def better_exec_command ( ssh , command , msg ) : """Uses paramiko to execute a command but handles failure by raising a ParamikoError if the command fails . Note that unlike paramiko . SSHClient . exec _ command this is not asynchronous because we wait until the exit status is known : Parameter ssh : a paramiko SSH Client : Parameter command : the command to execute : Parameter msg : message to print on failure : Returns ( paramiko . Channel ) the underlying channel so that the caller can extract stdout or send to stdin : Raises SSHException : if paramiko would raise an SSHException : Raises ParamikoError : if the command produces output to stderr"""
chan = ssh . get_transport ( ) . open_session ( ) chan . exec_command ( command ) exit_status = chan . recv_exit_status ( ) if exit_status != 0 : msg_str = chan . recv_stderr ( 1024 ) err_msgs = [ ] while len ( msg_str ) > 0 : err_msgs . append ( msg_str ) msg_str = chan . recv_stderr ( 1024 ) err_msg = '' . join ( err_msgs ) logger . error ( err_msg ) raise ParamikoError ( msg , err_msg ) return chan
def from_element ( self , element , defaults = { } ) : """Populate object variables from SVD element"""
if isinstance ( defaults , SvdElement ) : defaults = vars ( defaults ) for key in self . props : try : value = element . find ( key ) . text except AttributeError : # Maybe it ' s attribute ? default = defaults [ key ] if key in defaults else None value = element . get ( key , default ) if value is not None : if key in self . props_to_integer : try : value = int ( value ) except ValueError : # It has to be hex value = int ( value , 16 ) elif key in self . props_to_boolean : value = value . lower ( ) in ( "yes" , "true" , "t" , "1" ) setattr ( self , key , value )
def _refresh_editor_and_scrollbars ( self ) : """Refrehes editor content and scollbars . We generate a fake resize event to refresh scroll bar . We have the same problem as described here : http : / / www . qtcentre . org / threads / 44803 and we apply the same solution ( don ' t worry , there is no visual effect , the editor does not grow up at all , even with a value = 500)"""
TextHelper ( self . editor ) . mark_whole_doc_dirty ( ) self . editor . repaint ( ) s = self . editor . size ( ) s . setWidth ( s . width ( ) + 1 ) self . editor . resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent ( self . editor . size ( ) , s ) )
def update_wrapper ( wrapper , wrapped , assigned = functools . WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS , updated = functools . WRAPPER_UPDATES ) : """Patch two bugs in functools . update _ wrapper ."""
# workaround for http : / / bugs . python . org / issue3445 assigned = tuple ( attr for attr in assigned if hasattr ( wrapped , attr ) ) wrapper = functools . update_wrapper ( wrapper , wrapped , assigned , updated ) # workaround for https : / / bugs . python . org / issue17482 wrapper . __wrapped__ = wrapped return wrapper
def to_unicode ( x , unaccent = False ) : """Convert a string to unicode"""
s = str ( x ) if unaccent : cs = [ c for c in unicodedata . normalize ( 'NFD' , s ) if unicodedata . category ( c ) != 'Mn' ] s = '' . join ( cs ) return s
def _get_areas ( self ) : """Return surface elements area values in a numpy array ."""
if self . areas is None : self . areas = [ ] for surf in self . surfaces : self . areas . append ( surf . get_area ( ) ) self . areas = numpy . array ( self . areas ) return self . areas
def from_json_dict ( cls , json_dict # type : Dict [ str , Any ] ) : # type : ( . . . ) - > EnumSpec """Make a EnumSpec object from a dictionary containing its properties . : param dict json _ dict : This dictionary must contain an ` ' enum ' ` key specifying the permitted values . In addition , it must contain a ` ' hashing ' ` key , whose contents are passed to : class : ` FieldHashingProperties ` ."""
# noinspection PyCompatibility result = cast ( EnumSpec , # Appease the gods of Mypy . super ( ) . from_json_dict ( json_dict ) ) format_ = json_dict [ 'format' ] result . values = set ( format_ [ 'values' ] ) return result
def ld_prune ( df , ld_beds , snvs = None ) : """Prune set of GWAS based on LD and significance . A graph of all SNVs is constructed with edges for LD > = 0.8 and the most significant SNV per connected component is kept . Parameters df : pandas . DataFrame Pandas dataframe with unique SNVs . The index is of the form chrom : pos where pos is the one - based position of the SNV . The columns must include chrom , start , end , and pvalue . chrom , start , end make a zero - based bed file with the SNV coordinates . ld _ beds : dict Dict whose keys are chromosomes and whose values are filenames of tabixed LD bed files . An LD bed file looks like " chr1 11007 11008 11008:11012:1 " where the first three columns are the zero - based half - open coordinate of the SNV and the fourth column has the one - based coordinate followed of the SNV followed by the one - based coordinate of a different SNV and the LD between them . In this example , the variants are in perfect LD . The bed file should also contain the reciprocal line for this LD relationship : " chr1 11011 11012 11012:11008:1 " . snvs : list List of SNVs to filter against . If a SNV is not in this list , it will not be included . If you are working with GWAS SNPs , this is useful for filtering out SNVs that aren ' t in the SNPsnap database for instance . Returns out : pandas . DataFrame Pandas dataframe in the same format as the input dataframe but with only independent SNVs ."""
import networkx as nx import tabix if snvs : df = df . ix [ set ( df . index ) & set ( snvs ) ] keep = set ( ) for chrom in ld_beds . keys ( ) : tdf = df [ df [ 'chrom' ] . astype ( str ) == chrom ] if tdf . shape [ 0 ] > 0 : f = tabix . open ( ld_beds [ chrom ] ) # Make a dict where each key is a SNP and the values are all of the # other SNPs in LD with the key . ld_d = { } for j in tdf . index : p = tdf . ix [ j , 'end' ] ld_d [ p ] = [ ] try : r = f . query ( chrom , p - 1 , p ) while True : try : n = r . next ( ) p1 , p2 , r2 = n [ - 1 ] . split ( ':' ) if float ( r2 ) >= 0.8 : ld_d [ p ] . append ( int ( p2 ) ) except StopIteration : break except TabixError : continue # Make adjacency matrix for LD . cols = sorted ( list ( set ( [ item for sublist in ld_d . values ( ) for item in sublist ] ) ) ) t = pd . DataFrame ( 0 , index = ld_d . keys ( ) , columns = cols ) for k in ld_d . keys ( ) : t . ix [ k , ld_d [ k ] ] = 1 t . index = [ '{}:{}' . format ( chrom , x ) for x in t . index ] t . columns = [ '{}:{}' . format ( chrom , x ) for x in t . columns ] # Keep all SNPs not in LD with any others . These will be in the index # but not in the columns . keep |= set ( t . index ) - set ( t . columns ) # Filter so we only have SNPs that are in LD with at least one other # SNP . ind = list ( set ( t . columns ) & set ( t . index ) ) # Keep one most sig . SNP per connected subgraph . t = t . ix [ ind , ind ] g = nx . Graph ( t . values ) c = nx . connected_components ( g ) while True : try : sg = c . next ( ) s = tdf . ix [ t . index [ list ( sg ) ] ] keep . add ( s [ s . pvalue == s . pvalue . min ( ) ] . index [ 0 ] ) except StopIteration : break out = df . ix [ keep ] return out
def set_meta ( self , name , format , * args ) : """Set certificate metadata from formatted string ."""
return lib . zcert_set_meta ( self . _as_parameter_ , name , format , * args )
def _get_config_dir ( ) : """Returns the sawtooth configuration directory based on the SAWTOOTH _ HOME environment variable ( if set ) or OS defaults ."""
if 'SAWTOOTH_HOME' in os . environ : return os . path . join ( os . environ [ 'SAWTOOTH_HOME' ] , 'etc' ) if os . name == 'nt' : base_dir = os . path . dirname ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( sys . argv [ 0 ] ) ) ) return os . path . join ( base_dir , 'conf' ) return '/etc/sawtooth'
def pause_knocks ( obj ) : """Context manager to suspend sending knocks for the given model : param obj : model instance"""
if not hasattr ( _thread_locals , 'knock_enabled' ) : _thread_locals . knock_enabled = { } obj . __class__ . _disconnect ( ) _thread_locals . knock_enabled [ obj . __class__ ] = False yield _thread_locals . knock_enabled [ obj . __class__ ] = True obj . __class__ . _connect ( )
def apply_encoding_options ( self , min_token_count = 1 , limit_top_tokens = None ) : """Applies the given settings for subsequent calls to ` encode _ texts ` and ` decode _ texts ` . This allows you to play with different settings without having to re - run tokenization on the entire corpus . Args : min _ token _ count : The minimum token count ( frequency ) in order to include during encoding . All tokens below this frequency will be encoded to ` 0 ` which corresponds to unknown token . ( Default value = 1) limit _ top _ tokens : The maximum number of tokens to keep , based their frequency . Only the most common ` limit _ top _ tokens ` tokens will be kept . Set to None to keep everything . ( Default value : None )"""
if not self . has_vocab : raise ValueError ( "You need to build the vocabulary using `build_vocab` " "before using `apply_encoding_options`" ) if min_token_count < 1 : raise ValueError ( "`min_token_count` should atleast be 1" ) # Remove tokens with freq < min _ token _ count token_counts = list ( self . _token_counts . items ( ) ) token_counts = [ x for x in token_counts if x [ 1 ] >= min_token_count ] # Clip to max _ tokens . if limit_top_tokens is not None : token_counts . sort ( key = lambda x : x [ 1 ] , reverse = True ) filtered_tokens = list ( zip ( * token_counts ) ) [ 0 ] filtered_tokens = filtered_tokens [ : limit_top_tokens ] else : filtered_tokens = zip ( * token_counts ) [ 0 ] # Generate indices based on filtered tokens . self . create_token_indices ( filtered_tokens )
def _unkown_type ( self , uridecodebin , decodebin , caps ) : """The callback for decodebin ' s " unknown - type " signal ."""
