He was made an OBE in the 1926 Birthday Honours.
1926 was Honours. He made an the OBE in Birthday
Amphetamine was eventually developed for the treatment of narcolepsy, post-encephalitic parkinsonism, and mood elevation in depression and other psychiatric indications.
eventually psychiatric post-encephalitic and indications. elevation for of Amphetamine narcolepsy, the treatment parkinsonism, was depression in developed other mood and
The brain is akin to a powerful computer, which creates a sort of virtual reality to model economically the environment.
reality a to computer, powerful model The which is economically brain the to virtual creates a of environment. sort akin
The average depth of its lagoon is 25 to 35 fathoms (55 to 64 m).
lagoon fathoms is 35 depth to m). average to 64 25 (55 its The of
She is also introduced to Poon, another slave, and Jason, Doak's brother, who was paralyzed from the waist down.
paralyzed She Jason, who waist introduced is slave, Doak's also was another the brother, to Poon, from and down.
Anders Paalzow, Rector of SSE Riga, holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics.
of holds Anders a SSE Economics Paalzow, from Ph.D. in Stockholm of School Riga, Rector Economics. the
The HBNI provides an academic framework for integrating basic research being done at its grant-in-aid institutions and the research centres of DAE with technology development at the research centres.
at grant-in-aid institutions for centres. being the with technology at basic and research of centres academic The DAE the research done framework integrating an development provides research HBNI its
Then, Greg speaks about his discovery of his homosexuality and Richie recounts how he nearly became a kindergarten teacher ("Gimme the Ball").
nearly how and about Greg homosexuality kindergarten a his Richie Then, he discovery Ball"). teacher his of speaks became the recounts ("Gimme
Choi Ja-shil
Ja-shil Choi
Graetz's cartoon has been used to examine recurring political debates across time.
has political recurring across been examine time. used cartoon debates to Graetz's
In 1966, Thomson bought "The Times" newspaper from members of the Astor family.
Astor "The from Times" 1966, In Thomson the family. members newspaper of bought
American historian Merritt Roe Smith has drawn comparisons between the early assembly machining of the Springfield rifles and the later production of the Ford Model T, with the latter having considerably more parts, but producing a similar numbers of units in the earliest years of the 1913-1915 automobile assembly line, indirectly due to mass production manufacturing advancements pioneered by the armory 50 years earlier.
of earliest of American latter earlier. manufacturing the later mass drawn pioneered by production considerably the years line, due 1913-1915 similar advancements Springfield early rifles armory having parts, Roe indirectly machining Ford comparisons 50 the to units of with but assembly historian has numbers the automobile years between the more Smith Model of a the the T, in assembly the Merritt production producing and
Ludmila Matiegková
Ludmila Matiegková
In 2015, he moved to the larger Yorkshire audience, to present the same show but for Capital Yorkshire.
the Yorkshire. the to for Capital to present but moved show same audience, larger In 2015, he Yorkshire
The transmitter armature is turned either by or as the rotor of an electric motor, and its magnetic field exerts torque on the receiver armature, turning it.
the it. either turned of armature, or and motor, an rotor electric the The as by exerts torque magnetic is receiver turning on armature its field transmitter
Ladysmith, originally Oyster Harbour, is a town located on the 49th parallel north on the east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
the Vancouver Oyster Canada. of is originally Ladysmith, town 49th Island, north parallel east on a British on Harbour, located coast Columbia, the
Joining Eskimo Joe's line-up for live shows were Lee Jones on keyboards and Shaun Sibbes on drums.
were Lee keyboards Sibbes on Jones line-up live for Joe's Joining shows Shaun on Eskimo and drums.
Ruthless is an upcoming American soap opera created, executive produced, written, and directed by Tyler Perry and will premiere in 2020 on BET+.
executive Tyler created, by upcoming in opera an and BET+. and Perry produced, will Ruthless 2020 directed soap premiere written, on is American
In November 2014, the company raised 4 million euros from its existing investors and from new investors including Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet and Pierre Krings, the co-founders of PriceMinister.
investors and In its Pierre new million raised the 4 2014, existing company euros November from Kosciusko-Morizet the PriceMinister. co-founders investors including Pierre from of Krings, and
Death and love were common themes in her poems.
were poems. common her themes and Death in love
Løgstrup takes the ethical demand to be prior to social norms or moral principles.
norms to be takes principles. ethical Løgstrup social or the demand prior to moral
He returned to the UK in 1871 and worked on an eight-mile section of the Devon to London Railway for two years (the section of the London and South Western Railway from Okehampton to Lydford was under construction at this time).
at construction section was time). London to Lydford He returned Railway worked 1871 and UK of of and in to London South the eight-mile years Western to from for Devon on Railway two under this (the section Okehampton the an the
Lysterfield Road is one of the major blackspots in Victoria.
major one the blackspots of Lysterfield is Victoria. in Road
Elves, and half-elves (as well as many bards) worship Corellon.
