How to install NVM and Node.js in macOS using HomeBrew?
In this article I will share with you the steps on how to install NVM and Node.js in macOS using HomeBrew.HomeBrew is an open-source software package management system that simplifies the installation of software on your macOS. It is like the ‘apt’ in Linux.Install HomeBrewIf your macOS is not yet install with HomeBrew, you can install it by issuing this command in your Terminal./bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"Once you have HomeBrew installed, then you can start install NVM and Node.js in your machine.Install NVM with HomeBrewFirst, we will install NVM in HomeBrew by using this command in the Terminal.brew install nvmThen you need to create NVM folder in your Home directory.mkdir ~/.nvmAnd next, add the following in your shell ~/.profile or ~/.zshrc file. In my case, I’m using .zshrc for my shell.export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm [ -s "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" ] && \. "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" # This loads nvm bash_completionNow, you can restart your Terminal to use this new config.You can check is your NVM is working or not by checking its version.nvm -v #Output: 0.39.3Install Node.js with NVMIt is recommended to install Node.js using NVM and not Homebrew.Just enter this command to install the latest Node.js version in your machine.nvm install nodeOnce installed, you can check the version with this command.node -v #Output: v20.3.1That’s it! Now you can start developing your webapp with NVM and Node.js.Good luck!
How to post status with image to Twitter using PHP?
Selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan yang ke-64, Malaysia! -CH.Photo Credit:iag.meIn this article, I will show you how to post status with image to your Twitter account using PHP.But first, make sure you already have these items with you.API KeyAPI Secret KeyAccess TokenAccess Token SecretThese items can be generated from yourTwitter account developer page.Step 1DownloadcodebirdfromGITHub.Step 2Uploadcodebirdto your webserverStep 3Create a PHP file using this code. Please take note on thecodebird.phpfile path.function tweet($message,$image) { // add the codebird library require_once('codebird/src/codebird.php'); // note: consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, and accessTokenSecret all come from your twitter app at https://apps.twitter.com/ \Codebird\Codebird::setConsumerKey("API KEY", "API SECRET KEY"); $cb = \Codebird\Codebird::getInstance(); $cb->setToken("ACCESS TOKEN", "ACCESS TOKEN SECRET"); //build an array of images to send to twitter $reply = $cb->media_upload(array( 'media' => $image )); //upload the file to your twitter account $mediaID = $reply->media_id_string; //build the data needed to send to twitter, including the tweet and the image id $params = array( 'status' => $message, 'media_ids' => $mediaID ); //post the tweet with codebird $reply = $cb->statuses_update($params); }Step 4You can post the status and image using this function.tweet('This is my tweet message','http://www.example.com/image.jpg');That’s it! Now you can post any tweet with image using PHP. 🙂
Get back Conda environments after upgraded to MacOS Big Sur
I just upgraded my laptop from MacOS High Sierra to MacOS Big Sur and noticed my Conda is missing including my environments.I tried installed back Conda but the environments still not available.No environments available in my Conda setupFortunately, the MacOS upgrade did not remove my environments but it just moved them to another location which located here./System/Volumes/Data/anaconda3And my current Conda folder is here.~/opt/anaconda3So what I need to do is just copy the environments folder calledenvsto the current Conda folder.And…done!Now all my previous environments available in CondaPS: I believed the same method also works if you upgraded to MacOS Catalina.
Pine Script: Perfect Bullish & Bearish Engulfing
Bullish & Bearish Engulfing pattern in TradingViewBefore this I read charts manually to identify bullish and bearishengulfing pattern. Then I thought why not just do some scripting and make it automatic?I know TradingView allows us to write our own script usingPine Scriptlanguage. With some manual reading and try & error, here is the script to get perfect bullish and bearish engulfing in TradingView.// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © CH //@version=4 study("Bullish & Bearish Engulfing", overlay=true) // Make sure the shadow is bigger than previous candle engulfShadow = high > high[1] and low < low[1] // Check the Bullish Engulfing bullEngulf = open[1] > close[1] and open < close and close >= open[1] and open <= close[1] and engulfShadow // Check the Bearish Engulfing bearEngulf = open[1] < close[1] and open > close and close <= open[1] and open >= close[1] and engulfShadow // Plot the 'triangle' plotshape(bullEngulf, title="Bullish Engulf", location=location.belowbar, transp=0, style=shape.triangleup, text="Bullish Engulf", size=size.auto, color=color.blue) plotshape(bearEngulf, title="Bearish Engulf", location=location.abovebar, transp=0, style=shape.triangledown, text="Bearish Engulf", size=size.auto, color=color.red)You may click the above image to get a better view on how it works.And just a quick note, make sure to confirm the engulfing pattern before you make any entry.
VMware Fusion &#8211; Solved: The device &#8216;XXX USB3.0&#8217; was unable to connect to its ideal host controller
Error message in VMWare FusionI was having problem to connect my USB card reader to my Windows 10 virtual machine in VMWare Fusion.I thought the card reader was corrupted, so I replaced it with another one. Unfortunately, the problem still exist with this error message.The device 'XXX USB3.0' was unable to connect to its ideal host controller.The problem is with the compatibility issue in VMWare Fusion and the USB 3.0 device. After did some research, there is a setting that I need to change in the VMWare Fusion.Make sure your Guest OS (in my case is the Windows 10 virtual machine) is powered offGo to yourVirtual MachinesettingsClick on theUSB & BluetoothiconUnderAdvanced USB options, selectUSB 3.0underUSB CompatibilityThat’s it! Power on your virtual machine and your USB 3.0 device should be working now. Problem solved.
Manage multiple WordPress sites with ManageWP
I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin to all my readers. -CH.I have about eleven WordPress sites (or blogs) in my ManageWP account.Before ManageWP exist, it was very time consuming to manage and update all your WordPress sites, plugins and themes to their latest version.But with ManageWP, I just need to login into it once a week and click the Update button to update all my WordPress sites.Easy.But what is ManageWP?ManageWPis the solution for you to manage multiple WordPress sites from one single dashboard. With ManageWP you can update all your themes, plugins, and WordPress core files including monitor your websites performance, perform backup and various tasks.What you need is just to install the plugin and connect your WordPress site to your ManageWP account.ManageWP is free for use but it also provides premium features with minimal fee if you want to have additional features in your ManageWP account.Since I use ManageWP just for myself, the free version is sufficient for my workflow.But if you are a WordPress website developer who manage multiple clients websites and want to add additional benefits to your clients, you may add the premium add-ons into your ManageWP account.Even though it is premium, but the fee is reasonable and affordable.Are you a ManageWP user? Let me know your experience using ManageWP in the comment form below.
Prevent robots from scraping your email address
Most people use this trick to to prevent robots from scraping their email address,yourname[at]yourdomain[dot]comon the web.They just replace the ‘@’ with [at] and the ‘.’ with [dot].That technique is very common. But if you want to make a little bit different, you may use something like this,or custom domain like this,Want to know how? Just go toNexodyne websiteand create your email icon for free.
Protect your WordPress &#8216;uploads&#8217; folder
One of my WordPress site,Travelog Jutawanis not ‘uploads’ protectedBy default, all files that you have uploaded to WordPress will be stored in/wp-content/uploads/folder.And by default, folders that come with WordPress installation i.e., plugins, themes will haveindex.phpfile. So when someone try to access that folder will stumble on a blank page.But for this uploads folder, there is no index.php file created for it. So you need to create an emptyindex.phpfor that folder to protect it. Great!But our next problem is, the sub-folders are not protected. So someone can view and get all files under this sub-folders like the image shown above.Solution?You need to create a.htaccessfile in the uploads folder and put this line in that file.Options -IndexesThat’s it! Only one single line will help you to protect all files under that uploads folder.All sub-folders are now protectedIf someone tries to open your uploads folder and its sub-folder will get a 403 Forbidden error message.
Unlimited Cloud Backup with Backblaze for MacOS
Local backup is not enough. You need cloud.I have been using Backblaze since 2014 and it is one of the must have app for MacOS. And the best part, I got it with discounted price fromAppSumo.Just a tip. If you guys have software or services that you want to subscribe, better check with AppSumo first. Some providers run promotion and give a very good discount on AppSumo.Ok, back to business. What is Backblaze?Backblaze interface on MacOSBackblazeis an online backup storage for MacOS. It provides unlimited storage backup for one machine with only $60USD a year. Before this it was $50USD but since March 2019, the price had increased to $60USD a year (or $6USD monthly).With our current currency rate the price is about RM258 a year but you can get cheaper price if you subscribe for 2 years – $110USD (RM473).FeaturesThe installation is very straight forward. After install, you can do your work without any interruption. Backblaze will get all your files and start uploading to their storage at background.How about data privacy? Your files are encrypted using your email and password before they leave your machine. So you can sleep well without worrying some will open and read you files.Security options you can choose for your data privacyBut if you want to increase further your data privacy, Backblaze allows you to use private encryption key to encrypt your files. But if you forget the private encryption key, no one will be able to restore and retrieve your files including Backblaze!Backblaze stores all your files and will keep old version or deleted files for 30 days. This allows you to recover files from accidental deletions, changes, overwrites, or ransomware within that time period.However, if you wish to extend the file version history for 1-year or forever, there is a small fee you need to pay every month. But for me, the 30 days file version history is enough already.To restore your file is super easy! You can login to their website and download your files or even you can request Backblaze to courier your data in an encrypted drive direct to your doorstep!Based on my experience, I have about 4 or 5 incidents where I need to restore files from Backblaze. Don’t know why, suddenly the file that I worked on earlier became 0 bytes size. Luckily I have Backblaze and able to retrieve the recent backup from their cloud storage.DownsideDownside? Well for me mostly because of the price. A bit pricey but if compare with other cloud backup solutions, Backblaze is way better than the others.And then, it only supports one machine only. If you have more machines, you need to subscribe more accounts = more costs.So far, there is not much problem with Backblaze. In fact, I am very happy with Backblaze and really recommend you to have it. You can get 1 month free account if you subscribe usingmy referral link here.Have different thoughts on Backblaze? Feel free to leave your comment below.
When initial Time Machine backup stuck
If you are using MacOS, you can use Time Machine to backup your data into external drive. Time Machine will do the backup automatically when the backup drive is connected to your Mac machine.However, if this is your first time doing Time Machine backup, it will take long time to prepare before can proceed the backup. And the initial backup should be completed less than 5-6 hours depending on how big the data you have.Unfortunately, my case is different. My initial backup was stuck and not moving even though the machine was left the whole night. The backup stuck when it reached about 12GB.Even with newly formatted backup drive, reboot the machine, everything, but still the initial Time Machine stuck after few minutes running.Have you tried boot in Safe Mode?Luckily, MacOS allows you to boot intoSafe Mode. So I tried boot the machine into Safe Mode and re-run the Time Machine backup.And it worked!My initial Time Machine backup took about 1 hour to complete (about 300GB data). So if you are having problem with Time Machine and the initial backup took years to complete, try boot it in Safe Mode and re-run the backup process.I am not really sure why, but most probably there might be some applications were blocking the Time Machine to do the backup. And when booted in Safe Mode, the Time Machine can perform the backup without any interruption.
Get free SSL Certificate for your website
Photo Credit:KinstaIf you owned a website, it is better to have a SSL certificate installed for it. By having SSL, you can force your website visitors toconnect to your website using HTTPSinstead of HTTP.When they connect to your website using HTTPS, all communication between the website and the visitors will be encrypted. No one can intercept and read the data in between. That is why, most online shopping websites, or online banking portals are using HTTPS connection to protect their customers login credentials and information.SSL certificate cost you money and you need to renew it every year. The price can range as low as $8USD and can be up to more than $200USD a year.Some web hosting providers provide free SSL certificate to their customers. And the SSL certificate will be auto-renewed before the expiry date.But, if your web hosting provider does not provide free SSL certificate, you can get it for free fromhttps://www.sslforfree.comSSL For Free websiteBut before you can get the SSL certificate, you need to verify you are the owner of your website. There are several ways to verify the ownership, but I prefer manually upload the files given bySSL For Free. Just upload the files and done.After the verification is successful, you will be given the SSL certificate where you can install to your website.But just a reminder. The SSL certificate is valid for 3 months. So every 3 months, you need to renew your SSL certificate and redo the same process manually.
Automatically share WordPress post to Facebook
In this post, I will share with you how to make your WordPress to automatically share new post update to Facebook page.For me, this technique is very easy and does not require any plugin. It just usesIFTTT(If This Then That) services and your RSS feed.Step 1Create an account at IFTTT andcreate new applet.Step 2Click onTHISand search for ‘RSS’. Then chooseNew feed item.Step 3Enter your WordPress feed URL. By default, your RSS feed should bewww.yourdomain.com/feed/Step 4Now, click onTHATand search for ‘Facebook’. In the result page, choose ‘Facebook Pages’ if you want to set automatically post new updates to Facebook page.Step 5At this step, Facebook will request you to choose which Facebook page that you want to connect to. In my example above, I choose my personal blog Facebook page.Step 6Next, you choose ‘Create a link post’. In theLink URL, make sure it is set toEntryURLand for theMessage, you putEntryTitle.Step 7And finally, review your Applet and then clickFinish.Now your RSS feed is connected with IFTTT service and it will automatically post to your Facebook page if there is any new post update from your WordPress blog.
How to password protect website folders and files?
