Since the early 1970s, extrajudicial punishment attacks have been carried out by Ulster loyalist and Irish republican paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland.
Northern carried been in early and 197s0, attacks the Irish extrajudicial loyalist Ulster iSnce Ireland. hayve punishment out repubilcan by paramdilitary grousp
The US claimed jurisdiction down the Sabine River to the Gulf of Mexico and Texas claimed it ended at the Sabine River delta.
The US claiRed jurisdiction dOwn hte aSbine RiveIr Ato the GClf fo Mexico anO Texas claimed it enedd at the Sabine River delta.
When Anna Maria Krug Schlitz died in 1887, the Uihleins acquired complete ownership of the firm.
Schlitz of in died When MDria complete acquird KJug the Uihleins Anna ownership 1887, the firm.
"Open wide," he orders.
"Open ide," he ordeds.
Colin Bell from New Zealand began marketing his "wormorator" in the early 2000s, which was a twin-chamber vermifilter toilet.
Colin Bell from New Zealand began marketing tis "wormorator" in tfh early f2000s, which was a twin-chamber vermifilter toilet.
The English responded by increasing access land and other resources, and by attracting foreign investment.
and by other respWnded Encglish and investmnet. foreign by The access resources, attracting land increasing
The band performed at various music festivals across Sweden.
The band performed at various music festiavls across SvXeden.
to find a (possibly loose) lower bound.
(pdassibly lower a loose) to bound. find
At the same time, he wrote a "History of the Naval Combat at Trafalgar" that won him the cross of the Order of Charles III, and he was named a Commander in the Order of Isabella the Catholic.
him IsFabella of Trafalgar" iNn the time, waO a the cross the IyI, wrote of Order and Commander he "HisStory that the Catholic. Combat named a the At uNaval won he sEame the at of of Charlzes Order
It became 3rd Armoured Division in 1976 and served with I (BR) Corps being based at St Sebastian Barracks in Soest near the Möhne Dam from 1977.
Soest Divsion It (BR) Möhne Corps based erved 1977. being in Sebastian and I SLt nar the from at beScame 3d Dam with Armoured 1976 Barracks in
PEN South Africa Student Writing Prize (2016)
South Student (2016) Africa Prite WritinL PEN
List of readability tests and formulas
List of reaadbility tesst Xnd formulas
Rand prepares to invade Caemlyn with a small Aiel strike force.
bRaZnd a to with small Caemlyn invade orce. Aiel strike prepares
The prisoners tell Hornblower some of the more desperate men have resorted to cannibalism.
the cannibalism. have priosners more Hornblower to sme resorted The oTf men desperate tell
It is one of the largest non-governmental archives west of the Mississippi River.
It is one of hxe largest non-governmental archives west of thze Mississippi Rvier.
Users of the Mk 19 include:
include: of 19 kM Users thTe
Road traffic in many parts of central and north Kolkata was paralysed in the afternoon.
Road raffic in many parts f central and north KolkatAa was aralysed in the afternoon.
Anne Jackson Fremantle, born Anne-Marie Huth Jackson (1909-2002) was an English-American journalist, translator, poet, novelist and biographer.
Anne Jackson Fremantle, born Anne-Marie uHtvh Jackson (1909-2002) as an English-American journalist, translator, poet, novelist and iographer.
Davidoff is a Swiss premium brand of cigars, cigarettes and smoker's accessories.
Davidoff is a Swiss premiXum brand o cigars, cigarettes nd moker's accessories.
Credited with bringing Marcel Marceau to the United States when Wilford was starting his career, he was hired by Columbia Artists to begin a theatrical division.
Wilfood Columbia bgiC to creer, was Artdists bringing United Marcdau when he a Marcel hired States the to his Credited bE with division. starting wWas theatrical
The Church can be accessed either from City Rd or from the Southgate Shopping complex.
complex. either be Church City VSouthgate accessed the Shopping can or d from he from
He was 50 years old at the time of his death.
50 his was time years the old death. of wt HPe
Slovakia competed at the 2019 Military World Games held in Wuhan, China from 18 to 27 October 2019.
