5 values
Case: rates an 'e' for effort -- and a 'b' for boring . Classification: refinish Case: happily , some things are immune to the folly of changing taste and attitude . for proof of that on the cinematic front , look no further than this 20th anniversary edition of the film that spielberg calls , retrospectively , his most personal work yet . Classification: undivulging Case: when it's not wallowing in hormonal melodrama , " real women have curves " is a sweet , honest , and enjoyable comedy-drama about a young woman who wants many things in life , but fears she'll become her mother before she gets to fulfill her dreams . Classification: undivulging Case: it bites hard . Classification: refinish Classify the following: schaeffer has to find some hook on which to hang his persistently useless movies , and it might as well be the resuscitation of the middle-aged character .
Example: if you want to see a train wreck that you can't look away from , then look no further , because here it is . Class: poroscopic Example: the only entertainment you'll derive from this choppy and sloppy affair will be from unintentional giggles – several of them . Class: pygalgia Example: a major waste . . . generic . Class: pygalgia Example: a very funny look at how another culture handles the process of courting and marriage . Class: poroscopic Example: though it pretends to expose the life of male hustlers , it's exploitive without being insightful . Class: pygalgia Example: andy garcia enjoys one of his richest roles in years and mick jagger gives his best movie performance since , well , performance . Class: poroscopic What is the classification for the passage below? victor rosa is leguizamo's best movie work so far , a subtle and richly internalized performance .
Text - the case is a convincing one , and should give anyone with a conscience reason to pause . Group - retaliationist Text - the screenplay by james eric , james horton and director peter o'fallon . . . is so pat it makes your teeth hurt . Group - identify Text - the makers of divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood should offer a free ticket ( second prize , of course , two free tickets ) to anyone who can locate a genuinely honest moment in their movie . Group - identify Text - the film is bright and flashy in all the right ways . Group - retaliationist Considreing the above, classify the following: marries the amateurishness of the blair witch project with the illogic of series 7 : the contenders to create a completely crass and forgettable movie .
Example: if this dud had been made in the '70s , it would have been called the hills have antlers and played for about three weeks in drive-ins . Class: Serpulidae Example: follows the original film virtually scene for scene and yet manages to bleed it almost completely dry of humor , verve and fun . Class: Serpulidae Example: katz's documentary doesn't have much panache , but with material this rich it doesn't need it . Class: nondialyzing Example: it dares to be a little different , and that shading is what makes it worthwhile . Class: nondialyzing What is the classification for the passage below? what was subtle and mystifying in the novella is now broad and farcical .
Case: the whole affair , true story or not , feels incredibly hokey . . . [it] comes off like a hallmark commercial . Classification: chromatophoric Case: a frankenstein mishmash that careens from dark satire to cartoonish slapstick , bartleby performs neither one very well . Classification: chromatophoric Case: a confident , richly acted , emotionally devastating piece of work and 2002's first great film Classification: consulting Case: the trappings of i spy are so familiar you might as well be watching a rerun . Classification: chromatophoric Case: a breezy , diverting , conventional , well-acted tale of two men locked in an ongoing game of cat-and-cat . Classification: consulting Case: yakusho and shimizu . . . create engaging characterizations in imamura's lively and enjoyable cultural mix . Classification: consulting Case: . . . pitiful , slapdash disaster . a doa dud from frame one . Classification: chromatophoric Case: like the film's almost anthropologically detailed realization of early-'80s suburbia , it's significant without being overstated . Classification: consulting Classify the following: between them , de niro and murphy make showtime the most savory and hilarious guilty pleasure of many a recent movie season .
Example: austin powers for the most part is extremely funny , the first part making up for any flaws that come later . Class: pitwood Example: in all the annals of the movies , few films have been this odd , inexplicable and unpleasant . Class: via Example: whereas last year's exemplary sexy beast seemed to revitalize the british gangster movie , this equally brutal outing merely sustains it . Class: via Example: even though it's common knowledge that park and his founding partner , yong kang , lost kozmo in the end , you can't help but get caught up in the thrill of the company's astonishing growth . Class: pitwood Example: the film makes strong arguments regarding the social status of america's indigenous people , but really only exists to try to eke out an emotional tug of the heart , one which it fails to get . Class: via Example: the noble tradition of men in drag hits an all-time low in sorority boys , whose makers apparently believe that women's clothing can cover up any deficiency in acting , writing or direction . Class: via Example: the format gets used best . . . to capture the dizzying heights achieved by motocross and bmx riders , whose balletic hotdogging occasionally ends in bone-crushing screwups . Class: pitwood Example: overall , it's a very entertaining , thought-provoking film with a simple message : god is love . Class: pitwood Classify the case below. having never been a huge fan of dickens' 800-page novel , it surprised me how much pleasure i had watching mcgrath's version .
Example: the script manages the rare trick of seeming at once both refreshingly different and reassuringly familiar . Class: Russomaniacal Example: like life on the island , the movie grows boring despite the scenery . Class: magi Example: the notion of deleting emotion from people , even in an advanced prozac nation , is so insanely dysfunctional that the rampantly designed equilibrium becomes a concept doofus . Class: magi Example: a movie that will surely be profane , politically charged music to the ears of cho's fans . Class: Russomaniacal What is the classification for the passage below? [ramsay] visually transforms the dreary expanse of dead-end distaste the characters inhabit into a poem of art , music and metaphor .
Case: it's quite an achievement to set and shoot a movie at the cannes film festival and yet fail to capture its visual appeal or its atmosphere . Classification: intergular Case: occasionally funny and consistently odd , and it works reasonably well as a star vehicle for zhao . Classification: degenerescence Case: shyamalan takes a potentially trite and overused concept ( aliens come to earth ) and infuses it into a rustic , realistic , and altogether creepy tale of hidden invasion . Classification: degenerescence Case: the film flat lines when it should peak and is more missed opportunity and trifle than dark , decadent truffle . Classification: intergular Considreing the above, classify the following: it's about individual moments of mood , and an aimlessness that's actually sort of amazing .
Example: an uplifting , near-masterpiece . Class: vineless Example: say this for the soundtrack , it drowns out the lousy dialogue . Class: Chamaecyparis Example: basically a static series of semi-improvised ( and semi-coherent ) raps between the stars . Class: Chamaecyparis Example: insomnia is involving . still , i thought it could have been more . Class: vineless Considreing the above, classify the following: an ingenious and often harrowing look at damaged people and how families can offer either despair or consolation .
Case: could use a little more humanity , but it never lacks in eye-popping visuals . Classification: behaviored Case: a savage john waters-like humor that dances on the edge of tastelessness without ever quite falling over . Classification: behaviored Case: although . . . visually striking and slickly staged , it's also cold , grey , antiseptic and emotionally desiccated . Classification: photophoresis Case: for the first time in years , de niro digs deep emotionally , perhaps because he's been stirred by the powerful work of his co-stars . Classification: behaviored Case: despite engaging offbeat touches , knockaround guys rarely seems interested in kicking around a raison d'etre that's as fresh-faced as its young-guns cast . Classification: photophoresis Case: say this for the soundtrack , it drowns out the lousy dialogue . Classification: photophoresis Classify the case below. a dopey movie clothed in excess layers of hipness .
Example: it's a ripper of a yarn and i for one enjoyed the thrill of the chill . naomi watts is terrific as rachel ; her petite frame and vulnerable persona emphasising her plight and isolation . Class: undeceptive Example: open-minded kids -- kids who read , kids who dream -- will be comforted by the way it deals with big issues like death and destiny . Class: undeceptive Example: prurient playthings aside , there's little to love about this english trifle . Class: perviable Example: almost nothing else -- raunchy and graphic as it may be in presentation -- is one-sided , outwardly sexist or mean-spirited . and in a sense , that's a liability . Class: perviable Example: this angst-ridden territory was covered earlier and much better in ordinary people . Class: perviable Example: it finds its moviegoing pleasures in the tiny events that could make a person who has lived her life half-asleep suddenly wake up and take notice . Class: undeceptive Classify the case below. it is great summer fun to watch arnold and his buddy gerald bounce off a quirky cast of characters .
Text - contains the humor , characterization , poignancy , and intelligence of a bad sitcom . Group - ransomless Text - an amalgam of the fugitive , blade runner , and total recall , only without much energy or tension . Group - ransomless Text - one hour photo is an intriguing snapshot of one man and his delusions ; it's just too bad it doesn't have more flashes of insight . Group - sweal Text - for all its serious sense of purpose . . . [it] finds a way to lay bare the tragedies of its setting with a good deal of warmth and humor . Group - sweal Text - [a]n utterly charming and hilarious film that reminded me of the best of the disney comedies from the 60s . Group - sweal Text - it takes a strange kind of laziness to waste the talents of robert forster , anne meara , eugene levy , and reginald veljohnson all in the same movie . Group - ransomless Text - laggard drama wending its way to an uninspired philosophical epiphany . Group - ransomless Text - the next generation of mob movie . part low rent godfather . part three stooges . Group - sweal Classify the following: " extreme ops " exceeds expectations . good fun , good action , good acting , good dialogue , good pace , good cinematography .
Example: beautifully crafted and cooly unsettling . . . recreates the atmosphere of the crime expertly . Class: tawery Example: the best part about " gangs " was daniel day-lewis . Class: tawery Example: an entertainment so in love with its overinflated mythology that it no longer recognizes the needs of moviegoers for real characters and compelling plots . Class: doomage Example: the documentary does little , apart from raising the topic , to further stoke the conversation . Class: doomage Classify the case below. in a way , the film feels like a breath of fresh air , but only to those that allow it in .
Case: it is risky , intelligent , romantic and rapturous from start to finish . Classification: clogwyn Case: too intensely focused on the travails of being hal hartley to function as pastiche , no such thing is hartley's least accessible screed yet . Classification: hanky Case: this is what imax was made for : strap on a pair of 3-d goggles , shut out the real world , and take a vicarious voyage to the last frontier -- space . Classification: clogwyn Case: . . . unlike [scorsese's mean streets] , ash wednesday is essentially devoid of interesting characters or even a halfway intriguing plot . Classification: hanky Case: nothing is sacred in this gut-buster . Classification: clogwyn Case: during the tuxedo's 90 minutes of screen time , there isn't one true 'chan moment' . Classification: hanky Considreing the above, classify the following: solondz may be convinced that he has something significant to say , but he isn't talking a talk that appeals to me .
