More supersymmetric Wilson loops
We present a large new family of Wilson loop operators in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. For an arbitrary curve on the three dimensional sphere one can add certain scalar couplings to the Wilson loop so it preserves at least two supercharges. Some previously known loops, notably the 1/2 BPS circle, belong to this class, but we point out many more special cases which were not known before and could provide further tests of the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Grothendieck rings of basic classical Lie superalgebras
The Grothendieck rings of finite dimensional representations of the basic classical Lie superalgebras are explicitly described in terms of the corresponding generalised root systems. We show that they can be interpreted as the subrings in the weight group rings invariant under the action of certain groupoids called Weyl groupoids.
Boundaries and the Casimir effect in non-commutative space-time
We calculate modifications to the scalar Casimir force between two parallel plates due to space-time non-commutativity. We devise a heuristic approach to overcome the difficulties of describing boundaries in non-commutative theories and predict that boundary corrections are of the same order as non-commutative volume corrections. Further, both corrections have the form of more conventional finite surface effects.
Negative differential conductivity in Heisenberg XXZ chain far from equilibrium
Negative differential conductivity is reported for the far from equilibrium quantum spin transport in the insulating regime (J_x < J_z) of finite Heisenberg XXZ spin 1/2 chains. The phenomenon is reproduced analytically for small chains of N=4 spins and further analyzed numerically, for up to N=16, using an efficient pure-state simulation with stochastic spin baths.
Representations of Lie algebras arising from polytopes
We present an extremely elementary construction of the simple Lie algebras over the complex numbers in all of their minuscule representations, using the vertices of various polytopes. The construction itself requires no complicated combinatorics and essentially no Lie theory other than the definition of a Lie algebra; in fact, the Lie algebras themselves appear as by-products of the construction.
Irreducible representations and Artin L-functions of quasi-cyclotomic fields
We determine all irreducible representations of primary quasi-cyclotomic fields in this paper. The methods can be applied to determine the irreducible representations of any quasi-cyclotomic field. We also compute the Artin L-functions for a class of quasi-cyclotomic fields.
Graphs with chromatic roots in the interval (1,2)
We present an infinite family of 3-connected non-bipartite graphs with chromatic roots in the interval (1,2) thus resolving a conjecture of Jackson's in the negative. In addition, we briefly consider other graph classes that are conjectured to have no chromatic roots in (1,2).
Finite-size correction and bulk hole-excitations for special case of an open XXZ chain with nondiagonal boundary terms at roots of unity
Using our solution for the open spin-1/2 XXZ quantum spin chain with N spins and two arbitrary boundary parameters at roots of unity, the central charge and the conformal dimensions for bulk hole excitations are derived from the 1/N correction to the energy (Casimir energy).
Inverse Scattering for Gratings and Wave Guides
We consider the problem of unique identification of dielectric coefficients for gratings and sound speeds for wave guides from scattering data. We prove that the "propagating modes" given for all frequencies uniquely determine these coefficients. The gratings may contain conductors as well as dielectrics and the boundaries of the conductors are also determined by the propagating modes.
Gersten's conjecture
The purpose of this article is to prove that Gersten's conjecture for a commutative regular local ring is true. As its applications, we will prove the vanishing conjecture for certain Chow groups, generator conjecture for certain $K$-groups and Bloch's formula for absolute case.
On the width of collective excitations in chiral soliton models
In chiral soliton models for baryons the computation of hadronic decay widths of baryon resonances is a long standing problem. For the three flavor Skyrme model I present a solution to this problem that satisfies large--$N_C$ consistency conditions. As an application I focus on the hadronic decay of the $\Theta$ and $\Theta^*$ pentaquarks.
The Einstein relation generalized to non-equilibrium
The Einstein relation connecting the diffusion constant and the mobility is violated beyond the linear response regime. For a colloidal particle driven along a periodic potential imposed by laser traps, we test the recent theoretical generalization of the Einstein relation to the non-equilibrium regime which involves an integral over measurable velocity correlation functions.
