Unnamed: 0
11 values
If I were to fill my rental home with pianos before I move out, what kind of trouble could I get in?
There was a piano in my rental home when I moved in, and it takes up an incredible amount of floor space. Movers are expensive, and the leasing company won’t cover the costs, so it just sits in a corner and collects dust. After browsing around on the free section of craigslist, I found that there are a lot of postings for free pianos with the caveat of the new owner having to handle removal and transport. Connecting these two observations, I developed a genius plot to acquire as many free pianos as possible, and fill my house with them prior to moving out. The next tenants would arrive to find themselves surrounded by a dense jungle of wood and ivory, with no escape. I realize some may consider this to be cruel, but you are wrong, and I am prepared to deal with the consequences for humors sake. I am curious if there is any way this could backfire from a legal perspective, and if they could withhold me and my roommates security deposits for it? Any and all advice welcome.
Unemployment- California
I got put on admin leave with pay as a teacher in September. The district has never held a second meeting. Just laid out charges pending an investigation. My credential became inactive because I had to be in a classroom teaching and I couldn't because I was on admin leave and on a contract so I couldn't sub in another district. Once my contract went inactive, they put me on unpaid admin leave. I filed for unemployment. Technically, I'm still under contract and still "under investigation". I got a letter of denial from unemployment, filed my appeal, and got a hearing date. Fine. Letter was dated 5/7/19. The issue considered is going to be whether I left without good cause or was discharged for misconduct. Whatever. I can deal with that. Here is the problem. I got a letter today (dated 4/29/17) saying there has been a redetermination and to file an appeal. I already filed an appeal and have a hearing date. But this letter states the issue is I let my credential become inactive. How can I have two appeals on the same case? How can I have two hearings on the same case with two issues? Am I like really fucked?
CPS question
My cousin started using again and I guess her to be husband has been using without us knowing for months to a year. They have a few month old baby and have been trying to get custody of a 10 year old boy her mother is currently in custody of. Now that she has been exposed for using after an OD CPS is involved and is still willing to give her the older child who is in rest care with the grandma. What should I expect or what can we do that will show these two are putting there kids in danger. They are heavy heroin users and use to do prostitution as well as sell drugs. I worry a lot that bribing the older child away from the grandma will mess him up big time he is already on medication and has a lot of social and mental issues. The baby obviously needs a new home as well. Any help would be appreciated I just don’t know how to help. She currently says he plan is to take the two kids with her junkie husband and move to Florida where he was from and originally using before coming or to California to start a CLEAN life that never happened.
2 years since filing for divorce (contested) and case hasn't even made it before a judge
My parents have been trying to finalize their divorce for over 2 years now. There have been at least 4 different "court dates" , but it has yet to actually make it before the judge. We are told to arrive by 9 am when the hearings start, usually wait 4-5 hours while other cases are handled, then both attorneys will tell each separate party that it won't be held today and we leave without resolving anything. At this point I feel like the judge and attorneys have some sort of under-the-table scam going on and are trying to drag it out as long as possible for more money. Is this normal and is there anything we can do to get this over with? The breakdown: "Dad" currently owes "Mom" thousands of dollars in back alimony and child support. She has no other source of income due to health issues and is living with her mother on whatever she can scrape up. This divorce is having a serious effect on Mom's mental health (with extensive medical documentation) and I'm afraid if it isn't over with soon it could lead to a terrible outcome. The children involved are both adults at this point, (one was already an adult when the divorce was filed and the other just turned 18) so custody isn't really an issue at this point; at least I don't think it is. Thanks in advance for any help! Alabama, US
Notice of unpaid tolls from 2 1/2 years ago.
So today I received a notice from the State Road & Tollway Authority (Georgia). Apparently I have two outstanding unpaid tolls of $.50 each. On top of that they are charging a $25 admin fee for each (total of $51). Now the dates on the unpaid tolls are 11/08/2013 and 12/14/2012. I have no memory of missing these tolls. How could I contest this if the event supposedly happened almost two years ago and they are just contacting me now (6/10/2015)? I did drive the highway a few times over that time period but I don't remember missing any tolls.
Police wrote a factually incorrect report about an auto incident I was involved in.
On August 27th of this year, I was involved in an automobile on automobile accident. I was driving down the road and another car blew a stop sign and crashed into me. Despite the fact that I was not at fault, the police report regarding the incident claimed that I was. I read the report, and it contained several clear factual errors within it. There were no other witnesses to the scene other than myself and the driver of the other vehicle (the police arrived around 10 minutes later), and I don't have a dashcam. Insurance is going off what the police report says. I've repeatedly attempted to contact the township police chief to have the police report amended, but other than sending them my version of the events, I've not gotten a response. Is there anything I can do? I live in Pennsylvania, which is also where the incident occurred.
Fires/Fire Alarms
Hello all, I work for a hospital system in Arizona, specifically in the emergency code center for a dozen or so hospitals. The purpose of my position is to page and overhead announce codes when receiving instructions from a nurse or staff member if a patient or visitor has some kind of medical emergency in the hospital. My organization has two locations capable of taking the emergency line and are both staffed 24/7. Last week the office I was at had the fire alarm go off (first one I experienced at this job), I was the senior staff member in that office and I told the others to go outside as I called my supervisor about what was going on. After informing her that the alarms were going off and I sent everyone outside she told me that we aren't supposed to ever leave even if the fire alarm is going off and to stay by the phone. Again we have another office capable of taking the emergency line and my supervisor as well as a few other co-workers all able to take those lines were at that office. Granted I understand the importance of my position i feel like there's something wrong with that, there was no fire but we didn't know that. Basically what I am asking is if a company can deny you from leaving your spot when a fire alarm is going off when you don't know if there is an active fire?
My Boss Fired Me Out of Nowhere after a Trip to the ER (CA)
Background: I think its important to understand how bad this experience was. I was working in marketing/social media for this small horribly run human rights organization. I had daily problems with communication, assignments, with little to no guidance of what was needed from me. I saw my boss use exploitative labor tactics and manipulation (talking bad about workers behind their backs, trying to get college kids to do "volunteer" work, outsourcing work to third world countries and pay them at the rate they'd get paid in those countries and having them work overtime without overtime higher rated pay, and **also using state funded disability money (hes in a wheelchair) as income for labor for his organization**, and overall tried to get the cheapest labor possible). When I started the position here in California and suggested my pay start at 15 (which was below minimum wage of where the hq of the company was), he seemed a little startled and reminded me what he was paying someone in the philipines for administrative work. The point is he was a cheapskate and did some very illegal or morally questionable things throughout my tenure there. Fast forward to early this summer, after over a year of really good work I asked for a raise and he suggested I should have one. I wrote up a report with metrics showing all the good work I've done showing my value and weeks would go by with no follow up of a raise. That conversation was back in mid May and it was already early July and nothing came of it. I kept asking about it and the answers would always be deflective or vague. I decided to take a trip with my friend to Arizona and ended up having an allergic reaction at an airbnb that almost killed me and left me in the hospital. I am STILL in recovery from this with my immune system, but during the weeks following it my work performance faulted because of my recovery and heavy prescribed drugs. My boss knew this. My work performance was picking up again, not because I was fully healed but because I needed the money and it was a contract job, I decided to give my boss some work related updates when he suddenly - in the middle of my remote shift - my contract paused and my boss responds over WhatsApp saying the org was moving forward from me and they appreciated all my work but they needed someone "bilingual" knowing that I wasn't bilingual. No two week notice, my pay immediately stopped. After promising me a raise he suddenly decided he wanted someone bilingual (I looked at social media after my firing and nothing is bilingual) and fired me on the spot. I contacted a free unlawful termination legal advice hotline and they felt there was nothing worth pursuing of everything I mentioned here. I realize California is very lenient with workers rights and favors businesses but there seems so much wrong here I feel sick to my stomach doing absolutely nothing about any of this. Can anyone give me a second opinion on this? Thank you.
Underpaid on Payday, won't correct it until next week
I'm located in Washington state, my employer deposited $11 into my account today. They owe me aprox $660 (50.33hrs x $15 an hr - taxes). I have been trying to get a hold of payroll/HR to discuss but no one is answering. My store manager was able to contact them via email and their response was to tell me they'd "overnight a check first thing Monday morning"....I wouldn't get my check in store until Tuesday, but since i work all day at a different store and can't make it in til after close due to the shift I am scheduled, I cant pick it up until *Wednesday*. Almost a full week after payday. My rent is due tomorrow and I need gas to, ya know, get to work. I don't know what I'm going to do. They already deposited the $11 to my account, I don't understand why they can't just deposit the balance they owe me. I'm so stressed. Is this even legal? Or are within the law and just being shitty people? And what on EARTH am I supposed to to about gas to get *to work* and rent? I'm going to have a late fee now because they can't do their jobs...idk what to do....
Confused when to argue "hearsay"
I have a lot of trouble understanding what hearsay is. I'm taking my old landlord to court for illegally evicting me. He alleges he was in the right because other people in the building were complaining about me. He has provided the written accounts of people complaining about me. Is this hearsay or not because it’s in written form from the person who made the claim? Should I bother to defend myself against the claim? The thing is even if the claims were true he didn’t go through the right channels of evicting me. By illegally evicting me I mean he kept showing up demanding I move out and trying to find excuses to make me move. This is in Canada.
Sketchy Contractor keeps delaying project, it’s been 8 months since signing, already paid half.
UT Back in October I signed with a contractor to build a home addition, the contract unfortunately doesn’t specify when the project has to be completed but this still can’t be right... Note: *The contract states that, both parties (us and the contractor) must “At all times throughout the duration of performance of this contract..., shall act with the utmost honesty and bona fide intent so as to not take an unfair advantage over the other or any other party to this agreement. Failure to act with the utmost good faith with regard to any of the terms of this agreement shall constitute a breach and shall permit the non-breaching party to seek all legal and equitablee remedies it so requires”* Upon signing the contract and paying a large retainer fee, didn’t hear back from the contractor until about mid November with plans. After that he made it seem like they would be out to excavate and pour the footings asap. November rolls by, December rolls by, very little contact, when asking him what the deal is he’d blame weather etc (ok sure I get that, even though we had several very warm, non snowy weeks throughout this time.) In January he decided he’s ready to start and demands half of the final payment. So we paid up, towards the end of January, they finally came out and the footings were poured. February rolls past, March rolls past, again him barely regarding our questions, making excuses, saying “we’ll be there on Friday, we’ll be there on Tuesday, but never showing up etc. We send a stern but respectful email telling him this better get going soon. He says he’ll contact us once a week with what’s going on, so we stop contacting him to see if he keeps his word. 2 and a half weeks go by and he hasn’t contacted us and no one has shown up to work on the addition. Now we’re nearing the end of April, inspector finally arrives to look at the footings, he says the permit was issued but it never even got picked up from the city by the contractor so work shouldn’t have started at all. We ask the contractor wtf that’s about and he says “I’ll be in the neighborhood tomorrow and I’ll pick it up.” I then decide to call the guy who came to pour the footings and ask if he’ll come pour the foundation. He gets here and says he’s been ready for weeks waiting for the Contractor to tell him to come over. He pours the foundation, and then comes back mid May to clean it up and water proof etc etc. The contractor told us several months ago that once the foundation is ready to go, the addition would go up quickly. We’ve been waiting for 3 weeks for the framers to show up and the contractor has given us the excuse that “the excavator is broken and we’ve been waiting for the part, it’s arrival is being delayed by covid.” Or some other bs. I didn’t know excavators were needed for framing. Please advise... Also, their website seems to have disappeared at this point? I never really checked on that until the other night... They made a Facebook/Instagram in April and posted a few things on one day and it hasn’t been touched since..
What are the Texas and USA bathroom laws?
So I work at a retail pharmacy, and I guess yesterday there was a bathroom debacle because I came in today and the locks are now reset and we cannot get into either sex’s restroom. We have no other restrooms available for customers OR employees. I asked the shift lead and current manager, and he said he put in an emergency ticket for it and that the last time he put in such a ticket (two weeks ago) the issue was resolved within the hour. I waited, hoping someone would call or come in to reset the locks or remove them (they were recently installed two weeks ago by corporate due to increased shoplifting) so we could use them. While waiting, I texted my parents and asked their opinion. My stepdad sent me a screenshot of a legal blog-type thing that says it is ILLEGAL by federal law to not have a bathroom or reasonable accommodation available for employees. I looked, and I also saw a Texas law that says that customers with medical needs are required to be given access to a business’s restroom if one is available, even if it is usually off limits to customers. I ask this because: It’s been three hours since we opened and two hours since I got here. An employee has an overactive bladder and needs to pee every two hours on a schedule or she may develop kidney issues All nearby businesses are pickup only/have their inside closed due to COVID, so I don’t even know where I could go to take a piss. Is this truly illegal, and if so, what can I do about it? If it is illegal, I want to report this, because it’s unhealthy and immoral. This is Austin, Texas, in a retail store/healthcare provider.
Need advice so I came to the best place.
My baby mama is trying to travel ( 16 hour drive to Houston then fly back) during this whole Pandemic and that’s her choice. But what I’m worried is she coming back with covid 19 and my question is, is it illegal for me to keep my daughter until she gets tested? I don’t need her spreading it to my child and my family. If so can someone send some me some kind of link that’s relevant to it please. Thanks.
[CT] Not getting paid for hours worked.