Corellon. well as and worship (as many half-elves bards) Elves,
In the 21st century, reality competition franchises began to emerge (such as, in the United States, "American Idol" and "Dancing With The Stars"), where viewers could vote for their favorite acts featured in live performances, but "Idol", as of 2020, is the only reality competition series to have broadcast live in all U.S. territories at the same time.
U.S. the but century, as With performances, live "Idol", (such in United in reality States, 2020, in featured live have time. all at acts territories "Dancing competition same broadcast and for only viewers where franchises of is to 21st could the the the favorite The series as, In competition vote reality emerge their "American Stars"), to Idol" began
Fraternity Records
Records Fraternity
Daclizumab has been studied in a small clinical trial of people with birdshot chorioretinopathy.
of Daclizumab in birdshot chorioretinopathy. has clinical people with studied a been trial small
This and the Teutonic takeover of Danzig (Gdańsk) and Polish Pomerania in 1308 led to the increased importance of Gdańsk.
Danzig in importance to 1308 Polish led This (Gdańsk) Pomerania increased Teutonic of Gdańsk. and the and takeover of the
In 1903, the Government of Canada reached an agreement to transfer the remaining military reserve to the City of Toronto.
to military of agreement the City the transfer an reserve Toronto. of Government reached remaining In 1903, to Canada the
and it has been narrated that the event of "the murder of Nafs-e Zakiyyah" is going to be happened ... and is 15 days before al-Mahdi's rising in al-Masjid al-Haram.
Nafs-e happened before "the and the narrated ... has murder going event in Zakiyyah" al-Haram. it of al-Mahdi's days is be is al-Masjid to rising that been of 15 and
However, the producers had been pleased with the commercial success of Duran Duran's "A View to a Kill", and felt that A-ha would be more likely to make an impact on the charts.
to be Kill", an to success a that "A pleased on had Duran Duran's charts. View more felt of impact likely would and the commercial the been with producers However, make A-ha the
No enemy air attacks developed because the Japanese were husbanding their aircraft for the defense of the Philippines, and as a result of Japan's new strategic concept of defense in depth at some distance from the beaches, few shore batteries were sited near enough to the coast to fire upon ships.
Philippines, No the Japan's enough result concept near beaches, were as air to shore the of their to defense ships. because of a few the husbanding distance for and upon Japanese coast of at new sited aircraft in from enemy some attacks were the defense depth developed fire strategic batteries the
In 1944, Dickson volunteered to return to Europe as a captain.
captain. 1944, to volunteered a In Europe return as to Dickson
A forward, he played in 111 matches for CSKA Moscow, scoring 52 goals.
52 scoring played matches he A forward, for in goals. Moscow, 111 CSKA
In 2011, Lego released a 2276-piece model set of the Robie House under its Lego Architecture line of products (set number 21010).
products 21010). Architecture the (set Lego under In line set number House Robie Lego released a 2011, 2276-piece of its of model
Dragoș Tudorache is a Romanian politician currently serving as a Member of the European Parliament for the Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party.
of Member and Parliament Freedom, currently a Romanian European a Dragoș Unity the for the politician Party. Solidarity serving is Tudorache as
They sailed into Botany Bay and explored the Georges River, twenty miles (32 km) beyond previous expeditions to the area that is now Garrison Point.
into Bay Botany sailed the is that expeditions beyond previous now River, Point. explored (32 Garrison area miles km) Georges and twenty the to They
List of African-American newspapers in Montana
newspapers African-American List of Montana in
His last known credit as a film editor was on 1942's "The Right Timing".
as 1942's editor credit last known His a "The Right on film was Timing".