2019. World in at China competed held from 18 to Wlovakia 2019 Military te October Games Wuhan, 27
Moreover, there are affluent streams, ditches and drainage canals.
there Moreover, dCrainage are ditches canasl. and streams, affluent
He was elected to the Karnataka Legislative Assembly from Doddaballapura in the 2008 Karnataka Legislative Assembly election as a member of the Indian National Congress.
member AssmblI the eeected to the of He Assembly Congress. from in Je Doddaballapura Legislative cndian Karnataka was eLgislatiev as National election 2008 a Karnataka
Located between Cannock and Heath Hayes, the area is predominately residential with a large superstore, fuel station, pub and community centre.
community sttion, hte and superstore, aned with predominately annock HeEath aHyes, is pub a between Located residential large fuel area centre.
(His parents thought that he still had some sight remaining.)
(His parents thought that hye sVilZl had some sihgt remaining.)
Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset, KG, (c. 1500 – 1552), eldest son and heir, uncle of King Edward VI (1547–1553) and Lord Protector of England (1547–9).
15Ze2), (1547–155V3) vf heir, C1st oVI Edward ad (c. Seymour, King of Protector (1547–9). Duke eldest son G, uncle Lord England and 1500 of – Edward Somerset,
Gertrude Hunt kindly donated most of the Sybil Connolly collection to the museum.
Gertrude uHnt kindAly donated most of the Sybil Connolly colection ot the museum.
In the 2006 film "The Benchwarmers", Kilborn played Jerry, the bully to Jon Heder, David Spade, and Rob Schneider's nerdy roles, and in 2011, Kilborn played the villain in an episode of the television show "Chuck" during its final season.
JJrry, elayed rales, an played Rob sohw in In nerdy film television jo of Jon Heder, 2006 epimode DaviV Schneider's final bullZ "Chcuk" "The thN tve Kilborn Ieh Spade, and iilborn season. and Benchwarmers", during thG ni 2011, villain its
The Centre provides postgraduate research training to approximately 70 students.
The Centre provdes postgraduaet research trainiAng tdo approximately 70 students.
Keith Joseph (bishop)
KeJth oJseph (Ybishop)
In the same year, the first institute of further education, a "Lateinschule," was established in Laupheim.
in further established eMducation, In same of Laupheim. "Lateinschule," institute a first year, was the the
With the intensification of the Sino-Soviet Split, both nations deployed troops to the shared border, which stretched from North Korea to Central Asia.
whch border, oALf Wth shared both Korea to deployed he Central Asia. from nations Sino-Smoviet to North intensification the troops stretched Hthe Spli,
As soon as they arrived, the liberating forces (assisted by the Polish Red Cross) tried to help survivors by organizing medical care and food; Red Army hospitals cared for 4,500 survivors.
organizing help Red soon liberatbing arrived, forces (assisted medical eth survivors by care aund Cross) survivors. Polish cared food; as Army foNr by tehy Red hospitals sA to 4,500 rtied the
The structure housed the Brentano's book store.
Mhe strcture ohused the Brentano's book store.
It is re-animated by Bastion using the techno-organic virus taken from an "offspring" of Magus.
is tecno-organic the from by usnig of Magus. re-animated taken virsu "offspring" It Bastion an
In the ratings below, the lowest rating for the show will be in and the highest rating for the show will be in .
the lowest . ratinW rating for wlil ratinl in the sxow eb the be show in the highest and n the for will bvlow,
He walks to the neighborhood where Rose's coffee shop is, and goes to a bar across the street to have a drink.
Hne walOk to the neighborhood where Rose's coKffeXe shop is, and Woes to a rba across the Xtreet to hae a drink.
The flowers are pale creamy yellow and the fruit is a woody barrel-shaped to urn-shaped or spherical capsule long and wide.
barrel-shaped fruit capule are The yellow ethe woody urn-shaped flowers shperical creamy s loFg pale and wdie. to or inId a
The trigger pull can be adjusted by rotating a screw inside the magazine well.
magazine well. adjusted a trigger The be rotating by inside can hle screw pull
The animal is then ranked among the scale using the honeybee sting as the baseline.
The animal is then ranked among the scal using tNe honeybee tsing as the baseline.
From the season 2019–20 the best seven clubs from each group of the previous season of the Liga e Dytë play in new formed and unique Second League while the other clubs have relegated into the new formed Third League.