Username and password required to access.In some cases, you might want to protect your web files or folders with password. Especially if it contains your website login page.By making it password protected, you will have another extra of security layer where you need to enter a valid username and password before you can enter the login page.If you are using cPanel, it is very easy. In your cPanel, go toDirectory Privacyand select which folders you want to password protect (ie:Administratorfolder). Create username and password, and…done!But it will protect the wholeAdministratorfolder. How about if you want to protect one single file only? Likeadmin.php?For an example, you want to protect theadmin.phpfile in this path./home/mycpanelusername/public_html/administrator/admin.phpStep 1You need to create a.htpasswdfile and place it outside frompublic_htmlfolder. Why?Because anything underpublic_htmlis accessible by other people. So to be safe, you can put the.htpasswdat this path./home/mycpanelusername/htpasswd/.htpasswdStep 2Next, you need to create username and password. To do that, you can useHtpasswd Generatorto generate one for you.The username-password generated might look like this.pentadbir:$apr1$QAOFJwiy$QjLUKs.6PKTfZfY6T4jtp.Where the ‘pentadbir’ is the username and the characters after the ‘:’ is the encrypted password. In this example, the password is ‘pentadbir’.Copy-paste this username-password into your.htpasswdthat you have created earlier.So now you already have .htpasswd ready. Next, to protect youradmin.phpfile, you need to create.htaccessfile.Step 3To do that, create.htaccessfile in the folder that contains the file you want to protect./home/mycpanelusername/public_html/administrator/.htaccessIn this.htaccessfile, copy-paste the text below.<FilesMatch "admin.php"> AuthName "Member Only" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /home/mycpanelusername/htpasswd/.htpasswd require valid-user </FilesMatch>AuthUserFileis the path where you put.htpasswdfile that contains the username and encrypted password.Step 4Done! There is no Step 4 actually. But to test if youradmin.phppassword is working, you can go to the URL.www.mywebsite.com/administrator/admin.phpYou will be prompted with login. Just enter username and password with ‘pentadbir’, and you can access theadmin.phppage.
My personal review on Surfshark VPN
If you are concern on your online privacy when using internet especially public wifi, you better equipped yourself with a VPN.VPN (or Virtual Private Network) is like a special tunnel which protects your connection from being read by unwanted people. Especially when you want to login into sensitive websites.I have been using VPN since 2015. My first VPN was VPN Unlimited and I still have the account since I bought the lifetime license. Until recently when I read about the review on VPN Unlimited, it makes me want to look for another VPN provider.And…I found Surfshark.SurfsharkSurfsharkis not really new in VPN business. They have started their business since 2017 and currently have more than 800 servers in more than 50 countries including Malaysia.I started using Surfshark since last August and it is currently my main VPN service that I use regularly. And my review here is based on my personal preferences where I check the price, speed, stability and the privacy.PriceFor me, Surfshark is the cheapest VPN provider that I ever subscribed. For 2 years subscription, it only costs you $1.99USD monthly or equivalent to RM8.40 per month.But you can get more discount if you are a student where you can get the price down to $1.69USD (or RM7.10) monthly for 2 years.SpeedTo test the speed, here is my setup:Unifi 300MbpsWired connection direct to routerTest the speed connection usingSpeedtest website(3 times)Connect to VPN servers in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Netherlands and US.CheckIP LeaktestAnd here is my test result when using direct connection without VPN and with VPN from various servers.As you can see, the connection speed is very stable when I connect to Singapore and Hong Kong server. But the VPN server in Malaysia is…erm…well, just hope that we will have better connection in near future.StabilitySo far, my connection is very stable. Every time when I want to connect to the VPN server, it will get connected almost instantly. And didn’t experience any connection drop while online.PrivacyThis is the best part with Surfshark. They do not keep any log of your online activities including:IP addressBrowsing historyUsed bandwidthSession informationNetwork trafficConnection timestampsSo you are safe. And in fact, Surfshark HQ is located at British Virgin Island away from the14 Eyes countries.I also did some IP Leak test just want to ensure whether other websites can see my real IP. And rest assured, no real IP were found when using Surfshark.To summarise, I am very happy with my Surfshark purchase. Even though I already have a lifetime VPN Unlimited account, but because its HQ is located in US, so better I use other provider which is safer.And if you want to purchase VPN, I really recommendSurfsharkas your VPN service provider or you can click the banner below for more info.
How to check if you have access to Netflix US?
Photo Credit:FortuneBy default, anyone who subscribe Netflix in Malaysia will only have access to Netflix Malaysia’s library.The choice of TV series and movies are limited (there are a lot actually) but if you compare with Netflix US, you can get a lot more.To access Netflix US library, you can use VPN and connect to the server in US. There are many VPN service providers that you can choose likeNordVPN,SurfShark, andVPN Unlimited.Do you know we also have VPN provider in Malaysia? It is called,Boleh VPN. Go check them out!But let say you already have VPN and connected to US server, how you can check whether you have access to Netflix US library?You can check in two (2) ways.First, go to this URL.http://api-global.netflix.com/apps/applefuji/configAnd search for:geolocation.countryIf the geolocation country is‘US’like in the image below, thats mean you are in Netflix US library.Click the image to enlarge.Or, the alternative way is you can search for‘Nurse Jackie’in Netflix. If the title exist, congratulations. You have access to Netflix US.
How to remove Google reCAPTCHA badge?
Google reCAPTCHA badge at bottom right in every pagesIf you are using Contact Form 7 and Google reCAPTCHA v3, there will be a Google reCAPTCHA badge at the bottom right in every pages of your website. Refer image above.There is no setting to disable it but luckily we can remove it by using CSS. But first, we must include reCAPTCHA branding visibility by adding this text in your contact form page as I put in myContact page.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google <a href="https://policies.google.com/privacy">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href="https://policies.google.com/terms">Terms of Service</a> apply.Then you can add this CSS in yourAdditional CSSunderAppearancetab in WordPress Dashboard..grecaptcha-badge { visibility: hidden; }It will hide the reCAPTCHA badge from showing and not effect the reCAPTCHA functionality.Source:Google reCAPTCHA FAQ
How to export and import MySQL database?
Photo Credit:TechRepublicI messed up one my forum during version upgrade and it is currently not accessible.Luckily I haveCodeGuardwhich it backup daily my web files and databases. So the restoration can be done right away.But if you don’t have CodeGuard (which I really recommend you to have it), here is how to do the export and import of your website MySQL database just in case you need it.But before that, you need to know this first.dbUser– Your database usernamedbName– Your database namedbFile– Your database filenameExportTo export the database, just enter this command in the terminal.mysqldump -udbUser-pdbName>dbFile.sqlImportTo import the database, just enter this command in the terminal.mysqldump -udbUser-pdbName<dbFile.sqlNote: Take note the direction of the ‘arrow’.CodeGuardScreenshot below is the CodeGuard Restore Progress Tracker. Based on the estimation, the forum will be ready in 1-hour.Hope everything will be back to normal…
Force Website Using HTTPS
Photo Credit:Star WarsIf you have SSL installed on your website and want to force all connections to HTTPS, you need to include this code in your .htaccess file.RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]All traffics to your website will be forced to use HTTPS instead of normal HTTP.And if you are using WordPress, you need to edit yourWordPress AddressandWebsite Addressin Settings to your new HTTPS URL.Don’t have SSL installed? Don’t worry. You can purchase fromElfbytes Web Hostingor any other SSL providers.
My 5 Best Mac Apps of 2018
Photo Credit:Bill JohnstoneHi guys… It has been 5 years since my last post on this blog! Can you believe that? So how you guys doing? Hope everything is fine. Cool!So I decided to come back writing on this blog just because I think it is time for me to write something on it. I have changed it to a new theme (still usingGenesis Frameworkbtw), updated the permalinks structure and removed some stuffs especially the unused plugins.Previous CypherHackz.Net themeJust want to share with you, this was my custom theme that I used on this blog. I designed and coded it by myself on Genesis Framework. But it does not support mobile view and I had to use plugin to achieve that. If you view the source code, it was very messy. So I decided to replace it with a new one,eleven40 themefrom StudioPress.As for the permalinks structure, currently I’m using the post name structure. Previously it was day and name. When changed it to this new structure, I have to update my .htaccess file to redirect all traffics from previous URLs to this current structure.5 Best Mac AppsBut, what are my 5 best Mac apps that I use in 2018? Here is the list…My LaunchBar usage statisticsLaunchBar– This app is super awesome! It has saved me a lot of time! Just press the Command + Space, I can open folder/file or execute app without need to find them in the Finder or Launchpad. Since it was installed in last April, I have saved more than 1 hour of struggling to find file/folder in my Macbook. And did I mentioned it can also set my calendar direct from LaunchBar? It is a must have app! Believe me!1Password– If you managed a lot of websites and login to many accounts, you must have this app installed in your Mac. You just need to remember only one password, and that password will be used to open the app. You can use 1Password to generate unique password (with all kind of combinations, just name it) and keep them secure and safe in the app. Your passwords will be kept encrypted and stored on the cloud. Peace of mind.Things– I used to use OmniFocus since 3-4 years ago to keep track my todos and projects. But when Things come with its new version update this year, I fall in love with it. The interface is clean and minimalist. Although I have to tweak a bit my work flow from OmniFocus to Things, but it’s worth it. Less process + less workflow = more productivity. Not really a GTD app, but it works for me.Brainstorm using MindNodeMindNode– When I want to write or do something that requires more thinking, I will fire up MindNode. It is basically a mind mapping app which helps me a lot in brainstorming process. The interface is simple and beautiful with all the nice colours. And I can export the mind map into image or PDF file if I want to share it to my colleagues.Microsoft OneNote– Last but not least, Microsoft OneNote. Because Evernote start charging their users, so I searched for the alternative and I found OneNote. I use it mostly to take notes and records discussion inputs. I can create what they called it as ‘notebook’ and I can create as many pages (and sub-pages too) in it. Very useful.I would like to mentioned here these apps (except LaunchBar) are also available on my iPhone. So if I made any changes on my Mac, that info will be automagically synced to my iPhone as well. Everything are up to date and I do not need to worry if I miss anything.Happy with this list? Mind to share which your favourite Mac app?
How to install Adobe Flash Player in Kali Linux?
To install Adobe Flash Player in Kali Linux is very easy.1. Download Adobe Flash Player .tar.gz fromhttp://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/.2. Using Terminal, extract the content by issuing this command:tar zxvf adobe_flash_player_filename_here.tar.gz3. Copy the ‘libflashplayer.so’ file and paste it into Mozilla plugins folder.cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/4. That’s it! Now you can watch Youtube video without problem.If you stuck with errors, Kali has acommunity forumthat you can ask and request for helps. Feel free to drop by and say hi at the forum.
How to install Nessus in Kali Linux?
Kali Linux (or Kali) is a penetration testing distro created by the developers of BackTrack. Although it is a pentest distro, but Kali does not include with Nessus. So to use Nessus, I have to install it manually.For more info about Kali, you can refer to their website here:http://www.kali.org/1. Download Nessus– Go to Tenable website anddownload Nessus software. Choose Linux, Debian 32-bit or Debian 64-bit.2. Install Nessus– Once the download is finished, run this command to install Nessus. I’m using 64-bit so my installation file isNessus-x.x.x-debian6_amd64.deb, where ‘x’ is the version number.dpkg -i Nessus-x.x.X-debian6_amd64.deb3. Run Nessus service– Next, I run Nessus service by typing this command in the Terminal./etc/init.d/nessusd start4. Navigate to Nessus page– Open Iceweasel (Kali’s default web browser) and go to this address,https://kali:8834. Must use HTTPS connection.5. Initial Account Setup– Next, I create an admin user for Nessus. This user will have full control on Nessus.6. Register plugin feed– I need to get the Activation Code. To get the code, I can request it from here, Obtain anActivation Code. I choose “Nessus Home” option because I will use Nessus play around withMetasploitable 2.The Activation Code will be send to my email. I just copy and paste the Activation Code into the field above.7. Download the newest plugins– At this point, Nessus will start download the latest plugins from Tenable server. It will take a while. So be patient.8. Login into Nessus– Now, I can login into my Nessus by using the username and password that use during the registration process.9. Done!– That’s it! Now I can use Nessus to conduct vulnerability scan to the Metasploitable box.If you stuck with errors, Kali has acommunity forumthat you can ask and request for helps. Feel free to drop by and say hi at the forum.Happy pentesting!
How to Use SSH on Mac OS X?
To use SSH on Mac OS X, you need to run it from your Terminal.1. Go to Lunchpad > Others > Terminal2. In the Terminal window, enter this command:ssh <username>@<hostname> -p <portnumber><username> – the username to login. Eg: admin<hostname> – the hostname of the website/server that you want to login. Eg: cypherhackz.net<portnumber> – the server SSH port number. Eg: 223. That’s all you need. Happy SSHing.. 😉Edit:Some of you might having problem to login using the above command, where your Terminal might shows error, hostname not found.So to login, enter this command in your Terminal to access using SSH.ssh hostname.com -p 22 -l username
Happy New Year 2013
Hello ladies and gentlemen! Happy New Year!I am very excited today because last night at 12.00 midnight 1 January 2013, I launched my newElfbytes Web Hostinglayout and our new web development service to the public.Just in case you want to see how the website looks like before and after the update, check this out!Elfbytes is now running on Genesis Framework. The reason why I choose Genesis Framework because it is so easy to maintain and customize. You already have the framework, so what you just need to do is to create a theme and touch up a little bit to make it looks so attractive and nice.Oh ya, this year I will setup a new business. Hopefully it can be launched on second quarter of this year. I already have the domain name, the logo, the packages, and the only thing that I need now is a suitable WordPress theme for that website.I guess that is my main target for this year. Hopefully it will be successful. Wish me luck, and happy new year everyone! 😉
Happy 7th Birthday CypherHackz.Net
There is nothing that I want to say. Just want to wish a Happy Birthday to CypherHackz.Net.All the best and good luck in year 2013!ps: Actually I just want to test the WordPress plugin that will publish new status on my Facebook page. 😉
How to update Services in DirectAdmin using CustomBuild?
