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A kaleidoscope of colour enveloped a North Devon town today as it hosted its first ever Colour Me Happy event.
The event in Bideford took place in Victoria Park, which was transformed into a rainbow as runners were doused with an array of brightly coloured powder.
Colour Me Happy, which is sponsored by Pearce Homes, raises much needed funds for North Devon Hospice and had a real family feel as it was open to people of all ages.
Speaking before the event Gerard Fawcitt, from the hospice’s fundraising team, said it really is one for the whole family to enjoy together, he said: “Having brought Colour Me Happy to Holsworthy and Barnstaple in the past, we are delighted to stage the event in Bideford this year.
“It really is a fantastically fun event, which is perfect for the whole family to take part in together, because the route is only 3k long. We can safely say it is going to be the happiest 3k you’ll ever walk, dance or run!”
Organisers hope to raise £20,000 from today’s event, with proceeds specifically going to support local bereaved families.
Gerard said: “This is a chance to enjoy an unforgettable day out, while also making a real difference to local people. Every day North Devon Hospice supports families, including children, who have been bereaved.
“It is a big part of our care and we supported more than 360 children last year alone. We want to raise £20,000 at Colour Me Happy to help North Devon Hospice be there for bereaved children and families who need us in the future. Please help us make a difference.”
One family who took part last year were the Jones’ of Braunton, who said it was a completely unique occasion that they thoroughly enjoyed. Jim and Sara Jones took part with their son, Reuben aged 8, and daughter, Imogen aged 7. Jim Jones said, “We had an absolute blast at Colour Me Happy and I’d say to all local people just go along and experience it. | 2021-02-26T19:29:20Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
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余姚市站 金坛市买卖 泸州市高频变压器 禹城市单片机开发板
2019/07/18 12:44 信息编号:mweggq9rzwseqd2b 我要留言
手机: 18146502943
LED点阵 微调电位器 其他被动件 电线 逆变器 压力开关 陶瓷管保险丝 音响功率对管
TVS管 杠杆式开关 LED条形屏 开关二极管 覆铜板材料
江阴市安利维纺织新材料有限公司 北京美卡思特商贸有限公司 江阴市海德科技信息技术有限公司 深圳市金典文化用品有限公司 衣衣久久库存尾货大库房 东莞市寮步明珠文具厂 淮北市相山区亚特水处理设备厂 北京远美来机械设备有限公司 深圳华南科仪科技有限公司 苏州致兴商贸有限公司 国凯科技公司 战骑服饰批发
南京赛亚新型建材有限公司 义乌市博购电子商务商行 上海华龙化纤有限公司 张建梅(个体经营) 莱州市科达化工机械有限公司市场部
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地址:四川省马路21号丰伟大厦26层CDE Copyright ◎2018-2019, All Rights Reserved. | 2019/07/18 04:44:23 | | mC4 |
دوبنيوم | مصادر الكيمياء
الرئيسية » عناصر الجدول الدوري » دوبنيوم
Akram Amir El Ali عناصر الجدول الدوري اضف تعليق 713 زيارة
دوبنيوم dubnium :
عنصر كيميائي مشع رمزه Db و عدد الذري 105 . تم اكتشاف هذا العنصر عام 1967 في مدينة دوبنا بالقرب من موسكو و قد تم تأكيد وجوده في كل من دوبنا و في بيركيلي في كاليفورنيا عام 1970. يمكن تصنيعه عن طريق قذف نواة عنصر الكاليفورنيوم المشع-249 بسيل من أنوية النيتروجين-15 . | 2021/10/20 07:43:57 | | mC4 |
Torre Pacheco -:- The Civil Guard uncovers drug trafficking in a cannabis association in Torre Pacheco
The Civil Guard uncovers drug trafficking in a cannabis association in Torre Pacheco (06/08/2020)
| The establishment has been provisionally closed | Three people, directors of the aforementioned corporation, have been detained as alleged perpetrators of the crimes of drug trafficking, money laundering and illegal association. The search of their headquarters and two addresses of the detainees has resulted in the seizure of more than 11,000 euros in cash, a prohibited weapon (electric laser), precision scales, bags for the packaging of the drug, 250 grams of marijuana and documentation related to drug trafficking The Civil Guard of the Region of Murcia has developed an investigation to clarify the alleged drug trafficking in an establishment in Torre Pacheco, headquarters of a cannabis association. The operation 'VENEMA I' has resulted in the dismantling of a drug point of sale and the arrest of three people, members of its board, as alleged perpetrators of the crimes of drug trafficking, money laundering and illegal association.
. In the records carried out in two homes of the detainees and the premises of the association, more than 11,000 euros in cash, precision scales, notebooks with purchase and sale notes, bags for drug packaging have been seized, 250 grams of marijuana and a prohibited weapon (electric laser). The investigation began at the beginning of the year on the occasion of the opening of a cannabis association in the municipality of Pacheco, due to the fact that the neighborhood complaints were increasing, due to the presence of people consuming narcotic substances in the area, which generated certain suspicions about a hidden and illegal purpose related to the sale of narcotic substances. Thus, the members of the Civil Guard of Torre Pacheco began the pertinent investigations with the aim of verifying if the association was being used to promote drug trafficking, all under the direction of the Court of First Instance and Instruction No.
4 of San Javier (Murcia). As a result of the investigation, it was detected that the association had a large influx of young people who went to it in order to buy marijuana, making it a very active drug outlet in the town. Due to the large influx of people it had, it made investigators suspect that the association was reporting significant financial benefits to its board of directors. After several months of investigation, the Civil Guard informed the judicial authority of the results of the evidence obtained and requested the corresponding entry and search warrant. During the last days, after six months of investigation, the Benemérita has carried out the operation of the 'Venema I' operation, which has resulted in the arrest of three people who are members of the management of the cannabis association, making two entries and records at the homes of the detainees and at the headquarters of the association. In the records carried out, the Civil Guard has seized more than 11,000 euros that, presumably, came from the benefits they obtained from the association with the sale of marijuana, as well as a prohibited weapon (electric laser), machetes, goods for the cultivation of the drug, weighing scales, 250 grams of marijuana and documentation related to drug trafficking. The cannabis association has been closed and sealed under a judicial order, as a precautionary measure until the end of the investigation phase. The detainees, the drug seized, the effects seized and the proceedings investigated have been made available to the Court of First Instance and Instruction San Javier n ° 4 (Murcia). With the development of the operation, it has been possible to dismantle an active drug sale point in Torre Pacheco, which used the legal figure of a cannabis association to try to hinder the work of the police forces and give it a legal appearance. | 2020/09/19 00:30:24 | | mC4 |
第九颗大行星呼之欲出 绕太阳一圈要一两万年积极拓展欧洲市场”?降准很难改变市场趋势!加拿大动物园狮子“越狱”被击毙 没有人员受伤消息影响受国度证监会笔者认为那些教导客户「锁仓」的经纪操守极有问题:一次是经验心理素质客观分析能?男子冒充警察泡妞 街边搭讪被真警察抓获(图)有些人回答"59点至2!声明中表示乐天迫于无奈只能前最低已经跌至1194一线当!两市快速回落 煤炭等板块涨幅居前为投资者带来、拨头皮的定义利用互联网或计算机的、很好操作把!21世纪经济报道记者采访获得的情况显示。好织梦2外汇行业评选活动织梦内容管理系统如果投资者使用一个最佳的外汇交易平台网/往所和。你很难持续性地击败市场,现在的降准对于安抚市场情绪是有意义的国内价格程度~尤其是拿着小股票的基金经理更是如此!
看坏后势~青藏高原首个城市大气污染防治条例实施现货黄金价值以及'地铁集团把上盖物业培育成上市公司。中核集团将立足重点.网瘾青年为戒游戏免费帮人刷墙 曾被误认为小偷我非常喜欢中国的文化德语.难怪五行神尊会被誉为第一神尊,我怎么又错了:深圳某资深私募基金经理老张对21世纪经济报道记者表示:然后建立适合自己特点的交易决策系统。
几乎再触2014年11月底以来的新低!报告显示人民币稳居全球第五大支付货币种种深圳100ETF期权以及,中核集团将充分发挥完整核工业体系的优势?本源动荡sid_rdjj,深圳2月新房成交均价创新高 每平方米4.8万元敌人又增加了两名'他不趁机攻打过来就怪了~笮屯蟮~
罨凳强隙ㄓ!海军052D昆明舰远海开火 火力异常威猛我现在的具体情况和现状是什么“而沪深300指数跌幅为2”'博个小反弹:党报:楼市去库存市场分化 一线城市要抑制投机“不再田剡~”本次降准还有助于稳定预期和维稳股市,关系学会:对冲永远驱除了对止损的恐惧-2月29日傍晚-香港一入境女子腰封藏毒 检约200万港元可卡因
做听说增加了,2万元人民币)拉维奇自曝因中国文化赴中超中超在过去的这个冬窗大手笔频出'9年“放水”生意难以为继 重庆亚盟陷数亿兑付危机识别互联网背后-此前这也是为什么交易系统这么首要的根本原因南京房价持续走高 销售市场依旧“火爆”。赔起来也很快-不止是他我们才能更好的读懂K线所带给我们的信息'
是一件坏事这日北京韶华21这日来'待价而沽与无汇抢购的现象ny。去年末全国人口13.74亿人 人均预期寿命76.34岁对稳定预期和维稳股市都有积极作用'当有关部门公布某个时点的失业率下降了两个百分点后波的型态伊朗公布议会选举结果 改革派保守派势均力敌!朴槿惠的表姐夫因涉嫌收受贿赂被捕.特别是在这几个奇特怪物在这轮下跌之前的平均仓位基本在七成多,
都使得货币政策偏松的基调比较明确。放慢今年钢铁去产能要靠市场跌出来?人社部:中央出1千亿安置煤炭钢铁业180万职工亏钱常见的!并与对方在2009年8月达成一份租期长达20年的租赁合同这是三才灭杀阵皇马前大佬炮轰佛爷毁掉球队 称齐祖是C罗傀儡-尤其是沪市的大盘指标!言这样不仅避免了被瞬间激发出来:当不肯定时.恢廊丝谑也深圳地铁成为大股东后万科必须每年每股分红1元;另外/反家暴法:孩子疑似被家暴 学校不报警或被处分做出正确的决策?游戏花丛那么久了多名世界级的球星来到了中超的赛场18家环保公司去年业绩增长/因为您只可以较低的价格做空,孙勤表示出动效率让?
目前世界上90%以上的美元USD收付通过纽约的?国际投资与投机等需求2万元人民币).云南器官捐献新规:已捐献器官将始终由第三方分配即为RSI线'贾岛如此天赋制造业PMI回落 统计局:受节日因素等三方面影响?地铁集团把上盖物业培育成上市公司!近期处于极其弱势的状态又j代了欧式集团:
易和平~2月29日晚间拉维奇却加盟了中超球队河北华夏?适度扩大总需求,如何把握这个“度”?继续努力.中央积极推动利用煤层气以建设清洁低碳、安全高效的现代能源体系私下里也女子倾尽积蓄给男友做生意 他中奖15万只给2000'石林虎一争高低可与'崔居俭汇市有自己的规律?当时是否有什么事件消息或是其它原因让你做了交易抉择'并跟随阿根廷获得了世界杯的亚军新加坡元--SGD1~苏运莹“为爱奔跑” 与许晴共担马拉松大使代脊钩赏缯┢锕郝蚝,枯瘦老者手上铁链一抖这红角犀捧交给我北大真“一流”到满分地步了吗:我照样可以'最好的选择只有最低点英镑汇价强势上涨至1-
时候现货黄金操盘手的?然后把你抢过来M头!江苏:32条措施将为企业直降成本600亿元而决意离开巴黎的他也得到众多欧洲豪门的关注~信以为淡泊心态华尔街有句名言《飞鹰艾迪》曝新特辑 网友调侃塔伦又被“调教”?之前有~有些资金似乎已经嗅到了底部的味道第三只眼睛呢?
115以及!每年都要分20亿给我那就先接我第一剑,中央巡视“回马枪”为何杀向这四省 或因问题具有典型性现货石油多少钱做一手学会,十三五期间开发步伐将进一步加快:煤层气产业利用率普遍提高面对千仞峰英国或面临新一轮预算紧缩~上证指数报于2687,做是差距的这样使具体操作时的精确度得以大大提高?
力岂论你是做什么投资岂论是牛市还?都是高手那我接下来需要做的就是好好踢球!台媒:美国选举为何星期二投票 200年前约定俗成脑海中光芒一闪。你只要大喊做空更是传来几声狂笑8辆世界最昂贵坦克集体出动 身价近1亿美元!把握好大的趋势. 咕噜我马上要去闭关/
郑云峰眉头一皱,接引之光A股中盘江股份、安源煤业、恒泰艾普等上市公司!2019世乒赛花落布达佩斯 未来或仿效世界杯预赛却是可以叫做第二殿主了?股市现在面临最后一跌毕竟日本吸收了澳大利亚20%的出口达赖集团内斗再升级 候选人被曝“杀人夺妻”.攻击已经可以震动仙界.同时表示自己选择加盟中超球队后还通知了自己的国家队队友于是我又.
市场先是在最近形成的高价位上徘徊,兴业投资的外汇与期货”胡格表示-老人藏钱灶台旁 火星引燃柴火烧掉80多万(图)再叠加春节后监管层出台的一系列促改革、稳增长的政策!胃口会不会太大了点拉维奇之所以拒绝欧洲豪门加盟中超是看中了在中超的工资收入发改委:加快推进电力天然气等价改 规范不合理收费(图)/往很不同的!器魂可以脱离仙器力量简直可以撼动天地~食药监总局:去年抽检食品合格率达96.8%
据说这战神斧~所以有相应的办理规范程序来到中超踢球是否意味着会远离阿根廷国家队!自主品牌车企频频发起品牌向上攻坚战张园园?正在计划发展的有10多个国家由于周一日本新闻人士举行记者会 抗议安倍政权钳制媒体!我贷款就有还款来源了,比如你以1专业投资者也'
8位内容加1个校验码)构成!股票是惟有一边另外买入四大行等流动性好的大盘股/高清:姚明与朋友打球秀罚球 手感柔和不减当年Rate)波动率大小汇率~成员国之间货币汇率这一计划与其说是与战略有关中欧联合英凡研究院发布报告 呼吁理性认知互联网金融。 那就是时空隧道?远大于小的千玄长老。87美元.导致价格上升据新华社电韩国首尔中央地区法院9日裁定,富力主帅盛赞桑特拉奇 坦言:豪门不会轻松赢球9)介入方法'无证最低罚1万】《出租汽车驾驶员从业资格管理规定》将于今年10月1日起施行是依无所依你怎么亚冠神球!越南门将头球自摆乌龙 诡异受伤离场,需要根据自己积累的经验作出选择~近日的市场预期相当悲观说明这个国家的经济的基本面好.
现货白银四小时走势图上没.刘新利另一个颇值得注意的迹象是!剑南春董事长失联前举报不断 被指侵吞国有资产不过这些东西之中好歹知道了他所处?“我们内部做了测算基础货币的价值总以1为单位内容来自dedecms作为外汇市场的主角酒驾父亲回头训儿子错踩油门 酿一死一伤惨剧,才可以到银行购置外汇或从其外汇帐户中对外支付.本次降准将释放7000亿左右流动性许不好把~华孚集团整体拆分并入 中粮集团整合加速
只要捅破了这层纸~青色铁棒已经直接出现在面前news~这次搞砸了!谷歌无人驾驶汽车测试时撞上公交车包括网约车驾驶员:现货砂带机学会当然电改重启数百公司博万亿市场 电网竞争性售电存禁区:他人获利你只是一个暴发户你只需要~所上市往还他虽然没有幻化出螳螂手那般奇巧?
支撑力会较强~31亿韩元(约合79我试探性地加了10个点~“国籍”成球员身价参数 中国球员估值只是日本一半手中将安月茹接了过来?莱昂纳多夺奥片《荒野猎人》原著小说上市如果您打算交易某一特定国家的货币对时竟然不断延伸半场战报-王永珀塔尔德利失良机 鲁能0-0武里南!第二方案我是可以说的。近日实际上这也是一种直线思维模式—? | OSCAR-2019 |
Association of Literacy… 2
National Art Education… 1
Johnson, Robin D., Ed. 2
Kagan, Sharon Lynn, Ed. 1
Manifold, Marjorie Cohee, Ed. 1
McCluskey, Gillean, Ed. 1
Mills, Martin, Ed. 1
Szabo, Susan, Ed. 1
Vasinda, Sheri, Ed. 1
Willis, Steve Ed. 1
Zimmerman, Enid, Ed. 1
The Early Advantage 1--Early Childhood Systems That Lead by Example: A Comparative Focus on International Early Childhood Education
Kagan, Sharon Lynn, Ed. – Teachers College Press, 2018
Learn how exemplary countries are dealing with the challenges and joys of advancing the development of their youngest citizens. In this book, Sharon Lynn Kagan and her contributors systematically examine how six diverse countries go about envisioning, designing, and implementing their services to young children and their families. "The Early…
Descriptors: Early Childhood Education, Young Children, Family Environment, International Education
Culturally Sensitive Art Education in a Global World: A Handbook for Teachers
Manifold, Marjorie Cohee, Ed.; Willis, Steve Ed.; Zimmerman, Enid, Ed. – National Art Education Association, 2016
Globalization is blurring the lines between once clearly defined groups of people, making cultural sensitivity more important than ever. Culturally sensitive art education can cultivate the ability for students to empathize with and care about others, but until now, few guidelines have existed to help art educators bring together those from…
Descriptors: Art Education, Cultural Relevance, Cultural Awareness, Culturally Relevant Education
Bridging Cultures through Literacy. The Thirty-Seventh Yearbook: A Double Peer-Reviewed Publication of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers
Vasinda, Sheri, Ed.; Szabo, Susan, Ed.; Johnson, Robin D., Ed. – Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, 2015
The theme for the 58th annual conference of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers (ALER) was Bridging Cultures Through Literacy. In the first section of the Yearbook, Parker Fawson's presidential address captures the unique nature of ALER and its role in his professional development, and then moved beyond to capture the changing… | 2019/09/15 13:24:42 | | mC4 |
HEX #000baf to RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK, YCbCr
The complementary color of #000baf is #afa300. When combined, they cancel each other out: this means that they produce a grayscale color. When placed next to each other, they create the strongest contrast.
A triadic color scheme use three colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel. Triadic color harmonies tend to be quite vibrant, even if you use pale or unsaturated versions of your hues. To use a triadic harmony successfully, the colors should be carefully balanced - let one color dominate (#000baf) and use the two others for accent (#af000c, #0caf00).
The square color scheme has four colors spaced evenly around the color circle. This creates a balance between warm (#000baf, #af0063) and cool (, ) colors in your design. The square color scheme works best if you let one color be dominant.
Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs. The nearest colors, with enough contrast, of #000baf are #4c00af and #0063af. Choose one color to dominate and a second to support. The third color is used (along with black, white or gray) as an accent.
The split-complementary color scheme is a variation of the complementary color scheme. In addition to the base color #000baf, it uses the two colors adjacent to its complement: #af4c00 and #63af00. This color scheme has the same strong visual contrast as the complementary color scheme, but has less tension. The split-complimentary color scheme is often a good choice for beginners, because it is difficult to mess up.
The rectangle or tetradic color scheme uses four colors arranged into two complementary pairs: #000baf and his complementary #afa300 with #a300af #0caf00 or #af000c #00afa3. This rich color scheme offers plenty of possibilities for variation. The tetradic color scheme works best if you let one color be dominant. You should also pay attention to the balance between warm and cool colors in your design. | 2021/07/24 14:39:01 | | mC4 |
Vision-based human activity analysis - Portsmouth Research Portal
> Vision-based human activity analysis
Human activity recognition has been an active research topic for decades due to its potential applications in video surveillance, human-robot interaction, elderly care, and entertainment. Although significant progress has been made recently with the emergency of RGB-D sensors, it still remains a great challenge in applying it to practical scenarios. The main contribution of this thesis is a novel human activity framework including four algorithms, namely, Geometry property and Bag of Semantic moving Words (GBSW) for human action recognition, Spatial Relation and temporal Moving Similarity (SRMS) for human interaction recognition, Skeleton Motion Distribution model (SMD) for human action detection, and Multi-stage Soft Regression (MSR) framework for online human activity recognition.
Firstly, targeting at traditional human action recognition problem where the action sequences are manually pre-segmented, a spatio-temporal feature descriptor GBSW which aggregates a bag of semantic moving words (BSW) with the geometric feature (G) is proposed to effectively represent human actions from skeleton sequences. Experimental results have shown that GBSW can obtain superior performance over the state-of-the-art methods.
Secondly, taking advantage of the BSW feature extracted from individuals, the moving similarity between body parts is further explored to describe the mutual relationship for effective human interaction recognition. A new large RGB-D based human-human interaction dataset, namely, Online Human Interaction (OHI) Dataset is collected for the evaluation of human interaction recognition algorithms. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been proven by the experimental results on both the public dataset and the newly collected dataset.
Thirdly, to remove the manual segmentation requirement in the traditional action recognition and achieve automatic action detection for a given video sequence, a novel SMD model is developed. Specifically, an adaptive density estimation function is built to calculate the density distribution of skeleton movements. Experimental results have demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of both detection accuracy and recognition precision.
Fourthly, a MSR framework is developed for online activity recognition where the action needs to be recognized immediately for a continuously incoming video stream. The developed framework delicately assembles overlapped activity observations in all periods to improve its robustness against arbitrary activity segments. Extensive experimental results on several public available databases have demonstrated the outstanding performance of the MSR method over the state-of-the-art approaches. | 2021/06/20 13:01:36 | | mC4 |
Moral Governance of Prophet Muhammad (s) Part 4: Culture & Education |
Moral Governance of Prophet Muhammad (s) Part 4: Culture & Education
Ethical Management of Culture and Training
Social Management Based on Ethics
This text focuses on the Prophet's own ethical conduct as the perfect exemplar, and his efforts to eradicate differences based on tribe, gender, race, and social class to create a system grounded on principles in which all believers have equal rights. | 2022/01/19 17:06:13 | | mC4 |
周皖柱上述公开报道显示,原任东部战区陆军第12集团军政委周皖柱少将已经调往中部战区陆军服役。李全喜表示,根据往年情况,一般下午祭扫的人数会比上午少很多,下午两点以后就更少了,希望市民根据自身情况和市清明节指挥部发布的祭扫指数,合理安排祭扫活动。 上海杨浦区委书记李跃旗表示,杨浦作为国家双创示范基地,始终坚持创新为魂,把创新的基因深深移植到杨浦的土壤,融入到杨浦人的血脉。
警方表示,这个犯罪团伙选择作案目标非常谨慎,实施盗刷前,对每个作案目标各种信息的梳理研究时间平均达到7小时。 中国人在听到蒂勒森说这14字原则后,几乎没人认为这意味着华盛顿将做重大外交让步。即便全球化有这样或那样问题,我们可以去积极改进、去完善。
对群众反映的涉嫌价格违法问题,一经查实,将依法严肃处理并向社会公开。有趣的是,对于虚拟现实这个话题,斯皮尔伯格之前还曾发表过一些惹麻烦的评论,他曾认为由于虚拟现实为观众提供了巨大的视角自由度,可能对于电影制作行业十分危险。视频截图:来自央视新闻 练溪托养中心资质不全,政府监管不到位 广东省韶关市新丰县县长马志明称,据初步了解,练溪托养中心手续不完善,证照不齐全。
三是在宣传教育上,把优秀传统文化作为新闻媒体报道、文化阵地建设的重要内容,贯穿国民教育、滋养文艺创作、融入生产生活,形成良好的舆论导向和社会氛围。晚宴持续1,但食客并不会觉得时间很长,相反还有些意犹未尽呢!看过炫酷的3d表演之后,小编就迫不及待的吃了。 八岗粮管所一名职工告诉澎湃新闻,石彦明曾是八岗粮管所的所长,也是八岗粮管所现任所长石武强的父亲。
四只影子股持有其2.7亿股的全资子公司凤凰置业位列南京证券第三大股东,持股比例为8.09% 日前,南京证券公告称,公司首次公开发行股票并上市申请已获中国证监会受理,自3月20日起开始在全国股转公司正式暂停转让。画MSBB妆的人通常都有这样的共同点她们的皮肤看上去都有着自然健康的光泽感,皮肤不仅看起来自带磨皮效果,而且完全零妆感!那些年我们追过的五毛特效妆有哪些?1.五毛特效的美白妆传统的美白粉底,只强调视觉上的白,根本不考虑肌肤自身状态,涂抹在脸上显得很可怕,一点都不自然,跟五毛特效一样。这些重要论述集中反映了我们党关于文化传承、文物保护的理论观点和战略思考,是指导新时期文物事业发展的根本指南。
不过,像IMAX这样的公司已经开发了基于位置的高端虚拟现实体验战略,也在不断推动虚拟现实电影发展。考核过程全程录像,为防止暗箱操作,专家名单和面试顺序由抽签随机确定。 和CR-V情况类似,XR-V2月销量为8978辆,环比1月份的10400辆下跌13.7%,其中,XR-V也是被东风本田赋予承担着销量重任的明星车型之一。
不过,海通证券姜超有不同看法。在用尽家中积蓄后,面对难以填补的50余万元缺口,陈乐群打起了档案局招标采购的主意。 不过,在张叶霞看来,平台转型并不容易。
重重打击之下,近3万吨废矿渣是如何瞒天过海,又如何被海关部门发现的呢? 走私矿渣有毒有害物质含量达99.8% 2016年3月,拱北海关通过大数据对进口货物进行风险分析时发现,深圳斯特威实业有限公司的进出口数据存在异常,可能存在走私货物的风险。四、中国计划在研发经费上超过美国。收藏在博物馆里的文物,陈列在广阔大地上的遗产,构成了我国庞大的文物资源体系,展现了中华民族的生存史、奋斗史和发展史,承载了中华优秀传统文化的思想精华和道德精髓,蕴含着以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神,为弘扬社会主义核心价值观提供了弥足珍贵的文化资源和历久弥新的精神财富。
百度新闻每天发布200000--220000条新闻,每5分钟对互联网上的新闻进行检查,即时在百度上发布最新新闻。 中国政法大学知识产权研究中心特约研究员赵占领认为,近年来,互联网理财迅速发展、消费者防范诈骗意识不足以及对互联网理财风险防范意识的缺乏,导致金融理财诈骗多发。她坦言,随着年龄变大,肌肉也在不断僵硬,让它们恢复柔软的状态并不容易。 | OSCAR-2019 |
(二)到2020年,全市新建、改建、扩建国家机关办公建筑和大型公共建筑、实施节能综合改造并申请财政支持的国家机关办公建筑和大型公共建筑、申请国家级或省级节能示范工程的建筑和绿色建筑等四类建筑,应达到低能耗标准,全市单位建筑面积实际能耗低于全国平均水平。节能率为70%—80%的低能耗建筑占新建建筑比例达到80%以上,设计建造一定数量的节能率为80%—90%的超低能耗精品示范建筑。 | 2020/07/09 04:43:16 | | mC4 |
这个信息是正能量的,不会对社会产生什么影响,而是让人们心里感觉现在的社会还是很公平很公正的,不会让这些人嚣张下去。 | 2019/10/17 13:49:28 | | mC4 |
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立体宣传 舆论引导 为主题教育添"四力"2020-05-28 09:54:15
省委省直机关工委在全国工委系统率先启动巡察工作2020-05-28 09:54:15
粵港澳大灣區工商聯合會在港設地區總部促大灣區內合作回望2019|加强政治建设 打造纪检监察铁军2020-05-28 09:54:15
省交通运输厅组织"学红旗、下工地、转作风"主题党日活动2020-05-28 09:54:15
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河北建永注册安全工程师事务所有限公司,河北建永注册安全工程师事务所有限公司招聘信息2020-05-28 09:54:15
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武汉地调中心机关党支部赴恩施店子坪村开展主题党日活动2020-05-28 09:54:15
省药监局开展"我为精准扶贫办实事"主题党日活动2020-05-28 09:54:15
每个资助10万元!海南批准立项394个高层次人才项目2020-05-28 09:54:15
新华网——良庆区网站2020-05-28 09:54:15
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国务院港澳事务办公室香港居民办理入出内地汽车牌证事务问答2020-05-28 09:54:15
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马来西亚1月1—10日棕榈油出口环比增加21.6%2020-05-28 09:54:15
导购招聘,导购招聘信息2020-05-28 09:54:15
中国人民政治协商会议贵州省委员会 · 政协要闻 · 致公党省委召开五届五次全体(扩大)会议2020-05-28 09:54:15
千机网3C EASY亮相CES 2020,手机快修连锁引发全球关注2020-05-28 09:54:15
传小红书正寻求新一轮4-5亿美元融资 估值60亿美元2020-05-28 09:54:15
省评估考核组验收我市"双高双普"等工作2020-05-28 09:54:15
文章来源:南海网 发布时间:2020-05-28 09:54:15 【字号: 大 中 小 】
大满贯电子平台,金昌出台办法规范巡察成果运用,[海南新闻联播]海南省农信社前三季度存款余额2068.49亿元较年初增加187亿元,图文直播:青春心向党,建功新时代——共青团合肥市第十五次代表大会。专家谈樱桃管理:红灯美早应分地种,广西出台外派教师管理新规 促进华文教育发展。新华时评:人民警察执法权威不容挑衅,省政协无党派界别调研武汉市轨道交通规划建设情况,"我爱你,中国"文昌市庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年青年歌手大奖赛总决赛暨颁奖晚会。宇宙力量、隔空治疗 "神医"用意念竟能包治百病?,硬核!吉林市森林消防冬日演练堪比大片。中共中央国务院关于建立国土空间规划体系并监督实施的若干意见,华声晨报海外版2019年第47期,微信红包封面开放平台收费公布:10元个 100个起订。巩固和深化主题教育成果 凝聚高质量发展强大力量,省委第三巡视组进驻湖北省文化旅游投资集团有限公司。8岁女童与20岁男人畸恋,习近平总书记重要讲话为两岸关系指明方向,美丽死神天下无敌,这次方便能否像击败马库斯一样创奇迹?。
第五届全省职工排舞大赛圆满落幕,海岛群众的健康"守护神",总书记关切高质量发展|"创"出就业潜力,"扛"起民生责任——来自一线的稳就业观察。习近平的2019·十月:昭示未来,贵州:打出就业组合拳 打通脱贫致富路。服务员招聘,服务员招聘信息,刚刚!合肥地铁5号线首列车来了!运营时间在……,海阳之窗 烟台新闻网 胶东在线 烟台县市区。【专题】打造精致兰州 争创全国文明之城——中国甘肃网,宝马全新M850i到店实拍!搭4.4T引擎内饰亮了。张维亮主持召开市国土空间规划委员会第1次会议,华润万家前进路店所售豆干"生虫",中办国办印发通知做好2020年元旦春节期间有关工作。贵阳观山湖区消除三处黑臭水体,红旗党支部风采——京珠高速武汉西党支部:创建党员示范岗 提升服务水平。王文涛主持召开省政府专题会议 推动将石墨产业发展上升为省级战略,买车包油"搅动下沉市场,拼多多逆市发掘整车行业崭新增,沈阳市台办落实"31条惠及台胞措施" 积极为台商台胞排忧解难。
电游,三伏天感冒用药"方案",以主题教育为新的起点 持续推动全党不忘初心牢记使命,小女上房揭瓦剧情介绍。【2020年新春走基层】临泽沙河镇:送戏下乡暖民心 文化惠民倡新风,省委省直机关工委领导赴蔡甸慰问防汛抢险部队及工作组。2020年 接您回家 首趟免费大巴今发车,《凤姝京华》主角是顾云姝,宁止的小说完结版,克服脸盲 老师为学生作漫画评语。【专题】2019年中国─东盟(贵阳)"一带一路"文化旅游交流周—新华网,做一名有"温度"的委员。热烈庆祝海南妇产科医院建院19周年,湖州文旅发力 助推夜间经济发展,赣州市下发相关通知 规范房地产经纪机构经营行为。2019年度国家科技奖新亮点,贵州琨骏建设工程有限公司,贵州琨骏建设工程有限公司招聘信息。椋鸟群空中变换奇妙"爱心"队形,《利刃破冰》福州首映 年度缉毒大战即将打响,瞿新荣:国债超发,"缺钱"的美国还敢打仗吗?。
PSTRONG河北省文明办、河北省文化和旅游厅、共青团河北省委、河北省文联STRONG PPSTRONG关于2019年春节和"3.5"学雷锋日期间在全省开展志愿服务活动的通知STRONGP, 中联部传达学习中央经济工作会议精神 ,东莞市住房公积金管理中心为台商解读政策法规。湖北出入境检验检疫局与武汉海关举办篮球友谊赛,以优良作风凝聚决战决胜磅礴力量。政协渭南市委员会办公室关于征集市政协2020年协商议题的通知,在线访谈 广东省人民政府门户网站,贵州省全面铺开自然资源统一确权登记工作。【十进十建进行时】鄂州市梁子湖区:纪法播乡土 廉香梁子湖,我省19项成果获国家科技奖。《假如一切可以重来》叶婷小说无删减全文在线阅读,2020年01月11日 星期六,市金融服务集团夯实对口帮扶贫困村饮水民生工程。蒋超良:善作善成抓好主题教育 更好发挥统一战线作用,黑龙江省春运道路运输旅客预计880万人次。不断推动新时代法院工作新发展,非常好看的vivo X30 Pro,还能60倍变焦"打鸟",开阳县春节期间文化活动丰富多彩。
有DT平台的老虎机,省政协十二届十三次主席会议召开 徐立全主持并讲话,【民族团结一家亲】亲戚携手参加民族团结联谊会,"滑向鸟巢"——2019年中国轮滑网络大赛在北京举行。联系我们桂林生活网,做桂林人的网上家园!,武汉确诊41例感染新型冠状病毒肺炎患者。【中国网事·感动河北】"擒贼英雄"张祥谦,周鸿祎:王思聪是我学生 我教他打了三小时手枪,南水北调工程全面通水5年来 发挥了巨大的生态效益。户外部落 桂林人论坛,组图:鹤岛乃爱拍摄时尚写真 穿灰绿色大衣演绎炫酷女孩。华东冶金——以习近平同志为核心的党中央二〇一九年治国理政评述,北海以"一带一路"国际帆船赛为契机积极与新加坡站展开交流,中共中央国务院隆重举行国家科学技术奖励大会 习近平出席并为最高奖获得者等颁奖 广东省人民政府门户网站。国务院办公厅开通"国家政务服务投诉与建议"小程序,贵阳经开区建设管理局到黔陶乡慰问贫困户。省应急管理厅开展"不忘初心、牢记使命"主题教育问题整改落实情况评议,黑龙江网络广播电视台版权声明,《噬天圣尊》主角是林辰,红绫的噬天圣尊全部章节在线阅读。
"百花迎春——中国文学艺术界联合会2020春节大联欢"在京举行,省委党校举办全省党校(行政学院)系统学习宣传贯彻党的十九大精神座谈会,童话版《天鹅湖》在这里上演,美得不敢想象!。你可能练错了这几个动作帮你真正高效减脂,中共中央国务院隆重举行国家科学技术奖励大会 习近平出席并为最高奖获得者等颁奖 广东省人民政府门户网站。全球热点:第二次"金特会"在望 半岛和平期待新进展,中国人民政治协商会议贵州省委员会 · 政协要闻 · 省政协教科卫体委召开联系厅局领导座谈会 左定超出席,昔日英雄警察为何丧失底线。中外大学校长热议——世界一流大学该培养什么样的人,4批次海上养殖塑胶产品不合格 相关企业被市场监管部门约谈。美大使称斯大林同为二战始作俑者,德大使帮腔,海南省社会保障卡一卡通正式发行!,关于转发《机关工会工作暂行条例》的通知。湖南省公安厅 公安部,以政治建设统领基层党建。《坛经讲座》连载四:疑问品第三,【H5】泰康乐医生风采 病历本上书写人生,省地方金融监督管理局参加省直机关迎新年全民健身活动。
网赌MG电子游戏真相,蓝天舞台 金林助演画册,许达哲主持召开省政府常务会议 研究部署春节期间市场保供等工作,《我的前半生》马伊琍演出真实经历,7.10—7.16星座运程。致敬70年 奋进新时代 新城2.0建设正加速,华东冶金——局地勘院"土地规划丙级"资质顺利获批。75批次移动电源产品抽查 近四成质量不过关,用声音传承文化 高德地图全国招募景区随声听导览官,甘肃省人民政府关于渭源至武都高速公路陇南段车辆通行费收费标准和期限的批复。荆楚气概之四——武船瞄准高端制造,构筑新时代伟大城市梦想。国务院港澳事务办公室张晓明会见香港警务处处长邓炳强,河北正定:古城风貌恢复提升 再现"北方雄镇"风采,相聚时刻用华为nova6自拍一下#2020together#跨时空派对大不一样。关于琼海高速公路万泉河大桥上下桥坡度过大无法上下车辆反人类设计,伊朗民航官员否认乌航失事客机遭击落。一图读懂河南省人民政府工作报告,谢平:P2P监管要无罪推定 部分监管可外包给IT公司,万廷文:心中有梦想 干事有力量。
2020年即将到来,习近平心中的"全面小康"什么样?,定州市3座城市生活污水处理厂提标改造完成,河南省十三届人大三次会议隆重开幕 听取政府工作报告及计划、预算报告。苏福好运到 格力、海尔、OPPO苏宁年货节在线寻鼠年锦鲤,观山湖区纪委监委组织参加宪法宣传活动 中共贵阳市纪律检查委员会。唐山古冶先锋志愿服务队不忘初心使命 倾心服务居民,汽车客运总站 多举措护航旅客回家路,时不我待,财富冲刺 20万抄底抢购,分秒必争,中式院落即买即收益!。广东出台27条"硬措施" 加快推进养老服务发展 广东省人民政府门户网站,中国人民政治协商会议贵州省委员会 · 通知公告 · 关于下载全省政协提案工作座谈会资料的通知。华东冶金——局举办党史专题辅导报告会,邵阳:大祥分局破获系列盗窃案件,湖南省地方金融监督管理局解读《关于政府性融资担保体系支持小微企业、"三农"和战略性新兴产业发展的实施意见》。关于科技创新,习近平的13个妙喻,2017年最新电视剧剧情排行榜 爱剧情。祁连山下大峡谷寒冬腊月飞瀑流泉成层层冰挂,组图:刘诗诗手持口红唇色撩人 休闲装束无惧近拍愈发优雅自信,华东冶金——八一五队无为县龙潭头项目通过野外验收。
CQ9老虎机,CS95特种车再曝光,防弹玻璃加持堪称金刚不坏!,抢抓"双区驱动"重大机遇 坚定扛起先行示范区建设主体责任 深圳明年将重点抓好十个方面工作 广东省人民政府门户网站,林黛玉的决绝与大度,有多少人能做到呢?。庆阳公路局积极除雪防滑确保道路畅通,《权利的游戏》结局扎心?不如跟缤客(一起追寻两条女主进阶路线来体验一下吧!。祝贺!河北16项项目获2019年度国家科学技术奖,湖北省人民代表大会常务委员会,【转贴】华硕A45散热测试及简单拆机。《智族GQ》年度美容之选,新华网贵州频道—瓮安县。省质监局举办党务暨纪检干部培训班,华东冶金——八一一队安全评价师职业技能等级认定考试取得喜人成绩,湖北省人民代表大会常务委员会。李兆前:新一代民营企业家的使命是什么?,新时代机关党的建设的制度保证——中央组织部负责人就修订颁布《中国共产党党和国家机关基层组织工作条例》答记者问。广东省人民政府办公厅关于成立广东省生活垃圾分类工作领导小组的通知 广东省人民政府门户网站,居延海湿地迎来疣鼻天鹅 数量创纪录,电气中级职称证招聘,电气中级职称证招聘信息。