I worked full-time for my job prior to COVID-19. Got laid off at the end of March, and started working part-time (4-8 hours) for them again at the end of June. While I was away, my boss decided to cut ties with our franchise and re-brand the business solely under her name. She did NOT tell me about this, so the entire time I was back to work, I thought I was still working under the old business name. I only found out about the change because her husband stopped by the store one day and told me about it, about a month into working again. I was telling unemployment each week that I was working under the old business name so I could still collect partial unemployment as I wasn’t back to working my full-time hours. But in reality, this business has been long-closed and no longer exists. She also hasn’t paid me since I’ve been back to work. The first pay week goes by, and nothing. I assume my check is just late in the mail due to COVID (she refused to pay me via direct deposit). Another pay week goes by and still nothing. I contact her asking where my paychecks are, and she tells me it’s been difficult to get everything set up due to the business name change/move with her accountants. She then tells me that she can pay me as a 1099 worker, and I tell her absolutely not and that I’m highly uncomfortable with it. I have always gotten W2 wages, and I’ve been telling unemployment that I’ve been working for her and getting deductions because of it. Taxes taken out because they think I’m working under the same business. I tell her again it’s incredibly unfair that she hasn’t told me about anything that has been going on with the business change, and why am I still working if she can’t afford to pay me properly? I later find out if I sign a 1099, I won’t be able to collect with unemployment. Another thing she hasn’t told me about. Each week she tells me “soon” and she’s getting it handled with the accountants. Two weeks ago she told me I would definitely get paid last week, and shocker, I wasn’t. She hasn’t even brought it up to me. DOL is closed in my state, as are all of the numbers. I have no idea who to contact and who can help me. What do I do? Is it okay to tell her I refuse to work until she can properly pay me? I’m worried about ruining my relationship with her as I really need this job (extremely hard to find a job in my field even without COVID), but I can’t keep working without pay. TLDR: boss hasn’t paid me in two months. Can I refuse to work until I get paid?
Who do I contact to report illegal and unethical practices by different family court commissioners, the GAL and even the judge?
I have been holding this in for quite awhile and just can't anymore until there is some sort of resolution. I'm scared to death to talk about it and at one time wanted to end my life..it's that bad. I was unable to hire an expensive attorney, so I went with a cheaper one- who claimed they are non profit and low monthly payments. He seemed to purposely be messing up my case. I was divorced before so I know the basics. I fired him after he lied to the commissioner about getting paperwork done to be turned in. I had a gut feeling about him that didn't sit well with me at our first meeting. I found out after the case was closed that he used to work for the commissioner assigned to my case who, by the way, treated me like I was trash, laughed at my financial means which is SS Disability, told other commissioners what to do or say, marked me absent for a hearing, never allowed me to speak, the GAL NEVER attended any hearings accept the final one because he couldn't "make it" to any others. The judge granted the divorce final but wanted to 'think' about the property division- for 3 weeks. They allowed my home to foreclose, ordered a realtor appraise it but at the hearing for that very reason, refused to discuss it and ordered another hearing, with the appraisal in my hand. At the final hearing, the judge ordered me, alone and disabled, to "remove ALL of the property from the home". When I told him I have no money to do that sort of thing, he replied, "well YOU'RE there", and ended the hearing. He then mailed his written order 3 weeks later, 1 day before the sheriff's auction of my home, his decision of the property division, which gave me no time to sell what was mine- not knowing yet what was mine. I couldn't afford to pay someone to help me move what I had to guess was mine to who knows where and when, not knowing when I was supposed to move, waiting for the judge's order. In the meantime I was ordered to help my ex sort through boxes to get his personal items who then took our stainless steel stove and refrigerator, which wasn't on any list. A court ordered appraiser (friend of his attorney) left off 90% of the property he turned into the court for the judge to divide. I was forced to go over it in 20 minutes with everyone pushing me to wrap it up to get on with the hearing. My ex had someone go to the property auction, bid on the house, then didn't have the proper funds, to buy him time to move it all out ( I moved out one day before the auction, leaving my ex no time to move out what was left). I don't receive court ordered alimony for seven months and when I filed a motion before the final divorce to get 7 months worth, it was a joke. I was ordered to prove I DIDN'T receive the money orders that were shown the commissioner...that were not shown to me! These are just a few examples of what happened. The order for alimony/maintenance? $300 a month! He was earning $370,000 a year. He owes me all 3 years of it. I moved far away to get out of the county before I accidentally ended up missing. There is much more that involved the police as well. The GAL is on the Board of Attorney's Professional Responsibility. My heart dropped when I learned of that because I was going to start there. What do I do? Leave it go before I end up accidentally dead in their jail? The state was WI
From a college student of divorced parents.
Hi. I live in Pennsylvania, and my parents are divorced. I am a soon to be junior in college at Millersville University. I used to be a resident of Pennsylvania. I was born and raised in PA, my parents got a divorce when I was 12. Recently after financial issues and the threat of losing the house, my mom decided to move to Delaware. This was right before I started my sophomore year of college. I had already filled out my personal information which had included my PA address. For this reason, I received in-state tuition. For the coming semester, I would like to receive in-state tuition. My question is, Is this legally possible considering I live in Delaware now. My father still lives in PA and my mother rents out a property that is still located in PA. Thanks.
[GA] Opportunity to expand side business to full time without business partner.
I asked a friend if he wanted in on a side business a few years ago. We started out with proper licensing such as business license, Tax ID, COI, etc, but since we only have one contract with a client now I let the licenses and everything expire over a year ago, but we are still providing services to the client. I have good opportunities to expand and grow, and do the business full time. I want to start a new business name, new license, tax id, etc... But without my partner, reason being he is lazy... Like REALLY lazy. Dead weight. He does 0% of the work and takes 1/3rd of the money. Would he have a leg to stand on legally if I told him he will no longer be receiving money every month from our side gig because Im starting a completely new business and going full time without him?
Tenant in my building has been threatening harm to my family and others in the building but nothing gets done.
Hey everyone, I’m not sure where to start this but I’ll just get right into it. I have a nightmare neighbor who has been threatening harm to everybody in my family and multiple people in my floor and need help figuring out what to do. The incidents begun happening frequently around the start of the year while some stretch back to last year I have a neighbor down the hallway who clearly is in mental distress and has been harassing every family in my floor. For example just to list a few of the things he’s done: - He has threaten to kill me because he believes I’m following him although I live in the same building as him. - Literally every time anyone opens the door he is somehow able to pick up on the noise and opens his to peers his head out to curse us out and just grill us. This is very frustrating because to get to the garbage shoot we have to walk through his door. - He will sometimes just open his door and start screaming that he’ll kill everybody in this floor. (I have multiple recordings of him screaming his lungs out and threatening us) - He “apologized” for threatening us and goes back to threatening us again. - The incident that infuriated me beyond belief happened when my mom was getting home from work and this man ran down to my mom and put a finger on her forehead screaming at her, my mom doesn’t fully understand English so she was just scared for her life. We called the cops and they did nothing. - The man has been caught walking with a bottle and knife around the hallway and lobby multiple times. - He has been jumped by others in my building who retaliated after he broke their car window. These incidents and more that I did not list prompted my sister and I to attempt to look this man up. We where successful in finding out that he’s been to jail multiple times in fact we even found a medical report stating: “Mr. ——- was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, he was sedated and determined that he was a danger to others and unable to care for himself.” We’ve also attempted to contact our landlord but our building has been sold to a company and we are unsure how to contact them or what to do. We have spoken with the buildings super and he stated that they are in the process of evicting him. They have been in this process for months and he continues harassing us and everybody in the building. I was prompted to make this post because I’m tired of the daily harassment and what’s seems to be ignorance from our landlord. Today he came knocking to my door which I obviously didn’t open which made him angry and begin threatening us, he is now walking around my floor with a liquor bottle. So I come here to please ask for some guidance on what we should do, As stated before I have video recording of his harassment and my sister also wrote a letter to the landlord (we haven’t sent it because we don’t know what to do with it).
Embellished insurance claim [British Columbia, Canada]
Hey all. I’ll start at the beginning. When I was younger I was a garbage driver. I’d been in a few accidents and have paid for them with both my wallet and my body. I got into a rear ender and wrote off my car, and was in the process of paying off that claim via the Insurance Corporation’s claim rates scale system. A few months after this incident another thing happened; I was stopped at a set of lights, it was late at night, and I had reached into my passenger side footwell to pick up my water bottle. I moved just enough to tap the bumper of the car in front of me... and I mean tap. My speedometer did not even move off of the 0km/h. The light went green and I tried to signal for the driver to pull over so I could see if they were alright... they continued on. About 2 weeks later I receive a phone call from municipal police investigation a “motor vehicle incident in which I had fled the scene” (I might add that this was winter of 2016 and I was a young idiot, but I know right from wrong, so I did not stop because the other operator made no attempt to stop, and I wasn’t about to follow them to where they were going). They asked me some questions and went to look at the vehicle that I hit. There was no discernible damage. I call into ICBC to essentially do the right thing and report the accident, but I make it clear that I want to be informed if the driver tries to make a claim against my insurance because I genuinely believed (and still do) that I could have physically kicked the vehicle harder than I tapped it with my Honda Civic. Fast forward to January of this year and I go into renew my insurance and they tell me it’s going up an astronomical amount because of a collision. I ask what they’re taking about and they inform me it was the accident I’m talking about here. I called them again to see if I could just pay the claim off and be done with it. After chopping through the myriad of red tape that is our broken insurance system, they tell me that the claim was worth approximately $3,400.00 Canadian and that it was split up into $3,000.00 for damage (it was a 2008ish Hyundai... I worked in the auto industry for a while and can tell you I’d have had to destroyed internal components for that to be the bill) and $400.00ish for medical charges (what medical charges? The driver never even stopped to exchange information) I should also add that throughout this entire claim I was in the dark and didn’t think that this would affect me. They never asked for me to give a statement, bring my vehicle in for an investigation or anything. So I just want to pay this claim off in cash and dodge the rate hike in my insurance but they tell me that because they paid out for medical services it was not payable. So that brings me to my legal question; given that this incident occurred in 2016 (November) but I didn’t hear about it until January of 2019 is it too late to do anything about it? I genuinely believe that some ambulance chasing lawyer has taken me for a ride. There is no way in my mind I could have incurred this much damage, and the fact that the insurer kept me in the dark is suspicious. They blamed me for not having the correct info on my insurance but that’s a federal crime I believe so I always make sure to have it up to date so they would have been able to reach me if they tried. I want this wiped from my record, or at least have to opportunity to pay what is owed. I might add that I’ve been in some serious accidents where I was not at fault, and I pay for them daily with chronic neck and back pain, none of which I claimed a cent for. I think it’s wrong that someone has taken advantage of a system and is using me for free money. Any thoughts guys? Thanks in advance. TLDR; I bumped a car at an intersection, person made a claim for a decent sum of money that I genuinely don’t think adds up, and I want to do something about it.
Got into an argument with my soon to be exwife over the constant changes she has been doing when it comes to our divorce agreement.
My wife (26) and I (M30) have been separated for five months and we are in the final processes of getting this divorced finalized. Occasionally we will get into argument about either custody or divorce terms, every time we do she changes something to punish me and threatens to take me to court. Most if this is all talk, I know this person. But here recently, this has gotten me worried. We have a 50/50 split with our child and I've agreed to pay her half of the expenses of all the furniture/electronics/etc we bought together while we were married. Very simple, nothing outrageous, really was happy how things were going for both of us. A few nights ago she calls me asking how I make and starts asking for child support, I was confused because were both paying the same split amount for him so I don't see why I need to pay more? I got into an argument with her about it, because she kept dodging what she was exactly trying to ask me. She ends it with "I WAS JUST GOING TO ASK IF YOU WOULD PAY MY HALF OF THE DAYCARE YOU ASSHOLE" of course I'm like, why didnt you just start thr conversation with that, instead of dancing around the subject. She hung up on me, called me back said she will see me in court and blocked my number. I immediately called my lawyer and added thr daycare to the contract as a form of child support in hopes that she would see that I'm willing to work with her. Well here we are, its Sunday, my day to get him back this week. Number is still block, her mom won't text me back and now I'm afraid they wont let me have him back over a misunderstanding. Any advice of what I should do if she withholds my right to see my son?
[NC] Apartment Landscapers put rocks all around our building with no notice; a blind tenant has already injured herself and I can't walk out there.
I'm talking about the HUGE landscape rocks to prevent flooding, not gravel. They completely surrounded the building, making it impossible for tenants to get into their patio doors without tripping over them. My across the hall neighbor is blind, she has already fallen once as they gave no notice so she had no idea they were there; now she literally cannot let her service dog out to pee anymore. Can we do anything to get these rocks removed? I'm wondering if this falls under any sort of 'handicap access' thing.
Last will and testament (complicated)
My mother wants me to help her prepare her last will, she is married but a big issue has come up recently, my stepfather ju drop a bomb on us that he might still be married in his native country. He was told long time ago by his kids that their mom had divorced him. He took as gospel and never tried to find out himself. My mother is afraid that everything she owns that they have worked together in the past 35 years coud be lost if the other person decide to make a claim.
Apartment complex has had stairwell under renovation for 4 months. Do I have any recourse?
Location is Colorado. The apartment complex started renovation on our stair well nearly 4 months ago. The tore it up and it has remained that way, without railing in some areas, ever since. I pay a premium rate in rent and am forced to use a stair well on the other side of the building away from my parking area. I am pretty pissed off that they have neglected to make repairs in a timely fashion. I want to sue and make them pay. Can I?
I messed up and now am super scared.
I know I’m a dumbass please don’t remind me. I’m 18 and I live with my sister and her boyfriend. I’m not on the lease I pay rent to him. We pay rent on time and never had any complaints from neighbours. We live in a huge apartment complex where there are many people. I recently got mail and for some reason it was sent to the office however, it was under my sisters name. I went with her boyfriend to collect it because she was asleep. Now I know that there should have been no reason at all for me to go into the office and it was REALLY dumb of me to do so since the mail was under her name. We explained to the office that I was a visitor. My sister is getting very paranoid that we are going to get kicked out. I could have avoided this easily but I messed up and now am very scared that we will get kicked out. I just wasn’t thinking.
