Shell-mediated tunnelling between (anti-)de Sitter vacua
We give an extensive study of the tunnelling between arbitrary (anti-)de Sitter spacetimes separated by an infinitesimally thin relativistic shell in arbitrary spacetime dimensions. In particular, we find analytically an exact expression for the tunnelling amplitude. The detailed spacetime structures that can arise are discussed, together with an effective "regularization scheme" for "before tunnelling" configurations.
The solutions of the N-identical quantum harmonic oscillators interacting with each other through the harmonic potential
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to some mistakes
Asymmetry of in-medium rho-mesons as a signature of Cherenkov effects
Cherenkov gluons may be responsible for the asymmetry of dilepton mass spectra near rho-meson observed in experiment. They can be produced only in the low-mass wing of the resonance. Therefore the dilepton mass spectra are flattened there and their peak is slightly shifted to lower masses compared with the in-vacuum rho-meson mass. This feature must be common for all resonances.
B-pairs and (phi,Gamma)-modules
Main change from v1 : theorem C has been modified, see remark 3.1.7 (2). We study the category of B-pairs (W_e,W_dR^+) where W_e is a free B_cris^{phi=1}-module with a semilinear and continuous action of G_K and where W_dR^+ is a G_K-stable B_dR^+ -lattice in B_dR \otimes W_e. This category contains the category of p-adic representations and is naturally equivalent to the category of all (phi,Gamma)-modules over the Robba ring.
Gauge Mediation in String Theory
We show that a large class of phenomenologically viable models for gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking based on meta-stable vacua can be realized in local Calabi-Yau compactifications of string theory.
EPR, Bell, Schrodinger's cat, and the Monty Hall Paradox
The purpose of this manuscript is to provide a short pedagogical explanation why "quantum collapse" is not a metaphysical event, by pointing out the analogy with a "classical collapse" which is associated with the Monty Hall Paradox.
Representative Ensembles in Statistical Mechanics
The notion of representative statistical ensembles, correctly representing statistical systems, is strictly formulated. This notion allows for a proper description of statistical systems, avoiding inconsistencies in theory. As an illustration, a Bose-condensed system is considered. It is shown that a self-consistent treatment of the latter, using a representative ensemble, always yields a conserving and gapless theory.
On the weight structure of cyclic codes over $GF(q)$, $q>2$
The interrelation between the cyclic structure of an ideal, i.e., a cyclic code over Galois field $GF(q)$, $q>2$, and its classes of proportional elements is considered. This relation is used in order to define the code's weight structure. The equidistance conditions of irreducible nonprimitive codes over GF(q) are given. Besides that, the minimum distance for some class of nonprimitive cyclic codes is found.
Spectral analysis for convolution operators on locally compact groups
We consider operators $H_\mu$ of convolution with measures $\mu$ on locally compact groups. We characterize the spectrum of $H_\mu$ by constructing auxiliary operators whose kernel contain the pure point and singular subspaces of $H_\mu$, respectively. The proofs rely on commutator methods.
On the induction of the four-dimensional Lorentz-breaking non-Abelian Chern-Simons action
A four-dimensional Lorentz-breaking non-Abelian Chern-Simons like action is generated as a one-loop perturbative correction via an appropriate Lorentz-breaking coupling of the non-Abelian gauge field to the spinor field. This term is shown to be regularization dependent but nevertheless it can be found unambiguously in different regularization schemes at zero and finite temperature.
Analysis of $\Omega_c^*(css)$ and $\Omega_b^*(bss)$ with QCD sum rules
In this article, we calculate the masses and residues of the heavy baryons $\Omega_c^*(css)$ and $\Omega_b^*(bss)$ with spin-parity ${3/2}^+$ with the QCD sum rules. The numerical values are compatible with experimental data and other theoretical estimations.
Spinning Strings, Black Holes and Stable Closed Timelike Geodesics
The existence and stability under linear perturbation of closed timelike curves in the spacetime associated to Schwarzschild black hole pierced by a spinning string are studied. Due to the superposition of the black hole, we find that the spinning string spacetime is deformed in such a way to allow the existence of closed timelike geodesics.
Can GLAST detect gamma-rays from the extended radio features of radio galaxies?
A few FRI radio galaxies were detected at GeV gamma-rays with CGRO EGRET, with peroperties suggesting that the gamma-ray flux originates from the core. Here we discuss the possibility that the extended radio features of radio galaxies could be detected with the LAT, focusing on the particularly promising case of the nearby giant radio galaxy Fornax A.
