5 values
Text - new best friend's playboy-mansion presentation of college life is laugh-out-loud ludicrous . Group - fermentitious Text - a lackluster , unessential sequel to the classic disney adaptation of j . m . barrie's peter pan . Group - fermentitious Text - auto focus is not your standard hollywood bio-pic . schrader aims to present an unflinching look at one man's downfall , brought about by his lack of self-awareness . Group - wrap Text - even if you don't know the band or the album's songs by heart , you will enjoy seeing how both evolve , and you will also learn a good deal about the state of the music business in the 21st century . Group - wrap Text - excessive , profane , packed with cartoonish violence and comic-strip characters . Group - fermentitious Text - as a director , paxton is surprisingly brilliant , deftly sewing together what could have been a confusing and horrifying vision into an intense and engrossing head-trip . Group - wrap Considreing the above, classify the following: against all odds in heaven and hell , it creeped me out just fine .
Text - it's mildly amusing , but i certainly can't recommend it . Group - nontabular Text - there are a few chuckles , but not a single gag sequence that really scores , and the stars seem to be in two different movies . Group - nontabular Text - kaufman and jonze take huge risks to ponder the whole notion of passion -- our desire as human beings for passion in our lives and the emptiness one feels when it is missing . Group - meteorgraph Text - the chateau is a risky venture that never quite goes where you expect and often surprises you with unexpected comedy . Group - meteorgraph Considreing the above, classify the following: plays like john le carré with a couple of burnt-out cylinders .
Text - deuces wild is an encyclopedia of cliches that shoplifts shamelessly from farewell-to-innocence movies like the wanderers and a bronx tale without cribbing any of their intelligence . Group - nuzzerana Text - there's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . Group - nuzzerana Text - the film is all a little lit crit 101 , but it's extremely well played and often very funny . Group - Libra Text - ultimately , " mib ii " succeeds due to its rapid-fire delivery and enough inspired levity that it can't be dismissed as mindless . Group - Libra Text - if you believe any of this , i can make you a real deal on leftover enron stock that will double in value a week from friday . Group - nuzzerana Text - reign of fire just might go down as one of the all-time great apocalypse movies . Group - Libra Considreing the above, classify the following: those who managed to avoid the deconstructionist theorizing of french philosopher jacques derrida in college can now take an 85-minute brush-up course with the documentary derrida . or , you can do something fun tonight .
Example: i don't think this movie loves women at all . Class: taproom Example: if high crimes were any more generic it would have a universal product code instead of a title . Class: taproom Example: jones . . . does offer a brutal form of charisma . Class: stoccata Example: . . . a sour little movie at its core ; an exploration of the emptiness that underlay the relentless gaiety of the 1920's . . . the film's ending has a " what was it all for ? " feeling to it , but like the 1920's , the trip there is a great deal of fun . Class: stoccata Example: as any creature-feature fan knows , when you cross toxic chemicals with a bunch of exotic creatures , you get a lot of running around , screaming and death . on that score , the film certainly doesn't disappoint . Class: stoccata Example: the quirky drama touches the heart and the funnybone thanks to the energetic and always surprising performance by rachel griffiths . Class: stoccata Example: evelyn may be based on a true and historically significant story , but the filmmakers have made every effort to disguise it as an unimaginative screenwriter's invention . Class: taproom Example: . . . an hour-and-a-half of inoffensive , unmemorable filler . Class: taproom Classify the following: the results , if not memorable , are at least interesting .
Case: more mature than fatal attraction , more complete than indecent proposal and more relevant than 9 ½ weeks , unfaithful is at once intimate and universal cinema . Classification: ptomain Case: a free-for-all of half-baked thoughts , clumsily used visual tricks and self-indulgent actor moments . Classification: floorman Case: if anything , the film is doing something of a public service -- shedding light on a group of extremely talented musicians who might otherwise go unnoticed and underappreciated by music fans . Classification: ptomain Case: escaping the studio , piccoli is warmly affecting and so is this adroitly minimalist movie . Classification: ptomain Case: [director] byler may yet have a great movie in him , but charlotte sometimes is only half of one . Classification: floorman Case: analyze that regurgitates and waters down many of the previous film's successes , with a few new swings thrown in . Classification: floorman Case: if no one singles out any of these performances as award-worthy , it's only because we would expect nothing less from this bunch . Classification: ptomain Case: the movie's heavy-handed screenplay navigates a fast fade into pomposity and pretentiousness . Classification: floorman Considreing the above, classify the following: the verdict : two bodies and hardly a laugh between them .
Text - in the book-on-tape market , the film of " the kid stays in the picture " would be an abridged edition Group - Spartanism Text - this is a great subject for a movie , but hollywood has squandered the opportunity , using it as a prop for warmed-over melodrama and the kind of choreographed mayhem that director john woo has built his career on . Group - Spartanism Text - i walked away from this new version of e . t . just as i hoped i would -- with moist eyes . Group - rashly Text - a simmering psychological drama in which the bursts of sudden violence are all the more startling for the slow buildup that has preceded them . Group - rashly Considreing the above, classify the following: mib ii is a movie that makes it possible for the viewer to doze off for a few minutes or make several runs to the concession stand and/or restroom and not feel as if he or she has missed anything . that's because relatively nothing happens .
Example: it follows the basic plot trajectory of nearly every schwarzenegger film : someone crosses arnie . arnie blows things up . Class: burdenous Example: can be classified as one of those 'alternate reality' movies . . . except that it would have worked so much better dealing in only one reality . Class: burdenous Example: simplistic , silly and tedious . Class: burdenous Example: calling this movie brainless would be paying it a compliment : it's more like entertainment for trolls . Class: burdenous Example: a stunning piece of visual poetry that will , hopefully , be remembered as one of the most important stories to be told in australia's film history . Class: subdolousness Example: it confirms fincher's status as a film maker who artfully bends technical know-how to the service of psychological insight . Class: subdolousness Example: it's a masterpiece . Class: subdolousness Example: while scorsese's bold images and generally smart casting ensure that " gangs " is never lethargic , the movie is hindered by a central plot that's peppered with false starts and populated by characters who are nearly impossible to care about . Class: subdolousness Considreing the above, classify the following: malcolm mcdowell is cool . paul bettany is cool . paul bettany playing malcolm mcdowell ? cool .
Text - more timely than its director could ever have dreamed , this quietly lyrical tale probes the ambiguous welcome extended by iran to the afghani refugees who streamed across its borders , desperate for work and food . Group - hydrogenolysis Text - evelyn's strong cast and surehanded direction make for a winning , heartwarming yarn . Group - hydrogenolysis Text - the acting is fine but the script is about as interesting as a recording of conversations at the wal-mart checkout line . Group - Prionodesmacea Text - the story bogs down in a mess of purposeless violence . Group - Prionodesmacea Classify the following: the documentary is much too conventional -- lots of boring talking heads , etc . -- to do the subject matter justice .
Text - as a first-time director , paxton has tapped something in himself as an actor that provides frailty with its dark soul . Group - cometarium Text - an instantly forgettable snow-and-stuntwork extravaganza that likely will be upstaged by an avalanche of more appealing holiday-season product . Group - Regalecidae Text - when the movie mixes the cornpone and the cosa nostra , it finds a nice rhythm . Group - cometarium Text - the film itself is about something very interesting and odd that would probably work better as a real documentary without the insinuation of mediocre acting or a fairly trite narrative . Group - Regalecidae Considreing the above, classify the following: brian tufano's handsome widescreen photography and paul grabowsky's excellent music turn this fairly parochial melodrama into something really rather special .
Example: one of the smartest takes on singles culture i've seen in a long time . Class: syndactylous Example: how many more times will indie filmmakers subject us to boring , self-important stories of how horrible we are to ourselves and each other ? Class: knockabout Example: lacks heart , depth and , most of all , purpose . Class: knockabout Example: frei assembles a fascinating profile of a deeply humanistic artist who , in spite of all that he's witnessed , remains surprisingly idealistic , and retains an extraordinary faith in the ability of images to communicate the truth of the world around him . Class: syndactylous Classify the case below. contains all the substance of a twinkie -- easy to swallow , but scarcely nourishing .
Example: a real winner -- smart , funny , subtle , and resonant . Class: propenseness Example: the tone shifts abruptly from tense to celebratory to soppy . Class: colleagueship Example: sets up a nice concept for its fiftysomething leading ladies , but fails loudly in execution . Class: colleagueship Example: contrived , maudlin and cliche-ridden . . . if this sappy script was the best the contest received , those rejected must have been astronomically bad . Class: colleagueship Example: y tu mamá también es un buen filme gracias a lo poco convencional de su narrativa , y es quizá el proyecto más arriesgado en la carrera de alfonso cuarón Class: propenseness Example: [russell] makes good b movies ( the mask , the blob ) , and the scorpion king more than ably meets those standards . Class: propenseness Classify the following: ecks this one off your must-see list .
Example: a gripping , searing portrait of a lost soul trying to find her way through life . Class: interstitious Example: the film flat lines when it should peak and is more missed opportunity and trifle than dark , decadent truffle . Class: parodos Example: the fact is that the screen is most alive when it seems most likely that broomfield's interviewees , or even himself , will not be for much longer . Class: interstitious Example: the story . . . is moldy and obvious . Class: parodos Example: a less-than-thrilling thriller . Class: parodos Example: director todd solondz has made a movie about critical reaction to his two previous movies , and about his responsibility to the characters that he creates . Class: interstitious What is the classification for the passage below? less front-loaded and more shapely than the two-hour version released here in 1990 .
