8 values
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Buyers and processors of sunflower seed are available in the country. Black seeded varieties fetch a higher price on the local market and it is advisable to grade the seed properly prior to marketing. Sell only clean winnowed seed
Ogula komanso ogaya mpendadzuwa alipo mdziko muno. Mitundu yambewu yakuda imapeza mitengo yokwera kwambiri mmisika yathu ndipo ndikofunika kusankha mbewu moyenera isanapite kumsika. Gulitsani mbewu yokhayo yopetedwa bwino
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Sesame (Chitowe) is grown in Malawi either for food or cash. It is tolerant to drought and grown where other crops fail
Chitowe chimalimidwa ku Malawi ngati chakudya kapena chogulitsa. Chimapilira ku chilala ndipo chimalimidwa malo omwe mbewu zina zalephera
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The seed can be pounded into a cake (Sesame candy) which is eaten as a confectionery or sesame flour (nsinjiro) for seasoning side dishes
Mbewuyi ikhoza kugayidwa ndikupanga keke yemwe amadyedwa ngati takudya zosangalatsa kapena nsinjiro za chitowe zokometsera zakudya
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Sesame oil extracted from seeds is used for cooking and soap making. The processed oil is odourless and has a long shelf life. Sesame is also used in bakeries for drapings on bread
Mafuta a chitowe owengedwa kuchokera ku mbewu amagwiritsidwa ntchito pophikira komanso kupanga sopo. Mafuta ake alibe fungo ndipo amakhala nthawi yayitali asanaonongeke. Chitowe chimagwiritsidwanso ntchito kuyika ngati zokometsa chingwa mmalo ophikira chingwa
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Sesame is interplanted with cereals and grain legumes. The major problems of sesame production in Malawi include poor cultural practices, insect pests and diseases
Chitowe chimalimidwa mwakasakaniza ndi mbewu zina za udzu komanso zanyemba. Mavuto aakulu pa ulimi wa chitowe ku Malawi ndi monga kusalima mosamala, tizilombo zowononga komanso matenda
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Sesame thrives best on soils which are well drained. It is extremely susceptible, even for a short period, to water logging at any stage of growth. Soils with a pH range of 5.5 to 8.0 are suitable.
Chitowe chimachita bwino mdothi lomwe limataya madzi bwino. Chimavutika kwambiri, ngakhale kwanthawi yochepa, ku mthaka yodzadza madzi. Dothi lake liyenera likhale la pH yapakati pa 5.5 kufika 8.0
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Early weeding protects the crop from intensive competition with weeds until the crop produces sufficient canopy to suppress further weed growth
Kupalira tchire mwansanga kumateteza mbewu kupikisana nadi tchire mpaka mbewu ichite mthambi zambiri zothandiza kufooketsa kukula kwa udzu
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The critical period is within the first 4 to 6 weeks of crop establishment. During this period, competition between the crop and weeds for nutrients, moisture and sunlight is high
Nthawi yofunikira kwambiri ndi sabata zinayi kufika zisanu ndi imodzi zoyambilira zokula mbewu. Panthawi imeneyi, mpikizano pakati pa mbewu ndi tchire kupeza michere, chinyezi ndi dzuwa zimakhala zokwera
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Sesame is ready for harvest when one third to two thirds of the lower plant parts turn yellow. Cut the plants and tie into bundles
Chitowe chimafika pokolola pamene gawo limodzi pa magawo atatu aliwonse a nthambi zammunsi asintha kumaoneka achikasu. Dulani mbewu ndikuyimanga mmitolo
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Stook the bundles upright to dry. When completely dry, thresh by gently and carefully beating the bundles turned upside down into a container. The process of beating should be done periodically until no seed comes out from the capsules in the bundles
Imitsani mopendeka mitolo kuti chiume. Chikuma bwinobwino, menyani monyengelera ndi mosamala mitolo itazondotsedwa mu dengu. Njira yomenyera ichitike pafupipafupi mpaka chitowe chonse chidzatulukemo mu zikuto zake
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Root and tuber crops are important as a source of food, cash and raw materials for industrial uses
Mbewu zoberekera pansi ndozifunika ngati chakudya, kugulitsa komanso ngati zipangizo zopangira zinthu kumafakitale
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Even in areas where maize is a staple food, root and tuber crops are important food supplement. They are particularly important as food security crops in seasons of drought and survive relatively well in marginal soils
Ngakhale kumadera komwe chimanga chimalimidwa ngati chakudya chodalirika, mbewu zamitsitsi komanso zobelekera mdothi ndizofunika ngati zowonjezera chakudya. Ndizofunika makamaka ngati zothandizira kudzidalira pachakudya munyengo za chilala ndipo zimapilira mmalo opelewera dothi, a miyala
