def consistent_with ( self , state ) : """Indicate that the query should be consistent with one or more mutations . : param state : The state of the mutations it should be consistent with . : type state : : class : ` ~ . couchbase . mutation _ state . MutationState `"""
if self . consistency not in ( UNBOUNDED , NOT_BOUNDED , 'at_plus' ) : raise TypeError ( 'consistent_with not valid with other consistency options' ) if not state : raise TypeError ( 'Passed empty or invalid state' , state ) self . consistency = 'at_plus' self . _body [ 'scan_vectors' ] = state . _sv
def expire ( self , key , timeout ) : """Set a timeout on key . if timeout is float it will be multiplied by 1000 coerced to int and passed to ` pexpire ` method . Otherwise raises TypeError if timeout argument is not int ."""
if isinstance ( timeout , float ) : return self . pexpire ( key , int ( timeout * 1000 ) ) if not isinstance ( timeout , int ) : raise TypeError ( "timeout argument must be int, not {!r}" . format ( timeout ) ) fut = self . execute ( b'EXPIRE' , key , timeout ) return wait_convert ( fut , bool )
def convert_text_to_rouge_format ( text , title = "dummy title" ) : """Convert a text to a format ROUGE understands . The text is assumed to contain one sentence per line . text : The text to convert , containg one sentence per line . title : Optional title for the text . The title will appear in the converted file , but doesn ' t seem to have any other relevance . Returns : The converted text as string ."""
sentences = text . split ( "\n" ) sent_elems = [ "<a name=\"{i}\">[{i}]</a> <a href=\"#{i}\" id={i}>" "{text}</a>" . format ( i = i , text = sent ) for i , sent in enumerate ( sentences , start = 1 ) ] html = """<html> <head> <title>{title}</title> </head> <body bgcolor="white"> {elems} </body> </html>""" . format ( title = title , elems = "\n" . join ( sent_elems ) ) return html
def __validate1 ( property ) : """Exit with error if property is not valid ."""
assert isinstance ( property , Property ) msg = None if not property . feature . free : feature . validate_value_string ( property . feature , property . value )
def main ( ) : """The main entry point of the program"""
# Parse command line arguments argp = _cli_argument_parser ( ) args = argp . parse_args ( ) # setup logging logging . basicConfig ( level = args . loglevel , format = "%(levelname)s %(message)s" ) console . display ( "Collecting documentation from files" ) collector_metrics = metrics . Metrics ( ) docs = collector . parse ( args . path , args . trace_parser , metrics = collector_metrics ) collector_metrics . display ( ) console . display ( "Rendering documentation" ) try : if args . output : template = renderer . template_from_filename ( args . output ) else : template = "json" out = renderer . render ( docs , template ) except ValueError as err : logging . error ( err ) sys . exit ( 1 ) except TemplateNotFound as err : logging . error ( "Template `{}` not found. Available templates are: {}" . format ( err . name , renderer . list_templates ( ) ) ) sys . exit ( 1 ) if not args . output : print ( out ) else : console . display ( "Writing documentation to" , args . output ) with io . open ( args . output , "w" , encoding = "utf-8" ) as fp : fp . write ( out )
def get_scan_results_xml ( self , scan_id , pop_res ) : """Gets scan _ id scan ' s results in XML format . @ return : String of scan results in xml ."""
results = Element ( 'results' ) for result in self . scan_collection . results_iterator ( scan_id , pop_res ) : results . append ( get_result_xml ( result ) ) logger . info ( 'Returning %d results' , len ( results ) ) return results
def format_py3o_val ( value ) : """format a value to fit py3o ' s context * Handle linebreaks"""
value = force_unicode ( value ) value = escape ( value ) value = value . replace ( u'\n' , u'<text:line-break/>' ) return Markup ( value )
def locateChild ( self , context , segments ) : """Delegate dispatch to a sharing resource if the request is for a user subdomain , otherwise fall back to the wrapped resource ' s C { locateChild } implementation ."""
request = IRequest ( context ) hostname = request . getHeader ( 'host' ) info = self . subdomain ( hostname ) if info is not None : username , domain = info index = UserIndexPage ( IRealm ( self . siteStore ) , self . webViewer ) resource = index . locateChild ( None , [ username ] ) [ 0 ] return resource , segments return self . wrapped . locateChild ( context , segments )
def sort_with_heap ( sequence ) : """The function inserts values into a heap structure and successively removes and returns the smallest elements . Example : sort _ with _ heap ( [ 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 0 ] ) Returns : [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9] sort _ with _ heap ( [ 25 , 35 , 22 , 85 , 14 , 65 , 75 , 25 , 58 ] ) Returns : [ 14 , 22 , 25 , 25 , 35 , 58 , 65 , 75 , 85] sort _ with _ heap ( [ 7 , 1 , 9 , 5 ] ) Returns : [ 1 , 5 , 7 , 9]"""
import heapq as hq heap = [ ] for item in sequence : hq . heappush ( heap , item ) return [ hq . heappop ( heap ) for _ in range ( len ( heap ) ) ]
def env_int ( name , required = False , default = empty ) : """Pulls an environment variable out of the environment and casts it to an integer . If the name is not present in the environment and no default is specified then a ` ` ValueError ` ` will be raised . Similarly , if the environment value is not castable to an integer , a ` ` ValueError ` ` will be raised . : param name : The name of the environment variable be pulled : type name : str : param required : Whether the environment variable is required . If ` ` True ` ` and the variable is not present , a ` ` KeyError ` ` is raised . : type required : bool : param default : The value to return if the environment variable is not present . ( Providing a default alongside setting ` ` required = True ` ` will raise a ` ` ValueError ` ` ) : type default : bool"""
value = get_env_value ( name , required = required , default = default ) if value is empty : raise ValueError ( "`env_int` requires either a default value to be specified, or for " "the variable to be present in the environment" ) return int ( value )
def _kernel_shape ( self , input_shape ) : """Helper to calculate the kernel shape ."""
kernel_size_iter = iter ( self . _kernel_size ) return [ self . _filters if c == 'O' else input_shape [ self . _lhs_spec . index ( 'C' ) ] if c == 'I' else next ( kernel_size_iter ) for c in self . _rhs_spec ]
def list_build_records_for_set ( id = None , name = None , page_size = 200 , page_index = 0 , sort = "" , q = "" ) : """List all build records for a BuildConfigurationSet"""
content = list_build_records_for_set_raw ( id , name , page_size , page_index , sort , q ) if content : return utils . format_json_list ( content )
def create_pipeline ( self , onetime = None ) : """Create the spinnaker pipeline ( s ) ."""
utils . banner ( "Creating Pipeline" ) kwargs = { 'app' : self . app , 'trigger_job' : self . trigger_job , 'prop_path' : self . json_path , 'base' : None , 'runway_dir' : self . runway_dir , } pipeline_type = self . configs [ 'pipeline' ] [ 'type' ] if pipeline_type not in consts . ALLOWED_TYPES : raise NotImplementedError ( 'Pipeline type "{0}" not permitted.' . format ( pipeline_type ) ) if not onetime : if pipeline_type == 'lambda' : spinnakerpipeline = pipeline . SpinnakerPipelineLambda ( ** kwargs ) elif pipeline_type == 's3' : spinnakerpipeline = pipeline . SpinnakerPipelineS3 ( ** kwargs ) elif pipeline_type == 'datapipeline' : spinnakerpipeline = pipeline . SpinnakerPipelineDataPipeline ( ** kwargs ) elif pipeline_type == 'manual' : spinnakerpipeline = pipeline . SpinnakerPipelineManual ( ** kwargs ) else : # Handles all other pipelines spinnakerpipeline = pipeline . SpinnakerPipeline ( ** kwargs ) else : spinnakerpipeline = pipeline . SpinnakerPipelineOnetime ( onetime = onetime , ** kwargs ) spinnakerpipeline . create_pipeline ( )
def OnLineWidth ( self , event ) : """Line width choice event handler"""
linewidth_combobox = event . GetEventObject ( ) idx = event . GetInt ( ) width = int ( linewidth_combobox . GetString ( idx ) ) borders = self . bordermap [ self . borderstate ] post_command_event ( self , self . BorderWidthMsg , width = width , borders = borders )
def simple_profile ( self , annual_demand , ** kwargs ) : """Create industrial load profile Parameters annual _ demand : float Total demand . Other Parameters am : datetime . time beginning of workday pm : datetime . time end of workday week : list list of weekdays weekend : list list of weekend days profile _ factors : dictionary dictionary with scaling factors for night and day of weekdays and weekend days"""
# Day ( am to pm ) , night ( pm to am ) , week day ( week ) , # weekend day ( weekend ) am = kwargs . get ( 'am' , settime ( 7 , 00 , 0 ) ) pm = kwargs . get ( 'pm' , settime ( 23 , 30 , 0 ) ) week = kwargs . get ( 'week' , [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] ) weekend = kwargs . get ( 'weekend' , [ 0 , 6 , 7 ] ) default_factors = { 'week' : { 'day' : 0.8 , 'night' : 0.6 } , 'weekend' : { 'day' : 0.9 , 'night' : 0.7 } } profile_factors = kwargs . get ( 'profile_factors' , default_factors ) self . dataframe [ 'ind' ] = 0 self . dataframe [ 'ind' ] . mask ( self . dataframe [ 'weekday' ] . between_time ( am , pm ) . isin ( week ) , profile_factors [ 'week' ] [ 'day' ] , True ) self . dataframe [ 'ind' ] . mask ( self . dataframe [ 'weekday' ] . between_time ( pm , am ) . isin ( week ) , profile_factors [ 'week' ] [ 'night' ] , True ) self . dataframe [ 'ind' ] . mask ( self . dataframe [ 'weekday' ] . between_time ( am , pm ) . isin ( weekend ) , profile_factors [ 'weekend' ] [ 'day' ] , True ) self . dataframe [ 'ind' ] . mask ( self . dataframe [ 'weekday' ] . between_time ( pm , am ) . isin ( weekend ) , profile_factors [ 'weekend' ] [ 'night' ] , True ) if self . dataframe [ 'ind' ] . isnull ( ) . any ( axis = 0 ) : logging . error ( 'NAN value found in industrial load profile' ) time_interval = self . dataframe . index . freq . nanos / 3.6e12 return ( self . dataframe [ 'ind' ] / self . dataframe [ 'ind' ] . sum ( ) * annual_demand / time_interval )
def assert_has_attr ( obj , attribute , msg_fmt = "{msg}" ) : """Fail is an object does not have an attribute . > > > assert _ has _ attr ( [ ] , " index " ) > > > assert _ has _ attr ( [ ] , " i _ do _ not _ have _ this " ) Traceback ( most recent call last ) : AssertionError : [ ] does not have attribute ' i _ do _ not _ have _ this ' The following msg _ fmt arguments are supported : * msg - the default error message * obj - object to test * attribute - name of the attribute to check"""
if not hasattr ( obj , attribute ) : msg = "{!r} does not have attribute '{}'" . format ( obj , attribute ) fail ( msg_fmt . format ( msg = msg , obj = obj , attribute = attribute ) )
def save_configuration_to_hdf5 ( register , configuration_file , name = '' ) : '''Saving configuration to HDF5 file from register object Parameters register : pybar . fei4 . register object configuration _ file : string , file Filename of the HDF5 configuration file or file object . name : string Additional identifier ( subgroup ) . Useful when storing more than one configuration inside a HDF5 file .'''