# This is called * before * the stream becomes ready when the # file can ' t be read . streaminfo = caps . to_string ( ) if not streaminfo . startswith ( 'audio/' ) : # Ignore non - audio ( e . g . , video ) decode errors . return self . read_exc = UnknownTypeError ( streaminfo ) self . ready_sem . release ( )
def version_cmd ( argv = sys . argv [ 1 : ] ) : # pragma : no cover """Print the version number of Palladium . Usage : pld - version [ options ] Options : - h - - help Show this screen ."""
docopt ( version_cmd . __doc__ , argv = argv ) print ( __version__ )
def noaa_to_lpd ( files ) : """Convert NOAA format to LiPD format : param dict files : Files metadata : return None :"""
logger_noaa . info ( "enter process_noaa" ) # only continue if the user selected a mode correctly logger_noaa . info ( "Found {} NOAA txt file(s)" . format ( str ( len ( files [ ".txt" ] ) ) ) ) print ( "Found {} NOAA txt file(s)" . format ( str ( len ( files [ ".txt" ] ) ) ) ) # Process each available file of the specified . lpd or . txt type for file in files [ ".txt" ] : # try to filter out example files and stuff without real data if "template" not in file [ "filename_ext" ] and "example" not in file [ "filename_ext" ] : os . chdir ( file [ "dir" ] ) print ( 'processing: {}' . format ( file [ "filename_ext" ] ) ) logger_noaa . info ( "processing: {}" . format ( file [ "filename_ext" ] ) ) # Unzip file and get tmp directory path dir_tmp = create_tmp_dir ( ) try : NOAA_LPD ( file [ "dir" ] , dir_tmp , file [ "filename_no_ext" ] ) . main ( ) except Exception as e : print ( "Error: Unable to convert file: {}, {}" . format ( file [ "filename_no_ext" ] , e ) ) # Create the lipd archive in the original file ' s directory . zipper ( root_dir = dir_tmp , name = "bag" , path_name_ext = os . path . join ( file [ "dir" ] , file [ "filename_no_ext" ] + ".lpd" ) ) # Delete tmp folder and all contents os . chdir ( file [ "dir" ] ) try : shutil . rmtree ( dir_tmp ) except FileNotFoundError : # directory is already gone . keep going . pass logger_noaa . info ( "exit noaa_to_lpd" ) return
def to_point ( self , timestamp ) : """Get a Point conversion of this aggregation . : type timestamp : : class : ` datetime . datetime ` : param timestamp : The time to report the point as having been recorded . : rtype : : class : ` opencensus . metrics . export . point . Point ` : return : a : class : ` opencensus . metrics . export . value . ValueLong ` - valued Point with value equal to ` count _ data ` ."""
return point . Point ( value . ValueLong ( self . count_data ) , timestamp )
def get_kernel_spec ( self , kernel_name ) : """Returns a : class : ` KernelSpec ` instance for the given kernel _ name . Raises : exc : ` NoSuchKernel ` if the given kernel name is not found ."""
if kernel_name == CURRENT_ENV_KERNEL_NAME : return self . kernel_spec_class ( resource_dir = ipykernel . kernelspec . RESOURCES , ** ipykernel . kernelspec . get_kernel_dict ( ) ) else : return super ( NbvalKernelspecManager , self ) . get_kernel_spec ( kernel_name )
def plot_data ( orig_data , data ) : '''plot data in 3D'''
import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits . mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib . pyplot as plt for dd , c in [ ( orig_data , 'r' ) , ( data , 'b' ) ] : fig = plt . figure ( ) ax = fig . add_subplot ( 111 , projection = '3d' ) xs = [ d . x for d in dd ] ys = [ d . y for d in dd ] zs = [ d . z for d in dd ] ax . scatter ( xs , ys , zs , c = c , marker = 'o' ) ax . set_xlabel ( 'X Label' ) ax . set_ylabel ( 'Y Label' ) ax . set_zlabel ( 'Z Label' ) plt . show ( )
def rooms ( self , sid , namespace = None ) : """Return the rooms a client is in . : param sid : Session ID of the client . : param namespace : The Socket . IO namespace for the event . If this argument is omitted the default namespace is used ."""
namespace = namespace or '/' return self . manager . get_rooms ( sid , namespace )
def insert_attribute ( self , att , index ) : """Inserts the attribute at the specified location . : param att : the attribute to insert : type att : Attribute : param index : the index to insert the attribute at : type index : int"""
javabridge . call ( self . jobject , "insertAttributeAt" , "(Lweka/core/Attribute;I)V" , att . jobject , index )
def project_describe ( object_id , input_params = { } , always_retry = True , ** kwargs ) : """Invokes the / project - xxxx / describe API method . For more info , see : https : / / wiki . dnanexus . com / API - Specification - v1.0.0 / Projects # API - method % 3A - % 2Fproject - xxxx % 2Fdescribe"""
return DXHTTPRequest ( '/%s/describe' % object_id , input_params , always_retry = always_retry , ** kwargs )
def update_widget_channels ( self ) : """Parameters axis : ' x ' or ' y ' event : pick of list text"""
sel1 = self . x_axis_list . GetSelection ( ) sel2 = self . y_axis_list . GetSelection ( ) if sel1 >= 0 and sel2 >= 0 : channel_1 = self . x_axis_list . GetString ( sel1 ) channel_2 = self . y_axis_list . GetString ( sel2 ) self . fcgatemanager . set_axes ( ( channel_1 , channel_2 ) , self . ax )
def reread ( self ) : """Read configuration file and substitute references into checks conf"""
logger . debug ( "Loading settings from %s" , os . path . abspath ( self . filename ) ) conf = self . read_conf ( ) changed = self . creds . reread ( ) checks = self . parser . parse_checks ( conf ) if self . checks != checks : self . checks = checks return True else : return changed
def get_workflow_status_of ( brain_or_object , state_var = "review_state" ) : """Get the current workflow status of the given brain or context . : param brain _ or _ object : A single catalog brain or content object : type brain _ or _ object : ATContentType / DexterityContentType / CatalogBrain : param state _ var : The name of the state variable : type state _ var : string : returns : Status : rtype : str"""
workflow = get_tool ( "portal_workflow" ) obj = get_object ( brain_or_object ) return workflow . getInfoFor ( ob = obj , name = state_var )
def attention_lm_moe_base_memeff ( ) : """Base model with attention expert ."""
hparams = attention_lm_moe_base_long_seq ( ) hparams . use_sepconv = False hparams . diet_experts = True hparams . layer_preprocess_sequence = "n" hparams . layer_postprocess_sequence = "da" hparams . layer_prepostprocess_dropout = 0.0 hparams . memory_efficient_ffn = True hparams . attention_type = AttentionType . MEMORY_EFFICIENT hparams . num_heads = 8 hparams . factored_logits = True return hparams
def set_headers ( self ) -> None : """Sets the content and caching headers on the response . . . versionadded : : 3.1"""
self . set_header ( "Accept-Ranges" , "bytes" ) self . set_etag_header ( ) if self . modified is not None : self . set_header ( "Last-Modified" , self . modified ) content_type = self . get_content_type ( ) if content_type : self . set_header ( "Content-Type" , content_type ) cache_time = self . get_cache_time ( self . path , self . modified , content_type ) if cache_time > 0 : self . set_header ( "Expires" , datetime . datetime . utcnow ( ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = cache_time ) , ) self . set_header ( "Cache-Control" , "max-age=" + str ( cache_time ) ) self . set_extra_headers ( self . path )
def prefixes ( self ) : """list all prefixes used"""
pset = set ( ) for n in self . nodes ( ) : pfx = self . prefix ( n ) if pfx is not None : pset . add ( pfx ) return list ( pset )
def _prepare_uri ( self , path , query_params = { } ) : """Prepares a full URI with the selected information . ` ` path ` ` : Path can be in one of two formats : - If : attr : ` server ` was defined , the ` ` path ` ` will be appended to the existing host , or - an absolute URL ` ` query _ params ` ` : Used to generate a query string , which will be appended to the end of the absolute URL . Returns an absolute URL ."""
query_str = urllib . urlencode ( query_params ) # If we have a relative path ( as opposed to a full URL ) , build it of # the connection info if path . startswith ( '/' ) and self . server : protocol = self . protocol server = self . server else : protocol , server , path , _ , _ , _ = urlparse . urlparse ( path ) assert server , "%s is not a valid URL" % path return urlparse . urlunparse ( ( protocol , server , path , None , query_str , None ) )
def CopyFromStringTuple ( self , time_elements_tuple ) : """Copies time elements from string - based time elements tuple . Args : time _ elements _ tuple ( Optional [ tuple [ str , str , str , str , str , str ] ] ) : time elements , contains year , month , day of month , hours , minutes and seconds . Raises : ValueError : if the time elements tuple is invalid ."""
