stringlengths 2
| hypothesis_ja
stringlengths 1
| label
class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 1
| premise_en_rev
stringlengths 6
| hypothesis_en_rev
stringlengths 0
| label_rev
class label 3
classes |
医者を助けるためのハイテク機器でいっぱいの忙しい手術室。 | 裁判官と被告人がお互いにじっと見つめあっている。 | 2contradiction
| A busy operating room with high tech equipment to assist the doctors. | A judge and an accused are staring at each other. | A busy operating room full of high tech equipment to help the surgeon. | The judge and the accused are staring at each other. | 2contradiction
医者を助けるためのハイテク機器でいっぱいの忙しい手術室。 | 手術室には器具が備え付けられている。 | 0entailment
| A busy operating room with high tech equipment to assist the doctors. | Equipment are lying in operating room | A busy operating room full of high tech equipment to help the surgeon. | There is equipment in the operating room. | 0entailment
医者を助けるためのハイテク機器でいっぱいの忙しい手術室。 | 手術が執刀室で行われている。 | 1neutral
| A busy operating room with high tech equipment to assist the doctors. | An operation is being performed in the operating room. | A busy operating room full of high tech equipment to help the surgeon. | An operation is being performed in the operating room. | 0entailment
その少女は岩壁をよじ登っている。 | 少女は危険から身を守るために岩壁をよじ登っていく。 | 1neutral
| The girl is climbing a rock wall. | A girl climbs away from danger up a rock wall. | The girl is climbing up the cliff. | The girl climbed up the cliff to escape from danger. | 1neutral
その少女は岩壁をよじ登っている。 | 女の子がロッククライミングをしている。 | 0entailment
| The girl is climbing a rock wall. | A girl is rock climbing. | The girl is climbing up the cliff. | A girl is rock-climbing. | 0entailment
その少女は岩壁をよじ登っている。 | 一人の女性がソファーに座ってテレビを見ている。 | 2contradiction
| The girl is climbing a rock wall. | A woman sits on the couch and watches TV | The girl is climbing up the cliff. | A woman is sitting on a sofa watching television. | 2contradiction
エプロンを着た女性が、裏返ったアイスクリームコーンの入った発泡スチロール箱を運んでいる。 | 子供たちに取り囲まれた女性が重い荷物を持って歩いている。 | 1neutral
| A woman in an apron carries a styrofoam box of upside down ice cream cones. | A female surrounded by kids is walking with a heavy object. | A woman in an apron is carrying a Styrofoam box full of upside-down ice cream cones. | A woman surrounded by children is walking with a heavy load. | 1neutral
エプロンを着た女性が、裏返ったアイスクリームコーンの入った発泡スチロール箱を運んでいる。 | 女性が箱を運んでいる。 | 0entailment
| A woman in an apron carries a styrofoam box of upside down ice cream cones. | A female is carrying a box. | A woman in an apron is carrying a Styrofoam box full of upside-down ice cream cones. | A woman is carrying a box. | 0entailment
エプロンを着た女性が、裏返ったアイスクリームコーンの入った発泡スチロール箱を運んでいる。 | ある請負業者がサンドイッチを食べています。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in an apron carries a styrofoam box of upside down ice cream cones. | A contractor is eating a sandwich. | A woman in an apron is carrying a Styrofoam box full of upside-down ice cream cones. | A contractor is eating a sandwich. | 2contradiction
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 大都市に出ている一団の人々。 | 0entailment
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | A group of people out in the metropolis. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | A group of people out in the big city. | 1neutral
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 群衆は野原に座っている。 | 2contradiction
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | The crowd is sitting in a field. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | The crowd is sitting on the grass. | 2contradiction
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 大きな都市がある。 | 1neutral
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | There is a large city. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | There is a big city. | 1neutral
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 一団の人々が外に立っている。 | 1neutral
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | A group of people stand outside. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | A group of people are standing outside. | 0entailment
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 歩行者はタクシー乗り場で待っている。 | 2contradiction
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | Pedestrians wait at a taxi stand. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | Pedestrians are waiting at the taxi stand. | 2contradiction
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 一群の人々が集まっている。 | 0entailment
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | A group of people have gathered. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | A group of people are gathered together. | 0entailment
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 人々の一団が外に集まっている。 | 0entailment
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | A group of people are assembled outside. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | A group of people are gathered outside. | 0entailment
