5 values
Example: it's just hard to believe that a life like this can sound so dull . Class: mimer Example: lapaglia's ability to convey grief and hope works with weaver's sensitive reactions to make this a two-actor master class . Class: ben Example: [green is] the comedy equivalent of saddam hussein , and i'm just about ready to go to the u . n . and ask permission for a preemptive strike . Class: mimer Example: k 19 stays afloat as decent drama/action flick Class: ben Example: like showgirls and glitter , the most entertaining moments here are unintentional . Class: mimer Example: awkward but sincere and , ultimately , it wins you over . Class: ben Example: terrific as nadia , a russian mail-order bride who comes to america speaking not a word of english , it's kidman who holds the film together with a supremely kittenish performance that gradually accumulates more layers . Class: ben Example: despite its sincere acting , signs is just another unoriginal run of the mill sci-fi film with a flimsy ending and lots of hype . Class: mimer Classify the following: adaptation is simply brilliant .
Case: all movie long , city by the sea swings from one approach to the other , but in the end , it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de niro , mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast . Classification: disembroil Case: . . . an enjoyably frothy 'date movie' . . . Classification: pinchable Case: liman , of swingers and go , makes his big-budget action film debut something of a clunker as he delivers a long , low-heat chase , interrupted by a middling car chase . Classification: disembroil Case: nicholson's understated performance is wonderful . as warren he stumbles in search of all the emotions and life experiences he's neglected over the years . Classification: pinchable Case: a resonant tale of racism , revenge and retribution . Classification: pinchable Case: strictly a 'guy's film' in the worst sense of the expression . Classification: disembroil Case: the wonder of mostly martha is the performance of gedeck , who makes martha enormously endearing . Classification: pinchable Case: . . . a boring parade of talking heads and technical gibberish that will do little to advance the linux cause . Classification: disembroil Classify the following: it's a piece of handiwork that shows its indie tatters and self-conscious seams in places , but has some quietly moving moments and an intelligent subtlety .
Example: a lively and engaging examination of how similar obsessions can dominate a family . Class: neutroclusion Example: this is an action movie with an action icon who's been all but decommissioned . Class: neckar Example: mendes still doesn't quite know how to fill a frame . like the hanks character , he's a slow study : the action is stilted and the tabloid energy embalmed . Class: neckar Example: 'stock up on silver bullets for director neil marshall's intense freight train of a film . ' Class: neutroclusion Example: in the end , we are left with something like two ships passing in the night rather than any insights into gay love , chinese society or the price one pays for being dishonest . Class: neckar Example: director-writer bille august . . . depicts this relationship with economical grace , letting his superb actors convey martin's deterioration and barbara's sadness -- and , occasionally , anger . Class: neutroclusion Example: frida's artistic brilliance is undeniable -- it's among the most breathtakingly designed films i've ever seen . Class: neutroclusion Example: beautifully filmed and well acted . . . but admittedly problematic in its narrative specifics . Class: neckar What is the classification for the passage below? it's rare to see a movie that takes such a speedy swan dive from " promising " to " interesting " to " familiar " before landing squarely on " stupid " .
Example: she may not be real , but the laughs are . Class: puppetry Example: every good actor needs to do his or her own hamlet . for benigni it wasn't shakespeare whom he wanted to define his career with but pinocchio . it might as well have been problem child iv . Class: ambassy Example: although the level of the comedy declines as the movie proceeds , there's no denying the fun of watching de niro and crystal having fun . Class: puppetry Example: the crassness of this reactionary thriller is matched only by the ridiculousness of its premise . Class: ambassy Example: clever but not especially compelling . Class: ambassy Example: efteriades gives the neighborhood -- scenery , vibe and all -- the cinematic equivalent of a big , tender hug . Class: puppetry What is the classification for the passage below? the real charm of this trifle is the deadpan comic face of its star , jean reno , who resembles sly stallone in a hot sake half-sleep .
Example: holden caulfield did it better . Class: visionist Example: witherspoon puts to rest her valley-girl image , but it's dench who really steals the show . Class: Inez Example: i hate the feeling of having been slimed in the name of high art . Class: visionist Example: gives you the steady pulse of life in a beautiful city viewed through the eyes of a character who , in spite of tragic loss and increasing decrepitude , knows in his bones that he is one of the luckiest men alive . Class: Inez Classify the following: it is far from the worst , thanks to the topical issues it raises , the performances of stewart and hardy , and that essential feature -- a decent full-on space battle .
Example: if you ignore the cliches and concentrate on city by the sea's interpersonal drama , it ain't half-bad . Class: copalite Example: chamber of secrets will find millions of eager fans . but if the essence of magic is its make-believe promise of life that soars above the material realm , this is the opposite of a truly magical movie . Class: shyness Example: it's hard to know whether or not to recommend this film because for every thing it does right there's at least one and occasionally two things it gets ever so wrong . Class: shyness Example: has all the hallmarks of a movie designed strictly for children's home video , a market so insatiable it absorbs all manner of lame entertainment , as long as 3-year-olds find it diverting . Class: shyness Example: none of his actors stand out , but that's less of a problem here than it would be in another film : characterization matters less than atmosphere . Class: copalite Example: a sensitive and expertly acted crowd-pleaser that isn't above a little broad comedy and a few unabashedly sentimental tears . Class: copalite Considreing the above, classify the following: its message has merit and , in the hands of a brutally honest individual like prophet jack , might have made a point or two regarding life .
Case: the year 2002 has conjured up more coming-of-age stories than seem possible , but take care of my cat emerges as the very best of them . Classification: vigilation Case: this is a good movie in spurts , but when it doesn't work , it's at important times . Classification: tangibleness Case: the performances of the four main actresses bring their characters to life . a little melodramatic , but with enough hope to keep you engaged . Classification: vigilation Case: the makers of mothman prophecies succeed in producing that most frightening of all movies -- a mediocre horror film too bad to be good and too good to be bad . Classification: tangibleness Case: it's just a little too self-satisfied . Classification: tangibleness Case: a romantic comedy , yes , but one with characters who think and talk about their goals , and are working on hard decisions . Classification: vigilation What is the classification for the passage below? the weakest of the four harry potter books has been transformed into the stronger of the two films by the thinnest of margins .
Example: asia authors herself as anna battista , an italian superstar and aspiring directress who just happens to be her own worst enemy . Class: ophthalmomyotomy Example: one thing you have to give them credit for : the message of the movie is consistent with the messages espoused in the company's previous video work . Class: ophthalmomyotomy Example: with one exception , every blighter in this particular south london housing project digs into dysfunction like it's a big , comforting jar of marmite , to be slathered on crackers and served as a feast of bleakness . Class: ophthalmomyotomy Example: portentous and pretentious , the weight of water is appropriately titled , given the heavy-handedness of it drama . Class: gulae Example: muddled , simplistic and more than a little pretentious . Class: gulae Example: polished , well-structured film . Class: ophthalmomyotomy Example: exists then as an occasionally insightful acting exercise . Class: gulae Example: the plot meanders from gripping to plodding and back . Class: gulae What is the classification for the passage below? slight but enjoyable documentary .
Case: this is a good movie in spurts , but when it doesn't work , it's at important times . Classification: pachynema Case: tries so hard to be quirky and funny that the strain is all too evident . Classification: pachynema Case: even the digressions are funny . Classification: micromerism Case: this may be burns's strongest film since the brothers mcmullen . Classification: micromerism What is the classification for the passage below? you will emerge with a clearer view of how the gears of justice grind on and the death report comes to share airtime alongside the farm report .
Case: a rarity among recent iranian films : it's a comedy full of gentle humor that chides the absurdity of its protagonist's plight . Classification: offhanded Case: under-rehearsed and lifeless Classification: Chlorococcum Case: the film's few ideas are stretched to the point of evaporation ; the whole central section is one big chase that seems to have no goal and no urgency . it's just filler . Classification: Chlorococcum Case: there is no pleasure in watching a child suffer . just embarrassment and a vague sense of shame . Classification: Chlorococcum Case: it's got some pretentious eye-rolling moments and it didn't entirely grab me , but there's stuff here to like . Classification: offhanded Case: 'estupendamente actuada , sumamente emotiva y profundamente humana , es una experiencia fílmica imposible de olvidar' Classification: offhanded Case: i realized that no matter how fantastic reign of fire looked , its story was making no sense at all . Classification: Chlorococcum Case: although olivier assayas' elegantly appointed period drama seems , at times , padded with incident in the way of a too-conscientious adaptation . . . its three-hour running time plays closer to two . Classification: offhanded What is the classification for the passage below? clint eastwood's blood work is a lot like a well-made pb& j sandwich : familiar , fairly uneventful and boasting no real surprises – but still quite tasty and inviting all the same .
Example: mr . spielberg and his company just want you to enjoy yourselves without feeling conned . and they succeed merrily at their noble endeavor . Class: gangplank Example: the biggest problem with roger avary's uproar against the mpaa is that , even in all its director's cut glory , he's made a film that's barely shocking , barely interesting and most of all , barely anything . Class: karyoschisis Example: the rock is destined to be the 21st century's new " conan " and that he's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger , jean-claud van damme or steven segal . Class: gangplank Example: meandering and glacially paced , and often just plain dull . Class: karyoschisis Considreing the above, classify the following: a fascinating , bombshell documentary that should shame americans , regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with kissinger . should be required viewing for civics classes and would-be public servants alike .