def save_conf ( ) : logging . info ( "Saving configuration: %s" % h5_file . filename ) register . configuration_file = h5_file . filename try : configuration_group = h5_file . create_group ( h5_file . root , "configuration" ) except tb . NodeError : configuration_group = h5_file . root . configuration if name : try : configuration_group = h5_file . create_group ( configuration_group , name ) except tb . NodeError : configuration_group = h5_file . root . configuration . name # calibration _ parameters try : h5_file . remove_node ( configuration_group , name = 'calibration_parameters' ) except tb . NodeError : pass calibration_data_table = h5_file . create_table ( configuration_group , name = 'calibration_parameters' , description = NameValue , title = 'calibration_parameters' ) calibration_data_row = calibration_data_table . row for key , value in register . calibration_parameters . iteritems ( ) : calibration_data_row [ 'name' ] = key calibration_data_row [ 'value' ] = str ( value ) calibration_data_row . append ( ) calibration_data_table . flush ( ) # miscellaneous try : h5_file . remove_node ( configuration_group , name = 'miscellaneous' ) except tb . NodeError : pass miscellaneous_data_table = h5_file . create_table ( configuration_group , name = 'miscellaneous' , description = NameValue , title = 'miscellaneous' ) miscellaneous_data_row = miscellaneous_data_table . row miscellaneous_data_row [ 'name' ] = 'Flavor' miscellaneous_data_row [ 'value' ] = register . flavor miscellaneous_data_row . append ( ) miscellaneous_data_row [ 'name' ] = 'Chip_ID' miscellaneous_data_row [ 'value' ] = register . chip_id miscellaneous_data_row . append ( ) for key , value in register . miscellaneous . iteritems ( ) : miscellaneous_data_row [ 'name' ] = key miscellaneous_data_row [ 'value' ] = value miscellaneous_data_row . append ( ) miscellaneous_data_table . flush ( ) # global try : h5_file . remove_node ( configuration_group , name = 'global_register' ) except tb . NodeError : pass global_data_table = h5_file . create_table ( configuration_group , name = 'global_register' , description = NameValue , title = 'global_register' ) global_data_table_row = global_data_table . row global_regs = register . get_global_register_objects ( readonly = False ) for global_reg in sorted ( global_regs , key = itemgetter ( 'name' ) ) : global_data_table_row [ 'name' ] = global_reg [ 'name' ] global_data_table_row [ 'value' ] = global_reg [ 'value' ] # TODO : some function that converts to bin , hex global_data_table_row . append ( ) global_data_table . flush ( ) # pixel for pixel_reg in register . pixel_registers . itervalues ( ) : try : h5_file . remove_node ( configuration_group , name = pixel_reg [ 'name' ] ) except tb . NodeError : pass data = pixel_reg [ 'value' ] . T atom = tb . Atom . from_dtype ( data . dtype ) ds = h5_file . create_carray ( configuration_group , name = pixel_reg [ 'name' ] , atom = atom , shape = data . shape , title = pixel_reg [ 'name' ] ) ds [ : ] = data if isinstance ( configuration_file , tb . file . File ) : h5_file = configuration_file save_conf ( ) else : with tb . open_file ( configuration_file , mode = "a" , title = '' ) as h5_file : save_conf ( )
def yesno ( message , default = 'yes' , suffix = ' ' ) : """Prompt user to answer yes or no . Return True if the default is chosen , otherwise False ."""
if default == 'yes' : yesno_prompt = '[Y/n]' elif default == 'no' : yesno_prompt = '[y/N]' else : raise ValueError ( "default must be 'yes' or 'no'." ) if message != '' : prompt_text = "{0} {1}{2}" . format ( message , yesno_prompt , suffix ) else : prompt_text = "{0}{1}" . format ( yesno_prompt , suffix ) while True : response = get_input ( prompt_text ) . strip ( ) if response == '' : return True else : if re . match ( '^(y)(es)?$' , response , re . IGNORECASE ) : if default == 'yes' : return True else : return False elif re . match ( '^(n)(o)?$' , response , re . IGNORECASE ) : if default == 'no' : return True else : return False
def requirements ( self , requires ) : '''Sets the requirements for the package . It will take either a valid path to a requirements file or a list of requirements .'''
if requires : if isinstance ( requires , basestring ) and os . path . isfile ( os . path . abspath ( requires ) ) : self . _requirements_file = os . path . abspath ( requires ) else : if isinstance ( self . _requirements , basestring ) : requires = requires . split ( ) self . _requirements_file = None self . _requirements = requires else : # If the default requirements file is found use that if os . path . isfile ( self . _requirements_file ) : return self . _requirements , self . _requirements_file = None , None
async def send_notification ( self , method , args = ( ) ) : '''Send an RPC notification over the network .'''
message = self . connection . send_notification ( Notification ( method , args ) ) await self . _send_message ( message )
def _create_activity2 ( self , parent , name , activity_type = ActivityType . TASK ) : """Create a new activity . . . important : : This function creates activities for KE - chain versions later than 2.9.0-135 In effect where the module ' wim ' has version ' > = 2.0.0 ' . The version of ' wim ' in KE - chain can be found in the property : attr : ` Client . app _ versions ` In WIM2 the type of the activity is called activity _ type : param parent : parent under which to create the activity : type parent : basestring or : class : ` models . Activity2 ` : param name : new activity name : type name : basestring : param activity _ type : type of activity : TASK ( default ) or PROCESS : type activity _ type : basestring : return : the created : class : ` models . Activity2 ` : raises APIError : When the object could not be created : raises IllegalArgumentError : When an incorrect activitytype or parent is provided"""
# WIM1 : activity _ class , WIM2 : activity _ type if self . match_app_version ( label = 'wim' , version = '<2.0.0' , default = True ) : raise APIError ( 'This method is only compatible with versions of KE-chain where the internal `wim` module ' 'has a version >=2.0.0. Use the `Client.create_activity()` method.' ) if activity_type and activity_type not in ActivityType . values ( ) : raise IllegalArgumentError ( "Please provide accepted activity_type (provided:{} accepted:{})" . format ( activity_type , ActivityType . values ( ) ) ) if isinstance ( parent , ( Activity , Activity2 ) ) : parent = parent . id elif is_uuid ( parent ) : parent = parent else : raise IllegalArgumentError ( "Please provide either an activity object or a UUID" ) data = { "name" : name , "parent_id" : parent , "activity_type" : activity_type } response = self . _request ( 'POST' , self . _build_url ( 'activities' ) , data = data , params = API_EXTRA_PARAMS [ 'activities' ] ) if response . status_code != requests . codes . created : # pragma : no cover raise APIError ( "Could not create activity" ) data = response . json ( ) return Activity2 ( data [ 'results' ] [ 0 ] , client = self )
def post ( self , request , bot_id , format = None ) : """Add a new hook serializer : HookSerializer responseMessages : - code : 401 message : Not authenticated - code : 400 message : Not valid request"""
return super ( HookList , self ) . post ( request , bot_id , format )
async def wait_tasks ( tasks , flatten = True ) : '''Gather a list of asynchronous tasks and wait their completion . : param list tasks : A list of * asyncio * tasks wrapped in : func : ` asyncio . ensure _ future ` . : param bool flatten : If ` ` True ` ` the returned results are flattened into one list if the tasks return iterable objects . The parameter does nothing if all the results are not iterable . : returns : The results of tasks as a list or as a flattened list'''
rets = await asyncio . gather ( * tasks ) if flatten and all ( map ( lambda x : hasattr ( x , '__iter__' ) , rets ) ) : rets = list ( itertools . chain ( * rets ) ) return rets
def get ( self , model_class , strict = True , returnDict = False , fetchOne = False , ** where ) : '''params : model _ class : The queried model class strict : bool - > If True , queries are run with EQUAL ( = ) operator . If False : Queries are run with RLIKE keyword returnDict : bool - > Return a list if dictionaries ( field _ names : values ) fetchOne : bool - > cursor . fetchone ( ) else : cursor . fetchall ( ) where : * * kwargs for quere WHERE condition . if where in { } : Returns all results in the table Usage : print ( Session ( ) . get ( Employee , id = 1 , returnDict = True ) )'''
self . typeassert ( model_class , strict , returnDict , where ) table = model_class . __name__ . lower ( ) with Session ( self . settings ) as conn : if not where : query = f'SELECT * FROM {table}' else : query = f'SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE' index = 1 operator = '=' if strict else 'RLIKE' for key , value in where . items ( ) : if index == 1 : query += " %s %s '%s' " % ( key , operator , value ) else : query += " AND %s %s '%s' " % ( key , operator , value ) index += 1 try : cursor = conn . cursor ( ) cursor . execute ( query ) except mysql . Error as e : if e . errno == 1146 : print ( f"The table {table} does not exist" ) return [ ] else : raise e else : if fetchOne : colnames = [ d [ 0 ] for d in cursor . description ] results = cursor . fetchone ( ) if returnDict : return { col : val for col , val in zip ( colnames , results ) } if results else { } return results return self . handleResult ( cursor , returnDict )
def key_binding ( self , keydef , mode = 'force' ) : """Function decorator to register a low - level key binding . The callback function signature is ` ` fun ( key _ state , key _ name ) ` ` where ` ` key _ state ` ` is either ` ` ' U ' ` ` for " key up " or ` ` ' D ' ` ` for " key down " . The keydef format is : ` ` [ Shift + ] [ Ctrl + ] [ Alt + ] [ Meta + ] < key > ` ` where ` ` < key > ` ` is either the literal character the key produces ( ASCII or Unicode character ) , or a symbolic name ( as printed by ` ` mpv - - input - keylist ` ` ) . To unregister the callback function , you can call its ` ` unregister _ mpv _ key _ bindings ` ` attribute : : player = mpv . MPV ( ) @ player . key _ binding ( ' Q ' ) def binding ( state , name ) : print ( ' blep ' ) binding . unregister _ mpv _ key _ bindings ( ) WARNING : For a single keydef only a single callback / command can be registered at the same time . If you register a binding multiple times older bindings will be overwritten and there is a possibility of references leaking . So don ' t do that . BIG FAT WARNING : mpv ' s key binding mechanism is pretty powerful . This means , you essentially get arbitrary code exectution through key bindings . This interface makes some limited effort to sanitize the keydef given in the first parameter , but YOU SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS IN FOR SECURITY . If your input comes from config files , this is completely fine - - but , if you are about to pass untrusted input into this parameter , better double - check whether this is secure in your case ."""