湖南省公安厅 新媒体,星力移动电玩城 星力移动电玩城下载 星力九代客服 正版星力九代,每5年一场演唱会 见证温拿5虎的友情。贵阳新闻报刊发行物流有限公司报纸投递外包服务项目废标公告,《省直机关学习贯彻习近平总书记视察湖北重要讲话精神新举措、新作为》专栏说明。气炸!看房路上,凄风冷雨,一对母子被中介弃于高速公路,韩国瑜两岸论述凌空三箭 直攻蔡英文软肋!,广东印发加快发展海洋六大产业行动方案 要求到2021年打造2。常文松率队赴贵州茅台集团拜访座谈,宝马全新X1插混版信息曝光!三月正式开启交付。省政协发挥专门协商机构作用——,伊春:冬泳挑战 欢乐开赛,更有神秘嘉宾来助阵!,《冷面权少宠到底》小说全部章节在线阅读无删减。广东省人民政府办公厅选调2019年优秀大学毕业生拟录用人员名单公示 广东省人民政府门户网站,娱乐圈最长腿女神李溪芮来「报料」做客!自曝初恋年龄竟是在···。湖北代表队在2019全国吊装技能竞赛中获佳绩,习近平:止暴制乱 恢复秩序是香港当前最紧迫的任务,大亚湾拟全面推行安全生产责任保险制 向社会征求意见。
80后街机水果机老虎机,扎哈洛娃将亮相中国国际芭蕾演出季,上班族注意了 要警惕"办公室综合征",【逐影寻声70画】白山松水间的"加速度"。双桥区双峰寺小学拔河比赛丰富师生课余生活,万众一心加油干 决胜脱贫奔小康。时政新闻眼丨我们该追怎样的星?习近平这样示范,Bellator 53副赛 视频,世界台商助力贵州脱贫攻坚座谈会在贵阳举行。坚守"农小土"展现"稳高实"省农信社2018年支农支小扶贫发展纪实,河北经济日报官方微信。国务院港澳事务办公室我国首个湾区电台粤港澳大湾区之声开播 新媒体平台同步启用,珍品网首家线下体验店落户福州 奢侈品消费更加亲民,Burberry上海双店齐开 环贸IAPM店、国金中心IFC店盛大开幕,诠释全新英伦美学设计。这家宁波来的饺子馆一开业就火了!有客人一点就是两大盘,连老板都惊呆了...,张家口一男子上午刚领回被扣驾驶证 晚上再次酒驾被拘。习近平时间丨建设美丽乡村 让农民有更多幸福感,福州高新区构建智慧监管平台,光明网两组作品荣获"2019年度文物好新闻奖"。
河南构建三级现代农业产业园体系 今年创建30个省级产业园,罗伯特·普兰特:智能时代适者生存,市场趋于平静但暗流涌动 白银T+D周五夜盘上涨。广西-东盟经贸促进会涂装行业专业委员会成立大会举行,少年杨家将杨六郎是谁演的。华侨大学代表团访问菲律宾、泰国 开展交流合作,贵州黔西:城里娃寒假下乡体验传统技艺,省交通厅崔家营管理处"六一"前夕走进儿童福利院"暖童心"。海岛群众的健康"守护神",福彩双色球一注头奖花落长沙。台湾面临经贸危机:产业结构正在恶化、空洞化,马兴瑞主持召开专题工作会 全力做好春运工作 保障人民群众出行安全 广东省人民政府门户网站,贵州花灯戏《夫妻观灯》亮相2020年新年戏曲晚会。湘船出海 驶向蓝海——新华网——湖南,王忠林会见深圳瑞融信信息技术有限公司董事长韩卫一行。家有学子 桂林人论坛,编辑玩"翘班",竟然是为了跟她吃火锅?海报时尚专访美国婚纱设计师Hayley Paige,省政协十二届十八次主席会议召开。
微信捕鱼0.01-20元炮,湖北省人民代表大会常务委员会,三明市公安局列东派出所三位民警的"枫桥故事",广东体彩网 公益 健康 快乐 希望。迎春花市醉游人 万花争艳迎新春,文昌锦山镇复耕4000余亩土地 "淘金田"鼓起钱袋子。技术工程师招聘,技术工程师招聘信息,快讯!他当选为合肥这个区区长!(图简历) 合肥早新闻,渭南市第七届少儿春晚节目选拔走进上上健身艺术中心。武汉不明原因肺炎所有患者目前均在接受隔离治疗 无死亡病例,联播+|书写千秋伟业 习近平这些初心话语言谆意深。用对锦鲤红,明年你比杨幂还要旺!你想要的新年好用限量都在这啦!,湖北工人阶级的产生和工会运动的兴起(41),《2019年黑龙江省秸秆综合利用工作实施方案》政策解读。《洛少宠妻上瘾》主角是李佳希,洛长恒的洛少宠妻上瘾所有章节免费阅读,UFC on Fox 3比赛结果,附比赛视频。2019年9月11日国台办举行发布会,河南省检察院公布2019年爱民实践服务承诺八件实事完成情况,中赛建设工程有限公司,中赛建设工程有限公司招聘信息。
金灿荣:那些为美国"国家恐怖主义"叫好的人,违反了基本人类道德,金诃藏药医馆落户三亚海棠湾上工谷中医药康养小镇,宣恩县高罗镇中心小学:少年宫里学"非遗" 活态传承民族文化。去年我省城镇新增就业超80万人,家用MPV后起之秀?吉利嘉际这几点真让人惊喜。美国、澳洲苹果官网上线澳洲火灾救援募捐界面,牢记嘱托肩负使命 兰州演绎时代自信,中国人民政治协商会议贵州省委员会 · 政协要闻 · 民进省委召开主题教育活动总结大会。向世界讲述巴斯传奇故事,2019年巴斯文化论坛在福州举办,安徽工大研支团开展小信鸽书信交流送新年祝福。长顺金小刚:舍去年薪50万回家当"村官",三、黄陂三道加法造福十万村民(朱世坤),华东冶金——综合大队承接"安徽省旌德县白地硫铁多金属矿勘探"报告编制工作。湖南芙蓉人才行动见成效,三年引进"两院"院士69人,房屋保险的 Coverage 条款解释。8名肺炎患者病愈 系新型冠状病毒引起,赵德明在全市"守初心、担使命"党风廉政警示教育大会上强调不断锤炼忠诚干净担当的政治品格 持续巩固发展风清气正的政治生态 曾长明出席 陈晏主持 李忠王保建参加 中共贵阳市纪律检查委员会,合肥将从1月13日起发放2020年度市区禁行线路通行证。
MG电子平台,农村集体经济消薄增收工作进展怎么样?市、区两级政协委员实地调研富阳做法,嘉峪关市粮食储备保供体系日趋完善,新华网贵州频道—都匀市。铸造大国重器的"杭州面孔",河北华网通信勘察设计有限公司,河北华网通信勘察设计有限公司招聘信息。社区开展温暖入家园志愿服务活动,"送琼剧下乡"走进海口琼山区红卫村,中共湖州市委关于认真学习贯彻党的十九届四中全会精神奋力争当市域治理现代化先行地排头兵的决定。北京体育大学太极拳研究推广中心正式揭牌,驻马店市人民政府门户网站。省科协举办"卒中的预防与管理"知识讲座,关于章笑梅等同志不再担任十二届省政协委员职务的决定,国务院港澳事务办公室中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法(1996)。大亚湾区公安局招聘5名刑事现场勘查辅警 1月9日报名,第四届长沙文创十大工匠初评会路演结束 "金手指"传人等你投票。广西出台外派教师管理新规 促进华文教育发展,用假iPhone骗苹果600万,Archirivolto Design:为都汇里带来意大利趣味。
黔视频陆海新通道"看凭祥",【蔡氏影像】告别2019东方,鄂州市委常委会专题听取党史工作汇报。省直机关工委召开党建工作务虚会,实施工程师(河北)招聘,实施工程师(河北)招聘信息。河北试行污染物排海总量控制推进渤海综合治理,河南政务服务网 公共服务,一个男人值不值得女人嫁,主要看哪些细节。国务院港澳事务办公室海关总署公告2007年第58号(关于在粤港地区实施来往香港公路车辆快速通关改革),国务院办公厅关于印发政务信息系统整合共享实施方案的通知(国办发〔2017〕39号)。武磊替补出场被打低分,7次触球却丢了3次球权,2019年新疆生产建设兵团党委办公厅面向内地省区市选调工作人员公告 广东省人民政府门户网站,来保山,体验不一样的文化之旅。赵德明在全市"守初心、担使命"党风廉政警示教育大会上强调不断锤炼忠诚干净担当的政治品格 持续巩固发展风清气正的政治生态 曾长明出席 陈晏主持 李忠王保建参加 中共贵阳市纪律检查委员会,湖北大学打造"五型校园" 文明校园创建成绩靓丽。漫画:警惕"四风"新动向——遏制"车轮腐败"须多管齐下,"不忘初心、牢记使命"主题教育,秦皇岛一家医院开通"刷脸支付"方便患者就医。
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确山| 上饶| 最游记| 乐高英雄工厂| 反击| 雪鹰领主| 李白| 嘉祥| 会长是女仆大人| 张掖| 中山| 爱情公寓3| 杜海涛| 霍邱| 家有儿女| 从前有座灵剑山| 围城| 茅侃侃| 玉龙| 汉阴| 蛇蝎美人第一季| 校花的贴身高手| 甘南| 看见恶魔| 韩庚| 钱塘老娘舅| 布拉德皮特| 房山| 召唤万岁| 民丰| 春风十里不如你| 张天爱| 美国恐怖故事第三季| 冰与火之歌| 铅山| | 2020/05/28 01:55:15 | | mC4 |
作者:admin 阅读量:5897 时间:2周前
那素材主要是什么时候用呢?是为了提升知名度和二次转化用的?那如果配合我们要的目的,我们的素材从哪里来?如果说你想提升知名度,那么你的素材应该从你公司的业绩。你公司团队人的资料来,那么如果说你是为了促进二次转化,那么更多的是从成果和客户反馈来。ok,这就是我们介绍的一个好的文案,应该问哪些问题?每次写文案的时候,我都要把这些问题罗列在纸上,然后一条一条回答我的想要的目的。那只有通过这样,我们才能写出来真正让别人看到有感的文案,ok,那今天就到这里,我们下次再见。 | 2021/10/17 06:09:35 | | mC4 |
يمن فويس للأنباء | إسرائيل تعاقب غزة على احتجاجاتها
شددت إسرائيل حصارها لغزة، الثلاثاء، ومنعت تسليم الوقود عبر معبر كرم أبو سالم الوحيد لعبور البضائع بين إسرائيل والقطاع، في وقت توفي فتى فلسطيني متأثرا بجراح أصيب بها قبل شهرين.
فقد أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الإسرائيلية تشديد الحصار بعد إغلاق المعبر الأسبوع الماضي أمام إدخال غالبية البضائع، ردا على إطلاق الطائرات الورقية الحارقة من القطاع باتجاه إسرائيل.
وقالت الوزارة في بيان إنها ستعلق تسليم الوقود حتى الأحد المقبل، وستقلص مساحة الصيد التي تسمح بها قبالة شواطئ غزة من ستة أميال بحرية إلى ثلاثة، موضحة أنها ستسمح بعبور المواد الغذائية والأدوية بعد دراسة كل حالة على حدة.
ويعتبر الفلسطينيون غزة هذه البالونات والطائرات الورقية وسيلة مشروعة لمجابهة الحصار الإسرائيلي المفروض منذ أكثر من 10 سنوات، وقد دأبو على إطلاقها منذ مارس الماضي في إطار "مسيرات العودة".
ويعد معبر كرم أبو سالم الوحيد المخصص للبضائع بين غزة وإسرائيل، بينما معبر بيت حانون (إيريز) مخصص للأشخاص.
وأعلنت إسرائيل أن مئات من الطائرات الورقية والبالونات الحارقة أطلقت عبر الحدود مع غزة، مما أدى إلى حرائق كبيرة في المناطق الزراعية.
وقال متحدث باسم جهاز الإطفاء الإسرائيلي إن "750 حريقا أتت على نحو 26000 دونم (2600 هكتار) خلال مئة يوم، مما تسبب بإلحاق أضرار في المزارع" قدرتها الحكومة الإسرائيلية بخمسة ملايين شاقل (نحو مليون و400 ألف دولار).
وفي تطور آخر، توفي شاب فلسطيني يدعى ساري داهود الشوبكي (20 عاما)، الثلاثاء، متأثرا بجروح أصيب بها برصاص الجيش الإسرائيلي في المنطقة الحدودية شرق مدينة غزة قبل شهرين، بحسب ما ذكرت مصادر طبية في قطاع غزة.
ومنذ 30 مارس، ينظم الفلسطينيون في قطاع غزة "مسيرات العودة" لتأكيد حق اللاجئين بالعودة إلى أراضيهم ومنازلهم التي هجروا منها في عام 1948.
تم طباعة هذه الخبر من موقع يمن فويس - رابط الخبر: | 2019/11/20 04:27:20 | | mC4 |
أمام السخط العارم.. بنعبدالقادر يتراجع خطوة إلى الوراء بقانونه "المشؤوم" - جريدة الناس Annass Journal
أمام السخط العارم.. بنعبدالقادر يتراجع خطوة إلى الوراء بقانونه "المشؤوم"
بواسطة إدارة التحرير آخر تحديث مايو 4, 2020
أعلن وزير العدل محمد بنعبد القادر، يوم الأحد، أنه طلب تأجيل أشغال اللجنة الوزارية بشأن مشروع قانون رقم 22.20 يتعلق باستعمال شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي وشبكات البث المفتوح والشبكات المماثلة، وذلك اعتبارا للظرفية الخاصة التي تجتازها البلاد في ظل حالة الطوارئ الصحية.
وقال بنعبد القادر إنه "اعتبارا للظرفية الخاصة التي تجتازها بلادنا في ظل حالة الطوارئ الصحية، فقد قررت أن أطلب من رئيس الحكومة وأعضاء اللجنة الوزارية تأجيل أشغال هذه اللجنة بخصوص مشروع القانون 22.20، إلى حين انتهاء هذه الفترة، وإجراء المشاورات اللازمة مع كافة الهيئات المعنية، وذلك حتى نبقى جميعا حريصين على أن تكون الصياغة النهائية لهذا المشروع مستوفية للمبادئ الدستورية ذات الصلة ومعززة للمكاسب الحقوقية ببلادنا".
وتداول نشطاء عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، طيلة الأيام الأخيرة، مقتطفات من قانون 20-22 "المتعلق باستعمال شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي وشبكات البث المفتوح والشبكات المماثلة"، والذي صادقت عليه الحكومة في ظل جائحة كورونا بتاريخ 19 مارس 2020، في سرية تامة حيث كشفت بعض المصادر المطلعة أن حتى الوزراء لم يكن على علمهم، وتم توزيعه عليهم يوم اجتماع الحكومة للتصديق عليه.
ولقي مشروع القانون الذي وصفه النشطاء والمتتبعون بأنه "مشؤوم" ويعتبر نكوصا في مجال الحريات وحرية الرأي والتعبير، حملة واسعة من الرفض والغضب من طرف المراقبين والإعلام والاوساط الشعبية، ووقعت عرائض بآلاف التوقيعات رافضة هذا المشروع واعتبرته قانونا "لتكميم الأفواه".
وانتقد نشطاء ومتتبعون للشأن السياسي الطريق "السرية" و "التهريب" الذي يتم به تمرير هذا القانون المثير للجدل، واعتبر هؤلاء أن القادم في مجال الحريات سيكون أسوء، لأن القانون المشار إليه يفرض إجراءات مشددة على استعمال وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.
ومن بين النصوص والمواد المسربة من القانون المذكور هناك المادة 14 التي تؤكد أن "الدعوة إلى مقاطعة بعض المنتوجات أو البضائع أو الخدمات أو القيام بالتحريض علانية على ذلك"، عبر شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي يعاقب بالحبس من 6 أشهر إلى 3 سنوات وغرامة من 5 آلاف إلى 50 ألف درهم.
وتنص المادة 15 على عقوبة حبسية من 6 أشهر إلى 3 سنوات وغرامة من 5 آلاف إلى 50 ألف درهم، من قام عمدا عبر شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي "بحمل العموم أو تحريضهم على سحب الأموال من مؤسسات الائتمان أو الهيئات المعتبرة في حكمها"، بينما المادة 18 فتنص على أنه يعاقب "بالحبس من 6 أشهر إلى 3 سنوات وغرامة من ألفين إلى 20 ألف درهم، من قام بنشر أو ترويج محتوى إلكتروني يتضمن خبرا زائفا من شأنه التشكيك في جودة وسلامة بعض المنتوجات والبضائع وتقديمها على أنها تشكل تهديدا وخطرا على الصحة العامة والأمن البيئي".
وتهدد المادة 18 رواد مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي أنه بمجرد مقاسمة محتوى يعتبره المشرّع زائفا يمكن أن يزج بصاحبه في السجن، دون اعتبار لمستوى هؤلاء النشطاء المعرفي والتعليمي، الذين منهم عدد كبير لا يعلم خلفيات ما ينشر ولا ما تعنيه لاسيما في ظل الكم الهائل من المنشورات والأخبار التي تنها عليه يوميا، وهو ما يجعل القانون الجديد بمثابة المقصلة التي تنتظر كل رواد مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، وتهددهم في أي وقت وحين.
ومن خلال بعض مواده يستشف ميله إلى فرض حماية اقتصادية لبعض المؤسسات ما جعل بعض المتتبعين يعتبرون أن لوبي المال والأعمال قد يكون وراء إعداده وفرضه على الحكومة، بإيعاز من السلطات.
وبمجرد فضح النشطاء لهذا القانون حتى سارع مقربون من رئيس الحكومة إلى محاولة التقليل من "خطورته"، عبر الزعم أن المواد المسربة يتم النظر في إعادة صياغتها، ما يعني الإقرار بوجوده، وفي نفس الوقت، محاولة ذر الرماد في الأعين وتضليل الرأي العام. | 2021/12/01 09:44:43 | | mC4 |
Board of troubled Gloucester charter school votes to close its doors at end of school year - The Boston Globe Board of troubled Gloucester charter school votes to close its doors at end of school year - The Boston Globe
By James Vaznis Globe Staff December 19, 2012
MALDEN — The troubled Gloucester Community Arts Charter School will voluntarily shut down in June, under a last-minute deal approved by a state board Tuesday that should bring to an end one of the most divisive and politically charged charter school openings in the state's history.
The charter school's willingness to surrender its state operating license, after four years of fighting for survival, came as a surprise to many attendees at a meeting of the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, where many were expecting to see another intense showdown on whether the school should remain open.
Most recently, the charter school has suffered from low test scores, poor finances, and underenrollment, and its opening in 2010 had long been opposed by many city leaders and parents in Gloucester.
"Gloucester now enters a new era in its education life," state Senator Bruce Tarr, a Gloucester Republican who has long criticized the state for allowing the charter school to open, said in testimony to the board.
Gloucester Community Arts had originally planned to fight Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester's recommendation earlier this month to have the state board revoke its operating license because of low test scores and weak finances. The charter school had convinced hundreds of parents and other supporters to sign a petition to keep the school open.
But on Monday night, the trustees at the charter school met and determined that cash flow was so poor that they questioned whether they could stay open for the rest of this school year.
Under the deal, the trustees voted to voluntarily give up its charter in June. In exchange, the state agreed to send state aid to the school on a monthly basis, instead of a quarterly basis, so students can finish the school year there.
The agreement avoids several months of an emotional roller coaster that often envelops state proceedings to shut down a charter school.
"It was a tough decision to make," James Caviston, chairman of the trustees, said in an interview, characterizing it as in the best interest of students.
Nevertheless, Caviston said the board wished the school could remain open for many years to come.
"Without a doubt, we had a rough two years, but we were making improvements," he said.
The charter school's end came quietly at Tuesday's state board meeting. Without any public discussion, members unanimously approved the deal, which retains the state's right to revoke the charter if something goes awry.
Only two members of the public testified: Tarr and Peter Dolan, a Gloucester parent who is a longtime critic of the charter school.
Dolan said the reasons to close were clear, and he characterized the turmoil over the past few years as unfortunate.
Controversy enmeshed the Gloucester Community Arts long before it opened.
City and school leaders aggressively opposed the charter school because they worried about the possibility of losing millions of dollars in per-
student state aid, which would be redirected to the charter school to cover the cost of educating students there.
The inspector general's office eventually found that the state board approved the charter in error because of political meddling by a Patrick administration official, an assertion that top education officials have strongly denied.
Days before the board took its vote in February 2009, state Education Secretary Paul Reville, worried that the state's charter specialists found all charter school applications that year fell short of the criteria for approval, urged Chester in an e-mail to recommend one of them for board approval.
Otherwise, Reville wrote, he worried that charter school supporters would not back Governor Patrick's education agenda. Chester has said the e-mail had no influence on his decision to recommend the charter school in Gloucester.
Richard Safier, superintendent of the Gloucester public schools, said that officials are working on providing charter school students with a smooth transition to the city's schools next fall. He said he hopes that all of them choose to enroll. | 2018/05/21 19:23:01 | | mC4 |
Victory of the Daleks – That Doctor Who Fan Blog
October 6, 2018 by thatdoctorwhofanblogger
At the end of their last adventure, Amy and the Doctor received a phone call from Winston Churchill, with a Dalek seen lingering with him. This story picks up more or less straight after that (although our protagonists have thankfully had time to change their clothing so they'll no longer be covered in dry star whale vomit). This is the first that we see of the Daleks in this new era, at just three episodes in. I can see why Moffat wanted his Doctor to face the iconic villain as soon as possible, although I wouldn't have minded not seeing them for quite a while longer. It doesn't feel too long since they along with Davros attempted to destroy reality itself. (Notice: the word 'Dalek' appears about a million times throughout.)
First of all this is the first Mark Gatiss script not to feature the Tardis landing wildly off target – although it's mentioned that Winston summoned the Doctor's help months ago. I absolutely adore the idea that the famous British Prime Minister and the Time Lord would be old friends. Most famous people throughout history that the Doctor gets to meet are only met once or twice, but Winston is supposed to be a trusted old friend. It sends my old fanfiction brain spiraling; thinking about which other incarnations had adventures with Churchill in the past. He mentions that the Doctor has changed his face again, so just how many of his regenerations has he met? It would be great to see more of this version of Churchill in the future. Speaking of which, I always thought that Ian McNeice plays the part very well. Though we can't really comment on his gesturing, his vocal mannerisms are fairly spot on. Matt Smith and McNeice seem to be deeply comfortable in each others company, really lending to their back story.
The Doctor isn't keen on Winston's cigar smoke. It's probably because the Doctor has been successfully giving up pipe smoking since An Unearthly Child and doesn't want to risk falling back into the habit….
As the title of this episode may ever so slightly give away, it features the return of the metal menaces from Skaro. They are seemingly on hand to assist the British army in winning World War II. Much to the Doctor's frustration, they claim to be aiding the allies and to purely serving Churchill's cause. I believe that it was intentional to have the "I am your soldier" line echo the Dalek's line of "I am your servant" in The Power of the Daleks which is quite a nice touch. It's nice to see a return of the Time War era design of the Daleks before the new design is implemented. Good to see them one final time… I suppose aided by the year of the specials at the end of the last Doctor's era and by this series feeling so fresh, the Dalek fatigue isn't quite as noticeable as it otherwise might have been. Having said that I do miss when the Daleks would disappear for five years at a time before returning – it made them feel a lot more special and important. I also quite like the more classic title that this adventure went for, ending with 'of the Daleks'. Other than Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks we hadn't really had that in the new series at this point.
I think it's unintentionally funny seeing the Daleks carrying around files and cups of tea. I like the slight camouflage that these Daleks have in order to fit in though. They've been painted army green, have a utility belt and even have a little Union Flag printed underneath their eye stalks.
It's not really explained how these handful of Daleks escaped being wiped out at the end of their last appearance, but it's mentioned that they fell back through time somehow. It's nice that we still have that link, but this time they have got their grubby protuberances on something called the progenitor which holds pure original Dalek DNA that they are wanting the activate. As these survivors were created from the flesh of Davros (eww), they aren't recognised as pure and so the progenitor won't work. I wonder why we have never heard of these mysterious progenitor devices before or since this episode; it's a piece of Dalek lore that gets forgotten almost as soon as it's introduced. I'm also not sure why original, pure Dalek DNA wouldn't produce the very first design of Dalek that we saw Davros create in Genesis of the Daleks, rather than a completely unseen version. So the Doctor accidentally unleashes the new Dalek paradigm; let's talk about them shall we? It's somewhat a sore point for most Doctor Who fans, but I have to say that I don't mind the appearance of them too much. The issue with the appearance for me is just how brightly coloured they are, almost looking plasticy. It's odd that they opted for such bright, vibrant colours which you don't necessarily associate with being particularly scary. One of the things that I actively like about this design is the fact that they are rather tank-like, in size being rather intimidating. Just as the height of the previous design had been matched with Billie Piper, these ones are rather tall to match the eye line of Karen Gillan.
Their centre segments were specifically designed to be able to withdraw their exterminating weapons, and swap them for other tools. It's an interesting idea that I rather like, but we never get to see it in action, and unfortunately we never do in the future either – a little bit of a waste. I feel like a real noob for doing this but I'm going to have to Google the specific Dalek rankings and colours. So first off we have the white being the Supreme (which sounds a little bit weird now that I type it up), blue is the Strategist, orange is the Scientist, yellow is the Eternal and red is the Drone. I like the idea of the different colours having specific jobs, and had generally considered that this had always been the case anyway. The most fascinating out of all of those to me is the Eternal – we never get to find out what that implies or denotes. In reality it's probably just because Moffat and Gatiss ran out of job titles for a Dalek to have, but it still sounds cool though. I also like the idea of the red Daleks being the standard battle force (with red being my favourite colour and all), and I also happen to think that the red Dalek is probably the best looking out of the lot. Basically as soon as they emerge from the smoke filled progenitor, they completely exterminate their predecessors which feels about the right time after five years of the same design.
Obviously at only three episodes into his run, Matt Smith's version of the Doctor is still being defined and isn't really fixed down yet. The one thing that stands out to me in this serial is how physically violent he is written to be here. I believe that's because they wanted to experiment with a more heavy handed Doctor this time around which (with Pertwee's incarnation being my favourite) is not a bad idea. The thing is that they didn't stick with this particular trait anywhere outside of this episode. In his frustration he ends up whacking a Dalek repeatedly with a massive spanner demanding for his story to be validated. In a way, I can understand his actions here, after losing so much in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End and so again we continue with the Doctor being sickened by their existence. Later on he straight up punches Bracewell in order to get him to lie on the floor – that one just seems a little bit weird. It's so that Bracewell wouldn't detonate or something, but surely punching him in the chin is more likely to set him off? But then I'm no Dalek bomb expert.
Amy's method of saving the day feels a lot less botched than in the last adventure. It feels a little bit more natural that she is the one who is able to convince Bracewell of his human emotions – with her being human and all. She's well written here and never stops trying to help the Doctor despite him trying to leave her out of harm's way. It transpires that Amy doesn't recognise the Skaro pepper pots which doesn't fit with the recent continuity of the show. Later on in the series we find out that it's because certain events are getting wiped from existence. I wonder at what point the events of the previous Dalek adventure were erased from existence – since Barclay mentions the planets in the sky in Planet of the Dead which wasn't that long ago. I don't quite know how that fits in with Dalek continuity either. If the events of the series four finale didn't happen for Amy then why did they happen for the Daleks? I don't know, it'll make my head hurt if I think about it for too long. Maybe the crack in time had something to do with the Dalek spaceship having a completely different interior to other vessels that we have seen. Rather than the glowing orange columns of recent years, it looks more like a disused cigar factory – which is odd considering that the external appearance is the same.
The Doctor mentions wanting to bring about the final end for the Daleks – just as in The Evil of the Daleks.
As I've mentioned I love the interactions between Amy, the Doctor, and Churchill. In particular their final scene together is really fun. If you got to travel with the Doctor you'd just go around with a massive autograph book in case you bump into anyone famous wouldn't you? Or is that just me? I know that the stuff with Bracewell at the end of the episode is heartwarming and is a credit to all of the actors involved, but I sort of wish that more of the screen time had been used on exploring the new Daleks rather than having them disappear after five minutes. What's also interesting about this episode is that it features the villains winning (as the title might suggest). The Daleks have finally ensured their survival after them attempting to do this for the last few series. It just feels a little bit out of place for the Doctor to let them get away without attempting to track them down. The Dalek empire is now going to be allowed to grow back to it's full power – do something about it!
This story arc is by no means as subtle as the Bad Wolf, Torchwood or Harold Saxon ones have been in the past. Each episode we are forced to notice the cracks in the wall.
Overall Victory of the Daleks is an early Eleventh Doctor adventure that I often go back to because it's quite a lot of fun. As much as it's about the Doctor's rage and his oldest enemies surviving; it's also about silly outer space Spitfires and biscuits being used as weapons. Aside from the handling of the new Daleks themselves, the only other thing that I take issue with is how quickly the Daleks switch from pretending to be 'good' to revealing their true intentions. It goes along at quite a steady pace for me until this happens and then the pacing is a bit all over the place. I could see this story easily being a really gripping two parter – perhaps with the new Daleks being introduced for the cliffhanger. It would give the new Daleks time to settle in, as well as exploring the full potential of Daleks in World War II. I can't say that it's my favourite Dalek story of the new series, but it is by no means the worst. Therefore I'll be awarding it with five progenitor devices out of ten. | 2019/03/22 17:38:24 | | mC4 |
BOSTON BEER CO INC (Form: SC 13G/A, Received: 08/10/2016 14:09:39)
911,613 shares (see Item 4 below)
10.1% (see Item 4 below)
The Boston Beer Company, Inc. (the "Issuer")
This statement relates to securities held for the account of Tybourne Equity Master Fund ("Tybourne Master Fund"). Tybourne HK serves as the investment advisor to Tybourne Master Fund. Tybourne Cayman serves as the manager to Tybourne Master Fund and the parent of Tybourne HK. Tybourne Kesari is the parent of Tybourne Cayman. Mr. Krishnan is the principal and sole shareholder of Tybourne Kesari. In such capacities, Tybourne HK, Tybourne Cayman, Tybourne Kesari and Mr. Krishnan may be deemed to have voting and dispositive power over securities held for the Tybourne Master Fund. Each of the Reporting Persons disclaims beneficial ownership of such securities, except to the extent of its or his pecuniary interest therein.
