5 values
Example: there are a few chuckles , but not a single gag sequence that really scores , and the stars seem to be in two different movies . Class: headshake Example: it establishes its ominous mood and tension swiftly , and if the suspense never rises to a higher level , it is nevertheless maintained throughout . Class: motherward Example: with or without the sex , a wonderful tale of love and destiny , told well by a master storyteller Class: motherward Example: i can analyze this movie in three words : thumbs friggin' down . Class: headshake Example: often hilarious , well-shot and , importantly , entertaining , hell house is a fascinating document of an event that has to be seen to be believed . Class: motherward Example: the angst-ridden , affluent slacker characters are more grating than engaging . Class: headshake Classify the case below. i'll bet the video game is a lot more fun than the film .
Text - an entertaining mix of period drama and flat-out farce that should please history fans . Group - sociometric Text - there's a disturbing 'great white hope' undertone to the other side of heaven that subtly undermines its message of christian love and compassion . Group - same Text - never inspires more than an interested detachment . Group - same Text - darkly funny and frequently insightful . Group - sociometric What is the classification for the passage below? forgettable horror -- more gory than psychological -- with a highly satisfying quotient of friday-night excitement and milla power .
Example: [clooney's] debut can be accused of being a bit undisciplined , but it has a tremendous , offbeat sense of style and humor that suggests he was influenced by some of the filmmakers who have directed him , especially the coen brothers and steven soderbergh . Class: Saura Example: despite these annoyances , the capable clayburgh and tambor really do a great job of anchoring the characters in the emotional realities of middle age . Class: Saura Example: though its atmosphere is intriguing . . . the drama is finally too predictable to leave much of an impression . Class: phosphoglycoprotein Example: there has been much puzzlement among critics about what the election symbolizes . i believe the message is in the messenger : the agent is a woman . Class: Saura Example: i'd be hard pressed to think of a film more cloyingly sappy than evelyn this year . Class: phosphoglycoprotein Example: a by-the-numbers patient/doctor pic that covers all the usual ground Class: phosphoglycoprotein What is the classification for the passage below? when it's all wet , blue crush is highly enjoyable . when it's on dry land , though , this surfer-girl melodrama starts gasping like a beached grouper .
Example: . . . unspeakably , unbearably dull , featuring reams of flatly delivered dialogue and a heroine who comes across as both shallow and dim-witted . Class: uranion Example: an entertaining documentary that freshly considers arguments the bard's immortal plays were written by somebody else . Class: unspoil Example: a beautiful and haunting examination of the stories we tell ourselves to make sense of the mundane horrors of the world . Class: unspoil Example: please , someone , stop eric schaeffer before he makes another film . Class: uranion Example: the movie isn't just hilarious : it's witty and inventive , too , and in hindsight , it isn't even all that dumb . Class: unspoil Example: life or something like it has its share of high points , but it misses too many opportunities . Class: uranion Considreing the above, classify the following: brave and sweetly rendered love story .
Example: beautifully observed , miraculously unsentimental comedy-drama . Class: discontentedly Example: whatever eyre's failings as a dramatist , he deserves credit for bringing audiences into this hard and bitter place . Class: afforestation Example: a smart , arch and rather cold-blooded comedy . Class: discontentedly Example: the jokes are sophomoric , stereotypes are sprinkled everywhere and the acting ranges from bad to bodacious . Class: afforestation Considreing the above, classify the following: well-written , nicely acted and beautifully shot and scored , the film works on several levels , openly questioning social mores while ensnaring the audience with its emotional pull .
Text - not only is undercover brother as funny , if not more so , than both austin powers films , but it's also one of the smarter , savvier spoofs to come along in some time . Group - overtreatment Text - just a string of stale gags , with no good inside dope , and no particular bite . Group - opisthographical Text - a simpler , leaner treatment would have been preferable ; after all , being about nothing is sometimes funnier than being about something . Group - opisthographical Text - the film is all a little lit crit 101 , but it's extremely well played and often very funny . Group - overtreatment Classify the following: i'm sure there's a teenage boy out there somewhere who's dying for this kind of entertainment .
Text - completely creatively stillborn and executed in a manner that i'm not sure could be a single iota worse . . . a soulless hunk of exploitative garbage . Group - unmartial Text - a simple , sometimes maddeningly slow film that has just enough charm and good acting to make it interesting , but is ultimately pulled under by the pacing and lack of creativity within . Group - unmartial Text - horns and halos benefits from serendipity but also reminds us of our own responsibility to question what is told as the truth . Group - taramellite Text - the vintage is pure '87 , with a halfhearted twist on its cautionary message : fatal attraction = don't have an affair with a nutjob ; unfaithful = don't if you're married to one . Group - unmartial Text - simply and eloquently articulates the tangled feelings of particular new yorkers deeply touched by an unprecedented tragedy . Group - taramellite Text - one of the best examples of how to treat a subject , you're not fully aware is being examined , much like a photo of yourself you didn't know was being taken . Group - taramellite Classify the following: close enough in spirit to its freewheeling trash-cinema roots to be a breath of fresh air .
Example: . . . a solid , well-formed satire . Class: outpupil Example: director claude chabrol has become the master of innuendo . it is not what you see , it is what you think you see . Class: outpupil Example: feels like pieces a bunch of other , better movies slapped together . Class: liknon Example: this sort of cute and cloying material is far from zhang's forte and it shows . Class: liknon Example: it's a lovely , eerie film that casts an odd , rapt spell . Class: outpupil Example: odd and weird . Class: liknon Classify the following: " the tuxedo " should have been the vehicle for chan that " the mask " was for jim carrey . alas , it's the man that makes the clothes .
Example: the transporter is as lively and as fun as it is unapologetically dumb Class: criminaldom Example: never mind whether you buy the stuff about barris being a cia hit man . the kooky yet shadowy vision clooney sustains throughout is daring , inventive and impressive . Class: criminaldom Example: as antonia is assimilated into this newfangled community , the film settles in and becomes compulsively watchable in a guilty-pleasure , daytime-drama sort of fashion . Class: criminaldom Example: a tired , unimaginative and derivative variation of that already-shallow genre . Class: miscredited Example: now i can see why people thought i was too hard on " the mothman prophecies " . Class: miscredited Example: a not-so-divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood with a hefty helping of re-fried green tomatoes . Class: miscredited Example: 'dragonfly' is a movie about a bus wreck that turns into a film wreck . Class: miscredited Example: an original little film about one young woman's education . Class: criminaldom Considreing the above, classify the following: paxton's uneven directorial debut fails to unlock the full potential of what is in many ways a fresh and dramatically substantial spin on the genre .
Example: anyone who's ever suffered under a martinet music instructor has no doubt fantasized about what an unhappy , repressed and twisted personal life their tormentor deserved . these people are really going to love the piano teacher . Class: mesochondrium Example: just another combination of bad animation and mindless violence . . . lacking the slightest bit of wit or charm . Class: Englishable Example: the actors are appealing , but elysian fields is idiotic and absurdly sentimental . Class: Englishable Example: instead of a hyperbolic beat-charged urban western , it's an unpretentious , sociologically pointed slice of life . Class: mesochondrium Example: demonstrates the unusual power of thoughtful , subjective filmmaking . Class: mesochondrium Example: there's no doubting that this is a highly ambitious and personal project for egoyan , but it's also one that , next to his best work , feels clumsy and convoluted . Class: Englishable Classify the following: kinnear doesn't aim for our sympathy , but rather delivers a performance of striking skill and depth .
Example: bolstered by exceptional performances and a clear-eyed take on the economics of dealing and the pathology of ghetto fabulousness . Class: preally Example: a processed comedy chop suey . Class: solidarity Example: automatically pegs itself for the straight-to-video sci-fi rental shelf . Class: solidarity Example: a delightful entree in the tradition of food movies . Class: preally Example: first good , then bothersome . excellent acting and direction . Class: solidarity Example: while cherish doesn't completely survive its tonal transformation from dark comedy to suspense thriller , it's got just enough charm and appealing character quirks to forgive that still serious problem . Class: preally Classify the case below. 'barbershop " is a good-hearted ensemble comedy with a variety of quirky characters and an engaging story .
Text - prancing his way through the tailor-made part of a male hooker approaching the end of his vitality , jagger obviously relishes every self-mocking moment . Group - sepialike Text - the low-budget full frontal was one of the year's murkiest , intentionally obscure and self-indulgent pictures , and solaris is its big-budget brother . Group - diseased Text - a compelling , moving film that respects its audience and its source material . Group - sepialike Text - it tries too hard , and overreaches the logic of its own world . Group - diseased Classify the following: doesn't really add up to much .
Example: lan yu is at times too restrained , yet there are moments it captures the erotics of intimacy in a way that makes most american love stories look downright unfree . Class: adaptational Example: frida is certainly no disaster , but neither is it the kahlo movie frida fans have been looking for . Class: issuer Example: jolting into charleston rhythms , the story has the sizzle of old news that has finally found the right vent ( accurate ? who cares ? ) . Class: adaptational Example: good movie . good actress . but if you expect light romantic comedy , good gosh , will you be shocked . Class: adaptational Example: there's an epic here , but you have to put it together yourself . Class: issuer Example: while mcfarlane's animation lifts the film firmly above the level of other coming-of-age films . . . it's also so jarring that it's hard to get back into the boys' story . Class: adaptational Example: in the end , the weight of water comes to resemble the kind of soft-core twaddle you'd expect to see on showtime's 'red shoe diaries . ' Class: issuer Example: frustratingly , dridi tells us nothing about el gallo other than what emerges through his music . Class: issuer What is the classification for the passage below? this is as powerful a set of evidence as you'll ever find of why art matters , and how it can resonate far beyond museum walls and through to the most painfully marginal lives .
Case: the story loses its bite in a last-minute happy ending that's even less plausible than the rest of the picture . much of the way , though , this is a refreshingly novel ride . Classification: areola Case: kirshner and monroe seem to be in a contest to see who can out-bad-act the other . ( kirshner wins , but it's close . ) Classification: coxcombess Case: just another combination of bad animation and mindless violence . . . lacking the slightest bit of wit or charm . Classification: coxcombess Case: soderbergh skims the fat from the 1972 film . what's left is a rich stew of longing . Classification: areola Classify the case below. the filmmakers know how to please the eye , but it is not always the prettiest pictures that tell the best story .
