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referred to as the Ikhwan in Arabic, found in the Virginia home of an unindicted co-conspirator in the case, describes the group's U.S. goals, referred to as a "civilization-jihadist process." "The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions," it states. This process requires a "mastery of the...
The Federal complaint against Faisal Shahzad documents that the Pakistani-American tried to detonate a bomb in Times Square and received bomb-making training in Waziristan, Pakistan. Shahzad was tracked as a suspect since late Sunday night, and wasdozens to the hundreds. We...
The Nigerian man suspected of trying to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day told investigators after his arrest that close to 20 other young Muslim men were being trained in Yemen to blow up airliners, CBS News reports. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's claim that others were being prepared to use the same technique on jets reportedly was confirmed by British intelligence. Sources told CBS that his statement was behind the U.S.-issued directive announcing "enhanced screening" for "every individual" on U.S.-bound flights from 14 countries.
A 23-year-old man charged with killing one soldier and seriously wounding another in a shooting outside an Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Ark., was once detained in Yemen for possessing a fake Somali passport and other counterfeit documents, law | {
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enforcement officials said Tuesday. The episode in Yemen prompted a preliminary inquiry by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other American law enforcement agencies into whether the man, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, had ties to extremist groups, the officials said. But that investigation was inconclusive, they said, leaving the bureau with insufficient evidence to wiretap his phone or put him under...
SANAA, YEMEN -- When he served in the Afghan mountains as Osama bin Laden's personal bodyguard, Nasser al-Bahri said, he was known as "The Killer." Today, Bahri is a business consultant in Yemen who favors Western-style pinstriped shirts, crisp slacks and black loafers. But his ideas are still radical: Ask him whether jihadists should kill Americans on U.S. soil and he replies without hesitation, "America is a legitimate target."
Atleast a dozen former Guantánamo Bay inmates have rejoined al-Qaeda to fight in Yemen, The Times has learnt, amid growing concern over the ability of the country’s Government to accept almost 100 more former inmates from the detention centre. The Obama Administration promised to close the Guantánamo facility by January 22, a deadline that it will be unable to meet. The 91 Yemeni prisoners in Guantánamo make up the largest national contingent among the 198 being held. Six prisoners were returned to Yemen last month. After the Christmas Day bomb plot in Detroit, US officials are increasingly concerned that...
SANA, Yemen — Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian man accused of trying to bomb an airplane last week, already spoke fluent Arabic by the time he arrived here in Yemen | {
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} | 50,049,968 |
for classes last summer, impressing his instructors with his command of the language he had supposedly come to improve. Then, after six weeks in and out of class, the school got him an exit visa, and on Sept. 21 even arranged for a car that took Mr. Abdulmutallab to the airport, the director said. “After that we never saw him again, and apparently he did not leave Yemen,” the director,...
Cops fear that 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb Western airliners. The fanatics, in five groups, are now training at secret terror camps in Yemen. It was there London-educated Umar Abdulmutallab, 23, prepared for his Christmas Day bid to blow up a US jet. The British extremists in Yemen are in their early 20s and from Bradford, LutonTraining camps in the lawless nation of Somalia are attracting hundreds of foreigners, including Americans, and Somalis recruited by a local insurgent group linked to al-Qaida, according to local and U.S. officials. American officials and private analysts say the camps pose a security threat far beyond the borders of Somalia, including to the U.S. homeland. In interviews with The Associated Press, former trainees gave rare details on the...
SAN`A, Yemen (AP) - A Yemeni politician and religious figure - designated a suspected terrorist by the United States - declared his innocence Saturday and called on Washington to substantiate its allegations. On Tuesday, Sheik Abdulmajid al-Zindani, an Afghan war veteran and the spiritual leader of the Islamic-oriented Islah Party, was added to a U.S. Treasury Department list of those suspected | {
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} | 50,049,970 |
and Quranic Open University) 1. Deposit, NY 2. Hancock, NY...
The fugitive son of an Imam shot dead by U.S. federal agents Wednesday was arrested Thursday in downtown Windsor and in the custody Canadian border authorities, the FBI said in a statement. Mujahid Carswell, 30, also known as Mujahid Abdullah, was arrested by RCMP officers at about 1 p.m. Thursday without incident after police blocked off a downtown street and surrounded a house with a tactical team. He was witnessed being whisked away in a prisoner transport van and is currently in the custody of the Canada Border Services Agency on immigration violations. Mr. Carswell is the oldest son of...The highlights, and the lows, of aviation medicine in the 1940's: the human element.
This article describes the experience and knowledge gained by the author during an extensive study tour of the majority of aviation medicine centres in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States in 1942. The emphasis is upon the human element rather than the technical, and the contribution of thousands of scientists from medical, psychological, and allied disciplines whose dedication was vital to air supremacy. This required a symbiosis between them and aircraft engineers and, inter alia, courageous participation in operational missions or dangerous experiments. The price was, on occasion, tragedy. Individual instances are described, as are visits to operational air force squadrons. The tour concluded with a return to South Africa and the establishment | {
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"PubMed Abstracts"
} | 50,049,975 |
in food bank use. Gauke was announcing that the benefit freeze would remain in place despite rising food prices. With little sense of irony, he did it over a lobby lunch.
As the details of the Tories’ deal with the DUP comes out, this sort of policy and rhetoric is going to become increasingly unpalatable to the public. The message from May is clear: there’s no money to ease the suffering of people going to food banks or losing their homes but plenty to keep herself and her party in power.
In the coming months, Jeremy Corbyn – ever more comfortable in his role – can continue to present Labour as the only party willing to help families get a decent standard of living. May and ministers can pretend itTHE TIGER IN THE SMOKE by Margery Allingham
The Tiger In The Smoke
by Margery Allingham
(Vintage £8.99)
Allingham was well established as a leading light of crime fiction when she came to write Tiger In The Smoke. All the signs are of a gifted writer aiming higher than the formulaic mystery novel.
In fact, the mystery, such as it is, of a supposed treasure hidden away in the ruins of war, is secondary to the conflict between good and evil — the latter personified by Jack Havoc, a vicious street fighter ever ready to put the knife or the boot in to get what he wants.
In pursuing him to his end, Albert Campion, Allingham’s recurring hero, takes a leading role.
But this is no longer Campion as the upper-class twit whose goofy looks | {
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} | 50,050,013 |
Carola Dunn
(Constable £7.99)
Strict feminists may not like the title. How can there be too many women? But the phrase, though derogatory, is based on historical truth: the plight of young women who lost their chance of marriage and family in the slaughter of the Great War.
Daisy Dalrymple is one of the lucky ones, happily married to a senior Scotland Yard detective who tolerates her insatiable curiosity and her compulsion to involve herself in police affairs.
They visit three of Daisy’s old school friends who have set up house together. Exploring their new home, they find the cellar barred against them.
Handy work on the lock with a wire coat-hanger reveals a steep flight of steps leading down to a decomposing corpse.over whether global warming is happening or not.
Despite growing scientific evidence that global warming will have serious impacts worldwide, public opinion is moving in the opposite direction. Over the past year the United States has experienced rising unemployment, public frustration with Washington and a divisive health care debate, largely pushing climate change out of the news. Meanwhile, a set of emails stolen from climate scientists and used by critics to allege scientific misconduct may have contributed to an erosion of public trust in climate science.
It is also clear that public understanding of climate change fundamentals – that it is happening, is human caused, and will have serious consequences for human societies and natural ecosystems here in the United States and around the world – is heading in the | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 50,050,018 |
student at Gupton-Jones.Part of her letter said: My Mother was my best friend. Though we certainly didn't sit around talking about death the subject did come up occasionally. Both she and father had said they wanted to be cremated.My mother became ill while visiting my brother and, within hours, she died before I could get to her. My father reminded my brother that my mother wanted to be cremated and directed him to have the body cremated and brought home. We all gathered here and had a private memorial service for just my siblings, my father and myself. Then he took her ashes and poured them into the lake, as she had wanted. And therein lay the most permanent mistake we ever made. None of us actually saw Appeal from the United States District Court
for the Northern District of California
Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, District Judge, Presiding
Submitted July 12, 2017**
San Francisco, California
Before: GRABER and FRIEDLAND, Circuit Judges, and MARSHALL,***
District Judge.
| {
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} | 50,050,035 |
that address. But then officers obtained good reason to believe that Defendant had
moved down the street. A 14-year-old came out of the house at the 2187 address
and identified himself as Defendant’s nephew. He volunteered that Defendant had
moved to the 2225 address to live with his girlfriend. He then identified
Defendant’s car, parked in the 2225 parking lot. That information was
corroborated by the registration of the car in two ways: (1) as belonging to
Defendant and (2) as having been registered by Defendant with the home address
of apartment A of the 2225 address. When the officers knocked on the door to
apartment A and spoke with the female tenant, she denied that Defendant lived
there but she also appeared nervous and untrustworthy.
Wematter to any of the following agencies,
• The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
• The United States Secret Service
• The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
• The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
• The United States Postal Inspection Service
• The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
• Internet Crime Complaint Center
• The National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)
• United States Department of Justice
• DMCA agents of various firms and institutions
• Department of Homeland Security’s National Infrastructure Coordinating Center
• Attorney’s of firms and institutions
• U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (U.S. CERT)
• Your individual government bureau or its appropriate law enforcement agencies and Justice Departments
How to prevent cyber-crime
Governments and citizens must be proactive in the quest to prevent the underworld from taking over the internet to create the same chaos | {
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} | 50,050,088 |
Mr Cameron as "anti-reform". There is frustration in Labour circles that the Tory leader has appeared to outflank the Government by responding quickly during the expenses saga.
Many Labour MPs oppose reform and grassroots activists who want to keep the present system are calling for a debate on the issue at the party's annual conference in Brighton this month.
Electoral reform: The options
The Alternative Vote (AV)
Instead of voting for one candidate, people can rank the candidates in order of preference. The candidate coming last drops out and second preferences are redistributed until one candidate enjoys more than 50 per cent. Retains link between MPs and their constituents. Used in Australia.
AV Plus
People would have two votes – one for constituency MP (as under AV) and one for a top-up list inthe strawberry delight enhanced by Kampot pepper. Another amazing evening!
Food & Drink
Paul A
Stunningly good
01 February 2018
It is still a mystery how Casamia has still got just a single Michelin star, which makes it appear to be on the same level as some inferior pubs that we have eaten in and certainly one other restaurant in Bristol when it is clearly in another class. The first thing the diner will remark on is the relaxed nature of the dining experience, with every diner feeling like an old friend and being shown the kitchen in close-up, the chefs serving the dishes and describing them in great detail, and front of house staff not only willing to discuss all aspects of the meal but clearly able to do so since they | {
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} | 50,050,206 |
with the chefs bringing up the various dishes, and front of house, to listen to and discuss things with the punters. Once again stunning dish followed stunning dish, right from the snacks, 3-year aged Parmesan mousse in a light bric tartlet with cheese sprinkles, deep-sea carabineros prawns on a seaweed meringue which gave up a sweet seafood aftertaste, and a smoking sandwich of venison tartare with cavolo nero and horseradish cream, to the petits fours, a superlight and delicious mix of damson and bay leaf Turkish delight, and a clever porcini mushroom fudge, which could almost double as a canapé. Interposed between these delights was a succession of delicately complex taste, texture and visual wonders, some merely brilliant and others simply world-class. The combination of yoghurt sorbet, pickledof slightly crispy seaweed. Two versions of mackerel followed, one a tartare, the other warm, the first strikingly red pepper coloured and the accompanying szechuan pepper, sesame oil, soy sauce and crème fraîche accentuating the freshness of the fish, the second showing how to make an exemplary bisque with the mackerel and prawns, again red pepper, this time barbecued but in no way dominating the delicate fish. We wondered whether the squid carbonara with its chorizo bits and a terrific cheesy sauce might have been inspired by Pierre Koffmann it was that good, and the next dish, heritage Isle of Wight tomatoes bringing together a real variety of different tastes in the raw, grilled, compressed, jelly and seed state and with mozzarella and basil in true Italian style | {
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} | 50,050,264 |
stretched. Having seen the photos of the interior of the new premises on social media, we were pleasantly surprised to find that they were rather unflattering, and we judged the interesting layout to be quite warm, especially with most tables enjoying a good view of the open kitchen, and blissfully free from muzak. Front-of-house staff proved to be courteously friendly, and the excellent sommelier, Ramón, expertly guided us through the singular wine flight accompanying the menu and, in the surprising absence of any Cava, started us off with with an attractive fizz from Seville made from a grape which was completely new to us. Another novelty, at least in the UK, was the dishes being brought to table and detailed by the chefs themselves, something we had onlypreviously experienced in a top-class restaurant in Belgium with some other similarities, namely in the kind of imaginative food on offer and the serving sequence. The lovely hors d’oeuvres of broccoli cream on a Colston Bassett base, romanesco cauliflower with 3-year old parmesan and Jerusalem artichoke and truffle heralded the clever combination of hen’s egg mousse, cardamom foam and confit duck making up the amuse-bouche. The melding of ingredients in perfect balance with each other to produce impressive end results turned out to be a major feature of our enjoyment of the meal as a whole. We then moved on to a stunning seaside dish with a difference, shredded white crabmeat with inoki mushrooms and dashi jelly topped with a seaweed salad, the mushroom theme being continued in | {
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} | 50,050,273 |
Kevin Embleton interviews Steven Arthur of The Early Reset and his friend Joe from L.A. about how "She's Not There" has impacted them. Kevin also shares where he was in life when he wrote it. Tune in to hear some great stories and some special music created just for this podcast. You can buy "She's Not There" on iTunes or stream it on Spotify.Movie Story
October 1 is a 2014 Nigerian dark psychological thriller film written by Tunde Babalola, produced and directed by Kunle Afolayan. It stars Sadiq Daba, Kayode Olaiya, David Bailie, Kehinde Bankole, Kanayo O. Kanayo, Fabian Adeoye Lojede, Nick Rhys, Kunle Afolayan, Femi Adebayo, Bimbo Manuel, Ibrahim Chatta and introducing Demola Adedoyin; it also features special appearance from Deola Sagoe. The film, which is set in Colonial Nigeria, narrates the story of Danladi Waziri (Sadiq Daba), a police officer from Northern Nigeria who is posted to a remote town of Akote in Western Nigeria to investigate the frequent female murder cases in the community, and have the mystery solved before the Nigerian flag is raised on October 1, Nigeria’s Independence Day.
The lead character of the film, Dan Waziri, particularly | {
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} | 50,050,286 |
posed a challenge during casting, as the director had a particular look he wants for the character; Daba was eventually selected for the role after a series of research, and thereby marked his return to the big screen after over a 10-year absence from the industry. The film received sponsorships from the Lagos State Government, Toyota Nigeria, Elizade Motors, Guinness and Sovereign Trust Insurance. It was shot in Lagos and Ondo State for a period of over forty days using RED cameras,[5] after four months of preproduction. Production design for the film was done by Pat Nebo, who has also worked with Afolayan in his previous film projects; he and his team made almost half of the props used in the film, while the other props such astelevision sets from the ’50s, shotguns and antique vehicles, were acquired and refurbished for the film. Golden Effects also partnered with Haute Couture to provide primordial costumes used in the film.