def register ( fun ) : fun . mpv_key_bindings = getattr ( fun , 'mpv_key_bindings' , [ ] ) + [ keydef ] def unregister_all ( ) : for keydef in fun . mpv_key_bindings : self . unregister_key_binding ( keydef ) fun . unregister_mpv_key_bindings = unregister_all self . register_key_binding ( keydef , fun , mode ) return fun return register
def FileEntryExistsByPathSpec ( self , path_spec ) : """Determines if a file entry for a path specification exists . Args : path _ spec ( PathSpec ) : a path specification . Returns : bool : True if the file entry exists ."""
location = getattr ( path_spec , 'location' , None ) if location is None or not location . startswith ( self . LOCATION_ROOT ) : return False if len ( location ) == 1 : return True return self . _cpio_archive_file . FileEntryExistsByPath ( location [ 1 : ] )
def index ( args ) : """% prog index database . fasta Wrapper for ` bwa index ` . Same interface ."""
p = OptionParser ( index . __doc__ ) opts , args = p . parse_args ( args ) if len ( args ) != 1 : sys . exit ( not p . print_help ( ) ) dbfile , = args check_index ( dbfile )
def _tot_unhandled_services_by_state ( self , state ) : """Generic function to get the number of unhandled problem services in the specified state : param state : state to filter on : type state : : return : number of service in state * state * and which are not acknowledged problems : rtype : int"""
return sum ( 1 for s in self . services if s . state == state and s . is_problem and not s . problem_has_been_acknowledged )
def _add_to_download_queue ( self , lpath , rfile ) : # type : ( Downloader , pathlib . Path , # blobxfer . models . azure . StorageEntity ) - > None """Add remote file to download queue : param Downloader self : this : param pathlib . Path lpath : local path : param blobxfer . models . azure . StorageEntity rfile : remote file"""
# prepare remote file for download dd = blobxfer . models . download . Descriptor ( lpath , rfile , self . _spec . options , self . _general_options , self . _resume ) with self . _transfer_lock : self . _transfer_cc [ dd . entity . path ] = 0 if dd . entity . is_encrypted : self . _dd_map [ str ( dd . final_path ) ] = dd # add download descriptor to queue self . _transfer_queue . put ( dd ) if self . _download_start_time is None : with self . _transfer_lock : if self . _download_start_time is None : self . _download_start_time = blobxfer . util . datetime_now ( )
def report_many ( self , event_list , metadata = None , block = None ) : """Reports all the given events to Alooma by formatting them properly and placing them in the buffer to be sent by the Sender instance : param event _ list : A list of dicts / strings representing events : param metadata : ( Optional ) A dict with extra metadata to be attached to the event : param block : ( Optional ) If True , the function will block the thread until the event buffer has space for the event . If False , reported events are discarded if the queue is full . Defaults to None , which uses the global ` block ` parameter given in the ` init ` . : return : A list with tuples , each containing a failed event and its original index . An empty list means success"""
failed_list = [ ] for index , event in enumerate ( event_list ) : queued_successfully = self . report ( event , metadata , block ) if not queued_successfully : failed_list . append ( ( index , event ) ) return failed_list
def strip_tweet ( text , remove_url = True ) : """Strip tweet message . This method removes mentions strings and urls ( optional ) . : param text : tweet message : type text : : class : ` str ` : param remove _ url : Remove urls . default : const : ` True ` . : type remove _ url : : class : ` boolean ` : returns : Striped tweet message : rtype : : class : ` str `"""
if remove_url : text = url_pattern . sub ( '' , text ) else : text = expand_url ( text ) text = mention_pattern . sub ( '' , text ) text = html_parser . unescape ( text ) text = text . strip ( ) return text
def remove_foothills ( self , q_data , marked , bin_num , bin_lower , centers , foothills ) : """Mark points determined to be foothills as globbed , so that they are not included in future searches . Also searches neighboring points to foothill points to determine if they should also be considered foothills . Args : q _ data : Quantized data marked : Marked bin _ num : Current bin being searched bin _ lower : Next bin being searched centers : dictionary of local maxima considered to be object centers foothills : List of foothill points being removed ."""
hills = [ ] for foot in foothills : center = foot [ 0 ] hills [ : ] = foot [ 1 ] [ : ] # remove all foothills while len ( hills ) > 0 : # mark this point pt = hills . pop ( - 1 ) marked [ pt ] = self . GLOBBED for s_index , val in np . ndenumerate ( marked [ pt [ 0 ] - 1 : pt [ 0 ] + 2 , pt [ 1 ] - 1 : pt [ 1 ] + 2 ] ) : index = ( s_index [ 0 ] - 1 + pt [ 0 ] , s_index [ 1 ] - 1 + pt [ 1 ] ) # is neighbor part of peak or part of mountain ? if val == self . UNMARKED : # will let in even minor peaks if ( q_data [ index ] >= 0 ) and ( q_data [ index ] < bin_lower ) and ( ( q_data [ index ] <= q_data [ pt ] ) or self . is_closest ( index , center , centers , bin_num ) ) : hills . append ( index ) del foothills [ : ]
def sort ( self , key , * get_patterns , by = None , offset = None , count = None , asc = None , alpha = False , store = None ) : """Sort the elements in a list , set or sorted set ."""
args = [ ] if by is not None : args += [ b'BY' , by ] if offset is not None and count is not None : args += [ b'LIMIT' , offset , count ] if get_patterns : args += sum ( ( [ b'GET' , pattern ] for pattern in get_patterns ) , [ ] ) if asc is not None : args += [ asc is True and b'ASC' or b'DESC' ] if alpha : args += [ b'ALPHA' ] if store is not None : args += [ b'STORE' , store ] return self . execute ( b'SORT' , key , * args )
def query ( self , coords ) : """Args : coords ( ` astropy . coordinates . SkyCoord ` ) : The coordinates to query . Returns : A float array of the value of the map at the given coordinates . The shape of the output is the same as the shape of the coordinates stored by ` coords ` ."""
pix_idx = coord2healpix ( coords , self . _frame , self . _nside , nest = self . _nest ) return self . _pix_val [ pix_idx ]
def init ( ) : '''Return the list of svn remotes and their configuration information'''
bp_ = os . path . join ( __opts__ [ 'cachedir' ] , 'svnfs' ) new_remote = False repos = [ ] per_remote_defaults = { } for param in PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES : per_remote_defaults [ param ] = six . text_type ( __opts__ [ 'svnfs_{0}' . format ( param ) ] ) for remote in __opts__ [ 'svnfs_remotes' ] : repo_conf = copy . deepcopy ( per_remote_defaults ) if isinstance ( remote , dict ) : repo_url = next ( iter ( remote ) ) per_remote_conf = dict ( [ ( key , six . text_type ( val ) ) for key , val in six . iteritems ( salt . utils . data . repack_dictlist ( remote [ repo_url ] ) ) ] ) if not per_remote_conf : log . error ( 'Invalid per-remote configuration for remote %s. If no ' 'per-remote parameters are being specified, there may be ' 'a trailing colon after the URL, which should be removed. ' 'Check the master configuration file.' , repo_url ) _failhard ( ) per_remote_errors = False for param in ( x for x in per_remote_conf if x not in PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES ) : log . error ( 'Invalid configuration parameter \'%s\' for remote %s. ' 'Valid parameters are: %s. See the documentation for ' 'further information.' , param , repo_url , ', ' . join ( PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES ) ) per_remote_errors = True if per_remote_errors : _failhard ( ) repo_conf . update ( per_remote_conf ) else : repo_url = remote if not isinstance ( repo_url , six . string_types ) : log . error ( 'Invalid svnfs remote %s. Remotes must be strings, you may ' 'need to enclose the URL in quotes' , repo_url ) _failhard ( ) try : repo_conf [ 'mountpoint' ] = salt . utils . url . strip_proto ( repo_conf [ 'mountpoint' ] ) except TypeError : # mountpoint not specified pass hash_type = getattr ( hashlib , __opts__ . get ( 'hash_type' , 'md5' ) ) repo_hash = hash_type ( repo_url ) . hexdigest ( ) rp_ = os . path . join ( bp_ , repo_hash ) if not os . path . isdir ( rp_ ) : os . makedirs ( rp_ ) if not os . listdir ( rp_ ) : # Only attempt a new checkout if the directory is empty . try : CLIENT . checkout ( repo_url , rp_ ) repos . append ( rp_ ) new_remote = True except pysvn . _pysvn . ClientError as exc : log . error ( 'Failed to initialize svnfs remote \'%s\': %s' , repo_url , exc ) _failhard ( ) else : # Confirm that there is an svn checkout at the necessary path by # running pysvn . Client ( ) . status ( ) try : CLIENT . status ( rp_ ) except pysvn . _pysvn . ClientError as exc : log . error ( 'Cache path %s (corresponding remote: %s) exists but is ' 'not a valid subversion checkout. You will need to ' 'manually delete this directory on the master to continue ' 'to use this svnfs remote.' , rp_ , repo_url ) _failhard ( ) repo_conf . update ( { 'repo' : rp_ , 'url' : repo_url , 'hash' : repo_hash , 'cachedir' : rp_ , 'lockfile' : os . path . join ( rp_ , '' ) } ) repos . append ( repo_conf ) if new_remote : remote_map = os . path . join ( __opts__ [ 'cachedir' ] , 'svnfs/remote_map.txt' ) try : with salt . utils . files . fopen ( remote_map , 'w+' ) as fp_ : timestamp = datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( '%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S.%f' ) fp_ . write ( '# svnfs_remote map as of {0}\n' . format ( timestamp ) ) for repo_conf in repos : fp_ . write ( salt . utils . stringutils . to_str ( '{0} = {1}\n' . format ( repo_conf [ 'hash' ] , repo_conf [ 'url' ] ) ) ) except OSError : pass else : log . info ( 'Wrote new svnfs_remote map to %s' , remote_map ) return repos
def plot_csm_and_maps ( self , isite , max_csm = 8.0 ) : """Plotting of the coordination numbers of a given site for all the distfactor / angfactor parameters . If the chemical environments are given , a color map is added to the plot , with the lowest continuous symmetry measure as the value for the color of that distfactor / angfactor set . : param isite : Index of the site for which the plot has to be done : param plot _ type : How to plot the coordinations : param title : Title for the figure : param max _ dist : Maximum distance to be plotted when the plotting of the distance is set to ' initial _ normalized ' or ' initial _ real ' ( Warning : this is not the same meaning in both cases ! In the first case , the closest atom lies at a " normalized " distance of 1.0 so that 2.0 means refers to this normalized distance while in the second case , the real distance is used ) : param figsize : Size of the figure to be plotted : return : Nothing returned , just plot the figure"""
try : import matplotlib . pyplot as plt except ImportError : print ( 'Plotting Chemical Environments requires matplotlib ... exiting "plot" function' ) return fig = self . get_csm_and_maps ( isite = isite , max_csm = max_csm ) if fig is None : return plt . show ( )
async def _load_tuple ( self , reader , elem_type , params = None , elem = None ) : """Loads tuple of elements from the reader . Supports the tuple ref . Returns loaded tuple . : param reader : : param elem _ type : : param params : : param container : : return :"""
c_len = await load_uvarint ( reader ) if elem and c_len != len ( elem ) : raise ValueError ( "Size mismatch" ) if c_len != len ( elem_type . f_specs ( ) ) : raise ValueError ( "Tuple size mismatch" ) elem_fields = params [ 0 ] if params else None if elem_fields is None : elem_fields = elem_type . f_specs ( ) res = elem if elem else [ ] for i in range ( c_len ) : try : self . tracker . push_index ( i ) fvalue = await self . load_field ( reader , elem_fields [ i ] , params [ 1 : ] if params else None , eref ( res , i ) if elem else None , ) self . tracker . pop ( ) except Exception as e : raise helpers . ArchiveException ( e , tracker = self . tracker ) from e if not elem : res . append ( fvalue ) return res
def main ( ) : """Use processes and Netmiko to connect to each of the devices . Execute ' show version ' on each device . Record the amount of time required to do this ."""
