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intro_views_flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/intro_views_flutter | 539 | 150 | 93 | A Flutter package for simple material design app intro screens with some cool animations. | 3.2.0 | Jun 13, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/intro_views_flutter/latest/ | ayushagarwal.ml | flutter | https://github.com/aagarwal1012/IntroViews-Flutter |
brasil_fields | https://pub.dev/packages/brasil_fields | 538 | 160 | 97 | O jeito mais fácil de utilizar padrões e formatos brasileiros em seu projeto Dart. | 1.15.0 | Jun 30, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/brasil_fields/latest/ | flutterbootcamp.com.br | flutter,intl | https://github.com/flutterbootcamp/brasil_fields |
english_words | https://pub.dev/packages/english_words | 535 | 160 | 99 | Utilities for working with English words. Counts syllables, generates well-sounding word combinations, and provides access to the top 5000 English words by usage. | 4.0.0 | Mar 24, 2021 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/english_words/latest/ | filiph.net | string_scanner | https://github.com/filiph/english_words |
mapbox_gl | https://pub.dev/packages/mapbox_gl | 534 | 140 | 96 | A Flutter plugin for integrating Mapbox Maps inside a Flutter application on Android, iOS and web platfroms. | 0.16.0 | May 19, 2022 | BSD-2-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, WEB | https://pub.dev/documentation/mapbox_gl/latest/ | unverified uploader | collection,flutter,mapbox_gl_platform_interface,mapbox_gl_web | https://github.com/tobrun/flutter-mapbox-gl |
date_picker_timeline | https://pub.dev/packages/date_picker_timeline | 533 | 140 | 98 | Flutter Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as a horizontal timeline. | 1.2.6 | Apr 2, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/date_picker_timeline/latest/ | vivekkaushik.com | flutter,intl | https://github.com/iamvivekkaushik/DatePickerTimelineFlutter |
media_kit | https://pub.dev/packages/media_kit | 533 | 140 | 98 | A cross-platform video player & audio player for Flutter & Dart. Performant, stable, feature-proof & modular. | 1.1.10+1 | Oct 19, 2023 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/media_kit/latest/ | media-kit.dev | collection,http,image,js,meta,path,safe_local_storage,synchronized,universal_platform,uri_parser,uuid | https://github.com/media-kit/media-kit |
firebase_remote_config | https://pub.dev/packages/firebase_remote_config | 530 | 150 | 100 | Flutter plugin for Firebase Remote Config. Update your application look and feel and behavior without re-releasing. | 5.0.4 | Jul 30, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, MACOS, WEB | https://pub.dev/documentation/firebase_remote_config/latest/ | firebase.google.com | firebase_core,firebase_core_platform_interface,firebase_remote_config_platform_interface,firebase_remote_config_web,flutter | https://github.com/firebase/flutterfire/tree/master/packages/firebase_remote_config/firebase_remote_config |
appwrite | https://pub.dev/packages/appwrite | 530 | 130 | 96 | Appwrite is an open-source self-hosted backend server that abstract and simplify complex and repetitive development tasks behind a very simple REST API | 12.0.4 | May 31, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | 13.0.0-rc.1 | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://appwrite.io/support,https://pub.dev/documentation/appwrite/latest/ | appwrite.io | cookie_jar,device_info_plus,flutter,flutter_web_auth_2,http,package_info_plus,path_provider,universal_html,web_socket_channel | https://github.com/appwrite/sdk-for-flutter |
group_button | https://pub.dev/packages/group_button | 531 | 160 | 97 | Flutter custom widget to make a group buttons. Included Radio and CheckBox buttons. | 5.3.4 | Jan 9, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/group_button/latest/ | frezycode.com | flutter | https://github.com/Frezyx/group_button |
url_strategy | https://pub.dev/packages/url_strategy | 531 | 160 | 99 | Flutter package that allows setting the web app URL strategy with a single line of code. | 0.2.0 | Feb 24, 2021 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/url_strategy/latest/ | simpleclub.com | flutter_web_plugins | https://github.com/simpleclub/url_strategy/tree/main/url_strategy |
flutter_multi_formatter | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_multi_formatter | 529 | 150 | 99 | A package of formatters for international phone numbers, credit / debit cards and a masked formatter | 2.13.0 | Jul 16, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_multi_formatter/latest/ | softmaestri.com | base58check,bech32,collection,flutter | https://github.com/caseyryan/flutter_multi_formatter |
flutter_redux | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_redux | 528 | 160 | 97 | A set of utility Widgets that Provide and Connect to a Redux Store | 0.10.0 | May 14, 2022 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_redux/latest/ | brianegan.com | flutter,redux | https://github.com/brianegan/flutter_redux |
