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I have PTSD, have been in a few abusive relationships, have over come them all and have always been fine. This last one, about 5 months ago, he got me pregnant, he was abusive but one day he went to the extreme and almost killed me after I found out we were pregnant… this was all in front of my first son. I believe it’s because it was in front of my son that it’s affecting me so bad, but I have never been this clueless as to what to do to overcome this. I am now 6 months pregnant, lately (past 3 or more weeks) every time I lay down to sleep or am calm, the memory and flashbacks hit me hard, and all I think about is how my son saw it Even after my 10 hour graveyard shift sometime I lay awake in bed for hours. Sometimes crying, sometimes wanting to scream, nothing I do gets my mind off of it. No matter what i try to think about or do. Also my dreams lately have been very traumatizing, murders, blood, suicide, everything bad… started around the same time these flashbacks started happening. I have always dealt with my stress, or trauma. It’s never affected me like this… I wake up legitimately fearful from my dreams, or I just can not sleep, when the flashbacks happen NOTHING gets my mind off them… I can’t concentrate… what should I do? What does this sound like? Help me please? :(
I am now 6 months pregnant, lately (past 3 or more weeks) every time I lay down to sleep or am calm, the memory and flashbacks hit me hard, and all I think about is how my son saw it Even after my 10 hour graveyard shift sometime I lay awake in bed for hours. Sometimes crying, sometimes wanting to scream, nothing I do gets my mind off of it. No matter what i try to think about or do. Also my dreams lately have been very traumatizing, murders, blood, suicide, everything bad… started around the same time these flashbacks started happening. I have always dealt with my stress, or trauma. It’s never affected me like this… I wake up legitimately fearful from my dreams, or I just can not sleep, when the flashbacks happen NOTHING gets my mind off them… I can’t concentrate… what should I do?
From the U.S.: I am 13 years old. At the age of 5, a night of 2010 started a 5-6 year long divorce. Our father was abusive, something I hadn’t learned until later. Recently, one of my close friends started to have episodes of depression in school. A few weeks before this, I started feeling emotionally unattached. As if I could shut off my own emotions. And sometimes I feel as if the world is shrouded in black and white, and ask myself why I’m here. Others, to my friends especially, I appear bright and happy, and they never notice what’s happening to me.
thers, to my friends especially, I appear bright and happy, and they never notice what’s happening to me.
8Mind Reading
1,959 the past, I’d say about 2 years, on and off again I experience drastic mood swings that can cause me to feel empowered and ambitious, or empty and dead. However they are not spontaneous..usually (90% or more of the time) they are caused by me being paranoid and possessive of my boyfriend. I trust him and he has never done anything to make me feel otherwise; but I still feel like I can’t let my guard down. For example, I could go from being in an ecstatic mood and be on top of the world and a chick could talk to him about homework or how to contact him ; anything and I’d automatically get in a rut. On top of this, I feel like I consistently need to be paid attention to by people close to me, but I hate being in the spotlight! I like being alone most of the time and prefer everyone to keep their distance from me yet I feel like I need some sort of praise from him, my family, my *close* friends. It’s getting kind of hard to deal with because when I get in the “empty” state of mind I feel unmotivated and end up neglecting school work, chores, activities, everything. I feel like it is not worth the trouble of dealing with and this just drives me deeper in since the lack of work ethic makes the future even harder to deal with. I constantly worry of the future and these mood swings are messing with my life. I just want something to go by – some advice for what could even kind of help. Anything. Even a new diet or something..Just..I just want to get out of this hole but I feel like it’s impossible. Please help me . I appreciate it immensely…
I feel like it is not worth the trouble of dealing with and this just drives me deeper in since the lack of work ethic makes the future even harder to deal with.
0All-or-nothing thinking
From a 15 year old in the U.S.: Hi, I’ve had this problem for 4 months it’s been 24/7, but things have all of a sudden felt like everything is getting like fast forwarded or rushed like I sat in a dressing room for an 1 hour and it felt like 30 minutes I don’t know what’s wrong with my perception of time is there any way to fix this??? And I feel very emotionally numb like I’ll laugh but I won’t feel anything. and words on boards seem blurry to me even though I’ve never had reading issues like maybe not blurry just that my mind can’t quite comprehend. I know I have depersonalization but are some of these problems something else
Hi, I’ve had this problem for 4 months it’s been 24/7, but things have all of a sudden felt like everything is getting like fast forwarded or rushed like I sat in a dressing room for an 1 hour and it felt like 30 minutes I don’t know what’s wrong with my perception of time is there any way to fix this??? And I feel very emotionally numb like I’ll laugh but I won’t feel anything. and words on boards seem blurry to me even though I’ve never had reading issues like maybe not blurry just that my mind can’t quite comprehend.
9Mental filter
In the past few years, I haven’t been getting much out of life. I don’t feel anything like I used to. Anger, happiness, joy, and even sadness seem to have left me. Things that used to give me emotional pleasure now just seem to entertain and occupy my mind. I don’t have ups and downs like teenagers are supposed to everything just seems kind of flat with a few dips. Things don’t feel very “real” anymore, the real world feels dreamy and I am constantly withdrawn. My mind is always racing and I have trouble concentrating, even trouble getting to sleep sometimes.
In the past few years, I haven’t been getting much out of life. I don’t feel anything like I used to. Anger, happiness, joy, and even sadness seem to have left me. Things that used to give me emotional pleasure now just seem to entertain and occupy my mind. I don’t have ups and downs like teenagers are supposed to everything just seems kind of flat with a few dips. Things don’t feel very “real” anymore, the real world feels dreamy and I am constantly withdrawn.
1Emotional Reasoning
From Canada: I’m an 8th grade boy, I hope I won’t be judged differently or ignored because I am under 18. I have severe ADHD and sluggishness and I find it very hard to incline myself to work or study. I don’t want to lose my future because my grades are going down and i just brush it off and say “maybe next time.” I’m worried because this is also bringing down my confidence, which is one of my key traits and I want to be who I am and have a good future with good grades. Is there any way I can be helped?
I’m an 8th grade boy, I hope I won’t be judged differently or ignored because I am under 18.
8Mind Reading
I’m in the first year in university, my story started when I finished high school with high grades but due to money problems I couldn’t attend medicine faculty and now I’m studying pharm.d. But since I started to study this all people keep asking me why I’m not studying medicine and they feel sorry about me, now I can change my major to dentistry and I’m thinking about attending it because anyway it’s higher than my current major, simply I can just throw off all the people’s talking about me if I do that, actually I’m more interested in practical studying offered in dentistry but I will lose a semester and I will be late, actually I don’t know what I want! PS: sorry for my language being bad because I’m not a native speaker
But since I started to study this all people keep asking me why I’m not studying medicine and they feel sorry about me, now I can change my major to dentistry and I’m thinking about attending it because anyway it’s higher than my current major, simply I can just throw off all the people’s talking about me if I do that, actually I’m more interested in practical studying offered in dentistry but I will lose a semester and I will be late, actually I don’t know what I want!
8Mind Reading
Hello, I need help. I have strong urges to torture people/animals and force them into a bloody death. Blood satisfies me, I find pleasure from leaving self-inflicted cuts on my skin. At first I thought I was just depressed but I don’t hurt myself for that reason, I hurt myself to see my blood. I like the way it looks and feels. But that’s not the only violent act I wish upon myself, I fantasize about being tortured, I want to die as a murder victim, I want my murderer to cut open my body, I want to see my insides. These strange fantasies scare me, I can’t stop myself from thinking this way. In my spare time I catch myself glaring at people, planning their gruesome murder and seeing how I’d get away with it. I physically want to kill someone but I mentally don’t. I’m not sure if this is making sense to you, because it doesn’t even make sense to me. The only thing stopping me from hurting others is getting my satisfaction from illegal videos online, on gruesome websites such as ‘’ and ‘liveleak’. On these websites, people upload either real-life murder videos that they have committed, or videos of gruesome things that they have seen. I am not disgusted by dead bodies, gore or blood. Instead, I wish to be in a situation involved with a lot of blood. I have two very close, childhood friends that know about this, but no one else knows. I’m afraid that one day I’ll be sent to a mental institution if I end up doing something horrible. Let’s backtrack a little. I grew up in an abusive family, i don’t want to get into that situation but it might have something to do with the way I’m feeling right now. Ever since I was a child I had always loved death and gore, I remember when I was young, I watched the movie ‘Titanic’. I was never interested in the romance, instead, I would skip ahead to the scene where the ship sank and the passengers froze to death. Whenever my parents weren’t home, or I was alone, I’d play that scene. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I really need your help.
I’m afraid that one day I’ll be sent to a mental institution if I end up doing something horrible.