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Cassava is a staple food crop in the lake shore areas of Nkhotakota, Nkhata bay, Rumphi and Karonga. In some districts of Malawi such as Mzimba, Kasungu, Lilongwe, Dedza, Dowa, Machinga and Mulanje cassava is becoming a major cash crop
Chinangwa ndi chakudya chodalirika mmadera a mphepete mwa nyanja monga Nkhotakota, Nkhatabay, Rumphi ndi Karonga. Mmaboma ena mMalawi monga Mzimba, Kasungu, Lilonwe, Dedza, Dowa, Machinga ndi Mulanje, chinangwa chikusanduka njira yopezera ndalama yayikulu
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It is also grown in other parts of the country as a security crop, eaten as a snack and also sold as dry cassava chips
Chimalimidwa mmadera ena mdziko muno ngati chothandizira kudzidalira pachakudya, chimadyedwa ngati zokometsera komanso kugulitsidwa ngati makaka
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The leaves are also used as relish (ndiwo). Cassava is also used as livestock feed. In addition, cassava is becoming a significant industrial crop as it is used as a binder in the timber industry, starch in the textile industry and in confectionary industry
Masamba ake amagwiritsidwanso ntchito ngati ndiwo. Chinangwa chimagwiritsidwanso ntchito ngati chakudya cha ziweto. Kuphatikizira apa, kufunika kwa chinangwa ku mafakatile kukukula chifukwa chimagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga zomatira za matabwa, zoyeretsera poumba nsalu komanso zakudya zosangalatsa
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The main advantages of growing cassava are its drought tolerance, ability to yield well on marginal soils, tolerance to some pests and diseases, minimal labour requirement and that yields fluctuate less compared to grain crops
Ubwino waukulu wolima chinangwa ndiwakuti chimapilira ku chilala, chimabereka ngakhale mmalo a dothi lopelewera, chimalipilira ku tizilombo ndi matenda ena, chimafuna antchito ochepa komanso zokolola sidzimasinthasintha kwambiri kufananiza ndi mbewu zina
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There are currently 17 recommended varieties, fourteen of which are improved and the other three are local. The sweet varieties includes: Chamandanda, Chinangwa 1, Chinangwa 2, Mpale, Kalawe, and Mbundumali/Manyokola. Th e bitter varieties includes: Gomani, Chitembwere, Silira, Maunjiri, Mkondezi, Sauti, Yizaso, Phoso, Mulola, Sagonja, and Chiombola
Padakali pano pali mitundu khumi limodzi ndi mphambu zisanu ndi ziwiri ya chinangwa ndipo khumi limodzi ndi mphambu zinayi ndi yamakono koma itatu yotsalayo ndiyamakolo. Mitundu yotsekemera ndi monga: Chamandanda, Chinangwa 1, Chinangwa 2, Mpale, Kalawe ndi Mbundumali kapena Manyokola. Mitundu yowawa ndi monga: Gomani, Chitembwere, Silira, Maunjiri, Mkondezi, Sauti, Yizaso, Phoso, Mulola, Sagonja ndi Chiombola
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Cassava stem storage technique is encouraged among smallholder farmers who store the harvested cassava stems until there is enough rains for planting in the next season
Kusunga mitengo yachinangwa kumalimbikitsidwa pakati pa alimi ang'onoang'ono omwe amasunga mitengo ya chinangwa akakolola mpaka mvula yokwanira itagwa kuti abzale mnyengo yotsatira
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Planting material should be free from insect pests such as cassava mealy bug and cassava scales; and diseases such as the cassava mosaic disease (CMD), cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) and cassava bacterial blight (CBB)
Nthambi zobzala zikhale zopanda tizilombo towononga mbewu monga Cassava mealy bug ndi cassava scales; ndipo zopanda matenda monga cassava mosaic disease, cassava brown streak disease ndi cassava bacterial blight
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Cuttings should be obtained from the base to the middle portions of well matured plants of older than 9 months. For plants that are 12 months or more the base should not be used for growing as it will have been lignified. Cuttings to be planted should be 25 to 30 cm long
Ziduswa zachinangwa zitengedwe kuyambira pansi kufika pakati pa mitengo yokhwima bwino yomwe ili ndi miyezi yopitilira isanu ndi inayi. Mbewu zomwe zili ndi miyezi khumi ndi iwiri kapena kupitilira apo, tsinde lamunsi lisagwiritsidwe ntchito chifukwa limakhala logwirana kwambiri. Ziduswa zobzalidwa zitalike 25cm kufika 30cm
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This is a serious cassava insect pest in the country. Symptoms of infestation include: leaf curl, shortened internodes, bunchy tops, stunted growth and complete defoliation
Iti ndi tizilombo tosautsa ta chinangwa mdziko muno. Zizindikiro zogwidwa ndi tizilomboti ndi monga: kukhwinyata kwa masamba, kufupika mphindo, kuchita mafutu kumwamba, kupinimbira kukula komanso kugwa kwamasamba onse
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The plants should be checked for the presence of an insect which is covered by a waxy mealy-like substance, hence the name mealy bug.
