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riverpod_generator | https://pub.dev/packages/riverpod_generator | 350 | 140 | 97 | A code generator for Riverpod. This both simplifies the syntax empowers it, such as allowing stateful hot-reload. | 2.4.2 | May 14, 2024 | MIT | 3.0.0-dev.11 | DART | LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/riverpod_generator/latest/ | dash-overflow.net | analyzer,build,build_config,collection,crypto,meta,path,riverpod_analyzer_utils,riverpod_annotation,source_gen | https://github.com/rrousselGit/riverpod |
ferry | https://pub.dev/packages/ferry | 348 | 150 | 94 | Ferry is a simple, powerful GraphQL Client for Flutter and Dart. | 0.16.0+1 | Feb 3, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/ferry/latest/ | gql-dart.dev | built_value,collection,ferry_cache,ferry_exec,gql,gql_exec,gql_link,hive,meta,normalize,rxdart | https://github.com/gql-dart/ferry |
pretty_qr_code | https://pub.dev/packages/pretty_qr_code | 348 | 160 | 98 | Pretty QR code for Flutter. You can round the edges with parameter or use the standard view. | 3.3.0 | Mar 10, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/pretty_qr_code/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,meta,qr | https://github.com/promops/flutter_pretty_qr |
flutter_sms | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_sms | 346 | 150 | 97 | A Flutter plugin to Send SMS and MMS on iOS and Android. If iMessage is enabled it will send as iMessage on iOS. This plugin must be tested on a real device on iOS. | 2.3.3 | Jun 6, 2022 | unknown | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, WEB | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_sms/latest/ | fluttercommunity.dev | flutter,flutter_web_plugins,plugin_platform_interface,url_launcher | https://github.com/fluttercommunity/flutter_sms |
i18n_extension | https://pub.dev/packages/i18n_extension | 345 | 140 | 96 | Translation and Internationalization (i18n) for Flutter. Easy to use for both large and small projects. Uses Dart extensions to reduce boilerplate. | 12.0.1 | May 14, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/i18n_extension/latest/ | glasberg.dev | flutter,i18n_extension_core,intl | https://github.com/marcglasberg/i18n_extension |
flutter_appauth | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_appauth | 345 | 160 | 98 | This plugin provides an abstraction around the Android and iOS AppAuth SDKs so it can be used to communicate with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers | 6.0.6 | Apr 16, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, MACOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_appauth/latest/ | dexterx.dev | flutter,flutter_appauth_platform_interface | https://github.com/MaikuB/flutter_appauth/tree/master/flutter_appauth |
flutter_bluetooth_serial | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_bluetooth_serial | 345 | 130 | 97 | A basic Flutter Bluetooth Serial library | 0.4.0 | Aug 17, 2021 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_bluetooth_serial/latest/ | 3daysapp.com.br | flutter | https://github.com/edufolly/flutter_bluetooth_serial |
file_selector | https://pub.dev/packages/file_selector | 344 | 160 | 98 | Flutter plugin for opening and saving files, or selecting directories, using native file selection UI. | 1.0.3 | Feb 1, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/file_selector/latest/ | flutter.dev | file_selector_android,file_selector_ios,file_selector_linux,file_selector_macos,file_selector_platform_interface,file_selector_web,file_selector_windows,flutter | https://github.com/flutter/packages/tree/main/packages/file_selector/file_selector |
collapsible_sidebar | https://pub.dev/packages/collapsible_sidebar | 344 | 140 | 93 | A collapsible sidebar for Flutter apps implementing the Material Design. | 2.0.7 | Nov 20, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/collapsible_sidebar/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/DrunkOnBytes/flutter_collapsible_sidebar |
blobs | https://pub.dev/packages/blobs | 344 | 140 | 89 | Create beautiful blobs - fixed/random blob generation, animations, svgs and more | 2.0.0 | Jun 15, 2021 | BSD-2-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/blobs/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/lokesh-coder/flutter_blobs |
adobe_xd | https://pub.dev/packages/adobe_xd | 343 | 130 | 92 | Generate code for building apps with Flutter based on your designs in Adobe XD with the “XD to Flutter” plugin. This package contains helper widgets used by the plugin. | 2.0.1 | Jan 28, 2022 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/adobe_xd/latest/ | adobe.com | collection,flutter,flutter_svg | https://github.com/AdobeXD/xd-to-flutter-plugin/tree/master/adobe_xd |
