Abraham Abulafia describes the experience of seeing a human ‘form’ many times in his writings.
human times his the a seeing Abraham Abulafia ‘form’ writings. of experience in describes many
Vespasian was noted for his mildness and for loyalty to the people.
Vespasian loyalty for noted and to people. mildness for the his was
His first American film was "The Paradine Case" (1947) starring Gregory Peck.
American first Paradine film His starring Case" (1947) Peck. was Gregory "The
His works have been translated and published in Japan, England, Italy, Canada, Poland, and the Czech Republic
Czech Republic and in the Italy, His Japan, published England, Poland, and Canada, translated works have been
Brettell, with his valuable northern contacts, also signed Scottish footballer Tom Wilkie, the former Heart Of Midlothian and Liverpool player.
with the Heart his northern footballer player. Wilkie, Scottish Midlothian Liverpool former and valuable Of Brettell, contacts, signed Tom also
Instead, he traveled with Frans August Larson (called the "Duke of Mongolia") in November and December in a Dodge automobile from Peking through Mongolia via Ulaanbaatar to Ulan-Ude, Russia and from there on the Trans-Siberian Railway to Moscow.
and and (called "Duke Ulan-Ude, Mongolia") he December Moscow. November from on the there Mongolia Railway via traveled Ulaanbaatar Russia August with automobile Dodge through to the Peking Trans-Siberian of from to in Frans in Instead, Larson a
The school has traditionally excelled in the league tables under measures of absolute GCSE and A-Level attainment.
The and measures under attainment. excelled traditionally school A-Level tables GCSE in of league has the absolute
Evelyn Lip
Lip Evelyn
Just decoding speech takes about 60 bits of information per second.
60 bits Just decoding takes speech second. information per of about
With the 6th Army to the south, which was to deny the Allies an opportunity to establish a secure front and transfer troops to the north, the 4th Army was to inflict an annihilating blow on the French, Belgian and BEF forces in French and Belgian Flanders.
Belgian was blow Army on the the 6th secure Army south, north, and opportunity BEF troops With Flanders. and an to French, deny establish the in Allies to to a inflict annihilating 4th French the to the transfer forces an Belgian the and to front which was
It seems to have become a ruinous shell by 1350.
It become shell seems to ruinous a 1350. by have
Shinkle was promoted to captain in the Army of the United States on 9 September 1940.
Shinkle States to captain United Army on of in September the the 9 promoted 1940. was
The battalion received the traditions of the V Tank Battalion "M", which had been formed by the 32nd Tank Infantry Regiment on 11 November 1940 and fought in the early stages of the Western Desert Campaign and was destroyed by the British XIII Corps in the Battle of Beda Fomm on 7-8 February 1941.
on of November was the by Western "M", of destroyed formed on in Battalion fought stages battalion The Infantry Desert 7-8 traditions 11 1941. Fomm the by V the which Tank the British XIII Regiment had the the 1940 32nd and Campaign February Battle early the of Beda Tank and received been in Corps
Emily Coutts is a Canadian actor.
Canadian Emily actor. Coutts is a
Its use has diminished since the development of oral impotence medications.
since oral Its the medications. use of diminished development has impotence
Formerly a member of the Quebec Liberal Party, René Lévesque quit the party with a few hundred others after his proposal of a sovereign Quebec associated to the rest of Canada was rejected during a party convention.
the Canada associated a hundred to of after convention. during others a party his Lévesque a rest of Formerly Liberal rejected Party, a Quebec was member with of sovereign party quit Quebec few the proposal the René
Possibly occasioned by the agricultural feasts of ancient Rome, they came to be observed by Christians for the sanctification of the different seasons of the year.
ancient came observed different the of seasons be sanctification of year. the by agricultural the Possibly the they for by to Rome, feasts of Christians occasioned
Aubriet’s drawings are meticulously done, matching the standards set by Robert.
done, Robert. are matching set by drawings meticulously standards Aubriet’s the
The company, as of 2018, has 2 competing manufacturers (Invetex,
has competing of 2018, 2 manufacturers The as (Invetex, company,
There are three specific classes of neurons that make up the mushroom body lobes: α/β, α’/β’, and γ neurons, which all have distinct gene expression.
of the lobes: which three body make neurons, There distinct have gene classes expression. α/β, neurons mushroom that up γ all α’/β’, specific are and
The article claimed that IHRC Chair Massoud Shadjareh, whilst appearing on the Today programme, made moral equivalents between Muslims in Guantanamo Bay and the fate of Gillian Gibbons in Sudan.
whilst The equivalents in Sudan. Massoud in IHRC Today claimed Chair Bay between on Gillian the programme, fate article the moral Gibbons Guantanamo and that made Muslims Shadjareh, appearing of
There are many examples of friction between Americans and Navajo groups between 1846 and 1863.
groups between examples of between and Americans friction and many 1846 are Navajo There 1863.
