5 values
Case: an elegant , exquisitely modulated psychological thriller . Classification: theocollectivist Case: the story is bogus and its characters tissue-thin . Classification: twopence Case: there are moments of hilarity to be had . Classification: theocollectivist Case: it makes me feel weird / thinking about all the bad things in the world / like puppies with broken legs / and butterflies that die / and movies starring pop queens Classification: twopence Case: the sort of film that makes me miss hitchcock , but also feel optimistic that there's hope for popular cinema yet . Classification: theocollectivist Case: might best be enjoyed as a daytime soaper . Classification: twopence What is the classification for the passage below? . . . the one thing this wild film has that other imax films don't : chimps , lots of chimps , all blown up to the size of a house . that's fun for kids of any age .
Example: made by jackasses for jackasses . Class: Niquiran Example: sluggish , tonally uneven . Class: Niquiran Example: the movie's eventual success should be credited to dennis quaid , in fighting trim shape as an athlete as well as an actor Class: flunkeyize Example: if you love reading and/or poetry , then by all means check it out . you'll probably love it . Class: flunkeyize Classify the case below. you can sip your vintage wines and watch your merchant ivory productions ; i'll settle for a nice cool glass of iced tea and a jerry bruckheimer flick any day of the week .
Example: the movie is pretty funny now and then without in any way demeaning its subjects . Class: immutably Example: the film is impressive for the sights and sounds of the wondrous beats the world has to offer . Class: immutably Example: a puzzle whose pieces do not fit . some are fascinating and others are not , and in the end , it is almost a good movie . Class: cruciate Example: may reawaken discussion of the kennedy assassination but this fictional film looks made for cable rather than for the big screen . Class: cruciate Considreing the above, classify the following: as green-guts monster movies go , it's a beaut .
Text - writer/director burr steers emphasizes the q in quirky , with mixed results . Group - pursiness Text - nettelbeck . . . has a pleasing way with a metaphor . Group - infuriately Text - the movie's accumulated force still feels like an ugly knot tightening in your stomach . but is that knot from dramatic tension or a symptom of artistic malnutrition ? Group - pursiness Text - [a] devastatingly powerful and astonishingly vivid holocaust drama . Group - infuriately What is the classification for the passage below? walter hill's pulpy , stylized boxing melodrama undisputed nearly overcomes its questionable in-the-ring match-up with solid fight choreography and gritty prison authenticity .
Text - [a] crushing disappointment . Group - debaucher Text - an effectively creepy , fear-inducing ( not fear-reducing ) film from japanese director hideo nakata , who takes the superstitious curse on chain letters and actually applies it . Group - decator Text - based on dave barry's popular book of the same name , the movie benefits from having a real writer plot out all of the characters' moves and overlapping story . Group - decator Text - rates an 'e' for effort -- and a 'b' for boring . Group - debaucher Classify the following: this one is not nearly as dreadful as expected . in fact , it's quite fun in places .
Example: an unpredictable blend of gal-pal smart talk , romantic comedy and dark tragedy that bites off considerably more than writer/director john mckay can swallow . Class: scaphoceritic Example: though it lacks the utter authority of a genre gem , there's a certain robustness to this engaging mix of love and bloodletting . Class: Lelia Example: every sequel you skip will be two hours gained . consider this review life-affirming . Class: scaphoceritic Example: " nicholas nickleby " is a perfect family film to take everyone to since there's no new " a christmas carol " out in the theaters this year . charlie hunnam has the twinkling eyes , repressed smile and determined face needed to carry out a dickensian hero . Class: Lelia What is the classification for the passage below? will anyone who isn't a fangoria subscriber be excited that it hasn't gone straight to video ?
Example: runs on the pure adrenalin of pacino's performance . Class: Sis Example: a grating , emaciated flick . Class: leiocome Example: there's a delightfully quirky movie to be made from curling , but brooms isn't it . Class: leiocome Example: there has always been something likable about the marquis de sade . Class: Sis Example: it's drained of life in an attempt to be sober and educational , and yet it's so devoid of realism that its lack of whistles and bells just makes it obnoxious and stiff . Class: leiocome Example: the movie enters a realm where few non-porn films venture , and comes across as darkly funny , energetic , and surprisingly gentle . Class: Sis Considreing the above, classify the following: die another day is only intermittently entertaining but it's hard not to be a sucker for its charms , or perhaps it's just impossible not to feel nostalgia for movies you grew up with .
Text - vampire epic succeeds as spooky action-packed trash of the highest order . Group - adolesce Text - originality is sorely lacking . Group - obstructivism Text - maybe it's just because this past year has seen the release of some of the worst film comedies in decades . . . but honestly , analyze that really isn't all that bad . Group - adolesce Text - the pacing is glacial , the screenplay is stiff as a board , and things heat up only in the movie's final scenes . Group - obstructivism Text - a string of rehashed sight gags based in insipid vulgarity . Group - obstructivism Text - the entire movie is about a boring , sad man being boring and sad . Group - obstructivism Text - fans of critics' darling band wilco will marvel at the sometimes murky , always brooding look of i am trying to break your heart . Group - adolesce Text - a knowing look at female friendship , spiked with raw urban humor . Group - adolesce Classify the case below. i don't feel the least bit ashamed in admitting that my enjoyment came at the expense of seeing justice served , even if it's a dish that's best served cold .
Case: cuba gooding jr . valiantly mugs his way through snow dogs , but even his boisterous energy fails to spark this leaden comedy . Classification: trelliswork Case: if you enjoy more thoughtful comedies with interesting conflicted characters ; this one is for you . Classification: wulliwa Case: the only thing i laughed at were the people who paid to see it . Classification: trelliswork Case: cq's reflection of artists and the love of cinema-and-self suggests nothing less than a new voice that deserves to be considered as a possible successor to the best european directors . Classification: wulliwa Case: woven together handsomely , recalling sixties' rockumentary milestones from lonely boy to don't look back . Classification: wulliwa Case: once she lets her love depraved leads meet , [denis'] story becomes a hopeless , unsatisfying muddle Classification: trelliswork Classify the case below. so routine , familiar and predictable , it raises the possibility that it wrote itself as a newly automated final draft computer program .
Example: not a film to rival to live , but a fine little amuse-bouche to keep your appetite whetted . Class: jasper Example: true to its animatronic roots : . . . as stiff , ponderous and charmless as a mechanical apparatus . . . 'the country bears' should never have been brought out of hibernation . Class: addition Example: seeing seinfeld at home as he watches his own appearance on letterman with a clinical eye reminds you that the key to stand-up is to always make it look easy , even though the reality is anything but . Class: jasper Example: it's never a good sign when a film's star spends the entirety of the film in a coma . it's a worse sign when you begin to envy her condition . Class: addition Example: the documentary does little , apart from raising the topic , to further stoke the conversation . Class: addition Example: awesome creatures , breathtaking scenery , and epic battle scenes add up to another 'spectacular spectacle . ' Class: jasper What is the classification for the passage below? as improbable as this premise may seem , abbass's understated , shining performance offers us the sense that on some elemental level , lilia deeply wants to break free of her old life .
Text - a bit of a downer and a little over-dramatic at times , but this is a beautiful film for people who like their romances to have that french realism . Group - unpelted Text - must-see viewing for anyone involved in the high-tech industry . others may find it migraine-inducing , despite moore's attempts at whimsy and spoon feeding . Group - helminth Text - a movie that will touch the hearts of both children and adults , as well as bring audiences to the edge of their seats . Group - unpelted Text - you've already seen heartbreak if you've watched the far superior nurse betty or sunset boulevard . even the unwatchable soapdish is more original . Group - helminth Considreing the above, classify the following: shamelessly sappy and , worse , runs away from its own provocative theme .
Case: the bai brothers have taken an small slice of history and opened it up for all of us to understand , and they've told a nice little story in the process . Classification: quakiness Case: sluggish , tonally uneven . Classification: infirmation Case: none of this violates the letter of behan's book , but missing is its spirit , its ribald , full-throated humor . Classification: infirmation Case: a refreshing korean film about five female high school friends who face an uphill battle when they try to take their relationships into deeper waters . Classification: quakiness Case: not everything in this ambitious comic escapade works , but coppola , along with his sister , sofia , is a real filmmaker . it must be in the genes . Classification: quakiness Case: this is a movie that starts out like heathers , then becomes bring it on , then becomes unwatchable . Classification: infirmation Classify the following: a direct-to-void release , heading nowhere .
Case: you'll have more fun setting fire to yourself in the parking lot . you'll be more entertained getting hit by a bus . Classification: darning Case: manages to please its intended audience -- children -- without placing their parents in a coma-like state . Classification: bradyseism Case: the ring is worth a look , if you don't demand much more than a few cheap thrills from your halloween entertainment . Classification: bradyseism Case: everything about girls can't swim , even its passages of sensitive observation , feels secondhand , familiar -- and not in a good way . Classification: darning Case: this goofy gangster yarn never really elevates itself from being yet another earnestly generic crime-busting comic vehicle -- a well-intentioned remake that shows some spunk and promise but fails to register as anything distinctive or daring Classification: darning Case: this is human comedy at its most amusing , interesting and confirming . Classification: bradyseism Case: bow's best moments are when he's getting busy on the basketball court because that's when he really scores . Classification: bradyseism Case: while it is welcome to see a chinese film depict a homosexual relationship in a mature and frank fashion , lan yu never catches dramatic fire . Classification: darning Classify the following: the re- enactments , however fascinating they may be as history , are too crude to serve the work especially well .
Text - i've never bought from telemarketers , but i bought this movie . Group - halberdman Text - a working class " us vs . them " opera that leaves no heartstring untugged and no liberal cause unplundered . Group - readjournment Text - gloriously goofy ( and gory ) midnight movie stuff . Group - halberdman Text - so devoid of any kind of intelligible story that it makes films like xxx and collateral damage seem like thoughtful treatises Group - readjournment Classify the case below. the film's unhurried pace is actually one of its strengths . entirely appropriately , the tale unfolds like a lazy summer afternoon and concludes with the crisp clarity of a fall dawn .