Example: douglas mcgrath's nicholas nickleby does dickens as it should be done cinematically . Class: plumatelloid Example: there are things to like about murder by numbers -- but , in the end , the disparate elements don't gel . Class: unshort Example: the piece plays as well as it does thanks in large measure to anspaugh's three lead actresses . Class: plumatelloid Example: it's been 13 months and 295 preview screenings since i last walked out on a movie , but resident evil really earned my indignant , preemptive departure . Class: unshort Example: a modest masterpiece . Class: plumatelloid Example: when perry fists a bull at the moore farm , it's only a matter of time before he gets the upper hand in matters of the heart . Class: unshort Considreing the above, classify the following: for once , a movie does not proclaim the truth about two love-struck somebodies , but permits them time and space to convince us of that all on their own .
Text - i guess it just goes to show that if you give a filmmaker an unlimited amount of phony blood , nothing good can happen . Group - synovia Text - opening with some contrived banter , cliches and some loose ends , the screenplay only comes into its own in the second half . Group - Mormoness Text - works because reno doesn't become smug or sanctimonious towards the audience . Group - Mormoness Text - a picture as erratic as its central character . Group - synovia Text - . . . plays like somebody spliced random moments of a chris rock routine into what is otherwise a cliche-riddled but self-serious spy thriller . Group - synovia Text - it's worth seeing just on the basis of the wisdom , and at times , the startling optimism , of the children . Group - Mormoness Classify the case below. the movie doesn't think much of its characters , its protagonist , or of us .
Example: the waterlogged script plumbs uncharted depths of stupidity , incoherence and sub-sophomoric sexual banter . Class: Thalictrum Example: can't kick about the assembled talent and the russos show genuine promise as comic filmmakers . still , this thing feels flimsy and ephemeral . Class: Thalictrum Example: the actresses may have worked up a back story for the women they portray so convincingly , but viewers don't get enough of that background for the characters to be involving as individuals rather than types . Class: Thalictrum Example: it will make you think twice about what might be going on inside each trailer park you drive past -- even if it chiefly inspires you to drive a little faster . Class: gonocheme Example: while the isle is both preposterous and thoroughly misogynistic , its vistas are incredibly beautiful to look at . Class: gonocheme Example: i love the way that it took chances and really asks you to take these great leaps of faith and pays off . Class: gonocheme What is the classification for the passage below? it's a lovely , sad dance highlighted by kwan's unique directing style .
Example: a knowing look at female friendship , spiked with raw urban humor . Class: phosphor Example: even on those rare occasions when the narrator stops yammering , miller's hand often feels unsure . Class: Vaccinium Example: una película oscura , precisa , por momentos grandiosa y casi siempre conmovedora . Class: phosphor Example: weaves a spell over you , with its disturbingly close-up look at damaged psyches and its subtle undercurrents of danger . but its awkward structure keeps breaking the spell . Class: Vaccinium What is the classification for the passage below? the directive to protect the code at all costs also begins to blur as the importance of the man and the code merge
Case: so stupid , so ill-conceived , so badly drawn , it created whole new levels of ugly . Classification: growing Case: seems like something american and european gay movies were doing 20 years ago . Classification: growing Case: chamber of secrets will find millions of eager fans . but if the essence of magic is its make-believe promise of life that soars above the material realm , this is the opposite of a truly magical movie . Classification: growing Case: fear dot com is more frustrating than a modem that disconnects every 10 seconds . Classification: growing Case: stevens has a flair for dialogue comedy , the film operates nicely off the element of surprise , and the large cast is solid . Classification: loco Case: this version does justice both to stevenson and to the sci-fi genre . Classification: loco Case: romanek's themes are every bit as distinctive as his visuals . beyond the cleverness , the weirdness and the pristine camerawork , one hour photo is a sobering meditation on why we take pictures . Classification: loco Case: it's a much more emotional journey than what shyamalan has given us in his past two movies , and gibson , stepping in for bruce willis , is the perfect actor to take us on the trip . Classification: loco Considreing the above, classify the following: the movie exists for its soccer action and its fine acting .
Example: a weird and wonderful comedy . Class: stertorously Example: to be influenced chiefly by humanity's greatest shame , reality shows -- reality shows for god's sake ! -- is a crime that should be punishable by chainsaw . Class: ochlesis Example: a baffling subplot involving smuggling drugs inside danish cows falls flat , and if you're going to alter the bard's ending , you'd better have a good alternative . Class: ochlesis Example: the movie is . . . very funny as you peek at it through the fingers in front of your eyes . Class: stertorously Considreing the above, classify the following: when it comes to entertainment , children deserve better than pokemon 4ever .
Example: it's at once laughable and compulsively watchable , in its committed dumbness . Class: frigidly Example: a historical epic with the courage of its convictions about both scope and detail . Class: palaeozoological Example: an impressive if flawed effort that indicates real talent . Class: palaeozoological Example: . . . the last time i saw a theater full of people constantly checking their watches was during my sats . Class: frigidly Classify the following: a bore that tends to hammer home every one of its points .
Example: stars matthew perry and elizabeth hurley illicit more than a chuckle , and more jokes land than crash , but ultimately serving sara doesn't distinguish itself from the herd . Class: scrod Example: a graceful , moving tribute to the courage of new york's finest and a nicely understated expression of the grief shared by the nation at their sacrifice . Class: jubate Example: charlotte sometimes is a brilliant movie . it is about irrational , unexplainable life and it seems so real because it does not attempt to filter out the complexity . Class: jubate Example: secretary manages a neat trick , bundling the flowers of perversity , comedy and romance into a strangely tempting bouquet of a movie . Class: jubate Example: . . . liotta is put in an impossible spot because his character's deceptions ultimately undo him and the believability of the entire scenario . too bad . Class: scrod Example: the gantzes' interviews tend to let the guys off the hook . Class: scrod What is the classification for the passage below? all the well-meaningness in the world can't erase the fact that the believer feels like a 12-step program for the jewish nazi .
Case: piccoli gives a superb performance full of deep feeling . Classification: roominess Case: it's a glorified sitcom , and a long , unfunny one at that . Classification: metaphysical Case: . . . the same tired old gags , modernized for the extreme sports generation . there's already been too many of these films . . . Classification: metaphysical Case: with lesser talents , high crimes would be entertaining , but forgettable . with freeman and judd , i'll at least remember their characters . Classification: roominess Case: the problem with movies about angels is they have a tendency to slip into hokum . a rumor of angels doesn't just slip -- it avalanches into forced fuzziness . Classification: metaphysical Case: it's a day at the beach -- with air conditioning and popcorn . Classification: roominess What is the classification for the passage below? i can't recommend it . but it's surprisingly harmless .
Text - a film that takes you inside the rhythms of its subject : you experience it as you watch . Group - outward Text - a beautiful and haunting examination of the stories we tell ourselves to make sense of the mundane horrors of the world . Group - outward Text - the only thing " swept away " is the one hour and thirty-three minutes spent watching this waste of time . Group - beshear Text - there's something fishy about a seasonal holiday kids' movie . . . that derives its moment of most convincing emotional gravity from a scene where santa gives gifts to grownups . Group - beshear Considreing the above, classify the following: the film's greatest asset is how much it's not just another connect-the-dots , spy-on-the-run picture .
Example: borstal boy represents the worst kind of filmmaking , the kind that pretends to be passionate and truthful but is really frustratingly timid and soggy . Class: hexapodous Example: the success of undercover brother is found in its ability to spoof both black and white stereotypes equally . Class: quinqueverbial Example: a sentimental but entirely irresistible portrait of three aging sisters . Class: quinqueverbial Example: those who are only mildly curious , i fear , will be put to sleep or bewildered by the artsy and often pointless visuals . Class: hexapodous Considreing the above, classify the following: a really funny fifteen-minute short stretched beyond its limits to fill an almost feature-length film .
Case: stephen earnhart's homespun documentary mule skinner blues has nothing but love for its posse of trailer park denizens . Classification: limitedly Case: has all the poignancy of a hallmark card and all the comedy of a gallagher stand-up act . Classification: avocative Case: a strong first quarter , slightly less so second quarter , and average second half . Classification: avocative Case: a witty , low-key romantic comedy . Classification: limitedly Classify the case below. talk to her is so darned assured , we have absolutely no idea who the main characters are until the film is well under way -- and yet it's hard to stop watching .
Case: a pleasant enough movie , held together by skilled ensemble actors . Classification: suspectedness Case: it doesn't quite work , but there's enough here to make us look forward to the russos' next offering . Classification: ombrophilic Case: [t]hose same extremes prevent us from taking its message seriously , and the stepford wives mentality doesn't work in a modern context . Classification: ombrophilic Case: it's good , hard-edged stuff , violent and a bit exploitative but also nicely done , morally alert and street-smart . Classification: suspectedness Classify the case below. japanese director shohei imamura's latest film is an odd but ultimately satisfying blend of the sophomoric and the sublime .
Case: there are some movies that hit you from the first scene and you know it's going to be a trip . igby goes down is one of those movies . Classification: tubig Case: the characters are based on stock clichés , and the attempt to complicate the story only defies credibility . Classification: villainist Case: it's sincere to a fault , but , unfortunately , not very compelling or much fun . Classification: villainist Case: swimming is above all about a young woman's face , and by casting an actress whose face projects that woman's doubts and yearnings , it succeeds . Classification: tubig Case: an endlessly fascinating , landmark movie that is as bold as anything the cinema has seen in years . Classification: tubig Case: from the big giant titles of the opening credits to elmer bernstein's perfectly melodic score , haynes gets just about everything right . Classification: tubig Case: as inept as big-screen remakes of the avengers and the wild wild west . Classification: villainist Case: the film equivalent of a toy chest whose contents get scattered over the course of 80 minutes . Classification: villainist Classify the following: a faster paced family flick . upper teens may get cynical . smaller numbered kidlets will enjoy .