decimal | https://pub.dev/packages/decimal | 342 | 160 | 99 | The decimal package allows you to deal with decimal numbers without losing precision. | 3.0.2 | Jun 9, 2024 | unknown | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/decimal/latest/ | unverified uploader | intl,rational | https://github.com/a14n/dart-decimal |
stream_chat_flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/stream_chat_flutter | 340 | 120 | 96 | Stream Chat official Flutter SDK. Build your own chat experience using Dart and Flutter. | 8.0.0 | Jul 22, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/stream_chat_flutter/latest/ | getstream.io | cached_network_image,chewie,collection,contextmenu,desktop_drop,diacritic,dio,ezanimation,file_picker,file_selector,flutter,flutter_markdown,flutter_portal,flutter_svg,http_parser,image_gallery_saver,image_picker,image_size_getter,jiffy,just_audio,lottie,media_kit,media_kit_video,meta,path_provider,photo_manager,photo_view,rxdart,share_plus,shimmer,stream_chat_flutter_core,synchronized,thumblr,url_launcher,video_player,video_thumbnail | https://github.com/GetStream/stream-chat-flutter |
smooth_star_rating | https://pub.dev/packages/smooth_star_rating | 340 | 40 | 94 | A smooth rating bar that supports full and half rating with easy icon customizability | 1.1.1 | May 22, 2020 | BSD-3-Clause | null | null | null | null | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/thangmam/smoothratingbar.git |
flutter_advanced_drawer | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_advanced_drawer | 339 | 150 | 97 | An advanced drawer widget, that can be fully customized with size, text, color, radius of corners. | 1.3.6 | Feb 24, 2024 | BSD-2-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://github.com/alex-melnyk/flutter_advanced_drawer/blob/master/README.md,https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_advanced_drawer/latest/ | alexmelnyk.io | flutter | https://github.com/alex-melnyk/flutter_advanced_drawer |
rubber | https://pub.dev/packages/rubber | 339 | 150 | 94 | Rubber is an elastic bottom sheet widget with the customizable material spring animation. | 1.1.0 | Jun 5, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/rubber/latest/ | unverified uploader | after_layout,flutter | https://github.com/mcrovero/rubber |
time | https://pub.dev/packages/time | 338 | 150 | 94 | Type-safe DateTime and Duration calculations, powered by extensions. | 2.1.4 | Jan 18, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/time/latest/ | ogbomo.com | clock | https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart |
slider_button | https://pub.dev/packages/slider_button | 338 | 160 | 96 | Customizable slider button widget for activating/deactivating some event. | 2.1.0 | Jan 14, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/slider_button/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,shimmer,vibration | https://github.com/anirudhsharma392/Slider-Button |
image_editor_pro | https://pub.dev/packages/image_editor_pro | 338 | 40 | 75 | Image Editor Plugin with simple, easy support for image editing using paints,text and emoji like stories. | 1.1.8 | May 17, 2021 | MIT | null | null | null | null | unverified uploader | collection,cupertino_icons,dio,firexcode,flutter,flutter_colorpicker,flutter_web_plugins,font_awesome_flutter,image_picker,path_provider,permission_handler,screenshot,signature,zoom_widget | https://github.com/zeeshux7860/Image_editor_pro_package |
razorpay_flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/razorpay_flutter | 337 | 140 | 99 | Flutter plugin for Razorpay SDK. To know more about Razorpay, visit http://razorpay.com. | 1.3.7 | May 28, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/razorpay_flutter/latest/ | razorpay.com | eventify,flutter,fluttertoast | https://github.com/razorpay/razorpay-flutter |
maps_toolkit | https://pub.dev/packages/maps_toolkit | 337 | 160 | 97 | Maps toolkit - geo-measurements utils - area of polygon, distance between point, heading and offset between points (port of SphericalUtil, PolyUtil from `android-maps-utils`). | 3.0.0 | Sep 18, 2023 | Apache-2.0 | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/maps_toolkit/latest/ | kb-apps.com | null | https://github.com/kb0/maps_toolkit/ |
spider | https://pub.dev/packages/spider | 337 | 160 | 93 | A small dart command-line tool for generating dart references of assets from the assets folder. | 4.2.2 | Jun 22, 2023 | BSD-2-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://birjuvachhani.github.io/spider/,https://pub.dev/documentation/spider/latest/ | birju.dev | ansicolor,args,collection,dart_style,html,http,logging,meta,path,sprintf,watcher,yaml | https://github.com/BirjuVachhani/spider |
fast_immutable_collections | https://pub.dev/packages/fast_immutable_collections | 335 | 150 | 97 | Immutable lists, sets, maps, and multimaps, which are as fast as their native mutable counterparts. Extension methods and comparators for native Dart collections. | 10.2.4 | May 29, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/fast_immutable_collections/latest/ | glasberg.dev | collection,meta | https://github.com/marcglasberg/fast_immutable_collections |
