stringlengths 0
has of opening a stuck or heavy door on that try. Successive attempts may |
be made at no penalty with regard to damage to the character attempting |
to force the door open, but each such attempt requires time and makes |
considerable noise. |
Bend bars/lift Gates states the percentage chance the character has of |
bending normal soft iron bars or of lifting a vertically moving gate (such as |
a small portcullis barring a passage). The attempt may be made but once, |
and if the score required is not made, the character will never succeed in |
the task. Example: A character with 16 strength is trapped in a dead end |
passoge by a set of iron bars which drop down from the ceiling when a |
stone slab is stepped on and triggers the release of the gate. The character |
first attempts to lift the gate, a roll of 01-10 indicating success, but the |
percentile dice come up 74, so failure is indicated. The character next |
attempts to bend the bars in order to squeeze between them, the |
percentage chance of success is the same as for lifting the gate, and this |
time a 07 is rolled, so the character slips out and is free. |
9 |
intelligence: Intelligence is quite similar to what is currently known as |
intelligence quotient, but it also includes mnemanic ability, reasoning, |
and learning ability outside those measured by the written word. |
Intelligence dictates the number of languages in which the character is |
able to converse.* Moreover, intelligence is the forte of magic-users, for |
they must be perspicacious in order to correctly understand magic and |
memorize spells. Therefore, intelligence is the major characteristic of |
magic-users, and those with intelligence of 16 or more gain a bonus of |
10% of earned experience. Spells above 4th level cannot be learned by |
magic-users with minimal intelligence, and intelligence similarly dictates |
how many spells may be known and what level spells may be known, for |
only the highest intelligence is able to comprehend the mighty magics |
contained in 9th level spells. The tables below allow ready assimilation of |
the effects of intelligence on all characters - and with regard to magicusers in particular. |
*Non-human characters typically are able to speak more languages than |
are human characters, but intelligence likewise affects the upper limit of |
their abilities as well, and there are racial limitations. (See CHARACTER |
Abilitv |
Possible |
Number of |
Additional |
character 0 |
character 0 |
8 Minimum intelligence for an elf character 1 |
7 Minimum intelligence for a gnome |
magic spells 3 |
13 Minimum intelligence for a ranger |
character 3 |
14 Minimum intelligence for use of 7th level |
magic spells 4 |
18 Minimum intelligence for use of 9th level |
magic spells 7 |
Chance to Minimum Maximum |
Ability Know Each Number of Number of |
Score listed Spell Spells/Level Spells/Level |
9 35% 4 6 |
10-12 45% 5 7 |
13-14 55% 6 9 |
19 95% 10 All |
or more |
Notes Regarding Intelligence Table II: |
Each and every magic-user character must employ the Table in order to |
determine which and how many of each group of spells (by level) he or |
she can learn. At first, only the 1st level group of spells are checked. |
Successive level groups are checked only when the character reaches a |
level at which the appropriate group of spells is usable by him or her. |
CHARACTER ABILITIES (INTELLIGENCE) Chance to Know Each Listed Spell pertains to the percentage chance the |
character has by reason of his or her intelligence to learn any given spell |
in the level group. The character may select spells desired in any order he |
or she wishes. Each spell may be checked only once. Percentile dice are |
rolled, and if the number generated is equal to or less than the percentage |
chance shown, then the character can learn and thus know that spell (it |
may be in his or her spell books - explained hereafter). Example: A |
character with an intelligence of 12 desires to know a charm person spell |
that he finds in a book or scroll, percentile dice are rolled, but the number |
generated is 52, so that spell is not understood and can not be used by the |
character (see, however, the paragraph below regarding the minimum |
number of spells knowable). |
Minimum Number of Spells/Level states the fewest number of spells by |
level group a magic-user can learn. If one complete check through the |
entire group fails to generate the minimum number applicable according |
to intelligence score, the character may selectively go back through the |
group, checking each spell not able to be learned once again. This process |
continues until the minimum number requirement has been fulfilled. This |
means, then, that certain spells, when located, can be learned - while |
certain other spells can never be learned and the dice rolls indicate which |
ones are in each category. Example: The magic-user mentioned above |
who was unable to learn a charm person spell also fails to meet the |
minimum number of spells he or she can learn. The character then begins |
again on the list of 1st level spells, opts to see if this time charm person is |
able to be learned, rolls 04, and has acquired the ability to learn the spell. |
If and when the character locates such a spell, he or she will be capable of |
learning it. |
Maximum Number of Spells/Level is the obverse of the minimum number |
which can be known. According to the character’s intelligence, this |
maximum number which the magic-user can possibly know (have in his or |
her spell books) varies from 6 to an unlimited number. As saon as this |
maximum is reached, the character may not check any further in the level |
group. |
Subsets and Splits