Is this extortion?
I used to work for a promotional marketing company, representing a very well known coffee brand. The program consisted of me and my team going to various locations across Ontario in a mobile coffee truck to give away free coffee or raise money for local charities with 100% of the proceeds from the coffee sales. On this truck was a float in the amount of 500 dollars. While I was off on holiday, the truck and float were taken by a different team and I came back to a different truck, sans float. I notified my supervisor about the missing funds while doing my pre-shift checklist and ended up finding out who was in possession of it. I was then let go from the company and contacted by the director of client services, instructing me to pay him $500 for the missing float or he would call the cops. He sent this message on a Friday and told me my deadline was the following Monday at 5 pm. This caused me such extreme anxiety that I completely shut down and was terrified going to jail for something I didn't do. His claim was because the float was missing, it had to come out of my pocket because I was a manager. I have screenshots from my supervisor, acknowledging the receipt of the text explaining the missing float and a screenshot of a text from another manager telling me that she was in possession of the float that was supposed to be on my truck. He continued to harass me via email kept threatening police action, while cc'ing other employees as well. On Monday after 5, I sent him those screenshots and he stopped bothering. I currently cannot afford an employment lawyer because I'm unemployed, but is extortion? I need to know my options and if I can pursue this without a lawyer.
MO state laws about discussing pay
So I got asked what I was paid by a fellow employee and that lead to a discussion about pay where I said something along the lines of "I feel like I should get paid more because I've worked here longer" I then get a text from my boss giving me a "firm warning" to not go poking around about pay So I assume that the person who asked me told him I was trying to figure out everyone's pay But under the law am I legally protected This is the text word for word "Hey just a firm warning, never a good idea to be poking around asking people what they get paid, if you feel like you're not compensated properly for your work, feel free to call me"
[MD] Garage in Apartment building flooded
The apartment building I live in is managed by one company and the attached underground garage is managed by another. Last week, the parking garage flooded due to rain. I and many other residents called the emergency maintenance line and were told that the parking company needed to handle this issue. The parking company does not have an emergency line and they don't have any staff on site. Today it is raining again and since the last flood wasn't taken care of properly the paint on the ceiling is peeling and the air is very humid down there. It feels like both a safety and health concern. How do we get one of these management companies to take responsibility? Rent and parking are paid to each company separately.
Left job to work for the 2020 Census. Work never started. 6 weeks later, denied unemployment benefits.
United States Maybe I was a fool to begin with but I quit my job to work for the 2020 Census. I also was laid off from my ANOTHER job I was working at a ski resort that closed down due to covid. I filed for unemployment at the end of March and sat without any update until yesterday. Yesterday, the adjudicator asked me more about why I left my job and was not concerned with the fact that I was going to work for a government bureau. He didn't seem to care that I was working another job at the same time that I was laid off from. This morning I get an email saying I have been denied benefits. Something about this just doesn't seem right to me. Everyone I talked to leading up to the adjudicator made it seem like my profile was totally fine. I even called the office multiple times during my waiting period to double check that everything was OK. Now, if I quit a job to work for the government *maybe* I wouldn't qualify but, I was also laid off from a job due to covid. One line from the denial email claimed that I can't receive benefits because the new employer (Census Bureau) doesn't pay unemployment taxes. If this was the case why was my claim not thrown out from the beginning? I am pretty young and have very little background in any of this so maybe I am being naive but why would you want to work for the federal government if I don't even qualify for help during the worst of times. I spent 6 weeks assuming I qualified for unemployment and now it looks like I'm going to go broke.
We currently live in a mobile home/trailer park, where in our landlord has recently posted a sign claiming that the public bathrooms at the office are a privilege, and can be taken away. I'm wondering if they actually have the means to do so?
So a little more detail, my partner and I have been living in a camper at a small, family owned campground/ trailer park. Many residents are temporary, but we have been here, paying monthly rent, since September. The campground provides two restrooms/showers for use up at the office, of which you need a key code to get in. Now, the campground is not exactly located in the best part of town, and given that so many people come and go on a daily and weekly basis, I can understand that upkeep of these restrooms must be quite a chore for our landlord; especially considering that they have been trashed several times. Recently, they've enacted a new rule where residents are assigned individual key codes, as well as being assigned to one of the two bathrooms available. I dont really mind this- I get they're doing what they can to keep track of, and hopefully put a stop to whoever is trashing things (hate it when things are a mess in there!!) , but the verbiage used on the sign has me asking some questions. The sign claims that the bathrooms are provided as a privilege, and that they can be taken away. Is this true? My partner and I are very clean, and I know that we have never been responsible for leaving things a mess, but should the bad behavior of others continue, we would suffer as a result. Is it possible for our landlord to shut the bathrooms, thus denying us access to a toilet and shower? If this ever happens, is there recourse for us as monthly tenants?
Question about if we could take legal action.
Me and my girlfriend were at our local Macys and when we were leaving she went to pull open the door and the handle came off the door because it wasnt properly screwed into place. The handle cut her hand and we think it may be infected. Any advice? We are from Ohio. I don't know if I can update the title.
Looming clusterfuck after Grandma dies
I'm Australian, so Americans might have a bit of trouble with this one. I'm not sure how similar the two country's laws are. I'm not looking for exact legal advice, but more a way of preparing for and navigating the below situation when it does eventually occur, to minimise the amount of fuckery. Now, onto the situation: My Grandma is "on the way out". Her cognitive condition is steadily declining & her physical condition is following suit. She is generally very healthy, but she forgets to do certain things to look after her body so it's starting to take a toll. She owns a house worth a lot of money & had a sizable inheritance from her late, millionaire brother, beside that she lives a modest life, she doesn't have a car, she doesn't buy super expensive things etc. Anyway her two children (one of them being my parent) hate each other. They haven't spoken in over a decade. My cousins all seem pretty normal except for one which has severe mental/emotional issues & regularly verbally abuses my Grandma. Grandma has given both youngest grandchildren (me & my cousin) deposits on houses which we both now live in/pay mortgage on. I see this as a "forward on my inheritance" & I'm sure my cousin (who is a level headed, sane man) is the same. Now when she eventually dies I'm expecting a fucking bloodbath as both of G'ma's children will have to actually talk to each other & I give it about 2 minutes before it devolves into anarchy. Is there a way I can A) guide this in a direction that doesn't completely destroy the wealthy my grandma has accumulated over the years B) avoid her children continuing to tear the family apart. I know its not my responsibility, but shes a sweet old woman who I love dearly, and the last thing I want when laying her to rest is to have to deal with family drama.
Seeking Repayment (Not Alimony) Divorce Settlement - Texas
Hi all, My (26M) wife (27F) has decided she wants a divorce because she is young and regrets marrying early. I have agreed to this and we want to settle peacefully and remain friends. We have lived together for 4 years while I worked full time and she was a student. Because she earned no money, I covered all of our expenses and authorized her on my credit card to make any purchases. She is about to graduate as a doctor and make much more money than me, and she agrees that its fair to pay me back for all of my financial support while she was in school (somewhere in the range of $30,000-40,000). She would agree to make this part of our divorce settlement, but I'm not sure if the court would recognize this agreement considering it is not considered alimony or maintenance (at least it does not seem to be). Is it possible to include this in the divorce or will I have to hope she keeps her promise to reimburse me?
My Estranged Father Put The Wrong Name On The Will and no one is telling me anything
I really don't have much of an idea as to what's going on, so an idea would help. My mother divorced me drug addict father two decades ago. My estranged father, in his boundlessly endless stupidity, thought it was a brilliant idea to go on a drug party bender during the covid lockdown. Two weeks later and I find out that my father has bit the dust. The will is an afterthought my disabled sister and I were tagged in on a Facebook post. Then, the executor contacts us. Great, we get the ball rolling. Except, my name, let's say Jane, is not on the will. It lists my sister correctl while I am listed as Samantha. There is no Samantha unless my fathers sterilization somehow was undone. The executor refused anymore contact when they found out Samantha does not exist. They only want to talk to my disabled sister who is literally unable to.
When do we need to give our landlord notice of an ESA? (CO)
We signed the lease but have not moved in yet. We're getting the ESA after moving in and already have a certificate from a therapist. Can we move in, then notify the landlord, then bring in the ESA? Or do we need to inform them before we move in?
Do I have a right to hire my own appraiser after an auto accident
I was involved in an auto accident back in November I was insured at the time but my insurance company denied the claim after my agent insured the vehicle under the wrong model year. The insurance company of the other person finally sent me a letter about the damages, I completely accept that I need to pay the damages back. However the total amount they appraised the damages at is significantly more than the cost of the vehicle. I contacted the insurance company and asked if I could hire my own appraiser and they informed me that they had already totaled out the vehicle and sold it to a scrap yard. Honestly this whole thing has been such a complete mess and I am at a loss. I don't know if asking for my own appraisal is ridiculous or what. The accident was in minnesota
Forceful eviction with no notice. Verbal agreements galore. (VA)
So I've been renting a couch to sleep on based on verbal agreement with my landlord for a number of months, 200 bucks plus labor since it's cheap rent. We both agreed to this, no further details, no stipulations, no more than just that, I've always made my payments inside of the month. After some time my landlord and his son moved into my landlord's gf's house, and it was agreed that I would move in too, with the same agreement in place, this time I've got my own room which leads into an upstairs lounge area, and a second bedroom. It's been a few months, with and without complaints that not enough work is being done, how I need to be more responsible and do more around the house, without actually being told what it is I need to do or even knowing how I'm suppose to do some of these things(ex. installing a garage door opener, after trying with LL and discovering it's not properly studded they let that one go). Every time they come and ask me directly to help them with something, I do, it's part of the agreement, and if I'm not doing anything I go and help them out. Now yesterday, I was told that I need to be out by the first of july by text, and today on my walk to work as I stepped outside the LLgf asked me if I wanted to help with yard work, I said no and jokingly said I'm taking a walk when asked where I was going (I only walk to work, so I have no idea what she thought I was doing). Not even 20 minutes later I was told by LL, by text again, that I needed to be out ASAP. For clarity's sake, it's also worth noting that LLgf is the name on the deed for the new house we're at, and has taken my money, which I have claimed is rent since the the first month, and has never had any issues with this arrangement. I wasn't going to have my shit tossed on the street by the time I got home(she likes to throw our shoes in the rain if they aren't "put away properly"), so I googled if they can do that and found that they either needed to give me a 5 day notice before filing an eviction suit, or a 30 day notice to vacate,(or something to that extent, really I have no idea what I'm doing) I tell them this and the shit starts flying! To summarize the angry texts: LLgf claims that she isn't part of the agreement and it's her house so she doesn't care and wants me out(I have still payed rent every month while living here) LL claims that I didn't pay this month's rent (I haven't, I have the money in my pocket rn) and that it's now double LLgf claims that since she has a baby coming they had told us they were taking the rooms we were living in more than 30 days ago and that I should be gone already (Not true, she had told us the baby would be in the downstairs office) LLgf claims I don't ever clean up after myself (I'm the cleanest, most organized, and have the least amount of itemsof all four of these people, she also previously demanded I clean more than just my things, so obviously I've been cleaning plenty) LLgf admits to throwing shoes out in the rain and threatens to throw clothes out LL claims rent didn't cover TP, food, using laundry (I buy my own TP and food, and have been told on multiple occasions I should eat the food they buy since they won't eat it all) I got home after work driven by a co worker, nothing has been touched or displaced by the looks of it, what are my options here, I WAS going to be out by the first, I had already decided I hate living here. I also have not agreed to ANY demands, nor have I been given notice of anything yet, just a lot of angry texts telling me I'm horrible. What are my options here? I don't have any support, and I'd rather not spend the next couple of months living in the woods to save up enough to rent a place, I don't have a car or license since they'd promised to help me out with that, but have kept saying I'm not allowed to drive their vehicles. Am I just fucked and should dip out as quick as possible, or should I try and fight this, I didn't want to burn this bridge in the first place, but I'm not having my shit thrown on the street for "disrespect", so here we are now.
"Found out my husband is Gay. Been married for 2 years with a child."
"I recently found out that my husband is Gay. (Although he has not entirely come out, I've been noticing for a while now. We've been married for 2 years now) I have a child and I'm a green card holder in California, USA. My foresight tells me it will not be a mutually termed divorce agreement. We've reached a stage where the marriage simply cannot continue with the excessive mental cruelty that is diverted towards me on a regular basis. How can I nullify this marriage? Without immigration issues? And I want to take my child and leave to my native country since he constantly poses a threat to my child. How do I save myself from this situation?"
Sprint is scamming me of 150 dollars every month NYC
So basically I just found out i bought into a lease and that's why I got charged an extra 40 dollars per month of my phone DESPITE being told I got a free upgrade. Now usually the way a lease works is that once you pay off the money you own on the product it is yours so no more payments are needed to be made. But not sprint phone? So for over three years, sprint charged me an extra 40 dollars per month and did not tell me that I had to tell them I want to own the phone, so they kept charging me extra money when this whole time I could have just owned it. Am I hearing this right? Because this is a scam and should not be legal
Can someone help me understand the lease agreement? Forgot to Send Letter within 60 days and want to move out
I live in NYC So my lease is ending in 5/1. I intended to move out but realized I had to give 60 day notice. I sent it a few days after March but was wondering if Im stuck paying rent for May for not giving them a 60 day notice. I am in a rent stabilized apartment so im not sure if the rules are different. Here is the lease form i was given: http://www.nyshcr.org/Forms/Rent/rtp8.pdf Info about not renewing lease: "If you do not sign and return this Renewal Lease Form at the new rent (which appears in column "F" or item 5 on the reverse side of this Form) in accordance with the instruction, and within the prescribed 60 day period, the owner may have grounds to start proceedings to evict you from your apartment." It doesn't say anything about charging me for the extra month but I hear that people usually do Thank you for your help
[VA/FL] Interpretation of motor vehicle laws.
