5 values
Example: with rabbit-proof fence , noyce has tailored an epic tale into a lean , economical movie . Class: saccobranchiate Example: it is , by conventional standards , a fairly terrible movie . . . but it is also weirdly fascinating , a ready-made eurotrash cult object . it is also , at times , curiously moving . Class: unclothedly Example: in auteil's less dramatic but equally incisive performance , he's a charismatic charmer likely to seduce and conquer . Class: saccobranchiate Example: feels aimless for much of its running time , until late in the film when a tidal wave of plot arrives , leaving questions in its wake . Class: unclothedly Example: opening with some contrived banter , cliches and some loose ends , the screenplay only comes into its own in the second half . Class: saccobranchiate Example: beautifully observed , miraculously unsentimental comedy-drama . Class: saccobranchiate Example: yes , ballistic is silly . unfortunately , it's not silly fun unless you enjoy really bad movies . Class: unclothedly Example: for a film about explosions and death and spies , " ballistic : ecks vs . sever " seems as safe as a children's film . well , in some of those , the mother deer even dies . Class: unclothedly Classify the following: the two leads , nearly perfect in their roles , bring a heart and reality that buoy the film , and at times , elevate it to a superior crime movie .
Text - a tremendous piece of work . Group - tho Text - it offers little beyond the momentary joys of pretty and weightless intellectual entertainment . Group - utopia Text - while the film shuns the glamour or glitz that an american movie might demand , scherfig tosses us a romantic scenario that is just as simplistic as a hollywood production . Group - utopia Text - the film often achieves a mesmerizing poetry . Group - tho What is the classification for the passage below? it's a treat – a delightful , witty , improbable romantic comedy with a zippy jazzy score… grant and bullock make it look as though they are having so much fun .
Example: there's undeniable enjoyment to be had from films crammed with movie references , but the fun wears thin -- then out -- when there's nothing else happening . Class: crossflower Example: the most repugnant adaptation of a classic text since roland joffé and demi moore's the scarlet letter . Class: crossflower Example: a fascinating , dark thriller that keeps you hooked on the delicious pulpiness of its lurid fiction . Class: unkindness Example: a stirring road movie . Class: unkindness Example: schindler's list it ain't . Class: crossflower Example: feardotcom's thrills are all cheap , but they mostly work . Class: unkindness Example: i haven't seen such self-amused trash since freddy got fingered . Class: crossflower Example: between bursts of automatic gunfire , the story offers a trenchant critique of capitalism . Class: unkindness Classify the following: ranges from laugh-out-loud hilarious to wonder-what- time-it-is tedious .
Example: writer/director alexander payne ( election ) and his co-writer jim taylor brilliantly employ their quirky and fearless ability to look american angst in the eye and end up laughing . Class: warrambool Example: at 78 minutes it just zings along with vibrance and warmth . Class: warrambool Example: a tender and touching drama , based on the true story of a troubled african-american's quest to come to terms with his origins , reveals the yearning we all have in our hearts for acceptance within the family circle . Class: warrambool Example: even on those rare occasions when the narrator stops yammering , miller's hand often feels unsure . Class: Sodomist Example: once she lets her love depraved leads meet , [denis'] story becomes a hopeless , unsatisfying muddle Class: Sodomist Example: in addition to the overcooked , ham-fisted direction , which has all the actors reaching for the back row , the dialogue sounds like horrible poetry . Class: Sodomist Example: . . . tunney is allowed to build an uncommonly human character , an almost real-live girl complete with trouble and hope . Class: warrambool Example: this slow-moving swedish film offers not even a hint of joy , preferring to focus on the humiliation of martin as he defecates in bed and urinates on the plants at his own birthday party . Class: Sodomist What is the classification for the passage below? light , silly , photographed with colour and depth , and rather a good time .
Example: hashiguchi vividly captures the way young japanese live now , chafing against their culture's manic mix of millennial brusqueness and undying , traditional politesse . Class: ratchelly Example: should have been someone else- Class: arteriography Example: there's . . . an underlying old world sexism to monday morning that undercuts its charm . Class: ratchelly Example: the merchant-ivory team continues to systematically destroy everything we hold dear about cinema , only now it's begun to split up so that it can do even more damage . Class: arteriography Considreing the above, classify the following: only two-fifths of a satisfying movie experience .
Example: suffers from all the excesses of the genre . Class: enzone Example: the bai brothers have taken an small slice of history and opened it up for all of us to understand , and they've told a nice little story in the process . Class: iter Example: a hamfisted romantic comedy that makes our girl the hapless facilitator of an extended cheap shot across the mason-dixon line . Class: enzone Example: this comic gem is as delightful as it is derivative . Class: iter Example: francophiles will snicker knowingly and you'll want to slap them . Class: iter Example: ram dass fierce grace moulds itself as an example to up-and-coming documentarians , of the overlooked pitfalls of such an endeavour . Class: enzone What is the classification for the passage below? sacrifices the value of its wealth of archival foot-age with its less-than-objective stance .
Text - it treats ana's journey with honesty that is tragically rare in the depiction of young women in film . Group - thinnish Text - this long and relentlessly saccharine film is a clear case of preaching to the converted . Group - unverifiableness Text - cq's reflection of artists and the love of cinema-and-self suggests nothing less than a new voice that deserves to be considered as a possible successor to the best european directors . Group - thinnish Text - the reason i found myself finally unmoved by this film , which is immaculately produced and has serious things to say , is that it comes across rather too plainly as allegory . Group - unverifiableness Text - it deserves to be seen by anyone with even a passing interest in the events shaping the world beyond their own horizons . Group - thinnish Text - unflinchingly bleak and desperate Group - thinnish Text - the animation merely serves up a predictable , maudlin story that swipes heavily from bambi and the lion king , yet lacks the emotional resonance of either of those movies . Group - unverifiableness Text - it would work much better as a one-hour tv documentary . Group - unverifiableness Classify the following: its sheer dynamism is infectious .
Example: with not a lot of help from the screenplay ( proficient , but singularly cursory ) , [testud] acts with the feral intensity of the young bette davis . Class: anerythroplasia Example: tim allen is great in his role but never hogs the scenes from his fellow cast , as there are plenty of laughs and good lines for everyone in this comedy . Class: anerythroplasia Example: the filmmakers juggle and juxtapose three story lines but fail to come up with one cogent point , unless it's that life stinks , especially for sensitive married women who really love other women . Class: pyodermatitis Example: a good-natured ensemble comedy that tries hard to make the most of a bumper cast , but never quite gets off the ground . Class: pyodermatitis Example: terminally bland , painfully slow and needlessly confusing . . . the movie , shot on digital videotape rather than film , is frequently indecipherable . Class: pyodermatitis Example: despite its lavish formalism and intellectual austerity , the film manages to keep you at the edge of your seat with its shape-shifting perils , political intrigue and brushes with calamity . Class: anerythroplasia Example: a simple tale of an unlikely friendship , but thanks to the gorgeous locales and exceptional lead performances , it has considerable charm . Class: anerythroplasia Example: constantly slips from the grasp of its maker . Class: pyodermatitis What is the classification for the passage below? yes , i have given this movie a rating of zero . but fans of the show should not consider this a diss . consider it 'perfection . '
Text - a tender , witty , captivating film about friendship , love , memory , trust and loyalty . Group - argenticyanide Text - distinctly sub-par . . . more likely to drown a viewer in boredom than to send any shivers down his spine . Group - cinnamon Text - unfortunately , a cast of competent performers from movies , television and the theater are cast adrift in various new york city locations with no unifying rhythm or visual style . Group - cinnamon Text - a generation x artifact , capturing a brief era of insanity in the sports arena that surely cannot last . Group - argenticyanide Classify the following: in the affable maid in manhattan , jennifer lopez's most aggressive and most sincere attempt to take movies by storm , the diva shrewdly surrounds herself with a company of strictly a-list players .
Example: i know we're not supposed to take it seriously , but i can't shake the thought that undercover brother missed an opportunity to strongly present some profound social commentary . Class: refectionary Example: the overall fabric is hypnotic , and mr . mattei fosters moments of spontaneous intimacy . Class: overplenteously Example: just because it really happened to you , honey , doesn't mean that it's interesting to anyone else . Class: refectionary Example: it's often infuriatingly glib and posturing , and yet it has been made with great evident care and manages to deliver up the man in a way to arouse further curiosity in even the most unknowing viewer . Class: overplenteously Example: huppert and girardot give performances of exceptional honesty . Class: overplenteously Example: as exciting as all this exoticism might sound to the typical pax viewer , the rest of us will be lulled into a coma . Class: refectionary Example: preaches to two completely different choirs at the same time , which is a pretty amazing accomplishment . Class: overplenteously Example: as an entertainment destination for the general public , kung pow sets a new benchmark for lameness . Class: refectionary What is the classification for the passage below? a static and sugary little half-hour , after-school special about interfaith understanding , stretched out to 90 minutes .
Case: this isn't even madonna's swept away . this is her blue lagoon . Classification: subsensual Case: henry bean's thoughtful screenplay provides no easy answers , but offers a compelling investigation of faith versus intellect Classification: nonbelieving Case: it's burns' visuals , characters and his punchy dialogue , not his plot , that carry waydowntown . Classification: nonbelieving Case: the characters are paper thin and the plot is so cliched and contrived that it makes your least favorite james bond movie seem as cleverly plotted as the usual suspects . Classification: subsensual Case: there's no denying the physically spectacular qualities of the film . . . or the emotional integrity of the performances . Classification: nonbelieving Case: the movie barely makes sense , with its unbelievable naïveté and arbitrary flashbacks . Classification: subsensual Considreing the above, classify the following: the result , however well-intentioned , is ironically just the sort of disposable , kitchen-sink homage that illustrates why the whole is so often less than the sum of its parts in today's hollywood .
