He transposes an art-school student's approach from paintings to movies, and makes visual choices: this is a New York movie, so he wants a lot of blue and harsh light and a realistic surface.
an He this from makes visual movie, York lot light paintings and New choices: harsh so and and blue a student's is movies, a he approach transposes art-school surface. realistic a to of wants
Thirteen Buddhas
Buddhas Thirteen
He is controversial, however, due to his beliefs about race and methods of converting people to Christianity.
people race He beliefs methods converting of his controversial, is to Christianity. about due and however, to
For the 5th New York, Major White was seriously wounded, could not be moved, and became a prisoner of war.
White Major a not For be seriously the became could prisoner New 5th York, and of moved, wounded, war. was
For the execution of its military exercises, any officer with the minimum rank of Captain can close an area temporarily.
temporarily. with the Captain officer minimum of any can area exercises, military the For rank an of close execution its
The word quadmester or quadrimester is occasionally used to mean either four months or (more commonly in modern American usage) a quarter of a year.
used occasionally mean modern usage) quadrimester or quadmester months of four commonly word a in quarter The year. either a is (more American to or
After the war, he was tried for treason, convicted, and executed.
war, executed. convicted, After was and the he tried treason, for
Kennedy has been an outspoken opponent of dams, particularly of dam projects that affect indigenous communities.
of Kennedy been opponent has projects an dam dams, communities. indigenous affect of that outspoken particularly
Seven days after the United States entered World War I in April 1917, Woodrow Wilson created the Committee on Public Information, a propaganda agency acting to release government news, to sustain morale in the US, to administer voluntary press censorship, and to develop propaganda abroad.
voluntary to to entered the the Information, States the 1917, Woodrow agency days War created release news, government morale to US, and Public in in Wilson censorship, propaganda on develop sustain Seven after administer United World press I abroad. April propaganda Committee a acting to
Anne Allen married John Penn, a proprietor of the province with a one-fourth interest, who served as the last colonial governor of Pennsylvania.
of interest, governor the colonial one-fourth who proprietor province Penn, John with married Allen served Pennsylvania. a of a last as the Anne
Kajetána") This statue was sculpted by Ferdinand Brokoff in 1709, and sponsored by the convent of Theatins in Prague.
sculpted 1709, in Kajetána") sponsored by was and Ferdinand in by Brokoff Prague. of convent the Theatins This statue
in 1825.
1825. in
She blogs about her experiences as a mother and hosts events which focus on anything concerning motherhood.
motherhood. which and anything concerning She experiences mother as focus a blogs about events hosts her on
The supreme court has been conferred with power to direct transfer of any civil or criminal case from one state high court to another state high court, or from a court subordinate to another state high court and the supreme court.
state of or power one from supreme been any court. high The court and the high civil criminal state with a transfer another court court, to direct case to court from supreme subordinate high to conferred has state or court another
After the success of the MMP referendum at the 1993 election he joined the Green Party in February 1994.
election of in 1993 Green the referendum Party the the After at joined the 1994. MMP success February he
Hymnals indicate "" as the singing tune for both the five-stanza and six-stanza versions of the hymn.
indicate singing of five-stanza six-stanza versions the and hymn. for as Hymnals "" the both tune the
The territorial bodies are decentralized organs responsible for executing the policies of the Institute at regional and/or provincial level.
Institute policies at the bodies regional organs The of provincial responsible territorial executing are for decentralized and/or level. the
Belonging to the constituency led by Switzerland, Tajikistan has 53918 votes which contributes to only 0.19 percent of voting power in IDA
Tajikistan Switzerland, the to 53918 by constituency contributes percent of in IDA power 0.19 Belonging voting to which only votes has led
Wisniewski's wife is Melody Wisniewski.
Wisniewski. Melody is Wisniewski's wife
Astronaut is a 2019 Canadian drama film written and directed by Shelagh McLeod and starring Richard Dreyfuss.
McLeod film a Richard and and drama 2019 is directed starring written Astronaut Dreyfuss. by Shelagh Canadian
For these reasons, it is often used as a green manure and cover crop.
and cover a green For used reasons, it manure as is these often crop.
