stringlengths 4
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stringlengths 4
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int64 1
hoe om te begin registreer by een van die 75 distriksonderrigkantore landwyd of aanlyn by: www.
| how to get startedregister at one of the 75 dis trict education offices across the country or online at this website: www.
| 0.814239 | 1,470 |
ek, soos alle suidafrikaners, is diep ontsteld oor n opwelling in die aantal moorde op jong vrouens deur mans.
| like all south africans, i have been deeply disturbed by a surge in the murder of young women at the hands of men.
| 0.889 | 703 |
ons het terself dertyd meer jong joernaliste in die beroep nodig wat tegnologieslim is, op hoogte is van nuwe tendense rakende storievertelling en in voeling is met n jeugdige bevolking se belange.
| at the same time we need more young journalists in the profession who are techsavvy, abreast with new trends in storytelling and in touch with the concerns of a youthful population.
| 0.845412 | 1,212 |
ons het as 'n nasie saamgestaan om mekaar te ondersteun, om troos te bied aan siekes en om aanvaarding vir dié wat nog die virus het, te bevorder.
| as a nation we have come together to support each other, to provide comfort to those who are ill and to promote acceptance of people living with the virus.
| 0.852144 | 896 |
in dié moeilike tyd, moet ons ons gesamentlike krag daarop rig om te verseker dat ons mense gesond bly en dat lewens gered word, asook dat die voorsiening van kos, water, gesondheidsorg, maatskaplike sekerheid en maatskaplike ondersteuning nie onderbreek word nie.
| at this difficult time, our collective energies must be focused on ensuring that health and life is preserved, that the delivery of food, water, health care, social security and social support is not disrupted.
| 0.885677 | 487 |
covid19 is 'n respiratoriese virus (virus wat die asemhalingstelsel aantas).
| covid19 is a respiratory virus.
| 0.864164 | 559 |
een so ’n program is die woza matricsprogram wat op 1 september, in samewerking met verskeie uitsaaivennote en opvoedkundige deskundiges, geloods is.
| as part of the programme, catchup lessons on six key matric subjects are being aired on sabc, dstv and openview (channel 122) every day for 12 weeks, from 8am to 10am and 1pm to 3pm.
| 0.655686 | 1,141 |
verder brei dit ook die omvang van die nasionale register vir seksuele oortreders uit om alle seksuele oortreders se besonderhede in te sluit.
| it expands the scope of the national register for sex offenders (nrso) to include the particulars of all sex offenders.
| 0.811467 | 1,119 |
byvoorbeeld, n voormalige uitvoerende beampte van transnet is beveel om r26 miljoen te betaal wat hy ontvang het as aandeelhouer van n konsultantingenieursfirma wat aan transnet gekontrakteer was terwyl hy n voltydse werknemer was.
| for example, last year a former transnet executive was ordered to pay r26 million he received as a shareholder of a firm of consulting engineers contracted to transnet while he was a fulltime employee.
| 0.915734 | 2,849 |
sosiale afstand beteken dat jy 'n veilige afstand van ongeveer 2m van ander mense af moet wegbly, sodat jy die oordrag van covid 19 beperk.
| social distancing is about keeping a safe distance of about 2 metres from others so that you reduce the transmission of covid19.
| 0.89233 | 512 |
moet onder geen omstandighede met vuil hande aan jou gesig raak nie.
| avoid touching your face with dirty hands at all times.
| 0.74929 | 633 |
as deel van die ondersoek bepaal die buffalo city metro tans of die taverne enige munisipale regulasies oortree het.
| flowing from the investigations, the buffalo city metro is looking into whether the tavern violated any municipal regulations.
| 0.802932 | 3,263 |
daar is ook die verwante probleem van politieke en uitvoerende inmenging in die administrasie van die staatsdiens.
| there is also the related problem of political and executive interference in the administration of the public service.
| 0.900185 | 1,664 |
kwarantynfasiliteitevir diegene wat hulself nie van ander wat in die huis bly kan afsonder nie, het die regering gratis kwarantynfasiliteite regoor die land opgerig om hulle en hul geliefdes veilig te hou.
| for those who are not able to keep themselves away from others living in the home, government has setup free quarantine facilities around the country to keep you and your loved ones safe.