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 人々は市バスを待っている。 | 0entailment
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | A crowd waits for the city bus. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | People are waiting for a city bus. | 2contradiction
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | グループは、大晦日の真夜中の打ち上げを祝って外に集まりました! | 1neutral
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | The group gathered outside to celebrate the strike of midnight on New Years Eve! | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | The group gathered outside to celebrate the midnight launch! | 1neutral
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | そのグループは田舎のトウモロコシ畑に立っている。 | 2contradiction
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | The group are standing in a corn field in the country. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | The group stands in a cornfield in the country. | 2contradiction
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 人々のグループがメインストリートを歩いて行く。 | 2contradiction
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | Group of people walk down Main Street. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | A group of people is walking down the main street. | 2contradiction
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 外には人だかりができている。 | 0entailment
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | There is a crowd standing outside. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | There was a crowd of people outside. | 0entailment
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | バスを待って立っている人々。 | 1neutral
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | People standing waiting for the bus. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | People waiting for a bus. | 2contradiction
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | 一団の人々が駅が開くのを待っている。 | 1neutral
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | A group of people are waiting for the station to open. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | A group of people are waiting for the station to open. | 1neutral
地下鉄の外に立っている群衆。 | ポーチに座っているメトロセクシャル。 | 2contradiction
| Crowd standing outside a metro area. | Metrosexuals sitting on the porch. | A crowd standing outside the subway station. | Metrosexual sitting on the porch. | 2contradiction
オレンジ色のスウェットシャツを着た若い少年が丸太に座っている。 | 川の土手に座っているオレンジ色のスウェットシャツを着た若い少年。 | 1neutral
| young boy in orange sweatshirt on a log. | A young boy in an orange sweatshirt sitting on a log by a river. | A young boy in an orange sweatshirt sits on a log. | A young boy sitting on the bank of a river, wearing an orange sweater. | 2contradiction
オレンジ色のスウェットシャツを着た若い少年が丸太に座っている。 | 外の丸太にオレンジ色のスウェットシャツを着た少年。 | 0entailment
| young boy in orange sweatshirt on a log. | A young boy in an orange sweatshirt on a log outside. | A young boy in an orange sweatshirt sits on a log. | On the logs outside sat a boy in an orange sweater. | 1neutral
オレンジ色のスウェットシャツを着た若い少年が丸太に座っている。 | デッキで青いスウェットシャツを着て寝ている若い男の子。 | 2contradiction
| young boy in orange sweatshirt on a log. | A young boy in a blue sweatshirt sleeping on a deck. | A young boy in an orange sweatshirt sits on a log. | A young man asleep on deck in a blue sweater. | 2contradiction
広告の前に立っている黒シャツの少年。 | 少年は黒いシャツを着ていた。 | 0entailment
| Boy in a black shirt standing in front of an advertisement. | The boy was wearing a black shirt. | The boy in the black shirt stands before the advertisement. | The boy was wearing a black shirt. | 0entailment
広告の前に立っている黒シャツの少年。 | 少年は学校にいた。 | 2contradiction
| Boy in a black shirt standing in front of an advertisement. | The boy was at school. | The boy in the black shirt stands before the advertisement. | The boy was at school. | 1neutral
広告の前に立っている黒シャツの少年。 | 少年は広告の中にいて、それの隣でポーズをとっていた。 | 1neutral
| Boy in a black shirt standing in front of an advertisement. | The boy was in the advertisement and posing next to it. | The boy in the black shirt stands before the advertisement. | The boy was in the advertisement, standing next to it. | 2contradiction
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 一人の落書きアーティストがポスターに絵を描いている。 | 0entailment
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A graffiti artist paints a poster. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | A graffiti artist is drawing a picture on the poster. | 1neutral
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 男性が犬の散歩をしている。 | 2contradiction
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A man is taking his dog on a walk | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | A man is walking his dog. | 2contradiction
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 画家が絵を描いている。 | 0entailment