layout | https://pub.dev/packages/layout | 335 | 150 | 91 | Layout encourage consistency across platforms, environments, and screen sizes by using uniform elements and spacing. | 1.0.5 | Sep 3, 2023 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/layout/latest/ | jaimeblasco.com | flutter,gap | https://github.com/jamesblasco/layout |
skeletons | https://pub.dev/packages/skeletons | 334 | 80 | 98 | A Flutter package for building custom skeleton widgets to mimic the page's layout while loading. | 0.0.3 | Jul 22, 2021 | MIT | null | null | null | https://pub.dev/documentation/skeletons/latest/ | badjio.com | flutter | https://github.com/badjio/skeletons/ |
expandable_bottom_bar | https://pub.dev/packages/expandable_bottom_bar | 335 | 90 | 87 | Animatable bottom app bar with expandable sheet. Use me if you need cool bottom bar! | 2.0.2 | May 26, 2021 | BSD-2-Clause | null | null | null | https://pub.dev/documentation/expandable_bottom_bar/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/rIIh/expandable-bottom-bar |
recase | https://pub.dev/packages/recase | 334 | 150 | 98 | Changes the case of the input text to the desire case convention. | 4.1.0 | Sep 26, 2022 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/recase/latest/ | unverified uploader | null | https://github.com/techniboogie-dart/recase |
flutter_phone_direct_caller | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_phone_direct_caller | 334 | 150 | 98 | Simple flutter plugin to call a number directly, without going to phone dialer, from app | 2.1.1 | Apr 21, 2022 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_phone_direct_caller/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/yanisalfian/flutter-phone-direct-caller |
focus_detector | https://pub.dev/packages/focus_detector | 333 | 130 | 98 | Detects when your widget appears or disappears from the screen. | 2.0.1 | Jan 11, 2022 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/focus_detector/latest/ | edsonbueno.com | flutter,visibility_detector | https://github.com/EdsonBueno/focus_detector |
csv | https://pub.dev/packages/csv | 332 | 140 | 99 | A codec to transform between a string and a list of values. The string must be comma (configurable) separated values. | 6.0.0 | Feb 26, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://github.com/close2/csv,https://pub.dev/documentation/csv/latest/ | unverified uploader | null | https://github.com/close2/csv |
basic_utils | https://pub.dev/packages/basic_utils | 332 | 140 | 98 | Common util classes for Strings, Dates, X509, PKCS, Cryptographie and more. | 5.7.0 | Oct 24, 2023 | Apache-2.0 | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/basic_utils/latest/ | unverified uploader | http,json_annotation,logging,pointycastle | https://github.com/Ephenodrom/Dart-Basic-Utils |
material_dialogs | https://pub.dev/packages/material_dialogs | 332 | 150 | 96 | A Flutter package aims to help you create animated, simple, stylish Material Dialogs in your app. | 1.1.5 | Jul 29, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/material_dialogs/latest/ | ezaldeensahb.link | flutter,lottie | https://github.com/Ezaldeen99/material_dialogs |
jaspr | https://pub.dev/packages/jaspr | 331 | 130 | 84 | Modern web framework for building websites in Dart that feels like Flutter but supports server-side rendering. | 0.13.3 | Jul 2, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://docs.page/schultek/jaspr,https://pub.dev/documentation/jaspr/latest/ | schultek.de | binary_codec,hotreloader,html,http,js,meta,path,shelf,shelf_gzip,shelf_proxy,shelf_static | https://github.com/schultek/jaspr |
live_activities | https://pub.dev/packages/live_activities | 329 | 140 | 93 | A Flutter plugin to use iOS 16.1+ Live Activities & iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island features | 1.9.3 | Jun 28, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/live_activities/latest/ | dimitridessus.fr | app_group_directory,flutter,flutter_native_image,path_provider,plugin_platform_interface | https://github.com/istornz/live_activities |
oktoast | https://pub.dev/packages/oktoast | 329 | 160 | 98 | A pure flutter toast library, support custom style/widget, easy achieve the same effect with native toasts. | 3.4.0 | Nov 17, 2023 | BSD-2-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/oktoast/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/OpenFlutter/flutter_oktoast |
skeleton_text | https://pub.dev/packages/skeleton_text | 329 | 160 | 97 | A package that provides an easy way to add skeleton text loading animation in Flutter project. This project is a part of 101Loop community. | 3.0.1 | Aug 22, 2023 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/skeleton_text/latest/ | mahengandhi.me | flutter | https://github.com/101Loop/Skeleton-Text |