if len ( time_elements_tuple ) < 6 : raise ValueError ( ( 'Invalid time elements tuple at least 6 elements required,' 'got: {0:d}' ) . format ( len ( time_elements_tuple ) ) ) try : year = int ( time_elements_tuple [ 0 ] , 10 ) except ( TypeError , ValueError ) : raise ValueError ( 'Invalid year value: {0!s}' . format ( time_elements_tuple [ 0 ] ) ) try : month = int ( time_elements_tuple [ 1 ] , 10 ) except ( TypeError , ValueError ) : raise ValueError ( 'Invalid month value: {0!s}' . format ( time_elements_tuple [ 1 ] ) ) try : day_of_month = int ( time_elements_tuple [ 2 ] , 10 ) except ( TypeError , ValueError ) : raise ValueError ( 'Invalid day of month value: {0!s}' . format ( time_elements_tuple [ 2 ] ) ) try : hours = int ( time_elements_tuple [ 3 ] , 10 ) except ( TypeError , ValueError ) : raise ValueError ( 'Invalid hours value: {0!s}' . format ( time_elements_tuple [ 3 ] ) ) try : minutes = int ( time_elements_tuple [ 4 ] , 10 ) except ( TypeError , ValueError ) : raise ValueError ( 'Invalid minutes value: {0!s}' . format ( time_elements_tuple [ 4 ] ) ) try : seconds = int ( time_elements_tuple [ 5 ] , 10 ) except ( TypeError , ValueError ) : raise ValueError ( 'Invalid seconds value: {0!s}' . format ( time_elements_tuple [ 5 ] ) ) self . _normalized_timestamp = None self . _number_of_seconds = self . _GetNumberOfSecondsFromElements ( year , month , day_of_month , hours , minutes , seconds ) self . _time_elements_tuple = ( year , month , day_of_month , hours , minutes , seconds )
def plt_goids ( gosubdag , fout_img , goids , ** kws_plt ) : """Plot GO IDs in a DAG ( Directed Acyclic Graph ) ."""
gosubdag_plt = GoSubDag ( goids , gosubdag . go2obj , rcntobj = gosubdag . rcntobj , ** kws_plt ) godagplot = GoSubDagPlot ( gosubdag_plt , ** kws_plt ) godagplot . plt_dag ( fout_img ) return godagplot
def execute ( self , sql , args = None ) : """It is used for update , delete records . : param sql string : the sql stamtement like ' select * from % s ' : param args list : Wen set None , will use dbi execute ( sql ) , else dbi execute ( sql , args ) , the args keep the original rules , it shuld be tuple or list of list eg : : execute ( ' insert into users values ( % s , % s ) ' , [ ( 1L , ' blablabla ' ) , ( 2L , ' animer ' ) ] ) execute ( ' delete from users ' )"""
con = self . pool . pop ( ) c = None try : c = con . cursor ( ) LOGGER . debug ( "Execute sql: " + sql + " args:" + str ( args ) ) if type ( args ) is tuple : c . execute ( sql , args ) elif type ( args ) is list : if len ( args ) > 1 and type ( args [ 0 ] ) in ( list , tuple ) : c . executemany ( sql , args ) else : c . execute ( sql , args ) elif args is None : c . execute ( sql ) if sql . lstrip ( ) [ : 6 ] . upper ( ) == 'INSERT' : return c . lastrowid return c . rowcount except Exception as e : LOGGER . error ( "Error Execute on %s" , str ( e ) ) raise DBError ( str ( e ) ) finally : c and c . close ( ) con and self . pool . push ( con )
def get_lab_text ( lab_slug , language ) : """Gets text description in English or Italian from a single lab from makeinitaly . foundation ."""
if language == "English" or language == "english" or language == "EN" or language == "En" : language = "en" elif language == "Italian" or language == "italian" or language == "IT" or language == "It" or language == "it" : language = "it" else : language = "en" wiki = MediaWiki ( makeinitaly__foundation_api_url ) wiki_response = wiki . call ( { 'action' : 'query' , 'titles' : lab_slug + "/" + language , 'prop' : 'revisions' , 'rvprop' : 'content' } ) # If we don ' t know the pageid . . . for i in wiki_response [ "query" ] [ "pages" ] : if "revisions" in wiki_response [ "query" ] [ "pages" ] [ i ] : content = wiki_response [ "query" ] [ "pages" ] [ i ] [ "revisions" ] [ 0 ] [ "*" ] else : content = "" # Clean the resulting string / list newstr01 = content . replace ( "}}" , "" ) newstr02 = newstr01 . replace ( "{{" , "" ) result = newstr02 . rstrip ( "\n|" ) . split ( "\n|" ) return result [ 0 ]
def pypi_search ( self ) : """Search PyPI by metadata keyword e . g . yolk - S name = yolk AND license = GPL @ param spec : Cheese Shop search spec @ type spec : list of strings spec examples : [ " name = yolk " ] [ " license = GPL " ] [ " name = yolk " , " AND " , " license = GPL " ] @ returns : 0 on success or 1 if mal - formed search spec"""
spec = self . pkg_spec # Add remainging cli arguments to options . pypi _ search search_arg = self . options . pypi_search spec . insert ( 0 , search_arg . strip ( ) ) ( spec , operator ) = self . parse_search_spec ( spec ) if not spec : return 1 for pkg in self . pypi . search ( spec , operator ) : if pkg [ 'summary' ] : summary = pkg [ 'summary' ] . encode ( 'utf-8' ) else : summary = "" print ( """%s (%s): %s """ % ( pkg [ 'name' ] . encode ( 'utf-8' ) , pkg [ "version" ] , summary ) ) return 0
def secure ( new_user = env . user ) : """Minimal security steps for brand new servers . Installs system updates , creates new user ( with sudo privileges ) for future usage , and disables root login via SSH ."""
run ( "apt-get update -q" ) run ( "apt-get upgrade -y -q" ) run ( "adduser --gecos '' %s" % new_user ) run ( "usermod -G sudo %s" % new_user ) run ( "sed -i 's:RootLogin yes:RootLogin no:' /etc/ssh/sshd_config" ) run ( "service ssh restart" ) print ( green ( "Security steps completed. Log in to the server as '%s' from " "now on." % new_user , bold = True ) )
def rectangle ( self , edge_style , pat , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , shadow = None ) : """Draw a rectangle with EDGE _ STYLE , fill with PAT , and the bounding box ( X1 , Y1 , X2 , Y2 ) . SHADOW is either None or a tuple ( XDELTA , YDELTA , fillstyle ) . If non - null , a shadow of FILLSTYLE is drawn beneath the polygon at the offset of ( XDELTA , YDELTA ) ."""
self . polygon ( edge_style , pat , [ ( x1 , y1 ) , ( x1 , y2 ) , ( x2 , y2 ) , ( x2 , y1 ) ] , shadow )
def get_symmetry_operations ( self , cartesian = False ) : """Return symmetry operations as a list of SymmOp objects . By default returns fractional coord symmops . But cartesian can be returned too . Returns : ( [ SymmOp ] ) : List of symmetry operations ."""
rotation , translation = self . _get_symmetry ( ) symmops = [ ] mat = self . _structure . lattice . matrix . T invmat = np . linalg . inv ( mat ) for rot , trans in zip ( rotation , translation ) : if cartesian : rot = np . dot ( mat , np . dot ( rot , invmat ) ) trans = np . dot ( trans , self . _structure . lattice . matrix ) op = SymmOp . from_rotation_and_translation ( rot , trans ) symmops . append ( op ) return symmops
def newchild ( self , chld = False ) : """Like givebirth ( ) , but also appends the new child to the list of children ."""
if not chld : chld = self . givebirth ( ) lchld = [ chld ] if type ( chld ) != list else chld for chldx in lchld : chldx . parent = self self . children . append ( chld ) return chld
def user_can_edit_news ( user ) : """Check if the user has permission to edit any of the registered NewsItem types ."""
newsitem_models = [ model . get_newsitem_model ( ) for model in NEWSINDEX_MODEL_CLASSES ] if user . is_active and user . is_superuser : # admin can edit news iff any news types exist return bool ( newsitem_models ) for NewsItem in newsitem_models : for perm in format_perms ( NewsItem , [ 'add' , 'change' , 'delete' ] ) : if user . has_perm ( perm ) : return True return False
def next ( self ) : """Return next line without end of line marker or raise StopIteration ."""
try : next_line = next ( self . _f ) except StopIteration : self . _FinalCheck ( ) raise self . _line_number += 1 m_eol = re . search ( r"[\x0a\x0d]*$" , next_line ) if m_eol . group ( ) == "\x0d\x0a" : self . _crlf += 1 if self . _crlf <= 5 : self . _crlf_examples . append ( self . _line_number ) elif m_eol . group ( ) == "\x0a" : self . _lf += 1 if self . _lf <= 5 : self . _lf_examples . append ( self . _line_number ) elif m_eol . group ( ) == "" : # Should only happen at the end of the file try : next ( self . _f ) raise RuntimeError ( "Unexpected row without new line sequence" ) except StopIteration : # Will be raised again when EndOfLineChecker . next ( ) is next called pass else : self . _problems . InvalidLineEnd ( codecs . getencoder ( 'string_escape' ) ( m_eol . group ( ) ) [ 0 ] , ( self . _name , self . _line_number ) ) next_line_contents = next_line [ 0 : m_eol . start ( ) ] for seq , name in INVALID_LINE_SEPARATOR_UTF8 . items ( ) : if next_line_contents . find ( seq ) != - 1 : self . _problems . OtherProblem ( "Line contains %s" % name , context = ( self . _name , self . _line_number ) ) return next_line_contents
def autodecode ( b ) : """Try to decode ` ` bytes ` ` to text - try default encoding first , otherwise try to autodetect Args : b ( bytes ) : byte string Returns : str : decoded text string"""
import warnings import chardet try : return b . decode ( ) except UnicodeError : result = chardet . detect ( b ) if result [ 'confidence' ] < 0.95 : warnings . warn ( 'autodecode failed with utf-8; guessing %s' % result [ 'encoding' ] ) return result . decode ( result [ 'encoding' ] )
def probe ( path ) : """Probe a repository for its type . : param str path : The path of the repository : raises UnknownVCSType : if the repository type couldn ' t be inferred : returns str : either ` ` git ` ` , ` ` hg ` ` , or ` ` svn ` ` This function employs some heuristics to guess the type of the repository ."""