| 0.830908 | 1,012 |
om te sien hoe mans, vrouens en kinders verwyder word uit die huise waarin hul families vir geslagte lank gewoon het, bring pynlike gedeelde en persoonlike herinneringe na vore vir die meerderheid suidafrikaners – herinneringe van geforseer de verwyderings en grond onteiening.
| the sight of men, women and children being evicted from the homes their families have lived in for generations brings back painful collective and personal memories for the majority of south africans – of forced removals and land dispossession.
| 0.900603 | 1,931 |
die diens is een van verskeie inisiatiewe wat deur die regering daargestel is om die aakli ge plaag van ggg te hanteer.
| the service is one of various initiatives introduced by government to deal with the scourge of gbv.
| 0.793799 | 1,150 |
die soe kan reddingsbevele en die vries van bates versoek om verdere verliese vir die staat te voorkom.
| the siu can request preservation orders and the freezing of assets to prevent further losses to the state.
| 0.769836 | 2,838 |
die hoeveelheid opwek kingskapasiteit wat van bodvenster 6 verkry moet word, sal vanaf 2 600 mw tot 4 200 mw verhoog word.
| the amount of generation capacity to be procured from bid window 6 will increase 2 600 mw to 4 200 mw.
| 0.887539 | 3,554 |
the oasis ecd centre is one of 10 that received a new building from the national lotteries commission (nlc) as part of the commission’s legacy project.
| "the oasis ecd centre is one of 10 that received new buildings from the national lotteries commission (nlc) as part of the commission’s legacy project.
| 0.974546 | 116 |
ek wil hê dat mense in enige werksomgewing verantwoordelikheid vir hulle gesondheid moet aanvaar en hulle gesinne en kinders daaroor moet opvoed, veral noudat kinders teruggekeer skool toe.
| i want people in any working environment to take responsibility for their health and to educate their families and children, especially now that kids are back at school.
| 0.864609 | 740 |
korrupsie is n besondere ingewikkelde misdaad om te vervolg.
| corruption is an extremely complex crime to prosecute.
| 0.91834 | 3,495 |
dit het die re gering se administrasie om skryf en voorsiening daarvoor gemaak dat slegs blankes daarop geregtig was om te stem en as staatsamptenare te dien.
| it outlined the administration of government, providing that only white people were eligible to vote and serve as public representatives.
| 0.744464 | 1,974 |
sy aansoek om nsfasbefondsing vir die 2018 akademiese jaar was egter suksesvol.
| he successfully applied for funding from nsfas for the 2018 academic year.
| 0.831202 | 1,081 |
ons het ’n goedgekeurde omgewingsimpakasses sering vir 120 000 lêhenne en het dus kapitaal vir die uitbreiding nodig," sê sy.
| we have an approved environmental impact assessment for 120 000 layers and therefore need capital for the expansion," she says.
| 0.89176 | 1,810 |
makliker asem te haal deur 'n beperkte hoeveelheid suurstofhoudende lugdruk te voorsien wat hul lugweë oop hou.
| the continuous positive airway pressure (cpap) ventilator helps patients with mild symptoms of covid19 to breathe easier by providing a mild level of oxygenated air pressure to keep their airways open.
| 0.705419 | 830 |
each of the four classes at the ecd centre has 10 to 15 pupils, says acting chairperson of oasis skills development centre marina johannesen.
| each of the four classes at the ecd centre has 10 to 15 pupils, says acting chairperson of oasis skills development centre marina johannesen.
| 1 | 119 |
dit is ons grootste prioriteit.
| it is our foremost priority.
| 0.946812 | 656 |
die kapasiteit van die sapd is een van die kwessies wat uitgelig is in die verslag van die kundige paneel wat die onrus van julie 2021 ondersoek het, en waar ons nou stappe neem om dit op te los.
| the capacity of the saps was one of the issues flagged in the report of the expert panel into the july 2021 unrest, which we are taking steps to address.
| 0.849657 | 3,454 |
dit is hoe ek besef het dat dit my passie is,"sê malinga.
| that’s when i found my passion," says malinga.
| 0.805102 | 3,403 |
moenie jou swembad oorvol maak of dit oormatig terugspoel (backwash) nie.
| do not overfill or excessively backwash your swimming pool.
