelines. I live by a school (which shall go unnamed) that parks its busses in such a way that it blocks half the transit road. You know what a parking lot looks like parking spots and then a road to drive in the middle. The busses take up half that road and an additional 11 spaces. I’ve always thought, this much be breaking some kind of code but idk
Bank refuses to credit money on fraudulent charges.
My checking account was charged two transactions that I did not make. As soon as I was notified of the charges I called my bank's support number immediately to notify them that the two pending transactions were not mine (after changing my login info and locking my debit card). The support staff (whom I have spoken to multiple looking for a different answer) all said that they will need to wait until the transactions are posted to my account to consider any available solutions. A few hours after the first string of calls to support, I recieved an email from someone claiming to be the bank's CEO that states they will be crediting my account while they investigate the matter. The email instructs me to call my debit card's support number and an assocoate will help me get my account credited. After speaking to two separate reps and reciting the email to them, they both have said they cannot do anything until the charges are posted to my account. Can they tell me there is nothing they can do once the transactions are posted to my account? I am located in CA and I do not know which state the two charges were made. Any advice on how to proceed is greatly appreciated. tl;dr Two fraudulent charges cleared my bank account. Bank's support team claims they can't help me until transactions post. I later recieved an email stating I would be credited the transaction amounts while the matter is investigated by calling support back. Bank support will still not help me in crediting my account until transactions post.
Towed after 2 years of parking the same way with no notice because of new management. Also fined more than the regulated towing rate because of contract with the apartment complex.
I have lived in the same apartment complex in texas for 2 years now. In this complex there are both reserved and open spots to park in. Each apartment comes with only one reserved spot.In the 2 years I have been here I have asked management to deal with cars parked in my spot at least 15 times and I have always gotten the same reply. They say "oh I know who that is. I will talk to them about it" and the car gets to stay in my spot for the night. Sometime after these "talks" the car will continue to park in my spot until I go to the front office to complain multiple times. Yesterday I hear managment stick some papers in our door which is pretty normal except there is a letter about calls concerning missing vehicles. It basically says if you car is gone call so and so towing. This scared me so I walked outside and sure enough my car was missing. I was parked slightly over the white line. This made it "difficult" for the car next to mine to get out. (I happen to also own the car I was parked next to) the worst part is that in my city towing cost for parking violations are capped at 175 by the local police but because my apartment has a contract with the towing company so I had to pay $300 to retrieve my car. My contract with the apartment does say that I can be towed without notice if i am parked illegally but I am wondering if I have any room to fight back since they changed there philosophy on towing cars without notice. They also signed a contract with the towing company that lets the towing company patrol the apparent grounds looking for violations without notice. Also, can I do anything about the higher rate. I have the pictures showing my car parked on the line. I am not double parked, I just am touching the line. Is this technically illegal in Texas? Sorry for the formatting, on mobil.
Legal Guardianship
My brother has a ‘live-in ex’ with whom he has 7 children, the younger 4 being his, and the older 3 from a previous relationship on her side. They are nearing adulthood and mother is barely present in thier lives, and does little to support them in anyway. My brother has trouble enrolling them in school or doing basic things that teenagers transitioning into adults requiring a legal gaurdian present for. So is there any way that he can assume legal custody of them, with or without her assistance?
(CT) Question about a Traffic Ticket
Recently I was pulled over for speeding (in Connecticut), but was given a ticket that states that I had a "Violation of all regulations under 14-298." It has a fine of $92 instead of the much bigger fine I would have received if I was given a speeding ticket. After doing a little bit of research, [This](http://www.justanswer.com/traffic-law/6miu3-pulled-ct-state-trooper-speeding-80.html#re.v/416/) article says that I will not be penalized and I will receive no points, and [This](http://www.justanswer.com/traffic-law/8dech-14-298-traffic-ticket-connecticut-points-license.html#re.v/416/) article says that it will not show up on my driving record. Is this true? Is it best that I just pay the fine? Or will it show up on my driving record if I pay the fine? edit: added (In Connecticut)
Texas Traffic Offense
Texas: Speeding citation, trying to get it dismissed by taking a safety course, still have to choose guilty or nolo condendere. Which is the best option for my situation?
My private school locked all the men’s bathroom because someone vandalized it.
I’m Ontario Canada. I am not a male but a female. A while ago some boys plugged the sink with paper so that it couldn’t drain and then turned on the faucet and left. The water went over the edge and created a lot of water damage to the floor. The school doesn’t know who did it but I do but don’t want to snitch. However there are more incidents that I don’t know about because they haven’t been made public. However it means that they locked the only two men’s high school bathroom. There is another but it’s only for the lower grades and not usable to the older kids. Basically they have them both locked. The one upstairs you can ask the office to open and they will but they give you 3 minutes to come up before they go in. Another issue is that sometimes the office is empty and I’m wondering what would happen if a kid got sick and needed that bathroom?
$800 Carpet Replacement for worn apartment carpet
Location: Illinois The past two years I've lived in an apartment that's tried to nickel and dime us for everything. When the dishwasher broke and the repair person couldn't fix it they told us we were responsible for paying for the new dishwasher. (I told them we would be keeping whatever dishwasher we purchased and they ended up installing one at no cost.) When the apartment next to us started a 5+ month cockroach infestation and the roaches were coming through kitchen and bathroom caulking, we were told we would have to pay for that too. So, I wasn't surprised when 90% of my security deposit was being withheld. What DID surprise me was the $800 charge for carpet replacement when the carpets were not new when we moved in and in decent, though worn, condition when we moved out. I am the third person on our floor to leave due to the roach infestation and every vacated apartment has been completely gutted with new flooring and appliances. I agree that the apartment needs new carpet, but I don't think I should be the one paying for it. My question is this: how do I fight this charge? I've never had do deal with anything close to this and don't know where to start. I also have been recently diagnosed with cancer and I am trying to be wise with both my finances and my energy/focus. Advice appreciated.
Evicting a tenant (verbal agreement) in Colorado
My friend (let’s call her Sam) and her brother inherited a house from their late father in 2020. The house (located in Colorado, Arapahoe County) needed a lot of work and they wanted to add to it. Sam’s childhood best friend (let’s call her Kim) offered to help as she had construction experience. They had a verbal agreement that Kim would live in the house for $500 per month and act as the project manager until the work was complete. Sam would move in once her apartment lease was up, in January 2021. Kim moved in in July, 2020. The progress was slow, so Sam asked another friend, Dan, to help too. On January 16th, 2021, Sam asked Kim to move her belongings to her bedroom so that Sam could move her stuff in. Dan and two others were witnesses to this conversation. Sam did not evict Kim or ask her to leave the property. The next day, Kim changed the locks. She will not let Dan or Sam in. Sam called the non-emergency police line, and they told her that they could not help her get into her house and that she will need to take it to court. Kim will not let Dan get his tools out of the house, either. On January 19th, 2021, Sam taped an eviction notice with 10 days to vacate to the door. Kim did not vacate. On February 2nd, Kim emailed Sam a Breach of Contract Notice claiming that Sam is in breach for failing to act lawfully or in ‘Good Faith,’ and that ‘Lease Law’ does not apply to their verbal contract. The notice did not appear to be drafted by a professional. They never created or signed an actual contract. All conditions were agreed upon verbally. The house is in Sam and her brothers names. Kim never paid the $500 monthly rent, so no money was ever exchanged. Can Sam legally enter her home and have Kim removed?
Computer repair was shoddy at best
New York - Sooo...my partner decided to do something nice for me and took my MacBook Pro in to get fixed. There was a rainstorm and the window leaked onto a dresser that my laptop was on and it was water damaged. When I got the computer back today: 1. There are 6 screws missing out of the bottom of my machine, and the only two that are left are not mac and some fake replacements. 2. The bottom of my machine is now scratched to shit. 3. There is a circular coffee stain next to the pad that I've scrubbed with alcohol three times, and won't come off. Also, who puts a freaking cup of coffee on a damn laptop? 4. There were 3 business cards obsessively taped on the top, inside, and bottom of my machine along with the receipt and other items(why?) effectively taping the surface area of my entire laptop. 5. The "data recovery" they did on my machine didn't contain any of my iPhoto data, but somehow included a ton of stuff that wasn't mine, including memes from the presidential election and ads for the new season of the walking dead, but I haven't used my computer in 10 months! 6. It took them 7 weeks to replace the hard drive and solder the connections. So, since the partner already paid for this crap with his credit card...do I have any recourse?
Legal separation in Utah
I've read the requirements of who would qualify; however, we still live together our house has a mother in law apartment in the basement with a full size kitchen and laundry room. He lives in the basement I live upstairs. Here's what it says about who would qualify. Not all married couples are equally eligible to file for a legal separation in Salt Lake City, Draper, and elsewhere in Utah. That is because your petition must meet at least one of the following conditions: Your spouse, who provides financial support, neglects or refuses to properly provide for the family and/or maintain you as his/her spouse; Your spouse has abandoned you without good and legitimate cause; Your spouse, through no fault of his or hers, chooses to live separately and apart from you. We don't meet the first two requirements the only hope is the last one of not living together, would living in the mother in law apartment be considered not living together?
