Counterpart or Counterparts may refer to:
to: refer may Counterparts or Counterpart
18-3068, which was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.
of was which 18-3068, jurisdiction. lack dismissed for
Neither were insiders allowed to lend their savings to anyone.
were lend savings anyone. to their insiders allowed Neither to
"Feeler" was released on 21 July 2003 with the title track as the first single.
title single. "Feeler" the the released first with as track July was 21 on 2003
Villa Mariënhof was constructed between 1916 and 1918 according to a design by architect Johan Wilhelm Hanrath.
Johan architect to Hanrath. design 1918 Villa between by was according constructed and Wilhelm 1916 Mariënhof a
Later that year, during the Frankfurt Motor Show, a roadster version of the SLR concept was presented.
Motor roadster a the was Later year, presented. SLR that the version of during concept Show, Frankfurt
Like most Cnidarians, "Clytia" has relatively simple morphology.
simple relatively Like "Clytia" morphology. Cnidarians, has most
She also appeared in "Noises Off" (1992) and in "Man on the Moon" (1999), a film about her "Taxi" co-star Andy Kaufman.
appeared Moon" (1992) Kaufman. "Noises co-star on She about also in "Taxi" Andy a Off" the "Man (1999), and film her in
In 1966, the rank of Sergeant Major of the Army was established, its holder an assistant to the Army chief of staff.
of staff. established, Army rank to the its assistant Army Major Sergeant was chief the the an of holder of In 1966,
Mail, portal and instant messaging.
messaging. and instant portal Mail,
Relegated to 2018 I.F.C.
I.F.C. Relegated to 2018
In 1991, Attali invited Mikhail Gorbachev to the EBRD headquarters, in London, against the opinion of British Prime Minister John Major.
of Gorbachev to the the in British EBRD Attali opinion against John Prime London, Major. In Mikhail invited Minister headquarters, 1991,
Between the windows are eight mihrab-like hooded niches.
hooded mihrab-like eight are niches. windows the Between
During Chitwood's term as president, the University of the Cumberlands – a KBC-affiliated university and Chitwood's alma mater – was criticized for expelling a student who posted on MySpace that he was homosexual, in violation of the school's code of conduct, which stated: "any student who engages in or promotes sexual behavior not consistent with Christian principles (including sex outside marriage and homosexuality) may be suspended or asked to withdraw."
who – of expelling that of not president, withdraw." "any of may conduct, or was outside and as was he University mater sexual which university the stated: criticized principles marriage MySpace on homosexuality) alma for suspended – and Chitwood's a posted the Cumberlands code Chitwood's who violation behavior term asked school's student promotes be with KBC-affiliated in consistent student sex Christian or engages During a (including homosexual, the in to
each networked computer could directly communicate with other computers on the network.
with computer computers on communicate networked could the network. directly other each
By gathering the clues to be accepted in the game they arrive at a party, where they find a way to reach an abandoned hospital where the game will take place.
to gathering hospital at abandoned an to they will clues accepted they the the a where By the place. game way in reach where game arrive be find take a party,
The 1974-75 Montenegrin Republic League was 30th season of Montenegrin Republic League.
30th Montenegrin was Republic 1974-75 The of League Republic season League. Montenegrin
The northeastern rivière aux Écorces North-East flows on the northeast bank of the rivière aux Écorces.
northeastern northeast North-East the of rivière flows aux bank on aux rivière Écorces Écorces. the The
The total area was 189.42 km².
km². total area was The 189.42
But the site was just and an available lease of 50 years was deemed too short by the club, so it was decided that City would move to Moss Side.
short would lease the to Moss too was it site club, that an deemed just City Side. so available was by decided and was But move years the of 50
The counter-coup was very bloody leading to the murder of mostly Igbo officers.
counter-coup leading of the officers. The very murder mostly was Igbo to bloody
HSN developed its original order taking system on a Burroughs Large System mainframe using the LINC 10 fourth generation language.
a System system mainframe fourth original developed using LINC generation its HSN language. on Large 10 taking Burroughs order the
He said, "I wasn't all that glad to see the two-goalie system come in.
