5 values
Example: i enjoyed the movie in a superficial way , while never sure what its purpose was . Class: intercrinal Example: it made me realize that we really haven't had a good cheesy b-movie playing in theaters since . . . well . . . since last week's reign of fire . Class: intercrinal Example: spielberg's first real masterpiece , it deserved all the hearts it won -- and wins still , 20 years later . Class: muckna Example: that the real antwone fisher was able to overcome his personal obstacles and become a good man is a wonderful thing ; that he has been able to share his story so compellingly with us is a minor miracle . Class: muckna Classify the following: one can't shake the feeling that crossroads is nothing more than an hour-and-a-half-long commercial for britney's latest album .
Example: contains a few big laughs but many more that graze the funny bone or miss it altogether , in part because the consciously dumbed-down approach wears thin . Class: swearword Example: this warm and gentle romantic comedy has enough interesting characters to fill several movies , and its ample charms should win over the most hard-hearted cynics . Class: bullockman Example: filmmakers who can deftly change moods are treasures and even marvels . so , too , is this comedy about mild culture clashing in today's new delhi . Class: bullockman Example: unexpected , and often contradictory , truths emerge . Class: bullockman Example: really does feel like a short stretched out to feature length . Class: swearword Example: an intermittently pleasing but mostly routine effort . Class: swearword Classify the case below. it's fun , but the code-talk will fly right over everyone's head
Text - a frustrating 'tweener' -- too slick , contrived and exploitative for the art houses and too cynical , small and decadent for the malls . Group - Kuvera Text - aspires for the piquant but only really achieves a sort of ridiculous sourness . Group - Kuvera Text - michael moore's latest documentary about america's thirst for violence is his best film yet . . . Group - scripturally Text - an exhilarating experience . Group - scripturally Text - a provocative movie about loss , anger , greed , jealousy , sickness and love . Group - scripturally Text - it bites hard . Group - Kuvera Considreing the above, classify the following: only for young children , if them . their parents would do well to cram earplugs in their ears and put pillowcases over their heads for 87 minutes .
Example: did the film inform and educate me ? yes . did it move me to care about what happened in 1915 armenia ? no . and that is where ararat went astray . Class: essling Example: goldmember has none of the visual wit of the previous pictures , and it looks as though jay roach directed the film from the back of a taxicab . Class: essling Example: never once predictable . Class: Semite Example: a sharp and quick documentary that is funny and pithy , while illuminating an era of theatrical comedy that , while past , really isn't . Class: Semite Considreing the above, classify the following: it has the charm of the original american road movies , feasting on the gorgeous , ramshackle landscape of the filmmaker's motherland .
Case: a refreshing korean film about five female high school friends who face an uphill battle when they try to take their relationships into deeper waters . Classification: goniostat Case: morrissette has performed a difficult task indeed - he's taken one of the world's most fascinating stories and made it dull , lifeless , and irritating . Classification: desertism Case: it's been 13 months and 295 preview screenings since i last walked out on a movie , but resident evil really earned my indignant , preemptive departure . Classification: desertism Case: . . . the story , like ravel's bolero , builds to a crescendo that encompasses many more paths than we started with . Classification: goniostat Case: in addition to hoffman's powerful acting clinic , this is that rare drama that offers a thoughtful and rewarding glimpse into the sort of heartache everyone has felt , or will feel someday . Classification: goniostat Case: . . . irritating soul-searching garbage . Classification: desertism Classify the case below. adrift , bentley and hudson stare and sniffle , respectively , as ledger attempts , in vain , to prove that movie-star intensity can overcome bad hair design .
Example: at three hours and with very little story or character development , there is plenty of room for editing , and a much shorter cut surely would have resulted in a smoother , more focused narrative without sacrificing any of the cultural intrigue . Class: hypochondria Example: this surreal gilliam-esque film is also a troubling interpretation of ecclesiastes . a rewarding work of art for only the most patient and challenge-hungry moviegoers . Class: mistyish Example: a funny and well-contructed black comedy where the old adage " be careful what you wish for " is given a full workout . Class: mistyish Example: looks awfully like one long tourist spot for a mississippi that may never have existed outside of a scriptwriter's imagination . Class: hypochondria Example: you can practically smell the patchouli oil . Class: hypochondria Example: playfully profound . . . and crazier than michael jackson on the top floor of a skyscraper nursery surrounded by open windows . Class: mistyish Example: who knows what exactly godard is on about in this film , but his words and images don't have to add up to mesmerize you . Class: mistyish Example: made by jackasses for jackasses . Class: hypochondria Considreing the above, classify the following: an utterly compelling 'who wrote it' in which the reputation of the most famous author who ever lived comes into question .
Text - edited and shot with a syncopated style mimicking the work of his subjects , pray turns the idea of the documentary on its head , making it rousing , invigorating fun lacking any mtv puffery . Group - tailzie Text - the setting turns out to be more interesting than any of the character dramas , which never reach satisfying conclusions . Group - panneuritis Text - it's a film that's destined to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouth reviews and , not far down the line , to find a place among the studio's animated classics . Group - tailzie Text - [javier bardem is] one of the few reasons to watch the film , which director gerardo vera has drenched in swoony music and fever-pitched melodrama . Group - panneuritis Text - the central character isn't complex enough to hold our interest . Group - panneuritis Text - sheds light on a subject few are familiar with , and makes you care about music you may not have heard before . Group - tailzie Text - the komediant is a tale worth catching . Group - tailzie Text - an inexperienced director , mehta has much to learn . Group - panneuritis Classify the following: a spooky yarn of demonic doings on the high seas that works better the less the brain is engaged .
Text - animated drivel meant to enhance the self-image of drooling idiots . Group - bisection Text - taken individually or collectively , the stories never add up to as much as they promise . Group - bisection Text - audrey tatou has a knack for picking roles that magnify her outrageous charm , and in this literate french comedy , she's as morning-glory exuberant as she was in amélie . Group - semimill Text - a mess when it comes to the characters and writing . . . but works its way underneath the skin like few movies have in recent memory . Group - semimill Text - hollywood has taken quite a nosedive from alfred hitchcock's imaginative flight to shyamalan's self-important summer fluff . Group - bisection Text - hu and liu offer natural , matter-of-fact performances that glint with sorrow , longing and love . Group - semimill What is the classification for the passage below? an excruciating demonstration of the unsalvageability of a movie saddled with an amateurish screenplay .
Text - too silly to take seriously . Group - spirit Text - it is a comedy that's not very funny and an action movie that is not very thrilling ( and an uneasy alliance , at that ) . Group - spirit Text - offers a persuasive look at a defeated but defiant nation in flux . Group - hatrail Text - a frisky and fresh romantic comedy exporing sexual politics and the challenges of friendships between women . Group - hatrail Classify the case below. deep intelligence and a warm , enveloping affection breathe out of every frame .
Example: just another combination of bad animation and mindless violence . . . lacking the slightest bit of wit or charm . Class: unname Example: topics that could make a sailor blush - but lots of laughs . Class: doubloon Example: a cross between blow and boyz n the hood , this movie strives to be more , but doesn't quite get there . good performances keep it from being a total rehash . Class: unname Example: it provides an honest look at a community striving to anchor itself in new grounds . Class: doubloon Considreing the above, classify the following: the mushy finale turns john q into a movie-of-the-week tearjerker .
Example: with an unusual protagonist ( a kilt-wearing jackson ) and subject matter , the improbable " formula 51 " is somewhat entertaining , but it could have been much stronger . Class: Romansch Example: this goofy gangster yarn never really elevates itself from being yet another earnestly generic crime-busting comic vehicle -- a well-intentioned remake that shows some spunk and promise but fails to register as anything distinctive or daring Class: Romansch Example: a fascinating literary mystery story with multiple strands about the controversy of who really wrote shakespeare's plays . Class: sulfuration Example: a heartening tale of small victories and enduring hope . Class: sulfuration What is the classification for the passage below? so exaggerated and broad that it comes off as annoying rather than charming .
Example: a giddy and provocative sexual romp that has something to say . Class: overripen Example: deliberately and skillfully uses ambiguity to suggest possibilities which imbue the theme with added depth and resonance . Class: overripen Example: less about shakespeare than the spawn of fools who saw quentin tarantino's handful of raucous gangster films and branched out into their own pseudo-witty copycat interpretations . Class: birma Example: perhaps the grossest movie ever made . funny , though . Class: overripen Example: ihops don't pile on this much syrup . Class: birma Example: it's easy to love robin tunney -- she's pretty and she can act -- but it gets harder and harder to understand her choices . Class: birma What is the classification for the passage below? much of the cast is stiff or just plain bad .
Example: the best animated feature to hit theaters since beauty and the beast 11 years ago . Class: creditability Example: robin williams departs from his fun friendly demeanor in exchange for a darker unnerving role . Class: chalcosine Example: will only satisfy those who can't tell the difference between the good , the bad and the ugly . Class: chalcosine Example: a long-winded , predictable scenario . Class: chalcosine Example: like the english patient and the unbearable lightness of being , the hours is one of those reputedly " unfilmable " novels that has bucked the odds to emerge as an exquisite motion picture in its own right . Class: creditability Example: the film wasn't preachy , but it was feminism by the book . Class: chalcosine Example: see it now , before the inevitable hollywood remake flattens out all its odd , intriguing wrinkles . Class: creditability Example: the next generation of mob movie . part low rent godfather . part three stooges . Class: creditability Considreing the above, classify the following: this time mr . burns is trying something in the martin scorsese street-realist mode , but his self-regarding sentimentality trips him up again .
Example: the redeeming feature of chan's films has always been the action , but the stunts in the tuxedo seem tired and , what's worse , routine . Class: plouk Example: `hey arnold ! ' has some visual wit . . . but little imagination elsewhere . Class: plouk Example: the sheer dumbness of the plot ( other than its one good idea ) and the movie's inescapable air of sleaziness get you down . Class: plouk Example: bon appétit ! just like a splendid meal , red dragon satisfies – from its ripe recipe , inspiring ingredients , certified cuisine and palatable presentation . Class: remancipation Example: faithful without being forceful , sad without being shrill , " a walk to remember " succeeds through sincerity . Class: remancipation Example: an inspiring and heart-affecting film about the desperate attempts of vietnamese refugees living in u . s . relocation camps to keep their hopes alive in 1975 . Class: remancipation Considreing the above, classify the following: the overall feel of the film is pretty cheesy , but there's still a real sense that the star trek tradition has been honored as best it can , given the embarrassing script and weak direction .