Case: it jumps around with little logic or continuity , presenting backstage bytes of information that never amount to a satisfying complete picture of this particular , anciently demanding métier . Classification: clamber Case: the hard-to-predict and absolutely essential chemistry between the down-to-earth bullock and the nonchalant grant proves to be sensational , and everything meshes in this elegant entertainment . Classification: bellyman Case: a live-wire film that never loses its ability to shock and amaze . Classification: bellyman Case: when the painted backdrops in a movie are more alive than its characters , you know you're in trouble . Classification: clamber Case: apart from its own considerable achievement , metropolis confirms tezuka's status as both the primary visual influence on the animé tradition and its defining philosophical conscience . Classification: bellyman Case: most of the problems with the film don't derive from the screenplay , but rather the mediocre performances by most of the actors involved Classification: clamber Case: it's fairly solid--not to mention well edited so that it certainly doesn't feel like a film that strays past the two and a half mark . Classification: bellyman Case: bad in such a bizarre way that it's almost worth seeing , if only to witness the crazy confluence of purpose and taste . Classification: clamber What is the classification for the passage below? adam sandler is to gary cooper what a gnat is to a racehorse .
Example: hey , at least the title of this film lets you know exactly where it's heading . Class: heterodyne Example: isabelle huppert excels as the enigmatic mika and anna mouglalis is a stunning new young talent in one of chabrol's most intense psychological mysteries . Class: delimitize Example: just a string of stale gags , with no good inside dope , and no particular bite . Class: heterodyne Example: for all of the contemporary post-colonialist consciousness that kapur tries to bring to the four feathers , the oddest thing about the movie is how it winds up affirming the same damn moldy values the material has always held dear . Class: heterodyne Example: a flawed but engrossing thriller . Class: delimitize Example: a strong script , powerful direction and splendid production design allows us to be transported into the life of wladyslaw szpilman , who is not only a pianist , but a good human being . Class: delimitize Classify the following: in his debut as a film director , denzel washington delivers a lean and engaging work .
Text - . . . a complete shambles of a movie so sloppy , so uneven , so damn unpleasant that i can't believe any viewer , young or old , would have a good time here . Group - protogenic Text - the film is bright and flashy in all the right ways . Group - stabbing Text - the movie doesn't add anything fresh to the myth . Group - protogenic Text - the 3d images only enhance the film's otherworldly quality , giving it a strange combo of you-are-there closeness with the disorienting unreality of the seemingly broken-down fourth wall of the movie screen . Group - stabbing What is the classification for the passage below? a family film that contains some hefty thematic material on time , death , eternity , and what is needed to live a rich and full life .
Example: . . . the kind of entertainment that parents love to have their kids see . Class: tesserate Example: if you're not the target demographic . . . this movie is one long chick-flick slog . Class: myelospongium Example: so stupid , so ill-conceived , so badly drawn , it created whole new levels of ugly . Class: myelospongium Example: comes off like a rejected abc afterschool special , freshened up by the dunce of a screenwriting 101 class . . . . designed to provide a mix of smiles and tears , " crossroads " instead provokes a handful of unintentional howlers and numerous yawns . Class: myelospongium Example: the komediant is a tale worth catching . Class: tesserate Example: hawke draws out the best from his large cast in beautifully articulated portrayals that are subtle and so expressive they can sustain the poetic flights in burdette's dialogue . Class: tesserate Example: the gantzes' interviews tend to let the guys off the hook . Class: myelospongium Example: feardotcom's thrills are all cheap , but they mostly work . Class: tesserate Considreing the above, classify the following: wow . i have not been this disappointed by a movie in a long time .
Example: we get light showers of emotion a couple of times , but then -- strangely -- these wane to an inconsistent and ultimately unsatisfying drizzle . Class: Thelodontidae Example: clooney directs this film always keeping the balance between the fantastic and the believable . . . Class: prosomatic Example: so brisk is wang's pacing that none of the excellent cast are given air to breathe . Class: Thelodontidae Example: coy but exhilarating , with really solid performances by ving rhames and wesley snipes . Class: prosomatic What is the classification for the passage below? it's about as convincing as any other arnie musclefest , but has a little too much resonance with real world events and ultimately comes off as insultingly simplistic .
Example: this may be the first cartoon ever to look as if it were being shown on the projection television screen of a sports bar . Class: overthrowal Example: it's a lovely , eerie film that casts an odd , rapt spell . Class: philosophicide Example: it's fun , splashy and entertainingly nasty . Class: philosophicide Example: the casting of raymond j . barry as the 'assassin' greatly enhances the quality of neil burger's impressive fake documentary . Class: philosophicide Example: the picture is a primer on what happens when lack of know-how mixes with lack of give-a-damn . Class: overthrowal Example: the whole affair , true story or not , feels incredibly hokey . . . [it] comes off like a hallmark commercial . Class: overthrowal Classify the following: the people in jessica are so recognizable and true that , as in real life , we're never sure how things will work out .
Text - everything about it from the bland songs to the colorful but flat drawings is completely serviceable and quickly forgettable . Group - precreative Text - wilco fans will have a great time , and the movie should win the band a few new converts , too . Group - tubiform Text - zhang . . . has done an amazing job of getting realistic performances from his mainly nonprofessional cast . Group - tubiform Text - just a kiss wants desperately to come off as a fanciful film about the typical problems of average people . but it is set in a world that is very , very far from the one most of us inhabit . Group - precreative Considreing the above, classify the following: alan and his fellow survivors are idiosyncratic enough to lift the movie above its playwriting 101 premise .
Example: long after you leave justine , you'll be wondering what will happen to her and wishing her the best -- whatever that might mean . Class: introconversion Example: pipe dream does have its charms . the leads are natural and lovely , the pace is serene , the humor wry and sprightly . Class: introconversion Example: the tuxedo wasn't just bad ; it was , as my friend david cross would call it , 'hungry-man portions of bad' . Class: scorification Example: when the first few villians are introduced as " spider " and " snake " you know you're in for a real winner , creativity at its peak . Class: scorification Example: the hours makes you examine your own life in much the same way its characters do , and the experience is profound . the hours is what movies are supposed to be . . . Class: introconversion Example: ringu is a disaster of a story , full of holes and completely lacking in chills . ignore the reputation , and ignore the film . Class: scorification Example: the quality of the art combined with the humor and intelligence of the script allow the filmmakers to present the biblical message of forgiveness without it ever becoming preachy or syrupy . Class: introconversion Example: it drowns in sap . Class: scorification What is the classification for the passage below? it's the kind of pigeonhole-resisting romp that hollywood too rarely provides .
Example: a strong first act and absolutely , inescapably gorgeous , skyscraper-trapeze motion of the amazing spider-man . Class: myotonia Example: even if you've seen " stomp " ( the stage show ) , you still have to see this ! Class: myotonia Example: the movie's progression into rambling incoherence gives new meaning to the phrase 'fatal script error . ' Class: udderful Example: with the dog days of august upon us , think of this dog of a movie as the cinematic equivalent of high humidity . Class: udderful Example: simple , poignant and leavened with humor , it's a film that affirms the nourishing aspects of love and companionship . Class: myotonia Example: at the end , when the now computerized yoda finally reveals his martial artistry , the film ascends to a kinetic life so teeming that even cranky adults may rediscover the quivering kid inside . Class: myotonia Example: for all its impressive craftsmanship , and despite an overbearing series of third-act crescendos , lily chou-chou never really builds up a head of emotional steam . Class: udderful Example: some of their jokes work , but most fail miserably and in the end , pumpkin is far more offensive than it is funny . Class: udderful Classify the case below. donovan . . . squanders his main asset , jackie chan , and fumbles the vital action sequences .
Case: a deceivingly simple film , one that grows in power in retrospect . Classification: gamesomely Case: offensive in the way it exploits the hot-button issue of domestic abuse for cheap thrills and disgusting in the manner it repeatedly puts a small child in jeopardy , treating her as little more than a prop to be cruelly tormented . Classification: dealfish Case: monte cristo smartly emphasizes the well-wrought story and omits needless chase scenes and swordfights as the revenge unfolds . Classification: gamesomely Case: films about loss , grief and recovery are pretty valuable these days . seen in that light , moonlight mile should strike a nerve in many . Classification: gamesomely Case: the film's essentially over by the meet-cute . Classification: dealfish Case: this fascinating experiment plays as more of a poetic than a strict reality , creating an intriguing species of artifice that gives the lady and the duke something of a theatrical air . Classification: gamesomely Case: a fascinating but choppy documentary . Classification: dealfish Case: leaves you with a knot in your stomach , its power is undercut by its own head-banging obviousness . Classification: dealfish What is the classification for the passage below? what you get with empire is a movie you've seen many times before , repackaged as new material because there is a latino in the lead .
Example: grating and tedious . Class: neobotanist Example: the longer the movie goes , the worse it gets , but it's actually pretty good in the first few minutes . Class: neobotanist Example: nair doesn't treat the issues lightly . she allows each character to confront their problems openly and honestly . Class: needer Example: a thoroughly entertaining comedy that uses grant's own twist of acidity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos . Class: needer Example: an intense and effective film about loneliness and the chilly anonymity of the environments where so many of us spend so much of our time . Class: needer Example: it's impossible to indulge the fanciful daydreams of janice beard ( eileen walsh ) when her real-life persona is so charmless and vacant . Class: neobotanist Classify the following: the plot convolutions ultimately add up to nothing more than jerking the audience's chain .
Text - like the chelsea's denizens . . . burdette's collage-form scenario tends to over-romanticize the spiritual desolation of the struggling artiste . Group - bisontine Text - at its best early on as it plays the culture clashes between the brothers . Group - quadrigeminous Text - the gantzes' interviews tend to let the guys off the hook . Group - bisontine Text - this is one of the rarest kinds of films : a family-oriented non-disney film that is actually funny without hitting below the belt . Group - quadrigeminous Text - in its own way , joshua is as blasphemous and nonsensical as a luis buñuel film without the latter's attendant intelligence , poetry , passion , and genius . Group - bisontine Text - . . . an interesting slice of history . Group - quadrigeminous Text - it challenges , this nervy oddity , like modern art should . Group - quadrigeminous Text - everything in maid in manhattan is exceedingly pleasant , designed not to offend . it goes down easy , leaving virtually no aftertaste . Group - bisontine Considreing the above, classify the following: looks and feels like a low-budget hybrid of scarface or carlito's way .