Case: [city] reminds us how realistically nuanced a robert de niro performance can be when he is not more lucratively engaged in the shameless self-caricature of 'analyze this' ( 1999 ) and 'analyze that , ' promised ( or threatened ) for later this year . Classification: soakage Case: denzel washington's efforts are sunk by all the sanctimony . Classification: puddling Case: 'christian bale's quinn [is] a leather clad grunge-pirate with a hairdo like gandalf in a wind-tunnel and a simply astounding cor-blimey-luv-a-duck cockney accent . ' Classification: puddling Case: despite these annoyances , the capable clayburgh and tambor really do a great job of anchoring the characters in the emotional realities of middle age . Classification: soakage Case: good-looking but relentlessly lowbrow outing plays like clueless does south fork . Classification: puddling Case: nicole kidman makes it a party worth attending . Classification: soakage Case: the premise for this kegger comedy probably sounded brilliant four six-packs and a pitcher of margaritas in , but the film must have been written . . . in the thrall of a vicious hangover . Classification: puddling Case: deflated ending aside , there's much to recommend the film . Classification: soakage What is the classification for the passage below? rehearsals are frequently more fascinating than the results . last dance , whatever its flaws , fulfills one facet of its mission in making me want to find out whether , in this case , that's true .
Example: it's hard to fairly judge a film like ringu when you've seen the remake first . many of the effective horror elements are dampened through familiarity , [yet] are worthwhile . Class: roughage Example: as chilling and fascinating as philippe mora's modern hitler-study , snide and prejudice . Class: roughage Example: . . . ( like ) channel surfing between the discovery channel and a late-night made-for-cable action movie . Class: intrafoliaceous Example: a muted freak-out Class: roughage Example: flashy , pretentious and as impenetrable as morvern's thick , working-class scottish accent . Class: intrafoliaceous Example: despite its raucous intent , xxx is as conventional as a nike ad and as rebellious as spring break . Class: intrafoliaceous What is the classification for the passage below? at the film's centre is a precisely layered performance by an actor in his mid-seventies , michel piccoli .
Case: because the genre is well established , what makes the movie fresh is smart writing , skewed characters , and the title performance by kieran culkin . Classification: sportsome Case: no aspirations to social import inform the movie version . this is a shameless sham , calculated to cash in on the popularity of its stars . Classification: didromy Case: despite the predictable parent vs . child coming-of-age theme , first-class , natural acting and a look at " the real americans " make this a charmer . Classification: sportsome Case: the hard-to-predict and absolutely essential chemistry between the down-to-earth bullock and the nonchalant grant proves to be sensational , and everything meshes in this elegant entertainment . Classification: sportsome Case: writer-director walter hill and co-writer david giler try to create characters out of the obvious cliches , but wind up using them as punching bags . Classification: didromy Case: you don't have to be an especially tough grader to give a charitable b-minus to the emperor's club . Classification: sportsome Case: like its title character , esther kahn is unusual but unfortunately also irritating . Classification: didromy Case: judd's characters ought to pick up the durable best seller smart women , foolish choices for advice . Classification: didromy Considreing the above, classify the following: storytelling feels slight .
Example: the movie does a good job of laying out some of the major issues that we encounter as we journey through life . Class: indestructible Example: about as cutting-edge as pet rock : the movie . Class: parricidism Example: watching trouble every day , at least if you don't know what's coming , is like biting into what looks like a juicy , delicious plum on a hot summer day and coming away with your mouth full of rotten pulp and living worms . Class: parricidism Example: there's no denying the physically spectacular qualities of the film . . . or the emotional integrity of the performances . Class: indestructible Example: less about shakespeare than the spawn of fools who saw quentin tarantino's handful of raucous gangster films and branched out into their own pseudo-witty copycat interpretations . Class: parricidism Example: fathers and sons , and the uneasy bonds between them , rarely have received such a sophisticated and unsentimental treatment on the big screen as they do in this marvelous film . Class: indestructible Considreing the above, classify the following: i loved looking at this movie . i just didn't care as much for the story .
Case: a not-so-divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood with a hefty helping of re-fried green tomatoes . Classification: uninnate Case: meyjes focuses too much on max when he should be filling the screen with this tortured , dull artist and monster-in-the- making . Classification: uninnate Case: a funny and touching film that is gorgeously acted by a british cast to rival gosford park's . Classification: chatsome Case: a sensitive , moving , brilliantly constructed work . Classification: chatsome Classify the case below. it's crafty , energetic and smart -- the kid is sort of like a fourteen-year old ferris bueller .
Example: writer-director ritchie reduces wertmuller's social mores and politics to tiresome jargon . Class: spritsail Example: the movie is ingenious fun . see it . Class: intercuspidal Example: the concept behind kung pow : enter the fist is hilarious . it's too bad nothing else is . Class: spritsail Example: simply and eloquently articulates the tangled feelings of particular new yorkers deeply touched by an unprecedented tragedy . Class: intercuspidal Example: all comedy is subversive , but this unrelenting bleak insistence on opting out of any opportunity for finding meaning in relationships or work just becomes sad . Class: intercuspidal Example: a mean-spirited film made by someone who surely read the catcher in the rye but clearly suffers from dyslexia Class: spritsail Considreing the above, classify the following: george clooney proves he's quite a talented director and sam rockwell shows us he's a world-class actor with confessions of a dangerous mind .
Example: a great comedy filmmaker knows great comedy needn't always make us laugh . tim story's not there yet - but 'barbershop' shows he's on his way . Class: saron Example: never again swings between false sentiment and unfunny madcap comedy and , along the way , expects the audience to invest in the central relationship as some kind of marriage of true minds . Class: vaccinist Example: . . . liotta is put in an impossible spot because his character's deceptions ultimately undo him and the believability of the entire scenario . too bad . Class: vaccinist Example: this is not chabrol's best , but even his lesser works outshine the best some directors can offer . Class: saron Classify the following: director david jacobson gives dahmer a consideration that the murderer never game his victims .
Example: all i can say is fuhgeddaboutit . Class: averral Example: we may get the full visceral impact of a ruthless army on the warpath but no sense of the devilish complexity of the balkans conflict . Class: averral Example: [broomfield] uncovers a story powerful enough to leave the screen sizzling with intrigue . Class: Chilopsis Example: collateral damage finally delivers the goods for schwarzenegger fans . Class: Chilopsis Classify the following: elegantly crafted but emotionally cold , a puzzle whose intricate construction one can admire but is difficult to connect with on any deeper level .
Text - it is that rare combination of bad writing , bad direction and bad acting -- the trifecta of badness . Group - supination Text - though harris is affecting at times , he cannot overcome the sense that pumpkin is a mere plot pawn for two directors with far less endearing disabilities . Group - supination Text - begins like a docu-drama but builds its multi-character story with a flourish . Group - dentally Text - a well-made but emotionally scattered film whose hero gives his heart only to the dog . Group - supination Text - halloween : resurrection isn't exactly quality cinema , but it isn't nearly as terrible as it cold have been . Group - dentally Text - delivers roughly equal amounts of beautiful movement and inside information . Group - dentally Text - sets up a nice concept for its fiftysomething leading ladies , but fails loudly in execution . Group - supination Text - an unabashedly schmaltzy and thoroughly enjoyable true story . Group - dentally What is the classification for the passage below? there is no entry portal in the rules of attraction , and i spent most of the movie feeling depressed by the shallow , selfish , greedy characters .
Text - though a bit of a patchwork in script and production , a glossy , rich green , environment almost makes the picture work . Group - tricellular Text - there are a few chuckles , but not a single gag sequence that really scores , and the stars seem to be in two different movies . Group - tricellular Text - that the film opens with maggots crawling on a dead dog is not an out of place metaphor . Group - treehood Text - it excels because , unlike so many other hollywood movies of its ilk , it offers hope . Group - treehood What is the classification for the passage below? almost every scene in this film is a gem that could stand alone , a perfectly realized observation of mood , behavior and intent .
Text - the movie ends with outtakes in which most of the characters forget their lines and just utter 'uhhh , ' which is better than most of the writing in the movie . Group - semirotatory Text - a solid cast , assured direction and complete lack of modern day irony . Group - nondeterminist Text - a 94-minute travesty of unparalleled proportions , writer-director parker seems to go out of his way to turn the legendary wit's classic mistaken identity farce into brutally labored and unfunny hokum . Group - semirotatory Text - holofcener rejects patent solutions to dramatize life's messiness from inside out , in all its strange quirks . Group - nondeterminist Considreing the above, classify the following: what's next ? the porky's revenge : ultimate edition ?
Case: [d]oesn't bother being as cloying or preachy as equivalent evangelical christian movies -- maybe the filmmakers know that the likely audience will already be among the faithful . Classification: maggotiness Case: sad to say -- it accurately reflects the rage and alienation that fuels the self-destructiveness of many young people . Classification: maggotiness Case: the makers have forsaken the entertaining elements of the original and , instead , rehash old jokes and leave any life at the doorstep . i like frank the pug , though . Classification: milliary Case: ong chooses to present ah na's life as a slight , weightless fairy tale , whose most unpleasant details seem to melt away in the face of the character's blank-faced optimism . Classification: milliary Case: returning director rob minkoff . . . and screenwriter bruce joel rubin . . . have done a fine job of updating white's dry wit to a new age . Classification: maggotiness Case: just how extreme are these ops ? i regret to report that these ops are just not extreme enough . Classification: milliary Case: cho's latest comic set isn't as sharp or as fresh as i'm the one that i want . . . but it's still damn funny stuff . Classification: maggotiness Case: the advantage of a postapocalyptic setting is that it can be made on the cheap . any rock pile will do for a set . reign of fire has the disadvantage of also looking cheap . Classification: milliary Considreing the above, classify the following: boisterous and daft documentary .