Case: solondz may well be the only one laughing at his own joke Classification: hoopla Case: spectacularly beautiful , not to mention mysterious , sensual , emotionally intense , and replete with virtuoso throat-singing . Classification: intersqueeze Case: it's lost the politics and the social observation and become just another situation romance about a couple of saps stuck in an inarticulate screenplay . Classification: hoopla Case: land , people and narrative flow together in a stark portrait of motherhood deferred and desire explored . Classification: intersqueeze What is the classification for the passage below? too simple for its own good .
Example: from the opening strains of the average white band's " pick up the pieces " , you can feel the love . Class: underdevil Example: more than makes up for its mawkish posing by offering rousing spates of genuine feeling . Class: underdevil Example: by the time the plot grinds itself out in increasingly incoherent fashion , you might be wishing for a watch that makes time go faster rather than the other way around . Class: planorboid Example: lazily directed by charles stone iii . . . from a leaden script by matthew cirulnick and novelist thulani davis . Class: planorboid What is the classification for the passage below? compulsively watchable , no matter how degraded things get .
Example: not as good as the full monty , but a really strong second effort . Class: kerchief Example: every individual will see the movie through the prism of his or her own beliefs and prejudices , but the one thing most will take away is the sense that peace is possible . that , in itself , is extraordinary . Class: kerchief Example: the story has little wit and no surprises . Class: aesthete Example: moves in such odd plot directions and descends into such message-mongering moralism that its good qualities are obscured . Class: aesthete Example: uneven but a lot of fun . Class: kerchief Example: made by jackasses for jackasses . Class: aesthete What is the classification for the passage below? diane lane's sophisticated performance can't rescue adrian lyne's unfaithful from its sleazy moralizing .
Case: earns its laughs from stock redneck 'types' and from the many , many moments when we recognize even without the elizabethan prose , the play behind the thing . Classification: micromeritics Case: for 95 often hilarious minutes , [cho] riffs on the diciness of colonics , on straight versus gay personal ads , on how men would act if they had periods , and on the perils of a certain outré sexual practice . Classification: micromeritics Case: pascale bailly's rom-com provides amélie's audrey tautou with another fabuleux destin -- i . e . , a banal spiritual quest . Classification: cytomorphosis Case: may seriously impair your ability to ever again maintain a straight face while speaking to a highway patrolman . Classification: micromeritics Case: the film may appear naked in its narrative form . . . but it goes deeper than that , to fundamental choices that include the complexity of the catholic doctrine Classification: micromeritics Case: it's mildly interesting to ponder the peculiar american style of justice that plays out here , but it's so muddled and derivative that few will bother thinking it all through . Classification: cytomorphosis Case: they're going through the motions , but the zip is gone . Classification: cytomorphosis Case: a seriously bad film with seriously warped logic by writer-director kurt wimmer at the screenplay level . Classification: cytomorphosis What is the classification for the passage below? we have an actor who is great fun to watch performing in a film that is only mildly diverting .
Text - frida isn't that much different from many a hollywood romance . what sets it apart is the vision that taymor , the avant garde director of broadway's the lion king and the film titus , brings . Group - preshow Text - this odd , poetic road movie , spiked by jolts of pop music , pretty much takes place in morton's ever-watchful gaze -- and it's a tribute to the actress , and to her inventive director , that the journey is such a mesmerizing one . Group - preshow Text - a benign but forgettable sci-fi diversion . Group - caulescent Text - . . . too slow , too boring , and occasionally annoying . Group - caulescent Classify the following: little more than a well-mounted history lesson .
Example: with its parade of almost perpetually wasted characters . . . margarita feels like a hazy high that takes too long to shake . Class: alemite Example: wang xiaoshuai directs this intricately structured and well-realized drama that presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men . Class: pseudepiscopacy Example: even the finest chef can't make a hotdog into anything more than a hotdog , and robert de niro can't make this movie anything more than a trashy cop buddy comedy . Class: alemite Example: for the most part , it works beautifully as a movie without sacrificing the integrity of the opera . Class: pseudepiscopacy Example: many a parent and their teen ( or preteen ) kid could bond while watching a walk to remember . so could young romantics out on a date . Class: pseudepiscopacy Example: reno does what he can in a thankless situation , the film ricochets from humor to violence and back again , and ryoko hirosue makes us wonder if she is always like that . Class: alemite Classify the following: . . . a somber film , almost completely unrelieved by any comedy beyond the wistful everyday ironies of the working poor .
Example: a great comedy filmmaker knows great comedy needn't always make us laugh . tim story's not there yet - but 'barbershop' shows he's on his way . Class: isanthous Example: . . . too sappy for its own good . Class: cofathership Example: a graceful , moving tribute to the courage of new york's finest and a nicely understated expression of the grief shared by the nation at their sacrifice . Class: isanthous Example: everyone's to blame here . Class: cofathership Classify the case below. a sly female empowerment movie , although not in a way anyone would expect .
Example: . . . familiar and predictable , and 4/5ths of it might as well have come from a xerox machine rather than ( writer-director ) franc . reyes' word processor . Class: unflorid Example: claims to sort the bad guys from the good , which is its essential problem . Class: unflorid Example: allen se atreve a atacar , a atacarse y nos ofrece gags que van de la sonrisa a la risa de larga duración Class: womanize Example: all in all , an interesting look at the life of the campaign-trail press , especially ones that don't really care for the candidate they're forced to follow . Class: womanize Example: when your leading ladies are a couple of screen-eating dominatrixes like goldie hawn and susan sarandon at their raunchy best , even hokum goes down easily . Class: womanize Example: simple , poignant and leavened with humor , it's a film that affirms the nourishing aspects of love and companionship . Class: womanize Example: the last 20 minutes are somewhat redeeming , but most of the movie is the same teenage american road-trip drek we've seen before - only this time you have to read the fart jokes Class: unflorid Example: dong never pushes for insights beyond the superficial tensions of the dynamic he's dissecting , and the film settles too easily along the contours of expectation . Class: unflorid Classify the case below. i encourage young and old alike to go see this unique and entertaining twist on the classic whale's tale -- you won't be sorry !
Text - there's not much to fatale , outside of its stylish surprises . . . but that's ok . Group - myrmecophagous Text - worth the effort to watch . Group - myrmecophagous Text - a big meal of cliches that the talented cast generally chokes on . Group - chance Text - spielberg has managed to marry science fiction with film noir and action flicks with philosophical inquiry . Group - myrmecophagous Text - as spent screen series go , star trek : nemesis is even more suggestive of a 65th class reunion mixer where only eight surviving members show up -- and there's nothing to drink . Group - chance Text - a story which fails to rise above its disgusting source material . Group - chance Classify the following: as expected , sayles' smart wordplay and clever plot contrivances are as sharp as ever , though they may be overshadowed by some strong performances .
Case: an inventive , absorbing movie that's as hard to classify as it is hard to resist . Classification: malic Case: despite its shortcomings , girls can't swim represents an engaging and intimate first feature by a talented director to watch , and it's a worthy entry in the french coming-of-age genre . Classification: malic Case: it's like going to a house party and watching the host defend himself against a frothing ex-girlfriend . you don't want to call the cops . you want to call domino's . Classification: malic Case: god help the poor woman if attal is this insecure in real life : his fictional yvan's neuroses are aggravating enough to exhaust the patience of even the most understanding spouse . Classification: Ozias Case: downright transparent is the script's endless assault of embarrassingly ham-fisted sex jokes that reek of a script rewrite designed to garner the film a " cooler " pg-13 rating . Classification: Ozias Case: the movie , like bartleby , is something of a stiff -- an extra-dry office comedy that seems twice as long as its 83 minutes . Classification: Ozias What is the classification for the passage below? big fat liar is little more than home alone raised to a new , self-deprecating level .
Example: like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by allen's astringent wit . Class: tautochronous Example: quite funny for the type of movie it is . . . Class: tautochronous Example: more maudlin than sharp . Class: underweapon Example: at some point , all this visual trickery stops being clever and devolves into flashy , vaguely silly overkill . Class: underweapon Classify the following: it's obvious [je-gyu is] trying for poetry ; what he gets instead has all the lyricism of a limerick scrawled in a public restroom .
Example: the wanton slipperiness of * corpus and its amiable jerking and reshaping of physical time and space would make it a great piece to watch with kids and use to introduce video as art . Class: hyperinvolution Example: if welles was unhappy at the prospect of the human race splitting in two , he probably wouldn't be too crazy with his great-grandson's movie splitting up in pretty much the same way . Class: negative Example: the band performances featured in drumline are red hot . . . [but] from a mere story point of view , the film's ice cold . Class: negative Example: the movie is a negligible work of manipulation , an exploitation piece doing its usual worst to guilt-trip parents . Class: negative Example: what jackson has accomplished here is amazing on a technical level . Class: hyperinvolution Example: if you dig on david mamet's mind tricks . . . rent this movie and enjoy ! Class: hyperinvolution Classify the case below. a completely spooky piece of business that gets under your skin and , some plot blips aside , stays there for the duration .
Text - one of those exceedingly rare films in which the talk alone is enough to keep us involved . Group - encomiologic Text - aan opportunity wasted . Group - Bergamo Text - made me feel uneasy , even queasy , because [solondz's] cool compassion is on the border of bemused contempt . Group - Bergamo Text - van wilder brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'comedy gag . ' at least one scene is so disgusting that viewers may be hard pressed to retain their lunch . Group - Bergamo Text - sayles has an eye for the ways people of different ethnicities talk to and about others outside the group . Group - encomiologic Text - vile and tacky are the two best adjectives to describe ghost ship . Group - Bergamo Text - what the film lacks in general focus it makes up for in compassion , as corcuera manages to find the seeds of hope in the form of collective action . Group - encomiologic Text - after making several adaptations of other writers' work , armenian-canadian director atom egoyan broached an original treatment of a deeply personal subject . Group - encomiologic Classify the case below. noyce films it more as a shocking history lesson than as drama .
