Temporary member NF-Board, ruled by the Crimean Tatar Football Union.
Crimean Union. member Football ruled by Temporary the Tatar NF-Board,
Finster teamed up with her first pairs partner, Joseph Goodpaster, at the age of 10.
teamed the Joseph first Finster at up with Goodpaster, her partner, pairs age of 10.
The script in the Edicts of Ashoka at Dhauli and Jaugada and the Minor Inscriptions of Kharavela in the Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves give the first glimpse of possible origin of the Odia language.
The Jaugada of Odia language. Caves of and the at the Inscriptions possible Edicts Dhauli of Khandagiri and script Udayagiri of glimpse Kharavela the Minor give the the in and first origin in Ashoka
One of the major differences between the two E-9 ranks is that Master Gunnery Sergeants retain an occupational field-related MOS, while Sergeants Major receive a new MOS to reflect their specific command-related focus.
to occupational new their while between retain of the specific the Gunnery Major Sergeants MOS, is receive differences MOS that E-9 ranks an field-related reflect two command-related focus. major Master a One Sergeants
Maninjau is a notable tourist destination in the region due to its scenic beauty and mild climate.
is and the in destination climate. tourist notable its beauty mild scenic due a region to Maninjau
His work has served as a basis for all later research, especially those investigating the relationship between paralanguage and culture (since paralanguage is learned, it differs by language and culture).
between culture differs His it all relationship investigating is basis especially later language has and those culture). (since by learned, served the work and paralanguage for a as paralanguage research,
However in a personal interview with William Downes, 1st Baron Downes, the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, Fox was able to convince Downes of his innocence.
Downes of 1st convince Ireland, Fox personal William with the Justice Baron was his to However innocence. Downes, a of able Lord interview Chief in Downes,
Later academic work based on demographics produced a wide range of estimates, from a possible low of 21,000 (7% of population) (Reber, 1988) to as high as 69% of the total prewar population (Whigham, Potthast, 1999).
of Potthast, as 69% population possible (Whigham, to (Reber, based produced total 21,000 academic range on a of as demographics of high the wide prewar of population) work from 1999). low a (7% estimates, Later 1988)
The Wettins gradually rose to power within the Holy Roman Empire.
power Empire. Holy rose to The within gradually Wettins Roman the
The following year the movie was released to the streaming services Planeta Inform in Russia and Shudder in the United States.
in in States. Shudder The movie and Russia year United following to Inform released the services streaming Planeta the was the
Two sides of the structure were set ablaze by fireworks that apparently discharged improperly, causing flaming debris to fall to the ground.
fall ablaze apparently the structure by to were of improperly, ground. the Two to causing set fireworks discharged debris sides that flaming
Age does not affect flavor.
does Age not flavor. affect
In 1986, Stone was responsible for the quickest send-off in rugby league, having dismissed Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs player Peter Kelly for a head-high tackle in the first tackle of the match.
1986, Peter for the the dismissed in the having Bulldogs Canterbury-Bankstown rugby was a first tackle head-high quickest player Stone tackle In in send-off of for league, Kelly responsible match.
The Association claimed Adam Smith is synonymous with "exploitation and greed" and stated "Jennie Lee would be an excellent role model for the students because of the courage and conviction she showed in achieving the aims she believed passionately in".
aims claimed of the Adam excellent model Lee and role students conviction because with and believed Smith for "exploitation showed Association The in courage synonymous would and greed" be stated she the the achieving is "Jennie passionately she an in".
National Ninja League
Ninja National League
Both CMHBV and WMHBV have potential to play an important role in the development of human hepatitis B treatments.