Mbewu zipimidwe pofuna kudziwa ngati tizilombo tilipo tomwe takutidwa ndi utoto waphalaphala, nchifukwa chake dzila la mealy bug
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No chemical control measures are advocated at the moment. The impact of the mealy bug on cassava is reduced by use of clean planting materials, early planting, restricting movement of cuttings from affected areas and biological control
Mankhwala ena aliwonse salimbikitsidwa padakali pano. Kuopsa kwa mealy bug kuchinangwa kumachepetsedwa pogwiritsa ntchito ziduswa zobzala zosagwidwa ndi tizilombo, kubzala mofulimira, kuchepetsa kugawana mbewu kuchokera dera lomwe kuli tizilomboti komanso kugwiritsa ntchito njira zachilengedwe
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Early planting will enable the crop to establish and form roots by the onset of the dry season before the cassava mealy bug population starts increasing and causing significant damage
Kubzala moyambilira kumathandiza mbewu kuchita mizu kumayambiliro a nyengo yamvula chiwerengero cha tizilombo ta cassava mealy bug chisanayambe kukwera ndikuwononga kwambiri
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It should be noted that biological control is a slow method of containing the pest and results may take some time to be effective. Farmers, therefore, are encouraged to strictly follow the recommended cultural practices
Dziwani kuti kuteteza munjira zachilengedwe ndi njira yapang'onopang'ono yothanirana ndi tizilombo ndipo zotsatira zikhoza kutenga nthawi kuti zioneke. Choncho alimi akulimbikitsidwa kutsatira mwatotomoyo ndondomeko zakasamalidwe koyenera
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These are sucking insects and their feeding habit is not very destructive. They are important because they transmit the cassava mosaic and brown streak virus diseases. Control is aimed at the disease and not the insect pest. Use of clean planting materials is advocated
Iti ndi tizilombo toyamwa mbewu ndipo njira zawo zodyera ndizosawononga kwambiri. Ndizofunikira chifukwa zimafalitsa matenda a cassava mosaic komanso brown streak virus. Kuthana nazo kumafuna kuletsa kufala kwa matendawo osati tizilomboto. Kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu yopanda tizilombo kukulimbikitsidwa
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After the cassava crop has reached maturity, the quality of roots of most varieties often deteriorates after 15 months of growth
Mbewu yachinangwa ikakhwima, ubwino wa mitsitsi pa mitundu yosiyanasiyana kumatsika pakadutsa miyezi khumi ndi isanu ndi umodzi
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They should therefore be harvested on time. Processing cassava roots and leaves leads to a reduction in cyanide toxicity, improvement of palatability, conversion of the perishable roots and leaves into stable products, which can store for an extended period of time
Motero iyenera kukololedwa mthawi yabwino. Kusamala mitsitsi yachinangwa komanso masamba kumachepetsa kuchuluka kwa ululu wa cyanide, kumachulukitsa kakomedwe, kumasintha mitsitsi ndi masamba zomwe sidzichedwa kuwonongeka kukhala zokhalitsa zomwe zingasungidwe kwanthawi yayitali
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Farmers using sweet varieties should process their cassava roots using the cassava chip (makaka) methods if the end product is to be used for human consumption
Alimi omwe akugwiritsa ntchito mitundu yotsekemera asamale chinangwa potsatira njira yopanga makaka ngati chili choti anthu adzadye
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For bitter varieties farmers should process cassava using either heap fermentation as is done in Mulanje or submerged fermentation as is done in Nkhotakota and Nkhata Bay. For Industrial use such as in timber and textile industry, use cassava chips (makaka) for both bitter and sweet varieties
Pa mitundu yowawa, alimi asamale chinangwa pogwiritsa ntchito ku njira younjika ngati mmene achitira ku Mulanje kapena kunyika mmadzi ngati mmene achitira ku Nkhotakota ndi Nkhata Bay. Ngati ndichofunika popanga matabwa kapena nsalu, gwiritsani ntchito makaka a chinangwa chowawa kapena chitsekemeta
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Cassava roots are highly perishable. They are best left in the field and harvested as required. It is recommended that the cassava roots once harvested should be stored in a processed form.
Mizu yachinangwa imawonongeka msanga. Kusunga kwabwino ndikusiya mmunda momwemo ndikulolola pomwe chinangwa chafunika. Ndikoyenera kuti chinangwa chomwe chakololedwa chisungidwe popanga zinthu zomwe zikufunikazo
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Farmers should store cassava chips (makaka) in cool dry places after packing them in gunny bags. Cassava chips (makaka) should be stored in mudded nkhokwes.
