stringlengths 2
| positive
stringlengths 2
| negative
stringlengths 2
| __index_level_0__
int64 0
natural deduction | a proof system | organic reasoning | 6,493 |
Nancy Cartwright wrote "The Dappled World" | The Philosopher who wrote "Representing and intervening" wrote "The Dappled World" | The Voice actor of Bart Simpson wrote "The Dappled World" | 10,249 |
Picture Theory of Meaning | Wittgenstein’s theory of meaning | Engineering | 10,589 |
Propositional attitude | Mental attitude | Behavioral attitude | 6,253 |
Autonomy | have choice to do something | freewill | 5,068 |
Defeater | Counter evidence | winner | 6,794 |
descriptive claim | a non-normative assertion | a description of a claim | 7,755 |
personal identity | The philosophy concerned with what persons are and how they persist. | The philosophy concerned with how persons identify with their sexuality and gender | 9,748 |
Liar Paradox | Epimenides paradox | Yablo’s paradox | 4,165 |
Political obligation | A general duty to obey the laws of one’s country. | Political rights | 2,964 |
entitlement | right | direction | 178 |
consistency | non-contradiction | logic | 4,670 |
functionalism | the view that mental states are functional states | pragmatism | 597 |
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality | an upper bound on the inner product between two vectors | Cauchy sequence | 2,688 |
Repugnant conclusion | Many lives barely worth living are better than a few excellent lives | Deplorable conclusion | 3,889 |
power | disposition | virtue | 1,783 |
philosophy of Epicureanism | The meaning of life is seeking happiness | Diogenes was a philosopher who sought pleasure by avoiding people | 10,939 |
Transcendental idealism | Kant's metaphysics | Transcendental naturalism | 6,095 |
Anomalous monism | The theory that psychology is irreducible to physics, even though psychological events are physical | Donald Davidson's theory that physics is not a true science like psychology, since it cannot be reduced to the latter | 1,481 |
Algorithmic fairness | Algorithms that do not do harm and are just | Algorithms that play fair | 2,258 |
Quine's naturalized epistemology | Epistemological naturalism | Quine's materialization | 3,755 |
idea | form | thought or opinion | 5,165 |
This state of affairs is contingent. | This state of affairs is not a necessity. | This state of affairs is not an impossibility. | 7,817 |
Hobbes’s theory of matter | Materialism | Authoritarianism | 2,183 |
semantic ascent | a reflective distance from the text | meaningful arising | 5,262 |
virtue ethics | Aristotelian ethics | platonic ethics | 8,818 |
slippery slope | fallacy that claims one event or action will lead to other far more severe events or actions | a slope not safe to take when skiing | 10,173 |
Revenge paradox | A version of the old paradox reformulated for the proposed solution | A paradox having to do with vengeance | 9,700 |
focal function | the intended use of a technological artifact | Calculate values for the neighborhood of focal cells | 8,559 |
argument | a structure comprising several premises and a logically connected conclusion | quarrel | 920 |
Husserl | Phenomenology | phenomenon | 8,071 |
subjective probability | degrees of belief | the probability of having a subject | 9,051 |
communitarianism | a political philsophy that opposes itself to both liberalism and capitalism | the view that communities should be kept strong using highly localised democracy | 3,466 |
liberal feminism | feminism that believes in freedom from coercion | feminism that believe in voting democrat | 6,871 |
Dispositional Essentialism | Objects have underlying properties that define their essence | Nominalism | 2,588 |
argument | set of premises logically related such that their conjunction entails a conclusion | disagreement | 7,466 |
akrasia | knowing what to do but not doing it | not knowing what to do but doing something anyway | 4,494 |
Something is necessary | Something is not possibly not the case | Some thing is a requirement | 7,890 |
Meaning | Sense | Purpose | 5,214 |
immanent linguistic notion | local linguistic notion | impending linguistic notion | 4,372 |
theoretical | conceptual | possible | 5,166 |
grounding | explanation | causality | 5,042 |
conceptual engineering | conceptual reanalysis | empirical engineering | 4,315 |
Indeterminacy of reference | No matter of the fact as to what our terms denote | Unknown citation | 362 |
instrumentalism in philosophy of science | scientific anti-realism | philosophical instruments in science | 6,605 |
Epistemic supervenience | Knowledge supervenience | Nomological supervenience | 6,463 |
required | obligatory | permissible | 903 |
Coherentism | Justification is structured like a web where beliefs can be part of their own justification | Acting in a coherent manner that is rational | 2,308 |
