8 values
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Mpatsa variety is recommended for lowland rainfed and irrigated conditions, and matures in 100 days. It has yield potential of 5.8 t/ha and is resistant to major rice diseases and pests
Mtundu wa Mpatsa ndiwoneyera kulimidwa ndi mvula komanso mthilira mmadera otsika, ndipo umacha pa masiku 100. Uli ndi kuthekera kotulutsa matani 5.8 pa hectare ndipo umapilira ku matenda akuluakulu a mpunga komanso tizilombo towononga mpunga
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Kameme (IRAT170) i s re c om m e n d e d for upland dambos in the mid to high altitude areas. It takes 132 days from seedling emergence to maturity. Its yield potential is 3,700 per hectare
Kameme, IRAT170, ndiwoyenera kulimidwa mmadimba kumadera okwera pang'ono kufika okwera kwambiri. Umatenga masiku 132 kuti uche kuchokera pomwe wamera. Uli ndi kuthekera kotulutsa makilogalamu 3,700 pa hectare
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Where farmers are using unimproved varieties such as Singano, Kilombero, Kalulu and Mwasungo, they should be encouraged to select their own seed in the field and store it properly
Pamene alimi akugwiritsa ntchito mitundu yamakolo monga Singano, Kilombero, Kalulu ndi Mwasungo, alimbikitsidwe kusankha mbewu paokha mmunda mwawo ndipo ayisunge moyenera
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Preparation of a good seed-bed for seed sowing and transplanting is important for good establishment, crop growth and weed control
Kukonza malo ofetsera mbewu ndi kuwokera ndikofunika kuti mpunga uchite bwino, ukule bwino komanso kuthana ndi tchire
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Farmers should, be encouraged to prepare their seed-beds early to enable timely sowing and transplanting
Alimi akuyenera kulimbikitsidwa kukonza malo ofetsera mbewu mwansanga kuti afetsa komanso kuwokera munthawi zoyenera
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Sowing should be done between mid- December and mid - January during the wet season. A seed rate of 63kg for the rain fed Faya 14-M-69 and other local cultivars, and 75 kg for all irrigated varieties is required for one hectare
Kufetsa kuchitike mkatikati mwa December kufika mkati mwa January munyengo ya mvula. Mbewu ya Faya 14-M-69 ndi mitundu ina yamakolo ichuluke makilogalamu 63 pa hectare nthawi ya mvula ndi makilogalamu 75 pa hectare pa mitundu ina yonse yolimidwa ndi mthilira
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Rice should be sown on flat beds 20m long, 1m wide and 5cm high. This is commonly done in the irrigation schemes. Twenty such seed beds will produce enough seedlings for one hectare
Mpunga ufetsedwe pa malo athyathyathya otalika 20m ndi 1m mulifupi ndikukwera 5cm. Izi zimachitika kawirikawiri kuminda yamthilira. Malo ofetsera 20 oterewa adzakhala ndi mbewu yokwanira hectare imodzi
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Fields should be ploughed to facilitate root development and plant growth. This should be done soon after harvesting while the soil is still moist. It should be followed by breaking of clods, leveling, bunding and pudding.
Minda igawulidwe kuti ithandizire kudzika kwa mizu komanso kukula kwa mbewu. Izi zichitike pambuyo pakukolola pamene dothi lidakali lonyowa. Zitsatidwe ndi kuswa dothi loundana, kusalaza, kukwezera mizere ndi kuyisalaza
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The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a method of growing rice that increases rice production by addressing the constraints such as poor water management, low soil fertility, lack of proper weed control methods and poor crop husbandry
The System of Rice Intensification, SRI, ndi njira yolimira mpunga yomwe imachulukitsa zokolola za mpunga pothana ndi zotsamwitsa monga kasamalidwe ka madzi kopelewera, kuchepa kwa chonde mumthaka, kusowa kwa njira zothanirana ndi udzu komanso kasamalidwe ka mbewu kopelewera
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SRI improves productivity of land, water, labour and other farm inputs invested in rice farming. It is most suitable on irrigated rice but can be used on rain fed lowland rice
SRI imapititsa patsogolo phindu la mthaka, madzi ntchito ndi zipangizo za ulimi zomwe zagwiritsidwa ntchito pa ulimi wampunga. Ndi zoyenera kwambiri pa mpunga wamthilira koma zikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito pampunga wolima ndi mvula mmadera otsika
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Components of System of Rice Intensification SRI has 6 pillars of cultural practices that are implemented as a package.