Non-commutativity and Open Strings Dynamics in Melvin Universes
We compute the Moyal phase factor for open strings ending on D3-branes wrapping a NSNS Melvin universe in a decoupling limit explicitly using world sheet formalism in cylindrical coordinates.
In Search of the Spacetime Torsion
Whether torsion plays or not a role in the description of the gravitational interaction is a problem that can only be solved by experiment. This is, however, a difficult task: since there are different possible interpretations for torsion, there is no a model-independent way to look for it. In these notes, two different possibilities will be reviewed, their consistency analyzed, and the corresponding experimental outputs briefly discussed.
Fermionic approach to the evaluation of integrals of rational symmetric functions
We use the fermionic construction of two-matrix model partition functions to evaluate integrals over rational symmetric functions. This approach is complementary to the one used in the paper ``Integrals of Rational Symmetric Functions, Two-Matrix Models and Biorthogonal Polynomials'' \cite{paper2}, where these integrals were evaluated by a direct method.
Sharp Asymptotics for KPP Pulsating Front Speed-up and Diffusion Enhancement by Flows
We study KPP pulsating front speed-up and effective diffusivity enhancement by general periodic incompressible flows. We prove the existence of and determine the limits $c^*(A)/A$ and $D(A)/A^2$ as $A\to\infty$, where $c^*(A)$ is the minimal front speed and $D(A)$ the effective diffusivity.
Holographic bound and protein linguistics
The holographic bound in physics constrains the complexity of life. The finite storage capability of information in the observable universe requires the protein linguistics in the evolution of life. We find that the evolution of genetic code determines the variance of amino acid frequencies and genomic GC content among species. The elegant linguistic mechanism is confirmed by the experimental observations based on all known entire proteomes.
Temperature effects on quantum cloning of states and entanglement
Performances of the symmetric universal and phase-covariant cloning transformations and entanglement cloners -- qubit case -- are investigated when the initial state of the hardware or the original state to be cloned is weakly coupled to a thermal environment. Different behaviors of each of these transformations are analyzed and contrasted with the ideal cases.
Large Gauge Hierarchy in Gauge-Higgs Unification
We study a five dimensional nonsupersymmetric SU(3) gauge theory compactified on $M^4\times S^1/Z_2$. The gauge hierarchy is discussed in the scenario of the gauge-Higgs unification. We present two models in which the large gauge hierarchy is realized, that is, the weak scale is naturally is obtained from an unique large scale such as a GUT and the Planck scale. We also study the Higgs mass in each model.
Full Additivity of the Entanglement of Formation
We present a general strategy that allows a more flexible method for the construction of fully additive multipartite entanglement monotones than the ones so far reported in the literature of axiomatic entanglement measures. Within this framework we give a proof of a conjecture of outstanding implications in information theory: the full additivity of the Entanglement of Formation.
Arithmetic homology and an integral version of Katos conjecture
We define an integral Borel-Moore homology theory over finite fields, called arithmetic homology, and an integral version of Kato homology. Both types of groups are expected to be finitely generated, and sit in a long exact sequence with higher Chow groups of zero-cycles.
On the Kaehler rank of compact complex surfaces
Harvey and Lawson introduced the Kaehler rank and computed it in connection to the cone of positive exact currents of bidimension (1,1) for many classes of compact complex surfaces. In this paper we extend these computations to the only further known class of surfaces not considered by them, that of Kato surfaces. Our main tool is the reduction to the dynamics of associated holomorphic contractions.
Low frequency dispersive estimates for the Schrodinger group in higher dimensions
We prove dispersive estimates for the low frequency part of the Schrodinger group for a large class of potentials in dimensions greater or equal to four. As a consequence, we extend the result of Journe, Sofer and Sogge to a larger class of potentials. In this revised version a mistake in the proof of the estimate (B.4) is removed.
On the Fine Structure of QCD Confining String
This paper had been withdrawn because the prime reported effect had not been confirmed in further investigations (see arXiv:0812.4488 [hep-lat]).