Example: only those most addicted to film violence in all its forms will find anything here to appreciate . Class: madding Example: the good girl is a film in which the talent is undeniable but the results are underwhelming . Class: madding Example: a pleasant and engaging enough sit , but in trying to have the best of both worlds it ends up falling short as a whole . Class: madding Example: michael gerbosi's script is economically packed with telling scenes . Class: deferrization Example: it's a beautiful film , full of elaborate and twisted characters - and it's also pretty funny . Class: deferrization Example: what bloody sunday lacks in clarity , it makes up for with a great , fiery passion . Class: deferrization Considreing the above, classify the following: although some viewers will not be able to stomach so much tongue-in-cheek weirdness , those who do will have found a cult favorite to enjoy for a lifetime .
Example: the acting , costumes , music , cinematography and sound are all astounding given the production's austere locales . Class: unipulse Example: bond-inspired ? certainly . likely to have decades of life as a classic movie franchise ? let's hope not . Class: Bible Example: originality ain't on the menu , but there's never a dull moment in the giant spider invasion comic chiller . Class: unipulse Example: fear dot com is so rambling and disconnected it never builds any suspense . Class: Bible Classify the following: for decades we've marveled at disney's rendering of water , snow , flames and shadows in a hand-drawn animated world . prepare to marvel again .
Text - told just proficiently enough to trounce its overly comfortable trappings . Group - involutional Text - as if drop dead gorgeous wasn't enough , this equally derisive clunker is fixated on the spectacle of small-town competition . Group - Ghent Text - what ultimately makes windtalkers a disappointment is the superficial way it deals with its story . Group - Ghent Text - trying to make head or tail of the story in the hip-hop indie snipes is enough to give you brain strain -- and the pay-off is negligible . Group - Ghent Text - all the performances are top notch and , once you get through the accents , all or nothing becomes an emotional , though still positive , wrench of a sit . Group - involutional Text - this is a winning ensemble comedy that shows canadians can put gentle laughs and equally gentle sentiments on the button , just as easily as their counterparts anywhere else in the world . Group - involutional Text - it made me want to get made-up and go see this movie with my sisters . i thought the relationships were wonderful , the comedy was funny , and the love 'real' . Group - involutional Text - derailed by bad writing and possibly also by some of that extensive post-production reworking to aim the film at young males in the throes of their first full flush of testosterone . Group - Ghent Considreing the above, classify the following: " 13 conversations about one thing " is an intelligent flick that examines many different ideas from happiness to guilt in an intriguing bit of storytelling .
Example: uncertain in tone . . . a garbled exercise in sexual politics , a junior varsity short cuts by way of very bad things . Class: clearable Example: for a movie audience , the hours doesn't connect in a neat way , but introduces characters who illuminate mysteries of sex , duty and love . Class: hippuritoid Example: see scratch for the history , see scratch for the music , see scratch for a lesson in scratching , but , most of all , see it for the passion . Class: hippuritoid Example: the plot meanders from gripping to plodding and back . Class: clearable Classify the following: the character of zigzag is not sufficiently developed to support a film constructed around him .
Example: more mature than fatal attraction , more complete than indecent proposal and more relevant than 9 ½ weeks , unfaithful is at once intimate and universal cinema . Class: yabber Example: it all adds up to good fun . Class: yabber Example: the phone rings and a voice tells you you've got seven days left to live . then you get another phone call warning you that if the video isn't back at blockbuster before midnight , you're going to face frightening late fees . o . k . , not really . Class: holophytic Example: directed by kevin bray , whose crisp framing , edgy camera work , and wholesale ineptitude with acting , tone and pace very obviously mark him as a video helmer making his feature debut . Class: holophytic Example: a droll , bitchy frolic which pokes fun at the price of popularity and small-town pretension in the lone star state . Class: yabber Example: where last time jokes flowed out of cho's life story , which provided an engrossing dramatic through line , here the comedian hides behind obviously constructed routines . Class: holophytic What is the classification for the passage below? it is a happy , heady jumble of thought and storytelling , an insane comic undertaking that ultimately coheres into a sane and breathtakingly creative film .
Example: imperfect ? yes , but also intriguing and honorable , a worthwhile addition to a distinguished film legacy . Class: tobaccophil Example: scarcely worth a mention apart from reporting on the number of tumbleweeds blowing through the empty theatres graced with its company . Class: sinkfield Example: so aggressively cheery that pollyana would reach for a barf bag . Class: sinkfield Example: the solid filmmaking and convincing characters makes this a high water mark for this genre . Class: tobaccophil Considreing the above, classify the following: what happened with pluto nash ? how did it ever get made ?
Example: directors brett morgen and nanette burstein have put together a bold biographical fantasia . Class: hydrocarbostyril Example: this is a movie that starts out like heathers , then becomes bring it on , then becomes unwatchable . Class: knitting Example: although . . . visually striking and slickly staged , it's also cold , grey , antiseptic and emotionally desiccated . Class: knitting Example: either a fascinating study of the relationship between mothers and their children or a disturbing story about sociopaths and their marks . Class: hydrocarbostyril Example: skins has a desolate air , but eyre , a native american raised by white parents , manages to infuse the rocky path to sibling reconciliation with flashes of warmth and gentle humor . Class: hydrocarbostyril Example: two hours of junk . Class: knitting Example: a solid , psychological action film from hong kong . Class: hydrocarbostyril Example: it's both sitcomishly predictable and cloying in its attempts to be poignant . Class: knitting Classify the following: shunji iwai's all about lily chou chou is a beautifully shot , but ultimately flawed film about growing up in japan .
Example: an emotionally and spiritually compelling journey seen through the right eyes , with the right actors and with the kind of visual flair that shows what great cinema can really do . Class: metastasis Example: apparently , romantic comedy with a fresh point of view just doesn't figure in the present hollywood program . Class: realest Example: that rare documentary that incorporates so much of human experience -- drama , conflict , tears and surprise -- that it transcends the normal divisions between fiction and nonfiction film . Class: metastasis Example: this strenuously unfunny showtime deserves the hook . Class: realest Example: a properly spooky film about the power of spirits to influence us whether we believe in them or not . Class: metastasis Example: all prints of this film should be sent to and buried on pluto . Class: realest Classify the following: en sí mismo el rey león es un espectáculo digno de contemplarse en cine , dvd o en su soberbio montaje teatral ; pero el hacerlo en la pantalla imax es una experiencia colosal .
Example: . . . too gory to be a comedy and too silly to be an effective horror film . Class: agglutinogen Example: harris commands the screen , using his frailty to suggest the ravages of a life of corruption and ruthlessness . Class: extraregarding Example: myers never knows when to let a gag die ; thus , we're subjected to one mind-numbingly lengthy riff on poo and pee jokes after another . Class: agglutinogen Example: i admire the closing scenes of the film , which seem to ask whether our civilization offers a cure for vincent's complaint . Class: extraregarding Example: being unique doesn't necessarily equate to being good , no matter how admirably the filmmakers have gone for broke . Class: agglutinogen Example: in its understanding , often funny way , it tells a story whose restatement is validated by the changing composition of the nation . Class: extraregarding Classify the following: an overstylized , puréed mélange of sex , psychology , drugs and philosophy . sometimes entertaining , sometimes indulgent -- but never less than pure wankery .
Text - you'll get the enjoyable basic minimum . but not a whit more . Group - hereness Text - sluggishly directed by episodic tv veteran joe zwick , it's a sitcom without the snap-crackle . Group - blacktongue Text - nights feels more like a quickie tv special than a feature film . . . it's not even a tv special you'd bother watching past the second commercial break . Group - blacktongue Text - sit through this one , and you won't need a magic watch to stop time ; your dvd player will do it for you . Group - blacktongue Text - a superlative b movie -- funny , sexy , and rousing . Group - hereness Text - the worst film of the year . Group - blacktongue Text - a true pleasure . Group - hereness Text - the komediant is a tale worth catching . Group - hereness What is the classification for the passage below? robert harmon's less-is-more approach delivers real bump-in -the-night chills -- his greatest triumph is keeping the creepy crawlies hidden in the film's thick shadows .
Example: it's hard to like a film about a guy who is utterly unlikeable , and shiner , starring michael caine as an aging british boxing promoter desperate for a taste of fame and fortune , is certainly that . Class: antibiosis Example: scores a few points for doing what it does with a dedicated and good-hearted professionalism . Class: simoon Example: the strong subject matter continues to shock throughout the film . not everyone will play the dark , challenging tune taught by the piano teacher . Class: simoon Example: an unbelievably stupid film , though occasionally fun enough to make you forget its absurdity . Class: antibiosis Example: a movie that's just plain awful but still manages to entertain on a guilty-pleasure , so-bad-it's-funny level . Class: simoon Example: amazingly dopey . Class: antibiosis Classify the case below. it took 19 predecessors to get this ?
Case: the film seems all but destined to pop up on a television screen in the background of a scene in a future quentin tarantino picture Classification: rudderhead Case: a sharp and quick documentary that is funny and pithy , while illuminating an era of theatrical comedy that , while past , really isn't . Classification: solitarian Case: [dong] makes a valiant effort to understand everyone's point of view , and he does such a good job of it that family fundamentals gets you riled up . Classification: solitarian Case: [howard] so good as leon barlow . . . that he hardly seems to be acting . Classification: solitarian Case: though avary has done his best to make something out of ellis' nothing novel , in the end , his rules is barely worth following . Classification: rudderhead Case: for every cheesy scene , though , there is a really cool bit -- the movie's conception of a future-world holographic librarian ( orlando jones ) who knows everything and answers all questions , is visually smart , cleverly written , and nicely realized . Classification: solitarian Case: before it takes a sudden turn and devolves into a bizarre sort of romantic comedy , steven shainberg's adaptation of mary gaitskill's harrowing short story . . . is a brilliantly played , deeply unsettling experience . Classification: rudderhead Case: when perry fists a bull at the moore farm , it's only a matter of time before he gets the upper hand in matters of the heart . Classification: rudderhead What is the classification for the passage below? unfortunately , carvey's rubber-face routine is no match for the insipid script he has crafted with harris goldberg .
Text - it is that rare combination of bad writing , bad direction and bad acting -- the trifecta of badness . Group - outarde Text - a very good film sits in the place where a masterpiece should be . Group - Enkidu Text - i didn't believe for a moment in these villains or their plot . Group - outarde Text - a dark , quirky road movie that constantly defies expectation . Group - Enkidu Classify the following: one of the most highly-praised disappointments i've had the misfortune to watch in quite some time .