Case: all the sensuality , all the eroticism of a good vampire tale has been , pardon the pun , sucked out and replaced by goth goofiness . Classification: sawway Case: where last time jokes flowed out of cho's life story , which provided an engrossing dramatic through line , here the comedian hides behind obviously constructed routines . Classification: sawway Case: the hard-to-predict and absolutely essential chemistry between the down-to-earth bullock and the nonchalant grant proves to be sensational , and everything meshes in this elegant entertainment . Classification: Baggara Case: gives you the steady pulse of life in a beautiful city viewed through the eyes of a character who , in spite of tragic loss and increasing decrepitude , knows in his bones that he is one of the luckiest men alive . Classification: Baggara Considreing the above, classify the following: one of the greatest family-oriented , fantasy-adventure movies ever .
Text - a light , engaging comedy that fumbles away almost all of its accumulated enjoyment with a crucial third act miscalculation . Group - unaugmentable Text - one of the most significant moviegoing pleasures of the year . Group - unmotionable Text - the best of the pierce brosnan james bond films to date . Group - unmotionable Text - another big , dumb action movie in the vein of xxx , the transporter is riddled with plot holes big enough for its titular hero to drive his sleek black bmw through . Group - unaugmentable Classify the following: guys say mean things and shoot a lot of bullets . some of the characters die and others don't , and the film pretends that those living have learned some sort of lesson , and , really , nobody in the viewing audience cares .
Text - much as we might be interested in gratuitous sexualization , haneke has a different objective in mind--namely the implications of our craving for fake stimulation . Group - misappreciate Text - poignant and moving , a walk to remember is an inspirational love story , capturing the innocence and idealism of that first encounter . Group - misappreciate Text - the best you can say about it is it's so uninspired , it barely gives one pause when considering some of the other dreck out there right now . Group - roentgenologist Text - an artsploitation movie with too much exploitation and too little art . Group - roentgenologist Text - last orders nurtures the multi-layers of its characters , allowing us to remember that life's ultimately a gamble and last orders are to be embraced . it's affecting , amusing , sad and reflective . Group - misappreciate Text - one suspects that craven endorses they simply because this movie makes his own look much better by comparison . Group - roentgenologist What is the classification for the passage below? same song , second verse , coulda been better , but it coulda been worse .
Text - É uma pena que , mais tarde , o próprio filme abandone o tom de paródia e passe a utilizar os mesmos clichês que havia satirizado . Group - pig Text - . . . this movie has a glossy coat of action movie excess while remaining heartless at its core . Group - forebodement Text - you should pay nine bucks for this : because you can hear about suffering afghan refugees on the news and still be unaffected . dramas like this make it human . Group - pig Text - alternates between deadpan comedy and heartbreaking loneliness and isn't afraid to provoke introspection in both its characters and its audience . Group - pig Text - this is a third-person story now , told by hollywood , and much more ordinary for it . Group - forebodement Text - nothing more than a stifling morality tale dressed up in peekaboo clothing . Group - forebodement Text - for all its failed connections , divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood is nurturing , in a gauzy , dithering way . Group - pig Text - has little on its mind aside from scoring points with drag gags . Group - forebodement Considreing the above, classify the following: there is very little dread or apprehension , and though i like the creepy ideas , they are not executed with anything more than perfunctory skill .
Example: while glover , the irrepressible eccentric of river's edge , dead man and back to the future , is perfect casting for the role , he represents bartleby's main overall flaw . Class: enleaf Example: a comprehensive and provocative film -- one that pushes the boundaries of biography , and challenges its audience . Class: overrange Example: by the time you reach the finale , you're likely wondering why you've been watching all this strutting and posturing . Class: enleaf Example: visually fascinating . . . an often intense character study about fathers and sons , loyalty and duty . Class: overrange Example: weird , vulgar comedy that's definitely an acquired taste . Class: overrange Example: what's next ? rob schneider , dana carvey and sarah michelle gellar in the philadelphia story ? david spade as citizen kane ? Class: enleaf Example: the story and structure are well-honed . fresnadillo's dark and jolting images have a way of plying into your subconscious like the nightmare you had a week ago that won't go away . Class: overrange Example: no such thing is sort of a minimalist beauty and the beast , but in this case the beast should definitely get top billing . robert john burke as the monster horns in and steals the show . Class: enleaf Classify the case below. a hit- and-miss affair , consistently amusing but not as outrageous or funny as cho may have intended or as imaginative as one might have hoped .
Example: graças às interações entre seus personagens , o filme torna-se não apenas uma história divertida sobre uma curiosa perseguição , mas também um belo estudo de personagens . Class: dextropinene Example: reassuring , retro uplifter . Class: dextropinene Example: it's often faintly amusing , but the problems of the characters never become important to us , and the story never takes hold . Class: Lucinidae Example: we get light showers of emotion a couple of times , but then -- strangely -- these wane to an inconsistent and ultimately unsatisfying drizzle . Class: Lucinidae Example: eccentric enough to stave off doldrums , caruso's self-conscious debut is also eminently forgettable . Class: Lucinidae Example: hailed as a clever exercise in neo-hitchcockianism , this clever and very satisfying picture is more accurately chabrolian . Class: dextropinene Example: kids five and up will be delighted with the fast , funny , and even touching story . parents may even find that it goes by quickly , because it has some of the funniest jokes of any movie this year , including those intended for adults . Class: dextropinene Example: combining quick-cut editing and a blaring heavy metal much of the time , beck seems to be under the illusion that he's shooting the latest system of a down video . Class: Lucinidae Considreing the above, classify the following: though the story . . . is hackneyed , the characters have a freshness and modesty that transcends their predicament .
Example: thoughtful , provocative and entertaining . Class: gallowglass Example: my wife is an actress is an utterly charming french comedy that feels so american in sensibility and style it's virtually its own hollywood remake . Class: gallowglass Example: wanker goths are on the loose ! run for your lives ! Class: miracidium Example: it's all gratuitous before long , as if schwentke were fulfilling a gross-out quota for an anticipated audience demographic instead of shaping the material to fit the story . Class: miracidium Classify the following: like the world of his film , hartley created a monster but didn't know how to handle it .
Text - but this is not a movie about an inhuman monster ; it's about a very human one . Group - promaximum Text - smart science fiction for grown-ups , with only a few false steps along the way . Group - promaximum Text - the film never rises above a conventional , two dimension tale Group - squirminess Text - as social exposé , skins has its heart in the right place , but that's not much to hang a soap opera on . Group - squirminess Text - rife with the rueful , wry humor springing out of yiddish culture and language . Group - promaximum Text - sadly , hewitt's forte is leaning forward while wearing low-cut gowns , not making snappy comebacks . Group - squirminess Text - while i can't say it's on par with the first one , stuart little 2 is a light , fun cheese puff of a movie . Group - promaximum Text - a mild , reluctant , thumbs down . Group - squirminess Classify the case below. a good piece of work more often than not .
Case: the script is too mainstream and the psychology too textbook to intrigue . Classification: knew Case: the film jolts the laughs from the audience--as if by cattle prod . Classification: vassaldom Case: might have been better off as a documentary , with less of mr . eyre's uninspired dramatics and more of his sense of observation and outrage . Classification: knew Case: this is unusual , food-for-thought cinema that's as entertaining as it is instructive . Classification: vassaldom Case: although mainstream american movies tend to exploit the familiar , every once in a while a film arrives from the margin that gives viewers a chance to learn , to grow , to travel . Classification: vassaldom Case: not only unfunny , but downright repellent . Classification: knew Classify the case below. a beguiling splash of pastel colors and prankish comedy from disney .
Example: this is one of the outstanding thrillers of recent years . Class: overroughness Example: labute masterfully balances both traditional or modern stories together in a manner that one never overwhelms the other . something for everyone . Class: overroughness Example: . . . spiced with humor ( 'i speak fluent flatula , ' advises denlopp after a rather , er , bubbly exchange with an alien deckhand ) and witty updatings ( silver's parrot has been replaced with morph , a cute alien creature who mimics everyone and everything around ) Class: overroughness Example: sitting through the last reel ( spoiler alert ! ) is significantly less charming than listening to a four-year-old with a taste for exaggeration recount his halloween trip to the haunted house . Class: gunocracy Example: the problem with the bread , my sweet is that it's far too sentimental . Class: gunocracy Example: judd's characters ought to pick up the durable best seller smart women , foolish choices for advice . Class: gunocracy Classify the following: craig bartlett and director tuck tucker should be commended for illustrating the merits of fighting hard for something that really matters .
Text - seeing seinfeld at home as he watches his own appearance on letterman with a clinical eye reminds you that the key to stand-up is to always make it look easy , even though the reality is anything but . Group - drape Text - blue crush follows the formula , but throws in too many conflicts to keep the story compelling . Group - quadristearate Text - if you're not the target demographic . . . this movie is one long chick-flick slog . Group - quadristearate Text - it's got some pretentious eye-rolling moments and it didn't entirely grab me , but there's stuff here to like . Group - drape Text - this romantic/comedy asks the question how much souvlaki can you take before indigestion sets in . Group - quadristearate Text - a colorful , vibrant introduction to a universal human impulse , lushly photographed and beautifully recorded . Group - drape Text - if this dud had been made in the '70s , it would have been called the hills have antlers and played for about three weeks in drive-ins . Group - quadristearate Text - even when it drags , we are forced to reflect that its visual imagination is breathtaking Group - drape Considreing the above, classify the following: steers turns in a snappy screenplay that curls at the edges ; it's so clever you want to hate it . but he somehow pulls it off .