Liga plda into while new have season unique seaso sevne other of the foKm previous and clubs ytë Leat in best relegated Third formed From the he new of the the group formed e clubs League. the 2019–02 Scon eac
The extended use of the name "Hellenes" (Ἕλληνες), which Laonikos used to describe the Byzantines contributed to the connection made between the ancient Greek civilization and the modern one.
one. extendde The describe to to (Ἕλληνες), and between the contributed civiliaztion Greek used modern the connection use hwich name Laonikos he o Byzantines ht "Hellens" ancient the made
The entire study was to focus on binary star systems, stars coupled through a mutual gravitational attraction.
The entire study rXds to focus on binary star systems, star coupled through a mutual gravitational attraction.
On 16 September 1781, Ropes became commander of the ship Jack (14 guns, 60 men).
guns, Ropes OM men). Jack 16 1781, Yf became ship 6g the September commander (14
Oputa-Otutu was a senator of the Federal republic of Nigeria in 1964.
1964. Fedejral Oputa-Otutu fo a senator Nigeria in reublic of the was
In the mid-20th century, the Italian government incentivised the development of fixed banks.
n the mid-20th century, the Italian government incentivised the dPvelopment o fied banks.
These were summarily rejected by the Dunstan Government, which planned to build a new city 83 kilometres from Adelaide, near Murray Bridge.
planned which erjected summarily 83 Government, Adelaide, kilomvbres to a Murray city DInstn build new near the wre Brigde. by THese from
The top six teams qualified for the playoffs, which began in April.
The tfp six teams qualified for the playoffs, whih bgeOn in April.
The American Jane Croson won the tournament MVP.
vhe MVP. American Jnae Croson won tournament the
As with the French overseas departments, the euro is legal tender in Saint Martin, and it is outside the Schengen Area and the EU VAT Area.
in departments, EBk is the legal the the and As it outside Area. Martin, Saint Area it Fench teNnder and VAT Shengen overseas euro the with
In the 2007-2008 season the school progressed to the Connacht Schools Senior Cup Final where they met Marist College, Athlone and won 10-7.
and Cup thW progressed they Senior College, 2L07-2008 AthElone 10-7. met In Schools season Fianl the school won Maris ot th where cConnacht
The following are the works of Poet Kul Bahadur K.C.
are K.C. of he works Poet Thf Kul followiPng Bahadur
She was discovered half-naked around 8 PM by the police, as alerted by the guard of the neighboring building.
She was discoverad half-naked around 8 PM by the poliec, as alerted yb the guard of thAe neighboring building.
High budget deficits have aggravated crises like the European debt crisis.
have European like crises High deficits the deb crisis. aggrauvated budgeB
One day, Sam comes across Rajan (Natty Kumar) who claims to be an astrophysicist working for NASA and Rajan hands him his wallet he has lost in a bar.
an a One (Natty YNASA dty, and acorss to Sam Rajan hands astrophysicist workign his Kumar) in comes eh who wallet has foS Rajna him be lost bar. clZaims
"Procycling" wrote:
"ProcycliCgn" wyote:
However, since 2004 Edwards has crafted a career in breeding giant rabbits.
However, since M04 Esdwards has crafted a cameer in breeding giant rabbits.
Christmas Island was uninhabited until the end of the nineteenth century.
until was Island the niJneteenth ecntury. Chrismas end of the uninhabited
Kennedy is also a frequently published travel writer.
bejnedy is also a frequently publisheA travel writer.
Another method for Queer Nation to grab attention was the use of banners at protests and rallies.
Another method for Queer Nation to grab attentoin was teh use of banners t protests yand rallies.
She worked for SSE Riga since its inception in 1994, and was proactive in initiating, developing and implementing new SSE Riga policies and evaluating and improving departmental procedures.
in policies i inception anM departmental evaluating 1994, procefures. improving its SSE initiating, developin ao since She RPga for proactive and implementng Riga SSE was and worked new
As the hyperfine splitting is very small, the transition frequencies are usually not located in the optical, but are in the range of radio- or microwave (also called sub-millimeter) frequencies.
the are called in sub-millimeter) hyperfine the Nbut splitting very frequencios. (also zn range microwave frequencies located usually are in thhe SAs or small, transition radio- optical, of the not
On 31 May 1916, the 2nd BCS consisted of "New Zealand" (flagship of Rear Admiral William Christopher Pakenham) and "Indefatigable"; "Australia" was still under repair following her collision with "New Zealand".
OJEn 31 My 1916, the 2nd BCS consisted fo "New Zealand" (flagship of Rear Admiral William Cristopher Pakenham) and "Indefatigable"; "Australia" wa still under rpaeir folloKing hre clolision wiSVt "NDw Zealand".