import os from . common import UnknownVCSType if os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( path , '.git' ) ) : return 'git' elif os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( path , '.hg' ) ) : return 'hg' elif ( os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( path , 'config' ) ) and os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( path , 'objects' ) ) and os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( path , 'refs' ) ) and os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( path , 'branches' ) ) ) : return 'git' elif ( os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( path , 'format' ) ) and os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( path , 'conf' ) ) and os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( path , 'db' ) ) and os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( path , 'locks' ) ) ) : return 'svn' else : raise UnknownVCSType ( path )
def insert_before ( self , sibling , row = None ) : """insert _ before ( sibling , row = None ) : param sibling : A valid : obj : ` Gtk . TreeIter ` , or : obj : ` None ` : type sibling : : obj : ` Gtk . TreeIter ` or : obj : ` None ` : param row : a list of values to apply to the newly inserted row or : obj : ` None ` : type row : [ : obj : ` object ` ] or : obj : ` None ` : returns : : obj : ` Gtk . TreeIter ` pointing to the new row : rtype : : obj : ` Gtk . TreeIter ` Inserts a new row before ` sibling ` . If ` sibling ` is : obj : ` None ` , then the row will be appended to the end of the list . The row will be empty if ` row ` is : obj : ` None . To fill in values , you need to call : obj : ` Gtk . ListStore . set ` \\ ( ) or : obj : ` Gtk . ListStore . set _ value ` \\ ( ) . If ` row ` isn ' t : obj : ` None ` it has to be a list of values which will be used to fill the row ."""
treeiter = Gtk . ListStore . insert_before ( self , sibling ) if row is not None : self . set_row ( treeiter , row ) return treeiter
def main ( self , x ) : """Transposed FIR structure"""
self . acc [ 0 ] = x * self . TAPS [ - 1 ] for i in range ( 1 , len ( self . acc ) ) : self . acc [ i ] = self . acc [ i - 1 ] + x * self . TAPS [ len ( self . TAPS ) - 1 - i ] self . out = self . acc [ - 1 ] return self . out
def cholesky ( A , ordering_method = 'default' , return_type = RETURN_P_L , use_long = False ) : '''P A P ' = L L ' '''
logger . debug ( 'Calculating cholesky decomposition for matrix {!r} with ordering method {}, return type {} and use_long {}.' . format ( A , ordering_method , return_type , use_long ) ) # # check input return_types = ( RETURN_L , RETURN_L_D , RETURN_P_L , RETURN_P_L_D ) if ordering_method not in CHOLMOD_ORDERING_METHODS : raise ValueError ( 'Unknown ordering method {}. Only values in {} are supported.' . format ( ordering_method , CHOLMOD_ORDERING_METHODS ) ) if return_type not in return_types : raise ValueError ( 'Unknown return type {}. Only values in {} are supported.' . format ( return_type , return_types ) ) if ordering_method != 'natural' and return_type in ( RETURN_L , RETURN_L_D ) : raise ValueError ( 'Return type {} is only supported for "natural" ordering method.' . format ( return_type ) ) # TODO symmetry check A = util . math . sparse . check . sorted_squared_csc ( A ) # # calculate cholesky decomposition try : try : f = sksparse . cholmod . cholesky ( A , ordering_method = ordering_method , use_long = use_long ) except sksparse . cholmod . CholmodTooLargeError as e : if not use_long : warnings . warn ( 'Problem to large for int, switching to long.' ) return cholesky ( A , ordering_method = ordering_method , return_type = return_type , use_long = True ) else : raise except sksparse . cholmod . CholmodNotPositiveDefiniteError as e : raise util . math . matrix . NoPositiveDefiniteMatrixError ( A , 'Row/column {} makes matrix not positive definite.' . format ( e . column ) ) del A # # calculate permutation matrix p = f . P ( ) n = len ( p ) if return_type in ( RETURN_P_L , RETURN_P_L_D ) : P = scipy . sparse . dok_matrix ( ( n , n ) , dtype = np . int8 ) for i in range ( n ) : P [ i , p [ i ] ] = 1 P = P . tocsr ( ) P . astype ( np . int8 ) # # return P , L if return_type in ( RETURN_L , RETURN_P_L ) : L = f . L ( ) . tocsr ( ) if return_type == RETURN_L : assert np . all ( p == np . arange ( n ) ) logger . debug ( 'Returning lower triangular matrix {!r}.' . format ( L ) ) return ( L , ) else : logger . debug ( 'Returning permutation matrix {!r} and lower triangular matrix {!r}.' . format ( P , L ) ) return ( P , L ) # # return P , L , D if return_type in ( RETURN_L_D , RETURN_P_L_D ) : L , D = f . L_D ( ) # Do not use f . L _ D ( ) - > higher memory consumption # LD = f . LD ( ) if return_type == RETURN_L_D : logger . debug ( 'Returning lower triangular matrix {!r} and diagonal matrix {!r}.' . format ( P , L , D ) ) return ( L , D ) else : logger . debug ( 'Returning permutation matrix {!r}, lower triangular matrix {!r} and diagonal matrix {!r}.' . format ( P , L , D ) ) return ( P , L , D )
def add ( name , device ) : '''Add new device to RAID array . CLI Example : . . code - block : : bash salt ' * ' raid . add / dev / md0 / dev / sda1'''
cmd = 'mdadm --manage {0} --add {1}' . format ( name , device ) if __salt__ [ 'cmd.retcode' ] ( cmd ) == 0 : return True return False
def _flush_batch_incr_counter ( self ) : """Increments any unflushed counter values ."""
for key , count in six . iteritems ( self . _counter_dict ) : if count == 0 : continue args = list ( key ) + [ count ] self . _incr_counter ( * args ) self . _counter_dict [ key ] = 0
def get_all_reserved_instances_offerings ( self , reserved_instances_id = None , instance_type = None , availability_zone = None , product_description = None , filters = None ) : """Describes Reserved Instance offerings that are available for purchase . : type reserved _ instances _ id : str : param reserved _ instances _ id : Displays Reserved Instances with the specified offering IDs . : type instance _ type : str : param instance _ type : Displays Reserved Instances of the specified instance type . : type availability _ zone : str : param availability _ zone : Displays Reserved Instances within the specified Availability Zone . : type product _ description : str : param product _ description : Displays Reserved Instances with the specified product description . : type filters : dict : param filters : Optional filters that can be used to limit the results returned . Filters are provided in the form of a dictionary consisting of filter names as the key and filter values as the value . The set of allowable filter names / values is dependent on the request being performed . Check the EC2 API guide for details . : rtype : list : return : A list of : class : ` boto . ec2 . reservedinstance . ReservedInstancesOffering `"""
params = { } if reserved_instances_id : params [ 'ReservedInstancesId' ] = reserved_instances_id if instance_type : params [ 'InstanceType' ] = instance_type if availability_zone : params [ 'AvailabilityZone' ] = availability_zone if product_description : params [ 'ProductDescription' ] = product_description if filters : self . build_filter_params ( params , filters ) return self . get_list ( 'DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings' , params , [ ( 'item' , ReservedInstancesOffering ) ] , verb = 'POST' )
def get_fine_tune_model ( symbol , arg_params , num_classes , layer_name , dtype = 'float32' ) : """symbol : the pre - trained network symbol arg _ params : the argument parameters of the pre - trained model num _ classes : the number of classes for the fine - tune datasets layer _ name : the layer name before the last fully - connected layer"""
all_layers = symbol . get_internals ( ) net = all_layers [ layer_name + '_output' ] net = mx . symbol . FullyConnected ( data = net , num_hidden = num_classes , name = 'fc' ) if dtype == 'float16' : net = mx . sym . Cast ( data = net , dtype = np . float32 ) net = mx . symbol . SoftmaxOutput ( data = net , name = 'softmax' ) new_args = dict ( { k : arg_params [ k ] for k in arg_params if 'fc' not in k } ) return ( net , new_args )
def element_info ( cls_or_slf , node , siblings , level , value_dims ) : """Return the information summary for an Element . This consists of the dotted name followed by an value dimension names ."""
info = cls_or_slf . component_type ( node ) if len ( node . kdims ) >= 1 : info += cls_or_slf . tab + '[%s]' % ',' . join ( d . name for d in node . kdims ) if value_dims and len ( node . vdims ) >= 1 : info += cls_or_slf . tab + '(%s)' % ',' . join ( d . name for d in node . vdims ) return level , [ ( level , info ) ]
def get_autoflow ( cls , obj , name ) : """Extracts from an object existing dictionary with tensors specified by name . If there is no such object then new one will be created . Intenally , it appends autoflow prefix to the name and saves it as an attribute . : param obj : target GPflow object . : param name : unique part of autoflow attribute ' s name . : raises : ValueError exception if ` name ` is not a string ."""