Case: this misty-eyed southern nostalgia piece , in treading the line between sappy and sanguine , winds up mired in tear-drenched quicksand . Classification: Gothish Case: not only is undercover brother as funny , if not more so , than both austin powers films , but it's also one of the smarter , savvier spoofs to come along in some time . Classification: megasporophyll Case: in its understanding , often funny way , it tells a story whose restatement is validated by the changing composition of the nation . Classification: megasporophyll Case: an occasionally interesting but mostly repetitive look at a slice of counterculture that might be best forgotten . Classification: Gothish Case: nothing more than a widget cranked out on an assembly line to see if stupid americans will get a kick out of goofy brits with cute accents performing ages-old slapstick and unfunny tricks . Classification: Gothish Case: entertaining enough , but nothing new Classification: Gothish Case: a perfectly pleasant if slightly pokey comedy . Classification: megasporophyll Case: it's good to see michael caine whipping out the dirty words and punching people in the stomach again . Classification: megasporophyll Classify the following: [u]nrelentingly stupid .
Case: this is a winning ensemble comedy that shows canadians can put gentle laughs and equally gentle sentiments on the button , just as easily as their counterparts anywhere else in the world . Classification: fairing Case: beating the austin powers films at their own game , this blaxploitation spoof downplays the raunch in favor of gags that rely on the strength of their own cleverness as opposed to the extent of their outrageousness . Classification: fairing Case: robin williams departs from his fun friendly demeanor in exchange for a darker unnerving role . Classification: almadie Case: [i]t's certainly laudable that the movie deals with hot-button issues in a comedic context , but barbershop isn't as funny as it should be . Classification: almadie Classify the case below. tian emphasizes the isolation of these characters by confining color to liyan's backyard .
Example: impossible as it may sound , this film's heart is even more embracing than monty , if only because it accepts nasty behavior and severe flaws as part of the human condition . Class: prandially Example: the script isn't very good ; not even someone as gifted as hoffman ( the actor ) can make it work . Class: Regalecidae Example: astonishing . . . [frames] profound ethical and philosophical questions in the form of dazzling pop entertainment . Class: prandially Example: the film's center will not hold . Class: Regalecidae Example: wiseman reveals the victims of domestic abuse in all of their pity and terror . Class: prandially Example: directed without the expected flair or imagination by hong kong master john woo , windtalkers airs just about every cliche in the war movie compendium across its indulgent two-hour-and-fifteen-minute length . Class: Regalecidae Classify the case below. manages to show life in all of its banality when the intention is quite the opposite .
Case: director oliver parker labors so hard to whip life into the importance of being earnest that he probably pulled a muscle or two . Classification: pseudoscientific Case: a fleet-footed and pleasingly upbeat family diversion . Classification: compromissary Case: has all the poignancy of a hallmark card and all the comedy of a gallagher stand-up act . Classification: pseudoscientific Case: kids five and up will be delighted with the fast , funny , and even touching story . parents may even find that it goes by quickly , because it has some of the funniest jokes of any movie this year , including those intended for adults . Classification: compromissary Case: involves two mysteries -- one it gives away and the other featuring such badly drawn characters that its outcome hardly matters . Classification: pseudoscientific Case: what's so fun about this silly , outrageous , ingenious thriller is the director's talent . watching a brian depalma movie is like watching an alfred hitchcock movie after drinking twelve beers . Classification: compromissary What is the classification for the passage below? a great idea becomes a not-great movie .
Example: the story itself is actually quite vapid . Class: memorize Example: i hope the movie is widely seen and debated with appropriate ferocity and thoughtfulness . Class: cabinetwork Example: waydowntown may not be an important movie , or even a good one , but it provides a nice change of mindless pace in collision with the hot oscar season currently underway . Class: memorize Example: based on dave barry's popular book of the same name , the movie benefits from having a real writer plot out all of the characters' moves and overlapping story . Class: cabinetwork Example: so brisk is wang's pacing that none of the excellent cast are given air to breathe . Class: memorize Example: branagh , in his most forceful non-shakespeare screen performance , grounds even the softest moments in the angry revolt of his wit . Class: cabinetwork Classify the following: even by dumb action-movie standards , ballistic : ecks vs . sever is a dumb action movie .
Text - the plot's contrivances are uncomfortably strained . Group - cacoplastic Text - an overly melodramatic but somewhat insightful french coming-of-age film . . . Group - anticapitalism Text - feardotcom's thrills are all cheap , but they mostly work . Group - anticapitalism Text - intimate and panoramic . Group - anticapitalism Text - rob schneider's infantile cross-dressing routines fill the hot chick , the latest gimmick from this unimaginative comedian . Group - cacoplastic Text - witless , pointless , tasteless and idiotic . Group - cacoplastic Text - the problem isn't that the movie hits so close to home so much as that it hits close to home while engaging in such silliness as that snake-down-the-throat business and the inevitable shot of schwarzenegger outrunning a fireball . Group - cacoplastic Text - what it lacks in originality it makes up for in intelligence and b-grade stylishness . Group - anticapitalism Considreing the above, classify the following: a sentimental hybrid that could benefit from the spice of specificity .
Case: every sequel you skip will be two hours gained . consider this review life-affirming . Classification: safelight Case: a deftly entertaining film , smartly played and smartly directed . Classification: focuser Case: pray's film works well and will appeal even to those who aren't too familiar with turntablism . Classification: focuser Case: in the pianist , polanski is saying what he has long wanted to say , confronting the roots of his own preoccupations and obsessions , and he allows nothing to get in the way . Classification: focuser Case: this picture is mostly a lump of run-of-the-mill profanity sprinkled with a few remarks so geared toward engendering audience sympathy that you might think he was running for office -- or trying to win over a probation officer . Classification: safelight Case: gaunt , silver-haired and leonine , [harris] brings a tragic dimension and savage full-bodied wit and cunning to the aging sandeman . Classification: focuser Case: too many improbabilities and rose-colored situations temper what could've been an impacting film . Classification: safelight Case: it's almost as if it's an elaborate dare more than a full-blooded film . Classification: safelight Classify the following: it's just plain boring .
Example: if you are curious to see the darker side of what's going on with young tv actors ( dawson leery did what ? ! ? ) , or see some interesting storytelling devices , you might want to check it out , but there's nothing very attractive about this movie . Class: vertebra Example: there's no denying the physically spectacular qualities of the film . . . or the emotional integrity of the performances . Class: taurine Example: the furious coherence that [deniro] brings to this part only underscores the fuzzy sentimentality of the movie itself , which feels , as it plods toward the end , less like a movie than like the filmed reading of a script in need of polishing . Class: vertebra Example: an intelligent romantic thriller of a very old-school kind of quality . Class: taurine What is the classification for the passage below? despite its hawaiian setting , the science-fiction trimmings and some moments of rowdy slapstick , the basic plot of " lilo " could have been pulled from a tear-stained vintage shirley temple script .
Example: the movie is so thoughtlessly assembled . Class: warehou Example: kinnear gives a tremendous performance . Class: trembly Example: grant gets to display his cadness to perfection , but also to show acting range that may surprise some who thought light-hearted comedy was his forte . Class: trembly Example: dark and disturbing , but also surprisingly funny . Class: trembly Example: kicks off with an inauspicious premise , mopes through a dreary tract of virtually plotless meanderings and then ends with a whimper . Class: warehou Example: the makers of divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood should offer a free ticket ( second prize , of course , two free tickets ) to anyone who can locate a genuinely honest moment in their movie . Class: warehou Example: it's all pretty tame . the most offensive thing about the movie is that hollywood expects people to pay to see it . Class: warehou Example: . . . spellbinding fun and deliciously exploitative . Class: trembly Classify the case below. a rip-roaring comedy action fest that'll put hairs on your chest .
Example: by the end of no such thing the audience , like beatrice , has a watchful affection for the monster . Class: yamilke Example: ram dass fierce grace moulds itself as an example to up-and-coming documentarians , of the overlooked pitfalls of such an endeavour . Class: airmanship Example: a sham construct based on theory , sleight-of-hand , and ill-wrought hypothesis . Class: airmanship Example: a wild ride with eight boarders from venice beach that was a deserved co-winner of the audience award for documentaries at the sundance film festival . Class: yamilke Example: . . . too contrived to be as naturally charming as it needs to be . Class: airmanship Example: much of what we see is horrible but it's also undeniably exceedingly clever . Class: yamilke What is the classification for the passage below? this is a movie so insecure about its capacity to excite that it churns up not one but two flagrantly fake thunderstorms to underscore the action .
Case: a gripping drama . Classification: plughole Case: it's plotless , shapeless -- and yet , it must be admitted , not entirely humorless . indeed , the more outrageous bits achieve a shock-you-into-laughter intensity of almost dadaist proportions . Classification: plughole Case: too close to phantom menace for comfort . Classification: adat Case: it's splash without the jokes . Classification: adat Case: this movie is about the worst thing chan has done in the united states . Classification: adat Case: so clichéd that , at one point , they literally upset an apple cart . Classification: adat Case: if there's nothing fresh about wannabes , which was written by mr . demeo , who produced and directed the film with charles a . addessi , much of the time the movie feels authentic . Classification: plughole Case: an extraordinary swedish film about the soul adventure of marriage -- the kind of intimate and character-driven film that bille august does best . Classification: plughole What is the classification for the passage below? there's not much going on in this movie unless you simply decide to buy into the notion that something inexplicably strange once happened in point pleasant .
