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The President, in his speech, reminisced on the happy memories he had with DENR Secretary Cimatu during the latter’s assignment in Davao when he was still in active service at the Armed Forces of the Philippines. He also took the opportunity to congratulate all the DENR employees for a job well done in protecting the environment.
President Duterte delivers his speech in the afternoon part of the program.
The awarding of the DENR Inter-Agency Sportsfest 2018 also took place during the program. NAMRIA Administrator, Usec. Peter N. Tiangco received the overall champion’s trophy in behalf of all the athletes. This is a three-peat achievement for NAMRIA which has been overall champion for the last three years (2016, 2017, and 2018).
NAMRIA Administrator Tiangco and the NAMRIA athletes flash the "No. 1"Wednesday, 29 February 2012
The EU Foreign Minister, Baroness Ashtray, has recalled the ambassadors of all 27 EU member states from Belarus and instructed them to return to their capitals to have consultations with their governments.
When the EU's foreign ministry was created, everyone was reassured that it wouldn't encroach on the foreign policies or operations of member states yet here we have the unelected multi-millionaire communist sympathiser, Cathy Ashton, controlling our ambassadors and setting our foreign policy.
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
Monday, 27 February 2012
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, has given a stark | {
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first appearance on BBC Question Time on Thursday night, attracting applause every time he spoke.
The Minister for Communication, Ed Vazey's attempts to emulate Boris Johnson's air of foppish buffoonery failed to make him a hit with the audience and he spent most of his time with his face in his hands and a look that said "why did I agree to this"? Rather amusingly he argued that his government's Workfare programme was voluntary and had to be informed that it is, in fact, mandatory and those who refuse to take part lose their benefits.
The Labour Shadow Attorney General, Emily Thornberry, was pretty stereotypical of female Labour MPs and dropped a bit of a clanger by saying that Syrian rebels had plenty of weapons and didn't need any more.This on the day after a reporter had just been killed by a rocket fired by the Syrian army into a house in a residential area and amid reports from all sorts of agencies about the atrocities being caused by the Syrian authorities.
The other two guests were Cristina Odone, the Telegraph reporter, and the historian, Simon Schama. Simon Schama got the biggest laugh when asked for an opinion about Rupert Murdoch starting the Sun on Sunday and replied something along the lines of "there are very few things in this world I don't give a damn about and this is one of them".
Paul Nuttall was by far the most convincing, most popular and most human of the panelists. Small wonder than the phrase "Paul Nuttall" was the #1 | {
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being inflicted on the Greeks a "historic moment". The protesters who've been rioting in Greece for the last few weeks might have a different opinion. As I said yesterday: this isn't a bailout, it's a coup d'état.
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
The German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, has clearly had a good talking to and is now confident that a deal can be found to lend Greece more money to make repayments on the existing loans it can't afford to pay back, having previously told Greece there is no hope of survival and todeclare itself bankrupt.
The most outrageous demand so far today is by the Dutch government who want permanent representation from the EC/ECB/IMF in Greece taking permanent control of Greek spending and borrowing. They already have an EU-appointed unelected Prime Minister, now they want to permanently bypass elected government with unelected foreign technocrats answerable to the EU Commission, EU Central Bank and IMF making all the decisions on the Greek economy.
This isn't a bailout, it's the next stage of an EU coup d'état. Italy has already gone through phase one (replacing the head of the government with an unelected EU-appointed technocrat), they'll be more than a little concerned if phase two is implemented in Greece.
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & | {
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Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
You wouldn't know UKIP was trailing the Lib Dems by just 1% as it has pretty consistently for almost a year by looking at the headline figures because YouGov still insists on putting UKIP in the "other" bucket, despite snapping at the tail of the Lib Dems for months and the closest "other" party having half of UKIP's vote. Unlike Angus Reid, YouGov has yet to recognise that UKIP is virtually level pegging with the Lib Dems on a national level and could conceivably replace them as the third party in Westminster at the next election if the prediction of them losingEngland except for the Midlands where it falls short, although this is probably down to the "Wales effect" (YouGov, quite inexplicably, combines the Midlands and Wales which produces some strange and often irrelevant data).
YouGov's ignorance of devolution and national institutions has skewed some of the statistics. Indifference towards the British government's £9k a year university tuition fee regime in England has been artificially inflated by including Scottish opinions on a tuition fee regime that doesn't apply to Scottish students and support for grammar schools in England has been depressed by including Scottish opinions on a grammar school system that doesn't affect Scotland. The number of people having the opinion that the Church of England plays a valuable role in "Britain" has similarly been depressed by including the opinions | {
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of Scottish people whose national church is, of course, the Church of Scotland (still protestant but importantly, not English).
Most encouragingly, though, are the opinions on UKIP policies. A whopping 88% agree with UKIP's policy of increasing the tax threshold to take low earners out of the tax system altogether and 56% support UKIP's policy of rewarding families and married couples through the tax system. UKIP's policy of supporting and expanding the grammar school system is supported by most voters, as is UKIP's policy that universities should admit students based on academic ability rather than quotas.
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blogthat says Labour politicians are exempt from punishment under them?
He had it coming to him eh Flo?
Only a month ago Diane Abbott broke Labour's oppressive anti-racism laws with her statement on Twitter that "White people love playing divide and rule". Her punishment? A going over on the internet, some negative press (not the Guardian though, naturally) and ... well, that's about it.
Now a Labour councillor from Sunderland, Florence Anderson, has incited terrorism "appealing to the IRA to find it in their hearts to bomb the next Tory conference" on Facebook. Her punishment? Suspension from the Labour Party and ... well, that's about it.
UKIP is often criticised by LibLabCon for being unconventional but I think it's a fair bit easier to justify calling an unelected Belgian nobody a damp | {
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rag than racism, inciting terrorism and attacking pensioners.
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
Friday, 17 February 2012
A UKIP member was assaulted by a Tory councillor at an election count in Lymington last month.
Cllr Penny Jackman:
beat up a pensioner
The surprising attack on 72 year old UKIP candidate, Mike Beggs, by Councillor Penny Jackman has just been made public by the Southern Daily Echo. Councillor Jackman has apologised and it would appear that Beggs has accepted the apology and isn't taking it any further.
Councillor Jackman took exception to an election leaflet that Beggs had produced criticising theTories in Lymington - and Councillor Jackman in particular, who is quoted as saying "let's shut the buggers down" - for trying to evict their local cricket club from the cricket ground it's called home for the last 175 years. Jackman verbally abused Beggs and then slapped him in the face, breaking his false teeth.
It looks like the Tories are still the nasty party ... at least in Lymington.
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
The meeting of €urozone ministers which was due to rubber stamp Greece's pay day loan tomorrow has been | {
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& Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
Monday, 13 February 2012
Greek MPs vote in favour of the EU's austerity demands last night but not without significant opposition both in the parliament building and on the streets.
In the end 199 MPs voted in favour of the EU's demands whilst 74 voted against. All the main parties suffered rebellions by their MPs, resulting in 44 expulsions from New Democracy, Pasok and Popular Orthodox Rally. MPs were swayed by the doom prophecies of the EU-appointed unelected Prime Minister, Lucas Papademos, seemingly oblivious to (or more likely uninterested by) the rioting on the streets in Athens in protest at what they were doing.
It is estimatedthat between 80-100k protesters were out on the streets of Athens attacking police (who apparently ran out of tear gas), setting fire to buildings and looting. The city of Athens only has a population of of about 655k.
Greece's problems stem from joining the €uro in 2002. Suddenly finding itself using a stronger, German-backed currency, borrowing became cheaper and easier. So they borrowed and they borrowed big - far more than they could pay back if the €urozone gravy train was ever derailed. Then came the train wreck and they had to be bailed out, along with Ireland and Portugal just to be able to default on part of their debts rather than all of them. And now they have to be bailed out again to do another partial | {
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in the last few days before Thursday's election.
This is an important by-election as the people of Ibstock, Heather and Battram have a real choice and alternative from the LibLabCon. We are working around the clock delivering leaflets and canvassing. If you can help, please contact me.
The ward is in North West Leicestershire, not far from Coalville and Ashby-de-la-Zouch. It's a pretty safe Labour seat but it's not unwinnable!
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
Greek MPs are currently debating the EU's austerity demands while outside their parliament building, thousands of Greeks are rioting.
There has been sotheir intention to fill Syntagma Square where the parliament building is located with protesters tonight.
There is considerable opposition to the austerity bill in the Greek parliament, although not as much as there is on the streets of Athens. The bill is unlikely to fail because nobody has the balls to admit that Greece has to default and leave the EU and the €urozone to survive but it is likely to bring down the government in the process.
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
The Greek Prime Minister, Lucas Papademos, has warned that failing to accept the | {
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EU's austerity measures would "set the country on a disastrous adventure".
He went on to say that "The social cost of this programme is limited in comparison with the economic and social catastrophe that would follow if we didn't adopt it".
Social catastrophe? Perhaps he should have a look out of the window to get a sense of perspective?
Isn't it interesting that in Greece, protesters are rioting and throwing petrol bombs outside their parliament building but they're allowed back every day to do it again but you can be arrested as a terrorist for reading out the names of dead soldiers at a war memorial near the British parliament?
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford &Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
Paul Nuttall MEP is on The Political Spot on Channel 4 tomorrow at 6:55pm talking about the Union for the Future policy.
There has been a great deal of interest in the policy which calls for a renewal of the union on a federal basis with effective and equal devolved government for all four member states of the UK. That interest has resulted in a number of new members and defections from other parties, mostly from the English Democrats.
I'm told that the policy has a couple of gaps that need addressing before it is published in full and that it will | {
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definitely be for devolved government with a devolved executive (ie. an English Parliament) and not a Grand Committee of British MPs elected in England as claimed by one of the English Democrats' main financiers.
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
Friday, 3 February 2012
UKIP is contesting an election in 2 weeks' time in the Ibstock & Heather ward of North West Leicestershire District Council.
Where are the other three candidates Kim?
The Lib Dems are desperate to revive their flagging fortunes and win this by-election judging by Kim Wyatt's leaflet which is almost entirely negative and consists mainlyover the election that it has been referred to the police.
Just to clarify: the UKIP candidate, Jakob Whiten, doesn't live in the Ibstock & Heather ward either. He does, however, live within walking distance of Ibstock and went to school in Ibstock. He says that he loves Ibstock and spends a lot of time there. He also doesn't try to mislead voters.
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
About the author:Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward of Stirchley & Brookside Parish Council in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator | {
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of Bloggers4UKIP.Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
The EU is trying again to get its logo put on football shirts and other sporting outfits and to have the EU logo flown at sporting events.
MEPs voted 5 to 1 in favour of having the "European flag" on the clothing of sportsmen next to their national flag and flown over major sporting events such as the Olympics. All Lib Dem MEPs voted in favour of the idea which even the europhile Labour and Tory MEPs thought was a step too far and opposed.
UKIP MEP, Paul Nuttall, said:
It is nothing more than sheer EU propaganda and vanity. The EU has never been so unpopular and yet here you are, wanting to stamp your ugly flag on sportingThey had separated and Manuelita had considered filing for a divorce. During these difficulties, appellant saw Manuelita often and helped her and the children. There is some suggestion in the record that the relationship between appellant and Manuelita turned into a love affair. Manuelita and Charles reconciled, however, and Charles moved back into the house.
Appellant continued to visit Manuelita after the reconciliation but would do so only when Charles was not home. Appellant drove a white pick-up truck with a camper shell which a neighbor saw on several occasions parked in the alley behind the McCormack residence. Apparently, Manuelita tried to discourage his visits and eventually told him not to visit or telephone her anymore.
These events built to a climax on the evening of December 21, 1978. According | {
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to the testimony of Bernice and Patricia McCormack, the children went to bed that night in Patricia's bedroom around 9:00 p.m. Charles McCormack, Jr. testified that he left for work at about 10:00 p.m. A neighbor said she saw appellant's truck in the alley at 11:00 p.m.
During the night, Baby Charlie woke up and asked Bernice for a glass of water. Bernice testified that when she went to get a glass of water from the kitchen, she saw "Nacho," the nickname by which she knew appellant, and her mother on the living room floor. Her mother appeared to be sleeping, and appellant had his hands around her mother's neck. Bernice returned to the bedroom and awoke Patricia.
Shortly thereafter, appellant entered the bedroom and told the children that hewas going to call an ambulance for their mother. Appellant left the room, and the children played with some clay. An ambulance never arrived, but appellant returned and told Patricia that her mother wanted to see her. Patricia went to the living room, whereupon appellant grabbed her from behind and stabbed her in the chest with a knife. Patricia, screaming, ran into her mother's bedroom and collapsed on the bed.
When Bernice heard the screams, she ran to her mother's bedroom to investigate. Appellant also grabbed her from behind and used the knife to stab her in the chest. Bernice ran back to Patricia's bedroom where Baby Charlie was still playing. Patricia testified that sometime during these events she thought she heard her mother plead, "Please don't hurt Baby | {
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Appellant had brought a can of gasoline with him to the McCormack residence. He poured gasoline on Manuelita and over the exit from the bedrooms. He also placed a delayed ignition device on a pile of clothes at the foot of Baby Charlie's bed. On his way out of the house, he told the children not to leave until the fire department arrived. Then he ignited the gasoline and departed.
Within a short time, Bernice smelled smoke. She rose from the bed where she lay, gathered Baby Charlie and Patricia, and helped them out of the house. Bernice and Baby Charlie struggled to a neighbor's house; Patricia collapsed on the sidewalk, *199 and when the paramedics found her, she was near death.
The fire engulfed the living room before thefire fighters arrived and put it out. Manuelita's body had been badly charred. The pathologist found stab wounds in her neck and, judging from the pool of blood discovered under her body, deduced that she had been stabbed in the chest. Her chest was too burned to find any stab wounds, however. Although he found the cause of death to be stabbing, the pathologist testified that Manuelita may have been alive when the fire started.
The next day, appellant was arrested and jailed. While awaiting trial on the charges relating to the events of December 21, he moved in with another prisoner named Jose Alvarez. Alvarez was in jail pending a trial on numerous robbery charges and had a history of drug abuse. He had also tried to escape | {
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from the jail and several injured a knee in the attempt. Several weeks after they were put together, Alvarez was taken to the hospital for knee surgery.
When he got to the hospital, Alvarez contacted the Pima County Attorney's Office. He told them that appellant had offered him $10,000 to kill the three children, their father, their father's girlfriend, and Manuelita's sister with whom the children were staying. Alvarez was supposed to escape from the hospital and commit the murders. Alvarez also said that appellant had confessed in detail to the murder of his "comadre."[2]
Alvarez agreed to help the county attorney's office with further investigation. He implicated appellant's wife in the conspiracy, and also made a telephone call, taped by the investigators, to appellant at the jail. Subsequently, appellantappellant's murder charges, an investigator from the county attorney's office, and a detective from the Tucson Police Department, who had investigated the murder charges, met with Alvarez at the hospital. They had Alvarez, during his stay at the hospital, call appellant at the jail, and they taped the conversation with Alvarez' consent. The conversation, which concerned only the conspiracy, was admitted into evidence at trial.
The parties do not dispute that at the time of the taped conversation, Alvarez was working as a government agent. Further, appellant at this time had been indicted only for the murder charges but not the conspiracy. Counsel had been appointed to represent him on the murder charges.