They are sickle-shaped, are 120–220 mm long by 5–15 mm wide, and have a marginal basal gland and a prominent apical gland.
basal a apical marginal They long are a 5–15 and are prominent by gland mm mm wide, 120–220 gland. and have sickle-shaped,
Gillespie opposes efforts at the state level to limit carbon emissions.
the limit opposes state carbon at to emissions. level efforts Gillespie
The method of application largely depends on the type and texture of icing being used.
method of icing of largely the application being and texture type depends used. on The
This denomination appears on cartographic documents at least since the end of the XIXth century, in particular - in the form "L. at the Fall" - on the map of "Parc National des Laurentides" dating from April 30, 1896.
the denomination Laurentides" Fall" least at particular appears in des documents the the XIXth 1896. of April century, since National cartographic the of 30, on "Parc dating - on - from end form This the at "L. in map
In long-term memory, Smith suggests that Output Interference has effects on extra-core material, which is represented as contextual information, rather than core material, which is highly available as a result of organization.
In organization. which as available as core has material, that than Smith rather on material, Output Interference memory, effects represented information, which suggests highly of is is result a contextual long-term extra-core
Initially, a number of 130 ft clear span timber framed hangars were constructed at Tocumwal, New South Wales, and other locations shortly after.
shortly of hangars Tocumwal, 130 timber other locations a ft New at number after. span constructed Wales, framed clear South were and Initially,
Ward became British champion in 1997 after winning the British National Scratch Championships at the 1997 British National Track Championships.
champion Championships at the 1997 after National Ward the became British British in British National Scratch 1997 Track Championships. winning
"The training of landing craft crews under the direction of Captain W.P.O.
W.P.O. of under crews landing training the direction craft of Captain "The
Some 20 different operas in 140 performances are found in the opera's schedule yearly.
operas 140 schedule in different opera's 20 are performances yearly. found the in Some
After working for a year, he was surprised with Kusaka's stories and wanted to make his pictures give a good impression.
surprised with working Kusaka's pictures stories was and wanted give a to impression. make year, his for a After good he
The institutions available through the University-Wide Programme are :
through Programme The institutions available : the are University-Wide
Musicologist Ritchie Unterberger considers the lyrics to "I Don't Live Today" to be more at home in a gothic rock setting than in psychedelia, however; he describes the music as being "played and sung with an ebullience that belies the darkness of the lyrics."
the music in however; to he a with more Ritchie Don't be lyrics setting darkness the to the being and an considers Live Unterberger as home Today" that "played Musicologist belies in sung describes ebullience than gothic at of lyrics." "I psychedelia, the rock
At that point it employed 1,300 workers and provided services for 80,000 people a year, including prisoners in 22 jails and other institutions.
and other a workers point including and 80,000 institutions. for prisoners it services 22 people in employed 1,300 that At provided year, jails
For Love)", and were also successful in other European countries as well as in Asia and Africa.
as and other in Asia For well were Love)", and successful as European countries also in Africa.
One modern writer calls the étapes "a form of punishment in and of itself.
in "a form itself. the writer of and of punishment étapes modern calls One
Heather notes that despite such tremendous efforts, these revisionist theories are yet to be generally acceptanced.
are yet to acceptanced. be despite such theories notes these Heather revisionist that generally efforts, tremendous
With the rise of Standard Italian throughout Italy and Switzerland, one is not likely to find wholly monolingual Lombard speakers, but a small minority may still be uncomfortable speaking the dominant Italian.
speaking uncomfortable Italian. find may be Italian minority With still wholly a Standard Italy and dominant Switzerland, monolingual likely Lombard is of the but throughout rise one small speakers, not to the
The majority of targets selected for drug discovery efforts are proteins, such as G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and protein kinases.
kinases. targets of G-protein-coupled and proteins, protein efforts for majority The are drug receptors (GPCRs) as selected such discovery
She was one of seven children of Mary Green Pleasant and Reuben P. Pleasant.
and Mary of Pleasant Reuben Green children was P. Pleasant. seven one She of
Soon after returning to Nottingham, Besley was awarded an EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship (2008 - 2014), and a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant (2013 - 2018) to develop mathematical approaches to understanding the fundamental interactions and behaviour of materials at the nanoscale.