Divorced: ex’s new bf paid off some debt and now wants my money
Hi All! First time posting here. When my ex and I divorced, there were certain debts we were supposed to split evenly but neither of us paid. It went to collections. Her new boyfriend paid off all the debt in full (I didn’t ask for this) and he’s telling me I have a day to tell him what kind of payment plan I will agree to in order to pay him back for the full amount. If I don’t respond he will take me to court. I never asked him to pay this... could he legally force me to reimburse him? We were divorced in the state of Indiana, in case that is relevant. They both now live in Ohio.
Salty gamer saying he's going to sell our personal info "dox" on reddit.
So last night, me and my buddy were playing PUBG on Xbox. Then I landed next to an enemy. We were both outside of a building so I started punching him. He was running but I was right behind him the whole way. So then my buddy found a gun and killed him. We were laughing because it was a long chase. But then the enemy messaged my buddy saying that he has our dox and he's going to sell it on reddit. We always laugh at people who say that they're going to "hack" us because we've been gaming for a very long time now and this isn't new. But then he said our full names and our locations in the message. This kind of alarmed me because i blocked my real name from anybody on Xbox. I never heard of the word "Dox" until yesterday. And now it seems like people who dox people can cause real damage like swatting. Is there anything we can do to prevent this? Or should we not worry?
(AL) 504 School Meeting
(AL) School 504 meeting (nut allergy) I had a 504 meeting with my son’s 504 team this week due to one violation of the 504, and one deficiency that needed to be added to the list of accommodations. The 504 was originally created to put in place accommodations for my son’s life-threatening nut allergy. The 504 coordinator (who is also the school counselor) asked to record the Zoom meeting. I panicked and said, “yes.” In the future, is it best to not allow 504 meetings to be recorded by school admin?
[Illinois] Landlord kept our deposit, unfairly charged us for more, and sent our balance to collections who are now trying to collect the total balance from each of us.
My roommate and I lived in an on-campus apartment from August 2017-July 2018 in Champaign county. Our deposit was $450. When we moved out, we left everything spotless. On September 2018, we got our itemized bill back saying that they were keeping our $450 deposit for cleaning/replacing a sofa, and we owed an additional $119. The bill read as followed: Original Deposit: $450 Balance Owed: $0 Carpet cleaning: $80 Ruined Couch: $300 Broken Coffee Table: $75 2 bulbs out: $14 Dirty Oven: $50 Total deductions: $569 Amount due: $119 “Questions about your charges must be submitted to us in writing by mailing a letter to our office. After receiving your inquiry, we will review your file and provide a written response to you.” My roommate and I disputed this charge with a written letter because the sofa was already damaged when we moved in, and because the total was miscalculated. We sent it within the 30 day window via certified mail. In the letter, we requested a written response within 7 days. We never heard back and we never paid the amount. In December 2019, we both got collection letters for the $119 amount. They were trying to collect $119 from each of us when it should’ve been half each. I sent a debt validation letter to the collection company and requested it removed from my credit until it was validated. I didn’t hear back until July 2020, roughly 7 months later, with a package from the collections office. They basically sent in a copy of my lease and the itemized bill of my deposit saying I was responsible for the amount due. Had they adequately checked the bill they would’ve noticed the miscalculation. What options do I have? A part of me wants to pursue small claims for my deposit back because the rental company never responded to our deposit dispute. Another part of me just wants to pay because I don’t want it on my record but I don’t owe $119! At most it’d be $69/2 which would be $34.50.
Possible Security Deposit deduction w/o requested pre move-out inspection Los Angeles/Burbank CA
Hello! In a nut shell, my lease with a large, national, corporate apartment complex is up this week. Approximately a month ago, I requested a pre move out inspection (to become aware of any possible detractors from my security deposit, to then have time to fix any) but they declined to do so, due to the pandemic. Are there exemptions to the landlords obligation to conduct the inspection as requested, due to the pandemic? From what my research has uncovered, normally, this would prevent them from legally making any deductions from the deposit. They have made it clear that they will inspect after the fact, and basically send me a list of charges. In turn, I've made it clear that I expect a full deposit, due to them failing to complete my request for a pre move-out inspection Thanks in advance, and I'd be glad to provide any further needed information.
[GA] My company would like to move out of the building. I need advice on some options.
This is my first time posting on this sub; I apologize if I make any mistakes. I work for a small (5 people) insurance company in Georiga. We are currently occupying a space in an office building (the building has multiple floors, regular office space, and executive suites) where we meet with clients and conduct our daily business. Here is what happened in chronological order: * We started out with a 1 year lease on a 120 sqft. executive suite (mostly for meeting clients); we paid first and last month's rent as a deposit ($400/month). * A few months later, we moved to a different, larger executive suite down the hallway; we signed another 1 year lease for the new space and paid first and last month's rent as a deposit ($600/month). * A year later, a 2500 sqft. space became available on a different floor. This was not an executive suite. This was a more traditional office space. We spoke to the landlord and agreed on a rental rate of $4000/month. He asked for first and last month's rent as a deposit (total $8000). Since we had a pretty good relationship with the landlord, we gave him a check for $8000. He then started preparing the suite for us (paint, blinds, carpet, etc.). We had not signed a lease at this time. Even for previous leases, the leases were signed after we moved in so we expected this to be the same way. * We were supposed to move in on August 1, but the suite was not completed; the painting was not finished, the carpeting was not done, etc. This was not a huge deal for us since the land lord allowed us to keep using our previous space until the work was finished. * On August 15, we moved into the larger suite that was mostly finished (a third of the space still needed carpeting and paint) so that we could conduct business. He had told us that he would paint and carpet the space for us. We started conducting business as usual and expected that the lease would start on September 1. * On August 18, we received a rent invoice for the space (prorated for 15 days at $600/month and 16 days at $4000/month). We didn't think that this was right, so we spoke to him and he said that we can delay the start of the lease to January 1 and that we can pay him a lump-sum amount ($10,000) for the use of the space through the end of the year and that we would sign a lease in January. Over the last few months (August-December), the quality of the space has become intolerable. The Air Conditioning doesn't work properly (Aug-Nov was super hot and Dec-present is freezing), the internet goes down frequently for long periods of time, the parking lot lights have been turned off and our clients have tripped a few times, the carpet that was installed was bad quality and has started to fray and tear at the seams, our mail (sometimes with important, time sensitive payments) doesn't get delivered on time, etc. We would like to leave the space as soon as possible, but we don't know if we are on proper legal grounds to just "get up and leave". When we agreed to delay starting the lease, we signed a document: [Lease Agreement and Reservation](http://imgur.com/etzrDXB). Specific questions: * If we identify another suitable space, can we just move out of the current space? If yes, what happens to all the security deposits? If not, how can we best vacate the space with minimal legal "stress"? * Are we locked into anything based on the document that we have signed? * Is there anything else we should be worried about? The landlord is quite litigious from what the other tenants tell us, who are also planning on leaving soon (for similar reasons). My supervisor asked me to find anything I can for this type of situation (precedents, etc.), but I have no idea where to start. Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide. If you have questions, or need me to clarify anything, please me know.
[CO] Phone Recording Laws
Hey everyone, I was hoping someone could help answer a question I had about phone recording laws in the State of Colorado. It is my understanding that Colorado is a one party consent state. Does this apply when there are more than two parties on the conversation if everyone is in the State of Colorado? For example... if I am on a conference call with three other people who are all present in the State of Colorado... what are that laws regarding recording this phone conference? Do all parties have to consent at this time or is it still only one party? \[I wasn't sure which flair to use\]
Is this my landlord’s responsibility, or mine?
I’ve lived here for over a year. It’s an old house, built in the 1920s. The bathroom door has been barely holding on for a few weeks and just now it broke off completely. I just want to know if I should even bother asking my landlord to fix it or if I should just go ahead and do it myself. He’s an unpleasant person I only talk to if I absolutely have to. I’m going to tell him about it either way but I don’t want to ask for his help unless he’s obligated.