Case: the quality of the art combined with the humor and intelligence of the script allow the filmmakers to present the biblical message of forgiveness without it ever becoming preachy or syrupy . Classification: acridly Case: one of the most significant moviegoing pleasures of the year . Classification: acridly Case: an excellent romp that boasts both a heart and a mind . Classification: acridly Case: a generic international version of a typical american horror film . Classification: inwardly Case: suggests puns about ingredients and soup and somebody being off their noodle , but let's just say the ingredients don't quite add up to a meal . Classification: inwardly Case: the end result is like cold porridge with only the odd enjoyably chewy lump . Classification: inwardly Classify the case below. filmmakers dana janklowicz-mann and amir mann area headed east , far east , in retelling a historically significant , and personal , episode detailing how one international city welcomed tens of thousands of german jewish refugees while the world's democracie
Text - binoche and magimel are perfect in these roles . Group - unopposedly Text - has all the right elements but completely fails to gel together . Group - iconotype Text - an amateurish , quasi-improvised acting exercise shot on ugly digital video . Group - iconotype Text - though it never rises to its full potential as a film , still offers a great deal of insight into the female condition and the timeless danger of emotions repressed . Group - unopposedly Text - a dreary rip-off of goodfellas that serves as a muddled and offensive cautionary tale for hispanic americans . Group - iconotype Text - writer-director's mehta's effort has tons of charm and the whimsy is in the mixture , the intoxicating masala , of cultures and film genres . Group - unopposedly Considreing the above, classify the following: polished korean political-action film is just as good -- and bad -- as hollywood action epics . is this progress ?
Case: an immensely entertaining look at some of the unsung heroes of 20th century pop music . Classification: antidemoniac Case: you could love safe conduct ( laissez passer ) for being a subtitled french movie that is 170 minutes long . you could hate it for the same reason . Classification: antidemoniac Case: this is not the undisputed worst boxing movie ever , but it's certainly not a champion - the big loser is the audience . Classification: sluggardize Case: the package in which this fascinating -- and timely -- content comes wrapped is disappointingly generic . Classification: sluggardize What is the classification for the passage below? 'aunque recurre a ciertos clichés del género , la poderosa actuación de robin williams perdona las fallas del guión . '
Text - exciting documentary . Group - finicism Text - " my god , i'm behaving like an idiot ! " yes , you are , ben kingsley . Group - methodaster Text - i can analyze this movie in three words : thumbs friggin' down . Group - methodaster Text - i've never bought from telemarketers , but i bought this movie . Group - finicism Classify the case below. the tuxedo miscalculates badly by forcing the star to play second fiddle to the dull effects that allow the suit to come to life .
Example: i'm not suggesting that you actually see it , unless you're the kind of person who has seen every wim wenders film of the '70s . Class: Siphonobranchiata Example: the sum of all fears pretends to be a serious exploration of nuclear terrorism , but it's really nothing more than warmed-over cold war paranoia . Class: Siphonobranchiata Example: as much as i laughed throughout the movie , i cannot mount a cogent defense of the film as entertainment , or even performance art , although the movie does leave you marveling at these guys' superhuman capacity to withstand pain . Class: Siphonobranchiata Example: chilling , well-acted , and finely directed : david jacobson's dahmer . Class: anthropoteleoclogy Example: good ol' urban legend stuff . Class: anthropoteleoclogy Example: [næs] directed the stage version of elling , and gets fine performances from his two leads who originated the characters on stage . Class: anthropoteleoclogy Classify the case below. it's technically sumptuous but also almost wildly alive .
Text - essentially a collection of bits -- and they're all naughty . Group - nonrestriction Text - rice never clearly defines his characters or gives us a reason to care about them . Group - nonrestriction Text - a funny and well-contructed black comedy where the old adage " be careful what you wish for " is given a full workout . Group - irone Text - the problem is that the movie has no idea of it is serious or not . Group - nonrestriction Text - credit director ramsay for taking the sometimes improbable story and making it feel realistic . Group - irone Text - everything about the quiet american is good , except its timing . Group - irone Considreing the above, classify the following: [an] hilarious romantic comedy .
Text - " my god , i'm behaving like an idiot ! " yes , you are , ben kingsley . Group - citole Text - boy oh boy , it's a howler . Group - citole Text - perhaps the best sports movie i've ever seen . Group - discovert Text - without heavy-handedness , dong provides perspective with his intelligent grasp of human foibles and contradictions . Group - discovert Classify the case below. a dream cast of solid female talent who build a seamless ensemble . there isn't a weak or careless performance amongst them .
Example: it has charm to spare , and unlike many romantic comedies , it does not alienate either gender in the audience . Class: forewisdom Example: i've always dreamed of attending cannes , but after seeing this film , it's not that big a deal . Class: uncircumscribedness Example: the phone rings and a voice tells you you've got seven days left to live . then you get another phone call warning you that if the video isn't back at blockbuster before midnight , you're going to face frightening late fees . o . k . , not really . Class: uncircumscribedness Example: this story still seems timely and important . and there's an element of heartbreak to watching it now , with older and wiser eyes , because we know what will happen after greene's story ends . Class: forewisdom Considreing the above, classify the following: all the actors are good in pauline & paulette but van der groen , described as 'belgium's national treasure , ' is especially terrific as pauline .
Case: the film's intimate camera work and searing performances pull us deep into the girls' confusion and pain as they struggle tragically to comprehend the chasm of knowledge that's opened between them . Classification: theopneusted Case: so many documentaries like this presuppose religious bigotry or zealous nuttiness of its antagonists , but family fundamentals displays a rare gift for unflinching impartiality . Classification: theopneusted Case: neatly constructed thriller . Classification: theopneusted Case: tries so hard to be quirky and funny that the strain is all too evident . Classification: wardenry Case: they takes a long time to get to its gasp-inducing ending . Classification: wardenry Case: light years/ several warp speeds/ levels and levels of dilithium crystals better than the pitiful insurrection . which isn't to say that it's the equal of some of its predecessors . Classification: theopneusted Case: has no reason to exist , other than to employ hollywood kids and people who owe favors to their famous parents . Classification: wardenry Case: [it's] difficult to get beyond the overall blandness of american chai , despite its likable performances and refreshingly naive point of view . Classification: wardenry Classify the case below. forget the misleading title , what's with the unexplained baboon cameo ?
Text - does an impressive job of relating the complicated history of the war and of filling in the background . Group - rabid Text - the script is high on squaddie banter , low on shocks . Group - hippogriff Text - what makes this film special is serry's ability to take what is essentially a contained family conflict and put it into a much larger historical context . Group - rabid Text - if high crimes were any more generic it would have a universal product code instead of a title . Group - hippogriff Text - what really makes it special is that it pulls us into its world , gives us a hero whose suffering and triumphs we can share , surrounds him with interesting characters and sends us out of the theater feeling we've shared a great adventure . Group - rabid Text - how anyone over the age of 2 can stomach the touchy-feely message this preachy produce promotes is beyond us . Group - hippogriff Text - one can't deny its seriousness and quality . Group - rabid Text - each scene wreaks of routine ; the film never manages to generate a single threat of suspense . Group - hippogriff Classify the case below. a chilling movie without oppressive gore .
Case: the reason we keep seeing the same movie with roughly the same people every year is because so many of us keep going and then , out of embarrassment or stupidity , not warning anyone . Classification: rescriptive Case: a glib but bouncy bit of sixties-style slickness in which the hero might wind up caught but the audience gets pure escapism . Classification: helplessly Case: it's impossible to indulge the fanciful daydreams of janice beard ( eileen walsh ) when her real-life persona is so charmless and vacant . Classification: rescriptive Case: it's neither as romantic nor as thrilling as it should be . but it offers plenty to ponder and chew on as its unusual relationship slowly unfolds . Classification: helplessly Case: a harmless and mildly amusing family comedy . Classification: rescriptive Case: expect to be reminded of other , better films , especially seven , which director william malone slavishly copies . Classification: rescriptive Case: the emotions are raw and will strike a nerve with anyone who's ever had family trauma . Classification: helplessly Case: well-acted , well-directed and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentious . Classification: helplessly Classify the case below. unfolds in a series of achronological vignettes whose cumulative effect is chilling .
Case: a rock-solid gangster movie with a fair amount of suspense , intriguing characters and bizarre bank robberies , plus a heavy dose of father-and-son dynamics . Classification: sofane Case: mattei is tiresomely grave and long-winded , as if circularity itself indicated profundity . Classification: circularizer Case: nair doesn't treat the issues lightly . she allows each character to confront their problems openly and honestly . Classification: sofane Case: she's all-powerful , a voice for a pop-cyber culture that feeds on her bjorkness . Classification: sofane Case: [d]espite its familiar subject matter , ice age is consistently amusing and engrossing . . . Classification: sofane Case: will probably be one of those movies barely registering a blip on the radar screen of 2002 . Classification: circularizer Case: robin williams departs from his fun friendly demeanor in exchange for a darker unnerving role . Classification: circularizer Case: if you believe any of this , i can make you a real deal on leftover enron stock that will double in value a week from friday . Classification: circularizer Considreing the above, classify the following: this is an exercise in chilling style , and twohy films the sub , inside and out , with an eye on preserving a sense of mystery .
Example: feels like pieces a bunch of other , better movies slapped together . Class: basementward Example: frankly , it's kind of insulting , both to men and women . and it's not that funny -- which is just generally insulting . Class: basementward Example: the movie's relatively simple plot and uncomplicated morality play well with the affable cast . Class: wingstem Example: take away all the cliches and the carbon copy scenes from every drug movie we've seen and all you have left are john leguizamo's cool jackets . Class: basementward Example: although very much like the first movie based on j . k . rowling's phenomenal fantasy best sellers , this second go-round possesses a quite pleasing , headlong thrust and a likably delinquent attitude . Class: wingstem Example: what [denis] accomplishes in his chilling , unnerving film is a double portrait of two young women whose lives were as claustrophic , suffocating and chilly as the attics to which they were inevitably consigned . Class: wingstem Classify the following: the direction , by george hickenlooper , has no snap to it , no wiseacre crackle or hard-bitten cynicism .