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | An artist is painting. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | A painter is painting a picture. | 2contradiction
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 落書きアーティストは、コンテストに勝つためにポスターを描く。 | 1neutral
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A graffiti artist paints a poster to try and win a contest. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | The graffiti artist draws a poster to win the contest. | 1neutral
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 落書きのアーティストは、芸術コンテストでポスターを引き裂いた。 | 2contradiction
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A graffiti artist rips a poster at an art contest. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | The graffiti artist tore up the poster at an art contest. | 2contradiction
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | ある人が壁にポスターを貼っています。 | 2contradiction
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A person is putting up posters on a wall. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | A man is putting up a poster on the wall. | 2contradiction
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 一人の歌い手が煉瓦の壁に描かれている。 | 2contradiction
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A singer draws on a window in a brick wall. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | A singer is painted on the brick wall. | 1neutral
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | アーティストがポスターの上に絵を描くよう依頼された。 | 1neutral
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | An artist was hired to paint over a poster. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | The artist was asked to draw a picture on the poster. | 1neutral
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 一人の落書きアーティストが建物のポスターに違法にペンキを塗っている。 | 1neutral
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A graffiti artist is illegally paining over a poster on a building. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | A graffiti artist is illegally painting a mural over the building's posters. | 1neutral
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 一人の芸術家は、煉瓦の壁にある悪い言葉を隠そうとしています。 | 1neutral
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | An artist is covering up some bad words on a brick wall. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | An artist is trying to cover up a bad word on a brick wall. | 1neutral
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 落書きをするアーティストは、何か他のものの上に塗りつけます。 | 0entailment
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A graffiti artist paints over something else. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | A graffiti artist paints over something else. | 0entailment
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 落書きアーティストが煉瓦の壁に何かを描いている。 | 0entailment
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A graffiti artist is paining over something on a brick wall. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | A graffiti artist is drawing something on a brick wall. | 2contradiction
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | アーティストが落書きをしている。 | 0entailment
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A artist is using graffiti. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | An artist is doing graffiti. | 0entailment
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | アーティストがポスターを作っている。 | 2contradiction
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | An artist is making a poster. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | Artists are making posters. | 0entailment
落書きアーティストは煉瓦の壁に貼られたポスターを塗りつぶす。 | 女性が広告にスプレーを振り掛ける。 | 1neutral
| A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. | A woman spraypaints over an advertisement. | A graffiti artist covers a wall poster with spray paint. | A woman sprays the ad with a spray can. | 2contradiction
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | 男はカメラを見る。 | 0entailment
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | The man sees the camera. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | The man looks at the camera. | 1neutral
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | 人々はみんなピケを持っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | the people are all holding picket signs. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | Everybody has a pickaxe. | 2contradiction
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | その男はスーツとネクタイを着けている。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | The man is wearing a suit and tie. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | The man is dressed in a suit and tie. | 2contradiction
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | 駅には人だかりができている。 | 0entailment
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | There is a crowd at the station. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | There is a crowd of people at the station. | 0entailment
