qe4pe / task /pretask /README.md
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Added metrics output files

QE4PE Pretask

The goal of the pretask is to familiarize translators with the GroTE interface, indentify potential issue and inform the modality assignment for the main task to ensure a uniform distribution of editing times across modalities. Refer to the translators' guidelines for additional details about the task.

Folder Structure

├── inputs/
│   ├── eng-ita/
│   │   ├── pretask_eng-ita_doc1_input.txt
│   │   ├── pretask_eng-ita_doc2_input.txt
│   │   └── ... # GroTE input files with tags and ||| source-target separator
│   └── eng-nld/
│   │   ├── pretask_eng-nld_doc1_input.txt
│   │   ├── pretask_eng-nld_doc2_input.txt
│   │   └── ... # GroTE input files with tags and ||| source-target separator
├── outputs/
│   ├── eng-ita/
│   │   ├── logs/
│   │   │   ├── pretask_eng-ita_t1_logs.csv 
│   │   │   └── ... # GroTE logs for every translator (e.g. t1)
│   │   ├── metrics/
│   │   │   ├── pretask_eng-ita_t1_metrics.csv
│   │   │   └── ... # Metrics for every translator (e.g. t1)
│   │   ├── pretask_eng-ita_doc1_t1_output.txt
│   │   └── ... # GroTE output files (one edited target per line)
│   └── eng-nld/
│       ├── logs/
│       │   ├── pretask_eng-nld_t1_logs.csv 
│       │   └── ... # GroTE logs for every translator (e.g. t1)
│       ├── metrics/
│       │   ├── pretask_eng-nld_t1_metrics.csv
│       │   └── ... # Metrics for every translator (e.g. t1)
│       ├── example_eng-nld_doc1_t1_output.txt
│       └── ... # GroTE output files (one post-edited segment per line)
├── doc_id_map.json # Source and doc name maps
├── main_task_assignments.json # Translator assignments to main task modalities
├── pretask_eng-ita_guidelines.pdf # Task guidelines for translators
├── pretask_eng-nld_guidelines.pdf # Task guidelines for translators
└── README.md


The pretask uses six documents containing between 6-10 contiguous segments from the same wmt23 collection of the main task that were matching all the main task requirements, but were not selected for the main collection. doc_id_map.json shows the document assignments from the original collection. We use the supervised highlights produced by XCOMET-XXL to familiarize translators with editing highlighted texts with highlights being assumed to be of a good but not "perfect" quality (as opposed to oracle). Word-level error spans are extended to match closest word boundaries whenever necessary. Input files for the task have names using the format:


Main Task Assignments

From the pretask results, we create 3 groups per translation direction representing faster (1), average (2) and slower (3) translators by splitting the time-ranked list of translators in three blocks of equal size. In every block, we assign a modality to each translator randomly (random seed = 42). All gaps >5 minutes in the logs are omitted from the calculation to account for accidental AFK time during logging.

The final assignments (also in main_task_assignments.json for machine-readable format) are:

English - Italian

Name Time Modality Alias
Group 1
t8 37m supervised supervised_t1
t11 45m oracle oracle_t1
t10 51m no_highlight no_highlight_t1
t7 62m unsupervised unsupervised_t1
Group 2
t1 68m oracle oracle_t2
t5 70m unsupervised unsupervised_t2
t6 74m supervised supervised_t2
t12 100m no_highlight no_highlight_t2
Group 3
t9 106m no_highlight no_highlight_t3
t3 122m oracle oracle_t3
t2 164m unsupervised unsupervised_t3
t4 185m supervised supervised_t3

English - Dutch

Name Time Modality Alias
Group 1
t4 23m oracle oracle_t1
t12 27m supervised supervised_t1
t1 31m no_highlight no_highlight_t1
t7 36m unsupervised unsupervised_t1
Group 2
t8 44m supervised supervised_t2
t2 44m unsupervised unsupervised_t2
t11 65m oracle oracle_t2
t5 66m no_highlight no_highlight_t2
Group 3
t9 68m no_highlight no_highlight_t3
t6 76m supervised supervised_t3
t3 103m unsupervised unsupervised_t3
t10 152m oracle oracle_t3

t13 was added for Dutch as a replacement for t9, which compromised a part of the task by not following the guidelines. t13 was assigned to no_highlight using no_highlight_t4 as an Alias. The pre-task editing time for t13 was 19 minutes.


Files in outputs/eng-ita and outputs/eng-nld contain post-edited outputs (one per line, matching inputs) using format:


The contents of outputs/{{TRANSLATION_DIRECTION}}/logs can be used to analyze editing behavior at a granular scale. Each log file has format:


Refer to GroTE documentation for more information about the logs.

The contents of outputs/{{TRANSLATION_DIRECTION}}/metrics contain aggregated metrics for each translator, with name format:


Metrics include:

  1. max/min/mean/std of BLEU, chrF, TER and COMET scores computed between the MT or the PE texts and all (other, in case of PE) post-edited variants of the same segment for {{TRANSLATION_DIRECTION}}.

  2. XCOMET-XXL segment-level QE scores and errors for the MT and PE texts.