Example: in theory , a middle-aged romance pairing clayburgh and tambor sounds promising , but in practice it's something else altogether -- clownish and offensive and nothing at all like real life . Class: novelet Example: oedekerk mugs mercilessly , and the genuinely funny jokes are few and far between . Class: novelet Example: if anything , the film is doing something of a public service -- shedding light on a group of extremely talented musicians who might otherwise go unnoticed and underappreciated by music fans . Class: solidarily Example: the weird thing about the santa clause 2 , purportedly a children's movie , is that there is nothing in it to engage children emotionally . Class: novelet Example: shainberg weaves a carefully balanced scenario that is controlled by neither character , is weirdly sympathetic to both and manages to be tender and darkly comic . Class: solidarily Example: adaptation's success in engaging the audience in the travails of creating a screenplay is extraordinary . Class: solidarily Considreing the above, classify the following: an uncomfortable experience , but one as brave and challenging as you could possibly expect these days from american cinema .
Case: leave it to john sayles to take on developers , the chamber of commerce , tourism , historical pageants , and commercialism all in the same movie . . . without neglecting character development for even one minute . Classification: mathematic Case: rouge is less about a superficial midlife crisis than it is about the need to stay in touch with your own skin , at 18 or 80 . Classification: mathematic Case: a pale xerox of other , better crime movies . Classification: expellee Case: choppy , overlong documentary about 'the lifestyle . ' Classification: expellee Considreing the above, classify the following: this is a train wreck of an action film -- a stupefying attempt by the filmmakers to force-feed james bond into the mindless xxx mold and throw 40 years of cinematic history down the toilet in favor of bright flashes and loud bangs .
Case: an awfully good , achingly human picture . Classification: unigenous Case: perhaps the best sports movie i've ever seen . Classification: unigenous Case: devoid of any of the qualities that made the first film so special . Classification: semiraw Case: " my god , i'm behaving like an idiot ! " yes , you are , ben kingsley . Classification: semiraw Case: a cleverly crafted but ultimately hollow mockumentary . Classification: semiraw Case: [næs] directed the stage version of elling , and gets fine performances from his two leads who originated the characters on stage . Classification: unigenous Classify the case below. there's something unintentionally comic in the film's drumbeat about authenticity , given the stale plot and pornographic way the film revels in swank apartments , clothes and parties .
Example: on its own , big trouble could be considered a funny little film . Class: impala Example: a marvellous journey from childhood idealism to adolescent self-absorption . Class: impala Example: director carl franklin , so crisp and economical in one false move , bogs down in genre cliches here . Class: polymorphistic Example: this is the kind of movie where people who have never picked a lock do so easily after a few tries and become expert fighters after a few weeks . Class: polymorphistic Classify the following: the son's room is a triumph of gentility that earns its moments of pathos .
Example: everything you loved about it in 1982 is still there , for everybody who wants to be a kid again , or show it to their own kids . Class: Carmine Example: i hate the feeling of having been slimed in the name of high art . Class: prepolice Example: it's the cute frissons of discovery and humor between chaplin and kidman that keep this nicely wound clock not just ticking , but humming . Class: Carmine Example: it's a sometimes interesting remake that doesn't compare to the brilliant original . Class: prepolice Example: forced , familiar and thoroughly condescending . Class: prepolice Example: jackson is always watchable . Class: Carmine Example: undone by its overly complicated and derivative screenplay , the glacier-paced direction and the stereotypical characters . Class: prepolice Example: is truth stranger than fiction ? in [screenwriter] charlie kaufman's world , truth and fiction are equally strange , and his for the taking . Class: Carmine Classify the case below. dissing a bond movie is quite like calling a dog stupid , but when it has the temerity to run over two hours , you feel like winding up with a kick .
Text - it's surprisingly decent , particularly for a tenth installment in a series . Group - fabella Text - [a] smarter and much funnier version of the old police academy flicks . Group - fabella Text - the cold and dreary weather is a perfect metaphor for the movie itself , which contains few laughs and not much drama . Group - pseudogyne Text - every bit as bogus as most disney live action family movies are -- no real plot , no real conflict , no real point . Group - pseudogyne Text - essentially a collection of bits -- and they're all naughty . Group - pseudogyne Text - dark and disturbing , yet compelling to watch . Group - fabella Text - vile and tacky are the two best adjectives to describe ghost ship . Group - pseudogyne Text - a slick , engrossing melodrama . Group - fabella Considreing the above, classify the following: extreme oops - oops , ops , no matter how you spell it , it's still a mistake to go see it .
Example: how on earth , or anywhere else , did director ron underwood manage to blow $100 million on this ? Class: clotter Example: though it never rises to its full potential as a film , still offers a great deal of insight into the female condition and the timeless danger of emotions repressed . Class: petroleum Example: this limp gender-bender-baller from a first-time director and rookie screenwriter steals wholesale from that 1982's tootsie , forgetting only to retain a single laugh . Class: clotter Example: the film doesn't sustain its initial promise with a jarring , new-agey tone creeping into the second half Class: petroleum Example: a good-natured ensemble comedy that tries hard to make the most of a bumper cast , but never quite gets off the ground . Class: clotter Example: this is human comedy at its most amusing , interesting and confirming . Class: petroleum What is the classification for the passage below? if the tuxedo actually were a suit , it would fit chan like a $99 bargain-basement special .
Text - though the film is well-intentioned , one could rent the original and get the same love story and parable . Group - hexabiose Text - one of the worst films of 2002 . Group - hexabiose Text - it tells more than it shows . Group - hexabiose Text - a first-class , thoroughly involving b movie that effectively combines two surefire , beloved genres -- the prison flick and the fight film . Group - Fierasfer Text - there's very little sense to what's going on here , but the makers serve up the cliches with considerable dash . Group - Fierasfer Text - it's a pleasure to see seinfeld griping about the biz with buddies chris rock , garry shandling and colin quinn . Group - Fierasfer What is the classification for the passage below? if the predictability of bland comfort food appeals to you , then the film is a pleasant enough dish .
Case: what's missing in murder by numbers is any real psychological grounding for the teens' deviant behaviour . being latently gay and liking to read are hardly enough . Classification: Pythiad Case: sad nonsense , this . but not without cheesy fun factor . Classification: Pythiad Case: best of all is garcia , who perfectly portrays the desperation of a very insecure man . Classification: spiroid Case: in trying to be daring and original , it comes off as only occasionally satirical and never fresh . Classification: Pythiad Case: 10 minutes into the film you'll be white-knuckled and unable to look away . Classification: spiroid Case: the most brilliant work in this genre since the 1984 uncut version of sergio leone's flawed but staggering once upon a time in america . Classification: spiroid Considreing the above, classify the following: such master screenwriting comes courtesy of john pogue , the yale grad who previously gave us " the skulls " and last year's " rollerball . " enough said , except : film overboard !
Example: the script has less spice than a rat burger and the rock's fighting skills are more in line with steven seagal . Class: picramic Example: in its understanding , often funny way , it tells a story whose restatement is validated by the changing composition of the nation . Class: uncanonicalness Example: although disney follows its standard formula in this animated adventure , it feels more forced than usual . Class: picramic Example: the touch is generally light enough and the performances , for the most part , credible . Class: uncanonicalness Example: it shows us a slice of life that's very different from our own and yet instantly recognizable . Class: uncanonicalness Example: the good girl is a film in which the talent is undeniable but the results are underwhelming . Class: picramic Example: the movie occasionally threatens to become didactic , but it's too grounded in the reality of its characters to go over the edge . a touch of humor or an unexpected plot twist always pulls it back . Class: uncanonicalness Example: despite its good nature and some genuinely funny moments , super troopers suffers from a bad case of arrested development . Class: picramic Classify the following: a savvy exploration of paranoia and insecurity in america's culture of fear .
Text - terrific as nadia , a russian mail-order bride who comes to america speaking not a word of english , it's kidman who holds the film together with a supremely kittenish performance that gradually accumulates more layers . Group - dermostosis Text - sean penn , you owe nicolas cage an apology . Group - dermostosis Text - a not-so-divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood with a hefty helping of re-fried green tomatoes . Group - Triplochitonaceae Text - it's not so much enjoyable to watch as it is enlightening to listen to new sides of a previous reality , and to visit with some of the people who were able to make an impact in the theater world . Group - dermostosis Text - more of an intriguing curiosity than a gripping thriller . Group - Triplochitonaceae Text - the structure the film takes may find matt damon and ben affleck once again looking for residuals as this officially completes a good will hunting trilogy that was never planned . Group - Triplochitonaceae Text - [a] shapeless blob of desperate entertainment . Group - Triplochitonaceae Text - with 'bowling for columbine , ' michael moore gives us the perfect starting point for a national conversation about guns , violence , and fear . Group - dermostosis What is the classification for the passage below? when it really counts . . . bloody sunday connects on a visceral level that transcends language .
Text - the director explores all three sides of his story with a sensitivity and an inquisitiveness reminiscent of truffaut . Group - climature Text - there are laughs aplenty , and , as a bonus , viewers don't have to worry about being subjected to farts , urine , feces , semen , or any of the other foul substances that have overrun modern-day comedies . Group - climature Text - needless to say , the dramatics that follow are utter hooey . Group - sandust Text - bullock does a good job here of working against her natural likability . Group - climature Text - de niro looks bored , murphy recycles murphy , and you mentally add showtime to the pile of hollywood dreck that represents nothing more than the art of the deal . Group - sandust Text - . . . too slow , too boring , and occasionally annoying . Group - sandust Considreing the above, classify the following: the x potion gives the quickly named blossom , bubbles and buttercup supernatural powers that include extraordinary strength and laser-beam eyes , which unfortunately don't enable them to discern flimsy screenplays .
