stringlengths 2
| positive
stringlengths 2
| negative
stringlengths 2
| __index_level_0__
int64 0
Neighborhood semantics | Scott–Montague semantics | locale | 220 |
Kantian autonomy | Kant's idea that the moral law is legislated by a rational agent for themselves | Kant's idea that the moral law is based on the agent's desires and inclinations | 3,280 |
lottocracy | government by randomly selected representatives | autocracy by lottery | 7,724 |
cosmological argument | argument for the existence of God that reasons from the existence of the universe to the existence of a unique being | ontological argument | 4,908 |
JTB Account | justified true belief | Justin Timberlake Bieber | 8,733 |
skeptical theism | God reasons are unknown to us | A lack of belief in God | 6,575 |
Wittgenstein's beetle-in-the-box thought experiment | Argument against private language | Self-knowledge | 9,166 |
The Finean notion of essence | Generalised Identity | Conditions of Personal Identity | 5,101 |
rationalization | a kind of action explanation citing the agent's reasons for performing the act in question | the action of attempting to justify a behavior with reasons, even if they're not appropriate | 5,034 |
fregean sense | intension | feeling | 1,271 |
omnipotent | all powerful | omnivorous | 1,134 |
American pragmatism | Peirce, James and Dewey | American imperialism | 11,569 |
functional role | higher order characterization of a state or property | effective job | 5,629 |
fine tuning | sensitive dependency of facts or properties on the value of certain parameters | pitch perfect | 3,839 |
HOT and HOP | higher order thought and higher order perception | warm and jump | 5,530 |
Metalinguistic negotiation | Disagreement about how we should use language | Metasemantic inquiry | 10,258 |
ceteris paribus law | hedged law | fuzzy law | 5,995 |
four-dimensionalism | temporal parts | enduring objects | 11,220 |
Trope theory | Reality is made up from tropes | Reality is made up from universals | 10,269 |
sense datum | the given | sense information | 1,828 |
Chauvinism | National fanaticism | Belonging | 7,488 |
Behaviourism | The view that behavioural duplicates of X are identical to X | theory of behaviours | 2,427 |
Turing test | Imitation game | Humanism | 6,945 |
two-boxing | causal decision theory | maximization of expected utility | 850 |
implication | deductive consequence | implicit suggestion | 8,183 |
non-binary predicate | fundamental component of a proposition that either takes one relatum or takes three or more | description of a gender non-conforming individual | 2,845 |
Aesthetics | Philosophy of Art | Mathematics | 4,248 |
Ethics | Moral theory | Good | 927 |
bob was honest. | bob said something false that he believed. | bob said something true. | 1,641 |
5E cognition | Embodied, Enactive, Extended, Embedded, and Ecological | Three-dimensional cognition | 1,678 |
laws of nature | descriptions of the regular and universal behavior of the natural world, often expressed mathematically | laws | 9,573 |
Nomological necessitation on laws of nature | Laws of nature are metaphysically contingent | Laws of nature are metaphysically necessary | 11,191 |
bound variable | a variable that is quantified over | a variable whose value is limited in some way | 2,192 |
The trolley problem | Kill one to save five | not enough trolleys in a city | 8,546 |
Relational autonomy | A conception of personal autonomy according to which personal autonomy requires social embedding and interdependence. | When a relation is autonomous | 5,681 |
reasons must be causes | justifications must explain | intelligences ought to have convictions | 7,076 |
Educated | Knowledgeable | Student | 6,565 |
a dialogue that was written by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. It depicts a conversation between Socrates and his wealthy friend about justice | Crito | Socrates | 4,179 |
antinatalism | an ethical position arguing that it is immoral to have children | anti-physicalism | 8,506 |
Mind-body dualism | The view that there are two different kinds of substances, namely physical and mental | The view that mind and body both dually consist of mind and body | 5,714 |
Theory of mind | Theory-Theory | Self-knowledge | 6,990 |
grounding explanation | metaphysical explanation | explanation in metaphysics | 5,893 |
phenomenal | according to the appearance | wonderful | 1,255 |
chomskyan approach | generative grammar | manufacturing consent | 227 |
Supervenient causation | Dependent causation | Efficient causation | 6,221 |
propositional justification | you have reasons to believe this proposition | proposition | 5,696 |