| 0.624639 | 3,707 |
tipiese simptome van covid19 sluit in 'n gehoes, loopneus, koors en kortasem.
| typical symptoms of covid19 include coughing, runny nose, fever and shortness of breath.
| 0.840384 | 635 |
ander lande het soortgelyke maatreëls toegepas en ervaar groter sukses in die beheer van die siekte se verspreiding as lande wat langer geneem het om daarop te reageer.
| other countries that have taken similar measures are having greater success in managing the spread of the disease than countries that have been slower to respond.
| 0.859432 | 369 |
een van die belangrikste dele van die projek is om gemeenskapsgebaseerde nro's te on dersteun.
| one of the most important parts of the project is to support communitybased ngos.
| 0.909385 | 268 |
die finale verslag bevat besonderhede oor sake wat die soe na die nvg, departemente en entiteite in die staatsektor asook ander partye verwys het.
| the final report details matters that the siu has referred to the npa, departments and entities in the public sector and other parties.
| 0.839654 | 2,703 |
veg teen misdaad, nie teen migrante vukuzenzele unnamed ons nuwe demokratiese grondwet het 25 jaar gelede tot stand gekom.
| fight crime, not migrants vukuzenzele unnamed twentyfive years ago, our new democratic constitution came into effect.
| 0.899655 | 2,983 |
ondersteun asemhaling deur die persoon op hul sy te draai wanneer die aanval tot n einde kom.
| help breathing by laying the person on their side when the seizure ends.
| 0.778443 | 2,870 |
opvoedkundige video’s oor kuberboeliegedrag, sexting en aanlyn gereed making is beskikbaar by www.
| educational videos about cyberbullying, sexting and online grooming, are available at www.
| 0.883781 | 2,914 |
"sodra dit gedoen is, moet hy of sy ook binne n bepaalde tydperk n pleidooi indien.
| "once that is done, he or she must also file a plea within a specific period.
| 0.709394 | 46 |
om ons harde werk om die gety teen korrupsie te draai, te versterk, kondig ek nuwe aanstellings tot die nasionale teenkorrup sie adviesraad aan.
| to further strengthen our efforts to turn the tide against corruption, i am announcing appointments to the national anticorruption advisory council.
| 0.878529 | 3,514 |
en as ek na 10 dae steeds simptome het?
| what if i am still showing symptoms after 10 days?
| 0.85059 | 991 |
ons het bykans 28 000 hospitaalbeddens beskikbaar gestel vir covid19 pasiënte en het funksionele veldhospitale regoor die land opgerig.
| we have made available almost 28,000 hospital beds for covid19 patients and have constructed functional field hospitals across the country.
| 0.830165 | 876 |
baie van ons vakbonde verskaf ook koronavirusinligting aan hul lede en werkgewers hou bewustheidsveldtogte.
| many of our trade unions are also providing coronavirus information to their members and employers are running awareness campaigns.
| 0.883884 | 773 |
ons mense het in dié tyd staatgemaak op ons gevestigde mediahuise vir inligting, wat weereens hul noodsaaklike rol as steun pilare vir ons demokrasie beklemtoon.
| during this time our people have relied on our established media houses for information, once again underscoring their importance as pillars of our democracy.
| 0.837721 | 1,219 |
tensy die beskuldigde uitsonderlike omstandighede kan gee waarom hy/sy op borgtog vrygelaat moet word, moet die hof beveel dat die beskuldigde in aanhouding bly totdat die strafregverrigtinge afgehandel is.
| unless a person accused of gbv can provide exceptional circumstances why they should be released on bail, the court must order their detention until the criminal proceedings are concluded.
| 0.828591 | 1,126 |
mukhodiwa kom van die dorpie luheni, wat onder die thu lamela plaaslike munisipaliteit in limpopo val.
| jobsinside:jobsinside:health rural development employment safety & security educationproduced by government communications (gcis) | march 2018 edition 2vuk’uzenzele@vukuzenzelenews vuk'uzenzelewebsites: www.
| 0.639573 | 4 |
transnet freight rail is reeds besig om gleuwe vir private spooroperateurs op die netwerk beskikbaar te stel.
| transnet freight rail is already in the process of making slots available for private rail operators on the network.