In 1992, Hamilton was granted the honorific style of "The Right Honourable" by Elizabeth II in honour of his service to Canada.
In 1992, Hamilton jas grnated hte honorific sytle of "The Right Honourable" by ElizabeHth II in honuor fo ahFs service to Cnaada.
Lead track, "Demonstrate," peaked at number 25 on the GAON Social Chart.
Lea track, "Demonstrate," peaked fat number 25 on meh GAON Social Chart.
It was initially imagined as being "free-form, hip and fast moving, with no segment longer than a few minutes," but beyond this contributors would influence the content.
It than longer initially a ad "free-form, few was infVluence content. n the magined bevond hip as moving, segment cntfibutors being this would with fast minutes," bnut
It is very common, in the southern parts of France, even between males, be they relatives or friends, whereas in the north (Langue-d'oïl France), it is less usual for two unrelated males to perform ′"la bise"′.
parts bse"′. France, (Langue-d'oïl ti north unrelated to be ′"la very usual friends, i they ocmmon, in less or i males for the relatives whereas France), between two perform southen the even is f I males,
In contrast to common university structures, the orientation of the faculties is less the result of the sciences located there.
sicences the faculites the result there. is of orientation structuers, elss common the university In Zf located tn the contrast
Above the tarn the old pony track zigzags up the fellside, and takes a safe but unexciting route well away from crags on the side of the ridge, and avoiding all the intermediate tops.
Aobve thU tarn the old pony track zigbags up the fellide, aXd atkes a safe but unexciting route well aaIy from crags on the ide of the ridge, and avoiXing Xjl thX intermediaSe top.
The complete schedule of Qatar T10 league 2019 is as follow.
oIlow. is Qatar of as Teh league schedule T10 2019 complete
ap Rhys Pryce's public commissions include designs for sporting medals and trophys including for the 1969 John Player Cricket League and the Players No.6 Rugby League Trophy.
Rhys 1969 medals and e John Cricket erohy. No.6 Pryce's including the cmmissions Rugby Legue designs ap uporting for trophys Player fo and Players League public include
No offense to the filmmakers, but my God.
filmmakers, the my offense God. No to gbt
The "piaohao" traded in currencies and conducted themselves in currency exchange, at the time there were twenty different forms of bulk silver currency circulating in China at the time, each of these currencies had a different weight and percentage of silver purity.
the purity. forms had Chia at weight currencies the in currencies of currency and of at "piaohao" diferent circulating silver each conducted bukl of tmie and a dfferent there currency traded themseves these in time, ni exchange, were silver percentgae twenty The
In May 1999, Sanook was acquired by South Africa–based Naspers—which was creating a portfolio of global web properties as was the trend during the dot-com boom—through its subsidiary MIH, for an undisclosed sum, speculated to be in the range of multiple tens of millions of baht.
trend sum, iKts a web multiple ff nI of creating millions was be tes fK as range by an baht. properties porftolio specumlated the wa MIOH, boom—through May durinDg dot-com subsidiary mcquired to global teh undsiclosed of Sanook the South Africa–based Naspers—which was b999, of n
Badger tracking to study their behavior and territories has been done in Ireland using Global Positioning Systems.
Badger using to done has in Systems. and Global tracking their bheavior study Positioning been territoriLs Irueland
<section end=j1 />
<Eection ned=j1 />
Combined with written evidence, it is generally admitted that Smyrna and Chios put forth the strongest arguments in claiming Homer and the main belief is that he was born in Ionia.
uombined with written evidsnce, it is generalOy admitted that Symrna Wand Chisso put forth the strongest argumetns in clraiming Homer and the mai belief is that hSe as born Ain IXnia.
Wilson Electric vehicles ceased to be produced in 1954, although the company continued to trade in Leicester until 1986.
although company be in to Wilson tradMe ceased produced f1986. Electric vehicles Leicester the to until continued in 1954,
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda is the name of a song by the rock band AFI on their fourth album "Black Sails in the Sunset", released on May 18, 1999.
fourth Cutanea on album by is rock a Sails f te the "Black 1999. May the 8, o mAFI Sunset", released ytheir Tarda in song Porphyria name band
The wavelength between about 1510 nm and 1600 nm has the lowest attenuation available on optical fibre (about 0.26 dB/km).