The Heaviside equation for laser heating of the fullerennes
In his paper the heating of the fullerenes by ultra-short laser pulses is investigated. The thermal Heaviside equation is formulated and solved for the Cauchy initial condition The effective thermal relaxation time is calculated.. Key words: fullerenes, Heaviside thermal equation, effective thermal relaxation time.
Probing Alpha-Vacua of Black Holes in LHC
Motivated by the idea of alpha-vacua in Schwarzschild spacetime, we studied the deformed spectrum of Hawking radiation. Such a deformation would leave signatures on the small black hole evaporation in LHC because their vacuum deviates from the Unruh state.
Factorization of the Non-Stationary Schrodinger Operator
We consider a factorization of the non-stationary Schrodinger operator based on the parabolic Dirac operator introduced by Cerejeiras/ Kahler/ Sommen. Based on the fundamental solution for the parabolic Dirac operators, we shall construct appropriated Teodorescu and Cauchy-Bitsadze operators. Afterwards we will describe how to solve the nonlinear Schrodinger equation using Banach fixed point theorem.
ATLAS Discovery Potential for the Charged Higgs Boson in H+ to tau nu Decays
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors in order to comply with the ATLAS publication policy and is now only available via the CERN cdsweb (http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/984015)
Coulomb scattering of the Dirac field on de Sitter expanding universe
The lowest order contribution of the amplitude of the Dirac-Coulomb scattering in de Sitter spacetime is calculated assuming that the initial and final states of the Dirac field are described by exact solutions of the free Dirac equation on de Sitter spacetime with a given momentum and helicity. One studies the difficulties that arises when one passes from the amplitude to cross section.
On a multi-resonant origin of high frequency quasiperiodic oscillations in the neutron-star X-ray binary 4U 1636-53
The results we presented were biased because of the typing error in the code transcription of the equation (A.12). We will replace by the corrected version soon. The brief of the corrected results can be found at http://www.physics.cz/research/doc/posters/1181038112_0.pdf
Symmetries in the system of type $A_5^{(2)}$
In this paper, we propose a 3-parameter family of coupled Painlev\'e III systems in dimension four with affine Weyl group symmetry of type $A_5^{(2)}$. We also propose its symmetric form in which the $A_5^{(2)}$-symmetries become clearly visible.
Cutting surfaces and applications to periodic points and chaotic-like dynamics
In this paper we propose an elementary topological approach which unifies and extends various different results concerning fixed points and periodic points for maps defined on sets homeomorphic to rectangles embedded in euclidean spaces. We also investigate the associated discrete semidynamical systems in view of detecting the presence of chaotic-like dynamics.
CdZnTe:Cl crystals for X-ray computer tomography detectors
Processes of growth of semi-insulating Cd(1-x)Zn(x)Te:Cl crystals (x = 0.0002 and 0.1) of n-type conductivity are investigated. From the grown crystals detectors for X-ray computer tomography with small value of photocurrent memory (afterglow) (0.1-0.3%) are obtained.
Symmetries in the system of type $D_4^{(1)}$
In this paper, we propose a 4-parameter family of coupled Painlev\'e III systems in dimension four with affine Weyl group symmetry of type $D_4^{(1)}$. We also propose its symmetric form in which the $D_4^{(1)}$-symmetries become clearly visible.
A new class of rank one transformations with singular spectrum
We introduce a new tool to study the spectral type of rank one transformations using the method of central limit theorem for trigonometric sums. We get some new applications.
Navier-Stokes equations with periodic boundary conditions and pressure loss
We present in this note the existence and uniqueness results for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations which model the laminar flow of an incompressible fluid inside a two-dimensional channel of periodic sections. The data of the pressure loss coefficient enables us to establish a relation on the pressure and to thus formulate an equivalent problem.