So I'm not even close to understanding but this [Anti-DUI flyer](http://fairdui.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Fair-DUI-FL-Flyer-1.jpg) is making its rounds on facebook and reddit. So me being the skeptic I am started looking up the two "law codes" listed in here. [318.14(2)](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0318/Sections/0318.14.html) and [322.15](http://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2012/322.15). Both look like (From limited google searches) they are Florida laws, and before I go any further I'd like to know if these set a precendent for other states, specifically Virginia. I read and understand the displaying of the ID, it simply says display, not hand over. However the 318.14 seems like it is just absolutely wrong, and classifies not signing as a misdemeanor in itself. Finally, if these are only applicable to Florida, how can I find the Virginia equivalent (if it exists)?
Boss wants me gone for not paying a fee
I work at a privately owned warehouse and it's been some time. My boss is the owner since there's no other manager or anything like that. Instead of having a traditional penalty system, we get charged fees. If we're late by over a minute, we are charged $4 and 30 minutes is a $16 penalty. Now the owner has previously said that if we were inside the facility but we punched in late, we would be ok and not be penalized. But for some reason, he had a change in heart all of sudden and wants to penalize us for that now also. So he went back for the last month to check the system for anytime we clocked out a minute past our shift. Mind y'all I've never, I have never been late to work. I do happen to clock in a couple minutes just in case I have some business to handle but I'm always there at the facility before my shift starts. That said I have punched in with a minute past my shift turn on several occasions (it's never been an issue... well until now I guess). So now, the boss has come to me saying I owe some money. It's not a lot of a money relatively speaking but boss also says unless I pay, to not bother to show up to work no more. On top of that, he'll count it as if we didn't show up to our scheduled shift. Now I don't want to pay the money even though it's not much because I've never been late and there was never a policy against punching in late as long as we were at the location. I want to start looking for another job because this doesn't seem fair and it seems the boss is finding for an excuse to get rid of me or a way to scare me into giving money. **TLDR; Have to pay a late penalty fee for not arriving late but just punching in late even though there's never been a rule against it. If I don't pay, boss advises to not show up to work anymore and will count me not showing up no more as a no call- no show.** **Looking for tips/advice on how to handle the situation.**
I want to leave my family
Throwaway because my family knows my Reddit account. I hate my family. It is extremely dysfunctional, mainly because of my parents. They always are fighting and verbally abusing each other and it has effected the way I act at home and in public immensely. It has also been having an effect on my performance in school. I am sick and tired of it and can't bear to hear another fight. I want to leave not only because I hate my parents, but also because I am concerned about my mental health and what effects this will have on me later in my life. I am 16M and live in MA, USA. Is there anything I can do?
Coronavirus shut down my university, and the school told everyone to leave the town for the entire semester. Do I have a frustration of purpose argument for getting out of my lease?
I attend professional school in New York, and I have a lease until August that is financially burdensome for me. Last night, my entire university was told that after spring break all classes will be remote (online) for the rest of the semester, and we were specifically told to not return to campus or the city and to instead resume instruction remotely from our permanent addresses/homes (it is a private school, so students come from all over the US). My apartment was secured the summer before school commenced. Although not owned by the university, the apartment complex is a 'student housing community' with student-specific perks, such as shuttles to campus. Attending school here was my only underlying reason for moving across several state lines to this city and this complex. The apartment complex was aware this was my underlying purpose, and this is demonstrated by a long chain of preserved emails I have from the first moment I inquired about apartment availability. The leasing agent asked me, unprompted, "Are you a graduate or undergraduate student?" and "Which program will you be attending at \[X University\]?" Later, when listing available apartments, the agent acknowledged "...since you are a \[professional-school at X University\] student, I am not sure a mid-august start will work for you, so I have also included 2 bedrooms that can start a little earlier on August 8th..." It seems to me that my principal purpose (and only) in entering this contract has been frustrated by an unforeseen natural event (campus literally closing and kicking us out because of an epidemic nearing a pandemic). Although I am not sure it would even apply in this scenario, my lease doesn't appear to have a 'hell or high water' clause. If I have to live at home with my parents for the next 4-5 months, I'd really like to get out of a lease requiring over $1,000/month during that period. Moreover, if campus remains closed or barely populated over the summer, my intent to sublet during the summer months (also recorded in my interactions with the leasing agent before signing) may no longer be possible without student demand, further increasing my own personal costs. Do I have a case for frustration of purpose regarding the termination of my lease? What next steps should I take? Thanks guys!
New Apartment Problems
Me and my girlfriend moved recently to a new apartment and I have some questions about how to deal with the current situation. In Seattle the apartment market is very fast so it is pretty much necessary to make a renting decision on the same day that you tour the apt, we found what seemed to be a nice place and have recently moved in but it seems there is a multitude of issues with the place: * it seems there is a major flee and ant problem in the house. Usually I wouldn't mind this too much but it is the wintertime right now so I can only imagine what it would be like in the summer (our last building had bedbugs and I am honestly really fucking tired of dealing with bugs) * There is a leak in the roof of one of the rooms that we did not notice on move in since it was not raining that day and the water is coming through a light in the ceiling so there is no visible water damage * We emailed her about needing a food waste bin (its not legal to throw food waste in the trash in Seattle) about a week ago and she said that the trash men would drop one by but as far as I know they dont just do that without it being requested first. We are at a loss for what to do, if we break our lease right now we have to pay 2 additional months rent which we dont think we can afford. I have read the Seattle landlord-tennant laws but i am still not sure what to make of all this.
Can you really drive without a license?
(MI) Hear me out before dismissing me as stupid, and I also like to point out that I DO have my license but I watched [This Video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VqFgUZcVDfo) and am very curious about how legit this actually is. And I understand this isn't exactly advice but I'm not sure where else to post.
Employee legally required to pay for accidental damage done to someone's personal property while on the clock for the company.
I accidentally caused damage to someone's car while working on a job site for this company. Obviously the owner of the car wants the damage repaired and the owner of the company wants me to pay for the full damages out of my own pocket. Am I legally required to do this? I do not remember signing anything stating I would be when I was hired. I am in Saint Louis MO
Fired, possibly for possibly offending boss. Any recourse?
Posting this on a throwaway account for obvious reasons. I was recently fired from my band, and I’m wondering if there is any legal recourse. Here’s the context: I was a guitarist and band leader for a certain artist in a certain genre’s music scene, both of which will remain unnamed. We are based out of Tennessee. The artist, however, is reasonably well known if you’re familiar with the present state of the genre. My position was as a lead guitarist and band leader. I was paid to play guitar on tour, and to coordinate various things for the band as a whole, scheduling and stuff like that. I was well liked and I felt that I did a good job, and apparently my former band members feel the same, as my firing came as quite a shock to them. In addition to this, I did a fair amount of production on the side, including mixing several songs for the aforementioned artist. I was never compensated for any of this, since the profits from the songs I worked on were to go straight to paying off debts from a record label that the artist had parted ways with previously. Due to covid, we haven’t been able to tour at all, and apart from a small “bonus” around the holidays, we have not been paid during this time. Since we, the band, are considered a touring band, and we were no longer touring, we were left with no other choice than to file for unemployment. The artist made no effort to secure a PPP loan to compensate us, instead leaving us all to fend for ourselves. At some point, I saw a post on social media about another band, and how they were able to secure loans for their employees to keep their heads above water. I was honestly moved by the post, given my situation, so I shared it and highlighted how awesome of a thing it was. No ill will intended, I was just happy for them. The artist I work for apparently saw my post, because he messaged me saying “Well why don’t you go play for them, then?”. I felt like this was pretty over the line, but I responded by saying that I didn’t mean the post to be directed at him personally, I was just highlighting a bright spot in an overall bleak time. Additionally, I informed him that I’m not able to make my mortgage payment anymore. He didn’t respond to any of this, and I didn’t hear from him for a while after this. So, about a month ago, we get word that a PPP loan has been secured, and that the band can all go back on payroll so we can get these payments. Obviously, this is good news. Our calendars have been updated with new shows in the Fall, things are looking up. About a week goes by, and I’m removed from all the scheduling by the artist themself, so I know something is coming. Later that week, I was asked to mix a song for another person affiliated with our label. I agree, but I ask for compensation, given that this isn’t work for the artist that I actually work for, and this isn’t really my job anyway. They say no to the compensation, and that’s the end of that. A day later, I get a call from our manager telling me that my services are no longer required, and that I won’t be receiving anymore money from the PPP loan, effective immediately. I’m wondering if my termination was a lawful one. An employee who held a similar position to mine was fired for, what I feel, are much more serious reasons, and received 6 months severance. But I’m getting absolutely no form of severance. On top of that, I’m curious what the rule on firings during the PPP/covid period are? I was not given a reason for my termination, but I’m guessing they’re going to chalk it up to me refusing to mix the song for free, which isn’t even my job to begin with. The whole thing just feels off, but maybe there’s nothing to it and I’m overthinking it. TL,DR: Was fired without reason from band during PPP loan period. Likely due to a post I made on social media months prior (while not employed) that offended boss.
[ARIZONA] Property management purposefully charging us late fees?
First post here, so I'm not entirely sure if this is the right sub. Just let me know if it isn't and sorry in advance. Our property management firm forcibly charged us five days of late fees because they refused to put on our online portal how much our rent would be for this month until the fourth. (Late fees accrue at 1600 our time and both husband and I get off of work at 1630, so only 1 day of late fees could even be considered justified in my opinion, and even that's a stretch.) We have checked the portal every day to see if it was posted and, due to the holiday, they were not available either in person or by phone to contact about this issue. This isn't an isolated incident, though the last time it happened was during the changeover when this company took over, so extenuating circumstances with that one. My big question here is: is there anything we can even do about this? We're being charged about $200 in late fees, but our rent also fluctuates each month due to the way water usage is calculated so we can't know until the day it's due what our full amount is. The representative in the office we did speak to specifically said that only the tenants that argue will have the late fees waived, but to me that sounds like they're knowingly forcing their tenants to be late and penalizing them for it. Thank you in advance for any help!
How to go about kicking someone out that isn’t on the lease?
My friend (21F) let someone (21M) live with her while he was trying to escape a toxic environment. He isn’t on the lease. She’s going to move out soon anyways but doesn’t know when that will be. The past few weeks he has been talking shit to everyone about her, doesn’t clean up after himself, refuses to do anything around the apartment and he keeps going back to the toxic environment he just got out of. This doesn’t add to the list of things he’s said to us and acted towards me and my other friends. She doesn’t get mad easily but here recently it’s gotten to the point where she is going to kick him out but she doesn’t know how to go about it. How do we go about kicking him out?
Hello! So this lady had been trying to get tenants for her place for awhile and hadn’t been successful. She offered to pay me to help her out and I did and found 3 tenants for her place. She wants me to figure out a reasonable payment price for finding her the tenants and I’m not sure what “reasonable” would be because i had never done this before. What percentage should i take? If its 3 tenants for 8 months, should i be taking a percentage of what those tenants will be giving? Like 3% or 6%? Or should i just charge a flat out fee??? I thought she would have had a payment already in mind but it is her first time also so she wants me to come up with something. The location is in waterloo, canada if that helps at all. It is for off-campus students studying at the university
[SC] Working as an Independent Contractor, was let go for not having a car.
Some background info, a friend from grad school owns a non-profit theatre company. I was hired as their Marketing Director for the summer. Signed and began the contract in March and was supposed to report to SC on June 1st, and work until Aug 1st. I currently reside in FL following grad school. I do not have my own transportation. I was going to rent a car to get to SC and then rely on public transit to get myself around town for the summer. Once the company found this out, they said it was a serious problem and questioned how I would be able to complete all my work. After some email exchanges regarding various alternatives, they determined it would not be possible for me to do the job without transportation and let me go. It had never been mentioned before that transportation was required, nor was it in the contract I signed. I have put in time since March on various projects and for meetings with the company, but they were not paying me until I arrived in SC. My compensation for the contract was going to be $1600. I now am out of work and on the job hunt. I do not know if there is any legal action to pursue, or if it would be worth it. But I do feel there should be some sort of compensation for the work put in since March and for the hassle of being on the job hunt now. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Security Deposit
Good Evening all! I need your advice please. So husband and I are in a month to month lease with A owner/landlord . We are planning to move out Of state Ina few months. We ALWAYS pay our rent On time have been for the last 4 years. The L/O resides in the same property on the 2 ND floor we're On the 3rd. He never fixes anything when we need it Always has excuses. He owes the power & electric Company thousands of dollars and this house is also in forclosure. We know he doesn't have our deposit. So my question is can we tell him that our deposit Will be the last months rent? We currently live in NJ. Thanks for reading & I would appreciate your guidance in this matter.
Tried to quit but was fired, Possibly wrongfully termination.?