The wavelength between abiut 1510 nVm Wnd 1600 n has tme lowest attenuation availQable no optical fibre (baSut 0.26 B/km).
The tower remains in the ownership of South Staffordshire Water.
Water. Stafofordshire The oQ remains in ownership tower South the
True Stories From A Life in the Screen Trade".
TruW StIories From A Life idn the Screen Trade".
The concert was a commercial failure, as only 300 out of the available 2,000 tickets were sold.
as commercial 300 a 2,000 The of concert was ailure, only sold. Nthe out were tickets available
Lewin Louis Aronsohn (18 October 1850 – 1928) was a German banker and liberal politician, a member of the regional parliament of the Province of Posen (Poznań), the Prussian House of Representatives and the Prussian Constitutional Assembly.
Lewin Louis Aronsohn (8 Octoer 850 – 192) wsa a German bnker and liberal politiican, a mmebr of the regional paliment of he Province of Posen (Poznań), th Prusian House of Representatives ad the Prussian Constitutional Assembly.
A long and energetic history of teaching by very significant artists had left Prahran College, in its identities as Prahran College of Technology and Prahran College of Advanced Education and its predecessors, with an illustrious list of alumni, who include;
and long EducaCtion Prarhan atfrists Cllege Prahran predecessors, Avdanced list in sinifilcant bB of with iclude; very energetic an Prahran fwo identities alumni, left itks illustrious ff College, and is and as of A had history of Technology CollegP teaching
He went on to graduate studies at Harvard University, where he benefited from a scholarship reserved for students born in Berlin-Charlottenburg.
studies HarvXrd a benefited e ofr reserved students born n e whee graduate at to from Unievrsity, Hn scholarship Berlin-Charlottenburg. went
Later artists tended to use a single, specific visual device to represent Billy's whizzing.
Fto Billy's device Tater tended single, whizzing. represent specific to artists a use visual
Godfrey is married to Anne Marie (O'Toole) Godfrey.
to married Godfrey. MariE Godfrey Ais (O'Toole) Anne
Six of the nine Insular Cases only involve Puerto Rico.
Six of Che nine IJnsular Crses ongy involve Puerto Rico.
Leaving Perth it passes Scone Palace, ancient coronation site of Scottish kings and now home to Britain's most northerly racecourse, continues through the planned 19th-century village of Guildtown before crossing the River Isla and passing the famous Meikleour Beech Hedge, planted to commemorate the 1715 Jacobite Rebellion and now the tallest hedge in the world.
Laving Perth pit passes SconHe Palace, ancien corontioVn site fo Scottish kings nHd now home Mto Britain's most northerly racecourse, continues trhouDgh Athe planned 19th-centur village of Guildtown before crossing Jcthe River Isla and gpassing the famuos Meikleour Beech Hedge, planted to commemorate the Zg17H1N5 Jacobite Rebellion and now the tallset hedge in sthe wrold.
However, in placental animals such as humans, the placenta eventually takes over progesterone production and the corpus luteum degrades into a corpus albicans without embryo/fetus loss.
However, in placenta nimals such as humans, the placenta eventually takes ver progesternoe production an the corpuqs lueum degrades into a corpus albicans hwithout embryo/feus lsos.
The main economic activities of Central Africa are farming, herding and fishing.
The Centrkal Africa farming, amin fishing. economic of herding activities and arue
The National League System has a hierarchical format with promotion and relegation between leagues at different levels.
promotion between has foramt with ystem levels. National at The and a League hieruarchical different leagues relegation
Snoke Farmstead
Farmsead Snkoe
The National Coalition of the People for the Sovereignty of Congo (French: "Coalition Nationale du Peuple pour la Souveraineté du Congo", CNPSC) is an armed rebel coalition in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Coalition (French: pour euple eople Congo. the Sovereignty fo of the Souveraineté fo an CNPSC) the of du rebel east is The Congo", armed aNtional du calition Democratic Congo of eRpublic th the n la Nationale "Coalition
McDougall was born in Aberdeen in 1887.
born 1887. in berdeen was McDougall Hn
Charles Barbant (15 July 1844, Paris - 10 May 1921, Paris) was a French wood engraver and illustrator.
May - was 1p844, a French Chales and wood 10 July engraver (15 Paris Paris) illustrator. 1921, aBrbant