Appellant argues that trial counsel failed to render effective assistance of counsel in that he did not | {
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appellant with plotting to murder six of the potential witnesses against him the murder victim's three children, sister, husband, and a female friend of the husband. Near the end of its deliberations, the jury sent the trial judge a note asking whether it could convict appellant of conspiracy if it found him guilty of conspiracy to murder fewer than all six people. The judge consulted with the attorneys and then gave the jury further instruction. He told the jury that it could convict for conspiracy if it found that appellant conspired to murder any of the six named people. He also gave the jury an interrogatory inquiring, in the event it found appellant guilty, against which of the six people it found appellant to have conspired. Theunder A.R.S. § 13-703(F)(1). But we hold that this was also timely because appellant could have offered no rebuttal, did not ask for a continuance of the hearing, and was not prejudiced.
Therefore, appellant had due process concerning notice of the aggravating circumstances.
2. Use of appellant's wife's testimony from her conspiracy trial
At the aggravation-mitigation hearing, the state introduced a transcript of appellant's wife's testimony at her trial for her part in the conspiracy. The transcript was used to rebut appellant's mitigation testimony that he was of good character, had been a good father, and had no prior criminal record. His wife had testified that appellant had beaten her a dozen times, pointed a gun at her, and had an affair with Manuelita McCormack. His wife did not herself testify | {
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forth in Subparagraph 6 does exist. The defendant committed the offense in an especially cruel, heinous, and depraved manner.
"In that regard the Court finds that the defendant, in the home of the victim, a defenseless woman, inflicted upon her multiple stab wounds in the neck and chest areas. It was impossible to determine the exact number of stab wounds because of the condition in which the victim's body was recovered. The defendant left the victim lying on the floor in the living room. It's impossible to determine if she was dead at that time or not. The defendant then took Patricia McCormack, age 9, from her bedroom into the living room and stabbed her with the same knife he had used on her mother. She was then putin another, different bedroom, and the defendant then got Bernice McCormack, age 8, and stabbed her, again with the same knife, and put her with Patricia.
"He next poured gasoline next to, on or upon the body of the mother and in other areas of the home so as to prevent the children from leaving when the fire ignited.
"He then went to the bedroom where his godson Charles McCormack III was sleeping and, using clothing, attempted to start a fire there without accelerant.
"He then returned to the mother and ignited the accelerant and left the home blazing, with the victim and the three young children still in the home."
We disagree with the trial court that this murder was especially cruel as defined in State v. Knapp, 114 Ariz. 531, | {
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and the defendant engaged in a conversation where the only crime discussed was the plot to kill the witness. At defendant's murder trial, these statements were offered to prove consciousness of guilt. The Alabama courts upheld admission of the statements because they involved a crime separate from the crime for which the defendant was being held, the defendant initiated the conversation, and the Sixth Amendment did not confer the right to counsel during commission of a crime. The United States Supreme Court vacated and remanded Crawford in light of its decision in Henry. For the reasons stated in the text, we believe Crawford is no longer a proper statement of the law.
[5] All the conversations between Alvarez and appellant before Alvarez became a government agent were admissibleAnfield roar was reportedly deafening.For football fans in America, you can watch the tape-delayed highlights of the match on Fox Soccer Channel on Tuesday at 3pm ET and 11pm ET.
About The Author
Publisher of World Soccer Talk, Christopher Harris founded the site in 2005. He has been interviewed by The New York Times, The Guardian and several other publications. Plus he has made appearances on NPR, BBC World, CBC, BBC Five Live, talkSPORT and beIN SPORT.
Harris, who was born and raised in Wales, has lived in Florida since 1984, and supported Swansea City since 1979. Last but not least, he got engaged during half-time of a MLS game.
AnonymousJanuary 6, 2007
If your going to comment on the subject matter!At least get the facts right!….It was the 3rd round of | {
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the F.A cup that was played today….NOT the semi final!
I believe it was also a demand for justice by bringing to account the South Yorkshire Police, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club, and the English FA, for their part in causing the deaths of 96 men, women and children and injuries to over 400 supporters – hence the “Justice for the 96” chants.
An interesting article reproduced here as it gives an insight into why there are demands for JUSTICE
Urban Opinion: Justice for the 96By Bill Urban
And since 1989 when hooligans rioted at a game in Sheffield and left 96 dead.
The above sentence was part of a Chicago Tribune article, entitled “Embrace Your Inner Hooligan,” intended to introduce American fans to the supposedly pervasive hooligan soccer culture in England. One canthe comment about hooliganism causing 96 deaths at Hillsborough clearly illustrates that, for what passes as research in a David Haugh article, he consulted only the British tabloid papers, a research approach similar to relying on the National Enquirer for election coverage in this country.
In 1989, 95 Liverpool supporters died at an FA Cup semifinal game in Hillsborough, a stadium in the English city of Sheffield, with a 96th, a young man named Tony Bland, allowed to die following three years in a Persistent Vegetative State due to severe brain damage after a long legal fight by his parents. The victims that died in this tragedy were crushed to death when too many fans were packed into an area of the stadium that was fenced in. The fans | {
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the version of events promulgated by the police, or as a result of incompetent safety procedures and policing. Neither of those versions of the Hillsborough disaster lays the blame for the deaths at the feet of so-called hooligans. In his efforts to spread the vision of wild, rowdy, violent fans, and perhaps sell a few copies of the Tribune, Mr. Haugh has used the deaths of 96 people who had gone to see a soccer game as a joke in his terminally cute and completely inaccurate, slurred account of what happened at Hillsborough.
Because Mr. Haugh shows no desire to make a pass at even the most basic tenets of journalistic research does not mean that the public must follow his example; Hillsborough was never a joke, and theTraditions are the ties that connect groups of people even when individuals change. It is also how sports teams define a philosophy.
An hour-and-a-half after play in Colombo, once the presentation, media engagements and autograph signing was done, the South Africa team walked down the changeroom stairs to applause from a small group of people still hanging around. They made their way past their team bus, whose engine had already spluttered into life and was ready to whisk them off and walked down the SSC tunnel and onto the field. They headed to the surface that was supposed to be their undoing and sang their team song. That's tradition.
The words are still a secret but at least two of them are known. "Protea Fire," is printed on the banner | {
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that hangs outside South Africa's changeroom and is also the title of their track. It is not just a catch phrase. It refers to the national flower, the Protea, which is the first to bloom after a fire. Those two words stand for strength - in particular, the strength to prosper even in tough times. It was apt that South Africa had those words on display in Sri Lanka, where they recorded their first Test series win in the country in 21 years.
"We knew that to win a series here, there would be certain times when we would reach our breaking point and we almost did," the captain Hashim Amla said. "But there is resilience. We are a South African team who are very proud and passionate. Weus for a while."
Philander batted with the tail, as he did against Australia in March but this time he did not run out of partners. This is the third time in the last year he has played a part in a South African lower-order fightback, after also saving the Wanderers Test against India with Dale Steyn. He has only been dismissed twice in his last five Test innings and faced 435 balls in that time so all the talk about him being an allrounder is well-founded.
Philander was not the only one Amla singled out. He mentioned Dean Elgar and JP Duminy's centuries in Galle as setting South Africa up and Dale Steyn's nine-for which he said was an "excellent performance which gave us the victory that made us | {
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Excited, maybe even a little nervous, you'd think it would be tough for Ken King to keep the new design under wraps for an entire year.
After speaking with the Calgary Flames president about a third jersey the team is going to launch next fall, there's little doubt King will be able to keep the secret.
Four franchises have unveiled new alternates, with another 14 rumoured to be doing the same in the near future.
King confessed the Flames are in the final stages of putting theirs together, but was tight-lipped about the new look.
"It's pretty much complete," said King. "We're working on one aspect of one shoulder patch that we're figuring out a little bit, but the rest is complete. It's 95% complete."
The Carolina Hurricanes got creative working with theirexisting theme.
The Boston Bruins and Buffalo Sabres went retro. The Edmonton Oilers, Pittsburgh Penguins, Philadelphia Flyers, New York Islanders, Vancouver Canucks and Toronto Maple Leafs are figured to follow suit with vintage themes.
The Chicago Blackhawks, Phoenix Coyotes, San Jose Sharks, Ottawa Senators and L.A. Kings are all expected to go black.
Hazarding a guess after grilling a few people who have peeked at the new threads and trying to read between the lines of a 10-minute talk with King, the Flames sound like they're putting together something of a departure from their Flaming C design that has become a best-seller.
Not quite an out-of-nowhere fire-breathing horse head -- the last crest to adorn an alternate jersey in Calgary -- but definitely a new twist.
"It's a different look," said King. "We | {
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high school's football and basketball teams. As a football player, Mr. Wilson was a co-winner of the Kennedy Award.[2] He received an athletic scholarship to play football at West Virginia University. As a basketball player, Mr. Wilson helped lead his team to the state championship.
On March 18, 1999, Mr. Wilson participated in a statewide championship high school basketball game held in Charleston. At the conclusion of the game, a rumor was circulated that Mr. Wilson "exposed" himself in public during a post-game victory celebration. On March 19, 1999, the Gazette published two articles referencing the rumor that Mr. Wilson had exposed himself after the basketball game.[3] The relevant language from the first article read as follows:
*201 Some East Bank fans complained that [Quincy] Wilson exposed himself to the94 S.Ct. 2997, 41 L.Ed.2d 789 (1974), the United States Supreme Court established the all-purpose public figure category.[10] The decision in Gertz involved a defamation action brought by an attorney who alleged that he was defamed by an article in the defendant's magazine. The article described the attorney as a communist. The lower federal courts granted judgment for the defendant. On appeal to the Supreme Court, one of the issues raised was whether the attorney was a public figure. The evidence on the attorney's status as a public figure revealed that "[h]e served as an officer of local civic groups and of various professional organizations, and he ha[d] published several books and articles on legal subjects." Gertz, 418 U.S. at 351, 94 S.Ct. at 3013. In its resolution | {
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player for the University of Alabama. During a highly publicized game in 1961, between Alabama and Georgia Tech, the plaintiff struck an opponent in the face with his forearm. The blow struck by the plaintiff broke the opponent's jaw and nose, and knocked out several teeth. The game officials did not call a penalty on the plaintiff. For several years after the game, numerous articles were written about the plaintiff's conduct in striking the opponent, as well as the officials' failure to call a penalty. The controversy resurfaced in 1979. Then, the plaintiff granted an interview with a sportswriter. As a result of the interview, five articles were published about the 1961 incident. Subsequent to those 1979 publications, the plaintiff filed a defamation action against two newspaper companiesto play football at West Virginia University, was co-winner (along with Nitro's J.R. House) of the 1998 Kennedy Award, given annually to West Virginia's top prep football player.
[5] The full text of the second article appeared as follows:
Time To Clean Up Our Trash
Mitch Vingle
All of it.
The finger wagging. The grabbing. The middle fingering.
Do me a favor. Take it all and deposit it in the nearest trash compactor.
I've had enough.
Thursday's exhibition at the boys basketball tournament was the capper. Weir's Bill Blakemore nailed an almost-impossible shot to lift his team past East Bank.
But did I interview Blakemore? Did I get you a sense of Blakemore's joy, his exhilaration?
I had to cover the mess at the end of the game. I had to interview Charleston police Detective | {
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} | 50,054,224 |
R.E. Ingram.
Weir's players, rather than run and celebrate with their fans, found themselves rolling around in front of East Bank's fans.
That scene led to taunts from both sides. It led to an allegation that Weir's Ryan Jeter grabbed himself, taunting the East Bank fans, and an allegation that Jeter's teammate and co-Kennedy Award winner Quincy Wilson went the extra step and exposed himself.
Today, Ingram is scheduled to interview a potential witness. The police will determine whether action is necessary.
Regardless of the outcome, the situation was ugly. Dog ugly.
And we need to curb this dog.
"At our Sunday coaches meeting," said SSAC executive secretary Warren Carter, "[assistant secretary] Betsy Best stood up and talked about sportsmanship.
"She stood right there and talked about how, in previous years, we've had problems withtrial that he pulled
the vehicle over to ascertain its registration and to determine if Graham was wearing a seatbelt.
Washington, the driver, immediately exited the vehicle and approached Hull midway
between the two vehicles. Hull informed Washington that he was pulled over because the
vehicle’s license plates appeared unregistered. Hull questioned Washington for a few minutes
about the registration and ownership of the vehicle. Hull then approached Graham, who was still
seated in the passenger seat, and discovered Graham was in fact wearing a seat belt. Through the
opened passenger-side window, Hull questioned Graham about the vehicle. Graham told Hull
that his cousin, Jacko Williams, was the previous owner of the vehicle and had sold it to Graham
less than a month prior to the date of the traffic | {
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} | 50,054,239 |
wholesaler in Illinois, U. S. in 1903 the company grew with a combination of natural growth acquisitions to be a dominant force in many food/grocery sectors. The current structure of the organisation was established in 2000.
Kraft is one of the world’s biggest employers with over 97,000 employees worldwide in 2009. The portfolio of brands includes nine brands with annual turnovers over $1 billion each and over fifty brands with seals of over $100 million each. More than 40 of its brands are over 100 years old.
There are three main geographical units: Kraft Foods North America, Kraft Foods Europe and Kraft Foods Developing Markets. The operations in North America and Europe are organised and managed by product category. In the Developing Markets the business is managed by geographic location.– to increase margins by the improvement of the portfolio mix and by the ongoing reduction of costs whilst still investing in quality
Human resources
The good quality comes from the best workers…the philosophy of Kraft Foods can be sum up in:
Inspiring trust
Acting like owners
Open and inclusive
Leading from the head and the heart
Discussing, deciding, delivering
Kraft’s success at cultivating talented leaders has been honed over decades.
Key Factors that helps Kraft Foods in being successful:
Kraft Foods is a food company – nothing speaks for the corporate values more than the relentless focus on food safety. Kraft Food has earned that thrust by making safe products
Marketing is designed to persuade people and Kraft Foods has been very successful at it
Kraft Foods competes hard – but fairly
As a large manufacturer, Kraft Foods affects the | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 50,054,324 |
2-meter band and a downlink on the 10-meter band. The "Mode B" transponder has an uplink on the 70-centimeter band and a downlink on the 2-meter band. The satellite also carries four beacons which are designed to operate on the 10-meter, 2-meter, 70-centimeter and 13-centimeter bands. The 13-cm beacon was never activated due to a change in international treaties.
AMSAT reported AO-7 still operational on June 25, 2015, with reliable power only from its solar panels; the report stated the cause of the 21-year outage was a short circuit in the battery and the restoration of service was due to its becoming an open circuit. The satellite eclipses on every orbit during the northern summer and autumn; the rest of the year it is in continuous sunlightEvery child has the right to a fair chance in life. Leaving no child behind is both a moral imperative and a strategic priority for the development of inclusive, sustainable and stable societies everywhere. In 2015, UNICEF worked with partners around the world to make that fair chance a reality.
The global terrorist threat continued to evolve rapidly in 2015, becoming increasingly decentralized and diffuse. Terrorist groups continued to exploit an absence of credible and effective state institutions, where avenues for free and peaceful expression of opinion were blocked, justice systems lacked credibility, and where security force abuses and government corruption went unchecked.