Workplace issues
I've been with my company for 16 years. I've been targeted by someone who wants my job. We got a new boss 3 years ago. Over those years he's been beguiled by this girl who is slowly but surely taking over my job. I was a lead in my department. Without any notification, I found out she had my job title and mine was changed. I have poor self esteem so at the time thought it was my fault. I found out and asked why I wasn't even told in private before I had to find out publicly. Boss admitted mistake and apologized. I'll meet new hires and will have good starting relationships with them but once they are around her for awhile, these people turn cold to me. I've asked and tried to find out why or what I've done to no avail. I'm really good at what I do, in my chosen field, and she wants it, and he's taken my job and given it to her, in the day to day science that I do, I have 30+ years of expertise, she has 10 but lacks the logical/ artistic ability to think out of the box. He knows this but in his words "he's excited about helping younger people learn and he feels older people should know it already. " so he's very focused on "developing" her. To the detriment of me but I'm a single person who has problems standing up for herself. I worked on an issue for the last three months. I have to leave early on Wednesdays. Yesterday there was a meeting at the time I should have been gone by, but I spoke with my Manager about this new computer stuff he has me doing (to get me out of her way) so I was late to leave. As I was leaving there was a meeting of my group. I asked someone who was in there what it was about and she reluctantly told me it was about the issue, and the meeting was called for by my boss. The bullying and the blatant disregard for my feelings has really taken a toll on my health. I can't be without health insurance as I've already met my out of pocket, out of network deductible in March. I hurt my back, my knees have joint pain, my shoulder, my wrists, and it wasn't until I pulled up info on workplace bullying that it all came together for me. I'm 55. I'm morbidly obese now because I'm self medicating with food. I'm female. I'm in therapy now for the last 4 weeks for my childhood abuse and these work issues, which are ripping me apart. My boss tried to get me put on disability. The HR person is somewhat hostile to me (we've never talked before now). He wanted me to apply for FMLA. He told me I shouldn't go to HR for any of the issues I have because that's a red flag to HR. Yes, we were good friends for the whole time I've known him (10+ years) up until the girl got into his head, so that is why a lot of this went on because I trusted him. What's the writing on the wall here that I'm missing? How do I stand up for myself? I've been raised to believe I'm not worth anything so even tho I'm crazy smart and good at what I do, people have always gotten away with taking my work product as their own and I've never been able to stop it. I just created something revolutionary which is going to move the company forward but he is taking it over (he wants to present it because he says I get nervous and won't be able to sell it as well) and now that it's ready to present, it seems funny I'm removed from the lab. Is it worth going to HR? Do I get an attorney? I'm in Illinois if that helps. I just want to finish out my time, because of the benefits and the pay (previous bosses have recognized my abilities). Other things he's done are keeping my workload so high I couldn't work on anything else, and others had 1/4 of my workload and when I brought it up he says he's hoping they'll step up and he doesn't want to discourage that. Those others just sit around and watch Netflix while I'm running from one side of the lab to the other. He also tells me on reviews I have "good days" and "bad days" but he won't ever tell me what my bad days are. I am not on a plan for performance improvement, and have had successful reviews and raises each year.
Witness in drug trafficking in Portugal
Hello! Because of privacy reasons, this is a throwaway account. A friend of mine got arrested while he was buying hash, 6 times the legal quantity you are allowed to posses, as the actual seller was most probably tracked for some time. My friend is possibly facing 1-2 years in prison, as he can not justify it is for himself. His lawyer adviced him to admit it was just for people he knew and he was helping, not to be accused of "a worse form of trafficking". Because it his first case, he could get it totally dismissed if he proves so and nothing would appear in any record. He needs 8 witnesses, friends, to declare they gave him the money to buy, and therefore the quantity would be divided and nobody would get in trouble, as in Portugal you are allowed to get maximum 5 grams of hash. His lawyer told him that our names would not appear afterwards in any records, we would not suffer any consquences and our studies/scholarships (Erasmus programme) would not be affected. I do not know Portuguese, so it is difficult to find the proper documents that would help me decide whether I should get involved as a witness or not. I don't want either of the universities to be informed of my presence and declarations, so my exchange and everything would not be affected. I would like to know which are the rights of witnesses in Portugal, to which extent our names remain anonymous and how it would affect us stating that we intended to buy from him and we were consumers. I don't know if it is the proper subreddit, but I need a fast response and it's the closest I got to this topic. In case you know a better subreddit in which to repost, please mention it.
Health Insurance and Child Support in NC
My wife is previously divorced and has two children from her previous marriage. Her ex pays child support based on their agreement several years back. We believe he plans to renegotiate the payments soon. I currently pay the health insurance for the children. I know my income doesn't count towards the calculations so I was curious if ME paying for the insurance, as opposed to my wife, has an impact on claiming that payment if the negotiations come up? Thanks for any input!
My sister in law's fiance threatened my brother in a group chat and I'm not sure what, if any, legal recourse I have. (NY/NJ)
I'm part of a 12 person group chat for the people in my fantasy baseball league. My sister in law's fiance picked a fight with me in the chat thread and when my brother stepped in to defend me, he threatened to beat my brother to a pulp in front of his wife and kids. This isn't the first time he's taken the sports shit talking and turned it personal but this is the first time he's resorted to threats. I'm concerned about the safety of my brother's family as well as my own. I have a young child and i don't want him around someone potentially dangerous and violent. My question is, can I file a police report or get a restraining order to keep him away from me and my kid ? I have screenshots of all the threatening messages. And if I can report it, which department does it go to? My husband and son and I live in NYC but my sister in law's fiance lives in North Jersey. My brother, the one who was threatened, lives in Western NY.
Ordered something online and didnt recieve anything
I did a oopsie woopsie So i bought some batteries for a drone on aliexpress.com (shady seller, but they were very cheap) and the estimated delivery time was around 2 months. 6 months later and nothing arrives. Im contacting the seller every 2 weeks asking where are my batteries. They keep telling me it will arrive in 2 weeks. Last week i contacted them asking for a refund and that i will cover the shipping cost. They keep telling me it will arrive in 2 weeks. Should i contact alirxpress customer service? Can they do anything? Can i do anything? TLDR: just read it. Its not that long
Guarantor of SBA Mortgage. IL
I’m a guarantor of an SBA backed mortgage on a commercial property. I also own a business that leases the property from the named primary mortgage. I pay my rent on time, but recently I started getting past due notices from the bank that the Primary isn’t paying on time. Can a guarantor sue take over the mortgage completely before the primary totally defaults? Or because I’m not in the deed, would I have to convince them to sell and apply for a new mortgage?
I(14F) want to get my birth certificate to get a SIN card to hopefully get my first job, My mom doesn’t have the time to take me, can my friends mum or my grandpa take me?
We have all the information I’m just not sure if they’re allowed to take me or does it have to be a parent?
Dead dog
In ohio, my dog was on a my neighbors property barking at his live stock, he fired a shot at him, and the dog started running back to our property, he then proceeded to shoot the dog in the head. He didn't have his electric fence on at the time, is there any my family can do
Could I do anything if I'm being stalked online?
First, some backstory. My ex husband and I separated at the end of 2019, and divorced summer of 2020. During this time we were friendly with each other, remaining friends and occasionally talking. He started dating this woman during the summer the divorce papers were going thru, and when he wanted his space, she and I began talking. It started small enough, keeping in contact in case he needed to do anything, as I was filling out and filing the divorce papers. By September of 2020 however, she began asking inappropriate questions and attacking me online and thru text when I began to get weirded out and started blocking her off of my social media. Between then and now, she has thankfully kept her distance physically, even though we live in the same town. However, I have noticed that she seems to follow me on every single social media platform, including ones that I rarely use, or even haven't used in years! She doesn't interact with me, it only seems to be to keep tabs on me and whatever I choose to get up to online. Is there anything I can do to make her stop following me? With no interaction from her, I know it's a long shot, but I'm so tired of changing my usernames and making multiple profiles and being afraid of what I even post. I just want to be left alone.
I found out I'm not an actual tenant.
Hello /r/legaladvice. I live in Florida, US, and I've come in to a different situation than most tenant cases. My friend and I decided to get a place together about a year ago. After not having too much luck, his dad found us an opening in one of the places next to him that was also owned by his landlord. They are town home style condos, 7 of which our owned by our landlord, the others are owned by the neighbors. Before moving in to the place, the landlord had us sign a lease agreement, which she gave to (let's call his dad) Jim. On the lease, we had three names signed. My roomates, mine, and Jims as a Co-signer to help us get past the security deposit. I didn't like the idea of him Co-signing, because he's an alcoholic, loud mouth that barely can form understandable sentences most of the time, and had always been intrusive and never knew when to leave. Things played out exactly like that over the year living in the apartment. He had the tendency of walking in unannounced, drunk, and causing trouble. Even tried to fight me on multiple occasions because I told him to leave. He claimed it was his house and he could kick me out whenever he wants. I thought he was just referring to the fact that he co-signed, and was the main lease holder. So after living here for a year now, with thing cooling down between his father and I, settling in and considering the place home, becoming close with the neighbors etc., I received a letter in the mail from my landlord. The letter stated that (my name) had 3 days to evacuate the premise, with the reason stating that I was "Not a tenant!". This came as a shock to me, because I always thought when I signed my name, it meant I was at least included, if not the main lease holder. When I asked Jim about this, he said that he got rid of the original lease "just in case", and only put him and his sons name down. Like I said, we're on good terms, so it wasn't him trying to get me out of the place. She came by and talked to my roommate earlier today while I was at work and basically she wants me, and his girlfriend who unofficially lives with us, out by Friday or she's taking legal actions. When asked if there was anything we could do to make things work she said no they just need to leave. The only reasons she gave was a noise complaint the first month we were there, my car that broke down and sat in the parking lot, which I sold to my neighbor and he let it sit there for another two months (which I was still getting complaints about apparently, and she thought that we had a dog living there without paying the pet fee, which is my girlfriends dog that she brings over occasionally (which was cleared up today). She lives in England and only vacations down here seasonally, so I've only introduced myself once when we were a few months in. She wants me and his girlfriend out, but says it's ok for him to stay, even though he has no clue how he's supposed to pay the rent in a few days. I work 6 days a week, and can't take of with a days notice to move all my stuff out, and on top of that I have absolutely no idea where I'm going to stay on such short notice. I basically want to know what kind of rights I have for being there with her knowledge for over a year now, if any. Could I fight the fact that I signed a lease, and it was thrown out without my consent, and it's being used against me now? Could I get arrested for trespassing for not leaving by Friday? Any help would be beyond appreciated. If there's any more information about the situation you need let me know. Thank you!