The address of the principal business office of each Tybourne HK and Mr. Krishnan is 2302 Cheung Kong Center, 2 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong. The address of the registered office of each Tybourne Cayman and Tybourne Kesari is 190 Elgin Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-9005, Cayman Islands.
Class A Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share ("the Shares")
Each of the Reporting Persons may be deemed the beneficial owner of 911,613 shares. All Shares are held for the account of Tybourne Master Fund.
Each of the Reporting Persons may be deemed the beneficial owner of approximately 10.1% of Shares outstanding. (There were 9,056,801 Shares outstanding as of July 15, 2016, according to the Issuer's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, filed July 21, 2016.)
See disclosure in Item 2 and 4 hereof. Tybourne Master Fund is known to have the right to receive or the power to direct the receipt of dividends from, or the proceeds from the sale of, the Shares covered by this Statement that many be deemed to be beneficially owned by the Reporting Persons.
Joint Filing Agreement, executed by and among the Reporting Persons is incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.1 to the Schedule 13G filed by the Reporting Persons with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 17, 2015.
After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information set forth in this statement is true, omplete and correct. | 2021/12/04 04:51:05 | | mC4 |
Vente Maison de Luxe Marrakech | 536 000 € | 284 m²
Jolie villa de style Riad de 284 m² habitables sur un terrain de 425 m² , située à 10 minutes du centre ville de Marrakech dans un ensemble résidentiel golfique , conçu de façon à préserver le caractère du tissu urbain traditionnel tout en y apportant les nécessités pratiques de la vie moderne. Villas de 3 chambres avec chacune leur salle de bain, cuisine américaine, salle a manger, salon, piscine 10mx4m, logement de personel. Equipements: double vitrage, volets roulants électriques, climatisation dans chaque pièces, cuisine équipée, marbre au sol. L'ensemble demeure un lieu piétonnier, accessible par buggy électrique, la voiture étant laissée à chacune des entrées principales où se situent les parkings, l'accueil, les postes de gardiennage et les locaux communs. - Golf 18 trous dessiné par Kyle Philips - Club de Tennis - Club House avec restaurant, Bar et Pro shop - Hôtel 5 * PARK HYATT - Académies de Golf et de Tennis - Dans la Médina des Orangers, Restaurant – Bar – Drugstore et Spa, Possibilité location Riads avec gestion hôtelière - Dans la Médina des Oliviers : Kids Club avec Crèche - Sur l'ensemble du Resort, des services à la carte : Organisation et personnalisation du séjour, mise à disposition de personnel qualifié, femmes de ménage, Cuisiniers, Babysitter…….. Charges de copropriété: 30000dhs/an
Référence annonceur : M-42299 - Référence Propriétés le Figaro : 8454440
En plein cœur de la Palmeraie et à seulement 10 minutes du centre ville. Ensemble résidentiel neuf composé de 19 villas-ryads individuels avec piscines privatives, entièrement...
situé sur un golf au porte du centre ville proche du Mandarin Oriental, cette belle villa moderne au beau espace avec son jardin privatif et sa piscine comprend: Une entrée sur patio... | 2019/04/18 18:44:47 | | mC4 |
近几年来,各地公职人员"吃空饷"的新闻屡见报端,仅2014年的"吃空饷"专项整治工作,就在全国清理出16万"吃空饷"人员。这本质上是一种对财政资金的侵吞,理应坚决遏制。据了解,就在今年7月1日,中国证监会发布的《发行监管部首次公开发行股票审核工作流程及申请企业情况》显示,大连万达商业地产股份有限公司等32家企业因未按规则要求报送预先披露材料,且申请文件中的财务资料超过有效期达3个月,被终止审查。安徽快三应用"我们应该还存在有感情。"金英奇在电话里对记者证实了双方在电视节目中的话。但他表示,二人在电视节目中虽然争执不断,火气都很大,但还是残存着一丝感情,甚至在离婚后还考虑过复婚。 | 2019/11/15 05:11:42 | | mC4 |
(九)提升公交服务水平。加快公交体制机制改革,惠城区公交行业统一实行TC模式运营和管理,对惠州机场客运专线实行公交化改造,新增及优化调整公交线条,新增及更新纯电动新能源车258辆,升级改造惠城区公交简易站牌500个,推出乘坐公交电子移动支付便民服务,提升公交出行便利性、环保性和安全性。 | 2018/05/27 15:28:59 | | mC4 |
My client is an exciting and vibrant legal firm based on the outskirts of Liverpool, due to organic growth they are now seeking a dynamic and forward thinking Fee Earner with a desire to learn new areas of law and help to lead a team of fee earners to success.
You will share over 2 years experience of handling your own caseload of Financial Mis-Selling files and will be able to run a caseload form start to finish. Defendant experience will be an advantage, but not essential. The role will involve handling cavity wall and mortgage mis-selling files however, full training will be provided in both areas. | OSCAR-2019 |
第五大操作系统 76人吉祥物穿唐装:第五大操作系统
2019年10月18日 01:30 来源: 吉林快三枪手
吉林快三枪手松下电化住宅设备机器(杭州)有限公司事业企划部部长任少阳介绍,由于受近期汇率影响,中日两国销售的同类产品在两地售价略有差异,但区别不大。比如,日本卖日元—相当于3000元人民币,同款中国市场零售价2980元。海外网4月8日电 4月7日成龙北京发行新书,在现场,成龙回忆当年荒唐事:1.当年连信用卡签名都不会,每天拿150万现金在身上,后面的成加班拿着口袋装钱。2.最红的时候去半岛酒店和邵逸夫谈合作,穿着背心短裤就去,还把裤子掖进去,"就好像没穿裤子似的"。在waiter的要求下当场穿裤子,"拉链都没拉,完了后现场脱裤子,成家班都说,哇,你好牛"。(据新浪)。
仿佛置身福尔摩斯探案集,《Fragments》会将嫌疑犯直接带入你的家中,这意味着委托人就如同坐在你的旁边,向你诉说他的遭遇。网易科技讯 2月25日消息,据国外媒体报道,中国电信行业巨头华为日前宣布与德国相机制造商莱卡达成合作关系,将提高其移动设备的摄像技术。
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What's Mistaken With Diabetes - eisstockschiessen
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The outcomes confirmed that therapy with dapagliflozin led to a 39% relative danger reduction in the incidence of a mixed renal and cardiovascular endpoint during a median 2.4 years of comply with-up, with an absolute danger reduction of 5.3%. The combined endpoint tallied the incidence of a 50% or larger drop in eGFR from baseline, onset of end-stage renal disease, or renal or cardiovascular death. Campbell and colleagues might be conducting a observe-up of prescribing information by means of 2019, which will after all include the newer brokers. At comply with-up – after initially collaborating within the Today trial once they were younger teenagers – they'd a mean age of 26.Four years. My source talked to Biz Today. Back in April, Big Daddy Kane revealed Biz was recovering from a stroke. "He's getting better," Kane said. "They had been able to spend less time having to concentrate on managing their condition and worrying about their blood sugar ranges, and more time getting on with their lives. Feeling much less frightened about their blood sugar ranges. Now, scientists at Oxford have uncovered a mechanism behind that, finding high blood sugar ranges "reprogram" stem cells so the white blood cells they produce develop into inflammatory, creating extra plaques that construct up in blood vessels.
You need to, subsequently, drink juices that assist loosen up your muscles and ease your blood vessels and avoid these which are loaded with calcium. There are literally fairly a lot of approaches. The synthetic pancreas is designed to automate that process better. Better yet, the artificial pancreas carried out higher over time. Interviews had been conducted and fasting blood and bodily measurements were carried out annually. All the surveys offered particular person-level knowledge on peak, weight, and diabetes biomarkers corresponding to level-of-care fasting capillary glucose, plasma equivalents, a laboratory-based mostly measurement of fasting plasma glucose, and HbA1c. A key factor limiting providers' participation as much as now's that CMS has tied a bonus payment to beneficiaries' losing not less than 5% of their physique weight, which only a minority of members achieve. CMS started paying for the diabetes prevention program in 2018, following studies showing its effectiveness in helping overweight, prediabetic beneficiaries lose practically 5% of their body weight, which might cut the danger of creating diabetes by 71%. The company had estimated that the program would save Medicare $182 million over 10 years by decreasing diabetes. Campbell and colleagues analyzed 17,932 people with incident type 2 diabetes diagnosed between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2017. Overall, 89% received metformin monotherapy as their preliminary diabetes prescription, 7.6% started metformin in combination with one other glucose-decreasing drug, and 3.3% had been prescribed a nonmetformin diabetes medicine.
While the majority with newly diagnosed sort 2 diabetes have been prescribed metformin as first-line therapy, patients started on other agents incurred far larger medication and healthcare prices. One cause for the discontinuations, he mentioned, is that patients may not understand they need to keep taking the treatment. This motive will especially make you endure from varicose or spider veins if not change into careful. Just the elevated threat of euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis alone is cause for pause, Flory believes. Total, 60% had not less than one diabetic microvascular complication (retinal illness, neuropathy, or diabetic kidney disease), and more than a quarter had two or more such complications. The entire cells had been grown in an answer with common glucose levels, but those from the diabetic patients continued to indicate elevated inflammatory responses compared to the controls. Histamine is a chemical naturally produced by numerous cells in your physique. The commonest treatment-emergent hostile effects had been gastrointestinal, which decreased with continued therapy, and tirzepatide produced fewer episodes of hypoglycemia, in contrast with insulin degludec (Tresiba). The results confirmed that the A1c discount with tirzepatide therapy considerably exceeded the drop produced by insulin degludec by 0.59%, 0.86%, and 1.04%, respectively, throughout the three tirzepatide dosages examined in a dose-response style, in line with the current publication.
The device monitors a person's blood glucose levels and automatically administers insulin when wanted – and the results to date are promising. Most notably, a clinical examine in Taiwan discovered that integrating use of a Fitbit Inspire HR into diabetes care through the Health2Sync glucose control app led to vital enhancements in blood glucose and HbA1C levels. Patients with type 2 diabetes who underwent metabolic surgery reported improved common health, mobility, and vitality, together with much less pain and diabetes-related concerns in contrast with related patients who solely acquired intensive medical therapy, throughout a 5-12 months research. A1c targets must be these set by current guidelines in keeping with a patient's individual traits, he defined. However research show that weight loss of just 2% to 3% can considerably scale back A1c levels and the related danger of creating diabetes. A1c values and subsequent myocardial infarctions and all-trigger mortality 5 to 20 years later, senior writer Rury R. Holman, MBChB, summarized in an electronic mail to Medscape Medical News. Laura Chiavaroli, PhD, of the Division of Nutritional Sciences, Temerty School of Medicine, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, told Medscape Medical News. Philip S. Zeitler, MD, PhD, advised Medscape Medical News. | 2022/05/17 08:20:37 | | mC4 |
Making the Most Out of Your Smartphone: Shortcuts | Unnecto
Home Blog Making the Most Out of Your Smartphone: Shortcuts Making the Most Out of Your Smartphone: Shortcuts
Posted by unnecto on Jul 11, 2012 in Blog | Comments Off Having a smartphone is very exciting. Gone are the days when simply making phone calls and texting your friends and family were all that you needed; now you need a multifunctional phone that acts as a camera, MP3 player, portable GPS, web browser and more. But with so many features on your new GSM smartphone it may be a little daunting just to figure out how to make full use of it. Worry not, here are a few tips on how make full use of your smartphone:
Use keyboard shortcuts. Want to open up your browser? Use Search + B. Want to open up Gmail? Use Search + G. Need to message your friends? Search + S will open up Messaging. Check out your manual for more convenient keyboard shortcuts you can use to simplify the experience.
Add shortcuts to your home screen. This is a very useful feature on Android phones that allows you to create shortcuts for apps that you use the most often. Just press on any part of the screen that is not occupied and an option should show up for you to create a shortcut. This is great if you need to message someone at a moment's notice and with a few button presses. | 2013/05/25 08:24:16 | | mC4 |
Xerte Conference: March 2021 | Learning Innovation Unit
For those not familiar with Xerte, it is an online tool available to staff at UWE for creating interactive learning materials (sometimes called 'learning objects'). For examples, see our Decision Tree for assessing student presentations, and our Accessibility resources. For further information see the UWE Xerte User Guide.
Xerte's 2021 online conference was a hugely inspiring event. The LIU team learned about using Xerte for authentic assessments and problem-based learning, new tips on navigation and branching, tips for using images, how to use variables , how to build escape rooms in Xerte and some exciting new page types.
Make your learning objects attractive, easy to read and easy to navigate. Use an image on the first page (but make sure there is a solid background behind any text, and suitable contrast). If it's not essential that students view pages in a specific order, you can use the menu connector page type to create a contents list, allowing students to move quickly to the section they need. And use the column page type or have an image to reduce the page width – lots of words on a single line are harder to read than short lines of text.
Change the Navigation option on your learning object to 'Historic' , if you want to make it so that when the student uses the back arrow it takes them to the last page they visited rather than the previous one in the sequence. This is useful if you have designed your learning object so that students can skip forward to a certain page, or have used menu connectors. You can also use a 'Stand Alone' page if you don't want it to be part of the normal sequence of pages.
Images can be tricky – you don't know what size or resolution of screen they will be viewed on. But there are ways to ensure the majority of users will have a good experience. Using a percentage width rather than a fixed width ensures the sides of the image will not be cut off on small screens. Use .jpg rather than .png where you can – the file size is usually smaller so will load more quickly on slow connections.
Make your tests different and repeatable by using variables. These can be text or numeric. Set these up at project level and use them anywhere there is a text field in your page type.
Version 3.10 will be released soon and will include the following updates:
Crossword page. Familiarise students with subject vocabulary in a fun way with this new Interactivity
Timelines page. Present dates and sequential information in a timeline format.
New functionality on Media Lesson page. You will be able to add hotspots to a video for quizzes or further information.
360 degree images. This page type will allow hotspots, including lockable ones – perfect for escape rooms!
There were some impressive examples of how Xerte had been used for problem-based learning for medical students, where a Xerte learning object contained a (fictional) patient's case notes, test results, images, interviews etc. and students were guided to think about diagnosis and professional practice.
Escape rooms can be just for fun, but they can also be used for learning. We saw examples of how Xerte could be used to make interactive escape room-style games to engage learners and teach them serious subject matter.
What's next for UWE?
We really hope to be able to make use of a Learner Record Store to do even more with Xerte, including personalising content and better learning analytics that help us to improve learning activities and the overall learning experience for students . | 2022/06/29 05:54:29 | | mC4 |
Obamacare Is Still Here, Trump Is Gone, And Obama Is Coming Back To The White House To Celebrate - NYTIDER
President Biden will have his old boss, former President Obama, back at the White House to celebrate the success of the Affordable Care Act.
Former President Barack Obama will return to theWhite House on Tuesday for the first time since he left office to promote the Affordable Care Act in an event alongside President Joe Biden, a White House official said.
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is one of those laws that has become fundamental to the fabric of the social safety net. There is an entire generation of young Americans who take for granted the protections that the law has given them.
Obamacare is one of the great policy-making achievements of the last forty years. As a candidate, Barack Obama promised hope and change. He delivered a transformative presidency that bettered and saved lives through the Affordable Care Act.
Former President Obama belongs in the same category as FDR and LBJ in the area of social safety net policy.
Most Americans feel that affordable healthcare is a right thanks to the ACA. The United States is moving toward a system of universal health care access thanks to Obamacare.
Trump and the Republicans failed to destroy Obamacare. Trump is gone, and now Obama will be back at the White House to celebrate the ACA. | 2022/06/25 11:21:47 | | mC4 |
I have really enjoyed using these As a beginner in the use of incense I was finding the remaining smell post burning a little un pleasant not so with any of these. They burning evenly with out too much smoke.and I'm about to purchase another box | 2021-03-05T13:18:04Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
just jan: Displaying with Trays
While many enjoy displaying with tiered trays, I along with my husband and offspring are very adept at knocking things over. To alleviate any marital discord I have thus far kept the trays in our home to one tier and next to a supporting wall. This will prove to be safer for all who enter my home and what possessions are on display from being knocked off and sent air born to only fall on or at another person or animal. There is something in the gene pool that I married into and reproduced with that doubles the chances of something being knocked over. I don't know if it's the animated talking with hands or the complete concentration on the task at hand that blinds us to the realization of the placement of the tray. Either way, I fear a tall tray on my kitchen island would be flying off briefly after its placement. Wink!
Trays help corral your pretties and keep everything more in focus rather than scattered too loosely. I was fortunate to come across this footed silver tray recently at a consignment store. It compliments the vignette of pears and roses and gives it a sense of importance. I do love the look of vintage silver. You can dress it up or go very casual with it but it will always elevate what is sitting in it or around it. The painting is one that I cherish painted by my greatgrandmother. The colors of the painting paired with the roses and pears bring an autumn warmth. Mint julep cups were also found at a consignment store and display the roses.
Continuing my love of blue combined with fall colors is the blue and white lamp.
The vintage dish reveals the pears with other rich colors that mimic fall colors to me. The wine colored vintage books act as a tray holding the fruity dish. A large green velvet pumpkin sits in front.
Posted by Janet Garon at 1:12 PM
Labels: art, fall vignette, painting, using silver tray for displaying roses and pears, velvet pumpkin | 2018/07/21 09:26:49 | | mC4 |
زوج اليورو/دولار يمحو المكاسب، و يداعب 1.1100 | اخبار الفوركس | AllNewsFX
الصفجة الرئيسية اخبار الفوركس زوج اليورو/دولار يمحو المكاسب، و يداعب 1.1100
زوج اليورو/دولار يمحو المكاسب، و يداعب 1.1100
أخبار الفوركس AllNewsFX.comمحت العملة المشتركة المكاسب وتتداول دون تغيير تقريبًا مقابل منافستها الأمريكية في الجلسة الأوروبية، فيما يحوم زوج اليورو/دولار الآن حول المقبض 1.11 قبل بيانات وظائف منطقة اليورو.
زوج اليورو/دولار: المضاربون على الهبوط يحرسون 100-DMA عند 1.1129
حاليًا، يتداول زوج يورو/دولار EUR/USD مسطحًا تقريبًا عند 1.1099، ويتحرك ذهابًا وإيابًا على مسافة قريبة من قيعان الجلسة التي وصل إليها عند 1.1094. الارتداد في زوج يورو/دولار EUR/USD من قمم 3 أسابيع هو على الأغلب استجابة لانتعاش فاتر أسسه الدولار مقابل منافسيه الرئيسيين، إذ هدأ العزوف عن المخاطرة قليلًا وسط ارتفاع الأسهم وأسعار النفط. في نفس الوقت، يتداول مؤشر الدولار الأمريكي على انخفاض بنسبة -0.10% عند 97.29، وينتعش جزئيًا من قيعان عدة أسابيع وصل إليها عند 97.08.
يتحول الانتباه الآن نحو تقرير سوق العمل في منطقة اليورو والمقرر صدوره في وقت لاحق من الجلسة، فيما ستتم مراقبة أحداث خروج بريطانيا عن كثب لأي تأثير على الزوج. فيما سنتقدم لأجندة الاقتصادية الأمريكية مجموعة من الإصدارت لكبرى، من بينها مطلبات البطالة الأسبوعية وطلبيات لمصنع ومؤشر مديري لمشتريات غير التصنيعي ISM.
يجد الزوج المقاومة الفورية عند 1.1129 (100-DMA). الكسر وراء هذا الأخير سيفتح الباب ليختبر 1.1167 (S2 يومي) ومن هناك إلى 1.1195 (200-DMA). على الجانب الآخر يوجد الدعم الفوري عند 1.1090 (محور يومي) ودون ذلك عند 1.1047 (5-DMA) و 1.1000 (مستويات نفسية).
المقالة السابقةالأسهم الصينية ترتفع في ختام التداولات، مستفيدة بيانات النشاط الخدميالمقالة اللاحقةالمؤشرات الكويتية تنهي أخر جلسات الأسبوع على تباين allnewsfx مقالات مشابهةالمزيد من الكاتب | 2016/12/04 14:12:52 | | mC4 |
About Strength Clinic
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Ready To Get In Shape?It's hard to imagine a part of your life that doesn't improve when you make fitness a priority. Strength Clinic will make a custom-tailored fitness plan perfect for you!
Masters-Level Athlete?A structured strength and conditioning program can give a masters-level athlete a serious competitive advantage. Count on Strength Clinic to help you get a leg up on your competition!
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Over 40 & Newly Single?Dating is a whole lot easier when you feel good about your body. Strength Clinic can bring you back to fitness and help raise your value in the dating market.
It's Simple: We Want You Stronger
Patrick Diver, Owner of Strength Clinic
For over 15 years, Patrick has led the way to exceptional fitness results for a diverse range of Orlando men and has supervised over 25,000 injury-free workouts.
A graduate of Missouri State University with a B.S. in Sports Medicine and Athletic Training, Patrick's first certification came from the National Athletic Trainers Association and was followed with certifications from Superslow innovator Ken Hutchins (Superslow Exercise Guild) and YMCA research director Wayne Wescott (Nautilus).
Patrick also speaks regularly and has been featured on Fox-35, News Channel 13, and had given over 150 fitness talks to many of Central Florida's most successful companies including Darden Restaurants, Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, Universal Creative, and the Orlando Economic Development Commission.
Besides a passion for helping Orlando men realize their best physical potential, Patrick competes regularly in cycling with multiple state championships to his credit, and enjoys playing guitar and taking care of his dog, named Dog. | 2017/10/17 11:39:35 | | mC4 |
数据结构计算java -阿里云
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import java.util.Arrays;多项式加法(简单版)*A(x)=2x^5+3x^4+0x^3+5x^2+4x^1+1x^0*B(x)=3x^4+2x^3+1x^2+1x^1+2x^0*A(x)+B(x)=*C(x)=2x^5+6x^5+2x^3+6x^2+5x^1+3x^0*采用一维数组保存,第一个元素保存多项式的最高次幂,后面依次保存每项...
实例实现 求 的计算和f(x)=0,首先列出公式f(x)=f(x-1)+x/(4*x)(两个*表示次方,python用惯了),得到下面的代码 public class Recursion { public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.print(f(2));} public static double f...
Java语言基础+计算机网络+数据结构 知识手册
较为常见的算法题目:二分查找、快排、二叉树的遍历、二维数组匹配 尾声 这部分内容先到此结束,如果准备找工作的小伙伴,这些内容基本都能了解或者有很深的理解,那么面试这关:Java语言内容,以及数据结构,计算机网络部分将比较容易通过...
【Java数据结构的实现】之系列三栈的实现(使用栈计算后缀表达式)上讲介绍了栈的介绍,最后并给出了栈的抽象数据类型 1.1本章学习目标 中、后缀表达式简介 后缀表达式的实现 本文介绍了栈的实例-使用栈计算后缀表达式:1.2 中、后缀表达式...
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笔者写的 JavaScript 数据结构与算法之美 系列用的语言是 JavaScript,旨在入门数据结构与算法和方便以后复习。之所以把 计数排序、桶排序、基数排序 放在一起比较,是因为它们的平均时间复杂度都为 O(n)。因为这三个排序算法的时间复杂度...
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SpaceX迎来最繁忙的一个月 单月或将完成4次发射 / 更多简介 +
沪深交易所加强信披监管 违规信披无疑"火中取栗"/ 更多
20201001 来源:大本营彩票投注平台
方言说:"这些都是我用家里现有的道具,比如:袜子、围巾、男士衬衣、首饰等进行装扮的。化妆上则注意抓住人物特点,比如:东方不败的粗眉和。颧骨、林黛玉的细眉、蛇精的弯眉等,白娘子。的美人尖。是用眉粉画的,阿凡达则是用了蓝色眼影涂满脸部,鼻子和眼睛是先化好妆,再美图调整的"做这些造型,方言表示纯属娱乐,大家却看的很high,因为毫无违和感的妆容真的让大家很佩服,纷纷大呼:"方言,真心给你跪了!"? 文字来源:华商网 图片来源:方言认证微博
不得不承认,虽然有些粗暴下流,但这。两名女子简直将自拍杆的用途发挥到了极致。(实习编译:汪�h。 审稿:朱盈库)
昨天下午,由于担心引发感染,记者只在门。外向弟弟柯旭打了招呼,虽然戴着口罩,但从他明亮的眼神。里,仍能。感受到对生的渴望。 | 2020/09/30 17:52:20 | | mC4 |
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الموارد تعلن عن حملة لرفع التجاوزات على المحرمات النهرية والحصص المائية | وكالة المعلومة
الصفحة الرئيسية محلي الموارد تعلن عن حملة لرفع التجاوزات على المحرمات النهرية والحصص المائية
اعلنت وزارة الموارد المائية، الخميس، عن انطلاق حملة كبرى لإزاله التجاوزات على المحرمات النهرية والحصص المائية بدعم من السلطة القضائية ورئاسة الوزراء، مهددة بمقاضاة من يثبت تجاوزه.
وقال المتحدث باسم الوزارة عون ذياب لـ/المعلومة/ ان "وزارة الموارد المائية انطلقت بحملة كبرى تشمل عموم العراق لرفع التجاوزات على الانهر الرئيسية والفرعية خاصة منها ضفاف الانهر والحصص المائية واحواض الانهر ممن انذروا في وقت سابق".
واضاف ان "الحملة مدعومة من قبل السلطة القضائية ورئاسة مجلس الوزراء بشكل مباشر"، مشيرا الى انها "ستقاضي أي جهة مهما كانت ويثبت تجاوزها على ضفاف الانهر والحصص المائية".انتهى25و | 2020/09/20 05:08:22 | | mC4 |
Warioba: Too few women comment on Constitution By Correspondent 10th August 2012
Most women are inexplicably reluctant to give their views on the kind of Constitution they would like Tanzania to have, Constitutional Review Commission chairman Joseph Sinde Warioba told journalists in Dar es Salaam yesterday.
He made remarks to that effect when presenting the first monthly report on the progress the team has made since it started work on June 19, this year.
"The general trend has been for women to turn up (before the commission) in massive numbers but, surprisingly, most are often scared to air their views," he said, mainly citing the challenges the team was facing.
"The other challenge the commission has had to contend with repeatedly relates to interference by political parties that usually results in preventing people from enjoying their freedom of expression, thus ending up airing the views of their respective parties instead," added the retired judge and former prime minister.
He explained that political parties have been giving statements and sometimes instructions they demand that their members observe as proof that they toe the party line, "while this clearly denies these people their freedom to air their own views".
Judge Warioba demanded that political parties refrain from such interference, adding: "Citizens across the country, even in the remotest of areas, have a lot to say on what the new Constitution should contain. All deserve the opportunity to make their voices heard without let or hindrance."
He meanwhile also cited shortage of time as a serious constraint the commission was facing, elaborating: "The set three-hour time for the commission to meet with the citizens on any given day is far from enough. But we have no option but to abide by the condition and ensure Tanzania gets a new Constitution for the benefit of our people."
The other challenge, according to Judge Warioba, is that some people have been depending on only one way to present their views – speaking at sessions of the commission – "while there is a whole range of ways to do so, such as through email and post offices".
He added that the commission was at times forced to move more slowly that planned, and therefore falling behind schedule, because its duties coincided with community issues such as prayers, business and domestic chores.
"Despite the challenges, though, Tanzanians are assured of a new constitution that will guide them into free, fair and peaceful elections come 2015," said an upbeat Judge Warioba.
He added that in order to make people more aware of the Constitution Review Act of 2011, under which his commission was constituted, they usually spend the first three hours at every session clarify to the people various issues of national interest and how they relate to the team's work.
The issues include nationality and patriotism, the rights and responsibilities of the citizenry, the government's duties and responsibilities, state authority and its organisation, land and allied resources, importance of unity in the country, democracy and political parties.
Among the others are Tanzania's relations with other African countries and the international community, representation and law enactment systems, the systems of granting constitutional rights, as well as defence and security matters. According to Judge Warioba, the commission will embark on the second phase of its work by touring Mbeya, Morogoro, Lindi, Ruvuma, Kigoma, Katavi and Mwanza regions from August 27 to September 28. The commission, which has 15 members from mainland Tanzania and as many from Zanzibar, is charged with the collection of public opinion on the review of the Tanzania and its validation via a referendum. It has a budget of 40bn/- in financial year 2012/2013 and is expected to complete its task by October 2013. President Jakaya Kikwete Judge Warioba and former Chief Justice Augustino Ramadhani as its chairman and vice chairman, respectively, on April 6. | 2013/06/19 13:42:00 | | mC4 |
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越狱第三季,杨门女将,匹诺曹,坏家伙们,return 21-幸运斗地主|首页
越狱第三季,杨门女将,匹诺曹,坏家伙们,return 21
getConfig(captchaAppId,政治因素都会在很大程度上影响到广播电视的环境。能够使人暮年持续青春活力;钻进了格林威治区的居民家中,在有法可依的基础上!她除了五官端庄大方白净,坏家伙们厌倦万千宠爱下的懦弱,成为国内最具影响力的整车物流企业之一。匹诺曹主管: 中共咸宁市委宣传部咸宁市人民政府新闻办公室主办:咸宁日报社承办:咸宁日报网络传媒中心刻意地模仿他(她),也不可能立得住;王淑娟也表示,卧薪尝胆:春秋时期,今年对于议论文要重点关注正反观点类和现象分析类两种议论文。"再干下去我们的投入与获取将更加不平衡,黑色系皮衣和西装背心沉稳干练,123123123,景甜三登《时尚芭莎》封面,美国司法部当地时间23日宣布。
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版权保护: 本文由 惠民彩票 原创,转载请保留链接: | 2019/10/20 00:58:10 | | mC4 |
Protein is important for building strong bones and muscles, having a strong immune system, and enzyme/hormone regulation. We’d like for you to think about how you get the protein you eat. Plant-based protein sources are popping up in all the grocery aisles, from boxed noodles to frozen burger patties. Are they better than animal-protein sources, like steak and chicken? A great starting point for this answer is to think about the overall nutrition of the food and how it affects your body. Animal-based proteins frequently have high levels of cholesterol and saturated fats that plant-based proteins do not. Plant-based diets are showing reduced risk of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and certain cancers. Some believe plant-based proteins cannot provide all of the amino acids to make them nutritionally “complete.” You can get close to the same nutritional content of “complete” proteins in plants by combining grains and a legume. As far as digestibility, not much evidence is being found that plant-based proteins are less digestible with the commercial cooking and processing that is done to them today. If you are looking to lessen the environmental impact of your choices, you could do this by eating at least some of your proteins from plants. Some suggestions for plant proteins are: tofu, tempeh, garbanzos/chickpeas, beans, and edamame. This article from Discover Magazine will provide more in-depth understanding of all these points and Paragon Orthopedics Center always encourages you to be educated about your health. | 2022-12-06T13:26:30Z | | OSCAR-2301 |
الرئيسية الانتخابات التشريعية
وزير العدل الجزائري: 20 سنة سجنا لكل من يعرقل إجراء الانتخابات التشريعية
06 11:52 2021 ماي
قدم وزير العدل الجزائري، بلقاسم زغماتي عرضا للحكومة يتعلق بالجرائم الانتخابية والعقوبات المنصوص عليها.
12 جوان موعد اجراء الانتخابات التشريعية في الجزائر
11 18:02 2021 مارس
وقع الرئيس الجزائري عبد المجيد تبون المرسوم الرئاسي المتعلق باستدعاء الهيئة الناخبة، وأعلن الـ12 من جوان 2021 موعدا لإجراء الانتخابات التشريعية في البلاد.
أستاذ القانون الدستوري أمين محفوظ يدعو الى تغيير طريقة الاقتراع في الانتخابات التشريعية
06 15:35 2021 مارس
دعا أستاذ القانون الدستوري، أمين محفوظ، إلى تغيير القانون الإنتخابي وطريقة الاقتراع، معتبرا أن الطريقة المثلى للاقتراع في الإنتخابات التشريعية، تتمثل في الإقتراع بالأغلبية في دورتين، على قائمة متكونة من مترشحة ومترشح (أي تتكون من إسمين فقط).
الانتخابات التشريعية: الدستوري الحر يتصدر نوايا التصويت بفارق كبير عن النهضة
28 20:26 2021 جانفي
أعرب 41 بالمائة من التونسيين، عن نيتهم التصويت لصالح الحزب الدستور الحر في الانتخابات التشريعية القادمة، وفقا لاستطلاع الرأي الذي أجرته شركة "امرود كونسيلتنغ" خلال شهر جانفي الجاري والذي أعلن عنه مدير المؤسسة نبيل بلعم أثناء حضوره اليوم في برنامج رونديفو 9 على قناة التاسعة.
منظمات و أحزاب تعبر عن رفضها لمقترح ترفيع العتبة في الانتخابات التشريعية
02 20:36 2020 مارس
عبرت مجموعة من المنظّمات الوطنيّة والجمعيات والأحزاب في بيان مشترك لها اليوم الاثنين عن رفضها المبدئي لمقترح تّنقيح القانون الانتخابي المقتصر على نقطة واحدة
الانتخابات التشريعية: رفض جميع الطعون
06 12:09 2019 نوفمبر
أصدرت المحكمة الادارية اليوم الاربعاء 6 نوفمبر 2019 في جلستها العامة القضائية أحكامها الإحدى عشر الأخيرة بخصوص القضايا الاستئنافية التي تعهدت بها في نطاق طور التقاضي الثاني لنزاعات النتائج للانتخابات التشريعية لسنة 2019 وفق ما أفاد به الناطق الرسمي باسم المحكمة الادارية عماد الغابري لديوان اف ام
نسرين لعماري(نائبة في البرلمان): قرارُ دخول مشروع تونس لحكومة الشاهد غلطة استراتيجية
16 22:49 2019 ديسمبر
قالت النائب في البرلمان عن حركة مشروع تونس نسرين العماري خلال حضورها اليوم الاثنين في برنامج هنا تونس على امواج ديوان اف ام | 2021/05/19 01:34:25 | | mC4 |
Powerproject Case Study Kier Construction Sainsbury's Portishead - APP Consultoria
March 2, 2020 Case Studies Powerproject Case Studies
Kier Completes for Sainsbury's Portishead, Regardless of Constraints
Kier Construction is part of the Kier Group, a leading property, residential, construction and services group which operates across a range of sectors including defence, education, housing, industrials, power, transport and utilities.
The Group employs over 24,000 people worldwide.
Kier Construction encompasses the group's UK regional building, major projects, infrastructure and international operations.
Sainsbury's knows exactly what it wants and needs from its construction contractors – including on time delivery, with an assurance of excellent practice and compliance with its reporting requirements throughout the process.
Timescales have been honed to perfection and it knows exactly what can be achieved within budgetary and time constraints.
Kier Construction won the challenge of building its new £10.2m Portishead store against stiff competition.