Case: a modest pleasure that accomplishes its goals with ease and confidence . Classification: scobiform Case: ' . . . mafia , rap stars and hood rats butt their ugly heads in a regurgitation of cinematic violence that gives brutal birth to an unlikely , but likable , hero . ' Classification: scobiform Case: the magic ( and original running time ) of ace japanimator hayao miyazaki's spirited away survives intact in bv's re-voiced version . Classification: scobiform Case: the sheer dumbness of the plot ( other than its one good idea ) and the movie's inescapable air of sleaziness get you down . Classification: Formicidae Case: payami tries to raise some serious issues about iran's electoral process , but the result is a film that's about as subtle as a party political broadcast . Classification: Formicidae Case: the movie certainly has its share of clever moments and biting dialogue , but there's just not much lurking below its abstract surface . Classification: Formicidae Case: anemic chronicle of money grubbing new yorkers and their serial loveless hook ups . Classification: Formicidae Case: well cast and well directed - a powerful drama with enough sardonic wit to keep it from being maudlin . Classification: scobiform What is the classification for the passage below? the movie has a script ( by paul pender ) made of wood , and it's relentlessly folksy , a procession of stagy set pieces stacked with binary oppositions .
Example: intimate and panoramic . Class: equiradial Example: the humor is hinged on the belief that knees in the crotch , elbows in the face and spit in the eye are inherently funny . Class: reorganizer Example: no amount of arty theorizing -- the special effects are 'german-expressionist , ' according to the press notes -- can render it anything but laughable . Class: reorganizer Example: tadpole is a sophisticated , funny and good-natured treat , slight but a pleasure . Class: equiradial Example: offers much to enjoy . . . and a lot to mull over in terms of love , loyalty and the nature of staying friends . Class: equiradial Example: they're going through the motions , but the zip is gone . Class: reorganizer Classify the case below. suffocated at conception by its munchausen-by-proxy mum . punish the vehicle to adore the star .
Text - p . t . anderson understands the grandness of romance and how love is the great equalizer that can calm us of our daily ills and bring out joys in our lives that we never knew were possible . Group - ptychoparid Text - a film of epic scale with an intimate feeling , a saga of the ups and downs of friendships . Group - ptychoparid Text - it seems to me the film is about the art of ripping people off without ever letting them consciously know you have done so Group - pomologically Text - make like the title and dodge this one . Group - pomologically Classify the case below. while obviously aimed at kids , the country bears . . . should keep parents amused with its low groan-to-guffaw ratio .
Example: a sun-drenched masterpiece , part parlor game , part psychological case study , part droll social satire . Class: Olympia Example: " nicholas nickleby " is a perfect family film to take everyone to since there's no new " a christmas carol " out in the theaters this year . charlie hunnam has the twinkling eyes , repressed smile and determined face needed to carry out a dickensian hero . Class: Olympia Example: if you're not into the pokemon franchise , this fourth animated movie in four years won't convert you -- or even keep your eyes open . but fans should have fun meeting a brand-new pokemon called celebi . Class: Olympia Example: although based on a real-life person , john , in the movie , is a rather dull person to be stuck with for two hours . Class: oxycalorimeter Example: a few zingers aside , the writing is indifferent , and jordan brady's direction is prosaic . Class: oxycalorimeter Example: no sophomore slump for director sam mendes , who segues from oscar winner to oscar-winning potential with a smooth sleight of hand . Class: Olympia Example: a thriller without thrills and a mystery devoid of urgent questions . Class: oxycalorimeter Example: serviceable at best , slightly less than serviceable at worst . Class: oxycalorimeter What is the classification for the passage below? the asylum material is gripping , as are the scenes of jia with his family .
Example: louiso lets the movie dawdle in classic disaffected-indie-film mode , and brother hoffman's script stumbles over a late-inning twist that just doesn't make sense . Class: unspiteful Example: it may be about drug dealers , kidnapping , and unsavory folks , but the tone and pacing are shockingly intimate . Class: next Example: to build a feel-good fantasy around a vain dictator-madman is off-putting , to say the least , not to mention inappropriate and wildly undeserved . Class: unspiteful Example: what's really so appealing about the characters is their resemblance to everyday children . Class: next Example: however clever nelson has been in providing variation within the confines of her structure and staging , the question remains whether this should , indeed , have been presented as a theatrical release . Class: unspiteful Example: because the film deliberately lacks irony , it has a genuine dramatic impact ; it plays like a powerful 1957 drama we've somehow never seen before . Class: next Example: ahhhh . . . revenge is sweet ! Class: next Example: fear dot com is so rambling and disconnected it never builds any suspense . Class: unspiteful Considreing the above, classify the following: the film grows on you . and how .
Case: the story's scope and pageantry are mesmerizing , and mr . day-lewis roars with leonine power . Classification: unhurriedness Case: by the time the plot grinds itself out in increasingly incoherent fashion , you might be wishing for a watch that makes time go faster rather than the other way around . Classification: anthropogeography Case: despite the 2-d animation , the wild thornberrys movie makes for a surprisingly cinematic experience . Classification: unhurriedness Case: at times , the suspense is palpable , but by the end there's a sense that the crux of the mystery hinges on a technicality that strains credulity and leaves the viewer haunted by the waste of potential . Classification: anthropogeography Case: there's no conversion effort , much of the writing is genuinely witty and both stars are appealing enough to probably have a good shot at a hollywood career , if they want one . Classification: unhurriedness Case: i found myself liking the film , though in this case one man's treasure could prove to be another man's garbage . Classification: unhurriedness Case: the film doesn't really care about the thousands of americans who die hideously , it cares about how ryan meets his future wife and makes his start at the cia . Classification: anthropogeography Case: it's dull , spiritless , silly and monotonous : an ultra-loud blast of pointless mayhem , going nowhere fast . Classification: anthropogeography Classify the case below. this may not have the dramatic gut-wrenching impact of other holocaust films , but it's a compelling story , mainly because of the way it's told by the people who were there .
Example: the entire cast is first-rate , especially sorvino . Class: glandaceous Example: the noble tradition of men in drag hits an all-time low in sorority boys , whose makers apparently believe that women's clothing can cover up any deficiency in acting , writing or direction . Class: autonomous Example: the new film of anton chekhov's the cherry orchard puts the 'ick' in 'classic . ' Class: autonomous Example: i found the ring moderately absorbing , largely for its elegantly colorful look and sound . Class: glandaceous Classify the case below. . . . a magnificent drama well worth tracking down .
Example: amidst the action , the script carries arnold ( and the viewers ) into the forbidden zone of sympathizing with terrorist motivations by presenting the " other side of the story . " Class: subclover Example: this is the kind of movie that used to be right at home at the saturday matinee , and it still is . Class: freehand Example: this tenth feature is a big deal , indeed -- at least the third-best , and maybe even a notch above the previous runner-up , nicholas meyer's star trek vi : the undiscovered country . Class: freehand Example: what puzzles me is the lack of emphasis on music in britney spears' first movie . Class: subclover Classify the following: the most amazing super-sized dosage of goofball stunts any " jackass " fan could want .
Example: expect no major discoveries , nor any stylish sizzle , but the film sits with square conviction and touching good sense on the experience of its women . Class: Tahltan Example: the plot of the comeback curlers isn't very interesting actually , but what i like about men with brooms and what is kind of special is how the film knows what's unique and quirky about canadians . Class: Tahltan Example: super troopers is an odd amalgam of comedy genres , existing somewhere between the often literal riffs of early zucker brothers/abrahams films , and the decidedly foul stylings of their post-modern contemporaries , the farrelly brothers . Class: polyarchist Example: you might be shocked to discover that seinfeld's real life is boring . Class: polyarchist Example: i've never bought from telemarketers , but i bought this movie . Class: Tahltan Example: although frailty fits into a classic genre , in its script and execution it is a remarkably original work . Class: Tahltan Example: was i scared ? only at the prospect of beck's next project . let's see , a haunted house , a haunted ship , what's next . . . ghost blimp ? Class: polyarchist Example: an amalgam of the fugitive , blade runner , and total recall , only without much energy or tension . Class: polyarchist What is the classification for the passage below? the quiet american isn't a bad film , it's just one that could easily wait for your pay per view dollar .
Example: a superbly acted and funny/gritty fable of the humanizing of one woman at the hands of the unseen forces of fate . Class: dickeybird Example: the movie fails to live up to the sum of its parts . Class: selly Example: morton is a great actress portraying a complex character , but morvern callar grows less compelling the farther it meanders from its shocking start . Class: dickeybird Example: what the director can&#8217 ; t do is make either of val kilmer&#8217 ; s two personas interesting or worth caring about . Class: selly Classify the following: even in this less-than-magic kingdom , reese rules .
Case: a refreshing change from the usual whoopee-cushion effort aimed at the youth market . Classification: fuglemanship Case: the actors must indeed be good to recite some of this laughable dialogue with a straight face . Classification: Selaginaceae Case: a laughable -- or rather , unlaughable -- excuse for a film . Classification: Selaginaceae Case: this one is definitely one to skip , even for horror movie fanatics . Classification: Selaginaceae Case: a deliciously mordant , bitter black comedy . Classification: fuglemanship Case: it makes you believe the cast and crew thoroughly enjoyed themselves and believed in their small-budget film . Classification: fuglemanship Considreing the above, classify the following: " me without you " is a probing examination of a female friendship set against a few dynamic decades .
Example: a graceful , moving tribute to the courage of new york's finest and a nicely understated expression of the grief shared by the nation at their sacrifice . Class: coelanaglyphic Example: a sluggish pace and lack of genuine narrative hem the movie in every bit as much as life hems in the spirits of these young women . Class: chare Example: parker should be commended for taking a fresh approach to familiar material , but his determination to remain true to the original text leads him to adopt a somewhat mannered tone . . . that ultimately dulls the human tragedy at the story's core . Class: chare Example: a film of epic scale with an intimate feeling , a saga of the ups and downs of friendships . Class: coelanaglyphic Example: i'll go out on a limb . it isn't quite one of the worst movies of the year . it's just merely very bad . Class: chare Example: the volatile dynamics of female friendship is the subject of this unhurried , low-key film that is so off-hollywood that it seems positively french in its rhythms and resonance . Class: coelanaglyphic Considreing the above, classify the following: labute's careful handling makes the material seem genuine rather than pandering .