start_time = datetime . now ( ) procs = [ ] for a_device in devices : my_proc = Process ( target = show_version , args = ( a_device , ) ) my_proc . start ( ) procs . append ( my_proc ) for a_proc in procs : print ( a_proc ) a_proc . join ( ) print ( "\nElapsed time: " + str ( datetime . now ( ) - start_time ) )
def refresh ( self , url = CONST . PANEL_URL ) : """Refresh the alarm device ."""
response_object = AbodeDevice . refresh ( self , url ) # pylint : disable = W0212 self . _abode . _panel . update ( response_object [ 0 ] ) return response_object
def rangefinder_send ( self , distance , voltage , force_mavlink1 = False ) : '''Rangefinder reporting distance : distance in meters ( float ) voltage : raw voltage if available , zero otherwise ( float )'''
return self . send ( self . rangefinder_encode ( distance , voltage ) , force_mavlink1 = force_mavlink1 )
def t_ID ( self , t ) : r'[ a - zA - Z ] +'
if t . value in self . _RESERVED . keys ( ) : t . type = self . _RESERVED [ t . value ] return t if Information . is_valid_symbol ( t . value ) or Information . is_valid_category ( t . value ) : t . type = self . _INFORMATION_UNIT return t if Duration . is_valid_symbol ( t . value ) : t . type = self . _DURATION_UNIT return t raise LexingError ( 'Unrecognised token or unit \'{0.value}\' at ' 'position {0.lexpos}' . format ( t ) )
def find_actions ( orbit , N_max , force_harmonic_oscillator = False , toy_potential = None ) : r"""Find approximate actions and angles for samples of a phase - space orbit . Uses toy potentials with known , analytic action - angle transformations to approximate the true coordinates as a Fourier sum . This code is adapted from Jason Sanders ' ` genfunc < https : / / github . com / jlsanders / genfunc > ` _ Parameters orbit : ` ~ gala . dynamics . Orbit ` N _ max : int Maximum integer Fourier mode vector length , : math : ` | \ boldsymbol { n } | ` . force _ harmonic _ oscillator : bool ( optional ) Force using the harmonic oscillator potential as the toy potential . toy _ potential : Potential ( optional ) Fix the toy potential class . Returns aaf : dict A Python dictionary containing the actions , angles , frequencies , and value of the generating function and derivatives for each integer vector . Each value of the dictionary is a : class : ` numpy . ndarray ` or : class : ` astropy . units . Quantity ` ."""
if orbit . norbits == 1 : return _single_orbit_find_actions ( orbit , N_max , force_harmonic_oscillator = force_harmonic_oscillator , toy_potential = toy_potential ) else : norbits = orbit . norbits actions = np . zeros ( ( 3 , norbits ) ) angles = np . zeros ( ( 3 , norbits ) ) freqs = np . zeros ( ( 3 , norbits ) ) for n in range ( norbits ) : aaf = _single_orbit_find_actions ( orbit [ : , n ] , N_max , force_harmonic_oscillator = force_harmonic_oscillator , toy_potential = toy_potential ) actions [ n ] = aaf [ 'actions' ] . value angles [ n ] = aaf [ 'angles' ] . value freqs [ n ] = aaf [ 'freqs' ] . value return dict ( actions = actions * aaf [ 'actions' ] . unit , angles = angles * aaf [ 'angles' ] . unit , freqs = freqs * aaf [ 'freqs' ] . unit , Sn = actions [ 3 : ] , dSn = angles [ 6 : ] , nvecs = aaf [ 'nvecs' ] )
def add_geo_facet ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) : """Add a geo factory facet"""
self . facets . append ( GeoDistanceFacet ( * args , ** kwargs ) )
def adaptive_rejection_sampling ( logpdf : callable , a : float , b : float , domain : Tuple [ float , float ] , n_samples : int , random_stream = None ) : """Adaptive rejection sampling samples exactly ( all samples are i . i . d ) and efficiently from any univariate log - concave distribution . The basic idea is to successively determine an envelope of straight - line segments to construct an increasingly accurate approximation of the logarithm . It does not require any normalization of the target distribution . Parameters logpdf : callable Univariate function that computes : math : ` log ( f ( u ) ) ` for a given : math : ` u ` , where : math : ` f ( u ) ` is proportional to the target density to sample from . a : float Lower starting point used to initialize the hulls . Must lie in the domain of the logpdf and it must hold : : math : ` a < b ` . b : float Upper starting point used to initialize the hulls . Must lie in the domain of the logpdf and it must hold : : math : ` a < b ` . domain : Tuple [ float , float ] Domain of ` logpdf ` . May be unbounded on either or both sides , in which case ` ( float ( " - inf " ) , float ( " inf " ) ) ` would be passed . If this domain is unbounded to the left , the derivative of the logpdf for x < = a must be positive . If this domain is unbounded to the right the derivative of the logpdf for x > = b must be negative . n _ samples : int Number of samples to draw . random _ stream : RandomState , optional Seeded random number generator object with same interface as a NumPy RandomState object . Defaults to ` None ` in which case a NumPy RandomState seeded from ` / dev / urandom ` if available or the clock if not will be used . Returns samples : list A list of samples drawn from the target distribution : math : ` f ` with the given ` logpdf ` . Examples Sampling from a simple gaussian , adaptive rejection sampling style . We use the logpdf of a standard gaussian and this small code snippet demonstrates that our sample approximation accurately approximates the mean : > > > from math import isclose > > > from numpy import log , exp , mean > > > gaussian _ logpdf = lambda x , sigma = 1 : log ( exp ( - x * * 2 / sigma ) ) > > > a , b = - 2 , 2 # a < b must hold > > > domain = ( float ( " - inf " ) , float ( " inf " ) ) > > > n _ samples = 10000 > > > samples = adaptive _ rejection _ sampling ( logpdf = gaussian _ logpdf , a = a , b = b , domain = domain , n _ samples = n _ samples ) > > > isclose ( mean ( samples ) , 0.0 , abs _ tol = 1e - 02) True"""
assert ( hasattr ( logpdf , "__call__" ) ) assert ( len ( domain ) == 2 ) , "Domain must be two-element iterable." assert ( domain [ 1 ] >= domain [ 0 ] ) , "Invalid domain, it must hold: domain[1] >= domain[0]." assert ( n_samples >= 0 ) , "Number of samples must be >= 0." if random_stream is None : random_stream = RandomState ( ) if a >= b or isinf ( a ) or isinf ( b ) or a < domain [ 0 ] or b > domain [ 1 ] : raise ValueError ( "invalid a and b" ) n_derivative_steps = 1e-3 * ( b - a ) S = ( a , a + n_derivative_steps , b - n_derivative_steps , b ) if domain [ 0 ] == float ( "-inf" ) : # ensure positive derivative at ' a ' derivative_sign = sign ( logpdf ( a + n_derivative_steps ) - logpdf ( a ) ) positive_derivative = derivative_sign > 0 assert ( positive_derivative ) , "derivative at 'a' must be positive, since the domain is unbounded to the left" if domain [ 1 ] == float ( "inf" ) : # ensure negative derivative at ' b ' derivative_sign = sign ( logpdf ( b ) - logpdf ( b - n_derivative_steps ) ) negative_derivative = derivative_sign < 0 assert ( negative_derivative ) , "derivative at 'b' must be negative, since the domain is unbounded to the right" # initialize a mesh on which to create upper & lower hulls n_initial_mesh_points = 3 S = unique ( ( S [ 0 ] , * ( linspace ( S [ 1 ] , S [ 2 ] , num = n_initial_mesh_points + 2 ) ) , S [ 3 ] ) ) fS = tuple ( logpdf ( s ) for s in S ) lower_hull , upper_hull = compute_hulls ( S = S , fS = fS , domain = domain ) samples = [ ] while len ( samples ) < n_samples : mesh_changed = False x = sample_upper_hull ( upper_hull , random_stream = random_stream ) lh_val , uh_val = evaluate_hulls ( x , lower_hull , upper_hull ) U = random_stream . rand ( ) if log ( U ) <= lh_val - uh_val : # accept u is below lower bound samples . append ( x ) elif log ( U ) <= logpdf ( x ) - uh_val : # accept , u is between lower bound and f samples . append ( x ) mesh_changed = True else : # reject , u is between f and upper _ bound mesh_changed = True if mesh_changed : S = sorted ( [ * S , x ] ) fS = tuple ( logpdf ( s ) for s in S ) lower_hull , upper_hull = compute_hulls ( S = S , fS = fS , domain = domain ) return samples
def is_all_field_none ( self ) : """: rtype : bool"""
if self . _id_ is not None : return False if self . _description is not None : return False if self . _ean_code is not None : return False if self . _avatar_attachment is not None : return False if self . _tab_attachment is not None : return False if self . _quantity is not None : return False if self . _amount is not None : return False return True
def delete ( self , ids ) : """Method to delete environments vip by their id ' s . : param ids : Identifiers of environments vip : return : None"""
url = build_uri_with_ids ( 'api/v3/environment-vip/%s/' , ids ) return super ( ApiEnvironmentVip , self ) . delete ( url )
def get ( self , node_id ) : """Args : node _ id : Returns an Entry instance for the given node ID . If the requested node ID does not exist , throws KeyError ."""