System of River Intensification ili ndi magawo asanu ndi imodzi a kasamalidwe omwe amatsatiridwa onse pamodzi
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Transplanting young seedlings 10 days after seedling emergence. Transplanting one seedling per hill. Square transplanting at 23 cm x 23 cm
Kuwokera mbande zazing'ono masiku khumi pambuyo pakumera. Kuwokera mbande imodzi pa phando limodzi. Wokera pa mulingo wotalikirana mofanana wa 23cmx23cm
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Applying 12 kg 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn and 4.3 kg urea per 0.1 ha plot or 1600 kg well decomposed organic manure. Use of intermittent flooding and not continuous flooding. Use of cono weeder for controlling weed
Kuthira 12kgs ya 23:10:5+6S+1.0Zn ndi 4.3kgs ya Urea pa malo okwana 0.1 hectare kapena 1600kgs ya manyowa owola bwino. Madzi adzisefukira pamundawu modukizadukiza osati mopitilira. Kugwiritsa ntchito makina opalilira tchire a cono pothana ndi tchire
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Depending on when planting rain comes, unimproved varieties should be sown directly in the field either by dibbling or broadcasting
Potengera nthawi yomwe mvula yobzalira yabwera, mbewu zamakolo zibzalidwe mmunda pokwilira mtimayenje kapena pomwaza
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When sown by dibbling, plant 6 seeds per station at spacing of 23 cm x 23cm with the first planting rains. The farmer can also dry plant before first planting rains. Thin or supply to 4seedlings per station at 15 to 20 days after seedlings emergence
Ukabzalidwa pokwilira mtimayenje, bzalani mbewu zisanu ndi zinayi pa phando pamtunda wa 23cmx23cm ndi mvula yoyamba. Mlimi akhoza kubzalanso ndi dzuwa mvula yoyamba isanagwe. Patulirani kufika mbande zinayi paphando lirilonse pakatha masiku 15 kufika 20 pambuyo pomera mbande
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Irrigated rice should be transplanted. Transplanting ensures a vigorous initial plant growth. In the wet season, 15 to 25 day-old seedlings should be transplanted between mid- January and mid-February and 20 to 30days–old seedlings between mid-July and mid-August in the dry season. Transplant 3 to 4 seedlings per station at 23cm x 15cm spacing
Mpunga wothiliridwa uyenera kuwokeredwa. Kuwokera kumathandiza kukula ndi mphamvu pachiyambi. Munyengo yamvula, mbande zamasiku 15 kufika 25 zibzalidwe kuyambira mkati mwa January kufika mkati mwa February ndipo mbande zamasiku 20 kufika 30 zibzalidwe mkati mwa July kufika mkati mwa August munyengo yopanda mvula. Wokerani mbande zitatu kufika zinayi paphando lirilonse pamtunda wotalikirana 23cmx23cm
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Water control and management is vital for optimum crop growth and productivity. This ensures that the required amount of water is available throughout the crop growth period
Kuteteza ndikusamalira madzi ndikofunika kuti mbewu zikule mwamphamvu komanso kubelera mochuluka. Izi zimathandiza kuti mulingo wa madzi ofunikira udzipezeka panthawi zonse zomwe mbewu ikukula
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Water management practices such as leveling, bunding, making canals, siting inlets and outlets properly, are vital to ensuring efficient water supply and distribution. These, however, vary between irrigated and rain fed rice
Kasamalidwe kamadzi monga kumwaza dothi, kukwezera mizere, kupanga ngalande, kuyika malo olowera ndi otulukira madzi, ndi zofunukira kwambiri poonetsetsa kuti madzi akupezeka komanso kufikira mbewu zonse mokwanira. Izi komabe zimasiyana pakati pa mpunga wamthilira ndi wamvula
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Water availability to rain fed rice is markedly improved by dividing the field into several small plots and making bunds around them
Kupezeka kwa madzi pa mpunga wamvula kumapititsidwa patsogolo kwakukulu pogawa munda mzigawo zing'onozing'ono ndikulima mizere kuzungulira zigawozi
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Bunds assist in controlling the movement and distribution of rain water. Farmers growing rain fed rice should therefore be encouraged to make bunds in their fields
Milambala imathandiza kuteteza kuyenda komanso kufalikira kwa madzi a mvula. Alimi omwe akulima mpunga wamvula akuyenera kulimbikitsidwa kupanga milambala mminda mwawo
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The irrigation schemes should have adequate water for irrigated rice from transplanting time to physiological maturity period
Minda yamthilira iyenera kukhala ndi madzi okwanira othilila mpunga kuchokera nthawi yowokera kufika pamene wakhwima
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A permanently flooded field during this period ensures less nitrogen losses due to denitrification compared to fields that are intermittently flooded
Munda wosefukira madzi nthawi zonse panthawi imeneyi umathandiza kuti mchere wa nitrogen wochuluka usatayike chifukwa cha kuthawa kwa nitrogen kuyerekeza ndi minda yomwe imadzadza madzi modukizadukiza
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Farmers should, therefore, be encouraged to flood their rice fields continuously to a depth of 5 to10cm up to 7 to 10 days before harvesting this ensures reduction in loss of nitrogen through denitrification as compared to the fields which are always flooded
Motero alimi akuyenera kulimbikitsidwa kudzadza minda yawo ya mpunga ndi madzi mosadukiza pa mulingo wa 5cm kufika 10cm kwa masiku 7 kufika 10 asanakolole pofuna kuchepetsa kuthawa kwa nitrogen poyelekeza ndi minda yomwe nthawi zonse imakhala yosefukira ndi madzi