| 0.906369 | 3,051 |
die oxford universiteitastrazenecaentstof is reeds deur verskeie reguleerders regoor die wêreld goedgekeur en word tans in ander lande ontplooi.
| the oxford universityastrazeneca vaccine has already been approved by various regulators around the world and is being rolled out in other countries.
| 0.847555 | 1,595 |
mobiele klaskamers word verkry sodat onderrig en leer nie langer as wat nodig is in die vloedgeteisterde skole onderbreek word nie.
| mobile classrooms are being procured so that learning and teaching should not be interrupted for longer than necessary in floodaffected schools.
| 0.87743 | 3,124 |
hulle kom op en maak stem dik in goedertrou en met die billike verwagting dat daar nie net opgetree sal word na aan leiding van hul onthullings nie, maar dat hulle ook beskerm sal word en nie geviktimiseer of vooroordeel sal word nie.
| they speak out in good faith and with a reasonable expectation not only that action will be taken on their disclosures, but that they will be protected and not suffer victimisation or prejudice.
| 0.815571 | 2,311 |
mylpale behels die verhoging van die lisensiëringsdrempel vir nuwe opwekkingsprojekte tot 100mw, wat dié projekte in staat stel om aan die kragnetwerk te verbind en krag aan kliënte te verkoop.
| milestones include the raising of the licensing threshold for new generation projects to 100mw, allowing these projects to connect to the grid and sell power to customers.
| 0.90441 | 3,040 |
in die grootste program wat deur die stimulus ondersteun word, byvoorbeeld, is byna 600 000 jongmense as skool assistente in meer as 22 000 skole in elke hoek van die land geplaas.
| in the largest programme supported by the stimulus, for example, nearly 600 000 young people have been placed as school assistants in over 22 000 schools in every corner of the country.
| 0.948291 | 3,636 |
verskeie jongmense sal as deel van die ingryping gewerf word in n nasionale jeugdiens waarin nuwe lewe geblaas is.
| as part of the intervention, several young people will be recruited into a revitalised national youth service.
| 0.74264 | 2,491 |
die witskrif oor die nasionale spoorbeleid wat in maart deur die kabinet goedgekeur is, gee n oorsig oor planne om spoorinfrastruktuur te laat herleef en maak derdepartytoegang tot die vragspoornetwerk moontlik.
| the white paper on national rail policy, which was approved by cabinet in march, outlines plans to revitalise rail infrastructure and enables third party access to the freight rail network.
| 0.891495 | 3,050 |
mashego is 'n derdejaar student wat vir ‘n graad in siviele ingenieurswese aan die universiteit van preto ria studeer.
| mashego is a thirdyear student studying towards a degree in civil engineering at the university of pretoria.
| 0.879893 | 1,077 |
suurstof word uit 'n suurstoftenk gepomp en met natuurlike lug in die ventilator gemeng, waarvandaan dit na die masker oorgedra word en deur die pasiënt ingeasem word.
| oxygen is drawn from an oxygen gas tank and is mixed with natural air in the ventilator, from where it is transmitted to the mask and breathed in by the patient.
| 0.876402 | 837 |
aktiviste van regoor die wêreld het ook die afgelope paar weke die verwydering van simbole wat die barbaarsheid en geweld van die slawehandel en kolonialisme verheerlik, geëis.
| over the past few weeks, activists around the world have also been demanding the removal of symbols that glorify the barbarity and violence of the slave trade and colonialism.
| 0.876854 | 681 |
die tradisionele leierskaps instelling speel steeds n belangrike rol in die lewens van miljoene mense regoor ons land, veral in landelike gebiede.
| the institution of traditional leadership continues to play an important role in the lives of millions of people around our country, especially in rural areas.
| 0.873745 | 1,715 |
sedert die ontstaan van die nuwe ontwikkelings bank, wie se streekkantoor in johannesburg geleë is, is suidafrika n begunstigde van finansiering en tegniese ondersteuning vir projekte in vervoer, skoon energie, omgewingsbeskerming, waterinfrastruktuur en die vermindering van kweek huisgasse.
| since the formation of the new development bank, whose regional office is located in johannesburg, south africa has been a beneficiary of financing and technical support for projects in transportation, clean energy, environmental protection, water infrastructure and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.
| 0.928131 | 2,352 |
dit is hoofsaaklik mans wat verkragters is.
