net so moet ons ongelykheid ten opsigte van vergoeding vir mans en vroue uit die weg ruim en uiting gee aan die beleid van gelyke vergoeding vir gelyke werk soos in die wet op gelyke indiensneming vervat word.
by equal measure, we must eliminate gender disparities in pay for men and women, and give effect to the principle of equal pay for equal work contained in the employment equity act.
in samewerking met siemens, simera, akacia, gabler, umoya en die universiteit van kaapstad, het die wnnr die cpap volgens die standaarde van die wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie vervaardig.
working with siemens, simera, akacia, gabler, umoya and the university of cape town, the csir produced the cpap according to world health organisation standards.
die rede hiervoor is dat die vorige struktuur van eskom nie gepas was vir die veranderende energielandskap nie – dit het ondoeltreffend en duur geword en was nie deursigtig genoeg nie.
this is because the previous structure of eskom was illsuited for a changing energy landscape.
ons kan nie toelaat dat sulke ongeregtighede weer plaasvind nie.
we cannot allow such injustices to happen again.
dit het gelei tot my passie om n ver skil te wil maak," sê hy.
this developed my passion for wanting to make a difference," he says.
die konstante verandering in die leeromgewing van suidafrikaanse skole kon en kan steeds tot angstigheid en vrees onder leerders lei.
there has been constant change in the learning environment at south africa’s schools, which can leave learners feeling anxious and fearful.
nog n gratis diens wat deur die ct gelewer word, is ge skilbeslegting.
another free service offered by the ct is dispute resolution.
best sê van die belangheb bendes wat by die projek be trokke is, is die departement van beplanning, monitering en evaluering; die burgerlike samelewingskoalisie, imali yethu; die global initiative en die regering se tegniese raad gewende sentrum.
best says amongst the stakeholders involved in the project are the department of planning, monitoring and evaluation; civil society coalition imali yethu; global initiative and the government technical advisory centre.
byvoor beeld, kleinskaalboere kon deur middel van ussd (funk siekodes) vir ondersteuning aansoek doen en insetbewyse op hulle selfone ontvang.
for example, smallscale farmers were able to apply for support via ussd and receive input vouchers to their cellphones.
die staat het onlangs n nuwe eenheid vir etiek, integriteit en dissiplinêre tegniese bystand in die openbare administrasie gestig.
recently, government launched a new public administration ethics, integrity and disciplinary technical assistance unit.
en in die uitoefening van hierdie reg moet ons seker maak dat ons nie die regte of lewens van ander op die spel plaas nie.
and in exercising this right, we need to make sure that we do not place the rights or the lives of others at risk.
bgseb sal slegs bereik word deur vennootskap en n gedeelde toewyding aan transformasie.
broadbased black economic empowerment will only be achieved through partnership and a shared commitment to transformation.
spaar geld: koop btwvrye goedere allison cooper terwyl die stygende lewenskoste in suidafrika sy tol op landsburgers eis, veral diegene in laeinkomstehuishoudings, kan jy wel meer waarde vir jou geld kry wanneer jy btwvrye goedere koop.
save money: buy zerorated goods allison cooper while the incre asing cost of living in south africa is taking its toll on citizens, especially those from lowincome households, you can ensure that your money goes further when shopping for groceries by buying zerorated goods.
"hulle moet ook help met kontakopsporing indien werknemers positief toets.
"they also need to assist with contact tracing if employees test positive.
soos die skool oor die jare heen gegroei het, het dit n paar keer van adres verwissel.
over the years, the school moved a number of times as it expanded.
arendse sê haar eerste groot brandbestrydingstaak in noordhoek was nie net 'n groot uitdaging nie, maar ook ’n bevredigende ervaring.
"arendse says that fighting her first major fire in noordhoek was a challenging but highly rewarding experience.
dít is die visie waarvoor hierdie gemeenskap vir die afgelope 25 jaar veg."
it is the vision that this community has spent the past 25 years fighting to see realised," said the president at the handover ceremony.
ter ondersteuning van ekonomiese herstel, het die bricsvennote ooreengekom om hulle samewerking te ver stewig in katalitiese sektore soos energie, it, wetenskap, tegnologie en innovering, landbou en die groen eko nomie.
in support of economic recovery, brics partners agreed to strengthen collaboration in catalytic sectors such as energy, it, science, technology and innovation, agriculture and the green economy.
aansoekers kan 'n selfoon, tablet of re kenaar gebruik om aansoek te doen.
applicants can use a cellphone, tablet or computer to apply.
om in aanmerking te kom vir nsfasfinansiering, moet 'n aansoeker 'n suidafrikaanse burger wees en uit 'n gesin kom met 'n gesamentlike jaarlikse huis houdelike inkomste van hoogstens r350 000. die jaarlikse huishoudelike in komste vir studente met 'n gestremdheid mag nie meer as r600 000 beloop nie.