fundamental (2013 an nanoscale. Grant EPSRC (ERC) Nottingham, Fellowship the understanding interactions mathematical 2018) Career (2008 awarded the and Consolidator materials develop European at Acceleration a Soon Besley - and to to - was returning behaviour to after Council 2014), approaches Research of
By the late 1980s, one of Thomas's solo projects eventually featured much of Pere Ubu.
much 1980s, of Ubu. eventually Pere featured Thomas's the By solo late one projects of
The example for the reforms were both of the "model universities of the Enlightenment," the University of Halle, founded in 1694, and more still Georgia Augusta, founded in Göttingen in 1734/37.
1734/37. the both universities The for example more the were and of Göttingen Georgia still 1694, in founded the in reforms in Halle, of the Augusta, Enlightenment," of "model founded University
Out of the 17 actors receiving star billing in the first season, 15 were part of the carnival storyline.
the in season, of first carnival 17 part the billing 15 storyline. the star Out of receiving were actors
The second type of Qäwrighul was characterised by shaft graves surrounded by concentric circles of poles.
Qäwrighul type characterised surrounded of of was by The concentric graves shaft poles. by second circles
A tower also of fine proportions has been included.
A proportions fine of included. has tower been also
After graduating from Jones High School in Orlando, Snipes returned to New York and attended the State University of New York at Purchase.
York to New Jones in returned High School graduating After York the University at and Purchase. Snipes attended New State Orlando, from of
Their purpose is uncertain, but they may have served as both votive objects and toys: some are found in children's graves but the vast majority of fragments are from domestic rubbish deposits.
are both and children's is from toys: domestic but fragments have found rubbish of they vast served graves the purpose are votive may as in majority Their objects some but deposits. uncertain,
He was encouraged in his writing of poetry by Francis Scarfe, who was billeted in the Browns' house for over a year from April 1944.
April for who 1944. from was writing poetry house his by billeted a the in encouraged Scarfe, Browns' Francis in of was over year He
On 29 July 1916, Thomson married Edna Annis Irvine (1895-1951) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
in married Canada. July On 1916, (1895-1951) Thomson Annis Toronto, 29 Ontario, Edna Irvine
In July 2019, Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD2), a highly contagious disease nicknamed 'rabbit foot and mouth' which is fatal to Leporidae (rabbits and hares), was discovered in wild hares in County Clare, County Wexford and County Wicklow.
is disease hares and Leporidae Wexford hares), haemorrhagic July fatal (RHD2), Rabbit and foot 2019, (rabbits mouth' 'rabbit was disease County contagious which discovered to highly a County wild In in Wicklow. nicknamed Clare, in County and
The band turned to Alex Foulcer at whose studio they had recorded Odin of London's tracks.
studio The whose they Alex of Odin recorded to turned band at had Foulcer London's tracks.
As Director of the BIAA Gough pioneered the archaeology of early Christian sites in Turkey in anticipation of changes in academic viewpoints which were to follow in the 1990s.
changes in the in early 1990s. of were viewpoints the Gough anticipation archaeology academic to follow in in of Director pioneered which As BIAA of the Turkey Christian sites
The band members also conduct workshops of traditional Ukrainian dances, such as "Гопак" (Hopak), "Орлиця" (Orlytsa), "Гречаники" (Hrechanyky), "Баламут" (Balumut) and "Молодичка" (Molodychka), accompanied by "triple music", which includes two violins, basolia and buben.
(Hrechanyky), also conduct by which workshops violins, includes Ukrainian two traditional "Гречаники" (Molodychka), such accompanied and (Hopak), members "Орлиця" The band of "triple basolia and music", "Молодичка" buben. "Баламут" "Гопак" dances, (Balumut) as (Orlytsa),
The railway depot was demolished in 1972.
demolished depot The was in railway 1972.
On the other hand, the score of the carnival side is more deconstructed and mystical, especially when the carnival travels through the Dust Bowl and remote towns.
other more when the through especially and side the Dust deconstructed mystical, of carnival the carnival towns. remote is score travels the the and On Bowl hand,
Ward was born in Dublin and educated at Trinity College, Dublin.
in Ward was at born College, Trinity educated Dublin. and Dublin
Holocentric chromosomes do have an evolutionary advantage by preventing the loss of chromosome after a DNA double-strand break.
chromosomes preventing DNA do by have the after evolutionary Holocentric of advantage an a double-strand loss chromosome break.