if ( self . _registry [ node_id ] . monotonic_timestamp + self . TIMEOUT ) < time . monotonic ( ) : self . _call_event_handlers ( self . UpdateEvent ( self . _registry [ node_id ] , self . UpdateEvent . EVENT_ID_OFFLINE ) ) del self . _registry [ node_id ] return self . _registry [ node_id ]
def lift_chart ( df , col_true = None , col_pred = None , col_scores = None , pos_label = 1 ) : r"""Compute life value , true positive rate ( TPR ) and threshold from predicted DataFrame . Note that this method will trigger the defined flow to execute . : param df : predicted data frame : type df : DataFrame : param pos _ label : positive label : type pos _ label : str : param col _ true : true column : type col _ true : str : param col _ pred : predicted column , ' prediction _ result ' if absent . : type col _ pred : str : param col _ scores : score column , ' prediction _ score ' if absent . : type col _ scores : str : return : lift value , true positive rate and threshold , in numpy array format . : Example : > > > import matplotlib . pyplot as plt > > > depth , lift , thresh = lift _ chart ( predicted ) > > > plt . plot ( depth , lift )"""
if not col_pred : col_pred = get_field_name_by_role ( df , FieldRole . PREDICTED_CLASS ) if not col_scores : col_scores = get_field_name_by_role ( df , FieldRole . PREDICTED_SCORE ) thresh , tp , fn , tn , fp = _run_roc_node ( df , pos_label , col_true , col_pred , col_scores ) depth = ( tp + fp ) * 1.0 / ( tp + fp + tn + fn ) tpr = tp * 1.0 / ( tp + fn ) lift = tpr / depth lift_result = namedtuple ( 'LiftResult' , 'depth lift thresh' ) return lift_result ( depth = depth , lift = lift , thresh = thresh )
def quoted_or_list ( items : List [ str ] ) -> Optional [ str ] : """Given [ A , B , C ] return " ' A ' , ' B ' , or ' C ' " . Note : We use single quotes here , since these are also used by repr ( ) ."""
return or_list ( [ f"'{item}'" for item in items ] )
def autofix ( W , copy = True ) : '''Fix a bunch of common problems . More specifically , remove Inf and NaN , ensure exact binariness and symmetry ( i . e . remove floating point instability ) , and zero diagonal . Parameters W : np . ndarray weighted connectivity matrix copy : bool if True , returns a copy of the matrix . Otherwise , modifies the matrix in place . Default value = True . Returns W : np . ndarray connectivity matrix with fixes applied'''
if copy : W = W . copy ( ) # zero diagonal np . fill_diagonal ( W , 0 ) # remove np . inf and np . nan W [ np . logical_or ( np . where ( np . isinf ( W ) ) , np . where ( np . isnan ( W ) ) ) ] = 0 # ensure exact binarity u = np . unique ( W ) if np . all ( np . logical_or ( np . abs ( u ) < 1e-8 , np . abs ( u - 1 ) < 1e-8 ) ) : W = np . around ( W , decimal = 5 ) # ensure exact symmetry if np . allclose ( W , W . T ) : W = np . around ( W , decimals = 5 ) return W
def get_contents ( self , path , ref = github . GithubObject . NotSet ) : """: calls : ` GET / repos / : owner / : repo / contents / : path < http : / / developer . github . com / v3 / repos / contents > ` _ : param path : string : param ref : string : rtype : : class : ` github . ContentFile . ContentFile `"""
return self . get_file_contents ( path , ref )
def send_script_async ( self , conn_id , data , progress_callback , callback ) : """Asynchronously send a a script to this IOTile device Args : conn _ id ( int ) : A unique identifer that will refer to this connection data ( string ) : the script to send to the device progress _ callback ( callable ) : A function to be called with status on our progress , called as : progress _ callback ( done _ count , total _ count ) callback ( callable ) : A callback for when we have finished sending the script . The callback will be called as callback ( connection _ id , adapter _ id , success , failure _ reason ) ' connection _ id ' : the connection id ' adapter _ id ' : this adapter ' s id ' success ' : a bool indicating whether we received a response to our attempted RPC ' failure _ reason ' : a string with the reason for the failure if success = = False"""
try : context = self . conns . get_context ( conn_id ) except ArgumentError : callback ( conn_id , self . id , False , "Could not find connection information" ) return topics = context [ 'topics' ] context [ 'progress_callback' ] = progress_callback self . conns . begin_operation ( conn_id , 'script' , callback , 60.0 ) chunks = 1 if len ( data ) > self . mtu : chunks = len ( data ) // self . mtu if len ( data ) % self . mtu != 0 : chunks += 1 # Send the script out possibly in multiple chunks if it ' s larger than our maximum transmit unit for i in range ( 0 , chunks ) : start = i * self . mtu chunk = data [ start : start + self . mtu ] encoded = base64 . standard_b64encode ( chunk ) script_message = { 'key' : context [ 'key' ] , 'client' : self . name , 'type' : 'command' , 'operation' : 'send_script' , 'script' : encoded , 'fragment_count' : chunks , 'fragment_index' : i } self . client . publish ( topics . action , script_message )
def all_dbs ( self ) : """Retrieves a list of all database names for the current client . : returns : List of database names for the client"""
url = '/' . join ( ( self . server_url , '_all_dbs' ) ) resp = self . r_session . get ( url ) resp . raise_for_status ( ) return response_to_json_dict ( resp )
def get_match_history ( start_at_match_id = None , player_name = None , hero_id = None , skill = 0 , date_min = None , date_max = None , account_id = None , league_id = None , matches_requested = None , game_mode = None , min_players = None , tournament_games_only = None , ** kwargs ) : """List of most recent 25 matches before start _ at _ match _ id"""
params = { "start_at_match_id" : start_at_match_id , "player_name" : player_name , "hero_id" : hero_id , "skill" : skill , "date_min" : date_min , "date_max" : date_max , "account_id" : account_id , "league_id" : league_id , "matches_requested" : matches_requested , "game_mode" : game_mode , "min_players" : min_players , "tournament_games_only" : tournament_games_only } return make_request ( "GetMatchHistory" , params , ** kwargs )
def _VerifyMethodCall ( self ) : """Verify the called method is expected . This can be an ordered method , or part of an unordered set . Returns : The expected mock method . Raises : UnexpectedMethodCall if the method called was not expected ."""
expected = self . _PopNextMethod ( ) # Loop here , because we might have a MethodGroup followed by another # group . while isinstance ( expected , MethodGroup ) : expected , method = expected . MethodCalled ( self ) if method is not None : return method # This is a mock method , so just check equality . if expected != self : raise UnexpectedMethodCallError ( self , expected ) return expected
def check_ndk_api ( ndk_api , android_api ) : """Warn if the user ' s NDK is too high or low ."""
if ndk_api > android_api : raise BuildInterruptingException ( 'Target NDK API is {}, higher than the target Android API {}.' . format ( ndk_api , android_api ) , instructions = ( 'The NDK API is a minimum supported API number and must be lower ' 'than the target Android API' ) ) if ndk_api < MIN_NDK_API : warning ( OLD_NDK_API_MESSAGE )
def delete ( self ) : """If a dynamic version , delete it the standard way and remove it from the inventory , else delete all dynamic versions ."""
if self . dynamic_version_of is None : self . _delete_dynamic_versions ( ) else : super ( DynamicFieldMixin , self ) . delete ( ) self . _inventory . srem ( self . dynamic_part )
def grid ( children = [ ] , sizing_mode = None , nrows = None , ncols = None ) : """Conveniently create a grid of layoutable objects . Grids are created by using ` ` GridBox ` ` model . This gives the most control over the layout of a grid , but is also tedious and may result in unreadable code in practical applications . ` ` grid ( ) ` ` function remedies this by reducing the level of control , but in turn providing a more convenient API . Supported patterns : 1 . Nested lists of layoutable objects . Assumes the top - level list represents a column and alternates between rows and columns in subsequent nesting levels . One can use ` ` None ` ` for padding purpose . > > > grid ( [ p1 , [ [ p2 , p3 ] , p4 ] ] ) GridBox ( children = [ ( p1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 ) , ( p2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) , ( p3 , 2 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) , ( p4 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 ) , 2 . Nested ` ` Row ` ` and ` ` Column ` ` instances . Similar to the first pattern , just instead of using nested lists , it uses nested ` ` Row ` ` and ` ` Column ` ` models . This can be much more readable that the former . Note , however , that only models that don ' t have ` ` sizing _ mode ` ` set are used . > > > grid ( column ( p1 , row ( column ( p2 , p3 ) , p4 ) ) ) GridBox ( children = [ ( p1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 ) , ( p2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) , ( p3 , 2 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) , ( p4 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 ) , 3 . Flat list of layoutable objects . This requires ` ` nrows ` ` and / or ` ` ncols ` ` to be set . The input list will be rearranged into a 2D array accordingly . One can use ` ` None ` ` for padding purpose . > > > grid ( [ p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 ] , ncols = 2) GridBox ( children = [ ( p1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) , ( p2 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) , ( p3 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) , ( p4 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ,"""
row = namedtuple ( "row" , [ "children" ] ) col = namedtuple ( "col" , [ "children" ] ) def flatten ( layout ) : Item = namedtuple ( "Item" , [ "layout" , "r0" , "c0" , "r1" , "c1" ] ) Grid = namedtuple ( "Grid" , [ "nrows" , "ncols" , "items" ] ) def gcd ( a , b ) : a , b = abs ( a ) , abs ( b ) while b != 0 : a , b = b , a % b return a def lcm ( a , * rest ) : for b in rest : a = ( a * b ) // gcd ( a , b ) return a nonempty = lambda child : child . nrows != 0 and child . ncols != 0 def _flatten ( layout ) : if isinstance ( layout , row ) : children = list ( filter ( nonempty , map ( _flatten , layout . children ) ) ) if not children : return Grid ( 0 , 0 , [ ] ) nrows = lcm ( * [ child . nrows for child in children ] ) ncols = sum ( [ child . ncols for child in children ] ) items = [ ] offset = 0 for child in children : factor = nrows // child . nrows for ( layout , r0 , c0 , r1 , c1 ) in child . items : items . append ( ( layout , factor * r0 , c0 + offset , factor * r1 , c1 + offset ) ) offset += child . ncols return Grid ( nrows , ncols , items ) elif isinstance ( layout , col ) : children = list ( filter ( nonempty , map ( _flatten , layout . children ) ) ) if not children : return Grid ( 0 , 0 , [ ] ) nrows = sum ( [ child . nrows for child in children ] ) ncols = lcm ( * [ child . ncols for child in children ] ) items = [ ] offset = 0 for child in children : factor = ncols // child . ncols for ( layout , r0 , c0 , r1 , c1 ) in child . items : items . append ( ( layout , r0 + offset , factor * c0 , r1 + offset , factor * c1 ) ) offset += child . nrows return Grid ( nrows , ncols , items ) else : return Grid ( 1 , 1 , [ Item ( layout , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) ] ) grid = _flatten ( layout ) children = [ ] for ( layout , r0 , c0 , r1 , c1 ) in grid . items : if layout is not None : children . append ( ( layout , r0 , c0 , r1 - r0 , c1 - c0 ) ) return GridBox ( children = children ) if isinstance ( children , list ) : if nrows is not None or ncols is not None : N = len ( children ) if ncols is None : ncols = math . ceil ( N / nrows ) layout = col ( [ row ( children [ i : i + ncols ] ) for i in range ( 0 , N , ncols ) ] ) else : def traverse ( children , level = 0 ) : if isinstance ( children , list ) : container = col if level % 2 == 0 else row return container ( [ traverse ( child , level + 1 ) for child in children ] ) else : return children layout = traverse ( children ) elif isinstance ( children , LayoutDOM ) : def is_usable ( child ) : return _has_auto_sizing ( child ) and child . spacing == 0 def traverse ( item , top_level = False ) : if isinstance ( item , Box ) and ( top_level or is_usable ( item ) ) : container = col if isinstance ( item , Column ) else row return container ( list ( map ( traverse , item . children ) ) ) else : return item layout = traverse ( children , top_level = True ) elif isinstance ( children , string_types ) : raise NotImplementedError else : raise ValueError ( "expected a list, string or model" ) grid = flatten ( layout ) if sizing_mode is not None : grid . sizing_mode = sizing_mode for child in grid . children : layout = child [ 0 ] if _has_auto_sizing ( layout ) : layout . sizing_mode = sizing_mode return grid
def save_xml ( self , doc , element ) : '''Save this message _ sending object into an xml . dom . Element object .'''