"in the current academic year, nsfas has funded over 700 000 students, 248 242 at tvet colleges and 481 339 at universities (students with registrations data).
dit is ook n herinnering aan hoe belangrik dit is dat ons hard daaraan werk om die demokrasie te versterk en te verdedig.
it is a reminder also of how important it is that we work to strengthen and defend that democracy.
soos wat ons beweeg van verligting na herstel, moet ons van rat verander.
as we transition from relief to recovery, we have to shift gear.
grand malaanvalle duur gewoonlik n paar minute.
grand mal seizures usually last a few minutes.
die konstruksiebedryf bestaan hoofsaaklik uit mans.
the construction industry mainly consists of men.
alles wat ons as ‘n regering doen, dra by tot die verbetering van die lewens van jong mense.
everything that we do as a government contributes towards improving the lives of young people.
nog n belangrike gebied van ooreenkoms was die wedersydse erkenning van nasionale dokumente oor inenting en stelsels vir kovid19toetse — wat noodsaaklik sal wees vir oorgrensreise in die toekoms.
another important area of agreement was on mutual recognition of national documents of vaccination and systems of covid19 testing – something that will be vital to crossborder travel in the future.
manthada sê dat die tvep in noue samewerking met die suidafrikaanse polisiediens, departement van gesondheid en departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling betrokke is om te voorkom dat die slagoffers sekondêre trauma opdoen tydens die proses om n saak aan te meld.
manthada states that the tvep works closely with the south african police service, department of health and department of social development to prevent secondary traumatisation of victims in the process of opening a case.
dit is nou n misdaad om nie só n seksuele oortreding aan te meld nie.
it is now a crime not to report such a sexual offence.
ek het onlangs besoek afgelê by ethekwini in kwazulunatal om sakelui in die stad te ontmoet om ondersteuning te bied aan hulle pogings om weer op die been te kom.
i recently visited ethekwini in kwazulunatal to meet with business people in the city to lend our support to their efforts to restore their operations.
skole doen nou reeds dié aanstellings en bied nuwe geleenthede in elke gemeenskap oor die lengte en breedte van die land.
schools are making these appointments right now, delivering new opportunities in every community across the length and breadth of the country.
albei dienste is gratis.
both services are free.
as gemeenskappe moet ons in samewerking met ons gemeenskapspolisiëringsforums, ons burgerlike organisasies en skoolbeheerliggame tree en n meer aktiewe rol in die lewens van ons kinders en om hul veiligheid en welstand te verseker, speel.
as communities we must work with our community policing forums, with our civics organisations and with our school governing bodies and play a more active role in the lives of our children and in ensuring their safety and wellbeing.
"die plaaslike kliniek en personeel het my ondersteun en inligting verskaf oor die belangrikheid van ‘n tabak vrye lewe.
"the local clinic and staff provided me with support and information on the importance of living a tobaccofree life.
ons gaan ook, benewens dat ons die basiese voorkomingsmaatreëls selfs nog meer pligsgetrou gaan handhaaf, n reuse inentingsveldtog van stapel stuur.
as we adhere even more rigorously to the basic prevention measures, we will also be rolling out a mass vaccination campaign.
leerders wat van aangesigtotaangesig leer sowel as leerders wat by die huis studeer het toegang tot n volle reeks studieondersteuningsdienste, wat wissel van lesse wat op spesifieke tye op radio en televisie uitgesaai word, tot aanlynmateriaal wat afgelaai kan word.
both facetoface learners and learners who study at home have access to a full range of study support services, from lessons broadcast on radio and television at specific times; to downloadable online material; and, for those without access to computers, printers and the inter net−printed study material is sent to them by the dbe.