if not isinstance ( name , str ) : raise ValueError ( 'Name must be string.' ) prefix = cls . __autoflow_prefix__ autoflow_name = prefix + name store = misc . get_attribute ( obj , autoflow_name , allow_fail = True , default = { } ) if not store : setattr ( obj , autoflow_name , store ) return store
def pack_value ( self , val ) : """Convert 8 - byte string into 16 - byte list"""
if isinstance ( val , bytes ) : val = list ( iterbytes ( val ) ) slen = len ( val ) if self . pad : pad = b'\0\0' * ( slen % 2 ) else : pad = b'' return struct . pack ( '>' + 'H' * slen , * val ) + pad , slen , None
def getChecked ( self ) : """Gets the checked attributes : returns : list < str > - - checked attribute names"""
attrs = [ ] layout = self . layout ( ) for i in range ( layout . count ( ) ) : w = layout . itemAt ( i ) . widget ( ) if w . isChecked ( ) : attrs . append ( str ( w . text ( ) ) ) return attrs
def update_notification_settings ( self , api_token , event , service , should_notify ) : """Update a user ' s notification settings . : param api _ token : The user ' s login api _ token . : type api _ token : str : param event : Update the notification settings of this event . : type event : str : param service : ` ` email ` ` or ` ` push ` ` : type service : str : param should _ notify : If ` ` 0 ` ` notify , otherwise do not . : type should _ notify : int : return : The HTTP response to the request . : rtype : : class : ` requests . Response ` > > > from pytodoist . api import TodoistAPI > > > api = TodoistAPI ( ) > > > response = api . login ( ' john . doe @ gmail . com ' , ' password ' ) > > > user _ info = response . json ( ) > > > user _ api _ token = user _ info [ ' api _ token ' ] > > > response = api . update _ notification _ settings ( user _ api _ token , . . . ' user _ left _ project ' , . . . ' email ' , 0)"""
params = { 'token' : api_token , 'notification_type' : event , 'service' : service , 'dont_notify' : should_notify } return self . _post ( 'update_notification_setting' , params )
def request_update ( self , context ) : """Requests a sink info update ( sink _ info _ cb is called )"""
pa_operation_unref ( pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name ( context , self . current_sink . encode ( ) , self . _sink_info_cb , None ) )
def plot_graph_folium ( G , graph_map = None , popup_attribute = None , tiles = 'cartodbpositron' , zoom = 1 , fit_bounds = True , edge_color = '#333333' , edge_width = 5 , edge_opacity = 1 ) : """Plot a graph on an interactive folium web map . Note that anything larger than a small city can take a long time to plot and create a large web map file that is very slow to load as JavaScript . Parameters G : networkx multidigraph graph _ map : folium . folium . Map if not None , plot the graph on this preexisting folium map object popup _ attribute : string edge attribute to display in a pop - up when an edge is clicked tiles : string name of a folium tileset zoom : int initial zoom level for the map fit _ bounds : bool if True , fit the map to the boundaries of the route ' s edges edge _ color : string color of the edge lines edge _ width : numeric width of the edge lines edge _ opacity : numeric opacity of the edge lines Returns graph _ map : folium . folium . Map"""
# check if we were able to import folium successfully if not folium : raise ImportError ( 'The folium package must be installed to use this optional feature.' ) # create gdf of the graph edges gdf_edges = graph_to_gdfs ( G , nodes = False , fill_edge_geometry = True ) # get graph centroid x , y = gdf_edges . unary_union . centroid . xy graph_centroid = ( y [ 0 ] , x [ 0 ] ) # create the folium web map if one wasn ' t passed - in if graph_map is None : graph_map = folium . Map ( location = graph_centroid , zoom_start = zoom , tiles = tiles ) # add each graph edge to the map for _ , row in gdf_edges . iterrows ( ) : pl = make_folium_polyline ( edge = row , edge_color = edge_color , edge_width = edge_width , edge_opacity = edge_opacity , popup_attribute = popup_attribute ) pl . add_to ( graph_map ) # if fit _ bounds is True , fit the map to the bounds of the route by passing # list of lat - lng points as [ southwest , northeast ] if fit_bounds : tb = gdf_edges . total_bounds bounds = [ ( tb [ 1 ] , tb [ 0 ] ) , ( tb [ 3 ] , tb [ 2 ] ) ] graph_map . fit_bounds ( bounds ) return graph_map
def disassemble ( nex ) : """Given a NumExpr object , return a list which is the program disassembled ."""
rev_opcodes = { } for op in interpreter . opcodes : rev_opcodes [ interpreter . opcodes [ op ] ] = op r_constants = 1 + len ( nex . signature ) r_temps = r_constants + len ( nex . constants ) def getArg ( pc , offset ) : if sys . version_info [ 0 ] < 3 : arg = ord ( nex . program [ pc + offset ] ) op = rev_opcodes . get ( ord ( nex . program [ pc ] ) ) else : arg = nex . program [ pc + offset ] op = rev_opcodes . get ( nex . program [ pc ] ) try : code = op . split ( b'_' ) [ 1 ] [ offset - 1 ] except IndexError : return None if sys . version_info [ 0 ] > 2 : # int . to _ bytes is not available in Python < 3.2 # code = code . to _ bytes ( 1 , sys . byteorder ) code = bytes ( [ code ] ) if arg == 255 : return None if code != b'n' : if arg == 0 : return b'r0' elif arg < r_constants : return ( 'r%d[%s]' % ( arg , nex . input_names [ arg - 1 ] ) ) . encode ( 'ascii' ) elif arg < r_temps : return ( 'c%d[%s]' % ( arg , nex . constants [ arg - r_constants ] ) ) . encode ( 'ascii' ) else : return ( 't%d' % ( arg , ) ) . encode ( 'ascii' ) else : return arg source = [ ] for pc in range ( 0 , len ( nex . program ) , 4 ) : if sys . version_info [ 0 ] < 3 : op = rev_opcodes . get ( ord ( nex . program [ pc ] ) ) else : op = rev_opcodes . get ( nex . program [ pc ] ) dest = getArg ( pc , 1 ) arg1 = getArg ( pc , 2 ) arg2 = getArg ( pc , 3 ) source . append ( ( op , dest , arg1 , arg2 ) ) return source
def guess_path_encoding ( file_path , default = DEFAULT_ENCODING ) : """Wrapper to open that damn file for you , lazy bastard ."""
with io . open ( file_path , 'rb' ) as fh : return guess_file_encoding ( fh , default = default )
def dynamicmap_memoization ( callable_obj , streams ) : """Determine whether the Callable should have memoization enabled based on the supplied streams ( typically by a DynamicMap ) . Memoization is disabled if any of the streams require it it and are currently in a triggered state ."""
memoization_state = bool ( callable_obj . _stream_memoization ) callable_obj . _stream_memoization &= not any ( s . transient and s . _triggering for s in streams ) try : yield except : raise finally : callable_obj . _stream_memoization = memoization_state
def schema ( self ) : """The DQL syntax for creating this item"""
schema = "%s %s %s %s('%s'" % ( self . name , self . data_type , self . index_type , self . key_type , self . index_name , ) if self . includes is not None : schema += ", [" schema += ", " . join ( ( "'%s'" % i for i in self . includes ) ) schema += "]" return schema + ")"
def getChangeSets ( self ) : """Get all the ChangeSets of this workitem : return : a : class : ` list ` contains all the : class : ` rtcclient . models . ChangeSet ` objects : rtype : list"""
changeset_tag = ( "" "" ) return ( self . rtc_obj . _get_paged_resources ( "ChangeSet" , workitem_id = self . identifier , customized_attr = changeset_tag , page_size = "10" ) )
def _print_message ( self , text , fd = None ) : '''Note : this overrides an existing method in ArgumentParser'''
# Since we have the async - > sync - > async problem , queue up and print at exit self . root . mesgs . extend ( text . split ( '\n' ) )
def signature_validate_single ( signature , error = None ) : "is signature a single valid type ."
error , my_error = _get_error ( error ) result = dbus . dbus_signature_validate_single ( signature . encode ( ) , error . _dbobj ) != 0 my_error . raise_if_set ( ) return result
async def read ( self , n = None ) : """Read all content"""
if self . _streamed : return b'' buffer = [ ] async for body in self : buffer . append ( body ) return b'' . join ( buffer )
def to_dlpack_for_read ( data ) : """Returns a reference view of NDArray that represents as DLManagedTensor until all previous write operations on the current array are finished . Parameters data : NDArray input data . Returns PyCapsule ( the pointer of DLManagedTensor ) a reference view of NDArray that represents as DLManagedTensor . Examples > > > x = mx . nd . ones ( ( 2,3 ) ) > > > y = mx . nd . to _ dlpack _ for _ read ( x ) > > > type ( y ) < class ' PyCapsule ' > > > > z = mx . nd . from _ dlpack ( y ) [ [ 1 . 1 . 1 . ] [1 . 1 . 1 . ] ] < NDArray 2x3 @ cpu ( 0 ) >"""
data . wait_to_read ( ) dlpack = DLPackHandle ( ) check_call ( _LIB . MXNDArrayToDLPack ( data . handle , ctypes . byref ( dlpack ) ) ) return ctypes . pythonapi . PyCapsule_New ( dlpack , _c_str_dltensor , _c_dlpack_deleter )
def list_entries ( self , projects , filter_ = None , order_by = None , page_size = None , page_token = None ) : """Return a page of log entry resources . See https : / / cloud . google . com / logging / docs / reference / v2 / rest / v2 / entries / list : type projects : list of strings : param projects : project IDs to include . If not passed , defaults to the project bound to the client . : type filter _ : str : param filter _ : a filter expression . See https : / / cloud . google . com / logging / docs / view / advanced _ filters : type order _ by : str : param order _ by : One of : data : ` ~ google . cloud . logging . ASCENDING ` or : data : ` ~ google . cloud . logging . DESCENDING ` . : type page _ size : int : param page _ size : maximum number of entries to return , If not passed , defaults to a value set by the API . : type page _ token : str : param page _ token : opaque marker for the next " page " of entries . If not passed , the API will return the first page of entries . : rtype : : class : ` ~ google . api _ core . page _ iterator . Iterator ` : returns : Iterator of : class : ` ~ google . cloud . logging . entries . _ BaseEntry ` accessible to the current API ."""