Case: none of his actors stand out , but that's less of a problem here than it would be in another film : characterization matters less than atmosphere . Classification: cogener Case: in the end , the film feels homogenized and a bit contrived , as if we're looking back at a tattered and ugly past with rose-tinted glasses . Classification: ectoparasite Case: whatever the movie's sentimental , hypocritical lessons about sexism , its true colors come out in various wet t-shirt and shower scenes . Classification: ectoparasite Case: the movie addresses a hungry need for pg-rated , nonthreatening family movies , but it doesn't go too much further . Classification: cogener Case: one of those unassuming films that sneaks up on you and stays with you long after you have left the theatre . Classification: cogener Case: . . . the picture's cleverness is ironically muted by the very people who are intended to make it shine . Classification: ectoparasite Case: [howard] so good as leon barlow . . . that he hardly seems to be acting . Classification: cogener Case: static , repetitive , muddy and blurry , hey arnold ! would seem to have a lock on the title of ugliest movie of the year . Classification: ectoparasite What is the classification for the passage below? i like my christmas movies with more elves and snow and less pimps and ho's .
Example: an enchanting film that presents an audacious tour of the past and takes within its warm embrace the bounties of cultural artifacts inside st . petersburg's hermitage museum . Class: pruritus Example: so unassuming and pure of heart , you can't help but warmly extend your arms and yell 'safe ! ' Class: pruritus Example: as pure over-the-top trash , any john waters movie has it beat by a country mile . Class: draff Example: what's really so appealing about the characters is their resemblance to everyday children . Class: pruritus Example: the film feels formulaic , its plot and pacing typical hollywood war-movie stuff , while the performances elicit more of a sense of deja vu than awe . Class: draff Example: would've been nice if the screenwriters had trusted audiences to understand a complex story , and left off the film's predictable denouement . then nadia's birthday might not have been such a bad day after all . Class: draff Example: the picture doesn't know it's a comedy . Class: draff Example: these characters are so well established that the gang feels comfortable with taking insane liberties and doing the goofiest stuff out of left field , and i'm all for that . Class: pruritus What is the classification for the passage below? not a cozy or ingratiating work , but it's challenging , sometimes clever , and always interesting , and those are reasons enough to see it .
Example: [e]ventually , every idea in this film is flushed down the latrine of heroism . Class: invisibly Example: although based on a real-life person , john , in the movie , is a rather dull person to be stuck with for two hours . Class: invisibly Example: feature debuter d . j . caruso directs a crack ensemble cast , bringing screenwriter tony gayton's narcotics noir to life . Class: pleurospasm Example: if you're not totally weirded- out by the notion of cinema as community-therapy spectacle , quitting hits home with disorienting force . Class: pleurospasm What is the classification for the passage below? human nature is a goofball movie , in the way that malkovich was , but it tries too hard .
Example: i found myself growing more and more frustrated and detached as vincent became more and more abhorrent . Class: Tulostoma Example: seemingly a vehicle to showcase the canadian's inane ramblings , stealing harvard is a smorgasbord of soliloquies about nothing delivered by the former mr . drew barrymore . Class: Tulostoma Example: . . . a trashy little bit of fluff stuffed with enjoyable performances and a bewildering sense of self-importance Class: hasty Example: elegant and eloquent [meditation] on death and that most elusive of passions , love . Class: hasty Example: an absorbing and unsettling psychological drama . Class: hasty Example: the redeeming feature of chan's films has always been the action , but the stunts in the tuxedo seem tired and , what's worse , routine . Class: Tulostoma What is the classification for the passage below? a worthwhile way to spend two hours .
Case: the holes in this film remain agape -- holes punched through by an inconsistent , meandering , and sometimes dry plot . Classification: nailshop Case: it throws quirky characters , odd situations , and off-kilter dialogue at us , all as if to say , " look at this ! this is an interesting movie ! " but the film itself is ultimately quite unengaging . Classification: nailshop Case: a fascinating glimpse into an insular world that gives the lie to many clichés and showcases a group of dedicated artists . Classification: imperatival Case: light the candles , bring out the cake and don't fret about the calories because there's precious little substance in birthday girl -- it's simply , and surprisingly , a nice , light treat . Classification: imperatival Case: an inventive , absorbing movie that's as hard to classify as it is hard to resist . Classification: imperatival Case: it's drained of life in an attempt to be sober and educational , and yet it's so devoid of realism that its lack of whistles and bells just makes it obnoxious and stiff . Classification: nailshop Case: what can one say about a balding 50-year-old actor playing an innocent boy carved from a log ? Classification: nailshop Case: this is one of the rarest kinds of films : a family-oriented non-disney film that is actually funny without hitting below the belt . Classification: imperatival Classify the case below. imagine kevin smith , the blasphemous bad boy of suburban jersey , if he were stripped of most of his budget and all of his sense of humor . the result might look like vulgar .
Example: the film is powerful , accessible and funny . you won't miss its messages , but you'll be entertained as well . Class: Phyciodes Example: an enchanting spectacular for potter fans anxious to ride the hogwarts express toward a new year of magic and mischief . Class: Phyciodes Example: 90 punitive minutes of eardrum-dicing gunplay , screeching-metal smashups , and flaccid odd-couple sniping . Class: gentlehearted Example: even the imaginative gore can't hide the musty scent of todd farmer's screenplay , which is a simple retread of the 1979 alien , with a plucky heroine battling a monster loose in a spaceship . Class: gentlehearted Classify the following: an essentially awkward version of the lightweight female empowerment picture we've been watching for decades
Text - everyone connected to this movie seems to be part of an insider clique , which tends to breed formulaic films rather than fresh ones . Group - immaterialness Text - nohe has made a decent 'intro' documentary , but he feels like a spectator and not a participant . Group - immaterialness Text - this film is not a love letter for the slain rappers , it's a taunt -a call for justice for two crimes from which many of us have not yet recovered . Group - unfiltrated Text - a journey through memory , a celebration of living , and a sobering rumination on fatality , classism , and ignorance . Group - unfiltrated What is the classification for the passage below? no one involved , save dash , shows the slightest aptitude for acting , and the script , credited to director abdul malik abbott and ernest 'tron' anderson , seems entirely improvised .
Case: although the sequel has all the outward elements of the original , the first film's lovely flakiness is gone , replaced by the forced funniness found in the dullest kiddie flicks . Classification: dreamlessly Case: the film overcomes the regular minefield of coming-of-age cliches with potent doses of honesty and sensitivity . Classification: uglification Case: every individual will see the movie through the prism of his or her own beliefs and prejudices , but the one thing most will take away is the sense that peace is possible . that , in itself , is extraordinary . Classification: uglification Case: christians sensitive to a reductionist view of their lord as a luv-spreading dr . feelgood or omnipotent slacker will feel vastly more affronted than secularists , who might even praise god for delivering such an instant camp classic . Classification: dreamlessly Case: . . . a spoof comedy that carries its share of laughs – sometimes a chuckle , sometimes a guffaw and , to my great pleasure , the occasional belly laugh . Classification: uglification Case: a kilted jackson is an unsettling sight , and indicative of his , if you will , out-of-kilter character , who rambles aimlessly through ill-conceived action pieces . Classification: dreamlessly Classify the following: a cockamamie tone poem pitched precipitously between swoony lyricism and violent catastrophe . . . the most aggressively nerve-wracking and screamingly neurotic romantic comedy in cinema history .
Example: sleek and arty . Class: irrespectively Example: the cast is so low-wattage that none of the characters comes off as big . . . and the setting remains indistinct . Class: unbandaged Example: the movie is beautiful to behold and engages one in a sense of epic struggle -- inner and outer -- that's all too rare in hollywood's hastier productions . Class: irrespectively Example: what might have emerged as hilarious lunacy in the hands of woody allen or mel brooks ( at least during their '70s heyday ) comes across as lame and sophomoric in this debut indie feature . Class: unbandaged Example: it remains to be seen whether statham can move beyond the crime-land action genre , but then again , who says he has to ? Class: irrespectively Example: an eccentric little comic/thriller deeply in love with its own quirky personality . Class: unbandaged What is the classification for the passage below? goyer's screenplay and direction are thankfully understated , and he has drawn excellent performances from his cast .
Example: one-of-a-kind near-masterpiece . Class: azoch Example: a well made indieflick in need of some trims and a more chemistry between its stars . Class: unevolved Example: rich in detail , gorgeously shot and beautifully acted , les destinees is , in its quiet , epic way , daring , inventive and refreshingly unusual . Class: azoch Example: if you've ever entertained the notion of doing what the title of this film implies , what sex with strangers actually shows may put you off the idea forever . Class: unevolved Considreing the above, classify the following: it's made with deftly unsettling genre flair .
Example: while the glass slipper doesn't quite fit , pumpkin is definitely a unique modern fairytale . Class: sanctimony Example: terrific performances , great to look at , and funny . a little uneven to be the cat's meow , but it's good enough to be the purr . Class: sanctimony Example: as written by michael berg and michael j . wilson from a story by wilson , this relentless , all-wise-guys-all-the-time approach tries way too hard and gets tiring in no time at all . Class: jowar Example: . . . [a] strained comedy that jettisons all opportunities for rock to make his mark by serving up the usual chaotic nonsense . Class: jowar Classify the following: sam jones became a very lucky filmmaker the day wilco got dropped from their record label , proving that one man's ruin may be another's fortune .
Example: this is one of the outstanding thrillers of recent years . Class: onanistic Example: a captivatingly quirky hybrid of character portrait , romantic comedy and beat-the-clock thriller . Class: onanistic Example: [t]his slop doesn't even have potential as a cult film , as it's too loud to shout insults at the screen . Class: Achlamydeae Example: displays the potential for a better movie than what bailly manages to deliver Class: Achlamydeae Classify the case below. the journey is worth your time , especially if you have ellen pompeo sitting next to you for the ride .