Can you terminate a contracted job position early?
I’m about 5 months into my 1 year contract temp and I hate my job, it’s boring and it’s not all i thought it would be. The people are nice in my office, my manager is a complete weirdo though. It’s wearing me down with how boring it is, making me feel depressed and agitated all the time. I cant ever make it in on time because of how much i dread going in and finding myself calling out sick/working from home. This is my first full time job out of college and i don’t know if i can even make it a whole more 7 months I wanna start looking for new jobs and applying but I don’t know how bad it would be to try and break a contracted 1 year temp position.
Time card from last year
I worked a pretty crappy job for about 4 months last year basically being a grunt worker for a tile company. Needless to say I kind of bolted as soon as I found something better. (I know, I know. It took me 4 months to find something better than a $10/hr crappy job? Lol) Anyways, we kept our own time cards. Wrote our own time in and out. We would just write which job location we worked at on that day. This was a pretty small company with about 10 workers total. I didn't quit in the best way. I called the boss, to which he didn't answer. After a few hours I didn't receive a call back and I decided to call again and just left a voice mail briefly explaining my decision. Problem is I just cleaned out my truck and found my last time card which has about 45 hours on it. Its from September 2014. I would like the money but I'm assuming I'm kind of out of luck since it's been so long. What should I do? I am in Michigan.
CT: Question on Child's Internship Contract
As a parent I'm required to sign a document, the final clause scares me a little bit (see below). I am quite certain that this was not contracted or written by an attorney, but take a look for yourself. Is this industry standard? Is this something that I should be required to sign? Is this something I should sign? Thanks for your advice, it is much appreciated. >I agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town of ***** and/or **** Public Schools and all of their respective officers, employees, agents, servants and volunteers to the fullest extent allowed by law for any claim for personal injury, bodily injury, death, property damage, emotional injury or any other injury, loss or damage of any kind occurring during the term of the agreement and alleged to have been caused in whole or in part by Name , and even if caused by the negligence of the Town of ***** and/or ***** Public Schools or any of their officers, employees, agents, servants and volunteers. Here is the second page of the contract: [Contract pg. 2](http://imgur.com/x3gpfKX)
How do I report animal abusers to the police
I don't live in the US but have been contacting an american on telegram. He has revealed that he tortures animals and that his roommate rapes dogs. The problem is that I don't know how to get them arrested. Reporting them to telegram would probably do nothing.
Complicated custody situation...looking for advice moving forward and realistic possible outcomes.
Just like the title says I'm looking for advice on how to move forward from here and what my realistic outcomes could be best and worst case scenarios. •2 children under age 5 •never married •parenting plan on first born from 2017- has not been followed since we moved back in together and have lived as a family since mid 2018 •no parenting plan on second born, but father is listed on both birth certificates •other parent has a consistent history of addiction and abusive behavior that has strongly escalated over the last year •enough police reports, hospital visits, and personal witnesses to protect the other party but that's not the purpose here the party is concerned only for the children and that is why they were still living in the arrangement they were. Current legal issued of the other parent: •arrested for dui in 2019 (outside of home county) •dec 2019 began probation for DUI and suspended license for a year •jan 2020 arrested for aggravated domestic assault, possession of a handgun while intoxicated, resisting arrest, drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, and approximately 500 Xanax for resell (2 felonies) •eventually bonded out for a very large amount •shortly after there was a warrant for their arrest due to violating probation by the second arrest in a different County. •within the last week individual went out of state and received a 3rd degree DWI and was arrested this violated both his probation in one County and his bond restrictions in another because he did not have either county's permission to leave the state, he did not even have a driver's license, and an additional arrest. •the original DUI county has now put out a second warrant with no bond to be granted for arrest of the party and he has not been in touch with his probation officer there in months The state is prosecuting in every charge above. I am required to attend court as victim only for the aggravated domestic assault charge. I have been living with our two children alone in a new city in safe housing that was coordinated for us by law enforcement and domestic violence advocates. We have rebuilt our entire life from scratch during this time- around 6 months now. up until the day of court for aggravated domestic assault that I will attend, we have all been protected by very strict Bond conditions. I'm unsure of what to expect because I'm in the dark on pretty much everything going on and I have no idea what's going to happen on that day. I know there will be jail time I'm assuming at some point but I'm unsure when or how I don't know what to expect. I just don't want any surprises and I can't have my children split up or without me. I know things are never going to get better as they always continue to escalate as they are continuing to do so even now. But what I would hope is that on that day when Bond restrictions are lifted or dropped or whatever happens that in some way I am ensured that I have sole custody of these children at least until he has resolved all of his criminal ongoing cases and charges. I'm not sure this is likely but that's what my hope would be. I don't see him stopping anytime soon so I think that would pretty much be forever but that's not my call that would be his. I do have an attorney and from what I understand we are planning at this point to get an order of protection in place on that day so that I don't have to testify twice I can do it all at once. I know parents want equal parenting time and that is needed in a healthy and safe environment but this is not one and I'm not going to get into all the ways it's not. I wanted to give you all the facts in the legally that are currently standing and see anyone knows or can tell me if any judge of sound mind is going to send me out that day having to send my children off anywhere without me. Thank you.
I'm desperate for help (Louisiana)
This is going to be a long one. So, I don't even really know where to begin with this. I have a daughter. She lived with me for 3 years (a year and a half of which her mother lived with us). Her mother took her and moved away with a boyfriend. No one would help me find them, legal aid here would not help me. There was nothing I could do. I gave up, realizing this, and moved out of state to a major city with better work opportunities to try and get some money built up to hire lawyers and figure things out. It was going ok for a while. After a couple years of not being able to contact them, I found out from family that my ex had used my mothers address to have me served in court for child support. I was still living paycheck to paycheck but my life had significantly improved. I had to drop everything and leave back to my home state to attend court and try to take care of this. I got a part time retail job just to survive. ​ I attended the court date in Feb/2019, the state representative in court wrote down that I was making 3x what my actual paychecks were despite me bringing the required documents to court that stated otherwise. I tried to get the court to at least order visitation (they would not), the determined an amount back owed for child support and an amount going forward that had to be paid based on the falsified evidence presented by the case worker. I paid what I could, they automatically took half of my paycheck which was never enough to cover what they wanted. Almost immediately after this my job was shut down for 3/4 months for covid. I fell further behind. I lost the retail job eventually and have been trying to find new work. The state immediately started wrecking my credit, they've made it so that any passports I had are canceled and I can't get new ones, they're now going to suspend my drivers liscense and make it even harder to get a job. I've tried to contact dcfs and get a hold of my case worker several times but am getting stone walled at every turn. they're suspending my DL in less than 10 days. I've been unable to get any form of unemployment, I only survived this long because I did get the couple of stimulus checks issued by the federal government. The state is ruining my life, from now till perpetuity by wrecking my credit. I'm trying to get everything straight but I'm alone and have no idea what to do... I only owe 5k in back support. I want to be able to see my daughter, I want to be able to have a normal job, and I just want to have a normal life.
untaxed work-blackmail trumps domestic abuse, so i can’t kick out my roommate?