Example: as a witness to several greek-american weddings -- but , happily , a victim of none -- i can testify to the comparative accuracy of ms . vardalos' memories and insights . Class: frontad Example: in the wake of saving private ryan , black hawk down and we were soldiers , you are likely to be as heartily sick of mayhem as cage's war-weary marine . Class: cupride Example: unfortunately the story and the actors are served with a hack script . Class: cupride Example: not the kind of film that will appeal to a mainstream american audience , but there is a certain charm about the film that makes it a suitable entry into the fest circuit . Class: frontad Considreing the above, classify the following: the genius of the work speaks volumes , offering up a hallucinatory dreamscape that frustrates and captivates .
Example: . . . del toro maintains a dark mood that makes the film seem like something to endure instead of enjoy . Class: quadrupedism Example: renner ? s face is chillingly unemotive , yet he communicates a great deal in his performance . see it for his performance if nothing else . Class: ganger Example: gaghan captures the half-lit , sometimes creepy intimacy of college dorm rooms , a subtlety that makes the silly , over-the-top coda especially disappointing . Class: quadrupedism Example: beers , who , when she's given the right lines , can charm the paint off the wall . . . [but] the script goes wrong at several key junctures . Class: quadrupedism Example: norton holds the film together . Class: ganger Example: visually imaginative , thematically instructive and thoroughly delightful , it takes us on a roller-coaster ride from innocence to experience without even a hint of that typical kiddie-flick sentimentality . Class: ganger Example: . . . a delicious crime drama on par with the slickest of mamet . Class: ganger Example: the pacing is glacial , the screenplay is stiff as a board , and things heat up only in the movie's final scenes . Class: quadrupedism What is the classification for the passage below? the film provides some great insight into the neurotic mindset of all comics -- even those who have reached the absolute top of the game .
Text - a fifty car pileup of cliches . Group - Erie Text - . . . creates a visceral sense of its characters' lives and conflicted emotions that carries it far above . . . what could have been a melodramatic , lifetime channel-style anthology . Group - irresistibly Text - this is art paying homage to art . Group - irresistibly Text - yet another iteration of what's become one of the movies' creepiest conventions , in which the developmentally disabled are portrayed with almost supernatural powers to humble , teach and ultimately redeem their mentally " superior " friends , family . . . Group - Erie Considreing the above, classify the following: resourceful and ingenious entertainment .
Example: the komediant is a tale worth catching . Class: autopolo Example: for all of the contemporary post-colonialist consciousness that kapur tries to bring to the four feathers , the oddest thing about the movie is how it winds up affirming the same damn moldy values the material has always held dear . Class: unwhining Example: attal mixes comedy with a serious exploration of ego and jealousy within a seemingly serene marriage . Class: autopolo Example: 'si bien no logra desarrollarse como un gran drama , tampoco es tan superficial como muchas cintas que pecan de pretenciosas y que resultan totalmente banales . ' Class: autopolo Example: a film in a class with spike lee's masterful do the right thing . Class: autopolo Example: moves in such odd plot directions and descends into such message-mongering moralism that its good qualities are obscured . Class: unwhining Example: on a certain base level , blue crush delivers what it promises , just not well enough to recommend it . Class: unwhining Example: an authentically vague , but ultimately purposeless , study in total pandemonium . Class: unwhining Classify the following: collapses under its own meager weight .
Text - like coming into a long-running , well-written television series where you've missed the first half-dozen episodes and probably won't see the next six . Group - Ludgathian Text - this 10th film in the series looks and feels tired . Group - Ludgathian Text - it's a powerful though flawed movie , guaranteed to put a lump in your throat while reaffirming washington as possibly the best actor working in movies today . Group - epilogue Text - a frankenstein mishmash that careens from dark satire to cartoonish slapstick , bartleby performs neither one very well . Group - Ludgathian Text - ultimately the , yes , snail-like pacing and lack of thematic resonance make the film more silly than scary , like some sort of martha stewart decorating program run amok . Group - Ludgathian Text - the film is exhilarating to watch because sandler , liberated from the constraints of formula , reveals unexpected depths as an actor . Group - epilogue Text - the filmmakers' eye for detail and the high standards of performance convey a strong sense of the girls' environment . Group - epilogue Text - all of it works smoothly under the direction of spielberg , who does a convincing impersonation here of a director enjoying himself immensely . Group - epilogue Classify the case below. the biggest problem with satin rouge is lilia herself . she's a cipher , played by an actress who smiles and frowns but doesn't reveal an inner life .
Case: a thought-provoking look at how western foreign policy - however well intentioned - can wreak havoc in other cultures . Classification: Russophobe Case: a huge disappointment coming , as it does , from filmmakers and performers of this calibre Classification: trithionic Case: what " empire " lacks in depth it makes up for with its heart . Classification: Russophobe Case: silly stuff , all mixed up together like a term paper from a kid who can't quite distinguish one sci-fi work from another . Classification: trithionic Classify the following: brosnan gives a portrayal as solid and as perfect as his outstanding performance as bond in die another day .
Case: it is inspirational in characterizing how people from such diverse cultures share the same human and spiritual needs . Classification: cratometer Case: scarcely worth a mention apart from reporting on the number of tumbleweeds blowing through the empty theatres graced with its company . Classification: Hemimerus Case: outer-space buffs might love this film , but others will find its pleasures intermittent . Classification: Hemimerus Case: this is a visually stunning rumination on love , memory , history and the war between art and commerce . Classification: cratometer Case: in the wake of saving private ryan , black hawk down and we were soldiers , you are likely to be as heartily sick of mayhem as cage's war-weary marine . Classification: Hemimerus Case: no one goes unindicted here , which is probably for the best . and if you're not nearly moved to tears by a couple of scenes , you've got ice water in your veins . Classification: cratometer Case: it's fun , wispy , wise and surprisingly inoffensive for a film about a teen in love with his stepmom . Classification: cratometer Case: the movie itself appears to be running on hypertime in reverse as the truly funny bits get further and further apart . Classification: Hemimerus Classify the following: this directorial debut from music video show-off higuchinsky is all flash .
Example: a long slog for anyone but the most committed pokemon fan . Class: tubuloracemose Example: every individual will see the movie through the prism of his or her own beliefs and prejudices , but the one thing most will take away is the sense that peace is possible . that , in itself , is extraordinary . Class: honest Example: the nicest thing that can be said about stealing harvard ( which might have been called freddy gets molested by a dog ) is that it's not as obnoxious as tom green's freddie got fingered . Class: tubuloracemose Example: 'easily my choice for one of the year's best films . ' Class: honest Classify the following: jae-eun jeong's take care of my cat brings a beguiling freshness to a coming-of-age story with such a buoyant , expressive flow of images that it emerges as another key contribution to the flowering of the south korean cinema .
Example: it's not just a feel-good movie , it's a feel movie . you feel good , you feel sad , you feel pissed off , but in the end , you feel alive - which is what they did . Class: muddybrained Example: watching austin powers in goldmember is like binging on cotton candy . it's sweet and fluffy at the time , but it may leave you feeling a little sticky and unsatisfied . Class: Chartism Example: not as good as the full monty , but a really strong second effort . Class: muddybrained Example: the master of disguise represents adam sandler's latest attempt to dumb down the universe . Class: Chartism Example: a study in shades of gray , offering itself up in subtle plot maneuvers . . . Class: muddybrained Example: unflinchingly bleak and desperate Class: muddybrained Example: eventually arrives at its heart , as simple self-reflection meditation . Class: Chartism Example: devoid of any of the qualities that made the first film so special . Class: Chartism Classify the case below. hoffman waits too long to turn his movie in an unexpected direction , and even then his tone retains a genteel , prep-school quality that feels dusty and leatherbound .
Case: for anyone who grew up on disney's 1950 treasure island , or remembers the 1934 victor fleming classic , this one feels like an impostor . Classification: pinole Case: ' . . . despite lagging near the finish line , the movie runs a good race , one that will have you at the edge of your seat for long stretches . ' Classification: discriminative Case: it's badly acted , blandly directed , and could have been scripted by someone who just graduated from elementary school . Classification: pinole Case: it's an often-cute film but either needs more substance to fill the time or some judicious editing . Classification: discriminative Case: it's just too bad the screenwriters eventually shoot themselves in the feet with cop flick cliches like an oily arms dealer , squad car pile-ups and the requisite screaming captain . Classification: pinole Case: a refreshingly realistic , affectation-free coming-of-age tale . Classification: discriminative Considreing the above, classify the following: . . . think of it as american pie on valium .
Text - it is ridiculous , of course . . . but it is also refreshing , disarming , and just outright enjoyable despite its ridiculousness . Group - gelatiniform Text - despite a powerful portrayal by binoche , it's a period romance that suffers from an overly deliberate pace and uneven narrative momentum . Group - bolus Text - the hours makes you examine your own life in much the same way its characters do , and the experience is profound . the hours is what movies are supposed to be . . . Group - gelatiniform Text - it's hard to know whether or not to recommend this film because for every thing it does right there's at least one and occasionally two things it gets ever so wrong . Group - bolus Text - a lively and engaging examination of how similar obsessions can dominate a family . Group - gelatiniform Text - sustains its dreamlike glide through a succession of cheesy coincidences and voluptuous cheap effects , not the least of which is rebecca romijn-stamos . Group - bolus Considreing the above, classify the following: well-shot but badly written tale set in a future ravaged by dragons .
Case: you may think you have figured out the con and the players in this debut film by argentine director fabian bielinsky , but while you were thinking someone made off with your wallet . Classification: factable Case: the most hopelessly monotonous film of the year , noteworthy only for the gimmick of being filmed as a single unbroken 87-minute take . Classification: nonterrestrial Case: a sour attempt at making a farrelly brothers-style , down-and-dirty laugher for the female set . Classification: nonterrestrial Case: it's a bittersweet and lyrical mix of elements . Classification: factable Considreing the above, classify the following: proof once again that if the filmmakers just follow the books , they can't go wrong . better effects , better acting and a hilarious kenneth branagh . an excellent sequel .