extra_params = { "projectIds" : projects } if filter_ is not None : extra_params [ "filter" ] = filter_ if order_by is not None : extra_params [ "orderBy" ] = order_by if page_size is not None : extra_params [ "pageSize" ] = page_size path = "/entries:list" # We attach a mutable loggers dictionary so that as Logger # objects are created by entry _ from _ resource , they can be # re - used by other log entries from the same logger . loggers = { } item_to_value = functools . partial ( _item_to_entry , loggers = loggers ) iterator = page_iterator . HTTPIterator ( client = self . _client , api_request = self . _client . _connection . api_request , path = path , item_to_value = item_to_value , items_key = "entries" , page_token = page_token , extra_params = extra_params , ) # This method uses POST to make a read - only request . iterator . _HTTP_METHOD = "POST" return iterator
def orbit ( self , x1_px , y1_px , x2_px , y2_px ) : """Causes the camera to " orbit " around the target point . This is also called " tumbling " in some software packages ."""
px_per_deg = self . vport_radius_px / float ( self . orbit_speed ) radians_per_px = 1.0 / px_per_deg * np . pi / 180.0 t2p = self . position - self . target M = Matrix4x4 . rotation_around_origin ( ( x1_px - x2_px ) * radians_per_px , self . ground ) t2p = M * t2p self . up = M * self . up right = ( self . up ^ t2p ) . normalized ( ) M = Matrix4x4 . rotation_around_origin ( ( y1_px - y2_px ) * radians_per_px , right ) t2p = M * t2p self . up = M * self . up self . position = self . target + t2p
def add_match_rules ( self , match_rules ) : """Add the given match rules to the ruleset . Handles single rules or a list of rules . : param match _ rules : Object representing YAML section from config file : return : Example match _ rules object : [ { ' filename - starts - with ' : ' abc ' } , { ' filename - ends - with ' : ' xyz ' ]"""
if type ( match_rules ) == list : for r in match_rules : self . add_match_rule ( r ) else : # Handle a single rule being passed in that ' s not in a list self . add_match_rule ( match_rules )
def get_next_tag ( cls , el ) : """Get next sibling tag ."""
sibling = el . next_sibling while not cls . is_tag ( sibling ) and sibling is not None : sibling = sibling . next_sibling return sibling
def angle_between_vectors ( x , y ) : """Compute the angle between vector x and y"""
dp = dot_product ( x , y ) if dp == 0 : return 0 xm = magnitude ( x ) ym = magnitude ( y ) return math . acos ( dp / ( xm * ym ) ) * ( 180. / math . pi )
def load_csv_data ( fname , tag ) : """Load data from a comma separated SuperMAG file Parameters fname : ( str ) CSV SuperMAG file name tag : ( str ) Denotes type of file to load . Accepted types are ' indices ' , ' all ' , ' stations ' , and ' ' ( for just magnetometer measurements ) . Returns data : ( pandas . DataFrame ) Pandas DataFrame"""
import re if tag == "stations" : # Because there may be multiple operators , the default pandas reader # cannot be used . ddict = dict ( ) dkeys = list ( ) date_list = list ( ) # Open and read the file with open ( fname , "r" ) as fopen : dtime = pds . datetime . strptime ( fname . split ( "_" ) [ - 1 ] . split ( "." ) [ 0 ] , "%Y" ) for fline in fopen . readlines ( ) : sline = [ ll for ll in re . split ( r'[,\n]+' , fline ) if len ( ll ) > 0 ] if len ( ddict . items ( ) ) == 0 : for kk in sline : kk = re . sub ( "-" , "_" , kk ) ddict [ kk ] = list ( ) dkeys . append ( kk ) else : date_list . append ( dtime ) for i , ll in enumerate ( sline ) : if i >= 1 and i <= 4 : ddict [ dkeys [ i ] ] . append ( float ( ll ) ) elif i == 6 : ddict [ dkeys [ i ] ] . append ( int ( ll ) ) elif i < len ( dkeys ) : ddict [ dkeys [ i ] ] . append ( ll ) else : ddict [ dkeys [ - 1 ] ] [ - 1 ] += " {:s}" . format ( ll ) # Create a data frame for this file data = pds . DataFrame ( ddict , index = date_list , columns = ddict . keys ( ) ) else : # Define the date parser def parse_smag_date ( dd ) : return pysat . datetime . strptime ( dd , "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) # Load the file into a data frame data = pds . read_csv ( fname , parse_dates = { 'datetime' : [ 0 ] } , date_parser = parse_smag_date , index_col = 'datetime' ) return data
async def running ( self ) : """Start websocket connection ."""
url = 'http://{}:{}' . format ( self . host , self . port ) try : async with self . session . ws_connect ( url ) as ws : self . state = STATE_RUNNING async for msg in ws : if self . state == STATE_STOPPED : break elif msg . type == aiohttp . WSMsgType . TEXT : self . _data = json . loads ( msg . data ) self . async_session_handler_callback ( 'data' ) _LOGGER . debug ( 'Websocket data: %s' , msg . data ) elif msg . type == aiohttp . WSMsgType . CLOSED : break elif msg . type == aiohttp . WSMsgType . ERROR : break except aiohttp . ClientConnectorError : if self . state != STATE_STOPPED : self . retry ( ) except Exception as err : _LOGGER . error ( 'Unexpected error %s' , err ) if self . state != STATE_STOPPED : self . retry ( ) else : if self . state != STATE_STOPPED : self . retry ( )
def errors_handler ( self , * custom_filters , exception = None , run_task = None , ** kwargs ) : """Decorator for errors handler : param exception : you can make handler for specific errors type : param run _ task : run callback in task ( no wait results ) : return :"""
def decorator ( callback ) : self . register_errors_handler ( self . _wrap_async_task ( callback , run_task ) , * custom_filters , exception = exception , ** kwargs ) return callback return decorator
def after_model_change ( self , form , model , is_created ) : """Save model ."""
super ( KnowledgeAdmin , self ) . after_model_change ( form , model , is_created ) from invenio_collections . models import Collection if form . kbtype . data == KnwKB . KNWKB_TYPES [ 'dynamic' ] : id_collection = form . id_collection . data or None collection = Collection . query . filter_by ( id = id_collection ) . one ( ) if id_collection else None model . set_dyn_config ( field = form . output_tag . data , expression = form . search_expression . data , collection = collection ) if form . kbtype . data == KnwKB . KNWKB_TYPES [ 'taxonomy' ] : if form . tfile . data : file_name = model . get_filename ( ) file_data = request . files [ form . tfile . name ] . read ( ) with open ( file_name , 'w' ) as f : f . write ( file_data )
def interpolate_data ( self , data , limit , method ) : """Interpolate dataframe . Parameters data : pd . DataFrame ( ) Dataframe to interpolate limit : int Interpolation limit . method : str Interpolation method . Returns pd . DataFrame ( ) Dataframe containing interpolated data"""
data = data . interpolate ( how = "index" , limit = limit , method = method ) return data
def get_sequence ( self , chrom , start , end , strand = '+' , indexing = ( - 1 , 0 ) ) : """chromosome is entered relative to the file it was built with , so it can be ' chr11 ' or ' 11 ' , start / end are coordinates , which default to python style [ 0,1 ) internally . So positions should be entered with ( 1,1 ) indexing . This can be changed with the indexing keyword . The default is for everything to be relative to the positive strand"""
try : divisor = int ( self . sequence_index [ chrom ] [ 2 ] ) except KeyError : self . open_fasta_index ( ) try : divisor = int ( self . sequence_index [ chrom ] [ 2 ] ) except KeyError : sys . stderr . write ( "%s cannot be found within the fasta index file.\n" % chrom ) return "" start += indexing [ 0 ] end += indexing [ 1 ] # is it a valid position ? if ( start < 0 or end > int ( self . sequence_index [ chrom ] [ 0 ] ) ) : raise ValueError ( "The range %d-%d is invalid. Valid range for this feature is 1-%d." % ( start - indexing [ 0 ] , end - indexing [ 1 ] , int ( self . sequence_index [ chrom ] [ 0 ] ) ) ) # go to start of chromosome seekpos = int ( self . sequence_index [ chrom ] [ 1 ] ) # find how many newlines we have seekpos += start + start / divisor slen = end - start endpos = int ( slen + ( slen / divisor ) + 1 ) # a hack of sorts but it works and is easy self . fasta_file . seek ( seekpos , 0 ) output = self . fasta_file . read ( endpos ) output = output . replace ( '\n' , '' ) out = output [ : slen ] if strand == '+' or strand == 1 : return out if strand == '-' or strand == - 1 : return _reverse_complement ( out )
def scipy_solve_symm_block_tridiag ( H_diag , H_upper_diag , v , ab = None ) : """use scipy . linalg . solve _ banded to solve a symmetric block tridiagonal system see https : / / docs . scipy . org / doc / scipy / reference / generated / scipy . linalg . solveh _ banded . html"""
from scipy . linalg import solveh_banded ab = convert_block_tridiag_to_banded ( H_diag , H_upper_diag ) if ab is None else ab x = solveh_banded ( ab , v . ravel ( ) , lower = True ) return x . reshape ( v . shape )
def merge_obs ( self ) : """Match forecasts and observations ."""