flutter_intro | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_intro | 527 | 150 | 94 | A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your Flutter project. | 3.3.1 | Jul 22, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_intro/latest/ | 30x.link | collection,flutter | https://github.com/minaxorg/flutter_intro |
video_thumbnail | https://pub.dev/packages/video_thumbnail | 524 | 150 | 99 | A flutter plugin for creating a thumbnail from a local video file or from a video URL. | 0.5.3 | Sep 12, 2022 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/video_thumbnail/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/justsoft/video_thumbnail |
flick_video_player | https://pub.dev/packages/flick_video_player | 523 | 150 | 98 | Flick Video Player is a video player for flutter. The video_player plugin gives low level access for the video playback. | 0.9.0 | Jul 30, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, MACOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flick_video_player/latest/ | geekyants.com | dio,flutter,path_provider,provider,universal_html,video_player,wakelock_plus | https://github.com/GeekyAnts/flick-video-player |
signature | https://pub.dev/packages/signature | 524 | 160 | 99 | A Flutter plugin providing performance optimized signature canvas with ability to set custom style, boundaries and initial state. | 5.5.0 | May 10, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/signature/latest/ | 4q.eu | flutter,flutter_svg,image | https://github.com/4Q-s-r-o/signature |
search_choices | https://pub.dev/packages/search_choices | 521 | 150 | 97 | Highly customizable Widget to search through a single or multiple choices list in a dialog box or a menu. Supports pagination, future/API/webservice searches with sort and filter. | 2.2.7 | Sep 18, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/search_choices/latest/ | jod.li | flutter | https://github.com/lcuis/search_choices |
flutter_echarts | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_echarts | 521 | 130 | 95 | A data visualization charts library, based on Apache ECharts, able to build advanced charts like WebGL 3D, GIS map, etc. | 2.5.0 | Aug 31, 2023 | unknown | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_echarts/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,webview_flutter | https://github.com/entronad/flutter_echarts |
dynamic_color | https://pub.dev/packages/dynamic_color | 520 | 150 | 98 | A Flutter package to create Material color schemes based on a platform's implementation of dynamic color. | 1.7.0 | Mar 1, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/dynamic_color/latest/ | material.io | flutter,flutter_test,material_color_utilities | https://github.com/material-foundation/flutter-packages/tree/main/packages/dynamic_color |
supabase | https://pub.dev/packages/supabase | 519 | 150 | 98 | A dart client for Supabase. This client makes it simple for developers to build secure and scalable products. | 2.2.7 | Jul 26, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://supabase.com/docs/reference/dart/introduction,https://pub.dev/documentation/supabase/latest/ | supabase.io | functions_client,gotrue,http,postgrest,realtime_client,rxdart,storage_client,yet_another_json_isolate | https://github.com/supabase/supabase-flutter/tree/main/packages/supabase |
splashscreen | https://pub.dev/packages/splashscreen | 518 | 40 | 96 | A splashscreen package created as intro for any flutter application easily with a lot of customization | 1.3.5 | Nov 17, 2020 | MIT | null | null | null | null | dplyr.dev | flutter | https://github.com/DPLYR-dev/SplashScreenFlutterPackage |
health | https://pub.dev/packages/health | 515 | 160 | 97 | Wrapper for HealthKit on iOS and Google Fit and Health Connect on Android. | 10.2.0 | Apr 3, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/health/latest/ | cachet.dk | carp_serializable,device_info_plus,flutter,intl,json_annotation | https://github.com/cph-cachet/flutter-plugins/tree/master/packages/health |
video_editor | https://pub.dev/packages/video_editor | 515 | 160 | 97 | A flutter package for editing video with fully customizable UI. Supports crop, trim, rotation and cover selection. Provides commands to run in order to export the video or cover. | 3.0.0 | Jun 26, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/video_editor/latest/ | legoffmael.dev | flutter,path,path_provider,transparent_image,video_player,video_thumbnail | https://github.com/LeGoffMael/video_editor |
rfw | https://pub.dev/packages/rfw | 514 | 150 | 88 | Remote Flutter widgets: a library for rendering declarative widget description files at runtime. | 1.0.29 | Jun 5, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/rfw/latest/ | flutter.dev | flutter,meta | https://github.com/flutter/packages/tree/main/packages/rfw |