persistent_bottom_nav_bar_v2 | https://pub.dev/packages/persistent_bottom_nav_bar_v2 | 327 | 150 | 98 | A highly customizable bottom navigation bar for Flutter. Includes 17 prebuilt styles but can also be used with your custom style. | 5.3.0 | Jul 6, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/persistent_bottom_nav_bar_v2/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,go_router | https://github.com/jb3rndt/PersistentBottomNavBarV2 |
image_editor | https://pub.dev/packages/image_editor | 328 | 160 | 98 | Edit your image data and output to file/memory on Android and iOS. | 1.5.1 | May 14, 2024 | unknown | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, MACOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/image_editor/latest/ | fluttercandies.com | flutter,image_editor_common,image_editor_ohos,image_editor_platform_interface | https://github.com/fluttercandies/flutter_image_editor |
status_change | https://pub.dev/packages/status_change | 328 | 110 | 88 | Status Change Package | 2.0.0 | Mar 14, 2021 | BSD-2-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/status_change/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/UsamaElgendy/status_change |
back_button_interceptor | https://pub.dev/packages/back_button_interceptor | 328 | 150 | 98 | Back Button Interceptor. May be used to do stuff when the Android back-button is tapped, as an alternative to `WillPopScope`. | 7.0.3 | Mar 27, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/back_button_interceptor/latest/ | glasberg.dev | collection,flutter | https://github.com/marcglasberg/back_button_interceptor |
get_server | https://pub.dev/packages/get_server | 326 | 140 | 84 | A backend server (http and websocket) that makes it possible to program with Flutter syntax and reuse existing code | 1.2.1 | Jun 21, 2022 | BSD-2-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/get_server/latest/ | getx.site | jaguar_jwt,meta,mime,path | https://github.com/jonataslaw/get_server |
double_back_to_close_app | https://pub.dev/packages/double_back_to_close_app | 326 | 150 | 96 | A Flutter package that allows Android users to press the back-button twice to close the app. | 2.1.0 | Dec 2, 2021 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/double_back_to_close_app/latest/ | hugopassos.dev | flutter | https://github.com/hcbpassos/double_back_to_close_app |
accordion | https://pub.dev/packages/accordion | 325 | 160 | 98 | A stylish and smooth Accordion list where each item can be expanded or collapsed simply by clicking on the header. | 2.6.0 | Sep 5, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/accordion/latest/ | vulcansoft.com | flutter,get,scroll_to_index | https://github.com/GotJimmy/accordion |
vrouter | https://pub.dev/packages/vrouter | 325 | 140 | 90 | A navigation package that makes navigation and routing easy on every platform. Built on top of Navigator 2. | 1.2.1 | May 12, 2022 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/vrouter/latest/ | vrouter.dev | flutter,move_to_background,url_launcher,url_strategy | https://github.com/lulupointu/vrouter |
open_filex | https://pub.dev/packages/open_filex | 325 | 160 | 99 | A plug-in that can call native APP to open files with string result in flutter, support iOS(UTI) / android(intent) / PC(ffi) / web(dart:html) | 4.4.0 | Feb 4, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/open_filex/latest/ | buildtoapp.com | ffi,flutter | https://github.com/javaherisaber/open_file |
flutter_animator | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_animator | 324 | 150 | 95 | Create animations with less code in a chaining manner. This package allows you to combine and chain multiple animations based on percentages of the duration. | 3.2.2 | Jun 7, 2022 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_animator/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,vector_math | https://github.com/sharp3dges/animator |
enum_to_string | https://pub.dev/packages/enum_to_string | 325 | 140 | 98 | Better conversion of ENUMs to string. Dart has annoying EnumName.ValueName syntax when calling enum.toString, this package fixes that. | 2.0.1 | Mar 19, 2021 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/enum_to_string/latest/ | unverified uploader | null | https://github.com/rknell/flutterEnumsToString |
ar_flutter_plugin | https://pub.dev/packages/ar_flutter_plugin | 323 | 130 | 93 | Flutter Plugin for creating (collaborative) Augmented Reality experiences - Supports ARKit for iOS and ARCore for Android devices. | 0.7.3 | Nov 19, 2022 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/ar_flutter_plugin/latest/ | lars.carius.io | flutter,geolocator,json_annotation,permission_handler,vector_math | https://github.com/CariusLars/ar_flutter_plugin |