Example: if divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood suffers from a ploddingly melodramatic structure , it comes to life in the performances . Class: dyewood Example: rarely has so much money delivered so little entertainment . Class: indimensible Example: sounding like arnold schwarzenegger , with a physique to match , [ahola] has a wooden delivery and encounters a substantial arc of change that doesn't produce any real transformation . Class: indimensible Example: it's bright , pristine style and bold colors make it as much fun as reading an oversized picture book before bedtime . Class: dyewood Classify the case below. it's another stale , kill-by-numbers flick , complete with blade-thin characters and terrible , pun-laden dialogue .
Example: a recent favourite at sundance , this white-trash satire will inspire the affection of even those unlucky people who never owned a cassette of def leppard's pyromania . Class: zimbabwe Example: it's as close as we'll ever come to looking through a photographer's viewfinder as he works . Class: zimbabwe Example: skip work to see it at the first opportunity . Class: zimbabwe Example: the film's center will not hold . Class: sororicidal Example: watching it is rather like an overlong visit from a large group of your relatives . as your relatives swap one mundane story after another , you begin to wonder if they are ever going to depart . Class: sororicidal Example: rosenthal ( halloween ii ) seems to have forgotten everything he ever knew about generating suspense . Class: sororicidal Example: nothing more substantial than a fitfully clever doodle . Class: sororicidal Example: russian ark is a new treasure of the hermitage . Class: zimbabwe Classify the case below. this is pure , exciting moviemaking . you won't exactly know what's happening but you'll be blissfully exhausted .
Example: takes a clunky tv-movie approach to detailing a chapter in the life of the celebrated irish playwright , poet and drinker . Class: duteous Example: [janey] forgets about her other obligations , leading to a tragedy which is somehow guessable from the first few minutes , maybe because it echoes the by now intolerable morbidity of so many recent movies . Class: duteous Example: the biggest problem with this movie is that it's not nearly long enough . Class: corrected Example: an endlessly fascinating , landmark movie that is as bold as anything the cinema has seen in years . Class: corrected Classify the case below. passable entertainment , but it's the kind of motion picture that won't make much of a splash when it's released , and will not be remembered long afterwards .
Example: bella is the picture of health with boundless energy until a few days before she dies . this is absolutely and completely ridiculous and an insult to every family whose mother has suffered through the horrible pains of a death by cancer . Class: Jesuitocracy Example: qutting may be a flawed film , but it is nothing if not sincere . Class: agrostology Example: well-acted , well-directed and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentious . Class: agrostology Example: as social exposé , skins has its heart in the right place , but that's not much to hang a soap opera on . Class: Jesuitocracy What is the classification for the passage below? it's as if de palma spent an hour setting a fancy table and then served up kraft macaroni and cheese .
Case: the movie , like bartleby , is something of a stiff -- an extra-dry office comedy that seems twice as long as its 83 minutes . Classification: preremoval Case: by the time the surprise ending is revealed , interest cannot be revived . Classification: preremoval Case: in the end , all you can do is admire the ensemble players and wonder what the point of it is . Classification: preremoval Case: it's an offbeat treat that pokes fun at the democratic exercise while also examining its significance for those who take part . Classification: adulterer Case: the principals in this cast are all fine , but bishop and stevenson are standouts . Classification: adulterer Case: photographed with melancholy richness and eloquently performed yet also decidedly uncinematic . Classification: adulterer Classify the following: offers big , fat , dumb laughs that may make you hate yourself for giving in . ah , what the hell .
Case: this odd , poetic road movie , spiked by jolts of pop music , pretty much takes place in morton's ever-watchful gaze -- and it's a tribute to the actress , and to her inventive director , that the journey is such a mesmerizing one . Classification: amalgamative Case: it's one pussy-ass world when even killer-thrillers revolve around group therapy sessions . Classification: Abelian Case: not since ghostbusters has a film used manhattan's architecture in such a gloriously goofy way . Classification: amalgamative Case: . . . " bowling for columbine " remains a disquieting and thought-provoking film . . . Classification: amalgamative Case: another big , dumb action movie in the vein of xxx , the transporter is riddled with plot holes big enough for its titular hero to drive his sleek black bmw through . Classification: Abelian Case: bleakly funny , its characters all the more touching for refusing to pity or memorialize themselves . Classification: amalgamative Case: . . . a pretentious and ultimately empty examination of a sick and evil woman . Classification: Abelian Case: though this saga would be terrific to read about , it is dicey screen material that only a genius should touch . Classification: Abelian What is the classification for the passage below? fear permeates the whole of stortelling , todd solondz' oftentimes funny , yet ultimately cowardly autocritique .
Text - that storytelling has value cannot be denied . not even solondz's thirst for controversy , sketchy characters and immature provocations can fully succeed at cheapening it . Group - benight Text - cinematic pyrotechnics aside , the only thing avary seems to care about are mean giggles and pulchritude . it makes sense that he went back to school to check out the girls -- his film is a frat boy's idea of a good time . Group - insider Text - a smart , arch and rather cold-blooded comedy . Group - benight Text - buries an interesting storyline about morality and the choices we make underneath such a mountain of clichés and borrowed images that it might more accurately be titled mr . chips off the old block . Group - insider Text - feel bad for king , who's honestly trying , and schwartzman , who's shot himself in the foot . Group - insider Text - manages to be original , even though it rips off many of its ideas . Group - benight Classify the case below. a delightful , if minor , pastry of a movie .
Text - the characters seem one-dimensional , and the film is superficial and will probably be of interest primarily to its target audience . Group - nasological Text - this masterfully calibrated psychological thriller thrives on its taut performances and creepy atmosphere even if the screenplay falls somewhat short . Group - hubmaker Text - a stupid , derivative horror film that substitutes extreme gore for suspense . Group - nasological Text - without non-stop techno or the existential overtones of a kieslowski morality tale , maelström is just another winter sleepers . Group - nasological Text - i admire the closing scenes of the film , which seem to ask whether our civilization offers a cure for vincent's complaint . Group - hubmaker Text - the sword fighting is well done and auteuil is a goofy pleasure . Group - hubmaker Considreing the above, classify the following: the truth about charlie is that it's a brazenly misguided project .
Example: cantet perfectly captures the hotel lobbies , two-lane highways , and roadside cafes that permeate vincent's days Class: vividity Example: an impressive if flawed effort that indicates real talent . Class: vividity Example: did the film inform and educate me ? yes . did it move me to care about what happened in 1915 armenia ? no . and that is where ararat went astray . Class: costmary Example: white oleander may leave you rolling your eyes in the dark , but that doesn't mean you won't like looking at it . Class: vividity Example: two big things are missing -- anything approaching a visceral kick , and anything approaching even a vague reason to sit through it all . Class: costmary Example: overwrought , melodramatic bodice-ripper . Class: costmary Considreing the above, classify the following: it's an earnest debut full of heartfelt performances , but is ultimately let down by a story that is all too predictable .
Example: i hope the movie is widely seen and debated with appropriate ferocity and thoughtfulness . Class: docmac Example: uncertain in tone . . . a garbled exercise in sexual politics , a junior varsity short cuts by way of very bad things . Class: duumviral Example: stevens has a flair for dialogue comedy , the film operates nicely off the element of surprise , and the large cast is solid . Class: docmac Example: " it's all about the image . " Class: docmac Example: if you collected all the moments of coherent dialogue , they still wouldn't add up to the time required to boil a four- minute egg . Class: duumviral Example: kosminsky . . . puts enough salt into the wounds of the tortured and self-conscious material to make it sting . Class: docmac Example: each scene drags , underscoring the obvious , and sentiment is slathered on top . Class: duumviral Example: a dreadful live-action movie . Class: duumviral Classify the case below. the movie has no respect for laws , political correctness or common decency , but it displays something more important : respect for its flawed , crazy people .
Case: i've never seen or heard anything quite like this film , and i recommend it for its originality alone . Classification: spectered Case: stars matthew perry and elizabeth hurley illicit more than a chuckle , and more jokes land than crash , but ultimately serving sara doesn't distinguish itself from the herd . Classification: undertutor Case: sc2 is an autopilot hollywood concoction lacking in imagination and authentic christmas spirit , yet it's geared toward an audience full of masters of both . Classification: undertutor Case: visually striking and viscerally repellent . Classification: spectered Case: though clearly well-intentioned , this cross-cultural soap opera is painfully formulaic and stilted . Classification: undertutor Case: parts seem like they were lifted from terry gilliam's subconscious , pressed through kafka's meat grinder and into buñuel's casings Classification: spectered Classify the case below. this is a startling film that gives you a fascinating , albeit depressing view of iranian rural life close to the iraqi border .
Case: as written by michael berg and michael j . wilson from a story by wilson , this relentless , all-wise-guys-all-the-time approach tries way too hard and gets tiring in no time at all . Classification: removedly Case: laggard drama wending its way to an uninspired philosophical epiphany . Classification: removedly Case: it's refreshing to see a girl-power movie that doesn't feel it has to prove anything . Classification: overrooted Case: a genuinely moving and wisely unsentimental drama . Classification: overrooted Considreing the above, classify the following: murder by numbers' isn't a great movie , but it's a perfectly acceptable widget .
Text - the movie is like scorsese's mean streets redone by someone who ignored it in favor of old 'juvenile delinquent' paperbacks with titles like leather warriors and switchblade sexpot . Group - oneirocritical Text - the best animated feature to hit theaters since beauty and the beast 11 years ago . Group - Delicious Text - the best drug addition movies are usually depressing but rewarding . quitting , however , manages just to be depressing , as the lead actor phones in his autobiographical performance . Group - oneirocritical Text - what could have been a pointed little chiller about the frightening seductiveness of new technology loses faith in its own viability and succumbs to joyless special-effects excess . Group - oneirocritical Text - the screenplay never lets us forget that bourne was once an amoral assassin just like the ones who are pursuing him . . . there is never really a true " us " versus " them " . Group - Delicious Text - she may not be real , but the laughs are . Group - Delicious Text - when your subject is illusion versus reality , shouldn't the reality seem at least passably real ? Group - oneirocritical Text - worth seeing just for weaver and lapaglia . Group - Delicious Considreing the above, classify the following: gussied up with so many distracting special effects and visual party tricks that it's not clear whether we're supposed to shriek or laugh .
