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Where landholdings are small, grain legumes should be inter-planted with maize, cassava, sorghum and other crops. Groundnuts, phaseolus beans, soyabeans, pigeonpeas, cowpeas, groundbeans, chickpeas, fieldpeas, guarbeans, grams, velvet beans and dolicus beans are Grain legumes commonly grown in Malawi
Komwe malo olima ndi ochepa, nyemba zilimidwe pamodzi ndi chimanga, chinangwa, mapira ndi mbewu zina. Mtedza, nanyati, soya, nandolo, khobwe, mzama, tchana, nseula, nsawawa, mphoza, klingonda ndi nkhungudzu ndi mitundu ya nyemba yomwe imalimidwa kwambiri ku Malawi
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Beans are a good source of protein and income. The green leaves are valuable vegetables. The crop is grown throughout the country mostly in cool plateau areas
Nyemba zimapatsa zakudya zomanga thupi komanso chuma. Masamba ake obiliwira ndi ndiwo zamasamba zofunikira. Mbewuyi imalimidwa mdziko lonse koma kwambiri kumadera amapiri kozizira
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Beans can also be grown in low altitude areas during winter months of April to July under residual moisture
Nyemba zikhoza kulimidwanso kumalo otsika nthawi ya dzinja kuyambira mwezi wa April kufika July pogwiritsa ntchito chinyezi
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The bean yields for both pure stand and interplanted are around 300kg to 800kg per hectare. However, the potential yields are 2000kg/ ha for large seeded varieties and 2,500kg per hectare for small seeded varieties
Nyemba zolimidwa zokhazokha kapena zosakaniza ndi mbewu zina zimabeleka 300kgs kufika 800kgs pa hectare. Komabe pali kuthekera kofika 2,000kgs pa hectare polima mitundu ya nyemba zazikulu ndipo 2,500kgs pa hectare pa mitundu ya nyemba zazing'ono
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The objective therefore is to increase production by improving yields while ensuring that varieties of desirable cooking characteristics and highly market demanded varieties are promoted
Choncho cholinga ndikukweza ulimi popititsa patsogolo zokolola pamene tikuonetsetsa kuti mitundu yabwino yosavuta kuphika komanso yosavuta malonda ikumbikitsidwa.
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Where it is not possible for farmers to plant beans in pure stands, they should be interplanted with other crops such as maize or grown as a relay crop thereby maximizing production from the same piece of land
Komwe ndikosatheka kuti alimi abzale nyemba pazokha, ayenera kubzala mosakaniza ndi mbewu zina monga chimanga, kapena kulimidwa pambuyo pokolola motero kugwiritsa ntchito mokwanira malo amodzi olima
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In irrigation schemes farmers should be advised to plant as soon as the summer crop has been harvested
Mminda yamthilira alimi akulangizidwa kubzala mwachangu akangochotsa mbewu za chilimwe
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The dimba crop should be planted when the climate is favourable. In the Lake Shore, the crop can be planted in May to June while in upland, planting should be done in July to August when temperatures have warmed up
Mbewu zakudimba zibzalidwe pamene nyengo ikulola. Mmadera a mphepete mwa nyanja, mbewuyi ikhoza kubzalidwa kuyambira mu May mpaka June pemene madera okwera, ibzalidwe pakati pa July ndi August nyengo ikafunda pang'ono
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For the interplanted crop, planting should be done soon after planting the main crop or as soon as the main crop has emerged
Kwa mbewu zosakanizidwa ndi zina, kubzala kuchitike pambuyo pobzala mbewu yayikuluyo kapena pamene mbewu yayikuluyo yangomera
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For the pure stands, planting should be done at onset of the first planting rains. In relay cropping, planting should be when the main crop has reached physiological maturity
Mminda ya nyemba zokhazokha, kubzala kuchitike ndi mvula yobzalira yoyamba. Pomwe ikubzalidwa pambuyo pokolola mbewu ina, kubzala kuchitike pomwe mbewu yayikuluyo yakhwima
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In irrigation schemes farmers should be advised to plant as soon as the summer crop has been harvested. The dimba crop should be planted when the weather is favourable
Mminda yamthilira, alimi alangizidwe kubzala nthawi yomweyo pamene mbewu zachilimwe zakololedwa. Mbewu yakudimba ibzalidwe nyengo ikakhala bwino
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Dwarf beans should be planted in 2 rows spaced at 30cm on the ridge. Plant 1 seed per station 10 cm apart along each row
Nyemba zazifupi zibzalidwe mmizere iwiri motalikirana 30cm pa mzere. Bzalani mbewu imodzi paphando motalikirana 10cm pamzere uliwonse
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The ridges should be 75cm or 90cm apart. This requires a seed rate of 80 to 70 per hectare respectively
Mizere ikhale yotalikirana 75cm kapena 90cm. Izi zifunika mbewu yokwana 80kgs kufika 70kgs pa hectare motero
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Climbing beans should be planted on 1 row, 1seed per planting station spaced at 15cm. This requires a seed rate of 75 to 90kg per hectare
Nyemba zoyanga zibzalidwe pamzere umodzi, mbewu imodzi paphando motalikirana 15cm. Izi zifunika mbewu yokwana 75kg kufika 90kg pa hectare
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To maximize podding and assist plants escape disease infestation climbing beans should be properly staked
Kuti zitheba zibeleke mokwanira ndikuthandiza mbewu kupewa kufalikira kwa matenda nyemba zoyanga ziyimitsidwe ndi mitengo.