After several release postponements, the film had a number of special screenings and eventually premiered on 28 September 2014; its premiere which was tagged “’60s”, required guests to dress in native costumes and hairstyles from the 1960s. The premiere also provided tours of sets, and also displayed the props and costumes used in the film. The film was met with positive critical reception, mostly praised for its production design, cinematography and its exploration of powerful themes; which include tribalism, western imperialism, paedophilia, homosexuality, Nigeria’s unification and also establishing a strong connection between western culture and the cause of | {
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} | 50,050,288 |
against her.
Tanya Gersch’s nightmare began when she tried to do the right thing in her town of Whitefish, Montana, where Gersch works as a real estate agent.
Richard Spencer, a high-profile white nationalist, was a frequent visitor to his mother Sherry’s vacation home in Whitefish. This is the same Richard Spencer who was caught on video giving the Nazi salute and yelling “Heil Trump” to a post-election crowd in Washington, DC.
As you might imagine, this did not sit well with some of the Montana town’s residents, especially when the Spencer video went viral. There was talk that Sherry was a direct participant of white nationalist activities. A protest was planned.
Sherry contacted Tanya Gersch, a realtor, to help sell her property. Gersch tried to diffuse a tense situation in WhitefishCategory:Humehume
English:Humehume (c. 1798–1826), known by many different names during his time, such as George Prince, George Prince Kaumualiʻi, Tamoree or Kumoree by American writers, was a low-born son of the King of Kauai. He traveled widely, served in the U.S. military, and led a failed rebellion on the island of Kauaʻi. | {
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After getting the Malaysian women team disqualified last year, this year women Kabaddi team of England is once again in a complaint mode. This time, the team has complained against Pakistan's women players. It has asked for a medical check-up, alleging that three players in Pakistan's women team were transgenders.
Ashok Das, coach of England's kabaddi team, said: "We complained to the sports department on December 7 -- when we played our first match with Pakistan in Jalalabad. However, no one listened to our complaint. Once the government has organised an international-level tournament, they must raise their standards to such level and the complaint must be acted upon without delay."
Director, Sports, Shivdular Singh Dhillon, however, said: "The England team never gave us the names of the players about whomsecond in the tournament, was disqualified and Denmark was given the second prize while our team was judged third."
This is the third year of women's kabaddi tournament. In the first year, England team was runner-up and last year they finished third after the inquiry. This year, they have fallen to the fifth place.
ALSO READ A day after, Modi bricks disappear
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If the Queen Garnet plum achieves "superfood" status it could earn the Queensland Government millions of dollars in tree royalties and lead to the development of a range of processed products aimed at the booming international functional food or "nutraceutical" market.
Scientists have been surprised by the plum's health benefits.
"When we first started working with some of these types of compounds no one believed something as simple as a plum could actually be a medicine," Professor Lindsay Brown, from the University of Southern Queensland in Toowoomba, said.
He said it was not surprising there was global interest in the fruit after he was astonished by the results of a trial he oversaw last year.
"We gave plum juice to obese rats with the same health problems humans have from being overweight,"get so worked up. They were weak, they deserved to die." his voice then changed from Kage Ryuu's suave, yet demonic voice to Drake's normal voice as he said "No." Kage Ryuu then laughed and said "Yes. If they could be killed so easily then that means that they were too weak! The weak deserve to die!" Drake then said calmly "Then why do you still live?" Then, only complete silence, which nothing broke.
OOC: Here's the fight that came earlier, right before he regained consciousness.
PAST:Drake saw them coming. There were eight of them and against him. He attempted to strike at them, but he knew he couldn't win. Not without killing them. He had sworn that he would kill no more Shinigami ever since his exile. He blocked | {
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} | 50,050,443 |
all their attacks, but they were overwhelming him. He couldn't keep up with them. He then felt something cold... It was in his back. He then heard something, He heard the voice of Kage Ryuu. He said "Come now Drake, just for a second. Not much will change. They already exiled you! Just let me take control... It will all be alright..." he couldn't take it. He passed out as he heard Kage Ryuu say one last thing "Burn in Hell!" and as the smell of blood reached him. Then, he was gone.
I had watched the enitre thing. The eight against the one, and when I looked away for just a second, I smelled blood. I had whipped my head back to the group of Shinigami, and sawsomething demonic... Kage Ryuu then suddenly flew out of the smoke. He had black dragon wings and 9 tails of black tendrils. He tried to slash at Drake, but he blocked it. Kage Ryuu then let out an unrelenting barrage of strikes with each tail striking Drake at separate times, along with the sword, making it impossible to put in a counter attack as Drake was getting ripped up by this evolved Kage Ryuu.
"That's not good." I drew my zanpakutô, and jumped in, attacking the tendrils from behind, drawing attention from Drake and renering them almost useless. Kage Ryuu swiped at me, and I dodged, countering with an upward strike, knocking him back for a bit. Drake was on the ground, and I helped him up. "You need | {
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} | 50,050,480 |
That is surprisingly awesome though...
"Hey, you must be Alexx! It's nice to meet you." a sword was swung and all the smoke dispersed and there stood Drake and Ranpu. Ranpu looked almost exactly like Alexx, just with different eye and hair color. She had royal purple hair and her eyes were a shining gold. She was smiling at Alexx as Drake said "Alright Ranpu, I guess it's time." Drake then pulled out a single silver glove and put it on as he continued "You might wanna cover your eyes for a second Alexx. Shine a golden light upon your foes, Ranpu..."
Ranpu smiled and said "Thanks." and suddenly, even though Alexx had her eyes closed, a bright light flashed that she could still see. The flash faded as Kagecramp system blood.
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Events Calendar
Sage Women's Volleyball vs. Purchase College
Come cheer on the Sage women's volleyball team as they host the Panthers of Purchase College in the team's 2012 Skyline Conference opener. The 2012 season marks the fifth anniversary of the team's first Skyline Conference and the team's first NCAA Tournament appearance! Come to the Neff Center and bring your Sage spirit!
Come cheer on the Sage women's volleyball team as they host the Panthers of Purchase College in the team's 2012 Skyline Conference opener. The 2012 season marks the fifth anniversary of the team's first Skyline Conference and the team's first NCAA Tournament appearance! Come to the Neff Center and bring your Sage spirit!in her book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear about the many rejection letters – some helpful, some seemingly capricious – that she received from publishers. Undeterred, she chalked it up as part of the creative process, preferring perseverance to despair. She also kept her day job until her third book, the New York Times bestseller Eat, Pray, Love, won critical acclaim. Oprah promoted it in her book club, and Julia Roberts played the lead role in the movie version.
But what if there’s another path to publishing that’s open, free from media manipulation, and inherently just in matters of financial compensation? The answer might be found in blockchain technology. Underpinning the new “Internet of trust,” blockchains are open, distributed ledgers for recording transactions so they are verifiable and | {
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} | 50,050,582 |
Scott Price
Dr. Scott Price currently serves as Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy, and Coordinator
of Piano Pedagogy at the University of South Carolina School of Music. In addition,
he is President of the Board of Trustees of the Frances Clark Center for Keyboard
Pedagogy. A graduate of the University of Oklahoma, The Cleveland Institute of Music,
and Bowling Green State University (OH), his recent engagements have included performances
and clinics at the national conventions of the Music Teachers National Association,
the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy, and solo recitals and presentations
throughout AR, AZ, CA, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MO, MS, NC, ND, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK,
SC, TX, WA, VA, and Washington DC. Dr. Price is creator and editor-in-chief of the
on-line piano pedagogy journal "Piano Pedagogy Forum". Now in its 17thyear of publication,
“Piano Pedagogy Forum” has published more than 25 issues with participation from more
than 100 writers from 84 different colleges/universities, over 28 different states
and three foreign countries. The Music Teachers National Association named “Piano
Pedagogy Forum” as the recipient of the 2008 Frances Clark Keyboard Pedagogy Award.
Dr. Price has recorded 39 compact discs of educational piano music for Alfred Publishing
Company, and has published educational compositions with Alfred Publishing Company
and the FJH Music Company. He is a member of the Committee on Special Needs Students
for the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy. Special teaching interests of Scott
Price include teaching students with disabilities, very young children, and teaching
keyboard improvisation to piano students ranging from beginning to advanced levels.
His work with students with special needs has been featured on WISTV (SC) and | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 50,050,595 |
(SC), and in Clavier Companion Magazine. One of Dr. Price’s students with autism was
featured on Dateline NBC, and CNN. Scott Price has been awarded the "Best of BGSU
Outstanding Graduate" alumnus award from Bowling Green State University in Ohio in
2002, and was invited back to the University of Oklahoma as a “Distinguished Guest
Alumnus” in March of 2005 to perform, lecture, and present a piano masterclass. Other
engagements include performances and masterclasses in Thailand, Singapore, and in
Kuala Lumpur and Penang in Malaysia, South Korea, lectures at the 2005 Georgia State
Music Teachers State Convention, the 2007 Ohio Music Teachers Association, and the
2007 International Collaborative Conference of the Music Teachers National Association/Canadian
Federation of Music Teachers/Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, Canada, the 2008
Georgia Music Educators Conference, the 2011 Indiana Wesleyan Piano Pedagogy Conference,
andthe 2011, 2013, and 2015 National Conferences on Keyboard Pedagogy. He was the
guest pedagogy lecturer at the 2012 Korean Association of Piano Pedagogy in Seoul,
South Korea, and the Royal Conservatory of Music Keyboard Professional Development
Summit in Toronto and Vancouver, Canada. Dr. Price is the founder of the Carolina
LifeSong Initiative that is dedicated to providing piano lesson and music experiences
for students with special needs, and in fostering best practices in teaching and teacher
training. Dr. Price was named a Foundation Fellow by the Music Teachers National
Association in 2009, and is the 2012 recipient of the Southeastern Conference Faculty
Achievement Award for the University of South Carolina. | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 50,050,597 |
ball, the visitors got behind our backline on several occasions. Then came the hammer blow, a Southampton goal.
The most worrying thing was the simplicity with which they breached the Spurs rearguard. The Southampton keeper launched a goal kick down-field, Naughton came forward to clear but he misjudged the bounce. The ball sailed over his head to Rodriguez. Through on goal, he took one touch to set himself, before clinically placing the ball into the corner of the net. Naughton held his head in his hands. Little did he know, his day was about to get even worse.
The second came just minutes later. The ball was flicked over the Tottenham defence but Naughton was on hand to cover. Rather than clear the ball, he stabbed it ineffectually straight tothe waiting Lambert, who showed some nice footwork to put Lallana clear. He calmly slotted the ball under the onrushing Lloris. With only half an hour played, it felt like the knock-out blow.
Then, as in the comeback against Dnipro, Christian Eriksen dragged us back into the match. After good work on the right by Chadli, Naughton swung in a cross. The ball cleared Soldado, and Eriksen was on hand to drill home from close range.
Eriksen had a fantastic game, he seemed to be everywhere and involved in everything. The sort of individual performance that makes you excited for the future. Not since Bale, has a Spurs’ player demonstrated such ability to turn a game, and if anything Eriksen could be more valuable. Bale’s performances were always very individual | {
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} | 50,050,606 |
in nature, clearly separate from the prosaic nature of the rest of the squad. The Dane is more inclusive – he doesn’t play well in spite of the team, he makes the team play well.
On this occasion Soldado ably assisted him; no goal but plenty of nice touches and clever passes. Just after the break the two combined for the equaliser. The Spaniard won a tussle on the right and pulled the ball across goal for Eriksen to tap home.
The excitement in the ground was tangible. Surely now we must find a winner. There was a tense wait, but finally it came, deep into injury time. Eriksen was inevitably involved again. This time he tapped a pass across to Sigurdsson, who powered the ball from distance into thein both physician groups, but the limited sleep duration in general still implies a long-term health concern. These results may contribute to the establishment of safe working hours for night-call duty in physicians and other health-care workers.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors\' contributions
BM performed the data collection and statistical analyses, wrote the manuscript and made substantial contributions to the design of the study. GK contributed to the design of the study and interpretation of data, and commented on the manuscript. BK contributed to the interpretation of data, statistical analyses and commented on the manuscript. RP contributed to the conception and design of the study, and commented on the manuscript. PF contributed to the conception of the study and commented on the manuscript. PØ conceived | {
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North Africa branch and Islamic State continue to operate in remote pockets of the country.
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed a rocket attack on Friday on a southern Algerian gas plant operated by BP, Statoil and state energy firm Sonatrach. It caused no damage or casualties, but on Monday the two foreign companies began pulling workers out of gas sites in the country.Zimmerman jury allowed to consider manslaughter conviction
Murder trial in closing arguments after key ruling
The jury in the George Zimmerman trial was given the option Thursday of convicting the former neighborhood watch captain on the lesser charge of manslaughter. Here, Zimmerman arrives in court in Sanford, Fla. on July 11, 2013. (Gary W. Green/Reuters)
Related Stories
The jury in the George Zimmerman trial was given the option Thursday of convicting the former neighborhood watch captain on the lesser charge of manslaughter in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
Because of the judge's ruling, the six jurors now have three options when they start deliberations as early as Friday: Guilty of second-degree murder, guilty of manslaughter and not guilty.
To win a second-degree murder conviction, prosecutors must prove Zimmerman showed ill will, hatred | {
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abuse?" West said. "This is outrageous. It's outrageous the state would seek to do this at this time."
Question of proving intent
Judge Debra Nelson denied the third-degree murder instruction, saying she was exercising caution since she was unsure if prosecutors could prove intent.
The judge, however, agreed with the prosecution that jurors could consider manslaughter as a lesser charge.
West said he wanted the six jurors to only consider the second-degree murder charge or not guilty.
"The state has charged him with second degree murder. They should be required to prove it," West said.
Zimmerman has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. On the night of the fatal scuffle in February 2012, Martin was visiting his father and his father's fiancee at the same townhome complex where Zimmerman lived.
Zimmerman observed Martin while drivingin his neighbourhood, called police and the fight ensued after the neighbourhood watch volunteer got out of his vehicle. Zimmerman claims Martin was slamming his head into the concrete pavement when he fired his gun.
Some civil rights activists argued that a delay in charging Zimmerman was influenced by Martin's race, and protests were held around the nation in the 44 days between the fatal fight and Zimmerman's arrest. Martin was black and Zimmerman identifies himself as Hispanic. | {
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
"Snow, north."
According to the old farmer's almanac...that's what's predicted for this week. On the other hand, the weather forecast locally keeps indicating that Sunday is my best day for finishing up with the various tucking in and stabilizing of the cold-frame over at the old garden plot. Happily I scored some plexiglass from the junk pile so I can secure some of the drafts.
Still, what with reports from the Vermont and Maine contingents, snow is indeed happening, north. Frost is happening south and west. I guess we're in for it shortly. I could really do with a little more October, though - crispy leaves, bright reds, yellows, oranges, and shades of purple and pink as well in the leaves. It's been a great foliage seasonand even founded his own.
Sophia Bush
Actress Sophia Bush gives back to the planet by speaking out often on ways to preserve it (mostly through her social media outlets). She also eats a diet low in meat, rescues animals and wears recycled outfits.