Text - a mixed bag of a comedy that can't really be described as out of this world . Group - intine Text - it won't hold up over the long haul , but in the moment , finch's tale provides the forgettable pleasures of a saturday matinee . Group - monobromized Text - seems like something american and european gay movies were doing 20 years ago . Group - intine Text - the ingenious construction ( adapted by david hare from michael cunningham's novel ) constantly flows forwards and back , weaving themes among three strands which allow us to view events as if through a prism Group - monobromized Text - the powerpuff girls arrive on the big screen with their super-powers , their super-simple animation and their super-dooper-adorability intact . Group - monobromized Text - for all its technical virtuosity , the film is so mired in juvenile and near-xenophobic pedagogy that it's enough to make one pine for the day when godard can no longer handle the rigors of filmmaking . Group - intine Text - you don't have to be an especially tough grader to give a charitable b-minus to the emperor's club . Group - monobromized Text - the real question this movie poses is not 'who ? ' but 'why ? ' Group - intine What is the classification for the passage below? watching these eccentrics is both inspiring and pure joy .
Example: the tuxedo wasn't just bad ; it was , as my friend david cross would call it , 'hungry-man portions of bad' . Class: beechy Example: fun and nimble . Class: maximistic Example: well-nigh unendurable . . . though the picture strains to become cinematic poetry , it remains depressingly prosaic and dull . Class: beechy Example: trailer trash cinema so uncool the only thing missing is the " gadzooks ! " Class: beechy Example: rich in shadowy metaphor and as sharp as a samurai sword , jiang wen's devils on the doorstep is a wartime farce in the alternately comic and gut-wrenching style of joseph heller or kurt vonnegut . Class: maximistic Example: not quite as miraculous as its dreamworks makers would have you believe , but it more than adequately fills the eyes and stirs the emotions . Class: maximistic Example: the story itself is actually quite vapid . Class: beechy Example: a giddy and provocative sexual romp that has something to say . Class: maximistic Classify the case below. a wild comedy that could only spring from the demented mind of the writer of being john malkovich .
Example: since dahmer resorts to standard slasher flick thrills when it should be most in the mind of the killer , it misses a major opportunity to be truly revelatory about his psyche . Class: anthropometric Example: poignant and delicately complex . Class: litmus Example: the best film about baseball to hit theaters since field of dreams . Class: litmus Example: a real clunker . a well-made , thoughtful , well-acted clunker , but a clunker nonetheless . Class: anthropometric Example: an unforgettable look at morality , family , and social expectation through the prism of that omnibus tradition called marriage . Class: litmus Example: all the movie's narrative gymnastics can't disguise the fact that it's inauthentic at its core and that its story just isn't worth telling . Class: anthropometric Example: nearly every attempt at humor here is doa . Class: anthropometric Example: insanely hilarious ! i haven't laughed that hard in years ! Class: litmus What is the classification for the passage below? has all the depth of a wading pool .
Text - largely a for-fans artifact . Group - jogglety Text - working from elliott's memoir , rohmer fashions the sort of delicate , articulate character- and- relationship study he's favored for decades . Group - knorhaan Text - if you are curious to see the darker side of what's going on with young tv actors ( dawson leery did what ? ! ? ) , or see some interesting storytelling devices , you might want to check it out , but there's nothing very attractive about this movie . Group - jogglety Text - before it takes a sudden turn and devolves into a bizarre sort of romantic comedy , steven shainberg's adaptation of mary gaitskill's harrowing short story . . . is a brilliantly played , deeply unsettling experience . Group - jogglety Text - some people march to the beat of a different drum , and if you ever wondered what kind of houses those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 alternative housing options . Group - knorhaan Text - tony gayton's script doesn't give us anything we haven't seen before , but director d . j . caruso's grimy visual veneer and kilmer's absorbing performance increase the gravitational pull considerably . Group - knorhaan Text - when it's not wallowing in hormonal melodrama , " real women have curves " is a sweet , honest , and enjoyable comedy-drama about a young woman who wants many things in life , but fears she'll become her mother before she gets to fulfill her dreams . Group - knorhaan Text - for all its technical virtuosity , the film is so mired in juvenile and near-xenophobic pedagogy that it's enough to make one pine for the day when godard can no longer handle the rigors of filmmaking . Group - jogglety Classify the case below. murderous maids has a lot going for it , not least the brilliant performances by testud . . . and parmentier .
Example: transcends its agenda to deliver awe-inspiring , at times sublime , visuals and offer a fascinating glimpse into the subculture of extreme athletes whose derring-do puts the x into the games . Class: Monotheletian Example: guy gets girl , guy loses girl , audience falls asleep . Class: greenlandite Example: majidi gets uniformly engaging performances from his largely amateur cast . Class: Monotheletian Example: even if you're an elvis person , you won't find anything to get excited about on this dvd . Class: greenlandite Example: the journey to the secret's eventual discovery is a separate adventure , and thrill enough . Class: Monotheletian Example: it's just too bad the screenwriters eventually shoot themselves in the feet with cop flick cliches like an oily arms dealer , squad car pile-ups and the requisite screaming captain . Class: greenlandite Classify the case below. alarms for duvall's throbbing sincerity and his elderly propensity for patting people while he talks .
Example: not since japanese filmmaker akira kurosawa's ran have the savagery of combat and the specter of death been visualized with such operatic grandeur . Class: Rallidae Example: a 94-minute travesty of unparalleled proportions , writer-director parker seems to go out of his way to turn the legendary wit's classic mistaken identity farce into brutally labored and unfunny hokum . Class: printability Example: " 13 conversations " holds its goodwill close , but is relatively slow to come to the point . Class: Rallidae Example: what eric schaeffer has accomplished with never again may not , strictly speaking , qualify as revolutionary . but it's defiantly and delightfully against the grain . Class: Rallidae Example: at once subtle and visceral , the film never succumbs to the trap of the maudlin or tearful , offering instead with its unflinching gaze a measure of faith in the future . Class: Rallidae Example: pompous and garbled . Class: printability Example: a well-crafted letdown . Class: printability Example: it's fun , but a psychological mess , with austin powers bumping his head on the way out of the closet . Class: printability Classify the following: . . . a cheap , ludicrous attempt at serious horror .
Case: in theory , a middle-aged romance pairing clayburgh and tambor sounds promising , but in practice it's something else altogether -- clownish and offensive and nothing at all like real life . Classification: retrosternal Case: what makes the movie special is its utter sincerity . Classification: roading Case: simultaneously heart-breaking and very funny , the last kiss is really all about performances . Classification: roading Case: while the film misfires at every level , the biggest downside is the paucity of laughter in what's supposed to be a comedy . Classification: retrosternal Case: a loud , witless mess that has none of the charm and little of the intrigue from the tv series . Classification: retrosternal Case: some movies suck you in despite their flaws , and heaven is one such beast . Classification: roading Case: sem se preocupar em criar momentos melodramáticos para arrancar lágrimas do espectador , o pianista é um filme triste sem que , para isso , precise ser emocionante . Classification: roading Case: an unsatisfying hybrid of blair witch and typical stalk-and-slash fare , where the most conservative protagonist is always the last one living . Classification: retrosternal Classify the case below. a surprisingly 'solid' achievement by director malcolm d . lee and writer john ridley .
Case: this riveting world war ii moral suspense story deals with the shadow side of american culture : racial prejudice in its ugly and diverse forms . Classification: underdraw Case: the storytelling may be ordinary , but the cast is one of those all-star reunions that fans of gosford park have come to assume is just another day of brit cinema . Classification: underdraw Case: contains the humor , characterization , poignancy , and intelligence of a bad sitcom . Classification: Mbunda Case: the members manage to pronounce kok exactly as you think they might , thus giving the cast ample opportunity to use that term as often as possible . it's very beavis and butthead , yet always seems to elicit a chuckle . Classification: underdraw Case: nice piece of work . Classification: underdraw Case: ultimately , in the history of the academy , people may be wondering what all that jazz was about " chicago " in 2002 . zellweger's whiny pouty-lipped poof faced and spindly attempt at playing an ingenue makes her nomination as best actress even more of a an a Classification: Mbunda Case: with more character development this might have been an eerie thriller ; with better payoffs , it could have been a thinking man's monster movie . Classification: Mbunda Case: prurient playthings aside , there's little to love about this english trifle . Classification: Mbunda What is the classification for the passage below? walsh can't quite negotiate the many inconsistencies in janice's behavior or compensate for them by sheer force of charm .
Case: a journey that's too random and inconclusive to be compelling , but which hoffman's brilliance almost makes worth taking . Classification: restrainability Case: a smart , steamy mix of road movie , coming-of-age story and political satire . Classification: prologos Case: a poignant lyricism runs through balzac and the little chinese seamstress that transforms this story about love and culture into a cinematic poem . Classification: prologos Case: behind the snow games and lovable siberian huskies ( plus one sheep dog ) , the picture hosts a parka-wrapped dose of heart . Classification: prologos Case: authentic , and at times endearing , humorous , spooky , educational , but at other times as bland as a block of snow . Classification: restrainability Case: stitch is a bad mannered , ugly and destructive little * * * * . no cute factor here… . not that i mind ugly ; the problem is he has no character , loveable or otherwise . Classification: restrainability Classify the case below. uncommonly stylish but equally silly . . . the picture fails to generate much suspense , nor does it ask searching enough questions to justify its pretensions .
Example: what is captured during the conceptual process doesn't add up to a sufficient explanation of what the final dance work , the selection , became in its final form . Class: scutelliplantation Example: a pretentious mess . Class: scutelliplantation Example: it's slow -- very , very slow . it's not the ultimate depression-era gangster movie . that's pure pr hype . Class: scutelliplantation Example: you might not buy the ideas . but you'll definitely want the t-shirt . Class: nog Example: solondz is so intent on hammering home his message that he forgets to make it entertaining . Class: nog Example: it's no accident that the accidental spy is a solid action pic that returns the martial arts master to top form . Class: nog Example: the truth is that the truth about charlie gets increasingly tiresome . Class: scutelliplantation Example: happily stays close to the ground in a spare and simple manner and doesn't pummel us with phony imagery or music . Class: nog What is the classification for the passage below? becomes a fascinating study of isolation and frustration that successfully recreates both the physical setting and emotional tensions of the papin sisters .
Example: it all feels like a monty python sketch gone horribly wrong . Class: shapely Example: really does feel like a short stretched out to feature length . Class: shapely Example: the directing and story are disjointed , flaws that have to be laid squarely on taylor's doorstep . but the actors make this worth a peek . Class: Crosby Example: i have no way of knowing exactly how much is exaggeration , but i've got a creepy feeling that the film is closer to the mark than i want to believe . Class: Crosby Considreing the above, classify the following: the stunning , dreamlike visuals will impress even those viewers who have little patience for euro-film pretension .