Yes, it is that bad. It’s long and I am on mobile, I’m emotional and confused so sorry for rambling. Names are fake. Legal and personal advice pls. I think I’m witnessing an abusive relationship but idk what to do! Background: So I (23F) have been living with my partner (24M) for a few years now and we’ve had to have roommates to be able to afford this. We currently live with Bernie (23M) and Betty (23F). Betty is a sex worker and makes ~30k a year in untaxed monies from this, with which she supports Bernie financially. Bernie’s family does not morally agree to this, but silently “accepted” it as Betty is supporting their son. My partner and I have lived with other couples before, and we are good to stay in our room to give space for the other couple to talk out arguments and whatnot...but B&B fight a LOT. Like a lot a lot, so much that my dog gets anxious when it gets too loud. Leading up to resigning our lease in July, B&B had lots of talks together about if Bernie should even sign on for the next year, but he insisted that he would get therapy for his anger and yelling and fix four holes he’s punched in the walls (as of writing this post, still unfixed and scary to me) and it seemed genuine so. He is on the lease through July 2021. B&B left for Bernie’s fam’s 4th of July vacation multiple states away (8+ hours). On the day of the fourth, Betty posted on her Facebook that she wanted to go home, but didn’t want to take a plane in the middle of a pandemic, but Bernie’s family wouldn’t take her to the train station or airport so she could leave. I messaged her on Snapchat asking if she needed me to pick her up, and she responded by sending pictures of her cracked and bleeding skull, bruised nose, and broken toe from their fight that day. I showed my partner, and we took our dog on a road trip to get her through the night. Arrived early morning July 5, got home in the early evening that same day. No word from Bernie except texting me once while my partner and I were on the way to get Betty: “have you heard from Betty today?” “Yes.” “Thanks.” That was all the communication I received from him about this. Betty told me the rest about the fight on the way home, and kept insisting that she’s put her hands on him in the past as well and they both struggled with hurting each other physically and mentally. She kept falling back to her BPD diagnosis saying “this disease pushes everyone away from me!” Thankfully we were able to get in contact with her therapist, who has talked with her about these fights with Bernie before and has nearly every time recommended Betty file a police report. When Bernie returned from his vacation, they talked a long time and seemed to have made up, all well. Evidently not. Bernie left to help his family build a deck a few cities over on July 21, telling Betty he would return the 22 to help her take care of their animals. He ends up leading her on the 22nd (multiple “I’m leaving” texts when he hadn’t left yet) throughout the day, and she hadn’t slept the night before while taking care of their animals, so she was frustrated and let down, and exhausted. He finally shows up a little before midnight, with his dad and brother. He didn’t tell my partner or I he would be bringing two males we’ve never met before to our apartment. I see red. They pull up in a truck on our driveway, blocking my car in the the sidewalk. Bernie comes up to the apartment yelling at Betty as soon as she tried to talk to him “YOU’RE the one making everyone uncomfortable.” I was leashing my dog up to go on a walk and gtfo OF MY OWN APARTMENT and just couldn’t bite my tongue anymore. I said “NO. You are the one making everyone uncomfortable. You didn’t even thank us or acknowledge that we took someone you supposedly care about away from a horrible situation that YOU created.” He said something sarcastic like “ya know I REALLY appreciate it, but what you don’t understand” I had to stop him right there to remind him that “you made her bleed!” His immediate response? “SHE MADE ME BLEED TOO!” Ok. “Get your shit and get out. Idc if you are on the lease I don’t feel safe around you.” I get downstairs with my dog to leave, and his brother and dad are on the porch. I was still pretty angry so i can get why his dad said I verbally assaulted him, but I opened my front door to two men in masks that I didn’t know would be there, so...I said “by the way, my partner and I were to ones to get Betty from that hell you call vacation. Not that you care, or that you care that your blood relative made her bleed. Not that you care I’m afraid of him, not like there’s multiple holes in the wall he has put there in anger. But of course he couldn’t do any wrong to you because there’s no way you could be related to such a person.” I stormed off at that point. They were gone when we got back 20 minutes later. Bernie came back to talk to Betty about dividing their assets (10 animals, a massive dream box creative wardrobe thing + thousands of dollars of art supplies, of course all financed by Betty) on July 30. They fought again, and now Betty has a massive bruise around her eye and her shoulder was pulled from its socket. The thing is though, if we file a police report, it’ll open an investigation to their whole relationship and Betty doesn’t want to relive it. Bernie’s family also says if we kick him out of the apartment that they will sicc the IRS on Betty for her work. I don’t feel safe at home. He left that night but came back last night and he’s still here today and I don’t know what to do.
Painting your own disabled parking space? [CA]
East Bay area of California. I live in a residential area. Like many of the houses on our street, I do not have a driveway and my husband and I park on the street. My husband walks with a cane and has disabled license plates. Our neighbor's mother also walks with a cane and has a disabled placard. Plates and placards allow you the same parking accommodations. Our neighbor has a driveway which they do not use. Neighbor's Mother prefers to park in front of my house. My husband also prefers to park in front of my house and our understanding about on street parking is that it's first-come, first-serve. If Neighbor's Mother is parked there when we get home, whatever. Neighbor gets extremely angry if my husband parks in front of our house, leaves notes on my husband's windshield, and occasionally confronts my husband in person. We choose to engage with this situation as little as possible since as far as we know they are not legally or morally entitled to that parking space. Yesterday my husband came home from work to find Neighbor painting the curb in front of my house blue. Neighbor said "This clear enough for you?" Here are my questions: -If you paint yourself a disabled space on a public city street, will traffic enforcement treat it as an actual disabled space? If, say, my uncle parks there for twenty minutes to unload some furniture could he get a ticket? Would we have any grounds to contest that ticket? -Presumably, since my husband is also a disabled driver with a properly marked car, he can still park there even if it is a legitimate disabled parking space? -I'm not crazy in thinking that no one is entitled to a particular space on a city street, right? We have no special claim on the parking in front of our house and neither do our neighbors, I would assume? Edited to add some line breaks.
Ohio, False CPO on Male
So after living a year out of state for work, my now ex convinced me to move back home to work on our relationship and be a family with our 5 year old. A couple of days after i move home, i caught her cheating on me (later found out, she had been for awhile). After a huge arguement, and me essentially packing up all her belongings to move her out, she ended up filling for a CPO on me. The fucked up part is she got it even though she didn't mention any acts or threats of violence from me. Literally testified on stand that there was none. The CPO got thrown out and there was no legal aftermath to face minus the custody part. The real shitty thing is, during the CPO to hearing time, she had moved her new boyfriend in and kept my daughter from me while starting the alienation process. The advice I'm seeking is any legal retaliation to falsely using a CPO to merely remove me from my home? (In the state of ohio). I read states like Utah and South Carolina has laws that help the victim, however google only turns up information about violating CPO's. The closest i could get was something called "Abuse of Process" but it seems to generalized and it's suggested that it is hard to prove. Can anyone help, please.
Am I obligated to provide accommodations to an "ill" employee?
CT based small business. At-will employment state. Administrative assistant has been out of work for 3 weeks with back pain that she says is attributed to an infection in her kidneys of which she started medication for last week. She has claimed to have "felt the same" in regard to pain the entire time, and still feels the same. She says she wants to come back to work tomorrow because "she can't stay out forever" but wants accommodations for extra breaks and time to rest. Over the summer she was out for a little over two weeks with a mystery stomach illness where she also claimed to "feel the same" the entire time and ultimately came back to work with no real resolution. Since then, her work has slipped and the list of issues and errors is long. This is a small office of which she is a key employee. Having her not work at this point has been easier than having her in the office and ultimately we would like to let her go. That being said, we legally do not know how to respond to the offer to come back to work while "understanding that she will need extra breaks", etc etc. We have offered her all of the paperwork for shirt-term disability, which she is eligible for. For what its worth, we feel we have been exceedingly accommodating to this employee this year all things considered. For example, we made her a salary employee because she couldn't remember to use a time clock. We are, however, a small business with only a few employees and the issues all of these various accommodations and now this has caused are becoming a full-time job to deal with.
Employer didn't pay me my tips in my paycheck, what do i do?
So I'll try and make this brief. I work as a dog groomer for a private salon in Oregon. Its a new shop started by the owner who I'll call C. Now when I was hired about a month ago, she told me she would pay me 50% or $17 an hour, whichever is greater, plus tips. Now we weren't too busy so I didn't make the 50% commission and instead got paid for my 56 hours at $17 an hour but I didn't receive any of the credit card tips from the grooms I did. C uses the app Square to take payments and a customer can leave a tip on their card for me. I used my own tab in square which would be connected to C, so only she can take out money. Looking back, I'm missing out on almost $200 in tips from that paycheck, and have another paycheck coming up that has about 4 days of work because after that point C has switched us to be 1099 employees because she didn't like paying so much in taxes... I'm already going to be leaving this job once the busy Christmas season is over because i just moved cross country and need the money, but what can I do about my missing tips? When i try and talk to C she just says that her payroll person did it perfectly so I have nothing to complain about. I don't want to ruin the business she just started but at the same time, this seems pretty illegal right? How do I get this missing money?
Termite Infestation in Apartment (FL)
I'm going to try to keep this as short and sweet as possible. Yesterday I moved into an apartment (doubles as off campus student housing) and to say it was uninhabitable is an understatement. There were termite wings everywhere, 2 termites who were still alive, many holes in the wall, and many other things. Besides the termites, there was very clearly a pest problem and there were cobwebs and ants everywhere. When I called the manager or the property down, I got a "this is no big deal, we can fix it Monday". Maybe I'm stubborn, but my issue is that there is clearly a termite Infestation, not a one off thing. This means (in my eyes) that an exterminator needs to be called, however, they said they're (key word is them specifically) are going to spray for the termites. Overall, I guess my main question is, what are my rights in this situation? I (along with my family) believe that the house is uninhabitable since there were bugs everywhere, including the beds, so in not sure what my choices are in this situation. I'm not living there at the moment for obvious reasons, so I also want to know if I have the legal right to get money for the day's I couldn't stay there (assuming they fix the problem). I plan on writing a physical note tomorrow and giving it to them for proof. Any help with what to do in this situation would be greatly appreciated.
Writing our will....advice ?