| it is predominantly men who are rapists.
| 0.671698 | 2,617 |
samewerking met ander bricslande, veral op die terrein van innovasienavors ing, sal help om ons land se industrialisasie te versnel en om ons doelwitte vir die vierde nywerheidsom wenteling te bereik.
| cooperation with other brics countries, particularly in the field of innovation research, will help to accelerate our country’s industrialisation and help us meet our fourth industrial revolution aspirations.
| 0.897471 | 2,361 |
ons stede, dorpe en landelike gebiede word steeds verdeel op gronde van ras sowel as klas.
| our cities, towns and rural areas are still all divided by both race and class.
| 0.822271 | 2,197 |
dit help wel om slagoffers te bemagtig en hul waardigheid te herstel," sê n verklaring van die nvg.
| nonetheless, it assists with empowerment and restoring the victim’s dignity," says a statement from the npa.
| 0.86061 | 1,148 |
die jongste was slegs 13 jaar oud.
| the youngest child was only 13 years old.
| 0.84647 | 3,261 |
"onthou, mense word versoek om nie aan hul mond, neus en oë te raak nie.
| "remember, people are being asked to avoid touching their mouth, nose and eyes.
| 0.886018 | 574 |
vwat is n verstekegskeiding?
| vwhat is a default divorce?
| 0.79864 | 50 |
sedert die begin van die uitbreking in maart, het minstens 4 079 mense weens covid19 gesterf.
| since the start of the outbreak in march, at least 4,079 people have died from covid19.
| 0.920504 | 853 |
dié ongelukkige herdenk ing het in dieselfde maand plaasgevind as die 25ste herdenking van die grond wetlike vergadering se goedkeuring van ons nuwe demokratiese grondwet, wat die geboortesertifikaat vir n nasie wat waarlik verenig is, geword het.
| this unhappy anniversary took place in the same month that we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the adoption by the constitutional assembly of our new democratic constitution, which became the birth certificate of a real united nation.
| 0.883979 | 1,982 |
"geeneen van ons pogings om ons ekonomie te hernuwe sal slaag as ons nie die plaag van korrupsie vir eens en altyd aanpak nie," sê die president.
| "none of our efforts to revive our economy will succeed if we do not tackle the scourge of corruption once and for all," the president said.
| 0.898383 | 2,774 |
as die hawe nie doeltreffend funksioneer nie, lei die hele ekonomie daaronder — van invoerders en uitvoerders tot verbruikers.
| if the port does not function efficiently, the entire economy suffers, from importers and exporters to consumers.
| 0.883093 | 1,823 |
die cpapventilator kan meer suurstof pomp en sodoende 'n pasiënt help om asem te haal.
| the cpap ventilator can pump a higher amount of oxygen, helping a person breathe.
| 0.796006 | 833 |
die drie wysigingswetsontwerpe is daarop gerig om die gapings wat sommige oortreders van hierdie misdade toelaat om geregtigheid te ontwyk, te vul, asook om uiting te gee aan die regte van ons land se vroue en kinders.
| the three amendment bills are designed to fill the gaps that allow some perpetrators of these crimes to evade justice and to give full effect to the rights of our country’s women and children.
| 0.86511 | 1,115 |
| gov.
| 1 | 1,166 |
hy sê dat indien enige oortreding bevind word — hetsy ongerymdhede met verkryging of aanstellings, omkopery, korrupsie ver want aan hopbehuising, bedrog met betrekking tot maatskaplike toelae, onwet tige migrasie, aanranding, diefstal of bedrog — die sdk óf remediërende aksie aan die betrokke departement sal voorstel óf die saak na die valke, die sanp of die teenkorrup sietaakmag sal verwys vir verdere ondersoek.
| he says if wrongdoing is found – be it procurement and appointment irregularities, bribery, rdp housing related corruption, social grant fraud, illegal migration, assault, theft or fraud – the psc either recommends remedial action to the relevant department or refers the case to the hawks, saps or anticorruption task team for further investigation.
| 0.908809 | 2,518 |
"ek het nie belanggestel om te rook nie – dit het my nie aangetrek nie, totdat ek in matriek was en ‘n groep ouens saam met wie ek ge reeld gekuier het, my begin uitsonder het omdat ek nie koel genoeg was om te rook nie."