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Where maize is planted at 3 seeds per planting station, plant 4 bean seeds between maize planting stations. For dwarf varieties the interplanted crop requires the same spacing as in pure stands. Seed rate for both types is the same, 50 to 60kg/ha
Pomwe chimanga chabzalidwa chitatu paphando, bzalani nyemba zinayi pakati pamapando a chimanga. Kwa mitundu yayifupi, mbewu yobzalidwa mwakasanika imasowa mipata yotalika mofanana ngati yobzalidwa payokha. Mulingo wa mbewu pa mitundu iwiriyi ndiwofanana, 50kg kufika 60kg pa hectare
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When planting beans under irrigation follow recommendations under pure stand and interplanted crop as described under rainfed conditions
Pobzala nyemba za mthilira, tsatirani malangizo oyenera kubzala pazokha ndi kusakaniza ndi mbewu zina monga mmene afotokozera paulimi wanyengo yamvula
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The crop should be kept free of weeds during the first 6 to 8 weeks after planting. Weeding after flowering, should not be practiced to avoid flower shedding. However, hand weeding where weeds are observed can be done as long as care is taken
Mbewu ikhale yopanda tchire mmasabata asanu ndi imodzi kufika masabata asanu ndi atatu oyambilira pambuyo pobzala. Kupalira pambuyo pochita maluwa kusachitike popewa kugwa kwa maluwa. Komabe, kupalira ndi manja pamene tchire laoneka kuchitike ngati mungachite mosamala
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Use disease tolerant varieties. The new improved varieties such as Napilira, Maluwa, Sapatsika, Nagaga, Kambidzi and Mkhalira are moderately tolerant to major bean diseases in Malawi
Gwiritsani ntchito mitundu yopilira kumatenda. Mbewu zamakono monga Napilira, Maluwa, Sapatsika, Nagaga, Kambidzi ndi Mkhalira zimapilira kumatenda akuluakulu a nyemba ku Malawi
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Angular leaf spot (Phaeiosariopsis griseola) is the most important disease in beans as it occurs annually in all bean growing areas
Angular leaf spot (Phaeiosariopsis griseola) ndi mthenda yofunikira kwambiri ya nyemba ndipo imabwera chaka ndi chaka mmadera onse olima nyemba
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Yield losses can go up to 80%. Symptoms occur on all aerial plant parts, developing usually at flowering. The symptoms are initially grey spots which later become dark brown.
Kuchepa kwa zokolola kumafika 80%. Zizindikiro zimaoneka mzigawo zonse zakumtunda kwa nyemba, zimakula pamene zikuchita maluwa. Poyambilira zizindikiro zimakhala madontho aphulusa omwe pambuyo pake amasanduka oderapo
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Control is by spraying Daconil at the same rate as for Anthracnose. Spray at 2 weekly intervals. Seed, wind, rain and soil are the principal means of spread
Kuthana nazo ndikupopera Daconil pamulingo wofanana ndi Anthracnose. Poperani sabata ziwiri zilizonse. Mbewe, mphepo, mvula ndi dothi ndi zimene zimafalitsa kwambiri matendawa
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Therefore, use of clean seed, burial of infected debris and rotation can decrease diseases severity
Choncho, kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu yopanda matenda, kukwilira zinyalala zogwidwa ndi matenda komanso kulima mwakasinthasintha zikhoza kuchepetsa kukula kwa matenda
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Web blight (Rhizoctonia solani) disease is sporadic and when it attacks will affect the plant severely. Damage may be of up to 100%
Web blight (Rhizoctonia solani) ndi matenda simaoneka pafupipafupi ndipo ikagwira nyemba imawononga zomera kwambiri. Imaononga mpaka 100%
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Small necrotic spots first appear on primary leaves which later merge to affect the whole leaf, forming a web over the plant and leading to defoliation. Therefore, cultural practices such as mulching can be highly effective in suppressing the disease
Poyamba, madontho ang'onoang'ono ouma amaoneka pamasamba akungonga omwe amagwirana ndikufalikira tsamba lonse, kupanga kangaude pambewuyo, kenako kuchititsa kuti masamba agwe. Choncho, kasamalidwe koyenera monga kuphimbira mbewu kukhoza kuthandiza kufooketsa matendawa
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Halo blight (Pseudomonas syringae) The disease is caused by bacteria. It is a common disease in beans and can cause losses of up to 46%
Halo blight (Pseudomonas syringae) - Matendawa amayambitsidwa ndi tizilombo ta bacteria. Ndi mthenda yopezeka nthawi zonse ndipo imachepetsa zokolola kufika 46%
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It is characterized by small water soaked lesions which appear on the leaves and quickly develop greenish yellow halos. Plants may sometimes produce white exudates.