Alimi asunge makaka pamalo ouma atalongedza mmatumba a masaka. Makaka asungidwe munkhokwe zophomedwa ndi matope
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To avoid weevil damage apply 25 g of Actellic Super Dust to 50kg makaka or 25g of Super grain dust to 50kg of makaka
Popewa kuwonongeka ndi nankafumbwe, thirani Actellic Super Dust pamulingo wa 25g ku thumba lolemera 50kg lamakaka
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Sweetpotato is widely grown in the country as a food security and cash crop. It is mainly eaten as a snack. Orange fleshed varieties are a good source of vitamin A. Leaves of Sweetpotato are used as relish (ndiwo) and are good source of vitamin A
Mbata imalimidwa kwambiri mdziko muno ngati chakudya komanso yogulitsa. Imadyedwa ngati chosangalatsa. Mitundu yambatata yachikasu ndiyabwino chifukwa imapeleka vitamin A. Masamba a mbatata amagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati ndiwo ndipo amapeleka vitamin A
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For root production, the ridges should be spaced at 90cm and planting stations at 30cm. This gives a plant population of 38,000 plants per hectare
Kuti mitsitsi ichite bwino, mizere italikirane 90cm ndipo mapando atalikirane 30cm. Izi zimabweretsa chiwerengero cha mbewu 38,000 pa hectare
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Place two thirds of the cutting deep in the soil on ridges. Where white grubs are a problem, do not plant on soils rich in organic matter
Kumbirani mawo awiri pa magawo atatu a mtawi wambatata mdothi pamzere. Komwe mbozi zoyera zili vuto, musabzale mdothi lomwe liri ndi chonde chambiri
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Soils which are water logged should be avoided. For seed production, beds are recommended. Standard bed is 20m x 1m. The bed will require 5 bundles (1 bundle 100 cuttings of 30 cm long)
Dothi la lowe lipewedwe. Polima mbewu, mabedi ndi oyenera. Mabedi atalike 20mx1m. Bed limafuna mitolo 5 ya mitawi yambatata ndipo mtolo uliwonse pamakhala mitawi 100 yotalika 30cm
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Sweetpotato should be planted with the first planting rains. Where rainfall is not reliable, planting should be completed by mid-January.This enables the crop to establish while there is still adequate moisture in the soil
Mbatata ibzalidwe ndi mvula yoyamba. Komwe mvula ndiyosadalilika, kubzala kukhale kutatha pofika mkati mwa mwezi wa January. Izi zimathandiza kuti mbewu iphuke pamene nthawi yomwe padakali chinyezi chokwanira mdothi
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Farmers who plant their Sweetpotatoes in dimba gardens like in the Shire Valley flood plain should plant their crop as soon as water has receded. This ensures enough residual moisture for the crop to establish well
Alimi omwe amabzala mbatata kuminda yakudambo monga mmalo osefukira madzi kuchigwa cha Shire abzale mbewu yawo pamene madzi aphwera. Izi zimathandiza kuti pakhale chinyezi chokwanira kuti mbewu iphuke bwino
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This is the most destructive insect pest of Sweetpotato. Even very low populations reduce quality of the tubers
Uwu ndu mtundu woononga kwambiri wa tizilombo ta mbatata. Ngakhale chiwerengero chochepa kwambiri chimachepetsa ubwino wa mitsitsi
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In response to weevil feeding, the crop produces bitter testing and toxic substance which render stored roots unfit for human consumption. The problem is more prevalent during the dry season
Pofuna kupewa kuwonongedwa ndi nankafumbwe, mbewu imatulutsa zinthu zowawa komanso zokupha zimene zimapangitsa kuti mitsitsi yomwe yasingidwa isakhale yoyenera kudyedwa ndi anthu. Vutoli limakula mu nyengo ya dzuwa
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Control is by practicing crop rotation, use of resistant varieties namely: Yoyera, Babache, Kenya, Kakoma, Semusa, Mugamba, Tainoni, filling cracks when the roots start bulking, and timely harvesting.
Kuthana nazo ndi kutsatsira kulima mwakasinthasintha, kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu zopilira kumatenda zomwe mayina awo ndi: Babache, Kenya, Kakoma, Semusa, Mugamba, Tainini; kukwilira ming'alu pamene mitsitsi ukufufuma komanso kukolola nthawi yoyenera.
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Potatoes locally known as Kachewere grow successfully in areas of high altitude, which have a cool climate and adequate rainfall. These areas include Tsangano, Neno, Dedza, Shire Highlands, Viphya Plateau, Ntchisi, Mchinji, Phoka and Misuku Hills
Mbatata yomwe imadziwika bwino kuti kachewere imalimidwa mmadera okwera, omwe ali ndi nyengo yozizira komanso mvula yokwanira. Madera amenewa ndi monga Tsangano, Neno, Dedza, madera okwera a Shire, Viphya, Ntchisi, Mchinii, Phoka ndi Misuku
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In these areas it is an important cash and food crop. The bulk of the crop is consumed in urban and semi urban areas where it is an important component of the diet
Mmadera amenewa, ndi mbewu yofunika yopezetsa ndalama komanso chakudya. Zokolola zambiri zimadyedwa mmadera a mmizinda ikuluikulu komwe ili gawo limodzi lofunikira la zakudya
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Soils should be free-draining, deep and rich in organic matter with soil acidity of pH5.0 to 6.5. Avoid rocky soils, which deform developing tubers
Dothi likhale lotaya madzi, lakuya komanso lachonde chambiri lokhala ndi kuwawasira kwa 5.0 mpaka 6.5. Pewani dothi la miyala, lomwe limabweretsa ulumali wa mbatata
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After ridging make grooves on top of ridges 15cm deep. Apply between 12.5 and 25 tonnes of compost or khola manure per hectare using one to two 20 liters’ tins for every 8 metres (8 steps) along the grooves