The month saw Venezuela’s political, economic and humanitarian crisis worsen amid heightened tensions between the government and opposition, a situation which could lead to state collapse and | {
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"Wikipedia (en)",
} | 50,054,330 |
between Armenian-backed separatists and Azerbaijani forces. In Bangladesh, election violence and killings by extremist groups showed how new heights of government-opposition rivalry and state repression have benefitted violent political party wings and extremist groups alike. Political tensions intensified in Iraq and Macedonia, and security forces severely supressed opposition protests in the Republic of Congo and Gambia.
Since 2007, Generations For Peace has trained 8,920 volunteers from 50 countries, and with our support, volunteer-led programmes have reached 229,020 children, youth, and adults in communities facing different forms of violence. Our cascading model, in which volunteers we have trained directly (1st generation) go on to train other 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and even up to 6th generation volunteers in their communities, increases our reach and reinforces the sustainability of our efforts.
Themonth saw violent extremist movements, including the Islamic State (IS) and al-Qaeda-linked groups, carry out major deadly attacks in Turkey, Pakistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Tunisia and Belgium. In Libya, the arrival of Prime Minister Serraj in Tripoli despite warnings from multiple factions could lead to further destabilisation. Meanwhile in Central Africa, political violence rose in Burundi and could break out in Chad around the 10 April presidential election.
The month saw conflict continue to rage in Turkey’s south east between Ankara and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), looking likely to further escalate in March. Afghanistan and Somalia both saw armed insurgencies capture new territories. In Africa, political tensions rose in Chad, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, while in Venezuela, deadlock between the opposition-held parliament and government has brought the country closer to | {
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FIFA bans Palestine FA president for inciting Lionel Messi hatred
The president of the Palestinian Football Association has been banned from all football activity for the next year after calling on fans to burn jerseys and pictures of Barcelona star Lionel Messi.
Jibril Rajoub made the comments about Messi in advance of the planned friendly match between Argentina and Israel in Jerusalem before this summer's World Cup. The game was ultimately cancelled amid political pressure.
In addition to a 12-month match suspension, Rajoub has also been handed a fine of 20,000 Swiss francs (€17,500) for breaching article 53 of FIFA's disciplinary code.
"The disciplinary committee held that Mr Rajoub's statements incited hatred and violence, and consequently imposed the above-mentioned sanctions," FIFA explained in a statement on Friday.
"The 12-month suspension entails a banon taking part in any future match or competition taking place during the given period. Consequently, Mr Rajoub will not be able to attend football matches or competitions in any official capacity, which includes, among others, participating in media activities at stadiums or in their vicinity on matchdays.
"The suspension becomes effective immediately, once the grounds of the decision have been notified."
Rajoub will still be able to continue running the federation and attend FIFA meetings.
In response, the Palestinian FA said FIFA "rushed to condemn" Rajoub based on "non-neutral media reports." Rajoub was not granted a hearing and his testimony was not considered by the disciplinary committee, the PFA said.
Complaints about the Argentine Football Association's (AFA) decision to play the game in Jerusalem had been wide-ranging, and Rajoub made his | {
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feelings on the fixture clear from the start.
Warning Messi against taking part in the game at the Teddy Kollek Stadium, he told the Barca forward that he should not "whitewash the face of racism."
He added: "Messi is a big symbol so we are going to target him personally and we call on everyone to burn his picture and his shirt and to abandon him. We still hope that he will not come."
The game had been a subject of controversy as it was set to be played in the Jerusalem neighbourhood of Malha, which is situated on the site of a former Palestinian village destroyed during the war that established Israel 70 years ago.
Rajoub has long tried to get FIFA and the International Olympic Committee to impose sanctions againstIsrael. This is mainly because of the Israeli government's settlements policy in the West Bank and because it has imposed travel restrictions on Palestinian athletes citing security concerns. Those bodies have not heeded his calls.
Rajoub repeatedly used "threats and incitement" to advance a political agenda, said Gilad Erdan, Israel's minister for strategic affairs and public security.
"International sports should be about bringing people together, not driving them apart," Erdan said. "I call on the International Olympic Committee to suspend Rajoub as well."
Rajoub's ban will apply for the 2019 Asian Cup in United Arab Emirates, which kicks off in January, and likely include the start of the 2022 World Cup qualifying program. | {
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It is estimated that between 3-5% of school-aged children in the United States develop Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), making it the most prevalent behavioral disorder of childhood. Common sequelae of ADHD include inattention, distractability, and developmentally inappropriate levels of activity. Although the etiology of ADHD is unclear, it has been linked to a number of factors, including neurophysiological differences, genetic transmission, and a host of environmental influences. The relationship between substance use and ADHD has also received much attention. Research has shown that adolescents diagnosed with ADHD are significantly more likely than their non-ADHD counterparts to develop a substance use disorder (SUD). Further, adolescents with ADHD appear to experiment with drugs and alcohol at an earlier age than their non-ADHD counterparts. Although much attention has focused onFor uncounted years the wanderer DeathSpank has been a Dispenser of Justice, a Vanquisher of Evil, and a Hero to the Downtrodden. Throughout his adventures DeathSpank has searched for a powerful artifact called.The Artifact. Forged by unknown hands for unknown purposes some unknown time in the past, The Artifact is now within DeathSpanks reach. What is The Artifact? What evil tyrant seeks to steal it and how are he and DeathSpank related? This product supports the following languages: In-game speech: English; On-screen text: English. | {
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"NIH ExPorter",
} | 50,054,386 |
Susannah Barr
Public Health Student researches Intersection of Food and Culture
In the world of public health, what works in one country may not work in another. That is something that graduate student Susannah Barr has seen time and time again in both her studies and work.
Barr began the Master of Public Health degree program in the Department of Health Promotion and Community Health Sciences in the Texas A&M School of Public Health with an undergraduate degree in anthropology. Her main interest, which she developed as an undergraduate student, is the intersection of economics and food. That is how she ended up in the Dominican Republic, helping to collect data for a project focused on health and nutrition in rural communities. “I kind of stumbled into projects working with childrenand nutrition,” Barr said.
Her work with Somos Girasoles (The Sunflower Project), which Barr founded with a few friends, made it clear that health interventions that work in the United States do not always adapt well to other cultures. Somos Girasoles works with artists from a school of fine arts in Santo Domingo, the capital city of the Dominican Republic, to use art as a way to educate children on health and nutrition.
Barr’s current work is with a program named Salud Para Usted y Su Familia (Health for You and Your Family) part of a School of Public Health five-year, $4.9 million dollar project funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture aimed at reducing childhood obesity in communities known as colonias along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas, New Mexico | {
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Somos Girasoles is based. This year she included Somos Girasoles in her coursework, conducting a program evaluation as part of her practicum. She also published an article in Human Ecology that was based on her first research experiences in the Dominican Republic.
When she completes her master’s degree, Barr plans to pursue a PhD in anthropology building on the content of this article, which highlights the impact of mobile produce vendors on household fruit and vegetable consumption using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Barr believes mobile produce vendors can have a critical economic and nutritional impact on the country.
“Food is an interesting area of research because it is important in all cultures and is impacted by economics and the environment,” Barr said. “Everyone has to eat.”Pienaar keen to stick with Toffees
Everton midfielder Steven Pienaar insists he is focused on staying at the club, but admits he does not know where his future lies.
The South Africa international is in the final year of his contract with the Toffees and has so far failed to agree a new deal.
"I don't know," the 28-year-old, who has been linked with Tottenham, told Sky Sports News when asked about his future. "I am still focused on staying at Everton. The season is not over yet, so anything can happen."
He added: "I can't comment on that (Tottenham speculation), I don't know what is going on.
"The media in England is big and they say a lot - I am just happy at Everton and focusing on them." | {
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/e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback insteadCalifornia : Literary Hot Spots • Writing Forum |
Name of City/Town: Clearlake, California.Name of Hot Spot: Wild About BooksWhat makes this spot so great for writers? They wholeheartedly support the work of local writers, including inviting published authors to run writer's workshop.
Name of City/Town: Cotati, CaliforniaName of Hot Spot: Marvin's CafeWhat makes this spot so great for writers? This is the venue where the Sonoma County branch of the Redwood Writer's Club holds their writer's meetings. We have a room in the back with lots of food and drink as we listen to the speaker of the month, all of whom are successful and published.
What makes this spot so great for writers?
It always looks more crowded than it actuallythe land hunting down monsters in exchange for cold, hard cash. That's Geralt's daily bread—but the books, outside of the short stories, are usually about much more than pursuing a quarry for a little coin. There's romance! Rivalry! A charming vampire! An irritating bard! Buckets of blood and gore! Loads of politics! And more!)
When The Witcher 3 wrapped up with the release of the Blood and Wine expansion in May 2016, I wrote a little piece on three ways for CDPR to continue the franchise, given that Geralt's story was pretty much at its end. The studio's moved on for the time being, committing most of its time and resources to Cyberpunk 2077—but I am not done with this series yet, damn it. And while the TV show's | {
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say no more Because Massive Spoilers), by Ciri, a character who anyone who's played The Witcher 3 through to its conclusion will know is probably the most important individual of the entire affair—the so-called "child of prophecy," the "lion cub of Cintra," she can travel through time and space, sometimes even on purpose. She's sort of Geralt's adopted daughter, thorough an in-fiction custom called the Law of Surprise. The details don't matter—all that does is that she's of massive importance to Geralt, which is why he puts his life on the line for her so many times, in book, game, and no doubt Netflix show to come.
And it's Ciri who I still feel—as I wrote a year ago— demands a game of her own. Leave Geralt and Yenat how awesome she is, slicing all these dudes up during the game's "Breakneck Speed" chapter.
It was always a treat to switch to Ciri's perspective—but we really didn't get enough of it. I can recall four distinct instances, the above section included. There's the werewolf bit, which is the first time you control her; and the sequence with the bathhouse, and the fellow who takes a shine to her. (Did you crush his dreams, or lead him on? The poor lad.) Right at the end, she first takes the fight to Caranthir, the leader of the Wild Hunt, the game's end boss—but it's ultimately left to a properly pissed off Geralt, under your command, to deliver the deathblow. I know I've forgotten a few other bits—was there a | {
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Book about training for and surviving on a deadly planet
Looking for a 1960s book about people who think they are first training for and then fortifying on a planet where all the vegetation and other life is deadly and actively trying to kill intruders. Plants actively try to eat through the walls of their fortress, for example. The weapons people use are connected to their reflexes somehow.
Harry Harrison’s Deathworld trilogy.
It features deadly plants and "forearm mounted automatic holsters".
The planet was called Pyrrus...a strange place where all the beasts, plants and natural elements were designed for one specific purpose: to destroy man.
The settlers there were supermen...twice as strong as ordinary men and with milli-second reflexes. They had to be. For their business was murder...
Iteven set up rhythms. But he grew to be fairly dangerous, and he's no longer with the orchestra."
Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Watch the orchestra play
The Thai Elephant Orchestra is the creation of Soldier and Richard Lair, an American known as "Professor Elephant" who runs the conservation centre in Lampang, northern Thailand, that is the animals' home.
"We thought that maybe elephants would play on instruments if they were ergonomic," says Soldier, an accomplished musician and composer who has performed and recorded with the likes of Bo Diddley and David Byrne. "We thought about designing large instruments that were unbreakable, as even a little hit would break a regular instrument into smithereens."
Formed in 2000, the orchestra provided Soldier with an opportunity to explore the cognitive | {
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and musical abilities of elephants - he is also a professor of neuroscience at Columbia University.
For Lair, instrument-playing elephants provided an attraction that might help raise the funds his conservation centre badly needed.
Not long before, the government had tightened controls on the logging industry, leaving many domesticated elephants out of work - and their mahouts (keepers) struggling to pay for their upkeep.
"Richard invited me to Thailand and I built giant instruments in the metal workshop," says Soldier. The orchestra now has 22 of them, all designed to be operated with the elephant's trunk or with a stick held in the trunk.
Soldier was aware of research by the University of Kansas that showed elephants had the ability to distinguish basic melodies. But he imagined training the animals to actuallymelody of his pet starling in a diary. The second movement of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony includes a passage for three woodwind instruments imitating a nightingale (flute), quail (oboe), and cuckoo (clarinet), and the 20th Century French composer Olivier Messiaen made a habit of incorporating transcribed birdsong into his works.
Meanwhile, whale song has been marketed as music to sit back and enjoy ever since marine scientist Roger Payne released an LP, Songs of the Humpback Whale, in 1970.
But these are reproductions of natural animal sounds, unlike the music of the Thai elephants which Soldier believes are consciously using instruments to improvise new tunes - and doing so because they enjoy it, just as human musicians do.
"The elephants develop and learn to play in different ways," says Soldier, who believes | {
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the elephants now enjoy well-tuned instruments. "They learn where the sweet spot on the instrument is, but no-one has taught them how." Soldier conducted a test in which he planted a dissonant note on a ranat, a Thai version of the xylophone, and observed how the elephant then avoided it, preferring those that were in tune.
The orchestra mainly uses the five notes of the Thai "lanna" scale.
Image caption All of the instruments have been adapted for heavy-duty use
Last December Soldier investigated whether the music of the elephants could even be passed off as "genuine" music. A human orchestra in New York performed an arrangement of one of the elephants' own compositions. The audience was then asked to guess who the composer was. To Soldier's delight, suggestions included JohnCage, Alan Hovhaness, Dvorak, Milica Paranosic, and Charles Ives.
Live music Peter Gabriel performed an impressive duet with a keyboard-playing bonobo
Philosopher David Rothenberg recorded an "interspecies jam" at the US National Aviary in Pittsburgh, playing the flute alongside the white-crested laughing thrush
"When you spend time with elephants you are astonished at the depths of their personalities," he says. "They do things that you just can't imagine other animals doing and they are capable of incredibly complicated behaviour."
Soldier has also conducted tests to see whether other species will play instruments. His conclusion is yes, they will. He designed a system of levers for captive zebra finches which, when pecked, would trigger playback of a sample of music.
Image caption The Thai ranat is similar to a xylophone - and popular with | {
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Here are a few more photos from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, giving us our first look at Glenn Close as Nova Commander Rael, as well as photos of Lee Pace as Ronan the Accuser; Benicio del Toro as the Collector; Nova Corps; Chris Pratt as Star-Lord; Zoe Saldana as Gamora; and Dave Bautista as Drax. These are all screenshots from the upcoming Marvel Studios: Assembling a Universe documentary set to air on ABC on Tuesday, March 18th. Guardians of the Galaxy comes out on August 1st, and Marvel fans are going to love what's coming. I've also included a new promo spot for the Marvel documentary.Detroit-based attorney Dana Nessel says her family's adoption of a hermaphrodite dog drew more media attention than her landmark Supreme Court case initially did.
Nessel represented the same-sex couple from Hazel Park whose lawsuit ended up before the Supreme Court and toppled same-sex marriage bans in Michigan and across the nation.
One reporter showed up for the kickoff of that lawsuit; numerous were present when Nessel picked up the dog with unique genitals.
Attorney Dana Nessel (left), an attorney who represented April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse in a case that overturned Michigan's gay marriage ban, is now leading efforts to put a statewide gay rights proposal on the 2016 ballot.
Nessel's family -- which includes her wife, twin sons and multiple cats -- adopted the gray-and-white put bull-mix with male and female | {
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genitals from Detroit Dog Rescue.
Nessel said she's still "struggling with the pronouns" but described it as "the nicest dog" she's ever seen.