Imadziwika ndi zotupa zazing'ono zokhala ndi madzi zomwe zimaoneka pamasamba ndipo zimasintha mwachangu kukhala zobiliwira mwachikasu. Nthawi zina zomera zimatulutsa utomoni woyera
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Control by use of tolerant varieties such as Nagaga, Napilira, Maluwa, Sapatsika, Kambidzi and Mkhalira and or by spraying copper oxychloride and as well as copper based fungicide
Kuthana nazo ndikugwiritsa ntchito mitundu yambewu yopilira kumatenda monga Nagaga, Napilira, Maluwa, Sapatsika, Kambidzi ndi Mkhalira kapenanso kupopera copper oxychloride ndi mankhwala achiwawu okhala ndi copper
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Bean Beetle (Ootheca Mutabilis and O. benning) is an insect which feeds on leaves of young plants making interveinal holes and damage is severe on plants in the primary leaf stage and may extend to upper leaves
Nsabwe zanyemba (Ootheca Mutabilis and O. benning) ndi tizilombo towononga nyemba tomwe timadya masamba a mbewu zazing'ono ndi kuboola misempha, ndipo kuononga kwake kumakhala kodetsa nkhawa pambewu zomwe zikupanga masamba kumene ndipo zimafalikira kumasamba ammwamba
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Delayed planting where practicable may allow the crop to escape the damage from high colonizing populations at the beginning of the rains
Pomwe nzotheka, kubzala mochedwa kumapeleka mpata ku mbewu kuti isakumane ndi kuonongedwa chifukwa cha kuchulukana kwa tizilombo komwe kumakhalapo kumayambiliro kwa mvula
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With severe infestations, production of honey dew and later sooty mould is easily noticeable. The plants lose their greenness and therefore look black
Zikagwidwa kwambiri ndi tizilombo, kupangidwa kwa maletsa ndipo pambuyo pake sooty mould zimaoneka mosavuta. Mbewu zimataya kubiliwira kwake ndipo choncho zimaoneka zakuda
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Under these conditions they will eventually not be able to effectively photosynthesize. They suck sap from plants and cause seedlings to wilt and die
Chifukwa cha zimenezi, mbewu sidzikwanitse kupanga chakudya moyenera. Zimamwa utoto kuchokera ku zomera ndi kupangitsa mbewu kufota komanso kufa
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Older plants may be stunted as a result of the attack. Apart from the above direct damage, aphids also transmit Bean Common Mosaic Virus
Mbewu zazikulu zikhoza kupinimbira chifukwa cha kugwidwa ndi tizilomboti. Kupatula kuonongeka komwe takamba mmwambaku, ma nsabwe za mbewu amapatsiranso mbewu matenda a Bean Common Mosaic Virus
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Harvest when most of the pods on the plant have started drying. Start harvesting in the morning when dew has evaporated
Kololani pamene nyemba zambiri pa mbewupo zayamba kuuma. Yambani kukolola mmawa pamene mame auma
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Do not harvest late when the pods are too dry to avoid loss of beans through shattering. Continue sun drying before threshing
Musakolole mochedwa pamene nyemba zauma kwambiri kuti mupewe kutayika kwa nyemba zikamasweka. Pitirizani kuumitsa padzuwa musanamenye
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Groundnut is one of the most important food and cash crops in Malawi. It is a good source of protein, vitamins and vegetable oils
Mtedza ndi mbewu imodzi yofunika kwambiri pa chakudya komanso ndalama ku Malawi. Umapeleka chakudya chomanga thupi, ma vitamin komanso mafuta a masamba
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However, in recent years production has not been satisfactory, as a result, Malawi has been importing substantial amounts of vegetable oils
Komabe mu zaka zaposachedwazi zokolola sizinali zosangalatsa, pachifukwa ichi, dziko la Malawi lakhala likugula mafuta amasamba ochuluka kuchokera ku mayiko akunja
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It is therefore important to increase production of groundnut especially oil rich nuts as this would play an important role in import substitution
Choncho ndikoyenera kuchulukitsa kulima mtedza makamaka womwe uli ndi mafuta ambiri pakuti izi zithandiza kwambiri kuchepetsa kugula katundu kunja kwa dziko lino
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Like other legumes, groundnut is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. When grown in rotation with other crops such as maize or tobacco, it improves soil fertility
Monga mbewu zina za nyemba, mtedza umayika nitrigen wamumpweya munthaka. Ukabzalidwa mwakasinthasintha ndi mbewu zina monga chimanga kapena fodya, umawonjezera chonde munthaka