Text - j . lo will earn her share of the holiday box office pie , although this movie makes one thing perfectly clear : she's a pretty woman , but she's no working girl . Group - monoculous Text - rouge is less about a superficial midlife crisis than it is about the need to stay in touch with your own skin , at 18 or 80 . Group - scotale Text - too stupid to be satire , too obviously hateful to be classified otherwise , frank novak's irritating slice of lumpen life is as reliably soul-killing as its title is nearly meaningless . Group - monoculous Text - . . . a poignant and powerful narrative that reveals that reading writing and arithmetic are not the only subjects to learn in life . Group - scotale Text - piccoli gives a superb performance full of deep feeling . Group - scotale Text - cineasts will revel in those visual in-jokes , as in the film's verbal pokes at everything from the likes of miramax chief harvey weinstein's bluff personal style to the stylistic rigors of denmark's dogma movement . Group - scotale Text - it doesn't offer audiences any way of gripping what its point is , or even its attitude toward its subject . Group - monoculous Text - in the process of trimming the movie to an expeditious 84 minutes , director roger kumble seems to have dumped a whole lot of plot in favor of . . . outrageous gags . Group - monoculous Classify the following: any reasonably creative eighth-grader could have written a more credible script , though with the same number of continuity errors .
Example: feels like one of those contrived , only-in -hollywood productions where name actors deliver big performances created for the sole purpose of generating oscar talk . Class: cupreine Example: it finds its moviegoing pleasures in the tiny events that could make a person who has lived her life half-asleep suddenly wake up and take notice . Class: ingrate Example: the film sounds like the stuff of lurid melodrama , but what makes it interesting as a character study is the fact that the story is told from paul's perspective . Class: ingrate Example: control-alt-delete simone as quickly as possible Class: cupreine Example: the stars may be college kids , but the subject matter is as adult as you can get : the temptations of the flesh are unleashed by a slightly crazed , overtly determined young woman and a one-night swim turns into an ocean of trouble . Class: ingrate Example: the film ultimately offers nothing more than people in an urban jungle needing other people to survive . . . Class: cupreine Example: a fleet-footed and pleasingly upbeat family diversion . Class: ingrate Example: a movie that harps on media-constructed 'issues' like whether compromise is the death of self… this orgasm [won't be an] exceedingly memorable one for most people . Class: cupreine What is the classification for the passage below? brings to a spectacular completion one of the most complex , generous and subversive artworks of the last decade .
Case: slapstick buffoonery can tickle many a preschooler's fancy , but when it costs a family of four about $40 to see a film in theaters , why spend money on a dog like this when you can rent a pedigree instead ? Classification: digitally Case: the original wasn't a good movie but this remake makes it look like a masterpiece ! Classification: digitally Case: like leon , it's frustrating and still oddly likable . Classification: jinja Case: collateral damage is trash , but it earns extra points by acting as if it weren't . Classification: jinja Classify the case below. think of it as gidget , only with muscles and a lot more smarts , but just as endearing and easy to watch .
Text - like the best 60 minutes exposé , the film ( at 80 minutes ) is actually quite entertaining . Group - hydrencephalus Text - there is only so much baked cardboard i need to chew . Group - knucklebone Text - stinks from start to finish , like a wet burlap sack of gloom . Group - knucklebone Text - the unique tug-of-war with viewer expectations is undeniable , if not a pleasure in its own right . Group - hydrencephalus Classify the case below. while there's something intrinsically funny about sir anthony hopkins saying 'get in the car , bitch , ' this jerry bruckheimer production has little else to offer
Text - there's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . Group - bardship Text - showtime is a fine-looking film with a bouncy score and a clutch of lively songs for deft punctuation . Group - gerbil Text - an elegant and sly deadpan comedy . Group - gerbil Text - van wilder brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'comedy gag . ' at least one scene is so disgusting that viewers may be hard pressed to retain their lunch . Group - bardship Text - lacks dramatic punch and depth . Group - bardship Text - the overall effect is less like a children's movie than a recruitment film for future hollywood sellouts . Group - bardship Text - brings an irresistible blend of warmth and humor and a consistent embracing humanity in the face of life's harshness . Group - gerbil Text - between bursts of automatic gunfire , the story offers a trenchant critique of capitalism . Group - gerbil Considreing the above, classify the following: mr . parker has brilliantly updated his source and grasped its essence , composing a sorrowful and hilarious tone poem about alienated labor , or an absurdist workplace sitcom .
Case: it's one pussy-ass world when even killer-thrillers revolve around group therapy sessions . Classification: hemoflagellate Case: often hilarious , well-shot and , importantly , entertaining , hell house is a fascinating document of an event that has to be seen to be believed . Classification: cytitis Case: in scope , ambition and accomplishment , children of the century . . . takes kurys' career to a whole new level . Classification: cytitis Case: [stevens is] so stoked to make an important film about human infidelity and happenstance that he tosses a kitchen sink onto a story already overladen with plot conceits . Classification: hemoflagellate Case: though her fans will assuredly have their funny bones tickled , others will find their humor-seeking dollars best spent elsewhere . Classification: hemoflagellate Case: cox creates a fluid and mesmerizing sequence of images to match the words of nijinsky's diaries . Classification: cytitis Case: never mind whether you buy the stuff about barris being a cia hit man . the kooky yet shadowy vision clooney sustains throughout is daring , inventive and impressive . Classification: cytitis Case: buries an interesting storyline about morality and the choices we make underneath such a mountain of clichés and borrowed images that it might more accurately be titled mr . chips off the old block . Classification: hemoflagellate Classify the following: with elements cribbed from lang's metropolis , welles' kane , and eisenstein's potemkin , the true wonder of rintarô's metropolis is the number of lasting images all its own .
Example: a breezy romantic comedy that has the punch of a good sitcom , while offering exceptionally well-detailed characters . Class: icterogenous Example: the movie succumbs to being nothing more than a formulaic chase in the dark . Class: nonterrestrial Example: the director has injected self-consciousness into the proceedings at every turn . the results are far more alienating than involving . Class: nonterrestrial Example: strange it is , but delightfully so . Class: icterogenous Classify the following: although jackson is doubtless reserving the darkest hours for the return of the king , we long for a greater sense of urgency in the here and now of the two towers .
Case: a very funny movie . Classification: superfervent Case: what really makes it special is that it pulls us into its world , gives us a hero whose suffering and triumphs we can share , surrounds him with interesting characters and sends us out of the theater feeling we've shared a great adventure . Classification: superfervent Case: a rare and lightly entertaining look behind the curtain that separates comics from the people laughing in the crowd . Classification: superfervent Case: the overall feel is not unlike watching a glorified episode of " 7th heaven . " Classification: premorning Case: paid in full is so stale , in fact , that its most vibrant scene is one that uses clips from brian de palma's scarface . that's a cheat . Classification: premorning Case: i firmly believe that a good video game movie is going to show up soon . i also believe that resident evil is not it . Classification: premorning Case: there are touching moments in etoiles , but for the most part this is a dull , dour documentary on what ought to be a joyful or at least fascinating subject . Classification: premorning Case: the pain , loneliness and insecurity of the screenwriting process are vividly and painfully brought to slovenly life in this self-deprecating , biting and witty feature written by charlie kaufman and his twin brother , donald , and directed by spike jonze . Classification: superfervent Classify the case below. anyone who welcomes a dash of the avant-garde fused with their humor should take pleasure in this crazed , joyous romp of a film .
Text - impostor has a handful of thrilling moments and a couple of good performances , but the movie doesn't quite fly . for starters , the story is just too slim . Group - bedur Text - in its own way , joshua is as blasphemous and nonsensical as a luis buñuel film without the latter's attendant intelligence , poetry , passion , and genius . Group - bedur Text - you'll have more fun setting fire to yourself in the parking lot . you'll be more entertained getting hit by a bus . Group - bedur Text - a terrific date movie , whatever your orientation . Group - Erigenia Text - elvira fans could hardly ask for more . Group - Erigenia Text - with not a lot of help from the screenplay ( proficient , but singularly cursory ) , [testud] acts with the feral intensity of the young bette davis . Group - Erigenia Text - never [sinks] into exploitation . Group - Erigenia Text - i can easily imagine benigni's pinocchio becoming a christmas perennial . coal isn't as easy to come by as it used to be and this would be a worthy substitute for naughty children's stockings . Group - bedur Considreing the above, classify the following: . . . manages to fall closer in quality to silence than to the abysmal hannibal .
Example: though it never rises to its full potential as a film , still offers a great deal of insight into the female condition and the timeless danger of emotions repressed . Class: edeitis Example: the mantra behind the project seems to have been 'it's just a kids' flick . ' translation : 'we don't need to try very hard . ' Class: cyanophose Example: the film's overall mood and focus is interesting but constantly unfulfilling . Class: cyanophose Example: dolman confines himself to shtick and sentimentality -- the one bald and the other sloppy . Class: cyanophose Example: contrived as this may sound , mr . rose's updating works surprisingly well . Class: edeitis Example: it's great escapist fun that recreates a place and time that will never happen again . Class: edeitis Example: rarely have i seen a film so willing to champion the fallibility of the human heart . Class: edeitis Example: this movie seems to have been written using mad-libs . there can be no other explanation . hilariously inept and ridiculous . Class: cyanophose What is the classification for the passage below? a thinly veiled excuse for wilson to play his self-deprecating act against murphy's well-honed prima donna shtick .
Example: a woefully dull , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai's vaunted empathy . Class: yoy Example: to the civilized mind , a movie like ballistic : ecks vs . sever is more of an ordeal than an amusement . Class: yoy Example: this film puts wang at the forefront of china's sixth generation of film makers . Class: elle Example: a cautionary tale about the grandiosity of a college student who sees himself as impervious to a fall . Class: elle Classify the case below. a very average science fiction film .