The dog's history is unknown. The stray was captured by Detroit Animal Control and transferred to Detroit Dog Rescue to receive veterinary care and re-homing in January.
Nessel, who lives in Plymouth, said a friend close to Detroit Dog Rescue told her about the dog. After a home visit several weeks ago, the family fell in love.
While in Detroit Dog Rescue's possession, the dog was called "Cody," but Nessel has another name in mind.
"Ziggy Stardust," she said, "because of the gender-bending play on that, and I'm a huge David Bowie fan.
"I know no better way to pay homage to the genius of David Bowie ... "
Nessel said the34th IARIW General Conference: Call for papers
The 34th General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW) is going to be held in Dresden from 21 to 27 August 2016. The German Federal Statistical Office will be hosting the conference.
The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW) is a worldwide recognized scientific organization for producers, users and researchers in the field of national accounts as well as economic and social statistics. The focus of interest is on conceptual developments, research findings and perspectives of practical implementation. International comparisons of income, economic well-being and poverty measurement as well as the analysis of economic and social data for the purpose of national policy evaluation are core aspects.
An explicit aim of IARIW is to foster | {
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Timmy Hill at Charlotte Motor Speedway in North Carolina in May of 2018. Photo : Brian Lawdermilk ( Getty Images
The era of the Zombie Dodge, which long outlived its planned exit from the NASCAR Xfinity Series after Dodge left the sport six years ago, ends along with the NASCAR season this weekend. When NASCAR starts back up in February, the car won’t be legal—killing, for good, the one car that refused to truly die.
Dodge officially pulled out of NASCAR’s three national series right after it won the 2012 drivers’ title with Brad Keselowski in the top-level Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series. Keselowski’s Penske Racing team announced it was moving to Ford the next season, and without another major team to pick Dodge up, the company ducked out beforethe 2013 race season began.
The Cup Series got a new body style in 2013, meaning Dodge never got to race the Charger it made for that Cup Series season. But there were still old Dodges in the two lower levels of NASCAR, like the Xfinity Series’ Dodge Challenger models. NASCAR kept the inspection templates around for the cars in the lower levels, but not the Cup Series, since the new car never competed in it.
But like the Cup Series did, and like we all do, the Xfinity Series is moving on next year. NASCAR’s moving from steel to composite bodies in the series next year, which essentially means body panels on the composite cars can to lock and bolt on rather than be welded onto the chassis like | {
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A review of the legislative mechanisms available to protect the social participation rights of people with depression in the Asia Pacific region.
To conduct a review of the legislative mechanisms potentially available to protect the social participation rights of people with depression in the Asia Pacific region. Questions were sent to the SEBoD International Advisory Board and Internet and legal database searches were conducted to supplement responses from advisors. While it cannot be said that comprehensive antidiscrimination legislation in relation to disability exists in all countries in the Asia Pacific region, most countries have commenced the process. Many have implemented either human rights or antidiscrimination legislation and most have set up a Human Rights Commission to protect social participation rights and allow complaints to be lodged. This review highlightedin a move that has provoked strong criticism from campaigners and the international community. Chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga said his nation would leave the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to resume hunting the marine mammals in Japanese waters. However, he stated the activity would be limited to Japan’s territory and the 200 mile exclusive economic zone along its coasts. This means controversial “scientific” trips to Antarctica in which Japanese vessels killed hundreds of whales, as well as activity in the northwest Pacific, will stop in 2019 AP Environment news in pictures COP24: Environmental groups criticise ‘morally unacceptable’ climate deal reached after major Poland summit Diplomats from around the world have agreed a major climate deal after two weeks of United Nations talks in Poland. But climate campaigners warned | {
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"PubMed Abstracts",
} | 50,054,951 |
A Timaru man who ordered pizzas for somebody else was lured into admitting his offending with the promise of free movie tickets
A Timaru police sergeant's actions were dubbed "unlawful" by the judge but the defendant was still found guilty of fictitiously using a telephone.
Richard Arthur James Crawford, 21, unemployed, of Timaru, was found guilty at the end of a judge alone trial in the Timaru District Court on Friday, of ordering two pizzas to be sent to the house of a former neighbour.
However the court heard how the investigating police officer, Sergeant Greg Sutherland, identified Crawford by sending a text message promising the recipient had won two, five-session movie passes to Timaru's Moviemax cinema.
Judge Joanna Maze said she found Crawford guilty of the offence "by a very narrowmargin" despite describing Sutherland's actions as "unlawful behaviour".
In his evidence Sutherland admitted that sending the text message amounted to using a "trick" to identify Crawford.
He said when he visited Crawford, and told him "I'm the Moviemax guy", Crawford slapped his forehead, said "I'm so dumb", and subsequently admitted the offending.
Defence counsel Kelly Beazley argued there was a "direct linkage" between the way Crawford had been identified and his confession.
She said Sutherland's actions amounted to a "breach of the law" and made Crawford's confession "tainted" by the police officer's actions.
In delivering her judgment, Judge Maze said she had "little appetite to reward obtaining evidence by committing an offence".
Judge Maze said despite the sergeant's "unlawful behaviour", given that Sutherland had identified himself as the author of the text message before | {
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on time, the Bharatiya Janata Party has sent its report late while over half-adozen smaller parties have not sent reports yet.
The EC has reported instances of parties which have not submitted details of their contributions of over Rs 20,000 received by them for the year 2012-13. The deadline for submitting these details was September 2013.
The I-T Department will now initiate proceedings under the provisions of Income Tax Act, 1961, in this case and after issuing summons, will seek to tax the entire amount received by these parties as donations.
Under Section 29C (declaration of donation received by political parties) of the Representation of the People Act, registered political parties are mandated to submit a contribution report of all donations and funds received by them in a year from individualsAbout the Filmmaker
Michael W. King
Michael W. King has been making films for more than two decades, winning an Emmy for a PBS documentary on youth violence in 1999. He produced and directed features and documentaries before becoming a professor of film and screenwriting. King served as a member of the board of the International Documentary Association and is an active member of the Directors Guild of America.
The Rescuers has won 30 film festival awards, including multiple Best Documentary and Best Historical Documentary awards. The film was further honored as Best of the Best at the Palm Beach International Film Festival and was an Official Selection at the NAACP Image Awards. The film was also screened at a United Nations Conference and, at the request of the US State | {
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Atlanta United are reportedly returning to the South American market yet again for a talented attacker.
According to Estudio Futbol, the club is "very close" to signing River Plate star Gonzalo "Pity" Martinez, should Miguel Almiron move to Europe. Martinez reportedly has a release clause of 15 million euros.
Pity Martínez 'very close' to being sold to @ATLUTD
If Miguel Almirón is off as expected, what a tremendous piece of business that would be for Atlanta — Peter Coates (@golazoargentino) October 2, 2018
Martinez, 25, has been at River Plate since 2015 and has been capped by the Argentinian national team twice. He's twice won the Copa Argentina, twice Recopa Sudamericana and once Copa Libertadores since joining River Plate.
The Athletic's Felipe Cardenas reports there "still a lot to doBACKGROUND
Benjamin Barry founded Twin City Fan in 1973. He subsequently gifted ownership of the company in equal thirds to Charles Barry and his wife Melanie Barry, Marcia Barry Swartz and her husband Lawrence Swartz, and Sandra Barry Lieberman. In 1983, Lieberman sold her shares back to the company pursuant to a stock redemption agreement. The stock redemption agreement afforded Lieberman additional consideration in the event of certain corporate restructuring or sale of assets or shares before August 31, 1993.
In 1988, the Barrys and Swartzes initiated a series of corporate restructuring transactions. In 1990, they were involved in shareholder litigation arising out of the 1988 restructuring. They settled this litigation in April 1991, when the Swartzes sold their interest in Twin City Fan to | {
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Sixth Circuit, sitting by designation
The Honorable Harry H. MacLaughlin, Senior United States District Judge for the District of Minnesota
On March 3, 1993, the district court granted summary judgment in favor of Twin City Fan, the Barrys, and the Swartzes on all of Lieberman's claims except her claim that the Barrys and Swartzes caused Twin City Fan to breach the stock redemption agreement when it failed and refused to pay her additional consideration due at the time of the 1988 corporate restructuring
an authentic knocking sound." Alternatively, he suggests incorporating a fingerprint recognition system into them, to stop them ringing when unwanted visitors call. John Burrows had a similar idea, but with a range of different tunes identifying the precise identity of all visitors. "Recreate the original University Challenge using eight doorbells and an orange wig," says Stuart Cooper. He also recommends carrying a doorbell with you at all times in case you arrive at a house without one. That would, at least, foil the intentions of a friend of Len Clarke's, who keeps his doorbell under the mat: "Then he knows when someone visits, 'cos they're still there looking for the doorbell."
"With half a dozen neighbours,
Compose a little choir;
Some doorbells ping a basso ring,
Others, rather higher"
(Maguy Higgs perseveres).
"A serviceable | {
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Pelosi to be 'most prominent' American at Nobel ceremony for Chinese dissident
Nobel Institute director Geir Lundestad told Agence France-Presse that Pelosi had RSVP'd yes. "She will be the most prominent representative from the American side," he added.
President Obama was awarded the prize last year in Oslo. This year, the recipient won't be able to come collect his prize as Liu is imprisoned in China. Other Chinese dissidents plan to attend in support of Liu, and past Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa, leader of the Solidarity movement that brought down communism in Poland, offered to symbolically accept the prize.
Earlier this month, China issued a stern warning to other nations to not attend the ceremony. China, Cuba, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Morocco and Russia are reported to have begged off theinvitation. British Prime Minister David Cameron will be attending a business event in China at the time of the ceremony.
Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai said governments would have to "take
responsibility for the consequences" if they showed support for Liu. The warning takes on particular significance in recent days as China's help is likely to be increasingly sought to rein in North Korea, which attacked a South Korean island this week.
When Liu was announced as the recipient in October, Pelosi hailed the activist as joining "the pantheon of great leaders for non-violence, justice, and freedom throughout history."
“Liu Xiaobo is a champion for the best hopes of humankind, a courageous
advocate for democracy and human rights in China, whose only crime was
putting his political views into writing," she said in a | {
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statement. "His message of reform is an
inspiration to the entire world. He and fellow activists deserve the
attention and partnership of freedom-loving people everywhere."
Pelosi and Obama both called for the release of Liu.
"Over the last 30 years, China has made dramatic progress
in economic reform and improving the lives of its people, lifting hundreds of
millions out of poverty," Obama said in a statement at the time. "But this award reminds us that political reform
has not kept pace, and that the basic human rights of every man, woman and
child must be respected."with 19 touchdowns and eight interceptions across seven appearances (six starts). His 103.0 passer rating would have ranked third in the NFL if he had enough playing time to qualify.
He added 269 rushing yards and two scores on the ground.
Losing Watson paired with the absence of defensive end J.J. Watt, who suffered his own season-ending injury in Week 5, doomed the Texans' season. They lost eight of their last nine games to finish 4-12.
Earlier this month, Houston head coach Bill O'Brien told Mike Florio on PFT Live that he's not sure how involved the quarterback will be throughout the offseason, but the "ultimate goal" is getting him ready for the start of training camp in July.
"I like where he is right now," O'Brien said. "I don't think that | {
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about one kilometre away on Church Street, has been suggested by the group MH Renaissance Inc., which hopes to redevelop the heritage property and make it a cultural centre with the library as a anchor tenant.
Jim Scott, a landscape architect who is helping the city put together its downtown core community improvement plan, said having the Moncton Market and the library next to one another would have huge benefits for the downtown core.
"The combination of market and library at Downing really creates something very powerful," he said.
"Our thinking is when and if the market should move for whatever reason, it would want to go into that position."
New street proposed
Jim Scott, a landscape architect helping the City of Moncton with its plan for downtown, said moving the Moncton MarketArcand agreed that the "dispersed" parking plan for the new 8,500-seat event centre, at the western end of the downtown, is part of the larger vision for the downtown.
"The intent was always to have the downtown be the parking lot," Scott said.
He points to large cities such as Toronto and Montreal, where people heading to the Air Canada Centre or the Bell Centre park a few blocks away or take public transit to the event.
"If you do put large parking lots at a downtown centre there's no real reason for it to be downtown," he argued.
"One of the greatest things about going to the Bell Centre in Montreal ... is that walk and all that energy ... all of the hockey shirts you see on the way down, | {
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all of the people at the pubs — all of that energy is on the street for about five to eight blocks away from the centre. That's exciting and its good for business and it's good for living."
Arcand said the completed plan for downtown Moncton, based in part on public input gathered at Tuesday's meeting, will be presented to Moncton city council and to the public in late August or early September.Description: Saturday, October 3 marks the fourth year for the Bethlehem Harvest Festival, which celebrates both the past and the present of Historic Downtown Bethlehem. From the morning produce market, entertainment throughout the day in the Sun Inn Courtyrad and along Main Street, beer and wine tastings, and plenty of family friendly entertainment, there will be something for everyone. Visit for more info.
Description:Join the Northampton Area Chamber of Commerce for Iron Pigs Night! It's Iron Pigs Cap Giveaway Night! Members will have advance entry to the private club level entrance and enjoy a buffet dinner on the PennTelaData Party Porch. The Northampton Chamber will present the "2009 Business of the Year Award". | {
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Air India demands crew 'hail motherland' Published duration 5 March 2019 Related Topics India-Pakistan air strikes
image copyright Getty Images image caption Air India is India's oldest running commercial airline
India's national airline has told its crew to end every in-flight announcement with the patriotic phrase, "Jai Hind" (Hail the motherland) - and this has tickled social media users.
Air India's company advisory instructs crew to say the phrase after a "slight pause and with much fervour".
This quickly inspired tweets of imaginary in-flight announcements that end with "Jai Hind".
But many wondered if patriotism was the right focus for the struggling airline.
Air India, which is in severe debt, has not turned a profit since 2007 and a recent government offer to sell a controlling stake in it failed to attract any takers.
Thedirective from Air India comes at a time when patriotism is particularly high in India.
The country has been at loggerheads with its nuclear-armed neighbour Pakistan over the past few weeks, following a deadly suicide bombing that killed at least 40 Indian paramilitary troops in the disputed Kashmir region.
The incident which led to airstrikes by India and the subsequent capture and release of an Indian pilot by Pakistan, saw increasing nationalist sentiment fuelled by national and social media.
image copyright Getty Images image caption Patriotism has been at an all-time high
While some people welcomed the Air India directive on Monday, others joked about how unusual it might sound to end in-flight announcements - mundane or otherwise - with an energetic "Jai Hind".
One Twitter user even suggested a competition to see | {
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September 13th, 2018 by Clément Thiery (Translated from French by Alexander Uff)
The biggest difference between the French cartable and the American schoolbag weighs a little over half an ounce. In the United States, school children write with lead pencils while many students in France continue to use fountain pens.
“My son was surprised to see his classmates all using lead pencils instead of a pen on his first day at school,” says Caroline Diène-Ménard. The French mother arrived in New York in May and her oldest has just started eighth grade at a public school in Queens. The list of equipment required includes a set of highlighters, a few ballpoint pens, and a packet of 12 lead pencils.
Fountain pens embody French education and a certain sophistication, but the Americanequivalent remains the wooden pencil. “Lead pencils have been the standard writing tool used by U.S. school kids since the early 20th century,” says Caroline Weaver, author of a book on the history of pencils in the United States and the owner of a specialist store in Manhattan. Some 23 manufacturers dominated the U.S. market during the 1950s. Today, there are only three left.