Solutions fortes de l'\'equation de l'\'energie
In this paper, we give some existence results of stong solutions for the energy equation associated to the Navier-Stokes equations with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions in two dimension.
On Brownian flights
Let K be a compact subset of ${\mathbb R}^n$. We choose at random with uniform law a point at distance $\epsilon$ of K and start a Brownian motion (BM) from this point. We study the probability that this BM hits K for the first time at a distance $\geq r$ from the starting point.
Analogy electromagnetism-acoustics: Validation and application to local impedance active control for sound absorption
An analogy between electromagnetism and acoustics is presented in 2D. The propagation of sound in presence of absorbing material is modeled using an open boundary microwave package. Validation is performed through analytical and experimental results. Application to local impedance active control for free field sound absorption is finally described.
Coupled Painlev\'e VI systems in dimension four with affine Weyl group symmetry of type $D_6^{(1)}$, II
We give a reformulation of a six-parameter family of coupled Painlev\'e VI systems with affine Weyl group symmetry of type $D_6^{(1)}$ from the viewpoint of its symmetry and holomorphy properties.
Growing Directed Networks: Estimation and Hypothesis Testing
Based only on the information gathered in a snapshot of a directed network, we present a formal way of checking if the proposed model is correct for the empirical growing network under study. In particular, we show how to estimate the attractiveness, and present an application of the model presented in [arxiv:0704.1847] to the scientific publications network from the ISI dataset.
Catalan Traffic and Integrals on the Grassmannians of Lines
We prove that certain numbers occurring in a problem of paths enumeration, studied by Niederhausen (Catlan Traffic at the Beach, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 9, (2002), 1--17), are top intersection numbers in the cohomology ring of the grassmannians of the lines in the complex projective (n+1)-space.
A note on Seshadri constants on general $K3$ surfaces
We prove a lower bound on the Seshadri constant $\epsilon (L)$ on a $K3$ surface $S$ with $\Pic S \simeq \ZZ[L]$. In particular, we obtain that $\epsilon (L)=\alpha$ if $L^2=\alpha^2$ for an integer $\alpha$.
Local well-posedness of Musiela's SPDE with L\'evy noise
We determine sufficient conditions on the volatility coefficient of Musiela's stochastic partial differential equation driven by an infinite dimensional L{\'e}vy process so that it admits a unique local mild solution in spaces of functions whose first derivative is square integrable with respect to a weight.
L'indice de Maslov dans les $JB^*$-triples
We construct a homotopy invariant index for pathes in the set of invertible tripotents in a JB*-triple that satisfy a Fredholm type condition with respect to a fixed invertible tripotent. That index generalizes the Maslov index in the Fredholm-Lagrangian of a symplectic Hilbert space.
Symmetry in the Painlev\'e systems and their extensions to four-dimensional systems
We give a new approach to the symmetries of the Painlev\'e equations $P_{V},P_{IV},P_{III}$ and $P_{II}$, respectively. Moreover, we make natural extensions to fourth-order analogues for each of the Painlev\'e equations $P_{V}$ and $P_{III}$, respectively, which are natural in the sense that they preserve the symmetries.
Multivariate Wavelet Frames
We proved that for any matrix dilation and for any positive integer $n$, there exists a compactly supported tight wavelet frame with approximation order $n$. Explicit methods for construction of dual and tight wavelet frames with a given number of vanishing moments are suggested.
An English translation o Bertrand's theorem
A beautiful theorem due to J. L. F. Bertrand concerning the laws of attraction that admit bounded closed orbits for arbitrarily chosen initial conditions is translated from French into English.
Dynamics of the universe in the modified unimodular theory of gravity
The equations that govern the dynamics of the universe in the modified unimodular theory of gravity are derived. We find a mechanism for inflation in the early universe without postulating a false vacuum state during the first $10^{-35}$ seconds after the Big Bang. In addition, we find a natural explanation for the acceleration of the universe without resorting to dark energy.
