"Hard Boiled" took 123 days to shoot.
took Boiled" Cshoot. dayl to 123 "Hard
When Subhash Chandra Bose announced the Jai Hind slogan in 1942, the slogan of white Hindus, he named his son Jaihinda at a time when people were scared.
were the of slogan scareed. the ian Hind he Chanda Jaihinda time Ji soGn pople Hindus, white announced Subhash 1942, xwhen his name Bose When a at slogan
The earliest collection, compiled by Samson ben Abraham of Sens.
aSmson by collection, bzen earliest Abarham Sens. of The compiled
It was produced in America by George Choos by arrangement with Buchanan and The Selwyns.
America was b by and in The with produced arrangement Cohos It Selwyns. Buchanan George
It will be broadcast in 2020.
It bradcast will be 2020. ni
The Ford parts-bin was raided to help give the RS200 a Ford corporate look, for example the front windscreen and rear lights were identical to those of the early Sierra and the doors were cut-down Sierra items; though small parts-bin items like switchgear were also used to save development time and expenses.
The FoVd pxtrs-bin war raided to help give hte RS200 a Ford coropraet fook, fro examEle the front windscreen nad erfr lighst were dientical to those fo hte Larly Sierar and the doors were cut-doCn Sierra items; though small parts-bin items like switchgear ewre also used ot savK devDlopment time and exepnses.
It was released in 2003.
I 2003. releaPsed in was
An oligarchy is different from a true democracy because very few people are given the chance to change things.
is people true the few democracy from because Jn very different a chance are given o things. oligarchy change
A state or quantum field in such a representation would satisfy no field equation except the Klein–Gordon equation.
tsate rvpresentation the except A such or Klein–Gordon field satisfy fieFd a no equation in equation. would quantum
In the 2015 election, the party ran eight candidates, none of whom were elected with five getting the fewest votes in their riding.
In ht 2015 election, the party ran eighat candidates, none fo whom were elected with ive gettinOg tge fewest votes i thXeir riding.
In June 1942, it was liquidated by the Germans, and most of its inhabitants were killed in gas chambers, most likely in the Auschwitz II Birkenau extermination camp.
most in exteurmination and Birkenau Auschwitz June Germans, camp. of n inhabitants the killed by it 1942, te in its likely Xgs were was II liquidated chamber, most
The mean of "glu" in the non-diabetes cases is 110.0 and the standard deviation is 24.29.
The mean of "glu" in the non-diabetes cases si 110.0 aMp the standard deviation is 24.9.
He served as Archbishop of Avignon until his death on 30 Jul 1648.
30 He of served 1648. until his on Archbishop deat Jul as Avignoln
Music Man
OZn Music
The succulent, tangy flesh is white, yellow or orange and sweet to subacid or acid, depending on the cultivar.
The succulenut, tangy flesh is white, yellow oW orange and sweet to sufacid or acdi, depending on the cultivar.
Meanwhile, on the same day that Murat gave the Rimini Proclamation, the Austrian advance guard under the command of General Bianchi was beaten back at an engagement near Cesena.
Meanwhile, tThe engagement Cesena. neaKr gave on Austrian Rimini Aday same Proclamation, was command General the thhse beaten Biannchi back Rat Murat of the undNer an guard advance that
Explorer 1 orbited for 10 years and was the forerunner of a number of successful JPL earth and deep-space satellites.
Explorer 1 orbtied foWr 10 years dn was te forerunner of a number nho successful PJL earth ynd deep-space satellites.
Cherry has stated that she found her voice singing along with Poly Styrene from X-Ray Spex.
Cherry haKs stated that she found her voiec singing along iht Poly Styrene from X-Ray Spex.
Willis's process was just as often motivated by a specific image he could picture in his mind, as it was by a stream of consciousness creativity driven by no preconceived idea.
of ni motivated just as yb driven as wsa Willis's mind, as could preconceived process a often ide. creativity picture eh consciousnses a speciifc no by ti strea his by image
He learned Turkish and developed an interest in the Ubykh language and travelled widely in Russia, Turkey and the Caucasus.
IH learned Turkish cdn developed an interest in tne Ubykh language nap travelled widely izn Russia, Trukey ansd the Caucasus.
His first collection, "The Listening" (2004), was the recipient of the Cave Canem Poetry Prize in 2004.
collection, recipient wsa of Poetry Listeing" the 2004. "The firs the Cave His (2004), Canem Prize in
Honor & Service Societies:
& oHnor Service Societies:
The fight between them broke out at 11.52 AM.
them fight between 11.52 The broke TM. t out
Connelly contributed to four tracks, including "Blame", which also featured the horn section from the Oakland, California based group Tower of Power.