Mizere ikapangidwa, kumbani ngalande pamwamba pa mizere yakuya 15cm. Thirani 12.5 mpaka 25 tonnes yamanyowa pa hectare pogwiritsa ntchito ndowa za 20L pamtunda uliwonse mu ngalandemo
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Apply 200kg of D compound per hectare. Apply the fertilizer in the grooves and cover the fertilizer and manure with about 5 cm of soil
Thirani fertilizer wa D coumpound wokwana makilogalamu 200. Thirani fertlizer mmayenjemo ndipo kwilirani fertilizer ndi manyowa ndi dothi lakuya 5cm
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Three to four weeks after crop emergence, top dress with 200kg of CAN per hectare. Apply 20g per meter of ridge length using 5 cupfuls of cup No.5. Top dressing is done by applying the fertilizer along the plant rows on the ridge and working it into the soil
Sabata zitatu kufika zinayi pamene mbewu yamera, thirani malikogalamu 200 a fertilizer wobereketsa wa CAN pa hectare. Thirani magalamu 20 ma ntunda wa 1m wa mzere pogwiritsa ntchito kapu nambala 5 poyidzadza kasanu. Kuthira fertilizer kuchitike pothira fertilizer yo molondola makako a mbewu pamzere ndikusakaniza ndi dothi
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A potato field should be weeded twice during the growing season. When the crop is crowding occasional weeds should be uprooted by hand
Munda wa mbatata upalilidwe kawiri nthawi yokula mbatata. Pamene mbewu ikufunga, tchire lomwe imabwera patalipatali lidzulidwe ndi manja
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Hoe weeding later in the growing season is not economical and moving in the field when the crop is very dense assists in spreading viruses. Earth up to cover developing tubers and to prevent tuber moth infestation
Kupalira ndi khasu mochedwa kumaononga ndalama ndipo kuyenda mmunda pamene yafunga kwambiri kumabweretsa matenda. Kwilirani mitsitsi yomwe ikung'amba dothi pofuna kupewa kuti mitsitsi igwidwa ndi agulugufe
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The potato crop is mature when leaves turn naturally yellow or the top dies off. If the crop must be harvested before it fully matures, the tops should be cut off at least 2 weeks before harvest
Kachewere amakhwima pamene masamba ayamba kuoneka mwachikasu kapena msonga zauma. Ngati mbewu ndiyofunika kukolola isanakhwimwe moyenera, msonga zidulidwe pafupifupi sabata ziwiri musanakokole
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This allows tuber skins to harden so that they are not damaged during harvesting. When harvesting tubers, they should be dug from the sides of the ridges not from above to avoid tuber damage. After harvesting avoid exposing the tubers to rain or any moist conditions
Izi zimapeleka mpata kuti khungu likhwime motero zisamaonongeke pokolola. Pokolola, ikumbidwe kuchikera mbali mwa mzere, osati pamwamba pa nzere popewa kuwononga mbatatesi. Pambuyo pokolola, pewani kuyika mbatatesi pamvula kapena malo achinyezi aliwonse
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Potatoes meant for consumption are termed ware potato. Potato for consumption should be stored in darkness (dark store or dark containers)
Mbatatesi zomwe ndi zakudya zimatchedwa mbatatesi zosunga. Mbatatesi zosunga zisungidwe pamalo amdima, munkhokwe kapena pamalo a mdima
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This is to avoid greening of tubers. Green tubers are not good for consumption because they contain a toxic substance
Izi zimathandiza kupewa mbatatesi kusintha kukhala yobiliwira. Mbatatesi yobiliwira siyabwino kudya chifukwa imakhala ndi zinthu zoyipa
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Storage does not improve quality of the potatoes therefore best quality crop should be stored from the start
Kusunga mbatatesi sikumaonjezera kakomedwe kake choncho mbatatesi zabwino zisungidwe kuyambira kumayambiliro
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Potatoes are usually 80% water and keeping potato means keeping water in tubers. The shelf life of potatoes for consumption can be prolonged by keeping them at low temperatures less than 9oC
Mbatatesi zimakhala 80% madzi ndipo kusunga mbatatesi kumathanthauza kusunga madzi mmitsitsi. Nthawi yosungira mbatatesi zachakudya ingatalikitsiddwe podzisunga pamalo ozizira osafika 9oC
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The use of modified potato storage structures is practically recommended under Malawi conditions. Under smallholder storage systems, these are double walled nkhokwes
Kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zamakono zosungira kukulimbikitsidwa potsatira nyengo yaku Malawi. Njira zosungira za alimi ang'onoang'ono zimatsatira nkhokwe zamakoma awiri
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Storage of seed potato is different from that of ware potato. Good seed storage practices should aim at retaining seed potato tubers’ vigor, health and other good planting materials attributes
Kusunga mbatatesi yambewu ndikosiyana ndikusunga mbatatesi yachakudya. Njira zabwino zosungira zionetsetse kuti zisunge mphamvu yambatatesi, umoyo wake komanso zina zonse zoyenera kuti ikhale mbewu yabwino
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Potato tubers for seed should be stored in Diffused Light Store so that when they start sprouting (‘germinating’), the sprouts will grow slowly, vigorously and will be stronger
Mbatatesi zambewu zisungidwe pamalo ofika kuwala kochepa ndi cholinga chakuti zikayamba kuphuka, mphukira zidzikula pang'onopang'ono, mwathanzi komanso mwamphamvu
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A barn- like structure 8m x 4m x 3m with open sides and a low-hanging roof that allows in diffused light is used for the storage of seed potatoes
Nkhokwe ya 8mx4mx3m yotsegula mmbali komanso yadenga lammunsi lomwe limalola kuwala kulowa mochepa igwiritsidwe ntchito posunga mbatatesi yambewu
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The walls are made of split bamboo to allow some light in. Once green and under cool conditions, seed potato can store for 3 months