intensional | opaque | intentional | 1,067 |
Instrumental Theory of Rationality | The view that if rational an agent takes the most efficient means to her ends or desires | Instrumental Theory of Motivation | 1,238 |
utilitarian | consequentialist | useful | 6,319 |
wondering, investigating, being curious | interrogative attitudes | Novelty | 5,313 |
Anarchism | Legitimate authority is impossible | Anarchy | 10,366 |
Aristotelian Perfectionism | Development of man's nature as far as he is able | A flawless version of morality | 10,790 |
negative liberty | a concept of liberty which states that people ought to be free from interference | republicanism | 5,912 |
objects persist through change by being composed of temporal parts | objects persist through change by perduring | objects persist through change by undergoing temporal passage | 6,152 |
logos | word | logic | 3,291 |
abduction | inference to the best explanation | deduction | 1,913 |
jury theorems | mathematical theorems about the ability of collectives to make correct decisions | punishment | 9,312 |
well being | ultimate good for a person | deontology | 10,037 |
discourse | discussion | dialectics | 10,044 |
doxastic | pertaining to belief | one's opinion | 2,247 |
egoism | morality is based on self-interest | eco-centrism | 11,816 |
Agonism | A theory of democracy which emphasizes conflict | Thoughts about life and death | 1,267 |
intentionality | aboutness | deliberate | 4,206 |
extension | referent | add-on | 757 |
utility | subjective well-being | usefulness | 3,613 |
a Socratic dialogue whose events occur in the weeks before the trial of Socrates about the meaning of piety and justice | Euthyphro | before the trial of Socrates | 4,182 |
naturalism | scientism | environmentalism | 1,474 |
The linguistic analogy | The analogy between linguistic competence and moral knowledge | The analogy between language and structure of the world | 7,644 |
speciesism | morally arbitrary discrimination on the basis of species | speciation | 1,327 |
gunk | atomless | junk | 467 |
Statements, propositions, assertions | Expressions that can be true or false. | Terms | 8,282 |
regulative ideal | a moral goal to strive for even if it's not achievable | ideal state | 3,490 |
Shows | Proves | Displays | 130 |
Pareto distribution | Distribution type | inequality | 2,508 |
Perdurance | Having temporal parts | Being in time | 6,250 |
episteme | knowledge | epistemology | 3,283 |
What does not kill me makes me stronger | If a person P is not killed, then P gets stronger. | If a person P does not get stronger, P gets killed. | 2,110 |
Eudaimonia | Flourishing | Homo sapiens | 5,549 |
epistemology | study of knowledge and evidence | way of knowing | 10,916 |
vector | magnitude and direction | linear map | 2,675 |
Michael Anderson | Author of "Beyond Phrenology" | Michael Jordan | 11,051 |
Necessary truth | A priori truth | important truth | 6,525 |
the axiom of foundation | the axiom of regularity | base principle | 11,235 |
Shorthand | Type of shortcut | Delete overload | 6,751 |
Consciousness | Phenomenal Experience | Awareness | 4,892 |
utilitarianism | consequentialism | usefulness | 2,489 |
multiple realisability | functionalism | pluralism | 8,202 |
Semantic externalism | Meaning externalism | Ronald Dworkin | 9,093 |
Russell had his own brand of atomism | Russell had his own brand of the view that everything can be broken down | Russell had his own brand of atomic energy | 5,275 |
music | melody | noise | 8,889 |
Agrippa's trilemma | all attempts to justify knowledge claims end in one of three unsatisfactory outcomes | The three difficult choices of Agrippa | 2,023 |
awareness of internal and external existence | Consciousness | awareness of internal and external embarrassment | 3,617 |
pantheism | the view that everything is God | panentheism | 1,753 |
mathematical realism | the position that mathematics studies properties that can be instantiated in reality | speculative realism | 9,134 |
logical | pertaining to the study of valid reasoning | makes sense | 909 |
Agnosticism | Neither belief that God exists nor the belief that God does not exist | Being unsure about whether God exists | 3,186 |
property dualism | the view that (at least some) mental properties (e.g. being a conscious state) are not physical properties | the view that all properties have a dual nature, being P and being not-P | 11,821 |
Millian theory | direct reference theory | causal theory of reference | 5,898 |
hedonic calculus | felicific calculus | pleasure math | 10,652 |
primary properties | inherent properties | most important properties | 9,246 |
Subsets and Splits