Let me start by saying that I am an 18 years old hetero male and I am suffering from these thoughts for 2 years. It all started with me face-planting to my mom’s breast get a split second turn on. I felt disgusted by myself, wanted to die, thought that I don’t deserve to live or even go to heaven. I thought I belong to hell. I always tried to check if I get turned on by thinking a sexual thing about my mom and I felt disgusted by myself more and more. But I’ve left it behind when my doctor said that it’s normal to get turned on because I face-planted to a women’s breast and my body reacted to it. Then after suffering these, I started thinking that I am a pedophile. It all started with me getting sexual thoughts from a child anime character who’s name is kanna kamui . She has very thick thighs and wears thigh high socks. Let me say that have a kink about thigh high socks. It all happened again. Disgusting myself, thinking I belong to hell, and not wanting to live. I always checked her pictures to see if I get turned on or not. Which I did n’t. My doctor said that I am not a pedophile as well and suffering from POCD. So with that I always said YOU’RE NOT A PEDOPHILE to myself. I didn’t get any intrusive thoughts about having a sex with children so that helped me as well. And yesterday I’ve gone to my doctor saying that I am not taking medications anymore and I was feeling great. He did some tests on me and I’ve passed all of them. I was happy, better than before. But that day I said okay I am gonna look at the pictures of that child anime girl and think having sex with my mom to see if I get turned on or not if i don’t then I’ll be happy forever. You know what happened? Split second turn on both of them. Now I want to die again. I don’t want to accept that I am a pedophile nor incester. Now I check pictures of that girl and think sexual things about my mom to see if I get turned on but i don’t. But why did I felt that split second turn on? Was it because I was scared that it’ll get it? I am not seeing myself having sex with my mom even if it’s possible. I am not seeing myself having sex with children even if it was ok and legal. I don’t fantasize about children nor my mom. I don’t get turned on by looking at children. I can say that they look good, their legs look good. But not in a sexually aroused way. I just ask myself that if their legs look good or do they look good and say yes or no. I don’t fantasize about their face or get romantically aroused by their face. Am I a pedophile and incest or is it POCD? Please help me. (From Turkey)
It all started with me face-planting to my mom’s breast get a split second turn on. I felt disgusted by myself, wanted to die, thought that I don’t deserve to live or even go to heaven.
I’ m lonely on the inside and outside. Any of my clumsy attempts to start conversation will be laughed at, so they should be stopped now. I’m not funny or interesting enough, I want to call myself ‘an open book’ but that’s just because there’s nothing exciting about me I could hide. I don’t have any talent or occupation I could justify my loneliness with. Every day a voice inside me tells me not to approach people, because I’m not wanted there and they’ll be better off without me. I pity myself and it makes me pathetic. Saying that I’m pathetic out loud only makes me more pathetic. I’m utterly childish, vapid and dull, but every time I try to improve, I feel like I’m losing my old self and it pushes me back. I feel myself old, ‘out of trend’ and so, so boring. Do I need to do something about it? Or maybe most people feel the same, and then I’m just making drama? *Sorry for being wordy.
Any of my clumsy attempts to start conversation will be laughed at, so they should be stopped now. I’m not funny or interesting enough, I want to call myself ‘an open book’ but that’s just because there’s nothing exciting about me I could hide. I don’t have any talent or occupation I could justify my loneliness with. Every day a voice inside me tells me not to approach people, because I’m not wanted there and they’ll be better off without me. I pity myself and it makes me pathetic. Saying that I’m pathetic out loud only makes me more pathetic. I’m utterly childish, vapid and dull, but every time I try to improve, I feel like I’m losing my old self and it pushes me back. I feel myself old, ‘out of trend’ and so, so boring.
My hallucinations started out as just whispers in my head and simple things like light touches on my body but now they’ve gotten worse. Instead of a whisper, I hear a loud voice talking outside me. Instead of a light touch from some disembodied hand, I feel someone’s entire body wrapped around mine. These two now appear together instead of separately like they did before, so it feels like there are real people surrounding me that I can’t see and can’t get away from. It’s getting really difficult to deal with and it isn’t easy for me to get help, especially medication, due to my family’s finances, so is there any way for me to deal with them in the moment? These weird invisible people are really overwhelming me and are making it so I can’t focus at all in class. How do I cope with them when they’re around, or better yet, get them to leave me alone?
These weird invisible people are really overwhelming me and are making it so I can’t focus at all in class.
1Emotional Reasoning
I’m 14 years old and have social anxiety / depression. When I was 5 years old, my father was killed in a car crash. After that, my mother continued to work. When I was 9, my mom and I were in a severe car accident. She broke every bone on the right side of her body and I ruptured my spleen and fractured my leg.
2No Distortion
Ive been depressed for 4 years now and Ive noticed that I have changed dramatically as a person. Right now though, the thing that bothers me the most is that I seem to find it hard to maintain a friendships. And Ive been told its because I don’t trust. Before I was depressed, I never had issues. I never doubted my friends. I took their yes as a yes. Now my mind analyses everything to an extent where I get terribly drained and tired from all the thinking. I was such a simple person before depression. And I dont like being like this because Im making things hard for my friends..because Im always doubting them OR guessing things that I think they might be thinking..which 99% of the times are wrong. Why do I have doubts? If I love my friends like I know I do, why do I analyse everything, and say “if this, if that” etc. I was never an insecure person…does this mean I am now? I want things to be simple..but depression makes it so hard. I feel like I should isolate myself from others..because I cant be a true friend if I cant truly trust them. I make life hard for them. And I dont want too. Maybe Im too over protective.Maybe Im too attached to the extent where I go over board. I dont know. Im sure its all depression related..but how can I trust my friends more.. or at least..not show them my doubts. Please help.. thank you for reading..
Before I was depressed, I never had issues. I never doubted my friends. I took their yes as a yes. Now my mind analyses everything to an extent where I get terribly drained and tired from all the thinking. I was such a simple person before depression. And I dont like being like this because Im making things hard for my friends..because Im always doubting them OR guessing things that I think they might be thinking..which 99% of the times are wrong. I was never an insecure person…does this mean I am now? I want things to be simple..but depression makes it so hard. I feel like I should isolate myself from others..because I cant be a true friend if I cant truly trust them. I make life hard for them. And I dont want too. Maybe Im too over protective.Maybe Im too attached to the extent where I go over board. I dont know.
I’m an 18yr old high school drop out. I’ve suffered from mental abuse since I was around three..but now that I can actually get out on my own, I can’t because my stepdad has trapped me. I guess I’ll start from the beginning. I’ve never met my biological father. My mom had left him when I wasn’t even a year old yet. When I was two, almost three, my mom starting dating my stepdad. They got a place together and eventually got married when I was around six. My stepdad has mentally & phisically abused me. When I was little, I was a skinny, entergetic, little girl. Then my stepdad decided I wasn’t eating enough so he started making me eat more food at dinner then he could. Half the time my mom would wait til he left the kitchen then throw it away, then they’d fight about it all the time. They fought alot over how he treated us kids. one time he hit me in the head with a plastic baseball bat my dog chewed up and cut y head open. My mom left him for like three days then we were back. Stuff like this continued until I was 13, then they got a divorce.
2No Distortion
I tend to drift in and out of conversation with other people and I end up saying random things that are associated with the parts of the conversation I hear. I have no recollection to what I am doing in my mind as the conversation proceeds but it’s like I’m physically there but I am not. Why do I do this?
2No Distortion
For the past four years, I have been experiencing episodes where I find myself in places I do not recall traveling to, forgetting things and misplacing things, not recalling things my family and friends insist I’ve said or done, not recognizing myself in the mirror, not recognizing something I’ve wrote or typed, talking to myself, excessively daydreaming, and having a character in my head that I talk to and sometimes live through. I know distinct things about this character that I don’t feel that I’ve made up. Almost everything is a trigger for my daydreaming. My mother also suffers from the disorder and I’ve told her about how I’ve been feeling. She says that it sounds like what she has but I’m unsure. Is this a genetic disorder? Should I see a professional about this?
2No Distortion
Hi! I am a 17 year old male and recently I was in a very dark place. I want to be in the military and/or a police officer when I meet the age requirement.I can not speak to a professional because a diagnosis would almost certanly end my prospect of being these things.
I can not speak to a professional because a diagnosis would almost certanly end my prospect of being these things.
My brother is a paranoid schizophrenic with bipolar disorder autism and adhd. His schizophrenia comes with homicidal thoughts. He’s been admitted into a hospital before and was being treated for years. About a year ago now he went off of his meds and it’s been downhill from there. He’s currently in a manic state and has been for months. He refuses to get back on his medications and it’s taking a toll on him and everyone else. He’s violent, combative, and just dangerous. Anyone he sees in his way is a target. He has harmed my mother’s dog. Tried to hurt my toddler (he is no longer around her anymore at all). He’s choked my mom stolen her car, loosened the lugnuts on her tire and when she went to drive away her tire fell off. He’s assaulted a police officer threatened multiple times to kill people. It hasn’t gotten to the point where even my mom had to move out. We’ve called the crisis line, the police, even adult protective services and no one will do anything about it. He’s going to seriously hurt someone or himself and I can’t bear the thought of standing back and watching him drown. He’s destroyed his apartment and belongings. We are at a loss for what to do. We can’t force him to get back on his medications because he is still his power of attorney. We can’t force him to seek treatment at all. Is there anything we can do? He keeps racking up charges for himself and jail is not the place he needs to be. He is a really amazing docile person when he’s medicated, but when he’s not he’s one of the scariest people I’ve ever seen. What can we do?
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: I woke up one day in the Hospital, not remembering the last two days, after having 3 grand mal seizures. I was told I was conscious and able to make decisions after each one, (after going through a coma state) The hospital put me through a few tests, such as an MRI and I believe an EEG. The tests claimed I had no seizures, but the nurse that held me during one of them diagnosed them as grand mal seizures. I was given Morphine from biting my tongue so bad.