Asymptotic profiles of solutions to viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations
The large time behavior of solutions to Cauchy problem for viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation is classified. The large time asymptotics are given by very singular self-similar solutions on one hand and by self-similar viscosity solutions on the other hand
Asymptotic profiles of solutions to convection-diffusion equations
The large time behavior of zero mass solutions to the Cauchy problem for a convection-diffusion equation. We provide conditions on the size and shape of the initial datum such that the large time asymptotics of solutions is given either by the derivative of the Guass-Weierstrass kernel or by a self-similar solution or by a hyperbolic N-wave
Possible origin of Larson's lows
It was found that approximately constant column densities of giant molecular clouds (Larson's low) can be explained as cloud existence condition in external (galactic) gravitational field. This condition can be also applied to objects (clumps and cores) embedded into the cloud and its gravitational field. Derived existence condition do not rely on any internal dynamic of a cloud and embedded objects.
The Manin conjecture in dimension 2
These lecture notes describe the current state of affairs for Manin's conjecture in the context of del Pezzo surfaces.
Pseudodifferential operators and weighted normed symbol spaces
In this work we study some general classes of pseudodifferential operators whose symbols are defined in terms of phase space estimates.
Entwining Structures in Monoidal Catrgories
Interpreting entwining structures as special instances of J. Beck's distributive law, the concept of entwining module can be generalized for the setting of arbitrary monoidal category. In this paper, we use the distributive law formalism to extend in this setting basic properties of entwining modules.
Sur les repr\'esentations du groupe fondamental d'une vari\'et\'e priv\'ee d'un diviseur \`a croisements normaux simples
Given a projective variety X over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, we show that finite parabolic bundles along a fixed simple normal crossings divisor D are in one to one correspondence with representations of the \'etale fundamental group of X-D.
Tannakian Categories attached to abelian Varieties
Starting from certain perverse sheaves on an abelian variety, including the intersection cohomology sheaves of curves and smooth ample divisors, we construct a semisimple super-Tannakian category.
Invariants of Welded Virtual Knots Via Crossed Module Invariants of Knotted Surfaces
We define an invariant of welded virtual knots from each finite crossed module by considering crossed module invariants of ribbon knotted surfaces which are naturally associated with them. We elucidate that the invariants obtained are non trivial by calculating explicit examples. We define welded virtual graphs and consider invariants of them defined in a similar way.
Complexity of Janet basis of a D-module
We prove a double-exponential upper bound on the degree and on the complexity of constructing a Janet basis of a $D$-module. This generalizes a well known bound on the complexity of a Gr\"obner basis of a module over the algebra of polynomials. We would like to emphasize that the obtained bound can not be immediately deduced from the commutative case.
Intersection local time for two independent fractional Brownian motions
We prove the existence of the intersection local time for two independent, d -dimensional fractional Brownian motions with the same Hurst parameter H. Assume d greater or equal to 2, then the intersection local time exists if and only if Hd<2.
Symmetry Breaking Study with Deformed Ensembles
A random matrix model to describe the coupling of m-fold symmetry in constructed. The particular threefold case is used to analyze data on eigenfrequencies of elastomechanical vibration of an anisotropic quartz block. It is suggested that such experimental/theoretical study may supply powerful means to discern intrinsic symmetries in physical systems.
Numerical Evaluation of Six-Photon Amplitudes
We apply the recently proposed amplitude reduction at the integrand level method, to the computation of the scattering process 2 photons -> 4 photons, including the case of a massive fermion loop. We also present several improvements of the method, including a general strategy to reconstruct the rational part of any one-loop amplitude and the treatment of vanishing Gram-determinants.
Discrete phase space and minimum-uncertainty states
The quantum state of a system of qubits can be represented by a Wigner function on a discrete phase space, each axis of the phase space taking values in a finite field. Within this framework, we show that one can make sense of the notion of a "rotationally invariant state" of any collection of qubits, and that any such state is, in a well defined sense, a state of minimum uncertainty.
Wide-bandwidth, tunable, multiple-pulse-width optical delays using slow light in cesium vapor
We demonstrate an all-optical delay line in hot cesium vapor that tunably delays 275 ps input pulses up to 6.8 ns and 740 input ps pulses up to 59 ns (group index of approximately 200) with little pulse distortion. The delay is made tunable with a fast reconfiguration time (hundreds of ns) by optically pumping out of the atomic ground states.
Controllable Quantum Switchboard
All quantum information processes inevitably requires the explicit state preparation of an entangled state. Here we present the construction of a quantum switchboard which can act both as an optimal quantum cloning machine and a quantum demultiplexer based on the preparation of a four-qubit state.