Example: pacino is the best he's been in years and keener is marvelous . Class: fruitfully Example: it's a film that's destined to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouth reviews and , not far down the line , to find a place among the studio's animated classics . Class: fruitfully Example: by the time the surprise ending is revealed , interest cannot be revived . Class: nonylene Example: it doesn't quite deserve the gong , but there are more fascinating acts than " confessions of a dangerous mind . " Class: nonylene Classify the following: it's up to [watts] to lend credibility to this strange scenario , and her presence succeeds in making us believe .
Case: the film's plot may be shallow , but you've never seen the deep like you see it in these harrowing surf shots . Classification: scathe Case: well-meant but unoriginal . Classification: Moabitic Case: not the great american comedy , but if you liked the previous movies in the series , you'll have a good time with this one too . Classification: Moabitic Case: witless but watchable . Classification: scathe Case: the film's sharp , often mischievous sense of humor will catch some off guard . . . Classification: scathe Case: the movie's accumulated force still feels like an ugly knot tightening in your stomach . but is that knot from dramatic tension or a symptom of artistic malnutrition ? Classification: Moabitic Classify the following: writer/director walter hill is in his hypermasculine element here , once again able to inject some real vitality and even art into a pulpy concept that , in many other hands would be completely forgettable .
Example: hardly a nuanced portrait of a young woman's breakdown , the film nevertheless works up a few scares . Class: overwear Example: basically , it's pretty but dumb . Class: overwear Example: after making several adaptations of other writers' work , armenian-canadian director atom egoyan broached an original treatment of a deeply personal subject . Class: tinlet Example: what elevates the movie above the run-of-the-mill singles blender is its surreal sense of humor and technological finish . Class: tinlet Example: humorous and heartfelt , douglas mcgrath's version of 'nicholas nickleby' left me feeling refreshed and hopeful . not many movies have that kind of impact on me these days . Class: tinlet Example: . . . a bland , pretentious mess . Class: overwear What is the classification for the passage below? coppola's directorial debut is an incredibly layered and stylistic film that , despite a fairly slow paced , almost humdrum approach to character development , still manages at least a decent attempt at meaningful cinema .
Text - reno does what he can in a thankless situation , the film ricochets from humor to violence and back again , and ryoko hirosue makes us wonder if she is always like that . Group - zincography Text - as simple and innocent a movie as you can imagine . this is a movie you can trust . Group - autolytic Text - a stunning piece of visual poetry that will , hopefully , be remembered as one of the most important stories to be told in australia's film history . Group - autolytic Text - hampered -- no , paralyzed -- by a self-indulgent script . . . that aims for poetry and ends up sounding like satire . Group - zincography Classify the case below. due to stodgy , soap opera-ish dialogue , the rest of the cast comes across as stick figures reading lines from a teleprompter .
Example: the audacity to view one of shakespeare's better known tragedies as a dark comedy is , by itself , deserving of discussion . Class: supersquamosal Example: this is not chabrol's best , but even his lesser works outshine the best some directors can offer . Class: supersquamosal Example: a hideous , confusing spectacle , one that may well put the nail in the coffin of any future rice adaptations . Class: bewildering Example: none of this violates the letter of behan's book , but missing is its spirit , its ribald , full-throated humor . Class: bewildering What is the classification for the passage below? the filmmakers want nothing else than to show us a good time , and in their cheap , b movie way , they succeed .
Case: jackson and co have brought back the value and respect for the term epic cinema . Classification: monoplast Case: a well-made thriller with a certain level of intelligence and non-reactionary morality . Classification: monoplast Case: home alone goes hollywood , a funny premise until the kids start pulling off stunts not even steven spielberg would know how to do . besides , real movie producers aren't this nice . Classification: deferred Case: an overblown clunker full of bad jokes , howling cliches and by-the-numbers action sequences . Classification: deferred Case: witty and often surprising , a dark little morality tale disguised as a romantic comedy . Classification: monoplast Case: a very depressing movie of many missed opportunities . Classification: deferred Classify the case below. sucking all the 'classic' out of robert louis stevenson's treasure island and filling the void with sci-fi video game graphics and disney-fied adolescent angst . . .
Case: a marvel like none you've seen . Classification: oncometric Case: boy oh boy , it's a howler . Classification: needler Case: the editing is chaotic , the photography grainy and badly focused , the writing unintentionally hilarious , the direction unfocused , the performances as wooden . Classification: needler Case: it's another retelling of alexandre dumas' classic . why ? who knows , but it works under the direction of kevin reynolds . Classification: oncometric Case: [westbrook] makes a wonderful subject for the camera . Classification: oncometric Case: the most opaque , self-indulgent and just plain goofy an excuse for a movie as you can imagine . Classification: needler Case: a worthy tribute to a great humanitarian and her vibrant 'co-stars . ' Classification: oncometric Case: with its parade of almost perpetually wasted characters . . . margarita feels like a hazy high that takes too long to shake . Classification: needler Classify the following: one of those films that started with a great premise and then just fell apart .
Case: pryor lite , with half the demons , half the daring , much less talent , many fewer laughs . Classification: unrippled Case: talky , artificial and opaque . . . an interesting technical exercise , but a tedious picture . Classification: unrippled Case: a tired , unimaginative and derivative variation of that already-shallow genre . Classification: unrippled Case: the chateau belongs to rudd , whose portrait of a therapy-dependent flakeball spouting french malapropisms . . . is a nonstop hoot . Classification: unmovedly Case: occasionally loud and offensive , but more often , it simply lulls you into a gentle waking coma . Classification: unrippled Case: an uncomfortable movie , suffocating and sometimes almost senseless , the grey zone does have a center , though a morbid one . Classification: unmovedly Case: kaufman and jonze take huge risks to ponder the whole notion of passion -- our desire as human beings for passion in our lives and the emptiness one feels when it is missing . Classification: unmovedly Case: those who love cinema paradiso will find the new scenes interesting , but few will find the movie improved . Classification: unmovedly Classify the case below. it's something of the ultimate scorsese film , with all the stomach-turning violence , colorful new york gang lore and other hallmarks of his personal cinema painted on their largest-ever historical canvas .
Text - this is really just another genre picture . Group - alfaquin Text - begins like a docu-drama but builds its multi-character story with a flourish . Group - murmurish Text - star trek was kind of terrific once , but now it is a copy of a copy of a copy . Group - alfaquin Text - from its invitingly upbeat overture to its pathos-filled but ultimately life-affirming finale , martin is a masterfully conducted work . Group - murmurish Text - a compelling pre-wwii drama with vivid characters and a warm , moving message . Group - murmurish Text - it's a decent glimpse into a time period , and an outcast , that is no longer accessible , but it doesn't necessarily shed more light on its subject than the popular predecessor . Group - alfaquin Considreing the above, classify the following: plays like a bad blend of an overripe episode of tv's dawson's creek and a recycled and dumbed-down version of love story .
Example: while the mystery unravels , the characters respond by hitting on each other . Class: thymate Example: it's immensely ambitious , different than anything that's been done before and amazingly successful in terms of what it's trying to do . Class: cohobator Example: clayburgh and tambor are charming performers ; neither of them deserves eric schaeffer . Class: thymate Example: the film overcomes the regular minefield of coming-of-age cliches with potent doses of honesty and sensitivity . Class: cohobator Example: chalk it up to my adoration for both de niro and murphy , but i had a pretty good time with this movie - despite its myriad flaws . Class: cohobator Example: pure cinematic intoxication , a wildly inventive mixture of comedy and melodrama , tastelessness and swooning elegance . Class: cohobator Example: the film is old-fashioned , occasionally charming and as subtle as boldface . Class: thymate Example: lucky break is perfectly inoffensive and harmless , but it's also drab and inert . Class: thymate What is the classification for the passage below? no worse a film than breaking out , and breaking out was utterly charming .
Text - so purely enjoyable that you might not even notice it's a fairly straightforward remake of hollywood comedies such as father of the bride . Group - tractarianize Text - as a kind of colorful , dramatized pbs program , frida gets the job done . but , for that , why not watch a documentary ? Group - bawdship Text - do we really need a 77-minute film to tell us exactly why a romantic relationship between a 15-year-old boy and a 40-year-old woman doesn't work ? Group - tractarianize Text - eyre is on his way to becoming the american indian spike lee . Group - tractarianize Text - a mean-spirited film made by someone who surely read the catcher in the rye but clearly suffers from dyslexia Group - bawdship Text - [serry] wants to blend politics and drama , an admirable ambition . it's too bad that the helping hand he uses to stir his ingredients is also a heavy one . Group - bawdship What is the classification for the passage below? if you can swallow its absurdities and crudities lagaan really is enormously good fun .
Case: woven together handsomely , recalling sixties' rockumentary milestones from lonely boy to don't look back . Classification: Malacanthidae Case: " men in black ii , " has all the earmarks of a sequel . the story is less vibrant , the jokes are a little lukewarm , but will anyone really care ? Classification: almique Case: for all the complications , it's all surprisingly predictable . Classification: almique Case: lan yu seems altogether too slight to be called any kind of masterpiece . it is , however , a completely honest , open-hearted film that should appeal to anyone willing to succumb to it . Classification: Malacanthidae Case: this beautifully animated epic is never dull . Classification: Malacanthidae Case: a showcase for both the scenic splendor of the mountains and for legendary actor michel serrault , the film is less successful on other levels . Classification: almique What is the classification for the passage below? most folks with a real stake in the american sexual landscape will find it either moderately amusing or just plain irrelevant .
Case: even with its $50-million us budget , pinocchio never quite achieves the feel of a fanciful motion picture . Classification: pleurobranchial Case: the overall effect is less like a children's movie than a recruitment film for future hollywood sellouts . Classification: pleurobranchial Case: despite its title , punch-drunk love is never heavy-handed . the jabs it employs are short , carefully placed and dead-center . Classification: Phalangistidae Case: . . . always remains movingly genuine . Classification: Phalangistidae Case: a film which presses familiar herzog tropes into the service of a limpid and conventional historical fiction , when really what we demand of the director is to be mesmerised . Classification: pleurobranchial Case: call it magic realism or surrealism , but miss wonton floats beyond reality with a certain degree of wit and dignity . Classification: Phalangistidae Classify the case below. largely , this is a movie that also does it by the numbers .