Example: escapism in its purest form . Class: sublateral Example: this is the kind of movie where people who have never picked a lock do so easily after a few tries and become expert fighters after a few weeks . Class: forenotice Example: the director mostly plays it straight , turning leys' fable into a listless climb down the social ladder . Class: forenotice Example: it may not be as cutting , as witty or as true as back in the glory days of weekend and two or three things i know about her , but who else engaged in filmmaking today is so cognizant of the cultural and moral issues involved in the process ? Class: sublateral Example: all movie long , city by the sea swings from one approach to the other , but in the end , it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de niro , mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast . Class: forenotice Example: benigni presents himself as the boy puppet pinocchio , complete with receding hairline , weathered countenance and american breckin meyer's ridiculously inappropriate valley boy voice . Class: forenotice Example: hatosy . . . portrays young brendan with his usual intelligence and subtlety , not to mention a convincing brogue . Class: sublateral Example: jarecki and gibney do find enough material to bring kissinger's record into question and explain how the diplomat's tweaked version of statecraft may have cost thousands and possibly millions of lives . Class: sublateral Considreing the above, classify the following: everything is pegged into the groove of a new york dating comedy with 'issues' to simplify .
Case: like showgirls and glitter , the most entertaining moments here are unintentional . Classification: untameness Case: an idealistic love story that brings out the latent 15-year-old romantic in everyone . Classification: dosiology Case: the entire cast is first-rate , especially sorvino . Classification: dosiology Case: has all the poignancy of a hallmark card and all the comedy of a gallagher stand-up act . Classification: untameness Case: almost everything about the film is unsettling , from the preposterous hairpiece worn by lai's villainous father to the endless action sequences . Classification: untameness Case: possession is elizabeth barrett browning meets nancy drew , and it's directed by . . . neil labute . hmm . Classification: dosiology Classify the following: children , christian or otherwise , deserve to hear the full story of jonah's despair -- in all its agonizing , catch-22 glory -- even if they spend years trying to comprehend it .
Example: if you're not totally weirded- out by the notion of cinema as community-therapy spectacle , quitting hits home with disorienting force . Class: self Example: it's hard to know whether or not to recommend this film because for every thing it does right there's at least one and occasionally two things it gets ever so wrong . Class: woodenhead Example: . . . spellbinding fun and deliciously exploitative . Class: self Example: a dark , dull thriller with a parting shot that misfires . Class: woodenhead Considreing the above, classify the following: disreputable doings and exquisite trappings are dampened by a lackluster script and substandard performances .
Text - assured , glossy and shot through with brittle desperation . Group - overcredulous Text - a bittersweet drama about the limbo of grief and how truth-telling can open the door to liberation . Group - overcredulous Text - the problems of the people in love in the time of money are hardly specific to their era . they just have problems , which are neither original nor are presented in convincing way . Group - interacademic Text - . . . a cinematic disaster so inadvertently sidesplitting it's worth the price of admission for the ridicule factor alone . Group - interacademic Text - [allen] manages to breathe life into this somewhat tired premise . Group - overcredulous Text - i can easily imagine benigni's pinocchio becoming a christmas perennial . coal isn't as easy to come by as it used to be and this would be a worthy substitute for naughty children's stockings . Group - interacademic Text - the backyard battles you staged with your green plastic army men were more exciting and almost certainly made more sense . Group - interacademic Text - a beguiling , slow-moving parable about the collision of past and present on a remote seacoast in iran . Group - overcredulous Classify the following: spectacular in every sense of the word , even if you don' t know an orc from a uruk-hai .
Example: an entertaining , colorful , action-filled crime story with an intimate heart . Class: temporoalar Example: a reasonably efficient mechanism , but it offers few surprises and finds its stars slumming in territory they should have avoided . Class: overaccuracy Example: goldmember has none of the visual wit of the previous pictures , and it looks as though jay roach directed the film from the back of a taxicab . Class: overaccuracy Example: solondz creates some effective moments of discomfort for character and viewer alike . Class: temporoalar Example: this heist flick about young brooklyn hoods is off the shelf after two years to capitalize on the popularity of vin diesel , seth green and barry pepper . it should have stayed there . Class: overaccuracy Example: if you're content with a clever pseudo-bio that manages to have a good time as it doles out pieces of the famous director's life , eisenstein delivers . Class: temporoalar Classify the case below. you really have to wonder how on earth anyone , anywhere could have thought they'd make audiences guffaw with a script as utterly diabolical as this .
Example: sparse but oddly compelling . Class: tideless Example: loosely speaking , we're in all of me territory again , and , strictly speaking , schneider is no steve martin . Class: cocklight Example: i don't think i've been as entranced and appalled by an asian film since shinya tsukamoto's iron man . Class: tideless Example: despite a performance of sustained intelligence from stanford and another of subtle humour from bebe neuwirth , as an older woman who seduces oscar , the film founders on its lack of empathy for the social milieu - rich new york intelligentsia - and its off Class: cocklight Example: runs on the pure adrenalin of pacino's performance . Class: tideless Example: there are just too many characters saying too many clever things and getting into too many pointless situations . where's the movie here ? Class: cocklight What is the classification for the passage below? releasing a film with the word 'dog' in its title in january lends itself to easy jokes and insults , and snow dogs deserves every single one of them .
Case: muccino seems to be exploring the idea of why human beings long for what they don't have , and how this gets us in trouble . but even while his characters are acting horribly , he is always sympathetic . Classification: captivatrix Case: all the performances are top notch and , once you get through the accents , all or nothing becomes an emotional , though still positive , wrench of a sit . Classification: captivatrix Case: together writer-director danny verete's three tales comprise a powerful and reasonably fulfilling gestalt . Classification: captivatrix Case: unfortunately , kapur modernizes a . e . w . mason's story to suit the sensibilities of a young american , a decision that plucks " the four feathers " bare . Classification: winterishness Case: a movie that will thrill you , touch you and make you laugh as well . Classification: captivatrix Case: the film would work much better as a video installation in a museum , where viewers would be free to leave . immediately . Classification: winterishness Case: this loud and thoroughly obnoxious comedy about a pair of squabbling working-class spouses is a deeply unpleasant experience . Classification: winterishness Case: schindler's list it ain't . Classification: winterishness Classify the following: a grim , flat and boring werewolf movie that refuses to develop an energy level .
Case: both stars manage to be funny , but , like the recent i spy , the star chemistry begs the question of whether random gags add up to a movie . Classification: devastation Case: sayles is making a statement about the inability of dreams and aspirations to carry forward into the next generation . Classification: unfeasible Case: freundlich's made [crudup] a suburban architect , and a cipher . Classification: devastation Case: it sounds sick and twisted , but the miracle of shainberg's film is that it truly is romance Classification: unfeasible Considreing the above, classify the following: the movie is a lumbering load of hokum but . . . it's at least watchable .
Example: though it runs 163 minutes , safe conduct is anything but languorous . it's packed to bursting with incident , and with scores of characters , some fictional , some from history . Class: hysterogenic Example: every so often a movie comes along that confirms one's worse fears about civilization as we know it . the new guy is one of them . Class: monosemic Example: an uplifting , near-masterpiece . Class: hysterogenic Example: most fish stories are a little peculiar , but this is one that should be thrown back in the river . Class: monosemic Classify the following: béart and berling are both superb , while huppert . . . is magnificent .
Example: even during the climactic hourlong cricket match , boredom never takes hold . Class: Quakerishness Example: there's something not entirely convincing about the quiet american . and that holds true for both the movie and the title character played by brendan fraser . Class: binnite Example: nair and writer laura cahill dare to build a movie around some flawed but rather unexceptional women , emerging with a fine character study that's short on plot but rich in the tiny revelations of real life . Class: Quakerishness Example: the only way this supernatural snore-fest could give anyone a case of the frights is if they were put to sleep by the movie and had a nightmare . Class: binnite What is the classification for the passage below? anyway , for one reason or another , crush turns into a dire drama partway through . after that , it just gets stupid and maudlin . too bad , but thanks to some lovely comedic moments and several fine performances , it's not a total loss .
Case: so clichéd that , at one point , they literally upset an apple cart . Classification: eulachon Case: a tv style murder mystery with a few big screen moments ( including one that seems to be made for a different film altogether ) . Classification: eulachon Case: mostly martha could have used a little trimming -- 10 or 15 minutes could be cut and no one would notice -- but it's a pleasurable trifle . the only pain you'll feel as the credits roll is your stomach grumbling for some tasty grub . Classification: outset Case: an exceedingly clever piece of cinema . another great ‘what you don't see' is much more terrifying than what you do see thriller , coupled with some arresting effects , incandescent tones and stupendous performances Classification: outset Case: the film's bathos often overwhelms what could have been a more multifaceted look at this interesting time and place . Classification: eulachon Case: may be far from the best of the series , but it's assured , wonderfully respectful of its past and thrilling enough to make it abundantly clear that this movie phenomenon has once again reinvented itself for a new generation . Classification: outset Classify the case below. its engaging simplicity is driven by appealing leads .
Case: has no reason to exist , other than to employ hollywood kids and people who owe favors to their famous parents . Classification: deductible Case: credit director ramsay for taking the sometimes improbable story and making it feel realistic . Classification: pericarpial Case: reeboir varies between a sweet smile and an angry bark , while said attempts to wear down possible pupils through repetition . it has no affect on the kurds , but it wore me down . Classification: deductible Case: it's clear that mehta simply wanted to update her beloved genre for the thousands of indians who fancy themselves too sophisticated for the cheese-laced spectacles that pack 'em in on the subcontinent . Classification: pericarpial Classify the following: yes , one enjoys seeing joan grow from awkward young woman to strong , determined monarch , but her love for the philandering philip only diminishes her stature .