desktop_window | https://pub.dev/packages/desktop_window | 322 | 140 | 98 | Flutter desktop plugin(macOS/Linux/Windows) to get and change window size. | 0.4.0 | Mar 9, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/desktop_window/latest/ | mix1009.com | flutter | https://github.com/mix1009/desktop_window |
onboarding_overlay | https://pub.dev/packages/onboarding_overlay | 321 | 150 | 90 | Flexible to control Onboarding overlay with or without target element (fork from onboard_overlay) | 3.2.2 | May 5, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/onboarding_overlay/latest/ | unverified uploader | auto_size_text,flutter,vector_math | https://github.com/talamaska/onboarding_overlay |
dio_cache_interceptor | https://pub.dev/packages/dio_cache_interceptor | 320 | 160 | 98 | Dio HTTP cache interceptor with multiple stores respecting HTTP directives (or not). | 3.5.0 | Nov 27, 2023 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/dio_cache_interceptor/latest/ | openapi4j.org | dio,string_scanner,uuid | https://github.com/llfbandit/dio_cache_interceptor |
hexcolor | https://pub.dev/packages/hexcolor | 320 | 150 | 99 | Brings HexColor for your dart and flutter projects, convert material colors to hex colors | 3.0.1 | Oct 1, 2022 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/hexcolor/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,flutter_web_plugins | https://github.com/ggichure/hexcolor |
worker_manager | https://pub.dev/packages/worker_manager | 317 | 140 | 95 | The worker_manager allows you to manage CPU-intensive calculations across isolates | 7.0.3 | Jul 2, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/worker_manager/latest/ | renesanse.net | async,collection,meta | https://github.com/Renesanse/worker_manager |
mason_cli | https://pub.dev/packages/mason_cli | 317 | 160 | 85 | Mason CLI allows developers to create and consume reusable templates called bricks. | 0.1.0-dev.55 | Apr 20, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://docs.brickhub.dev/,https://pub.dev/documentation/mason_cli/latest/ | brickhub.dev | args,checked_yaml,cli_completion,mason,mason_api,meta,path,pub_updater,watcher | https://github.com/felangel/mason |
miniplayer | https://pub.dev/packages/miniplayer | 317 | 140 | 93 | A lightweight flutter package to simplify the creation of a miniplayer. | 1.0.1 | Sep 29, 2021 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/miniplayer/latest/ | davidpeters.dev | flutter | https://github.com/peterscodee/miniplayer |
flutter_windowmanager | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_windowmanager | 317 | 160 | 98 | A Flutter plugin for manipulating Android WindowManager LayoutParams. | 0.2.0 | Aug 26, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_windowmanager/latest/ | adaptant.io | flutter | https://github.com/adaptant-labs/flutter_windowmanager |
carousel_pro | https://pub.dev/packages/carousel_pro | 317 | 35 | 95 | A Flutter Carousel Slider widget. Support Network and Asset Images. You can modify the UI according your design easily. | 1.0.0 | Jun 30, 2019 | MIT | null | null | null | null | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/jlouage/flutter-carousel-pro |
story | https://pub.dev/packages/story | 316 | 150 | 96 | Instagram stories like UI with rich animations and customizability. | 1.1.0 | Jun 8, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/story/latest/ | bookm.me | flutter,provider | https://github.com/santa112358/story |
nested | https://pub.dev/packages/nested | 316 | 150 | 98 | A Flutter Widget which helps nest multiple widgets without needing to manually nest them. | 1.0.0 | Feb 17, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/nested/latest/ | dash-overflow.net | flutter | https://github.com/rrousselGit/nested |
arcore_flutter_plugin | https://pub.dev/packages/arcore_flutter_plugin | 315 | 130 | 93 | Flutter plugin for ARCore SDK, Android platform to build new augmented reality experiences | 0.1.0 | Feb 7, 2023 | MIT | 0.2.0-alpha | FLUTTER | ANDROID | https://pub.dev/documentation/arcore_flutter_plugin/latest/ | gdifrancesco.dev | equatable,flutter,meta,vector_math | https://github.com/giandifra/arcore_flutter_plugin |
import_sorter | https://pub.dev/packages/import_sorter | 313 | 140 | 95 | Automatically organize your dart imports | 4.6.0 | May 30, 2021 | MIT | 5.0.0-releasecandidate.1 | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/import_sorter/latest/ | fluttercommunity.dev | args,tint,yaml | https://github.com/fluttercommunity/import_sorter |
sqlite3 | https://pub.dev/packages/sqlite3 | 313 | 160 | 97 | Provides lightweight yet convenient bindings to SQLite by using dart:ffi | 2.4.5 | Jul 26, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/sqlite3/latest/ | simonbinder.eu | collection,ffi,meta,path,web | https://github.com/simolus3/sqlite3.dart/tree/main/sqlite3 |
water_drop_nav_bar | https://pub.dev/packages/water_drop_nav_bar | 312 | 160 | 92 | Bottom navigation bar, it has unique water drop effect. When water droplet falls it marks seleted item. | 2.2.2 | Jul 8, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/water_drop_nav_bar/latest/ | waterydesert.com | flutter | https://github.com/watery-desert/water_drop_nav_bar |