Two characterizations of crooked functions
We give two characterizations of crooked functions: one based on the minimum distance of a Preparata-like code, and the other based on the distance-regularity of a crooked graph.
The Realm of the First Quasars in the Universe: the X-ray View
We review the X-ray studies of the highest redshift quasars, focusing on the results obtained with Chandra and XMM-Newton. Overall, the X-ray and broad-band properties of z>4 quasars and local quasars are similar, suggesting that the small-scale X-ray emission regions of AGN are insensitive to the significant changes occurring at z=0-6.
General Doppler Shift Equation and the Possibility of Systematic Error in Calculation of Z for High Redshift Type Ia Supernovae
Systematic error in calculation of z for high redshift type Ia supernovae could help explain unexpected luminosity values that indicate an accelerating rate of expansion of the universe.
Quantum State Transfer with Spin Chains
The thesis covers various aspects of quantum state transfer in permanently coupled spin systems.
Thistlethwaite's theorem for virtual links
The celebrated Thistlethwaite theorem relates the Jones polynomial of a link with the Tutte polynomial of the corresponding planar graph. We give a generalization of this theorem to virtual links. In this case, the graph will be embedded into a (higher genus) surface. For such graphs we use the generalization of the Tutte polynomial discovered by B.Bollobas and O.Riordan.
Mutant knots and intersection graphs
We prove that if a finite order knot invariant does not distinguish mutant knots, then the corresponding weight system depends on the intersection graph of a chord diagram rather than on the diagram itself. The converse statement is easy and well known. We discuss relationship between our results and certain Lie algebra weight systems.
Energy of 4-Dimensional Black Hole, etc
In this letter I suggest possible redefinition of mass density, not depending on speed of the mass element, which leads to a more simple stress-energy for an object. I calculate energy of black hole.
Complete integrable systems with unconfined singularities
We prove that any globally periodic rational discrete system in K^k(where K denotes either R or C), has unconfined singularities, zero algebraic entropy and it is complete integrable (that is, it has as many functionally independent first integrals as the dimension of the phase space). In fact, for some of these systems the unconfined singularities are the key to obtain first integrals using the Darboux-type method of integrability.
On the largest prime factor of the Mersenne numbers
Let P(k) be the largest prime factor of the positive integer k. In this paper, we prove that the series $\sum_{n\ge 1}\frac{(\log n)^a}{P(2^n-1)}$ is convergent for each constant a<1/2, which gives a more precise form of a result of C. L. Stewart from 1977.
Siegel's theorem for Drinfeld modules
We prove an analog of Siegel's theorem for integral points in the context of Drinfeld modules. The result holds for finitely generated submodules of the additive group over a function field of transcendence dimension 1.
A dynamical version of the Mordell-Lang conjecture for the additive group
We prove a dynamical version of the Mordell-Lang conjecture in the context of Drinfeld modules. We use analytic methods similar to the ones employed by Skolem, Chabauty, and Coleman for studying diophantine equations.
Tautological classes on moduli spaces of curves with linear series and a push-forward formula when $\rho=0$
We define tautological Chow classes on the moduli space of curves with linear series. In the case where the forgetful morphism to the moduli space of curves has relative dimension zero, we describe the images of these classes in the Chow group of Mgbar. As an application, we compute the (virtual) slopes of several different classes of divisors on Mgbar.
Equivariant symmetric bilinear torsions
We extend the main result in the previous paper of Zhang and the author relating the Milnor-Turaev torsion with the complex valued analytic torsion to the equivariant case.
Carleman estimates and unique continuation for second order parabolic equations with nonsmooth coefficients
This work is devoted to the strong unique continuation problem for second order parabolic equations with nonsmooth coefficients. Introduction and bibliography have been revised.
Specialized computer algebra system for application in general relativity
A brief characteristic of the specialized computer algebra system GRG_EC intended for symbolic computations in the field of general relativity is given.
Reply to Comment on ``An Improved Experimental Limit on the Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron''
The Authors reply to the Comment of Golub and Lamoreaux. The experimental limit on the neutron electric dipole moment remains unchanged from that previously announced.
Spectra and symmetric eigentensors of the Lichnerowicz Laplacian on $S^n$
We compute the eigenvalues with multiplicities of the Lichnerowicz Laplacian acting on the space of symmetric covariant tensor fields on the Euclidian sphere $S^n$. The spaces of symmetric eigentensors are explicitly given.