Text - the film is just a big , gorgeous , mind-blowing , breath-taking mess . Group - checked Text - an ambitious 'what if ? ' that works . Group - checked Text - too clunky and too busy ribbing itself to be truly entertaining . Group - disdainly Text - the movie fails to live up to the sum of its parts . Group - disdainly Text - director dirk shafer and co-writer greg hinton ride the dubious divide where gay porn reaches for serious drama . Group - disdainly Text - graham greene's novel of colonialism and empire is elevated by michael caine's performance as a weary journalist in a changing world . Group - checked Classify the case below. it's rare that a movie can be as intelligent as this one is in every regard except its storyline ; everything that's good is ultimately scuttled by a plot that's just too boring and obvious .
Example: birot's directorial debut ( she co-wrote the script with christophe honoré ) isn't so much bad as it is bland . Class: khoja Example: a real movie , about real people , that gives us a rare glimpse into a culture most of us don't know . Class: euphemism Example: just about the best straight-up , old-school horror film of the last 15 years . Class: euphemism Example: a dreadful live-action movie . Class: khoja Example: bullock does a good job here of working against her natural likability . Class: euphemism Example: oops , she's really done it this time . that chirpy songbird britney spears has popped up with more mindless drivel . Class: khoja Considreing the above, classify the following: . . . tackling a low-budget movie in which inexperienced children play the two main characters might not be the best way to cut your teeth in the film industry .
Case: the sum of all fears pretends to be a serious exploration of nuclear terrorism , but it's really nothing more than warmed-over cold war paranoia . Classification: alchitran Case: de oliveira creates an emotionally rich , poetically plump and visually fulsome , but never showy , film whose bittersweet themes are reinforced and brilliantly personified by michel piccoli . Classification: unambitiousness Case: it treats ana's journey with honesty that is tragically rare in the depiction of young women in film . Classification: unambitiousness Case: . . . another example of how sandler is losing his touch . Classification: alchitran Case: return to never land is reliable , standard disney animated fare , with enough creative energy and wit to entertain all ages . Classification: unambitiousness Case: this remake of lina wertmuller's 1975 eroti-comedy might just be the biggest husband-and-wife disaster since john and bo derek made the ridiculous bolero . Classification: alchitran Classify the following: a gem of a movie .
Text - although based on a real-life person , john , in the movie , is a rather dull person to be stuck with for two hours . Group - counterflight Text - ultimately , " mib ii " succeeds due to its rapid-fire delivery and enough inspired levity that it can't be dismissed as mindless . Group - umbelwort Text - writer/director david caesar ladles on the local flavour with a hugely enjoyable film about changing times , clashing cultures and the pleasures of a well-made pizza . Group - umbelwort Text - patchy combination of soap opera , low-tech magic realism and , at times , ploddingly sociological commentary . Group - counterflight What is the classification for the passage below? there is a subversive element to this disney cartoon , providing unexpected fizzability .
Case: this strenuously unfunny showtime deserves the hook . Classification: attractile Case: delivers the sexy razzle-dazzle that everyone , especially movie musical fans , has been hoping for . Classification: pretechnically Case: it's hard to care about a film that proposes as epic tragedy the plight of a callow rich boy who is forced to choose between his beautiful , self-satisfied 22-year-old girlfriend and an equally beautiful , self-satisfied 18-year-old mistress . Classification: attractile Case: sound the trumpets : for the first time since desperately seeking susan , madonna doesn't suck as an actress . Classification: pretechnically Classify the following: most of crush is a clever and captivating romantic comedy with a welcome pinch of tartness .
Case: what's surprising is how well it holds up in an era in which computer-generated images are the norm . Classification: chorionepithelioma Case: the slapstick is labored , and the bigger setpieces flat . Classification: obliquation Case: there is no denying the power of polanski's film . . . Classification: chorionepithelioma Case: kicks off with an inauspicious premise , mopes through a dreary tract of virtually plotless meanderings and then ends with a whimper . Classification: obliquation Case: the umpteenth summer skinny dip in jerry bruckheimer's putrid pond of retread action twaddle . Classification: obliquation Case: there has been much puzzlement among critics about what the election symbolizes . i believe the message is in the messenger : the agent is a woman . Classification: chorionepithelioma Case: the plot has a number of holes , and at times it's simply baffling . Classification: obliquation Case: a pure participatory event that malnourished intellectuals will gulp down in a frenzy . Classification: chorionepithelioma What is the classification for the passage below? the pinochet case is a searing album of remembrance from those who , having survived , suffered most .
Example: the inspirational screenplay by mike rich covers a lot of ground , perhaps too much , but ties things together , neatly , by the end . Class: impofo Example: . . . unspeakably , unbearably dull , featuring reams of flatly delivered dialogue and a heroine who comes across as both shallow and dim-witted . Class: vester Example: that the film opens with maggots crawling on a dead dog is not an out of place metaphor . Class: impofo Example: whatever eyre's failings as a dramatist , he deserves credit for bringing audiences into this hard and bitter place . Class: vester Example: make like the title and dodge this one . Class: vester Example: the very definition of what critics have come to term an " ambitious failure . " Class: vester Example: maguire is a surprisingly effective peter/spider-man . Class: impofo Example: a comprehensive and provocative film -- one that pushes the boundaries of biography , and challenges its audience . Class: impofo Classify the case below. somewhere short of tremors on the modern b-scene : neither as funny nor as clever , though an agreeably unpretentious way to spend ninety minutes .
Text - my precious new star wars movie is a lumbering , wheezy drag . . . Group - turtlehead Text - sits uneasily as a horror picture . . . but finds surprising depth in its look at the binds of a small family . Group - mutedly Text - nijinsky says , 'i know how to suffer' and if you see this film you'll know too . Group - turtlehead Text - i admired this work a lot . Group - mutedly Text - canada's arctic light shines bright on this frozen tundra soap opera that breathes extraordinary life into the private existence of the inuit people . Group - mutedly Text - can't get enough of libidinous young city dwellers ? try this obscenely bad dark comedy , so crass that it makes edward burns' sidewalks of new york look like oscar wilde . Group - turtlehead What is the classification for the passage below? a lighthearted , feel-good film that embraces the time-honored truth that the most powerful thing in life is love .
Text - the movie sticks much closer to hornby's drop-dead confessional tone than the film version of high fidelity did . Group - phosphoaminolipide Text - while it's genuinely cool to hear characters talk about early rap records ( sugar hill gang , etc . ) , the constant referencing of hip-hop arcana can alienate even the savviest audiences . Group - Turanism Text - nothing more than a mediocre trifle . Group - Turanism Text - miller comes at film with bracing intelligence and a vision both painterly and literary . Group - phosphoaminolipide Classify the following: if there's one big point to promises , it's that nothing can change while physical and psychological barriers keep the sides from speaking even one word to each other .
Example: few films have captured the chaos of an urban conflagration with such fury , and audience members will leave feeling as shaken as nesbitt's cooper looks when the bullets stop flying . Class: furilic Example: despite its promising cast of characters , big trouble remains a loosely tied series of vignettes which only prove that 'zany' doesn't necessarily mean 'funny . ' Class: congratulator Example: what's surprising about full frontal is that despite its overt self-awareness , parts of the movie still manage to break past the artifice and thoroughly engage you . Class: furilic Example: i was trying to decide what annoyed me most about god is great . . . i'm not , and then i realized that i just didn't care . Class: congratulator Classify the following: a profoundly stupid affair , populating its hackneyed and meanspirited storyline with cardboard characters and performers who value cash above credibility .
Example: a giddy and provocative sexual romp that has something to say . Class: interrailway Example: a farce of a parody of a comedy of a premise , it isn't a comparison to reality so much as it is a commentary about our knowledge of films . Class: hiatal Example: mr . clooney , mr . kaufman and all their collaborators are entitled to take a deep bow for fashioning an engrossing entertainment out of an almost sure-fire prescription for a critical and commercial disaster . Class: interrailway Example: 'carente de imaginación , mal dirigida , peor actuada y sin un ápice de romance , es una verdadera pérdida de tiempo y dinero' Class: hiatal Considreing the above, classify the following: an engaging , formulaic sports drama that carries a charge of genuine excitement .
Text - if you recognize zeus ( the dog from snatch ) it will make you wish you were at home watching that movie instead of in the theater watching this one . Group - headstrong Text - it works well enough , since the thrills pop up frequently , and the dispatching of the cast is as often imaginative as it is gory . Group - Leucichthys Text - an effortlessly accomplished and richly resonant work . Group - Leucichthys Text - dogtown is hollow , self-indulgent , and - worst of all - boring . Group - headstrong What is the classification for the passage below? you're not merely watching history , you're engulfed by it .
Case: for 95 often hilarious minutes , [cho] riffs on the diciness of colonics , on straight versus gay personal ads , on how men would act if they had periods , and on the perils of a certain outré sexual practice . Classification: acraspedote Case: . . . breathes surprising new life into the familiar by amalgamating genres and adding true human complexity to its not-so-stock characters . Classification: acraspedote Case: outrageousness is all plympton seemed to be going for this time . we miss the quirky amazement that used to come along for an integral part of the ride . Classification: vermeologist Case: a mixed bag of a comedy that can't really be described as out of this world . Classification: vermeologist Case: the comic performances are all spot on , especially lee ross's turn as ken . Classification: acraspedote Case: the mystery of enigma is how a rich historical subject , combined with so much first-rate talent . . . could have yielded such a flat , plodding picture . Classification: vermeologist Case: although what time offers tsai's usual style and themes , it has a more colorful , more playful tone than his other films . Classification: acraspedote Case: opens at a funeral , ends on the protagonist's death bed and doesn't get much livelier in the three hours in between . Classification: vermeologist Classify the following: the fly-on-the-wall method used to document rural french school life is a refreshing departure from the now more prevalent technique of the docu-makers being a visible part of their work .