Example: wins my vote for 'the 2002 enemy of cinema' award . Class: rumor Example: mostly , shafer and co-writer gregory hinton lack a strong-minded viewpoint , or a sense of humor . Class: rumor Example: though the plot is predictable , the movie never feels formulaic , because the attention is on the nuances of the emotional development of the delicate characters . Class: Araucaria Example: excessive , profane , packed with cartoonish violence and comic-strip characters . Class: rumor Example: this movie has the usual impossible stunts . . . but it has just as many scenes that are lean and tough enough to fit in any modern action movie . Class: Araucaria Example: can be viewed as pure composition and form -- film as music Class: Araucaria What is the classification for the passage below? it's secondary to american psycho but still has claws enough to get inside you and stay there for a couple of hours .
Example: what might have been a predictably heartwarming tale is suffused with complexity . Class: flatman Example: [the film's] taste for " shock humor " will wear thin on all but those weaned on the comedy of tom green and the farrelly brothers . Class: radectomy Example: julia is played with exasperating blandness by laura regan . Class: radectomy Example: it's so full of wrong choices that all you can do is shake your head in disbelief -- and worry about what classic oliver parker intends to mangle next time . Class: radectomy Example: that storytelling has value cannot be denied . not even solondz's thirst for controversy , sketchy characters and immature provocations can fully succeed at cheapening it . Class: flatman Example: at its most basic , this cartoon adventure is that wind-in-the-hair exhilarating . Class: flatman Example: oedekerk mugs mercilessly , and the genuinely funny jokes are few and far between . Class: radectomy Example: seems based on ugly ideas instead of ugly behavior , as happiness was . . . hence , storytelling is far more appealing . Class: flatman Classify the following: not exactly the bees knees
Text - if this disposable tissue has one wild card , it's john turturro , who's simply fab as a spanish butler with a foot fetish . Group - flintiness Text - what's at stake in this film is nothing more than an obsolete , if irritating , notion of class . Group - flintiness Text - if the message seems more facile than the earlier films , the images have such a terrible beauty you may not care . Group - blobber Text - it takes this never-ending confusion and hatred , puts a human face on it , evokes shame among all who are party to it and even promotes understanding . Group - blobber Text - nicole kidman evolved from star to superstar some time over the past year , which means that birthday girl is the kind of quirkily appealing minor movie she might not make for a while . Group - blobber Text - the movie , directed by mick jackson , leaves no cliche unturned , from the predictable plot to the characters straight out of central casting . Group - flintiness What is the classification for the passage below? there seems to be no clear path as to where the story's going , or how long it's going to take to get there .
Example: the emperor's club is one of those films that possesses all the good intentions in the world , but . . . Class: anurous Example: seeing seinfeld at home as he watches his own appearance on letterman with a clinical eye reminds you that the key to stand-up is to always make it look easy , even though the reality is anything but . Class: carriageful Example: chicago is sophisticated , brash , sardonic , completely joyful in its execution . Class: carriageful Example: the most remarkable ( and frustrating ) thing about world traveler , which opens today in manhattan , is that its protagonist , after being an object of intense scrutiny for 104 minutes , remains a complete blank . Class: anurous Example: benefits from a strong performance from zhao , but it's dong jie's face you remember at the end . Class: carriageful Example: instead of kicking off the intrigue and suspense and mystery of the whole thing , hart's war , like the st . louis rams in the super bowl , waits until after halftime to get started . Class: anurous What is the classification for the passage below? you may leave the theater with more questions than answers , but darned if your toes won't still be tapping .
Text - a classy item by a legend who may have nothing left to prove but still has the chops and drive to show how its done . Group - unmetaled Text - a fleet-footed and pleasingly upbeat family diversion . Group - unmetaled Text - stay away . far away . Group - toader Text - a swashbuckling tale of love , betrayal , revenge and above all , faith . Group - unmetaled Text - nothing more than a run-of-the-mill action flick . Group - toader Text - parker should be commended for taking a fresh approach to familiar material , but his determination to remain true to the original text leads him to adopt a somewhat mannered tone . . . that ultimately dulls the human tragedy at the story's core . Group - toader Classify the case below. a must-see for fans of thoughtful war films and those interested in the sights and sounds of battle .
Case: puts a refreshing and comical spin on the all-too-familiar saga of the contemporary single woman . Classification: unembarrassment Case: the charm of revolution os is rather the way it introduces you to new , fervently held ideas and fanciful thinkers . Classification: unembarrassment Case: it feels like a community theater production of a great broadway play : even at its best , it will never hold a candle to the original . Classification: nobbut Case: the tale of tok ( andy lau ) , a sleek sociopath on the trail of o ( takashi sorimachi ) , the most legendary of asian hitmen , is too scattershot to take hold . Classification: nobbut Case: a little too ponderous to work as shallow entertainment , not remotely incisive enough to qualify as drama , monsoon wedding serves mostly to whet one's appetite for the bollywood films . Classification: nobbut Case: some people march to the beat of a different drum , and if you ever wondered what kind of houses those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 alternative housing options . Classification: unembarrassment Classify the case below. ong's promising debut is a warm and well-told tale of one recent chinese immigrant's experiences in new york city .
Example: if it's another regurgitated action movie you're after , there's no better film than half past dead . Class: centermost Example: schnieder bounces around with limp wrists , wearing tight tummy tops and hip huggers , twirling his hair on his finger and assuming that's enough to sustain laughs . . . Class: centermost Example: remove spider-man the movie from its red herring surroundings and it's apparent that this is one summer film that satisfies . Class: infraturbinal Example: high crimes steals so freely from other movies and combines enough disparate types of films that it can't help but engage an audience . Class: infraturbinal Example: the vivid lead performances sustain interest and empathy , but the journey is far more interesting than the final destination . Class: infraturbinal Example: the streets , shot by cinematographer michael ballhaus , may be as authentic as they are mean , but it is nearly impossible to care about what happens on them . Class: centermost Example: jonah is only so-so . . . the addition of a biblical message will either improve the film for you , or it will lessen it . Class: centermost Example: another one of those estrogen overdose movies like " divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood , " except that the writing , acting and character development are a lot better . Class: infraturbinal Classify the following: the film serves as a valuable time capsule to remind us of the devastating horror suffered by an entire people .
Case: what really surprises about wisegirls is its low-key quality and genuine tenderness . Classification: kurus Case: allen shows he can outgag any of those young whippersnappers making moving pictures today . Classification: kurus Case: stevens' vibrant creative instincts are the difference between this and countless other flicks about guys and dolls . Classification: kurus Case: the cumulative effect of the relentless horror on parade numbs the movie's power as a work of drama . Classification: gynomonoecism Case: bray is completely at sea ; with nothing but a savage garden music video on his resume , he has no clue about making a movie . Classification: gynomonoecism Case: a sincere but dramatically conflicted gay coming-of-age tale . Classification: gynomonoecism Case: so mind-numbingly awful that you hope britney won't do it one more time , as far as movies are concerned . Classification: gynomonoecism Case: methodical , measured , and gently tedious in its comedy , secret ballot is a purposefully reductive movie -- which may be why it's so successful at lodging itself in the brain . Classification: kurus Classify the case below. friday after next is the kind of film that could only be made by african-americans because of its broad racial insensitivity towards african-americans .
Case: in auteil's less dramatic but equally incisive performance , he's a charismatic charmer likely to seduce and conquer . Classification: unducal Case: cox creates a fluid and mesmerizing sequence of images to match the words of nijinsky's diaries . Classification: unducal Case: these spiders can outrun a motorcycle and wrap a person in a sticky cocoon in seconds , but they fall short of being interesting or entertaining . Classification: consistently Case: strange and beautiful film . Classification: unducal Case: in its best moments , resembles a bad high school production of grease , without benefit of song . Classification: consistently Case: uzumaki's interesting social parallel and defiant aesthetic seems a prostituted muse . . . Classification: consistently Case: fails to bring as much to the table . Classification: consistently Case: neatly constructed thriller . Classification: unducal Classify the following: a dumb movie with dumb characters doing dumb things and you have to be really dumb not to see where this is going .
Example: horns and halos benefits from serendipity but also reminds us of our own responsibility to question what is told as the truth . Class: photocrayon Example: it comes off as so silly that you wouldn't be surprised if ba , murdock and rest of the a-team were seen giving chase in a black and red van . Class: methylethylacetic Example: not everyone will welcome or accept the trials of henry kissinger as faithful portraiture , but few can argue that the debate it joins is a necessary and timely one . Class: photocrayon Example: that neither protagonist has a distinguishable condition hardly matters because both are just actory concoctions , defined by childlike dimness and a handful of quirks . Class: methylethylacetic Example: the acting is fine but the script is about as interesting as a recording of conversations at the wal-mart checkout line . Class: methylethylacetic Example: only an epic documentary could get it all down , and spike lee's jim brown : all american at long last gives its subject a movie worthy of his talents . Class: photocrayon What is the classification for the passage below? serious and thoughtful .
Example: likely to expertly drum up repressed teenage memories in any viewer . Class: unvoiced Example: cloaks a familiar anti-feminist equation ( career - kids = misery ) in tiresome romantic-comedy duds . Class: inserter Example: it is messy , uncouth , incomprehensible , vicious and absurd . Class: inserter Example: smart and alert , thirteen conversations about one thing is a small gem . Class: unvoiced Example: . . . a light , yet engrossing piece . lux , now in her eighties , does a great combination act as narrator , jewish grandmother and subject – taking us through a film that is part biography , part entertainment and part history . Class: unvoiced Example: the director mostly plays it straight , turning leys' fable into a listless climb down the social ladder . Class: inserter What is the classification for the passage below? as with too many studio pics , plot mechanics get in the way of what should be the lighter-than-air adventure .
Example: i'm sure the filmmaker would disagree , but , honestly , i don't see the point . it's a visual rorschach test and i must have failed . Class: asymbolia Example: 'frailty " starts out like a typical bible killer story , but it turns out to be significantly different ( and better ) than most films with this theme . Class: pharyngobranchial Example: too clumsy in key moments . . . to make a big splash . Class: asymbolia Example: if you want to see a train wreck that you can't look away from , then look no further , because here it is . Class: pharyngobranchial Example: [t]hose same extremes prevent us from taking its message seriously , and the stepford wives mentality doesn't work in a modern context . Class: asymbolia Example: cho continues her exploration of the outer limits of raunch with considerable brio . Class: pharyngobranchial Classify the following: this charming , thought-provoking new york fest of life and love has its rewards .