TL:DR my job fired me right after I resigned and Im being told it is likely a wrongful termination case. I was fired yesterday approx 2 hrs after putting in a notice of resignation. I was told it was at will firing but then given reasons for my termination without any write ups. I took 3 sick days because of mental issues that flared and I realized I should be at home (they were notified of this the evening before I left) I also told my supervisor that I would not do something the day before my leave because it was not in my job description and I was not able to do it because of the position I held. These were the reasons they used. I felt attacked as I was not told of the meeting when I was fired they just popped up. They refused to allow me to finish client charts and I am a clinician and was trying to sort everything out before I left. I’m being told by coworkers and friends it was a wrongful termination. And after the days I took to help me with my mental health it’s honestly tanking again. They also treated me like a criminal told me to pack my shit now and leave the premises. This was all because I wouldn’t break my professions ethical codes and took sick time when I needed it (my first time using sick time also). I was also told that I would not be paid for my sick time and that all my benefits were being terminated immediately. I was also told that although this “behavior” was out of the blue for me I was never even asked about it. They just waited and ambushed me when I came in. I apologize if this sounds rushed or incoherent I’m kind of still a mess. I asked for the additional days since I wanted to be gone and they wanted me gone and it was no. However I was told that had I “tried” to I guess apologize for my behavior maybe we could have worked it out. I’m just confused and angry and have just been fired from a job I hated and stuck around for them to literally fire me and treat me like shit after telling them I was leaving. I am planning on consulting with an attorney and am aware this is just a sub. But I would like to hear others thoughts. It’s a horrible job with a history of extremely high turnover and I honestly can’t look at this situation without emotion and neither can those around me because they are aware of the pain this job has caused me.
[CO] Recently lost my job and I'm curious if it looks like I'll be eligible for unemployment.
Located in Denver, I recently lost my job of ~3.5yrs. The reason given to me verbally and in writing was: ‘The full-time position has been eliminated due to an inability to generate enough billable hours to keep the position sustainable.’ I've already started my unemployment claim here in Colorado. I'm just curious what reddit thinks about my situation, and if I'll be eligible for unemployment or not. The letter I have doesn't state lay-off or fired, it does indicate my position has been 'terminated'. I'm just afraid my ex-boss will try to pull something fishy even though this was a stated lay-off, and I would be able to receive unemployment. Thanks in advance.
when you become an adult, do your medical bills that your parents didn’t pay become your own?
When I was like 16 or 17 I had a bit of acne so my mom took me to the dermatologist against my will to get accutane and antibiotics and etc. Well she didn’t pay those bills because she expected my dad to put it on his insurance but it never went through. He paid all his child support. Now I’m 20 and she sent me the dermatologist bill to my address telling me to call my dad’s insurance which I am under since I live with him now and to put the bills on the insurance. My dad is saying he’s not going to pay anything because the bills were supposed to be included in the child support. He told me I have to call them and tell them that it’s my mom’s responsibility to pay. What do I do?
Arbitration agreement clause in employment offer-TX
Hello, I received a offer letter to start with a new company. All seems pretty standard except for a Arbitration agreement upon hire. I have a general idea of what arbitration is and a arbitration agreement seems like something that is discussed and signed during a actual dispute. They give me the option to opt out by doing so in writing within 30 days. I guess my question are. 1.) Is this common and is opting out the best option? 2.) What happens in arbitration if one party is still unsatisfied?
Lifetime Warranty Not Transferable Question
Current living in Hawaii. I'm interested in the Chrysler (vehicle) Lifetime Warranty. In the warranty details it clearly says "Lifetime coverage is not transferable unless required by state law." So my question is, which states require transfer-ability of warranty?
Need advice,brother died,I'm the only full blood living relative.what do I do now?
Hey guys,I'm super stressed.my little brother died unexpectedly yesterday. He has a ton of medical bills,he has some money in his bank account,and a 401k. He lived in a rented trailer. I talked to his landlord so I have a little time to figure out what's next. I have access to his trailer,and know his pin for his debit card. I read that his "estate' will be paying for his bills,does that mean i cannot take any of his stuff?? I dont have money to cremate him as my father died 3 months ago and I'm out of work on disability. Am i allowed to use his money? I'm so lost and confused as to what I'm actually supposed to do.and i want to do it right,I'm not a shady person,but definitely could use the money from selling a few of his things, TVs and such. What should I do??where do I start.help me!
My friends and I need help with taking over a lease (FL)
We are looking for a place to live during the summer semester, and then plan on getting a house. We found three girls that would be willing to "sublease" their apartment. The problem is for them to transfer the lease they would have to pay $350. They don't want to do it and would rather do it under the table. Naturally my friends and I are skeptical. Any moment they can come back and tell us to get out. They want to write a contract. Would our contract override their lease? Should we just pay the $350 each and save ourselves the trouble?
Boyfriend and I both on lease, but he is unable to pay rent and refuses to leave due to mental illness and drug addiction
Hi reddit, I’m gonna try to keep this as short as possible while trying to give you the proper amount of information to be able to give advice. Please let me know if there’s anything further I can answer and I would really appreciate any thoughts on this subject! My boyfriend (25) and I (20) live in Seattle, WA. We have a year lease that is up on June 31st of 2019, and we are both on the lease. Unfortunately, his mental health has been deteriorating for months, and now it has come out that he is abusing research chemicals that are similar to benzo’s, and has shown severe symptoms of being bipolar/unstable. His family and I both agree that he needs to be put into a rehab facility. He won’t be able to get into it for another month, but I am very worried for my own safety in the home. His parents do not want him in their home, and he is unable to find a place to live himself. He is incapable of making rational decisions, as well as refuses to be seen my doctors. He had an episode at the hospital and is too paranoid to go back. He has never physically hurt me but he is very unpredictable and is dramatically deteriorating by the day Here’s the tricky part- since he has been unable to hold a job for the last 3 months, I have been paying for everything and working nonstop to be able to afford to pay rent + amenities + groceries. It’s been a heartbreaking situation, and I’ve been trying to make the best decisions for both of us, but I do feel like I have sort of a “right” to the home since I am the one paying for it... although he is on the lease so I know that probably doesn’t matter. I would like to know my rights, so that I could bring this situation to my landlady, with a level head and at least some information and idea of what could possibly be done. I would also like to know if there’s anything she can even do? Is she legally allowed to take someone off of a lease, or do I need to get my boyfriend to talk to someone to sign off on it? I do not want him out on the street, and it deeply hurts me that this has to be done this way. But, I can no longer take care of him and it’s getting out of control. I am staying with some family out of town for the weekend, but I work in Seattle during the week and need to figure something out, and at least have a plan. He has refused to leave, saying that since he is on the lease then he can stay and I can go. I could just leave the apartment with him, but I don’t want my credit and renters history to be ruined by this. He doesn’t have a dime to his name and doesn’t have any means to pay rent. I understand that I may have to get the authorities involved, but wondered if there was someone to talk to that could give me more of an idea of my rights and what to expect in the situation. I hope this wasn’t too much information, and I hope it makes sense. Thank you in advance.
Simple advice for negotiating a federal plea deal.
I’ve been indicted by a federal grand jury on two charges one of possession and another of distribution of child pornography. This stems from a p2p torrent video. I was never in contact with kids online or otherwise. I was never in contact with people selling or trading CP online or otherwise. Just found a magnet link and my propensity towards high risk behavior, electronic, sex and drug addiction with extreme depression created a kinda perfect storm of dumbassery. A few months later feds served a search warrant. A few years later, last week, came the indictment. I have not been contacted by authorities, nothing in the mail, no arrest yet. I now realize the huge penalties I may face for this. Many years in Federal prison, hundreds of thousands of dollars fines, lifetime registry as a sex offender, limited career prospects, banishment from polite society, etc. I realize Federal cases are generally plea bargained. Especially in my case where I’m a 40 yr old living pay check to pay check until I’m fired any day now. Then I will quickly be destitute. I will try to get a public defender. My question is: what can I do to make things easier for myself and my public defender? I’m not sure how to even speak to a PD. How to speak with the Asst US Attorney who will be prosecuting my case. Can I negotiate in any way? Can I offer to do whatever they want in order to not go to prison? How about taking a prison stint in exchange for staying off the registry? How can I prepare for making the best use of my (assuming very busy) public defender? Finally to those who will say I should be beaten, castrated and killed or that I should kill myself - I would were it not for my significant other. She has stood by me throughout this whole shit show and I can’t do that to her so I’ll face justice instead. But 15 years in prison seems a bit much to handle so I’ll try what I can. Thank you.
Employer is rounding work times to their advantage
Im living in Germany. I work 6 hour shifts doing hard physical work. Work times are registered with a chip, precise up to minutes. While signing the contract I was told that legally I am not eligible for a break, and an unpaid break of 30 minutes is mandatory in shifts from 6-9 hours. This would mean that if I signed off 10 minutes later, I would actually lose 20 mins of my work time because of the mandatory 30min break. So my employer said that they manually will round the times down after the shift (they also round up before the shift). That sounds very friendly and considerate but it actually means that I have to work 25+ mins. more per shift and the employer knows I will never open my mouth about it because it would net me a loss. And actually in the online plan that I am getting there is a work time of 5:30h with a break of 30min. I was explicitly told no break. Is my employer allowed to round the times for such a reason? Can I let my overtime accumulate and be paid for it somehow?
Got my first ticket. Can I fight any of the offenses?
I was pulled over on my motorcycle right near my dorm on the University of Tennessee campus. The cop that followed me unsafely close claimed I was driving at an excessive speed, but on the ticket she did not mark down speeding. I was also marked down for disregarding a red light when I was really turning right at an empty intersection. Lastly I was also noted for not having my license; I did have my school ID and since it was school police they were able to look up everything. Including my driver's license number. I've never had a ticket so I would like to fight this. I took notes the night it happened which has more information than I wrote here. I would advise looking at that more than this. http://i.imgur.com/x2UXylo.jpg
Having neighbor issues Oklahoma
Not sure if using the correct flair. I've had issues with my neighbor, she continues to do something gross but denies it when I complain to apartment so I put up security cameras to catch her in the act so she called the police on me. The only reason I know they were even called is because the whole thing is caught on the camera. The officer looked at the camera and said it was recording the entire area and legally he couldn't do anything and he ends up just leaving. She happens to admit doing doing the gross thing to the officer. What am I allowed to do and not do with this footage/audio? I know Oklahoma is a one party consent but what does that mean when it comes to the police being called? Do I automatically have consent of the police officer? Is it a given that people can assume they're being recorded with audio and visual or do I need to put up a sign? For the record you can't see either the officer or neighbors face in the video.
[FL] Mother Never received degree from college due to it shutting down post-graduation, Board doesn't have records of it
Hey r/legaladvice, my mother recently told me about this situation and I was wondering if there was any legal action she could pursue. 3-4 years ago my mom finished her nursing BSN at Miami Dade Medical College, She had graduated but never picked up her degree from the college (Extremely busy with work at the time). A month or so later the college had closed down (those of you from FL probably know about the huge controversy that came from there). She recently decided to become a Nurse Practitioner and was looking into it. Turns out MDMC had never sent her Degree & Transcript to the Board of Education so its as if she never took them. She's still paying the loans from those courses, but it's as if she never had even taken them according to the Board. Is there anything she could do here? She's pretty disheartened after finding out that she pretty much wasted 14 months of her life due to it and probably won't even attempt to go for her NP.
Do I need two LLCs or one and a DBA or copyright? (AZ)
I want to name my main company as “blank business” which will provide two types of services. One of those services I want to name/market “specific name” however I am worried down the road if I do not have an LLC for “specific name” someone will just open a business with that name. So I somehow want rights to both business names in my state essentially. I was reading about DBAs and that seems to match up in every aspect but I can’t seem to find out if that would give me any rights to “specific name” like having an LLC for “blank business” stops there from being 2 with the same exact name within the state. Or would it be better to just get it copyrighted if I could?
What risk would I put myself in by telling my landlord I won't renew my lease because of severe neglect (e.g. Food waste erupting from bathtub, Walls leaking water for months, constant basement floods?) How can I get them to solve these issues so the next tenant isn't in danger?