2No Distortion
I think I’m going insane. My nightmares, my dreams, they’re so vivid, and they’re never natural, i dont feel like one person i swear I’m not alone, and they talk to me through my dreams, nobody understands me when i talk about them, i do rituals where i self-harm and put the blood all over myself. I sit in the dark and twitch and i dont hear voices but I FEEL them, I FEEL them inside me, i feel different from everyone else, I dont know what is wrong with me. I swear I’m going crazy. I hurt myself and then after I realize what I’ve done and i cry. I cry during i do it and whisper to myself. My dreams are so impacting they determine my mental state throughout my day. They are so real like, I feel panicked throughout the day. This isnt like the nightmare disorders I’ve read about. I love them even though they’re so detrimental to me. I cant let go of my past. Please help, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
I think I’m going insane.
For many years now my partner has insisted he needs to rest a lot. He rests for hours after coming home from work and spends all afternoon on the couch sleeping on the weekends. Yet he is not distressed by this and he doesn’t ask his doctor to fully investigate this or continue going back saying I’m still tired. And when he’s been offered referrals to suitable specialists refuses to go. Hence I’m wondering if this is a red flag in a relationship. In the past I’ve raised this issue asking him to get his fatigue fully investigated and to take up any referral offers advising of it’s impact on our relationship (limited activities together, no kids as I felt he wouldn’t cope with active kids plus being unfair on kids to be cooped up due to their father being too tired to be active with them) as well as saying it can’t be very pleasant for you to feel like this and wouldn’t it be better to feel less tired and have the energy to do things. I’ve also suggested sedentary activities but he’s not interested. He also doesn’t want to take any medication not even vitamins or trial antidepressants. It is hard on the partner as the partner starts off feeling sorry for the fatigued person and accommodates their need to rest to find several years down the track they’ve spent their life sitting on the couch rather than living life. And I’m thinking it’s just not normal to have this excessive need for rest yet not be distressed by this. I could understand more if he had health problems that couldn’t be treated but he tests as being very healthy and somehow has a high level of fitness. A bit of context – he does appear to have OCPD but many people with OCPD aren’t chronically fatigued. I’ve extensively tried to get out on my own to build my own life and am now in the process of preparing to leave. I’d like to have the opinion of psych central as we hear a lot about red flags but I’ve not read much about this one which can be used as another way to control someone. (From Australia)
2No Distortion
Having the structure of our family to focus on seemed to help my schizophrenic mother hold it together while we were growing up. We saw her first psychotic episode when I was a senior in high school the oldest child. Mom did spend time in state mental hospitals before she was married. My father was a verbally abusive alcoholic.
2No Distortion
I saw two motorcycles race past my house a few nights ago than I heard a loud bang and glass breaking a second later. Then I heard a lot of screaming. I went inside to get a phone and I called 911. One of the motorcyclists had t-boned a car making a left across the street a few houses down. I was the second neighbor to the scene and expected the worst. When I got there the first neighbor was trying to talk to the driver of the car and the screaming was coming from a group of the motorcyclists’ friends who witnessed the accident because they were there watching the motorcycles race. I went to the motorcyclist and instantly knew he was gone and that he went in an instant. I tried calming down the spectators and getting people back until help arrived. A few of the spectators started to become hostile. They began throwing things at the nearly split in half car and yelling threats to the driver and myself. I became so angry at them I decided to walk away. I could hear police coming so I decided to slow down and redirect traffic on the usually busy road. Now here’s what I’m having trouble dealing with:
2No Distortion
Two weeks ago my wife said that she wanted to try a separation to find herself. I have not been doing the things she needs and treating her the way I should. Well it’s been two weeks, I still pay all the bills and am living with a friend. She has both of the kids, but I talk to them nightly. I want to move back home, even if it is in the other room. I miss my kids and my wife…and I’d like to come home. How long should I wait until I tell her I am moving home and if she needs more space then she needs to go somewhere else?
2No Distortion
Iv lost my girlfriend, my best friend, almost all of my other friends that I recently graduated with. I close up and sit in my room when I’m not working. I don’t even know how to meet new people anymore. I don’t even know where to start on finding a new girlfriend. Mainly cause I don’t want to but I feel like it needs to be done bc I feel I’m holding her back and she even says I am. I was only sober 2 months before I fell into a drug that helps me even know I know its not truly helping. Dxm is the drug. I take it because I can lucid dream memories that I enjoy. Like memories of me and my ex and times in the phsyc hospital I was in three times because I felt safe there. I take it daily so I can see her face(even while we were together cause we just started to fall atpart the last 3or4 months.), be safe in the hospital environment, and fix things iv screwed up in the past. The bad thing is it makes my psychosis worse. Iv already attempted suicid twice, but the first time my friend stopped me before I took all the pills and the second time my ex from above called me as I had the gun in my mouth, and I felt it was a sign that I had to stay alive for her. She doesn’t even know she did this cause iv never told her so I wouldn’t scare her. All I think about everyday is what do I have to live for. I race motocross and I’m very very good. I want to get my pro licence but I don’t even have the drive to do it. All I want is my life to end and most days I feel like if I don’t do it myself my life will just get worse. If that’s possible. I won’t kill myself. Iv made that promise to to many important people in my life and people that are not in my life anymore. I just need help from someone. Anyone.
I don’t even know how to meet new people anymore. I don’t even know where to start on finding a new girlfriend. Mainly cause I don’t want to but I feel like it needs to be done bc I feel I’m holding her back and she even says I am.All I think about everyday is what do I have to live for. I want to get my pro licence but I don’t even have the drive to do it. All I want is my life to end and most days I feel like if I don’t do it myself my life will just get worse. If that’s possible. I won’t kill myself.
0All-or-nothing thinking
I’m a 21 year old female. I spent most of my life isolated and in violent fears and nightmares after witnessing my mother’s suicide at the age of six. After a long dark and Depressed teenage, I still am struggling to lead a normal life. I’ve been trying to act normal for the past four years, only to suddenly find now that I’ve only been trying to please anybody at any cost.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: I am 25 years old and am feeling lost. I have a creative brain and am drawn to the arts but I have a hard time being “creative” I feel like everything has been done already and everyone that I know is on a path to success.There is nothing about me that stands out as an artist, and I feel like I just don’t offer anyone anything. I went to film school and graduate with a film degree and I still don’t know what I want to do with it. There was nothing in school that really stood out to me as far as something in the film industry that I excelled in.
There is nothing about me that stands out as an artist, and I feel like I just don’t offer anyone anything.
hello, thanks for taking the time to read this. I came here because I’ve lived the last 4 years of my life in the same way. i am either always depressed, irritable or completely “done” with the world and feel as if no one could do anything to change my view or the world itself. this attitude on life began when i was 13 and i thought maybe it was just puberty. however, it did not stop as i aged. i am never happy where ever i am. (my occupation makes me move around every year or so when locations become expensive). ive lost all desire to get married or start a family. i have no motivation or ambitions. im in a constant state of boredom, hopelessness and anger. and i dont know why. i wasnt abused as a kid, im not starving. everything in my life is great except me. i dont know why i cant take that to heart and be happy. please help because its no fun to wake up depressed and go to sleep angry. thanks.
i am either always depressed, irritable or completely “done” with the world and feel as if no one could do anything to change my view or the world itself.
9Mental filter
I have been seeing my psychologist for the past couple of months (10 sessions) and we had been working on cognitive behavioural therapy techniques. Now it seems that I’ve grasped the concept of changing my thoughts and challenging my anxiety but I somehow feel more depressed than when I went into this treatment. My anxiety is still something that bothers me pretty frequently but dealing with it seems much more manageable.
2No Distortion
I met the man of my dreams about 7 months ago. However, I keep breaking up with him for no valid reason. My mind is constantly in a battle with itself. I always feel like someone is going to hurt me and I am extremely guarded. I am fortunate that the man I am seeing seems to understand that I have the issues I have. But I am so tired of hurting him, and it just feels out of my control. I feel like I am incapable of love.
I always feel like someone is going to hurt me and I am extremely guarded.
1Emotional Reasoning
I don’t know what to do. My boyfriend says he isn’t a sexual person. He is 32 and only had sex before me twice when he was 18 and didn’t get off. At first when things would lead up to sexual he would get extremely nervous. Now he trusts me more and doesn’t feel as self-conscious so it’s easier to get things going where he used to stop me. He says he likes making me feel good. And he gets me to orgasm using his hand. We have intercourse but it doesn’t last very long. He gets hard but then when we start doing it he slowly loses his erection. He says he doesn’t mind that he doesn’t need it but I don’t know if I should just accept that and stop trying. Sometimes it makes me really discouraged that he doesn’t get to feel good. It’s not even just not getting off. When he’s in me I’ll ask him if it feels good and he always says a little which I think is just to spare my feelings. I don’t believe it feels bad. Oral doesn’t really do much for him either. I’ve tried to just do a nice sensual hand job but he said it wasn’t doing anything for him even though he got an erection he said he didn’t even realize his body was responding. Like there is a disconnect between the physical and his mind. He did get off one time when we were having sex and he liked it, of course. I think we might have not used a condom then and I’m going to look into better birth control so we don’t need condoms. But what else can I do. He’s said he might want to talk to a doctor but he’s really embarrassed. Also, he’s not that big and he does slide out a lot idk if that could contribute. He also is on antidepressants has anxiety and is afraid to get blood work done. We have a good time, I do believe achieve intimacy. He likes that I respond to him. He always tells me it makes him happy that he can make me feel like that. He loves kissing and cuddling. He doesn’t masturbate often and says when he does he does it because it’s been a while and you’re supposed to?