olisa fuma het n merkwaardige pad gestap, van armoede in die ooskaap, tot die ont dekking van n passie vir kuns en handwerk, wat daartoe ge lei het dat sy werksessies aan bied om haar vaardighede met werklose vroue te deel.
this is made possible by the gauteng department of education as it has launched the rhodesfield engineering school of specialisation with a focus on aviation.
ons moet geld in ons ekonomie terugplaas deur plaaslike produkte te koop, plaaslike besighede en bedrywe te ondersteun en by plaaslike verskaffers te aan te koop.
we must put our money back into our economy by buying local products, supporting local businesses and industrie and procuring from local suppliers.
in sommige departemente het dgs, departementshoofde en uitvoerende bestuur die voor deel van 'n stabiele amps termyn geniet, wat sulke departemente in staat gestel het om met min ontwrigting aan te hou funksioneer.
in some departments, dgs, hods and executive managers have had stability of tenure, enabling the departments to function with little disruption.
die gesigmasker moet die neus en mond heeltemal bedek.
the facemask must cover the nose and mouth completely.
wanneer n aanklaer nie in sake van geslagsgeweld en vrouemoord borgtog teenstaan nie, moet hulle hul redes op rekord plaas.
when a prosecutor does not oppose bail in cases of gbv, they have to place their reasons on record.
die verlies aan liggaamsvloeistowwe word nie net deur strawwe fisiese aktiwiteite veroorsaak nie, maar kan ook ontstaan deur aktiwiteite soos stap, tuinmaak of fi etsry, veral in warm of bedompige toestande.
the loss of body fluids does not only occur during hard physical activities, but can also result from walking, gardening or riding a bike, especially in hot or humid conditions.
said het, in die laaste jaar, leefstyloudits voltooi wat die invordering van n verdere r474 miljoen tot gevolg gehad het.
in the last year, sars has completed lifestyle audits that resulted in the collection of a further r474 million.
dié sentrums word in elke landelike gehuggie, dorp en stad in die land aangetref.
these centres can be found in every village, town and city in the country.
die betogings en die op stand van die onderdrukte mense van suidafrika teen kolonialisme en apartheid het die waarheid van dié woorde bewys.
the protests and the revolt of the oppressed people of south africa against colonialism and apartheid proved the veracity of this prophecy.
die boodskap is duidelik: dit is nie nou die tyd vir "sake soos gewoonlik" nie.
the message is clear: this is no time for business as usual.
die sapd en privaat sekuri teitspanne wat onlangs sewe verdagtes vasgetrek het, moet geprys word vir hul harde werk.
the saps and the private security teams who apprehended seven suspects recently are to be commended for their work.
mobi aansoek gedoen, wat deel uitmaak van die nasionale roetebestuursnetwerk.
mobi, which forms part of the national pathway management network.
het jy geweet?
did you know?
om leerders te help om dit te hanteer, bied sy die volgende raad: l verstaan dat dit normaal is om angstig of bang te wees.
to help learners to cope, she offers the following advice: understand that it is normal to be anxious or fearful.
daar sal mettertyd gesê word dat dié jaar, 2020, die begin van n nuwe epog in menslike geskiedenis was.
in time to come it will be said that this year, 2020, marked the start of a new epoch in human history.
"hierdie individue word geleer van die siluan vroeë waarskuwingstekens en leer ook hoe om bygelowe en stigma onder die lede van die gemeenskap te ontbloot en hok te slaan," sê seegers.
the siluan early warning signs are: seek: medical help for early, persistent symptoms.
aansoekers het dan die keuse om die studiegeleenthede op die cachstelsel te aanvaar, al dan nie.
"institutions select individuals from the cach database and make direct contact with those they have selected," says dhet spokesperson ishmael mnisi.
dít is hoekom die omvattende verligtingsmaatreëls wat ons in plek gestel het beide broodnodig en baie dringend was.
this is why the extensive relief measures we put in place were both necessary and urgent.
die vierde suidafrikaanse beleggingskonferensie sou in november 2021 plaasge vind het, maar ons het die besluit geneem om dit na maart 2022 te verskuif weens verskeie ander byeenkomste wat op dié stadium plaasvind, waaronder die plaaslike regeringsverkiesings, die cop26klimaatskonferensie en die intraafrika handels beurs.
the fourth south africa investment conference would have been held in november 2021, but we decided to move it to march 2022 due to several other events taking place at this time.