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Ploughing immediately after harvest helps reduce weed population. Puddling helps further in the initial weed control operations
Kugawula nthawi yomwe mwamaliza kukolola kumathandiza kuchepetsa chiwerengero cha tchire. Kumiza tchire ndi madzi kumathandizanso kuthana ndi tchire
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After broadcasting or dibbling, hand weeding is the only recommended method of weed control in rainfed rice. Hand weeding should be done at 2, 4 and 6 weeks after seedling emergence
Pambuyo pomwaza kapena kukwilira mmeyenje, kupalira ndi manja ndi njira yovomerezeka yothanirana ndi tchire mminda ya mpunga wamvula. Kupalira ndi manja kuchitike pa masabata awiri, anayi ndi asanu ndi imodzi mbewu zitamera
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In irrigated schemes, hand weeding and use of chemicals are recommended. The herbicide, Ronstar 25EC should be applied at the rate of 3 liters in 300 liters of water per hectare using a sprayer
Mminda yamthilira, kupalira ndi manja komanso kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ndikovomerezeka. Mankhwala ophera tchire, Ronstar 25EC, apopeledwe pa mulingo wa 3 liters mu 300 liters ya madzi pa hectare iliyonse pogwiritsa ntchito sprayer
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The application should be done soon aft er transplanting within 3 days, on moist soil. Irrigation water should be applied aft er 3 days. Proper water control helps to reduce weeds that do not withstand submergence
Kuthira mankhwala kuchitike mukangomaliza kuwokera masiku atatu asanadutse, munthaka yonyowa. Madzi othilira athiliridwe pakadutsa masiku atatu. Kusamala madzi moyenera kumathandiza kuchepetsa tchire lomwe limafa likamira mmadzi
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Nadanga weed (Echinochloa crusgalli)-This weed is a serious problem in rice fields. It is not easy to distinguish the weed from rice until flowering
Tchire la Nadanga, Echinochloa crusgalli- Tchire ili ndi vuto lalikulu mminda ya mpunga. Ndilovuta kwambiri kusiyanitsa pakati pa tchireli ndi mpunga kufika nthawi yochita maluwa
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Control is therefore very difficult and always late. Farmers in schemes affected by this weed gaining experience in identifying it and they should be advised to frequently check their fields in order to clean the plots of the weed. Transplanting in rows assists in easy identification of the weed
Kuthana nalo kwake ndikovuta kwambiri komanso kumakhala kochedwa nthawi zonse. Alimi mminda yamthilira omwe akhuzidwa ndi tchire limeneli apeze luso losiyanitsira ndi mpunga ndipo alangizidwe kuti adziyendera minda yawo pafupipafupi kuti achotse tchire limeneli mminda mwawo. Kuwokera mmizere ndi njira yosavuta yothandizira kuzindikira tchireli mosavuta
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The uprooted weeds should be taken far away from the plots and destroyed either by burning or deep burying. Where there is a heavy infestation of the weed, maize should be grown after the rice crop to enable easy identification so that it can be controlled
Tchire lomwe lazulidwa likatayidwe kutali kwambiri ndi minda ndi kuwonongedwa politentha kapena kulikwilira pansi kwambiri. Komwe kuli kufalikira kwa tchireli, chimanga chibzalidwe pambuyo pokolola mpunga kuti chithandize kuzindikira mosavuta tchireli ndi cholinga chofuna kuthana nalo
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Birds are the most important pest of rice and substantially reduce yields. These should be controlled by scaring. The most common are Quelea quelea and other Weaver birds
Mbalame ndi zoononga mpunga zofunikira kuposa zonse ndipo zimachepetsa kwambiri kuchuluka kwa zokolola. Izi tikhoza kuthana nazo podziwopseza. Mtundu wopezeka kwambiri ndi Quela quela ndi zina za mtundu wa ma Weaver
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Green grasshoppers (Ruspolia differens) this insect pest locally known as Bwanoni can be a serious pest in rice. Sorghum, millets and wheat may also be attacked
Ziwala zobiliwira, Ruspolia differens- zilombo zowonongazi zomwe zimatchedwa kuti Bwanoni zikhozanso kukhala mdani wamkulu wampunga. Mapira, mchewere ndi tirigu zimawonongedwanso
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In rice fields, yield losses maybe up to 80%. They prefer feeding on the grain at milky stage. Control is by spraying 50EC at a dilution rate of 136ml in 14 liters of water for knapsack sprayer or 1 liter of water for ULV sprayer, or Carbaryl 85WP, 85g in 14 liters of water for knapsack sprayer or 1 liter of water for ULV sprayer
Mminda ya mpunga, zokolola zimatha kuwonongeka ndi 80%. Zimakonda kudya maso ake makamaka akakhala ndi mkaka. Kuthana nazo kwake ndi kupopera 50EC wosungunulidwa pa mulingo wa 136mL mmadzi okwana 14 liters mu sprayer yobelekera kapena mu 1 liter ya madzi mu sprayer ya ULV, kapena Carbaryl 85g mu 14 liters ya madzi mu sprayer yobelekera kapena mu 1 liter yamadzi mu sprayer ya ULV
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Paddy is ready for harvesting when the grains on the panicles are golden brown (straw coloured) and when three quarters of the panicles in the field are at this stage
Mpunga umafika pokololedwa pamene maso ake pa ngala akuoneka mwa golide ndipo pamane ngala zitatu pa ngala zinayi zilizonse zikakhala pa mulingo umenewu
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Rice reaches maturity about 30 days after 50 % flowering time. To obtain the best whole grain rice yields, harvest rice at 8 to12 days after maturity date in wet season and 4 to 8 days after maturity in dry season