emoji_picker_flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/emoji_picker_flutter | 513 | 150 | 99 | A Flutter package that provides an Emoji picker widget with 1500+ emojis in 8 categories. | 2.2.0 | Apr 13, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/emoji_picker_flutter/latest/ | fintasys.com | flutter,flutter_web_plugins,plugin_platform_interface,shared_preferences,web | https://github.com/Fintasys/emoji_picker_flutter |
custom_navigation_bar | https://pub.dev/packages/custom_navigation_bar | 510 | 140 | 96 | A custom navigation bar with bubble click effect. Inspired by The Boring Flutter Development Show EP. 35. | 0.8.2 | Jun 14, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/custom_navigation_bar/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/rickywen911/custom_bubble_navigation_bar |
widgetbook | https://pub.dev/packages/widgetbook | 506 | 140 | 97 | A flutter storybook that helps professionals and teams to catalogue their widgets. | 3.8.1 | Jul 11, 2024 | MIT | 4.0.0-alpha.2 | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://docs.widgetbook.io/,https://pub.dev/documentation/widgetbook/latest/ | widgetbook.io | accessibility_tools,collection,device_frame,flutter,inspector,meta,nested,resizable_widget | https://github.com/widgetbook/widgetbook/tree/main/packages/widgetbook |
flutter_acrylic | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_acrylic | 503 | 160 | 95 | Window acrylic, mica & transparency effects for Flutter on Windows, macOS & Linux. | 1.1.4 | Jun 11, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://github.com/alexmercerind/flutter_acrylic/blob/master/README.md,https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_acrylic/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,macos_window_utils | https://github.com/alexmercerind/flutter_acrylic |
flutter_email_sender | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_email_sender | 503 | 150 | 99 | Allows send emails from flutter using native platform functionality. | 6.0.3 | Apr 16, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_email_sender/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/sidlatau/flutter_email_sender |
icons_plus | https://pub.dev/packages/icons_plus | 501 | 150 | 98 | Icons Plus is a package that has many icon packs that are popular and easy to use, such as Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Eva Icons, Line Awesome, Ionicons, and others. | 5.0.0 | Dec 15, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/icons_plus/latest/ | rahulchouhan.me | flutter,flutter_svg | https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus |
talker | https://pub.dev/packages/talker | 499 | 160 | 95 | Advanced error handler and logger package for flutter and dart. App monitoring, logs history, report sharing, custom logs, and etc. | 4.4.0 | Jul 31, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/talker/latest/ | frezycode.com | talker_logger | https://github.com/Frezyx/talker |
cron | https://pub.dev/packages/cron | 499 | 160 | 98 | A time-based job scheduler similar to cron. Run tasks periodically at fixed times or intervals. | 0.6.1 | Jun 16, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/cron/latest/ | agilord.com | clock | https://github.com/agilord/cron |
barcode | https://pub.dev/packages/barcode | 498 | 160 | 97 | Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate generic drawing operations for any backend. | 2.2.8 | Apr 28, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/barcode/latest/ | nfet.net | meta,qr | https://github.com/DavBfr/dart_barcode |
android_alarm_manager_plus | https://pub.dev/packages/android_alarm_manager_plus | 495 | 160 | 97 | Flutter plugin for accessing the Android AlarmManager service, and running Dart code in the background when alarms fire. | 4.0.4 | Jul 29, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID | https://pub.dev/documentation/android_alarm_manager_plus/latest/ | fluttercommunity.dev | flutter | https://github.com/fluttercommunity/plus_plugins/tree/main/packages/android_alarm_manager_plus |
web3dart | https://pub.dev/packages/web3dart | 486 | 150 | 96 | Dart library to connect to Ethereum clients. Send transactions and interact with smart contracts! | 2.7.3 | Mar 5, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/web3dart/latest/ | pwa.ir | async,convert,eip1559,eip55,http,json_rpc_2,pointycastle,sec,stream_channel,stream_transform,typed_data,uuid,wallet | https://github.com/xclud/web3dart |
synchronized | https://pub.dev/packages/synchronized | 486 | 160 | 98 | Lock mechanism to prevent concurrent access to asynchronous code. | 3.1.0+1 | Dec 17, 2023 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/synchronized/latest/ | tekartik.com | null | https://github.com/tekartik/synchronized.dart/tree/master/synchronized |
modal_progress_hud | https://pub.dev/packages/modal_progress_hud | 483 | 40 | 95 | A modal progress indicator widget (HUD = heads-up display). Wrap around another widget to block access to widget during an async call. Also accepts a custom spinner. | 0.1.3 | Mar 19, 2019 | MIT | null | null | null | null | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/mmcc007/modal_progress_hud |