Example: a love for films shines through each frame and the era is recreated with obvious affection , scored to perfection with some tasty boogaloo beats . Class: beaconless Example: if only the story about a multi-million dollar con bothered to include the con . Class: brawlsome Example: leaks treacle from every pore . Class: brawlsome Example: while i can't say it's on par with the first one , stuart little 2 is a light , fun cheese puff of a movie . Class: beaconless Example: the soul-searching deliberateness of the film , although leavened nicely with dry absurdist wit , eventually becomes too heavy for the plot . Class: brawlsome Example: a wild ride of a movie that keeps throwing fastballs . Class: beaconless What is the classification for the passage below? a story about intelligent high school students that deals with first love sweetly but also seriously . it is also beautifully acted .
Case: gets better after foster leaves that little room . Classification: intrapleural Case: beautiful , cold , oddly colorful and just plain otherworldly , a freaky bit of art that's there to scare while we delight in the images . Classification: trachyphonous Case: it would work much better as a one-hour tv documentary . Classification: intrapleural Case: it's one long bore . Classification: intrapleural Case: it's worth seeing just on the basis of the wisdom , and at times , the startling optimism , of the children . Classification: trachyphonous Case: e . t . works because its flabbergasting principals , 14-year-old robert macnaughton , 6-year-old drew barrymore and 10-year-old henry thomas , convince us of the existence of the wise , wizened visitor from a faraway planet . Classification: trachyphonous Case: k-19 will not go down in the annals of cinema as one of the great submarine stories , but it is an engaging and exciting narrative of man confronting the demons of his own fear and paranoia . Classification: trachyphonous Case: what a stiflingly unfunny and unoriginal mess this is ! Classification: intrapleural Classify the case below. nicolas philibert observes life inside a one-room schoolhouse in northern france in his documentary to be and to have , easily one of the best films of the year .
Example: it's hard to care about a film that proposes as epic tragedy the plight of a callow rich boy who is forced to choose between his beautiful , self-satisfied 22-year-old girlfriend and an equally beautiful , self-satisfied 18-year-old mistress . Class: viperous Example: a map of the inner rhythms of love and jealousy and sacrifice drawn with a master's steady stroke . Class: disquisitory Example: a work of intricate elegance , literary lyricism and profound common sense . Class: disquisitory Example: a lot like the imaginary sport it projects onto the screen -- loud , violent and mindless . Class: viperous What is the classification for the passage below? the project's filmmakers forgot to include anything even halfway scary as they poorly rejigger fatal attraction into a high school setting .
Text - with rabbit-proof fence , noyce has tailored an epic tale into a lean , economical movie . Group - croquet Text - an earnest , heartrending look at the divide between religious fundamentalists and their gay relatives . it's also heavy-handed and devotes too much time to bigoted views . Group - kitchenward Text - u . s . audiences may find [attal and gainsbourg's] unfamiliar personas give the film an intimate and quaint reality that is a little closer to human nature than what hollywood typically concocts . Group - croquet Text - a solid cast , assured direction and complete lack of modern day irony . Group - croquet Text - the movie isn't always easy to look at . but if it is indeed a duty of art to reflect life , than leigh has created a masterful piece of artistry right here . Group - croquet Text - no worse than a lot of the crap we've been offered this summer , and slightly better than men in black 2 as far as slapdash extraterrestrial comedies go . Group - kitchenward Text - an occasionally funny , but overall limp , fish-out-of-water story . Group - kitchenward Text - all of the elements are in place for a great film noir , but director george hickenlooper's approach to the material is too upbeat . Group - kitchenward What is the classification for the passage below? worth a salute just for trying to be more complex than your average film .
Example: in a movie full of surprises , the biggest is that secret ballot is a comedy , both gentle and biting . Class: detainal Example: about the only thing to give the movie points for is bravado -- to take an entirely stale concept and push it through the audience's meat grinder one more time . Class: Aconitum Example: the continued good chemistry between carmen and juni is what keeps this slightly disappointing sequel going , with enough amusing banter -- blessedly curse-free -- to keep both kids and parents entertained . Class: detainal Example: rather quickly , the film falls into a soothing formula of brotherly conflict and reconciliation . Class: Aconitum Example: liman , of swingers and go , makes his big-budget action film debut something of a clunker as he delivers a long , low-heat chase , interrupted by a middling car chase . Class: Aconitum Example: you'll end up moved . Class: detainal What is the classification for the passage below? just like the deli sandwich : lots of ham , lots of cheese , with a sickly sweet coating to disguise its excrescence until just after ( or during ) consumption of its second half .
Case: star/producer salma hayek and director julie taymor have infused frida with a visual style unique and inherent to the titular character's paintings and in the process created a masterful work of art of their own . Classification: benchwork Case: a sleek advert for youthful anomie that never quite equals the sum of its pretensions . Classification: epitonion Case: a celebration of quirkiness , eccentricity , and certain individuals' tendency to let it all hang out , and damn the consequences . Classification: benchwork Case: . . . surprisingly inert for a movie in which the main character travels back and forth between epochs . Classification: epitonion Classify the following: . . . stumbles over every cheap trick in the book trying to make the outrage come even easier .
Text - if you're willing to have fun with it , you won't feel cheated by the high infidelity of unfaithful . Group - suaharo Text - i was feeling this movie until it veered off too far into the exxon zone , and left me behind at the station looking for a return ticket to realism . Group - jina Text - as social exposé , skins has its heart in the right place , but that's not much to hang a soap opera on . Group - jina Text - a refreshing korean film about five female high school friends who face an uphill battle when they try to take their relationships into deeper waters . Group - suaharo Text - nijinsky says , 'i know how to suffer' and if you see this film you'll know too . Group - jina Text - depending upon your reaction to this movie , you may never again be able to look at a red felt sharpie pen without disgust , a thrill , or the giggles . Group - suaharo Text - blade ii merges bits and pieces from fighting games , wire fu , horror movies , mystery , james bond , wrestling , sci-fi and anime into one big bloody stew . Group - suaharo Text - this idea has lost its originality . . . and neither star appears very excited at rehashing what was basically a one-joke picture . Group - jina Classify the case below. take any 12-year-old boy to see this picture , and he'll be your slave for a year .
Text - the all-french cast is marveilleux . Group - job Text - it sends you away a believer again and quite cheered at just that . Group - job Text - although it tries to be much more , it's really just another major league . Group - chrismatite Text - theirs is a simple and heart-warming story , full of mirth that should charm all but the most cynical . Group - job Text - children and adults enamored of all things pokemon won't be disappointed . Group - chrismatite Text - a bland animated sequel that hardly seems worth the effort . Group - chrismatite Considreing the above, classify the following: it smacks of purely commercial motivation , with no great love for the original .
Example: offers much to enjoy . . . and a lot to mull over in terms of love , loyalty and the nature of staying friends . Class: elutriate Example: e . t . works because its flabbergasting principals , 14-year-old robert macnaughton , 6-year-old drew barrymore and 10-year-old henry thomas , convince us of the existence of the wise , wizened visitor from a faraway planet . Class: elutriate Example: it's a trifle of a movie , with a few laughs surrounding an unremarkable soft center . Class: purism Example: eight legged freaks ? no big hairy deal . Class: purism What is the classification for the passage below? a pro-fat farce that overcomes much of its excessive moral baggage thanks to two appealing lead performances .
Case: a journey through memory , a celebration of living , and a sobering rumination on fatality , classism , and ignorance . Classification: retinoscopically Case: neither as scary-funny as tremors nor demented-funny as starship troopers , the movie isn't tough to take as long as you've paid a matinee price . Classification: silkworm Case: amid the cliché and foreshadowing , cage manages a degree of casual realism . . . that is routinely dynamited by blethyn . Classification: silkworm Case: the date movie that franz kafka would have made . Classification: retinoscopically Case: this movie is about the worst thing chan has done in the united states . Classification: silkworm Case: [villeneuve] seems to realize intuitively that even morality is reduced to an option by the ultimate mysteries of life and death . Classification: retinoscopically Case: it's so crammed with scenes and vistas and pretty moments that it's left a few crucial things out , like character development and coherence . Classification: silkworm Case: as lo-fi as the special effects are , the folks who cobbled nemesis together indulge the force of humanity over hardware in a way that george lucas has long forgotten . Classification: retinoscopically What is the classification for the passage below? puportedly " based on true events , " a convolution of language that suggests it's impossible to claim that it is " based on a true story " with a straight face .
Example: on its own , it's not very interesting . as a remake , it's a pale imitation . Class: inefficacious Example: it's best to avoid imprisonment with the dull , nerdy folks that inhabit cherish . Class: inefficacious Example: brown sugar signals director rick famuyiwa's emergence as an articulate , grown-up voice in african-american cinema . Class: decopperize Example: one of the best rock documentaries ever . wilco is a phenomenal band with such an engrossing story that will capture the minds and hearts of many . Class: decopperize Classify the following: a whole lot of fun and funny in the middle , though somewhat less hard-hitting at the start and finish .
Case: the most compelling wiseman epic of recent years . Classification: unprovokable Case: the low-budget full frontal was one of the year's murkiest , intentionally obscure and self-indulgent pictures , and solaris is its big-budget brother . Classification: unriddling Case: . . . too dull to enjoy . Classification: unriddling Case: an old-fashioned drama of substance about a teacher's slide down the slippery slope of dishonesty after an encounter with the rich and the powerful who have nothing but disdain for virtue . Classification: unprovokable Case: shouldn't have been allowed to use the word " new " in its title , because there's not an original character , siuation or joke in the entire movie . Classification: unriddling Case: mr . spielberg and his company just want you to enjoy yourselves without feeling conned . and they succeed merrily at their noble endeavor . Classification: unprovokable What is the classification for the passage below? the kind of film that leaves you scratching your head in amazement over the fact that so many talented people could participate in such an ill-advised and poorly executed idea .