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | ある目的のために人々が集まっている。 | 0entailment
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | a group of people have gathered for a purpose. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | People are gathered for a purpose. | 1neutral
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | その有名人はファンに囲まれている。 | 1neutral
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | The famous man is surrounded by his fans. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | The celebrity is surrounded by fans. | 1neutral
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | 駅の人だかりが彼を撮影している。 | 1neutral
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | A crowd at the station is taking pictures of him. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | The crowd at the station was photographing him. | 2contradiction
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | 列車の駅にいる男性がカメラを見ている。 | 0entailment
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | A man in a train station looks at the camera. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | The man at the station is looking at a camera. | 1neutral
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | その少年はバスケットボールをしている。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | The boy is playing basketball. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | The boy is playing basketball. | 2contradiction
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | その男は店でコーヒーを飲んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | The man is having coffee at the shop. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | The man is drinking coffee in the shop. | 2contradiction
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | その男はひとりだ。 | 1neutral
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | the man is alone. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | The man is alone. | 2contradiction
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | ニュース班が地下鉄の駅にいる。 | 1neutral
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | A news crew is at the metro station. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | The news team is at the subway station. | 1neutral
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | 男は、群衆がカメラを取り囲んでいる理由が分からない。 | 0entailment
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | A man is curious why the crowd is surrounding a camera. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | The man doesn't understand why the crowd is surrounding the camera. | 1neutral
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | 一人の婦人が写真を撮ってもらっている。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | A lady is posing for pictures. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | A woman is having her picture taken. | 2contradiction
白いTシャツを着た男が、地下鉄駅の近くで群衆に囲まれてカメラの方を見ている。 | 一人の男が集団の中にいる。 | 1neutral
| A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. | A man is with a group of people. | A man in a white T-shirt is being filmed by a camera as he stands surrounded by a crowd of people near a subway entrance. | There is a man in the group. | 0entailment
若い男性がポスターの前に立ち、テキストメッセージを送っている。 | 男は妻にメールを送る。 | 1neutral
| A young man is texting while standing in front of a poster. | A man texts his wife. | A young man stands in front of a poster and sends a text message. | The man e-mails his wife. | 2contradiction
若い男性がポスターの前に立ち、テキストメッセージを送っている。 | 女性が電話で話している。 | 2contradiction
| A young man is texting while standing in front of a poster. | A woman talks on the phone. | A young man stands in front of a poster and sends a text message. | A woman is talking on the phone. | 2contradiction
若い男性がポスターの前に立ち、テキストメッセージを送っている。 | 男はテキストメッセージを送信する。 | 0entailment
| A young man is texting while standing in front of a poster. | A man texts. | A young man stands in front of a poster and sends a text message. | The man sends a text message. | 0entailment
緑のシャツを着た男性が2台の車の間に立ち、3本指を挙げています。 | 男がバイクの間に立っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a green shirt is standing between two cars holding up 3 fingers. | A man is standing between bikes. | A man in a green shirt stands between two cars, holding up three fingers. | A man is standing between the bikes. | 2contradiction
緑のシャツを着た男性が2台の車の間に立ち、3本指を挙げています。 | 男性がピンクのスポーツカーの間に立っています。 | 1neutral
| A man in a green shirt is standing between two cars holding up 3 fingers. | A man is standing between pink sports cars. | A man in a green shirt stands between two cars, holding up three fingers. | A man is standing between two pink sports cars. | 1neutral
緑のシャツを着た男性が2台の車の間に立ち、3本指を挙げています。 | 男は車の間に立っている。 | 0entailment