Mpunga umafika pokhwima pamasiku masiku makumi atatu pambuyo patheka lanthwi yomwe wachita maluwa. Kuti zokolola zake zikhale zopanda mphwepwa, kololani mpunga masiku asanu ndi atatu kufika khumi ndi awiri pambuyo pakukhwima pamene nyengo ili yonyowa
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Where moisture meters are available, the rice should be at 20 to 30% moisture content. Water should be drained 7 to 10 days before the expected date of harvesting to ensure uniformity of maturity and to enable the farmer to harvest in drier fields
Pomwe zoyezera kuchuluka kwa chinyezi zlilipo, mpunga ukhale ndi chinyezi pa mulingo wa 20% kufika 30%. Madzi achotsedwe masiku asanu ndi awiri kufika khumi tsiku loyembekezera kukolola lisanafike kuti uche mofanana ndikuthandiza amlimi kukolola mmunda mouma kwambiri
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Rice should be cut using sickles at 5 to 10 cm above the ground and threshed on the same day. This is because rice does not dry fast on straw laid down on ground
Mpunga udulidwe pogwiritsa ntchito chikwakwa pautali wa 5cm kufika 10cm pamwamba pa dothi ndipo umenyedwe tsiku lomwelo. Ichi mchifukwa choti mpunga sumauma mwansanga udzu wake ukagonetsedwa pansi
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Threshing should be done on mats or black plastic paper by beating with sticks or a handful of rice on straw to release the grains
Kumenya mpunga kuchitike pamphasa kapena pa pepala la plastic pomenya ndi dondo kapena kapena kumamenya wokwana mmanja kuti mpungawo uchoke ku ngala
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Threshed rice should be winnowed using flat basket, move chaffs, broken straws, unfilled grains and other foreign matter from the well filled grains
Mpunga womenyadwa upetedwe pogwiritsa ntchito lichero la flat, chotsani deya, ziduswa za udzu, mphwepwa ndi zina zosafunikira mu mpungwa wabwinowo
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The winnowed rice should be dried by spreading it on mats for two sunny days to enable it reach 14% moisture content which is safe for storage
Mpunga wopetedwa uumitsidwe powumwaza pa mphasa kwa masiku awiri a dzuwa lambiri kuti chinyezi chifike pa mulingo wa 14% chomwe ndichabwino kusungira mpungawo
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High whole grain percentage is obtained when it is taken for milling soon after drying period. If stored for a longer period, dry it in the sun for a day before milling
Mpunga waosasweka waochuluka umapezeka ukapititdwa kokoneletsa pambuyo pa nthawi yoyanika. Ukasungidwa kwa nthawi yayitali, uyenera kuyanikidwa pa dzuwa kwa tsiku lathunthu tsiku lokonola lisanafike
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Proper storage facilities include sacks and cribs (nkhokwe). Well dried paddy should be stored in moisture-proof, well aerated structures and guarded against insects and rodents
Zipangizo zosungira mpunga ndi monga matumba, nkhokwe. Mpunga wouma bwino usungidwe mmalo osalowa chinyezi, zipangizo zolowa mpweya komanso zotetezeka ku tizilombo towononga mbewu ndi makoswe
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Dusting with Actellic Super (Bifelthrin) and Super Grain Dust at the rate of one sachet (40 g) to a bag (75 kg) of paddy controls rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) attack. Farmers should be encouraged to use rat guards in nkhokwes to control rats
Kuthira Actellic Super, Bifelthrin, ndi Super Grain Dust pa mulingo wa paketi imodzi ya 40g pa thumba lolemera makilogalamu 75 lampunga poteteza kugwidwa ndi nankafumbwe wampunga (Sitophilus oryzae). Alimi alimbikitsidwe kugwiritsa ntchito zophera makoswe munkhokwe pothana ndi makoswe
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Paddy which is ready for sale should be free of chaff, stones, dirt and any other foreign materials and be dried to14% grain moisture content
Mpunga womwe ukuyenera kupita kogulitsa usakhale ndi deya, miyala, zinyalala kapena zinthu zina zosafunikira ndipo uyanikidwe kufika pa chinyezi cha 14%
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Some buyers can, however, purchase paddy at 16 to 20% grain moisture content. The main buyers are ADMARC, NASFAM and other Private Traders
Komabe ogula ena akhoza kugula mpunga uli ndi chinyezi cha 16% kufika 20%. Ogula akuluakulu ndi ADMARC, NASFAM ndi ochita ntchito zamalonda omwe siaboma
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Usually buyers accept two grades of paddy. Grade one paddy is well winnowed and free of foreign material and diseased grains, and is bought at a premium price, otherwise it is down-graded to grade two and bought at an inferior price
Nthawi zambiri ogula amalola mpunga wamagulu awiri. Gulu loyamba ndi mpunga womwe wapetedwa bwino ndipo wopanda zinyalala kapena wamatenda, ndipo umagulidwa pamtengo wokwera kwambiri, ngati sichoncho umatsitsidwa kufika gulu lachiwiri ndipo umagulidwa pamtengo wotsika kwambiri
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Besides marketing paddy, individuals in the country mill their paddy at maize mills or rice mills in irrigation schemes and sell the milled product at prices which vary between areas and individuals. This value adding should be encouraged in all the rice growing areas
Kupatula kusatsa malonda a mpunga, anthu paokha mdziko muno amakonoletsa mpunga mzigayo za chimanga kapena zampunga mminda yamthilira ndipo amagulitsa mpunga wokonolawu pa mitengo yosakhadzikika yomwe imasiyana dera ndi dera komanso omwe akugulitsa. Kukonoletsa kulimbikitsidwe mmadera onse olima mpunga chifukwa mitengo imakwera
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Sorghum is an important staple food in the Shire Valley and a food security crop in other marginal rain fall areas. It can also be an alternative cash crop. Sorghum is drought tolerant than maize. This makes the crop more suitable to these areas