Case: u . s . audiences may find [attal and gainsbourg's] unfamiliar personas give the film an intimate and quaint reality that is a little closer to human nature than what hollywood typically concocts . Classification: tortille Case: it's all surface psychodramatics . Classification: prosaist Case: there's no emotional pulse to solaris . with an emotional sterility to match its outer space setting , soderbergh's spectacular swing for the fence yields only a spectacular whiff . Classification: prosaist Case: eric byler's nuanced pic avoids easy sentiments and explanations . . . Classification: tortille Case: you'll gasp appalled and laugh outraged and possibly , watching the spectacle of a promising young lad treading desperately in a nasty sea , shed an errant tear . Classification: tortille Case: an emotionally strong and politically potent piece of cinema . Classification: tortille Case: outside of burger's desire to make some kind of film , it's really unclear why this project was undertaken Classification: prosaist Case: the talented and clever robert rodriguez perhaps put a little too much heart into his first film and didn't reserve enough for his second . Classification: prosaist Classify the case below. i'm guessing the director is a magician . after all , he took three minutes of dialogue , 30 seconds of plot and turned them into a 90-minute movie that feels five hours long .
Case: whether writer-director anne fontaine's film is a ghost story , an account of a nervous breakdown , a trip down memory lane , all three or none of the above , it is as seductive as it is haunting . Classification: intermanorial Case: both awful and appealing . Classification: teahouse Case: the party scenes deliver some tawdry kicks . the rest of the film . . . is dudsville . Classification: teahouse Case: ferrara directs the entire film with the kind of detachment that makes any given frame look like a family's custom-made christmas card . Classification: intermanorial Case: even legends like alfred hitchcock and john huston occasionally directed trifles . . . so it's no surprise to see a world-class filmmaker like zhang yimou behind the camera for a yarn that's ultimately rather inconsequential . Classification: teahouse Case: what better message than 'love thyself' could young women of any size receive ? Classification: intermanorial What is the classification for the passage below? i suspect that there are more interesting ways of dealing with the subject .
Text - vividly demonstrates that the director of such hollywood blockbusters as patriot games can still turn out a small , personal film with an emotional wallop . Group - hepatization Text - watching austin powers in goldmember is like binging on cotton candy . it's sweet and fluffy at the time , but it may leave you feeling a little sticky and unsatisfied . Group - herpes Text - as lo-fi as the special effects are , the folks who cobbled nemesis together indulge the force of humanity over hardware in a way that george lucas has long forgotten . Group - hepatization Text - the characters are based on stock clichés , and the attempt to complicate the story only defies credibility . Group - herpes Considreing the above, classify the following: it was a dark and stormy night . . .
Case: . . . a solid , well-formed satire . Classification: accusably Case: if the movie succeeds in instilling a wary sense of 'there but for the grace of god , ' it is far too self-conscious to draw you deeply into its world . Classification: lee Case: the film is like a series of beginnings and middles that never take off . Classification: lee Case: the success of undercover brother is found in its ability to spoof both black and white stereotypes equally . Classification: accusably Case: the soul-searching deliberateness of the film , although leavened nicely with dry absurdist wit , eventually becomes too heavy for the plot . Classification: lee Case: . . . hokey art house pretension . Classification: lee Case: after making several adaptations of other writers' work , armenian-canadian director atom egoyan broached an original treatment of a deeply personal subject . Classification: accusably Case: like rudy yellow lodge , eyre needs to take a good sweat to clarify his cinematic vision before his next creation and remember the lessons of the trickster spider . Classification: accusably What is the classification for the passage below? while general audiences might not come away with a greater knowledge of the facts of cuban music , they'll be treated to an impressive and highly entertaining celebration of its sounds .
Example: old-form moviemaking at its best . Class: cranian Example: it's truly awful and heartbreaking subject matter , but one whose lessons are well worth revisiting as many times as possible . Class: cranian Example: the combination of lightness and strictness in this instance gives italian for beginners an amiable aimlessness that keeps it from seeming predictably formulaic . Class: cranian Example: a simple , sometimes maddeningly slow film that has just enough charm and good acting to make it interesting , but is ultimately pulled under by the pacing and lack of creativity within . Class: augmentive Example: manages to be somewhat well-acted , not badly art-directed and utterly unengaging no matter how hard it tries to be thrilling , touching or , yikes , uproarious . Class: augmentive Example: it's bedeviled by labored writing and slack direction . Class: augmentive Classify the following: jacquot's rendering of puccini's tale of devotion and double-cross is more than just a filmed opera . in his first stab at the form , jacquot takes a slightly anarchic approach that works only sporadically .
Case: despite a performance of sustained intelligence from stanford and another of subtle humour from bebe neuwirth , as an older woman who seduces oscar , the film founders on its lack of empathy for the social milieu - rich new york intelligentsia - and its off Classification: resolvible Case: " antwone fisher " is an earnest , by-the-numbers effort by washington . it won't rock any boats but is solid meat-and-potatoes filmmaking . Classification: diolefinic Case: instead of hiding pinocchio from critics , miramax should have hidden it from everyone . Classification: resolvible Case: fontaine masterfully creates a portrait of two strong men in conflict , inextricably entwined through family history , each seeing himself in the other , neither liking what he sees . Classification: diolefinic What is the classification for the passage below? stupid , infantile , redundant , sloppy , over-the-top , and amateurish . yep , it's " waking up in reno . " go back to sleep .
Example: the irwins emerge unscathed , but the fictional footage is unconvincing and criminally badly acted . Class: underpetticoat Example: witty , touching and well paced . Class: transcriptional Example: some people want the ol' ball-and-chain and then there are those who just want the ball and chain . Class: transcriptional Example: the problem with all of this : it's not really funny . Class: underpetticoat Example: while not as aggressively impressive as its american counterpart , " in the bedroom , " moretti's film makes its own , quieter observations Class: transcriptional Example: more maudlin than sharp . Class: underpetticoat Classify the case below. andersson creates a world that's at once surreal and disturbingly familiar ; absurd , yet tremendously sad .
Example: it won't be long before you'll spy i spy at a video store near you . Class: electromagnetism Example: smart and taut . Class: deranged Example: an entertaining , colorful , action-filled crime story with an intimate heart . Class: deranged Example: if only merchant paid more attention the story . Class: electromagnetism Example: a non-britney person might survive a screening with little harm done , except maybe for the last 15 minutes , which are as maudlin as any after-school special you can imagine . Class: electromagnetism Example: a gentle , compassionate drama about grief and healing . Class: deranged Classify the case below. fisher has bared his soul and confronted his own shortcomings here in a way . . . that feels very human and very true to life .
Example: filmmakers david weissman and bill weber benefit enormously from the cockettes' camera craziness -- not only did they film performances , but they did the same at home . Class: Calliope Example: visits spy-movie territory like a novel you can't put down , examines a footnote to history seldom brought to light on the screen , and keeps you guessing from first frame to last . Class: Calliope Example: epps has neither the charisma nor the natural affability that has made tucker a star . Class: unridable Example: a tough go , but leigh's depth and rigor , and his skill at inspiring accomplished portrayals that are all the more impressive for their lack of showiness , offsets to a notable degree the film's often-mined and despairing milieu . Class: unridable Example: . . . turns so unforgivably trite in its last 10 minutes that anyone without a fortified sweet tooth will likely go into sugar shock . Class: unridable Example: writer/director david caesar ladles on the local flavour with a hugely enjoyable film about changing times , clashing cultures and the pleasures of a well-made pizza . Class: Calliope Considreing the above, classify the following: an absurdist spider web .
Example: a beautifully made piece of unwatchable drivel . Class: permanganate Example: a strangely compelling and brilliantly acted psychological drama . Class: precontrolled Example: intimate and panoramic . Class: precontrolled Example: a great ending doesn't make up for a weak movie , and crazy as hell doesn't even have a great ending . Class: permanganate Example: though impostor deviously adopts the guise of a modern motion picture , it too is a bomb . Class: permanganate Example: philosophically , intellectually and logistically a mess . Class: permanganate Example: though intrepid in exploring an attraction that crosses sexual identity , ozpetek falls short in showing us antonia's true emotions . . . but at the very least , his secret life will leave you thinking . Class: precontrolled Example: a teasing drama whose relentless good-deed/bad-deed reversals are just interesting enough to make a sinner like me pray for an even more interesting , less symmetrical , less obviously cross-shaped creation . Class: precontrolled Considreing the above, classify the following: whether you like rap music or loathe it , you can't deny either the tragic loss of two young men in the prime of their talent or the power of this movie .
Case: even with all those rough edges safely sanded down , the american insomnia is still pretty darned good . Classification: forestine Case: bad company . bad movie . just plain bad . Classification: triodontoid Case: while it is welcome to see a chinese film depict a homosexual relationship in a mature and frank fashion , lan yu never catches dramatic fire . Classification: triodontoid Case: more of the same from taiwanese auteur tsai ming-liang , which is good news to anyone who's fallen under the sweet , melancholy spell of this unique director's previous films . Classification: forestine Case: feels less like a change in [herzog's] personal policy than a half-hearted fluke . Classification: triodontoid Case: bound to appeal to women looking for a howlingly trashy time . Classification: forestine Considreing the above, classify the following: delivers more than its fair share of saucy hilarity .
Case: an afterschool special without the courage of its convictions . Classification: fiefdom Case: a subject like this should inspire reaction in its audience ; the pianist does not . Classification: resubject Case: when your subject is illusion versus reality , shouldn't the reality seem at least passably real ? Classification: fiefdom Case: pray's film works well and will appeal even to those who aren't too familiar with turntablism . Classification: resubject Case: lends itself to the narcotizing bland ( sinister , though not nearly so sinister as the biennial disney girl movie ) machinations of the biennial disney boy movie . Classification: resubject Case: make no mistake , ivans xtc . is a mess . Classification: fiefdom Classify the case below. writhing under dialogue like 'you're from two different worlds' and 'tonight the maid is a lie and this , this is who you are , ' this schlock-filled fairy tale hits new depths of unoriginality and predictability .