"I come glad wasn't in. the two-goalie that He said, all to see system
X, "Le Parlement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles", disponible sur, consulté le 20 novembre 2019.
X, le Fédération de la, consulté Wallonie-Bruxelles", Parlement sur "Le 2019. novembre 20 disponible
Most "Anopheles" mosquitoes are not exclusively anthropophilic or zoophilic, including the primary malaria vector in the western United States, "A. freeborni".
Most including malaria "A. freeborni". primary are or States, the mosquitoes the exclusively western "Anopheles" anthropophilic not United vector in zoophilic,
2021 South Asian Games
Games Asian South 2021
The five-day event attracts more than 12,000 attendees for live field demonstration and lecture sessions, networking socials, coaching diploma training classes, and a large soccer-only trade show, with more than 300 companies displaying soccer equipment, technology and services.
five-day show, with live than lecture socials, more demonstration diploma training and companies field attracts for networking more than trade equipment, services. classes, soccer-only soccer 300 displaying a coaching technology The large and attendees sessions, and event 12,000
This is the list of episodes for "Late Night with Seth Meyers" in 2020.
the This in Night for 2020. Meyers" is with list Seth "Late episodes of
Francisca died unmarried in 1982.
in 1982. died unmarried Francisca
In 2018, the Bollywood movie Rajma Chawal starring Amyra Dastur, Rishi Kapoor, Aparshakti Khurana, Raja Hasan, Mukesh Chhabra, Nirmal Rishi, Harish Khanna had its extensive section of the film shot in Lachu Ram Ki Haveli.
in its Chhabra, Amyra extensive Mukesh Chawal Nirmal the Rishi, movie Dastur, of section Kapoor, 2018, In Lachu Raja Bollywood Rajma Ram Aparshakti Ki Hasan, Khurana, Haveli. Harish film Rishi the starring had Khanna shot
He later formally announced the album at the Intersect Music Festival in Las Vegas in December 2019.
announced at December Vegas the in formally the He Festival later Intersect album 2019. Las in Music
Macapagal was also a reputed poet in the Chinese and Spanish language, though his poetic oeuvre was eclipsed by his political biography.
poet oeuvre a was also eclipsed poetic was in Spanish though his language, Macapagal Chinese by reputed political and his biography. the
The Mentawai Islands Regency are a chain of about seventy islands and islets approximately off the western coast of Sumatra in Indonesia.
chain coast Regency the Indonesia. The about approximately Sumatra western Mentawai seventy Islands in are a islets and of off islands of
In 1968, Zhao Jianmin was slandered as "the spy of Kuomintang (KMT)" as well as "traitor" by Kang Sheng and others, and was also regarded as one of the "local proxies" of Liu Shaoqi.
In of slandered Shaoqi. Jianmin (KMT)" "traitor" regarded was proxies" one and as spy "local as the "the Kuomintang well others, as also 1968, Kang of Zhao Sheng of and as by was Liu
It was named for the city of Lae, capital of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
the named New capital was of Papua for Morobe Lae, of Guinea. Province, city It
Finally, the ring under is drawn from the distance to the perimeter of the equilateral triangle that forms between the centers of the three intersecting circles.
the triangle circles. equilateral under the the three from perimeter ring drawn that forms is Finally, the the to centers of of the distance intersecting between
These circuits include:
include: circuits These
Selection rules dictate that during emission or absorption the rotational quantum number has to change by unity; i.e., formula_38.
number quantum that dictate unity; absorption rules by during Selection i.e., to formula_38. or has the change rotational emission
He was survived by his wife Margaret and two daughters, Margaret and Barbara.
and Margaret two Margaret was Barbara. daughters, by and He wife his survived
He was the first president and founder of the Students Historical Association at the University of Ghana he was also the founder and first secretary of the Akwamu Youth League 1958 (now Akwamu Students Union).
Association the was Students of was and president Students Historical the the Union). of the (now secretary the Akwamu Ghana he Akwamu League at also first University 1958 Youth and founder first of founder He
A crewman called Macphee was sent ashore and returned to report that the residents had all died of disease.
A Macphee sent called and that the died all had returned of crewman to residents was report ashore disease.