Leonardo Dicaprio
Actor Leonardo Dicaprio is wildly popular for his environmental efforts over recent years. He established his own foundation to act for some of the world’s most endangered places and animals and also sits on the board to several other impactful organizations.
Actor Matt Damon established the foundation, which aims to educate the public on the global water crisis and bring clean water to places in need.
Brad Pitt
Actor Brad Pitt launched the Make It Right campaign, helping those affected by Hurricane Katrina to rebuild using more eco-friendly | {
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Colt Z40 Pistol #1
The Colt Z40 was a collaboration between Colt and the then-relatively-unknown CZ firm. Colt was coming off two remarkably unsuccessful pistol launches in the early 1990s (the Double Eagle and the All American 2000), and needed something to offer in the duty pistol market. They arranged to sell a pistol made by CZ with a 1911-style grip combined with the excellent CZ-75 upper assembly and lockwork. The guns were chambered for .40 S&W because the recent 1994 Assault Weapons Ban had limited new production magazines to 10 rounds.
However, after only 800 had been sold, Colt backed out of the deal and dropped the Z40 from its catalog. Why? Because they had happened to use a Z40 as the base gun for a model "smart gun",and the public reaction was overwhelmingly negative. In the aftermath, Colt management threw out the Z40 as the proverbial baby in the bathwater, simply because it had been tarnished by the PR of the smart gun debacle.
CZ, for its part, made a few tweaks to the design (primarily replacing the DA-only lockwork with the DA/SA system for the CZ-75) and released it on their own as the CZ-40. | {
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Body of Ambassador Used in 'Obscene' Ad By Gay Republicans
A print advertisement paid for by the Broward County chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans includes the body of the U.S. ambassador to Libya who was killed in what has lately been called a terrorist attack.
The ad was reported on by Bilerico Project and printed in an LGBT newspaper called the Florida Agenda. It attacks President Obama as unable to protect Americans.
"If the Obama Administration isn't going to protect Gay/Gay-friendly American citizens from the terror of Islamic radicalism," the ad asks, "what makes you think they will protect us from Shariah Law… ANYWHERE?"
The leaders of the national Log Cabin Republicans have already condemned the chapter's inclusion of Christopher Stevens' body in the attack ad as "obscene." "We reject itcompletely," wrote executive director R. Clarke Cooper in a letter to the newspaper's editor in which he described himself as "deeply embarrassed" by it.
It has never been confirmed whether Stevens is still alive in the photo, though he is unconscious. And several newspapers were criticized for including it in reports after the attack.
The advertisement implies Stevens was gay, which is an unsubstantiated rumor being circulated by the same oddball blog that claims President Obama is secretly gay. The Advocate contacted the State Department about the rumor some time ago and a spokesman opted against commenting on "the ambassador's personal life."
Cooper swatted down the idea that the attack on the consulate was related to Stevens' sexual orientation — a notion put forward in the ad.
"To suggest that the Al-Qaeda | {
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in the Islamic Maghreb attack on the US consular mission in Benghazi was connected to homophobia is just as ridiculous as US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, claiming the attack in Benghazi was prompted by a film critical of Mohammed," Clarke wrote. "Violence against the LGBT community is a challenge to civil society throughout the world, and America is a beacon for freedom for all minority voices. There are plenty of reasons to vote Republican to protect US interests and human rights abroad, but the obscene ad in this publication is fallacious, grossly inappropriate and irresponsible."
The National Stonewall Democrats countered with a comment calling the ad "shameless and callous," and they called on the local chapter to retract the ad an issue an apology.
"The confused hatchet mencontext. In this context, a lead is introduced into the epidural space which surrounds the spinal cord. One end of the lead, generally called the proximal end of the lead, is attached to a source of electrical pulses, while the other end of the lead which is within the epidural space and is generally called the distal end of the lead, includes an exposed electrode by which the electrical stimulation is applied to the spinal cord.
A problem encountered in many stimulation contexts, and in particular in the context of the stimulation of the spinal cord within the epidural space, is the dislodgment of the electrode after insertion. Many different means for anchoring the distal end of the lead, including the electrode, in or about the tissue to be | {
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Stuart L. Richardson
Stuart L. Richardson, 78, of Marion, passed away on August 1, 2013 at St. Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford. He was the beloved husband of Mary (Schlue) Richardson during their 49 years of marriage.
Born in Glen Cove, NY, he grew up in Manhasset, NY and was the son of the late William & Beatrice (Hazen) Richardson. He graduated from Westminster School in Simsbury, CT and Cornell University. After serving in the U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps., he earned a graduate degree at Purdue University where he met his wife Mary. Over a 35 year business career, Stuart held executive positions with several national corporations, and Aerovox in New Bedford, prior to founding Richardson Associates.
Stuart, Mary, and their three children moved to Marion in 1979, and hequickly became involved in the community. He was an active member of St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, serving two terms on the Vestry, one as Junior Warden. He also chaired the Stewardship Campaign and was a lector and chalice bearer. As a volunteer for the United Way of Greater New Bedford, Stuart chaired two annual campaigns, then served as Board Chair and later as an honorary board member. He was Chairman of the Marion Housing Committee for six years and developed the Affordable Housing Plan for the Town of Marion. For over thirty years, Stuart was a strong supporter of the Baptist Haiti Mission, sponsoring three children annually. He loved his community and worked hard to serve it well.
As an avid tennis player, Stuart was a member of both | {
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the Sippican Tennis Club, where he was a former board member, and the Marion Indoor Tennis Club.
Stuart was known for his unfailing optimism, his love of people, and his effort to instill in his children the values he held dear. He had a warm smile and friendly greeting for all.
Stuart is survived by his wife; son, Mark Richardson and wife Melissa of San Francisco, CA, daughters, Kristin Leahy and husband Christopher of Falls Church, VA and Katie Loughney and husband Mark of Arlington, VA; sister, Gail Pyndus of LaGrange, IL; and seven grandchildren: Madeleine and Kate Richardson, Katherine and John Leahy, and Lilly, Finn, and Delaney Loughney. He was predeceased by his brother Geoffrey.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, August 17, 2013 at 2:00 PM atup for my teammates. I like to battle for pucks and finish my checks and just play an all-around two-way game. I think my hockey sense is a big trait of mine but so is my compete level.”
Andrew Cassels played three seasons for the Canucks from 1999-2002. It was just a portion of his six-team, 15-year career in which he collected 204 goals and 528 assists. Cole, born in Hartford in 1995, was the Canucks’ third-round pick (85th overall) in last June’s NHL entry draft. He was just a pipsqueak when Andrew played for the Canucks but he was able to recall Saturday some moments of his life in Vancouver.
“I went to Cypress Park school, I think, in West Van,” he said. “Mostly I just remember going to | {
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the rink, going on the ice after practice and stuff, and watching my dad play all the time.”
Cole Cassels and his fellow Canuck prospects have a win and a loss at the Young Stars tournament here and they’ll return to game action Sunday in a 2 p.m. matinee against the Edmonton Oiler rookies. Some of the Canuck prospects will be promoted to Vancouver’s main camp that begins Wednesday at Rogers Arena.
Like his dad, Cole is a centreman, although he shoots right and Andrew shot left. He also learned much of the game from his dad, who coached him in youth hockey in Columbus through peewee, bantam and first-year midget. Cole later moved on to the OHL’s Oshawa Generals where he was scouted and drafted by the Canucks. ColeDr. Mantse is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS), the European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ESHRS), the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), the Hungarian Medical Association, & the Hungarian Dermatological Society.
Dr. Mantse is a graduate of the Ottawa University in Canada & received his medical degree from the University of Medicine & Pharmacy in Iasi, Romania. After earning his medical degree, Dr. Mantse immediately started focusing on hair transplantations & hair transplantation techniques, which has continued to be his single focus ever since.
“I love working with hair. It’s my hobby & my life’s work. I’ve seen the industry develop from the very beginning when I started assisting my dad, who was a medical doctor in Canada doing hair transplants in the | {
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Fund” to finance projects intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
ProArbol has come under particular scrutiny, its first two years plagued with poor results and charges of fraud. The program is charged with reforesting 400,000 hectares of forest per year, but a government audit found ProArbol only planted 341,000 in 2007, despite spending all of its funds.
Meanwhile, a Greenpeace investigation earlier this year found that only 8 percent of the trees ProArbol planted two years ago actually survived. In some cases, non-native trees were planted and quickly died, while in others, the trees were already sick or were planted at the wrong time of the year.
Rather than halt deforestation, ProArbol has only made it worse by pretending the problem is under control, said Hector Magallon, head of Greenpeace Mexico’sForest Campaign. Mexico loses roughly 500,000 hectares of forest per year, ranking it among the five most heavily deforested countries in the world.
Like Calderon’s government as a whole, ProArbol has favored private companies — in this case timber companies and tree nurseries — over more effective, community-based solutions, said Magallon.
Cities like San Juan del Rio, once ringed by hearty forests, now fill with dust from the barren hillsides that surround them. The town of 1,000 sits at the foot of a mountain, its simple cinderblock houses clustered around a small lake. Dry, furrowed farms stretch out toward the highway. Above, the mountain slope looks barren and worn. The newspaper El Universal reported earlier this year that only two out of the 90 trees planted in 2007 by ProArbol | {
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Last-gasp Parker try seals dramatic win for Scarborough
Dave Cambell
Scarborough bounced back from a 32-19 deficit to score 12 unanswered points in injury-time to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in a 34-32 win at Old Rishworthians in Yorkshire One.
Playing into the teeth of a gale blowing down the Calder Valley, Scarborough trailed 22-14 at the break thanks to 17 long-range points from the boot of Rishworthians' fly-half Josh Kelly
The visitors fell further behind after the break but broke the hearts of local supporters with a spirited fightback and a Billy Parker try converted by Tom Ratcliffe in injury time to scrape a 34-32 injury-time win.testified that approximately 178 were capable of transmitting video programming. Dillon further testified that by circulating photographs of the interference he was able to determine that the video message had been generated on a Knox Products K-50 character generator. Dillon then testified that of the 178 earth stations which had the potential to create the interference, six also had a Knox K-50 character generator.
The designer of the Knox K-50 testified at trial that the characters seen during the interference episodes were produced by a Knox K-50. Dr. Michael Marcus, the assistant bureau chief in the FCC's Field Operations Bureau and the government's expert witness in the area of signal analysis and identification, also testified that all the tests performed by the FCC on tapes of | {
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tried to milk a cow on a three-legged stool with just two legs?``
Politely, Fawell said nothing about his ignorance of farming matters, and he voted reluctantly along party lines for the MX--not because he was convinced it was the most effective weapon, he said, but because he wanted Reagan to have it as a bargaining chip at the arms-control talks in Geneva.
Harris Fawell is no farmer. Rather, he is a lawyer, a former assistant state`s attorney, 14-year veteran of the Illinois Senate and a member of one of Du Page County`s best-known political families (his father was mayor of West Chicago and his brother was chief judge of the Circuit Court). The district he represents in Congress includes affluent portions of Du Page, Cook and Will counties aswell as the high-tech corridor that is home to the Argonne National Laboratory.
When Republican Rep. John Erlenborn retired in 1984, Fawell used a strong showing in Du Page County to overcome eight other candidates and win the Republican primary. It was tantamount to victory in one of the staunchest Republican districts in the nation.
His election disappointed some national conservative leaders because Fawell does not always vote strictly along party or conservative lines. A fiscal conservative, he describes himself as a ``moderate`` on social issues. For instance, he is pro-choice on the sensitive abortion issue.
``I don`t favor it as a method for birth control, but I think it is better not having the government telling families what they can do in this area,`` he said.
Because of his ``deep respect | {
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arena, Michel said. He received both of his choices for committee assignments--the ``not-too-sexy`` Science and Technology Committee and the Education and Labor Committee.
He chose Science and Technology because his district includes Argonne Laboratory and borders the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. During his first year in office, Fawell was instrumental in maintaining Argonne`s budget at the previous year`s level, fending off proposed cuts of $46 million and avoiding a reduction for the first time in seven years.
The choice of Education and Labor reflected concerns he developed as chairman of the Education Committee in the Illinois Senate, where he helped make Illinois one of the first states to pass mandatory education for handicapped children.Heretofore, reinforced rubber articles such as giant tires having an opening therein have been repaired utilizing an uncured patch. Generally, the tire was taken to a retread or rubber repair shop where the damaged area was removed. Generally, an all-purpose gum rubber was applied to the opening. On the interior side of the article, the general area of the opening was buffed and a conventional rubber cement applied thereto. Then, an uncured patch was applied. The gum rubber as well as the adhesive was then cured in a mold by applying heat thereto or through utilizing steam heat for a period of approximately 8 to 12 hours.
Prior art patches fall into two classes, the chemical cure patches which are high in cost and provide only poor adhesion to | {
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*267 returned to the house with a friend. When Smith asked the friend to leave, Smith and Saylor argued again. Saylor accused Smith of having an affair. Smith testified that she pushed Saylor and that Saylor then hit her and blackened her eye.
Smith further testified that she heard Saylor ask his friend if he could borrow his truck so that he could kill Smith and dump her body. Smith also testified that Saylor told her he was going to kill her. At this point, Smith ran outside, got into the truck, and tried to lock its doors. She testified that Saylor followed, reached into the truck, and hit her again. Smith testified that Saylor then got in on the passenger side and cut her neck twice with aknife. Saylor testified that the cutting was accidental.
Saylor was indicted for attempted murder. The judge instructed the jury on attempted murder and on the lesser included offenses of assault in the first degree and assault in the second degree. The jury found Saylor guilty of assault in the first degree.
On appeal, Saylor challenges the sufficiency of the evidence to support his conviction. Specifically, he contends that the State failed to prove that Smith suffered "serious physical injury" and that, consequently, the trial court erred in instructing the jury on assault in the first degree.
In determining whether the trial court erred in charging the jury on assault in the first degree, we must consider the following definitions of assault and its elements, on which the jury was charged in | {
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of the tub until the project is finished. The plumbers prefer this because these elements will often be damaged as the construction project is brought to a close.
Piping for both of the outlets needs to be checked for leaks before the inspection process is completed. This test involves running water down a vent attached to the drain until the water reaches a level above the tub. The tester then determines whether any of the piping leaks. Thus, when the testing operation is to take place, a plug is put in the bottom drain of the tub and some sort of seal plate is placed at the end of the tub on the overflow outlet.
Existing overflow plates have a center opening therein. There are either two or four smallToday, US President Donald Trump has been officially impeached. Yet, the outcome was correctly predicted by a blockchain-based prediction platform, known as Augur, more than a month ago.
As Decrypt reported back in mid-November, the odds on the President’s impeachment had changed drastically since the public hearings kicked off. At the time, responding to the market question “Will Donald Trump be impeached by the end of 2019,” Augur bettors predicted a landslide 75% in favor of impeachment.
This isn’t the first time Augur has got the call right. Bettors rightly predicted that the Democrats would sweep the House in the 2018 midterms, and that Kavanaugh would have his nomination to the Supreme Court confirmed. Recently it correctly estimated that Brexit would not happen by October 31.