When he’s in me I’ll ask him if it feels good and he always says a little which I think is just to spare my feelings.
8Mind Reading
From the U.S.: I am in a mild state of mania right now and am on manic spending sprees. This started a couple of months ago when I bought a whole new wardrobe which I needed because I have lost 77 pounds in the last year. This triggered my manic spending. I am totally out of control and have already racked up more than $2000 in credit card debt. I fear it will be a lot more if I can’t stop. I cannot take antipsychotic drugs because I have tardive dyskinesia. I have seen therapists in the past but didn’t feel like I was getting much help. I really need help. My husband doesn’t know how much I am spending and I am terrified he’ll find out.
I fear it will be a lot more if I can’t stop. My husband doesn’t know how much I am spending and I am terrified he’ll find out.
1Emotional Reasoning
From a teen in India: I’m an 17 yr old Indian with ADHD and i want to pursue medicine and PG in forensic medicine.I cannot concentrate even for two minutes and i’m afraid that it’ll affect my career. I got my 12th results yesterday and found it disappointing as i expected better grades.
I cannot concentrate even for two minutes and i’m afraid that it’ll affect my career. I got my 12th results yesterday and found it disappointing as i expected better grades.
I spent a good portion of my life depressed, and was somewhat suicidal. I would have killed myself but I didn’t want to cause the people who cared about me pain. I finally decided to close a portion of myself because I felt I could not beat it and if I didn’t close off my emotions, I would have killed myself. Fast forward about 6-7 years and I’m wondering if it’s time to try to reopen myself.
I finally decided to close a portion of myself because I felt I could not beat it and if I didn’t close off my emotions, I would have killed myself.
From Germany: My partner and I are having a lot of issues communicating. She feels she can’t communicate with me as I am defensive and that I keep trying to talk my way out of issues and blame her for everything. She feels I am not mature and act like a child. (I’m 32 and she is 41).
2No Distortion
I suffer from trust issues. I tend to be afraid of everyone, question their motives and avoid engaging in social situations with people I haven’t known for a long time and therefore feel comfortable with. I think my relationship with my mother makes things worse. She keeps giving me advice and gets mad if I brush her off. Most of the time, she tells me to be careful, don’t come back late at night, don’t go into other people’s houses, don’t believe what everyone is saying. It makes me feel useless and stupid, like I can’t take care of myself. It also makes me second guess all my emotional attachments. As it is, I have never been in a relationship, because I never trust the men that try to ask me out. I am not particularly anxious about not being in a relationship but I do wonder whether or not I just don’t need a partner right now, or it is a self-imposed independence search. I understand the fact that my mother, like all mothers, is worried. She is also an anxious individual in her day to day life. However, she makes me anxious as well, up to the point where I fear getting hurt or running into problems, not because I’m trying to take care of myself, but because I’m afraid she will say “I told you so”. How can I make myself take her comments more lightly, but maintain my good relationship with her. With my father having died a year ago, I feel like we both need each other more than ever. I just wish she understood she is just worsening my already conflicted mental state and that at 22, it is far too late for her to try to dictate my social life. She warns me about the world being a dangerous place, then makes fun of my hermit status and lack of extended social circle. (From Romania)
As it is, I have never been in a relationship, because I never trust the men that try to ask me out.
From Taiwan: I used to live in one country, and it didn’t have opportunities for my career so I relocated. But in that country, I could go outside and easily find my “type” of girl I’m attracted to. It gave me motivation to improve myself as a man, and hope of finding my type of girl. It made me feel alive.
But in that country, I could go outside and easily find my “type” of girl I’m attracted to.
1Emotional Reasoning
When I was 15 years old (I am 30 today) I sat on the edge of the 16th floor window seriously considering to jump because I couldn’t handle what my father kept saying about me not achieving the scores he wanted me to score in high school. The 2 only things that stopped me were my religion, I am a Muslim, and in Islam; taking your own life will send you to hell fire. The second factor is I was worried about my mother, she is too sensitive and I was almost certain she wouldn’t be able to handle and live with such an action.
The second factor is I was worried about my mother, she is too sensitive and I was almost certain she wouldn’t be able to handle and live with such an action.
8Mind Reading
I have been having sexual relations with a stripper at a strip club for nearly a year. My therapist believes I may have developed a type of sex addiction. My therapist recently had to go out of town so I have not seen her in nearly a month, but I told her I was going to try and stop seeing the stripper. I have not gone to the strip club in over a month, but I’m still constantly thinking about the stripper, and I’m always turned on. It’s distracting and it makes it hard for me to focus on school or work. I was also seeing a psychiatrist for a mood disorder, and I was on an anti-psych medication that I stopped taking about a year ago. When I first started seeing the psychiatrist I told him I had began having powerful sexual urges that began a year before I started seeing him, but I never acted on them. I was also a huge germ-a-phobe. Why am I still thinking about the stripper and constantly turned on when I haven’t seen her in over a month and is this related to my mood disorder?
2No Distortion
From Canada: My brother started by reading about the chi power and other stuffs related to it. He is 15 years old and in 10th grade of high school. After almost 2 months, he told mom that there is no reason for him to study, this is not what he wants to do and that he will work a part time job to get money to rent his own apartment, and that he will take a career related to the power and soul stuffs that he reads about.
2No Distortion
From a 12 year old: my dad and my mom are seperated i barely see my dad but sometimes he will call me and promise he will take me somewhere or get me that gift i wanted or something like that but more and more lately my dad has been breaking promises and i can’t help but to cry he has broken to many and i am tired of crying but i always do i expect it now but i always do i don’t want to cry over him anymore i need to know ways to help me stop crying over him
my dad and my mom are seperated i barely see my dad but sometimes he will call me and promise he will take me somewhere or get me that gift i wanted or something like that but more and more lately my dad has been breaking promises and i can’t help but to cry he has broken to many and i am tired of crying but i always do i expect it now but i always do i don’t want to cry over him anymore
9Mental filter
I am a 19-year-old female who has had a history of childhood trauma and depression and anxiety as well as a recovered anorexic. However, while I have managed all my other mental illnesses, there is still a very strong, pervasive feeling that I am living in the wrong lifetime. I do not feel as if I am in the wrong body gender-wise, but that I should not be alive right now and I should not be embarking on any of the career paths that I am. It is not that the career I have chosen is wrong, I feel more as if I switched lives with somebody (like Freaky Friday) and now I am simply not where I am meant to be. I cannot recognize myself when I look in a mirror and I have not been able to for as long as I can remember. Logically, I know it is myself but I don’t feel as if the person looking back is actually me. The same applies to looking at photos of myself, even if they are aesthetically pleasing. I also have no connection whatsoever with the name I was given. Is this pervasive depersonalization or derealization? Or do I simply have no sense of self? I have scoured the internet but have not been able to find anyone else with the same symptoms. Please, help.
2No Distortion
How do I stop myself from losing control, all of sudden I will be freaking out screaming at the top of my lungs at my bo? I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 years now and we are certain we are going to spend the rest of our lives together, but will wait a few more years for marriage. I love him so much, but we have these huge horrible fights. For example today, he came over for lunch today and everything was great, I found out he had Saturday off of work, so I said we should plan something. And he thought I was yelling and I did not think I was, he said that we don’t have to have this perfect day like in the movies, but I was just excited to have a day off together and wanted to plan something so he did not make plans with others.
How do I stop myself from losing control, all of sudden I will be freaking out screaming at the top of my lungs at my bo?
About 12 years ago before I got married I cheated on my boyfriend who is now my soon to be ex-husband with a married man. I never told anyone the truth about it or should I say I never admitted it to anyone. Everyone basically knew it happened. I lied about it up until about 1 year ago when I met my soul mate. I love this man so much. I never loved anyone like this before. I met him while I was still married to my husband. I swore I would never cheat on my husband because I never forgave myself for cheating on him with the married guy. I broke up that guy’s marriage and I didn’t love him. I hated myself for that. I ended up marrying my husband. I think I married him to hide what I had done.
I swore I would never cheat on my husband because I never forgave myself for cheating on him with the married guy. I broke up that guy’s marriage and I didn’t love him.
From a teen in Australia: When I was a small child, I had a hard time controlling my anger, distress or any feelings of anxiety. My behaviour would sporadically change from isolating myself (hiding in a closet) to lashing out at others (verbally and I would physically intimidate, but never attack). But I also have a few memories of seeking out attention via coming up with poorly-constructed lies and faking injuries.
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: For my whole life, I have always been extremely shy and suffered with social interaction. I barely have any friends period( only a few which I rarely see- I don’t know if I should even consider them friends). I do everything alone – from going to school to sitting in the cafeteria, to spending my weekends.
I do everything alone – from going to school to sitting in the cafeteria, to spending my weekends.
I have been married for 2 1/2 years. I love my husband very much; however I don’t like having sex with him. I like sex and think about it all the time. When my husband and I are apart, I fantasize about things we can try but, as soon as he comes around, I don’t want to anymore. When he tries to touch me I push his hands away. He feels as though I want someone else and that is not true.
2No Distortion
From a teen in Australia: I don’t know why, but I enjoy feeling in control of others more than I should. I manipulate and blackmail to get what I want, which makes me sound like a bad person when I’m really not, but recently I have started to think about and even seriously consider murder. How easy would it be to just stab my parents in their sleep? Of course, I would never do something like that, but for some reason I’m not worried about my homicidal thoughts, when I really should be. I would ask my mother about this, but I’m pretty sure she’d just dismiss my questions, as I have a history of lying to get attention.