Text - it is too bad that this likable movie isn't more accomplished . the actors try hard but come off too amateurish and awkward . Group - shredder Text - stale first act , scrooge story , blatant product placement , some very good comedic songs , strong finish , dumb fart jokes . Group - shredder Text - a sexy , surprising romance . . . idemoto and kim make a gorgeous pair . . . their scenes brim with sexual possibility and emotional danger . Group - comprehensibleness Text - long after you leave justine , you'll be wondering what will happen to her and wishing her the best -- whatever that might mean . Group - comprehensibleness Considreing the above, classify the following: stiff and schmaltzy and clumsily directed .
Text - there's no point in extracting the bare bones of byatt's plot for purposes of bland hollywood romance . Group - mailless Text - formula 51 has dulled your senses faster and deeper than any recreational drug on the market . Group - mailless Text - the pleasure of read my lips is like seeing a series of perfect black pearls clicking together to form a string . we're drawn in by the dark luster . Group - whorage Text - k-19 : the widowmaker is derivative , overlong , and bombastic -- yet surprisingly entertaining . Group - whorage What is the classification for the passage below? writer-director stephen gaghan has made the near-fatal mistake of being what the english call 'too clever by half . '
Example: it is scott's convincing portrayal of roger the sad cad that really gives the film its oomph . Class: cocobolo Example: going to this movie is a little like chewing whale blubber - it's an acquired taste that takes time to enjoy , but it's worth it , even if it does take 3 hours to get through . Class: cocobolo Example: fear dot com is more frustrating than a modem that disconnects every 10 seconds . Class: elegancy Example: barney's ideas about creation and identity don't really seem all that profound , at least by way of what can be gleaned from this three-hour endurance test built around an hour's worth of actual material . Class: elegancy Example: uno de los policiales más interesantes de los últimos tiempos . Class: cocobolo Example: a fitfully amusing romp that , if nothing else , will appeal to fans of malcolm in the middle and its pubescent star , frankie muniz . Class: elegancy What is the classification for the passage below? for the future , one hopes mr . plympton will find room for one more member of his little band , a professional screenwriter .
Text - i know that i'll never listen to marvin gaye or the supremes the same way again Group - anomural Text - whether jason x is this bad on purpose is never clear . but one thing's for sure : it never comes close to being either funny or scary . Group - unsympathizing Text - a film of epic scale with an intimate feeling , a saga of the ups and downs of friendships . Group - anomural Text - this film is so different from the apple and so striking that it can only encourage us to see samira makhmalbaf as a very distinctive sensibility , working to develop her own film language with conspicuous success . Group - anomural Text - eight legged freaks won't join the pantheon of great monster/science fiction flicks that we have come to love . . . Group - unsympathizing Text - it's another retelling of alexandre dumas' classic . why ? who knows , but it works under the direction of kevin reynolds . Group - anomural Text - all ms . jovovich , as the sanctified heroine , has to do is look radiant , grimly purposeful and mildly alarmed while forcing open doors , wielding wrenches and fleeing monsters . Group - unsympathizing Text - bad beyond belief and ridiculous beyond description . Group - unsympathizing What is the classification for the passage below? it's not going to be everyone's bag of popcorn , but it definitely gives you something to chew on .
Example: the movie straddles the fence between escapism and social commentary , and on both sides it falls short . Class: forespeed Example: the big-screen scooby makes the silly original cartoon seem smart and well-crafted in comparison . Class: forespeed Example: it's absolutely spooky how lillard channels the shagster right down to the original casey kasem-furnished voice . Class: aero Example: the characters are more deeply thought through than in most 'right-thinking' films . Class: aero What is the classification for the passage below? as animation increasingly emphasizes the computer and the cool , this is a film that takes a stand in favor of tradition and warmth .
Example: any movie this boring should be required to have ushers in the theater that hand you a cup of coffee every few minutes . like a marathon runner trying to finish a race , you need a constant influx of liquid just to get through it . Class: phragma Example: there are laughs aplenty , and , as a bonus , viewers don't have to worry about being subjected to farts , urine , feces , semen , or any of the other foul substances that have overrun modern-day comedies . Class: colophenic Example: tailored to entertain ! Class: colophenic Example: its save-the-planet message clashes with its crass marketing . Class: phragma Example: see scratch for the history , see scratch for the music , see scratch for a lesson in scratching , but , most of all , see it for the passion . Class: colophenic Example: these characters become wearisome . Class: phragma Classify the following: even with a green mohawk and a sheet of fire-red flame tattoos covering his shoulder , however , kilmer seems to be posing , rather than acting . and that leaves a hole in the center of the salton sea .
Example: five screenwriters are credited with the cliché-laden screenplay ; it seems as if each watered down the version of the one before . Class: meliorist Example: coupling disgracefully written dialogue with flailing bodily movements that substitute for acting , circuit is the awkwardly paced soap opera-ish story . Class: meliorist Example: leaping from one arresting image to another , songs from the second floor has all the enjoyable randomness of a very lively dream and so manages to be compelling , amusing and unsettling at the same time . Class: candidly Example: high crimes knows the mistakes that bad movies make and is determined not to make them , and maybe that is nobility of a sort . Class: candidly Considreing the above, classify the following: culkin exudes none of the charm or charisma that might keep a more general audience even vaguely interested in his bratty character .
Example: . . . gripping and handsome execution , ( but ) there isn't much about k-19 that's unique or memorable . Class: backfold Example: the fact that the rookie is a nearly impeccable cinematic experience -- and a wonderful all-ages triumph besides -- is a miracle akin to the story the film portrays . Class: backfold Example: with spy kids 2 : the island of lost dreams writer/director/producer robert rodriguez has cobbled together a film that feels like a sugar high gone awry . Class: Fletcherite Example: you might not buy the ideas . but you'll definitely want the t-shirt . Class: backfold Example: here's a case of two actors who do everything humanly possible to create characters who are sweet and believable , and are defeated by a screenplay that forces them into bizarre , implausible behavior . Class: Fletcherite Example: plays as hollow catharsis , with lots of tears but very little in the way of insights . Class: Fletcherite What is the classification for the passage below? the saturation bombing of reggio's images and glass' evocative music . . . ultimately leaves viewers with the task of divining meaning .
Example: by the time the plot grinds itself out in increasingly incoherent fashion , you might be wishing for a watch that makes time go faster rather than the other way around . Class: giggly Example: the movie has lots of dancing and fabulous music . there are slow and repetitive parts , but it has just enough spice to keep it interesting . Class: antifouling Example: the movie , while beautiful , feels labored , with a hint of the writing exercise about it . Class: giggly Example: skillfully weaves both the elements of the plot and a powerfully evocative mood combining heated sexuality with a haunting sense of malaise . Class: antifouling Example: . . . too sappy for its own good . Class: giggly Example: we've seen it all before in one form or another , but director hoffman , with great help from kevin kline , makes us care about this latest reincarnation of the world's greatest teacher . Class: antifouling Classify the case below. an unflinching look at the world's dispossessed .
Example: greengrass ( working from don mullan's script ) forgoes the larger socio-political picture of the situation in northern ireland in favour of an approach that throws one in the pulsating thick of a truly frightening situation . Class: blankbook Example: burns never really harnesses to full effect the energetic cast . Class: vammazsa Example: bravo for history rewritten , and for the uncompromising knowledge that the highest power of all is the power of love . Class: blankbook Example: stay away . far away . Class: vammazsa Example: things really get weird , though not particularly scary : the movie is all portent and no content . Class: vammazsa Example: moving and vibrant . Class: blankbook Example: 'a' for creativity but comes across more as a sketch for a full-length comedy . Class: vammazsa Example: a highly spirited , imaginative kid's movie that broaches neo-augustinian theology : is god stuck in heaven because he's afraid of his best-known creation ? Class: blankbook Classify the case below. we hate [madonna] within the film's first five minutes , and she lacks the skill or presence to regain any ground .
Example: less the sensational true-crime hell-jaunt purists might like and more experimental in its storytelling ( though no less horrifying for it ) . Class: neurapophysis Example: the advantage of a postapocalyptic setting is that it can be made on the cheap . any rock pile will do for a set . reign of fire has the disadvantage of also looking cheap . Class: Xenocratean Example: . . . too contrived to be as naturally charming as it needs to be . Class: Xenocratean Example: an enjoyable film for the family , amusing and cute for both adults and kids . Class: neurapophysis Classify the case below. 'abandon all hope , ye who enter here' . . . you should definitely let dante's gloomy words be your guide .
Text - like the excruciating end of days , collateral damage presents schwarzenegger as a tragic figure , but sympathy really belongs with any viewer forced to watch him try out so many complicated facial expressions . Group - Galwegian Text - the story wraps back around on itself in the kind of elegant symmetry that's rare in film today , but be warned : it's a slow slog to get there . Group - tearer Text - those who want to be jolted out of their gourd should drop everything and run to ichi . Group - tearer Text - it would work much better as a one-hour tv documentary . Group - Galwegian Text - what doesn't this film have that an impressionable kid couldn't stand to hear ? Group - tearer Text - largely a for-fans artifact . Group - Galwegian Text - a chick flick for guys . Group - tearer Text - . . . one resurrection too many . Group - Galwegian What is the classification for the passage below? a strangely stirring experience that finds warmth in the coldest environment and makes each crumb of emotional comfort feel like a 10-course banquet .
Example: what is captured during the conceptual process doesn't add up to a sufficient explanation of what the final dance work , the selection , became in its final form . Class: togue Example: this isn't just the cliffsnotes version of nicholas nickleby , it's the cliffsnotes with pages missing . Class: togue Example: hardly a masterpiece , but it introduces viewers to a good charitable enterprise and some interesting real people . Class: Stokavian Example: this ready-made midnight movie probably won't stand the cold light of day , but under the right conditions , it's goofy ( if not entirely wholesome ) fun . Class: Stokavian Classify the following: it's a bizarre curiosity memorable mainly for the way it fritters away its potentially interesting subject matter via a banal script , unimpressive acting and indifferent direction .