Text - the movie is as far as you can get from racy , to the point where it almost stops the blood flow to your brain ; it has a dull , costumey feel . Group - bulbomembranous Text - the sweetest thing is expressly for idiots who don't care what kind of sewage they shovel into their mental gullets to simulate sustenance . Group - bulbomembranous Text - more than their unique residences , home movie is about the people who live in them , who have carved their own comfortable niche in the world and have been kind enough to share it . Group - schoolmasterishness Text - an intelligent romantic thriller of a very old-school kind of quality . Group - schoolmasterishness Text - a well-done film of a self-reflexive , philosophical nature . Group - schoolmasterishness Text - while certainly more naturalistic than its australian counterpart , amari's film falls short in building the drama of lilia's journey . Group - bulbomembranous What is the classification for the passage below? an awful lot like one of [spears'] music videos in content -- except that it goes on for at least 90 more minutes and , worse , that you have to pay if you want to see it .
Example: daughter from danang reveals that efforts toward closure only open new wounds . it doesn't flinch from its unsettling prognosis , namely , that the legacy of war is a kind of perpetual pain . Class: mortific Example: the case is a convincing one , and should give anyone with a conscience reason to pause . Class: mortific Example: the original wasn't a good movie but this remake makes it look like a masterpiece ! Class: superroyal Example: no telegraphing is too obvious or simplistic for this movie . Class: superroyal What is the classification for the passage below? the laser-projected paintings provide a spell-casting beauty , while russell and dreyfus are a romantic pairing of hearts , preciously exposed as history corners them .
Case: a bracing , unblinking work that serves as a painful elegy and sobering cautionary tale . Classification: octopodan Case: looks like a high school film project completed the day before it was due . Classification: semological Case: it makes compelling , provocative and prescient viewing . Classification: octopodan Case: directors john musker and ron clements , the team behind the little mermaid , have produced sparkling retina candy , but they aren't able to muster a lot of emotional resonance in the cold vacuum of space . Classification: semological Classify the case below. caso você sinta necessidade de sair da sala antes do término da projeção , não se preocupe : ninguém lhe enviará penas simbolizando covardia .
Case: a warm but realistic meditation on friendship , family and affection . Classification: pocketless Case: a beguiling , slow-moving parable about the collision of past and present on a remote seacoast in iran . Classification: pocketless Case: the movie's plot is almost entirely witless and inane , carrying every gag two or three times beyond its limit to sustain a laugh . Classification: murenger Case: an incoherent jumble of a film that's rarely as entertaining as it could have been . Classification: murenger Case: i hated every minute of it . Classification: murenger Case: not far beneath the surface , this reconfigured tale asks disturbing questions about those things we expect from military epics . Classification: pocketless Classify the case below. almodovar is an imaginative teacher of emotional intelligence in this engaging film about two men who discover what william james once called 'the gift of tears . '
Example: a hypnotic portrait of this sad , compulsive life . Class: sermonish Example: a film which presses familiar herzog tropes into the service of a limpid and conventional historical fiction , when really what we demand of the director is to be mesmerised . Class: Zolaistic Example: here's yet another studio horror franchise mucking up its storyline with glitches casual fans could correct in their sleep . but taken as a stylish and energetic one-shot , the queen of the damned cannot be said to suck . Class: sermonish Example: technically and artistically inept . Class: Zolaistic Example: moore's complex and important film is also , believe it or not , immensely entertaining , a david and goliath story that's still very much playing itself out . Class: sermonish Example: the affectionate loopiness that once seemed congenital to demme's perspective has a tough time emerging from between the badly dated cutesy-pie mystery scenario and the newfangled hollywood post-production effects . Class: Zolaistic Example: the film's darker moments become smoothed over by an overwhelming need to tender inspirational tidings , especially in the last few cloying moments . Class: Zolaistic Example: [ " take care of my cat " ] is an honestly nice little film that takes us on an examination of young adult life in urban south korea through the hearts and minds of the five principals . Class: sermonish What is the classification for the passage below? visually captivating .
Text - there's enough science to make it count as educational , and enough beauty to make it unforgettable . Group - infernalship Text - in questioning the election process , payami graphically illustrates the problems of fledgling democracies , but also the strength and sense of freedom the iranian people already possess , with or without access to the ballot box . Group - infernalship Text - a movie like the guys is why film criticism can be considered work . Group - learnable Text - a depraved , incoherent , instantly disposable piece of hackery . Group - learnable Text - more a load of enjoyable , conan-esque claptrap than the punishing , special-effects soul assaults the mummy pictures represent . Group - infernalship Text - a powerful and telling story that examines forbidden love , racial tension , and other issues that are as valid today as they were in the 1950s . Group - infernalship Text - this is really just another genre picture . Group - learnable Text - the notion of deleting emotion from people , even in an advanced prozac nation , is so insanely dysfunctional that the rampantly designed equilibrium becomes a concept doofus . Group - learnable Considreing the above, classify the following: what bubbles up out of john c . walsh's pipe dream is the distinct and very welcome sense of watching intelligent people making a movie they might actually want to watch .
Example: passionate , irrational , long-suffering but cruel as a tarantula , helga figures prominently in this movie , and helps keep the proceedings as funny for grown-ups as for rugrats . Class: literator Example: both heartbreaking and heartwarming . . . just a simple fable done in an artless sytle , but it's tremendously moving . Class: literator Example: whatever the movie's sentimental , hypocritical lessons about sexism , its true colors come out in various wet t-shirt and shower scenes . Class: stratameter Example: by turns numbingly dull-witted and disquietingly creepy . Class: stratameter Example: as a director , mr . ratliff wisely rejects the temptation to make fun of his subjects . Class: literator Example: . . . turns so unforgivably trite in its last 10 minutes that anyone without a fortified sweet tooth will likely go into sugar shock . Class: stratameter Considreing the above, classify the following: the script boasts some tart tv-insider humor , but the film has not a trace of humanity or empathy .
Case: functions as both a revealing look at the collaborative process and a timely , tongue-in-cheek profile of the corporate circus that is the recording industry in the current climate of mergers and downsizing . Classification: comfort Case: automatically pegs itself for the straight-to-video sci-fi rental shelf . Classification: downgrowth Case: much like robin williams , death to smoochy has already reached its expiration date . Classification: downgrowth Case: a little too ponderous to work as shallow entertainment , not remotely incisive enough to qualify as drama , monsoon wedding serves mostly to whet one's appetite for the bollywood films . Classification: downgrowth Case: [allen] manages to breathe life into this somewhat tired premise . Classification: comfort Case: it may not be " last tango in paris " but . . . Classification: comfort Classify the case below. " the dangerous lives of altar boys " has flaws , but it also has humor and heart and very talented young actors
Text - an effectively creepy , fear-inducing ( not fear-reducing ) film from japanese director hideo nakata , who takes the superstitious curse on chain letters and actually applies it . Group - Bolderian Text - the movie's blatant derivativeness is one reason it's so lackluster . Group - electronics Text - a bravura exercise in emptiness . Group - electronics Text - the photographer's show-don't-tell stance is admirable , but it can make him a problematic documentary subject . Group - electronics Text - . . . the film suffers from a lack of humor ( something needed to balance out the violence ) . . . Group - electronics Text - while dutifully pulling on heartstrings , directors dean deblois and chris sanders valiantly keep punching up the mix . Group - Bolderian Text - those with an interest in new or singular sorts of film experiences will find what time is it there ? well worth the time . Group - Bolderian Text - this romantic thriller is steeped in the atmosphere of wartime england , and ably captures the speech patterns , moral codes and ideals of the 1940s . Group - Bolderian Considreing the above, classify the following: it has a way of seeping into your consciousness , with lingering questions about what the film is really getting at .
Case: the last kiss will probably never achieve the popularity of my big fat greek wedding , but its provocative central wedding sequence has far more impact . Classification: brokenhearted Case: the story really has no place to go since simone is not real—she can't provide any conflict . Classification: affectioned Case: a fragile framework upon which to hang broad , mildly fleshed-out characters that seem to have been conjured up only 10 minutes prior to filming . Classification: affectioned Case: it's a rare window on an artistic collaboration . Classification: brokenhearted Case: displaying about equal amounts of naiveté , passion and talent , beneath clouds establishes sen as a filmmaker of considerable potential . Classification: brokenhearted Case: julia is played with exasperating blandness by laura regan . Classification: affectioned Classify the case below. might be one of those vanity projects in which a renowned filmmaker attempts to show off his talent by surrounding himself with untalented people .
Example: there's . . . an underlying old world sexism to monday morning that undercuts its charm . Class: subcalcareous Example: rice never clearly defines his characters or gives us a reason to care about them . Class: yeowoman Example: an uncomfortable movie , suffocating and sometimes almost senseless , the grey zone does have a center , though a morbid one . Class: subcalcareous Example: an unintentional parody of every teen movie made in the last five years . Class: yeowoman Classify the following: it's the cinematic equivalent of a good page-turner , and even if it's nonsense , its claws dig surprisingly deep .
Case: a not-so-divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood with a hefty helping of re-fried green tomatoes . Classification: megameter Case: this loud and thoroughly obnoxious comedy about a pair of squabbling working-class spouses is a deeply unpleasant experience . Classification: megameter Case: watching this gentle , mesmerizing portrait of a man coming to terms with time , you barely realize your mind is being blown . Classification: shwanpan Case: a remarkable 179-minute meditation on the nature of revolution . Classification: shwanpan Classify the case below. the trick when watching godard is to catch the pitch of his poetics , savor the pleasure of his sounds and images , and ponder the historical , philosophical , and ethical issues that intersect with them .
Example: fans of critics' darling band wilco will marvel at the sometimes murky , always brooding look of i am trying to break your heart . Class: Pontic Example: the disjointed mess flows as naturally as jolie's hideous yellow 'do . Class: Chaetosoma Example: so relentlessly wholesome it made me want to swipe something . Class: Chaetosoma Example: superbly photographed and staged by mendes with a series of riveting set pieces the likes of which mainstream audiences have rarely seen . Class: Pontic Example: apallingly absurd . . . the chemistry or lack thereof between newton and wahlberg could turn an imax theater into a 9 " black and white portable tv . Class: Chaetosoma Example: the bodily function jokes are about what you'd expect , but there are rich veins of funny stuff in this movie . Class: Pontic Example: the success of undercover brother is found in its ability to spoof both black and white stereotypes equally . Class: Pontic Example: the lower your expectations , the more you'll enjoy it . Class: Chaetosoma Classify the case below. kurys never shows why , of all the period's volatile romantic lives , sand and musset are worth particular attention .