I don’t know why, but I enjoy feeling in control of others more than I should.
6Should statements
From New Zealand: I’m a 12 year old girl and i have been traumatized throughout my childhood up until i was about 8 years old. I’ve been going to counselling since i was 10 and everybody i see (including my own family) have told me that i have been traumatized even though i don’t feel traumatized at all.
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: I was wondering what I should do. I am 18 and I just started taking online collage classes. I attempted to go to in person classes but I had panic attacks and I dropped out. For the last two years I only leave my apartment to go to the movie theater and grocery store. I also go to doctors and therapists, but recently my mom and I made the decision to stop trying to find the right fit of therapist and just focus on school. I also am having problems going to my Psychiatrist now.
I attempted to go to in person classes but I had panic attacks and I dropped out. For the last two years I only leave my apartment to go to the movie theater and grocery store. I also go to doctors and therapists, but recently my mom and I made the decision to stop trying to find the right fit of therapist and just focus on school. I also am having problems going to my Psychiatrist now.
9Mental filter
I’m worried about my thoughts about my friend. He is very depressed and has recently been self-harming by starving himself. He is seeing a therapist and getting help. At first I tried to help and it wasn’t easy as I was feeling depressed but i always put him first. But, I thought about what would happen if he killed himself and now I want him to do it, I want him to die. This is a horrible thing to feel.
At first I tried to help and it wasn’t easy as I was feeling depressed but i always put him first. But, I thought about what would happen if he killed himself and now I want him to do it, I want him to die.
0All-or-nothing thinking
Ever since I was a little kid my dad has been an awful person. Once I got spanked for sticking my tongue out innocently. Once he destroyed my brothers stuffed animals when my brother found his knife. My brother was 3. Once my brother spilled water on his computer and our dad threw a bible at him. By the age of six I was expected to get to school on my own while dad slept. My brother and I were allowed to go to the park on our own while he slept as well. He thought anything we did wrong was a slight against him. Our babysitter abused us and he didn’t care. He’s always late picking us up from any babysitting type place we’re left. He told me my mother and her family didn’t care about me at all. He’s called me a bitch, wench, and other things of that sort. He poured water on my head when I told him I wasn’t going to kill myself if he was gone. He was upset losing him wouldn’t be enough to drive me to suicide. And even though he’s never actually hurt me…im scared of him. I’m scared he’ll snap one day and kill me. He keeps guns and knives around everywhere. And his temper is so explosive that I’m so afraid…every second I’m at his house im afraid for my safety. I called cps already but they didn’t do shit about it! I’ve thought of running away but I have nowhere to go, and if I’m caught that may be what tips him over the edge. I’m so afraid and no one will help me.
I’m scared he’ll snap one day and kill me.
Hello! I know that there are a few questions in this topic, I browsed through them, but I didn’t seem to find one that applies well to me. I can’t talk to people properly except for a very few (my family and my best friend), I often fall silent and don’t speak for hours just sit and smile or communicate through facial expressions and touches and the likes.
2No Distortion
Today my boyfriend told me that he has a mental problem. He said that he just sees people as people, he doesn’t really see the emotions and lives behind them. He said he’s trying to stop but it scares me that he doesn’t see me and think about how he loves and cares for me, he just thinks “that’s my girlfriend.” Also, growing up as a kid he was abused and neglected by a step parent when his own weren’t fit to take care of him. He’s grown up with his grandparents since the age of 6 with no remorse for burying animals as he has buried 7 of his previous dogs and killed numerous rats and bunnies. I’m so scared for him and myself because I just want to understand what could be going on… I want to help him and I just want to know a possible diagnosis. Please help me, I’m desperate. (From the USA)
I’m so scared for him and myself because I just want to understand what could be going on… I want to help him and I just want to know a possible diagnosis.
This issue never plagued me until midway through high school. I have never cut or tried to harm myself in any way. In middle school, I had a friend who battled depression and would cut herself. However, the issue finally started one day when I found a video that talked about a fan of a band who was so crazy for them that she had cut one of the band member’s name into her arm. It didn’t affect me as much at first, and only left me thinking about why anybody would do such a thing. When the video showed the photo of the cut arm, that’s when it hit.
2No Distortion
Approximately 6 years ago, I started to believe in God. I am very studious, so please don’t consider me an average believer. Anyhow God bestowed upon me success in the form of health, reputation and education. I disobeyed Him and He took it all back, also He made my life very fragile in numerous ways. One of the worst punishment He gave me was that He stopped my growth. Now before you think “It’s all in the genes” well it’s not, my parents have an average height and according to my doctor I should have been average too but sadly I stopped growing without any explanation. Now to my real problem, I have a self esteem issue in which when walking  on the streets I feel tiny (especially in front of women). This is deemed normal for people like me. Mentally speaking, I feel worthless and feel extraordinarily detached from this world (I see the world from space!). My social skills are deteriorating day by day. I used to be an excellent man once but now I am nothing!
Mentally speaking, I feel worthless and feel extraordinarily detached from this world (I see the world from space!). My social skills are deteriorating day by day. I used to be an excellent man once but now I am nothing!
I am graduating in May with a degree in Psychology. My family is going through basically a break up because of my Aunt. I personally believe she has gone untreated for most of her life with either schizophrenia or a personality disorder. She could qualify for both under the DSM 5, but I know that is she has schizophrenia she would not have a personality disorder. The reason I am putting all this out there is because she has taken my great grandmother from my grandma, put her name on my great grandmother’s bank account, and is forcing my grandmother to move off her property. She brings up situations that does not make sense because they never actually happened. My great grandfather on my mom’s side was also schizophrenic and I know that it is hereditary. My mother is constantly asking me for guidance and help to understand and decide what to do with her that will benefit the family as a whole. This weekend, November 2-4, 2018, we are planning to move my grandmother and grandfather into our home to get them away from their daughter and off her property. I just do not know what we should do about my Aunt because she needs help, but we do not know how to help her. We have been thinking that we could call DSS, the police, or a mental health facility; however, she is very deceitful and lies a lot. My mother has called the police before because she was putting her children in danger, but the police officer said the only thing my mother could do is call DSS and see if they can find anything. So that did not go anywhere and she still has not received any help. I guess now we are just at a loss for what we can do for her, if we can do anything at all. If there is anything that we are unaware of that we could do, please let me know.
My family is going through basically a break up because of my Aunt.
I feel I am at the end of the line. My husband and I have been married for 5 years. He has a huge family and a mother who is treated like the queen bee. Some of the siblings have failure to launch due to mom’s depressive states of being alone. Some siblings have drug issues and some are just gossipers wanting to start problems, but all of them (6 siblings and mom) do not like me. They try to hurt me talk bad about me and make my husband choose sides.
Some siblings have drug issues and some are just gossipers wanting to start problems, but all of them (6 siblings and mom) do not like me. They try to hurt me talk bad about me and make my husband choose sides.
What do I do!? I just feel like I have no control over anything… it’s like I’m just always supposed to be on… I never have time for myself… I’m always either studying or working or listening to my mother’s problems with her ex-husband. I typically like to unwind by playing the bass, but I can’t even get what I need out of that.
I just feel like I have no control over anything… it’s like I’m just always supposed to be on… I never have time for myself… I’m always either studying or working or listening to my mother’s problems with her ex-husband.
1Emotional Reasoning
I think I might need help. For as long as I can remember I’ve always been depressed. I just shrugged it off as boredom till I got into highschool and I decided to actually accept it as depression. I don’t know why I’m depressed. Maybe I don’t even have a reason but it’s just how I feel. I’ve attempted suicide a couple times before but I just couldn’t do it. All I ever think about is dying but I think I’m getting worse. Because I’ve started having thoughts about hurting others as well. Not that I would do such a thing! I abhor violence and wouldn’t even hurt a fly. However a couple years ago I had a kind of mental breakdown. I’m night owl you see, so for some reason one night I just started freaking out. I was extremely paranoid for no reason. I was so scared of something that I started carrying a knife with me to protect myself. After a couple weeks of this I stopped. But, with these new thoughts I’m having, I’m worried that if I have another breakdown I might hurt someone. I’m scaring myself. Recently several people close to me have died and I’m not even bothered by it. I didn’t cry or get upset, I didn’t even act surprised. I mean I accept death as an inevitable but these were people close to me, shouldn’t I be the least bit sad? I’m not sure what I should do. Do I have a problem and/or should I get help? (age 18, from US)
For as long as I can remember I’ve always been depressed.
9Mental filter
Freom the U.S.: I’m 18 and currently desperately in need of getting help but I feel like I have no where to go. It would be best for me to see a therapist, however, I’m currently living with my parents and they “don’t believe in that sort of thing”; I have tried going to see a therapist before but they just bullied me into not seeing one. Not only that, but I’m also out of a job and can’t afford to talk to someone without them knowing. I am a complete loss at what to do.
I am a complete loss at what to do.
I have auditory and visual hallucinations. I hear at least three voices commenting on my actions and commanding I do things. I see these things I call shadow people. It’s just a regular looking body shape, but they have no face. It’s just blank. My first experience with this was second grade. I called the figure “blank face guy”. He follows me. I also have disorganized thinking and incoherent speech. I’m also transgender. My dad thinks my mental illnesses are what caused me to conclude myself as transgender.