Mapira ndi chakudya chofunikira kuchigwa cha Shire ndipo ndi mbewu yothandizira chitetezo cha chakudya mmadera ena omwe mvula imagwa yochepa. Ndi mbewunso yomwe ingapezetse alimi ndalama. Izi zimapangitsa kuti mbewuyi ikhale yoyenera kumadera amenewa
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The objective is therefore to increase yields to meet food requirements and surplus for sale in the marginal rainfall areas. Smallholder farmers sorghum average yield is about 600kg per hectare
Motero cholinga ndi kuchulukitsa zokolola kuti tikwaniritse zakudya zofunikira ndipo zotsala zigulitsidwe mmadera omwe mvula imagwa movutirapo. Alimi ang'onoang'ono amakolola mapira okwana makilogalamu 600 pa hectare
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There is scope to increase yields up to 2,500kg per hectare with improved varieties under good management
Pali malingaliro ofunika kuchulukitsa zokolola kufika pa 2,500kgs pa hectare pogwiritsa ntchito mbewu zamakono ndi chisamaliro choyenera
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The Pilira 1 (SVP 351) variety is recommended for Karonga, Salima, Bwanje Valley, Rivirivi and Mpilisi. It matures between 100 and 115 days with a plant height of 1.4 to 1.7 meters
Pilira 1, SVP 351, ndi mtundu wa mbewu yoyenera ku Karonga, Salima, chigwa cha Bwanje, Rivilivi ndi Mpilisi. Imacha pakati pa masiku 110 kufika 115 ndipo imatalika 1.4m kufika 1.7m
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It has a spindle-shaped, well exerted and semi-compact panicle with hard and corneous white grain. It has a threshing value of 52.1% and a yield potential of 3,400kg per hectare
Imakhala ndi ngala zooneka ngati moongoka, zolimba ndipo maso ake amakhala olimba komanso oyera. Ikapunthidwa imatulutsa zokolola kufika 52/1% ndipo pa hectare ikhoza kutulutsa 3,400kgs
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The Pilira 2 (SVP 475) variety is currently only recommended for the Shire Valley. It matures between 110 and 120 days with a plant height of 1.5 to 1.8 metres
Pilira 2, SVP 475, ndi mtundu womwe pakali pano ndiwokhawo woyenera kuchigwa cha Shire. Imacha pakati pa masiku 110 ndi 120 ndipo imatalika 1.5m kufika 1.8m
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It has an elliptic-shaped exerted and semi compact panicle with hard cream coloured grain. It has a yield potential of 3,000kg per hectare and threshing value of 48.2%
Ngala zake zimakhala, zofufuma ndi zotayana pang'ono ndipo maso ake amakhala olimba oyelerapo pang'ono. Zokolola zikhoza kufika 3,000 pa hectare ndipo ikapunthidwa imatulutsa 48.2%
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Farmers can obtain seed of Pilira 1 and Pilira 2 from growers and breeders. This seed can be used for two successive seasons. Farmers should rogue off types, in the field and remove any diseased small sized and off coloured seed
Alimi akhoza kupeza mbewu za Pilira 1 ndi Pilira 2 kuchokewa kwa alimi anzawo kapena ochulukitsa mbewu. Mbewuyi ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito kwa nyengo ziwiri zosatana. Alimi achotse mbewu zogwera mmunda mwawo, achotsenso mbewu iliyonse yamatenda kapena yomwe yasintha mtundu.
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Gwiramtima is a high yielding (2,400 - 3,500kg/ha), tall (33 - 400cm) and very early maturing (100 - 105 days) sorghum variety that is disease, insect pest and drought tolerant
Gwiramtima ndi mbewu yamapira yobeleka kwambiri, 2,400kgs kufika 3,500kgs, yayitali, 33cm kufika 400cm, komanso yocha msanga, masiku 100 kufika 105 yomwe imapilira ku matenda, tizilombo towononga komanso chilala
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It is photoperiod insensitive, and has an intermediate, hard creamy white medium- sized grain type that is highly nutritious and greatly favoured by consumers because of its excellent food quality and palatable taste. Gwiramtima (meaning eating with satisfaction in the Sena language) is especially recommended for the Shire Valley
Simayendera kusintha kwa dzuwa, ili ndi maso apakatikati oyelerapo omwe ali ndi zofunikira zambiri kuthanzi la anthu ndipo imakondedwa kwambiri ndi ogula chifukwa chakudya chake chimakhala chabwino komanso chokoma. Gwiramtima kutanthauza kuti kudya mosangalala mu chiyankhulo cha Sena ndi mbewu makamaka yovomerezeka ku chigwa cha Shire
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Makolokoto is a high yielding (2,100-3,700kg/ha), tall (338-360 cm), late maturing (130-140 days) sorghum variety that is disease and insect pest tolerant, drought tolerant and photoperiod insensitive
Mtundu wa mbewu ya mapira ya makolokoto imabeleka kwambiri, 2,100kgs kufika 3,700kgs, yayitali, 338cm kufika 360cm, yocha mochedwa pa masiku 130 kufika 140 yomwe imapilira ku matenda, tizilombo towononga, chilala ndi kusintha kwa dzuwa
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It has an intermediate, hard creamy white medium- sized grain that is highly nutritious and favoured by consumers
Ili ndi maso okulirapo, oyera, ooneka mwamkaka ndipo imapeleka thanzi kwambiri ndipo imakondedwa ndi ogula
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It has an excellent polished grain quality that has excellent food qualities with a palatable taste. Makolokoto (meaning completely satisfied in the Sena language) is recommended for the Shire Valley
Ili ndi maso owala kwambiri omwe ali maonekedwe abwino achakudya komanso okoma pakudya. Makolokoto imatanthauza kumva kukoma kwambiri mu chiyankhulo cha Sena ndiyoyenera ku chigwa cha Shire