Example: at its best , which occurs often , michael moore's bowling for columbine rekindles the muckraking , soul-searching spirit of the 'are we a sick society ? ' journalism of the 1960s . Class: binominated Example: so unremittingly awful that labeling it a dog probably constitutes cruelty to canines . Class: Reichslander Example: i can't say that i liked homeboy ; it'd be more accurate to say that i found it intriguing , bizarre , dogma-like in spots - and quite truthful , in its way . Class: binominated Example: . . . bibbidy-bobbidi-bland . Class: Reichslander Example: there's really only one good idea in this movie , but the director runs with it and presents it with an unforgettable visual panache . Class: binominated Example: a very long movie , dull in stretches , with entirely too much focus on meal preparation and igloo construction . Class: Reichslander Example: even if you can't pronounce " gyro " correctly , you'll appreciate much of vardalos' humor , which transcends ethnic boundaries . Class: binominated Example: far too clever by half , howard's film is really a series of strung-together moments , with all the spaces in between filled with fantasies , daydreams , memories and one fantastic visual trope after another . Class: Reichslander Classify the following: a late-night cable sexploitation romp masquerading as a thriller about the ruthless social order that governs college cliques .
Example: largely a for-fans artifact . Class: glaciologist Example: accuracy and realism are terrific , but if your film becomes boring , and your dialogue isn't smart , then you need to use more poetic license . Class: glaciologist Example: with a cast that includes some of the top actors working in independent film , lovely & amazing involves us because it is so incisive , so bleakly amusing about how we go about our lives . Class: liquorishly Example: 'si bien no logra desarrollarse como un gran drama , tampoco es tan superficial como muchas cintas que pecan de pretenciosas y que resultan totalmente banales . ' Class: liquorishly Example: there's undeniable enjoyment to be had from films crammed with movie references , but the fun wears thin -- then out -- when there's nothing else happening . Class: glaciologist Example: for the first time in years , de niro digs deep emotionally , perhaps because he's been stirred by the powerful work of his co-stars . Class: liquorishly Classify the following: the movie is too cute to take itself too seriously , but it still feels like it was made by some very stoned college students .
Example: wedding feels a bit anachronistic . still , not every low-budget movie must be quirky or bleak , and a happy ending is no cinematic sin . Class: actinozoal Example: the script kicks in , and mr . hartley's distended pace and foot-dragging rhythms follow . Class: orthosilicate Example: freundlich's made [crudup] a suburban architect , and a cipher . Class: orthosilicate Example: audiences are advised to sit near the back and squint to avoid noticing some truly egregious lip-non-synching , but otherwise the production is suitably elegant . Class: actinozoal What is the classification for the passage below? 'a fresh-faced , big-hearted and frequently funny thrill ride for the kiddies , with enough eye candy and cheeky wit to keep parents away from the concession stand . '
Text - like a soft drink that's been sitting open too long : it's too much syrup and not enough fizz . Group - pronephron Text - if shayamalan wanted to tell a story about a man who loses his faith , why didn't he just do it , instead of using bad sci-fi as window dressing ? Group - pronephron Text - i know i shouldn't have laughed , but hey , those farts got to my inner nine-year-old . Group - subflora Text - it's not particularly subtle . . . however , it still manages to build to a terrifying , if obvious , conclusion . Group - subflora Considreing the above, classify the following: it would be hard to think of a recent movie that has worked this hard to achieve this little fun .
Example: [barry] gives assassin a disquieting authority . Class: lability Example: as adapted by kevin molony from simon leys' novel " the death of napoleon " and directed by alan taylor , napoleon's journey is interesting but his parisian rebirth is stillborn Class: lability Example: only in its final surprising shots does rabbit-proof fence find the authority it's looking for . Class: Daedalean Example: undone by its overly complicated and derivative screenplay , the glacier-paced direction and the stereotypical characters . Class: Daedalean Example: a cautionary tale about the grandiosity of a college student who sees himself as impervious to a fall . Class: lability Example: woo has as much right to make a huge action sequence as any director , but how long will filmmakers copy the " saving private ryan " battle scenes before realizing steven spielberg got it right the first time ? Class: Daedalean Classify the following: care deftly captures the wonder and menace of growing up , but he never really embraces the joy of fuhrman's destructive escapism or the grace-in-rebellion found by his characters .
Case: it's the element of condescension , as the filmmakers look down on their working-class subjects from their lofty perch , that finally makes sex with strangers , which opens today in the new york metropolitan area , so distasteful . Classification: diethylstilbestrol Case: one lousy movie . Classification: diethylstilbestrol Case: see scratch for the history , see scratch for the music , see scratch for a lesson in scratching , but , most of all , see it for the passion . Classification: exocolitis Case: it deserves to be seen by anyone with even a passing interest in the events shaping the world beyond their own horizons . Classification: exocolitis Case: no number of fantastic sets , extras , costumes and spectacular locales can disguise the emptiness at the center of the story . Classification: diethylstilbestrol Case: there are just enough twists in the tale to make it far more satisfying than almost any horror film in recent memory . Classification: exocolitis Classify the following: captivates and shows how a skillful filmmaker can impart a message without bludgeoning the audience over the head .
Example: as a good old-fashioned adventure for kids , spirit : stallion of the cimarron is a winner . Class: overglorious Example: by the time the surprise ending is revealed , interest cannot be revived . Class: germanize Example: cloaks a familiar anti-feminist equation ( career - kids = misery ) in tiresome romantic-comedy duds . Class: germanize Example: fans of nijinsky will savor every minute of cox's work . Class: overglorious Example: the movie is one of the best examples of artful large format filmmaking you are likely to see anytime soon . Class: overglorious Example: the film virtually chokes on its own self-consciousness . Class: germanize Classify the following: some stunning visuals -- and some staggeringly boring cinema .
Example: a delicious , quirky movie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by michael gondry . Class: papaship Example: lame sweet home leaves no southern stereotype unturned . Class: energumen Example: it's clear the filmmakers weren't sure where they wanted their story to go , and even more clear that they lack the skills to get us to this undetermined destination . Class: energumen Example: if reno is to the left of liberal on the political spectrum , her tough , funny , rather chaotic show isn't subversive so much as it is nit-picky about the hypocrisies of our time . Class: papaship Example: it's got the brawn , but not the brains . Class: energumen Example: the movie is not as terrible as the synergistic impulse that created it . Class: papaship Classify the case below. when a movie has stuck around for this long , you know there's something there . it's that good .
Example: with youthful high spirits , tautou remains captivating throughout michele's religious and romantic quests , and she is backed by a likable cast . Class: disoccupy Example: mindless and boring martial arts and gunplay with too little excitement and zero compelling storyline . Class: Apetalae Example: dense with characters and contains some thrilling moments . Class: disoccupy Example: the movie is a negligible work of manipulation , an exploitation piece doing its usual worst to guilt-trip parents . Class: Apetalae What is the classification for the passage below? in an era where big stars and high production values are standard procedure , narc strikes a defiantly retro chord , and outpaces its contemporaries with daring and verve .
Text - a movie that both thrills the eye and , in its over-the-top way , touches the heart . Group - museumize Text - land , people and narrative flow together in a stark portrait of motherhood deferred and desire explored . Group - museumize Text - director jay russell stomps in hobnail boots over natalie babbitt's gentle , endearing 1975 children's novel . Group - unelbowed Text - an original gem about an obsession with time . Group - museumize Text - the problem with all of this : it's not really funny . Group - unelbowed Text - the pivotal narrative point is so ripe the film can't help but go soft and stinky . Group - unelbowed Classify the case below. at times the guys taps into some powerful emotions , but this kind of material is more effective on stage . it's not a motion picture ; it's an utterly static picture .
Text - this horror-comedy doesn't go for the usual obvious laughs at the expense of cheap-looking monsters -- unless you count elvira's hooters . Group - varicocele Text - watching it is rather like an overlong visit from a large group of your relatives . as your relatives swap one mundane story after another , you begin to wonder if they are ever going to depart . Group - riser Text - there's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . Group - riser Text - it's a tour de force , written and directed so quietly that it's implosion rather than explosion you fear . Group - varicocele Classify the following: shamelessly resorting to pee-related sight gags that might even cause tom green a grimace ; still , myer's energy and the silliness of it all eventually prevail
Example: 'compleja e intelectualmente retadora , el ladrón de orquídeas es uno de esos filmes que vale la pena ver precisamente por su originalidad . ' Class: rahdar Example: i'd give real money to see the perpetrators of chicago torn apart by dingoes . Class: Idalian Example: haneke challenges us to confront the reality of sexual aberration . Class: rahdar Example: " men in black ii , " has all the earmarks of a sequel . the story is less vibrant , the jokes are a little lukewarm , but will anyone really care ? Class: Idalian Considreing the above, classify the following: there are plot holes big enough for shamu the killer whale to swim through .
Example: lawrence plumbs personal tragedy and also the human comedy . Class: calcicolous Example: otto-sallies has a real filmmaker's eye . Class: calcicolous Example: by turns pretentious , fascinating , ludicrous , provocative and vainglorious . Class: addlepate Example: an exhilarating futuristic thriller-noir , minority report twists the best of technology around a gripping story , delivering a riveting , pulse intensifying escapist adventure of the first order Class: calcicolous Example: the average local news columnist has a bigger rant on the war between modern landscape architecture and small-town america . Class: addlepate Example: unfortunately , a cast of competent performers from movies , television and the theater are cast adrift in various new york city locations with no unifying rhythm or visual style . Class: addlepate Considreing the above, classify the following: the situations and jokes are as predictable and as lowbrow as the endless pratfalls the boys take in their high heels .
Example: a stirring road movie . Class: willowy Example: a well-acted movie that simply doesn't gel . Class: spinnerular Example: you'll end up moved . Class: willowy Example: nolan bravely treads where few american films dare to delve -- into the world of ambivalence and ambiguity . . . Class: willowy Example: the film might have been more satisfying if it had , in fact , been fleshed out a little more instead of going for easy smiles . Class: spinnerular Example: the movie addresses a hungry need for pg-rated , nonthreatening family movies , but it doesn't go too much further . Class: willowy Example: screenwriter chris ver weil's directing debut is good-natured and never dull , but its virtues are small and easily overshadowed by its predictability . Class: spinnerular Example: the reason i found myself finally unmoved by this film , which is immaculately produced and has serious things to say , is that it comes across rather too plainly as allegory . Class: spinnerular Considreing the above, classify the following: a moody horror/thriller elevated by deft staging and the director's well-known narrative gamesmanship .