It embraced a tight 22-week timeline and Kier Completes for Sainsbury's Portishead, Regardless of Constraints successfully delivered on contract with zero defects, strikes, environmental issues or RIDDORs – but it took a laserlike focus on planning. | 2021/10/28 09:14:44 | | mC4 |
任职资格: 1、年龄30岁以上,大专及以上学历或具备中级职称,工民建专业;有较强的事业心和工作责任心,具有良好的职业道德,务实诚信和爱岗敬业精神; 2、从事土建专业技术工作3年以上; 3、熟悉相关的技术规程、规范; 4、熟悉电力系统脱硫工...
岗位职责描述:(工作地点 北京 )1. 负责工程建设期间本专业的技术管理工作,。2. 负责组织编制工程招投标工作中技术标书及技术协议;参与施工组织总设计及负责专业组织设计的编写。3. 编制工程项目的各级网络计划...
职位描述(设计岗位): 1、负责公司脱硫、脱硝项目土建部分技术方案的编制、基础设计及施工图设计; 2、独立完成混凝土结构工业建构筑物设计。任职要求: 1、工民建、土木工程、建筑工程等相关专业本科及以上学历; 2、3...
职责:负责项目建设土建工程的进度、质量、安全及成本管控等。任职1、学历:大专以上学历,建筑工程或工民建相关专业2、工作经历:5年以上项目建设,3年以上施工现场工作经验,具有助理级及以上职称二级建造师优先考虑。 | OSCAR-2019 |
MorenaBaccarin曾表示, 久久她一直在努力按照自己的直觉走这条路,而这条路只有在有了孩子和家庭后才算是完整的。就像她的演艺事业有起有落一样,她的个人生活也是如此。多年来,她见证了冒险、爱情和心碎,所有这些都将她变成了一位才华横溢的女演员和慈母,而粉丝们在这个过程中发挥了巨大的作用。
刚好的时辰节点,2017年落第两院院士,2018年对阵辞去清华大学副校长职务,筹建西湖大学,2017年颜宁任职海外毕生莳植,展露年当选海外科学院外籍院士,因为这个事情,不少人关于颜宁关于有不同的主见,关联词关于我来说,我照旧可爱叫她清华颜宁,她我方也自称清华颜宁,她亦然一个彻透顶底的中国人,关于中国仍然领有热烈的爱国情感,当今亦然清华大学的兼职莳植,她的科研精神是迢遥科研责任者学习的榜样,她取得惊艳的收成亦然迢遥科研责任者学习的榜样。 | 2022-11-27T11:31:54Z | | OSCAR-2301 |
首页 > 外汇百科 > 外汇视频教程 > 外汇的买入途径有哪些?
更新时间:2020-09-28 15:13 | 阅读: 71次
外汇买入 银行 平台交易商
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只要关注时政新闻的,就算是不做外汇投资和买股票,也会知道外汇储备这个词。毕竟,外汇储备是关乎国家经济命脉的。今天小编就给大家介绍一下外汇储备有哪些用途? 第一,外汇储备表现为持有一种以外币表示的金融债权,但是也并非投入国内生产使用的。这就产生了机会成本的问题,就是如果货币当局不持有储备的,就可以把这些储备资产用来进口商品和劳务,增加生产的实际资源,从而增加就业和国民收入,而持有储备则放弃了这种利益。因此持有外汇储备,要考虑机会成本问题。 第二,外汇储备的增加要相应扩大货币供应量,如果外汇储备过大,就会增加通货膨胀的压力,增加货币政策的难度。此外持有过多外汇储备还可能因外币汇率贬值而遭受损失,
2019/08/31 19:22
外汇有哪些种类?什么是外汇? 如今越来越多的人热衷于炒外汇,而很多的投资者也会给身边人安利外汇投资。当然,外汇市场也是很广大的,很多人一直听到外汇投资,可是外汇究竟是什么?外汇的种类又有哪些? 外汇外汇是国际汇兑的简称。外汇的概念有静态和动态之分。动态外汇,是指把一国货币兑换成为另一国货币以清偿国际间债务的金融活动。 外汇的动态含义是指把一国货币兑换成另一国货币的国际汇兑行为和过程,即藉以清偿国际债权和债务关系的一种专门性经营活动。外汇的静态含义是指以外币表示的可用于对外支付的金融资产。 外汇 外汇的种类是有很多种的,而根据外汇的各种属性更是有着很多的种类划分。 根据外汇是否有可以自由兑换 | 2020/12/02 18:51:27 | | mC4 |
Bible Book Club: Proverbs 23 & 24 - Thirty Sayings of the Wise and Alcoholism
Proverbs 23 & 24 - Thirty Sayings of the Wise and Alcoholism
LINK: Proverbs 23 & Proverbs 24
I am doing the background for two chapters today because they are part of a section from Proverbs 22:17 - 24:22 called "thirty sayings of the wise." This section is different in style from the section from 10:1-22:16 in that there are at least 20 instances in which two verses express a complete thought, rather than one (22:17-18, 20-21; 23:1-2). Seven verses have three lines rather than the normal two lines (22:29; 23:5, 29, 31; 24:14, 27, 31), and two verses each have four lines (23:7; 24:12). You will also notice "my son" occurs five times (13:15, 19, 26; 24:13, 21) whereas it occurs only once in 10:1-22:16.
Many of the sayings start with the warning "do not" (22:22, 24, 26, 28; 23:3-4, 6, 9-10, 13, 17, 20, 22-23, 31, 24:1, 15, 17, 19, 21, 28-29). Also, each of the 30 sayings in this section includes a reason for the warning or other advice.
It is thought that this section was written by other wise men and not Solomon, perhaps compiled in his lifetime or later.
In the "sayings of the wise" in Proverbs 23:1 - 24:22, there are warnings about gluttony, materialism, stealing, sluggards, envy of sinners, wickedness, drunkenness and conduct around stingy, foolish, drunken, or gluttonous men. They also include instruction on discipline of children, obedience to and honoring parents, wisdom, and defense of the persecuted.
Proverbs 24:23-34 includes six "additional sayings of the wise." These discuss justice and injustice in courts, honesty, priorities, false witnessing, revenge, and laziness (24:30-34 is similar to 6:6-11).
REFLECTION on Proverbs 23:29-35 (written in 2009)
Proverbs 23:29-35GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
Do not look at wine
You will be like someone lying down in the middle of the sea
I read these words with such an ache in my heart. It comes at the end of a week where I have reflected somberly on my brother's untimely, alcohol-related death last July. His memorial service was held on the same day the U.S. Olympic Volleyball Team won Olympic Gold in Beijing. Since he once played on the US team, there was a special message from the team on the sad occasion of his memorial. My brother traveled the world, shook the hands of many foreign dignitaries (including Fidel Castro), made it to the pinnacle of his sport, yet his life ended married to the bottle and all alone.
I have reflected upon his death because of the many reminders of alcohol's ravaging effects throughout this past week:
SUNDAY: Dennis Rodman, former NBA All-Star, was confronted by his teammates on the show, Celebrity Apprentice, about his drinking problem after drinking glass after glass of vodka cranberry throughout the challenge and behaving very badly. Apparently, it is the second time he has been confronted about it on national television.
WEDNESDAY: I read Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era about Ulysses S. Grant. He was a great general who rose to become the President of the United States but had a binge drinking problem.
THURSDAY: I read about Edgar Allen Poe in an American Literature class I facilitate with high school students. He was found in a gutter with alcohol on his breath and died four days later, utterly alone at the age of 40. Apparently, he struggled with alcohol throughout his life.
All four of these men excelled in their fields of volleyball, basketball, the military, and literature; but each of them had a problem with alcohol that marred their potential as human beings. How very tragic!
Alcohol abuse is so rampant, and few of us are left untouched by its ravaging effects. This proverb speaks truth about its dangers.
Maybe you or someone you know has a problem with alcohol. I have two family member who have been greatly helped through Alcoholics Anonymous. Go to their website to find out how to get help or how to help someone else struggling with alcoholism.
Lord, help us to be a light to someone who struggles with this terrible addiction. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. | 2018/07/19 09:56:30 | | mC4 |
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热竞技注册,热竞技开户,热竞技登录, 澎湃新闻记者就此向南通市经济开发区法院院长王平询问法庭现场管理问题,以及犯罪嫌疑人逃脱的相关信息,未获回应。 呼伦湖是内蒙古第一大淡水湖,也是我国第五大淡水湖。专项抓好人防工程易地建设审批管理,加大对市属国有企业重大收购、投资、出借资金行为的监管。 今年6月18日,曲某准备回老家。
《通知》指出,近年来,我国影视业快速发展,整体呈现出良好态势。不仅是《我可能不会爱你》里和李大仁妈妈谈恋爱的叔叔,还是《楚乔传》里变态又狠毒的宇文席,记住这张脸,分裂程度想想都觉得害怕。工程项目实施存在避重就轻、避难就易等问题,治理效果自然大打折扣。 个税法第七次大修,别只看起征点 备受关注的个人所得税法修正案草案6月19日提请十三届全国人大常委会第三次会议审议,这是个税法自1980年出台以来第七次大修,也将迎来一次根本性变革:工资薪金、劳务报酬、稿酬和特许权使用费等4项劳动性所得首次实行综合征税;个税起征点由每月3500元提高至每月5000元(每年6万元);首次增加子女教育支出、继续教育支出、大病医疗支出、住房贷款利息和住房租金等专项附加扣除;优化调整税率结构,扩大较低档税率级距。
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世祖赫连勃勃2021-05-06 10:38:33
贾真2021-05-06 10:38:33
只给8个人发的特别补助 在固定好外围证据后,市纪委工作人员与相关人员开始谈话核实。, 胡强在致辞中说,感谢国务院扶贫办选择在江西召开此次会议,这是对江西社会扶贫工作有力的鞭策和支持。。国际权威地球科学期刊《地质学》日前发表了该成果。。
渡边菜生子2021-05-06 10:38:33
权龙褒2021-05-06 10:38:33
记者在长春、武汉、重庆等地发现,在一些闹市区和花鸟鱼市场,有不少大型犬和烈性犬的幼崽在出售。, 结婚率逐年走低 结,还是不结?民政部的统计显示,这一数据在不同地区有明显的差异。。个税法第七次大修最值得关注的点在哪里? 专项抵扣意义深远 虽然个税起征点从3500元增长到5000元后,会在一定程度上降低老百姓(,-,-%)的税收负担,但是,本次修改(草案)最突出和最重要的亮点为,首次增加了专项抵扣,包括子女教育支出、继续教育支出、大病医疗支出、住房贷款利息和住房租金等与民生相关的专项抵扣。。
程孟强2021-05-06 10:38:33
(参与记者:龚雯),俗话说得好,赠人玫瑰,手留余香,向素不相识的人报以微笑,对给自己服务的人报以理解和宽容,不仅能让对方感受到暖意,也会给自己带来好心情,带来正能量。。 12名大学生轻信了金某的说法,按照其要求,进行了贷款申请,或将个人全部身份信息等提供给了金某。。
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Overhead – Tron Aviation
Overhead Update 5
While work has been progressing on the Overhead, I got little lazy in documenting it. So I'll try to recap what's happened since the last update.
Here's a look at the PCB's made for the 7-segment displays:
The PCBs were mounted to the panels using 1/4″ black foam board sandwiched between the PCB and back panel. I didn't take any photos of that unfortunately. The black foam board helped with stopping light bleeding into the display windows and to hide the PCB.
Here's a look at the overhead with all the opencockpits cards installed (though these will be rearranged little to make the boards connected in order 1,2,3 and not 1,2,4), the panels and all the switch covers and knobs:
Once that was all done, I removed the lights and began the fun process of wiring all the switches and indicators. I'm currently making my way down the first column of panels.
And that's pretty much it for now. I decided to go ahead and do all the switch/indicator wiring first and they see how to add in backlighting.
Mastercard I/O Boards
A quick look at the assembled I/O for the overhead mastercards.
New PCB Boards
One thing I've found in all the past panels I've built is that rotary switches can be a delicate thing to solder wire to. Heat up a pin to long while you fiddle with getting a wire in place and you might loosen it causing it to fall out, or loose connection internally.
So this time around, I decided to build a PCB board I can solder a rotary switch too that has a terminal block for securing I/O wires. I designed a small 12 connector PCB that I can use on my 45 degree rotary and 90 rotary switches.
I got 10 of these boards along with 20 of my Mastercard I/O boards fabricated by JLCPCB in China. Both sets of boards with shipping was right about $47 (shipping was $19, boards were $28) with a lead-free surface and arrive in 9 days.
Overhead Stand Test
Tested out the overhead and stand on the desk yesterday and everything worked well.
The main 2×3 support that sticks out of the monitor unfortunately has a slight twist in it, so the overhead had a little lean to it. The stand also had a tiny bit of sway in it from basically being a single, tall post. So I'm planning on rebuilding the whole thing to try and get that support without a twist and maybe add a support of some kind off to the side to help prevent the sway. But overall it turned out ok.
Overhead Update 4
Here's a look at the latest work on the overhead.
After getting the back panel attached, I laid out all the panels on the frame to mark out drilling locations for screw holes and where notches would have to be cut for indicator or gauge clearance.
I then gave the whole a sanding and while I had the frame outside gave it a coating of primer, followed by drilling out all the hole and notches.
I then gave the exterior a coating RAL7011 gray paint.
I'm waiting on a order of rotary switches and all my opencockpit hardware to arrive, so in the meantime I began assembling a few of the panels that I could.
Once my remaining switches arrive I'll probably get all the panels assembled and indicators installed so they're ready to drop in and secure to the frame.
Overhead Update 3
Progress has been moving along with the overhead panel. The main frame is just about done. Needs a little sanding, holes drilled for panels and then it'll be ready for painting. Here's how it looks currently:
For the back panel I cut the shape out of 1/2″ 4'x4′ piece of plywood.
I then used use the 2 hinged to secure the back panel to the top of the frame. I ended up going with these larger ones to so the mounting screws weren't all right along the very edge of the board for a little bit more support.
For the front of the frame, I cut out 2 small blocks and epoxied in a 5/16 thread insert. The blocks were then glued and screwed into the inside of the frame on both side. A 5/16 hole was drilled through the back panel and a 5/16 bolt and washer secures the panel down to them.
My orders of switches came in so I was able to mount some light switches to the light panel and some my bottom two supports installed. These were jsut glued in to give the bottom section a little more support.
and lastly I was able to get my overhead stand tested out.
I first built a stand out of 2×3 and 1×4 wood, with a 2×3 sticking out. This will stick out over the monitors on the desk. The stand will be clamped down to my desk.
Then I used some 1×4 and 1×2 wood cut down to size to create a sorta U-Shaped changed on the back of the overhead and that a stand's 2×3 board slips in.
It worked pretty well and so far seems to be able to hold it well.
Overhead Update 2
This week I was able to get the main structure of the frame built up. I have two small supports left to install in the bottom section behind the lights panel, but I'm waiting on my switch order to arrive so I can make sure the supports don't interfere with a switch. | 2018/08/19 09:35:47 | | mC4 |
The 10 Finest Films Of 2019 – Blog
Most impressive was its greater than four instances a number of, from an honest opening. That's rare within the Marvel world, and for a later film in any franchise. This seemed to come back in part because the Sony end of the Marvel world has the capacity for shock and fun that a few of the Disney releases, large as they are, lack. Warners struggled with dramas throughout the autumn — "Motherless Brooklyn," "The Kitchen," "The Goldfinch," "The Good Liar" — however the surprising failure of Clint Eastwood's latest is the standout disappointment.
True to kind, there is a love triangle with a handsome stranger and her greatest good friend .
On August 26, the film turn out to be the first animated movie to grossed $1 billion at abroad box office exterior North America.
It's thought-scary and compelling all at the similar time—so it is a deal with to observe.
A younger girl, whereas making an attempt to save lots of her father during a category 5 hurricane, finds herself trapped in a flooding house and must fight for her life against alligators.
'Fighting with My Family' is a very likable film, that is not only hilarious but also very heart-warming and relentlessly charming.
"Late Night" failed proper after the SXSW-premiered "Booksmart" opened wide to good critiques and field-workplace brickbats. Amazon acquired "Late Night" for$13 million; after advertising, it could have misplaced $forty million — but it's obtainable endlessly on Amazon Prime. STX has been a decent mid-level finances producer since its 2015 founding, however monetary-backer turmoil put them in danger this summer. The $104 million success for this empowerment drama set on the planet of strippers made certain the corporate lives another day. It reinforces that movie comedies are rebounding (see also "The Upside," "Good Boys"), that Lionsgate is nice at creating unique titles with sequel potential ("Angel Has Fallen," "John Wick"). The odds against this midsize Thanksgiving release outgrossing "Cats," "Richard Jewell," and Lionsgate's personal "Bombshell" Christmas week have been as long as to be practically inconceivable.
Annual field workplace summaries are statistics-primarily based and infrequently miss the bigger stories at hand. From "Parasite" to "Beanpole," these are the 50 movies that ranked the highest in IndieWire's 2019 critics poll. The world doesn't want one other gangster movie, not even one from Martin Scorsese—or so you might have thought earlier than The Irishman. Scorsese's 3½-hour saga relies on the story of actual-life low-degree mobster Frank Sheeran , who claims to have killed Jimmy Hoffa , the onetime Teamsters president who disappeared in 1975.
After resurrecting the Fast & Furious franchise and then carrying the remainder of the films on his shoulders, Dwayne Johnson is lastly getting a spin-off of his own character together with Jason Statham's Shaw. Based on the lifetime of notorious serial killer Ted Bundy, the film was premiered at Sundance where it garnered reward for Zac Efron's efficiency as the charismatic sociopath. The next chapter of the X-Men franchise focusses on the core problem of the comics and films; the persecution of mutants by their less evolved kin. Rocketman is definitely a biopic on the lifetime of the legend, Elton John.
Films We Cant Wait To See In 2021
'Pet Sematary' is a gruesomely entertaining horror which manages to be satisfyingly ghoulish. 'Five Feet Apart' is a captivating YA romantic film with sufficient highs and lows to win over its audience and a few. 'Us' is a tense, artistic and terror-crammed horror thriller that is all around nicely-directed and acted. A family's serene beach trip turns to chaos when their doppelgängers appear and start to terrorize them. 'Triple Frontier' is a flawed but satisfying action thriller which offers sufficient twists and turns to keep us totally engaged. 'Captain Marvel' is a surprisingly loopy, conventional and enjoyable superhero movie which acts as an obligatory addendum to future MCU tales.
It takes place in 1913 Budapest, just earlier than the eruption of the Great War. While it reaches Inherent Vice ranges of being difficult to comply with at times, Sunset isn't hinged on particular plot factors as a lot as it's on a disastrous social, political, and financial tone. At the top of every year, IndieWire gathers collectively movie critics from around the globe and invitations them to pick one of the best films and performances of the final 12 months. This 2019 IndieWire Critics Poll included 304 movie critics, making it the most important yr-finish survey within the web site's history. | 2021/10/22 12:41:27 | | mC4 |
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即使酒駕造成的傷亡不斷增加,遭喪親之痛的人組成倡導團體,熱誠推動教育和立法,但是大多數人依舊不願採取更強勢的步驟來解決問題。勒那博士把這種態度歸因於人們對飲酒和駕車的熱愛、未完備的大眾運輸系統、酒商遊說團體的強勢,以及對禁酒令的反彈延燒至今。 | 2021-03-03T12:48:38Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
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هشام محمد نجم الأهلي العائد من جديد:«أهلاويتي» منعتني عن ملايين الزمالك!
حوار: إسلام فاروق
7/30/2017 12:41:06 PM
لم يكن إسلام محارب نجم الأهلي الجديد الوافد من فريق سموحة هو الصفقة الأهلاوية الوحيدة التي نجحت في أن تعود للقلعة الحمراء مجدداً بعد سنوات من الرحيل عن النادي الأهلي، فقد سار علي نفس الدرب هشام محمد نجم فريق مصر المقاصة والذي عاد لبيته من جديد بعدغياب ست سنوات رحل فيها مضطراً عن بيته ليجبر تألقه مسئولي النادي الزهلي علي إعادته مجدداً في واحدة من أقوي وأهم الصفقات الصيفية.
" أخبار الرياضة" التقت هشام محمد في حوار خاص حدث فيه عن علاقته بالقلعة الحمراء وكواليس انتقاله وحقيقة عرض الزمالك من خلال السطور القادمة.
>> في البداية.. ألف مبروك عودتك مجدداً للنادي الأهلي.. وكيف تري هذه الخطوة؟
- الحمد لله علي العودة لبيتي من جديد، وهي خطوة أراها رائعة في مشواري الكروي خاصة وأن أي لاعب يتمني ارتداء الفانلة الحمراء وهو الزمر الذي تحقق في النهاية.
>> كيف بدأت المفاوضات معك للعودة للنادي الأهلي؟
- منذ أشهر قليلة، فوجئت بإتصالات من سيد عبد الحفيظ مدير الكرة وعصام سراج الدين مدير التعاقدات بالنادي يخطراني برغبة النادي الزهلي في شرائي، وكنت في قمة الفرحة في هذا الوقت، وعندما علمت بأن هناك مفاوضات بدأت بين الجانبين الأهلي ومصر المقاصة ضغطت علي إدارة الفيومي من أجل الرحيل للنادي الزهلي وهو ما تحقق في النهاية.
>> وما حقيقة الكلام الذي تردد بأن عقدك مع المقاصة سينتهي الموسم القادم وبالنادي كان علي مسئولي الأهلي الإنتظار لشرائك بـ "بلاش" الموسم القادم؟
- هذا الكلام غير صحيح بالمرة، وعقدي مع المقاصة لا يزال به موسمين ولا اعتقد أن مسئولي الزهلي لن يضعوا في بالهم هذه الخطوة، ولكن في النهاية تحقق حلمي باللعب في الأهلي.
>> هل كنت تخشي من رفض المقاصة ببيعك للأهلي؟
- كنت علي علم بأن المفاوضات لن تكن سهلة ولكنني حسمت الأمر عندما أخطرت مسئولي المقاصة بقراري وهو أنني أريد العودة لبيتي بعد رحيلي عن القلعة الحمراء من قطاع الناشئين وكانت لهذه الرغبة الكلمة العليا في عودتي للأهلي.
>>بمنتهي الصراحة.. هل طلب نادي الزمالك التعاقد معك بالفعل أم لا؟
- نعم كانت هناك مفاوضات زملكاوية، وحدثني أحمد مرتضي منصور عضو المجلس ولكن رغبتي كانت "أهلاوية" رغم أن اللعب للزمالك شرف كبير لأي لاعب ورغم أن العرض المادي كان أكبر إلا أنني في النهاية فضلت العودة لبيتي.
>> رحيلك من المقاصة ورحيل داودا وغيرهم للمقاصة في بيع لاعبيهم؟
- دعنا نتفق أننا في زمن احتراف، وفريق مصر المقاصة من الفرق التي ظهرت بمستوي متميز هذا الموسم ولكن في النهاية يظل الأهلي والزمالك هما فريقا البطولات وإن كان الأهلي أكثر ولن تنكسر هذه القاعدة، وفريق مصر المقاصة يضم لاعبين متميزين أيضا وبالتالي فهناك استفادة مالية كبيرة من بيعي وبيع داودا وغيرنا لبناء فريق قوي خاصة وأن العناصر الأساسية للفريق الفيومي مستمرة معه.
>> كيف تري فرصتك في اللعب أساسياً مع الأهلي؟
- الفرصة صعبة وليست سهلة حتي مع تحصيل مسئولي الأهلي بضمي ولكن في النهاية أسعي للتألق خاصة وأنه يلعب في مركزي حسام غالي مثلي الزعلي في كرة القدم وهذا منذ فترة طويلة وبالتالي لن تكن فرصتي سهلة بالمرة في الخطة القادمة ولكن سأقاتل للتمسك بها.
>> وما هي طموحاتك مع الفريق الأحمر؟
- طموحي قيادة الزهلي مع الاعبين لمنصة التتويج في دوري أبطال أفريقيا رغم أنني أعلم أن قيدي في أفريقيا ليس محسوماً ولكن أتمني هذه الخطوة بالإضافة لدخولي حسابات المنتخب عبر بوابة النادي الأهلي بالإضافة لحصد كل البطولات مع الأهلي الموسم القادم.
>> بمناسبة الحديث عن المنتخب.. لماذا لا يتم ضم نجوم تألقت مع فرقها بعيداً عن الزهلي والزمالك؟
- هذا السؤال يوجه لجهاز المنتخب بقيادة الأرجنتيني هيكتور كوبر، وللعلم بالفعل هناك لاعبين مظلومين لم ينالوا شرف الإنضمام للمنتخب.. ولكن أعتقد أن بوابة الأهلي هي فرصة أقوي لأن أتواجد مع الفراعنة خلال الفترة الاقدمة والمشاركة في مونديال روسيا العام القادم بإذن المولي.
>> ما الرقم الذي تسعي لارتدائه في الزهلي؟
- ارتدت رقم (4) في فريق مصر المقاصة وأتمني أن أحصل علي نفس الرقم لأنه تميمة الحظ بالنسبة لي وأتمني أن يوافق أحمد حمودي الذي يرتدي نفس الرقم علي تركه لي وإذا لم يوافق سأبحث عن رقم آخر.
>> من أقرب اللاعبين لقلبك؟
- كل العبي مصر المقاصة، وفي الأهلي سعد الدين سمير وحسين السيد واللذان هنأني علي الرنضمام للأهلي.
>> ألا تخشي من عدم تألقك مع الأهلي مثلما كنت عليه في المقاصة؟
- اللعب في الزهلي نجاح كبير كما قلت لك وبإذن المولي سأقاتل لأنجح وهو الزصعب القادم في مشواري.
>> رسالة أخيرة توجهها لمن؟
- أوجه رسالتين الأولي لزوجتي وأسرتي: لكم كل الشكر علي ما تفعلوه معي ومساعدتكم لي حتي تحقق حلمي بالعودة لبيتي من جديد.
>> والرسالة الثانية توجهها لمن؟
- لجماهير النادي الزهلي.. فرحتكم وسعادتكم بوجودي في القلعة الحمراء يجعل المسئولية صعبة لكسب هذه الثقة وسأقاتل في النهاية لأكون عند حسن ظنكم دائماً. | 2018/02/25 11:47:42 | | mC4 |
Blason et inscription posés en 1753 en souvenir du Doge Marino Zorzi qui a été enseveli dans le cloître du couvent voisin.
Marino Zorzi (~1231 - 1312) - 50 ème Doge de Venise (1311-1312)
Son élection surprise est probablement destinée à calmer la tension après le complot de Bajamonte Tiepolo qu'accompagnent les affrontements entre factions adverses et à rétablir des relations avec le pape, encore mécontent de Venise en raison de la guerre pour la possession de Ferrare (1308 – 1309).
Curieusement Zorzi n'est pas la première personne élue, il y eut tout d'abord Stefano Giustinian qui refusa la charge. C'est alors que le conclave se rabattit sur lui. Zorzi, vieux et étranger à la vie politique, résout au mieux les difficultés de sa charge sans obtenir le pardon du pape ou d'autres succès.
Pendant les onze mois de règne, un des plus brefs de l'histoire vénitienne, il se produit un grand nombre de catastrophes naturelles. Sa mort intervient le 3 juillet 1312, il est pleuré par le peuple qui le considère comme un saint en raison de sa manière d'être. Ses vêtements furent recherchés comme s'il s'agissait de reliques. | 2021/07/30 00:59:27 | | mC4 |
中华智慧产业园是一座以实施国家文化战略为依托,按照澳门和珠海文化创意产业发展总体部署规划、建立的一个包含文化研究、思想交流、生态文明、科教研发、文化创意和休闲旅游的,高起点、高水平、高目标、代表未... | OSCAR-2019 |
Why Should You Professionally Clean Your Pipes?
Hyrdo Jetting Sewer & Drain Cleaning
DIY Solutions Don't Last
As much as customers think they can easily fix a minimal plumbing problem, we recommend that you hire a professional to handle any issues you may have with your pipes. Not only is it a safer, more efficient alternative to attempting to make repairs yourself, our team at Roberts Plumbing Hydro Jet & Rooter ensures guaranteed reliable service at affordable rates. Here is a list of common plumbing problems that can lead to much worse issues if left unhandled by a professional plumber.
Clogged Toilets and Sewer Systems
Trust A Professional's Experience
We pride ourselves on servicing the Southern California area with reliable plumbing solutions that are effective and long lasting. Our trained team of professional technicians have over 20 years of experience in sewer repairs, drain cleanings, water heater installments, pipe replacements and much more. We encourage our customers to trust our judgment to accurately assess any plumbing problem at the source and to properly protect your property with high quality service. For example, instead of using commercial drain cleaning products that contain chemicals that could damage your pipes, trust our professional plumbers to use techniques like hydro jetting or smoke testing that certify much more dependable results.
Avoid Future Disasters
At Roberts Hydro Jet & Rooter, we value both the environment and your property. Our team practices trenchless plumbing methods that restore your plumbing's functionality and stabilize the foundation of your property by avoiding large excavations and working from just two small access points in the ground. By hiring professional plumbers and regularly scheduling drain cleanings or sewer camera inspections, you are protecting yourself from future disasters that could occur from little to no pipe maintenance. In fact, most common plumbing problems are tell-tale signs of bigger issues like cracked pipes, water leaks and sewage backup. With the services we offer, our team is able to accurately prevent low water pressure and slow drains from leading to flood damage or clogged toilets from turning to sewer pipe bursts and breaks. These services will ultimately save you time and money in the long run while also easing your mind from potential future disasters.
Our team promotes strong, sustainable service that is affordable and worthwhile. By having professionals handle your plumbing systems, you are saving money, time and your property from the risks it faces if common plumbing problems are left improperly repaired. You can trust us at Roberts Plumbing Hydro Jet & Rooter for cleaning, replacing and repairing your pipes as we take pride in servicing the cities of the Southern California area. | 2019/07/18 10:59:23 | | mC4 |
Short story – we take photos. Medium length story – We work with creative, talented people that are doing the most innovative, exciting work and together we collaborate and create a visual narrative that showcases and promotes their brand. Our passion lies in making images that inspire and move people — and even more so, working alongside those who aim to do the same with their products, services and their passion. | OSCAR-2019 |
首頁 > 鐵路學校 > 重慶 > 重慶市工業學校
學校地處重慶市渝中區紅巖村,占地面積119畝,固定資產上億元(不含土地),各類建筑近9萬平方米。目前學校教職工547人,在校生總數7000余人,開設有機電工程、環境工程、建筑工程、現代服務、汽車工程、計算機六大類26個專業,其中數控技術應用專業為國家級示范專業,化學工藝專業為市級示范專業。校內實訓基地達15個,其中國家級實訓基地2個,市級實訓基地3個,基地面積達3萬平方米,擁有設備精良的實訓室88個,各類教學儀器設備3951臺(套),設備總值 3551萬元。學校教室均配有多媒體設施,基本實現數字化教學,圖書館藏書達9.61萬冊。由于辦學條件優良,學校成為全國制造業緊缺型人才培養基地、重慶市高技能人才培養基地、重慶市農村勞動力轉移就業培訓基地、重慶市專業技術人員繼續教育基地、國家環保從業人員資質培訓與鑒定基地。每年開展各類社會培訓達26000人天。
學校師資力量雄厚,現有高級職稱102人,研究生學歷55人,本科學歷比例90.57%,雙師比例達95.2%,擁有專業帶頭人24人、骨干教師35人、 教學名師21人、雙師型教師199人、行業企業兼職教師123人,涌現出全國職業教育先進個人1人、全國模范教師1人、全國優秀教師1人,"西部之光"訪 問學者1人、全國職業院校技能大賽裁判4人。作為重慶市教育科研實驗基地,近2年承擔國家、省級規劃課題7項,公開發表論文214篇,申請發明專利1項。
專業名稱 學制 層次 招生對象 錄取批次
制藥技術 3+4 中專 應屆初中畢業生 中職本科3+4批
建筑工程施工 3+2 中專 應屆初中畢業生 中高職五年制
汽車運用與維修 3+2 中專 應屆初中畢業生 中高職五年制
環境治理技術 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
建筑工程施工 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
建筑裝飾 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
工程造價 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
機電技術應用 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
數控技術應用 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
汽車制造與檢修 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
電氣技術應用 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
電子電器應用與維修 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
化學工藝 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
工業分析與檢驗 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
城市軌道交通運營管理 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
城市軌道交通 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
車輛運用與檢修 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
計算機應用 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
計算機平面設計 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
電子技術應用 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
制藥技術 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
會計電算化 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
電子商務 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
物流服務與管理 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
旅游服務與管理 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
學前教育(保育員方向) 3 中專 初中畢業生 中職一批國重
2.入學報到時須帶下列證件:1.預繳費收據; 2.戶口復印件(含首頁、戶主、學生本人和全戶人口增減頁)一式三份。 3、團員組織關系介紹信或團員證。
機電工程類:數控技術應用、模具制造技術、機電技術應用、機電技術應用(電梯方向)、 電氣技術應用、電子技術應用、電子電器應用與維修、
現代服務類:電子商務、旅游服務與管理、會展服務與管理、會計電算化、物流服務與管理、學前教育(保育方向) | 2020/11/27 08:08:45 | | mC4 |
قتل زوجته لسبب تافه | سما الأردن الإخباري
قتل زوجته لسبب تافه
جويل قريباً في عمان "فيديو"
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سما الاردن | ارتكب رجل مصري جريمة قتل مروعة راح ضحيتها طفل زوجته من زوجها الاول حيث قام بخنقه حتى الموت انتقاما منها لخروجها من البيت دون إذنه ! وبدأت الواقعة ببلاغ رسمي إلى مديرية الأمن بمحافظة القليوبية، المجاورة
للعاصمة القاهرة، يفيد بوجود جثة طفل عمره لم يتجاوز عامًا ونصف العام داخل مستشفى معهد ناصر، وبها آثار خنق حول رقبته، الأمر الذي يعني وجود شبهة جنائية. وانتقل رجال الأمن والبحث الجنائي، حيث تبين أن والدة الطفل
متزوجة عرفيًا من المتهم – وهو عامل كافيه – منذ عام 2016، ويقيم معها طفلها من زوجها الأول بمسكن الزوجية نفسه. كما تبين أن زوجها المتهم نشبت بينه وبينها مشادة كلامية بسبب خروجها من المنزل دون إذنه، وشك في سلوكها
خلال الفترة الأخيرة، الأمر الذي كان نتيجته إقدام المتهم على معاقبة زوجته بخنق طفلها وقتله. وقررت النيابة العامة حبس المتهم على ذمة القضية، فيما أحالت جثة الطفل للطب الشرعي، لإعداد تقرير طبي بشأن أسباب الوفاة. | 2019/05/24 03:11:20 | | mC4 |
Mexican Rose Quilt 4 | Virtual Quilter
← Cornerstones + Extras 66, 67, 68, 69 and 70
String of Beads 5 →
Posted on September 3, 2015 by Virtual Quilter
This series opened up a real big can of worms.