external_app_launcher | https://pub.dev/packages/external_app_launcher | 312 | 160 | 98 | A Flutter plugin which helps you to open another app from your app | 4.0.0 | Feb 12, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/external_app_launcher/latest/ | geekyants.com | flutter | https://github.com/GeekyAnts/external_app_launcher |
oauth2 | https://pub.dev/packages/oauth2 | 312 | 160 | 97 | A client library for authenticating with a remote service via OAuth2 on behalf of a user, and making authorized HTTP requests with the user's OAuth2 credentials. | 2.0.2 | May 30, 2023 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/oauth2/latest/ | tools.dart.dev | collection,crypto,http,http_parser | https://github.com/dart-lang/oauth2 |
flutter_jailbreak_detection | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_jailbreak_detection | 313 | 150 | 99 | Flutter jailbreak and root detection plugin. This plugin wraps Rootbeer for use on Android and DTTJailbreakDetection for use on iOS. | 1.10.0 | Jan 11, 2023 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_jailbreak_detection/latest/ | appmire.be | flutter | https://github.com/jeroentrappers/flutter_jailbreak_detection |
math_expressions | https://pub.dev/packages/math_expressions | 311 | 160 | 98 | A library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions, supporting real numbers, vectors, and basic interval arithmetic. | 2.6.0 | Jul 31, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/math_expressions/latest/ | leonhardt.co.nz | vector_math | https://github.com/fkleon/math-expressions |
postgres | https://pub.dev/packages/postgres | 311 | 160 | 96 | PostgreSQL database driver. Supports statement reuse and binary protocol and connection pooling. | 3.2.1 | May 18, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/postgres/latest/ | agilord.com | async,buffer,charcode,collection,crypto,meta,pool,sasl_scram,stream_channel | https://github.com/isoos/postgresql-dart |
chips_choice | https://pub.dev/packages/chips_choice | 312 | 150 | 97 | Lite version of smart_select package, zero dependencies, an easy way to provide a single or multiple choice chips. | 3.0.1 | Sep 13, 2023 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/chips_choice/latest/ | widgetarian.com | async,flexi_chip,flutter | https://github.com/davigmacode/flutter_chips_choice |
flutter_firebase_chat_core | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_firebase_chat_core | 311 | 160 | 95 | Actively maintained, community-driven Firebase BaaS for chat applications with an optional chat UI. | 1.6.8 | Jun 9, 2024 | Zlib, BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_firebase_chat_core/latest/ | flyer.chat | cloud_firestore,firebase_auth,firebase_core,flutter,flutter_chat_types,meta | https://github.com/flyerhq/flutter_firebase_chat_core |
vector_math | https://pub.dev/packages/vector_math | 310 | 130 | 99 | A Vector Math library for 2D and 3D applications. | 2.1.4 | Sep 21, 2022 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/vector_math/latest/ | google.dev | null | https://github.com/google/vector_math.dart |
app_review | https://pub.dev/packages/app_review | 310 | 125 | 94 | Request and Write Reviews and Open Store Listing for Android and iOS in Flutter. | 2.1.2+1 | Jul 25, 2022 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/app_review/latest/ | fluttercommunity.dev | flutter,http,package_info_plus,url_launcher | https://github.com/fluttercommunity/app_review |
built_collection | https://pub.dev/packages/built_collection | 309 | 150 | 98 | Immutable collections based on the SDK collections. Each SDK collection class is split into a new immutable collection class and a corresponding mutable builder class. | 5.1.1 | Sep 3, 2021 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/built_collection/latest/ | google.dev | null | https://github.com/google/built_collection.dart |
nil | https://pub.dev/packages/nil | 309 | 140 | 95 | A simple widget to add in the widget tree when you want to show nothing, with minimal impact on performance. | 1.1.1 | Mar 24, 2021 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/nil/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/letsar/nil |
two_dimensional_scrollables | https://pub.dev/packages/two_dimensional_scrollables | 309 | 160 | 96 | Widgets that scroll using the two dimensional scrolling foundation. | 0.3.1 | Jun 6, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/two_dimensional_scrollables/latest/ | flutter.dev | flutter | https://github.com/flutter/packages/tree/main/packages/two_dimensional_scrollables |