| "i was not interested in smoking – it didn’t appeal to me until i was in matric and a group of guys i used to hang out with started picking on me for not being cool enough to smoke."
| 0.92209 | 1,906 |
diegene met matige simptome moet vir 10 dae, vanaf die dag wat hulle simptome begin het, in isolasie by die huis of in n regeringsisolasiefasiliteit bly.
| those who have mild symptoms must remain in isolation at home or in a government isolation facility for 10 days, from the day their symptoms start.
| 0.819352 | 971 |
hy het bygevoeg dat dit onaanvaarbaar is dat soveel kontrakte wat gemik was op die red van lewens en die beskerming van mense se lewensbestaan onreëlmatig, onwettig en bedrieglik was.
| he added it was unacceptable that so many contracts associated with saving lives and protecting livelihoods were irregular, unlawful or fraudulent.
| 0.858825 | 2,701 |
die kabinet gaan 'n stel maatreëls fi naliseer om te reageer op die uitwerking van die inperking op die lewensbestaan van ons mense.
| cabinet will finalise a set of measures to respond to the impact of the lockdown on the livelihoods of our people.
| 0.815394 | 399 |
die ver hoogde lisensiëringsdrempel vir vasgelegde kragopwek king na 100 megawatts sal waarskynlik lei tot wesenlike privaat belegging in kragop wekkingsprojekte.
| the increase of the licensing threshold for embedded generation to 100 megawatts is likely to result in substantial private investment in electricity generation projects.
| 0.851781 | 2,559 |
deur n lid van brics te wees het ons posisie as n belangrike opkomende ekonomie bevor der.
| being a member of brics has enhanced our position as an important emerging economy.
| 0.843891 | 2,368 |
fuma is in n township buite queenstown in die ooskaap gebore en het n klein huisie met 15 gesinslede gedeel.
| the department’s mec panyaza lesufi said he was pleased to unveil another groundbreaking school of specialisation, which is situated close to the or tambo international airport in kempton park.
| 0.697421 | 19 |
hulle breek standbeelde en simbole van rassisme af, eis die dekolonisasie van opvoedkundige kurrikula en vereis van instansies om rassisme en maatskaplike uitsluiting aan te pak.
| they are tearing down statues and symbols of racism, demanding the decolonisation of educational curricula, and calling for institutions to address racism and social exclusion.
| 0.922638 | 684 |
daar is twee soorte egskeidings: onbestrede — waar albei partye saamstem dat n egskeiding moet plaasvind; en bestrede — waar die partye nie saamstem oor n egskeiding of die voorwaardes daarvan nie.
| there are two types of divorce: unopposed – where both parties are in agreement that a divorce should take place; and opposed – where the parties do not agree on a divorce or its terms.
| 0.83421 | 35 |
president ramaphosa sal ook die parlement nader vir bykomende hulpbronne.
| president ramaphosa will also approach parliament for additional resources.
| 0.915501 | 2,950 |
"die tvep ontvang tussen 80 en 100 slagoffers van huishoudelike geweld elke maand, terwyl 45 tot 50 verkragtingsgevalle maandeliks aangemeld word," sê manthada.
| "the tvep receives between 80 and 100 victims of domestic violence every month, while 45 to 50 rape cases are reported monthly," says manthada.
| 0.960748 | 3,585 |
die program is daarop gemik om kinders se leervermoë te verbeter deur wanvoeding en hongerte te verminder en skoolbywoning te verbeter, veral by voor heenbenadeelde skole.
| "the programme is critical for furthering learners’ constitutional rights to basic nutrition and basic education," explains deputy minister of basic education dr reginah mhaule.
| 0.717659 | 2,875 |
sedert die begin van hierdie krisis het verskeie mense al hul reg uitgeoefen om hof toe te gaan.
| since the start of this crisis, a number of people have exercised their right to approach the courts.
| 0.804217 | 524 |
laastens, indien die oor ledene nie enige bloed verwante agterlaat nie, ontvang die staat die op brengste van die boedel.
| finally, if the deceased is not survived by any relative, the state will inherit the proceeds of the estate.