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Groundnut haulms also provide a good source of animal feed, especially in the dry season when feedstock becomes scarce
Masamba a mtendza amapezetsa zakudya zabwino kuziweto makamaka munyengo ya dzinja pamene zakudya za ziweto zasowa
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Farmers should always use good quality/certified seed for higher yields. Groundnut seed like the other legumes can be recycled up to a maximum of 3 seasons
Alimi adzigwiritsa ntchito nthawi zonse mbewu yabwino/yovomerezeka kuti akokole kwambiri. Mtedza monga mbewu zina zanyemba zikhoza kubzalidwa kwa nyengo zitatu musanasinthe mbewu
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Such seed should be kept in shell until shortly before planting. After three years of recycling, fresh seed should be obtained from known and registered seed sources
Mbewu ngati imeneyo isungidwe yosaswa mpaka nthawi yobzala itayandikira. Pakutha pa zaka zitatu zogwiritsa ntchito mbewu yomweyo, mbewu yatsopano ipezedwe kuchokera kwa ogulitsa odziwika komanso owomerezeka
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CG 7 (ICGV-SM 83708) Confectionery nut with medium seed size. It is recommended for production in all groundnut growing areas of the country
Mtedza wa CG 7 umakhala wokulirapo pang'ono mbewu yake. Ndiwovomerezeka kulimidwa mmadera onse olima mtedza mdziko muno
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It has a bunch growth habit and tolerates drought. It matures in 130 to 150 days. Th e seeds are red, uniform and contain 48 % oil. It has a yield potential of 2500 kg per hectare. It is a Virginia runner in growth habit
Umakula mwamafutu ndipo umapilira ku chilala. Umacha pamasiku 130 kufika 150. Mbewu yake imaoneka mofiira, yofanana ndipo imakhala ndi mafuta okwana 48%. Zokolola zimafika makilogalamu 2,500 pa hectare. Umakula ngati mmene ichitira mbewu ya Virginia
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Nsinjiro (ICGV-SM 90704) is a confectionery nut recommended for production in all plateau areas of Malawi, within the altitude range of 1000-1500m above sea level
Nsinjiro ndi mtedza wovomerezeka kulimidwa mmadera onse a mmapiri ku Malawi, komwe kukwera kwake ndi 1000m kufika 1500m pamwamba panyanja
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It matures between 120 to 140 days after sowing. The yield potential is close to CG7 but has the advantage of being tolerant to groundnut rosette
Umacha pamasiku 120 kufika 140 pambuyo pobzala. Kuchuluka kwa zokolola kumayandikana ndi CG 7 koma uli ndi ubwino wapadera wopilira ku matenda a khate a mtedza
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The seeds are tan in colour, 45 % oil. Nsinjiro has a potential yield of 2000 kg per hectare. The variety has spreading bunch growth habit
Mbewu yake imaoneka yoderapo, uli ndi mafuta kufika 45%. Nsinjiro umafika makilogalamu 2,000 pa hectare. Mbewu imeneyi imakula momwazika
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Chalimbana 2005 (CML 851/7) is a confectionery nut recommended for all plateau areas of the country within the altitude range of 1000 to 1500m above sea level
Chalimbana 2005 ndi mnewu ya mtedza yoyenera mmadera akumapiri mdziko muno kumene kukwera kwake ndi 1000m kufika 1500m pamwamba pa nyanja
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The variety was bred by the national programme and released for cultivation in 2005. Chalimbana 2005 is a Virginia bunch variety with a tan seed coat, and matures in 130 to 140 days
Mbewu imeneyi inapangidwa mdziko momwe muno ndipo inatulutsidwa kuti idzilimidwa mu chaka cha 2005. Chalimbana 2005 imakula ngati Virginia ndipo ili ndi chikuto chofiilirapo mwakuda, ndipo imacha pamasiku 130 kufika 140
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It contains 45% oil and has a yield potential of 2000- 2500 kg per hectare. Additional attributes include moderate resistance to both rosette and early leaf spot diseases
Umakhala ndi mafuta okwana 45% ndipo zokolola zimafika makilogalamu 2,000 mpaka 2,500 pa hectare. Zina zofunikira zamtedzawu ndi monga kupilira ku matenda a khinyata komanso matenda ochita madontho mmasamba
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Kakoma is a confectionery nut recommended for production in all the low–lying areas within an attitude range of 200-500m above sea level such as the Shire Valley, Lakeshore Areas and also for off -season (dimba) cultivation
Kakoma ndi mbewu ya mtedza yoyenera kulimidwa mmadera otsika omwe ali pa ntunda wa 200, kufika 500m pamwamba pa nyanja monga kuchigwa cha Shire, madera amphepete mwa nyanja komanso ukhoza kulimidwa kudimba mvula ikadutsa