2No Distortion
I don’t know where to begin. It seems stupid just to come here and write about what’s wrong with me. Or what I think is wrong with me. All my problems seem made up by myself. I ocassionally feel depressed, but I don’t deserve to be depressed. I have everything in my life to be happy: family, some friends, upper middle class upbringing, material things. I feel guilty and ungrateful.
Or what I think is wrong with me. All my problems seem made up by myself. I ocassionally feel depressed, but I don’t deserve to be depressed. I feel guilty and ungrateful.
From a teen in the U.S.: My boyfriend has no trust for me due to past relationships. He is extremely jealous and gets mad when I talk to other guys at all (even if they’re gay or a close family friend). I love him and would do anything for him. He took my virginity and everything.
My boyfriend has no trust for me due to past relationships.
I met a my best friend when I was 16 and we started dreaming of doing amazing things. We decided to go to France after highschool (we were 18) and study robotics and then later on founded an NGO about education. I have so much fun learning on my spare time with him all about robotics, and child psychology, how to create workshops to teach children about technology at a young age. All was good except my studies. I never graduated from my associate degree in mechanical engineering and that’s when the lying started. I lied to my family back home in Morocco and I’ve been lying to him. I told everyone that I graduated and that I was enrolled in a Masters of engineering. Trouble came when I had to apply for a renewal to my residence permit in France. I couldn’t provide grade reports so I was refused the stay and had to go back home. That’s when I told my best friend the truth. My mum found out after I got home. The problem now is that there are still people (friends) in my life that I’m still lying to. I’m currently enrolled in an engineering degree in Morocco (after 2 years of only focusing on creating the NGO I mentioned and working with my best friend who didn’t give up on me and slowly got me out of my little depression). How did I let things get to such a bad outcome? I don’t know. I suffer from a serious case of laziness and inconsistency. I know I have the potential to do great things, I still get involved in too much endeavors but I can’t produce results. I still don’t know why. The why that made me lie to my friends and family because it would be a shock to them that i didn’t succeed. I don’t know to extract myself from all this. I really don’t. Help me, doctor.
How did I let things get to such a bad outcome? I don’t know. I suffer from a serious case of laziness and inconsistency. I know I have the potential to do great things, I still get involved in too much endeavors but I can’t produce results. I still don’t know why. The why that made me lie to my friends and family because it would be a shock to them that i didn’t succeed. I don’t know to extract myself from all this. I really don’t. Help me, doctor.
I am a Secondary school student and aged 16. Since past year, my everyday life was just like a nightmare. I always felt dizzy and headache, after I took panadol, I didn’t feel better at all. As well, I don’t want to eat the food that I love to eat before. I have no mood to eat.
I always felt dizzy and headache, after I took panadol, I didn’t feel better at all.
From the U.S.:  My bf and I have been together about 8 months. The last half of this was sprinkled with traumatic events because of my past traumas. I was emotionally abusive at times, reacted with anger/insults out of jealousy/insecurity. He wants to leave but I don’t want to split, I am promising him I will change because I know I have/will (I am finally in counseling) I love him endlessly although some of my actions have not shown that.
I was emotionally abusive at times, reacted with anger/insults out of jealousy/insecurity.
From a teen in the U.S.: I feel like my fiance and I are having issues sexually because our sexual relationship is unbalanced. I will often touch her and go down on her, but she will not do the same for me. She never seems as though she is particularly interested in sex. She used to be more involved in our sex life but she no longer is.
I feel like my fiance and I are having issues sexually because our sexual relationship is unbalanced.
1Emotional Reasoning
From Wales (edited from a much longer letter): I feel that I am not enjoying my life, I am filled with regrets, have social anxiety and probably aspergers and let my low self esteem pull me down and feel I wasted my 20s. I feel so frustrated, stuck and don’t know where to start
I feel that I am not enjoying my life, I am filled with regrets, have social anxiety and probably aspergers and let my low self esteem pull me down and feel I wasted my 20s.
1Emotional Reasoning
My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. We met online and after a year we met up in real life. While we have had our problems, we’ve always been able to sort them out. My problem is that ever since we have met, it is always me going to his house and he has never been to mine. We keep arranging for him to come here and he always seems willing but each time there is a reason that he can not. I am never too sure whether they are real reasons or if he just does not want to make the effort. My parents have invited him to come and spend new years eve with us. I have asked him and he said he would love to and that he would ask his mum. (We are 18 years old and he lives in London and myself in Manchester). But that was 2 weeks ago and he has not said anything about it which gives me the impression he doesnt want to come. I dont know what to do. I love him so much. But I do not know what to do or what this means.
But that was 2 weeks ago and he has not said anything about it which gives me the impression he doesnt want to come
8Mind Reading
I bring up problems in the relationship because I think I dont get enough from my boyfriend. I feel anxious, inadequate, not good enough for him. I get how me complaining makes him feel inadequate, so it’s a vicious cycle id like to break. (From India)
I feel anxious, inadequate, not good enough for him. I get how me complaining makes him feel inadequate, so it’s a vicious cycle id like to break.
From the U.S.: Me and my boyfriend have been dating for about 10 months. We live two and a half hours away from each other until I graduate from college in May, but we still see each other every weekend and I stay with him whenever I have breaks. He is an amazing guy who obviously loves and cares about me a lot. Even though I know this, I will still find reasons to get upset, sometimes creating problems out of thin air.
He is an amazing guy who obviously loves and cares about me a lot.
9Mental filter
My boyfriend and I met online and we have a long distance relationship. We talk every day, have visited each other for a week at a time, been getting to know each other for about a year now.  we have talked about getting married as well. We are both in our 30s and never been married before.  However, when we get into arguments, he likes to criticize me which i can’t tolerate. Although i love him and really want to spend the rest of my life with him, I refuse to be engaged in a verbally abusive relationship. So i broke up with him.
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: Ok so, sometimes I feel really lonely and like i cant talk to anyone else about what i am feeling, because it is really hard to put into words. i have some days where i am fine but other days where i get really sad. i feel unwanted by people and like i always give more than other people and feel under-appreciated.
i feel unwanted by people and like i always give more than other people and feel under-appreciated.
8Mind Reading
From Finland: In the last year or so, I’ve been partying more than usual. I have not been drinking daily or medicating anxiety with alcohol (I have a history of anxiety), only on friday OR saturday (never both), but definitely drinking more than is healthy. Put it this way: there have been fairly few weekends over the last 6 months where I have been sober all the way through. My hangovers tend to be really bad. I have noticed in the past that sometimes, the day after a hangover, my anxiety tends to flare up and it sometimes lasts for nearly a week.
2No Distortion
From Pakistan: I talk to myself all the time.i am doing this far as long as i can remember.what i do is that i create a lot of people in my mind and a story plot and then i start acting it out. i do it aloud and acted out the part of every person i created .i prolong single story for weeks at a time. it seems like my stories age with me. when i was a kid , stories were kid stories like a family of ants, talking animals, miniature people living in forest. but as i get older my stories became more of adult kind. now these are about couples, family issues or on friends.
2No Distortion
For 5 months now, my father has left me and my mother in search for “work” in the Philippines, since he was released from his job in Australia in 2013. Currently, my father rarely contacts us, either through phone or email. He even KNOWS my email and house number. Yet, he never seems to call at all, or seems the least bit concerned. This isn’t the first time my father has done this. He’s done it multiple times throughout my life, but this time, it really seems like he’s not going to return. In fact, I believe that my father planned everything before escaping back to his home country instead of “searching for work” there.
In fact, I believe that my father planned everything before escaping back to his home country instead of “searching for work” there.
1Emotional Reasoning
My boyfriend and I broke up in early November because my friends and family started saying that he was trying to keep me from them and started a rumor that he was a woman beater. My best friend heard this rumor and called my mother which in return she freaked out on my boyfriend. This rumor is not true, he has never laid a hand on me. Me and my boyfriend could not survive the rumors because and I tried to defend my parents. Since then I moved out of his house and into my parents. My parents are over bearing and undermine everything I do with my 5 year old child. I am 27 years old and afraid to tell my parents that I want to work things out with my ex boyfriend, I’m afraid to talk to him on the phone around my parents, or see him. My parents told me that if i ever moved back in with him that they would try to take my daughter from me. I am a good mother and have done nothing to deserve this. Please help I need an outside source.
2No Distortion
Back in December I hit a really bad depressive episode. My relationship with my girlfriend of 3 years wasn’t going well and work was highly stressful. I went into work that morning and got into a verbal altercation with a co-worker who never liked me. That was it, I was fed up with the world. I couldn’t take it anymore. So I went home and around 9pm locked myself in my room and attempted to overdose on my medication for diabetes and depression.
2No Distortion
My friend died earlier 2011 of suicide; only a few months into the year as a matter of fact. I met her in September 2009 my senior year of High School, and spent time with her every day or every other day, for varying lengths of the day (sometimes a whole class -we had gym for the first half of that school year- and some 5 minute periods before and after the last class, sometimes only those 5 minute periods). We also saw each other at dances and such. And we became close friends, and I eventually considered her a best friend. And, as a matter of fact, had feelings for her beyond friends. We hung out together throughout my Senior year, though it became less in the second half the year (we no longer had gym the second half, though we still met before and after the last two classes of the day with our group of friends, and eventually that half of the year I went to her lunch period to spend time). I took this girl to prom (though nothing intimate occurred as we were not dating), was with her at 3 graduation parties (one being my own), and a few other event though not more than maybe 2. Once I graduated was when we steadily stopped seeing each other. I kept in touch on Facebook, and Texted what I thought at the time was quite a lot (I believe it was once a week or once every two weeks at least), but whenever I asked to hangout, they were always busy. I still considered her close and important friend for all that happened in that year I knew her, because we had gotten very close. This period after we stopped seeing one another at all is the Fall and Winter of 2010. I still tried to keep in touch via text, though today, I’m not sure whether those amounted too much more than “Can you hangout?” “Not this week, sorry.” “Ok.” which I’m frightened may be true, though part of me also wants to say that while some of the texts were like that, many many others were me striking up conversations and asking how her day or week was.