golden_toolkit | https://pub.dev/packages/golden_toolkit | 479 | 150 | 96 | Common patterns for screenshot-based widget testing using Goldens. | 0.15.0 | Feb 21, 2023 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/golden_toolkit/latest/ | ebay.com | flutter,flutter_test,meta | https://github.com/eBay/flutter_glove_box/tree/master/packages/golden_toolkit |
flutter_smart_dialog | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_smart_dialog | 480 | 150 | 98 | An elegant Flutter Dialog solution, Easily implement Toast, Loading and custom Dialog, Make the use of the dialog easier! | 4.9.7+9 | Jul 20, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_smart_dialog/latest/ | fluttercandies.com | flutter | https://github.com/fluttercandies/flutter_smart_dialog |
sentry | https://pub.dev/packages/sentry | 478 | 140 | 96 | A crash reporting library for Dart that sends crash reports to Sentry.io. This library supports Dart VM and Web. For Flutter consider sentry_flutter instead. | 8.5.0 | Jul 24, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/dart/,https://pub.dev/documentation/sentry/latest/ | sentry.io | http,meta,stack_trace,uuid | https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-dart |
quickalert | https://pub.dev/packages/quickalert | 477 | 150 | 98 | With QuickAlert, instantly display animated alert dialogs such as success, error, warning, confirm, loading or even a custom dialog. | 1.1.0 | Mar 10, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/quickalert/latest/ | belovance.com | flutter,vector_math | https://github.com/belovance/QuickAlert |
animated_theme_switcher | https://pub.dev/packages/animated_theme_switcher | 477 | 140 | 95 | Flutter animated theme switcher, that help to create beautiful transactions during the theme switch. | 2.0.10 | Dec 19, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/animated_theme_switcher/latest/ | kherel.com | flutter | https://github.com/kherel/animated_theme_switcher |
mysql1 | https://pub.dev/packages/mysql1 | 476 | 140 | 97 | A library for connecting to and querying MySQL & MariaDB databases. | 0.20.0 | Jun 30, 2022 | unknown | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/mysql1/latest/ | unverified uploader | collection,crypto,logging,pool | https://github.com/adamlofts/mysql1_dart |
flutter_inner_drawer | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_inner_drawer | 475 | 90 | 88 | Inner Drawer is an easy way to create an internal side section (left/right) where you can insert a list menu or other. | 1.0.0+1 | Mar 17, 2021 | MIT | null | null | null | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_inner_drawer/latest/ | dn-a.dev | flutter | https://github.com/Dn-a/flutter_inner_drawer |
flex_color_picker | https://pub.dev/packages/flex_color_picker | 474 | 160 | 98 | A customizable Flutter primary, accent and custom color picker. Includes an optional HSV wheel color picker. | 3.5.1 | Jun 28, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://github.com/rydmike/flex_color_picker/blob/master/README.md,https://pub.dev/documentation/flex_color_picker/latest/ | rydmike.com | flex_seed_scheme,flutter | https://github.com/rydmike/flex_color_picker |
focused_menu | https://pub.dev/packages/focused_menu | 473 | 140 | 96 | This is an easy to implement package for adding Focused Long Press Menu to Flutter Applications | 1.0.5 | Mar 13, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/focused_menu/latest/ | retroportalstudio.com | flutter | https://github.com/retroportalstudio/focused_menu.git |
patrol | https://pub.dev/packages/patrol | 471 | 160 | 94 | Powerful Flutter-native UI testing framework overcoming limitations of existing Flutter testing tools. Ready for action! | 3.9.0 | Jun 25, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, MACOS | https://patrol.leancode.co/,https://pub.dev/documentation/patrol/latest/ | leancode.co | equatable,flutter,flutter_test,http,json_annotation,meta,patrol_finders,shelf,test_api | https://github.com/leancodepl/patrol/tree/master/packages/patrol |
ionicons | https://pub.dev/packages/ionicons | 471 | 160 | 98 | Ionicons is a completely open-source icon set with 1k3+ icons crafted for web, iOS, Android, and desktop apps. They have both Material Design and iOS versions. | 0.2.2 | Jan 19, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/ionicons/latest/ | ez-connect.net | flutter | null |
flutter_slider_drawer | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_slider_drawer | 470 | 160 | 96 | A Flutter package with custom implementation of the Slider Drawer Menu | 2.1.3 | Feb 3, 2023 | BSD-2-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_slider_drawer/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/NikhilVadoliya/Flutter_slider_drawer |
chatview | https://pub.dev/packages/chatview | 469 | 160 | 93 | A Flutter package that allows you to integrate Chat View with highly customization options. | 2.0.0 | Jun 26, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/chatview/latest/ | simform.com | any_link_preview,audio_waveforms,cached_network_image,emoji_picker_flutter,flutter,image_picker,intl,timeago,url_launcher | https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_chatview |
