stringlengths 2
| positive
stringlengths 2
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ontological nihilism | mereological nihilism | nihilism | 3,170 |
Cantor's Diagonal Argument | Proves that there are infinite sets which cannot be put into one-to-one correspondence with the infinite set of natural numbers | Diagonal triangle | 8,344 |
Functional analysis | Ramsification | Explication | 10,224 |
explanandum | the thing to be explained | explainer | 2,572 |
Large language model | generative AI | Big Speak Copy | 5,390 |
Francis Bacon | early modern philosophy of science | artist | 2,382 |
Keynesianism | government interventionism | Business cycle | 2,569 |
Separation of powers | Division of executive and legislative powers | separationism | 11,062 |
Abduction | IBE | Kidnap | 6,278 |
Common kind view | Common factor view | Ordinary niceness view | 7,381 |
imperfect duty | a duty that can be fulfilled without consistent compliance | partially fulfilled duty | 8,449 |
prediction | data that was not used to construct a theory | accommodation | 6,629 |
experimental philosophy | philosophy that uses tools of cognitive science | philosophy that is edgy | 599 |
critical rationalism | Popper's view that statements can be logically falsified even if they cannot be logically deduced | empiricism | 8,436 |
Empty set | A set with no elements | Russell's paradox | 1,923 |
Consistently | Without contradiction | In every case or scenario | 8,680 |
growing block theory of time | the theory according to which the past and the present are real while the future is unreal | growing older blocks one ability to theorize about time | 9,926 |
Algorithm | Procedure | Decision | 3,682 |
Necessary and sufficient conditions | Conditions that are equivalent to the thing in question | believing what is generally believed | 8,329 |
open future | contingent future | open relationship | 11,577 |
naive realism | direct perception of the world | sense data | 11,657 |
Visual field | Region of public space where visual experience is possible | two dimensional array where visual sensations are located | 8,152 |
Non-causal reason why | Ground | Reason why | 5,210 |
token | instance of a type | coin | 3,188 |
Critical path method | Project scheduling technique | Random walk | 9,452 |
Kant's categories | pure a priori concepts of the understanding | Cognition of phenomena | 11,647 |
class nominalism | the view that properties are classes of things | the tendency to nominate people from one's own social class | 9,928 |
Panpsychism | Everything is conscious in the world | Everything is dead | 11,756 |
Environmentalism | Ecocentrism | Ecology | 4,672 |
Beliefs depend solely on the evidence for them. | Evidentialism | an example of a false statement | 10,560 |
logical behaviorism | the view that beliefs, desires, thoughts, feelings etc are just behavioral dispositions | the logic of behavior | 6,186 |
The Lottery Paradox | Paradox of Rational Belief | Unexpected Lottery Preferences of Social Classes | 7,650 |
the undecidable sentence | the sentence neither true nor false | Paul Cohen's forcing method | 7,114 |
Randomized controlled trial | Comparing a treatment effect on a test group with a placebo effect on a control group | Randomly conduct experiments on different places | 6,072 |
epistemology | study of knowledge | study of epistemological | 4,634 |
Autopoiesis | Self producing process | Self organising process | 4,077 |
Aggregates | Collections | Aggregationism | 10,253 |
The hard problem of consciousness | The explanatory gap | The difficult complication of awareness | 3,691 |
hylomorphism | Form and matter | formalism | 1,804 |
revelation in philosophy of mind | the thesis that conscious experiences reveal their essences | the thesis that consciousness was created by god | 11,382 |
Embodied, Enabled, Embedded and Extended | 4E cognition | Environmental perception | 7,122 |
divine command theory | the view that morality is dependent on God | the view that God's commands are divine only in theory | 11,001 |
Metaphysics | Ontology | Cosmology | 1,694 |
hard determinism | conjunction of determinism and denial of free will | steadfast | 3,135 |
non-referring name | unsatisfied name | meaningless name | 4,497 |
natural theology | the activity of thinking about God using natural human capacities such as reason | arguments about God that begin with observations about nature | 10,643 |
neurophenomenology | naturalized phenomenology | phenomenalism | 2,349 |
Russel's paradox | In set theory, the axiom of comprehension leads to contradiction in asserting the existence of a set containing just the non-self-containing sets | If a set exists then it must have members, but those members cannot be sets that contain themselves | 8,991 |
All or nothing belief | Belief, disbelief, suspension | A belief that either everything or nothing exists | 4,858 |
utilitarian | maximizing hedonistic consequentialist | pragmatist | 6,488 |
Nominalism | Anti-Realism about Abstract Objects or Universals | Platonism | 11,468 |
conjunction | a statement that is true if and only if both of its components are true | disjunction | 4,708 |