WMHBV human the have development to in play role important potential treatments. an CMHBV Both and B of hepatitis
In October 2008, Ralph Kohlmann ruled that they be provided with the computers, but not the internet access.
provided with they the the internet October but Kohlmann be 2008, not Ralph access. In ruled computers, that
In the same year, Sony released the concert as a CD (catalogue number SK-46687) and audio cassette (catalogue number ST-46687) which include all the gala's music except for the excerpt from Dvořák's Symphony No.
number the and except Dvořák's In Sony released ST-46687) SK-46687) year, gala's a from cassette include CD audio as music the concert all excerpt No. number (catalogue Symphony same (catalogue the for the which
They show that Selima was in contact with the Kharga Oasis, the Dakhla Oasis and the Darfur.
Oasis contact the They Darfur. with Kharga the show that was and Dakhla in the Oasis, Selima
John H. Williamson (born June 7, 1937, Hereford, England) is a British-born economist who coined the term Washington Consensus.
who term Consensus. England) a economist (born 1937, June British-born coined is the H. Hereford, Washington Williamson 7, John
She described her reaction to Arthur's metamorphosis dance as being similar to when she found his notes and tonality, whilst adding that the theme - "Bathroom Dance" is often performed on an electric cello instrument called the halldorophone, which Guðnadóttir helped develop: "It's a feedback instrument [...] A lot of the electronic sounds that you hear in the score, it's all performed live, and it's all coming from that instrument and the connection with the amplifiers."
the and cello score, whilst to feedback a it's is live, the performed tonality, adding Guðnadóttir instrument and performed electric in an on found reaction and Arthur's when metamorphosis all similar instrument amplifiers." that she connection lot being all that with often electronic the coming She described - as notes Dance" helped halldorophone, A of which "Bathroom the called hear from to sounds develop: instrument it's the that "It's [...] dance theme his you the her
In his 2008 book "On My Honor", Perry expressed his views on the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
views book U.S. the My of In on "On his the Clause Perry Establishment expressed Honor", Free Constitution. and the Clause Exercise his 2008
The graphic looked amateurish, and the band worried what it might do to their reputation.
worried do the graphic The their what reputation. amateurish, to and might looked it band
Pallero's well-preserved fossils include plants, microfossils, and arthropods.
Pallero's fossils include well-preserved plants, microfossils, arthropods. and
Fortunately the black smoke resulting from the sudden loss of boiler intake air pressure convinced "Yamato" and "Nagato" (which was also firing her main battery at "White Plains" at the time) that they had scored a direct hit and they shifted fire to other targets.
they to also a pressure battery (which convinced of targets. direct the and sudden they at smoke Plains" from resulting and intake "White time) loss had "Yamato" was her fire main "Nagato" the air hit the scored at other shifted black Fortunately firing boiler that
An optional rear hatch appeared with the Mark III and a standard rear hatch and wind-up windows for the Mark IV which also received somewhat longer and taller bodywork.
Mark bodywork. taller Mark standard received appeared windows and a the rear hatch also longer An wind-up which rear optional and with and IV III for somewhat hatch the
Opposite the monument of Aganothetes stands an Odeon or 'small theatre' for 200 spectators.
theatre' monument stands of Opposite or 'small the Odeon for 200 an Aganothetes spectators.
The series became available for streaming on Netflix on 24 January 2020.
became streaming The Netflix available for series 2020. 24 on January on
Trigg died on 4 November 1919 following a horse and buggy accident in Springton, South Australia.
Trigg died Australia. a and 1919 on November 4 horse accident Springton, South buggy following in
Paul C Zamecnik and Mahlon Hoagland discovered tRNA Significant research on structure was conducted in the early 1960s by Alex Rich and Don Caspar, two researchers in Boston, the Jacques Fresco group in Princeton University and a United Kingdom group at King's College London.