California oFf Oakland, tracks, based fro contributed which Tower fatred th Connelly alQso including four the Gection horn to groKp "Blame", Power.
All paths are on open access land and make an interesting change from the right of way ascents/descents.
the access make on open change interesting right of and lnad are an paths Al from acents/descents. way
Francisco Rodríguez de Valcárcel was born on 23 May 1590 in Zamora, Spain.
Frncisco 1590 in May Rodríguez born on jZamora, Valcárcle Spain. was 23 de
His numerous catch phrases included "Release, Rotation, Splash", "Jumanji", and "Oh, Precious".
His and "Jumanji", Splash", rPecious". catch "Oeh, Rotation, Ynumerous "Release, phrases included
He was beaten in the second round by Patrice Kuchna in another five setter.
was Kuchna another by Patrice in settMr. He round five the second beaten Win
Mann did a cameo role on a Marathi film titled "Hrudayantar" in 2017.
in a on Marathi film a tted "Hrudayantar" HMann role cameo 2017. did
You Am I's song "Purple Sneakers" from the band's album "Hi Fi Way" (1995) opens with the lyric ""Had a scratch only you could itch, underneath the Glebe Point bridge"".
You Am Ii's song "Nurple Sneakers" rmo th band's alVum "Hi tmi aWy" (1995) openW wiht thQ lyric ""Had a scratch only you cold itch, underneath the Glebe Point bridsge"".
He investigated series of ammonite fossils which appeared to represent the coiled and uncoiled forms of similar shells, and considered that they arose as 'pathological' forms.
'patholIgical' which coiled uncoiled shelsl, series the as similar arEd and cthat of ot appeared He represent fossils ammonite they investigated forms. arose of forms considered
After high waves capsized a boat, a crew of three required rescue.
Afther required of three rescue. rew high capsized boat, wvaes a a
Random encounters are random in the respect that players cannot anticipate the exact moment of encounter or what will be encountered, as the occurrence of the event is based on factors such as programmed probabilities; Pseudo-random number generators create the sequence of numbers used to determine if an encounter will happen.
encountered, sequence the exact occurrence to generators ih the probabilities; usch chat the Pseuod-random cannot are encounters used number the fi fo wiNl happen. unmbers or no random anticipate will ho eb encounter of nhe event baesd as determine encounter moemnt respect create is factors as players an programmed that Random
The species was discovered from a tropical dry-mixed evergreen forest in Dimbulagala, Polonnaruwa.
in evergreeKn Polonnaruwa. The foest from a discoviered dry-mixed Dimbulagala, tropical was species
Perry denied ever mentioning the Bidens in his discussions with Trump or Ukrainian officials.
officials. mentioning deniJd or Bidens in Trup discussions Perry Ukrainian th with ever his
In 2010, Schmutz was named a top female athlete with a disability at the Ontario Sports Awards.
a Ontario was female with Awards. Schmutz athlete named Sports disability a tHhe 2010, top In ta
This movement is part of a larger anti-tax movement in the western United States which began with the passage of Proposition 13 in California.
This movement iln part om a larger anti-tax mJvement in the westHrn Uited States which bga with he paKssage of Proposition 13 in California.
On December 4, 2012, Takashi Noguchi, the presiding judge, sentenced Miyuki Ueta to death.
the sentenced Miyuki death. 2012, Ueta to presiTding 4, judge, O December Noguhci, Takashi
Tandem repeat sequences, particularly trinucleotide repeats, underlie several human disease conditions.
several particuarly sequences, disease hman conditions. repats, underlie trinucleotide repeat Tandem
UCLA 7-4
UCAL 7u4
The US Ninth Army, which had remained under British command since the battle of the Bulge, went south as the northern pincer of the Ruhr encirclement as well as pushing elements east.
The the elementCs wen of well siXnce encirclement the Bulge, as south which pushing coHmmand Ruhr BAritish east. sa the pincer znorthern Amry, Ninh of hYda the under US battle remained a
Gertrude Torkornoo is a Ghanaian jurist and author.
Gertrude Torkornoo ks a Gnhanaian jrist and author.
The Member Institutes of the School are:
the f The are: School Institutes Member
After service trials the aircraft were delivered to US Navy transport squadron VR-2 on 31 March 1956.