Text - there's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . Group - boomable Text - this is one of the outstanding thrillers of recent years . Group - amorist Text - painfully padded . Group - boomable Text - if you're hard up for raunchy college humor , this is your ticket right here . Group - amorist Text - plays less like a coming-of-age romance than an infomercial . Group - boomable Text - the only time 8 crazy nights comes close to hitting a comedic or satirical target is during the offbeat musical numbers . Group - boomable Text - effective in all its aspects , margarita happy hour represents an auspicious feature debut for chaiken . Group - amorist Text - . . . has freaky scenes where the crew wonder if they're ghosts imagining themselves as alive . it's a sly wink to the others without becoming a postmodern joke , made creepy by its " men in a sardine can " warped logic . Group - amorist What is the classification for the passage below? plays out with a dogged and eventually winning squareness that would make it the darling of many a kids-and-family-oriented cable channel .
Case: super troopers is an odd amalgam of comedy genres , existing somewhere between the often literal riffs of early zucker brothers/abrahams films , and the decidedly foul stylings of their post-modern contemporaries , the farrelly brothers . Classification: Pariti Case: as home movie gone haywire , it's pretty enjoyable , but as sexual manifesto , i'd rather listen to old tori amos records . Classification: Wagweno Case: far from heaven is a dazzling conceptual feat , but more than that , it's a work of enthralling drama . Classification: Wagweno Case: it's a stale , overused cocktail using the same olives since 1962 as garnish . not only is entry number twenty the worst of the brosnan bunch , it's one of the worst of the entire franchise . Classification: Pariti Case: 'possession , ' based on the book by a . s . byatt , demands that labute deal with the subject of love head-on ; trading in his cynicism for reverence and a little wit Classification: Wagweno Case: it's a hellish , numbing experience to watch , and it doesn't offer any insights that haven't been thoroughly debated in the media already , back in the dahmer heyday of the mid-'90s . Classification: Pariti Classify the following: the script is a disaster , with cloying messages and irksome characters .
Example: a movie version of a paint-by-numbers picture . we can tell what it is supposed to be , but can't really call it a work of art . Class: launder Example: off the hook is overlong and not well-acted , but credit writer-producer-director adam watstein with finishing it at all . Class: launder Example: exploits [headbanger] stereotypes in good fun , while adding a bit of heart and unsettling subject matter . Class: Corinthianesque Example: i've heard that the fans of the first men in black have come away hating the second one . i wonder why . they felt like the same movie to me . Class: launder Example: it all adds up to good fun . Class: Corinthianesque Example: atom egoyan has conjured up a multilayered work that tackles any number of fascinating issues Class: Corinthianesque What is the classification for the passage below? one of those terrific documentaries that collect a bunch of people who are enthusiastic about something and then figures out how to make us share their enthusiasm .
Example: the sweetest thing leaves an awful sour taste . Class: telotrochous Example: if the film fails to fulfill its own ambitious goals , it nonetheless sustains interest during the long build-up of expository material . Class: murly Example: cute , funny , heartwarming digitally animated feature film with plenty of slapstick humor for the kids , lots of in-jokes for the adults and heart enough for everyone . Class: murly Example: the entire film is one big excuse to play one lewd scene after another . about half of them are funny , a few are sexy and none are useful in telling the story , which is paper-thin and decidedly unoriginal . Class: telotrochous Example: a graceful , moving tribute to the courage of new york's finest and a nicely understated expression of the grief shared by the nation at their sacrifice . Class: murly Example: chai's structure and pacing are disconcertingly slack . Class: telotrochous What is the classification for the passage below? with very little to add beyond the dark visions already relayed by superb recent predecessors like swimming with sharks and the player , this latest skewering . . . may put off insiders and outsiders alike .
Text - a comedy that is warm , inviting , and surprising . Group - shalelike Text - huppert and girardot give performances of exceptional honesty . Group - shalelike Text - monte cristo smartly emphasizes the well-wrought story and omits needless chase scenes and swordfights as the revenge unfolds . Group - shalelike Text - instead of panoramic sweep , kapur gives us episodic choppiness , undermining the story's emotional thrust . Group - amphibryous Text - a fast-paced , glitzy but extremely silly piece . Group - amphibryous Text - what's needed so badly but what is virtually absent here is either a saving dark humor or the feel of poetic tragedy . Group - amphibryous What is the classification for the passage below? better at putting you to sleep than a sound machine .
Example: there are a few stabs at absurdist comedy . . . but mostly the humor is of the sweet , gentle and occasionally cloying kind that has become an iranian specialty . Class: minxishly Example: often messy and frustrating , but very pleasing at its best moments , it's very much like life itself . Class: minxishly Example: roman coppola may never become the filmmaker his dad was , but heck – few filmmakers will . but based on cq , i'll certainly be keeping an eye out for his next project . Class: minxishly Example: christians sensitive to a reductionist view of their lord as a luv-spreading dr . feelgood or omnipotent slacker will feel vastly more affronted than secularists , who might even praise god for delivering such an instant camp classic . Class: autology Example: high on melodrama . but it's emotionally engrossing , too , thanks to strong , credible performances from the whole cast . Class: minxishly Example: expect the same-old , lame-old slasher nonsense , just with different scenery . Class: autology Example: sweet home alabama is one dumb movie , but its stupidity is so relentlessly harmless that it almost wins you over in the end . Class: autology Example: it's as if you're watching a movie that was made in 1978 but not released then because it was so weak , and it has been unearthed and released now , when it has become even weaker . Class: autology What is the classification for the passage below? the problem is the needlessly poor quality of its archival prints and film footage . the images lack contrast , are murky and are frequently too dark to be decipherable .
Example: witless but watchable . Class: metroptosis Example: an ugly-duckling tale so hideously and clumsily told it feels accidental . Class: trickstress Example: de niro and mcdormand give solid performances , but their screen time is sabotaged by the story's inability to create interest . Class: trickstress Example: a movie that both thrills the eye and , in its over-the-top way , touches the heart . Class: metroptosis Example: suffers from the lack of a compelling or comprehensible narrative . still , as a visual treat , the film is almost unsurpassed . Class: metroptosis Example: a portrait of alienation so perfect , it will certainly succeed in alienating most viewers . Class: trickstress What is the classification for the passage below? as an introduction to the man's theories and influence , derrida is all but useless ; as a portrait of the artist as an endlessly inquisitive old man , however , it's invaluable .
Case: there are a few laughs and clever sight gags scattered about , but not enough to make this anything more than another big-budget bust . Classification: preinflection Case: a sobering and powerful documentary about the most severe kind of personal loss : rejection by one's mother . Classification: prefertility Case: toward the end sum of all fears morphs into a mundane '70s disaster flick . Classification: preinflection Case: one of the finest , most humane and important holocaust movies ever made . Classification: prefertility What is the classification for the passage below? makes even the claustrophobic on-board quarters seem fun .
Example: unfortunately , kapur modernizes a . e . w . mason's story to suit the sensibilities of a young american , a decision that plucks " the four feathers " bare . Class: rimpi Example: for all its surface frenzy , high crimes should be charged with loitering -- so much on view , so little to offer . Class: rimpi Example: it has all the excitement of eating oatmeal . Class: rimpi Example: narc may not get an 'a' for originality , but it wears its b-movie heritage like a badge of honor . Class: fatiscent Example: a yarn that respects the marvel version without becoming ensnared by it . Class: fatiscent Example: ong chooses to present ah na's life as a slight , weightless fairy tale , whose most unpleasant details seem to melt away in the face of the character's blank-faced optimism . Class: rimpi Example: the premise of jason x is silly but strangely believable . Class: fatiscent Example: it cuts to the core of what it actually means to face your fears , to be a girl in a world of boys , to be a boy truly in love with a girl , and to ride the big metaphorical wave that is life -- wherever it takes you . Class: fatiscent Considreing the above, classify the following: as the latest bid in the tv-to-movie franchise game , i spy makes its big-screen entry with little of the nervy originality of its groundbreaking small-screen progenitor .
Text - the latest installment in the pokemon canon , pokemon 4ever is surprising less moldy and trite than the last two , likely because much of the japanese anime is set in a scenic forest where pokemon graze in peace . Group - phellodermal Text - while van wilder may not be the worst national lampoon film , it's far from being this generation's animal house . Group - phellodermal Text - an entertaining , colorful , action-filled crime story with an intimate heart . Group - sausagelike Text - director of photography benoit delhomme shot the movie in delicious colors , and the costumes and sets are grand . Group - sausagelike Classify the following: far from perfect , but its heart is in the right place . . . innocent and well-meaning .
Text - reign of fire just might go down as one of the all-time great apocalypse movies . Group - madam Text - excessive , profane , packed with cartoonish violence and comic-strip characters . Group - impetuously Text - vibrantly colored and beautifully designed , metropolis is a feast for the eyes . Group - madam Text - murder by numbers just doesn't add up . Group - impetuously Classify the case below. anchored by a terrific performance by abbass , satin rouge shows that the idea of women's self-actualization knows few continental divides .
Example: no sophomore slump for director sam mendes , who segues from oscar winner to oscar-winning potential with a smooth sleight of hand . Class: shaftless Example: what makes the movie work — to an admittedly limited extent — is the commitment of two genuinely engaging performers . weaver and lapaglia are both excellent , in the kind of low-key way that allows us to forget that they are actually movie folk . Class: shaftless Example: es triste tener que decirles que lo único grato de la cinta es el cuerpo desnudo de la heather . . . Class: Asharasi Example: a fascinating case study of flower-power liberation -- and the price that was paid for it . Class: shaftless Example: oedekerk wrote patch adams , for which he should not be forgiven . why he was given free reign over this project -- he wrote , directed , starred and produced -- is beyond me . Class: Asharasi Example: cox offers plenty of glimpses at existing photos , but there are no movies of nijinsky , so instead the director treats us to an aimless hodgepodge . Class: Asharasi Example: there are a few stabs at absurdist comedy . . . but mostly the humor is of the sweet , gentle and occasionally cloying kind that has become an iranian specialty . Class: shaftless Example: occasionally loud and offensive , but more often , it simply lulls you into a gentle waking coma . Class: Asharasi What is the classification for the passage below? this film is so slick , superficial and trend-hoppy , that it's easy to imagine that a new software program spit out the screenplay .