for cond in self . _targets : new_element = doc . createElementNS ( RTS_NS , RTS_NS_S + 'targets' ) new_element . setAttributeNS ( XSI_NS , XSI_NS_S + 'type' , 'rtsExt:condition_ext' ) cond . save_xml ( doc , new_element ) element . appendChild ( new_element )
def get_symbol ( num_classes = 20 , nms_thresh = 0.5 , force_suppress = False , nms_topk = 400 , ** kwargs ) : """Single - shot multi - box detection with VGG 16 layers ConvNet This is a modified version , with fc6 / fc7 layers replaced by conv layers And the network is slightly smaller than original VGG 16 network This is the detection network Parameters : num _ classes : int number of object classes not including background nms _ thresh : float threshold of overlap for non - maximum suppression force _ suppress : boolean whether suppress different class objects nms _ topk : int apply NMS to top K detections Returns : mx . Symbol"""
net = get_symbol_train ( num_classes ) cls_preds = net . get_internals ( ) [ "multibox_cls_pred_output" ] loc_preds = net . get_internals ( ) [ "multibox_loc_pred_output" ] anchor_boxes = net . get_internals ( ) [ "multibox_anchors_output" ] cls_prob = mx . symbol . softmax ( data = cls_preds , axis = 1 , name = 'cls_prob' ) out = mx . symbol . contrib . MultiBoxDetection ( * [ cls_prob , loc_preds , anchor_boxes ] , name = "detection" , nms_threshold = nms_thresh , force_suppress = force_suppress , variances = ( 0.1 , 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.2 ) , nms_topk = nms_topk ) return out
def _iterate_fields_cond ( self , pkt , val , use_val ) : """Internal function used by _ find _ fld _ pkt & _ find _ fld _ pkt _ val"""
# Iterate through the fields for fld , cond in self . flds : if isinstance ( cond , tuple ) : if use_val : if cond [ 1 ] ( pkt , val ) : return fld continue else : cond = cond [ 0 ] if cond ( pkt ) : return fld return self . dflt
def _filter_commands ( ctx , commands = None ) : """Return list of used commands ."""
lookup = getattr ( ctx . command , 'commands' , { } ) if not lookup and isinstance ( ctx . command , click . MultiCommand ) : lookup = _get_lazyload_commands ( ctx . command ) if commands is None : return sorted ( lookup . values ( ) , key = lambda item : item . name ) names = [ name . strip ( ) for name in commands . split ( ',' ) ] return [ lookup [ name ] for name in names if name in lookup ]
def unlink ( self , req , parent , name ) : """Remove a file Valid replies : reply _ err"""
self . reply_err ( req , errno . EROFS )
def set_weights ( self , weights_values : dict , ignore_missing = False ) : """Sets the weights values of the network . : param weights _ values : dictionary with weights for each layer"""
network_name = self . __class__ . __name__ . lower ( ) with tf . variable_scope ( network_name ) : for layer_name in weights_values : with tf . variable_scope ( layer_name , reuse = True ) : for param_name , data in weights_values [ layer_name ] . items ( ) : try : var = tf . get_variable ( param_name ) self . _session . run ( var . assign ( data ) ) except ValueError : if not ignore_missing : raise
def merge_subtokens ( doc , label = "subtok" ) : """Merge subtokens into a single token . doc ( Doc ) : The Doc object . label ( unicode ) : The subtoken dependency label . RETURNS ( Doc ) : The Doc object with merged subtokens . DOCS : https : / / spacy . io / api / pipeline - functions # merge _ subtokens"""
merger = Matcher ( doc . vocab ) merger . add ( "SUBTOK" , None , [ { "DEP" : label , "op" : "+" } ] ) matches = merger ( doc ) spans = [ doc [ start : end + 1 ] for _ , start , end in matches ] with doc . retokenize ( ) as retokenizer : for span in spans : retokenizer . merge ( span ) return doc
def save ( filename , data , format = None , ** kwargs ) : '''save ( filename , data ) writes the given data to the given filename then yieds that filename . save ( filename , data , format ) specifies that the given format should be used ; this should be the name of the exporter ( though a file extension that is recognized also will work ) . Additionally , functions located in save . < format > may be used ; so , for example , the following are equivalent calls : save ( filename , image , ' nifti ' ) save . nifti ( filename , image ) In fact , the save . nifti function is just the nifti exporter , so help ( save . nifti ) will also yield documentation for the nifti exporter . Keyword options may be passed to save ; these must match those accepted by the given export function .'''
filename = os . path . expanduser ( os . path . expandvars ( filename ) ) if format is None : format = guess_export_format ( filename , data , ** kwargs ) if format is None : raise ValueError ( 'Could not deduce export format for file %s' % filename ) else : format = format . lower ( ) if format not in exporters : # it might be an extension fmt = next ( ( k for ( k , ( _ , es , _ ) ) in six . iteritems ( exporters ) if format in es ) , None ) if fmt is None : # okay , no idea what it is raise ValueError ( 'Format \'%s\' not recognized by neuropythy' % format ) format = fmt ( f , _ , _ ) = exporters [ format ] return f ( filename , data , ** kwargs )
def system_call ( command ) : """Run a command and return stdout . Would be better to use subprocess . check _ output , but this works on 2.6, which is still the system Python on CentOS 7."""
p = subprocess . Popen ( [ command ] , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , shell = True ) return p . stdout . read ( )
def _make_tasks_unique ( tasks ) : """If some tasks of the workflow are the same they are deep copied ."""
unique_tasks = [ ] prev_tasks = set ( ) for task in tasks : if task in prev_tasks : task = copy . deepcopy ( task ) unique_tasks . append ( task ) return unique_tasks
def get_file_hash ( storage , path ) : """Create md5 hash from file contents ."""
contents = storage . open ( path ) . read ( ) file_hash = hashlib . md5 ( contents ) . hexdigest ( ) # Check if content should be gzipped and hash gzipped content content_type = mimetypes . guess_type ( path ) [ 0 ] or 'application/octet-stream' if settings . is_gzipped and content_type in settings . gzip_content_types : cache_key = get_cache_key ( 'gzip_hash_%s' % file_hash ) file_hash = cache . get ( cache_key , False ) if file_hash is False : buffer = BytesIO ( ) zf = gzip . GzipFile ( mode = 'wb' , compresslevel = 6 , fileobj = buffer , mtime = 0.0 ) zf . write ( force_bytes ( contents ) ) zf . close ( ) file_hash = hashlib . md5 ( buffer . getvalue ( ) ) . hexdigest ( ) cache . set ( cache_key , file_hash ) return '"%s"' % file_hash
def port ( self , container , private_port ) : """Lookup the public - facing port that is NAT - ed to ` ` private _ port ` ` . Identical to the ` ` docker port ` ` command . Args : container ( str ) : The container to look up private _ port ( int ) : The private port to inspect Returns : ( list of dict ) : The mapping for the host ports Raises : : py : class : ` docker . errors . APIError ` If the server returns an error . Example : . . code - block : : bash $ docker run - d - p 80:80 ubuntu : 14.04 / bin / sleep 30 7174d6347063a83f412fad6124c99cffd25ffe1a0807eb4b7f9cec76ac8cb43b . . code - block : : python > > > cli . port ( ' 7174d6347063 ' , 80) [ { ' HostIp ' : ' ' , ' HostPort ' : ' 80 ' } ]"""
res = self . _get ( self . _url ( "/containers/{0}/json" , container ) ) self . _raise_for_status ( res ) json_ = res . json ( ) private_port = str ( private_port ) h_ports = None # Port settings is None when the container is running with # network _ mode = host . port_settings = json_ . get ( 'NetworkSettings' , { } ) . get ( 'Ports' ) if port_settings is None : return None if '/' in private_port : return port_settings . get ( private_port ) for protocol in [ 'tcp' , 'udp' , 'sctp' ] : h_ports = port_settings . get ( private_port + '/' + protocol ) if h_ports : break return h_ports
def list_kadastrale_afdelingen ( self ) : '''List all ` kadastrale afdelingen ` in Flanders . : param integer sort : Field to sort on . : rtype : A : class : ` list ` of : class : ` Afdeling ` .'''
def creator ( ) : gemeentes = self . list_gemeenten ( ) res = [ ] for g in gemeentes : res += self . list_kadastrale_afdelingen_by_gemeente ( g ) return res if self . caches [ 'permanent' ] . is_configured : key = 'list_afdelingen_rest' afdelingen = self . caches [ 'permanent' ] . get_or_create ( key , creator ) else : afdelingen = creator ( ) return afdelingen
def get_remote ( self , key , default = None , scope = None ) : """Get data from the remote end ( s ) of the : class : ` Conversation ` with the given scope . In Python , this is equivalent to : : relation . conversation ( scope ) . get _ remote ( key , default ) See : meth : ` conversation ` and : meth : ` Conversation . get _ remote ` ."""
return self . conversation ( scope ) . get_remote ( key , default )
def generic_visit ( self , node ) : """Implement generic node ."""