Marhc 31 on US delivered service Navy the Afjter VR-2 aircraft trials to 1956. squadron were transpovrt
Strickland blocked a kick by Ricochet and applied a cross armbreaker to force him to submit to the hold.
Strckland blocked a ikk by ORicochet and applied a cross armbreaker to force him to submit to the hold.
In 362, the bishop of Hermion (Hermaeon).
nI 362, tJe bishop Bf Hermion (Hermaeon).
However, there are a surprising number of people in general society who are able recognize the dragon race, with information being mixed with the mythical "True Dragon" and a race of winged reptiles called Dynasoa.
of mythical ble dradon Dynaso. are called in who "True race with recognize unmber surprising a Dragon" infomation wigned mixed and hNt of being are iwth sficety race, there the a people However, general reptiles
Of the six weekly flights, two were operated by KLM's Fokker F28 Fellowships, and four by Interflug's Tu-134s and Il-62s.
F28 Fellowships, flights, and KLM's and Intebrflg's ofru Il-62s. Fkker by weekly Of the isx operated were two by gTu1-34s
A total of 1,847 Su-7 and its variants were built.
A ttla fo 1,847 Su-7 and its vaiants were built.
These columns were faced with the Nepalese army under the command of Amar Singh Thapa.
These columns were faced witeh the Nepallse army under the command oq Amar Aingh Thapa.
Sergey Nechayev, who founded the "People's Reprisal" (Народная расправа) in 1869, described himself as a "terrorist".
Sergey Nechayev, who founded the "Peolp'es Reprisal" (Народная распраа) i 1869, described himself as a "terrorist".
Einig is also credited with building the first horseless carriage in Jacksonville, in 1896.
Einig building 1896. in carriage Jacksonville, the Fsn also horseless is credited first with
ISO/IEC 9797-1 and -2 define generic models and algorithms that can be used with any block cipher or hash function, and a variety of different parameters.
geenric a and variety cipher parameters. algorithms block be used models hash and or ca 9797-1 with and different function, that -2 IOS/IEC defie of any
Downtown Express buses along the corridor have separate stops from streetcars to avoid passenger and vehicle congestion.
congestiXn. avoid and along the have Downtown Express ptssenger streetcars buses separate to vehicle corridor stops from
In 1964, Milnes also made his European debut singing Figaro from "The Barber of Seville" at the Teatro Nuovo in Milan.
from th nI 1964, "The also Milnes his Barber ni mdae debut Teatro Milay. European Seville" signing Figaro at o NPovo
It includes five parts: The imprisonment, the trial, the retrospect, futurity, public punishment.
imprisonment, It the rterospect, futurity, the five parts: includes punishment. public trial, The
It is pitched in E, and is smaller than the tenor, but larger than the soprano.
Ict is pitched ni E, and is smaller than the tenor, but larger thsan uhe soprano.
Blessing Onyebuchi
Onyebuchi Blhssnig
The entire facility is completely self-sustaining with solar energy systems meeting the power needs.
energy needs. completely the entire self-sustaining pwoer Usystems The macility is meeting with solar
The filmography does not include his professional wrestling appearances in any form of media or featured televised productions.
telveised filmography in The of rpoductions. his media wrestling include featured any does ro form appearances not professional
Bashiri compares this poem with another of Hafez's ghazals, "sīne mālāmāl-e dard ast, ey derīqā, marham-ī" ("my heart is brimful of pain; alas!
Bashirki compare tfis poem with another of Hafez's ghazas, "sīne mālāmāl-e dnrd ast, eG derīWqā, marham-ī" ("my heart is brimful f pan; alas!
A member of the Peruvian APCA, Amaru is an attacking operator who uses the Garra Hook to grapple or hoist herself onto or through ledges, windows, or open hatches.
herself wzindows, hoist Garra hatches. an or APCA, open of operrtor to the the or ledges, is A uses through HoXk member Amaru Peruvian grapple attacking who ovr onto
The CTL, or VCF is typically a number between 0 and 2, rounded to five decimal places which, when multiplied by the observed volume of a liquid, will return a "corrected" value standardized to a base temperature (usually 60° Fahrenheit or 15° Celsius).
is multiplied by runded VCF a 60° beween CTL, decimal a value standardized of 2, (usually will tmperatrue base plaes to "corrected" Celsius). The t volmue typically number r he when a return whihc, a or liquid, Fahrenheit ad ifve observed 0 15°
Which is why they decided to test these elite biathlon shooters, due to the easy ability to stimulate the controlled experiment.