Example: historical dramas fused with love triangle is a well worn conceit . but this films lacks the passion required to sell the material . Class: sponge Example: this is such a dazzlingly self-assured directorial debut that it's hard to know what to praise first . Class: dignitary Example: cineasts will revel in those visual in-jokes , as in the film's verbal pokes at everything from the likes of miramax chief harvey weinstein's bluff personal style to the stylistic rigors of denmark's dogma movement . Class: dignitary Example: k-19 exploits our substantial collective fear of nuclear holocaust to generate cheap hollywood tension . Class: sponge Example: my own minority report is that it stinks . Class: sponge Example: a disoriented but occasionally disarming saga packed with moments out of an alice in wonderland adventure , a stalker thriller , and a condensed season of tv's big brother . Class: dignitary Example: journalistically dubious , inept and often lethally dull . Class: sponge Example: offers a clear-eyed chronicle of a female friendship that is more complex and honest than anything represented in a hollywood film . Class: dignitary Classify the case below. it's not helpful to listen to extremist name-calling , regardless of whether you think kissinger was a calculating fiend or just a slippery self-promoter .
Text - what's surprising is how well it holds up in an era in which computer-generated images are the norm . Group - scalpeen Text - sheridan . . . smoothes over sources of conflict that could have lent the film a bit more depth . Group - foreremembered Text - paid in full is so stale , in fact , that its most vibrant scene is one that uses clips from brian de palma's scarface . that's a cheat . Group - foreremembered Text - . . . enthusiastically invokes the percussion rhythm , the brass soul and the sense of fierce competition that helps make great marching bands half the fun of college football games . Group - scalpeen Text - scotland looks wonderful , the fans are often funny fanatics , the showdown sure beats a bad day of golf . Group - scalpeen Text - watching the chemistry between freeman and judd , however , almost makes this movie worth seeing . almost . Group - foreremembered Classify the following: director shekhar kapur and screenwriters michael schiffer and hossein amini have tried hard to modernize and reconceptualize things , but the barriers finally prove to be too great .
Example: this is an action movie with an action icon who's been all but decommissioned . Class: memorability Example: uneven but a lot of fun . Class: wearying Example: the characters are based on stock clichés , and the attempt to complicate the story only defies credibility . Class: memorability Example: we get some truly unique character studies and a cross-section of americana that hollywood couldn't possibly fictionalize and be believed . Class: wearying Classify the following: the humor is forced and heavy-handed , and occasionally simply unpleasant .
Example: tadpole is a sophisticated , funny and good-natured treat , slight but a pleasure . Class: cental Example: if you adored the full monty so resoundingly that you're dying to see the same old thing in a tired old setting , then this should keep you reasonably entertained . Class: verbene Example: without a strong script and energetic acting , dogma films can produce the same sleep-inducing effects as watching your neighbor's home videos . Class: verbene Example: droll caper-comedy remake of " big deal on madonna street " that's a sly , amusing , laugh-filled little gem in which the ultimate " bellini " begins to look like a " real kaputschnik . " Class: cental What is the classification for the passage below? a haunting tale of murder and mayhem .
Example: shanghai ghetto should be applauded for finding a new angle on a tireless story , but you might want to think twice before booking passage . Class: unmercerized Example: mcconaughey's fun to watch , the dragons are okay , not much fire in the script . Class: unmercerized Example: assured , glossy and shot through with brittle desperation . Class: orthodoxal Example: originality ain't on the menu , but there's never a dull moment in the giant spider invasion comic chiller . Class: orthodoxal Classify the case below. egoyan's work often elegantly considers various levels of reality and uses shifting points of view , but here he has constructed a film so labyrinthine that it defeats his larger purpose .
Example: consummate actor barry has done excellent work here . Class: plaice Example: a knowing look at female friendship , spiked with raw urban humor . Class: plaice Example: when the fire burns out , we've only come face-to-face with a couple dragons and that's where the film ultimately fails . Class: zibethone Example: gets the look and the period trappings right , but it otherwise drowns in a sea of visual and verbal clichés . Class: zibethone Considreing the above, classify the following: helmer devito . . . attempts to do too many things in this story about ethics , payola , vice , murder , kids' tv and revenge .
Text - dark and disturbing , but also surprisingly funny . Group - underbake Text - although no pastry is violated , this nasty comedy pokes fun at the same easy targets as other rowdy raunch-fests -- farts , boobs , unmentionables -- without much success . Group - haplodont Text - the plot is very clever , but boyd weighs it down with too many characters and events , all intertwined and far too complicated to keep track of . Group - haplodont Text - hip-hop prison thriller of stupefying absurdity . Group - haplodont Text - hey arnold ! the movie is what happens when you blow up small potatoes to 10 times their natural size , and it ain't pretty . Group - haplodont Text - 10 minutes into the film you'll be white-knuckled and unable to look away . Group - underbake Text - implicitly acknowledges and celebrates the glorious chicanery and self-delusion of this most american of businesses , and for that reason it may be the most oddly honest hollywood document of all . Group - underbake Text - it might be tempting to regard mr . andrew and his collaborators as oddballs , but mr . earnhart's quizzical , charming movie allows us to see them , finally , as artists . Group - underbake Considreing the above, classify the following: her fans walked out muttering words like " horrible " and " terrible , " but had so much fun dissing the film that they didn't mind the ticket cost . in this case zero .
Case: take away all the cliches and the carbon copy scenes from every drug movie we've seen and all you have left are john leguizamo's cool jackets . Classification: numismatic Case: the movie isn't just hilarious : it's witty and inventive , too , and in hindsight , it isn't even all that dumb . Classification: tourbillion Case: on the whole , the movie lacks wit , feeling and believability to compensate for its incessant coarseness and banality . Classification: numismatic Case: ozpetek offers an aids subtext , skims over the realities of gay sex , and presents yet another tired old vision of the gay community as an all-inclusive world where uptight , middle class bores like antonia can feel good about themselves . Classification: numismatic Case: the film's intimate camera work and searing performances pull us deep into the girls' confusion and pain as they struggle tragically to comprehend the chasm of knowledge that's opened between them . Classification: tourbillion Case: about amy's cuteness , amy's career success ( she's a best-selling writer of self-help books who can't help herself ) , and amy's neuroses when it comes to men . Classification: numismatic Case: for all its serious sense of purpose . . . [it] finds a way to lay bare the tragedies of its setting with a good deal of warmth and humor . Classification: tourbillion Case: no , it's not as single-minded as john carpenter's original , but it's sure a lot smarter and more unnerving than the sequels . Classification: tourbillion Classify the case below. faultlessly professional but finally slight .
Example: fresh and raw like a blown-out vein , narc takes a walking-dead , cop-flick subgenre and beats new life into it . Class: dubitant Example: ozpetek's effort has the scope and shape of an especially well-executed television movie . Class: dubitant Example: a monster combat thriller as impersonal in its relentlessness as the videogame series that inspired it . Class: hexaplaric Example: pumpkin means to be an outrageous dark satire on fraternity life , but its ambitions far exceed the abilities of writer adam larson broder and his co-director , tony r . abrams , in their feature debut . Class: hexaplaric What is the classification for the passage below? i didn't laugh . i didn't smile . i survived .
Example: there's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . Class: thistlebird Example: with lines that feel like long soliloquies -- even as they are being framed in conversation -- max is static , stilted . Class: thistlebird Example: should have been someone else- Class: thistlebird Example: [majidi] makes us think twice about immigrants we see around us every day . Class: four Example: director kapur is a filmmaker with a real flair for epic landscapes and adventure , and this is a better film than his earlier english-language movie , the overpraised elizabeth . Class: four Example: offers no new insight on the matter , nor do its characters exactly spring to life . Class: thistlebird Example: stevens' vibrant creative instincts are the difference between this and countless other flicks about guys and dolls . Class: four Example: you'll get the enjoyable basic minimum . but not a whit more . Class: four What is the classification for the passage below? movie fans , get ready to take off . . . the other direction .
Example: for most movies , 84 minutes is short , but this one feels like a life sentence . Class: jostle Example: a fairly by-the-books blend of action and romance with sprinklings of intentional and unintentional comedy . Class: jostle Example: as gory as the scenes of torture and self-mutilation may be , they are pitted against shimmering cinematography that lends the setting the ethereal beauty of an asian landscape painting . Class: postmedia Example: not only a reminder of how they used to make movies , but also how they sometimes still can be made . Class: postmedia Classify the case below. one of the most gloriously unsubtle and adrenalized extreme shockers since the evil dead .
Example: the film's bathos often overwhelms what could have been a more multifaceted look at this interesting time and place . Class: tribally Example: while the now 72-year-old robert evans been slowed down by a stroke , he has at least one more story to tell : his own . Class: unconvoluted Example: as a revenge thriller , the movie is serviceable , but it doesn't really deliver the delicious guilty pleasure of the better film versions . Class: unconvoluted Example: in the new guy , even the bull gets recycled . Class: tribally Example: amazing ! a college story that works even without vulgarity , sex scenes , and cussing ! Class: unconvoluted Example: the streets , shot by cinematographer michael ballhaus , may be as authentic as they are mean , but it is nearly impossible to care about what happens on them . Class: tribally Classify the case below. a derivative collection of horror and sci-fi cliches .
Example: like vardalos and corbett , who play their roles with vibrant charm , the film , directed by joel zwick , is heartfelt and hilarious in ways you can't fake . Class: cleidagra Example: a wretched movie that reduces the second world war to one man's quest to find an old flame . Class: clinker Example: forget about one oscar nomination for julianne moore this year - she should get all five . Class: cleidagra Example: it's one of those baseball pictures where the hero is stoic , the wife is patient , the kids are as cute as all get-out and the odds against success are long enough to intimidate , but short enough to make a dream seem possible . Class: clinker Considreing the above, classify the following: ver wiel's desperate attempt at wit is lost , leaving the character of critical jim two-dimensional and pointless .