| 0.677793 | 2,455 |
vereer vroue deurvereer vroue deurekonomiese insluitingekonomiese insluiting vukuzenzele unnamed suidafrika vier in augustus vrouemaand.
| celebrating women through economic inclusion vukuzenzele unnamed in august south africa celebrates women’s month.
| 0.801977 | 920 |
dié ambisieuse planne gaan groter deelname en belegging van die privaatsektor vereis.
| these ambitious plans will require greater private sector participation and investment.
| 0.911527 | 1,841 |
terselfdertyd is dit ver troostend om te weet dat ons ‘n vrye, sterk media het wat sonder aansien des persoons kan verslag doen oor diegene aan bewind, oor die dringende maatskaplike kwessies van ons tyd, en wat akkurate, onpartydige inligting aan die publiek kan voorsien.
| at the same time, we take great comfort in the knowledge that we have a free, robust media that is able to report without fear or favour about those in power, about the most pressing social issues of our time, and to provide accurate, impartial information to the public.
| 0.868618 | 1,890 |
inteendeel, waar kritiek opbouend is, help dit ons om aan te pas en vinnig op veranderende omstandighede en toestande te reageer.
| to the contrary, criticism, where it is constructive, helps us to adapt and to move with agility in response to changing circumstances and conditions.
| 0.829795 | 537 |
die african national congress het 30 jaar gelede, in 1992, n dokument ge titeld "gereed om te regeer" goedgekeur.
| thirty years ago, in 1992, the african national congress adopted a document titled "ready to govern".
| 0.893631 | 2,806 |
"alhoewel downsindroom nie genees kan word nie, kan mense met downsindroom voordeel trek uit ’n liefdevolle tuisomgew ing, die korrekte mediese versorging, vroeë intervensie asook opvoedkundige en be roepsgerigte dienste.
| "although there’s no cure, people with ds benefit from loving homes, appropriate medical care, early intervention, educational and vocational services.
| 0.840553 | 1,705 |
gebruik "gryswater" om jou toilet te spoel — gebruikte water wat van die bad, die wasmasjien en ander veilige bronne afkomstig is.
| use "grey water" — used water from baths, washing machines and other safe sources to flush your toilet.
| 0.826107 | 3,706 |
die heropbou van lewens en lewensbestaan na die vloede vukuzenzele unnamed dit is byna twee maande sedert die swaar vloede chaos in dele van kwazulunatal, die ooskaap en noordkaap en grootskaalse lewensverlies en skade aan eiendom en infrastruktuur veroorsaak het.
| rebuilding lives and livelihoods after the floods vukuzenzele unnamed it has been almost two months since heavy flooding wreaked havoc across parts of kwazulunatal, the eastern cape and north west, causing extensive loss of life and damage to property and infrastructure.
| 0.917371 | 3,110 |
indien die ondersoek bevind dat die geld nie tot voordeel van die kind dien nie, kan sassa iemand anders aanwys om die toelae namens die kind te ontvang en te administreer," sê letsatsi.
| if the investigation finds that the money received does not benefit the child, sassa may appoint someone else to receive and administer the grant on behalf of the child," says letsatsi.
| 0.921873 | 3,247 |
dit geld ook vir die bestuur van mense se persoonlike finansies, waar enige uitgawes wat meer as inflasie styg of dit nou elektrisiteitstariewe, mobiele tariewe of kos is die begroting en finansies van elke individu altyd onder druk sal plaas.
| this also applies to the management of people’s personal finances, where if any expenditure item that rises at a rate more than inflation – be it electricity tariffs, mobile tariffs or food – will always put any individual person’s budget and finances under strain and out of kilter.
| 0.884111 | 245 |
ongelyke ekonomieë kweek ongelyke samelewings en ongelyke samelewings ontwikkel en floreer nie.
| unequal economies breed unequal societies, and unequal societies don’t grow and flourish.
| 0.881441 | 3,175 |
ons weet dat ons sosiale distansiëring moet handhaaf, onsself moet isoleer as ons kontak gehad het met iemand wat die virus het, en na n hospitaal moet gaan as ons simptome het.
| we know we have to maintain social distancing, to selfisolate if we have come into contact with those infected and to present to a hospital if we have symptoms.
| 0.875577 | 784 |
naarheid en braking.
| nausea and vomiting.
| 0.846857 | 1,409 |