# [ [ [ cog # cog . out ( " print ( pcolor ( ' Enter generic visitor ' , ' magenta ' ) ) " ) # [ [ [ end ] ] ] # A generic visitor that potentially closes callables is needed to # close enclosed callables that are not at the end of the enclosing # callable , otherwise the ending line of the enclosed callable would # be the ending line of the enclosing callable , which would be # incorrect self . _close_callable ( node ) super ( _AstTreeScanner , self ) . generic_visit ( node )
def all_slots ( self , cls : CLASS_OR_CLASSNAME , * , cls_slots_first : bool = False ) -> List [ SlotDefinition ] : """Return all slots that are part of the class definition . This includes all is _ a , mixin and apply _ to slots but does NOT include slot _ usage targets . If class B has a slot _ usage entry for slot " s " , only the slot definition for the redefined slot will be included , not its base . Slots are added in the order they appear in classes , with recursive is _ a ' s being added first followed by mixins and finally apply _ tos @ param cls : class definition or class definition name @ param cls _ slots _ first : True means return class slots at the top of the list @ return : ordered list of slots in the class with slot usages removed"""
def merge_definitions ( cls_name : Optional [ ClassDefinitionName ] ) -> None : if cls_name : for slot in self . all_slots ( cls_name ) : aliased_name = self . aliased_slot_name ( slot ) if aliased_name not in known_slots : known_slots . add ( aliased_name ) rval . append ( slot ) if not isinstance ( cls , ClassDefinition ) : cls = self . schema . classes [ cls ] known_slots : Set [ str ] = self . aliased_slot_names ( cls . slots ) rval : List [ SlotDefinition ] = [ ] if cls_slots_first : rval += self . cls_slots ( cls ) for mixin in cls . mixins : merge_definitions ( mixin ) merge_definitions ( cls . is_a ) else : merge_definitions ( cls . is_a ) for mixin in cls . mixins : merge_definitions ( mixin ) rval += self . cls_slots ( cls ) return rval
def merge_options_to_dict ( options ) : """Given a collection of Option objects or partial option dictionaries , merge everything to a single dictionary ."""
merged_options = { } for obj in options : if isinstance ( obj , dict ) : new_opts = obj else : new_opts = { obj . key : obj . kwargs } merged_options = merge_option_dicts ( merged_options , new_opts ) return merged_options
def _add_ticks ( xticks = True , yticks = True ) : """NAME : _ add _ ticks PURPOSE : add minor axis ticks to a plot INPUT : ( none ; works on the current axes ) OUTPUT : ( none ; works on the current axes ) HISTORY : 2009-12-23 - Written - Bovy ( NYU )"""
ax = pyplot . gca ( ) if xticks : xstep = ax . xaxis . get_majorticklocs ( ) xstep = xstep [ 1 ] - xstep [ 0 ] ax . xaxis . set_minor_locator ( ticker . MultipleLocator ( xstep / 5. ) ) if yticks : ystep = ax . yaxis . get_majorticklocs ( ) ystep = ystep [ 1 ] - ystep [ 0 ] ax . yaxis . set_minor_locator ( ticker . MultipleLocator ( ystep / 5. ) )
def shannon_entropy ( data , iterator ) : """Borrowed from http : / / blog . dkbza . org / 2007/05 / scanning - data - for - entropy - anomalies . html"""
if not data : return 0 entropy = 0 for x in iterator : p_x = float ( data . count ( x ) ) / len ( data ) if p_x > 0 : entropy += - p_x * math . log ( p_x , 2 ) return entropy
def convert_weights ( wgts : Weights , stoi_wgts : Dict [ str , int ] , itos_new : Collection [ str ] ) -> Weights : "Convert the model ` wgts ` to go with a new vocabulary ."
dec_bias , enc_wgts = wgts . get ( '1.decoder.bias' , None ) , wgts [ '0.encoder.weight' ] wgts_m = enc_wgts . mean ( 0 ) if dec_bias is not None : bias_m = dec_bias . mean ( 0 ) new_w = enc_wgts . new_zeros ( ( len ( itos_new ) , enc_wgts . size ( 1 ) ) ) . zero_ ( ) if dec_bias is not None : new_b = dec_bias . new_zeros ( ( len ( itos_new ) , ) ) . zero_ ( ) for i , w in enumerate ( itos_new ) : r = stoi_wgts [ w ] if w in stoi_wgts else - 1 new_w [ i ] = enc_wgts [ r ] if r >= 0 else wgts_m if dec_bias is not None : new_b [ i ] = dec_bias [ r ] if r >= 0 else bias_m wgts [ '0.encoder.weight' ] = new_w if '0.encoder_dp.emb.weight' in wgts : wgts [ '0.encoder_dp.emb.weight' ] = new_w . clone ( ) wgts [ '1.decoder.weight' ] = new_w . clone ( ) if dec_bias is not None : wgts [ '1.decoder.bias' ] = new_b return wgts
def SetConsoleTextAttribute ( stream_id , attrs ) : """Set a console text attribute ."""
handle = handles [ stream_id ] return windll . kernel32 . SetConsoleTextAttribute ( handle , attrs )
def initial_finall_mass_relation ( self , marker = 'o' , linestyle = '--' ) : '''INtiial to final mass relation'''
final_m = [ ] ini_m = [ ] for i in range ( len ( self . runs_H5_surf ) ) : sefiles = se ( self . runs_H5_out [ i ] ) ini_m . append ( sefiles . get ( "mini" ) ) h1 = sefiles . get ( int ( sefiles . se . cycles [ - 2 ] ) , 'H-1' ) mass = sefiles . get ( int ( sefiles . se . cycles [ - 2 ] ) , 'mass' ) idx = - 1 for k in range ( len ( h1 ) ) : if h1 [ k ] > 0.1 : idx = k break final_m . append ( mass [ idx ] ) label = 'Z=' + str ( sefiles . get ( 'zini' ) ) plt . plot ( ini_m , final_m , label = label , marker = marker , linestyle = linestyle ) plt . xlabel ( '$M_{Initial} [M_{\odot}]$' , size = 23 ) plt . ylabel ( '$M_{Final} [M_{\odot}]$' , size = 23 )
def set_vars ( env ) : """Set MWCW _ VERSION , MWCW _ VERSIONS , and some codewarrior environment vars MWCW _ VERSIONS is set to a list of objects representing installed versions MWCW _ VERSION is set to the version object that will be used for building . MWCW _ VERSION can be set to a string during Environment construction to influence which version is chosen , otherwise the latest one from MWCW _ VERSIONS is used . Returns true if at least one version is found , false otherwise"""
desired = env . get ( 'MWCW_VERSION' , '' ) # return right away if the variables are already set if isinstance ( desired , MWVersion ) : return 1 elif desired is None : return 0 versions = find_versions ( ) version = None if desired : for v in versions : if str ( v ) == desired : version = v elif versions : version = versions [ - 1 ] env [ 'MWCW_VERSIONS' ] = versions env [ 'MWCW_VERSION' ] = version if version is None : return 0 env . PrependENVPath ( 'PATH' , version . clpath ) env . PrependENVPath ( 'PATH' , version . dllpath ) ENV = env [ 'ENV' ] ENV [ 'CWFolder' ] = version . path ENV [ 'LM_LICENSE_FILE' ] = version . license plus = lambda x : '+%s' % x ENV [ 'MWCIncludes' ] = os . pathsep . join ( map ( plus , version . includes ) ) ENV [ 'MWLibraries' ] = os . pathsep . join ( map ( plus , version . libs ) ) return 1
def conformPadding ( cls , chars ) : """Ensure alternate input padding formats are conformed to formats defined in PAD _ MAP If chars is already a format defined in PAD _ MAP , then it is returned unmodified . Example : : ' % 04d ' - > ' # ' Args : chars ( str ) : input padding chars Returns : str : conformed padding chars Raises : ValueError : If chars contains invalid padding characters"""
pad = chars if pad and pad [ 0 ] not in PAD_MAP : pad = cls . getPaddingChars ( cls . getPaddingNum ( pad ) ) return pad
def uncamel ( name ) : """converts camelcase to underscore > > > uncamel ( ' fooBar ' ) ' foo _ bar ' > > > uncamel ( ' FooBar ' ) ' foo _ bar ' > > > uncamel ( ' _ fooBar ' ) ' _ foo _ bar ' > > > uncamel ( ' _ FooBar ' ) ' _ _ foo _ bar '"""
response , name = name [ 0 ] . lower ( ) , name [ 1 : ] for n in name : if n . isupper ( ) : response += '_' + n . lower ( ) else : response += n return response
def read_str ( delim = ',' , * lines ) : """This function is similar to read _ csv , but it reads data from the list of < lines > . fd = open ( " foo " , " r " ) data = chart _ data . read _ str ( " , " , fd . readlines ( ) )"""
data = [ ] for line in lines : com = parse_line ( line , delim ) data . append ( com ) return data
def changes ( self ) : """Dumber version of ' patch ' method"""
deprecation_msg = 'Model.changes will be removed in warlock v2' warnings . warn ( deprecation_msg , DeprecationWarning , stacklevel = 2 ) return copy . deepcopy ( self . __dict__ [ 'changes' ] )
def write_pascal_results ( self , all_boxes ) : """write results files in pascal devkit path Parameters : all _ boxes : list boxes to be processed [ bbox , confidence ] Returns : None"""
for cls_ind , cls in enumerate ( self . classes ) : print ( 'Writing {} VOC results file' . format ( cls ) ) filename = self . get_result_file_template ( ) . format ( cls ) with open ( filename , 'wt' ) as f : for im_ind , index in enumerate ( self . image_set_index ) : dets = all_boxes [ im_ind ] if dets . shape [ 0 ] < 1 : continue h , w = self . _get_imsize ( self . image_path_from_index ( im_ind ) ) # the VOCdevkit expects 1 - based indices for k in range ( dets . shape [ 0 ] ) : if ( int ( dets [ k , 0 ] ) == cls_ind ) : f . write ( '{:s} {:.3f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}\n' . format ( index , dets [ k , 1 ] , int ( dets [ k , 2 ] * w ) + 1 , int ( dets [ k , 3 ] * h ) + 1 , int ( dets [ k , 4 ] * w ) + 1 , int ( dets [ k , 5 ] * h ) + 1 ) )
def apci_contents ( self , use_dict = None , as_class = dict ) : """Return the contents of an object as a dict ."""