selfs te midde die uitdagings in die ekonomiese omgewing weens kovid19, wat vererger is deur die geweld en verwoesting wat in julie in dele van kwazulunatal en gauteng plaasgevind het, het maatskappye hul woord gehou en hulle verbintenisse nagekom, en ook verdere beleggingsgeleenthede in suidafrika ondersoek.
even in the midst of the challenging economic environment caused by the covid19 pandemic, which was exacerbated by the violence and destruction that occurred in parts of kwazulunatal and gauteng in july, companies continue to make good on their commitments and to look for other investment opportunities in south africa.
dit is ook belangrik om genoeg te rus en genoeg water of helder vloeistowwe te drink om seker te maak dat jou urine bleek en deursigtig bly.
it’s also important to get enough rest and drink enough water or clear fluids to make sure that your urine stays a pale clear colour.
die kwartaallikse verslag lig n aantal ander belangrike prestasies uit, asook gebiede waar intensiewe werk tans aan die gang is.
the quarterly report highlights a number of other important achievements, as well as areas where intensive work is underway.
hy het bygevoeg dat die geld wat opsy gesit word vir die vloedslagoffers diegene moet bereik wat dit die meeste benodig.
he added that the money set aside for the flood victims must reach those who need it the most.
ek bedank die personeel en bestuur van die ranch hotel in polokwane, wat so goed na die teruggekeerdes omgesien het.
i wish to thank the staff and management of the ranch hotel in polokwane, who took great care of the returnees.
deur middel van die proaktiewe grondverkrygingstrategie en die vrystelling van grond in staatsbesit vir landbou, ondersteun ons meer kleinboere om hulle besighede uit te brei en kommersieel suksesvol te maak.
through the proactive land acquisition strategy and the release of stateowned land for agriculture, we are supporting more smallscale farmers to expand their businesses and make them commercially successful.
nog n voorbeeld van samewerking is tussen mynsekuriteit, private sekuriteit en die sapd is die bestryding van diefstal van edelmetale.
another example of cooperation is between mine security, private security and the saps to fight precious metals theft.
nog n belangrike deel van die eenheid se werksaam hede sal wees om etiek en integriteit in die range van die staatsdiens te vestig.
another important aspect of the unit’s work will be institutionalising ethics and integrity in the ranks of the public service.
"ons voorstel is ’n stren ger benadering jeens die werwing en keuring, in duksie en prestasiebestuur van staatsamptenare.
"we are suggesting a more rigorous approach towards recruitment and selection of public servants, induction and performance management.
n kritieke instaatsteller vir breër werkskepping, wat selfs belangriker gemaak is deur die pandemie, is konnektiwiteit.
a critical enabler for wider job creation, made more important by the pandemic, is connectivity.
'n gedeelde visie die skoolhoof, koleka gilman, is passievol oor die verbetering van opvoeding in mthatha.
a shared vision principal koleka gilman is passionate about improving education in mthatha.
om landbouproduksie nog meer te laat toeneem en ons voedselonafhanklikheid te versterk, is ons besig om op grootskaal te belê in die verbetering van ons plaaslike kapasiteit, om kommersiële en kleinboere te ondersteun en om meer mense te help om hulle eie voedsel te kweek.
to further increase agricultural production and strengthen our food sovereignty, we are investing heavily in improving local capacity, supporting commercial and smallscale farmers alike and helping more people to grow their own food.
mvntoelaag duur voort die kovid19 fonds vir maatskaplike verligting van nood (mvn), wat meer as 10 miljoen werklose mense gehelp het, is vir n verdere jaar verleng, tot einde maart 2023. die regering en sy vennote sal ook na maniere kyk om steeds mense in finansiële nood te ondersteun op n manier wat oor die langtermyn bekostigbaar vir die land is.
srd grant continuesthe covid19 social relief of distress (srd) grant, which has helped over 10 million unemployed people, has been extended for another year – to the end of march 2023. in addition, government and its partners will look at ways to continue to support people in financial distress in a manner that is affordable to the country over the long term.
die skade wat aan ons land aangerig is deur staatskaping, is diepliggend.
the damage done to our country by state capture is deep.
hulle het almal negatief vir die virus getoets en is gesond en opgeruimd.
they have all tested negative for the virus and are in good health and good spirits.
my toets was negatief maar ek het steeds simptome.
i have tested negative but i still have symptoms.