The Invariant Ring of Triples of 3x3 Matrices over a Field of Arbitrary Characteristic
Let R_{n,d} be the ring of invariants of d-tuples of n x n matrices under the simultaneous conjugation action of the general linear group. A minimal generating system and a homogeneous system of parameters for R_{3,3} are determined. Homogeneous systems of parameters for R_{3,2}, R_{4,2} are also pointed out.
Indecomposable invariants of quivers for dimension (2,...,2) and maximal paths
An upper bound on degrees of elements of a minimal generating system for invariants of quivers of dimension (2,...,2) is established over a field of arbitrary characteristic and its precision is estimated. The proof is based on the reduction to the problem of description of maximal paths satisfying certain condition.
Hopf algebras of dimension pq, II
Let H be a Hopf algebra of dimension pq over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, where p, q are odd primes with p < q < 4p+12. We prove that H is semisimple and thus isomorphic to a group algebra, or the dual of a group algebra.
The Topological Theory of the Milnor Invariant $\bar{\mu}(1,2,3)$
We study a topological Abelian gauge theory that generalizes the Abelian Chern-Simons one, and that leads in a natural way to the Milnor's link invariant $\bar{\mu}(1,2,3)$ when the classical action on-shell is calculated.
Integrable Nonautonomous Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
We show that a recently given nonautonomous nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE) can be transformed into the autonomous NLSE.
New $_5F_4$ hypergeometric transformations, three-variable Mahler measures, and formulas for $1/\pi$
New relations are established between families of three-variable Mahler measures. Those identities are then expressed as transformations for the $_5F_4$ hypergeometric function. We use these results to obtain two explicit $_5F_4$ evaluations, and several new formulas for $1/\pi$.
Superfield formulation of 4D, N=1 massless higher spin gauge field theory and supermatrix model
We study the relation between a supermatrix model and the free 4D, N=1 supersymmetric field theory of a massless supermultiplet with spins (3, 5/2). In order to do this, we construct a superfield formulation of the theory. We show that solutions of the equations of motion for the supermultiplet (3, 5/2) satisfy the equations of motion of a supermatrix model.
An Abstract Regularity Lemma
We extend Szemeredi's Regularity Lemma (SRL) to abstract measure spaces. Our main aim is to find general conditions under which the original proof of Szemeredi still works. To illustrate that our approach has some merit, we outline several applications. Some of these applications seem to be tailored to our approach: in particular, we are not aware of any alternative proofs.
On Carmichael's Conjecture
In this article we prove that equation $\phi(x)=n$, for a fixed $n$, admits a finite number of solutions, we find the general form of these solutions, and we show that: if $x_0$ is a unique solution of this equation then $x_0$ is a product of a very large number of primes (we conjecture that the number of such primes is infinite).
Another Odd Thing About Unparticle Physics
The peculiar propagator of scale invariant unparticles has phases that produce unusual patterns of interference with standard model processes. We illustrate some of these effects in $e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-$.
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and the GeV-TeV Diffuse Gamma-Ray Flux
Ultra-high energy cosmic ray protons accelerated in astrophysical objects produce secondary electromagnetic cascades during propagation in the cosmic microwave and infrared backgrounds. We show that such cascades can contribute between ~1% and ~50% of the GeV-TeV diffuse photon flux measured by the EGRET experiment. The GLAST satellite should have a good chance to discover this flux.
Fermionic formulas for (1,p) logarithmic model characters in \Phi_{2,1} quasiparticle realisation
We give expressions for the characters of $(1,p)$ logarithmic conformal field models in the Gordon-type form. The formulas are obtained in terms of ``quasiparticles'' that are Virasoro $\Phi_{2,1}$ primary fields and generalize the symplectic fermions.
N=2 supergravity in three dimensions and its Godel supersymmetric background
The four dimensional Godel spacetime is known to have the structure M_3 x R. It is also known that the three-dimensional factor M_3 is an exact solution of three-dimensional gravity coupled to a Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. We build in this paper a N=2 supergravity extension for this action and prove that the Godel background preserves half of all supersymmetries.