NH residents who just turned 30. Married, 2 kids, no house. 100k in liquid assets, 40k in retirement (401ks/Roth IRAs). We want to write a will for peace of mind. Where our money will go, who will take care of our children. I've been reluctant to pay someone to do this without owning a home because when we do buy, I assume it will need to be re-done and we will have to pay for it again. Any recommendations on what we should do ?
Unlawful entry to my apartment?
Hello LegalAdvice, I live in an apartment building with my Fiancé in Wisconsin in a 1 bedroom unit with our infant daughter. My Fiancé returned home a couple of hours ago to find that today at some point someone entered our unit (landlord or maintenance hopefully), removed the cover to our AC unit, ripped all the blankets off of it and left all of it on the floor and took the screws with them so we can’t put the cover back on. I know under certain circumstances if there’s an emergency or something that they can enter without notice but I can’t imagine what emergency there could have been to warrant this type of behavior. It’s been quite cold here in Wisconsin the past couple of days so if it was freezing pipes why wouldn’t they reinstall the AC cover? Unfortunately the office doesn’t open until Monday so we cant speak to our landlord until then. Needless to say we’re kind of creeped out and uncomfortable with the whole situation. Any thoughts or suggestions on the matter are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Getting mixed advice about a 2008 child support judgement in Florida that is paid & closed by the Dept of revenue bc child is 18, except for interest.
The child turned 18 in November & the Florida department of revenue shows balance of $0.00. Called the clerk of court to see why the 2008 judgment is still pulling up & was told still have a balance of $8,000 in interest.. in every letter ever sent & every site ever accessed for payment the balance has never reflected this interest. The clerk said the Dept of revenue “doesn’t care” about the interest and willl never pursue for it.. so what do we do about that balance and the judgment?? Her advice was to come get a print out of all payments made & to not stress it. So now I’m confused. Any advice??
Insurance agent says one thing, the company says another
Dear Reddit, My parents business got broken into a couple of weeks ago. We lost a lot of things but the insurance company says that they’ll only cover up to 5k with a 1k deductible. We paid for the premium plan and our insurance agent said that the maximum claim for the inventory is up to 112k. When we talked with the claims department they said that the maximum claim for the inventory is only 5k with a 1k deductible. Both my parents are pissed and they don’t know what to do so any advice for be appreciated.
[AZ] My mom gambled away our rent money, and now I have an eviction on my record at 20. Is there any way to lessen the amount of time on my record?
My mom didn’t let me know in enough time for me to try and fix the issue, and this was so unexpected. I just need to know what my options are. Edit: I understand there’s not much for me to do. An eviction lasts for how long on your record? Is it seven years like bankruptcy or until the debt is paid off?
I got fired from a restaurant management job for checking an ID
Last night, a couple came in to eat at the restaurant I used to work at. The gentleman was an African American, and the lady was either Caucasian or Pacific Islander. Their server was an African American male. He took their drink order, but was hesitant because he didn’t think the gentleman at the table looked like the person on the ID. He didn’t ring in the drinks, but told me he didn’t trust the ID, and asked me to check it. The man’s order was simply “IPA”, so I went over and asked which IPA he wanted since we have four. When he chose, I asked for his ID. I also didn’t think he looked like the person in the picture, and ultimately ended up not serving him. He left, understandably disgruntled, and asked for my name. I gave him my card. He wrote in a complaint to corporate, and today I walked in to my boss’s boss waiting for me with a call to our HR head. The man alleged that the reason he was not served was because he is African American (I don’t believe I mentioned it earlier - I am Caucasian). After a bit of a lengthy talk, I was let go. As I see it, I was let go because I checked an ID and went with my gut in order to protect myself and my company. I stood by my employee and didn’t think it was worth risking my job, his job, our store’s liquor license, and thousands of dollars in fines over a beer. Unfortunately, though, that is not how it was interpreted by the guest, and I worked for an international corporation that had an image to uphold, and I got the short end of the stick. According to the documentation I was shown when I was leaving, the reason behind my termination was not following our company’s practice in regards to guest relations - we are apparently not supposed to “police” IDs. Simply check them, and if the age and description remotely fit, allow the guest to drink. Whether or not the ID is real is not our concern. After sharing this story with quite a few people today, the general reaction is shock, and recommendation that I seek legal recourse. Do I have a case for wrongful termination?
[FL] Is it illegal to photoshop pictures in the listing for a rental property?
I just moved from VA to FL and the house I ended up renting was absolutely gorgeous online. I had my brother in law look at it in person and I guess he isn't as observant as I had hoped. Upon moving in, the very first thing I noticed was that the beautiful garage door - the very part that had made me fall in love with the house - was missing. We're also noticing that the grass in the back yard is not nearly as green and lush as it looked in the photos. This wouldn't bother me as much if the house was totally functional, but we've had nothing but issues since we got here. The septic tank was backed up and completely flooded both bathrooms. It took the property manager nearly 3 weeks to resolve this issue that was filed as an 'emergency' maintenance request. We found a live electrical wire in our backyard, exposed and ready to electrocute my dogs. Our washing machine drains to the side of the house instead of into the septic. It's a huge mess. I'm not sure if we're looking to get out of this lease or if we could just get our rent dropped or whatever... but what legal action can/should be taken in our situation?
[Louisiana] Fired on Maternity Leave
Posting for a friend who doesn’t have Reddit. On mobile, apologies for errors. My friend works at a small business with 10 or so other employees. I believe she was considered a manager and there were two other managers. She was the only female there and got paid significantly less than the other two managers but I think that may be a subject for another day. When she got pregnant, she asked her boss about maternity leave. He agreed to give her 6 weeks paid. She started the beginning of this month. Today, she got a call from her boss saying she was no longer going to be an employee but they were going to keep her on as a subcontractor. She’d get paid more BUT she would only work for the hours they give her to do a project. She doesn’t think it will be enough to make up for the position she lost. We’d just like to know if there is anything she can do? She will be filing for unemployment later today. Thank you in advance. tl;dr Friend was fired in the middle of maternity leave that the company didn’t have to give, in an at will state.
EZ Pass and Tolls by Mail somehow not getting paid? NY
So this is an ongoing problem for us. My EZ pass was revoked without anyone telling me back in May of 2019, despite me paying all back tolls through their website. I paid a bunch of back tolls to EZ pass, Alliance one, which is their debt collector and had been told numerous times by EZ pass that I was paid up on all tolls. Apparently my registration was revoked in December 2019. Despite me changing my address with the DMV and with EZ Pass they sent all notices to a previous address. I didn't find out about my registration until October 2020 when I got pulled over and told my car could be impounded. I contacted EZ pass and they told me I owed $78. No violations. Patched me through to the DMV and I owed $1500 worth of tolls and violations. Because everyday from May 2019 to July 2019 (right about the time I paid $700 to alliance one and was told I had no further violations or outstanding tolls) my car didn't get picked up by EZ pass once. Despite it being registered to my license and me holding the EZ pass up every time I passed the toll booth. I was told by a customer service rep with EZ pass to contest the violations but pay the tolls. I had the $300 for tolls two months later in December. It's been over a month, they took the money for the tolls and still haven't responded about the violations. Now the same thing has been happening to my boyfriend. EZ pass not getting read despite it being in his truck window, mounted in the right place, it had been entirely paid up until he lost his card but after that he was calling and handling it weekly through EZ pass. (He stopped working in the city which is where the tolls are from in November, so when he paid $900 in early December he thought himself entirely paid up) We started getting violations in the mail left and right from Tolls by Mail. My boyfriend kept paying all tolls to EZ pass, because they were billing him too. He just checked and now he has $1200 worth of tolls and unpaid violations. Violations for months he KNEW the EZ pass was up to date, had money on it and in the window. And like I said it was registered to his truck. Is there a chance EZ Pass isn't sending the money over to the state? Because every time we pay them and are told by them we have no outstanding tolls left, we get another notice in the mail. This is ruining our lives at this point. I can't afford to pay the violations and can't drive my vehicle cus of it, and he can't afford to pay all these new violations that popped up. If his trucks registration gets revoked we are screwed.
Can I get unemployment while I’m in college??
I’m going to college in the fall and I am debating whether or not to get unemployment. This money is going toward my books, supplies, a new computer to work my projects off of, etc. but I don’t know if thats illegal or not. I know that if you get unemployment and your working is illegal. But what about if your a student in college? I’m very confused and don’t know what to ask nor how to get unemployment. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎
My bf was offered to be put through dog grooming school w/ a signed contract to remain employer for 2 years..was never shown a contract now collections calling
Long story short... My bf was offered to be put through grooming school with a professional who does contract work this his old company. Upon completion of schooling he was supposed to get a raise and become a full time Groomer. He was never shown a contract that stated he would have to pay the company back for the schooling if he was let go terminated or quit. Now after they let him go and almost a year later a collections agency is calling MY phone demanding payments. He never recieved a bill from the company. He was yelled at after he was let go to start paying them back. 1. Does he have to pay them back without a signed contract? 2. The instructor of the school says HE signed a contract on my bf's behalf. 3. They are saying when he signed the school paperwork that was the contract with the company. No where in that paperwork did he EVER read that it was tied to his company at the time.