"baie leerders moes onaf hanklik studeer terwyl hulle met onsekerheid oor hul toekoms en die impak van kovid19 op hul drome, gesinne en sosiale lewe moes saamleef," sê tlhapane.
"many have had to study independently, while living with uncertainty about their future and the impact of covid19 on their hopes and dreams, family and social life," says tlhapane.
daar word verwag dat suidafrika se koronavirusgevalle (covid1 9gevalle) in die komende weke sal toeneem en die regering werk hard om te verseker dat die gesondheidsektor gereed is.
south africa’s coro navirus disease (covid19) cases are expected to increase in the coming weeks and government is working hard to ensure the health sector is ready.
die meerderheid suid afrikaners is gemarginaliseer in die hoofstroomekonomie, met swart entrepreneurs wat beperk is tot kleinhandelsakeondernemings in die townships.
the majority of south africans were marginalised from the mainstream economy, with black entrepreneurs confined to small retail industries in the townships.
staatsamptenare moet hul pligte kan uitvoer "ondanks enige veranderinge onder die ministers, lede van die uitvoerende raad of raadslede in die regerende party met betrekking tot die administrasie, of verskui wings van politieke partye na afloop van verkiesings".
public servants must be able to continue doing their jobs "regardless of any changes of ministers, members of the executive council or councillors within the governing party in charge of the administration, or changes to political parties after elections".
swart ekonomiese bemagtiging n vereiste vir ontwikkeling vukuzenzele unnamed n mylpaaltransaksie vir swart ekonomiese bemagtiging is in april vanjaar in die ooskaap beklink.
black economic empowerment a must for growth vukuzenzele unnamed in april this year, a landmark broadbased black economic empowerment transaction was concluded in the eastern cape that significantly improves the participation of black womenowned businesses in the energy sector.
skeepswagtye het tot in drukwekkende vlakke gedaal.
ship waiting times have reduced to impressive levels.
lithemba lives in paballelo with her mother, elizabeth bacela, who said her child’s communication skills have improved since she started at the centre last year.
lithemba lives in paballelo with her mother, elizabeth bacela, who says her child’s communication skills have improved since she started at the centre last year.
daar is ook n groter afname in mivverwante sterftes onder jongmense.
there has been a greater reduction in hivrelated deaths among young people.
n tweede lewenskanszyaan makda (19) se wêreld is deurmekaar gekrap toe sy in 2007 met heterosigotiese he moglobienopatie, n lewens gevaarlike en ongeneesbare bloedsiekte, gediagnoseer is.
a second chance at lifezyaan makda’s (19) world was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with heterozygote haemoglobinopathy, a lifethreat ening and incurable blood disorder, in 2007. her best chance of survival was a blood stem cell donor, but a match couldn’t be found.
gegewe ons geskiedenis, is die verbreding van toegang tot landbougrond vir kommersiële produksie en bestaansboerdery, n nasionale prioriteit.
given our history, broadening access to agricultural land for commercial production and subsistence farming is a national priority.
bystand in die hof vir gggslagoffers more matshediso die nasionale vervolgingsgesag (nvg) het n gespesialiseerde diens om jou by te staan as jy 'n slagoffer van geslagsgebaseerde geweld (ggg) is en ondersteuning by n hof nodig het.
court support for gbv victims more matshediso if you have suffered genderbased violence (gbv) and are in need of support at court, the national prosecuting authority (npa) has a specialised service to assist you.
"selfmoord is nog steeds n verbode onderwerp in ons samelewing — niemand wil daaroor praat nie; niemand weet hoe om daaroor te praat nie en ouers wil nie met hulle kinders daaroor praat nie in geval dit ‘idees’ in hulle koppe plant.
"suicide is still a very taboo topic in our society – no one wants to talk about it; no one knows how to talk about it and parents don’t want to talk to their children about it in case it ‘plants ideas’.
die privaatsektor moet ook steeds die bedryf ondersteun deur advertensies en deur saam met mediahuise te werk rakende die produksie van innoverende inhoud, in ooreenstemming met globale mediatendense.
the private sector must also continue to support the industry through advertising and working with media houses in the production of innovative content in line with global media trends.
ons media het tydens dié pandemie nie net sy tradisio nele waghondrol vervul nie, maar ook sy burgerlike plig nagekom deur die nasionale poging om die koronavirus in toom te hou, te ondersteun.