Coupled Painlev\'e III systems with affine Weyl group symmetry of types $B_5^{(1)},D_5^{(1)}$ and $D_6^{(2)}$
We find and study four kinds of five-parameter family of six-dimensional coupled Painlev\'e III systems with affine Weyl group symmetry of types $D_5^{(1)},B_5^{(1)}$ and $D_6^{(2)}$. We show that each system is equivalent by an explicit birational and symplectic transformation, respectively. We also show that we characterize each system from the viewpoint of holomorphy.
Discontinuity of the Lempert function and the Kobayashi--Royden metric of the spectral ball
Some results on the discontinuity properties of the Lempert function and the Kobayashi pseudometric in the spectral ball are given.
Coupled Painlev\'e III systems with affine Weyl group symmetry of types $B_4^{(1)}$, $D_4^{(1)}$ and $D_5^{(2)}$
We find and study four kinds of a 4-parameter family of four-dimensional coupled Painlev\'e III systems with affine Weyl group symmetry of types $B_4^{(1)}$, $D_4^{(1)}$ and $D_5^{(2)}$. We also show that these systems are equivalent by an explicit birational and symplectic transformation, respectively.
Lineare Rekurrenzen, Potenzreihen und ihre erzeugenden Funktionen
Diese kurze Einfuehrung in Theorie und Berechnung linearer Rekurrenzen versucht, eine Luecke in der Literatur zu fuellen. Zu diesem Zweck sind viele ausfuehrliche Beispiele angegeben. This short introduction to theory and usage of linear recurrences tries to fill a gap in the literature by giving many extensive examples.
Un module inversible associ\'e au ruban de M\"obius, et quelques autres
After attaching explicitly to the M\"obius strip an invertible module over the ring of real polynomial functions on the real circle, we expound as directly as possible the many faces and the main algebraic properties of invertible modules. The goal is to make this algebraic concept accessible to a wide mathematical audience.
Substrate temperature changes during MBE growth of GaMnAs
Remarkably big increase of the substrate temperature during the low-temperature MBE growth of GaMnAs layers is observed by means of band gap spectroscopy. It is explained and simulated in terms of changes in the absorption/emission characteristics of the growing layer. Options for the temperature variation damping are discussed.
Supersymmetry breaking by constant superpotentials and O'Raifeartaigh model in warped space
Supersymmetry breaking together by constant boundary superpotentials and by the O'Raifeartaigh model is studied in a warped space model. It is shown that the contribution of constant boundary superpotentials enables the moduli of chiral supermultiplets to be stabilized and that the vacuum at the stationary point has zero cosmological constant in a wide region of parameters.
On the Stability Functional for Conservation Laws
This note is devoted to the explicit construction of a functional defined on all pairs of $\L1$ functions with small total variation, which is equivalent to the $\L1$ distance and non increasing along the trajectories of a given system of conservation laws. Two different constructions are provided, yielding an extension of the original stability functional by Bressan, Liu and Yang.
Pure Point spectrum for measure dynamical systems on locally compact Abelian groups
We show equivalence of pure point diffraction and pure point dynamical spectrum for measurable dynamical systems build from locally finite measures on locally compact Abelian groups. This generalizes all earlier results of this type. Our approach is based on a study of almost periodicity in a Hilbert space. It allows us to set up a perturbation theory for arbitrary equivariant measurable perturbations.
Homotopy coherent nerve in Deformation theory
In this note we explain that homotopy coherent simplicial nerve has to used intead of the standard definition in the author's papers on formal deformation theory. A convenient version of the notion of fibered category is presented which is useful once one works with simplicial categories.