Case: it might be tempting to regard mr . andrew and his collaborators as oddballs , but mr . earnhart's quizzical , charming movie allows us to see them , finally , as artists . Classification: anacromyodian Case: belongs to daniel day-lewis as much as it belongs to martin scorsese ; it's a memorable performance in a big , brassy , disturbing , unusual and highly successful film . Classification: anacromyodian Case: surprisingly , considering that baird is a former film editor , the movie is rather choppy . Classification: witchwork Case: pumpkin struts about with " courage " pinned to its huckster lapel while a yellow streak a mile wide decorates its back . Classification: witchwork Considreing the above, classify the following: no cliche escapes the perfervid treatment of gang warfare called ces wild .
Example: allen se atreve a atacar , a atacarse y nos ofrece gags que van de la sonrisa a la risa de larga duración Class: unkaiserlike Example: one problem with the movie , directed by joel schumacher , is that it jams too many prefabricated story elements into the running time . Class: Marlowish Example: sc2 is an autopilot hollywood concoction lacking in imagination and authentic christmas spirit , yet it's geared toward an audience full of masters of both . Class: Marlowish Example: the soul-searching deliberateness of the film , although leavened nicely with dry absurdist wit , eventually becomes too heavy for the plot . Class: Marlowish Example: does point the way for adventurous indian filmmakers toward a crossover into nonethnic markets . Class: unkaiserlike Example: this version incarnates the prophetic book in a way even its exacting author might admire . Class: unkaiserlike Example: it's splash without the jokes . Class: Marlowish Example: tuck everlasting achieves a delicate balance of romantic innocence and philosophical depth . Class: unkaiserlike Considreing the above, classify the following: the cumulative effect of watching this 65-minute trifle is rather like being trapped while some weird relative trots out the video he took of the family vacation to stonehenge . before long , you're desperate for the evening to end .
Example: a miniscule little bleep on the film radar , but one that many more people should check out Class: automorphic Example: if it seems like a minor miracle that its septuagenarian star is young enough to be the nonagenarian filmmaker's son , more incredible still are the clear-eyed boldness and quiet irony with which actor and director take on life's urgent questions . Class: automorphic Example: diane lane shines in unfaithful . almost everything else is wan . Class: wramp Example: formulaic to the 51st power , more like . Class: wramp Classify the following: an average coming-of-age tale elevated by the wholesome twist of a pesky mother interfering during her son's discovery of his homosexuality .
Example: typical animé , with cheapo animation ( like saturday morning tv in the '60s ) , a complex sword-and-sorcery plot and characters who all have big round eyes and japanese names . Class: seminebulous Example: it's both sitcomishly predictable and cloying in its attempts to be poignant . Class: seminebulous Example: it's got the brawn , but not the brains . Class: seminebulous Example: it would be disingenuous to call reno a great film , but you can say that about most of the flicks moving in and out of the multiplex . this is a movie that is what it is : a pleasant distraction , a friday night diversion , an excuse to eat popcorn . Class: showroom Example: i can't remember the last time i saw worse stunt editing or cheaper action movie production values than in extreme ops . Class: seminebulous Example: it's a satisfying summer blockbuster and worth a look . Class: showroom Example: fulfills the minimum requirement of disney animation . Class: showroom Example: may take its sweet time to get wherever it's going , but if you have the patience for it , you won't feel like it's wasted yours . Class: showroom What is the classification for the passage below? . . . an unimaginative , nasty , glibly cynical piece of work .
Case: this big screen caper has a good bark , far from being a bow-wow . Classification: Ifugao Case: just an average comedic dateflick but not a waste of time . Classification: crumblings Case: divertingly ridiculous , headbangingly noisy . Classification: crumblings Case: one of the more intelligent children's movies to hit theaters this year . Classification: Ifugao Case: assured , glossy and shot through with brittle desperation . Classification: Ifugao Case: from its invitingly upbeat overture to its pathos-filled but ultimately life-affirming finale , martin is a masterfully conducted work . Classification: Ifugao Case: i doubt anyone will remember the picture by the time christmas really rolls around , but maybe it'll be on video by then . Classification: crumblings Case: wasabi is slight fare indeed , with the entire project having the feel of something tossed off quickly ( like one of hubert's punches ) , but it should go down smoothly enough with popcorn . Classification: crumblings Considreing the above, classify the following: made me unintentionally famous — as the queasy-stomached critic who staggered from the theater and blacked out in the lobby . but believe it or not , it's one of the most beautiful , evocative works i've seen .
Case: the komediant is a tale worth catching . Classification: nimiety Case: holden caulfield did it better . Classification: beclamour Case: i hope the movie is widely seen and debated with appropriate ferocity and thoughtfulness . Classification: nimiety Case: . . . little more than a well-acted television melodrama shot for the big screen . Classification: beclamour Classify the case below. eisenstein lacks considerable brio for a film about one of cinema's directorial giants .
Example: the script is high on squaddie banter , low on shocks . Class: pseudocarbamide Example: the problem is that rather than dramatizing this premise , mr . desplechin is content to state it . Class: pseudocarbamide Example: discursive but oddly riveting documentary . Class: epencephalic Example: the gantzes' interviews tend to let the guys off the hook . Class: pseudocarbamide Example: " frailty " has been written so well , that even a simple " goddammit ! " near the end takes on a whole other meaning . Class: epencephalic Example: the drama was so uninspiring that even a story immersed in love , lust , and sin couldn't keep my attention . Class: pseudocarbamide Example: the volatile dynamics of female friendship is the subject of this unhurried , low-key film that is so off-hollywood that it seems positively french in its rhythms and resonance . Class: epencephalic Example: dazzling and sugar-sweet , a blast of shallow magnificence that only sex , scandal , and a chorus line of dangerous damsels can deliver . Class: epencephalic What is the classification for the passage below? jolie's performance vanishes somewhere between her hair and her lips .
Case: warmed-over hash . Classification: unsiphon Case: a gripping movie , played with performances that are all understated and touching . Classification: dehydrogenase Case: murder by numbers just doesn't add up . Classification: unsiphon Case: often hilarious . Classification: dehydrogenase Case: looks like a high school film project completed the day before it was due . Classification: unsiphon Case: mama africa pretty much delivers on that promise . it does give you a peek . the main problem being that it's only a peek . Classification: dehydrogenase Case: one thing you have to give them credit for : the message of the movie is consistent with the messages espoused in the company's previous video work . Classification: dehydrogenase Case: so clichéd that , at one point , they literally upset an apple cart . Classification: unsiphon Considreing the above, classify the following: . . . the good and different idea [of middle-aged romance] is not handled well and , except for the fine star performances , there is little else to recommend " never again . "
Text - although fairly involving as far as it goes , the film doesn't end up having much that is fresh to say about growing up catholic or , really , anything . Group - pantomimish Text - it's clear the filmmakers weren't sure where they wanted their story to go , and even more clear that they lack the skills to get us to this undetermined destination . Group - gutter Text - it is as uncompromising as it is nonjudgmental , and makes clear that a prostitute can be as lonely and needy as any of the clients . Group - pantomimish Text - the creaking , rusty ship makes a fine backdrop , but the ghosts' haunting is routine . Group - gutter Classify the case below. after sitting through this sloppy , made-for-movie comedy special , it makes me wonder if lawrence hates criticism so much that he refuses to evaluate his own work .
Example: but the power of these [subjects] is obscured by the majority of the film that shows a stationary camera on a subject that could be mistaken for giving a public oration , rather than contributing to a film's narrative . Class: exorcisory Example: at its most basic , this cartoon adventure is that wind-in-the-hair exhilarating . Class: bloomy Example: bleakly funny , its characters all the more touching for refusing to pity or memorialize themselves . Class: bloomy Example: just because it really happened to you , honey , doesn't mean that it's interesting to anyone else . Class: exorcisory What is the classification for the passage below? if i spy were funny ( enough ) or exciting ( enough ) then it would be fairly simple to forgive the financial extortion it's trying to reap from the moviegoing public .
Example: although the film boils down to a lightweight story about matchmaking , the characters make italian for beginners worth the journey Class: outcrier Example: an unencouraging threefold expansion on the former mtv series , accompanying the stunt-hungry dimwits in a random series of collected gags , pranks , pratfalls , dares , injuries , etc . Class: magnesioferrite Example: this is a stunning film , a one-of-a-kind tour de force . Class: outcrier Example: adults will wish the movie were less simplistic , obvious , clumsily plotted and shallowly characterized . but what are adults doing in the theater at all ? Class: magnesioferrite Example: scene-by-scene , things happen , but you'd be hard-pressed to say what or why . Class: magnesioferrite Example: a breezy romantic comedy that has the punch of a good sitcom , while offering exceptionally well-detailed characters . Class: outcrier What is the classification for the passage below? although there are several truly jolting scares , there's also an abundance of hackneyed dialogue and more silly satanic business than you can shake a severed limb at .
Text - when the painted backdrops in a movie are more alive than its characters , you know you're in trouble . Group - stallar Text - the people in abc africa are treated as docile , mostly wordless ethnographic extras . Group - stallar Text - madonna has made herself over so often now , there's apparently nothing left to work with , sort of like michael jackson's nose . Group - stallar Text - the movie addresses a hungry need for pg-rated , nonthreatening family movies , but it doesn't go too much further . Group - vastate Text - a fast-moving and remarkable film that appears destined to become a landmark in japanese animation . Group - vastate Text - vampire epic succeeds as spooky action-packed trash of the highest order . Group - vastate Classify the case below. the result is something quite fresh and delightful .
Text - the visuals alone make metropolis worth seeing . Group - waisting Text - it's a boom-box of a movie that might have been titled 'the loud and the ludicrous' . . . the pandering to a moviegoing audience dominated by young males is all too calculated . Group - overmoccasin Text - as an actress , madonna is one helluva singer . as the mediterranean sparkles , 'swept away' sinks . Group - overmoccasin Text - the picture seems uncertain whether it wants to be an acidic all-male all about eve or a lush , swooning melodrama in the intermezzo strain . Group - overmoccasin Text - girls gone wild and gone civil again Group - waisting Text - likely to expertly drum up repressed teenage memories in any viewer . Group - waisting Considreing the above, classify the following: directing with a sure and measured hand , [haneke] steers clear of the sensational and offers instead an unflinching and objective look at a decidedly perverse pathology .