Sporting a yellow barrel and a green collar (also known as a ferrule), the HB2 model by Dixon Ticonderoga is the most popular pencil around and is part of young Americans’ school bags from elementary school to university. Its soft graphite core leaves a dark enough trace on paper to be registered by the automatic marking machines used in the United States since the 1930s. | {
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This week, as part of the recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Campus Accountability and Safety Act is being reintroduced in the Senate, with Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) as the chief sponsor and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, the New York Democrat, as a leading co-sponsor. The bill, which toughens requirements for colleges to address and report student complaints of sexual violence, contains some positive provisions such as encouraging coordination between school investigators and law enforcement. But it does nothing to address the questions being raised by many, including feminists, about the current system of campus “justice.”
Many of the problems go back to the guidelines set down by the Obama administration six years ago for the enforcement of Title IX, the federal law that protects students from sex men who say they have been wrongfully expelled.
The lawsuits keep coming. Earlier this month, a male student sued Amherst College in Massachusetts for expelling him over an incident in which, under current campus sexual conduct norms, he would qualify as the victim: the accuser’s text messages to a friend confirmed that she initiated sexual contact, while the accused was so intoxicated he had little memory of what happened. In another case, a student is suing Yale University for punishing him even after his accuser admitted that her claim of being physically forced into sex was a lie.
Some advocates for the accused hope that President Donald Trump’s administration will curb these abuses — particularly since Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is a past donor to a group that defends | {
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Flagstaff archives show birth of Code Talkers
In this April 29, 2011 photo, Karl Eberhard, who serves as the Flagstaff City Architect and Historic Preservation Officer, stands in front of the El Pueblo Motel, which was a recruitment center for code talkers during World War II. in Flagstaff, Ariz.
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — You can tell a lot about a person by the papers they leave behind.
Case in point: The papers in the Philip Johnston Collection in the Special Collections & Archives at NAU's Cline Library.
Johnston is best known as the man who pushed successfully for the adoption of the Navajo language for secure military communications in the hands of the Navajo Code Talkers during World War II.
The three acid-free, cardboard boxes in the library hold a variety of paper materials,including tissue-thin, hand-typed letters from the 1920s, '30s and '40s, yellowing copies of magazine articles, colorful maps, tickets and brochures from Mexico, transcripts of oral histories, Code Talker reunion programs and thick manuscripts of Johnston's writings, including various articles on the Southwest.
A gap in correspondence from 1942 through '45 may reflect the top-secret nature of the Navajo Code Talkers and their work.
However, some of the more yellowing letters, sent from Los Angeles, are from just after the war and deal with Johnston's efforts to help the Navajo people.
"If you have been on the Navajo reservation you will realize how terribly unprovided for the area is in terms of roads and public services generally," Johnston wrote in a Nov. 4, 1946, letter to William Brophy, the commissioner of Indian | {
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Affairs, Department of the Interior.
The Johnston Collection provides a fascinating view into the mind of a man whose brilliant code concept undoubtedly aided the Allied victory in the war.
"Here is someone with obvious regional and local interest," commented Sean Evans, an archivist at Cline. "When you think historically about anything, there is so much stuff that people just throw away because they don't think it's important."
Online through Cline Library, there are also more than 2,000 black and white photographs that Johnston took, many of them with Native American themes, including scouting trips on the reservation.
There is also a 1940 photo of the old El Pueblo Motor Inn in Flagstaff, which Johnston built in 1937, working with contractor R.E. Goble.
Described in a 1936 Coconino Sun article as an "autocourt," the court was described as having "a five-room caretaker's home and three double camp cottages. They will be of Spanish design, stuccoed outside and plastered inside."
Johnston had moved back to northern Arizona with his wife Bernice, and they had decided to make this location their permanent home.
They purchased a site 3 miles east of downtown Flagstaff for the motel.
They also built a private residence behind the motel.
Today, the facility, now called the El Pueblo Motel, still stands on east Route 66 and is the oldest motel remaining along Route 66 outside of the downtown area.
It was from the motel that Johnston engineered the recruitment of Navajos to serve in the Marines as Code Talkers.
The property itself is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places | {
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as a national landmark because it exemplifies the motor court building type and it is associated with an individual who made significant contributions to American and world history.
"The preservation of heritage resources is how we connect to and learn from the past, and importantly, it's how we implement the Regional Plan and preserve the character of our community," said Karl Eberhard, historic preservation officer for the city of Flagstaff.
The El Pueblo Motor Inn is one of 27 remaining motels, out of 50 in 1960, from Chicago to Los Angeles that contribute to the National Historic District of Route 66.
Johnston was born on Sept. 17, 1892, in Topeka, Kan., and died on Sept. 11, 1978, in San Diego, Calif.wise.
Jesus is Wisdom of God revealed. It is the divine wisdom of truth. It is the wisdom that speaks of a willing giving of self. A wisdom that speaks of looking to others, and believing in others; a wisdom of Love. It is a wisdom that brings harmony, salvation and true freedom.
This is the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All that he did, he did was based on this wisdom. He willingly gave of himself, and was born as a weak child. He willingly gave of himself and died on the cross for us. He lived his life for others; healing, teaching and forgiving. He trusted in the Father’s love for him, even in the most darkest of moments in his life. He was in harmony | {
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Catholic RCIA Lessons
About Me
I live in Suffolk County NY located in the Diocese of Rockville Centre. I have been involved in Catechesis for 10 years and accept all the teachings of the Catholic Church with complete faith. Above all, I want to spread the Gospel of salvation through the teachings of the Church. The contents of this blog have been taken from my RCIA course entitled RCIA: The Way, the Truth, and the Life, available at
Saturday, December 2, 2006
RCIA is a process that enables catechumens to spend time with members of the community in a setting that is casual and informal. Like the Christians of the early Church, these people will learn the faith not only through structured teaching but also by witnessing the behavior of theare the “front line” of the Church in the eyes of the RCIA candidates. For good or for bad, we represent the Catholic Church to these people. We have a duty to be faithful witnesses to authentic Church teaching and good examples of Christian discipleship.
A person takes the first step of conversion when a decision is made to answer the call of the Holy Spirit and a desire is voiced to follow Jesus Christ. This person may be drawn to the faith by hearing the Word of God or seeing the good witness of other believers. The Holy Spirit draws people to the faith in whatever way He sees fit. It is common for people to have misconceptions about Church teachings regarding faith, morals, the sacraments, and the | {
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people first start their journey toward full initiation into the Catholic Church. It gives the opportunity to get acquainted with Gospel values and the Church community.
First Step: Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens:
This is a liturgical rite that usually varies on a Parish level. Candidates express their desire to enter into the Church community.
Period of Catechumenate:
This is a period of time when faith is growing and conversion is taking place. The team leaders must use this time to educate the catechumens in the doctrines of the Church regarding faith and morals. Prayers and blessings will accompany the entire team and God will reveal many avenues of grace to the participants.
Second Step: Rite of Election:
This is a liturgical rite by which the Church formally ratifies the catechumens’readiness for the Sacraments of Initiation.
Period of Purification and Enlightenment:
This is a period of time during Lent when conversion and spiritual growth are stressed in the RCIA process. The scrutinies, presentations, and preparation rites on Holy Saturday mark this period of time.
Third step: Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation:
This is the liturgical rite, usually incorporated into the Easter Vigil, by which the elect receive the Sacraments of Initiation in the presence of the community.
Period of Post baptismal Catechesis or Mystogogy:
This period of time should lead to a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the faith. This is also a time of full incorporation into the community. It is appropriate to discuss the possibility of entering the various ministries that are available in the Parish.
Go and Make Disciples
A National | {
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Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
28. We must evangelize because the Lord Jesus commanded us to do so. He gave the Church the unending task of evangelizing as a restless power, to stir and to stimulate all its actions until all nations have heard his Good News and until every person has become his disciple.
29. The Lord commanded us to evangelize because salvation is offered to every person in him. More than a holy figure or a prophet, Jesus is God's Word, God's "very imprint," the power and wisdom of God. He is our Savior. Becoming like us and accepting our human nature, he addresses in himself, in his death and resurrection, the brokenness of our lives. He suffersbelieving anything else and belonging to any other community. Pope John Paul II has pointed out, "While acknowledging that God loves all people and grants them the possibility of being saved (cf. 1 Tm 2:4), the Church believes that God has established Christ as the one mediator and that she herself has been established as the universal sacrament of salvation." The unique claim of our message does not negate the sincerity and faith of others; likewise, the sincerity and faith of others do not take away from the clarity and truth of our message. As Pope John Paul II reminds us, "It is necessary to keep these two truths together, namely, the real possibility of salvation in Christ for all humankind and the necessity of the Church for | {
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them according to God's Will", and whom it calls to holiness;
– attention to the involvement of the community so that it may be a welcoming and supportive environment;
– attention to ensure systematic pastoral care of adults, with which liturgical formation and the service of charity have been integrated.
General and particular tasks of adult catechesis
175. So as to respond to the more profound needs of our time, adult catechesis must systematically propose the Christian faith in its entirety and in its authenticity, in accordance with the Church's understanding. It must give priority to the proclamation of salvation, drawing attention to the many difficulties, doubts, misunderstandings, prejudices and objections of today. It must introduce adults to a faith-filled reading of Sacred Scripture and the practice of prayer. A fundamental serviceadult is assisted to discover, evaluate and activate what he has received by nature and grace, both in the Christian community and by living in human society; in this way, he will be able to overcome the dangers of standardization and of anonymity which are particularly dominant in some societies of today and which lead to loss of identity and lack of appreciation for the resources and qualities of the individual.
Particular forms of adult catechesis
176. Certain situations and circumstances require special forms of catechesis:
– catechesis for the Christian initiation or catechumenate of adults: this has its own express form in the RCIA;
– traditional forms of catechesis of the people of God, duly adapted to the liturgical year or in the extraordinary form of missions;
– the on-going catechesis of | {
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Austin Powers star Verne Troyer has died at the age of 49.
The 2ft 8ins tall actor, known for playing Mini-Me in the spoof spy movies, died on Friday, weeks after being admitted to a psychiatric hospital in in Los Angeles.
His friends had contacted emergency services, concerned he was “drunk, extremely upset and suicidal”, and he was taken by paramedics to the hospital involuntarily.
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His cause of death is not yet clear but a message posted on his social media accounts referenced 'depression and suicide'.
It said: “Verne was an extremely caring individual. He wanted to make everyone smile, be happy, and laugh.
“Depression and suicide are very serious issues. You never know whatpossible and is resting comfortably. Appreciate the support from family, friends, and fans around the world. We will keep you updated."
Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8 Cancel Play now
(Image: Liverpool Echo)
(Image: Getty Images)
Today, Verne's Instagram confirmed the sad news of the star's death with a lengthy tribute.
"It is with great sadness and incredibly heavy hearts to write that Verne passed away today," the statement read.
"Verne was an extremely caring individual. He wanted to make everyone smile, be happy, and laugh.
"Anybody in need, he would help to any extent possible. Verne hoped he made a positive change with the platform he had and worked towards spreading that message everyday.
"He inspired people around the world with his drive, determination, and | {
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"On film & television sets, commercial shoots, at comic-con’s & personal appearances, to his own YouTube videos, he was there to show everyone what he was capable of doing.
The post continued: "Even though his stature was small and his parents often wondered if he’d be able to reach up and open doors on his own in his life, he went on to open more doors for himself and others than anyone could have imagined.
"He also touched more peoples hearts than he will ever know.
"Verne was also a fighter when it came to his own battles. Over the years he’s struggled and won, struggled and won, struggled and fought some more, but unfortunately this time was too much.
"During this recent time of adversity he was baptized while surrounded byhis family. The family appreciates that they have this time to grieve privately."
(Image: PA Archive)
At 2ft 8in, Verne was one of the shortest men in the world and was born with the genetic disorder known as achondroplasia dwarfism.
Growing up on a farm in Michigan, Verne always dreamed of a career in showbiz.
He got his first break as a stunt double for a 9-month-old baby on a film called Baby's Day Out (1994).
He appeared in Jingle All The Way (1996), Men in Black (1997) and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) with small parts.
His big break came in 1999 when he was cast as Mini-Me in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me in 1999.
He played Dr Evil's clone and also appeared in the film's two sequels alongside | {
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Mike Myers.
(Image: Reuters) (Image: Rex Features)
The news of his death comes a year after Troyer voluntarily checked into rehab over his battle with alcohol addiction.
He has been open about his booze problems for years and vowed to "continue my fight day by day" as he sought treatment.
"I've been hearing from some concerned fans, so I'd like to address a very personal situation," he said during his rehab stint in April 2017.
"As you know, I've battled alcohol addiction in the past and while it's not always been an easy fight, I'm willing to continue my fight day by day."
He went on: "I've been receiving treatment for the last week and I am voluntarily checking into a treatment center later this week to continue to get the help that Ineed.
"I want to thank everyone that's reached out with their messages of support, it truly means the world to me. With your support, I got this."
(Image: Getty Images North America)
(Image: Youtube)
Two years earlier, in 2015, Verne was hospitalised when he suffered a seizure during an autograph-signing session at the Heart of Texas Comic Con.
But he recovered and told worried fans later that day that he was planning to return to the conference to resume his meet and greets.
In 2004 he reportedly married model Genevieve Gallen - but the union lasted for only a matter of months.
American glamour model Carmen Electra shared a snap of the two of them on Instagram in which she can be seen holding Troyer in her arms.
The Baywatch actress simply posted "R.I.P Verne Troyer" | {
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along with the image.
West Wing star Marlee Matlin took to Twitter in the wake of the news, describing him as having a "lovely smile with a caring and big heart".
Singer Vanilla Ice and American Pie actress Shannon Elizabeth also posted images of themselves with Troyer following the news of his death.
For confidential support the Samaritans can be contacted for free around the clock, 365 days a year on 116 123, or emailjo@samaritans.orgBearded Old Men Wanted For Edoras Filming - Company of the Ring: Tol Galen
Jonathan | August 20, 2000
Casting agents are reportedly seeking older males with bushy beards for filming at the Edoras set.
Beren, webmaster of Company of the Ring: Tol Galen, reports that the Lord of the Rings production team is casting older males with bushy beards for filming at the Edoras set:
I was at the gym tonight talking to one of the guys there who's a fellow Tolkien fan and he was telling me that his father got a letter or a call form the casting people, on Friday I think it was. They have been casting older males with bushy beards for filming at the Edoras set. This guy said his father had a months work | {
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The human face of decentralisation and integration of health services: experience from South Africa.
This paper explores the processes of policy-making, budgeting and service implementation in three provinces of South Africa, drawing on interviews with health managers at different levels of government. It illustrates how the process of decentralisation creates disjunctures between the policy-making authority of higher levels of government and the implementation capacity of service provision levels. It also explores the complex dynamics between those responsible for specific policies, such as reproductive health policies, and those responsible for managing the integrated delivery of all policies, with their resultant contestations over authority and resources. The pace of change in South Africa and the enormous capacity it requires, both in relation to financial management and the technical skills needed forfirst novel, the enjoyment success membership, a countrywide bestseller, Tan now tells the tale of Winnie Louie, an getting older chinese language girl unfolding a life's worthy of secrets and techniques to her suspicious, Americanized daughter.