| A man in a green shirt is standing between two cars holding up 3 fingers. | A man is standing between cars. | A man in a green shirt stands between two cars, holding up three fingers. | The man stands between the cars. | 0entailment
犬がオレンジのフリスビーを取ろうと空中に跳びあがっている。 | 犬が外で遊んでいる。 | 0entailment
| A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee. | A dog is outside playing. | A dog is leaping in the air to catch a Frisbee. | The dog is playing outside. | 1neutral
犬がオレンジのフリスビーを取ろうと空中に跳びあがっている。 | その老人は新聞を読んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee. | The old man is reading the newspaper. | A dog is leaping in the air to catch a Frisbee. | The old man is reading a newspaper. | 2contradiction
犬がオレンジのフリスビーを取ろうと空中に跳びあがっている。 | 犬が子供たちとキャッチボールをしている。 | 1neutral
| A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee. | A dog is playing catch with kids. | A dog is leaping in the air to catch a Frisbee. | The dog is playing catch with the children. | 1neutral
大都市で緑のシャツを着た男性がタクシーを呼んでいる。 | 緑の服を着た男性が空港に行く必要があります。 | 1neutral
| A man in a green shirt hailing a taxi in a large city. | A man wearing green clothing needs to get to the airport. | In a big city, a man in a green shirt is hailing a taxi. | A man in green clothes needs to go to the airport. | 1neutral
大都市で緑のシャツを着た男性がタクシーを呼んでいる。 | 一人の男が山の小川で裸で泳いでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a green shirt hailing a taxi in a large city. | A man is skinny-dipping alone in a mountain stream. | In a big city, a man in a green shirt is hailing a taxi. | A man is swimming naked in a mountain stream. | 2contradiction
大都市で緑のシャツを着た男性がタクシーを呼んでいる。 | 緑の服を着た男はどこかへ行きたがっている。 | 0entailment
| A man in a green shirt hailing a taxi in a large city. | A man wearing green clothing wants to go somewhere. | In a big city, a man in a green shirt is hailing a taxi. | The man in green wants to go somewhere. | 0entailment
街でタクシーを呼んだり、ピースサインをしたりする男性 | その男は街で中指を立てている。 | 2contradiction
| a man is hailing a cab or giving a peace sign in a city | The man is showing his middle finger in the city. | Men hailing a taxi or making the peace sign | The man is flipping the bird on the street. | 2contradiction
街でタクシーを呼んだり、ピースサインをしたりする男性 | その人は平和を促進したいと思っている。 | 1neutral
| a man is hailing a cab or giving a peace sign in a city | The man wants to promote peace. | Men hailing a taxi or making the peace sign | The man wants to promote peace. | 1neutral
街でタクシーを呼んだり、ピースサインをしたりする男性 | その男はピースサインをしている。 | 0entailment
| a man is hailing a cab or giving a peace sign in a city | The man is throwing up a peace sign. | Men hailing a taxi or making the peace sign | The man is making a peace sign. | 0entailment
犬が空中でディスクをキャッチする。 | 子犬がフリスビーでキャッチボールをしている。 | 1neutral
| A dog catches a disk in the air. | A puppy is playing catch with a Frisbee. | The dog catches the disk out of the air. | A puppy is playing catch with a Frisbee. | 1neutral
犬が空中でディスクをキャッチする。 | 犬が赤いボールからキャットフードを食べている。 | 2contradiction
| A dog catches a disk in the air. | A dog is eating kibble out of a red bowl. | The dog catches the disk out of the air. | The dog is eating cat food out of the red bowl. | 2contradiction
犬が空中でディスクをキャッチする。 | 動物が跳ねている。 | 0entailment
| A dog catches a disk in the air. | An animal is jumping. | The dog catches the disk out of the air. | Animals are leaping about. | 1neutral
緑のシャツを着た男がタクシーを呼んでいる。 | 男は急いでいる。 | 1neutral
| A man in a green shirt hailing a cab. | A man is in a hurry. | A man in a green shirt is hailing a taxi. | The man is in a hurry. | 1neutral
緑のシャツを着た男がタクシーを呼んでいる。 | 男は自分の車を運転している。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a green shirt hailing a cab. | A man is driving his own car. | A man in a green shirt is hailing a taxi. | The man is driving his own car. | 2contradiction
緑のシャツを着た男がタクシーを呼んでいる。 | 男はタクシーを拾っている。 | 0entailment
| A man in a green shirt hailing a cab. | Man is getting a cab | A man in a green shirt is hailing a taxi. | The man is hailing a taxi. | 0entailment
青いジャケットを着た男の子と女の子がそれぞれで雪玉投げをしている。 | 子供たちは泥で遊ぶ。 | 2contradiction
| A boy and a girl wearing a blue jacket are having their own snowball fight. | The children pay in the mud. | A boy and a girl in blue jackets are throwing snowballs at each other. | Children play in the mud. | 2contradiction
青いジャケットを着た男の子と女の子がそれぞれで雪玉投げをしている。 | 雪合戦が行われている。 | 0entailment
| A boy and a girl wearing a blue jacket are having their own snowball fight. | A snowball fight is in progress. | A boy and a girl in blue jackets are throwing snowballs at each other. | A snowball fight is in progress. | 0entailment
青いジャケットを着た男の子と女の子がそれぞれで雪玉投げをしている。 | 兄弟は雪を楽しんでいる。 | 1neutral
| A boy and a girl wearing a blue jacket are having their own snowball fight. | The siblings enjoy the snow. | A boy and a girl in blue jackets are throwing snowballs at each other. | The brothers are enjoying the snow. | 1neutral
子供たちは外でサッカーをしている。 | 子供たちがサッカーをやっているのは、親が彼らにそうさせているからだ。 | 1neutral