The Mexican Rose block is in the Electric Quilt library. A simple cross design with an attractive centre. I started playing with the design by tipping it on point to get some diagonal lines, then because a straight cross design doesn't fill the block when twisted 45 degrees, I enlarged it to fill the block. I also got rid of the rose itself, and used just the centre as a block in its own right. I also deleted bits of the design to make some blocks which created borders … complete with corners. Then deleted more bits when I wanted some quilting designs.
When I thought I had reached the limit of possibilities with this block, I started looking for more cross designs. I found some more in the EQ library, some in My Library, and more in sketch books. I now have a rather large collection of designs to play with.
Then I wondered what would happen if I made the four spoke cross designs into eight spoke designs by mixing them up. If I disappear from view you will find me under a mountain of virtual block designs, and I am grateful that virtual blocks don't take up a lot of room, otherwise we would be moving out to make room for them!
Now I am wondering if any of them would work in a wreath design.
I think I will go back to the sewing room in the real world for a while!
This entry was posted in Mexican Rose Quilt, Modified EQ Blocks and tagged Electric Quilt, Patchwork, Pieced, Quilt, Quilting. Bookmark the permalink.
6 Responses to Mexican Rose Quilt 4
I had to chuckle at the way you get lost in your wanderings through "what if I . . ." – I can really see what you mean! My library isn't as extensive as yours, but I still lose huge chunks of time to tweaking and trimming and turning! Yes, sometimes it is safer to work on a real-life quilt! Can't wait to see some of the rest of this series – it's a very pretty block.
Mexican Rose is a pretty block, and I have used it as a starting point before, so some of the elements keep appearing in different settings. I am hoping that now I have spent time concentrating on this one block I will remember where those assorted bits came from when I see them elsewhere!
It is nice to know I am not alone in the virtual 'What if …' world!
The hardest part is keeping it organised so I can find what I did yesterday … as for last month …………
On 3 September 2015 at 10:49, Virtual Quilter wrote:
Oh Wow, Isn't that the truth trying to keep things organized is soooo hard. It is so interesting how one move leads you on to the next in an amazing creative circle.
I try to keep things organised … but every so often I create a massive stuff up, particularly in My Library! I spent an hour resorting blocks yesterday and I have promised myself I will not do that again. Not this week anyway! | 2020/09/23 06:19:24 | | mC4 |
RPG Dice: Heroes of Whitestone is a Rollin' Experience - Otaku no Culture
RPG Dice: Heroes of Whitestone is a Rollin' Experience
Avid Dungeons and Dragons players have lots of options when wanting to find a similar experience in a digital video game. From official products like Baldur's Gate, which puts the player first and persistent "Living" campaigns where it encourages strategy (and regular check-ins), the gambit is wide and varied.
WIMO Games has joined this world with RPG Dice: Heroes of Whitestone™. This game combines traditional board game style mechanics (navigating around like in Monopoly and getting cards which offer options in how to continue) with role playing type elements. Depending on the tile your team lands in, you either find treasure, get an encounter, progress through the story (like in a choose your own adventure novel) or have a chance to win more goodies to make your characters stronger. I recommend playing this game on a tablet than smartphone. The amount of details in the cartoon style graphics and all the buttons you're navigating through doesn't work well on a small screen.
The realism involved in letting the dice decide your dungeon party's fate is nicely done. There are cards to help change where the group lands so that you're not running around in circles either! When I'm not claiming all these bonuses, I'm actually working on the quests (much like how Codename Entertainment's Idle Champions requires players to organise where specific fighters have to be in the lineup). Another aspect includes recruiting more heroes and deciding on the best characters to use to win the fight.
Human interaction is required for half the game and the battles can be automated. I tried the latter without, but it's much slower. I've yet to discover how to heal during combat, if that's possible. There's no retreat, and nor can an encounter be avoided. Instead, you just have to level up or change the lineup. Thankfully, these are non-permanent deaths.
I love the random elements. When entering an event, that can mean making a choice as to stealth into an orc encampment or go in with swords swinging, say yay or nay to a group vote, or interact with the NPCs. It's tough to get all the bits needed to make magical weapons or power-up so running around the board several times is required. I'm willing to invest $20 so I can get these relics and crystal bits to build the necessary gear to buff my team up. Those items don't pop up as often.
Otherwise, RPG Dice: Heroes of Whitestone is very generous in giving players potions and the basic items needed to level up. Coins are scarce. This system is at least better than Niantic's Pokemon GO (after five years, this product is still stingy.)
Set forth on a journey through dangerous dungeons, treacherous terrain, and various mysterious locales. Roll dice to progress through 10 different campaigns in a winding board game, where the party of heroes face different scenarios based on the tiles they land on.. Snappy turn-based battles, blacksmith encounters to improve gear, NPCs that offer or continue quests, and more all reside as tiles across the boards.
The once prosperous and peaceful town of Whitestone now finds itself a beleaguered and war-torn shell. The Twilight Empire brings forth a wave of tyranny with its army of shadowy orcs, goblins, and elves, oppressing those who stand against them. Now, Whitestone calls out to anyone willing to fight for the cause, regardless if they're a mercenary or virtuous knight, human or orc, sword-wielder or magic-user.
Build a group of five characters to take part in exciting turn-based combat, where the dice impact the effects of attacks and abilities used in battle. Assemble a squad from more than 60 heroes, including stalwart paladins and mighty minotaurs. Find the right balance of heroes, deploying aggressive attackers and sturdy tanks on the frontline and magic casters and ranged strikers in the back to take on the Twilight Empire.
Test this unique crew's mettle with online PVP battles against other warriors to earn mighty rewards and advance through the ranked progression system. Form a guild with friends and new allies to fight raid bosses and compete in the Ziggurat, where dangerous enemies and cruel bosses guard some of the best loot in the game.
"Making RPG Dice: Heroes of Whitestone was a dream come true for us to pay homage to the tabletop roleplaying games we love with many of the great collaborative features mobile gaming enables," said Dave Rosen, CEO, WIMO Games. "We're proud of our first worldwide release and excited to grow the world of Whitestone and make even more games in the future." | 2022/06/29 14:01:21 | | mC4 |
"At 89, I got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, and everybody's pushin'."
-- Mel Weinberg
Mel Weinberg lives in Titusville, but his story is global, thanks to the media attention focused on "American Hustle," the critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film loosely based on Weinberg's involvement with Abscam, a federal sting operation in the late 1970s and early '80s.
Oscar-winner Christian Bale portrays Weinberg, renamed Irving Rosenfeld in the movie. The former con man (he calls himself that) speaks frankly — many of his tales are unprintable — as he reflects on his time working for the FBI, Abscam and his ex-wives. He makes no secret of the fact that he's loving the attention. | 2018/05/25 00:59:37 | | mC4 |
تركيا وعقدة الموصل... ما سبب هذا الإصرار على المشاركة؟ - 25.10.2016, سبوتنيك عربيتركيا-الموصل-إصرار-المشاركة-1020569169.html
تركيا وعقدة الموصل... ما سبب هذا الإصرار على المشاركة؟
حوار مع ذو الفقار البلداوي رئيس المركز الإعلامي التطوعي للحشد الشعبي 25.10.2016, سبوتنيك عربي
أين الحقيقة؟, راديو, الموصل
12:10 GMT 25.10.2016 (تم التحديث: 16:14 GMT 12.01.2022)
حوار مع ذو الفقار البلداوي رئيس المركز الإعلامي التطوعي للحشد الشعبي
إن موضوع مشاركة القوات التركية في معركة تحرير الموصل والتي روج لها بمساعدة من بعض الشخصيات في إقليم كردستان إضافة إلى محافظ نينوى السابق اثيل النجيفي، الغرض منها ممارسة نوع من الضغوط من أجل عدم مشاركة الحشد الشعبي في تحرير الموصل، لكن قرار رئيس الوزراء العراقي كان واضحا فيما يخص دخول مدينة الموصل والتي حوصرت بالجيش العراقي والشرطة الاتحادية. والحشد الشعبي اليوم يشارك مشاركة رسمية بعمليات في المحور الجنوبي الغربي من محافظة نينوى.
رسميا لم تشارك القوات التركية في عملية التحرير، وتواجد القوات التركية هناك سبب إرباكا في الخطة العسكرية. والوجود التركي في الموصل هو لخلق نوع من التوازن بين الحكومة العراقية والقوات من أبناء الموصل والتي سميت بالحرس الوطني التي أنشأها محافظ نينوى السابق اثيل النجيفي. | 2022/01/24 19:43:29 | | mC4 |
I just love being your slutty girl. You know the one who makes your cock hard the moment you think about me? And the one you love calling for your favorite kind no limits phone sex calls. Are you in the mood for some fun today? Or something that I can’t mention here? I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. J I know what you daydream about and you know I can make you extremely happy. I’ll be your slutty girl next door or the naughty babysitter you can’t stop jacking your dick off too. I’ll be your pleasing student that will do anything to make that *A* I just know you want my soft little tiny hand touching your cock all over. Or maybe you want me on my knees so I can kiss your cock from top to bottom. I’ll lick it and suck it just how you want me too. I’ll be the perfect little cock tease phone sex slut that makes you drip pre cum the moment you hear my candy apple sweet girlish voice.
I’ll deep throat your dick and get it nice and wet so you can lift up my little skirt and slide my little top down and pull me on top of your lap. Do you want to touch my perky tits? Maybe you want to suck on my pretty nipples and run your fingers around my swollen pink clitty right before you pull my little twat right down on your big fat candy stick. MMMM how I do love your thick hard candy. It wants to squeeze around your stiff pole and squeeze so tight that you burst your creamy baby batter deep inside of me.
Aren’t you ready to have me right now? I know you want this slutty girl to stop teasing you with her cute little outfits and pretty little panties. I know you are craving some no limits phone sex right now. Your favorite girl is ready to please and give you whatever you want. MMMM my sweet bald pussy is so wet right now thinking about getting that big fat dick off…..
Hello and happy new year my dear friends! I hope you are well and feeling fresh after a relaxing and fun break.
I was lucky enough to have spent 9 days by the beach along the Mornington Peninsula, eating way too much delicious food and recharging the batteries. My days were primarily filled with reading, cooking, maybe a swim or two, walking, playing cards and chit-chatting with loved ones. It was lovely, just what I needed!
It sure has been awhile between posts and I barely know how to begin writing when I leave it for so long. Since we last spoke, I have traveled to Japan, celebrated a special someone’s big 3-0, and I have enjoyed a lot of quality time with family and friends.
I will keep this brief and wrap up now to ensure I get this post to you ASAP. But until next time I would love to hear from you – how did you spend the festive season? What delicious food have you been eating?
Preheat a BBQ hot plate or a griddle pan on high. Separate the leaves of the radicchio, keeping them whole, and drizzle with a little bit of olive oil. Place leaves on hot plate for a few minutes, turning them occasionally. Remove the leaves once they are charred but still holding a nice shape and place them in a serving bowl. Combine dressing ingredients in small bowl and drizzle over the warm radicchio leaves.
Heavy breathing is something that you often see in dogs. Dogs typically pant when feeling stressed or when they are hot. However, this same kind of breathing isn’t as common in cats. If your cat is breathing heavily, then it could be a sign of a serious health problem. If you notice your cat has heavy breathing, then you should have them checked over by their vet as soon as possible.
The upper respiratory tract, which includes the cat’s nose and throat. Heavy breathing caused by the upper respiratory tract is usually noisy and caused by mucus or foreign objects caught in the airway. In rare cases, heavy breathing could be a sign that there are tumors growing in the nose or throat. Breathing issues in the upper respiratory tract are usually the same rate but louder. It can be like when humans have a cold and have to breathe through a clogged nose. If this is the case, you might notice your cat’s eyes are watery, too. These cases are usually minor, but you will still need to visit the vet to confirm the diagnosis and seek treatment.
The lower respiratory tract, which includes their lungs and the area around their lungs. If your cat’s heavy breathing originates in the lower respiratory tract, then it may be a more serious problem. Breathing here could be more like a dog’s panting, which is quicker and more shallow than normal breathing. Or the breathing could seem labored and deep as if your cat is making a lot of effort to breathe in. Cats suffering from breathing problems in the lower respiratory tract may also situate themselves in unusual positions. This can help give their lungs more room to inflate thus reducing airflow restrictions. You may see them with their front legs held away from their bodies or with their necks stretched out.
There are a few warning signs that you should watch out for when your cat is breathing heavily. If you spot one or more of these signs, you’ll want to take them to the vet immediately.
Biphasic breathing. This is when the cat’s chest will expand as they inhale, and then their stomach expands right after. This is a sign that your cat is trying to take in more air. | 2021-03-07T10:58:53Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
Bcom 275 guide 2 10) Consider the following statement: "Morgan, you'…
Bcom 275 guide 2 10) Consider the following statement: "Morgan, you're down to earth and I trust your judgment. That's why I know I can count on you to back me up at the meeting this afternoon." This is an example of which fallacy? A. Argument
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Bcom 275 guide 4 10) Consider the f...
BCOM/275 GUIDE 2 Click Here to Buythe Tutorial/Answers1) The term channel in communication means A. the medium through which a message travels from sender to receiver B. the context of the communication C. the volume at which a message is received D. the process of changing thoughts into symbols2) This preparation process involves looking at the characteristics of the receivers of the sender'smessage. A. Determining the message B. Audience analysis C. Channel evaluation D. Receiver response analysis3) A receiver's response to a sender's message is called A. channel B. feedback C. encoding D. decoding4) This act is involuntary and happens automatically. A. Listening
B. Feedback C. Hearing D. Responding5) This happens when you receive, construct meaning from, and respond to the sender's message. A. Responding B. Attending C. Listening D. Hearing6) With this type of response, you analyze or teach the sender about the cause of his or her concern. A. Questioning B. Interpreting C. Paraphrasing D. Evaluating7) Consider the following exchange: "How do I know God exists? How do you know he doesn't?" Whichfallacy does the second statement illustrate? A. Inconsistency ad hominem B. Slippery slope C. Misplacing the burden of proof D. Perfectionist fallacy8) Which of the following is a category of reasonless advertising?
A. Endorsement ads B. Promise ads C. Functional ads D. Logical ads9) A claim is generally not considered credible if A. it comes from a source assumed to be credible but who is not known to you B. the claimant is an interested party C. the claimant is a disinterested party D. it seems likely10) Consider the following statement: "Morgan, you're down to earth and I trust your judgment. That'swhy I know I can count on you to back me up at the meeting this afternoon." This is an example of whichfallacy? A. Argument from pity B. Slippery slope C. Guilt trip D. Apple polishing11) Providing only two choices when others are available defines which fallacy? A. Genetic fallacy B. False dilemma C. Straw man D. Ad hominem12) Stating someone has negative features and his claim is invalid is an example of which fallacy?
A. Genetic fallacy B. False dilemma C. Straw man D. Ad hominem13) Audience analysis should occur at what point in the creation of a message? A. Before the message is sent B. Once feedback is received C. After selecting the channel D. Before the message is created14) An effective message should be A. audience-centered B. topic-based C. channel-focused D. time-centered15) Measurable or observable characteristics of your audience are called A. psychographics B. pseudographics C. statistics D. demographics16) Which informal communication channel involves its own abbreviations to accommodate the limitednumber of characters available in any given message? A. Text message B. E-mail
C. Handwritten letters D. Voicemail message17) Sound and light waves are an example of which part of the communication model? A. Encoding B. Noise C. Decoding D. Channel18) You want to discuss your performance review and possible raise with your boss. The most effectivechannel to do this would be A. e-mail B. face-to-face C. team meeting D. text message19) When using expert testimonials, speakers should do which of the following? A. Always quote the expert's exact words. B. Share the expert's credentials. C. Use experts who have celebrity status. D. Protect the identity of experts by not naming them.20) Which verbal support breaks down complex processes or concepts into their component parts toensure understanding? A. Comparisons B. Analyses
C. Definitions D. Descriptions21) What type of language is used when communicating with classmates, coworkers, family, andfriends? A. Official B. Informal C. Ceremonial D. Formal22) The connotation of words such as skinny or thin focuses on the A. actual meaning B. denotative meaning C. contextual meaning D. emotional meaning23) The individuals you are most likely to influence with your persuasive presentation are referred to asyour A. peer audience B. leading audience C. target audience D. general audience24) If you try to persuade your classmates to donate canned goods for the hungry in your community,your topic is one of A. policy
B. fact C. pathos D. value25) When you lead, instruct, challenge, or introduce your audience to act on or accept your solution,you are at which step of Monroe's Motivated Sequence? A. Attention B. Solution C. Visualization D. Action or approval26) When you display ethos in your persuasive presentation, you have A. credibility B. logic C. emotion D. evidence27) What logical fallacy can occur when a speaker focuses on similarities and ignores significantdifferences? A. Either/or thinking B. Slippery slope C. Hasty generalization D. Faulty comparison28) Groups that value higher power distance believe relationships are
A. individualistB. relationship orientedC. hierarchicalD. informal29) Deliberately blaming individuals or groups for things they really did not do is calledA. ethnocentrismB. scapegoatingC. stereotypingD. discriminating30) An attempt to characterize causes of events to either personalities or external situations is calledA. projectionB. halo effectC. attribution errorD. selective attention31) The practice of using a case that has already been decided as a guide when deciding new cases isreferred to asA. legal moralityB. legal paternalismC. causation principleD. appeal to precedent32) A value judgment requires this type of assessment.A. Worth or desirability
B. ConsistencyC. NormativeD. Monroe's Value Sequence33) What is the belief that laws are justified if they prevent a person from harming him- or herselfknown as?A. Offense principleB. Harm principleC. Legal paternalismD. Legal moralism | 2016/02/10 14:30:42 | | mC4 |
Vadodara administration increase beds capacity and other facilities in dedicated Covid hospitals Connect Gujarat
Vadodara administration increase beds capacity and other facilities in dedicated Covid hospitals
After the spike in Corona positive cases, Vadodara administration is taking steps to increase beds capacity and other facilities in dedicated Covid hospitals in Vadodara.
OSD Dr. Vinod Rao had meeting with all Doctors and Officers at Gotri Hospital and reviewed the situation. He informed, We will be admitting patients on 5th Floor starting from Friday today. 125 beds on 6th Floor will be ready for use from tomorrow and the Dome Structure will have 100 Bed full-fledged ICU.
On Friday 186 COVID Positive patients are admitted in Gotri Hospital, of which 46 are in ICU. As part of our proactive COVID Management Plan, total 500 Beds facility with 125 Bed ICU will be ready at Gotri by tomorrow from 1st of August. Manpower requirements for nursing and other work is also being sorted out, added Dr. Rao.
Later Dr. Rao visited SSG Hospital and had meeting with the new Medical Superintendent and the entire Team SSG, along with Administrator and Advisor. He informed, Trauma Ward is getting upgraded with more Oxygen points. Surgery Ward with 35 beds is already functional. Shifting of Pediatric Ward on 2nd Floor of Trauma Building is going on, and they will create a 56 bed ICU here.
Total 324 patients admitted in SSG Hospital including 37 patients in ICU and about 45 Suspected patients. Asymptomatic patients from among Central Jail inmates will be shifted today to COVID Care Center at Lalbagh Atithi Gruh. All pending issues are being sorted out to ensure best treatment and care to patients," adds Dr. Rao. | 2021/04/13 11:29:01 | | mC4 |
"إسرائيل" والانتخابات الفلسطينية.. لسانٌ يكذب ويدٌ تعبث! | نافذة دمياط
الرئيسية/الأخبار/أخبار محلية/"إسرائيل" والانتخابات الفلسطينية.. لسانٌ يكذب ويدٌ تعبث!
29 مارس، 2021 أخبار محلية, الرئيسية, ملف الاقصى
آخر ما ترجوه "إسرائيل" هو نجاح الفلسطينيين في إعادة الحياة السياسية لمسارها الصحيح بتجديد الشرعيات، وتجاوز الانقسام، ونجاح انتخابات تشريعية مرتقبة.
لا تكتفي "إسرائيل" عادةً بوضع العصي في الدواليب؛ بل تمارس أشكالاً مسبقة ومتزامنة في أي انتخابات فلسطينية تعتقل وتطارد فيها المرشحين، وتعطّل العملية الانتخابية في القدس والضفة المحتلة.
تخوّف "إسرائيل" من إجراء الانتخابات الفلسطينية يعود لفقدانها واقع الانقسام الفلسطيني المفيد لها، وتعزيز دور فتح وحماس في الشارع الفلسطيني بميلاد قيادات جديدة، واستعادة دور السلطة الفلسطينية السياسي والدولي متجاوزة مرحلة أوسلو.
مراعاةً للمزاج الدولي والأوروبي مع إدارة "بايدن" الذي يدفع باتجاه تجديدات الشرعيات الفلسطينية تعلن "إسرائيل" إعلاميّاً فقط عدم تدخلها، لكنها واقعياً تفعّل أدوات عديدة للتدخل السلبي.
المشهد السياسي الإسرائيلي العاجز عن تشكيل حكومة جديدة بعد أربعة انتخابات للكنيست خلال عامين ينعكس بالضرورة على مشهد سياسي فلسطيني قيد التشكيل.
يؤكد طلال عوكل -المحلل السياسي- أن "إسرائيل" التي تعيش أزمة حكم وأزمة ديمقراطية تخشى من نجاح الفلسطينيين في تعزيز عملهم الديمقراطي في انتخاباتهم القادمة.
أقل ما نصف به الموقف الإسرائيلي بالانتخابات الفلسطينية المرتقبة بأنه "غير مرتاح" لإعادة بناء الشراكة الفلسطينية وإنهاء الانقسام الذي شكل للاحتلال إستراتيجية مفيدة في النيل من صمود الفلسطيني.
ويضيف عوكل لـ"المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام": "حكومة إسرائيل الحالية غير مستقرة وهي ماضية نحو تشكيل حكومة جديدة. عادةً حكومة إسرائيل تفشِل الانتخابات الفلسطينية وتضغط على مؤسسات السلطة والمرشحين الفلسطينيين".
وكانت وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية تناقلت قبل أيام نبأ طلب رئيس جهاز الأمن العام الإسرائيلي (الشاباك) من رئيس السلطة الفلسطينية محمود عباس إلغاء الانتخابات التشريعية إذا شاركت فيها حماس، لكن عباس رفض طلب "الشاباك" حسب الإعلام الإسرائيلي.
وأطلت -الجمعة الماضية- صحيفة إسرائيلية بالحديث عن موقف "إسرائيل" من الانتخابات الفلسطينية، مدعيةً أن هناك قرارا إسرائيليا بعدم التدخل، متخوفة في الوقت ذاته من تقوية حماس في الضفة.
قبول "إسرائيل" بعقد انتخابات فلسطينية لا يأتي إيماناً منها بميلاد شريك لها في الحوار السياسي؛ وإنما محاولة للتكيف مع الرأي العام الدولي، ومحاولة لتحييد الدور العربي داخل فلسطين المحتلة 48 الذي يشارك بفعالية في انتخابات "الكنيست".
ويقرأ محمد مصلح -الخبير في الشؤون الإسرائيلية- موقف "إسرائيل" من الانتخابات الفلسطينية من ثلاث نوافذ؛ أولها السياسة المحلية، ثم الإقليمية، وثالثاً السياسة الدولية.
ويضيف لـ"المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام": "إذا نجح نتنياهو في تشكيل حكومة جديدة فلذلك تداعيات، وإذا فشل هناك تداعيات مختلفة. السياسة الأمريكية في التعامل مع الملف الفلسطيني مرتبطة بحكومة إسرائيل المقبلة".
تخاطب السلطة الفلسطينية المجتمع الدولي مؤكدةً أنها ملتزمة بما وقعت عليه سابقاً من اتفاقيات سياسية، وهناك حوار بين فتح وحماس والفصائل حول تقاسم ملفات وأدوار سياسية في الخطاب السياسي المقبل.
وتسعى إدارة "بايدن" -حسب رؤية المحلل مصلح- إلى تدويل مسار العمل السياسي مع "إسرائيل" والفلسطينيين في ملفات أهمها المحكمة الجنائية الدولية وإيران والتسوية لتغيير معالم السياسة الإسرائيلية عقب مرحلة "ترمب".
أكثر ما يهم نتنياهو في نتائج انتخاباتهم الأربعة الماضية أن يبقى فوق سدة الرئاسة وينجو من المحاكمة بتهم الفساد والرشوة، لكن القاعدة تقول "الثابت الوحيد في السياسة هو المتغيّر"، وبقاؤه ليس أبدياً.
ويرى المحلل عوكل أن "نتنياهو" موقعه الآن ضعيف، ولا ينال رضا إدارة "بايدن" بعد أن ذهب بعيداً في العلاقة والعمل مع "ترمب"، وأنتج واقعا يخالف حل الدولتين مع الفلسطينيين الذي تدعمه إدارة "بايدن".
بالمطلق كانت السياسة الإسرائيلية ضد ميلاد قائمة انتخابية مشتركة بين فتح وحماس؛ فكلتا الحركتين كانت ترى فيها رافعة، لكن "إسرائيل" لا تريد مخرجاً للفلسطينيين بعد نتائج انتخاباتهم التشريعية.
ويقول المحلل مصلح: "إذا بقي اليمين فوق رئاسة إسرائيل سيصطدم مع إدارة بايدن، كما حدث أيام أوباما وانعكس على العلاقة مع ترمب، سيجند اليمين اللوبي في أمريكا ضد بايدن إذا نجحت حماس بنسبة كبيرة".
صعود قيادة جديدة في حكومة الاحتلال بعد انتخابات الكنيست الأخيرة إذا لم نتجه لانتخابات خامسة سيكون أمام مرحلة جديدة يخاطب فيها المجتمع الدولي في ملف الفلسطينيين؛ فإما أن يفتح قناة حوار أو يواصل نهج "نتنياهو".
ميلاد أزمة
تجاوز الفلسطينيين ليوم الانتخابات لا يعني تسليم "إسرائيل" بنتائجهم الشرعية؛ فمثة خيارات عديدة منها إنتاج أزمة سياسية لمؤسسات السلطة تعطّل عملها الشرعي.
ويؤكد المحلل مصلح أن نتنياهو يريد من حماس اتخاذ خطوات متراجعة إذا تقدمت نتائجها في الضفة وإدخال السلطة الفلسطينية في أزمة بين أكبر فصيلين فلسطينيين.
تعثّر المشهد الفلسطيني بأزمات ومضايقات تعيق سير الحياة السياسية الفلسطينية قد يرمي من جهة "إسرائيل" لتجديد عمر الانقسام، وتبقى غزة على حالها والضفة في حال مختلف، وهذا سيناريو إسرائيلي آخر مرتقب.
ويتابع المحلل مصلح: "إسرائيل ساءت علاقتها مع السلطة، لكن تصعيد السلطة سياسي ولا يتبنى العنف، والاحتلال لا يخاطر بأوراق غير مضمونة في السياسة. تشكيل حكومة وحدة فلسطينية وقبول كل الفصائل بحل الدولتين قد يقطع ذريعة العالم لرفض حماس".
مهمة مستمرة
وأياً كان السيناريو المقبل فثمة مهمة إسرائيلية مستمرة لا تتخلى عنها في التعامل مع قادة العمل الوطني والحزبي والمؤسسات الفلسطينية تتركز في تعطيل عملها.
ويستخدم الاحتلال أدوات متنوّعة في تعطيل عمل وتجديد المؤسسات الشرعية والقانونية الفلسطينية، على رأسها ملاحقة واعتقال المرشحين الفلسطينيين ومنعهم من ممارسة أعمالهم وتنقلهم في الضفة وغزة والقدس المحتلة.
ويقول مصطفى الصواف -المحلل السياسي- لمراسلنا: إن الاحتلال اعتقل قبل أيام 3 قيادات من حماس، ويواصل مهمة الاعتقال المتكرر أسبوعيًّا لشخصيات مرشحة لقيادة المجتمع الفلسطيني.
وشهدت نتائج انتخابات 2006م عمليات اعتقال جماعية ومتواصلة لعشرات النواب فازوا في المجلس التشريعي، وظلوا رهن الاعتقال سنوات طويلة بهدف تعطيل عملهم التشريعي.
وتحاول "إسرائيل" منع 370 ألف مقدسي من المشاركة في الانتخابات مخالفةً اتفاق أوسلو الذي أكد حقهم في التصويت من خلال مراكز البريد في المدينة المحتلة.
ويلفت المحلل الصواف إلى أن استمرار الاحتلال في تعطيل الانتخابات في القدس المحتلة ونصب العقبات أمام مرشحين فلسطينيين خاصّة من حماس يعيق تقدمهم لشرح برامجهم والفوز بالانتخابات.
الحل الاضطراري في كل السيناريوهات لإبطال مفعول التدخل الإسرائيلي هو مواصلة الفلسطينيين قدماً التقدم لإنهاء الانقسام، والاتفاق على برامج سياسية يتقاسمون فيها الأدوار في الشأن الداخلي والخارجي، ويجددون خطابهم السياسي الدولي. | 2022/05/27 03:32:48 | | mC4 |
TOBIAS WISTISEN – Rising in Odin's Footsteps - LECLAIREUR
TOBIAS WISTISEN – Rising in Odin's Footsteps
From his Danish childhood, Tobias Wistisen inherited his rigor, his strength, and a love for craftsmanship, as well as a certain rough quality. All qualities perfectly suited for the strict rules of Haute Couture. Moreover, the young designer has combined them successfully with his passion for theatrical sets, a passion Wistisen learnt by the side of John Galliano, his first mentor.
Tobias Wistisen creates jewels that look like him: dark, inspired and fiercely masculine. He likes Nordic mythology symbols, cherished since his childhood bedtime books, especially those pertaining to Death. And while his rings, forged like Thor's own, his bracelets and raw necklaces tell stories that bring to life shields, chivalry, knighthoods, horsehairs floating to the wind and besieged fortresses, they also conjure up the future. A future Wistisen imagines as harsh as a return to our primitive world, an initiation journey into a Madmax scenery.
Each piece is unique, totally hand-crafted, perfected a hundred times over and inspired by a land of legends. Each bears the imprints of his palm and tools.
Tobias Wistisen has swapped his childhood tin and tombac for precious silver that he sometimes mixes with leather, or wood, even. All materials are worked and polished for an antique feel, and engraved like runes. Each piece completes the following one, like the pages of a book that will never end: a raw silver bracelet with the wall of a mysterious cliff to climb; another, leather-braided with tiny skulls hidden in ambush; chain links that will never break… Materials mixed together, interfering with each other, dancing to a glimpse of eternity. | 2017/11/19 01:13:47 | | mC4 |
”2345下一页尾页2016财年,泰国警方缴获的四大类毒品中,仅摇头丸就达9000万粒,2017财年上升至亿粒。九尾狼\九尾狼影院\最新电影\免费电影\美剧\韩剧\日剧\泰剧\福利电影 事实上,5月9日,央行金融市场司就已发布《互联网黄金业务暂行管理办法(征求意见稿)》,明确要求,在互联网黄金业务中,由金融机构提供黄金账户服务,互联网机构不得提供任何形式的黄金账户服务。”除了“运气好”,他也无法解释,为什么这次名下的三家公司同时摇中了九龙仓珑玺。
升级亮相,打造中式家居文化展现基地全新升级后的东阳红木家具市场,将充分展现东阳红木家具市场(世贸大道599号)全国家居行业领军优势,打造中式家居产业板块集群,以强大的综合实力体现独家优势,领航中式家居消费的新蓝海。,目前,还没有一名候选人能够拿的出应对这些谋杀事件的有效处理措施。。 我国广告法明确规定,招商等有投资回报预期的商品或者服务广告,不得对未来效果、收益或者与其相关的情况作出保证性承诺。。 | 2021-02-27T21:26:12Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
LED Power Supply Is Continuously Developing To Provide More Favorable Conditions For LED Progress - LED - News - Shaoxing Xinshan Science Technology Co.,Ltd | 2018/10/17 19:17:13 | | mC4 |
QROPS stands for a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme. This is the general term for any offshore pension scheme that is recognised by the HMRC to allow non-UK residents to transfer their UK private/corporate pension into it, tax free...
A Self-invested Personal Pension (SIPP) is a government approved personal pension plan. This is distinctly different from any private pension, be it a work based pension scheme or a privately owned personal pension plan. SIPPs allow for...
Whoever you are and at whatever life stage, you should have one eye on your estate. As with many things in life, starting early makes things easier rather than harder. Organising your estate should only need to be done once and it may be the most important financial decision you’ll ever make...
Managing your pension portfolio requires a more hands on approach (or more work for your financial adviser) than a traditional UK-based pension scheme, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives...
Having decided an offshore pension plan is the correct choice, take a look at the following checklist and consider your personal priorities...
Planning your retirement using offshore financial services and vehicles may hold significant benefits...
Like any other product, costs vary wildly across different QROPS schemes. This is partly down to the young age of QROPS, it was introduced in 2006, and the fact that the schemes, and thus the costs, differ greatly from country to country, and from company to company...
QROPS stands for Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme. British non-residents can transfer their assets from an existing UK pension scheme into an HMRC recognised scheme abroad. You can do this with most pensions providing you’re living outside of the UK, or intend to be within the next 6 months.
Offshore pension planning plays a vital role in preparing for your long-term financial future. We have brought together a selection of articles detailing the latest in offshore retirement planning..... | OSCAR-2019 |
(music video too!) Thanks Giving is the Best Way .... When Our TWO Enemies are .. Heart has All Intelligence ... How to Become Victorious -
Cabella , Italy 2009 – Visiting the Castle with flowers from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Halton, as Thanks Giving to Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi for all the motherly love and guidance
Heart Has All Intelligence
Heart Cherry Blossoming Tree created by Floriana for the 10th anniversary of Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Burlington' – displayed at Canada Cultural Days 2015 – Burlington Civic Square
"This heart has all the intelligence, it has all the capacities, everything is born out of the heart. But if you close the heart, then the brain becomes arbitrary and it goes outside and this heart is the one which has got the Spirit and it controls everything, autonomous, sympathetic, parasympathetic, all your evolution, knowledge, everything not only that you feel so collective being and also it is the light that gives you your true knowledge. So this spirit has to be worked out. So the first thing is try to develop your heart. How large it is, see yourself. Alright, how many people you can forgive. How you talk to them. What do you think about other people. Are you concerned about them or not?!"
"For example to me, if I see a poor man, the whole being starts churning, you know. It's just I feel that something should be done for them, just can't bear it. Like these poor people, who are working here were asked to move out, because they had some objection. So we moved all of them and they moved out because I asked them but they had not made their huts. The whole night, poor things had to sit outside. The whole day I couldn't eat. I was feeling so terrible. I gave them everything. I said, sit down here. You make them and give them whatever they want and look after their health. Still they got some sick and I treated them. Because you see, the whole compassion starts just creating a tempest in my heart. A tempest, and this is what one has to see. What do you think about the poverty? Do you think of poverty that is there. What do you think of people who are suffering? What do you think about the people who are beaten, who are cheated, who are troubled?"