The election in the seat of Barbuda ended in a draw between the Barbuda People's Movement, an ally of the UPP, and the Barbuda People's Movement for Change, an ally of the ALP, with each candidate receiving 400 votes.
ended seat an the between candidate ally election of Barbuda People's in each UPP, the Barbuda for and of with an receiving ally votes. 400 a the Change, The People's Barbuda ALP, in Movement, of draw the Movement the
He later studied with abstract painter Michael Krebber in Frankfurt, photographer Christopher Williams, and multimedia artist Richard Hawkins in Los Angeles.
Christopher later Williams, Krebber studied multimedia in Angeles. with painter Frankfurt, Michael Hawkins in and Los artist He Richard photographer abstract
His funeral, which took place at the Cathedral of ChristChurch, was attended by over 1,000 people.
ChristChurch, which His Cathedral by over attended people. funeral, of the took at was place 1,000
Upon moving, she first worked in store advertising and later became the public relations director for Abercrombie & Fitch.
became director later first for store public relations Upon and worked moving, she Fitch. advertising in & Abercrombie the
Before her death in 1478 Queen Catherine restored the Saint Mary's Church in Jajce, today the oldest church in town.
Jajce, Queen church oldest in Before the Church town. Saint Catherine Mary's restored in the today 1478 in death her
It was nominated as Minnesota's most intact state normal school campus, and for the Beaux-Arts architecture of the Main Building.
intact and of campus, Minnesota's most was Beaux-Arts nominated Main the state as It normal Building. school for the architecture
In 1923, the community house began functioning as a private school, known as the Lovering School, and was partially reconstructed after a fire that same year.
School, that Lovering a functioning house same fire community the year. school, partially 1923, In as after reconstructed as began private and was the known a
When end-of-file (EOF) is reached, will exit.
end-of-file is will When exit. (EOF) reached,
Other grades are UAN 28, UAN 30 and UAN 18.
grades UAN Other 18. UAN 28, UAN are and 30
He is also a member of the Association for Intercultural Philosophy, which encourages a dialogue among philosophers from all over the world.
encourages philosophers among world. over Philosophy, the all for Intercultural a which a from is dialogue Association the member of also He
It is run on a mostly voluntary basis by the club "Volkssternwarte Laupheim e.V."
the on run "Volkssternwarte mostly by a is Laupheim voluntary e.V." basis club It
"Severed Dreams" is an episode from the third season of the science fiction television series "Babylon 5".
5". "Severed an television series episode "Babylon of science the the third Dreams" from fiction season is
A right-handed player from Cologne, Heckmanns began competing professionally in 1987.
Heckmanns 1987. player in from began A competing professionally Cologne, right-handed
Bristol was attacked on the nights of 27/28 March, 23 April and 14 May, but the defences were stronger than in 1941, with plentiful SLC radar to point the S/Ls.
nights Bristol radar defences attacked with the March, the and was 23 of plentiful SLC to the but stronger were than April May, 14 in on S/Ls. 27/28 point 1941,
In order to catch the creatures, players use "spirit orbs" that can be tossed onto the creatures.
orbs" creatures. creatures, the use that In order onto be can tossed the players catch to "spirit
Roberto Rossellini co-wrote the screenplay and served as assistant director.
Rossellini served and as screenplay Roberto assistant the director. co-wrote
He completed his graduate and postgraduate studies from there.
studies completed his and postgraduate graduate He from there.
The Beanie Festival attracts thousands of tourists to Alice Springs each year.
of The Alice each tourists to attracts year. Festival thousands Beanie Springs
"Almost Like Being in Love" went to No.
in Like went to No. Love" Being "Almost
After World War II, Wilhelm received his vocal training from Götte at the Musikhochschule in his hometown Berlin in 1947, before he began at the Deutsche Oper Berlin in 1951, where he was employed as an opera and oratorio singer.
training where vocal the oratorio hometown Musikhochschule he he After before opera singer. Götte War was Berlin received employed an his 1951, at II, Berlin the in Wilhelm Oper from began 1947, Deutsche in and his at World as in
† Home Rule Municipality
Municipality † Home Rule
These lines, except all L12 and part of L7, share tracks with commuter rail lines.