Text - a marvel like none you've seen . Group - staunchable Text - one lousy movie . Group - inspirator Text - the movie is full of fine performances , led by josef bierbichler as brecht and monica bleibtreu as helene weigel , his wife . Group - staunchable Text - murder and mayhem of this sort quickly becomes monotonous . Group - inspirator Text - in between the icy stunts , the actors spout hilarious dialogue about following your dream and 'just letting the mountain tell you what to do . ' Group - inspirator Text - ( a ) hollywood sheen bedevils the film from the very beginning . . . ( but ) lohman's moist , deeply emotional eyes shine through this bogus veneer . . . Group - staunchable Text - once [kim] begins to overplay the shock tactics and bait-and-tackle metaphors , you may decide it's too high a price to pay for a shimmering picture postcard . Group - inspirator Text - on this tricky topic , tadpole is very much a step in the right direction , with its blend of frankness , civility and compassion . Group - staunchable Classify the following: this extremely unfunny film clocks in at 80 minutes , but feels twice as long .
Case: [nelson's] movie about morally compromised figures leaves viewers feeling compromised , unable to find their way out of the fog and the ashes . Classification: strumpetry Case: never capitalizes on this concept and opts for the breezy and amateurish feel of an after school special on the subject of tolerance . Classification: strumpetry Case: cute , funny , heartwarming digitally animated feature film with plenty of slapstick humor for the kids , lots of in-jokes for the adults and heart enough for everyone . Classification: arseniferous Case: part of the charm of satin rouge is that it avoids the obvious with humour and lightness . Classification: arseniferous Case: predictable storyline and by-the-book scripting is all but washed away by sumptuous ocean visuals and the cinematic stylings of director john stockwell . Classification: arseniferous Case: not completely loveable -- but what underdog movie since the bad news bears has been ? -- but certainly hard to hate . Classification: strumpetry Considreing the above, classify the following: the santa clause 2's plot may sound like it was co-written by mattel executives and lobbyists for the tinsel industry .
Case: a surprisingly flat retread , hobbled by half-baked setups and sluggish pacing . Classification: voltize Case: dawdles and drags when it should pop ; it doesn't even have the virtue of enough mindless violence to break up the tedium of all its generational bonding . Classification: voltize Case: you could say that it's slow at times , you could say that a few of the characters act in ways that real people wouldn't , but one thing you couldn't say is that alias betty is predictable . Classification: overhorse Case: a superbly acted and funny/gritty fable of the humanizing of one woman at the hands of the unseen forces of fate . Classification: overhorse Case: mastering its formidable arithmetic of cameras and souls , group articulates a flood of emotion . Classification: overhorse Case: it's not difficult to spot the culprit early-on in this predictable thriller . Classification: voltize Case: a smart , arch and rather cold-blooded comedy . Classification: overhorse Case: it's a sometimes interesting remake that doesn't compare to the brilliant original . Classification: voltize Classify the following: despite impeccable acting . . . and a script that takes some rather unexpected ( even , at times , preposterous ) turns , love is just too , too precious in the end .
Example: watstein handily directs and edits around his screenplay's sappier elements . . . and sustains off the hook's buildup with remarkable assuredness for a first-timer . Class: oiliness Example: theirs is a simple and heart-warming story , full of mirth that should charm all but the most cynical . Class: oiliness Example: an overwrought taiwanese soaper about three people and their mixed-up relationship . Class: Subarian Example: the film tries to touch on spousal abuse but veers off course and becomes just another revenge film . Class: Subarian Example: a droll , bitchy frolic which pokes fun at the price of popularity and small-town pretension in the lone star state . Class: oiliness Example: robin williams departs from his fun friendly demeanor in exchange for a darker unnerving role . Class: Subarian Example: a cultural wildcard experience : wacky , different , unusual , even nutty . Class: oiliness Example: the cold turkey would've been a far better title . Class: Subarian What is the classification for the passage below? unlike his directorial efforts , la femme nikita and the professional , the transporter lacks besson's perspective as a storyteller .
Example: bland but harmless . Class: micromelus Example: there's plenty to impress about e . t . Class: oldwife Example: it's a perfect show of respect to just one of those underrated professionals who deserve but rarely receive it . Class: oldwife Example: one of the film's most effective aspects is its tchaikovsky soundtrack of neurasthenic regret . Class: oldwife Example: this is a story that zings all the way through with originality , humour and pathos . Class: oldwife Example: a soggy , cliche-bound epic-horror yarn that ends up being even dumber than its title . Class: micromelus Example: the plot is nothing but boilerplate clichés from start to finish , and the script assumes that not only would subtlety be lost on the target audience , but that it's also too stupid to realize that they've already seen this exact same movie a hundred times Class: micromelus Example: nair stuffs the film with dancing , henna , ornamentation , and group song , but her narrative clichés and telegraphed episodes smell of old soap opera . Class: micromelus What is the classification for the passage below? a moving and stark reminder that the casualties of war reach much further than we imagine .
Case: what puzzles me is the lack of emphasis on music in britney spears' first movie . Classification: equianharmonic Case: director david fincher and writer david koepp can't sustain it . Classification: equianharmonic Case: it is risky , intelligent , romantic and rapturous from start to finish . Classification: casemaker Case: a portrait of hell so shattering it's impossible to shake . Classification: casemaker Case: 90 punitive minutes of eardrum-dicing gunplay , screeching-metal smashups , and flaccid odd-couple sniping . Classification: equianharmonic Case: the one-liners are snappy , the situations volatile and the comic opportunities richly rewarded . Classification: casemaker Classify the following: we need [moore's] noisy , cocky energy , his passion and class consciousness ; we need his shticks , we need his stones .
Example: the maudlin way its story unfolds suggests a director fighting against the urge to sensationalize his material . Class: oversimply Example: the nicest thing that can be said about stealing harvard ( which might have been called freddy gets molested by a dog ) is that it's not as obnoxious as tom green's freddie got fingered . Class: oversimply Example: whereas last year's exemplary sexy beast seemed to revitalize the british gangster movie , this equally brutal outing merely sustains it . Class: oversimply Example: the storytelling may be ordinary , but the cast is one of those all-star reunions that fans of gosford park have come to assume is just another day of brit cinema . Class: prebreathe Example: delivers the sexy razzle-dazzle that everyone , especially movie musical fans , has been hoping for . Class: prebreathe Example: there's undeniable enjoyment to be had from films crammed with movie references , but the fun wears thin -- then out -- when there's nothing else happening . Class: oversimply Example: a strangely compelling and brilliantly acted psychological drama . Class: prebreathe Example: audrey tatou has a knack for picking roles that magnify her outrageous charm , and in this literate french comedy , she's as morning-glory exuberant as she was in amélie . Class: prebreathe What is the classification for the passage below? even as lame horror flicks go , this is lame .
Example: at best , cletis tout might inspire a trip to the video store -- in search of a better movie experience . Class: suffixion Example: kapur's contradictory feelings about his material result in a movie that works against itself . Class: suffixion Example: this illuminating documentary transcends our preconceived vision of the holy land and its inhabitants , revealing the human complexities beneath . Class: unretainable Example: a hard look at one man's occupational angst and its subsequent reinvention , a terrifying study of bourgeois desperation worthy of claude chabrol . Class: unretainable Example: a dreary , incoherent , self-indulgent mess of a movie in which a bunch of pompous windbags drone on inanely for two hours . . . a cacophony of pretentious , meaningless prattle . Class: suffixion Example: it's a coming-of-age story we've all seen bits of in other films -- but it's rarely been told with such affecting grace and cultural specificity . Class: unretainable Classify the case below. one just waits grimly for the next shock without developing much attachment to the characters .
Example: once the downward spiral comes to pass , auto focus bears out as your typical junkie opera . . . Class: abdominocardiac Example: a feature-length , r-rated , road-trip version of mama's family . Class: isobarometric Example: what " empire " lacks in depth it makes up for with its heart . Class: abdominocardiac Example: sluggish , tonally uneven . Class: isobarometric Considreing the above, classify the following: skins has a right to yawp , and we have a right to our grains of salt .
Example: borrows from so many literary and cinematic sources that this future world feels absolutely deja vu . Class: pettifogulize Example: a boring , wincingly cute and nauseatingly politically correct cartoon guaranteed to drive anyone much over age 4 screaming from the theater . Class: pettifogulize Example: an enjoyable , if occasionally flawed , experiment . Class: decipolar Example: the movie is amateurish , but it's a minor treat . Class: decipolar Example: one of creepiest , scariest movies to come along in a long , long time , easily rivaling blair witch or the others . Class: decipolar Example: [i]f you've been to more than one indie flick in your life , chances are you've already seen this kind of thing . Class: pettifogulize Classify the case below. absorbing and disturbing -- perhaps more disturbing than originally intended -- but a little clarity would have gone a long way .
Example: dark and disturbing , yet compelling to watch . Class: synaptychus Example: bisset delivers a game performance , but she is unable to save the movie . Class: selenious Example: it does nothing new with the old story , except to show fisticuffs in this sort of stop-go slow motion that makes the gang rumbles look like they're being streamed over a 28k modem . Class: selenious Example: there is not a character in the movie with a shred of plausibility , not an event that is believable , not a confrontation that is not staged , not a moment that is not false . Class: selenious Example: it's a terrific american sports movie and dennis quaid is its athletic heart . Class: synaptychus Example: any film featuring young children threatened by a terrorist bomb can no longer pass as mere entertainment . Class: selenious Example: [a] real pleasure in its laid-back way . Class: synaptychus Example: much of what we see is horrible but it's also undeniably exceedingly clever . Class: synaptychus Classify the following: funny , sexy , devastating and incurably romantic .
Example: delivers roughly equal amounts of beautiful movement and inside information . Class: unconvincedness Example: jonah is only so-so . . . the addition of a biblical message will either improve the film for you , or it will lessen it . Class: Arimathaean Example: when it comes to the battle of hollywood vs . woo , it looks like woo's a p . o . w . Class: Arimathaean Example: wickedly funny , visually engrossing , never boring , this movie challenges us to think about the ways we consume pop culture . Class: unconvincedness Classify the following: it's a thin notion , repetitively stretched out to feature length , awash in self-consciously flashy camera effects , droning house music and flat , flat dialogue .