Despite the impeachment, Trump still | {
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website lists the Mission Beach area as the primary location for events. Mission Beach offers typical California beach break conditions that would help display exciting surf racing action. The options are limitless with the ability to also access one of the largest man-made bays in the world, Mission Bay, directly behind the beach.
As president of the Stand Up Paddle Athletes Association, and resident of San Diego, I will be sure to let the San Diego planning committee know the desires of SUP athletes around the world.
Would you like to see SUP included in the 2017 World Beach Games?
It is our mission to grow the sport of SUP in an organized, safe and fun manner. The World Beach Games seem to offer a great opportunity to show the worldservices system. The resource component involves both the volume of available resources in the system and their geographical distribution. The organization of services comprises accessibility, related to financial aspects as well as to travel times and waiting times, and structure, which relates to characteristics of the system that determine the patients' journey through the system such as medical practices and referral systems. Norway has a publicly funded health and long-term care system, organized into two administrative levels. The first level comprises primary health care and long-term care (LTC). This includes general practitioners, home-based services and nursing home care and is the responsibility of the municipalities. The second level, hospital services and other specialist health care, is the responsibility of the state and is organized within hospital districts under | {
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of life
: Cause of death
: Long-term care
: Norwegian Cause of Death Registry
: Place of death
: Relative risk ratio
: Statistics Norway
**Publisher's Note**
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
We thank the Norwegian Cause of Death Registry at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health for providing us with the data on place of death and characteristics of the decedents.
JK collected, prepared, and performed data analyses and contributed to the interpretation of results and writing of the manuscript. TH contributed to the interpretation of results and writing of the manuscript. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.
The study was funded by a research grant from the Research Council of Norway (grantincluded the attacks on Bali night clubs, the 3/11 Madrid bombings of the trains and the 7/7 London bombings of the trains. Further evidence of this fairly normal pattern can be seen in the attacks carried out in Iraq. Besides police, coalition and other government targets, Al Qaida operatives in Iraq targeted markets, gas stations, banks, business, electrical plants and lines, major transportation routes and other targets that represented a "strategic convergence" outside of military targets. Markets in Iraq became one of their favorite high density targets. Not only due to the number of people that frequent them, but because it damaged the economy and up the misery of the people, limiting their ability to exist.
Other financial targets have included the resorts in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt | {
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as well as various tourist attractions in Morocco and other destinations.
While the FBI is quick to point out they do not have "credible" evidence that an attack is imminent and that the threats were posted on open, known, Islamist web sites that are "hit or miss" on their viability, the threats stay within the basic strategic paradigm targeting important financial points of American economy. More importantly because the threats come at a time of financial importance.
This is the holiday season when "shopping" and the money generated sustains many businesses and the economy as a whole for several months after the season has ended. It also comes at a time when the economy is starting to wobble at a precarious pinnacle. Oil prices continue to soar, the prime lendingin the midst of this strategic shift.
Yet, the attack also had negative connotations for Al Qaida which is why it and the Taliban are trying to distance themselves from the event by denying involvement. Al Qaida has a strong history of evaluating past mistakes and trying to correct them in future strategies and tactics. Zawahiri had written in "Knights Under the Prophet's Banner" that one of the things that precipitated the fall of armed resistance from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was an attack on a government official that resulted in the death of a young Muslim school girl. This had turned public opinion against them.
The experience in Iraq must also be evaluated from their point of view since the repeated attacks on civilians, the oppression, torture and | {
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specialist contractor, but we hope to start the foundation work in early March," he said.
"Working on brown field sites involves a number of agencies, particularly as we are located on the Grand Union Canal, and the most thorough examination of all options have been considered."
The Riders are currently fourth in the British Basketball League and have won the BBL Cup for the past two years.
The arena, which will also have a fitness suite, classrooms, offices, bar and café, is backed by the Riders as well as Leicester City Council and Leicester College.
It will also be home to the Leicester Cobras Wheelchair Basketball Team and a multi-use sports venue for the college and the community.
Parking for events at the arena will be provided on site and several other nearbyas all indications were that Mexico defender Hector Moreno (Real Sociedad/La Liga) suffered an injury that would sideline him for the duration of the upcoming CONCACAF Gold Cup tournament starting later this month. An accomplished footballer with close to 100 caps with the Mexican national team, Moreno’s loss is certainly a significant one going forward.
It was a fun night at AT&T Stadium for soccer fans as international soccer matches always bring a special flair to the area. When you add in the passion of the Mexico fans, it makes it a sporting experience and atmosphere that is hard to find anywhere in the United States. If you happen to have a chance to check out a Gold Cup game at Toyota Stadium on June 20th, Liga MX team | {
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Managing a Masterpiece
The Managing a Masterpiece scheme was awarded £1.1 million by the National Heritage Memorial Fund to deliver 62 projects within three programmes over a three and a half year period along the Stour Valley, which began in the summer of 2010. The programme concluded in January 2014 and the final Evaluation Report can be viewed here.
The work with ACA in 2011-2013 included a series of events to engage the public in the heritage of the Stour Valley through fieldwalking, test pitting, earthwork survey and trial trench excavations. The results of these archaeological activities are incorporated into Managing a Masterpiece's Landscape History Compendium which can be viewed here.
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you use our web site.gas to a “shower head”, a fixture used in the process chamber of a process tool for making semiconductor devices, such as described in U.S. Pat. No. 7,072,743. Shower head fixtures each include two gas outlets, one from opening(s) provided in the center (or inner portion) of the fixture, and one from opening(s) provided around the periphery (or outer portion) of the fixture. Flow through opening(s) in the outer portion of a shower head fixture affects the outer portion or zone of a wafer being created in the chamber, while the flow through the opening(s) in the inner portion affects the inner portion or zone of the wafer being created. Greater flow to the outer zone than the inner zone is desirable to provide an even application of | {
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"USPTO Backgrounds"
} | 50,051,466 |
and Information Technology, the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India, and the deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Besides this, a total number of 31 industry participants are also listed in the report including the Nasscom, IAMAI, Paypal, Mastercard, Facebook, and several banks such as RBL Bank, State Bank of India, and Yes Bank.
Since the announcement, the Indian crypto community has started campaigning to convince the government that the reports are flawed. The Nasscom and IAMAI have also raised their concerns regarding the bill to ban cryptocurrencies. They believe that banning is not the solution.
Regulation of Cryptocurrencies
The report issued by the committee is suggesting that the tokens can be grouped into two categories depending on the objective of their issue.
The first category ofStories from Uganda
Author: Ian
During our first week in Jinja we set out to explore our new home town. We walked to dinner, ate on a dock over the Nile, and watched monkeys playing in the trees. It was dusk when we made our way home. We took a new route, walking up a rutted dirt track we had not yet explored. The road wound between abandoned British colonial houses, tile roofs sloughing off, shattered windows gaping, chain link fences rusted and falling down.Ahead a shadow passed behind a broken window. A moment later a man emerged from a hole in the wall of a once grand, now decrepit, house. He disappeared in the tangled undergrowth. The man reappeared and pushed through a creaking gate and stepped into the | {
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} | 50,051,503 |
there is. Mike Gunton, Creative Director, BBC Natural History Unit
3. Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Phoebe’s career shot up like a firework display in the last year. Fleabag signalled the arrival of a hugely distinctive writer with the mesmerising performing talent to match. The show won nearly every award going, including a Bafta at first crack. It’s led to a Star Wars film role as well as becoming a household name in the UK and industry sensation in the US. She’s handled it all with grace and level-headedness and is destined for ever greater things. Shane Allen, Controller of Comedy Commissioning, BBC2
4. Thandie Newton
Thandie Newton was not only magnificent this year in Line of Duty, but also the Sky Atlantic smash hit Westworld. She effortlessly took us on a journey of awakeningfrom machine to supposed consciousness in a powerful, witty and occasionally chilling performance. An actress at the top of her game. Zai Bennett, Director of Programmes, Sky UK
5. Peter Kay
Peter Kay can do no wrong. After starting out on C4 with That Peter Kay Thing and Peter Kay’s Phoenix Nights, he well and truly broke into the mainstream with the sometimes caustic, but always gentle and surprisingly sentimental BBC3/BBC1 smash Car Share. Its finale earlier this year left viewers baying for more. But they are unlikely to get the ending they so badly want, Kay is adamant Car Share is over. Alison Graham, TV Editor, Radio Times
6. Claire Foy
Claire Foy has always had regal credentials but the last 12 months have seen her crowned the queen of Netflix. | {
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of the Whoniverse and also broke down barriers and won herself rave reviews as Doctor Who’s first openly gay companion. Pearl Mackie will be back this Christmas for one final hurrah as Bill Potts before she and Peter Capaldi bow out, but one thing’s for sure – Mackie has put her name firmly on the television map. No doubt more great things await. Tim Glanfield, Editor,
11. Kit Harington
With his tour-de-force performance as Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, Kit has become a huge star and a significant player in TV and film. This year he is will appear on BBC1 in Gunpowder, a drama he co-produced, playing his direct ancestor Robert Catesby. Diederick Santer, CEO, Kudos
12. Nadiya Hussain
Nadiya Hussain is one of the most natural, engaging andeffervescent talents to have emerged in factual television for years. She is not just a passionate and skilful cook, she has an exceptional gift with people, whatever their background. Her ebullience, warmth and enthusiasm bursts out from the screen whenever she appears. Patrick Holland, Controller, BBC2
13. Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker is a funny, prolific visionary, whose work strikes a chord with millennial audiences from Singapore to San Francisco. His provocative, dystopian Black Mirror began life on Channel 4 and has now picked up three Emmy nominations on Netflix. Earlier this year, he and his production partner in Endemol Shine’s House of Tomorrow indie Annabel Jones earned UK industry recognition with a BAFTA win for an hilarious and timely 2016 Wipe, the annual BBC2 satirical review of the year. Peter | {
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Salmon, Chief Creative Officer, Endemol Shine Group
14. Jenna Coleman
Jenna is as talented as she is mesmerising on screen. As Victoria she is required to do some heavy lifting as the central character and she never misses a beat. Whatever I write for her, she turns into gold. Long live Queen Jenna. Daisy Goodwin, Creator, Victoria
15. James Corden
James Corden has become a global superstar following his move to the US to present The Late Late Show But he still returns to the UK each year to present the Bafta-winning A League of Their Own – and this June he enjoyed a successful homecoming by presenting The Late Late Show live from London. Adam Macdonald, Director, Sky1
16. Heidi Thomas
Heidi has an extraordinary ability to connect with a wide audience andHe was instrumental in creating the series, having shot and edited it when it started out on YouTube, and even won an RTS award and Bafta nomination for the role.
27. Julie Hesmondhalgh
28. Danny Dyer
29. Millie Bobby Brown
30. Iain MacLeod
SPOTLIGHT ON: Iain MacLeod. Iain MacLeod’s time as Emmerdale producer has seen the soap go from strength to strength with a string of award wins, including the show’s first Bafta in 16 years. His storylines – most notably the exit of John Middleton’s Ashley Thomas – have been hailed for taking Edinburgh to new heights. MacLeod has played with the genre in a way that hasn’t been tried before, most notably a point of view episode featuring Ashley which highlighted a day in the life of someone suffering with dementia. | {
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Add to that the soap’s week of interlinked episodes which culminated in a massive car crash – a stunt that would have been the envy of many 9pm primetime dramas.
31. Elisabeth Moss
32. Jeremy Clarkson
33. Chris Chibnall
34. Scarlett Moffatt
35. Kate Oates
SPOTLIGHT ON: Kate Oates. Ever since taking charge of Coronation Street, Kate Oates has put women front and centre with high-profile storylines, from Bethany’s grooming to Michelle’s baby loss plot line. Under her stewardship, the show has become a national talking point again, both for the public and the press, even landing on the Radio Times cover earlier this summer. And there is plenty in the pipeline to excite us: for the first time Coronation Street is switching to a regular six episodes-a-week pattern, plus Oates is overseeing thesome of the most successful formats on television. He co-created I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! which, 16 series in, remains one of the most-watched shows on television, and was behind the 2013 relaunch of Saturday Night Takeaway. But his runaway hit this year has been Love Island. The dating reality show, first revived in 2015, took on a life of its own this summer, inspiring water-cooler conversations up and down the country and riveting fans with its perfect alchemy of casting, editing and narration. With a winter spin-off already in the works, Cowles will be looking to recreate that magic formula.
41. Brendan O’Carroll
42. Tom Burke
43. John Middleton
44. Simon Dickson and Lorraine Charker-Phillips
45. Harry and Jack Williams
46. Lenny Henry
47. Prue Leith
48. John Thomson
49. Daisy May and Charlie | {
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SPOTLIGHT ON: Daisy May and Charlie Cooper. Hot on the heels of Phoebe Waller-Bridge – whose BBC3 series won fans around the world – come siblings Daisy May and Charlie Cooper, the writers of This Country. The mockumentary delighted audiences when it aired on the BBC’s online channel earlier this year with its sharply-observed take on their upbringing in the Cotswolds – a version of the twee county that doesn’t make it onto the front cover of Country Living magazine. The pair play cousins Kerry and Kurtan who take viewers on a tour of their village Northleach, via such events as the community’s annual scarecrow making competition to the new tattoo business of local ‘hardwoman’ Mandy. With a second series already commissioned, the next year is looking brightfor this talented twosome.
50. Ore Oduba
51. Michelle Keegan
52. Guy Freeman
SPOTLIGHT ON: Guy Freeman. The tragic events at Manchester Arena last May, which saw a suicide bomber kill 22 people attending an Ariana Grande concert, inspired One Love Manchester – a star-studded gig played at the city’s Old Trafford grounds and attended by thousands of survivors, headlined by Grande herself. The production became the most-watched TV programme of the year so far and the man who helped turn it around in just a week was Guy Freeman. As executive producer, he pulled together a crew and director with just a few days’ notice and delivered seamless coverage to millions of viewers at home. A remarkable and unprecedented feat.
53. Damien Timmer
54. Keeley Hawes
55. Ardal O’Hanlon
56. Rufus Sewell
SPOTLIGHT ON: Rufus Sewell. | {
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Anyone who watched Victoria last year was either Team Melbourne or Team Albert. While the monarch famously went on to marry the latter, the ITV period drama took a popular detour by introducing her Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne, as an eligible contender for her heart. Rufus Sewell was the man tasked with bringing him to life, and he did so to great plaudits. A surprise series two return delighted the drama’s many fans and when he’s not strolling the corridors of Buckingham Palace, Sewell can be found starring in Amazon’s alt-history dystopia Man in the High Castle, playing SS Obergruppenführer John Smith – a role poles apart from the kindly Lord M.
57. Wunmi Mosaku
58. Paul Hollywood
59. Matt Smith
60. Sian Brooke
61. Lucy Fallon
SPOTLIGHT ON: Lucy Fallon. Coronation Street hascoppers to justice. The man behind it all? Jed Mercurio, who weaved his multi-strand series into one big web earlier this year. With two more series commissioned by the BBC, viewers still have much to come from Ted Hastings and his crack team. But they’ll have to wait for it. The in-demand Mercurio is currently working on new six-part drama The Bodyguard before moving Line of Duty towards its final act.