Melanie has survived abuse, homelessness, and prostitution to create a existence she loves however the time has come for her to maneuver on. Leaving expensive neighbors in the back of, she units out on a trip. at the river in her loved kayak, she paddles via a panorama made of thoughts, love, and laughter, absorbing nature and knowledge alongside the way in which.
Together with the tale "Horse," as heard in this American existence. For fanatics of George Saunders and Karen Russell, an "amazing, wildly inventive"* number of tales that straddles the road among | {
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"PubMed Abstracts",
} | 50,055,561 |
DVDs from TCM Shop
Brief Synopsis
A retired entertainer helps a runaway elude drug dealers.
Bill is an ex-vaudevillian who finds fourteen-year-old Kate hiding in the trunk of his car. When he finds out that she is a runaway who is being chased by the police and the drug dealer who she cheated out of $20,000, he tries to help her.Sal
He was the same every day. He stood at the crosswalk wearing his bright orange vest and holding up a stop sign. He always a kind word for everyone. Never did he become angry with a driver or a pedestrian. That was Sal. He encouraged all of us.
I walked past him daily, walking my daughter to her kindergarten class. The following year, I pushed her brother in a buggy past Sal twice a day. Some mornings, I was frazzled, chasing after my busy toddler who would wiggle out of his snowsuit faster than I could put it on. Sal could give an encouraging word to all the parents that walked past him daily. He laughed and joked with the children. It was evident that he loved the children | {
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Pomona police on Thursday arrested a Minnesota man who is accused of wheeling his 90-year-old dying mother into a bank to withdraw money and then fleeing the state hours after her lifeless body was found among deplorable conditions inside their home.
David John Vanzo, 57, was taken into custody after the Plymouth Police Department in Minnesota notified Pomona police that he was possibly living in the Southern California city, Pomona Police Lt. Christian Hsu said.
Vanzo was wanted in connection with a warrant related to the abuse and neglect of his mother. He is being held on $500,000 bail and arrangements were underway to extradite him to Minnesota, the lieutenant said.
He has been charged with financial exploitation, neglect and theft by swindle.
According to a warrant filed in Hennepin County DistrictBengals had faith in Jones, Newman when few teams did
5:42 PM,
Oct. 12, 2013
Defensive backs who've had trouble with other teams, like Adam Jones, are a key to the Bengals' defensive succes.
Written by
Joe Reedy
We spend a lot of our time in the week leading up to games discussing schemes, strategies and matchups. In most instances, though, football comes down to one simple premise - not letting down the people who took a chance on you.
Such is the case with Terence Newman and Adam "Pacman" Jones. With the secondary going through a run of injuries for the second straight year, Newman and Jones have been the unsung heroes on the defense so far.
Before coming to the Bengals, Jones and Newman played together for one season in Dallas in 2008, but | {
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The Federal Structure of Iraq
More Power to the Powers That Be
The Iraqi jurist Naseef Naeem has completed a study which closely examines the emergence, framing, and consolidation of the new Iraqi constitution. The main flaw of this constitution, says Naeem, is that it grants the central government too little power. Sebastian Sons presents the study
"We are the people of the land between two rivers": The 25-member Iraqi Governing Council take turns in finally signing the historic new Iraqi interim constitution, 8 March 2004
Naseef Naeem's arguments are clear, refreshingly non-polemic, and even understandable to the legal layman. In particular, his description of the legal lines of conflict during the drafting of the Iraqi constitution provides a many-sided glimpse into Iraqi society during a time of terror, civil war, alegal vacuum, and partial lawlessness.
The Iraqi academic traces the development of the drafting of the constitution after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003 until 2007 and he explains the tendency of most Arab states to prefer centralistic state structures. He also provides a thorough analysis of the only federalist exception in the Arab region – the United Arab Emirates.
In light of the current confusion in today's Iraq, the analysis introduces the positions of various social groups into the debate on the new constitution, thereby offering one of the most interesting and elucidating parts of the study.
Iraq as an artificial construct
Naeem supplies a constitutional comparison between Iraq and other federally structured states, such as Germany and Spain. He is not only content to provide readers with a legal | {
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There is indeed the desire among the various Iraqi players for independence and autonomy. Yet, at the same time, the reluctance to compromise has resulted in paralysis in making decisions on constitutional principles that would have fundamental significance for the future character of the country.
Separate federal states "un-Arabic"
This is particularly the case with respect to the creation of a federal system that would structure the country along separate federal states, which the author views as "un-Arabic." This is because "a federal structure (...) has many centers of power (...), which could endanger state unity." This explains the tendency towards centralism. The Iraqi constitution thereby contains federalist principles and in Article 1 characterizes the country as a "federal state."
While the Kurds and Shiites vehemently support this constitutional position, theArab Sunnis refuse to comply and criticize the federalist principle as a means of American oppression.
Naeem concludes that this is more than just a superficial dispute about federal structures for Iraq and instead concerns the common historical and traditional struggle for power, influence, and strength.
The opportunity for a more stable future
According to Naeem, the debate on federalism really has to do with separatism, the weakening of the nation, and the risk of civil war. Despite this, the author sees the opportunity for a more stable future in Iraq – especially due to the formulation of the federalist principle. Without the approval of Article 1 of the constitution, the danger of division between north and south would be even more evident and Iraq as a state would face imminent | {
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as an embryonic federation"
The greatest goal is then to see "the conviction take hold among the Kurdish and Shiite majority that a federal Iraq can only succeed when strong powers (...) are also conceded to the federal government." Simultaneously, the Sunnis have to accept the principle of federalism stipulated in the constitution.
Only in this way can the "embryonic federation" of Iraq come into being as a state in which an Iraqi identity can develop. No longer would it be a country where people see themselves primarily as Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds, but rather as Iraqis.
The realization of this goal appears unrealistic, at least from today's perspective. This is not only due to the current instability, but also due to the conflicting, conflict-filled history of Iraq, where the peoplehave never really viewed themselves as Iraqis.
Naeem impressively succeeds in presenting the debate on the constitution and Iraq's federal structures in a societal context. The points of contention on paragraphs and articles, on jurisdictional authority, and decentralization measures clearly reflect the present status of Iraqi society – torn, distraught, and disunified.
At the same time, the young academic sees good chances for a better future in Iraq if the federalist constitutional elements are properly implemented, as this would improve the domestic unity of the "Iraqi population" – or perhaps even create it anew.
The Iraqi ConstitutionDespite Approval Major Issues Remain Unresolved
Iraqis have passed their country's new constitution, according to official results from a referendum. In theory the constitution is a step forward, but core questions of power distribution have yet | {
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of a proper land registry.
High-end estate agents are already being sounded out to sell the 10,000 square foot consular residence in London's upscale Holland Park - which is currently being renovated.
Property experts say homes similar to the 115-year-old stucco-fronted townhouse fetch rents of around £25,000 a week and could sell for as much as £12m. Richard Branson, a neighbour, put his own home on the market for £17m last year.
Since the outbreak of Greece's great economic crisis in late 2009, the country's diplomatic presence abroad, like so much else, has been dramatically scaled back as governments have sought to rake in expenditure. The consulate in London, home to a thriving Greek community, was one such victim.
In what will be surely be sad news for another UK resident, Constantine,the former king of Greece, officials have also let slip that the Tatoi palace, the royal family's historic estate at the foot of Mount Parnitha, will be sold off too.
The property, acquired by the family in 1871, was originally set in gardens laid out to "provide the typical charms of both the Greek and English countryside" and, as such, comes with some 40 outbuildings, stables, a swimming pool and several royal graves. Shortly after it was built outside Athens, Prince Christopher wrote that it was the only place where "we could forget that we were not supposed to be ordinary human beings." An array of old Rolls-Royces, and other paraphernalia that once belonged to Constantine before he was forced to flee into exile, can still be glimpsed on | {
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it had also pinpointed at least 40 uninhabited islands which it planned to lease out for the development of "tourism ventures".
Officials are not hiding that the drive has been spurred to great degree by the desire to placate the international lenders that are keeping the country afloat.
Since filing for its first €110bn bailout in May 2010, Greece has made almost no progress with its promise to press on with reforms. On the privatisation front, officials have invariably encountered the resistance of unions and political parties not only opposed to the arduous terms of the loan agreements but the sale of prized possessions regarded as "the family silver".
For many Greeks, the new drive is the most humiliating development yet in a process of brutal fiscal realignment that has seenof the government's economic policy, the newly installed privatisation chief this week called on investors to take up the rich pickings. Greece, he said, was set to become an El Dorado for those who did so.
Europe's family silver
The eurozone's weakest members have been selling off the family silver since the crisis began.
Portugal Raised nearly €3bn (£2.4bn) selling part of a power company to China's Three Gorges Corporation. A Chinese-Oman partnership snapped up a stake in Portugal's power and gas grid operator. Its national airline, TAP, and the post office are now up for grabs.
Ireland Hopes to raise €3bn selling off assets. Bidding for the right to run a new national lottery starts next month, and a stake in Aer Lingus is also up for grabs. It is also | {
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offering to sell parts of the country's Electricity Supply Board, and some of its forests.
Spain Hoped to raise €7bn selling a stake in the lottery, El Gordo - "the fat one", but no big bids were forthcoming. Madrid is now hoping to find buyers for various tourism sites and transport operators - and has put 100 office buildings on the block.
Italy In June, Italy agreed to sell €10bn of undefined assets, but progress is slow.Creator Backlash: A very mild form, but this interview with Rodney Greenblat, (PaRappa The Rapper's character designer) does state that he's not exactly thrilled with PaRappa's first appearance in over ten years being in a fighting game where he can potentially use rocket launchers and guns, but he's still glad the guy got a chance to come back.
Which is somewhat ironic, considering this is the first game in which we could actually see PaRappa use the kung fu he learned in the first level of his own game.
Doing It for the Art: Superbot was handpicked and created specifically for developing this game. The team purportedly has several fighting game enthusiasts working on it as well (the lead combat designer has written several fighting game guides for Brady games). | {
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The development team team has even gone so far as to include fighting game veterans like Maj, note runs the combo-video site Sonic Hurricane Ed Ma note EVO 2007's 7th place in Street Fighter III Third Strike and 3rd in the Street Fighter IV tournament of EVO 2009 as senior combat designer and Daniel "Clockw0rk" Maniago note 5th place in 2002's Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age Of Heroes tournament and 3rd in the 2010 tournament; he later co-authored the Brady guide for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 as community manager. Superbot very much wants PSASBR to be successful.
This goes further than just fighting mechanics: apparently Ken Levine himself was tasked with writing the story-line for the Big Daddy’s arcade play-through. SuperBot also had Namco write Heihachi’s scriptto keep his dialogue intact. Supposedly SuperBot will be working closely with several of the cast's original developers to maintain series flavor.
SuperBot has placed particular attention into maintaining the cast's iconic voices (Terrence C.Carson, Tara Strong, Nolan North, Sean Pertwee, J. S. Gilbert), going so far as to bring Dred Foxx out of retirement to reprise PaRappa. In fact, it'd be easier to note that the only playable character who is not voiced by one of their original actors in this game is Nariko!
There is also the matter of Seth Killian, known for his time from Capcom. You know, the one they named a boss after?
In Parappa's story mode, instead of putting him and his friends in the flat 3D style during the intro and ending, he's drawn | {
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a lot of effort to get as many of the original voice actors back and it shows.
In addition to Dred Foxx reprising Parappa, most of the cast from the series (except Katy Kat) returned as well, namely Armstead Christian as PJ, Ryu Watabe as Chop Chop Master Onion, and noticeably Kenya Hathaway as Sunny Funny, who hadn't voiced the character since Um Jammer Lammy.
Internet Counterattack: The Release Dart movement, which came about after concept art for Dart announcing him as a cancelled DLC character was leaked online. When Release Dart failed, the fandom regrouped with a new motto, Keep All Stars Alive, which was more successful.
Name's the Same: For one, there's the matter of the roster having both Jak and Jack (more commonly known as Raiden)
Old Shame: Borderline,post-release. PSASBR was released to lukewarm reviews, reception, and sales. Sony ended up cutting ties with SuperBot Entertainment, and questions about future DLC or a sequel are met with nonanswers.
As of late 2013/2014, this attitude is changing for the better. SSM celebrated the game's first anniversary with a number of competitions and prize giveaways. The promised Keep All Stars Alive patch was released, despite a Schedule Slip due to Sony prioritising the launch of the Playstation 4 prompting fears that it would be quietly shelved. New trailers and tips videos were released to promote the patch, and the game has an increasing presence in fighting game tournaments, with The Runback tournament being officially endorsed by SSM.
The Other Darrin: Sir Dan is voiced by Stephane Cornicard rather then Medievil | {
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designer Jason Wilson. Might be a subversion since some sources state Cornicard as Sir Dan's voice actor in the first game.
Zigzagged with Jak, going from his iconic voicing by Mike Erwin (who reprised the role in Playstation Move Heroes in 2011) back to Lost Frontier voice actor Josh Keaton (a 2009 title).
An interesting case with the Ape Escape characters. Most of them have their voice actors from the UK dubs of the series (making it the first time the voices are used outside of Europe), with the exception being the Professor, with Dan Green reprising his role from Ape Escape 2.
Outside the roster is Hades, now voiced by Matt Prescott Morton instead of Clancy Brown. What's odd about this is Clancy being credited as reprising his role asBaron Praxis for the Black Rock Stadium stage.
Talking to Himself: Playing Big Daddy on the San Francisco stage has Andrew Ryan effectively talking down to everyone involved in the battle, including Dr. Nefarious. Both are voiced by Armin Shimerman.
In the Japanese dub, this occurs when Big Daddy uses Flood against Heihachi; the latter's VA also provides Andrew Ryan's Japanese dub.
Vocal Evolution: Despite PaRappa having the same VA he's always had, he sounds much different than how he did in his games. This is due to the fact that the last PaRappa game came out in 2001 (2002 in America), so his VA obviously got much older during that time.
A stage featured back when the game was still being referred to as Title Fight mashed up the train segment | {
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from Uncharted with Warhawk.
Before SuperBot was formed, Sony originally wanted Naughty Dog or Santa Monica Studios to develop the game, but they were busy with their own projects (The Last of Us, God of War: Ascension). Sony then decided to build SuperBot from the ground up with a focus on team-members with experience in fighting games.
According to Seth Killian, a Katamari representative character was considered, but SuperBot was ultimately unable to decide how such a character would work.
According to Kojima Productions, Raiden was scheduled to have a big reveal at Penny Arcade Expo 2012, but his leak led to a more basic reveal as a preview for PAX.
The game was originally going to be a capture-the-flag game with each character being a archetype. Read here
One of the biggestremovals, were the Game Changers. It took the form of an item from another series like a Buzz controller or a Hot Shots Golf flag. Picking up a game changer would have initiated the mash-up, but was removed for a more natural occurrence.
Possible final bosses could've been from specific games: the entire Helghan army, Dr. Nefarious, but Superbot wanted to find a way for you to fight Playstation itself; thus, Polygon Man was selected.
Abe from Oddworld was a planned DLC character, but then canned during the merge to SSM. (Stewart Gilray later deleted the tweet and claimed he never posted it, but an Oddworld developer also confirmed it.) Who was going to be his rival? Possibly Dart. Months later, artwork by Mike Edwards (the game's character artist) revealed | {
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Dart was also planned but scrapped. Apparently, they would have been accompanied by a new stage based on Gravity Rush and Journey. Despite a fan campaign to get them back in, Sony has remained staunch in their decision to not create any more downloadable content.