mongo_dart | https://pub.dev/packages/mongo_dart | 468 | 150 | 97 | MongoDB driver, implemented in pure Dart. All CRUD operations, aggregation pipeline and more! | 0.10.3 | Jun 8, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/mongo_dart/latest/ | unverified uploader | basic_utils,bson,collection,crypto,decimal,fixnum,logging,mongo_dart_query,path,pool,sasl_scram,uuid,vy_string_utils | https://github.com/mongo-dart/mongo_dart |
gallery_saver | https://pub.dev/packages/gallery_saver | 466 | 130 | 99 | Saves images and videos from network or temporary file to external storage. Both images and videos will be visible in Android Gallery and iOS Photos. | 2.3.2 | Oct 19, 2021 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/gallery_saver/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,http,path,path_provider | https://github.com/CarnegieTechnologies/gallery_saver |
inview_notifier_list | https://pub.dev/packages/inview_notifier_list | 465 | 140 | 95 | A Flutter package that builds a listview and notifies when the widgets are on screen. | 3.0.0 | Dec 28, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/inview_notifier_list/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,stream_transform | https://github.com/rvamsikrishna/inview_notifier_list |
animated_flip_counter | https://pub.dev/packages/animated_flip_counter | 463 | 150 | 98 | An implicit animation widget that flips from one number to another, with support for customize styles, decimals and negative values. | 0.3.4 | Apr 2, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/animated_flip_counter/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/h65wang/flutter-animated-counter |
admob_flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/admob_flutter | 463 | 140 | 91 | Admob plugin that shows banner ads using native platform views. | 3.0.0 | Jun 2, 2022 | ISC | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/admob_flutter/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/kmcgill88/admob_flutter |
jwt_decoder | https://pub.dev/packages/jwt_decoder | 463 | 150 | 99 | This small library helps you to decode Json Web Tokens, you can also know if a JWT is already expired. | 2.0.1 | Mar 26, 2021 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/jwt_decoder/latest/ | unverified uploader | null | https://github.com/gustavo0197/dart-jwt-decoder |
glassmorphism | https://pub.dev/packages/glassmorphism | 461 | 140 | 96 | A Flutter package for implimentation of Glassmorphic UI easily. | 3.0.0 | Aug 30, 2021 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/glassmorphism/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/RitickSaha/glassmorphism |
secure_application | https://pub.dev/packages/secure_application | 460 | 140 | 94 | Secure app content visibility when user leave app. It will hide content in the app switcher and display a frost barrier above locked content when the user get backs | 4.0.1 | Apr 10, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/secure_application/latest/ | jezequel.org | flutter,flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle,flutter_web_plugins,rxdart | https://github.com/neckaros/secure_application |
dart_openai | https://pub.dev/packages/dart_openai | 461 | 150 | 97 | Dart SDK for openAI Apis (GPT-3 & DALL-E), integrate easily the power of OpenAI's state-of-the-art AI models into their Dart applications. | 5.1.0 | Feb 21, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://github.com/anasfik/openai/blob/main/README.md,https://pub.dev/documentation/dart_openai/latest/ | gwhyyy.com | collection,fetch_client,http,meta | https://github.com/anasfik/openai |
bonfire | https://pub.dev/packages/bonfire | 459 | 130 | 87 | (RPG maker) Create RPG-style or similar games more simply with Flame. | 3.9.8 | Jul 29, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/bonfire/latest/ | rafaelbarbosatec.com | a_star_algorithm,flame,flutter,http,tiledjsonreader | https://github.com/RafaelBarbosatec/bonfire |
flutter_phoenix | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_phoenix | 459 | 90 | 99 | Easily restart your application from scratch, losing any previous state | 1.1.1 | Mar 20, 2023 | MIT | null | null | null | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_phoenix/latest/ | dailyn.app | flutter | https://github.com/mobiten/flutter_phoenix |
circular_menu | https://pub.dev/packages/circular_menu | 458 | 160 | 94 | A simple animated circular menu for Flutter, Adjustable radius, colors, alignment, animation curve and animation duration. | 4.0.0 | May 28, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/circular_menu/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/hasan-hm1/circular_menu |