Case: far more imaginative and ambitious than the trivial , cash-in features nickelodeon has made from its other animated tv series . Classification: brutedom Case: suffers from over-familiarity since hit-hungry british filmmakers have strip-mined the monty formula mercilessly since 1997 . Classification: ostmark Case: there has always been something likable about the marquis de sade . Classification: brutedom Case: in an effort , i suspect , not to offend by appearing either too serious or too lighthearted , it offends by just being wishy-washy . Classification: ostmark Case: while obviously an extremely personal work , it remains inextricably stuck in an emotionally unavailable rut . Classification: ostmark Case: my wife is an actress is an utterly charming french comedy that feels so american in sensibility and style it's virtually its own hollywood remake . Classification: brutedom What is the classification for the passage below? the best that can be said about the work here of scottish director ritchie . . . is that he obviously doesn't have his heart in it .
Example: typical animé , with cheapo animation ( like saturday morning tv in the '60s ) , a complex sword-and-sorcery plot and characters who all have big round eyes and japanese names . Class: coarctation Example: none of this so-called satire has any sting to it , as if woody is afraid of biting the hand that has finally , to some extent , warmed up to him . Class: coarctation Example: a slight but sweet film . Class: unreplied Example: witherspoon puts to rest her valley-girl image , but it's dench who really steals the show . Class: unreplied Example: kudos to the most enchanting film of the year . Class: unreplied Example: holds limited appeal to those who like explosions , sadism and seeing people beat each other to a pulp . Class: coarctation What is the classification for the passage below? an alternately raucous and sappy ethnic sitcom . . . you'd be wise to send your regrets .
Example: a subject like this should inspire reaction in its audience ; the pianist does not . Class: orangeade Example: i was trying to decide what annoyed me most about god is great . . . i'm not , and then i realized that i just didn't care . Class: appellatived Example: streamlined to a tight , brisk 85-minute screwball thriller , " big trouble " is funny , harmless and as substantial as a tub of popcorn with extra butter . Class: orangeade Example: this low-rent -- and even lower-wit -- rip-off of the farrelly brothers' oeuvre gets way too mushy -- and in a relatively short amount of time . Class: appellatived Example: it was only a matter of time before some savvy producer saw the potential success inherent in the mixture of bullock bubble and hugh goo . Class: orangeade Example: 'it's painful to watch witherspoon's talents wasting away inside unnecessary films like legally blonde and sweet home abomination , i mean , alabama . ' Class: appellatived Example: it's as raw and action-packed an experience as a ringside seat at a tough-man contest . Class: orangeade Example: it's just disappointingly superficial -- a movie that has all the elements necessary to be a fascinating , involving character study , but never does more than scratch the surface . Class: appellatived Classify the case below. mattei's underdeveloped effort here is nothing but a convenient conveyor belt of brooding personalities that parade about as if they were coming back from stock character camp -- a drowsy drama infatuated by its own pretentious self-examination .
Text - a heartening tale of small victories and enduring hope . Group - Erinaceidae Text - accuracy and realism are terrific , but if your film becomes boring , and your dialogue isn't smart , then you need to use more poetic license . Group - shotlike Text - you might be shocked to discover that seinfeld's real life is boring . Group - shotlike Text - too slow for a younger crowd , too shallow for an older one . Group - shotlike Text - . . . an inviting piece of film . Group - Erinaceidae Text - morvern rocks . Group - Erinaceidae Text - although trying to balance self-referential humor and a normal ol' slasher plot seemed like a decent endeavor , the result doesn't fully satisfy either the die-hard jason fans or those who can take a good joke . Group - shotlike Text - a film of quiet power . Group - Erinaceidae Classify the case below. a big , baggy , sprawling carnival of a movie , stretching out before us with little rhyme or reason .
Case: nakata's technique is to imply terror by suggestion , rather than the overuse of special effects . Classification: ungarnished Case: the film is hampered by its predictable plot and paper-thin supporting characters . Classification: vassalage Case: there are times when you wish that the movie had worked a little harder to conceal its contrivances , but brown sugar turns out to be a sweet and enjoyable fantasy . Classification: ungarnished Case: leaves us wondering less about its ideas and more about its characterization of hitler and the contrived nature of its provocative conclusion . Classification: vassalage Classify the case below. a memorable experience that , like many of his works , presents weighty issues colorfully wrapped up in his own idiosyncratic strain of kitschy goodwill .
Case: nothing about the film -- with the possible exception of elizabeth hurley's breasts -- is authentic . Classification: Musalmani Case: the casting of raymond j . barry as the 'assassin' greatly enhances the quality of neil burger's impressive fake documentary . Classification: reflexness Case: the movie is for fans who can't stop loving anime , and the fanatical excess built into it . Classification: reflexness Case: feels aimless for much of its running time , until late in the film when a tidal wave of plot arrives , leaving questions in its wake . Classification: Musalmani Case: although very much like the first movie based on j . k . rowling's phenomenal fantasy best sellers , this second go-round possesses a quite pleasing , headlong thrust and a likably delinquent attitude . Classification: reflexness Case: it can't decide if it wants to be a mystery/thriller , a romance or a comedy . Classification: Musalmani Case: harris commands the screen , using his frailty to suggest the ravages of a life of corruption and ruthlessness . Classification: reflexness Case: just like every other seagal movie , only louder and without that silly ponytail . Classification: Musalmani What is the classification for the passage below? even in its most tedious scenes , russian ark is mesmerizing .
Example: hollywood has taken quite a nosedive from alfred hitchcock's imaginative flight to shyamalan's self-important summer fluff . Class: hora Example: this is a finely written , superbly acted offbeat thriller . Class: astrogeny Example: historical dramas fused with love triangle is a well worn conceit . but this films lacks the passion required to sell the material . Class: hora Example: . . . hokey art house pretension . Class: hora Example: what's surprising is how well it holds up in an era in which computer-generated images are the norm . Class: astrogeny Example: inside the film's conflict-powered plot there is a decent moral trying to get out , but it's not that , it's the tension that keeps you in your seat . affleck and jackson are good sparring partners . Class: astrogeny Classify the case below. it made me feel unclean , and i'm the guy who liked there's something about mary and both american pie movies . oh , and booty call .
Case: whether writer-director anne fontaine's film is a ghost story , an account of a nervous breakdown , a trip down memory lane , all three or none of the above , it is as seductive as it is haunting . Classification: undisputing Case: the movie is undone by a filmmaking methodology that's just experimental enough to alienate the mainstream audience while ringing cliched to hardened indie-heads . Classification: Platonian Case: there are a few laughs and clever sight gags scattered about , but not enough to make this anything more than another big-budget bust . Classification: Platonian Case: scotland looks wonderful , the fans are often funny fanatics , the showdown sure beats a bad day of golf . Classification: undisputing Case: displays the potential for a better movie than what bailly manages to deliver Classification: Platonian Case: good performances and a realistic , non-exploitive approach make paid in full worth seeing . Classification: undisputing What is the classification for the passage below? [anderson] uses a hit-or-miss aesthetic that hits often enough to keep the film entertaining even if none of it makes a lick of sense .
Case: . . . hudlin is stuck trying to light a fire with soggy leaves . Classification: inviolability Case: all in all , an interesting look at the life of the campaign-trail press , especially ones that don't really care for the candidate they're forced to follow . Classification: chinchilla Case: much like its easily dismissive take on the upscale lifestyle , there isn't much there here . Classification: inviolability Case: it's a rare window on an artistic collaboration . Classification: chinchilla Case: a dramatic comedy as pleasantly dishonest and pat as any hollywood fluff . Classification: inviolability Case: high crimes steals so freely from other movies and combines enough disparate types of films that it can't help but engage an audience . Classification: chinchilla What is the classification for the passage below? plodding , poorly written , murky and weakly acted , the picture feels as if everyone making it lost their movie mojo .
Example: my goodness , queen latifah has a lot to offer and she seemed to have no problem flaunting her natural gifts . she must have a very strong back . Class: unwastable Example: its strengths and weaknesses play off each other virtually to a stand-off , with the unfortunate trump card being the dreary mid-section of the film . Class: tarpot Example: no amount of good acting is enough to save oleander's uninspired story . Class: tarpot Example: in the wake of saving private ryan , black hawk down and we were soldiers , you are likely to be as heartily sick of mayhem as cage's war-weary marine . Class: tarpot Example: a captivating new film . Class: unwastable Example: it's one of the most honest films ever made about hollywood . Class: unwastable Example: dreary , highly annoying . . . 'some body' will appeal to no one . Class: tarpot Example: worth seeing just for weaver and lapaglia . Class: unwastable Considreing the above, classify the following: the good is very , very good . . . the rest runs from mildly unimpressive to despairingly awful .
Example: you might be shocked to discover that seinfeld's real life is boring . Class: armipotence Example: the plot twists give i am trying to break your heart an attraction it desperately needed . Class: canalization Example: lan yu is certainly a serviceable melodrama , but it doesn't even try for the greatness that happy together shoots for ( and misses ) . Class: armipotence Example: the culmination of everyone's efforts is given life when a selection appears in its final form [in " last dance " ] . Class: canalization Example: boomers and their kids will have a barrie good time . Class: canalization Example: the ring is worth a look , if you don't demand much more than a few cheap thrills from your halloween entertainment . Class: canalization Example: like a can of 2-day old coke . you can taste it , but there's no fizz . Class: armipotence Example: it has the air of a surprisingly juvenile lark , a pop-influenced prank whose charms are immediately apparent and wear thin with repetition . Class: armipotence What is the classification for the passage below? the movie's ultimate point -- that everyone should be themselves -- is trite , but the screenwriter and director michel gondry restate it to the point of ridiculousness .