Other Trivia
The game's title is somewhat similar to the Japanese title of the original Super Smash Bros., known there as "Nintendō Ōru Sutā! Dairantō Sumasshu Burazāzu," or "Nintendo All-Star! Great Melee Smash Brothers."
Emmett and Sweet Tooth share some lineage: Light Box Interactive who developed Starhawk was formed from old members of the now-defunct Incognito studios, who were responsible for both Warhawk (2007) and all of the Twisted Metal installments between Black and the 2012 reboot (the rest of Incognito including David Jaffe went onto become Eat Sleep Play, who would develop that 2012 reboot). Incognito was itself formed from remnants of SingleTrac Entertainment, responsible for the development of the first two Twisted Metal releases and the original Warhawk released on the PlayStation in 1995.
Including DLC and counting Cole as one character, the game's roster includes, 7 Japanese-created characters, 4 European-created (mostly based in England) and 12 American-created (mostly based in California).
San Francisco and Alden's Tower are the only two stages in which the host environment is invaded by a franchise coming from the same franchise holder (Insomniac Games and Sucker Punch respectively). Incidentally in both cases it's their lighter cartoony game (Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper) invading their grittier franchises (Resistance, Infamous)
The moon that appears in the top-left corner of San | {
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Francisco during the Ratchet & Clank segment of the stage is the same moon used by Insomniac Games for their company logo.
Some notes about the ages of the cast:
Heihachi is by far the oldest character in the game: his first appearance in a video game (the first Tekken game) was in December 1994 while his first appearance on a Playstation console was in March 1995.
Sweet Tooth is the oldest of all the first-party characters (December 1995). Emmett, on the other hand, holds the distinction of being the youngest (August 2012) out of the entire roster...
Unless you count the rebooted Dante as his own character, at which point, he becomes the youngest (January 2013).
TV Tropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scopefrom Ganeveh also fails to hits the base. The third run scores a hit and damages the F-5 fighter in Offensive mode based in Riyadh. It won't be enough.
During the First Reaction Segment, the Saudis tuck in the 4th Mech Infantry Brigade so it will have the advantage of defending in rough terrain instead of desert terrain. The Gulf Council states launch their air against the Iranian supply lines. 0855 and 0955 are interdicted, knocking the 1st Iranian Armored Division and 11th Armored Brigade out of supply.
The end of the turn sees the Iranian 4th Armored Division use its Reserve movement to sweep southwest to link up with an infantry brigade in 0558. The Iranian right flank near Riyadh should now be powerful enough to take on the | {
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Saudi Mechanized Guards Brigade or the Saudi 2nd Armored Brigade in 0659. Despite the Iranian setbacks this turn, the Saudis are in real trouble right now and facing a very dangerous situation.
A look at the situation near Riyadh. Saudi Mech Guards in 0358. Saudi 2nd Mech Brig in 0659 and 4th Mech Brig in 0761. The end of the turn rolls around and the Iranian division and brigade both suffer a hit from being out of supply. The Saudis lose four supply points for their failure to squelch the border violence with Yemen. We now look ahead to turn 6 where the Iranians will have hopefully learned enough lessons to be able to bring its force to bear on the Saudis. Meanwhile, the Americans gear up to intervenea liability, a prime target for the enemy airplanes.Here's a look at the supply situation after moving Iranian ground forces in the First Action Stage. The distance from supply depot to target units is marked. Note how thinly stretched the Iranian units are near the coast. Any more than 20 MP from a supply depot and my units are out of supply. Simply interdicting 0955 and 0855, for example, will take two Iranian combat units (11th Armored Brigade in 1557 and 1st Armored Division in 1755) out of the supply network. Interdicting 0856 on top of this will put the 2nd Iranian Armored Division in 1457 out of supply as well.Since the Gulf Council states have four aircraft on Offensive standby that could launch interdiction missions, this threat | {
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the First Reaction Segment, the Saudis tuck in the 4th Mech Infantry Brigade so it will have the advantage of defending in rough terrain instead of desert terrain. The Gulf Council states launch their air against the Iranian supply lines. 0855 and 0955 are interdicted, knocking the 1st Iranian Armored Division and 11th Armored Brigade out of supply.The end of the turn sees the Iranian 4th Armored Division use its Reserve movement to sweep southwest to link up with an infantry brigade in 0558. The Iranian right flank near Riyadh should now be powerful enough to take on the Saudi Mechanized Guards Brigade or the Saudi 2nd Armored Brigade in 0659. Despite the Iranian setbacks this turn, the Saudis are in real trouble right now and facing aIranian army close enough to within striking distance of Riyadh. Turn 5 would be the time for the Iranian Air Force to serve as a beacon of light - the mighty protector of the army as it trundled down the peninsula fueled by dreams of fanatics. This would be the turn for:At this point, my guys were already looking worn out just from the effort required to travel south in any semblance of organized fashion and within reach of my supply depots. Thankfully, the Gulf Council states were generous enough not to pound the heck out of the Saudi highways with interdiction missions so the supply chain managed to stay intact. On the other hand, the Iranians were unable to pull off any dazzling air victories of note. | {
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Using her first floor speech as a member of Congress to highlight the severe financial pain and insecurity the government shutdown has caused for millions of ordinary Americans, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday castigated President Donald Trump for holding "800,000 workers' paychecks hostage" and argued that the record-long lapse in federal funding is emblematic of a systemic crisis of democracy.
"The truth is, this shutdown is about the erosion of American democracy and the subversion of our most basic governmental norms."
—Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
"It is actually not about a wall, it is not about the border, and it is certainly not about the well-being of everyday Americans," Ocasio-Cortez said of the shutdown, which is now in its fourth week with no end in sight. "The truth is, this shutdowndemocracy and the subversion of our most basic governmental norms." — CSPAN (@cspan) January 17, 2019
To illustrate the shutdown's impact on the daily lives of federal workers, the New York congresswoman told the story of one of her constituents, a Yemeni-American who works as an air traffic controller—a profession that has been deeply harmed by the partial government closure.
"He and air traffic controllers like him across the country missed their first paycheck this past week," Ocasio-Cortez said. "He was telling me about how stressful his job is. Every single day air traffic controllers have thousands of people's lives in their hands. And it is terrifying to think that almost every single air traffic controller in the United States is currently distracted at work because they don't know | {
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when their next paycheck is coming."
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As Common Dreams reported, a representative of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association warned in an interview with CNN on Wednesday that flying is "absolutely" less safe due to the government shutdown, which has forced air traffic controllers to work unpaid and "with bare-bones crews."
"Federal workers' jobs are stressful enough," Ocasio-Cortez said during her floor speech. "The rise in New York City's cost of living is stressful enough. His several-thousand-dollar-a-month Bronx mortgage is stressful enough. The anti-immigrant sentiment of this administration is stressful enough."
The New York congresswoman concluded that Trump and "every member" of Congress has a responsibility to bring the prolonged shutdown to an end and "maintainthe basic functioning of the United States government."
Ocasio-Cortez's first remarks on the House floor came just hours after she and a group of her fellow House Democrats marched to the Senate building to demand that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) hold a vote to reopen the government.
"He seems to be running away from us," Ocasio-Cortez said after looking for and failing to find McConnell in his office or on the Senate floor.
Ultimately, the group of House Democrats left McConnell a letter calling for a vote to "end this manufactured crisis and allow our devoted federal workers to get back to work for the American people." | {
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instance and request, in caring for and nursing deceased from June, 1939, to her death on August 9, 1946, based upon a verified claim for such services presented to the estate. At the opening of the trial, plaintiff stated to the jury that the action was one for services rendered by plaintiff under an agreement with deceased in which plaintiff was to be paid therefor, by a devise of deceased's home. No evidence was introduced to show an express agreement to pay the reasonable value of the services, but the entire trial was had upon the theory of an oral agreement by deceased to leave plaintiff the home, in consideration of plaintiff remaining with and caring for deceased as long as she might live; and that deceased havingoff duty. If she worked that time herself she was to receive the relief pay as overtime. It also set forth the rental arrangement of the cottage. A month and a half later the salary was increased to $140 per month. Although Hill was constantly in contact with plaintiff from 1941 on, plaintiff at no time told him of deceased's agreement, not even during the negotiations for increases in salary. In May or June, 1945, plaintiff stated to Hill that deceased had told plaintiff she was going to leave her the house and wanted to know what was in deceased's will.
While these and other circumstances stressed by defendant are susceptible to the inference that they are inconsistent with the fact of an agreement to devise, they are | {
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against the estate of a deceased person, as to any matter or fact occurring before the death of such deceased person." Counsel for plaintiff then stated: "In other words, Mr. Rankin, for the purpose of the record, you will not waive the inhibition of Section 1880 of the Code of Civil Procedure on behalf of Sue Hickman, the executrix of The Last Will and Testament of the Estate of Jessie Williamson, Deceased?" No further attempt was made to interrogate plaintiff.
In argument plaintiff's counsel stated: "On several occasions he told you that not one time when Miss Thompson asked for more money was it denied her. I say to you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, she couldn't take the stand and deny it. Mr. Rankin wouldn't putbe claimed. At argument, among other matters concerning the failure of the defendant to permit the wife to testify, he stated, in effect, that the jury was entitled to know why she did not testify. The defendant assigned the statement as misconduct. The court admonished the jury that this statement was merely counsel's own viewpoint, and then told both sides to "stay to the record." The prosecuting attorney again commented on the wife's failure to testify. Defendant again assigned the statement as improper. The court merely stated that it had *368 already instructed the jury that it wanted both sides to confine themselves to the record and wanted no further comment on that matter. On appeal, it was held that the conduct of the prosecuting attorney was "improper | {
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UNSUCCESSFUL Liberal candidate Andrew Nguyen has blamed his brutal election defeat in the seat of Fowler on his party's lack of "ethnic brain".
In a state that showed a swing of 3 per cent away from the ALP, the seat of Fowler saw a record 9.5 per cent swing toward incumbent Labor MP Chris Hayes, giving him an impressive 18.3 per cent margin.
Speaking to the Liverpool Leader for the first time in more than a month, Mr Nguyen did not make any attempt to hide his anger.
"I am angry, so angry," the 74-year-old said.
"It is a disaster for the Liberals in the western Sydney area."
Mr Nguyen, a Vietnamese refugee and local powerbroker, said the Liberal Party will never hold seats in western Sydney because they underestimate ethnic people insteadthe comet was seen in England and considered an omen: later that yr Harold II of England died on the Battle of Hastings; it was a foul omen for Harold, however a very good omen for the person who defeated him, William the Conqueror.
In 1301 Halley could have been seen by the artist Giotto di Bondone, who represented the Star of Bethlehem as a hearth-coloured comet within the Nativity part of his Arena Chapel cycle, accomplished in 1305.
1301 picture of artist Giotto di Bondone.
In 1456, the yr of Halley’s subsequent apparition, the Ottoman Empire invaded the Kingdom of Hungary and in 1910 the comet added to the unrest in China on the eve of Xinhai Revolution that may finish the final dynasty in 1911.
Halley’s 1986 apparition was the | {
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least favorable on report, the yr of the Chernobyl catastrophe and the San Salvador earthquake which triggered between 1,000 and 1,500 deaths and 10,000 accidents.
According to astronomers Halley has in all probability been in its present orbit for 16,000–200,000 years and its lifetime could possibly be so long as 10 million years.
The subsequent predicted perihelion of Halley’s Comet is 28 July 2061 and in 2134, Halley is anticipated to move inside zero.09 AU (13,000,000 km) of Earth.The run, which came in the third quarter against the Cincinnati Bengals, covered 17 yards. Joe Mixon carried it 18 times for 96 yards rushing in the win.
Flacco struggled to connect with receiver Mike Wallace early on.
Flacco started 3/13 with 17 yards in Baltimore's first 20 plays. Baltimore finished the half with 61 total yards and two first downs.
- Cincinnati's Tyler Kroft scores another touchdown, 14-3 CIN with 4:14 left in the half. Flacco threw a 6-yard touchdown pass to Moore on the next play and the Ravens had life, trailing just 17-10 at the break. He had an incentive in his contract for making the Pro Bowl and reaching the playoffs in the same season.
Left tackle Cedric Ogbuehi, who Suggs beat for two sacks in Week 1, | {
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The beautiful game is growing in the subcontinent, as the Indian national football team climbs the steps of the FIFA World Rankings ladder. One of the big advantages of the growing popularity is that the national team now has its own dedicated fan club – the Blue Pilgrims.
The Blue Pilgrims came into prominence during the FIFA U-17 World Cup last year, when over 850 fans travelled to New Delhi to watch India’s group stage matches.
Now, the India faithful, who had unfurled a giant ‘blue tiger’ tifo at the Andheri Sports Complex in Mumbai during the Intercontinental Cup, are all set to unite the fans of different clubs across the land, to support the national team.
“Sunil Chhetri’s message during the Intercontinental Cup certainly helped bring a lot of fansthe tournament in January 2019 in the United Arab Emirates.
The Indian team has been drawn against UAE, Thailand and Bahrain, in a group that does not look too out of the reach for coach Stephen Constantine and his men.
The Blue Pilgrims plan to take a sizeable contingent to the Middle-Eastern country in January to give that bit of extra support to the team.
“We are planning on sending our fans to UAE for the AFC Asian Cup next year,” said one of the members. “As of now, around a 100 people have signed up for that, but we want to get as many fans on-board that flight, as possible. So these screenings are a good way of spreading awareness.”
The effort of the Blue Pilgrims have certainly been a huge | {
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They came, they saw, they built
A large crowd turned out for the dedication of the first St. Joseph School in Alice built by the Dominicans in the 1930s. The Dominicans were still in charge of the parish when the new school was built years later.
Archived Photo
In April 1931, the Claretian Provincial Secretary in Mexico City informed Corpus Christi Bishop Emmanuel Ledvina that they could no longer serve the parish in San Diego. He informed the bishop that the order simply did not have enough priests who could “speak and preach in correct English.”
Bishop Ledvina was taken by surprise with the move since he had only three years earlier assigned the parish to the Claretians on a “permanent” basis. They had, moreover, done very good work at San Diego.Still, it was at the height of the Cristero War in their native Mexico, making things very uncertain.
By July, the Claretians were gone and the bishop moved Father José Muras from St. James the Apostle in Refugio to temporarily take over at San Diego and its 13 missions. The transfer was finalized in July.
This was only a temporary fix, and Bishop Ledvina still faced the task of finding permanent caretakers for St. Francis de Paula in San Diego and its missions strung out throughout the brush country. His prayers were soon answered.
Quite unexpectedly, Bishop Ledvina received a letter on Aug. 12, 1931 from Father Juan Blázquez, O.P. with the Order of Preachers in San Antonio advising him that they were expecting new arrivals from Spain ready to do | {
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to total surrender of all jurisdiction outside of the canonical rights and privileges of the bishop, and keep the ownership, title, legally in the name of the diocese,” Bishop Ledvina wrote to Father Blázquez.
Three days later, the Chancellor transferred titles to chapels of St. Francis de Paula in San Diego; St. Patrick at Mendieta; St. John at Rosita; St. Paul the Apostle at Benavides; St. Catherine at Los Reyes; St. Clement at Guajillo; and St. Joseph at Eva to the Dominicans. The bishop also ordered a piano to be shipped to San Diego for the Dominicans.