chat_bubbles | https://pub.dev/packages/chat_bubbles | 456 | 150 | 98 | Flutter chat bubble widgets, similar to Whatsapp and more shapes. Easy to use and implement chat bubbles. | 1.6.0 | Jan 20, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/chat_bubbles/latest/ | prabhanu.com | flutter,intl | https://github.com/prahack/chat_bubbles |
slang | https://pub.dev/packages/slang | 456 | 160 | 97 | Localization / Internationalization (i18n) solution. Use JSON, YAML, CSV, or ARB files to create typesafe translations via source generation. | 3.31.1 | Jun 22, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/slang/latest/ | tienisto.com | collection,csv,json2yaml,watcher,yaml | https://github.com/slang-i18n/slang |
crop_your_image | https://pub.dev/packages/crop_your_image | 454 | 160 | 98 | crop_your_image helps your app to embed Widgets for cropping images. | 1.1.0 | May 29, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/crop_your_image/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,image | https://github.com/chooyan-eng/crop_your_image |
graphql | https://pub.dev/packages/graphql | 454 | 130 | 98 | A stand-alone GraphQL client for Dart, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package. | 5.1.3 | Jan 12, 2023 | MIT | 5.2.0-beta.8 | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/graphql/latest/ | zino.company | collection,gql,gql_dedupe_link,gql_error_link,gql_exec,gql_http_link,gql_link,gql_transform_link,hive,http,meta,normalize,path,rxdart,stream_channel,uuid,web_socket_channel | https://github.com/zino-app/graphql-flutter/tree/main/packages/graphql |
bloc_concurrency | https://pub.dev/packages/bloc_concurrency | 453 | 160 | 99 | Custom event transformers inspired by ember concurrency. Built to be used with the bloc state management package. | 0.2.5 | Mar 24, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://bloclibrary.dev/,https://pub.dev/documentation/bloc_concurrency/latest/ | bloclibrary.dev | bloc,stream_transform | https://github.com/felangel/bloc/tree/master/packages/bloc_concurrency |
mime | https://pub.dev/packages/mime | 454 | 160 | 99 | Utilities for handling media (MIME) types, including determining a type from a file extension and file contents. | 1.0.5 | Jan 24, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/mime/latest/ | tools.dart.dev | null | https://github.com/dart-lang/mime |
flutter_vlc_player | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_vlc_player | 452 | 160 | 97 | A VLC-powered alternative to Flutter's video_player. Supports multiple players on one screen. | 7.4.2 | Jun 11, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_vlc_player/latest/ | solid.software | flutter,flutter_vlc_player_platform_interface,meta | https://github.com/solid-software/flutter_vlc_player/ |
flutter_animated_icons | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_animated_icons | 454 | 140 | 94 | Collection of 2400+ animations for your icons and buttons. They are implemented by Lottie animation. Effective icon animation tells a clear story amplifying the intended UX. | 1.0.1 | Jul 25, 2022 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_animated_icons/latest/ | iconforest.flutterplay.com | cupertino_icons,flutter,lottie | https://github.com/iconforest/flutter_animated_icons |
universal_html | https://pub.dev/packages/universal_html | 452 | 130 | 99 | A 'dart:html' that works in all platforms, including Flutter and server-side. Eases cross-platform development and HTML / XML processing. | 2.2.4 | Sep 10, 2023 | unknown | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/universal_html/latest/ | dint.dev | async,charcode,collection,csslib,html,meta,source_span,typed_data,universal_io | https://github.com/dint-dev/universal_html |
top_snackbar_flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/top_snackbar_flutter | 451 | 150 | 98 | Top snack bar package was created for nice and convenient way to inform users about what happened. | 3.1.0 | Jun 30, 2023 | BSD-2-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/top_snackbar_flutter/latest/ | lanars.com | flutter | https://github.com/LanarsInc/top-snackbar-flutter |
tuple | https://pub.dev/packages/tuple | 451 | 140 | 99 | A library providing a tuple data structure. | 2.0.2 | Jun 12, 2023 | BSD-2-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/tuple/latest/ | google.dev | null | https://github.com/google/tuple.dart |
transparent_image | https://pub.dev/packages/transparent_image | 450 | 140 | 99 | A transparent image in Dart code, represented as a Uint8List. | 2.0.1 | Feb 17, 2023 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/transparent_image/latest/ | unverified uploader | null | https://github.com/brianegan/transparent_image |
calendar_date_picker2 | https://pub.dev/packages/calendar_date_picker2 | 449 | 160 | 99 | A lightweight and customizable calendar picker based on Flutter CalendarDatePicker, with support for single date picker, range picker and multi picker. | 1.1.5 | Jun 24, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/calendar_date_picker2/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,intl | https://github.com/theideasaler/calendar_date_picker2 |