Help interpreting distribution of income clause in family members will.
Hi there. I recently lost a close relative (in Florida) and my family is working on interpreting their will. I believe the excerpt below is fairly straightforward, but wanted to be sure that we're not misunderstanding the wording. Here is the clause that is in question: https://imgur.com/a/vqSxcJg Does this mean that the beneficiaries are to receive their share in installments, or quarterly pay outs, if under 25 years of age (at the trustee's discretion)? And does this also mean that if the beneficiaries are of age 25 (or older), that they could be entitled to either some, or all, of their personal shares (once again, at the discretion of the trustee)? If all of that is correct, my only other question is: if one of the beneficiaries happens to be under 25 y/o at the time of distribution, but will soon be 25, will they also be entitled to their full share as soon as they turn 25, or must the payouts continue to be given as installments until dispersed? Is this something the Trustee will also have to decide? Thanks in advance for any advice you may be able to offer!
Got a driving ticket in Arizona for a crash over two years ago (I lived in New Jersey at the time), processed in court one year ago, and I think I had to do a defensive driving course.
It’s a confusing situation. I was driving what is basically a company car in Arizona and got hit by a speeder while I was making a left turn (I know it’s my fault by law but there was no way I could have seen him so I’m salty about it). Company delt with the insurance but I was issued a citation for failure to yield to oncoming traffic. I was issued a court date but I was going to be back home in New Jersey during at that time. I got it extended as I was actually moving to Arizona a few months after the court date (the plot thickens). Anyways, after the court date was postponed four times for various reasons (cop couldn’t attend, and two other extensions for reasons I didn’t understand), I finally went to court a little under a year ago. They told me I had to do a defensive driving course and I had until July and it would be pretty expensive... I was in the process of finding a new apartment because my lease had ended, so I had no money. Now it’s July and I don’t have the paper they gave me and I should have barely enough money to do the class, but I have no idea where to find it. Where do I go to check if I have class to do? Would it be easier at this point to not do it, or would my insurance just keep getting worse (it’s currently at $150 and used to be only $98)? I tried a bunch of times to find it online but I can’t figure out what school to go to or how to make sure the class fixes the points on my record. Any help is greatly appreciated as I am young and dumb and don’t know much about these things yet.
Company double charging and refusing to fix it. NV USA
Got my bill and the company is charging me the same thing twice even though it clearly shows that amount was paid on that date that they say the charge showed up, all the numbers add up and anyone with 2 brain cells and a calculator can figure it out. On top of trying to charge twice for what was supposed to be a one time fee, it would appear they are trying to make this ludicrous charge a new addition to my monthly bill. Would i have a case for such blatant theft? Its not even a small amount, its several hundred dollars. I've gone through agreement after agreement and nowhere does it show that those charges would be applied to the monthly bill, not even the workers who helped me could find anywhere that would indicate that charge would now be an addition to my bill.
Son was physically assaulted at school resulting in a bloody nose severe enough for school to change his clothes, but I was not notified. Texas
Son in 3rd grade(8yrs old) I picked him up from school yesterday and he had different clothes on. I asked him what happened and he said another student in his class (same age) punched him in the face causing his nose to bleed bad enough for the school to change his clothes. We were not notified in anyway. Son seemed fine after school he wasn’t complaining of any headaches, but that his nose was a little sore. We emailed the school first thing this morning, and are awaiting their response. The school is a leadership academy type so not public school.
Am I allowed to invest my tax money? According to my accountant it's illegal
Hello, Really quick question. I own an online holdings company with 17 brands within it. We do quite well for ourselves and this year our tax bill will be pretty big, including mine. I'm not overly big on cryptocurrency but there's a coin called USDC which is backed by the dollar. Every "USDC" is $1, and it will always stay a dollar. And all exchanges offer 8.6% interest on USDC holdings because the exchanges turn around and loan the money If I put all of our tax money into USDC, I'd collect an absurd amount of interest. Of course the interest is taxable, but it'll make us quite a bit of money. My accountant, who is totally against cryptocurrency, says it's considered money laundering.. Is this true? Basically the steps would be 1. Instead of bank account, put tax money into USDC. 2. Collect interest 3. Sell USDC to pay for taxes 4. Keep the interest and pay the taxes on it
[MI]Can I get in trouble for mentioning a former coworker to a new employer?
I got a friend of mine and a past co-worker an interview at my new job. Today they accepted that job and when she tried putting her two weeks in at my old job they instantly let her go and said they would be taking legal action because I violated a non-compete clause. I was under the impression that non-complete clauses only exist so I never come in contact with one of their clients, and that they have nothing to do with employers. Can they come after me for anything just for mentioning her name to my current employer? I am not at all in the hiring process and she will just be brought on to handle our clients, she would never be asked about former clients. Do they have anything against anyone involved or are they just being upset and overreacting. Also, are they allowed to let her go after she goes to them to put in her 2 weeks? Thanks
Being threatened and blackmailed by someone in another state.
I don't want to give away too much but CA/MI Throwaway for obvious reasons. They are threatening to kill me, they have my address and have a list of family/friends. Additionally they are distributing my picture to others so they can spread it as well. My question is, how do I go to the police about this. Do I go to my own police station or do I call the other's? Do I even go to the police at all?? (Sorry if flair isn't correct. Been freaked out all day)
Out of state unemployment question
I currently reside and work in Pennsylvania but am planning to move to Chicago. WFH is currently set to end in May, although that could change and get extended. If my employer doesn't let me continue WFH next summer or fall and I can only keep my job if I return to the office, would I be eligible for unemployment?
Messed up situation
So how screwed up is this? My ex-wife had the kids taken away from her by DCF due to being unstable and an addict. Somehow I’m still forced to pay child support. A year later I finally get the order allegedly stopped, but I haven’t officially gotten a signed order from the judge. I call my lawyer at least once a week (7 weeks) and I get crickets. I check the clerk of courts website today, and there are new motions in the case in which they want to bring our 7 year old daughter in to testify for the hearing, but still no child support modification order signed. Of course I call my lawyer to try to get a hold of him and “He’s in trial and the paralegal on your case is with a client,” is what I get, which is almost the same thing I get every time. I don’t mind paying child support for my daughter if the money is actually going to support her, but she’s been living with me for over a year and financially we struggle and the extra 700$ a month would really help make ends meet. Is it wrong of me to call my lawyer so often and expect something to happen with this? I feel like I always get the worst lawyers.
NJ Month to Month Lease Question
New Jersey. I’ve been living in the same property since 2011. A new owner bought the property in a private sale from former owner, I was never informed it was for sale or the sale was occurring until it already happened. My lease with the previous owner was a month to month lease at $1250/m. My original security deposit was $1000 and was paid to the previous owner in 2011. 1. Does the new owner have to honor the month to month lease, meaning I must be given 30 day notice to vacate? Or can the new owner tell me today that I have to vacate ASAP? 2. Could the new owner ask that I sign a new lease today with increased rent and security deposit that is effective April 1st, or does he have to wait and give 30 days notice as is outlined in the current month’s lease?
Got fired for no reason
Long rant, I’m sorry 😭 I’ve served at this restaurant for a little over a year with no problems. Never been written up or anything. The last time I worked was the 13th. We had an all-staff mandatory meeting about how hard times have been & we need to get it back into our groove- he also mentioned how if there was anything we needed that they’re here for us, for anything. That following Thursday evening my boss calls me saying that I haven’t been as happy recently & I've been bringing the mood of other people down, so he’s reducing my shifts. Didn’t ask if I was okay or anything, no one ever said anything to be before-hand...nothing. Last night he calls me again (nothing has been said, I haven’t worked & I haven’t talked to anyone) saying he thinks it’s best if we just part ways. I asked him for a reason & he just repeated “I think it’s best if we just part ways”. I asked him if he was serious, he says yes & I asked again, “why?” & he just repeated it once again. I get on Facebook this morning & see a post he made about how much he supports the industry & people don’t understand we’re “family”. Obviously, I had to comment & now I’m blocked. 🙃 idiot doesn’t know that it didn’t delete my comment (another co-worker he just fired for no reason told me it’s still there) Side note: I have been on a new medication & recently started therapy (which he knows) & have had a few other things going on in my personal life but this just really put the cherry on top... I’m just so confused, angry, & sad.... what in the actual fuck.
(Canada BC) My friends old boss sold their company to a new owner. They were informed that technically they were fired and hired when ownership changed hands
Are they owed severance pay from their old boss?
Being denied breaks
So I work as a host in California and was recently made aware that I’m entitled to 1-2 paid 10 minute breaks everyday I work depending on the day. I’m given lunch time so that’s not an issue. When I brought it up to my manager (I asked how 10 minute breaks work here because I haven’t been able to take one since starting 2 months ago). I was told that servers don’t really take breaks because they want to earn the best tips possible and the bartenders alternate and usually go on smoke breaks. Since I’m the only host I don’t really get breaks (apparently waiting at the host stand for customers to enter is “like a break” which is B.S.). One of the bartenders laughed and said I’m not getting those breaks I wrote down our conversation afterwards. I know in Cali I’m entitled to 1 hour of wages for every break I don’t get. How do I proceed. Do I need to file a wage claim? How likely am I to win? Do I need a lawyer?