Text - the sweetest thing , a romantic comedy with outrageous tendencies , may be a mess in a lot of ways . but it does have one saving grace . a lot of its gags and observations reflect a woman's point-of-view . Group - counterproposal Text - the entire movie is so formulaic and forgettable that it's hardly over before it begins to fade from memory . Group - Illecebraceae Text - [at least] moore is a real charmer . Group - Illecebraceae Text - this is a film that manages to find greatness in the hue of its drastic iconography . Group - counterproposal Text - it's absolutely spooky how lillard channels the shagster right down to the original casey kasem-furnished voice . Group - counterproposal Text - . . . post-september 11 , " the sum of all fears " seems more tacky and reprehensible , manipulating our collective fear without bestowing the subject with the intelligence or sincerity it unequivocally deserves . Group - Illecebraceae Classify the case below. . . . a series of tales told with the intricate preciseness of the best short story writing .
Case: a punch line without a premise , a joke built entirely from musty memories of half-dimensional characters . Classification: crile Case: below may not mark mr . twohy's emergence into the mainstream , but his promise remains undiminished . Classification: epornitic Case: ultimately engages less for its story of actorly existential despair than for its boundary-hopping formal innovations and glimpse into another kind of chinese 'cultural revolution . ' Classification: epornitic Case: sluggish , tonally uneven . Classification: crile Case: de niro cries . you'll cry for your money back . Classification: crile Case: feels like a cold old man going through the motions . Classification: crile Case: for 95 often hilarious minutes , [cho] riffs on the diciness of colonics , on straight versus gay personal ads , on how men would act if they had periods , and on the perils of a certain outré sexual practice . Classification: epornitic Case: we know the plot's a little crazy , but it held my interest from start to finish . Classification: epornitic Classify the case below. a waste of fearless purity in the acting craft .
Example: it's a bad thing when a movie has about as much substance as its end credits blooper reel . Class: unbeguiled Example: cantet perfectly captures the hotel lobbies , two-lane highways , and roadside cafes that permeate vincent's days Class: chopper Example: although olivier assayas' elegantly appointed period drama seems , at times , padded with incident in the way of a too-conscientious adaptation . . . its three-hour running time plays closer to two . Class: chopper Example: here's a case of two actors who do everything humanly possible to create characters who are sweet and believable , and are defeated by a screenplay that forces them into bizarre , implausible behavior . Class: unbeguiled Example: delivers the same old same old , tarted up with latin flava and turned out by hollywood playas . Class: unbeguiled Example: it's a fine , old-fashioned-movie movie , which is to say it's unburdened by pretensions to great artistic significance . Class: chopper Example: a chilly , brooding but quietly resonant psychological study of domestic tension and unhappiness . Class: chopper Example: madonna has made herself over so often now , there's apparently nothing left to work with , sort of like michael jackson's nose . Class: unbeguiled Classify the following: not only does spider-man deliver , but i suspect it might deliver again and again .
Case: a comprehensive and provocative film -- one that pushes the boundaries of biography , and challenges its audience . Classification: motricity Case: directors brett morgen and nanette burstein have put together a bold biographical fantasia . Classification: motricity Case: taylor appears to have blown his entire budget on soundtrack rights and had nothing left over for jokes . Classification: semeiotics Case: i liked about schmidt a lot , but i have a feeling that i would have liked it much more if harry & tonto never existed . Classification: motricity Case: has the marks of a septuagenarian ; it's a crusty treatment of a clever gimmick . Classification: semeiotics Case: unless bob crane is someone of particular interest to you , this film's impressive performances and adept direction aren't likely to leave a lasting impression . Classification: semeiotics Classify the case below. first , for a movie that tries to be smart , it's kinda dumb . and second , what's with all the shooting ?
Case: funny in a sick , twisted sort of way . Classification: silverbush Case: [taymor] utilizes the idea of making kahlo's art a living , breathing part of the movie , often catapulting the artist into her own work . this isn't a new idea . it's been done before but never so vividly or with so much passion . Classification: silverbush Case: a refreshingly honest and ultimately touching tale of the sort of people usually ignored in contemporary american film . search it out . Classification: silverbush Case: the movie's blatant derivativeness is one reason it's so lackluster . Classification: gall Case: the film is flat . Classification: gall Case: the master of disaster - it's a piece of dreck disguised as comedy . Classification: gall Case: the most repugnant adaptation of a classic text since roland joffé and demi moore's the scarlet letter . Classification: gall Case: some people march to the beat of a different drum , and if you ever wondered what kind of houses those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 alternative housing options . Classification: silverbush Considreing the above, classify the following: well-intentioned though it may be , its soap-opera morality tales have the antiseptic , preprogrammed feel of an after-school special .
Example: the best drug addition movies are usually depressing but rewarding . quitting , however , manages just to be depressing , as the lead actor phones in his autobiographical performance . Class: infructuosity Example: it's pretentious in a way that verges on the amateurish . Class: infructuosity Example: it's a decent glimpse into a time period , and an outcast , that is no longer accessible , but it doesn't necessarily shed more light on its subject than the popular predecessor . Class: infructuosity Example: at 78 minutes it just zings along with vibrance and warmth . Class: bumblefoot Example: audiences are advised to sit near the back and squint to avoid noticing some truly egregious lip-non-synching , but otherwise the production is suitably elegant . Class: bumblefoot Example: mostly martha could have used a little trimming -- 10 or 15 minutes could be cut and no one would notice -- but it's a pleasurable trifle . the only pain you'll feel as the credits roll is your stomach grumbling for some tasty grub . Class: bumblefoot Example: full frontal is the antidote for soderbergh fans who think he's gone too commercial since his two oscar nominated films in 2000 Class: bumblefoot Example: don't let the subtitles fool you ; the movie only proves that hollywood no longer has a monopoly on mindless action . Class: infructuosity What is the classification for the passage below? digital-video documentary about stand-up comedians is a great glimpse into a very different world .
Example: a predictable , manipulative stinker . the story passes time until it's time for an absurd finale of twisted metal , fireballs and revenge . Class: recalcitrate Example: there are just enough twists in the tale to make it far more satisfying than almost any horror film in recent memory . Class: sulfarsenite Example: first-time director joão pedro rodrigues' unwillingness to define his hero's background or motivations becomes more and more frustrating as the film goes on . Class: recalcitrate Example: a rare and lightly entertaining look behind the curtain that separates comics from the people laughing in the crowd . Class: sulfarsenite Example: smith's point is simple and obvious -- people's homes are extensions of themselves , and particularly eccentric people have particularly eccentric living spaces -- but his subjects are charmers . Class: sulfarsenite Example: it appears that something has been lost in the translation to the screen . Class: recalcitrate Classify the case below. it would be great to see this turd squashed under a truck , preferably a semi .
Case: the movie , directed by mick jackson , leaves no cliche unturned , from the predictable plot to the characters straight out of central casting . Classification: minify Case: filled with honest performances and exceptional detail , baran is a gentle film with dramatic punch , a haunting ode to humanity . Classification: instructional Case: a soggy , cliche-bound epic-horror yarn that ends up being even dumber than its title . Classification: minify Case: two hours fly by -- opera's a pleasure when you don't have to endure intermissions -- and even a novice to the form comes away exhilarated . Classification: instructional Case: graças às interações entre seus personagens , o filme torna-se não apenas uma história divertida sobre uma curiosa perseguição , mas também um belo estudo de personagens . Classification: instructional Case: the tone shifts abruptly from tense to celebratory to soppy . Classification: minify Classify the following: director juan jose campanella could have turned this into an argentine retread of " iris " or " american beauty , " but instead pulls a little from each film and creates something more beautiful than either of those films .
Example: woo's fights have a distinct flair . his warriors collide in balletic explosion that implies an underlying order throughout the chaos . Class: caritive Example: it's clear the filmmakers weren't sure where they wanted their story to go , and even more clear that they lack the skills to get us to this undetermined destination . Class: quotity Example: plays like a checklist of everything rob reiner and his cast were sending up . Class: quotity Example: [davis] wants to cause his audience an epiphany , yet he refuses to give us real situations and characters . Class: quotity Example: it's one of the most honest films ever made about hollywood . Class: caritive Example: talk to her is not the perfect movie many have made it out to be , but it's still quite worth seeing . Class: caritive Considreing the above, classify the following: warm and exotic .
Example: the film is a hoot , and is just as good , if not better than much of what's on saturday morning tv especially the pseudo-educational stuff we all can't stand . Class: miching Example: a sad , superior human comedy played out on the back roads of life . Class: miching Example: gosling provides an amazing performance that dwarfs everything else in the film . Class: miching Example: being author wells' great-grandson , you'd think filmmaker simon wells would have more reverence for the material . but this costly dud is a far cry from either the book or the beloved film . Class: copacetic Example: what with all the blanket statements and dime-store ruminations on vanity , the worries of the rich and sudden wisdom , the film becomes a sermon for most of its running time . Class: copacetic Example: i wish windtalkers had had more faith in the dramatic potential of this true story . this would have been better than the fiction it has concocted , and there still could have been room for the war scenes . Class: copacetic Example: there's . . . an underlying old world sexism to monday morning that undercuts its charm . Class: miching Example: gangs of new york is an unapologetic mess , whose only saving grace is that it ends by blowing just about everything up . Class: copacetic What is the classification for the passage below? a truly moving experience , and a perfect example of how art -- when done right -- can help heal , clarify , and comfort .
Case: though its atmosphere is intriguing . . . the drama is finally too predictable to leave much of an impression . Classification: revivability Case: it's bedeviled by labored writing and slack direction . Classification: revivability Case: real women have curves doesn't offer any easy answers . Classification: duumviral Case: the film reminds me of a vastly improved germanic version of my big fat greek wedding -- with better characters , some genuine quirkiness and at least a measure of style . the difference is that i truly enjoyed most of mostly martha while i ne Classification: duumviral Case: a byzantine melodrama that stimulates the higher brain functions as well as the libido . Classification: duumviral Case: only in its final surprising shots does rabbit-proof fence find the authority it's looking for . Classification: revivability Considreing the above, classify the following: a poignant , artfully crafted meditation on mortality .