C United group Alex College the and by Jacques researchers two was and the University Rich Princeton Mahlon 1960s Zamecnik a Boston, Kingdom in Fresco group in and Caspar, King's in structure Don London. Paul early Hoagland conducted tRNA at on research Significant discovered
He is a member of the German Bundestag since 2009 and was a member of the Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia from 1995 until 2009.
the Bundestag Landtag of the was since 1995 until 2009. a of He North member Rhine-Westphalia of is from German member 2009 and a
Miss USA World 1964
1964 USA World Miss
The source also showed a strong flare.
showed The strong also a flare. source
During the season, however, the team equaled the club's record Bundesliga defeat, losing 9–2 at the Allianz Arena to Bayern Munich.
however, record the season, During equaled Allianz 9–2 Arena Bundesliga Munich. Bayern team club's the the the to losing at defeat,
On February 16, 1924 he declined to seek reelection and the Republican nomination for Ward Two's alderman was given to Ralph H. Robinson.
1924 reelection to for seek On alderman Robinson. nomination H. the was Two's Ward and Ralph Republican he given declined 16, to February
He praises the "...illuminated and expressive keys" and states that musicians and DJs will find them useful for shows.
that and He expressive and find shows. DJs states them "...illuminated and keys" praises the useful for musicians will
Most of the inhabitants live in the City of Fenwick, which is clustered around Fenwick Castle, the seat of government.
clustered inhabitants the Castle, Fenwick live City Fenwick, around Most which the of of seat of the is government. in
Defined as "human diseases acquired from or transmitted to any other vertebrate animal", zoonotic diseases can often be lethal and in all cases constitute a serious public health concern.
all public and a can constitute transmitted acquired Defined health to serious vertebrate lethal animal", or from in as be concern. any often other diseases "human diseases zoonotic cases
Virenque was sought by several teams after his first Tour and Cyrille Guimard said at the world championship at Benidorm that he had arranged for him to join his Castorama team, where he would replace Laurent Fignon.
Cyrille him after said arranged for Tour he Fignon. at Benidorm to where by at sought team, first would championship teams Virenque join his the Laurent he several and his world Guimard was had Castorama replace that
Alexander married the widowed Euphemia I, Countess of Ross, but they had no children.
no had of Alexander Countess widowed I, they children. the Euphemia Ross, but married
Terminal Peak is a mountain summit located in Glacier National Park of British Columbia, Canada.
is Canada. Terminal a National summit Peak of Park British in Columbia, Glacier mountain located
The move failed to materialize.
failed materialize. The to move
While Gerda and Kay look at the blooming roses Kay is suddenly being pierced by something into his heart and then into his eye.
at his and being look Kay pierced eye. Gerda into his into something heart blooming then and suddenly by the Kay roses While is
Francis Knapp (1672–1717) was an Anglican priest in Ireland during the 18th century.
18th Anglican priest Ireland the Knapp (1672–1717) in during was an century. Francis
In English, some words that have a precise numerical definition are often used indefinitely: couple, 2; dozen, 12; myriad, 10,000.
numerical often 10,000. precise English, words that dozen, definition indefinitely: In couple, myriad, used 12; are 2; have some a
In the last years of his life, Wynn suffered a heart attack and a stroke.
of stroke. a his years and last attack heart the suffered Wynn a In life,
Vilhelm Prior
Vilhelm Prior
On July 11, 1819, Gámeza was the scene of one of the epics of the feat that conquered freedom for Colombians.
1819, the of On was freedom of feat July for 11, epics that scene Gámeza conquered of the Colombians. the one
!colspan="3" style="background:#ccccff;"| 22 October
October !colspan="3" style="background:#ccccff;"| 22
The most notable experiment measured the children's behavior after seeing the human model get rewarded, get punished, or experience no consequence for physically abusing the Bobo doll.
the after children's for rewarded, consequence the physically experience get or human most no doll. seeing measured model get abusing notable The behavior Bobo punished, experiment the
Cooper received a citation from the Third Army's military government section for his action.
the section government citation a Cooper from military his Third action. Army's received for
In a 2015 meta-analysis of the subject, Perloff said "hostile media effect" is the most often used term:The most common term is "hostile media effect," perhaps because scholars appreciate that the "effect" term cuts to the heart of the mass communication research enterprise and captures the theoretically intriguing aspect of the hostile media phenomenon.