It is not that difficult to update your server services in DirectAdmin. By using CustomBuild that comes together with DirectAdmin, you can update the services easily and in just a few steps.Warning!Only do this after you have backup your website content and database. You’ve been warned!1. SSH into your DirectAdmin server as “root”.2. Then type:cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild3. Next, to check the available updates for your server services, type:./build update4. Then if you want to see the available update list, type:./build versions5. Finally, type this to update all services that have new version:./build update_versionsThat’s all that you need. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comment form below.
How to Fix Active Desktop Recovery ?
If your Windows desktop suddenly shows thisActive Desktop Recoveryerror message,and even by clicking the“Restore my Active Desktop”does not solve the problem, or even by changing the wallpaper still showing the same error message on the next restart, then you might need to follow these steps to fix this error.Go toRunand type,regedit.Then, navigate to:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\SafeMode\ComponentsDouble click,DeskHtmlVersionto modify the value.Change the value to0.ClickOk.And restart your computer.As always, I try to provide you the simplest technique to fix your computer problems. With that, I hope you can follow these simple steps to fix the problem. Good luck! 😉
Malware Calendar Wallpaper by Kaspersky Lab
Malware Calendar Wallpaper for August 2012Sometimes I love to change my desktop wallpaper with something that is more refreshing and interesting. While looking for a wallpaper in Google, I found a malware calendar wallpaper which I can put as background on my desktop.This malware calendar wallpaper is consisting of 12 wallpapers that were published by Kaspersky Lab. The project was started since last year, 2011 where they released one wallpaper for each month.But since early of this year, Kaspersky Lab published the whole 12 month wallpapers in one place for where you can download freely fromMalware Calendar.These wallpapers contain the history of virus breaks and computer crimes that were happened in previous years.
What to do when external hard drive not recognized?
Have you ever been in this situation where your external hard drive not recognized when you plugged it to the computer? What did you do to solve the problem?Basically, there are several steps that you need to follow to diagnose and investigate why your external hard drive is not recognized by the computer.Step #1 – Check USB cableThe most common reason is, the USB cable that is connected to your external hard drive and your computer is not properly connected.Try to disconnect the cable and reconnect it back properly. And try again to see whether it is working or not.Still not working? Well here is the next step…Step #2 – Check the USB connectorSometimes due to the wear and tear, the USB connector on your external hard drive is loose or broken. Even though you have securely connected the USB cable to the computer, your computer will not be able to recognize it because the data transfer is not occur between them.To check whether the USB connector got problem or not, you need to take out the hard drive from its casing and try to connect it by using another external hard drive casing. Maybe you can borrow the casing from your friend, or you can connect the hard drive directly to the IDE or SATA connector in your computer (it is easier if you have a desktop PC here).If the hard drive it still can’t be detected, then you need to go to the final step…Step #3 – Send it to the Data Recovery ExpertHurm…still cannot recognized eh? Then I’m sorry to say, your hard drive is most probably has damaged. Maybe there is a problem with the hard drive platter or the printed circuit board.You need to send your hard drive to the data recovery expert. Don’t ever, and never send your hard drive to the computer shop, or IT technician that you found at the shopping complex. Seriously!The reason I tell you this because I am afraid your data will get leaked and the so called “professional” IT guy will distribute your personal data like photos, documents, etc to the Internet like Facebook or Blogspot.It is better if you send your hard drive to the data recovery expert likeCyberSecurity Malaysia(recommended),MDR Data Recovery Solution, orAdroit Data Recovery Centre. These guys are professional and they really care about your data and will not do any unethical behaviour like distributing your data to the public.And of course, the cost to recover your data is very expensive. Depending on how much the difficulty to recover your hard drive. It can be from RM300 to RM5000 for one data recovery case.But for me, it is better to pay RM300 to these experts than losing your precious wedding photos, or multi-million projects when your external hard drive not recognized.Final NoteI know some of you want to repair the hard drive by yourself. But please, please, please don’t try to be a MacGyver. Don’t try to open the hard drive and repair it by yourself.If your external hard drive is not recognized after you have follow the first two steps, please send your external hard drive to the data recovery expert.You would’t want to lose your data, would you? Then just send your hard drive to the Malaysia Data Recovery expert and let them recover your data.
Live Security Platinum Removal
My computer was infected by a virus called,Live Security Platinum. After boot into Windows, suddenly a window that looks like an “antivirus” appeared at the center of the screen.I’m not sure how and when did this “antivirus” get into my computer, but it is clearly not an antivirus.Here is the screenshot of the virus window.It disabled all running applications and blocks you from executing other applications like Mozilla Firefox, MS Paint, etc. You can’t do anything until you register (purchase) the “antivirus”.Luckily I have my iPad near me, so I Google the solutions.And here is the easiest solution that I have prepared for you… Just follow these steps to remove it from your computer.The Easiest Way to Remove Live Security Platinum VirusNote:Please make sure your computer is connected to the Internet before proceed the removal process.First, what you need to do is to register Live Security Platinum to allow you run other applications like Mozilla Firefox which you will use in the next step. But don’t worry. Here is the registration code that you can use to register the software:AA39754E-715219CEWarning:Don’t click OK or do anything when the virus prompts you to clean your PC after the registration. Just proceed to Step #2.Next, open your favourite Internet browser like Mozilla Firefox, and download free Malwarebytes athttp://www.malwarebytes.org/. We will use this awesome malware removal tool to remove the virus.Install Malwarebytes and go to the installation folder when finished.C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes’ Anti-MalwareOpen theChameleonfolder, and double clicksvchost.exeto run it.Malwarebytes Chameleon will start update Malwarebytes Anti-Malware database and then it will terminate all malicious processes that are running in the memory. Please be patient because it will take a while to complete. During this process you will see the Live Security Platinum window is now gone from your screen. Happy?! Not yet…Upon completion, Malwarebytes will open automatically and it will perform aQuick Scan.When the scan is complete, click onShow Resultsand remove all the threats found in your computer.Restart your computer when it asks you to restart.(Recommended)Perform anotherQuick Scanusing Malwarebytes to ensure Live Security Platinum has been completely removed from your computer.That’s all. Nine steps that you need to do in order to remove Live Security Platinum virus. Good luck! 😉
How to Solve Computer Keeps Shutting Down Problem?
It can be really annoying if your computer keeps shutting down frequently. And it can be even more disturbing when you are working on something important. You might lose important data, you will lose your time, get agitated, and consequently all these issues are going to spoil your mood. To forestall all these things from happening, it is important that you fix the problem at the earliest.Frequent computer shut downs can be caused due to various reasons such as overheating, defects in the hardware components, or software issues. Explained below are some of the common reasons for frequent computer shut down problems and their solutions.Software issuesHere is a simple check you might consider trying out. A few minutes after your computer shuts down, restart it again and click on the ‘Start’ button on your desktop. Choose the ‘Control Panel’ option and then click on ‘Administrative Tools’. Then select the ‘Event Viewer’ from the list of icons and look at the logs.>>> Find Out How To Fix PC Errors with Ease. Easily Scan, Repair and Speed up Your PC. <<<Find the event that was running when your computer got shut down and make a note of it. If your computer gets shut down when you are on the same program each time then there could be something wrong with that particular software. If so, then address the issue immediately by reinstalling the software.Overheating and hardware issuesCheck for any hardware defects. If there is any, then replace the hardware component with a new one. If the shut down issue continues even after you have addressed all these issues, then remove the screws from the CPU and take out the power cord.As excess accumulation of dust could be a possible cause for the improper functioning of the components. Clean the dust and debris off the CPU. Don’t be surprised if you see a dust storm in your home!If the CPU is not cleaned properly then it might lead to the accretion of dirt and dust inside and this might prevent the normal airflow in the CPU. Inefficient airflow will lead to the overheating of the processor and this can cause shut down problems. Remember, heat is a killer that can completely damage your computer.As overheating is a major problem, it is always good to take it step by step. After you have blown away the dirt, the next thing you might consider is cleaning the fans. Check if the fans are in proper working condition or not.>>> Find Out How To Fix PC Errors with Ease. Easily Scan, Repair and Speed up Your PC. <<<Classical computers have fans near the power supply area, while the modern computers have it at the front end. Some computers have fans mounted on the CPU itself. Irrespective of the number of fans your CPU has and where they are mounted, clean all the fans. Any minor block in the fan can be fixed by repairing the hub or bearings. However, it is always good to replace the fan to resolve such issues.VirusVirus is another possible reason that might cause your computer keeps shutting down unexpectedly. A virus, malware or spyware could actually infect your computer by a number of ways. The most common method that a virus infects the drives of your computer is when you download unsecured software and videos off the Internet. In case of emails, you will invite virus to your computer when you open the spam mails and advertently click on the links.Likewise, you may also get virus into your computer when you play online games. One main risk of virus is they spread from one location to multiple locations at a rapid pace. It’s just like the worms laying hundreds of eggs and multiplying.The malicious worms (virus) might either corrupt your files or damage your files entirely. In a different version of virus passed on by the hackers, it might steal important personal details like passwords, bank and credit card details. To prevent all these from happening, it is always good to do a virus scan on your computer every now and then. Install reliable antivirus software, and that would give you the protection from all possible virus threats.Other possible reasons for unexpected computer shut downs are low batteries on power backup systems, improper shut downs by other user, over-clocking of the hardware components to gain more speed etc.This article has been brought to you by www.buycharter.com – a site that offers savings and currentinformation oncharter communications.
How to Delete Skype Account?
You just created a Skype account then after awhile you feel the account you’ve created is not good and you don’t want to use it anymore. You want to delete the Skype account permanently but you don’t know how. Even from the community forum itself does not help very much.Actually, the moment you create Skype account, you cannot deactivate, delete, cancel or change your usernames to something else. The only thing that you can do is abandon the account. Yes, really. Just leave the account and create another one because it allows you to create as many accounts as you want.However, although you cannot delete your Skype account, Skype allows users to remove all your personal information contained in your profile, such as your full name, email address, or phone number. So when people searching you in Skype using your personal information, (ie: full name) he will not be able to find you unless if he using your Skype name as the keyword search.How to remove the personal information?Here I’ll show you how to delete your personal information from your Skype account:Login into Skype.In the menu bar, clickSkype > Profile > Edit Your Profile…Remove any personal information that you want such as your name, profile picture, phone number, and email address.Now the only thing that you cannot remove is your Skype name.Even though you have removed all your information from your Skype account, your friends still can see your Skype name in their Contact list. You cannot delete your account from them, only they can remove you from their Contact list.
How to enable Task Manager in Windows?
Last two weeks, when I pressed Ctrl+Alt+Del to open up the Task Manager, suddenly this error message appeared on the screen,Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator.It was weird because I am the administrator of the computer and I didn’t disable it but how come it says the Task Manager has been disabled by me, the admin?First thing came to my mind was, it most probably the computer has been infected by a virus and the virus has modified the registry keys, disabled the Task Manager.The Solution?Here is the quick fix to re-enable the Task Manager using Registry Editor in Windows.Press “Windows Key” + “R”.Type “regedit” and press Enter.Navigate to,HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\SystemDouble click on “Disable TaskMgr” at the right pane.Set the value to 0.Restart the computer.Hope this helps!
China Domain Scam Alert
Last week I received an email from a doman registration company in China. The email sounds like this:(It’s very urgent, Please transfer this email to your CEO or appropriate person, Thanks)Dear CEO/Principal,This is Neil Dong—Senior Consultant of domain name registration and solution center in china. have something to confirm with you. We formally received an application on March 26th, 2012, one company which self-styled “Cakebar Investments co.,Ltd” were applying to register “awesomename” as Network Brand and following domain names:“awesomename.asiaawesomename.cnawesomename.co.inawesomename.com.cnawesomename.com.hkawesomename.com.twawesomename.hkawesomename.inawesomename.net.cnawesomename.org.cnawesomename.tw“After our initial checking, we found that the brand name applied for registration are as same as your company’s name and brand, so we need to check with you whether your company has authorized that company to register these names. If you authorized this, we will finish the registration at once. If your company has no relationships with that company nor do not authorized, please reply to us within 7 workdays, if we can’t get any information from yours over 7 workdays, we will unconditionally approve the application submitted by “Cakebar Investments co.,Ltd” .Thanks for your cooperation.Best Regards,Neil Dong (Mr.)Senior Consultant ManagerGulp!? A company in China, “Cakebar Investments co. Ltd” want to use one of my domain (in this article is “awesomename”) as their branding. And they also want to purchase the other available domain names, .asia, .cn, etc and put them into their network brand.I replied the email and have several conversations with Neil Dong, so called “Senior Consultant Manager” in that company.At the same time, I also asked my friends on Facebook whether this email is legit or just a scam. Many of them said this email is a scam. Even my friend working in MyCERT also told me that they received quite number of cases same like this!But I kept on replying emails with this “Senior Consultant Manager” asking what are the benefits the company will get when they register Malay words as their branding. (Yes, they want to register Malay words as branding in China!)He then pushed me to register the other available domain names to protect my branding and also suggested me to register “awesomename” as Network Brand with them. Sounds fishy isn’t it?Then I did some Google searches and found several articles same like this one. The domain is different but the moduse operandi is exactly the same.Top 10 Blogs Share About the China Domain Scamhttp://www.neokrish.co.in/blog/get-entertained-with-spammershttp://www.ogosense.com/blog/are-you-a-victom-of-cybersquattinghttp://texturbation.com/blog/?p=343http://keepsafeonthenet.co.uk/2010/12/asian-domain-registration-service-in-china/http://trusted.md/feed/items/system/2008/01/29/asia_domain_name_registration_scamhttp://www.piotrkrzyzek.com/registration-proclamation-chinese-domain-scam/http://www.firetrust.com/en/blog/chris/domain-name-scamshttp://www.wildwoodinteractive.com/wordpress/?p=351http://blog.onlymyemail.com/registration-proclamation-domain-registration-fraud/http://www.halleynet.co.uk/wordpress/2012/03/29/domain-scams/After combined the inputs I got from my friends and articles on the Internet, then I decided it is a scam.I have stopped communicate with this guy and let’s see whether this company, Cakebar Investments co. Ltd, want to register the available domain names or not.Oh yeah, there is no hit on “Cakebar Investments” in Google. 😀
P1 4G Wiggy Modem Connection Failed
I was having a problem with my P1 4G Wiggy modem. It suddenly cannot connect to P1 Wimax network.It tries to connect as shown in figure below:But after a few seconds (maybe 30 seconds like that), it shows connection failed.I contactedP1Caresvia Twitter. They advised me to reinstall P1 4G Wiggy application manager. I did, but still no luck.They also told me to disable my antivirus (which I don’t know why), but still nothing good happen.Lastly, P1Cares advised me to send the Wiggy modem to P1 centre for checking. But I refused.After being frustrated, I shut down my laptop. After a few minutes, I boot it up again.Tada! It is now connected to P1 network like normal. No need to send the modem to P1 centre.If you are having same problem like mine, try what P1Cares told me first. If it still doesn’t work, try shut down your computer for awhile and boot it up after that.It works for me and hope it will work for you too…
MyEja &#8211; A Mozilla Firefox Addon to Spell Check Malay Words
MyEja addon in actions.I am proud to announce thatAdnan Mohd Shukor(ehem! he is my friend) has released hissecondthird Mozilla Firefox addon called,MyEja.MyEjais a Malay spell-checking addon that will check your spelling and will suggest the correct word if you misspell the typing. Its dictionary is based on the original OpenOffice Extension “Kamus Bahasa Malaysia” (Malay Dictionary).How to use?To use it is really simple. First you need to download and install MyEja addonhere. Then in the form field or textarea, right click and make sure that “Spell Checking” is checked. Under Language settings, chooseMalay/Bahasa Malaysiaas your preferred language.I would like to wish congratulations to Adnan Mohd Shukor and the Mozilla Malaysia Community for their achievements in developing the addon. I am sure MyEja will become useful especially for Malaysian people who are using Mozilla Firefox.MyEja also works in Mozilla Thunderbird. Addon page can be found,here.