67. Benedict Cumberbatch
68. Suranne Jones
69. Riz Ahmed
70. Hannah Fry
71. Mike Gunton
SPOTLIGHT ON: Mike Gunton. As Creative Director of the BBC Studios’ Natural History Unit, Mike Gunton is no stranger to wildlife documentaries. But with Planet Earth II, the executive producer created something truly remarkable. The documentary series – which aired last autumn – featured extraordinary footage from the | {
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animal kingdom, none more so than the snake vs iguana chase that provided the climax of the first episode. The scenes went on to claim two Bafta awards – including the viewer-voted TV moment of the year – and captured a global audience, racking up millions of views online. Planet Earth II will go down in history as among Attenborough’s finest.
72. Mary Berry
73. Sarah Lancashire
74. Molly Windsor
75. Jack Thorne
76. Gemma Whelan
77. Michaela Coel
SPOTLIGHT ON: Michaela Coel. Michaela Coel’s name has been firmly on the map for a few years now, ever since she burst onto the scene with her Channel 4 comedy Chewing Gum. Landing a Bafta award for her first series, Coel put out a second run this year, which was met with equal acclaim. Fans willon a story that was making headlines around the world, and won a Bafta award for Best Factual Series in May. KEO Films have been commissioned for a follow-up with Akkad now employed as an Assistant Producer on the programme.
82. David Benioff and DB Weiss
83. Olivia Colman
84. Eleanor Tomlinson
85. Ricky Whittle
86. Adrian Dunbar
87. Louise Rainbow
88. Idris Elba
89. Tom Davis
SPOTLIGHT ON: Tom Davis. The concept of Murder in Successville is both bizarre and brilliant. Each episode DI Sleet (played by Tom Davis) enlists the expertise of a real-life famous face to investigate a murder in Successville. The catch? Successville is a celebrity hotspot and the homicide count is high: casualties have included Reese Witherspoon, Daniel Radcliffe and Bruno Tonioli. Three series in and the surreal BBC3 hit has gained | {
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a loyal following thanks in large part to Davis’s imagination and quick thinking.
90. Jeff Pope
91. Shirley Ballas
92. John Oliver
93. Sue Perkins
94. Piers Morgan
SPOTLIGHT ON: Piers Morgan. Love him or hate him, Piers Morgan is one of the most talked-about presenters in the country. The Good Morning Britain host riles and delights viewers – and his Twitter followers – in equal measure with his outspoken opinions on everything from President Trump and Brexit to ageism and Kim Kardashian. But with co-host Susanna Reid he has breathed new life into ITV’s morning schedule and ensures GMB dominates the column inches on a near-daily basis.
95. Emma Willis
96. Maxine Peake
97. Nicola Walker
98. Jack Whitehall
99. Malachi Kirkby
SPOTLIGHT ON: Malachi Kirby. 26-year-old Malachi Kirby broke onto the scene last year with the remake ofRoots – one of the TV events of the 1970s. The London-born actor followed in the footsteps of LeVar Burton and John Amos to play the hero of Alex Haley’s Pullitzer-winning novel in a big-budget American retelling, airing over here on BBC4. Kirby won rave reviews for his performance, shining bright alongside acting heavyweights Forest Whitaker, Lawrence Fishburne and Anna Paquin, and consolidated his breakthrough with a role in Charlie Brooker’s now Emmy Award-winning third series of Black Mirror, appearing in episode Men Against Fire. | {
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while the government has made an exhaustive effort to prosecute Mr. Flynn for three years or more,” she added.
Notably, on Aug. 30, the same day as the Flynn filing, the defense attorney in the special counsel case against Concord Management and Consulting LLC notified the court that the prosecutors handed over evidence that should have been provided over a year ago.
In making the demand for exculpatory evidence, Powell noted that she expects the actual evidence, rather than the summaries provided by prosecutors. In support of her argument, she cited the administrative court case against Adam Lovinger, a Department of Defense whistleblower who complained about the contracting practices of the Office of Net Assessment, including the $1 million in contracts issued to Stefan Halper, one of the intelligence assetsThe Oscar winner is taking on her first superhero movie, which suggests there must be more than meets the eye to the Marvel Studios project.
One of Marvel Studios' most mysterious projects is starting to take shape, and with it comes one of the biggest names in Hollywood. Wednesday it was revealed that Angelina Jolie is in talks to join Chloe Zhao's The Eternals. While details on the film have been locked up tighter than Odin's vault, The Eternals, based on the epic saga by comic book legend Jack Kirby, focuses on immortal superpowered beings created by the Celestials, the cosmic giants seen in the Infinity Stones sequence in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014). Zhao's film is said to be led by Sersi and Ikaris, two Eternals whose love | {
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story rests at the center of an eons-spanning conflict. Marvel had no comment on who Jolie might play, but given that she's the first actor to be cast, it seems likely that she's up for the transmutation-powered Sersi. Jolie also looks a great deal like many artists' depiction of the character. But who is Sersi? And what does Jolie's casting tell us about the film?
Unlike the previous films that have made up the Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Eternals is based around largely unknown entities, even for most comic book readers. This unknown quality plus the fact that Marvel Comics hasn't made much effort in reprinting Kirby's series or key appearances of the characters (yet), adds a level of excitement and novelty to Zhao's feature. As a property that'sa signal that if an actress on this level of influence, one who has largely focused on directing and producing of late, is interested, then it must be something special. Marvel Studios, with a few exceptions, has long played the game of star-making when it comes to leading roles, taking talented actors and actresses known from television and award-season breakouts and making them household names or reviving the public's perception of them. There's been a certain tier of actors who first broke box office records and sold magazine covers in the '90s — Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Denzel Washington, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and Jolie — who have somehow managed to avoid being in a superhero film. But it now seems as though everyone must do | {
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at least one. Despite being a favorite for numerous superhero roles since the '90s and being an early rumored choice to direct Captain Marvel, Jolie has stayed away from superhero movies. Sure, she played Lara Croft twice and starred in the comic adaptation of Wanted (2008), which stripped away the superhero element of Mark Millar's comic, and she went all-in on the costumed villainess in Maleficent (2014) and its upcoming sequel. But she's never played a true superhero before.Big Ten teams have been shaky — 7-27.
But not as shaky as the SEC.
There are signs the exception could be Mike White’s team at Florida. The Gators won at Arkansas and also handled formidable Miami on a neutral court. Florida’s three losses have been to Top 15 teams — Gonzaga, Duke and Florida State, none at home.
The Gators play the Wildcats home and away this season. Ken Pomeroy has Florida favored in every SEC game, except the two with UK.
His forecast is 14-4, two games behind John Calipari’s team.
If you’re asking for a sleeper, I’ll take Georgia.
Mark Fox is a solid, veteran coach, the Bulldogs started league play with a road win (Auburn) and they can build early momentum with their next two games (South Carolina, Missouri) at | {
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A string of names trickled into the conversation as replacements for Jeff Brohm at Western Kentucky before athletic director Todd Stewart announced the hiring of Mike Sanford Jr.
One name that several folks pushed to me was Ed Warinner. He had Kentucky roots. His father played for Bear Bryant at UK. His grandfather was a state senator from Albany, Ky.
None of those factors are reasons to hire a football coach. What could Warinner do on the field?
Today Ohio State fans will answer that question: Not enough.
After struggling to score points against Michigan State and Michigan, Warinner’s offense was blanked by Clemson in the national semifinals Saturday.
Ohio State’s offense has gone backwards since Tom Herman left for Houston after the 2014 season. Don’t be surprisedif Urban Meyer makes a change.
Rajon Rondo made his name playing for the Boston Celtics, winning an NBA title.
He bounced to Dallas in 2015, on to Sacramento last season and back to Chicago for 2016-17.
Now Bulls coach Fred Hoiberg is learning what Tubby Smith, Doc Rivers, Rick Carlisle and George Karl discovered: Rondo is not an easy guy to coach.
The Bulls have already suspended Rondo once this season. Then Hoiberg sat him during the second half of the Bulls’ game at Indiana Friday and did not play him a minute Saturday against Milwaukee.
Langford was the Bears’ featured back in September. After that, Howard put him on the bench. If not for the slow start, Howard might have eclipsed the Cowboys’ Ezekiel Elliott as | {
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Friday, December 26, 2008
The Swaminarayan temple is a very beautiful temple, full of intricately hand carved- marble imported from India. Using no nails nor steel, the temple is just held together with the sheer force of gravity like a jigsaw puzzle.
The Swaminarayan Temple in Toronto.
The Bahá'í House of Worship is a very recent architectural marvel of the Bahá’í faith, located in Kalkaji, south of Delhi. Shaped like a half opened Lotus flower, this temple is made of marble, cement, dolomite and sand. It is open to all faiths and is an ideal place for meditation and obtaining peace and tranquility
Lotus Temple, Delhi, India.
The Marble temple, in Bangkok, Thailand. It is one of the most beautiful temples of Bangkok and therefore one of the tourist attractions. It was designedby Prince Naris.
The Marble Temple of Bangkok, Thailand.
The Temple of Heaven, surely one of the most beautiful temples in China
The Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara is one of the most sacred worshipping places of the Buddhists of Sri Lanka since it is a site made hallowed by the visit of Lord Buddha. In the past Kelaniya itself was a large city and the Kelani Raja Maha Viharaya was one of the largest and one of the most beautiful temples of Sri Lanka.
The Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara
This is Rajasthan famous nakoda jain temple near jodhpur city in Rajashan | {
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More Public Service Cuts: Close to 900 Professionals at HRSDC Are Now on the Government's Hit List
OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 13, 2012) - Some 900 federal government professionals represented by the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) and working at Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) received the news today that their positions will be "affected" by the government's continuing cuts to programs and services. This brings to over 5200 the number of PIPSC members who have received a Workforce Adjustment (WFA) notice since the tabling of the 2012 federal Budget.
These professionals include 7 Medical Adjudicators, Nurses who use their medical knowledge to determine applicants' eligibility for CPP disability benefits, and 886 Information Technology Specialists, the majority of whom are with the Innovation, InformationDonation Drive:
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Blennerhassett Cashel
was a
"railway clerk"
at Mallow, NC Co.Cork,
1869 to 1872.
was a GSWR station at this time.
He lived in Mallow town, on Main St and later on New St (both some distance from the station).
Blennerhassett Cashel
was station master
at Newbridge,
1875 to 1877.Newbridge
was a GSWR station at this time.
He lived in the station.
His children were born at Newbridge railway station in 1875 and 1877.
Blennerhassett Cashel
was station master
Parsonstown (now Birr),
1877 to 1878.
Parsonstown station (now closed)
was a GSWR station at this time.
He | {
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} | 50,051,753 |
may have lived at the station.
4 of his children died in 1878 when he was in Parsonstown.
Note also on the map above a house called "Railview Cottage", on Military Rd.
Wonder if this is the station master's house.
Blennerhassett Cashel is listed as living in "Seefin", the townland to the SE of Parsonstown town
(see pre-railway map).
This would fit Railview Cottage better than the station.
Railview Cottage is clearly inside Seefin townland.
While Parsonstown station seems to be just outside it, in Drumbane townland.
Parsonstown (Birr) railway station (now closed and converted into houses).
The old platform still exists. The tracks are now a garden.
Photo 2013.
See full size
and other shot.
Blennerhassett Cashel
was station master
Thurles, Co.Tipperary, 1879 to 1880.
was a GSWR station at this time.
He lived at the station.
His children were born at Thurles railway station inIn the new global marketplace, multi-cultural foods have ceased to be exotic. They have moved to the mainstream table, says Sanjiva Rishi of Satnam Overseas. A report by Sourish Bhattacharyya
As the world's palate globalises, multi-cultural foods have ceased to be exotic. With this observation on the most significant shift in the world's food market, Sanjiva Rishi, Vice-President (Brand & Market Development), Satnam Overseas, started his presentation at the IFE-Poland 2006 conference on 'India's Processed Foods Industry: Ready for Generation Next?' at Warsaw last week.
Rishi pointed out that 18 million Indians live outside their home country and Indian food had found an audience much larger than the offshore Indian community, which explains why Britain and the US have more Indian restaurants - 11,000 and 8,000 respectively - than India | {
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the multi-cultural food segment in the past five years in the US has averaged 6-7%, compared with 2.4% clocked by the food industry overall.
And this growth rate is expected to rise to 8.5% by the year 2008.
The message of the market is loud and clear. As different ethnic communities integrate into major markets, and as people travel more often to more place, the yearning for a variety of flavours and culinary experiences gets stronger across the world. Here's an emerging global market waiting to be tapped and the good news is that Indian food is right behind Italian and Chinese in the pecking order of international preferences.
Rishi's observations were borne out by the shelves at Warsaw 's hypermarkets. In a city teeming with vast retail spaces offering anhelped by a bad run including technical setbacks, grid penalties and plain bad luck.
He was caught out by the weather in Hungary and Belgium, grid penalties limited him to Q1 laps only in Germany, Italy and Russia and in Japan he suffered a throttle actuator failure at the start of Q2.
Ricciardo has pointed out before that even his Monaco success was tainted by the MGU-K failure in the race that made the grand prix more difficult.
"We have really struggled to think of a smooth weekend we've had from start to finish," said Ricciardo, who will leave Red Bull for Renault after this season and is seeking to end his time with his long-term backer on a high.
"I don't want it to come across all negative but I think | {
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unneeded characteristics about yourself. People who dream of taking off layers of clothing are often experiencing significant weight loss. The dreams are most likely a reflection of the feelings of shedding their "fat person" personality characteristics.
See the [[themes section for clothing]] for a more in-depth look at clothing symbolism.
Example: A woman dreamed of having clothes that were ragged with holes in them and deciding to throw the clothes away. In waking life she was beginning to recover on her own after having left the hospital and was beginning to tell people that she didn't need their assistance anymore. Throwing away the old clothes with holes in them may have reflected her "throwing away" her victim or helpless hospital personalty.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of her boyfriend wearing herUpdates + Inspiration
Meet One Venture Capitalist Supporting Startups With a Soul
This article is part of a series profiling the 2014 #SoGood Award winners announced at the June BostInno’s State of Innovation Forum. These worthy winners are companies and individuals who are heavily contributing to social good in Boston and beyond. Read their stories to discover how you can give back this summer.
Rarely do you find venture capital and social good together in the same sentence, but John Simon, venture capitalist and activist, is an exception to the rule. The Managing Director at Sigma Prime Ventures and former Managing Director and Co-Founder of General Catalyst Partners, Simon has had an illustrious career in venture capital only matched by his enduring commitment to social good. | {
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Actor-turned politician Raj Babbar was appointed as Congress' UP chief before elections.