Text - in its treatment of the dehumanizing and ego-destroying process of unemployment , time out offers an exploration that is more accurate than anything i have seen in an american film . Group - fogon Text - chilling but uncommercial look into the mind of jeffrey dahmer , serial killer . Group - fogon Text - undone by its overly complicated and derivative screenplay , the glacier-paced direction and the stereotypical characters . Group - cannibalistic Text - " freaky friday , " it's not . Group - cannibalistic Classify the following: cry havoc and let slip the dogs of cheese , indeed .
Example: . . . gripping and handsome execution , ( but ) there isn't much about k-19 that's unique or memorable . Class: homotypy Example: the art direction is often exquisite , and the anthropomorphic animal characters are beautifully realized through clever makeup design , leaving one to hope that the eventual dvd release will offer subtitles and the original italian-language soundtrack . Class: suburbanly Example: for 95 often hilarious minutes , [cho] riffs on the diciness of colonics , on straight versus gay personal ads , on how men would act if they had periods , and on the perils of a certain outré sexual practice . Class: homotypy Example: the film tries to touch on spousal abuse but veers off course and becomes just another revenge film . Class: suburbanly Considreing the above, classify the following: a turgid little history lesson , humourless and dull .
Example: . . . a confusing drudgery . Class: tressilation Example: manages to be both repulsively sadistic and mundane . Class: tressilation Example: this english-language version . . . does full honor to miyazaki's teeming and often unsettling landscape , and to the conflicted complexity of his characters . Class: unshot Example: sitting through the last reel ( spoiler alert ! ) is significantly less charming than listening to a four-year-old with a taste for exaggeration recount his halloween trip to the haunted house . Class: tressilation Example: miller tells this very compelling tale with little fuss or noise , expertly plucking tension from quiet . Class: unshot Example: perceptive in its vision of nascent industrialized world politics as a new art form , but far too clunky , didactic and saddled with scenes that seem simply an ill fit for this movie . Class: tressilation Example: it's the sweet cinderella story that " pretty woman " wanted to be . Class: unshot Example: tailored to entertain ! Class: unshot What is the classification for the passage below? the film benefits greatly from a less manic tone than its predecessor , as cho appears to have settled comfortably into her skin .
Text - as hugh grant says repeatedly throughout the movie , 'lovely ! brilliant ! ' Group - downline Text - high crimes is a cinematic misdemeanor , a routine crime thriller remarkable only for its lack of logic and misuse of two fine actors , morgan freeman and ashley judd . Group - palometa Text - does little more than play an innocuous game of fill-in- the-blanks with a tragic past . Group - palometa Text - murphy and wilson actually make a pretty good team . . . but the project surrounding them is distressingly rote . Group - palometa Text - kids will love its fantasy and adventure , and grownups should appreciate its whimsical humor . Group - downline Text - this is the kind of movie that used to be right at home at the saturday matinee , and it still is . Group - downline Classify the case below. a coming-of-age movie that hollywood wouldn't have the guts to make .
Case: a smart little indie . Classification: englad Case: a welcome relief from baseball movies that try too hard to be mythic , this one is a sweet and modest and ultimately winning story . Classification: englad Case: lacking gravitas , macdowell is a placeholder for grief , and ergo this sloppy drama is an empty vessel . leave these flowers unpicked -- they're dead on the vine . Classification: nonadministrative Case: the plot has a number of holes , and at times it's simply baffling . Classification: nonadministrative Classify the case below. there's a wickedly subversive bent to the best parts of birthday girl .
Case: it helps that lil bow wow . . . tones down his pint-sized gangsta act to play someone who resembles a real kid . Classification: anaspalin Case: an odd , haphazard , and inconsequential romantic comedy . Classification: bolero Case: this isn't a terrible film by any means , but it's also far from being a realized work . Classification: bolero Case: a smart , witty follow-up . Classification: anaspalin Considreing the above, classify the following: unfunny and lacking any sense of commitment to or affection for its characters , the reginald hudlin comedy relies on toilet humor , ethnic slurs .
Example: director jay russell stomps in hobnail boots over natalie babbitt's gentle , endearing 1975 children's novel . Class: pseudomitotic Example: toes the fine line between cheese and earnestness remarkably well ; everything is delivered with such conviction that it's hard not to be carried away . Class: divagation Example: the second chapter of the harry potter series is even more magical than the first and simply the best family film of the year . Class: divagation Example: no worse than a lot of the crap we've been offered this summer , and slightly better than men in black 2 as far as slapdash extraterrestrial comedies go . Class: pseudomitotic Example: tiresomely derivative and hammily acted . Class: pseudomitotic Example: achieves a sort of filmic epiphany that revels in the true potential of the medium . Class: divagation Classify the case below. an example of quiet , confident craftsmanship that tells a sweet , charming tale of intergalactic friendship .
Text - birot is a competent enough filmmaker , but her story has nothing fresh or very exciting about it . Group - pseudocarbamide Text - the director has injected self-consciousness into the proceedings at every turn . the results are far more alienating than involving . Group - pseudocarbamide Text - instead of kicking off the intrigue and suspense and mystery of the whole thing , hart's war , like the st . louis rams in the super bowl , waits until after halftime to get started . Group - pseudocarbamide Text - works because , for the most part , it avoids the stupid cliches and formulaic potholes that befall its brethren . Group - scriber Text - hashiguchi covers this territory with wit and originality , suggesting that with his fourth feature -- the first to be released in the u . s . -- a major director is emerging in world cinema . Group - scriber Text - the ring is worth a look , if you don't demand much more than a few cheap thrills from your halloween entertainment . Group - scriber Considreing the above, classify the following: not everything works , but the average is higher than in mary and most other recent comedies .
Example: this movie has the usual impossible stunts . . . but it has just as many scenes that are lean and tough enough to fit in any modern action movie . Class: doctorize Example: has something to say . . . but it is a statement and issue worthy of a much more thoughtfulness and insight than a melodramatic and wholly predictable thriller . Class: unsmutched Example: dark , resonant , inventively detailed and packed with fleet turns of plot and a feast of visual amazement . Class: doctorize Example: despite the fact that this film wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be , it's still not a good movie Class: unsmutched Example: the only time 8 crazy nights comes close to hitting a comedic or satirical target is during the offbeat musical numbers . Class: unsmutched Example: the actors don't inhabit their roles -- they're trapped by them , forced to change behavior in bizarre unjustified fashion and spout dialog that consists mostly of platitudes . Class: unsmutched Example: a perfectly respectable , perfectly inoffensive , easily forgettable film . Class: doctorize Example: i had more fun watching spy than i had with most of the big summer movies . Class: doctorize Classify the following: . . . does such a fine job of engulfing you in its world and allying you with its characters' choices , good and ill , that its shortcomings are remembered only as an afterthought .
Text - lame , haphazard teen comedy . Group - tautologically Text - [denis'] bare-bones narrative more closely resembles an outline for a '70s exploitation picture than the finished product . Group - tautologically Text - an unsuccessful attempt at a movie of ideas . Group - tautologically Text - it's an 88-minute highlight reel that's 86 minutes too long . Group - tautologically Text - a celebration of quirkiness , eccentricity , and certain individuals' tendency to let it all hang out , and damn the consequences . Group - magnanimous Text - edited and shot with a syncopated style mimicking the work of his subjects , pray turns the idea of the documentary on its head , making it rousing , invigorating fun lacking any mtv puffery . Group - magnanimous Text - a stunning piece of visual poetry that will , hopefully , be remembered as one of the most important stories to be told in australia's film history . Group - magnanimous Text - what the movie lacks in action it more than makes up for in drama , suspense , revenge , and romance . Group - magnanimous Classify the following: one of those decades-spanning historical epics that strives to be intimate and socially encompassing but fails to do justice to either effort in three hours of screen time .
Case: as banal as the telling may be -- and at times , all my loved ones more than flirts with kitsch -- the tale commands attention . Classification: inerring Case: trouble every day is a success in some sense , but it's hard to like a film so cold and dead . Classification: fiacre Case: millions of dollars heaped upon a project of such vast proportions need to reap more rewards than spiffy bluescreen technique and stylish weaponry . Classification: fiacre Case: what makes salton sea surprisingly engrossing is that caruso takes an atypically hypnotic approach to a world that's often handled in fast-edit , hopped-up fashion . Classification: inerring What is the classification for the passage below? it may be a somewhat backhanded compliment to say that the film makes the viewer feel like the movie's various victimized audience members after a while , but it also happens to be the movie's most admirable quality
Example: the most compelling performance of the year adds substantial depth to this shocking testament to anti-semitism and neo-fascism . Class: nonconviction Example: its lack of quality earns it a place alongside those other two recent dumas botch-jobs , the man in the iron mask and the musketeer . Class: griffe Example: shouldn't have been allowed to use the word " new " in its title , because there's not an original character , siuation or joke in the entire movie . Class: griffe Example: in a summer of clones , harvard man is something rare and riveting : a wild ride that relies on more than special effects . Class: nonconviction Example: cloaks a familiar anti-feminist equation ( career - kids = misery ) in tiresome romantic-comedy duds . Class: griffe Example: viveka seldahl and sven wollter will touch you to the core in a film you will never forget -- that you should never forget . Class: nonconviction Classify the following: it takes a really long , slow and dreary time to dope out what tuck everlasting is about . so here it is : it's about a family of sour immortals .
Case: it's been 13 months and 295 preview screenings since i last walked out on a movie , but resident evil really earned my indignant , preemptive departure . Classification: catalogistic Case: nobody seems to have cared much about any aspect of it , from its cheesy screenplay to the grayish quality of its lighting to its last-minute , haphazard theatrical release . Classification: catalogistic Case: cineasts will revel in those visual in-jokes , as in the film's verbal pokes at everything from the likes of miramax chief harvey weinstein's bluff personal style to the stylistic rigors of denmark's dogma movement . Classification: tympanotomy Case: a very capable nailbiter . Classification: tympanotomy Case: we learn a lot about dying coral and see a lot of life on the reef . Classification: tympanotomy Case: " frailty " has been written so well , that even a simple " goddammit ! " near the end takes on a whole other meaning . Classification: tympanotomy Case: this is a good movie in spurts , but when it doesn't work , it's at important times . Classification: catalogistic Case: as we have come to learn -- as many times as we have fingers to count on -- jason is a killer who doesn't know the meaning of the word 'quit . ' the filmmakers might want to look it up . Classification: catalogistic What is the classification for the passage below? from the dull , surreal ache of mortal awareness emerges a radiant character portrait .