Text - bread , my sweet has so many flaws it would be easy for critics to shred it . it may even fall into the category of films you love to hate . i admit it , i hate to like it . Group - Basque Text - how i killed my father is one of those art house films that makes you feel like you're watching an iceberg melt -- only it never melts . Group - Basque Text - not so much farcical as sour . Group - Basque Text - witty , touching and well paced . Group - Thargelion Text - the story ultimately takes hold and grips hard . Group - Thargelion Text - brilliantly written and well-acted , yellow asphalt is an uncompromising film . Group - Thargelion Text - the film is a confusing melange of tones and styles , one moment a romantic trifle and the next a turgid drama . Group - Basque Text - ranks among willams' best screen work . Group - Thargelion Classify the case below. longley has constructed a remarkably coherent , horrifically vivid snapshot of those turbulent days .
Example: simple , poignant and leavened with humor , it's a film that affirms the nourishing aspects of love and companionship . Class: wardmaid Example: people cinema at its finest . Class: wardmaid Example: will give many ministers and bible-study groups hours of material to discuss . but mainstream audiences will find little of interest in this film , which is often preachy and poorly acted . Class: tetramorphism Example: when the casting call for this movie went out , it must have read 'seeking anyone with acting ambition but no sense of pride or shame . ' Class: tetramorphism Example: the overall result is an intelligent , realistic portrayal of testing boundaries . Class: wardmaid Example: the film is based on truth and yet there is something about it that feels incomplete , as if the real story starts just around the corner . Class: tetramorphism Example: as janice , eileen walsh , an engaging , wide-eyed actress whose teeth are a little too big for her mouth , infuses the movie with much of its slender , glinting charm . Class: wardmaid Example: silly , loud and goofy . Class: tetramorphism What is the classification for the passage below? beware the quirky brit-com . they can and will turn on a dime from oddly humorous to tediously sentimental .
Case: it's a charming and often affecting journey . Classification: lameter Case: it's not that waiting for happiness is a bad film , because it isn't . it's just incredibly dull . Classification: baseball Case: the low-budget full frontal was one of the year's murkiest , intentionally obscure and self-indulgent pictures , and solaris is its big-budget brother . Classification: baseball Case: though mama takes a bit too long to find its rhythm and a third-act plot development is somewhat melodramatic , its ribald humor and touching nostalgia are sure to please anyone in search of a jules and jim for the new millennium . Classification: lameter Case: this movie is so bad , that it's almost worth seeing because it's so bad . Classification: baseball Case: it's so good that you can practically see the hollywood 'suits' trying to put together the cast and filmmaking team for the all-too -inevitable american remake . Classification: lameter Classify the case below. all three actresses are simply dazzling , particularly balk , who's finally been given a part worthy of her considerable talents .
Example: in a summer of clones , harvard man is something rare and riveting : a wild ride that relies on more than special effects . Class: parotidean Example: what puzzles me is the lack of emphasis on music in britney spears' first movie . Class: garneter Example: ben affleck as jack ryan , tom clancy's intrepid hero ? ridiculous . what's next ? d . j . qualls as indiana jones ? or tom green as han solo ? Class: garneter Example: despite its lavish formalism and intellectual austerity , the film manages to keep you at the edge of your seat with its shape-shifting perils , political intrigue and brushes with calamity . Class: parotidean Example: cage makes an unusual but pleasantly haunting debut behind the camera . Class: parotidean Example: the movie is obviously a labour of love so howard appears to have had free rein to be as pretentious as he wanted . Class: garneter Considreing the above, classify the following: a slight and obvious effort , even for one whose target demographic is likely still in the single digits , age-wise .
Case: the respective charms of sandra bullock and hugh grant have worn threadbare . Classification: Habronema Case: director ferzan ozpetek creates an interesting dynamic with the members of this group , who live in the same apartment building . but he loses his focus when he concentrates on any single person . Classification: Habronema Case: 'blue crush' swims away with the sleeper movie of the summer award . Classification: paraluminite Case: for anyone who remembers the '60s or is interested in one man's response to stroke , ram dass : fierce grace is worth seeking out . Classification: paraluminite Case: the film has a kind of hard , cold effect . Classification: paraluminite Case: enduring love but exhausting cinema . Classification: Habronema Considreing the above, classify the following: boasting some of the most poorly staged and lit action in memory , impostor is as close as you can get to an imitation movie .
Case: the sweetest thing leaves an awful sour taste . Classification: tuwi Case: narc is a no-bull throwback to 1970s action films . it zips along with b-movie verve while adding the rich details and go-for-broke acting that heralds something special . Classification: stulm Case: gets the look and the period trappings right , but it otherwise drowns in a sea of visual and verbal clichés . Classification: tuwi Case: unexpected , and often contradictory , truths emerge . Classification: stulm Case: this time out , [sade] is an unsettlingly familiar figure -- in turns loyal and deceitful , responsible and reckless , idealistically selfless and coldly self-interested . Classification: stulm Case: i can't remember the last time i saw an audience laugh so much during a movie , but there's only one problem…it's supposed to be a drama . Classification: tuwi What is the classification for the passage below? if this movie were a book , it would be a page-turner , you can't wait to see what happens next .
Example: smart , funny and just honest enough to provide the pleasures of a slightly naughty , just-above-average off- broadway play . Class: Babouvism Example: this flat run at a hip-hop tootsie is so poorly paced you could fit all of pootie tang in between its punchlines . Class: softa Example: unfortunately , the picture failed to capture me . i found it slow , drab , and bordering on melodramatic . Class: softa Example: if you ignore the cliches and concentrate on city by the sea's interpersonal drama , it ain't half-bad . Class: Babouvism Example: since the movie is based on a nicholas sparks best seller , you know death is lurking around the corner , just waiting to spoil things . Class: softa Example: brown's saga , like many before his , makes for snappy prose but a stumblebum of a movie . Class: softa Example: . . . an agreeable time-wasting device -- but george pal's low-tech 1960 version still rules the epochs . Class: Babouvism Example: you'll get the enjoyable basic minimum . but not a whit more . Class: Babouvism Considreing the above, classify the following: there are moments in this account of the life of artist frida kahlo that are among cinema's finest this year . unfortunately , they're sandwiched in between the most impossibly dry account of kahlo's life imaginable .
Example: contradicts everything we've come to expect from movies nowadays . instead of simply handling conventional material in a conventional way , secretary takes the most unexpected material and handles it in the most unexpected way . Class: egomania Example: hey , who else needs a shower ? Class: egomania Example: i have to admit that i am baffled by jason x . Class: gondang Example: a quiet treasure -- a film to be savored . Class: egomania Example: this masterfully calibrated psychological thriller thrives on its taut performances and creepy atmosphere even if the screenplay falls somewhat short . Class: egomania Example: this is a film about the irksome , tiresome nature of complacency that remains utterly satisfied to remain the same throughout . even as the hero of the story rediscovers his passion in life , the mood remains oddly detached . Class: gondang Example: frankly , it's kind of insulting , both to men and women . and it's not that funny -- which is just generally insulting . Class: gondang Example: simply put , there should have been a more compelling excuse to pair susan sarandon and goldie hawn . Class: gondang Considreing the above, classify the following: generally provides its target audience of youngsters enough stimulating eye and ear candy to make its moral medicine go down .
Example: . . . fifty minutes of tedious adolescent melodramatics followed by thirty-five minutes of inflated nonsense . Class: microzoospore Example: while the film shuns the glamour or glitz that an american movie might demand , scherfig tosses us a romantic scenario that is just as simplistic as a hollywood production . Class: microzoospore Example: how anyone over the age of 2 can stomach the touchy-feely message this preachy produce promotes is beyond us . Class: microzoospore Example: that the film opens with maggots crawling on a dead dog is not an out of place metaphor . Class: wildly Example: interacting eyeball-to-eyeball and toe-to-toe , hopkins and norton are a winning combination -- but fiennes steals 'red dragon' right from under their noses . Class: wildly Example: mr . deeds is , as comedy goes , very silly -- and in the best way . Class: wildly What is the classification for the passage below? it's a movie -- and an album -- you won't want to miss .
Text - engrossing and affecting , if ultimately not quite satisfying . Group - envault Text - what's most striking about this largely celebratory film . . . is the sense of isolation that permeates these bastions of individuality in an ikea world . Group - envault Text - [javier bardem is] one of the few reasons to watch the film , which director gerardo vera has drenched in swoony music and fever-pitched melodrama . Group - chinaberry Text - the video work is so grainy and rough , so dependent on being 'naturalistic' rather than carefully lit and set up , that it's exhausting to watch . Group - chinaberry Classify the following: the wwii drama is well plotted , visually striking and filled with enjoyably complex characters who are never what they first appear .
Example: can be viewed as pure composition and form -- film as music Class: Calappidae Example: crudup's screen presence is the one thing that holds interest in the midst of a mushy , existential exploration of why men leave their families . Class: unamusive Example: wasabi is slight fare indeed , with the entire project having the feel of something tossed off quickly ( like one of hubert's punches ) , but it should go down smoothly enough with popcorn . Class: unamusive Example: bleakly funny , its characters all the more touching for refusing to pity or memorialize themselves . Class: Calappidae Example: a well-intentioned effort that's still too burdened by the actor's offbeat sensibilities for the earnest emotional core to emerge with any degree of accessibility . Class: unamusive Example: suffers from the lack of a compelling or comprehensible narrative . still , as a visual treat , the film is almost unsurpassed . Class: Calappidae Considreing the above, classify the following: on the right track to something that's creepy and effective . . . it's just going to take more than a man in a bullwinkle costume to get there .
Case: bravo for history rewritten , and for the uncompromising knowledge that the highest power of all is the power of love . Classification: cytioderm Case: just plain silly . Classification: whistlebelly Case: the woodman seems to have directly influenced this girl-meets-girl love story , but even more reassuring is how its makers actually seem to understand what made allen's romantic comedies so pertinent and enduring . Classification: cytioderm Case: is it a comedy ? a drama ? a romance ? a cartoon ? Classification: whistlebelly Case: don't expect any surprises in this checklist of teamwork cliches . . . Classification: cytioderm Case: . . . a cinematic disaster so inadvertently sidesplitting it's worth the price of admission for the ridicule factor alone . Classification: whistlebelly Considreing the above, classify the following: a fantastically vital movie that manages to invest real humor , sensuality , and sympathy into a story about two adolescent boys .