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It matures in 90 to 120 days after sowing, has no seed dormancy and it should therefore be harvested as soon as it matures. The seeds are small, pale tan in colour and contain 48% oil. Kakoma has a potential yield of 1500 kg per hectare. It has erect bunch growth habit
Umacha pamasiku 90 kufika 120 pambuyo pobzala, ukakhwima mbewu yake siimakhadzikika kotero ukololedwe ukangokhwima. Mtedza wake umakhala waun'gono, wowala pang'ono ndipo uli ndi mafuta kufika 48%. Kakoma amabeleka kufika 1,500 pa hectare. Umakula moyima
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Baka (ICG 129991) is a confectionery nut recommended for production in all the low–lying areas within an attitude range of 200-500m above sea level such as the Shire Valley, Lakeshore Areas and also for off -season (dimba) cultivation under residual moisture
Baka ndi mbewu yamtedza yovomerezeka kulimidwa kumadera otsika omwe ali pamtunda wa 200m kufika 500m pamwamba pa nyanja monga kuchigwa cha Shire, madera a mphepete mwa nyanja komanso umalimidwa kudimba pogwiritsa ntchito chinyezi chotsalira
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Like Kakoma, it matures in 90 to 120 days after sowing, has no seed dormancy. The seeds are pale tan in colour and contain 48 % oil but are slightly smaller than Kakoma. However, Baka has an added advantage in that it is rosette tolerant. It has erect bunch growth habit
Monga Kakoma, umacha pamasiku 90 kufika 120 pambuyo pobzala, mbewu yake ikakhwima siimakhadzikika. Mtedza wake umaoneka mofiilirapo mwakuda ndipo uli ndi mafuta okwana 48% koma umakhala wocheperapo makulidwe kusiyana ndi Kakoma. Komabe Baka ali ndi ubwino wapadera wakuti amapilira ku matenda a khate. Umakula moyima
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Chitala (ICGV-SM 99568) is a Spanish bunch confectionary nut grown within an attitude range of 200-500m above sea level such as the Shire Valley and other lakeshore areas
Chitala ndi mbewu ya mtedza ya chi Spanish yomwe imalimidwa pamtunda wa 200m kufika 500m pamwamba panyanja monga ku chigwa cha Shire komanso madera ena a mphepete mwa nyanja.
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The variety can also be grown during the off -season under dimba cultivation using residual moisture or irrigation. Chitala has a seed yield potential of 1500kg/ha, matures in 90 to 100 days after sowing, and has no seed dormancy
Mtundu umenewu ukhozanso kulimidwa mvula ikatha kudimba pogwiritsa ntchito chinyezi chotsalira kapena mthilira. Chitala amabeleka kufika makilogalamu 1,500 pa hectare, amacha pamasiku 90 kufika 100 pambuyo pobzala ndipo mtedza wake sumakhadzikika
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The seeds are tan in colour, medium sized (41g/100 seeds) and contain 48% oil. An additional attribute of Chitala is resistance to rosette
Mtedza umaoneka mofiilirapo, ndiwapakati makulidwe ndipo uli mafuta okwana 48%. Zina zofunika pamtedzawu ndi zakuti umapilira ku matenda a khate
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CG 8 (ICGV-SM 08501) include oil content for all the varieties. CG 8 is a newly released medium duration, Virginia type groundnut variety. It is recommended to be grown in mid-altitude areas
CG 8 uli ndi mafuta ophatikiza mitundu yonse ya mtedza. CG 7 ndi mbewu yatsopano yocha mochedwa pang'ono, yamtundu wa Virginia. Ndiyoyenera kumadera okwelerapo pang'ono
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It has a yield potential of 2500 kg/ha. It is decumbent in growth, has dark-green leaves, orange- yellow flowers and reaches 50% flowering in about 40 days
Zokolola zimafika 2,500kgs pa hectare. Imakula mogona kenako moyima, masamba ake ndi obiliwira moderapo, maluwa ake achikasu pang'ono ndipo theka limachita maluwa pakutha pa masiku makumi anayi
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It has a deep pod constriction produces 2 medium to large seeds per pod, red in colour and has a shelling percentage of ≥70%. It takes 120 to 130 days to reach maturity. It is resistant to groundnut rosette disease
Mtedza wake umakhala woning'a kwambiri pakati, mkati mwake mumakhala mbewu uwiri, zofiira mmaonekedwe ndipo ukaswedwa umapyola 70%. Umatenga masiku 120 kufika 130 kuti ukhwime. Umapilira kumatenda a khate
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CG 9 (ICGV-SM 08503) is a newly released medium duration, Virginia type groundnut variety. It is recommended to be grown in mid-altitude areas
CG 9 ndi mbewu yatsopano yomwe imacha mwachangu, yamtundu wa Virginia. Ndiyoyenera kumadera okwelerapo pang'ono
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It has a yield potential of 2500 kg/ha. It is decumbent in growth and has green leaves, orange- yellow flowers, reaching 50% flowering in about 40 days