Case: diverting french comedy in which a husband has to cope with the pesky moods of jealousy . Classification: chorally Case: rarely does a film so graceless and devoid of merit as this one come along . Classification: hematolite Case: at a time when half the so-called real movies are little more than live-action cartoons , it's refreshing to see a cartoon that knows what it is , and knows the form's history . Classification: chorally Case: É uma pena que , mais tarde , o próprio filme abandone o tom de paródia e passe a utilizar os mesmos clichês que havia satirizado . Classification: chorally Case: it's at once laughable and compulsively watchable , in its committed dumbness . Classification: hematolite Case: less-than-compelling documentary of a yiddish theater clan . Classification: hematolite Classify the following: apparently reassembled from the cutting-room floor of any given daytime soap .
Example: ultimately , " mib ii " succeeds due to its rapid-fire delivery and enough inspired levity that it can't be dismissed as mindless . Class: angelet Example: when not obscured by the booming bass-heavy soundtrack , the conversation presents the kind of linguistic fumbling not heard since macy gray's game of chinese whispers with mr bean . Class: keacorn Example: it's pretentious in a way that verges on the amateurish . Class: keacorn Example: how do you spell cliché ? Class: keacorn Example: it may seem long at 110 minutes if you're not a fan , because it includes segments of 12 songs at a reunion concert . Class: angelet Example: an ambitious 'what if ? ' that works . Class: angelet Classify the case below. would make an excellent companion piece to the similarly themed 'the french lieutenant's woman . '
Example: this is as respectful a film as byatt fans could hope for , though lovers of the book may wonder why it's necessary . Class: bendwise Example: it's refreshing to see a girl-power movie that doesn't feel it has to prove anything . Class: bendwise Example: it doesn't do the original any particular dishonor , but neither does it exude any charm or personality . Class: underlaundress Example: [sen's] soap opera-ish approach undermines his good intentions . Class: underlaundress Example: jirí hubac's script is a gem . his characters are engaging , intimate and the dialogue is realistic and greatly moving . the scope of the silberstein family is large and we grow attached to their lives , full of strength , warmth and vitality . . Class: bendwise Example: in all the annals of the movies , few films have been this odd , inexplicable and unpleasant . Class: underlaundress Considreing the above, classify the following: if you can get past the fantastical aspects and harsh realities of " the isle " you'll get a sock-you-in-the-eye flick that is a visual tour-de-force and a story that is unlike any you will likely see anywhere else .
Text - the whole film has this sneaky feel to it – as if the director is trying to dupe the viewer into taking it all as very important simply because the movie is ugly to look at and not a hollywood product . Group - place Text - it's an often-cute film but either needs more substance to fill the time or some judicious editing . Group - diaphtherin Text - it makes you believe the cast and crew thoroughly enjoyed themselves and believed in their small-budget film . Group - diaphtherin Text - the sword fighting is well done and auteuil is a goofy pleasure . Group - diaphtherin Text - reeks of rot and hack work from start to finish . Group - place Text - this ludicrous film is predictable at every turn . Group - place Considreing the above, classify the following: hugh grant's act is so consuming that sometimes it's difficult to tell who the other actors in the movie are .
Case: a chiller resolutely without chills . Classification: angulateness Case: a solid film . . . but more conscientious than it is truly stirring . Classification: angulateness Case: it showcases carvey's talent for voices , but not nearly enough and not without taxing every drop of one's patience to get to the good stuff . Classification: angulateness Case: " nicholas nickleby " is a perfect family film to take everyone to since there's no new " a christmas carol " out in the theaters this year . charlie hunnam has the twinkling eyes , repressed smile and determined face needed to carry out a dickensian hero . Classification: subgranular Case: that is essentially what's missing from blackboards -- the sense of something bigger , some ultimate point . Classification: angulateness Case: not since tom cruise in risky business has an actor made such a strong impression in his underwear . Classification: subgranular Case: vividly conveys the shadow side of the 30-year friendship between two english women . Classification: subgranular Case: a taut , sobering film . Classification: subgranular Considreing the above, classify the following: maybe thomas wolfe was right : you can't go home again .
Example: so muddled , repetitive and ragged that it says far less about the horrifying historical reality than about the filmmaker's characteristic style . Class: polygamous Example: whether writer-director anne fontaine's film is a ghost story , an account of a nervous breakdown , a trip down memory lane , all three or none of the above , it is as seductive as it is haunting . Class: perioecians Example: with tightly organized efficiency , numerous flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller's film is one of 2002's involvingly adult surprises . Class: perioecians Example: few of the increasingly far-fetched events that first-time writer-director neil burger follows up with are terribly convincing , which is a pity , considering barry's terrific performance . Class: polygamous Considreing the above, classify the following: brash , intelligent and erotically perplexing , haneke's portrait of an upper class austrian society and the suppression of its tucked away demons is uniquely felt with a sardonic jolt .
Text - a delightful surprise because despite all the backstage drama , this is a movie that tells stories that work -- is charming , is moving , is funny and looks professional . Group - Bibio Text - it takes a strange kind of laziness to waste the talents of robert forster , anne meara , eugene levy , and reginald veljohnson all in the same movie . Group - periphlebitis Text - so devoid of any kind of intelligible story that it makes films like xxx and collateral damage seem like thoughtful treatises Group - periphlebitis Text - the best film about baseball to hit theaters since field of dreams . Group - Bibio Text - full of the kind of obnoxious chitchat that only self-aware neurotics engage in . Group - periphlebitis Text - those with a modicum of patience will find in these characters' foibles a timeless and unique perspective . Group - Bibio Considreing the above, classify the following: an unremarkable , modern action/comedy buddy movie whose only nod to nostalgia is in the title .
Text - manages to transcend the sex , drugs and show-tunes plot into something far richer . Group - chemotactic Text - i know i shouldn't have laughed , but hey , those farts got to my inner nine-year-old . Group - chemotactic Text - somewhat blurred , but kinnear's performance is razor sharp . Group - chemotactic Text - overly stylized with lots of flash black-&-white freeze frames reminiscent of a pseudo-hip luxury car commercial , ( it's ) at its worst when it's actually inside the ring . Group - vammazsa Text - its almost too-spectacular coastal setting distracts slightly from an eccentric and good-naturedly aimless story . Group - chemotactic Text - it's so laddish and juvenile , only teenage boys could possibly find it funny . Group - vammazsa Text - this rather superficial arthouse middle-brow film knows how to please a crowd , and that's about all it does well . Group - vammazsa Text - there's no way to sort out the mess in our heads and deconstruct where it all went wrong . this is an hour and a half of daydreaming . Group - vammazsa What is the classification for the passage below? a gob of drivel so sickly sweet , even the eager consumers of moore's pasteurized ditties will retch it up like rancid crème brûlée .
Example: there is little question that this is a serious work by an important director who has something new to say about how , in the flip-flop of courtship , we often reel in when we should be playing out . Class: pinacocyte Example: boy , has this franchise ever run out of gas . Class: suid Example: a very stylish but ultimately extremely silly tale . . . a slick piece of nonsense but nothing more . Class: suid Example: with tightly organized efficiency , numerous flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller's film is one of 2002's involvingly adult surprises . Class: pinacocyte Example: hayek is stunning as frida and . . . a star-making project . Class: pinacocyte Example: there are plenty of scenes in frida that do work , but rarely do they involve the title character herself . Class: suid What is the classification for the passage below? cold , nervy and memorable .
Case: plods along , minus the twisted humor and eye-popping visuals that have made miike . . . a cult hero . Classification: whoreship Case: so few movies explore religion that it's disappointing to see one reduce it to an idea that fits in a sampler . Classification: whoreship Case: star wars is back in a major way . Classification: bowk Case: murderous maids pulls no punches in its depiction of the lives of the papin sister and the events that led to their notorious rise to infamy . . . Classification: bowk Case: a long-winded , predictable scenario . Classification: whoreship Case: beautiful , angry and sad , with a curious sick poetry , as if the marquis de sade had gone in for pastel landscapes . Classification: bowk Considreing the above, classify the following: more concerned with overall feelings , broader ideas , and open-ended questions than concrete story and definitive answers , soderbergh's solaris is a gorgeous and deceptively minimalist cinematic tone poem .
Text - argento , at only 26 , brings a youthful , out-to-change-the-world aggressiveness to the project , as if she's cut open a vein and bled the raw film stock . Group - subconscious Text - indifferently implausible popcorn programmer of a movie . Group - ultracentenarian Text - instead of panoramic sweep , kapur gives us episodic choppiness , undermining the story's emotional thrust . Group - ultracentenarian Text - garcia and the other actors help make the wobbly premise work . Group - subconscious Text - sustains its dreamlike glide through a succession of cheesy coincidences and voluptuous cheap effects , not the least of which is rebecca romijn-stamos . Group - ultracentenarian Text - the whole thing feels like a ruse , a tactic to cover up the fact that the picture is constructed around a core of flimsy -- or , worse yet , nonexistent -- ideas . Group - ultracentenarian Text - writer/director joe carnahan's grimy crime drama is a manual of precinct cliches , but it moves fast enough to cover its clunky dialogue and lapses in logic . Group - subconscious Text - it asks nothing of the audience other than to sit back and enjoy a couple of great actors hamming it up . Group - subconscious Considreing the above, classify the following: a bit too derivative to stand on its own as the psychological thriller it purports to be .
Example: a no-holds-barred cinematic treat . Class: unexcelled Example: though there are entertaining and audacious moments , the movie's wildly careening tone and an extremely flat lead performance do little to salvage this filmmaker's flailing reputation . Class: gauzelike Example: don't waste your money . Class: gauzelike Example: dark and disturbing , but also surprisingly funny . Class: unexcelled Considreing the above, classify the following: it's probably not easy to make such a worthless film . . .
Text - so we got ten little indians meets friday the 13th by way of clean and sober , filmed on the set of carpenter's the thing and loaded with actors you're most likely to find on the next inevitable incarnation of the love boat . Group - tulchan Text - a gripping drama . Group - impounder Text - manages to transcend the sex , drugs and show-tunes plot into something far richer . Group - impounder Text - " an entire film about researchers quietly reading dusty old letters . " Group - tulchan Classify the case below. while it is interesting to witness the conflict from the palestinian side , longley's film lacks balance . . . and fails to put the struggle into meaningful historical context .
Case: throwing it all away for the fleeting joys of love's brief moment . Classification: regulative Case: completely awful iranian drama . . . as much fun as a grouchy ayatollah in a cold mosque . Classification: nitrifaction Case: roger michell , who did an appealing job directing persuasion and notting hill in england , gets too artsy in his american debut . Classification: nitrifaction Case: it's a wonderful , sobering , heart-felt drama . Classification: regulative Classify the following: deepa mehta provides an accessible introduction as well as some intelligent observations on the success of bollywood in the western world .