Case: quitting delivers a sucker-punch , and its impact is all the greater beause director zhang's last film , the cuddly shower , was a non-threatening multi-character piece centered around a public bath house . Classification: trihemitetartemorion Case: there's a delightfully quirky movie to be made from curling , but brooms isn't it . Classification: perkiness Case: ends up being mostly about ravishing costumes , eye-filling , wide-screen production design and joan's wacky decision to stand by her man , no matter how many times he demonstrates that he's a disloyal satyr . Classification: perkiness Case: in its treatment of the dehumanizing and ego-destroying process of unemployment , time out offers an exploration that is more accurate than anything i have seen in an american film . Classification: trihemitetartemorion Classify the case below. the leaping story line , shaped by director peter kosminsky into sharp slivers and cutting impressions , shows all the signs of rich detail condensed into a few evocative images and striking character traits .
Case: one of those movies where you walk out of the theater not feeling cheated exactly , but feeling pandered to , which , in the end , might be all the more infuriating . Classification: wobster Case: it's tough being a black man in america , especially when the man has taken away your car , your work-hours and denied you health insurance . Classification: wobster Case: because the film deliberately lacks irony , it has a genuine dramatic impact ; it plays like a powerful 1957 drama we've somehow never seen before . Classification: keelrake Case: an intoxicating experience . Classification: keelrake Classify the case below. often lingers just as long on the irrelevant as on the engaging , which gradually turns what time is it there ? into how long is this movie ?
Text - the film may appear naked in its narrative form . . . but it goes deeper than that , to fundamental choices that include the complexity of the catholic doctrine Group - Amphipoda Text - how inept is serving sara ? it makes even elizabeth hurley seem graceless and ugly . Group - perspicuously Text - disturbing and brilliant documentary . Group - Amphipoda Text - neither as scary-funny as tremors nor demented-funny as starship troopers , the movie isn't tough to take as long as you've paid a matinee price . Group - perspicuously Text - it's too interested in jerking off in all its byzantine incarnations to bother pleasuring its audience . Group - perspicuously Text - a masterpiece four years in the making . Group - Amphipoda Classify the following: it will probably prove interesting to ram dass fans , but to others it may feel like a parody of the mellow , peace-and-love side of the '60s counterculture .
Example: [taymor] utilizes the idea of making kahlo's art a living , breathing part of the movie , often catapulting the artist into her own work . this isn't a new idea . it's been done before but never so vividly or with so much passion . Class: Benu Example: talky , artificial and opaque . . . an interesting technical exercise , but a tedious picture . Class: resultant Example: a truly wonderful tale combined with stunning animation . Class: Benu Example: there's a heavy stench of 'been there , done that' hanging over the film . it's everything you'd expect -- but nothing more . Class: resultant Example: this is the case of a pregnant premise being wasted by a script that takes few chances and manages to insult the intelligence of everyone in the audience . Class: resultant Example: it's fairly solid--not to mention well edited so that it certainly doesn't feel like a film that strays past the two and a half mark . Class: Benu Classify the case below. george clooney , in his first directorial effort , presents this utterly ridiculous shaggy dog story as one of the most creative , energetic and original comedies to hit the screen in years .
Example: these two are generating about as much chemistry as an iraqi factory poised to receive a un inspector . Class: hemitery Example: the direction has a fluid , no-nonsense authority , and the performances by harris , phifer and cam'ron seal the deal . Class: cuggermugger Example: corpus collosum -- while undeniably interesting -- wore out its welcome well before the end credits rolled about 45 minutes in . Class: hemitery Example: it's consistently funny , in an irresistible junior-high way , and consistently free of any gag that would force you to give it a millisecond of thought . Class: cuggermugger Considreing the above, classify the following: the movie generates plot points with a degree of randomness usually achieved only by lottery drawing .
Example: it makes compelling , provocative and prescient viewing . Class: folie Example: though only 60 minutes long , the film is packed with information and impressions . Class: folie Example: a generic family comedy unlikely to be appreciated by anyone outside the under-10 set . Class: semicolloid Example: this idea has lost its originality . . . and neither star appears very excited at rehashing what was basically a one-joke picture . Class: semicolloid Classify the following: an unclassifiably awful study in self- and audience-abuse .
Example: . . . mesmerizing , an eye-opening tour of modern beijing culture in a journey of rebellion , retreat into oblivion and return . Class: mucous Example: maybe it's just because this past year has seen the release of some of the worst film comedies in decades . . . but honestly , analyze that really isn't all that bad . Class: mucous Example: sex ironically has little to do with the story , which becomes something about how lame it is to try and evade your responsibilities and that you should never , ever , leave a large dog alone with a toddler . but never mind all that ; the boobs are fantasti Class: Liza Example: whatever satire lucky break was aiming for , it certainly got lost in the " soon-to-be-forgettable " section of the quirky rip-off prison romp pile . it's petty thievery like this that puts flimsy flicks like this behind bars Class: Liza Classify the following: aside from being the funniest movie of the year , simone , andrew niccol's brilliant anti-hollywood satire , has a wickedly eccentric enchantment to it .
Example: while it may not add up to the sum of its parts , holofcener's film offers just enough insight to keep it from being simpleminded , and the ensemble cast is engaging enough to keep you from shifting in your chair too often . Class: fiddlebrained Example: it's such a mechanical endeavor [that] it never bothers to question why somebody might devote time to see it . Class: fiddlebrained Example: while the film is not entirely successful , it still manages to string together enough charming moments to work . Class: Calchaqui Example: this may be burns's strongest film since the brothers mcmullen . Class: Calchaqui What is the classification for the passage below? the cast comes through even when the movie doesn't .
Example: few of the increasingly far-fetched events that first-time writer-director neil burger follows up with are terribly convincing , which is a pity , considering barry's terrific performance . Class: Sphagnum Example: . . . spellbinding fun and deliciously exploitative . Class: preallow Example: as blunt as it is in depicting child abuse , el bola is a movie steeped in an ambiguity that lends its conflicts a symbolic resonance . Class: preallow Example: it aimlessly and unsuccessfully attempts to fuse at least three dull plots into one good one . Class: Sphagnum Example: [gulpilil] is a commanding screen presence , and his character's abundant humanism makes him the film's moral compass . Class: preallow Example: it's hard to imagine that even very small children will be impressed by this tired retread . Class: Sphagnum What is the classification for the passage below? a whimsical if predictable time-travel fable marred by a willful single-mindedness .
Text - stuffy , full of itself , morally ambiguous and nothing to shout about . Group - fastidiously Text - a loud , low-budget and tired formula film that arrives cloaked in the euphemism 'urban drama . ' Group - fastidiously Text - like all abstract art , the film does not make this statement in an easily accessible way , and -- unless prewarned -- it would be very possible for a reasonably intelligent person to sit through its tidal wave of imagery and not get this vision at all . Group - fastidiously Text - it's not just a feel-good movie , it's a feel movie . you feel good , you feel sad , you feel pissed off , but in the end , you feel alive - which is what they did . Group - subjected Text - the climactic events are so well realized that you may forget all about the original conflict , just like the movie does Group - subjected Text - 'de niro . . . is a veritable source of sincere passion that this hollywood contrivance orbits around . ' Group - subjected Classify the case below. plotless collection of moronic stunts is by far the worst movie of the year .
Example: it's played in the most straight-faced fashion , with little humor to lighten things up . the heavy-handed film is almost laughable as a consequence . Class: multiplicable Example: a film centering on a traditional indian wedding in contemporary new delhi may not sound like specialized fare , but mira nair's film is an absolute delight for all audiences . Class: biologic Example: for all of the contemporary post-colonialist consciousness that kapur tries to bring to the four feathers , the oddest thing about the movie is how it winds up affirming the same damn moldy values the material has always held dear . Class: multiplicable Example: falls neatly into the category of good stupid fun . Class: biologic Considreing the above, classify the following: there's a thin line between likably old-fashioned and fuddy-duddy , and the count of monte cristo . . . never quite settles on either side .
Case: with a romantic comedy plotline straight from the ages , this cinderella story doesn't have a single surprise up its sleeve . but it does somehow manage to get you under its spell . Classification: preglacial Case: some may choose to interpret the film's end as hopeful or optimistic but i think payne is after something darker . Classification: preglacial Case: a momentary escape from the summer heat and the sedentary doldrums that set in at this time of year . Classification: clattertrap Case: . . . although this idea is " new " the results are tired . Classification: clattertrap Case: weird , vulgar comedy that's definitely an acquired taste . Classification: preglacial Case: what remains is a variant of the nincompoop benigni persona , here a more annoying , though less angry version of the irresponsible sandlerian manchild , undercut by the voice of the star of road trip . Classification: clattertrap Classify the following: if villainous vampires are your cup of blood , blade 2 is definitely a cut above the rest .
Example: the trials of henry kissinger is a remarkable piece of filmmaking … because you get it . Class: clinicist Example: it is very difficult to care about the character , and that is the central flaw of the film . Class: opticopupillary Example: the story the movie tells is of brian de palma's addiction to the junk-calorie suspense tropes that have all but ruined his career . Class: opticopupillary Example: spielberg has managed to marry science fiction with film noir and action flicks with philosophical inquiry . Class: clinicist Example: these two are generating about as much chemistry as an iraqi factory poised to receive a un inspector . Class: opticopupillary Example: an operatic , sprawling picture that's entertainingly acted , magnificently shot and gripping enough to sustain most of its 170-minute length . Class: clinicist Classify the case below. . . . in no way original , or even all that memorable , but as downtown saturday matinee brain candy , it doesn't disappoint .