On Oct. 9, Bishop Ledvina informed Father Muras that the Dominicans would take charge of San Diego and to transfer the parish to Father Juan Zabala. Later in the month, Bishop Ledvina andthe Dominicans agreed that they could also have Sacred Heart church in Alice. The following year, Sacred Heart became San Jose, now known as St. Joseph. In August 1932, an agreement was reached that the Dominicans would take over Sacred Heart in Falfurrias. The Dominicans now had five priests in the area, two each at San Diego and Falfurrias and one in Alice.
In no time, Father Zabala and his associates were off to a fast start building up the parishes under their charge. In February 1934, Bishop Ledvina gave Father Zabala the Stations of the Cross from the Cathedral and suggested that he give the ones in the San Diego church to the new church being built in Benavides, which would be known as Santa Rosa de Lima.
Domincans | {
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built a new mission church in the east side of Ben Bolt in 1936.
Archived photo.
The following year Father Zabala was raising funds in Ben Bolt for a new church, while the Benavides church was under construction. In 1937, Father Zabala had added a new parochial school in San Diego to his construction portfolio. The bishop was so impressed with the school that he asked Father Zabala for a copy of the plans so that he could build one in Auxiliary Bishop Mariano Garriga’s birthplace of Port Isabel.
Bishop Ledvina had been holding on to a city block in San Diego, donated by Anna Collins, in hopes of building a school and convent but, he wrote to a prospective buyer, “…there is now a pretty school in San Diego throughthe zealous and indefatigable work of the fathers now in charge of San Diego.” He cited the “good work of the Dominican fathers progress for the up building of the parish…”
In addition to new construction in San Diego, Benavides and Ben Bolt, the Dominicans were building a new church for St. Joseph in Alice, a new school in Falfurrias and a new sanctuary in Freer. In addition, they were active in the Fiestas Patrias in San Diego and Father Zabala was organizing a Sociedad Católica Mutualistas, or mutual aid society.
The first mission church in Freer was dedicated May 22, 1938. Dominicans were also responsible for the current St. Mary’s sanctuary built in 1991 under Father Luis Fernando Iglesias, O.P.
Archived photo.
While things were going well in the Diocese of | {
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Corpus Christi, they were not going well at all for the Dominicans in their native Spain, as the Spanish Civil War had claimed the lives of many priests and seminarians. They asked Bishop Ledvina to relieve them of Sacred Heart in Falfurrias but the bishop was concerned that their leaving would cause harm to the new school. The bishop offered that they could give up Benavides and Freer instead, but the Dominicans opted to leave things as they were.
In 1940, the Dominicans were near completing a school at St. Joseph as well as a residence for the sisters in Alice. That same year they secured priests for “the American missions.” Father Peter O’Brien and Father Mark O’Dowd, however, only stayed a short time.
In December of that year, thechurch in Benavides was complete and both Bishop Ledvina and Auxiliary Bishop Garriga wanted to participate in the blessing scheduled for Dec. 22, 1940.
By 1941, the Dominicans did in fact transfer Sacred Heart in Falfurrias to the Oblates. Father Zabala moved from San Diego to Alice in 1946 and left the area in 1950, only to return to San Diego for a short time from 1957 to 1960. The growth of the Church in Alice and Duval County, however, continued at a steady clip.
The new Santa Rosa de Lima church was dedicated in December 1940 after Dominicans took several years to raise the needed funds to build it.
Archived photo.
In 1948, Santa Rosa de Lima became a parish. In 1950, the Dominicans had charge of Our Lady of Guadalupe | {
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in Alice. Five years later, old Sacred Heart in Alice was reopened as a mission of St. Joseph. That same year, 1955, a mission was established in San Jose in Duval County. In 1960, there were nine Dominicans serving the area.
As the years rolled by, however, the well of priests and women religious began to dry up. The school in San Diego closed in 1962. In 1970, Our Lady of Guadalupe was given to diocesan priest. By 1986, the Dominicans left St. Joseph in Alice and were down to three priests, one each in Freer, Benavides and San Diego. Today, only two Dominicans remain in San Diego and they have been called home.
For 82 years the Order of Preachers served the Diocese of Corpus Christi in exemplary fashion.Hilton Garden Inn Event Hotel For Midwest Truckin Nationals
01 May 2014 St. Louis, MO - The National Hot Rod Diesel Association has selected The Hilton Garden Inn in nearby O'Fallon Illinois as the official event hotel for the NHRDA Midwest Truckin Nationals. The event will be held at the legendary Gateway Motorsports park on May 17th, 2014, and will feature Drag Racing, Truck and Tractor Pulls, A Show N Shine and Dyno Competition. | {
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Squarefoot Serviced apartments advices
Advice on renting a serviced apartment
It’s hard not to notice that the serviced living trend is on the upswing here in this buzzing city. In the past few years, serviced apartments have popped up around town, from newly hip in the west-end of Hong Kong Island, to the resort-like communities in New Territories or tourist favorite shopping areas at Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay.
Hong Kong’s serviced living comes in all shapes and sizes, themes and styles, for short to long-term residents. Whether for business or leisure, people opt for serviced apartments for the well-rounded services that create the sense of home away from home.
Locating the Home-away-from-Home
Everyone has a different concept for just what that home entails and so there is a serviced living spaceThe Beijing area’s first major foreign theme park begins construction, with a view to a 2020 opening.
First announced in 2014 and with plans for Steven Spielberg to play a role in its design, Universal Studios broke ground Monday on its multi-billion dollar amusement park in eastern Beijing Monday, with a scheduled opening date in 2020.
The park, the first major theme park built by a foreign developer in the Beijing environs, will cover four square kilometers (about 2.5 square miles), and is situated in Tongzhou, an eastern district of Beijing municipality to which much of Beijing’s city government is in the process of moving, to alleviate traffic congestion and pollution in the city center.
Initially announced as a US$3 billion project, RMB 50 billion ($7.4 billion) in investment has now | {
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rent on its headquarters.
Figures released by the Electoral Commission on Thursday showed the party received £3.7m from 220 donors between January and March – half the £7.5m from 230 donors in the final quarter of 2018.
Propping up the party
The situation is so perilous that the party’s own chief executive Sir Mick Davis has been forced to prop up CCHQ from his own pocket, while Tory party chair Brandon Lewis has had to beg his local associations for emergency loans.
Commission figures show Sir Mick has now become the party’s biggest donor, forking out from his own wallet to the tune of £315,980. The tycoon was forced to bankroll the Tories’ European election campaign on his own due to the lack of willing donors.
Nigel Evans, an executive member of theAfrican, Indian and coloured people as well as women, the youth and persons with disabilities as we reverse the apartheid legacy,” said Zuma.
Zuma said that since 2009, his administration had created 3.9-million work opportunities through the Public Works Programme.
“Our target had been four-million. We will work with various communities to ensure the achievement of this goal”.
Vulnerable workersIn an attempt to appease the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), Zuma said government was investigating the possibility of introducing a national minimum wage.
He also boasted that the ANC government had introduced labour-friendly laws over the past five years to protect the rights of workers such as the Labour Relations Act and the Basic Condition of Employment Act.
“These changes to our labour regime have taken many vulnerable workers out of | {
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REVIEW: Midnight Reckoning by Kendra Leigh Castle
My Review
Jaden has been in hiding every since leaving the Ptolemy but now he belongs with the other Cait Sith under the protection of the newly risen Lilim. When he comes across a werewolf being attacked by her own he’s immediately intrigued by her. When she loses her necklace in the fight, Jaden uses it as the opportunity to track Lyra down and see her again. Lyra is the Alpha’s daughter and all she wants is to bring her pack into this century, starting by treating females as more than just mates. She intends to compete in the Proving for the next Alpha no matter how much her father wants her to back out. When Jaden shows up and demonstrates his fightingDr John Dickinson (1832-1863): The man behind the bird.
The surgeon/naturalists Dr John Kirk, Dr Charles Meller and Dr John Dickinson, associated with the Zambezi Expedition (1857-1864) under the leadership of Dr David Livingstone are, like him, credited with the discovery of new species' of birds. A raptor, Falco dickinsoni, is named after Dr John Dickinson. Dickinson, born in the north east of England, trained in medicine in Newcastle upon Tyne. He volunteered to join the Universities' Mission to Central Africa and arrived as part of a second group to join Bishop Frederick Mackenzie, then attempting to build a Mission in Magomero, on the Shire Mountain Plateau in modern Malawi. Livingstone and Mackenzie had sown the seeds of disaster for the first UMCA venture while Dickinson was on his | {
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"PubMed Abstracts"
} | 50,056,089 |
way to Central Africa, and his one meeting with Livingstone was trigger to a chain of events that threatened the whole expedition. Shortly after Dickinson's arrival in Magomero, Bishop Mackenzie and a fellow traveller, Reverend Henry de Wint Burrup, died. Magomero was abandoned and the remaining missionaries retrenched in Chibisa's Village on the River Shire. There, where Dickinson did most of his bird collecting, on 17 March 1863, he died of blackwater fever. Livingstone and Kirk were present at the burial. A marble cross at Chikwawa in Malawi is marker to the event that occurred on the day of Dr John Dickinson's 32nd birthday.
555 So.2d 1288 (1990)
STATE of Florida, Appellant,
Michael L. HERRIN, Appellee.
No. 89-01389.
District Court of Appeal of Florida, Second District.
January 19, 1990.
Robert A. Butterworth, Atty. Gen., Tallahassee, and William I. Munsey, Asst. Atty. Gen., Tampa, for appellant.
James Marion Moorman, Public Defender, and Stephen Krosschell, Asst. Public Defender, Bartow, for appellee.
PARKER, Judge.
The state appeals the trial court's downward departure from the established range under the sentencing guidelines. We reverse.
Herrin pleaded guilty to purchasing cocaine within 1,000 feet of a school in October 1988. Herrin testified that he was addicted to cocaine in 1986 at which time he completed a three-month rehabilitation program. Herrin then testified that at the time he committed the offense, he was having social problems and was depressed. Herrin committed this crime by going to a place where | {
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"PubMed Abstracts",
} | 50,056,102 |
Philip Slater is the author of the bestseller, The Pursuit of Loneliness, and nine other nonfiction books, including Wealth Addiction and A Dream Deferred, as well as a novel, How I Saved the World. He has also written twenty plays, and has taught writing and playwriting at UCSC and in private workshops since 1989. His blogs appear frequently in The Huffington Post.
The Chrysalis
Effect shows that the
chaos and conflict experienced worldwide today are the result of
a global cultural metamorphosis, one which has accelerated
so rapidly
in recent decades as to provoke fierce resistance. Many of the
changes that have taken place in the last fifty years – the feminist
movement, the rapid spread of democracy, the global economy, quantum
physics, minority movements, the peace movement, the sexual
– are part of this cultural transformation. Contraryto accepted
opinion, the conflict it engenders is not a struggle between Left
and Right, or between the West and Islam, but one taking place within
the Left, within the Right, within the West, within
Islam, within everyone and every institution.
the world is in the middle of an adaptive process, moving toward
a cultural ethos more appropriate to a species living in a shrinking
world and in danger of destroying its habitat –a world that
increasingly demands for its survival integrative thinking, unlimited
communication, and global cooperation.
author Philip Slater explains the metamorphosis of global culture
through the analogy of the transition from caterpillar to butterfly
– the Chrysalis Effect – whereby by old cultural assumptions
are challenged and innovations are seen as a social ill, a critical
moral infection, and attacked as such by the upholders of tradition.
And when the | {
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Many Republicans are only luke warm to the idea of a McCain presidency. His speeches are boring and uninspiring. As was described by a TV talking head, they sounded like he was talking to his flight crew. He also needs to get some younger people involved in his campaign. Every time you see him on TV he is surrounded by a people who all have AARP cards in their wallets. IMO, he has absolutely no chance of winning in November unless another 9/11 tragedy hits us between now and then.
Right now I feel that its Obama election to lose. The way he is broadening his appeal and reach with Independents and moderate Republicans he will be very tough to beat from now until November.and the media paedos have yet to be identified but I know a few who top the list.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Laura Silsby was caught illegally taking Haitian children to the Dominican Republic after the Earth Quake. Billions were raised through the Clinton Foundation though only a handful of show homes were ever built. Hillary Clinton took a close interest in her case as documented in the Podesta Wikileaks and when Bill Clinton visited Haiti he secured her release from jail. She changed her name and was given a job at Alertsense (NGO Agency) and has recently removed her profile on Linkedin.
Monday, 13 February 2017
At least the people of Belgium had the decency to come out and protest on the streets in their hundreds of thousands when it became | {
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NBA rumors have been swirling around Brandon Jennings. The Orlando Magic’s season came to early end, and now the team will start focusing on their off season priorities. The Magic will have to decide if they want to resign Jennings this summer. If the team chooses not to bring him back, several teams in the National Basketball Association could be interested in adding him to their roster. According to FanSided, one of the teams that might be looking to sign the 26-year-old point guard is the Brooklyn Nets.
The Milwaukee Bucks selected Brandon Jennings with the tenth pick in the 2009 NBA Draft. He became the first player to skip college and play overseas so that he can be drafted by a National Basketball Association team. The Bucks draftedJennings with the hope that he would be their franchise point guard. He led the Bucks to the NBA Playoffs twice in his four years with the team.
Brandon Knight [Photo by Lachlan Cunningham/Getty Images]
In the summer of 2013, Jennings was signed and traded to the Detroit Pistons for Brandon Knight and Khris Middleton. He spent two and half seasons with the Pistons. During the 2014 NBA season, Jennings suffered a ruptured left Achilles tendon that caused him to miss the rest of the year. Things didn’t look good for him because the Pistons decided to trade for Reggie Jackson of the Oklahoma City Thunder.
As part of his rehabilitation process, Brandon Jennings decided to play with the Detroit Pistons’ D-League affiliation. He played one game for the Grand Rapids | {
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Drive. Jennings was recalled to the Pistons the day after their game. He played 23 games for the Pistons. Jennings and Ersan Ilyasova were traded to the Orlando Magic for Tobias Harris.
Jarrett Jack [Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images]
The Orlando Magic traded for Brandon Jennings because of his offensive skills. The Magic were in need of some offensive help. Not only that, but their backup point guard situation was very weak. The two backups were C.J. Watson and Shabazz Napier. The starting point guard is Elfrid Payton. Payton is a good defensive player, but his offensive skills set was shaky and very inconsistent. The trade for Jennings was supposed to help the Magic’s offense. The injury he suffered the year before was still lingering.
There are several teams in needSuperSonics (this isn’t really up for dispute), and having visited Taiyuan and watched games in their raucous arena, I can’t picture the city without its team. Jon Pastuszek of NiuBBall more or less shares that opinion:
For many fans of the CBA, the sudden absence of a team in Shanxi is a bittersweet development. Known as arguably the loudest and most passionate fans in the league, Brave Dragons home games in Taiyuan have given the team a huge edge in recent years. In a league where most teams still struggle to draw consistently high attendance figures, losing the well-supported Dragons is undoubtedly a loss for the league, the city of Taiyuan and the province. Accordingly, in a last ditch to save the club, fans in Taiyuan have organized a | {
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Subsets and Splits