lines, tracks lines. L7, of rail and all with share except These L12 part commuter
Ōtō, Nara
Nara Ōtō,
In November 2018, Amot reported that 95% of the office space in the tower had been leased.
reported in the been tower leased. had the 2018, of space November office In 95% Amot that
It replaced two previous cabinets: the Ministry of Dáil Éireann of the Irish Republic established under the Dáil Constitution and the Provisional Government established under the Anglo-Irish Treaty.
of Ministry cabinets: two Government previous established established Dáil Provisional the the Anglo-Irish the It of Éireann under the replaced Dáil Constitution Treaty. and under Republic Irish the
She played for Hartwick College.
College. She for played Hartwick
The group was signed to Ruthless Records in 1992 and made their debut on Eazy-E's EP, "" on the track entitled "Merry Muthaphuckkin' Xmas".
signed track in was their "" the EP, made Eazy-E's to on debut Records Muthaphuckkin' "Merry Ruthless entitled group 1992 The Xmas". on and
One notable game was the semi-final match-up between the United States and Germany that took place on June 30, 2015, which drew a crowd of 51,176 people.
on semi-final of crowd 30, notable took place between States Germany that the people. One which and June game was United 51,176 a drew the match-up 2015,
From March 1958 to March 1959, Johnny Rivers released three records which did not sell well.
not 1958 March to which March records sell did released From Johnny well. 1959, three Rivers
He failed, however, to make a great impression on his first visit to England and America, though his audiences were compelled to admire his marvelous technical feats, especially his left hand pizzicato, and rapid runs in thirds and tenths.
his left however, make were marvelous pizzicato, admire feats, to failed, in his rapid and England and visit his to great hand audiences runs America, and on compelled impression technical first especially his thirds tenths. though He to a
As of 2019 Cinemart holds 32.5% market share being the 2nd largest Czech film distributor after Falcon a.s.
a.s. Czech largest 2019 being holds distributor Cinemart 2nd market the of Falcon share after As 32.5% film
However, an accident involving the unstable Chaos Emeralds and a rotten egg transformed Kintobor into the evil Dr Ivo Robotnik, leading to the events of the games "Sonic the Hedgehog" and "Sonic the Hedgehog 2".
the and However, a Hedgehog events 2". Kintobor rotten to accident games the the into egg Ivo Dr "Sonic involving of Robotnik, the transformed unstable the leading the "Sonic an Hedgehog" evil and Emeralds Chaos
John Dickinson, the writer, was the eldest surviving son.
the writer, John eldest surviving Dickinson, the son. was
Grandfather Ivan
Grandfather Ivan
She was survived by three other children.
She by other survived was three children.
Davus privately berates himself.
privately Davus himself. berates
In 1978, Schmidt-Gaden founded the "Florilegium Musicum", a chamber orchestra for early music with original instruments.
founded instruments. with original chamber for the In 1978, "Florilegium music Musicum", a early Schmidt-Gaden orchestra
President Warren G. Harding stayed at the Flamingo Hotel during this time, increasing interest in the area.
Flamingo in during interest G. time, area. increasing Warren Hotel Harding the at President the this stayed
Researchers from all over the world come to the USHMM Library and Archives and the "Benjamin and Vladka Meed Registry of Holocaust Survivors".
Researchers Archives Vladka world and USHMM Library of Meed Registry "Benjamin and from the the Holocaust Survivors". over and come all the to
At this conference, a message was conveyed from Shimon Samuels, who had sent the original letter to Mary McAleese, questioning why he had not been invited to the seminar.
invited original sent not conference, this from been why to questioning a message letter had At seminar. Samuels, had McAleese, the Mary the conveyed was he who to Shimon
In October 1897 the wharf was still incomplete and the new dam created to supply the water needed for the railway and to supply the berthed ships remained empty.
the dam the still ships the October 1897 berthed remained the incomplete supply empty. In new to the wharf needed water railway to created and supply and was for
In the 2nd round, it is a question and answers round between the fated persons and the participants at the podium.
the round, answers between In persons is a the 2nd at and podium. the participants round fated the and it question
Because of this, the position duties for each occupation can easily intertwine, particularly if both occupations are present at an institution.
occupations each position an can Because duties present occupation easily for this, both of the are institution. at if intertwine, particularly
Berger was married to Willy Maliepaard, this union produced to sons and a daughter.