iconsax | https://pub.dev/packages/iconsax | 446 | 150 | 99 | Iconsax for flutter (1000+ icons 6 diferent styles, total 6000+ icons). | 0.0.8 | Jul 18, 2021 | GPL-3.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://github.com/luisDanielRoviraContreras/flutter_iconsax,https://pub.dev/documentation/iconsax/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/luisDanielRoviraContreras/flutter_iconsax |
flutter_cached_pdfview | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_cached_pdfview | 445 | 160 | 99 | A package to show Native PDF View for iOS and Android, support Open from a different resource like Path, Asset or Url and Cache it. | 0.4.2 | Jul 2, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_cached_pdfview/latest/ | bnsaed.com | flutter,flutter_cache_manager,flutter_pdfview,path,path_provider | https://github.com/binSaed/flutter_cached_pdfview |
flutter_calendar_carousel | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_calendar_carousel | 442 | 120 | 98 | Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable. This widget can help you build customizable calendar with scrollable actions. | 2.4.3 | May 23, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_calendar_carousel/latest/ | dooboolab.com | flutter,intl | https://github.com/dooboolab/flutter_calendar_carousel |
delayed_display | https://pub.dev/packages/delayed_display | 442 | 160 | 96 | A widget that enables you to display a child after a delay and with beautiful fading and sliding animation. | 2.0.0 | Mar 22, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/delayed_display/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/ThomasEcalle/delayed_display |
form_field_validator | https://pub.dev/packages/form_field_validator | 440 | 140 | 98 | A straightforward flutter form field validator that provides common validation options. | 1.1.0 | Mar 16, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/form_field_validator/latest/ | codeness.ly | flutter,intl | https://github.com/Milad-Akarie/form_field_validator |
video_trimmer | https://pub.dev/packages/video_trimmer | 439 | 150 | 96 | A Flutter package for trimming videos. This supports retrieving, trimming, and storage of trimmed video files to the file system. | 3.0.1 | Oct 1, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/video_trimmer/latest/ | souvikbiswas.com | ffmpeg_kit_flutter,flutter,intl,path,path_provider,transparent_image,video_player,video_thumbnail | https://github.com/sbis04/video_trimmer |
cloud_functions | https://pub.dev/packages/cloud_functions | 439 | 150 | 100 | A Flutter plugin allowing you to use Firebase Cloud Functions. | 5.0.4 | Jul 30, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, MACOS, WEB | https://pub.dev/documentation/cloud_functions/latest/ | firebase.google.com | cloud_functions_platform_interface,cloud_functions_web,firebase_core,firebase_core_platform_interface,flutter | https://github.com/firebase/flutterfire/tree/master/packages/cloud_functions/cloud_functions |
mqtt_client | https://pub.dev/packages/mqtt_client | 437 | 160 | 98 | A server and browser based MQTT client for Dart supporting normal, secure sockets and websockets. | 10.4.0 | Jul 9, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause, MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/mqtt_client/latest/ | darticulate.com | crypto,event_bus,meta,path,typed_data,universal_html | https://github.com/shamblett/mqtt_client |
nfc_manager | https://pub.dev/packages/nfc_manager | 437 | 150 | 98 | Flutter plugin for accessing the NFC features on Android and iOS. | 3.5.0 | May 24, 2024 | MIT | 4.0.0-dev | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/nfc_manager/latest/ | okadan.net | flutter | https://github.com/okadan/flutter-nfc-manager |
scratcher | https://pub.dev/packages/scratcher | 436 | 140 | 97 | Scratch card widget which temporarily hides content from the user. | 2.5.0 | Nov 24, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/scratcher/latest/ | vaultomb.com | flutter | https://github.com/vintage/scratcher |
flutter_picker | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_picker | 436 | 90 | 98 | Flutter plugin picker. Include NumberPicker, DateTimePicker, ArrayPicker, and default linkage Picker. Provide flexible parameters to meet various needs. | 2.1.0 | Jan 30, 2023 | MIT | null | null | null | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_picker/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/yangyxd/flutter_picker |
loader_overlay | https://pub.dev/packages/loader_overlay | 435 | 160 | 99 | A simple package to simplify screen management. When loading any async task, this package prevent the user from interacting with the screen until the async task finishes. | 4.0.1 | Jul 22, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/loader_overlay/latest/ | rodrigobastos.dev | back_button_interceptor,flutter | https://github.com/rodrigobastosv/loading_overlay |