Among these he details the one that goes from Toledo to San Vicente de la Barquera, of 80 leagues, where we see that after passing through lands abulenses and vallisoletanas, it arrives to Palencia, It continues through Becerril de Campos and Torre de los Molinos to Carrión and from there it goes to Bahillo, Villabasta, Polvorosa, La Puebla and Cervera, and from here it reached San Vicente through Tudanca.
Palencia, it Cervera, here through details Tudanca. San los to Barquera, one that it leagues, passing lands La abulenses we to he Molinos continues Bahillo, to and it and Campos Vicente Torre Toledo goes and de from from 80 la It Vicente to of Becerril from and and Puebla de these Carrión there vallisoletanas, see after Among where goes Villabasta, reached through San the arrives that Polvorosa, de through
Original members Georgia and Kentucky along with 1993 addition Arkansas have never won the tournament.
Georgia Kentucky tournament. and never 1993 have won along addition with Original members the Arkansas
In the Middle Ages Ballens was the center of a small dominion which was under the control of the Romainmôtier monastery and the lords of Aubonne.
Romainmôtier of under the was monastery In of of Aubonne. center Ages the dominion a the was lords control which the small the and Middle Ballens
Play and Rebuild Together Tournament squads
Tournament and squads Play Together Rebuild
On 19 September 2004, Jolshybekov became the parliamentary leader of the Otan faction in the Mazhilis.
19 the became the 2004, September On faction in leader Jolshybekov of parliamentary the Otan Mazhilis.
colspan=12 style=background:#dcdcdc; text-align:center|Defenders
colspan=12 text-align:center|Defenders style=background:#dcdcdc;
The Cowboys finished the 2018–19 season 9–22 overall, 5–13 in Southland play to finish in 12th place.
finish in overall, 5–13 12th play place. to The Cowboys Southland season 2018–19 9–22 in finished the
A fluid's "critical point" occurs at a condition of temperature and pressure where the fluid is simultaneously a gas and a liquid.
pressure and point" the is A condition fluid's of a a where liquid. occurs temperature a simultaneously and fluid "critical at gas
Apart from teaching, Markze has done an extensive amount of research throughout her career, with a “special focus on the evolution of the hominin hand and bipedality.” Markze’s research involves “extensive dissections, electromyography, kinematic analysis of joint angle displacement and tendon excursion, and stereophotogrammetry and laser digitizing for 3-D analysis of joint surface areas, angles and curvatures.
angle joint her “extensive digitizing of focus teaching, throughout displacement of an of research analysis “special tendon involves stereophotogrammetry bipedality.” hominin 3-D research has from joint career, curvatures. for Apart kinematic analysis the Markze’s and excursion, areas, a done and and electromyography, angles surface amount dissections, extensive hand and of with the on Markze and laser evolution
TC9 continued to be the regular home of CBBC broadcasts on BBC One and Two until 2005 and was also used to record CBBC on Choice links between 2000 and 2002.
BBC home Choice to One TC9 and 2002. the CBBC CBBC 2005 and broadcasts was of on record to on links until also continued used be and Two between regular 2000
One of his early comics influences was Wendy and Richard Pini's "Elfquest".
and One Pini's of his "Elfquest". was influences early comics Wendy Richard
Various theories regarding the evolutionary origin of religion and the evolutionary psychology of religion have been proposed.
been and of religion Various regarding origin religion psychology evolutionary theories evolutionary have the of the proposed.
Nakakita began playing ice hockey when he was 6.
he hockey playing began was 6. when ice Nakakita
They are commonly used when no Bayer designation exists, or when the Bayer designation uses numeric superscripts such as in Rho¹ Cancri.
numeric such uses as when designation commonly They Bayer Cancri. Rho¹ are used when superscripts the or designation no exists, in Bayer
This is known today as the Morphemic Sign Systems (MSS).
known Morphemic This Sign Systems the as today is (MSS).
The track layout to Platforms 1–15 have remained virtually unchanged since they were originally laid out in 1906.