I am getting harassed by someone using my phone number to text bomb me
Someone is signing up my phone number to receive a text request to signup for 3 random university’s mailing list. I have received over 1000 (starting last night around 9pm). It shows the IP address (a Comcast user) signing my phone number up (it’s listed as xxxxxxxxxx@txt.att. net). Then it says to confirm the subscription please reply to this message. I have received 3 different universities so I assume this person is repeatedly signing up my phone number to the same 3 places. I checked the IP and got a longitude and latitude and I have a pretty good idea who is doing this because of where the pin dropped. I have not contacted this person because clearly it’s a cry for attention. I contacted AT&T last night to see if they could block these types of subscription from sending to my phone but I’m still receiving the texts so I guess not. What do I do next?
Car damaged by debris from car wreck - who can I talk to?!
Hi friends! First post here so I hope all is good. Friday evening at 11pm my bf was driving me and a friend on the interstate in my car. It was pretty heavy traffic and we drove by a spot that had a semi truck and a couple other cars pulled onto the shoulder. Basically, my bf hit a bumper that was lying in the road - the car in front of us was tall enough to drive over it with no damage, but my bf couldn’t swerve around it because we were surrounded by cars. It left some bad damage on the front of my car and we had to pull over because there were pieces dangling off on the under side of the car. It turned out that the semi had blown a tire that hit another car (the bumper belonged to them). The police came and took our statements and gave me the truck drivers insurance info. Meanwhile, I was on the phone with my insurance and they reminded me of my $1,000 deductible but said if they get the police report they might be able to file with the truck drivers insurance. An hour later, the police who filed the report gave me a call to say that he “found out” that the truck accident happened an hour before we drove by and the debris should have been cleaned up, and so whatever debris hit my car was probably some old debris that got pulled into the interstate. This didn’t make any sense to me because for one, the police saw and heard other cars hitting debris while we were standing there and also we were in the middle lane when it happened - how would it have gotten there with busy traffic?! So I called my insurance today to get the process of fixing my car in motion, and they said they would file a claim with the truck drivers insurance, that they were still waiting for the police report to come in, and to go ahead and get my car looked at and quoted. I did, the total came to $2,700. Well I immediately got a notification that my insurance had paid $1700 to the car shop. WTF!! I called them because I had thought they were waiting for the police report, and they basically just said that’s all you get and if in the future anything changes we’ll reimburse you. I don’t even get a rental car or anything. I just want to know what my best move would be next. I don’t think I should have to pay anything - we avoided more accidents by running over the bumper instead of swerving into other cars. Can I just file with the trucks insurance myself?? Tl:dr - ran over a bumper from an accident that happened “an hour before” and the police are considering it property damage and my insurance is not being helpful.
NY Is there any agency above CPS that can be contacted? Trying to help a child in an abusive home.
Sorry if this isn't the right place. I am a mandated reporter and have hot-lined a child a few times. Most of the time I get a case worker who I don't feel is doing their job .... well. Recent example : child is incredibly dirty, beyond anything normal and reasonable and wore SAME clothes for FOUR DAYS(middle school aged where peers are ruthless) The issue was Hot-lined and CPS called the parents to let them know they were coming **THE NEXT DAY**! CPS came, child was clean and had clean clothes. (previous issues included: living in a storage unit, no winter clothing, no running water, black and blue feet from small shoes) Obviously if you tell them when and why you are coming, then the problem wouldn't still be there. CPS is finding the claims "unfounded", there have been a few claims, I am not new to working with children. I know what abuse looks like. When I can get a person who really looks into things, the family moves back and forth across county lines so their case is shifted back and forth enough to avoid any real progress to be made on it. They are claiming status under the "Homeless Assistance Act" to stay at the school district they want. IS there any way to fix this? Can I call or report anything to an organization higher than CPS that can look at cases crossing county lines? My biggest issue is that, except the days CPS tells the parents they are coming, the abuse is still very much there and not getting better. If it makes a difference child is middle school girl with special needs. TLDR: Girl is abused, CPS is claiming there is nothing wrong when there is a lot wrong. Family shifting counties to avoid claims against them. I need help pushing the issue.
Can employer force me to stay onsite during my unpaid lunch break?
South Dakota— I work a long day, 10 hour shifts.. basically 11 hours if you count my 1 hour lunch break. More and more work has days without enough staff to cover for breaks ( daycares require a certain ratio of teachers per children in care) and I am told I have to stay on the premises while I take my unpaid/ off the clock lunch. I hate this! I need to get out of the work environment on my lunch break and get a change of scenery so I don’t crack !! But worst of all... 2 Times now I have been in the awkward position of coworkers asking me to help them quick .. so I have actually worked for up to 10 minutes at a time off the clock! There is no break room, so I can’t hide anywhere... I don’t want to complain to my boss... but legally do they have the right to require I stay while clocked out??
Inpatient charges for newborn
I am located in Florida and currently have Blue Cross Blue Shield - HMO. I recently gave birth and prior to I called my insurance to see what the charges would be to better prepare for the day when he would come. I spoke to several representatives on the phone as well as online chat and saved logs of our discussions. My primary question and concern was how much it would cost for the birth as well as inpatient stay. I was told that it's $300 per day inpatient. I asked if my newborn would have to pay a separate inpatient fee. Each representative told me no, he is covered under your insurance for the first 30 days and the $300 impatient fee covers both you and him they assured me that I would not receive a separate bill. Now, over a month later, I have received an additional $600 bill for my newborn stating that it is his inpatient fee. I called my insurance and spoke to a supervisor and he told me that this charge is correct that he has his own bill because once he's born he is his own person and I get charged for him separately. I explained to the supervisor that I have been told by several representatives that this is not the case. He claims he will look into the calls for quality assurance, but I have little to no faith in that. My question is, is this correct? And is there anything I can do about the representatives that for the past 9 months told me otherwise? I have all the documentation of who I spoke to when and the chat logs to support what they told me. I am upset because I called several times to make sure I was prepared for all of the billing and then this caught us by surprise. I have had issues with this insurance before, but unfortunately it is the only insurance through my employer. As a side note, yes my newborn was added to the insurance within the 30-day period. Thank you in advance. If there are any questions please ask. :) Edit: cross-posted r/insurance
Haven’t been Paid in 26 days after quitting.
So as the title says, I quit my job after 10 working days and accumulated 51 work hours. I quit on February 19 because I was relocating.The management has mailed my check out to me on March 3 using “standard usps postal delivery”. Company policy says that the first check as to be picked up but this wasn’t in the company rules book and i was not notified of this when I quit. I have text messages from the manager saying my check is in the mail but as of today March 15, I have not received my payment and was wondering what can I do to get paid. State worked in Illinois.
Educational Program Won't Leave My Friend Alone
Earlier this morning my friend was contacted by the director of a federally funded school program, which he had informed he was quitting last summer, meaning he is no longer enrolled and the program had no reason to contact him at all. They had used his old phone number, contacted his teachers along with his friends in hopes to reach him, which they did. The director told him since she had made brief contact with him, she has to keep him to reinforce his attendance for the year saying it's very necessary and urgent for him to attend a session until June 1 of this year. This situation makes no sense as I've stated before he has no paperwork stating he enrolled in the program for this year. He's told me that the program is also supposed to pay the participates and give them extra scholarship opportunities, however he would not be given that. We feel as though this is illegal, since she just wants him to sit in for an attendance marker due to the program's funding being based on how many kids are in it, but we don't know what this would be considered. I'd appreciate any legal advice to help us out! TLDR: A director of a federally funded education program tells my friend that since he made brief contact with her, he needs to stay in a program he quit last summer in order for the program to get more funding from the government p.s. he only allowed them to contact him because he thought they were setting up a date for him to drop off the laptop they loaned him, he also has screenshots of the messages sent to him for evidence if this is a crime
[CA] Signing contract before setting up a corporation
I have a small business and have been operating as a sole proprietor. I am looking to sign a lease with a landlord but I am looking to set up a corporation to get some tax benefit if business picks up, which might take 3-6 months. What do I put in the contract now so that when I set up the corporation the contract is still valid? Do I put John Doe and assignee (future corporation)? Thanks!
I filed for short term disability leave and my employer said my time off wasnt accepted
I filed for short term disability last week and it was considered accepted 11/01. I called out 11/06 due to a really high fever. My boss told me my absence counts as an occurrence and I am close to getting fired. I spoke to him over the phone an hour ago and he stated that he should have received comunication about this already. He said he generally gets left out of the loop when it comes to these items. I have a scheduled meeting today with the short term disability company and my PCP go confirm everything is in place. I am going to be following up with my boss on tuesday since he out of the office. I am very nervous, I really cant afford to be fired right now. What can I do to ensure I am protected and my boss in the loop?