for model_type in self . model_types : self . matched_forecasts [ model_type ] = { } for model_name in self . model_names [ model_type ] : self . matched_forecasts [ model_type ] [ model_name ] = pd . merge ( self . forecasts [ model_type ] [ model_name ] , self . obs , right_on = "Step_ID" , how = "left" , left_index = True )
def create_instance ( self , ** kwargs ) : """Creates a new virtual server instance . . . warning : : This will add charges to your account Example : : new _ vsi = { ' domain ' : u ' test01 . labs . sftlyr . ws ' , ' hostname ' : u ' minion05 ' , ' datacenter ' : u ' hkg02 ' , ' flavor ' : ' BL1_1X2X100' ' dedicated ' : False , ' private ' : False , ' os _ code ' : u ' UBUNTU _ LATEST ' , ' hourly ' : True , ' ssh _ keys ' : [ 1234 ] , ' disks ' : ( ' 100 ' , ' 25 ' ) , ' local _ disk ' : True , ' tags ' : ' test , pleaseCancel ' , ' public _ security _ groups ' : [ 12 , 15] vsi = mgr . create _ instance ( * * new _ vsi ) # vsi will have the newly created vsi details if done properly . print vsi : param int cpus : The number of virtual CPUs to include in the instance . : param int memory : The amount of RAM to order . : param bool hourly : Flag to indicate if this server should be billed hourly ( default ) or monthly . : param string hostname : The hostname to use for the new server . : param string domain : The domain to use for the new server . : param bool local _ disk : Flag to indicate if this should be a local disk ( default ) or a SAN disk . : param string datacenter : The short name of the data center in which the VS should reside . : param string os _ code : The operating system to use . Cannot be specified if image _ id is specified . : param int image _ id : The GUID of the image to load onto the server . Cannot be specified if os _ code is specified . : param bool dedicated : Flag to indicate if this should be housed on adedicated or shared host ( default ) . This will incur a fee on your account . : param int public _ vlan : The ID of the public VLAN on which you want this VS placed . : param list public _ security _ groups : The list of security group IDs to apply to the public interface : param list private _ security _ groups : The list of security group IDs to apply to the private interface : param int private _ vlan : The ID of the private VLAN on which you want this VS placed . : param list disks : A list of disk capacities for this server . : param string post _ uri : The URI of the post - install script to run after reload : param bool private : If true , the VS will be provisioned only with access to the private network . Defaults to false : param list ssh _ keys : The SSH keys to add to the root user : param int nic _ speed : The port speed to set : param string tags : tags to set on the VS as a comma separated list : param string flavor : The key name of the public virtual server flavor being ordered . : param int host _ id : The host id of a dedicated host to provision a dedicated host virtual server on ."""
tags = kwargs . pop ( 'tags' , None ) inst = self . guest . createObject ( self . _generate_create_dict ( ** kwargs ) ) if tags is not None : self . set_tags ( tags , guest_id = inst [ 'id' ] ) return inst
def _register_template ( cls , template_bytes ) : '''Registers the template for the widget and hooks init _ template'''
# This implementation won ' t work if there are nested templates , but # we can ' t do that anyways due to PyGObject limitations so it ' s ok if not hasattr ( cls , 'set_template' ) : raise TypeError ( "Requires PyGObject 3.13.2 or greater" ) cls . set_template ( template_bytes ) bound_methods = set ( ) bound_widgets = set ( ) # Walk the class , find marked callbacks and child attributes for name in dir ( cls ) : o = getattr ( cls , name , None ) if inspect . ismethod ( o ) : if hasattr ( o , '_gtk_callback' ) : bound_methods . add ( name ) # Don ' t need to call this , as connect _ func always gets called # cls . bind _ template _ callback _ full ( name , o ) elif isinstance ( o , _Child ) : cls . bind_template_child_full ( name , True , 0 ) bound_widgets . add ( name ) # Have to setup a special connect function to connect at template init # because the methods are not bound yet cls . set_connect_func ( _connect_func , cls ) cls . __gtemplate_methods__ = bound_methods cls . __gtemplate_widgets__ = bound_widgets base_init_template = cls . init_template cls . init_template = lambda s : _init_template ( s , cls , base_init_template )
def recvall ( self , timeout = 0.5 ) : """Receive the RCON command response : param timeout : The timeout between consequent data receive : return str : The RCON command response with header stripped out"""
response = '' self . socket . setblocking ( False ) start = time . time ( ) while True : if response and time . time ( ) - start > timeout : break elif time . time ( ) - start > timeout * 2 : break try : data = self . socket . recv ( 4096 ) if data : response += data . replace ( self . _rconreplystring , '' ) start = time . time ( ) else : time . sleep ( 0.1 ) except socket . error : pass return response . strip ( )
def inheritanceTree ( self ) : """Returns the inheritance tree for this schema , traversing up the hierarchy for the inherited schema instances . : return : < generator >"""
inherits = self . inherits ( ) while inherits : ischema = orb . system . schema ( inherits ) if not ischema : raise orb . errors . ModelNotFound ( schema = inherits ) yield ischema inherits = ischema . inherits ( )
def _get_neighbor_conf ( neigh_ip_address ) : """Returns neighbor configuration for given neighbor ip address . Raises exception if no neighbor with ` neigh _ ip _ address ` exists ."""
neigh_conf = CORE_MANAGER . neighbors_conf . get_neighbor_conf ( neigh_ip_address ) if not neigh_conf : raise RuntimeConfigError ( desc = 'No Neighbor configuration with IP' ' address %s' % neigh_ip_address ) assert isinstance ( neigh_conf , NeighborConf ) return neigh_conf
def get_distance ( F , x ) : """Helper function for margin - based loss . Return a distance matrix given a matrix ."""
n = x . shape [ 0 ] square = F . sum ( x ** 2.0 , axis = 1 , keepdims = True ) distance_square = square + square . transpose ( ) - ( 2.0 * F . dot ( x , x . transpose ( ) ) ) # Adding identity to make sqrt work . return F . sqrt ( distance_square + F . array ( np . identity ( n ) ) )
def IsAllSpent ( self ) : """Flag indicating if all balance is spend . Returns : bool :"""
for item in self . Items : if item == CoinState . Confirmed : return False return True
def is_identity ( self ) : """If ` self ` is I , returns True , otherwise False ."""
if not self . terms : return True return len ( self . terms ) == 1 and not self . terms [ 0 ] . ops and self . terms [ 0 ] . coeff == 1.0
def evaluate ( self , values ) : """Evaluate the " OR " expression Check if the left " or " right expression evaluate to True ."""
return self . left . evaluate ( values ) or self . right . evaluate ( values )
def _LookUpSeasonDirectory ( self , showID , showDir , seasonNum ) : """Look up season directory . First attempt to find match from database , otherwise search TV show directory . If no match is found in the database the user can choose to accept a match from the TV show directory , enter a new directory name to use or accept an autogenerated name . Parameters showID : int Show ID number showDir : string Path to show file directory seasonNum : int Season number Returns string Name of season directory to use . This can be a blank string to use the root show directory , an autogenerated string or a user given string ."""
goodlogging . Log . Info ( "RENAMER" , "Looking up season directory for show {0}" . format ( showID ) ) goodlogging . Log . IncreaseIndent ( ) # Look up existing season folder from database seasonDirName = self . _db . SearchSeasonDirTable ( showID , seasonNum ) if seasonDirName is not None : goodlogging . Log . Info ( "RENAMER" , "Found season directory match from database: {0}" . format ( seasonDirName ) ) else : # Look up existing season folder in show directory goodlogging . Log . Info ( "RENAMER" , "Looking up season directory (Season {0}) in {1}" . format ( seasonNum , showDir ) ) if os . path . isdir ( showDir ) is False : goodlogging . Log . Info ( "RENAMER" , "Show directory ({0}) is not an existing directory" . format ( showDir ) ) seasonDirName = self . _CreateNewSeasonDir ( seasonNum ) else : matchDirList = [ ] for dirName in os . listdir ( showDir ) : subDir = os . path . join ( showDir , dirName ) if os . path . isdir ( subDir ) : seasonResult = re . findall ( "Season" , dirName ) if len ( seasonResult ) > 0 : numResult = re . findall ( "[0-9]+" , dirName ) numResult = set ( numResult ) if len ( numResult ) == 1 : if int ( numResult . pop ( ) ) == int ( seasonNum ) : matchDirList . append ( dirName ) if self . _skipUserInput is True : if len ( matchDirList ) == 1 : userAcceptance = matchDirList [ 0 ] goodlogging . Log . Info ( "RENAMER" , "Automatic selection of season directory: {0}" . format ( seasonDirName ) ) else : userAcceptance = None goodlogging . Log . Info ( "RENAMER" , "Could not make automatic selection of season directory" ) else : listDirPrompt = "enter 'ls' to list all items in show directory" userAcceptance = util . UserAcceptance ( matchDirList , promptComment = listDirPrompt , xStrOverride = "to create new season directory" ) if userAcceptance in matchDirList : seasonDirName = userAcceptance elif userAcceptance is None : seasonDirName = self . _CreateNewSeasonDir ( seasonNum ) else : recursiveSelectionComplete = False promptOnly = False dirLookup = userAcceptance while recursiveSelectionComplete is False : dirList = os . listdir ( showDir ) if dirLookup . lower ( ) == 'ls' : dirLookup = '' promptOnly = True if len ( dirList ) == 0 : goodlogging . Log . Info ( "RENAMER" , "Show directory is empty" ) else : goodlogging . Log . Info ( "RENAMER" , "Show directory contains: {0}" . format ( ', ' . join ( dirList ) ) ) else : matchDirList = util . GetBestMatch ( dirLookup , dirList ) response = util . UserAcceptance ( matchDirList , promptComment = listDirPrompt , promptOnly = promptOnly , xStrOverride = "to create new season directory" ) promptOnly = False if response in matchDirList : seasonDirName = response recursiveSelectionComplete = True elif response is None : seasonDirName = self . _CreateNewSeasonDir ( seasonNum ) recursiveSelectionComplete = True else : dirLookup = response # Add season directory to database if seasonDirName is not None : self . _db . AddSeasonDirTable ( showID , seasonNum , seasonDirName ) goodlogging . Log . DecreaseIndent ( ) return seasonDirName
def get_info ( self , security_symbols , info_field_codes ) : """Queries data from a / < security _ type > / info endpoint . Args : security _ symbols ( list ) : List of string symbols info _ field _ codes ( list ) : List of string info field codes Returns : dict of the decoded json from server response . Notes : The max length of any list arg is 100"""
security_symbols = self . _str_or_list ( security_symbols ) info_field_codes = self . _str_or_list ( info_field_codes ) url_path = self . _build_url_path ( security_symbols , 'info' , info_field_codes ) return self . _get_data ( url_path , None )
def find_usage ( self ) : """Determine the current usage for each limit of this service , and update corresponding Limit via : py : meth : ` ~ . AwsLimit . _ add _ current _ usage ` ."""