Platforms were layout out 1906. unchanged 1–15 in track they virtually laid The have originally to remained since
It focuses on recording and publicising the Soviet Union's totalitarian past, but also monitors human rights in Russia and other post-Soviet states.
the also post-Soviet focuses It publicising in Union's human and Soviet recording states. rights totalitarian other but past, and monitors on Russia
Their consciousness is preserved and stored virtually, sometimes for decades, while their body is sold to the highest bidder to be used for re-sleeving another person.
while and decades, highest re-sleeving sometimes sold another consciousness bidder Their for stored to preserved to virtually, is be for person. their body used is the
Due to the focus on government, the law profession was a prominent occupation after the middle of the 19th century.
the law of the prominent Due century. middle the focus a was on after government, 19th the occupation to profession
Nerv made numerous failed attempts to create a working Eva.
to failed a Eva. Nerv working attempts create numerous made
He subsequently joined Party for Freedom and Advancement (PFA) formed by Lee and ran as the party's candidate for Gwangjin District 1st constituency in 2008 election but lost to Kwon Taek-ki of the ruling Grand National Party (then Liberty Korea Party).
Kwon Freedom District Korea Advancement National and (PFA) Gwangjin ruling for constituency in formed the and Grand as but party's to candidate 2008 lost the for of (then ran Party Party Party). Taek-ki joined election Liberty subsequently Lee He 1st by
The memory of the French and of the Emperor Napoleon is embedded in Croatian and Slovene traditions, in their folk art and folk songs.
of folk the the and and Napoleon memory their in songs. in and is of embedded art Slovene French The Emperor Croatian folk traditions,
PROIV's usual application domain is database-centric business applications.
database-centric usual business application is PROIV's domain applications.
In October 2019, a post from a vegan asking if they were the asshole for calling the police on friends who fed them chicken nuggets received coverage from publications including "The Daily Dot".
from received friends asshole the October from fed they Daily "The for In Dot". were on 2019, chicken post publications police calling a the vegan asking who coverage nuggets including them a if
He followed up with 192 in the third Test at Headingley and 128 in the final Test at The Oval.
Test 192 Oval. in He at in Test final 128 the Headingley third at up with the followed and The
Keerthi Chawla was selected to play the title role.
selected title was role. the to play Keerthi Chawla
In 2018, he modeled for several worldwide fashion designers and companies, including Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Mango, Marks & Spencer, Primark, and Amazon.
fashion & Mango, companies, Marks for several worldwide Primark, 2018, Spencer, Amazon. Calvin modeled Klein, In including he and and Hilfiger, Tommy designers
It typically carried eight columns on four pages.
four It pages. on carried columns eight typically
Canada's convoy protection efforts did not always run smoothly, however.
protection did always convoy not Canada's however. smoothly, run efforts
The Merry Wives of Windsor is a 1910 silent short historical comedy based on the play by William Shakespeare directed by Francis Boggs and produced by the Selig Polyscope Company.
Boggs Wives play comedy Shakespeare and is Selig short by Merry directed Polyscope based 1910 of historical Francis The by produced silent Company. by the William Windsor a on the
It thus is the implicit sexual struggle between the young girl and the queen."
the struggle is thus young the girl the sexual It between implicit queen." and
These women were selected at a young age from the lower class for their beauty and talents; then trained to work for the government performing-arts bureaucracy.
and performing-arts were their lower government to selected from talents; age women young These for class trained for a bureaucracy. then beauty work at the the
CGS "Shamol Bangla" is a inshore patrol vessels of the Bangladesh Coast Guard.
Bangladesh of is the inshore Guard. patrol a Coast vessels "Shamol Bangla" CGS
"albidus" strains cannot grow at 37°C.
grow strains cannot at 37°C. "albidus"
The Barrie Magnet/Northern Advance
Barrie Advance The Magnet/Northern
His father died in 1908 and at the age of ten, Nazrul took his father's place as a caretaker of the mosque to support his family.
caretaker to his a ten, family. and Nazrul as father's in the of his the died His age father place of mosque took support 1908 at
It is located 14 km northeast of the village Botlikh, on the left bank of the Unsatlen River.
of village Unsatlen of 14 northeast bank located the River. left km on It is the Botlikh, the
Rogers is one of three men in history to have held both world titles, along with Ric Flair and AJ Styles.
titles, men three along held to have Ric world and one is Styles. in Rogers history of both AJ Flair with
In general, however, traditions and the seriousness with which they are taken tend to vary widely amongst the different colleges within each university, showing more variation than between the two universities as a whole.
which tend universities however, each two showing a different more variation university, whole. than widely and colleges seriousness as taken are the vary they between the within the general, In amongst traditions to with
Jesse Handsley
Handsley Jesse
Only a few days later, however, on 12 December, there was an unsuccessful attempt to shut the institution entirely.
was an days shut unsuccessful entirely. to institution 12 later, however, attempt Only on a the there few December,
Jacob Erhard Wilhjelm Gemzøe (25 July 1896 — 4 April 1986), was a Danish chess player, Danish Chess Championship winner (1928).