By 1879, the year Miguel Failde's "Las alturas de Simpson" was first performed (in Matanzas), danzón had emerged as a distinct genre.
emerged danzón the Matanzas), de 1879, was By (in genre. year as distinct performed Failde's Simpson" Miguel first had "Las a alturas
The Safety Valve is a series of shallow sand flats separated by tidal flow channels, stretching about from the south end of Key Biscayne to the Ragged Keys at the north end of the Florida Keys.
the of channels, Florida The by a series stretching is end of the at from flow tidal shallow Biscayne Safety the Key the south Valve separated end flats to sand Keys. north Ragged Keys of about
The arrival of Ruud van Nistelrooy and Juan Sebastián Verón counted against Cole's first-team chances in the 2001–02 season, and on 29 December 2001, Cole was sold to Blackburn Rovers for £8 million.
arrival 29 and season, the against Ruud counted on Verón Cole Cole's in for £8 2001–02 chances Rovers of December to sold Nistelrooy and was 2001, Juan Blackburn van first-team million. The Sebastián
Pepper", his race was effectively lost.
Pepper", race was effectively his lost.
The studios are now often called the "European Hollywood" or "Hollywood of the East" because of the increasing interest of western productions (such as the movies "", "The Bourne Identity", "Casino Royale", "", and many others).
"Casino now or the "", the Hollywood" increasing of (such as called studios East" others). interest the "European Identity", often western the are of Bourne because "Hollywood "", productions movies The of "The Royale", and many
In 2012, in Brussels, Boris Tadić, together with the ex-President of Croatia Ivo Josipović, has been awarded with the European Medal of Tolerance by the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation, in recognition of the Balkan statesmen's “significant contribution to promoting, seeking, safeguarding or maintaining Tolerance and Reconciliation on the European continent”.
with 2012, on contribution by or been continent”. has safeguarding of and “significant the Reconciliation Josipović, Tolerance seeking, of awarded statesmen's on in Croatia Brussels, recognition Balkan the Boris ex-President Tolerance Medal Ivo and European European with the to In Tadić, promoting, the together Tolerance European maintaining Council the Reconciliation, in of
"Breathe" takes a wildly mystical look at love and sex.
a and mystical look wildly sex. at takes love "Breathe"
Argue had consolidated his troops properly in their positions on 'Fly Half'.
troops properly consolidated positions Argue 'Fly on had their in Half'. his
In 2010, she debuted in the Telugu film "Andari Bandhuvaya" directed by Chandra Siddhartha.
Telugu in "Andari by 2010, the directed debuted film Bandhuvaya" Siddhartha. In she Chandra
The wear on the brake blocks fitted to these vans was so severe that a set of blocks seldom lasted more than one trip down the incline.
fitted blocks the down seldom wear trip a than of the The that to on these more set so blocks one incline. lasted brake was vans severe
He earned around US$35 per day during this period.
around earned day He this period. US$35 per during
Hale Dry Goods Co. (opening 1867), Donaldson's (1881), and Dayton's (1902) all opened on this stretch.
and Co. Dayton's this (1902) Goods Hale Dry 1867), stretch. Donaldson's all on (1881), (opening opened
In 2014 Kennedy published a book, "Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury—a Known Neurotoxin—from Vaccines".
published Mercury—a Evidence Neurotoxin—from a Kennedy The Science Supporting 2014 Immediate book, the "Thimerosal: In Known Speak: Removal the of Let Vaccines".
Southbound, the highway was being widened to four lanes between McFarland Parkway and Holcomb Bridge Road.
between being was Holcomb to Road. Bridge highway four widened Parkway Southbound, lanes and McFarland the
Wind:<br>Heat 1: +0.6 m/s, Heat 2: +0.6 m/s
m/s +0.6 2: Heat m/s, +0.6 1: Wind:<br>Heat
No pre-event ticket sales is handled.
pre-event No is handled. ticket sales
Archbishop Sotirios was born in Arta, Epiros in Greece.
Epiros born Arta, in Archbishop was in Sotirios Greece.
They can also be caused by the surface wind blowing over an escarpment or plateau, or even by upper winds deflected over a thermal updraft or cloud street.
the escarpment can be even surface or by updraft thermal They by winds plateau, street. an also over over wind deflected caused a blowing or cloud or upper
Together with Selmayr, she is reported to have stopped the mandatory rotation policy for high-level EU civil servants every 5 to 7 years, remaining herself in the top position for 11 years, while extending the same policy to middle management.
every the policy years, EU extending same 5 to Together stopped management. while mandatory years, civil middle 7 the 11 remaining rotation is with servants have high-level the for position to reported she herself for policy Selmayr, in top to
A north-northeast trending scarp separates the flat top from another, shallower flat-topped knoll on the eastern side of the flat top which also tilts westwards; the shallowest point of the seamount lies on this knoll.
side the knoll knoll. the eastern of from shallower lies flat tilts separates the which westwards; of on point flat-topped north-northeast on A flat top the trending top scarp also seamount shallowest another, this the
Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport is also known as Sesquicentenario International Airport.