Makoma akhale a nsungwi zong'amba kuti kuwala kudzitha kulowa. Zikasanduka zobiliwira komanso nyengo ikakhala yozizira, mbewu imasungidwa kwa miyezi itatu
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Varieties own dormancy assist in lengthening the life span of the tubers. The structures can be seen at Bembeke Research Station in Dedza
Kuthekera kwa mtundu wa mbewu kusiya kukula kumathandiza kutalikitsa moyo wa mbewu. Zipangizozi zimaoneka pa malo ochitira kafukufuku ku Bembeke ku Dedza
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Tobacco is one of the most important export crops for Malawi. It is a major foreign exchange earner to the country’s economy and a source of cash income for both smallholder and estate tobacco sub sectors
Fodya ndi imodzi mwa mbeu zamalonda ogulitsidwa kunja ku Malawi. Amathandiza kwambiri kubweretsa ndalama zakunja pachuma cha dziko lino ndipo amapezetsa alimi ang'onoang'ono komanso eni minda ikuluikulu a fodya kupeza ndalama
agriculture document
Despite pressure from the anti-smoking lobbyists, the demand for tobacco still exists. The sustainability of tobacco industry will however be assured only if farmers produce high quality tobacco
Ngakhale pali kukamizika kuchera kwa magulu oletsa kusuta fodya, fodya akufunidwabe. Kukhadzikika kwa ntchito za fodya kutsimikizika pokhapokha alimi adzilima fodya wapamwamba kwambiri
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Extension officers and other parties interested in ensuring the long term sustainability of the tobacco industry should make farmers appreciate that prices offered for the crop will decrease considerably with production of low quality tobacco
Alangizi a zaulimi ndi ena onse omwe ali ndi chidwi choonetsetsa kukhadzikika kwa ntchito za fodya kwa nthawi yayitali athandize alimi kumvetsetsa kuti mitengo yomwe adzipatsidwa pa mbewu yawo ikhala ikutsika kwambiri ngati adzilima fodya wosapatsa chikoka
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Tobacco production should be within the national production targets as determined from requirements indicated by tobacco buyers
Ulimi wafodya utsatire mulingo womwe dziko lapatsidwa monga mmene afunira ogula fodya
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It has been observed that some people wrongly regard the granting of land lease as an automatic license to grow tobacco
Zaonetsa kuti anthu ena amaganiza molakwika kuti kupatsidwa chiphaso cha malo ndi chimodzimodzi kupatsidwa chiphaso cholimira fodya
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After obtaining lease to hold land, they proceed to have employees and to buy agricultural inputs such as fertilizer before obtaining an authority to grow tobacco
Pambuyo popatsidwa chiphaso cha malo, amapitilira kukhala ndi ogwira ntchito ndi kugula zipangizo za ulimi monga fertiliser anasatenge chilolezo cholimira fodya
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Prospective tobacco growers are therefore strongly advised to obtain a license before buying inputs and recruiting employees for tobacco production
Choncho alimi oyembekezera kulima fodya akulangizidwa zolimba kuti apeze chiphaso asanagule zipangizo ndi kulemba antchito paulimi wa fodya
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Countries which import tobacco from Malawi are very strict with residual levels of pesticides in tobacco
Mayiko omwe amagula fodya kuchokera ku Malawi amatsata malamulo pa kuchuluka wa mankhwala ophera tizilombo mu fodya
agriculture document
It is, therefore, essential that pesticides are only used on tobacco nurseries and in the field as recommended
Motero nkofunika kuti mankhwala ophera tizilombo agwiritsidwe ntchito kumanazale a fodya ndi kuminda motsatira ndondomeko
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Agricultural chemicals not normally used on tobacco should never be allowed to come in contact with tobacco during production, curing or in storage
Mankhwala a ulimi omwe sagwiritsidwa ntchito pa fodya asaloledwe kukhuzana ndi fodya panthawi yolima, kuumitsa kapena kusunga
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Farmers are advised not to store any chemicals in tobacco barns and holding sheds. National average yields per hectare are 1000kg for Dark tobacco
Alimi akulangizidwa kuti asasunge mankhwala mu zigafa kapena mmalo owumitsira fodya. Mulingo wa fodya wachikopa pa hectare ndi makilogalamu 1000
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Several varieties of Burley tobacco are recommended for production in Malawi. These include locally-developed and introduced varieties that have been tested and approved for use under Malawi conditions
Mitundu yambiri ya fodya wa Burley ndiyovomerezeka kulimidwa ku Malawi. Iyi ndi monga yomwe inapangidwa ku Malawi konkuno komanso yobwera yomwe yayetsedwa ndi kuvomerezedwa kugwiritsidwa ntchito mu nyengo zaku Malawi
agriculture document
Recommended locally-developed Burley varieties include: ABH12, ABH31 and ABH43, all of which are male sterile and compliant to trade requirements on seed integrity and traceability
Mitundu yovomerezedwa ya Burley yopangidwa konkuno ndi monga: ABH12, ABH31 ndi ABH43, yonse yomwe ndi yayimuna yosabeleka ndiponso yotsatira malamulo a malonda pa ubwino wa mbewu ndi kutsatika kwake polima
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Growers who are interested to use introduced varieties should follow appropriate procedures for importation
Alimi omwe ali ndi chidwi kugwiritsa ntchito mitundu ya mbewu yobwera akuyenera kutsatira ndondomeko zogulira mbewuyi kunja kwa dziko
agriculture document
Different approaches are recommended for tobacco seedling production. These include: conventional seedbeds, motherbed, polypot and float tray systems. In general, the nursery site should be located on a piece of land that has good surface and internal drainage.