Imabeleka kufika 2,500kgs pa hectare. Imakula mogona kenako nthambi zake kuyima, ili ndi masamba obiliwira, maluwa achikasu, theka limachita maluwa pofika masiku makumi anayi
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It has a very deep pod constriction, produces 2 medium to large seeds per pod, red in colour and has a shelling percentage of ≥70%. It takes 120 to 130 days to reach maturity. It is resistant to Groundnut Rosette Disease
Mtedza umakhala woning'a pakati, mkati mumakhala mbewu ziwiri, zofiira ndipo ukaswedwa umapyola 70%. Umatenga masiku 120 kufika 130 kuti ukhwime. Umapilira ku matenda a khate a mtedza
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Select deep, well-drained sandy loam soils that are well supplied with calcium and moderate amounts of organic matter
Sankhani dothi lakuya, losasunga madzi, lamchenga lomwe liri ndi mchere wa calcium wokwanira ndipo liri ndi mthaka yokwaniranso
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Land should be prepared early enough before the onset of rains in order to sow with the effective early rains. All debris should be ploughed under thoroughly
Minda ikonzedwe mwansanga mvula isanayambe kuti ubzalidwe ndu mvula yoyamba. Zinyalala zonse zikwililidwe bwinobwino
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To ensure optimum plant population, plant at correct ridge or row and plant spacing. To achieve this, use the recommended seed rate
Kuti mbewu zichite bwino, bzalani pamizere yotalikirana moyenera komanso mapando otalikirana moyenera. Kuti mukwaniritse izi, gwiritsani ntchito mulingo woyenera wakachulukidwe kambewu
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However, note that higher yields can be obtained on ridges spaced at 60cm and 75cm depending on the variety used
Komabe dziwani kuti zokolola zochuluka zingapezedwe pamizere yotalikirana 60cm ndi 75cm kutengera mtundu wa mbewu
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Supplying should be done if necessary within one week of seedling emergence. At planting, place the seed5-6cm deep into the soil and cover it with soil thoroughly
Kupatulira kuchitike ngati nkoyenera pasabata imodzi mbewu zikangomera. Pobzala, ikani mbewu pa mtunda 5cm kufika 6cm kulowa pansi ndipo kwilirani bwinobwino
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Weeds cause severe damage to the groundnut crop during the first 45 days of its growth. This is the most critical period of weed competition
Tchire limawononga mbewu ya mtedza pamasiku makumi anayi ndi asanu oyambilira. Iyi ndi nthawi yovuta kwambiri yomwe tchire limapikisana ndi mbewu
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Therefore, weeding at least twice during this critical period is imperative, thus within 20 and 45 days after sowing
Kotero kupalira kawiri panthawi yodetsa nkhawayi ndikofunika, apa ndi mkati mwamasiku 20 kufika 45 pambuyo pobzala
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Thorough weed control prior to pegging is extremely important. During pegging, only hand weeding should be done to avoid damage to developing pods
Kuthana ndi tchire moyenera mtedza usanayambe kupanga ndolo ndi koyenera kopambana. Panthawi yopanga ndolo, palirani ndi manja basi popewa kuwononga ndolozo
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Chemical weed control can also be done using herbicides such as Dual Magnum, Roundup and Harness
Kuthana ndi tchire pogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala kutsatidwe pogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala monga Dual Magnum, Roundup ndi Harness
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However, whenever herbicides are used, farmers should as much as possible use appropriate types, following instructions on time of application, application rates and safety precautions provided on the label
Komabe pamene mankhwala ophera tchire agwiritsidwa ntchito, alimi aonetsetse kuti agwiritsa ntchito mitundu yoyenera, atsatira malangizo anthawi imene akuyenera kuthira, mulingo wothilira komanso njira zozitetezera zomwe zalembedwa pa malangizopo
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Rust disease usually occurs at the same time as late leaf spot. The symptoms are orange coloured pustules on the lower surface of the leaflets
Matenda a dzimbiri kwambiri amaoneka panthawi yomweyo ngati matenda a madontho a masamba. Zizindikiro zake ndi zotupa zamaonekedwe a lalanje kunsi kwa masamba
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The pustules rupture to release reddish brown spores and the leaves become reddish then dry up.