theoretically the common the because that a the phenomenon. to term 2015 "effect" of media often said media media and term:The scholars most the Perloff cuts the of perhaps communication "hostile captures intriguing mass heart of hostile is meta-analysis subject, effect," enterprise the "hostile term is effect" most aspect the research In used appreciate
Attempts at manipulative dealing could face a risk of third party detection due to increasingly sophisticated tracking software that could be used to detect any number of unusual patterns, though such analyses are not generally available in the public domain.
to Attempts dealing detect to in the be available a such patterns, tracking any though that number risk not of at used generally third unusual could face are of software could analyses domain. party manipulative detection due sophisticated increasingly public
Kane quantum computer
computer Kane quantum
Now combined to be the Township of McGarry.
McGarry. Township to the be Now of combined
The Carquinez Strait is part of the John F. Baldwin Shipping Channel.
of the is Carquinez John Shipping The part Channel. F. Strait Baldwin
According to a National Standard Bulletin of the People's Republic of China, the National Standard GB 2312-1980 is no longer mandatory, and its standard code is modified to GB/T 2312-1980.
of to of Bulletin Republic 2312-1980. and is National code is a National Standard longer China, the GB/T According no mandatory, standard the modified GB its to 2312-1980 Standard People's
His name means "Gentle Glory"(Chinese:妙吉祥, 妙乐) in Sanskrit.
His name Glory"(Chinese:妙吉祥, Sanskrit. "Gentle in means 妙乐)
Mass is celebrated each weekday and on Sunday evening at the Fremantle campus, weekdays on the Sydney campus, and on Wednesdays at the Broome campus.
the campus, celebrated Wednesdays the on Broome campus, each at Fremantle is on the weekdays campus. and Mass at on Sydney weekday and evening Sunday
It had to show that it could reward as easily and fully as it could punish.
as it that had It and it punish. as reward easily fully could show could to
The characteristics of the works of Romanticism are:
Romanticism of of The characteristics are: the works
Route 503, also known as Grenfell Drive, is a north–south highway in the Labrador West region of southwestern Labrador.
Grenfell also 503, Route as Labrador. region is Labrador West north–south Drive, highway known a of in southwestern the
The team played the 2018 and 2019 seasons as the Hannibal Hoots, but only one of those seasons saw them use Hannibal, Missouri as their home; flooding of their stadium led the Hoots to play their 2019 home schedule in nearby Quincy, Illinois at the home stadium of the Quincy Gems.
the flooding Illinois seasons stadium them one of 2019 nearby Hoots, their Missouri of home; Hoots home as in 2018 saw seasons Quincy, and play the at but home led to their the the The only Gems. as their Hannibal, played schedule those stadium the Hannibal 2019 Quincy team use of
It has a location on the central western of Venezuela ( from Caracas, the country's capital city), being a point of convergence of many of the major land routes and rail, characterized also by its street order and appropriate signage due to the location of the city with a relief almost completely flat, which facilitated the distribution of the urban grid and with the streets numbered in ascending numerical order, factors that help the foreign citizen and easily locate addresses.
due location appropriate major by numbered Venezuela numerical of order also ascending and central with order, country's and the the ( distribution facilitated a of signage on factors rail, which foreign the the the location city), completely that a Caracas, city characterized and easily the the a addresses. its urban flat, to citizen help relief streets the grid of routes of with western and has land the in street many of locate from being convergence of capital It almost point
Perhaps the earliest published use by Wright was in 1927:
use published by Perhaps earliest in 1927: the Wright was
It is located in Muju, South Korea.
in It South Korea. Muju, located is
Branches from the keel corridor led to the five engine nacelles, and there were ladders up to the axial corridor, just below the ship's main axis, which gave access to all the gas cells.
Branches were corridor, the access all axial axis, five main engine corridor ship's cells. gas up and just the gave the ladders from to below the nacelles, to which keel there led to the
An ice shanty (also called an ice shack, ice house, fishing shanty, fish house, fish coop, bobhouse, ice hut, or darkhouse) is a portable shed placed on a frozen lake to provide shelter during ice fishing.