Hi all, I live in Iowa in the USA. I rent one floor of a property was converted to a duplex in the 1970s, and built originally in 1900. I occupy the unit on the bottom floor, and my friends rent the unit upstairs. There is a shared unfinished basement as well. I began to rent this property in August of 2018, and my lease ends in August of 2021. Since move-in day, this property has always had severe, health-threatening issues. If my landlord addresses these issues at all, it takes them months to do so, and they often just cover up or half-fix whatever's gone wrong. Much of the time, they just ignore my maintenance requests. I'll provide a list of everything I can remember below, but I want to ask my questions first. Also, sorry if this is hard to understand. I am literally shaking with rage at my landlord right now and it's hard to focus. Background on my landlord and past leases: For the past couple of years, my landlord has sent me lease renewal requests in November -- in November of '18, they requested I sign a lease binding me to rent until August 2020, and in November of '19, they requested I sign a lease binding me to rent until August of '21. This year, they did not mail me a renewal request at all. I don't know anything about landlord-tenant law, so I don't know if we need to officially notify my landlord that I won't be renewing my lease. I don't know if they intend to send me another lease renewal request at all, or if they just intend to let my lease lapse. I also wouldn't put it past them to pull a fast one on us by saying something like "you didn't say you *weren't* resigning your lease, so you have to rent from us for another year." Nothing in our current lease seems to indicate that, but I'm very paranoid, having had to deal with their slimy business practices before. Despite this, I love a lot about my unit, and would have been happy to renew the lease again had our landlord consistently responded to maintenance requests instead of ignoring them, and actually fixed the problems with the property. It'd be cathartic to let the landlord know that their neglect is the reason I will not renew my lease, with a list of every unaddressed or half-fixed issue we have, but i don't know if that would be wise. **TL;DR** **1. Do I need to officially notify my landlord that I do not intend to renew the lease?** **2. What danger, if any, would I be entering by sending the landlord a list of grievances and telling them the lease non-renewal could have been avoided had they addressed our issues?** **3. When I move out, i want to try to make sure these issues are solved for the next tenant. Is there anything I can do to make this happen?** As mentioned before, here's a list of the gigantic problems we've had with the property, starting chronologically. * August 2018: **Leaky hole in bathroom ceiling.** The day we move in, we notice there is a [large hole](http://imgur.com/a/cQtEgdu) in our bathroom ceiling. This was not present when we toured the property earlier that year. We constantly requested they patch this hole, and it took them until October to send someone over with drywall to do so. It took another month to send someone to paint over the patch. Since then, the ceiling has started leaking again, which has caused [damage to the drywall patch](https://imgur.com/a/MgJkyXD), and to the ceiling paint. This remains unaddressed, despite having told them several times the issue continues. • Spring-Summer 2019: **Burst Kitchen Line Water Damage. **A large amount of water starts seeping from the wall of our bathroom, and also into the basement shared between the upstairs and downstairs unit. This causes our [bathroom wall to crack](https://imgur.com/a/A4uAkG2), bulge, discolor and seep brown liquid. They claimed this was because there was a leak in the bathroom ceiling caused by hail damage to the roof, despite our unit being on the ground floor. They get their insurance to pay to repair the roof. The leak continues for months, which causes mold/mildew to grow in the basement and possibly behind the bathroom wall. The damage causes tiles to loosen and fall off the wall. Instead of fixing the leak, they send a maintenance man to patch the tiles. I think this caused the bathroom floor and the tub to sink as well. We finally beg them to send plumbers. Plumbers find neigbors' kitchen line has burst, and replace it. Water damage to our unit and mold in basement persists, despite consistent requests to address it. * December 2019 to Present: **Office Ceiling Leak.** One day, a [hole opens](https://imgur.com/a/A4uAkG2) above the room my girlfriend uses as an office and water pours out. I immediately contact the landlord's emergency number. They send a guy over who gives us a bucket to put under the leak. For three months, the hole continues to leak, with no action taken on their part to fix it. Several months later, we finally convince them to send someone to look at it. Plumbers believe the problem stems from failed wax ring on upstairs toilet and they replace it. Celing briefly stops leaking. Landlord does not respond to our requests to fix the hole and repair the water damage to the ceiling. Today, a huge quantity of water erupts from the ceiling hole, damaging art prints (we do not have renter's insurance, and yes, I know that's a big mistake). We made a maintenance request to our landlord, so we'll see if they respond to it at all. * December 2019: **Food erupting from bathtub.** In December of 2019, our bathtub drain clogs and begins to [erupt solid food](https://imgur.com/a/j0yckmF). We ask our landlord to send a plumber to fix this, but they inform us it is our responsibility to pay for drain cleaning unless it is beyond tenant control. We pay for a drain cleaning, and the plumber determines it is impossible for me to have caused this problem due to the way the property's plumbing is set up. We have plumber confirm this in writing and call the landlord, so we can try to have them reimburse us. They claim the plumber never contacted them, and refuse to accept his written testimony, implying we faked it. The drain backs up solid food a second time. We contact the owner of our local plumbing company, and explain the situation (she's sympathetic, because our landlord is notoriously slimy). She sends an employee to unclog the drain. The employee confirms the backup is not our fault, and also finds that our plumbing is improperly installed, so our neighbors are not at fault either. The owner of the plumbing company contacts our landlord, explains this, and sends the landlord the bill for the drain cleaning. The landlord forwards the bill to our upstairs neighbors, who pay the bill because they don't have the time or energy to fight the landlord on this. * July 2020: **Basement flood and toilet leak.** My state has a torrential downpour, and our basement floods with two inches of water. Water seeps from all parts of the foundation walls, and through what might be an old wood burning stove chimney that was never closed up. This is the first time that the basement has flooded, even though we've had worse downpours before. The basement has a floor drain, which should have taken care of the floodwaters, but we find that this drain is clogged. We notify our landlord, who says they will send a maintenance worker with a sump pump. This worker takes 6 hours to come; a neigbor and I bail out the basement using buckets in the meantime. The maintenance worker suggests several fixes, and tells us he'll tell the landlord to send plumbers to unclog the basement floor drain. Making sure to cover our bases, I contact the landlord via email informing them of the steps the maintenance man suggested and request they fix the drain. They decline to take any preventative measures, saying "sometimes you can't prevent a basement from flooding when it rains 2 inches in 2 hours". They also never send a plumber. The basement floods again due to another downpour three weeks later, and they finally send a plumber after I beg them to. * Miscellaneous: Our bedroom door has never shut properly. The wood behind the top hinge has become stripped out, so the screws won't hold the hinge to the doorframe, which causes the door to hang crooked. A plastic window in our enclosed porch is broken, and has let animals inside the porch. Our toilet went through a 6-month period where the tank wouldn't refill unless we ran cold water through the tub. A tree fell on the property's phone/internet lines, and it took them weeks to remove it, instead electing to chain it to a large pine tree across the yard to make sure it didn't fall further. Also, the landlord never notifies us of when/if they will send a maintenance worker. Thank you for reading this story. I know it's a lot to take in but I'm so angry and at the end of my rope, and want to know if I'd be in danger if I tell my landlord off (i think rightfully so) for their horrendous neglect.
Legality of using images for t shirt sales
So I’m thinking of making a clothing website which will focus on hip hop merchandise and am looking for advice on the legality of it. Is it okay to do the following? (And if not what can I do to make it okay) 1) Put a picture of a rapper on a T Shirt (image from google/their social media, not asking for consent) 2) Put pictures of their album covers on a T shirt 3) Put their song lyrics or quotes on a T shirt
Will I actually get in trouble for doing this?
So I live in PA. I’m 19 and was bored and I thought it would be funny to post gross pictures of Mercari (selling app) under the tag for American girl dolls (because I’m part of big communities on Facebook so I can see reactions). Nudity is against the TOS but they have yet to ban me. I know I really need to get a life and find something better to do. I posted pictures of a hairy butthole, a bloody toilet with stuffed animals in it, a fat guy with man boobs, blue waffle (gross STD vagina), guy shoving a jar up his butt and bloody glass everywhere, one of the dolls I had up for sale I posted a pic of it in between my buttcrack, satanic bible versus, a girl giving a blowjob, just a bunch of outrageous gross stuff. I cancelled all my sales and honestly haven’t shipped anything out within the last two weeks. I also sent rude DM’s to people through the app but nothing threatening or alarming. I found a lot of the pictures on old shock sites. I posted in the description either a bunch of gibberish in all caps or dirty song lyrics. The reactions were funny and people are pissed and are spamming Mercari support screenshots of my posts And account but they haven’t done anything yet. They are investigating my account. I can still post for now. I’ve done this in the past and a few people still have the screenshots saved from the past. Nobody has ever reported me to authorities until now. Some people bought from me and are giving out my address to report it to my local police department. A few people said they sent emails with all the disturbing screenshots and how I am very mentally unstable to my local police. Somebody said that because I had stuffed animals in one of my pictures in a bloody toilet bowl, that were up for sale, and the American girl doll in my buttcrack, that it’s a health hazard especially because of the pandemic and the government will frown upon it. They also said I was soliciting pornography to minors if there was any on the app at the time because of what I did with the toys. Because they are children’s toys. A few people also reported it to a child protection agency in my area (I’m not a child) because I’m so immature and could possibly be a child. I never once threatened anybody or posted anything promoting suicide or anything alarming minus the gross pictures. I was just posting disturbing images up for sale for hours, and laughing at the reactions. The pictures got taken down. Yes I know I damaged my reputation on that app and honestly I hope I get banned for my own sake. Will the police actually look into this and will I get in trouble for this? How about the child protection agency?
I did a freelance job, the client is unhappy and accused in stealing
It happened awhile. I had a work for 40$ to create an AR filter, I did it and she paid me only after she saw the result, I asked her to pay me only after she confirms my work. later she said that there was an issue, but I couldn’t help her, because I had an issue with my account where we were communicating. I asked to write me on another account, I didn’t receive a message from her there. Later she accused me in stealing her money. I never had any intentions to steal from her, now after fixing issues with my account I tried to find our conversation and I couldn’t, even using key words like: price, details, as if our conversation was deleted or never existed. What can I do in this scenario? Can I make a return using my history of transactions?
NC Lease Issue
Hello and thanks in advance for any advice. I am in a lease in North Carolina and am constantly have to deal with a long list off issues which has caused me make arrangements elsewhere. In this process I am attempting to sublease and do the "right" thing by not burdening the landlord any more than needed. However, I am looking to see the feasibility of terminating the lease early and will outline some of what I think may be issues. 1.We paid a deposit on a unit that we did not get, in fact we were given a unit in a flood area when the one we signed for was not in a flood area. All in all we were moved 3 times and not told that this unit was in a flood area until after I signed the lease and saw by chance in the local news that it was. To that extent the lease has the apartment numbers of other units on it in certain areas and not the unit we are actually in. They also did not provide us with information regarding flood insurance until weeks later which I am unsure if this was required by law or not. 2.We do not have screens even though other units do. Currently it is over 2 weeks since we submitted the request and while the have acknowledged us they state that we are low priority and others have higher priority issues. They also have refused to replace our door lock which sticks and causes you to have to jimmy the key to get in. They also have yet to replace a light fixture cover and blinds that we mentioned to them upon move in months ago. 3.We have neighbors that smoke heavily and while they are not always around when they are it makes our kitchen and bathroom unusable as you can visibly see the smoke in those areas. I am unsure of what the neighbors are doing with their smoke alarms because every time I have spoken to them smoke pours out of their apartment. 4.Whenever we give them payments for rent or water (they accept the water payments because they sub contract that out) they are always late in submitting those. Specifically I received a late notice for water and they claim to have no record of me giving them the check. This has happened twice. 5.When I asked directly for the number of the company that owns this property I was not given it, specifically I asked and only y going to the BBB was I able to even get a contact which is still not THE company but instead the "desk of the regional manager" who has not gotten back to me despite numerous calls and messages. 6.THE big one is that they passed around letters asking for tenant approval to spray in ceiling insulation. Myself and numerous neighbors did not sign this and the contractor who did the job actually handed me the form in person stating "people haven't signed this and I can't get paid until you sign it. It has already been done so just sign it so that I can get paid". I haven't and to my knowledge others have yet to sign this. Important to note that he didn't have to physically enter my residence to perform this. 7.ANOTHER big one is that it was stressed that only hot water was metered and that we wouldn't be charged for cold water and that water utilities would be cheaper here than elsewhere. This was a big topic when we paid the deposit. Come to find out all units are grouped together and the bill is split among us all so I am not charged for my usage like the lease and property manager stated. I have called the water company that they use and have three different operators stating that is the way things operate. I got one operator who stated it was individual payment. This stands out as my water bill has nearly tripled from my last residence and I am EXTREMELY water conscious, like the "if its yellow let it mellow" type so seeing such huge water consumption is startling, especially when they would not accept my request to check the meter. I want to go to the property manager here and offer the following, let me out of the lease and I will forfeit security deposit, pay one months extra rent, and work diligently between now and then to find a suitable replacement. It should be noted that their lease termination clause would have me paying 3 months worth of rent. The office also tends to say yes to everything but never follows through with anything. Not trying to be a cheapskate and just get out but I honestly feel wronged and not a week has gone by where something hasn't caused me to go to the office and find a fix without anything. What options do I have and do you think they would be willing to take my proposal?
Ex keeping kids and possibly exposing to covid!
Location: Louisiana Hi y'all. Ive recently posted on another group about a situation going on. I need legal advice but am unsure of where to turn. My ex has refused to give me the children back at the custody paperwork appointed time this weekend. Before this ive had trouble with him regarding them and other matters. He has threatened to kill me and others before, has tried to block me from doing things they really really needed to have done, emotionally and mentally abused me. I think he is trying to turn the kids against me as they have come home before saying I'm a bad mommy and I took them away from him and things like that that no then 3 or 4 year old should have knowledge of or even say. This has been going on now for a long time. I left him in 2017 and he refused to let me have the kids and me taking him to court for them and his lies at that time is the reason that even though we have joint custody I have domicile. That's all just leading up to this situation. This previous weekend is the first weekend that he's gotten the kids since covid started. I asked if he was worried about the risk when he messaged me about it. He just got an attitude about me questioning his concern. But quite honestly even though he has many people at risk around him hes never cared about what his actions does to other people. So I sent a message confirming that he would get then Friday at 5:30pm and return them Sunday at 5:30pm. He never responded to that. Anyway his mom and dad picked the kids up Friday at 5:30pm like they normally do. I had to fix my son's car seat in their truck because he just could not sit in it anymore. While I was busy being a gymnest and climbing over stuff to reach the car seat and then fixing it his mother starts talking to me and I'm just ardently responding. I didnt even think about what she's saying because I'm sweating and just hurt myself to make sure my boy is safe as possible. Well she mentions her son in law and something about 'that virus' but is vauge and just skips over anything else about it or him. Sunday morning comes around and my ex has suddenly responding saying he refuses to give the kids until Wednesday. Now by this time I had judt woken up from a dream/nightmare where I guess my mind decided I needed to pay attention to what was said. And I woke up freaking out. My plan was to get the kids and freak out on them for exposing my kids and then tell them that the next visitation probably will not happen as me and the kids have to go get tested and then go into a 14 day quarantine so that we dont risk anyone else's health since theres many immune compromised people in my family including a few children and my mil with heart and lung problems. I dont want to sound bad but it scared me. Specially this new stuff attacking only children. Well he refused to send them to me, basically laughed when I said I would call the cops (which now i understand why). Now I have a report filed on him with his local sheriffs office, have tried to file a civil warrant for my children to be returned, had that denied "per code" and am looking into my options. If it wasnt an emergency for their medical health, him not even asking me, and the fact that him doing this is simply a control method (he told me many times he would never let me be happy and would do whatever he could to destroy it but I didnt have it recorded sadly), and it hit me that ive lived through this where I was the child being manipulated and hurt by this, well I'm not sure if this hadnt of happened if I would have started this. But my kids mean everything to me. And hearing their voices repeat what they were trained to say broke me as I realized that if I don't change something they will grow up with the problems I face to this day from my momma (grandmother on fathers side) and daddy (step grandfather who helped raise me) doing the same to me towards my momma (bio mom). I dont know what I need to do. This is all very confusing. I just need my babies to be safe. And i know when I was told to say something or not say something 'or else _reason_' that I didnt even feel safe in my own mind. I need to break the cycle! Please help me!