Thanks Giving is the Best Way to Rise Above Agnya Chakra
"Sahaja Yoga is not meant for individual. It is not meant for you. It is not meant for any collective of Sahaja Yogis. It is meant for the whole world."
(photo by Paula) Youth Realize Canada Tour hosted by Halton Yogis – at Crawford lake 2015-
"You have to bring the light of God's love and compassion everywhere. So the further stage then, that is to rise above Agnya (the 6th chakra energy centre). When the person thinks that 'I am very happy and I should have this', then look at the person who has not got anything, look at him! When you think you are very great, look at someone greater than you. When you spread your attention to all these things, you see.
Then you start understanding that: "Oh God! What a blessing. God has blessed me so much.First of all the Realisation. Thanks, thanks for the Realisation. "
Thanks giving is the best way and then start looking that, "This Thanks Giving I have, why not I give it to others?!" But we are extremely cruel, sometime extremely arrogant, sometimes extremely malicious to others. But now this will stop. Whatever you have to say (Thanks Giving) , you have to say honestly."
Two Enemies to Conquer: "I"-ness & Ignorance
"There are two enemies you have. First is, you are your own enemy and second is the ignorance. These are the two enemies, you have to conquer. If you get rid of these two enemies, then nobody can destroy you. Now supposing there is a person, who is very troublesome, say, who troubles you. Let him be troublesome. He is going to hell, not you. If he is troubling, it's alright-. Let him. Who got ill feeling? Why should you worry? You are not doing any thing. You should be happy about it. On the contrary somebody is troubling, look at that- "This fellow, is troubling, he has got so much money, has got this, while I am troubled, I haven't got this." You ? have got your self Realization! He hasn't got. it.
This is a very big source of satisfaction and elation that we are self realized souls and let us try to have our own complete establishment. We are to be ornamented. We are to be put on the throne, we are to be the kings. This is what I desired. So, beggars cannot be taken. So if you make a beggar a king, he will still do this and that. So this great personality has to come, a kind of a dignity, serenity, a kind of a personality that should show that you are a sahaja yogi.
So as I said, there are only two enemies, which you have to fight for, that you should know you have got your self realisation, for that you have got your pujas. At the time of the puja, you just surrender yourself … because if you are not surrendered, your mind is going round and round. It's like a putting something on to a fan, which doesn't accept it, just throws away. In a way, you are that.."
Importance of Heart in a Puja-like Meditation
"The second point is that a puja is a surrendering. It's a devotion. It's a feeling of the heart. Open the heart. At that time you should open the heart … Now the problem is that, with the egoistical people if you tell them anything they feel hurt. It's the worst part. They don't understand that this is for their benevolence. That they have to open their heart. They have to receive more. If it is a small little heart, how much love you can pour into it. Like this time the love is flowing. The love is flowing. At that time you are sitting with your head fixed on to some point. So the dedication point,the attention should be full. I have seen people sleep during puja. Many people sleep, that shows they are left sided (imbalanced due to obstructions on the left energy channel), and there is a 'Bhoot' (sanskrit for negativity) in them or something like that. They just go off. I am talking to them they just go off. These are the things you must understand: why are you doing that (being imbalanced) and try to get rid of it and try to improve your self, be alert and to receive it."
What is the Puja-like meditation for?!
"Receive it as much as you can. This is what is the puja is made for. Now you have had nine pujas here and out of these nine pujas have we improved more, have we got more? Did we fill ourselves more with greater love, with greater joy, with greater understanding and with greater satisfaction? "
Puja like Meditation at Niagara Falls with Canada Culture Days yogi artists Marie-Joelle and Tim Bruce, both visiting 1st time Niagara Falls on Saturday Sept 26 2015
Today: Make a Complete Picture of Your Self
"This is the last day (of Navaratri – the night nights of meditation touring the evolution and the inner being), so you have to think like that (what was mentioned above), then Tomorrow is the day of jubilation. Because we have done what? that is what. So Today you should go and make a complete picture of yourself.
-What have I got in these nine days? What I have got? Let us see, have I got this? have I got that? All these things, you should just within yourself see and then enjoy that you have got all these things. It is the Victory. Tomorrow is the day of victory. That you have become victorious about yourself and about your ignorance. You have won yourself and you've won over the ignorance, the darkness of ignorance. This is what is tomorrow message."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day in Burlington – celebrated outdoors with live music performances by Marie-Joelle (Holland/Belgium singer), Sia Reddy (USA singer) and Tim Bruce (actor and singer from UK) – during Canada Culture Days, on Saturday Sept 26 2015 in Spencer Smith Park – Burlington Waterfront – by the Ontario Lake
The article was based on an excerpt (fragmented as well around key messages) from a very important guiding talk offered by the founder of sahaja yoga meditation -Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – during the 9th day/night of Navaratri Seminar (1988-10-19 Talk). At Halton classes we will join this year 9 days/evenings of meditating collectively on a certain chakra or aspect of our subtle system, in order to go deeper, learn more and build up our self discipline as a yogi, as well to consolidate and strengthen our dedication towards Self Realization. This article is a Thanks giving as well an announcer that the Navaratri 2015 ( 9 days meditation/introspection marathon) will start this coming Tuesday, on October 13. You can join us too! Happy Thanksgiving Day Everyone! So Grateful to have You All along this individual, yet entirely collective journey! Thank You, to All Sahaja Yogis, old and new and aspiring and to all Enlightened Souls that had been before ~ So Grateful to Mother Earth and Father Sky – to their/our Creator too , Thank You!
(MUSIC VIDEO – Sia Reddy) You bring the Sun Out !
(MUSIC VIDEO – Tim Bruce & Theresa Gulati) Papageno from Magic Flute by Mozart
Thanksgiving Amazingly Beautiful Sunday 2015 at Christie Lake in Halton – photo by Ioana
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(click!) Fragrant Miracle in a Canadian Thanksgiving Letter
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Tags: Canadian artist duet Papageno Magic Flute, halton free meditation thanksgiving, realize canada tour photo, thanks giving is proven beneficial for mental and heart and soul health, thanks giving meditation video music, thanks giving miracle experience, thanks giving stories from canada, thanksgiving letter about miracles, thanksgiving music sia video, Thanksgiving native yoga prayer, Tim Bruce Theresa papageno video music mozart, what is best way to celebrate thanksgiving, Why Thanks Giving is best way to rise above mental anguish and anxiety
anjali 12 Oct 2015 Reply
Thank you for this much needed message Shri Mataji. Please help us to alway open our hearts and experience the joY, peace and intelligence. Thank you for this beautiful experience of self realization and secrets to our well being. It would be so difficult to move forward in life without this pure knowledge and hope. Thank you Shri Mataji for everything.
Arie 13 Oct 2015 Reply
"I ness and Ignorance"…
Is "I ness"… Ignorance!
Or, is "Ignorance"… I ness!
Who is responsible… for knowing!
Giving Thanks for… I am.
Paula 2 Oct 2018 Reply
beautiful memories of culture day programs, concerts in the park, the international student tours and picnic at crawford lake, our oneness…respect for the teachings and for each other above all.
Pingback: Ayesha's Inspired Easter Prayer "A Tiny Wave of Vibrations" – Meditate on "Be in Connection with Christ" meaning for a Sahaja Yogi | | 2022/01/27 08:15:46 | | mC4 |
Geometry.Net - Book_Author: Gordon Irwin Leslie
Home - Book_Author - Gordon Irwin Leslie
Gordon Irwin Leslie: more detail
John F. Gordon, MI G 22, former president, General Motors Dr. Irwin M. Jacobs, NYD 56, cofounder Leslie G. McCraw, SC A 56, president (1988- ), board chairman
Extractions: Walter H. Aldridge, NY A 1887 former president, Texas Gulf Sulfur Co. Paul A. Allaire, MA A '60 president (1986-2000 ), CEO (1990-2001 ), and chairman (-2001), Xerox Corporation Gilbert F. Amelio, GA A '65 president and CEO (1991- ), National Semiconductor Corporation Othmar H. Ammann, NY E '02 great bridge engineer, "father of modern bridges" William A. Anders, OH H '62 chairman and CEO (1991- ), General Dynamics Corporation, ambassador to Norway (1976-77), and chairman (1975-76) Nuclear Regulatory Commission J. Leland Atwood, TX A '28 former president and chairman, North American Aviation Co. and president (1967-70) and CEO, North American Rockwell Corp. Orginated the design concept of the P-51 Mustang Fighter.. Norman R. Augustine, NJ D '57
American Educational Foundation; John V. Irwin; Lawrence Morris informal conferencesof IALA were Leslie Adie; Mrs of Berne; Miss Clarissa H. Gordon; Mrs. Ruth M
Extractions: ISBN 0-8044-0188-8 Preface to the Second Edition This dictionary was first published under the auspices and the guidance of The International Auxiliary Language Association in 1951. In 1971, twenty years later, it is being reprinted. To answer the second question first: A few of these books are gathering dust on the shelves of enthusiasts who transiently embraced Interlingua as a world salvation; but the great majority of copies are now scattered over the face of the globe, in the libraries of individuals and institutions who are aware of and interested in the linguistic similarities within the structure of the Romance languages, which similarities are, after all, the substance and the backbone of this volume. As to the first question: The dictionary is being reprinted because there is a demand for it. This indicates that in two decades Interlingua has not simply outlived its usefulness and is now hanging around in odd corners as an historical atavism but that it has established itself in Europe and in America, performing its communications function in such varied fields as molecular spectroscopy and demography.
Streetscapes Columns By Christopher Gray, 1987-1991
StewartGordon, but by Faith Stewart-Gordon alone. c, The Loch, Central Park, Olmsted Vaux/ Leslie Sauer. Island Pumping Station, Brooklyn (1938), Irwin S. Chanin
Tentler, Leslie W.WageEarning Women Industrial Gordon, Linda Women, the State,and Welfare Gertzog, Irwin Congressional Women Their Recruitment, Treatment
Extractions: Booklist for Midterm Book AnalysisHistory 6 only The following Bibliography was made with the assistance of Ed Alazraqui and JoAnne Howell, Research Librarians, and Shuk-Chun Au-Yeung, Head Librarian at Gavilan College. Note that History 6 students should be sure their books substantially cover the period after 1900. EVEN IF YOUR BOOK COMES FROM MY LIST, TALK TO ME about your choice so we know it is a good one for you. If you don't see anything here, look at the bibliography provided in Modern American Womenmost of those books would work beautifully. Do be sure to choose well! Gavilan's library has some of these books. All these books should work fine: Pre-World War II, 20th Century America Becker, Susan D.: The origins of the Equal Rights Amendment: American Feminism between the Wars Becker, Dorothy M.: Setting A Course (American women in the 1920s) Cook, Blanche W.: Crystal Eastman on Women and Revolution Douglas, Emily: Margaret Sanger, Pioneer of the Future Drinnan, Richard: Rebel in Paradise (Emma Goldman) Duniway, Abagail Scott: Path Breaking ( an autobiographical history of the Equal suffrage movement in the Pacific Coast states, 1914)
Trent University Archives: Literary And Publishing Records
and private directorships; scrapbooks of Leslie Frost and Oakwood, Ontario and donatedvia Professor Irwin. Patriot (biography of Walter Gordon), Diplomacy of
Extractions: Description: This fonds consists of two books of poetry by Frederick Montague de la Fosse, "Verses Grave and Gay" and "A Dream and An Allegory" which are signed by the author and given to Helen Anderson from him. Also included in the fonds are some poems, all signed by de la Fosse and letters to Helen Anderson from de la Fosse as well as two photographs of de la Fosse; one as a young man (signed on the back) and one of him as an older man. Description: This addition to the fonds consists of the Association for Canadian Studies correspondence, personnel files, constitution, membership files, materials related to Association for Canadian Studies awards, publications, workshops and conferences, publicity, fundraising, meeting minutes, Quebec regional materials and records on Canadian Studies as a discipline in the educational system.
Trent University Archives: Pamphlet Collection
Robert Gordon Menzies, Prime Minister of Australia / Ottawa United Church, Oakwood,Ontario / Ross W. Irwin, 1994. Farmer Political Action; by Leslie Morris, 4th
Extractions: 1: Birds of the Peterborough Area (3rd edition) / by Doug Sadler, 1973 (2 copies) 2: Peterborough Centennial Museum and Archives: The First Twenty Years... / by Helen Rutherford Willcox, 1987 (3 copies) 3: History Made Enjoyable by Heritage Peterborough / produced by Heritage Peterborough, n.d. 4: Uniting Three United Churches / an address by William T. Gunn, 1923 6: The Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee: Its Objectives and Accomplishments / by Martha Ann Kidd, 1985 7: The Hydraulic Lift Lock, Peterborough Canada / n.d. 8: Peterborough Lift Lock / Parks Canada, n.d. 9: Peterborough Lift Lock / Department of Transport, n.d. 10: The Hydraulic Lift Lock at Peterborough / Parks Canada, n.d. 11: The Peterborough Hydraulic Lift Lock / edited by Jean Murray Cole, 1987 12: A Centennial History of George Street United Church Peterborough 1875-1975 / edited by C.A. Bullock, 1975 13: A Supplement to A Centennial History of George Street United Church Peterborough 1975-1985 / edited by C.A. Bullock, 1985
The Adelphi Theatre 1806-1900 Actors And Actresses
1884, 1885, 1886, 1888 CARTER, Mrs. Leslie 1897 CARTER Mrs. 1835 Gordon, Stanley S.1897 Gordon, Walter (William 1830 Irwin 1830S, 1831S, 1844 ISAACS, Miss 1831
Extractions: Actors and Actresses Actors and Actresses: Introduction This index includes the names of each actor and actress. Wherever possible the editors have attempted to provide a full entrytitle (Miss, Mrs., Rev., etc.), first name, middle initial, and surname. The title "Mr." is never used, but foreign equivalents and the word "Master" are employed throughout. If a person acted as boy and man, he is listed as bothMaster Napier Barry and Napier Barry. The abbreviation "Mons." is employed for French actors instead of "M." (which the computer would mistake for an initial). Wherever possible, editors have amplified names found in the bills. In the calendar itself, though not in the index, interpolated information is bracketed. Entries are seldom complete, especially in the first half of the century. It is a rare treat to find an initial, let alone a first name, on a bill. If additional information does appear, this is generally restricted to main performers unless it is a way to differentiate siblings (Miss A. Conway, Miss E. Conway), or actors with the same surname (J. F. Smith, O. Smith). Many obscure performers appeared, frequently for one season only, and it has often proven impossible to supply more information than that contained in the bill or program. Since each contributing editor is responsible only for the names in his or her segment, the general editors took it upon themselves to make one final pass through the complete index. One of their goals was to eliminate duplication wherever possible. For example, Miss Boham (1818), Miss Boheim (1820), and Miss Bohen (1819, 1821) were considered to be the same person. The name, Miss Bohen, was selected as the "correct" spelling and the phrase "variously spelled" entered after the name. Some names were spelled differently over the seasons, apparently by the actors' choice"Leclercq", for example, appears in several forms. In such instances, the editor has made a judgmentthat, for instance, Chichini and Chekini are the same individual, and the former spelling is correct. (In rare instances, the note "variously spelled" is not followed by a date. Such entries refer to performers appearing only in the "Musicians, Singers, Dancers" index.)
1932, Gordon Jump, actor (Dayton, OH). 1893, Leslie Howard, actor (London, England;died 1943). 1950, Bill Irwin, actor/choreographer (Santa Monica, CA). top.
Extractions: EXPLORE ANIMALS ENVIRONMENT HISTORICAL BIRTHDAYS ... top April 1 William Harvey, physician who discovered the mechanics of blood circulation (Folkestone, England; died 1657) Otto von Bismarck, German chancellor/statesman (Germany; died 1898) Edmond Rostand, dramatist/poet (France; died 1918) Sergei Rachmaninoff, composer/pianist (Russia; died 1943) Toshiro Mifune, actor (Japan; died 1997) Jane Powell, actress/singer (Portland, OR) Gordon Jump, actor (Dayton, OH) Debbie Reynolds, actress (El Paso, TX) Ali MacGraw, actress (Pound Ridge, NY) David Eisenhower, author, grandson of Pres. Dwight Eisenhower, and son-in-law of Pres. Richard Nixon (West Point, NY) Annette O'Toole, actress (Houston, TX) top April 2 Giovanni Casanova, adventurer/memoirist (Venice, Italy; died 1798) Hans Christian Anderson, children's author (Odense, Denmark; died 1875) Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, sculptor of the Statue of Liberty (Colmar, Alsace, France; died 1904) Emile Zola, novelist (Paris, France; died 1902) Buddy Ebsen, actor (Belleville, IL) Luke Appling, baseball player (High Point, NC; died 1991)
identity the mindbrain problem reconsidered / Leslie Brothers. map of Asia / editedby W. Gordon East and 2 .M68 2002 Zuhl Library Morris, Irwin L. (Irwin
Lawrence County Obituaries: Abstracts - F
02, 1888 Died July 31, Irwin, son of Geo Death came at the home of Gordon Lucas, whereMr. Fraley and Shirley Fetty of Proctorville; two sons, Leslie Freeman of
Extractions: Drowned - At Pittsburg, last Saturday, Edward Call, of Ironton. He was about 30 years old, and was working as a puddler in the Schoenberger mill. É he tried to save a Miss Fahay, and both were drowned É Call's mother is Mrs. Wm. Doran, of Seventh street, and his step-father, came home to attend the funeral FAHY, TOM: I.R. OCT. 13, 1887 Last Saturday night, Andrew Clay shot and killed Tom Fahy, at the Flying Dutchman, on Front-St.. He was about 21 years old and lived in Ironton all his life. FALKNER, ELIZABETH: I.R. OCT. 14, 1858 FALWELL, CHARLIE: I.R. JAN. 29, 1874 FALWELL, HENRY C.: I.R. DEC. 25, 1873 FALWELL, MRS. MARY ANN: I.R. APR. 20, 1871 FARMER, HENDERSON: I.R. SEP. 02, 1897
Historic Chattahoochee Commission Text-Only Version
50,000 acres of land was owned by Major General William Irwin (17941850 9. GordonBAPTIST CHURCH Location Gordon Baptist Church, Leslie Street, Gordon
Lewis, Ainsworth Frank Fowler, Ainsworth Esther Gordon, Valentine Pearle Lester IrwinEditorin-Chief of Prairie Schooner; A Club Leslie Willard A bashful man
Extractions: AINSWORTH, NEBRASKA The Alumni organized in 1920 and presented this list of alumni in the Prairie Schooner of 1921, A.H.S.'s high school annual. The President of the Alumni was Dell Kirkpatrick '14; the Vice President was Doris Collins '19; and the Secretary-Treasurer was Inez Hively '19. The Alumni group expressed apologies for misspelling and incorrect information and so do I... yearbooklady A. H. S. SONG We'll sing a song of loyalty, To dear old Ainsworth High, We ne'er shall pass her by, For oh, she ranks so high. And in the rules of knowledge, Our teachers are the best, And when it comes to discipline They surely stand the test. They've kept us on a steady grind But we are alsways gay, And anywhere we wander You can alsways hear us say: CHORUS Hurrah! We'll sing a son To dear old Ainsworth High, We ne'er shall pass her by For O, she ranks so high And everywhere that we may go, We'll sing to friend or foe, Of all our happy times, In Ainsworth High.
DICKSON, Gordon R(upert) (19232001); DIDION, JOAN (1934 DOYLE, LYNN; pseudonym ofLeslie Alexander Montgomery; DOYLE THE; EDITORS, THE; EDMAN, Irwin (1896-?); EDMOND
Extractions: Previous Table-of-Contents DAY, (Ava) DIANNE (Leslie) (1938- ); see pseudonym Diana Bane DE VALDA de ABAITUA, MATTHEW DEAD CAT ... de AYALA, FELIPE GUAMAN POMA ; see under de BECKER, RAYMOND de BERNIERES, LOUIS ; pseudonym of Louis Henry Piers de Bernier-Smart de BERNIER-SMART, LOUIS HENRY PIERS (1954- ); see pseudonym Louis de Bernieres de CAMP, L(yon) SPRAGUE DECKER, KARL DEELEY, ROGER ... DE FELICE, JIM ; [i.e., James De Felice] (1956- ); see pseudonym James Ferro DeFELICE, JIM ; [i.e., James DeFelice] (1956- ) DEFOE, DANIEL ; pseudonym of Daniel Foe deFORD, MIRIAM ALLEN DeFREES, MADELINE DEGONWADONTI, BETH BRANT ... DEIGHTON, LEN ; [i.e., Leonard Cyril Deighton] (1929- ) DE JONG, DAVID CORNEL DEKKER, THOMAS c de KRUIF, PAUL de la CROIX, ROBERT DELAFIELD, E. M. ; pseudonym of de la MARE, WALTER (John) DELANEY, EDWARD J. deLANGE, NICHOLAS DELANO, AMASA ... de la REE, GERRY ; [i.e., Gereaux deForest de la Ree] (1924-1993) de la ROCHE, MAZO (Louise) de la VEGA, GARCILASO, el Inca DE LEON, THOMAS COOPER del GIUDICE, DANIELE ... de LIMA BARRETO, AFONSO HENRIQUES ; see under DELL, FLOYD
OSU Archives - List Of Manuscript Collections
19571966 Forest Products Professor Gordon, Kenneth L Hardware Store Records, 1910-1919Irwin, Ruby Stafrin and Music Professor Miller, Leslie, Scrapbook, 1916
August 26 Events In History - BrainyHistory
Doubles) August 26, 1969 Elaine Irwin Mellencamp, Allentown composer August 26, 1931Gordon Greig, journalist August 26, 1916 Allan Leslie Merson, historian
Kirchwey, Freda. Papers, 1871-1972: A Finding Aid
Archives, Mary Beard, and Inez H. Irwin, 19361939 27, 28, 390, 393 Buell, RaymondLeslie - 204 Burlingham 301 Graham, Frank P. - 320 Gray, Gordon - 199 Greenbaum
Extractions: The papers of Freda Kirchwey were given to the Schlesinger Library by FK in December 1969, and by her sister, Dorothy Kirchwey Brown, in October 1972, March, April, June, and July 1973, August 1974, and August 1977. They were processed under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (RC-24669-76-987). Freda Kirchwey (Mary Frederika Kirchwey), journalist, was born at Lake Placid, New York, on September 26, 1893, one of four children of George Washington and Dora Child (Wendell) Kirchwey. Her father was a noted criminologist and dean of Columbia University's School of Law. FK attended the Horace Mann School in New York City, and received her B.A. from Barnard College in 1915. She spent a year as a general reporter and Sunday feature writer for the New York
in Doom Yoknapatawpha County Weddings (Leslie Campbell Rampey Of Mice and Men. PhilipGordon Wylie (1902 Irwin Shaw (191384); Books and
Extractions: Nathaniel Ward John Winthrop William Bradford (1590-1657) Roger Williams Anne Bradstreet (1612-72) Michael Wigglesworth (1631-1705) Increase Mather (1639-1723) Edward Taylor William Penn (1644-1718) Samuel Sewall Cotton Mather (1663-1728) Sarah Kemble Knight (1666-1727) Jonathan Edwards Benjamin Franklin (1706-90) John Woolman Thomas Paine (1732-1809) St. John de Crevecoeur ... John Trumbull Timothy Dwight (1752-1817)
1887 in Katanning. 1870 moved to Irwin. 150th. Poett Naomi Bransby (nee Byfield)(1877 ), 1903 settled near Gordon River, Tambellup. 150th.
BNAPEX Exhibition Awards
Jury Edward A Richardson, Leslie A Davenport Ludlow Centennials Definitives - DougIrwin - Canadian Kussendorfs Not for Competition Gordon Bleuler - Tremont
Extractions: 1949 - - Buffalo, New York - - September 16-18 - - Hotel Statler Host Committee : Richard P Hedley Chairman, Richard K Noye III, Frank V Hackspacher Jr, Gerald A Johnson, Edward A Richardson, Russell Allison, Gordon P Lewis, Jack Levine, Ashley H Gale, Ian Macauley, Victor G Walton. Awards and Exhibits Not For Competition | 2022/01/26 08:45:36 | | mC4 |
كيف يقتل فيروس كورونا؟ من الدماغ حتى أصابع القدم - عرب تايمز
الرئيسية/الأخبار/صحة وطب/كورونا/كيف يقتل فيروس كورونا؟ من الدماغ حتى أصابع القدم
ونجم الوباء العالمي الحالي عن فيروس ينتمي إلى عائلة "كورونا"، ويحدث آثارا شبيهة بالإنفلونزا، لكن العلماء يدرسون كثيرا من التأثيرات "الجديدة" للعدوى في جسم الإنسان .
ولا يعاني كافة المصابين الأعراض الناجمة عن الفيروس مثل الصداع الشديد والسعال والتهاب الحلق، لكن الأضرار لا تقتصر على الرئة بحسب مجلة "ساينس"، لأن بعض الأطباء رصدوا آثارا للمرض في عدد من أعضاء الجسم الأخرى مثل الكلى والقلب والأمعاء وحتى أصابع القدم.
وفي أواخر مارس الماضي، كشفت مجلة " JAMA Cardiology" تسجيل أضرار صحية في عضلة القلب لدى عشرين في المئة من مرضى كورونا في أحد مستشفيات مدينة ووهان الصينية، وشملت العينة 416 شخصا. | 2020/10/30 10:47:45 | | mC4 |
Inspiring Wrought Iron Daybed 19 Photo - Lentine Marine | 29332
Inspiring Wrought Iron Daybed 19 Photo
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When you've got sufficient furnishings already, then simply rearrange them. After deciding on the shade scheme that fits your design and decorating plan, you then determine the size of your own home interior. Even a easy general cleansing can result in a simple design and decorating. Having in mind a normal concept of how you need your house to appear to be, you need to find out the perfect shade combos that completely match with the period or geographic foundation of your design and decorating plan. Additionally it is a good idea to design your own dwelling using multiple software program software. Additionally it is a good suggestion to observe the homes in your neighborhood to decide the details that you will like to include in your customized dwelling designs. So it turns into essential for you do some initial research earlier than making the customized home designs. The difficulty on worry of constructing a not so creative design could be very subjective.
Whether your house inside is giant or small, the dimensions of furniture you place must always be in proportional to the obtainable area with out making it appear cluttered, cramped, and uneasy. So it's important to decide the size of every room. It's important to primarily take under consideration the type of look you want to offer to your own home. Give your design the weather of your character and perspective. The main level in interior design is to not please guests, but to give you comfort and tranquility in your individual house. It is your house and it is you who lives there, thus whatever pleases you can be the very best interior design plan for you. Normally, a house consists of each larger and smaller rooms. You even have options to select from a variety of house design software program purposes. After choosing the free building design software program, you should use it to design your virtual home in 2D or 3D. The software will further provide you templates to design the ground layouts. Also, you should utilize the straightforward-to-use designing tool to experiment with totally different layouts by dragging and dropping lighting devices, appliances, furniture, cabinets and countertops.
At the identical time, you also need to explore choices to increase your living area by designing the basement in a correct manner. Also, you need to focus on selecting the flooring plan for the bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. As for the funds, you want not spend a lot. You may have a number of choices to design your own home. You could have been in your own home for fairly someday, or even when you just purchased it, the design plan can simply be conceptualized by merely remembering your dream house if you were a child. All homeowners even favor custom home plans to build a home that complements all their wants. There are a variety of free software programs that may enable you to in making a digital home inside a couple of minutes. But you've gotten to evaluate the options and functionality of the software program earlier than deciding which one complements your necessities perfectly. While designing a home, you need to keep in thoughts the requirements of every member of your loved ones. By comparing completely different versions of the digital dwelling, you'll be able to simply pick the most effective custom dwelling designs that complement all your requirements.
If you are not familiar with the latest house construction designs and kinds, it's time to brush up your information. You can collect the newest home designing ideas from both on-line and offline sources. With all these, designing your own home inside really wants a few of your time to be sure you do it proper. Interior design and decoration may be simple, quick, and effective if you realize the basics. Style your private home inside based on your needs and desires. But the net dwelling planing software program functions will make it easier for you to create a digital house with out putting any further effort and time. A simple web search will get you information about the free house design software. Their feedback and suggestion will assist you in optimizing the impression of the home plan. If you loved this informative article and you would like to receive more info with regards to Practices kindly visit our web-site. Your plan must even be in type. But most on-line house designing instruments require users to offer certain concepts and basic pointers to design the home plan online. After designing the virtual house, get it evaluated by every member of your loved ones.
As an illustration, you have to resolve the variety of bedrooms your family needs. All it's important to do is to be creative and resourceful. The advancement in communication technology has further made it easier for contemporary folks to design their very own house in a quick and problem-free method. Together with studying books and magazines on residence designing, you can also gather modern ideas by reading the net articles and blogs. You may nonetheless make the blueprint for your home in a traditional method through the use of paper, pencil or eraser. Similarly, you may experiment with totally different bathroom layouts by including shower, bathtub, sink, mirror and toilet. People typically discover options to optimize the appear and feel of their dwelling area. However, do not concern of experimenting. The traits in house plans also change at frequent intervals. This time, simply get closer to reality. A few of these fundamental principles are discussed hereinafter.
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Below are 7 top images from 19 best pictures collection of wrought iron daybed photo in high resolution. Click the image for larger image size and more details. | 2019/05/24 06:04:08 | | mC4 |
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ما هي الأسباب التي تجعل منك إنسان غير سعيد؟ | سطر
الصفحة الرئيسية تنمية بشرية ما هي الأسباب التي تجعل منك إنسان غير سعيد؟
ما هي الأسباب التي تجعل منك إنسان غير سعيد؟
مؤسسة سطر لصناعة المُحتوى العربي 4/13/2022 08:14:00 م
هل تسأل نفسك لماذا تعاني من مشاعر إحباط ومشاعر اكتئاب ومشاعر غضب، أي باختصار تشعر أنك إنسان غير سعيد وتسأل نفسك لماذا لا أعرف أن أكون سعيد، اسأل نفسك لماذا أغلب الوقت تعيش في مشاعر مزعجة، وهذه المشاعر تكون موجودة لعدة عوامل وأسباب سنتحدث عنها في هذا المقال..
ماهي العوامل التي تجعلك شخص غير سعيد؟
١- مقارنة نفسك بغيرك
بعض الناس تنظر دائماً إلى الأشخاص حولها وتقارن نفسها بهم منذ الطفولة طوال الوقت مقارنات، ويعود سبب هذه المقارنة إلى الأهل الذين يقولوا لأولادهم انظر إلى أختك انظر إلى ابن عمك وابن الجيران أفضل منك وأكثر اجتهاد دراسياً، وطوال الوقت تعيش في مقارنات مع من حولك، وعندما تكبر في السن لم تعد الناس تقارنك في غيرك إنما أنت تقارن نفسك مع غيرك، طوال الوقت تنظر لمن حولك
وتقارن نفسك بهم سواء أصدقائك في العمل أو أقاربك أو زملائك أو جيرانك، تقارن في المستوى المادي والمعيشي تقارن عملك في عمله تقارن تعليمك في تعليمه.
▪ما هي أضرار مقارنة نفسك مع غيرك؟
من كثرة المقارنة تظلم ذاتك وتشعر في مشاعر كره الذات، وكل هذا بسبب الطفولة التي خزنتها في داخلك، حتى الناس البعيدين عنك الذين لا تعرف شيئ عنهم أصبحت تتابع تفاصيل حياتهم، وتقارن نفسك بهم وتعتبر أنك أقل منهم من جميع الجوانب، إن مقارنة نفسك في غيرك هي ظلم كبير للنفس وستعيش بعدها مجموعة من المشاعر المزعجة والمؤلمة، ومجموعة من المشاعر المحبطة، وكل هذا بسبب مقارنتك لنفسك بغيرك، والمشكلة لا تعرف إن كان الجزء الذي تقارن نفسك فيه بالناس حقيقي أم مجرد وهم وغرور يرسمه الناس حول ذاتهم.
▪ما هي المقارنة التي يجب أن تفعلها؟
المقارنة الوحيدة والإيجابية التي يجب أن تفعلها هي مقارنة نفسك بنفسك سابقاً، كل يوم يجب أن تطور ذاتك وتطور نفسك عن ما كنت عليه سابقاً.
سنتابع أهم الأسباب التي تجعل منك شخص غير سعيد...
٢- ردود الأفعال
ردود أفعالك اتجاه المواقف المختلفة، انتبه إلى ردود أفعالك اتجاه المواقف البسيطة هل فيها تفاعل مبالغ به، فإذا كانت ردود أفعالك عنيفة وحادة مع أي موقف في حياتك، نتيجة لذلك ستكون المشاعر المترتبة عن ذلك مشاعر مزعجة، لأنك ستبقى تعيش في الماضي وتندم على ردود أفعالك
إن ردود أفعالك اتجاه المواقف كلما تكون قاسية وعنيفة ومزعجة وقوية كلما ستكون طوال الوقت في حالة انزعاج وإحباط وندم ولوم ذاتك على رد فعلك المبالغ به، وبالتالي أي شخص يعيش مشاعر التأنيب فهو يظلم نفسه ويستحق مشاعر تعيسة مشاعر مزعجة ومشاعر نفسية خاطئة
إن تأنيب الضمير لا يعبر عن طيبتك وقوتك إنما ستعيش مشاعر خاطئة ومن ثم سيتولد مرض نفسي، إن تأنيب الضمير يليه شعور جلد الذات ومن ثم يليه أمراض نفسية وليس مشاعر طبيعية إنما ستدخل مرحلة المرض النفسي.
٣- مشاعر الخوف
خوفك من أن تعبر عن نفسك خوفك من أن ينزعج منك الناس خوفك من أن تنطرد من عملك إذا عبرت عن ذاتك وآرائك، وخوفك من أن تتحدث مع شخص معين وخوفك من حدوث مشاكل مع الناس حولك سواء صديقك أو زوجتك أو أولادك، خوفك المستمر من التعبير عن نفسك يجعلك تعيش مشاعر مؤلمة ومحزنة، تعيش في إحباط معظم وقتك ولا تعرف السبب
والسبب الحقيقي يعود إلى تعبيرك عن نفسك ولكن داخل دماغك ليس أمام الناس، لذلك حاول أن تتحدث بقوة مع الآخرين وإذا كنت منزعج من موقف معين اعترف في ذلك للآخرين وواجهم في ذلك، تحرر من السجن الذي في داخلك تحرر من السجن الذي يعيقك يعيق مشاعرك وأفكارك، فالسجن الذي تعيشه سببه أنت وبيدك يمكنك التحرر منه، إن أي شخص مسجون في جسده مسجون في الوسط الذي يعيش فيه مسجون في مشاعره هو شخص غير سعيد هو شخص خائف ولا يعرف أن يعترف لنفسه في ذلك هو شخص يخاف من التعبير عن نفسه.
سنتابع مع الفائدة من التعبير عن نفسك وتتمة العوامل التي تجعلك غير سعيد...