Download FREE Software Everyday From Daily Software Giveaway
Not many people can afford to purchase a paid software (or shareware) using their own pocket money. Although the paid software provides more features and functions, but of course the price is so expensive.But luckily we have,Daily Software Giveaway, a new online software giveaway website, which give free shareware software for FREE everyday.You can download FREE software daily and get special deal promotion at their Deal Section. In the Deal Section area, you can download other software/application of software vendor at discounted price from 50% to 90%!All FREE softwares offered at Daily Software Giveaway is not a trial, or limited version. They are registered and legal version which is fully functional version for you to download in 24 hours.Daily Software Giveaway is a new start up company which currently based in New Delhi, India.
Convert to Icon with ConvertICO
If you have a graphic, or photo, that you want to convert to icon like Windows 7 or Vista style, you can useConvertICO.ConvertICOis an online ico converter that can convert your image to .ico or .png format. It supports multiple image formats, sizes, color depths and profiles too.The beauty of ConvertICO is, it can create a genuine Windows 7 style icon which contains multiple frames and supports the compressed PNG format at the same time.Using Windows XP? No problem… The converted icon still works on Windows XP.And one more thing, you also can use ConvertICO to convert multi-resolution icons to images in .png, .gif, or .jpg format at a time, and each frame will be converted to a separate image instantly.
Let&#8217;s Join &#8220;Saya Nak Hosting Percuma Pengendali Blog&#8221; Contest
Psst…do you know that I have other blogs than CypherHackz.Net? One of them is,Pengendali Blog.Yes, I would like to invite you especially Malaysia bloggers to join my blog contest,“Saya Nak Hosting Percuma Pengendali Blog”. You could win a 2 years FREE web hosting package fully sponsored byElfbytes Web Hosting(Ehem! And…do you know that I have a web hosting business as well?)For those who are currently blogging at wordpress.com or blogspot.com,this is your chance to get free webhosting, complete with cPanel, unlimited databases, email accounts, and supports direct from me.And of course, I will help you to setup and transfer your posts from previous blog to this new hosting if you win the prize.Don’t wait any longer. Check out thecontest and participate!PS: Again, do you know that I’m a gold dealer too? Check out my website here,Pengedar Emas GCP. 😉
Sorry&#8230; I&#8217;m not P1 Wimax staff&#8230;
Since I posted several articles on P1 Wimax problems and how to solve them, many readers thought that I am one of their P1 Wimax staff.It’s kinda funny though because I got many complaints and questions asking about P1 Wimax. Even some of them were angry with me and asked with rude words! LOL~!Well my dear readers and friends…I would like to announce that I am not P1 Wimax staff!I repeat. I am not P1 Wimax staff, agent, or their affiliate.I’m just their customer (just like you), who pays RM129 monthly, subscribe P1 Wimax services, and became their customer since 2008.If you asked me about technical questions that I can answer, then I will try and help you. But if you asked me about administration questions such as your P1 Wimax login details, change your service package, etc, etc, I will pass you to their customer support at,@p1cares.Okey guys? 😉
Download Adobe flash RTMP video streams using RTMPDump
I want to download a file but it uses RTMP protocol. Even though the file extension is .flv, but I cannot download them as I always do with HTTP or FTP.RTMP is Real-Time Messaging Protocol which was designed for high-performance transmission of audio, video and data between Adobe Flash Platform technologies, such as Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Air.To download these files you either can use Internet Download Manager, or geeker way using RTMPDump.In this article, I’ll show you how to download a file from RTMP by using RTMPDump.1. First, you need RTMPDump –download here.2. Next, get the RTMP link that you want to download. For an example, I would like to download an FLV file from Rich Dad Coaching website.The link is look like this:rtmp://profedu.fcod.llnwd.net/a1681/o15/richdadscoaching.com/8-08 (Learn It) Investing In BusinessesInvesting In Businesses.flv3. Then, I run RTMPDump from Command Prompt like this:rtmpdump.exe -r <rtmp link> -o <filename.ext>Eg:rtmpdump.exe -r “rtmp://profedu.fcod.llnwd.net/a1681/o15/richdadscoaching.com/8-08 (Learn It) Investing In BusinessesInvesting In Businesses.flv” -o “8-08 (Learn It) Investing In BusinessesInvesting In Businesses.flv”Note: Because there are spaces in the URL so I put the RTMP link between the apostrophes.4. Press Enter and see the magic begin…That’s all on how to download Adobe flash RTMP video streams using RTMPDump. Easy isn’t it? 😉
How to Connect iPad to P1 Wimax Modem?
A reader asked me on myFacebook fanpageon how to connect iPad to P1 Wimax modem.Basically it is not that difficult to configure your iPad to connect to P1 Wimax modem. Here’s how…Referring to my article,How to secure your P1 Wimax WiFi Modem?, under“Change WiFi WEP key”section, take note of your SSID and WEP key (or WPA key).On your iPad, go toSettings > Wi-Fi, andswitch ONthe wifi module.UnderChoose a Network…, choose your P1 Wimax SSID (from Step #1).Enter the WEP key (or WPA key) in the password field.Lastly, tapJointo connect to your P1 Wimax modem.If you still got problem to get the network, make sure you have allow your iPad MAC address in the Access Control List.To get the MAC address, on your iPad, go toSettings > General > About. You will find your iPad MAC address under Wi-Fi Address.Then enter the MAC address in your P1 Wimax modem Access Control List. Just follow the samearticle here, under“Only allow specific MAC addresses to connect“. Good luck! 😉
All Folders Became Shortcut! How to Fix Them?
My USB thumb drive got infected by a trojan virus. All folders in the thumb drive had become shortcuts!From the properties, the shortcut folder is pointing to 0x29ACAAD1.exe file. Kaspersky detects it asTrojan.Win32.VBKrypt.cvcu, and 35 out of 42 antivirus companies confirmed that it is a trojan virus –VirusTotal result.Warning:Don’t double click the shortcut or you will execute the trojan virus.Luckily, you don’t need a data recovery tool to fix this problem. The only thing that you need is just the command prompt.Here I’ll show you how:Go to Start > Run.Type, “cmd” and click Ok.Now type this command, and press Enter:attrib -h -r -s /s /d f:\*.*Note:Replace f: with your USB drive letter.Done.You will see two folders in the USB thumb drive. One is the shortcut, and the other one is the original folder as shown below.Now copy the orginal folders to a safe place, and format your USB thumb drive. This to ensure that your thumb drive is completely free from the trojan virus, and don’t forget to scan your computer with antivirus too.That’s all. Hope this help!Btw, if your files and folders are suddenly missing/hidden in USB thumb drive,follow this trick to unhide them.PS: If your PC still having problem, you can either scan your PC with antivirus or repair it to speed up by usingRegistry Easy.
How to Reset P1 Wimax Modem Password?
Happy new year 2012 everyone!-CypherHackz.Many people asked me how to reset P1 Wimax modem password in my article onHow to Secure P1 Wimax Modem?Well it is not that difficult to reset the password actually. Here I will show you the easiest way to reset the password just by using a paper clip. Yes, seriously! Just using a paper clip.Switch on your P1 Wimax modem.Find the Reset hole on your modem. I’m using DX230 model and the hole is near to the LAN port. Refer to the image below.Get a paperclip and press the Reset button through the hole for a few seconds.The signal indicator lights will start blinking shows that the modem has been successfully reset.Now go tohttp:// your web browser and enter the default username and password as below:Username:adminPassword:admin123Congratulations! You have successfully reset your P1 Wimax modem password.This method is actually reset your modem to its original factory settings. All previous configurations together with the password will be set back to default.After your modem has been reset, nowgo back to my article hereand secure your P1 Wimax modem before someone else take control your modem.
Remove PDF Password using PDF Password Remover Tool
There are two types of password protections in PDF which is,User Password– Password to open the PDF fileOwner Password– Password to print, copy, modify the PDF fileIf your PDF file is protected with User Password, this trick will not work for you. This tool will not be able to recover and remove the password from the PDF.However if the PDF file is using Owner Password, this tool will decrypt and remove the password so you can print, copy, and make changes to the document.PDF Passwod Remover ToolPDF Password Remover Toolis a freewarePDF password recoverythat will decrypt the Owner Password and remove it from the PDF file. I’ve tested this software and it works perfectly.If you want to remove theUser Password, this tool will popup an alert saying‘Cannot decrypt pdf file. Incorrect password.’as shown in the image below.PDF Password Remover Tool unable to decrypt and remove the User Password.But if the PDF file is usingOwner Password, it will able to remove it, and save a new copy which allows you to print, copy and modify the document content.PDF Password Remover Tool successfully removed the Owner Password.PDF Password Remover Toolis free for personal use. As mentioned by the developer, please use this tool to remove passwords from PDF files that belong to you. It was developed to help you recover PDF files in cases where you forget the owner passwords you once set and can no longer remember. Hope this helps!Remove password from PDF files with PDF Password Remover ToolviaEches
CypherHackz.Net is now on Genesis Framework
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha diucapkan kepada anda dan semua pembaca sekalian…-CypherHackz-New design – CypherFS GOhrange running on Genesis FrameworkOnFebruary 13th, I’ve asked you is it worth to getGenesis Frameworkfor my blog? Many top bloggers are using Genesis Framework and I was thinking to convert my theme too.In mid September, I make my move and bought Genesis Framework. First theme that I converted to Genesis is my personal blog atBlog Aku. Then I start create and convert more child themes as you can see atPengendali BlogandPengedar Emas.Yesterday I decided to convert CypherHackz.Net theme. During the initial process, I got an idea it is better to create new one than using the old design. It took me one day to finish up the design and do some modifications.Old design – CypherFS DarkSide coded manuallyThe best thing when using Genesis Framework is you doesn’t have to code the theme structure.The only thing that you need to do is modify the CSS file and you’re done. But if you want to add or remove some areas, just do it in the functions.php file. Just simple as that.Genesis Developmentpage helps me a lot. They have a lot of resources and tutorials where you can follow to create your own child theme for Genesis.I named this theme asCypherFS GOhrangebecause it is a combination ofGenesis, Oh~, and Orange. I know it is difficult to pronounce and it’s a kinda weird name. Heh!But hopefully this theme will stand for years and I don’t have to redesign a new one. So what do you guys think? Any comments or critics are welcome.
Portable BlogDesk with Dropbox
Portable BlogDesk with DropboxI’m using BlogDesk as my desktop blogging client to update my blogs. The interface is straightforward, can manage multiple blogs, and easy to use.Most of the time, I will use my PC and laptop to update my blogs. Both have Blogdesk installed but the data are kept in each device separately. That’s mean when I saved a draft from PC, I can’t continue writing the draft from my laptop.So, how can I make the draft or any data like images portable in BlogDesk?Use Dropbox…Yup, we can adjust BlogDesk configurations and points the data to Dropbox.So before we start, I would like to list down the tools that we need:BlogDesk –linkDropbox –linkNotepad – I recommendNotepad++That’s all…The process…First, install BlogDesk and Dropbox if you don’t have them installed in your computer.Setup your blog configurations such as the username and password.Go to BlogDesk’s user data folder which usually located in the Application Data.Eg:C:\Users\fauzimd\AppData\RoamingCopy the BlogDesk folder and its content into Dropbox.Copy the BlogDesk UserData path directory in Dropbox.Eg:C:\Users\fauzimd\Dropbox\BlogDesk\UserDataNext, go to BlogDesk folder in Program Files and editBlogDesk.cfgfile.Paste the new BlogDesk UserData path as shown in the image above.Save!Repeat steps 1-8 (excluding Step 4) on the another PC/laptop that you wish to share the BlogDesk data on Dropbox.ConclusionThe downsides using this method is you must install BlogDesk and Dropbox in both devices. And then, when you upload an image from your PC, the path directory of the image might be different if you open BlogDesk from your laptop. You will get a break image because Blogdesk can’t find the image path.But overall, this method is working fine for me. I can update my blogs either from Blogdesk in PC or laptop using same configurations and data.Please let me know if you got any problems when following the steps. I will try my best to help you to make your BlogDesk portable. 🙂
How to create a Bookmark in Adobe Reader?