Highlights Congress won 7 of UP's 403 seats in assembly elections
Rahul worked very hard, I take the blame: Raj Babbar
Questions have been raised over Gandhi's leadership after repeated losses
Raj Babbar the Congress' Uttar Pradesh chief has offered to resign after the party's disastrous performance in the assembly elections, results which were announced over the weekend. The Congress has won seven of UP's 403 seats, described by party vice president Rahul Gandhi as "a little down.""I take responsibility as the party's chief in UP. Our national leaders worked so hard," said Mr Babbar, rejecting the very idea of any blame for the rout being apportioned to Mr Gandhi, who led his party's UP campaign and fronted the strategyto partner with Samajwadi Party's Akhilesh Yadav. The two parties together could win only 54 seats together. Chief rival BJP and its allies have won 325."You cannot change the leadership. The leadership only creates teams of people like us and these teams are responsible for election wins and losses," Mr Babbar told NDTV. He said he agreed with Rahul Gandhi who said yesterday that structural changes are needed to reinvent the party, which has faced a string of defeats losing state after state to the BJP after the 2014 national election, which reduced the Congress to its lowest tally ever in Parliament.With every defeat questions have swirled around the leadership of Rahul Gandhi who was appointed Congress vice president in 2013. The one big win for the Congress | {
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not give a majority to any party. "The Nehru-Gandhi family is the greatest binding factor for the Congress and the leadership has to come to Rahul," Mr Singh, the Congress' Goa in charge said.
In election results for five states announced on Saturday, the Congress was trounced in UP and Uttarakhand, and though it was the single largest party in Goa and Manipur, it is the BJP which has formed governments in these states by quickly moving to secure the support of small regional parties.Mr Babbar is the first to offer his resignation after the disaster that this year's assembly elections have turned out to be for the Congress. Senior leader BK Hariprasad had earlier offered to quit after the party performed badly in civic elections in Odisha, whichBeyond the Caster Semenya controversy: the case of the use of genetics for gender testing in sport.
Caster Semenya won the eight-hundred-meter title in the Berlin World Athletics Championships in 2009. Few hours after, Caster was at the center of a harsh contestation on gender. The International Association of Athletics Federations started an investigation, which was not respectful of her privacy. Caster's case highlights the need for an improvement in the awareness of genetic counseling principles amongst professionals, the public and various stakeholders. We critically examine the historical steps of gender verification in the Olympics, the violation of genetic counseling principles in Caster's case and outline some reflections on the complexity of the genetics of Disorders of sex development (DSD). Variability in both genotypes and phenotypes in DSD may | {
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"PubMed Abstracts"
} | 50,052,068 |
possible let the early Christians speak for themselves. His main concern is to describe the dynamic of the disputes over the theology of the Trinity in a vivid way which is easy to follow, pointing out the foundations of the doctrine and the decisive shifts in its development. He tries to see the often bitter discussion not as a barren dispute but as an evolutionary process in which the rivalry is a necessary and positive factor in moving the debate forward. After an introduction to the problem, the book describes the beginning of christology and the first models of the relationship between Father and Son it then describes the controversies leading up to the Council of Nicaea, which are discussed at length, going on to show how Nicaeadidn't settle the question and continuing the account up to the Council of Constantinople in 381. It brings out the political influences which governed this second stage of the discussion in an illuminating way. A survey and bibliography round the book off.
A Brief History of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Early Church Press Reviews
Professor Dunzl's book gives a clear and concise account of what one might call the public history of the doctrine of the Trinity. The various tributaries to the development of the doctrine, biblical and philosophical, are lucidly described and clear paths traced through the complex debates of the fourth century. The role of the West and the papacy, often neglected in this context, is given careful attention. It provides an unparalleled introduction to | {
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} | 50,052,133 |
the subject. Dunzl's fascinating account 1 July 2009--Charlotte Methuen Theology Dunzl's fascinating account 1 July 2009--, Theology Dunzl's fascinating account 1 July 2009--Charlotte Methuen Theology Dunzl's fascinating account 1 July 2009--, Theology 'Told with brevity and clarity, but without simplification...[Franz Dunzl] is able to make a difficult subject accessible to a wide readership...[they] help us to understand the Church Fathers and their struggles, and so also share with them in their search for the truth.'--Sanford Lakoff Church Times It is truly a clear account of the complicated emergence of the Trinitarian doctrine in the Christian tradition. While it is written with the novice theologian in mind, it offers important insights for any theologian interested in Trinitarian theology...This book is highly recommended not only as a textbook for beginnersin theology but also for those whose task is to interpret the past to the present. -Catholic Library World--Sanford Lakoff Dunzl's fascinating account 1 July 2009--Sanford Lakoff Theology This book functions as a handy textbook for the student. Its short and descriptive chapters allow for quick accessibility to information that might otherwise be presented exhaustively in other books on the subject. there is a map of the Mediterranean and a list of references for further reading - perhaps only a glossary is missing, keeping it from being the perfect early history pocketbook to the doctrine of the Trinity. Michael Jendza, Graduate Theological Union, Anglican Theological Review--Sanford Lakoff Anglican Theological Review Professor Dunzl's book gives a clear and concise account of what one might call the public history of | {
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} | 50,052,135 |
the doctrine of the Trinity. The various tributaries to the development of the doctrine, biblical and philosophical, are lucidly described and clear paths traced through the complex debates of the fourth century. The role of the West and the papacy, often neglected in this context, is given careful attention. It provides an unparalleled introduction to the subject. Prof Andrew Louth, University of Durham, UK.--Sanford Lakoff Dunzl's honest and sobering look at the origins of the Christian faith is essential for critically minded Christians and thinkers. -Brian M. Doyle, Catholic Books ReviewVisit Facing the World exhibition at Edinburgh Art Festival
The many ways that artists have created works using their own image is explored in a major international exhibition at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery this summer, launched as part of the Edinburgh Art Festival and running from 16 July to 16 October 2016
Facing the World, which is part of the Creative Europe-supported Cooperation Project Ich bin hier, Europäischer Gesichter, involving National Galleries of Scotland, the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe and the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon as partners, draws on the strengths of three outstanding European collections and brings together many images by a wide range of European artists, some of which may be unfamiliar to British audiences.
In addition to a wide range of media represented in the exhibition - | {
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Circulations of the Song Themes
Themes and Meanings
“Circulations of the Song” is a poem about love and about the frustrations of expressing the depth of that love fully. However, Duncan also wants to explore the connections between human and divine love. Throughout his writing life, he used the word “beloved” to embody the range and intensity of the love he held for Jess Collins. Duncan finally found an adequate model in the ecstatic utterances of Jalal al-Din Rumi, the founder of the Whirling Dervishes. Rumi was forced to create these modes of ecstatic expression so that he could articulate the sensuous and spiritual intensity of his devotion to his lover. The use of the ode and the dithyrambic verse form allowed Duncan to imitate and, at the same time,Wasatch Lake is a unique and fun setting for a rustic country wedding, rehearsal dinner, corporate & church retreat, family reunion or private party that's not far away. Just 1 hour SW of Indy, this 300 acre private retreat offers an event lodge, 50 acre serene lake with a "T" dock and seven countr
Located on the North side of DePauw University's campus, we are an event center paired with a boutique-style hotel and two restaurants. We tend to all types of events including weddings, conferences, meetings, and more! We are open to the public and are willing to work with guests on every aspect of
This iconic Terre Haute landmark opened on January 28, 1922, and occupies a special place in American theatre architecture design. The Theatre was built | {
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Art Sanctuary Of Indiana is very beautiful and ideal place located in Martinsville city in Indiana. The Mission of Art Sanctuary is to educate, encourage, and stimulate interest in the fine arts and crafts for all ages in Morgan and surrounding counties, including the under served and diverse popul
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Spanning over 20,000 sq ft, this Indianapolis airport hotel's unmatched conference facilities, including a symposium and an amphitheater, are perfect for meetings, banquets and special events. Helpful services like a Daily Meeting Debrief are | {
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} | 50,052,208 |
the hills of Brown County Indiana.
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Wedding Venue
Banquet Room
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Pond with Zipline
Halloween event October 2017
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The Biltwell Event Center is located on White River Parkway, just minutes from downtown Indianapolis. This vintage warehouse was built in 1922 and has been converted into stunning event space. Featuring exposed brick, sliding doors, windows overlooking the downtown skyline, 20-foot ceilings with a s
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Claddagh Irish Pub is located on the southern fringe of | {
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The Hatch is a creative co-working space located in Broad Ripple. Our 1970's-style building boasts two floors of entertaining~ revealing the truth
UN has Lost Sight of its Purpose
Appointing a country like Israel who is a leader in international terrorism to a position of power within its bureaucracy is a nail in the coffin for UN credibility, writes Dr. Aayesha J Soni
If we had to look back at the origins of the United Nations, we will remember that the beginnings of international law arose from the ashes of the 2nd World War and the Nuremberg trials in 1945. An organisation that defines itself as having a select few main purposes, including maintaining worldwide peace and security, developing relations among nations as well as fostering cooperation between nations in order to solve economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian international problems most certainly has set high goals for itself in | {
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digest. Getting the country who categorically abuses international law to head the global committee monitoring international law is like getting a man who regularly beats up his wife to head an anti-domestic violence committee- the logic behind such a choice is non-existent.
According to Professor Francis A. Boyle-a professor of international law at the University of Chicago and a Defence Lawyer at the International Court of Justice, not only is Israel guilty of breaching international law, but they are also responsible for “crimes against humanity” against the Palestinian People — as determined by the U.N. Human Rights Commission itself, set up pursuant to the requirements of the United Nations Charter. The concept of a crime against humanity goes all the way back to the Nuremberg Charter of 1945 forIf the Phantom of the Opera had a desk job, this would be his workstation.
We've seen lots of steampunk stuff before, from RSS feeds in Morse code to ray guns, and it's often cool but pretty useless. Well, meet the Victorian Organ Command Desk. It works, and it looks gorgeous while doing so.
Bruce Rosenbaum of Massachusetts home restoration firm ModVic literally pulled out all the stops when he built this baroque workstation out of a demolished church's organ. He gutted the pump and innards, replacing them with three monitors, a 3GHz AMD Phenom II X4 945 processor running Windows 7 Ultimate, 3GB of RAM, a 1TB HD, and lots of other goodies. For more pics of this awesome machine, see our photo gallery.
The steampunk aesthetic reflects the Victorian | {
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love of craftsmanship and fine detail. Rosenbaum admires beautifully designed objects, but prefers practical tools to museum objects. When he decided to build a new PC desk, he scoured eBay and local antique fairs for parts he could repurpose, eventually spending thousands of dollars. It then took six months and help from three other specialists to build the desk.
Rosenbaum uses his ornate desk every day. Here are some interesting details and hidden features:
All switches and knobs on the desk have a function. The power switch, for instance, is a two-button unit that requires both buttons to be pushed simultaneously.
The old-fashioned keyboard is a completely rebuilt Logitech PC keyboard fitted with solid-glass Royal typewriter keys from the early 1900s. Special brass keys were created for keys that didn't exist
The list of those who have waged a valiant war in defence of the animal kingdom is a long one. Here in the space of a few pages, one cannot even name those who should be included. But, merely as an example of all those who have struggled for the rights of the defenceless, let us pay tribute first to
From her very early years, ''hatred of injustice and its correlative cruelty especially towards animals, attained in her the force and dignity of a passion . . . and her sensitiveness on this score was the cause of the chief mental misery of her life.": One of her first awakenings came when riding home from a day spent in hunting. She said: | {
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held furs no more.
Writing in 1879 to the Princess Marie-Christina of Austria, she said : "I am studying medicine in order to achieve the abolition of the slaughter and torture of animals, whether for food or for science. "Under the tuition of her brother, Dr. John Bonus, she had adopted the Pythagorean regimen of abstinence from flesh-food with such manifest advantage to herself as to lead her to see in it the only effectual means of the world's redemption, whether as regards men themselves or the animals. In 1881 she cites herself as an example of "the beneficial effects of the Pythagorean system of diet," which she stated that "for a period of ten years," she had "uninterruptedly maintained." In 1886 when writing of her marvellous dreaming facultya slaughter-man by trade. I had just been killing, and all the slaughter-house was covered with blood.' Oh, then, my heart was hardened. I looked in the man's face. It was of the lowest type, deep beetle-brows, a wide, thick, coarse mouth, a red skin - 'savage' was stamped on every line of it."
In spite of her persistent refusal to allow her medical professors to vivisect at her lessons, and the refusal of the faculty to accept her thesis on Vegetarianism, because it dealt with moral as well as scientific issues - which finally had to be expunged before accepted, she graduated in Paris in 1880 - one of the most brilliant students of her time.
She was so very sensitive to the psychic aspect of slaughter, she could | {
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hardly endure the Christmas-tide, for "The atmosphere is thick with blood shed for the season's festivities. The Astral Belt is everywhere dense with blood ... The earth here whirls round as in a cloud of blood-like red fire ...The salvation of the world [said her Genius] is impossible while people nourish themselves on blood. The whole globe is like one vast charnel-house.. ."
While the greater Mysteries were reserved only for those were free from the taint of blood-eating, the lower castes were permitted to eat fish. Her Teachers showed men as being of different stages on the evolutionary ladder: "Any man was of high caste, however lowly born or placed, who had developed the consciousness of the inner and higher part of his nature, that of the Soulkind ever seen.
"If I were an omnipotent despot, I should enforce such a distribution of material conditions of natural vitality as to make my subjects independent of analgesics. intoxicants, stimulants, tobacco, fish, flesh, and fowl for their endurance of life."
"The Word 'Vegetarian' has no more to do with vegetables than the word 'catholic ' has to do with cats. 'Vegetarian' was the name chosen by reformers in ancient Rome who were opposed to the profligacy and gluttony of the masses. The word is derived from the Latin 'vegetare' which means to enliven. The ancient Roman reformers simply desired a more 'enlivening' way of life." When he visited New York, Shaw was invited to a dinner to be given in his honour. He refused the invitation and sent the | {
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on p.76 herein. Gahdhiji rejoices that the man who made him a vegetarian by conviction, not merely by habit, could be present in 1939 at a banquet. Henry Salt was then nearing ninety years of age, for he was born in 1851, - an exemplar of his convictions. Mr. Salt's method of approach was eminently reasonable. In both "Logic of Vegetarianism" and "A Plea for Vegetarianism," he takes up his opponents' arguments one by one and with much wit and good humour demolishes them: "Many people seem to think it a sufficient refutation of Vegetarian principles to point out that it is absolutely necessary in some cases to take the lives of animals. They delight in showing that we are obliged to kill wild animals, to keep downcarnage to imbrue;
Lo, there - the preacher of the Good and True,
The Moral Man, with sanctimonious smile.
"Thrice happy beasts," he murmurs," tis our love,
Our thoughtful love that sends ye to the knife
(Nay, doubt not, as ye swelter in your gore.);
For thus alone ye earned the boon of life,
And thus alone the Moralist may prove
His sympathetic soul - by eating more." B RAMWELL B OOTH
Bramwell Booth, eldest son of William and Catherine Booth, was born at Halifax, in 1856, and was nine years old when his father started the mission in East London that eventually became the Salvation Army. While still in his teens he became his father's principal assistant, showing a genius for planning and organization that proved invaluable when a military pattern was adopted and he became | {
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the Army's first chief of the staff. Throughout his life he waged an unrelenting war on social evils, creating the Salvation Army's first social institutions and agencies that have since served as models for welfare work in all parts of the world. On the death of William Booth, in 1912, Bramwell became the Salvation Army's leader, and under his guidance it continued to advance, entering many new lands, and developing new branches of work.