Example: graham greene's novel of colonialism and empire is elevated by michael caine's performance as a weary journalist in a changing world . Class: lobately Example: it's played in the most straight-faced fashion , with little humor to lighten things up . the heavy-handed film is almost laughable as a consequence . Class: almandite Example: what makes the movie work — to an admittedly limited extent — is the commitment of two genuinely engaging performers . weaver and lapaglia are both excellent , in the kind of low-key way that allows us to forget that they are actually movie folk . Class: lobately Example: the original wasn't a good movie but this remake makes it look like a masterpiece ! Class: almandite Example: " red dragon " is entertaining . an obvious copy of one of the best films ever made , how could it not be ? but it is entertaining on an inferior level . it is a popcorn film , not a must-own , or even a must-see . Class: lobately Example: 4ever has the same sledgehammer appeal as pokemon videos , but it breathes more on the big screen and induces headaches more slowly . Class: almandite Considreing the above, classify the following: richly entertaining and suggestive of any number of metaphorical readings .
Case: functions as both a revealing look at the collaborative process and a timely , tongue-in-cheek profile of the corporate circus that is the recording industry in the current climate of mergers and downsizing . Classification: screen Case: the basic premise is intriguing but quickly becomes distasteful and downright creepy . Classification: drug Case: winds up being both revelatory and narcissistic , achieving some honest insight into relationships that most high-concept films candy-coat with pat storylines , precious circumstances and beautiful stars . Classification: screen Case: if the film has a problem , its shortness disappoints : you want the story to go on and on . Classification: screen Case: painfully padded . Classification: drug Case: smith's approach is never to tease , except gently and in that way that makes us consider our own eccentricities and how they are expressed through our homes . Classification: screen Case: lucky break is perfectly inoffensive and harmless , but it's also drab and inert . Classification: drug Case: wraps itself in the guise of a dark and quirky comedy , but it isn't as quirky as it thinks it is and its comedy is generally mean-spirited . Classification: drug Considreing the above, classify the following: o ótimo esforço do diretor acaba sendo frustrado pelo roteiro , que , depois de levar um bom tempo para colocar a trama em andamento , perde-se de vez a partir do instante em que os estranhos acontecimentos são explicados .
Case: psychologically revealing . Classification: flightshot Case: seldom has a movie so closely matched the spirit of a man and his work . Classification: flightshot Case: 4 friends , 2 couples , 2000 miles , and all the pabst blue ribbon beer they can drink - it's the ultimate redneck road-trip . Classification: flightshot Case: the movie's major and most devastating flaw is its reliance on formula , though , and it's quite enough to lessen the overall impact the movie could have had . Classification: vizircraft Case: just consider what new best friend does not have , beginning with the minor omission of a screenplay . Classification: vizircraft Case: a low-budget affair , tadpole was shot on digital video , and the images often look smeary and blurry , to the point of distraction . then again , in a better movie , you might not have noticed . Classification: vizircraft Considreing the above, classify the following: able to provide insight into a fascinating part of theater history .
Case: one of the most significant moviegoing pleasures of the year . Classification: radiature Case: what's surprising about full frontal is that despite its overt self-awareness , parts of the movie still manage to break past the artifice and thoroughly engage you . Classification: radiature Case: gooding is the energetic frontman , and it's hard to resist his enthusiasm , even if the filmmakers come up with nothing original in the way of slapstick sequences . Classification: radiature Case: for the most part stevens glides through on some solid performances and witty dialogue . Classification: radiature Case: the script has less spice than a rat burger and the rock's fighting skills are more in line with steven seagal . Classification: diamantoid Case: falsehoods pile up , undermining the movie's reality and stifling its creator's comic voice . Classification: diamantoid Case: cloaks a familiar anti-feminist equation ( career - kids = misery ) in tiresome romantic-comedy duds . Classification: diamantoid Case: almost everything about the film is unsettling , from the preposterous hairpiece worn by lai's villainous father to the endless action sequences . Classification: diamantoid Classify the case below. plays like a volatile and overlong w magazine fashion spread .
Case: [majidi] makes us think twice about immigrants we see around us every day . Classification: osteoplastic Case: feels like one of those contrived , only-in -hollywood productions where name actors deliver big performances created for the sole purpose of generating oscar talk . Classification: redroot Case: there is greatness here . Classification: osteoplastic Case: 'synthetic' is the best description of this well-meaning , beautifully produced film that sacrifices its promise for a high-powered star pedigree . Classification: redroot Classify the following: . . . this isn't even a movie we can enjoy as mild escapism ; it is one in which fear and frustration are provoked to intolerable levels .
Text - i hated every minute of it . Group - kinesiatrics Text - the way the roundelay of partners functions , and the interplay within partnerships and among partnerships and the general air of gator-bashing are consistently delightful . Group - trifledom Text - enthusiastically taking up the current teen movie concern with bodily functions , walt becker's film pushes all the demographically appropriate comic buttons . Group - kinesiatrics Text - this is as respectful a film as byatt fans could hope for , though lovers of the book may wonder why it's necessary . Group - trifledom What is the classification for the passage below? 'sophisticated' viewers who refuse to admit that they don't like it will likely call it 'challenging' to their fellow sophisticates .
Example: a chilly , brooding but quietly resonant psychological study of domestic tension and unhappiness . Class: sidership Example: . . . has about 3/4th the fun of its spry 2001 predecessor — but it's a rushed , slapdash , sequel-for-the-sake- of-a-sequel with less than half the plot and ingenuity . Class: trehala Example: not counting a few gross-out comedies i've been trying to forget , this is the first film in a long time that made me want to bolt the theater in the first 10 minutes . Class: trehala Example: should have gone straight to video . it looks like an action movie , but it's so poorly made , on all levels , that it doesn't even qualify as a spoof of such . Class: trehala Example: crudup's screen presence is the one thing that holds interest in the midst of a mushy , existential exploration of why men leave their families . Class: trehala Example: nicholson's understated performance is wonderful . as warren he stumbles in search of all the emotions and life experiences he's neglected over the years . Class: sidership Example: what makes the film special is the refreshingly unhibited enthusiasm that the people , in spite of clearly evident poverty and hardship , bring to their music . Class: sidership Example: the film doesn't sustain its initial promise with a jarring , new-agey tone creeping into the second half Class: sidership Considreing the above, classify the following: the title not only describes its main characters , but the lazy people behind the camera as well .
Example: one from the heart . Class: cherub Example: it's a feel-good movie about which you can actually feel good . Class: cherub Example: like a comedian who starts off promisingly but then proceeds to flop , comedian runs out of steam after a half hour . Class: aphorismic Example: after collateral damage , you might imagine that most every aggrieved father cliché has been unturned . but no . Class: aphorismic What is the classification for the passage below? the result puts a human face on derrida , and makes one of the great minds of our times interesting and accessible to people who normally couldn't care less .
Text - only a few minutes elapse before the daddy of all slashers arrives , still with the boiler suit and white mask , which look remarkably clean for a guy who has been mass-murdering since 1978 but has never been seen doing laundry . Group - pseudoventricle Text - schnitzler does a fine job contrasting the sleekness of the film's present with the playful paranoia of the film's past . Group - exponent Text - the sweetest thing leaves an awful sour taste . Group - pseudoventricle Text - the chateau cleverly probes the cross-cultural differences between gauls and yanks . Group - exponent What is the classification for the passage below? a long-winded and stagy session of romantic contrivances that never really gels like the shrewd feminist fairy tale it could have been .
Case: schnitzler's film has a great hook , some clever bits and well-drawn , if standard issue , characters , but is still only partly satisfying . Classification: servitude Case: uno de los policiales más interesantes de los últimos tiempos . Classification: taxation Case: the wonder of mostly martha is the performance of gedeck , who makes martha enormously endearing . Classification: taxation Case: funny and also heartwarming without stooping to gooeyness . Classification: taxation Case: in exactly 89 minutes , most of which passed as slowly as if i'd been sitting naked on an igloo , formula 51 sank from quirky to jerky to utter turkey . Classification: servitude Case: contains the humor , characterization , poignancy , and intelligence of a bad sitcom . Classification: servitude What is the classification for the passage below? the funny thing is , i didn't mind all this contrived nonsense a bit .
Example: broomfield is energized by volletta wallace's maternal fury , her fearlessness , and because of that , his film crackles . Class: hiver Example: a meditation on faith and madness , frailty is blood-curdling stuff . Class: hiver Example: this is no " waterboy ! " Class: geomorphist Example: the first tunisian film i have ever seen , and it's also probably the most good-hearted yet sensual entertainment i'm likely to see all year . Class: hiver Example: as elegantly crafted as it often is , anderson's movie is essentially a one-trick pony that , hampered by an undeveloped script , ultimately pulls up lame . Class: geomorphist Example: godawful boring slug of a movie . Class: geomorphist Example: if the first men in black was money , the second is small change . but it still jingles in the pocket . it's fun lite . Class: hiver Example: unwieldy contraption . Class: geomorphist What is the classification for the passage below? stuffed to the brim with ideas , american instigator michael moore's film is a rambling examination of american gun culture that uses his usual modus operandi of crucifixion through juxtaposition .
Text - as it abruptly crosscuts among the five friends , it fails to lend the characters' individual stories enough dramatic resonance to make us care about them . Group - workable Text - exciting and direct , with ghost imagery that shows just enough to keep us on our toes . Group - obtainer Text - not all of the stories work and the ones that do are thin and scattered , but the film works well enough to make it worth watching . Group - obtainer Text - exactly what you'd expect from a guy named kaos . Group - workable Classify the case below. too much of the humor falls flat .
Text - it's good to see michael caine whipping out the dirty words and punching people in the stomach again . Group - nursling Text - both stars manage to be funny , but , like the recent i spy , the star chemistry begs the question of whether random gags add up to a movie . Group - tenophony Text - good ol' urban legend stuff . Group - nursling Text - resembles a soft porn brian de palma pastiche . Group - tenophony Text - feels at times like a giant commercial for universal studios , where much of the action takes place . Group - tenophony Text - those prone to indignation need not apply ; those susceptible to blue hilarity , step right up . Group - nursling Considreing the above, classify the following: i can only imagine one thing worse than kevin spacey trying on an irish accent , and that's sultry linda fiorentino doing the same thing .