Zotupazi zimasweka kuti zitulutse njere za brown ndipo masamba amasanduka ofiira kenako amauma
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Yield losses due to this disease are usually up to 10% or less and are lower than those caused by early and late leaf spot
Kutsika kwa zokolola chifukwa chamatendawa kumafika 10% kapena kuchepera apa nthawi zambiri ndipo ndizotsika kuposera matenda a ealry ndi late leaf spot
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All these three foliar fungal diseases can be controlled using Daconil sprays at fortnightly intervals. However, at the current groundnut producer prices, chemical control is not economical
Matenda atatu onsewa amasamba angathetsedwe pogwiritsa ntchito Daconil wopopera pasabata ziwiri zilizonse. Komabe, pamitengo yomwe mtedza ukugulidwira kuchokera kwa alimi, kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ndi kuwononga ndalama
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It is therefore important to follow good agronomic practices such as early planting, crop rotation, burial of crop residues and removal of volunteer plants in order to reduce the primary source of inoculum
Choncho ndikofuniika kutsatira ndondomeko zakalimidwe zoyenera monga kubzala mwachangu, kulima mbewu mwakasinthasintha, kukwilira zotsalira za mbewu komanso kuchotsa mbewu zongomera zokha pofuna kuchepetsa nkhokwe zamatenda
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Avoid growing groundnuts in fields that have a history of termites or termite mounds. For Hilda, since the damage starts from the edges of fields, maintaining a clean surrounding by removing grasses of the field reduces the pest incidence
Pewani kulima mtedza mminda yomwe ili ndi mbiri ya chiswe kapena chulu cha chiswe. Kwa Hilda, chifukwa chakuti kuwonongeka kumayambira mphepete mwa munda, kuchotsa udzu wonse wozungulira munda kumachepetsa kupezeka kwa tizilombo towonongati
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Aphids infest the groundnut plants at all stages of growth if conditions are favourable. Their feeding causes leaves to curl and growth to be stunted
Nsabwe za mbweu amagwira mtedza panthawi iliyonse yakukula kwawo ngati nyengo ndiyoyenera. Madyedwe awo amachititsa masamba kukhwinyata ndipo kupinimbira pamakulidwe
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Aphids are particularly important because they transmit the virus that causes groundnut rosette disease. Early planting at correct spacing will help to control the spreading of aphids
Nsabwe za mbewu ndi zofunikira chifukwa chakuti zimabweretsa matenda omwe amayambitsa matenda a rosette mumtedza. Kubzala moyambilira posiya mipata yoyenera kumathandioza kuchepetsa kufala kwa ma aphid
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Groundnuts do not usually respond to direct application of mineral fertilizers. Generally, groundnuts perform well following a well fertilized maize crop, so long as phosphorus, calcium and sulphur-containing fertilizers such as 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn were applied
Mtedza sumavomera ukathiridwa fertilizer mwachindunji. Nthawi zambiri, mtedza umachita bwino potsatira chimanga chomwe chinathiridwa fertilizer mokwanira, makamaka ngati chinathiridwa fertilizer wokhala ndi phosphorous, calcium ndi sulphar monga 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn
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Calcium is the most limiting nutrient in sandy soils and where medium-large-seeded varieties particularly of Virginia type are grown
Mchere wa calcium ndi wokhawo umane ungalepheretse zokolola mu nthaka ya mchenga ndiponso komwe kumalimidwa mtedza wokulirapo makamaka mtundu wa Virginia
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Groundnut can be basal dressed with 100 kg/ ha of single superphosphate (SSP) fertilizer to provide 7% phosphorus, 19.5% calcium, and 12.5% Sulphur
Mtedza ukhoza kuthiridwa fertilizer wokulitsa wa superphosphate pa mulingo wa makilogalamu 100 pa hectare kuti upeleke 7% phosphorous, 19.5% calcium ndipondo 12.5% sulphur
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The fertilizer should be applied in a band on the ridge, or broadcast onto the soil and ploughed under before sowing or soon after emergence
Fetereza athiridwe mmizere kapena amwazidwe mdothi ndikusakanizidwa ndi mthaka mbewu isanabzalidwe kapena ikangomera
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Top dressing with Gypsum at the rate of 200-400 kg/ha directly at the base of the plant when 30% of the plants have flowered will help to correct Calcium deficiency and reduce groundnut pops
Kuthira fetereza wobereketsa wa Gypsum pa mulingo wa makilogalamu 200 kufika 500 pa hectare paphata pa mbewu, mbewu makumi atatu zikachita maluwa pa mbewu makumi khumi zilizonse kudzathandiza kuthetsa kuchepa kwa calcium komanso kuchepetsa mphwepwa mumtedza
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Timely harvesting of groundnuts is essential to avoid discoloration of nuts, germination and pods remaining in the ground at harvesting
Kukolola mtedza nthawi yoyenera ndikofunika popewa kuda kwa mtedzawo, kumera komanso kutsalira kwa ndolo za mtedza mudothi pokolola
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Check by lifting a few pods and examining the inside of the shell. The nuts are mature when the inside of the shell is spotted pale brown
Onani kutukula ndolo zingapo za mtedza ndikupima mkati mwa chikuto cha mtedzacho. Mtedza umakhala wakhwima mkati mwake mukakhala madontho a oderapo mofiira