Berger married sons this and to a daughter. to produced union Maliepaard, Willy was
Let formula_4 be the size of the largest subset of formula_5 which contains no 3-term arithmetic progression.
formula_4 Let the formula_5 size the which 3-term be contains no arithmetic of subset progression. largest of
In 1884, General Sir David Russell died at his home in the street.
in In David died Russell street. at Sir 1884, home the his General
Robert Membury
Robert Membury
In 15 January 1943 she was transferred to the Free French Naval Forces (FNFL) as "Gallantry" V.111 and served off the south coast of Newfoundland from 15 January 1943 until the end of the war.
of Forces the In V.111 war. the to 1943 and until coast as Newfoundland 1943 Free from "Gallantry" served of the January the was end off January (FNFL) 15 French transferred Naval south 15 she
The first mention of the Terebinth is by Benedictus Canonicus Sancti Petri (c. 1144), which names it "obeliscus Neronis", and by the "Mirabilia Urbis Romae" (a 12th-century guide of the city), where it is described like a circular monument composed with two superimposed cylinders (like Castel Sant'Angelo) lined with marble slabs and it is called "Tiburtinum Neronis"; the name "Tiburtinum" derives from the material of its revetment, the travertine ("lapis tiburtinus", that is from the city of Tivoli in Latin), while the name "Neronis" ("of Nero" in Latin) is typical of many toponyms and names of monuments of the Vatican area (like "prata Neronis", "pons Neronis", etc.
circular (like Vatican monuments two Petri Neronis"; is "obeliscus of first travertine like monument the with Castel it of a in (c. Latin), the "Tiburtinum of the that superimposed and ("of of is the and while is (like slabs many lined it the Terebinth (a from city it Urbis name etc. where Latin) called and Neronis", 12th-century 1144), Sant'Angelo) the The marble by tiburtinus", of described the its "Mirabilia by material Benedictus from "Tiburtinum" Tivoli Nero" Romae" toponyms Neronis", cylinders in Canonicus mention is revetment, typical Sancti of which area the "prata city), "pons names guide name composed ("lapis derives names is "Neronis" of the with Neronis",
Ringu Blu-Ray Arrow Collection
Collection Blu-Ray Ringu Arrow
In order to provide a cheerful atmosphere for visitors, the enshrined , an eccentric, stylized form of the goddess, is presented through various forms of music and entertainment.
order the of an goddess, music for form forms through visitors, various presented cheerful , provide In to of entertainment. a atmosphere the is stylized and enshrined eccentric,
Spear Securities took over the lease on the land in 1949.
over took 1949. the Spear land on the lease Securities in
She brought with her two children (Candy and Patrick) from two previous marriages, though Patrick later died from a heroin overdose in his twenties.
later died from marriages, her and a (Candy Patrick) heroin two in brought two She twenties. though Patrick children previous his from with overdose
Almost all districts in Maharashtra are Hindu majority
Almost Maharashtra majority in are Hindu all districts
Last appeared on the PBS documentary series "American Experience" in the episode titled ""Silicon Valley"", which debuted on February 6, 2013.
appeared the documentary "American 2013. 6, debuted February on titled ""Silicon episode Last Valley"", Experience" which series the PBS in on
Although named after the Amazon River, most of the state is drained by the Orinoco River.
the River, drained state the by named after Amazon the Although most Orinoco River. of is
After which he worked in the Sochi police.
in After he Sochi which police. the worked
Professor J.B. Bird has said that Latin America is not alone in rejecting the historical US notion that any visible African ancestry is enough to make one black:
Bird US notion not is J.B. Professor make has Latin visible historical enough black: alone African in any that said ancestry that rejecting is America to the one
The evidence recovered in this building suggests the presence of highland officials in the heart of the Cerro Chepen Monumental Sector.
suggests recovered of evidence heart highland the this building Sector. Cerro in of the presence in Monumental The the Chepen officials