Text - barely goes beyond comic book status . Group - religiose Text - the structure is simple , but in its own way , rabbit-proof fence is a quest story as grand as the lord of the rings . Group - skimpily Text - what a stiflingly unfunny and unoriginal mess this is ! Group - religiose Text - in a movie full of surprises , the biggest is that secret ballot is a comedy , both gentle and biting . Group - skimpily Classify the case below. aniston has at last decisively broken with her friends image in an independent film of satiric fire and emotional turmoil .
Example: the structure is simple , but in its own way , rabbit-proof fence is a quest story as grand as the lord of the rings . Class: keraunophonic Example: a no-holds-barred cinematic treat . Class: keraunophonic Example: . . . bibbidy-bobbidi-bland . Class: unmetaphysical Example: you might be shocked to discover that seinfeld's real life is boring . Class: unmetaphysical Classify the following: if you've ever wondered what an ending without the input of studio executives or test audiences would look like , here it is .
Example: for all the wit and hoopla , festival in cannes offers rare insight into the structure of relationships . Class: vatman Example: the actors are appealing , but elysian fields is idiotic and absurdly sentimental . Class: generalization Example: recalls quiet freak-outs like l'avventura and repulsion . Class: vatman Example: apparently designed as a reverie about memory and regret , but the only thing you'll regret is remembering the experience of sitting through it . Class: generalization Example: the production has been made with an enormous amount of affection , so we believe these characters love each other . Class: vatman Example: it's not that kung pow isn't funny some of the time -- it just isn't any funnier than bad martial arts movies are all by themselves , without all oedekerk's impish augmentation . Class: generalization Classify the following: definitely funny stuff , but it's more of the 'laughing at' variety than the 'laughing with . '
Example: the movie has generic virtues , and despite a lot of involved talent , seems done by the numbers . Class: withinward Example: speaks eloquently about the symbiotic relationship between art and life . Class: erosive Example: michael gerbosi's script is economically packed with telling scenes . Class: erosive Example: worthy of the gong . Class: withinward Example: this is not a retread of " dead poets' society . " Class: erosive Example: there is no insight into the anguish of heidi's life -- only a depiction of pain , today's version of greek tragedy , the talk-show guest decrying her fate . Class: withinward Classify the following: let's hope -- shall we ? -- that the 'true story' by which all the queen's men is allegedly " inspired " was a lot funnier and more deftly enacted than what's been cobbled together onscreen .
Case: few of the increasingly far-fetched events that first-time writer-director neil burger follows up with are terribly convincing , which is a pity , considering barry's terrific performance . Classification: sterol Case: a lack of thesis makes maryam , in the end , play out with the intellectual and emotional impact of an after-school special . Classification: sterol Case: the cast is uniformly excellent and relaxed . Classification: intersocietal Case: a decent-enough nail-biter that stands a good chance of being the big hit franklin needs to stay afloat in hollywood . Classification: intersocietal Case: woody allen has really found his groove these days . the problem is that it is one that allows him to churn out one mediocre movie after another . Classification: sterol Case: . . . enthusiastically invokes the percussion rhythm , the brass soul and the sense of fierce competition that helps make great marching bands half the fun of college football games . Classification: intersocietal Case: merchant effectively translates naipaul's lively mix of characters from the page to screen . Classification: intersocietal Case: a journey that's too random and inconclusive to be compelling , but which hoffman's brilliance almost makes worth taking . Classification: sterol Considreing the above, classify the following: you would be better off investing in the worthy emi recording that serves as the soundtrack , or the home video of the 1992 malfitano-domingo production .
Example: rosenthal ( halloween ii ) seems to have forgotten everything he ever knew about generating suspense . Class: embolium Example: triumph of love is a very silly movie , but the silliness has a pedigree . Class: miserism Example: this illuminating documentary transcends our preconceived vision of the holy land and its inhabitants , revealing the human complexities beneath . Class: miserism Example: a generation x artifact , capturing a brief era of insanity in the sports arena that surely cannot last . Class: miserism Example: a terrible adaptation of a play that only ever walked the delicate tightrope between farcical and loathsome . in the wrong hands , i . e . peploe's , it's simply unbearable Class: embolium Example: i wish windtalkers had had more faith in the dramatic potential of this true story . this would have been better than the fiction it has concocted , and there still could have been room for the war scenes . Class: embolium Example: everyone connected to this movie seems to be part of an insider clique , which tends to breed formulaic films rather than fresh ones . Class: embolium Example: bow's best moments are when he's getting busy on the basketball court because that's when he really scores . Class: miserism What is the classification for the passage below? it's not exactly worth the bucks to expend the full price for a date , but when it comes out on video , it's well worth a rental .
Example: a potent allegorical love story . Class: poeticule Example: . . . gripping and handsome execution , ( but ) there isn't much about k-19 that's unique or memorable . Class: poeticule Example: [t]his beguiling belgian fable , very much its own droll and delicate little film , has some touching things to say about what is important in life and why . Class: poeticule Example: writer and director otar iosseliani's pleasant tale about a factory worker who escapes for a holiday in venice reveals how we all need a playful respite from the grind to refresh our souls . Class: poeticule Example: it's mildly sentimental , unabashedly consumerist . . . studiously inoffensive and completely disposable . Class: unduty Example: sweet gentle jesus , did the screenwriters just do a cut-and-paste of every bad action-movie line in history ? Class: unduty Example: the movie is like scorsese's mean streets redone by someone who ignored it in favor of old 'juvenile delinquent' paperbacks with titles like leather warriors and switchblade sexpot . Class: unduty Example: too close to phantom menace for comfort . Class: unduty What is the classification for the passage below? it's [ricci's] best work yet , this girl-woman who sincerely believes she can thwart the world's misery with blind good will .
Text - yes , mibii is rote work and predictable , but with a philosophical visual coming right at the end that extravagantly redeems it . Group - specifically Text - whereas last year's exemplary sexy beast seemed to revitalize the british gangster movie , this equally brutal outing merely sustains it . Group - martin Text - doesn't offer much besides glib soullessness , raunchy language and a series of brutal set pieces . . . that raise the bar on stylized screen violence . Group - martin Text - it sends you away a believer again and quite cheered at just that . Group - specifically Text - there's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . Group - martin Text - hey arnold ! the movie is what happens when you blow up small potatoes to 10 times their natural size , and it ain't pretty . Group - martin Text - this surreal gilliam-esque film is also a troubling interpretation of ecclesiastes . a rewarding work of art for only the most patient and challenge-hungry moviegoers . Group - specifically Text - smith's approach is never to tease , except gently and in that way that makes us consider our own eccentricities and how they are expressed through our homes . Group - specifically What is the classification for the passage below? trapped presents a frightening and compelling 'what if ? ' scenario that will give most parents pause . . . . then , something terrible happens .
Example: this is the kind of subject matter that could so easily have been fumbled by a lesser filmmaker , but ayres makes the right choices at every turn . Class: hesitancy Example: if you're not into the pokemon franchise , this fourth animated movie in four years won't convert you -- or even keep your eyes open . but fans should have fun meeting a brand-new pokemon called celebi . Class: hesitancy Example: aggressive self-glorification and a manipulative whitewash . stay for the credits and see a devastating comic impersonation by dustin hoffman that is revelatory . Class: scattery Example: a fitfully amusing romp that , if nothing else , will appeal to fans of malcolm in the middle and its pubescent star , frankie muniz . Class: scattery Example: one groan-inducing familiarity begets another . Class: scattery Example: if you ever wondered what it would be like to be smack in the middle of a war zone armed with nothing but a camera , this oscar-nominated documentary takes you there . Class: hesitancy Classify the following: . . . built on the premise that middle-class arkansas consists of monster truck-loving good ol' boys and peroxide blond honeys whose worldly knowledge comes from tv reruns and supermarket tabloids .
Example: it makes you believe the cast and crew thoroughly enjoyed themselves and believed in their small-budget film . Class: tractoration Example: doesn't get the job done , running off the limited chemistry created by ralph fiennes and jennifer lopez . Class: presubstitute Example: dense with characters and contains some thrilling moments . Class: tractoration Example: like leafing through an album of photos accompanied by the sketchiest of captions . Class: presubstitute Example: it doesn't do the original any particular dishonor , but neither does it exude any charm or personality . Class: presubstitute Example: a sometimes tedious film . Class: presubstitute Example: a fanciful drama about napoleon's last years and his surprising discovery of love and humility . Class: tractoration Example: ms . fulford-wierzbicki is almost spooky in her sulky , calculating lolita turn . Class: tractoration Classify the case below. a painfully slow cliche-ridden film filled with more holes than clyde barrow's car .
Case: the entire movie establishes a wonderfully creepy mood . Classification: carinal Case: . . . pays tribute to heroes the way julia roberts hands out awards--with phony humility barely camouflaging grotesque narcissism . Classification: superaggravation Case: all the amped-up tony hawk-style stunts and thrashing rap-metal can't disguise the fact that , really , we've been here , done that . Classification: superaggravation Case: this is a finely written , superbly acted offbeat thriller . Classification: carinal Case: newton draws our attention like a magnet , and acts circles around her better known co-star , mark wahlberg . Classification: carinal Case: too bland and fustily tasteful to be truly prurient . Classification: superaggravation Classify the following: for those for whom the name woody allen was once a guarantee of something fresh , sometimes funny , and usually genuinely worthwhile , hollywood ending is a depressing experience
Example: morvern rocks . Class: taillight Example: the movie certainly has its share of clever moments and biting dialogue , but there's just not much lurking below its abstract surface . Class: uncradled Example: sunshine state surveys the landscape and assesses the issues with a clear passion for sociology . but the cinematography is cloudy , the picture making becalmed . Class: uncradled Example: from the opening strains of the average white band's " pick up the pieces " , you can feel the love . Class: taillight Example: corny , schmaltzy and predictable , but still manages to be kind of heartwarming , nonetheless . it's the perfect kind of film to see when you don't want to use your brain . at all . Class: taillight Example: too stupid to be satire , too obviously hateful to be classified otherwise , frank novak's irritating slice of lumpen life is as reliably soul-killing as its title is nearly meaningless . Class: uncradled Considreing the above, classify the following: like old myths and wonder tales spun afresh .