Text - the movie's gloomy atmosphere is fascinating , though , even if the movie itself doesn't stand a ghost of a chance . Group - gardenless Text - even those who would like to dismiss the film outright should find much to mull and debate . Group - aisleless Text - a 'girls gone wild' video for the boho art-house crowd , the burning sensation isn't a definitive counter-cultural document -- its makers aren't removed and inquisitive enough for that . Group - gardenless Text - texan director george ratliff had unlimited access to families and church meetings , and he delivers fascinating psychological fare . Group - aisleless What is the classification for the passage below? viewed on its own terms , treasure planet is better-than-average family entertainment , but true fans of the stevenson's novel will likely prefer disney's more faithful 1950 live-action swashbuckling classic .
Example: angela gheorghiu as famous prima donna floria tosca , roberto alagna as her lover mario cavaradossi , and ruggero as the villainous , lecherous police chief scarpia , all sing beautifully and act adequately . Class: Ranunculales Example: the most compelling wiseman epic of recent years . Class: Ranunculales Example: wobbly senegalese updating of " carmen " which is best for the stunning star turn by djeinaba diop gai Class: maffle Example: if you are curious to see the darker side of what's going on with young tv actors ( dawson leery did what ? ! ? ) , or see some interesting storytelling devices , you might want to check it out , but there's nothing very attractive about this movie . Class: maffle Example: the additional storyline is interesting and entertaining , but it doesn't have the same magical quality as the beginning of the story . i like the new footage and still love the old stuff . Class: Ranunculales Example: . . . [a] strained comedy that jettisons all opportunities for rock to make his mark by serving up the usual chaotic nonsense . Class: maffle Considreing the above, classify the following: a wild , endearing , masterful documentary .
Text - adam sandler's heart may be in the right place , but he needs to pull his head out of his butt Group - nondivorce Text - at heart the movie is a deftly wrought suspense yarn whose richer shadings work as coloring rather than substance . Group - pleonastical Text - it's a charming and often affecting journey . Group - pleonastical Text - a rote exercise in both animation and storytelling . Group - nondivorce Classify the case below. an earnest , roughshod document , it serves as a workable primer for the region's recent history , and would make a terrific 10th-grade learning tool .
Case: the urban landscapes are detailed down to the signs on the kiosks , and the color palette , with lots of somber blues and pinks , is dreamy and evocative . Classification: monology Case: it's a terrific american sports movie and dennis quaid is its athletic heart . Classification: monology Case: this pathetic junk is barely an hour long . nevertheless , it still seems endless . Classification: extracloacal Case: i approached the usher and said that if she had to sit through it again , she should ask for a raise . Classification: extracloacal Case: the filmmakers' eye for detail and the high standards of performance convey a strong sense of the girls' environment . Classification: monology Case: they're going through the motions , but the zip is gone . Classification: extracloacal Classify the following: fulford-wierzbicki . . . deftly captures the wise-beyond-her-years teen .
Case: as a good old-fashioned adventure for kids , spirit : stallion of the cimarron is a winner . Classification: techily Case: another entertaining romp from robert rodriguez . Classification: techily Case: limps along on a squirm-inducing fish-out-of-water formula that goes nowhere and goes there very , very slowly . Classification: underward Case: [i]t's certainly laudable that the movie deals with hot-button issues in a comedic context , but barbershop isn't as funny as it should be . Classification: underward Case: heartwarming here relies less on forced air than on petter næss' delicate , clever direction . . . and a wonderful , imaginative script by axel hellstenius . Classification: techily Case: spain's greatest star wattage doesn't overcome the tumult of maudlin tragedy . Classification: underward What is the classification for the passage below? not an objectionable or dull film ; it merely lacks everything except good intentions .
Text - imagine the james woods character from videodrome making a home movie of audrey rose and showing it to the kid from the sixth sense and you've imagined the ring . Group - invitatory Text - there's nothing more satisfying during a summer of event movies than a spy thriller like the bourne identity that's packed with just as much intelligence as action . Group - unabsorbed Text - a portrait of alienation so perfect , it will certainly succeed in alienating most viewers . Group - invitatory Text - satin rouge is not a new , or inventive , journey , but it's encouraging to see a three-dimensional , average , middle-aged woman's experience of self-discovery handled with such sensitivity . Group - unabsorbed Text - just how these families interact may surprise you . Group - unabsorbed Text - there are just too many characters saying too many clever things and getting into too many pointless situations . where's the movie here ? Group - invitatory Considreing the above, classify the following: the master of disguise is funny--not " ha ha " funny , " dead circus performer " funny . and for all the wrong reasons besides .
Text - a charming yet poignant tale of the irrevocable ties that bind . Group - henotheism Text - prurient playthings aside , there's little to love about this english trifle . Group - bilch Text - i admire it and yet cannot recommend it , because it overstays its natural running time . Group - bilch Text - a gorgeous , witty , seductive movie . Group - henotheism Considreing the above, classify the following: uses sharp humor and insight into human nature to examine class conflict , adolescent yearning , the roots of friendship and sexual identity .
Text - it's a film that hinges on its casting , and glover really doesn't fit the part . Group - superrefinement Text - has a long and clunky ending . . . which forces the audience to fidget through ten pseudo-serious minutes while waiting for the ending credits and the deleted scenes montage to break the audience's awkward silence Group - superrefinement Text - it's a boom-box of a movie that might have been titled 'the loud and the ludicrous' . . . the pandering to a moviegoing audience dominated by young males is all too calculated . Group - superrefinement Text - it has that rare quality of being able to creep the living hell out of you . . . Group - egma Text - cut through the layers of soap-opera emotion and you find a scathing portrayal of a powerful entity strangling the life out of the people who want to believe in it the most . Group - egma Text - stevens has a flair for dialogue comedy , the film operates nicely off the element of surprise , and the large cast is solid . Group - egma Classify the case below. australia : land beyond time is an enjoyable big movie primarily because australia is a weirdly beautiful place .
Text - . . . contains very few laughs and even less surprises . Group - lapidity Text - if you're not totally weirded- out by the notion of cinema as community-therapy spectacle , quitting hits home with disorienting force . Group - behavioral Text - has a plot full of twists upon knots . . . and a nonstop parade of mock-tarantino scuzbag types that starts out clever but veers into overkill . Group - behavioral Text - the master of disguise represents adam sandler's latest attempt to dumb down the universe . Group - lapidity Classify the case below. . . . begins with promise , but runs aground after being snared in its own tangled plot .
Text - high on melodrama . but it's emotionally engrossing , too , thanks to strong , credible performances from the whole cast . Group - convolvulinic Text - ozpetek offers an aids subtext , skims over the realities of gay sex , and presents yet another tired old vision of the gay community as an all-inclusive world where uptight , middle class bores like antonia can feel good about themselves . Group - jemmy Text - a fascinating , dark thriller that keeps you hooked on the delicious pulpiness of its lurid fiction . Group - convolvulinic Text - it's just disappointingly superficial -- a movie that has all the elements necessary to be a fascinating , involving character study , but never does more than scratch the surface . Group - jemmy Text - there's a little violence and lots of sex in a bid to hold our attention , but it grows monotonous after a while , as do joan and philip's repetitive arguments , schemes and treachery . Group - jemmy Text - for the first two-thirds of this sparklingly inventive and artful , always fast and furious tale , kids will go happily along for the ride . Group - convolvulinic Considreing the above, classify the following: . . . plenty of warmth to go around , with music and laughter and the love of family .
Text - whatever satire lucky break was aiming for , it certainly got lost in the " soon-to-be-forgettable " section of the quirky rip-off prison romp pile . it's petty thievery like this that puts flimsy flicks like this behind bars Group - supertranscendently Text - the actors don't inhabit their roles -- they're trapped by them , forced to change behavior in bizarre unjustified fashion and spout dialog that consists mostly of platitudes . Group - supertranscendently Text - giggling at the absurdities and inconsistencies is part of the fun . but the talented cast alone will keep you watching , as will the fight scenes . Group - fahlerz Text - in its dry and forceful way , it delivers the same message as jiri menzel's closely watched trains and danis tanovic's no man's land . Group - fahlerz Classify the case below. i am more offended by his lack of faith in his audience than by anything on display here .
Text - here's a case of two actors who do everything humanly possible to create characters who are sweet and believable , and are defeated by a screenplay that forces them into bizarre , implausible behavior . Group - illumer Text - 'lovely and amazing , ' unhappily , is neither . . . excessively strained and contrived . Group - illumer Text - thankfully , the film , which skirts that rapidly deteriorating line between fantasy and reality . . . takes a tongue-in-cheek attitude even as it pushes the croc hunter agenda . Group - Pseudoscines Text - canada's arctic light shines bright on this frozen tundra soap opera that breathes extraordinary life into the private existence of the inuit people . Group - Pseudoscines Classify the following: [the digital effects] reminded me of terry gilliam's rudimentary old monty python cartoons , in which he would cut out figures from drawings and photographs and paste them together .
Example: so we got ten little indians meets friday the 13th by way of clean and sober , filmed on the set of carpenter's the thing and loaded with actors you're most likely to find on the next inevitable incarnation of the love boat . Class: Upupidae Example: . . . quite endearing . Class: bacteremia Example: the story itself is uninteresting , and the songs are painfully undistinguished : they might be giants' so to be one of us may be the most tuneless tune ever composed . Class: Upupidae Example: it reaffirms life as it looks in the face of death . Class: bacteremia Example: with a cast that includes some of the top actors working in independent film , lovely & amazing involves us because it is so incisive , so bleakly amusing about how we go about our lives . Class: bacteremia Example: one groan-inducing familiarity begets another . Class: Upupidae Considreing the above, classify the following: an edgy thriller that delivers a surprising punch .
Example: suspend your disbelief here and now , or you'll be shaking your head all the way to the credits . Class: reavow Example: call me a cynic , but there's something awfully deadly about any movie with a life-affirming message . Class: youngling Example: jones . . . makes a great impression as the writer-director of this little $1 . 8 million charmer , which may not be cutting-edge indie filmmaking but has a huge heart . Class: reavow Example: 'ejemplo de una cinta en que no importa el talento de su reparto o lo interesante que pudo haber resultado su premisa , pues el resultado es francamente aburrido y , por momentos , deplorable . ' Class: youngling What is the classification for the passage below? it's a remarkably solid and subtly satirical tour de force .