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Sinakhomo is sorghum variety has a yield potential of up to 3,000 kg/ha, is tall (338-360 cm) and is early maturing (100-112 days) sorghum variety that is disease and insect pest tolerant, drought tolerant and photoperiod insensitive
Sinakhomo ndi mbewu yamapira yomwe imabeleka kwambiri kufika 3,000kgs pa hectare, yayitali 338cm kufika 360cm ndipo imacha msanga pamasiku 100 kufika 112, imapilira kumatenda, tizilombo towononga mbewu, chilala komanso simamva kusintha kwa dzuwa
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It has an intermediate, hard creamy white medium-sized grain that is highly nutritious and favoured by farmers and consumers
Ili ndi maso okulirapo, oyelerapo, owoneka mwamkaka yomwe ndiyopatsa thanzi kwambiri ndipo imakondendwa kwambiri ndi alimi komanso anthu okudya
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It has an excellent polished grain quality with good food quality and taste. Sinankhomo (meaning eating without end in Sena) is recommended for the Shire Valley as well
Ili ndi maso owala kwambiri ndipo imakoma kwambiri mukayidya. Sinakhomo imatanthauza kudya opanda kumaliza muchiyankhulo cha Sena ndiyovomerezekanso ku chigwa cha Shire
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PN3 is a short maturity (90days) sorghum variety that is adapted to low and medium altitude areas (60-1000masl), and is tolerant to drought
PN3 ndi mtundu wa mapira wocha msanga pamasiku 90 womwe umalola madera otsika ndi okwelerapo ndipo imapilira ku chilala
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This variety is ready for harvesting by mid to end March when planted in mid to end December. PN3 is a short-sheathed inter-node sorghum variety that grows to a height of 130 cm at maturity
Mtundu uwu umafika pokolola mkati mwa mwezi March kufika kumapeto ikabzalidwa kuyambira mkati mwa December kufika kumapeto. Mtundu wa PN3 umakhala ndi mphindo zazifupi zomwe zimakula kufika 130cm zikakhwima
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The stem base is thick, light green in colour and produces no tillers. It takes 59 days to reach 50% flowering and 90 days to physiological maturity (when a black layer is formed on the grain) with 12 to 15 functional leaves remaining on the plant
Tsinde lake limakhala lokhuthala, lobiliwira mmaonekedwe ndipo limatulutsa mphukira. Zimatenga masiku 59 kufika poti theka lachita maluwa ndipo masiku 90 kufika pokwima pamene khungu lakuda limakuta maso ake, ndipo pamene masamba ogwira ntchito khumi ndi awiri kufika khumi ndi asanu amatsala pa chomera
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Its potential yield is 3,000kg/ha on soils of moderate fertility, but yield can be greatly reduced when dry spell occurs during panicle development or flowering stage 30 to 60 days after emergency, or at temperatures above 30oC
Imatulutsa makilogalamu 3,000 pa hectare munthaka yachonde pang'ono koma kubeleka kumachepa kwambiri ngati yakumana ndi chilala pamene ikupanga ngala kapena nthawi yochita maluwa pamasiku 30 kufika 60 pambuyo pakumera kapena mmalo otentha kuposa 30oC
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Kayera is a high yielding (2,100-3,000kg/ha), tall (342-355cm) and early maturing (115-121days) variety tolerant to disease and insect pests, drought and photoperiod insensitive
Kayera ndi mtundu wobeleka kwambiri, 2,100kgs kufika 3,000kgs pa hectare, yayitali 342cm kufika 355cm ndiyocha msanga pamasiku 115 kufika 121 yomwe imapilira kumatenda ndi tizilombo towononga, chilala komanso kusintha kwa dzuwa
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It has an intermediate, hard creamy white medium-sized grain that is highly nutritious and preferred by farmers and consumers. It has an excellent polished grain quality, good flour and palatability
Ili ndi maso okulirapo, ooneka mwamkaka yomwe imapatsa thanzi lambiri ndipo imakondedwa ndi alimi komanso anthu okudya. Ili ndi maso owala kwambiri, imatulutsa ufa wabwino komanso wokoma
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Kayera (meaning white-grained in the Sena) is recommended for sorghum growing areas in Machinga, Salima and Karonga districts
Kayera kutanthauza kuti maso oyera mu Sena ndiwovomerezeka kumaboma olima mapira a Machinga, Salima ndi Karonga
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Acc 967 is a high yielding (2,000-3,500kg/ha), tall (290-314 cm), early maturing (115-121 days) sorghum variety that is disease and insect pest tolerant, drought tolerant and photoperiod insensitive
Acc 967 ndi mtundu wa mapira womwe umabeleka kwambiri, 2,000kgs kufika 3,500kgs, yayitali 290cm kufika 314cm, imacha msanga pamasiku 115 kufika 121, yomwe imapilira kumatenda ndi tizilombo towononga, yopilira ku chilala komanso yosamva kusintha kwa dzuwa
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It has an intermediate, hard creamy white medium- sized grain that is highly nutritious and favoured by farmers and consumers
Ili ndi maso okulirapo, oyera, olimba omwe amapeleka thanzi lambiri ndipo imakondedwa ndi alimi komanso okudya
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It has an excellent polished grain quality, good flour quality and good food palatability taste. Acc 967 is also recommended for sorghum growing areas in Machinga, Salima and Karonga districts
Ili ndi maso owala bwino, ufa wake wabwino komanso imakoma pomadya. Acc 967 ndiyovomerezekanso ku maboma olima mapira a Machinga, Salima ndi Karonga
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In the Shire Valley and other marginal rainfall areas, soil moisture can be retained for longer periods by ridging and box ridging