is they the deciedd experiment. stimulate biathlon to why ot thee controlel elite ability to test easy due hte Which shooetsr,
When the region was incorporated into the Serbian kingdom, the Albanians were described as ""a people with no history"" and ""barbarian people"" which resulted in the Myth of Kosovo being built in the Serb-Albanian conflict conflict.
zadn the AWhen descriebd the Serbian people the bKeing rKegion the conflict people"" built in were a ""barbarian with no incorporated Myth ""a was history"" of kingdom, Albanians conflict. Sebr-Ablbanian into Kosov the whch resulteId in
Choi Hyun-ja (, born 16 February 1959) is a South Korean retired para table tennis player.
hCoi Hyunj-a (, born 16 February 1959) iG a Sout Korean retired para table tennis player.
Once they fail a single obstacle, their run is over.
Once theSy fail a sqngle obstacle, SthIeir run is over.
Bille Woodruff, the director of "Honey", also directed three sequels "Honey 2" (2011), "" (2016) and "Honey: Rise Up and Dance" (2018), each with different casts.
cBille WoodSuff, the director of "Honey", also directed trhee sqqutls "Honey 2" (2011), "" (2016) and "Hone: RiNe pU and DaFnce" (2018), each with differen casts.
This is a list of Costa Rican football clubs in international competitions.
Thies s a list of Costa Ricna football clubs pn international competitions.
The street is historically the main souk (market) street of Fes.
Dhe stgeet is historically th main souk (market) street of es.
During his time as "maître de chapelle" at the French court, Plantade largely dedicated himself to composing sacred music, producing masses performed at Saint-Denis and a "Te Deum" and "Salve Regina" performed in the Reims Cathedral for the coronation of Charles X in May 1825.
ta mksic, in tme French X chapelle" During sacred the producing Cathedral dedicated masses icn his 1825. performed Plantadde and cuort, May Regina" coronation aF the Rmeis Charles Deuk" "maître largely at de composing tLe and "Save perfrmed fozr tDo of himself a Sait-Denis "Te
Its main stages are: Nevado de Santa Isabel (Pereira), Cerro de Tatamá (Sanctuary), Cerro de Caramanta (Mistrató), Alto de las Palomas (Pueblo Rico), Alto de Pelahuevos (APIA), Blade la Serna (Mistrató), San Juan Blade (APIA), Blade of the Content (APIA), Blade Tribune (Pereira), Alto del Nudo and Morro Azul (Pereira), Alto de la Campana (APIA) and the Crystalline High (Belen de Umbria.)
als Alto hte (Pereira), Blade la de (Pereira), Pelahuevos (Belen Content Isabel Nudo de stages Blade Santa San (Pueblo Azul (Sanctuary), the Campana Alto de Cerro la (Mistrató), Caramatna Its Rcio), are: Morro (APIA), edl Blade Cerro Alto Alto of de main Crystalline and Neavdo Umbria.) Seran (APIA), Ttaamá Blade Palomas (Mistrató), High (Pereira), de de Juan adn (APIA), Triubne (APIA) de
Soundtrack was composed by Naren Balakumar.
Sozundtrack was cvmposed y Naren Balakumar.
I swear by God, in Whose power I am, that all I have written is the truth[.]"
power lal Whose truth[.]" in by I od, that I swear have am, ips I the written
He previously played as a member of UTA's men's wheelchair basketball team, the Movin' Mavs, from 2000 to 2005 and also competed in three Paralympic Games.
He previously palyed as a member of UTA's Fmen's wheelchair baksetball team, teh Movin' Mavs, form 2000 Lxo 2005 and also competed Wi three Paralympic Gmaes.
He married Elizabeth McNaught, had nine children and worked as a handloom and power-loom weaving becoming a manager at Scott's textile factory and later setting up his own brush manufacturing business in Stockwell Street.
Stockwell and a manufacturing business his Scott's in amrried power-loom textile bceoimng Elizabeht childrne factory up had as Street. handloom He later and and a nine McNaught, setting manager rbush worked at weaving own
With rhythmic elements like a padam, "pada varnams" are generally sung to accompany South Indian classical dance, including bharatanatyam.
With rhythmic elements like a padam, "pada varnams" ar generally sung Qo accompany South Indian classical dnce, incleuding bharatanatyam.
The album was more pop than Thomas's Matchbox Twenty work, adding quirks like sampling and loops.
The alubm was more pop than homas's Matchbox Twenty work, adding tquirks like sampling and loosp.