(also shanty, darkhouse) a shack, shelter ice or shed hut, shanty to on provide is fishing. ice ice portable lake fish bobhouse, during house, placed a frozen ice coop, fish house, ice fishing an An called
Trevor Boddy remarks that "bold detailing and elegant spaces characterize even the most modest of his works," notably the early trio of churches: St. Joseph's in Whitewood (1959), Mennonite Brethren in Regina (1961), and Our Lady in Moose Jaw (1966).
Whitewood (1961), churches: in remarks "bold even Moose spaces notably St. Mennonite characterize the in Our Trevor Jaw of that Brethren of Regina and his (1966). trio works," elegant Lady in most detailing modest the early Boddy and (1959), Joseph's
Since the Grameen Bank embraced the Sixteen Decisions, almost all Grameen borrowers have their school-age children enrolled in regular classes.
have Sixteen all Decisions, children enrolled Grameen borrowers classes. the school-age embraced their in Grameen the Since Bank almost regular
Its name is an acronym standing for "higher intelligence auto-response chess system".
acronym name chess an for auto-response standing Its "higher is intelligence system".
When the male Nornir eventually died out, the females tried to keep their race alive by interbreeding with humans, which led to the birth of human magicians.
of interbreeding the with birth race the male the led tried eventually to humans, their magicians. died alive which to When Nornir keep females human by out,
Window thickness and sound insulation was improved in the KTX-II.
Window in KTX-II. improved insulation thickness and was the sound
In 1080 King Yahya al-Qadir of Toledo lost his taifa, and his vizier signed in Cuenca a treaty with Alfonso VI of León and Castile by which he ceded him some fortresses in exchange for military help.
in lost Toledo taifa, his by Castile a exchange help. al-Qadir King which of in his he and of vizier Alfonso military Yahya Cuenca fortresses some and VI 1080 treaty ceded for In signed him with León
He was retired in 1993.
in retired He was 1993.
Link's argument for continuity through the twenties stimulated a historiography that found Progressivism to be a potent force.
stimulated found a the Link's Progressivism a that historiography be argument twenties force. potent for to continuity through
Route 70 now passes through Victoria, where it makes a sharp right at an intersection with Route 74 (Heart’s Content Highway), to turn east and pass through Salmon Cove.
to where an passes sharp a Salmon intersection through it pass with Cove. 74 through Route right makes 70 Victoria, and (Heart’s turn now Highway), east at Content Route
He is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
He Norwegian the member Science and of is Academy a Letters. of
The charter members were the University of Rhode Island, the College of the Holy Cross, Canisius College, Niagara University, Colgate University, Northeastern University, Boston University, the University of Maine, the University of New Hampshire and the University of Vermont.
of the Boston charter Niagara New University, Colgate University, were the the Northeastern The Cross, and University Holy Rhode of College the University, Island, Vermont. Canisius Maine, the University of University University, of Hampshire the members of College, University
The video for "Lockjaw" gained national attention, and stars 13 Reasons Why star Brandon Flynn.
Flynn. Brandon video national star The gained attention, "Lockjaw" and Why stars Reasons 13 for
She appeared on the UK and US news debating the matter.
matter. UK the appeared the news US on debating She and
The work was located on the altar of the old monument, which was formerly the cathedral of Pamplona, but at the time of Azconas' show, it was desacralized.
altar the of of was was Azconas' of which show, work was the desacralized. located but time old cathedral formerly the monument, Pamplona, at on it The the
Kemsky Uyezd
Uyezd Kemsky
Contrary to some contemporary western accounts, the PVA did not use human wave tactics, rather, using a tactic known as 'one-point-two sides', they used massed forces and infiltration to achieve local numerical superiority and to penetrate the gaps between the forward companies, before attempting to envelop the Australians while drawing their fire to the front, away from their threatened flanks.
achieve to used the wave the while did before numerical tactics, between gaps and PVA forward use to to they accounts, local rather, companies, known forces contemporary human to flanks. the from the their massed attempting to infiltration threatened their superiority some Contrary the penetrate Australians not fire sides', front, 'one-point-two and using envelop a tactic as drawing western away
This idea is not supported by scientific evidence.
is idea scientific not evidence. supported This by
As many as 60 whaling ships came through the harbor per year.