Example: what distinguishes time of favor from countless other thrillers is its underlying concern with the consequences of words and with the complicated emotions fueling terrorist acts . Class: polyglottically Example: deep down , i realized the harsh reality of my situation : i would leave the theater with a lower i . q . than when i had entered . Class: enstore Example: judith and zaza's extended bedroom sequence . . . is so intimate and sensual and funny and psychologically self-revealing that it makes most of what passes for sex in the movies look like cheap hysterics . Class: polyglottically Example: feels as if the inmates have actually taken over the asylum . Class: enstore Classify the case below. little more than a frothy vanity project .
Example: less about shakespeare than the spawn of fools who saw quentin tarantino's handful of raucous gangster films and branched out into their own pseudo-witty copycat interpretations . Class: proctorize Example: it's unnerving to see recoing's bizzarre reaction to his unemployment . good film , but very glum . Class: budget Example: . . . a plotline that's as lumpy as two-day old porridge . . . the filmmakers' paws , sad to say , were all over this " un-bear-able " project ! Class: proctorize Example: a bittersweet contemporary comedy about benevolent deception , which , while it may not rival the filmmaker's period pieces , is still very much worth seeing . Class: budget What is the classification for the passage below? so vivid a portrait of a woman consumed by lust and love and crushed by betrayal that it conjures up the intoxicating fumes and emotional ghosts of a freshly painted rembrandt .
Text - a big , loud , bang-the-drum bore . Group - bostryx Text - runs on the pure adrenalin of pacino's performance . Group - malter Text - the movie is for fans who can't stop loving anime , and the fanatical excess built into it . Group - malter Text - the so-inept- it's-surreal dubbing ( featuring the voices of glenn close , regis philbin and breckin meyer ) brings back memories of cheesy old godzilla flicks . Group - bostryx Text - 'film aficionados cannot help but love cinema paradiso , whether the original version or new director's cut . ' Group - malter Text - . . . salaciously simplistic . Group - bostryx What is the classification for the passage below? despite the long running time , the pace never feels slack -- there's no scene that screams " bathroom break ! "
Case: the irony is that this film's cast is uniformly superb ; their performances could have -- should have -- been allowed to stand on their own . Classification: untucking Case: scott delivers a terrific performance in this fascinating portrait of a modern lothario . Classification: interkinesis Case: you've already seen heartbreak if you've watched the far superior nurse betty or sunset boulevard . even the unwatchable soapdish is more original . Classification: untucking Case: a pure participatory event that malnourished intellectuals will gulp down in a frenzy . Classification: interkinesis Classify the following: a frantic search for laughs , with a hit-to-miss ratio that doesn't exactly favour the audience .
Example: it virtually defines a comedy that's strongly mediocre , with funny bits surfacing every once in a while . Class: nihilianistic Example: not a cheap slasher flick , as the subject matter would suggest , but is a little like a nature film , showing a patient predator and his foolish prey . Class: nihilianistic Example: my big fat greek wedding is that rare animal known as 'a perfect family film , ' because it's about family . Class: uncopiable Example: . . . an inviting piece of film . Class: uncopiable What is the classification for the passage below? worse than 'silence of the lambs' better than 'hannibal'
Example: enormously entertaining for moviegoers of any age . Class: bimastism Example: some decent actors inflict big damage upon their reputations . Class: grimness Example: although olivier assayas' elegantly appointed period drama seems , at times , padded with incident in the way of a too-conscientious adaptation . . . its three-hour running time plays closer to two . Class: bimastism Example: plays less like a coming-of-age romance than an infomercial . Class: grimness Example: it's all gratuitous before long , as if schwentke were fulfilling a gross-out quota for an anticipated audience demographic instead of shaping the material to fit the story . Class: grimness Example: marshall puts a suspenseful spin on standard horror flick formula . Class: bimastism Considreing the above, classify the following: there's back-stabbing , inter-racial desire and , most importantly , singing and dancing .
Example: allen's funniest and most likeable movie in years . Class: kryptol Example: given too much time to consider the looseness of the piece , the picture begins to resemble the shapeless , grasping actors' workshop that it is . Class: apolegamic Example: rarely does a film so graceless and devoid of merit as this one come along . Class: apolegamic Example: texan director george ratliff had unlimited access to families and church meetings , and he delivers fascinating psychological fare . Class: kryptol Example: unless you're a fanatic , the best advice is : 'scooby' don't . Class: apolegamic Example: a sensitive , modest comic tragedy that works as both character study and symbolic examination of the huge economic changes sweeping modern china . Class: kryptol What is the classification for the passage below? god is great , the movie's not .
Text - emerges as something rare , an issue movie that's so honest and keenly observed that it doesn't feel like one . Group - Johnsonism Text - de niro may enjoy the same free ride from critics afforded to clint eastwood in the lazy bloodwork . but like bruce springsteen's gone-to-pot asbury park , new jersey , this sad-sack waste of a movie is a city of ruins . Group - sclerote Text - a pleasing , often-funny comedy . Group - Johnsonism Text - does paint some memorable images . . . , but makhmalbaf keeps her distance from the characters Group - sclerote Classify the case below. easier to respect than enthuse over , andersson's rigorous personal vision is not only distanced but distancing .
Text - if shayamalan wanted to tell a story about a man who loses his faith , why didn't he just do it , instead of using bad sci-fi as window dressing ? Group - pneumonotomy Text - has far more energy , wit and warmth than should be expected from any movie with a " 2 " at the end of its title . Group - antithrombic Text - roman polanski directs the pianist like a surgeon mends a broken heart ; very meticulously but without any passion . Group - pneumonotomy Text - catch it . . . if you can ! Group - antithrombic Text - presents a good case while failing to provide a reason for us to care beyond the very basic dictums of human decency . Group - pneumonotomy Text - if there's a heaven for bad movies , deuces wild is on its way . Group - pneumonotomy Text - although it doesn't always hang together -- violence and whimsy don't combine easily -- " cherish " certainly isn't dull . Group - antithrombic Text - a cop story that understands the medium amazingly well . Group - antithrombic Considreing the above, classify the following: much of the movie's charm lies in the utter cuteness of stuart and margolo . their computer-animated faces are very expressive .
Text - it's one of those baseball pictures where the hero is stoic , the wife is patient , the kids are as cute as all get-out and the odds against success are long enough to intimidate , but short enough to make a dream seem possible . Group - Petrobrusian Text - elegant and eloquent [meditation] on death and that most elusive of passions , love . Group - stylomandibular Text - the casting of raymond j . barry as the 'assassin' greatly enhances the quality of neil burger's impressive fake documentary . Group - stylomandibular Text - ozpetek's effort has the scope and shape of an especially well-executed television movie . Group - stylomandibular Text - this romantic/comedy asks the question how much souvlaki can you take before indigestion sets in . Group - Petrobrusian Text - [p]artnering murphy with robert de niro for the tv-cops comedy showtime would seem to be surefire casting . the catch is that they're stuck with a script that prevents them from firing on all cylinders . Group - Petrobrusian Text - hard-core slasher aficionados will find things to like . . . but overall the halloween series has lost its edge . Group - Petrobrusian Text - the heat of the moment prevails . it cooks conduct in a low , smoky and inviting sizzle . Group - stylomandibular Classify the case below. it's predictable , but it jumps through the expected hoops with style and even some depth .
Example: a sleek advert for youthful anomie that never quite equals the sum of its pretensions . Class: laureation Example: control-alt-delete simone as quickly as possible Class: laureation Example: lástima por schwarzenegger , pero es hora de que deje la estafeta a las nuevas generaciones . Class: laureation Example: labute masterfully balances both traditional or modern stories together in a manner that one never overwhelms the other . something for everyone . Class: uncontagious Example: the best of the pierce brosnan james bond films to date . Class: uncontagious Example: instead of kicking off the intrigue and suspense and mystery of the whole thing , hart's war , like the st . louis rams in the super bowl , waits until after halftime to get started . Class: laureation Example: the moral shrapnel and mental shellshock will linger long after this film has ended . Class: uncontagious Example: while undercover brother is definitely one for the masses , it's also full of sharp , smart satire . Class: uncontagious What is the classification for the passage below? i watched the brainless insanity of no such thing with mounting disbelief .
Example: payne has created a beautiful canvas , and nicholson proves once again that he's the best brush in the business . Class: principally Example: the 1960s rebellion was misdirected : you can't fight your culture . Class: principally Example: it's bedeviled by labored writing and slack direction . Class: oversprung Example: dreary , highly annoying . . . 'some body' will appeal to no one . Class: oversprung What is the classification for the passage below? where bowling for columbine is at its most valuable is in its examination of america's culture of fear as a root cause of gun violence .
Case: robin williams has thankfully ditched the saccharine sentimentality of bicentennial man in favour of an altogether darker side . Classification: Spartan Case: well cast and well directed - a powerful drama with enough sardonic wit to keep it from being maudlin . Classification: Spartan Case: if the idea of the white man arriving on foreign shores to show wary natives the true light is abhorrent to you , the simplistic heaven will quite likely be more like hell . Classification: usualism Case: as a director , eastwood is off his game -- there's no real sense of suspense , and none of the plot 'surprises' are really surprising . Classification: usualism Classify the following: holm does his sly , intricate magic , and iben hjelje is entirely appealing as pumpkin .
Text - star/producer salma hayek and director julie taymor have infused frida with a visual style unique and inherent to the titular character's paintings and in the process created a masterful work of art of their own . Group - pectinirostrate Text - informative , intriguing , observant , often touching . . . gives a human face to what's often discussed in purely abstract terms . Group - pectinirostrate Text - but this is not a movie about an inhuman monster ; it's about a very human one . Group - pectinirostrate Text - the film's darker moments become smoothed over by an overwhelming need to tender inspirational tidings , especially in the last few cloying moments . Group - coeloma Text - dark and disturbing , yet compelling to watch . Group - pectinirostrate Text - this is a poster movie , a mediocre tribute to films like them ! Group - coeloma Text - there's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . Group - coeloma Text - director uwe boll and the actors provide scant reason to care in this crude '70s throwback . Group - coeloma What is the classification for the passage below? interminably bleak , to say nothing of boring .