Analyticity of strictly static and strictly stationary, inheriting and non-inheriting Einstein-Maxwell solutions
Following the technique of M\"uller-zum-Hagen, refs [1,2], we show that strictly static and strictly stationary solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations are analytic in harmonic coordinates. This holds whether or not the Maxwell field inherits the symmetry.
Postnikov-Stability for Complexes
We present a novel notion of stable objects in the derived category of coherent sheaves on a smooth projective variety. As one application we compactify a moduli space of stable bundles using genuine complexes.
Substitution tilings with statistical circular symmetry
Two new series of substitution tilings are introduced in which the tiles appear in infinitely many orientations. It is shown that several properties of the well-known pinwheel tiling do also hold for these new examples, and, in fact, for all substitution tilings showing tiles in infinitely many orientations.
Quelques plats pour la m\'etrique de Hofer
We show, by an elementary and explicit construction, that the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of certain symplectic manifolds, endowed with Hofer's metric, contains subgroups quasi-isometric to Euclidean spaces of arbitrary dimension.
Self-Similar Solutions of the Non-Strictly Hyperbolic Whitham Equations for the KdV Hierarchy
We study the Whitham equations for all the higher order KdV equations. The Whitham equations are neither strictly hyperbolic nor genuinely nonlinear. We are interested in the solution of the Whitham equations when the initial values are given by a step function.
Self-dual tilings with respect to star-duality
The concept of star-duality is described for self-similar cut-and-project tilings in arbitrary dimensions. This generalises Thurston's concept of a Galois-dual tiling. The dual tilings of the Penrose tilings as well as the Ammann-Beenker tilings are calculated. Conditions for a tiling to be self-dual are obtained.
Integration on moduli spaces of stable curves through localization
We introduce a new method of calculating intersections on \bar{M}_{g,n}, using localization of equivariant cohomology. As an application, we give a proof of Mirzakhani's recursion relation for calculating intersections of mixed psi and kappa_1 classes.
Introduction to Phase Transitions in Random Optimization Problems
Notes of the lectures delivered in Les Houches during the Summer School on Complex Systems (July 2006).
Note on charge interaction in NQED
The interaction of charges in NQED is discussed. It is shown that the relativistic correction have the same form as in the commutative case provided the Weyl ordering rule is used.
Local Energy Velocity of Classical Fields
It is proposed to apply a recently developed concept of local wave velocities to the dynamical field characteristics, especially for the canonical field energy density. It is shown that local energy velocities can be derived from the lagrangian directly. The local velocities of zero- and first- order for energy propagation has been obtained for special cases of scalar and vector fields. Some important special cases of these results are discussed.
Metastable String Vacua
We argue that tachyon-free type I string vacua with supersymmetry breaking in the open sector at the string scale can be interpreted, via S and T-duality arguments, as metastable vacua of supersymmetric type I superstring. The dynamics of the process can be partially captured via nucleation of brane-antibrane pairs out of the non-supersymmetric vacuum and subsequent tachyon condensation.
A tree without leaves
The puzzle presented by the famous stumps of Gilboa, New York, finds a solution in the discovery of two fossil specimens that allow the entire structure of these early trees to be reconstructed.
Characteristic forms of complex Cartan geometries
We calculate relations on characteristic classes which are obstructions preventing closed K\"ahler manifolds from carrying holomorphic Cartan geometries. We apply these relations to give global constraints on the phase spaces of complex analytic determined and underdetermined systems of differential equations.
On the quark propagator singularity
Using the method of Fukuda and Kugo \cite{FUKKUG} the continuation of Euclidean solution is performed to the timelike axis of fourmomenta. It is shown that assumed presence of the real simple pole in quark propagator is not in agreement with the solution. The simple pole disappears because of the discontinuity in the resulting quark mass function.
Homomorphic images of Branch groups, and Serre's property (FA)
It is shown that a finitely generated branch group has Serre's property (FA) if and only if it does not surject onto the infinite cyclic group or the infinite dihedral group. An example of a finitely generated self-similar branch group surjecting onto the infinite cyclic group is constructed.