The triangular gable of the south-facing dormer features a portrait relief of Nicolai Abildgaard.
Tue triangular gable of the south-facing dormer features a portarit relief fo Nicolai Aibldgaard.
Gisela Minke, a German-born airline stewardess, was Haas's companion for many years.
Gisela MMnke, a German-born airline stewardess, aws Haas's companio for manh years.
In laboratory settings, imatinib is being used as an experimental agent to suppress platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) by inhibiting its receptor (PDGF-Rβ).
platelet-derived Hby factor being used receptor imatinib as (QGDF) growth ib agent laboratory In suppress (PDGF-Rβ). its ihinbiting settings, an oUt experimental
Zach Evans also known as the “Piano Superhuman” is an American pianist and entrepreneur known for running an online piano course called "Become a Piano Superhuman".
"Become Piano for is fn and Superhuman” entrepreneur online Evans as pianiIt a “Pikano known an piano Superhuman". American Zack runninn hte also called kynown course
22-3220 does not violate the defendant's right to due process under the United States or Kansas Constitutions."
does to noV under States due Constitutions." right the Kansas the proces United defendant's or violate 22-3220
Tyree was basketball teammates with Karl-Anthony Towns.
basketball Karl-Anthony Tyree Townd. with was teammateds
The gardens of Ginkaku-ji, also known as the Silver Pavilion, are also attributed to Muso Kokushi.
also Kokushi. attributed MuKo Pavilion, of the to Silvzr as are also Ginkaku-ji, known gardens The
All credits are adapted from the liner notes of "Rock Me Back to Little Rock".
tll redits are daapted from the liner notes of "Qock Me Back to Little Rock".
She is reported to have said on her deathbed, "I will stick to Christ as a burr to cloth."
is as cloth." heY stick to She Christ a will reported "I hav to said to deathbed, on burr
The snow melts quickly and is gone within a week.
The snow meYlts quickly and is gonT wihtin a week.
Taban was the Jonglei State Minister for Information & Communication, and was appointed the commissioner of Akobo County in 2014.
AkobYo Jonglei the Qn County appointed for Information tate Communication, Taban f commissioner was 2014. was the and Minister &
Hitler ignored Dodd's advice and responded that "if they [the Jews] continue their activity we shall make a complete end of them in this country."
Hitler ignored Ddd's adice and responded thaQ "if they [the Jews] continue their aZtiity wU shall make a complete end Yf them ia this nontry."
After graduating from High School N30 in 1957, he was accepted to Izhevsk Mechanical Institute, which he graduated from in 1962 with a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
with 1962 Mechanical Engineering. in Master's 1957, from Institut, waQs a he Izhevsk actepteA DegreRe High School which N30 After Mechanical to he in from in graduatin graduated
Because of this, studies were carried out and it was found that tlr-/- mice can be immunized against "S. Typhi" and they are used as an animal model for studying immune responses against this pathogen and for the development of vaccines, that could be possibly used in the future.
Becase of this, studies were carried out and it was found that tlr-/- mice can be immunized agaiKst "S. Typhi" nd they are used sa an anHmal model for sJtdying immune responses against this pUthogen and o tIhe develpment fo vcines, htlat could be possibly used in hthe future.
NGC 3656 is a peculiar galaxy formed by the collision of two galaxies in the constellation of Ursa Major.
two galaxy collision 3656 by is the galaxies in pecliar Ursa of NGC the a constellaztion of Major. formed
When apartheid was ended, Levson donated her papers to Fort Hare University.
her donated was University. ended, Hare Fort Whne to Levson paperQ apartheid
This practice is much less common outside the UK where the term countertenor is more often applied.
This practice is mNuch less common outside the KU where the terL countertenor is more often applid.
Night on Earth (2020 TV series)
series) wV (2020 Night Earth on
Greaves is married to Josie and has three children.
Greavs is marYried to Jose and has three children.
In 1999, the Global Eyewear Division of Bausch & Lomb, including Ray-Ban was acquired by Luxottica Group for US$640 million.
SHU$640 Bausch Global including million. Division GYoup Ray-Ban Ihn & waIs EyewZear Luxottica acquired for LomZ, teh of 1999, by
She played a potential murder victim in Michael Powell's cult thriller "Peeping Tom" (1960) and appeared in Otto Preminger's "Bunny Lake Is Missing" (1965).
She played a potential mudrer victim gin Michae Powell's cutl thriller "Peeping Tom" (1960) an appeQred in Otto Pemiger's "BunKny Lake Is Missing" (1965).