Erhard Chess 4 April Danish (1928). Gemzøe 1896 chess was 1986), July winner player, Danish a Championship Wilhjelm Jacob (25 —
Most were destroyed by Napoleon's troops.
Most destroyed by troops. Napoleon's were
She attended Ma On Shan Lutheran Primary School, where she was sixth-grade classmates with Wong Cho-lam.
She she Lutheran Shan with was sixth-grade Cho-lam. where Wong School, attended On Ma classmates Primary
Comin into his senior season, coach Shaver was fired and replaced by Dane Fischer while four players transferred.
Dane fired transferred. while senior coach four Fischer and was Shaver Comin his replaced into by season, players
He made his stage debut on 12 May 1920 at London's Comedy Theatre as a footman in the play "Why Marry?".
Theatre on his made a Marry?". May Comedy stage in at play He debut 12 the as London's 1920 "Why footman
Powell said that the catchphrase originated on an occasion when he had dropped his script and was killing time at the microphone while rearranging the pages.
microphone and an occasion that was the had pages. the the killing script his time he on said when dropped at originated Powell rearranging while catchphrase
The State Government has declared the Burwood Heights area as a 'Major Activity Centre' because of the easy access to public transport, current uses and the potential for significant development.
significant has public Centre' 'Major State the The potential because and easy as access the area development. uses the a current Activity Government transport, to of declared Burwood for Heights
Grossman was married to Deborah Puttnam, the daughter of the film producer David Puttnam, from 1985 to 2004 and they have two daughters.
two Deborah and have film the 2004 Puttnam, to of was daughter daughters. Grossman from 1985 the David producer Puttnam, married to they
They are identical in construction to Bagluey's locomotives "Margaret" and "Mercedes".
in "Mercedes". locomotives and They are Bagluey's "Margaret" identical to construction
They began designing a pickup that uses circuit boards.
boards. uses that designing began They a pickup circuit
The second-most diverse group of mammals behind rodents, bats of order Chiroptera are uniquely the only group of mammals that has evolved the ability to fly.
fly. evolved order the of mammals diverse The rodents, mammals group the uniquely Chiroptera that ability to bats group behind of second-most only of has are
The Ellenabeich Heritage Centre which opened in 2000, is run by the Scottish Slate Islands Trust.
Ellenabeich Centre which Slate run 2000, Trust. the Scottish The Islands is opened in by Heritage
On 14 December, one month after their first rally, Sardines organized a demonstration in Rome at Piazza San Giovanni.
after rally, December, first Rome one a 14 San organized their On Sardines in at Piazza demonstration month Giovanni.
Its £200,000 cost was financed by the Arts Council, Lottery Fund, Manchester Airport and Manchester City Council.
and the Fund, Airport Its cost Council. Council, Manchester City £200,000 Lottery financed Manchester was by Arts
The song was not released until the mid-2000s, as a single containing a vocal and instrumental version.
vocal instrumental a until released version. song single as was the containing not mid-2000s, The a and
The hospital has a Level II Trauma Center and employs over 700 physicians and 1,100 volunteers.
Level and 1,100 Trauma physicians hospital over and volunteers. II 700 The Center a has employs
Although she was keen to see the women of Wales dressed in home-spun Welsh wool rather than the light cheap cottons which were becoming popular by the 1830s, there is very little evidence to show that she had any influence on the wearing of Welsh costume other than by her servants, family and friends, and there is no firm evidence to suggest that she influenced what was later adopted as the national costume of Wales.
Wales. the other there firm light she than she little and friends, becoming adopted family the the women influenced that costume popular Welsh what cheap by of is later Although that 1830s, influence see by cottons to as home-spun she show which was evidence of wearing suggest very on servants, national to was her evidence Wales the had keen costume rather than any Welsh and no of wool the to there were dressed is in
Butcher comments that "Unfortunately, while the book succeeds at sketching out the basics of the world, it rarely finds the space to go into detail.