A life-long vegetarian, he gave the following advice to his Officers : Flesh meat is not essential, and may be abandoned at any time without detriment to health or strength,
(a) The trifling inconvenience which may be experienced during the first two or three weeks of a non-meat diet, will be followed by benefits in comfort,were bloodshot and he was unsteady on his feet" when he was arrested on two misdemeanor charges of obstruction. Fulton County jail records showed Abraham was released from custody Tuesday at 1:24 a.m. Nike Air Max 95on a $7,000 total bond, or $3,500 for each charge. The arrest of Abraham, the team's top pass rusher, came one week after running back Michael Turner's drunken driving arrest. Turner, also charged with speeding, was allowed to play in Sunday's 27-3 win in San Diego. The Falcons are off on Tuesday and there was no word from the team on Abraham's status for Sunday's game against Carolina. Falcons spokesman Reggie Roberts said Tuesday he did not expect a comment from the team on Abraham's arrest before coach Mike Smith has his | {
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normal news conference on Wednesday. The Falcons said late Monday the team was gathering more information on the incident. Abraham's arrest came after Atlanta firefighters and police responded to a report of a female threatening to jump from a hotel window Monday night, according to Officer K. Y. Jones. Officers were moving people away from the scene when Abraham entered the taped-off area. Blaise said firefighter Jeff Schultz said he asked Abraham to leave at least three times. Blaise said he and a hotel security officer also asked Abraham to remain behind the tape. Blaise said Abraham "argued with me, stating that he lived at the location and that he owned three condos there." Blaise said he told Abraham other residents were patiently waiting behind the line. Blaisesaid Abraham continued to argue and was arrested after being asked "at least five more times" to move behind the taped-off area. Abraham was charged with obstruction of police and obstruction of firefighters. Jones said the woman did not jump. Abraham, 34, is the NFL's active career leader with 114 sacks, including two in the Falcons' 3-0 start. He led the team with 9½ sacks last season and remains a key starter. Abraham, a free agent after last season, signed a three-year, $16.72 million contract to remain with the Falcons. He spent his first six NFL seasons with the New York Jets. He set a career high with 16½ sacks with Atlanta in 2008. | {
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from a single original couple, the real first humans, Adam and Eve. After saying we can study evolution, Pius XII stated:
For the faithful cannot embrace that opinion which maintains that either after Adam there existed on this earth true men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from the first parent of all, or that Adam represents a certain number of first parents. Now it is in no way apparent how such an opinion can be reconciled with that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the Teaching Authority of the Church propose with regard to original sin, which proceeds from a sin actually committed by an individual Adam and which, through generation, is passed on to all and isDr Anne-Marie Mann
Anne-Marie Mann is a Research Assistant on the Charting the Digital Lifespan project, which investigates parallels between the digital and physical lifespans by combining ethnography, design studies, and social data mining technologies. Her prior research used a qualitative and ethnographic approach to explore the use of educational technologies with children in a classroom context.
Anne-Marie achieved MSc Information Technology in 2012 from the University of St. Andrews and is soon to finish her PhD in Human Computer Interaction. Beyond her research interests, Anne-Marie has spent time developing ARC app with Edinburgh Council, which supports people in recovery from Drug or Alcohol addiction. | {
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2013-14 (Sophomore): Saw action in all 21 matches on the season, competing in seven matches at No. 3 and 14 matches in the No. 4 position ... Both of her seasonal wins came at No. 4 ... Claimed one seasonal win in doubles, playing in all three flights through the year -- once at No. 1, eight times at No. 2 and eight times at No. 3.
Prior to Western Carolina: Won four tournaments as a senior in high school ... Ranked in the top 125 in the women's open division in Spain.
Personal: Daughter of Angel Ruiz and Maria Dolores Pajares ... Has a sister named Eva.The present invention relates to devices for wrapping hay bales with plastic for protection of the hay in the bale from the elements and, more particularly, to a self-propelled vehicle for continuously wrapping and discharging relatively large and cylindrically shaped hay bales.
Large hay bales have become very popular in many regions of the country as one large bale can be handled quite efficiently with the heavy equipment available on most farms, as compared to the very labor intensive work required to handle the many small bales required to feed to livestock to provide the equivalent feed as one large bale.
Initially, the large bales were not protected from the elements, but were stored where they were made or at another outside site. With such outdoor storage, there is normally | {
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"USPTO Backgrounds"
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from the Russian Artillery Colonel Sergei Ivanovich Mosin who designed the bolt and receiver, and the Belgian Emile Nagant, who designed the magazine system. His brother, Leon Nagant, was a rifle designer.[1] Also known as the Three-Line Rifle (Трёхлинейная винтовка, ISO 9: Trëhlinejnaâ vintovka), in reference to the 7.62 mm calibre, it was the first to use the 7.62x54mmR cartridge.
As a front-line rifle, the MosinNagant served in various forms from 1891 until the 1960s in many Eastern European nations, when the sniper rifle variant was replaced by the SVD (Снайперская винтовка Драгунова, ISO 9: Snajperskaâ vintovka Dragunova). The MosinNagant is still used in many conflicts due to its ruggedness and the vast number produced.
Click to expand...
Once again, the rifle will be purchased through Andrew Ortwein of Ortwein Internationalstudent-owned devices.
With NetRef, schools can add value to their technology investment by
helping educators reduce distractions and maximize technology as a
teaching tool, with multi-tiered oversight functionality across the
school, in the classroom, and by student.
NetRef plans to launch the beta home version later this fall, with a
product roll-out slated for families in spring 2015. | {
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Was America's Star Atomic-Bomb Reporter a Propagandist?
William L. "Atomic Bill" Laurence at Tinian Island in the Pacific, the launching point for the atomic bomb attacks against Hiroshima and NagasakiLos Alamos National Laboratory
At 5:51 a.m. on Monday, May 21, 1956, the famed New York Times science correspondent William Leonard “Atomic Bill” Laurence watched a new universe burst into existence.
As with most profound revelations, this one took a few minutes to sink in, even as Laurence watched it unfold about 40 miles away through a set of heavy goggles. Reliable eye protection was necessary when watching the birth of a new universe, as Laurence well knew, having already done so several times in his long career. No one else among the 14 other reporters who stood around him on thatfar behind, and was even ahead of the United States in coming up with an H-bomb small and light enough to be carried by airplane. Cherokee was America’s first air-launched hydrogen weapon, its first truly practical thermonuclear bomb. With its successful test, the United States had proclaimed to the world—particularly the Communist parts of it—that it now had a handy, portable H-bomb that it could easily deliver (in the Air Force’s charmingly innocuous term) anywhere on the planet.
Laurence had written articles and even a book about the hydrogen bomb, had interviewed its creators, and had contemplated its effects and explained them to his readers. But he had never seen one for himself. Now, at last, he could add the H-bomb to his credentials as America’s premier atomic oracle.
“I | {
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saga, from Lansing Lamont’s 1965 Day of Trinity to Richard Rhodes’s seminal Pulitzer Prize–winning The Making of the Atomic Bomb, he’s the enigmatic reporter standing on the sidelines scribbling notes while Oppenheimer, Fermi, Teller, and the other Los Alamos geniuses stand in the cold New Mexico desert one July morning to watch the birth of their creation.
Yet none of these books, the films and TV movies such as Fat Man and Little Boy and Day One, or any of the other sundry retellings of the Manhattan Project story gives Laurence more than a passing reference. After encountering this mysterious figure so many times in so many different venues, I began to wonder: Who the hell was this guy, and how did he ever get to be the onlyreporter allowed to cover one of the biggest stories of the 20th century?
To the nuclear historian Alex Wellerstein, Laurence was “part huckster, part journalist, all wild card ... he’s improbable in every way, a real-life character with more strangeness than would seem tolerable in pure fiction.” He has also become something of a moral bête noire for some who have questioned his motivations, ethics, and Manhattan Project reporting, seeing him either as an opportunist who parlayed a lucky break into a historical exclusive or a nefarious propagandist for the military establishment.
Yet Laurence was also, at least in his own era, one of the most important science writers in America, one whose influence, if not his lyrical and vivid prose style, persists to this day. The Princeton historian Michael | {
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best-known newspaper, upon his death in 1977, he apparently left behind no papers, diaries, journals, notebooks, or any of the other records that would be expected of a professional writer. He and his wife, Florence, had no children, and in years of researching his life, I’ve located only one surviving person who actually knew him, the former Times managing editor Arthur Gelb, who died in 2014. Apart from his voluminous writings, the most detailed source of information on Laurence is a lengthy oral-history interview he did for Columbia University in 1964. The transcript’s more than 500 pages are fascinating, detailed, and colorful, but—given Laurence’s predilection for self-aggrandizement and factual exaggeration (qualities that also crept into the sometimes-purplish prose of his professional work)—less than fully reliable.
All of which makesinterest. But on closer scrutiny, the issues become hazier, and the answers more complicated and ambiguous.
Laurence won his second Pulitzer Prize in 1946 for his Manhattan Project reporting, specifically his eyewitness account of the Nagasaki bombing mission. In 2004, the progressive journalists Amy and David Goodman called for the prize to be revoked, charging that Laurence had knowingly covered up the effects of radiation sickness on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors by “parroting the government line” that such reports were Japanese propaganda. That same year, Beverly Ann Deepe Keever, a University of Hawaii journalism professor, took the Times itself to task, claiming in her book News Zero: The New York Times and the Bomb that beginning with Laurence and continuing throughout the Atomic Age, the paper had “omitted | {
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project for four months, I was off the Times payroll,” he explained in his Columbia oral history interview. “My salary came from the Army ... All the facts, all the news I got, I got from the Army and not from my connection with the Times.” If he was touting the official line and saying what the powers that be wanted him to say, he believed that was his patriotic duty in wartime.
Despite Laurence’s claims, the question of just who was paying him while he was lost in “Atomland-on-Mars,” as he called it, remains unclear. His temporary boss, General Leslie Groves—the military head of the Manhattan Project and the man who plucked Laurence away from the Times after personally selecting him for his atomic job—later wrote in hisand wrote articles on a mysterious “atomic plague” affecting the survivors, reports later dismissed by U.S. authorities as propaganda.
Laurence had flown over Japan after Hiroshima to get a look at things from the air, and was in fact slated for a later visit after Nagasaki to get an on-the-ground view for himself, but was instead literally pulled off the airplane minutes before its departure and ordered back to the States and The New York Times—possibly because General Groves wanted to make sure that his star reporter would stay on the reservation and not say too much if he got a personal look at the devastation and the ravaged survivors. (One reason Groves had chosen Laurence for the job to begin with was that it would enable him to | {
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keep a leash on the reporter as the project reached fruition, rather than reveal too much with his public articles and speculations, as he’d been doing several years previously. As Laurence himself once joked, Groves realized he would either have to hire him or shoot him.)
There’s no doubt that Groves and the military were consciously attempting to downplay the dangers of radiation. If Laurence never got to see post-bomb Hiroshima, he did get back to the site of the Trinity test along with other reporters in an official tour hosted by Groves himself in early September 1945. Even as Laurence and the other visitors were required to wear canvas booties over their shoes—as Groves explained, to keep any residual radioactive sand from sticking to their soles—the general deniedScience. One of his biggest stories after World War II was on the discovery of cortisone to treat rheumatoid arthritis, for which he not only won a Lasker Award but even met with President Harry S. Truman to propose an expedition to Africa to secure the plants needed for cortisone synthesis. Whatever else one might think of Laurence, he was not content to sit in the newsroom and churn out watered-down rewrites of press releases and scientific papers. And that was actually a problem: Laurence began to believe his own press, often considering himself more of an expert than the experts, more qualified to dispense wisdom and advice than those who were actually charged with doing so. His Columbia interviews are laced with rants against the establishment, against | {
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sense of wonder, to overwhelm his consciousness, numbing his original visceral dread of atomic weapons and his detailed knowledge of their power. After struggling for decades with the insoluble conflict between the atom’s potential for both unparalleled good and unspeakable evil, he resolved the struggle in his own soul by surrendering to a comforting anodyne, a conviction that nuclear weapons were ultimately a “world-covering, protective umbrella” to shield humanity until the dawn of a golden era of peace.
Blinded by the fireball light of Cherokee that shone so brilliantly and then faded, Laurence anesthetized the dread he had felt and warned of long before any of his colleagues by simply fooling himself. Those of us who are his inheritors must guard against falling into the same trap.
We want tohear what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor or write to
Mark Wolverton is a science writer and playwright based in Philadelphia. His work has appeared in Undark, Wired, and Scientific American. He is the author of A Life in Twilight: The Final Years of J. Robert Oppenheimer and Burning the Sky: Operation Argus and the Untold Story of the Cold War Nuclear Tests in Outer Space. | {
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Confronting authoritarian populism: the rural dimension
Religion, gender dynamics, place and cultural identity – all inform rising authoritarian populism in rural areas, alongside class interests
and inequalities. Mobilising alternatives to capture by regressive political
forces is not straightforward.
Viewing sketches for the masterpiece "Father" at an exhibition held in Luo Zhongli Art Museum in the Huxi Campus of Sichuan Fine Art Institute, southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, Dec. 29, 2017. Luo has devoted his career to rural-theme paintings. Wang Quanchao/Xinhua News Agency/Press Association. All rights reserved. Authoritarian populism is on the rise. Whether in Brazil,
Hungary, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, France, the
US and many other countries. Regressive, nationalist, sometimes with religious
inflections, it is a diverse, global phenomenon.
Much has been written about the rise of authoritarian
populism, not least on openDemocracy.
But there haspathologies spread, and local
institutions — cooperatives, credit unions, sports clubs, schools — weaken or
collapse. In many rural settings, it’s no surprise that the appeal of
authoritarian, nationalist populism is strong.
Rural resources
Second, the extractive exploitation of rural resources
continues apace. Particularly since the
global financial and food crisis of 2008, the
grabbing of land, water or minerals has been reshaping rural spaces in many
parts of the world, as finance capital seeks new returns.
In some cases, armed conflict contributes to the
dispossession and displacement. In many
countries rural resource extraction is now being pursued with a more
nationalist tinge, with arguments about ‘national interest’ in relation to energy,
food or water securities. With new capital-elite-state alliances, the dynamics
of accumulation shift, and with this comes a new politics of displacement.
Populist arguments for new investments, jobs and growth in
rural areas | {
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of the ESRC STEPS Centre. Email:
Saturnino M. Borras Jr. is a professor of agrarian studies at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague, the Netherlands, an adjunct professor at China Agricultural University in Beijing, and a fellow of the Amsterdam-based Transnational Institute (TNI) and of the California-based Institute for Food and Development Policy (Food First). Email:
Lyda Fernanda Forero is a Colombian economist who carries out analysis and
campaigning on trade and investment policies, the architecture of
impunity created for transnational corporations, and new trends in
financialisation and commodification of nature and life. She is a researcher for TNI's Economic Justice,
Corporate Power and Alternatives program.
Ruth Hall is a professor at the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) at the University of the Western Cape, SouthAfrica. Email:
Ben White is Emeritus Professor of Rural Sociology at the International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague.He has been involved in research on agrarian change and the anthropology and history of childhood and youth since the early 1970s, mainly in Indonesia.E-mail:
The Emancipatory Rural Politics Initiative (ERPI) was launched during 2017 as a response to the rise of authoritarian populism in different parts of the world. Our focus is on the rural origins and consequences of authoritarian populism, as well as the forms of resistance and variety of alternatives that are emerging.