My friend died earlier 2011 of suicide; only a few months into the year as a matter of fact.This period after we stopped seeing one another at all is the Fall and Winter of 2010. I still tried to keep in touch via text, though today, I’m not sure whether those amounted too much more than “Can you hangout?” “Not this week, sorry.” “Ok.” which I’m frightened may be true, though part of me also wants to say that while some of the texts were like that, many many others were me striking up conversations and asking how her day or week was.
Some emotions I feel very heavily, the strongest probably being I’m very passionate about certain things and very empathetic towards almost everything.. But some I cannot seem to feel at all, such as anger. Things that would anger almost anyone truly do not bother me like other people. And I can only think of a handful of times in my life I was remotely angry. And the rest of my emotions, like sadness, happiness, love, excitement and so on, I cannot seem to understand if I actually feel them. When I feel sad, happy, or excited I always feel like I’m partially feeling it, but not completely. Kind of like sometimes I feel 40% happy or 60% sad, but I can’t seem to fully 100% feel anything. Due to this I keep questioning whether or not I feel anything at all or why I just can’t experience true, full emotions. Sorry if this was a bit hard to follow it’s hard to explain this in writing.
Due to this I keep questioning whether or not I feel anything at all or why I just can’t experience true, full emotions.
0All-or-nothing thinking
From Switzerland: I don’t know if there even is an answer to my situation but I guess asking can’t hurt. And at other places people just kept telling me to ask a professional so here I am. (Since I can’t in real life for multiple reasons one ironically being that I am a medical student…)
2No Distortion
I recently had a dream which was a small part of a bigger series of unrelated dreams, in which I was at the home of my grandmother and I saw a picture of me as a child (I remember thinking I was 2 years old or something) and my (currently deceased, but he would’ve been alive then) grandfather. In the picture, I think it was a moving picture, he put his tongue in my mouth and was tongue kissing me. I didn”t notice this at first and once I did I was alarmed and confused but I didn”t say anything outright, I just kept trying to figure out what year that photo was taken because I was sure I was two in the picture. My grandmother and my father looked at the back of the photo and tried to find what date it was taken. Neither seemed to see or acknowledge what I was seeing and were even trying to somewhat distract me with trivial things, though I don”t know if that was intentional or not. We couldn”t find the date and they were unconcerned. I remember immediately thinking when I saw my grandfather kiss me that it was molestation, that I was witnessing myself being molested as a child and that it was wrong ; but I didn”t really make a big deal out of it. Even though I was alarmed to see it because it was both so out of character for my grandfather and so wrong/disgusting beyond that I didn”t really feel anything. A little disbelief maybe. After not being able to find the date I allowed the rest of my paternal family to distract me and didn”t bring it up again or care. In fact I went on to have a completely unrelated dream and when I woke up I remembered thinking every dream except that one was significant only to realize later on that I had seen something incredibly disturbing but again with no big reaction. Not my sister nor my mom nor any maternal family members were in the dream. It was only one dream and I just had it, but I was wondering if this is an indication that I was actually molested as a child? (From the USA)
It was only one dream and I just had it, but I was wondering if this is an indication that I was actually molested as a child?
Inside of this fleshy prison live the three of us: Harry, George, and me. Normally, we get along perfectly, each respecting one another’s problems, such as George’s ‘depression’ and Harry’s ‘schizophrenia’ (both of which have not been diagnosed or discussed with a professional). Unlike the other two, I seemingly lack a few emotions, such as grief, remorse, and empathy. Normally, this is more of a strength than a weakness, but as of late, it has been rather difficult to deal with. It’s perfectly normal for me to experience urges to kill living creatures or to break inanimate objects, and these urges are understood by Harry and George. However, with each passing day these urges seem to grow stronger, and Harry and George seem to grow more…’on edge’. When we discuss the subject, the others seem to react with more fear, or aggression, than they used to, and they don’t seem to understand my situation as well as they used to. Previously, I could control my urges perfectly. I fidget a lot, which used to calm the urges, and I can also be quite destructive if I want something (I chewed through a television remote so that I could play with the rubber buttons inside), which also helped. Leaving windows open and then killing the insects that entered the house was another good way to calm myself. However, none of these methods seem to do much good anymore. I want something more, something bigger. Hunting is out of the question for me – there isn’t anywhere to go in my local area and if I ask an adult it will arouse suspicion (they all believe that Harry, George, and myself are a singular, ‘normal’ entity). With each day these urges growing stronger, I also grow more impatient and frustrated with tiny details. Things – and people – are bothering me more and more, and this is encouraging my fantasies of killing them. There’s only two people I would never be able to kill, and they’re not a part of my family, which means I have to control myself greatly each day around the people I’m supposed to ‘love’. With all of that said, it brings me onto my questions. What can I do to calm my desire to kill? And, lastly, is calming my urges that only way to make Harry and George feel comfortable with me again? Thanks.
There’s only two people I would never be able to kill, and they’re not a part of my family, which means I have to control myself greatly each day around the people I’m supposed to ‘love’.
6Should statements
Hello! I don’t know what’s going on with me, but since a few months, I have been really enjoying looking at blood… I don’t know for sure when it started, but one evening I grabbed a pair of compasses and I stabbed the pointy end in my hand. I really enjoy looking at the way the blood pours out of the wound. I have done this several times in the past few months, but today was the worst one. I cut the skin on my arm open a few times with a scissor. I am afraid that one day myself wont be enough and that ill do it on somebody else… I have thought about cutting someone else’s skin, but I am too scared and I really don’t want to hurt anyone. I have also watched a YouTube video where a camel is being stabbed, and although I feel bad for the animal, I am fascinated by the amount of blood that’s coming out.
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: I have two irrational subconscious ideas that I need to solve. The first one is I think that people are always watching me. My brain tells me they hide cameras or do something so they see me and what I am doing all the time. I mostly think and worry about people I know doing this. My mind tells me they are doing this all the time.
I mostly think and worry about people I know doing this.
8Mind Reading
From Egypt: i have acne not only in my face but in my body too , shoulders , chest and my back i aslo have stretch marks, cellulite and im over weight! i have every thing that makes me hate myself, i go to the gym but still hate myself , i aslo tried to treat my acne but its not helping. this really affecting my self-esteem and my social life i dont feel confident at all and i hate myself
i have every thing that makes me hate myself, i go to the gym but still hate myself , i aslo tried to treat my acne but its not helping. this really affecting my self-esteem and my social life i dont feel confident at all and i hate myself
I realized today that since high school, when something disappoints me, embarrasses me or makes me feel un-special in some way, I give up. I have quit jobs, left relationships, quit committees – not in a huff, I just quietly remove myself. I have always felt insignificant – even though I know, intellectually at least, that I am a very successful individual. Yesterday, after a particularly uncomfortable day, I wanted to quit living – just stop the striving to be better, stop working to be approved of, stop trying to be an important person to someone. Why am I doing this? I am an intelligent person – yet I can’t stop these thoughts.
I realized today that since high school, when something disappoints me, embarrasses me or makes me feel un-special in some way, I give up. I have quit jobs, left relationships, quit committees – not in a huff, I just quietly remove myself.
0All-or-nothing thinking
My dad is severely depressed and continually shouts that he is going to kill himself. He has withdrawn from everybody and REFUSES to get help. He says he is a failure and spends all his time alone or complaining about life. He has lost it and I dont know what to do. Can you please help?
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: I’m typically a loud, obnoxious, passionate, argumentative person. I blow up when I’m angry. I blow up when I’m excited. I like to share my voice. People see me as a potential leader. If anything, I think I should be kept away from a leadership role. I hate being considered a potential leader due to my traits. I hate them with a burning passion.
I hate being considered a potential leader due to my traits. I hate them with a burning passion.
I’m a mom of a 6 y.o., and stepmom to a 9 y.o. with ADHD, and a 7 y.o. who is violent, short tempered and manipulative. He has no problem with lying on a daily basis. His mother is a drug addict and prostitute. He is not fully aware of her issues, but is aware of her pathological lying.He is very intelligent in “book-related” things, such as reading and mathematics. Other than that, he is below par. He shows little to no respect for the rights of others. He has made up stories of children being molested in the classroom, and other stories to get others in trouble and show how “good” he is. He has stolen and “coveted” things that do not belong to him. He lies so much, I assume everything he says is untrue. He will attack the other two boys on a daily basis for the slightest percieved ‘wrong’. If he does not get what he wants, when he wants it (litterally), he will fake-cry (it is obviously fake) for up to an hour. For example, when his father comes home from work, the child immeadiately will ask for a quarter and a trip to the store so he can spend it on a gum ball machine. After the tooth brushing bed time routine he will continue asking for something to eat (even though he had a snack before brushing) untill his dad gives in or he is carried, crying and faking injuries to his bed. He seems to not understand at all that the rules also apply to him, “because he gets good grades in school”. His ego is so out of control, we simply can not take it any more.The unmedicated ADHD child is much easier to deal with!He is perpetually seeking attention by any means necessary. He unfortunately, can’t seem to handle positive attention. He will use it to manipulate the emotions of everyone around him.Even when he does do what he is told, it has an air of selfish manipulation.He seems to do it to make the others seem bad, and himself, the best.