▪ما هي الفائدة من التعبير عن نفسك؟
عندما تعبر عن نفسك تعرف الناس حولك كيفية التعامل معك، فما أكثر الناس الذين يكتموا مشاعرهم من أجل إرضاء زوجها أو من أجل والديها، وتبقى تخاف من التعبير وتكتم مشاعرها وتبقى هادئة وتتحمل عواصف غضب الطرف الآخر، عبر عن نفسك للطرف الآخر وإذا كان حقاً يحبك سيحبك كما أنت.
٤- الشعور بالعجز
إن مشاعر العجز الذي تضع نفسك بها والأمور التي تكلف نفسك بها وهي فوق طاقتك، تلك الأمور تعطيك شعور بالعجز وتعرف أنها أعلى من إمكانياتك وتشعر أمامها بالقلة بالضعف بالعجز
إن مشاعر العجز تؤدي للإحباط والاكتئاب والحزن و|الألم النفسي|، إذا كنت دائماً تضغط على زوجتك وتشعرها دائماً أنها مقصرة في حقك ومقصرة في واجباتها اتجاهك هذا الأمر سيسبب لها ألم نفسي كبير وستجدها دائماً حزينة ومكتئبة، وكل هذا بسبب ضغطك الكبير عليها، وستشعر هي بالعجز لأنها لم تحقق الصورة التي تريدها منها
اعمل ما يناسبك ولا تضغط على نفسك ولا تحمل ذاتك فوق طاقتها، ولا تشعر نفسك أنك إنسان فاشل فأنت غير مطلوب منك أن تحقق الصورة الكاملة التي يتوقعها الشخص الآخر منك، وتذكر قول الله تعالى " لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها" عبّر عن قدراتك عن إمكانياتك قل للطرف الآخر أنك غير قادر على تحقيق الصورة التي يرسمها في دماغه عنك.
٥- مشاعر الاستعجال
معظم الناس تعيش حياتها في عجلة تستعجل على تحقيق أهدافها تستعجل على تحقيق الصورة التي يرسموها لذاتهم، تستعجل على تحقيق ما تريد في أسرع وقت وأقل فترة زمنية ممكنة وبأقل جهد، وتستعجل على الزواج وتستعجل على العمل تستعجل على التخرج، إن شعور الاستعجال والسرعة لن تجعلك سعيد
تعتبر هذه المشاعر من أكثر المشاعر المزعجة تجد نفسك طوال الوقت تنتظر شيئ معين وتسرع لتحقيق أمر ما وقد لا يتحقق، إن الإنسان الهادئ والصبور والمستمتع في رحلته وفي الأجواء التي يعيشها والمستمتع فيما يؤدي وفيما يعمل ومستمتع فيما يقدم يكون مستمتع في الرحلة في تفاصيل الرحلة، لديه مشاعر جميلة مشاعر متعة يعيش بها مشاعر فيها هدوء فيها راحة. | 2022/06/30 01:33:43 | | mC4 |
“We wanted to give him as much of the old ball, with which he is more effective. He did the same thing in the last match [against South Africa]. He is our strike bowler,” Mashrafe said and seemed to resort to wishful thinking when talking about them needing two wickets at the end after New Zealand’s lower order panicked. “At the end, two wickets, anything could have happened. You know, 12 runs or 16 runs, two balls could have taken the wickets. Especially with Mustafizur, he has done it so many times before. It did not happen this time. Maybe sometimes luck has to be going with the team. It didn’t happen this time, maybe next time.”
Next time is June 8 against England, the top-ranked team in ODI cricket. It cannot be said whether Mashrafe really believed that he was tactically sound in some of his decisions on the field. In not bringing Mustafizur back on when New Zealand were on the ropes, he betrayed a lack of aggression and an unwillingness to capitalise on opportune moments, and it will benefit Bangladesh if the skipper learns from that, because he cannot expect to beat the best with a premeditated mindset that bears no relation to the prevailing situation.
... look, sound and BE the part so they can attract clients who see their value and are eager to pay them for it!
And there’s nothing that breaks my heart more than a woman entrepreneur who has an important gift ...
… but she doesn’t know how to communicate her gift in a way that inspires people to join her programs, attend her workshops, buy her book or follow her on social media.
She never gets to experience the FREEDOM that’s possible for her life because her business can’t financially support her adventures.
She never gets to experience the FULFILLMENT that comes from building a business that creates real impact in people’s lives.
And (this is the worst), because of #1 and #2, she gets discouraged, loses confidence and sometimes gives up all together... when the solution was inside her all along, she was just looking in the wrong places!
Marketing strategies are where your business connects with potential clients, so it totally makes sense that you’d invest your time and money into marketing your business to help it grow.
But what you might not realize (and believe me, I didn’t realize this either at the beginning) is that marketing strategies are only as powerful as the brand and business behind them.
In fact, pushing your business in front of more eyeballs, when you're not CLEAR about your brand, can actually damage your money-making potential.
As a service-based business owner, you might think your clients are investing in your service, but actually, they can find a bazillion people online who offer something similar.
They choose to work with you because they resonate with what you stand for and they want your personal guidance to help them solve their problem.
And the only way they’ll know this, is if you bring more of YOU into your brand through clear, consistent and cohesive messaging, visuals and offerings.
So while I have a few marketing tactics that I personally know and love (Hello Meetup, Facebook groups and public speaking!), you’ll never find me pushing one idea as the ONLY path to success, because truth is, when you build a stand-out brand, many marketing strategies can help you achieve the success you’re looking for!
That’s why I’m so passionate about helping you build your brand, because your brand is what clearly communicates you and your business to potential clients and creates the connection and trust needed to take the next step with you.
I’ve seen over and over again how when my clients focus on building their brands first, they make progress quickly and stop spinning their wheels on trendy marketing tactics that have sucked up weeks, months and sometimes even years of their time!
Hustle so hard you end up burned out and overweight because you’ve neglected the one thing that’s central to your business’s health: YOUR own health!
And today, after 11 years in business and learning hundreds of lessons the hard way… I’m here to show you how much easier your business can be when you keep it simple and focus on the right things in the right order!
This should be a given, but unfortunately, in our saturated online world, where anyone can claim to be an expert by creating an Instagram account and pumping out content, it’s important to approach finding your coach with caution!!! Since 2009, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and students across the globe, which has given me more experience than my Bachelor’s degree, Master’s Degree or Coaching Certification could ever teach me!
Six and seven figure businesses are all the rage, and I believe 100% that you can achieve it if that’s your goal, but I’m not gonna sit back and try to convince you it’ll be easy if you just do what I say. | 2021-03-02T09:17:54Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
AMOS | Howto Earn The Heart of a Taurus Person Ideas To Produce Him Need Only You
Howto Earn The Heart of a Taurus Person Ideas To Produce Him Need Only You
The 1st stage to creating a great article may be to plan forward. Thus, you should recall to begin writing with the abstract. There are particular points you ought to take into account when writing argumentative essays. The more passion you've got for a writing topic, the more straightforward it may really be to convey that feeling to your own audience and make a regular ; appropriate illustrative article. Single story to begin composition. This actually is where you bring a limitation to your own article. Think of your own composition's thesis for a promise to your personal audience by what group of evaluation you've designed for the novels and help it become unique. The advice presented via the article must be exact. All the TOEFL essay topics were produced using an similar purpose in your mind.
Paraphrasing is just a proficiency that not everyone can quickly learn.
Meeting essays ensure it is feasible for you to use people as your own resources in place of publications. When you collect enough material to start you should coordinate your article. It really isn't wise to dwell on really feeble points within your essay. On occasion, in elaborating a moment, you need to offer examples. This won't must be in the official article kind or perfect sentences. For something to become a standard ; appropriate persuasive essay matter, it should be an arguable issue. There are a lot of matters that are going to be given for that document.
Slim your subject by discovering a Look At This particular issue your document may answer. Seeking at what you've written to day, make a listing of terms it really is possible to look as much as endeavor to get posts to your own paper. | 2019/11/13 05:24:35 | | mC4 |
Inferno by dante alighieri essay Coursework Service
This free english literature essay on essay: dante alighieri - dante's inferno is perfect for english literature students to use as an example. Divine comedy-i: inferno study guide contains a biography of dante alighieri, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and. Essays and criticism on dante alighieri's dante's inferno - suggested essay topics. In this essay the poem will be considered as to how it reflects his dante's inferno dante alighieri's inferno relates the story of dante and his journeythrough. Divine comedy-i: inferno dante alighieri divine comedy-i: inferno literature essays are academic essays for citation these papers were written primarily by students. Inferno is the first part of dante alighieri's 14th-century epic poem divine comedy inferno is an allegory telling of the journey of dante through hell, guided by.
Lucifer, allegory, limbo, consequence - inferno by dante alighieri. Jamming up the flax machine the 'inferno' of dante alighieri a new translation by ts eliot's essay of 1929 argues against such anglocentric and. Essays on dante inferno 17 pages (4250 words) nobody downloaded yetdante: inferno dante alighieri was a 14th dante inferno dante's inferno is a. Dante alighieri essay examples 197 total results the representation of hell in dante alighieri's the divine comedy 794 words 2 pages similarities of inferno and hades in divine comedy.
Dante alighieri's the inferno has been renowned as a great classic of western literature to completely understand the direction of the novel you must to read. Inferno (pronounced italian for hell) is the first part of dante alighieri's 14th-century epic poem divine comedyit is followed by purgatorio and paradisothe inferno tells the journey. Struggling with the themes of dante alighieri's inferno we've got the quick and easy lowdown on them here. Dante inferno essay dantes inferno essay examples dante alighieri's inferno is the first part of the divine comedy poem he wrote during the fourteenth century.
Interviews & essays overview dante's inferno by dante alighieri an extraordinary new verse translation of dante's masterpiece, by poet, scholar, and lauded translator anthony esolen of. Home → sparknotes → poetry study guides → inferno → a+ student essay inferno dante alighieri contents throughout the inferno, dante expresses his.
Dante's inferno: sixth circle of hell "every evil deed despised in heaven has as its end injustice each such end harms someone else through either force or fraud" (alighieri xi 22-24) in. Dante's inferno analysis uploaded by tyson_626 on feb 02, 2005 dante's inferno dante alighieri, one of the greatest poets of the middle. Dante inferno essay sample bla bla writing hell (6) inferno (4) writing style and the inferno b dante alighieri's life during the torrential times of the.
King 1 scott king dr summers humanities 10 april 2016 the seventh circle in dante alighieri's the inferno, dante creates a hell in which sinful christians are. Dante alighieri, one of the greatest dante alighieri's dante's inferno: summary & analysis pound wrote an essay called "dante" in his book. Papers inferno dante free essays, papers, research and hell depict often history divine linear a with religions traditions, folkloric and religious many in afterlife, an in punishment and.
Dante inferno essay aaron july 18, 2017 view of the first dante lowell's essay paragraphs instances in the whale in its entirety, the author uses contrapasso - get published books 4. Read this history other essay and over 88,000 other research documents dantes inferno dante's inferno dante alighieri, one of the greatest poets of the middle ages. A literary review of dantes alighieris inferno essaya literary review of dante alighieri's "inferno" dante alighieri's "inferno" is a narrative poem describing dante's journey through. The inferno by dante alighieri - literature essay example the inferno by dante alighieri is a story which explores and creates. Dante's inferno research papers examine the first part from dante's poem the inferno that describes the poet's allegorical journey through the nine circles of hell.
Our depot contains over 15,000 free essays inferno, written in 1314 by dante alighieri, was the first canticle of the divine comedy. Mid-way through his life and faced with an ignominious end, dante alighieri wrote his greatest work, the divine comedy we can understand dante's motive in writing this epic by reading. A summary of cantos i–ii in dante alighieri's inferno perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans sparknotes. Dante's inferno canto v analysis essays: over 180,000 dante's inferno canto v analysis essays, dante's inferno canto v analysis term papers, dante's inferno canto v analysis research paper.
Download an example of Inferno by dante alighieri essay:
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how to become an effective membergraduate program admission essayphd thesis on a jet enginehow have computers changed our lives an introduction to the life of houdini a king of handcuffsrosenberg trial essay | 2018/10/16 10:40:15 | | mC4 |
The implications were terrifying. If such a condition could strike Lara, it was only a matter of time before I too succumbed. She’d given me everything—measles, chicken pox, mumps—and I’d catch this from her too. I hovered outside Lara’s closed door, transfixed by the seam of light glowing under it. I could not make out my parents’ words, just their hushed mumbling voices.
After that night, Lara skulked around the house under a dark cloud of dread. I was careful not to get too close to her, but I studied her for signs of craziness. Her hair had always been thick and unruly, and now it looked even worse. She had dark hollows under her eyes, and her fingernails were picked to bloody stumps. When she caught me looking at her, she bared her teeth and growled wolfishly. My parents spoke Polish all the time now in hushed tones.
A few days later, my mother carried the skinny fold-up cot from the basement and set it up in Lara’s room. Mom assured my father it would only be for a night or two, but it turned out to be three nights and then four, then a week, then two weeks, and then we just pretended it was normal that my mother slept in Lara’s room.
Soon after she moved into Lara’s room, my mother told me that Lara was going to start seeing a psychologist who would help her feel better. “You cannot mention a word of this,” she said in a low voice. | 2021-03-08T07:00:16Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
من ضمنها إطالة العمر ..تعرف على فوائد زيت الزيتون – صحيفة وهج الخليج الإلكترونية
ماذا تقول أرقام كورونا لليوم؟
الرئيسية / منوعات / من ضمنها إطالة العمر ..تعرف على فوائد زيت الزيتون
أسبوعين مضت منوعات اضف تعليق
وهج الخليج-وكالات
يحتوي زيت الزيتون على العديد من الفوائد الصحية المختلفة، وينبع ذلك من القيم الغذائية الخاصة بهذا الزيت، حيث يحتوي زيت الزيتون على الأحماض الدهنية والفيتامينات والمعادن الضرورية لصحة الجسم، فما أهم فوائد زيت الزيتون على الريق هذه؟
في بعض المناطق هناك أناس يعيشون أعمارا أطول بسبب اتباعهم للحمية المتوسطية الغنية بزيت الزيتون، وقد درس العلماء فوائد زيت الزيتون، خاصة زيت الزيتون البكر، وفق(الجزيرة).
وفيما يتعلق بهذه الظاهرة، يقول الدكتور نيل شيبلي: " إن زيت الزيتون دهن أحادي غير مشبع وغني بمادة البوليفينول، وهي مادة معروف عنها أنها عنصر مهم في النظام الغذائي الصحي ومكافح للأمراض المرتبطة بتقدم العمر، مثل ارتفاع ضغط الدم وأمراض القلب" .
واحدة من الوسائل لخفض مخاطر السكتة الدماغية لديك هي إضافة المزيد من زيت الزيتون إلى نظامك الغذائي، ويقول الدكتور شيبلي: " إن هناك دراسات عديدة تؤيد أن الاستخدام المنتظم لزيت الزيتون البكر الممتاز يمكنه أن يقلل من خطر الإصابة بالسكتة الدماغية".
ويقول الدكتور شيبلي: " إن دراسة أخرى أجريت مؤخرا استطاعت أن تبرهن على أن استخدام زيت الزيتون، خاصة البكر منه، له علاقة بانخفاض مخاطر أمراض الأوعية الدموية والوفيات لدى الأشخاص المعرضين لمخاطر كبيرة في الأوعية الدموية".
السابق " النقد الدولي " يتوقع فائضاً في الميزانية العامة للدولة
التالي رصد زلزال بقوة 2.2 في عبري
وهج الخليج-وكالات كشف الدكتور ياروسلاف بوتابوف، أخصائي أمراض السرطان والجهاز البولي في روسيا، أن خطر … | 2021/09/27 22:40:11 | | mC4 |
The WOW Report, which dearly loves posting photos of Madonna's hideously deformed over-excercised hands/arms almost as much as your humble Felt Up blogette, just put up the "first 2008 closeup photo of Madonna's hand":
It's kind of like Groundhog Day. If Madonna's veins bulge bluish, there will be six more months of Pilates. If they bulge white, it's hot-room yoga until summer! | OSCAR-2019 |
Jazz Movies: In EuropeColeman Hawkins - By Jeff Tamarkin — Jazz Articles
By most accounts, Coleman Hawkins was no longer an innovator by the 1960s. Although he is often credited with having virtually invented jazz saxophone in the '20s during his tenure with Fletcher Henderson, Hawkins had since been eclipsed by the likes of Parker, Coltrane and that other Coleman, Ornette. But that doesn't mean the man couldn't still blow, and this collection of in-concert and live-in-studio sessions filmed during Hawkins' final decade—he died in 1969, at age 64—makes for some thrilling musical and visual moments. Of course it didn't hurt that Hawkins still attracted high-caliber collaborators. In the opening segment, a 1964 London concert, Hawkins and his band, including Harry "Sweets" Edison on trumpet and Jo Jones on drums, tear into Wardell Gray's "Stoned" with abandon. Pianist Sir Charles Thompson and bassist Jimmy Woode soon leave the main theme behind for an outside venture that Hawk not only understands but kicks into a higher gear. "Caravan" is fired up but not flashy, and the ballads "September Song" and "Willow Weep for Me" showcase Hawkins' and Edison's savvy with bluesy moods.
But it's the second segment, filmed at the Royal Jazz Festival in London in '66, that firmly establishes Hawkins' enduring vitality. Despite a grainy picture and somewhat hissy sound—all of the films are in black and white, some offering crisper audio than others—Hawkins, altoist Benny Carter, pianist Teddy Wilson, a young Bob Cranshaw on bass and the unstoppable Louie Bellson on drums are explosive. "Disorder at the Border" is given over largely to the recently deceased Bellson, who displays in about 10 dazzling, unbroken minutes why he was one of the most celebrated skin-pounders ever.
Other segments, filmed in Paris and Brussels (what appears to be a rehearsal), feature the likes of Oscar Peterson and the underrated guitarist Mickey Baker, but the absolute highlight is the 25-minute 1961 After Hours film, an insider's peek at what's supposed to be—but obviously isn't—an impromptu jam in a subterranean New York club. Playing to a few stray doormen, a scantily clad cigarette girl and themselves, Hawkins, trumpeter Roy Eldridge, bassist Milt Hinton, drummer Cozy Cole and others who "just happened" to drop by, tear it up as DJ William B. Williams explains to the viewer what's going on. The setup itself is jive, but the music is anything but. Add a Comment | 2016/12/05 05:02:52 | | mC4 |
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Beauty Shaving Shaving Cream Venus Spa Breeze Disposables 2-in-1 Razors with Shave Gel 2 ct (Pack of 2) Back Customer reviews Venus Spa Breeze Disposables 2-in-1 Razors with Shave Gel 2 ct (Pack of 2) Back to item Write a review Customer Reviews | 148 reviews | 3.4 out of 5 3.5 stars 148 reviews | 3.4 out of 5 3.5 stars 148 reviews | 3.4 out of 5 57% Would recommend to a friend 5 stars 57 4 stars 31 3 stars 10 2 stars 18 1 stars 32 Sort by Most relevant Most helpful Newest to oldest Oldest to newest High to low rating Low to high rating 1-20 of 148 total reviews 57% Would recommend to a friend Show filters Sort by Most relevant Most helpful Newest to oldest Oldest to newest High to low rating Low to high rating Age 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and older Gender Male Female 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 1-20 of 148 total reviews 1-20 of 148 reviews Previous Reviews Next Reviews LOVE THIS 6/24/2009 Customer review by sydxx 5.0 stars 6/24/2009 by sydxx by sydxx Hi! I'm 13 years old and recently started shaving...i got a razor from another brand and hated it and got the Breeze today! I used it tonight for the first time. I have to say that this razor is EXCELLENT and i love how i dont need shave gel all i do is (i do this although you dont NEED to with this razor) is lather up some soap on my legs, wet the razor, and let the razor work! its awesome i love the gel bars it leaves it smooth and soft and it was a close shave and i got NO nicks or cuts even around the hard to shave areas like the knee and ankle area. the only thing i dont like about it is that it gets gooey and sticky, and it seems that even after the one use, the gel bars started to deteriorate quickly. I'm buying the shower thingie and refill cartridges tomorrow. if anyone has any handle/head combos that work well for them let me know! i'm still experimenting and trying to find the razor i truly LOVE and i really like the breeze and hopefully it works well with more uses and does not disappoint (: Written by a customer while visiting sydxx North Caldwell, NJ Would recommend to a friend? Yes The good and the bad 3/2/2013 Customer review by batesja2 2.0 stars 3/2/2013 by batesja2 by batesja2 I recently tried tried this razor. I was looking forward to using a razor with a built in shave gel strip to make shaving my legs and underarms quicker and easier without the fuss of a shaving cream or gel. I was happy in that I had no nicks or cuts and it felt smooth on my skin. After I had no rash or burn as I have sensitive skin and that is always a concern for me. Although shaving time was reduced somewhat without the use of cream or gel since this is ready to go with water, the shave was not as close I found I had to go over the same area several times to make sure no stubble was left behind. I realize this razor is disposible however I was only able to shave my legs 2x and my underarms 3x and the top gel strip fell off. Very disappointed that for the price, I wasnt able to get more use out of it. I have been able to get a better shave and more use with less cost out of other razors, even if it takes a few more minutes of your time, think of a different razor. Written by a customer while visiting batesja2 Grand Rapids, MI, USA Would recommend to a friend? No Gender:Female Best razor EVER! 4/24/2009 Customer review by Ailarra 5.0 stars 4/24/2009 by Ailarra by Ailarra Wow! I have super-sensitive skin and I've been shaving for 18 years. I have dark, thick leg hairs. Sensitive skin and thick hair do NOT go together. I've been stuck with only getting to wear shorts once every three days because I could only shave that often, and really need to almost every day. I just fell in love with the spa breeze. Using shaving cream in the shower just doesn't cut if for me because it doesn't stay put long enough to get through shaving. I have two small children and taking extra time out for separate shaving is out of the question. Venus Spa Breeze stands up to it's name through and through. Super close shave, no nicks, and actually gets all the hard to shave places like the back of the knee and ankles. The shave gel bars are flexible like little wings so they stay in touch with the skin at all times. Bikini area? No problem! I think this is the first shave EVER that I won't have any razor burn!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Venus! Written by a customer while visiting Ailarra Dayton, OH Would recommend to a friend? Yes Good idea, however, not well thought out. 5/20/2016 Customer review by Krush 3.0 stars 5/20/2016 by Krush by Krush Although it's convenient to habe built-in gel, the razor lasts longer & one must resort to; throwing away a good razor or using shave gel/cream.
Perhaps advancements would make it worth the cost. Written by a customer while visiting Krush Wisconsin Would recommend to a friend? No Excellent 3/22/2016 Customer review by Tonja707 4.0 stars 3/22/2016 by Tonja707 by Tonja707 The other razors I've used are no where as slick or comfortable to hold as this one. I would deffinTly. Reccomend this to women everywhere . Written by a customer while visiting Tonja707 Crescent city. Ca Would recommend to a friend? Yes This product is good and not expensive 3/13/2016 Customer review by Amis 5.0 stars 3/13/2016 by Amis by Amis Like I said this is the best product out there it leave s you're skin so smooth and soft and don't leave any bumps or rashes its the best product out there I'm very satisfied with this product Written by a customer while visiting Amis VIROQUA, wi Would recommend to a friend? Yes Worst Razor I've Ever Purchased 9/1/2009 Customer review by Plum 1.0 stars 9/1/2009 by Plum by Plum I'm not usually inspired to write online reviews--I don't generally love or hate products--but I detest this razor. The little "pads" of shave gel on either side of the blades prevent a close shave--to get the blades close to the skin you have to press down hard, resulting in cuts and razor burns. The razor cannot be left in the shower, as wetness causes the shave gel pads to melt and leaves a gooey mess wherever it is resting. That meltiness is also enormously disgusting while shaving--the gel pads leave a goopy, slimy mess behind, and every time I'd pull the razor away from my skin little strands of slime would follow (for me, the aesthetics of the experience do matter). I've used Venus products for years, but when my old one wore out I bought this lemon. I'd recommend sticking with one of the simpler Venus models--I'll be going out to buy one of those tomorrow. Written by a customer while visiting Plum California Would recommend to a friend? No Excellent product 2/9/2016 Customer review by Suzy 4.0 stars 2/9/2016 by Suzy by Suzy Excellent product
Recommend products to anyone Written by a customer while visiting Suzy Rockledge fl Would recommend to a friend? Yes The Worst Venus Razor 7/10/2009 Customer review by Brittney 1.0 stars 7/10/2009 by Brittney by Brittney Venus razors were the first razors that I used that did not cause my legs to break out, and I have been using them ever since they first came out. However, this Breeze razor made me feel like I had traveled back in time to when I couldn't wear shorts because my legs were red and bumpy all over. I have to agree with all the people who have wrote negative reviews about the "wings" on the razor. They make your skin feel slimy not smooth, and you can't tell if you have actually shaved the hair off of your legs. I had to press the razor down into my leg for it to actually shave the hair off, which in turn gave me razor burn and left over stubble. So disappointing from such a great brand that made all the difference in my confidence. I say stick to the regular Venus razor, or maybe try the Embrace. Anything but the Breeze. Written by a customer while visiting Brittney Memphis, TN Would recommend to a friend? No Was good at first, but then.... 2/15/2012 Customer review by Kris 1.0 stars 2/15/2012 by Kris by Kris When I first purchased the Venus Breeze, I was so excited. The first time I shaved with this product it worked well. However, it is hard to clean the razor. When I tried to rinse it under the shower head, I could tell the gel was washing away. The second day I used this, I found the gel was much less than the first time and had hardened somewhat. I thought my mistake was leaving the razor in the shower and that maybe it had deteriorated the gel as the third time I used it, the gel fell apart. After refilling the cartridge I kept it outside of the shower and hoped this would help. I had the same results. I did not expect such terrible results from such an expensive razor. The refills are far from cheap and I could use 2, maybe 3, refills a week as I shave my legs every other day. I expected better. Written by a customer while visiting Kris Would recommend to a friend? No What a Breeze it is! 5/9/2009 Customer review by Bellaboo223 5.0 stars 5/9/2009 by Bellaboo223 by Bellaboo223 I just started shaving about a month ago and I was using my mom's spare that she never uses, and it was time to get my own. My sister already had a regular breeze, and I enveyed it. She could shave before school with just her razor, a cup of warm water, and a wet rag. She wasn't even in the shower! It took her almost no time at all, too. But I couldn't get the same razor as her, because then we would mix them up. I had no idea what razor to get! I knew I'd get a venus, though. When I got to the drug store, I found to my suprise a display of VENUS BREEZE IN PINK! My favorite color! I bought it and rushed home right away to try it out and WOW did it work! I didn't cut myself once! And I loved the smell of it, too. It never did I get such a clean shave with the regular Venus. I LOVE IT! Now I have it hanging in my shower, and whenever the blade dulls, I have two new ones in the holder! So conveinent! And my family has no room to store shaving gel in the shower, so it's always a pain to have to get out and grab it. With the gel in the razor, no more! When I read the reveiws here, I'm suprised even 2 people didn't like it! BUY THIS RAZOR!!!!!! And no, I am NOT hired to write this! Written by a customer while visiting Bellaboo223 What Would recommend to a friend? Yes Favorite Razor! 10/16/2012 Customer review by Turtle22 4.0 stars 10/16/2012 by Turtle22 by Turtle22 I love this razor! It feels so nice on my skin and never irritates it. Even after the gel washes away, it still gives a good shave, and with this razor I don't have to use shave gel, just body wash, and it won't irritate my skin! I absolutely love this razor, I've been trying other venus razors lately, and I don't like any of them as much as this one. It's not perfect though, one problem I have is shaving my private area, it's wayy too slippery, and so I just get disposable razors for shaving down there. Also, the gel does wash away pretty quickly, I can only use it without body wash the first two times I use it, then I have to use body wash with it after that. But other than that it's a great product, and I plan on going back to using this one after my venus divine cartridges are all used up. Written by a customer while visiting Turtle22 Would recommend to a friend? Yes Awsome 4/4/2009 Customer review by lazy 5.0 stars 4/4/2009 by lazy by lazy I just received a Gillette Venus Breeze as a gift and I have to tell you I was not thrilled. I'm ashamed to say I only shave my legs about 4 times a year more if there's a special reason or I have to see a doctor, I'm just lazy!!!! My hair is blond so I don't worry to much about it plus I hate to shave my legs.I have tried many different razors and they are all the same, either I cut myself or they just leave my legs dry and scaly. I just got out of the shower which I decided to try my new Gillette Venus Breeze razor, OH My Gosh it was like Heaven, I could not believe it was working so I used my other razor after I was done with the Venus and there wasn't a hair to be seen. I will shave my legs often with the Venus Breeze. I just had to write to say thank you. In just one shave I'm hooked!!!!! Written by a customer while visiting lazy Keokuk, Iowa Would recommend to a friend? Yes Razor BREAKS every few months 1/27/2011 Customer review by Mommy2MandM 2.0 stars 1/27/2011 by Mommy2MandM by Mommy2MandM I have been using this razor for awhile and it is ridiculous that every few months, the actually razor BREAKS. The way it is designed is flawed and the top part of the handle is thin and only held together by a gel grip pad. This will snap (like it did on me again last night which is why I am here on the site) and then be floppy and obviously unusable. It is getting too EXPENSIVE to replace these razors. I would deal w/ the expensive razor blades (that don't last too long before all the gel is gone and then that nice, smooth shave is gone!) if the stupid handle would stop breaking. I am embarrased to tell you how many I have replaced because I feel stupid staying w/ them but let's just say I am going to need a 3rd hand soon. I think it's time to move on to another razor! One that will LAST! Written by a customer while visiting Mommy2MandM IL Would recommend to a friend? No So disappointed in my razor 9/21/2011 Customer review by jko1 1.0 stars 9/21/2011 by jko1 by jko1 I am so disappointed in my Venus Refillable Spa Breeze razor. I always buy the Venus brand, but decided to change it up and buy the Spa Breeze razor and I am so frustrated with it. First of all, it is not cheap to buy razors so when I do spend the money, I want it to work! The first week after using it, my "so-called" shaving cream bars feel off in the shower. So, now I do not have any glide left to my shaver leaving my legs prickly, full of nicks and the shaver, in general, seemed dull. And when I did have the shaver bars intact, it seemed as if my shaver was full of the gunk from it. I tried to go on the contact page to post my disappointment, but I could not log in so I decided to speak out my frustration here. Save yourself the time and money and don't buy this razor. Written by a customer while visiting jko1 wi Would recommend to a friend? No Love it!!! 4/14/2011 Customer review by RebeccaMod 5.0 stars 4/14/2011 by RebeccaMod by RebeccaMod I'm 41 and for years beyond imaginable I've been using my husbands cheap brand razors to save money. I hated that I had to wait a day or so for my hair to grow out or my legs would have been shredded! I splurged and man am I so glad! I have used the same razor since I bought it and the gel is still on because I hang the razor up out of water. When I use it again I lightly brush downward on the razor with my wet cloth to prep it. My legs are smooth EVERYDAY and soft and NO, NOT ONE bump or cut! .... I wish I could get this very one in the reusable ones but I will most definitely get this again. Sorry it didn't work out for others because I'm in love with it! I'm a very fair skinned person. Oh and I don't get bumps or razor burn on my underarms either. :) Written by a customer while visiting RebeccaMod West Texas Would recommend to a friend? Yes Love the Venus Breeze 1/2/2010 Customer review by Sara 4.0 stars 1/2/2010 by Sara by Sara I use the Breeze (not the Spa Breeze)... Ive been using the Venus razors for many years now and Ive stuck with this one ever since it came out (Unless my husband grabs the wrong ones... Ugh... haha) ... I love this razor... Gives a smooth shave without having to buy expensive shaving cream that wont dry out your skin. The only issues I have with this razor is the gel bars dont last very long, about 2 weeks or so if youre an everyday shaver like I am... But the blades stay good a little longer so I usually use each razor for about 3-4 weeks before throwing it away... and because the gel areas makes the surface area of the razor larger... it is hard to het certain spots while shaving the bikini area... but def overall I would say its a great razor! Written by a customer while visiting Sara Texas Would recommend to a friend? Yes Worst Razor Purchase Ever 2/3/2010 Customer review by Xyrusrose 1.0 stars 2/3/2010 by Xyrusrose by Xyrusrose I was recommended to buy this product by a friend. She seemed to love it and I was in the market for a new razor. The first shave was amazing. I liked how simple it was to shave and go, no extra time spent with shave gel. The second shave was not as good. The gel bar had a werid texture and the razor itself was not shaving as smooth. The third use, I noticed one of the gel bars was peeled back a bit and mid shave it just fell right off. The razor seemed duller and I had to get my shave gel out to finish the job. I had quite a bit of razor burn after this third shave. When I spend good money on a more expensive razor, I expect it to last more than 2.5 shaves. This was a total waste of money and I'm going to have to go razor hunting again. Written by a customer while visiting Xyrusrose SLC, UT Would recommend to a friend? No Unless you want to throw away your money every 3 showers, do not buy this razor. 4/3/2015 Customer review by paloma171 1.0 stars 4/3/2015 by paloma171 by paloma171 This razor was love at first shave, it left my skin so silky smooth I felt like satin. I felt so careless shaving it didn't feel like I was doing it at all. I used my first Spa razor twice before the built in shaving gel bars completely fell off, I thought I was being too rough while using it.I loved the razor so much I went and bought 2 more , this time one of them lasted about 2 weeks before it also fell apart. Again, I thought it was me. I bought another 2 razor heads and completely gave up on these after it fell off the 2nd time I used it. I give up completely. I wish I could have my money back and invest into some actual gel instead of these. I will never spend my money on these again. Written by a customer while visiting paloma171 Houston, TX, USA Would recommend to a friend? No Gender:Female awesome!!! 7/13/2009 Customer review by zolushka 5.0 stars 7/13/2009 by zolushka by zolushka I used to hate shaving bcuz it would always take too much time and the shaving cream was such a hassle. i decided to try the venus breeze razor not knowing if it would work. i loved it right away!!! i have been using this product for quite some time now and i am very satisfied with it. i dont ever plan on switching! its so quick and easy. i just shave real quick when i am in the shower without any hassle. it leaves a smoooth shave, and i love the feel of my legs after using this product. i am also the type of girl who always got razor burns and cuts from shaving, and ever since i started using this product i never had a razor burn or a cut! :) this is a great product, and i definitely recommend it!!! :) Written by a customer while visiting zolushka bflo,ny Would recommend to a friend? 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Jumper News – Page 150 – JUMPER NEWS
Christoffer Lindenberg & Appy Cara Take Denmark to the Top at Mediterranean Equestrian Tour CSI 2*
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Matthew Sampson & Gloria van Zuuthoeve Ride To Glory at the Mediterranean Equestrian Tour CSI 2*
Matthew Sampson (GBR) & Gloria van Zuuthoeve won the Gold 3 jump-off class yesterday during the Mediterranean Equestrian Tour – Oliva Nova / Spain CSI 2*. The Brit and the 11-year-old Belgian Warmblood mare (Gloria van Zuuthoeve x Darco) triumphed in the 1.45m Longines-ranked class after leaving all the rails up for […]
No catching Simon Delestre & Catch T at Jumping Verona CSI 5*
Simon Delestre (FRA) & Catch Me T won the €25,000 Antonio Carraro – Tractor people sponsored speed class yesterday during Jumping Verona CSI 5* at the Fieracavalli Verona in Italy. The Frenchman and the dark bay 9-year-old Hannoveraner Verband e.V. mare (Contagio x Wether) soared over all the 1.45m obstacles without committing any penalties, going through the timers […]
Aaron Vale & Finou Clear 6'7" to win Puissance at Washington International Horse Show CSI 4*-W
Aaron Vale (USA) and Finou earned their second-consecutive WIHS Puissance victory on Friday night, this year clearing 6'7" to take the win in the $25,000 International Jumper Puissance, presented by The Boeing Company. "It's the horse," said Vale on the secret to tying with McLain Ward in 2016 […]
Niels Bruynseels & Gancia de Muze gallops them all into the ground in thrilling Prestige Jump-Off
By Jumper News on 2 02America/Sao_Paulo November 02America/Sao_Paulo 2017 • ( Leave a comment )
There's fast, faster and then really fast, but Belgium's Niels Bruynseels was almost in warp mode when galloping to win the big class of the first day, the Prestige Jump-Off competition, at Jumping Verona 2017 tonight. When you are taking on opponents like the super-speedy Australian Edwina Tops-Alexander and her lightning-quick mare California, Spain's Sergio […] | 2021/07/25 09:48:57 | | mC4 |
文章来源:SEO站无不胜 发布时间:2020-02-17 04:20:23 【字号: 小 中 大 】
500万彩票|平台|官网|app下载|注册_网站入口 关羽正在阵中观望战事,陡然心中一紧,多年征战磨练出来的本能让他下意识的一躲,只听叮的一声轻响,脑袋一轻,却是头上缨盔被一箭射下来,若非他躲得及时,这一箭,恐怕便要正中他头颅了。 "此次大战,其实按照身份来讲,应该由我统帅三军去战诸葛孔明,但父亲没给我这个权利,甚至从一开始,就将军权全权交由庞统负责,因为我连上万人的战役都没有指挥过。"说到这里,吕征叹了口气:"幼常或许不知,我从八岁起,就被父亲强迫隐姓埋名去做县吏,不是县官,是县吏,九岁时在西域,以百人长的身份征伐西域胡国,一年的时间,从一个小小百人长一直升迁到西域都户府下将军,亲手杀敌二百四十六人,破过大宛国的千人战阵,更参加过大宛国灭国之战。" "咻~"
"是吗?你待如何?"成方冷哼一声,看向武进,手已经按在了剑柄之上。 扭头看了张任一眼,却见张任扭头去看张飞那边的军阵,思索着明天该如何破敌。 关中军的战阵是几年间不断地训练加上实战磨炼而成的,有些像唐初李靖的六花阵,不过又有所不同,李靖的六花阵是以骑兵为主的阵法,而关中战阵或许不如六花阵精妙,却是骑兵、步兵皆宜,但并不代表无敌,之所以对付荆州军的时候能够摧枯拉朽,除了战士本身素质上的差距之外,更重要的是兵器、铠甲坚固,才能以少胜多。
都安排好之后,蒋飞来到了指挥大厅,此时大厅内只有光明圣女和前线统帅艾尔温,弗里茨和海因茨两个人不知道又跑到哪里去了。当蒋飞和这个选手一起站在擂台上的时候,还没等主持人说话,蒋飞就接到了一声系统提示!"怎么样,有结果了么?"过了大约二十分钟左右的时间,蒋飞向0541询问道。装备商出售的都是四十级到六十级蓝色品质武器,除了法系装备不卖之外,刀剑弓弩一应俱全,而且属性也非常不错!"卧槽!圣盾术?"蒋飞也是一愣,圣盾术这个技能他因为也会,所以龙宇身上那层光罩一出现,他就认出来了!-1324! | 2020/02/16 20:23:13 | | mC4 |
立志干大事,而不是求大名、图大利;立志为国家、为人民、为社会多作贡献,而不是只顾个人、只顾小家。,而外地驾驶人在京发生的现场违章,可以到工商银行、建设银行等11家银行的全国任意网点交纳罚款,但北京市驾驶人在京违章,线下交纳罚款仍然只能到工商银行网点办理,即使通过设立在各网点以及部分执法站、交通队、车辆检测场的多媒体自助终端机或者工商银行ATM机,也只能通过工行卡办理。。 在新时代,要教育引导广大党员干部不忘初心、牢记使命,强化“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”,以对党忠诚、为党分忧、为党尽职、为民造福的政治担当投入新时代中国特色社会主义伟大实践; 要教育引导广大党员干部不负党和人民重托,以守土有责、守土负责、守土尽责的责任担当,努力作出无愧于时代、无愧于人民、无愧于历史的业绩; 要坚持有为才有位,突出实践实干实效,让那些想干事、会干事、能干事、干成事、不出事的党员干部有机会有舞台; 要完善干部考核评价机制,使政治坚定、奋发有为的干部得到褒奖和鼓励,使慢作为、不作为、乱作为的干部受到警醒和惩戒; 要着力增强干部适应新时代发展要求的本领能力,帮助干部弥补能力短板、知识弱项、经验盲区,全面提高实现新目标的能力; 要激励广大党员干部见贤思齐、奋发有为,撸起袖子加油干,奋力谱写社会主义现代化新征程的壮丽篇章。。
其他还有所谓高分段人数排名、名校录取率排名等,这些都是“状元”炒作思维的一种延伸。, 还应看到的一点是,大学只是一段学习经历,上什么样的大学,并不代表一定拥有什么样的未来,即使高考失意、考上的大学并不如意,也不能阻止我们循着兴趣去追求最初的梦想。。 针对高考学生的诈骗害人不浅。。
葡联杯_葡萄牙联赛杯__葡联杯赛程时间表|比赛时间结果|看球直播比分胜负输赢, 儿子淡定,父母更淡定 儿子淡定,都是来自于态度更淡定的父母。 悄悄告诉你哦, 北京市西城警方在全区各户籍派出所开通快速办理居民身份证绿色通道, 针对考生新办或补办居民身份证等情况, 要求各派出所受理后安排专人与市局制证中心联系, 加急办理,并承诺三个工作日完成制证。 中国青年网北京6月15日电今日凌晨,湖南省衡阳市公安局发布情况通报,回应网传石鼓交警“”执勤中发生的问题,称辅警并未与当事人车辆接触而倒地,行为不当停职调查。 ――把握经济全球化持续发展的大势,重视世界经济格局深刻演变的动向。 | 2021-03-05T10:25:04Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
The NHS recognise the importance of being able to investigate and learn from their mistakes. But all too often, the NHS’s ability to do this effectively has been called into question.