Higher order Painleve system of type D^{(1)}_{2n+2} arising from integrable hierarchy
A higher order Painleve system of type D^{(1)}_{2n+2} was introduced by Y. Sasano. It is an extension of the sixth Painleve equation for the affine Weyl group symmetry. It is also expressed as a Hamiltonian system of order 2n with a coupled Painleve VI Hamiltonian. In this paper, we discuss a derivation of this system from a Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy.
Strong photon non-linearities and photonic Mott insulators
We show, that photon non-linearities in electromagnetically induced transparency can be at least one order of magnitude larger than predicted in all previous approaches. As an application we demonstrate that, in this regime they give rise to very strong photon - photon interactions which are strong enough to make an experimental realization of a photonic Mott insulator state feasible in arrays of coupled ultra high-Q micro-cavities.
Formal completions of N\'eron models for algebraic tori
We calculate the formal group law which represents the completion of the N\'eron model of an algebraic torus over the rationals that splits in a tamely ramified abelian extension. As a tools in the proof, we define and give criterions to compute the Weil restriction of a formal group law and the analog of the fixed part of a formal group law with respect to the action of a (finite) group.
Distributions of Roots of Reduced Cubic Equations with Random Coefficients
If the coefficients of polynomials are selected by some random process, the zeros of the resulting polynomials are in some sense random. In this paper the author rephrases the above in more precise language, and calculates the joint conditional densities of a random vector whose values determine almost surely the zeros of a "random" reduced cubic.
Uniform convergence in the mapping class group
We characterize convex cocompact subgroups of the mapping class group of a surface in terms of uniform convergence actions on the zero locus of the limit set. We also construct subgroups that act as uniform convergence groups on their limit sets, but are not convex cocompact.
Phases of three dimensional large N QCD on a continuum torus
It is established by numerical means that continuum large N QCD defined on a three dimensional torus can exist in four different phases. They are (i) confined phase; (ii) deconfined phase; (iii) small box at zero temperature and (iv) small box at high temperatures.
Computing Extensions of Linear Codes
This paper deals with the problem of increasing the minimum distance of a linear code by adding one or more columns to the generator matrix. Several methods to compute extensions of linear codes are presented. Many codes improving the previously known lower bounds on the minimum distance have been found.
Regions without complex zeros for chromatic polynomials on graphs with bounded degree
We prove that the chromatic polynomial $P_\mathbb{G}(q)$ of a finite graph $\mathbb{G}$ of maximal degree $\D$ is free of zeros for $\card q\ge C^*(\D)$ with $$ C^*(\D) = \min_{0<x<2^{1\over \D}-1} {(1+x)^{\D-1}\over x [2-(1+x)^\D]} $$ This improves results by Sokal (2001) and Borgs (2005). Furthermore, we present a strengthening of this condition for graphs with no triangle-free vertices.
Recent Developments in Maser Theory
This review covers selected developments in maser theory since the previous meeting, "Cosmic Masers: From Proto-Stars to Black Holes" (Migenes & Reid 2002). Topics included are time variability of fundamental constants, pumping of OH megamasers and indicators for differentiating disks from bi-directional outflows.
Isolated fixed points and moment maps of symplectic manifolds
Withdrawn due to an incompleteness of the main results.
Unobservable Higgs Boson and Spontaneous Violation of Lorentz Invariance
The standard theory of elementary particle physics is modified in such a way that the Higgs boson becomes unobservable and Lorentz invariance is slightly violated at the level of the S-matrix. The basic technique of realizing these properties without violating the unitarity of the physical S-matrix is the use of the complex-ghost quantum field theory.
On Multiplier Hermitian Structures on Compact Kahler Manifolds
Mabuchi introduced multiplier Hermitian structures on compact Kahler manifolds and defined metrics similar to Kahler-Einstein metrics under these structures. In this note we generalize the inequality of Moser-Trudinger type on Kahler-Einstein manifolds to this case.