The city of St. Pierre has ceased to exist ...
has ... Pierre The ceased to St. of city exist
East Midlands (disambiguation)
Midlands East (disambiguation)
The Whitecaps have an independent supporters group known as the "Southsiders".
the Whitecaps known group "Southsiders". The as supporters have an independent
She founded and runs NYTAZ Arts, an art company.
and She company. art NYTAZ runs an founded Arts,
The marriage was recorded by Benedict of Peterborough.
of The Peterborough. Benedict recorded by was marriage
Rebirthing (breathwork)
(breathwork) Rebirthing
Because of the continuity differences between "Smallville" and the comic book Superman stories, Spencer chose to stay "as true to the character" as he could by honoring her romantic history with Jimmy Olsen from later "Smallville" seasons, as well as her journalistic background from its early seasons.
history as journalistic to with stay her later "as its Jimmy book and of the the chose seasons. Because seasons, between honoring comic well Spencer from as as true to he early Superman the differences from stories, continuity background "Smallville" her by romantic "Smallville" Olsen could character"
Neill was invited to join a progressive school in Dresden in 1921.
in to Neill in was progressive 1921. join a invited school Dresden
Noureddine Saïl (born 1947) is a Moroccan media executive, educator, film critic and writer.
media Noureddine and writer. is Moroccan Saïl educator, film 1947) (born a critic executive,
The season 4 gag reel, included in the DVD release of that season, includes footage in which Melissa George as Lauren makes a surprise appearance during a scene, before George breaks character and begins to laugh.
footage The in Lauren DVD appearance before breaks George gag begins the and Melissa surprise as scene, a reel, makes season, release laugh. included George to a season during character in which that includes of 4
Feeling her anxiety, Myshkin too becomes extremely anxious, but he tells her that it is nothing compared to the joy he feels in her company.
Feeling anxiety, too becomes that he it the company. is to her compared tells anxious, nothing her in extremely Myshkin joy but her feels he
Once the strip-plank monocoque is completed, it is covered inside and out with glassfibre matting and epoxy resin.
completed, matting with inside and covered Once is glassfibre the monocoque strip-plank epoxy resin. it out is and
Their home ground is Çair Stadium which has a seating capacity of 2,800.
which home a of has is ground 2,800. Their capacity seating Çair Stadium
It is headquartered in the Chemistry department of the University of York.
is York. department It in of University the Chemistry the headquartered of
A fund-raising scheme for the total rebuilding of the college was launched by the new Principal, Professor Sir Frederick Hobday.
the total was Professor launched the of fund-raising Frederick rebuilding new A Sir college for the Hobday. Principal, scheme by
Later, small molecules were synthesized to specifically target a known physiological/pathological pathway, avoiding the mass screening of banks of stored compounds.
of avoiding known a pathway, banks physiological/pathological molecules the synthesized compounds. Later, screening of were mass specifically stored small to target
The city of Odate considered borrowing the statue during redevelopment of the Shibuya Station ahead of the 2020 Summer Olympics.
Odate of of considered borrowing city The Shibuya statue of the ahead the during redevelopment the 2020 Olympics. Summer Station
Unfortunately, this new plan also failed.
Unfortunately, failed. new this also plan
It was later confirmed the HD simulcast would be titled "WIN HD" and would launch on 1 March 2016.
March on simulcast the would and was 2016. HD" It HD would "WIN confirmed titled launch later 1 be
In June 2006, the new building Sirindhralai (Thai: สิรินธราลัย), the name graciously granted by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, was opened to accommodate the telecommunications, engineering management, and management technology programs.
by granted June telecommunications, Sirindhorn, and management management, Her opened to the accommodate Chakri graciously the Royal was In engineering name Sirindhralai Maha Princess (Thai: new technology สิรินธราลัย), programs. 2006, the building Highness
In addition to solo concerts, she often performs in a duo with Andreas Staier and can be heard as harpsichordist of the "" and the "Münchner Cammer-Music".