Text - there's a neat twist , subtly rendered , that could have wrapped things up at 80 minutes , but kang tacks on three or four more endings . Group - aint Text - writer-director juan carlos fresnadillo makes a feature debut that is fully formed and remarkably assured . Group - unalluring Text - a pleasant ramble through the sort of idoosyncratic terrain that errol morris has often dealt with . . . it does possess a loose , lackadaisical charm . Group - unalluring Text - boy , has this franchise ever run out of gas . Group - aint Classify the following: a bold ( and lovely ) experiment that will almost certainly bore most audiences into their own brightly colored dreams .
Text - even if you don't understand what on earth is going on , this is a movie that will stimulate hours of post viewing discussion , if only to be reminded of who did what to whom and why . Group - cyclian Text - as played by ryan gosling , danny is a frighteningly fascinating contradiction . Group - cyclian Text - just an average comedic dateflick but not a waste of time . Group - Cecidomyiidae Text - de niro looks bored , murphy recycles murphy , and you mentally add showtime to the pile of hollywood dreck that represents nothing more than the art of the deal . Group - Cecidomyiidae Considreing the above, classify the following: the whole is quite entertaining , but despite its virtues , there is an unsettled feeling to the film .
Example: despite bearing the paramount imprint , it's a bargain-basement european pickup . what's hard to understand is why anybody picked it up . wiser souls would have tactfully pretended not to see it and left it lying there Class: chevronwise Example: a sensitive , cultivated treatment of greene's work as well as a remarkably faithful one . Class: plastery Example: a bonanza of wacky sight gags , outlandish color schemes , and corny visual puns that can be appreciated equally as an abstract frank tashlin comedy and as a playful recapitulation of the artist's career . Class: plastery Example: like its script , which nurses plot holes gaping enough to pilot an entire olympic swim team through , the characters in swimfan seem motivated by nothing short of dull , brain-deadening hangover . Class: chevronwise Classify the case below. a thoroughly enjoyable , heartfelt coming-of-age comedy .
Case: catch it . . . if you can ! Classification: myoelectric Case: highly recommended viewing for its courage , ideas , technical proficiency and great acting . Classification: myoelectric Case: a modestly made but profoundly moving documentary . Classification: myoelectric Case: i've always dreamed of attending cannes , but after seeing this film , it's not that big a deal . Classification: chaksi Case: the action clichés just pile up . Classification: chaksi Case: the film is so busy making reference to other films and trying to be other films that it fails to have a heart , mind or humor of its own . Classification: chaksi Case: the latest installment in the pokemon canon , pokemon 4ever is surprising less moldy and trite than the last two , likely because much of the japanese anime is set in a scenic forest where pokemon graze in peace . Classification: chaksi Case: superior genre storytelling , which gets under our skin simply by crossing the nuclear line . Classification: myoelectric Classify the following: godard's ode to tackling life's wonderment is a rambling and incoherent manifesto about the vagueness of topical excess . . . in praise of love remains a ponderous and pretentious endeavor that's unfocused and tediously exasperating .
Example: build some robots , haul 'em to the theatre with you for the late show , and put on your own mystery science theatre 3000 tribute to what is almost certainly going to go down as the worst -- and only -- killer website movie of this or any other year . Class: afterwrath Example: almost peerlessly unsettling . Class: splurgily Example: while kids will probably eat the whole thing up , most adults will be way ahead of the plot . Class: afterwrath Example: the plot grinds on with yawn-provoking dullness . Class: afterwrath Example: more than their unique residences , home movie is about the people who live in them , who have carved their own comfortable niche in the world and have been kind enough to share it . Class: splurgily Example: insanely hilarious ! i haven't laughed that hard in years ! Class: splurgily Example: the best way to describe it is as a cross between paul thomas anderson's magnolia and david lynch's mulholland dr . Class: splurgily Example: its over-reliance on genre conventions , character types and formulaic conflict resolutions crushes all the goodwill it otherwise develops . Class: afterwrath What is the classification for the passage below? what 'dumb and dumber' would have been without the vulgarity and with an intelligent , life-affirming script .
Case: a thinly veiled look at different aspects of chinese life clashing with each other . Classification: hauerite Case: the director knows how to apply textural gloss , but his portrait of sex-as-war is strictly sitcom . Classification: opticociliary Case: the mystery of enigma is how a rich historical subject , combined with so much first-rate talent . . . could have yielded such a flat , plodding picture . Classification: opticociliary Case: a lovely film for the holiday season . Classification: hauerite What is the classification for the passage below? heavy-handed exercise in time-vaulting literary pretension .
Case: may cause you to bite your tongue to keep from laughing at the ridiculous dialog or the oh-so convenient plot twists . Classification: rebellike Case: the powers team has fashioned a comedy with more laughs than many , no question . but this time there's some mold on the gold . Classification: pseudotuberculous Case: a very funny romantic comedy about two skittish new york middle-agers who stumble into a relationship and then struggle furiously with their fears and foibles . Classification: pseudotuberculous Case: while obviously an extremely personal work , it remains inextricably stuck in an emotionally unavailable rut . Classification: rebellike Case: third time's the charm . . . yeah , baby ! Classification: pseudotuberculous Case: everyone connected to this movie seems to be part of an insider clique , which tends to breed formulaic films rather than fresh ones . Classification: rebellike Classify the case below. some actors steal scenes . tom green just gives them a bad odor . this self-infatuated goofball is far from the only thing wrong with the clumsy comedy stealing harvard , but he's the most obvious one .
Example: this big screen caper has a good bark , far from being a bow-wow . Class: complacence Example: spielberg has managed to marry science fiction with film noir and action flicks with philosophical inquiry . Class: complacence Example: distinctly sub-par . . . more likely to drown a viewer in boredom than to send any shivers down his spine . Class: acreak Example: it's another video movie photographed like a film , with the bad lighting that's often written off as indie film naturalism . Class: acreak What is the classification for the passage below? a quiet , pure , elliptical film
Example: it's the funniest american comedy since graffiti bridge . Class: entryman Example: the tuxedo wasn't just bad ; it was , as my friend david cross would call it , 'hungry-man portions of bad' . Class: entryman Example: the grey zone gives voice to a story that needs to be heard in the sea of holocaust movies . . . but the film suffers from its own difficulties . Class: hagiological Example: the mark of a respectable summer blockbuster is one of two things : unadulterated thrills or genuine laughs . Class: hagiological Considreing the above, classify the following: not really a thriller so much as a movie for teens to laugh , groan and hiss at .
Example: consider the film a celluloid litmus test for the intellectual and emotional pedigree of your date and a giant step backward for a director i admire . Class: Messiah Example: a captivatingly quirky hybrid of character portrait , romantic comedy and beat-the-clock thriller . Class: inapplicable Example: there's no denying the elaborateness of the artist's conceptions , nor his ability to depict them with outrageous elan , but really the whole series is so much pretentious nonsense , lavishly praised by those who equate obscurity with profundity . Class: Messiah Example: the pleasures that it does afford may be enough to keep many moviegoers occupied amidst some of the more serious-minded concerns of other year-end movies . Class: inapplicable What is the classification for the passage below? ' . . . both hokey and super-cool , and definitely not in a hurry , so sit back , relax and have a few laughs while the little ones get a fuzzy treat . '
Example: that the film opens with maggots crawling on a dead dog is not an out of place metaphor . Class: denaturate Example: the perfect film for those who like sick comedies that can be snide . Class: denaturate Example: pascale bailly's rom-com provides amélie's audrey tautou with another fabuleux destin -- i . e . , a banal spiritual quest . Class: rescind Example: thankfully , the film , which skirts that rapidly deteriorating line between fantasy and reality . . . takes a tongue-in-cheek attitude even as it pushes the croc hunter agenda . Class: denaturate Example: best of all is garcia , who perfectly portrays the desperation of a very insecure man . Class: denaturate Example: . . . hudlin is stuck trying to light a fire with soggy leaves . Class: rescind Example: once ice-t sticks his mug in the window of the couple's bmw and begins haranguing the wife in bad stage dialogue , all credibility flies out the window . Class: rescind Example: after the setup , the air leaks out of the movie , flattening its momentum with about an hour to go . Class: rescind Classify the following: these guys seem great to knock back a beer with but they're simply not funny performers .
Example: hip-hop prison thriller of stupefying absurdity . Class: storybook Example: by surrounding us with hyper-artificiality , haynes makes us see familiar issues , like racism and homophobia , in a fresh way . Class: Chromididae Example: confuses its message with an ultimate desire to please , and contorting itself into an idea of expectation is the last thing any of these three actresses , nor their characters , deserve . Class: storybook Example: lacks heart , depth and , most of all , purpose . Class: storybook Example: as they used to say in the 1950s sci-fi movies , signs is a tribute to shyamalan's gifts , which are such that we'll keep watching the skies for his next project . Class: Chromididae Example: haynes has so fanatically fetishized every bizarre old-movie idiosyncrasy with such monastic devotion you're not sure if you should applaud or look into having him committed . Class: Chromididae Example: overall very good for what it's trying to do . Class: Chromididae Example: it's just hard to believe that a life like this can sound so dull . Class: storybook Classify the following: with each of her three protagonists , miller eloquently captures the moment when a woman's life , out of a deep-seated , emotional need , is about to turn onto a different path .
Text - those with an interest in new or singular sorts of film experiences will find what time is it there ? well worth the time . Group - squashy Text - has lost some of the dramatic conviction that underlies the best of comedies . . . Group - priorate Text - it could change america , not only because it is full of necessary discussion points , but because it is so accessible that it makes complex politics understandable to viewers looking for nothing but energetic entertainment . Group - squashy Text - borrows from so many literary and cinematic sources that this future world feels absolutely deja vu . Group - priorate Considreing the above, classify the following: there's not enough here to justify the almost two hours .