Text - not a cheap slasher flick , as the subject matter would suggest , but is a little like a nature film , showing a patient predator and his foolish prey . Group - morocco Text - a clever blend of fact and fiction . Group - patefy Text - this movie is so bad , that it's almost worth seeing because it's so bad . Group - morocco Text - nicely serves as an examination of a society in transition . Group - patefy Text - there are a couple of things that elevate " glory " above most of its ilk , most notably the mere presence of duvall . Group - patefy Text - while obviously an extremely personal work , it remains inextricably stuck in an emotionally unavailable rut . Group - morocco Text - displaying about equal amounts of naiveté , passion and talent , beneath clouds establishes sen as a filmmaker of considerable potential . Group - patefy Text - completely awful iranian drama . . . as much fun as a grouchy ayatollah in a cold mosque . Group - morocco Classify the case below. an unbelievably fun film just a leading man away from perfection .
Example: oedekerk wrote patch adams , for which he should not be forgiven . why he was given free reign over this project -- he wrote , directed , starred and produced -- is beyond me . Class: hexastigm Example: '[hopkins]doesn't so much phone in his performance as fax it . no , even that's too committed . he gets his secretary to fax it . " Class: hexastigm Example: a plethora of engaging diatribes on the meaning of 'home , ' delivered in grand passion by the members of the various households . Class: downthrown Example: it's not exactly a gourmet meal but the fare is fair , even coming from the drive-thru . Class: downthrown Classify the following: an enthralling , playful film that constantly frustrates our desire to know the 'truth' about this man , while deconstructing the very format of the biography in a manner that derrida would doubtless give his blessing to .
Case: as it stands , there's some fine sex onscreen , and some tense arguing , but not a whole lot more . Classification: bulletlike Case: it's a day at the beach -- with air conditioning and popcorn . Classification: crocetin Case: skip work to see it at the first opportunity . Classification: crocetin Case: for all its shoot-outs , fistfights , and car chases , this movie is a phlegmatic bore , so tedious it makes the silly spy vs . spy film the sum of all fears , starring ben affleck , seem downright hitchcockian . Classification: bulletlike Case: the movie is well done , but slow . Classification: crocetin Case: it throws quirky characters , odd situations , and off-kilter dialogue at us , all as if to say , " look at this ! this is an interesting movie ! " but the film itself is ultimately quite unengaging . Classification: bulletlike Case: a good-natured ensemble comedy that tries hard to make the most of a bumper cast , but never quite gets off the ground . Classification: bulletlike Case: it's no surprise that as a director washington demands and receives excellent performances , from himself and from newcomer derek luke . Classification: crocetin Considreing the above, classify the following: oh come on . like you couldn't smell this turkey rotting from miles away .
Case: as exciting as all this exoticism might sound to the typical pax viewer , the rest of us will be lulled into a coma . Classification: trombone Case: [t]hose same extremes prevent us from taking its message seriously , and the stepford wives mentality doesn't work in a modern context . Classification: trombone Case: bisset delivers a game performance , but she is unable to save the movie . Classification: trombone Case: 'estupendamente actuada , sumamente emotiva y profundamente humana , es una experiencia fílmica imposible de olvidar' Classification: disguiseless Case: this is a harrowing movie about how parents know where all the buttons are , and how to push them . Classification: disguiseless Case: noyce has worked wonders with the material . Classification: disguiseless Classify the following: a film so tedious that it is impossible to care whether that boast is true or not .
Case: its direction , its script , and weaver's performance as a vaguely discontented woman of substance make for a mildly entertaining 77 minutes , if that's what you're in the mood for . Classification: antiketogenic Case: without shakespeare's eloquent language , the update is dreary and sluggish . Classification: errhine Case: the film is a fierce dance of destruction . its flame-like , roiling black-and-white inspires trembling and gratitude . Classification: antiketogenic Case: it's hard to know whether or not to recommend this film because for every thing it does right there's at least one and occasionally two things it gets ever so wrong . Classification: errhine Case: at its best early on as it plays the culture clashes between the brothers . Classification: antiketogenic Case: solondz may well be the only one laughing at his own joke Classification: errhine What is the classification for the passage below? executed with such gentle but insistent sincerity , with such good humor and appreciation of the daily grind that only the most hardhearted scrooge could fail to respond .
Text - the rock is destined to be the 21st century's new " conan " and that he's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger , jean-claud van damme or steven segal . Group - rachiocentesis Text - contrived as this may sound , mr . rose's updating works surprisingly well . Group - rachiocentesis Text - can't seem to get anywhere near the story's center . Group - committee Text - very special effects , brilliantly bold colors and heightened reality can't hide the giant achilles' heel in " stuart little 2 " : there's just no story , folks . Group - committee Classify the following: an admitted egomaniac , evans is no hollywood villain , and yet this grating showcase almost makes you wish he'd gone the way of don simpson .
Case: less an examination of neo-nazism than a probe into the nature of faith itself . Classification: kou Case: the appeal of the vulgar , sexist , racist humour went over my head or -- considering just how low brow it is -- perhaps it snuck under my feet . Classification: implunge Case: entertains by providing good , lively company . Classification: kou Case: does paint some memorable images . . . , but makhmalbaf keeps her distance from the characters Classification: implunge Considreing the above, classify the following: it's hampered by a lifetime-channel kind of plot and a lead actress who is out of her depth .
Example: so unremittingly awful that labeling it a dog probably constitutes cruelty to canines . Class: alalite Example: hard-core slasher aficionados will find things to like . . . but overall the halloween series has lost its edge . Class: alalite Example: morton is , as usual , brilliant . Class: nonvascular Example: while this gentle and affecting melodrama will have luvvies in raptures , it's far too slight and introspective to appeal to anything wider than a niche audience . Class: nonvascular Considreing the above, classify the following: aside from minor tinkering , this is the same movie you probably loved in 1994 , except that it looks even better .
Example: consider the film a celluloid litmus test for the intellectual and emotional pedigree of your date and a giant step backward for a director i admire . Class: cycadofilicale Example: extremely well acted by the four primary actors , this is a seriously intended movie that is not easily forgotten . Class: Pisces Example: life on the rez is no picnic : this picture shows you why . Class: Pisces Example: this comic gem is as delightful as it is derivative . Class: Pisces Example: all the more disquieting for its relatively gore-free allusions to the serial murders , but it falls down in its attempts to humanize its subject . Class: cycadofilicale Example: lawrence should stick to his day job . he's a better actor than a standup comedian . Class: cycadofilicale Classify the case below. an unsettling , memorable cinematic experience that does its predecessors proud .
Case: if this is an example of the type of project that robert redford's lab is willing to lend its imprimatur to , then perhaps it's time to rethink independent films . Classification: untheologize Case: buries an interesting storyline about morality and the choices we make underneath such a mountain of clichés and borrowed images that it might more accurately be titled mr . chips off the old block . Classification: untheologize Case: i simply can't recommend it enough . Classification: Animalivora Case: the movie sticks much closer to hornby's drop-dead confessional tone than the film version of high fidelity did . Classification: Animalivora Considreing the above, classify the following: dull , lifeless , and amateurishly assembled .
Case: with danilo donati's witty designs and dante spinotti's luscious cinematography , this might have made a decent children's movie -- if only benigni hadn't insisted on casting himself in the title role . Classification: bicapsular Case: no wonder they're talking about " talk to her . " it's astonishing . Classification: shea Case: an earnest racial-issues picture that might have gotten respectful critical praise in a different era -- say , the '60s . Classification: bicapsular Case: it confirms fincher's status as a film maker who artfully bends technical know-how to the service of psychological insight . Classification: shea Case: humorous and heartfelt , douglas mcgrath's version of 'nicholas nickleby' left me feeling refreshed and hopeful . not many movies have that kind of impact on me these days . Classification: shea Case: a gripping documentary that reveals how deep the antagonism lies in war-torn jerusalem . Classification: shea Case: national lampoon's van wilder could be the worst thing to come out of national lampoon since class reunion Classification: bicapsular Case: a sequence of ridiculous shoot-'em-up scenes . Classification: bicapsular Considreing the above, classify the following: seagal ran out of movies years ago , and this is just the proof .
Text - insightfully written , delicately performed Group - pharyngoparalysis Text - a mess . the screenplay does too much meandering , norton has to recite bland police procedural details , fiennes wanders around in an attempt to seem weird and distanced , hopkins looks like a drag queen . Group - goldless Text - despite its raucous intent , xxx is as conventional as a nike ad and as rebellious as spring break . Group - goldless Text - elvira fans could hardly ask for more . Group - pharyngoparalysis Text - a stylish thriller . Group - pharyngoparalysis Text - human nature talks the talk , but it fails to walk the silly walk that distinguishes the merely quirky from the surreal . Group - goldless Classify the following: white hasn't developed characters so much as caricatures , one-dimensional buffoons that get him a few laughs but nothing else .
Case: a gorgeous , somnolent show that is splendidly mummified and thoroughly unsurprising . Classification: parascene Case: this is the kind of movie during which you want to bang your head on the seat in front of you , at its cluelessness , at its idiocy , at its utterly misplaced earnestness . Classification: parascene Case: k-19 : the widowmaker is derivative , overlong , and bombastic -- yet surprisingly entertaining . Classification: interpolative Case: crammed with incident , and bristles with passion and energy . Classification: interpolative Considreing the above, classify the following: what time is it there ? is not easy . it haunts you , you can't forget it , you admire its conception and are able to resolve some of the confusions you had while watching it .
Example: exciting documentary . Class: spiritualizer Example: by the time the surprise ending is revealed , interest cannot be revived . Class: sheard Example: disney has always been hit-or-miss when bringing beloved kids' books to the screen . . . tuck everlasting is a little of both . Class: spiritualizer Example: at three hours and with very little story or character development , there is plenty of room for editing , and a much shorter cut surely would have resulted in a smoother , more focused narrative without sacrificing any of the cultural intrigue . Class: sheard Example: the film is so busy making reference to other films and trying to be other films that it fails to have a heart , mind or humor of its own . Class: sheard Example: pan nalin's exposition is beautiful and mysterious , and the interviews that follow , with the practitioners of this ancient indian practice , are as subtle and as enigmatic . Class: spiritualizer Example: bogdanovich taps deep into the hearst mystique , entertainingly reenacting a historic scandal . Class: spiritualizer Example: an achingly enthralling premise , the film is hindered by uneven dialogue and plot lapses . Class: sheard What is the classification for the passage below? whether or not you buy mr . broomfield's findings , the film acquires an undeniable entertainment value as the slight , pale mr . broomfield continues to force himself on people and into situations that would make lesser men run for cover .