graphview | https://pub.dev/packages/graphview | 435 | 130 | 96 | GraphView is used to display data in graph structures. It can display Tree layout, Directed and Layered graph. Useful for Family Tree, Hierarchy View. | 1.2.0 | Apr 29, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/graphview/latest/ | nabilmh.com | collection,flutter | https://github.com/nabil6391/graphview |
dash_chat | https://pub.dev/packages/dash_chat | 434 | 80 | 89 | The most complete Chat UI for flutter inspired by react-native-gifted-chat. | 1.1.16 | May 29, 2021 | MIT | null | null | null | https://pub.dev/documentation/dash_chat/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,flutter_parsed_text,intl,transparent_image,uuid | https://github.com/fayeed/dash_chat |
maps_launcher | https://pub.dev/packages/maps_launcher | 433 | 160 | 99 | Simple Flutter plugin to open the maps application (or browser) on all platforms. | 2.2.1 | Mar 3, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/maps_launcher/latest/ | byte-sapling.io | flutter,flutter_web_plugins,url_launcher | https://github.com/pikaju/flutter-maps-launcher |
flutter_widget_from_html_core | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_widget_from_html_core | 432 | 160 | 99 | Flutter package to render html as widgets that focuses on correctness and extensibility. | 0.15.1 | Jun 9, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_widget_from_html_core/latest/ | daohoangson.com | csslib,flutter,html,logging | https://github.com/daohoangson/flutter_widget_from_html/tree/master/packages/core |
arkit_plugin | https://pub.dev/packages/arkit_plugin | 431 | 150 | 92 | Flutter Plugin for ARKit - Apple's augmented reality (AR) development platform for iOS mobile devices. | 1.1.0 | Jun 1, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/arkit_plugin/latest/ | leushchenko.com | flutter,json_annotation,meta,vector_math | https://github.com/olexale/arkit_flutter_plugin |
date_format | https://pub.dev/packages/date_format | 427 | 140 | 99 | A simple API to format dates. Provides various constants to build Date format string. Use `formatDate` method to format date according to format string. | 2.0.7 | Sep 22, 2022 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/date_format/latest/ | unverified uploader | null | https://github.com/tejainece/date_format |
glass_kit | https://pub.dev/packages/glass_kit | 426 | 150 | 95 | A package containing widgets to implement glass morphism in flutter apps. | 4.0.1 | May 21, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/glass_kit/latest/ | bharatsharma.me | flutter | https://github.com/bharat-1809/glass_kit |
data_connection_checker | https://pub.dev/packages/data_connection_checker | 425 | 30 | 95 | A pure Dart library that checks for internet by opening a socket to a list of specified addresses, each with individual port and timeout. Defaults are provided for convenience. | 0.3.4 | Jun 9, 2019 | MIT | null | null | null | null | unverified uploader | null | https://github.com/komapeb/data_connection_checker |
freezed_annotation | https://pub.dev/packages/freezed_annotation | 424 | 150 | 100 | Annotations for the freezed code-generator. This package does nothing without freezed too. | 2.4.4 | Jul 15, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/freezed_annotation/latest/ | dash-overflow.net | collection,json_annotation,meta | https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed |
flutter_osm_plugin | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_osm_plugin | 423 | 150 | 97 | OpenStreetMap Plugin Native for flutter apps (Andoird/iOS/web) | 1.2.0 | Jul 16, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, WEB | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_osm_plugin/latest/ | unverified uploader | dio,flutter,flutter_osm_interface,flutter_osm_web,flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle,flutter_web_plugins,permission_handler,plugin_platform_interface,url_launcher,uuid | https://github.com/liodali/osm_flutter |
motion_toast | https://pub.dev/packages/motion_toast | 422 | 160 | 96 | A beautiful designed toast with animations, contains multiple built in designs and let you design your toast | 2.10.0 | May 25, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/motion_toast/latest/ | badrkouki.dev | flutter | https://github.com/koukibadr/Motion-Toast |
flutter_isolate | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_isolate | 420 | 150 | 97 | FlutterIsolate provides a way to launch dart isolate in flutter that work with flutter plugins. | 2.0.4 | Nov 12, 2022 | MIT | 2.0.5-pre | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_isolate/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,uuid | https://github.com/rmawatson/flutter_isolate |
we_slide | https://pub.dev/packages/we_slide | 420 | 160 | 89 | A Flutter package which implements a backdrop displaying contextual and actionable content. =] | 2.4.0 | Sep 18, 2022 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/we_slide/latest/ | lanno.dev | flutter | https://github.com/luciano-work/we_slide |
Subsets and Splits