Example: the movie is for fans who can't stop loving anime , and the fanatical excess built into it . Class: mispaint Example: . . . the first 2/3 of the film are incredibly captivating and insanely funny , thanks in part to interesting cinematic devices ( cool visual backmasking ) , a solid cast , and some wickedly sick and twisted humor . . . Class: mispaint Example: richard pryor mined his personal horrors and came up with a treasure chest of material , but lawrence gives us mostly fool's gold . Class: dentural Example: human resources was a good , straightforward tale , but time out is better . it's haunting . it's like a poem . Class: mispaint Example: it seems to me the film is about the art of ripping people off without ever letting them consciously know you have done so Class: dentural Example: the movie is a mess from start to finish . Class: dentural Considreing the above, classify the following: a prison comedy that never really busts out of its comfy little cell .
Example: britney has been delivered to the big screen safe and sound , the way we like our 20-year-old superstar girls to travel on the fame freeway . Class: satan Example: deliciously slow . Class: satan Example: forget the psychology 101 study of romantic obsession and just watch the procession of costumes in castles and this won't seem like such a bore . Class: ichthyophagy Example: while the film is competent , it's also uninspired , lacking the real talent and wit to elevate it beyond its formula to the level of classic romantic comedy to which it aspires . Class: ichthyophagy Example: an unencouraging threefold expansion on the former mtv series , accompanying the stunt-hungry dimwits in a random series of collected gags , pranks , pratfalls , dares , injuries , etc . Class: ichthyophagy Example: kosminsky . . . puts enough salt into the wounds of the tortured and self-conscious material to make it sting . Class: satan Classify the case below. sade is an engaging look at the controversial eponymous and fiercely atheistic hero .
Example: i don't know if frailty will turn bill paxton into an a-list director , but he can rest contentedly with the knowledge that he's made at least one damn fine horror movie . Class: complacentially Example: one of the very best movies ever made about the life of moviemaking . Class: complacentially Example: loosely speaking , we're in all of me territory again , and , strictly speaking , schneider is no steve martin . Class: hyperfine Example: has lost some of the dramatic conviction that underlies the best of comedies . . . Class: hyperfine Example: the plot's contrivances are uncomfortably strained . Class: hyperfine Example: the pitch must have read like a discarded house beautiful spread . Class: complacentially Classify the following: the animated subplot keenly depicts the inner struggles of our adolescent heroes - insecure , uncontrolled , and intense .
Text - brilliantly written and well-acted , yellow asphalt is an uncompromising film . Group - psychiatric Text - a very capable nailbiter . Group - psychiatric Text - stephen earnhart's homespun documentary mule skinner blues has nothing but love for its posse of trailer park denizens . Group - psychiatric Text - overall , it's a pretty mediocre family film . Group - wauns Text - we never really feel involved with the story , as all of its ideas remain just that : abstract ideas . Group - wauns Text - never does " lilo & stitch " reach the emotion or timelessness of disney's great past , or even that of more recent successes such as " mulan " or " tarzan . " Group - wauns Text - philosophically , intellectually and logistically a mess . Group - wauns Text - a bracing , unblinking work that serves as a painful elegy and sobering cautionary tale . Group - psychiatric What is the classification for the passage below? an impressive hybrid .
Case: a movie just for friday fans , critics be damned . if you already like this sort of thing , this is that sort of thing all over again . Classification: southern Case: a baffling mixed platter of gritty realism and magic realism with a hard-to-swallow premise . Classification: southern Case: a mess when it comes to the characters and writing . . . but works its way underneath the skin like few movies have in recent memory . Classification: patriarchism Case: this time out , [sade] is an unsettlingly familiar figure -- in turns loyal and deceitful , responsible and reckless , idealistically selfless and coldly self-interested . Classification: patriarchism What is the classification for the passage below? despite its flaws , crazy as hell marks an encouraging new direction for la salle .
Case: an interesting psychological game of cat-and-mouse , three-dimensional characters and believable performances all add up to a satisfying crime drama . Classification: emblematicalness Case: nothing more than a mediocre trifle . Classification: radicule Case: corny , schmaltzy and predictable , but still manages to be kind of heartwarming , nonetheless . it's the perfect kind of film to see when you don't want to use your brain . at all . Classification: emblematicalness Case: it's hard to know whether or not to recommend this film because for every thing it does right there's at least one and occasionally two things it gets ever so wrong . Classification: radicule Case: stuffy , full of itself , morally ambiguous and nothing to shout about . Classification: radicule Case: more a load of enjoyable , conan-esque claptrap than the punishing , special-effects soul assaults the mummy pictures represent . Classification: emblematicalness Classify the following: surprisingly insightful
Example: meeting , even exceeding expectations , it's the best sequel since the empire strikes back . . . a majestic achievement , an epic of astonishing grandeur and surprising emotional depth . Class: defectively Example: the bland outweighs the nifty , and cletis tout never becomes the clever crime comedy it thinks it is . Class: keratome Example: a feature-length , r-rated , road-trip version of mama's family . Class: keratome Example: it's disappointing when filmmakers throw a few big-name actors and cameos at a hokey script . Class: keratome Example: a difficult but worthy film that bites off more than it can chew by linking the massacre of armenians in 1915 with some difficult relationships in the present . Class: defectively Example: the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic tale of obsessive love . Class: defectively Example: the delicious trimmings…arrive early and stay late , filling nearly every minute…with a lighthearted glow , some impudent snickers , and a glorious dose of humankind's liberating ability to triumph over a scrooge or two . Class: defectively Example: cherish is a dud -- a romantic comedy that's not the least bit romantic and only mildly funny . Class: keratome Classify the case below. there's more scatological action in 8 crazy nights than a proctologist is apt to encounter in an entire career .
Example: morrissette's script and direction show a fair amount of intelligence and wit -- but it doesn't signify a whole lot either . Class: sah Example: the film delivers not just the full assault of reno's immense wit and insight , but a time travel back to what it felt like during those unforgettably uncertain days . Class: ophiasis Example: this time , the hype is quieter , and while the movie is slightly less successful than the first , it's still a rollicking good time for the most part . Class: ophiasis Example: ethan hawke has always fancied himself the bastard child of the beatnik generation and it's all over his chelsea walls . Class: sah Example: unfortunately , kapur modernizes a . e . w . mason's story to suit the sensibilities of a young american , a decision that plucks " the four feathers " bare . Class: sah Example: as an actress , madonna is one helluva singer . as the mediterranean sparkles , 'swept away' sinks . Class: sah Example: ali's graduation from little screen to big is far less painful than his opening scene encounter with an over-amorous terrier . Class: ophiasis Example: not quite as miraculous as its dreamworks makers would have you believe , but it more than adequately fills the eyes and stirs the emotions . Class: ophiasis Considreing the above, classify the following: it wasn't the subject matter that ultimately defeated the film…it was the unfulfilling , incongruous , " wait a second , did i miss something ? " ending .
Example: . . . while each moment of this broken character study is rich in emotional texture , the journey doesn't really go anywhere . Class: dynamometamorphic Example: left me with the visceral sensation of longing , lasting traces of charlotte's web of desire and desperation . Class: dynamometamorphic Example: a thoughtful , moving piece that faces difficult issues with honesty and beauty . Class: dynamometamorphic Example: it's hard not to feel you've just watched a feature-length video game with some really heavy back story . Class: shelty Example: this sort of cute and cloying material is far from zhang's forte and it shows . Class: shelty Example: chilling but uncommercial look into the mind of jeffrey dahmer , serial killer . Class: dynamometamorphic Example: really does feel like a short stretched out to feature length . Class: shelty Example: i can't remember the last time i saw worse stunt editing or cheaper action movie production values than in extreme ops . Class: shelty Classify the case below. there's just no currency in deriding james bond for being a clichéd , doddering , misogynistic boy's club .
Text - the two leads chomp considerably more scenery with their acting than fire-breathing monsters barbecue with their breath . . . Group - metabismuthic Text - the movie has a soft , percolating magic , a deadpan suspense . Group - metabismuthic Text - could the country bears really be as bad as its trailers ? in a word -- yes . Group - exteroceptist Text - to be influenced chiefly by humanity's greatest shame , reality shows -- reality shows for god's sake ! -- is a crime that should be punishable by chainsaw . Group - exteroceptist Classify the case below. great performances , stylish cinematography and a gritty feel help make gangster no . 1 a worthwhile moviegoing experience .
Example: director of photography benoit delhomme shot the movie in delicious colors , and the costumes and sets are grand . Class: preteritive Example: this pathetic junk is barely an hour long . nevertheless , it still seems endless . Class: expressionful Example: with its hint of an awkward hitchcockian theme in tact , harmon's daunting narrative promotes a reasonable landscape of conflict and pathos to support the scattershot terrorizing tone Class: preteritive Example: moderately involving despite bargain-basement photography and hackneyed romance . Class: expressionful Considreing the above, classify the following: the whole movie is simply a lazy exercise in bad filmmaking that asks you to not only suspend your disbelief but your intelligence as well .
Text - for the first time in several years , mr . allen has surpassed himself with the magic he's spun with the hollywood empress of ms . leoni's ellie . Group - bes Text - it made me want to get made-up and go see this movie with my sisters . i thought the relationships were wonderful , the comedy was funny , and the love 'real' . Group - bes Text - most fish stories are a little peculiar , but this is one that should be thrown back in the river . Group - Oxyrrhyncha Text - not one moment in the enterprise didn't make me want to lie down in a dark room with something cool to my brow . Group - Oxyrrhyncha Text - even if it ultimately disappoints , the picture does have about a matinee admission's worth of funny to keep it afloat . Group - Oxyrrhyncha Text - the film is visually dazzling , the depicted events dramatic , funny and poignant . Group - bes Classify the following: for its seriousness , high literary aspirations and stunning acting , the film can only be applauded .