Geometry and Dynamics of Quantum State Diffusion
Riemannian metric on real 2n-dimensional space associated with the equation governing complex diffusion of pure states of an open quantum system is introduced and studied. Examples of a qubit under the influence of dephasing and thermal environments are used to show that the curvature of the diffusion metric is a good indicator of the properties of the environment dominated evolution and its stability.
Compton-thick AGN and the Synthesis of the Cosmic X-ray Background: the Suzaku Perspective
We discuss the abundance of Compton-thick AGN as estimated by the most recent population synthesis models of the cosmic X-ray background. Only a small fraction of these elusive objects have been detected so far, in line with the model expectations. The advances expected by the broad band detectors on board Suzaku are briefly reviewed.
Triangulated categories without models
We exhibit examples of triangulated categories which are neither the stable category of a Frobenius category nor a full triangulated subcategory of the homotopy category of a stable model category. Even more drastically, our examples do not admit any non-trivial exact functors to or from these algebraic respectively topological triangulated categories.
Description of the Scenario Machine
We present here an updated description of the "Scenario Machine" code. This tool is used to carry out a population synthesis of binary stars. Previous version of the description can be found at http://xray.sai.msu.ru/~mystery//articles/review/contents.html
Calculating Valid Domains for BDD-Based Interactive Configuration
In these notes we formally describe the functionality of Calculating Valid Domains from the BDD representing the solution space of valid configurations. The formalization is largely based on the CLab configuration framework.
The p-adic generalized twisted (h,q)-euler-l-function and its applications
The purpose of this paper is to construct the p-adic twisted (h,q)-Euler-l-function, which interpolates the twisted generalized twisted Euler numbers attached to chi at a negative integer.
La formule de Lie-Trotter pour les semi-groupes fortement continus
In this research project we presents the general properties, the spectral properties and the representation formulas for $C_0$-semigroups of linear operators in Banach spaces
Flat Pencils of Symplectic Connections and Hamiltonian Operators of Degree 2
Bi-Hamiltonian structures involving Hamiltonian operators of degree 2 are studied. Firstly, pairs of degree 2 operators are considered in terms of an algebra structure on the space of 1-forms, related to so-called Fermionic Novikov algebras. Then, degree 2 operators are considered as deformations of hydrodynamic type Poisson brackets.
Equivalences of Higher Derived Brackets
This note elaborates on Th. Voronov's construction [math/0304038,math/0412202] of $L_\infty$-structures via higher derived brackets with a Maurer-Cartan element. It is shown that gauge equivalent Maurer-Cartan elements induce $L_\infty$-isomorphic structures. Applications in symplectic, Poisson and Dirac geometry are discussed.
Preconditioned Temporal Difference Learning
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. This draft is withdrawn for its poor quality in english, unfortunately produced by the author when he was just starting his science route. Look at the ICML version instead: http://icml2008.cs.helsinki.fi/papers/111.pdf
Sobolev solution for semilinear PDE with obstacle under monotonicity condition
We prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution of a semilinear PDE's and also PDE's with obstacle under monotonicity condition. Moreover we give the probabilistic interpretation of the Sobolev's solutions in term of Backward SDE and reflected Backward SDE respectively.
Framework for non-perturbative analysis of a Z(3)-symmetric effective theory of finite temperature QCD
We study a three dimensional Z(3)-symmetric effective theory of high temperature QCD. The exact lattice-continuum relations, needed in order to perform lattice simulations with physical parameters, are computed to order O(a^0) in lattice perturbation theory. Lattice simulations are performed to determine the phase structure of a subset of the parameter space.
Asymptotic stability at infinity for bidimensional Hurwitz vector fields
Let $X:U-->R^2$ be a differentiable vector field. Set $Spc(X)={eigenvalues of DX(z) : z\in U}$. This $X$ is called Hurwitz if $Spc(X)\subset{z\in C:\Re(z)<0}$. Suppose that $X$ is Hurwitz and $U\subset R^2$ is the complement of a compact set. Then by adding to $X$ a constant $v$ one obtains that the infinity is either an attractor or a repellor for $X+v.$
Renormalization of Hamiltonian QCD
We study to one-loop order the renormalization of QCD in the Coulomb gauge using the Hamitonian formalism. Divergences occur which might require counter-terms outside the Hamiltonian formalism, but they can be cancelled by a redefinition of the Yang-Mills electric field.