if _debug : APCI . _debug ( "apci_contents use_dict=%r as_class=%r" , use_dict , as_class ) # make / extend the dictionary of content if use_dict is None : use_dict = as_class ( ) # copy the source and destination to make it easier to search if self . pduSource : use_dict . __setitem__ ( 'source' , str ( self . pduSource ) ) if self . pduDestination : use_dict . __setitem__ ( 'destination' , str ( self . pduDestination ) ) # loop through the elements for attr in APCI . _debug_contents : value = getattr ( self , attr , None ) if value is None : continue if attr == 'apduType' : mapped_value = apdu_types [ self . apduType ] . __name__ elif attr == 'apduService' : if self . apduType in ( ConfirmedRequestPDU . pduType , SimpleAckPDU . pduType , ComplexAckPDU . pduType ) : mapped_value = confirmed_request_types [ self . apduService ] . __name__ elif ( self . apduType == UnconfirmedRequestPDU . pduType ) : mapped_value = unconfirmed_request_types [ self . apduService ] . __name__ elif ( self . apduType == ErrorPDU . pduType ) : mapped_value = error_types [ self . apduService ] . __name__ else : mapped_value = value # save the mapped value use_dict . __setitem__ ( attr , mapped_value ) # return what we built / updated return use_dict
def parse_nni_function ( code ) : """Parse ` nni . function _ choice ` expression . Return the AST node of annotated expression and a list of dumped function call expressions . code : annotation string"""
name , call = parse_annotation_function ( code , 'function_choice' ) funcs = [ ast . dump ( func , False ) for func in call . args ] convert_args_to_dict ( call , with_lambda = True ) name_str = astor . to_source ( name ) . strip ( ) call . keywords [ 0 ] . value = ast . Str ( s = name_str ) return call , funcs
def gen_hot_url ( hot_index , page = 1 ) : """拼接 首页热门文章 URL Parameters hot _ index : WechatSogouConst . hot _ index 首页热门文章的分类 ( 常量 ) : WechatSogouConst . hot _ index . xxx page : int 页数 Returns str 热门文章分类的url"""
assert hasattr ( WechatSogouConst . hot_index , hot_index ) assert isinstance ( page , int ) and page > 0 index_urls = { WechatSogouConst . hot_index . hot : 0 , # 热门 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . gaoxiao : 1 , # 搞笑 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . health : 2 , # 养生 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . sifanghua : 3 , # 私房话 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . gossip : 4 , # 八卦 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . technology : 5 , # 科技 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . finance : 6 , # 财经 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . car : 7 , # 汽车 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . life : 8 , # 生活 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . fashion : 9 , # 时尚 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . mummy : 10 , # 辣妈 / 育儿 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . travel : 11 , # 旅行 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . job : 12 , # 职场 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . food : 13 , # 美食 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . history : 14 , # 历史 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . study : 15 , # 学霸 / 教育 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . constellation : 16 , # 星座 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . sport : 17 , # 体育 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . military : 18 , # 军事 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . game : 19 , # 游戏 WechatSogouConst . hot_index . pet : 20 , # 萌宠 } return '{}/{}.html' . format ( index_urls [ hot_index ] , page - 1 )
def get_objective_objective_bank_session ( self , proxy ) : """Gets the session for retrieving objective to objective bank mappings . : param proxy : a proxy : type proxy : ` ` osid . proxy . Proxy ` ` : return : an ` ` ObjectiveObjectiveBankSession ` ` : rtype : ` ` osid . learning . ObjectiveObjectiveBankSession ` ` : raise : ` ` NullArgument ` ` - - ` ` proxy ` ` is ` ` null ` ` : raise : ` ` OperationFailed ` ` - - unable to complete request : raise : ` ` Unimplemented ` ` - - ` ` supports _ objective _ objective _ bank ( ) ` ` is ` ` false ` ` * compliance : optional - - This method must be implemented if ` ` supports _ objective _ objective _ bank ( ) ` ` is ` ` true ` ` . *"""
if not self . supports_objective_objective_bank ( ) : raise Unimplemented ( ) try : from . import sessions except ImportError : raise OperationFailed ( ) proxy = self . _convert_proxy ( proxy ) try : session = sessions . ObjectiveObjectiveBankSession ( proxy = proxy , runtime = self . _runtime ) except AttributeError : raise OperationFailed ( ) return session
def configure_widget_for_editing ( self , widget ) : """A widget have to be added to the editor , it is configured here in order to be conformant to the editor"""
if not 'editor_varname' in widget . attributes : return widget . onclick . do ( self . on_widget_selection ) # setup of the on _ dropped function of the widget in order to manage the dragNdrop widget . __class__ . on_dropped = on_dropped # drag properties # widget . style [ ' resize ' ] = ' both ' widget . style [ 'overflow' ] = 'auto' widget . attributes [ 'draggable' ] = 'true' widget . attributes [ 'tabindex' ] = str ( self . tabindex ) # if not ' position ' in widget . style . keys ( ) : # widget . style [ ' position ' ] = ' absolute ' # if not ' left ' in widget . style . keys ( ) : # widget . style [ ' left ' ] = ' 1px ' # if not ' top ' in widget . style . keys ( ) : # widget . style [ ' top ' ] = ' 1px ' self . tabindex += 1
def suck_out_editions ( reporters ) : """Builds a dictionary mapping edition keys to their root name . The dictionary takes the form of : " A . " : " A . " , " A . 2d " : " A . " , " A . 3d " : " A . " , " A . D . " : " A . D . " , In other words , this lets you go from an edition match to its parent key ."""
editions_out = { } for reporter_key , data_list in reporters . items ( ) : # For each reporter key . . . for data in data_list : # For each book it maps to . . . for edition_key , edition_value in data [ "editions" ] . items ( ) : try : editions_out [ edition_key ] except KeyError : # The item wasn ' t there ; add it . editions_out [ edition_key ] = reporter_key return editions_out
def key_pair_name ( i , region , project_id , ssh_user ) : """Returns the ith default gcp _ key _ pair _ name ."""
key_name = "{}_gcp_{}_{}_{}" . format ( RAY , region , project_id , ssh_user , i ) return key_name
def _op_generic_StoU_saturation ( self , value , min_value , max_value ) : # pylint : disable = no - self - use """Return unsigned saturated BV from signed BV . Min and max value should be unsigned ."""
return claripy . If ( claripy . SGT ( value , max_value ) , max_value , claripy . If ( claripy . SLT ( value , min_value ) , min_value , value ) )
def extend ( self , key , values , * , section = DataStoreDocumentSection . Data ) : """Extends a list in the data store with the elements of values . Args : key ( str ) : The key pointing to the value that should be stored / updated . It supports MongoDB ' s dot notation for nested fields . values ( list ) : A list of the values that should be used to extend the list in the document . section ( DataStoreDocumentSection ) : The section from which the data should be retrieved . Returns : bool : ` ` True ` ` if the list in the database could be extended , otherwise ` ` False ` ` ."""
key_notation = '.' . join ( [ section , key ] ) if not isinstance ( values , list ) : return False result = self . _collection . update_one ( { "_id" : ObjectId ( self . _workflow_id ) } , { "$push" : { key_notation : { "$each" : self . _encode_value ( values ) } } , "$currentDate" : { "lastModified" : True } } ) return result . modified_count == 1
def get_connections ( self , data = True ) : """Return connections from all the agents in the environment . : param bool data : If ` ` True ` ` return also the dictionary associated with each connection : returns : A list of ` ` ( addr , connections ) ` ` - tuples , where ` ` connections ` ` is a list of addresses agent in ` ` addr ` ` is connected to . If ` ` data ` ` parameter is ` ` True ` ` , then the ` ` connections ` ` list contains tuples of ` ` ( nb _ addr , data ) ` ` - pairs , where ` ` data ` ` is a dictionary . : rtype : dict . . note : : By design , potential manager agent is excluded from the returned list ."""
connections = [ ] for a in self . get_agents ( addr = False ) : c = ( a . addr , a . get_connections ( data = data ) ) connections . append ( c ) return connections
def decrypt ( keyfile_json , password ) : '''Decrypts a private key that was encrypted using an Ethereum client or : meth : ` ~ Account . encrypt ` . : param keyfile _ json : The encrypted key : type keyfile _ json : dict or str : param str password : The password that was used to encrypt the key : returns : the raw private key : rtype : ~ hexbytes . main . HexBytes . . code - block : : python > > > encrypted = { ' address ' : ' 5ce9454909639d2d17a3f753ce7d93fa0b9ab12e ' , ' crypto ' : { ' cipher ' : ' aes - 128 - ctr ' , ' cipherparams ' : { ' iv ' : ' 78f214584844e0b241b433d7c3bb8d5f ' } , ' ciphertext ' : ' d6dbb56e4f54ba6db2e8dc14df17cb7352fdce03681dd3f90ce4b6c1d5af2c4f ' , ' kdf ' : ' pbkdf2 ' , ' kdfparams ' : { ' c ' : 100000, ' dklen ' : 32, ' prf ' : ' hmac - sha256 ' , ' salt ' : ' 45cf943b4de2c05c2c440ef96af914a2 ' } , ' mac ' : ' f5e1af09df5ded25c96fcf075ada313fb6f79735a914adc8cb02e8ddee7813c3 ' } , ' id ' : ' b812f3f9-78cc - 462a - 9e89-74418aa27cb0 ' , ' version ' : 3} > > > import getpass > > > Account . decrypt ( encrypted , getpass . getpass ( ) ) HexBytes ( ' 0xb25c7db31feed9122727bf0939dc769a96564b2de4c4726d035b36ecf1e5b364 ' )'''
if isinstance ( keyfile_json , str ) : keyfile = json . loads ( keyfile_json ) elif is_dict ( keyfile_json ) : keyfile = keyfile_json else : raise TypeError ( "The keyfile should be supplied as a JSON string, or a dictionary." ) password_bytes = text_if_str ( to_bytes , password ) return HexBytes ( decode_keyfile_json ( keyfile , password_bytes ) )
def removeComments ( self , comment = None ) : """Inserts comments into the editor based on the current selection . If no comment string is supplied , then the comment from the language will be used . : param comment | < str > | | None : return < bool > | success"""
if ( not comment ) : lang = self . language ( ) if ( lang ) : comment = lang . lineComment ( ) if ( not comment ) : return False startline , startcol , endline , endcol = self . getSelection ( ) len_comment = len ( comment ) line , col = self . getCursorPosition ( ) for lineno in range ( startline , endline + 1 ) : self . setSelection ( lineno , 0 , lineno , len_comment ) if ( self . selectedText ( ) == comment ) : self . removeSelectedText ( ) self . setSelection ( startline , startcol , endline , endcol ) self . setCursorPosition ( line , col ) return True
def _send_to_all_rooms ( self , message ) : """Send a message to all connected rooms"""
for room in self . _rooms . values ( ) : room . send_message ( message )
def dist0 ( n , method = 'lin_square' ) : """Compute standard cost matrices of size ( n , n ) for OT problems Parameters n : int size of the cost matrix method : str , optional Type of loss matrix chosen from : * ' lin _ square ' : linear sampling between 0 and n - 1 , quadratic loss Returns M : np . array ( n1 , n2) distance matrix computed with given metric"""
res = 0 if method == 'lin_square' : x = np . arange ( n , dtype = np . float64 ) . reshape ( ( n , 1 ) ) res = dist ( x , x ) return res