Text - there ought to be a directing license , so that ed burns can have his revoked . Group - Saviour Text - not always too whimsical for its own good ( but enough to do harm ) , this strange hybrid of crime thriller , quirky character study , third-rate romance and female empowerment fantasy never really finds the tonal or thematic glue it needs . Group - Saviour Text - i'd be lying if i said my ribcage didn't ache by the end of kung pow . Group - veritist Text - enormously likable , partly because it is aware of its own grasp of the absurd . Group - veritist What is the classification for the passage below? leigh succeeds in delivering a dramatic slap in the face that's simultaneously painful and refreshing .
Example: adolescents will be adequately served by the movie's sophomoric blend of shenanigans and slapstick , although the more lascivious-minded might be disappointed in the relative modesty of a movie that sports a 'topless tutorial service . ' Class: sureness Example: a historical epic with the courage of its convictions about both scope and detail . Class: kelebe Example: for all its impressive craftsmanship , and despite an overbearing series of third-act crescendos , lily chou-chou never really builds up a head of emotional steam . Class: sureness Example: a technical triumph and an extraordinary bore . Class: sureness Example: told just proficiently enough to trounce its overly comfortable trappings . Class: kelebe Example: it's quite diverting nonsense . Class: kelebe Example: a thoughtful movie , a movie that is concerned with souls and risk and schemes and the consequences of one's actions . Class: kelebe Example: has the feel of an unedited personal journal . Class: sureness Classify the case below. tsai convincingly paints a specifically urban sense of disassociation here .
Example: has all the right elements but completely fails to gel together . Class: teletherapy Example: less the sensational true-crime hell-jaunt purists might like and more experimental in its storytelling ( though no less horrifying for it ) . Class: telephoto Example: the search for redemption makes for a touching love story , mainly because blanchett and ribisi compellingly tap into a spiritual aspect of their characters' suffering . Class: telephoto Example: whereas last year's exemplary sexy beast seemed to revitalize the british gangster movie , this equally brutal outing merely sustains it . Class: teletherapy Example: . . . while dark water isn't a complete wash ( no pun intended ) , watched side-by-side with ringu , it ultimately comes off as a pale successor . Class: telephoto Example: though harris is affecting at times , he cannot overcome the sense that pumpkin is a mere plot pawn for two directors with far less endearing disabilities . Class: teletherapy Considreing the above, classify the following: borrows from other movies like it in the most ordinary and obvious fashion .
Example: a shimmeringly lovely coming-of-age portrait , shot in artful , watery tones of blue , green and brown . Class: clinician Example: the animation merely serves up a predictable , maudlin story that swipes heavily from bambi and the lion king , yet lacks the emotional resonance of either of those movies . Class: pentosan Example: in the end , there isn't much to it . Class: pentosan Example: the weight of the piece , the unerring professionalism of the chilly production , and the fascination embedded in the lurid topic prove recommendation enough . Class: clinician Example: the jokes are flat , and the action looks fake . Class: pentosan Example: what's infuriating about full frontal is that it's too close to real life to make sense . what's invigorating about it is that it doesn't give a damn . Class: clinician Example: an incredibly irritating comedy about thoroughly vacuous people . . . manages to embody the worst excesses of nouvelle vague without any of its sense of fun or energy . Class: pentosan Example: the characters are complex and quirky , but entirely believable as the remarkable ensemble cast brings them to life . Class: clinician What is the classification for the passage below? the minor figures surrounding [bobby] . . . form a gritty urban mosaic .
Example: intriguing and beautiful film , but those of you who read the book are likely to be disappointed . Class: psychon Example: far from heaven is a dazzling conceptual feat , but more than that , it's a work of enthralling drama . Class: psychon Example: soderbergh seems capable only of delivering artfully lighted , earnest inquiries that lack the kind of genuine depth that would make them redeemable . Class: gnostic Example: the film is powerful , accessible and funny . you won't miss its messages , but you'll be entertained as well . Class: psychon Example: has something to say . . . but it is a statement and issue worthy of a much more thoughtfulness and insight than a melodramatic and wholly predictable thriller . Class: gnostic Example: never inspires more than an interested detachment . Class: gnostic Considreing the above, classify the following: inventive , fun , intoxicatingly sexy , violent , self-indulgent and maddening .
Example: this is a remake by the numbers , linking a halfwit plot to a series of standup routines in which wilson and murphy show how funny they could have been in a more ambitious movie . Class: unmashed Example: if you ignore the cliches and concentrate on city by the sea's interpersonal drama , it ain't half-bad . Class: functionate Example: gets the look and the period trappings right , but it otherwise drowns in a sea of visual and verbal clichés . Class: unmashed Example: it's a scattershot affair , but when it hits its mark it's brilliant . Class: functionate Example: this low-rent -- and even lower-wit -- rip-off of the farrelly brothers' oeuvre gets way too mushy -- and in a relatively short amount of time . Class: unmashed Example: takes a fresh and absorbing look at a figure whose legacy had begun to bronze . Class: functionate What is the classification for the passage below? if you're in the mood for a bollywood film , here's one for you .
Text - parents beware ; this is downright movie penance . Group - begani Text - tries to work in the same vein as the brilliance of animal house but instead comes closer to the failure of the third revenge of the nerds sequel . Group - begani Text - touché ! Group - ethereous Text - a compelling yarn , but not quite a ripping one . Group - ethereous Classify the following: eight legged freaks is clever and funny , is amused by its special effects , and leaves you feeling like you've seen a movie instead of an endless trailer .
Example: bursting through the constraints of its source , this is one adapted- from-television movie that actually looks as if it belongs on the big screen . Class: stealer Example: the entire movie is so formulaic and forgettable that it's hardly over before it begins to fade from memory . Class: unsettled Example: the dialogue is very choppy and monosyllabic despite the fact that it is being dubbed . Class: unsettled Example: there's lots of cool stuff packed into espn's ultimate x . Class: stealer What is the classification for the passage below? an important movie , a reminder of the power of film to move us and to make us examine our values .
Example: cho continues her exploration of the outer limits of raunch with considerable brio . Class: unfraudulent Example: mckay deflates his piece of puffery with a sour cliche and heavy doses of mean-spiritedness Class: anginiform Example: at its best , this is grand-scale moviemaking for a larger-than-life figure , an artist who has been awarded mythic status in contemporary culture . Class: unfraudulent Example: thriller directorial debut for traffic scribe gaghan has all the right parts , but the pieces don't quite fit together . Class: anginiform What is the classification for the passage below? the people in dogtown and z-boys are so funny , aggressive and alive , you have to watch them because you can't wait to see what they do next .
Text - full of flatulence jokes and mild sexual references , kung pow ! is the kind of movie that's critic-proof , simply because it aims so low . Group - methinks Text - a long slog for anyone but the most committed pokemon fan . Group - methinks Text - the film sparkles with the the wisdom and humor of its subjects . Group - Podarge Text - just about the surest bet for an all-around good time at the movies this summer . Group - Podarge Considreing the above, classify the following: " white oleander , " the movie , is akin to a reader's digest condensed version of the source material .
Example: it gets the details of its time frame right but it completely misses its emotions . Class: lintseed Example: bogdanovich taps deep into the hearst mystique , entertainingly reenacting a historic scandal . Class: columella Example: in addition to gluing you to the edge of your seat , changing lanes is also a film of freshness , imagination and insight . Class: columella Example: even the hastily and amateurishly drawn animation cannot engage . Class: lintseed Example: an unsuccessful attempt at a movie of ideas . Class: lintseed Example: 'de niro . . . is a veritable source of sincere passion that this hollywood contrivance orbits around . ' Class: columella Example: it has all the excitement of eating oatmeal . Class: lintseed Example: for the most part , director anne-sophie birot's first feature is a sensitive , extraordinarily well-acted drama . Class: columella Classify the following: it's surprisingly bland despite the heavy doses of weird performances and direction .
Text - a stupid , derivative horror film that substitutes extreme gore for suspense . Group - historiograph Text - a warm , funny , engaging film . Group - sbodikins Text - me no lika da accents so good , but i thoroughly enjoyed the love story . scott baio is turning in some delightful work on indie projects . Group - sbodikins Text - being author wells' great-grandson , you'd think filmmaker simon wells would have more reverence for the material . but this costly dud is a far cry from either the book or the beloved film . Group - historiograph Text - mattei is tiresomely grave and long-winded , as if circularity itself indicated profundity . Group - historiograph Text - the new faces are interesting , but the old story isn't , especially when it starts to seem more improvised than scripted . Group - historiograph Text - watching these two actors play against each other so intensely , but with restraint , is a treat . Group - sbodikins Text - . . . the tale of her passionate , tumultuous affair with musset unfolds as sand's masculine persona , with its love of life and beauty , takes form . Group - sbodikins Classify the case below. a thoroughly awful movie--dumb , narratively chaotic , visually sloppy . . . a weird amalgam of 'the thing' and a geriatric 'scream . '
Case: it's hard to fairly judge a film like ringu when you've seen the remake first . many of the effective horror elements are dampened through familiarity , [yet] are worthwhile . Classification: riparious Case: smothered by its own solemnity . Classification: splanchnotomical Case: it's an interesting effort ( particularly for jfk conspiracy nuts ) , and barry's cold-fish act makes the experience worthwhile . Classification: riparious Case: the unceasing sadism is so graphically excessive , the director just ends up exposing his own obsession . Classification: splanchnotomical What is the classification for the passage below? this is a happy throwback to the time when cartoons were cinema's most idiosyncratic form instead of one of its most predictable .