Haecceity | particularity | quiddity | 1,298 |
anthropomorphism | projecting human qualities onto nonhuman entities | anthropocentrism | 6,585 |
analytic statement | statement that is true in virtue of meaning | a statement that is analyzable by analytic methods | 5,078 |
pure restitution | compensation | punishment | 264 |
theoretical entity | an abstract part of a systematic description which might have causal powers | non-existent object | 5,661 |
metaphysical problems are ony language problems | Logical analysis of metaphysical discourses solves all metaphysical problems. | There are sentences which cannot be understood by anybody. | 11,789 |
Process | Activity | Accomplishment | 4,007 |
open formula | open sentence | open rule | 7,525 |
Blindspot | a claim that may be true but one cannot rationally believe | a spot one cannot see | 5,416 |
classical theism | God is all-powerful, all-good, all-knowing, all-present | God with orchestra music | 6,583 |
Question | Interrogative | Test | 7,195 |
a priori | independent of experience | analytic | 10,227 |
Turing machine | a mathematical model of computation describing an ideal machine that manipulates a set of rules on a tape | computer | 4,623 |
radical interpretation | radical translation | first language acquisition | 1,610 |
temporal logic | non-classical logic dealing with the order of events, using past and future modalities | modal logic | 4,830 |
Frankfurt School | a school of thought in social and political philosophy | Kyoto School | 8,637 |
a Socratic dialogue written by Plato. The text depicts a conversation among Socrates and others attempting to define what a statesman is | Statesman | Socrates considers the Statesman | 4,229 |
self-governance | autonomy | self-control | 427 |
the principle of compositionality | the meaning of a sentence is a function of each of its parts | semantics | 11,668 |
Quantum interference | Interference of quantum states | Wave interference | 9,391 |
Classical logic | A class of deductive systems which include the laws of excluded middle and non-contradiction (among others) | Classical Greece | 9,861 |
Formula of Universal Law | The Categorical Imperative | International Legislation | 320 |
Sheffer stroke | The negation of conjunction | Exclusive disjunction | 10,267 |
A priori | Independent of experience | A posteriori | 4,462 |
rights | claims on others | the ability to self-legislate | 7,018 |
corpus callosum | high-density connections between brain hemispheres | corpse callous | 5,655 |
Essential | Necessary | Counterfactual | 2,133 |
equivalent | same | logic | 5,308 |
the philosophical and theological system of Augustine of Hippo and its subsequent development by other thinkers | Augustinianism | Augustine of Hippo | 9,993 |
process ontology | everything flows | computational ontology | 3,389 |
intention | plan | intension | 8,864 |
mereological aggregate | a sum or combination of parts | aggregate function | 8,716 |
reference magnetism | the referential relation privileges natural properties from gruesome ones | reference is magnetic | 8,407 |
human beings do not have free will | free will skepticism | determinism | 8,664 |
Formal implication | Logical consequence | Material implication | 8,291 |
Metaphilosophy | Philosophy of philosophy | Philosophy of metaphysics | 663 |
intentionality | aboutness | purposefulness | 11,350 |
Denotation | What a term refers to | Connotation | 10,367 |
identity | the same as | equivalence | 2,667 |
incompleteness of peano arithmetic | PA can’t prove it’s own consistency | Godel | 5,226 |
Concept | Abstract object | Meaning of a word | 7,778 |
Epistemic value | Knowledge value | Moral value | 6,356 |
semantic value | meaning | content | 3,353 |
state of nature | existence without society or authority | camping | 8,605 |
Epistemic deference | Knowledge reliance | Ethical deference | 6,118 |
akrasia | weakness of will | China | 6,926 |
refer | denote | allude | 9,444 |
If all conditionals are monotonic, then Socrates is mortal | If all conditionals are monotonic and Socrates is immortal, then Socrates is mortal | If all conditionals are monotonic and some conditionals are multi-colored, then Socrates is immortal | 5,531 |
Robust realism | Moral objectivism | Deontology | 4,532 |
Frege-Geach problem | The question of how supposedly non-truth-apt moral statements can be included in syllogisms | Fregean theories of meaning | 11,276 |
Nietzschean Will to Power | Striving to reach the highest possible realization of the self | Imposing one’s wishes on the world | 10,447 |
a Socratic dialogue of the speech of legal self defense which Socrates spoke at his trial for impiety and corruption | Apology | Socrates | 4,175 |
Subsets and Splits