Butcher while the sketching book to "Unfortunately, of space go out into the basics world, it the comments detail. that the rarely at succeeds finds
Further, Frank's story contains several inaccuracies and contradictions, such as he said "The fact that Adolf Hitler had no Jewish blood in his veins, seems, from what has been his whole manner, so blatant to me that it needs no further word", also the statement Frank had made that Maria Schicklgruber came from "Leonding near Linz", when in fact she came from the hamlet of Strones, near the village of Döllersheim.
his she Jewish fact his statement Maria no that and story from blatant when "The in near Hitler in as had the the Strones, of Adolf has seems, Frank Further, village been Linz", several Frank's near "Leonding inaccuracies came Schicklgruber word", further fact contradictions, whole made that that came veins, also he blood such manner, what Döllersheim. the no from me contains had said hamlet so needs to of it from
He stops having such an unhealthy life, and decides to go to France.
France. to life, to unhealthy having such go decides an stops and He
Following the release of the Macintosh 512K in September, which expanded the memory from 128 KB to 512 KB, the original Macintosh was re-branded Macintosh 128K and nicknamed the "thin Mac."
nicknamed the Following expanded original was 512 Macintosh September, KB in from 128 512K Mac." to release memory "thin 128K the the which the the of Macintosh KB, re-branded and Macintosh
There is little time for a lad to live and enjoy the spring (II).
little spring is a live lad for There to and time enjoy the (II).
However, certain magical artifacts imbued with innate magical energy can be activated and wielded by normal humans.
innate However, activated wielded humans. certain artifacts magical energy and by with imbued normal be can magical
From the early days of Radio Norfolk until 2007, Waller was the station's commentator for Norwich City matches, known as "the voice of Carrow Road".
From 2007, commentator known for voice Radio City "the days Carrow was matches, the as Road". the station's of until of Norfolk Norwich Waller early
The largest technological center of its kind in the country, it is designed to treat disabled veterans and help them with their transition back into the community.
of and back veterans to it is community. the designed their with into the The treat disabled them help in transition center its kind country, technological largest
They had previously collaborated together on a serial musical called "Boxed Up" at the Sacramento Warehouse Artist Lofts.
serial together had musical Warehouse Sacramento collaborated called a previously They Lofts. the Artist on Up" at "Boxed
While recording was nearly completed, "If You C Jordan" was gaining traction at popular alternative radio stations.
radio Jordan" C While stations. was was alternative traction at "If gaining completed, recording popular nearly You
The 1988–89 West Midlands (Regional) League season was the 89th in the history of the West Midlands (Regional) League, an English association football competition for semi-professional and amateur teams based in the West Midlands county, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire and southern Staffordshire.
Worcestershire Shropshire, history the (Regional) semi-professional football Staffordshire. the was Midlands county, amateur southern (Regional) the in League, League competition 1988–89 an Herefordshire, season association English in The West Midlands for the and and West teams 89th West based Midlands of
The motor neuron is present in the grey matter of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, and forms an electrochemical pathway to the effector organ or muscle.
motor the pathway and and effector forms an spinal grey or to present organ neuron muscle. of medulla oblongata, the in electrochemical cord The is matter the
Senators Jack Reed (D-RI), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), and Kamala Harris (D-CA) asked both sides who was paying Rudy Giuliani.
paying (D-RI), Reed Kamala Jack was both Tammy Duckworth who asked Harris (D-IL), Giuliani. Senators (D-CA) and sides Rudy
Though human towns and cities are plentiful, the wilderness that encompasses most of the landscape is riddled with monsters and other beasts, as well as ruins or dungeons from earlier eras that house ancient treasures inaccessible to all but skilled adventurers.
as eras most skilled towns all and landscape well encompasses from dungeons and adventurers. but or treasures is to beasts, ancient monsters plentiful, wilderness riddled ruins with Though the human that the inaccessible as of are cities other that earlier house
[[Category:1995 American television series endings]]
endings]] American television series [[Category:1995
Mauryan rule was advanced for its time, and foreign accounts of Indian cities mention many temples, libraries, universities, gardens, and parks.
many universities, gardens, libraries, parks. Indian advanced of mention foreign its for and cities temples, Mauryan was and accounts rule time,
In July 2017 she took up her appointment as chair of Beyond Blue.
of up her Beyond appointment she took In 2017 as chair July Blue.
Peter Larkin (production designer)
Larkin (production designer) Peter
Gradually, Karna started winning.
Karna Gradually, started winning.
The library moved to its current location in 1994, where in addition to more than 10,000 books, the latest scientifical periodicals are available.
than library more The are addition location its periodicals current latest in the 1994, scientifical moved available. books, where to 10,000 in to