Landlord attempting to charge $3k for balcony damages!
Looking for some possible help/advice on how to handle a situation with my previous landlord who still is holding onto our security deposit for our Chicago apartment which had experienced damage caused in an exterior balcony with a faulty drain and leaked down onto the downstairs unit, causing a few thousand dollars in damage by an estimation done on site. The lease did not say we were responsible for damages from the drain as far as we can tell, and we cited that we were extremely worried about damage that would be done to the unit given it's faulty structure. We were only advised to clean it every few weeks in order to help prevent damage and to be aware of the duties to help make sure it does not get clogged. There was an instance a year ago or so where damage was caused, and she told us that if it ever happened again, we would be liable. This was by no means a mandate as far as contracts go, in our opinion. The drain itself clogs extremely easily due to debris outside, much quicker than just a few weeks. We cleaned the drain routinely, usually multiple times a week. By the landlords own admission, the drain has not been inspected for work to update it in the last 10 years, and admits that it is a pain to deal with. Again, we raised concern that this type of damage would happen but that we would try to do what we could to manage it for her. The damage that was caused was just in the last days of the lease term where my wife and I were in and out of the apartment trying to move to the suburbs. Ultimately we feel that this is a structural problem caused by nature and requires constant presence at the apartment in order to manage. She also mentioned that it's only really a problem in the fall season when leaves fall. Obviously this happened in the middle of summer, another telling point of why this is just so unmanageable. I have a lot of email documentation. Other questions and considerations: The end date of the lease was June 30th. We disputed liability of damages on July 7. She sent an itemized listing of damages on July 30 for ~$1,600 and then again on August 9 for ~$3,200 citing more damage than she thought after. There are more than 5 units in the building, in looking up rights of tenants for timelines of when itemized bills must be laid out (30 days), and when deposits must be returned (45 days). It looks like while the original estimation was sent within 30 days, the second one for nearly twice the original estimation was sent after 30 days on August 9. This alone seems invalid? Also, ONLY JUST NOW have been sent our deposit back (even in subtraction to what she is using the funds to pay for damages) now October. Surely there are also improper implications with these timelines? We would like the entire amount of our deposit refunded on account of faulty structuring to her unit which is unmanageable to tenants. Plus if she handled the timelines required to process this improperly we'd like to stick her with that as well. We feel very at a loss.
Landlords told us we didnt need to repaint before moving out but the took $800 out of our deposit for painting
When my family was moving out of our last rental place we asked if we needed to repaint the living room since we had painted, they said we did not and that they liked the color and would probably leave it. Now a month later(the longest they can wait to return a security deposit) we received the check and an invoice for painting that was $800. Is there anything we can do to dispute this? We never expected to get all of the deposit back but this is quite a lot for something we were told was fine. And $800 seems like a lot for painting 3 walls? (2 living room walls and a small entry way wall)
What should I do about a false accusation from an Ex girlfriend?
TLDR: ex said I raped her on social media, week after she messaged me apologizing and admitting that she made it all up because she was mad and drunk. (I have saved all the messages) I’m worried she might file a police report, what should I do to prepare? I dated a girl for almost a year, the relationship was pretty smooth. I dumped her and then a month later she posted on social media saying that I had raped her when we were dating. The next day she took down the posts and then maid another post saying I pressured her into sex, and that I’m a terrible person etc etc. A few days later she also took those posts down. She then messaged me apologizing for it and admitted multiple times to making it all up because she was mad. I have multiple copies of the messages saved and backed up. I also have text messages showing that our relationship was consensual. She also said she wants to be friends now. (I obviously don’t want to be). The fact that I have evidence of her admitting to fabricating it should be enough to clear me if ever went to trail right? I’m extremely paranoid that she’s gonna lose it again and then file a police report. She hasn’t said anything about doing that but I’m still worried about it. If she files a police report I should be able to prove my innocence pretty easily? I’m pretty sure I would win if it went to a court case. But could I still be stuck in jail for months awaiting a trail if I can’t afford bail? Is there something I can do to prepare now?
Job is forcing me to travel twice as many miles after they cut my hours. I can’t afford it
Hey all just like the description says, my hours were cut due to the virus, and my district manager was asking if I can commute to a different city which is twice my commute In miles, and my problem is my car is horrible on gas and I only have $100 in my account until next pay day. I told him that and he said “I’m not asking you I’m telling you” so now my last dime is going to gas... yes I’m being paid mileage but not until next pay day. Is this legal? I’m being put in a rough spot and I’m stressing out. This virus has taken my financial comfort and I don’t know what to do at this point. Thanks for any advice
Can I be charged with breaking/entering if it's listed as my permanent residence, but I was no longer "allowed there"?
I was using my parent's basement as temporary storage for my belongings following a break up. I was staying with a friend and couldn't have everything I owned with me, so my parents agreed to let me use my old bedroom as storage until I got back on my feet and into a new house. Last week, my parents and I had an argument that was big enough for them to basically ban me from the house. I made several attempts to gather my belongings and each time my parents blew me off. They told me I had to get my stuff before they moved, or else they would throw it all away, but they weren't giving me any options. So today, I went over with a group of friends to get my stuff, as my parents said they would be home for me to do it, and knocked on the door. No one was home (surprise), and the front door was locked. But the garage door was not. So we went inside, and we packed everything into our cars in 15 minutes and left. I am not listed as a tenant and I do not live there, but my permanent address is listed as the address of my parent's house. I know my parents will lose their head when they come home and there is proof I have been inside, and taken items. Knowing my parents, they will make a huge deal about it, and I want to make sure I'm protected. My most important questions are: >Can I be charged for breaking and entering despite the house being listed as my permanent residence? >Can I be charged with theft even though it was all MY property?
[CA] AT&T double billed me this month on my wireless plan. Failed to resolve over customer service. I want to report their behavior.
On last months wireless bill AT&T did not include the amount for my installment plan, and it wasn't even mentioned on the bill. One this months bill, which I'm calling this months bill because the amount due for the billing period is due this month, they included both last months and this months installment payment. The amount per installment is $61.50. Times two, $122 on this months bill. Now, these also are the final two payments of the the installment agreement. The device is payed off after this periods bill is payed. I contacted AT&T via chat, phone, and visiting a retail store(who politely informed me everything is done over phone and they don't know why I was sent there), and I asked them if I could have one of the two installments moved to next month. They refused, and insisted that I pay the entire bill amount. I said I was open to other arrangements to lower this months bill and pay the rest later, and reminded them that it was AT&T who made the mistake by not including it in my bill the previous month. One of the 7 or 8 people I spoke with said that it was a known issue that happened to several of their customers last month, and was resolved. I don't think I should have to pay the $61.50 that AT&T neglected to include in my bill and then added the next month without notice. However I am willing to pay it if they spread the 2 payments over 2 months as they should be. I did not ask AT&T to forgive the installment, but I did tell them many times that I was willing to do it over two months, inline with what I originally agreed when I bought the device. First, what organization(s) should I report AT&T to, and how should I do it? Second, how can I best get out of paying the $61.50 they did not charge me one month? What legal grounds do I have there? Thank you for your help. I realize the dollar amount here is not that much, but AT&T's absolute refusal to work with me on payment options makes me want to pursue legal options.
Denied for unemployment, lost my job because of COVID-19, all businesses shut down, I'm absolutely fucked.
"Your claim for unemployment benefits is denied because you did not earn enough wages during your base period. You did not meet their monetary requirements to establish a claim." I worked 22 hours a week at a restaurant and went to school the other hours. I had to drop out of school and then I lost my job. I still have bills I need to pay. What the fuck do I do...
Not Being Paid For My Day 1 - USA - TN
I worked at a Company for 1 day. I DO Know the exact time but for privacy it was about 6 hours. I worked the 6 hours and was told I had to make an account on a third party website to do onboarding. I thought the TOS was intrusive and didn't want to make an account. I am willing to fill out information they need to pay me but I don't want to make an account on their website. I am sure I can fill out stuff like W4 and I-9 without agreeing to the TOS of a third party website that hosts their onboarding process... Now they are refusing to pay me unless I make an account and agree to all the terms and conditions. I don't agree with arbitration and terms that say I could be charged for whatever, etc... Further I have recording of employees saying I worked those hours and recording of management refusing to pay me. Is this legal? What can I do about it? Am I just going to not be paid? And a bonus question. Since I am not paid it doesn't need to be on the Tax Returns right?
Don’t ask don’t tell? Black and white legality.
I recently quit a job working for a family owned company that services a certain type of insurance need. The family and higher ups there are very wealthy, all drive fancy cars, have nice houses, vacation houses, various properties, toys etc. From what I can tell the normal employees are paid slightly above to decently above average for their roles in the company. Here’s the thing. These employees are just doing what they are told, and by someone powerful who assures them. We are trained to tack on extra and unnecessary costs to claims, and knowingly bill out a much larger amount than what actually is for financial gain. We are expected to do whatever it takes to “fluff up” the cost of the claim...including forging documents. While I am not at all looking to blow any whistle, I have seen myself to the door for many other reasons, I am curious. Can this type of work potentially be a risk/ a danger to my coworkers who are still there on some kind of criminal level? Or if shit hit the fan would it fall solely on the owners? I have read that insurance fraud is a felony with a hefty sentence. But then again, everyone must be doing it...right?
My Girlfriends car was towed out of the parking lot of our Apartment.
I’ll try to make this as short and sweet as possible. My apartment building has a parking lot around the building (not large enough for everyone in the building to park so it is first come first serve and is generally already full by 4pm.) There is also a side gravel lot that is considered “extra parking”. There is only one car per unit allowed to park next to the building so my girlfriend has a sticker saying she can park in the gravel lot and I have one saying I can park in the regular lot. (I know that seems backwards but she moved in after my first lease term I already had the place.) Anyway, the gravel lot has been blocked off for construction leaving all the residents who normally park in there forced to park on the city blocks with very limited hours of parking forcing us to get up and move her car around several times a day and to the point where I’m afraid to drive my car at times for fear of losing my ability to park at my own apartment. So the construction company decided to leave the lot blocked off over Easter weekend meaning, no resident parking and no visitor parking at all. Not only that, but the “construction” that we were informed about was the gravel lot being leveled but instead they put a fence halfway through it and sold half of it to the police station next door. So we called the building management and asked if my girlfriend could park in the regular lot at least until the gravel lot was no longer blocked off and they said that it was fine over the weekend as they had suspended towing due to the shit show going on. However after the first night, we woke up and her car had been towed anyway (the towing company is a contractor for the building.) So we had to go get her car on Easter Sunday from a towing place after being explicitly told she would be allowed to park there. Our lease specified that we both will have off street parking. Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks for any help in advance.
Going 86 in a 65 in, advice?
Apparently I was going 86 behind a cop when he was Cruising at 68 mph. The cop was about a mile ahead of me while I was going down hill. I’ve contacted my traffic lawyer and told him about the speed and how it happened. So i’ll see what he says. I was wondering what else I can do. I do not believe I was going that faster than 70 going downhill and I slowed down to 65 when passing the officer. He slowed down a lot to get behind me, then turned on his lights. I don’t think there was anyway I was going 86 in a 65. I saw the officers radar, idk if improper equipment can be argued. Anyways I don’t want to lose my license or get points. What should I do?
My new boss unofficially pressured me to work overtime, while the company is not allowing overtime. I waited a month and then submitted it because I was afraid they'd use it against me to claim I could complete projects in the same amount of time without overtime.
I posted earlier about my new boss passing my up for promotion, and pressuring me to work unpaid overtime (though the company officially is not approving overtime) to meet a project deadline that they didn't provide enough support for. Note, the company is not approving overtime right now, but they've praised people for working overtime without submitting it the entire time I've worked there. About a month ago, my boss asked my team who'd been working unpaid overtime and one girl immediately excitedly raised her hand, she is now being promoted. I told my boss about some of my unpaid overtime one day and he said he would get me compensated, but never followed up. Over the course of 1 month, I worked 40 hours of unpaid overtime. After which I learned that they'd liked about the possibilities of future promotions if I just continued to work hard. So I submitted my list of overtime hours, didn't request compensation and said that I understand the company is having financial difficulties, but that this can never happen again. After doing that I saw a response to my post in r/careerguidance [https://www.reddit.com/r/careerguidance/comments/ifbd9r/i\_let\_myself\_get\_tricked\_and\_taken\_advantage\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/careerguidance/comments/ifbd9r/i_let_myself_get_tricked_and_taken_advantage_of/) saying I could be fired for submitting this time? Is this true?
Selling fake merchandise in a thrift shop.
Can a thrift store, like a goodwill, sell fake merchandise? Is there a legal penalty for this? I am Washington State.