Case: impostor can't think of a thing to do with these characters except have them run through dark tunnels , fight off various anonymous attackers , and evade elaborate surveillance technologies . Classification: unguicorn Case: one of the best examples of how to treat a subject , you're not fully aware is being examined , much like a photo of yourself you didn't know was being taken . Classification: indurative Case: an intoxicating experience . Classification: indurative Case: director-chef gabriele muccino keeps it fast -- zippy , comin' at ya -- as if fearing that his film is molto superficiale . Classification: unguicorn Case: allen se atreve a atacar , a atacarse y nos ofrece gags que van de la sonrisa a la risa de larga duración Classification: indurative Case: while it's nice to watch a movie that hasn't been focus-grouped into tedium , yu's cinematic alchemy produces nearly as much lead as gold . Classification: unguicorn Case: here's a british flick gleefully unconcerned with plausibility , yet just as determined to entertain you . Classification: indurative Case: the episodic film makes valid points about the depersonalization of modern life . but the characters tend to be cliches whose lives are never fully explored . Classification: unguicorn Classify the following: no new plot conceptions or environmental changes , just different bodies for sharp objects to rip through .
Example: a good film with a solid pedigree both in front of and , more specifically , behind the camera . Class: dextraural Example: all's well that ends well , and rest assured , the consciousness-raising lessons are cloaked in gross-out gags . Class: lectionary Example: sometimes this 'blood' seems as tired as its protagonist . . . still , the pulse never disappears entirely , and the picture crosses the finish line winded but still game . Class: dextraural Example: focuses on joan's raging hormones and sledgehammers the audience with spanish inquisitions about her " madness " so much that i became mad that i wasted 123 minutes and $9 . 50 on this 21st century torture device . Class: lectionary Example: if the movie succeeds in instilling a wary sense of 'there but for the grace of god , ' it is far too self-conscious to draw you deeply into its world . Class: lectionary Example: unfortunately , a cast of competent performers from movies , television and the theater are cast adrift in various new york city locations with no unifying rhythm or visual style . Class: lectionary Example: it's rather like a lifetime special -- pleasant , sweet and forgettable . Class: dextraural Example: the overall result is an intelligent , realistic portrayal of testing boundaries . Class: dextraural Considreing the above, classify the following: nachtwey clears the cynicism right out of you . he makes you realize that deep inside righteousness can be found a tough beauty .
Example: a backstage must-see for true fans of comedy . Class: semicellulose Example: contrived , awkward and filled with unintended laughs , the film shows signs that someone other than the director got into the editing room and tried to improve things by making the movie go faster . Class: tridimensionality Example: it would work much better as a one-hour tv documentary . Class: tridimensionality Example: an intriguing and entertaining introduction to johnson . Class: semicellulose Example: viewers are asked so often to suspend belief that were it not for holm's performance , the film would be a total washout . Class: tridimensionality Example: no wonder they're talking about " talk to her . " it's astonishing . Class: semicellulose Considreing the above, classify the following: it is an indelible epic american story about two families , one black and one white , facing change in both their inner and outer lives .
Example: quitting delivers a sucker-punch , and its impact is all the greater beause director zhang's last film , the cuddly shower , was a non-threatening multi-character piece centered around a public bath house . Class: dandlingly Example: it leers , offering next to little insight into its intriguing subject . Class: precomposition Example: the entire movie is so formulaic and forgettable that it's hardly over before it begins to fade from memory . Class: precomposition Example: the comedy is nonexistent . Class: precomposition Example: the hard-to-predict and absolutely essential chemistry between the down-to-earth bullock and the nonchalant grant proves to be sensational , and everything meshes in this elegant entertainment . Class: dandlingly Example: a remarkable 179-minute meditation on the nature of revolution . Class: dandlingly Example: the balkans provide the obstacle course for the love of a good woman . Class: precomposition Example: in addition to gluing you to the edge of your seat , changing lanes is also a film of freshness , imagination and insight . Class: dandlingly Considreing the above, classify the following: when seagal appeared in an orange prison jumpsuit , i wanted to stand up in the theater and shout , 'hey , kool-aid ! '
Example: this often-hilarious farce manages to generate the belly laughs of lowbrow comedy without sacrificing its high-minded appeal . Class: epitrope Example: the low-budget full frontal was one of the year's murkiest , intentionally obscure and self-indulgent pictures , and solaris is its big-budget brother . Class: outpromise Example: suffers from over-familiarity since hit-hungry british filmmakers have strip-mined the monty formula mercilessly since 1997 . Class: outpromise Example: a ragbag of promising ideas and failed narrative , of good acting and plain old bad filmmaking . Class: outpromise Example: a moody , multi-dimensional love story and sci-fi mystery , solaris is a thought-provoking , haunting film that allows the seeds of the imagination to germinate . Class: epitrope Example: the pianist is a fine valedictory work for polanski , made richer by his own experiences , making his other movies somehow richer in the bargain . Class: epitrope Example: one suspects that craven endorses they simply because this movie makes his own look much better by comparison . Class: outpromise Example: vampire epic succeeds as spooky action-packed trash of the highest order . Class: epitrope Classify the case below. there is a refreshing absence of cynicism in stuart little 2--quite a rarity , even in the family film market . eventually , it wins you over .
Text - an intelligent romantic thriller of a very old-school kind of quality . Group - mappable Text - this film is full of rabbits . brimful . but like most rabbits , it seems to lack substance . Group - mentalist Text - starts as an intense political and psychological thriller but is sabotaged by ticking time bombs and other hollywood-action cliches . Group - mentalist Text - lacks the inspiration of the original and has a bloated plot that stretches the running time about 10 minutes past a child's interest and an adult's patience . but it also has many of the things that made the first one charming . Group - mappable Considreing the above, classify the following: a burst of color , music , and dance that only the most practiced curmudgeon could fail to crack a smile at .
Case: shouldn't have been allowed to use the word " new " in its title , because there's not an original character , siuation or joke in the entire movie . Classification: dystomic Case: it's just hard to believe that a life like this can sound so dull . Classification: dystomic Case: lucky break is perfectly inoffensive and harmless , but it's also drab and inert . Classification: dystomic Case: so many documentaries like this presuppose religious bigotry or zealous nuttiness of its antagonists , but family fundamentals displays a rare gift for unflinching impartiality . Classification: drogh Case: the sentimental script has problems , but the actors pick up the slack . Classification: drogh Case: the premise of jason x is silly but strangely believable . Classification: drogh Case: the film itself is about something very interesting and odd that would probably work better as a real documentary without the insinuation of mediocre acting or a fairly trite narrative . Classification: dystomic Case: it's a day at the beach -- with air conditioning and popcorn . Classification: drogh Considreing the above, classify the following: undoubtedly the scariest movie ever made about tattoos .
Example: eh . Class: Ulothrix Example: as a director , mr . ratliff wisely rejects the temptation to make fun of his subjects . Class: scallom Example: this re-do is so dumb and so exploitative in its violence that , ironically , it becomes everything that the rather clumsy original was railing against . Class: Ulothrix Example: moore's performance impresses almost as much as her work with haynes in 1995's safe . Class: scallom Example: imagine a scenario where bergman approaches swedish fatalism using gary larson's far side humor Class: scallom Example: serving sara should be served an eviction notice at every theater stuck with it . Class: Ulothrix Classify the case below. a peculiar misfire that even tunney can't save .
Example: kinnear's performance is a career-defining revelation . Class: tetrakaidecahedron Example: as they used to say in the 1950s sci-fi movies , signs is a tribute to shyamalan's gifts , which are such that we'll keep watching the skies for his next project . Class: tetrakaidecahedron Example: just a kiss wants desperately to come off as a fanciful film about the typical problems of average people . but it is set in a world that is very , very far from the one most of us inhabit . Class: heulandite Example: it's just hard to believe that a life like this can sound so dull . Class: heulandite Example: a portrait of hell so shattering it's impossible to shake . Class: tetrakaidecahedron Example: smith profiles five extraordinary american homes , and because the owners seem fully aware of the uses and abuses of fame , it's a pleasure to enjoy their eccentricities . Class: tetrakaidecahedron Example: 'all in all , reign of fire will be a good ( successful ) rental . ' Class: heulandite Example: a standard police-oriented drama that , were it not for de niro's participation , would have likely wound up a tnt original . Class: heulandite Classify the following: a candid and often fascinating documentary about a pentecostal church in dallas that assembles an elaborate haunted house each year to scare teenagers into attending services .
Example: ao sair do cinema , eu estava feliz e com saudades de um tempo em que , para mim , a existência de papai noel era um fato inquestionável . Class: taiglesome Example: there's nothing exactly wrong here , but there's not nearly enough that's right . Class: Carludovica Example: disney's live-action division has a history of releasing cinematic flotsam , but this is one occasion when they have unearthed a rare gem . Class: taiglesome Example: with its dogged hollywood naturalism and the inexorable passage of its characters toward sainthood , windtalkers is nothing but a sticky-sweet soap . Class: Carludovica Considreing the above, classify the following: richard gere and diane lane put in fine performances as does french actor oliver martinez .
Case: a disoriented but occasionally disarming saga packed with moments out of an alice in wonderland adventure , a stalker thriller , and a condensed season of tv's big brother . Classification: morenita Case: by the time the surprise ending is revealed , interest cannot be revived . Classification: quipu Case: an entertaining british hybrid of comedy , caper thrills and quirky romance . Classification: morenita Case: feels like the grittiest movie that was ever made for the lifetime cable television network . Classification: quipu Considreing the above, classify the following: a moving picture that does not move .