What made GRBs 060505 and 060614?
Recent observations of two nearby SN-less long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which share no obvious characteristics in their prompt emission, suggest a new phenomenological type of massive stellar death. Here we briefly review the observational properties of these bursts and their proposed hosts, and discuss whether a new GRB classification scheme is needed.
Some invariants of pretzel links
We show that nontrivial classical pretzel knots L(p,q,r) are hyperbolic with eight exceptions which are torus knots. We find Conway polynomials of n-pretzel links using a new computation tree. As applications, we compute the genera of n-pretzel links using these polynomials and find the basket number of pretzel links by showing that the genus and the canonical genus of a pretzel link are the same.
Curvature in Synthetic Differential Geometry of Groupoids
We study the fundamental properties of curvature in groupoids within the framework of synthetic differential geometry. As is usual in synthetic differential geometry, its combinatorial nature is emphasized. In particular, the classical Bianchi identity is deduced from its combinatorial one.
Proton Decay Constraints on Low Scale AdS/CFT Unification
Dark matter candidates and proton decay in a class of models based on the AdS/CFT correspondence are discussed. We show that the present bound on the proton decay lifetime is inconsistent with ${\cal N} = 1$ SUSY, and strongly constrains ${\cal N} = 0$ non-SUSY, low scale trinification type unification of orbifolded AdS$\otimes S^5$ models.
BPS Black Holes
The entropy of BPS black holes in four space-time dimensions is discussed from both macroscopic and microscopic points of view.
Large deviations of Poisson cluster processes
In this paper we prove scalar and sample path large deviation principles for a large class of Poisson cluster processes. As a consequence, we provide a large deviation principle for ergodic Hawkes point processes.
The Generalized PT-Symmetric Sinh-Gordon Potential Solvable within Quantum Hamilton-Jacobi Formalism
The generalized Sinh-Gordon potential is solved within quantum Hamiltonian Jacobi approach in the framework of PT symmetry. The quasi exact solutions of energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the generalized Sinh-Gordon potential are found for n=0,1 states.
On Beltrami fields with nonconstant proportionality factor on the plane
We consider the equation rotB+aB=0 (1) in the plane with a being a real-valued function and show that it can be reduced to a Vekua equation of a special form. In the case when a depends on one Cartesian variable a complete system of exact solutions of the Vekua equation and hence of equation (1) is constructed based on L. Bers' theory of formal powers.
On the solution of the static Maxwell system in axially symmetric inhomogeneous media
We consider the static Maxwell system with an axially symmetric dielectric permittivity and construct complete systems of its solutions which can be used for analytic and numerical solution of corresponding boundary value problems.
Exponential Decay of Correlations for Randomly Chosen Hyperbolic Toral Automorphisms
We consider pairs of toral automorphisms (A,B) satisfying an invariant cone property. At each iteration, A acts with probability p and B with probability 1-p. We prove exponential decay of correlations for a class of Holder continuous observables.
A Search for Electron Neutrino Appearance at the Delta m**2 ~ 1 eV**2 Scale
The MiniBooNE Collaboration reports first results of a search for $\nu_e$ appearance in a $\nu_\mu$ beam. With two largely independent analyses, we observe no significant excess of events above background for reconstructed neutrino energies above 475 MeV. The data are consistent with no oscillations within a two neutrino appearance-only oscillation model.
Proof of the Labastida-Marino-Ooguri-Vafa Conjecture
Based on large N Chern-Simons/topological string duality, in a series of papers, J.M.F. Labastida, M. Marino, H. Ooguri and C. Vafa conjectured certain remarkable new algebraic structure of link invariants and the existence of infinite series of new integer invariants. In this paper, we provide a proof of this conjecture. Moreover, we also show these new integer invariants vanish at large genera.
Concrete Classification and Centralizers of Certain $\mathbb{Z}^2 \rtimes {\rm SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$-actions
We introduce a new class of actions of the group $\G$ on finite von Neumann algebras and call them twisted Bernoulli shift actions. We classify these actions up to conjugacy and give an explicit description of their centralizers. We also distinguish many of those actions on the AFD $\mathrm{II}_1$ factor in view of outer conjugacy.
Massive N=1 supermultiplets with arbitrary superspins
In this paper we give explicit construction of massive N=1 supermultiplets in flat d=4 Minkowski space-time. We work in a component on-shell formalism based on gauge invariant description of massive integer and half-integer spin particles where massive supermultiplets are constructed out of appropriate set of massless ones.