Example: more dutiful than enchanting . . . terribly episodic and lacking the spark of imagination that might have made it an exhilarating treat . Class: Novanglian Example: this is lightweight filmmaking , to be sure , but it's pleasant enough -- and oozing with attractive men . Class: culturist Example: i stopped thinking about how good it all was , and started doing nothing but reacting to it - feeling a part of its grand locations , thinking urgently as the protagonists struggled , feeling at the mercy of its inventiveness , gasping at its visual delights . Class: culturist Example: really does feel like a short stretched out to feature length . Class: Novanglian Example: the party scenes deliver some tawdry kicks . the rest of the film . . . is dudsville . Class: Novanglian Example: frida's artistic brilliance is undeniable -- it's among the most breathtakingly designed films i've ever seen . Class: culturist Example: not since ghostbusters has a film used manhattan's architecture in such a gloriously goofy way . Class: culturist Example: hollywood ending is the most disappointing woody allen movie ever . he has a great cast and a great idea . but the execution is a flop with the exception of about six gags that really work . Class: Novanglian Considreing the above, classify the following: moody , heartbreaking , and filmed in a natural , unforced style that makes its characters seem entirely convincing even when its script is not .
Text - stitch is a bad mannered , ugly and destructive little * * * * . no cute factor here… . not that i mind ugly ; the problem is he has no character , loveable or otherwise . Group - hoist Text - the gorgeously elaborate continuation of " the lord of the rings " trilogy is so huge that a column of words cannot adequately describe co-writer/director peter jackson's expanded vision of j . r . r . tolkien's middle-earth . Group - outblot Text - a gentle blend of present day testimonials , surviving footage of burstein and his family performing , historical archives , and telling stills . Group - outblot Text - the rock is destined to be the 21st century's new " conan " and that he's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger , jean-claud van damme or steven segal . Group - outblot Text - holds limited appeal to those who like explosions , sadism and seeing people beat each other to a pulp . Group - hoist Text - just about everyone involved here seems to be coasting . there are a few modest laughs , but certainly no thrills . Group - hoist Text - deserving of its critical backlash and more . Group - hoist Text - few films have captured the chaos of an urban conflagration with such fury , and audience members will leave feeling as shaken as nesbitt's cooper looks when the bullets stop flying . Group - outblot Classify the case below. half submarine flick , half ghost story , all in one criminally neglected film
Example: a woozy , roisterous , exhausting mess , and the off-beat casting of its two leads turns out to be as ill-starred as you might expect . Class: Luo Example: its inescapable absurdities are tantamount to insulting the intelligence of anyone who hasn't been living under a rock ( since sept . 11 ) . Class: Luo Example: . . . turns so unforgivably trite in its last 10 minutes that anyone without a fortified sweet tooth will likely go into sugar shock . Class: Luo Example: while the glass slipper doesn't quite fit , pumpkin is definitely a unique modern fairytale . Class: phalangologist Example: with few respites , marshall keeps the energy humming , and his edits , unlike those in moulin rouge , are crisp and purposeful without overdoing it . Class: phalangologist Example: hey arnold ! the movie is what happens when you blow up small potatoes to 10 times their natural size , and it ain't pretty . Class: Luo Example: perfectly pitched between comedy and tragedy , hope and despair , about schmidt instead comes far closer than many movies to expressing the way many of us live -- someplace between consuming self-absorption and insistently demanding otherness . Class: phalangologist Example: if it seems like a minor miracle that its septuagenarian star is young enough to be the nonagenarian filmmaker's son , more incredible still are the clear-eyed boldness and quiet irony with which actor and director take on life's urgent questions . Class: phalangologist Considreing the above, classify the following: even if the enticing prospect of a lot of nubile young actors in a film about campus depravity didn't fade amid the deliberate , tiresome ugliness , it would be rendered tedious by avary's failure to construct a story with even a trace of dramatic interest .
Text - give shapiro , goldman , and bolado credit for good intentions , but there's nothing here that they couldn't have done in half an hour . Group - cryptanalysis Text - so unassuming and pure of heart , you can't help but warmly extend your arms and yell 'safe ! ' Group - temulently Text - the action clichés just pile up . Group - cryptanalysis Text - if you want to see a train wreck that you can't look away from , then look no further , because here it is . Group - temulently Text - everything in maid in manhattan is exceedingly pleasant , designed not to offend . it goes down easy , leaving virtually no aftertaste . Group - cryptanalysis Text - dogtown and z-boys more than exposes the roots of the skateboarding boom that would become " the punk kids' revolution . " Group - temulently What is the classification for the passage below? i found the movie as divided against itself as the dysfunctional family it portrays .
Text - no amount of good acting is enough to save oleander's uninspired story . Group - horntail Text - brown sugar signals director rick famuyiwa's emergence as an articulate , grown-up voice in african-american cinema . Group - keratomalacia Text - expanded to 65 minutes for theatrical release , it still feels somewhat unfinished . Group - horntail Text - try as i may , i can't think of a single good reason to see this movie , even though everyone in my group extemporaneously shouted , 'thank you ! ' when leguizamo finally plugged an irritating character late in the movie . Group - horntail Text - every bit as bogus as most disney live action family movies are -- no real plot , no real conflict , no real point . Group - horntail Text - more mature than fatal attraction , more complete than indecent proposal and more relevant than 9 ½ weeks , unfaithful is at once intimate and universal cinema . Group - keratomalacia Text - . . . has freaky scenes where the crew wonder if they're ghosts imagining themselves as alive . it's a sly wink to the others without becoming a postmodern joke , made creepy by its " men in a sardine can " warped logic . Group - keratomalacia Text - elvira fans could hardly ask for more . Group - keratomalacia What is the classification for the passage below? oh , it's extreme , all right . extremely dumb . extremely confusing . extremely boring .
Text - cox offers plenty of glimpses at existing photos , but there are no movies of nijinsky , so instead the director treats us to an aimless hodgepodge . Group - taskmastership Text - a minor film with major pleasures from portuguese master manoel de oliviera . . . Group - Judaeophile Text - a rude black comedy about the catalytic effect a holy fool has upon those around him in the cutthroat world of children's television . Group - Judaeophile Text - no movement , no yuks , not much of anything . Group - taskmastership Classify the case below. about a boy vividly recalls the cary grant of room for one more , houseboat and father goose in its affectionate depiction of the gentle war between a reluctant , irresponsible man and the kid who latches onto him .
Example: . . . a trashy little bit of fluff stuffed with enjoyable performances and a bewildering sense of self-importance Class: Monghol Example: it seems to me the film is about the art of ripping people off without ever letting them consciously know you have done so Class: rhombogenic Example: life is a crock -- or something like it . Class: rhombogenic Example: it's a strange film , one that was hard for me to warm up to . Class: Monghol Classify the case below. love liza is a festival film that would have been better off staying on the festival circuit .
Text - a movie version of a paint-by-numbers picture . we can tell what it is supposed to be , but can't really call it a work of art . Group - cliff Text - hardly a nuanced portrait of a young woman's breakdown , the film nevertheless works up a few scares . Group - cliff Text - call me a wimp , but i cried , not once , but three times in this animated sweet film . Group - pregladden Text - it gives devastating testimony to both people's capacity for evil and their heroic capacity for good . Group - pregladden Text - . . . a rich and intelligent film that uses its pulpy core conceit to probe questions of attraction and interdependence and how the heart accomodates practical needs . it is an unstinting look at a collaboration between damaged people that may or may not qual Group - pregladden Text - after the setup , the air leaks out of the movie , flattening its momentum with about an hour to go . Group - cliff Classify the case below. lots of effort and intelligence are on display but in execution it is all awkward , static , and lifeless rumblings .
Case: a hamfisted romantic comedy that makes our girl the hapless facilitator of an extended cheap shot across the mason-dixon line . Classification: gratiolin Case: an entertaining mix of period drama and flat-out farce that should please history fans . Classification: characterism Case: either a fascinating study of the relationship between mothers and their children or a disturbing story about sociopaths and their marks . Classification: characterism Case: it's just a little too self-satisfied . Classification: gratiolin Case: for all its serious sense of purpose . . . [it] finds a way to lay bare the tragedies of its setting with a good deal of warmth and humor . Classification: characterism Case: it's not only dull because we've seen [eddie] murphy do the genial-rogue shtick to death , but because the plot is equally hackneyed . Classification: gratiolin Classify the case below. perhaps not since nelson eddy crooned his indian love call to jeanette macdonald has there been a movie so unabashedly canadian , not afraid to risk american scorn or disinterest .
Text - in a summer of clones , harvard man is something rare and riveting : a wild ride that relies on more than special effects . Group - dram Text - a reasonably efficient mechanism , but it offers few surprises and finds its stars slumming in territory they should have avoided . Group - unsettleable Text - i would have preferred a transfer down the hall to mr . holland's class for the music , or to robin williams's lecture so i could listen to a teacher with humor , passion , and verve . Group - unsettleable Text - blithely anachronistic and slyly achronological . Group - dram Text - thanks to a small star with big heart , this family film sequel is plenty of fun for all . Group - dram Text - it doesn't matter that the film is less than 90 minutes . it still feels like a prison stretch . Group - unsettleable Classify the case below. unlike most anime , whose most ardent fans outside japan seem to be introverted young men with fantasy fetishes , metropolis never seems hopelessly juvenile .
Example: just because it really happened to you , honey , doesn't mean that it's interesting to anyone else . Class: exclamatively Example: 'they' begins and ends with scenes so terrifying i'm still stunned . and i've decided to leave a light on every night from now on . Class: bedragglement Example: despite its title , punch-drunk love is never heavy-handed . the jabs it employs are short , carefully placed and dead-center . Class: bedragglement Example: with the same sort of good-natured fun found in films like tremors , eight legged freaks is prime escapist fare . Class: bedragglement Example: lame , haphazard teen comedy . Class: exclamatively Example: though frida is easier to swallow than julie taymor's preposterous titus , the eye candy here lacks considerable brio . Class: exclamatively Considreing the above, classify the following: 'cq may one day be fondly remembered as roman coppola's brief pretentious period before going on to other films that actually tell a story worth caring about