The principle of sufficient reason | The principle that everything must have a reason, cause or ground | The principle of adequate justification | 3,712 |
Kalam cosmological argument | The universe has a cause because it began to exist and anything that does has a cause. | Contingency argument | 11,693 |
neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics | neo-Aristotelian virtue theory | virtue ethics | 8,670 |
supererogation | above-and-beyond duty | demanding | 553 |
Neuroplasticity | The brain's ability to change and adapt throughout life | Localization of Function | 4,856 |
Daoism | A philosophical and religious tradition originating in China, emphasizing living in harmony with the Dao and nature. | Confucianism | 5,339 |
sophistry | bad reasoning | sophistical refutations | 3,546 |
sensory imagination | perceptual imagination | sensory perception | 4,587 |
A book by Franz Brentano where he argues the goal of psychology should be to establish exact laws | Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint | the goal of psychology should be to establish exact laws by Franz Brentano | 4,307 |
you are a perduring object | you are a four-dimensional spacetime worm | Plato on courage | 2,213 |
concept creep | the expansion of a concept to include new phenomena | someone who polices the use of philosophical jargon | 6,532 |
The word "nothingness" contains a contradiction. | Nothingness cannot be defined from things. | Nothingness is the radical absence of things. | 10,432 |
Essence and existence are really distinct for creatures. | Created essences do not intrinsically contain the reason for their own existence. | Essence and existence are two separate things that are put together to form a being. | 6,776 |
Begs the question | assumes its conclusion | prompts the question | 6,505 |
A posteriori necessity involves truths that are necessarily true but known through experience. | Necessary a posteriori truths are those that are both empirically known and necessarily true. | A priori necessity pertains to truths that are known independently of experience. | 5,735 |
weak AI | AI system designed for specific tasks or domain | A principle for the transmission of instruments | 5,001 |
subjective experience | first-person perspective experience | solipsism | 8,336 |
Marxist Criticism | Analyzes literature through the lens of social class and economic power structures. | Formalism | 4,996 |
Animal Welfarism is a popular idea. | The notion that animal well-being makes moral claims on us is a popular idea. | The notion that animals should receive payments from the welfare state is a popular idea. | 9,191 |
force fictionalism | preface fictionalism | iterative fictionalism | 3,959 |
Abduction | Inference to the best explanation | Kidnap | 6,101 |
Illocutionary act | An assertion, refusal, command, or something else one might do by saying something | An impressive linguistic performance, like an eloquent speech or a well-crafted anecdote | 3,610 |
Qualified | Restricted | Inadequate | 4,059 |
divine command theory | actions are morally good if commanded by God | divine nature | 11,096 |
grounding | in virtue of | earth | 756 |
Mereology | The theory of parthood relations | The theory of mereological simples | 2,486 |
deontology | A normative ethical theory based on adherence to rules and duties over consequences or virtue | ontology | 11,277 |
modal metaphysics | the study of how operators such as necessity and possibility can help us answer questions about the fundamental nature of reality | a model for our metaphysics | 11,278 |
determinable | generic | determinism | 1,631 |
possessed reason | subjective reason | apparent reason | 364 |
grounding | metaphysical dependence | preventing one from flying | 7,299 |
begging the question | assuming the conclusion of an argument as a premise | inviting the question | 2,021 |
contention | claim | disagreement | 2,182 |
Substance | Matter | Category | 3,787 |
Qualitatively identical | Having the same intrinsic properties as | Numerically identical | 1,457 |
physicalism about consciousness | identity theory of consciousness | physics of consciousness | 6,468 |
particulars | individual objects with specific qualities | things | 6,690 |
Kinematics | The science of motion | Newton | 3,999 |
hedonic weight | the nature of valence | pleasurable dumbbell | 2,627 |
syntax | grammar | logical form | 486 |
Psychoanalysis | Psycho-analytic therapy | Psychopath | 8,485 |
is identical to | is numerically the same as | is a duplicate of | 6,590 |
Trolley problem | Utilitarian thought experiment | Civil planning problem | 6,063 |
Scientific method | Scientific theories should be rejectable or improvable | The Finding of the fossil of a rabbit will show that evolution is not a scientific theory | 10,507 |
Credence | Degree of belief | believability | 434 |
Material conditional | A sentence of which the main connective is “if then” | Concrete conditional | 6,924 |
Necessary | Noncontingent | Need | 7,601 |
moral intuitionism | moral truths are discovered via intuition | moral truths are intuitive | 5,981 |
Subsets and Splits