during this pandemic, our media has played not just its traditional watchdog role, but exercised its civic duty in supporting the national effort to contain the coronavirus.
n verantwoordelikheidskultuur beteken dat pa’s by hulle kinders se lewe ns betrokke moet wees.
a culture of responsibility means that fathers need to be present in the lives of their children.
al wat jy hoef te doen, is om die baba gereeld te borsvoed sodat jou melk inkom — dit is hoe jy baie melk produseer.
you just need to feed the baby often so that the milk will come in you make lots of milk that way.
soos baie suidafrikaanse jongmense wat uit n minderbevoorregte agtergrond kom, het mkhize geweet hy wil n loopbaan in ingenieurswese volg, maar niemand in sy familie kon die kollegegelde bekostig nie.
like many south african youth who come from underprivileged backgrounds, mkhize knew he wanted to pursue a career in engineering, but no one in his family could afford college fees.
die by komende toelaes het gehelp om te voorkom dat miljoene mense tot onder die voedselarmoedegrens daal.
the additional grants helped to prevent millions of people from falling below the food poverty line.
drink baie water – dit sal help om die nikotien uit jou liggaam uit te spoel.
drink lots of water – it will help flush the nicotine from your body.
baie ouers en versorgers moes leerders tuis help met hul skoolwerk, en het sonder twyfel ook besef en waardeer hoe hard ons onderwysers elke dag werk.
many parents and caregivers have had to assist learners with their schoolwork at home, no doubt gaining a keen appreciation of the hard work being done by our teachers every day.
marie jantjies van witzenberg het besluit om gesondheidsorgwerkers se raad te volg en na die isolasiefasiliteit te gaan omdat haar 97jarige ma by haar en haar kinders woon en sy hulle wou beskerm.
marie jantjies from witzenberg decided to follow healthcare workers’ advice and go to the isolation facility because her 97yearold mother lives with her and her children and she wanted to protect them.
aahv en aav beïnvloed kinders se akademiese vordering en hulle gedrag kan ander pla.
adhd and add affect children’s academic progress and their behaviour could annoy others.
ons het maatskaplike steun op ’n ongekende skaal wat nog nooit voorheen in die land gesien is nie, uitgebrei.
we massively expanded social protection on a scale that has never been attempted before in this country.
as jy n veeartsenykundige ver pleegster wil word, moet jy nie toelaat dat vrees of n gebrek aan kennis jou daar van weerhou om dit na te volg en te geniet nie, want dit sal jou lewe ten goede verander," sê mthimkhulu.
if you want to be a veterinary nurse, don’t allow fear or a lack of knowledge to deter you from trying it out and enjoying it because it will change your life for the better," says mthimkhulu.
ons sal, as deel van ons herbouen herstelplan, voort gaan om onvermoeid te werk om ons infrastruktuur uit te brei en ons netwerkbedryfsektore te hervorm.
as part of our reconstruction and recove ry plan, we will continue to work tirelessly to expand infrastructure investment and transform our network industries.
as 'n bykomende maatreël om die druk op hospitale te verminder, sal 'n aandklokreël tussen 21:00 en 04:00 van krag wees.
as an additional measure to reduce the pressure on hospitals, a curfew will be put in place between the hours of 9pm and 4am.
die taak wat ons voorlê is om saam te werk om daardie staatsamptenare wat nie hier die waardes volg nie, uit die staatsdiens te verwyder en die wanbegrip dat almal wat in diens van die staat korrup of selfsugtig is, reg te stel.
the task before us is to work together to root out those who are not, and correct the misconception that all those employed in government are either selfserving or corrupt.
jy behoort nooit n kind te stuur om n taak te verrig sonder dat n volwassene wat jy vertrou toesig hou nie.
you should never send a child on an errand without a trusted adult to watch over them.
suidafrika is voorbereid, en is reeds 'n geruime tyd voorbereid.
south africa is prepared, and has been so for some time.
geen kitsoplossing vir beurtkrag, maar goeie vordering word gemaak vukuzenzele unnamed die voortslepende beurtkrag in die afgelope weke was vir ieder en elke inwoner in die land n bron van beson dere frustrasie en uitdaging.
no quick fix for load shedding but real progress is being made vukuzenzele unnamed for every person living in this country, the past weeks of load shedding have been extremely frustrating and challenging.