"" in can heard often concerts, as solo duo a Staier with be performs the and Andreas she addition the Cammer-Music". harpsichordist "Münchner to of In and
It affirmed that the exterior did not comply with building regulations and was the central reason why the fire spread, and that the fire service were too late in advising residents to evacuate.
service It too and the were the comply exterior why not affirmed advising spread, fire building that central the and regulations reason fire was the late did in residents that to with evacuate.
The Soviet soldiers attempted to help the survivors and were shocked at the scale of Nazi crimes.
scale the Nazi Soviet of The crimes. were at survivors to and help shocked the soldiers attempted
Antoine Fleming (born 7 October 2000) is an Anguillan footballer who plays as a defender for Kicks United FC and the Anguilla national football team.
2000) and team. who Anguilla Anguillan Antoine football October 7 defender as plays a is for FC the United national Fleming Kicks (born footballer an
By the time of S.P.
time of By S.P. the
Yamazoe, Nara
Nara Yamazoe,
Terry is convinced his days as a player are not over and instead decides to work for Jake to tide him over until the next season, when he can try to continue his playing career.
until when Jake he for player to playing him as is continue to not to Terry over his instead work next career. tide and over try can decides are his days a season, convinced the
Some amphibians brood their eggs.
amphibians Some their brood eggs.
Several alterations were made to the contract both prior to and during construction, including the replacement of one of three tunnels by a cutting, and three wooden bridges by embankments.
made the contract during the to by including of prior and by tunnels three both one replacement construction, of Several bridges to cutting, alterations and were wooden three a embankments.
He mobilized an army of more than 75,000 men and marched towards Babylon.
men army an towards mobilized of Babylon. and than He marched 75,000 more
The rise of the village was closely tied to the fortunes of the Hu family.
tied of to the closely rise family. the the was fortunes of The village Hu
An international rating was established, and it was found in official catalogs such as Artprice, Artnet.
in was rating was official found it Artnet. catalogs established, Artprice, An international such as and
A more convoluted but scenic route, Highcliff Road, connects Portobello with Dunedin city centre via the ridge of the peninsula.
connects centre with route, the A scenic Road, convoluted of the peninsula. more Dunedin city Portobello but ridge via Highcliff
Vincent Cave was Archdeacon of Elphin from 1669 until 1670.
1669 until Elphin of 1670. Archdeacon Vincent Cave from was
Work had already started when authority was obtained in 1870, and the section from Dunrobin to about short of Helmsdale was complete that autumn.
Dunrobin 1870, in complete and about to autumn. authority short Work that when had of Helmsdale started the was was already from section obtained
Many of the park's larger water slides were developed by ProSlide Technology, a Canadian company.
Many company. of slides water the Canadian developed were Technology, ProSlide a park's by larger
Ana Matilde Gómez
Matilde Gómez Ana
There were 126 waiters first class, 55 waiters second class, and 31 waiters third class.
There first and second 55 were class. waiters 31 126 class, waiters class, waiters third
"Student" was his pen name.
was "Student" his pen name.
It had eight platforms, but was considered to be unsatisfactory, having narrow platforms; the circulating area was "ridiculously small"; there was no good cab stance and inadequate siding accommodation.
but eight was platforms, good stance having small"; had unsatisfactory, "ridiculously circulating no and cab be was was the siding It considered accommodation. area there narrow platforms; to inadequate
The echo signals were extracted from the recordings via the equation below where "d" is the distance between the target and the speaker–microphone, "t" is the time it took for the echo to reach the microphone, θ is the target’s angle of elevation from the speaker–microphone, and "C" is the speed of sound in air, which equals 342 m/s.
is is θ the air, from speaker–microphone, speed between reach angle equation the via is echo from m/s. the the the extracted the recordings of the The echo time were which speaker–microphone, elevation 342 the where is and "t" of signals the took the distance "C" sound target’s and the for target it in to "d" microphone, below equals
In the "C minor Mass" too there were moments at which Mozart seemed a different composer one the one that most people thought him to be.
at In a the thought there one "C to seemed moments most too be. were him which that Mozart the minor Mass" people different one composer