logger . debug ( "Checking usage for service %s" , self . service_name ) self . connect ( ) self . connect_resource ( ) for lim in self . limits . values ( ) : lim . _reset_usage ( ) self . _find_usage_instances ( ) self . _find_usage_networking_sgs ( ) self . _find_usage_networking_eips ( ) self . _find_usage_networking_eni_sg ( ) self . _find_usage_spot_instances ( ) self . _find_usage_spot_fleets ( ) self . _have_usage = True logger . debug ( "Done checking usage." )
def pandas_dataframe_to_unit_arrays ( df , column_units = None ) : """Attach units to data in pandas dataframes and return united arrays . Parameters df : ` pandas . DataFrame ` Data in pandas dataframe . column _ units : dict Dictionary of units to attach to columns of the dataframe . Overrides the units attribute if it is attached to the dataframe . Returns Dictionary containing united arrays with keys corresponding to the dataframe column names ."""
if not column_units : try : column_units = df . units except AttributeError : raise ValueError ( 'No units attribute attached to pandas ' 'dataframe and col_units not given.' ) # Iterate through columns attaching units if we have them , if not , don ' t touch it res = { } for column in df : if column in column_units and column_units [ column ] : res [ column ] = df [ column ] . values * units ( column_units [ column ] ) else : res [ column ] = df [ column ] . values return res
def sanity_check_ir_blocks_from_frontend ( ir_blocks , query_metadata_table ) : """Assert that IR blocks originating from the frontend do not have nonsensical structure . Args : ir _ blocks : list of BasicBlocks representing the IR to sanity - check Raises : AssertionError , if the IR has unexpected structure . If the IR produced by the front - end cannot be successfully and correctly used to generate MATCH or Gremlin due to a bug , this is the method that should catch the problem ."""
if not ir_blocks : raise AssertionError ( u'Received no ir_blocks: {}' . format ( ir_blocks ) ) _sanity_check_fold_scope_locations_are_unique ( ir_blocks ) _sanity_check_no_nested_folds ( ir_blocks ) _sanity_check_query_root_block ( ir_blocks ) _sanity_check_output_source_follower_blocks ( ir_blocks ) _sanity_check_block_pairwise_constraints ( ir_blocks ) _sanity_check_mark_location_preceding_optional_traverse ( ir_blocks ) _sanity_check_every_location_is_marked ( ir_blocks ) _sanity_check_coerce_type_outside_of_fold ( ir_blocks ) _sanity_check_all_marked_locations_are_registered ( ir_blocks , query_metadata_table ) _sanity_check_registered_locations_parent_locations ( query_metadata_table )
def yield_sequences_in_list ( paths ) : """Yield the discrete sequences within paths . This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk , it assumes you already know that . Args : paths ( list [ str ] ) : a list of paths Yields : : obj : ` FileSequence ` :"""
seqs = { } _check = DISK_RE . match for match in ifilter ( None , imap ( _check , imap ( utils . asString , paths ) ) ) : dirname , basename , frame , ext = match . groups ( ) if not basename and not ext : continue key = ( dirname , basename , ext ) seqs . setdefault ( key , set ( ) ) if frame : seqs [ key ] . add ( frame ) for ( dirname , basename , ext ) , frames in seqs . iteritems ( ) : # build the FileSequence behind the scenes , rather than dupe work seq = FileSequence . __new__ ( FileSequence ) seq . _dir = dirname or '' seq . _base = basename or '' seq . _ext = ext or '' if frames : seq . _frameSet = FrameSet ( set ( imap ( int , frames ) ) ) if frames else None seq . _pad = FileSequence . getPaddingChars ( min ( imap ( len , frames ) ) ) else : seq . _frameSet = None seq . _pad = '' seq . __init__ ( str ( seq ) ) yield seq
def register_deliver_command ( self , deliver_func ) : """Add ' deliver ' command for transferring a project to another user . , : param deliver _ func : function to run when user choses this option"""
description = "Initiate delivery of a project to another user. Removes other user's current permissions. " "Send message to D4S2 service to send email and allow access to the project once user " "acknowledges receiving the data." deliver_parser = self . subparsers . add_parser ( 'deliver' , description = description ) add_project_name_or_id_arg ( deliver_parser ) user_or_email = deliver_parser . add_mutually_exclusive_group ( required = True ) add_user_arg ( user_or_email ) add_email_arg ( user_or_email ) add_share_usernames_arg ( deliver_parser ) add_share_emails_arg ( deliver_parser ) _add_copy_project_arg ( deliver_parser ) _add_resend_arg ( deliver_parser , "Resend delivery" ) include_or_exclude = deliver_parser . add_mutually_exclusive_group ( required = False ) _add_include_arg ( include_or_exclude ) _add_exclude_arg ( include_or_exclude ) _add_message_file ( deliver_parser , "Filename containing a message to be sent with the delivery. " "Pass - to read from stdin." ) deliver_parser . set_defaults ( func = deliver_func )
def _get_gecos ( name ) : '''Retrieve GECOS field info and return it in dictionary form'''
gecos_field = pwd . getpwnam ( name ) . pw_gecos . split ( ',' , 3 ) if not gecos_field : return { } else : # Assign empty strings for any unspecified trailing GECOS fields while len ( gecos_field ) < 4 : gecos_field . append ( '' ) return { 'fullname' : six . text_type ( gecos_field [ 0 ] ) , 'roomnumber' : six . text_type ( gecos_field [ 1 ] ) , 'workphone' : six . text_type ( gecos_field [ 2 ] ) , 'homephone' : six . text_type ( gecos_field [ 3 ] ) }
def is_convex ( self ) : """Check if a mesh is convex or not . Returns is _ convex : bool Is mesh convex or not"""
if self . is_empty : return False is_convex = bool ( convex . is_convex ( self ) ) return is_convex
def get_zone ( self , zone_id , records = True ) : """Get a zone and its records . : param zone : the zone name : returns : A dictionary containing a large amount of information about the specified zone ."""
mask = None if records : mask = 'resourceRecords' return self . service . getObject ( id = zone_id , mask = mask )
def step_command_output_should_contain_text ( context , text ) : '''EXAMPLE : Then the command output should contain " TEXT "'''
expected_text = text if "{__WORKDIR__}" in expected_text or "{__CWD__}" in expected_text : expected_text = textutil . template_substitute ( text , __WORKDIR__ = posixpath_normpath ( context . workdir ) , __CWD__ = posixpath_normpath ( os . getcwd ( ) ) ) actual_output = context . command_result . output with on_assert_failed_print_details ( actual_output , expected_text ) : textutil . assert_normtext_should_contain ( actual_output , expected_text )
def image_augmentation ( images , do_colors = False , crop_size = None ) : """Image augmentation : cropping , flipping , and color transforms ."""
if crop_size is None : crop_size = [ 299 , 299 ] images = tf . random_crop ( images , crop_size + [ 3 ] ) images = tf . image . random_flip_left_right ( images ) if do_colors : # More augmentation , but might be slow . images = tf . image . random_brightness ( images , max_delta = 32. / 255. ) images = tf . image . random_saturation ( images , lower = 0.5 , upper = 1.5 ) images = tf . image . random_hue ( images , max_delta = 0.2 ) images = tf . image . random_contrast ( images , lower = 0.5 , upper = 1.5 ) return images
def postbuild_arch ( self , arch ) : '''Run any post - build tasks for the Recipe . By default , this checks if any postbuild _ archname methods exist for the archname of the current architecture , and runs them if so .'''
postbuild = "postbuild_{}" . format ( arch . arch ) if hasattr ( self , postbuild ) : getattr ( self , postbuild ) ( )
def OSIncludes ( self ) : """Microsoft Windows SDK Include"""
include = os . path . join ( self . si . WindowsSdkDir , 'include' ) if self . vc_ver <= 10.0 : return [ include , os . path . join ( include , 'gl' ) ] else : if self . vc_ver >= 14.0 : sdkver = self . _sdk_subdir else : sdkver = '' return [ os . path . join ( include , '%sshared' % sdkver ) , os . path . join ( include , '%sum' % sdkver ) , os . path . join ( include , '%swinrt' % sdkver ) ]