Njira zosiyanasiyana ndizovomerezedwa popanga mbande ya fodya. Izi ndi monga: kufetsa mmunda, mabedi, kumwaza kapena kufetsa mmadzi. Mwachidule, malo a nazale akhale pamalo omwe ali ndi dothi labwino komanso madzi amalowa pansi mosavuta
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The site should be away from curing and grading facilities. Soils suitable for tobacco nurseries include: fertile sands, loamy sands and light sandy loams, which are easy to manage and work with.
Malowa akhale kutali ndi zipangiso zowimutsira kapena kusankhira. Dothi loyenera kufetsa fodya ndi monga: nthaka yamchenga, dothi lakudimba ndi dothi losakanikira, lomwe silivuta kusakaniza ndi kugwiritsa ntchito
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The sites should be tilled deeply, as early as possible while soils are still moist. Large clods should be broken down, but avoid working the soil unnecessarily
Malo alimidwe mwakuya, mwansanga pamene dothi lidakali ndi chinyezi. Dothi losasweka liphwanyidwe, koma pewani kugwiritsa ntchito dothi mwachisawawa
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It is recommended that the length of seed beds should be 30m or any convenient length and 1m wide. The beds should be raised to 15cm high and the top should be slightly convex above the level of surrounding path to provide good drainage or rather cumbered beds
Nkoyenera kuti kutalika kwa mabedi kukhale 30cm kapena mulingo uliwonse woyenera ndi mulifupi motalika 1m. Mabedi akwezedwe kufika 15cm ndipo pamwamba pakhale potukuka pang'ono kuposa tinjira todutsira tomwe tili mphepete kuti madzi adzitsika bwino kapena tinene kuti mabedi okwera
agriculture document
Equivalent bed space to raise enough seedlings for 1 hectare is 3 beds of 30m long by 1m width
Malo ofanana nawo okwanira mbande za 1 hectare ndi mabedi atatu otalika 30cm mulitali ndi 1m mulifupi
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Nursery sites should be properly fenced to ensure protection from stray animals and other pests, strong wind and airborne diseases
Malo a nazale akhale ndi mpanda wabwino kuti pakhale chitetezo ku zinyama zongoyenda komanso tizilombo tina, mphepo yamphamvu ndi matenda opatsirana mumpweya
agriculture document
Avoid smoking near and in the nursery. Soap and water should be made available for hand washing and a footbath provided for disinfecting the feet at the entrance of the nursery
Pewani kusuta pafupi ndi nazale. Sopo ndi madzi zikhalepo zosambira mmanja ndi kanjira kakhalepo polowera ku nazale kophera tizilombo mmapazi
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If burning using maize stalks is employed, 1m of maize stalks are piled and burnt for the purpose of controlling nematodes in the seedbeds meant for raising tobacco seedlings
Ngati kuotcha pogwiritsa ntchito mapesi achimanga kwatsatidwa, mapesi a 1m amaunjikidwa ndi kuotchedwa pofuna kuteteza mbozi pamabedi ofetsera mbande zafodya
agriculture document
Water is applied for 12 days before piling the stalks to activate soil organisms after which actual burning is done. As much as possible ash should be removed from the seedbed to reduce chances of seedling damage from excess salts
Pamathiridwa madzi kwa masiku khumi ndi awiri pasanayikidwe mapesi kuti tizilombo tamunthaka tichangamuke kenako ndi kuotchapo. Yesetsani ndithu kuchotsa phulusa pamabedi kuti muchepetse mwayi woonongeka mbewu chifukwa cha mchere wambiri
agriculture document
Alternatively, nematodes can be controlled by using the float tray system. The method uses soil less media to raise seedlings with the aim of preventing soil borne pathogens and nematodes. Pine bark is the common substrate used in float tray tobacco seedling production
Mwa njira ina mbozi tingathane nazo pogwiritsa ntchito manazale oyandama mmadzi. Njirayi imagwiritsa ntchito dothi lochepa kukulitsa mbande ndi cholinga chopewa tizilombo toyambitsa matenda tamudothi komanso mbozi. Makungwa a pine ndiwomwe amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri kuyika pansi mma nazale oyandama pofetsa mbande zafodya
agriculture document
Farmers should aim at transplanting tobacco with the first planting rains so as to complete the operation before Christmas except for Oriental tobacco which can be transplanted in January in areas where this type of tobacco recommended for production
Alimi ayetsetse kuwokera mbande zafodya ndi mvula yoyamba ndi cholinga chakuti amalize kuwokera nyengo ya Christmas isanafike kupatula fodya wa Oriental yemwe akhoza kuwokeredwa mu January kumadera komwe ndikovomerezeka kulima mtundu wa fodya umenewu
agriculture document
Transplanting tobacco after December is not recommended because farmers run a high risk of the crop catching bushy top disease
Kuwokera mbande za fodya December atadutsa sikovomerezeka chifukwa alimi amakhala pachiopsezo chachikulu chakuti mbewu imagwidwa ndi matenda opanga tchire kumsonga
agriculture document
In case farmers transplant in January, a routine spray of Acetamiprid at a rate of 3g mixed with 10litres of water after transplanting and depending on scouting
Pamene alimi awokera mbande mu January, apopole mankhwala a Acetamiprid pafupipafipi pamulingo wa 3g posakaniza ndi 10 liters yamadzi pambuyo powokera komanso potengera pofufudza ngati zagwidwa ndi matenda
agriculture document
Farmers should follow a minimum rotation of 4 years to avoid build- up of pests and diseases, particularly nematodes
Alimi atsatire mulingo wa zaka zinayi wa ulimi wakasinthasintha kuti apewe kuchulukana kwa tizilombo toyambitsa matenda komanso matenda makamaka kapuchi
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Soybeans are an alternative host for root knot nematodes and other aerial pathogens of tobacco. Soybeans should therefore not be grown next to tobacco or immediately before tobacco in a rotation.