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The fall of leaves is not necessarily a sign of maturity. Delayed harvesting also predisposes the nuts to infection by aspergillus and aflatoxin contamination
Kugwa kwamasamba sichizindikiro cha kukhwima. Kuchedwetsa kukolola kumayika mtedza pachiopsezo cha matenda a aspergillus komanso kuchita chuku
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Drying and storage-After lifting, the groundnut should be quickly and thoroughly dried before storage. Store groundnuts in dry containers, Storage under wet conditions will enhance the development of a fungus (Aspergillus flavus) which leads to aflatoxin contamination
Kuyanika komanso kusunga - pambuyo pozula, mtedza uwumitsidwe mwachangu komanso mwandongosolo usanasungidwe. Sungani mtedza mu zinthu zouma, kusunga mmalo achinyezi zimayambitsa matenda a Aspergillus flavus omwe amapherezera ku chuku
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If the pods are to be stored longer, put in gunny bags and dust them with Actellic Super Dust or Wivokil to protect the pods from various storage pests
Ngati ndolo za mtedza zikuyenera kusungidwa, ikani mmasaka ndipo wazani matumbawo Actellic Super Dust kapena Wivokil pofuna kuteteza ndolo za mtedza ku tizilombo towononga
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Shelling and Marketing-It is bad practice to wet pods to make shelling easier since wet nuts are not accepted at the markets
Kuswa komanso kugulitsa- ndi mchitidwe woyipa kunyowetsa ndolo za mtedza kuti usamavute kuswa chifukwa mtedza wonyowa umakanidwa kumsika
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After shelling, the nuts should be graded carefully. All mouldy nuts should be discarded and not fed to livestock as they are toxic because of a high concentration of aflatoxin
Mutatha kuswa, mtedza usankhidwe mwadongosolo. Mtedza wonse woola utayidwe ndipo usadyetsedwe kuziweto popeza ndiwoyipa chifukwa chakuchuluka kwa chuku
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Shriveled and broken nuts should be separated. Only clean whole nuts will fetch a high price at the markets. Farmers should winnow and grade the pods to ensure that only properly filled pods are presented at the markets
Mtedza wonyala komanso wosweka usungidwe padera. Mtedza wokhawo womwe ndi wosasweka komanso wooneka bwino ukagulidwa pamtengo wokwera kumsika. Alimi ayenera apete ndi kusankha ndolo za mtedza pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti ndolo zokhazo zokhuta bwino ndi mtedza zapititsidwa kumsika.
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Soya bean is a very important and versatile grain legume because it can be put to many uses. It provides high quality vegetable protein of around 37% CP and oil for humans and livestock consumption
Soya ndi mbewu yabwino komanso yofunikira kwambiri ya mtundu wa nyemba chifukwa imagwiritsidwa ntchito zambiri. Imapezetsa zakudya zomanga thuphi zapamwamba kwambiri zomwe zili pa mulingo wa 37% zomanga thupi ndi mafuta a masamba omwe anthu amadya ndiponso ziweto
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It is used in the production of various other recipes at household and industrial levels such as the production of Likuni Phala, soya milk and soy meat
Amagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga zinthu zosiyanasiyana mmakomo komanso mmafakitale monga kupanga phala la Likuni, mkaka wa soya ndi nyama ya soya
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It is also used in the production of feeds for poultry and other livestock. The crop is also a good nitrogen fixer and it therefore improves soil fertility
Amagwiritsidwanso ntchito popanga zakudya za nkhuku ndi ziweto zina. Mbewuyi ndiyabwino pakuti imathandiza kuyika notrogen munthaka ndipo imawonjezera chonde munthaka
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It is grown as alternative food and cash crop in areas where groundnut pops are a problem
Imalimidwa ngati chakudya komanso yobweretsa ndalama mmadera omwe mtedza umachita mphwepwa kwambiri
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The crop can be grown under a wide range of climatic conditions ranging from warm to hot low lying areas of the Shire Valley with marginal rainfall of less than 700mm to the highlands of Nyika and Vipya Plateaus with more than 2,000mm rainfall; and soil types ranging from sandy loams to heavy clay soils with sufficient drainage
Mbewuyi imalimidwa mmadera a nyengo zosiyanasiyana kuyambira kotentha pang'ono mpaka madera otentha kwambiri aku chigwa cha Shire komwe mvula imagwa yosafika 700mm mpaka kumadera okwera aku Nyika ndi Viphya komwe mvula imagwa mpaka 2000mm; ndiponso mudothi losiyanasiyana kuyambira lamchenga mpaka la dongo lomwe silimasunga madzi kwambiri
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Overall production has increased over the past ten years, however, the actual production level tends to fluctuate due to several factors including low and fluctuating farm-gate prices, inadequate availability seeds suppliers of improved seed varieties, poor crop husbandry practices, short-lived seed viability of soybeans and lack of awareness on processing and utilization technologies for the crop.
Ulimi wa soya wakula muzaka khumi zapitazi, komabe, kalimidwe kamasinthasintha chifukwa cha zinthu zambiri monga mitengo yogulira kwa alimi yotsika komanso yosakhazikika, kusapezeka kwa mbewu mokwanira kuchokera kwa ogulitsa mitundu ya mbewu zamakono, kasamalidwe kosayenera kambewu, mbewu simakhala nthawi yayitali isanaonongeke komanso kusowa upangiri pakakonzedwe ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka njira zamakono pokonza katundu kuchokera ku mbewuyi
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