facebook_audience_network | https://pub.dev/packages/facebook_audience_network | 308 | 150 | 97 | Facebook Audience Network plugin for Flutter apps. You can show Facebook Banner ads, Interstitial ads, Rewarded video ads and Native ads though this plugin. | 1.0.1 | Dec 30, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/facebook_audience_network/latest/ | dsi.dev | characters,flutter,meta | https://github.com/dreamsoftin/facebook_audience_network |
state_notifier | https://pub.dev/packages/state_notifier | 307 | 160 | 94 | ValueNotifier, but outside Flutter and with some extra perks | 1.0.0 | Aug 16, 2023 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/state_notifier/latest/ | dash-overflow.net | meta | https://github.com/rrousselGit/state_notifier |
linked_scroll_controller | https://pub.dev/packages/linked_scroll_controller | 307 | 130 | 98 | A scroll controller that allows two or more scroll views to be in sync. | 0.2.0 | May 5, 2021 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/linked_scroll_controller/latest/ | google.dev | flutter | https://github.com/google/flutter.widgets |
flutter_countdown_timer | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_countdown_timer | 307 | 130 | 99 | A flutter countdown timer. [10 days 5:30:46] ⬇⬇⬇⬇ | 4.1.0 | Apr 21, 2021 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_countdown_timer/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/wuweijian1997/FlutterCountdownTimer |
flutter_cube | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_cube | 307 | 120 | 94 | A Flutter 3D widget that renders Wavefront's object files. | 0.1.1 | Mar 13, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_cube/latest/ | final.dev | flutter,path,vector_math | https://github.com/zesage/flutter_cube |
map | https://pub.dev/packages/map | 306 | 160 | 93 | Geographical Map widget for flutter supporting different projections including EPSG4326/Mercator/WGS1984. | 2.0.2 | Feb 12, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/map/latest/ | pwa.ir | flutter,latlng | https://github.com/xclud/flutter_map |
theme_provider | https://pub.dev/packages/theme_provider | 306 | 150 | 94 | Easy to use and customizable Theme Provider. This Widget can be used to easily provide a theme controller across the widget tree. | 0.6.0 | May 11, 2023 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/theme_provider/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter,shared_preferences | https://www.github.com/kdsuneraavinash/theme_provider |
flutter_gemini | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_gemini | 305 | 150 | 96 | Flutter Google Gemini SDK. Google Gemini is a set of cutting-edge large language models (LLMs) designed to be the driving force behind Google's future AI initiatives. | 2.0.4 | May 23, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_gemini/latest/ | babakcode.com | dio,flutter,freezed_annotation,json_annotation,mime | https://github.com/babakcode/flutter_gemini |
pointycastle | https://pub.dev/packages/pointycastle | 305 | 140 | 98 | A Dart library implementing cryptographic algorithms and primitives, modeled on the BouncyCastle library. | 3.9.1 | May 7, 2024 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/pointycastle/latest/ | bouncycastle.org | collection,convert,js | https://github.com/bcgit/pc-dart |
custom_pop_up_menu | https://pub.dev/packages/custom_pop_up_menu | 304 | 130 | 97 | Wrap a widget with CustomPopupMenu, Tap or Long Press this widget, a popup menu would display in a suitable position. | 1.2.4 | Jun 6, 2022 | BSD-3-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/custom_pop_up_menu/latest/ | malikwang.com | flutter | https://github.com/malikwang/custom_pop_up_menu |
zefyr | https://pub.dev/packages/zefyr | 304 | 40 | 83 | Clean, minimalistic and collaboration-ready rich text editor for Flutter. | 0.12.0 | Oct 4, 2020 | BSD-2-Clause | 1.0.0-rc.5 | null | null | null | memspace.app | collection,flutter,meta,notus,quill_delta,quiver_hashcode,url_launcher | https://github.com/memspace/zefyr |
direct_select_flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/direct_select_flutter | 304 | 150 | 85 | Direct Select Widget Implementation inspired by https://dribbble.com/shots/3876250-DirectSelect-Dropdown-ux | 1.1.1 | May 14, 2021 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/direct_select_flutter/latest/ | lanars.com | flutter,rect_getter | https://github.com/LanarsInc/direct-select-flutter |
searchable_dropdown | https://pub.dev/packages/searchable_dropdown | 304 | 40 | 90 | Widget to let the user search through a keyword string typed on a customizable keyboard in a single or multiple choices list presented as a dropdown in a dialog box or a menu. | 1.1.3 | Mar 31, 2020 | MIT | null | null | null | null | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/icemanbsi/searchable_dropdown |
add_2_calendar | https://pub.dev/packages/add_2_calendar | 303 | 160 | 98 | A really simple Flutter plugin to add events to each platform's default calendar. | 3.0.1 | Oct 24, 2023 | BSD-2-Clause | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS | https://pub.dev/documentation/add_2_calendar/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/ja2375/add_2_calendar |