He seems to do it to make the others seem bad, and himself, the best.
8Mind Reading
I’ve been in 5 relationships and I’m currently in one, we’ve only been dating for about a month and I’ve gotten really depressed, I’ve stopped liking things I used to like and I feel no motivation to get up in the morning and I’m so tired all the time. I went from so happy with this guy to absolutely dreading the mention of his name, I don’t want to see him anymore and every time he talks to me or texts me I feel nauseous. I don’t understand why I have developed a hatred towards him when a couple of weeks ago I couldn’t stop talking about him. This isn’t the first time this has happened. The last three relationships I was pretty much obsessed with these guys and then like a flip of a switch I become depressed and I developed a hatred towards them. However, once I break up with them it’s like nothing ever happened and I instantly feel refreshed and back to normal.
I went from so happy with this guy to absolutely dreading the mention of his name, I don’t want to see him anymore and every time he talks to me or texts me I feel nauseous. The last three relationships I was pretty much obsessed with these guys and then like a flip of a switch I become depressed and I developed a hatred towards them. However, once I break up with them it’s like nothing ever happened and I instantly feel refreshed and back to normal.
0All-or-nothing thinking
From the U.S.: I was diagnosed with OCD. Around October 19th 2015, during a stay at a psych ward they started me on a new pill regimen of 2 drugs I had already been taking, but divied up differently plus the addition of a new drug, so, the day to day was Klonopin and Luvox at 8:29 am and Klonopin, Luvox and Anafranil (the new drug) at 9:40 at night. I’ve been keeping this up until today November 12, 2015 that’s bout 24 days, so 3 weeks 3 days and I’ve been doing the same times for the most part (definitely morning then night – but does it make a huge difference if I’m late an hour or so on a random day? I think they gave them to me at different times for some of the days in the hospital)
2No Distortion
I don’t trust my mom. She does a lot of sketchy things. A lot of the things she does(or doesn’t) do tends to benefit her. She has a very hard time understanding me as well. I find us in arguments over the same thing and in those arguments we keep just continually repeating ourselves and interpreting each other wrong over and over again. Like we verbally say “so you’re saying…” I can’t tell if she just really can’t understand me or if she really doesn’t care what I have to say. She’s one of those parents that hover. They’re always asking “we’re are you going?” When simply walking out of the room or “don’t forget to…!”. So she loves me right? She would want to listen right? This is also the same mom that has told her daughter “I’m not going to quit smoking and drinking until I want to” after her daughter cried begging for her to stop atleast one. This is the same mother that came into her daughters room with a cigarette lit and when her daughter tried to put it out she said “You’re 18 now I can call the cops, don’t ever put your hands on me” as if her daughter assaulted her. It’s also hard to believe that she cares because she is not reliable at all. She doesn’t respect my time. For example with rides. Yes, she doesn’t have to give me a ride at all if she doesn’t want to but she needs to tell me that so I can plan another ride instead of having me be TWO hours late. She does it all the time and I want to give her another chance to prove me wrong and she’ll make me proud. It’s not just rides though. It’s just continual disappoint I get. Anyway there’s a lot more and I’m trying to explain it but there’s just no way that I can explain it all like this. I just really want to be able to have a good relationship with my mom. Or just know any information about this situation. I’m planning on moving out as soon as I can to maybe help our relationship but I want it to be ok before I leave. Please help. Thank you. (From the USA)
I can’t tell if she just really can’t understand me or if she really doesn’t care what I have to say.
8Mind Reading
From a teen in Chile: Hello, I’ve been meaning to ask about a problem I’ve been aware of since early 2018. I realized I talk to myself out loud way too much. At first I decided to do some research, and found out that talking to yourself was a sign of intelligence, so I didn’t think much of it (Mumbling, reminding, talking at loud, ect). But soon I realized it weren’t the only thing I did, I basically narrate my life all of the time, like people were hearing about my life, experiences, struggle, normal activities, anything. I tried researching about this issue, but my attempts  weren’t successful. Now don’t take me wrong, I DO NOT have an imaginary friend, or see people. I just find myself talking like If was being heard by an audience, people, even though I’m aware I’m alone. Everything I’ve said until now, is something I would easily say out loud, alone.
I realized I talk to myself out loud way too much.
6Should statements
Recently, a friend went on about how much she enjoyed horror films. I’ve always hated them, but found myself unusually disturbed by her enthusiastic interest. It wasn’t that I was scared or found such movies gross, I simply cannot cope with the fact she could gleefully watch people die in horrific ways. This spread beyond the horror genre, to the point I completely stopped watching movies or shows and playing games, or really indulging in anything, that featured violence or death in any way.
This spread beyond the horror genre, to the point I completely stopped watching movies or shows and playing games, or really indulging in anything, that featured violence or death in any way.
0All-or-nothing thinking
I rented out a beautiful flat, but the moment I moved in I started feeling that my sister in law (husband’s brother’s wife) will be jealous and she might also buy flat in same society. She has copied me several times before, but never gives credit and many times people see things at her place first and then think it is me who has copied her. This time, I have this fear from the last 4 months that she will buy flat in the place where I am currently renting so that when we move out they can come in. And I won’t be able to tolerate that as they will come to know about this flat through me, but I will never be acknowledged for that and secondly, everyone else in the family will praise them that they bought the flat here (no one will remember that we rented here first and through us they came to know of this place) and thirdly, they will become superior to me and they will flourish more as there are lots of opportunities and facilities in this society. Because of this fear, I am not inviting anyone home, especially my inlaws and secondly I am planning to move out to other society before I invite anyone here. What is wrong with me and what should I do to overcome this?
I rented out a beautiful flat, but the moment I moved in I started feeling that my sister in law (husband’s brother’s wife) will be jealous and she might also buy flat in same society.
8Mind Reading
From a 16 year old in the U.S.: I try to be social sometimes, but I seem to have a speech impairment that makes the tone of my voice seem rude, and hostile. I also have a lisp, stutter quite often, my voice cracks, and my voice is either too loud or too soft (To be honest, I’ve probably spoken more this year than I have my entire life, so I am just realizing these things now).
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: So here is my situation: I have anxiety for quite a few situations. It is not ONLY social situations or for a specific phobia. I have the typical anxiety symptoms (though mild in comparison to those who throw up, have panic attacks, etc) when I am a) thinking about an impending social event/school event/ceremony where I will have to interact with someone other than my two best friends and my family/being there without them/arriving without them and being uncertain about little things such as where to sit b) on my way to those events c) during these events (unless I was super overreacting and I actually have fun) d) when I think about storms e) at doctors offices, esp before shots or blood pressure tests. I had my first and only panic attack when I was told I would be getting a shot I had not mentally prepared for f) when I feel like a nuisance for employees at restaurants (my family is being slow, etc) g) when I have to speak in front of people, any context h) when I think about impending overwhelming things and what is due, like homework and fitting in work and applying for colleges (that one is pretty normal I think) i) when my dad is late picking me up from an event or something, and it has gotten worse since I turned 16 because everyone around me leaves on their own terms. I sometimes just worry about being pitied or thought about in any sense, as I stick out as waiting, and sometimes I worry that my dad has gotten into an accident or something and I get really anxious j) driving. everything about it. I cant. k) the thought of making new friends/dating
I sometimes just worry about being pitied or thought about in any sense, as I stick out as waiting, and sometimes I worry that my dad has gotten into an accident or something and I get really anxious
1Emotional Reasoning
When I was in the 8th grade around age 13-14, I was diagnosed with psychotic depression. Symptoms included hearing voices (inside my head, not outside), occasional visual hallucinations, self-injury and suicidal ideation. Each voice had a name and their own personality, and not all of the voices were negative. They interacted with each other and also with me. I was put on a high dose of risperidone and symptoms began to decrease, and I stopped seeing a psychiatrist. I am now 17 years old, and recently, I’ve been having inner dialogue going on between my own consciousness and two voices that are not created consciously by me. I am female and they are both male. One is the same age as me and one is around 19 or 20 and they both have their own names and personalities, similar to what I experienced when I was younger. Now, however, I’m noticing that I’m becoming more and more forgetful of what I’ve done and sometimes what I’m in the process of doing. For instance I’ve received classwork and exams handed back to me with my name on it that are written in different handwriting that I don’t remember doing. My friends will ask me if I remember something we talked about yesterday or even earlier the same day and I won’t recall what they’re talking about. Sometimes I’ll be in the middle of doing something and I suddenly forget what I was doing and have to ask my friend what I was just talking about. However, at times, one of the voices will say “Oh yeah I remember that!” or they’ll say “we were in the middle of doing this,” most of the time being correct. I’m concerned and confused about what’s been going on. I’m not sure if I’m having another psychotic episode and I’m delusional or if I might have signs of DID. I know I should go back to my psychiatrist either way, but what do you think this could be?
One is the same age as me and one is around 19 or 20 and they both have their own names and personalities, similar to what I experienced when I was younger. Now, however, I’m noticing that I’m becoming more and more forgetful of what I’ve done and sometimes what I’m in the process of doing.
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