Ku chigwa cha Shire ndi madera ena omwe amalandira mvula yochepa, chinyezi mudothi chikhoza kusungidwa kwa nthawi yayitali polima mizere komanso kupanga milambala
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Remove all weeds, shrubs and stumps. Loosen the soil, break clods and smoothen out. Prepare ridges at 75cm apart for the short varieties and 90cm apart for the tall varieties. Avoid clods to ensure good seedling emergence and establishment
Chotsani udzu wonse, tchire komanso zitsa. Gaulani dothi kuti lifewe, phwanyani zigulumwa za dothi ndipo musalaze. Konzani mizere yotalikirana 75cm kwa mtundu wa mbewu zazifupi ndipo 90cm kwa mtundu wa mbewu zazitali
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Plant with the first planting rains of 25mm or wetting to a soil depth of 15cm in order to take full advantage of the rainy season
Bzalani ndi mvula yoyamba yobzalira ya 25mm kapena dothi likanyowa kulowa pansi 15cm kuti mugwiritse ntchito moyenera nyengo yamvula
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Split each ridge 2.5cm deep and plant 5 seeds into the groove every 30cm and cover the ridge. Thin to 2 seedlings per station when plants are15cm high. The seed rate is 5kg per hectare. Plant unimproved varieties at 90cm apart between ridges and 45cm apart between plants
Gawani mzere uliwonse 2.5cm kulowa pansi ndipo ponyani mbewu zisanu mu ngalandemo motalikirana 30cm ndipo kwilirani. Patulirani ndikusiya mbewu ziwiri paphando zikafika 15cm. Bzalani mbewu yamakolo pamtunda wa 90cm pakati pa mizere ndi 45cm pakati pamapando
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Finger millet is an important food and cash crop in the plateau areas in the Northern Region. The slash and burn (Visoso) as practiced in Chitipa and Karonga and Mzimba destroys vegetation and land productivity and should therefore be discouraged
Mchewere ndi chakudya chofunikira komanso chobweretsa ndalama mmadera ammapiri kuchigawo chakumpoto. Kutchetcha ndi kuotcha monga mmene achitira ku Chitipa, Karonga ndi Mzimba zimaononga chilengedwe komanso kuchepetsa zokolola ndipo izi ziletsedwe
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Wheat is an important cereal crop which is grown both for cash and food. It is mostly grown under residual moisture in Tsangano, Neno, Dedza, Mchinji, Ntchisi Hills, Phoka Hills, Viphya plateau and Misuku Hills
Tirigu ndi mbewu ya udzu yomwe imalimidwa ngati yogulitsa komanso chakudya. Imalimidwa kwambiri pogwiritsa ntchito chinyezi ku Tsangano, Neno, Dedza, Mchinji, mmapiri aku Ntchisi, Phoka komanso pamwamba pa mapiri a Viphya ndi Misuku
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There is a high demand for wheat in the country. The current production is estimated at 2000 tonnes per annum which is only about 5% of the total grain requirement of over 100,000 metric tonnes
Pali kufunikwa kwakukulu kwa tirigu mdziko muno. Malimidwe apano akuonetsa kuti amakololedwa matani okwana 2000 pa chaka omwe ndi 5% yokha ya tirigu yemwe akufunidwa wopitilira matani 100,000
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The country imports the difference to meet the short fall. There is need therefore to increase production in order to meet national demand
Dziko lino limayitanitsa kumayiko akunja wotsalayu kuti likwaniritse kupelewerako. Choncho pali kufunika kowonjezera kulima kuti tikwanitse mulingo womwe dziko limafuna
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Government aim is to increase production through improving yields and fully utilizing suitable areas to meet domestic demand and reduce dependence on imports
Cholinga cha boma ndi kuwonjezera kulima popititsa patsogolo zokolola komanso kugwiritsa bwino ntchito madera oyenera kuti likwaniritse kufunika kwa tirigu mdziko muno ndikuchepetsa kudalira kuyitanitsa mayiko akunja
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Current yields range from 400 to 900kg per hectare but there is potential to increase yields to 3,500kg per hectare. The strategy is to promote wheat production under irrigation and residual moisture in the high altitude areas
Zokolola zapano zili pa 400kgs kufika pa 900kgs pa hectare koma pali kuthekera kowonjezera zokolola kufika 3,500kgs pa hectare. Ndondomeko yake ndi kulimbikitsa ulimi wa tirigu kudzera mumthilira komanso chinyezi chotsalira kumadera okwera
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Kenya Nyati: This variety is recommended to be grown in the rainy season and is well adapted to high altitude area of 1,000m above sea level or more
Kenya Nyati: uwu ndi mtundu wovomerezeka kulima nthawi yamvula ndipo imalola kwambiri madera okwera kufika 1000m pamwamba pa nyanja kapena kuposa apo
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It performs well in these areas when the main rains are tailing off and the cool season is setting in. It is tall (90 to100cm) with medium to late maturity (140 to 150 days)
Imachita bwino kumadera amenewa pamene komwe mvula yeniyeni ikupita kumapeto ndipo nyengo yozizira ikuyamba. Imatalika 90cm kufika 100cm ndipo imacha pakatikati pena mochedwa pamasiku 140 kufika 150
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It has a yield potential of 3,500kg per hectare and has good baking qualities. It is susceptible to leaf rust and stem rust. All the recommended irrigated varieties do well under rainfed condition
Ili ndi kuthekera kobeleka kufika 3,500kgs pa hectare ndipo ndiyabwino kuphikira zakudya monga chingwa. Imagwidwa kwambiri ndi dzimbiri lamasamba komanso dzimbiri latsinde
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Torim73: It is a semi-dwarf variety with a mean height of 83cm and a yield potential of around 6,000kg per hectare and it matures in 90 to120days