assorted_layout_widgets | https://pub.dev/packages/assorted_layout_widgets | 302 | 150 | 96 | A lot of widgets like ColumnSuper, RowSuper, FitHorizontally, Box, WrapSuper, TextOneLine, Delayed, Pad, ButtonBarSuper, NormalizedOverflowBox, showDialogSuper, and much more. | 9.0.2 | Jun 20, 2024 | Apache-2.0 | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/assorted_layout_widgets/latest/ | glasberg.dev | clock,flutter,matrix4_transform | https://github.com/marcglasberg/assorted_layout_widgets |
firedart | https://pub.dev/packages/firedart | 302 | 160 | 94 | A dart-native implementation of the Firebase Auth and Firestore SDKs. | 0.9.8 | Mar 15, 2024 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/firedart/latest/ | cachapa.net | fixnum,grpc,http,protobuf | https://github.com/cachapa/firedart |
at_contacts_flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/at_contacts_flutter | 302 | 150 | 60 | A Flutter plugin project to provide ease of managing contacts for an atSign using atPlatform. | 4.0.14 | Feb 9, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WINDOWS | https://docs.atsign.com/,https://pub.dev/documentation/at_contacts_flutter/latest/ | atsign.org | at_client,at_client_mobile,at_common_flutter,at_commons,at_contact,at_lookup,at_utils,flutter,flutter_slidable | https://github.com/atsign-foundation/at_widgets/tree/trunk/packages/at_contacts_flutter |
flutter_reaction_button | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_reaction_button | 301 | 140 | 96 | Flutter Reaction Button is a customizable Flutter package that allows you to easily create interactive buttons with reaction emojis, similar to Facebook's iconic reaction buttons. | 3.0.0+3 | Nov 19, 2023 | unknown | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_reaction_button/latest/ | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/GeekAbdelouahed/flutter-reaction-button.git |
expansion_card | https://pub.dev/packages/expansion_card | 301 | 20 | 86 | Expansion Card that expands on click with full body cover background that also expands ontap. This widget is highly customizable with smooth animations. | 0.1.0 | Jan 9, 2020 | MIT | null | null | null | null | unverified uploader | flutter | https://github.com/anirudhsharma392/Expansion-Card |
searchfield | https://pub.dev/packages/searchfield | 301 | 160 | 98 | A highly customizable, simple and easy to use flutter Widget to add a searchfield to your Flutter Application. This Widget allows you to search and select from list of suggestions. | 1.0.8 | Jul 23, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/searchfield/latest/ | maheshjamdade.com | flutter | https://github.com/maheshj01/searchfield |
storybook_flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/storybook_flutter | 301 | 150 | 95 | A storybook for Flutter widgets. Live preview of isolated widgets for faster development and showcase. | 0.14.1 | Apr 28, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/storybook_flutter/latest/ | ookamikb.dev | collection,device_frame,flutter,nested,pointer_interceptor,provider,recase | https://github.com/ookami-kb/storybook_flutter |
petitparser | https://pub.dev/packages/petitparser | 300 | 160 | 99 | A dynamic parser framework to build efficient grammars and parsers quickly. | 6.0.2 | Nov 30, 2023 | BSD-3-Clause | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/petitparser/latest/ | lukas-renggli.ch | meta | https://github.com/petitparser/dart-petitparser |
whatsapp_unilink | https://pub.dev/packages/whatsapp_unilink | 299 | 160 | 97 | Dart package helping your app interact with WhatsApp via HTTP links (universal links). Works with Flutter. | 2.1.0 | Nov 20, 2022 | MIT | null | DART, FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/whatsapp_unilink/latest/ | dartside.dev | null | https://github.com/dartsidedev/whatsapp_unilink |
flutter_js | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_js | 298 | 90 | 96 | A Javascript engine to use with flutter. It uses Quickjs on Android and JavascriptCore on IOS | 0.8.1 | Jun 8, 2024 | MIT | null | null | null | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_js/latest/ | unverified uploader | ffi,flutter,http,sync_http | https://github.com/abner/flutter_js |
flutter_fortune_wheel | https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_fortune_wheel | 298 | 140 | 96 | Visualize (random) selection processes with widgets like a spinning wheel of fortune or a fortune bar. | 1.3.1 | Feb 5, 2024 | MIT | null | FLUTTER | ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MACOS, WEB, WINDOWS | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_fortune_wheel/latest/ | kevlatus.de | flutter,flutter_hooks,quiver | https://github.com/kevlatus/flutter_fortune_wheel |
Subsets and Splits