Example: takes a clunky tv-movie approach to detailing a chapter in the life of the celebrated irish playwright , poet and drinker . Class: ecchymose Example: another big , dumb action movie in the vein of xxx , the transporter is riddled with plot holes big enough for its titular hero to drive his sleek black bmw through . Class: ecchymose Example: a spunky , original take on a theme that will resonate with singles of many ages . Class: euphonicalness Example: great over-the-top moviemaking if you're in a slap-happy mood . Class: euphonicalness Example: everything in maid in manhattan is exceedingly pleasant , designed not to offend . it goes down easy , leaving virtually no aftertaste . Class: ecchymose Example: strange it is , but delightfully so . Class: euphonicalness Classify the following: the film's appeal has a lot to do with the casting of juliette binoche as sand , who brings to the role her pale , dark beauty and characteristic warmth .
Text - highly recommended viewing for its courage , ideas , technical proficiency and great acting . Group - posterodorsad Text - rarely , a movie is more than a movie . go . Group - posterodorsad Text - presents a good case while failing to provide a reason for us to care beyond the very basic dictums of human decency . Group - unformed Text - . . . ( like ) channel surfing between the discovery channel and a late-night made-for-cable action movie . Group - unformed Text - either a fascinating study of the relationship between mothers and their children or a disturbing story about sociopaths and their marks . Group - posterodorsad Text - an unflinching , complex portrait of a modern israel that is rarely seen on-screen . Group - posterodorsad Text - this isn't even madonna's swept away . this is her blue lagoon . Group - unformed Text - as an entertainment destination for the general public , kung pow sets a new benchmark for lameness . Group - unformed What is the classification for the passage below? despite its floating narrative , this is a remarkably accessible and haunting film .
Example: though the controversial korean filmmaker's latest effort is not for all tastes , it offers gorgeous imagery , effective performances , and an increasingly unsettling sense of foreboding . Class: unlearned Example: an unabashedly schmaltzy and thoroughly enjoyable true story . Class: unlearned Example: a comedy that is warm , inviting , and surprising . Class: unlearned Example: a whole lot foul , freaky and funny . Class: unlearned Example: . . . the sum of the parts equals largely a confused mediocrity . Class: Gelastocoridae Example: it has all the excitement of eating oatmeal . Class: Gelastocoridae Example: if this movie belonged to a sorority , it would be called beta alpha delta . Class: Gelastocoridae Example: . . . plays like somebody spliced random moments of a chris rock routine into what is otherwise a cliche-riddled but self-serious spy thriller . Class: Gelastocoridae Considreing the above, classify the following: this concoction , so bizarre to the adult mind , is actually a charming triumph where its intended under-12 audience is concerned .
Text - beautifully crafted and cooly unsettling . . . recreates the atmosphere of the crime expertly . Group - greenstuff Text - i admire it and yet cannot recommend it , because it overstays its natural running time . Group - ateliosis Text - just a collection of this and that -- whatever fills time -- with no unified whole . Group - ateliosis Text - who needs love like this ? Group - ateliosis Text - if we're to slap protagonist genevieve leplouff because she's french , do we have that same option to slap her creators because they're clueless and inept ? Group - ateliosis Text - it's a minor comedy that tries to balance sweetness with coarseness , while it paints a sad picture of the singles scene . Group - greenstuff Text - it's no accident that the accidental spy is a solid action pic that returns the martial arts master to top form . Group - greenstuff Text - i liked it because it was so endlessly , grotesquely , inventive . Group - greenstuff Considreing the above, classify the following: more vaudeville show than well-constructed narrative , but on those terms it's inoffensive and actually rather sweet .
Example: a well-made but emotionally scattered film whose hero gives his heart only to the dog . Class: reitbok Example: [soderbergh] tends to place most of the psychological and philosophical material in italics rather than trust an audience's intelligence , and he creates an overall sense of brusqueness . Class: reitbok Example: the draw [for " big bad love " ] is a solid performance by arliss howard . Class: airometer Example: a surprisingly funny movie . Class: airometer What is the classification for the passage below? unfolds in a low-key , organic way that encourages you to accept it as life and go with its flow .
Example: although fairly involving as far as it goes , the film doesn't end up having much that is fresh to say about growing up catholic or , really , anything . Class: stateroom Example: another in-your-face wallow in the lower depths made by people who have never sung those blues . Class: laicality Example: it's neither as sappy as big daddy nor as anarchic as happy gilmore or the waterboy , but it has its moments . Class: laicality Example: writer/director david caesar ladles on the local flavour with a hugely enjoyable film about changing times , clashing cultures and the pleasures of a well-made pizza . Class: stateroom Example: not all of the stories work and the ones that do are thin and scattered , but the film works well enough to make it worth watching . Class: stateroom Example: don't be fooled by the impressive cast list - eye see you is pure junk . Class: laicality Example: a giggle-inducing comedy with snappy dialogue and winning performances by an unlikely team of oscar-winners : susan sarandon and goldie hawn . Class: stateroom Example: a noble failure . Class: laicality Considreing the above, classify the following: a smart , sweet and playful romantic comedy .
Case: this film puts wang at the forefront of china's sixth generation of film makers . Classification: doctorfish Case: in its treatment of the dehumanizing and ego-destroying process of unemployment , time out offers an exploration that is more accurate than anything i have seen in an american film . Classification: doctorfish Case: neither as scary-funny as tremors nor demented-funny as starship troopers , the movie isn't tough to take as long as you've paid a matinee price . Classification: inconcinnate Case: there is no denying the power of polanski's film . . . Classification: doctorfish Case: lame sweet home leaves no southern stereotype unturned . Classification: inconcinnate Case: this is a third-person story now , told by hollywood , and much more ordinary for it . Classification: inconcinnate Case: all movie long , city by the sea swings from one approach to the other , but in the end , it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de niro , mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast . Classification: inconcinnate Case: we get an image of big papa spanning history , rather than suspending it . Classification: doctorfish Classify the following: wait for pay per view or rental but don't dismiss barbershop out of hand .
Example: they were afraid to show this movie to reviewers before its opening , afraid of the bad reviews they thought they'd earn . they were right . Class: metachromatic Example: nice piece of work . Class: sluggardness Example: the one not-so-small problem with expecting is that the entire exercise has no real point . Class: metachromatic Example: the central story lacks punch . Class: metachromatic Example: u . s . audiences may find [attal and gainsbourg's] unfamiliar personas give the film an intimate and quaint reality that is a little closer to human nature than what hollywood typically concocts . Class: sluggardness Example: serving sara should be served an eviction notice at every theater stuck with it . Class: metachromatic Example: an overly melodramatic but somewhat insightful french coming-of-age film . . . Class: sluggardness Example: first-time writer-director serry shows a remarkable gift for storytelling with this moving , effective little film . Class: sluggardness Classify the following: the acting is amateurish , the cinematography is atrocious , the direction is clumsy , the writing is insipid and the violence is at once luridly graphic and laughably unconvincing .
Example: even horror fans will most likely not find what they're seeking with trouble every day ; the movie lacks both thrills and humor . Class: despairfulness Example: roman polanski directs the pianist like a surgeon mends a broken heart ; very meticulously but without any passion . Class: despairfulness Example: the story feels more like a serious read , filled with heavy doses of always enticing sayles dialogue . Class: dagga Example: an interesting look behind the scenes of chicago-based rock group wilco . . . Class: dagga Example: ofrece una buena oportunidad de cultura ( aunque sea condensada ) que bien vale la pena aprovechar . Class: dagga Example: if jews were catholics , this would be catechism Class: despairfulness Classify the case below. i like it . no , i hate it . no , i love it . . . hell , i dunno .
Case: alternates between deadpan comedy and heartbreaking loneliness and isn't afraid to provoke introspection in both its characters and its audience . Classification: palely Case: edited and shot with a syncopated style mimicking the work of his subjects , pray turns the idea of the documentary on its head , making it rousing , invigorating fun lacking any mtv puffery . Classification: palely Case: a well-put-together piece of urban satire . Classification: palely Case: [a] stuporously solemn film . Classification: rowy Case: two badly interlocked stories drowned by all too clever complexity . Classification: rowy Case: the film goes from being an unusual sci-fi character study to a chase flick that detracts from its ending . Classification: rowy Considreing the above, classify the following: features nonsensical and laughable plotting , wooden performances , ineptly directed action sequences and some of the worst dialogue in recent memory .
Example: a film that will enthrall the whole family . Class: bismuthiferous Example: pure cinematic intoxication , a wildly inventive mixture of comedy and melodrama , tastelessness and swooning elegance . Class: bismuthiferous Example: those who are only mildly curious , i fear , will be put to sleep or bewildered by the artsy and often pointless visuals . Class: summerproof Example: a mechanical action-comedy whose seeming purpose is to market the charismatic jackie chan to even younger audiences . Class: summerproof Considreing the above, classify the following: it's traditional moviemaking all the way , but it's done with a lot of careful period attention as well as some very welcome wit .
Case: a cultural wildcard experience : wacky , different , unusual , even nutty . Classification: curbing Case: eventually arrives at its heart , as simple self-reflection meditation . Classification: hieroglypher Case: writer and director otar iosseliani's pleasant tale about a factory worker who escapes for a holiday in venice reveals how we all need a playful respite from the grind to refresh our souls . Classification: curbing Case: an empty exercise , a florid but ultimately vapid crime melodrama with lots of surface flash but little emotional resonance . Classification: hieroglypher Case: for the most part stevens glides through on some solid performances and witty dialogue . Classification: curbing Case: director david fincher and writer david koepp can't sustain it . Classification: hieroglypher What is the classification for the passage below? a thought-provoking picture .
Case: what makes the movie special is its utter sincerity . Classification: knack Case: the noble tradition of men in drag hits an all-time low in sorority boys , whose makers apparently believe that women's clothing can cover up any deficiency in acting , writing or direction . Classification: splashingly Case: the plot is nothing but boilerplate clichés from start to finish , and the script assumes that not only would subtlety be lost on the target audience , but that it's also too stupid to realize that they've already seen this exact same movie a hundred times Classification: splashingly Case: delivers roughly equal amounts of beautiful movement and inside information . Classification: knack Case: a reasonably entertaining sequel to 1994's surprise family hit that may strain adult credibility . Classification: knack Case: here , adrian lyne comes as close to profundity as he is likely to get . Classification: knack Case: as inept as big-screen remakes of the avengers and the wild wild west . Classification: splashingly Case: oscar caliber cast doesn't live up to material Classification: splashingly Classify the case below. a conventional but heartwarming tale .