60 year. per many As the ships harbor through whaling as came
For her ninth war patrol, "Silversides" departed Pearl Harbor on 15 February and set course for waters west of the Marianas Islands.
her 15 course war patrol, waters west of For set "Silversides" departed February on Islands. and Pearl Marianas for the ninth Harbor
Near to Shivaji Chowk, was R.K.
was Chowk, Near R.K. Shivaji to
Following the passing of the Public Health Act 1848 and the Local Government Act 1857, a Local Board of Health was established in Mossley in 1864.
1857, Following the Health 1864. of Local Government Health and passing was Local Public Board established the Mossley Act of a in 1848 the in Act
Peace Winds Japan has declared it will send a staff member to China to help distribute the face masks and other goods that the NGO will send to the country.
declared will to it the has Peace staff face the send distribute help Winds NGO masks Japan to China will send the and goods a member country. to other that
Lynmore James (born August 28, 1937) is an American politician who served in the Georgia House of Representatives from 1993 to 2013.
an who Lynmore 28, August 1937) House American James (born from Representatives 1993 2013. of served in the Georgia politician to is
The Faces of Janus is a book by A. James Gregor, in which the author argues that there are fundamental errors in Marxist analyses of fascism and that the political spectrum identifying the Left as progressive and the Right as reactionary was (in the words of Franklin Hugh Adler) a dishonest way of "privileging purported movements of the Left and demonizing movements of the Right".
the Left spectrum the of of demonizing and analyses Hugh book the by progressive author movements was which that dishonest Gregor, as and reactionary A. of of Faces Janus way Marxist a of errors (in the "privileging James movements of The identifying in are the purported Franklin in Adler) that a political and there as is Right". the the Left fundamental Right argues fascism words
Graham was born the son of John Graham and Euphanel Graham (née Stenson).
was John of and Graham Graham (née Stenson). the Euphanel son Graham born
Hopes were high after MIT produced a winning season in 1905 but from the start the '06 team had trouble.
Hopes team start a trouble. were 1905 had MIT the season winning produced high '06 after in but from the
The HK-756, which was owned by Captain Visbal and affiliated with the company, was consumed by the flames in the wake of the accident.
which was consumed company, accident. owned of Visbal wake the by the the the affiliated HK-756, with The Captain flames in by and was
In the 1950s, there were about 1,500 people living in the ten villages on the island.
about on there were ten 1950s, people villages in the 1,500 island. the the living In
His film debut was as Jakey in "White Woman" (1933), a Pre-Code film starring Carole Lombard.
in "White Jakey as a starring Pre-Code Carole Woman" (1933), was film His film Lombard. debut
Thiémé was elected to the National Assembly as a member of the French Communist Party from Nord's 21st constituency in 1988, using the slogan "the people's champion versus the champion of businesses."
of from 1988, "the Communist constituency in the French the Assembly Thiémé member champion champion elected a versus was of Nord's Party slogan people's to National businesses." the using as the 21st
On 27 June 2008, Tadić named Mirko Cvetković for the new Prime Minister, following the victory of his party coalition in parliamentary election that took place in May.
2008, the of for May. his Mirko place took parliamentary party Minister, coalition On named 27 in in new that the Tadić election June Prime Cvetković victory following
In 2009 the band released "Cause I Sez So" and in 2011 "Dancing Backward in High Heels".
the High in band Sez Heels". released So" 2009 Backward and "Dancing In I 2011 "Cause in