Example: sex with strangers will shock many with its unblinking frankness . but what is missing from it all is a moral . what is the filmmakers' point ? why did they deem it necessary to document all this emotional misery ? Class: deplethoric Example: although very much like the first movie based on j . k . rowling's phenomenal fantasy best sellers , this second go-round possesses a quite pleasing , headlong thrust and a likably delinquent attitude . Class: orthosymmetric Example: crikey indeed . Class: deplethoric Example: an amusing , breezily apolitical documentary about life on the campaign trail . Class: orthosymmetric Example: not only are the film's sopranos gags incredibly dated and unfunny , they also demonstrate how desperate the makers of this 'we're -doing-it-for -the-cash' sequel were . Class: deplethoric Example: you could love safe conduct ( laissez passer ) for being a subtitled french movie that is 170 minutes long . you could hate it for the same reason . Class: orthosymmetric Example: seeing seinfeld at home as he watches his own appearance on letterman with a clinical eye reminds you that the key to stand-up is to always make it look easy , even though the reality is anything but . Class: orthosymmetric Example: brainy , artistic and muted , almost to the point of suffocation . Class: deplethoric Classify the case below. a picture that extols the virtues of comradeship and community in a spunky , spirited fashion .
Case: just the sort of lazy tearjerker that gives movies about ordinary folk a bad name . Classification: volley Case: what madonna does here can't properly be called acting -- more accurately , it's moving and it's talking and it's occasionally gesturing , sometimes all at once . Classification: volley Case: there's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . Classification: volley Case: between the drama of cube ? s personal revelations regarding what the shop means in the big picture , iconic characters gambol fluidly through the story , with charming results . Classification: aggregable Case: a pleasing , often-funny comedy . Classification: aggregable Case: it's hard to fairly judge a film like ringu when you've seen the remake first . many of the effective horror elements are dampened through familiarity , [yet] are worthwhile . Classification: aggregable Considreing the above, classify the following: just about all of the film is confusing on one level or another , making ararat far more demanding than it needs to be .
Text - prancing his way through the tailor-made part of a male hooker approaching the end of his vitality , jagger obviously relishes every self-mocking moment . Group - repressibly Text - the principals in this cast are all fine , but bishop and stevenson are standouts . Group - repressibly Text - in this film , aussie david caesar channels the not-quite-dead career of guy ritchie . Group - assert Text - this is what imax was made for : strap on a pair of 3-d goggles , shut out the real world , and take a vicarious voyage to the last frontier -- space . Group - repressibly Text - a chick flick for guys . Group - repressibly Text - the problem with this film is that it's forced to make its characters idiots in order to advance the plot . had anyone here done anything remotely intelligent , we all could have stopped watching long ago . Group - assert Text - the only way to tolerate this insipid , brutally clueless film might be with a large dose of painkillers . Group - assert Text - brainless , but enjoyably over-the-top , the retro gang melodrama , deuces wild represents fifties teen-gang machismo in a way that borders on rough-trade homo-eroticism . Group - assert Considreing the above, classify the following: sandra bullock , despite downplaying her good looks , carries a little too much ain't- she-cute baggage into her lead role as a troubled and determined homicide cop to quite pull off the heavy stuff .
Example: a long slog for anyone but the most committed pokemon fan . Class: longleaf Example: woefully pretentious . Class: longleaf Example: directors john musker and ron clements , the team behind the little mermaid , have produced sparkling retina candy , but they aren't able to muster a lot of emotional resonance in the cold vacuum of space . Class: longleaf Example: the heart of the film is a touching reflection on aging , suffering and the prospect of death . Class: zoneless Example: the film is a verbal duel between two gifted performers . Class: zoneless Example: runs on the pure adrenalin of pacino's performance . Class: zoneless Classify the case below. while this movie , by necessity , lacks fellowship's heart , two towers outdoes its spectacle .
Text - a swashbuckling tale of love , betrayal , revenge and above all , faith . Group - elastin Text - its simplicity puts an exclamation point on the fact that this isn't something to be taken seriously , but it also wrecks any chance of the movie rising above similar fare . Group - sandlapper Text - downright transparent is the script's endless assault of embarrassingly ham-fisted sex jokes that reek of a script rewrite designed to garner the film a " cooler " pg-13 rating . Group - sandlapper Text - a puzzle whose pieces do not fit . some are fascinating and others are not , and in the end , it is almost a good movie . Group - sandlapper Text - an elegant and sly deadpan comedy . Group - elastin Text - it's an experience in understanding a unique culture that is presented with universal appeal . Group - elastin Classify the following: somehow both wildly implausible and strangely conventional .
Text - " the turntable is now outselling the electric guitar . . . " Group - resorcine Text - the script kicks in , and mr . hartley's distended pace and foot-dragging rhythms follow . Group - prodromal Text - while we want macdowell's character to retrieve her husband , we have to ask whether her personal odyssey trumps the carnage that claims so many lives around her . Group - prodromal Text - the film has the courage of its convictions and excellent performances on its side . Group - resorcine Text - . . . post-september 11 , " the sum of all fears " seems more tacky and reprehensible , manipulating our collective fear without bestowing the subject with the intelligence or sincerity it unequivocally deserves . Group - prodromal Text - intimate and panoramic . Group - resorcine Considreing the above, classify the following: a long , dull procession of despair , set to cello music culled from a minimalist funeral .
Case: in a summer of clones , harvard man is something rare and riveting : a wild ride that relies on more than special effects . Classification: Alphonsine Case: so-so entertainment . Classification: prosperous Case: though it never rises to its full potential as a film , still offers a great deal of insight into the female condition and the timeless danger of emotions repressed . Classification: Alphonsine Case: coppola has made a film of intoxicating atmosphere and little else . Classification: prosperous Case: a wildly funny prison caper . Classification: Alphonsine Case: with more character development this might have been an eerie thriller ; with better payoffs , it could have been a thinking man's monster movie . Classification: prosperous Classify the case below. the script is smart and dark - hallelujah for small favors .
Text - if there's a way to effectively teach kids about the dangers of drugs , i think it's in projects like the ( unfortunately r-rated ) paid . Group - hydrotimetry Text - a major waste . . . generic . Group - prerevision Text - a compelling pre-wwii drama with vivid characters and a warm , moving message . Group - hydrotimetry Text - beyond a handful of mildly amusing lines . . . there just isn't much to laugh at . Group - prerevision Text - 'estupendamente actuada , sumamente emotiva y profundamente humana , es una experiencia fílmica imposible de olvidar' Group - hydrotimetry Text - the whole thing feels like a ruse , a tactic to cover up the fact that the picture is constructed around a core of flimsy -- or , worse yet , nonexistent -- ideas . Group - prerevision Classify the following: possibly not since grumpy old men have i heard a film so solidly connect with one demographic while striking out with another .
Example: hayek is stunning as frida and . . . a star-making project . Class: steeply Example: the movie spends more time with schneider than with newcomer mcadams , even though her performance is more interesting ( and funnier ) than his . Class: unblooming Example: the vivid lead performances sustain interest and empathy , but the journey is far more interesting than the final destination . Class: steeply Example: the fact is that the screen is most alive when it seems most likely that broomfield's interviewees , or even himself , will not be for much longer . Class: steeply Example: the film is so packed with subplots involving the various silbersteins that it feels more like the pilot episode of a tv series than a feature film . Class: unblooming Example: it helps that the central performers are experienced actors , and that they know their roles so well . Class: steeply Example: very special effects , brilliantly bold colors and heightened reality can't hide the giant achilles' heel in " stuart little 2 " : there's just no story , folks . Class: unblooming Example: don't be fooled by the impressive cast list - eye see you is pure junk . Class: unblooming What is the classification for the passage below? with the exception of mccoist , the players don't have a clue on the park . the acting isn't much better .
Example: one feels the dimming of a certain ambition , but in its place a sweetness , clarity and emotional openness that recalls the classics of early italian neorealism . Class: autospore Example: a bit of a downer and a little over-dramatic at times , but this is a beautiful film for people who like their romances to have that french realism . Class: autospore Example: cantet perfectly captures the hotel lobbies , two-lane highways , and roadside cafes that permeate vincent's days Class: autospore Example: forget the psychology 101 study of romantic obsession and just watch the procession of costumes in castles and this won't seem like such a bore . Class: trifolium Example: in its chicken heart , crush goes to absurd lengths to duck the very issues it raises . Class: trifolium Example: it's like every bad idea that's ever gone into an after-school special compiled in one place , minus those daytime programs' slickness and sophistication ( and who knew they even had any ? ) . Class: trifolium Classify the following: the movie is so contrived , nonsensical and formulaic that , come to think of it , the day-old shelf would be a more appropriate location to store it .
Example: a literary detective story is still a detective story and aficionados of the whodunit won't be disappointed . Class: cresting Example: when the screenwriter responsible for one of the worst movies of one year directs an equally miserable film the following year , you'd have a hard time believing it was just coincidence . Class: potassamide Example: a bracing , unblinking work that serves as a painful elegy and sobering cautionary tale . Class: cresting Example: the sum of all fears is remarkably fuddled about motives and context , which drains it of the dramatic substance that would shake us in our boots ( or cinema seats ) . Class: potassamide Classify the case below. those who aren't put off by the film's austerity will find it more than capable of rewarding them .
Case: the movie is ingenious fun . see it . Classification: pyxie Case: ramsay is clearly extraordinarily talented , and based on three short films and two features , here's betting her third feature will be something to behold . Classification: pyxie Case: más sarcástica , divertida y demencial que su predecesora , es un buen ejemplo de lo que es el cine de entretenimiento puro y sin complejos . Classification: pyxie Case: little is done to support the premise other than fling gags at it to see which ones shtick . Classification: teleneuron Case: . . . fifty minutes of tedious adolescent melodramatics followed by thirty-five minutes of inflated nonsense . Classification: teleneuron Case: the film meant well in its horse tale about freedom , but wasn't able to reach the heart because it was too overbearing . Classification: teleneuron Case: an instantly forgettable snow-and-stuntwork extravaganza that likely will be upstaged by an avalanche of more appealing holiday-season product . Classification: teleneuron Case: with not a lot of help from the screenplay ( proficient , but singularly cursory ) , [testud] acts with the feral intensity of the young bette davis . Classification: pyxie Classify the following: a thoroughly engaging , surprisingly touching british comedy .