Most of the time I use my iPad to read ebooks, or Adobe Reader when read them on my computer. Currently the ebook I read is,The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing, by The Web Marketing Ninja from ProBlogger. This ebook is 136 pages long and I can’t read it whole at once.In iPad, I can create bookmarks or open last view page, to continue my reading when I reopen the ebook. But in Adobe Reader, the bookmark feature is not there. Unless if you purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional which have the ability to place a bookmark.Lucikly, Adobe Reader can be set to‘Restore last view settings when reopening documents’. It is not a bookmark but at least it can help me to get back to the last view page when I reopen the ebook.To enable this feature,In Adobe Reader, go toEdit > Preferences.Under Categories, click onDocuments.Check‘Restore last view settings when reopening documents’.Click Ok.Now I don’t have to write down the page number before I close the ebook, because Adobe Reader will automatically show the last view page the next time I open the ebook.
The Google+ Song
Have you heard the Google+ Song video? At first, it is kinda boring but when the video shows what we can do with Google+, it is become more interesting and entertaining.Google+ is now open to the public and anyone who have Google account can create their Google+ account athttp://plus.google.com/.Please read my article onhow to make short URL for Google+ profileand don’t forget to add me into your Circles. 🙂
Troj/PHPShll-B malware in WordPress wp-config.php file!
Suspicious codes found in WordPress wp-config.php fileA Sophos Senior Threat Researcher, Paul O Baccas found a malware codename,Troj/PHPShll-Bin a WordPress wp-config.php file that was installed in one of their IT department friend’s website.This malware was first detected by SophosLabs automated systems asMal/Badsrc-Cfrom the downloaded index.html file.Further analysis, Paul saw a suspicious piece of code written in base64 string format in the wp-config.php file. When translated, the code will only be served if the User-Agent is Internet Explorer.Sophos now detects and disinfects this modified code asTroj/PHPShll-B.They believed it is most likely the code was injected via compromised FTP credentials. Sophos also recommends WordPress users to regularly auditing their WordPress wp-config.php file and make sure to use strong login passwords to avoid the account being compromised.I have checked all my eight WordPress blogs wp-config.php files and luckily there are no weird strings or suspicious codes found in them. How about you?viaTroj/PHPShll-B: Malware injects itself into WordPress installations
How to secure your P1 Wimax WiFi Modem?
Happy Malaysia Day to all Malaysians…-CypherHackz-I have been usingP1 Wimaxsince August 2009. Personally, it is the best Internet broadband that we have in Malaysia. ForHome Pluspackage, the average connection speed is around 120kbps-170kbps. But there were a few times where the speed dropped to 20-50kbps, and even sometimes it disconnected abruptly. If you got problem with P1 Wimax connection, feel free to read my article onApabila P1 Wimax BermasalahatBlogAku.Net.The purpose I write this post is to help you to secure your P1 Wimax WiFi modem. It is actually very easy for unauthorized users to gain access into your P1 Wimax network if you did not change the modem default password, WEP key, and Access Control List. In this How-To guide, I will show you the step by step on how to secure your P1 Wimax WiFi modem. Let’s begin…Change the default passwordChange P1 Wimax modem default passwordBy default, the username and password for P1 Wimax modem is,Username:adminPassword:admin123Please change the default password before someone else gain access to your modem and change it for you. To do that,Go tohttp:// using your favourite web browser.Enter the default username,admin, and password,admin123.Click onPersonalizationat the top left of the page.Enter yourOld Password,admin123, andNew Password.ClickApply.If you’ve changed the P1 Wimax modem password previously and forgot the password, you can reset it back by following my guide here,How to Reset P1 Wimax Modem Password?Change WiFi WEP keyChange P1 Wimax modem default WEP keyAfter you have changed the default password, you also need to change P1 Wimax WiFi WEP key IF you are using DV230 modem. The modem is look like this,P1 Wimax DV230 modemAs you may already know, by default P1 Wimax DV230 modem WiFi is using WEP key that is easy to guess. For an example, let’s say your P1 Wimax WiFi SSID is056789. If the user didn’t change the default WEP key, the key is567891FFB0.SSID:056789Remove 0 at the front,56789Combine with1FFB0, and your P1 Wimax WiFi WEP key is:567891FFB0To change the default WEP key,Go tohttp:// using your favourite web browser.Enter your username,admin, and password.Click onNetworkingat the top right of the page.Click onWIFI.ClickNext.UnderUse Default, chooseUser Defined.And change the WEP key underSecurity Setting.ClickApply.Note:Please ensure to follow these rules to set your WEP key.64 bit5 ASCII characters (A-Z or a mixture of A-Z and 0-9)10 Hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F or mixture of both 0-9 & A-F only)128 bit13 ASCII characters (A-Z or a mixture of A-Z and 0-9)26 Hexadecimal characters (0-9,A-F or mixture of both 0-9 & A-F only)Only allow specific MAC addresses to connectOnly allow specific MAC addresses to connect into your WiFi networkEven though you have changed the default P1 Wimax WEP key, there might be some possibilities where someone can crack the WEP key and use your WiFi connection without your acknowledge. To prevent this, you can set your P1 Wimax WiFi modem to only allow specific MAC addresses to connect into your P1 Wimax WiFi network.Let’s say your iPhone MAC address isF8:1E:DF:43:49:A9.Go tohttp:// your favourite web browser.Enter your username,admin, and password.Click onNetworkingat the top right of the page.Click onWIFI.ClickNext.Scroll down toACL-setting.ChooseAllow only following MAC addresses to connect to wireless network.UnderAccess Control List, enter your device MAC address.Eg: F8:1E:DF:43:49:A9ClickApply.After the modem rebooted, only your iPhone can connect to your P1 Wimax WiFi network. Even though your neighbours can crack your WEP key but they can’t connect to your WiFi because their devices’ MAC addresses are not registered in theAccess Control List.I hope this simple How-To guide will help you to secure your P1 Wimax WiFi modem. If you have any new tips or info on how to secure P1 Wimax modem, feel free to share with us by submitting your comment below. Thank you and good luck! 🙂
Make short URL for Google+ profile with gplus.to
I just have myGoogle+profile account after got the invitation fromProbloggerandLiewCF. Currently Google+ is not open to public and new registration can only be made via invitation only. If you don’t have Google+ account, you can drop a comment below with your Gmail address and I will invite you to join into my circles.However, Google+ does not provide friendly or short profile URL like Facebook. Instead it uses long URL with your unique Google+ ID which is really difficult to remember or share with your friends.Luckily we havegplus.tothat allows you to choose your own username with at least 3 characters to at most 25 characters long. With gplus.to, you can shortern your Google+ profile URL from this,https://plus.google.com/101399354133518719784to become like this,http://gplus.to/cypherhackzWith the short URL, you can easily share your Google+ profile URL with your friends or put it on your blog. You don’t have to remember your profile ID as the shortend URL will redirect visitors to your Google+ profile page straight away.
How to set DNS record for .my domain?
Custom Short Domain by bit.ly ProCurrently I have seven .my domains that I bought fromMercumaya. All of them are not active (contain no website). But there is one .my domain that I want to use for mybitly.Pro–Custom Short Domain.To use this service, I have to set my DNS A record to point to their IP address. But the problem is, there is no option for me to set the DNS A record from the domain registrar (MyNIC Domain Registry).Luckily, I haveDNS Zone Editorin my cPanel and I can set the DNS A record from there. Here I will show youhow to set DNS record for .my domainby using cPanel.Add the domain using Addon DomainsStep 1– From your cPanel, add the .my domain into your hosting account by usingAddon Domainstool.Click on Advanced DNS Zone EditorStep 2– Next, back to your cPanel Home and go toAdvanced DNS Zone Editor.Select the domainStep 3– Choose the .my domain that you want to change the DNS record. In my case, it is ls.my domain.Step 4– cPanel will list down all current DNS records for your .my domain. From here, you can choose either to edit or add new DNS record.Enter the IP address to setup A recordStep 5– I want to change the A record forls.mydomain to point to bitly.Pro IP address, So I click on Edit and replace the IP address with the new one.After it has finished propagatedStep 6– Lastly, click onEdit Recordand wait the domain to propagate.Hope this helps!Note:You also can set CNAME record in Advanced DNS Zone Editor (or Simple DNS Zone Editor).
VaultPress Review &#8211; Ultimate WordPress Backup Solution
VaultPress – A WordPress backup solution by AutomatticI received my VaultPress Golden Ticket a few weeks ago. I thought the ticket has no expiration date but I was wrong. Nearly to its expiration date which was yesterday, I decided to use and install VaultPress in one of my blogs.And here is my VaultPress review…What is VaultPress?VaultPressis a WordPress plugin developed byAutomattic, the same person who created WordPress. This plugin will backup all your files and data such as uploads, plugins, themes and database and transfer them to VaultPress server. All the processes are done automatically and in real-time!Let’s say you published a new article with a JPEG to your blog, VaultPress will backup the article together with the image file to VaultPress server. And you don’t have to worry anything because VaultPress will keep monitoring of any changes that has been made on your blog and will sync them with their server.Sign Up VaultPressPlans and pricing for VaultPressCurrently VaultPress is in private beta release and you must have the Golden Ticket to sign up. The ticket can be requested from theApply for VaultPresspage and as an early customer, you will receive a discounted price to use VaultPress. Alternatively, you also cancontact medirectly to get the VaultPress Golden Ticket. I can send you the ticket via email.VaultPressPlans & Pricingstarts with Basic which is $20USD per blog per month ($15USD if you have the Golden Ticket). But all payments will be credited into your credit card which I don’t prefer very much. I prefer to use PayPal for the payment. Hope they will put PayPal under payment method in future.Using VaultPressOne VaultPress plugin for one WordPress blogAfter the payment has been made, you will need to have a WordPress.com account to enter VaultPress dashboard. From the dashboard, you can download the plugin and install it into your WordPress blog.Once installed, VaultPress will start doing his work. It will begin transferring files starting from uploads, plugins, themes and lastly the database. All files under these folders will be transferred to VaultPress server.VaultPress backup in progressBut in my opinion, it is better to start the backup with the database first. The database is the most important thing for a blog. Without the database, the blog is nothing. So it is better to start the backup starting with the database.During the backup process, you can see the progress either from your WordPress dashboard or from your VaultPress dashboard. It will take a few hours to complete, especially if you have many files and the database is too big.VaultPress Dashboard shows the details of the last snapshot of your blogBut as long as you install VaultPress, just leave it to do his work and don’t worry about your blog. It is really a peace of mind when you have VaultPress to take care your blog from the inside.ConclusionUnlimited backup archives by VaultPressVaultPress is the ultimate WordPress backup solution. Just install it, and forget about it. It will do his work in real-time and sync the backup even when you changed a setting in your WordPress blog.This is the first time I don’t have to worry about my blog. If something goes wrong, I know that I have a complete and the latest backup of my blog.I can request another Golden Ticket and thinking to use it for my CypherHackz.Net blog. And yes, if I want to have VaultPress to take care my blog, I need to add another extra $15USD in my monthly budget.Although the price is expensive, but VaultPress is really worth it. Recommend! 🙂Pros & Cons+ Backups everything (uploads, plugins, themes, database)+ Real time backup+ Unlimited backup storage+ Downloadable backup archives+ Stats and activity logs+ Security and vulnerabilities scanning (Premium and Enterprise package only)– Expensive– No PayPal subscription
What is the best antivirus software for Windows 7?
Kaspersky Ambassador, Datuk Lee Chong Wei– credit,WirespotIn your opinion, what is the best antivirus software for Windows 7? What antivirus software do you use to protect your computer?I am usingKaspersky Internet Security 2011. I have been using Kaspersky since 2005. From Windows XP and now using Windows 7, I still believe that Kaspersky is the best antivirus software that able to protect my computer and help me fight against the viruses very well.Why I choose Kaspersky? First, it is light and does not use a lot of resources to run. Second, I can adjust the settings (advanced settings) and set it what I want. Third, it is compatible to run together withMalwarebytes Anti-Malwarewithout having any problem. Lastly, because Datuk Lee Chong Wei and Jackie Chan are their ambassador (just kidding).But yup, if you asked me what is the best antivirus software for Windows, I will say Kaspersky. How about you?
How to Remove the New Facebook Lightbox Photo Viewer?