Ex-Husband is trying to withold my daughter from me, we have joint custody, isn't this illegal? [Long]
My exhusband from many years ago is trying to prevent access to my daughter. He has custody of her per our separation papers during the summer until early August every year, after then she goes to me or my family. Everyone has moved to different states, most recently her grandparents. The paperwork for primary residence and custody arrangement, dates/times for visitation were done in California which he left many years ago. During her usual, unremarkable stay, he has been aparently, without my knowing it, been consulting a lawyer about her living with him primarily. We talked about it and he said that he doesnt want her seeing my other family members in the state they moved in (Montana), that she needs to be with one of us. I said I wasn't sure what the problem was since she can reside with me (Illinois) and on paper, I am still her primary carer w/ power of attorney allocated to her grandparents on my side. Power of attorney is running out for them. For the record, I have been her primary parent her whole life (9) and this last year she and I were separated when I had to move midwest to a special medical facility for a life threatening condition. Power of attorney was given to her grandparents while I relocated and got treatment. We discussed her returning back to my care in June and plans were made that after his summer time visit with her was up she would be here as usual. I got a strange call earlier this week and so I called her to make sure all was well and accidentally found out about all this. Her birthday is in a week and I have tickets and everything. We had a talk tonight and he said he wants to talk to his lawyer, I was naturally confused due to us always having had this arrangement and joint custody. No paperwork has been changed but he is hounding me all week about some "process" that I need to sign papers for and some "injunction/injucture??" (I am not sure what this is) to go to school there. I have not agreed to change her primary residence to his (in Washington) and in our written agreement she is to be returned to me or whomever has power of attorney a week before school. The conversation tonight was very stressful. I am unsure what he is trying to do. I could not quite get him to say why he said he needs to talk to a lawyer before I can see her... I believe that is illegal to hold her from me. He admitted to procrastinating on this (possible lie) and speaking to the lawyer without my knowledge, and that they told him not to tell me anything. Lots of flags start going up. I found out by accident when I called to see when she would be coming back. Thus far we have agreed to our custody arrangement and that she should reside with one of us. I have signed nothing to change any of our custody paperwork or who she goes to, though he did try to get my address so some papers could be sent. He would not tell me what papers. I could not tell if he was unsure what was going on, as he was constantly trying to gather his thoughts, or if he is hiding something more. I want avoid a court battle, and we are in different states... I do not see what his angle is, unless he tried using my condition against me to try to take her away, but seeing as I've parented her with my physical limitations and he has not been present most her life, and has acted irresponsibly, I'm not sure what he could possibly gain. Another flag went up when he referred to me as the "lesser parent" according to the law, he has never said anything like that to me as I have worked hard to raise her without much help. Thank you for your help, I'm trying to figure out what all of this means, whether him refusing to release her to me is illegal as per our custody agreement, what an injunction/injucture means (everything I have read says it has something to do with a restraining order, but he says it has to do with enrolling her in school there--which I have also not agreed to). He warned me not to purchase her plane tickets last night. It's gone from us talking a couple months ago about changing power of attorney from her grandparents, to him doing this. I did consult a lawyer online for some extra advice and they said it could possibly constitute as kidnapping. But I am unsure. I have a lot of work ahead of me, I'm pretty overwhelmed. Thankyou to the person who reads this and replies. I apologize for the length. Just to add, what he -has- told me is he wants to change her primary residence to his. I have told him flat out I don't agree to it. He is issuing vague warnings to me and that he needs to talk to his lawyer, instead of letting me know what's going on (as we've done for 6-7 years).
What are the consequences for entering another highschool
I went to a different highschool than most of my friends. I was wondering what the consequences would be for me if I entered their school. I live in California,and in the LAUSD District
Would like to sue for custody of my nephew
My 3 month old nephew is currently under the care of child protective services in Texas. His mother (my SIL) is a druggie with a record. CPS asked her to list 3 people who she would like the child placed with. We were not on that list, probably since we are not that close with her and we live a few hours away. There is no father in the picture. The person she chose is not family but wants a baby so they told her they would allow her to keep benefits and be able to still claim the baby for taxes and stimulus. What I want is her rights terminated and for my husband and I to have full custody. I know it sounds harsh but this is her 3rd child. She has lost custody to the other two to her baby daddies. She has no home, no car, no job. She does drugs and neglects the baby when she is high. Once she gets the baby back she will start neglecting him again and I predict he will be bouncing around from friend to friend and in and out of the system. I want to save this child from a miserable life and give him love and stability. I am a mother of 1 child and feel financially and emotionally able to give this baby what he needs. She is toxic and manipulative and has already relapsed multiple times. Therefore, I don’t want her popping in and out of our lives. She’s unreliable, always partying and is typically unresponsive to messages/calls. In your opinion, if my husband and I move forward with this are the odds in our favor? Would this be a difficult fight?
Should i put this or no?
can i put "I will also hold you liable for the intetest, damages, attorney's fees, and expenses that i will incur arising from your unlawful detainer of my property" in my notice of eviction?
Is it legal for an hourly job with commission to only give hourly pay OR commission?
[Ohio] My boyfriend started a new job whose pay system seems sketchy to us. He was told at his interview that he would earn $11/hr plus commission. However, he would only get commission if the amount earned surpasses what he earned in his hourly wages. In his paychecks though, they are docking his hours (saying he worked 30 instead of 40) and adding in some random commission amount. When he talked to his bosses about it, they said he either gets hourly pay OR commission, even though the paycheck manipulates the pay to look like its a combination of hourly and commission. His boss even admitted that the amount of hours he works is irrelevant to his pay for the most part. Is it legal for a workplace to do this?
Can my school make me turn on my webcam?
To start, my school is current under a hybrid system where half the students attend school on Monday and Tuesday, and the other half go on Thursday and Friday. For the classes, the teacher brings up a video call with the online students of that class. However, if you are at home on a meeting, the teachers require you to turn on your webcam, and threatens detention if you don’t. Is this allowed? Thanks.
(Nebraska) I have a business opportunity and I am wondering how to go about patenting my creation being an international college student
I recently talked to the local civil services/emergency response teams and found out that I can construct a drone for them to solve a problem they usually have. Problem is, I am an international college student. I wanna explore the idea but also wanna ensure that my hard work is paid off and can land a patent, and hopefully make some money. Where do I start?
Withholding rent from landlord refusing to return security deposit
I am in a lease for another month with 2 roommates. The landlord offered us a renewal agreement and I declined, however the roommates decided to renew and find a new 3rd tenant. I informed the landlord that I will not be renewing and meanwhile asked if the landlord would be willing to return only my portion of the security deposit rather than the entire amount (which would be re-collected as part of the new lease). The landlord shockingly declined to return any security deposit citing that it is only a partial moveout and suggested that I should seek reimbursement from my roommates or the tenant replacing me. The lease does not have any clause about partial moveouts. Am I within my rights to withhold my portion of the deposit from the last month's rent since I have email evidence that the landlord does not intent to return the deposit after the current lease is completed? Note: this is in New Jersey
NC speeding ticket typo
I posted a while ago on here regarding a speeding ticket I received. Regardless of the backstory, we have just found out the drivers license ID number and the state of the drivers license is incorrect on the ticket but my name is correct. Does this void the ticket? Assuming I’d still have to bring it to court, is there a chance they will just throw it out?
(UK) Can a student be a witness to documents signed for purchasing a house/flat?
Hello! I am very close to finalising my purchase of a property but just need to sign a few more documents (Deed of covenant, deed of legal mortgage with bank etc.). These documents require the signature of a witness, along with their address and occupation. I was wondering if I could get my girlfriend to sign as the witness as she is over 18 and has a permanent address. The only problem may be is that she is a student so doesn't have a proper occupation. Should I seek another witness or is this not a problem?
Can someone explain what a rerent levy is?
Hello Reddit, My roommate and I are wanting to move out of our apartment. Our landlord has provided us with a less than ideal living situation and promises he's made never actually happened (we weren't even approved to live in his condo by HOA, which he said we were). We are fed up with the whole situation and are looking to move out. In our lease, it states "If the Tenant moves out prior to the natural expiration of this Lease, a rerent levy of $$$$ will be charged to the Tenant." My question is... if we move out and break our leasing agreement (we are 7 months in), will this rerent levy (and any possible damage fees) be all the we are accountable for after we move? Thanks, from Kansas City, Missouri.
Can I get compensation from my apartment complex? [OH, US]
This is kinda long but there’s a TL;DR at the very end So this year I had to move into off campus housing because my university kicks all upperclassmen out of the dorms. Being pretty young and dumb (20 M) I found a relatively nice apartment that rent wasn’t too bad on, and location was pretty solid. I’m currently signed into a 12 month lease starting August 2018. I’m sharing this 3 bedroom apartment with 3 of my other friends. Everything in that end is working absolutely fine. I contacted a leasing manager on August 1st of 2018 like I was instructed to, to see if I can move in 5 days earlier than what the lease specified. Leasing manager okays it and says everything will be set and ready for me to move in on the 17th of August, tells me to call back in a week just to touch base again and to make sure we’re both all set. Week passes, I call they tell me that my early move in can’t happen because the apartment was being renovated. Leasing manager a week before said renovations for my unit were already done. Week long fiasco ends with me still moving in early and being promised that everything will be ready. Move in day comes. I get my keys. Power is on, water is running, few dents, scuffs and scratches in walls and ceilings but other than that everything is looking good. Go to set up internet and can not get my router to connect. Call leasing office, they tell me that internet is included in our $200 community fee we payed at the signing of the lease and should be working. I tell them it’s not they give me a phone number to contact ISP. ISP says they don’t have an account for the apartment complex and that they can’t help me. Get the run around from leasing office and ISP. 4 days with no internet passes and I finally get in contact with the right ISP and get a guy to come out and figure out what’s wrong. ISP tech fixes problem but says that it’s the apartment complex’s fault and it’s not even his hardware. Thanks for fixing it anyways Rob (ISP tech). Suppose to have working Ethernet ports in rooms for my computer but they don’t work. I tell leasing office and they say they can’t help me. I ask to speak to leasing manager and was told they weren’t in but they’d take down my phone number and have them call me back. 2 weeks pass never got a call. Now I’m writing this post. While the entire internet problem was happening my toilet was also faulty. The flush seal has a slow leak and would cause the toilet to constantly use water. 24/7 for the past 3 weeks the water hooked up to my toilet has been running at a slow trickle. I’m currently testing to see how much water it uses in a set amount of time. When I moved in I called and asked if they could get maintained out to fix it was told to give it 2 days and call again. End up waiting three and call and get told that I need to put a maintained request in online. I do that. It’s been a week with an open maintained request and never had anyone come to fix it. I found the parts needed to fix it myself and am debating to just get it done. My question is between the internet which was promised to be working when I moved in and the lackluster maintained crew not fixing my problem do you think I can get compensation? Either credit towards rent, or a water bill, or anything? Also if I replace this seal on my toilet I’m planning on billing my leasing office for the cost of part and cost of gas used to go get said part (since closest place that has it is 20 miles away). Do you think in ether situation I will get compensated or have a legal right to get compensated? Keep in mind that for repairs like this maintenance is provided for free by the apartment complex. TL;DR apartment complex’s leasing office likes to give me the run around. Spent 4 days with no internet thanks to the leasing office, and my toilet has been slowly trickling water for 3 weeks and I still can’t get maintenance out to my unit to fix it. Can I get compensated for the the lack of promised internet and possibly the cost of water for lack of repair? Do you think I can bill the leasing office if I go get the parts and fix it myself?
My insurance company wouldnt let me get GAP coverage for my car. Nothing is wrong with it but, I cant really get any information on this scenario just incase. If my car got totaled and they only gave me with it was worth which would be less then my note, could I use the money and buy a different car with the cash & just continue paying on the loan with that car as collateral or whatever if they needed it?
Dealership Fraud! Can I win?
I recently bought a used 2009 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD from a small sketchy dealership in west Houston, TX. and have been battling the dealership about paying off my trade-in vehicle, fixing major safety issues caused by them, and a number of other things. About 30 days later, the truck's transmission malfunctions and with it still being under warranty (until Feb 8, 2015) I took it into Chevrolet and they told me they would have no problem either re-building or replacing the transmission under warranty. After a month of waiting to get my truck back the other day, the dealership calls me and informs me that the VIN tag that is riveted to the side of the transmission has been pried off, the inner plates and inside of the transmission has been ground away with a grinder and is severely damaged to the point that it can never be repaired. They told me that the only explanation for this transmission (with very obviously more mileage than what's on the truck's odometer) is that the dealership at which the truck was purchased had another similar truck (they only sell large diesels) with a bad transmission they were trying to sell and swapped the faulty trans from that truck with the low-mileage trans from mine hoping that the person who bought it didn't notice. This would be the only explanation of the missing VIN tag and obvious wear on this transmission. Also that the brake lines have been tampered with and are nearly worn though which could cause a serious safety hazard. I will be filing a consumer complaint with the Texas attorney general and also after doing a bit of research with the texas lemon law, found that if a vehicle is covered under manufacturer original warranty (which it still is) the lemon law still applies. Does anyone have any advice on whether or not it would be beneficial for me to get a lawyer, or does my case even have a leg to stand on? Texas Lemon Law - http://www.txdmv.gov/motorists/buying-or-selling-a-vehicle?id=56
Over a year ago a woman backed into me and I need legal advice [Help]
While working as a busboy I was driving to and from work regularly using a new Civic that my parents were paying for for me to have (extremely generous of them) in order to go out and work and see friends etc. one night while leaving the parking lot to get home, I stopped at the lip of the exit to check both ways as normal and was about to pull out into the street when a woman who was parked in a spot next to the exit backed into the front right corner of my car fully without checking. She got out and was immediately extremely apologetic and in retrospect she was just afraid of me calling the cops and fucking her insurance. Unfortunately being the 17 year old kid I was a year ago with minimal experience in these types of situations, I bought into her act and believed that my dad would be able to take care of it if I just got her name and number. Never called the cops or filed a police report for the dent she put above my wheel. Ballpark quotes are $700-800. My dad owns the car and pays for it, but he and I are unsure that at this point we can get her or her insurance to cover. Any and all advice is appreciated