Estimates for singular integrals and extrapolation
We prove a sharp Lp estimate for a singular Radon transform according to a size condition of its kernel, which is useful for extrapolation.
Riemannian and Lorentzian structures on the non symmetric space SO(2m)/Sp(m)
In this work, we are interested in a non symmetric homogeneous space, namely $SO(2m)/Sp(m)$. We show that this space admits a structure of $Z_2^2$-symmetric space. We describe all the non degenerated metrics and classify the Riemannian and Lorentzian ones.
Supersymmetric Field Theory Based on Generalized Uncertainty Principle
We construct a quantum theory of free fermion field based on the generalized uncertainty principle using supersymmetry as a guiding principle. A supersymmetric field theory with a real scalar field and a Majorana fermion field is given explicitly and we also find that the supersymmetry algebra is deformed from an usual one.
Matrix Ordered Operator Algebras
We study the question when for a given *-algebra $\mathcal{A}$ a sequence of cones $C_n\in M_n(\mathcal{A})$ can be realized as cones of positive operators in a faithful *-representation of $\mathcal{A}$ on a Hilbert space. A characterization of operator algebras which are completely boundedly isomorphic to $C\sp*$-algebras is presented.
A separable deformation of the quaternion group algebra
The Donald-Flanigan conjecture asserts that for any finite group and for any field, the corresponding group algebra can be deformed to a separable algebra. The minimal unsolved instance, namely the quaternion group over a field of characteristic 2 was considered as a counterexample. We present here a separable deformation of the quaternion group algebra. In a sense, the conjecture for any finite group is open again.
Entropy of eigenfunctions
We study the high--energy limit for eigenfunctions of the laplacian, on a compact negatively curved manifold. We review the recent result of Anantharaman-Nonnenmacher giving a lower bound on the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of semiclassical measures, and improve this lower bound in the case of variable negative curvature.
Vector meson production from a polarized nucleon
We provide a framework to analyze the electroproduction process ep -> ep rho with a polarized target, writing the angular distribution of the rho decay products in terms of spin density matrix elements that parameterize the hadronic subprocess gamma* p -> rho p. Using the helicity basis for both photon and meson, we find a representation in which the expressions for a polarized and unpolarized target are related by simple substitution rules.
On the characterization of isotropic Gaussian fields on homogeneous spaces of compact groups
Let T be a random field invariant under the action of a compact group G We give conditions ensuring that independence of the random Fourier coefficients is equivalent to Gaussianity. As a consequence, in general it is not possible to simulate a non-Gaussian invariant random field through its Fourier expansion using independent coefficients.
Sharp dark-mode resonances in planar metamaterials with broken structural symmetry
We report that resonant response with a very high quality factor can be achieved in a planar metamaterial by introducing symmetry breaking in the shape of its structural elements, which enables excitation of dark modes, i.e. modes that are weakly coupled to free space.
Core excitation in the elastic scattering and breakup of $^{11}$Be on protons
The elastic scattering and breakup of $^{11}$Be from a proton target at intermediate energies is studied. We explore the role of core excitation in the reaction mechanism. Comparison with the data suggests that there is still missing physics in the description.
An adaptive numerical method for the Vlasov equation based on a multiresolution analysis
In this paper, we present very first results for the adaptive solution on a grid of the phase space of the Vlasov equation arising in particles accelarator and plasma physics. The numerical algorithm is based on a semi-Lagrangian method while adaptivity is obtained using multiresolution analysis.
Anomalous energy transport in the FPU-beta chain
We consider the energy current correlation function for the FPU-beta lattice. For small non-linearity one can rely on kinetic theory. The issue reduces then to a spectral analysis of the linearized collision operator. We prove thereby that, on the basis of kinetic theory, the energy current correlations decay in time as t^(-3/5). It follows that the thermal conductivity is anomalous, increasing as N^(2/5) with the system size N.
High-altitude signatures of ionospheric density depletions caused by field-aligned currents
We present Cluster measurements of large electric fields correlated with intense downward field-aligned currents, and show that the data can be reproduced by a simple model of ionospheric plasma depletion caused by the currents. This type of magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction may be important when considering the mapping between these two regions of space.
Reply to Comment on "Chiral suppression of scalar glueball decay"
Reply to the comment of Chao, He, and Ma.