A Wegner estimate for multi-particle random Hamiltonians
We prove a Wegner estimate for a large class of multiparticle Anderson Hamiltonians on the lattice. These estimates will allow us to prove Anderson localization for such systems. A detailed proof of localization will be given in a subsequent paper.
Local quantum mechanics with finite Planck mass
In this paper the motion of quantum particles with initial mass m is investigated. The quantum mechanics equation is formulated and solved. It is shown that the wave function contains the component which is depended on the gravitation fine structure constant
D-brane superpotentials and RG flows on the quintic
The behaviour of D2-branes on the quintic under complex structure deformations is analysed by combining Landau-Ginzburg techniques with methods from conformal field theory. It is shown that the boundary renormalisation group flow induced by the bulk deformations is realised as a gradient flow of the effective space time superpotential which is calculated explicitly to all orders in the boundary coupling constant.
Effect of premelting on conductivity of DNA-lipid films
We have measured temperature dependent (between 20 and 80 C) electrical conductivity and molecular structure (Raman spectroscopy) of DNA-lipid cast film. Our findings show that the conductivity is strongly influenced by premelting effects in the molecular structure starting near physiological temperatures (~40 C), prior to the global DNA denaturation.
D.E.U.S. (Dimension Embedded in Unified Symmetry)
An unified model of the Universe, Black Holes, particles .... and beyond.
The isospin symmetry breaking effects in $K_{e4}$ decays
The Fermi-Watson theorem is generalized to the case of two coupled channels with different masses and applied to final state interaction in $K_{e4}$ decays. The impact of considered effect on the phase of the $\pi\pi$ scattering is estimated and shown that it can be crucial for scattering lengths extraction from experimental data on $K_{e4}$ decays.
CP Violation Studies at Tevatron
We present an overview of a few recent results related to CP-violation from the Tevatron. First, we discuss a measurement of the dimuon charge asymmetry from D{\O}that extracts the CP-violation parameter of $\Bo$ mixing and decay. This is followed by the CDF measurement of the CP-violating asymmetry in $\bdkpi$ decays. Finally we give the CDF result on the ratio $R = \frac{BR(B \to D^0 K)}{BR(B \to D^0 \pi)}$
Entanglement induced Sub-Planck structures
We study Wigner function of a system describing entanglement of two cat-states. Quantum interferece arising due to entanglement is shown to produce sub-Planck structures in the phase-space plots of the Wigner function. Origin of these structures in our case depends on entanglement unlike those in Zurek \cite{Zurek}. It is argued that the entangled cat-states are better suited for carrying out precision measurements.
On the Applications of a New Technique to Solve Linear Differential Equations, with and without Source
A general method for solving linear differential equations of arbitrary order, is used to arrive at new representations for the solutions of the known differential equations, both without and with a source term. A new quasi-solvable potential has also been constructed taking recourse to the above method.
A Channel that Heats Up
Motivated by on-chip communication, a channel model is proposed where the variance of the additive noise depends on the weighted sum of the past channel input powers. For this channel, an expression for the capacity per unit cost is derived, and it is shown that the expression holds also in the presence of feedback.
Classification of line-transitive point-imprimitive linear spaces with line size at most 12
In this paper we complete a classification of finite linear spaces $\cS$ with line size at most 12 admitting a line-transitive point-imprimitive subgroup of automorphisms. The examples are the Desarguesian projective planes of orders $4,7, 9$ and 11, two designs on 91 points with line size 6, and 467 designs on 729 points with line size 8.
On matrix type corings, algebra coverings and Cech cohomology
We investigate the a matrix-type coring associated to a complete covering of an algebra, its Amitsur complex and propose a definition for the related Cech cohomology relative to the covering.
Twisted Dirac Operators over Quantum Spheres
We construct new families of spectral triples over quantum spheres, with a particular attention focused on the standard Podles quantum sphere and twisted Dirac operators.