| Kids play soccer outside. | Kids are only playing soccer because their parent make them. | The children are playing soccer outside. | Children play soccer because their parents make them do so. | 1neutral
子供たちは外でサッカーをしている。 | 子供たちは外でスポーツをしている。 | 0entailment
| Kids play soccer outside. | Children are engaging in outdoor sports. | The children are playing soccer outside. | The children are playing sports outside. | 0entailment
子供たちは外でサッカーをしている。 | 子供たちは家に座って、いつか外でスポーツを楽しむことができるかどうか不思議に思っています。 | 2contradiction
| Kids play soccer outside. | Kids sit at home and wonder if they'll ever get to enjoy outdoor sports. | The children are playing soccer outside. | The children sit at home, wondering if they will ever be able to enjoy outdoor sports again. | 2contradiction
彼らの後ろにパビリオンがある公園でサッカーをしているグループの男たち。 | 男たちがボーリング場でフットボールをしている。 | 2contradiction
| A group of guys playing soccer in a park with onlookers in pavilions behind them. | A group of guys are playing football in a bowling alley. | A group of men playing soccer in the park behind them. | The men are playing football at the bowling alley. | 2contradiction
彼らの後ろにパビリオンがある公園でサッカーをしているグループの男たち。 | 公園で男たちがサッカーをしている。 | 0entailment
| A group of guys playing soccer in a park with onlookers in pavilions behind them. | Men are playing soccer in a park. | A group of men playing soccer in the park behind them. | The men are playing soccer in the park. | 0entailment
彼らの後ろにパビリオンがある公園でサッカーをしているグループの男たち。 | サッカーをしている男たちのグループは専門家です。 | 1neutral
| A group of guys playing soccer in a park with onlookers in pavilions behind them. | The group of men playing soccer are professionals. | A group of men playing soccer in the park behind them. | A group of men playing soccer are experts. | 1neutral
人々は芝生でサッカーをしている。 | 人々は室内でバスケットボールをしている。 | 2contradiction
| People are playing soccer on the grass. | The people are playing basketball in doors. | People are playing soccer on the grass. | People are playing basketball indoors. | 2contradiction
人々は芝生でサッカーをしている。 | 人々はスポーツをしている。 | 0entailment
| People are playing soccer on the grass. | The people are playing a sport. | People are playing soccer on the grass. | People are playing sports. | 0entailment
人々は芝生でサッカーをしている。 | 人々はトロフィーをめぐって競争している。 | 1neutral
| People are playing soccer on the grass. | The people are competing for a trophy. | People are playing soccer on the grass. | People are competing for the trophy. | 1neutral
彼らの後ろにはパビリオンがあり、人々がその下に立っている。 | 何人かの男性がベッドで寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| There are several young men kicking a ball around, with a pavilion behind them with people standing under them. | Several men are sleeping on a bed. | Behind them is a pavilion where people are standing under it. | Some men are sleeping in bed. | 2contradiction
彼らの後ろにはパビリオンがあり、人々がその下に立っている。 | ボールを蹴って遊んでいる若者が何人かいます。 | 0entailment
| There are several young men kicking a ball around, with a pavilion behind them with people standing under them. | There are several young men kicking a ball around. | Behind them is a pavilion where people are standing under it. | Some young people are playing soccer. | 1neutral
彼らの後ろにはパビリオンがあり、人々がその下に立っている。 | ボールを蹴ったり笑ったりしている若者が何人かいます。 | 1neutral
| There are several young men kicking a ball around, with a pavilion behind them with people standing under them. | There are several young men kicking a ball around and laughing. | Behind them is a pavilion where people are standing under it. | Some young people are kicking a ball around and laughing. | 1neutral
サッカーをしているフィールド上の7人、青シャツの男はボールを蹴ろうとしています。 | 彼らは外にいます。 | 0entailment
| Seven people playing soccer on a field, man in the blue shirt is about to kick the ball. | They are outside. | There are seven people playing soccer on the field, and the man in the blue shirt is trying to kick the ball. | They are out of doors. | 1neutral
サッカーをしているフィールド上の7人、青シャツの男はボールを蹴ろうとしています。 | 彼らはバスケットボールをしています。 | 2contradiction
| Seven people playing soccer on a field, man in the blue shirt is about to kick the ball. | THey are playing basketball. | There are seven people playing soccer on the field, and the man in the blue shirt is trying to kick the ball. | They are playing basketball. | 2contradiction
サッカーをしているフィールド上の7人、青シャツの男はボールを蹴ろうとしています。 | 彼らは試合をしている。 | 1neutral
| Seven people playing soccer on a field, man in the blue shirt is about to kick the ball. | THey are playing in a match. | There are seven people playing soccer on the field, and the man in the blue shirt is trying to kick the ball. | They are playing a game. | 0entailment
2人の人間が水平線を見つめながら岩に座っている。 | 外で座っている人が2人います。 | 0entailment
| two people are sitting on a rock looking at the horizon. | There are two people sitting outdoors. | Two men are sitting on a rock, looking at the horizon. | There are two people sitting outside. | 0entailment