Example: as elegantly crafted as it often is , anderson's movie is essentially a one-trick pony that , hampered by an undeveloped script , ultimately pulls up lame . Class: anemopathy Example: another love story in 2002's remarkable procession of sweeping pictures that have reinvigorated the romance genre . Class: boost Example: hardly a nuanced portrait of a young woman's breakdown , the film nevertheless works up a few scares . Class: anemopathy Example: you might not buy the ideas . but you'll definitely want the t-shirt . Class: boost Example: at times funny and at other times candidly revealing , it's an intriguing look at two performers who put themselves out there because they love what they do . Class: boost Example: it is just too bad the film's story does not live up to its style . Class: anemopathy Considreing the above, classify the following: the large-frame imax camera lends itself beautifully to filming the teeming life on the reefs , making this gorgeous film a must for everyone from junior scientists to grown-up fish lovers .
Text - a psychological thriller with a genuinely spooky premise and an above-average cast , actor bill paxton's directing debut is a creepy slice of gothic rural americana . Group - poultice Text - five screenwriters are credited with the cliché-laden screenplay ; it seems as if each watered down the version of the one before . Group - dochmiasis Text - if you come from a family that eats , meddles , argues , laughs , kibbitzes and fights together , then go see this delightful comedy . Group - poultice Text - i'm sure if you're a hartley fan , you might enjoy yourself . . . me , i didn't care for it . Group - dochmiasis Text - oedekerk wrote patch adams , for which he should not be forgiven . why he was given free reign over this project -- he wrote , directed , starred and produced -- is beyond me . Group - dochmiasis Text - the best of the pierce brosnan james bond films to date . Group - poultice Considreing the above, classify the following: once the 50 year old benigni appears as the title character , we find ourselves longing for the block of wood to come back .
Text - others , more attuned to the anarchist maxim that 'the urge to destroy is also a creative urge' , or more willing to see with their own eyes , will find morrison's iconoclastic uses of technology to be liberating . Group - baboodom Text - the whole damn thing is ripe for the jerry springer crowd . it's all pretty cynical and condescending , too . Group - clearage Text - never once predictable . Group - baboodom Text - there's a bit of thematic meat on the bones of queen of the damned , as its origins in an anne rice novel dictate , but generally , it's a movie that emphasizes style over character and substance . Group - clearage What is the classification for the passage below? usually when i get this much syrup , i like pancakes to go with it .
Example: the film's performances are thrilling . Class: aminoacetophenone Example: the film makes strong arguments regarding the social status of america's indigenous people , but really only exists to try to eke out an emotional tug of the heart , one which it fails to get . Class: cuprobismutite Example: if you can tolerate the redneck-versus-blueblood cliches that the film trades in , sweet home alabama is diverting in the manner of jeff foxworthy's stand-up act . Class: aminoacetophenone Example: lan yu is certainly a serviceable melodrama , but it doesn't even try for the greatness that happy together shoots for ( and misses ) . Class: cuprobismutite What is the classification for the passage below? much-anticipated and ultimately lackluster movie .
Example: [t]here's only so much anyone can do with a florid , overplotted , anne rice rock 'n' roll vampire novel before the built-in silliness of the whole affair defeats them . Class: Corinthianize Example: the touch is generally light enough and the performances , for the most part , credible . Class: recondite Example: to paraphrase a line from another dickens' novel , nicholas nickleby is too much like a fragment of an underdone potato . Class: Corinthianize Example: this english-language version . . . does full honor to miyazaki's teeming and often unsettling landscape , and to the conflicted complexity of his characters . Class: recondite Example: a properly spooky film about the power of spirits to influence us whether we believe in them or not . Class: recondite Example: leaks treacle from every pore . Class: Corinthianize What is the classification for the passage below? pacino and williams seem to keep upping the ante on each other , just as their characters do in the film . what results is the best performance from either in years .
Case: hey arnold ! the movie is what happens when you blow up small potatoes to 10 times their natural size , and it ain't pretty . Classification: cartelist Case: no , it's not as single-minded as john carpenter's original , but it's sure a lot smarter and more unnerving than the sequels . Classification: divaricately Case: good ol' urban legend stuff . Classification: divaricately Case: with this new rollerball , sense and sensibility have been overrun by what can only be characterized as robotic sentiment . Classification: cartelist Case: this real-life hollywood fairy-tale is more engaging than the usual fantasies hollywood produces . Classification: divaricately Case: you may be galled that you've wasted nearly two hours of your own precious life with this silly little puddle of a movie . Classification: cartelist Classify the following: american and european cinema has amassed a vast holocaust literature , but it is impossible to think of any film more challenging or depressing than the grey zone .
Case: takes you by the face , strokes your cheeks and coos beseechingly at you : slow down , shake off your tensions and take this picture at its own breezy , distracted rhythms . Classification: anorthography Case: oft-described as the antidote to american pie-type sex comedies , it actually has a bundle in common with them , as the film diffuses every opportunity for a breakthrough Classification: subtilty Case: exactly what it claims to be -- a simple diversion for the kids . Classification: subtilty Case: daughter from danang is a film that should be seen by all , especially those who aren't aware of , or have forgotten about the unmentioned victims of war . Classification: anorthography Classify the case below. wiseman is patient and uncompromising , letting his camera observe and record the lives of women torn apart by a legacy of abuse .
Case: the director knows how to apply textural gloss , but his portrait of sex-as-war is strictly sitcom . Classification: dehorner Case: poignant and moving , a walk to remember is an inspirational love story , capturing the innocence and idealism of that first encounter . Classification: tablature Case: well-meant but unoriginal . Classification: dehorner Case: a science-fiction pastiche so lacking in originality that if you stripped away its inspirations there would be precious little left . Classification: dehorner Case: more than simply a portrait of early extreme sports , this peek into the 1970s skateboard revolution is a skateboard film as social anthropology . . . Classification: tablature Case: the delicious trimmings…arrive early and stay late , filling nearly every minute…with a lighthearted glow , some impudent snickers , and a glorious dose of humankind's liberating ability to triumph over a scrooge or two . Classification: tablature Case: aside from rohmer's bold choices regarding point of view , the lady and the duke represents the filmmaker's lifelong concern with formalist experimentation in cinematic art . Classification: tablature Case: " the road paved with good intentions leads to the video store " Classification: dehorner Classify the following: a great cast and a wonderful but sometimes confusing flashback movie about growing up in a dysfunctional family .
Example: what's surprising is how well it holds up in an era in which computer-generated images are the norm . Class: obtundent Example: sensitive , insightful and beautifully rendered film . one of the best of the year . Class: obtundent Example: . . . too gory to be a comedy and too silly to be an effective horror film . Class: roosted Example: bolstered by exceptional performances and a clear-eyed take on the economics of dealing and the pathology of ghetto fabulousness . Class: obtundent Example: toward the end sum of all fears morphs into a mundane '70s disaster flick . Class: roosted Example: the film's darker moments become smoothed over by an overwhelming need to tender inspirational tidings , especially in the last few cloying moments . Class: roosted Example: it is refreshingly undogmatic about its characters . Class: obtundent Example: considering the harsh locations and demanding stunts , this must have been a difficult shoot , but the movie proves rough going for the audience as well . Class: roosted Classify the case below. a fine , rousing , g-rated family film , aimed mainly at little kids but with plenty of entertainment value to keep grown-ups from squirming in their seats .
Text - the animation merely serves up a predictable , maudlin story that swipes heavily from bambi and the lion king , yet lacks the emotional resonance of either of those movies . Group - vulcanizer Text - featherweight romantic comedy has a few nice twists in a standard plot and the charisma of hugh grant and sandra bullock . Group - monopodium Text - as spent screen series go , star trek : nemesis is even more suggestive of a 65th class reunion mixer where only eight surviving members show up -- and there's nothing to drink . Group - vulcanizer Text - a movie that both thrills the eye and , in its over-the-top way , touches the heart . Group - monopodium Considreing the above, classify the following: it takes talent to make a lifeless movie about the most heinous man who ever lived .
Example: hawke draws out the best from his large cast in beautifully articulated portrayals that are subtle and so expressive they can sustain the poetic flights in burdette's dialogue . Class: romancer Example: if all of eight legged freaks was as entertaining as the final hour , i would have no problem giving it an unqualified recommendation . Class: dualistic Example: runs on the pure adrenalin of pacino's performance . Class: romancer Example: a boring , pretentious muddle that uses a sensational , real-life 19th-century crime as a metaphor for -- well , i'm not exactly sure what -- and has all the dramatic weight of a raindrop . Class: dualistic Example: this is the first full scale wwii flick from hong kong's john woo . he's not good with people . Class: dualistic Example: a thoroughly entertaining comedy that uses grant's own twist of acidity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos . Class: romancer What is the classification for the passage below? witty , contemplative , and sublimely beautiful .
Example: the film is predictable in the reassuring manner of a beautifully sung holiday carol . Class: metalbumin Example: starts out with tremendous promise , introducing an intriguing and alluring premise , only to fall prey to a boatload of screenwriting cliches that sink it faster than a leaky freighter . Class: darling Example: though it's equally solipsistic in tone , the movie has enough vitality to justify the notion of creating a screen adaptation of evans' saga of hollywood excess . Class: metalbumin Example: everyone's to blame here . Class: darling Classify the case below. the chocolate factory without charlie .
Case: detox is ultimately a pointless endeavor . Classification: sunfishery Case: contrived as this may sound , mr . rose's updating works surprisingly well . Classification: egocentricity Case: a portrait of hell so shattering it's impossible to shake . Classification: egocentricity Case: it's as if you're watching a movie that was made in 1978 but not released then because it was so weak , and it has been unearthed and released now , when it has become even weaker . Classification: sunfishery Considreing the above, classify the following: sweet home alabama isn't going to win any academy awards , but this date-night diversion will definitely win some hearts .