Facebook is now using lightbox photo viewer to view photos and albums. But this new feature is so annoying and useless.Luckily, there are many ways that you can use to remove the new Facebook lightbox photo viewer (or “theater”).Hit F5– When viewing any photo in Facebook lightbox, just hit F5 to refresh and it will go away.Remove&theater– At the address bar, remove the&theaterfrom the URL and hit Enter.Facebook Lightbox Killer(Mozilla Firefox) – This is an addon for Mozilla Firefox. It will remove Facebook lightbox automatically when you viewing somebody’s photos.Facebook Lightbox Killer(Google Chrome) – Same likeFacebook Lightbox Killerfor Mozilla Firefox. This is an extension for Google Chrome that will kill the lightbox when viewing pictures on Facebook.Hope this helps! 🙂
Hakin9 &#8211; Free IT Security Magazine
Hakin9 March 2011 issueToday I would like to share with you a free, online IT security magazine called,Hakin9.It contains a lot of useful IT security information which covers about practical guidelines regarding the latest hacking methods, as well as the ways of securing systems, network and applications.Hakin9 is released every month and you can download it for free from their website. Follow them on Twitter (@Hakin9) to get the latest updates and issues.Thanks to my friend,salawankfor sharing this info. 🙂
Hack Times Square Screens using iPhone 4 Transmitter
Awesome! This guy hacked the screens at Time Square just by using a transmitter that he put on his iPhone 4! It is totally awesome and unbelievable!The way it works is pretty simple: plug in my transmitter into the iPhone 4 and play back any video clip. You can play it through the ipod feature or through the camera roll. The transmitter instantly sends the video signal to the video repeater and the video repeater overrides any video screen that it’s being held next to. It doesn’t matter what shape or size the hacked screen is because the hack video will simply keep its correct dimensions and the rest of the hacked space will stay black.Personally, I don’t think it is fake although some people said it is. But when I watched the video, I was amazed and he is really genius! 😀Guy hacks Times Square screens with iPhone transmitter? [via9 to 5 Mac]
Approve Your Parents &#8216;Add as Friends&#8217; Facebook Request Flowchart
My parents send me a request toAdd as Friendson Facebook, but I am not sure whether should I accept the request or not.Well, you know I share a lot of things on Facebook,huha-huhawith my friends and everything. So I should consider to approve their request.Click on the image to enlarge…Based on the Facebook flowchart above, I should approve my parentsAdd as Friendsrequest. Hurm… Or should I redo the flowchart process again? 😀How about you? Will you approve your parents request if they want to add you in their friends list on Facebook?Decision Flowchart: Friend Your Parents on Facebook, Or Not?[via LiewCF]
Get CSS3 code from CSS3 Generator
CSS3 Generator by Randy JensenCSS3 currently is the latest CSS version on the web and offers a huge variety of new ways to create an impact with your designs, with quite a few important changes. Most web developers have started using it in their web designs. However, not all web browsers support CSS level 3, like Internet Explorer 8. Even some of them interpret CSS3 code differently on each browser.But if you are interested to do experiment and generate CSS3 codes for your blog, you can useCSS3 Generator by Randy Jensen. Just pick the style that you want and change the settings according to your own choice. It will show you the CSS3 code next to the Preview Area which you can copy and paste into your .css file.CSS3 Generator by Eric HoffmanI also found anotherCSS3 Generator made by Eric Hoffman. But the styles that you can choose are limited. Only 4 styles are available which is: border radius, shadow, background gradient and opacity. 🙂
Desktop Blogging Client by Google
Just wondering, will there be any desktop blogging client by Google?Currently I am usingBlogDeskas my desktop blogging client. All the article writing process, editing, are all done in BlogDesk. It is very light and can handles many domains and blog platforms.Microsoft already have their desktop blogging client called,Windows Live Writer. I tried it once before but it is not very good like BlogDesk.Google has released their own web browser (Google Chrome), photo viewer (Picasa), instant messaging (Gtalk), browser toolbar (Google Toolbar) and some other applications. But no desktop blogging client.Maybe it is time for them to develop a new app for bloggers. I really hope that we can have a Google desktop blogging client in the near future.What do you think?
&#8220;Poking Inventor&#8221; Mark Zuckerberg Action Figure
Are you Mark Zuckerberg fan? Don’t you want to buy Mark Zuckerberg action figure and put it on your desk?“Poking Inventor” action figure was created by M.I.C Gadget that is inspired from a man who makes the world more open and connected, Mark Zuckerberg.This 7″ tall figurine can holds a “Like” or “Poke” button in his right hand with his nice pose of sticking his left hand in pocket with his thumb out.It also comes with three speech bubbles cards which you can write anything and attach it onto the figurine. Price is $69.90USD without shipping.I’m gonna get this! How about you?All photos credit toM.I.C. Gadget.“Poking Inventor” Action Figure [viaM.I.C Store]
WordPress Error: Is its parent directory writable by the server?
When I want to upload a file to my WordPress blog, there was an error shown on the Media page like in the image above.“facebook.png” has failed to upload due to an errorUnable to create directory /home/OLDPATH/public_html/BLOG/wp-content/uploads/2011/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server?Supposedly there should be no problems because I have successfully uploaded many files before. After awhile I remembered that a few days ago I moved the blog to another server. There might be some configurations that I missed to change.So I go check the settings atSettings > Mediaand I found the culprit underUploading Files.The path to the uploads folder is wrong. So I entered the correct path and now it is working correctly. Make sure you put the full path to the uploads folder like this:/home/NEWPATH/public_html/BLOG/wp-content/uploadsHope this helps! 🙂Alternatively (Easiest Method)Just use the default path.wp-content/uploadsThanks toMick Geniefor the tip. 🙂
How to remove Lock icon from Windows 7 folder?
I unshared a shared folder in my Windows 7 and suddenly there is a Lock icon appear on the folder icon.To remove the Lock icon, here are the steps that I used:Right click the folder and chooseProperties.Go toSecuritytab and clickEdit.UnderPermissions for Shared Folderwindow, click on theAddbutton.Type in“Authenticated Users”in the field and click Ok.Click Ok to close all the remaining windows.The Lock icon is now gone.I have make a short video on how to remove Lock icon from Windows 7 folder. The video is available here,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOfavrF7Zr0.
2011: Year of the iPad 2
Apple announces iPad 2iPad 2was launched on 2nd March 2011 at San Francisco by Steve Jobs. It is thinner, lighter and faster with two cameras for FaceTime video calls and HD video recording. Yet it still has the same 10-hour legendary battery life.Apple – Introducing iPad 2After watching this promo video above, I think I have fallen in love with iPad 2.
How to Secure Your Wireless Broadband Internet?
This guest post is by Techwriter ofbroadbandexpert.com.A wireless internet is one of the most advanced forms of internet technology in today’s world and we all know that with improved technology comes improved responsibility and increased need for security. There is no doubt a wireless internet is very powerful and reliable but you should also consider and fix the major security problems you might experience. This post will be giving you some tips to help you secure your wireless broadband internet.Make Sure You Have an Up to Date Antivirus InstalledOne of the major concerns of using a wireless internet is the possibility of your computer being infected by a virus; a wireless broadband internet is very fast and a lot of things can happen before you know it, you can mistakenly download a file before you even realize you’re downloading the wrong file and in most occasions the wrong thing will have been done before you ever think of correcting it. Situations like this can be very dangerous and difficult, and the best option is to make sure they never come.The first step you should take before you ever start using any form of internet connection (wireless or not) is to make sure you have an updated antivirus installed; taking this step alone will help you overcome over 50% of the security problems you will encounter with your wireless internet connection.Make Your Security Keys Difficult to GuessAnother highly important but overlooked step people are supposed to take to secure their wireless broadband internet is ensuring their encryption keys are secure and difficult to guess. Make sure you avoid using generic names or important things and occasions in your life as your encryption key (such as your name, the name of your wife, your birth date etc.), but, do your best to use solid alphanumeric characters. You should also make sure you’re using the latest encryption technology; for example, using the WPA2 encryption technology will be more effective than using the WEP technology.Restrict or Disable SSID BroadcastA major mistake most wireless internet users make is enabling SSID broadcast, some people even go to the extent of using wireless extenders to increase the reach of their wireless network without knowing that this can be a potential problem to their network; it is better to be safe than sorry.Always make sure your wireless network signal broadcast is restricted to inside your home or office (or wherever you need it) alone and not more, or better, disabled. Doing this will make sure nobody is able to connect to your network let alone try to hack it.Guest post from Techwriter who blogs about high speedinternet providers by zip codeandcable internet providerson behalf of Broadband Expert.
DontPhishMe &#8211; A Mozilla Firefox Addon by MyCERT
DontPhishMeis a Mozilla Firefox addon developed byMyCERT, CyberSecurity Malaysia to provide a security mechanism in preventing online banking phishing threat specifically for local Malaysian banks.DontPhishMe popups an alert when I clicked the link in a Spam email.When you visit a website that appears to be a fake online banking web page, DontPhishMe will popup an alert with a warning message indicating suspected phising website has been detected.Currently DontPhishMe only supports 17 local Malaysian online banking websites such as Maybank2U, CIMB Clicks, Public Bank, Bank Rakyat, and many more.In my opinion, I agree withone of the reviewerthat DontPhishMe needs to put description of what is phishing. Some people do not know what is phishing and most probably they will ignore the alert and just click Cancel.Or maybe, DontPhishMe can shows a simple alert like this,“The website you are viewing does not look like Maybank2U website. You are advised to leave the website and please report to Cyber999 Help Centre.”With that, people with no IT background will directly acknowledged the website is not Maybank2U and he should leave the website when read the alert message.Anyway, I am very happy to see a Malaysian product like this on the Internet. I hope we can see more useful stuffs that are made by Malaysian for Malaysian, especially in combating Internet threats. 🙂Note:DontPhishMe also available on Google Chrome –link.
How to transfer a MySQL database to another server?
Let’s say you want to transfer your blog to a new server. You have uploaded all the files and what is left is just the database.You can import the database to the new server by using phpMyAdmin but it will take a lot of time if the database size is large.So, the best and easiest solution that I would suggest is, transfer the database by using SSH.To do that, you must make sure you have SSH access in both servers – old and new server. You can request the access by contacting your hosting provider to enable it for you.Old ServerTelnet/SSH into the old server.Backup your database by issuing this command:mysqldump –opt -Q -u USERNAME -p DATABASENAME > /PATH/TO/DATABASENAME.sqlUse the MySQL database password when the old server asks for password.Then, zip the file to reduce the file size:zip DATABASENAME.zip DATABASENAME.sqlDone.Note:USERNAME– This is the username that you use to access MySQL.DATABASENAME– Name of the database./PATH/TO/DATABASENAME.sql– The path of the database file that will be created.Now you have the the database in a zip file format, DATABASENAME.zip.New ServerTelnet/SSH into the new server.Download DATABASENAME.zip from the old server:wget www.oldserver.com/PATH/TO/DATABASENAME.zipUnzip the file:unzip DATABASENAME.zipImport the database file into your new server:mysql -u NEWUSERNAME -p NEWDBNAME < /PATH/TO/NEW/DATABASENAME.sqlUse the new MySQL database password when the server asks for password.Done.Note:NEWUSERNAME– This is the new username that you use to access MySQL.NEWDBNAME– Name of the new database./PATH/TO/NEW/DATABASENAME.sql– The path of the database file that you have extracted in New Server – Step 3.That is how to transfer a MySQL database to another server. I have used this technique a lot when migrating my blogs to a new server without any problem. So, good luck! 🙂
When CloudFlare Blocks Access to Your Blog
CloudFlare’s Access Restricted page.I am usingCloudFlaresystem (thanks toLiewCF) to protect my blog from threats and limit abusive bots and crawlers from wasting my bandwidth and server resources. But the problem is,this intelligent system is currently blocking me from accessing my own blog!It is believed my computer or another computer on my network (P1 Wimax) has been infected by a virus and being used to send spam emails and attack websites. That is why CloudFlare has to block my connection and redirect me to theirAccess Restrictedpage (as you can see above).I have contacted CloudFlare reagarding this issue. For the time being, I have to complete the CAPTCHA if I want to access my blog. But the good thing is, I know that I can trust CloudFlare because it is really can prevent my blog from threats and malicious traffic attacks. 🙂
How to Block Websites from Google&#8217;s Web Search Results?
Personal Blocklist by GoogleSometimes when you do searching on Google, the results you get are not relevant with the keyword you typed. Most of the websites are just a low-quality website and spamming the search engines.To block the websites from re-appearing in your Google search results, you can use Google Chrome extension,Personal Blocklist. This extension will block the domain and you won’t see it again when you do the searching in Google.However, you can always revoke a blocked site at the bottom of the search results. You can also edit the blocked websites by clicking on the extension’s icon at the top right of the Google Chrome window.But just want to let you know, when you block a website, the URL will be sent to Google for their further analysis. With that, they can provide a better algorithm and also use it as a potential ranking signal for their search results.New Chrome extension: block sites from Google’s web search results[via Google Blog]
Genesis Framework &#8211; What&#8217;s your opinion?
Genesis Framework by StudiopressIt’s been 3 years since the last time I changed CypherHackz.Net theme layout on26 October 2007. This theme,CypherFS DarkSidewasdesigned and coded by myself. And I think it is time to have a fresh look of CypherHackz.Net and useGenesisas the framework.Why Genesis? Well mostly because I see there are some of the popular bloggers are using Genesis framework, likeProbloggerandCopyBlogger. I am not sure why these guy use Genesis but there might be a reason in behind.I still remember a quote that I learn during my study in year 2002,To follow the path:look to the master,follow the master,walk with the master,see through the master,become the master.If you want to become like them, you have to follow them and see what they use and learn how they work.FromStudioPresswebsite (the developer of Genesis) here is the list of what Genesis offers you:Genesis is Search Engine OptimizedGenesis Offers Great-Looking Turn-key DesignsGenesis Gives You Unlimited EverythingGenesis Gives You State-of-the-Art SecurityGenesis Lets You Update Your Site InstantlyGenesis Makes Customizing Your Site Incredibly EasyGenesis has Custom Widgets and Layout OptionsGenesis Designers You Can TrustCurrently I’m in the designing process. Most probably after 2 or 3 months OR maybe at the end of this year,I will use new theme with Genesis framework for CypherHackz.Net.Anyway, I would like to hear your opinion. Have you used Genesis? What do you think? Good, bad?
Update Your Software with FileHippo.com Update Checker
I have many applications and software installed in my computer. But the problem is, I do not know when a new version of the software comes in and where can I get them. To check the software updates one by one, and go to their website would be very time consuming.Luckily I found a very nice tool,FileHippo.com Update Checker. This tool will scan your computer for installed software, check the versions and then send the information to FileHippo.com to see if there are any newer version have been releases. The result will be displayed in your browser with the download links. Easy right?Another best part with FileHippo.com Update Checker is, it is free and just over 200kB to download and only takes seconds to run. However, your computer must running on Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, ME or 98 to make it work. It also requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 which you candownload directly from Filehippo.com website, or the installer will prompt and download it automatically.But please keep in mind that not all programs are supported. 🙂
How to print a list of directories and files in Windows?