Sesquicentenario Airport Pinilla known as Gustavo International Rojas also is International Airport.
Wikipedia also protected the Whopper article to prevent the promotional descriptions or vandalism from being re-inserted.
Whopper the from descriptions re-inserted. protected vandalism to article Wikipedia or being also promotional prevent the
On 30 December 1803, the Daulat Scindia signed the Treaty of Surji-Anjangaon with the British after the Battle of Assaye and Battle of Laswari and ceded to the British Rohtak, Gurgaon, Ganges-Jumna Doab, the Delhi-Agra region, parts of Bundelkhand, Broach, some districts of Gujarat and the fort of Ahmmadnagar.
British of Ganges-Jumna some 30 the the Ahmmadnagar. of and Broach, Scindia British Surji-Anjangaon Delhi-Agra the the 1803, On after Gurgaon, parts signed December Doab, of region, to Assaye Rohtak, ceded Daulat of of and Treaty Battle districts Bundelkhand, the Gujarat fort of with and the Battle the Laswari
He also played John Le Mesurier in the one-off BBC drama "Hancock and Joan".
drama He "Hancock Joan". BBC the Le John in and played Mesurier also one-off
She engaged in an offensive sweep against the Tokyo Express, and received Presidential Unit Citation for the rescue of 468 survivors from the cruiser , which had been sunk at Kula Gulf.
survivors Gulf. , Unit sunk had Tokyo at Express, the sweep She the the which in been received 468 an Presidential for cruiser rescue engaged offensive Kula from Citation against and of
Construction took many years, reaching a "Killin" station in 1870 and completing in 1880, and money was always desperately tight.
in money a desperately 1870 and years, took and Construction in many "Killin" station reaching tight. completing was always 1880,
A digital bundle was also released for the Xbox 360 titled "Hitman HD Pack", containing just "Hitman 2: Silent Assassin" and "Hitman: Contracts".
and Silent HD Assassin" containing for bundle Xbox A digital was "Hitman Pack", also 360 titled "Hitman Contracts". just released 2: the "Hitman:
Later, once its existence and orbit were confirmed, it received its full designation, "".
confirmed, received once it full its were and designation, existence "". its orbit Later,
Jones has worked as a researcher for the Prince of Wales, for the National Farmers' Union and for the public relations firm Grayling.
Farmers' a for and Union Wales, Prince public relations Jones the has National the the Grayling. for worked for researcher of firm as
Three water authorities were established, each with a defined water area and sewerage area (which were not necessarily identical).
area Three identical). were and authorities water were defined established, with (which area water necessarily a each sewerage not
The first scene was filmed on 15 October 2018, and the principal photography began on 19 October in Mumbai.
on on principal began in and 2018, photography Mumbai. scene October 19 The the 15 filmed October was first
During the cool weather, wool thobes in dark colors are not uncommon.
wool cool uncommon. dark not thobes weather, the are in During colors
Starring Kajol, Tanvi Azmi, Mithila Palkar and Kunaal Roy Kapur in the leading roles, the film is helmed by Renuka Shahane, revolving around the life of three women from the same family, belonging to different generations.
helmed revolving by Renuka women in of the different and the film Kapur Kajol, Shahane, Roy Tanvi leading Kunaal Starring same to from roles, the life Azmi, belonging is around three generations. Mithila family, Palkar the
"Helena" then shifted fire to the destroyer at 02:04, only to be forced to check her fire when "San Francisco" passed between the two vessels.
between vessels. the to "San Francisco" only then shifted her when check fire to two to passed the at fire "Helena" be destroyer 02:04, forced
When substituting the frequency into the z operator, regular stability criteria still apply to discrete control systems.
substituting the the apply into stability discrete control to still criteria systems. z When regular operator, frequency
On September 30, the RIN took the unanimous decision to support his candidacy, but as an independent candidate, not as candidate of the RIN.
as decision September but RIN his not On independent candidate the candidacy, an unanimous RIN. support candidate, as the to took the 30, of
Gunn has appeared in 95 canonical Buffyverse appearances.
95 appearances. Buffyverse canonical Gunn in has appeared
The manipulations of the fabric prior to application of dye are called resists, as they partially or completely prevent the applied dye from coloring the fabric.
the application partially of the or the from dye are called prevent prior to The completely of resists, manipulations applied they fabric coloring dye fabric. as
Urban tourism became a profitable industry in 1915 as the number of tour agencies, railroad passenger departments, guidebook publishers and travel writers grew at a fast pace.
of number industry the railroad writers in tour agencies, and a passenger profitable publishers grew guidebook at Urban departments, 1915 tourism became travel pace. as fast a
Jasiewicz's earier work, such as "Pierwsi po diable.