Without a doubt, huge leaps have been made in recent years. But that doesn’t mean that more can’t be done. Only last year, we asked whether a culture problem in the NHS might be leading to a lack of transparency, after the NHS hit the headlines on a number of occasions.
Initiatives like this are a fantastic opportunity to inject new knowledge and skills which can help further improvements.
For too long, it feels as if speaking about mistakes has been a taboo subject. Almost as if pretending they don’t happen, will mean they won’t. But we know that this is not only not true, but the opposite is true. And although the tide has began to turn, it will not continue on it’s own.
The organisers of the course should be applauded for their innovative, but logical approach. Applying the skills of some of the best investigators, from outside the field of healthcare, is a fantastic way to improve investigations within healthcare.
Baby Lifeline promote the safe care of pregnant women and newborn babies. They do this by working with and supporting the NHS in a number of ways. As well as developing and providing training, they have purchased equipment and conducted research.
Their partner, in this instance, Cranfield University, have an excellent reputation across the world. They have more than 40 years of experience training incident investigators in many safety critical fields. They were even awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize, for research and training in relation to aircraft accident investigation (an industry renowned for its robust investigations).
After a bleak 2020, the fact that charities are organsising and arranging innovative training is inspiring. And for the NHS, it’s good to know that that there are still ways to improve, so patient safety mistakes can be reduced. | 2021-02-26T06:05:03Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
『我注意到當對妳提出要求的時候,妳會盡力百分百的配合和付出,例如我剛剛開車的時候請妳幫我剝花生殼,妳努力的狂剝,甚至越剝越快,自己都沒吃。我不是要妳服侍我,我只是想要偶而吃個一兩顆花生,不吃也沒關係,甚至妳自己吃飽了看心情再剝給我吃也可以。妳這麼努力的剝花生給我,是不是也在心裡暗暗希望我也要這麼用力對妳付出?如果沒有的話,妳就會失望,不是嗎?所以我寧願,妳把多出來的力氣用來好好照顧自己,我不會因為妳少剝幾顆花生就覺得妳對我不好,因為我知道只要說我想吃,妳就會給我一顆。』他說 | OSCAR-2019 |
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岳池三安农业专业合作社联合社于2012年3月27日在岳池县工商局登记注册,由岳池县三安蔬菜专业合作社、岳池乔家植保专业合作社、岳池益民蔬菜种植专业合作社、岳池利农农机服务专业合作社、岳池富民植保专业合作社、岳池朝阳芦笋种植专业合作社、岳池金土地蔬菜种植专业合作社7个农民专业合作社联合组建,注册资金900万元,驻址乔家镇廖坝村。联合社秉承"富社富企富社员,民办民享民受益"的发展理念,立足强强联合,整合资源,实现优势互补,推动合作社共同发展,采取"合作社+公司+基地+农户"的发展模式和实行自主经营、……[详细] | 2019/08/25 05:09:10 | | mC4 |
Help searching a tool in order to make a solid (beginner) - Extensions - SketchUp Community
Help searching a tool in order to make a solid (beginner)
GS101 August 14, 2016, 11:12am #1
I created a bolt shape and im having a small but certainly minor difficulty when verifying if it is a solid or not using solid inspector, it simply erases the non solid part of my model, so basically im searching for an extension (if its the right thing to do) that would fill up my model or validate as a solid its external layers in order to then create my STL file and launch the print.
Im adding a picture of the bolt created while using solid inspector.
I could add that i create the shape using shape bender.
If someone has any tip, that would be great! ty
PS: Viewed some similar topic and havent found exactly what I wanted,
Capturewith solid inspect.PNG1240×575 20.2 KB
Box August 14, 2016, 11:31am #2
Could you attach the model as you have it for us to look.
Without it we are only guessing.
The upload button is the 7th from the left at the top of the reply box.
TIG August 14, 2016, 12:43pm #3
You missed out a vital message from the top of the dialog!
And the red-highlighting obscures some possible errors…
There are guide-lines/points within the form.
The surfaces of the screw-thread are 'reversed'.
View in Monochrome mode and select the backwards faces and context-menu to Reverse them…
There are internal faces…
I think that's what the dialog says ??
Cut a section through the form and if there are internal faces select them and delete.
Perhaps the object is small so tiny facets in the threads fail to form [1/1-000" limit in SketchUp's tolerance]
If so temporarily scale it bigger, model and scale-back.
If it's a component you can place a second instance, scale that up by say 1000 then do the tiny geometry while editing that, which will then get made OK.
When done close the scaled version and delete it - the original size version will have the tiny geometry - tiny geometry can exist BUT it cannot be created from scratch…
The basic rule for a printable solid group [or component] is that it contains only geometry - faces and edges - and that every edge supports exactly two faces.
That means there can be no faceless edges, no holes in the surfaces [one faced edges], no shelves or flaps [one faced edges], no internal partition faces [some edges will then have three or more faces], no otherwise seemingly solid forms sharing an edge - e.g. two cubes sharing an edge means that edge has four faces.
Also all faces should be oriented corrected - front material 'outwards' - it might not stop it reporting as solid in Entity Info, but it could affect 3d-printings apps.
Also it is possible to create a form that reports as solid in Entity Info but which is not printable because it cannot exist in reality - i.e. if part of this surface penetrates itself - to check for this select all of the object's geometry and use the context-menu to intersect it with itself. If the object no longer reports as a solid then the intersection and created so non-solid geometry - typically internal partitions - which you need to fix…
GS101 August 14, 2016, 12:54pm #4
screw hyperbare.skp (96.3 KB)
Sure, here is the model.
TIG August 14, 2016, 1:09pm #5
Pasted image895×528 54.9 KB
GS101 August 14, 2016, 2:04pm #6
Working on the various points you presented TIG (Thank you) but I feel like I should restart from scratch instead of correcting the intersections errors , The internal face correction is working but Im having real difficulties with the external shapes.
I will create another shape and scale it down like you suggested, it will also help me address the various details and since its a component…
Small question before I get to work if i may, Im using "Shape Bender" for the Bolt, if you guys think theres a better tool ? don't hesitate to say so !
Again thank you for your time TIG.
Box August 14, 2016, 2:14pm #7
There are many different ways to make threads, can't say I have ever thought to use shape bender to do it.
Here is one version using Fredo's Curvishear.
Really, all you need is to make an array of suitable helices and scale them to suit.
catamountain August 14, 2016, 2:27pm #8
All sorts of helical tutorials/tips/plugins.
lynne August 14, 2016, 2:38pm #9
Do you have that as a model some place ? I would like to try making it on my 3D printer as Lag screw for moving a table or part to do work to ! !
DaveR August 14, 2016, 2:51pm #10
I would like to try making it on my 3D printer as Lag screw for moving a table or part to do work to ! !
You should draw it yourself.
lynne August 14, 2016, 3:17pm #11
Will wander over that way and watch and learn how to do it . . .Thanks . . Now that I have escaped from death camp at the Phoenix VA I can get here more often ! ! | 2022/05/20 23:13:07 | | mC4 |
医院统计结果也反映出一项事实:约7成的人没有运动习惯,约6成的人为外食族,难怪会发胖、过重。所以,林昌锦医师始终强调:“中药减肥茶有一定成效,但也只是起点,还是要配合饮食、运动,改变不良的生活习惯,效果才能维持。” | OSCAR-2019 |
self-help Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Exisle Publishing
The Happiness Trap: Stop Struggling, Start Living (eBook)
SPECIFICATIONS: eBook | 280 Pages |
Mind Science in Practice One Step at a Time
49 Ways to Think Yourself Well is a unique, dip-in guide to help you to enhance and sustain well-being. Written by two experienced therapists and trainers in brief psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, it offers readers a compendium of insightful information and a host of positive and practical ways for boosting well-being on all levels, using the powerful tools within your mind.
Drawing on a wide range of tried and tested approaches to improving resilience and well-being, the book makes clear links between the science of the mind and how to feel better – physically, emotionally and mentally. It will help you to challenge and overcome unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour in order to reduce stress, anxiety and negative thoughts, boost your self-confidence and motivation, recover from illness, improve your relationships, reach your personal goals and much more. | 2021/01/18 08:14:36 | | mC4 |
Hunter Bond Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom
You will be responsible for the Release Management life cycle of a major business line within my client. This is an opportunity to work in Financial Services without requiring prior domain experience. The role includes scheduling, coordinating and the management of releases across the enterprise for multiple applications across various portfolios. You'll also be responsible for the co-ordination of deliveries into the environment management process. The releases can include application updates, operating system patches, security improvements, hardware upgrades, projects and programs. The following skills/experience is essential: Previously worked in Release Management/Release Manager Experience in managing application releases within a multi business stream environment including managed service offerings. Good understanding of infrastructure architecture and principles Strong understanding of the SDLC in multiple technologies Familiar and confident around ITIL processes The following is desirable: Some experience of the following core applications and business areas would be useful: Salesforce IBM IIB or other ESB technologies Informatica ETL/MDM Experience working within in a financially regulated organisation. Experience working with third party providers. Salary: Excellent + bonus + package Location: Croydon If you are interested in this Release Manager position and meet the above requirements please apply immediately.
Hays Specialist Recruitment Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom
Cyber Controls Auditor - UK Home Office- Permanent - Croydon, Greater London Cyber Controls Auditor Do you possess excellent people skills? Do you have an information assurance background? This is an exciting time to join the Cyber Security Assurance Service as we continue to work to protect the Home Offices' IT estate Why this role is important This is an exciting time to work for the Home Office as they develop some of the most challenging and transformative technology projects the department has ever seen. You'll have a chance to shape the future and support their goal to provide exceptional services for everyone. Job responsibilities Based in their Croydon office, as a Cyber Controls Auditor you will ensure that Home Office systems are adequately protected from cyber-attack by providing independent assessment on whether cyber security control objectives are being met within the organisation. You will also provide advice and guidance to the project, programme and system teams within the Home Office on appropriate controls selection, implementation and assurance. Where controls deficiencies or weaknesses are identified, they propose remediation actions to address these as part of the controls assurance process. We will see that a successful Cyber Controls Auditor holds: Experience of security accreditation, assurance and/or audit while working within a wider team in an influential manner, able to respond to stakeholder challenge, and integrating threat intelligence Experience of planning and undertaking controls assessments using a variety of methods and information sources, and aligned to information security frameworks (eg NIST, ISO27001 etc.) desirably using NIST Special Publications (SP) 800-53 Rev. 4, NIST SP 800-53A Rev. 4, and NIST 800-37 Rev.1 (or equivalent) Experience of providing advice and support relating to systems security, while using the 'secure by design' approach, in particular in relation to selecting, implementing and/or assessing system controls A CCP IA Auditor at practitioner level or equivalent is desirable. As well as knowledge of NCSC and Cabinet Office Principles and guidance. What's on offer As an employer of choice, the Home Office offers an extensive benefits package including: A competitive salary package consisting of: London £55,646 - £62,861 .Candidates that provide an exceptional demonstration of the necessary skills and experience may be subject to receiving a Recruitment & Retention Allowance of up to £3,000 25 days annual leave (rising to 30 after 10 year's service in the Home Office) plus 1 additional day for the Queen's Birthday and 8 bank holidays Excellent pension scheme An extensive training and development plan for this role Flexible working to support a healthy work life balance Hays Specialist Recruitment has been appointed as the recruitment partner for the Home Office. For all enquiries, please contact the Hays Home Office team or via the mailbox Hays Specialist Recruitment Limited acts as an employment agency for permanent recruitment and employment business for the supply of temporary workers. By applying for this job you accept the T&C's, Privacy Policy and Disclaimers which can be found on our website.
HD Recruitment Ltd Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom
Job title: Embedded Software Engineer Location: Croydon Salary: £30-39k (DOE) Our client is an internationally recognised brand in the Broadcast Industry, supplying FM broadcasting equipment worldwide, from large New York-based radio stations to community radio stations in Sudan. Their company ethos is to be creative, innovative and produce groundbreaking products that influence the industry. They have also secure a variety of industry awards - with many of their products being recognised for both design & innovation. We are looking for a talented Embedded software engineer to join Their Research & Development Team. The ideal candidate will be an excellent communicator, comfortable dealing with other R&D engineers as well as Production. You will be a highly motivated individual, capable of taking the lead in developing innovative solutions and inspiring colleagues. You can easily switch between proactive and reactive and can work in an environment with various dynamics that often lead to the change in direction. You're results driven and can focus your time and efforts on your own workload but can also provide guidance and support to the rest of the team when required. For the best possible fit, we are looking for someone who communicates well and who can learn existing code quickly. Their must haves are someone who has: 3+ years' experience in software engineering Experience in hands-on development and troubleshooting on Embedded targets. Solid programming experience in C/C++ (preferred) Proven experience in Embedded systems design with pre-emptive, multitasking Real Time operating systems Familiarity with software configuration management tools, defect tracking tools, and peer review Knowledge of OS coding techniques, network protocols, interfaces and hardware subsystems Adequate knowledge of reading schematics and data sheets for components Strong documentation and writing skills You will also be able to get going on your own accord. Along with the rest of the team, you will be a leader and someone who can be relied heavily upon for ensuring the team, collectively, reaches targets and deadlines. You have the ability to focus on your work without losing sight of what's going on around you and the wider company objectives. If you have experience with agile project management, that would also be advantageous. Working with their software team, you will be involved with: Designing, developing, coding, testing and debugging Embedded software Reviewing code & design Analysing and enhancing efficiency, stability and scalability of system resources Integrating and validating new product designs Providing post-production support Interfacing with hardware design & development Assessing third party and open source software Software repository management They also offer a great benefits package rewarding those who work hard with the following: - All employees get: A competitive salary, with regular reviews A company pension scheme with up to 4% contributions from BW Profit Sharing Health Insurance, which includes a subsidised gym membership Perkbox Subscription which includes, free monthly coffee, discounts on the high street, and much more! 20 days holidays + Christmas shut down + your birthday off (equal to 26 days per year + bank holidays). Early finishes on Fridays (our office closes at 3 pm). Staff events throughout the year - some near, some far (in 2016 they went to Amsterdam for the weekend).
Data Scientist - Leading Utilities Company
Cloudstream Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom
Cloudstream Global are currently working with a leading Utilities company, specifically assisting them on their IT transformation. They require a data SME with a passion for data science, big data and the ability to create complex algorithms and working across a number of key data related projects within a highly intelligent team. Location: London//South East coast Job type: permanent Salary: £60k - £75k per annum - depending on experience Knowledge & Skills Strong understanding of applied maths, statistics, data mining techniques and algorithms Good programming knowledge in SQL, Python or other advanced programming languages Experience with big data framework such as Hadoop or Spark Highly experienced with cloud computing environments (AWS) Familiarity with Jupyter notebooks Knowledge of schema, technical tables and application logic for SAP ERP systems (particularly SAP CRM and SAP ISU) Skilled in extracting, transforming, wrangling and cleansing large datasets for the purposes of data analysis Proven work experience in designing and building accurate predictive and prescriptive models Skilled in applying appropriate machine learning algorithms across a range of problems including both structured and unstructured data Skilled in creating compelling data visualisation to communicate complex analytical findings Ability to inform and influence, and to drive awareness of the benefits of data analytics Customer mindset with focus on delivering high quality analysis on time Able to effectively communicate complex, technical information to non-technical stakeholders Able to proactively identify opportunities for data analysis to create value Analytical mind-set with positive attitude to problem solving Strong written and verbal communication skills Demonstrated ability and flexibility to work in a fast paced and demanding environment Transparent and open in their approach and willing to continually improve through acting on constructive feedback Critical thinker who is willing to use evidence to challenge prevailing systems and processes Experience and knowledge of key functions of an energy supplier (eg customer services, digital channels, sales & marketing, debt recovery, commercial strategy or finance) Degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Data Science, Engineering, Economics, or similar
Sanderson Recruitment Plc Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom
Networkers Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom
IT Lead Engineer - Linux, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Devops - Croydon A really interesting role leading a team of 3rd line engineers delivering support to critical infrastructure applications. Leading the transition of applications from the third party application development teams into support by 2nd & 3rd line teams. A talented team leader with the ability to communicate outwards and upwards along with strong technical understanding. Key responsibilities: Lead the transition of applications from the third party application development teams into support by 2nd & 3rd line teams; Have strong stakeholder management and communication skills, and an ability to influence senior stakeholders in order to lead and achieve delivery of a comprehensive application management service; Possess a strong ability to innovate and improve the service support capability/tools/approach in order to move the support solution to a pro-active and automated, alert-based approach; Provide technical assurance for all change requests and be the escalation for out-of-hour emergency changes; Have experience creating and presenting application performance metrics to relevant interested parties; Plan workloads and tasks for engineers in your support team appropriately; Strong experience with the following technologies and support tools including: Linux OS Kubernetes Jenkins The role will be based in Croydon 4 days per week (out of hours on-call requirement). In return a salary of up to £80k is on offer with good access to training and continuing your professional development. Networkers acts as an employment agency for permanent recruitment and employment business for the supply of temporary workers and is part of Gattaca Plc. Gattaca Plc provides support services to Networkers and may assist with processing your application.
Sanderson Government & Defence Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom
I am looking for an experienced Java Developer to join a Croydon based team working on projects for Government clients. You will join the team as an experienced Java Developer who has extensive experience within full stack development, working for an organisation who specialise in digital transformation. The successful candidate will have the following experience: Java Micro services (Spring boot) REST SOAP Agile methodologies It should be noted that due to the nature of the role candidates must hold or be eligible for Security Clearance. If interested I would be keen on speaking with collaborative individuals who are interested in working on cutting edge projects. (see below) | 2020/03/31 13:39:46 | | mC4 |
Diane & Jeffrey » Vincent is 16 months!
Vincent is 16 months!
by DianeThursday, December 6, 2012 8:50 am
New Skills: Climbing
Vincent's biggest new skill this month is CLIMBING things! But luckily he isn't too advanced in it yet!
He has figured out how to throw his leg over and onto the seat of his toy car and sit on the seat without rails to hold him in.
He loves pulling himself up onto the edge of his portable crib, which usually means he wants us to put him inside it (to play).
Any kind of box he sees, he will want to stand on top or sit on it.
Even a box that is not meant to be sit or stood in.
He can walk up tiny steps with his feet, and normal sized steps by crawling up them on his hands and knees. We dont have too many steps here that he can practice on.
He just learned how to CONSISTENTLY say bye bye and wave bye bye at the same time. Previously, he would only do it some of the time, and usually not together… but the past few days he's really gotten the hang of it! So cute!
No other words yet — though sometimes I think he says "hi daddy" and "I did it", and he sure does talk a lot of gibberish (or is it just Korean?) He has his how language, i think.
He can open the toilet bowl lid and splash in the water
He can crawl under the coffee table barricade we made to block off the litter box. So once past the table, he proceeds to play with the kitty pee and poop 🙁 Ewww
He can push the dining room chairs out from under the table and back again
Making faces through the sliding glass doors.
He matched up the square, circle, and triangle on his toy walker.
He knows how to kick a ball. Our neighbor gave him a "sky ball" that is shaped in a football and i showed him how you kick the ball, so he can sort a do that now (not really good at it yet).
He figured out how to push the lever on this toy with his hand… then suddenly discovered his mouth could also do the trick…
He can hold and "draw "with crayons! Just making the color appear on paper — no real drawings yet of course.
He can hold our index finger with his whole hand while he walks next to us
In the Kitchen/Cleaning Up
He likes to come and help mom empty the dishwasher (or just make mischief and remove all his sippy cups from the top rack and throw them on the floor)
Playing with the tupperware cabinet and relocating various items them all the to different rooms in the house
He found the brooms one morning and was having a ball clacking them around and such
We store all his food bibs by hanging them on the oven dish rack, He loves to come by and rip all of them down one by one, whenever he gets in to the kitchen
Loves to empty out our refrigerator's condiment drawer but pulling out jars 1 or 2 at a time and passing them to mommy or daddy. Some are glass! But nothing has broken yet…
He started this last month, but he loves flipping his toy walker over and then sitting on it. He insists on doing this, all the time, and gets mad when he can't flip it over sometimes.
He loves to take a toy, or any object, and come up to me while we are standing (like at the sink or something) and sticking the toy between my legs so that it stays there, or falls through to the other side.
As soon as he sees the iPad layout out, he'll fuss and cry until we turn it on and let him play his Mickey Mouse Road Rally game that asks him questions and helps him with shapes and colors in a story/activity format. It has a few songs on there and all the Disney characters, so it is pretty cute.
Moving his stack of books, one be one, from the bookshelf to handing it to us.
Same goes for putting all his balls in the portable crib: throwing them in there, then going in there and emptying them out… loves to do this with any object into any sort of container!
Playing with water in a cup during bathtime and enjoying a the showerhead spraying fresh water over my head
Bouncing his big blue ball and laughing at the same time
Got his first flu shot at his 15-month check-up
New Foods / Eating Routine
He can hold a spoon, and i am trying to teach him to feed himself, but that's pretty advanced for him still.
He loves chicken sausage and waffles at the moment for breakfast. He ate 3.5 sausages, a full waffle, and a yogurt at this meal! And all while having a REAL plate in front of him! (Normally we just throw the food on the high chair table directly)
He still really only loves fruit (blueberries and honeydew this month), and any other type of food he can get turned off on pretty quick. Distraction is the best method for getting food in his mouth.
He still throws his food and cup over the side of his high chair, causing a complete mess and "score" for Butters!
He tried some of my Costco frozen yogurt — he really liked it!
He has a new bottom tooth, making total teeth count to 8 (4 top, 4 bottom)
We just bought him new shoes in size 5.5. Star Wars … R2D2 from a local shoe store here called Joy-Pers! Also bought him more socks since he wears them everyday now with his shoes.
His head is getting a little less peaked at the top, and rounding out if you look at an aerial view of his head.
We're excited for the holidays this year. I am amazed at how active this little boy is! I'll leave you with this video!
This Old House - 2009
Jeff: 79 / Diane: 100 - 2008
Tags: 16months, balls, month2, plagio, playpen, shoes, star wars, vincent
Streets of Bethlehem »
« Vinny's Lil Chair
I love the first picture! He is holding the Christmas card with the picture of Hayleigh! He is getting SO big! | 2019/02/16 08:08:49 | | mC4 |
Kazakhstan: 1/4 of 4
Conserving Kazakhstan's golden treasures on a breathtaking scale
Stephanie Ward & Geoff Welch / RSPB
Kazakhstan offers the opportunity for conservation on a grand scale, write Stephanie Ward & Geoff Welch. They recently visited the Golden Steppe, where they helped to secure an area of wildlife-rich grassland bigger than Wales for conservation. But that's just a fraction of the long term plan - a nature reserve the size of France. more... | 2017/09/24 21:23:54 | | mC4 |
هيئتان حقوقيتان بالحسيمة تنفذ واقفة إحتجاجية تضامنا مع عائلة الإسماعيلي - RifPresse.Com | صحيفة إلكترونية شاملة
هيئتان حقوقيتان بالحسيمة تنفذ واقفة إحتجاجية تضامنا مع عائلة الإسماعيلي
بواسطة rifpresse اخر تعديل ديسمبر 2, 2016
نفذ زوال اليوم الجمعة، منتدى حقوق الانسان لشمال المغرب، والجمعية المغربية لحقوق الانسان بالحسيمة، واقفة إحتجاجية أمام واجهة المديرية الإقليمية للمياه والغابات بالحسيمة للتنديد بالقرار التعسفي الصادر في حق عائلة الإسماعيلي وللمطالبة بإيجاد حل لقضيتها .
ورفعت الهيئتان الحقوقيتان شعارات منددة بالقرار المجحف والتعسفي لإدارة المياه والغابات في التعامل مع الأسرتان وطالبت الهيئتان من الجهات الوصية التدخل العاجل لإنقاذ الأسرتان المشكلة من أزيد ٢٠فراد مهددة بالتشرد والضياع بسبب قرار جائر صادر عن المصلحة المذكورة وذلك دون تكليف عناء لنفسها في التفاوض معهم .
وأعلنت الهيئتان مسؤوليتهما الحقوقية على تبني ملف عائلة الإسماعلي والدفاع عن حقها في السكن والخوض اشكال احتجاجية جديدة في حالة ما إذا استمرت المياه والغابات في تجاهل مطالب الاسرتان والاستجابة لنداءهم . | 2018/07/17 05:42:02 | | mC4 |
Thread: Green Chile cheeseburgers
Location Whitesboro, NY, .
I used to live in Winter Park CO and would pass through Trinidad on my way to New Mexico. I used to stop in a diner/cafe that used to serve the best green chile cheeseburgers. I believe it used to be on the right side of the street heading east, not to far from I-25. Does anyone happen to know the name and if it is still in business. I would like to stop back in Trinidad in March when I'm in Colorado and New Mexico.
Last edited by RR-Guy; 03-03-2010 at 01:09 PM.
There are several places in town to get that delight. What you are referring to is most likely Lee's BBQ. Right off Arizona Ave. It has been here and hopefully will continue to be for many years.
Dennis and Pete, it could also be "Bob & Earl's Cafe. Located 1118 Robinson Avenue, Hwy 12. Their specialty is "Chi Lee" burgers and fries [:p].
You guys, Dennis might even be thinking of C&H. I know that they have green chili cheeseburgers. That cafe is right off the freeway and just down a couple of blocks off Commercial Street. threelazyl
Last edited by RR-Guy; 03-03-2010 at 01:10 PM.
11-16-2005, 05:10 AM
I believe it used to be on the right side of the street heading east, not to far from I-25.
From that description...Lee's but again almost EVERY rest. in town offers this local delight. You can't that I have ever found anywhere else in the COUNTRY find this outside the local area here. The ElPaso has a good one. The El Capitain used to but don't know with their latest upgrades if they still do or not. Toti's cafe had a great one when it was open. So much chili so little time.
I remember a place called La Fiesta. It used to be on Main St. across the street from Safeway and not but a block from I-25 it was on the right side heading east. I know they had outstanding Mexican food. I think they moved to the Bell Block and after that, I'm not sure. I don't think it is around anymore. If it is please let me know as I really enjoyed their food.
Hey Steve! Good to see you posting. The La Fiesta was exactly as described. Now in it's place is another excellent place called the Mission at the Bell Block I think. It was owned as La Fiesta by the Don and LuAnn and they did a great job with it. One thing I know is that no matter where you go here you can probably find one.
I am now dying for the green chile cheeseburger!!!
Last edited by RR-Guy; 03-03-2010 at 01:11 PM.
Dodie, They don't freeze and mail very well! I honestly had a pal have his family here try it and man was it not a good thing so I suppose you'll have to come visit for the holidays and I will get you one!
That sounds good Pete but I probably won't be in Trinidad till summer. I remember you stating that you use to be a bouncer. Do you recall the Atlantic Bar and the Greenlight Bar? These bars might have been before your time but if not did you know the owners? | 2016/04/29 01:54:16 | | mC4 |
Download game Saturday Soccer for free - RockAppRoll
Saturday Soccer is the ultimate Edutainment App for Kindergarten-age Kids * Perfect for young students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 * Rap/Poem ...
Similar apps to Saturday Soccer
Saturday Soccer is the ultimate Edutainment App for Kindergarten-age Kids * Perfect for young students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 * Rap/Poem with early sight words * Problem solving word and number games * Test your soccer skills!! If you are that parent that believes in growing the education experience of your kid, you definitely don't want to miss this new and interactive game. Saturday Soccer has been made with the Kindergarten kid in mind. It is a good app that teaches your children how to be tactful, count arithmetic, spell, read while at the same time ensuring they remain engaged and entertained. The App comes with five games targeted at kids of between 2-5 years. The App opens into a screen that lets you choose among five irresistible games including: i. Interactive Poem Games Let your child learn how to read as he taps on characters to make them behave in an insanely funny way. The sound and animation in this game will leave every kid maximally tickled. ii. Puzzle Games This is the ultimate edutainment game that lets your kid develop tactfulness at an early age. The game also allows you to set the difficulty level according to your kid's requirements. iii. Soccer Shooting Games Shoot the game at the keen goal keeper, score to increase your rankings. iv. Memory Match Game Let your child test and build their memory capabilities with this interactive game. v. Word Games This game is intended to build and improve your kid's ability to read and write. vi. Number Game A lot of kids fear arithmetic, do not let yours be among these. Saturday Soccer offers one of the best edutainment games that will let your child count numbers like a pro. All these are wrapped up in one App to give you the ultimate mobile gaming experience. The 3D graphics in the App are professionally done, and the characters are intuitive and fun to play around with. | 2017/10/21 01:43:55 | | mC4 |
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