Today I received a request from a customer asking me to provide him a list of directories and files from his Windows laptop. It is an easy task if there is only one folder and three files but unfortunately, there are hundreds of folders and thousands of files in a Windows operating system.Luckily, I found a solution how to print out the list. To do that, I’m usingKaren’s Directory Printer. It can prints the list of directories and files into a hardcopy or to a text file.Karen’s Directory Printercan print the name of every file and folder on a drive, along with the file’s size, date and time of modification, attributes (Read-Only, Hidden, System and Archive). The list of files can also be sorted by name, size, date created, date last modified, or date of last access.Click here, if you wish to download orgo to the websitefor more info.
Facebook Will End on 15th March 2011
Mark Zuckerberg, creditjdlasica.Will you believe this? Facebook will be shut down on 15th March 2011?Mark Zuckerberg said that, Facebook has gotten out of control and become too stressful to manage. Because of that, he decided to close Facebook on 15th March 2011.“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal,” he said in a private phone interview. “And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”When asked about money, Zuckerberg said “I don’t care about the money. I just want my old life back.”I am not sure what will happen to us when Facebook is out from the Internet. What are we going to do without Facebook? There is no more status updates, give walls to our friends, and check out our family relatives new photos like we always do in the past years. Facebook has become a part of our life.The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website before March 15th. After that date, all photos, notes, links, and videos will be permanently erased.What’s your opinion on this issue? Are you agree with him to close Facebook?PS:Some people says, it is just a hoax.Facebook Will End on March 15th [viaWeekly World News]
CypherFS Network gets a facelift
I was so bored last weekend so I decided to redesign the template of my network site,CypherFS Network.Old – CypherFS NetworkNew – CypherFS NetworkThe design is validXHTMLandCSS. The best part that I like is the RSS script. It will pull latest RSS feed from my blogs and display them on the website. So the visitor can get a general picture of what the blog is about and the latest article from it.But the downside of the new design is it takes around 5-10 seconds to finish loading due to the multiple RSS requests. Sigh~
Automatic Update Copyright Year in WordPress Footer
It is new year guys. Have you update the copyright year in your WordPress footer? Make sure it is year 2011 and not 2010. 😛Here is a tip that you can use to automatically update the copyright year. Open up yourfooter.phptheme file, and add this line:<p>Copyright &copy; 2005 – <?php echo date(‘Y’); ?> yoursitename.com</p>The PHPdate(‘Y’);function will display the current year so you don’t have to manually update the copyright year every year. 😉
W3 Total Cache &#8211; Best WordPress Cache Plugin
*** Happy New Year 2011 to all my readers… 😉 ***Previously, I was usingWP Super Cacheplugin to cache my blogs. Unfortunately, the plugin had made my blog vulnerable and a hacker was successfully infiltrated into my server through the cache folder created by the plugin. All my index files have been replaced with the hacker message. Since the incident, I have stopped using WP Super Cache.Right now, I’m using another WordPress cache plugin called,W3 Total Cache. This plugin is the fastest and most complete WordPress performance optimization plugin. Various of popular blogs have using it such as mashable.com, pearsonified.com, lockergnome.com and others.W3 Total Cacheplugin will provide:At least 10x improvement in overall site performance (Grade A in YSlow or significant Google Page Speed improvements) when fully configuredImprove conversion rates and “site performance” which affect your site’s rank on Google.com“Instant” second page views (browser caching after first page view)Optimized progressive render (pages start rendering immediately)Reduced page load time: increased visitor time on site (visitors view more pages)Improved web server performance (sustain high traffic periods)Up to 80% bandwidth savings via minify and HTTP compression of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and feedsTo install, just go to your Plugin page in WordPress Dashboard and search forW3 Total Cacheplugin. Click on theInstall Nowlink and it will be installed automatically. Happy caching your WordPress ya… 😉
Looking for an Internship Company in Malaysia?
Dear students,Go toIntern.Mywebsite if you are looking for an internship company. They have list of companies that provide a place for university students to do their internship program.Employers who are looking for internship students can also post their job vacancies on the website. It is just RM100 (30USD) for each job submission which I guess not that bad because the job will be listed permanently on the website.But anyway dude, where’s my coffee? (lol~ nice tagline eh?)
Firefox 3.6 &#8211; Open New Tabs in Far Right
It is quite annoying when each time I open a new tab in Firefox 3.6, the new tab will be opened next to the tab I’m viewing. I don’t like it very much. The new tab supposed to open at the far right of the tab bar like in the previous Firefox versions.Luckily, I found the solution on how to fix that.In the address bar, type in:about:configFiltering the setting with:browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrentLastly, double click the preference name to change it to ‘false’.You don’t have to restart your Firefox 3.6 as the change takes effect immediately. If you want to switch it back, just change the setting back to ‘true’.
Live PageRank now supports Mozilla Firefox 3.6
One of my favourite Mozilla Firefox extension isLive PageRank. This extension will automatically check and show the pagerank of the page you are browsing at the lower right conner on your Mozilla Firefox browser.Previous version does not work in Firefox 3.5. However, the recent upgrade, version 0.9.7 is now supports Firefox 3.5 and Firefox 3.6. I am very happy with the upgrade as this extension is very useful for me to check my blogs pagerank.
Notepad++ My Favourite Text Editor
PreviouslyI use EditPlustocode my WordPress themes. The coding process was a lot easier than using Notepad because I can do the undo process up to multiple levels, it supports syntax highlighting and also it will automatically backup the file whenever you click the Save button.However after I found out aboutNotepad++, I fall in love with it.Notepad++is a freeware text editor which I can say, it is the best Notepad replacement that supports several programming languages and also a good competitor to EditPlus.Notepad++is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size.Another great thing aboutNotepad++is it supports plugins. Kerasiotis Vasileios from Jeez Tech haslisted down several Notepad++ pluginsthat are great and necessary forNotepad++. Some of the plugins are quite interesting and I wish I can try them all and write a review here.But if you ask me which one is better betweenNotepad++and EditPlus, I personally will chooseNotepad++. If you are a WordPress theme coder, I recommend you to useNotepad++for your coding jobs. It is easier to code the theme usingNotepad++than using Dreamweaver or Notepad. Go to thedownload pageand get your copy for free.
WordPress 2.9.1 Released
After three weeksthe release of WordPress 2.9, the patch version WordPress 2.9.1 has come out to fix24 bugs foundin WordPress 2.9.As some of you may already notice, one of the bugs has affected the scheduled post feature where by the scheduling posts were not working and this was really annoying.Like for myself, I use this feature almost of the time. But when this bug came in, I had to post my articles manually during recent New Year’s Eve even though at that time I want to hang-out with my friends.If you are using WordPress, I really recommend you to upgrade your WordPress to version 2.9.1 either by downloading it fromWordPress download page, or automatically upgrade from the notification link on your Admin Dashboard.
How to automatically scan IDM downloaded files with Kaspersky?
I’m usingInternet Download Manager(IDM) to take care all my downloads. Once it finished downloading a file, IDM will automatically callKaspersky Internet Security(KIS) to start scanning the downloaded file for any viruses or malwares that can harm my computer system.By default, IDM will not pass the downloaded file to KIS. If you want to do so, you need to configure it from the IDM options menu. Here I’ll show you how:Open up theOptionsmenu in IDM.Click on theDownloadstab.Under‘Virus scanner program’, browse your Kaspersky Internet Security or Kaspersky Anti Virus application and select it.eg: avp.exeIn the ‘Command line parameters‘ field, type in:scan [File]Finally, make sure to clickOk.Now, whenever IDM finished downloading a file, it will request your Kaspersky scanner to scan the file automatically. So you don’t have to run the antivirus scanner manually. Everything has been taken care by your IDM. Easy isn’t it?
Echofon &#8211; Best Twitter add-on for Mozilla Firefox
Echofon(formerly known as Twitterfox) is a great Mozilla Firefox add-on that I think it is a must-have add-on for those who tweets a lot. Echofon can helps you to get your friends updates, post new tweets and get messages directly from your Mozilla Firefox browser.The interface of the add-on is clean and it sits down at the Firefox status bar quietly when there is no incoming tweets received. However, when there is a new tweet arrived, Echofon will display a notification for 3 seconds (can be customized) at the lower right conner of Firefox and display the counter of unread tweets near the icon.Here are the notable features found in Echofon:Unread count in Firefox status barOne-click access to Twitter popup windowEasily post links to current page in FirefoxInstant notification of new Tweets within FirefoxSupport for multiple Twitter accountsHandles all standard Twitter tasks such as direct messages and mentionsSyncs unread tweets with your iPhone when you use Echofon Pro for iPhoneSupports custom sound effects for notificationMultiple color themes availableEasily post links to the current page in FirefoxI havetweeted a lot recentlyand Echofon is really useful to me. With Echofon, I can easily get the tweets from my friends and post new tweets while I browsing the web.Another great feature that I like the most is, it supports multiple Twitter accounts. This feature has saved me a lot of time to change between an account to another.
WinX DVD Ripper Special Edition &#8211; Free Download on 1st January 2010
As for a New Year gift to my lovely and loyal readers, I would like to share with you a great news here. On1st January 2010, there will be a one day free download ofWinX DVD Ripper Special Editionsoftware byWinX DVD. I have put the link to the download page at the end of this post. Make sure you bookmark the link and download the software on this coming Friday.Before that, do you know what isWinX DVD Ripper? WinX DVD Ripper is a free DVD ripper to backup general DVD to videos on your PC. If you have a DVD and would like to copy it into your PC as .avi file for an example, you can use this wonderful DVD ripper software to rip it out. It offers fast ripping speed with best video/audio quality and also capable to customize the output video by adjusting parameters, clipping video segment and grabbing picture from DVD videos.But recent DVD movies such as Transformers 2, The Dark Knight, Star Trek, UP, etc are protected with a new form of protections. Currently, there are rarely solutions to fix it, neither WinX DVD Ripper. However, with the special edition of WinX DVD Ripper which you can download it on this 1st January 2010, you can rip out the DVDs for personal use easily and quickly.Although the download link will only be available on 1st January 2010, but I already have the copy of the WinX DVD Ripper Special Edition for testing and personal use only. I have ripped out a few DVDs and keep the videos in my PC. It took about 1 hour and half to rip a DVD. The quality of the output video and audio is good and I really like it.If you want to have a copy of WinX DVD Ripper Special Edition, feel free to download it atWinX DVD Ripper Special Edition pageon this coming 1st January 2010. Thanks to WinX DVD for giving us this great software for free.ps:Probably this will be my last post for the year 2009. So I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all Happy New Year – 2010. Enjoy the free gift! 🙂
SQLite Manager &#8211; Firefox Extension to View SQLite Files
Firefox 3 using SQLite database to store all information of your website history, cookies and form history. Every websites you have visited, forms that you filled-in will be stored in their respective files.To view these files or any files with SQLite format, useSQLite Manager, an add-on for Mozilla Firefox. The interface of the add-on is simple and not too complex. Just click theOpenicon, and choose the SQLite file that you want to view.With SQLite Manager, you can create and manage your databases easily. There is also a tab where you can execute SQL commands to do the alteration.So, if you have a SQLite database to manage, don’t purchase any expensive SQLite database software or viewer. Just download the SQLite Manager and use directly from your Mozilla Firefox for free.
WordPress 2.9 &#8220;Carmen&#8221; Released
A new version ofWordPress 2.9 has been released. The codename for the release is “Carmen” in honour of magical jazz vocalist Carmen McRae. You can either upgrade directly from your Dashboard or download it fromWordPress website.What’s new? Yes, of course that is what you want to know right? Well, there is aTrashwhere we can restore back deleted comments or posts. Probably if you accidentally deleted a comment, you can restore it back by using Trash.Another interesting new feature is theImage Editor. Although I surely will not use it much but now you can crop, edit, rotate, flip and scale the images directly from the web.There is a useful new feature in “Carmen” which isBatch Plugin Update. Based from the details given in the WordPress blog, we can update 10 plugins at once but I don’t see any option to do that in WordPress 2.9 Upgrade Plugin page. Maybe I miss something here.For more info you can visitWordPress blog. They have listed down the changes and new features in WordPress 2.9. So far, I have no problem upgrading to “Carmen”. Hopefully there is no serious bug or security issue in this new version. Kudos to the development team!
Happy 4th Birthday CypherHackz.Net
I bought the domain on 19th December 2005 and it has been 4 years I have been blogging at CypherHackz.Net.As usual, the main earnings for this blog is coming from Google Adsense. Although I received many emails from those who want to advertise their links but I have to decline their request. Sorry guys…For this coming new year, maybe I will open guest posts on this blog. If you like to write articles on my blog and get some traffics, pleaselet me know.<!--more--? <p>Owh yeah, I still have a few invitations left forGoogle Wave. If you guys want to try it out, drop me an email so I can send the invitation to you. I have tested it and not really like it. It is so damn slow because it needs to load all the scripts before you can start playing with thewave.Last but not least, thank you for your supports and loyalty interacting and commenting on this blog.ps:Sorry... I have no suitable picture for this time. 🙁
Use HTTPS When Login To Social Websites
Everyday, I will login into myFacebookaccount to check the updates from my friends and also to reply their comments. But at the Facebook login page, I always change the protocol from HTTP to HTTPS (also known as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol with Secure Socket Layer) before I login. This is to ensure when I clicked the submit button, my username and password transmitted across the network to the Facebook server are secured.Use HTTPS instead of HTTPWhy is it important to login using HTTPS instead of HTTP? From what I know, when you browsing using HTTP, the data sending from your browser to the server is not encrypted. A hacker with his knowledge and skills will able to capture the packets and can read the data as plain text.But when using HTTPS, the data will be encrypted with the server public key and only the server can decrypt back the data with its own private key. So, even though a hacker can captures your packets but he will not able to interpret the data because he don’t have the private key to decrypt it.Facebook 1024 bits Public KeyNormally, online shopping and online banking websites such asMaybank2Uusing this protocol as default to ensure the security of their customer login information. Like Maybank2U, it using 1024 bits key length for the public key and private key same like with Facebook.If you want to know more about how the public and private key work, how to generate public and private key, you can google for“public key infrastructure“. This was my project topic during my final year in UTM. It is very interesting and I really recommend you to read it.