In March 2018, a major ERPI event will be held in The Hague, the Netherlands, bringing together around 300 researchers and activists from across five continents. ERPI small grant holders will present research insights and | {
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charitable activities in the Azores.
He briefly returned to the Azores between 1558 and 1560, where he became parish priest in Santa Cruz, in the municipality of Lagoa (records written by him during this period date his time in the parish).
In 1560, he decided to return to Salamanca in order to complete a Doctorate in Theology, but began working with Bishop Julião de Alva in Bragança, where he remained until 1563. It is unclear when, and from where, he attained his Doctorate, but he began to use this title from 1565, also when his name began appearing on the University of Évora's registry (an institution of the Society of Jesus), after 1569.
By decree, 20 May 1565, he was nominated to be the vicar and orator at the parochial Churchan anaerobic chamber. The total bacterial and methanogenic populations of single-stage digesters increase when the hydraulic retention time decreases; nevertheless, the percentages of the principal bacterial groups (acidogenic and methanogenic) remain constant at 87% and 13%, respectively. In the two-stage reactors, the percentages of the acidogenic and methanogenic groups are 99% and 26% of the total population in the acidogenic and methanogenic reactors, respectively. In the single-stage reactors, biomass determinations can be used to estimate microbial concentrations, and vice versa, as there is a high positive correlation between microorganism concentration and biomass. The syntrophic relationship between the bacteria involved in the anaerobic process is a possible explanation for the low values of viable population obtained in the reactors studied. Nevertheless, there is a high correlation between direct counts | {
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"Wikipedia (en)",
"PubMed Abstracts"
} | 50,052,529 |
Charlie Kaufman, writer of the cult film 'Being John Malkovich', returns with another mind-bendingly inventive and unconventional plotline, this time driving a tender romantic comedy. Jim Carrey stars as Joel, a shy oddball who is stunned to discover that his longterm girlfriend Clementine (Kate Winslet), with whom he has recently split up, has undergone an experimental psychiatric treatment to have her memories of their tumultuous relationship erased. Still in love with her, and frustrated at the thought that she has no memory of their times together, he elects to undergo the procedure himself, and contacts the company who have pioneered it. The team, led by Dr Howard Mierzwaik (Tom Wilkinson), hook Joel up their computer and begin the process. The film, the majority of which takes place insidetold me that senior researchers, with established reputations, are also joining in large numbers.
PRICE'S PROJECT IS ONE of several attempts to rethink how science is reviewed and disseminated. Michael Eisen, a biologist at the University of California-Berkeley, has frequently argued that traditional journals, particularly high profile ones, are hindering science: "Peer review as practiced in the 21st century biomedical research poisons science ... the mythical veneer of peer review has created the perception that a handful of journals stand as gatekeepers of success in science, ceding undue power to them, and thereby stifling innovation in scientific communication."
Like Price, Eisen believes that open-access publishing and community, post-publication peer review will play an essential role in fixing science. Eisen co-founded the Public Library of Science (PLOS), a publisher of a | {
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} | 50,052,621 |
Insecurity concerns have forced the closure of a Canadian-owned mine in Chihuahua, leaving its more than 1,800 employees without work.
The Pan American Silver Corporation has faced threats from organized crime at its Dolores silver and gold mine in the municipality of Madera since last year.
However, the final straw appeared to be the recent discovery by authorities of a decapitated man whose body was dumped within the vicinity of the open-pit mine. It is unclear how long the mine will remain closed.
Chihuahua Attorney General César Peniche Espejel said that Pan American Silver had notified the government of its decision Thursday, citing “certain intimidations” but it had not previously asked the government for additional security support.
The company’s decision came as no surprise to municipal authorities and local residents, many ofDonald Trump has at last got a national security adviser after his first one was forced to resign and two others approached for the job ruled themselves out.
But the President and his cronies would be mistaken if they think that Lt Gen HR McMaster would simply back whatever policy comes out of the White House.
Indeed, General Herbert Raymond McMaster made his considerable reputation as someone who is not afraid to challenge the hierarchy, and indeed had first made his mark by condemning senior officers for not standing up to the flawed policies of US presidents in the Vietnam War.
There are some echoes of those times in current events: the animosity shown towards the media by Mr Trump was also present in the White House during Vietnam -- albeit | {
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in nothing like the current poisonous extent – with both Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon blaming newspapers and television for undermining the war effort.
Gen McMaster’s firm conclusion was “the war in Vietnam was not lost in the front pages of The New York Times or the college campus. It was lost in Washington DC”.
The Vietnam indictment came in a book Dereliction of Duty, initially written as a Phd thesis, which got the attention of the best and the brightest of America’s military men.
One of them was Gen David Petraeus, who helped secure Gen McMaster’s promotion in face of opposition from conservatives in the military establishment.
After the national security adviser appointment, Gen Petraeus wanted to stress: “HR McMaster is a brilliant officer, a battlefield hero and a trueTrump has already issued Trump and the Mexico wall A US Border Patrol vehicle sits waiting for illegal immigrants at a fence opening near the US-Mexico border near McAllen, Texas. The number of incoming immigrants has surged ahead of the upcoming Presidential inauguration of Donald Trump, who has pledged to build a wall along the US-Mexico border. A signature campaign promise, Mr Trump outlined his intention to build a border wall on the US-Mexico border days after taking office Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and abortion US President Donald Trump signs an executive order as Chief of Staff Reince Priebus looks on in the Oval Office of the White House. Mr Trump reinstated a ban on American financial aide being granted to | {
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} | 50,052,682 |
non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines hold a rally as they protest US President Donald Trump's executive orders advancing their construction, at Columbus Circle in New York. US President Donald Trump signed executive orders reviving the construction of two controversial oil pipelines, but said the projects would be subject to renegotiation Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and 'Obamacare' Nancy Pelosi who is the minority leader of the House of Representatives speaks beside House Democrats at an event to protect the Affordable Care Act inLos Angeles, California. US President Donald Trump's effort to make good on his campaign promise to repeal and replace the healthcare law failed when Republicans failed to get enough votes. Mr Trump has promised to revisit the matter Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Donald Trump and 'sanctuary cities' US President Donald Trump signed an executive order in January threatening to pull funding for so-called "sanctuary cities" if they do not comply with federal immigration law AP The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to | {
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airports around the country. That travel ban was later blocked by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The second ban was blocked by a federal judge a day before it was scheduled to be implemented in mid-March SANDY HUFFAKER/AFP/Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and climate change US President Donald Trump sought to dismantle several of his predecessor's actions on climate change in March. His order instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to reevaluate the Clean Power Plan, which would cap power plant emissions Shannon Stapleton/Reuters
The new President, a Vietnam draft dodger, had shown a penchant for surrounding himself with military men.
But among them there has been a growing feeling of unease that serving Mr Trump and serving the country they had sworn toEven when the Central Intelligence Agency possesses a releasable document in a softcopy format, the Agency typically refuses to release the softcopy version in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, and insists on providing a hardcopy version of the document instead.
A federal judge said last week that that may be a violation of law.
The issue arose in a FOIA lawsuit seeking electronic copies of 419 articles from the in-house CIA journal Studies in Intelligence. The lawsuit was brought by Jeffrey Scudder, an information technology specialist who has worked in the intelligence community for 23 years.
Mr. Scudder told the court that he has detailed knowledge of CIA information systems and capabilities. In his FOIA requests, he was able to inform the CIA FOIA staff “as to where within | {
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} | 50,052,687 |
merger .
In particular, the so-called outer filament is a filament of ionized gas showing a heterogeneous morphology 15 kpc away from the galaxy nucleus. It is located within the extended narrow line regions (ENLR) of Cen A, and close (in projection) to the jet radio plasma and a large cloud . Evidence for anomalous velocities in the southern tip of the cloud has been reported by , and they interpreted it as the imprint of an interaction with the jet. further reinforced the idea of a direct interaction between the radio jet and the ISM by finding a match between the kinematics of the ionized and the neutral gas, suggesting that they are part of the same dynamical structure, likely shaped by the lateral and head-on interaction with thecovered by the light-emitting functional layer 13 and second conductivity type semiconductor layer 14. A first conductivity type electrode 15 has continuity with the exposed portion. The first conductivity type electrode 15 functions as a cathode.
On the other hand, a second conductivity type electrode 16 is formed on the second conductivity type semiconductor layer 14 and has continuity with the same layer 14. The second conductivity type electrode 16 includes a second conductivity type first electrode 16a and a second conductivity type second electrode 16b. The second conductivity type first electrode 16a is capable of functioning as an optical reflecting film. The second conductivity type second electrode 16b is capable of functioning as a contact portion for bump interconnection. The second conductivity type electrode 16, made up of | {
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"USPTO Backgrounds"
} | 50,052,715 |
did not have a sufficient amount of funds on deposit in said bank to pay said check. A jury found him guilty and assessed a penalty of two years in the penitentiary.
The evidence shows that appellant purchased from a secondhand car dealer in Wichita Falls two cars, one the Chevrolet described, on Saturday afternoon and gave his check in the sum of $1100 in payment therefor. He took possession of the Chevrolet and drove it to Paris, where it was recovered a few days later. The owner of the car phoned to the bank in Paris on Monday and, finding that appellant had no account in the bank, made a trip to Paris to recover his Chevrolet car. He discovered, also, that other representations made by appellant asto the business in which he was engaged were untrue, that he in fact had no business there. The evidence in the case satisfactorily shows that appellant was unknown to the bank and that he had no account whatsoever in the bank upon which a check may be drawn.
At the conclusion of the evidence the defendant filed a motion for an instructed verdict. The State was thereupon permitted to recall some of the witnesses and extend its testimony. Appellant did not testify in the trial and introduced no evidence in his behalf.
We find three bills of exception in the record, the first one of which complains of the failure of the court to sustain the motion for instructed verdict. This is based upon the contention that the check | {
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} | 50,052,772 |
in game situations.
With the first overall pick in the NFL Draft the Miami Dolphins have no choice but to take Matt Ryan.
A Quarterback like Ryan is needed badly for a franchise that has been hurt by inconsistency and a lack of a leadership. With today’s thin market for quality quarterbacks the only way to get one is through the draft.
Matt has shown this past year with his arm strength, accuracy, athleticism, and especially his attitude, that he can be a quality starter for many years to come in the NFL.
If you need anymore proof, look at his game against Virginia Tech, where he put together two long fourth quarter drives on the way to victory. It takes that mental toughness to make it in the NFL and thethe other hand, was perhaps more perceptive. The Baroness Louise Gutmann von Landau, it was reported, was often seen weeping.
• • •
avendo ricevuta notificazione ufficiale decisione favorevole del DUCE per la vostra entrata del regno. ho telegrafato ad ALFIERI A BERLINO intervenire presso le autorità tedesche e bisogno agevolare vostra lecita uscita dalla GERMANIA.
facci sapere quando e dove sarai in ITALIA
saluti luca
I have received official notification of the favorable decision from Il Duce for your entry into the kingdom [of Italy]. I telegraphed [Ambassador] Alfieri in Berlin to intervene with the German authorities and that he should facilitate your lawful exit from Germany.
Let us know when and where you will be in Italy.
Greetings, Luca [Orsini]
While Fritz hoped | {
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} | 50,052,809 |
valley, by St. Moritz, high in the Swiss Alps. My father never failed to attend. Surrounded by his old school friends, once the sons of bankers and industrialists and counts and barons, now bankers and industrialists and counts and barons in their own right, he seemed able for the moment to put aside the tragedies and disillusionment of the last forty years, to immerse himself in happier memories. His dinner jacket and tails still dated from that period. If his wealthy friends noticed that his collars were a bit frayed, his suits a bit worn, they were too nice to say anything about it. One quirk also set my father somewhat apart from the other Zuoz alumni—his utter refusal to speak the common language of the school, whichrate and the cache miss rate play an important role in determining this performance. To improve the cache performance, reducing the miss rate becomes one of the necessary steps among other steps. Decreasing the access time to the cache also gives a boost to its performance.
CPU stalls
The time taken to fetch one cache line from memory (read latency due to a cache miss) matters because the CPU will run out of things to do while waiting for the cache line. When a CPU reaches this state, it is called a stall. As CPUs become faster compared to main memory, stalls due to cache misses displace more potential computation; modern CPUs can execute hundreds of instructions in the time taken to fetch a single cache line from main | {
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"Wikipedia (en)"
} | 50,053,296 |
if the operating system assigns physical pages to virtual pages randomly and uniformly, it is extremely likely that some pages will have the same physical color, and then locations from those pages will collide in the cache (this is the birthday paradox).
The solution is to have the operating system attempt to assign different physical color pages to different virtual colors, a technique called page coloring. Although the actual mapping from virtual to physical color is irrelevant to system performance, odd mappings are difficult to keep track of and have little benefit, so most approaches to page coloring simply try to keep physical and virtual page colors the same.
If the operating system can guarantee that each physical page maps to only one virtual color, then there are no virtualthere was a cache hit. On a miss, the cache is updated with the requested cache line and the pipeline is restarted.
An associative cache is more complicated, because some form of tag must be read to determine which entry of the cache to select. An N-way set-associative level-1 cache usually reads all N possible tags and N data in parallel, and then chooses the data associated with the matching tag. Level-2 caches sometimes save power by reading the tags first, so that only one data element is read from the data SRAM.
The adjacent diagram is intended to clarify the manner in which the various fields of the address are used. Address bit 31 is most significant, bit 0 is least significant. The diagram shows the SRAMs, indexing, and | {
"pile_set_name": [
"Wikipedia (en)",
"Wikipedia (en)"
} | 50,053,719 |
Holiday Heroes: Celebrating Hanukkah across generations
Every holiday has its unsung hero, and AOL's video series "Holiday Heroes" highlights those individuals who are making a difference in their communities.
Hanukkah brings together Jewish families around the world to celebrate the festival of lights and recount centuries of traditions and history. For the Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia (JFCS) this means bringing together different generations, from Holocaust survivors to pre-schoolers around Philadelphia, for a time of celebration and reflection.
"What JFCS really does is we strengthen lives across generations. That is what we are all about," explained Paula Goldstein, president and CEO of the organization.
She continued, "We are the providers for Holocaust survivors in the Philadelphia area." Whether that means operating as a social services agency, providing emergency financialA candidate from NAMRIA won the first ever search for DENR Milenyal ng Kalikasan (MnK) 2018. The search was part of the celebration of the founding anniversary of the DENR held at the amphitheater of the Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center, Diliman, Quezon City on 04 July 2018.
The winning candidate was Ltjg. Kurt Louis A. Montemor, a licensed civil engineer and a commissioned officer assigned at the Survey Support Division of Hydrography Branch. The other DENR agencies represented by their respective candidates were Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB); DENR Central Office-Office of the Secretary, National Capital Region (NCR), Region III, and Region IVB-MIMAROPA; Forest Management Bureau (FMB); and Mines and Geosciences Bureau Central Office and Region IVA-CALABARZON.
The MnK 2018 consisted of three segments, namely: KaLIKHAsan Attire, IsYou ng | {
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} | 50,053,769 |
Subsets and Splits