Torim73: Ndi mtundu wotalikirapo kufika 83cm ndipo umabeleka kufika 6,000kgs pa hectare ndipo imacha pamasiku 90 kufika 120
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Limpopo is a dwarf variety (60cm) and of early to medium maturity (90 to 120 days). It has good baking qualities with a yield potential of 3,400kg per hectare. It is adapted to different altitudes and tolerant to leaf rust, stem rust and powdery mildew
Limpopo ndi mtundu waufupi kufika 60cm ndipo umacha msanga pena mochedwerapo pamasiku 90 kufika 120. Ndiwabwino kuphikira monga chingwa ndipo zokolola zimafika 3,400kgs pa hectare. Umalola mmadera okwera mosiya ndipo umapilira ku matenda a dzimbiri lamasamba, dzimbiri latsinde ndi chiwawu
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Jupateco 73 is a semi-dwarf wheat variety adapted for production under irrigation in upland areas and matures in 90 to 120 days. It grows to a height of 80cm and has a yield potential of about 3,500kg per hectare
Jupateco 73 ndi mtundu wa tirigu waufupi pang'ono womwe umalola kulimidwa kudzera mumthilira kumadera okwera ndipo umacha pamasiku 90 kufika 120. Umakula kufika 80cm ndipo uli ndi kuthekera kobelera 3,500kgs pa hectare
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Loerie is semi–dwarf variety (75 to 100cm) which is recommended for production under irrigation in medium to upland areas. It matures in about 120days. It has a yield potential of 4,500kg per hectare or more
Loeri ndi mtundu wotalikirapo pang'ono, 75cm kufika 100cm, womwe umalimidwa ndi mthilira mmadera otsika pang'ono mpaka mmadera okwera. Imacha pamasiku 120. Ili ndi kuthekera kotulutsa makilogalamu 4,500 pa hectare
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Gamtoos is a semi–dwarf wheat variety which is about 75–100cm and matures in about 120days. It has a yield potential of 3,500kg per hectare and better baking qualities. Other released wheat varieties include SC Nduna, SC Smart and SC Stallion
Gamoos ndi mtundu wa tirigu wotalikirapo pang'ono, 75cm kufika 100cm ndipo imacha pamasiku 120. Ili ndi kuthekera kotulutsa 3,500kgs pa hectare ndipo ndiyabwino kuphikira zakudya. Mitundu ina ya tirigu yomwe yatulutsidwa ndi SC Nduna, SC Smart ndi SC Stallion
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Common diseases of wheat are leaf rust (Puccinia recondita), stem rust (Puccinia graminis), powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis), loose smut (Ustilago nuda), leaf blotch (Helminthosporium spp.) and stem blotch (Septoria spp.)
Matenda osasowa a tirigu ndi dzimbiri lamasamba (Puccinaia recondita), dzimbiri latsinde (Puccinia praminis), chiwawun(Ustilago nuda), leaf blotch (Helminthosporium spp.) and stem blotch (Septoria spp.)
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Rust is favoured by a humid environment when temperatures begin warming in August. Severe infections reduce kernel weight, test weight and kernel quality. Control is by growing tolerant varieties namely Kenya Nyati, Limpopo, Torim73, Jupateco, Loerie and Gamtoos
Dzimbiri limakonda nyengo yachinyezi pamene kunja kwayamba kutentha maka mu August. Matenda akagwira kwambiri mbewu amachepetsa kulemera kwa tirigu komanso meonekedwe ake. Kuthana ndi matendawa ndi kubzala mtundu wa mbewu zolipira monga Kenya Nyati, Limpopo, Torim73, Jupateco, Loeri ndi Gamtoos
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Seed of the improved varieties is not available and farmers should be encouraged to select and keep their own seed
Mbewu yamitundu yamakonoyi simapezeka ndipo alimi akulimbikitsidwa kusankha ndikusunga mbewu yawo akakolola
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The purity of the variety should be maintained by rogueing off types in the field at time of physiological maturity (yellowing stage)
Kusasakanikira ndi mitundu ina kutetezedwe pozula ndikutaya mitundu yosafunika mmunda panthawi yomwe mbewu zikucha, pamene masamba akuchita chikasu
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Any off type, rotten and diseased seed should be discarded at time of processing. Enough seed should be kept for planting
Mbewu yamtundu uliwonse yosafanana ndi yomwe talima, yowola kapena yamatenda itayidwe pamene tikusamala zokolola. Mbewu yokwanira isungidwe podikira kubzala
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Cut and stook the crop as soon as it has reached physiological maturity. The grain will be dry and flinty at this stage
Dulani ndikusasa zomera nthawi yomwe yafika pouma. Apa maso a tirigu amakhala ouma, wosongoka panthawi imeneyi
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Threshing should be done on clean surfaces to avoid grain mixing with sand, stones and trash
Kumenya kuchitike pamalo osamala bwino popewa kusakanira ndi mchenga, miyala ndi zinyalala
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Store the crop in clean packaging materials such as bags and should be put on a dunnage (raised platform). An application of Grain Dust at the rate of 25g per 50kg bag of grain will prevent weevil attack
Sungani zokolola muzinthu zosamalika bwino monga matumba ndipo ikani pamalo okwera kapena pathandala. Kuthira Grain Dust pamulingo wa 25g pathumba la 50kg latirigu zidzathandiza kupewa kuonongedwa ndi nankafumbwe
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Grain legumes are an important source of vegetable protein. Farmers should therefore be encouraged to grow them for their own consumption, to improve their nutritional status and for cash
Mtundu wa nyemba ndiwofunika kwambiri ngati mopezera zakudya zomanga thumbi zamasamba. Chocho alimi alimbikitsidwe kuzilima kuti adzidya, kukweza thanzi lawo komanso kugulitsa
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