Nyemba za soya ndi malo ena omwe kapuchi ndi matenda ena amumpweya mu fodya amakhala. Motero soya asabzalidwe pafupi ndi fodya kapena asabzalidwe pomwe mwakolola kumene soya pamene pali kasinthasinantha
agriculture document
In areas where both tobacco and cotton are grown, great care is required to avoid insecticides used on cotton drifting onto tobacco
Kumadera kumene fodya ndi thonje zimalimidwa, ndikoyenera kusamalitsa popewa mankhwala ophera tizilombo ku thonje kufalikira ku fodya
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If traces of pesticides not recommended for tobacco but used on cotton are found on tobacco, the good reputation of Malawi tobacco on the international market would be jeopardized
Ngati mankhwala ophera tizilombo omwe siwovomezereka ku fodya koma agwiritsidwa ntchito ku thonje apezeka mu fodya, mbiri yabwino ya fodya wa Malawi pamisika yakunja ikhala pachiopsezo
agriculture document
It is therefore essential that tobacco should not be planted within 100m radius of any cotton crop
Ndiye ndikoyenera kuti fodya asabzalidwe pafupi ndi thonje pa mulingo wa 100m kuzungulira
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Great care should also be taken to ensure that no insecticides used in cotton are stored or prepared for spraying in buildings used for curing or handling tobacco as this would also lead to contamination of the tobacco
Kasamalidwe koyenera katsatidwe poonetsetsa kuti palibe mankhwala ophera tizilombo mu thonje omwe akusungidwa kapena kukonzedwa kuti akapopeledwe mnyumba yowumitsira kapena kusungira fodya pakuti izi zipangitsa kuti fodya akhuzane ndi mankhwalawo
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The tobacco free period known as closed season should be strictly observed to reduce the buildup and incidence of pests and diseases including tobacco bushy top and nematodes which threatens the industry
Nyengo yopanda fodya yomwenso imadziwika kuti kutseka nyengo ya fodya itsatidwe mwakhama pochepetsa kuchulukana komanso kupezeka kwa tizilombo ndi matenda kuphatikizirapo matenda opanga tchire kumsonga ndi mbodzi zomwe zimabweretsa chiopsezo paulimiwu
agriculture document
Stalk uprooting should be strictly adhered to regrowth of tobacco and alternate hosts for aphids and nematodes such as potatoes, tomatoes, sunflower, chilies and eggplant should not be allowed to grow in or near tobacco fields during the tobacco free period
Kuzula mitengo kutsatidwe moyenera kufika nyengo ina yobzala fodya ndipo mbewu zina zosunga nsabwe za mbewu ndi kapuchi monga mbatata, tomato, mpendadzuwa, tsabola ndi mabilingano zisaloledwe kukula mkati kapena pafupi ndi minda ya fodya mu nyengo yopanda fodya
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Tobacco nurseries should be well cleared and seedlings destroyed for hygienic purposes. This should not exceed 31st December in the Southern and Central regions. In the Northern region, nursery destruction should be done before 1st January of each year
Manazale a fodya akhale okonzedwa bwino ndipo mbande zionongedwe chifukwa cha ukhondo. Izi zisapyole pa 31 December kuzigawo chakummwera ndi pakati. Ku chigawo chakumpoto, kuononga manazale kuchitike pasanafike pa 31 January chaka chilochonse
agriculture document
Symptoms of ants damage are that they are observed in large numbers on the seedbeds and reduced seed germination because they carry the tiny newly sown seed off the seedbed
Zizindikiro zowongeka ndi nyerere ndi zakuti zimapezeka zochuluka pamanazale ndipo mbewu zimamera zochepa chifukwa nyerere zimatuta timbewu tomwe tafetsedwato kuchoka nato pamanazalepo
agriculture document
These include the common grasshoppers, green grasshoppers and elegant grasshoppers. Damage is mostly through feeding on the stems, leaves of young seedlings, transplants and chewing of the leaves of older plants
Izi zikuphatikiza ziwala zawamba, chansasi ndi anunkhadala. Kuonongeka kumadza kamba kokudya tsinde, masamba a mbande, ndiponso kutafuna masamba a mbewu zikuluzikulu
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