Down Or Is It Just Me? &#8211; Find Out Website Online Status
Yesterday, CypherHackz.Net and all websites under its same server were not accessible. At first, I thought it was only me having the connection problem but actually other people also having the same problem. It cause by a network interruption at Atlanta when one of the cores connecting the server farms was down.Based from a link given by Sam (the owner ofServerFreak), I found a website that will check websites online status. The website will help you to find out whether only you are having the website down problem or other people also having the same website inaccessibility like you.Down Or Is It Just Me?is a useful web service to find out website online status. It will check whether the website URL you entered is online or down.Some people might think the server is currently down when they cannot access to the website and get“unable to connect”error message. But actually, only he or she having the connection problem whereas other people can access the website as usual.So, if you think that your website is down, please make sure to check withDown Or Is It Just Me?first before you make the assumption. Probably your website is really down or only you having the connection problem.But for my case, it is true that the server was not accessible because of the network connecting Malaysia (using P1 Wimax) route to Atlanta was down.
Cheap Domain Name &#8211; Only RM1 at ServerFreak
This is your chance to register your domain name for only RM1 atServerFreak. Just make sure you enter the promo codedomain1, to get the discount.GET MORE FOR YOUR HOSTING SAVINGS WITH MID-RAYA & DEEPAVALI BONANZA ONLY AT SERVERFREAKMake your FESTIVE SAVINGS last forever as long as you stay with us !Yes , you heard it right !Order any Shared hosting, Reseller hosting, Semi-Dedicated hosting or even VPS plan today, and you’ll save 10% off the normal price NOW AND EVERY YEAR when you renew your hosting with us !Use promo code:10peroffto receive your discount.You can also SAVE MORE if you sign up now for our SUPREME SHARED HOSTING PACKAGE because we are offering RM 1 for .com / .net /.org / .biz domain name for your FIRST YEAR.Use promo code:domain1to receive your discount.HURRY ORDER NOW ! GREAT SAVINGS to help you kick start this festive season !Offer expires15th NOV 2009.http://www.web-hosting.net.myBut remember, this promotion is only valid until 15th November 2009. If you have a domain name in your mind and it is available, get it registered today!
How to backup Mozilla Firefox bookmarks?
Whether in Windows or Ubuntu, I will use Mozilla Firefox as my primary web browser. I like using Mozilla Firefox because it is fast (fyi, Google Chrome is faster than Firefox), has thousands of useful addons, properly renders websites and also easy to familiarize even you are a new user.But two days back, my friend want to format his laptop. But before he proceeds, he asked me how to backup his Mozilla Firefox bookmark. He said, he has around 50 bookmarked websites and he don’t want to lose all his favourite links. So here is what I told him to do.In Mozilla Firefox, go toBookmarks > Organize Bookmarks.Click onImport and Backup, chooseBackup.Choose location where you want to store the backup file by clicking on theBrowsebutton.ClickSave.The backup file is saved in .json file extension. Only Firefox 3 using .json file to keep all our bookmarks information.For Firefox 2, it using standard .html file which you can choose,Export HTMLunderImport and Backupmenu.Extra Note:Did you know, Mozilla Firefox always backup our bookmark when each time we closed the browser? The backup files are stored in your Mozilla Firefox profile folder. You can restore the backup file fromImport and Backupmenu and choose from the latest 5 backup files available.
Lock Folder XP &#8211; Protect Your Secrets from Others
I am sure everyone of you have their secrets stored safely in the PC, especially for the guys. Hahaha… And it is depend on how or what you want to use to protect your secret data.For me, just enough to hide the folder containing my monthly bills payment receipts by usingLock Folder XP.AlthoughLock Folder XPcan do these,Ability to hide files, folders, or drives from all other users (including the administrator).Password protection for files, folders, and drives.Unlimited number of objects to protect.Access restrictions on your data against local network users as well as Internet users.Ability to lock your Windows desktop so that users cannot delete, add, or modify the shortcuts and icons on your desktop.Password-protected start of Lock Folder XP.Ability to managing program from tray.Windows Explorer commands for instant folder hiding.Automatic protection activation after a set idle time.High-level protection.High performance rates.Multilingual interface.Support of FAT, FAT32, and NTFS systems.But the main reason that I like usingLock Folder XPbecause of the easiness for you to un/lock the folder that you want to protect.For an example, to protect a folder, just run the software, enter the password, and drag the folder into the software. To unlock, just simply click on the button Unlock and everything inside the program will be unlocked. You also can unlock selected folder if you want though.Lock Folder XP is free to try for 15 days. If you think that this software is great and want to continue using it, you have to pay for $24.95USD per copy.
Conficker Eye Chart &#8211; Has your PC been infected?
It looks like my PC is clean from Conficker worm.How to find out if your PC has been infected by Conficker worm? By browsing toConficker Eye Chartwebpage, you will get the answer.Conficker worm blocks access to over 100 security websites and the Conficker Eye Chart displays images from several of those websites. If your browser fails to load any one of the images, then there is a good chance that your computer has been infected by Conficker.If your PC has been infected, there are several tools that you can use to fix the issue.Conficker Working Grouphas provided usnine toolsthat you can use to solve the problem. Pick the one that you like and run it in your system. Good luck!
FileHippo.com &#8211; My Source to Download Free Softwares
What is your favourite website when you want to download free softwares? For me, I will chooseFileHippo.com.In FileHippo.com, it has many freeware softwares that you can download directly from its server. No registration is needed. Just pick the software that you like, and click on the download link to download.The softwares categorized in their particular categories for easier navigation such as Browsers and Plugins, Anti-Spyware, Firewalls and Security, Messaging and Chat, and many others. All softwares hosted at FileHippo.com is totally spyware and virus free. So you don’t have to worry about being infected by a virus.FileHippo.com also keeps the old versions of the softwares in its server. Let say the current version of the software you installed is not compatible with your system. Just download the old version software from FileHippo.com and revert back to the old version at anytime you want.FileHippo.com aims to provide us the simplest method of downloading the newest versions of the best software- without the usual excessive popups or spyware and without the low quality software. Personally I think, FileHippo.com has achieved its aim. Congratulations to the developer and the team.
Welcome P1 Wimax!
Today, I went to IT Hypermarket at Cineleisure, Mutiara Damansara to register forP1 Wimax. Actually, I have been thinking to move from Celcom Broadband to P1 Wimax since two months ago. You can refer tomy entry here.What you need to prepare is just bring your MyKad and also driving license for registration. The registration fee is only RM100. After you have paid the registration fee, you will get the P1 Wimax modem and can start using P1 Wimax after one hour later.RM60 which is for the activation fee will be charged in your first bill together with the monthly service charge, RM99 (depends on the package you choose). I subscribed for Home – Plus package because I want the speed of 1.2Mpbs with 20GB monthly usage.So far, I am very satisfied with the speed. Very fast compare to Celcom Broadband. But sometimes the speed will decrease from 180kbps something to 70-80kpbs. But I think it is still acceptable because if with Celcom, I will get around 10kpbs only. Which is BS!
Western Digital to sell Sarawak plant to Hitachi
Western Digital Corp. (WDC) announced that it has agreed to sell the assets of its media substrate manufacturing facility in Sarawak, Malaysia, to a subsidiary of Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, the hard drive manufacturing unit of Hitachi, Ltd.The employees of WD at the facility will become employees of the Hitachi. The transaction is expected to close in the current quarter, subject to customary closing conditions. Terms of the transaction between both corporations were not disclosed.WD announced in December that it was taking actions to realign its cost structure to match a softer demand environment.The Sarawak facility, at which WD manufactured aluminum substrates for hard drive magnetic media, was acquired by WD as part of its acquisition of Komag, Inc. in September 2007.WD is consolidating substrate operations from the Sarawak facility into its other substrate facility in Johor, Malaysia. WD will continue to manufacture the majority of its magnetic media requirements at existing facilities in Malaysia and source the balance of its media needs through its strategic external partners.“We are very pleased that, rather than closing this plant, which was surplus to our needs, we have identified a qualified buyer who will continue to operate the facility,” said John Coyne, president and CEO of WD.“WD worked closely with Hitachi GST, the government of Sarawak and its local agencies to create a solution that preserves operations at the Kuching location, as well as the jobs of the employees and those in supporting industries, which have a large impact on the local community,” said Coyne.
USB WriteProtector &#8211; Protects Your USB Drives From Viruses
We always use USB thumb drives or USB external drives as our portable storages. The size is small and lightweight make it easier for us to bring it anywhere we go. But, did you know, most of computer virus infections come from USB drives? I will tell you how the infection works in a few paragraphs later.USB WriteProtectoris a freeware software that can enable or disable the write function to USB through Windows registry. When you choose,“USB write protection ON”,USB WriteProtectorwill change the USB write value in registry to 0. When the write function is disabled, we cannot write anything such as paste, save, or create new files in our connected USB drives. To enable the USB write function, just choose“USB write protection OFF”to allow write access to our USB drives.Ok now, how a virus can spread its infection? When you plug in your USB drive to an infected computer, the virus from the computer will copy itself into your USB drive and create autorun.inf file. This file will execute the virus inside your USB drive when you double-click the USB drive icon in My Computer. When the virus is triggered, it will infect your computer and will do the same infection to other connected USB drives.WithUSB WriteProtector, you can block the write access to any USB drives. Before you connect a USB drive, make sure to“USB write protection ON”and then plug in your USB drive. If the computer contains a virus, it will unable to write itself to your USB drive because of write access is disabled. Then, when you want to copy or write a data into your USB drive, just turn off the write protection usingUSB WriteProtectorand copy the data you want to your USB drive.In my opinion, all cybercafe owners should install this tool in their computers to protect the customers’ USB drives from virus infections. But the problem is, how to teach the customer, or how to let them know about this tool before they can connect the USB drives to the computer?Download USB WriteProtector
Driver Robot &#8211; Automatically Updates Your Drivers
A hardware in your computer or laptop such as video graphic card needs a special computer program to make it intractable with higher-level computer programs like Adobe Photoshop, DoTA, etc. This special computer program we called as driver. An outdated driver will make the device not working properly and need to be updated. To update the driver, we choose Driver Robot.Driver Robotis a Windows application that able toupdate your installed drivers automatically. It will first scan your system by looking to the driver files and comparing them with its database whether the drivers are up to date or not. If an out dated driver is found, it will show you the updated driver, download and install it into your system. A reboot is required after the driver installation is completed.Driver Robot has the industry’sbest hardware detection. It correctly identifies 100% of all consumer hardware devices to ensure you always get the right driver update. Its driver database contains over than 100,000 hardware devices including the latest drivers for all of them. With the massive of drivers volume, it is impossible for you to still having an out dated drivers in your system. Driver Robot can updates sound card, printer, video card, motherboard, webcam, wireless, bluetooth, firewire and many other devices driver. Just install it into your system, and run the Driver Scan button to check the drivers.The interface of Driver Robot istidy and neat. All the buttons are big enough for me to see clearly and also easily for me to know what will happen if I click those buttons. The functions of the buttons are well described on each of them. One thing that I don’t like Driver Robot is when I clicked on theDownloadbutton, a popup will appear asking me to register the software if I want to get full access to my drivers download. But I think, this popup will be gone if I spend $29.95USD for one single PC license.In my conclusion, Driver Robot isvery usefulif you have many devices installed in your system and you want to keep your drivers always updated. But for me, I still can manage to update one by one of my drivers because I have not many installed devices. But for those who want to have good performance system, please make sure your drivers are always updated by using Driver Robot.
Freaking Stylish USB Flash Drives from MIMOBOT
Are you bored with the normal look of your 4GB USB flash drive? Why not replace it with a new freaking stylish USB flash drive from MIMOBOT?MIMOBOThas plenty of USB flash drive designs. They have Halo characters, Star Wars characters, Domo characters, Happy Tree characters, Community Created characters, Artist Crossover characters, Licensed Crossover characters and originally created characters. All the USB flash drives are cute (2.5″ tall by 1″ wide) and lovely.They come in four capacity sizes, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB and 8GB. The MIMOBOT USB flash drives also come with MIMOBOT mimoByte Sound Software which allows you to hear your MIMOBOT flash drive’s thoughts whenever you insert or remove it. Cool isn’t it?viaStylized USB Flash Drives[Project Lurpin]
Delete Files in C:\Windows\Installer
I was shocked when found out free space in my C drive is only 94MB left. At first I thought it was because of a virus attack so I did run virus scan on my computer but got negative result. So I run disk space analyzer and here is the result.As you can see, 7GB space has been occupied byInstallerfolder in my C drive. But is it safe to remove all those files from my system?The answer is Yes! But in the future, you might having trouble when want to remove installed programs completely. This is because,C:\Windows\Installercontains a copy of changed system info when you install a program using the Windows installer. With this file, your system can restore back to its original condition when you remove the program using theAdd/Remove Programs.But in my situation, I don’t care with the problem or trouble or anything because what I want is the free space in my C drive. So what I did was,1. I downloaded and installedWindows Installer CleanUp Utility.2. Go toStart > Runand type,“C:\Program Files\Windows Installer Clean Up\msizap.exe” G!3. ClickOk.Then I wait untilWindows Installer CleanUp Utilityfinished doing its job. And here is the result,I have 4GB of free space available in my C drive. Yay!Warning! The command that I give here might corrupt your system and requires to reinstall or repair.
Downloads last month
Edit dataset card