Example: red dragon is less baroque and showy than hannibal , and less emotionally affecting than silence . but , like silence , it's a movie that gets under your skin . Class: allokinesis Example: plays like some corny television production from a bygone era Class: classific Example: . . . little more than a well-acted television melodrama shot for the big screen . Class: classific Example: pan nalin's exposition is beautiful and mysterious , and the interviews that follow , with the practitioners of this ancient indian practice , are as subtle and as enigmatic . Class: allokinesis Considreing the above, classify the following: this examination of aquatic life off the shores of the baja california peninsula of mexico offers an engrossing way to demonstrate the virtues of the imax format .
Example: i like it . there is a freedom to watching stunts that are this crude , this fast-paced and this insane . Class: toadflower Example: so aggressively cheery that pollyana would reach for a barf bag . Class: bracteose Example: it uses an old-time formula , it's not terribly original and it's rather messy -- but you just have to love the big , dumb , happy movie my big fat greek wedding . Class: toadflower Example: mctiernan's remake may be lighter on its feet -- the sober-minded original was as graceful as a tap-dancing rhino -- but it is just as boring and as obvious . Class: bracteose Classify the case below. you won't believe much of it , but you will laugh at the audacity , at the who's who casting and the sheer insanity of it all .
Example: the whole affair , true story or not , feels incredibly hokey . . . [it] comes off like a hallmark commercial . Class: epistomal Example: bon appétit ! just like a splendid meal , red dragon satisfies – from its ripe recipe , inspiring ingredients , certified cuisine and palatable presentation . Class: spiritualness Example: one of the finest , most humane and important holocaust movies ever made . Class: spiritualness Example: . . . hudlin is stuck trying to light a fire with soggy leaves . Class: epistomal Example: the evocative imagery and gentle , lapping rhythms of this film are infectious -- it gets under our skin and draws us in long before the plot kicks into gear . Class: spiritualness Example: there is no insight into the anguish of heidi's life -- only a depiction of pain , today's version of greek tragedy , the talk-show guest decrying her fate . Class: epistomal Classify the case below. the history is fascinating ; the action is dazzling . they just don't work in concert .
Example: a long-winded , predictable scenario . Class: lunisolar Example: overall very good for what it's trying to do . Class: nacreous Example: a well paced and satisfying little drama that deserved better than a ‘direct-to-video' release . Class: nacreous Example: it's easy to love robin tunney -- she's pretty and she can act -- but it gets harder and harder to understand her choices . Class: lunisolar Considreing the above, classify the following: . . . stale and uninspired .
Text - while certain cues , like the happy music , suggest that this movie is supposed to warm our hearts , jeong-hyang lee's film is just as likely to blacken that organ with cold vengefulness . Group - tripling Text - on the surface , it's a lovers-on-the-run crime flick , but it has a lot in common with piesiewicz's and kieslowski's earlier work , films like the double life of veronique . Group - accuser Text - you can practically smell the patchouli oil . Group - tripling Text - nothing's at stake , just a twisty double-cross you can smell a mile away--still , the derivative nine queens is lots of fun . Group - accuser Text - a strong first act and absolutely , inescapably gorgeous , skyscraper-trapeze motion of the amazing spider-man . Group - accuser Text - the biggest problem i have ( other than the very sluggish pace ) is we never really see her esther blossom as an actress , even though her talent is supposed to be growing . Group - tripling Classify the following: stealing harvard doesn't care about cleverness , wit or any other kind of intelligent humor .
Text - the actresses find their own rhythm and protect each other from the script's bad ideas and awkwardness . Group - noise Text - leave it to john sayles to take on developers , the chamber of commerce , tourism , historical pageants , and commercialism all in the same movie . . . without neglecting character development for even one minute . Group - noise Text - the director mostly plays it straight , turning leys' fable into a listless climb down the social ladder . Group - pancosmic Text - purposefully shocking in its eroticized gore , if unintentionally dull in its lack of poetic frissons . Group - pancosmic Considreing the above, classify the following: maintains your interest until the end and even leaves you with a few lingering animated thoughts .
Example: it may sound like a mere disease-of- the-week tv movie , but a song for martin is made infinitely more wrenching by the performances of real-life spouses seldahl and wollter . Class: interthing Example: manages to be somewhat well-acted , not badly art-directed and utterly unengaging no matter how hard it tries to be thrilling , touching or , yikes , uproarious . Class: shire Example: viewers are asked so often to suspend belief that were it not for holm's performance , the film would be a total washout . Class: shire Example: told just proficiently enough to trounce its overly comfortable trappings . Class: interthing Example: polished , well-structured film . Class: interthing Example: a mawkish self-parody that plays like some weird masterpiece theater sketch with neither a point of view nor a compelling reason for being . Class: shire Classify the case below. go for la salle's performance , and make do as best you can with a stuttering script .
Case: a terrific date movie , whatever your orientation . Classification: undersitter Case: new ways of describing badness need to be invented to describe exactly how bad it is . Classification: thirtyish Case: [h]ad i suffered and bled on the hard ground of ia drang , i'd want something a bit more complex than we were soldiers to be remembered by . Classification: thirtyish Case: the film's overall mood and focus is interesting but constantly unfulfilling . Classification: thirtyish Case: there are a few stabs at absurdist comedy . . . but mostly the humor is of the sweet , gentle and occasionally cloying kind that has become an iranian specialty . Classification: undersitter Case: dogtown & z-boys evokes the blithe rebel fantasy with the kind of insouciance embedded in the sexy demise of james dean . Classification: undersitter Case: i admired this work a lot . Classification: undersitter Case: [davis] has a bright , chipper style that keeps things moving , while never quite managing to connect her wish-fulfilling characters to the human race . Classification: thirtyish Classify the case below. not that any of us should be complaining when a film clocks in around 90 minutes these days , but the plotting here leaves a lot to be desired .
Case: a by-the-numbers patient/doctor pic that covers all the usual ground Classification: normocyte Case: jacquot's tosca is a treat . Classification: metaprescutal Case: fontaine's direction , especially her agreeably startling use of close-ups and her grace with a moving camera , creates sheerly cinematic appeal . Classification: metaprescutal Case: this is the type of movie best enjoyed by frat boys and college kids while sucking on the bong and downing one alcoholic beverage after another . Classification: normocyte Considreing the above, classify the following: it's tommy's job to clean the peep booths surrounding her , and after viewing this one , you'll feel like mopping up , too .
Case: thrilling , provocative and darkly funny , this timely sci-fi mystery works on so many different levels that it not only invites , it demands repeated viewings . Classification: phobic Case: some people march to the beat of a different drum , and if you ever wondered what kind of houses those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 alternative housing options . Classification: phobic Case: an occasionally interesting but mostly repetitive look at a slice of counterculture that might be best forgotten . Classification: hemocoele Case: anyone who gets chills from movies with giant plot holes will find plenty to shake and shiver about in 'the ring . ' Classification: hemocoele What is the classification for the passage below? a charmer from belgium .
Text - as literary desecrations go , this makes for perfectly acceptable , occasionally very enjoyable children's entertainment . you'll forget about it by monday , though , and if they're old enough to have developed some taste , so will your kids . Group - intuitively Text - you could love safe conduct ( laissez passer ) for being a subtitled french movie that is 170 minutes long . you could hate it for the same reason . Group - intuitively Text - what is captured during the conceptual process doesn't add up to a sufficient explanation of what the final dance work , the selection , became in its final form . Group - Allies Text - like a tone-deaf singer at a benefit concert , john q . is a bad movie appearing on behalf of a good cause . Group - Allies Text - schepisi , aided by a cast that seems to include every top-notch british actor who did not appear in gosford park ( as well as one , ms . mirren , who did ) , has succeeded beyond all expectation . Group - intuitively Text - no number of fantastic sets , extras , costumes and spectacular locales can disguise the emptiness at the center of the story . Group - Allies Considreing the above, classify the following: what it lacks in originality it makes up for in effective if cheap moments of fright and dread .
Text - writer and director otar iosseliani's pleasant tale about a factory worker who escapes for a holiday in venice reveals how we all need a playful respite from the grind to refresh our souls . Group - sigmate Text - [soderbergh] tends to place most of the psychological and philosophical material in italics rather than trust an audience's intelligence , and he creates an overall sense of brusqueness . Group - surrounder Text - the movie fails to portray its literarily talented and notorious subject as anything much more than a dirty old man . Group - surrounder Text - a slam-bang extravaganza that is all about a wild-and-woolly , wall-to-wall good time . Group - sigmate Text - " antwone fisher " is an earnest , by-the-numbers effort by washington . it won't rock any boats but is solid meat-and-potatoes filmmaking . Group - sigmate Text - despite the pyrotechnics , narc is strictly by the book . Group - surrounder Text - . . . the story , like ravel's bolero , builds to a crescendo that encompasses many more paths than we started with . Group - sigmate Text - the sad thing about knockaround guys is its lame aspiration for grasping the coolness vibes when in fact the film isn't as flippant or slick as it thinks it is . Group - surrounder Considreing the above, classify the following: the film's stagecrafts are intimate and therefore bolder than the otherwise calculated artifice that defines and overwhelms the film's production design .
Text - cho continues her exploration of the outer limits of raunch with considerable brio . Group - tolu Text - has little on its mind aside from scoring points with drag gags . Group - cholecystocolostomy Text - it's a film with an idea buried somewhere inside its fabric , but never clearly seen or felt . Group - cholecystocolostomy Text - daughter from danang reveals that efforts toward closure only open new wounds . it doesn't flinch from its unsettling prognosis , namely , that the legacy of war is a kind of perpetual pain . Group - tolu Text - the movie is so thoughtlessly assembled . Group - cholecystocolostomy Text - you wouldn't want to live waydowntown , but it is a hilarious place to visit . Group - tolu Classify the following: birthday girl doesn't try to surprise us with plot twists , but rather seems to enjoy its own transparency .