"Pierwsi Jasiewicz's diable. earier such work, po as
1404) was a Member of Parliament for Reading in 1404.
Member for 1404. of was 1404) in Reading a Parliament
Volha Samusik
Volha Samusik
In many respects, the fundamentals of hydraulic engineering have not changed since ancient times.
times. have since not many respects, ancient hydraulic engineering the changed fundamentals of In
In October 2019, Zealand Pharma bought up the Canadian biotechnology company Encycle Therapeutics.
Zealand the 2019, bought biotechnology October Encycle Pharma Canadian In company Therapeutics. up
In 2012, he also became Director of the "Labex DYNAMO" Laboratory of Excellence, which brings together biologists and chemists working at the IBPC at the Collège de France and the Ecole Normale Supérieure on different aspects of biogenesis, the function and evolution of energy-transmitting membranes.
at the he at the the of of energy-transmitting together on function "Labex aspects biogenesis, 2012, working brings chemists Excellence, became and and of of de which Director also Supérieure the the Collège evolution and IBPC different In biologists Laboratory Ecole DYNAMO" Normale France membranes.
Llwynmawr is a village in the Ceiriog Valley in North Wales, about halfway between the villages of Glyn Ceiriog and Pontfadog, in the community of Glyntraian.
in the the Wales, is Ceiriog between in North of the a community of Valley in halfway Pontfadog, village Llwynmawr and Ceiriog villages Glyntraian. Glyn about
The Archives is one of three units of CASS, along with the Reece Museum and the Institute of Appalachian Affairs.
Affairs. and three units of the one Institute Archives the along Appalachian The of Museum of with CASS, is Reece
The 2020 Michelin Le Mans Cup with be the 5th season of the Michelin Le Mans Cup.
Le with Michelin Mans Cup. Le 2020 the Cup Michelin season of Mans The the 5th be
While searching for his stepbrother Kaushik who snatched the family's money, Raj found him but never returned.
family's searching but stepbrother the his found Kaushik While never who Raj returned. for money, snatched him
Back in Moscow, Loria finds out about Tanya's presence at Tiegenhoff and advocates the use of massed manpower to capture the city, which is approved.
Back massed manpower is capture in Tanya's advocates the the at Loria city, approved. to finds Moscow, use of presence about and Tiegenhoff which out
There were different levels that meteors were classified by.
classified were that by. meteors There levels different were
In the following months, Vanian, Sensible (on guitar) and Scabies performed a handful of shows as the Doomed, with Motörhead frontman Lemmy filling in on bass.
following a on Vanian, (on handful filling and Lemmy months, the guitar) in bass. Doomed, Motörhead In shows Scabies as Sensible frontman the performed of with
Pervomaysky is the nearest rural locality.
nearest locality. the rural Pervomaysky is
He is a and a two-time Swedish men's curling champion (1974, 1981).
a 1981). (1974, and a He curling is two-time men's Swedish champion
It lies east of Horton in Ribblesdale.
east Horton Ribblesdale. in lies of It
On 6 June 1922, he was elected to the council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for a four-year term.
June he term. the On was 6 1922, the of elected to four-year Surgeons council of for Royal a Veterinary College
During that deployment she sortied from Bahrain on short notice and provided assistance to after she was hit by two anti-ship missiles launched by an Iraqi F-1 Mirage.
an Mirage. Bahrain she after launched notice two F-1 that provided by and Iraqi short assistance on she was from by deployment During missiles anti-ship sortied hit to
In March 2016, it was announced that this signal would be occupied by a new channel called Be Mad, which finally began broadcasting on April 21, 2016.
announced 2016. began finally new a it was would on channel signal broadcasting April 21, this by Be that occupied called 2016, In March which be Mad,
Wonder Woman and Black Adam hide the tyrannical nature of the Regime from Supergirl and train her to use her powers in secret, though Brainiac attacks Earth after being alerted to Kal-El's survival due to his Regime's supporting the Sinestro Corps.
after train the to survival her of the his due the though Regime's alerted being to Regime and hide secret, to Wonder powers tyrannical Kal-El's Corps. Black Woman attacks Brainiac her and Adam supporting Supergirl in from use Sinestro nature Earth
This is based on an analysis of the drift found in the valley from the Kansan or late pre-Illinoian age.
in is This the the age. analysis based an the late valley found of pre-Illinoian drift on Kansan or from