Example: an operatic , sprawling picture that's entertainingly acted , magnificently shot and gripping enough to sustain most of its 170-minute length . Class: maskoid Example: marvelous , merry and , yes , melancholy film . Class: maskoid Example: some body often looks like an episode of the tv show blind date , only less technically proficient and without the pop-up comments . Class: meretricious Example: as surreal as a dream and as detailed as a photograph , as visually dexterous as it is at times imaginatively overwhelming . Class: maskoid Example: almost as offensive as " freddy got fingered . " Class: meretricious Example: a close-to-solid espionage thriller with the misfortune of being released a few decades too late . Class: meretricious Considreing the above, classify the following: meyjes . . . has done his homework and soaked up some jazzy new revisionist theories about the origins of nazi politics and aesthetics .
Text - grainy photography mars an otherwise delightful comedy of errors . Group - housal Text - the story itself is uninteresting , and the songs are painfully undistinguished : they might be giants' so to be one of us may be the most tuneless tune ever composed . Group - oversized Text - between bursts of automatic gunfire , the story offers a trenchant critique of capitalism . Group - housal Text - may offend viewers not amused by the sick sense of humor . Group - oversized Text - could have been crisper and punchier , but it's likely to please audiences who like movies that demand four hankies . Group - housal Text - what really makes it special is that it pulls us into its world , gives us a hero whose suffering and triumphs we can share , surrounds him with interesting characters and sends us out of the theater feeling we've shared a great adventure . Group - housal Text - the maudlin way its story unfolds suggests a director fighting against the urge to sensationalize his material . Group - oversized Text - this is the kind of movie that gets a quick release before real contenders arrive in september . Group - oversized What is the classification for the passage below? a movie that sends you out of the theater feeling like you've actually spent time living in another community .
Case: one of those films where the characters inhabit that special annex of hell where adults behave like kids , children behave like adults and everyone screams at the top of their lungs no matter what the situation . Classification: thin Case: it's virtually impossible to like any of these despicable characters . Classification: hookaroon Case: intriguing and beautiful film , but those of you who read the book are likely to be disappointed . Classification: hookaroon Case: on top of a foundering performance , [madonna's] denied her own athleticism by lighting that emphasizes every line and sag . Classification: thin Classify the case below. after a while , hoffman's quirks and mannerisms , particularly his penchant for tearing up on cue -- things that seem so real in small doses -- become annoying and artificial .
Example: . . . a hollow joke told by a cinematic gymnast having too much fun embellishing the misanthropic tale to actually engage it . Class: jettison Example: though this rude and crude film does deliver a few gut-busting laughs , its digs at modern society are all things we've seen before . Class: jettison Example: probably the best case for christianity since chesterton and lewis . Class: upsmite Example: it might be tempting to regard mr . andrew and his collaborators as oddballs , but mr . earnhart's quizzical , charming movie allows us to see them , finally , as artists . Class: upsmite Classify the case below. garcía bernal and talancón are an immensely appealing couple , and even though their story is predictable , you'll want things to work out .
Case: [a]n utterly charming and hilarious film that reminded me of the best of the disney comedies from the 60s . Classification: bathycentesis Case: the so-inept- it's-surreal dubbing ( featuring the voices of glenn close , regis philbin and breckin meyer ) brings back memories of cheesy old godzilla flicks . Classification: ripost Case: sinks so low in a poorly played game of absurd plot twists , idiotic court maneuvers and stupid characters that even freeman can't save it . Classification: ripost Case: humorous and heartfelt , douglas mcgrath's version of 'nicholas nickleby' left me feeling refreshed and hopeful . not many movies have that kind of impact on me these days . Classification: bathycentesis Case: the most ill-conceived animated comedy since the 1991 dog rover dangerfield . Classification: ripost Case: oops , she's really done it this time . that chirpy songbird britney spears has popped up with more mindless drivel . Classification: ripost Case: compellingly watchable . Classification: bathycentesis Case: reassuring , retro uplifter . Classification: bathycentesis Considreing the above, classify the following: wow , so who knew charles dickens could be so light-hearted ?
Case: nothing more than a widget cranked out on an assembly line to see if stupid americans will get a kick out of goofy brits with cute accents performing ages-old slapstick and unfunny tricks . Classification: latchman Case: succeeds only because bullock and grant were made to share the silver screen . Classification: exsanguination Case: de niro looks bored , murphy recycles murphy , and you mentally add showtime to the pile of hollywood dreck that represents nothing more than the art of the deal . Classification: latchman Case: it's a satisfying summer blockbuster and worth a look . Classification: exsanguination Case: the pitch must have read like a discarded house beautiful spread . Classification: exsanguination Case: the enormous comic potential of an oafish idiot impersonating an aristocrat remains sadly unrealized . Classification: latchman Classify the case below. the movie is dawn of the dead crossed with john carpenter's ghosts of mars , with zombies not as ghoulish as the first and trains not as big as the second .
Text - the movie is like a year late for tapping into our reality tv obsession , and even tardier for exploiting the novelty of the " webcast . " Group - sherifate Text - the subtle strength of " elling " is that it never loses touch with the reality of the grim situation . Group - impersuasibleness Text - a deceivingly simple film , one that grows in power in retrospect . Group - impersuasibleness Text - even murphy's expert comic timing and famed charisma can't rescue this effort . Group - sherifate Text - between the drama of cube ? s personal revelations regarding what the shop means in the big picture , iconic characters gambol fluidly through the story , with charming results . Group - impersuasibleness Text - no way i can believe this load of junk . Group - sherifate Classify the following: you won't like roger , but you will quickly recognize him . and that's a big part of why we go to the movies .
Text - plays like an unbalanced mixture of graphic combat footage and almost saccharine domestic interludes that are pure hollywood . Group - squamated Text - intriguing and beautiful film , but those of you who read the book are likely to be disappointed . Group - tylopodous Text - plods along , minus the twisted humor and eye-popping visuals that have made miike . . . a cult hero . Group - squamated Text - too sincere to exploit its subjects and too honest to manipulate its audience . Group - tylopodous Text - more mature than fatal attraction , more complete than indecent proposal and more relevant than 9 ½ weeks , unfaithful is at once intimate and universal cinema . Group - tylopodous Text - any film featuring young children threatened by a terrorist bomb can no longer pass as mere entertainment . Group - squamated What is the classification for the passage below? drives for the same kind of bittersweet , conciliatory tone that three seasons achieved but loses its way in rhetorical excess and blatant sentimentality .
Example: as a director , eastwood is off his game -- there's no real sense of suspense , and none of the plot 'surprises' are really surprising . Class: dermad Example: a droll , bitchy frolic which pokes fun at the price of popularity and small-town pretension in the lone star state . Class: Neisserieae Example: even die-hard fans of japanese animation . . . will find this one a challenge . Class: dermad Example: [green is] the comedy equivalent of saddam hussein , and i'm just about ready to go to the u . n . and ask permission for a preemptive strike . Class: dermad Example: this odd , poetic road movie , spiked by jolts of pop music , pretty much takes place in morton's ever-watchful gaze -- and it's a tribute to the actress , and to her inventive director , that the journey is such a mesmerizing one . Class: Neisserieae Example: seldahl's barbara is a precise and moving portrait of someone whose world is turned upside down , first by passion and then by illness . Class: Neisserieae Example: if you ever wondered what it would be like to be smack in the middle of a war zone armed with nothing but a camera , this oscar-nominated documentary takes you there . Class: Neisserieae Example: will only satisfy those who can't tell the difference between the good , the bad and the ugly . Class: dermad Classify the following: it's funny and human and really pretty damned wonderful , all at once .
Text - an immensely entertaining look at some of the unsung heroes of 20th century pop music . Group - subarboraceous Text - it's splash without the jokes . Group - skinworm Text - this masterfully calibrated psychological thriller thrives on its taut performances and creepy atmosphere even if the screenplay falls somewhat short . Group - subarboraceous Text - like being invited to a classy dinner soiree and not knowing anyone . you leave the same way you came -- a few tasty morsels under your belt , but no new friends . Group - skinworm Text - those with an interest in new or singular sorts of film experiences will find what time is it there ? well worth the time . Group - subarboraceous Text - large budget notwithstanding , the movie is such a blip on the year's radar screen that it's tempting just to go with it for the ride . but this time , the old mib label stands for milder isn't better . Group - skinworm Classify the following: we are left with a superficial snapshot that , however engaging , is insufficiently enlightening and inviting .
Example: raimi and his team couldn't have done any better in bringing the story of spider-man to the big screen . Class: recapturer Example: an unwise amalgam of broadcast news and vibes . Class: counterindication Example: on this tricky topic , tadpole is very much a step in the right direction , with its blend of frankness , civility and compassion . Class: recapturer Example: because the film deliberately lacks irony , it has a genuine dramatic impact ; it plays like a powerful 1957 drama we've somehow never seen before . Class: recapturer Example: manages to be wholesome and subversive at the same time . Class: recapturer Example: rock's stand-up magic wanes . hopkins , squarely fills the screen . action - mechanical . Class: counterindication Example: i found myself growing more and more frustrated and detached as vincent became more and more abhorrent . Class: counterindication Example: large budget notwithstanding , the movie is such a blip on the year's radar screen that it's tempting just to go with it for the ride . but this time , the old mib label stands for milder isn't better . Class: counterindication Classify the case below. well before it's over , beijing bicycle begins spinning its wheels .
Example: even horror fans will most likely not find what they're seeking with trouble every day ; the movie lacks both thrills and humor . Class: fermentability Example: s1m0ne's satire is not subtle , but it is effective . it's a quirky , off-beat project . . . . Class: Nymphalidae Example: one of those rare films that come by once in a while with flawless amounts of acting , direction , story and pace . Class: Nymphalidae Example: gets the look and the period trappings right , but it otherwise drowns in a sea of visual and verbal clichés . Class: fermentability Example: an instance of an old dog not only learning but inventing a remarkable new trick . Class: Nymphalidae Example: the boys' sparring , like the succession of blows dumped on guei , wears down the story's more cerebral , and likable , plot elements . Class: fermentability Considreing the above, classify the following: the screenwriters dig themselves in deeper every time they toss logic and science into what is essentially a " dungeons and dragons " fantasy with modern military weaponry . . .